diff --git "a/nih_val.jsonl" "b/nih_val.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/nih_val.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,2000 @@ +{"text": " to address the STI epidemic, and because many affected by STIs (young and/or poor) often have limited access to traditional healthcare, POC tests that can be performed in non-traditional settings (university clinics, community public health care clinics, jails, detention centers) could greatly reduce STIs.", "synonym_substitution": "to address the STI epidemic, and because many affected by STIs (young and/or poor) frequently have specify access to traditional healthcare, POC tests that can be performed in non - traditional setting (university clinics, community public health concern clinic, jails, detention centers) could greatly reduce STIs.", "butter_fingers": " to address the STI epidemig, and because maut afferted by STIs (yojng and/or poor) often have lilired axcess to traditional hdalthcare, POC tesrs tiat can be perfocjed in kjn-trzfitimial settings (unlversity clhnics, communitf ouylic health care clinics, jails, deteneion cemtfrs) could greajly rtduse SFPs.", "random_deletion": "to address the STI epidemic, and because by (young and/or often have limited tests can be performed non-traditional settings (university community public health care clinics, jails, centers) could greatly reduce STIs.", "change_char_case": " to address the STI epidemic, anD because maNy affEctEd bY StIs (yOung And/or poor) often HAve lImited access to traditioNal heAlTHcarE, pOc testS that caN Be PERfoRmEd In nOn-TRaDitioNal SettingS (universitY clInIcs, community PUbLic health cAre Clinics, jails, DetEntion CeNteRS) coulD grEatly Reduce stIs.", "whitespace_perturbation": " to address the STI epidem ic, and be cause ma nyaf fect ed b y STIs (younga nd/o r poor) often have lim itedac c esst otradi tionalh ea l t hca re ,POC t e st s tha t c an be p erformed i n n on -traditional se ttings (un ive rsity clinic s,commun it y p u blichea lth c are cl i nics,jails, de te n tion c e nters)c o ul d gr eatly reduce STIs . ", "underscore_trick": " to_address the_STI epidemic, and because_many affected_by_STIs (young_and/or_poor) often have_limited access to_traditional healthcare, POC tests_that can be_performed_in non-traditional settings (university clinics, community public health care clinics, jails, detention centers) could_greatly_reduce STIs."} +{"text": " for mechanisms underlying successful interventions, (3) translate interventions from the laboratory to the clinic and community, (4) design studies so as to maximize treatment fidelity and promote the measure- ment of treatment fidelity in all OAIC studies, and, (5) educate and help junior faculty plan and execute studies. RC-1", "synonym_substitution": "for mechanisms underlying successful interventions, (3) translate interposition from the lab to the clinic and community, (4) design studies so as to maximize discussion fidelity and promote the measure- ment of treatment fidelity in all OAIC studies, and, (5) educate and help oneself junior faculty plan and carry through studies. RC-1", "butter_fingers": " fog mechanisms underlying ruccessful intetvwntionv, (3) trahslate ivterventions from the laboravory to tye clinic and communith, (4) design studies so es to maximize tcsatment fideljby anb 'romote the meaxure- ment mf treatment fhddlnty in all OAIC studies, and, (5) educate and hekp junior faculti plam and vxtcute studies. RC-1", "random_deletion": "for mechanisms underlying successful interventions, (3) translate the to the and community, (4) maximize fidelity and promote measure- ment of fidelity in all OAIC studies, and, educate and help junior faculty plan and execute studies. RC-1", "change_char_case": " for mechanisms underlying suCcessful inTerveNtiOns, (3) TrAnslAte iNterventions frOM the Laboratory to the clinic aNd comMuNIty, (4) dESiGn stuDies so aS To MAXimIzE tReaTmENt FidelIty And promOte the measUre- MeNt of treatmenT FiDelity in alL OAiC studies, and, (5) EduCate anD hElp JUnior FacUlty pLan and EXecute Studies. RC-1", "whitespace_perturbation": " for mechanisms underlying successfu l int erv ent io ns,(3)translate inte r vent ions from the laborato ry to t h e cl i ni c and commun i ty , (4) d es ign s t ud ies s o a s to ma ximize tre atm en t fidelity a n dpromote th e m easure- ment of treat me ntf ideli tyin al l OAIC studie s, and, ( 5) educat e and he l p j unio r faculty plan an d e x ecute studies. RC-1", "underscore_trick": " for_mechanisms underlying_successful interventions, (3) translate_interventions from_the_laboratory to_the_clinic and community,_(4) design studies_so as to maximize_treatment fidelity and_promote_the measure- ment of treatment fidelity in all OAIC studies, and, (5) educate and_help_junior faculty_plan_and_execute studies. RC-1"} +{"text": ". Dr. Pendergrass is Chairman of CCG-8602 and a member of a number of epidemiology committees. Drs. Milstein and Berger are members of brain tumor committees. Dr. Schaller is a member of the surgical and neuroblastoma committees. Dr. White is a member of the imaging", "synonym_substitution": ". Dr. Pendergrass is Chairman of CCG-8602 and a member of a number of epidemiology committees. Drs. Milstein and Berger are members of mind tumor committee. Dr. Schaller is a member of the surgical and neuroblastoma committees. Dr. White is a member of the imagination", "butter_fingers": ". Dr. Pendergrass is Chairman of CCG-8602 and a mgmver of a numger of eoidemiology committees. Drs. Mmlstwin abd Berger are members uf brain numor comnitttes. Dr. Schaller is a membcx of fme suxgmcal and neurobkastoma cokmittees. Dr. Whhtd ns a member of the imaging", "random_deletion": ". Dr. Pendergrass is Chairman of CCG-8602 member a number epidemiology committees. Drs. of tumor committees. Dr. is a member the surgical and neuroblastoma committees. Dr. is a member of the imaging", "change_char_case": ". Dr. Pendergrass is Chairman of cCG-8602 and a memBer of A nuMbeR oF epiDemiOlogy committeeS. drs. MIlstein and Berger are memBers oF bRAin tUMoR commIttees. DR. scHALleR iS a MemBeR Of The suRgiCal and nEuroblastoMa cOmMittees. Dr. WhiTE iS a member of The Imaging", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Dr. Pendergrass is Chair man of CCG -8602 an d a m embe r of a number of e p idem iology committees. Drs . Mil st e in a n dBerge r are m e mb e r s o fbr ain t u mo r com mit tees. D r. Schalle r i sa member oft he surgicaland neuroblasto macommit te es. Dr. W hit e isa memb e r of t he imagin g", "underscore_trick": ". Dr._Pendergrass is_Chairman of CCG-8602 and_a member_of_a number_of_epidemiology committees. Drs._Milstein and Berger_are members of brain_tumor committees. Dr._Schaller_is a member of the surgical and neuroblastoma committees. Dr. White is a member_of_the imaging"} +{"text": " with different caffeine intakes have the same or different rates of postmenopausal bone loss.In addition, we will construct the first longitudinal data base on the relationships among habitual caffeine intake, general health, and overall nutrient intake of postmenopausal women. Approximately 60% of spontaneous abortions appear to result from chromosome aberrations associated with the", "synonym_substitution": "with different caffeine intakes have the same or unlike pace of postmenopausal bone loss. In addition, we will manufacture the beginning longitudinal data base on the kinship among accustomed caffeine intake, general health, and overall nutrient intake of postmenopausal women. Approximately 60% of ad-lib abortions appear to result from chromosome aberrations consociate with the", "butter_fingers": " wihh different caffeine inuakes have the same or dmfferenf rates uf postmenopausal bone loss.Ii adeitiob, we will construct thd first llngitudibal vata base on the relatiokfhipa amoug habitual caffgine intake, ceneral health, avd overall nutrient intake of postmenjpausal wlmen. Approximajely 60% jf slontaneous abortions appear to reshlt frok chromosome sberrations associated witj thf", "random_deletion": "with different caffeine intakes have the same rates postmenopausal bone addition, we will base the relationships among caffeine intake, general and overall nutrient intake of postmenopausal Approximately 60% of spontaneous abortions appear to result from chromosome aberrations associated with", "change_char_case": " with different caffeine intaKes have the Same oR diFfeReNt raTes oF postmenopausaL Bone Loss.In addition, we will coNstruCt THe fiRSt LongiTudinal DAtA BAse On ThE reLaTIoNshipS amOng habiTual caffeiNe iNtAke, general heALtH, and overalL nuTrient intake Of pOstmenOpAusAL womeN. ApProxiMately 60% OF spontAneous aboRtIOns appEAr to resULT fRom cHromosome aberratiONs ASsociated with tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": " with different caffeine i ntakes hav e the sa meor dif fere nt rates of po s tmen opausal bone loss.In a dditi on , wew il l con structt he f irs tlo ngi tu d in al da tabase on the relat ion sh ips among ha b it ual caffei neintake, gene ral healt h, an d over all nutr ient i n take o f postmen op a usal w o men. Ap p r ox imat ely 60% of sponta n eo u s abortions ap pear t or es u l t f rom chromosom eaberr a tions a s so c i a ted with the", "underscore_trick": " with_different caffeine_intakes have the same_or different_rates_of postmenopausal_bone_loss.In addition, we_will construct the_first longitudinal data base_on the relationships_among_habitual caffeine intake, general health, and overall nutrient intake of postmenopausal women. Approximately 60%_of_spontaneous abortions_appear_to_result from chromosome aberrations associated_with the"} +{"text": " groups in a dose-dependent manner; b) Isolated control of muscles opposing spastic agonists during movement tasks and gait will be conversely improved in a dose-dependent manner; c) Functional gains, including changes in gait temporal-spatial parameters and the Global Function Scale of the PODCI, will not be", "synonym_substitution": "groups in a dose - dependent manner; b) Isolated restraint of muscleman opposing spastic agonists during motion tasks and gait will be conversely better in a drug - dependent manner; c) Functional gains, including changes in gait worldly - spatial parameters and the Global Function Scale of the PODCI, will not be", "butter_fingers": " grlups in a dose-dependent oanner; b) Isolatgd contrml of juscles upposing spastic agonists ducing movenent tasks and gait wiul be connersely inproted in a dose-depxhdent manner; d) Funetmonal gains, inckuding chatges in gait tamooxal-spatial parameters and the Global Functipn Scale of the KODCI, rill not be", "random_deletion": "groups in a dose-dependent manner; b) Isolated muscles spastic agonists movement tasks and in dose-dependent manner; c) gains, including changes gait temporal-spatial parameters and the Global Scale of the PODCI, will not be", "change_char_case": " groups in a dose-dependent manNer; b) IsolatEd conTroL of MuScleS oppOsing spastic agONistS during movement tasks anD gait WiLL be cONvErselY improvED iN A DosE-dEpEndEnT MaNner; c) funCtional Gains, incluDinG cHanges in gait TEmPoral-spatiAl pArameters and The global fuNctIOn ScaLe oF the PoDCI, wiLL not be", "whitespace_perturbation": " groups in a dose-dependen t manner;b) Is ola ted c ontr ol o f muscles oppo s ingspastic agonists durin g mov em e nt t a sk s and gait w i ll b e c on ve rse ly im prove d i n a dos e-dependen t m an ner; c) Func t io nal gains, in cluding chan ges in ga it te m poral -sp atial param e ters a nd the Gl ob a l Func t ion Sca l e o f th e PODCI, will not be ", "underscore_trick": " groups_in a_dose-dependent manner; b) Isolated_control of_muscles_opposing spastic_agonists_during movement tasks_and gait will_be conversely improved in_a dose-dependent manner;_c)_Functional gains, including changes in gait temporal-spatial parameters and the Global Function Scale of_the_PODCI, will_not_be"} +{"text": " genes implicated in presenilin-related pathways will be derived from three different pools: Pool 1. Positional candidate genes mapping to established AD genetic linkage peaks, including UBQLN1, VPS26A, VPS35, VDAC1, VDAC2, NCSTN, PSEN1 and", "synonym_substitution": "genes implicated in presenilin - related pathways will be derive from three unlike pools: Pool 1. Positional campaigner genes map to established AD genic linkage peak, including UBQLN1, VPS26A, VPS35, VDAC1, VDAC2, NCSTN, PSEN1 and", "butter_fingers": " gejes implicated in presenllin-related pathcqys winl be serived wrom three different pools: Ploo 1. Powitional candidate gends mappinh to estqbliwyed AD genxfic linkage pswks, nnrluding UBQLN1, VKS26A, VPS35, VDAC1, VDAC2, NCSTN, PSAN1 aud", "random_deletion": "genes implicated in presenilin-related pathways will be three pools: Pool Positional candidate genes linkage including UBQLN1, VPS26A, VDAC1, VDAC2, NCSTN, and", "change_char_case": " genes implicated in presenilIn-related pAthwaYs wIll Be DeriVed fRom three differENt poOls: Pool 1. Positional candiDate gEnES mapPInG to esTablishED Ad GEneTiC lInkAgE PeAks, inCluDing UBQlN1, VPS26A, VPS35, VdAC1, vDaC2, NCSTN, PSEN1 aND", "whitespace_perturbation": " genes implicated in prese nilin-rela ted p ath way swill bederived from t h reedifferent pools: Pool1. Po si t iona l c andid ate gen e sm a ppi ng t o e st a bl ished AD geneti c linkagepea ks , includingU BQ LN1, VPS26 A,VPS35, VDAC1 , V DAC2,NC STN , PSEN 1 a nd", "underscore_trick": " genes_implicated in_presenilin-related pathways will be_derived from_three_different pools:_Pool_1. Positional candidate_genes mapping to_established AD genetic linkage_peaks, including UBQLN1,_VPS26A,_VPS35, VDAC1, VDAC2, NCSTN, PSEN1 and"} +{"text": " the superficial dorsal horn under normal conditions and in an animal model of neuropathic pain, and the role of inhibitory interactions in shaping these patterns of functional connectivity. These studies are motivated by the PI's recent discovery of a novel class of polymodal nociceptors with large, thickly myelinated (A[unreadable])", "synonym_substitution": "the superficial dorsal horn under normal conditions and in an animal model of neuropathic pain, and the function of inhibitory interaction in shaping these patterns of functional connectivity. These study are motivated by the PI's recent discovery of a fresh class of polymodal nociceptors with large, thickly myelinated (A[unreadable ] )", "butter_fingers": " thf superficial dorsal hork under normal conditiois and jn an ankmal model of neuropathic pamn, abd tht role of inhibitorh interacnions in whapmng these patteria of fuketionzp counxctivity. These xtudies ara motivated by tfe PI's recent discovery of a novel clwss of lopymodal nocicektors rith large, thickly myelinated (A[unreadagle])", "random_deletion": "the superficial dorsal horn under normal conditions an model of pain, and the shaping patterns of functional These studies are by the PI's recent discovery of novel class of polymodal nociceptors with large, thickly myelinated (A[unreadable])", "change_char_case": " the superficial dorsal horn uNder normal CondiTioNs aNd In an AnimAl model of neuroPAthiC pain, and the role of inhibItory InTEracTIoNs in sHaping tHEsE PAttErNs Of fUnCTiOnal cOnnEctivitY. These studIes ArE motivated by THe pI's recent dIscOvery of a noveL clAss of pOlYmoDAl nocIcePtors With laRGe, thicKly myelinAtED (A[unreADable])", "whitespace_perturbation": " the superficial dorsal ho rn under n ormal co ndi ti onsandin an animal m o delof neuropathic pain, a nd th er oleo finhib itory i n te r a cti on sinsh a pi ng th ese patter ns of func tio na l connectivi t y. These stu die s are motiva ted by th ePI' s rece ntdisco very o f a nov el classof polymo d al noci c e pt orswith large, thick l ym yelinated (A[u nreada bl e ]) ", "underscore_trick": " the_superficial dorsal_horn under normal conditions_and in_an_animal model_of_neuropathic pain, and_the role of_inhibitory interactions in shaping_these patterns of_functional_connectivity. These studies are motivated by the PI's recent discovery of a novel class_of_polymodal nociceptors_with_large,_thickly myelinated (A[unreadable])"} +{"text": " the strongest genetic control by gene(s) within the major histocompatibility complex so far described for such a disease. Preliminary experiments suggested that monoclonal anti-Ia antibodies given before immunization of mice with mouse thyroglobulin emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant, completely prevented the development of thyroiditis. These", "synonym_substitution": "the strongest genetic control by gene(s) within the major histocompatibility complex therefore far trace for such a disease. Preliminary experiments suggested that monoclonal anti - Ia antibodies yield before immunization of mice with mouse thyroglobulin emulsified in arrant Freund's accessory, completely prevented the development of thyroiditis. These", "butter_fingers": " thf strongest genetic contvol by gene(s) witkun the major histocoopatibility complex so far dxscrubed dor such a disease. Preuiminary vxperimenrs snggested that moikclonal anti-Iz antnbidies given benore immunisation of mice wktk mouse thyroglobulin emulsified in sompletr Vreund's adjuvagt, cpiplefvln prevented the development of tgyroidiuis. These", "random_deletion": "the strongest genetic control by gene(s) within histocompatibility so far for such a monoclonal antibodies given before of mice with thyroglobulin emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant, prevented the development of thyroiditis. These", "change_char_case": " the strongest genetic controL by gene(s) wiThin tHe mAjoR hIstoCompAtibility complEX so fAr described for such a disEase. PReLIminARy ExperIments sUGgESTed ThAt MonOcLOnAl antI-Ia AntibodIes given beForE iMmunization oF MiCe with mousE thYroglobulin eMulSified In ComPLete FReuNd's adJuvant, COmpletEly prevenTeD The devELopment OF ThYroiDitis. These", "whitespace_perturbation": " the strongest genetic con trol by ge ne(s) wi thi nthemajo r histocompati b ilit y complex so far descr ibedfo r suc h a dise ase. Pr e li m i nar yex per im e nt s sug ges ted tha t monoclon alan ti-Ia antibo d ie s given be for e immunizati onof mic ewit h mous e t hyrog lobuli n emuls ified inco m pleteF reund's a dj uvan t, completely pre v en t ed the develop ment o ft hy r o idi tis . These", "underscore_trick": " the_strongest genetic_control by gene(s) within_the major_histocompatibility_complex so_far_described for such_a disease. Preliminary_experiments suggested that monoclonal_anti-Ia antibodies given_before_immunization of mice with mouse thyroglobulin emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant, completely prevented the_development_of thyroiditis._These"} +{"text": " can modify EIB, clarify the components and operations in some of the mechanisms for EIB, and evaluate plus develop non-pharmacological methods such as physical conditioning for the prevention and therapy of EIB. The research proposed is the first stage of a program focused on the development and critical evaluation of quantitative predictive models for", "synonym_substitution": "can modify EIB, clarify the components and operations in some of the mechanism for exabyte, and evaluate plus develop non - pharmacological method such as forcible conditioning for the prevention and therapy of EIB. The research proposed is the inaugural stage of a program concentrate on the development and critical evaluation of quantitative predictive models for", "butter_fingers": " caj modify EIB, clarify the components and operatmons in some of the mechanisms for EIB, and xvalyate kjus develop non-phafmacologibal methoes snch as physical rknditioknng fkv the 'revention and jherapy of EHB. The researcv orlposed is the first stage of a progwam focisfd on the devejopmtnt and brltical evaluation of quantitativs predibtive models for", "random_deletion": "can modify EIB, clarify the components and some the mechanisms EIB, and evaluate as conditioning for the and therapy of The research proposed is the first of a program focused on the development and critical evaluation of quantitative predictive for", "change_char_case": " can modify EIB, clarify the comPonents and OperaTioNs iN sOme oF the Mechanisms for Eib, and Evaluate plus develop non-PharmAcOLogiCAl MethoDs such aS PhYSIcaL cOnDitIoNInG for tHe pReventiOn and theraPy oF EiB. The researcH PrOposed is thE fiRst stage of a pRogRam focUsEd oN The deVelOpmenT and crITical eValuation Of QUantitATive preDICtIve mOdels for", "whitespace_perturbation": " can modify EIB, clarify t he compone nts a ndope ra tion s in some of the m e chan isms for EIB, and eval uatepl u s de v el op no n-pharm a co l o gic al m eth od s s uch a s p hysical condition ing f or the preve n ti on and the rap y of EIB. Th e r esearc hpro p osedisthe f irst s t age of a progra mf ocused on thed e ve lopm ent and criticale va l uation of quan titati ve pr e d ict ive models fo r", "underscore_trick": " can_modify EIB,_clarify the components and_operations in_some_of the_mechanisms_for EIB, and_evaluate plus develop_non-pharmacological methods such as_physical conditioning for_the_prevention and therapy of EIB. The research proposed is the first stage of a_program_focused on_the_development_and critical evaluation of quantitative_predictive models for"} +{"text": " or the inv mutant. The rovA virulence defect is characterized by reduced systemic dissemination and an increased LD50 after oral infection. Infection using the i.p. route abrogates the rovA defect, suggesting RovA is required for events occurring either in/from the intestine/colon or in the P", "synonym_substitution": "or the inv mutant. The rovA virulence defect is characterized by reduced systemic dissemination and an increase LD50 after oral contagion. Infection using the i.p. path abrogate the rovA defect, suggesting RovA is required for event occurring either in / from the intestine / colon or in the P", "butter_fingers": " or the inv mutant. The rovA virulence defeer is ciaractedized by reduced systemic disseminatmon qnd ab increased LD50 after ofal infecnion. Infextioi using the i.p. route abrogates bhe rmtA defect, suggexting RovA is required fmr erents occurring either in/from the ineestine/vopon or in the K", "random_deletion": "or the inv mutant. The rovA virulence characterized reduced systemic and an increased using i.p. route abrogates rovA defect, suggesting is required for events occurring either the intestine/colon or in the P", "change_char_case": " or the inv mutant. The rovA viruLence defecT is chAraCteRiZed bY redUced systemic diSSemiNation and an increased LD50 After OrAL infECtIon. InFection USiNG The I.p. RoUte AbROgAtes tHe rOvA defeCt, suggestiNg ROva is required fOR eVents occurRinG either in/froM thE intesTiNe/cOLon or In tHe P", "whitespace_perturbation": " or the inv mutant. The ro vA virulen ce de fec t i schar acte rized by reduc e d sy stemic dissemination a nd an i n crea s ed LD50 aftero ra l inf ec ti on. I n fe ction us ing the i.p. rout e a br ogates the r o vA defect, s ugg esting RovAisrequir ed fo r even tsoccur ring e i ther i n/from th ei ntesti n e/colon o rin t he P", "underscore_trick": " or_the inv_mutant. The rovA virulence_defect is_characterized_by reduced_systemic_dissemination and an_increased LD50 after_oral infection. Infection using_the i.p. route_abrogates_the rovA defect, suggesting RovA is required for events occurring either in/from the intestine/colon_or_in the_P"} +{"text": " and BMP7 delivery (either i.c.v. or systemically via adenovirus) produces an anorexigenic effect, at least in part through the hypothalamic mTOR pathway and activation of the melanocortin system. However, much is still unknown about the metabolic and physiological roles of BMP signaling in", "synonym_substitution": "and BMP7 delivery (either i.c.v. or systemically via adenovirus) produces an anorexigenic effect, at least in character through the hypothalamic mTOR nerve pathway and activation of the melanocortin system. However, much is however obscure about the metabolic and physiological roles of BMP bespeak in", "butter_fingers": " anf BMP7 delivery (either i.c.y. or systemicalli cia adxnovirua) producds an anorexigenic effect, at lwast un part through the hyoothalamib mTOR parhwab and activation of the melanodlrtiu wystem. However, much is sdill unknown atojt the metabolic and physiological rojes of NMO signaling in", "random_deletion": "and BMP7 delivery (either i.c.v. or systemically produces anorexigenic effect, least in part and of the melanocortin However, much is unknown about the metabolic and physiological of BMP signaling in", "change_char_case": " and BMP7 delivery (either i.c.v. or SystemicalLy via AdeNovIrUs) prOducEs an anorexigenIC effEct, at least in part througH the hYpOThalAMiC mTOR Pathway ANd ACTivAtIoN of ThE MeLanocOrtIn systeM. However, muCh iS sTill unknown aBOuT the metaboLic And physiologIcaL roles Of bMP SIgnalIng In", "whitespace_perturbation": " and BMP7 delivery (either i.c.v. or syst emi cal ly via ade novirus) produ c es a n anorexigenic effect, at l ea s t in pa rt th rough t h eh y pot ha la mic m T OR path way and ac tivation o f t he melanocorti n s ystem. How eve r, much is s til l unkn ow n a b out t hemetab olic a n d phys iological r o les of BMP sig n a li ng i n", "underscore_trick": " and_BMP7 delivery_(either i.c.v. or systemically_via adenovirus)_produces_an anorexigenic_effect,_at least in_part through the_hypothalamic mTOR pathway and_activation of the_melanocortin_system. However, much is still unknown about the metabolic and physiological roles of BMP_signaling_in"} +{"text": ") To increase, through iterative optimizations selectivity, potency and drug-likeness of selected LF inhibitors. (II) To perform in vitro and in cell toxicity studies to refine hits and identify drug-like inhibitor(s) of LF for subsequent in vivo studies. (Ill) To perform in vivo efficacy evaluations and", "synonym_substitution": ") To increase, through iterative optimizations selectivity, potency and drug - likeness of selected LF inhibitors. (II) To do in vitro and in cellular telephone perniciousness studies to refine hits and name drug - like inhibitor(s) of LF for subsequent in vivo studies. (Ill) To perform in vivo efficacy evaluations and", "butter_fingers": ") To increase, through iteratlve optimizations selecvivity, lotency xnd drug-likeness of selected LD inhubitors. (II) To perform kn vitro wnd in cwll uoxicity studies vk refinc hita and mdentify drug-lile inhibitmr(s) of LF for vucszquent in vivo studies. (Ill) To perfori in vifo efficacy evaloatiomf ans", "random_deletion": ") To increase, through iterative optimizations selectivity, drug-likeness selected LF (II) To perform toxicity to refine hits identify drug-like inhibitor(s) LF for subsequent in vivo studies. To perform in vivo efficacy evaluations and", "change_char_case": ") To increase, through iterativE optimizatIons sEleCtiViTy, poTencY and drug-likeneSS of sElected LF inhibitors. (II) TO perfOrM In viTRo And in Cell toxICiTY StuDiEs To rEfINe Hits aNd iDentify Drug-like inHibItOr(s) of LF for suBSeQuent in vivO stUdies. (Ill) To peRfoRm in viVo EffICacy eValUatioNs and", "whitespace_perturbation": ") To increase, through ite rative opt imiza tio nsse lect ivit y, potency and drug -likeness of selectedLF in hi b itor s .(II)To perf o rm i n v it ro an di ncelltox icity s tudies toref in e hits and i d en tify drug- lik e inhibitor( s)of LFfo r s u bsequ ent in v ivo st u dies.(Ill) Tope r form i n vivo e f f ic acyevaluations and", "underscore_trick": ") To_increase, through_iterative optimizations selectivity, potency_and drug-likeness_of_selected LF_inhibitors._(II) To perform_in vitro and_in cell toxicity studies_to refine hits_and_identify drug-like inhibitor(s) of LF for subsequent in vivo studies. (Ill) To perform in_vivo_efficacy evaluations_and"} +{"text": " of physical function and inflammation. Specifically, this project will (1) determine whether the presence and severity (number of components) of MetS is associated with lower physical function at baseline and with a decline in physical function over time in older adults; (2) determine whether the presence and severity of MetS is associated with", "synonym_substitution": "of physical function and inflammation. Specifically, this project will (1) settle whether the bearing and severity (number of component) of MetS is consort with lower physical routine at service line and with a decline in physical function over time in older adult; (2) determine whether the presence and asperity of MetS is consociate with", "butter_fingers": " of physical function and ikflammation. Specndicallb, this lroject dill (1) determine whether the 'reswnce qnd severity (number of componenns) of MetW is qssociated with lower phgdican function at bsseline ang with a declite iu physical function over time in oldqr adulys; (2) determine whgther ehe lgewence and severity of MetS is associeted with", "random_deletion": "of physical function and inflammation. Specifically, this (1) whether the and severity (number associated lower physical function baseline and with decline in physical function over time older adults; (2) determine whether the presence and severity of MetS is associated", "change_char_case": " of physical function and inflAmmation. SpEcifiCalLy, tHiS proJect Will (1) determine wHEtheR the presence and severitY (numbEr OF comPOnEnts) oF MetS is ASsOCIatEd WiTh lOwER pHysicAl fUnction At baseline And WiTh a decline in PHySical functIon Over time in olDer Adults; (2) DeTerMIne whEthEr the PresenCE and seVerity of MEts Is assoCIated wiTH", "whitespace_perturbation": " of physical function andinflammati on. S pec ifi ca lly, thi s project will (1)determine whether theprese nc e and se verit y (numb e ro f co mp on ent s) of MetS is associ ated withlow er physical fu n ct ion at bas eli ne and witha d ecline i n p h ysica l f uncti on ove r timein olderad u lts; ( 2 ) deter m i ne whe ther the presence an d severity of M etS is a s so c i ate d w ith", "underscore_trick": " of_physical function_and inflammation. Specifically, this_project will_(1)_determine whether_the_presence and severity_(number of components)_of MetS is associated_with lower physical_function_at baseline and with a decline in physical function over time in older adults;_(2)_determine whether_the_presence_and severity of MetS is_associated with"} +{"text": " prostasin in chronic infection. Epithelial integrity and hydrafion is essenfial for defense against microbes and toxins. Failure of barrier funcfion leads to chronic infection and remodeling, as in cystic fibrosis. Aim 1 studies test the hypothesis that prostasin support of ainway ion flux and integrity is", "synonym_substitution": "prostasin in chronic infection. Epithelial integrity and hydrafion is essenfial for defense against microbes and toxins. bankruptcy of barrier funcfion go to chronic infection and remodeling, as in cystic fibrosis. Aim 1 report quiz the hypothesis that prostasin support of ainway ion flux density and integrity is", "butter_fingers": " prlstasin in chronic infecuion. Epithelial iuregritb and hgdrafion is essenfial for defense ageinsr miceobes and toxins. Failufe of bargier funcdion oeads to cidonic ikyectikk and cemodeling, as ik cystic fitrosis. Aim 1 stgdked test the hypothesis that prostasig suppott of ainway ion fluq wnd jntegrity is", "random_deletion": "prostasin in chronic infection. Epithelial integrity and essenfial defense against and toxins. Failure chronic and remodeling, as cystic fibrosis. Aim studies test the hypothesis that prostasin of ainway ion flux and integrity is", "change_char_case": " prostasin in chronic infectiOn. EpitheliAl intEgrIty AnD hydRafiOn is essenfial fOR defEnse against microbes and ToxinS. FAIlurE Of BarriEr funcfIOn LEAds To ChRonIc INfEctioN anD remodeLing, as in cyStiC fIbrosis. Aim 1 stUDiEs test the hYpoThesis that prOstAsin suPpOrt OF ainwAy iOn fluX and inTEgrity Is", "whitespace_perturbation": " prostasin in chronic infe ction. Epi theli alint eg rity and hydrafion ise ssen fial for defense again st mi cr o besa nd toxi ns. Fai l ur e ofba rr ier f u nc fionlea ds to c hronic inf ect io n and remode l in g, as in c yst ic fibrosis. Ai m 1 st ud ies testthe hypo thesis that p rostasinsu p port o f ainway i on flu x and integrity i s ", "underscore_trick": " prostasin_in chronic_infection. Epithelial integrity and_hydrafion is_essenfial_for defense_against_microbes and toxins._Failure of barrier_funcfion leads to chronic_infection and remodeling,_as_in cystic fibrosis. Aim 1 studies test the hypothesis that prostasin support of ainway_ion_flux and_integrity_is"} +{"text": " analyzing interactions between persisting antigen, antibody and the various cell types involved in the immune response in vivo, in vitro model systems have been developed which are amenable to manipulation and yet accurately reproduce phenomena observed in vivo. The aggregated human serum albumin (HSA) antigen used in this system appears to persist in rabbits for at least", "synonym_substitution": "analyzing interactions between persisting antigen, antibody and the various cellular telephone type involved in the immune response in vivo, in vitro exemplar system have been developed which are amenable to manipulation and however accurately regurgitate phenomena observed in vivo. The aggregated human serum albumin (HSA) antigen used in this system appear to persist in rabbits for at least", "butter_fingers": " anwlyzing interactions betdeen persisting antigei, antibkdy and ghe various cell types involted un tht immune response iv vivo, in vitro midel wystems hats been develolcd whnci are amenable jo manipulathon and yet acwufacely reproduce phenomena observed in vivo. Tne aggregated huian xqrum albumin (HSA) antigen used in this aystem eppears to persost in rabbits for at leash", "random_deletion": "analyzing interactions between persisting antigen, antibody and cell involved in immune response in have developed which are to manipulation and accurately reproduce phenomena observed in vivo. aggregated human serum albumin (HSA) antigen used in this system appears to persist rabbits for at least", "change_char_case": " analyzing interactions betwEen persistIng anTigEn, aNtIbodY and The various cell TYpes Involved in the immune resPonse In VIvo, iN ViTro moDel systEMs HAVe bEeN dEveLoPEd Which Are AmenablE to manipulAtiOn And yet accuraTElY reproduce PheNomena observEd iN vivo. THe AggREgateD huMan seRum albUMin (HSA) Antigen usEd IN this sYStem appEARs To peRsist in rabbits for AT lEAst", "whitespace_perturbation": " analyzing interactions be tween pers istin g a nti ge n, a ntib ody and the va r ious cell types involved i n the i m mune re spons e in vi v o, i n v it ro mo de l s ystem s h ave bee n develope d w hi ch are amena b le to manipu lat ion and yetacc uratel yrep r oduce ph enome na obs e rved i n vivo. T he aggreg a ted hum a n s erum albumin (HSA) an t ig e n used in this syste ma pp e a rstopersist in r abbit s for at le a s t ", "underscore_trick": " analyzing_interactions between_persisting antigen, antibody and_the various_cell_types involved_in_the immune response_in vivo, in_vitro model systems have_been developed which_are_amenable to manipulation and yet accurately reproduce phenomena observed in vivo. The aggregated human_serum_albumin (HSA)_antigen_used_in this system appears to_persist in rabbits for at_least"} +{"text": " marriage) and self-efficacy influence good diabetes management in middle-aged and older adults living with diabetes may be key to developing and testing interventions that provide more effective supports, and all the more important to married couples because spouses may be at higher risk for developing diabetes themselves if their partner has diabetes.! Project Summary Exposure to", "synonym_substitution": "marriage) and self - efficacy influence good diabetes management in middle - aged and older adults living with diabetes may be cardinal to modernize and testing interventions that leave more effective support, and all the more important to married couple because spouse may be at higher risk for developing diabetes themselves if their partner has diabetes. ! Project Summary Exposure to", "butter_fingers": " magriage) and self-efficacy lnfluence good dnqbetes managsment in middle-aged and older adults luving with diabetes may be yey to deneloping qnd uesting interventmkns thab problde mmce effective sukports, and anl the more im[oftcnt to married couples because spousqs may ne at higher rish fog qevemoping diabetes themselves if theid partntr has diabetes.! Prpject Summary Exposure to", "random_deletion": "marriage) and self-efficacy influence good diabetes management and adults living diabetes may be interventions provide more effective and all the important to married couples because spouses be at higher risk for developing diabetes themselves if their partner has diabetes.! Summary Exposure to", "change_char_case": " marriage) and self-efficacy inFluence gooD diabEteS maNaGemeNt in Middle-aged and oLDer aDults living with diabeteS may bE kEY to dEVeLopinG and tesTInG INteRvEnTioNs THaT provIde More effEctive suppOrtS, aNd all the more IMpOrtant to maRriEd couples becAusE spousEs May BE at hiGheR risk For devELoping Diabetes tHeMSelves IF their pARTnEr haS diabetes.! Project SUMmARy Exposure to", "whitespace_perturbation": " marriage) and self-effica cy influen ce go oddia be tesmana gement in midd l e-ag ed and older adults li vingwi t h di a be tes m ay be k e yt o de ve lo pin ga nd test ing interv entions th atpr ovide more e f fe ctive supp ort s, and all t hemore i mp ort a nt to ma rried coupl e s beca use spous es may be at high e r r iskfor developing di a be t es themselvesif the ir pa r t ner ha s diabetes .! Proj e ct Summ a ry E x pos u re to", "underscore_trick": " marriage)_and self-efficacy_influence good diabetes management_in middle-aged_and_older adults_living_with diabetes may_be key to_developing and testing interventions_that provide more_effective_supports, and all the more important to married couples because spouses may be at_higher_risk for_developing_diabetes_themselves if their partner has_diabetes.! Project Summary Exposure to"} +{"text": " Project 4 takes advantage of the advances in optical imaging to develop quantitative tools to monitor molecular features of tumors and their response to treatment, and to integrate them for the development of molecular-based combination therapies for standard clinical procedures. The proposed program will feature three cores that will provide support in three areas: Core A, through administration", "synonym_substitution": "Project 4 takes advantage of the advances in optical imaging to originate quantitative creature to monitor molecular features of tumors and their response to discussion, and to integrate them for the development of molecular - based combination therapy for standard clinical procedure. The proposed plan will feature three cores that will leave support in three areas: Core A, through presidency", "butter_fingers": " Prlject 4 takes advantage on the advances iu opticel imagjng to ddvelop quantitative tools to minitoe molecular features ow tumors wnd theie rewponse to tcsatment, and tk intzgcate them for tme developmant of moleculdr-caded combination therapies for standwrd climifal procedures. The [ropksed program will feature three codes thau will provide suplort in three areas: Core A, thrlugh administratioj", "random_deletion": "Project 4 takes advantage of the advances imaging develop quantitative to monitor molecular response treatment, and to them for the of molecular-based combination therapies for standard procedures. The proposed program will feature three cores that will provide support in areas: Core A, through administration", "change_char_case": " Project 4 takes advantage of thE advances iN optiCal ImaGiNg to DeveLop quantitativE ToolS to monitor molecular feaTures Of TUmorS AnD theiR responSE tO TReaTmEnT, anD tO InTegraTe tHem for tHe developmEnt Of Molecular-basED cOmbination TheRapies for staNdaRd clinIcAl pROceduRes. the prOposed PRogram Will featuRe THree coREs that wILL pRoviDe support in three aREaS: core A, through adMinistRaTIoN", "whitespace_perturbation": " Project 4 takes advantage of the ad vance s i n o pt ical ima ging to develo p qua ntitative tools to mon itormo l ecul a rfeatu res oft um o r s a nd t hei rr es ponse to treatm ent, and t o i nt egrate themf or the devel opm ent of molec ula r-base dcom b inati onthera pies f o r stan dard clin ic a l proc e dures.T h eprop osed program will fe a ture three cor es tha tw il l pro vid e supportin thre e areas: Co r e A,t hrough admini stration", "underscore_trick": " Project_4 takes_advantage of the advances_in optical_imaging_to develop_quantitative_tools to monitor_molecular features of_tumors and their response_to treatment, and_to_integrate them for the development of molecular-based combination therapies for standard clinical procedures. The_proposed_program will_feature_three_cores that will provide support_in three areas: Core A,_through administration"} +{"text": ";(ii) fiscal oversight (budgeting, purchasing);(iii) communication and coordination of data flow;(iv) seminar series coordination and travel arrangements;and (v)preparation of manuscripts and reports. The second purpose of this core component is to closely monitor the activities of the Cox-7 Animal Col", "synonym_substitution": "; (ii) fiscal oversight (budgeting, purchasing);(iii) communication and coordination of data flow;(iv) seminar series coordination and travel arrangements;and (v)preparation of manuscript and report. The second purpose of this core component is to close monitor the activities of the Cox-7 Animal Col", "butter_fingers": ";(ii) viscal oversight (budgetikg, purchasing);(iii) communmcation and coofdination of data flow;(iv) semmnar seritf coordination and travel agrangemenrs;anv (v)preparation oh manuscvnpts zkd re'octs. The second kurpose of tvis core compotevt is to closely monitor the activitiqs of tne Cox-7 Animal Coj", "random_deletion": ";(ii) fiscal oversight (budgeting, purchasing);(iii) communication and data seminar series and travel arrangements;and The purpose of this component is to monitor the activities of the Cox-7 Col", "change_char_case": ";(ii) fiscal oversight (budgetinG, purchasinG);(iii) cOmmUniCaTion And cOordination of dATa flOw;(iv) seminar series coordInatiOn ANd trAVeL arraNgementS;AnD (V)PrePaRaTioN oF MaNuscrIptS and repOrts. The secOnd PuRpose of this cORe Component iS to Closely monitOr tHe actiViTieS Of the cox-7 animaL Col", "whitespace_perturbation": ";(ii) fiscal oversight (bu dgeting, p urcha sin g); (i ii)comm unication andc oord ination of data flow;( iv) s em i nars er ies c oordina t io n and t ra vel a r ra ngeme nts ;and (v )preparati onof manuscripts an d reports. Th e second pur pos e of t hi s c o re co mpo nentis toc losely monitorth e activ i ties of t he Cox -7 Animal Col", "underscore_trick": ";(ii) fiscal_oversight (budgeting,_purchasing);(iii) communication and coordination_of data_flow;(iv)_seminar series_coordination_and travel arrangements;and_(v)preparation of manuscripts_and reports. The second_purpose of this_core_component is to closely monitor the activities of the Cox-7 Animal Col"} +{"text": " and evaluation of the intervention with regard to changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS With the phenomenal growth of home computer purchases, potential markets of the proposed software include families with adolescents as well as schools. In a school environment, the program could be integrated with existing school sexuality", "synonym_substitution": "and evaluation of the intervention with regard to changes in knowledge, attitude, and demeanor. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS With the phenomenal growth of base calculator purchases, potential markets of the propose software include families with adolescent equally well as schools. In a school environment, the program could be integrate with existing school sexuality", "butter_fingers": " anf evaluation of the intevvention with reyqrd to changss in knuwledge, attitudes, and behavilr. PROPISED COMMERCIAL APPLICXTIONS Winh the phwnomtnal growth of home compubzr pudghasev, potential marlets of tha proposed sofdwxrz include families with adolescents ws well ad schools. In a schpjl ehnivonment, the program could be intsgrated with existinb school sexuality", "random_deletion": "and evaluation of the intervention with regard in attitudes, and PROPOSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS home purchases, potential markets the proposed software families with adolescents as well as In a school environment, the program could be integrated with existing school sexuality", "change_char_case": " and evaluation of the interveNtion with rEgard To cHanGeS in kNowlEdge, attitudes, aND behAvior. PROPOSED COMMERCIAl APPLiCatIONs wiTh the PhenomeNAl GROwtH oF hOme CoMPuTer puRchAses, potEntial markEts Of The proposed sOFtWare includE faMilies with adOleScents As WelL As schOolS. In a sChool eNVironmEnt, the proGrAM could BE integrATEd With Existing school sexUAlITy", "whitespace_perturbation": " and evaluation of the int erventionwithreg ard t o ch ange s in knowledge , att itudes, and behavior.PROPO SE D COM M ER CIALAPPLICA T IO N S Wi th t heph e no menal gr owth of home comp ute rpurchases, p o te ntial mark ets of the prop ose d soft wa rei nclud e f amili es wit h adole scents as w e ll ass chools. I na sc hool environment, th e program could be in te g ra t e d w ith existingsc hools exualit y ", "underscore_trick": " and_evaluation of_the intervention with regard_to changes_in_knowledge, attitudes,_and_behavior. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL_APPLICATIONS With the_phenomenal growth of home_computer purchases, potential_markets_of the proposed software include families with adolescents as well as schools. In a_school_environment, the_program_could_be integrated with existing school_sexuality"} +{"text": " mainstream of the nation's scientific community. To this end, the Program will continue to recruit highly talented students and provide them with a mentored intramural research experience that includes a well-defined project that leads to results which will be presented at scientific meetings or published and which will be described in a tesina. Em", "synonym_substitution": "mainstream of the nation's scientific community. To this end, the Program will continue to enroll highly talented student and provide them with a mentored intramural research experience that include a well - define project that leads to resultant role which will be present at scientific meetings or print and which will be described in a tesina. Em", "butter_fingers": " malnstream of the nation's rcientific commonuty. To this snd, the Orogram will continue to reccuit highoy talented students avd providv them wirh a nentored iiframural resezvch erpxrience that ingludes a wenl-defined projacg chat leads to results which will be [resentrd at scientific meeuinds od published and which will be descdibed ii a tesina. Em", "random_deletion": "mainstream of the nation's scientific community. To the will continue recruit highly talented a intramural research experience includes a well-defined that leads to results which will presented at scientific meetings or published and which will be described in a Em", "change_char_case": " mainstream of the nation's sciEntific comMunitY. To ThiS eNd, thE ProGram will continUE to rEcruit highly talented stUdentS aND proVIdE them With a meNToRED inTrAmUraL rESeArch eXpeRience tHat includeS a wElL-defined projECt That leads tO reSults which wiLl bE preseNtEd aT ScienTifIc meeTings oR PublisHed and whiCh WIll be dEScribed IN A tEsinA. Em", "whitespace_perturbation": " mainstream of the nation' s scientif ic co mmu nit y. Tothis end, the Prog r am w ill continue to recrui t hig hl y tal e nt ed st udentsa nd p rov id ethe mw it h a m ent ored in tramural r ese ar ch experienc e t hat includ esa well-defin edprojec ttha t lead s t o res ults w h ich wi ll be pre se n ted at scienti f i cmeet ings or published an d which will be descr ib e di n ates ina. Em", "underscore_trick": " mainstream_of the_nation's scientific community. To_this end,_the_Program will_continue_to recruit highly_talented students and_provide them with a_mentored intramural research_experience_that includes a well-defined project that leads to results which will be presented at_scientific_meetings or_published_and_which will be described in_a tesina. Em"} +{"text": ". This aim will test the hypothesis that actin is the major component influencing anisotropic cellular response to 3D confinement. Biochemical inhibitors and siRNA will be used to target specific cytoskeletal functions. The spatial organization and anisotropy of cytoskeletal assembly and matrix deposition will be evaluated for each treatment group using pairs of 3D shapes that have", "synonym_substitution": ". This aim will test the hypothesis that actin is the major component charm anisotropic cellular reception to 3D confinement. Biochemical inhibitors and siRNA will be used to target specific cytoskeletal function. The spatial organization and anisotropy of cytoskeletal assembly and matrix deposit will be evaluated for each treatment group using pair of 3D shapes that have", "butter_fingers": ". Thls aim will test the hyputhesis that acjib is tie majod compondnt influencing anisotropic rellylar eesponse to 3D confinemdnt. Biochvmical inyibiuors and siRNA will be uscb to fwrgec wpecific cytosleletal futctions. The spdtkap organization and anisotropy of cyeoskeleyap assembly and matgiv delosition will be evaluated for eacg treatkent group usong pairs of 3D shapes that havf", "random_deletion": ". This aim will test the hypothesis is major component anisotropic cellular response and will be used target specific cytoskeletal The spatial organization and anisotropy of assembly and matrix deposition will be evaluated for each treatment group using pairs 3D shapes that have", "change_char_case": ". This aim will test the hypotheSis that actIn is tHe mAjoR cOmpoNent Influencing aniSOtroPic cellular response to 3D ConfiNeMEnt. BIOcHemicAl inhibIToRS And SirNa wiLl BE uSed to TarGet specIfic cytoskEleTaL functions. ThE SpAtial organIzaTion and anisoTroPy of cyToSkeLEtal aSseMbly aNd matrIX deposItion will Be EValuatED for eacH TReAtmeNt group using pairs OF 3D SHapes that have", "whitespace_perturbation": ". This aim will test the h ypothesisthatact inis the maj or component i n flue ncing anisotropic cell ularre s pons e t o 3Dconfine m en t . Bi oc he mic al in hibit ors and si RNA will b e u se d to targets pe cific cyto ske letal functi ons . Thesp ati a l org ani zatio n anda nisotr opy of cy to s keleta l assemb l y a nd m atrix depositionw il l be evaluatedfor ea ch tr e a tme ntgroup usin gpairs of 3D s h ap e s tha t have", "underscore_trick": ". This_aim will_test the hypothesis that_actin is_the_major component_influencing_anisotropic cellular response_to 3D confinement._Biochemical inhibitors and siRNA_will be used_to_target specific cytoskeletal functions. The spatial organization and anisotropy of cytoskeletal assembly and matrix_deposition_will be_evaluated_for_each treatment group using pairs_of 3D shapes that have"} +{"text": " than 04) on the Behavior Checklist. Further analysis will establish the predictive accuracy of the screening procedure as it relates to measures of the child's functioning at follow-up. Recommendations for screening policy, as well as for providing identified service needs, will be made after the data is analyzed. The Howard University Graduate School", "synonym_substitution": "than 04) on the Behavior Checklist. Further analysis will establish the predictive accuracy of the screening procedure as it relate to measuring stick of the child's functioning at follow - up. recommendation for screen policy, as well as for providing identify serve needs, will be make after the data is analyzed. The Howard University Graduate School", "butter_fingers": " thwn 04) on the Behavior Checylist. Further auqlysis will sstablisf the predictive accuracy of tye sceeening procedure as ig relates to measyres if the child's funcbnoninf at yoolow-up. Recommekdations fos screening ponizy, as well as for providing identifieq servive needs, will be madt aster nht data is analyzed. The Howard Unibersity Graduate Schpol", "random_deletion": "than 04) on the Behavior Checklist. Further establish predictive accuracy the screening procedure of child's functioning at Recommendations for screening as well as for providing identified needs, will be made after the data is analyzed. The Howard University Graduate", "change_char_case": " than 04) on the Behavior ChecklisT. Further anAlysiS wiLl eStAbliSh thE predictive accURacy Of the screening procedurE as it ReLAtes TO mEasurEs of the CHiLD'S fuNcTiOniNg AT fOllow-Up. REcommenDations for ScrEeNing policy, as WElL as for provIdiNg identified SerVice neEdS, wiLL be maDe aFter tHe data IS analyZed. The HowArD univerSIty GradUATe schoOl", "whitespace_perturbation": " than 04) on the BehaviorChecklist. Furt her an al ysis wil l establish th e pre dictive accuracy of th e scr ee n ingp ro cedur e as it re l a tes t omea su r es of t hechild's functioni ngat follow-up.R ec ommendatio nsfor screenin g p olicy, a s w e ll as fo r pro viding identi fied serv ic e needs , will b e ma de a fter the data isa na l yzed. The Howa rd Uni ve r si t y Gr adu ate School ", "underscore_trick": " than_04) on_the Behavior Checklist. Further_analysis will_establish_the predictive_accuracy_of the screening_procedure as it_relates to measures of_the child's functioning_at_follow-up. Recommendations for screening policy, as well as for providing identified service needs, will_be_made after_the_data_is analyzed. The Howard University_Graduate School"} +{"text": "-based set of strategies, the Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (HEPA) Strategies, to optimize the implementation of the Standards. Our objective here is to evaluate the impact of HEPA Strategies on achieving the Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Standards and the associated costs with using the HEPA Strategies. To accomplish this", "synonym_substitution": "-based set of strategies, the Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (HEPA) Strategies, to optimize the implementation of the Standards. Our aim here is to measure the shock of HEPA Strategies on achieve the Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Standards and the associated monetary value with using the HEPA Strategies. To carry through this", "butter_fingers": "-basfd set of strategies, the Healthy Eating and Phbsical Zctivity (HEPA) Strategies, to optimize tye imkjementation of the Standardd. Our obhectmve here is to etzluate bke imlwct mh HEPA Strategigs on achievhng the Healthf Dacing and Physical Activity Standards and thr wssociated cosjs wiuh tsinf the HEPA Strategies. To accomplisg this", "random_deletion": "-based set of strategies, the Healthy Eating Activity Strategies, to the implementation of is evaluate the impact HEPA Strategies on the Healthy Eating and Physical Activity and the associated costs with using the HEPA Strategies. To accomplish this", "change_char_case": "-based set of strategies, the HeAlthy EatinG and PHysIcaL ACtivIty (HePA) Strategies, tO OptiMize the implementation oF the STaNDardS. ouR objeCtive heRE iS TO evAlUaTe tHe IMpAct of hEPa StrateGies on achiEviNg The Healthy EaTInG and PhysicAl ACtivity StandArdS and thE aSsoCIated CosTs witH using THe HEPA strategieS. TO AccompLIsh this", "whitespace_perturbation": "-based set of strategies,the Health y Eat ing an dPhys ical Activity (HEP A ) St rategies, to optimizethe i mp l emen t at ion o f the S t an d a rds .Ou r o bj e ct ive h ere is toevaluate t heim pact of HEPA St rategies o n a chieving the He althyEa tin g andPhy sical Activ i ty Sta ndards an dt he ass o ciatedc o st s wi th using the HEPA St r ategies. To ac compli sh th i s ", "underscore_trick": "-based set_of strategies,_the Healthy Eating and_Physical Activity_(HEPA)_Strategies, to_optimize_the implementation of_the Standards. Our_objective here is to_evaluate the impact_of_HEPA Strategies on achieving the Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Standards and the associated_costs_with using_the_HEPA_Strategies. To accomplish this"} +{"text": " in the U.S., >6,000 of which are caused by multidrug resistant strains. To identify Pseudomonas T3SS inhibitors and potential future therapeutics, we will carry out the following aims. In Aim 1, we will implement our primary screen and counterscreens to identify natural product fractions and synthetic compounds with", "synonym_substitution": "in the U.S., > 6,000 of which are caused by multidrug resistant strains. To identify Pseudomonas T3SS inhibitor and likely future remedy, we will carry out the following aims. In Aim 1, we will follow through our primary screen and counterscreens to name natural product fractions and man-made compounds with", "butter_fingers": " in the U.S., >6,000 of which are camsed by multidruy resisvant stdains. To identify Pseudomonas T3SS iniibirors qnd potential future tferapeutibs, we wilo cacry out the following aims. In Zlm 1, wz xill implement pur primarf screen and cmuvtzrscreens to identify natural produce fractoojs and synthetyc cpipouhds with", "random_deletion": "in the U.S., >6,000 of which are multidrug strains. To Pseudomonas T3SS inhibitors will out the following In Aim 1, will implement our primary screen and to identify natural product fractions and synthetic compounds with", "change_char_case": " in the U.S., >6,000 of which are caused by Multidrug rEsistAnt StrAiNs. To IdenTify PseudomonaS t3SS iNhibitors and potential fUture ThERapeUTiCs, we wIll carrY OuT THe fOlLoWinG aIMs. in Aim 1, We wIll implEment our prImaRy Screen and couNTeRscreens to IdeNtify natural ProDuct frAcTioNS and sYntHetic CompouNDs with", "whitespace_perturbation": " in the U.S., >6,000 of wh ich are ca usedbymul ti drug res istant strains . Toidentify Pseudomonas T 3SS i nh i bito r sand p otentia l f u t ure t he rap eu t ic s, we wi ll carr y out thefol lo wing aims. I n A im 1, we w ill implement o urprimar yscr e en an d c ounte rscree n s to i dentify n at u ral pr o duct fr a c ti onsand synthetic com p ou n ds with", "underscore_trick": " in_the U.S.,_>6,000 of which are_caused by_multidrug_resistant strains._To_identify Pseudomonas T3SS_inhibitors and potential_future therapeutics, we will_carry out the_following_aims. In Aim 1, we will implement our primary screen and counterscreens to identify_natural_product fractions_and_synthetic_compounds with"} +{"text": " due to the fact that they are rapidly metabolized. Within a few hours after administration most of the dose retained by the body was in the form of metabolites. These compounds were eliminated in both urine and feces, p-nitroaniline primarily in urine, and whole body half-lives for both compounds were less", "synonym_substitution": "due to the fact that they are rapidly metabolized. Within a few hours after administration most of the venereal disease retain by the body was in the form of metabolites. These compound were eliminated in both urine and feces, phosphorus - nitroaniline primarily in urine, and whole body half - liveliness for both compounds were less", "butter_fingers": " duf to the fact that they xre rapidly metcvolizev. Withih a few fours after administration mlsr of uke dose retained by ghe body aas in tye fiem of metauklites. Bkese dlmpobnvs were eliminajed in both grine and fecev, o-nntroaniline primarily in urine, and wrole bocy half-lives for botn comlounds were less", "random_deletion": "due to the fact that they are Within few hours administration most of body in the form metabolites. These compounds eliminated in both urine and feces, primarily in urine, and whole body half-lives for both compounds were less", "change_char_case": " due to the fact that they are raPidly metabOlizeD. WiThiN a Few hOurs After administrATion Most of the dose retained bY the bOdY Was iN ThE form Of metabOLiTES. ThEsE cOmpOuNDs Were eLimInated iN both urine And FeCes, p-nitroaniLInE primarily In uRine, and whole BodY half-lIvEs fOR both ComPoundS were lESs", "whitespace_perturbation": " due to the fact that they are rapid ly me tab oli ze d. W ithi n a few hoursa fter administration most o f the d o se r e ta inedby theb od y was i nthe f o rm of m eta bolites . These co mpo un ds were elim i na ted in bot h u rine and fec es, p-nit ro ani l ine p rim arily in ur i ne, an d whole b od y half- l ives fo r bo th c ompounds were les s ", "underscore_trick": " due_to the_fact that they are_rapidly metabolized._Within_a few_hours_after administration most_of the dose_retained by the body_was in the_form_of metabolites. These compounds were eliminated in both urine and feces, p-nitroaniline primarily in_urine,_and whole_body_half-lives_for both compounds were less"} +{"text": " PPIB function in a collaboration with investigators at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. CyPB was shown to be critical to the folding of presenilin-1, a protein linked to familial Alzheimers Disease. Some substitutions in presenilin-1 make it resistant to folding properly by CyPB. Conversely, the brains", "synonym_substitution": "PPIB function in a collaboration with investigators at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. CyPB was shown to be critical to the folding of presenilin-1, a protein connect to familial Alzheimers Disease. Some substitution in presenilin-1 make it resistant to folding by rights by CyPB. Conversely, the brains", "butter_fingers": " PPLB function in a collabovation with investigatocs at Hsbrew Unkversity in Jerusalem. CyPB wes syown uj be critical to tfe foldinh of prewenioun-1, a protemh linked to fzlilicl Alzheimers Dixease. Some substitutions iv 'resenilin-1 make it resistant to foldyng prolegly by CyPB. Cogverxqly, fhe brains", "random_deletion": "PPIB function in a collaboration with investigators University Jerusalem. CyPB shown to be presenilin-1, protein linked to Alzheimers Disease. Some in presenilin-1 make it resistant to properly by CyPB. Conversely, the brains", "change_char_case": " PPIB function in a collaboratIon with invEstigAtoRs aT HEbreW UniVersity in JerusALem. CYPB was shown to be criticaL to thE fOLdinG Of PreseNilin-1, a pROtEIN liNkEd To fAmILiAl AlzHeiMers DisEase. Some suBstItUtions in presENiLin-1 make it rEsiStant to foldiNg pRoperlY bY Cypb. ConvErsEly, thE brainS", "whitespace_perturbation": " PPIB function in a collab oration wi th in ves tig at orsat H ebrew Universi t y in Jerusalem. CyPB was s hownto be c r it icalto thef ol d i ngof p res en i li n-1,a p roteinlinked tofam il ial Alzheime r sDisease. S ome substitutio nsin pre se nil i n-1 m ake it r esista n t to f olding pr op e rly by CyPB. C o n ve rsel y, the brains", "underscore_trick": " PPIB_function in_a collaboration with investigators_at Hebrew_University_in Jerusalem._CyPB_was shown to_be critical to_the folding of presenilin-1,_a protein linked_to_familial Alzheimers Disease. Some substitutions in presenilin-1 make it resistant to folding properly by_CyPB._Conversely, the_brains"} +{"text": "accharides architectures and their interactions with solvent and solute molecules as well as the synergistic interactions in mixed polysaccharide systems. In this ongoing study, we chose a number of biologically important and industrial useful polysaccharides, such as specimens from algal (iota-, kappa- and lambda-carrageenans);bacterial", "synonym_substitution": "accharides architectures and their interactions with solvent and solute molecules equally well as the synergetic interaction in mixed polysaccharide system. In this ongoing report, we chose a number of biologically significant and industrial useful polysaccharides, such as specimen from algal (iota-, kappa- and lambda - carrageenans);bacterial", "butter_fingers": "accjarides architectures ana their interacjiins wivh solvsnt and rolute molecules as well as vhe wynertistic interactions in mixed popysacchaeide wystems. In this onnjing dtudv, xe chose a numbgr of biologhcally importatt aud industrial useful polysaccharides, such ax dpecimens from algsj (iofa-, kappa- and lambda-carrageenans);bacferial", "random_deletion": "accharides architectures and their interactions with solvent molecules well as synergistic interactions in ongoing we chose a of biologically important industrial useful polysaccharides, such as specimens algal (iota-, kappa- and lambda-carrageenans);bacterial", "change_char_case": "accharides architectures anD their inteRactiOns WitH sOlveNt anD solute moleculES as wEll as the synergistic intEractIoNS in mIXeD polySaccharIDe SYSteMs. in ThiS oNGoIng stUdy, We chose A number of bIolOgIcally importANt And industrIal Useful polysaCchArides, SuCh aS SpeciMenS from Algal (iOTa-, kappA- and lambdA-cARrageeNAns);bactERIaL", "whitespace_perturbation": "accharides architectures a nd their i ntera cti ons w ithsolv ent and solute mole cules as well as the s ynerg is t ic i n te racti ons inm ix e d po ly sa cch ar i de syst ems . In th is ongoing st ud y, we chosea n umber of b iol ogically imp ort ant an dind u stria l u seful polys a cchari des, such a s speci m ens fro m al gal(iota-, kappa- an d l a mbda-carrageen ans);b ac t er i a l", "underscore_trick": "accharides architectures_and their_interactions with solvent and_solute molecules_as_well as_the_synergistic interactions in_mixed polysaccharide systems._In this ongoing study,_we chose a_number_of biologically important and industrial useful polysaccharides, such as specimens from algal (iota-, kappa-_and_lambda-carrageenans);bacterial"} +{"text": " spectra. Based on the Time-Averaged SC-IVR implementation of Kaledin and Miller, we calculate the power spectra from a single trajectory obtained via Born-Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics. My job is to perform BOMD calculations with Q-Chem. Other than positions, energy and momenta, SC", "synonym_substitution": "spectra. Based on the Time - Averaged SC - IVR implementation of Kaledin and Miller, we calculate the power spectrum from a individual trajectory obtained via Born - Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics. My job is to perform BOMD calculation with Q - Chem. Other than positions, department of energy and momenta, SC", "butter_fingers": " spfctra. Based on the Time-Ayeraged SC-IVR imklwmentavion of Kaledin and Miller, we calculate the piwer wpectra from a single grajectorj obtainee vie Born-Oppenheimec Molecular Dyhwmicv. My job is to kerform BOMD calculations figh Q-Chem. Other than positions, energy wnd momrnha, SC", "random_deletion": "spectra. Based on the Time-Averaged SC-IVR implementation and we calculate power spectra from Born-Oppenheimer Dynamics. My job to perform BOMD with Q-Chem. Other than positions, energy momenta, SC", "change_char_case": " spectra. Based on the Time-AverAged SC-IVR iMplemEntAtiOn Of KaLediN and Miller, we caLCulaTe the power spectra from a SinglE tRAjecTOrY obtaIned via bOrN-oPpeNhEiMer moLEcUlar DYnaMics. My jOb is to perfOrm bOmD calculatioNS wIth Q-Chem. OtHer Than positionS, enErgy anD mOmeNTa, SC", "whitespace_perturbation": " spectra. Based on the Tim e-Averaged SC-I VRimp le ment atio n of Kaledin a n d Mi ller, we calculate the powe rs pect r afroma singl e t r a jec to ry ob ta i ne d via Bo rn-Oppe nheimer Mo lec ul ar Dynamics. My job is to pe rform BOMD c alc ulatio ns wi t h Q-C hem . Oth er tha n posit ions, ene rg y and m o menta,S C ", "underscore_trick": " spectra._Based on_the Time-Averaged SC-IVR implementation_of Kaledin_and_Miller, we_calculate_the power spectra_from a single_trajectory obtained via Born-Oppenheimer_Molecular Dynamics. My_job_is to perform BOMD calculations with Q-Chem. Other than positions, energy and momenta, SC"} +{"text": " of the host. The long-term goal of our research program is to gain a detailed molecular understanding of regulation of lymphocyte trafficking in acute and chronic inflammation using viral infections as a model system. We have found that expression of a phospholipid receptor, sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor-1 (S1P1", "synonym_substitution": "of the host. The long - term goal of our inquiry platform is to gain a detailed molecular understanding of rule of lymphocyte trafficking in acute and chronic ignition using viral infections as a exemplar system. We have found that saying of a phospholipid receptor, sphingosine-1 - phosphate receptor-1 (S1P1", "butter_fingers": " of the host. The long-term gual of our resecech prmgram js to gakn a detailed molecular undecstabding of regulation of lympfocyte trwffickint in qcute and rgronic luflamjwtiou nsing viral infgctions as a model system. Fe hcve found that expression of a phosprolipid rfceptor, sphingjsint-1-phjsphzne receptor-1 (S1P1", "random_deletion": "of the host. The long-term goal of program to gain detailed molecular understanding in and chronic inflammation viral infections as model system. We have found that of a phospholipid receptor, sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor-1 (S1P1", "change_char_case": " of the host. The long-term goal oF our researCh proGraM is To Gain A detAiled molecular UNderStanding of regulation of LymphOcYTe trAFfIckinG in acutE AnD CHroNiC iNflAmMAtIon usIng Viral inFections as A moDeL system. We havE FoUnd that expResSion of a phospHolIpid reCePtoR, SphinGosIne-1-phOsphatE ReceptOr-1 (S1P1", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the host. The long-ter m goal ofour r ese arc hprog ramis to gain a d e tail ed molecular understan dingof regu l at ion o f lymph o cy t e tr af fi cki ng in acut e a nd chro nic inflam mat io n using vira l i nfectionsasa model syst em. We ha ve fo u nd th atexpre ssiono f a ph ospholipi dr ecepto r , sphin g o si ne-1 -phosphate recept o r- 1 (S1P1", "underscore_trick": " of_the host._The long-term goal of_our research_program_is to_gain_a detailed molecular_understanding of regulation_of lymphocyte trafficking in_acute and chronic_inflammation_using viral infections as a model system. We have found that expression of a_phospholipid_receptor, sphingosine-1-phosphate_receptor-1_(S1P1"} +{"text": "brain neurons. The assessment of receptor number and localization after lesioning of the fimbria-fornix and basal forebrain in rats will provide infomation about the pre- and postsynaptic localization of the subtypes and the cellular and molecular bases for changes induced by deafferentation. Lastly, muscarinic receptor proteins", "synonym_substitution": "brain neurons. The assessment of receptor numeral and localization of function after lesioning of the fimbria - fornix and basal forebrain in rats will provide infomation about the pre- and postsynaptic localization of function of the subtypes and the cellular and molecular bases for change induced by deafferentation. Lastly, muscarinic sense organ protein", "butter_fingers": "braln neurons. The assessmenu of receptor numywr and localjzation xfter lesioning of the fimbrma-foenix qnd basal forebrain in rats wilp providw inhomation about tis pre- akb posfdyna'tmc localization of the suttypes and the cdlpular and molecular bases for changqs induvef by deafferenjatiom. Lasfly, muscarinic receptor proteins", "random_deletion": "brain neurons. The assessment of receptor number after of the and basal forebrain about pre- and postsynaptic of the subtypes the cellular and molecular bases for induced by deafferentation. Lastly, muscarinic receptor proteins", "change_char_case": "brain neurons. The assessment Of receptor NumbeR anD loCaLizaTion After lesioning OF the Fimbria-fornix and basal fOrebrAiN In raTS wIll prOvide inFOmATIon AbOuT thE pRE- aNd posTsyNaptic lOcalizatioN of ThE subtypes and THe Cellular anD moLecular bases For ChangeS iNduCEd by dEafFerenTation. lAstly, mUscarinic ReCEptor pROteins", "whitespace_perturbation": "brain neurons. The assessm ent of rec eptor nu mbe randloca lization after lesi oning of the fimbria-f ornix a n d ba s al fore brain i n r a t s w il lpro vi d einfom ati on abou t the pre- an dpostsynaptic lo calization of the subtype s a nd the c ell u lar a ndmolec ular b a ses fo r changes i n ducedb y deaff e r en tati on. Lastly, musca r in i c receptor pro teins", "underscore_trick": "brain neurons._The assessment_of receptor number and_localization after_lesioning_of the_fimbria-fornix_and basal forebrain_in rats will_provide infomation about the_pre- and postsynaptic_localization_of the subtypes and the cellular and molecular bases for changes induced by deafferentation._Lastly,_muscarinic receptor_proteins"} +{"text": ", responsiveness of health systems and obstacles to care experienced by children with epilepsy and their families, (2) characterize risk factors, outcomes and comorbidities related to prevalent and new onset pediatric epilepsy, and (3) reassess population-based estimates of epilepsy incidence and prevalence over a 2-year period among children living in DC.", "synonym_substitution": ", responsiveness of health systems and obstacles to care experienced by child with epilepsy and their class, (2) characterize risk factors, consequence and comorbidities related to prevalent and modern onset pediatric epilepsy, and (3) reassess population - base estimates of epilepsy incidence and prevalence over a 2 - year period among child living in DC.", "butter_fingers": ", redponsiveness of health snstems and obstaeoes to care sxperienzed by children with epilepsb ane theur families, (2) characterkze risk vactors, iutcines and comorbiditlzs remwted vo prevalent anc new onsed pediatric ephldpdy, and (3) reassess population-based eseimates ov epilepsy incydenbe and irtvalence over a 2-year period among childrtn living in DC.", "random_deletion": ", responsiveness of health systems and obstacles experienced children with and their families, and related to prevalent new onset pediatric and (3) reassess population-based estimates of incidence and prevalence over a 2-year period among children living in DC.", "change_char_case": ", responsiveness of health sysTems and obsTacleS to CarE eXperIencEd by children wiTH epiLepsy and their families, (2) cHaracTeRIze rISk FactoRs, outcoMEs AND coMoRbIdiTiES rElateD to PrevaleNt and new onSet PeDiatric epilePSy, And (3) reassesS poPulation-baseD esTimateS oF epILepsy IncIdencE and prEValencE over a 2-yeaR pERiod amONg childREN lIvinG in DC.", "whitespace_perturbation": ", responsiveness of health systems a nd ob sta cle sto c areexperienced by chil dren with epilepsy and thei rf amil i es , (2) charac t er i z e r is kfac to r s, outc ome s and c omorbiditi esre lated to pre v al ent and ne w o nset pediatr icepilep sy , a n d (3) re asses s popu l ation- based est im a tes of epileps y in cide nce and prevalenc e o v er a 2-year pe riod a mo n gc h ild ren living in D C.", "underscore_trick": ", responsiveness_of health_systems and obstacles to_care experienced_by_children with_epilepsy_and their families,_(2) characterize risk_factors, outcomes and comorbidities_related to prevalent_and_new onset pediatric epilepsy, and (3) reassess population-based estimates of epilepsy incidence and prevalence_over_a 2-year_period_among_children living in DC."} +{"text": " methylation status of the allele in mice bred for Aims 1 and 2. The airway epithelium represents the first line of defense for the lungs against inhaled-pollutants and infectious agents. Injury to the airway epithelium occurs during mechanical ventilation and in inflammatory diseases such as asthma. Movement of air into and out of the lungs during", "synonym_substitution": "methylation status of the allele in mice bred for Aims 1 and 2. The respiratory tract epithelium stage the first line of defense for the lung against inhaled - pollutants and infectious agents. wound to the airline epithelium occurs during mechanical public discussion and in inflammatory diseases such as asthma. apparent motion of air into and out of the lungs during", "butter_fingers": " mehhylation status of the xllele in mice yeed foc Aims 1 and 2. Thd airway epithelium represenvs tye fiest line of defense fof the lunhs againwt iihaled-pollutants and infcetioua ageutw. Injury to thg airway epidhelium occurs djrnng mechanical ventilation and in inslammatprj diseases sucr as wsthja. Movement of air into and out of the luigs during", "random_deletion": "methylation status of the allele in mice Aims and 2. airway epithelium represents for lungs against inhaled-pollutants infectious agents. Injury the airway epithelium occurs during mechanical and in inflammatory diseases such as asthma. Movement of air into and out the lungs during", "change_char_case": " methylation status of the allEle in mice bRed foR AiMs 1 aNd 2. the aIrwaY epithelium repREsenTs the first line of defensE for tHe LUngs AGaInst iNhaled-pOLlUTAntS aNd InfEcTIoUs ageNts. injury tO the airway EpiThElium occurs dURiNg mechanicAl vEntilation anD in InflamMaTorY DiseaSes Such aS asthmA. movemeNt of air inTo ANd out oF The lungS DUrIng", "whitespace_perturbation": " methylation status of the allele in mice br edfo r Ai ms 1 and 2. The ai r wayepithelium representsthe f ir s t li n eof de fense f o rt h e l un gs ag ai n st inha led -pollut ants and i nfe ct ious agents. In jury to th e a irway epithe liu m occu rs du r ing m ech anica l vent i lation and in i nf l ammato r y disea s e ssuch as asthma. Movem e nt of air into an d outof th e lun gsduring", "underscore_trick": " methylation_status of_the allele in mice_bred for_Aims_1 and_2._The airway epithelium_represents the first_line of defense for_the lungs against_inhaled-pollutants_and infectious agents. Injury to the airway epithelium occurs during mechanical ventilation and in_inflammatory_diseases such_as_asthma._Movement of air into and_out of the lungs during"} +{"text": " a preclinical murine model. The focus of Phase II will be the development of a commercial imaging platform that is optimized to monitor the in vivo effects of anti-metastatic therapies. When our system is benchmarked against the current standards of optical imaging, we expect to find a 10x increase in spatial resolution enabling detection of", "synonym_substitution": "a preclinical murine model. The focus of Phase II will be the development of a commercial imaging chopine that is optimize to monitor the in vivo effects of anti - metastatic therapies. When our arrangement is benchmarked against the current criterion of optical imaging, we have a bun in the oven to find oneself a 10x increase in spatial resolution enabling detection of", "butter_fingers": " a oreclinical murine model. The focus of Pkqse II will ge the ddvelopment of a commercial ilating kjatform that is opgimized tl monitoe tht in vivo effects of anti-metastzbic tkecapies. When our system is benchmarked acakndt the current standards of optical imaginb, ae expect to fynd s 10x ihbrtase in spatial resolution enablihg detebtion of", "random_deletion": "a preclinical murine model. The focus of will the development a commercial imaging monitor in vivo effects anti-metastatic therapies. When system is benchmarked against the current of optical imaging, we expect to find a 10x increase in spatial resolution detection of", "change_char_case": " a preclinical murine model. ThE focus of PhAse II WilL be ThE devElopMent of a commercIAl imAging platform that is optImizeD tO MoniTOr The in Vivo effECtS OF anTi-MeTasTaTIc TheraPieS. When ouR system is bEncHmArked against THe Current staNdaRds of optical ImaGing, we ExPecT To finD a 10x IncreAse in sPAtial rEsolution EnABling dETection OF", "whitespace_perturbation": " a preclinical murine mode l. The foc us of Ph ase I I wi ll b e the developm e nt o f a commercial imaging plat fo r m th a tis op timized to m oni to rthe i n v ivo e ffe cts ofanti-metas tat ic therapies.W he n our syst emis benchmark edagains tthe curre ntstand ards o f optic al imagin g, we exp e ct to f i n da 10 x increase in spa t ia l resolution en abling d e te c t ion of ", "underscore_trick": " a_preclinical murine_model. The focus of_Phase II_will_be the_development_of a commercial_imaging platform that_is optimized to monitor_the in vivo_effects_of anti-metastatic therapies. When our system is benchmarked against the current standards of optical_imaging,_we expect_to_find_a 10x increase in spatial_resolution enabling detection of"} +{"text": " this study may provide prognostic markers for this disease. We have refined methods for flow cytometric monitoring of patient specimens for apoptosis induced by chemotherapy and have been able to detect apoptosis in specific cell populations. This has allowed us to demonstrate different sensitivities of specific cell lineages to chemotherapeutic agents. We have initiated a study of clonal", "synonym_substitution": "this study may provide prognostic markers for this disease. We get refine methods for flow cytometric monitoring of patient specimens for apoptosis induce by chemotherapy and have been able to detect apoptosis in specific cell populations. This has leave us to demonstrate different sensitivity of specific cell lineages to chemotherapeutic agent. We have initiated a study of clonal", "butter_fingers": " thls study may provide pronnostic markers yir thiv disezse. We hxve refined methods for flow cttomeugic monitoring of patkent specpmens for apoktosis induced by chemothcxapy zkd hare been able to cetect apo[tosis in spechfkc cell populations. This has allowed ts to drmlnstrate diffetent xqnsifpvlties of specific cell lineages fo chemmtherapeutic sgents. We have initiated a stufy of clonal", "random_deletion": "this study may provide prognostic markers for We refined methods flow cytometric monitoring induced chemotherapy and have able to detect in specific cell populations. This has us to demonstrate different sensitivities of specific cell lineages to chemotherapeutic agents. We initiated a study of clonal", "change_char_case": " this study may provide prognoStic markerS for tHis DisEaSe. We Have Refined methods FOr flOw cytometric monitoring Of patIeNT speCImEns foR apoptoSIs INDucEd By CheMoTHeRapy aNd hAve been Able to deteCt aPoPtosis in specIFiC cell populAtiOns. This has alLowEd us to DeMonSTrate DifFerenT sensiTIvitieS of specifIc CEll linEAges to cHEMoTherApeutic agents. We haVE iNItiated a study oF clonaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " this study may provide pr ognostic m arker s f orth is d isea se. We have re f ined methods for flow cyto metri cm onit o ri ng of patien t s p e cim en sfor a p op tosis in duced b y chemothe rap yand have bee n a ble to det ect apoptosis i n s pecifi ccel l popu lat ions. Thish as all owed us t od emonst r ate dif f e re nt s ensitivities of s p ec i fic cell linea ges to c h em o t her ape utic agent s. We h a ve init i at e d a s t udy of clonal ", "underscore_trick": " this_study may_provide prognostic markers for_this disease._We_have refined_methods_for flow cytometric_monitoring of patient_specimens for apoptosis induced_by chemotherapy and_have_been able to detect apoptosis in specific cell populations. This has allowed us to_demonstrate_different sensitivities_of_specific_cell lineages to chemotherapeutic agents._We have initiated a study_of clonal"} +{"text": " Ligand-mediated TCR degradation is inhibitable both by reagents that block vesicular acidification and by inhibitors of the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway, suggesting a complex pathway leading to TCR degradation. Our determination that the TCR is a substrate for ubiquitination has led us to evaluate ubiquitination in more detail. A family of human", "synonym_substitution": "Ligand - mediated TCR degradation is inhibitable both by reagents that block vesicular acidification and by inhibitor of the ubiquitin / proteasome nerve pathway, suggest a complex pathway leading to TCR abasement. Our determination that the TCR is a substrate for ubiquitination has led us to evaluate ubiquitination in more contingent. A kin of human", "butter_fingers": " Lihand-mediated TCR degradauion is inhibitable both by rezgents tfat block vesicular acidificetiob and by inhibitors of the jbiquitin/iroteasomw pauhway, suggesting e complew patgaay nxading to TCR dggradation. Ogr determinatimn tkat the TCR is a substrate for ubiquytinatipn has led us to evaktate lblquitination in more detail. A fajily of human", "random_deletion": "Ligand-mediated TCR degradation is inhibitable both by block acidification and inhibitors of the pathway to TCR degradation. determination that the is a substrate for ubiquitination has us to evaluate ubiquitination in more detail. A family of human", "change_char_case": " Ligand-mediated TCR degradatIon is inhibItablE boTh bY rEageNts tHat block vesicuLAr acIdification and by inhibiTors oF tHE ubiQUiTin/prOteasomE PaTHWay, SuGgEstInG A cOmpleX paThway leAding to TCR DegRaDation. Our detERmInation thaT thE TCR is a substRatE for ubIqUitINatioN haS led uS to evaLUate ubIquitinatIoN In more DEtail. A fAMIlY of hUman", "whitespace_perturbation": " Ligand-mediated TCR degra dation isinhib ita ble b othby r eagents that b l ockvesicular acidificatio n and b y inh i bi torsof theu bi q u iti n/ pr ote as o me path way , sugge sting a co mpl ex pathway lea d in g to TCR d egr adation. Our de termin at ion thatthe TCRis a s u bstrat e for ubi qu i tinati o n has l e d u s to evaluate ubiquit i na t ion in more de tail.Af am i l y o f h uman", "underscore_trick": " Ligand-mediated_TCR degradation_is inhibitable both by_reagents that_block_vesicular acidification_and_by inhibitors of_the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway,_suggesting a complex pathway_leading to TCR_degradation._Our determination that the TCR is a substrate for ubiquitination has led us to_evaluate_ubiquitination in_more_detail._A family of human"} +{"text": " distinguished Scientific Advisory Board, will answer three questions: (1) How do relevant stakeholder groups perceive different PEIs for the treatment of depression? That is, what are their ethical concerns and related beliefs and attitudes about the use of PEIs? (2) How do PEI characteristics and disease severity shape ethical concerns and", "synonym_substitution": "distinguished Scientific Advisory Board, will answer three questions: (1) How do relevant stakeholder groups perceive unlike pei for the discussion of depression? That is, what are their ethical concerns and related beliefs and position about the use of PEIs? (2) How do PEI characteristic and disease asperity shape ethical concerns and", "butter_fingers": " didtinguished Scientific Aavisory Board, wnol ansxer thrse questkons: (1) How do relevant stakehlleer geoups perceive differevt PEIs flr the teeatnwnt of depcsssion? Bkat ia, whac ere their ethicsl concernv and related teuizfs and attitudes about the use of PQIs? (2) Hoe fo PEI charactgristpcf ans disease severity shape ethical ckncerns and", "random_deletion": "distinguished Scientific Advisory Board, will answer three How relevant stakeholder perceive different PEIs That what are their concerns and related and attitudes about the use of (2) How do PEI characteristics and disease severity shape ethical concerns and", "change_char_case": " distinguished Scientific AdVisory BoarD, will AnsWer ThRee qUestIons: (1) How do relevANt stAkeholder groups perceivE diffErENt PEiS fOr the TreatmeNT oF DEprEsSiOn? THaT Is, What aRe tHeir ethIcal concerNs aNd Related belieFS aNd attitudeS abOut the use of PeIs? (2) how do PeI ChaRActerIstIcs anD diseaSE severIty shape eThICal conCErns and", "whitespace_perturbation": " distinguished ScientificAdvisory B oard, wi llan swer thr ee questions:( 1) H ow do relevant stakeho ldergr o upsp er ceive differ e nt P EIs f or th et re atmen t o f depre ssion? Tha t i s, what are th e ir ethical c onc erns and rel ate d beli ef s a n d att itu des a bout t h e useof PEIs?(2 ) How d o PEI ch a r ac teri stics and disease se v erity shape et hicalco n ce r n s a nd", "underscore_trick": " distinguished_Scientific Advisory_Board, will answer three_questions: (1)_How_do relevant_stakeholder_groups perceive different_PEIs for the_treatment of depression? That_is, what are_their_ethical concerns and related beliefs and attitudes about the use of PEIs? (2) How_do_PEI characteristics_and_disease_severity shape ethical concerns and"} +{"text": ", we have shown that loss of MK-STYX increases ATP production. Therefore, we predict that the elevation in cellular ATP due to loss of MK-STYX is sufficient to inhibit apoptosome formation and entry into apoptosis. We have shown that MK-STYX interacts with two additional mitochondrial proteins and we", "synonym_substitution": ", we have shown that loss of MK - STYX increases ATP production. consequently, we bode that the acme in cellular ATP due to loss of MK - STYX is sufficient to inhibit apoptosome geological formation and entry into apoptosis. We have shown that MK - STYX interact with two additional mitochondrial proteins and we", "butter_fingers": ", we have shown that loss of MK-STYX increasgs ATP pcoductikn. Therewore, we predict that the eletatiin in cellular ATP due to luss of MK-DTYX is wuffmcient to inhibiv apoptosome fkvmatimi and entry intp apoptosiv. We have showt ghct MK-STYX interacts with two additiogal mitpcjondrial proteyns sgd ws", "random_deletion": ", we have shown that loss of ATP Therefore, we that the elevation loss MK-STYX is sufficient inhibit apoptosome formation entry into apoptosis. We have shown MK-STYX interacts with two additional mitochondrial proteins and we", "change_char_case": ", we have shown that loss of MK-STyX increaseS ATP pRodUctIoN. TheRefoRe, we predict thaT The eLevation in cellular ATP dUe to lOsS Of MK-stYx is suFficienT To INHibIt ApOptOsOMe FormaTioN and entRy into apopTosIs. we have shown tHAt mK-STYX inteRacTs with two addItiOnal miToChoNDrial ProTeins And we", "whitespace_perturbation": ", we have shown that lossof MK-STYX incr eas esAT P pr oduc tion. Therefor e , we predict that the elev ation i n cel l ul ar AT P due t o l o s s o fMK -ST YX is suff ici ent toinhibit ap opt os ome formatio n a nd entry i nto apoptosis.Wehave s ho wnt hat M K-S TYX i nterac t s with two addi ti o nal mi t ochondr i a lprot eins and we", "underscore_trick": ", we_have shown_that loss of MK-STYX_increases ATP_production._Therefore, we_predict_that the elevation_in cellular ATP_due to loss of_MK-STYX is sufficient_to_inhibit apoptosome formation and entry into apoptosis. We have shown that MK-STYX interacts with_two_additional mitochondrial_proteins_and_we"} +{"text": " AD is the most common dementia in the elderly population and one of the leading causes of death in the developed world. One of the main problems in AD is the lack of an early, sensitive and objective laboratory diagnosis to identify individuals that will develop the disease before substantial brain damage. Compelling evidences point that the hallmark event", "synonym_substitution": "AD is the most common dementia in the elderly population and one of the leading campaign of end in the developed world. One of the main trouble in AD is the lack of an early, sensible and objective laboratory diagnosis to identify individuals that will explicate the disease before substantial brain price. Compelling evidences point that the authentication event", "butter_fingers": " AD is the most common demektia in the eldetlt popunation and one of the leading causes of deeth un tht developed world. Ove of the main priblenw in AD is the lack of ah earnb, sensitive and objective laboratory didgvodis to identify individuals that wijl devekoo the disease fefoge subanaktial brain damage. Compelling evjdences point that tne hallmark event", "random_deletion": "AD is the most common dementia in population one of leading causes of One the main problems AD is the of an early, sensitive and objective diagnosis to identify individuals that will develop the disease before substantial brain damage. evidences point that the hallmark event", "change_char_case": " AD is the most common dementia In the elderLy popUlaTioN aNd onE of tHe leading causeS Of deAth in the developed world. one of ThE Main PRoBlems In AD is tHE lACK of An EaRly, SeNSiTive aNd oBjectivE laboratorY diAgNosis to identIFy IndividualS thAt will develoP thE diseaSe BefORe subStaNtial Brain dAMage. CoMpelling eViDEnces pOInt that THE hAllmArk event", "whitespace_perturbation": " AD is the most common dem entia in t he el der lypo pula tion and one of th e lea ding causes of death i n the d e velo p ed worl d. Oneo ft h e m ai npro bl e ms in A D i s the l ack of anear ly , sensitivea nd objective la boratory dia gno sis to i den t ify i ndi vidua ls tha t willdevelop t he diseas e before s ub stan tial brain damage . C o mpelling evide nces p oi n tt h atthe hallmarkev ent", "underscore_trick": " AD_is the_most common dementia in_the elderly_population_and one_of_the leading causes_of death in_the developed world. One_of the main_problems_in AD is the lack of an early, sensitive and objective laboratory diagnosis to_identify_individuals that_will_develop_the disease before substantial brain_damage. Compelling evidences point that_the hallmark_event"} +{"text": " have continued to investigate the mechanism of PI3K stimulation by TRbeta and the consequences of PI3K signaling for the physiological effects of thyroid hormone. We have used a fluorescent PIP3 binding domain from the Akt protein kinase coupled with cyan and yellow fluorecent proteins to detect PIP3 production by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (", "synonym_substitution": "have continued to investigate the mechanism of PI3 K stimulation by TRbeta and the consequences of PI3 K signaling for the physiologic effect of thyroid hormone. We have used a fluorescent PIP3 bind world from the Akt protein kinase coupled with cyan and yellow fluorecent protein to detect PIP3 production by fluorescence resonance energy transportation (", "butter_fingers": " hage continued to investigxte the mechanism of PM3K stimhlation cy TRbeta and the consequencxs od PI3K signaling for the phyriologicap effectw of rhyroid hocjone. We have hded c hluorescent PIP3 binding dmmain from the Ayt protein kinase coupled with cyan agd yellpw fluorecent prjteimf to detect PIP3 production by fluorescsnce revonance energu transfer (", "random_deletion": "have continued to investigate the mechanism of by and the of PI3K signaling thyroid We have used fluorescent PIP3 binding from the Akt protein kinase coupled cyan and yellow fluorecent proteins to detect PIP3 production by fluorescence resonance energy (", "change_char_case": " have continued to investigatE the mechanIsm of pI3K StiMuLatiOn by tRbeta and the coNSequEnces of PI3K signaling for The phYsIOlogICaL effeCts of thYRoID HorMoNe. we hAvE UsEd a flUorEscent PiP3 binding dOmaIn From the Akt prOTeIn kinase coUplEd with cyan anD yeLlow flUoRecENt proTeiNs to dEtect Pip3 produCtion by flUoREscencE ResonanCE EnErgy Transfer (", "whitespace_perturbation": " have continued to investi gate the m echan ism of P I3Kstim ulation by TRb e ta a nd the consequences of PI3K s i gnal i ng forthe phy s io l o gic al e ffe ct s o f thy roi d hormo ne. We hav e u se d a fluoresc e nt PIP3 bind ing domain from th e Aktpr ote i n kin ase coup led wi t h cyan and yell ow fluore c ent pro t e in s to detect PIP3 prod u ct i on by fluoresc ence r es o na n c e e ner gy transfe r(", "underscore_trick": " have_continued to_investigate the mechanism of_PI3K stimulation_by_TRbeta and_the_consequences of PI3K_signaling for the_physiological effects of thyroid_hormone. We have_used_a fluorescent PIP3 binding domain from the Akt protein kinase coupled with cyan and_yellow_fluorecent proteins_to_detect_PIP3 production by fluorescence resonance_energy transfer ("} +{"text": " and in asthmatics for exacerbated disease. Project Narrative: The coordinated production of chemokines during pulmonary inflammation leads to the recruitment of various leukocytes into the lung interstitium and airway. Identifying chemokine mediators as well as the relevant receptor during allergic and viral disease may be important for identifying therapeutics targets for treating chronic", "synonym_substitution": "and in asthmatics for exacerbated disease. Project Narrative: The coordinated production of chemokines during pulmonary excitement go to the recruitment of various leukocytes into the lung interstitium and airway. name chemokine mediators as well as the relevant sense organ during allergic and viral disease may be important for identifying therapeutics target for treating chronic", "butter_fingers": " anf in asthmatics for exactrbated disease. Ptohect Nerrativs: The courdinated production of chemlkunes euring pulmonary inflaomation lvads to tye rtcruitment of varmkus leukocytea intm the lung intetstitium and airway. Identixykny chemokine mediators as well as the relevamt receptor durigg akjergjb cnd viral disease may be importznt for identifying yherapeutics targets for tgeatlng chronic", "random_deletion": "and in asthmatics for exacerbated disease. Project coordinated of chemokines pulmonary inflammation leads leukocytes the lung interstitium airway. Identifying chemokine as well as the relevant receptor allergic and viral disease may be important for identifying therapeutics targets for treating", "change_char_case": " and in asthmatics for exacerbAted diseasE. ProjEct narRaTive: the cOordinated prodUCtioN of chemokines during pulMonarY iNFlamMAtIon leAds to thE ReCRUitMeNt Of vArIOuS leukOcyTes into The lung intErsTiTium and airwaY. idEntifying cHemOkine mediatoRs aS well aS tHe rELevanT reCeptoR durinG AllergIc and viraL dISease mAY be impoRTAnT for Identifying therapEUtICs targets for trEating ChROnIC", "whitespace_perturbation": " and in asthmatics for exa cerbated d iseas e.Pro je ct N arra tive: The coor d inat ed production of chemo kines d u ring pu lmona ry infl a mm a t ion l ea dsto th e rec rui tment o f variousleu ko cytes into t h elung inter sti tium and air way . Iden ti fyi n g che mok ine m ediato r s as w ell as th er elevan t recept o r d urin g allergic and vi r al disease may be impor ta n tf o r i den tifying th er apeut i cs targ e ts f o r t r eating chroni c", "underscore_trick": " and_in asthmatics_for exacerbated disease. Project_Narrative: The_coordinated_production of_chemokines_during pulmonary inflammation_leads to the_recruitment of various leukocytes_into the lung_interstitium_and airway. Identifying chemokine mediators as well as the relevant receptor during allergic and_viral_disease may_be_important_for identifying therapeutics targets for_treating chronic"} +{"text": "ERATIONS 8 PROJECT 1: NLR in Host Response to Gamma-Herpesviruses 9 PROJECT 2: Regulators of Innate Immune Responses to Gamma-herpesviruses 17 PROJECT 3: Role of Non-Coding RNAs in Regulating Gamma-Herpesvirus-Host-Interactions 26 PRO", "synonym_substitution": "ERATIONS 8 PROJECT 1: NLR in Host Response to Gamma - Herpesviruses 9 PROJECT 2: Regulators of Innate Immune Responses to Gamma - herpesviruses 17 PROJECT 3: Role of Non - Coding RNAs in determine Gamma - Herpesvirus - Host - Interactions 26 professional", "butter_fingers": "ERAHIONS 8 PROJECT 1: NLR in Hust Response to Gamma-Hxrpesviduses 9 PFOJECT 2: Regulators of Innate Inmune Responses to Gamma-heroesvirused 17 PROJEXT 3: Cole of Non-Codinj RNAs ik Reghpatiug Gamma-Herpesvitus-Host-Interdctions 26 PRO", "random_deletion": "ERATIONS 8 PROJECT 1: NLR in Host Gamma-Herpesviruses PROJECT 2: of Innate Immune 3: of Non-Coding RNAs Regulating Gamma-Herpesvirus-Host-Interactions 26", "change_char_case": "ERATIONS 8 PROJECT 1: NLR in Host REsponse to GAmma-HErpEsvIrUses 9 pROJeCT 2: Regulators oF innaTe Immune Responses to GamMa-herPeSViruSEs 17 pROJEcT 3: Role oF noN-cOdiNg rNas iN REGuLatinG GaMma-HerpEsvirus-HosT-InTeRactions 26 PRO", "whitespace_perturbation": "ERATIONS 8 PROJECT 1: NLRin Host Re spons e t o G am ma-H erpe sviruses 9 PRO J ECT2: Regulators of Innat e Imm un e Res p on ses t o Gamma - he r p esv ir us es17 PR OJECT 3: Role o f Non-Codi ngRN As in Regula t in g Gamma-He rpe svirus-Host- Int eracti on s 2 6 PRO", "underscore_trick": "ERATIONS 8_PROJECT 1:_NLR in Host Response_to Gamma-Herpesviruses_9_PROJECT 2:_Regulators_of Innate Immune_Responses to Gamma-herpesviruses_17 PROJECT 3: Role_of Non-Coding RNAs_in_Regulating Gamma-Herpesvirus-Host-Interactions 26 PRO"} +{"text": " test the hyposthesis that patients with chronic fatigue syndrome manifest a characteristic neuroendocrine defect, namely, a reduction in adrenal glucocorticoid secretion mediated by a failure in the central release of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). Specifically, we will confirm and extend our preliminary findings of impaired activation of the H", "synonym_substitution": "test the hyposthesis that patients with chronic fatigue syndrome manifest a characteristic neuroendocrine blemish, namely, a decrease in adrenal glucocorticoid secretion mediate by a failure in the cardinal release of adrenocorticotropic hormone - releasing hormone (CRH). Specifically, we will confirm and extend our preliminary determination of impaired activation of the hydrogen", "butter_fingers": " tedt the hyposthesis that katients with chronic favigue sgndrome oanifest a characteristic nenroebdocrune defect, namely, a reauction ij adrenao glncocorticoid seccstion mcbiates by c hailure in the gentral relaase of corticmtfo'in-releasing hormone (CRH). Specificallr, we wikl confirm and evtenc our irtliminary findings of impaired acfivatioi of the H", "random_deletion": "test the hyposthesis that patients with chronic manifest characteristic neuroendocrine namely, a reduction by failure in the release of corticotropin-releasing (CRH). Specifically, we will confirm and our preliminary findings of impaired activation of the H", "change_char_case": " test the hyposthesis that patIents with cHroniC faTigUe SyndRome Manifest a charaCTeriStic neuroendocrine defeCt, namElY, A redUCtIon in Adrenal GLuCOCorTiCoId sEcREtIon meDiaTed by a fAilure in thE ceNtRal release of COrTicotropin-RelEasing hormonE (CRh). SpeciFiCalLY, we wiLl cOnfirM and exTEnd our PreliminaRy FIndingS Of impaiRED aCtivAtion of the H", "whitespace_perturbation": " test the hyposthesis that patientswithchr oni cfati guesyndrome manif e st a characteristic neuroe ndocr in e def e ct , nam ely, ar ed u c tio nin ad re n al gluc oco rticoid secretion me di ated by a fa i lu re in thecen tral release of corti co tro p in-re lea singhormon e (CRH) . Specifi ca l ly, we will co n f ir m an d extend our prel i mi n ary findings o f impa ir e da c tiv ati on of theH", "underscore_trick": " test_the hyposthesis_that patients with chronic_fatigue syndrome_manifest_a characteristic_neuroendocrine_defect, namely, a_reduction in adrenal_glucocorticoid secretion mediated by_a failure in_the_central release of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). Specifically, we will confirm and extend our preliminary_findings_of impaired_activation_of_the H"} +{"text": " prevent the development of CM in patients with sub-clinical infection, and antifungal therapy is required. Yet, the optimal pre-emptive anti-fungal treatment dose and duration necessary to prevent CM in patients with sub-clinical infection have yet to be established. We propose to investigate how practical and effective CRAG screening and", "synonym_substitution": "prevent the development of CM in patients with sub - clinical infection, and antifungal therapy is command. so far, the optimal pre - emptive anti - fungal treatment dose and duration necessary to prevent curium in patients with sub - clinical infection hold yet to be established. We project to investigate how practical and effective CRAG screening and", "butter_fingers": " prfvent the development of CM in patients with snb-clinidal infeztion, and antifungal therapy iw reqyired. Yet, the optimal ore-emptivv anti-funtal ureatment dose anv duration necsdsarv vo prevent CM ik patients fith sub-clinicdl iufection have yet to be established. Re proppsf to investigaje hoe pradnigal and effective CRAG screening and", "random_deletion": "prevent the development of CM in patients infection, antifungal therapy required. Yet, the and necessary to prevent in patients with infection have yet to be established. propose to investigate how practical and effective CRAG screening and", "change_char_case": " prevent the development of CM In patients With sUb-cLinIcAl inFectIon, and antifungAL theRapy is required. Yet, the opTimal PrE-EmptIVe Anti-fUngal trEAtMENt dOsE aNd dUrATiOn necEssAry to prEvent CM in pAtiEnTs with sub-cliNIcAl infectioN haVe yet to be estAblIshed. WE pRopOSe to iNveStigaTe how pRActicaL and effecTiVE CRAG sCReening AND", "whitespace_perturbation": " prevent the development o f CM in pa tient s w ith s ub-c lini cal infection, andantifungal therapy isrequi re d . Ye t ,the o ptimalp re - e mpt iv eant i- f un gal t rea tment d ose and du rat io n necessaryt oprevent CM in patients wi thsub-cl in ica l infe cti on ha ve yet to beestablish ed . We pr o pose to i nv esti gate how practica l a n d effective CR AG scr ee n in g and ", "underscore_trick": " prevent_the development_of CM in patients_with sub-clinical_infection,_and antifungal_therapy_is required. Yet,_the optimal pre-emptive_anti-fungal treatment dose and_duration necessary to_prevent_CM in patients with sub-clinical infection have yet to be established. We propose to_investigate_how practical_and_effective_CRAG screening and"} +{"text": " In addition, our Senior Electronics/Computer Technician Mr. Jeff Struthers will provide 10% effort within the Core to support maintenance of computers and peripheral equipment used in research in all projects and cores. The remainder of his time is distributed among the projects to support each project's unique research equipment electronics and hardware needs.", "synonym_substitution": "In addition, our Senior Electronics / Computer Technician Mr. Jeff Struthers will provide 10% effort within the Core to support sustenance of computer and peripheral equipment used in research in all projects and core. The remainder of his time is circulate among the projects to support each undertaking's alone research equipment electronics and hardware indigence.", "butter_fingers": " In addition, our Senior Elegtronics/Computer Technirian Mr. Jeff Stfuthers will provide 10% effort wuthin the Core to support mxintenancv of compyterw and peripisral eqmnpmenf useb mn research in sll projecds and cores. Tve rzmainder of his time is distributed wmong tne projects to sopporu ewch lgomect's unique research equipment slectroiics and hardwate needs.", "random_deletion": "In addition, our Senior Electronics/Computer Technician Mr. will 10% effort the Core to peripheral used in research all projects and The remainder of his time is among the projects to support each project's unique research equipment electronics and hardware", "change_char_case": " In addition, our Senior ElectrOnics/CompuTer TeChnIciAn mr. JeFf StRuthers will proVIde 10% eFfort within the Core to suPport MaINtenANcE of coMputers ANd PERipHeRaL eqUiPMeNt useD in ResearcH in all projEctS aNd cores. The reMAiNder of his tIme Is distributeD amOng the PrOjeCTs to sUppOrt eaCh projECt's uniQue researCh EQuipmeNT electrONIcS and Hardware needs.", "whitespace_perturbation": " In addition, our Senior E lectronics /Comp ute r T ec hnic ianMr. Jeff Strut h erswill provide 10% effor t wit hi n the Co re to suppor t m a i nte na nc e o fc om puter s a nd peri pheral equ ipm en t used in re s ea rch in all pr ojects and c ore s. The r ema i nderofhis t ime is distri buted amo ng the pr o jects t o su ppor t each project'su ni q ue research eq uipmen te le c t ron ics and hardw ar e nee d s.", "underscore_trick": " In_addition, our_Senior Electronics/Computer Technician Mr._Jeff Struthers_will_provide 10%_effort_within the Core_to support maintenance_of computers and peripheral_equipment used in_research_in all projects and cores. The remainder of his time is distributed among the_projects_to support_each_project's_unique research equipment electronics and_hardware needs."} +{"text": " more genetically diverse mouse population of mice, namely an outbred population derived from the Collaborative Cross. The primary mapping population is a HS formed from the C57BL/6, DBA.2j, BALB/c and LP strains. Mapping in these HS4 will provide QTL resolution of approximately 1-", "synonym_substitution": "more genetically diverse mouse population of mice, namely an outbred population derived from the Collaborative Cross. The basal function population is a HS formed from the C57BL/6, DBA.2j, BALB / c and LP strains. function in these HS4 will provide QTL solution of approximately 1-", "butter_fingers": " moge genetically diverse muuse population of micx, namelg an outcred population derived from tye Coolaborative Cross. The orimary mwpping pipuletion is a HS focjed from the D57NL/6, DBC.2j, BALB/c and LP xtrains. Ma[ping in these HR4 cill provide QTL resolution of approvimatelu 1-", "random_deletion": "more genetically diverse mouse population of mice, outbred derived from Collaborative Cross. The HS from the C57BL/6, BALB/c and LP Mapping in these HS4 will provide resolution of approximately 1-", "change_char_case": " more genetically diverse mouSe populatiOn of mIce, NamElY an oUtbrEd population deRIved From the Collaborative CrOss. ThE pRImarY MaPping PopulatIOn IS A HS FoRmEd fRoM ThE C57BL/6, DbA.2j, bALB/c anD LP strains. mapPiNg in these HS4 wILl Provide QTL ResOlution of appRoxImatelY 1-", "whitespace_perturbation": " more genetically diversemouse popu latio n o f m ic e, n amel y an outbred p o pula tion derived from theColla bo r ativ e C ross. The pr i ma r y ma pp in g p op u la tionisa HS fo rmed fromthe C 57BL/6, DBA. 2 j, BALB/c an d L P strains. M app ing in t hes e HS4wil l pro vide Q T L reso lution of a p proxim a tely 1- ", "underscore_trick": " more_genetically diverse_mouse population of mice,_namely an_outbred_population derived_from_the Collaborative Cross._The primary mapping_population is a HS_formed from the_C57BL/6,_DBA.2j, BALB/c and LP strains. Mapping in these HS4 will provide QTL resolution of_approximately_1-"} +{"text": " the skills needed for educational and career success. The long term aim of the proposed research is to define the molecular structure and function of the midkine signal transduction pathway which regulates cellular proliferation and differentiation Special emphasis in this effort is placed on the molecular cloning of the cell surface Midkine signal transduction receptor which we have recently", "synonym_substitution": "the skills needed for educational and career success. The long condition purpose of the proposed research is to define the molecular social organization and function of the midkine signal transduction pathway which regulates cellular proliferation and specialization particular emphasis in this attempt is placed on the molecular cloning of the cell airfoil Midkine signal transduction receptor which we have recently", "butter_fingers": " thf skills needed for educxtional and cargee succxss. The long tefm aim of the proposed reseacch us to define the molecular rtructure and funxtioi of the midkine signal bxansdhgtion 'athway which rggulates celnular proliferdtkou and differentiation Special emphasys in tnid effort is plwced jn tgv nolecular cloning of the cell surfact Midkine signal ttansduction receptor which we jave recently", "random_deletion": "the skills needed for educational and career long aim of proposed research is and of the midkine transduction pathway which cellular proliferation and differentiation Special emphasis this effort is placed on the molecular cloning of the cell surface Midkine transduction receptor which we have recently", "change_char_case": " the skills needed for educatiOnal and carEer suCceSs. THe Long Term Aim of the proposED resEarch is to define the moleCular StRUctuRE aNd funCtion of THe MIDkiNe SiGnaL tRAnSductIon Pathway Which regulAteS cEllular proliFErAtion and diFfeRentiation SpEciAl emphAsIs iN This eFfoRt is pLaced oN The molEcular cloNiNG of the CEll surfACE MIdkiNe signal transductIOn REceptor which we Have reCeNTlY", "whitespace_perturbation": " the skills needed for edu cational a nd ca ree r s uc cess . Th e long term ai m ofthe proposed researchis to d e fine th e mol eculars tr u c tur ean d f un c ti on of th e midki ne signaltra ns duction path w ay which reg ula tes cellular pr olifer at ion and d iff erent iation Specia l emphasi si n this efforti s p lace d on the molecula r c l oning of the c ell su rf a ce M idk ine signal tr an sduct i on rece p to r w hic h we have rece ntly", "underscore_trick": " the_skills needed_for educational and career_success. The_long_term aim_of_the proposed research_is to define_the molecular structure and_function of the_midkine_signal transduction pathway which regulates cellular proliferation and differentiation Special emphasis in this effort_is_placed on_the_molecular_cloning of the cell surface_Midkine signal transduction receptor which_we have_recently"} +{"text": " of HCV, including some of those discovered in this laboratory, are being biologically amplified in chimpanzees, packaged and distributed for use as challenge inocula in studies of passive and active immunoprophylaxis, etc. Full-length cDNA clones of HCV (genotypes 1a, 1b and 2a)", "synonym_substitution": "of HCV, including some of those discovered in this laboratory, are being biologically amplified in chimpanzee, box and distribute for use as challenge inoculant in studies of passive and active immunoprophylaxis, etc. broad - length complementary dna clone of HCV (genotypes 1a, 1b and 2a )", "butter_fingers": " of HCV, including some of tmose discovered nb this laborztory, ard being biologically amplifixd ib chinpanzees, packaged and aistributvd for usw as xhallenge mhocula lu stusles oy 'assive and actlve immunopsophylaxis, etc. Fjlp-length cDNA clones of HCV (genotypef 1a, 1b amd 2a)", "random_deletion": "of HCV, including some of those discovered laboratory, being biologically in chimpanzees, packaged challenge in studies of and active immunoprophylaxis, Full-length cDNA clones of HCV (genotypes 1b and 2a)", "change_char_case": " of HCV, including some of those Discovered In thiS laBorAtOry, aRe beIng biologicallY AmplIfied in chimpanzees, packAged aNd DIstrIBuTed foR use as cHAlLENge InOcUla In STuDies oF paSsive anD active immUnoPrOphylaxis, etc. fUlL-length cDNa clOnes of HCV (genOtyPes 1a, 1b aNd 2A)", "whitespace_perturbation": " of HCV, including some of those dis cover edinth is l abor atory, are bei n g bi ologically amplified i n chi mp a nzee s ,packa ged and di s t rib ut ed fo ru se as c hal lenge i nocula instu di es of passiv e a nd activeimm unoprophylax is, etc.Fu ll- l ength cD NA cl ones o f HCV ( genotypes 1 a , 1b a n d 2a)", "underscore_trick": " of_HCV, including_some of those discovered_in this_laboratory,_are being_biologically_amplified in chimpanzees,_packaged and distributed_for use as challenge_inocula in studies_of_passive and active immunoprophylaxis, etc. Full-length cDNA clones of HCV (genotypes 1a, 1b and_2a)"} +{"text": " processes involving RNA; specifically the nuclear DEAD-box RNA helicases p68 and p72 have been shown to be required for the processing of microRNA primary transcripts. MicroRNAs are critical for normal developmental processes are disregulated under pathological conditions. We demonstrate that Csm physically interacts with argonaute-2, a", "synonym_substitution": "processes involving RNA; specifically the nuclear DEAD - box RNA helicases p68 and p72 have been testify to be command for the processing of microRNA primary transcripts. MicroRNAs are critical for normal developmental processes are disregulated under diseased conditions. We demonstrate that Csm physically interacts with argonaute-2, a", "butter_fingers": " prlcesses involving RNA; sptcifically the nueoear DXAD-box DNA helizases p68 and p72 have been showi to be rtzuired for the prozessing ov microRBA pcimary transcripva. MicroVUAs adc criciral for normal cevelopmendal processes drd bisregulated under pathological condytions. Ee demonstrate trat Bsi phgsically interacts with argonaute-2, z", "random_deletion": "processes involving RNA; specifically the nuclear DEAD-box p68 p72 have shown to be microRNA transcripts. MicroRNAs are for normal developmental are disregulated under pathological conditions. We that Csm physically interacts with argonaute-2, a", "change_char_case": " processes involving RNA; specIfically thE nuclEar dEAd-bOx RNa helIcases p68 and p72 havE Been Shown to be required for thE procEsSIng oF MiCroRNa primarY TrANScrIpTs. micRornAS are cRitIcal for Normal deveLopMeNtal processeS ArE disregulaTed Under patholoGicAl condItIonS. we demOnsTrate That CsM PhysicAlly interAcTS with aRGonaute-2, A", "whitespace_perturbation": " processes involving RNA;specifical ly th e n ucl ea r DE AD-b ox RNA helicas e s p6 8 and p72 have been sh own t ob e re q ui red f or thep ro c e ssi ng o f m ic r oR NA pr ima ry tran scripts. M icr oR NAs are crit i ca l for norm aldevelopmenta l p rocess es ar e disr egu lated under pathol ogical co nd i tions. We demo n s tr atethat Csm physical l yi nteracts withargona ut e -2 , a", "underscore_trick": " processes_involving RNA;_specifically the nuclear DEAD-box_RNA helicases_p68_and p72_have_been shown to_be required for_the processing of microRNA_primary transcripts. MicroRNAs_are_critical for normal developmental processes are disregulated under pathological conditions. We demonstrate that Csm_physically_interacts with_argonaute-2,_a"} +{"text": " efficient transgene delivery to classified neurons. First, we will synthesize massive libraries of mutated AAV vectors and synthetic promoters, in which each variant is paired with a unique DNA barcode. We will then scRNA-Seq to capture the transcriptome for each cell and quantify the AAV and promoter- specific barcodes in every cell", "synonym_substitution": "efficient transgene delivery to classified neurons. First, we will synthesize massive library of mutate AAV vectors and synthetic promoter, in which each form is paired with a unique deoxyribonucleic acid barcode. We will then scRNA - Seq to capture the transcriptome for each cell and quantify the AAV and promoter- specific barcodes in every cell", "butter_fingers": " efvicient transgene delivevy to classified neuronv. Firsf, we wilu synthesize massive librarixs od mutqted AAV vectors and shnthetic iromoters, in xhich each variaif is palxed wjbh a bnmque DNA barcodg. We will than scRNA-Seq to cxpcure the transcriptome for each cell and qusnhify the AAV agd pgoioted- specific barcodes in every cell", "random_deletion": "efficient transgene delivery to classified neurons. First, synthesize libraries of AAV vectors and variant paired with a DNA barcode. We then scRNA-Seq to capture the transcriptome each cell and quantify the AAV and promoter- specific barcodes in every cell", "change_char_case": " efficient transgene deliverY to classifIed neUroNs. FIrSt, we Will Synthesize massIVe liBraries of mutated AAV vecTors aNd SYnthETiC promOters, in WHiCH EacH vArIanT iS PaIred wIth A unique dNA barcode. we wIlL then scRNA-SeQ To Capture the TraNscriptome foR eaCh cell AnD quANtify The aAV anD promoTEr- specIfic barcoDeS In everY Cell", "whitespace_perturbation": " efficient transgene deliv ery to cla ssifi edneu ro ns.Firs t, we will syn t hesi ze massive libraries o f mut at e d AA V v ector s and s y nt h e tic p ro mot er s ,in wh ich each v ariant ispai re d with a uni q ue DNA barco de. We will the n s cRNA-S eq to captu rethe t ranscr i ptomefor eachce l l andq uantify t he AAV and promoter- sp e ci f ic barcodes in every c e ll ", "underscore_trick": " efficient_transgene delivery_to classified neurons. First,_we will_synthesize_massive libraries_of_mutated AAV vectors_and synthetic promoters,_in which each variant_is paired with_a_unique DNA barcode. We will then scRNA-Seq to capture the transcriptome for each cell_and_quantify the_AAV_and_promoter- specific barcodes in every_cell"} +{"text": ", dormant and proliferative tumor cell phenotypes. 5. Extend key observations to human breast and head and neck squamous tumors. Support is requested for 9 predoctoral and 6 postdoctoral positions to establish a training program in the interdisciplinary area of Pharmacoinformatics. This program is proposed because current approaches to the discovery of", "synonym_substitution": ", dormant and proliferative tumor cell phenotypes. 5. Extend cardinal observation to human breast and head and neck squamous tumors. documentation is request for 9 predoctoral and 6 postdoctoral positions to establish a education program in the interdisciplinary area of Pharmacoinformatics. This program is propose because current approaches to the discovery of", "butter_fingers": ", dogmant and proliferative uumor cell phenotipws. 5. Exvend keg observxtions to human breast and hxad qnd ntbk squamous tumors. Suoport is gequested for 9 predoctorem and 6 ijstdkgtoran positions to gstablish a draining progrdm iu the interdisciplinary area of Phariacoinfprlatics. This prjgrak is lgokosed because current approaches fo the viscovery of", "random_deletion": ", dormant and proliferative tumor cell phenotypes. key to human and head and requested 9 predoctoral and postdoctoral positions to a training program in the interdisciplinary of Pharmacoinformatics. This program is proposed because current approaches to the discovery of", "change_char_case": ", dormant and proliferative tuMor cell pheNotypEs. 5. EXteNd Key oBserVations to human BReasT and head and neck squamouS tumoRs. sUppoRT iS requEsted foR 9 PrEDOctOrAl And 6 PoSTdOctorAl pOsitionS to establiSh a TrAining prograM In The interdiSciPlinary area oF PhArmacoInForMAtics. thiS progRam is pROposed Because cuRrENt apprOAches to THE dIscoVery of", "whitespace_perturbation": ", dormant and proliferativ e tumor ce ll ph eno typ es . 5. Ext end key observ a tion s to human breast andheadan d nec k s quamo us tumo r s. S upp or tisre q ue stedfor 9 pred octoral an d 6 p ostdoctoralp os itions toest ablish a tra ini ng pro gr ami n the in terdi scipli n ary ar ea of Pha rm a coinfo r matics. T hi s pr ogram is proposed be c ause current a pproac he s t o the di scovery of ", "underscore_trick": ", dormant_and proliferative_tumor cell phenotypes. 5._Extend key_observations_to human_breast_and head and_neck squamous tumors._Support is requested for_9 predoctoral and_6_postdoctoral positions to establish a training program in the interdisciplinary area of Pharmacoinformatics. This_program_is proposed_because_current_approaches to the discovery of"} +{"text": " be generated in which ADAR2 levels have been altered by over expression or by selective ablation of ADAR2 auto editing. Multiple, independent mouse lines will be assessed for gross alterations in animal phenotype, changes in the level of ADAR2 expression/activity, alterations in editing patterns for previously identified ADAR2 substrates and", "synonym_substitution": "be generated in which ADAR2 levels have been altered by over expression or by selective ablation of ADAR2 car editing. Multiple, autonomous shiner lines will be assessed for gross alteration in animal phenotype, changes in the level of ADAR2 construction / activeness, alterations in edit patterns for previously identified ADAR2 substrate and", "butter_fingers": " be generated in which ADAR2 levels have begn alterxd by ober exprdssion or by selective ablatmon if ADQR2 auto editing. Multipue, indepejdent moyse ounes will us assessed fod grovw alterations ln animal pvenotype, changas iu the level of ADAR2 expression/activiey, altetahions in editigg pseterhs for previously identified ADAR2 aubstraues and", "random_deletion": "be generated in which ADAR2 levels have by expression or selective ablation of mouse will be assessed gross alterations in phenotype, changes in the level of expression/activity, alterations in editing patterns for previously identified ADAR2 substrates and", "change_char_case": " be generated in which ADAR2 levEls have beeN alteRed By oVeR expRessIon or by selectiVE ablAtion of ADAR2 auto editing. multiPlE, IndePEnDent mOuse linES wILL be AsSeSseD fOR gRoss aLteRations In animal phEnoTyPe, changes in tHE lEvel of ADAR2 ExpRession/activIty, AlteraTiOns IN editIng PatteRns for PReviouSly identiFiED ADAR2 sUBstrateS ANd", "whitespace_perturbation": " be generated in which ADA R2 levelshavebee n a lt ered byover expressio n orby selective ablationof AD AR 2 aut o e ditin g. Mult i pl e , in de pe nde nt mo use l ine s willbe assesse d f or gross alter a ti ons in ani mal phenotype,cha nges i nthe level of ADAR 2 expr e ssion/ activity, a l terati o ns in e d i ti ng p atterns for previ o us l y identified A DAR2 s ub s tr a t esand ", "underscore_trick": " be_generated in_which ADAR2 levels have_been altered_by_over expression_or_by selective ablation_of ADAR2 auto_editing. Multiple, independent mouse_lines will be_assessed_for gross alterations in animal phenotype, changes in the level of ADAR2 expression/activity, alterations_in_editing patterns_for_previously_identified ADAR2 substrates and"} +{"text": " more than 90% of the times. Peto's formula overestimated the true variance when the survival rates were less than or equal to 0.5. The accuracy of the three different variance estimators is investigated using the relative bias, mean square error and confidence coefficient criteria. the absolute value of the relative bias for the modified", "synonym_substitution": "more than 90% of the times. Peto's formula overestimated the true discrepancy when the survival pace were less than or equal to 0.5. The accuracy of the three different variance calculator is investigated using the relative diagonal, intend square error and confidence coefficient criteria. the absolute value of the proportional bias for the modified", "butter_fingers": " moge than 90% of the times. Peuo's formula overestimatev the tdue varixnce when the survival rates wwre ltfs than or equal tu 0.5. The acburacy of the rhree diffxdent vavnance cstimctirs is investinated using the relative tixs, mean square error and confidence cjefficirnh criteria. the abspjute naoue of the relative bias for fhe modpfied", "random_deletion": "more than 90% of the times. Peto's the variance when survival rates were 0.5. accuracy of the different variance estimators investigated using the relative bias, mean error and confidence coefficient criteria. the absolute value of the relative bias for modified", "change_char_case": " more than 90% of the times. Peto's foRmula overeStimaTed The TrUe vaRianCe when the surviVAl raTes were less than or equal To 0.5. The AcCUracY Of The thRee diffEReNT VarIaNcE esTiMAtOrs is InvEstigatEd using the RelAtIve bias, mean sQUaRe error and ConFidence coeffIciEnt criTeRia. THe absOluTe valUe of thE RelatiVe bias for ThE ModifiED", "whitespace_perturbation": " more than 90% of the time s. Peto'sformu laove re stim ated the true vari a ncewhen the survival rate s wer el esst ha n orequal t o 0 . 5 . T he a ccu ra c yof th e t hree di fferent va ria nc e estimators is investiga ted using the r ela tive b ia s,m ean s qua re er ror an d confi dence coe ff i cientc riteria . th e ab solute value of t h er elative bias f or the m o di f i ed", "underscore_trick": " more_than 90%_of the times. Peto's_formula overestimated_the_true variance_when_the survival rates_were less than_or equal to 0.5._The accuracy of_the_three different variance estimators is investigated using the relative bias, mean square error and_confidence_coefficient criteria._the_absolute_value of the relative bias_for the modified"} +{"text": " the localized energy depositions from I-125 disintegrations will be used to ask about the basis of aberration formation. Mammalian cells (human and hamster) will be irradiated at different stages of the cell cycle and the frequencies and types of chromosomal changes, cell survival and cytokinetic changes monitored. Low", "synonym_substitution": "the localized energy depositions from I-125 disintegrations will be use to necessitate about the basis of aberration constitution. Mammalian cell (human and hamster) will be irradiated at different stage of the cellular telephone cycle and the frequencies and types of chromosomal changes, cell survival and cytokinetic change monitored. Low", "butter_fingers": " thf localized energy deposltions from I-125 disintegretions sill be jsed to ask about the basis lf abereation formation. Mammauian celld (human qnd iamster) will be mdradiatcb at slfferznv stages of the cell cycla and the freqgevcnes and types of chromosomal changes, cell sirgival and cytohineuic chahges monitored. Low", "random_deletion": "the localized energy depositions from I-125 disintegrations used ask about basis of aberration hamster) be irradiated at stages of the cycle and the frequencies and types chromosomal changes, cell survival and cytokinetic changes monitored. Low", "change_char_case": " the localized energy depositIons from I-125 dIsintEgrAtiOnS wilL be uSed to ask about tHE basIs of aberration formatioN. MammAlIAn ceLLs (Human And hamsTEr) WILl bE iRrAdiAtED aT diffEreNt stageS of the cell CycLe And the frequeNCiEs and types Of cHromosomal chAngEs, cell SuRviVAl and CytOkineTic chaNGes monItored. Low", "whitespace_perturbation": " the localized energy depo sitions fr om I- 125 di si nteg rati ons will be us e d to ask about the basis o f abe rr a tion fo rmati on. Mam m al i a n c el ls (h um a nand h ams ter) wi ll be irra dia te d at differe n tstages ofthe cell cycleand the f re que n ciesand type s of c h romoso mal chang es , cells urvival a nd cyt okinetic changesm on i tored. Low", "underscore_trick": " the_localized energy_depositions from I-125 disintegrations_will be_used_to ask_about_the basis of_aberration formation. Mammalian_cells (human and hamster)_will be irradiated_at_different stages of the cell cycle and the frequencies and types of chromosomal changes,_cell_survival and_cytokinetic_changes_monitored. Low"} +{"text": " in applying these novel technologies. Therefore, the Special Scientific Procedures Core: Genomics plays a critical supportive role in the proposed CIDAR. The Genomics Core has three primary aims, necessary to the completion of CIDAR goals: (1) to provide basic laboratory services to CIDAR investigators such as blood draws", "synonym_substitution": "in applying these novel technologies. Therefore, the Special Scientific Procedures Core: Genomics toy a critical supportive function in the proposed CIDAR. The Genomics Core has three primary aims, necessary to the completion of CIDAR finish: (1) to provide basic laboratory serve to CIDAR investigator such as blood draws", "butter_fingers": " in applying these novel teghnologies. Thereyire, thx Specizl Sciengific Procedures Core: Genomirs poays q critical supportive fole in tje propowed RIDAR. The Genomira Core mcs thdce prnmery aims, necesssry to the completion of CKDCR goals: (1) to provide basic laboratorr servived to CIDAR invgstigseors such as blood draws", "random_deletion": "in applying these novel technologies. Therefore, the Procedures Genomics plays critical supportive role Genomics has three primary necessary to the of CIDAR goals: (1) to provide laboratory services to CIDAR investigators such as blood draws", "change_char_case": " in applying these novel technOlogies. TheReforE, thE SpEcIal SCienTific ProcedureS core: genomics plays a critical SuppoRtIVe roLE iN the pRoposed ciDar. the geNoMicS CORe Has thRee Primary Aims, necessAry To The completioN Of cIDAR goals: (1) To pRovide basic lAboRatory SeRviCEs to CiDAr inveStigatORs such As blood drAwS", "whitespace_perturbation": " in applying these novel t echnologie s. Th ere for e, the Spe cial Scientifi c Pro cedures Core: Genomics play sa cri t ic al su pportiv e r o l e i nth e p ro p os ed CI DAR . The G enomics Co reha s three prim a ry aims, nec ess ary to the c omp letion o f C I DAR g oal s: (1 ) to p r ovidebasic lab or a tory s e rvicest o C IDAR investigators su c ha s blood draws", "underscore_trick": " in_applying these_novel technologies. Therefore, the_Special Scientific_Procedures_Core: Genomics_plays_a critical supportive_role in the_proposed CIDAR. The Genomics_Core has three_primary_aims, necessary to the completion of CIDAR goals: (1) to provide basic laboratory services_to_CIDAR investigators_such_as_blood draws"} +{"text": " fiscal responsibility and regulatory compliance; and Aim 3. Manage lead prioritization and documentation, the refinement of the Product Development Plan and a path to Commercialization. [unreadable] While much progress has been made to control preventable infectious diseases, infections remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Many of the traditional treatments for", "synonym_substitution": "fiscal responsibility and regulatory compliance; and Aim 3. Manage spark advance prioritization and software documentation, the refinement of the Product Development Plan and a path to Commercialization. [ indecipherable ] While much progress has been make to control preventable infectious diseases, contagion remain a major cause of unwholesomeness and deathrate. Many of the traditional treatments for", "butter_fingers": " fidcal responsibility and vegulatory complnqnce; aid Aim 3. Manage uead prioritization and doculebtatiin, the refinement of tfe Producn Developnent Plan and a path to Commedgialivavion. [unreadable] While mucv progress has bdeu made to control preventable infectyous dixewses, infectionf rekwin z major cause of morbidity and morfality. Kany of the ttaditional treatments for", "random_deletion": "fiscal responsibility and regulatory compliance; and Aim lead and documentation, refinement of the path Commercialization. [unreadable] While progress has been to control preventable infectious diseases, infections a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Many of the traditional treatments for", "change_char_case": " fiscal responsibility and reGulatory coMpliaNce; And aiM 3. ManAge lEad prioritizatIOn anD documentation, the refinEment Of THe PrODuCt DevElopmenT plAN And A pAtH to coMMeRcialIzaTion. [unrEadable] WhiLe mUcH progress has BEeN made to conTroL preventable InfEctiouS dIseASes, inFecTions Remain A Major cAuse of morBiDIty and MOrtalitY. mAnY of tHe traditional treaTMeNTs for", "whitespace_perturbation": " fiscal responsibility and regulator y com pli anc e; and Aim 3. Manage lea d pri oritization and docume ntati on , the re finem ent oft he P rod uc tDev el o pm ent P lan and apath to Co mme rc ialization.[ un readable]Whi le much prog res s hasbe enm ade t o c ontro l prev e ntable infectio us diseas e s, infe c t io ns r emain a major cau s eo f morbidity an d mort al i ty . Man y o f the trad it ional treatme n ts f o r", "underscore_trick": " fiscal_responsibility and_regulatory compliance; and Aim_3. Manage_lead_prioritization and_documentation,_the refinement of_the Product Development_Plan and a path_to Commercialization. [unreadable]_While_much progress has been made to control preventable infectious diseases, infections remain a major_cause_of morbidity_and_mortality._Many of the traditional treatments_for"} +{"text": " miRNA therapies in combination with currently used chemotherapies and targeted-therapeutics in cell culture, xenografts and in the Kras;p53 double mutant. This work is novel, timely and has clear and significant implications for human health and survival. The identification of miRNAs and targeted-therapies to perturb miRNA imbalance", "synonym_substitution": "miRNA therapies in combination with currently used chemotherapies and target - remedy in cellular telephone culture, xenografts and in the Kras;p53 double mutant. This study is novel, timely and has absolved and meaning implications for human health and survival. The identification of miRNAs and targeted - therapies to perturb miRNA imbalance", "butter_fingers": " miGNA therapies in combinauion with currently used chemofherapier and targeted-therapeutics ii ceol cuoture, xenografts and iv the Krad;p53 doublw muuant. This work is novel, tliely wnd kaw clear and sinnificant ikplications fos fulan health and survival. The identifycation ov miRNAs and twrgeued-eherziits to perturb miRNA imbalance", "random_deletion": "miRNA therapies in combination with currently used targeted-therapeutics cell culture, and in the is timely and has and significant implications human health and survival. The identification miRNAs and targeted-therapies to perturb miRNA imbalance", "change_char_case": " miRNA therapies in combinatiOn with currEntly UseD chEmOtheRapiEs and targeted-tHErapEutics in cell culture, xenOgrafTs ANd in THe kras;p53 Double mUTaNT. thiS wOrK is NoVEl, TimelY anD has cleAr and signiFicAnT implicationS FoR human healTh aNd survival. ThE idEntifiCaTioN Of miRnAs And taRgeted-THerapiEs to pertuRb MIRNA imBAlance", "whitespace_perturbation": " miRNA therapies in combin ation with curr ent lyus ed c hemo therapies andt arge ted-therapeutics in ce ll cu lt u re,x en ograf ts andi nt h e K ra s; p53 d o ub le mu tan t. This work is n ove l, timely andh as clear and si gnificant im pli cation sfor human he althand su r vival. The iden ti f icatio n of miR N A sandtargeted-therapie s t o perturb miRNA imbal an c e", "underscore_trick": " miRNA_therapies in_combination with currently used_chemotherapies and_targeted-therapeutics_in cell_culture,_xenografts and in_the Kras;p53 double_mutant. This work is_novel, timely and_has_clear and significant implications for human health and survival. The identification of miRNAs and_targeted-therapies_to perturb_miRNA_imbalance"} +{"text": " be analyzed for differences in intracellular localization;and 3) a search will be conducted for Akt2-specific substrates. It is anticipated that these studies will significantly extend the knowledge of physiological insulin-independent signaling and ultimately lead to the identification of potential targets for therapeutic intervention in diabetes mellitus. The spatial distribution of energy from ionizing", "synonym_substitution": "be analyzed for differences in intracellular localization;and 3) a search will be conducted for Akt2 - specific substrates. It is anticipate that these cogitation will significantly cover the cognition of physiological insulin - independent signaling and ultimately conduct to the identification of potential target for therapeutic intervention in diabetes mellitus. The spatial distribution of department of energy from ionizing", "butter_fingers": " be analyzed for differencer in intracellular locelizatikn;and 3) a search will be conducted foc Akr2-specufic substrates. It is xnticipatvd that tyese wtudies will signinncantmn extznv the knowledge of physionogical insulit-ivdzpendent signaling and ultimately lewd to tne identificatiog of [otehnicl targets for therapeutic intedventioi in diabetes mrllitus. The spatial distrihutiln of energy from lonizing", "random_deletion": "be analyzed for differences in intracellular localization;and search be conducted Akt2-specific substrates. It will extend the knowledge physiological insulin-independent signaling ultimately lead to the identification of targets for therapeutic intervention in diabetes mellitus. The spatial distribution of energy from", "change_char_case": " be analyzed for differences iN intracellUlar lOcaLizAtIon;aNd 3) a sEarch will be conDUcteD for Akt2-specific substraTes. It Is ANticIPaTed thAt these STuDIEs wIlL sIgnIfICaNtly eXteNd the knOwledge of pHysIoLogical insulIN-iNdependent SigNaling and ultImaTely leAd To tHE idenTifIcatiOn of poTEntial Targets foR tHErapeuTIc interVENtIon iN diabetes mellitus. tHe SPatial distribuTion of EnERgY FRom IonIzing", "whitespace_perturbation": " be analyzed for differenc es in intr acell ula r l oc aliz atio n;and 3) a sea r ch w ill be conducted for A kt2-s pe c ific su bstra tes. It is a nti ci pa ted t h at thes e s tudieswill signi fic an tly extend t h eknowledgeofphysiologica l i nsulin -i nde p enden t s ignal ing an d ultim ately lea dt o thei dentifi c a ti on o f potential targe t sf or therapeutic inter ve n ti o n in di abetes mel li tus.T he spat i al d i str i bution of ene rgy from io n izi ng", "underscore_trick": " be_analyzed for_differences in intracellular localization;and_3) a_search_will be_conducted_for Akt2-specific substrates._It is anticipated_that these studies will_significantly extend the_knowledge_of physiological insulin-independent signaling and ultimately lead to the identification of potential targets for_therapeutic_intervention in_diabetes_mellitus._The spatial distribution of energy_from ionizing"} +{"text": " cell apoptosis, proliferation, invasion, and metastasis. Specifically, the FAT domain interacts with the alpha helical LD2 and LD4 motifs of Paxillin to promote its biological effects. The structure of the FAT-Paxillin complex has been solved by x-ray crystallography however has been challenging to target with small molecules", "synonym_substitution": "cell apoptosis, proliferation, invasion, and metastasis. Specifically, the FAT domain interacts with the alpha helical LD2 and LD4 theme of Paxillin to advertise its biological effects. The structure of the FAT - Paxillin building complex has been solved by adam - ray crystallography however has been challenging to target with little molecules", "butter_fingers": " cepl apoptosis, proliferatiun, invasion, and metastesis. Spscificaluy, the FAT domain interacts xith the qlpha helical LD2 and LA4 motifs lf Paxiloin uo promote its biological effecfd. Thz wtructure of tme FAT-Paxilnin complex hav cezn solved by x-ray crystallography horever hss been challengyng uo eargsn cith small molecules", "random_deletion": "cell apoptosis, proliferation, invasion, and metastasis. Specifically, domain with the helical LD2 and promote biological effects. The of the FAT-Paxillin has been solved by x-ray crystallography has been challenging to target with small molecules", "change_char_case": " cell apoptosis, proliferatioN, invasion, aNd metAstAsiS. SPeciFicaLly, the FAT domaiN InteRacts with the alpha helicAl LD2 aNd ld4 motIFs Of PaxIllin to PRoMOTe iTs BiOloGiCAl EffecTs. THe strucTure of the FaT-PAxIllin complex HAs Been solved By x-Ray crystalloGraPhy howEvEr hAS been ChaLlengIng to tARget wiTh small moLeCUles", "whitespace_perturbation": " cell apoptosis, prolifera tion, inva sion, an d m et asta sis. Specifically, theFAT domain interacts w ith t he alph a h elica l LD2 a n dL D 4 m ot if s o fP ax illin to promot e its biol ogi ca l effects. T h estructureofthe FAT-Paxi lli n comp le x h a s bee n s olved by x- r ay cry stallogra ph y howev e r has b e e nchal lenging to target wi t h small molecu les", "underscore_trick": " cell_apoptosis, proliferation,_invasion, and metastasis. Specifically,_the FAT_domain_interacts with_the_alpha helical LD2_and LD4 motifs_of Paxillin to promote_its biological effects._The_structure of the FAT-Paxillin complex has been solved by x-ray crystallography however has been_challenging_to target_with_small_molecules"} +{"text": " photon counting to systems with fluorescence quenching. Second, we introduced a new and simpler to use method of analyzing single-molecule data (2). Third, we applied (3) this new method to interpret fluorescence resonance energy tranfer in polyproline (in collaboration with the W.A. Eaton's group,", "synonym_substitution": "photon counting to systems with fluorescence quenching. Second, we introduced a newfangled and bare to use method of analyzing unmarried - molecule data (2). Third, we lend oneself (3) this new method to rede fluorescence resonance energy tranfer in polyproline (in collaboration with the W.A. Eaton's group,", "butter_fingers": " phlton counting to systems with fluoresceuxe queiching. Aecond, wd introduced a new and simplxr ti use method of analyzing skngle-molebule data (2). Thmrd, we applied (3) vgis new methos to nnverpret fluoresgence resondnce energy trdnwex in polyproline (in collaboration wieh the E.A. Eaton's group,", "random_deletion": "photon counting to systems with fluorescence quenching. introduced new and to use method Third, applied (3) this method to interpret resonance energy tranfer in polyproline (in with the W.A. Eaton's group,", "change_char_case": " photon counting to systems wiTh fluorescEnce qUenChiNg. secoNd, we Introduced a new ANd siMpler to use method of analYzing SiNGle-mOLeCule dAta (2). ThirD, We APPliEd (3) ThIs nEw MEtHod to IntErpret fLuorescencE reSoNance energy tRAnFer in polypRolIne (in collaboRatIon witH tHe W.a. eaton'S grOup,", "whitespace_perturbation": " photon counting to system s with flu oresc enc e q ue nchi ng.Second, we int r oduc ed a new and simpler t o use m e thod of anal yzing s i ng l e -mo le cu leda t a(2).Thi rd, weapplied (3 ) t hi s new method to interpret fl uorescence r eso nanceen erg y tran fer in p olypro l ine (i n collabo ra t ion wi t h the W . A .Eato n's group,", "underscore_trick": " photon_counting to_systems with fluorescence quenching._Second, we_introduced_a new_and_simpler to use_method of analyzing_single-molecule data (2). Third,_we applied (3)_this_new method to interpret fluorescence resonance energy tranfer in polyproline (in collaboration with the_W.A._Eaton's group,"} +{"text": " of high quality animal resources. To meet these objectives we propose three major projects within the animal resources program: 1. Renovate animal surgery facilities to provide a suitable environment for recovery surgery and meet DHHS guidelines. 2. Improve satellite animal housing facilities to meet DHHS guidelines. (No funds are requested for this project", "synonym_substitution": "of high quality animal resources. To meet these aim we nominate three major projects within the animal resources program: 1. animate animal surgery facilities to supply a suitable environment for recovery operating room and meet DHHS guidelines. 2. better satellite animal housing facilities to suffer DHHS guidepost. (No funds are requested for this project", "butter_fingers": " of high quality animal resuurces. To meet jhwse oboectivea we prooose three major projects wivhin the qnimal resources progrxm: 1. Renovwte animql snrgery facilities to proynde a duitcboe environment for recovary surgery ang oezt DHHS guidelines. 2. Improve satellitq animak jousing facilijies uo ieet DHHS guidelines. (No funds are requssted fmr this projevt", "random_deletion": "of high quality animal resources. To meet we three major within the animal surgery to provide a environment for recovery and meet DHHS guidelines. 2. Improve animal housing facilities to meet DHHS guidelines. (No funds are requested for this", "change_char_case": " of high quality animal resourCes. To meet tHese oBjeCtiVeS we pRopoSe three major prOJectS within the animal resourCes prOgRAm: 1. ReNOvAte anImal surGErY FAciLiTiEs tO pROvIde a sUitAble envIronment foR reCoVery surgery aND mEet DHHS guiDelInes. 2. Improve sAteLlite aNiMal HOusinG faCilitIes to mEEt DHHS GuidelineS. (NO Funds aRE requesTED fOr thIs project", "whitespace_perturbation": " of high quality animal re sources. T o mee t t hes eobje ctiv es we proposet hree major projects within thean i malr es ource s progr a m: 1 . R en ov ate a n im al su rge ry faci lities topro vi de a suitabl e e nvironment fo r recovery s urg ery an dmee t DHHS gu ideli nes. 2 . Impro ve satell it e anima l housin g fa cili ties to meet DHHS gu i delines. (No f unds a re re q u est edfor this p ro ject", "underscore_trick": " of_high quality_animal resources. To meet_these objectives_we_propose three_major_projects within the_animal resources program:_1. Renovate animal surgery_facilities to provide_a_suitable environment for recovery surgery and meet DHHS guidelines. 2. Improve satellite animal housing_facilities_to meet_DHHS_guidelines._(No funds are requested for_this project"} +{"text": ", we propose to investigate in greater detail the effects of guanine nucleotide depletion on DNA synthesis and cell cycle progression. The relative expression of IMPDH I and II during the cell cycle and as a function of cellular proliferation will be examined in normal and neoplastic cell lines. Genomic clones containing the regulatory regions for the two genes", "synonym_substitution": ", we propose to investigate in greater detail the effects of guanine nucleotide depletion on deoxyribonucleic acid deduction and cellular telephone cycle progression. The relative formulation of IMPDH I and II during the cell cycle and as a routine of cellular proliferation will be examine in normal and neoplastic cell credit line. Genomic clones containing the regulative regions for the two genes", "butter_fingers": ", we propose to investigate ln greater detail the ehfects kf guanive nucleotide depletion on DIA stnthewis and cell cycle proeression. Nhe relatuve txpression of IMPVG I and II dudlng tke cell cycle anc as a funwtion of cellunaf 'roliferation will be examined in nowmal anc jeoplastic celj limqs. Gsnomic clones containing the regulztory rtgions for the two genes", "random_deletion": ", we propose to investigate in greater effects guanine nucleotide on DNA synthesis relative of IMPDH I II during the cycle and as a function of proliferation will be examined in normal and neoplastic cell lines. Genomic clones containing regulatory regions for the two genes", "change_char_case": ", we propose to investigate in gReater detaIl the EffEctS oF guaNine Nucleotide deplETion On DNA synthesis and cell cYcle pRoGRessIOn. the reLative eXPrESSioN oF ImPDh I ANd iI durIng The cell Cycle and as A fuNcTion of cellulAR pRoliferatiOn wIll be examineD in Normal AnD neOPlastIc cEll liNes. GenOMic cloNes contaiNiNG the reGUlatory REGiOns fOr the two genes", "whitespace_perturbation": ", we propose to investigat e in great er de tai l t he eff ects of guanine nu c leot ide depletion on DNA s ynthe si s and ce ll cy cle pro g re s s ion .Th e r el a ti ve ex pre ssion o f IMPDH Iand I I during the ce ll cycle a ndas a functio n o f cell ul arp rolif era tionwill b e exami ned in no rm a l andn eoplast i c c elllines. Genomic cl o ne s containing th e regu la t or y reg ion s for thetw o gen e s", "underscore_trick": ", we_propose to_investigate in greater detail_the effects_of_guanine nucleotide_depletion_on DNA synthesis_and cell cycle_progression. The relative expression_of IMPDH I_and_II during the cell cycle and as a function of cellular proliferation will be_examined_in normal_and_neoplastic_cell lines. Genomic clones containing_the regulatory regions for the_two genes"} +{"text": " treatment with cisplatin and IR is well-tolerated and leads to durable responses in mouse xenograft and genetic models of lung cancer. Quite unexpectedly, we show that in addition to potentiating DNA damage, two clinical ATR kinase inhibitors (ATRi?s), with unrelated structures, block expression of the immune checkpoint protein PD", "synonym_substitution": "treatment with cisplatin and IR is well - tolerated and leads to durable responses in shiner heterograft and genic models of lung cancer. Quite by chance, we show that in summation to potentiating DNA price, two clinical ATR kinase inhibitors (ATRi?s), with unrelated structures, forget expression of the immune checkpoint protein PD", "butter_fingers": " trfatment with cisplatin akd IR is well-tolgrqted aid leada to durxble responses in mouse xenojrafr and genetic models of lune cancer. Euite unwxpertedly, we show tizt in additioh to 'oventiating DNA camage, two clinical ATR nivade inhibitors (ATRi?s), with unrelated ftructuted, block expresfion jf tgv lmmune checkpoint protein PD", "random_deletion": "treatment with cisplatin and IR is well-tolerated to responses in xenograft and genetic unexpectedly, show that in to potentiating DNA two clinical ATR kinase inhibitors (ATRi?s), unrelated structures, block expression of the immune checkpoint protein PD", "change_char_case": " treatment with cisplatin and iR is well-toLeratEd aNd lEaDs to DuraBle responses in MOuse Xenograft and genetic modEls of LuNG canCEr. quite UnexpecTEdLY, We sHoW tHat In ADdItion To pOtentiaTing DNA damAge, TwO clinical ATR KInAse inhibitOrs (aTRi?s), with unrElaTed strUcTurES, blocK exPressIon of tHE immunE checkpoiNt PRotein pd", "whitespace_perturbation": " treatment with cisplatinand IR iswell- tol era te d an d le ads to durable resp onses in mouse xenogra ft an dg enet i cmodel s of lu n gc a nce r. Q uit eu ne xpect edl y, we s how that i n a dd ition to pot e nt iating DNA da mage, two cl ini cal AT Rkin a se in hib itors (ATRi ? s), wi th unrela te d struc t ures, b l o ck exp ression of the im m un e checkpoint pr oteinPD ", "underscore_trick": " treatment_with cisplatin_and IR is well-tolerated_and leads_to_durable responses_in_mouse xenograft and_genetic models of_lung cancer. Quite unexpectedly,_we show that_in_addition to potentiating DNA damage, two clinical ATR kinase inhibitors (ATRi?s), with unrelated structures,_block_expression of_the_immune_checkpoint protein PD"} +{"text": "21, 22). Burnham's Center-driven component will apply our multidisciplinary expertise in cell biology, cellular imaging, and high throughput microscopy (HTM) algorithm and instrumentation development to address this fundamental unmet need in chemical genomics and drug discovery. The broad objectives are to: (1) develop validated 3D model", "synonym_substitution": "21, 22). Burnham's Center - driven component will apply our multidisciplinary expertness in cellular telephone biota, cellular imaging, and high throughput microscopy (HTM) algorithm and instrumentation exploitation to address this fundamental unmet indigence in chemical genomics and drug discovery. The across-the-board objectives are to: (1) evolve validated 3D model", "butter_fingers": "21, 22). Bkrnham's Center-driven comkonent will apply our muntidisdiplinarh expertise in cell biology, rellylar umaging, and high throuehput micgoscopy (HRM) aotorithm anv instrumentatjln dzvxlopment to addtess this futdamental unmed vezd in chemical genomics and drug dissovery. Yhf broad objectyves wre fo: (1) develop validated 3D model", "random_deletion": "21, 22). Burnham's Center-driven component will apply expertise cell biology, imaging, and high instrumentation to address this unmet need in genomics and drug discovery. The broad are to: (1) develop validated 3D model", "change_char_case": "21, 22). Burnham's Center-driven compoNent will apPly ouR muLtiDiScipLinaRy expertise in cELl biOlogy, cellular imaging, anD high ThROughPUt MicroScopy (HTm) AlGORitHm AnD inStRUmEntatIon DevelopMent to addrEss ThIs fundamentaL UnMet need in cHemIcal genomics And Drug diScOveRY. The bRoaD objeCtives ARe to: (1) deVelop valiDaTEd 3D modEL", "whitespace_perturbation": "21, 22). Burnham's Center- driven com ponen t w ill a pply our multidiscipli n aryexpertise in cell biol ogy,ce l lula r i magin g, andh ig h thr ou gh put m i cr oscop y ( HTM) al gorithm an d i ns trumentation de velopmenttoaddress this fu ndamen ta l u n met n eed in c hemica l genom ics and d ru g disco v ery. Th e br oadobjectives are to : ( 1 ) develop vali dated3D mo d e l", "underscore_trick": "21, 22)._Burnham's Center-driven_component will apply our_multidisciplinary expertise_in_cell biology,_cellular_imaging, and high_throughput microscopy (HTM)_algorithm and instrumentation development_to address this_fundamental_unmet need in chemical genomics and drug discovery. The broad objectives are to: (1)_develop_validated 3D_model"} +{"text": " expansion in non-coding sequence of the myotonin protein kinase (MtPK) gene, the disease mechanism remains unclear even in its general outline. There is little experimental support for the initial hypothesis that a change in the amount or function of MtPK peptide explains the phenotype. Alternative hypotheses that the disease involves an effect", "synonym_substitution": "expansion in non - coding sequence of the myotonin protein kinase (MtPK) gene, the disease mechanism remains unclear even in its general outline. There be short experimental support for the initial hypothesis that a change in the measure or function of MtPK peptide explains the phenotype. alternate hypotheses that the disease involves an effect", "butter_fingers": " exoansion in non-coding seqmence of the myojobin prmtein iinase (MgPK) gene, the disease mechanidm remauns unclear even in itr general outline. Thece is little expxdimental suppkvt fox vhe initial hyppthesis thdt a change in tfe amount or function of MtPK peptide explaims the phenotype. Alttrnwtivs hypotheses that the disease invomves an effect", "random_deletion": "expansion in non-coding sequence of the myotonin (MtPK) the disease remains unclear even is experimental support for initial hypothesis that change in the amount or function MtPK peptide explains the phenotype. Alternative hypotheses that the disease involves an effect", "change_char_case": " expansion in non-coding sequeNce of the myOtoniN prOteIn KinaSe (MtpK) gene, the diseaSE mecHanism remains unclear evEn in iTs GEnerAL oUtlinE. There iS LiTTLe eXpErImeNtAL sUpporT foR the iniTial hypothEsiS tHat a change in THe Amount or fuNctIon of MtPK pepTidE explaInS thE PhenoTypE. AlteRnativE HypothEses that tHe DIsease INvolves AN EfFect", "whitespace_perturbation": " expansion in non-coding s equence of themyo ton in pro tein kinase (MtPK) gene , the disease mechanis m rem ai n s un c le ar ev en in i t sg e ner al o utl in e .There is little experimen tal s upport for t h einitial hy pot hesis that a ch ange i nthe amoun t o r fun ctiono f MtPK peptideex p lainst he phen o t yp e. A lternative hypoth e se s that the dise ase in vo l ve s aneff ect", "underscore_trick": " expansion_in non-coding_sequence of the myotonin_protein kinase_(MtPK)_gene, the_disease_mechanism remains unclear_even in its_general outline. There is_little experimental support_for_the initial hypothesis that a change in the amount or function of MtPK peptide_explains_the phenotype._Alternative_hypotheses_that the disease involves an_effect"} +{"text": " will provide valuable information on the pathogenesis of Batten disease. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] Regulation of the number of insulin receptors on the cell surface plays a critical role in determining insulin sensitivity. In order to study the mechanism of transcriptional regulation of the insulin receptor gene, we have cloned the 5'-end of", "synonym_substitution": "will provide valuable information on the pathogenesis of Batten disease. [ unreadable ] [ unreadable ] [ indecipherable ] rule of the issue of insulin receptors on the cellular telephone surface play a critical role in determining insulin sensitivity. In holy order to study the mechanism of transcriptional regulation of the insulin sense organ gene, we have clone the 5'-end of", "butter_fingers": " wipl provide valuable infovmation on the pcrhogenxsis of Batten aisease. [unreadable] [unreadablx] [uneeadavle] Regulation of the vumber of insulin rectptors on the cell surfacc plagd a ermtical role in cetermininc insulin senshtkvnty. In order to study the mechanism jf tranxcgiptional regujatipg of nht insulin receptor gene, we have cmoned tie 5'-end of", "random_deletion": "will provide valuable information on the pathogenesis disease. [unreadable] [unreadable] of the number cell plays a critical in determining insulin In order to study the mechanism transcriptional regulation of the insulin receptor gene, we have cloned the 5'-end of", "change_char_case": " will provide valuable informAtion on the PathoGenEsiS oF BatTen dIsease. [unreadabLE] [unrEadable] [unreadable] RegulAtion Of THe nuMBeR of inSulin reCEpTORs oN tHe CelL sURfAce plAys A criticAl role in deTerMiNing insulin sENsItivity. In oRdeR to study the mEchAnism oF tRanSCriptIonAl regUlatioN Of the iNsulin recEpTOr gene, WE have clONEd The 5'-eNd of", "whitespace_perturbation": " will provide valuable inf ormation o n the pa tho ge nesi s of Batten diseas e . [u nreadable] [unreadable ] [un re a dabl e ]Regul ation o f t h e nu mb er of i n su lin r ece ptors o n the cell su rf ace plays ac ri tical role in determining in sulinse nsi t ivity . I n ord er tos tudy t he mechan is m of tr a nscript i o na l re gulation of the i n su l in receptor ge ne, we h a ve c lon edthe 5'-end o f", "underscore_trick": " will_provide valuable_information on the pathogenesis_of Batten_disease._[unreadable] [unreadable]_[unreadable]_Regulation of the_number of insulin_receptors on the cell_surface plays a_critical_role in determining insulin sensitivity. In order to study the mechanism of transcriptional regulation_of_the insulin_receptor_gene,_we have cloned the 5'-end_of"} +{"text": " will result in much higher drug levels in the infected lymph node tissue than conventional preparations of the same antibiotics. Thus, the primary site of germination and development of weaponized biological agents will be sufficiently saturated with drugs to prevent or stop disease development at the very early stage (before the onset of symptoms). The objective of this project", "synonym_substitution": "will result in much higher drug levels in the septic lymph lymph node tissue than ceremonious preparations of the same antibiotics. therefore, the primary site of germination and development of weaponize biological agent will be sufficiently saturated with drug to prevent or check disease development at the very early stagecoach (before the onset of symptoms). The aim of this project", "butter_fingers": " wipl result in much higher drug levels in the inhected mymph noae tissue than conventional 'repqratiins of the same antibiutics. Thud, the prumarb site of germinefion and devemlpmeut of weaponized biologican agents will te sbfficiently saturated with drugs to [revent og stop disease devtlo[menf at the very early stage (before tge onseu of symptoms). The pbjective of this project", "random_deletion": "will result in much higher drug levels infected node tissue conventional preparations of primary of germination and of weaponized biological will be sufficiently saturated with drugs prevent or stop disease development at the very early stage (before the onset symptoms). The objective of this project", "change_char_case": " will result in much higher druG levels in tHe infEctEd lYmPh noDe tiSsue than convenTIonaL preparations of the same AntibIoTIcs. THUs, The prImary siTE oF GErmInAtIon AnD DeVelopMenT of weapOnized biolOgiCaL agents will bE SuFficiently SatUrated with drUgs To prevEnT or STop diSeaSe devElopmeNT at the Very early StAGe (befoRE the onsET Of SympToms). The objective oF ThIS project", "whitespace_perturbation": " will result in much highe r drug lev els i n t hein fect ed l ymph node tiss u e th an conventional prepar ation so f th e s ame a ntibiot i cs . Thu s, t hepr i ma ry si teof germ ination an d d ev elopment ofw ea ponized bi olo gical agents wi ll besu ffi c ientl y s atura ted wi t h drug s to prev en t or st o p disea s e d evel opment at the ver y e a rly stage (bef ore th eo ns e t of sy mptoms). T he obje c tive of th i s pro j ect", "underscore_trick": " will_result in_much higher drug levels_in the_infected_lymph node_tissue_than conventional preparations_of the same_antibiotics. Thus, the primary_site of germination_and_development of weaponized biological agents will be sufficiently saturated with drugs to prevent or_stop_disease development_at_the_very early stage (before the_onset of symptoms). The objective_of this_project"} +{"text": " disrupting these pathways could be useful for cancer prophylaxis in chronic inflammatory states. We found that TNFalpha and NFkappaB play a key role in hepatitis-associated tumorigenesis in a specific mouse model and propose that paracrine TNFalpha stimulation functions as a tumor promoter in inflammation-associated cancer via NFkappaB activation. Short", "synonym_substitution": "disrupting these pathways could be useful for cancer prophylaxis in chronic inflammatory state. We discover that TNFalpha and NFkappaB play a key role in hepatitis - consort tumorigenesis in a specific mouse model and project that paracrine TNFalpha stimulation functions as a tumor showman in excitement - associated cancer via NFkappaB energizing. Short", "butter_fingers": " didrupting these pathways gould be useful yir canrer prolhylaxis in chronic inflammatory staves. Qe foynd that TNFalpha and VFkappaB ilay a ket roow in hepatmfis-assognated bumorngxnesis in a spegific mouse model and pro[ore that paracrine TNFalpha stimulatiog functoojs as a tumor kromouer in jnflammation-associated cancer via HFkappaU activation. Shprt", "random_deletion": "disrupting these pathways could be useful for in inflammatory states. found that TNFalpha role hepatitis-associated tumorigenesis in specific mouse model propose that paracrine TNFalpha stimulation functions a tumor promoter in inflammation-associated cancer via NFkappaB activation. Short", "change_char_case": " disrupting these pathways coUld be usefuL for cAncEr pRoPhylAxis In chronic inflaMMatoRy states. We found that TNFAlpha AnD nFkaPPab play A key rolE In HEPatItIs-AssOcIAtEd tumOriGenesis In a specifiC moUsE model and proPOsE that paracRinE TNFalpha stiMulAtion fUnCtiONs as a TumOr proMoter iN InflamMation-assOcIAted caNCer via NfKApPaB aCtivation. Short", "whitespace_perturbation": " disrupting these pathways could beusefu l f orca ncer pro phylaxis in ch r onic inflammatory states.We fo un d tha t T NFalp ha andN Fk a p paB p la y a k e yroleinhepatit is-associa ted t umorigenesis in a specifi c m ouse model a ndpropos etha t para cri ne TN Falpha stimul ation fun ct i ons as a tumor p ro mote r in inflammation - as s ociated cancer via N Fk a pp a B ac tiv ation. Sho rt ", "underscore_trick": " disrupting_these pathways_could be useful for_cancer prophylaxis_in_chronic inflammatory_states._We found that_TNFalpha and NFkappaB_play a key role_in hepatitis-associated tumorigenesis_in_a specific mouse model and propose that paracrine TNFalpha stimulation functions as a tumor_promoter_in inflammation-associated_cancer_via_NFkappaB activation. Short"} +{"text": " hybridization, laser confocal, 2 photon and live cell technologies. Furthermore, our considerable experience in computerized image processing and morphometry will allow quantitative analysis of observed phenomena to corroborate earlier, possibly quite subtle qualitative changes. This core will be used extensively by all projects, though the imaging tools used will vary from project to project.", "synonym_substitution": "hybridization, laser confocal, 2 photon and live cell technologies. Furthermore, our considerable experience in computerized image processing and morphometry will leave quantitative psychoanalysis of observed phenomena to confirm in the first place, possibly quite subtle qualitative changes. This kernel will be used extensively by all projects, though the imagination creature used will deviate from project to project.", "butter_fingers": " hyhridization, laser confocxl, 2 photon and live cenl tecgnologier. Furthermore, our considerabpe expeeience in computerized image prlcessing and norphometrb will allow qhwnticavive analysis on observed [henomena to cmrfoyorate earlier, possibly quite subtle qualitstlve changes. Thys cpwe wjll be used extensively by all pronects, tiough the imagimg tools used will vary frlm pgoject to project.", "random_deletion": "hybridization, laser confocal, 2 photon and live Furthermore, considerable experience computerized image processing analysis observed phenomena to earlier, possibly quite qualitative changes. This core will be extensively by all projects, though the imaging tools used will vary from project project.", "change_char_case": " hybridization, laser confocaL, 2 photon and Live cEll TecHnOlogIes. FUrthermore, our cONsidErable experience in compUteriZeD ImagE PrOcessIng and mORpHOMetRy WiLl aLlOW qUantiTatIve analYsis of obseRveD pHenomena to coRRoBorate earlIer, Possibly quitE suBtle quAlItaTIve chAngEs. ThiS core wILl be usEd extensiVeLY by all PRojects, THOuGh thE imaging tools used WIlL Vary from projecT to proJeCT.", "whitespace_perturbation": " hybridization, laser conf ocal, 2 ph otonand li ve cel l te chnologies. Fu r ther more, our considerable expe ri e ncei ncompu terized im a g e p ro ce ssi ng an d mor pho metry w ill allowqua nt itative anal y si s of obser ved phenomena t o c orrobo ra tee arlie r,possi bly qu i te sub tle quali ta t ive ch a nges. T h i score will be used ext e ns i vely by all pr ojects ,t ho u g h t heimaging to ol s use d will v a ry f r omp roject to pro ject.", "underscore_trick": " hybridization,_laser confocal,_2 photon and live_cell technologies._Furthermore,_our considerable_experience_in computerized image_processing and morphometry_will allow quantitative analysis_of observed phenomena_to_corroborate earlier, possibly quite subtle qualitative changes. This core will be used extensively by_all_projects, though_the_imaging_tools used will vary from_project to project."} +{"text": " the DG where c-fos-ir was consistent: a subset of GCs in dorsal DG. In contrast, the majority of MCs with c-fos-ir were ventral. Because the main projection of ventral MCs is to dorsal GCs, these data suggest that ventral MCs excite dorsal G", "synonym_substitution": "the DG where c - fos - ir was consistent: a subset of GCs in dorsal DG. In contrast, the majority of megahertz with coulomb - fos - ir were adaxial. Because the main protrusion of ventral megahertz is to dorsal gigahertz, these data suggest that ventral MCs excite dorsal G", "butter_fingers": " thf DG where c-fos-ir was coksistent: a subsej if GCs in dodsal DG. Kn contrast, the majority of LCw wity c-fos-ir were ventral. Cecause tje main projtction of ventral MCs is bj doddal YCw, these data soggest that eentral MCs exwige dorsal G", "random_deletion": "the DG where c-fos-ir was consistent: a GCs dorsal DG. contrast, the majority ventral. the main projection ventral MCs is dorsal GCs, these data suggest that MCs excite dorsal G", "change_char_case": " the DG where c-fos-ir was consisTent: a subseT of GCS in DorSaL DG. IN conTrast, the majoriTY of Mcs with c-fos-ir were ventraL. BecaUsE The mAIn ProjeCtion of VEnTRAl Mcs Is To dOrSAl gCs, thEse Data sugGest that veNtrAl mCs excite dorSAl g", "whitespace_perturbation": " the DG where c-fos-ir was consisten t: asub set o f GC s in dorsal DG. In cont rast, the majority ofMCs w it h c-f o s- ir we re vent r al . Bec au se th em ai n pro jec tion of ventral M Csis to dorsal G C s, these dat a s uggest thatven tral M Cs ex c ite d ors al G", "underscore_trick": " the_DG where_c-fos-ir was consistent: a_subset of_GCs_in dorsal_DG._In contrast, the_majority of MCs_with c-fos-ir were ventral._Because the main_projection_of ventral MCs is to dorsal GCs, these data suggest that ventral MCs excite_dorsal_G"} +{"text": "ionizing radiation with cost efficiency have potentials for significant improvement of public healthcare. In this three year study we plan to (i) develop 2D MWT system; (ii) develop an appropriate image algorithm and (iii) assess feasibility of the technology for extremities soft tissue imaging, including sensitivity and resolution of the technology.", "synonym_substitution": "ionizing radiation with cost efficiency have potential for meaning improvement of public healthcare. In this three year study we design to (i) break 2D MWT system; (ii) develop an appropriate double algorithm and (iii) assess feasibility of the technology for extremity soft tissue imaging, admit sensitivity and resolution of the technology.", "butter_fingers": "ionlzing radiation with cosu efficiency have potentmals fod signifkcant improvement of public iealrhcart. In this three yeaf study wv plan to (i) dtvelop 2D MWT systxj; (ii) deyzlop zk appxo'riate image alnorithm and (iii) assess fedskbnlity of the technology for extremityes sofy hissue imaging, incktdinf sensitivity and resolution of ths technmlogy.", "random_deletion": "ionizing radiation with cost efficiency have potentials improvement public healthcare. this three year develop MWT system; (ii) an appropriate image and (iii) assess feasibility of the for extremities soft tissue imaging, including sensitivity and resolution of the technology.", "change_char_case": "ionizing radiation with cost Efficiency Have pOteNtiAlS for SignIficant improveMEnt oF public healthcare. In thiS threE yEAr stUDy We plaN to (i) devELoP 2d mWT SyStEm; (iI) dEVeLop an AppRopriatE image algoRitHm And (iii) assess FEaSibility of The Technology foR exTremitIeS soFT tissUe iMaginG, incluDIng senSitivity aNd REsolutIOn of the TEChNoloGy.", "whitespace_perturbation": "ionizing radiation with co st efficie ncy h ave po te ntia ls f or significant impr ovement of public heal thcar e. In t h is thre e years tu d y we p la n t o( i) deve lop 2D MWT system; ( ii) d evelop an ap p ro priate ima gealgorithm an d ( iii) a ss ess feasi bil ity o f thet echnol ogy for e xt r emitie s soft t i s su e im aging, includings en s itivity and re soluti on of t hetec hnology.", "underscore_trick": "ionizing radiation_with cost_efficiency have potentials for_significant improvement_of_public healthcare._In_this three year_study we plan_to (i) develop 2D_MWT system; (ii)_develop_an appropriate image algorithm and (iii) assess feasibility of the technology for extremities soft_tissue_imaging, including_sensitivity_and_resolution of the technology."} +{"text": " Fu lab, Dr. Kasinski performed two very distinct projects that were interrelated based on the ultimate goal of developing targeted therapeutics: in one project Dr. Kasinski utilized biochemical assays to identified IKK- as a direct target of EF24, an analogue of curcumin that ultimately made its way into clinical trials. For", "synonym_substitution": "Fu lab, Dr. Kasinski performed two very distinct projects that were interrelated free-base on the ultimate finish of developing targeted remedy: in one project Dr. Kasinski utilize biochemical assays to identified IKK- as a lineal aim of EF24, an analogue of curcumin that ultimately made its manner into clinical trials. For", "butter_fingers": " Fu lab, Dr. Kasinski performtd two very distiuxt prooects tgat were interrelated based on the uptumate goal of developing tafgeted thvrapeuticw: in ine projecv Dr. Kasluski hbilizzd biochemical axsays to igentified IKK- ds a direct target of EF24, an analogue of curcumon that ultimatejy msqe ifs way into clinical trials. For", "random_deletion": "Fu lab, Dr. Kasinski performed two very that interrelated based the ultimate goal one Dr. Kasinski utilized assays to identified as a direct target of EF24, analogue of curcumin that ultimately made its way into clinical trials. For", "change_char_case": " Fu lab, Dr. Kasinski performed tWo very distInct pRojEctS tHat wEre iNterrelated basED on tHe ultimate goal of develoPing tArGEted THeRapeuTics: in oNE pROJecT DR. KAsiNsKI uTilizEd bIochemiCal assays tO idEnTified IKK- as a DIrEct target oF EF24, An analogue of CurCumin tHaT ulTImateLy mAde itS way inTO cliniCal trials. foR", "whitespace_perturbation": " Fu lab, Dr. Kasinski perf ormed twoverydis tin ct pro ject s that were in t erre lated based on the ult imate g o al o f d evelo ping ta r ge t e d t he ra peu ti c s: in o neproject Dr. Kasin ski u tilized bioc h em ical assay s t o identified IK K- asadir e ct ta rge t ofEF24,a n anal ogue of c ur c umin t h at ulti m a te ly m ade its way intoc li n ical trials. F or", "underscore_trick": " Fu_lab, Dr._Kasinski performed two very_distinct projects_that_were interrelated_based_on the ultimate_goal of developing_targeted therapeutics: in one_project Dr. Kasinski_utilized_biochemical assays to identified IKK- as a direct target of EF24, an analogue of_curcumin_that ultimately_made_its_way into clinical trials. For"} +{"text": " function at 1/2 sites. We extended our analysis of p53 mutants in yeast-based systems to a clinical study of breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant treatment. Several transcriptionally active p53 mutants identified in breast had subtle defects in transcription at REs that can only be revealed at low expression levels achievable in the", "synonym_substitution": "function at 1/2 sites. We extended our analysis of p53 mutant in yeast - free-base systems to a clinical study of breast cancer patients undergo neoadjuvant treatment. Several transcriptionally active p53 mutants identify in breast had subtle defect in transcription at REs that can entirely be revealed at low formulation level achievable in the", "butter_fingers": " fujction at 1/2 sites. We extekded our analysis of p53 kutanta in yeart-based systems to a clinicap wtudy of breast cancer patidnts undeggoing neiadjnvant treatment. Several bxanscdlptiouaoly active p53 motants identhfied in breasd fab subtle defects in transcription at REs thst can only be rgvealtd wt lkw expression levels achievable in the", "random_deletion": "function at 1/2 sites. We extended our p53 in yeast-based to a clinical undergoing treatment. Several transcriptionally p53 mutants identified breast had subtle defects in transcription REs that can only be revealed at low expression levels achievable in the", "change_char_case": " function at 1/2 sites. We extended Our analysiS of p53 mUtaNts In YeasT-basEd systems to a clINicaL study of breast cancer paTientS uNDergOInG neoaDjuvant TReATMenT. SEvEraL tRAnScripTioNally acTive p53 mutanTs iDeNtified in breASt Had subtle dEfeCts in transcrIptIon at Res ThaT Can onLy bE reveAled at LOw exprEssion levElS AchievABle in thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " function at 1/2 sites. We extendedour a nal ysi sof p 53 m utants in yeas t -bas ed systems to a clinic al st ud y ofb re ast c ancer p a ti e n tsun de rgo in g n eoadj uva nt trea tment. Sev era ltranscriptio n al ly activep53 mutants ide nti fied i nbre a st ha d s ubtle defec t s in t ranscript io n at RE s that c a n o nlybe revealed at lo w e x pression level s achi ev a bl e inthe ", "underscore_trick": " function_at 1/2_sites. We extended our_analysis of_p53_mutants in_yeast-based_systems to a_clinical study of_breast cancer patients undergoing_neoadjuvant treatment. Several_transcriptionally_active p53 mutants identified in breast had subtle defects in transcription at REs that_can_only be_revealed_at_low expression levels achievable in_the"} +{"text": ") as well as how the cells naturally destroy disordered proteins that fail to traffic out of the ER. Searching databases we have found that many secreted, acidic proteins encode similar peptide motifs that we propose are used to interact with a conserved ER cargo receptor. This proposed cargo receptor then traffics negatively charged proteins (as well as", "synonym_substitution": ") as well as how the cells naturally destroy disordered protein that fail to traffic out of the ER. research databases we have found that many secrete, acidic protein encode similar peptide motifs that we propose are practice to interact with a conserved ER cargo receptor. This proposed cargo sense organ then traffic negatively charged protein (as well as", "butter_fingers": ") as well as how the cells nxturally destroi eisordxred prkteins tfat fail to traffic out of tie EE. Seaeching databases we haxe found nhat many secceted, acidic provsins engjde almilax 'eptide motifs jhat we propmse are used tm knceract with a conserved ER cargo recqptor. Tnid proposed cardo rtce[tor nhtn traffics negatively charged prkteins (es well as", "random_deletion": ") as well as how the cells disordered that fail traffic out of have that many secreted, proteins encode similar motifs that we propose are used interact with a conserved ER cargo receptor. This proposed cargo receptor then traffics charged proteins (as well as", "change_char_case": ") as well as how the cells naturaLly destroy DisorDerEd pRoTeinS thaT fail to traffic OUt of The ER. Searching databaseS we haVe FOund THaT many SecreteD, AcIDIc pRoTeIns EnCOdE simiLar Peptide Motifs that We pRoPose are used tO InTeract with A coNserved ER carGo rEceptoR. THis PRoposEd cArgo rEceptoR Then trAffics negAtIVely chARged proTEInS (as wEll as", "whitespace_perturbation": ") as well as how the cells naturally dest roy di so rder ed p roteins that f a il t o traffic out of the E R. Se ar c hing da tabas es we h a ve f oun dth atma n ysecre ted , acidi c proteins en co de similar p e pt ide motifs th at we propos e a re use dtoi ntera ctwitha cons e rved E R cargo r ec e ptor.T his pro p o se d ca rgo receptor then tr a ffics negative ly cha rg e dp r ote ins (as wellas ", "underscore_trick": ") as_well as_how the cells naturally_destroy disordered_proteins_that fail_to_traffic out of_the ER. Searching_databases we have found_that many secreted,_acidic_proteins encode similar peptide motifs that we propose are used to interact with a_conserved_ER cargo_receptor._This_proposed cargo receptor then traffics_negatively charged proteins (as well_as"} +{"text": " how their biosynthesis and degradation are regulated, their physiologic functions, how they act in vivo, and the structure of the various biosynthetic enzymes. For this purpose we have constructed null mutants in each of the biosynthetic steps in both Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and have prepared overexpression systems for the biosynthetic enzymes", "synonym_substitution": "how their biosynthesis and degradation are regulated, their physiologic functions, how they act in vivo, and the social organization of the diverse biosynthetic enzymes. For this purpose we have construct null mutant in each of the biosynthetic steps in both Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and have prepared overexpression arrangement for the biosynthetic enzymes", "butter_fingers": " hoa their biosynthesis and degradation arg eegulaved, thejr physiulogic functions, how they acv in vivo, and the structure of ghe variols biosynrhetmc enzymes. For tijs purpose we mave eoistructed null kutants in each of the bhoryuthetic steps in both Escherichia coji and Xafcharomyces cetevispaq, ans have prepared overexpression sysfems fog the biosynthetiv enzymes", "random_deletion": "how their biosynthesis and degradation are regulated, functions, they act vivo, and the enzymes. this purpose we constructed null mutants each of the biosynthetic steps in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and have prepared overexpression systems for the biosynthetic", "change_char_case": " how their biosynthesis and deGradation aRe regUlaTed, ThEir pHysiOlogic functionS, How tHey act in vivo, and the struCture Of THe vaRIoUs bioSynthetIC eNZYmeS. FOr ThiS pURpOse we HavE constrUcted null mUtaNtS in each of the BIoSynthetic sTepS in both EscheRicHia colI aNd SACcharOmyCes ceRevisiAE, and haVe prepareD oVErexprESsion sySTEmS for The biosynthetic enZYmES", "whitespace_perturbation": " how their biosynthesis an d degradat ion a rereg ul ated , th eir physiologi c fun ctions, how they act i n viv o, andt he stru cture o f t h e va ri ou s b io s yn theti c e nzymes. For thispur po se we have c o ns tructed nu llmutants in e ach of th ebio s ynthe tic step s in b o th Esc herichiaco l i andS accharo m y ce s ce revisiae, and hav e p r epared overexp ressio ns ys t e msfor the biosy nt hetic enzymes ", "underscore_trick": " how_their biosynthesis_and degradation are regulated,_their physiologic_functions,_how they_act_in vivo, and_the structure of_the various biosynthetic enzymes._For this purpose_we_have constructed null mutants in each of the biosynthetic steps in both Escherichia coli_and_Saccharomyces cerevisiae,_and_have_prepared overexpression systems for the_biosynthetic enzymes"} +{"text": "iles as well as estrogen metabolism, to determine the mechanism by which estrogen sensitivity is lost. Finally a study of epithelial growth will be examined by in vitro cultivation of epithelial cells on estrogen-stimulated extracellular matrix proteins secreted by gingival fibroblasts, to determine if gingival epithelial cell proliferation, attachment, and keratin proteins are dependent on", "synonym_substitution": "iles as well as estrogen metabolism, to determine the mechanism by which estrogen sensitivity is lost. ultimately a discipline of epithelial growth will be examined by in vitro cultivation of epithelial cell on estrogen - stimulated extracellular matrix proteins secrete by gingival fibroblast, to determine if gingival epithelial cell proliferation, attachment, and keratin proteins are dependent on", "butter_fingers": "iled as well as estrogen meuabolism, to determine thx mechahism by dhich estrogen sensitivity id oost. Dinally a study of epighelial ggowth wilo be wxamined bb in vitvj cumbivatnoi of epithelial cells on astrogen-stimuldtdd extracellular matrix proteins secrqted by glngival fibrobjastx, to svttrmine if gingival epithelial celm proliheration, attachkent, and keratin proteins wre fependent on", "random_deletion": "iles as well as estrogen metabolism, to mechanism which estrogen is lost. Finally will examined by in cultivation of epithelial on estrogen-stimulated extracellular matrix proteins secreted gingival fibroblasts, to determine if gingival epithelial cell proliferation, attachment, and keratin proteins dependent on", "change_char_case": "iles as well as estrogen metabOlism, to detErminE thE meChAnisM by wHich estrogen seNSitiVity is lost. Finally a studY of epItHEliaL GrOwth wIll be exAMiNED by In ViTro CuLTiVatioN of EpithelIal cells on EstRoGen-stimulateD ExTracellulaR maTrix proteins SecReted bY gIngIVal fiBroBlastS, to detERmine iF gingival EpITheliaL Cell proLIFeRatiOn, attachment, and keRAtIN proteins are dePendenT oN", "whitespace_perturbation": "iles as well as estrogen m etabolism, to d ete rmi ne the mec hanism by whic h est rogen sensitivity is l ost.Fi n ally astudy of epi t he l i algr ow thwi l lbe ex ami ned byin vitro c ult iv ation of epi t he lial cells on estrogen-st imu latedex tra c ellul armatri x prot e ins se creted by g i ngival fibrobl a s ts , to determine if gin g iv a l epithelial c ell pr ol i fe r a tio n,attachment ,and k e ratin p r ot e i n s a r e dependent o n", "underscore_trick": "iles as_well as_estrogen metabolism, to determine_the mechanism_by_which estrogen_sensitivity_is lost. Finally_a study of_epithelial growth will be_examined by in_vitro_cultivation of epithelial cells on estrogen-stimulated extracellular matrix proteins secreted by gingival fibroblasts, to_determine_if gingival_epithelial_cell_proliferation, attachment, and keratin proteins_are dependent on"} +{"text": " iris aperture delivery system will be compared to an ExciMed UV200 with a fixed beam diameter used in conjunction with an ablatable contact mask. A comparison will be made of the two methods in rabbits and monkeys. In Phase I, initial development of the contract mask will be performed and a range of operating parameters", "synonym_substitution": "iris aperture delivery system will be compared to an ExciMed UV200 with a fixed radio beam diameter use in conjunction with an ablatable contact mask. A comparison will be make of the two methods in rabbits and imp. In Phase I, initial exploitation of the contract mask will be perform and a range of operating parameter", "butter_fingers": " irls aperture delivery sysuem will be compatee to ai ExciMsd UV200 wigh a fixed beam diameter usev in conjynction with an ablatacle contabt mask. A comkarison will be mese of tmz two lethmvs in rabbits akd monkeys. Hn Phase I, inidixl development of the contract mask wyll be legformed and a tange jf olvrcting parameters", "random_deletion": "iris aperture delivery system will be compared ExciMed with a beam diameter used contact A comparison will made of the methods in rabbits and monkeys. In I, initial development of the contract mask will be performed and a range operating parameters", "change_char_case": " iris aperture delivery systeM will be comPared To aN ExCimed Uv200 witH a fixed beam diaMEter Used in conjunction with aN ablaTaBLe coNTaCt masK. A compaRIsON WilL bE mAde Of THe Two meThoDs in rabBits and monKeyS. IN Phase I, initiAL dEvelopment Of tHe contract maSk wIll be pErForMEd and A raNge of OperatINg paraMeters", "whitespace_perturbation": " iris aperture delivery sy stem willbe co mpa red t o an Exc iMed UV200 wit h a f ixed beam diameter use d inco n junc t io n wit h an ab l at a b leco nt act m a sk . A c omp arisonwill be ma deof the two met h od s in rabbi tsand monkeys. In Phase I , i n itial de velop ment o f the c ontract m as k willb e perfo r m ed and a range of opera t in g parameters", "underscore_trick": " iris_aperture delivery_system will be compared_to an_ExciMed_UV200 with_a_fixed beam diameter_used in conjunction_with an ablatable contact_mask. A comparison_will_be made of the two methods in rabbits and monkeys. In Phase I, initial_development_of the_contract_mask_will be performed and a_range of operating parameters"} +{"text": " The objectives of the proposed research are to elucidate developmental processes of respiratory neuron network maturation and to identify brainstem respiratory centers/circuits necessary for perinatal breathing. The central hypothesis is that hindbrain respiratory neuron networks undergo critical developmental maturation during the late embryonic, perinatal, and post-natal periods in mammals, and that", "synonym_substitution": "The objectives of the proposed research are to elucidate developmental summons of respiratory neuron net maturation and to identify brainstem respiratory center / tour necessary for perinatal breathing. The central hypothesis is that hindbrain respiratory neuron network undergo critical developmental festering during the late embryonic, perinatal, and post - natal time period in mammals, and that", "butter_fingers": " Thf objectives of the propused research ate to elncidate developoental processes of respiratlrt neueon network maturation and to ifentify vraiistem respiratorb centers/circujbs neeewsary for perikatal breatving. The centrdl hvpothesis is that hindbrain respiratjry neutoj networks undgrgo bryticzl developmental maturation during the laue embryonic, perinstal, and post-natal periods in lammals, and that", "random_deletion": "The objectives of the proposed research are developmental of respiratory network maturation and necessary perinatal breathing. The hypothesis is that respiratory neuron networks undergo critical developmental during the late embryonic, perinatal, and post-natal periods in mammals, and that", "change_char_case": " The objectives of the proposeD research aRe to eLucIdaTe DeveLopmEntal processes OF resPiratory neuron network mAturaTiON and TO iDentiFy brainSTeM REspIrAtOry CeNTeRs/cirCuiTs necesSary for perInaTaL breathing. ThE CeNtral hypotHesIs is that hindBraIn respIrAtoRY neurOn nEtworKs undeRGo critIcal develOpMEntal mATuratioN DUrIng tHe late embryonic, peRInATal, and post-nataL perioDs IN mAMMalS, anD that", "whitespace_perturbation": " The objectives of the pro posed rese archare to e luci date developmental proc esses of respiratory n euron n e twor k m atura tion an d t o ide nt if y b ra i ns tem r esp iratory centers/c irc ui ts necessary fo r perinata l b reathing. Th e c entral h ypo t hesis is that hindb r ain re spiratory n e uron n e tworksu n de rgocritical developm e nt a l maturation d uringth e l a t e e mbr yonic, per in atal, and pos t -n a t a l p e riods in mamm als, and th a t", "underscore_trick": " The_objectives of_the proposed research are_to elucidate_developmental_processes of_respiratory_neuron network maturation_and to identify_brainstem respiratory centers/circuits necessary_for perinatal breathing._The_central hypothesis is that hindbrain respiratory neuron networks undergo critical developmental maturation during the_late_embryonic, perinatal,_and_post-natal_periods in mammals, and that"} +{"text": " trichomoniasis and giardiasis. The comprehensive data sets to be generated will also be instrumental in selecting the most promising candidates as novel leads for the improved treatment of these infections, and potentially infections with other important pathogens, including Entamoeba histolytica, Trypanosoma cruzi, Helicobacter", "synonym_substitution": "trichomoniasis and giardiasis. The comprehensive data sets to be generated will also be implemental in choose the about promising candidates as novel leads for the improved discussion of these infections, and potentially infections with other significant pathogens, including Entamoeba histolytica, Trypanosoma cruzi, Helicobacter", "butter_fingers": " trlchomoniasis and giardiaris. The comprehgnwive deta seta to be eenerated will also be instrnmenral ib selecting the most pfomising bandidatew as bovel leads for thc impdlved vreatment of thgse infectiots, and potentidluy infections with other important paehogens, ijcluding Entamjeba ristklytica, Trypanosoma cruzi, Helicobadter", "random_deletion": "trichomoniasis and giardiasis. The comprehensive data sets generated also be in selecting the leads the improved treatment these infections, and infections with other important pathogens, including histolytica, Trypanosoma cruzi, Helicobacter", "change_char_case": " trichomoniasis and giardiasIs. The comprEhensIve DatA sEts tO be gEnerated will alSO be iNstrumental in selecting The moSt PRomiSInG candIdates aS NoVEL leAdS fOr tHe IMpRoved TreAtment oF these infeCtiOnS, and potentiaLLy Infections WitH other importAnt PathogEnS, inCLudinG EnTamoeBa histOLytica, trypanosoMa CRuzi, HeLIcobactER", "whitespace_perturbation": " trichomoniasis and giardi asis. Thecompr ehe nsi ve dat a se ts to be gener a tedwill also be instrumen tal i ns elec t in g the most p r om i s ing c an did at e sas no vel leadsfor the im pro ve d treatmento fthese infe cti ons, and pot ent iallyin fec t ionswit h oth er imp o rtantpathogens ,i ncludi n g Entam o e ba his tolytica, Trypano s om a cruzi, Helico bacter ", "underscore_trick": " trichomoniasis_and giardiasis._The comprehensive data sets_to be_generated_will also_be_instrumental in selecting_the most promising_candidates as novel leads_for the improved_treatment_of these infections, and potentially infections with other important pathogens, including Entamoeba histolytica, Trypanosoma_cruzi,_Helicobacter"} +{"text": " of each domain and ensure that we have identified all components needed to assess personality disorder comprehensively; (2) testing the identified components on another large sample of patients and high-risk individuals, including information provided by family and/or friends, and Axis I symptomatology, and (3) testing the clinical utility", "synonym_substitution": "of each domain and ensure that we have identified all components need to measure personality disorder comprehensively; (2) testing the identified part on another large sample of affected role and gamey - risk person, including information put up by family and/or friends, and Axis I symptomatology, and (3) test the clinical utility program", "butter_fingers": " of each domain and ensure uhat we have idenjidied anl comlonents veeded to assess personality dusordtg comprehensively; (2) terting the identifued romponents on another lavye sajile oy 'atients and hinh-risk indieiduals, includhne nnformation provided by family and/or friendx, wnd Axis I symktomauoljgy, znd (3) testing the clinical utility", "random_deletion": "of each domain and ensure that we all needed to personality disorder comprehensively; on large sample of and high-risk individuals, information provided by family and/or friends, Axis I symptomatology, and (3) testing the clinical utility", "change_char_case": " of each domain and ensure that We have idenTifieD alL coMpOnenTs neEded to assess peRSonaLity disorder comprehensIvely; (2) TeSTing THe IdentIfied coMPoNENts On AnOthEr LArGe samPle Of patieNts and high-RisK iNdividuals, inCLuDing informAtiOn provided by FamIly and/Or FriENds, anD AxIs I syMptomaTOlogy, aNd (3) testing ThE ClinicAL utilitY", "whitespace_perturbation": " of each domain and ensure that we h ave i den tif ie d al l co mponents neede d toassess personality dis order c o mpre h en sivel y; (2)t es t i ngth eide nt i fi ed co mpo nents o n anotherlar ge sample of p a ti ents and h igh -risk indivi dua ls, in cl udi n g inf orm ation provi d ed byfamily an d/ o r frie n ds, and A xi s Isymptomatology, a n d( 3) testing the clini ca l u t i lit y", "underscore_trick": " of_each domain_and ensure that we_have identified_all_components needed_to_assess personality disorder_comprehensively; (2) testing_the identified components on_another large sample_of_patients and high-risk individuals, including information provided by family and/or friends, and Axis I_symptomatology,_and (3)_testing_the_clinical utility"} +{"text": " that control the centriole duplication and centrosome maturation cycles. Through our own genome-wide RNAi screen and from other published screens, we now have a large number of candidate genes that play critical roles in these two cycles. What is lacking in the field is a true understanding of these proteins functions. Our lab uses", "synonym_substitution": "that control the centriole duplication and centrosome maturation cycles. Through our own genome - broad RNAi sieve and from other published screens, we immediately have a large issue of campaigner genes that play critical roles in these two cycles. What is lacking in the playing field is a true understanding of these protein functions. Our lab uses", "butter_fingers": " thwt control the centriole duplication anb centrmsome jaturatiun cycles. Through our own geiome-qide ENAi screen and from ogher publpshed scrwens, qe now havx a largc numgcr of randidate genes that play critical rolev kn these two cycles. What is lacking ig the foepd is a true ugderxeandjng of these proteins functions. Oud lab uves", "random_deletion": "that control the centriole duplication and centrosome Through own genome-wide screen and from have large number of genes that play roles in these two cycles. What lacking in the field is a true understanding of these proteins functions. Our uses", "change_char_case": " that control the centriole duPlication aNd cenTroSomE mAturAtioN cycles. Through OUr owN genome-wide RNAi screen aNd froM oTHer pUBlIshed Screens, WE nOW HavE a LaRge NuMBeR of caNdiDate genEs that play CriTiCal roles in thESe Two cycles. WHat Is lacking in tHe fIeld is A tRue UNdersTanDing oF these PRoteinS functionS. OUR lab usES", "whitespace_perturbation": " that control the centriol e duplicat ion a ndcen tr osom e ma turation cycle s . Th rough our own genome-w ide R NA i scr e en andfrom ot h er p ubl is he d s cr e en s, we no w havea large nu mbe rof candidate ge nes that p lay critical ro les in th es e t w o cyc les . Wha t is l a ckingin the fi el d is at rue und e r st andi ng of these prote i ns functions. Our lab u se s ", "underscore_trick": " that_control the_centriole duplication and centrosome_maturation cycles._Through_our own_genome-wide_RNAi screen and_from other published_screens, we now have_a large number_of_candidate genes that play critical roles in these two cycles. What is lacking in_the_field is_a_true_understanding of these proteins functions._Our lab uses"} +{"text": "EM and nectin-1 are the most efficient at mediating entry and most important in HSV pathogenesis. Reactivation of HSV-1 can lead to recurrent disease in the form of oral ulcers or more serious disease including encephalitis and herpes stromal keratitis (HSK). The precise mechanism of HSK pathogenesis is not fully understood", "synonym_substitution": "EM and nectin-1 are the most efficient at mediating entry and about authoritative in HSV pathogenesis. Reactivation of HSV-1 can lead to recurrent disease in the human body of oral ulcer or more serious disease including encephalitis and herpes stromal keratitis (HSK). The precise mechanism of HSK pathogenesis is not amply understood", "butter_fingers": "EM wnd nectin-1 are the most tfficient at medicring eitry ans most ioportant in HSV pathogenesis. Rwactication of HSV-1 can lead to recurgent diseqse mn the form of oczl ulcevf or lore werious diseasg including ancephalitis atd hzrpes stromal keratitis (HSK). The precyse mecnajism of HSK pajhogemqsis ps not fully understood", "random_deletion": "EM and nectin-1 are the most efficient entry most important HSV pathogenesis. Reactivation recurrent in the form oral ulcers or serious disease including encephalitis and herpes keratitis (HSK). The precise mechanism of HSK pathogenesis is not fully understood", "change_char_case": "EM and nectin-1 are the most effiCient at medIatinG enTry AnD mosT impOrtant in HSV patHOgenEsis. Reactivation of HSV-1 cAn leaD tO RecuRReNt disEase in tHE fORM of OrAl UlcErS Or More sEriOus diseAse includiNg eNcEphalitis and HErPes stromal KerAtitis (HSK). The PreCise meChAniSM of HSk paThogeNesis iS Not fulLy understOoD", "whitespace_perturbation": "EM and nectin-1 are the mo st efficie nt at me dia ti ng e ntry and most impo r tant in HSV pathogenesis.React iv a tion of HSV- 1 can l e ad t o r ec ur ren td is easeinthe for m of oralulc er s or more se r io us disease in cluding ence pha litisan d h e rpesstr omalkerati t is (HS K). The p re c ise me c hanismo f H SK p athogenesis is no t f u lly understood ", "underscore_trick": "EM and_nectin-1 are_the most efficient at_mediating entry_and_most important_in_HSV pathogenesis. Reactivation_of HSV-1 can_lead to recurrent disease_in the form_of_oral ulcers or more serious disease including encephalitis and herpes stromal keratitis (HSK). The_precise_mechanism of_HSK_pathogenesis_is not fully understood"} +{"text": "irabilis, the two most common ureolytic uropathogens, express urcase only in the presence of urea. This urea-dependent expression is mediated by UreR, a transcriptional activator belonging to the AraCfamily of regulators. Evidence suggests that urea interacts directly with UreR, and thus is the", "synonym_substitution": "irabilis, the two most common ureolytic uropathogens, express urcase only in the bearing of urea. This urea - pendent expression is mediated by UreR, a transcriptional activator belong to the AraCfamily of regulator. Evidence suggests that urea interacts directly with UreR, and therefore is the", "butter_fingers": "irahilis, the two most commok ureolytic uropcrhogenv, exprsss urcare only in the presence of ucea. Rhis yrea-dependent expressiun is medpated by YreR, q transcri'fional activaflr bzlinging to the SraCfamily of regulators. Exibence suggests that urea interacts dyrectly wlth UreR, and trus ps the", "random_deletion": "irabilis, the two most common ureolytic uropathogens, only the presence urea. This urea-dependent a activator belonging to AraCfamily of regulators. suggests that urea interacts directly with and thus is the", "change_char_case": "irabilis, the two most common uReolytic urOpathOgeNs, eXpRess UrcaSe only in the preSEnce Of urea. This urea-dependenT exprEsSIon iS MeDiateD by UreR, A TrANScrIpTiOnaL aCTiVator BelOnging tO the AraCfaMilY oF regulators. EVIdEnce suggesTs tHat urea interActS direcTlY wiTH UreR, And Thus iS the", "whitespace_perturbation": "irabilis, the two most com mon ureoly tic u rop ath og ens, exp ress urcase on l y in the presence of urea. This u r ea-d e pe ndent expres s io n isme di ate db yUreR, atranscr iptional a cti va tor belongin g t o the AraC fam ily of regul ato rs. Ev id enc e sugg est s tha t urea intera cts direc tl y withU reR, an d th us i s the", "underscore_trick": "irabilis, the_two most_common ureolytic uropathogens, express_urcase only_in_the presence_of_urea. This urea-dependent_expression is mediated_by UreR, a transcriptional_activator belonging to_the_AraCfamily of regulators. Evidence suggests that urea interacts directly with UreR, and thus is_the"} +{"text": " mice deficient in the production of Ebi3 have accelerated development of atrophy and spasmolytic polypeptide expressing metaplasia (SPEM), important preneoplastic epithelial cell lesions. We have also observed that Tregs, which are critical suppressors of gastritis and resulting lesions, exhibit a defective phenotype in Ebi3-/-", "synonym_substitution": "mice deficient in the production of Ebi3 have accelerated growth of atrophy and spasmolytic polypeptide carry metaplasia (SPEM), important preneoplastic epithelial cell lesions. We have besides observed that Tregs, which are critical suppressors of gastritis and resulting lesion, exhibit a defective phenotype in Ebi3-/-", "butter_fingers": " mife deficient in the prodmction of Ebi3 harw accenerates develooment of atrophy and spasmolbtic polykvptide expressing metxplasia (SIEM), imporrant preneoplasvjc epitmzlial gell nxsions. We have slso obsereed that Tregs, wfieh are critical suppressors of gastrytis anc gesulting lesijns, txhybit a defective phenotype in Ebi3-/-", "random_deletion": "mice deficient in the production of Ebi3 development atrophy and polypeptide expressing metaplasia lesions. have also observed Tregs, which are suppressors of gastritis and resulting lesions, a defective phenotype in Ebi3-/-", "change_char_case": " mice deficient in the productIon of Ebi3 haVe accEleRatEd DeveLopmEnt of atrophy anD SpasMolytic polypeptide exprEssinG mETaplASiA (SPEM), ImportaNT pRENeoPlAsTic EpIThElial CelL lesionS. We have alsO obSeRved that TregS, WhIch are critIcaL suppressors Of gAstritIs And REsultIng LesioNs, exhiBIt a defEctive pheNoTYpe in EBI3-/-", "whitespace_perturbation": " mice deficient in the pro duction of Ebi3 ha veac cele rate d developmento f at rophy and spasmolyticpolyp ep t idee xp ressi ng meta p la s i a ( SP EM ),im p or tantpre neoplas tic epithe lia lcell lesions . W e have als o o bserved that Tr egs, w hi cha re cr iti cal s uppres s ors of gastriti sa nd res u lting l e s io ns,exhibit a defecti v ep henotype in Eb i3-/-", "underscore_trick": " mice_deficient in_the production of Ebi3_have accelerated_development_of atrophy_and_spasmolytic polypeptide expressing_metaplasia (SPEM), important_preneoplastic epithelial cell lesions._We have also_observed_that Tregs, which are critical suppressors of gastritis and resulting lesions, exhibit a defective_phenotype_in Ebi3-/-"} +{"text": " in pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema, both of which are of extensive clinical significance. Recent reports of the effects of ECM on cellular proliferation and differentiation make it clear that ECM constituents cannot be regarded as an inert scaffold, but that they exert significant effects at the metabolic level. The overall goal of the proposed research is thus", "synonym_substitution": "in pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema, both of which are of extensive clinical significance. Recent report of the effect of ECM on cellular proliferation and differentiation make it clear that ECM constituent cannot be regarded as an inert scaffold, but that they exert meaning effects at the metabolic level. The overall goal of the propose research is thus", "butter_fingers": " in pulmonary fibrosis and tmphysema, both of which ere of sxtensivd clinical significance. Receit rwportw of the effects of ECO on cellllar proluferetion and differxhtiatiok maks it elxar that ECM cokstituents wannot be regasddd as an inert scaffold, but that they exert xihnificant effests se ths metabolic level. The overall goal of the proposed resrarch is thus", "random_deletion": "in pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema, both of of clinical significance. reports of the proliferation differentiation make it that ECM constituents be regarded as an inert scaffold, that they exert significant effects at the metabolic level. The overall goal of proposed research is thus", "change_char_case": " in pulmonary fibrosis and empHysema, both Of whiCh aRe oF eXtenSive Clinical signifICancE. Recent reports of the effEcts oF Ecm on cELlUlar pRoliferATiON And DiFfEreNtIAtIon maKe iT clear tHat ECM consTitUeNts cannot be rEGaRded as an inErt Scaffold, but tHat They exErT siGNificAnt EffecTs at thE MetaboLic level. THe OVerall GOal of thE PRoPoseD research is thus", "whitespace_perturbation": " in pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema , bot h o f w hi ch a re o f extensive cl i nica l significance. Recent repo rt s oft he effe cts ofE CM o n c el lu lar p r ol ifera tio n and d ifferentia tio nmake it clea r t hat ECM co nst ituents cann otbe reg ar ded as an in ert s caffol d , butthat they e x ert si g nifican t ef fect s at the metaboli c l e vel. The overa ll goa lo ft h e p rop osed resea rc h ist hus", "underscore_trick": " in_pulmonary fibrosis_and emphysema, both of_which are_of_extensive clinical_significance._Recent reports of_the effects of_ECM on cellular proliferation_and differentiation make_it_clear that ECM constituents cannot be regarded as an inert scaffold, but that they_exert_significant effects_at_the_metabolic level. The overall goal_of the proposed research is_thus"} +{"text": " can bridge the gap between biology and the physical/computational sciences. Broader impacts include advancing our understanding of the brain, cross-fertilization of the disciplines, and establishing a new model for interdisciplinary graduate training. During the past three years the applicant and his students have developed highly specific methods for the isolation of native", "synonym_substitution": "can bridge the gap between biology and the physical / computational sciences. broad impingement include advancing our understanding of the genius, cross - fertilization of the disciplines, and lay down a modern model for interdisciplinary alumnus education. During the past three years the applicant and his students have develop highly specific methods for the isolation of native", "butter_fingers": " caj bridge the gap between biology and thg physicel/compufational sciences. Broader impacts inrludw advqncing our understandivg of the brain, ceoss-hertilization of the disgnplinsd, anb xstablishing a kew model fmr interdiscipnivaxy graduate training. During the past three uewrs the applicwnt sgd hjs students have developed highly apecifib methods for the isolation of native", "random_deletion": "can bridge the gap between biology and sciences. impacts include our understanding of disciplines, establishing a new for interdisciplinary graduate During the past three years the and his students have developed highly specific methods for the isolation of native", "change_char_case": " can bridge the gap between bioLogy and the PhysiCal/ComPuTatiOnal Sciences. BroadeR ImpaCts include advancing our UnderStANdinG Of The brAin, crosS-FeRTIliZaTiOn oF tHE dIscipLinEs, and esTablishing A neW mOdel for interDIsCiplinary gRadUate training. durIng the PaSt tHRee yeArs The apPlicanT And his Students hAvE DeveloPEd highlY SPeCifiC methods for the isoLAtIOn of native", "whitespace_perturbation": " can bridge the gap betwee n biologyand t hephy si cal/ comp utational scie n ces. Broader impacts inclu de ad va n cing ou r und erstand i ng o f t he b rai n, cr oss-f ert ilizati on of thedis ci plines, ande st ablishinga n ew model for in terdis ci pli n ary g rad uatetraini n g. Dur ing the p as t three years t h e a ppli cant and his stud e nt s have develope d high ly sp e c ifi c m ethods for t he is o lationo fn a t ive ", "underscore_trick": " can_bridge the_gap between biology and_the physical/computational_sciences._Broader impacts_include_advancing our understanding_of the brain,_cross-fertilization of the disciplines,_and establishing a_new_model for interdisciplinary graduate training. During the past three years the applicant and his_students_have developed_highly_specific_methods for the isolation of_native"} +{"text": " ASBT under normal and pathophysiological conditions and may provide better strategies for the management of hypercholesterolemia associated with several disorders. The Emory Consortium for Innovative AIDS Research in Nonhuman Primates aims to understand the B and T Cell Biology of Protection from and Eradication of SIV/SHIV In", "synonym_substitution": "ASBT under normal and pathophysiological conditions and may provide better strategies for the management of hypercholesterolemia consociate with respective disorders. The Emory Consortium for Innovative AIDS Research in Nonhuman Primates aims to sympathize the B and T Cell Biology of Protection from and Eradication of SIV / SHIV In", "butter_fingers": " ASHT under normal and pathuphysiological einditimns ans may pruvide better strategies for vhe nanagtient of hypercholerterolemiw associqted qith severem disorders. Tgc Emoxy Consortium fot Innovative AIDS Research iv Uonhuman Primates aims to understand the B snf T Cell Biolody og Profvcuion from and Eradication of SIV/SGIV In", "random_deletion": "ASBT under normal and pathophysiological conditions and better for the of hypercholesterolemia associated Consortium Innovative AIDS Research Nonhuman Primates aims understand the B and T Cell of Protection from and Eradication of SIV/SHIV In", "change_char_case": " ASBT under normal and pathophYsiologicaL condItiOns AnD may ProvIde better stratEGies For the management of hypeRcholEsTErolEMiA assoCiated wITh SEVerAl DiSorDeRS. THe EmoRy COnsortiUm for InnovAtiVe aIDS Research IN NOnhuman PriMatEs aims to undeRstAnd the b aNd T cEll BiOloGy of PRotectIOn from And EradicAtIOn of SIv/sHIV In", "whitespace_perturbation": " ASBT under normal and pat hophysiolo gical co ndi ti onsandmay provide be t terstrategies for the man ageme nt of h y pe rchol esterol e mi a ass oc ia ted w i th seve ral disord ers. The E mor yConsortium f o rInnovative AI DS ResearchinNonhum an Pr i mates ai ms to under s tand t he B andTC ell Bi o logy of P ro tect ion from and Erad i ca t ion of SIV/SHI V In", "underscore_trick": " ASBT_under normal_and pathophysiological conditions and_may provide_better_strategies for_the_management of hypercholesterolemia_associated with several_disorders. The Emory Consortium_for Innovative AIDS_Research_in Nonhuman Primates aims to understand the B and T Cell Biology of Protection_from_and Eradication_of_SIV/SHIV_In"} +{"text": " adjunctive surgery in the Republic of Georgia and an innovative microdialysis method we will assess SLD concentrations among various compartments including pulmonary cavities, the site of the highest concentration of M. tuberculosis (MTB). 2) To investigate phenotypic and genotypic drug resistance profiles of MTB isolates recovered from sputum, lung,", "synonym_substitution": "adjunctive surgery in the Republic of Georgia and an innovative microdialysis method we will assess SLD concentration among diverse compartments including pulmonary cavity, the site of the highest assiduity of M. tuberculosis (MTB). 2) To investigate phenotypic and genotypic drug resistance profile of MTB isolates recovered from sputum, lung,", "butter_fingers": " aduunctive surgery in the Vepublic of Georyua and an inhovative microdialysis method we wilp qssesw SLD concentrations aoong varilus compqrtmtnts including pulmonary gcvitisd, thz wite of the hinhest concettration of M. ducexculosis (MTB). 2) To investigate phenoty[ic and gfnotypic drug tesisuanse pdofiles of MTB isolates recovered rrom spltum, lung,", "random_deletion": "adjunctive surgery in the Republic of Georgia innovative method we assess SLD concentrations cavities, site of the concentration of M. (MTB). 2) To investigate phenotypic and drug resistance profiles of MTB isolates recovered from sputum, lung,", "change_char_case": " adjunctive surgery in the RepUblic of GeoRgia aNd aN inNoVatiVe miCrodialysis metHOd we Will assess SLD concentraTions AmONg vaRIoUs comPartmenTS iNCLudInG pUlmOnARy CavitIes, The site Of the higheSt cOnCentration of m. TuBerculosis (mTB). 2) to investigatE phEnotypIc And GEnotyPic Drug rEsistaNCe profIles of MTB IsOLates rECovered FROm SputUm, lung,", "whitespace_perturbation": " adjunctive surgery in the Republicof Ge org iaan d an inn ovative microd i alys is method we will asse ss SL Dc once n tr ation s among va r i ous c om par tm e nt s inc lud ing pul monary cav iti es , the site o f t he highest co ncentrationofM. tub er cul o sis ( MTB ). 2) To in v estiga te phenot yp i c andg enotypi c dr ug r esistance profile s o f MTB isolatesrecove re d f r o m s put um, lung,", "underscore_trick": " adjunctive_surgery in_the Republic of Georgia_and an_innovative_microdialysis method_we_will assess SLD_concentrations among various_compartments including pulmonary cavities,_the site of_the_highest concentration of M. tuberculosis (MTB). 2) To investigate phenotypic and genotypic drug resistance_profiles_of MTB_isolates_recovered_from sputum, lung,"} +{"text": "RCA) possesses RNA N-glycosidase activity that attacks a specific site on the 28S rRNA, preventing polypeptide chain elongation, thereby inactivating ribosomes (ribotoxic) and leading to cell death. Since the ricin toxin is free in the circulation for only a brief period of time (hours to days", "synonym_substitution": "RCA) possesses RNA N - glycosidase activity that attacks a specific site on the 28S rRNA, prevent polypeptide range elongation, thereby inactivating ribosomes (ribotoxic) and lead to cellular telephone death. Since the ricin toxin is free in the circulation for only a abbreviated menstruation of time (hour to days", "butter_fingers": "RCA) possesses RNA N-glycosidxse activity thcr attarks a slecific rite on the 28S rRNA, preventinj pooypepupde chain elongation, ghereby ijactivatung cibosomes (ribotoejc) and leadinf to eeol death. Since the ricin toxin is free iv che circulation for only a brief peryod of yile (hours to dais", "random_deletion": "RCA) possesses RNA N-glycosidase activity that attacks site the 28S preventing polypeptide chain and to cell death. the ricin toxin free in the circulation for only brief period of time (hours to days", "change_char_case": "RCA) possesses RNA N-glycosidaSe activity That aTtaCks A sPeciFic sIte on the 28S rRNA, pREvenTing polypeptide chain elOngatIoN, TherEBy InactIvating RIbOSOmeS (rIbOtoXiC) AnD leadIng To cell dEath. Since tHe rIcIn toxin is freE In The circulaTioN for only a briEf pEriod oF tIme (HOurs tO daYs", "whitespace_perturbation": "RCA) possesses RNA N-glyco sidase act ivity th atat tack s aspecific siteo n th e 28S rRNA, preventing poly pe p tide ch ain e longati o n, t her eb yina ct i va tingrib osomes(ribotoxic ) a nd leading toc el l death. S inc e the ricintox in isfr eei n the ci rcula tion f o r only a briefpe r iod of time (h o u rs todays", "underscore_trick": "RCA) possesses_RNA N-glycosidase_activity that attacks a_specific site_on_the 28S_rRNA,_preventing polypeptide chain_elongation, thereby inactivating_ribosomes (ribotoxic) and leading_to cell death._Since_the ricin toxin is free in the circulation for only a brief period of_time_(hours to_days"} +{"text": " and endogenous thiols, thiol-blockers, oxidants and anti-oxidants, as well as irradiation, to alter the subcellular mechanisms necessary for the activation and growth of lymphocytes will be assessed. In order to accomplish this objective we first must evaluate some thiol characteristics key to the biochemical activation of lymphocytes. The", "synonym_substitution": "and endogenous thiols, thiol - blockers, oxidants and anti - oxidants, as well as beam, to interpolate the subcellular mechanisms necessary for the activation and growth of lymphocyte will be assessed. In order to accomplish this aim we foremost must evaluate some thiol characteristics key to the biochemical activation of lymphocytes. The", "butter_fingers": " anf endogenous thiols, thiou-blockers, oxidaurs and anti-osidants, xs well as irradiation, to alver rhe sybcellular mechanisms vecessary for the actmvation and growvg of lymphocyfcs wino be assessed. Ln order to accomplish thhs oyjective we first must evaluate some thiol vhwracteristics hey uo ehe gpoghemical activation of lymphocytss. The", "random_deletion": "and endogenous thiols, thiol-blockers, oxidants and anti-oxidants, as to alter subcellular mechanisms necessary of will be assessed. order to accomplish objective we first must evaluate some characteristics key to the biochemical activation of lymphocytes. The", "change_char_case": " and endogenous thiols, thiol-bLockers, oxiDants And AntI-oXidaNts, aS well as irradiaTIon, tO alter the subcellular meChaniSmS NeceSSaRy for The actiVAtION anD gRoWth Of LYmPhocyTes Will be aSsessed. In oRdeR tO accomplish tHIs Objective wE fiRst must evaluAte Some thIoL chARacteRisTics kEy to thE BiocheMical actiVaTIon of lYMphocytES. thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " and endogenous thiols, th iol-blocke rs, o xid ant sandanti -oxidants, asw ellas irradiation, to alt er th es ubce l lu lar m echanis m sn e ces sa ry fo rt he acti vat ion and growth of ly mp hocytes will be assessed. In order to ac com plishth iso bject ive we f irst m u st eva luate som et hiol c h aracter i s ti cs k ey to the biochem i ca l activation of lymph oc y te s . Th e", "underscore_trick": " and_endogenous thiols,_thiol-blockers, oxidants and anti-oxidants,_as well_as_irradiation, to_alter_the subcellular mechanisms_necessary for the_activation and growth of_lymphocytes will be_assessed._In order to accomplish this objective we first must evaluate some thiol characteristics key_to_the biochemical_activation_of_lymphocytes. The"} +{"text": " Factors in Rheumatoid Arthritis Outcomes\". The Core Unit is responsible for the design and validation of all data collection instruments in the RA Panel Study; the training and monitoring of all data collection staff; the administration of telephone and face to face interviews to person wit RA, controls, and health care providers; the collection", "synonym_substitution": "Factors in Rheumatoid Arthritis Outcomes \". The Core Unit is responsible for the design and validation of all datum solicitation instrumental role in the RA Panel Study; the training and monitoring of all data solicitation staff; the administration of telephone and face to face interview to person wit RA, controls, and health care supplier; the collection", "butter_fingers": " Faftors in Rheumatoid Arthvitis Outcomes\". Tkw Core Unit js respovsible for the design and vapieatiob of all data collectiun instrulents in the EA Panel Svhdy; the trainjkg anb nonitoring of sll data cmllection stafx; ghz administration of telephone and fase to fscf interviews tj pegsjn wjn VA, controls, and health care provjders; tie collection", "random_deletion": "Factors in Rheumatoid Arthritis Outcomes\". The Core responsible the design validation of all RA Study; the training monitoring of all collection staff; the administration of telephone face to face interviews to person wit RA, controls, and health care providers; collection", "change_char_case": " Factors in Rheumatoid ArthriTis OutcomeS\". The COre uniT iS resPonsIble for the desiGN and Validation of all data colLectiOn INstrUMeNts in The RA PaNEl sTUdy; ThE tRaiNiNG aNd monItoRing of aLl data collEctIoN staff; the admINiStration of TelEphone and facE to Face inTeRviEWs to pErsOn wit rA, contROls, and Health carE pROviderS; The collECTiOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " Factors in Rheumatoid Art hritis Out comes \".The C oreUnit is responsibl e for the design and valida tionof alld at a col lection in s t rum en ts in t h eRA Pa nel Study; the train ing a nd monitorin g o f all data co llection sta ff; the a dm ini s trati onof te lephon e and f ace to fa ce interv i ews top e rs on w it RA, controls,a nd health care pr ovider s; th e col lec tion", "underscore_trick": " Factors_in Rheumatoid_Arthritis Outcomes\". The Core_Unit is_responsible_for the_design_and validation of_all data collection_instruments in the RA_Panel Study; the_training_and monitoring of all data collection staff; the administration of telephone and face to_face_interviews to_person_wit_RA, controls, and health care_providers; the collection"} +{"text": " which Atg5 and/or autophagy mediates signaling through TLR9 upon HSV infection in pDCs through the use of molecular and cellular biological techniques. In the second Aim, we propose to determine how autophagy regulates RNA sensor activation upon VSV infection through proteomics and biochemical approaches. In the final Aim, we will interrogate", "synonym_substitution": "which Atg5 and/or autophagy mediates signaling through TLR9 upon HSV infection in pDCs through the use of molecular and cellular biological techniques. In the second purpose, we nominate to determine how autophagy regulates RNA sensor energizing upon VSV infection through proteomics and biochemical approaches. In the final purpose, we will interrogate", "butter_fingers": " whlch Atg5 and/or autophagy oediates signalnbg thrmugh TMR9 upon FSV infection in pDCs througi thw use of molecular and celljlar biollgical twchnmques. In the second Aim, we prollse co determine how autophagy regulates RNA sdndor activation upon VSV infection trrough lrlteomics and byochtmisal zipvoaches. In the final Aim, we will interrmgate", "random_deletion": "which Atg5 and/or autophagy mediates signaling through HSV in pDCs the use of In second Aim, we to determine how regulates RNA sensor activation upon VSV through proteomics and biochemical approaches. In the final Aim, we will interrogate", "change_char_case": " which Atg5 and/or autophagy medIates signaLing tHroUgh tLr9 upoN HSV Infection in pDCS ThroUgh the use of molecular anD cellUlAR bioLOgIcal tEchniquES. IN THe sEcOnD AiM, wE PrOpose To dEterminE how autophAgy ReGulates RNA seNSoR activatioN upOn VSV infectiOn tHrough PrOteOMics aNd bIocheMical aPProachEs. In the fiNaL aim, we wILl interROGaTe", "whitespace_perturbation": " which Atg5 and/or autopha gy mediate s sig nal ing t hrou gh T LR9 upon HSV i n fect ion in pDCs through th e use o f mol e cu lar a nd cell u la r bio lo gi cal t e ch nique s.In thesecond Aim , w epropose to d e te rmine howaut ophagy regul ate s RNAse nso r acti vat ion u pon VS V infec tion thro ug h prote o mics an d bi oche mical approaches. In the final Aim, we wi ll in t e rro gat e", "underscore_trick": " which_Atg5 and/or_autophagy mediates signaling through_TLR9 upon_HSV_infection in_pDCs_through the use_of molecular and_cellular biological techniques. In_the second Aim,_we_propose to determine how autophagy regulates RNA sensor activation upon VSV infection through proteomics_and_biochemical approaches._In_the_final Aim, we will interrogate"} +{"text": " precursor protein (APP) with other factors that are involved in directing it into pathological pathway as well as those that are capable to prevent or destroy intraneuronal accumulations of Ab, are of great interest for developing therapeutic molecules for Alzheimer's disease. In this project we are proposing the possible immunological intervention for prevention and treatment", "synonym_substitution": "precursor protein (APP) with other factors that are involved in direct it into diseased pathway as well as those that are adequate to to prevent or demolish intraneuronal accumulations of Ab, are of great interest for develop therapeutic molecules for Alzheimer's disease. In this undertaking we are aim the possible immunological treatment for prevention and treatment", "butter_fingers": " prfcursor protein (APP) with other factors jhqt are involbed in dkrecting it into pathologicap pathwqy as well as those thxt are caiable to prevtnt or destroy invdaneurokcl acdmmulaciins of Ab, are pf great itterest for deeeuo'ing therapeutic molecules for Alzheymer's dosfase. In this ptojecu wq ars proposing the possible immunologjcal inuervention for prefention and treatment", "random_deletion": "precursor protein (APP) with other factors that in it into pathway as well to or destroy intraneuronal of Ab, are great interest for developing therapeutic molecules Alzheimer's disease. In this project we are proposing the possible immunological intervention for and treatment", "change_char_case": " precursor protein (APP) with otHer factors That aRe iNvoLvEd in DireCting it into patHOlogIcal pathway as well as thoSe thaT aRE capABlE to prEvent or DEsTROy iNtRaNeuRoNAl AccumUlaTions of ab, are of greAt iNtErest for deveLOpIng therapeUtiC molecules foR AlZheimeR's DisEAse. In ThiS projEct we aRE propoSing the poSsIBle immUNologicAL InTervEntion for preventiON aND treatment", "whitespace_perturbation": " precursor protein (APP) w ith otherfacto rstha tareinvo lved in direct i ng i t into pathological pa thway a s wel l a s tho se that ar e cap ab le to p r ev ent o r d estroyintraneuro nal a ccumulations of Ab, are o f g reat interes t f or dev el opi n g the rap eutic molec u les fo r Alzheim er ' s dise a se. Int h is pro ject we are propo s in g the possibleimmuno lo g ic a l in ter vention fo rpreve n tion an d t r e a tme n t", "underscore_trick": " precursor_protein (APP)_with other factors that_are involved_in_directing it_into_pathological pathway as_well as those_that are capable to_prevent or destroy_intraneuronal_accumulations of Ab, are of great interest for developing therapeutic molecules for Alzheimer's disease._In_this project_we_are_proposing the possible immunological intervention_for prevention and treatment"} +{"text": ". The study will examine main effects of the intervention as well as moderating (age <40, chronic graft versus host disease, rural residence, lower income) and mediating effects (health self-efficacy, knowledge of survivorship needs) per Protection Motivation Theory. Further analyses will identify risk factors for disparities in survivorship", "synonym_substitution": ". The study will examine main effects of the interposition equally well as moderating (age < 40, chronic bribery versus host disease, rural mansion, lower income) and mediating effect (health self - efficacy, knowledge of survivorship needs) per Protection Motivation Theory. Further analysis will identify risk agent for disparities in survivorship", "butter_fingers": ". Thf study will examine maik effects of the intervxntion zs well xs moderating (age <40, chronic gcaft versys host disease, rural fesidence, lower ibcomt) and mediating ehrects (hcclth aclf-efyiracy, knowledge pf survivosship needs) pes Orltection Motivation Theory. Further wnalysex aill identify tisk gwctods for disparities in survivorship", "random_deletion": ". The study will examine main effects intervention well as (age <40, chronic residence, income) and mediating (health self-efficacy, knowledge survivorship needs) per Protection Motivation Theory. analyses will identify risk factors for disparities in survivorship", "change_char_case": ". The study will examine main efFects of the InterVenTioN aS welL as mOderating (age <40, chROnic Graft versus host disease, Rural ReSIdenCE, lOwer iNcome) anD MeDIAtiNg EfFecTs (HEaLth seLf-eFficacy, Knowledge oF suRvIvorship needS) PeR ProtectioN MoTivation TheoRy. FUrther AnAlySEs wilL idEntifY risk fACtors fOr dispariTiES in surVIvorshiP", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The study will examine m ain effect s ofthe in te rven tion as well as mo d erat ing (age <40, chronicgraft v e rsus ho st di sease,r ur a l re si de nce ,l ow er in com e) andmediatingeff ec ts (health s e lf -efficacy, kn owledge of s urv ivorsh ip ne e ds) p erProte ctionM otivat ion Theor y. Furthe r analys e s w illidentify risk fac t or s for dispariti es insu r vi v o rsh ip", "underscore_trick": ". The_study will_examine main effects of_the intervention_as_well as_moderating_(age <40, chronic_graft versus host_disease, rural residence, lower_income) and mediating_effects_(health self-efficacy, knowledge of survivorship needs) per Protection Motivation Theory. Further analyses will identify_risk_factors for_disparities_in_survivorship"} +{"text": " broader impact on the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of kinase regulation and of drug resistance mutations that are known to arise in cancer patients undergoing kinase inhibitory treatment. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] Major depressive disorder (MDD) is characterized by reductions in the density and size of neuronal and glial[unreadable] cells in", "synonym_substitution": "broader impact on the understanding of the fundamental mechanism of kinase rule and of drug resistance mutations that are know to rise in cancer patients undergoing kinase inhibitory discussion. [ unreadable ] [ unreadable ] [ unreadable ] Major depressive disorderliness (MDD) is qualify by reductions in the concentration and size of neuronal and glial[unreadable ] cells in", "butter_fingers": " brlader impact on the undevstanding of the fundamxntal mschanismr of kinase regulation and oh dryg rewistance mutations thag are knoan to aruse mn cancer patienva undernjing ninavx inhibitory trgatment. [unreddable] [unreadatld] [bnreadable] Major depressive disorder (MDD) is cjaracterized bi redlceiona in the density and size of neurohal and glial[unreadanle] cells in", "random_deletion": "broader impact on the understanding of the of regulation and drug resistance mutations in patients undergoing kinase treatment. [unreadable] [unreadable] Major depressive disorder (MDD) is characterized reductions in the density and size of neuronal and glial[unreadable] cells in", "change_char_case": " broader impact on the understAnding of thE fundAmeNtaL mEchaNismS of kinase regulATion And of drug resistance mutAtionS tHAt arE KnOwn to Arise in CAnCER paTiEnTs uNdERgOing kInaSe inhibItory treatMenT. [uNreadable] [unrEAdAble] [unreadAblE] Major depresSivE disorDeR (MDd) Is chaRacTerizEd by reDUctionS in the denSiTY and siZE of neurONAl And gLial[unreadable] celLS iN", "whitespace_perturbation": " broader impact on the und erstanding of t hefun da ment al m echanisms of k i nase regulation and of dru g res is t ance mu tatio ns that ar e kno wn t o a ri s ein ca nce r patie nts underg oin gkinase inhib i to ry treatme nt. [unreadable ] [ unread ab le] [unre ada ble]Majord epress ive disor de r (MDD) is char a c te rize d by reductions i n t h e density andsize o fn eu r o nal an d glial[un re adabl e ] cells in ", "underscore_trick": " broader_impact on_the understanding of the_fundamental mechanisms_of_kinase regulation_and_of drug resistance_mutations that are_known to arise in_cancer patients undergoing_kinase_inhibitory treatment. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] Major depressive disorder (MDD) is characterized by reductions in_the_density and_size_of_neuronal and glial[unreadable] cells in"} +{"text": " use our growing understanding of survival signaling in the stem cell niche to rescue injured dopamine neurons in vivo. This approach may allow a more rapid transition to clinical application than cell replacement therapy. In the past year, we have shown that the major regenerative features found in the adult rat brain are also present in adult monkeys. This result", "synonym_substitution": "use our growing understanding of survival signaling in the shank cellular telephone niche to rescue injured dopamine nerve cell in vivo. This approach may admit a more rapid transition to clinical lotion than cell replacement therapy. In the past year, we have read that the major regenerative features found in the adult informer brain are also present in adult monkey. This result", "butter_fingers": " usf our growing understandlng of survival signaliig in tge stem zell niche to rescue injured dipamibe neurons in vivo. Thir approacj may aloow e more rapid traiaition bj cljkical epplication thak cell repldcement therapf. Kn the past year, we have shown that tre majot gegenerative fgaturts souns in the adult rat brain are also lresent in adult monleys. This result", "random_deletion": "use our growing understanding of survival signaling stem niche to injured dopamine neurons allow more rapid transition clinical application than replacement therapy. In the past year, have shown that the major regenerative features found in the adult rat brain also present in adult monkeys. This result", "change_char_case": " use our growing understandinG of survivaL signAliNg iN tHe stEm ceLl niche to rescuE InjuRed dopamine neurons in viVo. ThiS aPProaCH mAy allOw a more RApID TraNsItIon To CLiNical AppLicatioN than cell rEplAcEment therapy. iN tHe past year, We hAve shown that The Major rEgEneRAtive FeaTures Found iN The aduLt rat braiN aRE also pREsent in ADUlT monKeys. This result", "whitespace_perturbation": " use our growing understan ding of su rviva l s ign al ingin t he stem cell n i cheto rescue injured dopa minene u rons in vivo . Thisa pp r o ach m ay al lo w a more ra pid tra nsition to cl in ical applica t io n than cel l r eplacement t her apy. I nthe pastyea r, we haves hown t hat the m aj o r rege n erative f ea ture s found in the ad u lt rat brain arealso p re s en t inadu lt monkeys .Thisr esult", "underscore_trick": " use_our growing_understanding of survival signaling_in the_stem_cell niche_to_rescue injured dopamine_neurons in vivo._This approach may allow_a more rapid_transition_to clinical application than cell replacement therapy. In the past year, we have shown_that_the major_regenerative_features_found in the adult rat_brain are also present in_adult monkeys._This result"} +{"text": " and cancer treatment. An Administrative Core will provide the administrative and programmatic leadership and infrastructure necessary to ensure the consortium functions efficiently and effectively. The Administrative Core will pursue four specific aims: 1) provide the administrative expertise and resources necessary to support the consortium?s Career Enhancement Core, Shared Resources Cores, and research projects", "synonym_substitution": "and cancer treatment. An Administrative Core will provide the administrative and programmatic leadership and infrastructure necessary to ensure the consortium functions efficiently and efficaciously. The Administrative Core will prosecute four specific aims: 1) provide the administrative expertness and resources necessary to digest the consortium?s Career Enhancement Core, Shared Resources Cores, and research projects", "butter_fingers": " anf cancer treatment. An Adoinistrative Cote will 'rovide the admknistrative and programmatic lwaderwhip and infrastructurd necessagy to ensyre uhe consortium fuidtions cyficisktly cnv effectively. Tme Administsative Core winl pbrsue four specific aims: 1) provide thq adminoshrative expertyse sgd rssources necessary to support the donsortpum?s Career Enhanvement Core, Shared Resourcfs Clres, and research orojects", "random_deletion": "and cancer treatment. An Administrative Core will administrative programmatic leadership infrastructure necessary to and The Administrative Core pursue four specific 1) provide the administrative expertise and necessary to support the consortium?s Career Enhancement Core, Shared Resources Cores, and research", "change_char_case": " and cancer treatment. An AdminIstrative COre wiLl pRovIdE the AdmiNistrative and pROgraMmatic leadership and infRastrUcTUre nECeSsary To ensurE ThE COnsOrTiUm fUnCTiOns efFicIently aNd effectivEly. thE AdministratIVe core will puRsuE four specifiC aiMs: 1) provIdE thE AdminIstRativE experTIse and Resources NeCEssary TO supporT THe ConsOrtium?s Career EnhaNCeMEnt Core, Shared REsourcEs cOrES, And ResEarch projeCtS", "whitespace_perturbation": " and cancer treatment. AnAdministra tiveCor e w il l pr ovid e the administ r ativ e and programmatic lea dersh ip andi nf rastr ucturen ec e s sar yto en su r ethe c ons ortiumfunctionseff ic iently and e f fe ctively. T heAdministrati veCore w il l p u rsuefou r spe cifica ims: 1 ) provide t h e admi n istrati v e e xper tise and resource s n e cessary to sup port t he co n s ort ium ?s CareerEn hance m ent Cor e ,S h a red Resources Cor es, and res e arc h proj ec ts", "underscore_trick": " and_cancer treatment._An Administrative Core will_provide the_administrative_and programmatic_leadership_and infrastructure necessary_to ensure the_consortium functions efficiently and_effectively. The Administrative_Core_will pursue four specific aims: 1) provide the administrative expertise and resources necessary to_support_the consortium?s_Career_Enhancement_Core, Shared Resources Cores, and_research projects"} +{"text": " therapy with amphotericin B. Therefore, it is imperative that we gain a better understanding of the interaction of Hc with M-phi from HIV+ patients. The goal of the proposed study is to characterize the intrinsic defects in the function of monocyte/M-phi from patients with HIV infection with respect to their", "synonym_substitution": "therapy with amphotericin B. Therefore, it is imperative that we gain a better understanding of the interaction of Hc with M - phi from HIV+ patient. The finish of the proposed study is to qualify the intrinsic defects in the routine of monocyte / M - phi from patients with HIV infection with deference to their", "butter_fingers": " thfrapy with amphotericin N. Therefore, it is imperetive tgat we gxin a better understanding oh thw inttgaction of Hc with M-pfi from HPV+ patienrs. Tie goal of the pckposed study jd to rharacterize thg intrinsic gefects in the fjnetion of monocyte/M-phi from patients rith HIF lnfection with reskece to nhtir", "random_deletion": "therapy with amphotericin B. Therefore, it is we a better of the interaction HIV+ The goal of proposed study is characterize the intrinsic defects in the of monocyte/M-phi from patients with HIV infection with respect to their", "change_char_case": " therapy with amphotericin B. THerefore, it Is impEraTivE tHat wE gaiN a better undersTAndiNg of the interaction of Hc With M-PhI From hiV+ PatieNts. The gOAl OF The PrOpOseD sTUdY is to ChaRacteriZe the intriNsiC dEfects in the fUNcTion of monoCytE/M-phi from patIenTs with hIv inFEctioN wiTh resPect to THeir", "whitespace_perturbation": " therapy with amphotericin B. Theref ore,itisim pera tive that we gaina bet ter understanding of t he in te r acti o nof Hc with M - ph i fro mHI V+pa t ie nts.The goal o f the prop ose dstudy is toc ha racterizethe intrinsic d efe cts in t hef uncti onof mo nocyte / M-phifrom pati en t s with HIV inf e c ti on w ith respect to th e ir ", "underscore_trick": " therapy_with amphotericin_B. Therefore, it is_imperative that_we_gain a_better_understanding of the_interaction of Hc_with M-phi from HIV+_patients. The goal_of_the proposed study is to characterize the intrinsic defects in the function of monocyte/M-phi_from_patients with_HIV_infection_with respect to their"} +{"text": " to shared teaching and training cores. In addition to having 75% time directly covered by the Center, in order to pursue career development. Scholars will receive research support for 2-5 years to underwrite costs while they obtain preliminary data and develop grant applications. Scholars enter the Department of Ob/Gyn as Assistant Professors", "synonym_substitution": "to shared teaching and training cores. In accession to have 75% time directly covered by the Center, in orderliness to pursue career development. scholar will receive research documentation for 2 - 5 years to underwrite price while they obtain preliminary data and modernize grant applications. Scholars enter the Department of Ob / Gyn as Assistant Professors", "butter_fingers": " to shared teaching and tralning cores. In abeition to habing 75% tioe directly covered by the Cxntee, in irder to pursue career developmvnt. Scholqrs xill receive resxzrch sui'ort rlr 2-5 veers to underwrije costs whine they obtain pfepiminary data and develop grant appjicatioms. Scholars entet the Qepadnmtnt of Ob/Gyn as Assistant Professkrs", "random_deletion": "to shared teaching and training cores. In having time directly by the Center, development. will receive research for 2-5 years underwrite costs while they obtain preliminary and develop grant applications. Scholars enter the Department of Ob/Gyn as Assistant Professors", "change_char_case": " to shared teaching and trainiNg cores. In aDditiOn tO haViNg 75% tiMe diRectly covered bY The CEnter, in order to pursue caReer dEvELopmENt. scholArs will REcEIVe rEsEaRch SuPPoRt for 2-5 YeaRs to undErwrite cosTs wHiLe they obtain PReLiminary daTa aNd develop graNt aPplicaTiOns. sCholaRs eNter tHe DepaRTment oF Ob/Gyn as ASsIStant PROfessorS", "whitespace_perturbation": " to shared teaching and tr aining cor es. I n a ddi ti on t o ha ving 75% timed irec tly covered by the Cen ter,in orde r t o pur sue car e er d eve lo pm ent .S ch olars wi ll rece ive resear chsu pport for 2- 5 y ears to un der write costswhi le the yobt a in pr eli minar y data and de velop gra nt applic a tions.S c ho lars enter the Depart m en t of Ob/Gyn asAssist an t P r o fes sor s", "underscore_trick": " to_shared teaching_and training cores. In_addition to_having_75% time_directly_covered by the_Center, in order_to pursue career development._Scholars will receive_research_support for 2-5 years to underwrite costs while they obtain preliminary data and develop_grant_applications. Scholars_enter_the_Department of Ob/Gyn as Assistant_Professors"} +{"text": "HR-CDS has great potential to overcome ED barriers and serve as platform for ED-based ASP. In this proposal, we build upon our preliminary single-center research to develop a multicenter EHR-CDS for antibiotic prescribing for two common pediatric ED infections, community acquired pneumonia (CAP) and urinary tract infection", "synonym_substitution": "HR - CDS has great potential to overcome ED barrier and service as platform for ED - based ASP. In this proposal, we build up upon our preliminary single - center inquiry to develop a multicenter EHR - CDS for antibiotic prescribing for two common pediatric ED infections, residential district grow pneumonia (CAP) and urinary tract contagion", "butter_fingers": "HR-CFS has great potential tu overcome ED bceriers and ssrve as olatform for ED-based ASP. In vhis propisal, we build upon our preliminwry singoe-ceiter research to develop a mulflcentzr EHR-CDS for anjibiotic prevcribing for tfo clmmon pediatric ED infections, commugity acaulred pneumonia (CAP) wnd hgikary tract infection", "random_deletion": "HR-CDS has great potential to overcome ED serve platform for ASP. In this preliminary research to develop multicenter EHR-CDS for prescribing for two common pediatric ED community acquired pneumonia (CAP) and urinary tract infection", "change_char_case": "HR-CDS has great potential to oVercome ED bArrieRs aNd sErVe as PlatForm for ED-based asP. In This proposal, we build upoN our pReLIminARy SinglE-center REsEARch To DeVelOp A MuLticeNteR EHR-CDS For antibioTic PrEscribing for TWo Common pediAtrIc ED infectioNs, cOmmuniTy AcqUIred pNeuMonia (cAP) and URinary Tract infeCtIOn", "whitespace_perturbation": "HR-CDS has great potential to overco me ED ba rri er s an d se rve as platfor m for ED-based ASP. In this prop os a l, w e b uildupon ou r p r e lim in ar y s in g le -cent erresearc h to devel opamulticenterE HR -CDS for a nti biotic presc rib ing fo rtwo commo n p ediat ric ED infect ions, com mu n ity ac q uired p n e um onia (CAP) and urinar y t r act infection", "underscore_trick": "HR-CDS has_great potential_to overcome ED barriers_and serve_as_platform for_ED-based_ASP. In this_proposal, we build_upon our preliminary single-center_research to develop_a_multicenter EHR-CDS for antibiotic prescribing for two common pediatric ED infections, community acquired pneumonia_(CAP)_and urinary_tract_infection"} +{"text": "CRR (TopBP1-interacting checkpoint and replication regulator). TICRR interacts with the first two BRCT domains of TopBP1 and is required for DNA replication initiation and cell cycle arrest following DNA damage. The second Aim is focused on identifying and characterizing novel TopBP1 and TICRR protein interactions. The", "synonym_substitution": "CRR (TopBP1 - interacting checkpoint and replication regulator). TICRR interacts with the inaugural two BRCT domain of TopBP1 and is required for DNA replication trigger and cell cycle apprehension following DNA damage. The second purpose is focused on identifying and characterize novel TopBP1 and TICRR protein interactions. The", "butter_fingers": "CRR (TopBP1-interacting checkpuint and repliccrion rxgulatod). TICRR knteracts with the first two BECT dimains of TopBP1 and is required for DNA repoucation inmfiation and cspl cvcoe arrest follpwing DNA gamage. The secmna Cim is focused on identifying and chwracterozlng novel TopBK1 and EICRD protein interactions. The", "random_deletion": "CRR (TopBP1-interacting checkpoint and replication regulator). TICRR the two BRCT of TopBP1 and initiation cell cycle arrest DNA damage. The Aim is focused on identifying and novel TopBP1 and TICRR protein interactions. The", "change_char_case": "CRR (TopBP1-interacting checkpOint and repLicatIon RegUlAtor). tICRr interacts with THe fiRst two BRCT domains of TopbP1 and Is REquiREd For DNa replicATiON IniTiAtIon AnD CeLl cycLe aRrest foLlowing DNA DamAgE. The second AiM Is Focused on iDenTifying and chAraCterizInG noVEl TopbP1 aNd TICrR protEIn inteRactions. THe", "whitespace_perturbation": "CRR (TopBP1-interacting ch eckpoint a nd re pli cat io n re gula tor). TICRR in t erac ts with the first twoBRCTdo m ains of TopB P1 andi sr e qui re dfor D N Arepli cat ion ini tiation an d c el l cycle arre s tfollowingDNA damage. The se cond A im is focus edon id entify i ng and characte ri z ing no v el TopB P 1 a nd T ICRR protein inte r ac t ions. The", "underscore_trick": "CRR (TopBP1-interacting_checkpoint and_replication regulator). TICRR interacts_with the_first_two BRCT_domains_of TopBP1 and_is required for_DNA replication initiation and_cell cycle arrest_following_DNA damage. The second Aim is focused on identifying and characterizing novel TopBP1 and_TICRR_protein interactions._The"} +{"text": " of infection, access and adherence to treatment. The BSS Core at Penn is also well positioned to expand the role of behavioral sciences in the design and evaluation of clinical trials of biomedical interventions (microbicides, vaccines, and therapeutics) and to facilitate scientific collaborations with other investigators (behavioral and interdisciplinary), both", "synonym_substitution": "of infection, access and adherence to treatment. The BSS Core at Penn is besides well positioned to elaborate the role of behavioral sciences in the invention and evaluation of clinical trial of biomedical interventions (microbicides, vaccines, and remedy) and to facilitate scientific collaborations with other research worker (behavioral and interdisciplinary), both", "butter_fingers": " of infection, access and admerence to treatment. Thx BSS Ckre at Pdnn is also well positioned vo ezpand the role of behaviorau scienced in the desmgn and evaluation of clluical brialv of biomedical interventhons (microbiciger, raccines, and therapeutics) and to facylitate sfientific collwborseiona with other investigators (behaviodal and interdisciplonary), both", "random_deletion": "of infection, access and adherence to treatment. Core Penn is well positioned to sciences the design and of clinical trials biomedical interventions (microbicides, vaccines, and therapeutics) to facilitate scientific collaborations with other investigators (behavioral and interdisciplinary), both", "change_char_case": " of infection, access and adherEnce to treaTment. the bSS coRe at penn Is also well posiTIoneD to expand the role of behaVioraL sCIencES iN the dEsign anD EvALUatIoN oF clInICaL triaLs oF biomedIcal intervEntIoNs (microbicidES, vAccines, and TheRapeutics) and To fAcilitAtE scIEntifIc cOllabOratioNS with oTher invesTiGAtors (bEHavioraL ANd InteRdisciplinary), both", "whitespace_perturbation": " of infection, access andadherenceto tr eat men t. The BSS Core at Penni s al so well positioned toexpan dt he r o le of b ehavior a ls c ien ce sinth e d esign an d evalu ation of c lin ic al trials of bi omedical i nte rventions (m icr obicid es , v a ccine s,and t herape u tics)and to fa ci l itates cientif i c c olla borations with ot h er investigators(behav io r al a ndint erdiscipli na ry),b oth", "underscore_trick": " of_infection, access_and adherence to treatment._The BSS_Core_at Penn_is_also well positioned_to expand the_role of behavioral sciences_in the design_and_evaluation of clinical trials of biomedical interventions (microbicides, vaccines, and therapeutics) and to facilitate_scientific_collaborations with_other_investigators_(behavioral and interdisciplinary), both"} +{"text": " received primary funding from another NIH source, and thus could be represented in other CRISP entries. The institution listed is for the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. The TrialNet Natural History Study of the Development of Type 1 Diabetes is a part of the TrialNet research program, in which a group", "synonym_substitution": "received primary funding from another NIH source, and therefore could be stage in other CRISP entry. The mental hospital listed is for the Center, which is not necessarily the mental hospital for the detective. The TrialNet Natural History Study of the Development of Type 1 Diabetes is a part of the TrialNet inquiry platform, in which a group", "butter_fingers": " refeived primary funding fvom another NIH source, end thua could ce represented in other CRIS' enrries. The institution listea is for nhe Centee, whmch is not necessarily tmz insfltutimi for the invesjigator. The DrialNet Naturdl Hnstory Study of the Development of Trpe 1 Disbftes is a part of uhe TrizlNet research program, in which a froup", "random_deletion": "received primary funding from another NIH source, could represented in CRISP entries. The Center, is not necessarily institution for the The TrialNet Natural History Study of Development of Type 1 Diabetes is a part of the TrialNet research program, which a group", "change_char_case": " received primary funding froM another NIh sourCe, aNd tHuS couLd be Represented in oTHer CrISP entries. The institutIon liStED is fOR tHe CenTer, whicH Is NOT neCeSsAriLy THe InstiTutIon for tHe investigAtoR. THe TrialNet NaTUrAl History STudY of the DeveloPmeNt of TyPe 1 diaBEtes iS a pArt of The TriALNet reSearch proGrAM, in whiCH a group", "whitespace_perturbation": " received primary fundingfrom anoth er NI H s our ce , an d th us could be re p rese nted in other CRISP en tries .T he i n st ituti on list e di s fo rth e C en t er , whi chis notnecessaril y t he institution fo r the inve sti gator. The T ria lNet N at ura l Hist ory Stud y of t h e Deve lopment o fT ype 1D iabetes i sa pa rt of the TrialNe t r e search program , in w hi c ha gro up", "underscore_trick": " received_primary funding_from another NIH source,_and thus_could_be represented_in_other CRISP entries._The institution listed_is for the Center,_which is not_necessarily_the institution for the investigator. The TrialNet Natural History Study of the Development of_Type_1 Diabetes_is_a_part of the TrialNet research_program, in which a group"} +{"text": " In this proposal,the addition of a new subunit at the Children's Diagnostic Center in Fort Lauderdale is proposed. This subunit is located 25 miles to the north of Miami and would allow access to clinical trials for a large number of infected children. The virology laboratory component has participated in research protocols in pediatric patients", "synonym_substitution": "In this proposal, the addition of a new subunit at the Children's Diagnostic Center in Fort Lauderdale is aim. This fractional monetary unit is located 25 miles to the union of Miami and would allow entree to clinical trials for a large issue of septic children. The virology laboratory component has participated in research protocol in pediatric patients", "butter_fingers": " In this proposal,the additiun of a new subonut at vhe Chimdren's Dkagnostic Center in Fort Lauverdqle iw proposed. This subunig is locaned 25 milew to rhe north of Miami and wkmld anoow access to glinical trhals for a larce nbmber of infected children. The viroljgy labprwtory componenj has [artjbikated in research protocols in pesiatric patients", "random_deletion": "In this proposal,the addition of a new the Diagnostic Center Fort Lauderdale is 25 to the north Miami and would access to clinical trials for a number of infected children. The virology laboratory component has participated in research protocols pediatric patients", "change_char_case": " In this proposal,the addition Of a new subuNit at The chiLdRen's diagNostic Center in fOrt LAuderdale is proposed. ThiS subuNiT Is loCAtEd 25 milEs to the NOrTH Of MIaMi And WoULd Allow AccEss to clInical triaLs fOr A large number OF iNfected chiLdrEn. The virologY laBoratoRy ComPOnent Has PartiCipateD In reseArch protoCoLS in pedIAtric paTIEnTs", "whitespace_perturbation": " In this proposal,the addi tion of anew s ubu nit a t th e Ch ildren's Diagn o stic Center in Fort Lauder daleis prop o se d. Th is subu n it i s l oc at ed25 mi les t o t he nort h of Miami an dwould allowa cc ess to cli nic al trials fo r a large n umb e r ofinf ected child r en. Th e virolog yl aborat o ry comp o n en t ha s participated in re s earch protocol s in p ed i at r i c p ati ents", "underscore_trick": " In_this proposal,the_addition of a new_subunit at_the_Children's Diagnostic_Center_in Fort Lauderdale_is proposed. This_subunit is located 25_miles to the_north_of Miami and would allow access to clinical trials for a large number of_infected_children. The_virology_laboratory_component has participated in research_protocols in pediatric patients"} +{"text": " well as increased energy expenditure and BAT thermogenesis. Therefore our second objective is to determine whether the mechanism for POMC-neuron BMPR1a action is through hypothalamic melanocortin pathway inhibition to induce hyperphagia, and through the NTS-SNS pathways to increase thermogenesis in BAT", "synonym_substitution": "well as increased energy expenditure and BAT thermogenesis. consequently our second aim is to specify whether the mechanism for POMC - neuron BMPR1a action is through hypothalamic melanocortin nerve pathway inhibition to induce hyperphagia, and through the NTS - SNS pathways to increase thermogenesis in BAT", "butter_fingers": " wepl as increased energy ewpenditure and BCR therkogeneais. Therdfore our second objective id ro deuvrmine whether the mezhanism flr POMC-nwuroi BMPR1a action is througm hypkbhalakmc melanocortin pathway ithibition to itdjcz hyperphagia, and through the NTS-SNS pathwaus to increase trermpdeneaps in BAT", "random_deletion": "well as increased energy expenditure and BAT our objective is determine whether the is hypothalamic melanocortin pathway to induce hyperphagia, through the NTS-SNS pathways to increase in BAT", "change_char_case": " well as increased energy expeNditure and bAT thErmOgeNeSis. THereFore our second oBJectIve is to determine whetheR the mEcHAnisM FoR POMC-Neuron BmpR1A ACtiOn Is ThrOuGH hYpothAlaMic melaNocortin paThwAy Inhibition to INdUce hyperphAgiA, and through tHe NtS-SNS pAtHwaYS to inCreAse thErmogeNEsis in bAT", "whitespace_perturbation": " well as increased energyexpenditur e and BA T t he rmog enes is. Thereforeo ur s econd objective is todeter mi n e wh e th er th e mecha n is m for P OM C-n eu r on BMPR 1aactionis through hy po thalamic mel a no cortin pat hwa y inhibition to induc ehyp e rphag ia, andthroug h the N TS-SNS pa th w ays to increas e th ermo genesis in BAT", "underscore_trick": " well_as increased_energy expenditure and BAT_thermogenesis. Therefore_our_second objective_is_to determine whether_the mechanism for_POMC-neuron BMPR1a action is_through hypothalamic melanocortin_pathway_inhibition to induce hyperphagia, and through the NTS-SNS pathways to increase thermogenesis in BAT"} +{"text": " that cannot be obtained from the study of the peripheral blood from these patients. We hypothesize that the outcome of the host response to M. leprae is determined by the nature of the innate and adaptive immune response in lesions. We now propose to: 1) elucidate the gene expression profiles associated with resistance versus susceptibility in the", "synonym_substitution": "that cannot be obtained from the study of the peripheral blood from these patients. We speculate that the result of the host response to M. leprae is determine by the nature of the natural and adaptive immune response in lesions. We immediately aim to: 1) elucidate the gene expression profiles associated with resistor versus susceptibility in the", "butter_fingers": " thwt cannot be obtained frum the study of the pecipheram blood wrom these patients. We hypotiesize thqt the outcome of the fost resplnse to N. lekrae is determinev by the naturs of chx innate and adsptive immgne response it uedions. We now propose to: 1) elucidate ehe genr fxpression prosilex asskbicted with resistance versus susdeptibinity in the", "random_deletion": "that cannot be obtained from the study peripheral from these We hypothesize that response M. leprae is by the nature the innate and adaptive immune response lesions. We now propose to: 1) elucidate the gene expression profiles associated with versus susceptibility in the", "change_char_case": " that cannot be obtained from tHe study of tHe perIphEraL bLood From These patients. WE HypoThesize that the outcome oF the hOsT RespONsE to M. lEprae is DEtERMinEd By The NaTUrE of thE inNate and Adaptive imMunE rEsponse in lesIOnS. We now propOse To: 1) elucidate tHe gEne expReSsiON profIleS assoCiated WIth resIstance veRsUS suscePTibilitY IN tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": " that cannot be obtained f rom the st udy o f t hepe riph eral blood from th e se p atients. We hypothesiz e tha tt he o u tc ome o f the h o st r esp on se to M . l eprae is determ ined by th e n at ure of the i n na te and ada pti ve immune re spo nse in l esi o ns. W e n ow pr oposet o: 1)elucidate t h e gene express i o nprof iles associated w i th resistance ver sus su sc e pt i b ili tyin the", "underscore_trick": " that_cannot be_obtained from the study_of the_peripheral_blood from_these_patients. We hypothesize_that the outcome_of the host response_to M. leprae_is_determined by the nature of the innate and adaptive immune response in lesions. We_now_propose to:_1)_elucidate_the gene expression profiles associated_with resistance versus susceptibility in_the"} +{"text": " under which a cell sample is prepared will become more stringent as technologies mature into clinical practice, successful completion of this application will have a profound and positive impact on many sectors of biomedicine, including reproductive medicine, diagnostic applications and cell therapy, such as autologus stem cell therapy. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: The", "synonym_substitution": "under which a cell sample is prepared will become more stringent as technology ripe into clinical practice, successful completion of this application will have a heavy and positive impact on many sector of biomedicine, admit reproductive music, diagnostic application and cell therapy, such as autologus bow cell therapy. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: The", "butter_fingers": " unfer which a cell sample ls prepared will become more atringeng as technologies mature intl xlinixal practice, successfuu completpon of thus akplication will hebe a profound wnd 'owitive impact pn many sewtors of biomegiziue, including reproductive medicine, dyagnostoc applications wnd bejl tgvrcpy, such as autologus stem cell therapj. PUBLIC HEALTH RRLEVANCE: The", "random_deletion": "under which a cell sample is prepared more as technologies into clinical practice, will a profound and impact on many of biomedicine, including reproductive medicine, diagnostic and cell therapy, such as autologus stem cell therapy. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: The", "change_char_case": " under which a cell sample is prEpared will BecomE moRe sTrIngeNt as Technologies maTUre iNto clinical practice, sucCessfUl COmplETiOn of tHis applICaTIOn wIlL hAve A pROfOund aNd pOsitive Impact on maNy sEcTors of biomedICiNe, includinG reProductive meDicIne, diaGnOstIC applIcaTions And celL TherapY, such as auToLOgus stEM cell thERApY. PUBlIC HEALTH RELEVANCe: thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " under which a cell sample is prepar ed wi llbec om e mo re s tringent as te c hnol ogies mature into clin icalpr a ctic e ,succe ssful c o mp l e tio nof th is ap plica tio n willhave a pro fou nd and positiv e i mpact on m any sectors ofbio medici ne , i n cludi ngrepro ductiv e medic ine, diag no s tic ap p licatio n s a nd c ell therapy, such as autologus stem cellth e ra p y . P UBL IC HEALTHRE LEVAN C E: The", "underscore_trick": " under_which a_cell sample is prepared_will become_more_stringent as_technologies_mature into clinical_practice, successful completion_of this application will_have a profound_and_positive impact on many sectors of biomedicine, including reproductive medicine, diagnostic applications and cell_therapy,_such as_autologus_stem_cell therapy. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE:_The"} +{"text": " this information to rationally develop in vivo models for examining the influence of FGF-retargeting on viral toxicity and immunogenicity, and for the development other ligand-viral conjugates. The data generated will validate the use of growth factor retargeting for gene therapy, and establish the groundwork required for its use in", "synonym_substitution": "this information to rationally develop in vivo models for examining the influence of FGF - retargeting on viral perniciousness and immunogenicity, and for the growth other ligand - viral conjugates. The datum generated will validate the manipulation of growth factor retargeting for gene therapy, and prove the groundwork required for its function in", "butter_fingers": " thls information to rationxlly develop in vivo mmdels ror examkning the influence of FGF-revargwting on viral toxicity and immunogejicity, abd fie the development other mlgand-rical conjugates. Jhe data genarated will vaniaace the use of growth factor retargetyng for gfne therapy, anq esuabjish nht groundwork required for its use in", "random_deletion": "this information to rationally develop in vivo examining influence of on viral toxicity development ligand-viral conjugates. The generated will validate use of growth factor retargeting for therapy, and establish the groundwork required for its use in", "change_char_case": " this information to rationalLy develop iN vivo ModEls FoR exaMiniNg the influence OF FGF-Retargeting on viral toxiCity aNd IMmunOGeNicitY, and for THe DEVelOpMeNt oThER lIgand-VirAl conjuGates. The daTa gEnErated will vaLIdAte the use oF grOwth factor reTarGeting FoR geNE therApy, And esTablisH The groUndwork reQuIRed for ITs use in", "whitespace_perturbation": " this information to ratio nally deve lop i n v ivo m odel s fo r examining th e inf luence of FGF-retarget ing o nv iral to xicit y and i m mu n o gen ic it y,an d f or th e d evelopm ent otherlig an d-viral conj u ga tes. The d ata generated w ill valid at e t h e use of grow th fac t or ret argetingfo r genet herapy, a nd est ablish the ground w or k required forits us ei n", "underscore_trick": " this_information to_rationally develop in vivo_models for_examining_the influence_of_FGF-retargeting on viral_toxicity and immunogenicity,_and for the development_other ligand-viral conjugates._The_data generated will validate the use of growth factor retargeting for gene therapy, and_establish_the groundwork_required_for_its use in"} +{"text": " This repository, built during the first period of funding, is Mutagenetix. A parallel repository will be established for drosophila mutations. All of these tasks will fall within the purview of Core E. In addition. Core E will model mutagenesis to allow optimized use of ENU in somatic cell mutagenesis studies, to", "synonym_substitution": "This repository, built during the first period of support, is Mutagenetix. A parallel depository will be established for drosophila mutations. All of these undertaking will precipitate within the purview of Core E. In addition. Core vitamin e will model mutagenesis to allow optimized function of ENU in somatic cell mutagenesis report, to", "butter_fingers": " Thls repository, built durikg the first pernid of hunding, is Mutaeenetix. A parallel repositorb wiol be established for drosoohila mutwtions. Aol oh these tasks will fall within bhe pbrtiew of Core E. Ln addition. Core E will mmddl mutagenesis to allow optimized use of ENU ij somatic cell mutsdeneaps studies, to", "random_deletion": "This repository, built during the first period is A parallel will be established these will fall within purview of Core In addition. Core E will model to allow optimized use of ENU in somatic cell mutagenesis studies, to", "change_char_case": " This repository, built during The first peRiod oF fuNdiNg, Is MuTageNetix. A parallel REposItory will be established For drOsOPhilA MuTatioNs. All of THeSE TasKs WiLl fAlL WiThin tHe pUrview oF Core E. In adDitIoN. Core E will moDEl MutagenesiS to Allow optimizEd uSe of ENu iN soMAtic cEll MutagEnesis STudies, To", "whitespace_perturbation": " This repository, built du ring the f irstper iod o f fu ndin g, is Mutagene t ix.A parallel repositorywillbe esta b li shedfor dro s op h i lamu ta tio ns . A ll of th ese tas ks will fa llwi thin the pur v ie w of CoreE.In addition. Co re E w il l m o del m uta genes is toa llow o ptimizedus e of EN U in som a t ic cel l mutagenesis stu d ie s , to", "underscore_trick": " This_repository, built_during the first period_of funding,_is_Mutagenetix. A_parallel_repository will be_established for drosophila_mutations. All of these_tasks will fall_within_the purview of Core E. In addition. Core E will model mutagenesis to allow_optimized_use of_ENU_in_somatic cell mutagenesis studies, to"} +{"text": "letion of SK1 or DMS treatment abrogated EGF-induced intracellular Ca2+ elevation. Moreover, perfusion of the arteriole of the isolated rabbit glomerular structure with either AG1478 or DMS blocked the sustained elevation of intracellular Ca2+ and pressor response of Ang II. In vivo experiments performed on wild", "synonym_substitution": "letion of SK1 or DMS treatment abrogated EGF - induced intracellular Ca2 + elevation. furthermore, perfusion of the arteriole of the apart rabbit glomerular structure with either AG1478 or DMS stop the free burning elevation of intracellular Ca2 + and pressor response of Ang II. In vivo experiment performed on wild", "butter_fingers": "letlon of SK1 or DMS treatmekt abrogated EGF-nbduced intradellular Ca2+ elevation. Moreover, perfudiin of the arteriole of the ksolated gabbit glimernlar structure wmfh eithcx AG1478 kv DMS ulocked the susjained elevadion of intracaluupar Ca2+ and pressor response of Ang YI. In vovl experiments kerfogmqd oh wild", "random_deletion": "letion of SK1 or DMS treatment abrogated Ca2+ Moreover, perfusion the arteriole of with AG1478 or DMS the sustained elevation intracellular Ca2+ and pressor response of II. In vivo experiments performed on wild", "change_char_case": "letion of SK1 or DMS treatment aBrogated EGf-induCed IntRaCellUlar ca2+ elevation. MorEOver, Perfusion of the arteriolE of thE iSOlatED rAbbit GlomeruLAr STRucTuRe WitH eIThEr AG1478 oR DMs blockeD the sustaiNed ElEvation of intRAcEllular Ca2+ aNd pRessor responSe oF Ang II. in VivO ExperImeNts peRformeD On wild", "whitespace_perturbation": "letion of SK1 or DMS treat ment abrog atedEGF -in du cedintr acellular Ca2+ elev ation. Moreover, perfu sionof thea rt eriol e of th e i s o lat ed r abb it gl omeru lar struct ure with e ith er AG1478 or D M Sblocked th e s ustained ele vat ion of i ntr a cellu lar Ca2+ and p r essorresponseof Ang II . In viv o ex peri ments performed o n w i ld", "underscore_trick": "letion of_SK1 or_DMS treatment abrogated EGF-induced_intracellular Ca2+_elevation._Moreover, perfusion_of_the arteriole of_the isolated rabbit_glomerular structure with either_AG1478 or DMS_blocked_the sustained elevation of intracellular Ca2+ and pressor response of Ang II. In vivo_experiments_performed on_wild"} +{"text": "-12 teachers and biomedical, public health, biomedical engineering and educational researchers to develop learner-centered, career focused educational modules that will attract and motivate students, particularly those who are traditionally underrepresented in science, medicine and technology. 3. To provide rigorous professional development for K-12 teachers in TX, through an established", "synonym_substitution": "-12 teachers and biomedical, public health, biomedical engineering and educational researchers to develop apprentice - center, career focused educational modules that will attract and motivate student, peculiarly those who are traditionally underrepresented in science, medicine and technology. 3. To supply rigorous professional development for K-12 teachers in TX, through an establish", "butter_fingers": "-12 tewchers and biomedical, punlic health, biomgducal eigineerjng and dducational researchers to dxvelip leqrner-centered, career fucused edlcational modnles that will avfract akb motjyate vvudents, particukarly thosa who are tradhtkoually underrepresented in science, meqicine snf technology. 3. Jo prpdide ginorous professional development ror K-12 ttachers in TX, throigh an established", "random_deletion": "-12 teachers and biomedical, public health, biomedical educational to develop career focused educational motivate particularly those who traditionally underrepresented in medicine and technology. 3. To provide professional development for K-12 teachers in TX, through an established", "change_char_case": "-12 teachers and biomedical, publIc health, biOmediCal EngInEeriNg anD educational reSEarcHers to develop learner-ceNtereD, cAReer FOcUsed eDucatioNAl MODulEs ThAt wIlL AtTract And MotivatE students, pArtIcUlarly those wHO aRe traditioNalLy underrepreSenTed in sCiEncE, MedicIne And teChnoloGY. 3. To proVide rigorOuS ProfesSIonal deVELoPmenT for K-12 teachers in TX, THrOUgh an establishEd", "whitespace_perturbation": "-12 teachers and biomedica l, publichealt h,bio me dica l en gineering ande duca tional researchers todevel op lear n er -cent ered, c a re e r fo cu se d e du c at ional mo dules t hat will a ttr ac t and motiva t estudents,par ticularly th ose who a re tr a ditio nal ly un derrep r esente d in scie nc e , medi c ine and t ec hnol ogy. 3. To provid e r i gorous profess ionalde v el o p men t f or K-12 te ac hersi n TX, t h ro u g h an established", "underscore_trick": "-12 teachers_and biomedical,_public health, biomedical engineering_and educational_researchers_to develop_learner-centered,_career focused educational_modules that will_attract and motivate students,_particularly those who_are_traditionally underrepresented in science, medicine and technology. 3. To provide rigorous professional development for_K-12_teachers in_TX,_through_an established"} +{"text": " research engineers are adequately trained to navigate the waters of successful translational research in neural engineering. This will effectively provide a smoother/faster path to market for the clinical application of exciting neural engineering technological breakthroughs aimed at improving diagnostic and therapeutic success for diseases of the nervous system. The proposed symposia titled \"Translational", "synonym_substitution": "research engineers are adequately trained to navigate the body of water of successful translational inquiry in neural engineering. This will efficaciously provide a placid / faster path to grocery store for the clinical application of exciting neural technology technical breakthroughs aimed at better diagnostic and therapeutic success for diseases of the skittish system. The proposed symposia titled \" Translational", "butter_fingers": " redearch engineers are adeduately trained to navmgate tge waterr of successful translationap eeseaech in neural engineerkng. This aill effwctitely provide a smoother/faster lwth co market for thg clinical a[plication of axzicing neural engineering technologicaj breakyhgoughs aimed aj impgoding diagnostic and therapeutic succesa for dpseases of the netvous system. The proposed dymplsia titled \"Translwtional", "random_deletion": "research engineers are adequately trained to navigate of translational research neural engineering. This path market for the application of exciting engineering technological breakthroughs aimed at improving and therapeutic success for diseases of the nervous system. The proposed symposia titled", "change_char_case": " research engineers are adequAtely trainEd to nAviGatE tHe waTers Of successful trANslaTional research in neural EnginEeRIng. THIs Will eFfectivELy PROviDe A sMooThER/fAster PatH to markEt for the clIniCaL application OF eXciting neuRal Engineering tEchNologiCaL brEAkthrOugHs aimEd at imPRoving DiagnostiC aND theraPEutic suCCEsS for Diseases of the nervOUs SYstem. The proposEd sympOsIA tITLed \"traNslational", "whitespace_perturbation": " research engineers are ad equately t raine d t o n av igat e th e waters of su c cess ful translational rese archin neur a lengin eering. Th i s wi ll e ffe ct i ve ly pr ovi de a sm oother/fas ter p ath to marke t f or the cli nic al applicati onof exc it ing neura l e ngine eringt echnol ogical br ea k throug h s aimed a timpr oving diagnostica nd therapeutic su ccessfo r d i s eas esof the ner vo us sy s tem. Th e p r o p ose d symposia tit led \"Transl a tio nal", "underscore_trick": " research_engineers are_adequately trained to navigate_the waters_of_successful translational_research_in neural engineering._This will effectively_provide a smoother/faster path_to market for_the_clinical application of exciting neural engineering technological breakthroughs aimed at improving diagnostic and therapeutic_success_for diseases_of_the_nervous system. The proposed symposia_titled \"Translational"} +{"text": "BD2 and chemokine MIP-31 (CCL20) bind to their cellular receptor, CCR6, they induce an intracellular antiviral activity against HIV that is absent in cells that do not express CCR6. While direct inactivation of enveloped viruses including HIV has been implicated as one mechanism of defensins, to our", "synonym_substitution": "BD2 and chemokine MIP-31 (CCL20) bind to their cellular receptor, CCR6, they induce an intracellular antiviral activity against HIV that is absent in cells that do not carry CCR6. While lineal inactivation of enveloped virus include HIV has been implicated as one mechanism of defensins, to our", "butter_fingers": "BD2 wnd chemokine MIP-31 (CCL20) bikd to their cellolqr recxptor, CDR6, they knduce an intracellular antitirao actuvity against HIV that is absenn in cellw thet do not express CCR6. Whlje djvect nnectivation of ekveloped visuses includinc FIR has been implicated as one mechanifm of drffnsins, to our", "random_deletion": "BD2 and chemokine MIP-31 (CCL20) bind to receptor, they induce intracellular antiviral activity in that do not CCR6. While direct of enveloped viruses including HIV has implicated as one mechanism of defensins, to our", "change_char_case": "BD2 and chemokine MIP-31 (CCL20) bind tO their cellUlar rEcePtoR, CcR6, thEy inDuce an intracelLUlar Antiviral activity againSt HIV ThAT is aBSeNt in cElls thaT Do NOT exPrEsS CCr6. WHIlE direCt iNactivaTion of enveLopEd Viruses incluDInG HIV has beeN imPlicated as onE meChanisM oF deFEnsinS, to Our", "whitespace_perturbation": "BD2 and chemokine MIP-31 ( CCL20) bin d tothe irce llul ar r eceptor, CCR6, they induce an intracellul ar an ti v iral ac tivit y again s tH I V t ha tisab s en t incel ls that do not ex pre ss CCR6. While di rect inact iva tion of enve lop ed vir us esi nclud ing HIVhas be e n impl icated as o n e mech a nism of d ef ensi ns, to our", "underscore_trick": "BD2 and_chemokine MIP-31_(CCL20) bind to their_cellular receptor,_CCR6,_they induce_an_intracellular antiviral activity_against HIV that_is absent in cells_that do not_express_CCR6. While direct inactivation of enveloped viruses including HIV has been implicated as one_mechanism_of defensins,_to_our"} +{"text": " between the central terminals of the trigeminal nerve (trigeminal afferents) and neurons located in the spinal trigeminal nucleus caudalis (Vc), a brainstem region implicated in nociceptive processing for the face. We hypothesize that synaptic connectivity of individual trigeminal afferents and neurons in the V", "synonym_substitution": "between the central terminals of the trigeminal nerve (trigeminal afferents) and nerve cell locate in the spinal trigeminal nucleus caudalis (Vc), a brainstem region implicated in nociceptive processing for the grimace. We speculate that synaptic connectivity of individual trigeminal afferents and neurons in the V", "butter_fingers": " behween the central terminxls of the triggmunal nxrve (trjgeminal afferents) and neurons locatxd ib the spinal trigeminal nucueus caudwlis (Vc), q breinstem region implicated in nkgicepcite processing fpr the faca. We hypothesise tkat synaptic connectivity of individtal tribelinal afferentf anc neudons in the V", "random_deletion": "between the central terminals of the trigeminal afferents) neurons located the spinal trigeminal region in nociceptive processing the face. We that synaptic connectivity of individual trigeminal and neurons in the V", "change_char_case": " between the central terminalS of the trigEminaL neRve (TrIgemInal Afferents) and neURons Located in the spinal trigEminaL nUCleuS CaUdaliS (Vc), a braINsTEM reGiOn ImpLiCAtEd in nOciCeptive Processing For ThE face. We hypotHEsIze that synAptIc connectiviTy oF indivIdUal TRigemInaL affeRents aND neuroNs in the V", "whitespace_perturbation": " between the central termi nals of th e tri gem ina lnerv e (t rigeminal affe r ents ) and neurons locatedin th es pina l t rigem inal nu c le u s ca ud al is(V c ), a br ain stem re gion impli cat ed in nocicept i ve processin g f or the face. We hypot he siz e that sy napti c conn e ctivit y of indi vi d ual tr i geminal a ff eren ts and neurons in th e V", "underscore_trick": " between_the central_terminals of the trigeminal_nerve (trigeminal_afferents)_and neurons_located_in the spinal_trigeminal nucleus caudalis_(Vc), a brainstem region_implicated in nociceptive_processing_for the face. We hypothesize that synaptic connectivity of individual trigeminal afferents and neurons_in_the V"} +{"text": " of military service including blast injury. The objectives of this proposal are to improve the prevention and treatment of SNHL in veterans. Research Design: To improve our understanding of cellular processes underlying hair cell (HC) damage and loss, the contributions of molecular isoforms within known HC damage and survival pathways will be evaluated by determining their expression", "synonym_substitution": "of military service including blast injury. The aim of this marriage proposal are to improve the prevention and treatment of SNHL in veteran. Research Design: To better our understanding of cellular processes underlie haircloth cell (HC) price and loss, the contributions of molecular isoforms within know HC damage and survival pathways will be evaluated by determining their expression", "butter_fingers": " of military service includlng blast injury. The oboectivea of thir proposal are to improve thx prwventuon and treatment of SVHL in venerans. Rewearrh Design: To impckve our underabandiug of cellular ptocesses undarlying hair calu (KC) damage and loss, the contributions of molrcklar isoforms rithpn knosn HC damage and survival pathways will bt evaluated by detrrmining their expression", "random_deletion": "of military service including blast injury. The this are to the prevention and Research To improve our of cellular processes hair cell (HC) damage and loss, contributions of molecular isoforms within known HC damage and survival pathways will be by determining their expression", "change_char_case": " of military service includinG blast injuRy. The ObjEctIvEs of This Proposal are to iMProvE the prevention and treatMent oF SnhL in VEtErans. researcH deSIGn: TO iMpRovE oUR uNdersTanDing of cEllular proCesSeS underlying hAIr Cell (HC) damaGe aNd loss, the conTriButionS oF moLEculaR isOformS withiN Known Hc damage anD sURvival PAthways WILl Be evAluated by determinINg THeir expression", "whitespace_perturbation": " of military service inclu ding blast inju ry. Th eobje ctiv es of this pro p osal are to improve the pr event io n and tr eatme nt of S N HL i n v et er ans .R es earch De sign: T o improveour u nderstanding of cellularpro cesses under lyi ng hai rcel l (HC) da mageand lo s s, the contribu ti o ns ofm olecula r is ofor ms within known H C d a mage and survi val pa th w ay s wil l b e evaluate dby de t erminin g t h e i r e x pression", "underscore_trick": " of_military service_including blast injury. The_objectives of_this_proposal are_to_improve the prevention_and treatment of_SNHL in veterans. Research_Design: To improve_our_understanding of cellular processes underlying hair cell (HC) damage and loss, the contributions of_molecular_isoforms within_known_HC_damage and survival pathways will_be evaluated by determining their_expression"} +{"text": ". 'fake' variable binding (\"Every man loves his wife\" vs. \"The men bought presents for their wives;\" b) the processing of `world variables,' essentially implicatures that some state of affairs is not true in the actual world; and c) the determination of the domain over which a variable is quantified (", "synonym_substitution": ".' fake' variable binding (\" Every man love his wife \" vs. \" The man bought presents for their wives; \" b) the processing of 'earth variables,' essentially implicatures that some state of matter of affairs is not true in the actual universe; and c) the determination of the domain over which a variable star is quantified (", "butter_fingers": ". 'fane' variable binding (\"Evern man loves his cufe\" vs. \"The msn boughg presents for their wives;\" b) tye pricessing of `world varixbles,' essvntially umplmcatures that some state of afrwirs ms not true in jhe actual wmrld; and c) the ddtzrmination of the domain over which w varianlf is quantifieq (", "random_deletion": ". 'fake' variable binding (\"Every man loves vs. men bought for their wives;\" variables,' implicatures that some of affairs is true in the actual world; and the determination of the domain over which a variable is quantified (", "change_char_case": ". 'fake' variable binding (\"Every mAn loves his Wife\" vS. \"ThE meN bOughT preSents for their wIVes;\" b) The processing of `world vaRiablEs,' ESsenTIaLly imPlicatuREs THAt sOmE sTatE oF AfFairs Is nOt true iN the actual WorLd; And c) the deterMInAtion of the DomAin over which A vaRiable Is QuaNTifieD (", "whitespace_perturbation": ". 'fake' variable binding(\"Every ma n lov eshis w ife\" vs. \"The men boug h t pr esents for their wives ;\" b) t h e pr o ce ssing of `wo r ld v ari ab le s,' e s se ntial lyimplica tures that so me state of af f ai rs is nottru e in the act ual world ;and c) th e d eterm inatio n of th e domainov e r whic h a vari a b le isquantified (", "underscore_trick": ". 'fake'_variable binding_(\"Every man loves his_wife\" vs._\"The_men bought_presents_for their wives;\"_b) the processing_of `world variables,' essentially_implicatures that some_state_of affairs is not true in the actual world; and c) the determination of_the_domain over_which_a_variable is quantified ("} +{"text": " the formal POR research training. The Cardiovascular Risk Intervention Program and the Division of General Internal Medicine will provide study subjects. The General Clinical Research Center will provide ancillary support including nurses, a dietitian, a biostatistical programmer and laboratory services. At USP, the Department of Pharmacognosy will", "synonym_substitution": "the formal POR research training. The Cardiovascular Risk Intervention Program and the Division of General Internal Medicine will provide discipline discipline. The General Clinical Research Center will provide ancillary support include nurses, a dietitian, a biostatistical programmer and testing ground serve. At USP, the Department of Pharmacognosy will", "butter_fingers": " thf formal POR research trxining. The Cardnivascunar Riak Interxention Program and the Dividiin of General Internal Medizine will provide stuvy subjects. The Jsneral Gjinidwl Rzsxarch Center wikl provide ancillary sup[oft including nurses, a dietitian, a bioftatistocwl programmer wnd kwborznovy services. At USP, the Departmenf of Phermacognosy wilk", "random_deletion": "the formal POR research training. The Cardiovascular Program the Division General Internal Medicine General Research Center will ancillary support including a dietitian, a biostatistical programmer and services. At USP, the Department of Pharmacognosy will", "change_char_case": " the formal POR research trainIng. The CardIovasCulAr RIsK IntErveNtion Program anD The DIvision of General InternAl MedIcINe wiLL pRovidE study sUBjECTs. THe geNerAl cLiNical resEarch CeNter will prOviDe Ancillary supPOrT including NurSes, a dietitiaN, a bIostatIsTicAL progRamMer anD laborATory seRvices. At UsP, THe DepaRTment of pHArMacoGnosy will", "whitespace_perturbation": " the formal POR research t raining. T he Ca rdi ova sc ular Ris k Intervention Prog ram and the Division o f Gen er a l In t er nal M edicine wi l l pr ov id e s tu d ysubje cts . The G eneral Cli nic al Research Ce n te r will pro vid e ancillarysup port i nc lud i ng nu rse s, adietit i an, abiostatis ti c al pro g rammera n dlabo ratory services.A tU SP, the Depart ment o fP ha r m aco gno sy will", "underscore_trick": " the_formal POR_research training. The Cardiovascular_Risk Intervention_Program_and the_Division_of General Internal_Medicine will provide_study subjects. The General_Clinical Research Center_will_provide ancillary support including nurses, a dietitian, a biostatistical programmer and laboratory services. At_USP,_the Department_of_Pharmacognosy_will"} +{"text": "ality. To be maximally effective, IPV intervention and prevention strategies must be responsive to the language, culture, and other characteristics of the target population. Moreover, if, as our clinical and research experience suggests, IPV perpetrator characteristics and manifestations of IPV affecting the Deaf community differ from general population norms in significant", "synonym_substitution": "ality. To be maximally effective, IPV intervention and prevention strategies must be responsive to the language, acculturation, and early characteristics of the target population. furthermore, if, as our clinical and research experience indicate, IPV perpetrator characteristics and expression of IPV feign the Deaf community disagree from cosmopolitan population norms in significant", "butter_fingers": "alihy. To be maximally effecuive, IPV intervenjiin and prevehtion stfategies must be responsive vo tye labguage, culture, and othdr characneristics of uhe target populavjon. Morcjver, lf, as iur clinical akd research experience sucgdscs, IPV perpetrator characteristics agd manigedtations of IPD afgqctihg the Deaf community differ from feneral population nprms in significant", "random_deletion": "ality. To be maximally effective, IPV intervention strategies be responsive the language, culture, target Moreover, if, as clinical and research suggests, IPV perpetrator characteristics and manifestations IPV affecting the Deaf community differ from general population norms in significant", "change_char_case": "ality. To be maximally effectiVe, IPV interVentiOn aNd pReVentIon sTrategies must bE RespOnsive to the language, culTure, aNd OTher CHaRacteRistics OF tHE TarGeT pOpuLaTIoN. MoreOveR, if, as ouR clinical aNd rEsEarch experieNCe Suggests, IPv peRpetrator chaRacTeristIcS anD ManifEstAtionS of IPV AFfectiNg the Deaf CoMMunity DIffer frOM GeNeraL population norms iN SiGNificant", "whitespace_perturbation": "ality. To be maximally eff ective, IP V int erv ent io n an d pr evention strat e gies must be responsive to thela n guag e ,cultu re, and ot h e r c ha ra cte ri s ti cs of th e targe t populati on. M oreover, if, as our clini cal and researc h e xperie nc e s u ggest s,IPV p erpetr a tor ch aracteris ti c s andm anifest a t io ns o f IPV affecting t h eD eaf communitydiffer f r om g ene ral populatio nnorms in sign i fi c a n t", "underscore_trick": "ality. To_be maximally_effective, IPV intervention and_prevention strategies_must_be responsive_to_the language, culture,_and other characteristics_of the target population._Moreover, if, as_our_clinical and research experience suggests, IPV perpetrator characteristics and manifestations of IPV affecting the_Deaf_community differ_from_general_population norms in significant"} +{"text": " elements of an individual patient's complex genetic blueprint with targeted pharmacotherapies to which that individual may optimally respond. The purpose of this proposed research is to apply pharmacogenetic techniques to predict which alcohol dependent patients will respond favorably to a trial of a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) for the prevention", "synonym_substitution": "elements of an individual patient's complex genetic blueprint with targeted pharmacotherapies to which that person may optimally react. The purpose of this proposed inquiry is to apply pharmacogenetic proficiency to predict which alcohol dependent patient will respond favorably to a trial of a selective serotonin rhenium - uptake inhibitor (SSRI) for the prevention", "butter_fingers": " elfments of an individual katient's complex ywnetic bluepdint witf targeted pharmacotherapies ti whixh that individual may optimallj respond. The purpose of this proposed veseaxci is to apply pmarmacogenedic techniques tu 'redict which alcohol dependent patiqnts wikl respond favorwbly eo a nrlal of a selective serotonin re-ultake iihibitor (SSRI) fpr the prevention", "random_deletion": "elements of an individual patient's complex genetic targeted to which individual may optimally proposed is to apply techniques to predict alcohol dependent patients will respond favorably a trial of a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) for the prevention", "change_char_case": " elements of an individual patIent's complEx genEtiC blUePrinT witH targeted pharmACothErapies to which that indiViduaL mAY optIMaLly reSpond. ThE PuRPOse Of ThIs pRoPOsEd resEarCh is to aPply pharmaCogEnEtic techniquES tO predict whIch Alcohol depenDenT patieNtS wiLL respOnd FavorAbly to A Trial oF a selectiVe SErotonIN re-uptaKE InHibiTor (SSRI) for the prevENtIOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " elements of an individual patient's comp lex ge ne ticblue print with tar g eted pharmacotherapies towhich t h at i n di vidua l may o p ti m a lly r es pon d. Th e pur pos e of th is propose d r es earch is toa pp ly pharmac oge netic techni que s to p re dic t whic h a lcoho l depe n dent p atients w il l respo n d favor a b ly toa trial of a sele c ti v e serotonin re -uptak ei nh i b ito r ( SSRI) forth e pre v ention", "underscore_trick": " elements_of an_individual patient's complex genetic_blueprint with_targeted_pharmacotherapies to_which_that individual may_optimally respond. The_purpose of this proposed_research is to_apply_pharmacogenetic techniques to predict which alcohol dependent patients will respond favorably to a trial_of_a selective_serotonin_re-uptake_inhibitor (SSRI) for the prevention"} +{"text": "regulatory\" T-cells that inhibit immune responses to these related normal proteins will enhance the effectiveness of the vaccine without inducing deleterious autoimmunity. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 1 Continuation Format Page To investigate the physiological function of nonmuscle myosin heavy chain II-B (", "synonym_substitution": "regulatory \" T - cells that inhibit immune answer to these relate normal proteins will enhance the effectiveness of the vaccine without inducing deleterious autoimmunity. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 1 Continuation Format Page To investigate the physiologic function of nonmuscle myosin heavy chain II - B (", "butter_fingers": "regklatory\" T-cells that inhinit immune respouwes to these related normal proteins will enhancx thw efftbtiveness of the vacckne witholt inducibg dtleterious autoimmunity. PMF 398/2590 (Rsy. 11/07) Paye 1 Continuation Format Pace To investigdtd che physiological function of nonmussle myoxij heavy chain YI-B (", "random_deletion": "regulatory\" T-cells that inhibit immune responses to normal will enhance effectiveness of the PHS (Rev. 11/07) Page Continuation Format Page investigate the physiological function of nonmuscle heavy chain II-B (", "change_char_case": "regulatory\" T-cells that inhibIt immune reSponsEs tO thEsE relAted Normal proteins WIll eNhance the effectiveness Of the VaCCine WItHout iNducing DElETEriOuS aUtoImMUnIty. PHs 398/2590 (ReV. 11/07) Page 1 CoNtinuation forMaT Page To invesTIgAte the physIolOgical functiOn oF nonmuScLe mYOsin hEavY chaiN II-B (", "whitespace_perturbation": "regulatory\" T-cells that i nhibit imm une r esp ons es tothes e related norm a l pr oteins will enhance th e eff ec t iven e ss of t he vacc i ne w ith ou tind uc i ng dele ter ious au toimmunity . P HS 398/2590 (R e v. 11/07) Pa ge1 Continuati onFormat P age To in ves tigat e thep hysiol ogical fu nc t ion of nonmusc l e m yosi n heavy chain II- B ( ", "underscore_trick": "regulatory\" T-cells_that inhibit_immune responses to these_related normal_proteins_will enhance_the_effectiveness of the_vaccine without inducing_deleterious autoimmunity. PHS 398/2590_(Rev. 11/07) Page_1_Continuation Format Page To investigate the physiological function of nonmuscle myosin heavy chain II-B_("} +{"text": " an educational component which features value clarification and decision making exercises, and which is devised for neighborhood groups, skill-training centers and schools; a training component enabling particpants to develop drug education projects within neighborhoods; an evaluation component which aims at providing pre- and post program analyses, sophisticated attitude probes and feedback mechanisms. As", "synonym_substitution": "an educational component which features value clarification and decision make exercise, and which is devised for neighborhood groups, skill - education centers and schools; a training part enable particpants to develop drug education projects within neighborhoods; an evaluation component which calculate at providing pre- and post broadcast analysis, sophisticated position probes and feedback mechanism. As", "butter_fingers": " an educational component wmich features value clacificatjon and aecision making exercises, anv whuch iw devised for neighborfood grouis, skill-teainmng centers and schools; a traihlng cmnponent enablikg particpatts to develop dfuy education projects within neighborroods; am fvaluation comkonenu wrich aims at providing pre- and post prkgram aialyses, sophistocated attitude probes and feefback mechanisms. Ad", "random_deletion": "an educational component which features value clarification making and which devised for neighborhood a component enabling particpants develop drug education within neighborhoods; an evaluation component which at providing pre- and post program analyses, sophisticated attitude probes and feedback mechanisms.", "change_char_case": " an educational component whiCh features Value ClaRifIcAtioN and Decision making EXercIses, and which is devised fOr neiGhBOrhoOD gRoups, Skill-trAInING ceNtErS anD sCHoOls; a tRaiNing comPonent enabLinG pArticpants to DEvElop drug edUcaTion projects WitHin neiGhBorHOods; aN evAluatIon comPOnent wHich aims aT pROvidinG Pre- and pOST pRogrAm analyses, sophistICaTEd attitude probEs and fEeDBaCK MecHanIsms. As", "whitespace_perturbation": " an educational componentwhich feat uresval uecl arif icat ion and decisi o n ma king exercises, and wh ich i sd evis e dfor n eighbor h oo d gro up s, sk il l -t raini ngcenters and schoo ls; a training co m po nent enabl ing particpants to devel op dr u g edu cat ion p roject s withi n neighbo rh o ods; a n evalua t i on com ponent which aims at providing pre- and p os t p r o gra m a nalyses, s op histi c ated at t it u d e pr o bes and feedb ack mechani s ms. As", "underscore_trick": " an_educational component_which features value clarification_and decision_making_exercises, and_which_is devised for_neighborhood groups, skill-training_centers and schools; a_training component enabling_particpants_to develop drug education projects within neighborhoods; an evaluation component which aims at providing_pre-_and post_program_analyses,_sophisticated attitude probes and feedback_mechanisms. As"} +{"text": "isve elements-IREs)in iron metabolism transcripts. This non-physiologic increase in IRE-binding activity of IRP1 in turn leads to abnormal repression of ferritin synthesis and abnormal increases in transferrin receptor synthesis and potentially toxic cytosolic labile iron concentrations. Based on our cell culture", "synonym_substitution": "isve elements - IREs)in iron metabolism transcripts. This non - physiologic increase in IRE - binding natural process of IRP1 in twist leads to abnormal repression of ferritin synthesis and abnormal increases in transferrin sense organ synthesis and potentially toxic cytosolic labile iron concentrations. Based on our cellular telephone polish", "butter_fingers": "isvf elements-IREs)in iron meuabolism transcriktw. This non-phgsiologiz increase in IRE-binding actmvitt of URP1 in turn leads to acnormal rvpression of herritin synthesma and anuormam incxeeses in transfetrin receptos synthesis ang oocentially toxic cytosolic labile irog concemtgations. Based jn olr celm culture", "random_deletion": "isve elements-IREs)in iron metabolism transcripts. This non-physiologic IRE-binding of IRP1 turn leads to and increases in transferrin synthesis and potentially cytosolic labile iron concentrations. Based on cell culture", "change_char_case": "isve elements-IREs)in iron metAbolism traNscriPts. thiS nOn-phYsioLogic increase iN iRE-bInding activity of IRP1 in tUrn leAdS To abNOrMal rePressioN Of FERriTiN sYntHeSIs And abNorMal incrEases in traNsfErRin receptor sYNtHesis and poTenTially toxic cYtoSolic lAbIle IRon coNceNtratIons. BaSEd on ouR cell cultUrE", "whitespace_perturbation": "isve elements-IREs)iniron metab olism tr ans cr ipts . Th is non-physiol o gicincrease in IRE-bindin g act iv i ty o f I RP1 i n turnl ea d s to a bn orm al re press ion of fer ritin synt hes is and abnorma l i ncreases i n t ransferrin r ece ptor s yn the s is an d p otent iallyt oxic c ytosolicla b ile ir o n conce n t ra tion s. Based on our c e ll culture", "underscore_trick": "isve elements-IREs)in_iron metabolism_transcripts. This non-physiologic increase_in IRE-binding_activity_of IRP1_in_turn leads to_abnormal repression of_ferritin synthesis and abnormal_increases in transferrin_receptor_synthesis and potentially toxic cytosolic labile iron concentrations. Based on our cell culture"} +{"text": " of MAP3K8 occur in lung cancer and contribute to disease progression. We have recently shown that increased protein expression of MAP3K8 in lung tumor cell lines leads to changes in downstream signaling pathways and ultimately transcription of important genes in cell survival. To test the effects of MAP3K8 over expression on survival in", "synonym_substitution": "of MAP3K8 occur in lung cancer and contribute to disease progression. We have recently shown that increase protein formula of MAP3K8 in lung tumor cell lines leads to change in downstream signaling pathways and ultimately recording of crucial genes in cell survival. To test the effects of MAP3K8 over construction on survival in", "butter_fingers": " of MAP3K8 occur in lung canctr and contribute to disxase prkgressiov. We have recently shown thav inxreastb protein expression of MAP3K8 pn lung tymor xell lines leads to chanfcs in vownstream signsling pathfays and ultimdtdlv transcription of important genes ig cell xugvival. To test the qffedns of MAP3K8 over expression on shrvival in", "random_deletion": "of MAP3K8 occur in lung cancer and disease We have shown that increased lung cell lines leads changes in downstream pathways and ultimately transcription of important in cell survival. To test the effects of MAP3K8 over expression on survival", "change_char_case": " of MAP3K8 occur in lung cancer anD contributE to diSeaSe pRoGresSion. we have recently SHown That increased protein exPressIoN Of MAp3k8 iN lung Tumor ceLL lINEs lEaDs To cHaNGeS in doWnsTream siGnaling patHwaYs And ultimatelY TrAnscriptioN of Important genEs iN cell sUrVivAL. To teSt tHe effEcts of maP3K8 oveR expressiOn ON surviVAl in", "whitespace_perturbation": " of MAP3K8 occur in lung c ancer andcontr ibu teto dis ease progression.W e ha ve recently shown that incr ea s ed p r ot ein e xpressi o no f MA P3 K8 in l u ng tumo r c ell lin es leads t o c ha nges in down s tr eam signal ing pathways an d u ltimat el y t r anscr ipt ion o f impo r tant g enes in c el l survi v al. Tot e st the effects of MAP3K 8 o v er expressionon sur vi v al i n", "underscore_trick": " of_MAP3K8 occur_in lung cancer and_contribute to_disease_progression. We_have_recently shown that_increased protein expression_of MAP3K8 in lung_tumor cell lines_leads_to changes in downstream signaling pathways and ultimately transcription of important genes in cell_survival._To test_the_effects_of MAP3K8 over expression on_survival in"} +{"text": "dependent insulin receptor (IR) signaling pathway in rod photoreceptors. We have discovered that IR activation is functionally important for rod survival, since its deletion in rods resulted in the loss of neuroprotective survival signaling. This novel pathway uses growth factor receptor bound protein (Grb14), an upstream regulator of IR, and requires phot", "synonym_substitution": "dependent insulin receptor (IR) signaling pathway in gat photoreceptors. We have discover that IR activation is functionally important for rod survival, since its omission in rods resulted in the loss of neuroprotective survival sign. This novel pathway use growth factor sense organ bound protein (Grb14), an upstream regulator of IR, and requires phot", "butter_fingers": "depfndent insulin receptor (LR) signaling patkqay in rod pgotoreceotors. We have discovered thav IR actication is functionally importann for rod surtival, since its vsletion in rosd revnlted in the loxs of neurmprotective susvkvcl signaling. This novel pathway uses growth fwctor receptor boumq prkneln (Grb14), an upstream regulator of JR, and gequires phot", "random_deletion": "dependent insulin receptor (IR) signaling pathway in We discovered that activation is functionally its in rods resulted the loss of survival signaling. This novel pathway uses factor receptor bound protein (Grb14), an upstream regulator of IR, and requires phot", "change_char_case": "dependent insulin receptor (Ir) signaling PathwAy iN roD pHotoRecePtors. We have disCOverEd that IR activation is fuNctioNaLLy imPOrTant fOr rod suRViVAL, siNcE iTs dElETiOn in rOds ResulteD in the loss Of nEuRoprotective SUrVival signaLinG. This novel paThwAy uses GrOwtH FactoR reCeptoR bound PRotein (grb14), an upstReAM regulATor of IR, AND rEquiRes phot", "whitespace_perturbation": "dependent insulin receptor (IR) sign aling pa thw ay inrodphotoreceptors . Wehave discovered that I R act iv a tion is func tionall y i m p ort an tfor r o dsurvi val , since its delet ion i n rods resul t ed in the lo ssof neuroprot ect ive su rv iva l sign ali ng. T his no v el pat hway uses g r owth f a ctor re c e pt or b ound protein (Grb 1 4) , an upstream r egulat or of I R,and requiresph ot", "underscore_trick": "dependent insulin_receptor (IR)_signaling pathway in rod_photoreceptors. We_have_discovered that_IR_activation is functionally_important for rod_survival, since its deletion_in rods resulted_in_the loss of neuroprotective survival signaling. This novel pathway uses growth factor receptor bound_protein_(Grb14), an_upstream_regulator_of IR, and requires phot"} +{"text": ", I have a unique opportunity to purse my career development by working with outstanding scientists in fields that will enhance my abilities and intellect. I plan to achieve my objective through course work at Rutgers University, attendance of basic science conferences, and regular meetings with my mentor and advisors designed to monitor and enhance my progress. This program", "synonym_substitution": ", I have a unique opportunity to purse my career development by working with great scientist in discipline that will enhance my ability and reason. I plan to achieve my objective through class oeuvre at Rutgers University, attendance of basic science conference, and regular meetings with my mentor and adviser designed to monitor and enhance my progress. This program", "butter_fingers": ", I jave a unique opportunitn to purse my catewr devxlopmenf by worying with outstanding scientmsts in fuelds that will enhancd my abilpties and inttllect. I plan to edhieve my objsgtive vhrough course eork at Rudgers Universidy, actendance of basic science conferencqs, and tehular meetings witn my jvnuor and advisors designed to monifor and enhance my ptogress. This program", "random_deletion": ", I have a unique opportunity to career by working outstanding scientists in abilities intellect. I plan achieve my objective course work at Rutgers University, attendance basic science conferences, and regular meetings with my mentor and advisors designed to and enhance my progress. This program", "change_char_case": ", I have a unique opportunity to Purse my carEer deVelOpmEnT by wOrkiNg with outstandINg scIentists in fields that wiLl enhAnCE my aBIlIties And inteLLeCT. i plAn To AchIeVE mY objeCtiVe throuGh course woRk aT RUtgers UniverSItY, attendancE of Basic science ConFerencEs, And REgulaR meEtingS with mY Mentor And advisoRs DEsigneD To monitOR AnD enhAnce my progress. ThiS PrOGram", "whitespace_perturbation": ", I have a unique opportun ity to pur se my ca ree rdeve lopm ent by working with outstanding scientist s infi e ldst ha t wil l enhan c em y ab il it ies a n dintel lec t. I pl an to achi eve m y objectivet hr ough cours e w ork at Rutge rsUniver si ty, atten dan ce of basic scienc e confere nc e s, and regular m ee ting s with my mentora nd advisors desig ned to m o ni t o r a ndenhance my p rogre s s. This pr o g r am", "underscore_trick": ", I_have a_unique opportunity to purse_my career_development_by working_with_outstanding scientists in_fields that will_enhance my abilities and_intellect. I plan_to_achieve my objective through course work at Rutgers University, attendance of basic science conferences,_and_regular meetings_with_my_mentor and advisors designed to_monitor and enhance my progress._This program"} +{"text": " PIL proteins will be further characterized. Cloned CDNAS for these interstitial proteins will be isolated and their structure characterized. Moreover, specific probes will be generated for use in determining both physiological and aberrant expression of these proteins in vivo and in vitro studies. Regulation of these interstitial proteins will be studied by analysis of their M", "synonym_substitution": "PIL proteins will be further characterized. Cloned CDNAS for these interstitial proteins will be sequester and their social organization characterized. Moreover, specific probe will be render for use in determining both physiologic and aberrant expression of these proteins in vivo and in vitro studies. rule of these interstitial protein will be studied by analysis of their megabyte", "butter_fingers": " PIP proteins will be furthtr characterized. Eooned RDNAS fkr these interstitial proteins will ue iwolattb and their structurd charactvrized. Moeeovtr, specific probes will bc gensvated hor use in detetmining both physiological avd aberrant expression of these proteyns in figo and in vitrj stldyes. Dvgmlation of these interstitial prkteins xill be studied by analysis of their M", "random_deletion": "PIL proteins will be further characterized. Cloned these proteins will isolated and their will generated for use determining both physiological aberrant expression of these proteins in and in vitro studies. Regulation of these interstitial proteins will be studied by of their M", "change_char_case": " PIL proteins will be further cHaracterizEd. CloNed cDNaS For tHese Interstitial prOTeinS will be isolated and theiR struCtURe chARaCteriZed. MoreOVeR, SPecIfIc ProBeS WiLl be gEneRated foR use in deteRmiNiNg both physioLOgIcal and abeRraNt expression Of tHese prOtEinS In vivO anD in viTro stuDIes. RegUlation of ThESe inteRStitial PROtEins Will be studied by anALySIs of their M", "whitespace_perturbation": " PIL proteins will be furt her charac teriz ed. Cl on ed C DNAS for these int e rsti tial proteins will beisola te d and th eir s tructur e c h a rac te ri zed .M or eover , s pecific probes wi llbe generated f o ruse in det erm ining both p hys iologi ca l a n d abe rra nt ex pressi o n of t hese prot ei n s in v i vo andi n v itro studies. Regulat i on of these inter stitia lp ro t e ins wi ll be stud ie d bya nalysis of t h eir M", "underscore_trick": " PIL_proteins will_be further characterized. Cloned_CDNAS for_these_interstitial proteins_will_be isolated and_their structure characterized._Moreover, specific probes will_be generated for_use_in determining both physiological and aberrant expression of these proteins in vivo and in_vitro_studies. Regulation_of_these_interstitial proteins will be studied_by analysis of their M"} +{"text": ". However, ultimately we wish to image activity in vivo and our final study in this program will include a tentative exploration of fMREIT in a live animal model as a precursor to further research in this area. In summary, this study will establish the basis for functional MREIT (fMREIT) techniques", "synonym_substitution": ". However, ultimately we wish to image activity in vivo and our final study in this platform will admit a tentative exploration of fMREIT in a live animal exemplar as a harbinger to further research in this area. In summary, this study will prove the basis for functional MREIT (fMREIT) technique", "butter_fingers": ". Hoaever, ultimately we wish to image activnry in tivo ans our fival study in this program wipl inclyde a tentative explorxtion of vMREIT ib a ouve animal model as a prsgursox vo further resesrch in thhs area. In sumkafy, this study will establish the basif for finftional MREIT (sMREPT) tecgniques", "random_deletion": ". However, ultimately we wish to image vivo our final in this program of in a live model as a to further research in this area. summary, this study will establish the basis for functional MREIT (fMREIT) techniques", "change_char_case": ". However, ultimately we wish to Image activIty in VivO anD oUr fiNal sTudy in this progRAm wiLl include a tentative expLoratIoN Of fMreIt in a lIve animAL mODEl aS a PrEcuRsOR tO furtHer ResearcH in this areA. In SuMmary, this stuDY wIll establiSh tHe basis for fuNctIonal MrEiT (fmrEIT) tEchNiqueS", "whitespace_perturbation": ". However, ultimately we w ish to ima ge ac tiv ity i n vi vo a nd our final s t udyin this program will i nclud ea ten t at ive e xplorat i on o f f MR EI T i na l ive a nim al mode l as a pre cur so r to further re search inthi s area. In s umm ary, t hi s s t udy w ill esta blisht he bas is for fu nc t ionalM REIT (f M R EI T) t echniques", "underscore_trick": ". However,_ultimately we_wish to image activity_in vivo_and_our final_study_in this program_will include a_tentative exploration of fMREIT_in a live_animal_model as a precursor to further research in this area. In summary, this study_will_establish the_basis_for_functional MREIT (fMREIT) techniques"} +{"text": " is evident by the fact that bone marrow transplantation is not always fully successful because of host versus graft responses (HVGR) and graft versus host disease (GVHD). The role that bone marrow pre-T cells play in these problems is unclear. In vitro models of GVHD and HVGR using bone marrow cells could greatly", "synonym_substitution": "is evident by the fact that bone marrow transplantation is not always amply successful because of server versus graft responses (HVGR) and graft versus master of ceremonies disease (GVHD). The role that bone marrow pre - T cell act in these problem is unclear. In vitro models of GVHD and HVGR use bone marrow cells could greatly", "butter_fingers": " is evident by the fact thau bone marrow trauwplantetion ia not aldays fully successful becausx of host versus graft responser (HVGR) anf graft cersns host disease (JBHD). The role fmat bmie marrow pre-T gells play hn these problamr ns unclear. In vitro models of GVHD agd HVGR uding bone marrjw ctllf cohld greatly", "random_deletion": "is evident by the fact that bone is always fully because of host graft host disease (GVHD). role that bone pre-T cells play in these problems unclear. In vitro models of GVHD and HVGR using bone marrow cells could", "change_char_case": " is evident by the fact that bonE marrow traNsplaNtaTioN iS not AlwaYs fully successFUl beCause of host versus graft RespoNsES (HVGr) AnD grafT versus HOsT DIseAsE (GvHD). thE RoLe thaT boNe marroW pre-T cells PlaY iN these probleMS iS unclear. In VitRo models of GVhD aNd HVGR UsIng BOne maRroW cellS could GReatly", "whitespace_perturbation": " is evident by the fact th at bone ma rrowtra nsp la ntat ionis not alwaysf ully successful because of host v e rsus gr aft r esponse s ( H V GR) a nd gr af t v ersus ho st dise ase (GVHD) . T he role that b o ne marrow pr e-T cells playinthesepr obl e ms is un clear . In v i tro mo dels of G VH D and H V GR usin g bo ne m arrow cells could gr e atly", "underscore_trick": " is_evident by_the fact that bone_marrow transplantation_is_not always_fully_successful because of_host versus graft_responses (HVGR) and graft_versus host disease_(GVHD)._The role that bone marrow pre-T cells play in these problems is unclear. In_vitro_models of_GVHD_and_HVGR using bone marrow cells_could greatly"} +{"text": " type and SK1-/- mice revealed that deletion of SK1 reverses the effect of AngII on GFR. Based on our data we propose to elucidate the role of EGFR transactivation and SK1/S1P in AngII-dependent intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, vascular tone, and renal hemodynamics.", "synonym_substitution": "type and SK1-/- mice revealed that deletion of SK1 overrule the consequence of AngII on GFR. Based on our data we propose to clear the role of EGFR transactivation and SK1 / S1P in AngII - dependent intracellular Ca2 + mobilization, vascular note, and nephritic hemodynamics.", "butter_fingers": " tyoe and SK1-/- mice revealed uhat deletion of SK1 revecses ths effect of AngII on GFR. Based on ouc dara we propose to elucidate ghe role lf EGFR rranwqctivation and SK1/S1I in ZkgII-dzpxndent intracelkular Ca2+ mmbilization, vavcjlcr tone, and renal hemodynamics.", "random_deletion": "type and SK1-/- mice revealed that deletion reverses effect of on GFR. Based to the role of transactivation and SK1/S1P AngII-dependent intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, vascular tone, renal hemodynamics.", "change_char_case": " type and SK1-/- mice revealed that Deletion of sK1 revErsEs tHe EffeCt of angII on GFR. BaseD On ouR data we propose to elucidAte thE rOLe of egFr tranSactivaTIoN ANd Sk1/S1p iN AnGIi-DePendeNt iNtracelLular Ca2+ mobIliZaTion, vascular TOnE, and renal hEmoDynamics.", "whitespace_perturbation": " type and SK1-/- mice reve aled thatdelet ion of S K1 r ever ses the effect of A ngII on GFR. Based onour d at a wep ro poseto eluc i da t e th ero leof EG FR tr ans activat ion and SK 1/S 1P in AngII-de p en dent intra cel lular Ca2+ m obi lizati on , v a scula r t one,and re n al hem odynamics .", "underscore_trick": " type_and SK1-/-_mice revealed that deletion_of SK1_reverses_the effect_of_AngII on GFR._Based on our_data we propose to_elucidate the role_of_EGFR transactivation and SK1/S1P in AngII-dependent intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, vascular tone, and renal hemodynamics."} +{"text": " should lead to a more logical approach to the most appropriate clinical transfusion protocol, principally an understanding of whether donor blood or non-specific is more effective. The underlying hypothesis of this study is that the complexity of cancer dictates that compared to single modalities, combination therapies that are mechanistically independent and which are directed at nonoverl", "synonym_substitution": "should lead to a more logical approach to the most appropriate clinical transfusion protocol, chiefly an reason of whether donor blood or non - specific is more effective. The underlying guess of this study is that the complexity of cancer dictate that compared to single modality, combination therapies that are mechanistically independent and which are direct at nonoverl", "butter_fingers": " shluld lead to a more logigal approach to jhw most approlriate cuinical transfusion protocol, peincikclly an understandine of whetjer donoe bliid or non-s'scific lf modc effzcvive. The underliing hypothevis of this stgdh ns that the complexity of cancer diceates tnah compared to fingkq mosalities, combination therapies thaf are mtchanistically indrpendent and which are dirfctef at nonoverl", "random_deletion": "should lead to a more logical approach most clinical transfusion principally an understanding non-specific more effective. The hypothesis of this is that the complexity of cancer that compared to single modalities, combination therapies that are mechanistically independent and which directed at nonoverl", "change_char_case": " should lead to a more logical aPproach to tHe mosT apProPrIate ClinIcal transfusioN ProtOcol, principally an underStandInG Of whEThEr donOr blood OR nON-SpeCiFiC is MoRE eFfectIve. the undeRlying hypoTheSiS of this study IS tHat the compLexIty of cancer dIctAtes thAt ComPAred tO siNgle mOdalitIEs, combInation thErAPies thAT are mecHANiSticAlly independent anD WhICh are directed aT nonovErL", "whitespace_perturbation": " should lead to a more log ical appro ach t o t hemo st a ppro priate clinica l tra nsfusion protocol, pri ncipa ll y anu nd ersta nding o f w h e the rdo nor b l oo d ornon -specif ic is more ef fe ctive. The u n de rlying hyp oth esis of this st udy is t hat the c omp lexit y of c a ncer d ictates t ha t compa r ed to s i n gl e mo dalities, combina t io n therapies tha t areme c ha n i sti cal ly indepen de nt an d whicha re d i rec t ed at nonover l", "underscore_trick": " should_lead to_a more logical approach_to the_most_appropriate clinical_transfusion_protocol, principally an_understanding of whether_donor blood or non-specific_is more effective._The_underlying hypothesis of this study is that the complexity of cancer dictates that compared_to_single modalities,_combination_therapies_that are mechanistically independent and_which are directed at nonoverl"} +{"text": "/Th17 numbers, and CD4+CD25+-, CD4+CD25+IL-17+-, CD4+IL-17+-T cell suppressor capacity will be analyzed. Human GBM is a fatal type of glioma, which results in the infiltration of Tregs and Th17s, as well as", "synonym_substitution": "/Th17 numbers, and CD4+CD25 + -, CD4+CD25+IL-17 + -, CD4+IL-17 + -T cell suppressor capacity will be analyzed. Human GBM is a fateful character of glioma, which results in the infiltration of Tregs and Th17s, equally well as", "butter_fingers": "/Th17 jumbers, and CD4+CD25+-, CD4+CD25+IL-17+-, GD4+IL-17+-T cell supprgswor ca'acity sill be xnalyzed. Human GBM is a fatap rype if glioma, which resultr in the pnfiltratuon id Tregs anv Th17s, as well zd", "random_deletion": "/Th17 numbers, and CD4+CD25+-, CD4+CD25+IL-17+-, CD4+IL-17+-T cell will analyzed. Human is a fatal in infiltration of Tregs Th17s, as well", "change_char_case": "/Th17 numbers, and CD4+CD25+-, CD4+CD25+IL-17+-, CD4+Il-17+-T cell suppRessoR caPacItY wilL be aNalyzed. Human GBm Is a fAtal type of glioma, which rEsultS iN The iNFiLtratIon of TrEGs AND Th17S, aS wEll As", "whitespace_perturbation": "/Th17 numbers, and CD4+CD2 5+-, CD4+C D25+I L-1 7+- ,CD4+ IL-1 7+-T cell supp r esso r capacity will be ana lyzed .H uman GB M isa fatal ty p e of g li oma ,w hi ch re sul ts in t he infiltr ati on of Tregs an d T h17s, as w ell as", "underscore_trick": "/Th17 numbers,_and CD4+CD25+-,_CD4+CD25+IL-17+-, CD4+IL-17+-T cell suppressor_capacity will_be_analyzed. Human_GBM_is a fatal_type of glioma,_which results in the_infiltration of Tregs_and_Th17s, as well as"} +{"text": " high titer and were genetically stable. They were, however, unable to compete with wild-type virus in mixed infections, suggesting that the location and /or length of the engineered sequence duplication did not provide for preferential packaging of the segment. These results indicate that sequence duplication alone (or increased segment length) is not the", "synonym_substitution": "high titer and were genetically stable. They were, however, unable to compete with wild - character virus in assorted infections, suggesting that the placement and /or distance of the engineered sequence duplicate did not provide for preferential packaging of the section. These result indicate that succession duplication alone (or increased segment duration) is not the", "butter_fingers": " hihh titer and were genetigally stable. Thei qere, hmwever, unable go compete with wild-type virns ib mixtb infections, suggestkng that nhe locatuon end /or length of the englueeres seqbeice duplication did not psovide for prexefeutial packaging of the segment. These resultx lndicate that fequtncq dullication alone (or increased segmeht lenguh) is not the", "random_deletion": "high titer and were genetically stable. They unable compete with virus in mixed and length of the sequence duplication did provide for preferential packaging of the These results indicate that sequence duplication alone (or increased segment length) is not", "change_char_case": " high titer and were geneticalLy stable. ThEy werE, hoWevEr, UnabLe to Compete with wilD-Type Virus in mixed infections, SuggeStINg thAT tHe locAtion anD /Or LENgtH oF tHe eNgINeEred sEquEnce dupLication diD noT pRovide for preFErEntial packAgiNg of the segmeNt. THese reSuLts INdicaTe tHat seQuence DUplicaTion alone (Or INcreasED segmenT LEnGth) iS not the", "whitespace_perturbation": " high titer and were genet ically sta ble.The y w er e, h owev er, unable toc ompe te with wild-type viru s inmi x ed i n fe ction s, sugg e st i n g t ha tthe l o ca tionand /or le ngth of th e e ng ineered sequ e nc e duplicat ion did not pro vid e forpr efe r entia l p ackag ing of the se gment. Th es e resul t s indic a t ethat sequence duplica t io n alone (or inc reased s e gm e n t l eng th) is not t he", "underscore_trick": " high_titer and_were genetically stable. They_were, however,_unable_to compete_with_wild-type virus in_mixed infections, suggesting_that the location and_/or length of_the_engineered sequence duplication did not provide for preferential packaging of the segment. These results_indicate_that sequence_duplication_alone_(or increased segment length) is_not the"} +{"text": " specific stages in their life cycles. The Biostatistics Core provides statistical expertise in study design, data analysis, and interpretation of the results of analysis of cancer research data. Core biostatisticians collaborate with Cancer Center investigators in framing testable questions, devising experimental plans that make efficient use of experimental materials, patient populations", "synonym_substitution": "specific stages in their life cycles. The Biostatistics Core provides statistical expertness in discipline design, data psychoanalysis, and interpretation of the resultant role of analysis of cancer research datum. congress of racial equality biostatisticians collaborate with Cancer Center investigators in framing testable questions, devising experimental plan that make efficient habit of experimental materials, patient populations", "butter_fingers": " spfcific stages in their llfe cycles. The Bnistativtics Dore proxides statistical expertise mn srudy eesign, data analysis, avd interpgetation if tie results of anemysis on candcr revxarch data. Core biostatisdicians collabmrxtz with Cancer Center investigators ig framimg testable quesjions, qeviapnn experimental plans that make erficienu use of experimenyal materials, patient popupatilns", "random_deletion": "specific stages in their life cycles. The provides expertise in design, data analysis, of of cancer research Core biostatisticians collaborate Cancer Center investigators in framing testable devising experimental plans that make efficient use of experimental materials, patient populations", "change_char_case": " specific stages in their life Cycles. The BIostaTisTicS COre pRoviDes statistical EXperTise in study design, data aNalysIs, ANd inTErPretaTion of tHE rESUltS oF aNalYsIS oF cancEr rEsearch Data. Core biOstAtIsticians colLAbOrate with CAncEr Center inveStiGators In FraMIng teStaBle quEstionS, DevisiNg experimEnTAl planS That makE EFfIcieNt use of experimentAL mATerials, patient PopulaTiONs", "whitespace_perturbation": " specific stages in theirlife cycle s. Th e B ios ta tist icsCore providess tati stical expertise in st udy d es i gn,d at a ana lysis,a nd i nte rp re tat io n o f the re sults o f analysis of c ancer resear c hdata. Core bi ostatisticia nscollab or ate withCan cer C enteri nvesti gators in f r amingt estable q ue stio ns, devising expe r im e ntal plans tha t make e f fi c i ent us e of exper im ental materia l s, p a tie n t populations ", "underscore_trick": " specific_stages in_their life cycles. The_Biostatistics Core_provides_statistical expertise_in_study design, data_analysis, and interpretation_of the results of_analysis of cancer_research_data. Core biostatisticians collaborate with Cancer Center investigators in framing testable questions, devising experimental_plans_that make_efficient_use_of experimental materials, patient populations"} +{"text": " K-region and non-K-region epoxides, dols, phenols and ketones derived from them which have been proposed as intermediates in the carcinogenic process. Molecular complexes of the hydrocarbons and acridines with more polar planar molecules, and covalent products of the action of activated carcinogenic hydrocarbons with", "synonym_substitution": "K - region and non - K - region epoxides, dol, phenol and ketones derived from them which have been proposed as intermediate in the carcinogenic process. Molecular complexes of the hydrocarbons and acridines with more diametric planar molecules, and covalent products of the military action of activated carcinogenic hydrocarbons with", "butter_fingers": " K-rfgion and non-K-region epowides, dols, phenols and netonea derivea from them which have been 'ropised qs intermediates in thd carcinohenic pricesw. Molecular complexcf of bhe hvdcocarbons and agridines widh more polar [lxncr molecules, and covalent products os the avtlon of activatgd cagcynogsnic hydrocarbons with", "random_deletion": "K-region and non-K-region epoxides, dols, phenols and from which have proposed as intermediates complexes the hydrocarbons and with more polar molecules, and covalent products of the of activated carcinogenic hydrocarbons with", "change_char_case": " K-region and non-K-region epoxiDes, dols, pheNols aNd kEtoNeS derIved From them which hAVe beEn proposed as intermediaTes in ThE CarcINoGenic Process. mOlECUlaR cOmPleXeS Of The hyDroCarbons And acridinEs wItH more polar plANaR molecules, And Covalent prodUctS of the AcTioN Of actIvaTed caRcinogENic hydRocarbons WiTH", "whitespace_perturbation": " K-region and non-K-region epoxides, dols , p hen ol s an d ke tones derivedf romthem which have been p ropos ed as i n te rmedi ates in th e car ci no gen ic pr ocess . M olecula r complexe s o fthe hydrocar b on s and acri din es with more po lar pl an arm olecu les , and coval e nt pro ducts ofth e actio n of act i v at ed c arcinogenic hydro c ar b ons with", "underscore_trick": " K-region_and non-K-region_epoxides, dols, phenols and_ketones derived_from_them which_have_been proposed as_intermediates in the_carcinogenic process. Molecular complexes_of the hydrocarbons_and_acridines with more polar planar molecules, and covalent products of the action of activated_carcinogenic_hydrocarbons with"} +{"text": " the cancer field with over 40 GWAS-related manuscripts since 2010, leadership roles in several international genetics consortia, expansion of the genetics emphasis to study the biological implications of genetic inheritance through strategic recruitment, development of an integrative genomics theme to study the relationship between inherited and somatically acquired mutations in tumors, submission", "synonym_substitution": "the cancer field with over 40 GWAS - related manuscripts since 2010, leadership roles in respective external genetics consortium, expansion of the genetics emphasis to study the biological implications of genic inheritance through strategic recruitment, development of an integrative genomics subject to study the relationship between inherit and somatically acquired mutations in tumor, submission", "butter_fingers": " thf cancer field with over 40 GWAS-related mcbuscri'ts sinde 2010, leaddrship roles in several intecnatuonal genetics consortia, exoansion ov the gebetirs emphasis to svhdy the bioloflcal nm'lications of ggnetic inherhtance through sgrctegic recruitment, development of an integrstlve genomics treme eo sfldn the relationship between inherjted anv somatically avquired mutations in tumord, suhmission", "random_deletion": "the cancer field with over 40 GWAS-related 2010, roles in international genetics consortia, to the biological implications genetic inheritance through recruitment, development of an integrative genomics to study the relationship between inherited and somatically acquired mutations in tumors, submission", "change_char_case": " the cancer field with over 40 GWAs-related maNuscrIptS siNcE 2010, leaDersHip roles in seveRAl inTernational genetics conSortiA, eXPansIOn Of the GeneticS EmPHAsiS tO sTudY tHE bIologIcaL implicAtions of geNetIc Inheritance tHRoUgh strategIc rEcruitment, deVelOpment Of An iNTegraTivE genoMics thEMe to stUdy the relAtIOnship BEtween iNHErIted And somatically acqUIrED mutations in tuMors, suBmISsION", "whitespace_perturbation": " the cancer field with ove r 40 GWAS- relat edman us crip ts s ince 2010, lea d ersh ip roles in several in terna ti o nalg en etics consor t ia , exp an si onof th e gen eti cs emph asis to st udy t he biologica l i mplication s o f genetic in her itance t hro u gh st rat egicrecrui t ment,developme nt of ani ntegrat i v egeno mics theme to stu d yt he relationshi p betw ee n i n h eri ted and somat ic allya cquired mu t a t ion s in tumors, s ubmission", "underscore_trick": " the_cancer field_with over 40 GWAS-related_manuscripts since_2010,_leadership roles_in_several international genetics_consortia, expansion of_the genetics emphasis to_study the biological_implications_of genetic inheritance through strategic recruitment, development of an integrative genomics theme to study_the_relationship between_inherited_and_somatically acquired mutations in tumors,_submission"} +{"text": ". However, data from patients has suggested the opposite, that IDO activity may actually be associated with the development of disease symptoms. Consistent with this, inhibitors of IDO reduce autoantibody titers and alleviate arthritis symptoms in a B cell-mediated mouse model of RA. These data support a role for IDO in exacerb", "synonym_substitution": ". However, data from patients has suggested the opposite, that IDO natural process may actually be consociate with the development of disease symptoms. Consistent with this, inhibitor of IDO reduce autoantibody titers and alleviate arthritis symptoms in a B cellular telephone - mediate mouse exemplar of RA. These data support a function for IDO in exacerb", "butter_fingers": ". Hoaever, data from patients has suggested jhw oppovite, tgat IDO xctivity may actually be asslcuated with the development uf diseasv symptomw. Coisistent with thma, inhiblcors kn IDO ceduce autoantinody titers and alleviate aftkritis symptoms in a B cell-mediated iouse mpdfl of RA. These dats suplort a role for IDO in exacerb", "random_deletion": ". However, data from patients has suggested that activity may be associated with Consistent this, inhibitors of reduce autoantibody titers alleviate arthritis symptoms in a B mouse model of RA. These data support a role for IDO in exacerb", "change_char_case": ". However, data from patients haS suggested The opPosIte, ThAt IDo actIvity may actualLY be aSsociated with the develoPment Of DIseaSE sYmptoMs. ConsiSTeNT WitH tHiS, inHiBItOrs of iDO Reduce aUtoantibodY tiTeRs and alleviaTE aRthritis syMptOms in a B cell-mEdiAted moUsE moDEl of Ra. ThEse daTa suppORt a rolE for IDO in ExACerb", "whitespace_perturbation": ". However, data from patie nts has su ggest edthe o ppos ite, that IDO acti v itymay actually be associ atedwi t h th e d evelo pment o f d i s eas esy mpt om s .Consi ste nt with this, inh ibi to rs of IDO re d uc e autoanti bod y titers and al leviat eart h ritis sy mptom s in a B cell -mediated m o use mo d el of R A . T hese data support a r o le for IDO in exa cerb", "underscore_trick": ". However,_data from_patients has suggested the_opposite, that_IDO_activity may_actually_be associated with_the development of_disease symptoms. Consistent with_this, inhibitors of_IDO_reduce autoantibody titers and alleviate arthritis symptoms in a B cell-mediated mouse model of_RA._These data_support_a_role for IDO in exacerb"} +{"text": " tissue monitoring during therapy, thereby maximizing benefits and minimizing risks of treatment. A population of diabetics, both juvenile-onset and adult-onset, either on diet, insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents, will be screened using the photon absorption technique to detect the incidence of low bone mass. The presence of abnormally low mass", "synonym_substitution": "tissue monitoring during therapy, thereby maximizing benefits and minimizing risks of discussion. A population of diabetic, both juvenile - attack and adult - onset, either on diet, insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents, will be screened use the photon absorption technique to detect the incidence of broken bone multitude. The presence of abnormally low mass", "butter_fingers": " tidsue monitoring during tmerapy, thereby mczimiziig benerits and minimizing risks of treatmeit. A popuoation of diabetics, bogh juvenipe-onset qnd edult-onset, eithec on dieb, inshpin mc oral hypoglycgmic agents, fill be screenad uding the photon absorption techniquq to deyeft the incidense og low bone mass. The presence of abnormamly low mass", "random_deletion": "tissue monitoring during therapy, thereby maximizing benefits risks treatment. A of diabetics, both diet, or oral hypoglycemic will be screened the photon absorption technique to detect incidence of low bone mass. The presence of abnormally low mass", "change_char_case": " tissue monitoring during theRapy, therebY maxiMizIng BeNefiTs anD minimizing risKS of tReatment. A population of dIabetIcS, Both JUvEnile-Onset anD AdULT-onSeT, eIthEr ON dIet, inSulIn or oraL hypoglyceMic AgEnts, will be scREeNed using thE phOton absorptiOn tEchniqUe To dETect tHe iNcideNce of lOW bone mAss. The preSeNCe of abNOrmally LOW mAss", "whitespace_perturbation": " tissue monitoring duringtherapy, t hereb y m axi mi zing ben efits and mini m izin g risks of treatment.A pop ul a tion of diab etics,b ot h juv en il e-o ns e tand a dul t-onset , either o n d ie t, insulin o r o ral hypogl yce mic agents,wil l be s cr een e d usi ngthe p hotona bsorpt ion techn iq u e to d e tect th e in cide nce of low bone m a ss . The presenceof abn or m al l y lo w m ass", "underscore_trick": " tissue_monitoring during_therapy, thereby maximizing benefits_and minimizing_risks_of treatment._A_population of diabetics,_both juvenile-onset and_adult-onset, either on diet,_insulin or oral_hypoglycemic_agents, will be screened using the photon absorption technique to detect the incidence of_low_bone mass._The_presence_of abnormally low mass"} +{"text": "B. They are the mammalian orthologues of SAD-1, a gene required for presynaptic differentiation in C. elegans. Because SADs are kinases, we hope they will provide a valuable starting point for elucidating regulatory mechanisms that govern assembly of nerve terminals. Unfortunately, initial genetic tests of this idea gave complex", "synonym_substitution": "B. They are the mammalian orthologues of SAD-1, a gene required for presynaptic differentiation in C. elegans. Because SADs are kinases, we hope they will provide a valuable start item for elucidating regulatory mechanism that regulate assembly of nerve terminals. Unfortunately, initial familial tests of this idea contribute complex", "butter_fingers": "B. Tjey are the mammalian oruhologues of SAD-1, c gene cequires for prdsynaptic differentiation in C. elegqns. Because SADs are kknases, we hope thwy wmll provide a valuable sbcrtinf poiut for elucidatikg regulatosy mechanisms dhxt govern assembly of nerve terminals. Unfortinwtely, initial deneuic tesfs of this idea gave complex", "random_deletion": "B. They are the mammalian orthologues of gene for presynaptic in C. elegans. hope will provide a starting point for regulatory mechanisms that govern assembly of terminals. Unfortunately, initial genetic tests of this idea gave complex", "change_char_case": "B. They are the mammalian orthoLogues of SAd-1, a genE reQuiReD for PresYnaptic differeNTiatIon in C. elegans. Because SAds are KiNAses, WE hOpe thEy will pROvIDE a vAlUaBle StARtIng poInt For elucIdating regUlaToRy mechanisms THaT govern assEmbLy of nerve terMinAls. UnfOrTunATely, iNitIal geNetic tESts of tHis idea gaVe COmplex", "whitespace_perturbation": "B. They are the mammalianorthologue s ofSAD -1, a gen e re quired for pre s ynap tic differentiation in C. e le g ans. Be cause SADs a r ek i nas es ,weho p etheywil l provi de a valua ble s tarting poin t f or elucida tin g regulatory me chanis ms th a t gov ern asse mbly o f nerve terminal s. Unfort u nately, i ni tial genetic tests of th i s idea gave co mplex", "underscore_trick": "B. They_are the_mammalian orthologues of SAD-1,_a gene_required_for presynaptic_differentiation_in C. elegans._Because SADs are_kinases, we hope they_will provide a_valuable_starting point for elucidating regulatory mechanisms that govern assembly of nerve terminals. Unfortunately, initial_genetic_tests of_this_idea_gave complex"} +{"text": " of treatment on aerobic and hypoxic populations exposed simultaneously and to determine whether thermal enhancements are possible at MISO concentrations and pharmaco-kinetics achievable in the clinic. These later experiments will make use of a spheroid treatment device designed to permit pharmacokinetic modeling in vitro. Finally, the effect of heat on the chemopotent", "synonym_substitution": "of treatment on aerobic and hypoxic populations exposed simultaneously and to determine whether thermal enhancement are potential at MISO concentration and pharmaco - kinetics achievable in the clinic. These late experiments will make manipulation of a spheroid discussion device designed to permit pharmacokinetic modeling in vitro. Finally, the effect of heating system on the chemopotent", "butter_fingers": " of treatment on aerobic ana hypoxic populcrions xxposed simultaveously and to determine whevher thernal enhancements are pussible an MISO cobcenurations and pharmaco-kinebncs admievaylx in the clinic. These latar experiments wklp make use of a spheroid treatment qevice cedigned to permyt pnwrmadokinetic modeling in vitro. Finallg, the ehfect of heat om the chemopotent", "random_deletion": "of treatment on aerobic and hypoxic populations and determine whether enhancements are possible achievable the clinic. These experiments will make of a spheroid treatment device designed permit pharmacokinetic modeling in vitro. Finally, the effect of heat on the chemopotent", "change_char_case": " of treatment on aerobic and hyPoxic populAtionS exPosEd SimuLtanEously and to detERminE whether thermal enhanceMents ArE PossIBlE at MIsO conceNTrATIonS aNd PhaRmACo-KinetIcs AchievaBle in the clIniC. THese later expERiMents will mAke Use of a spheroId tReatmeNt DevICe desIgnEd to pErmit pHArmacoKinetic moDeLIng in vITro. FinaLLY, tHe efFect of heat on the chEMoPOtent", "whitespace_perturbation": " of treatment on aerobic a nd hypoxic popu lat ion sexpo sedsimultaneously andto determine whether t herma le nhan c em entsare pos s ib l e at M IS O c on c en trati ons and ph armaco-kin eti cs achievablei nthe clinic . T hese later e xpe riment swil l make us e ofa sphe r oid tr eatment d ev i ce des i gned to p er mitpharmacokinetic m o de l ing in vitro.Finall y, th e eff ect of heat o nthe c h emopote n t", "underscore_trick": " of_treatment on_aerobic and hypoxic populations_exposed simultaneously_and_to determine_whether_thermal enhancements are_possible at MISO_concentrations and pharmaco-kinetics achievable_in the clinic._These_later experiments will make use of a spheroid treatment device designed to permit pharmacokinetic_modeling_in vitro._Finally,_the_effect of heat on the_chemopotent"} +{"text": " Research Core will also provide access to other Core Facilities located at the lead institutions, for example, DNA Sequencing and Flow Cytometry, for all researchers within the Arkansas INBRE. In addition, through the INBRE consortium, the Arkansas INBRE will network with other INBREs to obtain access to facilities that may", "synonym_substitution": "Research Core will also provide access to other Core Facilities locate at the lead institution, for example, DNA Sequencing and Flow Cytometry, for all research worker within the Arkansas INBRE. In addition, through the INBRE consortium, the Arkansas INBRE will network with other INBREs to obtain entree to facility that may", "butter_fingers": " Redearch Core will also pruvide access to other Rore Fadilities located at the lead instituvionw, for example, DNA Sequencine and Floa Cytomerry, hor all researchxds withlu the Wrkauses INBRE. In addltion, throuch the INBRE cmnroxtium, the Arkansas INBRE will networh with ptjer INBREs to jbtapn accsss to facilities that may", "random_deletion": "Research Core will also provide access to Facilities at the institutions, for example, for researchers within the INBRE. In addition, the INBRE consortium, the Arkansas INBRE network with other INBREs to obtain access to facilities that may", "change_char_case": " Research Core will also proviDe access to Other corE FaCiLitiEs loCated at the lead INstiTutions, for example, DNA SeQuencInG And FLOw cytomEtry, for ALl RESeaRcHeRs wItHIn The ArKanSas INBRe. In additioN, thRoUgh the INBRE cONsOrtium, the ARkaNsas INBRE wilL neTwork wItH otHEr INBrEs To obtAin accESs to faCilities tHaT May", "whitespace_perturbation": " Research Core will also p rovide acc ess t o o the rCore Fac ilities locate d atthe lead institutions, forex a mple , D NA Se quencin g a n d Fl ow C yto me t ry , for al l resea rchers wit hin t he ArkansasI NB RE. In add iti on, throughthe INBRE c ons o rtium , t he Ar kansas INBREwill netw or k witho ther IN B R Es toobtain access tof ac i lities that ma y", "underscore_trick": " Research_Core will_also provide access to_other Core_Facilities_located at_the_lead institutions, for_example, DNA Sequencing_and Flow Cytometry, for_all researchers within_the_Arkansas INBRE. In addition, through the INBRE consortium, the Arkansas INBRE will network with_other_INBREs to_obtain_access_to facilities that may"} +{"text": " between initial sensitivity, allostasis development and N2O self-administration behavior will be investigated. SA 3 examines whether factors measured in the allostatic state (N2O concentration, core temperature, heat loss, heat production) can be used as predictors of motivated behavior. This work has practical and theoretical importance for understanding", "synonym_substitution": "between initial sensitivity, allostasis development and N2O self - administration behavior will be investigated. SA 3 probe whether divisor measured in the allostatic state (N2O concentration, congress of racial equality temperature, heat loss, hotness production) can be used as forecaster of motivated behavior. This work suffer practical and theoretical importance for sympathy", "butter_fingers": " behween initial sensitivitn, allostasis devglipment and N2K self-adoinistration behavior will bx incestitated. SA 3 examines whegher factlrs measyred un the allostatic state (H2L coucxntration, core jemperature, veat loss, heat pfobuction) can be used as predictors of motivayef behavior. Thif wogk has ircctical and theoretical importahce for understandinb", "random_deletion": "between initial sensitivity, allostasis development and N2O will investigated. SA examines whether factors (N2O core temperature, heat heat production) can used as predictors of motivated behavior. work has practical and theoretical importance for understanding", "change_char_case": " between initial sensitivity, Allostasis DevelOpmEnt AnD N2O sElf-aDministration bEHaviOr will be investigated. SA 3 ExamiNeS WhetHEr FactoRs measuREd IN The AlLoStaTiC StAte (N2O ConCentratIon, core temPerAtUre, heat loss, hEAt Production) Can Be used as predIctOrs of mOtIvaTEd behAviOr. ThiS work hAS practIcal and thEoREtical IMportanCE FoR undErstanding", "whitespace_perturbation": " between initial sensitivi ty, allost asisdev elo pm entandN2O self-admin i stra tion behavior will beinves ti g ated . S A 3 e xamines wh e t her f ac tor sm ea sured in the al lostatic s tat e(N2O concent r at ion, coretem perature, he atloss,he atp roduc tio n) ca n be u s ed aspredictor so f moti v ated be h a vi or.This work has pra c ti c al and theoret ical i mp o rt a n cefor understan di ng", "underscore_trick": " between_initial sensitivity,_allostasis development and N2O_self-administration behavior_will_be investigated._SA_3 examines whether_factors measured in_the allostatic state (N2O_concentration, core temperature,_heat_loss, heat production) can be used as predictors of motivated behavior. This work has_practical_and theoretical_importance_for_understanding"} +{"text": " in the brain requires differentiation of the sending and receiving elements -the nerve terminal and postsynaptic membrane, respectively- and their precise apposition to each other. Much has been learned about the signals that postsynaptic cells use to organize nerve terminals, but little is known about how the nerve terminals pattern their differentiation in response to the", "synonym_substitution": "in the brain requires differentiation of the sending and receiving chemical element -the heart terminal and postsynaptic membrane, respectively- and their precise apposition to each early. Much has been learned about the signals that postsynaptic cells practice to mastermind nerve terminals, but little is known about how the boldness terminals pattern their specialization in response to the", "butter_fingers": " in the brain requires difftrentiation of thg wendinj and rsceiving elements -the nerve terminal abd powtsynaptic membrane, rerpectivelj- and theur pcecise appositioi to eacm othsv. Muck ias been learnec about tha signals that puscsynaptic cells use to organize nervq termimaps, but little ys kmjwn zbout how the nerve terminals pattsrn thepr differentiatiom in response to the", "random_deletion": "in the brain requires differentiation of the receiving -the nerve and postsynaptic membrane, to other. Much has learned about the that postsynaptic cells use to organize terminals, but little is known about how the nerve terminals pattern their differentiation response to the", "change_char_case": " in the brain requires differeNtiation of The seNdiNg aNd ReceIvinG elements -the neRVe teRminal and postsynaptic mEmbraNe, REspeCTiVely- aNd their PReCISe aPpOsItiOn TO eAch otHer. much has Been learneD abOuT the signals tHAt PostsynaptIc cElls use to orgAniZe nervE tErmINals, bUt lIttle Is knowN About hOw the nervE tERminalS Pattern THEiR difFerentiation in resPOnSE to the", "whitespace_perturbation": " in the brain requires dif ferentiati on of th e s en ding and receiving ele m ents -the nerve terminal a nd po st s ynap t ic memb rane, r e sp e c tiv el y- an dt he ir pr eci se appo sition toeac hother. Muchh as been lear ned about the s ign als th at po s tsyna pti c cel ls use to org anize ner ve termin a ls, but l it tleis known about ho w t h e nerve termin als pa tt e rn t hei r d ifferentia ti on in respons e t o t he", "underscore_trick": " in_the brain_requires differentiation of the_sending and_receiving_elements -the_nerve_terminal and postsynaptic_membrane, respectively- and_their precise apposition to_each other. Much_has_been learned about the signals that postsynaptic cells use to organize nerve terminals, but_little_is known_about_how_the nerve terminals pattern their_differentiation in response to the"} +{"text": " and their physiological relevance in the testis. Intimal hyperplasia in arterialized vein bypass grafts is a significant cause of vein graft stenosis and delayed graft failure. Injury at the time of implantation or as a consequence of transplantation into the high pressure arterial system may contribute to these delayed events. Alterations in gene expression accompany implantation and", "synonym_substitution": "and their physiological relevance in the testis. Intimal hyperplasia in arterialized vein bypass grafts is a meaning lawsuit of vein graft stenosis and delayed bribery failure. wound at the time of implantation or as a consequence of transplantation into the gamey imperativeness arterial system may contribute to these delayed events. revision in gene expression accompany implantation and", "butter_fingers": " anf their physiological reuevance in the jewtis. Iitimal gyperplaria in arterialized vein bypess traftw is a significant caure of veij graft wteniwis and delayed graft fajpure. Mnjury at the tlme of impldntation or as a clnsequence of transplantation into ehe hign oressure arteryal xrstej may contribute to these delayed svents. Elterations in bene expression accompany lmplwntation and", "random_deletion": "and their physiological relevance in the testis. in vein bypass is a significant and graft failure. Injury the time of or as a consequence of transplantation the high pressure arterial system may contribute to these delayed events. Alterations in expression accompany implantation and", "change_char_case": " and their physiological releVance in the TestiS. InTimAl HypeRplaSia in arterialiZEd veIn bypass grafts is a signiFicanT cAUse oF VeIn graFt stenoSIs AND deLaYeD grAfT FaIlure. injUry at thE time of impLanTaTion or as a conSEqUence of traNspLantation intO thE high pReSsuRE arteRiaL systEm may cONtribuTe to these DeLAyed evENts. AlteRATiOns iN gene expression acCOmPAny implantatioN and", "whitespace_perturbation": " and their physiological r elevance i n the te sti s. Int imal hyperplasia i n art erialized vein bypassgraft si s as ig nific ant cau s eo f ve in g raf ts te nosis an d delay ed graft f ail ur e. Injury at th e time ofimp lantation or as a con se que n ce of tr anspl antati o n into the high p r essure arteria l sy stem may contribute t o t h ese delayed ev ents.Al t er a t ion s i n gene exp re ssion accompa n yi m p lan t ation and", "underscore_trick": " and_their physiological_relevance in the testis._Intimal hyperplasia_in_arterialized vein_bypass_grafts is a_significant cause of_vein graft stenosis and_delayed graft failure._Injury_at the time of implantation or as a consequence of transplantation into the high_pressure_arterial system_may_contribute_to these delayed events. Alterations_in gene expression accompany implantation_and"} +{"text": ". These will include basic immunologic and cytogenetic studies of the evolving tumors, and multimodality therapeutic approaches involving radiation and medical oncology. The mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a group of hereditary diseases characterized by defective metabolism of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). The disorders are usually associated with", "synonym_substitution": ". These will include basic immunologic and cytogenetic studies of the evolving tumor, and multimodality curative approach involving radiation sickness and aesculapian oncology. The mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a group of hereditary diseases characterized by bad metamorphosis of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). The disorders are usually associated with", "butter_fingers": ". Thfse will include basic iomunologic and ettogenxtic sthdies of the evolving tumors, and mulvimoealitt therapeutic approachds involvpng radiarion qnd medical oncolonv. The luco'ooysaccharidosex (MPS) are d group of heradktcry diseases characterized by defectyve metsbllism of glycofamimjglydans (GAGs). The disorders are usuallg assocpated with", "random_deletion": ". These will include basic immunologic and of evolving tumors, multimodality therapeutic approaches The (MPS) are a of hereditary diseases by defective metabolism of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). disorders are usually associated with", "change_char_case": ". These will include basic immuNologic and CytogEneTic StUdieS of tHe evolving tumoRS, and Multimodality therapeutIc appRoAChes INvOlvinG radiatIOn AND meDiCaL onCoLOgY. The mUcoPolysacCharidoses (mPS) ArE a group of herEDiTary diseasEs cHaracterized By dEfectiVe MetABolisM of GlycoSaminoGLycans (gAGs). The diSoRDers arE Usually ASSoCiatEd with", "whitespace_perturbation": ". These will include basic immunolog ic an d c yto ge neti c st udies of the e v olvi ng tumors, and multimo dalit yt hera p eu tic a pproach e si n vol vi ng ra di a ti on an d m edicaloncology.The m ucopolysacch a ri doses (MPS ) a re a group o f h eredit ar y d i sease s c harac terize d by de fective m et a bolism of glyc o s am inog lycans (GAGs). Th e d i sorders are us uallyas s oc i a ted wi th", "underscore_trick": ". These_will include_basic immunologic and cytogenetic_studies of_the_evolving tumors,_and_multimodality therapeutic approaches_involving radiation and_medical oncology. The mucopolysaccharidoses_(MPS) are a_group_of hereditary diseases characterized by defective metabolism of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). The disorders are usually_associated_with"} +{"text": " want to promote this alternative or supplementary therapy. This is vital to devising efficient antipseudomonal therapy and eradicating complications resulting from P. aeruginosa infections among patients with CF. This proposal requests support for a Keystone Symposia meeting entitled Neurodegenerative Diseases: The Molecular and Cellular Basis for Neurode", "synonym_substitution": "want to promote this alternative or supplementary therapy. This is critical to devise efficient antipseudomonal therapy and eradicating complications leave from P. aeruginosa infections among patients with CF. This marriage proposal requests support for a Keystone Symposia meeting entitle Neurodegenerative Diseases: The Molecular and Cellular Basis for Neurode", "butter_fingers": " wajt to promote this alterkative or supplementary theraly. This ks vital to devising efficieit abtipstldomonal therapy and dradicatijg complucatmons resulting fckm P. aevbginoaw inyertions among pajients with WF. This proposdl rzquests support for a Keystone Sympofia meeyijg entitled Neorodebqnerzniye Diseases: The Molecular and Cemlular Uasis for Neuroce", "random_deletion": "want to promote this alternative or supplementary is to devising antipseudomonal therapy and aeruginosa among patients with This proposal requests for a Keystone Symposia meeting entitled Diseases: The Molecular and Cellular Basis for Neurode", "change_char_case": " want to promote this alternatIve or supplEmentAry TheRaPy. ThIs is Vital to devisinG EffiCient antipseudomonal thErapy AnD EradICaTing cOmplicaTIoNS ResUlTiNg fRoM p. aErugiNosA infectIons among pAtiEnTs with CF. This PRoPosal requeSts Support for a KEysTone SyMpOsiA MeetiNg eNtitlEd NeurODegeneRative DisEaSEs: The MOLecular AND CElluLar Basis for NeurodE", "whitespace_perturbation": " want to promote this alte rnative or supp lem ent ar y th erap y. This is vit a l to devising efficient an tipse ud o mona l t herap y and e r ad i c ati ng c omp li c at ionsres ultingfrom P. ae rug in osa infectio n samong pati ent s with CF. T his propo sa l r e quest s s uppor t fora Keyst one Sympo si a meeti n g entit l e dNeur odegenerative Dis e as e s: The Molecul ar and C e ll u l arBas is for Neu ro de", "underscore_trick": " want_to promote_this alternative or supplementary_therapy. This_is_vital to_devising_efficient antipseudomonal therapy_and eradicating complications_resulting from P. aeruginosa_infections among patients_with_CF. This proposal requests support for a Keystone Symposia meeting entitled Neurodegenerative Diseases: The_Molecular_and Cellular_Basis_for_Neurode"} +{"text": " a decline in oocyte and subsequent embryo quality. As women increasingly delay attempts at pregnancy into their 30s and beyond, any acceleration of reproductive aging has dire consequences for the possibility of successful pregnancy and the risk of birth defects. Furthermore, early reproductive senescence in women is associated with decreased lifespan and quality of life. Although the", "synonym_substitution": "a decline in oocyte and subsequent embryo quality. As women increasingly delay attempt at pregnancy into their thirty and beyond, any acceleration of reproductive aging experience awful consequences for the possibility of successful pregnancy and the hazard of birth defects. Furthermore, early reproductive aging in women is associated with decrease lifespan and quality of liveliness. Although the", "butter_fingers": " a fecline in oocyte and sunsequent embryo quality. As wojen incrdasingly delay attempts at pcegnqncy unto their 30s and beyona, any accvleration of ceproductive agiif has dlxe cohdequznres for the posxibility ox successful pseencncy and the risk of birth defects. Ftrthermprf, early reprodoctivt sqnesdvnge in women is associated with dscreasev lifespan and auality of life. Although tje", "random_deletion": "a decline in oocyte and subsequent embryo women delay attempts pregnancy into their of aging has dire for the possibility successful pregnancy and the risk of defects. Furthermore, early reproductive senescence in women is associated with decreased lifespan and of life. Although the", "change_char_case": " a decline in oocyte and subseqUent embryo QualiTy. AS woMeN incReasIngly delay atteMPts aT pregnancy into their 30s anD beyoNd, ANy acCElEratiOn of repROdUCTivE aGiNg hAs DIrE consEquEnces foR the possibIliTy Of successful PReGnancy and tHe rIsk of birth deFecTs. FurtHeRmoRE, earlY reProduCtive sENescenCe in women Is ASsociaTEd with dECReAsed Lifespan and qualitY Of LIfe. Although the", "whitespace_perturbation": " a decline in oocyte and s ubsequentembry o q ual it y. A s wo men increasing l y de lay attempts at pregna ncy i nt o the i r30s a nd beyo n d, a nyac ce ler at i on of r epr oductiv e aging ha s d ir e consequenc e sfor the po ssi bility of su cce ssfulpr egn a ncy a ndthe r isk of birthdefects.Fu r thermo r e, earl y re prod uctive senescence in women is assoc iatedwi t hd e cre ase d lifespan a nd qu a lity of li f e . Al t hough the", "underscore_trick": " a_decline in_oocyte and subsequent embryo_quality. As_women_increasingly delay_attempts_at pregnancy into_their 30s and_beyond, any acceleration of_reproductive aging has_dire_consequences for the possibility of successful pregnancy and the risk of birth defects. Furthermore,_early_reproductive senescence_in_women_is associated with decreased lifespan_and quality of life. Although_the"} +{"text": " but development of novel therapies is hampered by limited insight into pathophysiological mechanisms as well as small patient groups and insufficiently developed animal models. Therefore the overall objective of this proposal is to increase our knowledge of the pathophysiology of FAO disorders by studying newly identified molecular mechanisms and metabolic pathways that contribute to the different disease presentations using well", "synonym_substitution": "but development of novel therapies is hampered by circumscribed penetration into pathophysiological mechanism as well as small patient group and insufficiently developed animal models. consequently the overall objective of this proposal is to increase our knowledge of the pathophysiology of FAO disorder by studying newly identified molecular mechanism and metabolic pathways that contribute to the unlike disease presentations using well", "butter_fingers": " buh development of novel tmerapies is hampgrwd by nimites insighg into pathophysiological merhanusms qs well as small patievt groups and insyffiriently developev animal modela. Thexehore the overalk objectiva of this propmsxl is to increase our knowledge of thq patholhjsiology of FAJ dixjrdeds by studying newly identified momecular mechanisms amd metabolic pathways that conhribute to the difverent diseqse [eesentations using well", "random_deletion": "but development of novel therapies is hampered insight pathophysiological mechanisms well as small animal Therefore the overall of this proposal to increase our knowledge of the of FAO disorders by studying newly identified molecular mechanisms and metabolic pathways that to the different disease presentations using well", "change_char_case": " but development of novel therApies is hamPered By lImiTeD insIght Into pathophysiOLogiCal mechanisms as well as sMall pAtIEnt gROuPs and InsuffiCIeNTLy dEvElOpeD aNImAl modEls. therefoRe the overaLl oBjEctive of this PRoPosal is to iNcrEase our knowlEdgE of the PaThoPHysioLogY of FAo disorDErs by sTudying neWlY IdentiFIed moleCULaR mecHanisms and metabolIC pAThways that contRibute To THe DIFfeRenT disease prEsEntatIOns usinG WeLL", "whitespace_perturbation": " but development of noveltherapiesis ha mpe red b y li mite d insight into path ophysiological mechani sms a sw ella ssmall patien t g r o ups a nd in su f fi cient lydevelop ed animalmod el s. Therefore th e overallobj ective of th ispropos al is to in cre ase o ur kno w ledgeof the pa th o physio l ogy ofF A Odiso rders by studying ne w ly identifiedmolecu la r m e c han ism s and meta bo lic p a thwayst ha t c ont r ibute to thedifferent d i sea se pre se nta t ions u singwe l l", "underscore_trick": " but_development of_novel therapies is hampered_by limited_insight_into pathophysiological_mechanisms_as well as_small patient groups_and insufficiently developed animal_models. Therefore the_overall_objective of this proposal is to increase our knowledge of the pathophysiology of FAO_disorders_by studying_newly_identified_molecular mechanisms and metabolic pathways_that contribute to the different_disease presentations_using well"} +{"text": ", and its relatively frequent abuse in the HIV infected population, this work is relevant to public health in the US. Knowledge about how METH is toxic to the brain in the setting of HIV infection will be useful not only in discouraging METH use, but in obtaining disease-specific markers that can be used for diagnosis", "synonym_substitution": ", and its relatively frequent abuse in the HIV infected population, this work is relevant to public health in the US. Knowledge about how METH is toxic to the mind in the place setting of HIV infection will be useful not only in discourage METH use, but in obtain disease - specific markers that can be used for diagnosis", "butter_fingers": ", anf its relatively frequenu abuse in the HIR infecved pophlation, ghis work is relevant to pubpix heaoth in the US. Knowledgd about hlw METH us tizic to the brain ik the dettnnj of HIV infectlon will be useful not onny iu discouraging METH use, but in obtaiging dixewse-specific matkers ehat bak be used for diagnosis", "random_deletion": ", and its relatively frequent abuse in infected this work relevant to public about METH is toxic the brain in setting of HIV infection will be not only in discouraging METH use, but in obtaining disease-specific markers that can used for diagnosis", "change_char_case": ", and its relatively frequent aBuse in the HiV infEctEd pOpUlatIon, tHis work is relevANt to Public health in the US. KnoWledgE aBOut hOW MeTH is Toxic to THe BRAin In ThE seTtINg Of HIV InfEction wIll be usefuL noT oNly in discourAGiNg METH use, bUt iN obtaining diSeaSe-specIfIc mARkers ThaT can bE used fOR diagnOsis", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and its relatively frequ ent abusein th e H IVin fect ed p opulation, thi s wor k is relevant to publi c hea lt h int he US.Knowled g ea b out h ow ME TH is toxi c t o the b rain in th e s et ting of HIVi nf ection wil l b e useful not on ly indi sco u ragin g M ETH u se, bu t in ob taining d is e ase-sp e cific m a r ke rs t hat can be used f o rd iagnosis", "underscore_trick": ", and_its relatively_frequent abuse in the_HIV infected_population,_this work_is_relevant to public_health in the_US. Knowledge about how_METH is toxic_to_the brain in the setting of HIV infection will be useful not only in_discouraging_METH use,_but_in_obtaining disease-specific markers that can_be used for diagnosis"} +{"text": "atory oligodendrocytes possess OLG-growth cones that containmRNAs, the locally restricted translation of which is critical for the regulation of oligodendroglial process pathfinding and targeting, i.e. myelination. This hypothesis will be tested in two specific aims. 1) We will determine the role of locally", "synonym_substitution": "atory oligodendrocytes possess OLG - growth cones that containmRNAs, the locally restrict transformation of which is critical for the regulation of oligodendroglial process pathfinding and target, i.e. myelination. This hypothesis will be test in two specific aims. 1) We will specify the role of locally", "butter_fingers": "atogy oligodendrocytes posstss OLG-growth congs that rontainjRNAs, thd locally restricted translavion of wyich is critical for tfe regulanion of ooigovendroglial procxas pathnnndinf and vargeting, i.e. myglination. Thhs hypothesis fiul be tested in two specific aims. 1) We will drtfrmine the rolg of kjcalmj", "random_deletion": "atory oligodendrocytes possess OLG-growth cones that containmRNAs, restricted of which critical for the and i.e. myelination. This will be tested two specific aims. 1) We will the role of locally", "change_char_case": "atory oligodendrocytes possEss OLG-growTh conEs tHat CoNtaiNmRNas, the locally reSTricTed translation of which iS critIcAL for THe RegulAtion of OLiGODenDrOgLiaL pROcEss paThfInding aNd targetinG, i.e. MyElination. ThiS HyPothesis wiLl bE tested in two SpeCific aImS. 1) We WIll deTerMine tHe role OF localLy", "whitespace_perturbation": "atory oligodendrocytes pos sess OLG-g rowth co nes t hatcont ainmRNAs, thel ocal ly restricted translat ion o fw hich is crit ical fo r t h e re gu la tio no foligo den droglia l processpat hf inding and t a rg eting, i.e . m yelination.Thi s hypo th esi s will be test ed int wo spe cific aim s. 1) Wew ill det e r mi ne t he role of locall y ", "underscore_trick": "atory oligodendrocytes_possess OLG-growth_cones that containmRNAs, the_locally restricted_translation_of which_is_critical for the_regulation of oligodendroglial_process pathfinding and targeting,_i.e. myelination. This_hypothesis_will be tested in two specific aims. 1) We will determine the role of_locally"} +{"text": " autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system typified by axonal demyelination and neuronal death. To date, there is no effective treatment to cure the disease, and the available therapies do not alter the outcome of the disease. The development of better therapeutic options requires in-depth understanding of the molecular mechanisms leading to disease development and", "synonym_substitution": "autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system typify by axonal demyelination and neural death. To date, there is no effective discussion to cure the disease, and the available therapy do not alter the outcome of the disease. The exploitation of good therapeutic option requires in - depth reason of the molecular mechanisms leading to disease growth and", "butter_fingers": " auhoimmune disorder of the central nervous systek typiried by xxonal demyelination and neuconao deauk. To date, there is nu effectine treatmwnt uo cure the disease, and tmz avajpablz vherapies do noj alter the mutcome of the dkszase. The development of better thera[eutic pphions requires in-dtptr unsvrwtanding of the molecular mecganisms leading to dosease development and", "random_deletion": "autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system axonal and neuronal To date, there cure disease, and the therapies do not the outcome of the disease. The of better therapeutic options requires in-depth understanding of the molecular mechanisms leading to development and", "change_char_case": " autoimmune disorder of the ceNtral nervoUs sysTem TypIfIed bY axoNal demyelinatiON and Neuronal death. To date, theRe is nO eFFectIVe TreatMent to cURe THE diSeAsE, anD tHE aVailaBle TherapiEs do not altEr tHe Outcome of the DIsEase. The devEloPment of betteR thErapeuTiC opTIons rEquIres iN-depth UNderstAnding of tHe MOleculAR mechanISMs LeadIng to disease develOPmENt and", "whitespace_perturbation": " autoimmune disorder of th e centralnervo ussys te m ty pifi ed by axonal d e myel ination and neuronal d eath. T o dat e ,there is noe ff e c tiv etr eat me n tto cu rethe dis ease, andthe a vailable the r ap ies do not al ter the outc ome of th edis e ase.The deve lopmen t of be tter ther ap e utic o p tions r e q ui resin-depth understa n di n g of the molec ular m ec h an i s mslea ding to di se ase d e velopme n ta n d ", "underscore_trick": " autoimmune_disorder of_the central nervous system_typified by_axonal_demyelination and_neuronal_death. To date,_there is no_effective treatment to cure_the disease, and_the_available therapies do not alter the outcome of the disease. The development of better_therapeutic_options requires_in-depth_understanding_of the molecular mechanisms leading_to disease development and"} +{"text": ", the high molecular weight extrachromosomal DNA of C. difficile will be characterized. Preliminary work in our laboratory has demonstrated a large extrachromosomal DNA element in 16 out of 16 strains of C. difficile tested. Also bacteriophage particals were identified with electron microscopy to be associated with C. diff", "synonym_substitution": ", the high molecular weight extrachromosomal DNA of C. difficile will be characterized. Preliminary work in our lab has attest a large extrachromosomal DNA element in 16 out of 16 stress of C. difficile tested. Also bacteriophage particals were identify with electron microscopy to be consort with C. diff", "butter_fingers": ", thf high molecular weight txtrachromosomal BBA of R. diffidile wilu be characterized. Preliminacy wirk ib our laboratory has ddmonstratvd a largw exurachromosomal DNE elemenb in 16 lut mh 16 strains of C. difficile tested. Also bdcgexiophage particals were identified wyth elevtgon microscopy to nq asaociated with C. diff", "random_deletion": ", the high molecular weight extrachromosomal DNA difficile be characterized. work in our extrachromosomal element in 16 of 16 strains C. difficile tested. Also bacteriophage particals identified with electron microscopy to be associated with C. diff", "change_char_case": ", the high molecular weight extRachromosoMal DNa of c. diFfIcilE wilL be characterizED. PreLiminary work in our laborAtory HaS DemoNStRated A large eXTrACHroMoSoMal dNa ElEment In 16 oUt of 16 strAins of C. difFicIlE tested. Also bACtEriophage pArtIcals were ideNtiFied wiTh EleCTron mIcrOscopY to be aSSociatEd with C. diFf", "whitespace_perturbation": ", the high molecular weigh t extrachr omoso mal DN Aof C . di fficile will b e cha racterized. Preliminar y wor ki n ou r l abora tory ha s d e m ons tr at edal ar ge ex tra chromos omal DNA e lem en t in 16 outo f16 strains of C. difficil e t ested. A lso bacte rio phage parti c als we re identi fi e d with electro n mi cros copy to be associ a te d with C. diff", "underscore_trick": ", the_high molecular_weight extrachromosomal DNA of_C. difficile_will_be characterized._Preliminary_work in our_laboratory has demonstrated_a large extrachromosomal DNA_element in 16_out_of 16 strains of C. difficile tested. Also bacteriophage particals were identified with electron_microscopy_to be_associated_with_C. diff"} +{"text": " and advanced sequences, MRI shows potential for improved and non-invasive assessment of liver disease. Fast spin echo or single shot techniques, often combined with fat suppression, are the most common T2 weighted sequences used in liver MRI procedures. Liver MRI is highly dependent on the administration of contrast agents, especially when detection and characterization of", "synonym_substitution": "and advanced sequences, MRI shows potential for improved and non - incursive appraisal of liver disease. Fast spin echo or single stroke techniques, often combine with fatty suppression, are the most common T2 weighted sequences use in liver MRI procedures. Liver MRI is highly dependent on the government of line agents, especially when signal detection and characterization of", "butter_fingers": " anf advanced sequences, MRI shows potential for ikproves and nov-invasive assessment of livec diwease. Fast spin echo or sinele shot nechniquew, ofuen combined with fat supixessikk, are vhe most common T2 weighteg sequences usad iu liver MRI procedures. Liver MRI is righly ceoendent on the admpnystrzniin of contrast agents, especiamly whei detection and characterization of", "random_deletion": "and advanced sequences, MRI shows potential for non-invasive of liver Fast spin echo combined fat suppression, are most common T2 sequences used in liver MRI procedures. MRI is highly dependent on the administration of contrast agents, especially when detection characterization of", "change_char_case": " and advanced sequences, MRI shOws potentiAl for ImpRovEd And nOn-inVasive assessmeNT of lIver disease. Fast spin echO or siNgLE shoT TeChniqUes, ofteN CoMBIneD wItH faT sUPpRessiOn, aRe the moSt common T2 wEigHtEd sequences uSEd In liver MRI ProCedures. Liver mRI Is highLy DepENdent On tHe admInistrATion of Contrast aGeNTs, espeCIally whEN DeTectIon and characterizATiON of", "whitespace_perturbation": " and advanced sequences, M RI shows p otent ial fo rimpr oved and non-invas i ve a ssessment of liver dis ease. F a st s p in echo or sin g le s hot t ec hni qu e s, ofte n c ombined with fatsup pr ession, aret he most comm onT2 weightedseq uences u sed in li ver MRIproced u res. L iver MRIis highly depende n t o n th e administrationo fc ontrast agents , espe ci a ll y whe n d etection a nd char a cteriza t io n o f", "underscore_trick": " and_advanced sequences,_MRI shows potential for_improved and_non-invasive_assessment of_liver_disease. Fast spin_echo or single_shot techniques, often combined_with fat suppression,_are_the most common T2 weighted sequences used in liver MRI procedures. Liver MRI is_highly_dependent on_the_administration_of contrast agents, especially when_detection and characterization of"} +{"text": " immune response is specific, but productive intra-molecular cross-priming against other potential tumor-associated antigens is incomplete. We believe that productive extension of such secondary immune responses is hindered by the presence of regulatory T-cells (T ) which are disproportionately represented within the peripheral blood and tumors of Regs patients with", "synonym_substitution": "immune response is specific, but productive intra - molecular cross - priming against other likely tumor - consociate antigens is incomplete. We believe that generative reference of such secondary immune responses is impede by the presence of regulatory thymine - cells (T) which are disproportionately represent within the peripheral blood and tumors of Regs affected role with", "butter_fingers": " imlune response is specifig, but productive intra-mmleculzr cross-oriming against other potentmal rumor-qssociated antigens is incomplene. We belueve rhat produrfive exbznsioh of vnch secondary ikmune respmnses is hindesea yy the presence of regulatory T-cells (T ) whivh are disproporjionauelr relgewented within the peripheral glood aid tumors of Rebs patients with", "random_deletion": "immune response is specific, but productive intra-molecular other tumor-associated antigens incomplete. We believe secondary responses is hindered the presence of T-cells (T ) which are disproportionately within the peripheral blood and tumors of Regs patients with", "change_char_case": " immune response is specific, bUt productiVe intRa-mOleCuLar cRoss-Priming against OTher Potential tumor-associatEd antIgENs is INcOmpleTe. We belIEvE THat PrOdUctIvE ExTensiOn oF such seCondary immUne ReSponses is hinDErEd by the preSenCe of regulatoRy T-Cells (T ) WhIch ARe disProPortiOnatelY RepresEnted withIn THe periPHeral blOOD aNd tuMors of Regs patientS WiTH", "whitespace_perturbation": " immune response is specif ic, but pr oduct ive in tr a-mo lecu lar cross-prim i ng a gainst other potential tumo r- a ssoc i at ed an tigensi si n com pl et e.We be lieve th at prod uctive ext ens io n of such se c on dary immun e r esponses ishin deredby th e pres enc e ofregula t ory T- cells (T)w hich a r e dispr o p or tion ately represented wi t hin the periph eral b lo o da n d t umo rs of Regs p atien t s with", "underscore_trick": " immune_response is_specific, but productive intra-molecular_cross-priming against_other_potential tumor-associated_antigens_is incomplete. We_believe that productive_extension of such secondary_immune responses is_hindered_by the presence of regulatory T-cells (T ) which are disproportionately represented within the_peripheral_blood and_tumors_of_Regs patients with"} +{"text": " we will systematically investigate this hypothesis via three specific aims. In Aim 1, we will perform experiments to establish the long-term stability of?-crystallin-client protein complexes under the conditions of the lens by employing fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)- based assays. We will then determine whether?-crystallin-", "synonym_substitution": "we will systematically investigate this hypothesis via three specific aims. In Aim 1, we will perform experiments to install the retentive - term stability of?-crystallin - client protein complex under the conditions of the lens by employing fluorescence rapport department of energy transfer (FRET)- based assays. We will then determine whether?-crystallin-", "butter_fingers": " we will systematically invtstigate this hypothesis via tgree spezific aims. In Aim 1, we will pxrfoem exkvriments to establish the long-nerm stabulitb of?-crystallin-clmsnt probzin cklplerew under the cokditions of the lens by ekpuoving fluorescence resonance energy twansfer (FGET)- based assais. We rill nhtn determine whether?-crystallin-", "random_deletion": "we will systematically investigate this hypothesis via aims. Aim 1, will perform experiments of?-crystallin-client complexes under the of the lens employing fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)- assays. We will then determine whether?-crystallin-", "change_char_case": " we will systematically invesTigate this HypotHesIs vIa ThreE speCific aims. In Aim 1, WE wilL perform experiments to eStablIsH The lONg-Term sTabilitY Of?-CRYstAlLiN-clIeNT pRoteiN coMplexes Under the coNdiTiOns of the lens BY eMploying flUorEscence resonAncE energY tRanSFer (FReT)- bAsed aSsays. WE Will thEn determiNe WHether?-CRystallIN-", "whitespace_perturbation": " we will systematically in vestigatethishyp oth es is v ia t hree specifica ims. In Aim 1, we will per formex p erim e nt s toestabli s ht h e l on g- ter ms ta bilit y o f?-crys tallin-cli ent p rotein compl e xe s under th e c onditions of th e lens b y e m ployi ngfluor escenc e reson ance ener gy transf e r (FRET ) - b ased assays. We willt he n determine whe ther?- cr y st a l lin -", "underscore_trick": " we_will systematically_investigate this hypothesis via_three specific_aims._In Aim_1,_we will perform_experiments to establish_the long-term stability of?-crystallin-client_protein complexes under_the_conditions of the lens by employing fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)- based assays. We_will_then determine_whether?-crystallin-"} +{"text": " constrain tropomyosin in the inhibitory \"blocking\" state characteristic of relaxed muscle;(C) we will test both the hypothesis that tropomyosin assumes the contours of the F-actin helix as a relatively stiff coiled coiled-coil and the alternative view that tropomyosin is flexible. (2) We", "synonym_substitution": "constrain tropomyosin in the inhibitory \" blocking \" state characteristic of relaxed muscle;(C) we will screen both the guess that tropomyosin assumes the contours of the F - actin coil as a relatively stiff handbuild coiled - coil and the alternate scene that tropomyosin is flexible. (2) We", "butter_fingers": " cojstrain tropomyosin in tme inhibitory \"blocking\" vtate dharactefistic of relaxed muscle;(C) we wull ttft both the hypothdsis that tropomyisin qssumes thx contouvf of bhe F-ccvin helix as a telatively sdiff coiled cohldd-eoil and the alternative view that twopomyoxij is flexible. (2) We", "random_deletion": "constrain tropomyosin in the inhibitory \"blocking\" state relaxed we will both the hypothesis of F-actin helix as relatively stiff coiled and the alternative view that tropomyosin flexible. (2) We", "change_char_case": " constrain tropomyosin in the Inhibitory \"BlockIng\" StaTe CharActeRistic of relaxeD MuscLe;(C) we will test both the hyPotheSiS That TRoPomyoSin assuMEs THE coNtOuRs oF tHE F-Actin HelIx as a reLatively stIff CoIled coiled-coIL aNd the alterNatIve view that tRopOmyosiN iS flEXible. (2) we", "whitespace_perturbation": " constrain tropomyosin inthe inhibi tory\"bl ock in g\" s tate characteristi c ofrelaxed muscle;(C) wewillte s t bo t hthe h ypothes i st h attr op omy os i nassum esthe con tours of t heF- actin helixa sa relative lystiff coiled co iled-c oi l a n d the al terna tive v i ew tha t tropomy os i n is f l exible. ( 2) We", "underscore_trick": " constrain_tropomyosin in_the inhibitory \"blocking\" state_characteristic of_relaxed_muscle;(C) we_will_test both the_hypothesis that tropomyosin_assumes the contours of_the F-actin helix_as_a relatively stiff coiled coiled-coil and the alternative view that tropomyosin is flexible. (2)_We"} +{"text": " which there are four, do not act through host signaling pathways, but are directly bactericidal against both Gram-positive and -negative bacteria (1). Indeed, these PGRPs are a new class of bactericidal proteins that have a different structure and mechanism of action than currently known mammalian antimicrobial peptides. Mammalian P", "synonym_substitution": "which there are four, do not act through host signaling nerve pathway, but are immediately bactericidal against both Gram - positive and -negative bacteria (1). Indeed, these PGRPs are a new course of bactericidal proteins that receive a different structure and mechanism of military action than currently known mammalian antimicrobial peptide. Mammalian phosphorus", "butter_fingers": " whlch there are four, do nou act through hosj wignalmng patgways, bug are directly bactericidal egaibst bith Gram-positive and -ndgative bwcteria (1). Indted, these PGRPs acs a new class lf bccvericidal protelns that haee a different sgrbcture and mechanism of action than surrentky known mammaliwn ameimidgonial peptides. Mammalian P", "random_deletion": "which there are four, do not act signaling but are bactericidal against both Indeed, PGRPs are a class of bactericidal that have a different structure and of action than currently known mammalian antimicrobial peptides. Mammalian P", "change_char_case": " which there are four, do not act Through hosT signAliNg pAtHwayS, but Are directly bacTEricIdal against both Gram-posItive AnD -NegaTIvE bactEria (1). IndEEd, THEse pGrPS arE a NEw Class Of bActericIdal proteiNs tHaT have a differENt Structure aNd mEchanism of acTioN than cUrRenTLy knoWn mAmmalIan antIMicrobIal peptidEs. mAmmaliAN P", "whitespace_perturbation": " which there are four, donot act th rough ho stsi gnal ingpathways, buta re d irectly bactericidal a gains tb othG ra m-pos itive a n d- n ega ti ve ba ct e ri a (1) . I ndeed,these PGRP s a re a new class of bacterici dal proteins th athave a d iff e rentstr uctur e andm echani sm of act io n thanc urrentl y kn ownmammalian antimic r ob i al peptides. M ammali an P", "underscore_trick": " which_there are_four, do not act_through host_signaling_pathways, but_are_directly bactericidal against_both Gram-positive and_-negative bacteria (1). Indeed,_these PGRPs are_a_new class of bactericidal proteins that have a different structure and mechanism of action_than_currently known_mammalian_antimicrobial_peptides. Mammalian P"} +{"text": " coordinated development and differentiation of neuronal cells throughout the brain. Over the past several years, it has become clear that the RhoGTPases and related molecules play an important role in neuronal cell development, including neurite outgrowth, differentiation, axon pathfinding, dendritic spine formation, as well as neuronal cell maintenance. Results from", "synonym_substitution": "coordinated development and differentiation of neuronal cell throughout the mind. Over the past several years, it has become clear that the RhoGTPases and related atom play an important function in neuronal cell growth, including neurite outgrowth, specialization, axon pathfinding, dendritic spine formation, as well as neuronal cell sustenance. Results from", "butter_fingers": " colrdinated development ana differentiation of nxuronal cells tfroughout the brain. Over the pqst stneral years, it has bezome cleag that thw RhiTTPases anv related moledmles 'ley an important role in nauronal cell davdllpment, including neurite outgrowth, qifferemtlation, axon pajhfincyng, svnbritic spine formation, as well zs neurmnal cell maimtenance. Results from", "random_deletion": "coordinated development and differentiation of neuronal cells brain. the past years, it has and molecules play an role in neuronal development, including neurite outgrowth, differentiation, axon dendritic spine formation, as well as neuronal cell maintenance. Results from", "change_char_case": " coordinated development and DifferentiAtion Of nEurOnAl ceLls tHroughout the brAIn. OvEr the past several years, iT has bEcOMe clEAr That tHe RhoGTpAsES And ReLaTed MoLEcUles pLay An imporTant role in NeuRoNal cell develOPmEnt, includiNg nEurite outgroWth, DifferEnTiaTIon, axOn pAthfiNding, dENdritiC spine forMaTIon, as wELl as neuRONaL celL maintenance. ResulTS fROm", "whitespace_perturbation": " coordinated development a nd differe ntiat ion of n euro nalcells througho u t th e brain. Over the past seve ra l yea r s, it h as beco m ec l ear t ha t t he Rh oGTPa ses and re lated mole cul es play an imp o rt ant role i n n euronal cell de velopm en t,i nclud ing neur ite ou t growth , differe nt i ation, axon pa t h fi ndin g, dendritic spin e f o rmation, as we ll asne u ro n a l c ell maintenan ce . Res u lts fro m ", "underscore_trick": " coordinated_development and_differentiation of neuronal cells_throughout the_brain._Over the_past_several years, it_has become clear_that the RhoGTPases and_related molecules play_an_important role in neuronal cell development, including neurite outgrowth, differentiation, axon pathfinding, dendritic spine_formation,_as well_as_neuronal_cell maintenance. Results from"} +{"text": " opiate addiction. We will evaluate the effect of the course on physicians' knowledge, attitude, behavior and satisfaction using assessment forms developed in Phase I. In Phase II we will create and evaluate the full suite of courses. Phase III work will involve modifying and expanding the courses to teach a full range of health professionals. PROP", "synonym_substitution": "opiate addiction. We will evaluate the effect of the course on physicians' cognition, position, demeanor and satisfaction using assessment kind developed in Phase I. In Phase II we will create and measure the full suite of courses. Phase III employment will involve modifying and boom the courses to teach a full image of health master. PROP", "butter_fingers": " oplate addiction. We will eyaluate the effeer of tie courae on phhsicians' knowledge, attitude, uehacior qnd satisfaction using assessmejt forms devtloped in Phase I. In Phasc II sc wiln create and evsluate the full suite of cuuxses. Phase III work will involve modyfying snf expanding thg cougsqs tk teach a full range of health proressionels. PROP", "random_deletion": "opiate addiction. We will evaluate the effect course physicians' knowledge, behavior and satisfaction Phase In Phase II will create and the full suite of courses. Phase work will involve modifying and expanding the courses to teach a full range health professionals. PROP", "change_char_case": " opiate addiction. We will evalUate the effEct of The CouRsE on pHysiCians' knowledge, ATtitUde, behavior and satisfacTion uSiNG assESsMent fOrms devELoPED in phAsE I. IN PHAsE II we WilL create And evaluatE thE fUll suite of coURsEs. Phase III WorK will involve ModIfying AnD exPAndinG thE courSes to tEAch a fuLl range of HeALth proFEssionaLS. pRoP", "whitespace_perturbation": " opiate addiction. We will evaluatethe e ffe ctof the cou rse on physici a ns'knowledge, attitude, b ehavi or ands at isfac tion us i ng a sse ss me ntfo r ms deve lop ed in P hase I. In Ph as e II we will cr eate and e val uate the ful l s uite o fcou r ses.Pha se II I work will i nvolve mo di f ying a n d expan d i ng the courses to teach af ull range of h ealthpr o fe s s ion als . PROP", "underscore_trick": " opiate_addiction. We_will evaluate the effect_of the_course_on physicians'_knowledge,_attitude, behavior and_satisfaction using assessment_forms developed in Phase_I. In Phase_II_we will create and evaluate the full suite of courses. Phase III work will_involve_modifying and_expanding_the_courses to teach a full_range of health professionals. PROP"} +{"text": " mortality rates >80%. Our long-term goals are to develop a vaccine and to provide better means for the early diagnosis and monitoring of aspergillosis. Our specific hypotheses are: 1) certain aspergillus antigens have an immunoprotective effect, and 2) some antigens may serve as indicators of early stages of", "synonym_substitution": "mortality rates > 80% . Our long - term goal are to originate a vaccine and to provide better means for the early diagnosis and monitoring of aspergillosis. Our specific hypothesis are: 1) certain aspergillus antigens hold an immunoprotective effect, and 2) some antigens may service as indicators of early stages of", "butter_fingers": " mogtality rates >80%. Our long-ttrm goals are to bwvelop a vacdine and to provide better means for tye eaely diagnosis and monigoring of aspergiolosms. Our specific igpothescf ars: 1) cextein aspergillus antigens vave an immuno[rutzctive effect, and 2) some antigens may serve ss indicators of earkr stzges of", "random_deletion": "mortality rates >80%. Our long-term goals are a and to better means for of Our specific hypotheses 1) certain aspergillus have an immunoprotective effect, and 2) antigens may serve as indicators of early stages of", "change_char_case": " mortality rates >80%. Our long-term Goals are to DevelOp a VacCiNe anD to pRovide better meANs foR the early diagnosis and mOnitoRiNG of aSPeRgillOsis. Our SPeCIFic HyPoTheSeS ArE: 1) certAin AspergiLlus antigeNs hAvE an immunoproTEcTive effect, And 2) Some antigens May Serve aS iNdiCAtors Of eArly sTages oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " mortality rates >80%. Our long-term goal s a reto dev elop a vaccine and to p rovide better means fo r the e a rlyd ia gnosi s and m o ni t o rin gof as pe r gi llosi s.Our spe cific hypo the se s are: 1) ce r ta in aspergi llu s antigens h ave an im mu nop r otect ive effe ct, an d 2) so me antige ns may se r ve as i n d ic ator s of early stages of ", "underscore_trick": " mortality_rates >80%._Our long-term goals are_to develop_a_vaccine and_to_provide better means_for the early_diagnosis and monitoring of_aspergillosis. Our specific_hypotheses_are: 1) certain aspergillus antigens have an immunoprotective effect, and 2) some antigens may_serve_as indicators_of_early_stages of"} +{"text": " to the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Angiotensin (AngII), an important regulator of RAS, plays a critical role in regulation of blood pressure and volume homeostasis. These effects are mediated mainly via Ca2+ mobilization. Investigators reported the involvement of sphingosine kinase1 (SK1) in", "synonym_substitution": "to the renin - angiotensin system (RAS). Angiotensin (AngII), an important regulator of RAS, plays a critical function in rule of blood pressure and bulk homeostasis. These impression are mediated mainly via Ca2 + mobilization. research worker reported the involvement of sphingosine kinase1 (SK1) in", "butter_fingers": " to the renin-angiotensin syrtem (RAS). Angiotgnwin (AnjII), an jmportang regulator of RAS, plays a ccitixal rile in regulation of buood presdure and volnme homeostasis. Vgese efnzcts zve mebieted mainly via Ca2+ mobilisation. Investicagoxs reported the involvement of sphindosine lijase1 (SK1) in", "random_deletion": "to the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Angiotensin (AngII), regulator RAS, plays critical role in volume These effects are mainly via Ca2+ Investigators reported the involvement of sphingosine (SK1) in", "change_char_case": " to the renin-angiotensin systEm (RAS). AngioTensiN (AnGII), An ImpoRtanT regulator of RAs, PlayS a critical role in regulaTion oF bLOod pREsSure aNd volumE HoMEOstAsIs. theSe EFfEcts aRe mEdiated Mainly via CA2+ moBiLization. InveSTiGators repoRteD the involvemEnt Of sphiNgOsiNE kinaSe1 (Sk1) in", "whitespace_perturbation": " to the renin-angiotensinsystem (RA S). A ngi ote ns in ( AngI I), an importa n t re gulator of RAS, playsa cri ti c al r o le in r egulati o no f bl oo dpre ss u re andvol ume hom eostasis.The se effects are me diated mai nly via Ca2+ mo bil izatio n. In v estig ato rs re ported the in volvement o f sphin g osine k i n as e1 ( SK1) in", "underscore_trick": " to_the renin-angiotensin_system (RAS). Angiotensin (AngII),_an important_regulator_of RAS,_plays_a critical role_in regulation of_blood pressure and volume_homeostasis. These effects_are_mediated mainly via Ca2+ mobilization. Investigators reported the involvement of sphingosine kinase1 (SK1) in"} +{"text": " patients with status epilepticus. Genes regulated more than two fold on microarrays will be confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR for all of the aims. The goal is to objectively differentiate seizures, syncope, global cerebral ischemia, hypoglycemia, and transient ischemic attacks hours to days after they occur; and to begin to identify", "synonym_substitution": "patients with status epilepticus. Genes regulated more than two fold on microarrays will be confirm by quantitative RT - PCR for all of the aim. The goal is to objectively differentiate seizures, faint, global cerebral ischemia, hypoglycemia, and transient ischemic attacks hours to day after they occur; and to begin to name", "butter_fingers": " pahients with status epilekticus. Genes regulated mmre thzn two fuld on microarrays will be clndirmee by quantitative RT-PCF for all of the qims. Rhe goal is to objcetivemn difyecentiate seizurgs, syncope, gnobal cerebral irckemia, hypoglycemia, and transient iscremic aytwcks hours to qays wfted they occur; and to begin to identjfy", "random_deletion": "patients with status epilepticus. Genes regulated more fold microarrays will confirmed by quantitative aims. goal is to differentiate seizures, syncope, cerebral ischemia, hypoglycemia, and transient ischemic hours to days after they occur; and to begin to identify", "change_char_case": " patients with status epileptIcus. Genes rEgulaTed MorE tHan tWo foLd on microarrayS Will Be confirmed by quantitatIve RT-pCr For aLL oF the aIms. The gOAl IS To oBjEcTivElY DiFfereNtiAte seizUres, syncopE, glObAl cerebral isCHeMia, hypoglyCemIa, and transieNt iSchemiC aTtaCKs houRs tO days After tHEy occuR; and to begIn TO identIFy", "whitespace_perturbation": " patients with status epil epticus. G enesreg ula te d mo re t han two fold o n mic roarrays will be confi rmedby quan t it ative RT-PCR fo r all o fthe a i ms . The go al is t o objectiv ely d ifferentiate se izures, sy nco pe, global c ere bral i sc hem i a, hy pog lycem ia, an d trans ient isch em i c atta c ks hour s to day s after they occu r ;a nd to begin to ident if y ", "underscore_trick": " patients_with status_epilepticus. Genes regulated more_than two_fold_on microarrays_will_be confirmed by_quantitative RT-PCR for_all of the aims._The goal is_to_objectively differentiate seizures, syncope, global cerebral ischemia, hypoglycemia, and transient ischemic attacks hours to_days_after they_occur;_and_to begin to identify"} +{"text": " reactive oxygen species. This hypothesis will be investigated by stretching both primary cultures of cat tracheal epithelial cells and human bronchial epithelial cells as well as lines of human bronchial epithelial cells grown on elastic membranes using a novel biaxial strain device. Preliminary results demonstrate that both cyclic mechanical elongation and compression delay wound closure by inhibiting cell", "synonym_substitution": "reactive oxygen species. This hypothesis will be investigated by stretching both basal acculturation of cat tracheal epithelial cells and human bronchial epithelial cells as well as line of human bronchial epithelial cells grown on elastic membrane use a novel biaxial stress device. Preliminary results demonstrate that both cyclic mechanical elongation and compaction delay wound closure by inhibiting cell", "butter_fingers": " rewctive oxygen species. Thls hypothesis will be iivestigzted by rtretching both primary cultnres of cqt tracheal epithelial cells anf human vronrhial epithelial cells as well ws lnnxs of human brokchial epitvelial cells gsodn on elastic membranes using a novel biaxiak dtrain device. Krelikynarg results demonstrate that both cydlic mebhanical elongatipn and compression delay wlund closure by inhibihing cell", "random_deletion": "reactive oxygen species. This hypothesis will be stretching primary cultures cat tracheal epithelial cells well as lines human bronchial epithelial grown on elastic membranes using a biaxial strain device. Preliminary results demonstrate that both cyclic mechanical elongation and compression wound closure by inhibiting cell", "change_char_case": " reactive oxygen species. This Hypothesis Will bE inVesTiGateD by sTretching both pRImarY cultures of cat tracheal EpithElIAl ceLLs And huMan bronCHiAL EpiThElIal CeLLs As welL as Lines of Human broncHiaL ePithelial celLS gRown on elasTic Membranes usiNg a Novel bIaXiaL StraiN deVice. PRelimiNAry resUlts demonStRAte thaT Both cycLIC mEchaNical elongation anD CoMPression delay wOund clOsURe BY InhIbiTing cell", "whitespace_perturbation": " reactive oxygen species.This hypot hesis wi llbe inv esti gated by stret c hing both primary cultures of c at trac h ea l epi thelial ce l l s a nd h uma nb ro nchia l e pitheli al cells a s w el l as lines o f h uman bronc hia l epithelial ce lls gr ow n o n elas tic memb ranesu sing a novel bi ax i al str a in devi c e .Prel iminary results d e mo n strate that bo th cyc li c m e c han ica l elongati on andc ompress i on d e lay wound closure by inhibit i ngcell", "underscore_trick": " reactive_oxygen species._This hypothesis will be_investigated by_stretching_both primary_cultures_of cat tracheal_epithelial cells and_human bronchial epithelial cells_as well as_lines_of human bronchial epithelial cells grown on elastic membranes using a novel biaxial strain_device._Preliminary results_demonstrate_that_both cyclic mechanical elongation and_compression delay wound closure by_inhibiting cell"} +{"text": " by PKA. Signaling by PKA is confined to specific locations in cells by virtue of a family of A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) that localize pools of PKA, their substrates, and interconnected signaling enzymes. This application focuses on the mechanisms by which PKA integrates transcriptional networks to imitate", "synonym_substitution": "by PKA. Signaling by PKA is confined to specific locations in cells by merit of a syndicate of A - kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) that place pond of PKA, their substrates, and interconnected signaling enzyme. This application focuses on the mechanisms by which PKA integrate transcriptional networks to imitate", "butter_fingers": " by PKA. Signaling by PKA is confined to spgcufic lmcatiohs in ceuls by virtue of a family of A-jinast anchoring proteinr (AKAPs) tjat locaoize pools of PKA, their substdwtes, end interconnecjed signalinc enzymes. This aoppication focuses on the mechanisms fy whicn OKA integrates tramfcrilniinal networks to imitate", "random_deletion": "by PKA. Signaling by PKA is confined locations cells by of a family that pools of PKA, substrates, and interconnected enzymes. This application focuses on the by which PKA integrates transcriptional networks to imitate", "change_char_case": " by PKA. Signaling by PKA is confIned to specIfic lOcaTioNs In ceLls bY virtue of a famiLY of A-Kinase anchoring proteinS (AKAPS) tHAt loCAlIze poOls of PKa, ThEIR suBsTrAteS, aND iNtercOnnEcted siGnaling enzYmeS. THis applicatiON fOcuses on thE meChanisms by whIch pKA intEgRatES tranScrIptioNal netWOrks to Imitate", "whitespace_perturbation": " by PKA. Signaling by PKAis confine d tospe cif ic loc atio ns in cells by virt ue of a family of A-ki nasean c hori n gprote ins (AK A Ps ) tha tlo cal iz e p oolsofPKA, th eir substr ate s, and interco n ne cted signa lin g enzymes. T his appli ca tio n focu ses on t he mec h anisms by which P K A inte g rates t r a ns crip tional networks t o i m itate", "underscore_trick": " by_PKA. Signaling_by PKA is confined_to specific_locations_in cells_by_virtue of a_family of A-kinase_anchoring proteins (AKAPs) that_localize pools of_PKA,_their substrates, and interconnected signaling enzymes. This application focuses on the mechanisms by which_PKA_integrates transcriptional_networks_to_imitate"} +{"text": " angiogenic activity in an animal model of human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). They will demonstrate that underexpression of IP-10 imparts increased angiogenic activity to NSCLC cell lines. Next, they will reconstitute IP-10 production in NSCLC cell lines, thus restoring the angiostatic balance, using", "synonym_substitution": "angiogenic activity in an animal model of human non - small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). They will attest that underexpression of IP-10 imparts increase angiogenic activity to NSCLC cell lines. Next, they will restructure IP-10 production in NSCLC cell lines, therefore repair the angiostatic balance, use", "butter_fingers": " anhiogenic activity in an xnimal model of human ion-smalm cell ljng cancer (NSCLC). They will dxmonwtratt that underexpresskon of IP-10 imparts incceased angiogenir activibv to HDCLC rell lines. Next, they will reconstitute HP-10 pxoduction in NSCLC cell lines, thus rqstorinb hhe angiostatis bakwnce, lslng", "random_deletion": "angiogenic activity in an animal model of cell cancer (NSCLC). will demonstrate that angiogenic to NSCLC cell Next, they will IP-10 production in NSCLC cell lines, restoring the angiostatic balance, using", "change_char_case": " angiogenic activity in an aniMal model of Human Non-SmaLl Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). TheY Will Demonstrate that underexPressIoN Of IP-10 IMpArts iNcreaseD AnGIOgeNiC aCtiViTY tO NSCLc ceLl lines. next, they wiLl rEcOnstitute IP-10 pROdUction in NScLC Cell lines, thuS reStorinG tHe aNGiostAtiC balaNce, usiNG", "whitespace_perturbation": " angiogenic activity in an animal mo del o f h uma nnon- smal l cell lung ca n cer(NSCLC). They will dem onstr at e tha t u ndere xpressi o no f IP -1 0imp ar t sincre ase d angio genic acti vit yto NSCLC cel l l ines. Next , t hey will rec ons titute I P-1 0 prod uct ion i n NSCL C celllines, th us restor i ng thea n gi osta tic balance, usin g ", "underscore_trick": " angiogenic_activity in_an animal model of_human non-small_cell_lung cancer_(NSCLC)._They will demonstrate_that underexpression of_IP-10 imparts increased angiogenic_activity to NSCLC_cell_lines. Next, they will reconstitute IP-10 production in NSCLC cell lines, thus restoring the_angiostatic_balance, using"} +{"text": "-fat diet reduces hepatic CEACAM1 levels by > 50% to cause hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance. Conversely, Ceacam1 overexpression in liver protects mice against insulin resistance and visceral obesity. This suggests that hyperinsulinemia plays a detrimental role in the pathogenesis of diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance. We", "synonym_substitution": "-fat diet reduces hepatic CEACAM1 levels by > 50% to cause hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance. Conversely, Ceacam1 overexpression in liver protect mouse against insulin resistance and visceral obesity. This hint that hyperinsulinemia plays a detrimental function in the pathogenesis of diet - induced obesity and insulin electric resistance. We", "butter_fingers": "-fat diet reduces hepatic CEXCAM1 levels by > 50% to canse hypsrinsulivemia and insulin resistance. Cinverwely, Ceacam1 overexpresrion in lpver protwcts nice against insullu resjdtanee and visceral pbesity. Thhs suggests thdt hvperinsulinemia plays a detrimental wole in tje pathogenesif of qiet-jnduced obesity and insulin resistznce. We", "random_deletion": "-fat diet reduces hepatic CEACAM1 levels by to hyperinsulinemia and resistance. Conversely, Ceacam1 against resistance and visceral This suggests that plays a detrimental role in the of diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance. We", "change_char_case": "-fat diet reduces hepatic CEACaM1 levels by > 50% To cauSe hYpeRiNsulInemIa and insulin reSIstaNce. Conversely, Ceacam1 oveRexprEsSIon iN LiVer prOtects mICe AGAinSt InSulIn REsIstanCe aNd visceRal obesity. thiS sUggests that hYPeRinsulinemIa pLays a detrimeNtaL role iN tHe pAThogeNesIs of dIet-indUCed obeSity and inSuLIn resiSTance. We", "whitespace_perturbation": "-fat diet reduces hepaticCEACAM1 le velsby> 5 0% tocaus e hyperinsulin e miaand insulin resistance . Con ve r sely , C eacam 1 overe x pr e s sio nin li ve r p rotec tsmice ag ainst insu lin r esistance an d v isceral ob esi ty. This sug ges ts tha thyp e rinsu lin emiaplaysa detri mental ro le in the pathoge n e si s of diet-induced obe s it y and insulin r esista nc e .W e ", "underscore_trick": "-fat diet_reduces hepatic_CEACAM1 levels by >_50% to_cause_hyperinsulinemia and_insulin_resistance. Conversely, Ceacam1_overexpression in liver_protects mice against insulin_resistance and visceral_obesity._This suggests that hyperinsulinemia plays a detrimental role in the pathogenesis of diet-induced obesity_and_insulin resistance._We"} +{"text": " ligands for Toll-like receptors (TLR) and transmit regenerative signals to ISCs. We thereby propose intestinal regenerative therapy with a combination of systemic administration of growth factors and cell replacement therapy to salvage Gl function post-radiation exposure. In order to develop an stem cell-based therapeutic strategy for RIGS,", "synonym_substitution": "ligands for Toll - like receptors (TLR) and air regenerative signal to ISCs. We thereby propose intestinal regenerative therapy with a combination of systemic administration of growth component and cell replacement therapy to salvage Gl routine post - radiation photograph. In order to evolve an stem cell - free-base therapeutic strategy for RIGS,", "butter_fingers": " lihands for Toll-like recepuors (TLR) and transmit rejeneratjve signxls to ISCs. We thereby propode intewtinal regenerative thdrapy witj a combunatmon of systemic esministvction lf gxoxth factors and cell repldcement therapf go salvage Gl function post-radiation qxposurr. Ln order to dedelok ag stsm cell-based therapeutic strategy ror RIGV,", "random_deletion": "ligands for Toll-like receptors (TLR) and transmit to We thereby intestinal regenerative therapy administration growth factors and replacement therapy to Gl function post-radiation exposure. In order develop an stem cell-based therapeutic strategy for RIGS,", "change_char_case": " ligands for Toll-like receptoRs (TLR) and trAnsmiT reGenErAtivE sigNals to ISCs. We thEReby Propose intestinal regenEratiVe THeraPY wIth a cOmbinatIOn OF SysTeMiC adMiNIsTratiOn oF growth Factors and CelL rEplacement thERaPy to salvagE Gl Function post-RadIation ExPosURe. In oRdeR to deVelop aN Stem ceLl-based thErAPeutic STrategy FOR RiGS,", "whitespace_perturbation": " ligands for Toll-like rec eptors (TL R) an d t ran sm it r egen erative signal s toISCs. We thereby propo se in te s tina l r egene rativet he r a pywi th aco m bi natio n o f syste mic admini str at ion of growt h f actors and ce ll replaceme nttherap ytos alvag e G l fun ctionp ost-ra diation e xp o sure.I n order t odeve lop an stem cell- b as e d therapeuticstrate gy fo r RIG S,", "underscore_trick": " ligands_for Toll-like_receptors (TLR) and transmit_regenerative signals_to_ISCs. We_thereby_propose intestinal regenerative_therapy with a_combination of systemic administration_of growth factors_and_cell replacement therapy to salvage Gl function post-radiation exposure. In order to develop an_stem_cell-based therapeutic_strategy_for_RIGS,"} +{"text": "ylaxis trial using weekly doses of DEC. In Gabon (where exposure to the parasite was heaviest) 30% of individuals in the placebo group developed overt clinical disease compared to none in the DEC-treated group (p<.02) and 50% became seropositive in the placebo group vs 13% in", "synonym_substitution": "ylaxis trial using weekly doses of DEC. In Gabon (where exposure to the leech was dense) 30% of individuals in the placebo group developed overt clinical disease compare to none in the DEC - process group (p<.02) and 50% became seropositive in the placebo group vs 13% in", "butter_fingers": "yladis trial using weekly duses of DEC. In Yqbon (wiere exlosure tu the parasite was heaviest) 30% od induviduals in the placebu group dvveloped iveru clinical diseasx comparcb to hlne nn the DEC-treatec group (p<.02) dnd 50% became sesoooditive in the placebo group vs 13% in", "random_deletion": "ylaxis trial using weekly doses of DEC. (where to the was heaviest) 30% group overt clinical disease to none in DEC-treated group (p<.02) and 50% became in the placebo group vs 13% in", "change_char_case": "ylaxis trial using weekly dosEs of DEC. In GAbon (wHerE exPoSure To thE parasite was heAViesT) 30% of individuals in the plaCebo gRoUP devELoPed ovErt clinICaL DIseAsE cOmpArED tO none In tHe DEC-trEated group (P<.02) anD 50% bEcame seroposITiVe in the plaCebO group vs 13% in", "whitespace_perturbation": "ylaxis trial using weeklydoses of D EC. I n G abo n(whe re e xposure to the para site was heaviest) 30% of i nd i vidu a ls in t he plac e bo g rou pde vel op e dovert cl inicaldisease co mpa re d to none in th e DEC-trea ted group (p<.0 2)and 50 %bec a me se rop ositi ve int he pla cebo grou pv s 13%i n", "underscore_trick": "ylaxis trial_using weekly_doses of DEC. In_Gabon (where_exposure_to the_parasite_was heaviest) 30%_of individuals in_the placebo group developed_overt clinical disease_compared_to none in the DEC-treated group (p<.02) and 50% became seropositive in the placebo_group_vs 13%_in"} +{"text": "; the administration of hormones for experimental purposes; continuous, close-range observation of behavior; a simple social system focusing on peer relations; systematic comparison of behavior in this semi-natural habitat with behavior of chimpanzees in their fully natural habitat and with human adolescents in roughly similar situations. Hormone assays will be", "synonym_substitution": "; the administration of hormones for experimental purposes; continuous, close - compass notice of behavior; a simple social arrangement focus on peer relations; systematic comparison of demeanor in this semi - natural habitat with behavior of chimpanzees in their amply natural habitat and with human adolescents in approximately similar situations. Hormone assays will be", "butter_fingers": "; thf administration of hormunes for experimental 'urposea; continjous, close-range observation lf behacior; a simple social shstem foclsing on peer eelations; systematle comlwrismi of behavior ik this semi-tatural habitad dich behavior of chimpanzees in their sully nstkral habitat agd wptr hujan adolescents in roughly similar situatpons. Hormone assaus will be", "random_deletion": "; the administration of hormones for experimental close-range of behavior; simple social system comparison behavior in this habitat with behavior chimpanzees in their fully natural habitat with human adolescents in roughly similar situations. Hormone assays will be", "change_char_case": "; the administration of hormonEs for experImentAl pUrpOsEs; coNtinUous, close-range OBserVation of behavior; a simplE sociAl SYsteM FoCusinG on peer RElATIonS; sYsTemAtIC cOmparIsoN of behaVior in this SemI-nAtural habitaT WiTh behavior Of cHimpanzees in TheIr fullY nAtuRAl habItaT and wIth humAN adoleScents in rOuGHly simILar situATIoNs. HoRmone assays will be", "whitespace_perturbation": "; the administration of ho rmones for expe rim ent al pur pose s; continuous, clos e-range observation of beha vi o r; a si mplesocials ys t e m f oc us ing o n p eer r ela tions;systematic co mp arison of be h av ior in thi s s emi-naturalhab itat w it h b e havio r o f chi mpanze e s in t heir full yn atural habitat a nd wit h human adolescen t si n roughly simi lar si tu a ti o n s.Hor mone assay swillb e", "underscore_trick": "; the_administration of_hormones for experimental purposes;_continuous, close-range_observation_of behavior;_a_simple social system_focusing on peer_relations; systematic comparison of_behavior in this_semi-natural_habitat with behavior of chimpanzees in their fully natural habitat and with human adolescents_in_roughly similar_situations._Hormone_assays will be"} +{"text": "anger-based efforts is listed in the publications section of this report (8). The adoption of many new sequencing protocols in production created the commensurate need for dramatic changes to sample tracking, flow control and primary analysis pipelines, as well as, project management and cost accounting. Rapid design, development and implementation of new Laboratory Information", "synonym_substitution": "anger - based efforts is listed in the publication incision of this report (8). The adoption of many new sequence protocols in production create the commensurate indigence for dramatic changes to sample trailing, menstruation control and basal analysis pipelines, equally well as, project management and cost accountancy. Rapid design, development and execution of new Laboratory Information", "butter_fingers": "angfr-based efforts is listea in the publiccrions vectioh of thir report (8). The adoption of maiy nww sewuencing protocols in oroductioj createe tht commensurate nexs for dvcmatid chaugxs to sample trscking, flof control and [rkmcry analysis pipelines, as well as, prjject msnwgement and coft abcjuntjng. Rapid design, development and ijplemenuation of new Labotatory Information", "random_deletion": "anger-based efforts is listed in the publications this (8). The of many new the need for dramatic to sample tracking, control and primary analysis pipelines, as as, project management and cost accounting. Rapid design, development and implementation of new Information", "change_char_case": "anger-based efforts is listed In the publiCatioNs sEctIoN of tHis rEport (8). The adoptiON of mAny new sequencing protocOls in PrODuctIOn CreatEd the coMMeNSUraTe NeEd fOr DRaMatic ChaNges to sAmple trackIng, FlOw control and PRiMary analysIs pIpelines, as weLl aS, projeCt ManAGemenT anD cost AccounTIng. RapId design, dEvELopmenT And implEMEnTatiOn of new Laboratory iNfORmation", "whitespace_perturbation": "anger-based efforts is lis ted in the publ ica tio ns sec tion of this repor t (8) . The adoption of many newse q uenc i ng prot ocols i n p r o duc ti on cr ea t ed thecom mensura te need fo r d ra matic change s t o sample t rac king, flow c ont rol an dpri m ary a nal ysispipeli n es, as well as, p r ojectm anageme n t a nd c ost accounting. R a pi d design, devel opment a n di m ple men tation ofne w Lab o ratoryI nf o r m ati o n", "underscore_trick": "anger-based efforts_is listed_in the publications section_of this_report_(8). The_adoption_of many new_sequencing protocols in_production created the commensurate_need for dramatic_changes_to sample tracking, flow control and primary analysis pipelines, as well as, project management_and_cost accounting._Rapid_design,_development and implementation of new_Laboratory Information"} +{"text": " subendothelial (Disse) space is a prominent component of the inflammation elicited by ethanol, and appears to correlate with clinically significant liver disease. The lesion consists of a collagen-rich new-matrix that replaces the low- density matrix normally present in this location. In recent and on-going studies from this laboratory,", "synonym_substitution": "subendothelial (Disse) space is a prominent component of the inflammation elicit by ethyl alcohol, and appears to correlate with clinically significant liver disease. The wound consists of a collagen - ample new - matrix that replaces the low- concentration matrix normally present in this localization. In recent and on - go studies from this laboratory,", "butter_fingers": " suhendothelial (Disse) space is a prominent componxnt of fhe inflxmmation elicited by ethanol, abd apkvars to correlate witf clinicaply signuficent liver diseasx. The lesion ckksistv of a collagen-tich new-matrhx that replacas tke low- density matrix normally presegt in tnid location. In tecenu agd oh-going studies from this laboratorg,", "random_deletion": "subendothelial (Disse) space is a prominent component inflammation by ethanol, appears to correlate The consists of a new-matrix that replaces low- density matrix normally present in location. In recent and on-going studies from this laboratory,", "change_char_case": " subendothelial (Disse) space iS a prominenT compOneNt oF tHe inFlamMation elicited BY ethAnol, and appears to correlAte wiTh CLiniCAlLy sigNificanT LiVER diSeAsE. ThE lESiOn conSisTs of a coLlagen-rich New-MaTrix that replACeS the low- denSitY matrix normaLly PresenT iN thIS locaTioN. In reCent anD On-goinG studies fRoM This laBOratory,", "whitespace_perturbation": " subendothelial (Disse) sp ace is a p romin ent co mp onen t of the inflammat i on e licited by ethanol, an d app ea r s to co rrela te with cl i n ica ll ysig ni f ic ant l ive r disea se. The le sio nconsists ofa c ollagen-ri chnew-matrix t hat repla ce s t h e low - d ensit y matr i x norm ally pres en t in th i s locat i o n. Inrecent and on-goi n gs tudies from th is lab or a to r y ,", "underscore_trick": " subendothelial_(Disse) space_is a prominent component_of the_inflammation_elicited by_ethanol,_and appears to_correlate with clinically_significant liver disease. The_lesion consists of_a_collagen-rich new-matrix that replaces the low- density matrix normally present in this location. In_recent_and on-going_studies_from_this laboratory,"} +{"text": "atographic (ICT) format with a membrane read-out. Initially, the assay will be developed using two existing antibodies, one directed against the H8 antigen (a current component of the HygEIA GC Test) and a gonococcal anti-lipooligosaccliaride antibody that reacts broadly with N", "synonym_substitution": "atographic (ICT) format with a membrane read - out. Initially, the assay will be developed using two existing antibodies, one direct against the H8 antigen (a current part of the HygEIA GC Test) and a gonococcal anti - lipooligosaccliaride antibody that reacts broadly with N", "butter_fingers": "atohraphic (ICT) format with x membrane read-out. Inivially, fhe assah will be developed using twl wxistung antibodies, one dirdcted agapnst the Y8 anuigen (a current component of ths HygZIE GC Test) and a gonococcan anti-lipooligmsxceliaride antibody that reacts broadlr with M", "random_deletion": "atographic (ICT) format with a membrane read-out. assay be developed two existing antibodies, antigen current component of HygEIA GC Test) a gonococcal anti-lipooligosaccliaride antibody that reacts with N", "change_char_case": "atographic (ICT) format with a mEmbrane reaD-out. INitIalLy, The aSsay Will be developeD UsinG two existing antibodies, One diReCTed aGAiNst thE H8 antigEN (a CURreNt CoMpoNeNT oF the HYgEiA GC TesT) and a gonocOccAl Anti-lipooligOSaCcliaride aNtiBody that reacTs bRoadly WiTh N", "whitespace_perturbation": "atographic (ICT) format wi th a membr ane r ead -ou t. Ini tial ly, the assayw illbe developed using two exis ti n g an t ib odies , one d i re c t edag ai nst t h eH8 an tig en (a c urrent com pon en t of the Hyg E IA GC Test)and a gonococca l a nti-li po oli g osacc lia rideantibo d y that reacts b ro a dly wi t h N", "underscore_trick": "atographic (ICT)_format with_a membrane read-out. Initially,_the assay_will_be developed_using_two existing antibodies,_one directed against_the H8 antigen (a_current component of_the_HygEIA GC Test) and a gonococcal anti-lipooligosaccliaride antibody that reacts broadly with N"} +{"text": " functional decline in HD. The specific aims of our application are (1) To provide project coordination for the trial including: development and implementation of web-based randomization and enrollment procedures, provision of study documents (protocol, model consent and assent forms, operations manual, case report forms), training of site personnel and standardization", "synonym_substitution": "functional decline in HD. The specific aims of our application are (1) To leave undertaking coordination for the trial including: growth and execution of web - based randomization and enrollment procedure, provision of study document (protocol, model consent and assent forms, operation manual, case report forms), training of site force and standardization", "butter_fingers": " fujctional decline in HD. Tme specific aims of our applidation afe (1) To provide project coordmnatuon fir the trial including: developmvnt and inplenwntation oh web-bascb ranslmizctmon and enrollmgnt proceduras, provision ox rtbdy documents (protocol, model consent and asxejt forms, operajions ianuzl, case report forms), training of sjte pervonnel and stsndardization", "random_deletion": "functional decline in HD. The specific aims application (1) To project coordination for implementation web-based randomization and procedures, provision of documents (protocol, model consent and assent operations manual, case report forms), training of site personnel and standardization", "change_char_case": " functional decline in HD. The sPecific aimS of ouR apPliCaTion Are (1) TO provide projecT CoorDination for the trial incLudinG: dEVeloPMeNt and ImplemeNTaTIOn oF wEb-BasEd RAnDomizAtiOn and enRollment prOceDuRes, provision OF sTudy documeNts (Protocol, modeL coNsent aNd AssENt forMs, oPeratIons maNUal, casE report foRmS), TrainiNG of site PERsOnneL and standardizatiON", "whitespace_perturbation": " functional decline in HD. The speci fic a ims of o ur a ppli cation are (1) To p rovide project coordin ation f o r th e t rialincludi n g: d eve lo pm ent a n dimple men tationof web-bas edra ndomizationa nd enrollmen t p rocedures, p rov isionof st u dy do cum ents(proto c ol, mo del conse nt and as s ent for m s ,oper ations manual, ca s er eport forms),traini ng of s ite pe rsonnel an dstand a rdizati o n", "underscore_trick": " functional_decline in_HD. The specific aims_of our_application_are (1)_To_provide project coordination_for the trial_including: development and implementation_of web-based randomization_and_enrollment procedures, provision of study documents (protocol, model consent and assent forms, operations manual,_case_report forms),_training_of_site personnel and standardization"} +{"text": " groups are the main force outside of the pharmaceutical industry dedicated to the definitve tesing of new treatments, studying not just new drug development but also non-drug treatment, such as radiation therapy and surgery, for which there would be nooter funding. These cooperative group activities, and the specific involvement of the University", "synonym_substitution": "groups are the main force outside of the pharmaceutical industry dedicate to the definitve tesing of newfangled treatments, studying not just raw drug development but also non - drug discussion, such as radiation therapy and surgery, for which there would be nooter funding. These concerted group activities, and the specific involvement of the University", "butter_fingers": " grlups are the main force uutside of the khqrmacentical jndustry dedicated to the definitve vesibg of new treatments, studyivg not judt new deug vevelopment but emso non-drug tdcatmeut, such as radiajion therapy and surgery, fmr wkich there would be nooter funding. Trese coppfrative group wctinieies, and the specific involvement of tge Univtrsity", "random_deletion": "groups are the main force outside of industry to the tesing of new drug but also non-drug such as radiation and surgery, for which there would nooter funding. These cooperative group activities, and the specific involvement of the University", "change_char_case": " groups are the main force outsIde of the phArmacEutIcaL iNdusTry dEdicated to the dEFiniTve tesing of new treatmenTs, stuDyINg noT JuSt new Drug devELoPMEnt BuT aLso NoN-DrUg treAtmEnt, such As radiatioN thErApy and surgerY, FoR which therE woUld be nooter fUndIng. TheSe CooPEratiVe gRoup aCtivitIEs, and tHe specifiC iNVolvemENt of the uNIvErsiTy", "whitespace_perturbation": " groups are the main force outside o f the ph arm ac euti calindustry dedic a tedto the definitve tesin g ofne w tre a tm ents, studyi n gn o t j us tnew d r ug deve lop ment bu t also non -dr ug treatment,s uc h as radia tio n therapy an d s urgery ,for which th ere w ould b e noote r funding .T hese c o operati v e g roup activities, andt he specific invol vement o f t h e Un ive rsity", "underscore_trick": " groups_are the_main force outside of_the pharmaceutical_industry_dedicated to_the_definitve tesing of_new treatments, studying_not just new drug_development but also_non-drug_treatment, such as radiation therapy and surgery, for which there would be nooter funding._These_cooperative group_activities,_and_the specific involvement of the_University"} +{"text": " and preventive strategies and to help refine screening recommendations for this population. Ictacalcin is a calcium-binding protein that is found in olfactory receptor neurons in the catfish. This AREA proposal describes a series of experiments aimed at characterizing the ictacalcin gene and the mechanisms underlying its restricted expression to olfactory", "synonym_substitution": "and preventive strategies and to help refine screening recommendation for this population. Ictacalcin is a calcium - tie protein that is found in olfactory sense organ neurons in the wolffish. This AREA proposal identify a serial of experiments aimed at characterizing the ictacalcin gene and the mechanisms underlying its qualify expression to olfactory", "butter_fingers": " anf preventive strategies xnd to help refnbe scrxening decommenaations for this population. Mctaxalcib is a calcium-binding orotein tjat is fiund un olfactocg recepbjr nsmrons mn the catfish. Jhis AREA prmposal describas a series of experiments aimed at chawacteriaijg the ictacalsin bqne znd the mechanisms underlying its destricued expression to plfactory", "random_deletion": "and preventive strategies and to help refine for population. Ictacalcin a calcium-binding protein receptor in the catfish. AREA proposal describes series of experiments aimed at characterizing ictacalcin gene and the mechanisms underlying its restricted expression to olfactory", "change_char_case": " and preventive strategies anD to help refIne scReeNinG rEcomMendAtions for this pOPulaTion. Ictacalcin is a calciUm-binDiNG proTEiN that Is found IN oLFActOrY rEcePtOR nEuronS in The catfIsh. This AREa prOpOsal describeS A sEries of expEriMents aimed at ChaRacterIzIng THe ictAcaLcin gEne and THe mechAnisms undErLYing itS RestricTED eXpreSsion to olfactory", "whitespace_perturbation": " and preventive strategies and to he lp re fin e s cr eeni ng r ecommendations forthis population. Ictac alcin i s a c a lc ium-b indingp ro t e inth at is f o un d inolf actoryreceptor n eur on s in the cat f is h. This AR EAproposal des cri bes ase rie s of e xpe rimen ts aim e d at c haracteri zi n g thei ctacalc i n g eneand the mechanism s u n derlying its r estric te d e x p res sio n to olfac to ry", "underscore_trick": " and_preventive strategies_and to help refine_screening recommendations_for_this population._Ictacalcin_is a calcium-binding_protein that is_found in olfactory receptor_neurons in the_catfish._This AREA proposal describes a series of experiments aimed at characterizing the ictacalcin gene_and_the mechanisms_underlying_its_restricted expression to olfactory"} +{"text": " risk for psychiatric symptoms; SA3: Consider the mediating and moderating role of the rearing environment on prenatal and genetic risk factors on psychiatric symptoms in childhood; SA4: Assess how adoptive parents' stress and their own psychiatric symptoms impact the rearing environment and mediate and/or moderate genetic and prenatal influences.", "synonym_substitution": "risk for psychiatric symptoms; SA3: Consider the mediating and moderating function of the rise environment on prenatal and genetic risk factors on psychiatric symptom in childhood; SA4: Assess how adoptive parents' tension and their own psychiatric symptoms impact the rearing environment and in-between and/or moderate familial and prenatal influences.", "butter_fingers": " ridk for psychiatric symptums; SA3: Consider the meviating and moddrating role of the rearing xnvieonmebt on prenatal and gendtic risk factors on ksychiatric symptoms in cmnldhokf; SA4: Essess how adopjive parents' stress and thaif lwn psychiatric symptoms impact the rearinb fnvironment anq mecyate and/or moderate genetic and prenatzl infllences.", "random_deletion": "risk for psychiatric symptoms; SA3: Consider the moderating of the environment on prenatal psychiatric in childhood; SA4: how adoptive parents' and their own psychiatric symptoms impact rearing environment and mediate and/or moderate genetic and prenatal influences.", "change_char_case": " risk for psychiatric symptomS; SA3: ConsideR the mEdiAtiNg And mOderAting role of the REariNg environment on prenataL and gEnETic rISk FactoRs on psyCHiATRic SyMpTomS iN ChIldhoOd; Sa4: Assess How adoptivE paReNts' stress and THeIr own psychIatRic symptoms iMpaCt the rEaRinG EnvirOnmEnt anD mediaTE and/or Moderate gEnETic and PRenatal INFlUencEs.", "whitespace_perturbation": " risk for psychiatric symp toms; SA3: Cons ide r t he med iati ng and moderat i ng r ole of the rearing env ironm en t onp re natal and ge n et i c ri sk f act or s o n psy chi atric s ymptoms in ch il dhood; SA4:A ss ess how ad opt ive parents' st ress a nd th e ir ow n p sychi atrics ymptom s impactth e reari n g envir o n me nt a nd mediate and/or mo d erate geneticand pr en a ta l inf lue nces.", "underscore_trick": " risk_for psychiatric_symptoms; SA3: Consider the_mediating and_moderating_role of_the_rearing environment on_prenatal and genetic_risk factors on psychiatric_symptoms in childhood;_SA4:_Assess how adoptive parents' stress and their own psychiatric symptoms impact the rearing environment_and_mediate and/or_moderate_genetic_and prenatal influences."} +{"text": " improve our understanding of these problems. I have developed an in vitro culture system which demonstrates that murine bone marrow cells can generate high levels of cytotoxic effector T cell activity alloantigens. This response may involve functional differentiation of bone marrow pre-T cells to cytotoxic effector T cells and/or helper T cells. The aim", "synonym_substitution": "improve our understanding of these problems. I have developed an in vitro acculturation arrangement which demonstrates that murine bone marrow cells can beget high levels of cytotoxic effecter T cell activity alloantigens. This response may imply functional differentiation of bone kernel pre - T cells to cytotoxic effector T cells and/or helper T cell. The aim", "butter_fingers": " imorove our understanding uf these problems. I hate devemoped an in vitro culture system whirh dwmonsugates that murine bond marrow bells can gentrate high levels of cytobjxic cffeccoc T cell activijy alloantigans. This respotsd lay involve functional differentiatyon of noje marrow pre-T celkf to byuotoxic effector T cells and/or hemper T bells. The aim", "random_deletion": "improve our understanding of these problems. I an vitro culture which demonstrates that generate levels of cytotoxic T cell activity This response may involve functional differentiation bone marrow pre-T cells to cytotoxic effector T cells and/or helper T cells. aim", "change_char_case": " improve our understanding of These problEms. I hAve DevElOped An in Vitro culture sySTem wHich demonstrates that muRine bOnE MarrOW cElls cAn generATe HIGh lEvElS of CyTOtOxic eFfeCtor T ceLl activity AllOaNtigens. This rESpOnse may invOlvE functional dIffErentiAtIon OF bone MarRow prE-T cellS To cytoToxic effeCtOR T cellS And/or heLPEr t celLs. The aim", "whitespace_perturbation": " improve our understanding of theseprobl ems . I h avedeve loped an in vi t ro c ulture system which de monst ra t es t h at muri ne bone ma r r owce ll s c an ge nerat e h igh lev els of cyt oto xi c effector T ce ll activit y a lloantigens. Th is res po nse may i nvo lve f unctio n al dif ferentiat io n of bo n e marro w pr e-Tcells to cytotoxi c e f fector T cells and/o rh el p e r T ce lls. The a im ", "underscore_trick": " improve_our understanding_of these problems. I_have developed_an_in vitro_culture_system which demonstrates_that murine bone_marrow cells can generate_high levels of_cytotoxic_effector T cell activity alloantigens. This response may involve functional differentiation of bone marrow_pre-T_cells to_cytotoxic_effector_T cells and/or helper T_cells. The aim"} +{"text": " cerebral amyloid plaques, appears to play a central role in the neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Compounds that prevent the formation of Ab aggregates or that selectively destroy these aggregates are attractive candidates for the development of therapeutic reagents for prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Also, compounds that interfere with the interactions of amyloid", "synonym_substitution": "cerebral amyloid plaques, appears to play a central function in the neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD). compound that prevent the formation of Ab aggregates or that selectively destroy these aggregate are attractive candidates for the development of curative reagents for prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Also, intensify that interfere with the interactions of amyloid", "butter_fingers": " cegebral amyloid plaques, akpears to play a ewntral role jn the nduropathology of Alzheimer's viseqse (AE). Compounds that prevevt the fogmation od Ab qggregates or that selecflvely vestroy these angregates ase attractive wavdndates for the development of therapqutic rrahents for prevgntiom and nrtatment of Alzheimer's disease. Alsk, compolnds that interfete with the interactions ov amjloid", "random_deletion": "cerebral amyloid plaques, appears to play a in neuropathology of disease (AD). Compounds Ab or that selectively these aggregates are candidates for the development of therapeutic for prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Also, compounds that interfere with the of amyloid", "change_char_case": " cerebral amyloid plaques, appEars to play A centRal RolE iN the NeurOpathology of AlZHeimEr's disease (AD). Compounds tHat prEvENt thE FoRmatiOn of Ab aGGrEGAteS oR tHat SeLEcTivelY deStroy thEse aggregaTes ArE attractive cANdIdates for tHe dEvelopment of TheRapeutIc ReaGEnts fOr pRevenTion anD TreatmEnt of AlzhEiMEr's disEAse. Also, COMpOundS that interfere witH ThE Interactions of AmyloiD", "whitespace_perturbation": " cerebral amyloid plaques, appears t o pla y a ce nt ralrole in the neurop a thol ogy of Alzheimer's dis ease(A D ). C o mp ounds that p r ev e n t t he f orm at i on of A b a ggregat es or that se le ctively dest r oy these agg reg ates are att rac tive c an did a tes f orthe d evelop m ent of therapeu ti c reage n ts forp r ev enti on and treatmento fA lzheimer's dis ease.Al s o, c omp oun ds that in te rfere with th e i n t e rac t ions of amylo id", "underscore_trick": " cerebral_amyloid plaques,_appears to play a_central role_in_the neuropathology_of_Alzheimer's disease (AD)._Compounds that prevent_the formation of Ab_aggregates or that_selectively_destroy these aggregates are attractive candidates for the development of therapeutic reagents for prevention_and_treatment of_Alzheimer's_disease._Also, compounds that interfere with_the interactions of amyloid"} +{"text": " morbidity. This defect results from the inappropriate muscularization of fetal pulmonary vessels, and experimental and human evidence consistently suggests that maternal cigarette smoking and antenatal exposure to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), particularly aspirin or ibuprofen, may play a role in the etiology of this condition.", "synonym_substitution": "morbidity. This defect results from the inappropriate muscularization of fetal pulmonary vessel, and experimental and human evidence systematically suggests that maternal cigarette smoke and prenatal exposure to non - steroidal anti - inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), peculiarly aspirin or ibuprofen, may act a function in the etiology of this condition.", "butter_fingers": " mogbidity. This defect resuuts from the incpproprmate muacularizxtion of fetal pulmonary vesdeos, ane experimental and humxn evidenbe consisrentot suggests that mabzrnal gigarztve smoking and sntenatal axposure to not-sgexoidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), particilwrly aspirin ot ibukrosen, jay play a role in the etiology of this cmndition.", "random_deletion": "morbidity. This defect results from the inappropriate fetal vessels, and and human evidence smoking antenatal exposure to anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), aspirin or ibuprofen, may play a in the etiology of this condition.", "change_char_case": " morbidity. This defect resultS from the inApproPriAte MuSculArizAtion of fetal puLMonaRy vessels, and experimentAl and HuMAn evIDeNce coNsistenTLy SUGgeStS tHat MaTErNal ciGarEtte smoKing and antEnaTaL exposure to nON-sTeroidal anTi-iNflammatory dRugS (NSAIDS), pArtICularLy aSpiriN or ibuPRofen, mAy play a roLe IN the etIOlogy of THIs CondItion.", "whitespace_perturbation": " morbidity. This defect re sults from theina ppr op riat e mu scularizationo f fe tal pulmonary vessels, andex p erim e nt al an d human ev i d enc eco nsi st e nt ly su gge sts tha t maternal ci ga rette smokin g a nd antenat alexposure tonon -stero id ala nti-i nfl ammat ory dr u gs (NS AIDs), pa rt i cularl y aspiri n or ibu profen, may playa r o le in the etio logy o ft hi s con dit ion.", "underscore_trick": " morbidity._This defect_results from the inappropriate_muscularization of_fetal_pulmonary vessels,_and_experimental and human_evidence consistently suggests_that maternal cigarette smoking_and antenatal exposure_to_non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), particularly aspirin or ibuprofen, may play a role in the_etiology_of this_condition."} +{"text": " studies, T cell clones of distinct cytokine phenotypes will be derived from OVA TCR Tg mice in vitro and will be examined for their capacity to produce or prevent inflammatory enterocolitis upon exposure to OVA antigen after transfer into SCID hosts. The a9[unreadable]1 integrin is highly expressed in airway smooth muscle.", "synonym_substitution": "studies, T cell clones of discrete cytokine phenotype will be derived from OVA TCR Tg mice in vitro and will be probe for their capacitance to produce or prevent inflammatory enterocolitis upon photograph to ovum antigen after transfer into SCID hosts. The a9[unreadable]1 integrin is highly expressed in airway placid muscle.", "butter_fingers": " stkdies, T cell clones of dlstinct cytokine phenotbpes wiml be defived from OVA TCR Tg mice ii virro abd will be examined fof their cwpacity ro pcoduce or prevenv inflammatory cntermrolitis upon exkosure to OVD antigen aftes grcnsfer into SCID hosts. The a9[unreadabje]1 intebrln is highly evprexfed jn airway smooth muscle.", "random_deletion": "studies, T cell clones of distinct cytokine be from OVA Tg mice in for capacity to produce prevent inflammatory enterocolitis exposure to OVA antigen after transfer SCID hosts. The a9[unreadable]1 integrin is highly expressed in airway smooth muscle.", "change_char_case": " studies, T cell clones of distiNct cytokinE phenOtyPes WiLl be DeriVed from OVA TCR TG Mice In vitro and will be examinEd for ThEIr caPAcIty to Produce OR pREVenT iNfLamMaTOrY enteRocOlitis uPon exposurE to oVa antigen afteR TrAnsfer into sCId hosts. The a9[unReaDable]1 iNtEgrIN is hiGhlY exprEssed iN Airway Smooth musClE.", "whitespace_perturbation": " studies, T cell clones of distinctcytok ine ph en otyp es w ill be derived from OVA TCR Tg mice in vi tro a nd will be exam ined fo r t h e irca pa cit yt oprodu ceor prev ent inflam mat or y enterocoli t is upon expo sur e to OVA ant ige n afte rtra n sferint o SCI D host s . Thea9[unread ab l e]1 in t egrin i s hi ghly expressed in air w ay smooth muscle. ", "underscore_trick": " studies,_T cell_clones of distinct cytokine_phenotypes will_be_derived from_OVA_TCR Tg mice_in vitro and_will be examined for_their capacity to_produce_or prevent inflammatory enterocolitis upon exposure to OVA antigen after transfer into SCID hosts._The_a9[unreadable]1 integrin_is_highly_expressed in airway smooth muscle."} +{"text": " the nasopharynx. Experience with conjugate vaccines has demonstrated that interrupting colonization results in herd immunity that amplifies prevention of disease in the population. To better understand the biology of colonization, during the prior funding period, we utilized a murine model to characterize bacterial and host factors that allow for pneumococcal persistence and its eventual clearance", "synonym_substitution": "the nasopharynx. Experience with conjugate vaccines has demonstrated that interrupting colonization results in ruck unsusceptibility that amplifies prevention of disease in the population. To better sympathize the biology of colonization, during the anterior funding period, we utilize a murine mannequin to characterize bacterial and horde factors that allow for pneumococcal perseverance and its eventual clearance", "butter_fingers": " thf nasopharynx. Experience with conjugate vaccinxs has semonstrxted that interrupting colonmzatuon rtfults in herd immuvity that amplifiws pcevention of disxzse in bke polmlatimi. To better undgrstand the tiology of colmnkzction, during the prior funding perioq, we utollzed a murine iodek to dharacterize bacterial and host fadtors tiat allow for pmeumococcal persistence anf itd eventual clearanfe", "random_deletion": "the nasopharynx. Experience with conjugate vaccines has interrupting results in immunity that amplifies population. better understand the of colonization, during prior funding period, we utilized a model to characterize bacterial and host factors that allow for pneumococcal persistence and eventual clearance", "change_char_case": " the nasopharynx. Experience wIth conjugaTe vacCinEs hAs DemoNstrAted that interrUPtinG colonization results in Herd iMmUNity THaT amplIfies prEVeNTIon Of DiSeaSe IN tHe popUlaTion. To bEtter underStaNd The biology of COlOnization, dUriNg the prior fuNdiNg periOd, We uTIlizeD a mUrine Model tO CharacTerize bacTeRIal and HOst factORS tHat aLlow for pneumococcAL pERsistence and itS eventUaL ClEARanCe", "whitespace_perturbation": " the nasopharynx. Experien ce with co njuga tevac ci neshasdemonstrated t h at i nterrupting colonizati on re su l ts i n h erd i mmunity th a t am pl if ies p r ev entio n o f disea se in thepop ul ation. To be t te r understa ndthe biologyofcoloni za tio n , dur ing thepriorf unding period,we utiliz e d a mur i n emode l to characterize ba c terial and hos t fact or s t h a t a llo w for pneu mo cocca l persis t en c e and its eventualclearance", "underscore_trick": " the_nasopharynx. Experience_with conjugate vaccines has_demonstrated that_interrupting_colonization results_in_herd immunity that_amplifies prevention of_disease in the population._To better understand_the_biology of colonization, during the prior funding period, we utilized a murine model to_characterize_bacterial and_host_factors_that allow for pneumococcal persistence_and its eventual clearance"} +{"text": "att Regency Conference Center and the University of Rochester Medical Center located nearby. The International Neurotoxicology Conference is an annual event that focuses on a timely theme while providing an opportunity for presenting new data related to the general interdisciplinary field of neurotoxicology. The International Neurotoxicology Conference Series will reach its silver anniversary in", "synonym_substitution": "att Regency Conference Center and the University of Rochester Medical Center located nearby. The International Neurotoxicology Conference is an annual event that focuses on a timely theme while provide an opportunity for confront new data related to the cosmopolitan interdisciplinary field of neurotoxicology. The International Neurotoxicology Conference Series will reach its silver anniversary in", "butter_fingers": "att Regency Conference Centtr and the University of Rocheater Medkcal Center located nearby. Tie Ibternqtional Neurotoxicologh Conferejce is ab aniual event that hkcuses on a tjlely vheme while proyiding an o[portunity for pfedenting new data related to the genqral inyegdisciplinary sielc of hvuvotoxicology. The International Nsurotoxpcology Conferencr Series will reach its sipver anniversary in", "random_deletion": "att Regency Conference Center and the University Medical located nearby. International Neurotoxicology Conference focuses a timely theme providing an opportunity presenting new data related to the interdisciplinary field of neurotoxicology. The International Neurotoxicology Conference Series will reach its silver in", "change_char_case": "att Regency Conference CenteR and the UniVersiTy oF RoChEsteR MedIcal Center locaTEd neArby. The International NeUrotoXiCOlogY coNfereNce is an ANnUAL evEnT tHat FoCUsEs on a TimEly themE while provIdiNg An opportunitY FoR presentinG neW data related To tHe geneRaL inTErdisCipLinarY field OF neuroToxicologY. THE InterNAtional nEUrOtoxIcology Conference sErIEs will reach its Silver AnNIvERSarY in", "whitespace_perturbation": "att Regency Conference Cen ter and th e Uni ver sit yof R oche ster Medical C e nter located nearby. The I ntern at i onal Ne uroto xicolog y C o n fer en ce is a n a nnual ev ent tha t focusesonatimely theme wh ile provid ing an opportun ity for p re sen t ing n ewdatarelate d to th e general i n terdis c iplinar y fi eldof neurotoxicolog y .T he Internation al Neu ro t ox i c olo gyConference S eries will re a ch i t s s i lver annivers ary in", "underscore_trick": "att Regency_Conference Center_and the University of_Rochester Medical_Center_located nearby._The_International Neurotoxicology Conference_is an annual_event that focuses on_a timely theme_while_providing an opportunity for presenting new data related to the general interdisciplinary field of_neurotoxicology._The International_Neurotoxicology_Conference_Series will reach its silver_anniversary in"} +{"text": " as controls. The results indicate that neonatal TE lesions leads to a transient impairment of habit formation three months later (compared to permanent impairment seen with the same lesion in adults), whereas both neonatal and adult limbic lesions leave habit formation intact. Interestingly, data on both normal and operated infants suggest that development of the nonlim", "synonym_substitution": "as controls. The results indicate that neonatal TE lesions lead to a transeunt impairment of habit formation three month later (compared to permanent stultification see with the same wound in adult), whereas both neonatal and adult limbic lesions impart habit formation entire. Interestingly, datum on both normal and operated infants indicate that development of the nonlim", "butter_fingers": " as controls. The results inaicate that neouqtal TX lesiohs leads to a transient impairment oh havit firmation three months uater (comiared to permenent impairment seen wibk the dame oesion in aduljs), whereas bmth neonatal atd abult limbic lesions leave habit formwtion imtwct. Interestindly, cwta kn both normal and operated infanta suggevt that develppment of the nonlim", "random_deletion": "as controls. The results indicate that neonatal leads a transient of habit formation permanent seen with the lesion in adults), both neonatal and adult limbic lesions habit formation intact. Interestingly, data on both normal and operated infants suggest that of the nonlim", "change_char_case": " as controls. The results indicAte that neoNatal tE lEsiOnS leaDs to A transient impaIRmenT of habit formation three MonthS lATer (cOMpAred tO permanENt IMPaiRmEnT seEn WItH the sAme Lesion iN adults), wheReaS bOth neonatal aND aDult limbic LesIons leave habIt fOrmatiOn IntACt. IntEreStingLy, data ON both nOrmal and oPeRAted inFAnts sugGESt That Development of the nONlIM", "whitespace_perturbation": " as controls. The resultsindicate t hat n eon ata lTE l esio ns leads to at rans ient impairment of hab it fo rm a tion th ree m onths l a te r (co mp ar edto pe rmane ntimpairm ent seen w ith t he same lesi o nin adults) , w hereas bothneo natalan d a d ult l imb ic le sionsl eave h abit form at i on int a ct. Int e r es ting ly, data on bothn or m al and operate d infa nt s s u g ges t t hat develo pm ent o f the no n li m ", "underscore_trick": " as_controls. The_results indicate that neonatal_TE lesions_leads_to a_transient_impairment of habit_formation three months_later (compared to permanent_impairment seen with_the_same lesion in adults), whereas both neonatal and adult limbic lesions leave habit formation_intact._Interestingly, data_on_both_normal and operated infants suggest_that development of the nonlim"} +{"text": ", studies will be carried out with clinical isolates of currently prevalent M tb strains, and in part with alveolar macrophages from normal human volunteers. Previous studies have identified specific molecular events that result from macrophage exposure to cytokines, and thereby provide a foundation for efforts to examine the interactions between M tb and macrophage that involve cytokines. The overall", "synonym_substitution": ", studies will be carried out with clinical isolates of currently prevalent M tb tune, and in character with alveolar macrophages from normal human volunteers. Previous study have identified specific molecular events that leave from macrophage exposure to cytokines, and thereby provide a basis for efforts to examine the interaction between M tb and macrophage that involve cytokines. The overall", "butter_fingers": ", stkdies will be carried ouu with clinical isolates of cudrently orevalent M tb strains, and ii paet wiuk alveolar macrophagds from nlrmal hunan tolunteers. Previous studlzs habc ideutmfied specific kolecular avents that revuut from macrophage exposure to cytokiges, and tjereby provide a fptndafpok for efforts to examine the intsractiois between M tb and macrophage that involge cjtokines. The overapl", "random_deletion": ", studies will be carried out with of prevalent M strains, and in normal volunteers. Previous studies identified specific molecular that result from macrophage exposure to and thereby provide a foundation for efforts to examine the interactions between M and macrophage that involve cytokines. The overall", "change_char_case": ", studies will be carried out wiTh clinical IsolaTes Of cUrRentLy prEvalent M tb straINs, anD in part with alveolar macRophaGeS From NOrMal huMan voluNTeERS. PrEvIoUs sTuDIeS have IdeNtified Specific moLecUlAr events that REsUlt from macRopHage exposure To cYtokinEs, And THerebY prOvide A foundATion foR efforts tO eXAmine tHE interaCTIoNs beTween M tb and macropHAgE That involve cytOkines. thE OvERAll", "whitespace_perturbation": ", studies will be carriedout with c linic aliso la tesof c urrently preva l entM tb strains, and in p art w it h alv e ol ar ma crophag e sf r omno rm alhu m an volu nte ers. Pr evious stu die shave identif i ed specificmol ecular event s t hat re su ltf rom m acr ophag e expo s ure to cytokine s, and th e reby pr o v id e afoundation for ef f or t s to examine t he int er a ct i o nsbet ween M tban d mac r ophaget ha t i nvo l ve cytokines. The overal l ", "underscore_trick": ", studies_will be_carried out with clinical_isolates of_currently_prevalent M_tb_strains, and in_part with alveolar_macrophages from normal human_volunteers. Previous studies_have_identified specific molecular events that result from macrophage exposure to cytokines, and thereby provide_a_foundation for_efforts_to_examine the interactions between M_tb and macrophage that involve_cytokines. The_overall"} +{"text": " signaling. The function of these factors is not redundant since these factors are expressed in different cell types and stimulate a profile of distinct genes. Among these three factors IRF-7 plays a limiting role in the induction of IFNa that was shown to be important both for the innate and adaptive immune responses. It is our hypothesis", "synonym_substitution": "signaling. The function of these factors is not redundant since these divisor are carry in different cell types and induce a profile of distinct gene. Among these three factors IRF-7 plays a limiting function in the induction of IFNa that was shown to be authoritative both for the innate and adaptive immune responses. It is our guess", "butter_fingers": " sihnaling. The function of uhese factors is uit rednndant aince thdse factors are expressed in duffertut cell types and stkmulate a profile of vistinct genes. Among these thrsc faccocs IRF-7 plays a kimiting rmle in the indgcgiln of IFNa that was shown to be impjrtant nohh for the innwte sgd asaptive immune responses. It is our hypothtsis", "random_deletion": "signaling. The function of these factors is since factors are in different cell of genes. Among these factors IRF-7 plays limiting role in the induction of that was shown to be important both for the innate and adaptive immune It is our hypothesis", "change_char_case": " signaling. The function of theSe factors iS not rEduNdaNt SincE theSe factors are exPRessEd in different cell types And stImULate A PrOfile Of distiNCt GENes. amOnG thEsE ThRee faCtoRs IRF-7 plAys a limitiNg rOlE in the inductIOn Of IFNa that Was Shown to be impOrtAnt botH fOr tHE innaTe aNd adaPtive iMMune reSponses. It Is OUr hypoTHesis", "whitespace_perturbation": " signaling. The function o f these fa ctors is no tredu ndan t since thesef acto rs are expressed in di ffere nt cell ty pes a nd stim u la t e apr of ile o f d istin ctgenes.Among thes e t hr ee factors I R F- 7 plays alim iting role i n t he ind uc tio n of I FNa that was s h own to be impor ta n t both for the i nn ateand adaptive immu n er esponses. It i s ourhy p ot h e sis ", "underscore_trick": " signaling._The function_of these factors is_not redundant_since_these factors_are_expressed in different_cell types and_stimulate a profile of_distinct genes. Among_these_three factors IRF-7 plays a limiting role in the induction of IFNa that was_shown_to be_important_both_for the innate and adaptive_immune responses. It is our_hypothesis"} +{"text": " block an early step in atherosclerotic lesion development. Aim 2 will explicitly test the hypothesis that low levels of apoE provide protection against atherogenesis initiated by apoB48 lipoproteins but do not protect against atherogenesis due to apoB100 lipoproteins. Aim 3 will test the hypothesis that adrenal gland apoE expression increases", "synonym_substitution": "block an early step in atherosclerotic lesion development. purpose 2 will explicitly screen the hypothesis that low levels of apoE put up protection against atherogenesis initiated by apoB48 lipoprotein but do not protect against atherogenesis due to apoB100 lipoproteins. Aim 3 will test the guess that adrenal gland apoE formula increases", "butter_fingers": " bllck an early step in athtrosclerotic lesion devenopmenf. Aim 2 wkll explicitly test the hypovhesus thqt low levels of apoE orovide pgotection agamnst atherogenesma initiated bg apoY48 oipoproteins bot do not prmtect against dtfexogenesis due to apoB100 lipoproteins. Aym 3 wilk hest the hypotresix thaf adrenal gland apoE expression indreases", "random_deletion": "block an early step in atherosclerotic lesion 2 explicitly test hypothesis that low against initiated by apoB48 but do not against atherogenesis due to apoB100 lipoproteins. 3 will test the hypothesis that adrenal gland apoE expression increases", "change_char_case": " block an early step in atherosClerotic leSion dEveLopMeNt. AiM 2 wilL explicitly tesT The hYpothesis that low levels Of apoe pROvidE PrOtectIon agaiNSt ATHerOgEnEsiS iNItIated By aPoB48 lipoProteins buT do NoT protect agaiNSt AtherogeneSis Due to apoB100 lipOprOteins. aiM 3 wiLL test The HypotHesis tHAt adreNal gland aPoe ExpresSIon incrEASeS", "whitespace_perturbation": " block an early step in at herosclero tic l esi onde velo pmen t. Aim 2 wille xpli citly test the hypothe sis t ha t low le velsof apoE pr o v ide p ro tec ti o nagain statherog enesis ini tia te d by apoB48l ip oproteinsbut do not prot ect again st at h eroge nes is du e to a p oB100lipoprote in s . Aim3 will t e s tthehypothesis that a d re n al gland apoEexpres si o ni n cre ase s", "underscore_trick": " block_an early_step in atherosclerotic lesion_development. Aim_2_will explicitly_test_the hypothesis that_low levels of_apoE provide protection against_atherogenesis initiated by_apoB48_lipoproteins but do not protect against atherogenesis due to apoB100 lipoproteins. Aim 3 will_test_the hypothesis_that_adrenal_gland apoE expression increases"} +{"text": "-cell resolution, but also critical for elucidating subtle cellular pathological mechanisms underlying various neurological/mental/psychological disorders. New expertise will be explored to advance technologies in multiple areas of biomedical imaging, such as image computation and simulations of complex tissues. A GAL4-independent binary transcriptional system has been developed to label specifically", "synonym_substitution": "-cell resolution, but also critical for elucidating subtle cellular diseased mechanism underlying various neurological / genial / psychological disorders. modern expertise will be explored to promote technologies in multiple areas of biomedical imaging, such as persona computation and simulations of complex tissue. A GAL4 - independent binary transcriptional system has been develop to label specifically", "butter_fingers": "-celp resolution, but also crltical for elucibqting vubtle cellulaf pathological mechanisms unverlting carious neurological/mevtal/psychllogical disieders. New xspertisc wilm be zx'lored to advange technolocies in multipne axeas of biomedical imaging, such as iiage cokpktation and siiulauiogs or complex tissues. A GAL4-independent binary transcriptiomal system has been develooed ho label specificaply", "random_deletion": "-cell resolution, but also critical for elucidating pathological underlying various disorders. New expertise technologies multiple areas of imaging, such as computation and simulations of complex tissues. GAL4-independent binary transcriptional system has been developed to label specifically", "change_char_case": "-cell resolution, but also critIcal for eluCidatIng SubTlE celLulaR pathological mEChanIsms underlying various nEurolOgICal/mENtAl/psyChologiCAl DISorDeRs. new ExPErTise wIll Be exploRed to advanCe tEcHnologies in mULtIple areas oF biOmedical imagIng, Such as ImAge COmputAtiOn and SimulaTIons of Complex tiSsUEs. A GAL4-INdependENT bInarY transcriptional sYStEM has been develoPed to lAbEL sPECifIcaLly", "whitespace_perturbation": "-cell resolution, but also criticalfor e luc ida ti ng s ubtl e cellular pat h olog ical mechanisms underl yingva r ious ne urolo gical/m e nt a l /ps yc ho log ic a ldisor der s. Newexpertisewil lbe exploredt oadvance te chn ologies in m ult iple a re aso f bio med icalimagin g , such as image c o mputat i on ands i mu lati ons of complex ti s su e s. A GAL4-inde penden tb in a r y t ran scriptiona lsyste m has be e nd e v elo p ed to label s pecifically ", "underscore_trick": "-cell resolution,_but also_critical for elucidating subtle_cellular pathological_mechanisms_underlying various_neurological/mental/psychological_disorders. New expertise_will be explored_to advance technologies in_multiple areas of_biomedical_imaging, such as image computation and simulations of complex tissues. A GAL4-independent binary transcriptional_system_has been_developed_to_label specifically"} +{"text": " provide volunteers for numerous CALGB administrative committees. The University of Chicago and its affiliates remain firmly committed to serving all members of their respective communities, especially serving the needs of women and minorities. The Section on Organelle Biology investigates the global principles underlying secretory membrane trafficking, sorting and compartmentalization within eukaryotic cells. Live cell", "synonym_substitution": "provide volunteers for numerous CALGB administrative committees. The University of Chicago and its affiliates persist hard committed to serving all members of their respective community, especially serving the indigence of womanhood and minorities. The Section on Organelle Biology investigate the global principles underlie secretory membrane trafficking, sorting and compartmentalization within eukaryotic cell. hot cell", "butter_fingers": " prlvide volunteers for numtrous CALGB adminnwtratite commjttees. Tfe University of Chicago and irs afdiliates remain firmly committef to sercing qll members of thelx reslcctivz rommunities, espgcially servhng the needs mf wlmen and minorities. The Section on Jrganelke Biology invesjigatts ehe flobal principles underlying secrefory mekbrane traffivking, sorting and compartmfntapization within eunaryotic ceols. Juve cell", "random_deletion": "provide volunteers for numerous CALGB administrative committees. of and its remain firmly committed their communities, especially serving needs of women minorities. The Section on Organelle Biology the global principles underlying secretory membrane trafficking, sorting and compartmentalization within eukaryotic cells. cell", "change_char_case": " provide volunteers for numerOus CALGB adMinisTraTivE cOmmiTteeS. The University OF ChiCago and its affiliates reMain fIrMLy coMMiTted tO servinG AlL MEmbErS oF thEiR ReSpectIve CommuniTies, especiAllY sErving the neeDS oF women and mInoRities. The SecTioN on OrgAnEllE bioloGy iNvestIgates THe globAl principLeS UnderlYIng secrETOrY memBrane trafficking, sORtINg and compartmeNtalizAtIOn WIThiN euKaryotic ceLlS. Live CEll", "whitespace_perturbation": " provide volunteers for nu merous CAL GB ad min ist ra tive com mittees. The U n iver sity of Chicago and it s aff il i ates re mainfirmlyc om m i tte dto se rv i ng allmem bers of their res pec ti ve communiti e s, especiall y s erving the n eed s of w om ena nd mi nor ities . TheS ection on Organ el l e Biol o gy inve s t ig ates the global princ i pl e s underlying s ecreto ry me m b ran e t rafficking ,sorti n g and c o mp a r t men t alization wit hin eukaryo t iccells. L ive cell", "underscore_trick": " provide_volunteers for_numerous CALGB administrative committees._The University_of_Chicago and_its_affiliates remain firmly_committed to serving_all members of their_respective communities, especially_serving_the needs of women and minorities. The Section on Organelle Biology investigates the global_principles_underlying secretory_membrane_trafficking,_sorting and compartmentalization within eukaryotic_cells. Live cell"} +{"text": " studies is to evaluate improved expansion culture conditions in clinical trials. Preclinical studies will also be performed to evaluate other culture conditions that may provide enhanced platelet recovery. In addition, analysis will be performed of primitive cells in the expanded products as an indication of the effect of expansion on long term engrafting cells (stem cells).", "synonym_substitution": "studies is to evaluate improved expansion culture conditions in clinical test. Preclinical cogitation will also be perform to measure other culture conditions that may supply enhanced platelet recovery. In accession, analysis will be performed of archaic cells in the expanded intersection as an reading of the effect of expansion on long condition engrafting cells (root cells).", "butter_fingers": " stkdies is to evaluate impvoved expansion eylture condifions in clinical trials. Preclinical srudiew will also be performdd to evapuate otyer rulture conditioia that may prkyide znianced platelet recovery. Hn addition, andlhsns will be performed of primitive cejls in yhf expanded proquctx as zn indication of the effect of expznsion mn long term rngrafting cells (stem celld).", "random_deletion": "studies is to evaluate improved expansion culture clinical Preclinical studies also be performed that provide enhanced platelet In addition, analysis be performed of primitive cells in expanded products as an indication of the effect of expansion on long term cells (stem cells).", "change_char_case": " studies is to evaluate improvEd expansioN cultUre ConDiTionS in cLinical trials. PREcliNical studies will also be PerfoRmED to eVAlUate oTher culTUrE COndItIoNs tHaT MaY provIde EnhanceD platelet rEcoVeRy. In addition, ANaLysis will bE peRformed of priMitIve celLs In tHE expaNdeD prodUcts as AN indicAtion of thE eFFect of EXpansioN ON lOng tErm engrafting cellS (StEM cells).", "whitespace_perturbation": " studies is to evaluate im proved exp ansio n c ult ur e co ndit ions in clinic a l tr ials. Preclinical stud ies w il l als o b e per formedt oe v alu at eoth er cu lture co ndition s that may pr ov ide enhanced pl atelet rec ove ry. In addit ion , anal ys isw ill b e p erfor med of primit ive cells i n the e x pandedp r od ucts as an indication of the effect ofexpans io n o n lon g t erm engraf ti ng ce l ls (ste m c e l l s). ", "underscore_trick": " studies_is to_evaluate improved expansion culture_conditions in_clinical_trials. Preclinical_studies_will also be_performed to evaluate_other culture conditions that_may provide enhanced_platelet_recovery. In addition, analysis will be performed of primitive cells in the expanded products_as_an indication_of_the_effect of expansion on long_term engrafting cells (stem cells)."} +{"text": "% between the small subunits of the enzymes. The GAT subunits perform identical functions, and differ only in the specific interactions with the appropriate large subunit. The nucleotide sequence of a GAT subunit that functions in both anthranilate and PABA synthesis in A. calcoaceticus has also been determined, and is very", "synonym_substitution": "% between the small subunits of the enzymes. The GAT subunits do identical function, and differ only in the specific interaction with the appropriate big subunit. The nucleotide sequence of a GAT fractional monetary unit that functions in both anthranilate and PABA synthesis in A. calcoaceticus has also been determine, and is very", "butter_fingers": "% behween the small subunits of the enzymes. The GAV subunjts perfurm identical functions, and viffwr onoy in the specific intdractions with thw apkropriate large sngunit. Tmz nucmcotidz wequence of a NAT subunit that functionv kn both anthranilate and PABA synthesys in A. cwlcoaceticus hws akfo bsvn determined, and is very", "random_deletion": "% between the small subunits of the GAT perform identical and differ only the large subunit. The sequence of a subunit that functions in both anthranilate PABA synthesis in A. calcoaceticus has also been determined, and is very", "change_char_case": "% between the small subunits of The enzymes. the GAt suBunItS perForm Identical functIOns, aNd differ only in the speciFic inTeRActiONs With tHe approPRiATE laRgE sUbuNiT. thE nuclEotIde sequEnce of a GAT SubUnIt that functiONs In both anthRanIlate and PABA SynThesis In a. caLCoaceTicUs has Also beEN deterMined, and iS vERy", "whitespace_perturbation": "% between the small subuni ts of theenzym es. Th eGATsubu nits perform i d enti cal functions, and dif fer o nl y int he spec ific in t er a c tio ns w ith t h eappro pri ate lar ge subunit . T he nucleotides eq uence of a GA T subunit th atfuncti on s i n both an thran ilatea nd PAB A synthes is in A.c alcoace t i cu s ha s also been deter m in e d, and is very ", "underscore_trick": "% between_the small_subunits of the enzymes._The GAT_subunits_perform identical_functions,_and differ only_in the specific_interactions with the appropriate_large subunit. The_nucleotide_sequence of a GAT subunit that functions in both anthranilate and PABA synthesis in_A._calcoaceticus has_also_been_determined, and is very"} +{"text": " of in vivo studies (animal models and clinic data). Pathway-selective compounds could have functional selectivity. We also plan to demonstrate assay feasibility for HTS. Dr. Wei Zheng's group in NCATS will conduct the pilot screenings using the LOPAC library. Based on the results of the aim 4,", "synonym_substitution": "of in vivo studies (animal models and clinic data). Pathway - selective compound could take functional selectivity. We also plan to prove assay feasibility for HTS. Dr. Wei Zheng's group in NCATS will conduct the pilot screening use the LOPAC library. Based on the consequence of the aim 4,", "butter_fingers": " of in vivo studies (animal oodels and clinnx data). Pathwzy-selectkve compounds could have funrtiobal stjectivity. We also olan to dvmonstratw aswqy feasibility for HTS. Dd. Wei Vheng's group in NCATS wiln conduct the [iuoc screenings using the LOPAC library. Based pn the results os tht aym 4,", "random_deletion": "of in vivo studies (animal models and Pathway-selective could have selectivity. We also for Dr. Wei Zheng's in NCATS will the pilot screenings using the LOPAC Based on the results of the aim 4,", "change_char_case": " of in vivo studies (animal modeLs and cliniC data). patHwaY-sElecTive Compounds could HAve fUnctional selectivity. We Also pLaN To deMOnStratE assay fEAsIBIliTy FoR HTs. DR. weI ZhenG's gRoup in NcATS will coNduCt The pilot screENiNgs using thE LOpAC library. BaSed On the rEsUltS Of the Aim 4,", "whitespace_perturbation": " of in vivo studies (anima l models a nd cl ini c d at a).Path way-selectivec ompo unds could have functi onalse l ecti v it y. We also p l an t o d em on str at e a ssayfea sibilit y for HTS. Dr .Wei Zheng'sg ro up in NCAT S w ill conductthe pilot s cre e nings us ing t he LOP A C libr ary. Base do n ther esultso f t he a im 4,", "underscore_trick": " of_in vivo_studies (animal models and_clinic data)._Pathway-selective_compounds could_have_functional selectivity. We_also plan to_demonstrate assay feasibility for_HTS. Dr. Wei_Zheng's_group in NCATS will conduct the pilot screenings using the LOPAC library. Based on_the_results of_the_aim_4,"} +{"text": " cancer cells during mitosis, we will challenge traditional biochemical views of gene regulation by defining the pathological linkages between modifications in nuclear architecture and gene expression that are fundamental to the molecular etiology of tumorigenesis. RELEVANCE (See instructions): Changes in the overall shape and structure ofthe nucleus are pathological hallmarks of cancer cells that", "synonym_substitution": "cancer cells during mitosis, we will challenge traditional biochemical views of gene regulation by defining the diseased linkage between modifications in nuclear architecture and gene formula that are cardinal to the molecular etiology of tumorigenesis. RELEVANCE (See instructions ): Changes in the overall form and structure ofthe nucleus are diseased hallmark of cancer cells that", "butter_fingers": " cajcer cells during mitosir, we will challgnte travitionam biocheoical views of gene regulatiln by dtyining the pathologizal linkahes betwwen nidificatioia in nugjear wrchntxcture and gene expressiot that are fungaoeutal to the molecular etiology of tuiorigenrsls. RELEVANCE (Sge inxerucfpoks): Changes in the overall shape znd strlcture ofthe nuclrus are pathological hallmwrks of cancer cells tjat", "random_deletion": "cancer cells during mitosis, we will challenge views gene regulation defining the pathological architecture gene expression that fundamental to the etiology of tumorigenesis. RELEVANCE (See instructions): in the overall shape and structure ofthe nucleus are pathological hallmarks of cancer that", "change_char_case": " cancer cells during mitosis, wE will challEnge tRadItiOnAl biOcheMical views of geNE regUlation by defining the paTholoGiCAl liNKaGes beTween moDIfICAtiOnS iN nuClEAr ArchiTecTure and Gene expresSioN tHat are fundamENtAl to the molEcuLar etiology oF tuMorigeNeSis. reLEVAnCE (see inStructIOns): ChaNges in the OvERall shAPe and stRUCtUre oFthe nucleus are patHOlOGical hallmarks Of cancEr CElLS ThaT", "whitespace_perturbation": " cancer cells during mitos is, we wil l cha lle nge t radi tion al biochemical view s of gene regulation b y def in i ng t h epatho logical li n k age sbe twe en mo dific ati ons innuclear ar chi te cture and ge n eexpression th at are funda men tal to t hem olecu lar etio logy o f tumor igenesis. R E LEVANC E (See i n s tr ucti ons): Changes int he overall shapeand st ru c tu r e of the nucleus a re path o logical ha l l m ark s of cancer ce lls that", "underscore_trick": " cancer_cells during_mitosis, we will challenge_traditional biochemical_views_of gene_regulation_by defining the_pathological linkages between_modifications in nuclear architecture_and gene expression_that_are fundamental to the molecular etiology of tumorigenesis. RELEVANCE (See instructions): Changes in the_overall_shape and_structure_ofthe_nucleus are pathological hallmarks of_cancer cells that"} +{"text": " novel anti-complement proteins. Proteins produced by ticks are attractive vaccine targets because such vaccines have the potential to block tick feeding and pathogen transmission. Under aim 3 we plan to test anti-complement proteins as vaccines that block feeding and/or pathogen transmission. Our industry partner in these studies is L2 diagnostics, which", "synonym_substitution": "novel anti - complement proteins. Proteins produced by check mark are attractive vaccine target because such vaccines have the potential to obstruct tick feeding and pathogen infection. Under bearing 3 we plan to screen anti - complement proteins as vaccines that stop feeding and/or pathogen transmission. Our industry partner in these studies is L2 diagnostics, which", "butter_fingers": " nogel anti-complement protelns. Proteins probyced bb ticks are attfactive vaccine targets becanse wuch caccines have the potevtial to hlock tixk fteding and pathogxh transmissioh. Undzr aim 3 we plan jo test anti-womplement prodeknd as vaccines that block feeding anq/or patnohen transmissijn. Olr indhstry partner in these studies is M2 diagnmstics, which", "random_deletion": "novel anti-complement proteins. Proteins produced by ticks vaccine because such have the potential pathogen Under aim 3 plan to test proteins as vaccines that block feeding pathogen transmission. Our industry partner in these studies is L2 diagnostics, which", "change_char_case": " novel anti-complement proteiNs. Proteins ProduCed By tIcKs arE attRactive vaccine TArgeTs because such vaccines hAve thE pOTentIAl To bloCk tick fEEdING anD pAtHogEn TRaNsmisSioN. Under aIm 3 we plan to TesT aNti-complemenT PrOteins as vaCciNes that block FeeDing anD/oR paTHogen TraNsmisSion. OuR IndustRy partner In THese stUDies is L2 DIAgNostIcs, which", "whitespace_perturbation": " novel anti-complement pro teins. Pro teins pr odu ce d by tic ks are attract i ve v accine targets because such v a ccin e shavethe pot e nt i a l t obl ock t i ck feed ing and pa thogen tra nsm is sion. Undera im 3 we plan to test anti-c omp lement p rot e ins a s v accin es tha t block feedingan d /or pa t hogen t r a ns miss ion. Our industry pa r tner in thesestudie si sL 2 di agn ostics, wh ic h", "underscore_trick": " novel_anti-complement proteins._Proteins produced by ticks_are attractive_vaccine_targets because_such_vaccines have the_potential to block_tick feeding and pathogen_transmission. Under aim_3_we plan to test anti-complement proteins as vaccines that block feeding and/or pathogen transmission._Our_industry partner_in_these_studies is L2 diagnostics, which"} +{"text": "ap experienced by persons who have hearing loss. Over a five-year period 200 subjects, selected on the basis of age and hearing status, will be enrolled in a set of cross-sectional experiments. The experimental methodologies have been developed and tested through a series of extensive pilot studies. The experiments are designed to assess subjects'", "synonym_substitution": "ap experienced by persons who have hearing loss. Over a five - class time period 200 subjects, selected on the footing of age and hear status, will be enroll in a bent of cross - sectional experiments. The experimental methodologies have been developed and test through a series of extensive original sketch. The experiments are designed to assess subjects'", "butter_fingers": "ap fxperienced by persons wmo have hearing loss. Ovxr a fibe-year pdriod 200 subjects, selected on vhe vasis of age and hearing stxtus, will be enrooled un a set oh cross-scetionzp ex'eciments. The expgrimental medhodologies haee bzen developed and tested through a sqries og fxtensive piloj stucyes. Fhe experiments are designed to asaess suujects'", "random_deletion": "ap experienced by persons who have hearing a period 200 selected on the status, be enrolled in set of cross-sectional The experimental methodologies have been developed tested through a series of extensive pilot studies. The experiments are designed to subjects'", "change_char_case": "ap experienced by persons who Have hearinG loss. oveR a fIvE-yeaR perIod 200 subjects, selECted On the basis of age and hearIng stAtUS, wilL Be EnrolLed in a sET oF CRosS-sEcTioNaL ExPerimEntS. The expErimental mEthOdOlogies have bEEn Developed aNd tEsted through A seRies of ExTenSIve piLot StudiEs. The eXPerimeNts are desIgNEd to asSEss subjECTs'", "whitespace_perturbation": "ap experienced by personswho have h earin g l oss .Over a f ive-year perio d 200 subjects, selected on theba s is o f a ge an d heari n gs t atu s, w ill b e e nroll edin a se t of cross -se ct ional experi m en ts. The ex per imental meth odo logies h ave beendev elope d andt estedthrough a s e ries o f extens i v epilo t studies. The ex p er i ments are desi gned t oa ss e s s s ubj ects'", "underscore_trick": "ap experienced_by persons_who have hearing loss._Over a_five-year_period 200_subjects,_selected on the_basis of age_and hearing status, will_be enrolled in_a_set of cross-sectional experiments. The experimental methodologies have been developed and tested through a_series_of extensive_pilot_studies._The experiments are designed to_assess subjects'"} +{"text": " effector molecule for this activator. Urea is Found at concentrations up to 500 mM in the urinary tract, a concentration that is at least 50 fold higher than that observed at other sites in the body. Thus for these uropathogens, urea is a signal molecule, and UreR is acting as a signal receptor", "synonym_substitution": "effector molecule for this activator. Urea is Found at concentrations up to 500 mM in the urinary nerve pathway, a assiduity that is at least 50 flock higher than that note at early sites in the body. Thus for these uropathogens, urea is a signal atom, and UreR is act as a signal receptor", "butter_fingers": " efvector molecule for this activator. Urea is Fouid at ckncentragions up to 500 mM in the urinacy teact, q concentration that ir at leasn 50 fold hughec than that obsecbed at other altes nn the body. Thus for these uropathogens, grda is a signal molecule, and UreR is asting ax w signal recepjor", "random_deletion": "effector molecule for this activator. Urea is concentrations to 500 in the urinary at 50 fold higher that observed at sites in the body. Thus for uropathogens, urea is a signal molecule, and UreR is acting as a signal", "change_char_case": " effector molecule for this acTivator. UreA is FoUnd At cOnCentRatiOns up to 500 mM in the URinaRy tract, a concentration tHat is At LEast 50 FOlD highEr than tHAt OBSerVeD aT otHeR SiTes in The Body. ThuS for these uRopAtHogens, urea is A SiGnal molecuLe, aNd UreR is actiNg aS a signAl RecEPtor", "whitespace_perturbation": " effector molecule for thi s activato r. Ur eaisFo undat c oncentrationsu p to 500 mM in the urinary trac t, a co n ce ntrat ion tha t i s atle as t 5 0f ol d hig her than t hat observ edat other sites in the body. Th us for these ur opatho ge ns, ureaisa sig nal mo l ecule, and UreR i s actin g as a s i g na l re ceptor", "underscore_trick": " effector_molecule for_this activator. Urea is_Found at_concentrations_up to_500_mM in the_urinary tract, a_concentration that is at_least 50 fold_higher_than that observed at other sites in the body. Thus for these uropathogens, urea_is_a signal_molecule,_and_UreR is acting as a_signal receptor"} +{"text": " functional and pathological conditions of extremity soft tissue. The imaging capabilities of this novel technology and the use of low, safe levels of non-ionizing radiation with cost efficiency have potentials for significant improvement of public healthcare. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] Sounds are encoded by the cochlea in the timing of spikes in", "synonym_substitution": "functional and pathological conditions of extremity soft tissue. The image capability of this novel technology and the use of humble, safe levels of non - ionizing radiotherapy with price efficiency have potential for significant improvement of public healthcare. [ unreadable ] [ indecipherable ] [ unreadable ] Sounds are encoded by the cochlea in the timing of spikes in", "butter_fingers": " fujctional and pathologicau conditions of extremmty soff tissue. The imaging capabilities of tyis nivel technology and thd use of pow, safe levtls of non-ionizinj radiatljn wjbh covv efficiency haye potentians for signifiwavt improvement of public healthcare. [ugreadabke] [unreadable] [unteadanje] Sklnbs are encoded by the cochlea ih the tpming of spikes im", "random_deletion": "functional and pathological conditions of extremity soft imaging of this technology and the of radiation with cost have potentials for improvement of public healthcare. [unreadable] [unreadable] Sounds are encoded by the cochlea in the timing of spikes in", "change_char_case": " functional and pathological Conditions Of extRemIty SoFt tiSsue. the imaging capaBIlitIes of this novel technoloGy and ThE Use oF LoW, safe Levels oF NoN-IOniZiNg RadIaTIoN with CosT efficiEncy have poTenTiAls for signifICaNt improvemEnt Of public healThcAre. [unrEaDabLE] [unreAdaBle] [unReadabLE] SoundS are encodEd BY the coCHlea in tHE TiMing Of spikes in", "whitespace_perturbation": " functional and pathologic al conditi ons o f e xtr em itysoft tissue. The i m agin g capabilities of this nove lt echn o lo gy an d the u s eo f lo w, s afe l e ve ls of no n-ioniz ing radiat ion w ith cost eff i ci ency havepot entials forsig nifica nt im p rovem ent of p ublich ealthc are. [unr ea d able][ unreada b l e] [un readable] Soundsa re encoded by the cochl ea in t hetim ing of spi ke s in", "underscore_trick": " functional_and pathological_conditions of extremity soft_tissue. The_imaging_capabilities of_this_novel technology and_the use of_low, safe levels of_non-ionizing radiation with_cost_efficiency have potentials for significant improvement of public healthcare. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] Sounds are_encoded_by the_cochlea_in_the timing of spikes in"} +{"text": "RS using extensive computation to simultaneously maximize spectral resolution and sensitivity to nuclear spin relaxation we have developed a novel multiparametric technique that can simultaneously measure concentration, longitudinal and transverse relaxation times of many brain chemicals, including glutamate, in a single scan session within ten minutes of MRS data acquisition. This multiparametric approach allows us", "synonym_substitution": "RS using extensive computation to simultaneously maximize spectral settlement and sensitivity to nuclear tailspin relaxation we have developed a fresh multiparametric technique that can simultaneously quantify concentration, longitudinal and transverse easiness times of many brain chemical, include glutamate, in a single scan seance within ten minutes of MRS data skill. This multiparametric overture allows us", "butter_fingers": "RS ksing extensive computatlon to simultaneously meximize spectrau resolution and sensitivity ti nucoear spin relaxation wd have deneloped a novtl multiparametrir technique thzb can wimultaneously measure cmncentration, lmneicudinal and transverse relaxation tiies of kajy brain chemisals, ynclhding glutamate, in a single scan ssssion xithin ten minuyes of MRS data acquisitioj. Thls multiparametric approach aolowf us", "random_deletion": "RS using extensive computation to simultaneously maximize and to nuclear relaxation we have that simultaneously measure concentration, and transverse relaxation of many brain chemicals, including glutamate, a single scan session within ten minutes of MRS data acquisition. This multiparametric allows us", "change_char_case": "RS using extensive computatiOn to simultAneouSly MaxImIze sPectRal resolution aND senSitivity to nuclear spin rElaxaTiON we hAVe DevelOped a noVEl MULtiPaRaMetRiC TeChniqUe tHat can sImultaneouSly MeAsure concentRAtIon, longituDinAl and transveRse RelaxaTiOn tIMes of ManY braiN chemiCAls, incLuding gluTaMAte, in a SIngle scAN SeSsioN within ten minutes OF Mrs data acquisitiOn. This MuLTiPARamEtrIc approach AlLows uS", "whitespace_perturbation": "RS using extensive computa tion to si multa neo usl ymaxi mize spectral reso l utio n and sensitivity to n uclea rs pinr el axati on we h a ve d eve lo pe d a n o ve l mul tip arametr ic techniq ueth at can simul t an eously mea sur e concentrat ion , long it udi n al an d t ransv erse r e laxati on timesof many b r ain che m i ca ls,including glutama t e, in a single sc an ses si o nw i thi n t en minutes o f MRS data ac q ui s i t ion . This multipa rametric ap p roa ch all ow s u s ", "underscore_trick": "RS using_extensive computation_to simultaneously maximize spectral_resolution and_sensitivity_to nuclear_spin_relaxation we have_developed a novel_multiparametric technique that can_simultaneously measure concentration,_longitudinal_and transverse relaxation times of many brain chemicals, including glutamate, in a single scan_session_within ten_minutes_of_MRS data acquisition. This multiparametric_approach allows us"} +{"text": " of memory formation 2. Behavior-genetic analyses of associative learning 3. Behavior-genetic analyses of non-associative learning 4. Anatomy and development of learning and memory 5. Analyses of sensorimotor controls One curious aspect of drug addiction is that a majority of people experimenting with illicit drugs do not develop the", "synonym_substitution": "of memory formation 2. Behavior - genetic analyses of associative eruditeness 3. demeanor - genic analyses of non - associative eruditeness 4. Anatomy and exploitation of learning and memory 5. Analyses of sensorimotor control One curious aspect of drug addiction is that a majority of people experiment with illicit drugs do not build up the", "butter_fingers": " of memory formation 2. Behavlor-genetic analyses of essociafive leafning 3. Behavior-genetic analydew of bon-associative learnine 4. Anatomj and devwlopnwnt of leaching and memodn 5. Anclbses of sensorikotor contsols One curiogs adpect of drug addiction is that a mwjority ov people experymenuind wifh illicit drugs do not develop ths", "random_deletion": "of memory formation 2. Behavior-genetic analyses of 3. analyses of learning 4. Anatomy memory Analyses of sensorimotor One curious aspect drug addiction is that a majority people experimenting with illicit drugs do not develop the", "change_char_case": " of memory formation 2. Behavior-Genetic anaLyses Of aSsoCiAtivE leaRning 3. Behavior-gENetiC analyses of non-associatIve leArNIng 4. ANAtOmy anD develoPMeNT Of lEaRnIng AnD MeMory 5. ANalYses of sEnsorimotoR coNtRols One curioUS aSpect of druG adDiction is thaT a mAjoritY oF peOPle exPerImentIng witH IlliciT drugs do nOt DEvelop THe", "whitespace_perturbation": " of memory formation 2. Be havior-gen eticana lys es ofasso ciative learni n g 3. Behavior-genetic anal ysesof non- a ss ociat ive lea r ni n g 4. A na tom ya nd deve lop ment of learningand m emory 5. Ana l ys es of sens ori motor contro lsOne cu ri ous aspec t o f dru g addi c tion i s that ama j orityo f peopl e ex peri menting with illi c it drugs do not d evelop t h e", "underscore_trick": " of_memory formation_2. Behavior-genetic analyses of_associative learning_3._Behavior-genetic analyses_of_non-associative learning 4._Anatomy and development_of learning and memory_5. Analyses of_sensorimotor_controls One curious aspect of drug addiction is that a majority of people experimenting_with_illicit drugs_do_not_develop the"} +{"text": " (a) the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) measure of impulsivity while eliminating the limitation of a self-report measure requiring self-insight and awareness, and (b) Audio Computer Assisted Self Interviewing (ACASI), which is used in behavioral research to minimize recall and social", "synonym_substitution": "(a) the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) measure of impulsivity while eliminating the limitation of a self - report standard command self - insight and awareness, and (b) Audio Computer Assisted Self Interviewing (ACASI), which is used in behavioral research to understate recall and social", "butter_fingers": " (a) hhe Balloon Analogue Risy Task (BART) measure of impulaivity wfile eliminating the limitatmon if a welf-report measure reqjiring sepf-insighr anv awareness, and (u) Audio Gjmpufcr Asvmsted Self Intetviewing (ACAVI), which is usad iu behavioral research to minimize resall anc docial", "random_deletion": "(a) the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) impulsivity eliminating the of a self-report and Audio Computer Assisted Interviewing (ACASI), which used in behavioral research to minimize and social", "change_char_case": " (a) the Balloon Analogue Risk TaSk (BART) measUre of ImpUlsIvIty wHile Eliminating the LImitAtion of a self-report measUre reQuIRing SElF-insiGht and aWArENEss, AnD (b) audIo cOmPuter assIsted SeLf IntervieWinG (AcASI), which is uSEd In behaviorAl rEsearch to minImiZe recaLl And SOcial", "whitespace_perturbation": " (a) the Balloon AnalogueRisk Task(BART ) m eas ur e of imp ulsivity while elim inating the limitation of a s e lf-r e po rt me asure r e qu i r ing s el f-i ns i gh t and aw areness , and (b)Aud io Computer As s is ted Self I nte rviewing (AC ASI ), whi ch is usedinbehav ioralr esearc h to mini mi z e reca l l and s o c ia l", "underscore_trick": " (a)_the Balloon_Analogue Risk Task (BART)_measure of_impulsivity_while eliminating_the_limitation of a_self-report measure requiring_self-insight and awareness, and_(b) Audio Computer_Assisted_Self Interviewing (ACASI), which is used in behavioral research to minimize recall and social"} +{"text": " analysis and interpretation of cancer clinical trials, cancer population studies and cancer genomic studies. All predoctoral students supported by this training grant are required to take a concentration in cancer-related courses. During their first and second summer periods in the program, students are required to participate in research activities of the DFCI or", "synonym_substitution": "analysis and interpretation of cancer clinical trials, cancer population studies and cancer genomic report. All predoctoral student supported by this training grant are ask to take a concentration in cancer - relate class. During their inaugural and second summer periods in the program, scholar are required to participate in inquiry activities of the DFCI or", "butter_fingers": " anwlysis and interpretatiok of cancer clinnxal trmals, cahcer popjlation studies and cancer gxnomuc stydies. All predoctoral rtudents dupportee by rhis trainmhg granb are vequixev to take a congentration hn cancer-relatad clurses. During their first and seconq summet oeriods in the probwam, anubents are required to participafe in rtsearch activities of the DFCI or", "random_deletion": "analysis and interpretation of cancer clinical trials, studies cancer genomic All predoctoral students are to take a in cancer-related courses. their first and second summer periods the program, students are required to participate in research activities of the DFCI", "change_char_case": " analysis and interpretation Of cancer clInicaL trIalS, cAnceR popUlation studies ANd caNcer genomic studies. All pRedocToRAl stUDeNts suPported BY tHIS trAiNiNg gRaNT aRe reqUirEd to takE a concentrAtiOn In cancer-relaTEd Courses. DurIng Their first anD seCond suMmEr pERiods In tHe proGram, stUDents aRe requireD tO ParticIPate in rESEaRch aCtivities of the DFCi Or", "whitespace_perturbation": " analysis and interpretati on of canc er cl ini cal t rial s, c ancer populati o n st udies and cancer genom ic st ud i es.A ll pred octoral st u d ent ssu ppo rt e dby th istrainin g grant ar e r eq uired to tak e a concentra tio n in cancer- rel ated c ou rse s . Dur ing thei r firs t and s econd sum me r perio d s in th e pr ogra m, students are r e qu i red to partici pate i nr es e a rch ac tivities o fthe D F CI or", "underscore_trick": " analysis_and interpretation_of cancer clinical trials,_cancer population_studies_and cancer_genomic_studies. All predoctoral_students supported by_this training grant are_required to take_a_concentration in cancer-related courses. During their first and second summer periods in the program,_students_are required_to_participate_in research activities of the_DFCI or"} +{"text": "2 on Chr 1 at ~ 110 and 175 Mbp) and PPI (Chr 11 at ~ 70 Mbp and Chr 16 at ~ 45 Mbp). 2) To integrate the QTL data with interval relevant gene expression and sequence data. 3) To determine in HS4 animals the gene coexpression networks associated with OF", "synonym_substitution": "2 on Chr 1 at ~ 110 and 175 Mbp) and PPI (Chr 11 at ~ 70 Mbp and Chr 16 at ~ 45 Mbp). 2) To integrate the QTL data with interval relevant gene expression and succession datum. 3) To specify in HS4 animals the gene coexpression networks consort with OF", "butter_fingers": "2 on Chr 1 at ~ 110 and 175 Mbp) and KPI (Chr 11 at ~ 70 Mbp and Chc 16 at ~ 45 Mbp). 2) To integrate the QTL data with ibtervql relevant gene exprersion and sequencw daua. 3) To determine mh HS4 anlials bhe gznx coexpression ketworks asvociated with MF", "random_deletion": "2 on Chr 1 at ~ 110 Mbp) PPI (Chr at ~ 70 ~ Mbp). 2) To the QTL data interval relevant gene expression and sequence 3) To determine in HS4 animals the gene coexpression networks associated with OF", "change_char_case": "2 on Chr 1 at ~ 110 and 175 Mbp) and PPI (Chr 11 at ~ 70 MBp and Chr 16 at ~ 45 mbp). 2) To IntEgrAtE the qTL dAta with intervaL ReleVant gene expression and sEquenCe DAta. 3) TO DeTermiNe in HS4 aNImALS thE gEnE coExPReSsion NetWorks asSociated wiTh Of", "whitespace_perturbation": "2 on Chr 1 at ~ 110 and 17 5 Mbp) and PPI(Ch r 1 1at ~ 70Mbp and Chr 16 at ~ 45 Mbp). 2) To integr ate t he QTLd at a wit h inter v al r ele va nt ge ne ex press ion and se quence dat a.3) To determin e i n HS4 anim als the gene co exp ressio nnet w orksass ociat ed wit h OF", "underscore_trick": "2 on_Chr 1_at ~ 110 and_175 Mbp)_and_PPI (Chr_11_at ~ 70_Mbp and Chr_16 at ~ 45_Mbp). 2) To_integrate_the QTL data with interval relevant gene expression and sequence data. 3) To determine_in_HS4 animals_the_gene_coexpression networks associated with OF"} +{"text": " examine whether learned control mechanisms develop without explicit laboratory training, whether consumption of high-fat diets interferes with these mechanisms, and whether this interference has potential to produce significant weight gain. These studies promise to yield important new information about the role of dietary factors in both obesity and cognitive decline. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE", "synonym_substitution": "examine whether learned control mechanisms originate without denotative laboratory training, whether pulmonary tuberculosis of high - fatness diets interferes with these mechanism, and whether this interference has electric potential to grow significant weight unit gain. These studies predict to yield important new information about the role of dietary factors in both obesity and cognitive decay. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE", "butter_fingers": " exwmine whether learned coktrol mechanisms develo' withoht explizit laboratory training, whetier xonsunption of high-fat dietr interfeges with rhest mechanisms, and xgether bkis ihberfexeice has potentisl to prodgce significand denght gain. These studies promise to yyeld imlogtant new infotmatipg abklt the role of dietary factors jn both obesity and vognitive decline. PUBLIC HFALTJ RELEVANCE", "random_deletion": "examine whether learned control mechanisms develop without training, consumption of diets interferes with interference potential to produce weight gain. These promise to yield important new information the role of dietary factors in both obesity and cognitive decline. PUBLIC HEALTH", "change_char_case": " examine whether learned contRol mechaniSms deVelOp wItHout ExplIcit laboratory TRainIng, whether consumption oF high-FaT DietS InTerfeRes with THeSE MecHaNiSms, AnD WhEther ThiS interfErence has pOteNtIal to produce SIgNificant weIghT gain. These stUdiEs promIsE to YIeld iMpoRtant New infORmatioN about the RoLE of dieTAry factORS iN botH obesity and cognitIVe DEcline. PUBLIC HEaLTH RElEvaNce", "whitespace_perturbation": " examine whether learned c ontrol mec hanis msdev el op w itho ut explicit la b orat ory training, whetherconsu mp t iono fhigh- fat die t si n ter fe re s w it h t hesemec hanisms , and whet her t his interfer e nc e has pote nti al to produc e s ignifi ca ntw eight ga in. T hese s t udiespromise t oy ield i m portant n ew inf ormation about th e r o le of dietaryfactor si nb o thobe sity and c og nitiv e declin e .P U B LIC HEALTH RELEVA NCE", "underscore_trick": " examine_whether learned_control mechanisms develop without_explicit laboratory_training,_whether consumption_of_high-fat diets interferes_with these mechanisms,_and whether this interference_has potential to_produce_significant weight gain. These studies promise to yield important new information about the role_of_dietary factors_in_both_obesity and cognitive decline. PUBLIC_HEALTH RELEVANCE"} +{"text": "F-1 can augment bone regeneration in aged mice, a model of suboptimal healing. If our hypotheses are correct, our studies will provide convincing evidence that SDF-1 works in a paracrine fashion in bone, a finding that would significantly advance our understanding of skeletal homeostasis and serve as a basis for developing therapeutic", "synonym_substitution": "F-1 can augment bone regeneration in aged mice, a model of suboptimal healing. If our hypotheses are right, our cogitation will provide convincing evidence that SDF-1 work in a paracrine manner in bone, a finding that would significantly advance our agreement of skeletal homeostasis and serve as a footing for develop curative", "butter_fingers": "F-1 cwn augment bone regenerauion in aged mice, a moden of shboptimau healing. If our hypotheses ere xorrext, our studies will pruvide connincing ecideice that SDF-1 works in a icracrjke faviion in bone, a ninding thad would signifhcxncly advance our understanding of skejetal hpmfostasis and sgrve sf a gasis for developing therapeutic", "random_deletion": "F-1 can augment bone regeneration in aged model suboptimal healing. our hypotheses are convincing that SDF-1 works a paracrine fashion bone, a finding that would significantly our understanding of skeletal homeostasis and serve as a basis for developing therapeutic", "change_char_case": "F-1 can augment bone regeneratiOn in aged miCe, a moDel Of sUbOptiMal hEaling. If our hypOThesEs are correct, our studies Will pRoVIde cONvIncinG evidenCE tHAT SDf-1 wOrKs iN a PArAcrinE faShion in Bone, a findiNg tHaT would signifICaNtly advancE ouR understandiNg oF skeleTaL hoMEostaSis And seRve as a BAsis foR developiNg THerapeUTic", "whitespace_perturbation": "F-1 can augment bone regen eration in aged mi ce, a mod el o f suboptimal h e alin g. If our hypotheses a re co rr e ct,o ur stud ies wil l p r o vid eco nvi nc i ng evid enc e thatSDF-1 work s i na paracrinef as hion in bo ne, a finding t hat would s ign i fican tly adva nce ou r under standingof skelet a l homeo s t as is a nd serve as a bas i sf or developingtherap eu t ic ", "underscore_trick": "F-1 can_augment bone_regeneration in aged mice,_a model_of_suboptimal healing._If_our hypotheses are_correct, our studies_will provide convincing evidence_that SDF-1 works_in_a paracrine fashion in bone, a finding that would significantly advance our understanding of_skeletal_homeostasis and_serve_as_a basis for developing therapeutic"} +{"text": " the presence of cyclic nucleotides in canine gastric secretions. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Schwartzel, E.H., Jr., Bachman, S., and Levine, R.A.: Cyclic nucleotide activity in gastrointestinal tissues and fluids. Fed. Proc. 35:583,", "synonym_substitution": "the presence of cyclic nucleotides in canine gastric secretions. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Schwartzel, E.H., Jr., Bachman, S., and Levine, R.A.: Cyclic nucleotide natural process in gastrointestinal tissue and fluids. Fed. Proc. 35:583,", "butter_fingers": " thf presence of cyclic nucueotides in cannbe gasvric sedretions. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Schxartzel, E.Y., Jr., Bachman, S., and Levkne, R.A.: Cyblic nuclwotive activity in geatrointcftinzp tivwues and fluidx. Fed. Proc. 35:583,", "random_deletion": "the presence of cyclic nucleotides in canine BIBLIOGRAPHIC Schwartzel, E.H., Bachman, S., and in tissues and fluids. Proc. 35:583,", "change_char_case": " the presence of cyclic nucleoTides in canIne gaStrIc sEcRetiOns. BiBLIOGRAPHIC REfeRENcE: Schwartzel, E.H., Jr., BachmaN, S., and leVIne, R.a.: cyClic nUcleotiDE aCTIviTy In GasTrOInTestiNal Tissues And fluids. FEd. PRoC. 35:583,", "whitespace_perturbation": " the presence of cyclic nu cleotidesin ca nin e g as tric sec retions. BIBLI O GRAP HIC REFERENCE: Schwart zel,E. H ., J r ., Bach man, S. , a n d Le vi ne , R .A . :Cycli c n ucleoti de activit y i ngastrointest i na l tissuesand fluids. Fed . P roc. 3 5: 583 , ", "underscore_trick": " the_presence of_cyclic nucleotides in canine_gastric secretions._BIBLIOGRAPHIC_REFERENCE: Schwartzel,_E.H.,_Jr., Bachman, S.,_and Levine, R.A.:_Cyclic nucleotide activity in_gastrointestinal tissues and_fluids._Fed. Proc. 35:583,"} +{"text": ") of selected cell composition. The pattern of i-cell behavior will be analyzed quantitatively as methods have been developed for quantitatively measuring all cell populations in hydra, as well as examining quantitatively the behavior of a cohort of isotopically-labeled cells with autoradiography. The objects of the proposal are to: (1) study", "synonym_substitution": ") of selected cell composition. The pattern of one - cellular telephone demeanor will be analyzed quantitatively as methods have been developed for quantitatively quantify all cell populations in hydra, equally well as examining quantitatively the behavior of a cohort of isotopically - label cells with autoradiography. The objects of the marriage proposal are to: (1) study", "butter_fingers": ") of selected cell compositiun. The pattern of i-celn behabior wilu be analyzed quantitatively aw metyods have been developdd for quwntitaticely neasuring eml cell populzbions mn hydra, as welk as examiting quantitathvdlv the behavior of a cohort of isotopycally-lsbfled cells witr auuorwdiofgakhy. The objects of the proposal ade to: (1) vtudy", "random_deletion": ") of selected cell composition. The pattern behavior be analyzed as methods have all populations in hydra, well as examining the behavior of a cohort of cells with autoradiography. The objects of the proposal are to: (1) study", "change_char_case": ") of selected cell composition. the pattern Of i-ceLl bEhaViOr wiLl be Analyzed quantiTAtivEly as methods have been deVelopEd FOr quANtItatiVely meaSUrING alL cElL poPuLAtIons iN hyDra, as weLl as examinIng QuAntitatively THe Behavior of A coHort of isotopIcaLly-labElEd cELls wiTh aUtoraDiograPHy. The oBjects of tHe PRoposaL Are to: (1) stUDY", "whitespace_perturbation": ") of selected cell composi tion. Thepatte rnofi- cell beh avior will bea naly zed quantitatively asmetho ds have be en de veloped fo r qua nt it ati ve l ymeasu rin g all c ell popula tio ns in hydra, a s w ell as exa min ing quantita tiv ely th ebeh a viorofa coh ort of isotop ically-la be l ed cel l s witha u to radi ography. The obje c ts of the proposa l areto : ( 1 ) st udy ", "underscore_trick": ") of_selected cell_composition. The pattern of_i-cell behavior_will_be analyzed_quantitatively_as methods have_been developed for_quantitatively measuring all cell_populations in hydra,_as_well as examining quantitatively the behavior of a cohort of isotopically-labeled cells with autoradiography._The_objects of_the_proposal_are to: (1) study"} +{"text": "iosus, and eight had relatively small septal defect with no other major anomalies. Of the four rats with truncus, two had a vestigial vasculature on the truncus root and three had a rudimentary infundibulum. In 44 rats (68%) the middle latitudinal muscle bundle of the", "synonym_substitution": "iosus, and eight had relatively small septal defect with no other major anomaly. Of the four rotter with truncus, two had a vestigial vasculature on the truncus root and three had a vestigial infundibulum. In 44 rats (68 %) the middle latitudinal brawn pile of the", "butter_fingers": "iosks, and eight had relativtly small septal bwfect xith no other mxjor anomalies. Of the four rets qith uguncus, two had a vestkgial vasbulature in tie truncus root ehd threc had w rubinentary infundlbulum. In 44 sats (68%) the middne lctitudinal muscle bundle of the", "random_deletion": "iosus, and eight had relatively small septal no major anomalies. the four rats vestigial on the truncus and three had rudimentary infundibulum. In 44 rats (68%) middle latitudinal muscle bundle of the", "change_char_case": "iosus, and eight had relativelY small septAl defEct WitH nO othEr maJor anomalies. Of THe foUr rats with truncus, two haD a vesTiGIal vAScUlatuRe on the TRuNCUs rOoT aNd tHrEE hAd a ruDimEntary iNfundibuluM. In 44 RaTs (68%) the middle lATiTudinal musCle Bundle of the", "whitespace_perturbation": "iosus, and eight had relat ively smal l sep tal de fe ct w ithno other major anom alies. Of the four rat s wit ht runc u s, twohad a v e st i g ial v as cul at u re on t hetruncus root andthr ee had a rudim e nt ary infund ibu lum. In 44 r ats (68%) t hem iddle la titud inal m u scle b undle ofth e ", "underscore_trick": "iosus, and_eight had_relatively small septal defect_with no_other_major anomalies._Of_the four rats_with truncus, two_had a vestigial vasculature_on the truncus_root_and three had a rudimentary infundibulum. In 44 rats (68%) the middle latitudinal muscle_bundle_of the"} +{"text": " large protein molecules, DNA and other macromolecules. 5. Preparation of platinum replicas of cytoskeletons, partially lysed cells and freeze-fractured/freeze- dried tissues and cells. 6. Chemical fixation, critical point drying, sputter-coating and scanning EM digital imaging of small organisms, organs", "synonym_substitution": "large protein molecules, DNA and other macromolecule. 5. readiness of platinum replicas of cytoskeletons, partially lysed cells and freeze - fracture / freeze- dry tissues and cells. 6. Chemical obsession, critical compass point drying, spatter - application and scanning EM digital imaging of little organisms, organs", "butter_fingers": " lagge protein molecules, DNX and other mactonolecunes. 5. Pdeparatiun of platinum replicas of cbtosjeletins, partially lysed ceuls and fgeeze-fracrurev/freeze- dried tissues and cella. 6. Chzmmcal fixation, ctitical poind drying, sputtar-zocting and scanning EM digital imagind of smslp organisms, ordans", "random_deletion": "large protein molecules, DNA and other macromolecules. of replicas of partially lysed cells cells. Chemical fixation, critical drying, sputter-coating and EM digital imaging of small organisms,", "change_char_case": " large protein molecules, DNA aNd other macRomolEcuLes. 5. prEparAtioN of platinum repLIcas Of cytoskeletons, partialLy lysEd CElls ANd FreezE-fractuREd/FREezE- dRiEd tIsSUeS and cEllS. 6. ChemicAl fixation, CriTiCal point dryiNG, sPutter-coatIng And scanning Em diGital iMaGinG Of smaLl oRganiSms, orgANs", "whitespace_perturbation": " large protein molecules,DNA and ot her m acr omo le cule s. 5 . Preparationo f pl atinum replicas of cyt oskel et o ns,p ar tiall y lysed ce l l s a nd f ree ze - fr actur ed/ freeze- dried tis sue sand cells. 6 . C hemical fi xat ion, critica l p oint d ry ing , sput ter -coat ing an d scann ing EM di gi t al ima g ing ofs m al l or ganisms, organs", "underscore_trick": " large_protein molecules,_DNA and other macromolecules._5. Preparation_of_platinum replicas_of_cytoskeletons, partially lysed_cells and freeze-fractured/freeze-_dried tissues and cells._6. Chemical fixation,_critical_point drying, sputter-coating and scanning EM digital imaging of small organisms, organs"} +{"text": " if metabolites in the urine of mice receiving whole body radiation can predict for radiation-induced cancer induction prior to the observation of tumor mass. Vascular complications in diabetes mellitus are the result of metabolic and hormonal abnormalities caused by insulin deficiency. The identification of specific factors and the mechanisms by which they can cause vascular cell dysfunction and subsequent", "synonym_substitution": "if metabolites in the urine of mice receiving whole soundbox radiation sickness can predict for radiation - induced cancer generalization prior to the observation of tumor mass. Vascular complications in diabetes mellitus are the consequence of metabolic and hormonal abnormalities caused by insulin lack. The identification of specific factors and the mechanism by which they can cause vascular cell dysfunction and subsequent", "butter_fingers": " if metabolites in the urint of mice receiviut wholx body dadiatiov can predict for radiation-iiducwd cabcer induction prior tu the obsvrvation if tnmor mass. Vasculed complleatiohd in viabetes mellitos are the rasult of metabmlkc and hormonal abnormalities caused fy insukij deficiency. Tre icqntirpcction of specific factors and tge mechenisms by which they can cause vascular cfll fysfunction and suhsequent", "random_deletion": "if metabolites in the urine of mice body can predict radiation-induced cancer induction tumor Vascular complications in mellitus are the of metabolic and hormonal abnormalities caused insulin deficiency. The identification of specific factors and the mechanisms by which they cause vascular cell dysfunction and subsequent", "change_char_case": " if metabolites in the urine of Mice receivIng whOle BodY rAdiaTion Can predict for rADiatIon-induced cancer inductIon prIoR To thE ObServaTion of tUMoR MAss. vaScUlaR cOMpLicatIonS in diabEtes mellitUs aRe The result of mETaBolic and hoRmoNal abnormaliTieS causeD bY inSUlin dEfiCiencY. The idENtificAtion of spEcIFic facTOrs and tHE MeChanIsms by which they caN CaUSe vascular cell DysfunCtIOn AND suBseQuent", "whitespace_perturbation": " if metabolites in the uri ne of mice rece ivi ngwh olebody radiation can pred ict for radiation-indu ced c an c er i n du ction priort ot h e o bs er vat io n o f tum ormass. V ascular co mpl ic ations in di a be tes mellit usare the resu ltof met ab oli c andhor monal abnor m alitie s causedby insuli n defici e n cy . Th e identificationo fs pecific factor s andth e m e c han ism s by which t hey c a n cause va s c u lar cell dysfunct ion and sub s equ ent", "underscore_trick": " if_metabolites in_the urine of mice_receiving whole_body_radiation can_predict_for radiation-induced cancer_induction prior to_the observation of tumor_mass. Vascular complications_in_diabetes mellitus are the result of metabolic and hormonal abnormalities caused by insulin deficiency._The_identification of_specific_factors_and the mechanisms by which_they can cause vascular cell_dysfunction and_subsequent"} +{"text": " obstruction of blood flow. In the myocardium this event has been noted for years but only recently has the technique been developed that allows the time related transmural blood flow pattern to this insult to be documented. Two groups of dogs were studied using radioactive microspheres to determine the tramsmural myocardial blood flow during reactive hype", "synonym_substitution": "obstruction of blood flow. In the myocardium this event has been note for days but only recently has the technique been evolve that allows the time relate transmural lineage flow form to this insult to be documented. Two group of dogs were studied use radioactive microspheres to determine the tramsmural myocardial rake flow during reactive hype", "butter_fingers": " obdtruction of blood flow. Ln the myocardium this xvent hzs been voted for years but only recxntlt has the technique been dexeloped tjat alloqs tie time related vdansmural blokf flmx pattern to thls insult tm be documenteg. Gwl groups of dogs were studied using radioavtlve microsphergs to qetedmine the tramsmural myocardial blkod flox during reactife hype", "random_deletion": "obstruction of blood flow. In the myocardium has noted for but only recently that the time related blood flow pattern this insult to be documented. Two of dogs were studied using radioactive microspheres to determine the tramsmural myocardial blood during reactive hype", "change_char_case": " obstruction of blood flow. In tHe myocardiUm thiS evEnt HaS beeN notEd for years but oNLy reCently has the technique bEen deVeLOped THaT alloWs the tiME rELAteD tRaNsmUrAL bLood fLow Pattern To this insuLt tO bE documented. TWO gRoups of dogS weRe studied usiNg rAdioacTiVe mICrospHerEs to dEtermiNE the trAmsmural mYoCArdial BLood floW DUrIng rEactive hype", "whitespace_perturbation": " obstruction of blood flow . In the m yocar diu m t hi s ev enthas been noted foryears but only recentl y has t h e te c hn iquebeen de v el o p edth at al lo w sthe t ime relate d transmur albl ood flow pat t er n to thisins ult to be do cum ented. T wog roups of dogs weres tudied using ra di o active microsp h e re s to determine the tr a ms m ural myocardia l bloo df lo w dur ing reactivehy pe", "underscore_trick": " obstruction_of blood_flow. In the myocardium_this event_has_been noted_for_years but only_recently has the_technique been developed that_allows the time_related_transmural blood flow pattern to this insult to be documented. Two groups of dogs_were_studied using_radioactive_microspheres_to determine the tramsmural myocardial_blood flow during reactive hype"} +{"text": " and conduct a group-randomized clinical trial among 4-H clubs in four states (NJ, OH, MD, and PA). Clubs will be randomly assigned to use the curriculum or continue current practices with the option for delivery at the end of the study. 4-H members (ages 13-15)", "synonym_substitution": "and conduct a group - randomized clinical trial among 4 - H club in four state (NJ, OH, MD, and PA). Clubs will be randomly assigned to use the course of study or continue current practices with the option for manner of speaking at the end of the study. 4 - hydrogen members (ages 13 - 15 )", "butter_fingers": " anf conduct a group-randomieed clinical trial among 4-H clugs in fojr states (NJ, OH, MD, and PA). Clnbs qill ve randomly assigned tu use the curricuoum ie continue current practjges wnti the option fot delivery ad the end of tve scudy. 4-H members (ages 13-15)", "random_deletion": "and conduct a group-randomized clinical trial among in states (NJ, MD, and PA). to the curriculum or current practices with option for delivery at the end the study. 4-H members (ages 13-15)", "change_char_case": " and conduct a group-randomizeD clinical tRial aMonG 4-H cLuBs in Four States (NJ, OH, MD, anD pA). ClUbs will be randomly assigNed to UsE The cURrIculuM or contINuE CUrrEnT pRacTiCEs With tHe oPtion foR delivery aT thE eNd of the study. 4-h MeMbers (ages 13-15)", "whitespace_perturbation": " and conduct a group-rando mized clin icaltri alam ong4-Hclubs in fours tate s (NJ, OH, MD, and PA) . Clu bs will be rand omly as s ig n e d t ous e t he cu rricu lum or con tinue curr ent p ractices wit h t he optionfor delivery at th e endof th e stud y.4-H m embers (ages13-15)", "underscore_trick": " and_conduct a_group-randomized clinical trial among_4-H clubs_in_four states_(NJ,_OH, MD, and_PA). Clubs will_be randomly assigned to_use the curriculum_or_continue current practices with the option for delivery at the end of the study._4-H_members (ages_13-15)"} +{"text": " the neurobiological and functional consequences of chronic smoking in treated alcohol-dependent individuals. Specifically, we will continue our longitudinal 1.5 Tesla MR studies to quantitate regional brain structure, brain metabolites (reflecting neuronal and myelin viability), and regional cerebral blood flow as well as repeat comprehensive neurocognitive testing. In", "synonym_substitution": "the neurobiological and functional consequences of chronic smoking in treated alcohol - pendent person. Specifically, we will continue our longitudinal 1.5 Tesla MR studies to quantitate regional brain social organization, brain metabolites (reflecting neural and myelin viability), and regional cerebral lineage flow equally well as reprise comprehensive neurocognitive testing. In", "butter_fingers": " thf neurobiological and fukctional consequgnxes of chronjc smokivg in treated alcohol-dependeit ibdivieuals. Specifically, we dill contpnue our oongmtudinal 1.5 Tesla MR studicf to euancivate regional btain structuse, brain metabmlktzs (reflecting neuronal and myelin viwbility), ajd regional cetebrak blokd flow as well as repeat comprehehsive nturocognitive testong. In", "random_deletion": "the neurobiological and functional consequences of chronic treated individuals. Specifically, will continue our to regional brain structure, metabolites (reflecting neuronal myelin viability), and regional cerebral blood as well as repeat comprehensive neurocognitive testing. In", "change_char_case": " the neurobiological and funcTional consEquenCes Of cHrOnic SmokIng in treated alCOhol-Dependent individuals. SpEcifiCaLLy, we WIlL contInue our LOnGITudInAl 1.5 tesLa mr sTudieS to QuantitAte regionaL brAiN structure, brAIn MetaboliteS (reFlecting neurOnaL and myElIn vIAbiliTy), aNd regIonal cERebral Blood flow As WEll as rEPeat comPREhEnsiVe neurocognitive tEStINg. In", "whitespace_perturbation": " the neurobiological and f unctionalconse que nce sof c hron ic smoking int reat ed alcohol-dependent i ndivi du a ls.S pe cific ally, w e w i l l c on ti nue o u rlongi tud inal 1. 5 Tesla MR st ud ies to quant i ta te regiona l b rain structu re, brain m eta b olite s ( refle ctingn eurona l and mye li n viabi l ity), a n d r egio nal cerebral bloo d f l ow as well asrepeat c o mp r e hen siv e neurocog ni tivet esting. In ", "underscore_trick": " the_neurobiological and_functional consequences of chronic_smoking in_treated_alcohol-dependent individuals._Specifically,_we will continue_our longitudinal 1.5_Tesla MR studies to_quantitate regional brain_structure,_brain metabolites (reflecting neuronal and myelin viability), and regional cerebral blood flow as well_as_repeat comprehensive_neurocognitive_testing._In"} +{"text": "channel\" envisaged by the chemiosmotic theory. For this purpose we will use an isolated ATPase-membrane sector complex which is sensitive to the energy transfer inhibitor, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. We are also trying to characterize a small peptide segment in the ATPase molecule which is involved in the", "synonym_substitution": "channel \" envisaged by the chemiosmotic theory. For this purpose we will use an apart ATPase - membrane sector building complex which is sensitive to the energy transportation inhibitor, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. We are also try to characterize a small peptide section in the ATPase atom which is involved in the", "butter_fingers": "chajnel\" envisaged by the chtmiosmotic theory. For thms purpkse we wkll use an isolated ATPase-melbeane wector complex which ir sensitine to the enecgy transfer inhmgitor, dleyclogcxylccruodiimide. We arg also tryinc to characterhzd c small peptide segment in the ATPasq molecilf which is invjlvec in fhe", "random_deletion": "channel\" envisaged by the chemiosmotic theory. For we use an ATPase-membrane sector complex energy inhibitor, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. We also trying to a small peptide segment in the molecule which is involved in the", "change_char_case": "channel\" envisaged by the chemIosmotic thEory. FOr tHis PuRposE we wIll use an isolatED ATPAse-membrane sector complEx whiCh IS senSItIve to The enerGY tRANsfEr InHibItOR, dIcyclOheXylcarbOdiimide. We Are AlSo trying to chARaCterize a smAll Peptide segmeNt iN the ATpaSe mOLeculE whIch is InvolvED in the", "whitespace_perturbation": "channel\" envisaged by thechemiosmot ic th eor y.Fo r th is p urpose we will usean isolated ATPase-mem brane s e ctor co mplex whichi ss e nsi ti ve to t h eenerg y t ransfer inhibitor , d ic yclohexylcar b od iimide. We ar e also tryin g t o char ac ter i ze asma ll pe ptides egment in the A TP a se mol e cule wh i c his i nvolved in the", "underscore_trick": "channel\" envisaged_by the_chemiosmotic theory. For this_purpose we_will_use an_isolated_ATPase-membrane sector complex_which is sensitive_to the energy transfer_inhibitor, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. We_are_also trying to characterize a small peptide segment in the ATPase molecule which is_involved_in the"} +{"text": ". In 2004, West Bay Filipino Multi-Service Center (West Bay) joined forces with the UCSF: comprehensive Cancer Center (UCSF-CCC) and the San Francisco General (SFGH) Breast Care Program to start the first Filipina breast cancer support group (Sinag Tala) in San Francisco.", "synonym_substitution": ". In 2004, West Bay Filipino Multi - Service Center (West Bay) joined forces with the UCSF: comprehensive Cancer Center (UCSF - CCC) and the San Francisco General (SFGH) Breast Care Program to start the first Filipina breast cancer documentation group (Sinag Tala) in San Francisco.", "butter_fingers": ". In 2004, West Bay Filipino Multl-Service Center (Cwst Bab) joines forces with the UCSF: comprehensive Cqncer Center (UCSF-CCC) and thd San Frajcisco Gwnerel (SFGH) Breast Cede Progvcm to dtarc vhe first Filiplna breast wancer support gfobp (Sinag Tala) in San Francisco.", "random_deletion": ". In 2004, West Bay Filipino Multi-Service Bay) forces with UCSF: comprehensive Cancer Francisco (SFGH) Breast Care to start the Filipina breast cancer support group (Sinag in San Francisco.", "change_char_case": ". In 2004, West Bay Filipino Multi-SerVice Center (west BAy) jOinEd ForcEs wiTh the UCSF: comprEHensIve Cancer Center (UCSF-CCC) And thE SAN FraNCiSco GeNeral (SFgh) BREAst caRe proGrAM tO starT thE first FIlipina breAst CaNcer support gROuP (Sinag Tala) In SAn Francisco.", "whitespace_perturbation": ". In 2004, West Bay Filipi no Multi-S ervic e C ent er (We st B ay) joined for c es w ith the UCSF: comprehe nsive C a ncer Ce nter(UCSF-C C C) a ndth eSan F r an cisco Ge neral ( SFGH) Brea stCa re Program t o s tart the f irs t Filipina b rea st can ce r s u pport gr oup ( SinagT ala) i n San Fra nc i sco.", "underscore_trick": ". In_2004, West_Bay Filipino Multi-Service Center_(West Bay)_joined_forces with_the_UCSF: comprehensive Cancer_Center (UCSF-CCC) and_the San Francisco General_(SFGH) Breast Care_Program_to start the first Filipina breast cancer support group (Sinag Tala) in San Francisco."} +{"text": "(3) in order to establish their patterns of reactivity with selected nucleophilic coupling partners, especially with respect to stereo- and regiocontrol, and to develop applications of this chemistry in the synthesis of natural products and other biologically active compounds. Studies of the propargylium complexes 1 (L=CO) derived", "synonym_substitution": "( 3) in order to establish their patterns of reactivity with choose nucleophilic pair partners, especially with obedience to stereo- and regiocontrol, and to grow applications of this chemistry in the synthesis of lifelike products and other biologically active compounds. study of the propargylium complexes 1 (L = CO) derived", "butter_fingers": "(3) in order to establish theiv patterns of recxtivitb with aelected nucleophilic coupling partnxrs, wspecually with respect to rtereo- anf regiocintrio, and to dxbelop ai'licaflons mh this chemistri in the syndhesis of natusau 'roducts and other biologically actide comppujds. Studies of the [ropzggnlium complexes 1 (L=CO) derived", "random_deletion": "(3) in order to establish their patterns with nucleophilic coupling especially with respect to applications of this in the synthesis natural products and other biologically active Studies of the propargylium complexes 1 (L=CO) derived", "change_char_case": "(3) in order to establish their paTterns of reActivIty WitH sElecTed nUcleophilic couPLing Partners, especially with RespeCt TO steREo- And reGiocontROl, AND to DeVeLop ApPLiCatioNs oF this chEmistry in tHe sYnThesis of natuRAl Products anD otHer biologicaLly Active CoMpoUNds. StUdiEs of tHe propARgyliuM complexeS 1 (L=co) derivED", "whitespace_perturbation": "(3) in order to establishtheir patt ernsofrea ct ivit y wi th selected nu c leop hilic coupling partner s, es pe c iall y w ith r espectt os t ere o- a ndre g io contr ol, and to develop a ppl ic ations of th i schemistryinthe synthesi s o f natu ra l p r oduct s a nd ot her bi o logica lly activ ec ompoun d s. Stud i e sof t he propargylium c o mp l exes 1 (L=CO)derive d", "underscore_trick": "(3) in_order to_establish their patterns of_reactivity with_selected_nucleophilic coupling_partners,_especially with respect_to stereo- and_regiocontrol, and to develop_applications of this_chemistry_in the synthesis of natural products and other biologically active compounds. Studies of the_propargylium_complexes 1_(L=CO)_derived"} +{"text": " basis for the development of TMEV-induced demyelinating disease, and defined a critical role for MHC class II-restricted, virus-specific DTH responses in the demyelinating process. We have also demonstrated that chronic CNS demyelination can occur in the apparent absence of neuroantigen-specific autoimmune responses", "synonym_substitution": "basis for the development of TMEV - induced demyelinating disease, and defined a critical function for MHC course II - restricted, virus - specific DTH responses in the demyelinating procedure. We have besides demonstrated that chronic CNS demyelination can occur in the apparent absence of neuroantigen - specific autoimmune response", "butter_fingers": " badis for the development uf TMEV-induced bwmyeliiating sisease, xnd defined a critical role hor NHC coass II-restricted, virur-specific DTH responsts in the demyeliizting pvjcesa. We kate also demonsttated that cvronic CNS demfeuiuation can occur in the apparent absqnce of nfuroantigen-spesifib wutojmmune responses", "random_deletion": "basis for the development of TMEV-induced demyelinating defined critical role MHC class II-restricted, demyelinating We have also that chronic CNS can occur in the apparent absence neuroantigen-specific autoimmune responses", "change_char_case": " basis for the development of TmEV-induced DemyeLinAtiNg DiseAse, aNd defined a critICal rOle for MHC class II-restriCted, vIrUS-speCIfIc DTH ResponsES iN THe dEmYeLinAtINg ProceSs. WE have alSo demonstrAteD tHat chronic CNs DeMyelinatioN caN occur in the aPpaRent abSeNce OF neurOanTigen-SpecifIC autoiMmune respOnSEs", "whitespace_perturbation": " basis for the development of TMEV-i nduce d d emy el inat ingdisease, and d e fine d a critical role forMHC c la s s II - re stric ted, vi r us - s pec if ic DT Hr es ponse s i n the d emyelinati ngpr ocess. We ha v ealso demon str ated that ch ron ic CNS d emy e linat ion canoccuri n theapparentab s ence o f neuroa n t ig en-s pecific autoimmun e r e sponses", "underscore_trick": " basis_for the_development of TMEV-induced demyelinating_disease, and_defined_a critical_role_for MHC class_II-restricted, virus-specific DTH_responses in the demyelinating_process. We have_also_demonstrated that chronic CNS demyelination can occur in the apparent absence of neuroantigen-specific autoimmune_responses"} +{"text": " this new project is to elucidate specific mechanisms linking pathogenic changes in channel function or control to cell death. Imaging mRNA turnover in P-bodies and its application to brain ischemia Injured cells adapt to an insult by removing their mRNAs for storage or destruction. Both these processes occur in the same cytoplasmic foci referred to as P", "synonym_substitution": "this new project is to elucidate specific mechanisms connect infective changes in channel affair or dominance to cell death. Imaging messenger rna turnover in P - bodies and its lotion to mind ischemia Injured cell adapt to an insult by absent their messenger rna for storage or destruction. Both these summons occur in the same cytoplasmic focus referred to as P", "butter_fingers": " thls new project is to elugidate specific mechanivms lihking paghogenic changes in channel huncrion ir control to cell deagh. Imaginh mRNA tyrnoter in P-bodies ais its ai'licaflon tm brain ischemis Injured wells adapt to av nnsult by removing their mRNAs for seorage pr destruction. Bjth uhefe pdocesses occur in the same cytoplaamic fobi referred to as P", "random_deletion": "this new project is to elucidate specific pathogenic in channel or control to in and its application brain ischemia Injured adapt to an insult by removing mRNAs for storage or destruction. Both these processes occur in the same cytoplasmic referred to as P", "change_char_case": " this new project is to elucidaTe specific MechaNisMs lInKing PathOgenic changes iN ChanNel function or control to Cell dEaTH. ImaGInG mRNA TurnoveR In p-BOdiEs AnD itS aPPlIcatiOn tO brain iSchemia InjUreD cElls adapt to aN InSult by remoVinG their mRNAs fOr sTorage Or DesTRuctiOn. BOth thEse proCEsses oCcur in the SaME cytopLAsmic foCI ReFerrEd to as P", "whitespace_perturbation": " this new project is to el ucidate sp ecifi c m ech an isms lin king pathogeni c cha nges in channel functi on or c o ntro l t o cel l death . I m a gin gmR NAtu r no ver i n P -bodies and its a ppl ic ation to bra i nischemia I nju red cells ad apt to an i nsu l t byrem oving their mRNAsfor stora ge or des t ruction . Bo th t hese processes oc c ur in the same cy toplas mi c f o c i r efe rred to as P ", "underscore_trick": " this_new project_is to elucidate specific_mechanisms linking_pathogenic_changes in_channel_function or control_to cell death._Imaging mRNA turnover in_P-bodies and its_application_to brain ischemia Injured cells adapt to an insult by removing their mRNAs for_storage_or destruction._Both_these_processes occur in the same_cytoplasmic foci referred to as_P"} +{"text": " and adjuvant studies. To conduct preclinical and clinical pilot studies for possible use by the Southwest Oncology Group. To provide core laboratory support and suitable administrative facilities for the clinical evaluation of various techniques to predict response to endocrine ablation in breast and other cancers. To utilize Southwest Oncology Group studies to link basic science to modern clinical care", "synonym_substitution": "and adjuvant studies. To conduct preclinical and clinical pilot report for potential use by the Southwest Oncology Group. To provide effect testing ground support and suitable administrative facility for the clinical evaluation of versatile techniques to bode reception to endocrine ablation in breast and other cancer. To utilize Southwest Oncology Group studies to connect basic skill to modern clinical care", "butter_fingers": " anf adjuvant studies. To cokduct preclinical and cninicam pilot rtudies for possible use by vhe Wouthqest Oncology Group. To provide bore laboeatocy support and snjtable adminiabratire facilities fot the clinicdl evaluation mf vcrious techniques to predict responsq to encofrine ablation in nweasf and other cancers. To utilize Soufhwest Mncology Groul studies to link basic sclencf to modern clinicwl care", "random_deletion": "and adjuvant studies. To conduct preclinical and studies possible use the Southwest Oncology support suitable administrative facilities the clinical evaluation various techniques to predict response to ablation in breast and other cancers. To utilize Southwest Oncology Group studies to basic science to modern clinical care", "change_char_case": " and adjuvant studies. To conduCt precliniCal anD clIniCaL pilOt stUdies for possibLE use By the Southwest Oncology group. to PRoviDE cOre laBoratorY SuPPOrt AnD sUitAbLE aDminiStrAtive faCilities foR thE cLinical evaluATiOn of variouS teChniques to prEdiCt respOnSe tO EndocRinE ablaTion in BReast aNd other caNcERs. To utILize SouTHWeSt OnCology Group studieS To LInk basic sciencE to modErN ClINIcaL caRe", "whitespace_perturbation": " and adjuvant studies. Toconduct pr eclin ica l a nd cli nica l pilot studie s for possible use by the S outhw es t Onc o lo gy Gr oup. To pr o v ide c or e l ab o ra torysup port an d suitable ad mi nistrative f a ci lities for th e clinical e val uation o f v a rious te chniq ues to predic t respons et o endo c rine ab l a ti on i n breast and othe r c a ncers. To util ize So ut h we s t On col ogy Groupst udies to link ba s i c sc i ence to moder n clinicalc are ", "underscore_trick": " and_adjuvant studies._To conduct preclinical and_clinical pilot_studies_for possible_use_by the Southwest_Oncology Group. To_provide core laboratory support_and suitable administrative_facilities_for the clinical evaluation of various techniques to predict response to endocrine ablation in_breast_and other_cancers._To_utilize Southwest Oncology Group studies_to link basic science to_modern clinical_care"} +{"text": " by eliciting protective antibody responses. Neutralizing antibodies are an important component of protective immunity against a wide range of viral infections in humans and in animal models. T cell help to B cells is a fundamental aspect of adaptive immunity to viruses and the generation of immunological memory. Follicular helper CD4 T cells (T", "synonym_substitution": "by eliciting protective antibody responses. Neutralizing antibodies are an important part of protective unsusceptibility against a wide range of viral infection in homo and in animal models. T cellular telephone help to B cells is a cardinal view of adaptive immunity to virus and the generation of immunological memory. Follicular helper CD4 T cell (T", "butter_fingers": " by eliciting protective anuibody responses. Uwutralmzing ahtibodier are an important component od prouvctive immunity againrt a wide range od vical infections ii humans and ih anikel models. T celk help to T cells is a fgnaalental aspect of adaptive immunity eo viruxed and the genetatiom of jmmunological memory. Follicular hemper CD4 T cells (T", "random_deletion": "by eliciting protective antibody responses. Neutralizing antibodies important of protective against a wide humans in animal models. cell help to cells is a fundamental aspect of immunity to viruses and the generation of immunological memory. Follicular helper CD4 T (T", "change_char_case": " by eliciting protective antiBody responSes. NeUtrAliZiNg anTiboDies are an imporTAnt cOmponent of protective imMunitY aGAinsT A wIde raNge of viRAl INFecTiOnS in HuMAnS and iN anImal modEls. T cell heLp tO B Cells is a fundAMeNtal aspect Of aDaptive immunIty To viruSeS anD The geNerAtion Of immuNOlogicAl memory. FOlLIcular HElper CD4 t CElLs (T", "whitespace_perturbation": " by eliciting protective a ntibody re spons es. Ne ut rali zing antibodies ar e animportant component of prot ec t ivei mm unity agains t a w ide r an geof vi ral i nfe ctionsin humansand i n animal mod e ls . T cell h elp to B cellsisa fund am ent a l asp ect of a daptiv e immun ity to vi ru s es and the gen e r at ionof immunologicalm em o ry. Follicular helpe rC D4 T ce lls (T", "underscore_trick": " by_eliciting protective_antibody responses. Neutralizing antibodies_are an_important_component of_protective_immunity against a_wide range of_viral infections in humans_and in animal_models._T cell help to B cells is a fundamental aspect of adaptive immunity to_viruses_and the_generation_of_immunological memory. Follicular helper CD4_T cells (T"} +{"text": " especially for the cell culture laboratories. These are five autoclaves, each of which is devoted to a specific application based upon the sophistication of the autoclave and the type of steam it uses for the autoclave cycle; these applications include autoclaving large numbers of media bottles for tissue culture media, pip", "synonym_substitution": "especially for the cell culture laboratories. These are five autoclave, each of which is devoted to a specific lotion establish upon the sophistication of the autoclave and the type of steam it use for the autoclave cycle; these applications admit autoclaving large numbers of medium bottles for tissue culture medium, pip", "butter_fingers": " esoecially for the cell cuuture laboratornws. Theve are five augoclaves, each of which is detotee to q specific application based upln the siphiwrication oh the aubjclabc and vhe type of stesm it uses for the autocnaxe cycle; these applications include attoclavonh large numberf of iediz bottles for tissue culture media, pip", "random_deletion": "especially for the cell culture laboratories. These autoclaves, of which devoted to a sophistication the autoclave and type of steam uses for the autoclave cycle; these include autoclaving large numbers of media bottles for tissue culture media, pip", "change_char_case": " especially for the cell cultuRe laboratoRies. THesE arE fIve aUtocLaves, each of whiCH is dEvoted to a specific appliCatioN bASed uPOn The soPhisticATiON Of tHe AuTocLaVE aNd the TypE of steaM it uses for The AuToclave cycle; THeSe applicatIonS include autoClaVing laRgE nuMBers oF meDia boTtles fOR tissuE culture mEdIA, pip", "whitespace_perturbation": " especially for the cell c ulture lab orato rie s.Th esearefive autoclave s , ea ch of which is devoted to a s p ecif i cappli cationb as e d up on t heso p hi stica tio n of th e autoclav e a nd the type of st eam it use s f or the autoc lav e cycl e; th e se ap pli catio ns inc l ude au toclaving l a rge nu m bers of m ed ia b ottles for tissue cu l ture media, pi p", "underscore_trick": " especially_for the_cell culture laboratories. These_are five_autoclaves,_each of_which_is devoted to_a specific application_based upon the sophistication_of the autoclave_and_the type of steam it uses for the autoclave cycle; these applications include autoclaving_large_numbers of_media_bottles_for tissue culture media, pip"} +{"text": ". The laboratory design also facilitates timely and efficient processing of clinical samples. 2. Analytical Services The 3P Laboratory is designed as a facility for developing and executing a wide variety of bioanalytical methods, including processing and analyzing samples for PK/PD/PG studies in support of Phase I, II, III and chem", "synonym_substitution": ". The laboratory design also facilitates timely and effective processing of clinical sample. 2. Analytical Services The 3P Laboratory is designed as a facility for develop and execute a wide variety of bioanalytical method acting, admit processing and analyzing sample for PK / PD / PG studies in support of Phase I, II, III and chem", "butter_fingers": ". Thf laboratory design also facilitates timely anv efficjent prozessing of clinical samples. 2. Abalytucal Services The 3P Lacoratory ps designwd aw a facilitb for deyzlopihn and xxecuting a widg variety of bioanalytical mdtkods, including processing and analyzyng samllfs for PK/PD/PG ftudpef in support of Phase I, II, III and chej", "random_deletion": ". The laboratory design also facilitates timely processing clinical samples. Analytical Services The a for developing and a wide variety bioanalytical methods, including processing and analyzing for PK/PD/PG studies in support of Phase I, II, III and chem", "change_char_case": ". The laboratory design also faCilitates tImely And EffIcIent ProcEssing of clinicAL samPles. 2. Analytical Services the 3P LAbORatoRY iS desiGned as a FAcILIty FoR dEveLoPInG and eXecUting a wIde variety Of bIoAnalytical meTHoDs, includinG prOcessing and aNalYzing sAmPleS For PK/pD/Pg studIes in sUPport oF Phase I, II, iIi And cheM", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The laboratory design al so facilit atestim ely a nd e ffic ient processin g ofclinical samples. 2. A nalyt ic a l Se r vi ces T he 3P L a bo r a tor yis de si g ne d asa f acility for devel opi ng and executi n ga wide var iet y of bioanal yti cal me th ods , incl udi ng pr ocessi n g andanalyzing s a mplesf or PK/P D / PG stu dies in support o f P h ase I, II, III and c he m ", "underscore_trick": ". The_laboratory design_also facilitates timely and_efficient processing_of_clinical samples._2._Analytical Services The_3P Laboratory is_designed as a facility_for developing and_executing_a wide variety of bioanalytical methods, including processing and analyzing samples for PK/PD/PG studies_in_support of_Phase_I,_II, III and chem"} +{"text": " the basis of cell-type specific blocks to differentiation and transformation caused by alterations in specific glycans. Our recent studies show that 1) oocyte-specific knockout of complex and hybrid 7V-glycans compromises ovulation and oocyte developmental competence, but fertilization, blastogenesis and implantation proceed in the absence of these", "synonym_substitution": "the basis of cell - type specific blocks to specialization and transformation cause by alterations in specific glycans. Our recent report testify that 1) oocyte - specific knockout of complex and hybrid 7V - glycans compromises ovulation and oocyte developmental competence, but fertilization, blastogenesis and implantation continue in the absence of these", "butter_fingers": " thf basis of cell-type speclfic blocks to dndferenviation and travsformation caused by alteravionw in wpecific glycans. Our rdcent stufies shoq thet 1) oocyte-specifmd knockout of gomplzx and hybrid 7V-gkycans com[romises ovuladiun and oocyte developmental competencq, but frrhilization, blaftogtnefis znd implantation proceed in the abaence oh these", "random_deletion": "the basis of cell-type specific blocks to transformation by alterations specific glycans. Our oocyte-specific of complex and 7V-glycans compromises ovulation oocyte developmental competence, but fertilization, blastogenesis implantation proceed in the absence of these", "change_char_case": " the basis of cell-type specifiC blocks to dIfferEntIatIoN and TranSformation causED by aLterations in specific glYcans. ouR ReceNT sTudieS show thAT 1) oOCYte-SpEcIfiC kNOcKout oF coMplex anD hybrid 7V-glYcaNs Compromises oVUlAtion and ooCytE developmentAl cOmpeteNcE, buT FertiLizAtion, BlastoGEnesis And implanTaTIon proCEed in thE ABsEnce Of these", "whitespace_perturbation": " the basis of cell-type sp ecific blo cks t o d iff er enti atio n and transfor m atio n caused by alteration s insp e cifi c g lycan s. Ourr ec e n t s tu di essh o wthat1)oocyte- specific k noc ko ut of comple x a nd hybrid7V- glycans comp rom ises o vu lat i on an d o ocyte devel o pmenta l compete nc e , butf ertiliz a t io n, b lastogenesis andi mp l antation proce ed inth e a b s enc e o f these", "underscore_trick": " the_basis of_cell-type specific blocks to_differentiation and_transformation_caused by_alterations_in specific glycans._Our recent studies_show that 1) oocyte-specific_knockout of complex_and_hybrid 7V-glycans compromises ovulation and oocyte developmental competence, but fertilization, blastogenesis and implantation proceed_in_the absence_of_these"} +{"text": " fellows will be selected to attend. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] Programmed cell death occurs in many tissues of our bodies throughout life. The quick and efficient removal of dying cells is a critical step that protects neighboring cells, and is also an important part of tissue remodeling and wound healing. The", "synonym_substitution": "fellows will be selected to attend. [ unreadable ] [ indecipherable ] [ indecipherable ] [ indecipherable ] Programmed cell death occur in many tissues of our bodies throughout life sentence. The agile and efficient removal of dying cells is a critical step that protect neighboring cells, and is also an crucial share of tissue remodeling and wound healing. The", "butter_fingers": " feplows will be selected tu attend. [unreadcvle] [unceadabls] [unreadxble] [unreadable] Programmed cxll eeath occurs in many tissuer of our hodies tyroujhout life. The qnjck and efficjcnt rzmival of dying gells is a writical step dhxt protects neighboring cells, and is wlso an ilportant part jf tpsfue dvmideling and wound healing. The", "random_deletion": "fellows will be selected to attend. [unreadable] [unreadable] cell death in many tissues The and efficient removal dying cells is critical step that protects neighboring cells, is also an important part of tissue remodeling and wound healing. The", "change_char_case": " fellows will be selected to atTend. [unreadAble] [uNreAdaBlE] [unrEadaBle] [unreadable] PROgraMmed cell death occurs in mAny tiSsUEs of OUr BodieS througHOuT LIfe. thE qUicK aND eFficiEnt Removal Of dying celLs iS a Critical step THaT protects nEigHboring cells, And Is also An ImpORtant ParT of tiSsue reMOdelinG and wound HeALing. ThE", "whitespace_perturbation": " fellows will be selectedto attend. [unr ead abl e] [un read able] [unreada b le][unreadable] Programme d cel ld eath oc cursin many ti s s ues o four b o di es th rou ghout l ife. The q uic kand efficien t r emoval ofdyi ng cells isa c ritica lste p that pr otect s neig h boring cells, a nd is als o an imp o r ta nt p art of tissue rem o de l ing and woundhealin g. Th e ", "underscore_trick": " fellows_will be_selected to attend. [unreadable]_[unreadable] [unreadable]_[unreadable]_Programmed cell_death_occurs in many_tissues of our_bodies throughout life. The_quick and efficient_removal_of dying cells is a critical step that protects neighboring cells, and is also_an_important part_of_tissue_remodeling and wound healing. The"} +{"text": " registration and vital statistics system and medical care services. The association between the use of hormonal contraceptives and thromboembolic diseases of the heart, lung and brain has now been fairly well established on a number of epidemiological studies conducted mainly in the United Kingdom and United States. Similar studies to confirm, or deny, such", "synonym_substitution": "registration and vital statistics system and aesculapian caution services. The association between the habit of hormonal contraceptive and thromboembolic diseases of the heart, lung and brain has nowadays been fairly well established on a act of epidemiological studies lead mainly in the United Kingdom and United States. Similar report to confirm, or deny, such", "butter_fingers": " rehistration and vital stauistics system anb medicel care servicer. The association between thx usw of yormonal contraceptiver and thrlmboembooic viseases of the isart, luky and nrain ias now been falrly well evtablished on d vulber of epidemiological studies conqucted kalnly in the Unyted Hingsom and United States. Similar studjes to bonfirm, or deny, sich", "random_deletion": "registration and vital statistics system and medical The between the of hormonal contraceptives heart, and brain has been fairly well on a number of epidemiological studies mainly in the United Kingdom and United States. Similar studies to confirm, or such", "change_char_case": " registration and vital statiStics systeM and mEdiCal CaRe seRvicEs. The associatiON betWeen the use of hormonal coNtracEpTIves ANd ThromBoembolIC dISEasEs Of The HeARt, Lung aNd bRain has Now been faiRly WeLl establisheD On A number of ePidEmiological sTudIes conDuCteD MainlY in The UnIted KiNGdom anD United StAtES. SimilAR studieS TO cOnfiRm, or deny, such", "whitespace_perturbation": " registration and vital st atistics s ystem an d m ed ical car e services. Th e ass ociation between the u se of h o rmon a lcontr aceptiv e sa n d t hr om boe mb o li c dis eas es of t he heart,lun gand brain ha s n ow been fa irl y well estab lis hed on a nu m ber o f e pidem iologi c al stu dies cond uc t ed mai n ly in t h e U nite d Kingdom and Uni t ed States. Simila r stud ie s t o con fir m, or deny ,such", "underscore_trick": " registration_and vital_statistics system and medical_care services._The_association between_the_use of hormonal_contraceptives and thromboembolic_diseases of the heart,_lung and brain_has_now been fairly well established on a number of epidemiological studies conducted mainly in_the_United Kingdom_and_United_States. Similar studies to confirm,_or deny, such"} +{"text": " making cartilage repair more globally accessible. Liver fibrosis is the excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix as a wound healing response to chronic injuries from a broad range of liver diseases, irrespective of the underlying etiology. Advanced liver fibrosis may lead to cirrhosis, liver failure, and neoplasia. Extracellular matrix deposition is crucial to wound healing by", "synonym_substitution": "making cartilage repair more globally accessible. Liver fibrosis is the excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix as a wound healing response to chronic wound from a wide range of liver diseases, irrespective of the underlie etiology. Advanced liver fibrosis may lead to cirrhosis, liver bankruptcy, and neoplasia. Extracellular matrix deposition is crucial to wound healing by", "butter_fingers": " maning cartilage repair move globally accessible. Niver ribrosis is the excessive accumulatiln of eztracellular matrix as a wound jealing eespibse to chronic injmxies rvom a uroad range of kiver disedses, irrespecthvd lf the underlying etiology. Advanced liver gihrosis may leaq to sirrgosis, liver failure, and neoplasia. Sxtracenlular matrix deposition is crucial to aounf healing by", "random_deletion": "making cartilage repair more globally accessible. Liver the accumulation of matrix as a injuries a broad range liver diseases, irrespective the underlying etiology. Advanced liver fibrosis lead to cirrhosis, liver failure, and neoplasia. Extracellular matrix deposition is crucial to healing by", "change_char_case": " making cartilage repair more Globally acCessiBle. livEr FibrOsis Is the excessive ACcumUlation of extracellular MatriX aS A wouND hEalinG responSE tO CHroNiC iNjuRiES fRom a bRoaD range oF liver diseAseS, iRrespective oF ThE underlyinG etIology. AdvancEd lIver fiBrOsiS May leAd tO cirrHosis, lIVer faiLure, and neOpLAsia. ExTRacelluLAR mAtriX deposition is crucIAl TO wound healing bY", "whitespace_perturbation": " making cartilage repair m ore global ly ac ces sib le . Li verfibrosis is th e exc essive accumulation of extr ac e llul a rmatri x as aw ou n d he al in g r es p on se to ch ronic i njuries fr omabroad rangeo fliver dise ase s, irrespect ive of th eund e rlyin g e tiolo gy. Ad v ancedliver fib ro s is may lead to c ir rhos is, liver failure , a n d neoplasia. E xtrace ll u la r mat rix depositio nis cr u cial to wo u n d he a ling by", "underscore_trick": " making_cartilage repair_more globally accessible. Liver_fibrosis is_the_excessive accumulation_of_extracellular matrix as_a wound healing_response to chronic injuries_from a broad_range_of liver diseases, irrespective of the underlying etiology. Advanced liver fibrosis may lead to_cirrhosis,_liver failure,_and_neoplasia._Extracellular matrix deposition is crucial_to wound healing by"} +{"text": "IN). In addition, SNP CCL3 459 C/T is associated with an increased rate to AIDS-87 in European Americans (p=0.003), and SNP CCL4 662 C/G is associated with apparent resistance to infection in African Americans (p=0.01). Subjects are also available for lung", "synonym_substitution": "IN). In addition, SNP CCL3 459 C / T is associated with an increased rate to AIDS-87 in European Americans (p=0.003), and SNP CCL4 662 C / G is consociate with apparent underground to infection in African Americans (p=0.01). Subjects are also available for lung", "butter_fingers": "IN). Ln addition, SNP CCL3 459 C/T ls associated wijh an inrreased rate to AIDS-87 in European Americans ('=0.003), ane SNP CCL4 662 C/G is associated with appwrent rewistence to infectioi in Afrlean Ajcricaus (p=0.01). Subjects arg also availdble for lung", "random_deletion": "IN). In addition, SNP CCL3 459 C/T with increased rate AIDS-87 in European 662 is associated with resistance to infection African Americans (p=0.01). Subjects are also for lung", "change_char_case": "IN). In addition, SNP CCL3 459 C/T is assOciated witH an inCreAseD rAte tO AIDs-87 in European AmeRIcanS (p=0.003), and SNP CCL4 662 C/G is associaTed wiTh APparENt ResisTance to INfECTioN iN AFriCaN amEricaNs (p=0.01). subjectS are also avAilAbLe for lung", "whitespace_perturbation": "IN). In addition, SNP CCL3 459 C/T i s ass oci ate dwith anincreased rate to A IDS-87 in European Ame rican s( p=0. 0 03 ), an d SNP C C L4 6 62C/ Gisas s oc iated wi th appa rent resis tan ce to infectio n i n AfricanAme ricans (p=0. 01) . Subj ec tsa re al soavail able f o r lung ", "underscore_trick": "IN). In_addition, SNP_CCL3 459 C/T is_associated with_an_increased rate_to_AIDS-87 in European_Americans (p=0.003), and_SNP CCL4 662 C/G_is associated with_apparent_resistance to infection in African Americans (p=0.01). Subjects are also available for lung"} +{"text": " IL-4- naive cell transition to IL-4+ cells at the single cell level. Finally, we will examine whether memory T helper cells are already committed to a specific cytokine potential or not. If we can demonstrate that IL-4+ cells are produced during the process of memory T cell generation, then this provides", "synonym_substitution": "IL-4- naive cell transition to IL-4 + cells at the individual cellular telephone level. Finally, we will test whether memory T benefactor cells are already committed to a specific cytokine electric potential or not. If we can demonstrate that IL-4 + cells are produced during the procedure of memory T cell genesis, then this provides", "butter_fingers": " IL-4- naive cell transition tu IL-4+ cells at tkw singne celm level. Winally, we will examine whetier nemort T helper cells are auready colmitted ro a wpecific cbfokine ijtenflal ox iot. If we can dgmonstrate tvat IL-4+ cells ase pxoduced during the process of memory T cell gfneration, then thix probpdts", "random_deletion": "IL-4- naive cell transition to IL-4+ cells single level. Finally, will examine whether already to a specific potential or not. we can demonstrate that IL-4+ cells produced during the process of memory T cell generation, then this provides", "change_char_case": " IL-4- naive cell transition to IL-4+ Cells at the SinglE ceLl lEvEl. FiNallY, we will examine WHethEr memory T helper cells arE alreAdY CommITtEd to a SpecifiC CyTOKinE pOtEntIaL Or Not. If We cAn demonStrate that iL-4+ cElLs are produceD DuRing the proCesS of memory T ceLl gEneratIoN, thEN this ProVides", "whitespace_perturbation": " IL-4- naive cell transiti on to IL-4 + cel lsatth e si ngle cell level. F i nall y, we will examine whe therme m oryT h elper cellsa re a lre ad ycom mi t te d toa s pecific cytokinepot en tial or not. If we can de mon strate thatIL- 4+ cel ls ar e prod uce d dur ing th e proce ss of mem or y T cel l genera t i on , th en this provides", "underscore_trick": " IL-4-_naive cell_transition to IL-4+ cells_at the_single_cell level._Finally,_we will examine_whether memory T_helper cells are already_committed to a_specific_cytokine potential or not. If we can demonstrate that IL-4+ cells are produced during_the_process of_memory_T_cell generation, then this provides"} +{"text": " important role in inflammation-induced pain signaling.[unreadable] [unreadable] Phosphoproteomic analysis of Cdk5 targets: The human genome encodes over 500 different protein kinases, the key regulatory enzymes that catalyze the phosphorylation of proteins at about 100,000 different sites to reversibly control their functional activities. Defects in", "synonym_substitution": "important role in inflammation - induced annoyance signaling.[unreadable ] [ indecipherable ] Phosphoproteomic psychoanalysis of Cdk5 targets: The human genome encodes over 500 different protein kinases, the cardinal regulatory enzymes that catalyze the phosphorylation of proteins at approximately 100,000 unlike sites to reversibly control their functional activities. Defects in", "butter_fingers": " imoortant role in inflammauion-induced pain signaliig.[unreasable] [unfeadable] Phosphoproteomic anelysus of Cdk5 targets: The human genome ejcodes ocer 500 eifferent 'dotein kinasea, the jey regulatory enzymes tvat catalyze tve pkosphorylation of proteins at about 100,000 differrnh sites to revgrsibkr cohnril their functional activitiea. Defecus in", "random_deletion": "important role in inflammation-induced pain signaling.[unreadable] [unreadable] of targets: The genome encodes over key enzymes that catalyze phosphorylation of proteins about 100,000 different sites to reversibly their functional activities. Defects in", "change_char_case": " important role in inflammatiOn-induced pAin siGnaLinG.[uNreaDablE] [unreadable] PhoSPhopRoteomic analysis of Cdk5 tArgetS: THE humAN gEnome Encodes OVeR 500 DIffErEnT prOtEIn KinasEs, tHe key reGulatory enZymEs That catalyze THe PhosphorylAtiOn of proteins At aBout 100,000 diFfEreNT siteS to ReverSibly cONtrol tHeir functIoNAl actiVIties. DeFECtS in", "whitespace_perturbation": " important role in inflamm ation-indu ced p ain si gn alin g.[u nreadable] [un r eada ble] Phosphoproteomicanaly si s ofC dk 5 tar gets: T h eh u man g en ome e n co des o ver 500 di fferent pr ote in kinases, th e k ey regulat ory enzymes tha t c atalyz ethe phosp hor ylati on ofp rotein s at abou t1 00,000 differe n t s ites to reversibly co n tr o l their functi onal a ct i vi t i es. De fects in", "underscore_trick": " important_role in_inflammation-induced pain signaling.[unreadable] [unreadable]_Phosphoproteomic analysis_of_Cdk5 targets:_The_human genome encodes_over 500 different_protein kinases, the key_regulatory enzymes that_catalyze_the phosphorylation of proteins at about 100,000 different sites to reversibly control their functional_activities._Defects in"} +{"text": "-repressor, UNC-37/Groucho, function in VA motor neurons to block inputs normally restricted to sister VB motor neurons. We developed cell specific microarray profiling methods to identify UNC-4 regulated genes in this pathway. One of these targets, CEH-12, is homologous to the conserved home", "synonym_substitution": "-repressor, UNC-37 / Groucho, function in VA motor neurons to block inputs normally restrict to baby VB motor neurons. We developed cellular telephone specific microarray profiling methods to name UNC-4 regulated genes in this pathway. One of these target, CEH-12, is homologous to the conserved family", "butter_fingers": "-repgessor, UNC-37/Groucho, functiun in VA motor uwurons to blkck inpugs normally restricted to sidtwr VB motor neurons. We deveuoped celp specifuc mmcroarray profilmhg methods to ldentnfb UNC-4 regulated genes in dhis pathway. Ote oy these targets, CEH-12, is homologous to the comsfrved home", "random_deletion": "-repressor, UNC-37/Groucho, function in VA motor neurons inputs restricted to VB motor neurons. profiling to identify UNC-4 genes in this One of these targets, CEH-12, is to the conserved home", "change_char_case": "-repressor, UNC-37/Groucho, functiOn in VA motoR neurOns To bLoCk inPuts Normally restriCTed tO sister VB motor neurons. WE deveLoPEd ceLL sPecifIc microARrAY ProFiLiNg mEtHOdS to idEntIfy UNC-4 rEgulated geNes In This pathway. ONE oF these targEts, cEH-12, is homologOus To the cOnSerVEd homE", "whitespace_perturbation": "-repressor, UNC-37/Groucho , function in V A m oto rneur onsto block input s nor mally restricted to si sterVB moto r n euron s. We d e ve l o ped c el l s pe c if ic mi cro array p rofiling m eth od s to identif y U NC-4 regul ate d genes in t his pathw ay . O n e ofthe se ta rgets, CEH-12 , is homo lo g ous to the con s e rv ed h ome", "underscore_trick": "-repressor, UNC-37/Groucho,_function in_VA motor neurons to_block inputs_normally_restricted to_sister_VB motor neurons._We developed cell_specific microarray profiling methods_to identify UNC-4_regulated_genes in this pathway. One of these targets, CEH-12, is homologous to the conserved_home"} +{"text": " or into the granules in order to promote intermolecular complexing. In situ granule studies will also be carried out in order to verify the findings using isolated secretory granules. This proposal seeks funding to create and distribute a nationally representative 1 in 100 Public Use Microdata Sample of the 1920 United States Population Census. Public Use Samples", "synonym_substitution": "or into the granules in order to promote intermolecular complexing. In situ granule studies will besides be carry out in order to verify the finding use isolated secretory granules. This marriage proposal seeks funding to create and spread a nationally representative 1 in 100 Public Use Microdata Sample of the 1920 United States Population Census. Public Use Samples", "butter_fingers": " or into the granules in oraer to promote nbtermoneculad complebing. In situ granule studies wull aoso be carried out in urder to nerify thw fiidings using isolated segxetorg grauuoes. This propoxal seeks xunding to credtd cnd distribute a nationally represeneative 1 ij 100 Public Use Iicrpqata Sample of the 1920 United States Popumation Bensus. Public Use Samples", "random_deletion": "or into the granules in order to complexing. situ granule will also be verify findings using isolated granules. This proposal funding to create and distribute a representative 1 in 100 Public Use Microdata Sample of the 1920 United States Census. Public Use Samples", "change_char_case": " or into the granules in order tO promote inTermoLecUlaR cOmplExinG. In situ granule STudiEs will also be carried out In ordEr TO verIFy The fiNdings uSInG ISolAtEd SecReTOrY granUleS. This prOposal seekS fuNdIng to create aND dIstribute a NatIonally repreSenTative 1 In 100 pubLIc Use micRodatA SamplE Of the 1920 UNited StatEs pOpulatIOn CensuS. pUbLic USe Samples", "whitespace_perturbation": " or into the granules in o rder to pr omote in ter mo lecu larcomplexing. In situ granule studies willalsobe carr i ed outin orde r t o ver if ythe f i nd ingsusi ng isol ated secre tor ygranules. Th i sproposal s eek s funding to cr eate a nd di s tribu tea nat ionall y repre sentative 1 in 100 PublicU s eMicr odata Sample of t h e1 920 United Sta tes Po pu l at i o n C ens us. Public U se Sa m ples", "underscore_trick": " or_into the_granules in order to_promote intermolecular_complexing._In situ_granule_studies will also_be carried out_in order to verify_the findings using_isolated_secretory granules. This proposal seeks funding to create and distribute a nationally representative 1_in_100 Public_Use_Microdata_Sample of the 1920 United_States Population Census. Public Use_Samples"} +{"text": " address the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) that relate to Center research. Our aims for the next funding cycle build on our strengths and expertise, support the mission of the Center, promote innovative research, engage stakeholders, and foster the development of the next generation of EHS innovation and networked researchers focused", "synonym_substitution": "address the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) that relate to Center research. Our aim for the future funding cycle build on our military capability and expertise, support the deputation of the Center, promote innovative research, engage stakeholder, and foster the growth of the next genesis of EHS innovation and networked researchers concenter", "butter_fingers": " adfress the ethical, legal, xnd social implnxationv (ELSI) that reuate to Center research. Our eims for uke next funding cycld build oj our steenguhs and expertise, support the mjdsiou if the Center, kromote innoeative researcv, dnyage stakeholders, and foster the devqlopmeny lf the next gegerauiog of VHW innovation and networked reaearchegs focused", "random_deletion": "address the ethical, legal, and social implications relate Center research. aims for the our and expertise, support mission of the promote innovative research, engage stakeholders, and the development of the next generation of EHS innovation and networked researchers focused", "change_char_case": " address the ethical, legal, and Social implIcatiOns (eLSi) tHat rElatE to Center reseaRCh. OuR aims for the next funding Cycle BuILd on OUr StrenGths and EXpERTisE, sUpPorT tHE mIssioN of The CentEr, promote iNnoVaTive research, ENgAge stakehoLdeRs, and foster tHe dEvelopMeNt oF The neXt gEneraTion of ehS innoVation and NeTWorked REsearchERS fOcusEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " address the ethical, lega l, and soc ial i mpl ica ti ons(ELS I) that relate to C enter research. Our ai ms fo rt he n e xt fund ing cyc l eb u ild o nour s t re ngths an d exper tise, supp ort t he mission o f t he Center, pr omote innova tiv e rese ar ch, engag e s takeh olders , and f oster the d e velopm e nt of t h e n extgeneration of EHS in n ovation and ne tworke dr es e a rch ers focused", "underscore_trick": " address_the ethical,_legal, and social implications_(ELSI) that_relate_to Center_research._Our aims for_the next funding_cycle build on our_strengths and expertise,_support_the mission of the Center, promote innovative research, engage stakeholders, and foster the development_of_the next_generation_of_EHS innovation and networked researchers_focused"} +{"text": " CFAR investigators, meeting the needs of the CFAR Working Groups, and cooperating with the other CFAR Cores to provide access to cutting edge technologies. This project examines factors affecting the incidence of racial harassment and discrimination, and the multiple consequences of the stress of racial harassment and discrimination. Research suggests that Hispanic employees who", "synonym_substitution": "CFAR investigators, meeting the needs of the CFAR Working Groups, and cooperating with the early CFAR core to provide entree to cutting boundary technologies. This project examine agent affecting the incidence of racial harassment and discrimination, and the multiple consequence of the stress of racial harassment and discrimination. Research indicate that Hispanic employees who", "butter_fingers": " CFWR investigators, meeting the needs of tkw CFAR Workihg Groupr, and cooperating with the ovher CFAR Cores to provide accers to cutning edge tecinologies. This pckject ewcminea faccocs affecting thg incidence mf racial haravsoeut and discrimination, and the multipje consrqkences of the ftrexf of gagial harassment and discriminatikn. Reseerch suggests tnat Hispanic employees who", "random_deletion": "CFAR investigators, meeting the needs of the Groups, cooperating with other CFAR Cores edge This project examines affecting the incidence racial harassment and discrimination, and the consequences of the stress of racial harassment and discrimination. Research suggests that Hispanic who", "change_char_case": " CFAR investigators, meeting tHe needs of tHe CFAr WoRkiNg grouPs, anD cooperating wiTH the Other CFAR Cores to providE acceSs TO cutTInG edge TechnolOGiES. thiS pRoJecT eXAmInes fActOrs affeCting the inCidEnCe of racial haRAsSment and diScrImination, and The MultipLe ConSEquenCes Of the Stress OF raciaL harassmeNt ANd discRIminatiON. reSearCh suggests that HisPAnIC employees who", "whitespace_perturbation": " CFAR investigators, meeti ng the nee ds of th e C FA R Wo rkin g Groups, andc oope rating with the otherCFARCo r es t o p rovid e acces s t o cut ti ng ed ge te chnol ogi es. Thi s projectexa mi nes factorsa ff ecting the in cidence of r aci al har as sme n t and di scrim inatio n , andthe multi pl e conse q uenceso f t he s tress of racial h a ra s sment and disc rimina ti o n. R ese arc h suggests t hat H i spanice mp l o y ees who", "underscore_trick": " CFAR_investigators, meeting_the needs of the_CFAR Working_Groups,_and cooperating_with_the other CFAR_Cores to provide_access to cutting edge_technologies. This project_examines_factors affecting the incidence of racial harassment and discrimination, and the multiple consequences of_the_stress of_racial_harassment_and discrimination. Research suggests that_Hispanic employees who"} +{"text": " transfer of an acetyl group to the hydroxylamine from either acetyl coenzyme A or an arylhydroxamic acid. The same enzyme is also capable of N-aetylation to yield arylacetamides or arylhydroxamic acids from arylamines or arylhydroxylamines, respectively. The N-, O- and N,", "synonym_substitution": "transfer of an acetyl group to the hydroxylamine from either acetyl coenzyme A or an arylhydroxamic acid. The same enzyme is also capable of N - aetylation to concede arylacetamides or arylhydroxamic acid from arylamines or arylhydroxylamines, respectively. The N-, O- and N,", "butter_fingers": " trwnsfer of an acetyl grouk to the hydroxylcnine fcom eitger acethl coenzyme A or an arylhydrlxqmic qcid. The same enzyme ir also caiable of B-aetblation to yield arylacebcmidea or crblhydroxamic aclds from arflamines or arflfybroxylamines, respectively. The N-, O- anq N,", "random_deletion": "transfer of an acetyl group to the either coenzyme A an arylhydroxamic acid. capable N-aetylation to yield or arylhydroxamic acids arylamines or arylhydroxylamines, respectively. The N-, and N,", "change_char_case": " transfer of an acetyl group to The hydroxyLaminE frOm eItHer aCetyL coenzyme A or an ARylhYdroxamic acid. The same enZyme iS aLSo caPAbLe of N-AetylatIOn TO YieLd ArYlaCeTAmIdes oR arYlhydroXamic acids FroM aRylamines or aRYlHydroxylamIneS, respectivelY. ThE N-, O- and n,", "whitespace_perturbation": " transfer of an acetyl gro up to thehydro xyl ami ne fro m ei ther acetyl co e nzym e A or an arylhydroxam ic ac id . The sa me en zyme is al s o ca pa bl e o fN -a etyla tio n to yi eld arylac eta mi des or arylh y dr oxamic aci dsfrom arylami nes or ar yl hyd r oxyla min es, r espect i vely.The N-, O -a nd N,", "underscore_trick": " transfer_of an_acetyl group to the_hydroxylamine from_either_acetyl coenzyme_A_or an arylhydroxamic_acid. The same_enzyme is also capable_of N-aetylation to_yield_arylacetamides or arylhydroxamic acids from arylamines or arylhydroxylamines, respectively. The N-, O- and N,"} +{"text": " manipulating the arginase pathway on myeloid cells infiltration / activation in retinal IR injury and the therapeutic potential of BCT- 100. B) Describe the cross talk between the arginase pathway and HDAC3 and determine whether A1 in myeloid cells mediates its protective effect through suppression of HDAC3. The purpose of this", "synonym_substitution": "manipulating the arginase pathway on myeloid cells infiltration / activation in retinal IR wound and the curative electric potential of BCT- 100. B) Describe the cross lecture between the arginase pathway and HDAC3 and determine whether A1 in myeloid cells intercede its protective effect through suppression of HDAC3. The function of this", "butter_fingers": " majipulating the arginase kathway on myeloib cells infilfration / activation in retinal IR inoury and uke therapeutic potengial of BBT- 100. B) Desxribt the cross talk ustween bke arflnase 'athway and HDAG3 and deterkine whether A1 iv lyeloid cells mediates its protectide effevt through supprgssiom of GDAC3. The purpose of this", "random_deletion": "manipulating the arginase pathway on myeloid cells activation retinal IR and the therapeutic Describe cross talk between arginase pathway and and determine whether A1 in myeloid mediates its protective effect through suppression of HDAC3. The purpose of this", "change_char_case": " manipulating the arginase paThway on myeLoid cEllS inFiLtraTion / Activation in reTInal iR injury and the therapeuTic poTeNTial OF BcT- 100. B) DeScribe tHE cROSs tAlK bEtwEeN ThE argiNasE pathwaY and HDAC3 anD deTeRmine whether a1 In Myeloid celLs mEdiates its prOteCtive eFfEct THrougH suPpresSion of hdAC3. The Purpose of ThIS", "whitespace_perturbation": " manipulating the arginase pathway o n mye loi d c el ls i nfil tration / acti v atio n in retinal IR injury andth e the r ap eutic potent i al o f B CT -100 .B )Descr ibe the cr oss talk b etw ee n the argina s epathway an d H DAC3 and det erm ine wh et her A1 in my eloid cells mediat es its pr ot e ctivee ffect t h r ou gh s uppression of HDA C 3. The purpose of this", "underscore_trick": " manipulating_the arginase_pathway on myeloid cells_infiltration /_activation_in retinal_IR_injury and the_therapeutic potential of_BCT- 100. B) Describe_the cross talk_between_the arginase pathway and HDAC3 and determine whether A1 in myeloid cells mediates its_protective_effect through_suppression_of_HDAC3. The purpose of this"} +{"text": " C3H mice was 901, 660, 939, and 782 days, respectively. The incidence of hematopoietic neoplasms (predominantly lymphomas) was significantly reduced in both mouse strains by TP treatment and both the onset and incidence of solid neoplasms was significantly reduced in CBA mice treated with TP. These preliminary", "synonym_substitution": "C3H mice was 901, 660, 939, and 782 days, respectively. The incidence of hematopoietic neoplasms (predominantly lymphomas) was significantly dilute in both shiner strains by TP treatment and both the attack and incidence of solid tumor was significantly reduced in CBA mouse cover with TP. These preliminary", "butter_fingers": " C3H mice was 901, 660, 939, and 782 days, rtspectively. The iuxidencx of hejatopoiegic neoplasms (predominantly pynphomqs) was significantly rdduced in both moyse wrrains by VL treatment ahf boch the onset and incidence of solid neopnarmd was significantly reduced in CBA iice trrahed with TP. Thgse pgejimihary", "random_deletion": "C3H mice was 901, 660, 939, and respectively. incidence of neoplasms (predominantly lymphomas) mouse by TP treatment both the onset incidence of solid neoplasms was significantly in CBA mice treated with TP. These preliminary", "change_char_case": " C3H mice was 901, 660, 939, and 782 days, respectivEly. The inciDence Of hEmaToPoieTic nEoplasms (predomINantLy lymphomas) was significAntly ReDUced IN bOth moUse straINs BY tP tReAtMenT aND bOth thE onSet and iNcidence of SolId Neoplasms was SIgNificantly RedUced in CBA micE trEated wItH TP. tHese pRelIminaRy", "whitespace_perturbation": " C3H mice was 901, 660, 93 9, and 782 days , r esp ec tive ly.The incidenceo f he matopoietic neoplasms(pred om i nant l ylymph omas) w a ss i gni fi ca ntl yr ed ucedinboth mo use strain s b yTP treatment an d both the on set and inci den ce ofso lid neopl asm s was signi f icantl y reduced i n CBA m i ce trea t e dwith TP. These prelim i na r y", "underscore_trick": " C3H_mice was_901, 660, 939, and_782 days,_respectively._The incidence_of_hematopoietic neoplasms (predominantly_lymphomas) was significantly_reduced in both mouse_strains by TP_treatment_and both the onset and incidence of solid neoplasms was significantly reduced in CBA_mice_treated with_TP._These_preliminary"} +{"text": "ERSHIP 4 PROGRAM AS AN INTEGRATED EFFORT 5 COLLABORATING INSTITUTIONS 5 PROJECT AND CORE SUMMARIES OF DISCUSSION 5 PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS 7 VERTEBRATE ANIMALS 8 ADDITIONAL REVIEW CONSID", "synonym_substitution": "ERSHIP 4 PROGRAM AS AN INTEGRATED EFFORT 5 COLLABORATING INSTITUTIONS 5 PROJECT AND CORE SUMMARIES OF DISCUSSION 5 PROTECTION OF HUMAN discipline 7 VERTEBRATE animal 8 ADDITIONAL REVIEW CONSID", "butter_fingers": "ERSJIP 4 PROGRAM AS AN INTEGVATED EFFORT 5 COLLABORAVING INATITUTIOVS 5 PROJECT AND CORE SUMMARIXS OD DISXUSSION 5 PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUHJECTS 7 CERTTBRATE ANIMALS 8 AVSITIONAL REVISA COUSMD", "random_deletion": "ERSHIP 4 PROGRAM AS AN INTEGRATED EFFORT INSTITUTIONS PROJECT AND SUMMARIES OF DISCUSSION 7 ANIMALS 8 ADDITIONAL CONSID", "change_char_case": "ERSHIP 4 PROGRAM AS AN INTEGRATeD EFFORT 5 COlLABOrATiNG iNsTITuTIOnS 5 PROJECT AND COre SUMmARIES OF DISCUSSION 5 PROTeCTIOn Of hUMAn sUbJECTs 7 VERTEBraTe anIMaLs 8 AdDItIonAl REVIeW CoNSID", "whitespace_perturbation": "ERSHIP 4 PROGRAM AS AN INT EGRATED EF FORT5 C OLL AB ORAT INGINSTITUTIONS 5 PROJ ECT AND CORE SUMMARIES OF D IS C USSI O N5 PRO TECTION OF H UMA NSU BJE CT S 7 VERT EBR ATE ANI MALS 8 ADD ITI ON AL REVIEW CO N SI D", "underscore_trick": "ERSHIP 4_PROGRAM AS_AN INTEGRATED EFFORT 5_COLLABORATING INSTITUTIONS_5_PROJECT AND_CORE_SUMMARIES OF DISCUSSION_5 PROTECTION OF_HUMAN SUBJECTS 7 VERTEBRATE_ANIMALS 8 ADDITIONAL_REVIEW_CONSID"} +{"text": " to disaster; and (3) To identify the pathways by which risk factors and resilience resources influence trajectories of functional limitation. The aims will be addressed by building on a longitudinal panel of 1,977 people aged 65 to 80 when Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey. Three post-hurricane self-reported assessments would complement data", "synonym_substitution": "to disaster; and (3) To identify the pathways by which risk divisor and resilience resource influence trajectories of functional limitation. The aim will be addressed by building on a longitudinal control panel of 1,977 multitude aged 65 to 80 when Hurricane Sandy reach New Jersey. Three post - hurricane self - reported assessments would complement datum", "butter_fingers": " to disaster; and (3) To identiny the pathways yt whici risk ractors xnd resilience resources infpuwnce ugajectories of functiunal limination. Thw ainw will be esdressed by bhlldiny in a longitudikal panel ox 1,977 people aged 65 go 80 when Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersqy. Threr oost-hurricane felf-ge[ortsd assessments would complement dafa", "random_deletion": "to disaster; and (3) To identify the which factors and resources influence trajectories will addressed by building a longitudinal panel 1,977 people aged 65 to 80 Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey. Three post-hurricane self-reported assessments would complement data", "change_char_case": " to disaster; and (3) To identify thE pathways bY whicH riSk fAcTors And rEsilience resouRCes iNfluence trajectories of FunctIoNAl liMItAtion. the aims WIlL BE adDrEsSed By BUiLding On a LongituDinal panel Of 1,977 pEoPle aged 65 to 80 wheN huRricane SanDy hIt New Jersey. THreE post-hUrRicANe selF-rePorteD assesSMents wOuld complEmENt data", "whitespace_perturbation": " to disaster; and (3) To i dentify th e pat hwa ysby whi ch r isk factors an d res ilience resources infl uence t r ajec t or ies o f funct i on a l li mi ta tio n. Th e aim s w ill beaddressedbybu ilding on al on gitudinalpan el of 1,977peo ple ag ed 65 to 80 wh en Hu rrican e Sandy hit NewJe r sey. T h ree pos t - hu rric ane self-reported as s essments would compl em e nt d ata ", "underscore_trick": " to_disaster; and_(3) To identify the_pathways by_which_risk factors_and_resilience resources influence_trajectories of functional_limitation. The aims will_be addressed by_building_on a longitudinal panel of 1,977 people aged 65 to 80 when Hurricane Sandy_hit_New Jersey._Three_post-hurricane_self-reported assessments would complement data"} +{"text": "EV, also comprises lineages, genotypes, or populations that differ in capacity to cause human disease. We propose to test this hypothesis using our existing geographic isolates of POW as well as additional isolates that we shall collect for their capacity to cause neurologic disease using a published mouse model for TBEV neurotropism. In", "synonym_substitution": "EV, also comprises lineages, genotypes, or population that disagree in capacity to cause human disease. We nominate to quiz this hypothesis using our exist geographic isolates of prisoner of war as well as additional isolates that we shall collect for their capacity to cause neurological disease using a published mouse model for TBEV neurotropism. In", "butter_fingers": "EV, wlso comprises lineages, nenotypes, or popolqtions that siffer iv capacity to cause human dideqse. Wt propose to test tfis hypotjesis usung iyr existinj geograikic iallatzs of POW as welk as addithonal isolates tfac we shall collect for their capacitr to caisf neurologic dyseaxq usjng a published mouse model for TBSV neurmtropism. In", "random_deletion": "EV, also comprises lineages, genotypes, or populations in to cause disease. We propose our geographic isolates of as well as isolates that we shall collect for capacity to cause neurologic disease using a published mouse model for TBEV neurotropism.", "change_char_case": "EV, also comprises lineages, geNotypes, or pOpulaTioNs tHaT difFer iN capacity to cauSE humAn disease. We propose to teSt thiS hYPothESiS usinG our exiSTiNG GeoGrApHic IsOLaTes of pOW As well aS additionaL isOlAtes that we shALl Collect for TheIr capacity to CauSe neurOlOgiC DiseaSe uSing a PublisHEd mousE model for tBev neuroTRopism. IN", "whitespace_perturbation": "EV, also comprises lineage s, genotyp es, o r p opu la tion s th at differ in c a paci ty to cause human dise ase.We prop o se to t est thi s h y p oth es is us in g o ur ex ist ing geo graphic is ola te s of POW asw el l as addit ion al isolatestha t we s ha llc ollec t f or th eir ca p acityto causene u rologi c diseas e us inga published mouse mo d el for TBEV ne urotro pi s m. I n", "underscore_trick": "EV, also_comprises lineages,_genotypes, or populations that_differ in_capacity_to cause_human_disease. We propose_to test this_hypothesis using our existing_geographic isolates of_POW_as well as additional isolates that we shall collect for their capacity to cause_neurologic_disease using_a_published_mouse model for TBEV neurotropism._In"} +{"text": " molecular diagnostic assays can be implemented in non-traditional healthcare settings. Gene delivery to the liver for inherited metabolic disorders provides the opportunity for specific treatment of two forms of glycogen storage disease (GSD). Glycogen accumulation due to single enzyme defects represents the prototype of metabolic storage disease. A detailed biochemical understanding and availability of mouse", "synonym_substitution": "molecular diagnostic assays can be implemented in non - traditional healthcare settings. Gene delivery to the liver for inherit metabolic disorder provides the opportunity for specific treatment of two forms of glycogen memory disease (GSD). Glycogen accumulation due to single enzyme blemish represent the prototype of metabolic storage disease. A detailed biochemical agreement and availability of mouse", "butter_fingers": " mopecular diagnostic assayr can be implemgnred in non-trzditionau healthcare settings. Gene dxlivwry ti the liver for inheriged metabllic disirdecs provides the opportunlcy fod speeihic treatment on two forms of glycogen sdofaye disease (GSD). Glycogen accumulation due to slngle enzyme dgfectx repdvstnts the prototype of metabolic sforage visease. A detaiked biochemical understandlng wnd availability ov mouse", "random_deletion": "molecular diagnostic assays can be implemented in settings. delivery to liver for inherited for treatment of two of glycogen storage (GSD). Glycogen accumulation due to single defects represents the prototype of metabolic storage disease. A detailed biochemical understanding and of mouse", "change_char_case": " molecular diagnostic assays Can be impleMenteD in Non-TrAditIonaL healthcare setTIngs. gene delivery to the liver For inHeRIted MEtAboliC disordERs PROviDeS tHe oPpORtUnity For SpecifiC treatment Of tWo Forms of glycoGEn Storage disEasE (GSD). Glycogen AccUmulatIoN duE To sinGle EnzymE defecTS repreSents the pRoTOtype oF MetabolIC StOragE disease. A detailed BIoCHemical understAnding AnD AvAILabIliTy of mouse", "whitespace_perturbation": " molecular diagnostic assa ys can beimple men ted i n no n-tr aditional heal t hcar e settings. Gene deliv ery t ot he l i ve r for inheri t ed m eta bo li c d is o rd ers p rov ides th e opportun ity f or specifict re atment oftwo forms of gl yco gen st or age disea se(GSD) . Glyc o gen ac cumulatio nd ue tos ingle e n z ym e de fects representst he prototype of m etabol ic st o r age di sease. A d et ailed biochem i ca l u nde r standing andavailabilit y of mouse ", "underscore_trick": " molecular_diagnostic assays_can be implemented in_non-traditional healthcare_settings._Gene delivery_to_the liver for_inherited metabolic disorders_provides the opportunity for_specific treatment of_two_forms of glycogen storage disease (GSD). Glycogen accumulation due to single enzyme defects represents_the_prototype of_metabolic_storage_disease. A detailed biochemical understanding_and availability of mouse"} +{"text": ". The x-ray structures of MsbA bound to these compounds should provide a great insight into the molecular structural basis of drug transport by human MDR1 (P-glycoprotein), which causes cancer drug resistance. The co-crystal structures of MsbA with inhibitors could also serve as a close model for", "synonym_substitution": ". The x - ray structures of MsbA bound to these compound should leave a great insight into the molecular structural footing of drug transport by human MDR1 (P - glycoprotein), which causes cancer drug electric resistance. The co - crystal structures of MsbA with inhibitor could besides serve as a close mannequin for", "butter_fingers": ". Thf x-ray structures of MsbX bound to thesg xompouids shohld provkde a great insight into the milecuoar structural basis ow drug trwnsport vy hnman MDR1 (P-glycopcktein), wmnch czmses eaicer drug resisjance. The co-wrystal structgrds of MsbA with inhibitors could also serve ss a close model for", "random_deletion": ". The x-ray structures of MsbA bound compounds provide a insight into the transport human MDR1 (P-glycoprotein), causes cancer drug The co-crystal structures of MsbA with could also serve as a close model for", "change_char_case": ". The x-ray structures of MsbA boUnd to these CompoUndS shOuLd prOvidE a great insight INto tHe molecular structural bAsis oF dRUg trANsPort bY human Mdr1 (P-GLYcoPrOtEin), WhICh CauseS caNcer druG resistancE. ThE cO-crystal struCTuRes of MsbA wIth Inhibitors coUld Also seRvE as A Close ModEl for", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The x-ray structures ofMsbA bound to t hes e c om poun ds s hould providea gre at insight into the mo lecul ar stru c tu ral b asis of dr u g tr an sp ort b y h umanMDR 1 (P-gl ycoprotein ),wh ich causes c a nc er drug re sis tance. The c o-c rystal s tru c tures of MsbA withi nhibit ors could a l so ser v e as ac l os e mo del for", "underscore_trick": ". The_x-ray structures_of MsbA bound to_these compounds_should_provide a_great_insight into the_molecular structural basis_of drug transport by_human MDR1 (P-glycoprotein),_which_causes cancer drug resistance. The co-crystal structures of MsbA with inhibitors could also serve_as_a close_model_for"} +{"text": "encephalopathy, Ebola, anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis), brain tumor (re-irradiation effects), and chronic fatigue syndrome. A large focus of these neuropsychiatric studies is HIV/AIDS. HIV-related research activities in the OCD fall into two categories: 1) NIH Intramural NeuroHIV Program,", "synonym_substitution": "encephalopathy, Ebola, anti - NMDA receptor encephalitis), brain tumor (re - irradiation effects), and chronic fatigue duty syndrome. A big focus of these neuropsychiatric studies is HIV / AIDS. HIV - relate inquiry activities in the OCD fall into two categories: 1) NIH Intramural NeuroHIV Program,", "butter_fingers": "encfphalopathy, Ebola, anti-NMAA receptor encgpyalitiv), braih tumor (fe-irradiation effects), and chconix fatugue syndrome. A large wocus of nhese neueopsbchiatric studies is HIV/AIDS. HJY-relacev research actiyities in tve OCD fall indo tco categories: 1) NIH Intramural NeuroHYV Progtal,", "random_deletion": "encephalopathy, Ebola, anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis), brain tumor and fatigue syndrome. large focus of HIV-related activities in the fall into two 1) NIH Intramural NeuroHIV Program,", "change_char_case": "encephalopathy, Ebola, anti-NMdA receptor EncepHalItiS), bRain TumoR (re-irradiation EFfecTs), and chronic fatigue synDrome. a lARge fOCuS of thEse neurOPsYCHiaTrIc StuDiES iS HIV/AiDS. hIV-relaTed researcH acTiVities in the Ocd fAll into two CatEgories: 1) NIH InTraMural NEuRoHiv ProgRam,", "whitespace_perturbation": "encephalopathy, Ebola, ant i-NMDA rec eptor en cep ha liti s),brain tumor (r e -irr adiation effects), and chro ni c fat i gu e syn drome.A l a r gefo cu s o ft he se ne uro psychia tric studi esis HIV/AIDS. H I V- related re sea rch activiti esin the O CDf all i nto twocatego r ies: 1 ) NIH Int ra m ural N e uroHIVP r og ram, ", "underscore_trick": "encephalopathy, Ebola,_anti-NMDA receptor_encephalitis), brain tumor (re-irradiation_effects), and_chronic_fatigue syndrome._A_large focus of_these neuropsychiatric studies_is HIV/AIDS. HIV-related research_activities in the_OCD_fall into two categories: 1) NIH Intramural NeuroHIV Program,"} +{"text": " is to pursue a distinguished career in vision research and academia. I will achieve this through establishing a strong independent research program in an academic institution that promotes interdisciplinary biomedical science and translational research. My short-term goal is to attain intensive training and supervised career development skills that are required for my career transition to become an independent", "synonym_substitution": "is to pursue a distinguished career in vision research and academia. I will achieve this through establishing a impregnable autonomous research program in an academic initiation that promote interdisciplinary biomedical science and translational research. My brusque - terminus goal is to achieve intensive training and supervised career exploitation skills that are required for my career conversion to become an autonomous", "butter_fingers": " is to pursue a distinguishtd career in vision reseerch ans academka. I will achieve this throujh ewtablushing a strong indepevdent resvarch protram un an acadxjic insbntutikk thac 'romotes interdlsciplinary biomedical schevcz and translational research. My shore-term gpap is to attain inttnsyve fgalning and supervised career devemopment skills that sre required for my career trajsition to become wn independght", "random_deletion": "is to pursue a distinguished career in and I will this through establishing in academic institution that interdisciplinary biomedical science translational research. My short-term goal is attain intensive training and supervised career development skills that are required for my transition to become an independent", "change_char_case": " is to pursue a distinguished cAreer in visIon reSeaRch AnD acaDemiA. I will achieve tHIs thRough establishing a stroNg indEpENdenT ReSearcH prograM In AN AcaDeMiC inStITuTion tHat PromoteS interdiscIplInAry biomedicaL ScIence and trAnsLational reseArcH. My shoRt-TerM Goal iS to AttaiN intenSIve traIning and sUpERvised CAreer deVELoPmenT skills that are reqUIrED for my career trAnsitiOn TO bECOme An iNdependent", "whitespace_perturbation": " is to pursue a distinguis hed career in v isi onre sear ch a nd academia. I will achieve this throughestab li s hing astron g indep e nd e n t r es ea rch p r og ram i n a n acade mic instit uti on that promot e sinterdisci pli nary biomedi cal scien ce an d tran sla tiona l rese a rch. M y short-t er m goali s to at t a in int ensive training a n ds upervised care er dev el o pm e n t s kil ls that ar erequi r ed form yc a r eer transition to become ani nde penden t", "underscore_trick": " is_to pursue_a distinguished career in_vision research_and_academia. I_will_achieve this through_establishing a strong_independent research program in_an academic institution_that_promotes interdisciplinary biomedical science and translational research. My short-term goal is to attain intensive_training_and supervised_career_development_skills that are required for_my career transition to become_an independent"} +{"text": " synapses may be an important and integrated component of neuronal synaptic plasticity. Thus, we hypothesize that?9-THC exposure reduces glutamate transporter expression and activity in astroglial cells, leading to accumulation of glutamate in the synaptic cleft. This results in functional desensitization and down-regulation of the glutamate receptors on both", "synonym_substitution": "synapses may be an important and integrated component of neural synaptic malleability. therefore, we hypothesize that?9 - THC exposure reduces glutamate conveyer belt expression and activity in astroglial cells, lead to accumulation of glutamate in the synaptic cleft. This consequence in functional desensitization and down - regulation of the glutamate sense organ on both", "butter_fingers": " syjapses may be an importakt and integrateb compoient of neuronau synaptic plasticity. Thus, wx hypothewize that?9-THC exposure feduces gputamate traisporter expressmkn and activifn in csvroglial cells, keading to accumulation mf gputamate in the synaptic cleft. This resultx ln functional qesemfitiaation and down-regulation of the gmutamatt receptors on botn", "random_deletion": "synapses may be an important and integrated neuronal plasticity. Thus, hypothesize that?9-THC exposure activity astroglial cells, leading accumulation of glutamate the synaptic cleft. This results in desensitization and down-regulation of the glutamate receptors on both", "change_char_case": " synapses may be an important aNd integratEd comPonEnt Of NeurOnal Synaptic plastiCIty. THus, we hypothesize that?9-THc expoSuRE redUCeS glutAmate trANsPORteR eXpResSiON aNd actIviTy in astRoglial celLs, lEaDing to accumuLAtIon of glutaMatE in the synaptIc cLeft. ThIs ResULts in FunCtionAl deseNSitizaTion and doWn-REgulatIOn of the GLUtAmatE receptors on both", "whitespace_perturbation": " synapses may be an import ant and in tegra ted co mp onen t of neuronal syna p ticplasticity. Thus, we h ypoth es i ze t h at ?9-TH C expos u re r edu ce sglu ta m at e tra nsp orter e xpressionand a ctivity in a s tr oglial cel ls, leading toacc umulat io n o f glut ama te in the s y naptic cleft. T hi s resul t s in fu n c ti onal desensitizationa nd down-regulatio n of t he gl u t ama tereceptorson both ", "underscore_trick": " synapses_may be_an important and integrated_component of_neuronal_synaptic plasticity._Thus,_we hypothesize that?9-THC_exposure reduces glutamate_transporter expression and activity_in astroglial cells,_leading_to accumulation of glutamate in the synaptic cleft. This results in functional desensitization and_down-regulation_of the_glutamate_receptors_on both"} +{"text": "polarized lactate to pyruvate (Lac/Pyr). We therefore hypothesize that measurement of Lac/Pyr could serve as an early indicator of drug action in patients following treatment with TMZ, PI3K inhibitors, and potentially a range of other agents. This hypothesis will be tested by 1) defining in vitro sensitivity", "synonym_substitution": "polarized lactate to pyruvate (Lac / Pyr). We therefore hypothesize that measurement of Lac / Pyr could serve as an early index of drug legal action in patients following discussion with TMZ, PI3 K inhibitors, and potentially a stove of other agents. This guess will be test by 1) defining in vitro sensitivity", "butter_fingers": "polwrized lactate to pyruvaue (Lac/Pyr). We thergfire hy'othesiae that oeasurement of Lac/Pyr could deeve aw an early indicator ow drug acnion in pqtieits following trxztment with TJD, PI3K mnhibitors, and kotentially d range of othar ayents. This hypothesis will be tested by 1) degijing in vitro fensptyvitg", "random_deletion": "polarized lactate to pyruvate (Lac/Pyr). We therefore measurement Lac/Pyr could as an early patients treatment with TMZ, inhibitors, and potentially range of other agents. This hypothesis be tested by 1) defining in vitro sensitivity", "change_char_case": "polarized lactate to pyruvatE (Lac/Pyr). We tHerefOre HypOtHesiZe thAt measurement oF lac/PYr could serve as an early iNdicaToR Of drUG aCtion In patieNTs FOLloWiNg TreAtMEnT with tMZ, pI3K inhiBitors, and pOteNtIally a range oF OtHer agents. THis Hypothesis wiLl bE testeD bY 1) deFIning In vItro sEnsitiVIty", "whitespace_perturbation": "polarized lactate to pyruv ate (Lac/P yr).Wethe re fore hyp othesize thatm easu rement of Lac/Pyr coul d ser ve as a n e arlyindicat o ro f dr ug a cti on in pati ent s follo wing treat men twith TMZ, PI 3 Kinhibitors , a nd potential lya rang eofo therage nts.This h y pothes is will b et estedb y 1) de f i ni ng i n vitro sensitivi t y", "underscore_trick": "polarized lactate_to pyruvate_(Lac/Pyr). We therefore hypothesize_that measurement_of_Lac/Pyr could_serve_as an early_indicator of drug_action in patients following_treatment with TMZ,_PI3K_inhibitors, and potentially a range of other agents. This hypothesis will be tested by_1)_defining in_vitro_sensitivity"} +{"text": " mutants after M5 phage mutagenesis. Attempts to isolate temperature-sensitive types of Sdr to Sdr-c mutants will be also made. To estimate the least number of genes involved in the mechanism, we will perform genetic mapping and complementation experiments. The biological and biochemical properties of the DNA synthesized by the Sdr", "synonym_substitution": "mutants after M5 phage mutagenesis. Attempts to isolate temperature - sensible type of Sdr to Sdr - c mutants will be also make. To calculate the least number of genes involved in the mechanism, we will do genic mapping and complementary distribution experiment. The biological and biochemical properties of the deoxyribonucleic acid synthesized by the Sdr", "butter_fingers": " muhants after M5 phage mutanenesis. Attempts to isonate tsmperatufe-sensitive types of Sdr to Dde-c muucnts will be also maae. To estpmate the leawr number oh genes luvolvsf in vhe mechanism, wg will perfosm genetic map[ivg and complementation experiments. Thq biolobifal and biocheiicak prolvruies of the DNA synthesized by ths Sdr", "random_deletion": "mutants after M5 phage mutagenesis. Attempts to types Sdr to mutants will be least of genes involved the mechanism, we perform genetic mapping and complementation experiments. biological and biochemical properties of the DNA synthesized by the Sdr", "change_char_case": " mutants after M5 phage mutagenEsis. AttempTs to iSolAte TeMperAturE-sensitive typeS Of SdR to Sdr-c mutants will be alSo madE. TO EstiMAtE the lEast numBEr OF GenEs InVolVeD In The meChaNism, we wIll perform GenEtIc mapping and COmPlementatiOn eXperiments. ThE biOlogicAl And BIocheMicAl proPertieS Of the DnA synthesIzED by the sDr", "whitespace_perturbation": " mutants after M5 phage mu tagenesis. Atte mpt s t oisol atetemperature-se n siti ve types of Sdr to Sdr -c mu ta n ts w i ll be a lso mad e .T o es ti ma teth e l eastnum ber ofgenes invo lve din the mecha n is m, we will pe rform geneti c m apping a ndc omple men tatio n expe r iments . The bio lo g ical a n d bioch e m ic al p roperties of theD NA synthesized by the S dr ", "underscore_trick": " mutants_after M5_phage mutagenesis. Attempts to_isolate temperature-sensitive_types_of Sdr_to_Sdr-c mutants will_be also made._To estimate the least_number of genes_involved_in the mechanism, we will perform genetic mapping and complementation experiments. The biological and_biochemical_properties of_the_DNA_synthesized by the Sdr"} +{"text": " of INZ-14 with doxorubicin or -irradiation in xenograft and orthotopic tumor model systems. Oral administration of low doses of antibiotics (chlortetracycline and penicillin) to rats results in substantial changes in bile acid patterns, especially in the lower bowel. Hyodeoxycholic acid formation is suppressed", "synonym_substitution": "of INZ-14 with doxorubicin or -irradiation in xenograft and orthotopic tumor model systems. Oral administration of depleted venereal disease of antibiotics (chlortetracycline and penicillin) to rats results in hearty changes in bile acid patterns, specially in the gloomy bowel. Hyodeoxycholic acid formation is suppressed", "butter_fingers": " of INZ-14 with doxorubicin or -irradiation in xenogreft and orthotooic tumor model systems. Oral aeminiwtration of low doses uf antibiltics (choortttracycline and pxhicillik) to dwts xewults in substsntial chatges in bile awia 'atterns, especially in the lower bowql. Hyodrodycholic acid sormseion ps suppressed", "random_deletion": "of INZ-14 with doxorubicin or -irradiation in orthotopic model systems. administration of low penicillin) rats results in changes in bile patterns, especially in the lower bowel. acid formation is suppressed", "change_char_case": " of INZ-14 with doxorubicin or -irrAdiation in XenogRafT anD oRthoTopiC tumor model sysTEms. ORal administration of low Doses Of ANtibIOtIcs (chLortetrACyCLIne AnD pEniCiLLiN) to raTs rEsults iN substantiAl cHaNges in bile acID pAtterns, espEciAlly in the lowEr bOwel. HyOdEoxYCholiC acId forMation IS supprEssed", "whitespace_perturbation": " of INZ-14 with doxorubici n or -irra diati oninxe nogr aftand orthotopic tumo r model systems. Oraladmin is t rati o nof lo w doses of a nti bi ot ics ( c hl ortet rac yclineand penici lli n) to rats res u lt s in subst ant ial changesinbile a ci d p a ttern s,espec iallyi n thelower bow el . Hyode o xycholi c ac id f ormation is suppr e ss e d", "underscore_trick": " of_INZ-14 with_doxorubicin or -irradiation in_xenograft and_orthotopic_tumor model_systems._Oral administration of_low doses of_antibiotics (chlortetracycline and penicillin)_to rats results_in_substantial changes in bile acid patterns, especially in the lower bowel. Hyodeoxycholic acid formation_is_suppressed"} +{"text": " was found to be a potent inducer of both zebrafish and murine HSCs and is currently being developed for use in human clinical trials for ex vivo expansion of HSCs prior to transplantation. To further characterize mechanisms controlling HSC induction in the vertebrate embryo, I plan to examine the interaction of the wnt and prostaglandin pathways", "synonym_substitution": "was found to be a potent inducer of both zebrafish and murine HSCs and is currently being developed for habit in human clinical test for ex vivo expansion of HSCs prior to transplantation. To further qualify mechanisms controlling HSC induction in the vertebrate embryo, I design to probe the interaction of the wnt and prostaglandin pathways", "butter_fingers": " wad found to be a potent ikducer of both zgbeafish and mhrine HSZs and is currently being deteloped fir use in human clinicxl trials for ex civo wxpansion of HSCs ixior fl trcnwplantation. To further cvaracterize mewhxnnsms controlling HSC induction in thq vertenrwte embryo, I pjan uo qxamjne the interaction of the wnt and prostajlandin pathwayx", "random_deletion": "was found to be a potent inducer zebrafish murine HSCs is currently being clinical for ex vivo of HSCs prior transplantation. To further characterize mechanisms controlling induction in the vertebrate embryo, I plan to examine the interaction of the and prostaglandin pathways", "change_char_case": " was found to be a potent induceR of both zebRafisH anD muRiNe HScs anD is currently beINg deVeloped for use in human clInicaL tRIals FOr Ex vivO expansIOn OF hSCS pRiOr tO tRAnSplanTatIon. To fuRther charaCteRiZe mechanisms COnTrolling HSc inDuction in the VerTebratE eMbrYO, I plaN to ExamiNe the iNTeractIon of the wNt ANd prosTAglandiN PAtHwayS", "whitespace_perturbation": " was found to be a potentinducer of both ze bra fi sh a nd m urine HSCs and is c urrently being develop ed fo ru se i n h umanclinica l t r i als f or ex v i vo expa nsi on of H SCs priortotr ansplantatio n .To further ch aracterize m ech anisms c ont r ollin g H SC in ductio n in th e vertebr at e embry o , I pla n to exa mine the interact i on of the wnt and prost ag l an d i n p ath ways", "underscore_trick": " was_found to_be a potent inducer_of both_zebrafish_and murine_HSCs_and is currently_being developed for_use in human clinical_trials for ex_vivo_expansion of HSCs prior to transplantation. To further characterize mechanisms controlling HSC induction in_the_vertebrate embryo,_I_plan_to examine the interaction of_the wnt and prostaglandin pathways"} +{"text": " physiology, neurons that normally express high levels of Kv3.1 and Kv3.3 channel subunits. We will use a molecular biological approach to localize the neuronal origin of high alcohol sensitivity in the cerebellum of Kv3-mutant mice. In future work, this approach will enable us to study the", "synonym_substitution": "physiology, neurons that normally express high levels of Kv3.1 and Kv3.3 distribution channel fractional monetary unit. We will use a molecular biological approach to place the neural origin of high alcohol sensitivity in the cerebellum of Kv3 - mutant mice. In future employment, this approach will enable us to study the", "butter_fingers": " phjsiology, neurons that novmally express hnth levxls of Iv3.1 and Kx3.3 channel subunits. We will ude a mooecular biological appfoach to pocalize the beuronal ocjgin of high zpcohmo sensitivity ln the ceretellum of Kv3-mudavt mice. In future work, this approach rill ensbpe us to study the", "random_deletion": "physiology, neurons that normally express high levels and channel subunits. will use a the origin of high sensitivity in the of Kv3-mutant mice. In future work, approach will enable us to study the", "change_char_case": " physiology, neurons that normAlly expresS high LevEls Of kv3.1 anD Kv3.3 cHannel subunits. wE wilL use a molecular biologicAl appRoACh to LOcAlize The neurONaL ORigIn Of HigH aLCoHol seNsiTivity iN the cerebeLluM oF Kv3-mutant micE. in Future work, ThiS approach wilL enAble us To StuDY the", "whitespace_perturbation": " physiology, neurons thatnormally e xpres s h igh l evel s of Kv3.1 and Kv3 . 3 ch annel subunits. We wil l use a mole c ul ar bi ologica l a p p roa ch t o l oc a li ze th e n euronal origin of hi gh alcohol sen s it ivity in t hecerebellum o f K v3-mut an t m i ce. I n f uture work, this a pproach w il l enabl e us tos t ud y th e", "underscore_trick": " physiology,_neurons that_normally express high levels_of Kv3.1_and_Kv3.3 channel_subunits._We will use_a molecular biological_approach to localize the_neuronal origin of_high_alcohol sensitivity in the cerebellum of Kv3-mutant mice. In future work, this approach will_enable_us to_study_the"} +{"text": " drug in the United States. Heavy marijuana users who attempt to stop using marijuana frequently report sleep disturbance, restlessness, nervousness/anxiety, increased aggression, and appetite changes. We believe that sleep disturbance may pose an enormous hindrance to successful cessation of heavy marijuana use. Surprisingly, despite several subjective reports of sleep disturbance", "synonym_substitution": "drug in the United States. Heavy marijuana users who attempt to check use marijuana frequently report sleep disturbance, restlessness, jitteriness / anxiety, increased aggression, and appetite changes. We believe that rest noise may pose an enormous hindrance to successful cessation of fleshy marijuana use. Surprisingly, despite respective subjective reports of sleep disturbance", "butter_fingers": " drkg in the United States. Meavy marijuana oswrs whm attejpt to sgop using marijuana frequentpy repoet sleep disturbance, rdstlessneds, nervoysneww/anxiety, iidreased aggreadion, end appetite chsnges. We balieve that slaeo bisturbance may pose an enormous hinqrance yo successful cefsatpog of heavy marijuana use. Surprisingly, sespite several subjrctive reports of sleep didturhance", "random_deletion": "drug in the United States. Heavy marijuana attempt stop using frequently report sleep and changes. We believe sleep disturbance may an enormous hindrance to successful cessation heavy marijuana use. Surprisingly, despite several subjective reports of sleep disturbance", "change_char_case": " drug in the United States. HeavY marijuana Users Who AttEmPt to Stop Using marijuana FRequEntly report sleep disturBance, ReSTlesSNeSs, nerVousnesS/AnXIEty, InCrEasEd AGgRessiOn, aNd appetIte changes. we bElIeve that sleeP DiSturbance mAy pOse an enormouS hiNdrancE tO suCCessfUl cEssatIon of hEAvy marIjuana use. suRPrisinGLy, despiTE SeVeraL subjective reportS Of SLeep disturbancE", "whitespace_perturbation": " drug in the United States . Heavy ma rijua nause rs who att empt to stop u s ingmarijuana frequently r eport s l eepd is turba nce, re s tl e s sne ss ,ner vo u sn ess/a nxi ety, in creased ag gre ss ion, and app e ti te changes . W e believe th atsleepdi stu r bance ma y pos e an e n ormous hindranc et o succ e ssful c e s sa tion of heavy marijua n au se. Surprising ly, de sp i te s eve ral subjectiv erepor t s of sl e ep d i stu r bance", "underscore_trick": " drug_in the_United States. Heavy marijuana_users who_attempt_to stop_using_marijuana frequently report_sleep disturbance, restlessness,_nervousness/anxiety, increased aggression, and_appetite changes. We_believe_that sleep disturbance may pose an enormous hindrance to successful cessation of heavy marijuana_use._Surprisingly, despite_several_subjective_reports of sleep disturbance"} +{"text": " interactive multimedia, have rarely been investigated as delivery media for sexuality instruction. To exploit the potential of multimedia for effecting behavioral change among teenagers, American Research Corporation of Virginia proposes the ongoing development of \"Promotion of Responsible Sexuality with Multimedia\" (PRISM), a fourth generation sexuality education program presented by interactive multimedia", "synonym_substitution": "interactive multimedia, have rarely been investigated as delivery media for sex teaching. To exploit the potential of multimedia for effect behavioral variety among teenagers, American Research Corporation of Virginia proposes the ongoing development of \" Promotion of Responsible Sexuality with Multimedia \" (PRISM), a fourth coevals sexuality education plan presented by interactive multimedia", "butter_fingers": " inheractive multimedia, havt rarely been invgsrigatev as demivery mddia for sexuality instructiln. To ezploit the potential ow multimefia for wfferting behavioral change among fcenagzrw, American Resgarch Corpordtion of Virgitix 'roposes the ongoing development of \"[romotipn of Responsiblg Sexlajity with Multimedia\" (PRISM), a fourth geheratioi sexuality eduvation program presented bj inheractive multimedla", "random_deletion": "interactive multimedia, have rarely been investigated as for instruction. To the potential of among American Research Corporation Virginia proposes the development of \"Promotion of Responsible Sexuality Multimedia\" (PRISM), a fourth generation sexuality education program presented by interactive multimedia", "change_char_case": " interactive multimedia, have Rarely been InvesTigAteD aS delIverY media for sexuaLIty iNstruction. To exploit the PotenTiAL of mULtImediA for effECtING beHaViOraL cHAnGe amoNg tEenagerS, American REseArCh CorporatioN Of virginia prOpoSes the ongoinG deVelopmEnT of \"pRomotIon Of ResPonsibLE SexuaLity with MUlTImedia\" (prISM), a foURTh GeneRation sexuality edUCaTIon program presEnted bY iNTeRACtiVe mUltimedia", "whitespace_perturbation": " interactive multimedia, h ave rarely been in ves ti gate d as delivery medi a for sexuality instruction . Toex p loit th e pot entialo fm u lti me di a f or ef fecti ngbehavio ral change am on g teenagers, Am erican Res ear ch Corporati onof Vir gi nia propo ses theongoin g devel opment of \" P romoti o n of Re s p on sibl e Sexuality withM ul t imedia\" (PRISM ), a f ou r th g ene rat ion sexual it y edu c ation p r og r a m pr e sented by int eractive mu l tim edia", "underscore_trick": " interactive_multimedia, have_rarely been investigated as_delivery media_for_sexuality instruction._To_exploit the potential_of multimedia for_effecting behavioral change among_teenagers, American Research_Corporation_of Virginia proposes the ongoing development of \"Promotion of Responsible Sexuality with Multimedia\" (PRISM),_a_fourth generation_sexuality_education_program presented by interactive multimedia"} +{"text": " self- tolerance. This will define a novel therapeutic opportunity to use ATRi?s to potentiate the DNA damage induced by cisplatin and IR while concurrently inducing immune checkpoint blockade. The mammalian bombesin-like peptides, gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) and neuromedin B (NMB), are important", "synonym_substitution": "self- tolerance. This will define a novel therapeutic opportunity to practice ATRi?s to potentiate the deoxyribonucleic acid wrong induced by cisplatin and IR while concurrently induce immune checkpoint blockade. The mammalian bombesin - comparable peptides, gastrin - releasing peptide (GRP) and neuromedin B (NMB), are significant", "butter_fingers": " sepf- tolerance. This will dtfine a novel thetapeutic opporfunity tu use ATRi?s to potentiate thx DNQ damqge induced by cisplatkn and IR while cincucrently inducing immune gkeckpklnt bnickade. The mamkalian bomtesin-like pepthdds, gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) and nquromedon B (NMB), are impjrtame", "random_deletion": "self- tolerance. This will define a novel to ATRi?s to the DNA damage while inducing immune checkpoint The mammalian bombesin-like gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) and neuromedin B are important", "change_char_case": " self- tolerance. This will defiNe a novel thErapeUtiC opPoRtunIty tO use ATRi?s to potENtiaTe the DNA damage induced bY cispLaTIn anD iR While ConcurrENtLY IndUcInG imMuNE cHeckpOinT blockaDe. The mammaLiaN bOmbesin-like pEPtIdes, gastriN-reLeasing peptiDe (GrP) and nEuRomEDin B (NmB), aRe impOrtant", "whitespace_perturbation": " self- tolerance. This wil l define a nove l t her ap euti c op portunity to u s e AT Ri?s to potentiate the DNAda m agei nd ucedby cisp l at i n an dIR wh il e c oncur ren tly ind ucing immu nech eckpoint blo c ka de. The ma mma lian bombesi n-l ike pe pt ide s , gas tri n-rel easing peptid e (GRP) a nd neurom e din B ( N M B) , ar e important", "underscore_trick": " self-_tolerance. This_will define a novel_therapeutic opportunity_to_use ATRi?s_to_potentiate the DNA_damage induced by_cisplatin and IR while_concurrently inducing immune_checkpoint_blockade. The mammalian bombesin-like peptides, gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) and neuromedin B (NMB), are important"} +{"text": " of cohesion during aging causes defects in chromosome segregation in older eggs. In addition, we will will use genetic and proteomic approaches to identify gene products that influence age-dependent nondisjunction. We have described two dsRNA viruses (L-A and L-BC) and two ssRNA replicons (20S", "synonym_substitution": "of cohesion during aging causes defects in chromosome segregation in old egg. In addition, we will will use genetic and proteomic approach to identify gene products that influence historic period - dependent nondisjunction. We have described two dsRNA virus (L - A and L - BC) and two ssRNA replicons (20S", "butter_fingers": " of cohesion during aging cxuses defects iu chrommsome aegregatkon in older eggs. In additioi, we will will use genetic and oroteomic approacyes uo identify gene 'doducts that jkflueucx age-dependent kondisjuncthon. We have devcfiyed two dsRNA viruses (L-A and L-BC) and two ssTNW replicons (20S", "random_deletion": "of cohesion during aging causes defects in in eggs. In we will will to gene products that age-dependent nondisjunction. We described two dsRNA viruses (L-A and and two ssRNA replicons (20S", "change_char_case": " of cohesion during aging causEs defects iN chroMosOme SeGregAtioN in older eggs. In ADditIon, we will will use genetiC and pRoTEomiC ApProacHes to idENtIFY geNe PrOduCtS ThAt infLueNce age-dEpendent noNdiSjUnction. We havE DeScribed two DsRnA viruses (L-A aNd L-bC) and tWo SsRna replIcoNs (20S", "whitespace_perturbation": " of cohesion during agingcauses def ectsinchr om osom e se gregation in o l dereggs. In addition, wewillwi l l us e g eneti c and p r ot e o mic a pp roa ch e sto id ent ify gen e products th at influence a g e- dependentnon disjunction. We havede scr i bed t wodsRNA virus e s (L-A and L-BC )a nd two ssRNA r e p li cons (20S", "underscore_trick": " of_cohesion during_aging causes defects in_chromosome segregation_in_older eggs._In_addition, we will_will use genetic_and proteomic approaches to_identify gene products_that_influence age-dependent nondisjunction. We have described two dsRNA viruses (L-A and L-BC) and two_ssRNA_replicons (20S"} +{"text": " CYP4A-dependent and 20-HETE-mediated endothelial sprouting in renal arterial microvessels. In vitro, 20-HETE is a potent angiogenic factor stimulating capillary-like tube formation of endothelial cells by a mechanism that may include MAPK activation and induction of inflammatory and angiogenic proteins (IL-", "synonym_substitution": "CYP4A - dependent and 20 - HETE - mediated endothelial sprouting in renal arterial microvessels. In vitro, 20 - HETE is a potent angiogenic agent stimulate capillary - like tube formation of endothelial cell by a mechanism that may include MAPK activation and trigger of incendiary and angiogenic proteins (IL-", "butter_fingers": " CYO4A-dependent and 20-HETE-medixted endothelial sprouving in renal afterial microvessels. In vitrl, 20-YETE us a potent angiogenic factor snimulatint cakillary-like tube hkrmatiok of skdothzlmal cells by a kechanism dhat may incluge MCPK activation and induction of inflwmmatoru wnd angiogenic proueigs (IM-", "random_deletion": "CYP4A-dependent and 20-HETE-mediated endothelial sprouting in renal In 20-HETE is potent angiogenic factor endothelial by a mechanism may include MAPK and induction of inflammatory and angiogenic (IL-", "change_char_case": " CYP4A-dependent and 20-HETE-mediaTed endotheLial sProUtiNg In reNal aRterial microveSSels. in vitro, 20-HETE is a potent anGiogeNiC FactOR sTimulAting caPIlLARy-lIkE tUbe FoRMaTion oF enDotheliAl cells by a MecHaNism that may iNClUde MAPK actIvaTion and inducTioN of infLaMmaTOry anD anGiogeNic proTEins (IL-", "whitespace_perturbation": " CYP4A-dependent and 20-HE TE-mediate d end oth eli al spr outi ng in renal ar t eria l microvessels. In vit ro, 2 0- H ETEi sa pot ent ang i og e n icfa ct orst i mu latin g c apillar y-like tub e f or mation of en d ot helial cel lsby a mechani smthat m ay in c ludeMAP K act ivatio n and i nductionof inflam m atory a n d a ngio genic proteins (I L -", "underscore_trick": " CYP4A-dependent_and 20-HETE-mediated_endothelial sprouting in renal_arterial microvessels._In_vitro, 20-HETE_is_a potent angiogenic_factor stimulating capillary-like_tube formation of endothelial_cells by a_mechanism_that may include MAPK activation and induction of inflammatory and angiogenic proteins (IL-"} +{"text": ",25D synthesis and acfion at the level of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) is crucial for mounfing an anfimicrobial response to mLEP. Therefore, the mechanism(s) that govern vitamin D metabolism and acfion in leprosy is a key component to the disease", "synonym_substitution": ", 25D synthesis and acfion at the level of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) is all-important for mounfing an anfimicrobial reception to mLEP. Therefore, the mechanism(s) that govern vitamin five hundred metabolism and acfion in leprosy is a cardinal component to the disease", "butter_fingers": ",25D sjnthesis and acfion at tme level of the rutamin D recsptor (VDF) is crucial for mounfing an abfimixrobial response to mLDP. Thereflre, the nechenism(s) that govech vitamlu D msbabolnsn and acfion ik leprosy iv a key componang co the disease", "random_deletion": ",25D synthesis and acfion at the level vitamin receptor (VDR) crucial for mounfing Therefore, mechanism(s) that govern D metabolism and in leprosy is a key component the disease", "change_char_case": ",25D synthesis and acfion at the lEvel of the vItamiN D rEcePtOr (VDr) is cRucial for mounfINg an Anfimicrobial response tO mLEP. thERefoRE, tHe mecHanism(s) THaT GOveRn ViTamIn d MeTabolIsm And acfiOn in leprosY is A kEy component tO ThE disease", "whitespace_perturbation": ",25D synthesis and acfionat the lev el of th e v it amin D r eceptor (VDR)i s cr ucial for mounfing ananfim ic r obia l r espon se to m L EP . The re fo re, t h emecha nis m(s) th at governvit am in D metabol i sm and acfio n i n leprosy is akey co mp one n t tothe dise ase", "underscore_trick": ",25D synthesis_and acfion_at the level of_the vitamin_D_receptor (VDR)_is_crucial for mounfing_an anfimicrobial response_to mLEP. Therefore, the_mechanism(s) that govern_vitamin_D metabolism and acfion in leprosy is a key component to the disease"} +{"text": " of opsonization and phagocytic killing by neutrophils in vitro and in vivo. The key to resolution of pneumococcal carriage appears to be recognition and uptake by macrophages. It remains unclear how the unique population of upper respiratory tract macrophages recognizes colonizing pneumococci. In specific aim#2, we will identify the macrophage receptor", "synonym_substitution": "of opsonization and phagocytic killing by neutrophils in vitro and in vivo. The key to resolution of pneumococcal carriage appear to be realization and uptake by macrophages. It remain indecipherable how the unique population of upper respiratory tract macrophage recognizes colonizing pneumococci. In specific aim#2, we will identify the macrophage sense organ", "butter_fingers": " of opsonization and phagocntic killing by uwutropiils in vitro avd in vivo. The key to resoluvion of pbeumococcal carriage aopears to be recotnitmon and uptake bb macropmcges. Jb remciis unclear how jhe unique pmpulation of u[pdr respiratory tract macrophages recodnizes voponizing pneumjcocbi. In aiegific aim#2, we will identify the mzcrophaje receptor", "random_deletion": "of opsonization and phagocytic killing by neutrophils and vivo. The to resolution of recognition uptake by macrophages. remains unclear how unique population of upper respiratory tract recognizes colonizing pneumococci. In specific aim#2, we will identify the macrophage receptor", "change_char_case": " of opsonization and phagocytIc killing bY neutRopHilS iN vitRo anD in vivo. The key tO ResoLution of pneumococcal caRriagE aPPearS To Be recOgnitioN AnD UPtaKe By MacRoPHaGes. It RemAins uncLear how the UniQuE population oF UpPer respiraTorY tract macropHagEs recoGnIzeS ColonIziNg pneUmococCI. In speCific aim#2, wE wILl idenTIfy the mACRoPhagE receptor", "whitespace_perturbation": " of opsonization and phago cytic kill ing b y n eut ro phil s in vitro and inv ivo. The key to resolution of p ne u moco c ca l car riage a p pe a r s t obe re co g ni tionand uptake by macrop hag es . It remains un clear howthe unique popu lat ion of u ppe r resp ira torytractm acroph ages reco gn i zes co l onizing p ne umoc occi. In specific ai m #2, we will id entify t h em a cro pha ge recepto r", "underscore_trick": " of_opsonization and_phagocytic killing by neutrophils_in vitro_and_in vivo._The_key to resolution_of pneumococcal carriage_appears to be recognition_and uptake by_macrophages._It remains unclear how the unique population of upper respiratory tract macrophages recognizes colonizing_pneumococci._In specific_aim#2,_we_will identify the macrophage receptor"} +{"text": " desirability bias and enhance the veracity of self-report, thereby increasing internal and external validity. There is an increase in the risk of bone fracture with aging and adult diabetes, and this increase cannot be solely explained by changes in bone mineral density (BMD). One barrier to new diagnostic tools and treatments is that the", "synonym_substitution": "desirability bias and enhance the veracity of self - report, thereby increasing inner and external cogency. There is an increase in the risk of bone fault with aging and adult diabetes, and this increase cannot be solely explain by changes in bone mineral density (BMD). One barrier to fresh diagnostic tools and treatments is that the", "butter_fingers": " dedirability bias and enhakce the veracity of selh-report, thereby increasing internal and extxrnao valudity. There is an incrdase in tje risk if bibe fracturx with annng ahf adblv diabetes, and jhis increasa cannot be soneuy explained by changes in bone minerwl densotj (BMD). One barryer uo gew spannostic tools and treatments is fhat tht", "random_deletion": "desirability bias and enhance the veracity of increasing and external There is an bone with aging and diabetes, and this cannot be solely explained by changes bone mineral density (BMD). One barrier to new diagnostic tools and treatments is the", "change_char_case": " desirability bias and enhancE the veraciTy of sElf-RepOrT, theReby Increasing inteRNal aNd external validity. TherE is an InCReasE In The riSk of bonE FrACTurE wItH agInG AnD adulT diAbetes, aNd this incrEasE cAnnot be solelY ExPlained by cHanGes in bone minEraL densiTy (bMD). oNe barRieR to neW diagnOStic toOls and treAtMEnts is THat the", "whitespace_perturbation": " desirability bias and enh ance the v eraci tyofse lf-r epor t, thereby inc r easi ng internal and extern al va li d ity. Th ere i s an in c re a s e i nth e r is k o f bon e f racture with agin g a nd adult diabe t es , and this in crease canno t b e sole ly ex p laine d b y cha nges i n bonemineral d en s ity (B M D). One b ar rier to new diagnosti c t o ols and treatm ents i st ha t the ", "underscore_trick": " desirability_bias and_enhance the veracity of_self-report, thereby_increasing_internal and_external_validity. There is_an increase in_the risk of bone_fracture with aging_and_adult diabetes, and this increase cannot be solely explained by changes in bone mineral_density_(BMD). One_barrier_to_new diagnostic tools and treatments_is that the"} +{"text": "ile acids are secreted by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and efficiently reabsorbed from the intestine. This enterohepatic cycling is crucial for maintaining the pool of bile acids and for restricting these potentially cytotoxic detergents to specific compartments such as the liver and Gl tract. Many of the transporters that function", "synonym_substitution": "ile acids are secreted by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and efficiently reabsorbed from the intestine. This enterohepatic cycling is all-important for maintain the pool of bile acid and for restrict these potentially cytotoxic detergents to specific compartments such as the liver and Gl nerve pathway. Many of the transporters that function", "butter_fingers": "ile acids are secreted by tme liver, stored nb the jallblasder, and efficiently reabsorbed from tye inuvstine. This enterohepxtic cyclpng is cryciao for maintejning tmz poom of yioe acids and fpr restricding these potangiclly cytotoxic detergents to specifis compattlents such as jhe lpvqr ahd Gl tract. Many of the transporteds that function", "random_deletion": "ile acids are secreted by the liver, the and efficiently from the intestine. for the pool of acids and for these potentially cytotoxic detergents to specific such as the liver and Gl tract. Many of the transporters that function", "change_char_case": "ile acids are secreted by the lIver, stored In the GalLblAdDer, aNd efFiciently reabsORbed From the intestine. This enTerohEpATic cYClIng is Crucial FOr MAIntAiNiNg tHe POoL of biLe aCids and For restricTinG tHese potentiaLLy Cytotoxic dEteRgents to specIfiC compaRtMenTS such As tHe livEr and GL Tract. MAny of the tRaNSporteRS that fuNCTiOn", "whitespace_perturbation": "ile acids are secreted bythe liver, stor edinth e ga llbl adder, and eff i cien tly reabsorbed from th e int es t ine. Th is en terohep a ti c cyc li ng is c r uc ial f ormaintai ning the p ool o f bile acids an d for rest ric ting these p ote ntiall ycyt o toxic de terge nts to specif ic compar tm e nts su c h as th e li verand Gl tract. Man y o f the transport ers th at fu n c tio n", "underscore_trick": "ile acids_are secreted_by the liver, stored_in the_gallbladder,_and efficiently_reabsorbed_from the intestine._This enterohepatic cycling_is crucial for maintaining_the pool of_bile_acids and for restricting these potentially cytotoxic detergents to specific compartments such as the_liver_and Gl_tract._Many_of the transporters that function"} +{"text": " (and their corresponding genes) used in the specialized synthesis of silk fibroin by the silkworm, Bombyx mori. This system is particularly suited to studies of the molecular mechanisms controlling transcription, RNA processing, and translation in a developing eukaryote because the fibroin protein, its messenger RNA and certain", "synonym_substitution": "(and their corresponding genes) used in the specialized synthesis of silk fibroin by the silkworm, Bombyx mori. This arrangement is peculiarly suited to studies of the molecular mechanism control transcription, RNA processing, and translation in a develop eukaryote because the fibroin protein, its messenger RNA and certain", "butter_fingers": " (anf their corresponding gekes) used in the specialmzed syhthesis uf silk fibroin by the silkwlrn, Bomvyx mori. This system ir particuparly suuted ro studies of the molecumwr mzcianisms controlking transwription, RNA psozedsing, and translation in a developigg eukatylte because thg fibgoyn pdotein, its messenger RNA and certajn", "random_deletion": "(and their corresponding genes) used in the of fibroin by silkworm, Bombyx mori. to of the molecular controlling transcription, RNA and translation in a developing eukaryote the fibroin protein, its messenger RNA and certain", "change_char_case": " (and their corresponding geneS) used in the SpeciAliZed SyNtheSis oF silk fibroin by THe siLkworm, Bombyx mori. This syStem iS pARticULaRly suIted to sTUdIES of ThE mOleCuLAr MechaNisMs contrOlling tranScrIpTion, RNA proceSSiNg, and transLatIon in a develoPinG eukarYoTe bECause The FibroIn protEIn, its mEssenger RnA ANd certAIn", "whitespace_perturbation": " (and their correspondinggenes) use d inthe sp ec iali zedsynthesis of s i lk f ibroin by the silkworm , Bom by x mor i .Thissystemi sp a rti cu la rly s u it ed to st udies o f the mole cul ar mechanismsc on trolling t ran scription, R NAproces si ng, and t ran slati on ina devel oping euk ar y ote be c ause th e fi broi n protein, its me s se n ger RNA and ce rtain", "underscore_trick": " (and_their corresponding_genes) used in the_specialized synthesis_of_silk fibroin_by_the silkworm, Bombyx_mori. This system_is particularly suited to_studies of the_molecular_mechanisms controlling transcription, RNA processing, and translation in a developing eukaryote because the fibroin_protein,_its messenger_RNA_and_certain"} +{"text": " step in identifying processes by which effective, low- and no-cost strategies can be integrated into the existing YMCA organizational framework to ensure national YMCA Standards are achieved. This application is innovative because it will establish the effectiveness of the Standards using a diffusion-support framework in real-world settings to increase children's", "synonym_substitution": "step in identifying processes by which effective, low- and no - cost scheme can be integrate into the existing YMCA organizational framework to ensure home YMCA Standards are achieved. This application is innovative because it will prove the effectiveness of the Standards using a dissemination - support framework in veridical - world settings to increase child's", "butter_fingers": " stfp in identifying procesres by which efywctive, low- ahd no-cosg strategies can be integratxd ibto tye existing YMCA organkzational framewoek ti ensure navjonal YMCA Stzkdardv are achieved. Jhis applicadion is innovadixe because it will establish the effestivenexs of the Standatds uxyng z diffusion-support framework in rezl-world settings to oncrease children's", "random_deletion": "step in identifying processes by which effective, no-cost can be into the existing national Standards are achieved. application is innovative it will establish the effectiveness of Standards using a diffusion-support framework in real-world settings to increase children's", "change_char_case": " step in identifying processeS by which efFectiVe, lOw- aNd No-coSt stRategies can be iNTegrAted into the existing YMCa orgaNiZAtioNAl FrameWork to eNSuRE NatIoNaL YMcA sTaNdardS arE achievEd. This applIcaTiOn is innovatiVE bEcause it wiLl eStablish the eFfeCtivenEsS of THe StaNdaRds usIng a diFFusion-Support frAmEWork in REal-worlD SEtTingS to increase childrEN's", "whitespace_perturbation": " step in identifying proce sses by wh ich e ffe cti ve , lo w- a nd no-cost str a tegi es can be integrated i nto t he exis t in g YMC A organ i za t i ona lfr ame wo r kto en sur e natio nal YMCA S tan da rds are achi e ve d. This ap pli cation is in nov ativebe cau s e itwil l est ablish the ef fectivene ss of the Standar d s u sing a diffusion-supp o rt framework in r eal-wo rl d s e t tin gsto increas echild r en's", "underscore_trick": " step_in identifying_processes by which effective,_low- and_no-cost_strategies can_be_integrated into the_existing YMCA organizational_framework to ensure national_YMCA Standards are_achieved._This application is innovative because it will establish the effectiveness of the Standards using_a_diffusion-support framework_in_real-world_settings to increase children's"} +{"text": " modernization of its unique animal research resource (ARC) at the CS facility of the CPRC. The CPRC is an unrivaled national and international research resource for comparative studies in the biomedical and behavioral sciences that has received NCRR funding through a P40 award or the equivalent for the past three decades. The", "synonym_substitution": "modernization of its unique animal research resource (ARC) at the CS facility of the CPRC. The CPRC is an unrivaled home and external inquiry resource for comparative studies in the biomedical and behavioral sciences that has receive NCRR funding through a P40 award or the equivalent for the past three ten. The", "butter_fingers": " mofernization of its uniqut animal research resourre (ARC) zt the CR facility of the CPRC. The C'RC us an unrivaled national ana internanional rewearrh resource for rkmparatlre sthfies mn the biomedicsl and behdvioral sciencas tkat has received NCRR funding througr a P40 aeagd or the equidaleme fod the past three decades. The", "random_deletion": "modernization of its unique animal research resource the facility of CPRC. The CPRC international resource for comparative in the biomedical behavioral sciences that has received NCRR through a P40 award or the equivalent for the past three decades. The", "change_char_case": " modernization of its unique aNimal reseaRch reSouRce (aRc) at tHe CS Facility of the CprC. ThE CPRC is an unrivaled natiOnal aNd INterNAtIonal ResearcH ReSOUrcE fOr ComPaRAtIve stUdiEs in the Biomedical And BeHavioral scieNCeS that has reCeiVed NCRR fundiNg tHrough A P40 AwaRD or thE eqUivalEnt for THe past Three decaDeS. the", "whitespace_perturbation": " modernization of its uniq ue animalresea rch re so urce (AR C) at the CS f a cili ty of the CPRC. The CP RC is a n unr i va led n ational an d int er na tio na l r esear chresourc e for comp ara ti ve studies i n t he biomedi cal and behavio ral scien ce s t h at ha s r eceiv ed NCR R fundi ng throug ha P40 a w ard ort h eequi valent for the pa s tt hree decades.The", "underscore_trick": " modernization_of its_unique animal research resource_(ARC) at_the_CS facility_of_the CPRC. The_CPRC is an_unrivaled national and international_research resource for_comparative_studies in the biomedical and behavioral sciences that has received NCRR funding through a_P40_award or_the_equivalent_for the past three decades._The"} +{"text": ". The effect of the duration of ischemia, the conditions of reperfusion and the degree of catecholamine stimulation on the appearance and disappearance of non-uniformity will be studied. Marval Biosciences Inc. has developed a novel liposomal X-ray contrast agent (NCTX)1. With prior SBIR funding (1", "synonym_substitution": ". The effect of the duration of ischemia, the conditions of reperfusion and the degree of catecholamine stimulation on the appearance and fade of non - uniformity will be study. Marval Biosciences Inc. has developed a novel liposomal ten - beam contrast agent (NCTX)1. With anterior SBIR funding (1", "butter_fingers": ". Thf effect of the duration of ischemia, thg xonditmons of reperfurion and the degree of cateciolanine wtimulation on the appdarance ajd disappearence of non-unifocjity will be abudieb. Narval Biosciekces Inc. hav developed a toxep liposomal X-ray contrast agent (NCTV)1. With lrlor SBIR fundigg (1", "random_deletion": ". The effect of the duration of conditions reperfusion and degree of catecholamine disappearance non-uniformity will be Marval Biosciences Inc. developed a novel liposomal X-ray contrast (NCTX)1. With prior SBIR funding (1", "change_char_case": ". The effect of the duration of iSchemia, the CondiTioNs oF rEperFusiOn and the degree OF catEcholamine stimulation oN the aPpEAranCE aNd disAppearaNCe OF Non-UnIfOrmItY WiLl be sTudIed. MarvAl BioscienCes inC. has developeD A nOvel liposoMal x-ray contrast AgeNt (NCTX)1. wiTh pRIor SBiR fUndinG (1", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The effect of the durati on of isch emia, th e c on diti onsof reperfusion andthe degree of catechol amine s t imul a ti on on the ap p ea r a nce a nd di sa p pe aranc e o f non-u niformitywil lbe studied.M ar val Biosci enc es Inc. hasdev eloped a no v el li pos omalX-rayc ontras t agent ( NC T X)1. W i th prio r SB IR f unding (1", "underscore_trick": ". The_effect of_the duration of ischemia,_the conditions_of_reperfusion and_the_degree of catecholamine_stimulation on the_appearance and disappearance of_non-uniformity will be_studied._Marval Biosciences Inc. has developed a novel liposomal X-ray contrast agent (NCTX)1. With prior_SBIR_funding (1"} +{"text": " each population's ability to provide this much needed training and therefore makes the proposed cooperative agreement even more important. Environmental toxicants with the ability to directly or indirectly modify the cellular thiols of lymphocytes can initiate immune dysfunctions resulting in increased incidence of infectious diseases, cancer and/or autoimmune diseases. The majority of our analyses will", "synonym_substitution": "each population's ability to provide this much needed training and consequently do the proposed cooperative agreement even more authoritative. Environmental poison with the ability to directly or indirectly modify the cellular thiols of lymphocytes can originate immune dysfunctions resulting in increase incidence of infectious diseases, cancer and/or autoimmune diseases. The majority of our analysis will", "butter_fingers": " eafh population's ability tu provide this much nexded trzining avd therefore makes the propodee cookvrative agreement evev more imiortant. Ebviribmental toejcants with tgc abinmty to directly or indirewtly modify tha zeplular thiols of lymphocytes can inytiate omlune dysfunctijns gefultjng in increased incidence of infedtious viseases, cancer and/or autoimmune diseases. The majority of our ajalyses wilo", "random_deletion": "each population's ability to provide this much and makes the cooperative agreement even the to directly or modify the cellular of lymphocytes can initiate immune dysfunctions in increased incidence of infectious diseases, cancer and/or autoimmune diseases. The majority of analyses will", "change_char_case": " each population's ability to pRovide this Much nEedEd tRaIninG and Therefore makes THe prOposed cooperative agreeMent eVeN More IMpOrtanT. EnviroNMeNTAl tOxIcAntS wITh The abIliTy to dirEctly or indIreCtLy modify the cELlUlar thiols Of lYmphocytes caN inItiate ImMunE DysfuNctIons rEsultiNG in incReased incIdENce of iNFectiouS DIsEaseS, cancer and/or autoiMMuNE diseases. The maJority Of OUr ANAlySes Will", "whitespace_perturbation": " each population's ability to provid e thi s m uch n eede d tr aining and the r efor e makes the proposed c ooper at i ve a g re ement even m o re i mpo rt an t.En v ir onmen tal toxica nts with t heab ility to dir e ct ly or indi rec tly modify t hecellul ar th i ols o f l ympho cytesc an ini tiate imm un e dysfu n ctionsr e su ltin g in increased in c id e nce of infecti ous di se a se s , ca nce r and/or a ut oimmu n e disea s es . T hem ajority of ou r analysesw ill ", "underscore_trick": " each_population's ability_to provide this much_needed training_and_therefore makes_the_proposed cooperative agreement_even more important._Environmental toxicants with the_ability to directly_or_indirectly modify the cellular thiols of lymphocytes can initiate immune dysfunctions resulting in increased_incidence_of infectious_diseases,_cancer_and/or autoimmune diseases. The majority_of our analyses will"} +{"text": "1 and test their host defense in PA infection. We will also demonstrate that human AM can be activated by AECII and that this translational research may imply the clinical value of the immune AECII. This research will be performed by graduate and undergraduate students. Our efforts are expected to substantially advance understanding of this previously un", "synonym_substitution": "1 and test their host defense in PA infection. We will besides attest that human AM can be activated by AECII and that this translational research may entail the clinical value of the immune AECII. This inquiry will be performed by graduate and undergraduate students. Our attempt are expected to substantially boost understanding of this previously un", "butter_fingers": "1 anf test their host defenst in PA infection. We wiln also demonstfate that human AM can be acvivared bt AECII and that this granslatilnal reswarci may imply the rminical value lf tke immune AECII. Jhis researcv will be perfmroeb by graduate and undergraduate studqnts. Out ffforts are exkectec to albwtantially advance understandjng of uhis previously un", "random_deletion": "1 and test their host defense in We also demonstrate human AM can that translational research may the clinical value the immune AECII. This research will performed by graduate and undergraduate students. Our efforts are expected to substantially advance of this previously un", "change_char_case": "1 and test their host defense in pA infectioN. We wiLl aLso DeMonsTratE that human AM caN Be acTivated by AECII and that tHis trAnSLatiONaL reseArch may IMpLY The ClInIcaL vALuE of thE imMune AECiI. This reseArcH wIll be performED bY graduate aNd uNdergraduate StuDents. OUr EffORts arE exPecteD to subSTantiaLly advancE uNDerstaNDing of tHIS pReviOusly un", "whitespace_perturbation": "1 and test their host defe nse in PAinfec tio n.We wil l al so demonstrate that human AM can be activ atedby AECI I a nd th at this tr a n sla ti on alre s ea rch m ayimply t he clinica l v al ue of the im m un e AECII. T his research wi llbe per fo rme d by g rad uateand un d ergrad uate stud en t s. Our efforts a re exp ected to substant i al l y advance unde rstand in g o f thi s p reviouslyun ", "underscore_trick": "1 and_test their_host defense in PA_infection. We_will_also demonstrate_that_human AM can_be activated by_AECII and that this_translational research may_imply_the clinical value of the immune AECII. This research will be performed by graduate_and_undergraduate students._Our_efforts_are expected to substantially advance_understanding of this previously un"} +{"text": " metabolic disease. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: The overarching goal of this project is to elucidate mechanisms through which supplemental L- carnitine improves glucose tolerance in obese and diabetic rodents. Results from the proposed studies are likely to yield new insights regarding the therapeutic properties of L-carnitine, a conditionally", "synonym_substitution": "metabolic disease. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: The overarching goal of this project is to elucidate mechanisms through which supplemental L- carnitine better glucose permissiveness in obese and diabetic rodents. Results from the project studies are likely to move over modern insights see the therapeutic properties of lambert - carnitine, a conditionally", "butter_fingers": " mehabolic disease. PUBLIC HTALTH RELEVANCE: Tkw overerching goal of this project is to elucidatx mexhaniwms through which suppuemental P- carnitune mmproves glucose tolerangz in knese cnv diabetic rodekts. Results from the propmsdd studies are likely to yield new infights teharding the thgrapeltyc pdoperties of L-carnitine, a conditiohally", "random_deletion": "metabolic disease. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: The overarching this is to mechanisms through which tolerance obese and diabetic Results from the studies are likely to yield new regarding the therapeutic properties of L-carnitine, a conditionally", "change_char_case": " metabolic disease. PUBLIC HEAlTH RELEVANcE: The OveRarChIng gOal oF this project is TO eluCidate mechanisms througH whicH sUPpleMEnTal L- cArnitinE ImPROveS gLuCosE tOLeRance In oBese and Diabetic roDenTs. results from tHE pRoposed stuDieS are likely to YieLd new iNsIghTS regaRdiNg the TherapEUtic prOperties oF L-CArnitiNE, a condiTIOnAlly", "whitespace_perturbation": " metabolic disease. PUBLIC HEALTH RE LEVAN CE: Th eover arch ing goal of th i s pr oject is to elucidatemecha ni s ms t h ro ugh w hich su p pl e m ent al L - c ar n it ine i mpr oves gl ucose tole ran ce in obese an d d iabetic ro den ts. Resultsfro m thepr opo s ed st udi es ar e like l y to y ield newin s ightsr egardin g th e th erapeutic propert i es of L-carnitine , a co nd i ti o n all y", "underscore_trick": " metabolic_disease. PUBLIC_HEALTH RELEVANCE: The overarching_goal of_this_project is_to_elucidate mechanisms through_which supplemental L-_carnitine improves glucose tolerance_in obese and_diabetic_rodents. Results from the proposed studies are likely to yield new insights regarding the_therapeutic_properties of_L-carnitine,_a_conditionally"} +{"text": " effort in this area on our part to determine whether, as Jencks has suggested, part of the substrate binding energy can be channeled into driving a later catalytic step, and if so, how it is accomplished. The long term goal of this research is to understand the functional basis for the expression of apolipoprotein", "synonym_substitution": "effort in this area on our part to determine whether, as Jencks has suggest, character of the substrate binding energy can be channeled into drive a later catalytic step, and if indeed, how it is achieve. The long condition goal of this research is to sympathize the functional basis for the expression of apolipoprotein", "butter_fingers": " efvort in this area on our part to determnbe whevher, as Jencks fas suggested, part of the suustrqte bunding energy can be cfanneled pnto drivung e later catalytir step, akb if al, hoc mt is accomplismed. The lonc term goal of tfid research is to understand the funstional bwsis for the evprexfion of apolipoprotein", "random_deletion": "effort in this area on our part whether, Jencks has part of the channeled driving a later step, and if how it is accomplished. The long goal of this research is to understand the functional basis for the expression apolipoprotein", "change_char_case": " effort in this area on our part To determinE whetHer, As JEnCks hAs suGgested, part of tHE subStrate binding energy can Be chaNnELed iNTo DriviNg a lateR CaTALytIc StEp, aNd IF sO, how iT is AccomplIshed. The loNg tErM goal of this rESeArch is to unDerStand the funcTioNal basIs For THe expResSion oF apoliPOproteIn", "whitespace_perturbation": " effort in this area on ou r part todeter min e w he ther , as Jencks has su g gest ed, part of the substr ate b in d inge ne rgy c an be c h an n e led i nt o d ri v in g a l ate r catal ytic step, an dif so, how i t i s accompli she d. The longter m goal o f t h is re sea rch i s to u n dersta nd the fu nc t ionalb asis fo r th e ex pression of apoli p op r otein", "underscore_trick": " effort_in this_area on our part_to determine_whether,_as Jencks_has_suggested, part of_the substrate binding_energy can be channeled_into driving a_later_catalytic step, and if so, how it is accomplished. The long term goal of_this_research is_to_understand_the functional basis for the_expression of apolipoprotein"} +{"text": " plan has been established, including coursework and additional training. Taken as a whole, this K08 proposal outlines a robust pathway to scientific independence and the foundation of a successful and sustained career as a physician-scientist. Solid Phase Sciences Corporation (SPSC) proposes to produce a library of substituted acridine and pyr", "synonym_substitution": "plan has been established, including coursework and additional education. accept as a whole, this K08 proposal outlines a full-bodied pathway to scientific independence and the foundation garment of a successful and sustained career as a doctor - scientist. Solid Phase Sciences Corporation (SPSC) nominate to produce a library of substitute acridine and pyr", "butter_fingers": " plwn has been established, lncluding coursecirk anv additjonal trxining. Taken as a whole, this K08 propisal outlines a robust pathway no scientufic undependenrs and tmz fouhfatimi of a successfol and sustahned career as a pkysician-scientist. Solid Phase Sciencqs Corpprwtion (SPSC) prokoses eo pdoduce a library of substituted acdidine end pyr", "random_deletion": "plan has been established, including coursework and Taken a whole, K08 proposal outlines independence the foundation of successful and sustained as a physician-scientist. Solid Phase Sciences (SPSC) proposes to produce a library of substituted acridine and pyr", "change_char_case": " plan has been established, incLuding courSeworK anD adDiTionAl trAining. Taken as a WHole, This K08 proposal outlines a RobusT pAThwaY To ScienTific inDEpENDenCe AnD thE fOUnDatioN of A succesSful and susTaiNeD career as a phYSiCian-scientIst. solid Phase ScIenCes CorPoRatIOn (SPSc) prOposeS to proDUce a liBrary of suBsTItuted ACridine AND pYr", "whitespace_perturbation": " plan has been established , includin g cou rse wor kandaddi tional trainin g . Ta ken as a whole, this K 08 pr op o salo ut lines a robu s tp a thw ay t o s ci e nt ificind ependen ce and the fo un dation of as uc cessful an d s ustained car eer as aph ysi c ian-s cie ntist . Soli d Phase Sciences C o rporat i on (SPS C ) p ropo ses to produce al ib r ary of substit uted a cr i di n e an d p yr", "underscore_trick": " plan_has been_established, including coursework and_additional training._Taken_as a_whole,_this K08 proposal_outlines a robust_pathway to scientific independence_and the foundation_of_a successful and sustained career as a physician-scientist. Solid Phase Sciences Corporation (SPSC) proposes_to_produce a_library_of_substituted acridine and pyr"} +{"text": " agile. In keeping with the Comparative Sequencing interests, several years ago NISC implemented an amplicon-based Sanger sequencing pipeline designed to focus on intra-species variation. Numerous clinically relevant projects were designed to amplify and sequence specific genes and regions of interest in small groups of human subjects, yielding great insights into", "synonym_substitution": "agile. In keeping with the Comparative Sequencing interests, several days ago NISC follow through an amplicon - based Sanger sequencing pipeline design to focus on intra - species variation. Numerous clinically relevant project were design to amplify and sequence specific gene and region of interest in little groups of human subjects, render great insights into", "butter_fingers": " aglle. In keeping with the Gomparative Sequgnxing iiteresta, severau years ago NISC implemented ab ampoicon-based Sanger sequdncing piieline dewigntd to focus on invda-specicf vadlatiou. Iumerous clinicslly relevdnt projects ward besigned to amplify and sequence spesific grnfs and regions of pneerean ln small groups of human subjecta, yieldpng great insightx into", "random_deletion": "agile. In keeping with the Comparative Sequencing years NISC implemented amplicon-based Sanger sequencing intra-species Numerous clinically relevant were designed to and sequence specific genes and regions interest in small groups of human subjects, yielding great insights into", "change_char_case": " agile. In keeping with the CompArative SeqUenciNg iNteReSts, sEverAl years ago NISC IMpleMented an amplicon-based SAnger SeQUencINg PipelIne desiGNeD TO foCuS oN inTrA-SpEcies VarIation. NUmerous cliNicAlLy relevant prOJeCts were desIgnEd to amplify aNd sEquencE sPecIFic geNes And reGions oF IntereSt in small GrOUps of hUMan subjECTs, YielDing great insights INtO", "whitespace_perturbation": " agile. In keeping with th e Comparat ive S equ enc in g in tere sts, several y e arsago NISC implemented a n amp li c on-b a se d San ger seq u en c i ngpi pe lin ed es igned to focuson intra-s pec ie s variation. Nu merous cli nic ally relevan t p roject swer e desi gne d toamplif y and s equence s pe c ific g e nes and r eg ions of interest in s m al l groups of hum an sub je c ts , yie ldi ng great i ns ights into", "underscore_trick": " agile._In keeping_with the Comparative Sequencing_interests, several_years_ago NISC_implemented_an amplicon-based Sanger_sequencing pipeline designed_to focus on intra-species_variation. Numerous clinically_relevant_projects were designed to amplify and sequence specific genes and regions of interest in_small_groups of_human_subjects,_yielding great insights into"} +{"text": " 1/3 of all B-ALL cases. A safe and effective treatment capable of targeting CRLF2 B-ALL would have a significant health impact in the United States and in Central and South America where rates of CRLF2 B-ALL are even higher. We have discovered a novel biologic that selectively targets the", "synonym_substitution": "1/3 of all B - ALL cases. A safe and effective treatment adequate to of target CRLF2 B - ALL would have a significant health impingement in the United States and in Central and South America where rate of CRLF2 B - ALL are even higher. We have discovered a novel biologic that selectively target the", "butter_fingers": " 1/3 ov all B-ALL cases. A safe xnd effective tteqtment capabme of tafgeting CRLF2 B-ALL would have a signuficant health impact kn the Unpted Statws aid in Central anv South Americz whexe rates of CRLF2 B-ALL are aven higher. We hxvz discovered a novel biologic that sqlectivrlj targets the", "random_deletion": "1/3 of all B-ALL cases. A safe treatment of targeting B-ALL would have the States and in and South America rates of CRLF2 B-ALL are even We have discovered a novel biologic that selectively targets the", "change_char_case": " 1/3 of all B-ALL cases. A safe and effEctive treaTment CapAblE oF tarGetiNg CRLF2 B-ALL woulD Have A significant health impaCt in tHe uNiteD stAtes aNd in CenTRaL ANd SOuTh ameRiCA wHere rAteS of CRLF2 b-ALL are eveN hiGhEr. We have discOVeRed a novel bIolOgic that seleCtiVely taRgEts THe", "whitespace_perturbation": " 1/3 of all B-ALL cases. A safe andeffec tiv e t re atme nt c apable of targ e ting CRLF2 B-ALL would hav e a s ig n ific a nt heal th impa c ti n th eUn ite dS ta tes a ndin Cent ral and So uth A merica where ra tes of CRL F2B-ALL are ev enhigher .Weh ave d isc overe d a no v el bio logic tha ts electi v ely tar g e ts the ", "underscore_trick": " 1/3_of all_B-ALL cases. A safe_and effective_treatment_capable of_targeting_CRLF2 B-ALL would_have a significant_health impact in the_United States and_in_Central and South America where rates of CRLF2 B-ALL are even higher. We have_discovered_a novel_biologic_that_selectively targets the"} +{"text": " to be associated to the impact of cocaine on HIV persistence; we will use a novel primary cell assay of HIV latency which allows for the first time to measure latency reactivation in multiple T cells subsets. LARA will allow us to confirm in vitro that cocaine and its metabolites can mobilize the above identified pathways and monitor their", "synonym_substitution": "to be associated to the impact of cocaine on HIV persistence; we will use a fresh basal cell assay of HIV latency which allow for the beginning time to measure reaction time reactivation in multiple triiodothyronine cells subset. LARA will leave us to confirm in vitro that cocaine and its metabolites can call up the above identified pathways and monitor their", "butter_fingers": " to be associated to the imkact of cocaine ou HIV pxrsistehce; we wkll use a novel primary cell awsay if HIV latency which aulows for the firwt tmme to measure lefency rccctivzbion nn multiple T cekls subsetv. LARA will alnod bs to confirm in vitro that cocaine wnd its mftabolites can mobplyze fhe above identified pathways and jonitor their", "random_deletion": "to be associated to the impact of HIV we will a novel primary which for the first to measure latency in multiple T cells subsets. LARA allow us to confirm in vitro that cocaine and its metabolites can mobilize above identified pathways and monitor their", "change_char_case": " to be associated to the impact Of cocaine oN HIV pErsIstEnCe; we Will Use a novel primaRY celL assay of HIV latency whicH alloWs FOr thE FiRst tiMe to meaSUrE LAteNcY rEacTiVAtIon in MulTiple T cElls subsetS. LArA Will allow us tO CoNfirm in vitRo tHat cocaine anD itS metabOlIteS Can moBilIze thE above IDentifIed pathwaYs ANd moniTOr their", "whitespace_perturbation": " to be associated to the i mpact of c ocain e o n H IV per sist ence; we willu se a novel primary cell as say o fH IV l a te ncy w hich al l ow s for t he fi rs t t ime t o m easurelatency re act iv ation in mul t ip le T cells su bsets. LARAwil l allo wust o con fir m invitrot hat co caine and i t s meta b olitesc a nmobi lize the above id e nt i fied pathwaysand mo ni t or t hei r", "underscore_trick": " to_be associated_to the impact of_cocaine on_HIV_persistence; we_will_use a novel_primary cell assay_of HIV latency which_allows for the_first_time to measure latency reactivation in multiple T cells subsets. LARA will allow us_to_confirm in_vitro_that_cocaine and its metabolites can_mobilize the above identified pathways_and monitor_their"} +{"text": " plasticity are well conserved across plants and animals and the plant's adept ability to regenerate will illustrate the full potential of cells to change their identity. The proposal takes advantage of a powerful model system that permits continual imaging of regenerating tissue and the analysis of the transcriptional contents of single cells as they traverse fates. This", "synonym_substitution": "plasticity are well conserved across plants and animals and the plant's adept ability to reform will exemplify the entire potential of cells to exchange their identity. The proposal takes advantage of a herculean mannequin system that permit continual imaging of regenerating tissue and the psychoanalysis of the transcriptional contents of single cells as they traverse fortune. This", "butter_fingers": " plwsticity are well conseryed across plants and aiimals znd the olant's adept ability to regeierare wiol illustrate the full potentiap of celos ti change thxjr idenbnty. Tgc pro'owal takes advaktage of a [owerful model shscem that permits continual imaging os regenrrwting tissue agd tnq anzlysis of the transcriptional contsnts of single cells as they traverse fates. Thls", "random_deletion": "plasticity are well conserved across plants and the adept ability regenerate will illustrate to their identity. The takes advantage of powerful model system that permits continual of regenerating tissue and the analysis of the transcriptional contents of single cells they traverse fates. This", "change_char_case": " plasticity are well conserveD across plaNts anD anImaLs And tHe plAnt's adept abiliTY to rEgenerate will illustratE the fUlL PoteNTiAl of cElls to cHAnGE TheIr IdEntItY. thE propOsaL takes aDvantage of A poWeRful model sysTEm That permitS coNtinual imagiNg oF regenErAtiNG tissUe aNd the AnalysIS of the TranscripTiONal conTEnts of sINGlE celLs as they traverse fATeS. this", "whitespace_perturbation": " plasticity are well conse rved acros s pla nts an danim alsand the plant' s ade pt ability to regenera te wi ll illu s tr ate t he full po t e nti al o f c el l sto ch ang e their identity. Th eproposal tak e sadvantageofa powerful m ode l syst em th a t per mit s con tinual imagin g of rege ne r atingt issue a n d t he a nalysis of the tr a ns c riptional cont ents o fs in g l e c ell s as theytr avers e fates. Th i s ", "underscore_trick": " plasticity_are well_conserved across plants and_animals and_the_plant's adept_ability_to regenerate will_illustrate the full_potential of cells to_change their identity._The_proposal takes advantage of a powerful model system that permits continual imaging of regenerating_tissue_and the_analysis_of_the transcriptional contents of single_cells as they traverse fates._This"} +{"text": " blood genomic markers of neuronal death associated with acute neurological diseases that might also be useful in chronic neurological diseases. To support the NIH National Center for Biotechnology Information to maintain a national database of genomic and other data sources on resistant bacteria as outlined in the National Action Plan to Combat Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria. This effort addresses the", "synonym_substitution": "blood genomic markers of neuronal death consociate with acuate neurological diseases that might also be utilitarian in chronic neurological diseases. To digest the NIH National Center for Biotechnology Information to maintain a national database of genomic and early datum sources on resistant bacteria as outlined in the National Action Plan to Combat Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria. This effort address the", "butter_fingers": " bllod genomic markers of nturonal death associated with zcute nejrological diseases that migit aoso bt useful in chronic neurologpcal diseqses. Ro support the NIH Natiohwl Cznver for Biotechkology Infosmation to maittxiu a national database of genomic and other caha sources on tesisuane badnevia as outlined in the National Zction Klan to Combat Antobiotic Resistant Bacteria. Thid effort addresses the", "random_deletion": "blood genomic markers of neuronal death associated neurological that might be useful in the National Center for Information to maintain national database of genomic and other sources on resistant bacteria as outlined in the National Action Plan to Combat Resistant Bacteria. This effort addresses the", "change_char_case": " blood genomic markers of neurOnal death aSsociAteD wiTh AcutE neuRological diseaSEs thAt might also be useful in cHroniC nEUrolOGiCal diSeases. TO SuPPOrt ThE NiH NAtIOnAl CenTer For BiotEchnology INfoRmAtion to maintAIn A national dAtaBase of genomiC anD other DaTa sOUrces On rEsistAnt bacTEria as Outlined iN tHE NatioNAl ActioN pLaN to COmbat Antibiotic ReSIsTAnt Bacteria. ThiS efforT aDDrESSes The", "whitespace_perturbation": " blood genomic markers ofneuronal d eathass oci at ed w ithacute neurolog i caldiseases that might al so be u s eful in chro nic neu r ol o g ica ldi sea se s .To su ppo rt theNIH Nation alCe nter for Bio t ec hnology In for mation to ma int ain ana tio n al da tab ase o f geno m ic and other da ta source s on res i s ta nt b acteria as outlin e di n the National Actio nP la n toCom bat Antibi ot ic Re s istantB ac t e r ia. This effort a ddresses th e ", "underscore_trick": " blood_genomic markers_of neuronal death associated_with acute_neurological_diseases that_might_also be useful_in chronic neurological_diseases. To support the_NIH National Center_for_Biotechnology Information to maintain a national database of genomic and other data sources on_resistant_bacteria as_outlined_in_the National Action Plan to_Combat Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria. This_effort addresses_the"} +{"text": " Program Project. Their presence improves the scientific output from the PPG. The proposed interdisciplinary training program at the University of Minnesota combines graduate training in the computational, chemical, physical, and engineering sciences with graduate training in neuroscience. Neuroscience is a highly interdisciplinary field that uses a variety of experimental approaches to understand the", "synonym_substitution": "Program Project. Their presence improves the scientific output from the PPG. The proposed interdisciplinary education platform at the University of Minnesota combines graduate education in the computational, chemical, physical, and technology sciences with graduate education in neuroscience. Neuroscience is a highly interdisciplinary field that uses a variety of experimental approach to understand the", "butter_fingers": " Prlgram Project. Their prestnce improves the scientmfic oufput froo the PPG. The proposed interviscuplinqry training program ag the Uninersity od Miinesota combines graduatc trajking nn the computatipnal, chemiwal, physical, atd eugineering sciences with graduate trwining on neuroscience. Geurpfciehbe is a highly interdisciplinarg field that uses a fariety of experimental aporoafhes to understand the", "random_deletion": "Program Project. Their presence improves the scientific the The proposed training program at graduate in the computational, physical, and engineering with graduate training in neuroscience. Neuroscience a highly interdisciplinary field that uses a variety of experimental approaches to understand", "change_char_case": " Program Project. Their presenCe improves The scIenTifIc OutpUt frOm the PPG. The proPOsed Interdisciplinary trainIng prOgRAm at THe univeRsity of mInNESotA cOmBinEs GRaDuate TraIning in The computaTioNaL, chemical, phySIcAl, and enginEerIng sciences wIth GraduaTe TraINing iN neUroscIence. NEUrosciEnce is a hiGhLY interDIscipliNARy FielD that uses a variety OF eXPerimental apprOaches To UNdERStaNd tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": " Program Project. Their pr esence imp roves th e s ci enti ficoutput from th e PPG . The proposed interdi scipl in a ry t r ai ningprogram at t heUn iv ers it y o f Min nes ota com bines grad uat etraining int he computati ona l, chemical, ph ysical ,and engin eer ing s cience s withgraduatetr a iningi n neuro s c ie nce. Neuroscience isa h i ghly interdisc iplina ry fi e l d t hat uses a va ri ety o f experi m en t a l ap p roaches to un derstand th e ", "underscore_trick": " Program_Project. Their_presence improves the scientific_output from_the_PPG. The_proposed_interdisciplinary training program_at the University_of Minnesota combines graduate_training in the_computational,_chemical, physical, and engineering sciences with graduate training in neuroscience. Neuroscience is a highly_interdisciplinary_field that_uses_a_variety of experimental approaches to_understand the"} +{"text": " and oxidation of Dna. Alkylated DNA bases in tissues will be determined by immunostaining and immunoassays and levels of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine, as a measure of oxidative DNA damage, will be detected by HPLC with electrochemical detection. Unknown carcinogen spectrometry. Bacterial enzymes responsible for nitrosation", "synonym_substitution": "and oxidation of Dna. Alkylated DNA bases in tissues will be determined by immunostaining and immunoassays and degree of 8 - hydroxydeoxyguanosine, as a standard of oxidative DNA damage, will be detected by HPLC with electrochemical signal detection. Unknown carcinogen spectrometry. Bacterial enzymes creditworthy for nitrosation", "butter_fingers": " anf oxidation of Dna. Alkylxted DNA bases nb tissnes wilm be detdrmined by immunostaining anv imnunoawsays and levels of 8-hyaroxydeoxjguanosinw, as q measure of oxidabnve DHW dakege, will be detgcted by HPLW with electrowhdmncal detection. Unknown carcinogen spqctromeyrj. Bacterial eneymes wespknsible for nitrosation", "random_deletion": "and oxidation of Dna. Alkylated DNA bases will determined by and immunoassays and measure oxidative DNA damage, be detected by with electrochemical detection. Unknown carcinogen spectrometry. enzymes responsible for nitrosation", "change_char_case": " and oxidation of Dna. AlkylateD DNA bases iN tissUes WilL bE detErmiNed by immunostaINing And immunoassays and leveLs of 8-hYdROxydEOxYguanOsine, as A MeASUre Of OxIdaTiVE DnA damAge, Will be dEtected by HpLC WiTh electrocheMIcAl detectioN. UnKnown carcinoGen SpectrOmEtrY. bacteRiaL enzyMes resPOnsiblE for nitroSaTIon", "whitespace_perturbation": " and oxidation of Dna. Alk ylated DNA base s i n t is sues wil l be determine d byimmunostaining and imm unoas sa y s an d l evels of 8-h y dr o x yde ox yg uan os i ne , asa m easureof oxidati veDN A damage, wi l lbe detecte d b y HPLC withele ctroch em ica l dete cti on. U nknown carcin ogen spec tr o metry. Bacteri a l e nzym es responsible fo r n i trosation", "underscore_trick": " and_oxidation of_Dna. Alkylated DNA bases_in tissues_will_be determined_by_immunostaining and immunoassays_and levels of_8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine, as a measure_of oxidative DNA_damage,_will be detected by HPLC with electrochemical detection. Unknown carcinogen spectrometry. Bacterial enzymes responsible_for_nitrosation"} +{"text": " situations. Further, environmental (bodily) components may affect the lipid matrix of the phagocytic cell - membrane, triggering release of active oxygen species as shown in vitro. Both these matters could be of importance in vivo in bacterial infections, as may be the implications of the somnogenic activity of muramyl peptides. This", "synonym_substitution": "situations. Further, environmental (bodily) components may affect the lipid matrix of the phagocytic cellular telephone - membrane, trip release of active oxygen species as testify in vitro. Both these topic could be of importance in vivo in bacterial infections, as may be the implications of the somnogenic activeness of muramyl peptide. This", "butter_fingers": " sihuations. Further, environoental (bodily) componenvs may zffect tfe lipid matrix of the phagorytix celo - membrane, triggering release lf activw oxbgen species as shown in vitro. Noth chxse matters coukd be of ikportance in vhvu nn bacterial infections, as may be thq implivahions of the sjmnobqnic activity of muramyl peptides. This", "random_deletion": "situations. Further, environmental (bodily) components may affect matrix the phagocytic - membrane, triggering as in vitro. Both matters could be importance in vivo in bacterial infections, may be the implications of the somnogenic activity of muramyl peptides. This", "change_char_case": " situations. Further, environmEntal (bodilY) compOneNts MaY affEct tHe lipid matrix oF The pHagocytic cell - membrane, tRiggeRiNG relEAsE of acTive oxyGEn SPEciEs As ShoWn IN vItro. BOth These maTters could Be oF iMportance in vIVo In bacteriaL inFections, as maY be The impLiCatIOns of The SomnoGenic aCTivity Of muramyl PePTides. THIs", "whitespace_perturbation": " situations. Further, envi ronmental(bodi ly) co mp onen ts m ay affect thel ipid matrix of the phagocy tic c el l - m e mb rane, trigge r in g rel ea se of a c ti ve ox yge n speci es as show n i nvitro. Botht he se matters co uld be of im por tancein vi v o inbac teria l infe c tions, as may b et he imp l ication s of the somnogenic activ i ty of muramyl pep tides. T h is ", "underscore_trick": " situations._Further, environmental_(bodily) components may affect_the lipid_matrix_of the_phagocytic_cell - membrane,_triggering release of_active oxygen species as_shown in vitro._Both_these matters could be of importance in vivo in bacterial infections, as may be_the_implications of_the_somnogenic_activity of muramyl peptides. This"} +{"text": "-stimulated lymphocytes. In preliminary studies the company found a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in the mean stimulation index of AD patients and cognitively intact controls and was able to identify samples from AD \"probable\" patients with high sensitivity and selectivity (83% and 96% respectively). However, these early", "synonym_substitution": "-stimulated lymphocytes. In preliminary studies the company found a statistically meaning remainder (p<0.05) in the mean stimulation exponent of AD patients and cognitively entire controls and was able to identify sample from AD \" probable \" patients with high sensitivity and selectivity (83% and 96% respectively). However, these early", "butter_fingers": "-stilulated lymphocytes. In pveliminary studigs the cmmpany found a statistically significant dmffeeence (p<0.05) in the mean stimulagion indeq of AD pqtieits and cognitivxmy intagc confvols cnv was able to icentify sakples from AD \"[rubcble\" patients with high sensitivity wnd selrchivity (83% and 96% rgspecuivqly). Gowever, these early", "random_deletion": "-stimulated lymphocytes. In preliminary studies the company statistically difference (p<0.05) the mean stimulation cognitively controls and was to identify samples AD \"probable\" patients with high sensitivity selectivity (83% and 96% respectively). However, these early", "change_char_case": "-stimulated lymphocytes. In prEliminary sTudieS thE coMpAny fOund A statistically SIgniFicant difference (p<0.05) in the Mean sTiMUlatIOn Index Of AD patIEnTS And CoGnItiVeLY iNtact ConTrols anD was able to IdeNtIfy samples frOM Ad \"probable\" pAtiEnts with high SenSitiviTy And SElectIviTy (83% and 96% RespecTIvely). HOwever, theSe EArly", "whitespace_perturbation": "-stimulated lymphocytes. I n prelimin ary s tud ies t he c ompa ny found a sta t isti cally significant diff erenc e( p<0. 0 5) in t he mean st i m ula ti on in de x o f ADpat ients a nd cogniti vel yintact contr o ls and was a ble to identify sa mplesfr omA D \"pr oba ble\"patien t s with high sen si t ivitya nd sele c t iv ity(83% and 96% resp e ct i vely). However , thes ee ar l y ", "underscore_trick": "-stimulated lymphocytes._In preliminary_studies the company found_a statistically_significant_difference (p<0.05)_in_the mean stimulation_index of AD_patients and cognitively intact_controls and was_able_to identify samples from AD \"probable\" patients with high sensitivity and selectivity (83% and_96%_respectively). However,_these_early"} +{"text": "enz-density gradient, TPxs I and II showed wide distribution throughout light and heavy membrane structures. Furthermore, we detected a part of TPx proteins in Triton X-100-insoluble membrane fraction. Immunofluorescence staining showed an obvious punctuate pattern of TPx II protein in HeLa cell, similar to endosomal", "synonym_substitution": "enz - density gradient, TPxs I and II showed wide distribution throughout light and dense membrane structure. Furthermore, we detected a part of TPx proteins in Triton X-100 - insoluble membrane fraction. Immunofluorescence staining prove an obvious punctuate pattern of TPx II protein in HeLa cell, alike to endosomal", "butter_fingers": "enz-fensity gradient, TPxs I xnd II showed wnee disvributikn throuehout light and heavy membraie srructyres. Furthermore, we degected a iart of TPx pcoteins in Tritoi X-100-insolmyle mslbraue fraction. Immukofluorescetce staining svodeb an obvious punctuate pattern of TPv II prptfin in HeLa cejl, spmylar no endosomal", "random_deletion": "enz-density gradient, TPxs I and II showed throughout and heavy structures. Furthermore, we proteins Triton X-100-insoluble membrane Immunofluorescence staining showed obvious punctuate pattern of TPx II in HeLa cell, similar to endosomal", "change_char_case": "enz-density gradient, TPxs I anD II showed wIde diStrIbuTiOn thRougHout light and heAVy meMbrane structures. FurtheRmore, We DEtecTEd A part Of TPx prOTeINS in trItOn X-100-InSOlUble mEmbRane fraCtion. ImmunOflUoRescence staiNInG showed an oBviOus punctuate PatTern of tPX II PRoteiN in heLa cEll, simILar to eNdosomal", "whitespace_perturbation": "enz-density gradient, TPxs I and IIshowe d w ide d istr ibut ion throughout ligh t and heavy membrane s truct ur e s. F u rt hermo re, wed et e c ted a p art o f T Px pr ote ins inTriton X-1 00- in soluble memb r an e fraction . I mmunofluores cen ce sta in ing showe d a n obv ious p u nctuat e pattern o f TPx I I protei n in HeL a cell, similar t o e n dosomal", "underscore_trick": "enz-density gradient,_TPxs I_and II showed wide_distribution throughout_light_and heavy_membrane_structures. Furthermore, we_detected a part_of TPx proteins in_Triton X-100-insoluble membrane_fraction._Immunofluorescence staining showed an obvious punctuate pattern of TPx II protein in HeLa cell,_similar_to endosomal"} +{"text": ", decrease serum thyroid hormone, and potentially increase serum TSH concentrations. Yet, the relative importance of other factors is unknown. The studies outlined in this proposal will increase the knowledge base in the regulation of thyroid-follicular-cell proliferation and apoptosis, thus, enabling future studies with UDP-GT inducers to accurately", "synonym_substitution": ", decrease serum thyroid hormone, and potentially increase serum TSH concentrations. Yet, the relative importance of other divisor is strange. The studies outlined in this proposal will increase the cognition base in the regulation of thyroid - follicular - cellular telephone proliferation and apoptosis, therefore, enabling future studies with UDP - GT inducers to accurately", "butter_fingers": ", defrease serum thyroid horoone, and potentnqlly iicrease serum TRH concentrations. Yet, the reparive umportance of other faztors is lnknown. Tye suudies outlined ii this pvjposzp wino increase the knowledge base in the ragjlction of thyroid-follicular-cell proliseratiom wnd apoptosis, jhus, tnaflinf future studies with UDP-GT induceds to abcurately", "random_deletion": ", decrease serum thyroid hormone, and potentially TSH Yet, the importance of other outlined this proposal will the knowledge base the regulation of thyroid-follicular-cell proliferation and thus, enabling future studies with UDP-GT inducers to accurately", "change_char_case": ", decrease serum thyroid hormoNe, and potenTiallY inCreAsE serUm TSh concentrationS. yet, tHe relative importance of Other FaCTors IS uNknowN. The stuDIeS OUtlInEd In tHiS PrOposaL wiLl increAse the knowLedGe Base in the regULaTion of thyrOid-Follicular-ceLl pRolifeRaTioN And apOptOsis, tHus, enaBLing fuTure studiEs WIth UDP-gt induceRS To AccuRately", "whitespace_perturbation": ", decrease serum thyroid h ormone, an d pot ent ial ly inc reas e serum TSH co n cent rations. Yet, the rela tiveim p orta n ce of o ther fa c to r s is u nk now n. Th e stu die s outli ned in thi s p ro posal will i n cr ease the k now ledge base i n t he reg ul ati o n ofthy roid- follic u lar-ce ll prolif er a tion a n d apopt o s is , th us, enabling futu r es tudies with UD P-GT i nd u ce r s to ac curately", "underscore_trick": ", decrease_serum thyroid_hormone, and potentially increase_serum TSH_concentrations._Yet, the_relative_importance of other_factors is unknown._The studies outlined in_this proposal will_increase_the knowledge base in the regulation of thyroid-follicular-cell proliferation and apoptosis, thus, enabling future_studies_with UDP-GT_inducers_to_accurately"} +{"text": " development. Also, pregnancis resulting from ovulations from reciprocal orthotopic transplants will be used to study the role of the aging ovary on developmental anomalies. Strabismus is a misalignment of the visual axes which is relatively common in the general population with estimates of 5-6%. When this disorder occurs in", "synonym_substitution": "development. Also, pregnancis resulting from ovulations from reciprocal orthotopic transplant will be use to study the role of the aging ovary on developmental anomaly. Strabismus is a misalignment of the visual axes which is relatively coarse in the cosmopolitan population with estimates of 5 - 6% . When this disorder occurs in", "butter_fingers": " degelopment. Also, pregnancir resulting from ovulavions fdom reciorocal orthotopic transplantd qill ve used to study the rule of thv aging ocary in developmental akjmaljcs. Stxauismus is a misslignment mf the visual dxds which is relatively common in the deneral plpulation with estpmwtes of 5-6%. When this disorder occurs in", "random_deletion": "development. Also, pregnancis resulting from ovulations from transplants be used study the role developmental Strabismus is a of the visual which is relatively common in the population with estimates of 5-6%. When this disorder occurs in", "change_char_case": " development. Also, pregnancis Resulting fRom ovUlaTioNs From ReciProcal orthotopIC traNsplants will be used to stUdy thE rOLe of THe Aging Ovary on DEvELOpmEnTaL anOmALiEs. StrAbiSmus is a MisalignmeNt oF tHe visual axes WHiCh is relatiVelY common in the GenEral poPuLatIOn witH esTimatEs of 5-6%. WhEN this dIsorder ocCuRS in", "whitespace_perturbation": " development. Also, pregna ncis resul tingfro m o vu lati onsfrom reciproca l ort hotopic transplants wi ll be u s ed t o s tudythe rol e o f the a gi ngov a ry on d eve lopment al anomali es. S trabismus is amisalignme ntof the visua l a xes wh ic h i s rela tiv ely c ommoni n thegeneral p op u lation with es t i ma tesof 5-6%. When thi s d i sorder occursin", "underscore_trick": " development._Also, pregnancis_resulting from ovulations from_reciprocal orthotopic_transplants_will be_used_to study the_role of the_aging ovary on developmental_anomalies. Strabismus is_a_misalignment of the visual axes which is relatively common in the general population with_estimates_of 5-6%._When_this_disorder occurs in"} +{"text": " how do family resources influence children's health and development? How do the resources of unmarried parents evolve over time, relative to those of married parents? How do children's genetic endowments interact with their environments to influence their outcomes? What role do social (non- biological) parents play in the lives of children?", "synonym_substitution": "how do family resources influence children's health and growth? How do the resource of unmarried parents evolve over time, proportional to those of married parents? How do children's familial endowments interact with their environments to determine their outcomes? What role do social (non- biological) parent play in the lives of child?", "butter_fingers": " hoa do family resources innluence children's healti and dsvelopmevt? How do the resources of uimareied kcrents evolve over tkme, relatpve to thise id married 'zrents? Mjw dk chinvren's genetic ekdowments itteract with tvekr environments to influence their ouecomes? Ehwt role do socyal (mjn- bjological) parents play in the livea of chpldren?", "random_deletion": "how do family resources influence children's health How the resources unmarried parents evolve of parents? How do genetic endowments interact their environments to influence their outcomes? role do social (non- biological) parents play in the lives of children?", "change_char_case": " how do family resources influEnce childrEn's heAltH anD dEvelOpmeNt? How do the resoURces Of unmarried parents evolVe oveR tIMe, reLAtIve to Those of MArRIEd pArEnTs? HOw DO cHildrEn's Genetic Endowments IntErAct with their ENvIronments tO inFluence their OutComes? WHaT roLE do soCiaL (non- bIologiCAl) pareNts play in ThE Lives oF ChildreN?", "whitespace_perturbation": " how do family resources i nfluence c hildr en' s h ea lthanddevelopment? H o w do the resources of unma rried p a rent s e volve over t i me , rel at iv e t ot ho se of ma rried p arents? Ho w d ochildren's g e ne tic endowm ent s interact w ith their e nvi r onmen tsto in fluenc e their outcomes ?W hat ro l e do so c i al (no n- biological) pa r en t s play in thelivesof ch i l dre n?", "underscore_trick": " how_do family_resources influence children's health_and development?_How_do the_resources_of unmarried parents_evolve over time,_relative to those of_married parents? How_do_children's genetic endowments interact with their environments to influence their outcomes? What role do_social_(non- biological)_parents_play_in the lives of children?"} +{"text": "N in relation to maternal exposure to smoking and NSAIDs. They will also assess other potential antenatal risk factors and collect and store buccal cell specimens for future analyses. There will be 560 case infants with PPHN and four controls per case (2240). All controls will be drawn from the birth hospitals", "synonym_substitution": "N in relation to maternal exposure to smoking and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory. They will besides tax other likely antenatal hazard factors and collect and store buccal cellular telephone specimens for future analyses. There will be 560 case baby with PPHN and four control per case (2240). All control will be drawn from the birth hospitals", "butter_fingers": "N ij relation to maternal ewposure to smokiut and ISAIDs. Fhey wilu also assess other potentiap qntenqtal risk factors and zollect ajd store bucral cell specimeia for fmcure zkalyszs. There will be 560 case infdnts with PPHN avd four controls per case (2240). All controjs will bf drawn from tre bpreh hkspitals", "random_deletion": "N in relation to maternal exposure to NSAIDs. will also other potential antenatal store cell specimens for analyses. There will 560 case infants with PPHN and controls per case (2240). All controls will be drawn from the birth hospitals", "change_char_case": "N in relation to maternal expoSure to smokIng anD NSaIDS. THey wIll aLso assess other POtenTial antenatal risk factoRs and CoLLect ANd Store Buccal cELl SPEciMeNs For FuTUrE analYseS. There wIll be 560 case iNfaNtS with PPHN and FOuR controls pEr cAse (2240). All controLs wIll be dRaWn fROm the BirTh hosPitals", "whitespace_perturbation": "N in relation to maternalexposure t o smo kin g a nd NSA IDs. They will als o ass ess other potential an tenat al risk fa ctors and co l le c t an dst ore b u cc al ce llspecime ns for fut ure a nalyses. The r ewill be 56 0 c ase infantswit h PPHN a ndf our c ont rolsper ca s e (224 0). All c on t rols w i ll be d r a wn fro m the birth hospi t al s ", "underscore_trick": "N in_relation to_maternal exposure to smoking_and NSAIDs._They_will also_assess_other potential antenatal_risk factors and_collect and store buccal_cell specimens for_future_analyses. There will be 560 case infants with PPHN and four controls per case_(2240)._All controls_will_be_drawn from the birth hospitals"} +{"text": " work will be of practical significant to audiologists in the diagnosis of conductive hearing disorders and to otologists in the surgical correction of abnormalities of the ear. We have instituted routine dynamic Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (dIMRT). This is the most complex of IMRT treatments and requires considerable pre-treatment verification to", "synonym_substitution": "work will be of practical significant to audiologists in the diagnosis of conductive hearing disorders and to ear doctor in the surgical discipline of abnormality of the ear. We have establish everyday dynamic Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (dIMRT). This is the most complex of IMRT treatment and requires considerable pre - treatment verification to", "butter_fingers": " wogk will be of practical rignificant to cydiolojists ih the dixgnosis of conductive hearinj diwordees and to otologists iv the surhical coerecuion of abnormalivjes of bke ead. We kate instituted rputine dyndmic Intensity Mudblated Radiation Therapy (dIMRT). This ys the kodt complex of YMRT ereafments and requires considerable pde-treatkent verificayion to", "random_deletion": "work will be of practical significant to the of conductive disorders and to of of the ear. have instituted routine Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (dIMRT). This the most complex of IMRT treatments and requires considerable pre-treatment verification to", "change_char_case": " work will be of practical signIficant to aUdiolOgiSts In The dIagnOsis of conductiVE heaRing disorders and to otolOgistS iN The sURgIcal cOrrectiON oF ABnoRmAlItiEs OF tHe ear. we hAve instItuted routIne DyNamic IntensiTY MOdulated RaDiaTion Therapy (diMRt). This iS tHe mOSt comPleX of IMrT treaTMents aNd requireS cONsiderABle pre-tREAtMent Verification to", "whitespace_perturbation": " work will be of practical significa nt to au dio lo gist s in the diagnosis of c onductive hearing diso rders a n d to ot ologi sts int he s urg ic al co rr e ct ion o f a bnormal ities of t heea r. We have i n st ituted rou tin e dynamic In ten sity M od ula t ed Ra dia tionTherap y (dIMR T). Thisis the mo s t compl e x o f IM RT treatments and re q uires consider able p re - tr e a tme ntverificati on to", "underscore_trick": " work_will be_of practical significant to_audiologists in_the_diagnosis of_conductive_hearing disorders and_to otologists in_the surgical correction of_abnormalities of the_ear._We have instituted routine dynamic Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (dIMRT). This is the most_complex_of IMRT_treatments_and_requires considerable pre-treatment verification to"} +{"text": " cytosolic effects of CTA1 activity, but this work will instead utilize a recently developed biochemical assay that directly monitors the CTA1 translocation event. The assay will be used to (i) identify the structural features of CTA1 that are required for translocation to, and persistence in, the cytosol; (ii) identify", "synonym_substitution": "cytosolic effects of CTA1 activity, but this work will instead use a recently modernize biochemical assay that directly monitors the CTA1 translocation consequence. The assay will be used to (one) identify the structural feature of speech of CTA1 that are required for translocation to, and persistence in, the cytosol; (ii) name", "butter_fingers": " cyhosolic effects of CTA1 agtivity, but this work wmll insfead utiuize a recently developed bilcyemicql assay that directly monitors the CTA1 traislocation event. The assay wilm be bsxd to (i) identifi the structgral features mf CCA1 that are required for translocatijn to, amd persistence ig, tht crtoskl; (ii) identify", "random_deletion": "cytosolic effects of CTA1 activity, but this instead a recently biochemical assay that event. assay will be to (i) identify structural features of CTA1 that are for translocation to, and persistence in, the cytosol; (ii) identify", "change_char_case": " cytosolic effects of CTA1 actiVity, but thiS work WilL inStEad uTiliZe a recently devELopeD biochemical assay that dIrectLy MOnitORs The CTa1 translOCaTIOn eVeNt. the AsSAy Will bE usEd to (i) idEntify the sTruCtUral features OF CtA1 that are rEquIred for transLocAtion tO, aNd pERsistEncE in, thE cytosOL; (ii) ideNtify", "whitespace_perturbation": " cytosolic effects of CTA1 activity, butthi s w or k wi ll i nstead utilize a re cently developed bioch emica la ssay th at di rectlym on i t ors t he CT A1 tr anslo cat ion eve nt. The as say w ill be usedt o(i) identi fythe structur alfeatur es of CTA1tha t are requi r ed for transloc at i on to, and per s i st ence in, the cytosol; (i i ) identify", "underscore_trick": " cytosolic_effects of_CTA1 activity, but this_work will_instead_utilize a_recently_developed biochemical assay_that directly monitors_the CTA1 translocation event._The assay will_be_used to (i) identify the structural features of CTA1 that are required for translocation_to,_and persistence_in,_the_cytosol; (ii) identify"} +{"text": " interference is a newly discovered genetic mechanism involved in the regulation of gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. The major mode of miRNA action is to target and bind to the 3' un-translated region of specific mRNAs and in doing so, quench expression of that mRNA, thereby acting as a negative regulator of gene", "synonym_substitution": "interference is a newly discovered genetic mechanism involved in the rule of gene formula at the post - transcriptional level. The major mode of miRNA legal action is to target and tie down to the 3' un - translated region of specific messenger rna and in doing so, quench expression of that mRNA, thereby dissemble as a negative regulator of gene", "butter_fingers": " inherference is a newly dircovered genetie mechaiism inbolved iv the regulation of gene expcessuon au the post-transcripgional lenel. The mqjor node of miCHA action is fl taxgxt and bind to jhe 3' un-transnated region ox rpzcific mRNAs and in doing so, quench qxpressooj of that mRNA, thegefy adnikg as a negative regulator of gehe", "random_deletion": "interference is a newly discovered genetic mechanism the of gene at the post-transcriptional miRNA is to target bind to the un-translated region of specific mRNAs and doing so, quench expression of that mRNA, thereby acting as a negative regulator gene", "change_char_case": " interference is a newly discoVered genetIc mecHanIsm InVolvEd in The regulation oF Gene Expression at the post-traNscriPtIOnal LEvEl. The Major moDE oF MIRNa aCtIon Is TO tArget And Bind to tHe 3' un-translAteD rEgion of speciFIc MRNAs and in DoiNg so, quench exPreSsion oF tHat MrNA, thEreBy actIng as a NEgativE regulatoR oF Gene", "whitespace_perturbation": " interference is a newly d iscoveredgenet icmec ha nism inv olved in the r e gula tion of gene expressio n atth e pos t -t ransc ription a ll e vel .Th e m aj o rmodeofmiRNA a ction is t o t ar get and bind to the 3' un -tr anslated reg ion of sp ec ifi c mRNA s a nd in doing so, qu ench expr es s ion of that mR N A ,ther eby acting as a n e ga t ive regulatorof gen e", "underscore_trick": " interference_is a_newly discovered genetic mechanism_involved in_the_regulation of_gene_expression at the_post-transcriptional level. The_major mode of miRNA_action is to_target_and bind to the 3' un-translated region of specific mRNAs and in doing so,_quench_expression of_that_mRNA,_thereby acting as a negative_regulator of gene"} +{"text": " GAA gene in the skeletal muscle {172] and with the intravenous injection of high doses of rhGAA over long periods have shown the remarkable and discouraging finding that unless the enzyme is turned on (controllable transgene) early or the injections are begun early, the stored glycogen in skeletal muscle is only incompletely removed,", "synonym_substitution": "GAA gene in the skeletal muscle { 172 ] and with the intravenous injection of high doses of rhGAA over retentive period have shown the remarkable and discouraging finding that unless the enzyme is change state on (controllable transgene) early or the injections are begin early, the stored glycogen in bony muscleman is only incompletely take out,", "butter_fingers": " GAW gene in the skeletal mmscle {172] and with jhw intrevenous injectiun of high doses of rhGAA ovxr ling ptgiods have shown the femarkablv and disxoureging finding thef unless the skzyme ms turned on (coktrollable dransgene) earlf ur the injections are begun early, the stored gpycogen in skejetak musdle is only incompletely removed,", "random_deletion": "GAA gene in the skeletal muscle {172] the injection of doses of rhGAA the and discouraging finding unless the enzyme turned on (controllable transgene) early or injections are begun early, the stored glycogen in skeletal muscle is only incompletely", "change_char_case": " GAA gene in the skeletal musclE {172] and with thE intrAveNouS iNjecTion Of high doses of rHgAA oVer long periods have showN the rEmARkabLE aNd disCouragiNG fINDinG tHaT unLeSS tHe enzYme Is turneD on (controlLabLe Transgene) earLY oR the injectIonS are begun earLy, tHe storEd GlyCOgen iN skEletaL musclE Is only IncompletElY RemoveD,", "whitespace_perturbation": " GAA gene in the skeletalmuscle {17 2] an d w ith t he i ntra venous injecti o n of high doses of rhGAA o ver l on g per i od s hav e shown th e rem ar ka ble a n ddisco ura ging fi nding that un le ss the enzym e i s turned o n ( controllable tr ansgen e) ea r ly or th e inj ection s are b egun earl y, the st o red gly c o ge n in skeletal musclei so nly incomplete ly rem ov e d, ", "underscore_trick": " GAA_gene in_the skeletal muscle {172]_and with_the_intravenous injection_of_high doses of_rhGAA over long_periods have shown the_remarkable and discouraging_finding_that unless the enzyme is turned on (controllable transgene) early or the injections are_begun_early, the_stored_glycogen_in skeletal muscle is only_incompletely removed,"} +{"text": "?ned and how activated CD8 T cells eliminate liver stages from the whole liver is not well understood. Another layer of complexity arises as the level of immunity needed for protection depends on a speci?c host-parasite combination. By combining math- ematical modeling and experiments we will provide quantitative insights into", "synonym_substitution": "? ned and how activated CD8 T cells eliminate liver stages from the solid liver is not well understand. Another layer of complexity arises as the level of exemption needed for protection count on a speci?c master of ceremonies - parasite combination. By combining math- ematical modeling and experiments we will leave quantitative insights into", "butter_fingers": "?ned and how activated CD8 T gells eliminate liver svages fdom the dhole liver is not well undecstoid. Anither layer of complexkty arised as the levtl of immunity nexsed for protedbion be'ends on a specl?c host-paravite combinatimn. Bv combining math- ematical modeling agd expetilents we will krovicq quzntitative insights into", "random_deletion": "?ned and how activated CD8 T cells stages the whole is not well arises the level of needed for protection on a speci?c host-parasite combination. By math- ematical modeling and experiments we will provide quantitative insights into", "change_char_case": "?ned and how activated CD8 T cellS eliminate Liver StaGes FrOm thE whoLe liver is not weLL undErstood. Another layer of cOmpleXiTY ariSEs As the Level of IMmUNIty NeEdEd fOr PRoTectiOn dEpends oN a speci?c hoSt-pArAsite combinaTIoN. By combiniNg mAth- ematical mOdeLing anD eXpeRImentS we Will pRovide QUantitAtive insiGhTS into", "whitespace_perturbation": "?ned and how activated CD8 T cells e limin ate li ve r st ages from the whol e liv er is not well underst ood.An o ther la yer o f compl e xi t y ar is es as t h elevel of immuni ty neededfor p rotection de p en ds on a sp eci ?c host-para sit e comb in ati o n. By co mbini ng mat h - emat ical mode li n g ande xperime n t swe w ill provide quant i ta t ive insights i nto", "underscore_trick": "?ned and_how activated_CD8 T cells eliminate_liver stages_from_the whole_liver_is not well_understood. Another layer_of complexity arises as_the level of_immunity_needed for protection depends on a speci?c host-parasite combination. By combining math- ematical modeling_and_experiments we_will_provide_quantitative insights into"} +{"text": " that obtained by a light microscope. The NHLBI EM Core Facility has supported projects using the following techniques in the past year: 1. Chemical fixation, embedding, ultra-thin sectioning and transmission EM digital imaging of tissues and cell culture. 2. EM immunocytochemistry, including immunogold, nanogold with", "synonym_substitution": "that obtained by a light microscope. The NHLBI EM Core Facility has supported projects use the take after techniques in the past year: 1. Chemical fixation, embed, ultra - thin sectioning and infection EM digital imagination of tissues and cell culture. 2. EM immunocytochemistry, including immunogold, nanogold with", "butter_fingers": " thwt obtained by a light mlcroscope. The NHLBI EM Rore Fadility hxs supported projects using vhe dolloqing techniques in the past yeag: 1. Chemicql fmxation, embeddinj, ultra-tmnn sedbioniug and transmisslon EM digidal imaging of tksdues and cell culture. 2. EM immunocytjchemisyrj, including imiunobjld, hanogold with", "random_deletion": "that obtained by a light microscope. The Core has supported using the following 1. fixation, embedding, ultra-thin and transmission EM imaging of tissues and cell culture. EM immunocytochemistry, including immunogold, nanogold with", "change_char_case": " that obtained by a light microScope. The NHlBI EM corE FaCiLity Has sUpported projecTS usiNg the following techniquEs in tHe PAst yEAr: 1. chemiCal fixaTIoN, EMbeDdInG, ulTrA-ThIn secTioNing and TransmissiOn Em dIgital imaginG Of Tissues and CelL culture. 2. EM imMunOcytocHeMisTRy, incLudIng imMunogoLD, nanogOld with", "whitespace_perturbation": " that obtained by a lightmicroscope . The NH LBI E M Co re F acility has su p port ed projects using thefollo wi n g te c hn iques in the pa s t ye ar :1.Ch e mi cal f ixa tion, e mbedding,ult ra -thin sectio n in g and tran smi ssion EM dig ita l imag in g o f tiss ues andcell c u lture. 2. EM im mu n ocytoc h emistry , in clud ing immunogold, n a no g old with", "underscore_trick": " that_obtained by_a light microscope. The_NHLBI EM_Core_Facility has_supported_projects using the_following techniques in_the past year: 1._Chemical fixation, embedding,_ultra-thin_sectioning and transmission EM digital imaging of tissues and cell culture. 2. EM immunocytochemistry,_including_immunogold, nanogold_with"} +{"text": " effectively treat bone disease in MPS VII, it will be necessary to both normalize GAG turnover and activate requisite osteogenic signaling pathways in epiphyseal cartilage. In Aim 1 we will define temporal and spatial relationships between GAG accumulation and epiphyseal chondrocyte differentiation potential at key stages of bone disease", "synonym_substitution": "effectively treat bone disease in MPS VII, it will be necessary to both normalize GAG turnover and trip needed osteogenic bespeak pathways in epiphyseal cartilage. In purpose 1 we will specify temporal and spatial relationships between GAG collection and epiphyseal chondrocyte specialization potential at key stages of bone disease", "butter_fingers": " efvectively treat bone distase in MPS VII, ij qill bx necesaary to coth normalize GAG turnover end qctivqte requisite osteogenkc signalpng pathwqys mn epiphyseal cacfilage. Lu Aim 1 we ciol define temppral and s[atial relatiotsfi's between GAG accumulation and epipryseal vhlndrocyte diffgrentpaeion iouential at key stages of bone dissase", "random_deletion": "effectively treat bone disease in MPS VII, be to both GAG turnover and in cartilage. In Aim we will define and spatial relationships between GAG accumulation epiphyseal chondrocyte differentiation potential at key stages of bone disease", "change_char_case": " effectively treat bone diseaSe in MPS VII, It wilL be NecEsSary To boTh normalize GAG TUrnoVer and activate requisitE osteOgENic sIGnAling PathwayS In EPIphYsEaL caRtILaGe. In AIm 1 wE will deFine temporAl aNd Spatial relatIOnShips betweEn GaG accumulatiOn aNd epipHySeaL ChondRocYte diFferenTIation Potential At KEy stagES of bone DISeAse", "whitespace_perturbation": " effectively treat bone di sease in M PS VI I,itwi ll b e ne cessary to bot h nor malize GAG turnover an d act iv a te r e qu isite osteog e ni c sig na li ngpa t hw ays i n e piphyse al cartila ge. I n Aim 1 we w i ll define te mpo ral and spat ial relat io nsh i ps be twe en GA G accu m ulatio n and epi ph y seal c h ondrocy t e d iffe rentiation potent i al at key stagesof bon ed is e a se", "underscore_trick": " effectively_treat bone_disease in MPS VII,_it will_be_necessary to_both_normalize GAG turnover_and activate requisite_osteogenic signaling pathways in_epiphyseal cartilage. In_Aim_1 we will define temporal and spatial relationships between GAG accumulation and epiphyseal chondrocyte_differentiation_potential at_key_stages_of bone disease"} +{"text": " immunity at the mucosal epithelium. To establish this, the project consists of two specific aims: 1.) Determine the Hydra viral composition utilizing viral metagenomics. 2.) Elucidate the Hydra antiviral innate immune response in the presence of cytosolic nucleic acids. By accomplishing these two aims we will identify viruses that cause", "synonym_substitution": "immunity at the mucosal epithelium. To establish this, the project consists of two specific aim: 1 .) settle the Hydra viral composition utilizing viral metagenomics. 2 .) Elucidate the Hydra antiviral natural immune response in the presence of cytosolic nucleic acid. By achieve these two aims we will name virus that cause", "butter_fingers": " imlunity at the mucosal eplthelium. To estayoish tiis, the project consists of two specific ails: 1.) Dettgmine the Hydra viral compositpon utilizing ciral metajsnomics. 2.) Elucjfate vhe Hydra antivlral innate immune responve iu the presence of cytosolic nucleic wcids. Bu wccomplishing jhese ewo zpmw we will identify viruses thzt caust", "random_deletion": "immunity at the mucosal epithelium. To establish project of two aims: 1.) Determine viral 2.) Elucidate the antiviral innate immune in the presence of cytosolic nucleic By accomplishing these two aims we will identify viruses that cause", "change_char_case": " immunity at the mucosal epithElium. To estAblisH thIs, tHe ProjEct cOnsists of two spECifiC aims: 1.) Determine the Hydra Viral CoMPosiTIoN utilIzing viRAl METagEnOmIcs. 2.) elUCiDate tHe HYdra antIviral innaTe iMmUne response iN ThE presence oF cyTosolic nucleIc aCids. By AcComPLishiNg tHese tWo aims WE will iDentify viRuSEs that CAuse", "whitespace_perturbation": " immunity at the mucosal e pithelium. To e sta bli sh thi s, t he project con s ists of two specific aims: 1.)De t ermi n ethe H ydra vi r al c omp os it ion u t il izing vi ral met agenomics. 2. )Elucidate th e H ydra antiv ira l innate imm une respo ns e i n thepre sence of cy t osolic nucleicac i ds. By accompl i s hi ng t hese two aims wew il l identify viru ses th at ca u s e", "underscore_trick": " immunity_at the_mucosal epithelium. To establish_this, the_project_consists of_two_specific aims: 1.)_Determine the Hydra_viral composition utilizing viral_metagenomics. 2.) Elucidate_the_Hydra antiviral innate immune response in the presence of cytosolic nucleic acids. By accomplishing_these_two aims_we_will_identify viruses that cause"} +{"text": ", models can allow important insights into certain disease mechanisms. The mouse has been chosen because of the rich array of techniques and reagents available only in this species in both immunology and genetics. The Program Project will consist of four Projects and two Cores. Project #1, will focus on the enteric bacterial antigens recognized by", "synonym_substitution": ", models can allow important insights into sealed disease mechanism. The mouse has been chosen because of the full-bodied array of proficiency and reagents available only in this coinage in both immunology and genetics. The Program Project will consist of four Projects and two Cores. undertaking # 1, will concentrate on the enteric bacterial antigen recognized by", "butter_fingers": ", mofels can allow important insights into ewrtain diseaae mechavisms. The mouse has been chodeb becquse of the rich array of technpques and reajents available only in bkis slccies mn both immunolpgy and getetics. The Procrxm Project will consist of four Projests and tao Cores. Projest #1, eyll rocus on the enteric bacterial antjgens rtcognized by", "random_deletion": ", models can allow important insights into mechanisms. mouse has chosen because of and available only in species in both and genetics. The Program Project will of four Projects and two Cores. Project #1, will focus on the enteric antigens recognized by", "change_char_case": ", models can allow important inSights into CertaIn dIseAsE mecHaniSms. The mouse has BEen cHosen because of the rich aRray oF tEChniQUeS and rEagents AVaILAblE oNlY in ThIS sPecieS in Both immUnology and GenEtIcs. The PrograM prOject will cOnsIst of four ProJecTs and tWo corES. ProjEct #1, Will fOcus on THe enteRic bacterIaL AntigeNS recognIZEd By", "whitespace_perturbation": ", models can allow importa nt insight s int o c ert ai n di seas e mechanisms.T he m ouse has been chosen b ecaus eo f th e r ich a rray of te c h niq ue sand r e ag entsava ilableonly in th issp ecies in bot h i mmunologyand genetics. T heProgra mPro j ect w ill cons ist of four P rojects a nd two Co r es. Pro j e ct #1, will focus on th e e n teric bacteria l anti ge n sr e cog niz ed by", "underscore_trick": ", models_can allow_important insights into certain_disease mechanisms._The_mouse has_been_chosen because of_the rich array_of techniques and reagents_available only in_this_species in both immunology and genetics. The Program Project will consist of four Projects_and_two Cores._Project_#1,_will focus on the enteric_bacterial antigens recognized by"} +{"text": " been developing to conduct automatic morphing (morphological deformation & matching) of irregular-shaped 3D objects. A virtual average MB will be constructed via statistical characterization of pair-wise morphing among multiple \"standard\" MBs. Morphometric analysis of distinct MBs and spatial mapping of individual MB neurons will then involve", "synonym_substitution": "been developing to conduct automatic morphing (morphological deformation & matching) of atypical - shape 3D objects. A virtual average megabyte will be manufacture via statistical characterization of pair - judicious morphing among multiple \" standard \" MBs. Morphometric analysis of discrete MBs and spatial mapping of individual bachelor of medicine neurons will then involve", "butter_fingers": " befn developing to conduct automatic morpkung (mocphologjcal defurmation & matching) of irregupae-shaptb 3D objects. A virtuau average MB will be ronstructed via statistigcl chzvactexivation of pair-wlse morphinc among multipne \"scandard\" MBs. Morphometric analysis of distinvt MBs and spatiwl ms[pinf of individual MB neurons will thsn invonve", "random_deletion": "been developing to conduct automatic morphing (morphological matching) irregular-shaped 3D A virtual average statistical of pair-wise morphing multiple \"standard\" MBs. analysis of distinct MBs and spatial of individual MB neurons will then involve", "change_char_case": " been developing to conduct auTomatic morPhing (MorPhoLoGicaL defOrmation & matchiNG) of iRregular-shaped 3D objects. a virtUaL AverAGe mB wilL be consTRuCTEd vIa StAtiStICaL charActErizatiOn of pair-wiSe mOrPhing among muLTiPle \"standarD\" MBS. MorphometriC anAlysis Of DisTInct Mbs aNd spaTial maPPing of IndividuaL Mb NeuronS Will theN INvOlve", "whitespace_perturbation": " been developing to conduc t automati c mor phi ng(m orph olog ical deformati o n &matching) of irregular -shap ed 3D o b je cts.A virtu a la v era ge M B w il l b e con str ucted v ia statist ica lcharacteriza t io n of pair- wis e morphing a mon g mult ip le\" stand ard \" MBs . Morp h ometri c analysi so f dist i nct MBs a nd spa tial mapping of i n di v idual MB neuro ns wil lt he n inv olv e", "underscore_trick": " been_developing to_conduct automatic morphing (morphological_deformation &_matching)_of irregular-shaped_3D_objects. A virtual_average MB will_be constructed via statistical_characterization of pair-wise_morphing_among multiple \"standard\" MBs. Morphometric analysis of distinct MBs and spatial mapping of individual_MB_neurons will_then_involve"} +{"text": "ing underlying mechanisms and translating this information to clinical application by testing a drug treatment strategy for preventing transition to chronic pain We recruit Dr. Surmeier (a world renowned expert on the physiology and reorganization of the striatum) and Dr. Martina (a young scientist with expertise in molecular and electrophysiological studies of the brain),", "synonym_substitution": "ing underlying mechanisms and translating this information to clinical lotion by quiz a drug treatment strategy for prevent conversion to chronic pain We recruit Dr. Surmeier (a worldly concern celebrated expert on the physiology and reorganization of the striatum) and Dr. Martina (a young scientist with expertise in molecular and electrophysiological studies of the brain),", "butter_fingers": "ing underlying mechanisms akd translating tkus infmrmatikn to clknical application by testinj a erug ugeatment strategy for preventijg transutioi to chronic paii We recvbit Dd. Surkxier (a world rekowned expest on the physhouoyy and reorganization of the striatui) and Dt. Lartina (a yound scpegtisf with expertise in molecular and slectrokhysiological studoes of the brain),", "random_deletion": "ing underlying mechanisms and translating this information application testing a treatment strategy for We Dr. Surmeier (a renowned expert on physiology and reorganization of the striatum) Dr. Martina (a young scientist with expertise in molecular and electrophysiological studies of brain),", "change_char_case": "ing underlying mechanisms anD translatiNg thiS inForMaTion To clInical applicatIOn by Testing a drug treatment sTrateGy FOr prEVeNting TransitIOn TO ChrOnIc PaiN WE ReCruit dr. SUrmeier (A world renoWneD eXpert on the phYSiOlogy and reOrgAnization of tHe sTriatuM) aNd DR. martiNa (a Young ScientISt with Expertise In MOleculAR and eleCTRoPhysIological studies oF ThE Brain),", "whitespace_perturbation": "ing underlying mechanismsand transl ating th isin form atio n to clinicala ppli cation by testing a dr ug tr ea t ment st rateg y for p r ev e n tin gtr ans it i on to c hro nic pai n We recru itDr . Surmeier ( a w orld renow ned expert on t hephysio lo gya nd re org aniza tion o f the s triatum)an d Dr. M a rtina ( a yo ungscientist with ex p er t ise in molecul ar and e l ec t r oph ysi ological s tu dieso f the b r ai n ) , ", "underscore_trick": "ing underlying_mechanisms and_translating this information to_clinical application_by_testing a_drug_treatment strategy for_preventing transition to_chronic pain We recruit_Dr. Surmeier (a_world_renowned expert on the physiology and reorganization of the striatum) and Dr. Martina (a_young_scientist with_expertise_in_molecular and electrophysiological studies of_the brain),"} +{"text": " domains of expertise spanning all aspects of the project, including macrophage biology/immunology, molecular cell biology, computational biology, and cardiovascular disease. They are ideally suited to guide Dr. Ramsey's research and career development as described in the training plan. This mentored career development plan will enable Dr. Ramsey to achieve his career", "synonym_substitution": "domains of expertise spanning all aspects of the undertaking, include macrophage biology / immunology, molecular cell biota, computational biology, and cardiovascular disease. They are ideally become to guide Dr. Ramsey's research and career growth as described in the training design. This mentor career development plan will enable Dr. Ramsey to achieve his career", "butter_fingers": " dolains of expertise spannlng all aspects of the 'roject, includivg macrophage biology/immunollgt, moltbular cell biology, cooputationwl bioloty, aid cardiovasculac diseasc. Theg are mdeally suited jo guide Dr. Samsey's researwh aud career development as described ig the ttalning plan. Thif memeores career development plan will enagle Dr. Gamsey to achieve his career", "random_deletion": "domains of expertise spanning all aspects of including biology/immunology, molecular biology, computational biology, ideally to guide Dr. research and career as described in the training plan. mentored career development plan will enable Dr. Ramsey to achieve his career", "change_char_case": " domains of expertise spanninG all aspectS of thE prOjeCt, InclUdinG macrophage bioLOgy/iMmunology, molecular cell BioloGy, COmpuTAtIonal Biology, ANd CARdiOvAsCulAr DIsEase. THey Are ideaLly suited tO guIdE Dr. Ramsey's reSEaRch and careEr dEvelopment as DesCribed In The TRainiNg pLan. ThIs mentORed carEer develoPmENt plan WIll enabLE dr. ramsEy to achieve his carEEr", "whitespace_perturbation": " domains of expertise span ning all a spect s o f t he pro ject , including ma c roph age biology/immunology , mol ec u larc el l bio logy, c o mp u t ati on al bi ol o gy , and ca rdiovas cular dise ase .They are ide a ll y suited t o g uide Dr. Ram sey 's res ea rch and c are er de velopm e nt asdescribed i n the t r ainingp l an . Th is mentored caree r d e velopment plan willen a bl e Dr. Ra msey to ac hi eve h i s caree r ", "underscore_trick": " domains_of expertise_spanning all aspects of_the project,_including_macrophage biology/immunology,_molecular_cell biology, computational_biology, and cardiovascular_disease. They are ideally_suited to guide_Dr._Ramsey's research and career development as described in the training plan. This mentored career_development_plan will_enable_Dr._Ramsey to achieve his career"} +{"text": ". Although prevention of diabetes is an important goal, more effective management for individuals already diagnosed with diabetes is also critical for reducing the risks of future complications. Currently, less than one in eight adults with diabetes follow the guidelines for good management;and older adults follow them at even lower rates. Understanding how social relationships (and particularly", "synonym_substitution": ". Although prevention of diabetes is an important goal, more effective management for individuals already diagnosed with diabetes is besides critical for reduce the risks of future complications. presently, less than one in eight adults with diabetes play along the guidelines for good management;and old adults follow them at even broken rates. Understanding how social kinship (and particularly", "butter_fingers": ". Alhhough prevention of dianetes is an impottqnt goel, more effectixe management for individuald qlreaey diagnosed with diabdtes is apso critucal dor reduciif the rlfks kn futbrx complications. Currently, less than one iv zight adults with diabetes follow thq guidekijes for good mwnagtmegt;ans older adults follow them at even lower gates. Understandimg how social relationshipd (anf particularly", "random_deletion": ". Although prevention of diabetes is an more management for already diagnosed with reducing risks of future Currently, less than in eight adults with diabetes follow guidelines for good management;and older adults follow them at even lower rates. Understanding social relationships (and particularly", "change_char_case": ". Although prevention of diabeTes is an impOrtanT goAl, mOrE effEctiVe management foR IndiViduals already diagnoseD with DiABeteS Is Also cRitical FOr REDucInG tHe rIsKS oF futuRe cOmplicaTions. CurreNtlY, lEss than one in EIgHt adults wiTh dIabetes folloW thE guideLiNes FOr gooD maNagemEnt;and OLder adUlts folloW tHEm at evEN lower rATEs. undeRstanding how sociaL ReLAtionships (and pArticuLaRLy", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Although prevention of d iabetes is an i mpo rta nt goa l, m ore effectivem anag ement for individualsalrea dy diag n os ed wi th diab e te s isal so cr it i ca l for re ducingthe risksoffu ture complic a ti ons. Curre ntl y, less than on e in e ig hta dults wi th di abetes follow the guid el i nes fo r good m a n ag emen t;and older adult s f o llow them at e ven lo we r r a t es. Un derstandin ghow s o cial re l at i o n shi p s (and partic ularly", "underscore_trick": ". Although_prevention of_diabetes is an important_goal, more_effective_management for_individuals_already diagnosed with_diabetes is also_critical for reducing the_risks of future_complications._Currently, less than one in eight adults with diabetes follow the guidelines for good_management;and_older adults_follow_them_at even lower rates. Understanding_how social relationships (and particularly"} +{"text": " investigator. The Administrative Core of the Program will be responsible for theoverall oversight, organization, and management of the scientific aspects of the COBRE grant. In addition to the scientific oversight, the Core will also provide a number of support services to Program-associated investigators, including fiscal/budgetary management, preparation of", "synonym_substitution": "investigator. The Administrative Core of the Program will be responsible for theoverall oversight, organization, and management of the scientific view of the COBRE concession. In addition to the scientific oversight, the Core will besides provide a issue of support services to Program - associate investigators, including fiscal / budgetary management, formulation of", "butter_fingers": " ingestigator. The Administrxtive Core of tkw Progcam wilm be resoonsible for theoverall overditht, oeganization, and manageoent of tje scienrifir aspects of the COBRE gvcnt. Ih addntmon to the sciektific overvight, the Core wklp also provide a number of support fervicex ho Program-assosiattd ynveaninators, including fiscal/budgetary managekent, preparatoon of", "random_deletion": "investigator. The Administrative Core of the Program responsible theoverall oversight, and management of COBRE In addition to scientific oversight, the will also provide a number of services to Program-associated investigators, including fiscal/budgetary management, preparation of", "change_char_case": " investigator. The AdministraTive Core of The PrOgrAm wIlL be rEspoNsible for theovERall Oversight, organization, aNd manAgEMent OF tHe sciEntific ASpECTs oF tHe cOBrE GRaNt. In aDdiTion to tHe scientifIc oVeRsight, the CorE WiLl also provIde A number of supPorT serviCeS to pRograM-asSociaTed invEStigatOrs, includInG Fiscal/BUdgetarY MAnAgemEnt, preparation of", "whitespace_perturbation": " investigator. The Adminis trative Co re of th e P ro gram wil l be responsib l e fo r theoverall oversight , org an i zati o n, andmanagem e nt o f t he s cie nt i fi c asp ect s of th e COBRE gr ant .In additiont othe scient ifi c oversight, th e Core w ill alsopro videa numb e r of s upport se rv i ces to Program - a ss ocia ted investigators , i n cluding fiscal /budge ta r ym a nag eme nt, prepar at ion o f ", "underscore_trick": " investigator._The Administrative_Core of the Program_will be_responsible_for theoverall_oversight,_organization, and management_of the scientific_aspects of the COBRE_grant. In addition_to_the scientific oversight, the Core will also provide a number of support services to_Program-associated_investigators, including_fiscal/budgetary_management,_preparation of"} +{"text": " persons at risk for HIV infection. ALIVE-2 has provided critical insight into the dynamics of infection and risk behavior while serving as a comparison group to a parallel cohort of HIV positive IDUs (ALIVE-1, DA04334). Continuation of the ALIVE cohort will allow us to characterize current trends in the", "synonym_substitution": "persons at risk for HIV infection. ALIVE-2 has provided critical penetration into the moral force of contagion and risk behavior while serving as a comparison group to a parallel age group of HIV positive IDUs (ALIVE-1, DA04334). Continuation of the ALIVE cohort will give up us to characterize current trends in the", "butter_fingers": " pegsons at risk for HIV innection. ALIVE-2 has provived crifical inright into the dynamics of iifecrion qnd risk behavior whild serving as a conparmson group to a 'zrallel cohorf of KIT positive IDUs (ALIVE-1, DA04334). Wontinuation ox ghz ALIVE cohort will allow us to charwcterizr furrent trends in uhe", "random_deletion": "persons at risk for HIV infection. ALIVE-2 critical into the of infection and a group to a cohort of HIV IDUs (ALIVE-1, DA04334). Continuation of the cohort will allow us to characterize current trends in the", "change_char_case": " persons at risk for HIV infectIon. ALIVE-2 haS provIdeD crItIcal InsiGht into the dynaMIcs oF infection and risk behavIor whIlE ServINg As a coMparisoN GrOUP to A pArAllEl COhOrt of hIV PositivE IDUs (ALIVE-1, dA04334). COnTinuation of tHE AlIVE cohort WilL allow us to chAraCterizE cUrrENt treNds In the", "whitespace_perturbation": " persons at risk for HIV i nfection.ALIVE -2has p rovi dedcritical insig h t in to the dynamics of inf ectio na nd r i sk beha vior wh i le s erv in gasac om paris ongroup t o a parall elco hort of HIVp os itive IDUs (A LIVE-1, DA04 334 ). Con ti nua t ion o f t he AL IVE co h ort wi ll allowus to cha r acteriz e cu rren t trends in the", "underscore_trick": " persons_at risk_for HIV infection. ALIVE-2_has provided_critical_insight into_the_dynamics of infection_and risk behavior_while serving as a_comparison group to_a_parallel cohort of HIV positive IDUs (ALIVE-1, DA04334). Continuation of the ALIVE cohort will_allow_us to_characterize_current_trends in the"} +{"text": " would appear as intense spots in the TEM spectra. For the complimentary pyrimidine label, osmium tetraoxide bipyridine will be the selective binding agent thymine and cytosine. Using the bipyridine ligand as a scaffold for functionalization, additional osmium, platinum (ZPt = 78) or uranium (", "synonym_substitution": "would appear as intense spots in the TEM spectra. For the complimentary pyrimidine label, osmium tetraoxide bipyridine will be the selective bind agentive role thymine and cytosine. Using the bipyridine ligand as a scaffold for functionalization, additional osmium, platinum (ZPt = 78) or uranium (", "butter_fingers": " wokld appear as intense sputs in the TEM spectra. For tge complkmentary pyrimidine label, osliym teugaoxide bipyridine wiul be the selectice bmnding agent thymine and cytosjke. Usnnj the bipyriding ligand as d scaffold for fjnetionalization, additional osmium, plaeinum (ZLt = 78) or uranium (", "random_deletion": "would appear as intense spots in the For complimentary pyrimidine osmium tetraoxide bipyridine agent and cytosine. Using bipyridine ligand as scaffold for functionalization, additional osmium, platinum = 78) or uranium (", "change_char_case": " would appear as intense spots In the TEM spEctra. for The CoMpliMentAry pyrimidine lABel, oSmium tetraoxide bipyridIne wiLl BE the SElEctivE bindinG AgENT thYmInE anD cYToSine. USinG the bipYridine ligAnd As A scaffold for FUnCtionalizaTioN, additional oSmiUm, platInUm (ZpT = 78) or urAniUm (", "whitespace_perturbation": " would appear as intense s pots in th e TEM sp ect ra . Fo r th e complimentar y pyr imidine label, osmiumtetra ox i de b i py ridin e willb et h e s el ec tiv eb in dingage nt thym ine and cy tos in e. Using the bi pyridine l iga nd as a scaf fol d forfu nct i onali zat ion,additi o nal os mium, pla ti n um (ZP t = 78)o r u rani um (", "underscore_trick": " would_appear as_intense spots in the_TEM spectra._For_the complimentary_pyrimidine_label, osmium tetraoxide_bipyridine will be_the selective binding agent_thymine and cytosine._Using_the bipyridine ligand as a scaffold for functionalization, additional osmium, platinum (ZPt = 78)_or_uranium ("} +{"text": " cultures rely on magnetic negative selection using Annexin V-based magnetic particles. Annexin V binds to the phospholipid phosphatidylserine (PS) present on the surface of dead cells and cell membrane fragments. A magnetic field is then applied to collect dead cells from the healthy culture. Although commercially successful, Annexin V-", "synonym_substitution": "cultures rely on magnetic negative survival use Annexin V - based magnetic particles. Annexin vanadium binds to the phospholipid phosphatidylserine (PS) present on the surface of all in cells and cell membrane fragments. A charismatic sphere is then applied to gather dead cells from the goodly culture. Although commercially successful, Annexin V-", "butter_fingers": " cuptures rely on magnetic kegative selection usinj Annexjn V-basea magnetic particles. Annexin V bindw to the phospholipid ohosphatifylserinw (PS) present on the surncce or deab rells and cell kembrane fsagments. A magtegie field is then applied to collect dqad celks from the healjhy clleure. Although commercially successful, Znnexin V-", "random_deletion": "cultures rely on magnetic negative selection using magnetic Annexin V to the phospholipid surface dead cells and membrane fragments. A field is then applied to collect cells from the healthy culture. Although commercially successful, Annexin V-", "change_char_case": " cultures rely on magnetic negAtive selecTion uSinG AnNeXin V-BaseD magnetic partiCLes. ANnexin V binds to the phospHolipId PHospHAtIdylsErine (PS) PReSENt oN tHe SurFaCE oF dead CelLs and ceLl membrane FraGmEnts. A magnetiC FiEld is then aPplIed to collect DeaD cells FrOm tHE healThy CultuRe. AlthOUgh comMercially SuCCessfuL, annexin v-", "whitespace_perturbation": " cultures rely on magnetic negativeselec tio n u si ng A nnex in V-based mag n etic particles. Annexin Vbinds t o the ph ospho lipid p h os p h ati dy ls eri ne (P S) pr ese nt on t he surface of d ead cells an d c ell membra nefragments. A ma gnetic f iel d is t hen appl ied to collec t dead ce ll s fromt he heal t h ycult ure. Although com m er c ially successf ul, An ne x in V -", "underscore_trick": " cultures_rely on_magnetic negative selection using_Annexin V-based_magnetic_particles. Annexin_V_binds to the_phospholipid phosphatidylserine (PS)_present on the surface_of dead cells_and_cell membrane fragments. A magnetic field is then applied to collect dead cells from_the_healthy culture._Although_commercially_successful, Annexin V-"} +{"text": " bleeding disorder known as Bernard-Soulier syndrome. The interaction of platelets with vWF through the GP Ib-IX receptor has also been shown to be relevant for the development of pathological platelet thrombi responsible for vascular occlusion. Therefore, studies on the structure and function of GP Ib-IX are relevant for understanding the pathogenesis", "synonym_substitution": "bleeding disorder known as Bernard - Soulier syndrome. The interaction of platelets with vWF through the GP Ib - nine sense organ has besides been shown to be relevant for the development of pathological platelet thrombus responsible for vascular occlusion. Therefore, study on the structure and function of GP Ib - IX are relevant for understand the pathogenesis", "butter_fingers": " blfeding disorder known as Bernard-Soulier syndroke. The interacgion of platelets with vWF tirouth tht GP Ib-IX receptor fas also heen shoqn ti be relevaif for tmz devspopmznv of pathologicsl plateled thrombi respmnriyle for vascular occlusion. Therefore, studiex ln the structute anc fundniin of GP Ib-IX are relevant fod undervtanding the lathogenesis", "random_deletion": "bleeding disorder known as Bernard-Soulier syndrome. The platelets vWF through GP Ib-IX receptor be for the development pathological platelet thrombi for vascular occlusion. Therefore, studies on structure and function of GP Ib-IX are relevant for understanding the pathogenesis", "change_char_case": " bleeding disorder known as BeRnard-SouliEr synDroMe. THe InteRactIon of platelets WIth vwF through the GP Ib-IX recePtor hAs ALso bEEn Shown To be relEVaNT For ThE dEveLoPMeNt of pAthOlogicaL platelet tHroMbI responsible FOr Vascular ocCluSion. ThereforE, stUdies oN tHe sTRuctuRe aNd funCtion oF gP Ib-IX Are relevaNt FOr undeRStandinG THe PathOgenesis", "whitespace_perturbation": " bleeding disorder known a s Bernard- Souli ersyn dr ome. The interaction o f pla telets with vWF throug h the G P Ib- I Xrecep tor has al s o be en s how nt obe re lev ant for the devel opm en t of patholo g ic al platele t t hrombi respo nsi ble fo rvas c ularocc lusio n. The r efore, studieson the st r ucturea n dfunc tion of GP Ib-IXa re relevant for u nderst an d in g the pa thogenesis ", "underscore_trick": " bleeding_disorder known_as Bernard-Soulier syndrome. The_interaction of_platelets_with vWF_through_the GP Ib-IX_receptor has also_been shown to be_relevant for the_development_of pathological platelet thrombi responsible for vascular occlusion. Therefore, studies on the structure and_function_of GP_Ib-IX_are_relevant for understanding the pathogenesis"} +{"text": "rens of gene expression via activation of cAMP response element (CRE)-directed transcription. The mechanism of the CRE-directed transcription in cell proliferation, however, is largely unexplored. To elucidate the role of the cAMP enhancer (CRE) in the control of cell proliferation, we used transcription factor-decoy oligonucleotide approach. Our", "synonym_substitution": "rens of gene expression via activation of cAMP response chemical element (CRE)-directed arrangement. The mechanism of the CRE - directed transcription in cell proliferation, however, is largely undiscovered. To elucidate the role of the cAMP foil (CRE) in the command of cell proliferation, we use transcription factor - decoy oligonucleotide overture. Our", "butter_fingers": "rend of gene expression via activation of eQMP revponse element (CRE)-directed transcription. Tie mwchanusm of the CRE-directed transcriition in xell proliferatmkn, howeyzr, is pargzlb unexplored. To elucidate the role of tve cCMP enhancer (CRE) in the control of cqll prokiveration, we usgd trsgscrjitlon factor-decoy oligonucleotide zpproaci. Our", "random_deletion": "rens of gene expression via activation of element transcription. The of the CRE-directed is unexplored. To elucidate role of the enhancer (CRE) in the control of proliferation, we used transcription factor-decoy oligonucleotide approach. Our", "change_char_case": "rens of gene expression via acTivation of CAMP rEspOnsE eLemeNt (CRe)-directed transCRiptIon. The mechanism of the CRe-direCtED traNScRiptiOn in celL PrOLIfeRaTiOn, hOwEVeR, is laRgeLy unexpLored. To eluCidAtE the role of thE CAmP enhancer (cRE) In the control Of cEll proLiFerATion, wE usEd traNscripTIon facTor-decoy oLiGOnucleOTide appROAcH. Our", "whitespace_perturbation": "rens of gene expression vi a activati on of cA MPre spon se e lement (CRE)-d i rect ed transcription. Themecha ni s m of th e CRE -direct e dt r ans cr ip tio ni ncellpro liferat ion, howev er, i s largely un e xp lored. Toelu cidate the r ole of th ecAM P enha nce r (CR E) int he con trol of c el l proli f eration , we use d transcription f a ct o r-decoy oligon ucleot id e a p p roa ch. Our", "underscore_trick": "rens of_gene expression_via activation of cAMP_response element_(CRE)-directed_transcription. The_mechanism_of the CRE-directed_transcription in cell_proliferation, however, is largely_unexplored. To elucidate_the_role of the cAMP enhancer (CRE) in the control of cell proliferation, we used_transcription_factor-decoy oligonucleotide_approach._Our"} +{"text": " achieve an immunized, protected population, addressing issues of limited supply, lack of access and compliance. The Self Administered Vaccination Electromechanical (SAVE) device gently and quickly reduces the stratum corneum, administers efficacious and consistent amounts of vaccine in minutes, and avoids creation of \"sharps\"", "synonym_substitution": "achieve an immunized, protected population, addressing issues of circumscribed provision, lack of entree and compliance. The Self Administered Vaccination Electromechanical (SAVE) device gently and quickly reduce the stratum corneum, administer effective and consistent amounts of vaccine in minutes, and avoids creation of \" sharp \"", "butter_fingers": " acjieve an immunized, protegted population, cedressmng isshes of lkmited supply, lack of access abd conpliance. The Self Admivistered Naccinatiin Eowctromechaijcal (SAYZ) devjge geutoy and quickly reduces tve stratum cortejm, administers efficacious and consiseent ampujts of vaccine in kynutss, and avoids creation of \"sharps\"", "random_deletion": "achieve an immunized, protected population, addressing issues supply, of access compliance. The Self gently quickly reduces the corneum, administers efficacious consistent amounts of vaccine in minutes, avoids creation of \"sharps\"", "change_char_case": " achieve an immunized, protectEd populatiOn, addResSinG iSsueS of lImited supply, laCK of aCcess and compliance. The SElf AdMiNIsteREd vacciNation ELEcTROmeChAnIcaL (SavE) DevicE geNtly and Quickly redUceS tHe stratum corNEuM, administeRs eFficacious anD coNsisteNt AmoUNts of VacCine iN minutES, and avOids creatIoN Of \"sharPS\"", "whitespace_perturbation": " achieve an immunized, pro tected pop ulati on, ad dr essi ng i ssues of limit e d su pply, lack of access a nd co mp l ianc e .The S elf Adm i ni s t ere dVa cci na t io n Ele ctr omechan ical (SAVE ) d ev ice gently a n dquickly re duc es the strat umcorneu m, ad m inist ers effi caciou s and c onsistent a m ountso f vacci n e i n mi nutes, and avoids cr e ation of \"shar ps\"", "underscore_trick": " achieve_an immunized,_protected population, addressing issues_of limited_supply,_lack of_access_and compliance. The_Self Administered Vaccination_Electromechanical (SAVE) device gently_and quickly reduces_the_stratum corneum, administers efficacious and consistent amounts of vaccine in minutes, and avoids creation_of_\"sharps\""} +{"text": "rovidingseedfundingforpilotstudiestoenableaffiliatedinvestigatorsto launchpromisingresearchandcollectpreliminarydatatoinformandstrengthenlargerresearchprojects. ThroughitscloseassociationwithBrownUniversity,CfNNprovideseducationalopportunitiesto undergraduates,gradu", "synonym_substitution": "rovidingseedfundingforpilotstudiestoenableaffiliatedinvestigatorsto launchpromisingresearchandcollectpreliminarydatatoinformandstrengthenlargerresearchprojects. ThroughitscloseassociationwithBrownUniversity, CfNNprovideseducationalopportunitiesto undergraduates, gradu", "butter_fingers": "rovldingseedfundingforpilotrtudiestoenablecdfiliavedinveatigatorrto launchpromisingresearchaidcoolectkgeliminarydatatoinforoandstrenhthenlarterrtsearchprojects. TidoughitsclosezdsocnavionwithBrownUnlversity,CfNTprovideseducadiunclopportunitiesto undergraduates,gradt", "random_deletion": "rovidingseedfundingforpilotstudiestoenableaffiliatedinvestigatorsto launchpromisingresearchandcollectpreliminarydatatoinformandstrengthenlargerresearchprojects. ThroughitscloseassociationwithBrownUniversity,CfNNprovideseducationalopportunitiesto undergraduates,gradu", "change_char_case": "rovidingseedfundingforpilOtstudiestOenabLeaFfiLiAtedInveStigatorsto lauNChprOmisingresearchandcollEctprElIMinaRYdAtatoInformaNDsTREngThEnLarGeRReSearcHprOjects. THroughitscLosEaSsociationwiTHBRownUniverSitY,CfNNprovideSedUcatioNaLopPOrtunItiEsto uNdergrADuates,Gradu", "whitespace_perturbation": "rovidingseedfundingforpilo tstudiesto enabl eaf fil ia tedi nves tigatorsto lau n chpr omisingresearchandcoll ectpr el i mina r yd atato informa n ds t r eng th en lar ge r re searc hpr ojects. Throughit scl os eassociation w it hBrownUniv ers ity,CfNNprov ide seduca ti ona l oppor tun ities to und e rgradu ates,grad u", "underscore_trick": "rovidingseedfundingforpilotstudiestoenableaffiliatedinvestigatorsto launchpromisingresearchandcollectpreliminarydatatoinformandstrengthenlargerresearchprojects._ThroughitscloseassociationwithBrownUniversity,CfNNprovideseducationalopportunitiesto undergraduates,gradu"} +{"text": " era of escalating health care costs, successful cartilage repair would decrease the long-term costs of health care related to joint replacement and multiple revisions thereof. Our long-term objective is to develop a tissue engineering approach for cartilage repair using periosteum. Periosteal grafts have the potential to contribute to each of the", "synonym_substitution": "era of escalating health care costs, successful cartilage haunt would decrease the retentive - term costs of health caution refer to joint replacement and multiple revisions thence. Our long - term objective is to evolve a tissue engineering approach for cartilage haunt using periosteum. Periosteal grafts have the potential to lend to each of the", "butter_fingers": " erw of escalating health cxre costs, successful certilags repair would decrease the long-term cists if health care related to joint replacenent qnd multiple revisljns fmereoy. Iur long-term onjective is to develop a dirsbe engineering approach for cartilagq repait ksing periosteom. Pegijstezl grafts have the potential to cohtributt to each of the", "random_deletion": "era of escalating health care costs, successful would the long-term of health care multiple thereof. Our long-term is to develop tissue engineering approach for cartilage repair periosteum. Periosteal grafts have the potential to contribute to each of the", "change_char_case": " era of escalating health care Costs, succeSsful CarTilAgE repAir wOuld decrease thE Long-Term costs of health care rElateD tO JoinT RePlaceMent and MUlTIPle ReViSioNs THeReof. OUr lOng-term Objective iS to DeVelop a tissue ENgIneering apProAch for cartilAge Repair UsIng PEriosTeuM. PeriOsteal GRafts hAve the potEnTIal to cONtributE TO eAch oF the", "whitespace_perturbation": " era of escalating healthcare costs , suc ces sfu lcart ilag e repair would decr ease the long-term cos ts of h e alth ca re re lated t o j o i ntre pl ace me n tand m ult iple re visions th ere of . Our long-t e rm objective is to developa t issueen gin e ering ap proac h forc artila ge repair u s ing pe r iosteum . Pe rios teal grafts havet he potential to c ontrib ut e t o eac h o f the", "underscore_trick": " era_of escalating_health care costs, successful_cartilage repair_would_decrease the_long-term_costs of health_care related to_joint replacement and multiple_revisions thereof. Our_long-term_objective is to develop a tissue engineering approach for cartilage repair using periosteum. Periosteal_grafts_have the_potential_to_contribute to each of the"} +{"text": " autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in the genes encoding the receptor subunits for TGF?. LDS is associated with an increased risk of developing EoE and other more general food allergies. Remarkably, LDS mice also demonstrate increased Th2 inflammation, and the spontaneous development of EoE. Dr. Guerrerio joined", "synonym_substitution": "autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in the gene encode the sense organ subunits for TGF? . LDS is associated with an increased hazard of developing EoE and other more general food allergy. signally, LDS mice besides attest increased Th2 ignition, and the spontaneous development of EoE. Dr. Guerrerio join", "butter_fingers": " auhosomal dominant disordev caused by mutajiins in the gsnes encuding the receptor subunits hor RGF?. LES is associated with xn increaded risk of veveloping EoE ais other more fcneran food allergiex. Remarkabny, LDS mice alvo dzmonstrate increased Th2 inflammation, and thr dpontaneous dedelokmegt or EoE. Dr. Guerrerio joined", "random_deletion": "autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in encoding receptor subunits TGF?. LDS is of EoE and other general food allergies. LDS mice also demonstrate increased Th2 and the spontaneous development of EoE. Dr. Guerrerio joined", "change_char_case": " autosomal dominant disorder Caused by muTatioNs iN thE gEnes EncoDing the receptoR SubuNits for TGF?. LDS is associaTed wiTh AN incREaSed riSk of devELoPINg EOE AnD otHeR MoRe genEraL food alLergies. RemArkAbLy, LDS mice alsO DeMonstrate iNcrEased Th2 inflaMmaTion, anD tHe sPOntanEouS deveLopmenT Of EoE. DR. GuerreriO jOIned", "whitespace_perturbation": " autosomal dominant disord er causedby mu tat ion sin t he g enes encodingt he r eceptor subunits for T GF?.LD S isa ss ociat ed with an i ncr ea se d r is k o f dev elo ping Eo E and othe r m or e general fo o dallergies. Re markably, LD S m ice al so de m onstr ate incr easedT h2 inf lammation ,a nd the spontan e o us dev elopment of EoE.D r. Guerrerio join ed", "underscore_trick": " autosomal_dominant disorder_caused by mutations in_the genes_encoding_the receptor_subunits_for TGF?. LDS_is associated with_an increased risk of_developing EoE and_other_more general food allergies. Remarkably, LDS mice also demonstrate increased Th2 inflammation, and the_spontaneous_development of_EoE._Dr._Guerrerio joined"} +{"text": " and dependence) and their associated physical and mental disabilities. These include detailed measures of alcohol consumption and drug use for ten substances, along with their abuse and dependence measures. Major physical disorders (e.g., liver cirrhosis) and mental disorders (e.g., major depressive disorder) highly comorbid with alcohol and drug use disorders", "synonym_substitution": "and dependence) and their associated physical and mental disability. These admit detailed measuring stick of alcohol consumption and drug habit for ten kernel, along with their abuse and dependence standard. Major physical disorders (for example, liver cirrhosis) and genial disorders (e.g., major depressive disorderliness) highly comorbid with alcohol and drug use disorders", "butter_fingers": " anf dependence) and their arsociated physieql and mentam disabiuities. These include detailev meqsurew of alcohol consumptiun and drlg use foe tei substances, aloif with bkeir znuse cnv dependence messures. Majmr physical divofdzrs (e.g., liver cirrhosis) and mental diforders (e.h., major depresfive qisodder) highly comorbid with alcohol znd druj use disorders", "random_deletion": "and dependence) and their associated physical and These detailed measures alcohol consumption and along their abuse and measures. Major physical (e.g., liver cirrhosis) and mental disorders major depressive disorder) highly comorbid with alcohol and drug use disorders", "change_char_case": " and dependence) and their assoCiated physIcal aNd mEntAl DisaBiliTies. These incluDE detAiled measures of alcohol ConsuMpTIon aND dRug usE for ten SUbSTAncEs, AlOng WiTH tHeir aBusE and depEndence meaSurEs. major physicaL DiSorders (e.g., lIveR cirrhosis) anD meNtal diSoRdeRS (e.g., maJor DepreSsive dISorder) Highly comOrBId with ALcohol aND DrUg usE disorders", "whitespace_perturbation": " and dependence) and their associate d phy sic alan d me ntal disabilities. Thes e include detailed mea sures o f alc o ho l con sumptio n a n d dr ug u sefo r t en su bst ances,along with th ei r abuse andd ep endence me asu res. Major p hys ical d is ord e rs (e .g. , liv er cir r hosis) and ment al disord e rs (e.g . , m ajor depressive disor d er ) highly comorb id wit ha lc o h oland drug usedi sorde r s", "underscore_trick": " and_dependence) and_their associated physical and_mental disabilities._These_include detailed_measures_of alcohol consumption_and drug use_for ten substances, along_with their abuse_and_dependence measures. Major physical disorders (e.g., liver cirrhosis) and mental disorders (e.g., major depressive_disorder)_highly comorbid_with_alcohol_and drug use disorders"} +{"text": " mechanisms of central OT receptor transduction at the OT neuron will have important applications for understanding the wider roles of OTRs in brain function. There are Three Specific Aims: Specific Aim 1. To determine if the enhancement of AHPs in OT neurons by OT is specific to OT neurons and OT receptor activation, whether it is", "synonym_substitution": "mechanisms of central OT receptor transduction at the OT neuron will get authoritative applications for understanding the wider character of OTRs in brain function. There be Three Specific Aims: Specific Aim 1. To decide if the enhancement of AHPs in OT neurons by OT is specific to OT neurons and OT receptor activation, whether it is", "butter_fingers": " mefhanisms of central OT rtceptor transductnin at vhe OT heuron wkll have important applicatilnw for understanding the widdr roles lf OTRs un bcain function. Thxde are Bkree Aiecifnc Aims: Specific Aim 1. To datermine if tha dnkancement of AHPs in OT neurons by OE is sprclfic to OT neutons sgd OF receptor activation, whether it ia", "random_deletion": "mechanisms of central OT receptor transduction at neuron have important for understanding the brain There are Three Aims: Specific Aim To determine if the enhancement of in OT neurons by OT is specific to OT neurons and OT receptor whether it is", "change_char_case": " mechanisms of central OT recePtor transdUctioN at The oT NeurOn wiLl have importanT ApplIcations for understandiNg the WiDEr roLEs Of OTRS in braiN FuNCTioN. THeRe aRe tHrEe SpeCifIc Aims: SPecific Aim 1. to dEtErmine if the eNHaNcement of AhPs In OT neurons bY OT Is specIfIc tO oT neuRonS and Ot recepTOr actiVation, wheThER it is", "whitespace_perturbation": " mechanisms of central OTreceptor t ransd uct ion a t th e OT neuron will h a ve i mportant applicationsfor u nd e rsta n di ng th e wider ro l e s o fOT Rsin br ain f unc tion. T here are T hre eSpecific Aim s :Specific A im1. To determ ine if th eenh a nceme ntof AH Ps inO T neur ons by OT i s speci f ic to O T ne uron s and OT receptor ac t ivation, wheth er itis ", "underscore_trick": " mechanisms_of central_OT receptor transduction at_the OT_neuron_will have_important_applications for understanding_the wider roles_of OTRs in brain_function. There are_Three_Specific Aims: Specific Aim 1. To determine if the enhancement of AHPs in OT_neurons_by OT_is_specific_to OT neurons and OT_receptor activation, whether it is"} +{"text": ", after they complete their research they will be advised by a Career Development committee that will aid them in making important career decisions. Recruitment of under-represented minorities, among mentors as well as students, is strongly supported by an ongoing commitment of the College and by targeted efforts of the Program. We have recently shown that", "synonym_substitution": ", after they complete their research they will be advised by a Career Development committee that will aid them in make authoritative career decisions. Recruitment of under - represented minorities, among mentor as well as students, is strongly confirm by an ongoing commitment of the College and by targeted attempt of the Program. We have recently shown that", "butter_fingers": ", afher they complete their vesearch they will be avvised gy a Carder Development committee thet wull aud them in making impoftant carver decisuons. Eecruitmenv of undcx-reprsdentzd minorities, ampng mentorv as well as sduaeuts, is strongly supported by an ongoyng comkihment of the Cjllebq ans by targeted efforts of the Progrzm. We heve recently shpwn that", "random_deletion": ", after they complete their research they advised a Career committee that will career Recruitment of under-represented among mentors as as students, is strongly supported by ongoing commitment of the College and by targeted efforts of the Program. We recently shown that", "change_char_case": ", after they complete their resEarch they wIll be AdvIseD bY a CaReer development comMItteE that will aid them in makiNg impOrTAnt cAReEr decIsions. RECrUITmeNt Of UndEr-REpResenTed MinoritIes, among meNtoRs As well as studENtS, is stronglY suPported by an oNgoIng comMiTmeNT of thE CoLlege And by tARgeted Efforts of ThE prograM. we have rECEnTly sHown that", "whitespace_perturbation": ", after they complete thei r research they wi llbe adv ised by a Career D e velo pment committee that w ill a id them in maki ng impo r ta n t ca re er de ci s io ns. R ecr uitment of under- rep re sented minor i ti es, amongmen tors as well as stude nt s,i s str ong ly su pporte d by an ongoingco m mitmen t of the C ol lege and by targetede ff o rts of the Pro gram.We ha v e re cen tly shownth at", "underscore_trick": ", after_they complete_their research they will_be advised_by_a Career_Development_committee that will_aid them in_making important career decisions._Recruitment of under-represented_minorities,_among mentors as well as students, is strongly supported by an ongoing commitment of_the_College and_by_targeted_efforts of the Program. We_have recently shown that"} +{"text": " teratogens linked to several types of birth defects, including cardiovascular anomalies, while vitamin A deficiency can produce ventricular chamber hypoplasia, ventricular septal defects, and aortic abnormalities. A mutation in a single members of the retinoid receptor family (RCRalpha) reproduces many of the cardiovascular defects seen in vitamin A", "synonym_substitution": "teratogens linked to several types of parturition defect, including cardiovascular anomalies, while vitamin A deficiency can grow ventricular chamber hypoplasia, ventricular septal defects, and aortal abnormalities. A mutation in a single member of the retinoid receptor family (RCRalpha) reproduces many of the cardiovascular blemish seen in vitamin A", "butter_fingers": " tegatogens linked to severxl types of birjh defecvs, inclhding cafdiovascular anomalies, while vutamib A deficiency can proauce ventgicular cyambtr hypoplasia, venvdicular septam defzcvs, and aortic annormalitiev. A mutation it x dingle members of the retinoid rece[tor fakipy (RCRalpha) rekrodubef mahj if the cardiovascular defects seen ii vitamin A", "random_deletion": "teratogens linked to several types of birth cardiovascular while vitamin deficiency can produce defects, aortic abnormalities. A in a single of the retinoid receptor family (RCRalpha) many of the cardiovascular defects seen in vitamin A", "change_char_case": " teratogens linked to several Types of birTh defEctS, inClUdinG carDiovascular anoMAlieS, while vitamin A deficienCy can PrODuce VEnTricuLar chamBEr HYPopLaSiA, veNtRIcUlar sEptAl defecTs, and aortiC abNoRmalities. A muTAtIon in a singLe mEmbers of the rEtiNoid reCePtoR FamilY (RCralphA) reproDUces maNy of the caRdIOvascuLAr defecTS SeEn in Vitamin A", "whitespace_perturbation": " teratogens linked to seve ral typesof bi rth de fe cts, inc luding cardiov a scul ar anomalies, while vi tamin A defi c ie ncy c an prod u ce v ent ri cu lar c h am ber h ypo plasia, ventricul arse ptal defects , a nd aorticabn ormalities.A m utatio nina sing lemembe rs oft he ret inoid rec ep t or fam i ly (RCR a l ph a) r eproduces many of th e cardiovascula r defe ct s s e e n i n v itamin A", "underscore_trick": " teratogens_linked to_several types of birth_defects, including_cardiovascular_anomalies, while_vitamin_A deficiency can_produce ventricular chamber_hypoplasia, ventricular septal defects,_and aortic abnormalities._A_mutation in a single members of the retinoid receptor family (RCRalpha) reproduces many of_the_cardiovascular defects_seen_in_vitamin A"} +{"text": ", the optimal efficacy of these agents in combination or sequential strategies will be determined; 3) to investigate mechanisms involved in reversing resistance of tumors to letrozole and other AIs following withdrawal of AI treatment; 4) to investigate whether histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors will convert ER negative cells to hormone responsive cells", "synonym_substitution": ", the optimal efficacy of these agents in combination or sequential strategies will be determine; 3) to investigate mechanism involved in reversing resistance of tumor to letrozole and other AIs following coitus interruptus of AI treatment; 4) to investigate whether histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors will change ER negative cells to hormone reactive cells", "butter_fingers": ", thf optimal efficacy of thtse agents in comyunatioi or sesuential strategies will be determinxd; 3) ro incestigate mechanisms ivvolved ij reversung cesistance of tumors to letrozkpe aud other AIs folkowing witvdrawal of AI drdacment; 4) to investigate whether histonq deaceyypase (HDAC) inhifitogs wilm convert ER negative cells to horjone revponsive cellx", "random_deletion": ", the optimal efficacy of these agents or strategies will determined; 3) to resistance tumors to letrozole other AIs following of AI treatment; 4) to investigate histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors will convert ER negative cells to hormone responsive cells", "change_char_case": ", the optimal efficacy of these Agents in coMbinaTioN or SeQuenTial Strategies will BE detErmined; 3) to investigate meChaniSmS InvoLVeD in reVersing REsISTanCe Of TumOrS To LetroZolE and othEr AIs folloWinG wIthdrawal of Ai TrEatment; 4) to iNveStigate whethEr hIstone DeAceTYlase (hDAc) inhiBitors WIll conVert ER negAtIVe cellS To hormoNE ReSponSive cells", "whitespace_perturbation": ", the optimal efficacy ofthese agen ts in co mbi na tion orsequential str a tegi es will be determined; 3) t oi nves t ig ate m echanis m si n vol ve dinre v er singres istance of tumors to l etrozole and ot her AIs fo llo wing withdra wal of AI t rea t ment; 4) to i nvesti g ate wh ether his to n e deac e tylase( H DA C) i nhibitors will co n ve r t ER negativecellsto ho r m one re sponsive c el ls", "underscore_trick": ", the_optimal efficacy_of these agents in_combination or_sequential_strategies will_be_determined; 3) to_investigate mechanisms involved_in reversing resistance of_tumors to letrozole_and_other AIs following withdrawal of AI treatment; 4) to investigate whether histone deacetylase (HDAC)_inhibitors_will convert_ER_negative_cells to hormone responsive cells"} +{"text": " motor function will be modified and functionally expressed. The motor function will then be analyzed by enzymatic analysis, biophysical analysis and in vitro motility assay,,with a particular emphasis on the single molecule assay system. The itemized specific aims are: 1. To determine the regulatory mechanisms of myosin VI motor function; 2) To", "synonym_substitution": "motor function will be modified and functionally expressed. The motor function will then be analyze by enzymatic psychoanalysis, biophysical analysis and in vitro motility assay,,with a especial stress on the single molecule assay organization. The itemized specific bearing are: 1. To determine the regulative mechanism of myosin VI motor function; 2) To", "butter_fingers": " mohor function will be modlfied and functionally xxpresssd. The mutor function will then be aialyzed bt enzymatic analysis, bkophysicap analysus aid in vitro motility assay,,with w paxtmcular emphasis on the sitgle molecule dsrav system. The itemized specific aims wre: 1. To dftermine the rggulauorr medhanisms of myosin VI motor functikn; 2) To", "random_deletion": "motor function will be modified and functionally motor will then analyzed by enzymatic vitro assay,,with a particular on the single assay system. The itemized specific aims 1. To determine the regulatory mechanisms of myosin VI motor function; 2) To", "change_char_case": " motor function will be modifiEd and functIonalLy eXprEsSed. THe moTor function wilL Then Be analyzed by enzymatic aNalysIs, BIophYSiCal anAlysis aND iN VItrO mOtIliTy ASsAy,,witH a pArticulAr emphasis On tHe Single molecuLE aSsay system. the Itemized specIfiC aims aRe: 1. to dETermiNe tHe regUlatorY MechanIsms of myoSiN vI motoR FunctioN; 2) tO", "whitespace_perturbation": " motor function will be mo dified and func tio nal ly exp ress ed. The motorf unct ion will then be analy zed b ye nzym a ti c ana lysis,b io p h ysi ca lana ly s is andinvitro m otility as say ,, with a parti c ul ar emphasi s o n the single mo lecule a ssa y syst em. Theitemiz e d spec ific aims a r e: 1.T o deter m i ne the regulatory mecha n is m s of myosin VI motor f u nc t i on; 2) To", "underscore_trick": " motor_function will_be modified and functionally_expressed. The_motor_function will_then_be analyzed by_enzymatic analysis, biophysical_analysis and in vitro_motility assay,,with a_particular_emphasis on the single molecule assay system. The itemized specific aims are: 1. To_determine_the regulatory_mechanisms_of_myosin VI motor function; 2)_To"} +{"text": " The ability to predict the efficacy of liposomal doxorubicin in treating a specific tumor, in a patient-specific manner, would therefore be of enormous clinical utility. In Phase 1 of this SBIR project therefore, we seek to develop NCTX as a prognosticator of SLD efficacy. If successful, this project will lead to", "synonym_substitution": "The ability to predict the efficacy of liposomal doxorubicin in treating a specific tumor, in a patient - specific manner, would therefore be of enormous clinical utility program. In Phase 1 of this SBIR undertaking consequently, we seek to develop NCTX as a prognosticator of SLD efficacy. If successful, this undertaking will lead to", "butter_fingers": " Thf ability to predict the efficacy of likowomal voxorubjcin in greating a specific tumor, in a patitut-specific manner, wojld therevore be if eiormous clinical utility. In Phzde 1 mh this SBIR promect therefmre, we seek to ddvzlop NCTX as a prognosticator of SLD efficavy. If successful, thix pronvcu will lead to", "random_deletion": "The ability to predict the efficacy of in a specific in a patient-specific enormous utility. In Phase of this SBIR therefore, we seek to develop NCTX a prognosticator of SLD efficacy. If successful, this project will lead to", "change_char_case": " The ability to predict the effIcacy of lipOsomaL doXorUbIcin In trEating a specifiC TumoR, in a patient-specific manNer, woUlD TherEFoRe be oF enormoUS cLINicAl UtIliTy. iN PHase 1 oF thIs SBIR pRoject therEfoRe, We seek to deveLOp nCTX as a proGnoSticator of SLd efFicacy. if SucCEssfuL, thIs proJect wiLL lead tO", "whitespace_perturbation": " The ability to predict th e efficacy of l ipo som al dox orub icin in treati n g aspecific tumor, in a p atien t- s peci f ic mann er, wou l dt h ere fo re be o f e normo usclinica l utility. In P hase 1 of th i sSBIR proje cttherefore, w e s eek to d eve l op NC TXas aprogno s ticato r of SLDef f icacy. If succ e s sf ul,this project will le a d to", "underscore_trick": " The_ability to_predict the efficacy of_liposomal doxorubicin_in_treating a_specific_tumor, in a_patient-specific manner, would_therefore be of enormous_clinical utility. In_Phase_1 of this SBIR project therefore, we seek to develop NCTX as a prognosticator_of_SLD efficacy._If_successful,_this project will lead to"} +{"text": " the chemical properties of L-cell NGF are different from any form of NGF that has so far been studied. Our study is: (1)\\to grow large quantities of L cells; (2)\\to isolate and to completely purify the NGF secreted by these cells; (3)\\to determine the molecular", "synonym_substitution": "the chemical properties of L - cell NGF are different from any human body of NGF that has therefore far been studied. Our study is: (1)\\to grow big quantities of L cell; (2)\\to isolate and to wholly purify the NGF secreted by these cells; (3)\\to determine the molecular", "butter_fingers": " thf chemical properties of L-cell NGF are buffereit from any foro of NGF that has so far beei stydied. Our study is: (1)\\to grow uarge quajtities if L xells; (2)\\to isolate akb to dlmplztxly purify the KGF secreteg by these celns; (3)\\tl determine the molecular", "random_deletion": "the chemical properties of L-cell NGF are any of NGF has so far (1)\\to large quantities of cells; (2)\\to isolate to completely purify the NGF secreted these cells; (3)\\to determine the molecular", "change_char_case": " the chemical properties of L-cEll NGF are dIfferEnt FroM aNy foRm of nGF that has so faR Been Studied. Our study is: (1)\\to groW largE qUAntiTIeS of L cElls; (2)\\to iSOlATE anD tO cOmpLeTElY puriFy tHe NGF seCreted by thEse CeLls; (3)\\to determiNE tHe moleculaR", "whitespace_perturbation": " the chemical properties o f L-cell N GF ar e d iff er entfrom any form of N G F th at has so far been stu died. O u r st u dy is:(1)\\tog ro w lar ge q uan ti t ie s ofL c ells; ( 2)\\to isol ate a nd to comple t el y purify t heNGF secreted by these c ell s ; (3) \\to dete rminet he mol ecular", "underscore_trick": " the_chemical properties_of L-cell NGF are_different from_any_form of_NGF_that has so_far been studied._Our study is: (1)\\to_grow large quantities_of_L cells; (2)\\to isolate and to completely purify the NGF secreted by these cells;_(3)\\to_determine the_molecular"} +{"text": " that block normal cellular specification and differentiation. Subsequently, these cells undergo cell death. Thus, these mutants provide an excellent genetic model to study the regulation and onset of this form of cell death. We have determined that cellular mis- specification is the underlying cause of cell death in these mutants. The cell death-inducing gene", "synonym_substitution": "that block normal cellular specification and differentiation. Subsequently, these cells undergo cellular telephone end. therefore, these mutants provide an excellent genetic mannequin to study the regulation and attack of this form of cell death. We have determine that cellular mis- specification is the underlying lawsuit of cell death in these mutant. The cell death - inducing gene", "butter_fingers": " thwt block normal cellular specification cbd difherentiztion. Sucsequently, these cells underjo cwll dtcth. Thus, these mutangs providv an exceolenu genetic model to study bke refmlatimi and onset of jhis form of cell death. We hxvz determined that cellular mis- specisicatiom ls the underlyyng batse kf cell death in these mutants. The cell dtath-inducing gene", "random_deletion": "that block normal cellular specification and differentiation. cells cell death. these mutants provide study regulation and onset this form of death. We have determined that cellular specification is the underlying cause of cell death in these mutants. The cell gene", "change_char_case": " that block normal cellular spEcificatioN and dIffEreNtIatiOn. SuBsequently, thesE CellS undergo cell death. Thus, tHese mUtANts pROvIde an ExcelleNT gENEtiC mOdEl tO sTUdY the rEguLation aNd onset of tHis FoRm of cell deatH. we Have determIneD that cellulaR miS- speciFiCatIOn is tHe uNderlYing caUSe of ceLl death in ThESe mutaNTs. The ceLL DeAth-iNducing gene", "whitespace_perturbation": " that block normal cellula r specific ation an d d if fere ntia tion. Subseque n tly, these cells undergo c ell d ea t h. T h us , the se muta n ts p rov id eanex c el lentgen etic mo del to stu dyth e regulation an d onset of th is form of c ell death .Weh ave d ete rmine d that cellul ar mis- s pe c ificat i on is t h e u nder lying cause of ce l ld eath in thesemutant s. Th e cel l d eath-induc in g gen e ", "underscore_trick": " that_block normal_cellular specification and differentiation._Subsequently, these_cells_undergo cell_death._Thus, these mutants_provide an excellent_genetic model to study_the regulation and_onset_of this form of cell death. We have determined that cellular mis- specification is_the_underlying cause_of_cell_death in these mutants. The_cell death-inducing gene"} +{"text": " S in sickle cell fibers; 6. To understand the mechanisms of translational and transcriptional control of the synthesis of specific hemoglobins; 7. To study the renal adaptation of patients with sickle cell anemia to overproduction of uric acid and the association of hyperuricemia and gout; 8. To determine monocyte", "synonym_substitution": "S in sickle cell fibers; 6. To understand the mechanisms of translational and transcriptional restraint of the deduction of specific hemoglobins; 7. To study the nephritic adaptation of patients with sickle cellular telephone anemia to overproduction of uric acid and the association of hyperuricemia and gout; 8. To determine monocyte", "butter_fingers": " S ln sickle cell fibers; 6. Tu understand thg nechanmsms of translagional and transcriptional clnrrol if the synthesis of spdcific heloglobinw; 7. Ti study the renal adaptatjln oy 'atients with slckle cell dnemia to over[rudbction of uric acid and the associatyon of nyoeruricemia anq golt; 8. To determine monocyte", "random_deletion": "S in sickle cell fibers; 6. To mechanisms translational and control of the To the renal adaptation patients with sickle anemia to overproduction of uric acid the association of hyperuricemia and gout; 8. To determine monocyte", "change_char_case": " S in sickle cell fibers; 6. To undeRstand the mEchanIsmS of TrAnslAtioNal and transcriPTionAl control of the synthesiS of spEcIFic hEMoGlobiNs; 7. To stuDY tHE RenAl AdAptAtIOn Of patIenTs with sIckle cell aNemIa To overproducTIoN of uric aciD anD the associatIon Of hypeRuRicEMia anD goUt; 8. To dEtermiNE monocYte", "whitespace_perturbation": " S in sickle cell fibers;6. To unde rstan d t heme chan isms of translatio n al a nd transcriptional con trolof thes yn thesi s of sp e ci f i c h em og lob in s ;7. To st udy the renal ada pta ti on of patien t swith sickl e c ell anemia t o o verpro du cti o n ofuri c aci d andt he ass ociationof hyperu r icemiaa n dgout ; 8. To determine mo n ocyte", "underscore_trick": " S_in sickle_cell fibers; 6. To_understand the_mechanisms_of translational_and_transcriptional control of_the synthesis of_specific hemoglobins; 7. To_study the renal_adaptation_of patients with sickle cell anemia to overproduction of uric acid and the association_of_hyperuricemia and_gout;_8._To determine monocyte"} +{"text": " of inhibition in rNST by investigating the biophysical characteristics of rNST interneurons. 3. The biophysical properties of the rNST projection neurons that transmit gustatory information to the PBN. 4. The neurophysiological and morphological properties of PBN neurons receiving synaptic input from rNST.", "synonym_substitution": "of inhibition in rNST by investigating the biophysical characteristics of rNST interneurons. 3. The biophysical properties of the rNST expulsion nerve cell that transmit gustatory information to the PBN. 4. The neurophysiological and morphologic property of PBN neurons receiving synaptic input signal from rNST.", "butter_fingers": " of inhibition in rNST by ikvestigating the biophyvical dharactefistics of rNST interneurons. 3. Rhe buophysical properties uf the rNDT projextioi neurons that tcznsmit nbstatkvy inyocmation to the KBN. 4. The neusophysiologican xnb morphological properties of PBN netrons rrcfiving synaptis inkut froj rNST.", "random_deletion": "of inhibition in rNST by investigating the of interneurons. 3. biophysical properties of transmit information to the 4. The neurophysiological morphological properties of PBN neurons receiving input from rNST.", "change_char_case": " of inhibition in rNST by invesTigating thE biopHysIcaL cHaraCterIstics of rNST inTErneUrons. 3. The biophysical proPertiEs OF the RnSt projEction nEUrONS thAt TrAnsMiT GuStatoRy iNformatIon to the PBn. 4. ThE nEurophysioloGIcAl and morphOloGical propertIes Of PBN nEuRonS ReceiVinG synaPtic inPUt from RNST.", "whitespace_perturbation": " of inhibition in rNST byinvestigat ing t hebio ph ysic al c haracteristics of r NST interneurons. 3. T he bi op h ysic a lprope rties o f t h e rN ST p roj ec t io n neu ron s thattransmit g ust at ory informat i on to the PB N.4. The neuro phy siolog ic ala nd mo rph ologi cal pr o pertie s of PBNne u rons r e ceiving s yn apti c input from rNST . ", "underscore_trick": " of_inhibition in_rNST by investigating the_biophysical characteristics_of_rNST interneurons._3._The biophysical properties_of the rNST_projection neurons that transmit_gustatory information to_the_PBN. 4. The neurophysiological and morphological properties of PBN neurons receiving synaptic input from_rNST."} +{"text": "imaging(B)Recording,Decoding,andComputational Neuroscience,and(C)Assessment,OutcomeMeasurement,andImplementation.CfNNresearchisfurther facilitatedbyadedicatedadministrativestaffwhosupportscientificproductivity,coordinatethesynergistic relationships", "synonym_substitution": "imaging(B)Recording, Decoding, andComputational Neuroscience, and(C)Assessment, OutcomeMeasurement, andImplementation. CfNNresearchisfurther facilitatedbyadedicatedadministrativestaffwhosupportscientificproductivity, coordinatethesynergistic relationships", "butter_fingers": "imahing(B)Recording,Decoding,anaComputational Uwuroscmence,ans(C)Assessoent,OutcomeMeasurement,andImppenentaupon.CfNNresearchisfurtfer facilptatedbyaeediratedadministratmbestaffwhosupllrtseixntificproductiyity,coordindtethesynergisdiz xelationships", "random_deletion": "imaging(B)Recording,Decoding,andComputational Neuroscience,and(C)Assessment,OutcomeMeasurement,andImplementation.CfNNresearchisfurther facilitatedbyadedicatedadministrativestaffwhosupportscientificproductivity,coordinatethesynergistic relationships", "change_char_case": "imaging(B)Recording,Decoding,AndComputaTionaL NeUroScIencE,and(c)Assessment,OutCOmeMEasurement,andImplementAtion.cfnnresEArChisfUrther fACiLITatEdByAdeDiCAtEdadmIniStrativEstaffwhosUppOrTscientificpROdUctivity,coOrdInatethesyneRgiStic reLaTioNShips", "whitespace_perturbation": "imaging(B)Recording,Decodi ng,andComp utati ona l N eu rosc ienc e,and(C)Assess m ent, OutcomeMeasurement,and Imple me n tati o n. CfNNr esearch i sf u r the rfa cil it a te dbyad edi catedad ministrati ves ta ffwhosupport s ci entificpro duc tivity,coord ina tethes yn erg i sticrel ation ships", "underscore_trick": "imaging(B)Recording,Decoding,andComputational Neuroscience,and(C)Assessment,OutcomeMeasurement,andImplementation.CfNNresearchisfurther_facilitatedbyadedicatedadministrativestaffwhosupportscientificproductivity,coordinatethesynergistic relationships"} +{"text": " analog for the positive effector, adenosine-5'-monophosphate; and (5) the role of fructose-1,6-diphosphate in the formation of glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate, a substrate for synthesis of ribose-5-phosphate via the non- oxidative portion of the pentose", "synonym_substitution": "analog for the positive effector, adenosine-5'-monophosphate; and (5) the role of fructose-1,6 - diphosphate in the constitution of glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate, a substrate for deduction of ribose-5 - phosphate via the non- oxidative portion of the pentose", "butter_fingers": " anwlog for the positive efnector, adenosine-5'-monophovphate; and (5) thd role of fructose-1,6-diphosphatx in the dormation of glyceralddhyde-3- phodphate, a subwrrate for synthesis of rjnose-5-pkowphate via the non- oxidadive portion ox ghz pentose", "random_deletion": "analog for the positive effector, adenosine-5'-monophosphate; and role fructose-1,6-diphosphate in formation of glyceraldehyde-3- of via the non- portion of the", "change_char_case": " analog for the positive effecTor, adenosiNe-5'-monOphOspHaTe; anD (5) the Role of fructose-1,6-DIphoSphate in the formation of GlyceRaLDehyDE-3- pHosphAte, a subSTrATE foR sYnTheSiS Of RibosE-5-phOsphate Via the non- oXidAtIve portion of THe Pentose", "whitespace_perturbation": " analog for the positive e ffector, a denos ine -5' -m onop hosp hate; and (5)t he r ole of fructose-1,6-di phosp ha t e in th e for mationo fg l yce ra ld ehy de - 3- phos pha te, a s ubstrate f orsy nthesis of r i bo se-5-phosp hat e via the no n-oxidat iv e p o rtion of thepentos e ", "underscore_trick": " analog_for the_positive effector, adenosine-5'-monophosphate; and_(5) the_role_of fructose-1,6-diphosphate_in_the formation of_glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate, a_substrate for synthesis of_ribose-5-phosphate via the_non-_oxidative portion of the pentose"} +{"text": " some of which might be shared with the organ donor. However, the price of intentional transfusion is sensitization of the recipient against HLA specificities causing a delay in transplantation in some cases and, in others, precluding it altogether. The specific aim of this proposal is to determine whether or not sharing of a major or minor", "synonym_substitution": "some of which might be shared with the organ donor. However, the price of intentional transfusion is sensitizing of the recipient role against HLA specificity causing a delay in transplant in some event and, in others, precluding it altogether. The specific bearing of this marriage proposal is to determine whether or not sharing of a major or minor", "butter_fingers": " sole of which might be shaved with the orgcb donoc. Howevsr, the pfice of intentional transfusmon us sebsitization of the reckpient agwinst HLQ sptcificities causiif a delay in fvanspnentation in somg cases and, hn others, precnuaiug it altogether. The specific aim of this ptooosal is to dejermimq whsnhtr or not sharing of a major or mjnor", "random_deletion": "some of which might be shared with donor. the price intentional transfusion is HLA causing a delay transplantation in some and, in others, precluding it altogether. specific aim of this proposal is to determine whether or not sharing of major or minor", "change_char_case": " some of which might be shared wIth the orgaN donoR. HoWevEr, The pRice Of intentional tRAnsfUsion is sensitization of The reCiPIent AGaInst HlA speciFIcITIes CaUsIng A dELaY in trAnsPlantatIon in some cAseS aNd, in others, prEClUding it altOgeTher. The speciFic Aim of tHiS prOPosal Is tO deteRmine wHEther oR not shariNg OF a majoR Or minor", "whitespace_perturbation": " some of which might be sh ared withthe o rga n d on or.Howe ver, the price of i ntentional transfusion is s en s itiz a ti on of the re c ip i e ntag ai nst H L Aspeci fic ities c ausing a d ela yin transplan t at ion in som e c ases and, in ot hers,pr ecl u dingitaltog ether. The sp ecific ai mo f this proposa l is todetermine whether or not sharing of a maj or or m ino r", "underscore_trick": " some_of which_might be shared with_the organ_donor._However, the_price_of intentional transfusion_is sensitization of_the recipient against HLA_specificities causing a_delay_in transplantation in some cases and, in others, precluding it altogether. The specific aim_of_this proposal_is_to_determine whether or not sharing_of a major or minor"} +{"text": " in the size or number of gap junctions in the ciliary epithelium of these eyes. Despite the centrality of motor learning to basic and clinical neuroscience, we know very little about the quantitative role neural systems play in the transformation of senses into adapted control. The experiments presented here will challenge normal human subjects with perturbations of varying", "synonym_substitution": "in the size or number of gap junctions in the ciliary epithelium of these eyes. Despite the centrality of motor eruditeness to basic and clinical neuroscience, we acknowledge very little about the quantitative role nervous systems bet in the transformation of senses into adapted control. The experiment presented here will challenge normal human subjects with disturbance of varying", "butter_fingers": " in the size or number of gxp junctions in the ciniary spithelijm of these eyes. Despite the cwntraoity of motor learning to basic and clibicao neuroscieide, we kkjw vsvy lictoe about the qoantitative sole neural syvtdmd play in the transformation of senfes intp wdapted controj. Tht evperjments presented here will challenfe normel human subjecys with perturbations of vwryijg", "random_deletion": "in the size or number of gap the epithelium of eyes. Despite the basic clinical neuroscience, we very little about quantitative role neural systems play in transformation of senses into adapted control. The experiments presented here will challenge normal subjects with perturbations of varying", "change_char_case": " in the size or number of gap junCtions in thE ciliAry EpiThEliuM of tHese eyes. DespitE The cEntrality of motor learniNg to bAsIC and CLiNical NeuroscIEnCE, We kNoW vEry LiTTlE abouT thE quantiTative role NeuRaL systems play IN tHe transforMatIon of senses iNto AdapteD cOntROl. The ExpErimeNts preSEnted hEre will chAlLEnge noRMal humaN SUbJectS with perturbationS Of VArying", "whitespace_perturbation": " in the size or number ofgap juncti ons i n t heci liar y ep ithelium of th e se e yes. Despite the centr ality o f mot o rlearn ing tob as i c an dcl ini ca l n euros cie nce, we know very li tt le about the qu antitative ro le neural sy ste ms pla yint he tr ans forma tion o f sense s into ad ap t ed con t rol. Th e ex peri ments presented h e re will challenge norma lh um a n su bje cts with p er turba t ions of va r y i ng", "underscore_trick": " in_the size_or number of gap_junctions in_the_ciliary epithelium_of_these eyes. Despite_the centrality of_motor learning to basic_and clinical neuroscience,_we_know very little about the quantitative role neural systems play in the transformation of_senses_into adapted_control._The_experiments presented here will challenge_normal human subjects with perturbations_of varying"} +{"text": " to determine effects on innate immune cell phagocytosis of tumor cells. We will utilize the Genomics & Immune Monitoring Shared Resource Core B directed by Dr. Elaine Mardis to conduct flow cytometry with time-of-flight mass spectrometry and single cell transcriptomics to determine the effects on immune cell composition and polarization. We", "synonym_substitution": "to determine effects on innate immune cell phagocytosis of tumor cell. We will use the Genomics & Immune Monitoring Shared Resource Core B directed by Dr. Elaine Mardis to conduct menstruation cytometry with fourth dimension - of - flight mass spectroscopy and single cell transcriptomics to determine the consequence on immune cell composition and polarization. We", "butter_fingers": " to determine effects on inkate immune cell phagocbtosis kf tumor cells. We will utilize the Gxnomucs & Ummune Monitoring Shardd Resourbe Core B dirtcted by Dr. Elainx Mardis to cohfuct hlow cytometry eith time-ox-flight mass s[eztxometry and single cell transcriptomycs to cehermine the efsectx on jmmune cell composition and polariaation. Xe", "random_deletion": "to determine effects on innate immune cell tumor We will the Genomics & B by Dr. Elaine to conduct flow with time-of-flight mass spectrometry and single transcriptomics to determine the effects on immune cell composition and polarization. We", "change_char_case": " to determine effects on innatE immune celL phagOcyTosIs Of tuMor cElls. We will utilIZe thE Genomics & Immune MonitorIng ShArED ResOUrCe CorE B direcTEd BY dr. ELaInE MaRdIS tO condUct Flow cytOmetry with TimE-oF-flight mass sPEcTrometry anD siNgle cell tranScrIptomiCs To dETermiNe tHe effEcts on IMmune cEll composItIOn and pOLarizatION. WE", "whitespace_perturbation": " to determine effects on i nnate immu ne ce llpha go cyto sisof tumor cells . Wewill utilize the Genom ics & I m mune Mo nitor ing Sha r ed R eso ur ce Co re Bdirec ted by Dr. Elaine Ma rdi sto conduct f l ow cytometry wi th time-of-f lig ht mas sspe c trome try andsingle cell t ranscript om i cs tod etermin e th e ef fects on immune c e ll composition an d pola ri z at i o n.We", "underscore_trick": " to_determine effects_on innate immune cell_phagocytosis of_tumor_cells. We_will_utilize the Genomics_& Immune Monitoring_Shared Resource Core B_directed by Dr._Elaine_Mardis to conduct flow cytometry with time-of-flight mass spectrometry and single cell transcriptomics to_determine_the effects_on_immune_cell composition and polarization. We"} +{"text": " qualitative requirement of foreign antigen and MHC proteins, target cell components necessary for optimal CTL recognition have not been defined. The overall aim of this project is to more precisely define the receptor ligand interactions between membrane proteins on the CTL and target cell. We will do this by constructing and using a new type of lipid vesicle (an artificial", "synonym_substitution": "qualitative requirement of foreign antigen and MHC proteins, target cellular telephone component necessary for optimal CTL recognition have not been define. The overall bearing of this project is to more precisely define the sense organ ligand interactions between membrane proteins on the CTL and target cellular telephone. We will cause this by constructing and use a new type of lipid vesicle (an artificial", "butter_fingers": " quwlitative requirement of foreign antigeu and MIC protsins, tareet cell components necessarb foe optumal CTL recognition hxve not bven definwd. Tie overall aim oh this pvjjecf is co more preciseli define the receptor ligatd iuteractions between membrane proteinf on thr FTL and target celk. We splo do this by constructing and using e new type of lopid vesicle (an artificial", "random_deletion": "qualitative requirement of foreign antigen and MHC cell necessary for CTL recognition have aim this project is more precisely define receptor ligand interactions between membrane proteins the CTL and target cell. We will do this by constructing and using new type of lipid vesicle (an artificial", "change_char_case": " qualitative requirement of fOreign antiGen anD MHc prOtEins, TargEt cell componenTS necEssary for optimal CTL recOgnitIoN Have NOt Been dEfined. THE oVERalL aIm Of tHiS PrOject Is tO more prEcisely defIne ThE receptor ligANd InteractioNs bEtween membraNe pRoteinS oN thE cTL anD taRget cEll. We wILl do thIs by constRuCTing anD Using a nEW TyPe of Lipid vesicle (an artIFiCIal", "whitespace_perturbation": " qualitative requirement o f foreignantig enand M HC p rote ins, target ce l l co mponents necessary for opti ma l CTL re cogni tion ha v en o t b ee ndef in e d. Theove rall ai m of thispro je ct is to mor e p recisely d efi ne the recep tor ligan dint e racti ons betw een me m braneproteinson the CT L and ta r g et cel l. We will do thi s b y constructingand us in g a n ewtyp e of lipid v esicl e (an ar t if i c i al", "underscore_trick": " qualitative_requirement of_foreign antigen and MHC_proteins, target_cell_components necessary_for_optimal CTL recognition_have not been_defined. The overall aim_of this project_is_to more precisely define the receptor ligand interactions between membrane proteins on the CTL_and_target cell._We_will_do this by constructing and_using a new type of_lipid vesicle_(an artificial"} +{"text": " many new discoveries by NIH investigators. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: The proposed program aims to develop heavy atom organometallic compounds for ssDNA base-selective labeling for use in ultra-low-cost DNA sequencing technology based on single- atom sensitivity transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Abstract For patients with severe pancreatitis refractory", "synonym_substitution": "many new discoveries by NIH investigators. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: The proposed platform drive to develop heavy atom organometallic compounds for ssDNA floor - selective labeling for use in ultra - broken - price DNA sequence technology based on single- atom sensitivity infection electron microscopy (TEM). Abstract For patients with severe pancreatitis furnace lining", "butter_fingers": " majy new discoveries by NIM investigators. KUVLIC HXALTH RSLEVANCE: The proposed program aims tl eevelip heavy atom organomegallic colpounds dor wwDNA base-sxmective labeljkg fox nse in ultra-low-gost DNA sexuencing technmlugv based on single- atom sensitivity twansmisxiln electron misrosbo[y (TSM). Abstract For patients with sevede pancgeatitis refractoty", "random_deletion": "many new discoveries by NIH investigators. PUBLIC The program aims develop heavy atom labeling use in ultra-low-cost sequencing technology based single- atom sensitivity transmission electron microscopy Abstract For patients with severe pancreatitis refractory", "change_char_case": " many new discoveries by NIH inVestigatorS. PUBLiC HeALtH rELEvANCe: The proposed prOGram Aims to develop heavy atom OrganOmETallIC cOmpouNds for sSdNa BAse-SeLeCtiVe LAbEling For Use in ulTra-low-cost dNA SeQuencing techNOlOgy based on SinGle- atom sensiTivIty traNsMisSIon elEctRon miCroscoPY (TEM). AbStract For PaTIents wITh severE PAnCreaTitis refractory", "whitespace_perturbation": " many new discoveries by N IH investi gator s.PUB LI C HE ALTH RELEVANCE: Th e pro posed program aims todevel op heav y a tom o rganome t al l i c c om po und sf or ssDN A b ase-sel ective lab eli ng for use inu lt ra-low-cos t D NA sequencin g t echnol og y b a sed o n s ingle - atom sensit ivity tra ns m ission electro n mi cros copy (TEM). Abstr a ct For patients w ith se ve r ep a ncr eat itis refra ct ory", "underscore_trick": " many_new discoveries_by NIH investigators. PUBLIC_HEALTH RELEVANCE:_The_proposed program_aims_to develop heavy_atom organometallic compounds_for ssDNA base-selective labeling_for use in_ultra-low-cost_DNA sequencing technology based on single- atom sensitivity transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Abstract For_patients_with severe_pancreatitis_refractory"} +{"text": " propose to use this technique to examine several fundamental aspects of the metabolism of beta-carotene in humans. A series of single-dose biokinetic studies in healthy adults are proposed to (a) fully describe and model the fundamental phenomena of beta-carotene absorption, metabolism and distribution; (b) determine the", "synonym_substitution": "propose to use this technique to examine respective cardinal expression of the metabolism of beta - carotene in homo. A series of single - acid biokinetic study in healthy adults are proposed to (a) fully identify and model the fundamental phenomena of beta - provitamin a absorption, metabolism and distribution; (b) settle the", "butter_fingers": " prlpose to use this technidue to examine several fundajental arpects of the metabolism of ueta-xarottue in humans. A serier of singpe-dose buokiietic studies in healthy adulta are 'roposed to (a) folly describa and model tha wuudamental phenomena of beta-carotene wbsorptooj, metabolism agd dpseribhniin; (b) determine the", "random_deletion": "propose to use this technique to examine aspects the metabolism beta-carotene in humans. studies healthy adults are to (a) fully and model the fundamental phenomena of absorption, metabolism and distribution; (b) determine the", "change_char_case": " propose to use this technique To examine sEveraL fuNdaMeNtal AspeCts of the metaboLIsm oF beta-carotene in humans. A SerieS oF SingLE-dOse biOkinetiC StUDIes In HeAltHy ADuLts arE prOposed tO (a) fully desCriBe And model the fUNdAmental pheNomEna of beta-carOteNe absoRpTioN, MetabOliSm and DistriBUtion; (b) Determine ThE", "whitespace_perturbation": " propose to use this techn ique to ex amine se ver al fun dame ntal aspects o f the metabolism of beta-ca roten ei n hu m an s. Aserieso fs i ngl e- do sebi o ki netic st udies i n healthyadu lt s are propos e dto (a) ful lydescribe and mo del th efun d ament alpheno mena o f beta- caroteneab s orptio n , metab o l is m an d distribution; ( b )d etermine the", "underscore_trick": " propose_to use_this technique to examine_several fundamental_aspects_of the_metabolism_of beta-carotene in_humans. A series_of single-dose biokinetic studies_in healthy adults_are_proposed to (a) fully describe and model the fundamental phenomena of beta-carotene absorption, metabolism_and_distribution; (b)_determine_the"} +{"text": " studies. This project will track the course of three mosquito invasions. One of these, the spread of Aedes albopictus in North America, began with the shipment of used tires to the US from Asia in the early 1980's. We are interested in its interaction with resident mosquitoes, especially competition with the tree", "synonym_substitution": "studies. This project will track the course of three mosquito invasion. One of these, the scatter of Aedes albopictus in North America, began with the shipment of used tire to the US from Asia in the early 1980's. We are interested in its interaction with resident mosquitoes, particularly competition with the tree", "butter_fingers": " stkdies. This project will urack the course of threx mosqujto invarions. One of these, the spreav of Aedew albopictus in North Xmerica, bvgan with the whipment oh used tlxes tk the NS from Asia in the early 1980's. We are intesertzd in its interaction with resident iosquitped, especially cjmpeuityon sptm the tree", "random_deletion": "studies. This project will track the course mosquito One of the spread of began the shipment of tires to the from Asia in the early 1980's. are interested in its interaction with resident mosquitoes, especially competition with the tree", "change_char_case": " studies. This project will traCk the coursE of thRee MosQuIto iNvasIons. One of these, THe spRead of Aedes albopictus iN NortH AMEricA, BeGan wiTh the shIPmENT of UsEd TirEs TO tHe US fRom asia in tHe early 1980's. We Are InTerested in itS InTeraction wIth Resident mosqUitOes, espEcIalLY compEtiTion wIth the TRee", "whitespace_perturbation": " studies. This project wil l track th e cou rse of t hree mos quito invasion s . On e of these, the spread of A ed e s al b op ictus in Nor t hA m eri ca ,beg an wi th th e s hipment of used t ire sto the US fr o mAsia in th e e arly 1980's. We are i nt ere s ted i n i ts in teract i on wit h residen tm osquit o es, esp e c ia llycompetition witht he tree", "underscore_trick": " studies._This project_will track the course_of three_mosquito_invasions. One_of_these, the spread_of Aedes albopictus_in North America, began_with the shipment_of_used tires to the US from Asia in the early 1980's. We are interested_in_its interaction_with_resident_mosquitoes, especially competition with the_tree"} +{"text": " accounting; provision of grants management services; procurement of services, supplies, and equipment; coordination of and assistance in preparing progress and fiscal reports; maintenance of IRB approvals; and preservation of copies of Conte Center records and data sets. Collaborative education for the next generation of young scientists and physicians will be implemented to", "synonym_substitution": "accounting; provision of grants management services; procurement of service, provision, and equipment; coordination of and assistance in preparing progress and fiscal report; maintenance of IRB approvals; and conservation of copies of Conte Center records and data hardening. Collaborative education for the next genesis of young scientists and doctor will be implemented to", "butter_fingers": " acfounting; provision of grxnts management servicxs; prochrement uf services, supplies, and equmpmebt; coirdination of and assirtance in preparibg pcogress and fiscem reporbf; majktenaucx of IRB approvsls; and praservation of wooizs of Conte Center records and data fets. Coklwborative educwtiom for nht next generation of young scientjsts anv physicians wikl be implemented to", "random_deletion": "accounting; provision of grants management services; procurement supplies, equipment; coordination and assistance in maintenance IRB approvals; and of copies of Center records and data sets. Collaborative for the next generation of young scientists and physicians will be implemented to", "change_char_case": " accounting; provision of granTs managemeNt serVicEs; pRoCureMent Of services, suppLIes, aNd equipment; coordinatioN of anD aSSistANcE in prEparing PRoGREss AnD fIscAl REpOrts; mAinTenance Of IRB approValS; aNd preservatiON oF copies of COntE Center recorDs aNd data SeTs. COLlaboRatIve edUcatioN For the Next generAtIOn of yoUNg scienTIStS and Physicians will be iMPlEMented to", "whitespace_perturbation": " accounting; provision ofgrants man ageme ntser vi ces; pro curement of se r vice s, supplies, and equip ment; c o ordi n at ion o f and a s si s t anc ein pr ep a ri ng pr ogr ess and fiscal re por ts ; maintenanc e o f IRB appr ova ls; and pres erv ationof co p ies o f C onteCenter record s and dat as ets. C o llabora t i ve edu cation for the ne x tg eneration of y oung s ci e nt i s tsand physician swillb e imple m en t e d to ", "underscore_trick": " accounting;_provision of_grants management services; procurement_of services,_supplies,_and equipment;_coordination_of and assistance_in preparing progress_and fiscal reports; maintenance_of IRB approvals;_and_preservation of copies of Conte Center records and data sets. Collaborative education for the_next_generation of_young_scientists_and physicians will be implemented_to"} +{"text": " (MrOS) has successfully recruited over 6000 men over age 65 from 6 US clinical centers. MrOS collected extensive baseline measurements of anthropometric and health habits, as well as axial densitometry and lateral lumbosacral spine radiographs. Baseline QCT of the hip and spine, and sex hormones have", "synonym_substitution": "(MrOS) has successfully recruited over 6000 men over age 65 from 6 US clinical centers. MrOS gather across-the-board baseline measurements of anthropometric and health habits, equally well as axial densitometry and lateral lumbosacral spine radiogram. Baseline QCT of the hip and spine, and sexual activity hormones have", "butter_fingers": " (MrLS) has successfully recrmited over 6000 men over agx 65 from 6 US clivical centers. MrOS collected eztensuve baseline measuremevts of annhropometeic end health habits, as well as aslal dznwitometry and kateral lukbosacral spina fabiographs. Baseline QCT of the hip anq spine, ajd sex hormonef hane", "random_deletion": "(MrOS) has successfully recruited over 6000 men 65 6 US centers. MrOS collected and habits, as well axial densitometry and lumbosacral spine radiographs. Baseline QCT of hip and spine, and sex hormones have", "change_char_case": " (MrOS) has successfully recruiTed over 6000 men Over aGe 65 fRom 6 uS ClinIcal Centers. MrOS colLEcteD extensive baseline measUremeNtS Of anTHrOpomeTric and HEaLTH haBiTs, As wElL As Axial DenSitometRy and laterAl lUmBosacral spinE RaDiographs. BAseLine QCT of the Hip And spiNe, And SEx horMonEs havE", "whitespace_perturbation": " (MrOS) has successfully r ecruited o ver 6 000 me nover age 65 from 6 USc lini cal centers. MrOS coll ected e x tens i ve base line me a su r e men ts o f a nt h ro pomet ric and he alth habit s,as well as axi a ldensitomet ryand laterallum bosacr al sp i ne ra dio graph s. Bas e line Q CT of the h i p ands pine, a n d s ex h ormones have", "underscore_trick": " (MrOS)_has successfully_recruited over 6000 men_over age_65_from 6_US_clinical centers. MrOS_collected extensive baseline_measurements of anthropometric and_health habits, as_well_as axial densitometry and lateral lumbosacral spine radiographs. Baseline QCT of the hip and_spine,_and sex_hormones_have"} +{"text": " effect of BSO pretreatment on glutathione metabolism in peripheral blood lymphocytes and tumor tissue, as well as BSO pharmacodynamics, will be studied. The objective of the proposed research project is to study the processes of ventilation of the middle ear and sinuses. The purpose is to obtain knowledge that will have direct application to clinical diagnosis", "synonym_substitution": "effect of BSO pretreatment on glutathione metabolism in peripheral blood lymphocytes and tumor tissue, equally well as BSO pharmacodynamics, will be study. The objective of the proposed inquiry project is to learn the processes of ventilation of the in-between ear and sinuses. The function is to obtain knowledge that will get direct application to clinical diagnosis", "butter_fingers": " efvect of BSO pretreatment on glutathione metabonism ih periphdral blood lymphocytes and tnmor tissye, as well as BSO pharoacodynampcs, will ve suudied. The objectmbe of tmz prollsed cesearch projecj is to studf the processev uf ventilation of the middle ear and finuses. Tje purpose is jo obuaig knkwledge that will have direct appljcation to clinical ciagnosis", "random_deletion": "effect of BSO pretreatment on glutathione metabolism blood and tumor as well as The of the proposed project is to the processes of ventilation of the ear and sinuses. The purpose is to obtain knowledge that will have direct to clinical diagnosis", "change_char_case": " effect of BSO pretreatment on GlutathionE metaBolIsm In PeriPherAl blood lymphocYTes aNd tumor tissue, as well as BsO phaRmACodyNAmIcs, wiLl be stuDIeD. tHe oBjEcTivE oF ThE propOseD researCh project iS to StUdy the procesSEs Of ventilatIon Of the middle eAr aNd sinuSeS. ThE PurpoSe iS to obTain knOWledge That will hAvE Direct APplicatION tO cliNical diagnosis", "whitespace_perturbation": " effect of BSO pretreatmen t on gluta thion e m eta bo lism inperipheral blo o d ly mphocytes and tumor ti ssue, a s wel l a s BSO pharma c od y n ami cs ,wil lb estudi ed. The ob jective of th eproposed res e ar ch project is to study th e p rocess es of venti lat ion o f them iddleear and s in u ses. T h e purpo s e i s to obtain knowledge th a t will have di rect a pp l ic a t ion to clinicaldi agnos i s", "underscore_trick": " effect_of BSO_pretreatment on glutathione metabolism_in peripheral_blood_lymphocytes and_tumor_tissue, as well_as BSO pharmacodynamics,_will be studied. The_objective of the_proposed_research project is to study the processes of ventilation of the middle ear and_sinuses._The purpose_is_to_obtain knowledge that will have_direct application to clinical diagnosis"} +{"text": " promotor and to the ovarian tumor promoter (we have shown that both are regulated by ovo+ dose). Interestingly, OVO binds at the transcription initiation site of both these TATA-less promoters, in vitro, as well as to upstream sites. We have shown that the upstream sites are functional by using reporter genes", "synonym_substitution": "promotor and to the ovarian tumor promoter (we have shown that both are regulated by ovo+ dose). Interestingly, OVO binds at the arrangement knowledgeability site of both these TATA - less promoters, in vitro, as well as to upstream site. We have shown that the upstream sites are running by using reporter genes", "butter_fingers": " prlmotor and to the ovariak tumor promoter (we havx shown that bogh are regulated by ovo+ dose). Ibterewtingly, OVO binds at tfe transcgiption ibitietion site of bovg these TATA-lsds pxonoters, in vitrp, as well ds to upstream sktzs. We have shown that the upstream sytes arr vunctional by osing wepodnev genes", "random_deletion": "promotor and to the ovarian tumor promoter shown both are by ovo+ dose). transcription site of both TATA-less promoters, in as well as to upstream sites. have shown that the upstream sites are functional by using reporter genes", "change_char_case": " promotor and to the ovarian tuMor promoteR (we haVe sHowN tHat bOth aRe regulated by oVO+ dosE). Interestingly, OVO binds At the TrANscrIPtIon inItiatioN SiTE Of bOtH tHesE TatA-Less pRomOters, in Vitro, as welL as To Upstream siteS. we Have shown tHat The upstream sIteS are fuNcTioNAl by uSinG repoRter geNEs", "whitespace_perturbation": " promotor and to the ovari an tumor p romot er(we h aveshow n that both ar e reg ulated by ovo+ dose).Inter es t ingl y ,OVO b inds at th e tra ns cr ipt io n i nitia tio n siteof both th ese T ATA-less pro m ot ers, in vi tro , as well as to upstr ea m s i tes.Wehaveshownt hat th e upstrea ms ites a r e funct i o na l by using reporter g e ne s ", "underscore_trick": " promotor_and to_the ovarian tumor promoter_(we have_shown_that both_are_regulated by ovo+_dose). Interestingly, OVO_binds at the transcription_initiation site of_both_these TATA-less promoters, in vitro, as well as to upstream sites. We have shown_that_the upstream_sites_are_functional by using reporter genes"} +{"text": " an ELISA procedure that is as sensitive as previously reported radioimmune assays for the measurement of UVR-induced DNA damage. (2) Development of antiviral drugs for the treatment of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infections, particularly in AIDS and other immunosuppressed patients. The distinction between healthy aging and pathology is imp", "synonym_substitution": "an ELISA procedure that is as sensitive as previously reported radioimmune assay for the measurement of UVR - induce DNA damage. (2) Development of antiviral drugs for the discussion of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infections, particularly in AIDS and other immunosuppressed patient. The distinction between healthy ripening and pathology is imp", "butter_fingers": " an ELISA procedure that is as sensitive as previmusly deported radioimmune assays for the leqsurenent of UVR-induced DNA damage. (2) Fevelopmwnt id antiviral drugs njr tgc trectnent of human gytomegalovhrus (HCMV) infewtkous, particularly in AIDS and other imiunosuplrfssed patients. The qistjnction between healthy aging and latholojy is imp", "random_deletion": "an ELISA procedure that is as sensitive reported assays for measurement of UVR-induced antiviral for the treatment human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) particularly in AIDS and other immunosuppressed The distinction between healthy aging and pathology is imp", "change_char_case": " an ELISA procedure that is as sEnsitive as PreviOusLy rEpOrteD radIoimmune assays FOr thE measurement of UVR-inducEd DNA DaMAge. (2) DEVeLopmeNt of antIViRAL drUgS fOr tHe TReAtmenT of Human cyTomegaloviRus (hCmV) infections, PArTicularly iN AIdS and other imMunOsupprEsSed PAtienTs. THe disTinctiON betweEn healthy AgINg and pAThology IS ImP", "whitespace_perturbation": " an ELISA procedure that i s as sensi tiveaspre vi ousl y re ported radioim m uneassays for the measure mentof UVR- i nd ucedDNA dam a ge . (2) D ev elo pm e nt of a nti viral d rugs for t hetr eatment of h u ma n cytomega lov irus (HCMV)inf ection s, pa r ticul arl y inAIDS a n d othe r immunos up p ressed patient s . T he d istinction betwee n h e althy aging an d path ol o gy i s i mp", "underscore_trick": " an_ELISA procedure_that is as sensitive_as previously_reported_radioimmune assays_for_the measurement of_UVR-induced DNA damage._(2) Development of antiviral_drugs for the_treatment_of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infections, particularly in AIDS and other immunosuppressed patients. The distinction_between_healthy aging_and_pathology_is imp"} +{"text": " irreversible infarction. In 2015 five randomized controlled clinical trials demonstrated the clinical superiority of catheter-based endovascular embolectomy to medical therapy alone in the first six hours after stroke onset. This has transformed the stroke community, with efforts to organize comprehensive stroke centers to treat ELVO patients rapidly along the lines of heart attack or", "synonym_substitution": "irreversible infarction. In 2015 five randomized controlled clinical trials attest the clinical transcendence of catheter - based endovascular embolectomy to medical therapy entirely in the first six hour after stroke onset. This has transform the stroke community, with attempt to organize comprehensive stroke center to treat ELVO affected role quickly along the lines of heart fire or", "butter_fingers": " irgeversible infarction. In 2015 five randomizgd contrmlled dlinical trials demonstrated the cliiicao suptgiority of catheter-bared endovwscular wmboowctomy to medical bkerapg aloue in the first xix hours dfter stroke otsdt. This has transformed the stroke coimunity, wlth efforts to orgsgize bonprehensive stroke centers to treat TLVO patients rapicly along the lines of heagt ahtack or", "random_deletion": "irreversible infarction. In 2015 five randomized controlled demonstrated clinical superiority catheter-based endovascular embolectomy the six hours after onset. This has the stroke community, with efforts to comprehensive stroke centers to treat ELVO patients rapidly along the lines of heart or", "change_char_case": " irreversible infarction. In 2015 fIve randomiZed coNtrOllEd ClinIcal Trials demonstrATed tHe clinical superiority oF cathEtER-basED eNdovaScular eMBoLECtoMy To MedIcAL tHerapY alOne in thE first six hOurS aFter stroke onSEt. this has traNsfOrmed the stroKe cOmmuniTy, WitH EfforTs tO orgaNize coMPrehenSive strokE cENters tO Treat ELvo PaTienTs rapidly along the LInES of heart attack Or", "whitespace_perturbation": " irreversible infarction.In 2015 fi ve ra ndo miz ed con trol led clinical t r ials demonstrated the clin icalsu p erio r it y ofcathete r -b a s eden do vas cu l ar embo lec tomy to medical t her ap y alone in t h efirst sixhou rs after str oke onset .Thi s hastra nsfor med th e strok e communi ty , withe ffortst o o rgan ize comprehensive st r oke centers to treat E L VO p ati ent s rapidlyal ong t h e lines of h e art attack or", "underscore_trick": " irreversible_infarction. In_2015 five randomized controlled_clinical trials_demonstrated_the clinical_superiority_of catheter-based endovascular_embolectomy to medical_therapy alone in the_first six hours_after_stroke onset. This has transformed the stroke community, with efforts to organize comprehensive stroke_centers_to treat_ELVO_patients_rapidly along the lines of_heart attack or"} +{"text": " of ATP to drive the GroEL-GroES reaction cycle, we wish to study relevant intermediates in the ATPase cycle. GroEL/GroES/(ADP)7/(AlFx)7 crystals diffract to 4[unreadable] at our home source but only initial tests were done at the CHESS F", "synonym_substitution": "of ATP to drive the GroEL - GroES reaction cycle, we wish to study relevant intermediate in the ATPase hertz. GroEL / GroES/(ADP)7/(AlFx)7 crystals diffract to 4[unreadable ] at our home generator but entirely initial tests were done at the CHESS F", "butter_fingers": " of ATP to drive the GroEL-GvoES reaction cyeoe, we xish to study rdlevant intermediates in the ARPase cycle. GroEL/GroES/(ADP)7/(AlWx)7 crystaps diffrqct uo 4[unreadable] at our home sourcs but inly initial tgsts were dote at the CHESV W", "random_deletion": "of ATP to drive the GroEL-GroES reaction wish study relevant in the ATPase 4[unreadable] our home source only initial tests done at the CHESS F", "change_char_case": " of ATP to drive the GroEL-GroES Reaction cyCle, we WisH to StUdy rElevAnt intermediatES in tHe ATPase cycle. GroEL/GroEs/(ADP)7/(ALFX)7 CrysTAlS diffRact to 4[uNReADAblE] aT oUr hOmE SoUrce bUt oNly initIal tests weRe dOnE at the CHESS F", "whitespace_perturbation": " of ATP to drive the GroEL -GroES rea ction cy cle ,we w ishto study relev a nt i ntermediates in the AT Pasecy c le.G ro EL/Gr oES/(AD P )7 / ( AlF x) 7cry st a ls diff rac t to 4[ unreadable ] a tour home sou r ce but onlyini tial tests w ere doneat th e CHES S F ", "underscore_trick": " of_ATP to_drive the GroEL-GroES reaction_cycle, we_wish_to study_relevant_intermediates in the_ATPase cycle. GroEL/GroES/(ADP)7/(AlFx)7_crystals diffract to 4[unreadable]_at our home_source_but only initial tests were done at the CHESS F"} +{"text": ", and the extreme unevenness of the microbial communities, with a resulting large number of potentially important community members that fail to be \"seen\" in routine surveys. The ability to identify, isolate, and sequence the genome of single bacterial cells would allow us to characterize and understand both rare and uncultivated microbial species, and", "synonym_substitution": ", and the extreme unevenness of the microbial communities, with a resulting large number of potentially authoritative residential district members that fail to be \" seen \" in everyday surveys. The ability to name, isolate, and sequence the genome of single bacterial cell would admit us to characterize and sympathize both rare and artless microbial species, and", "butter_fingers": ", anf the extreme unevenness of the microbico commnnities, with a fesulting large number of poventually important community mdmbers thwt fail ro bt \"seen\" in routine surveys. The agllity vo identify, isokate, and saquence the getooe of single bacterial cells would aljow us yo characterize wnd lnqersfand both rare and uncultivated midrobial species, and", "random_deletion": ", and the extreme unevenness of the with resulting large of potentially important be in routine surveys. ability to identify, and sequence the genome of single cells would allow us to characterize and understand both rare and uncultivated microbial and", "change_char_case": ", and the extreme unevenness of The microbiAl comMunItiEs, With A resUlting large numBEr of Potentially important coMmuniTy MEmbeRS tHat faIl to be \"sEEn\" IN RouTiNe SurVeYS. THe abiLitY to idenTify, isolatE, anD sEquence the geNOmE of single bActErial cells woUld Allow uS tO chARacteRizE and uNderstANd both Rare and unCuLTivateD MicrobiAL SpEcieS, and", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and the extreme unevenne ss of themicro bia l c om muni ties , with a resul t inglarge number of potent ially i m port a nt comm unity m e mb e r s t ha tfai lt obe \"s een \" in ro utine surv eys .The abilityt oidentify,iso late, and se que nce th egen o me of si nglebacter i al cel ls wouldal l ow ust o chara c t er izeand understand bo t hr are and uncult ivated m i cr o b ial sp ecies, and ", "underscore_trick": ", and_the extreme_unevenness of the microbial_communities, with_a_resulting large_number_of potentially important_community members that_fail to be \"seen\"_in routine surveys._The_ability to identify, isolate, and sequence the genome of single bacterial cells would allow_us_to characterize_and_understand_both rare and uncultivated microbial_species, and"} +{"text": " public discourse about Hurricane Katrina that focused extensively on the role that underlying socio-economic position, resource availability, and preparedness may have played in the aftermath of this disaster. The proposed research would be the first study, to our knowledge, to provide a full, rigorous, and theoretically-based test of the various pathways", "synonym_substitution": "public discourse about Hurricane Katrina that focused extensively on the role that underlying socio - economic placement, resource handiness, and preparedness may have played in the consequence of this disaster. The nominate research would be the beginning sketch, to our knowledge, to supply a full, rigorous, and theoretically - based examination of the various pathways", "butter_fingers": " puhlic discourse about Hurvicane Katrina tkqt focnsed exfensivelh on the role that underlyinj soxio-ecinomic position, resourze availahility, abd pceparedness may izve planzd in bhe aytxrmath of this cisaster. Tve proposed revexreh would be the first study, to our kgowledgr, ho provide a foll, rpgjroua, and theoretically-based test of tge varimus pathways", "random_deletion": "public discourse about Hurricane Katrina that focused the that underlying position, resource availability, in aftermath of this The proposed research be the first study, to our to provide a full, rigorous, and theoretically-based test of the various pathways", "change_char_case": " public discourse about HurriCane KatrinA that FocUseD eXtenSiveLy on the role thaT UndeRlying socio-economic posItion, ReSOurcE AvAilabIlity, anD PrEPAreDnEsS maY hAVe PlayeD in The afteRmath of thiS diSaSter. The propoSEd Research woUld Be the first stUdy, To our kNoWleDGe, to pRovIde a fUll, rigORous, anD theoretiCaLLy-baseD Test of tHE VaRiouS pathways", "whitespace_perturbation": " public discourse about Hu rricane Ka trina th atfo cuse d ex tensively on t h e ro le that underlying soc io-ec on o micp os ition , resou r ce a vai la bi lit y, an d pre par ednessmay have p lay ed in the afte r ma th of this di saster. Thepro posedre sea r ch wo uld be t he fir s t stud y, to our k n owledg e , to pr o v id e afull, rigorous, a n dt heoretically-b ased t es t o f the va rious path wa ys", "underscore_trick": " public_discourse about_Hurricane Katrina that focused_extensively on_the_role that_underlying_socio-economic position, resource_availability, and preparedness_may have played in_the aftermath of_this_disaster. The proposed research would be the first study, to our knowledge, to provide_a_full, rigorous,_and_theoretically-based_test of the various pathways"} +{"text": " of the experiments, selection of the appropriate assays, trouble-shoot and interpretation of results. 4) develop and standardize new technologies based on the changing needs of the users by optimization and evaluation of sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility. 5) aid in data collection, evaluation and analysis as well as sharing of the data to enhance", "synonym_substitution": "of the experiments, selection of the appropriate assays, trouble - shoot and rendition of result. 4) develop and standardize new technology base on the changing needs of the user by optimization and evaluation of sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility. 5) aid in data solicitation, evaluation and psychoanalysis as well as sharing of the datum to enhance", "butter_fingers": " of the experiments, selectiun of the approkruate avsays, frouble-sfoot and interpretation of rxsulrs. 4) dtnelop and standardize new techjologies bastd on the changinj needs of the msers uy optimization and evaludtion of sensidixicy, specificity and reproducibility. 5) wid in caha collection, gvaluseion and analysis as well as sharing or the deta to enhance", "random_deletion": "of the experiments, selection of the appropriate and of results. develop and standardize changing of the users optimization and evaluation sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility. 5) aid data collection, evaluation and analysis as well as sharing of the data to", "change_char_case": " of the experiments, selection Of the approPriatE asSayS, tRoubLe-shOot and interpreTAtioN of results. 4) develop and stAndarDiZE new TEcHnoloGies basED oN THe cHaNgIng NeEDs Of the UseRs by optImization aNd eVaLuation of senSItIvity, speciFicIty and reprodUciBility. 5) AiD in DAta coLleCtion, EvaluaTIon and Analysis aS wELl as shARing of tHE DaTa to Enhance", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the experiments, selec tion of th e app rop ria te ass ays, trouble-shoot andinterpretation of resu lts.4) deve l op andstandar d iz e new t ec hno lo g ie s bas edon thechanging n eed sof the users by optimizat ion and evaluat ion of se ns iti v ity,spe cific ity an d repro ducibilit y. 5) aid in data c ol lect ion, evaluation a n da nalysis as wel l as s ha r in g ofthe data to e nh ance", "underscore_trick": " of_the experiments,_selection of the appropriate_assays, trouble-shoot_and_interpretation of_results._4) develop and_standardize new technologies_based on the changing_needs of the_users_by optimization and evaluation of sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility. 5) aid in data collection,_evaluation_and analysis_as_well_as sharing of the data_to enhance"} +{"text": " passive venous flow through the lungs. Using a newborn animal model of univentricular circulation, we will test these hypotheses through the following specific aim: To transition an assisted univentricular circulation (cavopulmonary pump + systemic ventricle) to an unassisted univentricular circulation in which the lungs are perfused by passive v", "synonym_substitution": "passive venous flow through the lungs. Using a newborn animal model of univentricular circulation, we will screen these guess through the following specific aim: To transition an assisted univentricular circulation (cavopulmonary heart + systemic ventricle) to an unassisted univentricular circulation in which the lungs are perfused by passive volt", "butter_fingers": " padsive venous flow througm the lungs. Usiny a newuorn anjmal moddl of univentricular circulavion, we wull test these hypotheres throuhh the filloxing specific aim: To trakfitikk an cswisted univentticular circglation (cavopunmuncry pump + systemic ventricle) to an ugassistrd univentriculat cirbujatikn in which the lungs are perfused by pasvive v", "random_deletion": "passive venous flow through the lungs. Using animal of univentricular we will test specific To transition an univentricular circulation (cavopulmonary + systemic ventricle) to an unassisted circulation in which the lungs are perfused by passive v", "change_char_case": " passive venous flow through tHe lungs. UsiNg a neWboRn aNiMal mOdel Of univentriculAR cirCulation, we will test thesE hypoThESes tHRoUgh thE followINg SPEciFiC aIm: TO tRAnSitioN an AssisteD univentriCulAr Circulation (cAVoPulmonary pUmp + Systemic ventRicLe) to an UnAssISted uNivEntriCular cIRculatIon in whicH tHE lungs ARe perfuSED bY pasSive v", "whitespace_perturbation": " passive venous flow throu gh the lun gs. U sin g a n ewbo rn a nimal model of univ entricular circulation , wewi l l te s tthese hypoth e se s thr ou gh th ef ol lowin g s pecific aim: To t ran si tion an assi s te d univentr icu lar circulat ion (cavo pu lmo n ary p ump + sy stemic ventri cle) to a nu nassis t ed univ e n tr icul ar circulation in wh i ch the lungs a re per fu s ed b y p ass ive v", "underscore_trick": " passive_venous flow_through the lungs. Using_a newborn_animal_model of_univentricular_circulation, we will_test these hypotheses_through the following specific_aim: To transition_an_assisted univentricular circulation (cavopulmonary pump + systemic ventricle) to an unassisted univentricular circulation in_which_the lungs_are_perfused_by passive v"} +{"text": " be performed by many more labs, and should offer some optical sectioning ability in addition to the resolution enhancement. (1) Betzig, E. et al. Imaging Intracellular Fluorescent Proteins at Nanometer Resolution. Science 313, 1642-1645 (2006). (2) Huisken, J", "synonym_substitution": "be performed by many more labs, and should offer some optical sectioning ability in accession to the settlement enhancement. (1) Betzig, E. et al. Imaging Intracellular Fluorescent Proteins at Nanometer Resolution. Science 313, 1642 - 1645 (2006). (2) Huisken, J", "butter_fingers": " be performed by many more uabs, and should offer vome oltical sdctioning ability in additioi to the eesolution enhancement. (1) Betzig, V. et al. Inagiig Intracellular Fluoresgznt Pdlteius at Nanometer Tesolution. Swience 313, 1642-1645 (2006). (2) Huivkdn, J", "random_deletion": "be performed by many more labs, and some sectioning ability addition to the et Imaging Intracellular Fluorescent at Nanometer Resolution. 313, 1642-1645 (2006). (2) Huisken, J", "change_char_case": " be performed by many more labs, And should oFfer sOme OptIcAl seCtioNing ability in aDDitiOn to the resolution enhanCemenT. (1) BETzig, e. Et Al. ImaGing IntRAcELLulAr flUorEsCEnT ProtEinS at NanoMeter ResolUtiOn. science 313, 1642-1645 (2006). (2) HuiskEN, J", "whitespace_perturbation": " be performed by many more labs, and shou ldoff er som e op tical sectioni n g ab ility in addition to t he re so l utio n e nhanc ement.( 1) B etz ig ,E.et al . Ima gin g Intra cellular F luo re scent Protei n sat Nanomet erResolution.Sci ence 3 13 , 1 6 42-16 45(2006 ). (2) Huiske n, J", "underscore_trick": " be_performed by_many more labs, and_should offer_some_optical sectioning_ability_in addition to_the resolution enhancement._(1) Betzig, E. et_al. Imaging Intracellular_Fluorescent_Proteins at Nanometer Resolution. Science 313, 1642-1645 (2006). (2) Huisken, J"} +{"text": " subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH source, and thus could be represented in other CRISP entries. The institution listed is for the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. Hypertension is a chronic condition associated with increased risk of mortality and morbidity from stroke,", "synonym_substitution": "subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH generator, and therefore could be represented in other chip entries. The mental hospital listed is for the Center, which is not necessarily the initiation for the investigator. Hypertension is a chronic condition associate with increased risk of deathrate and morbidity from stroke,", "butter_fingers": " suhproject and investigatov (PI) may have reewived 'rimary funding from another NIH source, and tyus ciuld be represented in other CRPSP entriws. Tie institution lmated is for tgc Cencec, which is not kecessarily the institutimn flr the investigator. Hypertension is a chromif condition asfociseed sptm increased risk of mortality ans morbivity from strokr,", "random_deletion": "subproject and investigator (PI) may have received from NIH source, thus could be The listed is for Center, which is necessarily the institution for the investigator. is a chronic condition associated with increased risk of mortality and morbidity from", "change_char_case": " subproject and investigator (pI) may have rEceivEd pRimArY funDing From another NIH SOurcE, and thus could be represeNted iN oTHer CriSp entrIes. The iNStITUtiOn LiSteD iS FoR the CEntEr, which Is not necesSarIlY the institutIOn For the inveStiGator. HyperteNsiOn is a cHrOniC CondiTioN assoCiated WIth incReased risK oF MortalITy and moRBIdIty fRom stroke,", "whitespace_perturbation": " subproject and investigat or (PI) ma y hav e r ece iv ed p rima ry funding fro m ano ther NIH source, and t hus c ou l d be re prese nted in ot h e r C RI SP en tr i es . The in stituti on listedisfo r the Center , w hich is no t n ecessarily t heinstit ut ion for t heinves tigato r . Hype rtensionis a chro n ic cond i t io n as sociated with inc r ea s ed risk of mor tality a n dm o rbi dit y from str ok e,", "underscore_trick": " subproject_and investigator_(PI) may have received_primary funding_from_another NIH_source,_and thus could_be represented in_other CRISP entries. The_institution listed is_for_the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. Hypertension is a_chronic_condition associated_with_increased_risk of mortality and morbidity_from stroke,"} +{"text": " the UNC Schools of Dentistry, Medicine and Public Health. Each student is assigned multiple Mentors from all schools and is expected to write a grant application by the end of their program. The 2-year program is based on our Medical School's K30 curriculum and joint dental and medical school GCRC experiences. The", "synonym_substitution": "the UNC Schools of Dentistry, Medicine and Public Health. Each student is assigned multiple Mentors from all schools and is expect to spell a grant application by the end of their broadcast. The 2 - year program is establish on our Medical School's K30 curriculum and joint dental and medical school GCRC experience. The", "butter_fingers": " thf UNC Schools of Dentistvy, Medicine and Kuvlic Hxalth. Ezch studdnt is assigned multiple Menvors from all schools and is exoected to write a grait application bb the end of tgcir pxojram. The 2-year ptogram is baved on our Medhcxl School's K30 curriculum and joint deneal and mfdical school DCRC qxpedpekces. The", "random_deletion": "the UNC Schools of Dentistry, Medicine and Each is assigned Mentors from all write grant application by end of their The 2-year program is based on Medical School's K30 curriculum and joint dental and medical school GCRC experiences. The", "change_char_case": " the UNC Schools of Dentistry, MEdicine and publiC HeAltH. EAch sTudeNt is assigned muLTiplE Mentors from all schools And is ExPEcteD To Write A grant aPPlICAtiOn By The EnD Of Their ProGram. The 2-Year prograM is BaSed on our MediCAl school's K30 cuRriCulum and joinT deNtal anD mEdiCAl schOol gCRC eXperieNCes. The", "whitespace_perturbation": " the UNC Schools of Dentis try, Medic ine a ndPub li c He alth . Each student is a ssigned multiple Mento rs fr om alls ch oolsand ise xp e c ted t owri te agrant ap plicati on by theend o f their prog r am . The 2-ye arprogram is b ase d on o ur Me d icalSch ool's K30 c u rricul um and jo in t denta l and me d i ca l sc hool GCRC experie n ce s . The", "underscore_trick": " the_UNC Schools_of Dentistry, Medicine and_Public Health._Each_student is_assigned_multiple Mentors from_all schools and_is expected to write_a grant application_by_the end of their program. The 2-year program is based on our Medical School's_K30_curriculum and_joint_dental_and medical school GCRC experiences._The"} +{"text": " MPO-ANCA immunoglobulin gene expression. We hypothesize that MPO-ANCA and PR3-ANCA expression is dependent on specific light and heavy chain usage and that both MPO and PR3 are selecting antigens in the maturation of this autoimmune response. We developed a technique to amplify message from single B cells,", "synonym_substitution": "MPO - ANCA immunoglobulin gene expression. We hypothesize that MPO - ANCA and PR3 - ANCA expression is dependent on specific inner light and dense chain usage and that both MPO and PR3 are selecting antigen in the maturation of this autoimmune response. We developed a proficiency to overstate message from single B cells,", "butter_fingers": " MPL-ANCA immunoglobulin gent expression. We hipithesive that MPO-ANCA and PR3-ANCA expression is de'endwnt ob specific light and hdavy chaij usage qnd uhat both MPO and PR3 are selectjkg ancijens in the matoration of tvis autoimmune rds'onse. We developed a technique to am[lify mrsdage from singje B sella,", "random_deletion": "MPO-ANCA immunoglobulin gene expression. We hypothesize that PR3-ANCA is dependent specific light and both and PR3 are antigens in the of this autoimmune response. We developed technique to amplify message from single B cells,", "change_char_case": " MPO-ANCA immunoglobulin gene Expression. we hypOthEsiZe That mPO-AnCA and PR3-ANCA exPRessIon is dependent on specifIc ligHt ANd heAVy Chain Usage anD ThAT BotH MpO And pR3 ARe SelecTinG antigeNs in the matUraTiOn of this autoIMmUne responsE. We Developed a teChnIque to AmPliFY messAge From sIngle B CElls,", "whitespace_perturbation": " MPO-ANCA immunoglobulin g ene expres sion. We hy po thes izethat MPO-ANCAa nd P R3-ANCA expression isdepen de n t on sp ecifi c light an d hea vy c hai nu sa ge an d t hat bot h MPO andPR3 a re selecting an tigens inthe maturationofthis a ut oim m une r esp onse. We de v eloped a techni qu e to am p lify me s s ag e fr om single B cells , ", "underscore_trick": " MPO-ANCA_immunoglobulin gene_expression. We hypothesize that_MPO-ANCA and_PR3-ANCA_expression is_dependent_on specific light_and heavy chain_usage and that both_MPO and PR3_are_selecting antigens in the maturation of this autoimmune response. We developed a technique to_amplify_message from_single_B_cells,"} +{"text": ". With the use of in vitro (renal cortex slice) systems the possible effects of CT on renal citrate oxidation, as well as tubular citrate levels will be studied. Consequently, these studies should establish the possible physiological action of CT on kidney regulation of citrate, the contribution of the renal effect to the hypocitric", "synonym_substitution": ". With the use of in vitro (renal cortex slice) systems the possible effect of CT on nephritic citrate oxidation, as well as tubular citrate levels will be study. Consequently, these study should establish the possible physiologic action of CT on kidney regulation of citrate, the contribution of the renal consequence to the hypocitric", "butter_fingers": ". Wihh the use of in vitro (rtnal cortex slice) systemv the lossible effects of CT on renal citrete ixidaupon, as well as tubulaf citrate levels qill ve studied. Consequcutly, fmese vvudies should extablish tve possible phfskopogical action of CT on kidney regujation pf citrate, the cjntrpbttioh of the renal effect to the hypocjtric", "random_deletion": ". With the use of in vitro slice) the possible of CT on as citrate levels will studied. Consequently, these should establish the possible physiological action CT on kidney regulation of citrate, the contribution of the renal effect to hypocitric", "change_char_case": ". With the use of in vitro (renal cOrtex slice) SysteMs tHe pOsSiblE effEcts of CT on renaL CitrAte oxidation, as well as tuBular CiTRate LEvEls wiLl be stuDIeD. cOnsEqUeNtlY, tHEsE studIes Should eStablish thE poSsIble physioloGIcAl action of cT oN kidney regulAtiOn of ciTrAte, THe conTriButioN of the REnal efFect to the HyPOcitriC", "whitespace_perturbation": ". With the use of in vitro (renal co rtexsli ce) s yste ms t he possible ef f ects of CT on renal citrat e oxi da t ion, as well as tub u la r cit ra te le ve l swillbestudied . Conseque ntl y, these studi e sshould est abl ish the poss ibl e phys io log i cal a cti on of CT on kidney regulati on of cit r ate, th e co ntri bution of the ren a le ffect to the h ypocit ri c ", "underscore_trick": ". With_the use_of in vitro (renal_cortex slice)_systems_the possible_effects_of CT on_renal citrate oxidation,_as well as tubular_citrate levels will_be_studied. Consequently, these studies should establish the possible physiological action of CT on kidney_regulation_of citrate,_the_contribution_of the renal effect to_the hypocitric"} +{"text": "FP and sarin SE. Aim 5. Evaluate whether AT plus LV can reduce the development of cognitive impairment, the development of AE and mossy fiber sprouting following POX, DFP and sarin SE. The PR demonstrate the feasibility of these studies and underscore the potential significance of conducting this research. AT", "synonym_substitution": "FP and sarin SE. Aim 5. Evaluate whether AT plus LV can reduce the development of cognitive disability, the growth of AE and mossy fiber sprouting postdate POX, DFP and sarin SE. The PR demonstrate the feasibility of these study and underscore the potential meaning of behave this research. AT", "butter_fingers": "FP wnd sarin SE. Aim 5. Evaluaue whether AT plus LV cai reducs the dexelopment of cognitive impaicmenr, the development of AE and mossy fiher sproytinj following POX, VRP and sarin AC. The 'R demonstrate jhe feasibilhty of these sduaizs and underscore the potential signyficancr lf conducting jhis gefeardh. AT", "random_deletion": "FP and sarin SE. Aim 5. Evaluate plus can reduce development of cognitive and fiber sprouting following DFP and sarin The PR demonstrate the feasibility of studies and underscore the potential significance of conducting this research. AT", "change_char_case": "FP and sarin SE. Aim 5. Evaluate whEther AT pluS LV caN reDucE tHe deVeloPment of cognitiVE impAirment, the development oF AE anD mOSsy fIBeR sproUting foLLoWINg PoX, dFp anD sARiN SE. ThE PR DemonstRate the feaSibIlIty of these stUDiEs and underScoRe the potentiAl sIgnifiCaNce OF condUctIng thIs reseARch. AT", "whitespace_perturbation": "FP and sarin SE. Aim 5. Ev aluate whe therATplu sLV c an r educe the deve l opme nt of cognitive impair ment, t h e de v el opmen t of AE an d mos sy f ibe rs pr outin g f ollowin g POX, DFP an dsarin SE. Th e P R demonstr ate the feasibi lit y of t he ses tudie s a nd un dersco r e thepotential s i gnific a nce ofc o nd ucti ng this research. AT ", "underscore_trick": "FP and_sarin SE._Aim 5. Evaluate whether_AT plus_LV_can reduce_the_development of cognitive_impairment, the development_of AE and mossy_fiber sprouting following_POX,_DFP and sarin SE. The PR demonstrate the feasibility of these studies and underscore_the_potential significance_of_conducting_this research. AT"} +{"text": " correlated with a decrease in the amplitude of the first wave of the auditory brainstem response (ABR). Age-related reduction in the amplitude of wave I has been demonstrated in humans (Konrad-Martin et al. 2012) and is consistent with temporal bone studies showing auditory neuronal loss with age (Makary", "synonym_substitution": "correlated with a decrease in the amplitude of the first wave of the auditory brainstem response (ABR). Age - relate decrease in the amplitude of wave I has been demonstrated in humans (Konrad - Martin et al. 2012) and is reproducible with worldly bone studies showing auditory neuronal personnel casualty with age (Makary", "butter_fingers": " cogrelated with a decrease in the amplitubw of tie firsf wave ow the auditory brainstem res'onsw (ABR). Age-related reduction kn the amilitude od wate I has been demonstratcb in gmmans (Jonrad-Martin ej al. 2012) and is consistent widh tzmporal bone studies showing auditorr neuromap loss with agg (Makswy", "random_deletion": "correlated with a decrease in the amplitude first of the brainstem response (ABR). of I has been in humans (Konrad-Martin al. 2012) and is consistent with bone studies showing auditory neuronal loss with age (Makary", "change_char_case": " correlated with a decrease in The amplituDe of tHe fIrsT wAve oF the Auditory brainsTEm reSponse (ABR). Age-related redUctioN iN The aMPlItude Of wave I HAs BEEn dEmOnStrAtED iN humaNs (KOnrad-MaRtin et al. 2012) anD is CoNsistent with TEmPoral bone sTudIes showing auDitOry neuRoNal LOss wiTh aGe (MakAry", "whitespace_perturbation": " correlated with a decreas e in the a mplit ude of t he f irst wave of the a u dito ry brainstem response(ABR) .A ge-r e la ted r eductio n i n the a mp lit ud e o f wav e I has be en demonst rat ed in humans ( K on rad-Martin et al. 2012) a ndis con si ste n t wit h t empor al bon e studi es showin ga uditor y neuron a l l osswith age (Makary", "underscore_trick": " correlated_with a_decrease in the amplitude_of the_first_wave of_the_auditory brainstem response_(ABR). Age-related reduction_in the amplitude of_wave I has_been_demonstrated in humans (Konrad-Martin et al. 2012) and is consistent with temporal bone studies_showing_auditory neuronal_loss_with_age (Makary"} +{"text": " with each individual supported for a maximum of three years. Trainees undertake interdisciplinary studies with advanced courses in mathematics, quantum mechanics, statistical thermodynamics, biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, computation and instrumentation, and other special topics. In addition, students participate in multiple program functions including a weekly Biophysics Collo", "synonym_substitution": "with each individual supported for a maximum of three years. trainee contract interdisciplinary cogitation with advanced course in mathematics, quantum machinist, statistical thermodynamics, biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, calculation and orchestration, and other particular topics. In addition, scholar participate in multiple program affair include a weekly Biophysics Collo", "butter_fingers": " wihh each individual suppovted for a maximom of thcee yeads. Traindes undertake interdisciplinery wtuditf with advanced cojrses in lathematucs, wyantum meciznics, sbctistjgal tkecmodynamics, bioghemistry, mmlecular and calu yiology, computation and instrumentatyon, and ohher special tjpicx. In zddition, students participate in mhltiple program funcyions including a weekly Blophjsics Collo", "random_deletion": "with each individual supported for a maximum years. undertake interdisciplinary with advanced courses thermodynamics, molecular and cell computation and instrumentation, other special topics. In addition, students in multiple program functions including a weekly Biophysics Collo", "change_char_case": " with each individual supportEd for a maxiMum of ThrEe yEaRs. TrAineEs undertake intERdisCiplinary studies with adVanceD cOUrseS In MatheMatics, qUAnTUM meChAnIcs, StATiSticaL thErmodynAmics, biochEmiStRy, molecular aND cEll biology, ComPutation and iNstRumentAtIon, ANd othEr sPeciaL topicS. in addiTion, studeNtS ParticIPate in mULTiPle pRogram functions inCLuDIng a weekly BiopHysics coLLo", "whitespace_perturbation": " with each individual supp orted fora max imu m o fthre e ye ars. Traineesu nder take interdisciplinary stud ie s wit h a dvanc ed cour s es i n m at he mat ic s ,quant ummechani cs, statis tic al thermodynam i cs , biochemi str y, molecular an d cell b iol o gy, c omp utati on and instru mentation ,a nd oth e r speci a l t opic s. In addition, s t ud e nts participat e in m ul t ip l e pr ogr am functio ns incl u ding aw ee k l y Bi o physics Collo ", "underscore_trick": " with_each individual_supported for a maximum_of three_years._Trainees undertake_interdisciplinary_studies with advanced_courses in mathematics,_quantum mechanics, statistical thermodynamics,_biochemistry, molecular and_cell_biology, computation and instrumentation, and other special topics. In addition, students participate in multiple_program_functions including_a_weekly_Biophysics Collo"} +{"text": " gut-derived signals in response to a lack of luminal nutrient delivery, as occurring with TPN therapy drives such injury. Our lab has been investigating the role of such signaling. Using a novel ambulatory TPN piglet model, developed at our lab which recapitulates human TPN delivery; we have published significant alterations", "synonym_substitution": "gut - derived signals in response to a lack of luminal alimentary rescue, as occurring with TPN therapy drives such wound. Our lab has been investigating the character of such signaling. practice a novel ambulatory TPN piglet exemplar, developed at our lab which recapitulates human TPN rescue; we have published significant revision", "butter_fingers": " guh-derived signals in respunse to a lack of lumiial nutdient deuivery, as occurring with TPN tyerapt drives such injury. Ojr lab had been ibvesuigating the role of such signamlng. Uvmng a novel ambolatory TPN [iglet model, davdllped at our lab which recapitulates human YPJ delivery; we rave [ubljshed significant alterations", "random_deletion": "gut-derived signals in response to a lack nutrient as occurring TPN therapy drives been the role of signaling. Using a ambulatory TPN piglet model, developed at lab which recapitulates human TPN delivery; we have published significant alterations", "change_char_case": " gut-derived signals in responSe to a lack oF lumiNal NutRiEnt dElivEry, as occurring WIth TpN therapy drives such injUry. OuR lAB has BEeN inveStigatiNG tHE RolE oF sUch SiGNaLing. USinG a novel Ambulatory tPN PiGlet model, devELoPed at our laB whIch recapitulAteS human tPn deLIvery; We hAve puBlisheD SignifIcant alteRaTIons", "whitespace_perturbation": " gut-derived signals in re sponse toa lac k o f l um inal nut rient delivery , asoccurring with TPN the rapydr i vess uc h inj ury. Ou r l a b ha sbe enin v es tigat ing the ro le of such si gn aling. Using anovel ambu lat ory TPN pigl etmodel, d eve l opedatour l ab whi c h reca pitulates h u man TP N delive r y ;we h ave published sig n if i cant alteratio ns", "underscore_trick": " gut-derived_signals in_response to a lack_of luminal_nutrient_delivery, as_occurring_with TPN therapy_drives such injury._Our lab has been_investigating the role_of_such signaling. Using a novel ambulatory TPN piglet model, developed at our lab which_recapitulates_human TPN_delivery;_we_have published significant alterations"} +{"text": " from insects to mammals. PGRPs bind PGNs with high affinity and are important contributors to host defense against bacterial infections. Insects PGRPs, of which there are at least 19, are involved in activating signaling pathways that induce expression of anti-microbial peptides. By contrast, mammalian PGRPs, of", "synonym_substitution": "from insects to mammals. PGRPs bind PGNs with high affinity and are authoritative subscriber to host defense against bacterial infections. Insects PGRPs, of which there be at least 19, are involved in activating bespeak pathway that induce expression of anti - microbial peptide. By line, mammalian PGRPs, of", "butter_fingers": " frlm insects to mammals. PGVPs bind PGNs wijh high effinitg and ard important contributors to iost defebse against bacterial knfectiond. Insectw PGCPs, of which thecs are ab leaab 19, arz mnvolved in actlvating sigtaling pathwayv ghct induce expression of anti-microbiaj pepticed. By contrast, iammsjian IGVPs, of", "random_deletion": "from insects to mammals. PGRPs bind PGNs affinity are important to host defense of there are at 19, are involved activating signaling pathways that induce expression anti-microbial peptides. By contrast, mammalian PGRPs, of", "change_char_case": " from insects to mammals. PGRPs Bind PGNs wiTh higH afFinItY and Are iMportant contriBUtorS to host defense against bActerIaL InfeCTiOns. InSects PGrps, OF WhiCh ThEre ArE At Least 19, Are InvolveD in activatIng SiGnaling pathwAYs That induce ExpRession of antI-miCrobiaL pEptIDes. By ConTrast, MammalIAn PGRPS, of", "whitespace_perturbation": " from insects to mammals.PGRPs bind PGNs wi thhi gh a ffin ity and are im p orta nt contributors to hos t def en s e ag a in st ba cterial in f e cti on s. In se c ts PGRP s,of whic h there ar e a tleast 19, ar e i nvolved in ac tivating sig nal ing pa th way s that in duceexpres s ion of anti-mic ro b ial pe p tides.B y c ontr ast, mammalian PG R Ps , of", "underscore_trick": " from_insects to_mammals. PGRPs bind PGNs_with high_affinity_and are_important_contributors to host_defense against bacterial_infections. Insects PGRPs, of_which there are_at_least 19, are involved in activating signaling pathways that induce expression of anti-microbial peptides._By_contrast, mammalian_PGRPs,_of"} +{"text": " undergraduates to research on cancer in a form that is easy to understand (the on-off type roles of signaling pathways) and also expose them to tissue culture as well as basic cell/molecular biology techniques. An exciting, new investigative theme in airway physiology and pathophysiology is neurotrophins (NTs): growth", "synonym_substitution": "undergraduates to research on cancer in a form that is easy to understand (the on - off type function of sign pathways) and also expose them to weave culture as well as basic cell / molecular biota proficiency. An exciting, new fact-finding root in airway physiology and pathophysiology is neurotrophins (NTs ): emergence", "butter_fingers": " unfergraduates to research on cancer in a form tiat is sasy to jnderstand (the on-off type ropew of wignaling pathways) and also explse them to uissue culture as well as basic gell/mmoecular biologi techniques. An exciting, naw iuvestigative theme in airway physioljgy and pwthophysiology is mqurofgokhins (NTs): growth", "random_deletion": "undergraduates to research on cancer in a is to understand on-off type roles expose to tissue culture well as basic biology techniques. An exciting, new investigative in airway physiology and pathophysiology is neurotrophins (NTs): growth", "change_char_case": " undergraduates to research oN cancer in a Form tHat Is eAsY to uNderStand (the on-off tYPe roLes of signaling pathways) And alSo EXposE ThEm to tIssue cuLTuRE As wElL aS baSiC CeLl/molEcuLar biolOgy techniqUes. an Exciting, new iNVeStigative tHemE in airway phySioLogy anD pAthOPhysiOloGy is nEurotrOPhins (Nts): growth", "whitespace_perturbation": " undergraduates to researc h on cance r ina f orm t hatis e asy to underst a nd ( the on-off type rolesof si gn a ling pa thway s) anda ls o exp os ethe mt otissu e c ultureas well as ba si c cell/molec u la r biologytec hniques. Anexc iting, n ewi nvest iga tivethemei n airw ay physio lo g y andp athophy s i ol ogyis neurotrophins( NT s ): growth", "underscore_trick": " undergraduates_to research_on cancer in a_form that_is_easy to_understand_(the on-off type_roles of signaling_pathways) and also expose_them to tissue_culture_as well as basic cell/molecular biology techniques. An exciting, new investigative theme in airway_physiology_and pathophysiology_is_neurotrophins_(NTs): growth"} +{"text": " to origins and travel times and estimate the proportion who are incubating disease. It would also assess the positive predictive value of a short screening questionnaire. 3. Seasonal influenza hospitalizations and housing conditions - This component would measure rates of hospitalization with influenza in an established cohort of 225,000 people living in public housing in New", "synonym_substitution": "to origins and travel times and estimate the symmetry who are incubate disease. It would also assess the incontrovertible predictive value of a unretentive screening questionnaire. 3. Seasonal influenza hospitalizations and caparison conditions - This component would measure rate of hospitalization with influenza in an established age group of 225,000 people living in public housing in New", "butter_fingers": " to origins and travel timer and estimate jhw propmrtion who are incubating disease. It would aoso awsess the positive preaictive vwlue of q shiet screeniif questljnnajve. 3. Szawonal influenzs hospitalhzations and hmuriug conditions - This component would ieasure rwtes of hospitwlizseion with influenza in an established dohort mf 225,000 people lifing in public housing in Jew", "random_deletion": "to origins and travel times and estimate who incubating disease. would also assess a screening questionnaire. 3. influenza hospitalizations and conditions - This component would measure of hospitalization with influenza in an established cohort of 225,000 people living in housing in New", "change_char_case": " to origins and travel times anD estimate tHe proPorTioN wHo arE incUbating disease. iT wouLd also assess the positivE predIcTIve vALuE of a sHort scrEEnING quEsTiOnnAiRE. 3. SEasonAl iNfluenzA hospitaliZatIoNs and housing COnDitions - ThiS coMponent would MeaSure raTeS of HOspitAliZatioN with iNFluenzA in an estaBlIShed coHOrt of 225,000 peOPLe LiviNg in public housing IN NEW", "whitespace_perturbation": " to origins and travel tim es and est imate th e p ro port ionwho are incuba t ingdisease. It would also asse ss thep os itive predic t iv e val ue o f a s h or t scr een ing que stionnaire . 3 .Seasonal inf l ue nza hospit ali zations andhou sing c on dit i ons - Th is co mponen t would measurera t es ofh ospital i z at ionwith influenza in an established co hort o f2 25 , 0 00peo ple living i n pub l ic hous i ng i n Ne w ", "underscore_trick": " to_origins and_travel times and estimate_the proportion_who_are incubating_disease._It would also_assess the positive_predictive value of a_short screening questionnaire._3._Seasonal influenza hospitalizations and housing conditions - This component would measure rates of hospitalization_with_influenza in_an_established_cohort of 225,000 people living_in public housing in New"} +{"text": " of STDs and HIV infection. Natural products are extremely important sources of bioactive compounds for agricultural and pharmaceutical applications. Enzymes involved in secondary metabolism hold great potential as biocatalysts that may be used in the efficient synthesis of fine chemicals and high value pharmaceuticals. In this collaborative work between a metabolic engineering group and", "synonym_substitution": "of STDs and HIV infection. Natural products are extremely authoritative reservoir of bioactive compounds for agrarian and pharmaceutical applications. enzyme involved in secondary metamorphosis hold great potential as biocatalyst that may be use in the efficient deduction of fine chemicals and high value pharmaceuticals. In this collaborative workplace between a metabolic engineering group and", "butter_fingers": " of STDs and HIV infection. Katural products are exvremely importavt sources of bioactive complubds fir agricultural and phxrmaceutibal applixatiibs. Enzymes involved in ssgondaxy metabolism hokd great pmtential as bimcxtclysts that may be used in the efficyent symtjesis of fine shempcwls znd high value pharmaceuticals. In fhis conlaborative wprk between a metabolic enhinefring group and", "random_deletion": "of STDs and HIV infection. Natural products important of bioactive for agricultural and secondary hold great potential biocatalysts that may used in the efficient synthesis of chemicals and high value pharmaceuticals. In this collaborative work between a metabolic engineering and", "change_char_case": " of STDs and HIV infection. NatuRal productS are eXtrEmeLy ImpoRtanT sources of bioaCTive Compounds for agriculturAl and PhARmacEUtIcal aPplicatIOnS. eNzyMeS iNvoLvED iN secoNdaRy metabOlism hold gReaT pOtential as biOCaTalysts thaT maY be used in the EffIcient SyNthESis of FinE chemIcals aND high vAlue pharmAcEUticalS. in this cOLLaBoraTive work between a mETaBOlic engineerinG group AnD", "whitespace_perturbation": " of STDs and HIV infection . Naturalprodu cts ar eextr emel y important so u rces of bioactive compound s for a g ricu l tu ral a nd phar m ac e u tic al a ppl ic a ti ons.Enz ymes in volved insec on dary metabol i sm hold grea t p otential asbio cataly st s t h at ma y b e use d in t h e effi cient syn th e sis of fine ch e m ic alsand high value ph a rm a ceuticals. Inthis c ol l ab o r ati vework betwe en a me t abolice ng i n e eri n g group and", "underscore_trick": " of_STDs and_HIV infection. Natural products_are extremely_important_sources of_bioactive_compounds for agricultural_and pharmaceutical applications._Enzymes involved in secondary_metabolism hold great_potential_as biocatalysts that may be used in the efficient synthesis of fine chemicals and_high_value pharmaceuticals._In_this_collaborative work between a metabolic_engineering group and"} +{"text": " are affected. We also hypothesize that stress will exacerbate the immunosuppressive effects of prenatal ethanol, and based on our previous data, that males will be more affected than females by exposure to prenatal ethanol and stress. This approach will increase our understanding of two fundamentally important issues: the nature of the immunoteratogenic effects of ethanol", "synonym_substitution": "are affected. We also hypothesize that stress will worsen the immunosuppressive effect of prenatal ethanol, and based on our former data, that male will be more affected than female by exposure to prenatal ethanol and tension. This overture will increase our understanding of two basically important issues: the nature of the immunoteratogenic effects of ethanol", "butter_fingers": " arf affected. We also hypotmesize that stress will exacedbate thd immunosuppressive effects lf prenqtal ethanol, and based on our pgevious dqta, uhat males will bx more anyectes thau hemales by expoxure to pranatal ethanol avd stress. This approach will increase our uncegstanding of tro flnqamehnaoly important issues: the natude of tie immunoteratobenic effects of ethanol", "random_deletion": "are affected. We also hypothesize that stress the effects of ethanol, and based males be more affected females by exposure prenatal ethanol and stress. This approach increase our understanding of two fundamentally important issues: the nature of the immunoteratogenic of ethanol", "change_char_case": " are affected. We also hypothesIze that strEss wiLl eXacErBate The iMmunosuppressiVE effEcts of prenatal ethanol, aNd basEd ON our PReVious Data, thaT MaLES wiLl Be MorE aFFeCted tHan Females By exposure To pReNatal ethanol ANd Stress. This AppRoach will incReaSe our uNdErsTAndinG of Two fuNdamenTAlly imPortant isSuES: the naTUre of thE IMmUnotEratogenic effects OF eTHanol", "whitespace_perturbation": " are affected. We also hyp othesize t hat s tre sswi ll e xace rbate the immu n osup pressive effects of pr enata le than o l, andbased o n o u r pr ev io usda t a, that ma les wil l be moreaff ec ted than fem a le s by expos ure to prenatal et hanolan d s t ress. Th is ap proach will i ncrease o ur unders t andingo f t wo f undamentally impo r ta n t issues: thenature o f t h e im mun oteratogen ic effe c ts of e t ha n o l ", "underscore_trick": " are_affected. We_also hypothesize that stress_will exacerbate_the_immunosuppressive effects_of_prenatal ethanol, and_based on our_previous data, that males_will be more_affected_than females by exposure to prenatal ethanol and stress. This approach will increase our_understanding_of two_fundamentally_important_issues: the nature of the_immunoteratogenic effects of ethanol"} +{"text": " users to HIV infection, and potentially facilitating the penetration of virus across the blood brain barrier (BBB) into the brain. In this proposal we will dissect mechanisms by which Meth can induce and modulate free radical production, causing an aggravation on the severity of damage associated with virus presence in the brain tissue, and consequently", "synonym_substitution": "users to HIV infection, and potentially facilitating the penetration of virus across the blood mind barrier (BBB) into the mind. In this proposal we will dissect mechanisms by which Meth can induce and regulate free radical output, induce an aggravation on the severity of price associated with virus presence in the genius tissue, and consequently", "butter_fingers": " usfrs to HIV infection, and potentially faeulitatmng the penetragion of virus across the blold braib barrier (BBB) into the brain. In this priposel we will disserf mechaknsms gn whieh Meth can induge and modunate free radiwau 'roduction, causing an aggravation on the sefegity of damage asspsiatsd with virus presence in the braih tissut, and consequently", "random_deletion": "users to HIV infection, and potentially facilitating of across the brain barrier (BBB) proposal will dissect mechanisms which Meth can and modulate free radical production, causing aggravation on the severity of damage associated with virus presence in the brain and consequently", "change_char_case": " users to HIV infection, and potEntially faCilitAtiNg tHe PeneTratIon of virus acroSS the Blood brain barrier (BBB) inTo the BrAIn. In THiS propOsal we wILl DISseCt MeChaNiSMs By whiCh MEth can iNduce and moDulAtE free radical PRoDuction, cauSinG an aggravatiOn oN the seVeRitY Of damAge AssocIated wITh viruS presence In THe braiN Tissue, aND CoNseqUently", "whitespace_perturbation": " users to HIV infection, a nd potenti allyfac ili ta ting the penetration o f vir us across the blood br ain b ar r ier( BB B) in to theb ra i n . I nth ispr o po sal w e w ill dis sect mecha nis ms by which Me t hcan induce an d modulate f ree radic al pr o ducti on, caus ing an aggrav ation onth e sever i ty of d a m ag e as sociated with vir u sp resence in the brain t i ss u e , a ndconsequent ly ", "underscore_trick": " users_to HIV_infection, and potentially facilitating_the penetration_of_virus across_the_blood brain barrier_(BBB) into the_brain. In this proposal_we will dissect_mechanisms_by which Meth can induce and modulate free radical production, causing an aggravation on_the_severity of_damage_associated_with virus presence in the_brain tissue, and consequently"} +{"text": " cortical cells and connections, regardless of the etiology. A common neuroanatomic denominator for dementia would greatly facilitate attempts to understand the cellular basis of dementing illnesses, and in turn, aid in directing therapeutic and preventative efforts to the appropriate cell class. These studies will involve detailed quantitative neuroanatomic analyses of non-", "synonym_substitution": "cortical cells and connections, regardless of the etiology. A common neuroanatomic denominator for dementia would greatly facilitate attempt to sympathize the cellular basis of dementing illnesses, and in twist, care in directing therapeutic and preventative attempt to the appropriate cell class. These study will involve detailed quantitative neuroanatomic analyses of non-", "butter_fingers": " cogtical cells and connectlons, regardless of the xtiologg. A commun neuroanatomic denominator fir denentia would greatly fxcilitate attemptw to ynderstand the cellular gwsis if dementing iklnesses, atd in turn, aid iv birecting therapeutic and preventatide effottd to the approkriatt cqll dlass. These studies will involve dstailed quantitative neuroanatomic analyses of non-", "random_deletion": "cortical cells and connections, regardless of the common denominator for would greatly facilitate basis dementing illnesses, and turn, aid in therapeutic and preventative efforts to the cell class. These studies will involve detailed quantitative neuroanatomic analyses of non-", "change_char_case": " cortical cells and connectioNs, regardleSs of tHe eTioLoGy. A cOmmoN neuroanatomic DEnomInator for dementia would GreatLy FAcilITaTe attEmpts to UNdERStaNd ThE ceLlULaR basiS of DementiNg illnesseS, anD iN turn, aid in diREcTing therapEutIc and preventAtiVe effoRtS to THe appRopRiate Cell clASs. ThesE studies wIlL InvolvE DetaileD QUaNtitAtive neuroanatomiC AnALyses of non-", "whitespace_perturbation": " cortical cells and connec tions, reg ardle ssofth e et iolo gy. A common n e uroa natomic denominator fo r dem en t ia w o ul d gre atly fa c il i t ate a tt emp ts to unde rst and the cellularbas is of dementin g i llnesses,and in turn, ai d i n dire ct ing thera peu tic a nd pre v entati ve effort st o thea ppropri a t ecell class. These stu d ie s will involvedetail ed qu a n tit ati ve neuroan at omica nalyses of n o n-", "underscore_trick": " cortical_cells and_connections, regardless of the_etiology. A_common_neuroanatomic denominator_for_dementia would greatly_facilitate attempts to_understand the cellular basis_of dementing illnesses,_and_in turn, aid in directing therapeutic and preventative efforts to the appropriate cell class._These_studies will_involve_detailed_quantitative neuroanatomic analyses of non-"} +{"text": " dose for two weeks. The target AUC is considered to have been achieved if the dose was tolerated and at least 4 of 6 subjects reached the target AUC. Enrollment of subjects will be ongoing and those begun on a given starting dose will continue on that dose until individual subject dose adjustments are needed according to their individual pharmac", "synonym_substitution": "dose for two weeks. The target AUC is consider to have been achieve if the dose was tolerated and at least 4 of 6 discipline reach the target AUC. registration of topic will be ongoing and those begun on a contribute starting dose will cover on that dose until individual subject acid adaptation are needed harmonize to their individual pharmac", "butter_fingers": " dode for two weeks. The tarnet AUC is consibwred tm have been acfieved if the dose was tolereted and qt least 4 of 6 subjects reached nhe targer AUR. Enrollment of subjects will gc ongmmng and those bggun on a gieen starting dmsd cill continue on that dose until indyvidual skbject dose adtustkqnts are needed according to their indjvidual pharmac", "random_deletion": "dose for two weeks. The target AUC to been achieved the dose was of subjects reached the AUC. Enrollment of will be ongoing and those begun a given starting dose will continue on that dose until individual subject dose are needed according to their individual pharmac", "change_char_case": " dose for two weeks. The target AuC is considEred tO haVe bEeN achIeveD if the dose was tOLeraTed and at least 4 of 6 subjectS reacHeD The tARgEt AUC. enrollmENt OF SubJeCtS wiLl BE oNgoinG anD those bEgun on a givEn sTaRting dose wilL CoNtinue on thAt dOse until indiVidUal subJeCt dOSe adjUstMents Are neeDEd accoRding to thEiR IndiviDUal pharMAC", "whitespace_perturbation": " dose for two weeks. The t arget AUCis co nsi der ed tohave been achieved if t he dose was toleratedand a tl east 4of 6subject s r e a che dth e t ar g et AUC. En rollmen t of subje cts w ill be ongoi n gand thosebeg un on a give n s tartin gdos e will co ntinu e on t h at dos e until i nd i vidual subject d os e ad justments are nee d ed according to t heir i nd i vi d u alpha rmac", "underscore_trick": " dose_for two_weeks. The target AUC_is considered_to_have been_achieved_if the dose_was tolerated and_at least 4 of_6 subjects reached_the_target AUC. Enrollment of subjects will be ongoing and those begun on a given_starting_dose will_continue_on_that dose until individual subject_dose adjustments are needed according_to their_individual pharmac"} +{"text": " high-level, long-term expression of a number of therapeutic proteins without eliciting a clinically significant immune reaction. The investigators have recently demonstrated high-efficacy gene transfer of GAA into embryonic tissues, cultured adult and neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, as well as, adult rat heart, and murine skeletal muscle in vivo using this", "synonym_substitution": "high - level, long - term formula of a numeral of therapeutic proteins without eliciting a clinically meaning immune reaction. The investigators have recently demonstrated eminent - efficacy gene transfer of GAA into embryonic tissues, civilized adult and neonatal informer cardiomyocytes, as well as, adult informer heart, and murine skeletal muscleman in vivo using this", "butter_fingers": " hihh-level, long-term expresslon of a number of therepeutic proteinr without eliciting a clinicelly signuficant immune reactiov. The invvstigatorw hate recently demoiatrated high-ernicacv jene transfer on GAA into ambryonic tissger, eultured adult and neonatal rat cardyomyocyyed, as well as, aqult wat gvavt, and murine skeletal muscle in vivo uving this", "random_deletion": "high-level, long-term expression of a number of without a clinically immune reaction. The gene of GAA into tissues, cultured adult neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, as well as, rat heart, and murine skeletal muscle in vivo using this", "change_char_case": " high-level, long-term expressiOn of a numbeR of thEraPeuTiC proTeinS without elicitINg a cLinically significant imMune rEaCTion. tHe InvesTigatorS HaVE RecEnTlY deMoNStRated HigH-efficaCy gene tranSfeR oF GAA into embrYOnIc tissues, cUltUred adult and NeoNatal rAt CarDIomyoCytEs, as wEll as, aDUlt rat Heart, and mUrINe skelETal muscLE In Vivo Using this", "whitespace_perturbation": " high-level, long-term exp ression of a nu mbe r o fther apeu tic proteins w i thou t eliciting a clinical ly si gn i fica n timmun e react i on . The i nv est ig a to rs ha verecentl y demonstr ate dhigh-efficac y g ene transf erof GAA intoemb ryonic t iss u es, c ult uredadulta nd neo natal rat c a rdiomy o cytes,a s w ellas, adult rat hea r t, and murine ske letalmu s cl e inviv o using th is ", "underscore_trick": " high-level,_long-term expression_of a number of_therapeutic proteins_without_eliciting a_clinically_significant immune reaction._The investigators have_recently demonstrated high-efficacy gene_transfer of GAA_into_embryonic tissues, cultured adult and neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, as well as, adult rat heart,_and_murine skeletal_muscle_in_vivo using this"} +{"text": " analysis of LDZ spheres at G1-G4 confirmed that a common LDZ signature was characterized by genes associated with oncogenic signaling pathways including tumor initiation, metastasis, and vasculogenesis and was able to predict clinical outcome of liver cancer patients. We conclude that epigenetic reprogramming of liver cancer cell lines induced by a combined", "synonym_substitution": "analysis of LDZ spheres at G1 - G4 confirmed that a common LDZ signature was qualify by gene associated with oncogenic signaling pathways include tumor trigger, metastasis, and vasculogenesis and was able to predict clinical outcome of liver cancer affected role. We reason that epigenetic reprogramming of liver cancer cell lines induced by a combined", "butter_fingers": " anwlysis of LDZ spheres at G1-G4 confirmed tkqt a cmmmon MDZ signxture was characterized by gxnes assoxiated with oncogenic rignaling pathwayw inrluding tumor inmfiation, metasfwsis, end vasculogenexis and wav able to predhcg elinical outcome of liver cancer patyents. Wr fonclude that gpigemqtic gekrogramming of liver cancer cell mines iiduced by a comnined", "random_deletion": "analysis of LDZ spheres at G1-G4 confirmed common signature was by genes associated tumor metastasis, and vasculogenesis was able to clinical outcome of liver cancer patients. conclude that epigenetic reprogramming of liver cancer cell lines induced by a combined", "change_char_case": " analysis of LDZ spheres at G1-G4 cOnfirmed thAt a coMmoN LDz sIgnaTure Was characterizED by gEnes associated with oncoGenic SiGNaliNG pAthwaYs incluDInG TUmoR iNiTiaTiON, mEtastAsiS, and vasCulogenesiS anD wAs able to predICt Clinical ouTcoMe of liver canCer PatienTs. we cONcludE thAt epiGenetiC ReprogRamming of LiVEr cancER cell liNES iNducEd by a combined", "whitespace_perturbation": " analysis of LDZ spheres a t G1-G4 co nfirm edtha ta co mmon LDZ signature wascharacterized by genes asso ci a tedw it h onc ogenics ig n a lin gpa thw ay s i nclud ing tumorinitiation , m et astasis, and va sculogenes isand was able to predi ct cl i nical ou tcome of li v er can cer patie nt s . We c o ncludet h at epi genetic reprogram m in g of liver canc er cel ll in e s in duc ed by a co mb ined", "underscore_trick": " analysis_of LDZ_spheres at G1-G4 confirmed_that a_common_LDZ signature_was_characterized by genes_associated with oncogenic_signaling pathways including tumor_initiation, metastasis, and_vasculogenesis_and was able to predict clinical outcome of liver cancer patients. We conclude that_epigenetic_reprogramming of_liver_cancer_cell lines induced by a_combined"} +{"text": " in particular. Recent discoveries in molecular genetics have lead to the identification of functional variations in several candidate genes for susceptibility to obesity, insulin resistance, and/or diabetes. These include genes which code for beta-2and beta-3 adrenergic receptors, insulin receptor substrate 1, fatty acid binding protein 2, fratax", "synonym_substitution": "in particular. Recent discoveries in molecular genetics have lead to the designation of running variations in several campaigner genes for susceptibility to fleshiness, insulin resistance, and/or diabetes. These include gene which code for beta-2and beta-3 adrenergic receptors, insulin receptor substrate 1, fatty acid bind protein 2, fratax", "butter_fingers": " in particular. Recent discoyeries in molecular genxtics hzve lead to the identification of fuictiinal cariations in several zandidate genes fir snsceptibility to obesity, insuljk resnsvance, and/or dianetes. These include genes wfieh code for beta-2and beta-3 adrenergic weceptots, insulin recepjor slbftrafv 1, fatty acid binding protein 2, rratax", "random_deletion": "in particular. Recent discoveries in molecular genetics to identification of variations in several obesity, resistance, and/or diabetes. include genes which for beta-2and beta-3 adrenergic receptors, insulin substrate 1, fatty acid binding protein 2, fratax", "change_char_case": " in particular. Recent discoveRies in moleCular GenEtiCs Have Lead To the identificATion Of functional variations In sevErAL canDIdAte geNes for sUScEPTibIlItY to ObESiTy, insUliN resistAnce, and/or dIabEtEs. These incluDE gEnes which cOde For beta-2and beTa-3 aDrenerGiC reCEptorS, inSulin ReceptOR substRate 1, fatty AcID bindiNG proteiN 2, FRaTax", "whitespace_perturbation": " in particular. Recent dis coveries i n mol ecu lar g enet icshave lead to t h e id entification of functi onalva r iati o ns in s everalc an d i dat ege nes f o rsusce pti bilityto obesity , i ns ulin resista n ce , and/or d iab etes. Theseinc lude g en esw hichcod e for beta- 2 and be ta-3 adre ne r gic re c eptors, i ns ulin receptor substra t e1 , fatty acid b inding p r ot e i n 2 , f ratax", "underscore_trick": " in_particular. Recent_discoveries in molecular genetics_have lead_to_the identification_of_functional variations in_several candidate genes_for susceptibility to obesity,_insulin resistance, and/or_diabetes._These include genes which code for beta-2and beta-3 adrenergic receptors, insulin receptor substrate 1,_fatty_acid binding_protein_2,_fratax"} +{"text": " the gain in some frequency channels has been permanently decreased. The data will be analyzed within a well-established physiologically-based model of the peripheral auditory system, to determine whether temporal effects are consistent with a decrease in gain within the auditory channel which is stimulated. This research is important to our understanding of basic auditory processing in", "synonym_substitution": "the gain in some frequency channels has been permanently decreased. The data will be analyze within a well - prove physiologically - based model of the peripheral auditory system, to decide whether temporal effects are coherent with a decrease in profit within the auditory channel which is stimulated. This research is important to our reason of basic auditory processing in", "butter_fingers": " thf gain in some frequency channels has bgeb permenently decreasdd. The data will be analyzed wuthin a well-established phyriologicaply-based modtl of the peripheczl audibjry anstem, vo determine whgther tempordl effects are cundistent with a decrease in gain witrin the akditory channej whpcr is stimulated. This research is imporfant to our understamding of basic auditory prlcesding in", "random_deletion": "the gain in some frequency channels has decreased. data will analyzed within a peripheral system, to determine temporal effects are with a decrease in gain within auditory channel which is stimulated. This research is important to our understanding of auditory processing in", "change_char_case": " the gain in some frequency chaNnels has beEn perManEntLy DecrEaseD. The data will be ANalyZed within a well-establisHed phYsIOlogICaLly-baSed modeL Of THE peRiPhEraL aUDiTory sYstEm, to detErmine whetHer TeMporal effectS ArE consistenT wiTh a decrease iN gaIn withIn The AUditoRy cHanneL which IS stimuLated. This ReSEarch iS ImportaNT To Our uNderstanding of basIC aUDitory processiNg in", "whitespace_perturbation": " the gain in some frequenc y channels hasbee n p er mane ntly decreased. Th e dat a will be analyzed wit hin a w e ll-e s ta blish ed phys i ol o g ica ll y- bas ed mo del o f t he peri pheral aud ito ry system, tod et ermine whe the r temporal e ffe cts ar econ s isten t w ith a decre a se ingain with in the au d itory c h a nn el w hich is stimulate d .T his research i s impo rt a nt t o o urunderstand in g ofb asic au d it o r y pr o cessing in", "underscore_trick": " the_gain in_some frequency channels has_been permanently_decreased._The data_will_be analyzed within_a well-established physiologically-based_model of the peripheral_auditory system, to_determine_whether temporal effects are consistent with a decrease in gain within the auditory channel_which_is stimulated._This_research_is important to our understanding_of basic auditory processing in"} +{"text": "SH, the adenylyl cyclase enzyme exhibits a transient attenuation response. In specific aim one, we will investigate possible mechanisms responsible for the transient attenuation of the granulosa cell adenylate cyclase enzyme. cAMP Induces all of the differentiation-associated effects in immature granulosa cells attributed to FSH; thus", "synonym_substitution": "SH, the adenylyl cyclase enzyme exhibits a transient attenuation response. In specific aim one, we will investigate potential mechanism responsible for the transient attenuation of the granulosa cellular telephone adenylate cyclase enzyme. cAMP induce all of the differentiation - associate effects in immature granulosa cell attributed to FSH; therefore", "butter_fingers": "SH, hhe adenylyl cyclase enznme exhibits a ttabsient attenhation rdsponse. In specific aim one, xe wull ibvestigate possible mezhanisms gesponsiboe fie the transient atbznuatjln oy vhe granulosa cgll adenylata cyclase enzyke. cCMP Induces all of the differentiatijn-assocoahed effects in immseure granulosa cells attributed to FSH; thus", "random_deletion": "SH, the adenylyl cyclase enzyme exhibits a response. specific aim we will investigate transient of the granulosa adenylate cyclase enzyme. Induces all of the differentiation-associated effects immature granulosa cells attributed to FSH; thus", "change_char_case": "SH, the adenylyl cyclase enzymE exhibits a TransIenT atTeNuatIon rEsponse. In speciFIc aiM one, we will investigate pOssibLe MEchaNIsMs resPonsiblE FoR THe tRaNsIenT aTTeNuatiOn oF the graNulosa cell AdeNyLate cyclase eNZyMe. cAMP InduCes All of the diffEreNtiatiOn-AssOCiateD efFects In immaTUre graNulosa celLs ATtribuTEd to FSH; THUs", "whitespace_perturbation": "SH, the adenylyl cyclase e nzyme exhi bitsa t ran si entatte nuation respon s e. I n specific aim one, we will i n vest i ga te po ssiblem ec h a nis ms r esp on s ib le fo r t he tran sient atte nua ti on of the gr a nu losa cellade nylate cycla seenzyme .cAM P Indu ces allof the differ entiation -a s sociat e d effec t s i n im mature granulosac el l s attributed t o FSH; t h us ", "underscore_trick": "SH, the_adenylyl cyclase_enzyme exhibits a transient_attenuation response._In_specific aim_one,_we will investigate_possible mechanisms responsible_for the transient attenuation_of the granulosa_cell_adenylate cyclase enzyme. cAMP Induces all of the differentiation-associated effects in immature granulosa cells_attributed_to FSH;_thus"} +{"text": " to address these impediments by developing a 3D geometric hand model, to be integrated into the current CAD design software products used by design engineers (e.g., SolidWorks, ProE) to evaluate the interaction between the hand and a new product. The proposed Phase 1 research will result in a virtual hand model that", "synonym_substitution": "to address these impediments by developing a 3D geometric hand exemplar, to be integrate into the current CAD design software products used by purpose engineers (e.g., SolidWorks, ProE) to measure the interaction between the hand and a new product. The propose Phase 1 research will result in a virtual bridge player model that", "butter_fingers": " to address these impedimenus by developing c 3D geoketric hand moael, to be integrated into thx cuerent CAD design software pfoducts uded by dwsigi engineers (e.g., SolidWorks, ProE) bo evclnate the interagtion betwean the hand ang x uew product. The proposed Phase 1 resewrch wikl result in a vyrtusj hahd model that", "random_deletion": "to address these impediments by developing a hand to be into the current by engineers (e.g., SolidWorks, to evaluate the between the hand and a new The proposed Phase 1 research will result in a virtual hand model that", "change_char_case": " to address these impediments By developiNg a 3D gEomEtrIc Hand ModeL, to be integrateD Into The current CAD design sofTware PrODuctS UsEd by dEsign enGInEERs (e.G., SOlIdWOrKS, PRoE) to EvaLuate thE interactiOn bEtWeen the hand aND a New product. the Proposed PhasE 1 reSearch WiLl rESult iN a vIrtuaL hand mODel thaT", "whitespace_perturbation": " to address these impedime nts by dev elopi nga 3 Dgeom etri c hand model,t o be integrated into the c urren tC AD d e si gn so ftwarep ro d u cts u se d b yd es ign e ngi neers ( e.g., Soli dWo rk s, ProE) toe va luate theint eraction bet wee n theha nda nd anew prod uct. T h e prop osed Phas e1 resea r ch will r es ultin a virtual hand mo d el that", "underscore_trick": " to_address these_impediments by developing a_3D geometric_hand_model, to_be_integrated into the_current CAD design_software products used by_design engineers (e.g.,_SolidWorks,_ProE) to evaluate the interaction between the hand and a new product. The proposed_Phase_1 research_will_result_in a virtual hand model_that"} +{"text": " for natural blinking and tearing. Associated studies will be performed to quantify the surface-chemical events associated with tear spreading, and the effectiveness of commercially available artificial tear preparations in duplicating the wetting and spreading properties of natural tears will be investigated. The mission of the Analytical Laboratory for Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacodynamics and", "synonym_substitution": "for natural blinking and tearing. Associated studies will be perform to quantify the open - chemical events associated with tear dissemination, and the effectiveness of commercially available artificial tear preparations in double the leak and spreading properties of natural tears will be investigated. The deputation of the Analytical Laboratory for Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacodynamics and", "butter_fingers": " fog natural blinking and ttaring. Associated studiev will be perfurmed to quantify the surfacx-chenical events associated witf tear spgeading, abd tie effectiveness of commcxcialmn avanleble artificial tear prepdrations in du[lkccting the wetting and spreading propqrties pf natural tears wilk be jnvestigated. The mission of the Anzlytican Laboratory gor Pharmacogenetics, Pharmwcodjnamics and", "random_deletion": "for natural blinking and tearing. Associated studies performed quantify the events associated with of available artificial tear in duplicating the and spreading properties of natural tears be investigated. The mission of the Analytical Laboratory for Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacodynamics and", "change_char_case": " for natural blinking and tearIng. AssociaTed stUdiEs wIlL be pErfoRmed to quantify THe suRface-chemical events assOciatEd WIth tEAr SpreaDing, and THe EFFecTiVeNesS oF CoMmercIalLy availAble artifiCiaL tEar preparatiONs In duplicatIng The wetting anD spReadinG pRopERties Of nAturaL tears WIll be iNvestigatEd. tHe missIOn of the aNAlYticAl Laboratory for PhARmACogenetics, PharMacodyNaMIcS ANd", "whitespace_perturbation": " for natural blinking andtearing. A ssoci ate d s tu dies wil l be performed to q uantify the surface-ch emica le vent s a ssoci ated wi t ht e arsp re adi ng , a nd th e e ffectiv eness of c omm er cially avail a bl e artifici altear prepara tio ns indu pli c ating th e wet ting a n d spre ading pro pe r ties o f natura l te arswill be investiga t ed . The mission o f theAn a ly t i cal La boratory f or Phar m acogene t ic s , Pha r macodynamicsand", "underscore_trick": " for_natural blinking_and tearing. Associated studies_will be_performed_to quantify_the_surface-chemical events associated_with tear spreading,_and the effectiveness of_commercially available artificial_tear_preparations in duplicating the wetting and spreading properties of natural tears will be investigated._The_mission of_the_Analytical_Laboratory for Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacodynamics and"} +{"text": " uncover the primary mode of action of NGF by studying the ability of various chemical substances to mimic, enchance, or inhibit the effect of NGF on cultured sympathetic neurons. (3) Creation and characterization of dividing cell lines with neuronal properties. We shall use somatic cell hybridization and suitable selection techniques to fuse primary sympathetic", "synonym_substitution": "uncover the primary mode of action of NGF by studying the ability of diverse chemical meaning to mimic, enchance, or inhibit the effect of NGF on cultured harmonic neurons. (3) Creation and portrayal of separate cell credit line with neuronal properties. We shall practice somatic cell hybridization and suitable selection technique to fuse primary sympathetic", "butter_fingers": " unfover the primary mode on action of NGF yt studbing ths abilith of various chemical substaices to mumic, enchance, or inhibkt the efvect of BGF ib cultured sympathccic nsmrons. (3) Creation and gharacterizdtion of dividhne eell lines with neuronal properties. Re shalk kse somatic cejl hjbwidiaation and suitable selection techhiques uo fuse primary sykpathetic", "random_deletion": "uncover the primary mode of action of studying ability of chemical substances to effect NGF on cultured neurons. (3) Creation characterization of dividing cell lines with properties. We shall use somatic cell hybridization and suitable selection techniques to fuse sympathetic", "change_char_case": " uncover the primary mode of acTion of NGF bY studYinG thE aBiliTy of Various chemicaL SubsTances to mimic, enchance, oR inhiBiT The eFFeCt of NgF on culTUrED SymPaThEtiC nEUrOns. (3) CrEatIon and cHaracterizAtiOn Of dividing ceLL lInes with neUroNal propertieS. We Shall uSe SomATic ceLl hYbridIzatioN And suiTable seleCtIOn techNIques to FUSe PrimAry sympathetic", "whitespace_perturbation": " uncover the primary modeof actionof NG F b y s tu dyin g th e ability of v a riou s chemical substancesto mi mi c , en c ha nce,or inhi b it t heef fe ctof NG F oncul tured s ympathetic ne ur ons. (3) Cre a ti on and cha rac terization o f d ividin gcel l line s w ith n eurona l prope rties. We s h all us e somati c ce ll h ybridization ands ui t able selection techn iq u es t o f use primary s ym pathe t ic", "underscore_trick": " uncover_the primary_mode of action of_NGF by_studying_the ability_of_various chemical substances_to mimic, enchance,_or inhibit the effect_of NGF on_cultured_sympathetic neurons. (3) Creation and characterization of dividing cell lines with neuronal properties. We_shall_use somatic_cell_hybridization_and suitable selection techniques to_fuse primary sympathetic"} +{"text": " Aims are: 1. Structural studies of MsbA with anti-cancer compounds and nucleotide analogs. 2. Functional studies of MsbA and the detection of inhibitors. 3. Structural studies of MsbA with compounds that occupy the \"ON\" and \"OFF\" sites of MsbA (Class I Ms", "synonym_substitution": "Aims are: 1. Structural studies of MsbA with anti - cancer compounds and nucleotide analogue. 2. running cogitation of MsbA and the detection of inhibitor. 3. Structural cogitation of MsbA with compounds that occupy the \" ON \" and \" OFF \" site of MsbA (Class I Ms", "butter_fingers": " Ails are: 1. Structural studits of MsbA with auri-cancxr compkunds ana nucleotide analogs. 2. Functilnql stydies of MsbA and the aetection of inhivitocs. 3. Structural svhdies on MsbZ witk rompounds that pccupy the \"ON\" and \"OFF\" sider lf MsbA (Class I Ms", "random_deletion": "Aims are: 1. Structural studies of MsbA compounds nucleotide analogs. Functional studies of inhibitors. Structural studies of with compounds that the \"ON\" and \"OFF\" sites of (Class I Ms", "change_char_case": " Aims are: 1. Structural studies oF MsbA with aNti-caNceR coMpOundS and Nucleotide analOGs. 2. FuNctional studies of MsbA aNd the DeTEctiON oF inhiBitors. 3. STRuCTUraL sTuDieS oF msBA witH coMpounds That occupy The \"oN\" And \"OFF\" sites oF msBA (Class I Ms", "whitespace_perturbation": " Aims are: 1. Structural s tudies ofMsbAwit h a nt i-ca ncer compounds and nucl eotide analogs. 2. Fun ction al stud i es of M sbA and th e det ec ti onof in hibit ors . 3. St ructural s tud ie s of MsbA wi t hcompoundstha t occupy the \"O N\" and \" OFF \" site s o f Msb A (Cla s s I Ms ", "underscore_trick": " Aims_are: 1._Structural studies of MsbA_with anti-cancer_compounds_and nucleotide_analogs._2. Functional studies_of MsbA and_the detection of inhibitors._3. Structural studies_of_MsbA with compounds that occupy the \"ON\" and \"OFF\" sites of MsbA (Class I_Ms"} +{"text": " Aguayo, 1981; Bently and Aguayo, 1982; Guth et al., 1981; Silver and Ogawa, 1983; Goldberg et al., 1986). These findings have renewed interest in regeneration of central nervous system neurons with much of the attention focused on inducing regeneration in species that under normal conditions exhibit little", "synonym_substitution": "Aguayo, 1981; Bently and Aguayo, 1982; Guth et al. , 1981; Silver and Ogawa, 1983; Goldberg et al. , 1986). These findings have renewed interest in regeneration of cardinal skittish system neurons with much of the care focused on induce regeneration in coinage that under normal conditions exhibit little", "butter_fingers": " Agkayo, 1981; Bently and Aguayo, 1982; Guth et al., 1981; Silver anv Ogawa, 1983; Goldbefg et al., 1986). These findings havx rebewed interest in regeneratkon of cejtral neevouw system nendons wibk mucg of chx attention focosed on induwing regenerathov nn species that under normal conditijns exhoblt little", "random_deletion": "Aguayo, 1981; Bently and Aguayo, 1982; Guth 1981; and Ogawa, Goldberg et al., interest regeneration of central system neurons with of the attention focused on inducing in species that under normal conditions exhibit little", "change_char_case": " Aguayo, 1981; Bently and Aguayo, 1982; Guth Et al., 1981; Silver And OgAwa, 1983; golDbErg eT al., 1986). THese findings haVE renEwed interest in regeneraTion oF cENtraL NeRvous System nEUrONS wiTh MuCh oF tHE aTtentIon Focused On inducing RegEnEration in speCIeS that under NorMal conditionS exHibit lItTle", "whitespace_perturbation": " Aguayo, 1981; Bently andAguayo, 19 82; G uth et a l.,1981 ; Silver and O g awa, 1983; Goldberg et al. , 198 6) . The s efindi ngs hav e r e n ewe din ter es t i n reg ene rationof central ne rv ous system n e ur ons with m uch of the atte nti on foc us edo n ind uci ng re genera t ion in speciesth a t unde r normal c on diti ons exhibit littl e ", "underscore_trick": " Aguayo,_1981; Bently_and Aguayo, 1982; Guth_et al.,_1981;_Silver and_Ogawa,_1983; Goldberg et_al., 1986). These_findings have renewed interest_in regeneration of_central_nervous system neurons with much of the attention focused on inducing regeneration in species_that_under normal_conditions_exhibit_little"} +{"text": " aspects of cooperative group activities, including accrual, administrative and scientific input and data quality, the specific aims of the proposal for the next six years are to: 1. continue to enhance accrual in all disease site and modalities, beyong our current particpation, particularly in breast and lung cancers. 2.", "synonym_substitution": "aspects of cooperative group activities, including accrual, administrative and scientific stimulation and datum quality, the specific aims of the marriage proposal for the next six year are to: 1. continue to enhance accrual in all disease web site and modalities, beyong our current particpation, particularly in breast and lung cancers. 2.", "butter_fingers": " asoects of cooperative gromp activities, ineouding accruzl, adminkstrative and scientific inpnt abd dauc quality, the specifkc aims ov the priposel for the next six years are fl: 1. cmitinue to enhange accrual hn all disease sktz and modalities, beyong our current [articpstlon, particularjy im brezst and lung cancers. 2.", "random_deletion": "aspects of cooperative group activities, including accrual, scientific and data the specific aims next years are to: continue to enhance in all disease site and modalities, our current particpation, particularly in breast and lung cancers. 2.", "change_char_case": " aspects of cooperative group Activities, IncluDinG acCrUal, aDminIstrative and scIEntiFic input and data quality, The spEcIFic aIMs Of the ProposaL FoR THe nExT sIx yEaRS aRe to: 1. cOntInue to eNhance accrUal In All disease siTE aNd modalitiEs, bEyong our currEnt ParticPaTioN, PartiCulArly iN breasT And lunG cancers. 2.", "whitespace_perturbation": " aspects of cooperative gr oup activi ties, in clu di ng a ccru al, administra t iveand scientific input a nd da ta qual i ty , the specif i ca i msof t hepr o po sal f orthe nex t six year s a re to: 1. cont i nu e to enhan ceaccrual in a lldiseas esit e andmod aliti es, be y ong ou r current p a rticpa t ion, pa r t ic ular ly in breast andl un g cancers. 2.", "underscore_trick": " aspects_of cooperative_group activities, including accrual,_administrative and_scientific_input and_data_quality, the specific_aims of the_proposal for the next_six years are_to:_1. continue to enhance accrual in all disease site and modalities, beyong our current_particpation,_particularly in_breast_and_lung cancers. 2."} +{"text": "orphic structures in the cortex and the behavior(s) mediated by this brain region. Our results will provide new important information on the functional link between alternative splicing and brain sexual differentiation. Successful completion of this project will also help the PI establish a new line of research in neuroendocrinology with the enhanced competitiveness", "synonym_substitution": "orphic structures in the cortex and the behavior(s) mediated by this mind area. Our results will provide newfangled crucial information on the functional radio link between alternate splicing and brain sexual differentiation. Successful completion of this project will besides help the PI establish a new line of inquiry in neuroendocrinology with the enhanced competitiveness", "butter_fingers": "orpjic structures in the covtex and the behccior(s) kediatsd by thks brain region. Our results xill provude new important infofmation oj the fubctiibal link bxfween alternaflve s'lmcing and brain sexual dixferentiation. Vuzczssful completion of this project wijl also hflp the PI estwblixr a hvw line of research in neuroendkcrinolmgy with the rnhanced competitiveness", "random_deletion": "orphic structures in the cortex and the by brain region. results will provide functional between alternative splicing brain sexual differentiation. completion of this project will also the PI establish a new line of research in neuroendocrinology with the enhanced", "change_char_case": "orphic structures in the cortEx and the beHavioR(s) mEdiAtEd by This Brain region. Our REsulTs will provide new importAnt inFoRMatiON oN the fUnctionAL lINK beTwEeN alTeRNaTive sPliCing and Brain sexuaL diFfErentiation. SUCcEssful compLetIon of this proJecT will aLsO heLP the Pi esTabliSh a new LIne of rEsearch in NeURoendoCRinologY WItH the Enhanced competitiVEnESs", "whitespace_perturbation": "orphic structures in the c ortex andthe b eha vio r( s) m edia ted by this br a in r egion. Our results wil l pro vi d e ne w i mport ant inf o rm a t ion o nthe f u nc tiona l l ink bet ween alter nat iv e splicing a n dbrain sexu aldifferentiat ion . Succ es sfu l comp let ion o f this projec t will al so help t h e PI es t a bl isha new line of res e ar c h in neuroendo crinol og y w i t h t heenhanced c om petit i veness", "underscore_trick": "orphic structures_in the_cortex and the behavior(s)_mediated by_this_brain region._Our_results will provide_new important information_on the functional link_between alternative splicing_and_brain sexual differentiation. Successful completion of this project will also help the PI establish_a_new line_of_research_in neuroendocrinology with the enhanced_competitiveness"} +{"text": " (T-cell intrinsic vs. T-cell extrinsic), de?ne the role of T cells, speci?c to irrelevant antigens, in the formation of clusters, and quantify the impact of T cell cluster size on the ef?ciency at which liver stages are eliminated. In speci?c Aim 2", "synonym_substitution": "(T - cell intrinsic vs. T - cell extrinsic), de?ne the role of metric ton cell, speci?c to irrelevant antigens, in the formation of clusters, and quantify the shock of T cell bunch size on the ef?ciency at which liver stages are eliminated. In speci?c Aim 2", "butter_fingers": " (T-cfll intrinsic vs. T-cell ewtrinsic), de?ne thg eole oh T celms, speci?z to irrelevant antigens, in vhe dormaupon of clusters, and qjantify tje impacr of R cell cluster sizc on fme ef?eixncy at which llver stages are eliminateg. Kn speci?c Aim 2", "random_deletion": "(T-cell intrinsic vs. T-cell extrinsic), de?ne the T speci?c to antigens, in the the of T cell size on the at which liver stages are eliminated. speci?c Aim 2", "change_char_case": " (T-cell intrinsic vs. T-cell extrInsic), de?ne tHe rolE of t ceLlS, speCi?c tO irrelevant antIGens, In the formation of clusteRs, and QuANtifY ThE impaCt of T ceLL cLUSteR sIzE on ThE Ef?CiencY at Which liVer stages aRe eLiMinated. In speCI?c aim 2", "whitespace_perturbation": " (T-cell intrinsic vs. T-c ell extrin sic), de ?ne t he r oleof T cells, sp e ci?c to irrelevant antigen s, in t h e fo r ma tionof clus t er s , an dqu ant if y t he im pac t of Tcell clust ersi ze on the ef ? ci ency at wh ich liver stage s a re eli mi nat e d. In sp eci?c Aim 2 ", "underscore_trick": " (T-cell_intrinsic vs._T-cell extrinsic), de?ne the_role of_T_cells, speci?c_to_irrelevant antigens, in_the formation of_clusters, and quantify the_impact of T_cell_cluster size on the ef?ciency at which liver stages are eliminated. In speci?c Aim_2"} +{"text": " by passive immunization with xenoantisera, whereas evasion-negative tumors are rejected by some immunized mice and growth is markedly suppressed in others. Evasion-positive and -negative variants of FLC745 and RBL-5 lymphomas are being studied to establish the relationship between antigen evasion and tumor escape. X", "synonym_substitution": "by passive immunization with xenoantisera, whereas evasion - negative tumors are rejected by some immunized mouse and increase is markedly suppressed in others. Evasion - positive and -negative variants of FLC745 and RBL-5 lymphoma are being studied to establish the relationship between antigen evasion and tumor evasion. X", "butter_fingers": " by passive immunization wiuh xenoantisera, wkwreas xvasion-hegative tumors are rejected by some inmunievd mice and growth is markedly suppreswed mn others. Evasioi-lositivc and -kegatnvx variants of FKC745 and RBL-5 lymphomas are bdiug studied to establish the relationfhip beywfen antigen evwsiom and nunor escape. X", "random_deletion": "by passive immunization with xenoantisera, whereas evasion-negative rejected some immunized and growth is and variants of FLC745 RBL-5 lymphomas are studied to establish the relationship between evasion and tumor escape. X", "change_char_case": " by passive immunization with XenoantiseRa, wheReaS evAsIon-nEgatIve tumors are reJEcteD by some immunized mice anD growTh IS marKEdLy supPressed IN oTHErs. evAsIon-PoSItIve anD -neGative vAriants of FlC745 aNd rBL-5 lymphomas ARe Being studiEd tO establish thE reLationShIp bETween AntIgen eVasion ANd tumoR escape. X", "whitespace_perturbation": " by passive immunization w ith xenoan tiser a,whe re as e vasi on-negative tu m orsare rejected by some i mmuni ze d mic e a nd gr owth is ma r k edl ysu ppr es s ed in o the rs. Eva sion-posit ive a nd -negative va riants ofFLC 745 and RBL- 5 l ymphom as ar e bein g s tudie d to e s tablis h the rel at i onship between a nt igen evasion and tumo r e s cape. X", "underscore_trick": " by_passive immunization_with xenoantisera, whereas evasion-negative_tumors are_rejected_by some_immunized_mice and growth_is markedly suppressed_in others. Evasion-positive and_-negative variants of_FLC745_and RBL-5 lymphomas are being studied to establish the relationship between antigen evasion and_tumor_escape. X"} +{"text": " validated on a number of well characterized performance and seroconversion panels for all five viruses and on large numbers (>1,000) of blood samples from normal blood donors. This test will provide a highly sensitive, cost-effective direct measure of infectious virus in blood and help further reduce the antibody-negative \"window\" period", "synonym_substitution": "validated on a number of well characterized performance and seroconversion panel for all five virus and on large numbers (> 1,000) of blood sample distribution from normal blood donors. This examination will put up a highly sensitive, cost - effective direct measure of infectious virus in lineage and help further dilute the antibody - damaging \" window \" period", "butter_fingers": " vapidated on a number of wtll characterized perforkance znd serozonversion panels for all fite vurusew and on large numbers (>1,000) of bloof samplew frin normal blood donors. Thjd tevv will provide s highly sansitive, cost-exfdccive direct measure of infectious viwus in nllod and help fortheg wedudv uhe antibody-negative \"window\" perios", "random_deletion": "validated on a number of well characterized seroconversion for all viruses and on samples normal blood donors. test will provide highly sensitive, cost-effective direct measure of virus in blood and help further reduce the antibody-negative \"window\" period", "change_char_case": " validated on a number of well cHaracterizEd perForManCe And sErocOnversion panelS For aLl five viruses and on largE numbErS (>1,000) Of blOOd SamplEs from nORmAL BloOd DoNorS. THIs Test wIll Provide A highly senSitIvE, cost-effectiVE dIrect measuRe oF infectious vIruS in bloOd And HElp fuRthEr redUce the ANtibodY-negative \"WiNDow\" perIOd", "whitespace_perturbation": " validated on a number ofwell chara cteri zed pe rf orma nceand seroconver s ionpanels for all five vi ruses a n d on la rge n umbers( >1 , 0 00) o fblo od sa mples fr om norm al blood d ono rs . This testw il l providea h ighly sensit ive , cost -e ffe c tivedir ect m easure of inf ectious v ir u s in b l ood and h el p fu rther reduce thea nt i body-negative\"windo w\" pe r i od", "underscore_trick": " validated_on a_number of well characterized_performance and_seroconversion_panels for_all_five viruses and_on large numbers_(>1,000) of blood samples_from normal blood_donors._This test will provide a highly sensitive, cost-effective direct measure of infectious virus in_blood_and help_further_reduce_the antibody-negative \"window\" period"} +{"text": " expression, promoting insulin resistance, and modulating ER stress-induced cell death in specific tissues. This hypothesis will be tested by three complementary Aims. In Aim 1 biochemical and molecular biological methods will be used to delineate the pathway(s) required for MLK3 activation by FFA. In Aim 2 biochemical and molecular", "synonym_substitution": "expression, promoting insulin resistance, and modulating ER tension - induce cell death in specific tissue. This guess will be tested by three complementary Aims. In Aim 1 biochemical and molecular biological method will be used to delineate the pathway(s) necessitate for MLK3 activation by FFA. In Aim 2 biochemical and molecular", "butter_fingers": " exoression, promoting insulln resistance, anb moduleting ED stress-knduced cell death in specifmc tussuew. This hypothesis will be testef by thrwe cinplementarb Aims. Ik Aim 1 bioehxmical and molegular biolocical methods fiul be used to delineate the pathway(s) wequirec vor MLK3 activajion nr FFZ. In Aim 2 biochemical and moleculad", "random_deletion": "expression, promoting insulin resistance, and modulating ER death specific tissues. hypothesis will be In 1 biochemical and biological methods will used to delineate the pathway(s) required MLK3 activation by FFA. In Aim 2 biochemical and molecular", "change_char_case": " expression, promoting insuliN resistancE, and mOduLatInG ER sTresS-induced cell deATh in Specific tissues. This hypOthesIs WIll bE TeSted bY three cOMpLEMenTaRy aimS. IN aiM 1 biocHemIcal and Molecular bIolOgIcal methods wILl Be used to deLinEate the pathwAy(s) RequirEd For mlK3 actIvaTion bY FFA. In aIm 2 biocHemical anD mOLeculaR", "whitespace_perturbation": " expression, promoting ins ulin resis tance , a ndmo dula ting ER stress-ind u cedcell death in specific tiss ue s . Th i shypot hesis w i ll b e t es te d b yt hr ee co mpl ementar y Aims. In Ai m1 biochemica l a nd molecul arbiological m eth ods wi ll be usedtodelin eate t h e path way(s) re qu i red fo r MLK3 a c t iv atio n by FFA. In Aim2 b i ochemical andmolecu la r ", "underscore_trick": " expression,_promoting insulin_resistance, and modulating ER_stress-induced cell_death_in specific_tissues._This hypothesis will_be tested by_three complementary Aims. In_Aim 1 biochemical_and_molecular biological methods will be used to delineate the pathway(s) required for MLK3 activation_by_FFA. In_Aim_2_biochemical and molecular"} +{"text": " other reports in the literature demonstrating upregulation of NF-kappaB and AP-1 as well as identify other important transcription factors not reported in the literature. These and other experiments, as well as published reports lead us to modify our hypothesis that increased expression of MAP3K8 occur in lung cancer and contribute to disease progression.", "synonym_substitution": "other reports in the literature demonstrating upregulation of NF - kappaB and AP-1 as well as identify early authoritative transcription factors not report in the literature. These and early experiments, as well as published report card lead us to modify our guess that increase expression of MAP3K8 happen in lung cancer and contribute to disease progression.", "butter_fingers": " otjer reports in the literxture demonstrajibg uprxgulatikn of NF-yappaB and AP-1 as well as ideitift othtg important transcripgion factlrs not eepocted in the liteczture. Tmzse ahf otkec experiments, ax well as [ublished repostr pead us to modify our hypothesis thwt incrraded expression of KWP3K8 kbcmr in lung cancer and contribute to distase progression.", "random_deletion": "other reports in the literature demonstrating upregulation and as well identify other important the These and other as well as reports lead us to modify our that increased expression of MAP3K8 occur in lung cancer and contribute to disease", "change_char_case": " other reports in the literatuRe demonstrAting UprEguLaTion Of NF-KappaB and AP-1 as wELl as Identify other important TransCrIPtioN FaCtors Not repoRTeD IN thE lItEraTuRE. THese aNd oTher expEriments, as WelL aS published rePOrTs lead us to ModIfy our hypothEsiS that iNcReaSEd expResSion oF MAP3K8 oCCur in lUng cancer AnD ContriBUte to diSEAsE proGression.", "whitespace_perturbation": " other reports in the lite rature dem onstr ati ngup regu lati on of NF-kappa B and AP-1 as well as ident ify o th e r im p or tanttranscr i pt i o n f ac to rsno t r eport edin theliterature . T he se and other ex periments, as well as pub lis hed re po rts leadusto mo dify o u r hypo thesis th at increa s ed expr e s si on o f MAP3K8 occur in lu n g cancer and c ontrib ut e t o dis eas e progress io n.", "underscore_trick": " other_reports in_the literature demonstrating upregulation_of NF-kappaB_and_AP-1 as_well_as identify other_important transcription factors_not reported in the_literature. These and_other_experiments, as well as published reports lead us to modify our hypothesis that increased_expression_of MAP3K8_occur_in_lung cancer and contribute to_disease progression."} +{"text": "41 but retains gliding function. Insertions in the P65 gene result in the dragging of surface adhesin P30 from the terminal organelle to the trailing end, where it detaches to leave a trail behind the gliding cell. In the absence of P41, P24 foci appear to move along the long", "synonym_substitution": "41 but retains gliding function. Insertions in the P65 gene leave in the dragging of open adhesin P30 from the terminal organelle to the trailing end, where it detach to entrust a trail behind the gliding cellular telephone. In the absence of P41, P24 foci appear to move along the retentive", "butter_fingers": "41 buh retains gliding functiun. Insertions iu the P65 gene desult iv the dragging of surface adiesib P30 feom the terminal organdlle to tje trailung tnd, where it detarges to leave z tranl behind the gllding cell. Hn the absence ow '41, P24 foci appear to move along the logg", "random_deletion": "41 but retains gliding function. Insertions in gene in the of surface adhesin to trailing end, where detaches to leave trail behind the gliding cell. In absence of P41, P24 foci appear to move along the long", "change_char_case": "41 but retains gliding function. insertions In the p65 geNe rEsUlt iN the Dragging of surfACe adHesin P30 from the terminal oRganeLlE To thE TrAilinG end, wheRE iT DEtaChEs To lEaVE a Trail BehInd the gLiding cell. in tHe Absence of P41, P24 fOCi Appear to moVe aLong the long", "whitespace_perturbation": "41 but retains gliding fun ction. Ins ertio nsinth e P6 5 ge ne result in t h e dr agging of surface adhe sin P 30 from th e ter minal o r ga n e lle t othe t r ai lingend , where it detach esto leave a tra i lbehind the gl iding cell.Inthe ab se nce of P4 1,P24 f oci ap p ear to move alo ng the lo n g", "underscore_trick": "41 but_retains gliding_function. Insertions in the_P65 gene_result_in the_dragging_of surface adhesin_P30 from the_terminal organelle to the_trailing end, where_it_detaches to leave a trail behind the gliding cell. In the absence of P41,_P24_foci appear_to_move_along the long"} +{"text": ", as cone photoreceptors are responsible for bright and color vision. At present, the mechanisms governing diabetes-induced photoreceptor degeneration are largely unexplored. Recent studies suggest that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a major angiogenic factor that is up-regulated under hypoxic and diabetic conditions, may play a role as a survival", "synonym_substitution": ", as cone photoreceptors are responsible for bright and color vision. At present, the mechanism govern diabetes - induced photoreceptor degeneration are largely unexplored. late studies suggest that vascular endothelial growth component (VEGF), a major angiogenic factor that is up - regulated under hypoxic and diabetic condition, may play a role as a survival", "butter_fingers": ", as cone photoreceptors are responsible fot vright and cklor viskon. At present, the mechanismd toverbing diabetes-induced pfotorecepnor degenwratmon are largely nhexplorcb. Recskt stbdmes suggest thaj vascular etdothelial groftf yactor (VEGF), a major angiogenic factow that os up-regulated ugder rypospc and diabetic conditions, may llay a gole as a survivak", "random_deletion": ", as cone photoreceptors are responsible for color At present, mechanisms governing diabetes-induced Recent suggest that vascular growth factor (VEGF), major angiogenic factor that is up-regulated hypoxic and diabetic conditions, may play a role as a survival", "change_char_case": ", as cone photoreceptors are reSponsible fOr briGht And CoLor vIsioN. At present, the mEChanIsms governing diabetes-iNduceD pHOtorECePtor dEgeneraTIoN ARe lArGeLy uNeXPlOred. REceNt studiEs suggest tHat VaScular endothELiAl growth faCtoR (VEGF), a major aNgiOgenic FaCtoR That iS up-RegulAted unDEr hypoXic and diaBeTIc condITions, maY PLaY a roLe as a survival", "whitespace_perturbation": ", as cone photoreceptors a re respons iblefor br ig ht a nd c olor vision. A t pre sent, the mechanisms g overn in g dia b et es-in duced p h ot o r ece pt or de ge n er ation ar e large ly unexplo red .Recent studi e ssuggest th atvascular end oth elialgr owt h fact or(VEGF ), a m a jor an giogenicfa c tor th a t is up - r eg ulat ed under hypoxica nd diabetic condi tions, m a yp l aya r ole as a s ur vival ", "underscore_trick": ", as_cone photoreceptors_are responsible for bright_and color_vision._At present,_the_mechanisms governing diabetes-induced_photoreceptor degeneration are_largely unexplored. Recent studies_suggest that vascular_endothelial_growth factor (VEGF), a major angiogenic factor that is up-regulated under hypoxic and diabetic_conditions,_may play_a_role_as a survival"} +{"text": " cells pointing at a highly specific transfer of information. In mice, the odorant receptors are encoded by a family of more than 1000 genes. A fundamental feature of the mammalian olfactory system is that each olfactory sensory neuron expresses just a single member of this vast family of genes. However, the details of the control of odorant", "synonym_substitution": "cells pointing at a highly specific transfer of information. In mouse, the odorant receptor are encoded by a family of more than 1000 genes. A cardinal feature of the mammalian olfactory system is that each olfactory sensory neuron express just a single extremity of this vast family of gene. However, the details of the control of odorant", "butter_fingers": " cepls pointing at a highly specific transywr of mnformafion. In oice, the odorant receptors ace ebcodee by a family of more ghan 1000 genvs. A fundqmenual feature of thx mammallcn olrwctoxy system is thaj each olfacdory sensory naufou expresses just a single member of ehis vaxt family of gengs. Hoeqver, nht details of the control of odoraht", "random_deletion": "cells pointing at a highly specific transfer In the odorant are encoded by 1000 A fundamental feature the mammalian olfactory is that each olfactory sensory neuron just a single member of this vast family of genes. However, the details the control of odorant", "change_char_case": " cells pointing at a highly speCific transFer of InfOrmAtIon. IN micE, the odorant recEPtorS are encoded by a family of More tHaN 1000 GeneS. a fUndamEntal feATuRE Of tHe MaMmaLiAN oLfactOry System iS that each oLfaCtOry sensory neURoN expresses JusT a single membEr oF this vAsT faMIly of GenEs. HowEver, thE DetailS of the conTrOL of odoRAnt", "whitespace_perturbation": " cells pointing at a highl y specific tran sfe r o finfo rmat ion. In mice,t he o dorant receptors are e ncode db y af am ily o f moret ha n 100 0ge nes .A f undam ent al feat ure of the ma mm alian olfact o ry system is th at each olfa cto ry sen so ryn euron ex press es jus t a sin gle membe ro f this vast fa m i ly ofgenes. However, t h ed etails of thecontro lo fo d ora nt", "underscore_trick": " cells_pointing at_a highly specific transfer_of information._In_mice, the_odorant_receptors are encoded_by a family_of more than 1000_genes. A fundamental_feature_of the mammalian olfactory system is that each olfactory sensory neuron expresses just a_single_member of_this_vast_family of genes. However, the_details of the control of_odorant"} +{"text": " will enable the mapping of how D1 and D2 MSNs encode cue information and concurrently establish causality. In the independent phase (R00), these cutting-edge techniques will be combined with the inducible ArcCreERT2 mice which express constructs (GCaMP6f/Opsins) selectively in cells that are activated", "synonym_substitution": "will enable the mapping of how D1 and D2 MSNs encode cue information and concurrently establish causality. In the autonomous phase (R00), these clipping - edge techniques will be compound with the inducible ArcCreERT2 shiner which express constructs (GCaMP6f / Opsins) selectively in cell that are activate", "butter_fingers": " wipl enable the mapping of how D1 and D2 MSUw encove cue jnformatkon and concurrently establidh causqlity. In the independevt phase (G00), these cyttiig-edge techniques will bc comglned civh the induciblg ArcCreERT2 kice which expsers constructs (GCaMP6f/Opsins) selectivelr in cekld that are actyvattd", "random_deletion": "will enable the mapping of how D1 MSNs cue information concurrently establish causality. these techniques will be with the inducible mice which express constructs (GCaMP6f/Opsins) selectively cells that are activated", "change_char_case": " will enable the mapping of how d1 and D2 MSNs eNcode Cue InfOrMatiOn anD concurrently eSTablIsh causality. In the indepEndenT pHAse (R00), THeSe cutTing-edgE TeCHNiqUeS wIll Be COmBined WitH the indUcible ArcCReErT2 Mice which expREsS constructS (GCAMP6f/Opsins) seLecTively In CelLS that Are ActivAted", "whitespace_perturbation": " will enable the mapping o f how D1 a nd D2 MS Nsen code cue information a n d co ncurrently establish c ausal it y . In th e ind ependen t p h a se(R 00 ),th e se cutt ing -edge t echniqueswil lbe combinedw it h the indu cib le ArcCreERT 2 m ice wh ic h e x press co nstru cts (G C aMP6f/ Opsins) s el e ctivel y in cel l s t hatare activated", "underscore_trick": " will_enable the_mapping of how D1_and D2_MSNs_encode cue_information_and concurrently establish_causality. In the_independent phase (R00), these_cutting-edge techniques will_be_combined with the inducible ArcCreERT2 mice which express constructs (GCaMP6f/Opsins) selectively in cells that_are_activated"} +{"text": " in mental health disorders. Eventually, such work may facilitate the identification of targets for prevention and intervention and provide a basis for program evaluation in terms of reducing risk at a biological level. The proposed fellowship training covers stress neurobiology in the context of environmental risk, fMRI methods with challenging populations, and rs-fcMRI analyses.", "synonym_substitution": "in mental health disorders. Eventually, such work may help the designation of targets for prevention and intervention and leave a footing for program evaluation in terms of reducing hazard at a biological horizontal surface. The proposed family training covers try neurobiology in the context of environmental risk, fMRI methods with challenging population, and rs - fcMRI analyses.", "butter_fingers": " in mental health disorders. Eventually, suck work kay fadilitate the identification of targevs fir prtnention and interventkon and pgovide a vasiw for progrej evaluation jk terkw of reducing tisk at a bimlogical level. Tfe proposed fellowship training coverf stresx jeurobiology ig tht cjntesn if environmental risk, fMRI mefhods wpth challenging pppulations, and rs-fcMRI anapysed.", "random_deletion": "in mental health disorders. Eventually, such work the of targets prevention and intervention program in terms of risk at a level. The proposed fellowship training covers neurobiology in the context of environmental risk, fMRI methods with challenging populations, and analyses.", "change_char_case": " in mental health disorders. EvEntually, suCh worK maY faCiLitaTe thE identificatioN Of taRgets for prevention and iNtervEnTIon aND pRovidE a basis FOr PROgrAm EvAluAtIOn In terMs oF reduciNg risk at a bIolOgIcal level. The PRoPosed felloWshIp training coVerS stresS nEurOBioloGy iN the cOntext OF envirOnmental rIsK, FMRI meTHods witH CHaLlenGing populations, anD Rs-FCMRI analyses.", "whitespace_perturbation": " in mental health disorder s. Eventua lly,suc h w or k ma y fa cilitate the i d enti fication of targets fo r pre ve n tion an d int erventi o na n d p ro vi deab as is fo r p rogramevaluation in t erms of redu c in g risk ata b iological le vel . Thepr opo s ed fe llo wship train i ng cov ers stres sn eurobi o logy in t he con text of environme n ta l risk, fMRI me thodswi t hc h all eng ing popula ti ons,a nd rs-f c MR I a nal y ses.", "underscore_trick": " in_mental health_disorders. Eventually, such work_may facilitate_the_identification of_targets_for prevention and_intervention and provide_a basis for program_evaluation in terms_of_reducing risk at a biological level. The proposed fellowship training covers stress neurobiology in_the_context of_environmental_risk,_fMRI methods with challenging populations,_and rs-fcMRI analyses."} +{"text": " of the ivermectin-treated patients was significantly greater than the ~15% rate of the DEC group. Side effects were qualitatively and quantitatively identical for both groups. Thus, though ivermectin appeared somewhat less effective than DEC at 6 months, its single-oral-dose mode of administration with toxicity no greater", "synonym_substitution": "of the ivermectin - treated patients was significantly greater than the ~15% pace of the DEC group. slope effects were qualitatively and quantitatively identical for both groups. therefore, though ivermectin appeared reasonably less effective than DEC at 6 months, its single - oral - venereal disease mode of administration with perniciousness no great", "butter_fingers": " of the ivermectin-treated pxtients was siguuficanvly grezter thav the ~15% rate of the DEC group. Sude edfects were qualitativdly and qlantitaticely udentical hkr both groupa. Thuv, though ivermegtin appearad somewhat levs eyfective than DEC at 6 months, its sindle-oral-code mode of admynisuraeion with toxicity no greater", "random_deletion": "of the ivermectin-treated patients was significantly greater ~15% of the group. Side effects for groups. Thus, though appeared somewhat less than DEC at 6 months, its mode of administration with toxicity no greater", "change_char_case": " of the ivermectin-treated patIents was siGnifiCanTly GrEateR thaN the ~15% rate of the Dec groUp. Side effects were qualiTativElY And qUAnTitatIvely idENtICAl fOr BoTh gRoUPs. thus, tHouGh ivermEctin appeaRed SoMewhat less efFEcTive than DEc at 6 Months, its sinGle-Oral-doSe ModE Of admIniStratIon witH ToxiciTy no greatEr", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the ivermectin-treated patientswas s ign ifi ca ntly gre ater than the~ 15%rate of the DEC group. Side e f fect s w ere q ualitat i ve l y an dqu ant it a ti velyide nticalfor both g rou ps . Thus, thou g hivermectin ap peared somew hat lessef fec t ive t han DECat 6 m o nths,its singl e- o ral-do s e modeo f a dmin istration with to x ic i ty no greater", "underscore_trick": " of_the ivermectin-treated_patients was significantly greater_than the_~15%_rate of_the_DEC group. Side_effects were qualitatively_and quantitatively identical for_both groups. Thus,_though_ivermectin appeared somewhat less effective than DEC at 6 months, its single-oral-dose mode of_administration_with toxicity_no_greater"} +{"text": "WF. The functional domains on the vWF molecule will be identified and characterized by proteolytic fragmentation of the vWF, by chemical and enzymatic modification of vWF, and by use of monoclonal antibodies to vWF. The platelet receptor for vWF will be isolated by affinity chromatography and will also be identified in situ by photo", "synonym_substitution": "WF. The functional domains on the vWF molecule will be identified and qualify by proteolytic atomization of the vWF, by chemical and enzymatic modification of vWF, and by use of monoclonal antibody antibodies to vWF. The platelet receptor for vWF will be isolate by affinity chromatography and will also be identified in situ by photograph", "butter_fingers": "WF. Hhe functional domains ok the vWF molecule will be idsntified and characterized by proteopyric feagmentation of the vWW, by chempcal and wnzynqtic modifmdation of vWF, wnd yy use of monoclpnal antibmdies to vWF. Tve ppatelet receptor for vWF will be isjlated ny affinity chroiatobwaphg and will also be identified in sjtu by khoto", "random_deletion": "WF. The functional domains on the vWF be and characterized proteolytic fragmentation of enzymatic of vWF, and use of monoclonal to vWF. The platelet receptor for will be isolated by affinity chromatography and will also be identified in situ photo", "change_char_case": "WF. The functional domains on tHe vWF molecUle wiLl bE idEnTifiEd anD characterized BY proTeolytic fragmentation oF the vwF, BY cheMIcAl and EnzymatIC mODIfiCaTiOn oF vwf, aNd by uSe oF monoclOnal antiboDieS tO vWF. The plateLEt Receptor foR vWf will be isolaTed By affiNiTy cHRomatOgrAphy aNd will ALso be iDentified In SItu by pHOto", "whitespace_perturbation": "WF. The functional domains on the vW F mol ecu lewi ll b e id entified and c h arac terized by proteolytic frag me n tati o nof th e vWF,b yc h emi ca land e n zy matic mo dificat ion of vWF , a nd by use of m o no clonal ant ibo dies to vWF. Th e plat el etr ecept orfor v WF wil l be is olated by a f finity chromat o g ra phyand will also bei de n tified in situ by ph ot o ", "underscore_trick": "WF. The_functional domains_on the vWF molecule_will be_identified_and characterized_by_proteolytic fragmentation of_the vWF, by_chemical and enzymatic modification_of vWF, and_by_use of monoclonal antibodies to vWF. The platelet receptor for vWF will be isolated_by_affinity chromatography_and_will_also be identified in situ_by photo"} +{"text": " test a hypothesis that functional HSC generation from ES cells can be greatly improved by temporal ER71, GATA2 and Scl co-expression. We will determine if ES and iPS derived CD41+cKit+CD150+ cells could reconstitute hematopoietic system of the mouse and if temporal ER71, G", "synonym_substitution": "test a hypothesis that functional HSC generation from ES cell can be greatly better by temporal ER71, GATA2 and Scl co - expression. We will decide if ES and iPS derived CD41+cKit+CD150 + cells could restructure hematopoietic system of the mouse and if temporal ER71, G", "butter_fingers": " tedt a hypothesis that fungtional HSC genetarion fcom ES dells cav be greatly improved by tem'orao ER71, TATA2 and Scl co-expresskon. We wipl deternine uf ES and mLS deriyzd CD41+dNit+CB150+ rells could recpnstitute vematopoietic vyrtzm of the mouse and if temporal ER71, G", "random_deletion": "test a hypothesis that functional HSC generation cells be greatly by temporal ER71, will if ES and derived CD41+cKit+CD150+ cells reconstitute hematopoietic system of the mouse if temporal ER71, G", "change_char_case": " test a hypothesis that functiOnal HSC genEratiOn fRom eS CellS can Be greatly improVEd by Temporal ER71, GATA2 and Scl co-ExpreSsIOn. We WIlL deteRmine if es aND IPS DeRiVed cD41+CkiT+CD150+ ceLls Could reConstitute HemAtOpoietic systEM oF the mouse aNd iF temporal ER71, G", "whitespace_perturbation": " test a hypothesis that fu nctional H SC ge ner ati on fro m ES cells can beg reat ly improved by tempora l ER7 1, GATA 2 a nd Sc l co-ex p re s s ion .We wi ll de termi neif ES a nd iPS der ive dCD41+cKit+CD 1 50 + cells co uld reconstitut e h ematop oi eti c syst emof th e mous e and i f tempora lE R71, G ", "underscore_trick": " test_a hypothesis_that functional HSC generation_from ES_cells_can be_greatly_improved by temporal_ER71, GATA2 and_Scl co-expression. We will_determine if ES_and_iPS derived CD41+cKit+CD150+ cells could reconstitute hematopoietic system of the mouse and if temporal_ER71,_G"} +{"text": ". The Mission of NUCATS 2.0 is Speeding transformative research discoveries to patients and the population. Our Vision is to transform NUCATS into a national model of a highly integrated academic nexus that continually increases the quality, safety, efficiency and speed of innovative C&T research, by pursuing three Global", "synonym_substitution": ". The Mission of NUCATS 2.0 is Speeding transformative research discoveries to patients and the population. Our Vision is to translate NUCATS into a home mannequin of a highly integrated academic link that continually increases the timbre, safety, efficiency and speed of advanced C&T research, by pursuing three Global", "butter_fingers": ". Thf Mission of NUCATS 2.0 is Rpeeding transformativx reseadch discuveries to patients and the 'opuoatiob. Our Vision is to travsform NUBATS into a netional model of a highln intsnrateb ecademic nexus jhat continudlly increases tfe quality, safety, efficiency and speeq of inmogative C&T resewrch, fy phgsming three Global", "random_deletion": ". The Mission of NUCATS 2.0 is research to patients the population. Our into national model of highly integrated academic that continually increases the quality, safety, and speed of innovative C&T research, by pursuing three Global", "change_char_case": ". The Mission of NUCATS 2.0 is SpeedIng transfoRmatiVe rEseArCh diScovEries to patientS And tHe population. Our Vision iS to trAnSForm nuCaTS inTo a natiONaL MOdeL oF a HigHlY InTegraTed AcademiC nexus that ConTiNually increaSEs The quality, SafEty, efficiencY anD speed Of InnOVativE C&T ReseaRch, by pURsuing Three GlobAl", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The Mission of NUCATS 2. 0 is Speed ing t ran sfo rm ativ e re search discove r iesto patients and the po pulat io n . Ou r V ision is tot ra n s for mNU CAT Si nt o a n ati onal mo del of a h igh ly integrateda ca demic nexu s t hat continua lly incre as est he qu ali ty, s afety, effici ency andsp e ed ofi nnovati v e C &T r esearch, by pursu i ng three Global", "underscore_trick": ". The_Mission of_NUCATS 2.0 is Speeding_transformative research_discoveries_to patients_and_the population. Our_Vision is to_transform NUCATS into a_national model of_a_highly integrated academic nexus that continually increases the quality, safety, efficiency and speed of_innovative_C&T research,_by_pursuing_three Global"} +{"text": " [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] DESCRIPTION: (Applicant's Abstract) This 5-year study, proposed by the UCLA Drug Abuse Research Center (DARC) and National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. (NDRI), is intended to increase our knowledge of the long-term outcomes and costs", "synonym_substitution": "[ unreadable ] [ unreadable ] [ unreadable ] DESCRIPTION: (Applicant's Abstract) This 5 - year discipline, aim by the UCLA Drug Abuse Research Center (DARC) and National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. (NDRI), is intended to increase our knowledge of the long - terminus outcomes and costs", "butter_fingers": " [ungeadable] [unreadable] [unrexdable] DESCRIPTNIN: (Appnicant'a Abstrazt) This 5-year study, proposed uy tye UCOA Drug Abuse Research Center (DWRC) and Batiibal Develo'jent and Resezvch Iusvitutes, Inc. (NDRL), is intendad to increase ojr knowledge of the long-term outcomes and coxtd", "random_deletion": "[unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] DESCRIPTION: (Applicant's Abstract) This proposed the UCLA Abuse Research Center Research Inc. (NDRI), is to increase our of the long-term outcomes and costs", "change_char_case": " [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreaDable] DESCRiPTIOn: (ApPliCaNt's ABstrAct) This 5-year stuDY, proPosed by the UCLA Drug AbusE ReseArCH CenTEr (dARC) aNd NatioNAl dEVelOpMeNt aNd rEsEarch insTitutes, inc. (NDRI), is iNteNdEd to increase OUr Knowledge oF thE long-term outComEs and cOsTs", "whitespace_perturbation": " [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadab le] D ESC RIP TI ON:(App licant's Abstr a ct)This 5-year study, pro posed b y the UC LA Dr ug Abus e R e s ear ch C ent er (D ARC)and Nation al Develop men tand Research In stitutes,Inc . (NDRI), is in tended t o i n creas e o ur kn owledg e of th e long-te rm outcom e s and c o s ts ", "underscore_trick": " [unreadable]_[unreadable] [unreadable]_DESCRIPTION: (Applicant's Abstract) This_5-year study,_proposed_by the_UCLA_Drug Abuse Research_Center (DARC) and_National Development and Research_Institutes, Inc. (NDRI),_is_intended to increase our knowledge of the long-term outcomes and costs"} +{"text": " of how Syk functions to suppress the malignant phenotype of breast cancer cells is of considerable importance to our understanding of the critical pathways involved in growth control in breast epithelial cells and to the identification of possible, novel therapeutic targets. Preliminary studies have led to the hypothesis that Syk regulates two important aspects of of epithelial cell function:", "synonym_substitution": "of how Syk functions to suppress the malignant phenotype of breast cancer cells is of considerable importance to our understanding of the critical nerve pathway imply in growth control in breast epithelial cells and to the recognition of possible, novel curative targets. Preliminary studies have led to the guess that Syk determine two important aspect of of epithelial cell function:", "butter_fingers": " of how Syk functions to sukpress the maligncbt pheiotype kf breasg cancer cells is of considecablw impirtance to our understxnding of the criricao pathways mhvolved in grkath eoitrol in breast epithelian cells and to tfe identification of possible, novel trerapeuyif targets. Prelyminswy sfldles have led to the hypothesis tgat Syk regulates twp important aspects of of fpitjelial cell functiln:", "random_deletion": "of how Syk functions to suppress the of cancer cells of considerable importance critical involved in growth in breast epithelial and to the identification of possible, therapeutic targets. Preliminary studies have led to the hypothesis that Syk regulates two aspects of of epithelial cell function:", "change_char_case": " of how Syk functions to suppreSs the maligNant pHenOtyPe Of brEast Cancer cells is oF ConsIderable importance to ouR undeRsTAndiNG oF the cRitical PAtHWAys InVoLveD iN GrOwth cOntRol in brEast epitheLiaL cElls and to the IDeNtificatioN of Possible, noveL thErapeuTiC taRGets. PRelIminaRy studIEs have Led to the hYpOThesis THat Syk rEGUlAtes Two important aspecTS oF Of epithelial ceLl funcTiON:", "whitespace_perturbation": " of how Syk functions to s uppress th e mal ign ant p heno type of breast can c er c ells is of considerabl e imp or t ance to ourunderst a nd i n g o fth e c ri t ic al pa thw ays inv olved in g row th control inb re ast epithe lia l cells andtothe id en tif i catio n o f pos sible, noveltherapeut ic target s . Preli m i na ry s tudies have led t o t h e hypothesis t hat Sy kr eg u l ate s t wo importa nt aspe c ts of o f e p i t hel i al cell funct ion:", "underscore_trick": " of_how Syk_functions to suppress the_malignant phenotype_of_breast cancer_cells_is of considerable_importance to our_understanding of the critical_pathways involved in_growth_control in breast epithelial cells and to the identification of possible, novel therapeutic targets._Preliminary_studies have_led_to_the hypothesis that Syk regulates_two important aspects of of_epithelial cell_function:"} +{"text": " could be used to indirectly image the stress response in non-infarcted human tissues. Studies of stress gene induction in ischemic human brain will be performed to show that the patterns of HSP70 and other stress gene induction are similar in human and rodent brain. The induction of the heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1", "synonym_substitution": "could be used to indirectly image the stress response in non - infarcted human tissue. cogitation of stress gene evocation in ischemic human genius will be performed to show that the convention of HSP70 and early stress gene induction are similar in human and rodent brain. The induction of the heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1", "butter_fingers": " cokld be used to indirectln image the stress respmnse ih non-infxrcted human tissues. Studies od strtfs gene induction kn ischempc human vraii will be performed to smjw tgwt tke patterns of HXP70 and othar stress gene ivdbction are similar in human and rodegt braim. Hhe induction jf tnq hejv ixygenase-1 (HO-1", "random_deletion": "could be used to indirectly image the in human tissues. of stress gene will performed to show the patterns of and other stress gene induction are in human and rodent brain. The induction of the heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1", "change_char_case": " could be used to indirectly imAge the streSs resPonSe iN nOn-inFarcTed human tissueS. studIes of stress gene inductiOn in iScHEmic HUmAn braIn will bE PeRFOrmEd To ShoW tHAt The paTteRns of HSp70 and other sTreSs Gene inductioN ArE similar in HumAn and rodent bRaiN. The inDuCtiON of thE heMe oxyGenase-1 (ho-1", "whitespace_perturbation": " could be used to indirect ly image t he st res s r es pons e in non-infarcted huma n tissues. Studies ofstres sg enei nd uctio n in is c he m i c h um an br ai n w ill b e p erforme d to showtha tthe patterns of HSP70 and ot her stress g ene induc ti ona re si mil ar in human and ro dent brai n. The in d uctiono f t he h eme oxygenase-1 ( H O- 1 ", "underscore_trick": " could_be used_to indirectly image the_stress response_in_non-infarcted human_tissues._Studies of stress_gene induction in_ischemic human brain will_be performed to_show_that the patterns of HSP70 and other stress gene induction are similar in human_and_rodent brain._The_induction_of the heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1"} +{"text": ". We concluded (Aloia et al., Cancer Res. 70:10028-10033, 2010) that the positive reports from other laboratories likely represented false positives. For example, positive PCR results can result from contamination with minuscule amounts of mouse DNA, and positive IHC results can arise if the antisera react", "synonym_substitution": ". We concluded (Aloia et al. , Cancer Res. 70:10028 - 10033, 2010) that the positive reports from other lab probably represented false positive. For exemplar, positive PCR results can leave from contamination with minuscule amounts of shiner DNA, and incontrovertible IHC results can get up if the antisera react", "butter_fingers": ". We concluded (Aloia et al., Cxncer Res. 70:10028-10033, 2010) thaj rhe povitive reports from other laboratories likxly eeprewented false positives. For examile, posituve KCR results can rxault from confwminctmon with minuscole amounts mf mouse DNA, atd plsitive IHC results can arise if thq antisrrw react", "random_deletion": ". We concluded (Aloia et al., Cancer 2010) the positive from other laboratories example, PCR results can from contamination with amounts of mouse DNA, and positive results can arise if the antisera react", "change_char_case": ". We concluded (Aloia et al., CanceR Res. 70:10028-10033, 2010) that thE posiTivE rePoRts fRom oTher laboratoriES likEly represented false posItiveS. FOR exaMPlE, posiTive PCR REsULTs cAn ReSulT fROm ContaMinAtion wiTh minusculE amOuNts of mouse DNa, AnD positive IhC rEsults can ariSe iF the anTiSerA React", "whitespace_perturbation": ". We concluded (Aloia et a l., Cancer Res. 70 :10 02 8-10 033, 2010) that th e pos itive reports from oth er la bo r ator i es like ly repr e se n t edfa ls e p os i ti ves.For exampl e, positiv e P CR results can re sult fromcon tamination w ith minus cu lea mount s o f mou se DNA , and p ositive I HC result s can ar i s eif t he antisera react ", "underscore_trick": ". We_concluded (Aloia_et al., Cancer Res._70:10028-10033, 2010)_that_the positive_reports_from other laboratories_likely represented false_positives. For example, positive_PCR results can_result_from contamination with minuscule amounts of mouse DNA, and positive IHC results can arise_if_the antisera_react"} +{"text": "-funded studies have enabled us to develop large tissue banks with detailed clinical information on all patients. In this proposal, we intend to utilize these resources in order to generate molecular staging tools and to identify novel therapeutic targets to improve the treatment of esophageal adenocarcinoma patients. Specifically, we propose to examine the genome of EA using high density", "synonym_substitution": "-funded studies have enabled us to develop large tissue bank with detailed clinical data on all patients. In this proposal, we mean to use these resources in order to generate molecular theatrical production tools and to identify fresh curative targets to improve the discussion of esophageal adenocarcinoma patients. Specifically, we propose to probe the genome of EA use high concentration", "butter_fingers": "-funfed studies have enabled us to develop large tmssue bznks witf detailed clinical informatmon in alo patients. In this prooosal, we pntend to utiouze these cssources in odfer co generate molegular stagitg tools and tm kdzntify novel therapeutic targets to ymprove tje treatment os esp[hagsal adenocarcinoma patients. Specifjcally, xe propose to ecamine the genome of EA uslng jigh density", "random_deletion": "-funded studies have enabled us to develop banks detailed clinical on all patients. to these resources in to generate molecular tools and to identify novel therapeutic to improve the treatment of esophageal adenocarcinoma patients. Specifically, we propose to examine genome of EA using high density", "change_char_case": "-funded studies have enabled uS to develop Large TisSue BaNks wIth dEtailed clinicaL InfoRmation on all patients. In This pRoPOsal, WE iNtend To utiliZE tHESe rEsOuRceS iN OrDer to GenErate moLecular staGinG tOols and to ideNTiFy novel theRapEutic targets To iMprove ThE trEAtmenT of EsophAgeal aDEnocarCinoma patIeNTs. SpecIFically, WE PrOposE to examine the genoME oF eA using high denSity", "whitespace_perturbation": "-funded studies have enabl ed us to d evelo p l arg etiss ue b anks with deta i ledclinical information o n all p a tien t s. In t his pro p os a l , w ein ten dt outili zethese r esources i n o rd er to genera t emolecularsta ging tools a ndto ide nt ify novel th erape utic t a rgetsto improv et he tre a tment o f es opha geal adenocarcino m ap atients. Speci ficall y, we p rop ose to examin ethe g e nome of EA u s ing high density", "underscore_trick": "-funded studies_have enabled_us to develop large_tissue banks_with_detailed clinical_information_on all patients._In this proposal,_we intend to utilize_these resources in_order_to generate molecular staging tools and to identify novel therapeutic targets to improve the_treatment_of esophageal_adenocarcinoma_patients._Specifically, we propose to examine_the genome of EA using_high density"} +{"text": " use Pharmacology in their careers as active research scientists in leadership roles. This is an interdisciplinary training program composed of students from an innovative triumvirate of Departments of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering. Leadership in the program is provided by a Director, Co- Director, Executive, Admissions", "synonym_substitution": "use Pharmacology in their careers as active research scientists in leadership function. This is an interdisciplinary education program composed of student from an advanced triumvirate of Departments of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering. Leadership in the program is provided by a Director, Co- Director, Executive, Admissions", "butter_fingers": " usf Pharmacology in their gareers as activg eesearrh sciehtists iv leadership roles. This is ai inrerdiwciplinary training prugram comiosed of wtudtnts from an innotztive tvnumvidwte mh Departments on Pharmacolmgy and Cancer Bkopogy, Chemistry and Biomedical Enginqering. Kewdership in thg probwam js provided by a Director, Co- Direcfor, Exebutive, Admissions", "random_deletion": "use Pharmacology in their careers as active in roles. This an interdisciplinary training an triumvirate of Departments Pharmacology and Cancer Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering. Leadership in program is provided by a Director, Co- Director, Executive, Admissions", "change_char_case": " use Pharmacology in their carEers as actiVe resEarCh sCiEntiSts iN leadership rolES. ThiS is an interdisciplinary TrainInG ProgRAm CompoSed of stUDeNTS frOm An InnOvATiVe triUmvIrate of departmentS of phArmacology anD caNcer BiologY, ChEmistry and BiOmeDical ENgIneERing. LEadErshiP in the PRogram Is provideD bY A DirecTOr, Co- DirECToR, ExeCutive, Admissions", "whitespace_perturbation": " use Pharmacology in their careers a s act ive re se arch sci entists in lea d ersh ip roles. This is an i nterd is c ipli n ar y tra ining p r og r a m c om po sed o f s tuden tsfrom an innovativ e t ri umvirate ofD ep artments o f P harmacologyand Cance rBio l ogy,Che mistr y andB iomedi cal Engin ee r ing. L e adershi p in the program is provi d ed by a Director, Co- D ir e ct o r , E xec utive, Adm is sions ", "underscore_trick": " use_Pharmacology in_their careers as active_research scientists_in_leadership roles._This_is an interdisciplinary_training program composed_of students from an_innovative triumvirate of_Departments_of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering. Leadership in the program is_provided_by a_Director,_Co-_Director, Executive, Admissions"} +{"text": " for NSCLC. Dr. David will recruit and follow case and control subjects from a population of patients undergoing diagnostic bronchoscopy for suspected primary lung cancer. She will follow all study patients for up to 36 months. She will assess tumor response after two cycles of chemotherapy in all case patients who receive chemotherapy. The performance of this study", "synonym_substitution": "for NSCLC. Dr. David will recruit and follow case and control discipline from a population of patient undergoing diagnostic bronchoscopy for suspected primary lung cancer. She will comply all study patients for up to 36 month. She will tax tumor response after two cycle of chemotherapy in all case patients who meet chemotherapy. The performance of this study", "butter_fingers": " fog NSCLC. Dr. David will regruit and follow case aid contdol subjdcts from a population of pavienrs uneergoing diagnostic brunchoscopj for suspecttd primary lung cehcer. Shc wilm folniw all study pstients fos up to 36 monthv. Rhz will assess tumor response after tro cyclrs of chemotheraky in wll dase patients who receive chemothedapy. Tht performance of tnis study", "random_deletion": "for NSCLC. Dr. David will recruit and and subjects from population of patients primary cancer. She will all study patients up to 36 months. She will tumor response after two cycles of chemotherapy in all case patients who receive The performance of this study", "change_char_case": " for NSCLC. Dr. David will recruiT and follow Case aNd cOntRoL subJectS from a populatiON of pAtients undergoing diagnOstic BrONchoSCoPy for SuspectED pRIMarY lUnG caNcER. SHe wilL foLlow all Study patieNts FoR up to 36 months. SHE wIll assess tUmoR response aftEr tWo cyclEs Of cHEmothEraPy in aLl case PAtientS who receiVe CHemothERapy. The PERfOrmaNce of this study", "whitespace_perturbation": " for NSCLC. Dr. David will recruit a nd fo llo w c as e an d co ntrol subjects from a population of patie nts u nd e rgoi n gdiagn ostic b r on c h osc op yfor s u sp ected pr imary l ung cancer . S he will follow al l study pa tie nts for up t o 3 6 mont hs . S h e wil l a ssess tumor respon se aftertw o cycle s of che m o th erap y in all case pat i en t s who receivechemot he r ap y . Th e p erformance o f thi s study", "underscore_trick": " for_NSCLC. Dr._David will recruit and_follow case_and_control subjects_from_a population of_patients undergoing diagnostic_bronchoscopy for suspected primary_lung cancer. She_will_follow all study patients for up to 36 months. She will assess tumor response_after_two cycles_of_chemotherapy_in all case patients who_receive chemotherapy. The performance of_this study"} +{"text": " be one way of controlling fluid retention and endocrine responses to HF that impair cardiac performance and lead to poor patient outcomes. Although self-care is hypothesized to influence cardiac performance, the scientific basis of this claim has not yet been established. We need further evidence that HF patient's day-to-day self-care practices can", "synonym_substitution": "be one way of controlling fluid retention and hormone answer to HF that impair cardiac performance and lead to inadequate patient outcomes. Although self - concern is speculate to influence cardiac performance, the scientific basis of this claim has not yet been lay down. We need further evidence that HF patient's sidereal day - to - day self - care practices can", "butter_fingers": " be one way of controlling nluid retention cbd endmcrine responsds to HF that impair cardiac pwrfornance and lead to poor patient lutcomes. Altiough self-care is hypothcfizes to nnhluence cardiac performanwe, the scientixiz yasis of this claim has not yet been establosjed. We need futther qvidsnce that HF patient's day-to-day selr-care pgactices can", "random_deletion": "be one way of controlling fluid retention responses HF that cardiac performance and Although is hypothesized to cardiac performance, the basis of this claim has not been established. We need further evidence that HF patient's day-to-day self-care practices can", "change_char_case": " be one way of controlling fluiD retention And enDocRinE rEspoNses To HF that impair CArdiAc performance and lead to Poor pAtIEnt oUTcOmes. ALthough SElF-CAre Is HyPotHeSIzEd to iNflUence caRdiac perfoRmaNcE, the scientifIC bAsis of this ClaIm has not yet bEen EstablIsHed. wE need FurTher eVidencE That HF Patient's dAy-TO-day seLF-care prACTiCes cAn", "whitespace_perturbation": " be one way of controlling fluid ret entio n a nden docr ineresponses to H F tha t impair cardiac perfo rmanc ea nd l e ad to p oor pat i en t out co me s.Al t ho ugh s elf -care i s hypothes ize dto influence ca rdiac perf orm ance, the sc ien tificba sis of th isclaim has n o t yetbeen esta bl i shed.W e needf u rt herevidence that HFp at i ent's day-to-d ay sel f- c ar e pra cti ces can", "underscore_trick": " be_one way_of controlling fluid retention_and endocrine_responses_to HF_that_impair cardiac performance_and lead to_poor patient outcomes. Although_self-care is hypothesized_to_influence cardiac performance, the scientific basis of this claim has not yet been established._We_need further_evidence_that_HF patient's day-to-day self-care practices_can"} +{"text": " to the proximal part of Chromosome 7; the genetic linkage of the second mutant, motor neuron degeneration (Mnd), will be established, and candidate genes for both mouse diseases will be sought. These mutants will be studied to characterize the progression of lesions in affected organs, particularly the brain, during the life span. Early", "synonym_substitution": "to the proximal part of Chromosome 7; the genetic linkage of the second mutant, motor neuron degeneration (Mnd), will be prove, and campaigner genes for both mouse disease will be sought. These mutant will be studied to characterize the progress of lesions in affected variety meat, particularly the brain, during the life sentence span. Early", "butter_fingers": " to the proximal part of Chvomosome 7; the geuwtic lmnkage kf the sdcond mutant, motor neuron dejeneeatiob (Mnd), will be establisfed, and cwndidate gents for both mouse diseases will ne sobgit. These mutantx will be vtudied to chasaztzrize the progression of lesions in wffectec lrgans, particujarlj ehe ggaln, during the life span. Early", "random_deletion": "to the proximal part of Chromosome 7; linkage the second motor neuron degeneration candidate for both mouse will be sought. mutants will be studied to characterize progression of lesions in affected organs, particularly the brain, during the life span.", "change_char_case": " to the proximal part of ChromoSome 7; the genEtic lInkAge Of The sEconD mutant, motor neURon dEgeneration (Mnd), will be esTabliShED, and CAnDidatE genes fOR bOTH moUsE dIseAsES wIll be SouGht. ThesE mutants wiLl bE sTudied to charACtErize the prOgrEssion of lesiOns In affeCtEd oRGans, pArtIculaRly the BRain, duRing the liFe SPan. EarLY", "whitespace_perturbation": " to the proximal part of C hromosome7; th e g ene ti c li nkag e of the secon d mut ant, motor neuron dege nerat io n (Mn d ), will be est a bl i s hed ,an d c an d id ate g ene s for b oth mousedis ea ses will bes ou ght. These mu tants will b e s tudied t o c h aract eri ze th e prog r ession of lesio ns in aff e cted or g a ns , pa rticularly the br a in , during the li fe spa n. Ea r l y", "underscore_trick": " to_the proximal_part of Chromosome 7;_the genetic_linkage_of the_second_mutant, motor neuron_degeneration (Mnd), will_be established, and candidate_genes for both_mouse_diseases will be sought. These mutants will be studied to characterize the progression of_lesions_in affected_organs,_particularly_the brain, during the life_span. Early"} +{"text": " The action of food dyes in isolated cellular or neuronal systems is investigated to learn more about their possible relationship to the production of hyperkinetic behavior in children. Gene therapy vectors derived from lentiviruses offer a number of advantages over other gene transfer vectors, and they represent a promising approach for treating a variety of diseases, such", "synonym_substitution": "The action of food dyes in isolated cellular or neuronal system is investigate to learn more about their possible relationship to the output of hyperkinetic behavior in children. Gene therapy vector derive from lentiviruses offer a act of advantages over other gene transportation vectors, and they represent a promising approach for treat a variety of diseases, such", "butter_fingers": " Thf action of food dyes in isolated cellular or ieuronam systemr is investigated to learn mlrw aboyt their possible relagionship no the priducuion of hyperkinevjc behaynor ih chinvren. Gene theraky vectors darived from lettkvnruses offer a number of advantages jver otneg gene transfet vecuorf, ans they represent a promising approzch for treating a vsriety of diseases, such", "random_deletion": "The action of food dyes in isolated neuronal is investigated learn more about production hyperkinetic behavior in Gene therapy vectors from lentiviruses offer a number of over other gene transfer vectors, and they represent a promising approach for treating variety of diseases, such", "change_char_case": " The action of food dyes in isolAted cellulAr or nEurOnaL sYsteMs is Investigated to LEarn More about their possible RelatIoNShip TO tHe proDuction OF hYPErkInEtIc bEhAViOr in cHilDren. GenE therapy veCtoRs Derived from lENtIviruses ofFer A number of advAntAges ovEr OthER gene TraNsfer VectorS, And theY represenT a PRomisiNG approaCH FoR treAting a variety of diSEaSEs, such", "whitespace_perturbation": " The action of food dyes i n isolated cell ula r o rneur onal systems is in v esti gated to learn more ab out t he i r po s si ble r elation s hi p toth epro du c ti on of hy perkine tic behavi orin children. G e ne therapy v ect ors derivedfro m lent iv iru s es of fer a nu mber o f advan tages ove ro ther g e ne tran s f er vec tors, and they re p re s ent a promisin g appr oa c hf o r t rea ting a var ie ty of disease s ,s u c h", "underscore_trick": " The_action of_food dyes in isolated_cellular or_neuronal_systems is_investigated_to learn more_about their possible_relationship to the production_of hyperkinetic behavior_in_children. Gene therapy vectors derived from lentiviruses offer a number of advantages over other_gene_transfer vectors,_and_they_represent a promising approach for_treating a variety of diseases,_such"} +{"text": " of the ADC but also all data collected prior to establishment of the ADCC in a uniform format with consistent labeling and data codes. A data resource has been achieved that is unique in both size and diversity. Individual investigators at NYU or elsewhere are able to use with the database for exchange and sharing of data, and procedures", "synonym_substitution": "of the ADC but also all data collected prior to establishment of the ADCC in a consistent format with reproducible labeling and data codes. A data resource has been achieve that is unique in both size and diversity. Individual investigators at NYU or elsewhere are able to practice with the database for rally and sharing of data, and procedures", "butter_fingers": " of the ADC but also all daua collected priot ro esteblishmsnt of tfe ADCC in a uniform format xith consustent labeling and daga codes. W data rwsoucce has been achmsved that is hkique mn both size anc diversitf. Individual itvdscigators at NYU or elsewhere are ablq to usr aith the databwse gjr esbhcnge and sharing of data, and prkcedurev", "random_deletion": "of the ADC but also all data to of the in a uniform data A data resource been achieved that unique in both size and diversity. investigators at NYU or elsewhere are able to use with the database for and sharing of data, and procedures", "change_char_case": " of the ADC but also all data colLected prioR to esTabLisHmEnt oF the aDCC in a uniform FOrmaT with consistent labelinG and dAtA CodeS. a dAta reSource hAS bEEN acHiEvEd tHaT Is UniquE in Both sizE and diversIty. inDividual inveSTiGators at NYu or Elsewhere are AblE to use WiTh tHE dataBasE for eXchangE And shaRing of datA, aND proceDUres", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the ADC but also all d ata collec ted p rio r t oesta blis hment of the A D CC i n a uniform format wit h con si s tent la belin g and d a ta c ode s. A da ta re sourc e h as been achievedtha tis unique in bo th size an d d iversity. In div idualin ves t igato rsat NY U or e l sewher e are abl et o usew ith the d at abas e for exchange an d s h aring of data, and p ro c ed u r es", "underscore_trick": " of_the ADC_but also all data_collected prior_to_establishment of_the_ADCC in a_uniform format with_consistent labeling and data_codes. A data_resource_has been achieved that is unique in both size and diversity. Individual investigators at_NYU_or elsewhere_are_able_to use with the database_for exchange and sharing of_data, and_procedures"} +{"text": " in rats suggest that the pretraining promotes subsequent use in the novel environment of stimulus-response habits rather than cognitive memory. Therefore, corticostriatal habit circuits relying on intact nigrostriatal dopamine function may contribute to water maze performance following pretraining. Lesion and drug experiments will be conducted to test this hypothesis.", "synonym_substitution": "in rats suggest that the pretraining promotes subsequent use in the fresh environment of stimulation - reply habits preferably than cognitive memory. consequently, corticostriatal habit circuits relying on integral nigrostriatal dopamine function may contribute to body of water maze performance keep up pretraining. Lesion and drug experiment will be lead to test this guess.", "butter_fingers": " in rats suggest that the pvetraining promojew subsxquent hse in tfe novel environment of stimnlus-eespobse habits rather than cognitivv memory. Rhertfore, corticostriefal hablc cirdmits xeoying on intacj nigrostriadal dopamine fgnztnon may contribute to water maze persormancr vollowing prettainimd. Leapok and drug experiments will be cknductev to test this nypothesis.", "random_deletion": "in rats suggest that the pretraining promotes in novel environment stimulus-response habits rather habit relying on intact dopamine function may to water maze performance following pretraining. and drug experiments will be conducted to test this hypothesis.", "change_char_case": " in rats suggest that the pretrAining promOtes sUbsEquEnT use In thE novel environmENt of Stimulus-response habits RatheR tHAn coGNiTive mEmory. ThEReFORe, cOrTiCosTrIAtAl habIt cIrcuits Relying on iNtaCt NigrostriataL DoPamine funcTioN may contribuTe tO water MaZe pERformAncE follOwing pREtrainIng. Lesion AnD Drug exPErimentS WIlL be cOnducted to test thiS HyPOthesis.", "whitespace_perturbation": " in rats suggest that thepretrainin g pro mot essu bseq uent use in the no v el e nvironment of stimulus -resp on s e ha b it s rat her tha n c o g nit iv emem or y .There for e, cort icostriata l h ab it circuitsr el ying on in tac t nigrostria tal dopam in e f u nctio n m ay co ntribu t e to w ater maze p e rforma n ce foll o w in g pr etraining. Lesion an d drug experime nts wi ll be c ond uct ed to test t his h y pothesi s .", "underscore_trick": " in_rats suggest_that the pretraining promotes_subsequent use_in_the novel_environment_of stimulus-response habits_rather than cognitive_memory. Therefore, corticostriatal habit_circuits relying on_intact_nigrostriatal dopamine function may contribute to water maze performance following pretraining. Lesion and drug_experiments_will be_conducted_to_test this hypothesis."} +{"text": " causes acute and chronic necroinflammatory liver disease (hepatitis) and hepatocellular carcinoma. Since HBV is not directly cytopathic for the infected hepatocyte, the cellular immune response to HBV encoded antigens is thought to be responsible for the liver disease caused by HBV, and to play an important role in viral clearance as well.", "synonym_substitution": "causes acute and chronic necroinflammatory liver disease (hepatitis) and hepatocellular carcinoma. Since HBV is not directly cytopathic for the infected hepatocyte, the cellular immune reception to HBV encode antigens is thought to be creditworthy for the liver disease caused by HBV, and to bet an important role in viral headroom equally well.", "butter_fingers": " cakses acute and chronic ntcroinflammatory liver dmsease (gepatitir) and hepatocellular carcinola. Sinct HBV is not directuy cytopanhic for rhe mnfected hepatocbfe, the gzllulzv immbnx response to HNV encoded dntigens is thmuehc to be responsible for the liver difease csuded by HBV, and to klar an pmkortant role in viral clearance aa well.", "random_deletion": "causes acute and chronic necroinflammatory liver disease hepatocellular Since HBV not directly cytopathic cellular response to HBV antigens is thought be responsible for the liver disease by HBV, and to play an important role in viral clearance as well.", "change_char_case": " causes acute and chronic necrOinflammatOry liVer DisEaSe (hePatiTis) and hepatoceLLulaR carcinoma. Since HBV is noT direCtLY cytOPaThic fOr the inFEcTED hePaToCytE, tHE cEllulAr iMmune reSponse to HBv enCoDed antigens iS ThOught to be rEspOnsible for thE liVer disEaSe cAUsed bY HBv, and tO play aN ImportAnt role in ViRAl cleaRAnce as wELL.", "whitespace_perturbation": " causes acute and chronicnecroinfla mmato ryliv er dis ease (hepatitis) a n d he patocellular carcinoma . Sin ce HBVi snot d irectly cy t o pat hi cfor t h einfec ted hepato cyte, thecel lu lar immune r e sp onse to HB V e ncoded antig ens is th ou ght to be re spons ible f o r theliver dis ea s e caus e d by HB V , a nd t o play an importa n tr ole in viral c learan ce as w ell .", "underscore_trick": " causes_acute and_chronic necroinflammatory liver disease_(hepatitis) and_hepatocellular_carcinoma. Since_HBV_is not directly_cytopathic for the_infected hepatocyte, the cellular_immune response to_HBV_encoded antigens is thought to be responsible for the liver disease caused by HBV,_and_to play_an_important_role in viral clearance as_well."} +{"text": " data on the regulation of MUC16 expression, correlate implied molecular pathways with promoter structure, and test the hypothesis that CA125 secretion results from post-translational processing of MUC16, exploring the mechanism of this processing. 4) Determine whether a reduction in MUC16 expression in human ovarian carcinoma cells affects the neoplastic", "synonym_substitution": "data on the regulation of MUC16 expression, correlate implied molecular nerve pathway with showman structure, and test the guess that CA125 secretion results from post - translational processing of MUC16, explore the mechanism of this processing. 4) Determine whether a reduction in MUC16 saying in human ovarian carcinoma cells affects the neoplastic", "butter_fingers": " daha on the regulation of OUC16 expression, eirrelave impljed molezular pathways with promoter srructyre, and test the hypotfesis than CA125 secrwtioi results from post-translationzp prmressing of MUC16, gxploring tha mechanism of tfid processing. 4) Determine whether a rqductiom ln MUC16 expressyon pn humzn ovarian carcinoma cells affects the nemplastic", "random_deletion": "data on the regulation of MUC16 expression, molecular with promoter and test the from processing of MUC16, the mechanism of processing. 4) Determine whether a reduction MUC16 expression in human ovarian carcinoma cells affects the neoplastic", "change_char_case": " data on the regulation of MUC16 eXpression, cOrrelAte ImpLiEd moLecuLar pathways witH PromOter structure, and test thE hypoThESis tHAt cA125 secRetion rESuLTS frOm PoSt-tRaNSlAtionAl pRocessiNg of MUC16, expLorInG the mechanisM Of This procesSinG. 4) Determine whEthEr a redUcTioN In MUC16 ExpRessiOn in huMAn ovarIan carcinOmA Cells aFFects thE NEoPlasTic", "whitespace_perturbation": " data on the regulation of MUC16 exp ressi on, co rr elat e im plied molecula r pat hways with promoter st ructu re , and te st th e hypot h es i s th at C A12 5s ec retio n r esultsfrom post- tra ns lational pro c es sing of MU C16 , exploringthe mecha ni smo f thi s p roces sing.4 ) Dete rmine whe th e r a re d uctioni n M UC16 expression in hu m an ovarian carcin oma ce ll s a f f ect s t he neoplas ti c", "underscore_trick": " data_on the_regulation of MUC16 expression,_correlate implied_molecular_pathways with_promoter_structure, and test_the hypothesis that_CA125 secretion results from_post-translational processing of_MUC16,_exploring the mechanism of this processing. 4) Determine whether a reduction in MUC16 expression_in_human ovarian_carcinoma_cells_affects the neoplastic"} +{"text": " response that stimulates the release of cytokines and growth factors. These factors weaken endothelial cell-cell junctions, stimulate migration and proliferation, and pave the way for remodeling and regeneration. Thus, there is constant tug-of-war within the vascular endothelium between signals that maintain vascular homeostasis/stability and signals that incite regeneration/", "synonym_substitution": "response that stimulates the release of cytokines and increase divisor. These factors weaken endothelial cell - cellular telephone junctions, stimulate migration and proliferation, and pave the way for remodeling and positive feedback. Thus, there is changeless tug - of - war within the vascular endothelium between signals that sustain vascular homeostasis / stability and signals that incite regeneration/", "butter_fingers": " redponse that stimulates tme release of cyjojines end grosth facturs. These factors weaken endltyeliao cell-cell junctions, sgimulate ligratiob anv proliferation, ehd pave the wzn for cemodeling and tegeneration. Thus, there is cundtant tug-of-war within the vascular qndothekikm between siggals ehat maintain vascular homeostasis/stabjlity aid signals that incite regeneration/", "random_deletion": "response that stimulates the release of cytokines factors. factors weaken cell-cell junctions, stimulate the for remodeling and Thus, there is tug-of-war within the vascular endothelium between that maintain vascular homeostasis/stability and signals that incite regeneration/", "change_char_case": " response that stimulates the Release of cYtokiNes And GrOwth FactOrs. These factorS WeakEn endothelial cell-cell jUnctiOnS, StimULaTe migRation aND pROLifErAtIon, AnD PaVe the Way For remoDeling and rEgeNeRation. Thus, thERe Is constant Tug-Of-war within tHe vAsculaR eNdoTHeliuM beTween SignalS That maIntain vasCuLAr homeOStasis/sTABiLity And signals that incITe REgeneration/", "whitespace_perturbation": " response that stimulatesthe releas e ofcyt oki ne s an d gr owth factors.T hese factors weaken endoth elial c e ll-c e ll junc tions,s ti m u lat emi gra ti o nand p rol iferati on, and pa veth e way for re m od eling andreg eneration. T hus , ther eisc onsta nttug-o f-warw ithinthe vascu la r endot h elium b e t we en s ignals that maint a in vascular homeo stasis /s t ab i l ity an d signalsth at in c ite reg e ne r a t ion / ", "underscore_trick": " response_that stimulates_the release of cytokines_and growth_factors._These factors_weaken_endothelial cell-cell junctions,_stimulate migration and_proliferation, and pave the_way for remodeling_and_regeneration. Thus, there is constant tug-of-war within the vascular endothelium between signals that maintain_vascular_homeostasis/stability and_signals_that_incite regeneration/"} +{"text": " PC and a webcam. In essence, BOS trades the sophisticated optical setup for more sophisticated computation, which is a much cheaper commodity. The central innovation in this project is to use BOS imaging to quantitatively map continuous-wave HIFU pressure?elds in 2D and 3D. The?rst Aim is", "synonym_substitution": "PC and a webcam. In essence, BOS trades the sophisticated ocular apparatus for more sophisticated computation, which is a much brassy commodity. The central innovation in this undertaking is to use BOS imaging to quantitatively map continuous - wave HIFU pressure?elds in 2D and 3D. The?rst Aim is", "butter_fingers": " PC and a webcam. In essence, BOS trades the sophisvicated optical setup for more sophisticatev conputaupon, which is a much cfeaper colmodity. Rhe rentral innovation in thlf prkmect ns to use BOS imsging to qgantitatively kao eontinuous-wave HIFU pressure?elds in 2Q and 3D. Tje?rst Aim is", "random_deletion": "PC and a webcam. In essence, BOS sophisticated setup for sophisticated computation, which The innovation in this is to use imaging to quantitatively map continuous-wave HIFU in 2D and 3D. The?rst Aim is", "change_char_case": " PC and a webcam. In essence, BOS tRades the soPhistIcaTed OpTicaL setUp for more sophiSTicaTed computation, which is a Much cHeAPer cOMmOdity. the centRAl INNovAtIoN in ThIS pRojecT is To use BOs imaging to QuaNtItatively map COnTinuous-wavE HIfU pressure?elDs iN 2D and 3D. thE?rsT aim is", "whitespace_perturbation": " PC and a webcam. In essen ce, BOS tr adesthe so ph isti cate d optical setu p for more sophisticated co mputa ti o n, w h ic h isa muchc he a p erco mm odi ty . T he ce ntr al inno vation inthi sproject is t o u se BOS ima gin g to quantit ati vely m ap co n tinuo us- waveHIFU p r essure ?elds in2D and 3D . The?rs t Ai m is ", "underscore_trick": " PC_and a_webcam. In essence, BOS_trades the_sophisticated_optical setup_for_more sophisticated computation,_which is a_much cheaper commodity. The_central innovation in_this_project is to use BOS imaging to quantitatively map continuous-wave HIFU pressure?elds in 2D_and_3D. The?rst_Aim_is"} +{"text": "SP), and will become part of the National Health Information Network (NHIN) when it is implemented. The proposed project, the next phase of KeyHIE's development, is designed to support safer, more effective transitions of care. To achieve this, we will add critical transitions-of-care clinicians as exchange users", "synonym_substitution": "SP), and will become part of the National Health Information Network (NHIN) when it is implemented. The proposed project, the future phase of KeyHIE's growth, is designed to support safer, more effective conversion of care. To achieve this, we will add critical transition - of - concern clinicians as central users", "butter_fingers": "SP), wnd will become part of uhe National Healjh Inforkation Network (NHIN) when it is implemented. Tye priposed project, the nexg phase ov KeyHIE'w detelopment, is desmfned to suppodb safzr, more effectivg transitionv of care. To awhkere this, we will add critical transityons-of-csrf clinicians af exbhwnge lstrs", "random_deletion": "SP), and will become part of the Information (NHIN) when is implemented. The of development, is designed support safer, more transitions of care. To achieve this, will add critical transitions-of-care clinicians as exchange users", "change_char_case": "SP), and will become part of the NAtional HeaLth InForMatIoN NetWork (nHIN) when it is imPLemeNted. The proposed project, The neXt PHase OF KEyHIE'S develoPMeNT, Is dEsIgNed To SUpPort sAfeR, more efFective traNsiTiOns of care. To aCHiEve this, we wIll Add critical tRanSitionS-oF-caRE clinIciAns as ExchanGE users", "whitespace_perturbation": "SP), and will become partof the Nat ional He alt hInfo rmat ion Network (N H IN)when it is implemented . The p r opos e dproje ct, the ne x t ph as eofKe y HI E's d eve lopment , is desig ned t o support sa f er , more eff ect ive transiti ons of ca re . T o achi eve this , we w i ll add critical t r ansiti o ns-of-c a r eclin icians as exchang e u s ers", "underscore_trick": "SP), and_will become_part of the National_Health Information_Network_(NHIN) when_it_is implemented. The_proposed project, the_next phase of KeyHIE's_development, is designed_to_support safer, more effective transitions of care. To achieve this, we will add critical_transitions-of-care_clinicians as_exchange_users"} +{"text": " fatty acid feeding on lipoprotein lipid metabolism and effects of diet and drug lowering of lipoprotein on arteriosclerosis. This work will be supported by excellent Core facilities in lipoprotein measurement, apoprotein immunoassay, and biomathematical analysis and offers promise of rapid progress in understanding mechanisms and providing treatrment for the premature vascular dise", "synonym_substitution": "fatty acid feeding on lipoprotein lipid metabolism and effects of diet and drug lowering of lipoprotein on arteriosclerosis. This work will be back by excellent Core facility in lipoprotein measurement, apoprotein immunoassay, and biomathematical analysis and offers promise of rapid progress in understand mechanisms and providing treatrment for the previous vascular dise", "butter_fingers": " fahty acid feeding on lipokrotein lipid metcvolism and erfects ow diet and drug lowering of pipoprouvin on arteriosclerosks. This wlrk will be wypported bb excellcut Codc facnlmties in lipoprptein measgrement, apoprodekn immunoassay, and biomathematical anwlysis snf offers promife og rapjd progress in understanding mechahisms aid providing trratrment for the premature vasfular dise", "random_deletion": "fatty acid feeding on lipoprotein lipid metabolism of and drug of lipoprotein on supported excellent Core facilities lipoprotein measurement, apoprotein and biomathematical analysis and offers promise rapid progress in understanding mechanisms and providing treatrment for the premature vascular dise", "change_char_case": " fatty acid feeding on lipoproTein lipid mEtaboLisM anD eFfecTs of Diet and drug lowERing Of lipoprotein on arterioSclerOsIS. ThiS WoRk wilL be suppORtED By eXcElLenT CORe FacilItiEs in lipOprotein meAsuReMent, apoproteIN iMmunoassay, And BiomathematiCal AnalysIs And OFfers ProMise oF rapid PRogresS in undersTaNDing meCHanisms AND pRoviDing treatrment for THe PRemature vasculAr dise", "whitespace_perturbation": " fatty acid feeding on lip oprotein l ipidmet abo li sm a nd e ffects of diet anddrug lowering of lipop rotei no n ar t er ioscl erosis. Th i s wo rk w ill b e s uppor ted by exc ellent Cor e f ac ilities in l i po protein me asu rement, apop rot ein im mu noa s say,and biom athema t ical a nalysis a nd offers promise o frapi d progress in und e rs t anding mechani sms an dp ro v i din g t reatrmentfo r the prematu r ev a s cul a r dise", "underscore_trick": " fatty_acid feeding_on lipoprotein lipid metabolism_and effects_of_diet and_drug_lowering of lipoprotein_on arteriosclerosis. This_work will be supported_by excellent Core_facilities_in lipoprotein measurement, apoprotein immunoassay, and biomathematical analysis and offers promise of rapid progress_in_understanding mechanisms_and_providing_treatrment for the premature vascular_dise"} +{"text": " Research Support and Transition (FIRST) Award proposal is to contribute to the development of a rational foundation for the pharmacological treatment of schizophrenia in adolescents. A program for the evaluation of risperidone will be used as a model. Over a 42 month period a minimum of 70 adolescents who meet DSM IV criteria and who need inpatient hospitalization", "synonym_substitution": "Research Support and Transition (FIRST) Award proposal is to contribute to the development of a rational initiation for the pharmacological discussion of schizophrenia in adolescents. A program for the evaluation of risperidone will be use as a mannequin. Over a 42 month period a minimum of 70 adolescent who meet DSM IV criteria and who need inpatient hospitalization insurance", "butter_fingers": " Redearch Support and Transltion (FIRST) Awarb propoval is to contfibute to the development of a ratiinal foundation for thd pharmacllogical treetment of schizo'grenia lu adomcscencs. A program for the evaludtion of rispesiaoue will be used as a model. Over a 42 mjnth petild a minimum os 70 acjlesdvnus who meet DSM IV criteria and wgo need inpatient hoxpitalization", "random_deletion": "Research Support and Transition (FIRST) Award proposal contribute the development a rational foundation schizophrenia adolescents. A program the evaluation of will be used as a model. a 42 month period a minimum of 70 adolescents who meet DSM IV and who need inpatient hospitalization", "change_char_case": " Research Support and TransitIon (FIRST) AwArd prOpoSal Is To coNtriBute to the develOPmenT of a rational foundation For thE pHArmaCOlOgicaL treatmENt OF SchIzOpHreNiA In AdoleSceNts. A proGram for the EvaLuAtion of rispeRIdOne will be uSed As a model. Over A 42 moNth perIoD a mINimum Of 70 aDolesCents wHO meet DsM IV criteRiA And who NEed inpaTIEnT hosPitalization", "whitespace_perturbation": " Research Support and Tran sition (FI RST)Awa rdpr opos al i s to contribut e tothe development of a r ation al foun d at ion f or thep ha r m aco lo gi cal t r ea tment of schizo phrenia in ad ol escents. A p r og ram for th e e valuation of ri sperid on e w i ll be us ed as a mod e l. Ove r a 42 mo nt h perio d a mini m u mof 7 0 adolescents who me e t DSM IV crite ria an dw ho n eed in patient ho sp itali z ation", "underscore_trick": " Research_Support and_Transition (FIRST) Award proposal_is to_contribute_to the_development_of a rational_foundation for the_pharmacological treatment of schizophrenia_in adolescents. A_program_for the evaluation of risperidone will be used as a model. Over a 42_month_period a_minimum_of_70 adolescents who meet DSM_IV criteria and who need_inpatient hospitalization"} +{"text": "'s experimental expertise by optogenetic techniques in behaving primates. Achieving the third objective will complement the candidate's previous training in awake behaving primate visual neurophysiology. Achieving the first and second objective will provide a launching point for the candidate to develop an independent research career, toward a long-term goal of an improved", "synonym_substitution": "'s experimental expertise by optogenetic techniques in behaving primates. achieve the third aim will complement the campaigner's previous training in awake behave primate visual neurophysiology. achieve the first and second objective will provide a establish point for the candidate to build up an independent research career, toward a farseeing - condition goal of an improved", "butter_fingers": "'s edperimental expertise by optogenetic teeyniquev in bshaving orimates. Achieving the third ovjectuve will complement thd candidane's previius uraining in awake behavinn prijwte riwual neurophyslology. Achiaving the firsd xnb second objective will provide a latnching plint for the cwndicwte fo develop an independent research career, toward a lonb-term goal of an improved", "random_deletion": "'s experimental expertise by optogenetic techniques in Achieving third objective complement the candidate's primate neurophysiology. Achieving the and second objective provide a launching point for the to develop an independent research career, toward a long-term goal of an improved", "change_char_case": "'s experimental expertise by oPtogenetic TechnIquEs iN bEhavIng pRimates. AchieviNG the Third objective will compLemenT tHE canDIdAte's pRevious TRaINIng In AwAke BeHAvIng prImaTe visuaL neurophysIolOgY. Achieving thE FiRst and secoNd oBjective will ProVide a lAuNchINg poiNt fOr the CandidATe to deVelop an inDePEndent REsearch CAReEr, toWard a long-term goal OF aN Improved", "whitespace_perturbation": "'s experimental expertiseby optogen etictec hni qu es i n be having primate s . Ac hieving the third obje ctive w i ll c o mp lemen t the c a nd i d ate 's p rev io u strain ing in awa ke behavin g p ri mate visualn eu rophysiolo gy. Achieving t hefirstan d s e condobj ectiv e will provid e a launc hi n g poin t for th e ca ndid ate to develop an in d ependent resea rch ca re e r, t owa rda long-ter mgoalo f an im p ro v e d ", "underscore_trick": "'s experimental_expertise by_optogenetic techniques in behaving_primates. Achieving_the_third objective_will_complement the candidate's_previous training in_awake behaving primate visual_neurophysiology. Achieving the_first_and second objective will provide a launching point for the candidate to develop an_independent_research career,_toward_a_long-term goal of an improved"} +{"text": "dependent corticostriatal habit system (and, hence, is susceptible to disruption only by haloperidol), whereas learning with pair-repetition within a session is mediated by both the latter system and a cholinergic-dependent cortico-limbic memory system (and, consequently, is susceptible to disruption by both", "synonym_substitution": "dependent corticostriatal habit system (and, hence, is susceptible to dislocation merely by haloperidol), whereas learning with pair - repetition within a seance is mediated by both the latter system and a cholinergic - subject cortico - limbic memory organization (and, consequently, is susceptible to disruption by both", "butter_fingers": "depfndent corticostriatal hxbit system (and, hence, ms suscsptible go disruption only by halopecidoo), wheeeas learning with paif-repetitiln withib a wwssion is mediated by bofm the oatter system snd a cholhnergic-dependett clrtico-limbic memory system (and, consqquentlu, ls susceptible to cysrulniin by both", "random_deletion": "dependent corticostriatal habit system (and, hence, is disruption by haloperidol), learning with pair-repetition by the latter system a cholinergic-dependent cortico-limbic system (and, consequently, is susceptible to by both", "change_char_case": "dependent corticostriatal hAbit system (And, heNce, Is sUsCeptIble To disruption onLY by hAloperidol), whereas learnIng wiTh PAir-rEPeTitioN within A SeSSIon Is MeDiaTeD By Both tHe lAtter syStem and a chOliNeRgic-dependenT CoRtico-limbiC meMory system (anD, coNsequeNtLy, iS SuscePtiBle to DisrupTIon by bOth", "whitespace_perturbation": "dependent corticostriatalhabit syst em (a nd, he nc e, i s su sceptible to d i srup tion only by haloperid ol),wh e reas le arnin g withp ai r - rep et it ion w i th in ases sion is mediatedbybo th the latte r s ystem anda c holinergic-d epe ndentco rti c o-lim bic memo ry sys t em (an d, conseq ue n tly, i s suscep t i bl e to disruption by bo t h", "underscore_trick": "dependent corticostriatal_habit system_(and, hence, is susceptible_to disruption_only_by haloperidol),_whereas_learning with pair-repetition_within a session_is mediated by both_the latter system_and_a cholinergic-dependent cortico-limbic memory system (and, consequently, is susceptible to disruption by both"} +{"text": " The severe form of MPS1 is known as Hurler syndrome in which death occurs in early childhood. Attenuated forms (Huler/Scheie and Scheie syndromes) have a later onset in which death occurs either in the teens or twenties. Hurler syndrome is the predominant form of the disease (75", "synonym_substitution": "The severe form of MPS1 is known as Hurler syndrome in which death occur in early childhood. rarefy forms (Huler / Scheie and Scheie syndromes) have a late onset in which death happen either in the teens or twenties. Hurler syndrome is the prevailing form of the disease (75", "butter_fingers": " Thf severe form of MPS1 is ynown as Hurler syndroke in shich dexth occurs in early childhoov. Atrenuauvd forms (Huler/Scheie xnd Scheiv syndromws) heve a later onsev in whigk deafm occbrw either in thg teens or tfenties. Hurler shnbrome is the predominant form of the diseasr (75", "random_deletion": "The severe form of MPS1 is known syndrome which death in early childhood. syndromes) a later onset which death occurs in the teens or twenties. Hurler is the predominant form of the disease (75", "change_char_case": " The severe form of MPS1 is known As Hurler syNdromE in WhiCh DeatH occUrs in early chilDHood. attenuated forms (Huler/ScHeie aNd sCheiE SyNdromEs) have a LAtER OnsEt In WhiCh DEaTh occUrs Either iN the teens oR twEnTies. Hurler syNDrOme is the prEdoMinant form of The DiseasE (75", "whitespace_perturbation": " The severe form of MPS1 i s known as Hurl ersyn dr omein w hich death occ u rs i n early childhood. Att enuat ed form s ( Huler /Scheie an d Sch ei esyn dr o me s) ha vea later onset inwhi ch death occur s e ither in t heteens or twe nti es. Hu rl ers yndro meis th e pred o minant form ofth e disea s e (75", "underscore_trick": " The_severe form_of MPS1 is known_as Hurler_syndrome_in which_death_occurs in early_childhood. Attenuated forms_(Huler/Scheie and Scheie syndromes)_have a later_onset_in which death occurs either in the teens or twenties. Hurler syndrome is the_predominant_form of_the_disease_(75"} +{"text": ", and cohort-based phasing, using a new data structure based on the Positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform (PBWT). We aim to make fast and accurate phasing methods and software freely available to all researchers via public phasing servers. We will also explore the early and conceptual stages of developing PBWT", "synonym_substitution": ", and cohort - based phasing, using a new datum social organization establish on the Positional Burrows - Wheeler Transform (PBWT). We aim to make flying and accurate phasing methods and software freely available to all researchers via public phase server. We will also research the early and conceptual stage of developing PBWT", "butter_fingers": ", anf cohort-based phasing, uslng a new data sjrycture based on the Oositional Burrows-Wheeler Trensfirm (PVWT). We aim to make fasg and acclrate phawing nethods anv softwavz frespy aramlable to all rgsearchers vha public phashne dervers. We will also explore the eawly and clnceptual staggs of qevemoping PBWT", "random_deletion": ", and cohort-based phasing, using a new based the Positional Transform (PBWT). We accurate methods and software available to all via public phasing servers. We will explore the early and conceptual stages of developing PBWT", "change_char_case": ", and cohort-based phasing, usinG a new data sTructUre BasEd On thE PosItional Burrows-wHeelEr Transform (PBWT). We aim to Make fAsT And aCCuRate pHasing mEThODS anD sOfTwaRe FReEly avAilAble to aLl researchErs ViA public phasiNG sErvers. We wiLl aLso explore thE eaRly and CoNcePTual sTagEs of dEvelopINg PBWT", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and cohort-based phasing , using anew d ata st ru ctur e ba sed on the Pos i tion al Burrows-Wheeler Tra nsfor m( PBWT ) .We ai m to ma k ef a stan dacc ur a te phas ing method s and soft war efreely avail a bl e to all r ese archers viapub lic ph as ing serve rs. We w ill al s o expl ore the e ar l y andc onceptu a l s tage s of developing P B WT ", "underscore_trick": ", and_cohort-based phasing,_using a new data_structure based_on_the Positional_Burrows-Wheeler_Transform (PBWT). We_aim to make_fast and accurate phasing_methods and software_freely_available to all researchers via public phasing servers. We will also explore the early_and_conceptual stages_of_developing_PBWT"} +{"text": " the study of rheumatic disease. It will perform highly sensitive determination of mRNA levels by quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction, including assisting investigators in the design of appropriate oligonucleotide primers and probe sets an. d will provide a standardized service for sample amplification, data collection and analysis. The MRC will aid both new and established investigators", "synonym_substitution": "the study of rheumatic disease. It will perform highly sensitive decision of mRNA degree by quantitative real time polymerase chain chemical reaction, including assisting investigators in the blueprint of appropriate oligonucleotide primers and probe sets an. d will supply a standardized service for sample distribution amplification, data collection and analysis. The MRC will aid both newfangled and established investigators", "butter_fingers": " thf study of rheumatic distase. It will perform higily senaitive ddtermination of mRNA levels uy qyantiuctive real time polyoerase chwin reacrion, uncluding easistinn invsdtigctirs in the deslgn of apprmpriate oligongcueltide primers and probe sets an. d wyll profife a standardieed strvyce ror sample amplification, data collsction end analysis. Thr MRC will aid both new anf eshablished investigwtors", "random_deletion": "the study of rheumatic disease. It will sensitive of mRNA by quantitative real assisting in the design appropriate oligonucleotide primers probe sets an. d will provide standardized service for sample amplification, data collection and analysis. The MRC will aid new and established investigators", "change_char_case": " the study of rheumatic diseasE. It will perForm hIghLy sEnSitiVe deTermination of mrnA leVels by quantitative real Time pOlYMeraSE cHain rEaction, INcLUDinG aSsIstInG InVestiGatOrs in thE design of aPprOpRiate oligonuCLeOtide primeRs aNd probe sets aN. d wIll proViDe a STandaRdiZed seRvice fOR samplE amplificAtIOn, data COllectiON AnD anaLysis. The MRC will aiD BoTH new and establiShed inVeSTiGATorS", "whitespace_perturbation": " the study of rheumatic di sease. Itwillper for mhigh ly s ensitive deter m inat ion of mRNA levels byquant it a tive re al ti me poly m er a s e c ha in re ac t io n, in clu ding as sisting in ves ti gators in th e d esign of a ppr opriate olig onu cleoti de pr i mersand prob e sets an. dwill prov id e a sta n dardize d se rvic e for sample ampl i fi c ation, data co llecti on an d ana lys is. The MR Cwilla id both ne w a nde stablished in vestigators ", "underscore_trick": " the_study of_rheumatic disease. It will_perform highly_sensitive_determination of_mRNA_levels by quantitative_real time polymerase_chain reaction, including assisting_investigators in the_design_of appropriate oligonucleotide primers and probe sets an. d will provide a standardized service_for_sample amplification,_data_collection_and analysis. The MRC will_aid both new and established_investigators"} +{"text": " functional capacities of these cells, including cytokines produced, will be characterized extensively. We will next test the different types of DC for efficient localization in T cell areas of lymph nodes after intranodal injection. Finally, we will test in vivo the ability of different DC types to stimulate polarized CD4 T cell responses to antigens and", "synonym_substitution": "functional capacities of these cells, including cytokine produce, will be characterized extensively. We will next test the unlike types of DC for effective localization in T cellular telephone areas of lymph nodes after intranodal injection. Finally, we will screen in vivo the ability of different DC types to provoke polarized CD4 T cellular telephone responses to antigens and", "butter_fingers": " fujctional capacities of tmese cells, inclubung cyvokines producea, will be characterized exteisivwly. Wt will next test thd differejt types of VC for efficient localization jk T czlo areas of lymkh nodes aftar intranodal hngeetion. Finally, we will test in vivo tre abilotj of different DC uypqs tk stimulate polarized CD4 T cell reaponses to antigens snd", "random_deletion": "functional capacities of these cells, including cytokines be extensively. We next test the efficient in T cell of lymph nodes intranodal injection. Finally, we will test vivo the ability of different DC types to stimulate polarized CD4 T cell to antigens and", "change_char_case": " functional capacities of theSe cells, incLudinG cyTokInEs prOducEd, will be characTErizEd extensively. We will nexT test ThE DiffEReNt typEs of DC fOR eFFIciEnT lOcaLiZAtIon in t ceLl areas Of lymph nodEs aFtEr intranodal INjEction. FinaLly, We will test in VivO the abIlIty OF diffEreNt DC tYpes to STimulaTe polarizEd cd4 T cell REsponseS TO aNtigEns and", "whitespace_perturbation": " functional capacities ofthese cell s, in clu din gcyto kine s produced, wi l l be characterized extensi vely. W e wil l n ext t est the di f f ere nt t ype so fDC fo r e fficien t localiza tio nin T cell ar e as of lymphnod es after int ran odal i nj ect i on. F ina lly,we wil l testin vivo t he abilit y of dif f e re nt D C types to stimul a te polarized CD4T cell r e sp o n ses to antigensan d", "underscore_trick": " functional_capacities of_these cells, including cytokines_produced, will_be_characterized extensively._We_will next test_the different types_of DC for efficient_localization in T_cell_areas of lymph nodes after intranodal injection. Finally, we will test in vivo the_ability_of different_DC_types_to stimulate polarized CD4 T_cell responses to antigens and"} +{"text": " and support the various Center components and activities in order to fulfill the overall NARCH mission, which is to implement health research projects prioritized by area tribes, reduce distrust of research among American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities, and enhance health research partnerships to reduce AI/AN health disparities, while promoting a", "synonym_substitution": "and support the various Center components and activities in decree to meet the overall NARCH mission, which is to implement health research project prioritized by area kin, abridge distrust of inquiry among American Indian and Alaska Native (AI / AN) community, and enhance health research partnership to reduce AI / AN health disparities, while promote a", "butter_fingers": " anf support the various Cekter components cbd actmvities in ordef to fulfill the overall NARRH mussiob, which is to implemeng health gesearch projtcts prioritized ug area bxibes, veducz vistrust of resgarch among Dmerican Indiat xnb Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities, and enhancr jealth researcr pagtgersgppw to reduce AI/AN health dispadities, xhile promoting a", "random_deletion": "and support the various Center components and order fulfill the NARCH mission, which projects by area tribes, distrust of research American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) and enhance health research partnerships to reduce AI/AN health disparities, while promoting a", "change_char_case": " and support the various CenteR componentS and aCtiVitIeS in oRder To fulfill the ovERall nARCH mission, which is to iMplemEnT HealTH rEsearCh projeCTs PRIorItIzEd bY aREa TribeS, reDuce disTrust of resEarCh Among AmericaN inDian and AlaSka native (AI/AN) coMmuNities, AnD enHAnce hEalTh resEarch pARtnersHips to redUcE aI/AN heALth dispARItIes, wHile promoting a", "whitespace_perturbation": " and support the various C enter comp onent s a ndac tivi ties in order to f u lfil l the overall NARCH mi ssion ,w hich is to i mplemen t h e a lth r es ear ch pr oject s p rioriti zed by are a t ri bes, reduced is trust of r ese arch among A mer ican I nd ian and A las ka Na tive ( A I/AN)communiti es , and e n hance h e a lt h re search partnershi p st o reduce AI/AN healt hd is p a rit ies , while pr om oting a", "underscore_trick": " and_support the_various Center components and_activities in_order_to fulfill_the_overall NARCH mission,_which is to_implement health research projects_prioritized by area_tribes,_reduce distrust of research among American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities, and enhance_health_research partnerships_to_reduce_AI/AN health disparities, while promoting_a"} +{"text": "rugs of the oxazosphorine class, such as cyclophosphamide (CPA), and the CE gene, responsible for the activation of pro-drug, irinotecan (CPT11). This new viral mutant (MGH2) will be employed to test the following hypotheses: 1) Combined intr", "synonym_substitution": "rugs of the oxazosphorine class, such as cyclophosphamide (CPA), and the CE gene, responsible for the energizing of pro - drug, irinotecan (CPT11). This newfangled viral mutant (MGH2) will be employed to test the follow hypothesis: 1) Combined intr", "butter_fingers": "rugd of the oxazosphorine cuass, such as cyeoophos'hamide (CPA), and the CE gene, responsible for tye acupvation of pro-drug, irknotecan (BPT11). This bew tiral mutant (MGH2) will be emplogcd to vest the followlng hypotheves: 1) Combined hngr", "random_deletion": "rugs of the oxazosphorine class, such as and CE gene, for the activation new mutant (MGH2) will employed to test following hypotheses: 1) Combined intr", "change_char_case": "rugs of the oxazosphorine claSs, such as cyClophOspHamIdE (CPA), And tHe CE gene, responSIble For the activation of pro-dRug, irInOTecaN (cPt11). This New viraL MuTANt (MgH2) WiLl bE eMPlOyed tO teSt the foLlowing hypOthEsEs: 1) Combined inTR", "whitespace_perturbation": "rugs of the oxazosphorineclass, suc h ascyc lop ho spha mide (CPA), and th e CEgene, responsible forthe a ct i vati o nof pr o-drug, ir i n ote ca n(CP T1 1 ). This ne w viral mutant (M GH2 )will be empl o ye d to testthe following h ypo theses :1)C ombin edintr", "underscore_trick": "rugs of_the oxazosphorine_class, such as cyclophosphamide_(CPA), and_the_CE gene,_responsible_for the activation_of pro-drug, irinotecan_(CPT11). This new viral_mutant (MGH2) will_be_employed to test the following hypotheses: 1) Combined intr"} +{"text": " Survey (MCBS) and Chronic Conditions Warehouse (CCW), Area Health Resources File (AHRF) and the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research (ISR) Health and Retirement Study (HSR). We will also take advantage of a HRS dental specific module co-developed by members of this", "synonym_substitution": "Survey (MCBS) and Chronic Conditions Warehouse (CCW), Area Health Resources File (AHRF) and the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research (ISR) Health and Retirement Study (HSR). We will also take advantage of a HRS dental specific module co - developed by extremity of this", "butter_fingers": " Sugvey (MCBS) and Chronic Cokditions Warehouse (CCW), Erea Hezlth Resuurces File (AHRF) and the Unitersuty od Michigan Institute fur Social Researcy (ISC) Health and Retmdement Study (GDR). Wz xill also take sdvantage mf a HRS dentan rpzcific module co-developed by members of thix", "random_deletion": "Survey (MCBS) and Chronic Conditions Warehouse (CCW), Resources (AHRF) and University of Michigan Health Retirement Study (HSR). will also take of a HRS dental specific module by members of this", "change_char_case": " Survey (MCBS) and Chronic CondiTions WarehOuse (CcW), ARea heAlth resoUrces File (AHRF) aND the university of Michigan InStituTe FOr SoCIaL ReseArch (ISR) hEaLTH anD REtIreMeNT STudy (HsR). WE will alSo take advaNtaGe Of a HRS dental SPeCific modulE co-Developed by mEmbErs of tHiS", "whitespace_perturbation": " Survey (MCBS) and Chronic Condition s War eho use ( CCW) , Ar ea Health Reso u rces File (AHRF) and the U niver si t y of Mi chiga n Insti t ut e for S oc ial R e se arch(IS R) Heal th and Ret ire me nt Study (HS R ). We will a lso take advant age of aHR S d e ntalspe cific modul e co-de veloped b ym embers of this ", "underscore_trick": " Survey_(MCBS) and_Chronic Conditions Warehouse (CCW),_Area Health_Resources_File (AHRF)_and_the University of_Michigan Institute for_Social Research (ISR) Health_and Retirement Study_(HSR)._We will also take advantage of a HRS dental specific module co-developed by members_of_this"} +{"text": " plans a career as an independent clinical investigator focusing on patient-oriented research related to molecular determinants of chemoresistance and prognostic outcome. The Tulane/LSU General Clinical Research Center, including the GCRC Core Laboratory, will serve as the primary performance site and will provide research support. The Department of Pathology and the", "synonym_substitution": "plans a career as an independent clinical investigator focusing on affected role - orient research related to molecular determinant of chemoresistance and predictive outcome. The Tulane / LSU General Clinical Research Center, including the GCRC Core Laboratory, will serve as the chief performance site and will supply research support. The Department of Pathology and the", "butter_fingers": " plwns a career as an indeptndent clinical iucestigetor fodusing ov patient-oriented research rxlatwd to molecular determinantr of chemlresistabce end prognostic onfcome. Tmz Tulzke/LSU Jeneral Clinicak Research Center, includhne che GCRC Core Laboratory, will serve ws the lrlmary performagce xyte znd will provide research support. Fhe Depertment of Pathplogy and the", "random_deletion": "plans a career as an independent clinical on research related molecular determinants of Tulane/LSU Clinical Research Center, the GCRC Core will serve as the primary performance and will provide research support. The Department of Pathology and the", "change_char_case": " plans a career as an independeNt clinical InvesTigAtoR fOcusIng oN patient-orientED resEarch related to moleculaR deteRmINantS Of ChemoResistaNCe AND prOgNoStiC oUTcOme. ThE TuLane/LSU general CliNicAl research CentER, iNcluding thE GCrC Core LaboraTorY, will sErVe aS The prImaRy perFormanCE site aNd will proViDE reseaRCh suppoRT. thE DepArtment of PathologY AnD The", "whitespace_perturbation": " plans a career as an inde pendent cl inica l i nve st igat or f ocusing on pat i ent- oriented research rela ted t om olec u la r det erminan t so f ch em or esi st a nc e and pr ognosti c outcome. Th eTulane/LSU G e ne ral Clinic alResearch Cen ter , incl ud ing the G CRC Core Labor a tory,will serv ea s thep rimaryp e rf orma nce site and will pr o vide researchsuppor t. Th e Dep art ment of Pa th ology and the ", "underscore_trick": " plans_a career_as an independent clinical_investigator focusing_on_patient-oriented research_related_to molecular determinants_of chemoresistance and_prognostic outcome. The Tulane/LSU_General Clinical Research_Center,_including the GCRC Core Laboratory, will serve as the primary performance site and will_provide_research support._The_Department_of Pathology and the"} +{"text": " decline in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and a decrease in high-energy phosphate pools. Our hypothesis is that this results from a cumulative and irreversible modification of regulatory factors affecting the membrane permeability transition (MPT) pore by adriamycin. The enhanced sensitivity to induction of the MPT leads to a futile, energy-depleting", "synonym_substitution": "decline in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and a decrease in high - energy phosphate pools. Our guess is that this result from a cumulative and irreversible modification of regulative factors feign the membrane permeability transition (MPT) concentrate by adriamycin. The enhanced sensitivity to induction of the MPT leads to a futile, department of energy - depleting", "butter_fingers": " defline in mitochondrial owidative phosphotyoation and a decreasd in high-energy phosphate pollw. Our hypothesis is that thks resultd from a cumnlative and irretsrsible modifjgatiou if regulatory nactors affacting the memtrxnz permeability transition (MPT) pore br adriakyfin. The enhancgd semfitibptn to induction of the MPT leads fo a fuuile, energy-depletimg", "random_deletion": "decline in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and a high-energy pools. Our is that this irreversible of regulatory factors the membrane permeability (MPT) pore by adriamycin. The enhanced to induction of the MPT leads to a futile, energy-depleting", "change_char_case": " decline in mitochondrial oxiDative phosPhoryLatIon AnD a deCreaSe in high-energy PHospHate pools. Our hypothesis Is thaT tHIs reSUlTs froM a cumulATiVE And IrReVerSiBLe ModifIcaTion of rEgulatory fActOrS affecting thE MeMbrane permEabIlity transitIon (mPT) porE bY adRIamycIn. THe enhAnced sENsitivIty to induCtIOn of thE mPT leadS TO a FutiLe, energy-depleting", "whitespace_perturbation": " decline in mitochondrialoxidativephosp hor yla ti on a nd a decrease in h i gh-e nergy phosphate pools. Ourhy p othe s is is t hat thi s r e s ult sfr omac um ulati veand irr eversiblemod if ication of r e gu latory fac tor s affectingthe membr an e p e rmeab ili ty tr ansiti o n (MPT ) pore by a d riamyc i n. Thee n ha nced sensitivity to i n du c tion of the MP T lead st oa fut ile , energy-d ep letin g ", "underscore_trick": " decline_in mitochondrial_oxidative phosphorylation and a_decrease in_high-energy_phosphate pools._Our_hypothesis is that_this results from_a cumulative and irreversible_modification of regulatory_factors_affecting the membrane permeability transition (MPT) pore by adriamycin. The enhanced sensitivity to induction_of_the MPT_leads_to_a futile, energy-depleting"} +{"text": " no effect on delta receptor-mediated LTD. Similar loss of mu- and CB1-dependent forms of LTD is observed following 2-4 weeks of in vivo exposure to intoxicating concentrations of ethanol. Thus, impairment of certain forms of presynaptic LTD appears to be a common impairment produced by different drugs of", "synonym_substitution": "no effect on delta receptor - mediated LTD. Similar personnel casualty of mu- and CB1 - pendent forms of LTD is observed following 2 - 4 workweek of in vivo exposure to intoxicating concentration of ethyl alcohol. Thus, impairment of certain forms of presynaptic LTD appears to be a coarse impairment produced by unlike drugs of", "butter_fingers": " no effect on delta receptov-mediated LTD. Similar lmss of mu- and ZB1-dependent forms of LTD is lbwervee following 2-4 weeks of kn vivo eqposure ti inuoxicating concenvdations of etgwnol. Vhus, impairment of certait forms of prevyva'tic LTD appears to be a common impayrment lrlduced by diffgrent qruga of", "random_deletion": "no effect on delta receptor-mediated LTD. Similar mu- CB1-dependent forms LTD is observed vivo to intoxicating concentrations ethanol. Thus, impairment certain forms of presynaptic LTD appears be a common impairment produced by different drugs of", "change_char_case": " no effect on delta receptor-meDiated LTD. SImilaR loSs oF mU- and cB1-dePendent forms of ltD is Observed following 2-4 weeks Of in vIvO ExpoSUrE to inToxicatINg CONceNtRaTioNs OF eThanoL. ThUs, impaiRment of cerTaiN fOrms of presynAPtIc LTD appeaRs tO be a common imPaiRment pRoDucED by diFfeRent dRugs of", "whitespace_perturbation": " no effect on delta recept or-mediate d LTD . S imi la r lo ss o f mu- and CB1- d epen dent forms of LTD is o bserv ed foll o wi ng 2- 4 weeks of i n v iv oexp os u re to i nto xicatin g concentr ati on s of ethanol . T hus, impai rme nt of certai n f orms o fpre s ynapt icLTD a ppears to bea commonim p airmen t produc e d b y di fferent drugs of", "underscore_trick": " no_effect on_delta receptor-mediated LTD. Similar_loss of_mu-_and CB1-dependent_forms_of LTD is_observed following 2-4_weeks of in vivo_exposure to intoxicating_concentrations_of ethanol. Thus, impairment of certain forms of presynaptic LTD appears to be a_common_impairment produced_by_different_drugs of"} +{"text": ". These drugs also produce extremely unpleasant motor side effects, because these compounds were originally selected based on their ability to produce motor disturbances in rats. Clozapine is an atypical antipsychotic which treats both types of symptoms with very few motor side effects, but it can also produce a potentially lethal side effect, agranulocytosis", "synonym_substitution": ". These drugs also produce extremely unpleasant motor slope effect, because these compounds were originally selected base on their ability to produce motor disturbances in informer. Clozapine is an atypical major tranquilizer which treats both types of symptoms with very few motor side effects, but it can besides produce a potentially lethal side effect, agranulocytosis", "butter_fingers": ". Thfse drugs also produce ewtremely unpleascbt motmr sids effectr, because these compounds wece oeiginqlly selected based on their abplity to prodnce motor disturuznces ik rata. Clova'ine is an atyplcal antipsfchotic which drdacs both types of symptoms with very sew motpr side effects, fut pt can also produce a potentially lethal side ehfect, agranulocutosis", "random_deletion": ". These drugs also produce extremely unpleasant effects, these compounds originally selected based motor in rats. Clozapine an atypical antipsychotic treats both types of symptoms with few motor side effects, but it can also produce a potentially lethal side agranulocytosis", "change_char_case": ". These drugs also produce extrEmely unpleAsant MotOr sIdE effEcts, Because these coMPounDs were originally selectEd basEd ON theIR aBilitY to prodUCe MOTor DiStUrbAnCEs In ratS. ClOzapine Is an atypicAl aNtIpsychotic whICh Treats both TypEs of symptoms WitH very fEw MotOR side EffEcts, bUt it caN Also prOduce a potEnTIally lEThal sidE EFfEct, aGranulocytosis", "whitespace_perturbation": ". These drugs also produce extremely unpl eas ant m otor sid e effects, bec a usethese compounds were o rigin al l y se l ec ted b ased on th e i r a bi li tyto pr oduce mo tor dis turbancesinra ts. Clozapin e i s an atypi cal antipsychot icwhichtr eat s both ty pes o f symp t oms wi th very f ew motors ide eff e c ts , bu t it can also pro d uc e a potentially letha ls id e eff ect , agranulo cy tosis ", "underscore_trick": ". These_drugs also_produce extremely unpleasant motor_side effects,_because_these compounds_were_originally selected based_on their ability_to produce motor disturbances_in rats. Clozapine_is_an atypical antipsychotic which treats both types of symptoms with very few motor side_effects,_but it_can_also_produce a potentially lethal side_effect, agranulocytosis"} +{"text": " their central nervous system targets. In adult vertebrates, primary vestibular afferent axons serving the different vestibular end organs form distinct though overlapping regions of axonal arborization in the vestibular nuclei. While the presumed role of this specific connectivity in sensory processing is obvious, little is known about the developmental mechanisms that are responsible for", "synonym_substitution": "their central nervous system targets. In adult vertebrate, basal vestibular afferent axons serve the unlike vestibular end organs form discrete though overlapping regions of axonal arborization in the vestibular nucleus. While the presumed role of this specific connectivity in sensational processing is obvious, little is known about the developmental mechanism that are responsible for", "butter_fingers": " thfir central nervous systtm targets. In adult vertxbrates, primary vestibular afferent axons sxrvibg tht different vestibuuar end oggans forn diwrinct thoujg overlapping vegious of axonal arbprization hn the vestibunaf uuclei. While the presumed role of thys specoflc connectiviti in xqnsodj krocessing is obvious, little is khown abmut the develppmental mechanisms that age rfsponsible for", "random_deletion": "their central nervous system targets. In adult vestibular axons serving different vestibular end regions axonal arborization in vestibular nuclei. While presumed role of this specific connectivity sensory processing is obvious, little is known about the developmental mechanisms that are for", "change_char_case": " their central nervous system Targets. In aDult vErtEbrAtEs, prImarY vestibular affERent Axons serving the differeNt vesTiBUlar ENd OrganS form diSTiNCT thOuGh OveRlAPpIng reGioNs of axoNal arborizAtiOn In the vestibuLAr Nuclei. WhilE thE presumed rolE of This spEcIfiC ConneCtiVity iN sensoRY proceSsing is obViOUs, littLE is knowN ABoUt thE developmental mecHAnISms that are respOnsiblE fOR", "whitespace_perturbation": " their central nervous sys tem target s. In ad ult v erte brat es, primary ve s tibu lar afferent axons ser vingth e dif f er ent v estibul a re n d o rg an s f or m d istin ctthoughoverlappin g r eg ions of axon a larborizati onin the vesti bul ar nuc le i.W hilethe pres umed r o le ofthis spec if i c conn e ctivity i nsens ory processing is ob v ious, little i s know na bo u t th e d evelopment al mech a nisms t h at a r e r e sponsible for ", "underscore_trick": " their_central nervous_system targets. In adult_vertebrates, primary_vestibular_afferent axons_serving_the different vestibular_end organs form_distinct though overlapping regions_of axonal arborization_in_the vestibular nuclei. While the presumed role of this specific connectivity in sensory processing_is_obvious, little_is_known_about the developmental mechanisms that_are responsible for"} +{"text": "ers protection against HIV-1 acquisition. Since the conformation of V2 is highly variable, the V2 domain will be constrained by transplanting it into the compactly folded 9 kDa small outer capsid protein (Soc) from bacteriophage T4. To select for the functionally important V2 conformations, libraries of V", "synonym_substitution": "ers protection against HIV-1 acquisition. Since the conformation of V2 is highly variable, the V2 knowledge domain will be restrain by transplanting it into the compactly folded 9 kDa little outer capsid protein (Soc) from bacteriophage T4. To select for the functionally significant V2 conformations, libraries of volt", "butter_fingers": "ers protection against HIV-1 xcquisition. Sinew the ronformztion of V2 is highly variable, the V2 vomaun wiol be constrained by tfansplantpng it inro tie compactly folvsd 9 kDa small lutex rapsid protein (Xoc) from bdcteriophage T4. Tu delect for the functionally importagt V2 comflrmations, librwriex of B", "random_deletion": "ers protection against HIV-1 acquisition. Since the V2 highly variable, V2 domain will into compactly folded 9 small outer capsid (Soc) from bacteriophage T4. To select the functionally important V2 conformations, libraries of V", "change_char_case": "ers protection against HIV-1 acQuisition. SInce tHe cOnfOrMatiOn of v2 is highly variaBLe, thE V2 domain will be constraiNed by TrANsplANtIng it Into the COmPACtlY fOlDed 9 KDA SmAll ouTer Capsid pRotein (Soc) fRom BaCteriophage T4. tO sElect for thE fuNctionally imPorTant V2 cOnForMAtionS, liBrariEs of V", "whitespace_perturbation": "ers protection against HIV -1 acquisi tion. Si nce t he c onfo rmation of V2i s hi ghly variable, the V2domai nw illb econst rainedb yt r ans pl an tin gi tintothe compac tly folded 9kD a small oute r c apsid prot ein (Soc) frombac teriop ha geT 4. To se lectfor th e funct ionally i mp o rtantV 2 confo r m at ions , libraries of V", "underscore_trick": "ers protection_against HIV-1_acquisition. Since the conformation_of V2_is_highly variable,_the_V2 domain will_be constrained by_transplanting it into the_compactly folded 9_kDa_small outer capsid protein (Soc) from bacteriophage T4. To select for the functionally important_V2_conformations, libraries_of_V"} +{"text": " our assessment of therapeutic outcome, neurologic status, and behavioral test performance after surgical interruption of the cingulate gyrus and bundle in selected cased of persistent pain or severe affective disorders. All except the last two of these questions will be investigated, in a manner as nearly comparable as we can accomplish, in children and adults", "synonym_substitution": "our assessment of therapeutic outcome, neurologic condition, and behavioral trial performance after surgical interruption of the cingulate gyrus and package in choose cased of persistent pain or severe affectional disorderliness. All except the last two of these questions will be investigated, in a manner as nearly comparable as we can achieve, in children and adults", "butter_fingers": " oug assessment of therapeuuic outcome, neurologic svatus, ahd behavkoral test performance after syrgicql interruption of the cingulatv gyrus abd bnndle in selectev cased of peralstenc 'ain or severe sffective gisorders. All axze't the last two of these questions wyll be ongestigated, in w mamger zs nearly comparable as we can acckmplish, in children snd adults", "random_deletion": "our assessment of therapeutic outcome, neurologic status, test after surgical of the cingulate cased persistent pain or affective disorders. All the last two of these questions be investigated, in a manner as nearly comparable as we can accomplish, in and adults", "change_char_case": " our assessment of therapeutiC outcome, neUroloGic StaTuS, and BehaVioral test perfORmanCe after surgical interruPtion Of THe ciNGuLate gYrus and BUnDLE in SeLeCteD cASeD of peRsiStent paIn or severe AffEcTive disorderS. alL except the LasT two of these qUesTions wIlL be INvestIgaTed, in A manneR As nearLy comparaBlE As we caN AccomplISH, iN chiLdren and adults", "whitespace_perturbation": " our assessment of therape utic outco me, n eur olo gi c st atus , and behavior a l te st performance after s urgic al inte r ru ption of the ci n g ula te g yru sa nd bund lein sele cted cased of p ersistent pa i nor severeaff ective disor der s. All e xce p t the la st tw o of t h ese qu estions w il l be in v estigat e d ,in a manner as nearly co m parable as wecan ac co m pl i s h,inchildren a nd adul t s", "underscore_trick": " our_assessment of_therapeutic outcome, neurologic status,_and behavioral_test_performance after_surgical_interruption of the_cingulate gyrus and_bundle in selected cased_of persistent pain_or_severe affective disorders. All except the last two of these questions will be investigated,_in_a manner_as_nearly_comparable as we can accomplish,_in children and adults"} +{"text": " will determine the effect of increasing AGE on fatigue life and fracture toughness, the ability to resist crack propagation. Aim 3 will assess the efficacy of pyridoxamine and N-acetylcysteine to increase fracture resistance of bone in an aging rat model of T2D through changes in bone structure, BMD, and", "synonym_substitution": "will determine the effect of increasing AGE on fatigue duty biography and fracture toughness, the ability to resist shot generation. Aim 3 will assess the efficacy of pyridoxamine and N - acetylcysteine to increase fracture electric resistance of bone in an aging rat exemplar of T2D through changes in bone structure, BMD, and", "butter_fingers": " wipl determine the effect uf increasing AYW on fetigue mife and fracture toughness, the abilmty ro rewist crack propagation. Aim 3 wilp assess the wfficacy oh pyridowcmine wnd U-aretylcysteine tp increase fracture resivtxnee of bone in an aging rat model of E2D throigj changes in bjne xerucflrt, BMD, and", "random_deletion": "will determine the effect of increasing AGE life fracture toughness, ability to resist assess efficacy of pyridoxamine N-acetylcysteine to increase resistance of bone in an aging model of T2D through changes in bone structure, BMD, and", "change_char_case": " will determine the effect of iNcreasing AgE on fAtiGue LiFe anD fraCture toughness, THe abIlity to resist crack propAgatiOn. aIm 3 wiLL aSsess The effiCAcY OF pyRiDoXamInE AnD N-aceTylCysteinE to increasE frAcTure resistanCE oF bone in an aGinG rat model of T2d thRough cHaNgeS In bonE stRuctuRe, BMD, aND", "whitespace_perturbation": " will determine the effect of increa singAGE on f atig ue l ife and fractu r e to ughness, the ability t o res is t cra c kpropa gation. Ai m 3 w il lass es s t he ef fic acy ofpyridoxami nean d N-acetylcy s te ine to inc rea se fractureres istanc eofb one i n a n agi ng rat modelof T2D th ro u gh cha n ges inb o ne str ucture, BMD, and", "underscore_trick": " will_determine the_effect of increasing AGE_on fatigue_life_and fracture_toughness,_the ability to_resist crack propagation._Aim 3 will assess_the efficacy of_pyridoxamine_and N-acetylcysteine to increase fracture resistance of bone in an aging rat model of_T2D_through changes_in_bone_structure, BMD, and"} +{"text": "ORE meetings, the scheduling of meetings and scientists, Executive Committee, Developmental Research Committee and Career Development Committee and the SPORE advocacy program.. The Administrative Core works with the SPORE investigators and NCI program staff to insure compliance with all federal regulations and reporting requirements. It will coordinate activities with the Cancer Center and with other", "synonym_substitution": "ORE meetings, the scheduling of meetings and scientists, Executive Committee, Developmental Research Committee and Career Development Committee and the SPORE advocacy program.. The Administrative Core work with the SPORE detective and NCI program staff to insure compliance with all union regulations and reporting requirements. It will organize activities with the Cancer Center and with other", "butter_fingers": "ORE meetings, the scheduling of meetings anb scienvists, Esecutive Committee, Developmental Resxarcy Comnittee and Career Deveuopment Clmmittee and rhe SPORE esvocacy progrzl.. Thz Edministrative Gore works fith the SPORE ivvzstigators and NCI program staff to ynsure volpliance with wll gqderzl regulations and reporting requidements. It will coorcinate activities with the Canfer Center and witj other", "random_deletion": "ORE meetings, the scheduling of meetings and Committee, Research Committee Career Development Committee The Core works with SPORE investigators and program staff to insure compliance with federal regulations and reporting requirements. It will coordinate activities with the Cancer Center with other", "change_char_case": "ORE meetings, the scheduling oF meetings aNd sciEntIstS, EXecuTive committee, DevelOPmenTal Research Committee anD CareEr dEvelOPmEnt CoMmittee ANd THE SPoRe aDvoCaCY pRograM.. ThE AdminiStrative CoRe wOrKs with the SPOre iNvestigatoRs aNd NCI program StaFf to inSuRe cOMpliaNce With aLl fedeRAl reguLations anD rEPortinG RequireMENtS. It wIll coordinate actiVItIEs with the CanceR CenteR aND wITH otHer", "whitespace_perturbation": "ORE meetings, the scheduli ng of meet ingsand sc ie ntis ts,Executive Comm i ttee , Developmental Resear ch Co mm i ttee an d Car eer Dev e lo p m ent C om mit te e a nd th e S PORE ad vocacy pro gra m. . The Admini s tr ative Core wo rks with the SP ORE in ve sti g ators an d NCI progr a m staf f to insu re compli a nce wit h al l fe deral regulations an d reporting req uireme nt s .I t wi llcoordinate a ctivi t ies wit h t h e Can c er Center and with other ", "underscore_trick": "ORE meetings,_the scheduling_of meetings and scientists,_Executive Committee,_Developmental_Research Committee_and_Career Development Committee_and the SPORE_advocacy program.. The Administrative_Core works with_the_SPORE investigators and NCI program staff to insure compliance with all federal regulations and_reporting_requirements. It_will_coordinate_activities with the Cancer Center_and with other"} +{"text": " that contribute to the onset of psychosis. This approach is consistent with the RDoC framework, which encourages using converging measurements to study the underlying neurobiology of domains (Cognitive System and Arousal Regulation in this proposal), and constructs (working memory capacity and stress regulation) that represent fundamental behaviors expressed by individuals with clinical", "synonym_substitution": "that contribute to the onset of psychosis. This approach is consistent with the RDoC model, which encourage using converging measurement to study the underlie neurobiology of domains (Cognitive System and Arousal Regulation in this proposal), and concept (work memory capacity and tension rule) that represent fundamental behavior expressed by individuals with clinical", "butter_fingers": " thwt contribute to the onstt of psychosis. Tkus appcoach ia consisgent with the RDoC framework, wyich tucourages using convdrging mewsuremenrs ti study the underlylug nehvobionigy of domains (Cognitive System and Armurap Regulation in this proposal), and cjnstrucys (working memori capssity and stress regulation) that repressnt funvamental behaviprs expressed by individuaps wlth clinical", "random_deletion": "that contribute to the onset of psychosis. is with the framework, which encourages the neurobiology of domains System and Arousal in this proposal), and constructs (working capacity and stress regulation) that represent fundamental behaviors expressed by individuals with clinical", "change_char_case": " that contribute to the onset oF psychosis. this aPprOacH iS conSistEnt with the RDoC FRameWork, which encourages usiNg conVeRGing MEaSuremEnts to sTUdY THe uNdErLyiNg NEuRobioLogY of domaIns (CognitiVe SYsTem and ArousaL reGulation in ThiS proposal), and ConStructS (wOrkINg memOry CapacIty and STress rEgulation) ThAT repreSEnt fundAMEnTal bEhaviors expressed BY iNDividuals with cLinicaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " that contribute to the on set of psy chosi s.Thi sappr oach is consistent with the RDoC framework, w hichen c oura g es usin g conve r gi n g me as ur eme nt s t o stu dythe und erlying ne uro bi ology of dom a in s (Cogniti veSystem and A rou sal Re gu lat i on in th is pr oposal ) , andconstruct s( workin g memory c ap acit y and stress regu l at i on) that repre sent f un d am e n tal be haviors ex pr essed by indi v id u a l s w i th clinical", "underscore_trick": " that_contribute to_the onset of psychosis._This approach_is_consistent with_the_RDoC framework, which_encourages using converging_measurements to study the_underlying neurobiology of_domains_(Cognitive System and Arousal Regulation in this proposal), and constructs (working memory capacity and_stress_regulation) that_represent_fundamental_behaviors expressed by individuals with_clinical"} +{"text": "netic'species pairs'have evolved, and similar changes in mating behavior have occurred independently in each lake. The aim of this study is to investigate the genetic underpinnings of behaviors involved in reproductive isolation between benthic and limnetic sticklebacks from two lakes (Priest and Paxton) using", "synonym_substitution": "netic'species pairs'have evolved, and similar changes in mating demeanor have occur independently in each lake. The aim of this study is to investigate the familial underpinnings of behavior involved in reproductive isolation between benthic and limnetic stickleback from two lakes (Priest and Paxton) using", "butter_fingers": "netlc'species pairs'have evolyed, and similar eyanges in mafing behxvior have occurred independxntlt in tcch lake. The aim of ghis studj is to ibvesuigate the genetir underpluninga of yeiaviors involvec in reproguctive isolathov yetween benthic and limnetic sticklefacks ftol two lakes (Pryest wnd Laxton) using", "random_deletion": "netic'species pairs'have evolved, and similar changes in have independently in lake. The aim investigate genetic underpinnings of involved in reproductive between benthic and limnetic sticklebacks from lakes (Priest and Paxton) using", "change_char_case": "netic'species pairs'have evolVed, and simiLar chAngEs iN mAtinG behAvior have occurREd inDependently in each lake. THe aim Of THis sTUdY is to InvestiGAtE THe gEnEtIc uNdERpInninGs oF behaviOrs involveD in ReProductive isOLaTion betweeN beNthic and limnEtiC stickLeBacKS from Two Lakes (priest ANd PaxtOn) using", "whitespace_perturbation": "netic'species pairs'have e volved, an d sim ila r c ha nges inmating behavio r hav e occurred independent ly in e a ch l a ke . The aim of th i s st ud yisto in vesti gat e the g enetic und erp in nings of beh a vi ors involv edin reproduct ive isola ti onb etwee n b enthi c andl imneti c stickle ba c ks fro m two la k e s(Pri est and Paxton) u s in g ", "underscore_trick": "netic'species pairs'have_evolved, and_similar changes in mating_behavior have_occurred_independently in_each_lake. The aim_of this study_is to investigate the_genetic underpinnings of_behaviors_involved in reproductive isolation between benthic and limnetic sticklebacks from two lakes (Priest and_Paxton)_using"} +{"text": " evidence supports the role of the major CD susceptibility genes, NOD2/CARD15, IRGM and ATG16L1 in the processing of microbial antigens and innate immunity. Moreover, studies showed significant differences in microbiome profiles among ethnic groups. However, it is unclear whether carriage of the major genetic risk alleles correlates with", "synonym_substitution": "evidence supports the role of the major CD susceptibility genes, NOD2 / CARD15, IRGM and ATG16L1 in the processing of microbial antigen and innate unsusceptibility. Moreover, studies testify meaning differences in microbiome profiles among ethnic group. However, it is unclear whether carriage of the major familial risk alleles correlate with", "butter_fingers": " evldence supports the role of the major CB susce'tibilify genes, NOD2/CARD15, IRGM and ATG16L1 in thx pricessung of microbial antigdns and ijnate imnuniuy. Moreover, studixa showed signjnicanc vifferences in kicrobiome profiles amonc dtknic groups. However, it is unclear whqther csrgiage of the mwjor denefpc risk alleles correlates with", "random_deletion": "evidence supports the role of the major genes, IRGM and in the processing immunity. studies showed significant in microbiome profiles ethnic groups. However, it is unclear carriage of the major genetic risk alleles correlates with", "change_char_case": " evidence supports the role of The major CD SuscePtiBilItY genEs, NOd2/CARD15, IRGM and ATg16l1 in tHe processing of microbiaL antiGeNS and INnAte imMunity. MOReOVEr, sTuDiEs sHoWEd SigniFicAnt diffErences in mIcrObIome profiles AMoNg ethnic grOupS. However, it is UncLear whEtHer CArriaGe oF the mAjor geNEtic riSk alleles CoRRelateS With", "whitespace_perturbation": " evidence supports the rol e of the m ajorCDsus ce ptib ilit y genes, NOD2/ C ARD1 5, IRGM and ATG16L1 in thepr o cess i ng of m icrobia l a n t ige ns a ndin n at e imm uni ty. Mor eover, stu die sshowed signi f ic ant differ enc es in microb iom e prof il esa mongeth nic g roups. Howeve r, it isun c lear w h ether c a r ri ageof the major gene t ic risk alleles c orrela te s w i t h", "underscore_trick": " evidence_supports the_role of the major_CD susceptibility_genes,_NOD2/CARD15, IRGM_and_ATG16L1 in the_processing of microbial_antigens and innate immunity._Moreover, studies showed_significant_differences in microbiome profiles among ethnic groups. However, it is unclear whether carriage of_the_major genetic_risk_alleles_correlates with"} +{"text": " inflammation at baseline and with changes in inflammation over time in older adults; and (3) determine whether, and to what degree, inflammation reduces the effect of MetS on physical function. Statistical methods to be used include logistic regression and mixed effects modeling, as well as mediation analysis. This project will provide a practical opportunity for", "synonym_substitution": "inflammation at baseline and with changes in inflammation over meter in previous adults; and (3) determine whether, and to what degree, ignition reduces the effect of MetS on forcible function. Statistical methods to be used admit logistic arrested development and mixed effects model, as well as mediation analysis. This project will leave a practical opportunity for", "butter_fingers": " invlammation at baseline akd with changes nb inflemmatioh over tkme in older adults; and (3) detxrmibe whtnher, and to what degrde, inflamlation rwducts the effect of MetS on ikysiczp fuucvion. Statisticak methods do be used incnuae logistic regression and mixed effests modrllng, as well as medpaeion analysis. This project will provids a prabtical opportunitu for", "random_deletion": "inflammation at baseline and with changes in time older adults; (3) determine whether, reduces effect of MetS physical function. Statistical to be used include logistic regression mixed effects modeling, as well as mediation analysis. This project will provide a opportunity for", "change_char_case": " inflammation at baseline and With changeS in inFlaMmaTiOn ovEr tiMe in older adultS; And (3) dEtermine whether, and to whAt degReE, InflAMmAtion Reduces THe EFFecT oF MEtS On PHySical FunCtion. StAtistical mEthOdS to be used incLUdE logistic rEgrEssion and mixEd eFfects MoDelINg, as wEll As medIation ANalysiS. This projEcT Will prOVide a prACTiCal oPportunity for", "whitespace_perturbation": " inflammation at baselineand with c hange s i n i nf lamm atio n over time in olde r adults; and (3) dete rmine w h ethe r ,and t o whatd eg r e e,in fl amm at i on redu ces the ef fect of Me tSon physical fu n ct ion. Stati sti cal methodstobe use dinc l ude l ogi sticregres s ion an d mixed e ff e cts mo d eling,a s w ellas mediation anal y si s . This project willpr o vi d e apra ctical opp or tunit y for", "underscore_trick": " inflammation_at baseline_and with changes in_inflammation over_time_in older_adults;_and (3) determine_whether, and to_what degree, inflammation reduces_the effect of_MetS_on physical function. Statistical methods to be used include logistic regression and mixed effects_modeling,_as well_as_mediation_analysis. This project will provide_a practical opportunity for"} +{"text": " recompute lung and esophagus dose-volume histograms using a novel Monte Carlo-based technique, to improve the consistency and accuracy of the database dose distributions. Under Specific Aim (SA) #1, Improvements in post-RT late pneumonitis/fibrosis NTCP models, we will: (a) expand", "synonym_substitution": "recompute lung and esophagus dose - volume histograms using a fresh Monte Carlo - free-base technique, to improve the consistency and accuracy of the database venereal disease distribution. Under Specific Aim (SA) # 1, Improvements in post - RT late pneumonitis / fibrosis NTCP exemplar, we will: (a) expand", "butter_fingers": " refompute lung and esophagms dose-volume histogramv usinf a noveu Monte Carlo-based technique, ti impeove the consistency avd accuraby of the datebase dose distrmgutions. Under Dpecnfmc Aim (SA) #1, Imprpvements it post-RT late [ndulonitis/fibrosis NTCP models, we will: (a) expamd", "random_deletion": "recompute lung and esophagus dose-volume histograms using Monte technique, to the consistency and distributions. Specific Aim (SA) Improvements in post-RT pneumonitis/fibrosis NTCP models, we will: (a)", "change_char_case": " recompute lung and esophagus Dose-volume HistoGraMs uSiNg a nOvel monte Carlo-baseD TechNique, to improve the consiStencY aND accURaCy of tHe databASe DOSe dIsTrIbuTiONs. under speCific AiM (SA) #1, ImproveMenTs In post-RT late PNeUmonitis/fiBroSis NTCP modelS, we Will: (a) eXpAnd", "whitespace_perturbation": " recompute lung and esopha gus dose-v olume hi sto gr amsusin g a novel Mont e Car lo-based technique, to impr ov e the co nsist ency an d a c c ura cy o f t he da tabas e d ose dis tributions . U nd er SpecificA im (SA) #1,Imp rovements in po st-RTla tep neumo nit is/fi brosis NTCP m odels, we w i ll: (a ) expand ", "underscore_trick": " recompute_lung and_esophagus dose-volume histograms using_a novel_Monte_Carlo-based technique,_to_improve the consistency_and accuracy of_the database dose distributions._Under Specific Aim_(SA)_#1, Improvements in post-RT late pneumonitis/fibrosis NTCP models, we will: (a) expand"} +{"text": "18, we defined a role for RGS5 in neutrophil trafficking. RGS5 was expressed in both human and murine neutrophils. We detected significantly more neutrophils in the airways of Rgs5-/- mice than wild-type counterparts following acute respiratory virus infection and also in the peritoneum in response to injection of", "synonym_substitution": "18, we defined a role for RGS5 in neutrophil trafficking. RGS5 was expressed in both human and murine neutrophils. We detect importantly more neutrophil in the airways of Rgs5-/- mice than wild - character counterparts following acute respiratory virus contagion and besides in the peritoneum in response to injection of", "butter_fingers": "18, we defined a role for RGS5 ln neutrophil trcdfickiig. RGS5 sas exprdssed in both human and muriie nwutrokkils. We detected sigvificantlj more neytrokhils in the airwegs of Rnf5-/- midc thau xild-type countetparts follofing acute res[ifacory virus infection and also in the peritomekm in response to pntectjon of", "random_deletion": "18, we defined a role for RGS5 trafficking. was expressed both human and more in the airways Rgs5-/- mice than counterparts following acute respiratory virus infection also in the peritoneum in response to injection of", "change_char_case": "18, we defined a role for RGS5 in neuTrophil traFfickIng. rGS5 WaS expRessEd in both human aND murIne neutrophils. We detectEd sigNiFIcanTLy More nEutrophILs IN The AiRwAys Of rGs5-/- Mice tHan Wild-typE counterpaRts FoLlowing acute REsPiratory viRus Infection and AlsO in the PeRitONeum iN reSponsE to injECtion oF", "whitespace_perturbation": "18, we defined a role forRGS5 in ne utrop hil tr af fick ing. RGS5 was expr e ssed in both human and mur ine n eu t roph i ls . Wedetecte d s i g nif ic an tly m o re neut rop hils in the airwa ysof Rgs5-/- mic e t han wild-t ype counterpart s f ollowi ng ac u te re spi rator y viru s infec tion andal s o in t h e perit o n eu m in response to inje c ti o n of", "underscore_trick": "18, we_defined a_role for RGS5 in_neutrophil trafficking._RGS5_was expressed_in_both human and_murine neutrophils. We_detected significantly more neutrophils_in the airways_of_Rgs5-/- mice than wild-type counterparts following acute respiratory virus infection and also in the_peritoneum_in response_to_injection_of"} +{"text": " [unreadable] DESCRIPTION: (Applicant's Description) The capacity of memory T-cells to traffic preferentially to distinct epithelial tissues has only recently been appreciated. Evidence is accumulating that a skin homing memory T-cell population, identified by E/P selectin ligand expression (e.g., CLA/PS", "synonym_substitution": "[ unreadable ] DESCRIPTION: (Applicant's Description) The capacity of memory T - cells to dealings preferentially to discrete epithelial tissues has only recently been prize. Evidence is accumulate that a skin homing memory T - cellular telephone population, identified by E / P selectin ligand expression (e.g., CLA / PS", "butter_fingers": " [ungeadable] DESCRIPTION: (Appuicant's Descripjiin) The capacjty of mdmory T-cells to traffic prefxrenriallt to distinct epithelixl tissued has onoy rtcently been apprxdiated. Cridendc is ccrumulating that a skin hoking memory T-calu 'opulation, identified by E/P selectin ligand edpression (e.g., CJA/PS", "random_deletion": "[unreadable] DESCRIPTION: (Applicant's Description) The capacity of to preferentially to epithelial tissues has is that a skin memory T-cell population, by E/P selectin ligand expression (e.g.,", "change_char_case": " [unreadable] DESCRIPTION: (ApplIcant's DescRiptiOn) THe cApAcitY of mEmory T-cells to tRAffiC preferentially to distiNct epItHEliaL TiSsues Has only REcENTly BeEn AppReCIaTed. EvIdeNce is acCumulating ThaT a Skin homing meMOrY T-cell popuLatIon, identifieD by e/P seleCtIn lIGand eXprEssioN (e.g., CLA/ps", "whitespace_perturbation": " [unreadable] DESCRIPTION: (Applican t's D esc rip ti on)Thecapacity of me m oryT-cells to traffic pre feren ti a llyt odisti nct epi t he l i alti ss ues h a sonlyrec ently b een apprec iat ed . Evidence i s a ccumulatin g t hat a skin h omi ng mem or y T - cellpop ulati on, id e ntifie d by E/Pse l ectinl igand e x p re ssio n (e.g., CLA/PS", "underscore_trick": " [unreadable]_DESCRIPTION: (Applicant's_Description) The capacity of_memory T-cells_to_traffic preferentially_to_distinct epithelial tissues_has only recently_been appreciated. Evidence is_accumulating that a_skin_homing memory T-cell population, identified by E/P selectin ligand expression (e.g., CLA/PS"} +{"text": " of representative species from several medically important genera of enteric bacteria. Johnson C. Smith University recognizes the tremendous benefits of an active research program to our overall educational atmosphere; therefore, released time is requested for those faculty who conduct supported research. The training of students in research techniques and the methodology of research is also a major goal", "synonym_substitution": "of representative species from several medically important genera of intestinal bacteria. Johnson C. Smith University recognize the tremendous benefit of an active inquiry program to our overall educational atmosphere; therefore, exhaust time is requested for those staff who impart supported inquiry. The training of students in research techniques and the methodology of inquiry is also a major goal", "butter_fingers": " of representative species nrom several mednxally mmportaht generx of enteric bacteria. Johnsoi C. Wmith University recognizes the tremvndous bebefius of an active rxaearch ixograj to mnr overall educstional atkosphere; therexofe, released time is requested for thofe facuktj who conduct fupppwted gewearch. The training of studenfs in rtsearch techniques and the methodology of redearfh is also a major goal", "random_deletion": "of representative species from several medically important enteric Johnson C. University recognizes the research to our overall atmosphere; therefore, released is requested for those faculty who supported research. The training of students in research techniques and the methodology of is also a major goal", "change_char_case": " of representative species frOm several mEdicaLly ImpOrTant GeneRa of enteric bacTEria. johnson C. Smith UniversitY recoGnIZes tHE tRemenDous benEFiTS Of aN aCtIve ReSEaRch prOgrAm to our Overall eduCatIoNal atmospherE; ThErefore, relEasEd time is requEstEd for tHoSe fACulty Who ConduCt suppORted reSearch. The TrAIning oF StudentS IN rEseaRch techniques and tHE mEThodology of resEarch iS aLSo A MAjoR goAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " of representative species from seve ral m edi cal ly imp orta nt genera of e n teri c bacteria. Johnson C. Smit hU nive r si ty re cognize s t h e tr em en dou sb en efits of an act ive resear chpr ogram to our ov erall educ ati onal atmosph ere ; ther ef ore , rele ase d tim e is r e queste d for tho se facult y who co n d uc t su pported research. Th e training of s tudent si nr e sea rch technique sand t h e metho d ol o g y of research is a lso a major goa l", "underscore_trick": " of_representative species_from several medically important_genera of_enteric_bacteria. Johnson_C._Smith University recognizes_the tremendous benefits_of an active research_program to our_overall_educational atmosphere; therefore, released time is requested for those faculty who conduct supported research._The_training of_students_in_research techniques and the methodology_of research is also a_major goal"} +{"text": " by recent reviewers (Belenko & Logan, 2003; Cooper, 2002), juvenile drug courts began emerging in the 1980s to address these problems, and 268 juvenile drug courts were in operation by December, 2003 (Huddleston, Freeman-Wilson, & Boone, 2004). Although juvenile drug courts have continued to", "synonym_substitution": "by recent reviewers (Belenko & Logan, 2003; Cooper, 2002), juvenile drug courts begin emerge in the 1980s to address these problems, and 268 adolescent drug courts were in operation by December, 2003 (Huddleston, Freeman - Wilson, & Boone, 2004). Although juvenile drug court have continued to", "butter_fingers": " by recent reviewers (Belenku & Logan, 2003; Coopet, 2002), juvenmle druf courts began emerging in the 1980s to eddrwss tyese problems, and 268 juvdnile druh courts wert in operation by Decembev, 2003 (Husflescoi, Freeman-Wilson, & Boone, 2004). Anthough juvenine dxug courts have continued to", "random_deletion": "by recent reviewers (Belenko & Logan, 2003; juvenile courts began in the 1980s 268 drug courts were operation by December, (Huddleston, Freeman-Wilson, & Boone, 2004). Although drug courts have continued to", "change_char_case": " by recent reviewers (Belenko & LOgan, 2003; Cooper, 2002), JuvenIle DruG cOurtS begAn emerging in thE 1980S to aDdress these problems, and 268 JuvenIlE Drug COuRts weRe in opeRAtION by deCeMbeR, 2003 (HUDdLestoN, FrEeman-WiLson, & Boone, 2004). ALthOuGh juvenile drUG cOurts have cOntInued to", "whitespace_perturbation": " by recent reviewers (Bele nko & Loga n, 20 03; Co op er,2002 ), juvenile dr u g co urts began emerging in the19 8 0s t o a ddres s these pr o b lem s, a nd26 8 j uveni ledrug co urts wereinop eration by D e ce mber, 2003 (H uddleston, F ree man-Wi ls on, & Boo ne, 2004 ). Alt h ough j uvenile d ru g court s have c o n ti nued to", "underscore_trick": " by_recent reviewers_(Belenko & Logan, 2003;_Cooper, 2002),_juvenile_drug courts_began_emerging in the_1980s to address_these problems, and 268_juvenile drug courts_were_in operation by December, 2003 (Huddleston, Freeman-Wilson, & Boone, 2004). Although juvenile drug courts_have_continued to"} +{"text": " pre-fusion blastocyst and determine how and when blastocyst fusion occurs. As a first step in carrying out this study, it will be necessary to determine when, during the marmoset reproductive cycle, ovulation occurs, and to develop a simple and reliable test for early pregnancy. During pregnancy in the marm", "synonym_substitution": "pre - fusion blastocyst and determine how and when blastocyst fusion occurs. As a first gradation in carry out this study, it will be necessary to determine when, during the marmoset reproductive bicycle, ovulation occurs, and to develop a dim-witted and authentic test for early pregnancy. During pregnancy in the marm", "butter_fingers": " prf-fusion blastocyst and dttermine how and cyen blestocysf fusion occurs. As a first step in cerryung oyt this study, it will ce necesswry to dwternune when, dnding thc marjlset ceproductive cygle, ovulatimn occurs, and do dzvelop a simple and reliable test fow early pgegnancy. Durind prtgnwncy pn the marm", "random_deletion": "pre-fusion blastocyst and determine how and when occurs. a first in carrying out necessary determine when, during marmoset reproductive cycle, occurs, and to develop a simple reliable test for early pregnancy. During pregnancy in the marm", "change_char_case": " pre-fusion blastocyst and detErmine how aNd wheN blAstOcYst fUsioN occurs. As a firsT Step In carrying out this study, It wilL bE NeceSSaRy to dEterminE WhEN, DurInG tHe mArMOsEt repRodUctive cYcle, ovulatIon OcCurs, and to devELoP a simple anD reLiable test foR eaRly preGnAncY. durinG prEgnanCy in thE Marm", "whitespace_perturbation": " pre-fusion blastocyst and determine howand wh en bla stoc yst fusion occ u rs.As a first step in car rying o u t th i sstudy , it wi l lb e ne ce ss ary t o d eterm ine when,during the ma rm oset reprodu c ti ve cycle,ovu lation occur s,and to d eve l op asim ple a nd rel i able t est for e ar l y preg n ancy. D u r in g pr egnancy in the ma r m", "underscore_trick": " pre-fusion_blastocyst and_determine how and when_blastocyst fusion_occurs._As a_first_step in carrying_out this study,_it will be necessary_to determine when,_during_the marmoset reproductive cycle, ovulation occurs, and to develop a simple and reliable test_for_early pregnancy._During_pregnancy_in the marm"} +{"text": " sputum. The goal of this project is to understand the molecular structural basis of transport and select inhibition of lipid flippases/multidrug resistance ABC (MDR-ABC) transporters. We will be integrating structure, function, and chemistry to provide a much more unified and comprehensive view of lipid transport coupled to ATP", "synonym_substitution": "sputum. The goal of this project is to understand the molecular geomorphologic footing of transport and select prohibition of lipid flippases / multidrug resistance ABC (MDR - ABC) transporter. We will be integrating social organization, routine, and chemistry to provide a a lot more incorporate and comprehensive view of lipid tape drive coupled to ATP", "butter_fingers": " spktum. The goal of this pruject is to undgrwtand vhe molscular sgructural basis of transport abd seoect inhibition of lipkd flippades/multierug eesistance ABC (MDR-ABC) trzksporcecs. We will be iktegrating vtructure, funcdiun, and chemistry to provide a much mowe unifoef and comprehegsivt vyew kf lipid transport coupled to ATP", "random_deletion": "sputum. The goal of this project is the structural basis transport and select ABC transporters. We will integrating structure, function, chemistry to provide a much more and comprehensive view of lipid transport coupled to ATP", "change_char_case": " sputum. The goal of this projecT is to underStand The MolEcUlar StruCtural basis of tRAnspOrt and select inhibition Of lipId FLippASeS/multIdrug reSIsTANce aBc (MdR-AbC) TRaNsporTerS. We will Be integratIng StRucture, functIOn, And chemistRy tO provide a mucH moRe unifIeD anD ComprEheNsive View of LIpid trAnsport coUpLEd to ATp", "whitespace_perturbation": " sputum. The goal of thisproject is to u nde rst an d th e mo lecular struct u ralbasis of transport and sele ct inhi b it ion o f lipid fl i p pas es /m ult id r ug resi sta nce ABC (MDR-ABC) tr an sporters. We wi ll be inte gra ting structu re, funct io n,a nd ch emi stryto pro v ide amuch more u n ifieda nd comp r e he nsiv e view of lipid t r an s port coupled t o ATP", "underscore_trick": " sputum._The goal_of this project is_to understand_the_molecular structural_basis_of transport and_select inhibition of_lipid flippases/multidrug resistance ABC_(MDR-ABC) transporters. We_will_be integrating structure, function, and chemistry to provide a much more unified and comprehensive_view_of lipid_transport_coupled_to ATP"} +{"text": " and chronic pain; UH3/Aim 2: to perform a 3-arm pilot randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study of low-dose naltrexone and nalmefene vs. placebo among HIV-infected persons with heavy alcohol use and chronic pain to provide estimates of their effects", "synonym_substitution": "and chronic pain; UH3 / Aim 2: to perform a 3 - arm pilot randomize, doubly - blind, placebo - controlled study of humble - dose naltrexone and nalmefene vs. placebo among HIV - infected person with heavy alcohol use and chronic annoyance to leave estimates of their effect", "butter_fingers": " anf chronic pain; UH3/Aim 2: to perform a 3-arm kioot raidomizes, double-clinded, placebo-controlled stndy if loq-dose naltrexone and nxlmefene ns. placebi amibg HIV-inferfed persons wjbh hecvb alcohol use akd chronic [ain to provida dscimates of their effects", "random_deletion": "and chronic pain; UH3/Aim 2: to perform pilot double-blinded, placebo-controlled of low-dose naltrexone HIV-infected with heavy alcohol and chronic pain provide estimates of their effects", "change_char_case": " and chronic pain; UH3/Aim 2: to perfOrm a 3-arm pilOt ranDomIzeD, dOublE-bliNded, placebo-conTRollEd study of low-dose naltreXone aNd NAlmeFEnE vs. plAcebo amONg hiv-inFeCtEd pErSOnS with HeaVy alcohOl use and chRonIc Pain to providE EsTimates of tHeiR effects", "whitespace_perturbation": " and chronic pain; UH3/Aim 2: to per forma 3 -ar mpilo t ra ndomized, doub l e-bl inded, placebo-control led s tu d y of lo w-dos e naltr e xo n e an dna lme fe n evs. p lac ebo amo ng HIV-inf ect ed persons wit h h eavy alcoh oluse and chro nic painto pr o videest imate s of t h eir ef fects", "underscore_trick": " and_chronic pain;_UH3/Aim 2: to perform_a 3-arm_pilot_randomized, double-blinded,_placebo-controlled_study of low-dose_naltrexone and nalmefene_vs. placebo among HIV-infected_persons with heavy_alcohol_use and chronic pain to provide estimates of their effects"} +{"text": " to be shared, evaluated and developed co-operatively. The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) is becoming a de facto standard exchange format for representing formal qualitative and quantitative models of systems of biochemical reactions. The long-term objectives of this proposal are to support and further develop SBML and related software infrastructure for the", "synonym_substitution": "to be shared, evaluated and developed co - operatively. The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) is become a de facto standard substitution format for representing formal qualitative and quantitative models of system of biochemical reactions. The long - terminus objective of this proposal are to back and further develop SBML and related software infrastructure for the", "butter_fingers": " to be shared, evaluated and developed co-opgrqtivelb. The Sgstems Bkology Markup Language (SBML) ms bwcomibg a de facto standard exchange format dor cepresenting formal quallcativs and wuantitative mpdels of sfstems of biocveoieal reactions. The long-term objectivef of thos proposal are jo sukpowt ahd further develop SBML and relates softwere infrastructire for the", "random_deletion": "to be shared, evaluated and developed co-operatively. Biology Language (SBML) becoming a de representing qualitative and quantitative of systems of reactions. The long-term objectives of this are to support and further develop SBML and related software infrastructure for the", "change_char_case": " to be shared, evaluated and devEloped co-opEratiVelY. ThE SYsteMs BiOlogy Markup LanGUage (sBML) is becoming a de facto StandArD ExchANgE formAt for rePReSENtiNg FoRmaL qUAlItatiVe aNd quantItative modEls Of Systems of bioCHeMical reactIonS. The long-term ObjEctiveS oF thIS propOsaL are tO suppoRT and fuRther deveLoP sBML anD Related SOFtWare Infrastructure for THe", "whitespace_perturbation": " to be shared, evaluated a nd develop ed co -op era ti vely . Th e Systems Biol o gy M arkup Language (SBML)is be co m inga d e fac to stan d ar d exc ha ng e f or m at forrep resenti ng formalqua li tative and q u an titative m ode ls of system s o f bioc he mic a l rea cti ons.The lo n g-term objectiv es of thi s propos a l a re t o support and fur t he r develop SBMLand re la t ed s oft war e infrastr uc turef or the", "underscore_trick": " to_be shared,_evaluated and developed co-operatively._The Systems_Biology_Markup Language_(SBML)_is becoming a_de facto standard_exchange format for representing_formal qualitative and_quantitative_models of systems of biochemical reactions. The long-term objectives of this proposal are to_support_and further_develop_SBML_and related software infrastructure for_the"} +{"text": " of a brain structure (i.e., the hippocampus) that underlies the ability of rats to use their satiety cues to predict when eating food will or will not produce reinforcing postingestive outcomes. A result of degrading the operation of these learning mechanisms is excess intake and body weight. The present research will", "synonym_substitution": "of a brain structure (i.e., the hippocampus) that underlies the ability of rats to practice their repletion cue to predict when feed food will or will not grow reinforcing postingestive outcomes. A consequence of degrading the operation of these eruditeness mechanism is excess intake and soundbox weight. The present research will", "butter_fingers": " of a brain structure (i.e., tht hippocampus) thaj ynderlmes the ability of rats to use their satietb cuws to predict when eating fuod will lr will bot kroduce reinforciif postikyestibc outeones. A result on degrading the operation ow chese learning mechanisms is excess yntake snf body weight. Jhe pgefent gewearch will", "random_deletion": "of a brain structure (i.e., the hippocampus) the of rats use their satiety food or will not reinforcing postingestive outcomes. result of degrading the operation of learning mechanisms is excess intake and body weight. The present research will", "change_char_case": " of a brain structure (i.e., the hipPocampus) thAt undErlIes ThE abiLity Of rats to use theIR satIety cues to predict when eAting FoOD wilL Or Will nOt produCE rEINfoRcInG poStINgEstivE ouTcomes. A Result of deGraDiNg the operatiON oF these learNinG mechanisms iS exCess inTaKe aND body WeiGht. ThE preseNT reseaRch will", "whitespace_perturbation": " of a brain structure (i.e ., the hip pocam pus ) t ha t un derl ies the abilit y ofrats to use their sati ety c ue s top re dictwhen ea t in g foo dwi llor wi ll no t p roducereinforcin g p os tingestive o u tc omes. A re sul t of degradi ngthe op er ati o n ofthe se le arning mechan isms is e xc e ss int a ke andb o dy wei ght. The presentr es e arch will", "underscore_trick": " of_a brain_structure (i.e., the hippocampus)_that underlies_the_ability of_rats_to use their_satiety cues to_predict when eating food_will or will_not_produce reinforcing postingestive outcomes. A result of degrading the operation of these learning mechanisms_is_excess intake_and_body_weight. The present research will"} +{"text": " develop a model system for evaluating and optimizing myeloid and plasmacytoid DC function in rhesus macaques. Based on previous results, we hypothesize that polarized myeloid DC1, grown in GM-CSF and IL-4 and which in vitro produce high levels of IL-12 and preferentially induce Th1 and CTL", "synonym_substitution": "develop a model system for evaluating and optimize myeloid and plasmacytoid DC affair in rhesus macaques. Based on previous solution, we hypothesize that polarized myeloid DC1, mature in GM - CSF and IL-4 and which in vitro produce high degree of IL-12 and preferentially induce Th1 and CTL", "butter_fingers": " degelop a model system for evaluating and optimiving mysloid ana plasmacytoid DC function ii rhwsus nacaques. Based on prevkous resupts, we htpotiesize that polacjzed mycjoid FC1, gxoxn in GM-CSF and IL-4 and whhch in vitro psoauee high levels of IL-12 and preferentiajly indicf Th1 and CTL", "random_deletion": "develop a model system for evaluating and and DC function rhesus macaques. Based that myeloid DC1, grown GM-CSF and IL-4 which in vitro produce high levels IL-12 and preferentially induce Th1 and CTL", "change_char_case": " develop a model system for evaLuating and OptimIziNg mYeLoid And pLasmacytoid DC fUNctiOn in rhesus macaques. BaseD on prEvIOus rESuLts, we HypotheSIzE THat PoLaRizEd MYeLoid Dc1, grOwn in GM-cSF and IL-4 anD whIcH in vitro prodUCe High levels Of Il-12 and preferenTiaLly indUcE Th1 ANd CTL", "whitespace_perturbation": " develop a model system fo r evaluati ng an d o pti mi zing mye loid and plasm a cyto id DC function in rhes us ma ca q ues. Ba sed o n previ o us r esu lt s, we h y po thesi zethat po larized my elo id DC1, growni nGM-CSF and IL -4 and which in vitro p rod u ce hi ghlevel s of I L -12 an d prefere nt i ally i n duce Th 1 an d CT L", "underscore_trick": " develop_a model_system for evaluating and_optimizing myeloid_and_plasmacytoid DC_function_in rhesus macaques._Based on previous_results, we hypothesize that_polarized myeloid DC1,_grown_in GM-CSF and IL-4 and which in vitro produce high levels of IL-12 and_preferentially_induce Th1_and_CTL"} +{"text": " they are wasted, thus decreasing the effective label density and reducing image resolution. Along with collaborators Mike Davidson (Florida State University) and Alipasha Vaziri (Janelia Farm Research Campus), we developed a technique that mitigates these problems, allowing PA-FPs to be successfully utilized for 3D superresolution", "synonym_substitution": "they are wasted, thus decreasing the effective label density and dilute prototype resolution. Along with collaborators Mike Davidson (Florida State University) and Alipasha Vaziri (Janelia Farm Research Campus), we developed a proficiency that mitigates these problems, allowing PA - FPs to be successfully use for 3D superresolution", "butter_fingers": " thfy are wasted, thus decrexsing the effecjice labxl densjty and feducing image resolution. Allnt wity collaborators Mike Dxvidson (Fporida Srate Yniversity) and Aliicsha Bwzirn (Oanelia Farm Rexearch Cam[us), we developad a technique that mitigates these proflems, akllwing PA-FPs to be xtcceasfully utilized for 3D superresolufion", "random_deletion": "they are wasted, thus decreasing the effective and image resolution. with collaborators Mike Alipasha (Janelia Farm Research we developed a that mitigates these problems, allowing PA-FPs be successfully utilized for 3D superresolution", "change_char_case": " they are wasted, thus decreasiNg the effecTive lAbeL deNsIty aNd reDucing image resOLutiOn. Along with collaboratoRs MikE DAVidsON (FLoridA State UNIvERSitY) aNd aliPaSHa vazirI (JaNelia FaRm Research camPuS), we developed A TeChnique thaT miTigates these ProBlems, aLlOwiNG PA-FPS to Be sucCessfuLLy utilIzed for 3D sUpERresolUTion", "whitespace_perturbation": " they are wasted, thus dec reasing th e eff ect ive l abel den sity and reduc i ng i mage resolution. Along with c o llab o ra torsMike Da v id s o n ( Fl or ida S t at e Uni ver sity) a nd Alipash a V az iri (Janelia Fa rm Researc h C ampus), we d eve lopedatec h nique th at mi tigate s these problems ,a llowin g PA-FPs t obe s uccessfully utili z ed for 3D superre soluti on ", "underscore_trick": " they_are wasted,_thus decreasing the effective_label density_and_reducing image_resolution._Along with collaborators_Mike Davidson (Florida_State University) and Alipasha_Vaziri (Janelia Farm_Research_Campus), we developed a technique that mitigates these problems, allowing PA-FPs to be successfully_utilized_for 3D_superresolution"} +{"text": " alignment with tribal priorities and key cultural considerations; and 3) support the continued operation of the Southwest Tribal Institutional Review Board (IRB) to advance the benefits of ethical health research to area tribes and reduce AI/AN community distrust of research and researchers by giving tribes greater control over the research process. Expected outcomes of", "synonym_substitution": "alignment with tribal priorities and key cultural considerations; and 3) confirm the continued process of the Southwest Tribal Institutional Review Board (IRB) to advance the benefits of ethical health research to sphere tribes and reduce AI / AN community misgiving of inquiry and researchers by giving tribes greater control over the inquiry process. Expected outcomes of", "butter_fingers": " allgnment with tribal priovities and key colrural ronsidedations; xnd 3) support the continued o'erarion if the Southwest Tribau Institunional Reciew Voard (IRB) vk advangz the nenefntw of ethical hgalth researwh to area triter cnd reduce AI/AN community distrust os reseatcj and researchgrs bj divihg tribes greater control over the researbh process. Expectrd outcomes of", "random_deletion": "alignment with tribal priorities and key cultural 3) the continued of the Southwest to the benefits of health research to tribes and reduce AI/AN community distrust research and researchers by giving tribes greater control over the research process. Expected of", "change_char_case": " alignment with tribal prioriTies and key CultuRal ConSiDeraTionS; and 3) support the COntiNued operation of the SoutHwest trIBal INStItutiOnal RevIEw bOArd (iRb) tO adVaNCe The beNefIts of etHical healtH reSeArch to area trIBeS and reduce aI/An community diStrUst of rEsEarCH and rEseArcheRs by giVIng triBes greateR cONtrol oVEr the reSEArCh prOcess. Expected outcOMeS Of", "whitespace_perturbation": " alignment with tribal pri orities an d key cu ltu ra l co nsid erations; and3 ) su pport the continued op erati on of t h eSouth west Tr i ba l Ins ti tu tio na l R eview Bo ard (IR B) to adva nce t he benefitso fethical he alt h research t o a rea tr ib esa nd re duc e AI/ AN com m unitydistrustof resear c h and r e s ea rche rs by giving trib e sg reater control overth e r e s ear chprocess. E xp ected outcome s o f ", "underscore_trick": " alignment_with tribal_priorities and key cultural_considerations; and_3)_support the_continued_operation of the_Southwest Tribal Institutional_Review Board (IRB) to_advance the benefits_of_ethical health research to area tribes and reduce AI/AN community distrust of research and_researchers_by giving_tribes_greater_control over the research process._Expected outcomes of"} +{"text": " occasions: during exercise performed at the same absolute and at a similar relative intensity as the elderly subjects. Glycerol, free fatty acid (FFA), and glucose rates of appearance (Ra) in plasma were determined by infusing stable isotope tracers and substrate oxidation was determined by indirect calorimetry. Mean fat oxidation during", "synonym_substitution": "occasions: during exercise performed at the same absolute and at a exchangeable proportional intensity as the elderly discipline. Glycerol, detached fatty acid (FFA), and glucose rates of appearance (Ra) in plasma were determined by steep static isotope tracers and substrate oxidation was determined by indirect calorimetry. Mean fat oxidation during", "butter_fingers": " ocfasions: during exercise kerformed at the same abvolute and at x similar relative intensity aw the elderly subjects. Glycdrol, free fatty axid (HFA), and glucose cztes of appeadwnce (Ca) in plasma wete determineg by infusing vtxbpe isotope tracers and substrate oxydation wws determined fy imqiredn galorimetry. Mean fat oxidation dhring", "random_deletion": "occasions: during exercise performed at the same at similar relative as the elderly (FFA), glucose rates of (Ra) in plasma determined by infusing stable isotope tracers substrate oxidation was determined by indirect calorimetry. Mean fat oxidation during", "change_char_case": " occasions: during exercise peRformed at tHe samE abSolUtE and At a sImilar relative INtenSity as the elderly subjecTs. GlyCeROl, frEE fAtty aCid (FFA), aND gLUCosE rAtEs oF aPPeArancE (Ra) In plasmA were deterMinEd By infusing stABlE isotope trAceRs and substraTe oXidatiOn Was DEtermIneD by inDirect CAlorimEtry. Mean fAt OXidatiON during", "whitespace_perturbation": " occasions: during exercis e performe d atthe sa me abs olut e and at a sim i larrelative intensity asthe e ld e rlys ub jects . Glyce r ol , fre efa tty a c id (FFA ),and glu cose rates of a ppearance (R a )in plasmawer e determined by infus in g s t ableiso topetracer s and s ubstrateox i dation was det e r mi nedby indirect calor i me t ry. Mean fat o xidati on du r i ng", "underscore_trick": " occasions:_during exercise_performed at the same_absolute and_at_a similar_relative_intensity as the_elderly subjects. Glycerol,_free fatty acid (FFA),_and glucose rates_of_appearance (Ra) in plasma were determined by infusing stable isotope tracers and substrate oxidation_was_determined by_indirect_calorimetry._Mean fat oxidation during"} +{"text": ", resting state functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging, to examine differences in functional neural networks between infants from high and low conflict families. The cortical and limbic (cortico-limbic) level of the biological stress response system and a set of functionally connected regions known to be more activated during rest states, the default network", "synonym_substitution": ", resting state functional connectivity magnetic plangency imagination, to examine differences in running neural network between infants from gamey and broken conflict family. The cortical and limbic (cortico - limbic) level of the biological stress reply system and a set of functionally connect regions known to be more activated during rest states, the default net", "butter_fingers": ", redting state functional cunnectivity maguwtic rxsonancs imagine, to examine differences in huncrionao neural networks betwden infanns from hugh end low conflict families. The dlrtieao and limbic (cprtico-limbhc) level of tha cillogical stress response system and a set pf functionally sonntctqd rsgions known to be more activated suring gest states, the drfault network", "random_deletion": ", resting state functional connectivity magnetic resonance examine in functional networks between infants families. cortical and limbic level of the stress response system and a set functionally connected regions known to be more activated during rest states, the default", "change_char_case": ", resting state functional conNectivity mAgnetIc rEsoNaNce iMagiNg, to examine difFErenCes in functional neural nEtworKs BEtweEN iNfantS from hiGH aND Low CoNfLicT fAMiLies. THe cOrtical And limbic (cOrtIcO-limbic) level OF tHe biologicAl sTress responsE syStem anD a Set OF funcTioNally ConnecTEd regiOns known tO bE More acTIvated dURInG resT states, the default NEtWOrk", "whitespace_perturbation": ", resting state functional connectiv ity m agn eti creso nanc e imaging, toe xami ne differences in func tiona ln eura l n etwor ks betw e en i nfa nt sfro mh ig h and lo w confl ict famili es. T he corticala nd limbic (c ort ico-limbic)lev el ofth e b i ologi cal stre ss res p onse s ystem and a set of functio n a ll y co nnected regions k n ow n to be more ac tivate dd ur i n g r est states, t he defa u lt netw o rk ", "underscore_trick": ", resting_state functional_connectivity magnetic resonance imaging,_to examine_differences_in functional_neural_networks between infants_from high and_low conflict families. The_cortical and limbic_(cortico-limbic)_level of the biological stress response system and a set of functionally connected regions_known_to be_more_activated_during rest states, the default_network"} +{"text": " concern the relationship of its domain structure to its biological function, its molecular and cellular interactions, the elucidation of pathways for activation of FXI, and the expression and regulation of its enzymatic activity. It is hoped that information gleaned from the proposed studies will result in novel approaches to targeting FXI/XIa in the", "synonym_substitution": "concern the relationship of its domain structure to its biological affair, its molecular and cellular interaction, the elucidation of pathways for activation of FXI, and the formulation and regulation of its enzymatic activity. It is hop that information gleaned from the propose studies will result in fresh approaches to targeting FXI / XIa in the", "butter_fingers": " cojcern the relationship on its domain strocrure tm its giologicxl function, its molecular anv ceolulae interactions, the eluzidation lf pathwqys hor activation oh FXI, and the swpresvmon and regulatlon of its anzymatic actieigy. It is hoped that information gleanqd from tje proposed stodies rill gewult in novel approaches to tzrgetinj FXI/XIa in the", "random_deletion": "concern the relationship of its domain structure biological its molecular cellular interactions, the of and the expression regulation of its activity. It is hoped that information from the proposed studies will result in novel approaches to targeting FXI/XIa in", "change_char_case": " concern the relationship of iTs domain stRuctuRe tO itS bIoloGicaL function, its moLEculAr and cellular interactiOns, thE eLUcidATiOn of pAthways FOr ACTivAtIoN of fXi, AnD the eXprEssion aNd regulatiOn oF iTs enzymatic aCTiVity. It is hoPed That informatIon GleaneD fRom THe proPosEd stuDies wiLL resulT in novel aPpROaches TO targetING FxI/XIA in the", "whitespace_perturbation": " concern the relationshipof its dom ain s tru ctu re toitsbiological fun c tion , its molecular and ce llula ri nter a ct ions, the el u ci d a tio nof pa th w ay s for ac tivatio n of FXI,and t he expressio n a nd regulat ion of its enzy mat ic act iv ity . It i s h opedthat i n format ion glean ed from t h e propo s e dstud ies will result i n n o vel approaches to ta rg e ti n g FX I/X Ia in the", "underscore_trick": " concern_the relationship_of its domain structure_to its_biological_function, its_molecular_and cellular interactions,_the elucidation of_pathways for activation of_FXI, and the_expression_and regulation of its enzymatic activity. It is hoped that information gleaned from the_proposed_studies will_result_in_novel approaches to targeting FXI/XIa_in the"} +{"text": "idonic acid to prostanoids will be determined. Western blots of COX-l and COX-2 protein expression and Northern blots of mRNA levels will be used to determine the adaptation response to cyclic strain. In Specific Aim 3, the role of epithelial oxidant/antioxidant balance in the stretch-induced regulation of", "synonym_substitution": "idonic acid to prostanoids will be determined. Western blots of COX - l and COX-2 protein expression and northerly smudge of mRNA levels will be used to determine the adaptation answer to cyclic strain. In Specific Aim 3, the role of epithelial oxidant / antioxidant libra in the reach - induced regulation of", "butter_fingers": "idojic acid to prostanoids dill be determiuwd. Wesvern blkts of CUX-l and COX-2 protein expressiln and Borthern blots of mRNA levels wpll be uswd ti determine the adaicatioh res'oise to cyclic sjrain. In Spewific Aim 3, the rulz of epithelial oxidant/antioxidant bwlance on the stretch-inqucec reghlation of", "random_deletion": "idonic acid to prostanoids will be determined. of and COX-2 expression and Northern be to determine the response to cyclic In Specific Aim 3, the role epithelial oxidant/antioxidant balance in the stretch-induced regulation of", "change_char_case": "idonic acid to prostanoids wiLl be determIned. WEstErn BlOts oF COX-L and COX-2 protein EXpreSsion and Northern blots oF mRNA LeVEls wILl Be useD to deteRMiNE The AdApTatIoN ReSponsE to Cyclic sTrain. In SpeCifIc aim 3, the role of EPiThelial oxiDanT/antioxidant BalAnce in ThE stREtch-iNduCed reGulatiON of", "whitespace_perturbation": "idonic acid to prostanoids will be d eterm ine d.We ster n bl ots of COX-l a n d CO X-2 protein expression andNo r ther n b lotsof mRNA le v e lswi ll be u s ed to d ete rmine t he adaptat ion r esponse to c y cl ic strain. In Specific Ai m 3 , thero leo f epi the lialoxidan t /antio xidant ba la n ce int he stre t c h- indu ced regulation of ", "underscore_trick": "idonic acid_to prostanoids_will be determined. Western_blots of_COX-l_and COX-2_protein_expression and Northern_blots of mRNA_levels will be used_to determine the_adaptation_response to cyclic strain. In Specific Aim 3, the role of epithelial oxidant/antioxidant balance_in_the stretch-induced_regulation_of"} +{"text": " the hyper-inflammatory phenotype of the gabra4 knockout mouse may be CD4+ cell-mediated. We hypothesize that GABAA receptor currents, which are depolarizing in CD4+ cells, alter calcium signaling processes key in lymphocyte activation and function, specifically calcium oscillations and store-operated calcium entry. We propose", "synonym_substitution": "the hyper - inflammatory phenotype of the gabra4 knockout mouse may be CD4 + cell - mediated. We hypothesize that GABAA sense organ stream, which are depolarizing in CD4 + cells, interpolate calcium signal processes key in lymphocyte activation and affair, specifically calcium oscillations and store - operate calcium entry. We propose", "butter_fingers": " thf hyper-inflammatory phenutype of the gayea4 knorkout mkuse may be CD4+ cell-mediated. We hypotiesize thqt GABAA receptor currdnts, whicj are depolacizing in CD4+ cells, alter calcihl siyneling processes key in lykphocyte activdtkou and function, specifically calcium jscillayilns and store-okerattd salcjlm entry. We propose", "random_deletion": "the hyper-inflammatory phenotype of the gabra4 knockout be cell-mediated. We that GABAA receptor CD4+ alter calcium signaling key in lymphocyte and function, specifically calcium oscillations and calcium entry. We propose", "change_char_case": " the hyper-inflammatory phenoType of the gAbra4 kNocKouT mOuse May bE CD4+ cell-mediateD. we hyPothesize that GABAA recePtor cUrREnts, WHiCh are DepolarIZiNG In Cd4+ cElLs, aLtER cAlciuM siGnaling Processes kEy iN lYmphocyte actIVaTion and funCtiOn, specificalLy cAlcium OsCilLAtionS anD storE-operaTEd calcIum entry. WE pROpose", "whitespace_perturbation": " the hyper-inflammatory ph enotype of thegab ra4 k nock outmouse may be C D 4+ c ell-mediated. We hypot hesiz et hatG AB AA re ceptorc ur r e nts ,wh ich a r edepol ari zing in CD4+ cell s,al ter calciums ig naling pro ces ses key in l ymp hocyte a cti v ation an d fun ction, specif ically ca lc i um osc i llation s an d st ore-operated calc i um entry. We prop ose", "underscore_trick": " the_hyper-inflammatory phenotype_of the gabra4 knockout_mouse may_be_CD4+ cell-mediated._We_hypothesize that GABAA_receptor currents, which_are depolarizing in CD4+_cells, alter calcium_signaling_processes key in lymphocyte activation and function, specifically calcium oscillations and store-operated calcium entry._We_propose"} +{"text": "ome with Secondary Findings Analysis Test was CLIA certified. The implementation of improved project management tools is helping to address the challenges associated with such growth, which is now yielding results as publications for WES (n = 6) (4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14), Whole Genome Sequencing, Assembly and", "synonym_substitution": "ome with Secondary Findings Analysis Test was CLIA certified. The implementation of improved undertaking management creature is helping to address the challenge consort with such growth, which is now yield resultant role as publications for WES (n = 6) (4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14), Whole Genome Sequencing, Assembly and", "butter_fingers": "ome with Secondary Findings Analysis Test cqs CLIE certiried. The implementation of improved 'rojwct mqnagement tools is heloing to afdress tye ciallenges associefed witm sucg grocti, which is now iielding resglts as publicdtkous for WES (n = 6) (4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14), Whole Genome Sezuencinb, Wssembly and", "random_deletion": "ome with Secondary Findings Analysis Test was The of improved management tools is associated such growth, which now yielding results publications for WES (n = 6) 5, 7, 10, 11, 14), Whole Genome Sequencing, Assembly and", "change_char_case": "ome with Secondary Findings ANalysis TesT was ClIA CerTiFied. the iMplementation oF ImprOved project management tOols iS hELpinG To AddreSs the chALlENGes AsSoCiaTeD WiTh sucH grOwth, whiCh is now yieLdiNg Results as pubLIcAtions for WeS (n = 6) (4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14), whole Genome SEquEncing, asSemBLy and", "whitespace_perturbation": "ome with Secondary Finding s Analysis Test wa s C LI A ce rtif ied. The imple m enta tion of improved proje ct ma na g emen t t oolsis help i ng t o a dd re ssth e c halle nge s assoc iated with su ch growth, whi c his now yie ldi ng results a s p ublica ti ons for W ES(n =6) (4, 5, 7,10, 11, 1 4) , Whole GenomeS e qu enci ng, Assembly and", "underscore_trick": "ome with_Secondary Findings_Analysis Test was CLIA_certified. The_implementation_of improved_project_management tools is_helping to address_the challenges associated with_such growth, which_is_now yielding results as publications for WES (n = 6) (4, 5, 7, 10,_11,_14), Whole_Genome_Sequencing,_Assembly and"} +{"text": " the Specialized Population Research Center is to investigate mechanisms concerned with regulation of gonadal function. Most of the fundamental studies are directed towards questions of relevance to work dealing with the development of contraceptives. Applied studies deal directly with investigations of the feasibility of using hormonal preparations for male contraception and with problems related to diagnosis and treatment", "synonym_substitution": "the Specialized Population Research Center is to investigate mechanisms concerned with regulation of gonadal function. Most of the cardinal cogitation are directed towards question of relevance to exercise dealing with the development of contraceptive. Applied studies deal immediately with probe of the feasibility of using hormonal readiness for male contraception and with problems related to diagnosis and discussion", "butter_fingers": " thf Specialized Population Research Centet us to mnvestifate mecfanisms concerned with reguletiob of tonadal function. Most uf the fujdamentao stndies are directxs towards queabions if relevance tp work deaning with the gexepopment of contraceptives. Applied seudies cewl directly wijh inneftigzniins of the feasibility of usihg hormmnal preparatoons for male contraceptioj anf with problems repated to diqgnofus and treatoent", "random_deletion": "the Specialized Population Research Center is to concerned regulation of function. Most of towards of relevance to dealing with the of contraceptives. Applied studies deal directly investigations of the feasibility of using hormonal preparations for male contraception and with related to diagnosis and treatment", "change_char_case": " the Specialized Population REsearch CenTer is To iNveStIgatE mecHanisms concernED witH regulation of gonadal fuNctioN. MOSt of THe FundaMental sTUdIES arE dIrEctEd TOwArds qUesTions of Relevance tO woRk Dealing with tHE dEvelopment Of cOntraceptiveS. ApPlied sTuDieS Deal dIreCtly wIth invEStigatIons of the FeASibiliTY of usinG HOrMonaL preparations for mALe COntraception anD with pRoBLeMS RelAteD to diagnosIs And trEAtment", "whitespace_perturbation": " the Specialized Populatio n Research Cent eristo inv esti gate mechanism s con cerned with regulation of g on a dalf un ction . Mosto ft h e f un da men ta l s tudie s a re dire cted towar dsqu estions of r e le vance to w ork dealing wit h t he dev el opm e nt of co ntrac eptive s . Appl ied studi es deal d i rectlyw i th inv estigations of th e f e asibility of u sing h or m on a l pr epa rations fo rmalec ontrace p ti o n and with problems related to dia gnosis a ndt reatme nt", "underscore_trick": " the_Specialized Population_Research Center is to_investigate mechanisms_concerned_with regulation_of_gonadal function. Most_of the fundamental_studies are directed towards_questions of relevance_to_work dealing with the development of contraceptives. Applied studies deal directly with investigations of_the_feasibility of_using_hormonal_preparations for male contraception and_with problems related to diagnosis_and treatment"} +{"text": " long-term, collaborative arrangement between the Stanford research and a longitudinal study of chimpanzee behavior in the natural habitat in Tanzania. Mutations in parkin are largely associated with autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism (AR-JP). The underlying mechanism of pathogenesis in parkin-associated Parkinson's disease (PD)", "synonym_substitution": "long - term, collaborative arrangement between the Stanford research and a longitudinal discipline of chimpanzee demeanor in the natural habitat in Tanzania. Mutations in parkin are largely consociate with autosomal recessionary juvenile parkinsonism (AR - JP). The underlying mechanism of pathogenesis in parkin - associate Parkinson's disease (PD )", "butter_fingers": " lojg-term, collaborative arrxngement betweeu the Svanford researcf and a longitudinal study oh chumpaneve behavior in the nagural habptat in Tqnzaiia. Mutations in parkin are ladnely cswociated with sutosomal secessive juvetiue parkinsonism (AR-JP). The underlying mqchanisk lf pathogenesif in [arkjn-associated Parkinson's disease (PD)", "random_deletion": "long-term, collaborative arrangement between the Stanford research longitudinal of chimpanzee in the natural parkin largely associated with recessive juvenile parkinsonism The underlying mechanism of pathogenesis in Parkinson's disease (PD)", "change_char_case": " long-term, collaborative arraNgement betWeen tHe STanFoRd reSearCh and a longitudINal sTudy of chimpanzee behaviOr in tHe NAturAL hAbitaT in TanzANiA. mUtaTiOnS in PaRKiN are lArgEly assoCiated with AutOsOmal recessivE JuVenile parkInsOnism (AR-JP). The UndErlyinG mEchANism oF paThogeNesis iN Parkin-AssociateD PARkinsoN'S diseasE (pd)", "whitespace_perturbation": " long-term, collaborativearrangemen t bet wee n t he Sta nfor d research and a lo ngitudinal study of ch impan ze e beh a vi or in the na t ur a l ha bi ta t i nT an zania . M utation s in parki n a re largely ass o ci ated withaut osomal reces siv e juve ni lep arkin son ism ( AR-JP) . The u nderlying m e chanis m of pat h o ge nesi s in parkin-assoc i at e d Parkinson'sdiseas e( PD ) ", "underscore_trick": " long-term,_collaborative arrangement_between the Stanford research_and a_longitudinal_study of_chimpanzee_behavior in the_natural habitat in_Tanzania. Mutations in parkin_are largely associated_with_autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism (AR-JP). The underlying mechanism of pathogenesis in parkin-associated Parkinson's disease_(PD)"} +{"text": " that the biological response of tissues containing incorporated radionuclides can be correlated with absorbed dose when calculated at the cellular level. To test the hypothesis, a novel in vitro multicellular cluster model will be used which allows tight control over variables. Multicellular clusters will be assembled with mammalian cells containing radioactivity and the cell", "synonym_substitution": "that the biological response of tissues containing incorporated radionuclides can be correlate with captive dose when calculated at the cellular degree. To quiz the hypothesis, a novel in vitro multicellular cluster mannequin will be use which allows taut control over variables. Multicellular bunch will be assembled with mammalian cells containing radioactivity and the cellular telephone", "butter_fingers": " thwt the biological responre of tissues containiig incodporated radionuclides can be correleted with absorbed dose when cauculated wt the cwlluoqr level. To test tmz hypkbhesiv, a novel in vijro multicelnular cluster koaep will be used which allows tight cjntrol pvfr variables. Moltictlltlar blmsters will be assembled with majmalian cells contaiming radioactivity and the celp", "random_deletion": "that the biological response of tissues containing can correlated with dose when calculated test hypothesis, a novel vitro multicellular cluster will be used which allows tight over variables. Multicellular clusters will be assembled with mammalian cells containing radioactivity and cell", "change_char_case": " that the biological response Of tissues cOntaiNinG inCoRporAted Radionuclides cAN be cOrrelated with absorbed dOse whEn CAlcuLAtEd at tHe celluLAr LEVel. to TeSt tHe HYpOthesIs, a Novel in Vitro multiCelLuLar cluster moDEl Will be used WhiCh allows tighT coNtrol oVeR vaRIableS. MuLticeLlular CLusterS will be asSeMBled wiTH mammalIAN cElls Containing radioacTIvITy and the cell", "whitespace_perturbation": " that the biological respo nse of tis suescon tai ni ng i ncor porated radion u clid es can be correlated w ith a bs o rbed do se wh en calc u la t e d a tth e c el l ul ar le vel . To te st the hyp oth es is, a noveli nvitro mult ice llular clust ermodelwi llb e use d w hichallows tightcontrol o ve r varia b les. Mu l t ic ellu lar clusters will be assembled with mamma li a nc e lls co ntaining r ad ioact i vity an d t h e cel l ", "underscore_trick": " that_the biological_response of tissues containing_incorporated radionuclides_can_be correlated_with_absorbed dose when_calculated at the_cellular level. To test_the hypothesis, a_novel_in vitro multicellular cluster model will be used which allows tight control over variables._Multicellular_clusters will_be_assembled_with mammalian cells containing radioactivity_and the cell"} +{"text": "ocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA4) and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)and well known and characterized disorders such as chronic granulomatous disease. The PCMS has been actively involved in characterizing the protean lung manifestations of GATA Binding Protein 2 (GATA2) deficiency have", "synonym_substitution": "ocyte - associated protein 4 (CTLA4) and phosphoinositide 3 - kinase (PI3K)and well known and characterized disorders such as chronic granulomatous disease. The PCMS has been actively involved in qualify the protean lung materialization of GATA Binding Protein 2 (GATA2) deficiency have", "butter_fingers": "ocyhe-associated protein 4 (CTUA4) and phosphoiuisitidx 3-kinass (PI3K)and well known and characterizev diwordees such as chronic gravulomatoud diseasw. Tht PCMS has been arfively luvolvsf in rharacterizing jhe protean nung manifestadiund of GATA Binding Protein 2 (GATA2) defyciency hwve", "random_deletion": "ocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA4) and phosphoinositide 3-kinase known characterized disorders as chronic granulomatous actively in characterizing the lung manifestations of Binding Protein 2 (GATA2) deficiency have", "change_char_case": "ocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLa4) and phosphOinosItiDe 3-kInAse (Pi3K)anD well known and cHAracTerized disorders such as ChronIc GRanuLOmAtous Disease. tHe pcmS hAs BeEn aCtIVeLy invOlvEd in chaRacterizinG thE pRotean lung maNIfEstations oF GAtA Binding ProTeiN 2 (GATA2) dEfIciENcy haVe", "whitespace_perturbation": "ocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA4) a nd ph osp hoi no siti de 3 -kinase (PI3K) a nd w ell known and characte rized d i sord e rs such as chr o ni c gra nu lo mat ou s d iseas e.The PCM S has been ac ti vely involve d i n characte riz ing the prot ean lungma nif e stati ons of G ATA Bi n ding P rotein 2(G A TA2) d e ficienc y ha ve", "underscore_trick": "ocyte-associated protein_4 (CTLA4)_and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)and_well known_and_characterized disorders_such_as chronic granulomatous_disease. The PCMS_has been actively involved_in characterizing the_protean_lung manifestations of GATA Binding Protein 2 (GATA2) deficiency have"} +{"text": " devices containing silicon, nanomaterials and elastomeric components will be developed for single microbial cell lysis, barcoding and library prep. Six studies of the adult mentally retarded living and working in community facilities will test the influence of opportunity to interact; similarity choice for cognitive level and individual differences in sociability on enduring friendship choice. L", "synonym_substitution": "devices containing silicon, nanomaterials and elastomeric components will be developed for individual microbial cellular telephone lysis, barcoding and library prep. Six studies of the adult mentally retarded support and work in community facilities will quiz the influence of opportunity to interact; similarity option for cognitive level and individual differences in sociability on enduring friendship choice. L", "butter_fingers": " degices containing silicon, nanomaterials cbd elavtomerjc compovents will be developed for dibgle nicrobial cell lysis, bxrcoding wnd librqry krep. Six studies of the adult msktallv cetarded living and workitg in communitf waeilities will test the influence of jpportumihy to interact; simplwritg choice for cognitive level and ihdividuel differences on sociability on enduring frifndship choice. L", "random_deletion": "devices containing silicon, nanomaterials and elastomeric components developed single microbial lysis, barcoding and the mentally retarded living working in community will test the influence of opportunity interact; similarity choice for cognitive level and individual differences in sociability on enduring choice. L", "change_char_case": " devices containing silicon, nAnomateriaLs and ElaStoMeRic cOmpoNents will be devELopeD for single microbial celL lysiS, bARcodINg And liBrary prEP. SIX StuDiEs Of tHe ADuLt menTalLy retarDed living aNd wOrKing in communITy Facilities WilL test the inflUenCe of opPoRtuNIty to IntEract; SimilaRIty choIce for cogNiTIve levEL and indIVIdUal dIfferences in sociaBIlITy on enduring frIendshIp CHoICE. L", "whitespace_perturbation": " devices containing silico n, nanomat erial s a ndel asto meri c components w i ll b e developed for single micr ob i al c e ll lysi s, barc o di n g an dli bra ry pr ep. S ixstudies of the ad ult m entally reta r de d living a ndworking in c omm unityfa cil i tieswil l tes t thei nfluen ce of opp or t unityt o inter a c t; sim ilarity choice fo r c o gnitive leveland in di v id u a l d iff erences in s ociab i lity on en d u r ing friendship ch oice. L", "underscore_trick": " devices_containing silicon,_nanomaterials and elastomeric components_will be_developed_for single_microbial_cell lysis, barcoding_and library prep._Six studies of the_adult mentally retarded_living_and working in community facilities will test the influence of opportunity to interact; similarity_choice_for cognitive_level_and_individual differences in sociability on_enduring friendship choice. L"} +{"text": " evaluation, 3) examine the specific role of route-specific factors such as pulmonary antibody in mediating nicotine vaccine efficacy, and 3) develop quantitative models which can be more generally used to study the contributions of the inhaled route and other smoke constituents to tobacco addiction and treatment medications development. Nicotine vaccines are an attractive initial candidate for", "synonym_substitution": "evaluation, 3) examine the specific role of route - specific factors such as pneumonic antibody in intercede nicotine vaccine efficacy, and 3) develop quantitative models which can be more by and large use to study the contributions of the inhaled road and early smoke constituents to tobacco addiction and treatment medications development. Nicotine vaccine are an attractive initial candidate for", "butter_fingers": " evwluation, 3) examine the sptcific role of rootw-specihic facfors sucf as pulmonary antibody in mxdiaring bicotine vaccine efficxcy, and 3) fevelop wuanuitative models wijch can be modc genzrelly used to stody the contsibutions of tve iuhaled route and other smoke constittents tp hobacco addictyon sgd tdvaument medications development. Nicktine veccines are an sttractive initial candidahe flr", "random_deletion": "evaluation, 3) examine the specific role of such pulmonary antibody mediating nicotine vaccine models can be more used to study contributions of the inhaled route and smoke constituents to tobacco addiction and treatment medications development. Nicotine vaccines are an initial candidate for", "change_char_case": " evaluation, 3) examine the speciFic role of rOute-sPecIfiC fActoRs suCh as pulmonary aNTiboDy in mediating nicotine vAccinE eFFicaCY, aNd 3) devElop quaNTiTATivE mOdEls WhICh Can be MorE generaLly used to sTudY tHe contributiONs Of the inhalEd rOute and other SmoKe consTiTueNTs to tObaCco adDictioN And treAtment medIcATions dEVelopmeNT. niCotiNe vaccines are an atTRaCTive initial canDidate FoR", "whitespace_perturbation": " evaluation, 3) examine th e specific role of ro ut e-sp ecif ic factors suc h aspulmonary antibody inmedia ti n g ni c ot ine v accinee ff i c acy ,an d 3 )d ev elopqua ntitati ve modelswhi ch can be more ge nerally us edto study the co ntribu ti ons of th e i nhale d rout e and o ther smok ec onstit u ents to t ob acco addiction and tr e at m ent medication s deve lo p me n t . N ico tine vacci ne s are an attr a ct i v e in i tial candidat e for", "underscore_trick": " evaluation,_3) examine_the specific role of_route-specific factors_such_as pulmonary_antibody_in mediating nicotine_vaccine efficacy, and_3) develop quantitative models_which can be_more_generally used to study the contributions of the inhaled route and other smoke constituents_to_tobacco addiction_and_treatment_medications development. Nicotine vaccines are_an attractive initial candidate for"} +{"text": " sites on cTnI or isoform population of cTnT? How do these changes alter force and ATPase rate in reconstituted preparations? Aim #4 addresses the question: What is the specific role of protein kinase C (PKC) sites on cTnI in the development of hypertrophy and failure in", "synonym_substitution": "sites on cTnI or isoform population of cTnT? How do these changes alter force and ATPase pace in restructure cooking? Aim # 4 address the motion: What is the specific role of protein kinase C (PKC) sites on cTnI in the exploitation of hypertrophy and bankruptcy in", "butter_fingers": " sihes on cTnI or isoform pupulation of cTuR? How vo thess changer alter force and ATPase ratx in recobstituted preparations? Aim #4 addgesses thw qutstion: What is thx specifle rols of 'ritein kinase C (PKC) sites on cTnI in tha aerelopment of hypertrophy and failure in", "random_deletion": "sites on cTnI or isoform population of do changes alter and ATPase rate addresses question: What is specific role of kinase C (PKC) sites on cTnI the development of hypertrophy and failure in", "change_char_case": " sites on cTnI or isoform populAtion of cTnt? How dO thEse ChAngeS altEr force and ATPaSE ratE in reconstituted preparAtionS? AIM #4 addREsSes thE questiON: WHAT is ThE sPecIfIC rOle of ProTein kinAse C (PKC) sitEs oN ctnI in the deveLOpMent of hypeRtrOphy and failuRe iN", "whitespace_perturbation": " sites on cTnI or isoformpopulation of c TnT ? H ow dothes e changes alte r for ce and ATPase rate inrecon st i tute d p repar ations? Ai m #4ad dr ess es th e que sti on: Wha t is the s pec if ic role of p r ot ein kinase C(PKC) sitesoncTnI i nthe devel opm ent o f hype r trophy and fail ur e in", "underscore_trick": " sites_on cTnI_or isoform population of_cTnT? How_do_these changes_alter_force and ATPase_rate in reconstituted_preparations? Aim #4 addresses_the question: What_is_the specific role of protein kinase C (PKC) sites on cTnI in the development_of_hypertrophy and_failure_in"} +{"text": " toward the metal-binding cavity, cleft or channel by fusion of rings, forming the most highly preorganized ligands known. Eight large-ring or helical complexing agents are proposed for study. Six are torands in which a large ring is formed by complete fusion of rings. Four of these torands have already been synthesized", "synonym_substitution": "toward the metal - binding cavity, cleft or distribution channel by coalition of rings, forming the about highly preorganized ligands sleep together. Eight large - ring or coiling complexing agent are proposed for survey. Six are torands in which a large ring is shape by complete fusion of hoop. Four of these torands have already been synthesized", "butter_fingers": " toaard the metal-binding cayity, cleft or chcbnel bb fusioh of rines, forming the most highly pceortaniztb ligands known. Eighg large-rijg or heoicao complexinj agents are pdlposzd for study. Six are torangs in which a nafgz ring is formed by complete fusion jf ringx. Vour of these jorancf habv clready been synthesized", "random_deletion": "toward the metal-binding cavity, cleft or channel of forming the highly preorganized ligands complexing are proposed for Six are torands which a large ring is formed complete fusion of rings. Four of these torands have already been synthesized", "change_char_case": " toward the metal-binding caviTy, cleft or cHanneL by FusIoN of rIngs, Forming the most HIghlY preorganized ligands knOwn. EiGhT LargE-RiNg or hElical cOMpLEXinG aGeNts ArE PrOposeD foR study. SIx are toranDs iN wHich a large riNG iS formed by cOmpLete fusion of RinGs. Four Of TheSE toraNds Have aLready BEen synThesized", "whitespace_perturbation": " toward the metal-bindingcavity, cl eft o r c han ne l by fus ion of rings,f ormi ng the most highly pre organ iz e d li g an ds kn own. Ei g ht l arg e- ri ngor he lical co mplexin g agents a repr oposed for s t ud y. Six are to rands in whi cha larg erin g is f orm ed by compl e te fus ion of ri ng s . Four of thes e to rand s have already be e ns ynthesized", "underscore_trick": " toward_the metal-binding_cavity, cleft or channel_by fusion_of_rings, forming_the_most highly preorganized_ligands known. Eight_large-ring or helical complexing_agents are proposed_for_study. Six are torands in which a large ring is formed by complete fusion_of_rings. Four_of_these_torands have already been synthesized"} +{"text": " the brain and highly concentrated in the blood-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier (i.e. BCSFB or choroid plexus). We hypothesized that PMAT is the principal OC transporter at the BCSFB and is responsible for removing a variety of endogenous and xenobiotic OCs from the", "synonym_substitution": "the brain and highly concentrated in the blood - cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier (i.e. BCSFB or choroid plexus). We hypothesized that PMAT is the chief OC conveyer belt at the BCSFB and is creditworthy for removing a variety of endogenous and xenobiotic OCs from the", "butter_fingers": " thf brain and highly concektrated in the blood-cerxbrospihal fluia (CSF) barrier (i.e. BCSFB or chlriid poexus). We hypothesized ghat PMAT is the prinripal OC transpocfer at bke BCANB anb ms responsible nor removinc a variety of evdlgenous and xenobiotic OCs from the", "random_deletion": "the brain and highly concentrated in the (CSF) (i.e. BCSFB choroid plexus). We principal transporter at the and is responsible removing a variety of endogenous and OCs from the", "change_char_case": " the brain and highly concentrAted in the bLood-cEreBroSpInal FluiD (CSF) barrier (i.e. BcsFB oR choroid plexus). We hypothEsizeD tHAt PMat iS the pRincipaL oC TRAnsPoRtEr aT tHE BcSFB aNd iS responSible for reMovInG a variety of eNDoGenous and xEnoBiotic OCs froM thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " the brain and highly conc entrated i n the bl ood -c ereb rosp inal fluid (CS F ) ba rrier (i.e. BCSFB or c horoi dp lexu s ). We h ypothes i ze d tha tPM ATis th e pri nci pal OCtransporte r a tthe BCSFB an d i s responsi ble for removin g a varie ty of endog eno us an d xeno b ioticOCs fromth e ", "underscore_trick": " the_brain and_highly concentrated in the_blood-cerebrospinal fluid_(CSF)_barrier (i.e._BCSFB_or choroid plexus)._We hypothesized that_PMAT is the principal_OC transporter at_the_BCSFB and is responsible for removing a variety of endogenous and xenobiotic OCs from_the"} +{"text": " PD will emply a experienced, professional, part time Project Manager (50% effort) for the first two years ofthe Project. The Manager will go to 100% time commitment as the Project scales up in South Asia and the US in years 3-7. The South Asian part of project management will be handled through", "synonym_substitution": "PD will emply a experienced, professional, part time Project Manager (50% effort) for the first two days ofthe Project. The Manager will die to 100% time commitment as the Project scales up in South Asia and the US in long time 3 - 7. The South Asian part of project management will be handle through", "butter_fingers": " PD will emply a experiencea, professional, kaet timx Projedt Managdr (50% effort) for the first two ywars ifthe Project. The Manaeer will ho to 100% tume rommitment as thx Projecb scamcs up mn South Asia akd the US it years 3-7. The Smugh Asian part of project management wyll be najdled through", "random_deletion": "PD will emply a experienced, professional, part Manager effort) for first two years go 100% time commitment the Project scales in South Asia and the US years 3-7. The South Asian part of project management will be handled through", "change_char_case": " PD will emply a experienced, prOfessional, Part tIme proJeCt MaNageR (50% effort) for the fIRst tWo years ofthe Project. The managEr WIll gO To 100% Time cOmmitmeNT aS THe PRoJeCt sCaLEs Up in SOutH Asia anD the US in yeArs 3-7. thE South Asian pARt Of project mAnaGement will be HanDled thRoUgh", "whitespace_perturbation": " PD will emply a experienc ed, profes siona l,par ttime Pro ject Manager ( 5 0% e ffort) for the first t wo ye ar s oft h eProje ct. The Ma n a ger w il l g ot o100%tim e commi tment as t hePr oject scales up in SouthAsi a and the US in years 3 -7. The S out h Asi an par t of pr oject man ag e ment w i ll be h a n dl ed t hrough", "underscore_trick": " PD_will emply_a experienced, professional, part_time Project_Manager_(50% effort)_for_the first two_years ofthe Project._The Manager will go_to 100% time_commitment_as the Project scales up in South Asia and the US in years 3-7._The_South Asian_part_of_project management will be handled_through"} +{"text": " for insertion-site injuries will be an initial step toward modernizing clinical treatment and improving patient outcomes. The long-range objectives of this laboratory are to determine the mechanisms by which enzymes catalyze reactions, and in a more general way to determine the nature of biological interactions at the molecular level. To these we have now added", "synonym_substitution": "for insertion - site injuries will be an initial step toward overhaul clinical discussion and improving patient outcomes. The retentive - image objectives of this laboratory are to specify the mechanisms by which enzymes catalyze reactions, and in a more cosmopolitan direction to determine the nature of biological interaction at the molecular level. To these we have now add", "butter_fingers": " fog insertion-site injuries will be an inijiql ste' towars modernkzing clinical treatment and inprovung patient outcomes. Tfe long-rajge objextivts of this laboravkry are to defcrminz vhe mechanisms ny which ensymes catalyze rdaetions, and in a more general way to qetermime the nature of biokjgiczl interactions at the molecular lsvel. To these we havr now added", "random_deletion": "for insertion-site injuries will be an initial modernizing treatment and patient outcomes. The are determine the mechanisms which enzymes catalyze and in a more general way determine the nature of biological interactions at the molecular level. To these we now added", "change_char_case": " for insertion-site injuries wIll be an iniTial sTep TowArD modErniZing clinical trEAtmeNt and improving patient oUtcomEs. tHe loNG-rAnge oBjectivES oF THis LaBoRatOrY ArE to deTerMine the Mechanisms By wHiCh enzymes catALyZe reactionS, anD in a more geneRal Way to dEtErmINe the NatUre of BiologICal intEractions At THe moleCUlar levEL. to ThesE we have now added", "whitespace_perturbation": " for insertion-site injuri es will be an i nit ial s teptowa rd modernizing clin ical treatment and imp rovin gp atie n toutco mes. Th e l o n g-r an ge ob je c ti ves o f t his lab oratory ar e t odetermine th e m echanismsbywhich enzyme s c atalyz erea c tions , a nd in a mor e gener al way to d e termin e the na t u re ofbiological intera c ti o ns at the mole cularle v el . Tothe se we have n ow ad d ed", "underscore_trick": " for_insertion-site injuries_will be an initial_step toward_modernizing_clinical treatment_and_improving patient outcomes._The long-range objectives_of this laboratory are_to determine the_mechanisms_by which enzymes catalyze reactions, and in a more general way to determine the_nature_of biological_interactions_at_the molecular level. To these_we have now added"} +{"text": " misuse arising from treatment of chronic pain. Topical microbicides represent an emerging strategy for the prevention of transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. A successful topical microbicide product will be applied prior to intercourse, without necessitating partner consent, and will be active against a variety of STIs, including HIV.", "synonym_substitution": "misuse arising from treatment of chronic pain. Topical microbicides represent an emerge scheme for the prevention of transmission of HIV and other sexually air infection. A successful topical microbicide product will be applied prior to sexual intercourse, without necessitating partner consent, and will be active against a variety of STIs, including HIV.", "butter_fingers": " miduse arising from treatmtnt of chronic panb. Topiral micdobicider represent an emerging stravegy for uke prevention of travsmission of HIV qnd irher sexually transmittes infzcvions. A successnul topical microbicide psoauet will be applied prior to intercouwse, witnokt necessitatigg pswtned consent, and will be active againat a vagiety of STIs, inckuding HIV.", "random_deletion": "misuse arising from treatment of chronic pain. represent emerging strategy the prevention of sexually infections. A successful microbicide product will applied prior to intercourse, without necessitating consent, and will be active against a variety of STIs, including HIV.", "change_char_case": " misuse arising from treatmenT of chronic Pain. TOpiCal MiCrobIcidEs represent an eMErgiNg strategy for the prevenTion oF tRAnsmISsIon of hIV and oTHeR SExuAlLy TraNsMItTed inFecTions. A sUccessful tOpiCaL microbicide PRoDuct will be AppLied prior to iNteRcoursE, wIthOUt necEssItatiNg partNEr consEnt, and wilL bE Active AGainst a VARiEty oF STIs, including HIV.", "whitespace_perturbation": " misuse arising from treat ment of ch ronic pa in. T opic al m icrobicides re p rese nt an emerging strateg y for t h e pr e ve ntion of tra n sm i s sio nof HI Va nd othe r s exually transmitt edin fections. As uc cessful to pic al microbici deproduc twil l be a ppl ied p rior t o inter course, w it h out ne c essitat i n gpart ner consent, andw il l be active aga inst a v a ri e t y o f S TIs, inclu di ng HI V .", "underscore_trick": " misuse_arising from_treatment of chronic pain._Topical microbicides_represent_an emerging_strategy_for the prevention_of transmission of_HIV and other sexually_transmitted infections. A_successful_topical microbicide product will be applied prior to intercourse, without necessitating partner consent, and_will_be active_against_a_variety of STIs, including HIV."} +{"text": ", as an effector molecule in cell interactions will be tested. In particular, we will examine whether Ia.W39 is essential for optimal presentation of antigens, which are under immune response gene control mapping in the I-A region. Since the membrane expression of both antigens is controlled by a gene on the X-chromosome", "synonym_substitution": ", as an effector molecule in cell interactions will be quiz. In especial, we will examine whether Ia. W39 is essential for optimal display of antigens, which are under immune response gene control function in the I - adenine region. Since the membrane saying of both antigens is controlled by a gene on the adam - chromosome", "butter_fingers": ", as an effector molecule in cell interactions wiln be tssted. In particular, we will examine xhetyer Iq.W39 is essential for opgimal predentatiob of qntigens, wijch are under lmmunz cesponse gene cpntrol map[ing in the I-A rdgnon. Since the membrane expression of both amtlgens is contrjllec by z gene on the X-chromosome", "random_deletion": ", as an effector molecule in cell be In particular, will examine whether presentation antigens, which are immune response gene mapping in the I-A region. Since membrane expression of both antigens is controlled by a gene on the X-chromosome", "change_char_case": ", as an effector molecule in celL interactiOns wiLl bE teStEd. In PartIcular, we will exAMine Whether Ia.W39 is essential fOr optImAL preSEnTatioN of antiGEnS, WHicH aRe UndEr IMmUne reSpoNse gene Control mapPinG iN the I-A region. sInCe the membrAne Expression of BotH antigEnS is COntroLleD by a gEne on tHE X-chroMosome", "whitespace_perturbation": ", as an effector moleculein cell in terac tio nswi ll b e te sted. In parti c ular , we will examine whet her I a. W 39 i s e ssent ial for op t i mal p re sen ta t io n ofant igens,which areund er immune resp o ns e gene con tro l mapping in th e I-Are gio n . Sin cethe m embran e expre ssion ofbo t h anti g ens isc o nt roll ed by a gene on t h eX -chromosome", "underscore_trick": ", as_an effector_molecule in cell interactions_will be_tested._In particular,_we_will examine whether_Ia.W39 is essential_for optimal presentation of_antigens, which are_under_immune response gene control mapping in the I-A region. Since the membrane expression of_both_antigens is_controlled_by_a gene on the X-chromosome"} +{"text": " well as 58K and 87K proteins relative to AChR/43K, the lipid bilayer and the cytoskeleton. Biochemical and immunochemical techniques will be used to define the mechanism of association between 43K protein and AChRs and also with lipid. The 270K protein will be isolated and characterized by protein micro", "synonym_substitution": "well as 58 K and 87 K proteins relative to AChR/43 K, the lipid bilayer and the cytoskeleton. Biochemical and immunochemical techniques will be use to specify the mechanism of association between 43 K protein and AChRs and also with lipid. The 270 K protein will be isolate and characterized by protein micro", "butter_fingers": " wepl as 58K and 87K proteins rtlative to AChR/43K, jhw lipiv bilaysr and tfe cytoskeleton. Biochemical end ummunichemical techniques wkll be usvd to defune uhe mechanism of easociatljn bsbween 43J protein and SChRs and dlso with lipig. Ghz 270K protein will be isolated and chawacteriaef by protein mycro", "random_deletion": "well as 58K and 87K proteins relative the bilayer and cytoskeleton. Biochemical and to the mechanism of between 43K protein AChRs and also with lipid. The protein will be isolated and characterized by protein micro", "change_char_case": " well as 58K and 87K proteins relatiVe to AChR/43K, tHe lipId bIlaYeR and The cYtoskeleton. BioCHemiCal and immunochemical teChniqUeS Will BE uSed to Define tHE mECHanIsM oF asSoCIaTion bEtwEen 43K proTein and AChrs aNd Also with lipiD. thE 270K protein wIll Be isolated anD chAracteRiZed BY protEin Micro", "whitespace_perturbation": " well as 58K and 87K prote ins relati ve to AC hR/ 43 K, t he l ipid bilayer a n d th e cytoskeleton. Bioche mical a n d im m un ochem ical te c hn i q ues w il l b eu se d todef ine the mechanism of a ssociation b e tw een 43K pr ote in and AChRs an d also w ith lipid . T he 27 0K pro t ein wi ll be iso la t ed and charact e r iz ed b y protein micro", "underscore_trick": " well_as 58K_and 87K proteins relative_to AChR/43K,_the_lipid bilayer_and_the cytoskeleton. Biochemical_and immunochemical techniques_will be used to_define the mechanism_of_association between 43K protein and AChRs and also with lipid. The 270K protein will_be_isolated and_characterized_by_protein micro"} +{"text": " fellow also provides results to the investigators for research purposes. The MIP is providing this service to 5 active protocols by CCR investigators who are looking at various anti-angiogenic agents. Such work, by its nature, is difficult and publications have been slow to accrue, however in the past years two publications have appeared from", "synonym_substitution": "fellow also provides results to the detective for inquiry purposes. The MIP is providing this servicing to 5 active protocol by CCR investigators who are looking at versatile anti - angiogenic agent. Such work, by its nature, is unmanageable and publication have been slow to accrue, however in the past year two publications have appeared from", "butter_fingers": " feplow also provides resulus to the investiyqtors hor ressarch pufposes. The MIP is providing vhis servuce to 5 active protocous by CCR investitatocs who are lookiif at vavnous zkti-anyiigenic agents. Xuch work, ty its nature, hs dnfficult and publications have been flow to afcrue, however yn tnq paan nears two publications have appezred frmm", "random_deletion": "fellow also provides results to the investigators purposes. MIP is this service to investigators are looking at anti-angiogenic agents. Such by its nature, is difficult and have been slow to accrue, however in the past years two publications have from", "change_char_case": " fellow also provides results To the invesTigatOrs For ReSearCh puRposes. The MIP is PRoviDing this service to 5 activE protOcOLs by ccR InvesTigatorS WhO ARe lOoKiNg aT vARiOus anTi-aNgiogenIc agents. SuCh wOrK, by its nature, IS dIfficult anD puBlications haVe bEen sloW tO acCRue, hoWevEr in tHe past YEars twO publicatIoNS have aPPeared fROM", "whitespace_perturbation": " fellow also provides resu lts to the inve sti gat or s fo r re search purpose s . Th e MIP is providing thi s ser vi c e to 5activ e proto c ol s byCC Rinv es t ig ators wh o are l ooking atvar io us anti-angi o ge nic agents . S uch work, by it s natu re , i s diff icu lt an d publ i cation s have be en slow t o accrue , ho weve r in the past yea r st wo publication s have a p pe a r edfro m", "underscore_trick": " fellow_also provides_results to the investigators_for research_purposes._The MIP_is_providing this service_to 5 active_protocols by CCR investigators_who are looking_at_various anti-angiogenic agents. Such work, by its nature, is difficult and publications have been_slow_to accrue,_however_in_the past years two publications_have appeared from"} +{"text": " of diabetic cardiovascular disease: We propose to create two new genetically altered mice. Aim 1a is to use the tet on system to allow expression of hAR in a time dependent manner. This system will allow us to test whether hAR expression in established lesions alters plaque morphology. These animals can also be used to produce tissue", "synonym_substitution": "of diabetic cardiovascular disease: We propose to create two new genetically altered mouse. Aim 1a is to practice the tet on system to allow formula of hAR in a fourth dimension dependent manner. This system will admit us to quiz whether hAR expression in establish lesions alters plaque morphology. These animal can also be used to produce tissue", "butter_fingers": " of diabetic cardiovascular disease: We prokowe to rreate fwo new eenetically altered mice. Aim 1a is ti use the tet on systeo to alloa expreswion if hAR in e time dc'endehb manuec. This system wlll allow uv to test whetvef kAR expression in established lesionf alterx olaque morpholjgy. Uhefe ahpmcls can also be used to produce tissue", "random_deletion": "of diabetic cardiovascular disease: We propose to new altered mice. 1a is to to expression of hAR a time dependent This system will allow us to whether hAR expression in established lesions alters plaque morphology. These animals can also used to produce tissue", "change_char_case": " of diabetic cardiovascular dIsease: We prOpose To cReaTe Two nEw geNetically alterED micE. Aim 1a is to use the tet on syStem tO aLLow eXPrEssioN of hAR iN A tIME dePeNdEnt MaNNeR. This SysTem will Allow us to tEst WhEther hAR exprESsIon in estabLisHed lesions alTerS plaquE mOrpHOlogy. theSe aniMals caN Also be Used to proDuCE tissuE", "whitespace_perturbation": " of diabetic cardiovascula r disease: We p rop ose t o cr eate two new genet i call y altered mice. Aim 1a is t ou se t h etet o n syste m t o all ow e xpr es s io n ofhAR in a t ime depend ent m anner. Thiss ys tem will a llo w us to test wh etherhA R e x press ion in e stabli s hed le sions alt er s plaqu e morpho l o gy . Th ese animals can a l so be used to pro duce t is s ue ", "underscore_trick": " of_diabetic cardiovascular_disease: We propose to_create two_new_genetically altered_mice._Aim 1a is_to use the_tet on system to_allow expression of_hAR_in a time dependent manner. This system will allow us to test whether hAR_expression_in established_lesions_alters_plaque morphology. These animals can_also be used to produce_tissue"} +{"text": " paint, but also detoxifies the lead. This liquid component is intended to combat lead poisoning, the leading environmental childhood disease and provide a safer workplace for lead abatement workers. This would be the first lead abatement product that actually detoxifies lead in case of ingestion and is a safe water base formula. The proposed liquid", "synonym_substitution": "paint, but also detoxifies the lead. This fluid part is intended to combat spark advance poisoning, the leave environmental childhood disease and provide a safer workplace for lead suspension workers. This would be the first lead abatement merchandise that actually detoxifies lead in case of consumption and is a safe water base formula. The nominate liquid", "butter_fingers": " palnt, but also detoxifies uhe lead. This liqoie compmnent js intenaed to combat lead poisoning, tye leqding environmental chkldhood dpsease ane pricide a safxd workplace fkv leab ebatement workets. This woulg be the first ldab abatement product that actually deeoxifiex pead in case os inbqstikn and is a safe water base formulz. The pgoposed liquid", "random_deletion": "paint, but also detoxifies the lead. This is to combat poisoning, the leading a workplace for lead workers. This would the first lead abatement product that detoxifies lead in case of ingestion and is a safe water base formula. proposed liquid", "change_char_case": " paint, but also detoxifies the Lead. This liQuid cOmpOneNt Is inTendEd to combat lead POisoNing, the leading environmEntal ChILdhoOD dIseasE and proVIdE A SafEr WoRkpLaCE fOr leaD abAtement Workers. ThiS woUlD be the first lEAd Abatement pRodUct that actuaLly DetoxiFiEs lEAd in cAse Of ingEstion ANd is a sAfe water bAsE FormulA. the propOSEd LiquId", "whitespace_perturbation": " paint, but also detoxifie s the lead . Thi s l iqu id com pone nt is intended to c ombat lead poisoning,the l ea d inge nv ironm ental c h il d h ood d is eas ea nd prov ide a safe r workplac e f or lead abatem e nt workers.Thi s would be t hefirstle ada batem ent prod uct th a t actu ally deto xi f ies le a d in ca s e o f in gestion and is as af e water base fo rmula. T h ep r opo sed liquid", "underscore_trick": " paint,_but also_detoxifies the lead. This_liquid component_is_intended to_combat_lead poisoning, the_leading environmental childhood_disease and provide a_safer workplace for_lead_abatement workers. This would be the first lead abatement product that actually detoxifies lead_in_case of_ingestion_and_is a safe water base_formula. The proposed liquid"} +{"text": " a breast cancer trial (7, 8). These demonstrate profound changes in vessel permeability in responders to Bevacizumab followed by high dose intensive chemotherapy. The role of DCE-MRI was compared to other biomarkers that were studied and it was found to be among the more useful of the predictive markers. The MIP is", "synonym_substitution": "a breast cancer trial (7, 8). These demonstrate profound changes in vessel permeability in respondent to Bevacizumab take after by high dose intensive chemotherapy. The role of DCE - MRI was compare to early biomarkers that were studied and it was found to be among the more useful of the predictive marker. The MIP is", "butter_fingers": " a hreast cancer trial (7, 8). Thtse demonstrate ptodound rhanges in vessdl permeability in responderd ro Becacizumab followed by figh dose intensice ciemotherapy. The ckle of DCE-MRI aas eonpared to othet biomarkers that were stugidd and it was found to be among the mjre usegup of the predistivt mwrkeds. The MIP is", "random_deletion": "a breast cancer trial (7, 8). These changes vessel permeability responders to Bevacizumab chemotherapy. role of DCE-MRI compared to other that were studied and it was to be among the more useful of the predictive markers. The MIP is", "change_char_case": " a breast cancer trial (7, 8). These deMonstrate pRofouNd cHanGeS in vEsseL permeability iN RespOnders to Bevacizumab folLowed By HIgh dOSe IntenSive cheMOtHERapY. THe RolE oF dCe-MRI wAs cOmpared To other bioMarKeRs that were stUDiEd and it was FouNd to be among tHe mOre useFuL of THe preDicTive mArkers. tHe MIP iS", "whitespace_perturbation": " a breast cancer trial (7, 8). These demo nst rat eprof ound changes in ve s selpermeability in respon dersto Beva c iz umabfollowe d b y hig hdo sein t en siveche mothera py. The ro leof DCE-MRI was co mpared tooth er biomarker s t hat we re st u diedand it w as fou n d to b e among t he more u s eful of t he pre dictive markers.T he MIP is", "underscore_trick": " a_breast cancer_trial (7, 8). These_demonstrate profound_changes_in vessel_permeability_in responders to_Bevacizumab followed by_high dose intensive chemotherapy._The role of_DCE-MRI_was compared to other biomarkers that were studied and it was found to be_among_the more_useful_of_the predictive markers. The MIP_is"} +{"text": " LTR-enhanced transcription is specifically decreased after inhibition of protein synthesis. This lability is observed only in pre-B cell types, suggesting that it may be important in the B cell specificity of ALV tumor induction. Moreover, lymphoma-resistant chicken strains exhibit stable LTR-enhanced transcription (unaffected by inhibition of", "synonym_substitution": "LTR - enhanced transcription is specifically decreased after inhibition of protein deduction. This lability is observe only in pre - B cellular telephone types, indicate that it may be important in the bel cellular telephone specificity of ALV tumor induction. Moreover, lymphoma - resistant chicken strains parade stable LTR - enhanced arrangement (unaffected by inhibition of", "butter_fingers": " LTG-enhanced transcription ls specifically bwcreasxd afted inhibigion of protein synthesis. Thms lqbiliuj is observed only in pre-B celp types, wuggtsting that it mab be important ln thz U cell specificlty of ALV dumor inductiot. Ooxeover, lymphoma-resistant chicken strwins exnihit stable LTR-gnhanbeq trznscription (unaffected by inhibitikn of", "random_deletion": "LTR-enhanced transcription is specifically decreased after inhibition synthesis. lability is only in pre-B may important in the cell specificity of tumor induction. Moreover, lymphoma-resistant chicken strains stable LTR-enhanced transcription (unaffected by inhibition of", "change_char_case": " LTR-enhanced transcription iS specificaLly deCreAseD aFter InhiBition of proteiN SyntHesis. This lability is obsErved OnLY in pRE-B Cell tYpes, sugGEsTINg tHaT iT maY bE ImPortaNt iN the B ceLl specificIty Of aLV tumor induCTiOn. Moreover, LymPhoma-resistaNt cHicken StRaiNS exhiBit StablE LTR-enHAnced tRanscriptIoN (UnaffeCTed by inHIBiTion Of", "whitespace_perturbation": " LTR-enhanced transcriptio n is speci fical lydec re ased aft er inhibitiono f pr otein synthesis. Thislabil it y iso bs erved only i n p r e -Bce ll ty pe s ,sugge sti ng that it may be im po rtant in the Bcell speci fic ity of ALV t umo r indu ct ion . More ove r, ly mphoma - resist ant chick en strain s exhibi t st able LTR-enhanced tra n sc r iption (unaffe cted b yi nh i b iti onof", "underscore_trick": " LTR-enhanced_transcription is_specifically decreased after inhibition_of protein_synthesis._This lability_is_observed only in_pre-B cell types,_suggesting that it may_be important in_the_B cell specificity of ALV tumor induction. Moreover, lymphoma-resistant chicken strains exhibit stable LTR-enhanced_transcription_(unaffected by_inhibition_of"} +{"text": " a substrate analogue that functions as a latent electrophile to be activated by uPA- mediated hydrolysis. (2) To use this enzyme-activated electrophile to covalently attach antigens to the surface of cancer cells. And, (3) to study the immunological response against human cancer cells labeled by this target-activated", "synonym_substitution": "a substrate analogue that functions as a latent electrophile to be activated by uPA- mediated hydrolysis. (2) To use this enzyme - activate electrophile to covalently bind antigens to the surface of cancer cells. And, (3) to learn the immunological response against human cancer cells label by this aim - activated", "butter_fingers": " a dubstrate analogue that nunctions as a lcrent enectrolhile to be activated by uPA- mediatev hyerolywis. (2) To use this enzymd-activatef electriphiow to covalxhtly atbcch ahbigenv to the surfacg of cancer wells. And, (3) to vtjdv the immunological response against human vajcer cells labgled nr thjs target-activated", "random_deletion": "a substrate analogue that functions as a to activated by mediated hydrolysis. (2) to attach antigens to surface of cancer And, (3) to study the immunological against human cancer cells labeled by this target-activated", "change_char_case": " a substrate analogue that funCtions as a lAtent EleCtrOpHile To be Activated by uPA- MEdiaTed hydrolysis. (2) To use this EnzymE-aCTivaTEd ElectRophile TO cOVAleNtLy AttAcH AnTigenS to The surfAce of canceR ceLlS. And, (3) to study tHE iMmunologicAl rEsponse againSt hUman caNcEr cELls laBelEd by tHis tarGEt-actiVated", "whitespace_perturbation": " a substrate analogue that functions as a la ten telec trop hile to be act i vate d by uPA- mediated hyd rolys is . (2) To usethis en z ym e - act iv at edel e ct rophi leto cova lently att ach a ntigens to t h esurface of ca ncer cells.And , (3)to st u dy th e i mmuno logica l respo nse again st humanc ancer c e l ls lab eled by this targ e t- a ctivated", "underscore_trick": " a_substrate analogue_that functions as a_latent electrophile_to_be activated_by_uPA- mediated hydrolysis._(2) To use_this enzyme-activated electrophile to_covalently attach antigens_to_the surface of cancer cells. And, (3) to study the immunological response against human_cancer_cells labeled_by_this_target-activated"} +{"text": " female mice. Results of this study will indicate whether E2 may protect female HD mice from striatal AA loss, normalize cortical neuronal activity and improve the behavioral phenotype associated with HD. Furthermore, results will suggest whether E2 effects on GLU transmission contribute to sex differences observed in HD mice. HD affects -30,000", "synonym_substitution": "female mice. Results of this study will indicate whether E2 may protect female HD mouse from striatal AA personnel casualty, normalize cortical neuronal activity and better the behavioral phenotype associated with HD. Furthermore, results will propose whether E2 effects on GLU transmission contribute to sexual activity dispute observed in HD mouse. HD affects -30,000", "butter_fingers": " felale mice. Results of thir study will inbucate xhether E2 may pfotect female HD mice from svriaral AQ loss, normalize cortizal neurojal acticity qnd improvx the bemcviorzp phznitype associatgd with HD. Fgrthermore, resglgs will suggest whether E2 effects on DLU tramslission contrifute eo ssq bifferences observed in HD mice. HD afftcts -30,000", "random_deletion": "female mice. Results of this study will E2 protect female mice from striatal activity improve the behavioral associated with HD. results will suggest whether E2 effects GLU transmission contribute to sex differences observed in HD mice. HD affects -30,000", "change_char_case": " female mice. Results of this stUdy will indIcate WheTheR E2 May pRoteCt female HD mice FRom sTriatal AA loss, normalize CortiCaL NeurONaL actiVity and IMpROVe tHe BeHavIoRAl PhenoTypE associAted with HD. furThErmore, resultS WiLl suggest wHetHer E2 effects oN GLu transMiSsiON contRibUte to Sex difFErenceS observed In hd mice. Hd Affects -30,000", "whitespace_perturbation": " female mice. Results of t his studywillind ica te whe ther E2 may protec t fem ale HD mice from stria tal A Al oss, no rmali ze cort i ca l neu ro na l a ct i vi ty an d i mprovethe behavi ora lphenotype as s oc iated with HD . Furthermor e,result swil l sugg est whet her E2 effect s on GLUtr a nsmiss i on cont r i bu te t o sex differences ob s erved in HD mi ce. HD a f fe c t s - 30, 000", "underscore_trick": " female_mice. Results_of this study will_indicate whether_E2_may protect_female_HD mice from_striatal AA loss,_normalize cortical neuronal activity_and improve the_behavioral_phenotype associated with HD. Furthermore, results will suggest whether E2 effects on GLU transmission_contribute_to sex_differences_observed_in HD mice. HD affects_-30,000"} +{"text": " multiple metastatic lesions, patients typically die within one to two years. Gap: Treatment of brain metastases is primarily palliative due to limited curative effectiveness of radiation, surger, and poor delivery of chemotherapy across the blood-brain barrier (BBB). This proposal focuses on preventing metastasis seeding and initial growth in brain using preclinical models", "synonym_substitution": "multiple metastatic lesions, patients typically die within one to two years. Gap: Treatment of mind metastasis is primarily palliative due to circumscribed curative effectiveness of radiotherapy, surger, and poor delivery of chemotherapy across the rake - brain barrier (BBB). This proposal concentrate on preventing metastasis seeding and initial growth in genius using preclinical models", "butter_fingers": " muptiple metastatic lesionr, patients typieqlly dme withjn one tu two years. Gap: Treatment of beain netastases is primarilh palliatpve due ti linuted curatmbe effegcivensds oy cadiation, surget, and poor dalivery of chekoghzrapy across the blood-brain barrier (FBB). Thix oroposal focusgs on [revsnting metastasis seeding and initjal groxth in brain usong preclinical models", "random_deletion": "multiple metastatic lesions, patients typically die within two Gap: Treatment brain metastases is curative of radiation, surger, poor delivery of across the blood-brain barrier (BBB). This focuses on preventing metastasis seeding and initial growth in brain using preclinical models", "change_char_case": " multiple metastatic lesions, Patients tyPicalLy dIe wItHin oNe to Two years. Gap: TreATmenT of brain metastases is prImariLy PAlliATiVe due To limitED cURAtiVe EfFecTiVEnEss of RadIation, sUrger, and poOr dElIvery of chemoTHeRapy across The Blood-brain baRriEr (BBB). THiS prOPosal FocUses oN preveNTing meTastasis sEeDIng and INitial gROWtH in bRain using precliniCAl MOdels", "whitespace_perturbation": " multiple metastatic lesio ns, patien ts ty pic all ydiewith in one to twoy ears . Gap: Treatment of br ain m et a stas e sis pr imarily pa l l iat iv edue t o l imite d c urative effective nes sof radiation , s urger, and po or deliveryofchemot he rap y acro ssthe b lood-b r ain ba rrier (BB B) . Thisp roposal f oc uses on preventing me t as t asis seeding a nd ini ti a lg r owt h i n brain us in g pre c linical mo d e l s", "underscore_trick": " multiple_metastatic lesions,_patients typically die within_one to_two_years. Gap:_Treatment_of brain metastases_is primarily palliative_due to limited curative_effectiveness of radiation,_surger,_and poor delivery of chemotherapy across the blood-brain barrier (BBB). This proposal focuses on_preventing_metastasis seeding_and_initial_growth in brain using preclinical_models"} +{"text": "iation in vivo, and (4) if changes in NMDA receptor subunit composition are permissive for experience-dependent response potentiation in vivo. These aims will be accomplished by taking advantage of the special expertise of this Center in mouse genetics, chronic recording, and the molecular bases for synaptic plasticity. Lymphedema (", "synonym_substitution": "iation in vivo, and (4) if changes in NMDA receptor subunit composition are permissive for experience - pendent reception potentiation in vivo. These aims will be accomplished by taking advantage of the especial expertise of this Center in mouse genetics, chronic recording, and the molecular footing for synaptic plasticity. Lymphedema (", "butter_fingers": "iatlon in vivo, and (4) if channes in NMDA recektir subnnit cojpositiov are permissive for experieice-dwpendtut response potentiagion in vpvo. These aimw will be ardomplismzd by bakiny edvantage of thg special ex[ertise of thiv Zeuter in mouse genetics, chronic recorqing, anc hhe molecular fasex for synaptic plasticity. Lymphedema (", "random_deletion": "iation in vivo, and (4) if changes receptor composition are for experience-dependent response will accomplished by taking of the special of this Center in mouse genetics, recording, and the molecular bases for synaptic plasticity. Lymphedema (", "change_char_case": "iation in vivo, and (4) if changes iN NMDA recepTor suBunIt cOmPosiTion Are permissive fOR expErience-dependent responSe potEnTIatiON iN vivo. these aiMS wILL be AcCoMplIsHEd By takIng AdvantaGe of the speCiaL eXpertise of thIS CEnter in mouSe gEnetics, chronIc rEcordiNg, And THe molEcuLar baSes for SYnaptiC plasticiTy. lYmphedEMa (", "whitespace_perturbation": "iation in vivo, and (4) if changes i n NMD A r ece pt or s ubun it composition arepermissive for experie nce-d ep e nden t r espon se pote n ti a t ion i nviv o. Th ese a ims will b e accompli she dby taking ad v an tage of th e s pecial exper tis e of t hi s C e nterinmouse genet i cs, ch ronic rec or d ing, a n d the m o l ec ular bases for synapt i cp lasticity. Lym phedem a( ", "underscore_trick": "iation in_vivo, and_(4) if changes in_NMDA receptor_subunit_composition are_permissive_for experience-dependent response_potentiation in vivo._These aims will be_accomplished by taking_advantage_of the special expertise of this Center in mouse genetics, chronic recording, and the_molecular_bases for_synaptic_plasticity._Lymphedema ("} +{"text": " miR-198 in PC cells results in reduced tumor growth, decreased metastasis, and increased survival through direct targeting of MSLN, PBX-1, and VCP. Our preliminary data strongly suggest the significant role of miR-198 and this interactome in PC pathogenesis. In addition, we found that miR-198 can", "synonym_substitution": "miR-198 in PC cells results in reduced tumor increase, decrease metastasis, and increased survival through direct targeting of MSLN, PBX-1, and VCP. Our preliminary data powerfully suggest the significant role of miR-198 and this interactome in personal computer pathogenesis. In summation, we found that miR-198 can", "butter_fingers": " miG-198 in PC cells results in reduced tumor yeowth, vecreassd metasgasis, and increased survival tyrougy direct targeting of OSLN, PBX-1, wnd VCP. Iur kreliminary data strongly suggeab the wignificant roke of miR-198 dnd this interdcgole in PC pathogenesis. In addition, wq found tjat miR-198 can", "random_deletion": "miR-198 in PC cells results in reduced decreased and increased through direct targeting Our data strongly suggest significant role of and this interactome in PC pathogenesis. addition, we found that miR-198 can", "change_char_case": " miR-198 in PC cells results in reduCed tumor grOwth, dEcrEasEd MetaStasIs, and increased SUrviVal through direct targetIng of mSln, PBX-1, ANd vCP. OuR prelimINaRY DatA sTrOngLy SUgGest tHe sIgnificAnt role of mIR-198 aNd This interactOMe In PC pathogEneSis. In additioN, we Found tHaT mir-198 Can", "whitespace_perturbation": " miR-198 in PC cells resul ts in redu ced t umo r g ro wth, dec reased metasta s is,and increased survival thro ug h dir e ct targ eting o f M S L N,PB X- 1,an d V CP. O urprelimi nary datastr on gly suggestt he significa ntrole of miR- 198 and t hi s i n terac tom e inPC pat h ogenes is. In ad di t ion, w e foundt h at miR -198 can", "underscore_trick": " miR-198_in PC_cells results in reduced_tumor growth,_decreased_metastasis, and_increased_survival through direct_targeting of MSLN,_PBX-1, and VCP. Our_preliminary data strongly_suggest_the significant role of miR-198 and this interactome in PC pathogenesis. In addition, we_found_that miR-198_can"} +{"text": "cally in radiation attenuated sporo- zoites (RAS)-based vaccines. Using intravital imaging, we have recently discovered that activated CD8 T cells form clusters around Plasmodium-infected hepatocytes in mice and that these clusters are important in parasite elimination. Mechanisms driving the formation of such clusters remain poorly de", "synonym_substitution": "cally in radiation attenuated sporo- zoites (RAS)-based vaccines. Using intravital imagination, we have recently discover that activated CD8 T cells imprint bunch around Plasmodium - infected hepatocytes in mice and that these clusters are significant in parasite elimination. Mechanisms driving the constitution of such clusters remain ill de", "butter_fingers": "calpy in radiation attenuattd sporo- zoites (RCW)-based vaccihes. Usine intravital imaging, we have rwcentoy discovered that actkvated CD8 T cells forn clusters edound Plasmodjmm-infzcved hepatocytes in mice atd that these wljscers are important in parasite elimigation. Kefhanisms drivigg tnq fodmation of such clusters remain pokrly de", "random_deletion": "cally in radiation attenuated sporo- zoites (RAS)-based intravital we have discovered that activated around hepatocytes in mice that these clusters important in parasite elimination. Mechanisms driving formation of such clusters remain poorly de", "change_char_case": "cally in radiation attenuateD sporo- zoitEs (RAS)-BasEd vAcCineS. UsiNg intravital imAGing, We have recently discoverEd thaT aCTivaTEd cD8 T ceLls form CLuSTErs ArOuNd PLaSMoDium-iNfeCted hepAtocytes in MicE aNd that these cLUsTers are impOrtAnt in parasitE elIminatIoN. MeCHanisMs dRivinG the foRMation Of such cluStERs remaIN poorly DE", "whitespace_perturbation": "cally in radiation attenua ted sporo- zoit es(RA S) -bas ed v accines. Using intr avital imaging, we hav e rec en t ly d i sc overe d thata ct i v ate dCD 8 T c e ll s for m c lusters around Pl asm od ium-infected he patocytesinmice and tha t t hese c lu ste r s are im porta nt inp arasit e elimina ti o n. Mec h anismsd r iv ingthe formation ofs uc h clusters rema in poo rl y d e ", "underscore_trick": "cally in_radiation attenuated_sporo- zoites (RAS)-based vaccines._Using intravital_imaging,_we have_recently_discovered that activated_CD8 T cells_form clusters around Plasmodium-infected_hepatocytes in mice_and_that these clusters are important in parasite elimination. Mechanisms driving the formation of such_clusters_remain poorly_de"} +{"text": " of T1D control in the NOD mice by BDC Tregs. We will determine the direct cellular target of BDC Tregs in vivo, and identify their impact on the ongoing inflammatory response in the islets at cellular and molecular levels. We will further determine the molecular profile of the therapeutic Tregs and identify molecule(", "synonym_substitution": "of T1D control in the NOD mice by BDC Tregs. We will determine the direct cellular prey of BDC Tregs in vivo, and name their impact on the ongoing inflammatory reception in the isle at cellular and molecular levels. We will further determine the molecular visibility of the curative Tregs and identify molecule (", "butter_fingers": " of T1D control in the NOD mlce by BDC Tregs. We wiln detedmine thd direct cellular target of UDC Rregs in vivo, and identify gheir impwct on tye oigoing inflammatory response ih the mslets at cellukar and monecular levels. Wd cill further determine the molecular profilr lf the therapeotic Ureds ahd identify molecule(", "random_deletion": "of T1D control in the NOD mice Tregs. will determine direct cellular target and their impact on ongoing inflammatory response the islets at cellular and molecular We will further determine the molecular profile of the therapeutic Tregs and identify", "change_char_case": " of T1D control in the NOD mice by bDC Tregs. We Will dEteRmiNe The dIrecT cellular targeT Of BDc Tregs in vivo, and identifY theiR iMPact ON tHe ongOing infLAmMATorY rEsPonSe IN tHe islEts At celluLar and moleCulAr Levels. We will FUrTher determIne The molecular ProFile of ThE thERapeuTic tregs And ideNTify moLecule(", "whitespace_perturbation": " of T1D control in the NOD mice by B DC Tr egs . W ewill det ermine the dir e ct c ellular target of BDCTregs i n viv o ,and i dentify th e i r i mp ac t o nt he ongo ing inflam matory res pon se in the isle t sat cellula r a nd molecular le vels.We wi l l fur the r det ermine the mo lecular p ro f ile of the the r a pe utic Tregs and identi f ym olecule(", "underscore_trick": " of_T1D control_in the NOD mice_by BDC_Tregs._We will_determine_the direct cellular_target of BDC_Tregs in vivo, and_identify their impact_on_the ongoing inflammatory response in the islets at cellular and molecular levels. We will_further_determine the_molecular_profile_of the therapeutic Tregs and_identify molecule("} +{"text": "Host Disease (GVHD) in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT) Patients * 13-EI-0102: Gevokizumab Treatment for Active Scleritis By IL-1 Inhibition (GATSBY) * 12-EI-0167: A Phase I/II Study", "synonym_substitution": "Host Disease (GVHD) in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT) Patients * 13 - EI-0102: Gevokizumab Treatment for Active Scleritis By IL-1 Inhibition (GATSBY) * 12 - EI-0167: A Phase I / II Study", "butter_fingers": "Hosh Disease (GVHD) in Hematokoietic Stem Cell Transpnant (HACT) Patidnts * 13-EI-0102: Gevokizumab Treatmeit fir Acupve Scleritis By IL-1 Ivhibition (GATSBY) * 12-EI-0167: E Phase I/II Studb", "random_deletion": "Host Disease (GVHD) in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Patients 13-EI-0102: Gevokizumab for Active Scleritis 12-EI-0167: Phase I/II Study", "change_char_case": "Host Disease (GVHD) in HematopoIetic Stem CEll TrAnsPlaNt (hSCT) patiEnts * 13-EI-0102: GevokizuMAb TrEatment for Active ScleriTis By iL-1 iNhibITiOn (GATsBY) * 12-EI-0167: A PHAsE i/iI STuDy", "whitespace_perturbation": "Host Disease (GVHD) in Hem atopoietic Stem Ce llTr ansp lant (HSCT) Patien t s *13-EI-0102: Gevokizuma b Tre at m entf or Acti ve Scle r it i s By I L- 1 I nh i bi tion(GA TSBY) * 12-EI-016 7:APhase I/II S t ud y", "underscore_trick": "Host Disease_(GVHD) in_Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant_(HSCT) Patients_*_13-EI-0102: Gevokizumab_Treatment_for Active Scleritis_By IL-1 Inhibition_(GATSBY) * 12-EI-0167: A_Phase I/II Study"} +{"text": "als of Cleveland). Since our initial Core Grant award in 1997 and its renewal in 2002 with five Modules, these modules have continued to evolve over the current funding cycle due to a changing investigator group and scientific direction, expanded services and new technologies. The five modules that are proposed are: 1) Tissue Culture and Hybridoma", "synonym_substitution": "als of Cleveland). Since our initial Core Grant award in 1997 and its renewal in 2002 with five Modules, these modules have continue to develop over the current funding cycle due to a change detective group and scientific direction, expanded serve and modern technologies. The five faculty that are proposed are: 1) Tissue Culture and Hybridoma", "butter_fingers": "als of Cleveland). Since our lnitial Core Graur awarv in 1997 ahd its rdnewal in 2002 with five Modules, tyese nodules have continued to evolvv over thw cucrent funding cyrme due bj a dmangiug investigator nroup and swientific direwtkou, expanded services and new technolodies. Thr vive modules trat swe pdoposed are: 1) Tissue Culture and Hygridoma", "random_deletion": "als of Cleveland). Since our initial Core in and its in 2002 with continued evolve over the funding cycle due a changing investigator group and scientific expanded services and new technologies. The five modules that are proposed are: 1) Culture and Hybridoma", "change_char_case": "als of Cleveland). Since our iniTial Core GrAnt awArd In 1997 aNd Its rEnewAl in 2002 with five MoDUles, These modules have continUed to EvOLve oVEr The cuRrent fuNDiNG CycLe DuE to A cHAnGing iNveStigatoR group and sCieNtIfic directioN, ExPanded servIceS and new technOloGies. ThE fIve MOduleS thAt are ProposED are: 1) TiSsue CultuRe ANd HybrIDoma", "whitespace_perturbation": "als of Cleveland). Since o ur initial Core Gr ant a ward in1997 and its r e newa l in 2002 with five Mo dules ,t hese mo dules have c o nt i n ued t oevo lv e o ver t hecurrent funding c ycl edue to a cha n gi ng investi gat or group and sc ientif ic di r ectio n,expan ded se r vicesand new t ec h nologi e s. Thef i ve mod ules that are pro p os e d are: 1) Tiss ue Cul tu r ea n d H ybr idoma", "underscore_trick": "als of_Cleveland). Since_our initial Core Grant_award in_1997_and its_renewal_in 2002 with_five Modules, these_modules have continued to_evolve over the_current_funding cycle due to a changing investigator group and scientific direction, expanded services and_new_technologies. The_five_modules_that are proposed are: 1)_Tissue Culture and Hybridoma"} +{"text": "-MAC projects use RA Panel data, and because many of the functions of the Core are indivisible. These include: collective use of a fixed portion of all surveys; skills to design instruments; staff skills and effort to collect and process data; and software and hardware to collect and analyze RA Panel study data. The", "synonym_substitution": "-MAC projects use RA Panel data, and because many of the functions of the Core are indivisible. These admit: corporate manipulation of a fixed parcel of all sketch; skills to design legal document; staff skill and effort to roll up and process data; and software and hardware to gather and analyze RA Panel study data. The", "butter_fingers": "-MAC projects use RA Panel dxta, and because many oh the fhnctions of the Core are indivisible. Tyese unclude: collective use of a fixvd portiob of qll surveys; skills to dealgn iusvruments; staff xkills and effort to colnezt and process data; and software and rardwarr ho collect and anakrze DA Panel study data. The", "random_deletion": "-MAC projects use RA Panel data, and of functions of Core are indivisible. a portion of all skills to design staff skills and effort to collect process data; and software and hardware to collect and analyze RA Panel study The", "change_char_case": "-MAC projects use RA Panel data, And because Many oF thE fuNcTionS of tHe Core are indivISiblE. These include: collectivE use oF a FIxed POrTion oF all surVEyS; SKilLs To DesIgN InStrumEntS; staff sKills and efForT tO collect and pROcEss data; and SofTware and hardWarE to colLeCt aND analYze rA PanEl studY Data. ThE", "whitespace_perturbation": "-MAC projects use RA Panel data, and beca use ma ny ofthefunctions of t h e Co re are indivisible. Th ese i nc l ude: co llect ive use of a fi xe dpor ti o nof al l s urveys; skills to de si gn instrumen t s; staff ski lls and efforttocollec tand proce ssdata; and s o ftware and hard wa r e to c o llect a n d a naly ze RA Panel study da t a. The", "underscore_trick": "-MAC projects_use RA_Panel data, and because_many of_the_functions of_the_Core are indivisible._These include: collective_use of a fixed_portion of all_surveys;_skills to design instruments; staff skills and effort to collect and process data; and_software_and hardware_to_collect_and analyze RA Panel study_data. The"} +{"text": " new redox-related measures within the context of his current clinical research, enabling him to train mentees in these new measures; and 3) to faciliate the career development of the applicant. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] Project Summary The goal of this project is to focus on the relationship between dental use", "synonym_substitution": "new redox - related measures within the context of his current clinical research, enable him to educate mentees in these new measures; and 3) to faciliate the career growth of the applicant. [ indecipherable ] [ unreadable ] [ unreadable ] Project Summary The finish of this undertaking is to focus on the relationship between dental use", "butter_fingers": " nea redox-related measures dithin the contgxr of hms currsnt clinkcal research, enabling him tl rrain mentees in these new oeasures; wnd 3) to daciouate the cedeer deyzlopmskt of vhe applicant. [ukreadable] [utreadable] [unreddxbpe] Project Summary The goal of this projecy ls to focus on the welafpokship between dental use", "random_deletion": "new redox-related measures within the context of clinical enabling him train mentees in to the career development the applicant. [unreadable] [unreadable] Project Summary The goal of project is to focus on the relationship between dental use", "change_char_case": " new redox-related measures wiThin the conText oF hiS cuRrEnt cLiniCal research, enaBLing Him to train mentees in theSe new MeASureS; AnD 3) to faCiliate THe CAReeR dEvEloPmENt Of the AppLicant. [uNreadable] [uNreAdAble] [unreadabLE] PRoject SummAry the goal of thiS prOject iS tO foCUs on tHe rElatiOnship BEtween Dental use", "whitespace_perturbation": " new redox-related measure s within t he co nte xtof his cur rent clinicalr esea rch, enabling him to t rainme n tees in thes e new m e as u r es; a nd 3) t o f acili ate the ca reer devel opm en t of the app l ic ant. [unre ada ble] [unread abl e] [un re ada b le] P roj ect S ummary The go al of thi sp roject is to f o c us onthe relationshipb et w een dental use ", "underscore_trick": " new_redox-related measures_within the context of_his current_clinical_research, enabling_him_to train mentees_in these new_measures; and 3) to_faciliate the career_development_of the applicant. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] Project Summary The goal of this project is_to_focus on_the_relationship_between dental use"} +{"text": " to improve the lives of cancer patients by finding better ways to treat, control and cure cancer. CTEP accomplishes this mission by funding an extensive national program of cancer research and by sponsoring clinical trials to evaluate new anti-cancer agents, with a particular emphasis on translational research to elucidate molecular targets and mechanisms of drug", "synonym_substitution": "to improve the lives of cancer patients by finding good way to treat, control and cure cancer. CTEP achieve this mission by funding an across-the-board national program of cancer research and by sponsor clinical trials to evaluate modern anti - cancer agents, with a particular stress on translational inquiry to elucidate molecular targets and mechanism of drug", "butter_fingers": " to improve the lives of cakcer patients by findinj betted ways tu treat, control and cure canrer. XTEP qccomplishes this misskon by fujding an exttnsive national pckgram on candcr revxarch and by sppnsoring cninical trials tu zvaluate new anti-cancer agents, with w partivupar emphasis og trsgslafpokal research to elucidate molecumar tarjets and mechanosms of drug", "random_deletion": "to improve the lives of cancer patients better to treat, and cure cancer. funding extensive national program cancer research and sponsoring clinical trials to evaluate new agents, with a particular emphasis on translational research to elucidate molecular targets and of drug", "change_char_case": " to improve the lives of cancer Patients by FindiNg bEttEr Ways To trEat, control and cURe caNcer. CTEP accomplishes thIs misSiON by fUNdIng an ExtensiVE nATIonAl PrOgrAm OF cAncer ResEarch anD by sponsorIng ClInical trials TO eValuate new AntI-cancer agentS, wiTh a parTiCulAR emphAsiS on trAnslatIOnal reSearch to eLuCIdate mOLecular TARgEts aNd mechanisms of druG", "whitespace_perturbation": " to improve the lives of c ancer pati entsbyfin di ng b ette r ways to trea t , co ntrol and cure cancer. CTEP a c comp l is hes t his mis s io n byfu nd ing a n e xtens ive nation al program of c ancer resear c hand by spo nso ring clinica l t rialsto ev a luate ne w ant i-canc e r agen ts, withap articu l ar emph a s is ontranslational res e ar c h to elucidate molec ul a rt a rge tsand mechan is ms of drug", "underscore_trick": " to_improve the_lives of cancer patients_by finding_better_ways to_treat,_control and cure_cancer. CTEP accomplishes_this mission by funding_an extensive national_program_of cancer research and by sponsoring clinical trials to evaluate new anti-cancer agents, with_a_particular emphasis_on_translational_research to elucidate molecular targets_and mechanisms of drug"} +{"text": " that (1) TNF-alpha plays an important role in damaging the liver, and (2) a UTL-compound lowered TNF-alpha levels and may be a potential radiation protector for liver. The goal of this SBIR Phase I study is to validate the feasibility of using our TNF-alpha modulators to", "synonym_substitution": "that (1) TNF - alpha plays an important role in damaging the liver, and (2) a UTL - compound turn down TNF - alpha degree and may be a potential radiation protector for liver. The finish of this SBIR Phase I study is to validate the feasibility of using our TNF - alpha modulators to", "butter_fingers": " thwt (1) TNF-alpha plays an imkortant role in dcnaging the ljver, and (2) a UTL-compound lowered TNF-appya lecels and may be a potevtial radpation pritecuor for liver. The goal of this ANIR Pkawe I study is jo validate dhe feasibilitf uf using our TNF-alpha modulators to", "random_deletion": "that (1) TNF-alpha plays an important role the and (2) UTL-compound lowered TNF-alpha potential protector for liver. goal of this Phase I study is to validate feasibility of using our TNF-alpha modulators to", "change_char_case": " that (1) TNF-alpha plays an importAnt role in dAmagiNg tHe lIvEr, anD (2) a UTl-compound lowerED TNF-Alpha levels and may be a poTentiAl RAdiaTIoN protEctor foR LiVER. ThE gOaL of ThIS SbIR PhAse i study iS to validatE thE fEasibility of USiNg our TNF-alPha Modulators to", "whitespace_perturbation": " that (1) TNF-alpha playsan importa nt ro leinda magi ng t he liver, and( 2) a UTL-compound loweredTNF-a lp h a le v el s and may be ap o ten ti al ra di a ti on pr ote ctor fo r liver. T hego al of this S B IR Phase I s tud y is to vali dat e thefe asi b ility of usin g ourT NF-alp ha modula to r s to", "underscore_trick": " that_(1) TNF-alpha_plays an important role_in damaging_the_liver, and_(2)_a UTL-compound lowered_TNF-alpha levels and_may be a potential_radiation protector for_liver._The goal of this SBIR Phase I study is to validate the feasibility of_using_our TNF-alpha_modulators_to"} +{"text": " photons with specified colors. The procedure works even when the photon colors appear to be scrambled (i.e., one cannot identify states by visual inspection of a photon trajectory) because the photophysical properties of the conformers are similar and/or conformational dynamics is on a similar time scale as the photon counts.[unreadable] [", "synonym_substitution": "photons with specified colors. The procedure work even when the photon color appear to be scrambled (i.e., one cannot identify state by visual inspection of a photon trajectory) because the photophysical properties of the conformers are alike and/or conformational dynamics is on a similar clock time scale as the photon counts.[unreadable ] [", "butter_fingers": " phltons with specified colurs. The procedute works even shen the photon colors appear to be dceambltb (i.e., one cannot idengify statvs by visyal mnspection of a 'goton tvcjectkvy) beeanse the photophisical propesties of the cmnwoxmers are similar and/or conformationwl dynakifs is on a simylar eime scale as the photon counts.[unreadagle] [", "random_deletion": "photons with specified colors. The procedure works the colors appear be scrambled (i.e., visual of a photon because the photophysical of the conformers are similar and/or dynamics is on a similar time scale as the photon counts.[unreadable] [", "change_char_case": " photons with specified colorS. The procedUre woRks EveN wHen tHe phOton colors appeAR to bE scrambled (i.e., one cannot iDentiFy STateS By VisuaL inspecTIoN OF a pHoToN trAjECtOry) beCauSe the phOtophysicaL prOpErties of the cONfOrmers are sImiLar and/or confOrmAtionaL dYnaMIcs is On a SimilAr time SCale as The photon CoUNts.[unrEAdable] [", "whitespace_perturbation": " photons with specified co lors. Theproce dur e w or ks e venwhen the photo n col ors appear to be scram bled(i . e.,o ne cann ot iden t if y sta te sbyvi s ua l ins pec tion of a photontra je ctory) becau s ethe photop hys ical propert ies of th econ f ormer s a re si milara nd/orconformat io n al dyn a mics is o na si milar time scalea st he photon coun ts.[un re a da b l e][", "underscore_trick": " photons_with specified_colors. The procedure works_even when_the_photon colors_appear_to be scrambled_(i.e., one cannot_identify states by visual_inspection of a_photon_trajectory) because the photophysical properties of the conformers are similar and/or conformational dynamics is_on_a similar_time_scale_as the photon counts.[unreadable] ["} +{"text": " and a staff of two full-time scientists. This essential Core will service the Program Project entitled \"Critical Interactions of APOBECSs: Molecular Approaches to Novel HiV Therapies\" by producing plasmid DNA constructs for APOBECS and Vif protein expression in E. coli and mammalian cells.", "synonym_substitution": "and a staff of two full - time scientists. This essential Core will serve the Program Project ennoble \" Critical Interactions of APOBECSs: Molecular Approaches to Novel HiV Therapies \" by produce plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid constructs for APOBECS and Vif protein expression in E. coli and mammalian cells.", "butter_fingers": " anf a staff of two full-timt scientists. This essentmal Cors will sdrvice the Program Project eititoed \"Ceitical Interactions ow APOBECSd: Molecuoar Epproaches to Notsl HiV Bkerapjcs\" by 'roducing plasmld DNA consdructs for APOTEZS and Vif protein expression in E. coji and kalmalian cells.", "random_deletion": "and a staff of two full-time scientists. Core service the Project entitled \"Critical to HiV Therapies\" by plasmid DNA constructs APOBECS and Vif protein expression in coli and mammalian cells.", "change_char_case": " and a staff of two full-time sciEntists. ThiS esseNtiAl COrE wilL serVice the Program pRojeCt entitled \"Critical InteRactiOnS Of APobEcSs: MoLecular aPpROAchEs To novEl hIV theraPieS\" by prodUcing plasmId DnA Constructs foR aPoBECS and ViF prOtein expressIon In E. colI aNd mAMmaliAn cElls.", "whitespace_perturbation": " and a staff of two full-t ime scient ists. Th ises sent ialCore will serv i ce t he Program Project ent itled \" C riti c al Inte raction s o f APO BE CS s:Mo l ec ularApp roaches to NovelHiV T herapies\" by pr oducing pl asm id DNA const ruc ts for A POB E CS an d V if pr oteine xpress ion in E. c o li and mammali a n c ells .", "underscore_trick": " and_a staff_of two full-time scientists._This essential_Core_will service_the_Program Project entitled_\"Critical Interactions of_APOBECSs: Molecular Approaches to_Novel HiV Therapies\"_by_producing plasmid DNA constructs for APOBECS and Vif protein expression in E. coli and_mammalian_cells."} +{"text": " stable, production grade CD-SFM-CHO or CD-SFM-NS0 clones. We also plan to generate Accession Cell Banks (ACB) for clonal cell lines of interest, and to convert to manufacturing with QA/QC to generate gram quantities of candidate huMAbs for in vivo studies.", "synonym_substitution": "stable, production grade CD - SFM - CHO or certificate of deposit - SFM - NS0 knockoff. We also plan to generate Accession Cell Banks (ACB) for clonal cellular telephone lines of interest, and to convert to manufacture with QA / QC to generate gram quantities of campaigner huMAbs for in vivo study.", "butter_fingers": " stwble, production grade CD-RFM-CHO or CD-SFM-UW0 clonxs. We amso plan to generate Accession Cell Uankw (ACB) for clonal cell lines of intervst, and ti coivert to manufacvhring wlch QA/SG to yeierate gram quaktities of wandidate huMAts flr in vivo studies.", "random_deletion": "stable, production grade CD-SFM-CHO or CD-SFM-NS0 clones. plan generate Accession Banks (ACB) for and convert to manufacturing QA/QC to generate quantities of candidate huMAbs for in studies.", "change_char_case": " stable, production grade CD-SFm-CHO or CD-SFm-NS0 clOneS. We AlSo plAn to Generate AccessIOn CeLl Banks (ACB) for clonal celL lineS oF InteREsT, and tO converT To MANufAcTuRinG wITh qA/QC tO geNerate gRam quantitIes Of Candidate huMaBs For in vivo sTudIes.", "whitespace_perturbation": " stable, production gradeCD-SFM-CHO or C D-S FM- NS 0 cl ones . We also plan to g enerate Accession Cell Bank s( ACB) fo r clo nal cel l l i n esof i nte re s t, andtoconvert to manufa ctu ri ng with QA/Q C t o generate gr am quantitie s o f cand id ate huMAb s f or in vivos tudies .", "underscore_trick": " stable,_production grade_CD-SFM-CHO or CD-SFM-NS0 clones._We also_plan_to generate_Accession_Cell Banks (ACB)_for clonal cell_lines of interest, and_to convert to_manufacturing_with QA/QC to generate gram quantities of candidate huMAbs for in vivo studies."} +{"text": " Second, using three-dimensional (3D) DNA nanotechnology, we build synthetic cargo to which DNA-linked dynein or kinesin motors can be attached with defined numbers and spacing. To determine how dynein takes consecutive steps along microtubules, single-molecule techniques, including high-precision,", "synonym_substitution": "Second, using three - dimensional (3D) DNA nanotechnology, we build man-made cargo to which DNA - connect dynein or kinesin motors can be attached with defined number and spacing. To determine how dynein take consecutive steps along microtubule, individual - molecule proficiency, including high - preciseness,", "butter_fingers": " Sefond, using three-dimensiokal (3D) DNA nanoteeynologb, we bujld syntfetic cargo to which DNA-linkxd dtnein or kinesin motors can be attacjed with defmned numbers and spacing. To defcrminz iow dynein takex consecuthve steps alonc oierotubules, single-molecule techniques, includonh high-precisiog,", "random_deletion": "Second, using three-dimensional (3D) DNA nanotechnology, we cargo which DNA-linked or kinesin motors numbers spacing. To determine dynein takes consecutive along microtubules, single-molecule techniques, including high-precision,", "change_char_case": " Second, using three-dimensionAl (3D) DNA nanoTechnOloGy, wE bUild SyntHetic cargo to whICh DNa-linked dynein or kinesin MotorS cAN be aTTaChed wIth defiNEd NUMbeRs AnD spAcINg. to detErmIne how dYnein takes ConSeCutive steps aLOnG microtubuLes, Single-molecuLe tEchniqUeS, inCLudinG hiGh-preCision,", "whitespace_perturbation": " Second, using three-dimen sional (3D ) DNA na not ec hnol ogy, we build synt h etic cargo to which DNA-li nkeddy n eino rkines in moto r sc a n b eat tac he d w ith d efi ned num bers and s pac in g. To determ i ne how dynei n t akes consecu tiv e step salo n g mic rot ubule s, sin g le-mol ecule tec hn i ques,i ncludin g hi gh-p recision,", "underscore_trick": " Second,_using three-dimensional_(3D) DNA nanotechnology, we_build synthetic_cargo_to which_DNA-linked_dynein or kinesin_motors can be_attached with defined numbers_and spacing. To_determine_how dynein takes consecutive steps along microtubules, single-molecule techniques, including high-precision,"} +{"text": " products. Changes of antibody titers will be measured by flow cytometry and by panel lymphocytotoxic antibody reactivity. Retrospective crossmatches will be performed to determine if 10W level anti-donor antibodies consistently induce poor transfusion responses or acceptable increments can still occur in their presence. The results of the proposed studies will not only allow", "synonym_substitution": "products. Changes of antibody titers will be measured by menstruation cytometry and by dialog box lymphocytotoxic antibody reactivity. Retrospective crossmatches will be performed to determine if 10W charge anti - donor antibodies consistently induce inadequate transfusion reception or acceptable increase can still occur in their bearing. The results of the proposed studies will not only admit", "butter_fingers": " prlducts. Changes of antiboay titers will yw measnred by flow cygometry and by panel lymphocbtotixic qntibody reactivity. Regrospectine crossmqtchts will be performed to dccermihc if 10C oevel anti-donot antibodies consistently hnauee poor transfusion responses or accqptable ijcrements can ftilk occhg ln their presence. The results of the prmposed studiex will not only allow", "random_deletion": "products. Changes of antibody titers will be flow and by lymphocytotoxic antibody reactivity. to if 10W level antibodies consistently induce transfusion responses or acceptable increments can occur in their presence. The results of the proposed studies will not only", "change_char_case": " products. Changes of antibody Titers will Be meaSurEd bY fLow cYtomEtry and by panel LYmphOcytotoxic antibody reacTivitY. RETrosPEcTive cRossmatCHeS WIll Be PeRfoRmED tO deteRmiNe if 10W leVel anti-donOr aNtIbodies consiSTeNtly induce PooR transfusion ResPonses Or AccEPtablE inCremeNts can STill ocCur in theiR pREsence. tHe resulTS Of The pRoposed studies wilL NoT Only allow", "whitespace_perturbation": " products. Changes of anti body titer s wil l b e m ea sure d by flow cytometr y and by panel lymphocytoto xic a nt i body re activ ity. Re t ro s p ect iv ecro ss m at cheswil l be pe rformed to de te rmine if 10W le vel anti-d ono r antibodies co nsiste nt lyi nduce po or tr ansfus i on res ponses or a c ceptab l e incre m e nt s ca n still occur int he i r presence. Th e resu lt s o f the pr oposed stu di es wi l l not o n ly a l low ", "underscore_trick": " products._Changes of_antibody titers will be_measured by_flow_cytometry and_by_panel lymphocytotoxic antibody_reactivity. Retrospective crossmatches_will be performed to_determine if 10W_level_anti-donor antibodies consistently induce poor transfusion responses or acceptable increments can still occur in_their_presence. The_results_of_the proposed studies will not_only allow"} +{"text": " as well as the level intracellular scavengers in order to determine the importance of reductive metabolism in repair of radiation damage. Sensitizers will also be used in combination with insulin, glucose and phosphate, agents known to alter cellular radiosensitivity as well as cellular redox potential. We plan to assay radiation response with both tissue cultured", "synonym_substitution": "as well as the level intracellular scavengers in order to settle the importance of reductive metamorphosis in repair of radiation price. sensitizer will also be used in combination with insulin, glucose and phosphate, agents know to alter cellular radiosensitivity equally well as cellular redox electric potential. We plan to assay radiotherapy response with both tissue cultured", "butter_fingers": " as well as the level intragellular scavenggrw in ocder to determive the importance of reductite mwtabooism in repair of radixtion damwge. Sensutiztrs will also be naed in gjmbihwtiou xith insulin, glocose and phmsphate, agents kvocn to alter cellular radiosensitivitr as wekl as cellular rgdox kotqntizl. We plan to assay radiation respknse wiuh both tissue culyured", "random_deletion": "as well as the level intracellular scavengers to the importance reductive metabolism in will be used in with insulin, glucose phosphate, agents known to alter cellular as well as cellular redox potential. We plan to assay radiation response with tissue cultured", "change_char_case": " as well as the level intracellUlar scavenGers iN orDer To DeteRminE the importance OF redUctive metabolism in repaIr of rAdIAtioN DaMage. SEnsitizERs WILl aLsO bE usEd IN cOmbinAtiOn with iNsulin, glucOse AnD phosphate, agENtS known to alTer Cellular radiOseNsitivItY as WEll as CelLular Redox pOTentiaL. We plan to AsSAy radiATion resPONsE witH both tissue culturED", "whitespace_perturbation": " as well as the level intr acellularscave nge rsin ord er t o determine th e imp ortance of reductive m etabo li s m in re pairof radi a ti o n da ma ge . S en s it izers wi ll also be used i n c om bination wit h i nsulin, gl uco se and phosp hat e, age nt s k n own t o a ltercellul a r radi osensitiv it y as we l l as ce l l ul ar r edox potential. W e p l an to assay ra diatio nr es p o nse wi th both ti ss ue cu l tured", "underscore_trick": " as_well as_the level intracellular scavengers_in order_to_determine the_importance_of reductive metabolism_in repair of_radiation damage. Sensitizers will_also be used_in_combination with insulin, glucose and phosphate, agents known to alter cellular radiosensitivity as well_as_cellular redox_potential._We_plan to assay radiation response_with both tissue cultured"} +{"text": " to be activated directly by DAG, whereby subsequent depletion of sarcolemmal PIP2 would prevent endocytosis and favor the expansion of the sarcolemma. Complementary to studies of PI4K2alpha, we will test whether the type 2beta PI4-kinase (PI4K2alpha) is", "synonym_substitution": "to be activated directly by DAG, whereby subsequent depletion of sarcolemmal PIP2 would prevent endocytosis and favor the expansion of the sarcolemma. Complementary to report of PI4K2alpha, we will screen whether the type 2beta PI4 - kinase (PI4K2alpha) is", "butter_fingers": " to be activated directly bn DAG, whereby suywequenv deplefion of rarcolemmal PIP2 would prevenv eneocytisis and favor the expxnsion of the sarxolenna. Complemxhtary to studjcs of 'I4K2alpha, we wilk test whedher the type 2tega PI4-kinase (PI4K2alpha) is", "random_deletion": "to be activated directly by DAG, whereby of PIP2 would endocytosis and favor Complementary studies of PI4K2alpha, will test whether type 2beta PI4-kinase (PI4K2alpha) is", "change_char_case": " to be activated directly by DAg, whereby suBsequEnt DepLeTion Of saRcolemmal PIP2 woULd prEvent endocytosis and favOr the ExPAnsiON oF the sArcolemMA. COMPleMeNtAry To STuDies oF PI4k2alpha, wE will test wHetHeR the type 2beta pi4-kInase (PI4K2alPha) Is", "whitespace_perturbation": " to be activated directlyby DAG, wh ereby su bse qu entdepl etion of sarco l emma l PIP2 would prevent e ndocy to s is a n dfavor the ex p an s i onof t hesa r co lemma . C ompleme ntary to s tud ie s of PI4K2al p ha , we willtes t whether th e t ype 2b et a P I 4-kin ase (PI4 K2alph a ) is", "underscore_trick": " to_be activated_directly by DAG, whereby_subsequent depletion_of_sarcolemmal PIP2_would_prevent endocytosis and_favor the expansion_of the sarcolemma. Complementary_to studies of_PI4K2alpha,_we will test whether the type 2beta PI4-kinase (PI4K2alpha) is"} +{"text": " types express functional GABAA receptors. However, the mechanism of this immune modulation is unknown. In this proposal, we present exciting preliminary data demonstrating that mice lacking expression of the GABAA receptor?4 subunit (gabra4), a subunit expressed in immune cells including CD4+ lymphocytes, have significantly greater lung", "synonym_substitution": "types express functional GABAA receptors. However, the mechanism of this immune transition is strange. In this proposal, we present exciting preliminary data demonstrating that shiner lacking expression of the GABAA receptor?4 fractional monetary unit (gabra4), a subunit expressed in immune cells include CD4 + lymphocytes, have importantly greater lung", "butter_fingers": " tyoes express functional GXBAA receptors. Kiwever, the mschanism of this immune modulation id ynknoqn. In this proposal, we present vxciting prelmminary data demonstratiky thaf micz oacking expresxion of tha GABAA receptmr?4 sbbunit (gabra4), a subunit expressed in ymmune vepls including SD4+ ljm[hocgnew, have significantly greater mung", "random_deletion": "types express functional GABAA receptors. However, the this modulation is In this proposal, demonstrating mice lacking expression the GABAA receptor?4 (gabra4), a subunit expressed in immune including CD4+ lymphocytes, have significantly greater lung", "change_char_case": " types express functional GABaA receptorS. HoweVer, The MeChanIsm oF this immune modULatiOn is unknown. In this propoSal, we PrESent EXcIting PrelimiNArY DAta DeMoNstRaTInG that MicE lackinG expressioN of ThE GABAA receptOR?4 sUbunit (gabrA4), a sUbunit expresSed In immuNe CelLS inclUdiNg CD4+ lYmphocYTes, havE significAnTLy greaTEr lung", "whitespace_perturbation": " types express functionalGABAA rece ptors . H owe ve r, t he m echanism of th i s im mune modulation is unk nown. I n thi s p ropos al, wep re s e ntex ci tin gp re limin ary data d emonstrati ngth at mice lack i ng expressio n o f the GABAArec eptor? 4sub u nit ( gab ra4), a sub u nit ex pressed i ni mmunec ells in c l ud ingCD4+ lymphocytes, ha v e significantl y grea te r l u n g", "underscore_trick": " types_express functional_GABAA receptors. However, the_mechanism of_this_immune modulation_is_unknown. In this_proposal, we present_exciting preliminary data demonstrating_that mice lacking_expression_of the GABAA receptor?4 subunit (gabra4), a subunit expressed in immune cells including CD4+_lymphocytes,_have significantly_greater_lung"} +{"text": " for NCI sponsorship, CTEP attempts to fill critical gaps in the national cancer research effort and to avoid duplication of ongoing private sector efforts. In further efforts to control cancer, active new anticancer agents are made available as rapidly and widely as possible for patients. Neurological syndromes have frequently been described in patients with acquired immunodeficiency", "synonym_substitution": "for NCI sponsorship, CTEP attempts to fill critical gaps in the national cancer inquiry campaign and to avoid duplication of ongoing individual sector effort. In further efforts to control cancer, active modern anticancer agent are made available as quickly and wide as possible for patients. Neurological syndrome have frequently been described in patients with acquired immunodeficiency", "butter_fingers": " fog NCI sponsorship, CTEP autempts to fill ctirical japs in the natkonal cancer research effort abd to avoid duplication of ungoing pgivate sextor wfforts. In further efforfd to rontrol cancer, sctive new anticancer agangs are made available as rapidly and ridely ss possible for katiemes. Nslrilogical syndromes have frequsntly bten described in pstients with acquired immujodeviciency", "random_deletion": "for NCI sponsorship, CTEP attempts to fill in national cancer effort and to sector In further efforts control cancer, active anticancer agents are made available as and widely as possible for patients. Neurological syndromes have frequently been described in with acquired immunodeficiency", "change_char_case": " for NCI sponsorship, CTEP atteMpts to fill CritiCal GapS iN the NatiOnal cancer reseARch eFfort and to avoid duplicaTion oF oNGoinG PrIvate Sector eFFoRTS. In FuRtHer EfFOrTs to cOntRol cancEr, active neW anTiCancer agents ARe Made availaBle As rapidly and WidEly as pOsSibLE for pAtiEnts. NEuroloGIcal syNdromes haVe FRequenTLy been dESCrIbed In patients with acqUIrED immunodeficieNcy", "whitespace_perturbation": " for NCI sponsorship, CTEP attemptsto fi llcri ti calgaps in the nation a l ca ncer research effort a nd to a v oidd up licat ion ofo ng o i ngpr iv ate s e ct or ef for ts. Infurther ef for ts to controlc an cer, activ e n ew anticance r a gentsar e m a de av ail ableas rap i dly an d widelyas possib l e for p a t ie nts. Neurological syn d ro m es have freque ntly b ee n d e s cri bed in patien ts with acquire d i m m u nod e ficiency", "underscore_trick": " for_NCI sponsorship,_CTEP attempts to fill_critical gaps_in_the national_cancer_research effort and_to avoid duplication_of ongoing private sector_efforts. In further_efforts_to control cancer, active new anticancer agents are made available as rapidly and widely_as_possible for_patients._Neurological_syndromes have frequently been described_in patients with acquired immunodeficiency"} +{"text": "2 (N2) gene. The sequence of the N2 NSP2 gene was identical to the RotaTeq N2 NSP2 gene, indicating that the two atypical viruses originated by reassortment of human G1P8 RVs with RotaTeq viruses. These data suggest that the high", "synonym_substitution": "2 (N2) gene. The sequence of the N2 NSP2 gene was identical to the RotaTeq N2 NSP2 gene, indicating that the two atypical viruses originated by reassortment of human G1P8 recreational vehicle with RotaTeq virus. These data suggest that the eminent", "butter_fingers": "2 (N2) hene. The sequence of the N2 NSP2 gene was identiral to fhe RotaGeq N2 NSP2 gene, indicating thet tye twi atypical viruses orieinated bj reassorrmenu of human G1P8 RVs with RobcTeq blrusev. These data sungest that dhe high", "random_deletion": "2 (N2) gene. The sequence of the gene identical to RotaTeq N2 NSP2 atypical originated by reassortment human G1P8 RVs RotaTeq viruses. These data suggest that high", "change_char_case": "2 (N2) gene. The sequence of the N2 NSP2 Gene was ideNticaL to The roTaTeQ N2 NSp2 gene, indicatinG That The two atypical viruses oRiginAtED by rEAsSortmEnt of huMAn g1p8 rVs WiTh rotATEQ vIruseS. ThEse data Suggest thaT thE hIgh", "whitespace_perturbation": "2 (N2) gene. The sequenceof the N2NSP2gen e w as ide ntic al to the Rota T eq N 2 NSP2 gene, indicatin g tha tt he t w oatypi cal vir u se s ori gi na ted b y r easso rtm ent ofhuman G1P8 RV swith RotaTeq vi ruses. The sedata suggest th at the h igh ", "underscore_trick": "2 (N2)_gene. The_sequence of the N2_NSP2 gene_was_identical to_the_RotaTeq N2 NSP2_gene, indicating that_the two atypical viruses_originated by reassortment_of_human G1P8 RVs with RotaTeq viruses. These data suggest that the high"} +{"text": " discussions and health and safety outcomes for affected women. Aims of the research project are: 1) to describe the content and style of patient-provider communication regarding intimate partner violence during the initial obstetric visit; 2) to describe association between communication and IPV disclosure; 3) to describe the patients' perspectives on the discussion", "synonym_substitution": "discussions and health and safety outcomes for affected charwoman. aim of the research project are: 1) to describe the capacity and style of patient - supplier communication regarding intimate partner ferocity during the initial obstetric sojourn; 2) to describe association between communication and IPV disclosure; 3) to identify the patients' perspectives on the discussion", "butter_fingers": " didcussions and health and safety outcomes for ahfected women. Akms of the research project ere: 1) to dtfcribe the content and stylv of patiwnt-pcovider communicefion rencrdinf intnmete partner viokence duritg the initial ocscetric visit; 2) to describe associatiog betwern communication and YPV spsglosure; 3) to describe the patienta' persptctives on the disvussion", "random_deletion": "discussions and health and safety outcomes for Aims the research are: 1) to of communication regarding intimate violence during the obstetric visit; 2) to describe association communication and IPV disclosure; 3) to describe the patients' perspectives on the discussion", "change_char_case": " discussions and health and saFety outcomEs for AffEctEd WomeN. AimS of the research PRojeCt are: 1) to describe the contEnt anD sTYle oF PaTient-ProvideR CoMMUniCaTiOn rEgARdIng inTimAte partNer violencE duRiNg the initial OBsTetric visiT; 2) to Describe assoCiaTion beTwEen COmmunIcaTion aNd IPV dISclosuRe; 3) to descrIbE The patIEnts' perSPEcTiveS on the discussion", "whitespace_perturbation": " discussions and health an d safety o utcom esfor a ffec tedwomen. Aims of theresearch project are:1) to d e scri b ethe c ontenta nd s tyl eof pa ti e nt -prov ide r commu nication r ega rd ing intimate pa rtner viol enc e during the in itialob ste t ric v isi t; 2) to de s cribeassociati on betwee n commun i c at ionand IPV disclosur e ;3 ) to describethe pa ti e nt s ' pe rsp ectives on t he di s cussion ", "underscore_trick": " discussions_and health_and safety outcomes for_affected women._Aims_of the_research_project are: 1)_to describe the_content and style of_patient-provider communication regarding_intimate_partner violence during the initial obstetric visit; 2) to describe association between communication and_IPV_disclosure; 3)_to_describe_the patients' perspectives on the_discussion"} +{"text": " and policy makers. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] Non-aromatic polyketide natural products of marine origin are often characterized by both significant structural complexity and extraordinary biological activities. Because these exciting compounds are not typically available in any meaningful quantities from natural sources, total chemical synthesis is the only means by which sufficient", "synonym_substitution": "and policy makers. [ unreadable ] [ unreadable ] [ unreadable ] Non - aromatic polyketide lifelike product of marine origin are frequently characterize by both significant structural complexity and extraordinary biological activity. Because these exciting compound are not typically available in any meaningful quantities from natural sources, total chemical deduction is the only means by which sufficient", "butter_fingers": " anf policy makers. [unreadabue] [unreadable] [uueeadabne] Non-zromatic polyketide natural products od marune origin are often cfaracterided by borh smgnificant strucvhral complexifn and xxtraordinary blological awtivities. Becagsd chese exciting compounds are not typycally svwilable in any meamyngfhl quantities from natural sources, total bhemical synthesix is the only means by whifh skfficient", "random_deletion": "and policy makers. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] Non-aromatic products marine origin often characterized by extraordinary activities. Because these compounds are not available in any meaningful quantities from sources, total chemical synthesis is the only means by which sufficient", "change_char_case": " and policy makers. [unreadable] [Unreadable] [UnreaDabLe] NOn-AromAtic Polyketide natuRAl prOducts of marine origin arE ofteN cHAracTErIzed bY both siGNiFICanT sTrUctUrAL cOmpleXitY and extRaordinary BioLoGical activitIEs. because theSe eXciting compoUndS are noT tYpiCAlly aVaiLable In any mEAningfUl quantitIeS From naTUral souRCEs, TotaL chemical synthesiS Is THe only means by wHich suFfICiENT", "whitespace_perturbation": " and policy makers. [unrea dable] [un reada ble ] [ un read able ] Non-aromatic poly ketide natural product s ofma r ineo ri gin a re ofte n c h a rac te ri zed b y b oth s ign ificant structura l c om plexity ande xt raordinary bi ological act ivi ties.Be cau s e the seexcit ing co m pounds are notty p ically availab l e i n an y meaningful quan t it i es from natura l sour ce s ,t o tal ch emical syn th esisi s the o n ly m e ans by which suff icient", "underscore_trick": " and_policy makers._[unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] Non-aromatic_polyketide natural_products_of marine_origin_are often characterized_by both significant_structural complexity and extraordinary_biological activities. Because_these_exciting compounds are not typically available in any meaningful quantities from natural sources, total_chemical_synthesis is_the_only_means by which sufficient"} +{"text": " and respectful caring relationships. Story Sharing: Enriching Nurse Aide-Resident Relations, a longitudinal mixed methodology study guided by Watson's theory of transpersonal caring, aims to improve caring behaviors toward residents by increasing NA levels of empathy, job attitude, mutuality, and self-efficacy. The effects of a", "synonym_substitution": "and respectful caring relationships. Story Sharing: Enriching Nurse Aide - Resident Relations, a longitudinal assorted methodology discipline guided by Watson's theory of transpersonal caring, aim to improve caring behaviors toward house physician by increase NA levels of empathy, occupation attitude, mutuality, and self - efficacy. The effects of a", "butter_fingers": " anf respectful caring relauionships. Story Skqring: Xnrichihg Nurse Aide-Resident Relations, a loigitydinao mixed methodology stjdy guidef by Watwon's rheory of vdanspersonal dwriny, eims to improve caring bevaviors toward rdsndents by increasing NA levels of em[athy, jpb attitude, mutuwlitj, wnd avln-efficacy. The effects of a", "random_deletion": "and respectful caring relationships. Story Sharing: Enriching Relations, longitudinal mixed study guided by aims improve caring behaviors residents by increasing levels of empathy, job attitude, mutuality, self-efficacy. The effects of a", "change_char_case": " and respectful caring relatiOnships. StoRy ShaRinG: EnRiChinG NurSe Aide-Resident rElatIons, a longitudinal mixed MethoDoLOgy sTUdY guidEd by WatSOn'S THeoRy Of TraNsPErSonal CarIng, aims To improve cAriNg Behaviors towARd Residents bY inCreasing NA leVelS of empAtHy, jOB attiTudE, mutuAlity, aND self-eFficacy. ThE eFFects oF A", "whitespace_perturbation": " and respectful caring rel ationships . Sto rySha ri ng:Enri ching Nurse Ai d e-Re sident Relations, a lo ngitu di n al m i xe d met hodolog y s t u dygu id edby Wa tson' s t heory o f transper son al caring, aim s t o improvecar ing behavior s t owardre sid e nts b y i ncrea sing N A level s of empa th y , joba ttitude , mu tual ity, and self-eff i ca c y. The effects of a", "underscore_trick": " and_respectful caring_relationships. Story Sharing: Enriching_Nurse Aide-Resident_Relations,_a longitudinal_mixed_methodology study guided_by Watson's theory_of transpersonal caring, aims_to improve caring_behaviors_toward residents by increasing NA levels of empathy, job attitude, mutuality, and self-efficacy. The_effects_of a"} +{"text": "hyt mouse. This model has particular relevance to human fetal thyroid disorders and may help us learn more about the treatment, etiology, and substrate of mental retardation as well as the initial and pervasive effects of thyroid hormones on the developing brain. The specific aims are: 1) To characterize the behavioral, neuroanatomical (", "synonym_substitution": "hyt mouse. This model has particular relevance to human fetal thyroid disorder and may avail us learn more about the treatment, etiology, and substrate of mental retardant as well as the initial and pervasive effect of thyroid gland hormones on the developing brain. The specific aims are: 1) To characterize the behavioral, neuroanatomic (", "butter_fingers": "hyt mouse. This model has pavticular relevanew to hnman fefal thyruid disorders and may help ud oearn more about the treatmdnt, etiollgy, and wubsurate of mental rxfardation as scll av the initial akd pervasiva effects of tvyfond hormones on the developing brain. Ehe spevivic aims are: 1) Jo chswactsgiee the behavioral, neuroanatomical (", "random_deletion": "hyt mouse. This model has particular relevance fetal disorders and help us learn and of mental retardation well as the and pervasive effects of thyroid hormones the developing brain. The specific aims are: 1) To characterize the behavioral, neuroanatomical", "change_char_case": "hyt mouse. This model has partiCular relevAnce tO huMan FeTal tHyroId disorders and MAy heLp us learn more about the tReatmEnT, EtioLOgY, and sUbstratE Of MENtaL rEtArdAtIOn As welL as The initIal and pervAsiVe Effects of thyROiD hormones oN thE developing bRaiN. The spEcIfiC Aims aRe: 1) TO charActeriZE the beHavioral, nEuROanatoMIcal (", "whitespace_perturbation": "hyt mouse. This model hasparticular rele van ceto hum an f etal thyroid d i sord ers and may help us le arn m or e abo u tthe t reatmen t ,e t iol og y, an ds ub strat e o f menta l retardat ion a s well as th e i nitial and pe rvasive effe cts of th yr oid hormo nes on t he dev e loping brain. T he specif i c aimsa r e: 1)To characterize t h eb ehavioral, neu roanat om i ca l (", "underscore_trick": "hyt mouse._This model_has particular relevance to_human fetal_thyroid_disorders and_may_help us learn_more about the_treatment, etiology, and substrate_of mental retardation_as_well as the initial and pervasive effects of thyroid hormones on the developing brain._The_specific aims_are:_1)_To characterize the behavioral, neuroanatomical_("} +{"text": "R usage is anticipated. Indeed we provide documentation of 37 CCSG-funded investigators with over 40 projects requiring MPSR support in the near future. Finally, the MPSR also serves as an essential venue for training future mouse pathobiologists as part of an NCRRfunded T-32 training grant,", "synonym_substitution": "R usage is anticipated. Indeed we provide software documentation of 37 CCSG - fund investigators with over 40 projects command MPSR accompaniment in the near future. Finally, the MPSR besides serves as an essential venue for training future shiner pathobiologists as character of an NCRRfunded T-32 training concession,", "butter_fingers": "R udage is anticipated. Indetd we provide docomwntatimn of 37 CCSG-funaed investigators with over 40 peojecuf requiring MPSR sjpport in the neae fuuure. Finally, the MPSR also servsd as en essential vekue for trahning future mmure pathobiologists as part of an NCRRsunded Y-32 hraining grant,", "random_deletion": "R usage is anticipated. Indeed we provide 37 investigators with 40 projects requiring future. the MPSR also as an essential for training future mouse pathobiologists as of an NCRRfunded T-32 training grant,", "change_char_case": "R usage is anticipated. Indeed We provide dOcumeNtaTioN oF 37 CCSg-funDed investigatoRS witH over 40 projects requiring mPSR sUpPOrt iN ThE near Future. FINaLLY, thE MpSr alSo SErVes as An eSsentiaL venue for tRaiNiNg future mousE PaThobiologiSts As part of an NCrRfUnded T-32 TrAinINg graNt,", "whitespace_perturbation": "R usage is anticipated. In deed we pr ovide do cum en tati on o f 37 CCSG-fund e d in vestigators with over40 pr oj e ctsr eq uirin g MPSRs up p o rtin t hene a rfutur e.Finally , the MPSR al so serves as a n e ssential v enu e for traini ngfuture m ous e path obi ologi sts as part o f an NCRR fu n ded T- 3 2 train i n ggran t,", "underscore_trick": "R usage_is anticipated._Indeed we provide documentation_of 37_CCSG-funded_investigators with_over_40 projects requiring_MPSR support in_the near future. Finally,_the MPSR also_serves_as an essential venue for training future mouse pathobiologists as part of an NCRRfunded_T-32_training grant,"} +{"text": "-40% of ATP hydrolysis. Three different isozymes of the Na,K-ATPase are expressed in the CNS, and in some instances are rather strikingly localized within different cell types. Their individual properties and physiological roles are not yet well known. Available evidence suggests that the isozymes may differ in their affinities", "synonym_substitution": "-40% of ATP hydrolysis. Three different isozymes of the Na, K - ATPase are expressed in the CNS, and in some instances are rather strikingly localize within unlike cell types. Their individual place and physiologic roles are not yet well known. Available evidence suggests that the isozymes may disagree in their affinity", "butter_fingers": "-40% of ATP hydrolysis. Three dinferent isozymes of the Na,K-ATLase are expressed in the CNS, and in sime ibstances are rather stfikingly pocalizee wiuhin different cell types. Their lndivndnal properties snd physionogical roles drd uot yet well known. Available evidencq suggextd that the isoeymes iay spfner in their affinities", "random_deletion": "-40% of ATP hydrolysis. Three different isozymes Na,K-ATPase expressed in CNS, and in localized different cell types. individual properties and roles are not yet well known. evidence suggests that the isozymes may differ in their affinities", "change_char_case": "-40% of ATP hydrolysis. Three diffeRent isozymEs of tHe NA,K-AtPAse aRe exPressed in the CNs, And iN some instances are ratheR striKiNGly lOCaLized Within dIFfEREnt CeLl TypEs. tHeIr indIviDual proPerties and PhySiOlogical roleS ArE not yet welL knOwn. Available EviDence sUgGesTS that The IsozyMes may DIffer iN their affInITies", "whitespace_perturbation": "-40% of ATP hydrolysis. Th ree differ ent i soz yme sof t he N a,K-ATPase are expr essed in the CNS, andin so me inst a nc es ar e rathe r s t r iki ng ly lo ca l iz ed wi thi n diffe rent celltyp es . Their indi v id ual proper tie s and physio log ical r ol esa re no t y et we ll kno w n. Ava ilable ev id e nce su g gests t h a ttheisozymes may diff e ri n their affini ties", "underscore_trick": "-40% of_ATP hydrolysis._Three different isozymes of_the Na,K-ATPase_are_expressed in_the_CNS, and in_some instances are_rather strikingly localized within_different cell types._Their_individual properties and physiological roles are not yet well known. Available evidence suggests that_the_isozymes may_differ_in_their affinities"} +{"text": " binder (MGB) probes containing an MGB-quencher at the 5'-end and a fluorophore at the 3'-end have been recently reported. These probes fluoresce on hybridization to the complementary targets. The 5'-MGB-quencher group prevents 5' - nuclease digestion by Taq polymerase", "synonym_substitution": "binder (MGB) probes containing an MGB - quencher at the 5'-end and a fluorophore at the 3'-end have been recently reported. These probes fluoresce on hybridization to the complemental target. The 5'-MGB - quencher group prevents 5' - nuclease digestion by Taq polymerase", "butter_fingers": " bijder (MGB) probes containikg an MGB-quenchet qt the 5'-end ahd a fluurophore at the 3'-end have beei rexentlt reported. These prober fluoresbe on hybeidieation to the com'mementavv tarfcts. Tke 5'-MGB-quencher gtoup preventv 5' - nuclease dhgdscion by Taq polymerase", "random_deletion": "binder (MGB) probes containing an MGB-quencher at and fluorophore at 3'-end have been on to the complementary The 5'-MGB-quencher group 5' - nuclease digestion by Taq", "change_char_case": " binder (MGB) probes containing An MGB-quencHer at The 5'-End AnD a flUoroPhore at the 3'-end hAVe beEn recently reported. ThesE probEs FLuorEScE on hyBridizaTIoN TO thE cOmPleMeNTaRy tarGetS. The 5'-MGB-Quencher grOup PrEvents 5' - nucleaSE dIgestion by taq Polymerase", "whitespace_perturbation": " binder (MGB) probes conta ining an M GB-qu enc her a t th e 5' -end and a flu o roph ore at the 3'-end have been r e cent l yrepor ted. Th e se p rob es f luo re s ce on h ybr idizati on to thecom pl ementary tar g et s. The 5'- MGB -quencher gr oup preve nt s 5 ' - nu cle ase d igesti o n by T aq polyme ra s e", "underscore_trick": " binder_(MGB) probes_containing an MGB-quencher at_the 5'-end_and_a fluorophore_at_the 3'-end have_been recently reported._These probes fluoresce on_hybridization to the_complementary_targets. The 5'-MGB-quencher group prevents 5' - nuclease digestion by Taq polymerase"} +{"text": "man will provide the Sma58 m ice, which express I=-Ek only on germinal center B cells. Dr. Bradley has already made arrangements to obtain L-, E- and P- selectin Ko mice. When cells divide, cohesion between sister chromatids provides a physical mechanism to hold sister chromatids", "synonym_substitution": "man will provide the Sma58 m ice, which express I=-Ek merely on germinal plaza B cells. Dr. Bradley has already made arrangement to obtain L-, E- and P- selectin Ko mice. When cell separate, cohesion between baby chromatids provide a physical mechanism to control sister chromatid", "butter_fingers": "man will provide the Sma58 m lce, which express I=-Ek oily on ferminal center B cells. Dr. Bradley hes aoreadt made arrangements to obtain L-, E- and P- seltctin Ko mice. Whei cells divide, gohesnoi between sistet chromatids provides a phfskccl mechanism to hold sister chromatiqs", "random_deletion": "man will provide the Sma58 m ice, I=-Ek on germinal B cells. Dr. to L-, E- and selectin Ko mice. cells divide, cohesion between sister chromatids a physical mechanism to hold sister chromatids", "change_char_case": "man will provide the Sma58 m ice, wHich expresS I=-Ek oNly On gErMinaL cenTer B cells. Dr. BraDLey hAs already made arrangemeNts to ObTAin L-, e- AnD P- selEctin Ko MIcE. wHen CeLlS diViDE, cOhesiOn bEtween sIster chromAtiDs Provides a phySIcAl mechanisM to Hold sister chRomAtids", "whitespace_perturbation": "man will provide the Sma58 m ice, wh ich e xpr ess I =-Ek onl y on germinalc ente r B cells. Dr. Bradley hasal r eady ma de ar rangeme n ts t o o bt ai n L -, E- andP-selecti n Ko mice. Wh en cells divid e ,cohesion b etw een sister c hro matids p rov i des a ph ysica l mech a nism t o hold si st e r chro m atids", "underscore_trick": "man will_provide the_Sma58 m ice, which_express I=-Ek_only_on germinal_center_B cells. Dr._Bradley has already_made arrangements to obtain_L-, E- and_P-_selectin Ko mice. When cells divide, cohesion between sister chromatids provides a physical mechanism_to_hold sister_chromatids"} +{"text": " 400 manuscripts relevant to cancer biology in peer-reviewed journals. The Cancer Center will continue to be invaluable in assisting with the translation of the basic science findings from this Program into new clinical approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with cancer. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has defined health literacy as the degree to", "synonym_substitution": "400 manuscripts relevant to cancer biology in peer - reviewed journals. The Cancer Center will stay to be invaluable in serve with the translation of the basic science findings from this Program into raw clinical approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of affected role with cancer. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has define health literacy as the degree to", "butter_fingers": " 400 mwnuscripts relevant to cxncer biology iu peer-rxviewed journalr. The Cancer Center will convinuw to ve invaluable in assisging with the trabslauion of the basic science findihns frmn this Program into new wlinical approdcfed for the diagnosis and treatment os patiemtd with cancer. Jhe Nseionzl Institutes of Health (NIH) has derined htalth literacy as yhe degree to", "random_deletion": "400 manuscripts relevant to cancer biology in The Center will to be invaluable of basic science findings this Program into clinical approaches for the diagnosis and of patients with cancer. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has defined health as the degree to", "change_char_case": " 400 manuscripts relevant to cancEr biology iN peer-RevIewEd JourNals. the Cancer CenteR Will Continue to be invaluable In assIsTIng wITh The trAnslatiON oF THe bAsIc SciEnCE fIndinGs fRom this program intO neW cLinical approAChEs for the diAgnOsis and treatMenT of patIeNts WIth caNceR. The NAtionaL institUtes of HeaLtH (nIH) has DEfined hEALtH litEracy as the degree tO", "whitespace_perturbation": " 400 manuscripts relevantto cancerbiolo gyinpe er-r evie wed journals.T he C ancer Center will cont inueto be i n va luabl e in as s is t i ngwi th th et ra nslat ion of the basic sci enc efindings fro m t his Progra m i nto new clin ica l appr oa che s forthe diag nosisa nd tre atment of p a tients with ca n c er . Th e National Instit u te s of Health (NI H) has d e fi n e d h eal th literac yas th e degree to ", "underscore_trick": " 400_manuscripts relevant_to cancer biology in_peer-reviewed journals._The_Cancer Center_will_continue to be_invaluable in assisting_with the translation of_the basic science_findings_from this Program into new clinical approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of patients_with_cancer. The_National_Institutes_of Health (NIH) has defined_health literacy as the degree_to"} +{"text": "targeted therapies. The inactivation of the most important tumor suppressor p53 is one highly cancer-related molecular alteration, as its gene is mutated in ~50% of all types of human cancers while its activity or leve is often markedly reduced in the remaining 50% of cancers that harbor wild type TP53. The p53", "synonym_substitution": "targeted therapies. The inactivation of the most authoritative tumor suppressor p53 is one highly cancer - relate molecular alteration, as its gene is mutated in ~50% of all types of human cancer while its activity or leve is often markedly reduce in the remaining 50% of cancers that harbor wild type TP53. The p53", "butter_fingers": "tarheted therapies. The inacuivation of the most impmrtant tumor sjppressor p53 is one highly caicer-eelattb molecular alteratiun, as its gene is muteted in ~50% of all vgpes of human gancexs while its actlvity or leee is often maskddpy reduced in the remaining 50% of cansers thst harbor wild tipe TK53. Tre p53", "random_deletion": "targeted therapies. The inactivation of the most suppressor is one cancer-related molecular alteration, in of all types human cancers while activity or leve is often markedly in the remaining 50% of cancers that harbor wild type TP53. The p53", "change_char_case": "targeted therapies. The inactIvation of tHe mosT imPorTaNt tuMor sUppressor p53 is onE HighLy cancer-related moleculAr altErATion, AS iTs genE is mutaTEd IN ~50% Of aLl TyPes Of HUmAn canCerS while iTs activity Or lEvE is often markEDlY reduced in The Remaining 50% of cAncErs thaT hArbOR wild TypE TP53. ThE p53", "whitespace_perturbation": "targeted therapies. The in activation of t hemos timpo rtan t tumor suppre s sorp53 is one highly canc er-re la t ed m o le cular altera t io n , as i ts ge ne is muta ted in ~50 % of all t ype sof human can c er s while it s a ctivity or l eve is of te n m a rkedl y r educe d in t h e rema ining 50% o f cance r s thath a rb or w ild type TP53. Th e p 5 3", "underscore_trick": "targeted therapies._The inactivation_of the most important_tumor suppressor_p53_is one_highly_cancer-related molecular alteration,_as its gene_is mutated in ~50%_of all types_of_human cancers while its activity or leve is often markedly reduced in the remaining_50%_of cancers_that_harbor_wild type TP53. The p53"} +{"text": " Excellence for Encephalitic Alphavirus Therapeutics that enables consistent and notable progress through the milestones. Led by the Program Director, Dr. Jonsson (UTHSC, University of Tennessee Health Science Center), the Core will be the main interface between the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), the Research Project PIs", "synonym_substitution": "Excellence for Encephalitic Alphavirus Therapeutics that enables consistent and notable progress through the milestone. go by the Program Director, Dr. Jonsson (UTHSC, University of Tennessee Health Science Center), the Core will be the main interface between the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), the Research Project PIs", "butter_fingers": " Exfellence for Encephalitig Alphavirus Thetapeuticv that enables consistent and notable progcess throygh the milestones. Led by the Pgogram Dieectie, Dr. Jonsson (UTHSC, Univeddity if Tennessee Hgalth Scienca Center), the Cmrd cill be the main interface between tre Sciemtlfic Advisory Sommpteee (AAC), the Research Project PIs", "random_deletion": "Excellence for Encephalitic Alphavirus Therapeutics that enables notable through the Led by the University Tennessee Health Science the Core will the main interface between the Scientific Committee (SAC), the Research Project PIs", "change_char_case": " Excellence for Encephalitic alphavirus theraPeuTicS tHat eNablEs consistent anD NotaBle progress through the mIlestOnES. Led BY tHe ProGram DirECtOR, dr. JOnSsOn (UtHsc, UNiverSitY of TennEssee HealtH ScIeNce Center), the cOrE will be the MaiN interface beTweEn the SCiEntIFic AdVisOry CoMmitteE (sAC), the research PRoJEct PIs", "whitespace_perturbation": " Excellence for Encephalit ic Alphavi rus T her ape ut icsthat enables consi s tent and notable progressthrou gh them il eston es. Led by t hePr og ram D i re ctor, Dr . Jonss on (UTHSC, Un iv ersity of Te n ne ssee Healt h S cience Cente r), the C or e w i ll be th e mai n inte r face b etween th eS cienti f ic Advi s o ry Com mittee (SAC), the Re s earch ProjectPIs", "underscore_trick": " Excellence_for Encephalitic_Alphavirus Therapeutics that enables_consistent and_notable_progress through_the_milestones. Led by_the Program Director,_Dr. Jonsson (UTHSC, University_of Tennessee Health_Science_Center), the Core will be the main interface between the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC),_the_Research Project_PIs"} +{"text": " will try to exceed the Network's standards in our commitment to enhance multicenter trial success and advance scientific progress within the Network. Multicenter collaborative trials are essential to formally test new ways to enhance the safety of allotransplantation and improve outcomes for our patients. PUBLIC RELEVANCE: Improvement in the outcomes of allergenic", "synonym_substitution": "will try to exceed the Network's standards in our commitment to enhance multicenter test achiever and advance scientific progress within the Network. Multicenter collaborative test are substantive to formally test new way to enhance the base hit of allotransplantation and improve outcomes for our patients. PUBLIC RELEVANCE: Improvement in the outcomes of allergenic", "butter_fingers": " wipl try to exceed the Netdork's standards in our commifment to enhance multicenter trial snccews ane advance scientific pfogress wpthin the Netxork. Multicenter collabovctive brialv are essential to formalny test new wafs tl enhance the safety of allotransplwntatiom wnd improve oujcomex for our patients. PUBLIC RELEVANCE: Impdovemenu in the outcomes pf allergenic", "random_deletion": "will try to exceed the Network's standards commitment enhance multicenter success and advance Multicenter trials are essential formally test new to enhance the safety of allotransplantation improve outcomes for our patients. PUBLIC RELEVANCE: Improvement in the outcomes of allergenic", "change_char_case": " will try to exceed the Network'S standards In our ComMitMeNt to EnhaNce multicenter TRial Success and advance scienTific PrOGresS WiThin tHe NetwoRK. MULTicEnTeR coLlABoRativE trIals are Essential tO foRmAlly test new wAYs To enhance tHe sAfety of allotRanSplantAtIon ANd impRovE outcOmes foR Our patIents. PUBLiC reLEVANce: ImprovEMEnT in tHe outcomes of allerGEnIC", "whitespace_perturbation": " will try to exceed the Ne twork's st andar dsinou r co mmit ment to enhanc e mul ticenter trial success andad v ance sc ienti fic pro g re s s wi th in th eN et work. Mu lticent er collabo rat iv e trials are es sential to fo rmally testnew waysto en h ancethe safe ty ofa llotra nsplantat io n and i m prove o u t co mesfor our patients. PU B LIC RELEVANCE: Impro ve m en t inthe outcomesof alle r genic", "underscore_trick": " will_try to_exceed the Network's standards_in our_commitment_to enhance_multicenter_trial success and_advance scientific progress_within the Network. Multicenter_collaborative trials are_essential_to formally test new ways to enhance the safety of allotransplantation and improve outcomes_for_our patients._PUBLIC_RELEVANCE:_Improvement in the outcomes of_allergenic"} +{"text": " approaches and assessment methods that can be applied to education and research in cultural competency for multiple health professions; and 3) advance research and publication potential of the combined fields of cultural competency and health literacy. The meeting comprises a: 1) scientific panel session (n=30-100) on use of reflective pedagogy to", "synonym_substitution": "approaches and assessment methods that can be applied to department of education and inquiry in cultural competence for multiple health professions; and 3) advance research and issue potential of the combined fields of cultural competence and health literacy. The confluence comprises a: 1) scientific jury session (n=30 - 100) on use of brooding pedagogy to", "butter_fingers": " aporoaches and assessment oethods that cau be ap'lied tk educatkon and research in cultural cimpettucy for multiple heauth profedsions; abd 3) edvance research and publicatikk potznvial of the comnined fieldv of cultural woopztency and health literacy. The meetigg comptides a: 1) scientisic kanql ssssion (n=30-100) on use of reflective pedafogy to", "random_deletion": "approaches and assessment methods that can be education research in competency for multiple research publication potential of combined fields of competency and health literacy. The meeting a: 1) scientific panel session (n=30-100) on use of reflective pedagogy to", "change_char_case": " approaches and assessment meThods that cAn be aPplIed To EducAtioN and research in CUltuRal competency for multipLe heaLtH ProfESsIons; aNd 3) advanCE rESEarCh AnD puBlICaTion pOteNtial of The combineD fiElDs of cultural COmPetency and HeaLth literacy. THe mEeting CoMprISes a: 1) sCieNtifiC panel SEssion (N=30-100) on use of rEfLEctive PEdagogy TO", "whitespace_perturbation": " approaches and assessment methods t hat c anbeap plie d to education and rese arch in cultural compe tency f o r mu l ti ple h ealth p r of e s sio ns ;and 3 ) a dvanc e r esearch and publi cat io n potentialo fthe combin edfields of cu ltu ral co mp ete n cy an d h ealth liter a cy. Th e meeting c o mprise s a: 1)s c ie ntif ic panel session( n= 3 0-100) on useof ref le c ti v e pe dag ogy to", "underscore_trick": " approaches_and assessment_methods that can be_applied to_education_and research_in_cultural competency for_multiple health professions;_and 3) advance research_and publication potential_of_the combined fields of cultural competency and health literacy. The meeting comprises a: 1)_scientific_panel session_(n=30-100)_on_use of reflective pedagogy to"} +{"text": " to support development of precise estimates of age, both in humans and mice. Nevertheless, the majority of such measures are trained as chronological age predictors, with little to no integration of biological, functional, or phenotypic data. Further, the modifiability of aging measures based on DNA methylation in response to lifespan and healthspan", "synonym_substitution": "to support development of precise estimates of old age, both in world and mice. Nevertheless, the majority of such measures are train as chronological age predictors, with small to no integration of biological, functional, or phenotypical datum. Further, the modifiability of aging bill based on DNA methylation in response to lifespan and healthspan", "butter_fingers": " to support development of krecise estimates of age, both jn humanr and mice. Nevertheless, the lahoritt of such measures are trained ws chronilogmcal age predictors, with littls to uo integration on biologican, functional, os ohznotypic data. Further, the modifiabilyty of sglng measures bwsed jn DHA methylation in response to lifeapan anv healthspan", "random_deletion": "to support development of precise estimates of in and mice. the majority of chronological predictors, with little no integration of functional, or phenotypic data. Further, the of aging measures based on DNA methylation in response to lifespan and healthspan", "change_char_case": " to support development of preCise estimaTes of Age, BotH iN humAns aNd mice. NevertheLEss, tHe majority of such measurEs are TrAIned AS cHronoLogical AGe PREdiCtOrS, wiTh LItTle to No iNtegratIon of bioloGicAl, Functional, or PHeNotypic datA. FuRther, the modiFiaBility Of AgiNG measUreS baseD on DNA MEthylaTion in resPoNSe to liFEspan anD HEaLthsPan", "whitespace_perturbation": " to support development of precise e stima tes of a ge,both in humans and mice . Nevertheless, the ma jorit yo f su c hmeasu res are tr a i ned a schr on o lo gical ag e predi ctors, wit h l it tle to no in t eg ration ofbio logical, fun cti onal,or ph e notyp icdata. Furth e r, the modifiab il i ty ofa ging me a s ur es b ased on DNA methy l at i on in response to li fe s pa n and he althspan", "underscore_trick": " to_support development_of precise estimates of_age, both_in_humans and_mice._Nevertheless, the majority_of such measures_are trained as chronological_age predictors, with_little_to no integration of biological, functional, or phenotypic data. Further, the modifiability of aging_measures_based on_DNA_methylation_in response to lifespan and_healthspan"} +{"text": " to chronic pain critically depend on brain emotional and motivational learning and memory circuit, namely the properties of the corticostriatal system. This is a radical departure from the classic pain research tradition, which emphasizes mechanisms of nociceptive encoding and representation. We provide human and animal model data consistent with the idea, and propose unravel", "synonym_substitution": "to chronic pain critically depend on brain emotional and motivational eruditeness and memory racing circuit, namely the properties of the corticostriatal system. This is a extremist passing from the classic pain inquiry tradition, which emphasizes mechanisms of nociceptive encoding and theatrical performance. We leave human and animal model datum consistent with the idea, and propose unravel", "butter_fingers": " to chronic pain critically depend on braiu emotimnal ahd motivxtional learning and memory rircyit, nqmely the properties ow the cornicostriaral wtstem. This is a radical scpartbrx from the clasxic pain rasearch tradithov, chich emphasizes mechanisms of nocicqptive rnfoding and reptesenuatyon. Sv krovide human and animal model dafa conspstent with the icea, and propose unravel", "random_deletion": "to chronic pain critically depend on brain motivational and memory namely the properties is radical departure from classic pain research which emphasizes mechanisms of nociceptive encoding representation. We provide human and animal model data consistent with the idea, and unravel", "change_char_case": " to chronic pain critically dePend on braiN emotIonAl aNd MotiVatiOnal learning anD MemoRy circuit, namely the propErtieS oF The cORtIcostRiatal sYStEM. thiS iS a RadIcAL dEpartUre From the Classic paiN reSeArch traditioN, WhIch emphasiZes Mechanisms of NocIceptiVe EncODing aNd rEpresEntatiON. We proVide human AnD Animal MOdel datA COnSistEnt with the idea, and PRoPOse unravel", "whitespace_perturbation": " to chronic pain criticall y depend o n bra inemo ti onal and motivationall earn ing and memory circuit , nam el y the pr opert ies oft he c ort ic os tri at a lsyste m.This is a radical de pa rture from t h eclassic pa inresearch tra dit ion, w hi che mphas ize s mec hanism s of no ciceptive e n coding and rep r e se ntat ion. We provide h u ma n and animal mo del da ta co n s ist ent with theid ea, a n d propo s eu n r ave l ", "underscore_trick": " to_chronic pain_critically depend on brain_emotional and_motivational_learning and_memory_circuit, namely the_properties of the_corticostriatal system. This is_a radical departure_from_the classic pain research tradition, which emphasizes mechanisms of nociceptive encoding and representation. We_provide_human and_animal_model_data consistent with the idea,_and propose unravel"} +{"text": " respiration. If breathing is to be understood in normal and in pathological conditions, the mechanisms for respiratory central pattern generation must be revealed. We focus on two brain sites essential for generation of the normal breathing pattern, the preBtzinger Complex and the retrotrapezoid nucleus/parafacial respiratory group. We propose", "synonym_substitution": "respiration. If breathing is to be understood in normal and in pathological conditions, the mechanism for respiratory cardinal pattern generation must be reveal. We concenter on two brain sites substantive for genesis of the normal breathing pattern, the preBtzinger Complex and the retrotrapezoid nucleus / parafacial respiratory group. We project", "butter_fingers": " redpiration. If breathing ir to be understood in iormal znd in pxthological conditions, the mxchabisms for respiratory centrxl patterj generarion nust be retsaled. Wc fochd on vwo brain sites essential for generatiot uf the normal breathing pattern, the pweBtzinbeg Complex and jhe rttrjtralvziid nucleus/parafacial respirafory grmup. We proposr", "random_deletion": "respiration. If breathing is to be understood and pathological conditions, mechanisms for respiratory revealed. focus on two sites essential for of the normal breathing pattern, the Complex and the retrotrapezoid nucleus/parafacial respiratory group. We propose", "change_char_case": " respiration. If breathing is tO be understOod in NorMal AnD in pAthoLogical conditiONs, thE mechanisms for respiratOry ceNtRAl paTTeRn genEration MUsT BE reVeAlEd. WE fOCuS on twO brAin siteS essential For GeNeration of thE NoRmal breathIng Pattern, the prEBtZinger coMplEX and tHe rEtrotRapezoID nucleUs/parafacIaL RespirATory groUP. we PropOse", "whitespace_perturbation": " respiration. If breathing is to beunder sto odin nor maland in patholo g ical conditions, the mecha nisms f o r re s pi rator y centr a lp a tte rn g ene ra t io n mus t b e revea led. We fo cus o n two brains it es essenti alfor generati onof the n orm a l bre ath ing p attern , the p reBtzinge rC omplex and the r et rotr apezoid nucleus/p a ra f acial respirat ory gr ou p .W e pr opo se", "underscore_trick": " respiration._If breathing_is to be understood_in normal_and_in pathological_conditions,_the mechanisms for_respiratory central pattern_generation must be revealed._We focus on_two_brain sites essential for generation of the normal breathing pattern, the preBtzinger Complex and_the_retrotrapezoid nucleus/parafacial_respiratory_group._We propose"} +{"text": "us. This model uses pretreatment with lithium followed by administration of subthreshold doses of convulsants. The basic model entails treatment with LiCl (3 mEq/kg; ip) and pilocarpine (30 mg/kg; sc) which invariably produces generalized convulsive status epilepticus which lasts for several", "synonym_substitution": "us. This model uses pretreatment with lithium followed by administration of subthreshold venereal disease of convulsants. The basic exemplar entails treatment with LiCl (3 mEq / kg; ip) and pilocarpine (30 mg / kg; sc) which invariably produce generalized convulsive status epilepticus which survive for respective", "butter_fingers": "us. Hhis model uses pretreatoent with lithiom folloxed by zdministfation of subthreshold doses od conculsants. The basic moddl entaild treatmwnt xith LiCl (3 mEq/kg; ip) and inlocadiine (30 ng/kg; sc) which lnvariably [roduces generdlkzzd convulsive status epilepticus whish lastx vor several", "random_deletion": "us. This model uses pretreatment with lithium administration subthreshold doses convulsants. The basic (3 ip) and pilocarpine mg/kg; sc) which produces generalized convulsive status epilepticus which for several", "change_char_case": "us. This model uses pretreatmeNt with lithIum foLloWed By AdmiNistRation of subthrESholD doses of convulsants. The Basic MoDEl enTAiLs treAtment wITh lIcl (3 meq/Kg; Ip) aNd PIlOcarpIne (30 Mg/kg; sc) wHich invariAblY pRoduces generALiZed convulsIve Status epilepTicUs whicH lAstS For seVerAl", "whitespace_perturbation": "us. This model uses pretre atment wit h lit hiu m f ol lowe d by administratio n ofsubthreshold doses ofconvu ls a nts. Th e bas ic mode l e n t ail str eat me n twithLiC l (3 mE q/kg; ip)and p ilocarpine ( 3 0mg/kg; sc) wh ich invariab lyproduc es ge n erali zed conv ulsive status epilepti cu s which lasts f o r s ever al", "underscore_trick": "us. This_model uses_pretreatment with lithium followed_by administration_of_subthreshold doses_of_convulsants. The basic_model entails treatment_with LiCl (3 mEq/kg;_ip) and pilocarpine_(30_mg/kg; sc) which invariably produces generalized convulsive status epilepticus which lasts for several"} +{"text": " adult substance misuse, antisocial behaviors, and sexual risk behaviors for AIDS and other STIs, along with improvements in healthy adult functioning, among project participants who received evidence-based interventions during middle school. This proposed work extends a randomized control study of the PROSPER model, involving two sequential cohorts of youth and families from", "synonym_substitution": "adult substance misuse, antisocial behaviors, and sexual risk demeanor for AIDS and early STIs, along with improvements in healthy adult operation, among project player who received evidence - based treatment during middle school. This proposed employment extends a randomized control sketch of the PROSPER model, involving two consecutive cohorts of youth and families from", "butter_fingers": " adklt substance misuse, antlsocial behaviors, and sxxual rjsk behaxiors for AIDS and other STId, qlong with improvements in fealthy afult funxtioiing, among projerf partignpanta who ceceived evidenge-based intarventions durhne liddle school. This proposed work exeends a rwndomized conttol suudr of nht PROSPER model, involving two seqhential cohorts of yputh and families from", "random_deletion": "adult substance misuse, antisocial behaviors, and sexual for and other along with improvements project who received evidence-based during middle school. proposed work extends a randomized control of the PROSPER model, involving two sequential cohorts of youth and families from", "change_char_case": " adult substance misuse, antisOcial behavIors, aNd sExuAl Risk BehaViors for AIDS anD OtheR STIs, along with improvemEnts iN hEAlthY AdUlt fuNctioniNG, aMONg pRoJeCt pArTIcIpantS whO receivEd evidence-BasEd InterventionS DuRing middle SchOol. This propoSed Work exTeNds A RandoMizEd conTrol stUDy of thE PROSPER mOdEL, involVIng two sEQUeNtiaL cohorts of youth anD FaMIlies from", "whitespace_perturbation": " adult substance misuse, a ntisocialbehav ior s,an d se xual risk behavior s for AIDS and other STIs,along w i th i m pr oveme nts inh ea l t hyad ul t f un c ti oning , a mong pr oject part ici pa nts who rece i ve d evidence -ba sed interven tio ns dur in g m i ddlesch ool.This p r oposed work ext en d s a ra n domized c on trol study of the PRO S PE R model, involv ing tw os eq u e nti alcohorts of y outha nd fami l ie s f rom ", "underscore_trick": " adult_substance misuse,_antisocial behaviors, and sexual_risk behaviors_for_AIDS and_other_STIs, along with_improvements in healthy_adult functioning, among project_participants who received_evidence-based_interventions during middle school. This proposed work extends a randomized control study of the_PROSPER_model, involving_two_sequential_cohorts of youth and families_from"} +{"text": " this project is to understand at the molecular level the mechanism by which steroid hormones affect the expression of the genome of their target cells. We have chosen to investigate the cytolytic response of murine lymphoid cell lines to glucocorticoids because this system presents unique and desirable features. Since variants resistant to the steroid can conveniently be isolated, this", "synonym_substitution": "this project is to understand at the molecular level the mechanism by which steroid hormone involve the expression of the genome of their target cell. We have choose to investigate the cytolytic response of murine lymphoid cell note to glucocorticoid because this system presents unique and desirable features. Since variants repellent to the steroid can conveniently be isolate, this", "butter_fingers": " thls project is to understxnd at the moleeylar lxvel ths mechanksm by which steroid hormoned qffecu the expression of the genole of thwir uarget cells. We hebe choscu to jkvestngete the cytolytlc response of murine lym[huib cell lines to glucocorticoids becatse thix dystem presentf unpqte ahd desirable features. Since varianfs resivtant to the xteroid can conveniently bf isllated, this", "random_deletion": "this project is to understand at the the by which hormones affect the their cells. We have to investigate the response of murine lymphoid cell lines glucocorticoids because this system presents unique and desirable features. Since variants resistant to steroid can conveniently be isolated, this", "change_char_case": " this project is to understand At the molecUlar lEveL thE mEchaNism By which steroid HOrmoNes affect the expression Of the GeNOme oF ThEir taRget celLS. WE HAve ChOsEn tO iNVeStigaTe tHe cytolYtic responSe oF mUrine lymphoiD CeLl lines to gLucOcorticoids bEcaUse thiS sYstEM presEntS uniqUe and dESirablE features. siNCe variANts resiSTAnT to tHe steroid can conveNIeNTly be isolated, tHis", "whitespace_perturbation": " this project is to unders tand at th e mol ecu lar l evel the mechanism byw hich steroid hormones affe ct th ee xpre s si on of the ge n om e ofth ei r t ar g et cell s.We have chosen to in ve stigate thec yt olytic res pon se of murine ly mphoid c ell lines to gluc ocorti c oids b ecause th is system present s un ique and desirable fe a tu r es. Since vari ants r es i st a n t t o t he steroid c an co n venient l yb e iso l ated, this", "underscore_trick": " this_project is_to understand at the_molecular level_the_mechanism by_which_steroid hormones affect_the expression of_the genome of their_target cells. We_have_chosen to investigate the cytolytic response of murine lymphoid cell lines to glucocorticoids because_this_system presents_unique_and_desirable features. Since variants resistant_to the steroid can conveniently_be isolated,_this"} +{"text": " were elucidated by these studies and are also utilizing pro-thymic hormone infusions and various transgenic and knockout mouse models to more fully understand the role of certain genes in maintaining thymic integrity or facilitating thymic loss. We believe array analysis of the thymi and thymocytes of hormone treated mice may yield valuable data on", "synonym_substitution": "were elucidated by these studies and are also utilizing pro - thymic hormone infusion and diverse transgenic and knockout mouse models to more in full understand the role of sealed genes in maintaining thymic integrity or facilitating thymic personnel casualty. We believe array analysis of the thymus gland and thymocytes of hormone treated mice may concede valuable datum on", "butter_fingers": " wege elucidated by these suudies and are also utilmzing pdo-thymic hormone infusions and varions teansgtuic and knockout moure models to more fulot understais the role of gertann genes in mainjaining thymhc integrity os waeilitating thymic loss. We believe arway anakydis of the thyii amq thgmocytes of hormone treated mice mzy yielv valuable data on", "random_deletion": "were elucidated by these studies and are pro-thymic infusions and transgenic and knockout understand role of certain in maintaining thymic or facilitating thymic loss. We believe analysis of the thymi and thymocytes of hormone treated mice may yield valuable on", "change_char_case": " were elucidated by these studIes and are aLso utIliZinG pRo-thYmic Hormone infusioNS and Various transgenic and knOckouT mOUse mODeLs to mOre fullY UnDERstAnD tHe rOlE Of CertaIn gEnes in mAintaining ThyMiC integrity or FAcIlitating tHymIc loss. We beliEve Array aNaLysIS of thE thYmi anD thymoCYtes of Hormone trEaTEd mice MAy yield VALuAble Data on", "whitespace_perturbation": " were elucidated by thesestudies an d are al sout iliz ingpro-thymic hor m oneinfusions and varioustrans ge n ic a n dknock out mou s em o del sto mo re fu lly u nde rstandthe role o f c er tain genes i n m aintaining th ymic integri tyor fac il ita t ing t hym ic lo ss. We believ e array a na l ysis o f the th y m iandthymocytes of hor m on e treated micemay yi el d v a l uab ledata on", "underscore_trick": " were_elucidated by_these studies and are_also utilizing_pro-thymic_hormone infusions_and_various transgenic and_knockout mouse models_to more fully understand_the role of_certain_genes in maintaining thymic integrity or facilitating thymic loss. We believe array analysis of_the_thymi and_thymocytes_of_hormone treated mice may yield_valuable data on"} +{"text": " of this proposal is to test two hypotheses for the molecular mechanism of resistance to tumor development in mice carrying the Gtrosa26 insertion. One is that the resistance is a function of the high levels of expression of the beta-galactosidase-neomycin resistance fusion protein that is encoded by the insertion. The second hypothesis", "synonym_substitution": "of this proposal is to test two hypotheses for the molecular mechanism of resistance to tumor growth in mouse carrying the Gtrosa26 insertion. One is that the resistance is a routine of the high levels of construction of the beta - galactosidase - neomycin resistor fusion protein that is encode by the interpolation. The second hypothesis", "butter_fingers": " of this proposal is to tesu two hypotheses yir the molechlar mecfanism of resistance to tumoc decelopnent in mice carrying ghe Gtrosw26 insertuon. Ibe is that the reslftandc is c hunction of the high levens of expressimn oy the beta-galactosidase-neomycin resiftance gudion protein trat ps enckded by the insertion. The second hgpothesps", "random_deletion": "of this proposal is to test two the mechanism of to tumor development insertion. is that the is a function the high levels of expression of beta-galactosidase-neomycin resistance fusion protein that is encoded by the insertion. The second hypothesis", "change_char_case": " of this proposal is to test two Hypotheses For thE moLecUlAr meChanIsm of resistancE To tuMor development in mice caRryinG tHE GtrOSa26 InserTion. One IS tHAT thE rEsIstAnCE iS a funCtiOn of the High levels Of eXpRession of the BEtA-galactosiDasE-neomycin resIstAnce fuSiOn pROtein ThaT is enCoded bY The insErtion. The SeCOnd hypOThesis", "whitespace_perturbation": " of this proposal is to te st two hyp othes esfor t he m olec ular mechanism of r esistance to tumor dev elopm en t inm ic e car rying t h eG t ros a2 6ins er t io n. On e i s thatthe resist anc eis a functio n o f the high le vels of expr ess ion of t heb eta-g ala ctosi dase-n e omycin resistan ce fusion protein t ha t is encoded by the i n se r tion. The seco nd hyp ot h es i s ", "underscore_trick": " of_this proposal_is to test two_hypotheses for_the_molecular mechanism_of_resistance to tumor_development in mice_carrying the Gtrosa26 insertion._One is that_the_resistance is a function of the high levels of expression of the beta-galactosidase-neomycin resistance_fusion_protein that_is_encoded_by the insertion. The second_hypothesis"} +{"text": " The results from these experiments will provide a foundation for the development of a successful leishmaniasis vaccine. The physiological function and the mode of regulation of transglutaminases are being studied as to their role in the formation of temporary tissue matrix (fibrin-connective tissue matrix) during tissue or bone fracture repair", "synonym_substitution": "The results from these experiments will provide a foundation for the growth of a successful leishmaniasis vaccine. The physiologic function and the mode of rule of transglutaminases are being studied as to their character in the formation of impermanent tissue matrix (fibrin - connective tissue matrix) during tissue or bone fracture repair", "butter_fingers": " Thf results from these exptriments will prorude a houndatjon for ghe development of a successhul oeishnaniasis vaccine. The pfysiologibal functuon end the mode of csgulation of fvansgnntaminases are neing studiad as to their rulz in the formation of temporary tisste matrox (fibrin-connectyve uisfue jatrix) during tissue or bone fracthre repeir", "random_deletion": "The results from these experiments will provide for development of successful leishmaniasis vaccine. mode regulation of transglutaminases being studied as their role in the formation of tissue matrix (fibrin-connective tissue matrix) during tissue or bone fracture repair", "change_char_case": " The results from these experiMents will pRovidE a fOunDaTion For tHe development oF A sucCessful leishmaniasis vaCcine. thE PhysIOlOgicaL functiON aND The MoDe Of rEgULaTion oF trAnsglutAminases arE beInG studied as to THeIr role in thE foRmation of temPorAry tisSuE maTRix (fiBriN-connEctive TIssue mAtrix) duriNg TIssue oR Bone fraCTUrE repAir", "whitespace_perturbation": " The results from these ex perimentswillpro vid ea fo unda tion for the d e velo pment of a successfulleish ma n iasi s v accin e. Thep hy s i olo gi ca l f un c ti on an d t he mode of regula tio nof transglut a mi nases arebei ng studied a s t o thei rrol e in t heforma tion o f tempo rary tiss ue matrix (fibrin - c on nect ive tissue matrix ) d u ring tissue or bonefr a ct u r e r epa ir", "underscore_trick": " The_results from_these experiments will provide_a foundation_for_the development_of_a successful leishmaniasis_vaccine. The physiological_function and the mode_of regulation of_transglutaminases_are being studied as to their role in the formation of temporary tissue matrix_(fibrin-connective_tissue matrix)_during_tissue_or bone fracture repair"} +{"text": ". Second, we will assess changes in the levels and/or affinity of male-specific estrogen binding protein whose proposed role is that of an estrogen scavenger. Third, the synthesis and tissue levels of the catechol estrogens (2-hydroxy estrogens) will be examined in rats with diseased and normal livers", "synonym_substitution": ". Second, we will assess changes in the levels and/or affinity of male - specific estrogen binding protein whose aim function is that of an estrogen scavenger. Third, the synthesis and tissue levels of the catechol estrogen (2 - hydroxy estrogens) will be examined in rats with diseased and normal liver", "butter_fingers": ". Sefond, we will assess channes in the levels and/or affinjty of mxle-specific estrogen binding peoteib whose proposed role ks that ov an esteogei scavenger. Thirv, the sykchesia and vissue levels on the catecvol estrogens (2-vyarlxy estrogens) will be examined in rwts witn fiseased and njrmak livsgs", "random_deletion": ". Second, we will assess changes in and/or of male-specific binding protein whose an scavenger. Third, the and tissue levels the catechol estrogens (2-hydroxy estrogens) will examined in rats with diseased and normal livers", "change_char_case": ". Second, we will assess changes In the levelS and/oR afFinItY of mAle-sPecific estrogeN BindIng protein whose proposeD role Is THat oF An EstroGen scavENgER. thiRd, ThE syNtHEsIs and TisSue leveLs of the catEchOl Estrogens (2-hydROxY estrogens) WilL be examined iN raTs with DiSeaSEd and NorMal liVers", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Second, we will assess c hanges inthe l eve lsan d/or aff inity of male- s peci fic estrogen binding p rotei nw hose pr opose d rolei st h atof a n e st r og en sc ave nger. T hird, thesyn th esis and tis s ue levels of th e catechol e str ogens(2 -hy d roxyest rogen s) wil l be ex amined in r a ts wit h diseas e d a nd n ormal livers", "underscore_trick": ". Second,_we will_assess changes in the_levels and/or_affinity_of male-specific_estrogen_binding protein whose_proposed role is_that of an estrogen_scavenger. Third, the_synthesis_and tissue levels of the catechol estrogens (2-hydroxy estrogens) will be examined in rats_with_diseased and_normal_livers"} +{"text": " for hospitals and infant-screening clinics assessing developmental risks, as well as hearing deficits. It could also be used by treatment centers to the efficacy of early intervention. Finally, it would provide a research tool for investigations of the earliest stages of infant speech and of age-specific control of the speech articulators. Art", "synonym_substitution": "for hospitals and infant - screening clinics tax developmental risk, as well as hearing deficits. It could besides be used by treatment centers to the efficacy of early interposition. Finally, it would provide a inquiry cock for investigations of the early stages of infant lecture and of age - specific control of the speech articulators. Art", "butter_fingers": " fog hospitals and infant-scveening clinics cwsessiig devemopmentau risks, as well as hearing dxficuts. Iu could also be usea by treanment cenrers ro the effmdacy of early lnterreition. Finally, ij would provhde a research tuop for investigations of the earliese stagex lf infant speesh amq of age-specific control of the speech articunators. Art", "random_deletion": "for hospitals and infant-screening clinics assessing developmental well hearing deficits. could also be the of early intervention. it would provide research tool for investigations of the stages of infant speech and of age-specific control of the speech articulators. Art", "change_char_case": " for hospitals and infant-screEning cliniCs assEssIng DeVeloPmenTal risks, as well AS heaRing deficits. It could alsO be usEd BY treATmEnt ceNters to THe EFFicAcY oF eaRlY InTerveNtiOn. FinalLy, it would pRovIdE a research toOL fOr investigAtiOns of the earlIesT stageS oF inFAnt spEecH and oF age-spECific cOntrol of tHe SPeech aRTiculatORS. ARt", "whitespace_perturbation": " for hospitals and infant- screeningclini csass es sing dev elopmental ris k s, a s well as hearing defi cits. I t cou l dalsobe used by t rea tm en t c en t er s tothe effica cy of earl y i nt ervention. F i na lly, it wo uld provide a r ese arch t oo l f o r inv est igati ons of the ea rliest st ag e s of i n fant sp e e ch and of age-specificc on t rol of the spe ech ar ti c ul a t ors . A rt", "underscore_trick": " for_hospitals and_infant-screening clinics assessing developmental_risks, as_well_as hearing_deficits._It could also_be used by_treatment centers to the_efficacy of early_intervention._Finally, it would provide a research tool for investigations of the earliest stages of_infant_speech and_of_age-specific_control of the speech articulators._Art"} +{"text": " induced by alcohol in heptocytes and Kupffer cell (hepatic macrophages)leads to diassembly of the ironfur cluster of cytocolic aconitase/IRP 1 and conversion of this enzyme to an apoprotein that binds to RNA stem loops (iron repson", "synonym_substitution": "induced by alcohol in heptocytes and Kupffer cell & # 40;hepatic macrophages)leads to diassembly of the ironfur cluster of cytocolic aconitase / IRP 1 and conversion of this enzyme to an apoprotein that binds to RNA shank loop & # 40;iron repson", "butter_fingers": " infuced by alcohol in heptucytes and Kupfywr celn (hepafic macruphages)leads to diassembly oh thw irobfur cluster of cytocouic aconinase/IRP 1 qnd ronversion of thma enzymc to zk apo'ritein that bincs to RNA vtem loops (irot fe'son", "random_deletion": "induced by alcohol in heptocytes and Kupffer macrophages)leads diassembly of ironfur cluster of of enzyme to an that binds to stem loops (iron repson", "change_char_case": " induced by alcohol in heptocyTes and KupfFer ceLl (hEpaTiC macRophAges)leads to diaSSembLy of the ironfur cluster oF cytoCoLIc acONiTase/IrP 1 and coNVeRSIon Of ThIs eNzYMe To an aPopRotein tHat binds to rNA StEm loops (iron rEPsOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " induced by alcohol in hep tocytes an d Kup ffe r c el l &# 40;h epatic macroph a ges& #41;leads to diassembl y ofth e iro n fu r clu ster of cy t o col ic a con it a se /IRP1 a nd conv ersion ofthi senzyme to an ap oprotein t hat binds to RN A s tem lo op s & # 40;ir onrepso n", "underscore_trick": " induced_by alcohol_in heptocytes and Kupffer_cell (hepatic_macrophages)leads_to diassembly_of_the ironfur cluster_of cytocolic aconitase/IRP_1 and conversion of_this enzyme to_an_apoprotein that binds to RNA stem loops (iron repson"} +{"text": " In histological material, and for the creation of transgene-containing viruses to modify neuronal funtlon experimentally. 4. A Functional Imaging Module which will provide support for hardware and software services for users of the Siemens MRI scanner and associated devices In the Center for Brain Imaging, giving access for Core researchers to functional and structural Imaging", "synonym_substitution": "In histological material, and for the creation of transgene - containing viruses to change neural funtlon experimentally. 4. A Functional Imaging Module which will supply support for hardware and software services for exploiter of the Siemens MRI scanner and associated devices In the Center for Brain Imaging, give access for Core researchers to running and geomorphologic Imaging", "butter_fingers": " In histological material, akd for the creatnin of vransgehe-contaiving viruses to modify neuroial duntlin experimentally. 4. A Fjnctional Imaging Modnle which will pckvide sm'port nor hcrvware and softwsre servicas for users ox ghz Siemens MRI scanner and associated devicex Ln the Center sor Nwain Pmcging, giving access for Core reaearchegs to functional snd structural Imaging", "random_deletion": "In histological material, and for the creation viruses modify neuronal experimentally. 4. A provide for hardware and services for users the Siemens MRI scanner and associated In the Center for Brain Imaging, giving access for Core researchers to functional structural Imaging", "change_char_case": " In histological material, and For the creaTion oF trAnsGeNe-coNtaiNing viruses to mODify Neuronal funtlon experimEntalLy. 4. a funcTIoNal ImAging MoDUlE WHicH wIlL prOvIDe SuppoRt fOr hardwAre and softWarE sErvices for usERs Of the SiemeNs MrI scanner and AssOciateD dEviCEs In tHe CEnter For BraIN ImagiNg, giving aCcESs for CORe reseaRCHeRs to Functional and struCTuRAl Imaging", "whitespace_perturbation": " In histological material, and for t he cr eat ion o f tr ansg ene-containing viru ses to modify neuronal funt lo n exp e ri menta lly. 4. AF u nct io na l I ma g in g Mod ule whichwill provi desu pport for ha r dw are and so ftw are services fo r user soft he Si eme ns MR I scan n er and associat ed device s In the C en terfor Brain Imaging , g i ving access fo r Core r e se a r che rsto functio na l and structu r al I m agi n g", "underscore_trick": " In_histological material,_and for the creation_of transgene-containing_viruses_to modify_neuronal_funtlon experimentally. 4._A Functional Imaging_Module which will provide_support for hardware_and_software services for users of the Siemens MRI scanner and associated devices In the_Center_for Brain_Imaging,_giving_access for Core researchers to_functional and structural Imaging"} +{"text": " Statistical Core Project Summary/Abstract Efficient, clean, and organized data, together with valid, flexible, and reproducible statistical design and analysis techniques, are an integral component to achieving the scientific mission of the UCI ADRC: to discover, quantify, and validate factors that influence the risk of AD across the lifespan.", "synonym_substitution": "Statistical Core Project Summary / Abstract Efficient, clean, and organized data, together with valid, elastic, and reproducible statistical invention and analysis techniques, are an integral part to achieving the scientific mission of the UCI ADRC: to discover, quantify, and validate factor that influence the risk of AD across the life.", "butter_fingers": " Stwtistical Core Project Smmmary/Abstract Eydicienv, clean, and orgxnized data, together with vapie, flezible, and reproducible statistibal desigb anv analysis technmsues, arc an jktegrcl component to schieving dhe scientific mksdion of the UCI ADRC: to discover, quwntify, snf validate facjors uhae inrluence the risk of AD across the mifespai.", "random_deletion": "Statistical Core Project Summary/Abstract Efficient, clean, and together valid, flexible, reproducible statistical design integral to achieving the mission of the ADRC: to discover, quantify, and validate that influence the risk of AD across the lifespan.", "change_char_case": " Statistical Core Project SumMary/AbstraCt EffIciEnt, ClEan, aNd orGanized data, togETher With valid, flexible, and reProduCiBLe stATiSticaL design ANd ANAlySiS tEchNiQUeS, are aN inTegral cOmponent to AchIeVing the scienTIfIc mission oF thE UCI ADRC: to diScoVer, quaNtIfy, ANd valIdaTe facTors thAT influEnce the riSk OF AD acrOSs the liFESpAn.", "whitespace_perturbation": " Statistical Core ProjectSummary/Ab strac t E ffi ci ent, cle an, and organi z ed d ata, together with val id, f le x ible , a nd re produci b le s tat is ti cal d e si gn an d a nalysis technique s,ar e an integra l c omponent t o a chieving the sc ientif ic mi s sionofthe U CI ADR C : to d iscover,qu a ntify, and val i d at e fa ctors that influe n ce the risk of AD acros st he l ife spa n.", "underscore_trick": " Statistical_Core Project_Summary/Abstract Efficient, clean, and_organized data,_together_with valid,_flexible,_and reproducible statistical_design and analysis_techniques, are an integral_component to achieving_the_scientific mission of the UCI ADRC: to discover, quantify, and validate factors that influence_the_risk of_AD_across_the lifespan."} +{"text": " This laboratory's approach has therefore been to measure directly the functional result of subcellular Ca2 ion transport under simulated in vivo conditions. An ion-selective electrode continuously monitors ambient (Ca2 ion) in a cytosol-like medium containing either isolated fractions of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum (microsomes) from rat liver or isolated", "synonym_substitution": "This laboratory's approach has therefore been to measure immediately the running consequence of subcellular Ca2 ion transport under simulated in vivo condition. An ion - selective electrode continuously monitors ambient (Ca2 ion) in a cytosol - comparable metier containing either detached fractions of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum (microsomes) from rat liver or isolate", "butter_fingers": " Thls laboratory's approach mas therefore begn to meesure djrectly ghe functional result of subrellylar Xa2 ion transport under simulatef in vivi coiditions. An ion-sxmective electdlde eoitinuously monijors ambient (Ca2 ion) in a cftusll-like medium containing either isojated ftaftions of mitoshoncwia znd endoplasmic reticulum (microsomss) from rat liver or isolated", "random_deletion": "This laboratory's approach has therefore been to the result of Ca2 ion transport An electrode continuously monitors (Ca2 ion) in cytosol-like medium containing either isolated fractions mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum (microsomes) from rat liver or isolated", "change_char_case": " This laboratory's approach haS therefore Been tO meAsuRe DireCtly The functional rESult Of subcellular Ca2 ion tranSport UnDEr siMUlAted iN vivo coNDiTIOns. an IoN-seLeCTiVe eleCtrOde contInuously moNitOrS ambient (Ca2 ioN) In A cytosol-liKe mEdium containIng Either IsOlaTEd fraCtiOns of MitochONdria aNd endoplaSmIC reticULum (micrOSOmEs) frOm rat liver or isolaTEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " This laboratory's approac h has ther efore be ento mea sure directly thef unct ional result of subcel lular C a 2 io n t ransp ort und e rs i mul at ed in v i vo cond iti ons. An ion-selec tiv eelectrode co n ti nuously mo nit ors ambient(Ca 2 ion) i n a cytos ol- likemedium contai ning eith er isolat e d fract i o ns ofmitochondria ande nd o plasmic reticu lum (m ic r os o m es) fr om rat liv er or i s olated", "underscore_trick": " This_laboratory's approach_has therefore been to_measure directly_the_functional result_of_subcellular Ca2 ion_transport under simulated_in vivo conditions. An_ion-selective electrode continuously_monitors_ambient (Ca2 ion) in a cytosol-like medium containing either isolated fractions of mitochondria and_endoplasmic_reticulum (microsomes)_from_rat_liver or isolated"} +{"text": " specific T3SS inhibitory activity. In Aim 2, we will validate hits identified in Aim 1, using three orthogonal distinct approaches. The identity and structure of bioactive natural products will be determined and initial structure activity analysis performed on identified synthetic scaffolds. Prioritized compounds will be purified or synthesized and evaluated for off target activity,", "synonym_substitution": "specific T3SS inhibitory activity. In Aim 2, we will validate hits identified in Aim 1, using three extraneous discrete approaches. The identity and structure of bioactive lifelike products will be compulsive and initial structure activity psychoanalysis performed on identified synthetic scaffold. Prioritized compounds will be purified or synthesize and evaluated for off target bodily process,", "butter_fingers": " spfcific T3SS inhibitory acuivity. In Aim 2, we will velidate hits iddntified in Aim 1, using three oethoginal distinct approachds. The idvntity ane stcucture of bioacvjve natmxal pdlduccs will be deterkined and hnitial structgrd cctivity analysis performed on identyfied sunhhetic scaffolqs. Pgijritjdeb compounds will be purified or synthevized and evakuated for off target actigity,", "random_deletion": "specific T3SS inhibitory activity. In Aim 2, validate identified in 1, using three and of bioactive natural will be determined initial structure activity analysis performed on synthetic scaffolds. Prioritized compounds will be purified or synthesized and evaluated for off activity,", "change_char_case": " specific T3SS inhibitory actiVity. In Aim 2, wE will ValIdaTe Hits IdenTified in Aim 1, usiNG thrEe orthogonal distinct apProacHeS. the iDEnTity aNd strucTUrE OF biOaCtIve NaTUrAl proDucTs will bE determineD anD iNitial structURe Activity anAlySis performed On iDentifIeD syNThetiC scAffolDs. PrioRItized Compounds WiLL be purIFied or sYNThEsizEd and evaluated for OFf TArget activity,", "whitespace_perturbation": " specific T3SS inhibitoryactivity.In Ai m 2 , w ewill val idate hits ide n tifi ed in Aim 1, using thr ee or th o gona l d istin ct appr o ac h e s.Th eide nt i ty andstr uctureof bioacti vena tural produc t swill be de ter mined and in iti al str uc tur e acti vit y ana lysisp erform ed on ide nt i fied s y nthetic s ca ffol ds. Prioritized c o mp o unds will be p urifie do rs y nth esi zed and ev al uated for off ta r g e t a c tivity,", "underscore_trick": " specific_T3SS inhibitory_activity. In Aim 2,_we will_validate_hits identified_in_Aim 1, using_three orthogonal distinct_approaches. The identity and_structure of bioactive_natural_products will be determined and initial structure activity analysis performed on identified synthetic scaffolds._Prioritized_compounds will_be_purified_or synthesized and evaluated for_off target activity,"} +{"text": "ignucleotides will be edified at the base, sugar, and phosphodiester functional groups to increase their therapeutic potency. These modifications will be designed to increase oligonucleotide cell penetration, stability, and functional inhibition of target RNA or DNA. The nucleic acid target will be expanded beyond the 39 nucleotide spliced leader sequence of try", "synonym_substitution": "ignucleotides will be edified at the base, sugar, and phosphodiester functional group to increase their curative potency. These modifications will be design to increase oligonucleotide cellular telephone penetration, stability, and functional inhibition of prey RNA or DNA. The nucleic acid target will be expanded beyond the 39 nucleotide splice leader sequence of attempt", "butter_fingers": "ignkcleotides will be edifitd at the base, suyqr, and phospgodiestef functional groups to increese rheir therapeutic potency. Tfese modivicationw wioo be desigisd to ikereass oliyoiucleotide cell penetratimn, stability, atd fbnctional inhibition of target RNA ow DNA. Tne nucleic acid jargeu wyll gv txpanded beyond the 39 nucleotide slliced neader sequenve of try", "random_deletion": "ignucleotides will be edified at the base, phosphodiester groups to their therapeutic potency. to oligonucleotide cell penetration, and functional inhibition target RNA or DNA. The nucleic target will be expanded beyond the 39 nucleotide spliced leader sequence of try", "change_char_case": "ignucleotides will be edifieD at the base, Sugar, And PhoSpHodiEsteR functional groUPs to Increase their therapeutIc potEnCY. TheSE mOdifiCations WIlL BE deSiGnEd tO iNCrEase oLigOnucleoTide cell peNetRaTion, stabilitY, AnD functionaL inHibition of taRgeT RNA or dNa. ThE NucleIc aCid taRget wiLL be expAnded beyoNd THe 39 nuclEOtide spLICeD leaDer sequence of try", "whitespace_perturbation": "ignucleotides will be edif ied at the base , s uga r, and pho sphodiester fu n ctio nal groups to increase thei rt hera p eu tic p otency. Th e s e m od if ica ti o ns will be design ed to incr eas eoligonucleot i de cell pene tra tion, stabil ity , andfu nct i onalinh ibiti on oft argetRNA or DN A. The nu c leic ac i d t arge t will be expande d b e yond the 39 nu cleoti de sp l i ced le ader seque nc e oft ry", "underscore_trick": "ignucleotides will_be edified_at the base, sugar,_and phosphodiester_functional_groups to_increase_their therapeutic potency._These modifications will_be designed to increase_oligonucleotide cell penetration,_stability,_and functional inhibition of target RNA or DNA. The nucleic acid target will be_expanded_beyond the_39_nucleotide_spliced leader sequence of try"} +{"text": "arenicline. Combining varenicline with zonisamide, an antiepileptic medication that has been associated with smoking reduction, may produce higher smoking quit rates compared to varenicline alone. The information collected from this study will be important for understanding whether combination medication treatments (like varenicline", "synonym_substitution": "arenicline. Combining varenicline with zonisamide, an antiepileptic medication that has been associated with smoking decrease, may grow higher smoking quit pace compare to varenicline alone. The information collect from this sketch will be important for understand whether combination medication treatments (like varenicline", "butter_fingers": "arejicline. Combining varenigline with zoniscnide, ai antielileptic medication that has been asdoxiatee with smoking reductiun, may prlduce hither wmoking qumf rates compadcd to tarenicline aloke. The infosmation collecdea yrom this study will be important fow underxtwnding whether comnynatjon medication treatments (like varsniclint", "random_deletion": "arenicline. Combining varenicline with zonisamide, an antiepileptic has associated with reduction, may produce to alone. The information from this study be important for understanding whether combination treatments (like varenicline", "change_char_case": "arenicline. Combining vareniCline with zOnisaMidE, an AnTiepIlepTic medication tHAt haS been associated with smoKing rEdUCtioN, MaY prodUce highER sMOKinG qUiT raTeS CoMpareD to VarenicLine alone. THe iNfOrmation collECtEd from this StuDy will be impoRtaNt for uNdErsTAndinG whEther CombinATion meDication tReATments (LIke vareNIClIne", "whitespace_perturbation": "arenicline. Combining vare nicline wi th zo nis ami de , an ant iepileptic med i cati on that has been assoc iated w i th s m ok ing r eductio n ,m a y p ro du cehi g he r smo kin g quitrates comp are dto varenicli n ealone. The in formation co lle cted f ro m t h is st udy will be im p ortant for unde rs t anding whether c om bina tion medication t r ea t ments (like va renicl in e ", "underscore_trick": "arenicline. Combining_varenicline with_zonisamide, an antiepileptic medication_that has_been_associated with_smoking_reduction, may produce_higher smoking quit_rates compared to varenicline_alone. The information_collected_from this study will be important for understanding whether combination medication treatments (like varenicline"} +{"text": " physical activity and healthy eating in YMCA OST programs. Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, is a key element of a number of normal and pathological processes. Whereas vascularization is a primary event associated with normal embryogenesis and wound healing, neovascularization is of central importance also n a variety", "synonym_substitution": "physical activity and healthy eating in YMCA OST programs. Angiogenesis, the constitution of newfangled blood vessels, is a key component of a number of normal and pathological process. Whereas vascularization is a elementary event associated with normal embryogenesis and wound healing, neovascularization is of central importance also n a kind", "butter_fingers": " phjsical activity and healuhy eating in YMCC OST pcograms. Angiogevesis, the formation of new bpoid vewsels, is a key element of a numher of nirmao and pathological ixocesacs. Whzrxas vascularizajion is a prhmary event asvozicted with normal embryogenesis and wjund hesllng, neovasculatizatpog is of central importance also n a vadiety", "random_deletion": "physical activity and healthy eating in YMCA Angiogenesis, formation of blood vessels, is number normal and pathological Whereas vascularization is primary event associated with normal embryogenesis wound healing, neovascularization is of central importance also n a variety", "change_char_case": " physical activity and healthY eating in YmCA OSt prOgrAmS. AngIogeNesis, the formatIOn of New blood vessels, is a key eLemenT oF A numBEr Of norMal and pAThOLOgiCaL pRocEsSEs. whereAs vAscularIzation is a PriMaRy event assocIAtEd with normAl eMbryogenesis And Wound hEaLinG, NeovaScuLarizAtion iS Of centRal importAnCE also n A Variety", "whitespace_perturbation": " physical activity and hea lthy eatin g inYMC A O ST pro gram s. Angiogenesi s , th e formation of new blo od ve ss e ls,i sa key elemen t o f a n um be r o fn or mal a ndpatholo gical proc ess es . Whereas va s cu larization is a primary e ven t asso ci ate d with no rmalembryo g enesis and woun dh ealing , neovas c u la riza tion is of centra l i m portance alson a va ri e ty ", "underscore_trick": " physical_activity and_healthy eating in YMCA_OST programs._Angiogenesis,_the formation_of_new blood vessels,_is a key_element of a number_of normal and_pathological_processes. Whereas vascularization is a primary event associated with normal embryogenesis and wound healing,_neovascularization_is of_central_importance_also n a variety"} +{"text": " addressed, 3) to maintain and enhance internal communication and cooperation among MCRC members and to promote novel approaches to address clinically relevant issues, and 4) to expand the influence of the MCRC within the institution and to identify and secure institutional support to promote and enhance the activities of the Center. The Administrative Core will be housed", "synonym_substitution": "addressed, 3) to maintain and enhance internal communication and cooperation among MCRC members and to advertise fresh approach to address clinically relevant topic, and 4) to inflate the influence of the MCRC within the institution and to identify and plug institutional accompaniment to promote and enhance the activity of the Center. The Administrative Core will be housed", "butter_fingers": " adfressed, 3) to maintain and enhance internco commnnicatikn and cuoperation among MCRC memberd qnd ti promote novel approazhes to afdress coinirally relevant issues, and 4) to swpand vhe influence on the MCRC fithin the insdigucion and to identify and secure instytutionsl support to prjmott agd ehhance the activities of the Cented. The Avministrative Cpre will be housed", "random_deletion": "addressed, 3) to maintain and enhance internal cooperation MCRC members to promote novel issues, 4) to expand influence of the within the institution and to identify secure institutional support to promote and enhance the activities of the Center. The Core will be housed", "change_char_case": " addressed, 3) to maintain and enhAnce internAl comMunIcaTiOn anD cooPeration among McrC meMbers and to promote novel ApproAcHEs to ADdRess cLinicalLY rELEvaNt IsSueS, aND 4) tO expaNd tHe influEnce of the McRC WiThin the instiTUtIon and to idEntIfy and secure InsTitutiOnAl sUPport To pRomotE and enHAnce thE activitiEs OF the CeNTer. The ADMInIstrAtive Core will be hoUSeD", "whitespace_perturbation": " addressed, 3) to maintain and enhan ce in ter nal c ommu nica tion and coope r atio n among MCRC members a nd to p r omot e n ovelapproac h es t o a dd re sscl i ni cally re levantissues, an d 4 )to expand th e i nfluence o f t he MCRC with inthe in st itu t ion a ndto id entify and se cure inst it u tional support t oprom ote and enhance t h ea ctivities of t he Cen te r .T h e A dmi nistrative C ore w i ll be h o us e d ", "underscore_trick": " addressed,_3) to_maintain and enhance internal_communication and_cooperation_among MCRC_members_and to promote_novel approaches to_address clinically relevant issues,_and 4) to_expand_the influence of the MCRC within the institution and to identify and secure institutional_support_to promote_and_enhance_the activities of the Center._The Administrative Core will be_housed"} +{"text": " and older adults. Concerns about obesity and physical inactivity and their links to the onset, complications, and societal costs of diabetes have led to public health mandates at the national level-such as those included in Healthy People 2010-aimed at reversing those trends. Although prevention of diabetes is certainly an important goal,", "synonym_substitution": "and older adults. Concerns about obesity and forcible inaction and their links to the onset, complication, and social costs of diabetes have led to public health mandates at the home horizontal surface - such as those included in Healthy People 2010 - aim at reversing those trends. Although prevention of diabetes is surely an important goal,", "butter_fingers": " anf older adults. Concerns xbout obesity aue physmcal inzctivity and their links to the onsev, conplicqtions, and societal corts of diwbetes hqve owd to publmd healtm manswtes et the national level-such as those inclgddd in Healthy People 2010-aimed at reversigg thosr hrends. Althougr prtvegtioh of diabetes is certainly an impodtant gmal,", "random_deletion": "and older adults. Concerns about obesity and and links to onset, complications, and led public health mandates the national level-such those included in Healthy People 2010-aimed reversing those trends. Although prevention of diabetes is certainly an important goal,", "change_char_case": " and older adults. Concerns aboUt obesity aNd phySicAl iNaCtivIty aNd their links to THe onSet, complications, and socIetal CoSTs of DIaBetes Have led TO pUBLic HeAlTh mAnDAtEs at tHe nAtional Level-such aS thOsE included in HEAlThy People 2010-aImeD at reversing ThoSe trenDs. altHOugh pRevEntioN of diaBEtes is Certainly An IMportaNT goal,", "whitespace_perturbation": " and older adults. Concern s about ob esity an d p hy sica l in activity and t h eirlinks to the onset, co mplic at i ons, an d soc ietal c o st s ofdi ab ete sh av e led to public health ma nda te s at the nat i on al level-s uch as those in clu ded in H eal t hy Pe opl e 201 0-aime d at re versing t ho s e tren d s. Alth o u gh pre vention of diabet e si s certainly an impor ta n tg o al, ", "underscore_trick": " and_older adults._Concerns about obesity and_physical inactivity_and_their links_to_the onset, complications,_and societal costs_of diabetes have led_to public health_mandates_at the national level-such as those included in Healthy People 2010-aimed at reversing those_trends._Although prevention_of_diabetes_is certainly an important goal,"} +{"text": " describing organelle translocations in hepatocytes during regeneration; studying hormone effects of functioning islet cells on hepatic ultrastructure; studying the uptake and transport of asialoglycoproteins in hepatocytes; localizing apo-protein B and A-I using immunocytochemistry in rat hepatocytes and absorbtive cells of the intestine;", "synonym_substitution": "describing organelle translocations in hepatocytes during regeneration; studying hormone effect of officiate islet cells on hepatic ultrastructure; studying the consumption and transport of asialoglycoproteins in hepatocytes; localizing apo - protein B and A - I using immunocytochemistry in scab hepatocytes and absorbtive cells of the intestine;", "butter_fingers": " dedcribing organelle transuocations in hekarocytev durihg regendration; studying hormone effxcts of fynctioning islet cells on hepatpc ultrasrrucuure; studying the uptake and trzksporc if asialoglycokroteins in vepatocytes; lowauiving apo-protein B and A-I using immunjcytochrmlstry in rat hgpatobyees znd absorbtive cells of the intestjne;", "random_deletion": "describing organelle translocations in hepatocytes during regeneration; effects functioning islet on hepatic ultrastructure; of in hepatocytes; localizing B and A-I immunocytochemistry in rat hepatocytes and absorbtive of the intestine;", "change_char_case": " describing organelle translOcations in HepatOcyTes DuRing RegeNeration; studyiNG horMone effects of functioniNg islEt CElls ON hEpatiC ultrasTRuCTUre; StUdYinG tHE uPtake And TranspoRt of asialoGlyCoProteins in hePAtOcytes; locaLizIng apo-proteiN B aNd A-I usInG imMUnocyTocHemisTry in rAT hepatOcytes and AbSOrbtivE Cells of THE iNtesTine;", "whitespace_perturbation": " describing organelle tran slocations in h epa toc yt es d urin g regeneration ; stu dying hormone effectsof fu nc t ioni n gislet cellso nh e pat ic u ltr as t ru cture ; s tudying the uptak e a nd transport o f a sialoglyco pro teins in hep ato cytes; l oca l izing ap o-pro tein B and A- I using i mm u nocyto c hemistr y in rat hepatocytes anda bs o rbtive cells o f thein t es t i ne; ", "underscore_trick": " describing_organelle translocations_in hepatocytes during regeneration;_studying hormone_effects_of functioning_islet_cells on hepatic_ultrastructure; studying the_uptake and transport of_asialoglycoproteins in hepatocytes;_localizing_apo-protein B and A-I using immunocytochemistry in rat hepatocytes and absorbtive cells of the_intestine;"} +{"text": "WCCC clinical trials. This service is offered to all investigators participating in clinical trials requiring acquisition, processing, storage and shipping of samples for PK/PD/PG studies. Our previous studies have demonstrated the importance of human sis/PDGF-2 gene deregulation in its activation as an oncogene in cells responsive to PD", "synonym_substitution": "WCCC clinical trials. This service is offered to all investigators participate in clinical test requiring acquisition, processing, storage and transportation of samples for PK / PD / PG studies. Our previous study have demonstrated the importance of human sis / PDGF-2 gene deregulation in its activation as an oncogene in cell responsive to PD", "butter_fingers": "WCCF clinical trials. This strvice is offered to all invesfigators participating in clinical tcialw reqyiring acquisition, prozessing, snorage ane shmpping of samples for PK/IB/PG sfmdies. Iur previous sjudies have gemonstrated tve ilportance of human sis/PDGF-2 gene derqgulatipn in its activajion sf an oncogene in cells responsive to PS", "random_deletion": "WCCC clinical trials. This service is offered investigators in clinical requiring acquisition, processing, for studies. Our previous have demonstrated the of human sis/PDGF-2 gene deregulation in activation as an oncogene in cells responsive to PD", "change_char_case": "WCCC clinical trials. This serVice is offeRed to All InvEsTigaTors Participating iN ClinIcal trials requiring acqUisitIoN, ProcESsIng, stOrage anD ShIPPinG oF sAmpLeS FoR PK/PD/pG sTudies. OUr previous StuDiEs have demonsTRaTed the impoRtaNce of human siS/PDgF-2 gene DeRegULatioN in Its acTivatiON as an oNcogene in CeLLs respONsive to pd", "whitespace_perturbation": "WCCC clinical trials. This service i s off ere d t oallinve stigators part i cipa ting in clinical trial s req ui r inga cq uisit ion, pr o ce s s ing ,st ora ge an d shi ppi ng of s amples for PK /P D/PG studies . O ur previou s s tudies havedem onstra te d t h e imp ort anceof hum a n sis/ PDGF-2 ge ne deregu l ation i n it s ac tivation as an on c og e ne in cells re sponsi ve to P D", "underscore_trick": "WCCC clinical_trials. This_service is offered to_all investigators_participating_in clinical_trials_requiring acquisition, processing,_storage and shipping_of samples for PK/PD/PG_studies. Our previous_studies_have demonstrated the importance of human sis/PDGF-2 gene deregulation in its activation as an_oncogene_in cells_responsive_to_PD"} +{"text": "), i.e. during application. MDI is widely used in making flexible and rigid foams, coatings, elastomers and numerous other polyurethane-based products. Exposure to MDI is the best-recognized risk factor for the development of MDI asthma and exposure reduction is the primary strategy of disease prevention.", "synonym_substitution": "), i.e. during application. MDI is widely used in making elastic and inflexible foams, coatings, elastomers and numerous early polyurethane - based products. Exposure to MDI is the well - recognized risk component for the development of MDI asthma and exposure decrease is the primary strategy of disease prevention.", "butter_fingers": "), i.e. during application. MDI ls widely used iu makinj flexigle and figid foams, coatings, elastomxrs qnd nymerous other polyuretfane-based productw. Exkosure to MDI is vge best-vzcognjded rnsj factor for tme developmant of MDI astvmx cnd exposure reduction is the primarr stratrgj of disease ptevenuiog.", "random_deletion": "), i.e. during application. MDI is widely making and rigid coatings, elastomers and to is the best-recognized factor for the of MDI asthma and exposure reduction the primary strategy of disease prevention.", "change_char_case": "), i.e. during application. MDI is wIdely used iN makiNg fLexIbLe anD rigId foams, coatingS, ElasTomers and numerous other PolyuReTHane-BAsEd proDucts. ExPOsURE to mDi iS thE bESt-RecogNizEd risk fActor for thE deVeLopment of MDI AStHma and expoSurE reduction is The PrimarY sTraTEgy of DisEase pReventIOn.", "whitespace_perturbation": "), i.e. during application . MDI is w idely us edin mak ingflexible and r i gidfoams, coatings, elast omers a n d nu m er ous o ther po l yu r e tha ne -b ase dp ro ducts . E xposure to MDI is th ebest-recogni z ed risk fact orfor the deve lop ment o fMDI asthm a a nd ex posure reduct ion is th ep rimary strateg y of dis ease prevention.", "underscore_trick": "), i.e._during application._MDI is widely used_in making_flexible_and rigid_foams,_coatings, elastomers and_numerous other polyurethane-based_products. Exposure to MDI_is the best-recognized_risk_factor for the development of MDI asthma and exposure reduction is the primary strategy_of_disease prevention."} +{"text": "), mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT), depolarization and swelling, release of cytochrome c, and activation of both necrosis and caspase-dependent apoptosis in tumor cells. However, PC 4 and a recently synthesized PC 4 derivative PC 181 also localize to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and lysosomes. We hypothesize that damage to", "synonym_substitution": "), mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT), depolarization and swelling, release of cytochrome c, and energizing of both necrosis and caspase - pendent apoptosis in tumor cells. However, PC 4 and a recently synthesize personal computer 4 derivative PC 181 also localize to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and lysosome. We speculate that damage to", "butter_fingers": "), mihochondrial permeability transition (MPT), depolacizatioh and swdlling, release of cytochrome c, and qctivation of both necfosis and caspase-eepeident apoptosis mh tumor cells. Mowevzr, PC 4 and a recgntly synthevized PC 4 derieagire PC 181 also localize to endoplasmic weticulim (ER) and lysosoies. Eq hylothesize that damage to", "random_deletion": "), mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT), depolarization and of c, and of both necrosis cells. PC 4 and recently synthesized PC derivative PC 181 also localize to reticulum (ER) and lysosomes. We hypothesize that damage to", "change_char_case": "), mitochondrial permeability Transition (mPT), dePolAriZaTion And sWelling, release OF cytOchrome c, and activation oF both NeCRosiS AnD caspAse-depeNDeNT ApoPtOsIs iN tUMoR cellS. HoWever, PC 4 And a recentLy sYnThesized PC 4 deRIvAtive PC 181 alsO loCalize to endoPlaSmic reTiCulUM (ER) anD lySosomEs. We hyPOthesiZe that damAgE To", "whitespace_perturbation": "), mitochondrial permeabil ity transi tion(MP T), d epol ariz ation and swel l ing, release of cytochrome c, a nd acti v at ion o f bothn ec r o sis a nd ca sp a se -depe nde nt apop tosis in t umo rcells. Howev e r, PC 4 anda r ecently synt hes ized P C4 d e rivat ive PC 1 81 als o local ize to en do p lasmic reticul u m ( ER)and lysosomes. We hy p othesize thatdamage t o ", "underscore_trick": "), mitochondrial_permeability transition_(MPT), depolarization and swelling,_release of_cytochrome_c, and_activation_of both necrosis_and caspase-dependent apoptosis_in tumor cells. However,_PC 4 and_a_recently synthesized PC 4 derivative PC 181 also localize to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and_lysosomes._We hypothesize_that_damage_to"} +{"text": " plots, we found that less than 2% of the DNA elements which exhibited altered expression were selectively up- or down-regulated in either antisense ODN treated cells or antisense gene overexpressing cells. The microarray analysis of gene profiling is also underway in cells treated with CRE-decoy oligonucleotides. This approach will lead us to", "synonym_substitution": "plots, we found that less than 2% of the DNA elements which exhibited adapted formula were selectively up- or down - regulated in either antisense ODN treated cell or antisense gene overexpressing cell. The microarray analysis of gene profiling is also afoot in cells treated with CRE - decoy oligonucleotides. This approach will moderate us to", "butter_fingers": " pllts, we found that less tman 2% of the DNA glwments which exhibitdd altered expression were sxlecrivelt up- or down-regulated kn either antisenwe OVN treated cells or antisense fcne orecexpressing celks. The micsoarray analyshs oy gene profiling is also underway in cells yrfated with CRE-qecoj jligknucleotides. This approach will lezd us tm", "random_deletion": "plots, we found that less than 2% DNA which exhibited expression were selectively antisense treated cells or gene overexpressing cells. microarray analysis of gene profiling is underway in cells treated with CRE-decoy oligonucleotides. This approach will lead us to", "change_char_case": " plots, we found that less than 2% oF the DNA eleMents WhiCh eXhIbitEd alTered expressioN Were Selectively up- or down-regUlateD iN EithER aNtiseNse ODN tREaTED ceLlS oR anTiSEnSe genE ovErexpreSsing cells. the MiCroarray analYSiS of gene proFilIng is also undErwAy in ceLlS trEAted wIth cRE-deCoy oliGOnucleOtides. ThiS aPProach WIll lead US To", "whitespace_perturbation": " plots, we found that less than 2% o f the DN A e le ment s wh ich exhibiteda lter ed expression were sel ectiv el y up- or down -regula t ed i n e it he r a nt i se nse O DNtreated cells orant is ense gene ov e re xpressingcel ls. The micr oar ray an al ysi s of g ene prof ilingi s also underway i n cells treated w it h CR E-decoy oligonucl e ot i des. This appr oach w il l l e a d u s t o", "underscore_trick": " plots,_we found_that less than 2%_of the_DNA_elements which_exhibited_altered expression were_selectively up- or_down-regulated in either antisense_ODN treated cells_or_antisense gene overexpressing cells. The microarray analysis of gene profiling is also underway in_cells_treated with_CRE-decoy_oligonucleotides._This approach will lead us_to"} +{"text": "particularly in cerebral cortex layers I-IV) and thyroid gland and hormone differences that exist in the hyt/hyt hypothyroid mouse fetus and neonate relative to normal mouse offspring; and 2) To choose and isolate, several mouse brain mRNAs which are regulated by thyroid hormone(s) during the intrauterine", "synonym_substitution": "particularly in cerebral cortex layers I - IV) and thyroid gland and hormone dispute that exist in the hyt / hyt hypothyroid mouse fetus and neonate relative to normal shiner offspring; and 2) To choose and isolate, respective mouse genius mRNAs which are regulated by thyroid hormone(s) during the intrauterine", "butter_fingers": "parhicularly in cerebral covtex layers I-IV) cbd thycoid glznd and formone differences that exidt in tye hyt/hyt hypothyroid oouse fetls and neinatt relative to normal mousc offairing; end 2) To choose snd isolata, several mousa crcin mRNAs which are regulated by thywoid hotmlne(s) during thg intgatterjne", "random_deletion": "particularly in cerebral cortex layers I-IV) and and differences that in the hyt/hyt relative normal mouse offspring; 2) To choose isolate, several mouse brain mRNAs which regulated by thyroid hormone(s) during the intrauterine", "change_char_case": "particularly in cerebral corTex layers I-iV) and ThyRoiD gLand And hOrmone differenCEs thAt exist in the hyt/hyt hypoThyroId MOuse FEtUs and Neonate RElATIve To NoRmaL mOUsE offsPriNg; and 2) To Choose and iSolAtE, several mousE BrAin mRNAs whIch Are regulated By tHyroid HoRmoNE(s) durIng The inTrauteRIne", "whitespace_perturbation": "particularly in cerebral c ortex laye rs I- IV) an dthyr oidgland and horm o ne d ifferences that existin th eh yt/h y thypot hyroidm ou s e fe tu sand n e on ate r ela tive to normal mo use o ffspring; an d 2 ) To choos e a nd isolate,sev eral m ou seb rainmRN As wh ich ar e regul ated by t hy r oid ho r mone(s) d ur ingthe intrauterine", "underscore_trick": "particularly in_cerebral cortex_layers I-IV) and thyroid_gland and_hormone_differences that_exist_in the hyt/hyt_hypothyroid mouse fetus_and neonate relative to_normal mouse offspring;_and_2) To choose and isolate, several mouse brain mRNAs which are regulated by thyroid_hormone(s)_during the_intrauterine"} +{"text": "amic acid). Two stages of excitotoxic neuronal damage have been identified: and early phase, occurring in minutes, associated with osmotic imbalance, cellular swelling, and lysis; and a delayed phase, characterized by elevated intracellular calcium. One major homeostatic element which counteracts events underlying both phases of excitotoxicity is the sodium pump", "synonym_substitution": "amic acid). Two stages of excitotoxic neuronal damage have been identified: and early phase, occur in moment, associated with osmotic imbalance, cellular swelling, and lysis; and a delay phase, characterized by elevated intracellular calcium. One major homeostatic component which counteracts events underlie both phases of excitotoxicity is the sodium pump", "butter_fingers": "amif acid). Two stages of excltotoxic neuronal damagx have geen idevtified: and early phase, occucrint in ninutes, associated witf osmotic imbalanxe, ctllular swelling, ehd lysis; and z delcyxd phase, characjerized by enevated intracaluupar calcium. One major homeostatic ejement ehlch counteractf evtntf unsvroying both phases of excitotosicity ps the sodium puml", "random_deletion": "amic acid). Two stages of excitotoxic neuronal been and early occurring in minutes, swelling, lysis; and a phase, characterized by intracellular calcium. One major homeostatic element counteracts events underlying both phases of excitotoxicity is the sodium pump", "change_char_case": "amic acid). Two stages of excitoToxic neuroNal daMagE haVe Been IdenTified: and early PHase, Occurring in minutes, assoCiateD wITh osMOtIc imbAlance, cELlULAr sWeLlIng, AnD LySis; anD a dElayed pHase, characTerIzEd by elevated INtRacellular CalCium. One major HomEostatIc EleMEnt whIch CountEracts EVents uNderlying BoTH phaseS Of excitOTOxIcitY is the sodium pump", "whitespace_perturbation": "amic acid). Two stages ofexcitotoxi c neu ron alda mage hav e been identif i ed:and early phase, occur ringin minu t es , ass ociated wi t h os mo ti c i mb a la nce,cel lular s welling, a ndly sis; and a d e la yed phase, ch aracterizedbyelevat ed in t racel lul ar ca lcium. One ma jor homeo st a tic el e ment wh i c hcoun teracts events un d er l ying both phas es ofex c it o t oxi cit y is the s od ium p u mp", "underscore_trick": "amic acid)._Two stages_of excitotoxic neuronal damage_have been_identified:_and early_phase,_occurring in minutes,_associated with osmotic_imbalance, cellular swelling, and_lysis; and a_delayed_phase, characterized by elevated intracellular calcium. One major homeostatic element which counteracts events underlying_both_phases of_excitotoxicity_is_the sodium pump"} +{"text": " care arrangements. Thus, the sample is well-suited to study how multiple sources of disadvantage influence child health and development. The data are also unique in containing detailed information on mothers, fathers, and their relationships with each other. The information on unmarried fathers, in particular, allows us to follow a group of men", "synonym_substitution": "care arrangements. Thus, the sample is well - befit to analyze how multiple sources of disadvantage influence child health and development. The data are besides unique in containing detailed information on mother, fathers, and their relationships with each early. The data on unmarried fathers, in particular, allow us to follow a group of men", "butter_fingers": " cage arrangements. Thus, the sample is well-suited vo studg how muutiple sources of disadvantaje ibfluebce child health and ddvelopmenn. The datq art also unique in rkntainiky detzlled nnhormation on mojhers, fatherv, and their renagilnships with each other. The informaeion on ujmarried fathets, in [artjbuoar, allows us to follow a grohp of mtn", "random_deletion": "care arrangements. Thus, the sample is well-suited how sources of influence child health also in containing detailed on mothers, fathers, their relationships with each other. The on unmarried fathers, in particular, allows us to follow a group of men", "change_char_case": " care arrangements. Thus, the saMple is well-SuiteD to StuDy How mUltiPle sources of diSAdvaNtage influence child heaLth anD dEVeloPMeNt. The Data are ALsO UNiqUe In ConTaINiNg detAilEd inforMation on moTheRs, Fathers, and thEIr RelationshIps With each otheR. ThE inforMaTioN On unmArrIed faThers, iN ParticUlar, allowS uS To follOW a group OF MeN", "whitespace_perturbation": " care arrangements. Thus,the sample is w ell -su it ed t o st udy how multip l e so urces of disadvantageinflu en c e ch i ld heal th andd ev e l opm en t. Th ed at a are al so uniq ue in cont ain in g detailed i n fo rmation on mo thers, fathe rs, and t he irr elati ons hipswith e a ch oth er. The i nf o rmatio n on unm a r ri ed f athers, in partic u la r , allows us to follo wa g r o upofmen", "underscore_trick": " care_arrangements. Thus,_the sample is well-suited_to study_how_multiple sources_of_disadvantage influence child_health and development._The data are also_unique in containing_detailed_information on mothers, fathers, and their relationships with each other. The information on unmarried_fathers,_in particular,_allows_us_to follow a group of_men"} +{"text": " CD69 interacts with and down-modulates surface expression and function of S1P1, a G protein coupled receptor, leading to transient lymphocyte sequestration. In addition, engagement of the antigen receptor on T cells leads to transcriptional down-regulation of S1P1 mRNA expression and a prolonged inhibition of lymphocyte egress", "synonym_substitution": "CD69 interacts with and down - modulates surface expression and function of S1P1, a deoxyguanosine monophosphate protein pair receptor, leading to transient lymphocyte segregation. In addition, engagement of the antigen receptor on thyroxine cells leads to transcriptional down - rule of S1P1 mRNA formula and a prolonged prohibition of lymphocyte egress", "butter_fingers": " CD69 interacts with and down-oodulates surfaew exprxssion znd funcgion of S1P1, a G protein couplxd rwceptir, leading to transieng lymphocjte sequewtrauion. In addition, xhgagemekc of fme ancijen receptor on T cells laads to transcsiotnonal down-regulation of S1P1 mRNA exprqssion snf a prolonged ynhinytioh of lymphocyte egress", "random_deletion": "CD69 interacts with and down-modulates surface expression of a G coupled receptor, leading addition, of the antigen on T cells to transcriptional down-regulation of S1P1 mRNA and a prolonged inhibition of lymphocyte egress", "change_char_case": " CD69 interacts with and down-modUlates surfAce exPreSsiOn And fUnctIon of S1P1, a G proteIN couPled receptor, leading to tRansiEnT LympHOcYte seQuestraTIoN. iN adDiTiOn, eNgAGeMent oF thE antigeN receptor oN T cElLs leads to traNScRiptional dOwn-Regulation of s1P1 mrNA expReSsiON and a ProLongeD inhibITion of LymphocytE eGRess", "whitespace_perturbation": " CD69 interacts with and d own-modula tes s urf ace e xpre ssio n and function of S 1P1, a G protein coupl ed re ce p tor, le ading to tra n si e n t l ym ph ocy te se quest rat ion. In addition, en ga gement of th e a ntigen rec ept or on T cell s l eads t otra n scrip tio nal d own-re g ulatio n of S1P1 m R NA exp r essiona n da pr olonged inhibitio n o f lymphocyte eg ress", "underscore_trick": " CD69_interacts with_and down-modulates surface expression_and function_of_S1P1, a_G_protein coupled receptor,_leading to transient_lymphocyte sequestration. In addition,_engagement of the_antigen_receptor on T cells leads to transcriptional down-regulation of S1P1 mRNA expression and a_prolonged_inhibition of_lymphocyte_egress"} +{"text": " C. burnetii during the host-parasite interaction. We also will examine plasmids and the chromosome for alternative virulence functions; factors that enhance intracellular survival and growth and thus pathogenesis. We will clone genes encoding key metabolic functions as well as those shown to be important for intracellular survival of other organisms. These genes will", "synonym_substitution": "C. burnetii during the host - parasite interaction. We also will examine plasmid and the chromosome for alternate virulence function; factors that enhance intracellular survival and growth and therefore pathogenesis. We will clone genes encoding key metabolic function as well as those shown to be significant for intracellular survival of other organisms. These gene will", "butter_fingers": " C. hurnetii during the host-karasite interactnin. We elso wiml examive plasmids and the chromosole for qlternative virulence wunctions; factors thau enhance intracellular smxvivam and jrowth and thus pathogenevis. We will clmnd yenes encoding key metabolic functiogs as wrlp as those shorn tp be jmportant for intracellular survivzl of ouher organisms. Thexe genes will", "random_deletion": "C. burnetii during the host-parasite interaction. We examine and the for alternative virulence survival growth and thus We will clone encoding key metabolic functions as well those shown to be important for intracellular survival of other organisms. These genes", "change_char_case": " C. burnetii during the host-parAsite interActioN. We AlsO wIll eXamiNe plasmids and tHE chrOmosome for alternative vIruleNcE FuncTIoNs; facTors thaT EnHANce InTrAceLlULaR survIvaL and groWth and thus PatHoGenesis. We wilL ClOne genes enCodIng key metaboLic FunctiOnS as WEll as ThoSe shoWn to be IMportaNt for intrAcELlular SUrvival OF OtHer oRganisms. These geneS WiLL", "whitespace_perturbation": " C. burnetii during the ho st-parasit e int era cti on . We als o will examine plas mids and the chromosom e for a l tern a ti ve vi rulence fu n c tio ns ;fac to r sthatenh ance in tracellula r s ur vival and gr o wt h and thus pa thogenesis.Wewill c lo neg enesenc oding key m e taboli c functio ns as wel l as tho s e s hown to be importantf or intracellularsurviv al of o the r o rganisms.Th ese g e nes wil l ", "underscore_trick": " C._burnetii during_the host-parasite interaction. We_also will_examine_plasmids and_the_chromosome for alternative_virulence functions; factors_that enhance intracellular survival_and growth and_thus_pathogenesis. We will clone genes encoding key metabolic functions as well as those shown_to_be important_for_intracellular_survival of other organisms. These_genes will"} +{"text": " antibody responses to the N-terminal immuno-silent region of MSP1-42, MSP1-33, biologically active antibodies can be produced when combined with low concentrations of anti-MSP1-42 antibodies. This creates an opportunity to devise new vaccine constructs and/or immunization regimens to efficiently induce protective", "synonym_substitution": "antibody responses to the N - terminal immuno - silent region of MSP1 - 42, MSP1 - 33, biologically active antibody can be produce when combined with low concentration of anti - MSP1 - 42 antibody. This creates an opportunity to devise new vaccine construct and/or immunization regimens to efficiently induce protective", "butter_fingers": " anhibody responses to the K-terminal immuno-silent cegion kf MSP1-42, MRP1-33, biologically active antibldues cqn be produced when coobined winh low cobcenurations of anti-MSP1-42 antibodies. Fmis cxeetes an opportukity to devhse new vaccina zoustructs and/or immunization regimens to effoclently induce krotebtyve", "random_deletion": "antibody responses to the N-terminal immuno-silent region MSP1-33, active antibodies be produced when anti-MSP1-42 This creates an to devise new constructs and/or immunization regimens to efficiently protective", "change_char_case": " antibody responses to the N-teRminal immuNo-silEnt RegIoN of MsP1-42, MSp1-33, biologically aCTive Antibodies can be produceD when CoMBineD WiTh low ConcentRAtIONs oF aNtI-MSp1-42 aNTiBodieS. ThIs creatEs an opportUniTy To devise new vACcIne construCts And/or immunizAtiOn regiMeNs tO EfficIenTly inDuce prOTectivE", "whitespace_perturbation": " antibody responses to the N-termina l imm uno -si le nt r egio n of MSP1-42,M SP1- 33, biologically activ e ant ib o dies ca n beproduce d w h e n c om bi ned w i th lowcon centrat ions of an ti- MS P1-42 antibo d ie s. This cr eat es an opport uni ty tode vis e newvac cineconstr u cts an d/or immu ni z ationr egimens t oeffi ciently induce pr o te c tive", "underscore_trick": " antibody_responses to_the N-terminal immuno-silent region_of MSP1-42,_MSP1-33,_biologically active_antibodies_can be produced_when combined with_low concentrations of anti-MSP1-42_antibodies. This creates_an_opportunity to devise new vaccine constructs and/or immunization regimens to efficiently induce protective"} +{"text": "idine based heterocycles. The library will consist of 5-10 milligrams each of a total of 384 compounds. SPSC will accomplish this by utilizing it's novel high-loading support and commercially available solvent delivery robot. Specifically, libraries will be made off of this high-loading support to separate the desired products from undes", "synonym_substitution": "idine based heterocycles. The library will consist of 5 - 10 milligrams each of a sum of 384 compound. SPSC will accomplish this by utilizing it's novel gamey - loading support and commercially available solvent manner of speaking robot. Specifically, libraries will be make off of this high - loading accompaniment to separate the desired intersection from undes", "butter_fingers": "idije based heterocycles. Tht library will couwist oh 5-10 milljgrams exch of a total of 384 compounds. SPSC wull accomplish this by utilizinh it's nocel iigh-loading support and gjmmedgiallv evailable solvekt delivery robot. Specifiwaulv, libraries will be made off of this high-losdlng support to sepswate nht desired products from undes", "random_deletion": "idine based heterocycles. The library will consist milligrams of a of 384 compounds. utilizing novel high-loading support commercially available solvent robot. Specifically, libraries will be made of this high-loading support to separate the desired products from undes", "change_char_case": "idine based heterocycles. The Library wilL consIst Of 5-10 mIlLigrAms eAch of a total of 384 cOMpouNds. SPSC will accomplish tHis by UtILiziNG iT's novEl high-lOAdING suPpOrT anD cOMmErciaLly AvailabLe solvent dEliVeRy robot. SpeciFIcAlly, librarIes Will be made ofF of This hiGh-LoaDIng suPpoRt to sEparatE The desIred produCtS From unDEs", "whitespace_perturbation": "idine based heterocycles.The librar y wil l c ons is t of 5-1 0 milligrams e a ch o f a total of 384 compo unds. S P SC w i ll acco mplisht hi s byut il izi ng it 's no vel high-l oading sup por tand commerci a ll y availabl e s olvent deliv ery robot .Spe c ifica lly , lib raries will b e made of fo f this high-lo a d in g su pport to separate th e desired produ cts fr om un d e s", "underscore_trick": "idine based_heterocycles. The_library will consist of_5-10 milligrams_each_of a_total_of 384 compounds._SPSC will accomplish_this by utilizing it's_novel high-loading support_and_commercially available solvent delivery robot. Specifically, libraries will be made off of this high-loading_support_to separate_the_desired_products from undes"} +{"text": " to test mechanisms of interest in parallel studies of mice and patients. In the proposed program we plan to study novel human glycosyltransferases. Much emphasis will be made on the identification and characterization of enzymes present in ovarian epithelial linings and fluids. Synthesis of various oligosaccharides which can be effectively employed as acceptor-substr", "synonym_substitution": "to test mechanisms of interest in parallel studies of mouse and patient. In the proposed program we plan to learn novel human glycosyltransferases. Much emphasis will be have on the identification and characterization of enzyme present in ovarian epithelial lining and fluids. deduction of various oligosaccharides which can be effectively employed as acceptor - substr", "butter_fingers": " to test mechanisms of intevest in parallel studiev of mjce and oatients. In the proposed projram we poan to study novel humxn glycosjltransfeeasew. Much empheais will be mzfe ou vhe identificatlon and chasacterization mf euzymes present in ovarian epithelial liningx wnd fluids. Synjhesix of barious oligosaccharides which can be efftctively employed ss acceptor-substr", "random_deletion": "to test mechanisms of interest in parallel mice patients. In proposed program we glycosyltransferases. emphasis will be on the identification characterization of enzymes present in ovarian linings and fluids. Synthesis of various oligosaccharides which can be effectively employed as", "change_char_case": " to test mechanisms of interesT in paralleL studIes Of mIcE and PatiEnts. In the propoSEd prOgram we plan to study noveL humaN gLYcosYLtRansfErases. MUCh EMPhaSiS wIll Be MAdE on thE idEntificAtion and chAraCtErization of eNZyMes present In oVarian epitheLiaL lininGs And FLuids. synThesiS of varIOus oliGosaccharIdES which CAn be effECTiVely Employed as acceptoR-SuBStr", "whitespace_perturbation": " to test mechanisms of int erest in p arall elstu di es o f mi ce and patient s . In the proposed programwe pl an to s t ud y nov el huma n g l y cos yl tr ans fe r as es. M uch emphas is will be ma de on the iden t if ication an d c haracterizat ion of en zy mes prese ntin ov ariane pithel ial linin gs and fl u ids. Sy n t he sisof various oligos a cc h arides which c an beef f ec t i vel y e mployed as a ccept o r-subst r ", "underscore_trick": " to_test mechanisms_of interest in parallel_studies of_mice_and patients._In_the proposed program_we plan to_study novel human glycosyltransferases._Much emphasis will_be_made on the identification and characterization of enzymes present in ovarian epithelial linings and_fluids._Synthesis of_various_oligosaccharides_which can be effectively employed_as acceptor-substr"} +{"text": " effect on PAF. We propose to investigate the PAF signaling pathway and the role of lipoxygenase metabolites in the transcription of collagenase type 1. PAF antagonists and lipoxygenase inhibitors will be evaluated to determine their sites of action and to correlate their biochemical effects with the clinical evolution of corneal ulcers. Another goal", "synonym_substitution": "effect on PAF. We propose to investigate the PAF signaling pathway and the function of lipoxygenase metabolite in the transcription of collagenase type 1. PAF antagonist and lipoxygenase inhibitor will be evaluated to determine their sites of military action and to correlate their biochemical effects with the clinical evolution of corneal ulcer. Another finish", "butter_fingers": " efvect on PAF. We propose tu investigate tkw PAF vignaljng pathday and the role of lipoxygeiase metavolites in the transcrkption of collagebase rype 1. PAF ehtagonists ans lipmeygenase inhibijors will be evaluated to gegexmine their sites of action and to cjrrelatr hheir biochemisal tffqcts with the clinical evolution of codneal uncers. Another goal", "random_deletion": "effect on PAF. We propose to investigate signaling and the of lipoxygenase metabolites type PAF antagonists and inhibitors will be to determine their sites of action to correlate their biochemical effects with the clinical evolution of corneal ulcers. Another", "change_char_case": " effect on PAF. We propose to invEstigate thE PAF sIgnAliNg PathWay aNd the role of lipOXygeNase metabolites in the trAnscrIpTIon oF CoLlageNase typE 1. pAf ANtaGoNiSts AnD LiPoxygEnaSe inhibItors will bE evAlUated to deterMInE their siteS of Action and to cOrrElate tHeIr bIOchemIcaL effeCts witH The cliNical evolUtIOn of coRNeal ulcERS. ANothEr goal", "whitespace_perturbation": " effect on PAF. We propose to invest igate th e P AF sig nali ng pathway and therole of lipoxygenase m etabo li t es i n t he tr anscrip t io n ofco ll age na s etype1.PAF ant agonists a ndli poxygenase i n hi bitors wil l b e evaluatedtodeterm in e t h eir s ite s ofaction and to correlat et heir b i ochemic a l e ffec ts with the clini c al evolution of c orneal u l ce r s . A not her goal", "underscore_trick": " effect_on PAF._We propose to investigate_the PAF_signaling_pathway and_the_role of lipoxygenase_metabolites in the_transcription of collagenase type_1. PAF antagonists_and_lipoxygenase inhibitors will be evaluated to determine their sites of action and to correlate_their_biochemical effects_with_the_clinical evolution of corneal ulcers._Another goal"} +{"text": " of muscle fibers. For example, (i) Instantaneous elastic response (To T1) and the magnitude of rapid recovery (T2 - T1) after a step length change can be explained well when the rate of attachment is assumed high for positive x. In that case T2 corresponds to the force generated by", "synonym_substitution": "of muscle fibers. For example, (i) Instantaneous elastic reception (To T1) and the order of magnitude of rapid recovery (T2 - T1) after a step duration variety can be explained well when the rate of attachment is assume high for positive x. In that event T2 corresponds to the force generated by", "butter_fingers": " of muscle fibers. For exampue, (i) Instantaneous elavtic rssponse (Go T1) and the magnitude of ra'id eecovtgy (T2 - T1) after a step uength chwnge can be txplained well whxh the rate of wttaehnent is assumec high for positive x. In tfac case T2 corresponds to the force gegerated bj", "random_deletion": "of muscle fibers. For example, (i) Instantaneous (To and the of rapid recovery step change can be well when the of attachment is assumed high for x. In that case T2 corresponds to the force generated by", "change_char_case": " of muscle fibers. For example, (i) instantaneOus elAstIc rEsPonsE (To T1) And the magnitudE Of raPid recovery (T2 - T1) after a steP lengTh CHangE CaN be exPlained WElL WHen ThE rAte Of ATtAchmeNt iS assumeD high for poSitIvE x. In that case t2 CoRresponds tO thE force generaTed By", "whitespace_perturbation": " of muscle fibers. For exa mple, (i)Insta nta neo us ela stic response (ToT 1) a nd the magnitude of ra pid r ec o very (T 2 - T 1) afte r a s tep l en gth c h an ge ca n b e expla ined wellwhe nthe rate ofa tt achment is as sumed high f orpositi ve x. In th atcaseT2 cor r espond s to thefo r ce gen e rated b y ", "underscore_trick": " of_muscle fibers._For example, (i) Instantaneous_elastic response_(To_T1) and_the_magnitude of rapid_recovery (T2 -_T1) after a step_length change can_be_explained well when the rate of attachment is assumed high for positive x. In_that_case T2_corresponds_to_the force generated by"} +{"text": " mechanism(s) of mutant SOD1-mediated toxicity and to define a potential role for the mitochondrial mutant SOD1/Bcl-2 complex in ALS pathogenesis. The specific aims are: 1) (A) To determine whether WT SOD1 pro-survival activity depends on its binding to Bcl-2, and", "synonym_substitution": "mechanism(s) of mutant SOD1 - mediated toxicity and to define a potential function for the mitochondrial mutant SOD1 / Bcl-2 building complex in ALS pathogenesis. The specific aims are: 1) (A) To settle whether WT SOD1 pro - survival bodily process depends on its binding to Bcl-2, and", "butter_fingers": " mefhanism(s) of mutant SOD1-meaiated toxicity and to defins a potevtial role for the mitochondcial mutabt SOD1/Bcl-2 complex in AUS pathogvnesis. Thw sptcific aims are: 1) (E) To detcxmine ahetkec WT SOD1 pro-suryival activhty depends on igs binding to Bcl-2, and", "random_deletion": "mechanism(s) of mutant SOD1-mediated toxicity and to potential for the mutant SOD1/Bcl-2 complex aims 1) (A) To whether WT SOD1 activity depends on its binding to and", "change_char_case": " mechanism(s) of mutant SOD1-mediAted toxiciTy and To dEfiNe A potEntiAl role for the miTOchoNdrial mutant SOD1/Bcl-2 compLex in aLs PathOGeNesis. the specIFiC AIms ArE: 1) (A) to dEtERmIne whEthEr WT SOD1 Pro-survivaL acTiVity depends oN ItS binding to bcl-2, And", "whitespace_perturbation": " mechanism(s) of mutant SO D1-mediate d tox ici tyan d to def ine a potentia l rol e for the mitochondria l mut an t SOD 1 /B cl-2complex in A LSpa th oge ne s is . The sp ecificaims are:1)(A ) To determi n ewhether WT SO D1 pro-survi val activ it y d e pends on itsbindin g to Bc l-2, and", "underscore_trick": " mechanism(s)_of mutant_SOD1-mediated toxicity and to_define a_potential_role for_the_mitochondrial mutant SOD1/Bcl-2_complex in ALS_pathogenesis. The specific aims_are: 1) (A)_To_determine whether WT SOD1 pro-survival activity depends on its binding to Bcl-2, and"} +{"text": ". In carrying out this proposal, we plan to take advantage of our studies involving the characterization of normal epithelial keratin glycosylation and phosphorylation. For example, we recently showed that keratins 8 and 18 are O-linked glycoproteins with glycosylation sites consisting of single N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc", "synonym_substitution": ". In carrying out this proposal, we plan to take advantage of our report imply the characterization of normal epithelial keratin glycosylation and phosphorylation. For example, we recently showed that keratins 8 and 18 are O - connect glycoproteins with glycosylation sites consist of unmarried N - acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc", "butter_fingers": ". In carrying out this proporal, we plan to jaje adventage kf our sgudies involving the charactxrizqtion of normal epithelial yeratin gpycosylarion qnd phosphorylatiok. For cxampnx, we recently smowed that neratins 8 and 18 afe O-linked glycoproteins with glycosyjation xihes consisting of xyngls N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc", "random_deletion": ". In carrying out this proposal, we take of our involving the characterization and For example, we showed that keratins and 18 are O-linked glycoproteins with sites consisting of single N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc", "change_char_case": ". In carrying out this proposal, We plan to taKe advAntAge Of Our sTudiEs involving the CHaraCterization of normal epiTheliAl KEratIN gLycosYlation ANd PHOspHoRyLatIoN. foR examPle, We recenTly showed tHat KeRatins 8 and 18 are o-LiNked glycopRotEins with glycOsyLation SiTes COnsisTinG of siNgle N-aCEtylglUcosamine (glCnAc", "whitespace_perturbation": ". In carrying out this pro posal, weplantotak eadva ntag e of our studi e s in volving the characteri zatio no f no r ma l epi thelial ke r a tin g ly cos yl a ti on an d p hosphor ylation. F orex ample, we re c en tly showed th at keratins8 a nd 18ar e O - linke d g lycop rotein s withglycosyla ti o n site s consis t i ng ofsingle N-acetylgl u co s amine (GlcNAc", "underscore_trick": ". In_carrying out_this proposal, we plan_to take_advantage_of our_studies_involving the characterization_of normal epithelial_keratin glycosylation and phosphorylation._For example, we_recently_showed that keratins 8 and 18 are O-linked glycoproteins with glycosylation sites consisting of_single_N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc"} +{"text": " the high and low expression levels of IL-15 obtained from Specific Aim 1 will be used to correlate expression levels of IL-15 with tumor regression. We will analyze the local and systemic cellular infiltrate stimulated by plL-15/EP using FACS, immunohistochemistry, Luminex bead array, TUNEL and EL", "synonym_substitution": "the high and low expression levels of IL-15 prevail from Specific Aim 1 will be use to correlate expression levels of IL-15 with tumor regression. We will analyze the local and systemic cellular infiltrate induce by plL-15 / EP using FACS, immunohistochemistry, Luminex bead array, TUNEL and EL", "butter_fingers": " thf high and low expressiok levels of IL-15 oyrained from Apecific Aim 1 will be used to correlete wxprewsion levels of IL-15 witf tumor rvgression. We xill analyze the local akb sysfcmic eeolular infiltrste stimuldted by plL-15/EP gskny FACS, immunohistochemistry, Luminex fead artaj, TUNEL and EL", "random_deletion": "the high and low expression levels of from Aim 1 be used to with regression. We will the local and cellular infiltrate stimulated by plL-15/EP using immunohistochemistry, Luminex bead array, TUNEL and EL", "change_char_case": " the high and low expression leVels of IL-15 obTaineD frOm SPeCifiC Aim 1 Will be used to coRRelaTe expression levels of IL-15 With tUmOR regREsSion. WE will anALyZE The LoCaL anD sYStEmic cEllUlar infIltrate stiMulAtEd by plL-15/EP usiNG FaCS, immunohIstOchemistry, LuMinEx bead ArRay, tuNEL aNd El", "whitespace_perturbation": " the high and low expressi on levelsof IL -15 ob ta ined fro m Specific Aim 1 wi ll be used to correlat e exp re s sion le velsof IL-1 5 w i t h t um or re gr e ss ion.Wewill an alyze theloc al and systemi c c ellular in fil trate stimul ate d by p lL -15 / EP us ing FACS , immu n ohisto chemistry ,L uminex bead ar r a y, TUN EL and EL", "underscore_trick": " the_high and_low expression levels of_IL-15 obtained_from_Specific Aim_1_will be used_to correlate expression_levels of IL-15 with_tumor regression. We_will_analyze the local and systemic cellular infiltrate stimulated by plL-15/EP using FACS, immunohistochemistry, Luminex_bead_array, TUNEL_and_EL"} +{"text": " be studied in chimpanzees. In other studies, we have constructed chimeric genomes from infectious cDNA clones of HCV and bovine viral diarrhea virus. These genomes can replicate in transfected cells but the resultant viral products cannot assemble into infectious virus in the absence of helper virus.We have determined the genetic heterogeneity of HCV isolates that", "synonym_substitution": "be studied in chimpanzees. In other studies, we have construct chimeric genome from infectious cDNA clones of HCV and bovine viral diarrhea virus. These genome can replicate in transfected cell but the resultant viral product cannot meet into infectious virus in the absence of helper virus. We have determined the genetic heterogeneity of HCV isolates that", "butter_fingers": " be studied in chimpanzees. Ln other studies, we havx constducted cfimeric genomes from infectiluw cDNQ clones of HCV and boxine virap diarrhwa vmrus. These genomxa can rc'licafc in crensfected cells but the rasultant viral pfobucts cannot assemble into infectiouf virus ij the absence jf htlpqr vjguw.We have determined the genetjc hetegogeneity of HCV osolates that", "random_deletion": "be studied in chimpanzees. In other studies, constructed genomes from cDNA clones of virus. genomes can replicate transfected cells but resultant viral products cannot assemble into virus in the absence of helper virus.We have determined the genetic heterogeneity of isolates that", "change_char_case": " be studied in chimpanzees. In oTher studieS, we haVe cOnsTrUcteD chiMeric genomes frOM infEctious cDNA clones of HCV And boViNE virAL dIarrhEa virus. tHeSE GenOmEs Can RePLiCate iN trAnsfectEd cells but The ReSultant viral PRoDucts cannoT asSemble into inFecTious vIrUs iN The abSenCe of hElper vIRus.We hAve determInED the geNEtic hetEROgEneiTy of HCV isolates thAT", "whitespace_perturbation": " be studied in chimpanzees . In other stud ies , w ehave con structed chime r ic g enomes from infectious cDNA c l ones of HCVand bov i ne v ira ldi arr he a v irus. Th ese gen omes can r epl ic ate in trans f ec ted cellsbut the resulta ntviralpr odu c ts ca nno t ass emblei nto in fectiousvi r us int he abse n c eof h elper virus.We ha v ed etermined thegeneti ch et e r oge nei ty of HCVis olate s that", "underscore_trick": " be_studied in_chimpanzees. In other studies,_we have_constructed_chimeric genomes_from_infectious cDNA clones_of HCV and_bovine viral diarrhea virus._These genomes can_replicate_in transfected cells but the resultant viral products cannot assemble into infectious virus in_the_absence of_helper_virus.We_have determined the genetic heterogeneity_of HCV isolates that"} +{"text": " cytometry. HLA or non-HLA specificity will be determined by neutralization of antibody with purified HLA antigens. For the second objective, patients with prior allosensitization will be randomized into 2 groups. 1) Group A will receive HLA matched single donor blood products. 2) Group B will receive random single donor blood", "synonym_substitution": "cytometry. HLA or non - HLA specificity will be determined by neutralization of antibody with purified HLA antigens. For the second objective, patient with anterior allosensitization will be randomized into 2 groups. 1) Group A will welcome HLA match single donor blood product. 2) Group B will meet random single donor rake", "butter_fingers": " cyhometry. HLA or non-HLA sptcificity will be determmned by neutralkzation of antibody with purmfiee HLA antigens. For the secovd objectpve, patiebts xith prior allosxhsitizabnon wjpl bz candomized into 2 groups. 1) Croup A will racdire HLA matched single donor blood prjducts. 2) Ggoup B will reseivt rwndoj single donor blood", "random_deletion": "cytometry. HLA or non-HLA specificity will be neutralization antibody with HLA antigens. For prior will be randomized 2 groups. 1) A will receive HLA matched single blood products. 2) Group B will receive random single donor blood", "change_char_case": " cytometry. HLA or non-HLA speciFicity will Be detErmIneD bY neuTralIzation of antibODy wiTh purified HLA antigens. FOr the SeCOnd oBJeCtive, PatientS WiTH PriOr AlLosEnSItIzatiOn wIll be raNdomized inTo 2 gRoUps. 1) Group A wilL ReCeive HLA maTchEd single donoR blOod proDuCts. 2) gRoup B WilL receIve ranDOm singLe donor blOoD", "whitespace_perturbation": " cytometry. HLA or non-HLA specifici ty wi llbede term ined by neutraliza t ionof antibody with purif ied H LA anti g en s. Fo r the s e co n d ob je ct ive ,p at ients wi th prio r allosens iti za tion will be ra ndomized i nto 2 groups. 1 ) G roup A w ill recei veHLA m atched single donor bl oo d produ c ts. 2)G r ou p Bwill receive rand o ms ingle donor bl ood", "underscore_trick": " cytometry._HLA or_non-HLA specificity will be_determined by_neutralization_of antibody_with_purified HLA antigens._For the second_objective, patients with prior_allosensitization will be_randomized_into 2 groups. 1) Group A will receive HLA matched single donor blood products._2)_Group B_will_receive_random single donor blood"} +{"text": " from vessel walls. The consequences of CAA are associated in part with breakdown of the vessel wall. For this reason, we now propose to use novel methods to define the mechanisms that underlie Ali-induced vascular wall injury, including oxidative stress, activation of matrix metalloproteinases and other proteases and injury to vascular smooth muscle", "synonym_substitution": "from vessel walls. The consequences of CAA are associated in part with dislocation of the vessel rampart. For this cause, we now nominate to practice novel methods to define the mechanism that underlie Ali - induced vascular wall injury, include oxidative stress, activation of matrix metalloproteinases and early proteases and injury to vascular smooth muscle", "butter_fingers": " frlm vessel walls. The constquences of CAA ate assocmated ih part wkth breakdown of the vessel xall. For ukis reason, we now prupose to lse novel metiods to define tis mechaknsms fmat uudxrlie Ali-inducec vascular wall injury, itcuubing oxidative stress, activation of iatrix kehalloproteinasgs anc othsg kroteases and injury to vascular amooth kuscle", "random_deletion": "from vessel walls. The consequences of CAA in with breakdown the vessel wall. propose use novel methods define the mechanisms underlie Ali-induced vascular wall injury, including stress, activation of matrix metalloproteinases and other proteases and injury to vascular smooth", "change_char_case": " from vessel walls. The consequEnces of CAA Are asSocIatEd In paRt wiTh breakdown of tHE vesSel wall. For this reason, we Now prOpOSe to USe Novel Methods TO dEFIne ThE mEchAnISmS that UndErlie AlI-induced vaScuLaR wall injury, iNClUding oxidaTivE stress, activAtiOn of maTrIx mETalloProTeinaSes and OTher prOteases anD iNJury to VAscular SMOoTh muScle", "whitespace_perturbation": " from vessel walls. The co nsequences of C AAare a ssoc iate d in part with brea kdown of the vessel wa ll. F or this re ason, we now pr o p ose t ouse n o ve l met hod s to de fine the m ech an isms that un d er lie Ali-in duc ed vascularwal l inju ry , i n cludi ngoxida tive s t ress,activatio no f matr i x metal l o pr otei nases and other p r ot e ases and injur y to v as c ul a r sm oot h muscle", "underscore_trick": " from_vessel walls._The consequences of CAA_are associated_in_part with_breakdown_of the vessel_wall. For this_reason, we now propose_to use novel_methods_to define the mechanisms that underlie Ali-induced vascular wall injury, including oxidative stress, activation_of_matrix metalloproteinases_and_other_proteases and injury to vascular_smooth muscle"} +{"text": " directly from the application): In the United States, managed care is growing rapidly. The membership of managed care organizations (MCOs) now exceeds 50 million people and may grow by an additional 50 million by the year 2,000. The most rapidly growing type of MCO is that based on the Individual Practice Association (", "synonym_substitution": "directly from the application ): In the United States, managed care is grow quickly. The membership of managed care administration (MCOs) immediately exceeds 50 million people and may develop by an extra 50 million by the year 2,000. The most rapidly growing type of MCO is that free-base on the Individual Practice Association (", "butter_fingers": " digectly from the applicatlon): In the Uniteb Statev, manafed care is growing rapidly. The membxrshup of managed care organizagions (MCOd) now exxeedw 50 million 'sople akb may nrow yy an additional 50 million ty the year 2,000. Tve mlst rapidly growing type of MCO is ehat baxef on the Indivyduak Pradnige Association (", "random_deletion": "directly from the application): In the United care growing rapidly. membership of managed 50 people and may by an additional million by the year 2,000. The rapidly growing type of MCO is that based on the Individual Practice Association", "change_char_case": " directly from the applicatioN): In the UnitEd StaTes, ManAgEd caRe is Growing rapidly. tHe meMbership of managed care oRganiZaTIons (mcOS) now eXceeds 50 mILlION peOpLe And MaY GrOw by aN adDitionaL 50 million by The YeAr 2,000. The most rapIDlY growing tyPe oF MCO is that baSed On the INdIviDUal PrActIce AsSociatIOn (", "whitespace_perturbation": " directly from the applica tion): Inthe U nit edSt ates , ma naged care isg rowi ng rapidly. The member shipof mana g ed care organi z at i o ns(M CO s)no w e xceed s 5 0 milli on peopleand m ay grow by a n a dditional50million by t heyear 2 ,0 00. The m ost rapi dly gr o wing t ype of MC Oi s that based o n th e In dividual Practice As s ociation (", "underscore_trick": " directly_from the_application): In the United_States, managed_care_is growing_rapidly._The membership of_managed care organizations_(MCOs) now exceeds 50_million people and_may_grow by an additional 50 million by the year 2,000. The most rapidly growing_type_of MCO_is_that_based on the Individual Practice_Association ("} +{"text": "61457 - M. E. Franklin, PI), completing what is to our knowledge the only randomized controlled trial (RCT) of any treatment for pediatric TTM. Results indicated a clear advantage for BT over a Minimal Attention Control (MAC) condition at post-treatment, with gains well maintained up to six", "synonym_substitution": "61457 - M. E. Franklin, PI), completing what is to our knowledge the only randomized operate test (RCT) of any treatment for pediatric TTM. Results indicated a well-defined advantage for BT over a Minimal Attention Control (MAC) condition at post - treatment, with gain well observe up to six", "butter_fingers": "61457 - M. E. Franklin, PI), completinn what is to our knowlevge the only ravdomized controlled trial (RCV) of any ugeatment for pediatriz TTM. Resllts indixatev a clear advantefe for NC oved a Mnnmmal Attention Gontrol (MAC) condition at [ort-creatment, with gains well maintained up to xid", "random_deletion": "61457 - M. E. Franklin, PI), completing to knowledge the randomized controlled trial pediatric Results indicated a advantage for BT a Minimal Attention Control (MAC) condition post-treatment, with gains well maintained up to six", "change_char_case": "61457 - M. E. Franklin, PI), completing whaT is to our knOwledGe tHe oNlY ranDomiZed controlled tRIal (RcT) of any treatment for pedIatriC Ttm. ResULtS indiCated a cLEaR ADvaNtAgE foR Bt OvEr a MiNimAl AttenTion ControL (MAc) cOndition at poST-tReatment, wiTh gAins well mainTaiNed up tO sIx", "whitespace_perturbation": "61457 - M. E. Franklin, PI ), complet ing w hat is t o ou r kn owledge the on l y ra ndomized controlled tr ial ( RC T ) of an y tre atmentf or p edi at ri c T TM . R esult s i ndicate d a clearadv an tage for BTo ve r a Minima l A ttention Con tro l (MAC )con d ition at post -treat m ent, w ith gains w e ll mai n tainedu p t o si x", "underscore_trick": "61457 -_M. E._Franklin, PI), completing what_is to_our_knowledge the_only_randomized controlled trial_(RCT) of any_treatment for pediatric TTM._Results indicated a_clear_advantage for BT over a Minimal Attention Control (MAC) condition at post-treatment, with gains_well_maintained up_to_six"} +{"text": " rules are implemented, at which stage of the surface representation process, and how top-down attention modulates the representation of both the occluding and occluded surfaces are not well understood. In light of these, our proposal addresses three fundamental issues in representing surfaces. The issues are: A. The boundary contour and surface property information", "synonym_substitution": "rules are implemented, at which stage of the surface theatrical performance procedure, and how top - down attention modulates the theatrical performance of both the occluding and occluded surface are not well understood. In lighter of these, our marriage proposal addresses three fundamental issues in representing surfaces. The topic are: A. The boundary contour and surface property information", "butter_fingers": " rupes are implemented, at wmich stage of thg wurfacx repreaentatiov process, and how top-down atventuon midulates the representxtion of hoth the occoyding and occluded surfadcs arz iot well undersjood. In lighd of these, our pfo'osal addresses three fundamental isfues in rfpresenting sutfacex. The pswues are: A. The boundary contohr and vurface propetty information", "random_deletion": "rules are implemented, at which stage of representation and how attention modulates the and surfaces are not understood. In light these, our proposal addresses three fundamental in representing surfaces. The issues are: A. The boundary contour and surface property", "change_char_case": " rules are implemented, at whicH stage of thE surfAce RepReSentAtioN process, and how TOp-doWn attention modulates thE reprEsENtatIOn Of botH the occLUdING anD oCcLudEd SUrFaces Are Not well Understood. in lIgHt of these, our PRoPosal addreSseS three fundamEntAl issuEs In rEPreseNtiNg surFaces. THE issueS are: A. The bOuNDary coNTour and SURfAce pRoperty informatioN", "whitespace_perturbation": " rules are implemented, at which sta ge of th e s ur face rep resentation pr o cess , and how top-down att entio nm odul a te s the repres e nt a t ion o fbot ht he occl udi ng andoccluded s urf ac es are not w e ll understoo d.In light ofthe se, ou rpro p osaladd resse s thre e funda mental is su e s in r e present i n gsurf aces. The issuesa re : A. The bounda ry con to u ra n d s urf ace proper ty info r mation", "underscore_trick": " rules_are implemented,_at which stage of_the surface_representation_process, and_how_top-down attention modulates_the representation of_both the occluding and_occluded surfaces are_not_well understood. In light of these, our proposal addresses three fundamental issues in representing_surfaces._The issues_are:_A._The boundary contour and surface_property information"} +{"text": " a better understanding of the mechanisms for resistance could lead to more effective therapies. The MAP3K8 gene is a mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase kinase expressed in a variety of cells and found to be oncogenic and constitutively activated when altered at the 3 end. However, mutation of the gene appears to", "synonym_substitution": "a better understanding of the mechanisms for resistance could head to more effective therapy. The MAP3K8 gene is a mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase kinase expressed in a variety show of cell and found to be oncogenic and constitutively activated when interpolate at the 3 conclusion. However, mutation of the gene look to", "butter_fingers": " a hetter understanding of uhe mechanisms fot eesistence cohld lead to more effective therapies. Tye MAK3H8 gene is a mitogev activatvd proteib (MAK) kinase kinase kmhase exixesses in c tariety of cellx and foung to be oncogetiz cnd constitutively activated when aleered ay hhe 3 end. Howevgr, muuatyon kf the gene appears to", "random_deletion": "a better understanding of the mechanisms for lead more effective The MAP3K8 gene (MAP) kinase kinase expressed a variety of and found to be oncogenic and activated when altered at the 3 end. However, mutation of the gene appears", "change_char_case": " a better understanding of the Mechanisms For reSisTanCe CoulD leaD to more effectiVE theRapies. The MAP3K8 gene is a miTogen AcTIvatED pRoteiN (MAP) kinASe KINasE kInAse ExPReSsed iN a vAriety oF cells and fOunD tO be oncogenic ANd ConstitutiVelY activated whEn aLtered At The 3 ENd. HowEveR, mutaTion of THe gene Appears to", "whitespace_perturbation": " a better understanding of the mecha nisms fo r r es ista ncecould lead tom oreeffective therapies. T he MA P3 K 8 ge n eis amitogen ac t i vat ed p rot ei n ( MAP)kin ase kin ase kinase ex pr essed in a v a ri ety of cel lsand found to be oncog en ica nd co nst ituti vely a c tivate d when al te r ed att he 3 en d . H owev er, mutation of t h eg ene appears to ", "underscore_trick": " a_better understanding_of the mechanisms for_resistance could_lead_to more_effective_therapies. The MAP3K8_gene is a_mitogen activated protein (MAP)_kinase kinase kinase_expressed_in a variety of cells and found to be oncogenic and constitutively activated when_altered_at the_3_end._However, mutation of the gene_appears to"} +{"text": " We previously generated Gsc-null mice by gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cells. Gsc-null mice are born alive but die soon after birth with numerous craniofacial defects and rib cage abnormalities. We have initiated studies to examine the behavior of Gsc-null cells when mixed with wild-type cells", "synonym_substitution": "We previously generated Gsc - null mice by gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cell. Gsc - null mouse are born alive but die soon after parentage with numerous craniofacial defects and rib cage abnormality. We have broach studies to analyze the behavior of Gsc - null cell when mixed with wild - character cells", "butter_fingers": " We previously generated Gsg-null mice by geuw targxting ih embryovic stem (ES) cells. Gsc-null mire aee boen alive but die soon xfter birnh with nymeriys craniofedial denzcts zkd riy rage abnormalitles. We have initiated stugids to examine the behavior of Gsc-null cells ehfn mixed with rild-uypq cemls", "random_deletion": "We previously generated Gsc-null mice by gene embryonic (ES) cells. mice are born birth numerous craniofacial defects rib cage abnormalities. have initiated studies to examine the of Gsc-null cells when mixed with wild-type cells", "change_char_case": " We previously generated Gsc-nUll mice by gEne taRgeTinG iN embRyonIc stem (ES) cells. GSC-nulL mice are born alive but diE soon AfTEr biRTh With nUmerous CRaNIOfaCiAl DefEcTS aNd rib CagE abnormAlities. We hAve InItiated studiES tO examine thE beHavior of Gsc-nUll Cells wHeN miXEd witH wiLd-typE cells", "whitespace_perturbation": " We previously generated G sc-null mi ce by ge neta rget ingin embryonic s t em ( ES) cells. Gsc-null mi ce ar eb orna li ve bu t die s o on a fte rbi rth w i th nume rou s crani ofacial de fec ts and rib cag e a bnormaliti es. We have ini tia ted st ud ies to ex ami ne th e beha v ior of Gsc-null c e lls wh e n mixed w it h wi ld-type cells", "underscore_trick": " We_previously generated_Gsc-null mice by gene_targeting in_embryonic_stem (ES)_cells._Gsc-null mice are_born alive but_die soon after birth_with numerous craniofacial_defects_and rib cage abnormalities. We have initiated studies to examine the behavior of Gsc-null_cells_when mixed_with_wild-type_cells"} +{"text": " the active sit and due to the high similarity of most GTPases. Our scientific co-founder, Professor Kevan Shokat, has discovered a novel, small molecule approach to target the most chemically tractable K-Ras mutant that contains a glycine-12 to cysteine mutation. The G12C mutation is", "synonym_substitution": "the active sit and due to the high similarity of most GTPases. Our scientific co - founder, Professor Kevan Shokat, has discovered a novel, humble atom approach to target the most chemically amenable K - Ras mutant that contains a glycine-12 to cysteine mutant. The G12C mutation is", "butter_fingers": " thf active sit and due to uhe high similarijy of movt GTPzses. Our scientific co-founder, Profesdoe Kevqn Shokat, has discoverdd a novep, small nolerule approach to target bke moab chekmcally tractablg K-Ras mutand that containv x ylycine-12 to cysteine mutation. The G12C iutatiom ls", "random_deletion": "the active sit and due to the of GTPases. Our co-founder, Professor Kevan small approach to target most chemically tractable mutant that contains a glycine-12 to mutation. The G12C mutation is", "change_char_case": " the active sit and due to the hiGh similariTy of mOst gTPAsEs. OuR sciEntific co-foundER, ProFessor Kevan Shokat, has diScoveReD A novEL, sMall mOlecule APpROAch To TaRgeT tHE mOst chEmiCally trActable K-RaS muTaNt that contaiNS a Glycine-12 to cYstEine mutation. the g12C mutaTiOn iS", "whitespace_perturbation": " the active sit and due to the highsimil ari tyof mos t GT Pases. Our sci e ntif ic co-founder, Profess or Ke va n Sho k at , has discov e re d a n ov el , s ma l lmolec ule approa ch to targ etth e most chemi c al ly tractab leK-Ras mutant th at con ta ins a gly cin e-12to cys t eine m utation.Th e G12Cm utation i s", "underscore_trick": " the_active sit_and due to the_high similarity_of_most GTPases._Our_scientific co-founder, Professor_Kevan Shokat, has_discovered a novel, small_molecule approach to_target_the most chemically tractable K-Ras mutant that contains a glycine-12 to cysteine mutation. The_G12C_mutation is"} +{"text": " increases dramatically. This overall program project in trauma is designed to quantitatively evaluate various biochemical and physiological parameters in the critically ill patient. The pathophysiology of trauma has been expressed by a number of overt clinical changes manifested by the patient which have served to emphasize the severity and seriousness of trauma, \"the forgotten disease\". This program has been", "synonym_substitution": "increases dramatically. This overall program project in trauma is design to quantitatively measure various biochemical and physiological argument in the critically ill affected role. The pathophysiology of trauma has been expressed by a number of overt clinical change manifested by the patient which have serve to emphasize the severity and earnestness of trauma, \" the forgotten disease \". This program has been", "butter_fingers": " infreases dramatically. Thir overall progrcn projxct in frauma ir designed to quantitatively ecaluauv various biochemical and physpological paremeters in the ccjticalln ill iatieut. The pathophyslology of tsauma has been ebpxessed by a number of overt clinical changex lanifested by jhe pseienf which have served to emphasize tge sevegity and seriousnrss of trauma, \"the forgottej didease\". This program has been", "random_deletion": "increases dramatically. This overall program project in designed quantitatively evaluate biochemical and physiological patient. pathophysiology of trauma been expressed by number of overt clinical changes manifested the patient which have served to emphasize the severity and seriousness of trauma, forgotten disease\". This program has been", "change_char_case": " increases dramatically. This Overall proGram pRojEct In TrauMa is Designed to quanTItatIvely evaluate various biOchemIcAL and PHySioloGical paRAmETErs In ThE crItICaLly ilL paTient. ThE pathophysIolOgY of trauma has BEeN expressed By a Number of overT clInical ChAngES maniFesTed by The patIEnt whiCh have serVeD To emphASize the SEVeRity And seriousness of tRAuMA, \"the forgotten dIsease\". thIS pROGraM haS been", "whitespace_perturbation": " increases dramatically. T his overal l pro gra m p ro ject intrauma is desi g nedto quantitatively eval uateva r ious bi ochem ical an d p h y sio lo gi cal p a ra meter s i n the c riticallyill p atient. Thep at hophysiolo gyof trauma ha s b een ex pr ess e d bya n umber of ov e rt cli nical cha ng e s mani f ested b y th e pa tient which haves er v ed to emphasiz e these v er i t y a ndseriousnes sof tr a uma, \"t h ef o r got t en disease\".This progra m ha s been ", "underscore_trick": " increases_dramatically. This_overall program project in_trauma is_designed_to quantitatively_evaluate_various biochemical and_physiological parameters in_the critically ill patient._The pathophysiology of_trauma_has been expressed by a number of overt clinical changes manifested by the patient_which_have served_to_emphasize_the severity and seriousness of_trauma, \"the forgotten disease\". This_program has_been"} +{"text": " (titration on fresh Vero cells). These inducible cell lines will be most valuable in our study of the impact of producer cell type and mode of activation on the target cell tropism of KSHV virions. We have also found a second mode for KSHV infection B cells, namely antibody-dependent entry", "synonym_substitution": "(titration on fresh Vero cells). These inducible cell lines will be about valuable in our discipline of the impact of producer cellular telephone type and modality of activation on the prey cell tropism of KSHV virions. We have besides line up a second mood for KSHV infection B cell, namely antibody - dependent entry", "butter_fingers": " (tihration on fresh Vero ceuls). These inducnvle cenl linss will ce most valuable in our studb of the umpact of producer celu type anf mode od acuivation on the tedget cell trollsm oy JSHV virions. Wg have also xound a second mudz for KSHV infection B cells, namely wntibodu-dfpendent entry", "random_deletion": "(titration on fresh Vero cells). These inducible will most valuable our study of type mode of activation the target cell of KSHV virions. We have also a second mode for KSHV infection B cells, namely antibody-dependent entry", "change_char_case": " (titration on fresh Vero cells). these inducIble cEll LinEs Will Be moSt valuable in ouR StudY of the impact of producer Cell tYpE And mODe Of actIvation ON tHE TarGeT cEll TrOPiSm of KsHV Virions. we have also FouNd A second mode fOR KsHV infectiOn B Cells, namely aNtiBody-dePeNdeNT entrY", "whitespace_perturbation": " (titration on fresh Verocells). Th ese i ndu cib le cel l li nes will be mo s t va luable in our study of theim p acto fprodu cer cel l t y p e a nd m ode o f a ctiva tio n on th e target c ell t ropism of KS H Vvirions. W e h ave also fou nda seco nd mo d e for KS HV in fectio n B cel ls, namel ya ntibod y -depend e n tentr y", "underscore_trick": " (titration_on fresh_Vero cells). These inducible_cell lines_will_be most_valuable_in our study_of the impact_of producer cell type_and mode of_activation_on the target cell tropism of KSHV virions. We have also found a second_mode_for KSHV_infection_B_cells, namely antibody-dependent entry"} +{"text": ". Research will focus primarily on understanding the viral mediated regulation of one particular viral induced enzyme, dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). For these studies we have isolated methotrexate resistant cells in which DHFR is a major gene product, accounting for over ten percent of the soluble protein. This 200-fold increase", "synonym_substitution": ". Research will focus primarily on understanding the viral intercede rule of one particular viral induced enzyme, dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). For these report we have isolate methotrexate resistant cells in which DHFR is a major gene intersection, account for over ten percent of the soluble protein. This 200 - fold addition", "butter_fingers": ". Redearch will focus primarlly on understanbung thx viral mediatea regulation of one particuler vural unduced enzyme, dihydrowolate refuctase (EHFR). Dor these studies we havs isoneted methotrexaje resistant cells in whicv AHYR is a major gene product, accountind for ofeg ten percent jf tnq somlboe protein. This 200-fold increase", "random_deletion": ". Research will focus primarily on understanding mediated of one viral induced enzyme, studies have isolated methotrexate cells in which is a major gene product, accounting over ten percent of the soluble protein. This 200-fold increase", "change_char_case": ". Research will focus primarilY on understAndinG thE viRaL medIateD regulation of oNE parTicular viral induced enzYme, diHyDRofoLAtE reduCtase (DHfr). FOR TheSe StUdiEs WE hAve isOlaTed methOtrexate reSisTaNt cells in whiCH DhFR is a majoR geNe product, accOunTing foR oVer TEn perCenT of thE solubLE proteIn. This 200-folD iNCrease", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Research will focus prim arily on u nders tan din gthevira l mediated reg u lati on of one particular v iralin d uced en zyme, dihydr o fo l a tere du cta se (D HFR). Fo r these studies w e h av e isolated m e th otrexate r esi stant cellsinwhichDH FRi s a m ajo r gen e prod u ct, ac countingfo r overt en perc e n tof t he soluble protei n .T his 200-fold i ncreas e", "underscore_trick": ". Research_will focus_primarily on understanding the_viral mediated_regulation_of one_particular_viral induced enzyme,_dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR)._For these studies we_have isolated methotrexate_resistant_cells in which DHFR is a major gene product, accounting for over ten percent_of_the soluble_protein._This_200-fold increase"} +{"text": " unrelated donor of bone marrow or peripheral blood progenitor cells. Human umbilical cord blood (CB) is a unique source of transplantable hematopoietic cells that offers an alternative source of hematopoietic cells for these patients. The use of CB cells to date, has primarily been limited to small pediatric patients due to the low cell numbers in CB products", "synonym_substitution": "unrelated donor of bone marrow or peripheral blood progenitor cells. Human umbilical cord blood (CB) is a alone generator of transplantable hematopoietic cells that offers an alternative informant of hematopoietic cells for these patients. The manipulation of CB cell to date, has primarily been restrict to small pediatric patients due to the broken cell numbers in CB intersection", "butter_fingers": " ungelated donor of bone mavrow or peripherco bloov progehitor ceuls. Human umbilical cord blold (CB) iw a unique source of tfansplantwble hemqtopiuetic cells that onyers zk altzriative source on hematopoiatic cells for tfede patients. The use of CB cells to qate, hax orimarily been limptqd tk small pediatric patients due to fhe low cell numbers in CB products", "random_deletion": "unrelated donor of bone marrow or peripheral cells. umbilical cord (CB) is a cells offers an alternative of hematopoietic cells these patients. The use of CB to date, has primarily been limited to small pediatric patients due to the cell numbers in CB products", "change_char_case": " unrelated donor of bone marroW or peripheRal blOod ProGeNitoR celLs. Human umbilicAL corD blood (CB) is a unique sourcE of trAnSPlanTAbLe hemAtopoieTIc CELls ThAt OffErS An AlterNatIve sourCe of hematoPoiEtIc cells for thESe Patients. ThE usE of CB cells to DatE, has prImAriLY been LimIted tO small PEdiatrIc patientS dUE to the LOw cell nUMBeRs in cB products", "whitespace_perturbation": " unrelated donor of bone m arrow or p eriph era l b lo od p roge nitor cells. H u manumbilical cord blood ( CB) i sa uni q ue sour ce of t r an s p lan ta bl e h em a to poiet iccells t hat offers an a lternative s o ur ce of hema top oietic cells fo r thes epat i ents. Th e use of CB cellsto date,ha s prima r ily bee n li mite d to small pediat r ic patients due t o thelo w c e l l n umb ers in CBpr oduct s ", "underscore_trick": " unrelated_donor of_bone marrow or peripheral_blood progenitor_cells._Human umbilical_cord_blood (CB) is_a unique source_of transplantable hematopoietic cells_that offers an_alternative_source of hematopoietic cells for these patients. The use of CB cells to date,_has_primarily been_limited_to_small pediatric patients due to_the low cell numbers in_CB products"} +{"text": " trainees as a venue for providing mentoring and networking opportunities at a critical stage of trainee development. The GRS directly precedes the GRC (GRC 2013: Synapses, Circuits and the Human Brain). R13 support of the 2013 joint GRC-GRS is expected to promote mutually beneficial increases in", "synonym_substitution": "trainees as a venue for providing mentoring and networking opportunities at a critical stagecoach of trainee growth. The GRS directly precedes the GRC (GRC 2013: Synapses, Circuits and the Human Brain). R13 accompaniment of the 2013 joint GRC - GRS is expected to promote mutually beneficial increase in", "butter_fingers": " trwinees as a venue for pruviding mentoriut and ietworkjng oppoftunities at a critical stagx of traibee development. The GRR directlj precedew tht GRC (GRC 2013: Synapsxa, Circulcs ans the Iuman Brain). R13 sopport of tha 2013 joint GRC-GRV ks expected to promote mutually benefycial imcgeases in", "random_deletion": "trainees as a venue for providing mentoring opportunities a critical of trainee development. GRC 2013: Synapses, Circuits the Human Brain). support of the 2013 joint GRC-GRS expected to promote mutually beneficial increases in", "change_char_case": " trainees as a venue for providIng mentoriNg and NetWorKiNg opPortUnities at a critICal sTage of trainee developmeNt. The gRs DireCTlY precEdes the grC (grc 2013: SyNaPsEs, CIrCUiTs and The human BrAin). R13 supporT of ThE 2013 joint GRC-GRS IS eXpected to pRomOte mutually bEneFicial InCreASes in", "whitespace_perturbation": " trainees as a venue for p roviding m entor ing an dnetw orki ng opportuniti e s at a critical stage of t raine ed evel o pm ent.The GRS di r e ctl ypr ece de s t he GR C ( GRC 201 3: Synapse s,Ci rcuits and t h eHuman Brai n). R13 support of the 2 01 3 j o int G RC- GRS i s expe c ted to promotemu t uallyb enefici a l i ncre ases in", "underscore_trick": " trainees_as a_venue for providing mentoring_and networking_opportunities_at a_critical_stage of trainee_development. The GRS_directly precedes the GRC_(GRC 2013: Synapses,_Circuits_and the Human Brain). R13 support of the 2013 joint GRC-GRS is expected to_promote_mutually beneficial_increases_in"} +{"text": " and exclusivity are related to other relationship characteristics, such as emotional closeness, drug use, and violence; (4) test for differences between relationship types in sexual risk and risk reduction behaviors, including condom use and avoidance of anal or vaginal intercourse, and in related behaviors, such as disclosure of HIV status to sexual partners", "synonym_substitution": "and exclusivity are related to other relationship characteristics, such as aroused meanness, drug use, and violence; (4) trial for deviation between relationship types in intimate risk and risk reduction behavior, including condom use and avoidance of anal or vaginal sexual intercourse, and in related behaviors, such as disclosure of HIV status to sexual partners", "butter_fingers": " anf exclusivity are relatea to other relajiinship charadteristizs, such as emotional closeneds, drug use, and violence; (4) tesg for difverences betxeen relationshi' types lu sexhwl rnsj and risk redoction behavhors, including cunbom use and avoidance of anal or vagynal inyegcourse, and in relseed gvhcviors, such as disclosure of HIB statuv to sexual psrtners", "random_deletion": "and exclusivity are related to other relationship as closeness, drug and violence; (4) types sexual risk and reduction behaviors, including use and avoidance of anal or intercourse, and in related behaviors, such as disclosure of HIV status to sexual", "change_char_case": " and exclusivity are related tO other relaTionsHip ChaRaCterIstiCs, such as emotioNAl clOseness, drug use, and violeNce; (4) teSt FOr diFFeRenceS betweeN ReLATioNsHiP tyPeS In SexuaL riSk and riSk reductioN beHaViors, includiNG cOndom use anD avOidance of anaL or VaginaL iNteRCoursE, anD in reLated bEHaviorS, such as diScLOsure oF hIV statUS To SexuAl partners", "whitespace_perturbation": " and exclusivity are relat ed to othe r rel ati ons hi p ch arac teristics, suc h asemotional closeness, d rug u se , and vi olenc e; (4)t es t for d if fer en c es betw een relati onship typ esin sexual risk an d risk red uct ion behavior s,includ in g c o ndomuse andavoida n ce ofanal or v ag i nal in t ercours e , a nd i n related behavio r s, such as disclo sure o fH IV s tat usto sexualpa rtner s ", "underscore_trick": " and_exclusivity are_related to other relationship_characteristics, such_as_emotional closeness,_drug_use, and violence;_(4) test for_differences between relationship types_in sexual risk_and_risk reduction behaviors, including condom use and avoidance of anal or vaginal intercourse, and_in_related behaviors,_such_as_disclosure of HIV status to_sexual partners"} +{"text": " are using VA services to which they are entitled. The findings will provide operationally actionable data useful to quality improvement programs in the MHS and VA on urgent issues requiring clinical and policy attention. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: This application will provide operationally actionable data useful to quality improvement programs in the military health system (", "synonym_substitution": "are using VA services to which they are entitled. The findings will leave operationally actionable datum useful to quality improvement broadcast in the MHS and VA on pressing issues requiring clinical and policy attention. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: This lotion will put up operationally actionable data useful to quality improvement programs in the military health organization (", "butter_fingers": " arf using VA services to wmich they are enjirled. Tie findjngs wilu provide operationally actilnqble eata useful to quality improvemvnt progrqms mn the MHS and VE on urgcut isames rzqniring clinical and policf attention. PUTLKC HEALTH RELEVANCE: This application rill prpvlde operationajly sstiohable data useful to quality improbement krograms in the mikitary health system (", "random_deletion": "are using VA services to which they The will provide actionable data useful the and VA on issues requiring clinical policy attention. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: This will provide operationally actionable data useful to quality improvement programs in the military system (", "change_char_case": " are using VA services to which They are entItled. the FinDiNgs wIll pRovide operatioNAlly Actionable data useful to QualiTy IMproVEmEnt prOgrams iN ThE mhS aNd vA On uRgENt IssueS reQuiring Clinical anD poLiCy attention. PubLiC HEALTH RElEVaNCE: This applIcaTion wiLl ProVIde opEraTionaLly actIOnable Data usefuL tO QualitY ImproveMENt ProgRams in the military HEaLTh system (", "whitespace_perturbation": " are using VA services towhich they areent itl ed . Th e fi ndings will pr o vide operationally actiona ble d at a use f ul to q ualityi mp r o vem en tpro gr a ms in t heMHS and VA on urg ent i ssues requir i ng clinicaland policy atte nti on. PU BL ICH EALTH RE LEVAN CE: Th i s appl ication w il l provi d e opera t i on ally actionable datau se f ul to qualityimprov em e nt p rog ram s in the m il itary healths ys t e m (", "underscore_trick": " are_using VA_services to which they_are entitled._The_findings will_provide_operationally actionable data_useful to quality_improvement programs in the_MHS and VA_on_urgent issues requiring clinical and policy attention. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: This application will provide_operationally_actionable data_useful_to_quality improvement programs in the_military health system ("} +{"text": " outcomes such as education, nutritional status, employment prospects, access to health care, and support of the aged and infirm. The most common measure of social connection in population and public health research is co-residence, which has critical limitations. Failure to attend to the full range of social relationships limits our ability to understand", "synonym_substitution": "outcomes such as education, nutritional status, employment candidate, entree to health care, and support of the aged and infirm. The about common meter of social connection in population and public health inquiry is co - residence, which has critical restriction. Failure to attend to the wide range of social relationships specify our ability to understand", "butter_fingers": " ouhcomes such as education, nutritional stcrus, em'loymenf prospezts, access to health care, anv support of the aged and infiro. The mosn common neasnre of social coihection in polmlatimi and public heslth reseasch is co-residanze, which has critical limitations. Faijure to ahtend to the foll rsgge kf social relationships limits our abilitj to understand", "random_deletion": "outcomes such as education, nutritional status, employment to care, and of the aged measure social connection in and public health is co-residence, which has critical limitations. to attend to the full range of social relationships limits our ability to", "change_char_case": " outcomes such as education, nuTritional sTatus, EmpLoyMeNt prOspeCts, access to heaLTh caRe, and support of the aged aNd infIrM. the mOSt CommoN measurE Of SOCiaL cOnNecTiON iN popuLatIon and pUblic healtH reSeArch is co-resiDEnCe, which has CriTical limitatIonS. FailuRe To aTTend tO thE full Range oF Social RelationsHiPS limitS Our abilITY tO undErstand", "whitespace_perturbation": " outcomes such as educatio n, nutriti onalsta tus ,empl oyme nt prospects,a cces s to health care, andsuppo rt of t h eagedand inf i rm . The m os t c om m on meas ure of soc ial connec tio nin populatio n a nd publichea lth research is co-re si den c e, wh ich hascritic a l limi tations.Fa i lure t o attend t othefull range of soc i al relationshipslimits o u ra b ili tyto underst an d", "underscore_trick": " outcomes_such as_education, nutritional status, employment_prospects, access_to_health care,_and_support of the_aged and infirm._The most common measure_of social connection_in_population and public health research is co-residence, which has critical limitations. Failure to attend_to_the full_range_of_social relationships limits our ability_to understand"} +{"text": " funding. This proposal builds on our prior Fogarty support to continue builds Population and Health research and training at Makerere University. Three previous Fogarty Masters graduates will complete doctoral training, and 3 new candidates will complete masters training at JHU. These graduates will develop Advanced Research Training proposals on their return to", "synonym_substitution": "funding. This proposal builds on our prior Fogarty documentation to stay builds Population and Health research and training at Makerere University. Three former Fogarty Masters graduates will complete doctoral training, and 3 fresh candidates will complete master training at JHU. These graduates will build up Advanced Research Training proposals on their return to", "butter_fingers": " fujding. This proposal builas on our prior Fogartb suppodt to covtinue builds Population and Hwalth research and training at Makervre Univeesitb. Three previous Fogarty Mastedd grcdnates will compkete doctosal training, atd 3 uew candidates will complete masters trainimg at JHU. These dradlaees splo develop Advanced Research Tdaining proposals on their return to", "random_deletion": "funding. This proposal builds on our prior to builds Population Health research and previous Masters graduates will doctoral training, and new candidates will complete masters training JHU. These graduates will develop Advanced Research Training proposals on their return to", "change_char_case": " funding. This proposal builds On our prior fogarTy sUppOrT to cOntiNue builds PopulATion And Health research and trAininG aT makeRErE UnivErsity. THReE PRevIoUs fogArTY MAsterS grAduates Will compleTe dOcToral traininG, AnD 3 new candidAteS will completE maSters tRaIniNG at JHu. ThEse grAduateS Will deVelop AdvaNcED ReseaRCh TrainING pRopoSals on their return TO", "whitespace_perturbation": " funding. This proposal bu ilds on ou r pri orFog ar ty s uppo rt to continue buil ds Population and Heal th re se a rcha nd trai ning at Ma k e rer eUn ive rs i ty . Thr eepreviou s FogartyMas te rs graduates wi ll complet e d octoral trai nin g, and 3 ne w cand ida tes w ill co m pletemasters t ra i ning a t JHU. T h e se gra duates will devel o pA dvanced Resear ch Tra in i ng p rop osa ls on thei rretur n to", "underscore_trick": " funding._This proposal_builds on our prior_Fogarty support_to_continue builds_Population_and Health research_and training at_Makerere University. Three previous_Fogarty Masters graduates_will_complete doctoral training, and 3 new candidates will complete masters training at JHU. These_graduates_will develop_Advanced_Research_Training proposals on their return_to"} +{"text": " project will evaluate a novel technology to remove unwanted and harmful debris from healthy cell cultures. Because the conditions under which a cell sample is prepared will become more stringent as technologies mature into clinical practice, our product will have a profound and positive impact on many sectors of biomedicine, including reproductive medicine, diagnostic applications and cell therapy.", "synonym_substitution": "project will evaluate a novel technology to absent undesirable and harmful debris from healthy cell acculturation. Because the condition under which a cell sample is disposed will become more stringent as technologies mature into clinical exercise, our merchandise will have a heavy and positive impact on many sector of biomedicine, include reproductive medicine, diagnostic applications and cell therapy.", "butter_fingers": " prlject will evaluate a noyel technology to removx unwanfed and farmful debris from healthy rell cultyres. Because the condigions undvr which q ceoo sample is preparcb wilm becmne more stringgnt as technmlogies mature ivtl clinical practice, our product wilj have s orofound and pjsitpvq imlact on many sectors of biomedicins, incluving reproductife medicine, diagnostic apppicahions and cell thegapy.", "random_deletion": "project will evaluate a novel technology to and debris from cell cultures. Because cell is prepared will more stringent as mature into clinical practice, our product have a profound and positive impact on many sectors of biomedicine, including reproductive diagnostic applications and cell therapy.", "change_char_case": " project will evaluate a novel Technology To remOve UnwAnTed aNd haRmful debris froM HealThy cell cultures. Because The coNdITionS UnDer whIch a celL SaMPLe iS pReParEd WIlL becoMe mOre striNgent as tecHnoLoGies mature inTO cLinical praCtiCe, our product WilL have a PrOfoUNd and PosItive Impact ON many sEctors of bIoMEdicinE, IncludiNG ReProdUctive medicine, diaGNoSTic applicationS and ceLl THeRAPy.", "whitespace_perturbation": " project will evaluate a n ovel techn ology to re mo ve u nwan ted and harmfu l deb ris from healthy cellcultu re s . Be c au se th e condi t io n s un de rwhi ch acellsam ple isprepared w ill b ecome more s t ri ngent as t ech nologies mat ure intocl ini c al pr act ice,our pr o duct w ill haveap rofoun d and po s i ti ve i mpact on many sec t or s of biomedicin e, inc lu d in g rep rod uctive med ic ine,d iagnost i ca p p lic a tions and cel l therapy.", "underscore_trick": " project_will evaluate_a novel technology to_remove unwanted_and_harmful debris_from_healthy cell cultures._Because the conditions_under which a cell_sample is prepared_will_become more stringent as technologies mature into clinical practice, our product will have a_profound_and positive_impact_on_many sectors of biomedicine, including_reproductive medicine, diagnostic applications and_cell therapy."} +{"text": "itoneally, and may function for months or years. It is hoped that implantation will ameliorate the disadvantages of pump/catheter systems. The device concept features a hydrogel membrane, which undergoes periodic swelling-deswelling cycles, due to a feedback interaction between the membrane with the enzyme glucose oxidase. Release occurs during", "synonym_substitution": "itoneally, and may function for months or years. It is hoped that implantation will better the disadvantage of pump / catheter systems. The device concept have a hydrogel membrane, which undergo periodic swelling - deswelling cycles, due to a feedback interaction between the membrane with the enzyme glucose oxidase. Release happen during", "butter_fingers": "itojeally, and may function nor months or yeces. It ms hopes that ioplantation will ameliorate vhe eisadcantages of pump/cathetdr systemd. The decice xoncept feefures a hydrofcl mekurane, which undgrgoes periogic swelling-devwdlping cycles, due to a feedback interwction nehween the membtane eyth fhe enzyme glucose oxidase. Release occurs during", "random_deletion": "itoneally, and may function for months or is that implantation ameliorate the disadvantages concept a hydrogel membrane, undergoes periodic swelling-deswelling due to a feedback interaction between membrane with the enzyme glucose oxidase. Release occurs during", "change_char_case": "itoneally, and may function foR months or yEars. IT is HopEd That ImplAntation will amELiorAte the disadvantages of pUmp/caThETer sYStEms. ThE device COnCEPt fEaTuRes A hYDrOgel mEmbRane, whiCh undergoeS peRiOdic swelling-DEsWelling cycLes, Due to a feedbaCk iNteracTiOn bETween The MembrAne witH The enzYme glucosE oXIdase. RELease ocCURs DuriNg", "whitespace_perturbation": "itoneally, and may functio n for mont hs or ye ars .It i s ho ped that impla n tati on will ameliorate the disa dv a ntag e sof pu mp/cath e te r sys te ms . T he de vicecon cept fe atures a h ydr og el membrane, wh ich underg oes periodic sw ell ing-de sw ell i ng cy cle s, du e to a feedba ck intera ct i on bet w een the m em bran e with the enzyme gl u cose oxidase.Releas eo cc u r s d uri ng", "underscore_trick": "itoneally, and_may function_for months or years._It is_hoped_that implantation_will_ameliorate the disadvantages_of pump/catheter systems._The device concept features_a hydrogel membrane,_which_undergoes periodic swelling-deswelling cycles, due to a feedback interaction between the membrane with the_enzyme_glucose oxidase._Release_occurs_during"} +{"text": " rage and its relationship to serotonin axons and pre-terminals in this region. The second experiment will determine the effects of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2 receptors in the medial hypothalamus upon defensive rage. The third experiment will determine: the role of IL-1beta in the medial hypothalamus upon defensive rage,", "synonym_substitution": "rage and its relationship to serotonin axons and pre - terminals in this area. The second experiment will settle the effects of 5 - HT1A and 5 - HT2 receptors in the median hypothalamus upon defensive rage. The third experiment will decide: the role of IL-1beta in the median hypothalamus upon defensive fad,", "butter_fingers": " rahe and its relationship uo serotonin axons and pce-termihals in ghis region. The second expermmenr wilo determine the effectr of 5-HT1A wnd 5-HT2 rwcepuors in the medial hypothalamus mpon behensive rage. Thg third expesiment will dedefmnne: the role of IL-1beta in the medial hypothslwmus upon defegsivt rwge,", "random_deletion": "rage and its relationship to serotonin axons in region. The experiment will determine 5-HT2 in the medial upon defensive rage. third experiment will determine: the role IL-1beta in the medial hypothalamus upon defensive rage,", "change_char_case": " rage and its relationship to sErotonin axOns anD prE-teRmInalS in tHis region. The seCOnd eXperiment will determine The efFeCTs of 5-ht1A And 5-HT2 ReceptoRS iN THe mEdIaL hyPoTHaLamus UpoN defensIve rage. The ThiRd Experiment wiLL dEtermine: thE roLe of IL-1beta in The Medial HyPotHAlamuS upOn defEnsive RAge,", "whitespace_perturbation": " rage and its relationship to seroto nin a xon s a nd pre -ter minals in this regi on. The second experim ent w il l det e rm ine t he effe c ts o f 5 -H T1 A a nd 5- HT2 r ece ptors i n the medi alhy pothalamus u p on defensive ra ge. The thir d e xperim en t w i ll de ter mine: the r o le ofIL-1betain the me d ial hyp o t ha lamu s upon defensiver ag e ,", "underscore_trick": " rage_and its_relationship to serotonin axons_and pre-terminals_in_this region._The_second experiment will_determine the effects_of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2_receptors in the_medial_hypothalamus upon defensive rage. The third experiment will determine: the role of IL-1beta in_the_medial hypothalamus_upon_defensive_rage,"} +{"text": " the link between fat intake and obesity, relatively little is known about the chemosensory mechanisms that underlie the taste of fat and how these mechanisms might contribute to dietary fat intake. Our previous research has identified differences in how the taste systems in obesity-prone and -resistant rodents respond to fatty acids, a cue for", "synonym_substitution": "the link between fat intake and obesity, relatively little is know about the chemosensory mechanism that underlie the taste of fat and how these mechanisms might put up to dietary fat intake. Our former research has identified differences in how the preference system in obesity - prone and -resistant rodents respond to fatty acids, a cue for", "butter_fingers": " thf link between fat intakt and obesity, relcrively littls is knodn about the chemosensory merhanusms ukat underlie the tasge of fat and how theww mechanisms might contrjnute co dietary fat iktake. Our psevious researwh hcs identified differences in how the taste xydtems in obesijy-promq ans -resistant rodents respond to fatfy acidv, a cue for", "random_deletion": "the link between fat intake and obesity, is about the mechanisms that underlie how mechanisms might contribute dietary fat intake. previous research has identified differences in the taste systems in obesity-prone and -resistant rodents respond to fatty acids, a for", "change_char_case": " the link between fat intake anD obesity, reLativEly LitTlE is kNown About the chemosENsorY mechanisms that underliE the tAsTE of fAT aNd how These meCHaNISms MiGhT coNtRIbUte to DieTary fat Intake. Our pRevIoUs research haS IdEntified diFfeRences in how tHe tAste syStEms IN obesIty-Prone And -resIStant rOdents resPoND to fatTY acids, a CUE fOr", "whitespace_perturbation": " the link between fat inta ke and obe sity, re lat iv elylitt le is known ab o ut t he chemosensory mechan ismsth a t un d er lie t he tast e o f fat a nd ho wt he se me cha nisms m ight contr ibu te to dietaryf at intake. O urprevious res ear ch has i den t ified di ffere nces i n how t he tastesy s tems i n obesit y - pr oneand -resistant ro d en t s respond to f atty a ci d s, a cu e f or", "underscore_trick": " the_link between_fat intake and obesity,_relatively little_is_known about_the_chemosensory mechanisms that_underlie the taste_of fat and how_these mechanisms might_contribute_to dietary fat intake. Our previous research has identified differences in how the taste_systems_in obesity-prone_and_-resistant_rodents respond to fatty acids,_a cue for"} +{"text": " the objective because they keep the sample volume minimal and remove unwanted materials that could degrade detection, while quickly isolating and concentrating target species. Physically, this is made possible by exploit a unique combination of dielectrophoretic, flow and electrophoretic forces combined into the two techniques (gradient dielectrophoresis and electrophoretic", "synonym_substitution": "the objective because they keep the sample volume minimal and absent undesirable materials that could degrade signal detection, while quickly isolate and concentrating target coinage. Physically, this is form possible by overwork a alone combination of dielectrophoretic, flow and electrophoretic force combined into the two techniques (gradient dielectrophoresis and electrophoretic", "butter_fingers": " thf objective because they keep the samplg colume minimzl and rdmove unwanted materials thav coyld dtyrade detection, whild quickly isolatibg aid concentrating target speciea. Phyvmcally, this is kade possitle by exploit a uuique combination of dielectrophoretyc, flow ajd electrophorgtic gjrcea combined into the two techniques (gradieit dielectrophotesis and electrophoretic", "random_deletion": "the objective because they keep the sample and unwanted materials could degrade detection, target Physically, this is possible by exploit unique combination of dielectrophoretic, flow and forces combined into the two techniques (gradient dielectrophoresis and electrophoretic", "change_char_case": " the objective because they keEp the samplE voluMe mIniMaL and RemoVe unwanted mateRIals That could degrade detectIon, whIlE QuicKLy IsolaTing and COnCENtrAtInG taRgET sPecieS. PhYsicallY, this is madE poSsIble by exploiT A uNique combiNatIon of dielectRopHoretiC, fLow ANd eleCtrOphorEtic foRCes comBined into ThE Two tecHNiques (gRADiEnt dIelectrophoresis aND eLEctrophoretic", "whitespace_perturbation": " the objective because the y keep the samp levol um e mi nima l and remove u n want ed materials that coul d deg ra d e de t ec tion, whileq ui c k lyis ol ati ng an d con cen trating target sp eci es . Physically , t his is mad e p ossible by e xpl oit aun iqu e comb ina tionof die l ectrop horetic,fl o w ande lectrop h o re ticforces combined i n to the two techni ques ( gr a di e n t d iel ectrophore si s and electro p ho r e t ic", "underscore_trick": " the_objective because_they keep the sample_volume minimal_and_remove unwanted_materials_that could degrade_detection, while quickly_isolating and concentrating target_species. Physically, this_is_made possible by exploit a unique combination of dielectrophoretic, flow and electrophoretic forces combined_into_the two_techniques_(gradient_dielectrophoresis and electrophoretic"} +{"text": " t-tubules decreases in CHF. This will be tested by (1) determining if calcium influx via reverse mode NCX modulates calcium-induced calcium release (CICR), (2) determining if calcium influx via reverse mode NCX replaces calcium entry via L-type calcium channels as the primary source of trigger calcium", "synonym_substitution": "t - tubules decreases in CHF. This will be tested by (1) determining if calcium inflow via rearward mode NCX modulates calcium - induced calcium dismissal (CICR), (2) determine if calcium influx via reverse manner NCX replaces calcium entry via liter - type calcium channels as the basal source of trigger calcium", "butter_fingers": " t-tkbules decreases in CHF. Uhis will be testgd by (1) dxterminjng if cxlcium influx via reverse move NXX moeulates calcium-induced calcium gelease (CUCR), (2) eetermininj if calgnum ihnlux rie reverse mode KCX replacev calcium entrf xic L-type calcium channels as the primwry soutcf of trigger cwlcilm", "random_deletion": "t-tubules decreases in CHF. This will be (1) if calcium via reverse mode (CICR), determining if calcium via reverse mode replaces calcium entry via L-type calcium as the primary source of trigger calcium", "change_char_case": " t-tubules decreases in CHF. ThiS will be tesTed by (1) DetErmInIng iF calCium influx via rEVersE mode NCX modulates calciUm-indUcED calCIuM releAse (CICR), (2) DEtERMinInG iF caLcIUm InfluX viA reversE mode NCX rePlaCeS calcium entrY ViA L-type calcIum Channels as thE prImary sOuRce OF trigGer CalciUm", "whitespace_perturbation": " t-tubules decreases in CH F. This wi ll be te ste dby ( 1) d etermining ifc alci um influx via reversemodeNC X mod u la tes c alcium- i nd u c edca lc ium r e le ase ( CIC R), (2) determini ngif calcium inf l ux via rever semode NCX rep lac es cal ci ume ntryvia L-ty pe cal c ium ch annels as t h e prim a ry sour c e o f tr igger calcium", "underscore_trick": " t-tubules_decreases in_CHF. This will be_tested by_(1)_determining if_calcium_influx via reverse_mode NCX modulates_calcium-induced calcium release (CICR),_(2) determining if_calcium_influx via reverse mode NCX replaces calcium entry via L-type calcium channels as the_primary_source of_trigger_calcium"} +{"text": " congenic for the H-2b genotype derived from strain C57L/J. These mice have been shown in our laboratory to have delayed and reduced leukemia incidence with respect to AKR/J and preliminary evidence incicates that they also have an altered immune responsiveness. This study is designed to confirm and expand upon these", "synonym_substitution": "congenic for the H-2b genotype derived from strain C57L / J. These mice have been shown in our laboratory to have stay and reduce leukemia incidence with respect to AKR / J and preliminary evidence incicates that they also have an adapted immune responsiveness. This study is designed to confirm and expand upon these", "butter_fingers": " cojgenic for the H-2b genotyke derived from sjrqin C57L/O. These mice haxe been shown in our laboratlrt to yave delayed and reducdd leukempa incidebce xith respect to EIR/J and prelijlnary xvidence incicajes that thef also have an autzred immune responsiveness. This studr is dexihned to confiri anc expznd upon these", "random_deletion": "congenic for the H-2b genotype derived from These have been in our laboratory leukemia with respect to and preliminary evidence that they also have an altered responsiveness. This study is designed to confirm and expand upon these", "change_char_case": " congenic for the H-2b genotype dErived from StraiN C57L/j. ThEsE micE havE been shown in ouR LaboRatory to have delayed and ReducEd LEukeMIa IncidEnce witH ReSPEct To aKr/J aNd PReLiminAry EvidencE incicates ThaT tHey also have aN AlTered immunE reSponsiveness. thiS study Is DesIGned tO coNfirm And expANd upon These", "whitespace_perturbation": " congenic for the H-2b gen otype deri ved f rom st ra in C 57L/ J. These miceh avebeen shown in our labo rator yt o ha v edelay ed andr ed u c edle uk emi ai nc idenc e w ith res pect to AK R/J a nd prelimina r yevidence i nci cates that t hey alsoha vea n alt ere d imm une re s ponsiv eness. Th is studyi s desig n e dto c onfirm and expand up o n these", "underscore_trick": " congenic_for the_H-2b genotype derived from_strain C57L/J._These_mice have_been_shown in our_laboratory to have_delayed and reduced leukemia_incidence with respect_to_AKR/J and preliminary evidence incicates that they also have an altered immune responsiveness. This_study_is designed_to_confirm_and expand upon these"} +{"text": "HEX also binds with high affinity to free ASARM- peptide and also inactivates the peptide by hydrolysis. In HYP, as well as a loss of PHEX function, there is a marked up regulation of MEPE and osteoblastic protease activity. This results in degradation of MEPE and DMP1", "synonym_substitution": "HEX also binds with high affinity to free ASARM- peptide and besides demobilize the peptide by hydrolysis. In HYP, as well as a loss of PHEX affair, there be a marked up regulation of MEPE and osteoblastic protease activeness. This resultant role in degradation of MEPE and DMP1", "butter_fingers": "HEX also binds with high afninity to free ASARM- pe'tide ahd also knactivates the peptide by hbdrooysis. In HYP, as well as a luss of PHVX functiin, tiere is a marked up regulation lf MZPX and osteoblasjic protease activity. This rdsblts in degradation of MEPE and DMP1", "random_deletion": "HEX also binds with high affinity to peptide also inactivates peptide by hydrolysis. a of PHEX function, is a marked regulation of MEPE and osteoblastic protease This results in degradation of MEPE and DMP1", "change_char_case": "HEX also binds with high affinIty to free AsARM- pEptIde AnD alsO inaCtivates the pepTIde bY hydrolysis. In HYP, as well As a loSs OF PHEx FuNctioN, there iS A mARKed Up ReGulAtIOn Of MEPe anD osteobLastic protEasE aCtivity. This rESuLts in degraDatIon of MEPE and dMP1", "whitespace_perturbation": "HEX also binds with high a ffinity to free AS ARM -pept ideand also inact i vate s the peptide by hydro lysis .I n HY P ,as we ll as a lo s s of P HE X f un c ti on, t her e is amarked upreg ul ation of MEP E a nd osteobl ast ic proteaseact ivity. T his resul tsin de gradat i on ofMEPE andDM P 1", "underscore_trick": "HEX also_binds with_high affinity to free_ASARM- peptide_and_also inactivates_the_peptide by hydrolysis._In HYP, as_well as a loss_of PHEX function,_there_is a marked up regulation of MEPE and osteoblastic protease activity. This results in_degradation_of MEPE_and_DMP1"} +{"text": " modulated by dietary experience. There is new and emerging data that argues to the plasticity of the peripheral taste system, yet our understanding of how the system changes in relation to experience is poor at best. Specifically, we will use an approach including a multidisciplinary approach to answer the following question: 1. Is the fatty acid transduction pathway", "synonym_substitution": "modulated by dietary experience. There is new and emerging datum that argue to the plasticity of the peripheral taste arrangement, yet our sympathy of how the system changes in sexual intercourse to experience is poor at best. Specifically, we will practice an overture including a multidisciplinary overture to answer the following question: 1. Is the fatty acid transduction nerve pathway", "butter_fingers": " mofulated by dietary experlence. There is ngw and ekerginf data tfat argues to the plasticity od the peripheral taste systdm, yet oug understqndiig of how the system chakyes ih relctmon to experienge is poor dt best. Specifhcxlpy, we will use an approach includind a mulyifisciplinary akproabh to znswer the following question: 1. Is fhe fatuy acid transductipn pathway", "random_deletion": "modulated by dietary experience. There is new data argues to plasticity of the understanding how the system in relation to is poor at best. Specifically, we use an approach including a multidisciplinary approach to answer the following question: 1. the fatty acid transduction pathway", "change_char_case": " modulated by dietary experieNce. There is New anD emErgInG datA thaT argues to the plASticIty of the peripheral tastE systEm, YEt ouR UnDerstAnding oF HoW THe sYsTeM chAnGEs In relAtiOn to expErience is pOor At Best. SpecificALlY, we will use An aPproach incluDinG a multIdIscIPlinaRy aPproaCh to anSWer the Following QuEStion: 1. IS The fattY ACiD traNsduction pathway", "whitespace_perturbation": " modulated by dietary expe rience. Th ere i s n ewan d em ergi ng data that a r gues to the plasticity ofthe p er i pher a ltaste system , y e t ou run der st a nd ing o f h ow thesystem cha nge sin relationt oexperience is poor at bes t.Specif ic all y , wewil l use an ap p roachincluding a multid i sciplin a r yappr oach to answer th e f o llowing questi on: 1. I s t h e fa tty acid tran sd uctio n pathwa y ", "underscore_trick": " modulated_by dietary_experience. There is new_and emerging_data_that argues_to_the plasticity of_the peripheral taste_system, yet our understanding_of how the_system_changes in relation to experience is poor at best. Specifically, we will use an_approach_including a_multidisciplinary_approach_to answer the following question:_1. Is the fatty acid_transduction pathway"} +{"text": "-C virus expression in the mouse. We feel there is considerable complementarity and synergy between the human and mouse programs. ViraCore is a biotechnology company that is creating a drug discovery tool that is capable of presenting complex receptors in a nanometer-sized particle format. Specific ally, ViraCore is using", "synonym_substitution": "-C virus expression in the mouse. We feel there is considerable complementarity and synergy between the human and shiner broadcast. ViraCore is a biotechnology company that is creating a drug discovery cock that is able of presenting complex receptors in a nanometer - sized atom format. Specific ally, ViraCore is using", "butter_fingers": "-C vlrus expression in the muuse. We feel thgrw is cmnsidedable cooplementarity and synergy bevweeb the human and mouse progrxms. ViraClre is a biouechnology companb that is creaflng a vrug discovery jool that is capable of prasdncing complex receptors in a nanometew-sized lagticle format. Fpecpfyc amly, ViraCore is using", "random_deletion": "-C virus expression in the mouse. We is complementarity and between the human a company that is a drug discovery that is capable of presenting complex in a nanometer-sized particle format. Specific ally, ViraCore is using", "change_char_case": "-C virus expression in the mousE. We feel theRe is cOnsIdeRaBle cOmplEmentarity and sYNergY between the human and mouSe proGrAMs. ViRACOre is A biotecHNoLOGy cOmPaNy tHaT Is CreatIng A drug diScovery tooL thAt Is capable of pREsEnting compLex Receptors in a NanOmeter-SiZed PArticLe fOrmat. specifIC ally, VIraCore is UsINg", "whitespace_perturbation": "-C virus expression in the mouse. We feel th ere i s co nsid erable complem e ntar ity and synergy betwee n the h u mana nd mous e progr a ms . Vir aC or e i sa b iotec hno logy co mpany that is c reating a dr u gdiscoverytoo l that is ca pab le ofpr ese n tingcom plexrecept o rs ina nanomet er - sizedp article f or mat. Specific ally, V i ra C ore is using", "underscore_trick": "-C virus_expression in_the mouse. We feel_there is_considerable_complementarity and_synergy_between the human_and mouse programs._ViraCore is a biotechnology_company that is_creating_a drug discovery tool that is capable of presenting complex receptors in a nanometer-sized_particle_format. Specific_ally,_ViraCore_is using"} +{"text": "its, A., and G. Scheele. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 73, 156-160 1976. Secretory Proteins of the Exocrine Pancreas. Scheele, G.A., in Cell Biology (P.L. Altman and D.D. Katz, eds.), Federation of", "synonym_substitution": "its, A., and G. Scheele. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 73, 156 - 160 1976. Secretory Proteins of the Exocrine Pancreas. Scheele, G.A., in Cell Biology (P.L. Altman and D.D. Katz, eds .), Federation of", "butter_fingers": "its, A., and G. Scheele. Proc. Nau. Acad. Sci. USA 73, 156-160 1976. Secretmry Prkteins ow the Exocrine Pancreas. Schexle, T.A., in Cell Biology (P.L. Altmav and D.D. Natz, eds.), Fedtration of", "random_deletion": "its, A., and G. Scheele. Proc. Nat. USA 156-160 1976. Proteins of the Cell (P.L. Altman and Katz, eds.), Federation", "change_char_case": "its, A., and G. Scheele. Proc. Nat. AcaD. Sci. USA 73, 156-160 1976. SecRetorY PrOteInS of tHe ExOcrine Pancreas. sCheeLe, G.A., in Cell Biology (P.L. AltMan anD D.d. katz, EDs.), federAtion of", "whitespace_perturbation": "its, A., and G. Scheele. P roc. Nat.Acad. Sc i.US A 73 , 15 6-160 1976. Se c reto ry Proteins of the Exo crine P a ncre a s. Sche ele, G. A ., i n C el lBio lo g y(P.L. Al tman an d D.D. Kat z,ed s.), Federat i on of", "underscore_trick": "its, A.,_and G._Scheele. Proc. Nat. Acad._Sci. USA_73,_156-160 1976._Secretory_Proteins of the_Exocrine Pancreas. Scheele,_G.A., in Cell Biology_(P.L. Altman and_D.D._Katz, eds.), Federation of"} +{"text": " hepatic effects of alcohol, we have expanded the dual brain and behavior focus present in the parent grant to incorporate research on the effects of alcohol and THC on the liver. In the proposed project, we will investigate sex differences in the acute in vivo pharmacological effects of alcoho and THC co-administration, as well as", "synonym_substitution": "hepatic effects of alcohol, we have expanded the dual brain and demeanor concentrate present in the parent grant to incorporate inquiry on the effects of alcohol and THC on the liver. In the nominate project, we will investigate sexual activity differences in the acute in vivo pharmacological effects of alcoho and THC carbon monoxide - administration, as well as", "butter_fingers": " heoatic effects of alcohol, we have expandgd the dnal brajn and bdhavior focus present in the pqrent grant to incorporate fesearch ln the edfecus of alcohol and THC on bke libcr. In vhe proposed prpject, we whll investigata rer differences in the acute in vivo prarmacokohical effects jf aksoho and THC co-administration, as well zs", "random_deletion": "hepatic effects of alcohol, we have expanded brain behavior focus in the parent the of alcohol and on the liver. the proposed project, we will investigate differences in the acute in vivo pharmacological effects of alcoho and THC co-administration, well as", "change_char_case": " hepatic effects of alcohol, we Have expandEd the DuaL brAiN and BehaVior focus preseNT in tHe parent grant to incorpoRate rEsEArch ON tHe effEcts of aLCoHOL anD ThC On tHe LIvEr. In tHe pRoposed Project, we wIll InVestigate sex DIfFerences in The Acute in vivo pHarMacoloGiCal EFfectS of AlcohO and THc Co-admiNistratioN, aS Well as", "whitespace_perturbation": " hepatic effects of alcoho l, we have expa nde d t he dua l br ain and behavi o r fo cus present in the par ent g ra n t to in corpo rate re s ea r c h o nth e e ff e ct s ofalc ohol an d THC on t heli ver. In thep ro posed proj ect , we will in ves tigate s exd iffer enc es in the a c ute in vivo pha rm a cologi c al effe c t sof a lcoho and THC co- a dm i nistration, as wellas ", "underscore_trick": " hepatic_effects of_alcohol, we have expanded_the dual_brain_and behavior_focus_present in the_parent grant to_incorporate research on the_effects of alcohol_and_THC on the liver. In the proposed project, we will investigate sex differences in_the_acute in_vivo_pharmacological_effects of alcoho and THC_co-administration, as well as"} +{"text": " mostly with a mixture of aminoglycoside and Beta-lactam antibiotics, is used to combat the infection, treatment often fails, owing to the emergence of alginate-producing P. aeruginosa isolates. The genetic and molecular mechanism of alginate overproduction has been elucidated in great detail. Yet, a possible therapeutic intervention", "synonym_substitution": "mostly with a mixture of aminoglycoside and Beta - lactam antibiotics, is used to battle the contagion, discussion often fails, owing to the egress of alginate - producing P. aeruginosa isolates. The genetic and molecular mechanism of alginate overproduction has been elucidated in bang-up detail. Yet, a potential curative intervention", "butter_fingers": " modtly with a mixture of aoinoglycoside aue Beta-nactam antibiogics, is used to combat the iifecrion, ugeatment often fails, uwing to nhe emergwnce if alginatx-lroduciky P. asvuginmwa isolates. Thg genetic ang molecular mewhxnnsm of alginate overproduction has bqen eluvifated in great detsyl. Ysn, c possible therapeutic intervenfion", "random_deletion": "mostly with a mixture of aminoglycoside and is to combat infection, treatment often of P. aeruginosa isolates. genetic and molecular of alginate overproduction has been elucidated great detail. Yet, a possible therapeutic intervention", "change_char_case": " mostly with a mixture of aminoGlycoside aNd BetA-laCtaM aNtibIotiCs, is used to combAT the Infection, treatment ofteN failS, oWIng tO ThE emerGence of ALgINAte-PrOdUciNg p. AeRuginOsa IsolateS. The genetiC anD mOlecular mechANiSm of alginaTe oVerproductioN haS been eLuCidATed in GreAt detAil. Yet, A PossibLe therapeUtIC interVEntion", "whitespace_perturbation": " mostly with a mixture ofaminoglyco sideand Be ta -lac tamantibiotics, i s use d to combat the infect ion,tr e atme n toften fails, ow i n g t oth e e me r ge nce o f a lginate -producing P. a eruginosa is o la tes. The g ene tic and mole cul ar mec ha nis m of a lgi nateoverpr o ductio n has bee ne lucida t ed in g r e at det ail. Yet, a possi b le therapeutic in terven ti o n", "underscore_trick": " mostly_with a_mixture of aminoglycoside and_Beta-lactam antibiotics,_is_used to_combat_the infection, treatment_often fails, owing_to the emergence of_alginate-producing P. aeruginosa_isolates._The genetic and molecular mechanism of alginate overproduction has been elucidated in great detail._Yet,_a possible_therapeutic_intervention"} +{"text": " community discoveries in clinical and translational research. RELEVANCE (See instructions): The University of Massachusetts Center for Clinical and Translational Science (UMCCTS) will transform the conduct of clinical and translational research by providing an \"academic home\" for all university clinical investigators. The UMCCTS will provide robust pilot grant", "synonym_substitution": "community discoveries in clinical and translational research. RELEVANCE (See education ): The University of Massachusetts Center for Clinical and Translational Science (UMCCTS) will translate the conduct of clinical and translational research by provide an \" academic home plate \" for all university clinical investigators. The UMCCTS will provide full-bodied pilot grant", "butter_fingers": " colmunity discoveries in cuinical and trauwlatioial ressarch. REUEVANCE (See instructions): The Ubiverwity of Massachusetts Zenter fog Clinicao anv Translational Science (MICCTA) wiln transform the conduct ox clinical and tfauslational research by providing an \"wcademiv jome\" for all ugivegsyty dlinical investigators. The UMCCTS sill prmvide robust lilot grant", "random_deletion": "community discoveries in clinical and translational research. instructions): University of Center for Clinical transform conduct of clinical translational research by an \"academic home\" for all university investigators. The UMCCTS will provide robust pilot grant", "change_char_case": " community discoveries in cliNical and trAnslaTioNal ReSearCh. RElEVANCE (See instRUctiOns): The University of MassAchusEtTS CenTEr For ClInical aND TRANslAtIoNal scIEnCe (UMCcTS) Will traNsform the cOndUcT of clinical aND tRanslationAl rEsearch by proVidIng an \"aCaDemIC home\" For All unIversiTY cliniCal investIgATors. ThE uMCCTS wILL pRoviDe robust pilot granT", "whitespace_perturbation": " community discoveries inclinical a nd tr ans lat io nalrese arch. RELEVANC E (Se e instructions): The U niver si t y of Ma ssach usettsC en t e r f or C lin ic a land T ran slation al Science (U MC CTS) will tr a ns form the c ond uct of clini cal and t ra nsl a tiona l r esear ch byp rovidi ng an \"ac ad e mic ho m e\" fora l luniv ersity clinical i n ve s tigators. TheUMCCTS w i ll p rov ide robust pi lo t gra n t", "underscore_trick": " community_discoveries in_clinical and translational research._RELEVANCE (See_instructions):_The University_of_Massachusetts Center for_Clinical and Translational_Science (UMCCTS) will transform_the conduct of_clinical_and translational research by providing an \"academic home\" for all university clinical investigators. The_UMCCTS_will provide_robust_pilot_grant"} +{"text": " to undetectable levels when germ cells reach stage X. This cycle of gene expression is a response to germ cells which causes sequential repression, stimulation and re-repression of transcription of the cathepsin L gene. We have identified 2 domains in the cathepsin L gene that potentially respond to these signals: [1] An", "synonym_substitution": "to undetectable levels when germ cells strive stagecoach X. This cycle of gene expression is a response to microbe cells which causes consecutive repression, stimulation and re - repression of transcription of the cathepsin L gene. We have identify 2 domains in the cathepsin L gene that potentially respond to these signal: [ 1 ] An", "butter_fingers": " to undetectable levels whek germ cells reaey stagx X. Thia cycle uf gene expression is a resplnwe to germ cells which causds sequennial reprwssiib, stimulatmkn and vz-reprsdsiou if transcriptipn of the wathepsin L gete. Wz have identified 2 domains in the caehepsin L gene that potgntiakjy rsspond to these signals: [1] An", "random_deletion": "to undetectable levels when germ cells reach This of gene is a response sequential stimulation and re-repression transcription of the L gene. We have identified 2 in the cathepsin L gene that potentially respond to these signals: [1] An", "change_char_case": " to undetectable levels when gErm cells reAch stAge x. ThIs CyclE of gEne expression iS A resPonse to germ cells which cAuses SeQUentIAl RepreSsion, stIMuLATioN aNd Re-rEpREsSion oF trAnscripTion of the cAthEpSin L gene. We haVE iDentified 2 dOmaIns in the cathEpsIn L genE tHat POtentIalLy resPond to THese siGnals: [1] An", "whitespace_perturbation": " to undetectable levels wh en germ ce lls r eac h s ta ge X . Th is cycle of ge n e ex pression is a response to g er m cel l swhich causes se q u ent ia lrep re s si on, s tim ulation and re-re pre ss ion of trans c ri ption of t hecathepsin Lgen e. Weha vei denti fie d 2 d omains in the cathepsi nL genet hat pot e n ti ally respond to these si g nals: [1] An", "underscore_trick": " to_undetectable levels_when germ cells reach_stage X._This_cycle of_gene_expression is a_response to germ_cells which causes sequential_repression, stimulation and_re-repression_of transcription of the cathepsin L gene. We have identified 2 domains in the_cathepsin_L gene_that_potentially_respond to these signals: [1]_An"} +{"text": " Oragene saliva kits. However, the parent study included no specific aims or funding to examine DNA for genetic risk factors. This application aims to study genetic variation in candidate genes, which were previously shown to be associated with clubfoot in family studies. The candidate genes will be identified in a separate study of clubfoot which", "synonym_substitution": "Oragene saliva kits. However, the parent study included no specific aims or support to test DNA for genetic risk factors. This lotion aims to study genetic version in candidate genes, which were previously read to be associated with clubfoot in family report. The candidate genes will be identified in a separate study of clubfoot which", "butter_fingers": " Orwgene saliva kits. Howevev, the parent stubt inclnded no specifiz aims or funding to examine DBA foe genetic risk factors. This apppication aimw to study jsnetic ycriatjln iu randidate genes, which wera previously svodn to be associated with clubfoot in samily xtkdies. The candydatt gqnes will be identified in a separate atudy oh clubfoot whicn", "random_deletion": "Oragene saliva kits. However, the parent study specific or funding examine DNA for aims study genetic variation candidate genes, which previously shown to be associated with in family studies. The candidate genes will be identified in a separate study clubfoot which", "change_char_case": " Oragene saliva kits. However, tHe parent stUdy inCluDed No SpecIfic Aims or funding tO ExamIne DNA for genetic risk faCtors. thIS appLIcAtion Aims to sTUdY GEneTiC vAriAtIOn In canDidAte geneS, which were PreViOusly shown to BE aSsociated wIth Clubfoot in faMilY studiEs. the CAndidAte Genes Will be IDentifIed in a sepArATe studY Of clubfOOT wHich", "whitespace_perturbation": " Oragene saliva kits. Howe ver, the p arent st udy i nclu dedno specific ai m s or funding to examine DN A for g e neti c r isk f actors. Th i s ap pl ic ati on ai ms to st udy gen etic varia tio nin candidate ge nes, which we re previousl y s hown t obea ssoci ate d wit h club f oot in family s tu d ies. T h e candi d a te gen es will be identi f ie d in a separate study o f c l u bfo otwhich", "underscore_trick": " Oragene_saliva kits._However, the parent study_included no_specific_aims or_funding_to examine DNA_for genetic risk_factors. This application aims_to study genetic_variation_in candidate genes, which were previously shown to be associated with clubfoot in family_studies._The candidate_genes_will_be identified in a separate_study of clubfoot which"} +{"text": " genetic strategies and genetic mosaic analysis to test the function of neurotrophin receptors p75, TrkB, and TrkC in development and refinement of central somatosensory circuitry. The somatosensory system relies on activity for proper structural maturation of both axons and dendrites, and thus represents an excellent opportunity to test", "synonym_substitution": "genetic strategies and genetic mosaic analysis to screen the affair of neurotrophin receptors p75, TrkB, and TrkC in development and refinement of cardinal somatosensory circuitry. The somatosensory system relies on activity for proper geomorphologic maturation of both axons and dendrite, and therefore represents an excellent opportunity to test", "butter_fingers": " gejetic strategies and genttic mosaic analysis to vest ths functiun of neurotrophin receptors p75, TrkB, and TrkC in developmevt and revinement of rentral somatoseiaory civeuitrg. The womatosensory xystem relhes on activitf wox proper structural maturation of boeh axonx wnd dendrites, wnd uhuf relgewents an excellent opportunitg to tevt", "random_deletion": "genetic strategies and genetic mosaic analysis to function neurotrophin receptors TrkB, and TrkC central circuitry. The somatosensory relies on activity proper structural maturation of both axons dendrites, and thus represents an excellent opportunity to test", "change_char_case": " genetic strategies and genetIc mosaic anAlysiS to TesT tHe fuNctiOn of neurotrophIN recEptors p75, TrkB, and TrkC in deVelopMeNT and REfInemeNt of cenTRaL SOmaToSeNsoRy CIrCuitrY. ThE somatoSensory sysTem ReLies on activiTY fOr proper stRucTural maturatIon Of both AxOns ANd denDriTes, anD thus rEPresenTs an excelLeNT opporTUnity to TESt", "whitespace_perturbation": " genetic strategies and ge netic mosa ic an aly sis t o te st t he function of neur otrophin receptors p75 , Trk B, andT rk C indevelop m en t and r ef ine me n tof ce ntr al soma tosensorycir cu itry. The so m at osensory s yst em relies on ac tivity f orp roper st ructu ral ma t uratio n of both a x ons an d dendri t e s, and thus representsa ne xcellent oppor tunity t o t e s t", "underscore_trick": " genetic_strategies and_genetic mosaic analysis to_test the_function_of neurotrophin_receptors_p75, TrkB, and_TrkC in development_and refinement of central_somatosensory circuitry. The_somatosensory_system relies on activity for proper structural maturation of both axons and dendrites, and_thus_represents an_excellent_opportunity_to test"} +{"text": "omodulatory effect that patent Schistosoma haematobium has upon the humoral and cellular response elicited to acute Plasmodium falciparum infection and how this immune response affects the incidence and severity of clinical malarial disease. We expect these studies to 1) demonstrate the importance of co-parasitic infections in the developing", "synonym_substitution": "omodulatory effect that patent Schistosoma haematobium has upon the humoral and cellular response elicited to acute Plasmodium falciparum infection and how this immune reception involve the incidence and severity of clinical malarial disease. We expect these studies to 1) prove the importance of co - parasitic infections in the develop", "butter_fingers": "omofulatory effect that pattnt Schistosoma hcwmatobmum has upon thd humoral and cellular respoise wliciuvd to acute Plasmodiuo falcipagum infecrion qnd how thma immunc resllnse effects the incldence and veverity of clhnkccl malarial disease. We expect these ftudies tl 1) demonstrate the ympodnakce of co-parasitic infections in the deneloping", "random_deletion": "omodulatory effect that patent Schistosoma haematobium has humoral cellular response to acute Plasmodium immune affects the incidence severity of clinical disease. We expect these studies to demonstrate the importance of co-parasitic infections in the developing", "change_char_case": "omodulatory effect that pateNt SchistosOma haEmaTobIuM has Upon The humoral and cELlulAr response elicited to acUte PlAsMOdiuM FaLcipaRum infeCTiON And HoW tHis ImMUnE respOnsE affectS the incideNce AnD severity of cLInIcal malariAl dIsease. We expeCt tHese stUdIes TO 1) demoNstRate tHe impoRTance oF co-parasiTiC InfectIOns in thE DEvElopIng", "whitespace_perturbation": "omodulatory effect that pa tent Schis tosom a h aem at obiu m ha s upon the hum o raland cellular responseelici te d toa cu te Pl asmodiu m f a l cip ar um in fe c ti on an d h ow this immune re spo ns e affects th e i ncidence a ndseverity ofcli nicalma lar i al di sea se. W e expe c t thes e studies t o 1) de m onstrat e th e im portance of co-pa r as i tic infections in th ed ev e l opi ng", "underscore_trick": "omodulatory effect_that patent_Schistosoma haematobium has upon_the humoral_and_cellular response_elicited_to acute Plasmodium_falciparum infection and_how this immune response_affects the incidence_and_severity of clinical malarial disease. We expect these studies to 1) demonstrate the importance_of_co-parasitic infections_in_the_developing"} +{"text": ". subject didn't wear the footwear), the sensor unit will notify an alarm (via sound or vibration) and will mark the time of the alarm in the on-board memory system. In the clinical part of the study, two different tests are designed to address its validity as well as its application in (a)", "synonym_substitution": ". subject didn't wear the footwear), the sensor unit will advise an alarm clock (via audio or vibration) and will mark the fourth dimension of the alarm in the on - board memory organization. In the clinical share of the study, two unlike examination are designed to cover its validity as well as its application in (a )", "butter_fingers": ". suhject didn't wear the foouwear), the sensor onut wiln notiry an alxrm (via sound or vibration) aid wull mqrk the time of the alxrm in thv on-board memiey system. Mh the clinicam parc if the study, teo differett tests are daskgued to address its validity as well ws its spolication in (a)", "random_deletion": ". subject didn't wear the footwear), the will an alarm sound or vibration) of alarm in the memory system. In clinical part of the study, two tests are designed to address its validity as well as its application in", "change_char_case": ". subject didn't wear the footweAr), the sensoR unit WilL noTiFy an AlarM (via sound or vibRAtioN) and will mark the time of tHe alaRm IN the ON-bOard mEmory sySTeM. iN thE cLiNicAl PArT of thE stUdy, two dIfferent teSts ArE designed to aDDrEss its valiDitY as well as its AppLicatiOn In (a)", "whitespace_perturbation": ". subject didn't wear thefootwear), thesen sor u nitwill notify an ala r m (v ia sound or vibration) andwi l l ma r kthe t ime oft he a lar min th eo n- board me mory sy stem. In t hecl inical parto fthe study, tw o differenttes ts are d esi g ned t o a ddres s itsv alidit y as well a s its a p plicati o n i n (a )", "underscore_trick": ". subject_didn't wear_the footwear), the sensor_unit will_notify_an alarm_(via_sound or vibration)_and will mark_the time of the_alarm in the_on-board_memory system. In the clinical part of the study, two different tests are designed_to_address its_validity_as_well as its application in_(a)"} +{"text": " dermoscopic features of individual nevi. Mouthwash derived DNA collected at the baseline examination will be used for MC1R genotyping. The insights into nevus risk factors and evolution gleaned from this study will have significant implications for reduction of melanoma mortality through improved risk stratification and more informed prevention. The current work is", "synonym_substitution": "dermoscopic features of individual nevi. Mouthwash derived DNA gather at the baseline interrogation will be used for MC1R genotyping. The insights into nevus hazard factors and evolution gleaned from this cogitation will have significant deduction for reduction of melanoma mortality through better risk stratification and more informed prevention. The current work is", "butter_fingers": " degmoscopic features of inaividual nevi. Mouthwasi derivsd DNA cullected at the baseline exalibatiob will be used for MC1R genotypijg. The ibsigits into nevus rmak factors ans evonntion gleaned ftom this stugy will have shgviyicant implications for reduction of melanoka mortality thrjugh ymprkneb risk stratification and more jnformev prevention. Thr current work is", "random_deletion": "dermoscopic features of individual nevi. Mouthwash derived at baseline examination be used for nevus factors and evolution from this study have significant implications for reduction of mortality through improved risk stratification and more informed prevention. The current work is", "change_char_case": " dermoscopic features of indiVidual nevi. mouthWasH deRiVed DnA coLlected at the baSElinE examination will be used For MC1r gENotyPInG. The iNsights INtO NEvuS rIsK faCtORs And evOluTion gleAned from thIs sTuDy will have siGNiFicant implIcaTions for reduCtiOn of meLaNomA MortaLitY throUgh impROved riSk stratifIcATion anD More infORMeD preVention. The current WOrK Is", "whitespace_perturbation": " dermoscopic features of i ndividualnevi. Mo uth wa sh d eriv ed DNA collect e d at the baseline examinat ion w il l beu se d for MC1R g e no t y pin g. T hein s ig hts i nto nevusrisk facto rsan d evolutiong le aned fromthi s study will ha ve sig ni fic a nt im pli catio ns for reduct ion of me la n oma mo r talityt h ro ughimproved risk str a ti f ication and mo re inf or m ed p rev ent ion. The c ur rentw ork is", "underscore_trick": " dermoscopic_features of_individual nevi. Mouthwash derived_DNA collected_at_the baseline_examination_will be used_for MC1R genotyping._The insights into nevus_risk factors and_evolution_gleaned from this study will have significant implications for reduction of melanoma mortality through_improved_risk stratification_and_more_informed prevention. The current work_is"} +{"text": " Earlier findings in monkeys suggested that systemic injection of haloperidol, but not of scopolamine, retards the learning of a set of concurrent visual discriminations in which the stimulus pairs within the set are each presented just once every 24 hours. In a new study, using a version of this task in which the", "synonym_substitution": "Earlier findings in monkeys suggested that systemic injection of haloperidol, but not of scopolamine, idiot the eruditeness of a stage set of concurrent visual discrimination in which the stimulus pairs within the stage set are each presented just once every 24 hour. In a new study, use a version of this task in which the", "butter_fingers": " Eaglier findings in monkeyr suggested thaj wystemmc injedtion of haloperidol, but not of scopllqmine, retards the learning uf a set lf concuerenu visual discrimiiztions lu whidm the wtimulus pairs within tha set are each pfedented just once every 24 hours. In a gew stucy, using a versijn og thia task in which the", "random_deletion": "Earlier findings in monkeys suggested that systemic haloperidol, not of retards the learning visual in which the pairs within the are each presented just once every hours. In a new study, using a version of this task in which", "change_char_case": " Earlier findings in monkeys sUggested thAt sysTemIc iNjEctiOn of Haloperidol, but NOt of Scopolamine, retards the lEarniNg OF a seT Of ConcuRrent viSUaL DIscRiMiNatIoNS iN whicH thE stimulUs pairs witHin ThE set are each pREsEnted just oNce Every 24 hours. In A neW study, UsIng A VersiOn oF this Task in WHich thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " Earlier findings in monke ys suggest ed th atsys te micinje ction of halop e rido l, but not of scopolam ine,re t ards th e lea rning o f a s etof c onc ur r en t vis ual discri minationsinwh ich the stim u lu s pairs wi thi n the set ar e e ach pr es ent e d jus t o nce e very 2 4 hours . In a ne ws tudy,u sing av e rs ionof this task in w h ic h the", "underscore_trick": " Earlier_findings in_monkeys suggested that systemic_injection of_haloperidol,_but not_of_scopolamine, retards the_learning of a_set of concurrent visual_discriminations in which_the_stimulus pairs within the set are each presented just once every 24 hours. In_a_new study,_using_a_version of this task in_which the"} +{"text": " measuring vessel permeability. We have conducted ultrastructure studies in conjunction with Donald McDonalds lab in UCSF(4). We conducted an murine study in which radiolabeled (14C) permeability agent was compared (using Quantitative AutoRadiography (QAR) with DCE-MRI in a brain tumor", "synonym_substitution": "measuring vessel permeability. We have conducted ultrastructure studies in conjunction with Donald McDonalds lab in UCSF(4). We behave an murine discipline in which radiolabeled (14C) permeability agent was compared (using Quantitative AutoRadiography (QAR) with DCE - MRI in a genius tumor", "butter_fingers": " mewsuring vessel permeabillty. We have condocred ulvrastrudture stjdies in conjunction with Doiald McDobalds lab in UCSF(4). We cunducted wn murinw stndy in which radmklabeled (14C) pedleabnlmty agent was cpmpared (ushng Quantitatiee AbtoRadiography (QAR) with DCE-MRI in a frain timlr", "random_deletion": "measuring vessel permeability. We have conducted ultrastructure conjunction Donald McDonalds in UCSF(4). We which (14C) permeability agent compared (using Quantitative (QAR) with DCE-MRI in a brain", "change_char_case": " measuring vessel permeabiliTy. We have coNductEd uLtrAsTrucTure Studies in conjuNCtioN with Donald McDonalds laB in UCsF(4). wE conDUcTed an Murine sTUdY IN whIcH rAdiOlABeLed (14C) pErmEabilitY agent was cOmpArEd (using QuantITaTive AutoRaDioGraphy (QAR) witH DCe-MRI in A bRaiN Tumor", "whitespace_perturbation": " measuring vessel permeabi lity. We h ave c ond uct ed ult rast ructure studie s inconjunction with Donal d McD on a ldsl ab in U CSF(4). We c ond uc te d a nm ur ine s tud y in wh ich radiol abe le d (14C) perm e ab ility agen t w as compared(us ing Qu an tit a tiveAut oRadi ograph y (QAR) with DCE -M R I in a brain t u m or ", "underscore_trick": " measuring_vessel permeability._We have conducted ultrastructure_studies in_conjunction_with Donald_McDonalds_lab in UCSF(4)._We conducted an_murine study in which_radiolabeled (14C) permeability_agent_was compared (using Quantitative AutoRadiography (QAR) with DCE-MRI in a brain tumor"} +{"text": " Systems. (2) Standardize the methodology for identifying farmers'markets, which will allow others to accurately quantify and disseminate information about markets to consumers and public health practitioners. (3) Provide greater clarity regarding disparities in access to farmers'markets and regarding potential associations between access to farmers'markets and", "synonym_substitution": "Systems. (2) Standardize the methodology for identifying farmers'markets, which will allow others to accurately quantify and disseminate information about grocery store to consumer and public health practitioners. (3) Provide great clearness regarding disparities in access to farmers'markets and see potential associations between entree to farmers'markets and", "butter_fingers": " Sydtems. (2) Standardize the mtthodology for idgnrifyinj farmeds'marketr, which will allow others to axcurauvly quantify and dissdminate ijformatiin auout markets to rknsumers and lmblic iealth practitipners. (3) Proeide greater cnaficy regarding disparities in access tj farmets'larkets and redardpnd pofvnuial associations between access fo farmtrs'markets and", "random_deletion": "Systems. (2) Standardize the methodology for identifying will others to quantify and disseminate and health practitioners. (3) greater clarity regarding in access to farmers'markets and regarding associations between access to farmers'markets and", "change_char_case": " Systems. (2) Standardize the methOdology for IdentIfyIng FaRmerS'marKets, which will aLLow oThers to accurately quantIfy anD dISsemINaTe infOrmatioN AbOUT maRkEtS to CoNSuMers aNd pUblic heAlth practiTioNeRs. (3) Provide greATeR clarity reGarDing disparitIes In acceSs To fARmers'MarKets aNd regaRDing poTential asSoCIationS Between ACCeSs to Farmers'markets and", "whitespace_perturbation": " Systems. (2) Standardizethe method ology fo r i de ntif ying farmers'marke t s, w hich will allow others to a cc u rate l yquant ify and di s s emi na te in fo r ma tionabo ut mark ets to con sum er s and public he alth pract iti oners. (3) P rov ide gr ea ter clari tyregar ding d i sparit ies in ac ce s s to f a rmers'm a r ke ts a nd regarding pote n ti a l associations betwe en ac c e sstofarmers'ma rk ets a n d", "underscore_trick": " Systems._(2) Standardize_the methodology for identifying_farmers'markets, which_will_allow others_to_accurately quantify and_disseminate information about_markets to consumers and_public health practitioners._(3)_Provide greater clarity regarding disparities in access to farmers'markets and regarding potential associations between_access_to farmers'markets_and"} +{"text": " methodological rigor for standardized data collection, processing, and analytics. The Administrative Core will oversee the operations of the Sites, the Data Coordinating Core (DCC), and the DAAC and coordinate with federal and private partners to achieve the aims of this cooperative agreement. The will utilize informatics and technology to develop, maintain", "synonym_substitution": "methodological rigor for standardized data collection, processing, and analytics. The Administrative Core will oversee the operation of the Sites, the Data Coordinating Core (DCC), and the DAAC and organize with federal and private partners to achieve the aim of this cooperative agreement. The will utilize information science and technology to develop, maintain", "butter_fingers": " mehhodological rigor for suandardized data eillectmon, prodessing, xnd analytics. The Administravive Core will oversee the operxtions of the Sitws, tie Data Coordinavjng Corc (DCC), wnd chx DAAC and coorcinate witv federal and [rkvcte partners to achieve the aims of ehis coppfrative agreemgnt. Tnq wiml utilize informatics and technolkgy to vevelop, maintaim", "random_deletion": "methodological rigor for standardized data collection, processing, The Core will the operations of Core and the DAAC coordinate with federal private partners to achieve the aims this cooperative agreement. The will utilize informatics and technology to develop, maintain", "change_char_case": " methodological rigor for staNdardized dAta coLleCtiOn, ProcEssiNg, and analytics. tHe AdMinistrative Core will ovErsee ThE OperATiOns of The SiteS, ThE dAta coOrDinAtINg core (DcC), aNd the DAaC and coordInaTe With federal aND pRivate partNerS to achieve thE aiMs of thIs CooPEratiVe aGreemEnt. The WIll utiLize inforMaTIcs and TEchnoloGY To DeveLop, maintain", "whitespace_perturbation": " methodological rigor forstandardiz ed da tacol le ctio n, p rocessing, and anal ytics. The Administrat ive C or e wil l o verse e the o p er a t ion sof th eS it es, t heData Co ordinating Co re (DCC), andt he DAAC andcoo rdinate with fe deralan d p r ivate pa rtner s to a c hievethe aimsof this c o operati v e a gree ment. The will ut i li z e informaticsand te ch n ol o g y t o d evelop, ma in tain", "underscore_trick": " methodological_rigor for_standardized data collection, processing,_and analytics._The_Administrative Core_will_oversee the operations_of the Sites,_the Data Coordinating Core_(DCC), and the_DAAC_and coordinate with federal and private partners to achieve the aims of this cooperative_agreement._The will_utilize_informatics_and technology to develop, maintain"} +{"text": " AM for IL-12 production. Studies during the first three years of this program will test these hypotheses by evaluating cytokine expression patterns of AM collected in a temporal fashion following in vivo FIV infection. The last year of this research will correlate the results of the in vitro studies with in vivo challenge of FIV-infected cats", "synonym_substitution": "AM for IL-12 production. Studies during the first three years of this platform will screen these hypotheses by evaluating cytokine expression practice of AM collected in a temporal manner following in vivo FIV infection. The last class of this inquiry will correlate the results of the in vitro studies with in vivo challenge of FIV - infect cats", "butter_fingers": " AM for IL-12 production. Studits during the first threx years of this program will test these hypltyeses by evaluating cytokind expresspon patteens id AM collerfed in a tempkval fcsiion following ln vivo FIV infection. The lxsc year of this research will correlaee the tedults of the ig viuro stuspew with in vivo challenge of FJV-infecued cats", "random_deletion": "AM for IL-12 production. Studies during the years this program test these hypotheses of collected in a fashion following in FIV infection. The last year of research will correlate the results of the in vitro studies with in vivo of FIV-infected cats", "change_char_case": " AM for IL-12 production. Studies dUring the fiRst thRee YeaRs Of thIs prOgram will test tHEse hYpotheses by evaluating cYtokiNe EXpreSSiOn patTerns of am cOLLecTeD iN a tEmPOrAl fasHioN followIng in vivo FiV iNfEction. The lasT YeAr of this reSeaRch will correLatE the reSuLts OF the iN viTro stUdies wITh in viVo challenGe OF FIV-inFEcted caTS", "whitespace_perturbation": " AM for IL-12 production.Studies du ringthe fi rs t th reeyears of thisp rogr am will test these hyp othes es by e v al uatin g cytok i ne e xpr es si onpa t te rns o f A M colle cted in atem po ral fashionf ol lowing inviv o FIV infect ion . Thela sty ear o f t his r esearc h willcorrelate t h e resu l ts of t h e i n vi tro studies withi nv ivo challengeof FIV -i n fe c t edcat s", "underscore_trick": " AM_for IL-12_production. Studies during the_first three_years_of this_program_will test these_hypotheses by evaluating_cytokine expression patterns of_AM collected in_a_temporal fashion following in vivo FIV infection. The last year of this research will_correlate_the results_of_the_in vitro studies with in_vivo challenge of FIV-infected cats"} +{"text": ") function. Experiments are planned to test two hypotheses: first, that the constitutive level of activation of AM from HIV/FIV patients is a direct result of viral infection of the AM independent of lymphokine conditioning; secondly, that HIV/FIV infection inhibits an autocrine IFN-gamma loop necessary to prime", "synonym_substitution": ") function. Experiments are planned to test two guess: foremost, that the constitutive level of energizing of AM from HIV / FIV patients is a lineal result of viral infection of the AM autonomous of lymphokine conditioning; secondly, that HIV / FIV infection inhibits an autocrine IFN - gamma cringle necessary to prime", "butter_fingers": ") fujction. Experiments are puanned to test jwi hypovheses: rirst, thxt the constitutive level of axtivaupon of AM from HIV/FIV patients is a dieect eesult of tjral innzctioh of chx AM independenj of lymphokhne conditionitg; szcondly, that HIV/FIV infection inhibies an aitlcrine IFN-gammw lop[ nedvswary to prime", "random_deletion": ") function. Experiments are planned to test first, the constitutive of activation of a result of viral of the AM of lymphokine conditioning; secondly, that HIV/FIV inhibits an autocrine IFN-gamma loop necessary to prime", "change_char_case": ") function. Experiments are plaNned to test Two hyPotHesEs: FirsT, thaT the constitutiVE levEl of activation of AM from hIV/FIv pATienTS iS a dirEct resuLT oF VIraL iNfEctIoN Of The AM IndEpendenT of lymphokIne CoNditioning; seCOnDly, that HIV/fIV Infection inhIbiTs an auToCriNE IFN-gAmmA loop NecessARy to prIme", "whitespace_perturbation": ") function. Experiments ar e plannedto te sttwo h ypot hese s: first, that theconstitutive level ofactiv at i on o f A M fro m HIV/F I Vp a tie nt sisad ir ect r esu lt of v iral infec tio nof the AM in d ep endent oflym phokine cond iti oning; s eco n dly,tha t HIV /FIV i n fectio n inhibit sa n auto c rine IF N - ga mmaloop necessary to pr i me", "underscore_trick": ") function._Experiments are_planned to test two_hypotheses: first,_that_the constitutive_level_of activation of_AM from HIV/FIV_patients is a direct_result of viral_infection_of the AM independent of lymphokine conditioning; secondly, that HIV/FIV infection inhibits an autocrine_IFN-gamma_loop necessary_to_prime"} +{"text": " characteristics of its sodium pump. Finally, using hippocampal neurons in-vitro, we will regulate the activity of the NaKATPase isoforms and determine their role in glutamate-induced cell death. These studies will shed light on the complexity of action of the sodium pump, which is fundamentally critical to normal neuronal function. They", "synonym_substitution": "characteristics of its sodium pump. Finally, using hippocampal nerve cell in - vitro, we will determine the activity of the NaKATPase isoforms and determine their function in glutamate - induce cell death. These study will shed light on the complexity of military action of the sodium pump, which is fundamentally critical to normal neural function. They", "butter_fingers": " chwracteristics of its sodlum pump. Finally, using iippocajpal neufons in-vitro, we will regulatx thw actuvity of the NaKATPase isoforms and detwrmiie their role in glutamabz-indudcd ceno death. These xtudies winl shed light mn tke complexity of action of the sodiui pump, ehlch is fundamegtalkr crjnigal to normal neuronal function. Fhey", "random_deletion": "characteristics of its sodium pump. Finally, using in-vitro, will regulate activity of the role glutamate-induced cell death. studies will shed on the complexity of action of sodium pump, which is fundamentally critical to normal neuronal function. They", "change_char_case": " characteristics of its sodiuM pump. FinalLy, usiNg hIppOcAmpaL neuRons in-vitro, we wILl reGulate the activity of the naKATpaSE isoFOrMs and DetermiNE tHEIr rOlE iN glUtAMaTe-indUceD cell deAth. These stUdiEs Will shed lighT On The complexIty Of action of thE soDium puMp, WhiCH is fuNdaMentaLly criTIcal to Normal neuRoNAl funcTIon. They", "whitespace_perturbation": " characteristics of its so dium pump. Fina lly , u si ng h ippo campal neurons in-v itro, we will regulate theac t ivit y o f the NaKATP a se i sof or ms an dd et ermin e t heir ro le in glut ama te -induced cel l d eath. Thes e s tudies willshe d ligh tont he co mpl exity of ac t ion of the sodi um pump,w hich is f un dame ntally critical t o n o rmal neuronalfuncti on . T h e y", "underscore_trick": " characteristics_of its_sodium pump. Finally, using_hippocampal neurons_in-vitro,_we will_regulate_the activity of_the NaKATPase isoforms_and determine their role_in glutamate-induced cell_death._These studies will shed light on the complexity of action of the sodium pump,_which_is fundamentally_critical_to_normal neuronal function. They"} +{"text": ". The systematic study of cultured glial cells should provide fundamental information on the biochemical basis of neuron-glia interactions. Clinical trials of a new treatment may proceed through three phases. Phase I trials are typically small studies that evaluate toxicity and determine a safe dosage range. The specific task is usually to determine the maximum tolerated dose.", "synonym_substitution": ". The systematic study of cultured glial cells should leave cardinal information on the biochemical basis of nerve cell - glia interaction. Clinical trials of a new discussion may go through three phases. Phase I trials are typically small studies that measure toxicity and determine a safe dosage compass. The specific task is usually to determine the maximum tolerated venereal disease.", "butter_fingers": ". Thf systematic study of cuutured glial cells shonld probide funaamental information on the uiocyemicql basis of neuron-glia interactpons. Clinucal rrials of e new trcctmenf may 'roceed through three phaves. Phase I trhaus are typically small studies that edaluate tlxicity and dejermimq a aafe dosage range. The specific tasi is uslally to determinr the maximum tolerated dode.", "random_deletion": ". The systematic study of cultured glial provide information on biochemical basis of a treatment may proceed three phases. Phase trials are typically small studies that toxicity and determine a safe dosage range. The specific task is usually to the maximum tolerated dose.", "change_char_case": ". The systematic study of cultuRed glial ceLls shOulD prOvIde fUndaMental informatIOn on The biochemical basis of nEuron-GlIA intERaCtionS. ClinicAL tRIAls Of A nEw tReATmEnt maY prOceed thRough three PhaSeS. Phase I trialS ArE typically SmaLl studies thaT evAluate ToXicITy and DetErminE a safe DOsage rAnge. The spEcIFic tasK Is usualLY To DeteRmine the maximum toLErATed dose.", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The systematic study ofcultured g lialcel lssh ould pro vide fundament a l in formation on the bioch emica lb asis of neur on-glia in t e rac ti on s.Cl i ni cal t ria ls of a new treat men tmay proceedt hr ough three ph ases. PhaseI t rialsar e t y pical lysmall studi e s that evaluate t o xicity and det e r mi ne a safe dosage rang e .T he specific ta sk isus u al l y to de termine th emaxim u m toler a te d d ose . ", "underscore_trick": ". The_systematic study_of cultured glial cells_should provide_fundamental_information on_the_biochemical basis of_neuron-glia interactions. Clinical_trials of a new_treatment may proceed_through_three phases. Phase I trials are typically small studies that evaluate toxicity and determine_a_safe dosage_range._The_specific task is usually to_determine the maximum tolerated dose."} +{"text": " of transcription complexes initiated from the rRNA promoters. It has been proposed that the antitermination transcription complex is assembled via direct and specific interactions between one or more of these Nus factors, and the nascent RNA complementary to these antitermination sequences in the DNA (boxA and boxB sequences). Photochemical crosslinking", "synonym_substitution": "of transcription complexes initiated from the rRNA promoters. It has been aim that the antitermination arrangement complex is assembled via direct and specific interaction between one or more of these Nus factors, and the nascent RNA complementary to these antitermination succession in the DNA (boxA and boxB succession). Photochemical crosslinking", "butter_fingers": " of transcription complexes initiated from the rRIA promkters. It has been proposed that the entirermibation transcription cumplex is assemblwd vma direct and spxdific ikceracflons yevween one or mote of these Tus factors, ang ghz nascent RNA complementary to these antitetmlnation sequenses pn the DNA (boxA and boxB sequences). Photodhemican crosslinkinb", "random_deletion": "of transcription complexes initiated from the rRNA has proposed that antitermination transcription complex specific between one or of these Nus and the nascent RNA complementary to antitermination sequences in the DNA (boxA and boxB sequences). Photochemical crosslinking", "change_char_case": " of transcription complexes iNitiated frOm the RRNa prOmOterS. It hAs been proposed THat tHe antitermination transCriptIoN CompLEx Is assEmbled vIA dIREct AnD sPecIfIC iNteraCtiOns betwEen one or moRe oF tHese Nus factoRS, aNd the nasceNt RnA complementAry To thesE aNtiTErminAtiOn seqUences IN the DNa (boxA and bOxb SequenCEs). PhotoCHEmIcal Crosslinking", "whitespace_perturbation": " of transcription complexe s initiate d fro m t herR NA p romo ters. It has b e en p roposed that the antit ermin at i on t r an scrip tion co m pl e x is a ss emb le d v ia di rec t and s pecific in ter ac tions betwee n o ne or more of these Nus f act ors, a nd th e nasc ent RNAcomple m entary to these a n titerm i nations e qu ence s in the DNA (box A a n d boxB sequenc es). P ho t oc h e mic alcrosslinki ng ", "underscore_trick": " of_transcription complexes_initiated from the rRNA_promoters. It_has_been proposed_that_the antitermination transcription_complex is assembled_via direct and specific_interactions between one_or_more of these Nus factors, and the nascent RNA complementary to these antitermination sequences_in_the DNA_(boxA_and_boxB sequences). Photochemical crosslinking"} +{"text": ". The mechanisms underlying the virulence differences between serotypes are not known but may involve both the polysaccharide structures and other factors in the genetic background in which they are expressed. Molecular genetic studies have identified a common organization among the different S. pneumoniae capsule loci. This organization permits the exchange of capsular serotypes during transformation,", "synonym_substitution": ". The mechanisms underlying the virulence differences between serotypes are not known but may imply both the polysaccharide structure and other factors in the genetic backdrop in which they are expressed. Molecular genetic study have identified a common arrangement among the different S. pneumoniae capsule locus. This organization permits the substitution of capsular serotypes during transformation,", "butter_fingers": ". Thf mechanisms underlying uhe virulence difywrencev betwsen serogypes are not known but may mnvoove bith the polysaccharide structurvs and otyer hactors in the gxhetic backgrohkd in xhich they are gxpressed. Monecular genetiw rtbdies have identified a common organyzation along the diffetent X. pnehmoniae capsule loci. This organizafion pegmits the exchangr of capsular serotypes duging transformation,", "random_deletion": ". The mechanisms underlying the virulence differences are known but involve both the in genetic background in they are expressed. genetic studies have identified a common among the different S. pneumoniae capsule loci. This organization permits the exchange of serotypes during transformation,", "change_char_case": ". The mechanisms underlying thE virulence DiffeRenCes BeTweeN serOtypes are not knOWn buT may involve both the polySacchArIDe stRUcTures And otheR FaCTOrs In ThE geNeTIc BackgRouNd in whiCh they are eXprEsSed. Molecular GEnEtic studieS haVe identified A coMmon orGaNizATion aMonG the dIffereNT S. pneuMoniae capSuLE loci. THIs organIZAtIon pErmits the exchange OF cAPsular serotypeS durinG tRAnSFOrmAtiOn,", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The mechanisms underlyin g the viru lence di ffe re nces bet ween serotypes arenot known but may invo lve b ot h the po lysac charide st r u ctu re sand o t he r fac tor s in th e geneticbac kg round in whi c hthey are e xpr essed. Molec ula r gene ti c s t udies ha ve id entifi e d a co mmon orga ni z ationa mong th e di ffer ent S. pneumoniae ca p sule loci. Thi s orga ni z at i o n p erm its the ex ch angeo f capsu l ar s e rot y pes during tr ansformatio n ,", "underscore_trick": ". The_mechanisms underlying_the virulence differences between_serotypes are_not_known but_may_involve both the_polysaccharide structures and_other factors in the_genetic background in_which_they are expressed. Molecular genetic studies have identified a common organization among the different_S._pneumoniae capsule_loci._This_organization permits the exchange of_capsular serotypes during transformation,"} +{"text": " of Type I IFN genes but also in the induction of other cytokines, chemokines and genes directly involved in the antiviral and anti-inflammatory responses. Over the past years we have sequentially isolated IRF-3, IRF-7 and IRF-5 and have shown that these factors serve as direct transporters of virus induced", "synonym_substitution": "of Type I IFN genes but also in the induction of other cytokines, chemokines and gene immediately involve in the antiviral and anti - inflammatory responses. Over the past long time we have sequentially isolated IRF-3, IRF-7 and IRF-5 and have show that these agent serve as lineal conveyer belt of virus induced", "butter_fingers": " of Type I IFN genes but alro in the inducjiin of mther dytokiner, chemokines and genes direcvly unvolced in the antiviral avd anti-invlammatoey rtsponses. Over the past years we mave vxquentially isokated IRF-3, HRF-7 and IRF-5 ang fare shown that these factors serve as direct tgansporters of virls indhbeb", "random_deletion": "of Type I IFN genes but also induction other cytokines, and genes directly anti-inflammatory Over the past we have sequentially IRF-3, IRF-7 and IRF-5 and have that these factors serve as direct transporters of virus induced", "change_char_case": " of Type I IFN genes but also in tHe inductioN of otHer CytOkInes, ChemOkines and genes DIrecTly involved in the antiviRal anD aNTi-inFLaMmatoRy respoNSeS. oVer ThE pAst YeARs We havE seQuentiaLly isolateD IRf-3, IrF-7 and IRF-5 and hAVe Shown that tHesE factors servE as Direct TrAnsPOrterS of Virus InduceD", "whitespace_perturbation": " of Type I IFN genes but a lso in the indu cti onof oth er c ytokines, chem o kine s and genes directly i nvolv ed in t h eantiv iral an d a n t i-i nf la mma to r yrespo nse s. Over the pastyea rs we have seq u en tially iso lat ed IRF-3, IR F-7 and I RF -5a nd ha veshown thatt hese f actors se rv e as di r ect tra n s po rter s of virus induce d ", "underscore_trick": " of_Type I_IFN genes but also_in the_induction_of other_cytokines,_chemokines and genes_directly involved in_the antiviral and anti-inflammatory_responses. Over the_past_years we have sequentially isolated IRF-3, IRF-7 and IRF-5 and have shown that these_factors_serve as_direct_transporters_of virus induced"} +{"text": "pidem with a currently available preparation called tempazepam with regard to \"morning after performance\". This will be a multicenter study involving 15 centers and approximately 630 normal subjects, 42 of whom will be enrolled a the BWH. Subjects will be randomized to three treatment groups such that 3/7 will be in each", "synonym_substitution": "pidem with a currently available preparation called tempazepam with regard to \" dawn after operation \". This will be a multicenter study involving 15 center and approximately 630 normal subject, 42 of whom will be enrolled a the BWH. Subjects will be randomize to three treatment groups such that 3/7 will be in each", "butter_fingers": "pidfm with a currently avaiuable preparation callxd tempzzepam wkth regard to \"morning after 'erfirmanxe\". This will be a multkcenter snudy invoovinj 15 centers and a'lroximabzly 630 hlrman subjects, 42 of ehom will te enrolled a dhd YWH. Subjects will be randomized to trree trrahment groups soch tnwt 3/7 splo be in each", "random_deletion": "pidem with a currently available preparation called regard \"morning after This will be centers approximately 630 normal 42 of whom be enrolled a the BWH. Subjects be randomized to three treatment groups such that 3/7 will be in each", "change_char_case": "pidem with a currently availaBle preparaTion cAllEd tEmPazePam wIth regard to \"morNIng aFter performance\". This wilL be a mUlTIcenTEr Study InvolviNG 15 cENTerS aNd AppRoXImAtely 630 NorMal subjEcts, 42 of whom WilL bE enrolled a thE bWh. Subjects wIll Be randomized To tHree trEaTmeNT grouPs sUch thAt 3/7 will BE in eacH", "whitespace_perturbation": "pidem with a currently ava ilable pre parat ion ca ll ed t empa zepam with reg a rd t o \"morning after perfo rmanc e\" . Thi s w ill b e a mul t ic e n ter s tu dyin v ol ving15centers and appro xim at ely 630 norm a lsubjects,42of whom will be enrol le d a the B WH. Subj ects w i ll berandomize dt o thre e treatm e n tgrou ps such that 3/7w il l be in each", "underscore_trick": "pidem with_a currently_available preparation called tempazepam_with regard_to_\"morning after_performance\"._This will be_a multicenter study_involving 15 centers and_approximately 630 normal_subjects,_42 of whom will be enrolled a the BWH. Subjects will be randomized to_three_treatment groups_such_that_3/7 will be in each"} +{"text": "oid, fluticasone proprionate (FP) usinf one of two delivery systems. Asthma is a potentially debilitating disease in children, likely accounting. Neuroendocrine (NE) tumors such as carcinoid, islet cell tumors, and medullary thyroid cancer are the second most common cause of", "synonym_substitution": "oid, fluticasone proprionate (FP) usinf one of two delivery systems. Asthma is a potentially debilitating disease in children, probably accountancy. Neuroendocrine (NE) tumors such as carcinoid, islet cellular telephone tumors, and medullary thyroid gland cancer are the second most common campaign of", "butter_fingers": "oid, fluticasone proprionate (FP) usinf one oy two dxlivery systems. Asthma is a potentially debmlitqting disease in children, lkkely acclunting. Beuriwndocrine (IS) tumors such ws ccrrinoid, islet cekl tumors, dnd medullary dhhrlid cancer are the second most commjn causr lf", "random_deletion": "oid, fluticasone proprionate (FP) usinf one of systems. is a debilitating disease in tumors as carcinoid, islet tumors, and medullary cancer are the second most common of", "change_char_case": "oid, fluticasone proprionate (fP) usinf one Of two DelIveRy SystEms. ASthma is a potentIAlly Debilitating disease in cHildrEn, LIkelY AcCountIng. NeurOEnDOCriNe (nE) TumOrS SuCh as cArcInoid, isLet cell tumOrs, AnD medullary thYRoId cancer arE thE second most cOmmOn causE oF", "whitespace_perturbation": "oid, fluticasone propriona te (FP) us inf o neoftw o de live ry systems. As t hmais a potentially debil itati ng dise a se in c hildren , l i k ely a cc oun ti n g. Neur oen docrine (NE) tumo rssu ch as carcin o id , islet ce lltumors, andmed ullary t hyr o id ca nce r are the s e cond m ost commo nc ause o f ", "underscore_trick": "oid, fluticasone_proprionate (FP)_usinf one of two_delivery systems._Asthma_is a_potentially_debilitating disease in_children, likely accounting._Neuroendocrine (NE) tumors such_as carcinoid, islet_cell_tumors, and medullary thyroid cancer are the second most common cause of"} +{"text": "G), similar to leukocytes, express a wide variety of receptors for cytokines, chemokines, opioids, anandamide and other neuropeptides. We previously showed that prior exposure to chemokines such as MIP1&#945;results in PKC mediated desensitization of the chemotactic response to opioids", "synonym_substitution": "G), similar to leukocytes, express a wide variety show of receptor for cytokines, chemokines, opioids, anandamide and other neuropeptides. We previously showed that anterior exposure to chemokines such as MIP1&#945;results in PKC mediated desensitization of the chemotactic response to opioids", "butter_fingers": "G), slmilar to leukocytes, expvess a wide varigtt of rxceptora for cygokines, chemokines, opioids, aiandqmide and other neuropeptidds. We preniously syowev that prior exposure to chemoilnes vnch as MIP1&#945;rexults in PNC mediated devevsntization of the chemotactic responsq to opoolds", "random_deletion": "G), similar to leukocytes, express a wide receptors cytokines, chemokines, anandamide and other prior to chemokines such MIP1&#945;results in PKC desensitization of the chemotactic response to", "change_char_case": "G), similar to leukocytes, expreSs a wide varIety oF reCepToRs foR cytOkines, chemokinES, opiOids, anandamide and other NeuroPePTideS. we PreviOusly shOWeD THat PrIoR exPoSUrE to chEmoKines suCh as MIP1&#945;ResUlTs in PKC mediaTEd DesensitizAtiOn of the chemoTacTic resPoNse TO opioIds", "whitespace_perturbation": "G), similar to leukocytes, express a wide va rie ty ofrece ptors for cyto k ines , chemokines, opioids, anan da m idea nd othe r neuro p ep t i des .We pr ev i ou sly s how ed that prior exp osu re to chemokin e ssuch as MI P1& amp;#945;res ult s in P KC me d iated de sensi tizati o n of t he chemot ac t ic res p onse to o pi oids ", "underscore_trick": "G), similar_to leukocytes,_express a wide variety_of receptors_for_cytokines, chemokines,_opioids,_anandamide and other_neuropeptides. We previously_showed that prior exposure_to chemokines such_as_MIP1&#945;results in PKC mediated desensitization of the chemotactic response to opioids"} +{"text": " and psychological profiles in enrollees who have established CPPDs. Additionally, the proposed studies seek to characterize the biological pathways through which these genetic variations causally influence CPPCs. This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. The", "synonym_substitution": "and psychological profiles in enrollees who have established CPPDs. Additionally, the proposed report search to characterize the biological pathways through which these genetic variation causally influence CPPCs. This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilize the resource provided by a Center grant funded by NIH / NCRR. The", "butter_fingers": " anf psychological profiles in enrollees wki have estabmished COPDs. Additionally, the proposxd srudiew seek to characterize the biollgical pqthweys through whici these nznetid varnavions causally lnfluence C[PCs. This subpsogeet is one of many research subprojeces utilozlng the resourses krodides by a Center grant funded by NIH/NDRR. The", "random_deletion": "and psychological profiles in enrollees who have Additionally, proposed studies to characterize the genetic causally influence CPPCs. subproject is one many research subprojects utilizing the resources by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. The", "change_char_case": " and psychological profiles iN enrollees Who haVe eStaBlIsheD CPPds. Additionally, THe prOposed studies seek to chaRacteRiZE the BIoLogicAl pathwAYs THRouGh WhIch ThESe GenetIc vAriatioNs causally InfLuEnce CPPCs. ThiS SuBproject is One Of many researCh sUbprojEcTs uTIliziNg tHe resOurces PRovideD by a CenteR gRAnt funDEd by NIH/ncrR. the", "whitespace_perturbation": " and psychological profile s in enrol leeswho ha ve est abli shed CPPDs. Ad d itio nally, the proposed st udies s e ek t o c harac terizet he b iol og ic alpa t hw ays t hro ugh whi ch these g ene ti c variations ca usally inf lue nce CPPCs. T his subpr oj ect is on e o f man y rese a rch su bprojects u t ilizin g the re s o ur cesprovided by a Cen t er grant funded b y NIH/ NC R R. T he", "underscore_trick": " and_psychological profiles_in enrollees who have_established CPPDs._Additionally,_the proposed_studies_seek to characterize_the biological pathways_through which these genetic_variations causally influence_CPPCs._This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a_Center_grant funded_by_NIH/NCRR._The"} +{"text": " than can be attributed to lipoprotein-mediated, cell surface TLR1/2 activation. Phagocytosis of intact Bb also induced transcription of interferon-2 (IFN-2) and type I interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), independently of TLR2. Recent evidence from the investigator's laboratory provides substantial evidence the TLR", "synonym_substitution": "than can be attributed to lipoprotein - mediated, cell surface TLR1/2 energizing. Phagocytosis of integral Bb also induced arrangement of interferon-2 (IFN-2) and type I interferon - induce genes (ISGs), independently of TLR2. Recent evidence from the detective's testing ground provides significant evidence the TLR", "butter_fingers": " thwn can be attributed to uipoprotein-medicred, cenl surrace TLR1/2 activation. Phagocytosis of mntaxt Bb also induced transcriotion of pnterferob-2 (IFI-2) and type I intxdferon-sbnmulafcd geuew (ISGs), indepencently of DLR2. Recent evigevcz from the investigator's laboratory [rovidex dubstantial evydenbe the NLV", "random_deletion": "than can be attributed to lipoprotein-mediated, cell activation. of intact also induced transcription I genes (ISGs), independently TLR2. Recent evidence the investigator's laboratory provides substantial evidence TLR", "change_char_case": " than can be attributed to lipoProtein-medIated, CelL suRfAce TlR1/2 acTivation. PhagocYTosiS of intact Bb also induced TransCrIPtioN Of InterFeron-2 (IFn-2) AnD TYpe i iNtErfErON-sTimulAteD genes (IsGs), indepenDenTlY of TLR2. Recent EViDence from tHe iNvestigator's LabOratorY pRovIDes suBstAntiaL evideNCe the TlR", "whitespace_perturbation": " than can be attributed to lipoprote in-me dia ted ,cell sur face TLR1/2 ac t ivat ion. Phagocytosis of i ntact B b als o i nduce d trans c ri p t ion o fint er f er on-2(IF N-2) an d type I i nte rf eron-stimula t ed genes (IS Gs) , independen tly of TL R2 . R e centevi dence fromt he inv estigator 's labora t ory pro v i de s su bstantial evidenc e t h e TLR", "underscore_trick": " than_can be_attributed to lipoprotein-mediated, cell_surface TLR1/2_activation._Phagocytosis of_intact_Bb also induced_transcription of interferon-2_(IFN-2) and type I_interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs),_independently_of TLR2. Recent evidence from the investigator's laboratory provides substantial evidence the TLR"} +{"text": " expression levels of these isoforms. The goal of this proposal is to provide functional links connecting DDX39B to the pathogenesis of MS. Specifically, I aim to: 1) elucidate its role in the regulation of IL7R exon 6 splicing; 2) understand the functional roles of the different protein isoforms; and 3)", "synonym_substitution": "expression levels of these isoforms. The goal of this proposal is to leave running links connecting DDX39B to the pathogenesis of MS. Specifically, I target to: 1) clear its role in the regulation of IL7R exon 6 splice; 2) understand the functional roles of the unlike protein isoforms; and 3 )", "butter_fingers": " exoression levels of these isoforms. The goal of vhis prkposal ir to provide functional linkd xonnexting DDX39B to the pathugenesis lf MS. Spwcifmcally, I aim to: 1) elucidabz its vole nn the regulatiok of IL7R exmn 6 splicing; 2) gnaexstand the functional roles of the dyffereny orotein isoforis; amq 3)", "random_deletion": "expression levels of these isoforms. The goal proposal to provide links connecting DDX39B Specifically, aim to: 1) its role in regulation of IL7R exon 6 splicing; understand the functional roles of the different protein isoforms; and 3)", "change_char_case": " expression levels of these isOforms. The gOal of ThiS prOpOsal Is to Provide functioNAl liNks connecting DDX39B to the PathoGeNEsis OF Ms. SpecIficallY, i aIM To: 1) eLuCiDatE iTS rOle in The RegulatIon of IL7R exOn 6 sPlIcing; 2) understANd The functioNal Roles of the diFfeRent prOtEin ISoforMs; aNd 3)", "whitespace_perturbation": " expression levels of thes e isoforms . The go alof thi s pr oposal is to p r ovid e functional links con necti ng DDX3 9 Bto th e patho g en e s isof M S.Sp e ci fical ly, I aimto: 1) elu cid at e its role i n t he regulat ion of IL7R exo n 6 splic in g;2 ) und ers tandthe fu n ctiona l roles o ft he dif f erent p r o te in i soforms; and 3)", "underscore_trick": " expression_levels of_these isoforms. The goal_of this_proposal_is to_provide_functional links connecting_DDX39B to the_pathogenesis of MS. Specifically,_I aim to:_1)_elucidate its role in the regulation of IL7R exon 6 splicing; 2) understand the_functional_roles of_the_different_protein isoforms; and 3)"} +{"text": " attenuate functional decline in mammals. The NIA longitudinal study of CR and aging in rhesus monkeys is in its 29th year and 25% of the animals remain on study. In 2012, we reported findings of improved health; however, unlike findings from a similar study at the University of Wisconsin, the NIA", "synonym_substitution": "attenuate functional decline in mammals. The NIA longitudinal discipline of CR and age in rhesus monkeys is in its 29th year and 25% of the animal remain on study. In 2012, we reported determination of improved health; however, unlike findings from a similar survey at the University of Wisconsin, the NIA", "butter_fingers": " athenuate functional declike in mammals. Thg BIA loigitudihal studh of CR and aging in rhesus lobkeys is in its 29th year and 25% of the wnimals eemamn on study. In 2012, xs reporbzd fihfingv of improved hgalth; howeves, unlike finditgr yrom a similar study at the Universiey of Wosfonsin, the NIA", "random_deletion": "attenuate functional decline in mammals. The NIA of and aging rhesus monkeys is 25% the animals remain study. In 2012, reported findings of improved health; however, findings from a similar study at the University of Wisconsin, the NIA", "change_char_case": " attenuate functional declinE in mammals. the NIa loNgiTuDinaL stuDy of CR and aging IN rheSus monkeys is in its 29th yeaR and 25% oF tHE aniMAlS remaIn on stuDY. IN 2012, WE rePoRtEd fInDInGs of iMprOved heaLth; however, UnlIkE findings froM A sImilar studY at The UniversitY of wisconSiN, thE nIA", "whitespace_perturbation": " attenuate functional decl ine in mam mals. Th e N IA lon gitu dinal study of CR a nd aging in rhesus mon keysis in i t s29thyear an d 2 5 % of t he an im a ls rema inon stud y. In 2012 , w ereported fin d in gs of impr ove d health; ho wev er, un li kef indin gsfroma simi l ar stu dy at the U n iversi t y of Wi s c on sin, the NIA", "underscore_trick": " attenuate_functional decline_in mammals. The NIA_longitudinal study_of_CR and_aging_in rhesus monkeys_is in its_29th year and 25%_of the animals_remain_on study. In 2012, we reported findings of improved health; however, unlike findings from_a_similar study_at_the_University of Wisconsin, the NIA"} +{"text": " of self-antigens. In this new R01 proposal, we propose to generate transgenic mice carrying genes encoding two of the broadly neutralizing HIV antibodies 4E10 and b12 to investigate these hypotheses and to provide tools to study and rank potential HIV vaccine candidates. In the first instance, we propose to use mice carrying HIV", "synonym_substitution": "of self - antigens. In this new R01 proposal, we propose to render transgenic mouse carrying genes encoding two of the broadly neutralize HIV antibodies 4E10 and b12 to investigate these hypotheses and to provide cock to learn and rank likely HIV vaccine campaigner. In the first example, we propose to use shiner impart HIV", "butter_fingers": " of self-antigens. In this ned R01 proposal, we proposx to geherate tfansgenic mice carrying gened wncodung two of the broadly neutraliding HIV qntiuodies 4E10 and b12 to investlyate fmese ky'otheses and to provide tmols to study dna xank potential HIV vaccine candidatef. In thr virst instance, we kro[ose no use mice carrying HIV", "random_deletion": "of self-antigens. In this new R01 proposal, to transgenic mice genes encoding two antibodies and b12 to these hypotheses and provide tools to study and rank HIV vaccine candidates. In the first instance, we propose to use mice carrying", "change_char_case": " of self-antigens. In this new R01 pRoposal, we pRoposE to GenErAte tRansGenic mice carryINg geNes encoding two of the broAdly nEuTRaliZInG HIV aNtibodiES 4E10 AND b12 tO iNvEstIgATe These HypOtheses And to proviDe tOoLs to study and RAnK potential hIV Vaccine candiDatEs. In thE fIrsT InstaNce, We proPose to USe mice Carrying HiV", "whitespace_perturbation": " of self-antigens. In this new R01 p ropos al, we p ropo se t o generate tra n sgen ic mice carrying genes enco di n g tw o o f the broadl y n e u tra li zi ngHI V a ntibo die s 4E10and b12 to in ve stigate thes e h ypothesesand to providetoo ls tost udy and r ank pote ntialH IV vac cine cand id a tes. I n the fi r s tinst ance, we proposet ou se mice carryi ng HIV ", "underscore_trick": " of_self-antigens. In_this new R01 proposal,_we propose_to_generate transgenic_mice_carrying genes encoding_two of the_broadly neutralizing HIV antibodies_4E10 and b12_to_investigate these hypotheses and to provide tools to study and rank potential HIV vaccine_candidates._In the_first_instance,_we propose to use mice_carrying HIV"} +{"text": " with brain pathology. We realize that there are severe difficulties, both in establishing comparability of lesions across these age groups, and in achieving any certainty of the comparability of tasks; and it will not be possible to do equal justice to all the questions in the next few years, since so much depends on the rates at", "synonym_substitution": "with brain pathology. We realize that there are severe difficulty, both in prove comparability of lesions across these age group, and in achieving any certainty of the comparability of job; and it will not be potential to do equal justice to all the questions in the next few year, since so much depends on the rate at", "butter_fingers": " wihh brain pathology. We rexlize that therg qre setere dirficultids, both in establishing comperabulity of lesions across there age grlups, and in echieving any cecfainty of the gompaxauility of tasks; and it winl not be posshbue to do equal justice to all the queftions on the next few iears, fincs so much depends on the rates at", "random_deletion": "with brain pathology. We realize that there difficulties, in establishing of lesions across achieving certainty of the of tasks; and will not be possible to do justice to all the questions in the next few years, since so much on the rates at", "change_char_case": " with brain pathology. We realiZe that therE are sEveRe dIfFicuLtieS, both in establiSHing Comparability of lesions AcrosS tHEse aGE gRoups, And in acHIeVINg aNy CeRtaInTY oF the cOmpArabiliTy of tasks; aNd iT wIll not be possIBlE to do equal JusTice to all the QueStions In The NExt feW yeArs, siNce so mUCh depeNds on the rAtES at", "whitespace_perturbation": " with brain pathology. Werealize th at th ere ar eseve re d ifficulties, b o th i n establishing compara bilit yo f le s io ns ac ross th e se a gegr ou ps, a n din ac hie ving an y certaint y o fthe comparab i li ty of task s;and it willnot be po ss ibl e to d o e qualjustic e to al l the que st i ons in the nex t fe w ye ars, since so muc h d e pends on the r ates a t", "underscore_trick": " with_brain pathology._We realize that there_are severe_difficulties,_both in_establishing_comparability of lesions_across these age_groups, and in achieving_any certainty of_the_comparability of tasks; and it will not be possible to do equal justice to_all_the questions_in_the_next few years, since so_much depends on the rates_at"} +{"text": " concerns and related beliefs and attitudes about PEIs among the clinicians, patients, and the broader public. With the attention novel PEIs have garnered, this proposed study addresses that significant gap by (a) examining ethical concerns, beliefs, and attitudes about the use of PEIs among relevant stakeholders, and (b) developing", "synonym_substitution": "concerns and related beliefs and attitudes about PEIs among the clinician, patient, and the broader public. With the care novel PEIs have garner, this proposed cogitation addresses that significant opening by (a) examining ethical concerns, impression, and attitudes about the use of pei among relevant stakeholders, and (b) developing", "butter_fingers": " cojcerns and related beliens and attitudes about 'EIs amkng the zlinicians, patients, and the uroaeer pyblic. With the attentiun novel IEIs have gariered, this proposed studn adddcsses vhat significanj gap by (a) efamining ethicdl clncerns, beliefs, and attitudes about the usr lf PEIs among televsgt sfakeholders, and (b) developing", "random_deletion": "concerns and related beliefs and attitudes about the patients, and broader public. With garnered, proposed study addresses significant gap by examining ethical concerns, beliefs, and attitudes the use of PEIs among relevant stakeholders, and (b) developing", "change_char_case": " concerns and related beliefs And attitudEs aboUt PeIs AmOng tHe clInicians, patienTS, and The broader public. With thE atteNtIOn noVEl pEIs hAve garnEReD, THis PrOpOseD sTUdY addrEssEs that sIgnificant Gap By (A) examining etHIcAl concerns, BelIefs, and attitUdeS about ThE usE Of PEIS amOng reLevant STakehoLders, and (b) DeVElopinG", "whitespace_perturbation": " concerns and related beli efs and at titud esabo ut PEI s am ong the clinic i ans, patients, and the bro aderpu b lic. Wi th th e atten t io n nov el P EIs h a ve garn ere d, this proposedstu dy addresses t h at significa ntgap by (a) e xam ininget hic a l con cer ns, b eliefs , and a ttitudesab o ut the use ofP E Is amo ng relevant stake h ol d ers, and (b) d evelop in g ", "underscore_trick": " concerns_and related_beliefs and attitudes about_PEIs among_the_clinicians, patients,_and_the broader public._With the attention_novel PEIs have garnered,_this proposed study_addresses_that significant gap by (a) examining ethical concerns, beliefs, and attitudes about the use_of_PEIs among_relevant_stakeholders,_and (b) developing"} +{"text": " purpose of this stud yis to estimate the effectiveness of AR-623 inducing a complete remission in first relapse acute promyocytic leukemia (APL) patients who have not received oral all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) within one year. Myocardial infarction (MI) has emerged as a major", "synonym_substitution": "purpose of this stud yis to estimate the effectiveness of AR-623 induce a accomplished remission in first relapse acute promyocytic leukemia (APL) patients who have not received oral all - trans - retinoic acid (ATRA) within one class. Myocardial infarction (MI) has emerged as a major", "butter_fingers": " pugpose of this stud yis tu estimate the gfdectivxness or AR-623 indjcing a complete remission ii fiest rtjapse acute promyozytic leunemia (APO) pauients who have not receiyzd orzp aln-vrans-retinoic agid (ATRA) widhin one year. Kyuccrdial infarction (MI) has emerged as w major", "random_deletion": "purpose of this stud yis to estimate of inducing a remission in first patients have not received all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) one year. Myocardial infarction (MI) has as a major", "change_char_case": " purpose of this stud yis to estImate the efFectiVenEss Of aR-623 inDuciNg a complete remISsioN in first relapse acute prOmyocYtIC leuKEmIa (APL) PatientS WhO HAve NoT rEceIvED oRal alL-trAns-retiNoic acid (ATrA) wItHin one year. MyOCaRdial infarCtiOn (MI) has emergEd aS a majoR", "whitespace_perturbation": " purpose of this stud yisto estimat e the ef fec ti vene ss o f AR-623 induc i ng a complete remission in firs tr elap s eacute promyo c yt i c le uk em ia(A P L) pati ent s who h ave not re cei ve d oral all-t r an s-retinoic ac id (ATRA) wi thi n oneye ar. Myoca rdi al in farcti o n (MI) has emer ge d as am ajor", "underscore_trick": " purpose_of this_stud yis to estimate_the effectiveness_of_AR-623 inducing_a_complete remission in_first relapse acute_promyocytic leukemia (APL) patients_who have not_received_oral all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) within one year. Myocardial infarction (MI) has emerged as a_major"} +{"text": " (also known as extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases). Hence, ceramide-activated protein kinase may belong to an emerging family of proline-directed Ser/Thr protein kinases, which includes MAP and cdc2 kinases. These kinases recognize substrates containing the minimal motif, X-Thr/Ser-Pro-", "synonym_substitution": "(also known as extracellular signal - regulated protein kinases). therefore, ceramide - activate protein kinase may belong to an emerging syndicate of proline - target Ser / Thr protein kinases, which includes MAP and cdc2 kinase. These kinases recognize substrates incorporate the minimal motif, X - Thr / Ser - Pro-", "butter_fingers": " (aldo known as extracellulav signal-regulateb protemn kinaaes). Hencd, ceramide-activated protein nibase nay belong to an emergkng familj of prolune-dmrected Ser/Thr pcktein kluases, ahick mncludes MAP anc cdc2 kinaves. These kinaver xecognize substrates containing the iinimal mltif, X-Thr/Ser-Prj-", "random_deletion": "(also known as extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases). protein may belong an emerging family which MAP and cdc2 These kinases recognize containing the minimal motif, X-Thr/Ser-Pro-", "change_char_case": " (also known as extracellular sIgnal-regulAted pRotEin KiNaseS). HenCe, ceramide-actiVAted Protein kinase may belong To an eMeRGing FAmIly of Proline-DIrECTed seR/THr pRoTEiN kinaSes, Which inCludes MAP aNd cDc2 Kinases. These KInAses recognIze Substrates coNtaIning tHe MinIMal moTif, x-Thr/SEr-Pro-", "whitespace_perturbation": " (also known as extracellu lar signal -regu lat edpr otei n ki nases). Hence, cera mide-activated protein kina se mayb el ong t o an em e rg i n g f am il y o fp ro line- dir ected S er/Thr pro tei nkinases, whi c hincludes M APand cdc2 kin ase s. The se ki n asesrec ogniz e subs t ratescontainin gt he min i mal mot i f ,X-Th r/Ser-Pro-", "underscore_trick": " (also_known as_extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases)._Hence, ceramide-activated_protein_kinase may_belong_to an emerging_family of proline-directed_Ser/Thr protein kinases, which_includes MAP and_cdc2_kinases. These kinases recognize substrates containing the minimal motif, X-Thr/Ser-Pro-"} +{"text": " hypothesize that XLF-mediated NHEJ is essential for the maintenance of genomic stability in hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). XLF-/- HSCs recapitulate the phenotype of aged HSCs - i.e. loss of self-renewal function, impaired lymphocyte (versus myeloid) differentiation and a relative expansion", "synonym_substitution": "hypothesize that XLF - mediated NHEJ is essential for the maintenance of genomic constancy in hematopoietic shank cells (HSC). XLF-/- HSCs recapitulate the phenotype of aged HSCs - i.e. personnel casualty of self - refilling function, impaired lymphocyte (versus myeloid) specialization and a relative expansion", "butter_fingers": " hyoothesize that XLF-mediattd NHEJ is essentnql for the mzintenanze of genomic stability in hxmatipoieupc stem cells (HSC). XLF-/- HSCs recwpitulatw tht phenotype of agxs HSCs - i.e. load of welf-renewal fukction, impahred lymphocyta (xexsus myeloid) differentiation and a rqlative edpansion", "random_deletion": "hypothesize that XLF-mediated NHEJ is essential for of stability in stem cells (HSC). of HSCs - i.e. of self-renewal function, lymphocyte (versus myeloid) differentiation and a expansion", "change_char_case": " hypothesize that XLF-mediateD NHEJ is essEntiaL foR thE mAintEnanCe of genomic staBIlitY in hematopoietic stem ceLls (HSc). Xlf-/- HSCS ReCapitUlate thE PhENOtyPe Of AgeD Hscs - I.e. losS of Self-renEwal functiOn, iMpAired lymphocYTe (Versus myelOid) DifferentiatIon And a reLaTivE ExpanSioN", "whitespace_perturbation": " hypothesize that XLF-medi ated NHEJis es sen tia lforthemaintenance of geno mic stability in hemat opoie ti c ste m c ells(HSC).X LF - / - H SC srec ap i tu latethe phenot ype of age d H SC s - i.e. los s o f self-ren ewa l function,imp airedly mph o cyte(ve rsusmyeloi d ) diff erentiati on and ar elative e xp ansi on", "underscore_trick": " hypothesize_that XLF-mediated_NHEJ is essential for_the maintenance_of_genomic stability_in_hematopoietic stem cells_(HSC). XLF-/- HSCs_recapitulate the phenotype of_aged HSCs -_i.e._loss of self-renewal function, impaired lymphocyte (versus myeloid) differentiation and a relative expansion"} +{"text": " CDMAS. Treat- ment evaluation and identification of prognostic indicators are end-points. The overall aim of this research application is to investigate the relationship of early problem identification and linkage to behavioral health care with later development of substance abuse and psychological injury outcomes and attrition from the armed services. This observational study is based on", "synonym_substitution": "CDMAS. Treat- ment evaluation and identification of prognostic indicators are end - period. The overall purpose of this research application is to investigate the relationship of early trouble identification and linkage to behavioral health care with later growth of substance abuse and psychological wound result and attrition from the armed serve. This observational study is base on", "butter_fingers": " CDLAS. Treat- ment evaluatiok and identificajiin of 'rognosfic indizators are end-points. The ovecall aim if this research applization is to invewtigete the relationship of ccrly lvoblek identificatiok and linkace to behaviordl hzalth care with later development of substamcf abuse and psicholpdicam injury outcomes and attrition frkm the ermed services. Yhis observational study id baded on", "random_deletion": "CDMAS. Treat- ment evaluation and identification of are The overall of this research relationship early problem identification linkage to behavioral care with later development of substance and psychological injury outcomes and attrition from the armed services. This observational study based on", "change_char_case": " CDMAS. Treat- ment evaluation aNd identifiCatioN of ProGnOstiC indIcators are end-pOInts. the overall aim of this resEarch ApPLicaTIoN is to InvestiGAtE THe rElAtIonShIP oF earlY prOblem idEntificatiOn aNd Linkage to behAViOral health CarE with later deVelOpment Of SubSTance AbuSe and PsychoLOgical Injury outCoMEs and aTTrition FROm The aRmed services. This oBSeRVational study iS based On", "whitespace_perturbation": " CDMAS. Treat- ment evalua tion and i denti fic ati on ofprog nostic indicat o rs a re end-points. The ove rallai m oft hi s res earch a p pl i c ati on i s t oi nv estig ate the re lationship of e arly problem id entificati onand linkagetobehavi or alh ealth ca re wi th lat e r deve lopment o fs ubstan c e abuse a nd psy chological injury ou t comes and attr itionfr o mt h e a rme d services .Thiso bservat i on a l stu d y is based on ", "underscore_trick": " CDMAS._Treat- ment_evaluation and identification of_prognostic indicators_are_end-points. The_overall_aim of this_research application is_to investigate the relationship_of early problem_identification_and linkage to behavioral health care with later development of substance abuse and psychological_injury_outcomes and_attrition_from_the armed services. This observational_study is based on"} +{"text": " signaling and to a lesser extent, that of AP-1. A systematic examination of the known steps in the NF-kappaB signaling pathway revealed that pateamine A does not affect early signaling steps up to the DNA binding by NF-kappaB. Instead, pateamine A was found to block the transactivation", "synonym_substitution": "signaling and to a lesser extent, that of AP-1. A systematic examination of the know step in the NF - kappaB signaling pathway revealed that pateamine vitamin a does not affect early bespeak dance step up to the DNA bind by NF - kappaB. Instead, pateamine A was found to stop the transactivation", "butter_fingers": " sihnaling and to a lesser txtent, that of AP-1. A systxmatic sxaminatkon of the known steps in thx NF-jappaV signaling pathway rexealed thwt pateanine Q does not affect ccrly algnalnnj steps up to tme DNA bindhng by NF-kappaT. Kndtead, pateamine A was found to bloch the ttajsactivation", "random_deletion": "signaling and to a lesser extent, that A examination of known steps in that A does not early signaling steps to the DNA binding by NF-kappaB. pateamine A was found to block the transactivation", "change_char_case": " signaling and to a lesser exteNt, that of AP-1. a systEmaTic ExAminAtioN of the known stePS in tHe NF-kappaB signaling patHway rEvEAled THaT pateAmine A dOEs NOT afFeCt EarLy SIgNalinG stEps up to The DNA bindIng By nF-kappaB. InstEAd, Pateamine A Was Found to block The TransaCtIvaTIon", "whitespace_perturbation": " signaling and to a lesser extent, t hat o f A P-1 .A sy stem atic examinati o n of the known steps in th e NF- ka p paBs ig nalin g pathw a yr e vea le dtha tp at eamin e A does n ot affectear ly signaling s t ep s up to th e D NA binding b y N F-kapp aB . I n stead , p ateam ine Aw as fou nd to blo ck the tr a nsactiv a t io n", "underscore_trick": " signaling_and to_a lesser extent, that_of AP-1._A_systematic examination_of_the known steps_in the NF-kappaB_signaling pathway revealed that_pateamine A does_not_affect early signaling steps up to the DNA binding by NF-kappaB. Instead, pateamine A_was_found to_block_the_transactivation"} +{"text": " of PTP1B and this activated activity could down regulate the IR survival signaling. Controlling the PTP1B activity and activating the IR signaling would provide sustained neuroprotection to both rods and cones. Our new and innovative approaches to target PTP1B will facilitate future translational application of our work, with the goal", "synonym_substitution": "of PTP1B and this activated activity could down regulate the IR survival signaling. operate the PTP1B natural process and activating the IR signaling would provide free burning neuroprotection to both rods and cones. Our new and advanced overture to target PTP1B will help future translational lotion of our work, with the goal", "butter_fingers": " of PTP1B and this activated activity could down rxgulate the IR rurvival signaling. Controlliig tye PTK1Y activity and activxting the IR signqlinj would provide sustained neurkiroteetmon to both rodx and conev. Our new and hnvorative approaches to target PTP1B wilj facilotwte future tragslauiogal zipoication of our work, with the goal", "random_deletion": "of PTP1B and this activated activity could the survival signaling. the PTP1B activity would sustained neuroprotection to rods and cones. new and innovative approaches to target will facilitate future translational application of our work, with the goal", "change_char_case": " of PTP1B and this activated actIvity could Down rEguLatE tHe IR SurvIval signaling. CONtroLling the PTP1B activity anD actiVaTIng tHE Ir signAling woULd PROviDe SuStaInED nEuropRotEction tO both rods aNd cOnEs. Our new and iNNoVative apprOacHes to target PtP1B Will faCiLitATe futUre TransLationAL appliCation of oUr WOrk, witH The goal", "whitespace_perturbation": " of PTP1B and this activat ed activit y cou lddow nregu late the IR surviv a l si gnaling. Controlling t he PT P1 B act i vi ty an d activ a ti n g th eIR si gn a li ng wo uld provid e sustaine d n eu roprotection to both rods an d cones. Our ne w andin nov a tiveapp roach es tot argetPTP1B wil lf acilit a te futu r e t rans lational applicat i on of our work, w ith th eg oa l ", "underscore_trick": " of_PTP1B and_this activated activity could_down regulate_the_IR survival_signaling._Controlling the PTP1B_activity and activating_the IR signaling would_provide sustained neuroprotection_to_both rods and cones. Our new and innovative approaches to target PTP1B will facilitate_future_translational application_of_our_work, with the goal"} +{"text": "-0042: NEI Intramural Biorepository for Retinal Diseases * 11-EI-0264: A Pilot Study for the Evaluation of Minocycline as a Microglia Inhibitor in the Treatment of Central Retinal Vein Occlusions * 11-EI-0263:", "synonym_substitution": "-0042: NEI Intramural Biorepository for Retinal Diseases * 11 - EI-0264: A Pilot Study for the Evaluation of Minocycline as a Microglia Inhibitor in the Treatment of Central Retinal Vein Occlusions * 11 - EI-0263:", "butter_fingers": "-0042: NEL Intramural Biorepositovy for Retinal Dnweases * 11-EI-0264: A Pilot Sgudy for the Evaluation of Mmnoctclint as a Microglia Infibitor ij the Trwatmtnt of Central Revjnal Velu Occmmsionv * 11-EI-0263:", "random_deletion": "-0042: NEI Intramural Biorepository for Retinal Diseases A Study for Evaluation of Minocycline the of Central Retinal Occlusions * 11-EI-0263:", "change_char_case": "-0042: NEI Intramural BiorepositorY for RetinaL DiseAseS * 11-EI-0264: a PIlot studY for the EvaluatIOn of minocycline as a MicrogliA InhiBiTOr in THe treatMent of CENtRAL ReTiNaL VeIn oCcLusioNs * 11-Ei-0263:", "whitespace_perturbation": "-0042: NEI Intramural Bior epositoryfor R eti nal D isea ses* 11-EI-0264:A Pil ot Study for the Evalu ation o f Min o cy cline as a M i cr o g lia I nh ibi to r i n the Tr eatment of Centra l R et inal Vein Oc c lu sions * 11 -EI -0263:", "underscore_trick": "-0042: NEI_Intramural Biorepository_for Retinal Diseases *_11-EI-0264: A_Pilot_Study for_the_Evaluation of Minocycline_as a Microglia_Inhibitor in the Treatment_of Central Retinal_Vein_Occlusions * 11-EI-0263:"} +{"text": ") mRNA and protein will be examined in ischemic brains of normal mice, SOD transgenic and SOD knockout mice. Since HO-1 is induced by oxidative and ischemic stress, it is predicted that HO-1 will be induced to a greater degree in ischemic brains of SOD knockouts compared to SOD transgenics. Suppression of", "synonym_substitution": ") mRNA and protein will be examined in ischemic brains of normal mice, SOD transgenic and SOD knockout mouse. Since HO-1 is induce by oxidative and ischemic stress, it is predicted that HO-1 will be induced to a great degree in ischemic brains of SOD knockout compare to SOD transgenics. Suppression of", "butter_fingers": ") mRJA and protein will be ewamined in ischemic bramns of hormal mkce, SOD transgenic and SOD kiockiut muce. Since HO-1 is inducea by oxidwtive ane isrhemic stress, it is predleted fmat HM-1 will be inducgd to a greader degree in hszhzmic brains of SOD knockouts compareq to SOC hransgenics. Sukpresxyon kf", "random_deletion": ") mRNA and protein will be examined brains normal mice, transgenic and SOD induced oxidative and ischemic it is predicted HO-1 will be induced to a degree in ischemic brains of SOD knockouts compared to SOD transgenics. Suppression of", "change_char_case": ") mRNA and protein will be examiNed in ischeMic brAinS of NoRmal Mice, sOD transgenic aND SOD Knockout mice. Since HO-1 is iNduceD bY OxidATiVe and IschemiC StRESs, iT iS pRedIcTEd That Ho-1 wiLl be indUced to a greAteR dEgree in ischeMIc Brains of SOd knOckouts compaRed To SOD tRaNsgENics. SUppRessiOn of", "whitespace_perturbation": ") mRNA and protein will be examinedin is che mic b rain s of normal mice,S OD t ransgenic and SOD knoc koutmi c e. S i nc e HO- 1 is in d uc e d by o xi dat iv e a nd is che mic str ess, it is pr ed icted that H O -1 will be i ndu ced to a gre ate r degr ee in ische mic brai ns ofS OD kno ckouts co mp a red to SOD tra n s ge nics . Suppression of", "underscore_trick": ") mRNA_and protein_will be examined in_ischemic brains_of_normal mice,_SOD_transgenic and SOD_knockout mice. Since_HO-1 is induced by_oxidative and ischemic_stress,_it is predicted that HO-1 will be induced to a greater degree in ischemic_brains_of SOD_knockouts_compared_to SOD transgenics. Suppression of"} +{"text": " cytokine production, cytotoxicity and assistance in protective T cell polarization by NK cells after DC activation via EBV infection. 3. Investigate EBV infection in vivo. In order to translate our in vitro findings into an in vivo model of primary EBV infection, we have reconstituted human immune systems in immune compromised mice, which could mount primary", "synonym_substitution": "cytokine production, cytotoxicity and assistance in protective T cell polarization by NK cell after DC energizing via EBV infection. 3. Investigate epstein-barr virus infection in vivo. In club to translate our in vitro determination into an in vivo model of primary epstein-barr virus contagion, we have reconstituted human immune systems in immune compromise mice, which could mount primary coil", "butter_fingers": " cyhokine production, cytotowicity and assisjabce in protedtive T zell polarization by NK celld qfter DC activation via EBV infectioj. 3. Invesrigaue EBV infection mh vivo. Lu ordsv to crenslate our in yitro finditgs into an in vkvl model of primary EBV infection, we have rrclnstituted humwn ikiune systems in immune compromised mics, which could mount lrimary", "random_deletion": "cytokine production, cytotoxicity and assistance in protective polarization NK cells DC activation via infection vivo. In order translate our in findings into an in vivo model primary EBV infection, we have reconstituted human immune systems in immune compromised mice, could mount primary", "change_char_case": " cytokine production, cytotoxIcity and asSistaNce In pRoTectIve T Cell polarizatiON by Nk cells after DC activatioN via EbV INfecTIoN. 3. InveStigate ebV INFecTiOn In vIvO. in Order To tRanslatE our in vitrO fiNdIngs into an in VIvO model of prImaRy EBV infectiOn, wE have rEcOnsTItuteD huMan imMune sySTems in Immune comPrOMised mICe, which COUlD mouNt primary", "whitespace_perturbation": " cytokine production, cyto toxicity a nd as sis tan ce inprot ective T cellp olar ization by NK cells af ter D Ca ctiv a ti on vi a EBV i n fe c t ion .3. In ve s ti gateEBV infect ion in viv o.In order to tr a ns late our i n v itro finding s i nto an i n v i vo mo del of p rimary EBV in fection,we have r e constit u t ed hum an immune systems in immune comprom ised m ic e ,w h ich co uld mountpr imary ", "underscore_trick": " cytokine_production, cytotoxicity_and assistance in protective_T cell_polarization_by NK_cells_after DC activation_via EBV infection._3. Investigate EBV infection_in vivo. In_order_to translate our in vitro findings into an in vivo model of primary EBV_infection,_we have_reconstituted_human_immune systems in immune compromised_mice, which could mount primary"} +{"text": " In the great majority of those with SS, dietary NaHCQloading induces a robust increase in blood pressure that is fully two-thirds that induced by dietary NaCI loading. 2) In those with such \"selective Na + sensitivity\" (sNaS), NaHCO-Ioading and NaCl-loading induce", "synonym_substitution": "In the great majority of those with SS, dietary NaHCQloading induces a robust increase in rake atmospheric pressure that is fully two - thirds that induced by dietary NaCI load. 2) In those with such \" selective Na + sensitivity \" (sNaS), NaHCO - Ioading and NaCl - loading induce", "butter_fingers": " In the great majority of tmose with SS, diejaey NaHRQloadihg inducds a robust increase in bloov prwssurt that is fully two-ghirds thwt inducwd bb dietary NaCI loading. 2) Lu thoac witk wuch \"selective Na + sensidivity\" (sNaS), NaVCU-Ilading and NaCl-loading induce", "random_deletion": "In the great majority of those with NaHCQloading a robust in blood pressure induced dietary NaCI loading. In those with \"selective Na + sensitivity\" (sNaS), NaHCO-Ioading NaCl-loading induce", "change_char_case": " In the great majority of those With SS, dietAry NahCQLoaDiNg inDuceS a robust increaSE in bLood pressure that is fullY two-tHiRDs thAT iNduceD by dietARy nAcI lOaDiNg. 2) IN tHOsE with SucH \"selectIve Na + sensiTivItY\" (sNaS), NaHCO-IoADiNg and NaCl-lOadIng induce", "whitespace_perturbation": " In the great majority ofthose with SS,die tar yNaHC Qloa ding induces a robu st increase in blood p ressu re that is full y two-t h ir d s th at i ndu ce d b y die tar y NaCIloading. 2 ) I nthose with s u ch \"selectiv e N a + sensitiv ity \" (sNa S) , N a HCO-I oad ing a nd NaC l -loadi ng induce ", "underscore_trick": " In_the great_majority of those with_SS, dietary_NaHCQloading_induces a_robust_increase in blood_pressure that is_fully two-thirds that induced_by dietary NaCI_loading._2) In those with such \"selective Na + sensitivity\" (sNaS), NaHCO-Ioading and NaCl-loading induce"} +{"text": " against the major myelin antigens. In addition, our studies have laid the groundwork for future studies on nonspecific (monoclonal antibody therapy) and specific (virus-specific tolerance induction) means of regulating virus and neuroantigen-specific CMI responses. Using in vivo-derived T cells and in vitro-propag", "synonym_substitution": "against the major myelin antigens. In addition, our studies have laid the basis for future cogitation on nonspecific (monoclonal antibody therapy) and specific (virus - specific tolerance evocation) entail of regulating virus and neuroantigen - specific CMI responses. use in vivo - derive T cell and in vitro - propag", "butter_fingers": " agwinst the major myelin aktigens. In additnin, our studiss have uaid the groundwork for futuce srudiew on nonspecific (monocuonal antpbody theeapy) qnd specifmd (virus-specifjg tolzrence induction) keans of ragulating viruv xnb neuroantigen-specific CMI responses. Using on vivo-derived T celkf ans in vitro-propag", "random_deletion": "against the major myelin antigens. In addition, have the groundwork future studies on specific tolerance induction) means regulating virus and CMI responses. Using in vivo-derived T and in vitro-propag", "change_char_case": " against the major myelin antiGens. In addiTion, oUr sTudIeS havE laiD the groundwork FOr fuTure studies on nonspecifIc (monOcLOnal ANtIbody Therapy) ANd SPEciFiC (vIruS-sPEcIfic tOleRance inDuction) meaNs oF rEgulating virUS aNd neuroantIgeN-specific CMI ResPonses. usIng IN vivo-DerIved T Cells aND in vitRo-propag", "whitespace_perturbation": " against the major myelinantigens.In ad dit ion ,ourstud ies have laidt he g roundwork for future s tudie so n no n sp ecifi c (mono c lo n a l a nt ib ody t h er apy)and specif ic (virus- spe ci fic toleranc e i nduction)mea ns of regula tin g viru sand neuro ant igen- specif i c CMIresponses .U sing i n vivo-d e r iv ed T cells and in vit r o- p ropag", "underscore_trick": " against_the major_myelin antigens. In addition,_our studies_have_laid the_groundwork_for future studies_on nonspecific (monoclonal_antibody therapy) and specific_(virus-specific tolerance induction)_means_of regulating virus and neuroantigen-specific CMI responses. Using in vivo-derived T cells and in_vitro-propag"} +{"text": " to clients in obtaining needed services as identified by ASAP. In addition to the planning function, a limited amount of funds will be allocated to purchase necessary emergency treatment services where no other resources are available. Differential Proteomics, Inc., is developing a new proteomics technology for comparing the protein composition of biological samples. The technology", "synonym_substitution": "to clients in obtaining needed services as identified by ASAP. In accession to the planning affair, a limited amount of funds will be allocate to purchase necessary emergency treatment service where no other resources are available. Differential Proteomics, Inc., is develop a new proteomics technology for compare the protein composition of biological samples. The technology", "butter_fingers": " to clients in obtaining netded services as neentifmed by ZSAP. In xddition to the planning funrtiob, a lumited amount of funds will be wllocatee to purchase nxdessary emergskcy txeetment services where no mther resourcev xrz available. Differential Proteomics, Ync., is cegeloping a new proueoiics neghnology for comparing the protejn compmsition of biplogical samples. The technllogj", "random_deletion": "to clients in obtaining needed services as ASAP. addition to planning function, a be to purchase necessary treatment services where other resources are available. Differential Proteomics, is developing a new proteomics technology for comparing the protein composition of biological The technology", "change_char_case": " to clients in obtaining needeD services aS idenTifIed By aSAP. in adDition to the plaNNing Function, a limited amount Of funDs WIll bE AlLocatEd to purCHaSE NecEsSaRy eMeRGeNcy trEatMent serVices where No oThEr resources aRE aVailable. DiFfeRential ProteOmiCs, Inc., iS dEveLOping A neW protEomics TEchnolOgy for comPaRIng the PRotein cOMPoSitiOn of biological samPLeS. the technology", "whitespace_perturbation": " to clients in obtaining n eeded serv icesaside nt ifie d by ASAP. In addi t ionto the planning functi on, a l i mite d a mount of fun d sw i llbe a llo ca t ed to p urc hase ne cessary em erg en cy treatment se rvices whe reno other res our ces ar eava i lable . D iffer ential Proteo mics, Inc ., is dev e lopinga ne w pr oteomics technolo g yf or comparing t he pro te i nc o mpo sit ion of bio lo gical samples . T h e tec h nology", "underscore_trick": " to_clients in_obtaining needed services as_identified by_ASAP._In addition_to_the planning function,_a limited amount_of funds will be_allocated to purchase_necessary_emergency treatment services where no other resources are available. Differential Proteomics, Inc., is developing_a_new proteomics_technology_for_comparing the protein composition of_biological samples. The technology"} +{"text": " the United States. Since smoking cessation is a major public health initiative, former smokers will increasingly account for a higher percentage of lung cancer cases. Therefore, two high-risk population groups exist for lung cancer and improved disease management can be beneficial to both current and former smokers. Additionally, the prognosis for lung cancer patients is very", "synonym_substitution": "the United States. Since smoking cessation is a major public health initiative, former smokers will increasingly report for a eminent percentage of lung cancer cases. consequently, two high - hazard population groups exist for lung cancer and improved disease management can be beneficial to both current and early stag party. Additionally, the prognosis for lung cancer patients is very", "butter_fingers": " thf United States. Since smuking cessation is a mejor puglic heauth initiative, former smokerd qill uncreasingly account fur a highvr percenrage if lung caider cascf. Thsveforz, vwo high-risk pokulation grogps exist for nuvg cancer and improved disease manageient cam he beneficial jo bouh surrsnt and former smokers. Additionallg, the pgognosis for lung cancer patients is very", "random_deletion": "the United States. Since smoking cessation is public initiative, former will increasingly account lung cases. Therefore, two population groups exist lung cancer and improved disease management be beneficial to both current and former smokers. Additionally, the prognosis for lung patients is very", "change_char_case": " the United States. Since smokiNg cessatioN is a mAjoR puBlIc heAlth Initiative, formER smoKers will increasingly acCount FoR A higHEr PerceNtage of LUnG CAncEr CaSes. thEReFore, tWo hIgh-risk Population GroUpS exist for lunG CaNcer and impRovEd disease manAgeMent caN bE beNEficiAl tO both CurrenT And forMer smokerS. ADDitionALly, the pROGnOsis For lung cancer patiENtS Is very", "whitespace_perturbation": " the United States. Sincesmoking ce ssati onisamajo r pu blic health in i tiat ive, former smokers wi ll in cr e asin g ly acco unt for ah i ghe rpe rce nt a ge of l ung cancer cases. Th ere fo re, two high - ri sk populat ion groups exis t f or lun gcan c er an d i mprov ed dis e ase ma nagementca n be be n eficial t oboth current and form e rs mokers. Additi onally ,t he p rog nos is for lun gcance r patien t si s ver y ", "underscore_trick": " the_United States._Since smoking cessation is_a major_public_health initiative,_former_smokers will increasingly_account for a_higher percentage of lung_cancer cases. Therefore,_two_high-risk population groups exist for lung cancer and improved disease management can be beneficial_to_both current_and_former_smokers. Additionally, the prognosis for_lung cancer patients is very"} +{"text": " 7th leading cause of blindness in the U.S. The emmetropization mechanism has at least three main components: 1) the retina, which responds to the sign and amount of defocus (or other visual cues); 2) a signaling cascade that originates in the retina, travels through the retinal pigment epithelium (", "synonym_substitution": "7th leading cause of blindness in the U.S. The emmetropization mechanism has at least three chief component: 1) the retina, which responds to the sign and amount of defocus (or early visual cues); 2) a signaling shower that originate in the retina, travels through the retinal pigment epithelium (", "butter_fingers": " 7th leading cause of blindntss in the U.S. The emmetrmpizatjon mechxnism has at least three maii conponebts: 1) the retina, which fesponds no the sitn aid amount of defocus (or other blsual rues); 2) a signalikg cascade dhat originatev kn the retina, travels through the retynal pibmfnt epithelium (", "random_deletion": "7th leading cause of blindness in the emmetropization has at three main components: to sign and amount defocus (or other cues); 2) a signaling cascade that in the retina, travels through the retinal pigment epithelium (", "change_char_case": " 7th leading cause of blindness In the U.S. The EmmetRopIzaTiOn meChanIsm has at least tHRee mAin components: 1) the retina, Which ReSPondS To The siGn and amOUnT OF deFoCuS (or OtHEr VisuaL cuEs); 2) a signAling cascaDe tHaT originates iN ThE retina, traVelS through the rEtiNal pigMeNt ePIthelIum (", "whitespace_perturbation": " 7th leading cause of blin dness in t he U. S.The e mmet ropi zation mechani s m ha s at least three maincompo ne n ts:1 )the r etina,w hi c h re sp on dsto th e sig n a nd amou nt of defo cus ( or other vis u al cues); 2) asignaling ca sca de tha tori g inate s i n the retin a , trav els throu gh the re t inal pi g m en t ep ithelium (", "underscore_trick": " 7th_leading cause_of blindness in the_U.S. The_emmetropization_mechanism has_at_least three main_components: 1) the_retina, which responds to_the sign and_amount_of defocus (or other visual cues); 2) a signaling cascade that originates in the_retina,_travels through_the_retinal_pigment epithelium ("} +{"text": " and substantial surgical therapy. The work of the IBD Genetics Consortium will enable us to identify important predisposing and disease modifying genes contributing to the pathogenesis of IBD which has the promise to: (1) identify persons at risk for disease, (2) predict disease course, (3) aid in selection of treatment, (", "synonym_substitution": "and substantial surgical therapy. The work of the IBD Genetics Consortium will enable us to identify important predisposing and disease change gene contributing to the pathogenesis of IBD which has the promise to: (1) name persons at hazard for disease, (2) predict disease course, (3) care in selection of treatment, (", "butter_fingers": " anf substantial surgical tmerapy. The work of the MBD Genstics Covsortium will enable us to iventufy inportant predisposing xnd diseade modifting tenes contcjbuting to ths patkojenesis of IBD ehich has dhe promise to: (1) kdzntify persons at risk for disease, (2) [redict dlsease course, (3) aid yn sslection of treatment, (", "random_deletion": "and substantial surgical therapy. The work of Genetics will enable to identify important contributing the pathogenesis of which has the to: (1) identify persons at risk disease, (2) predict disease course, (3) aid in selection of treatment, (", "change_char_case": " and substantial surgical theRapy. The worK of thE IBd GeNeTics consOrtium will enabLE us tO identify important predIsposInG And dISeAse moDifying GEnES ConTrIbUtiNg TO tHe patHogEnesis oF IBD which hAs tHe Promise to: (1) ideNTiFy persons aT riSk for disease, (2) PreDict diSeAse COurse, (3) Aid In selEction OF treatMent, (", "whitespace_perturbation": " and substantial surgicaltherapy. T he wo rkofth e IB D Ge netics Consort i um w ill enable us to ident ify i mp o rtan t p redis posinga nd d ise as emod if y in g gen escontrib uting to t hepa thogenesis o f I BD which h asthe promiseto: (1) i de nti f y per son s atrisk f o r dise ase, (2)pr e dict d i sease c o u rs e, ( 3) aid in selecti o no f treatment, ( ", "underscore_trick": " and_substantial surgical_therapy. The work of_the IBD_Genetics_Consortium will_enable_us to identify_important predisposing and_disease modifying genes contributing_to the pathogenesis_of_IBD which has the promise to: (1) identify persons at risk for disease, (2)_predict_disease course,_(3)_aid_in selection of treatment, ("} +{"text": " imaging of functional conditions of extremities soft tissue. There is an important clinical need to develop an effective, rapid and cost-effective method of non-invasive assessing or imaging of extremities soft tissue viability. The overall goal of the project is to validate the feasibility of a microwave tomographic (MWT) imaging technology for assessment of", "synonym_substitution": "imaging of functional conditions of extremities piano tissue. There be an important clinical need to develop an effective, rapid and price - effective method of non - invasive assessing or imagination of extremities soft tissue viability. The overall goal of the undertaking is to validate the feasibility of a microwave tomographic (MWT) image technology for judgment of", "butter_fingers": " imwging of functional condltions of extremnries smft tiasue. Thefe is an important clinical ieed to dtnelop an effective, raoid and clst-effecrive nethod of ikn-invaslre asacssiny ir imaging of gxtremities voft tissue vidbklnty. The overall goal of the project ys to vslldate the feasybilptr of a microwave tomographic (MWT) imagihg techiology for assexsment of", "random_deletion": "imaging of functional conditions of extremities soft is important clinical to develop an of assessing or imaging extremities soft tissue The overall goal of the project to validate the feasibility of a microwave tomographic (MWT) imaging technology for assessment", "change_char_case": " imaging of functional conditIons of extrEmitiEs sOft TiSsue. therE is an important CLiniCal need to develop an effeCtive, RaPId anD CoSt-effEctive mEThOD Of nOn-InVasIvE AsSessiNg oR imaginG of extremiTieS sOft tissue viaBIlIty. The overAll Goal of the proJecT is to vAlIdaTE the fEasIbiliTy of a mICrowavE tomograpHiC (mWT) imaGIng techNOLoGy foR assessment of", "whitespace_perturbation": " imaging of functional con ditions of extr emi tie ssoft tis sue. There isa n im portant clinical needto de ve l op a n e ffect ive, ra p id a ndco st -ef fe c ti ve me tho d of no n-invasive as se ssing or ima g in g of extre mit ies soft tis sue viabi li ty. The o ver all g oal of the pr oject isto valida t e the f e a si bili ty of a microwave to m ographic (MWT) imagi ng te c h nol ogy for asses sm ent o f ", "underscore_trick": " imaging_of functional_conditions of extremities soft_tissue. There_is_an important_clinical_need to develop_an effective, rapid_and cost-effective method of_non-invasive assessing or_imaging_of extremities soft tissue viability. The overall goal of the project is to validate_the_feasibility of_a_microwave_tomographic (MWT) imaging technology for_assessment of"} +{"text": " to characterize the haplotype specific nature of suppression of EAE using F1 restricted T cell lines and clones. These experiments will define the genetic and antigenetic specifity of inhibition of disease using auto antigens and synthetic antigens whos immune response is under IR gene control. At present, the mechanism by which IR genes confer susceptibility", "synonym_substitution": "to characterize the haplotype specific nature of suppression of EAE using F1 restricted metric ton cellular telephone lines and clones. These experiment will specify the genetic and antigenetic specifity of inhibition of disease use car antigens and synthetic antigens who s immune response is under IR gene control. At present, the mechanism by which IR gene confer susceptibility", "butter_fingers": " to characterize the haplotnpe specific natorw of snppressjon of EXE using F1 restricted T cell lunes qnd clones. These experkments wipl definw tht genetic and antmfenetic specirlty oy mnhibition of dlsease usinc auto antigenv xnb synthetic antigens whos immune res[onse ix knder IR gene sontgoj. At irtsent, the mechanism by which IR gsnes coifer susceptibikity", "random_deletion": "to characterize the haplotype specific nature of EAE F1 restricted cell lines and the and antigenetic specifity inhibition of disease auto antigens and synthetic antigens whos response is under IR gene control. At present, the mechanism by which IR confer susceptibility", "change_char_case": " to characterize the haplotypE specific nAture Of sUppReSsioN of EaE using F1 restriCTed T Cell lines and clones. ThesE expeRiMEnts WIlL defiNe the geNEtIC And AnTiGenEtIC sPecifIty Of inhibItion of disEasE uSing auto antiGEnS and syntheTic Antigens whos ImmUne resPoNse IS undeR IR Gene cOntrol. aT preseNt, the mechAnISm by whICh IR genES CoNfer Susceptibility", "whitespace_perturbation": " to characterize the haplo type speci fic n atu reof sup pres sion of EAE us i ng F 1 restricted T cell li nes a nd clon e s. Thes e exper i me n t s w il ldef in e t he ge net ic andantigeneti c s pe cifity of in h ib ition of d ise ase using au toantige ns an d synt het ic an tigens whos i mmune res po n se isu nder IR g en e co ntrol. At present , t h e mechanism by which I R g e n escon fer suscep ti bilit y ", "underscore_trick": " to_characterize the_haplotype specific nature of_suppression of_EAE_using F1_restricted_T cell lines_and clones. These_experiments will define the_genetic and antigenetic_specifity_of inhibition of disease using auto antigens and synthetic antigens whos immune response is_under_IR gene_control._At_present, the mechanism by which_IR genes confer susceptibility"} +{"text": " isolated hepatic metastases. These tumors often cause debilitating symptoms due to excessive hormonal secretion. Besides surgery, there are limited curative and palliative treatments available to patients with metastatic NE tumors, emphasizing the need for development of other forms of therapy. In this proposal, we will present data illustrating that GSK3B inhibition may be a", "synonym_substitution": "isolated hepatic metastases. These tumors often induce enfeeble symptom due to excessive hormonal secretion. Besides surgery, there be circumscribed curative and palliative treatments available to patients with metastatic NE tumor, underscore the need for growth of other forms of therapy. In this marriage proposal, we will present data illustrating that GSK3B inhibition may be a", "butter_fingers": " isllated hepatic metastaser. These tumors often ceuse degilitativg symptoms due to excessive hirmonql secretion. Besides sjrgery, thvre are lumittd curative and pemliativc trezbmentv available to katients witv metastatic NA gulors, emphasizing the need for develjpment pf other forms os thtra[y. Ih this proposal, we will present dafa illuvtrating that GSK3B inhibition may be a", "random_deletion": "isolated hepatic metastases. These tumors often cause due excessive hormonal Besides surgery, there treatments to patients with NE tumors, emphasizing need for development of other forms therapy. In this proposal, we will present data illustrating that GSK3B inhibition may a", "change_char_case": " isolated hepatic metastases. these tumorS ofteN caUse DeBiliTatiNg symptoms due tO ExceSsive hormonal secretion. besidEs SUrgeRY, tHere aRe limitED cURAtiVe AnD paLlIAtIve trEatMents avAilable to pAtiEnTs with metastATiC NE tumors, eMphAsizing the neEd fOr deveLoPmeNT of otHer Forms Of therAPy. In thIs proposaL, wE Will prESent datA ILlUstrAting that GSK3B inhiBItIOn may be a", "whitespace_perturbation": " isolated hepatic metastas es. Thesetumor s o fte ncaus e de bilitating sym p toms due to excessive horm onalse c reti o n. Besi des sur g er y , th er eare l i mi ted c ura tive an d palliati vetr eatments ava i la ble to pat ien ts with meta sta tic NE t umo r s, em pha sizin g then eed fo r develop me n t of o t her for m s o f th erapy. In this pr o po s al, we will pr esentda t ai l lus tra ting thatGS K3B i n hibitio n m a y bea ", "underscore_trick": " isolated_hepatic metastases._These tumors often cause_debilitating symptoms_due_to excessive_hormonal_secretion. Besides surgery,_there are limited_curative and palliative treatments_available to patients_with_metastatic NE tumors, emphasizing the need for development of other forms of therapy. In_this_proposal, we_will_present_data illustrating that GSK3B inhibition_may be a"} +{"text": "conversion of HDL subspecies; 4) CETP will be studied using surface balance techniques to elucidate the mechanisms of the reaction and the role of apo A-IV in lipid exchange phenomena. The investigation of the structure and function of the plasma apolipoproteins has led to major advances in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention", "synonym_substitution": "conversion of HDL subspecies; 4) CETP will be studied using surface balance technique to clarify the mechanisms of the reaction and the role of apo A - IV in lipid rally phenomena. The investigation of the social organization and function of the plasma apolipoproteins has led to major advances in the diagnosis, discussion, and prevention", "butter_fingers": "congersion of HDL subspecier; 4) CETP will be studiev using surface balance techniques to elucivate the nechanisms of the reacgion and nhe role if ako A-IV in lipid eedhange ikenomska. Thz mnvestigation on the strucdure and functhov lf the plasma apolipoproteins has lqd to msjlr advances in the qiaghosis, treatment, and prevention", "random_deletion": "conversion of HDL subspecies; 4) CETP will using balance techniques elucidate the mechanisms role apo A-IV in exchange phenomena. The of the structure and function of plasma apolipoproteins has led to major advances in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention", "change_char_case": "conversion of HDL subspecies; 4) cETP will be StudiEd uSinG sUrfaCe baLance techniqueS To elUcidate the mechanisms of The reAcTIon aND tHe rolE of apo A-iv iN LIpiD eXcHanGe PHeNomenA. ThE investIgation of tHe sTrUcture and funCTiOn of the plaSma ApolipoproteIns Has led To MajOR advaNceS in thE diagnOSis, treAtment, and PrEVentioN", "whitespace_perturbation": "conversion of HDL subspeci es; 4) CET P wil l b e s tu died usi ng surface bal a ncetechniques to elucidat e the m e chan i sm s ofthe rea c ti o n an dth e r ol e o f apo A- IV in l ipid excha nge p henomena. Th e i nvestigati onof the struc tur e andfu nct i on of th e pla sma ap o lipopr oteins ha sl ed tom ajor ad v a nc es i n the diagnosis,t re a tment, and pre ventio n", "underscore_trick": "conversion of_HDL subspecies;_4) CETP will be_studied using_surface_balance techniques_to_elucidate the mechanisms_of the reaction_and the role of_apo A-IV in_lipid_exchange phenomena. The investigation of the structure and function of the plasma apolipoproteins has_led_to major_advances_in_the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention"} +{"text": ", and saves significant cost. The result is improved patient outcomes and improved lab operating performance. Phase IIB aims address application to clinical human specimens along with development of instruments and media appropriate for commercial use. The objectives of this proposal reflect the major goals required to achieve commercial entry of the SpecID smart culture system into commercial,", "synonym_substitution": ", and saves significant cost. The result is better patient result and improved lab operating performance. Phase IIB aims savoir-faire application to clinical human specimens along with development of instrumental role and media appropriate for commercial use. The aim of this proposal reflect the major goal required to achieve commercial entry of the SpecID bright acculturation system into commercial,", "butter_fingers": ", anf saves significant cost. The result is nnprovev patieht outcooes and improved lab operatiig pwrfornance. Phase IIB aims aadress apilication to rlinical human s'scimens along aith vevelopment of lnstruments and media appsoornate for commercial use. The objectivqs of tnid proposal refject ehe jajor goals required to achieve cojmercian entry of thr SpecID smart culture syshem lnto commercial,", "random_deletion": ", and saves significant cost. The result patient and improved operating performance. Phase clinical specimens along with of instruments and appropriate for commercial use. The objectives this proposal reflect the major goals required to achieve commercial entry of the smart culture system into commercial,", "change_char_case": ", and saves significant cost. ThE result is iMprovEd pAtiEnT outComeS and improved laB OperAting performance. Phase IiB aimS aDDresS ApPlicaTion to cLInICAl hUmAn SpeCiMEnS alonG wiTh develOpment of inStrUmEnts and media APpRopriate foR coMmercial use. THe oBjectiVeS of THis prOpoSal reFlect tHE major Goals requIrED to achIEve commERCiAl enTry of the SpecID smaRT cULture system intO commeRcIAl,", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and saves significant co st. The re sultisimp ro vedpati ent outcomes a n d im proved lab operating p erfor ma n ce.P ha se II B aimsa dd r e ssap pl ica ti o nto cl ini cal hum an specime nsal ong with dev e lo pment of i nst ruments andmed ia app ro pri a te fo r c ommer cial u s e. The objectiv es of thi s propos a l r efle ct the major goal s r e quired to achi eve co mm e rc i a l e ntr y of the S pe cID s m art cul t ur e s yst e m into commer cial,", "underscore_trick": ", and_saves significant_cost. The result is_improved patient_outcomes_and improved_lab_operating performance. Phase_IIB aims address_application to clinical human_specimens along with_development_of instruments and media appropriate for commercial use. The objectives of this proposal reflect_the_major goals_required_to_achieve commercial entry of the_SpecID smart culture system into_commercial,"} +{"text": ". The study will also include monthly support forums. Statistical analysis of the instrumentation responses and interpretive analysis of interview texts will be used. Story Sharing promises to offer a new caring intervention for NAs as they develop empathic and mutual care relationships that recognize the uniqueness and dignity of each resident. Juvenile and adult", "synonym_substitution": ". The study will also include monthly support forum. Statistical psychoanalysis of the instrumentation responses and interpretative analysis of consultation texts will be used. report Sharing promise to offer a fresh caring intervention for NAs as they build up empathic and mutual care relationship that greet the uniqueness and dignity of each house physician. Juvenile and adult", "butter_fingers": ". Thf study will also includt monthly support forums. Statiatical avalysis of the instrumentatiln respinses and interpretive analysis of inteeviex texts will be naed. Stovv Shadlng pxonises to offer a new carhng interventimn flr NAs as they develop empathic and mutual cwre relationshyps uhae redognize the uniqueness and dignity of eaci resident. Juvemile and adult", "random_deletion": ". The study will also include monthly Statistical of the responses and interpretive be Story Sharing promises offer a new intervention for NAs as they develop and mutual care relationships that recognize the uniqueness and dignity of each resident. and adult", "change_char_case": ". The study will also include moNthly suppoRt forUms. staTiSticAl anAlysis of the insTRumeNtation responses and intErpreTiVE anaLYsIs of iNtervieW TeXTS wiLl Be UseD. STOrY SharIng PromiseS to offer a nEw cArIng interventIOn For NAs as thEy dEvelop empathIc aNd mutuAl CarE RelatIonShips That reCOgnize The uniqueNeSS and diGNity of eACH rEsidEnt. Juvenile and aduLT", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The study will also incl ude monthl y sup por t f or ums. Sta tistical analy s is o f the instrumentationrespo ns e s an d i nterp retivea na l y sis o fint er v ie w tex tswill be used. Sto rySh aring promis e sto offer a ne w caring int erv ention f orN As as th ey de velope mpathi c and mut ua l carer elation s h ip s th at recognize theu ni q ueness and dig nity o fe ac h res ide nt. Juveni le anda dult", "underscore_trick": ". The_study will_also include monthly support_forums. Statistical_analysis_of the_instrumentation_responses and interpretive_analysis of interview_texts will be used._Story Sharing promises_to_offer a new caring intervention for NAs as they develop empathic and mutual care_relationships_that recognize_the_uniqueness_and dignity of each resident._Juvenile and adult"} +{"text": " Our data also reveal that cocaine down regulates two anti-HIV cellular microRNAs (miRNAs), miR-125b and miR-328 in primary CD4+ T cells. Since these miRNAs target the 3'UTR of HIV-1 mRNA, we believe cocaine may target post-transcription steps of HIV-1 replication", "synonym_substitution": "Our data also reveal that cocaine down regulates two anti - HIV cellular microRNAs (miRNAs), miR-125b and miR-328 in basal CD4 + metric ton cells. Since these miRNAs target the 3'UTR of HIV-1 mRNA, we believe cocaine may target post - transcription steps of HIV-1 rejoinder", "butter_fingers": " Oug data also reveal that gocaine down regolqtes txo anti-GIV celljlar microRNAs (miRNAs), miR-125b aid muR-328 in primary CD4+ T cells. Sivce these miRNAs rargtt the 3'UTR of HIV-1 mRNA, we beliebc cocciie may target ppst-transcrhption steps ox FIR-1 replication", "random_deletion": "Our data also reveal that cocaine down anti-HIV microRNAs (miRNAs), and miR-328 in these target the 3'UTR HIV-1 mRNA, we cocaine may target post-transcription steps of replication", "change_char_case": " Our data also reveal that cocaIne down regUlateS twO anTi-hIV cElluLar microRNAs (mirnAs), mIR-125b and miR-328 in primary CD4+ T cElls. SInCE theSE mIRNAs Target tHE 3'Utr Of HiV-1 MRnA, wE bELiEve coCaiNe may taRget post-trAnsCrIption steps oF hIv-1 replicatiOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " Our data also reveal that cocaine d own r egu lat es two ant i-HIV cellular micr oRNAs (miRNAs), miR-12 5b an dm iR-3 2 8in pr imary C D 4+ T ce ll s. Si nc e t hesemiR NAs tar get the 3' UTR o f HIV-1 mRNA , w e believecoc aine may tar get post- tr ans c ripti onsteps of HI V -1 rep lication", "underscore_trick": " Our_data also_reveal that cocaine down_regulates two_anti-HIV_cellular microRNAs_(miRNAs),_miR-125b and miR-328_in primary CD4+_T cells. Since these_miRNAs target the_3'UTR_of HIV-1 mRNA, we believe cocaine may target post-transcription steps of HIV-1 replication"} +{"text": " near the 2q break will determine if a gene (s) is altered by this familial RCC-associated chromosome translocation. Deletion of the short arm of chromosome 5 was the sole structural alteration identified in a case of testicular lymphoma and it may harbor a tumor suppressor gene implicated in this malignancy. In the past year two studies", "synonym_substitution": "near the 2q break will determine if a gene (s) is altered by this familial RCC - associated chromosome translocation. omission of the light arm of chromosome 5 was the sole geomorphologic revision identified in a case of testicular lymphoma and it may harbor a tumor suppressor gene entail in this malignity. In the past year two studies", "butter_fingers": " newr the 2q break will detevmine if a gene (s) is alvered bg this fxmilial RCC-associated chromodone trqnslocation. Deletion ow the shogt arm of chrinosome 5 was the sole strhgturan alteration idgntified in d case of testhcjlcr lymphoma and it may harbor a tumow supprrsdor gene implisatec in fhis malignancy. In the past year tso studpes", "random_deletion": "near the 2q break will determine if (s) altered by familial RCC-associated chromosome arm chromosome 5 was sole structural alteration in a case of testicular lymphoma it may harbor a tumor suppressor gene implicated in this malignancy. In the year two studies", "change_char_case": " near the 2q break will determinE if a gene (s) iS alteRed By tHiS famIliaL RCC-associated CHromOsome translocation. DeleTion oF tHE shoRT aRm of cHromosoME 5 wAS The SoLe StrUcTUrAl altEraTion ideNtified in a CasE oF testicular lYMpHoma and it mAy hArbor a tumor sUppRessor GeNe iMPlicaTed In thiS maligNAncy. In The past yeAr TWo studIEs", "whitespace_perturbation": " near the 2q break will de termine if a ge ne(s) i s al tere d by this fami l ialRCC-associated chromos ome t ra n sloc a ti on. D eletion of t hesh or t a rm of chro mos ome 5 w as the sol e s tr uctural alte r at ion identi fie d in a caseoftestic ul arl ympho maand i t mayh arbora tumor s up p ressor gene im p l ic ated in this malignan c y. In the past ye ar two s t ud i e s", "underscore_trick": " near_the 2q_break will determine if_a gene_(s)_is altered_by_this familial RCC-associated_chromosome translocation. Deletion_of the short arm_of chromosome 5_was_the sole structural alteration identified in a case of testicular lymphoma and it may_harbor_a tumor_suppressor_gene_implicated in this malignancy. In_the past year two studies"} +{"text": " that novel CAP-DTG combination nano-microbicide reduce cytotoxicity of DTG to cells. In vitro HIV prophylaxis using HIV indicator TZM-bl cells show that CAP-DTG combination nano-microbicide offers significantly higher protection from HIV-1 infection as compared to DTG solution and CAP nanoparticles indicating", "synonym_substitution": "that novel CAP - DTG combination nano - microbicide reduce cytotoxicity of DTG to cells. In vitro HIV prophylaxis using HIV index TZM - bl cell show that CAP - DTG combination nano - microbicide offers importantly higher security from HIV-1 infection as compare to DTG solution and CAP nanoparticles indicating", "butter_fingers": " thwt novel CAP-DTG combinatlon nano-microbicnee rednce cytktoxicith of DTG to cells. In vitro HMV peophyoaxis using HIV indicagor TZM-bl cells syow uhat CAP-DTG combiiztion nano-micdlbicndx offers signiflcantly higver protection ffol HIV-1 infection as compared to DTG folutiom wnd CAP nanopatticlts yndidating", "random_deletion": "that novel CAP-DTG combination nano-microbicide reduce cytotoxicity to In vitro prophylaxis using HIV CAP-DTG nano-microbicide offers significantly protection from HIV-1 as compared to DTG solution and nanoparticles indicating", "change_char_case": " that novel CAP-DTG combinatioN nano-microBicidE reDucE cYtotOxicIty of DTG to cellS. in viTro HIV prophylaxis using hIV inDiCAtor tzM-Bl celLs show tHAt cap-DTg cOmBinAtIOn Nano-mIcrObicide Offers signIfiCaNtly higher prOTeCtion from HiV-1 iNfection as coMpaRed to DtG SolUTion aNd CaP nanOpartiCLes indIcating", "whitespace_perturbation": " that novel CAP-DTG combin ation nano -micr obi cid eredu ce c ytotoxicity of DTGto cells. In vitro HIV prop hy l axis us ing H IV indi c at o r TZ M- bl ce ll s s how t hat CAP-DT G combinat ion n ano-microbic i de offers si gni ficantly hig her prote ct ion fromHIV -1 in fectio n as co mpared to D T G solu t ion and C AP nan oparticles indica t in g ", "underscore_trick": " that_novel CAP-DTG_combination nano-microbicide reduce cytotoxicity_of DTG_to_cells. In_vitro_HIV prophylaxis using_HIV indicator TZM-bl_cells show that CAP-DTG_combination nano-microbicide offers_significantly_higher protection from HIV-1 infection as compared to DTG solution and CAP nanoparticles indicating"} +{"text": " PI:Uc), we are finding that drivers with PD perform worse than elderly drivers without neurological disease in driving tasks conducted on-road in an instrumented vehicle (IV) and on experimental driving scenarios presented on a high-fidelity driving simulator. Even drivers with early PD of mild severity have impairments on cognitive and visual", "synonym_substitution": "PI: Uc), we are finding that drivers with PD perform worse than elderly driver without neurological disease in drive tasks conducted on - road in an instrumented vehicle (IV) and on experimental drive scenarios presented on a high - fidelity drive simulator. Even drivers with early PD of meek severity have impairment on cognitive and visual", "butter_fingers": " PI:Kc), we are finding that dvivers with PD pgrdorm wmrse tgan eldefly drivers without neurologmcal diseqse in driving tasks cunducted ln-road ib an unstrumentxs vehicle (IV) zkd on xxperimental drlving scenasios presented ov c high-fidelity driving simulator. Eveg drivets with early PD of kyld avvtrity have impairments on cognitibe and nisual", "random_deletion": "PI:Uc), we are finding that drivers with worse elderly drivers neurological disease in an vehicle (IV) and experimental driving scenarios on a high-fidelity driving simulator. Even with early PD of mild severity have impairments on cognitive and visual", "change_char_case": " PI:Uc), we are finding that driveRs with PD peRform WorSe tHaN eldErly Drivers without NEuroLogical disease in drivinG taskS cONducTEd On-roaD in an inSTrUMEntEd VeHicLe (iv) aNd on eXpeRimentaL driving scEnaRiOs presented oN A hIgh-fidelitY drIving simulatOr. EVen driVeRs wITh earLy Pd of miLd seveRIty havE impairmeNtS On cognITive and VISuAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " PI:Uc), we are finding th at drivers with PD pe rf ormwors e than elderly driv ers without neurologic al di se a se i n d rivin g tasks co n d uct ed o n-r oa d i n anins trument ed vehicle (I V) and on expe r im ental driv ing scenarios p res entedon ah igh-f ide litydrivin g simul ator. Eve nd rivers with ea r l yPD o f mild severity h a ve impairments on cogni ti v ea n d v isu al", "underscore_trick": " PI:Uc),_we are_finding that drivers with_PD perform_worse_than elderly_drivers_without neurological disease_in driving tasks_conducted on-road in an_instrumented vehicle (IV)_and_on experimental driving scenarios presented on a high-fidelity driving simulator. Even drivers with early_PD_of mild_severity_have_impairments on cognitive and visual"} +{"text": ", Differential Capture Proteomics (DCP), is designed to circumvent serious limitations in the current capabilities of current proteomics technology, notably DCP can identify the protein differences between two body fluid or tissue samples and simultaneously generate an affinity reagent for each identified difference protein. The DCP approach utilizes phage display libraries of peptides from", "synonym_substitution": ", Differential Capture Proteomics (DCP), is designed to circumvent serious limitations in the current capability of current proteomics engineering, notably DCP can identify the protein differences between two soundbox fluid or tissue sample distribution and simultaneously generate an affinity reagent for each identified deviation protein. The DCP approach utilizes bacteriophage display library of peptides from", "butter_fingers": ", Divferential Capture Proteumics (DCP), is designed vo circhmvent sdrious limitations in the cucrenr capqbilities of current pfoteomics technoligy, iotably DCP can msentify the pdlteiu vifferences beteeen two bmdy fluid or thsruz samples and simultaneously generatq an afgijity reagent fjr essh isvnuified difference protein. The DCP approabh utilizes phage display libraries of peptldes from", "random_deletion": ", Differential Capture Proteomics (DCP), is designed serious in the capabilities of current identify protein differences between body fluid or samples and simultaneously generate an affinity for each identified difference protein. The DCP approach utilizes phage display libraries of from", "change_char_case": ", Differential Capture ProteoMics (DCP), is dEsignEd tO ciRcUmveNt seRious limitatioNS in tHe current capabilities oF currEnT ProtEOmIcs teChnologY, NoTABly dCp cAn iDeNTiFy the ProTein difFerences beTweEn Two body fluid OR tIssue samplEs aNd simultaneoUslY generAtE an AFfiniTy rEagenT for eaCH identIfied diffErENce proTEin. The Dcp ApProaCh utilizes phage diSPlAY libraries of pePtides FrOM", "whitespace_perturbation": ", Differential Capture Pro teomics (D CP),isdes ig nedto c ircumvent seri o us l imitations in the curr ent c ap a bili t ie s ofcurrent pr o t eom ic stec hn o lo gy, n ota bly DCP can ident ify t he protein d i ff erences be twe en two bodyflu id orti ssu e samp les andsimult a neousl y generat ea n affi n ity rea g e nt for each identifiedd if f erence protein . TheDC P a p p roa chutilizes p ha ge di s play li b ra r i e s o f peptides fro m", "underscore_trick": ", Differential_Capture Proteomics_(DCP), is designed to_circumvent serious_limitations_in the_current_capabilities of current_proteomics technology, notably_DCP can identify the_protein differences between_two_body fluid or tissue samples and simultaneously generate an affinity reagent for each identified_difference_protein. The_DCP_approach_utilizes phage display libraries of_peptides from"} +{"text": " using an in vivo model of Abeta-induced neurotoxicity. Results should allow us to determine if genotype affects post-trauma pathology and will provide information on how ApoE4 produces its effects at the molecular level. The effect of genetic makeup on the extent of the inflammatory activity in the brain will be an", "synonym_substitution": "using an in vivo model of Abeta - induced neurotoxicity. Results should leave us to settle if genotype affects post - trauma pathology and will provide information on how ApoE4 produce its effects at the molecular level. The impression of genic makeup on the extent of the incendiary natural process in the brain will be an", "butter_fingers": " uslng an in vivo model of Xbeta-induced neoritoxicmty. Reshlts shojld allow us to determine if gwnotykv affects post-trauma oathology and wilo pricide information ok how WpoE4 'roduces its efnects at tha molecular leeeu. Che effect of genetic makeup on the qxtent pf the inflammatjry sstivjny in the brain will be an", "random_deletion": "using an in vivo model of Abeta-induced should us to if genotype affects information how ApoE4 produces effects at the level. The effect of genetic makeup the extent of the inflammatory activity in the brain will be an", "change_char_case": " using an in vivo model of Abeta-Induced neuRotoxIciTy. REsUlts ShouLd allow us to detERminE if genotype affects post-TraumA pATholOGy And wiLl proviDE iNFOrmAtIoN on HoW apOE4 proDucEs its efFects at the MolEcUlar level. The EFfEct of genetIc mAkeup on the exTenT of the InFlaMMatorY acTivitY in the BRain wiLl be an", "whitespace_perturbation": " using an in vivo model of Abeta-ind ucedneu rot ox icit y. R esults shoulda llow us to determine if ge notyp ea ffec t spost- traumap at h o log yan d w il l p rovid e i nformat ion on how Ap oE 4 produces i t seffects at th e molecularlev el. Th eeff e ct of ge netic makeu p on th e extentof the in f lammato r y a ctiv ity in the brainw il l be an", "underscore_trick": " using_an in_vivo model of Abeta-induced_neurotoxicity. Results_should_allow us_to_determine if genotype_affects post-trauma pathology_and will provide information_on how ApoE4_produces_its effects at the molecular level. The effect of genetic makeup on the extent_of_the inflammatory_activity_in_the brain will be an"} +{"text": " epitopes of membrane- bound receptors. Many of the receptors and epitopes that we will target are difficult or, in some cases, impossible to target using traditional methods, including activated receptor conformations and intracellular structures. Lipoparticles present a unique technology for the development of important new classes of antibodies and vaccine candidates. This proposal focuses", "synonym_substitution": "epitopes of membrane- bound receptors. Many of the receptors and antigenic determinant that we will target are unmanageable or, in some case, impossible to target use traditional method acting, including activated sense organ conformations and intracellular structures. Lipoparticles present a alone technology for the development of authoritative new classes of antibody and vaccine candidates. This proposal concenter", "butter_fingers": " epltopes of membrane- bound receptors. Many of the recepfors and epitopes that we will targev arw difdicult or, in some caser, impossihle to tqrgeu using traditionem methods, incmmding ectivated recepjor conformadions and intrdcdlpular structures. Lipoparticles presqnt a umieue technology for ehe svvtlopment of important new classes of antpbodies and vaccime candidates. This proposap fofuses", "random_deletion": "epitopes of membrane- bound receptors. Many of and that we target are difficult to using traditional methods, activated receptor conformations intracellular structures. Lipoparticles present a unique for the development of important new classes of antibodies and vaccine candidates. This focuses", "change_char_case": " epitopes of membrane- bound reCeptors. ManY of thE reCepToRs anD epiTopes that we wilL TargEt are difficult or, in some Cases, ImPOssiBLe To tarGet usinG TrADItiOnAl MetHoDS, iNcludIng ActivatEd receptor ConFoRmations and iNTrAcellular sTruCtures. LipopaRtiCles prEsEnt A UniquE teChnolOgy for THe deveLopment of ImPOrtant NEw classES Of AntiBodies and vaccine cANdIDates. This propoSal focUsES", "whitespace_perturbation": " epitopes of membrane- bou nd recepto rs. M any of t he r ecep tors and epito p es t hat we will target are diff ic u lt o r ,in so me case s ,i m pos si bl e t ot ar get u sin g tradi tional met hod s, including a c ti vated rece pto r conformati ons and i nt rac e llula r s truct ures.L ipopar ticles pr es e nt a u n ique te c h no logy for the developm e nt of important n ew cla ss e so f an tib odies andva ccine candida t es . T his proposal focu ses", "underscore_trick": " epitopes_of membrane-_bound receptors. Many of_the receptors_and_epitopes that_we_will target are_difficult or, in_some cases, impossible to_target using traditional_methods,_including activated receptor conformations and intracellular structures. Lipoparticles present a unique technology for the_development_of important_new_classes_of antibodies and vaccine candidates._This proposal focuses"} +{"text": " in the construction of our test statistics (Aim 6). This proposal is a continuation of our ongoing studies of lipid metabolism, focusing on the action of a lipid mediator: 1-0-alkyl-2- acetyl-glycerophosphocholine (platelet-activating factor, PAF). We have found, in", "synonym_substitution": "in the construction of our test statistics (Aim 6). This proposal is a good continuation of our ongoing cogitation of lipid metabolism, concenter on the natural process of a lipid mediator: 1 - 0 - alkyl-2- acetyl - glycerophosphocholine (platelet - activating factor, PAF). We have establish, in", "butter_fingers": " in the construction of our test statistics (Aim 6). Vhis prkposal ir a continuation of our ongomng wtuditf of lipid metabolksm, focuspng on thw acuion of a lipid mxsiator: 1-0-alkyl-2- zgetyl-ylbcerophosphochokine (platenet-activating xaztlr, PAF). We have found, in", "random_deletion": "in the construction of our test statistics This is a of our ongoing on action of a mediator: 1-0-alkyl-2- acetyl-glycerophosphocholine factor, PAF). We have found, in", "change_char_case": " in the construction of our tesT statisticS (Aim 6). THis ProPoSal iS a coNtinuation of ouR OngoIng studies of lipid metabOlism, FoCUsinG On The acTion of a LIpID MedIaToR: 1-0-alKyL-2- AcEtyl-gLycErophosPhocholine (PlaTeLet-activatinG FaCtor, PAF). We hAve Found, in", "whitespace_perturbation": " in the construction of ou r test sta tisti cs(Ai m6).This proposal is a cont inuation of our ongoin g stu di e s of li pid m etaboli s m, f ocu si ng on t h eactio n o f a lip id mediato r:1- 0-alkyl-2- a c et yl-glycero pho sphocholine(pl atelet -a cti v ating fa ctor, PAF). We hav e found,in ", "underscore_trick": " in_the construction_of our test statistics_(Aim 6)._This_proposal is_a_continuation of our_ongoing studies of_lipid metabolism, focusing on_the action of_a_lipid mediator: 1-0-alkyl-2- acetyl-glycerophosphocholine (platelet-activating factor, PAF). We have found, in"} +{"text": ", and the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. The quantitative neuroanatomic analyses rely on computer-assisted microscopy and involve studies of cell distribution as well as morphologic and intracellular characteristics of individual neurons. An important underlying assumption in this proposal is that the selective vulnerability in Alzheimer's Disease is related to the molecular and anatomic heterogeneity of", "synonym_substitution": ", and the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. The quantitative neuroanatomic analyses rely on computer - assisted microscopy and imply cogitation of cell distribution equally well as morphologic and intracellular characteristic of individual neurons. An important implicit in assumption in this proposal is that the selective vulnerability in Alzheimer's Disease is associate to the molecular and anatomic heterogeneity of", "butter_fingers": ", anf the excitatory neurotrxnsmitter glutamate. Thx quantjtative veuroanatomic analyses rely ln compyter-assisted microscoph and invllve stueies if cell distribution as scll av morphologic akd intracelnular charactesirtncs of individual neurons. An importagt undetljing assumptiog in ehis iriposal is that the selective bulnerauility in Alzheomer's Disease is related tl thf molecular and anwtomic hetetkgegwity of", "random_deletion": ", and the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. The analyses on computer-assisted and involve studies as and intracellular characteristics individual neurons. An underlying assumption in this proposal is the selective vulnerability in Alzheimer's Disease is related to the molecular and anatomic of", "change_char_case": ", and the excitatory neurotranSmitter gluTamatE. ThE quAnTitaTive Neuroanatomic aNAlysEs rely on computer-assistEd micRoSCopy ANd InvolVe studiES oF CEll DiStRibUtIOn As welL as MorpholOgic and intRacElLular charactERiStics of indIviDual neurons. AN imPortanT uNdeRLying AssUmptiOn in thIS propoSal is that ThE SelectIVe vulneRABiLity In Alzheimer's DiseaSE iS Related to the moLeculaR aND aNATomIc hEterogeneiTy Of", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and the excitatory neuro transmitte r glu tam ate .Thequan titative neuro a nato mic analyses rely on c omput er - assi s te d mic roscopy an d inv ol ve st ud i es of c ell distri bution aswel las morpholog i cand intrac ell ular charact eri sticsof in d ividu alneuro ns. An import ant under ly i ng ass u mptioni n t hisproposal is thatt he selective vuln erabil it y i n Alz hei mer's Dise as e isr elatedt ot h e mo l ecular and an atomic hete r oge neityof ", "underscore_trick": ", and_the excitatory_neurotransmitter glutamate. The quantitative_neuroanatomic analyses_rely_on computer-assisted_microscopy_and involve studies_of cell distribution_as well as morphologic_and intracellular characteristics_of_individual neurons. An important underlying assumption in this proposal is that the selective vulnerability_in_Alzheimer's Disease_is_related_to the molecular and anatomic_heterogeneity of"} +{"text": " involved with the practice of quantitative sciences in cancer and are typically in residence at the DFCI. All trainees are required to actively participate in the a working group seminar series on quantitative issues in cancer research, which serves as a primary forum at Harvard to discuss current issues and challenges on this topic, as well as in several", "synonym_substitution": "involved with the practice of quantitative sciences in cancer and are typically in residence at the DFCI. All trainee are command to actively participate in the a working group seminar serial on quantitative issues in cancer inquiry, which serves as a primary forum at Harvard to hash out current exit and challenges on this topic, as well as in several", "butter_fingers": " ingolved with the practice of quantitativg wciencxs in czncer ana are typically in residence ar the DFCI. All trainees are required to acticely participatx in the a worilng gxonp seminar serigs on quantidative issues hn ccncer research, which serves as a priiary fotul at Harvard tj dixsuss buvrent issues and challenges on tgis toppc, as well as in xeveral", "random_deletion": "involved with the practice of quantitative sciences and typically in at the DFCI. actively in the a group seminar series quantitative issues in cancer research, which as a primary forum at Harvard to discuss current issues and challenges on topic, as well as in several", "change_char_case": " involved with the practice of QuantitatiVe sciEncEs iN cAnceR and Are typically in REsidEnce at the DFCI. All traineEs are ReQUireD To ActivEly partICiPATe iN tHe A woRkINg Group SemInar serIes on quantItaTiVe issues in caNCeR research, wHicH serves as a prImaRy foruM aT HaRVard tO diScuss CurrenT Issues And challeNgES on thiS Topic, as WELl As in Several", "whitespace_perturbation": " involved with the practic e of quant itati vesci en cesin c ancer and aret ypic ally in residence at t he DF CI . All tr ainee s are r e qu i r edto a cti ve l yparti cip ate inthe a work ing g roup seminar se ries on qu ant itative issu esin can ce r r e searc h,which serve s as aprimary f or u m at H a rvard t o di scus s current issuesa nd challenges onthis t op i c, a s w ell as in sev er al", "underscore_trick": " involved_with the_practice of quantitative sciences_in cancer_and_are typically_in_residence at the_DFCI. All trainees_are required to actively_participate in the_a_working group seminar series on quantitative issues in cancer research, which serves as a_primary_forum at_Harvard_to_discuss current issues and challenges_on this topic, as well_as in_several"} +{"text": " in metabolism in preparation for the shift in hosts. There are three specific aims for the proposed study. The first specific aim is to develop assays to measure the expression of marker proteins representing the three major mitochondrial activities. The marker proteins selected are cytochrome b, which is required for electron transport, mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase, which is", "synonym_substitution": "in metabolism in preparation for the shift in hosts. There be three specific aim for the proposed study. The first specific bearing is to develop assays to quantify the expression of marker proteins representing the three major mitochondrial activity. The marker proteins selected are cytochrome bel, which is required for electron transport, mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase, which is", "butter_fingers": " in metabolism in preparatiun for the shifj un hosvs. Thers are thfee specific aims for the prlpised wtudy. The first specifkc aim is to deveoop essays to measurx the exixessikk of kerker proteins tepresenting the three majmr mntochondrial activities. The marker pwoteins sflected are cyjochrpie b, which is required for electron trznsport, mitochondriak malate dehydrogenase, whifh id", "random_deletion": "in metabolism in preparation for the shift There three specific for the proposed is develop assays to the expression of proteins representing the three major mitochondrial The marker proteins selected are cytochrome b, which is required for electron transport, malate dehydrogenase, which is", "change_char_case": " in metabolism in preparation For the shifT in hoSts. theRe Are tHree Specific aims foR The pRoposed study. The first spEcifiC aIM is tO DeVelop Assays tO MeASUre ThE eXprEsSIoN of maRkeR proteiNs represenTinG tHe three major MItOchondrial ActIvities. The maRkeR proteInS seLEcted Are CytocHrome b, WHich is Required fOr ELectroN TranspoRT, MiTochOndrial malate dehyDRoGEnase, which is", "whitespace_perturbation": " in metabolism in preparat ion for th e shi ftinho sts. The re are three s p ecif ic aims for the propos ed st ud y . Th e f irstspecifi c a i m is t odev el o passay s t o measu re the exp res si on of marker pr oteins rep res enting the t hre e majo rmit o chond ria l act ivitie s . Themarker pr ot e ins se l ected a r e c ytoc hrome b, which is re q uired for elec tron t ra n sp o r t,mit ochondrial m alate dehydro g en a s e , w h ich is", "underscore_trick": " in_metabolism in_preparation for the shift_in hosts._There_are three_specific_aims for the_proposed study. The_first specific aim is_to develop assays_to_measure the expression of marker proteins representing the three major mitochondrial activities. The marker_proteins_selected are_cytochrome_b,_which is required for electron_transport, mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase, which_is"} +{"text": " the ubiquitous nature of osmosensing systems, the molecular mechanism by which osmotic pressure is sensed is largely unknown. Studies involving microbial model systems have played an important role in identifying the sensors and signal transduction pathways that respond to changes in osmolarity. We plan to use the yeast osmotic stress sensor, Slnlp", "synonym_substitution": "the ubiquitous nature of osmosensing systems, the molecular mechanism by which osmotic pressure is sensed is largely strange. cogitation involving microbial exemplar system have played an important function in identifying the sensors and sign transduction pathways that respond to change in osmolarity. We plan to use the yeast osmotic stress sensor, Slnlp", "butter_fingers": " thf ubiquitous nature of ormosensing systgmw, the kolecumar mechxnism by which osmotic pressnre us sebsed is largely unknowv. Studies involvibg mmcrobial model sbatems have plzned au mmportant role ln identifyhng the sensorv xnb signal transduction pathways that wespond tl changes in ofmolswity. We plan to use the yeast osmotic atress vensor, Slnlp", "random_deletion": "the ubiquitous nature of osmosensing systems, the by osmotic pressure sensed is largely systems played an important in identifying the and signal transduction pathways that respond changes in osmolarity. We plan to use the yeast osmotic stress sensor, Slnlp", "change_char_case": " the ubiquitous nature of osmoSensing sysTems, tHe mOleCuLar mEchaNism by which osmOTic pRessure is sensed is largeLy unkNoWN. StuDIeS invoLving miCRoBIAl mOdEl SysTeMS hAve plAyeD an impoRtant role iN idEnTifying the seNSoRs and signaL trAnsduction paThwAys thaT rEspONd to cHanGes in OsmolaRIty. We pLan to use tHe YEast osMOtic strESS sEnsoR, Slnlp", "whitespace_perturbation": " the ubiquitous nature ofosmosensin g sys tem s,th e mo lecu lar mechanismb y wh ich osmotic pressure i s sen se d isl ar gelyunknown . S t u die sin vol vi n gmicro bia l model systems h ave p layed an imp o rt ant role i n i dentifying t hesensor sand signa l t ransd uction pathwa ys that r es p ond to changes i nosmo larity. We plan t o u s e the yeast os moticst r es s sen sor , Slnlp", "underscore_trick": " the_ubiquitous nature_of osmosensing systems, the_molecular mechanism_by_which osmotic_pressure_is sensed is_largely unknown. Studies_involving microbial model systems_have played an_important_role in identifying the sensors and signal transduction pathways that respond to changes in_osmolarity._We plan_to_use_the yeast osmotic stress sensor,_Slnlp"} +{"text": "%), but higher than that for intron 5, suggesting that evolutionary drift of intron 4 has been restrained and implying selection for functionally important sequences. We then conducted RT-PCR analyses with placental mRNA using an upstream primer specific for Mamu-AG exon 4, and a downstream primer which would amplify through the 3U-untranslated", "synonym_substitution": "%), but higher than that for intron 5, suggesting that evolutionary drift of intron 4 has been restrained and implying survival for functionally authoritative sequences. We then conducted RT - PCR analyses with placental messenger rna using an upstream primer specific for Mamu - AG exon 4, and a downstream primer which would magnify through the 3U - untranslated", "butter_fingers": "%), buh higher than that for iktron 5, suggestiny that xvolutiknary drkft of intron 4 has been restcainwd ane implying selection fur functilnally inporuant sequences. We then cokbuctes RT-PER analyses with placental mRNA using an uoscream primer specific for Mamu-AG exog 4, and s fownstream priier erich would amplify through the 3U-untranalated", "random_deletion": "%), but higher than that for intron that drift of 4 has been functionally sequences. We then RT-PCR analyses with mRNA using an upstream primer specific Mamu-AG exon 4, and a downstream primer which would amplify through the 3U-untranslated", "change_char_case": "%), but higher than that for introN 5, suggestinG that EvoLutIoNary DrifT of intron 4 has beEN resTrained and implying seleCtion FoR FuncTIoNally ImportaNT sEQUenCeS. WE thEn COnDucteD RT-pCR analYses with plAceNtAl mRNA using aN UpStream primEr sPecific for MaMu-Ag exon 4, aNd A doWNstreAm pRimer Which wOUld ampLify throuGh THe 3U-untRAnslateD", "whitespace_perturbation": "%), but higher than that f or intron5, su gge sti ng tha t ev olutionary dri f t of intron 4 has been res train ed andi mp lying select i on f orfu nc tio na l ly impo rta nt sequ ences. Wethe nconducted RT - PC R analyses wi th placental mR NA usi ng an upstr eam prim er spe c ific f or Mamu-A Ge xon 4, and a d o w ns trea m primer which wo u ld amplify throug h the3U - un t r ans lat ed", "underscore_trick": "%), but_higher than_that for intron 5,_suggesting that_evolutionary_drift of_intron_4 has been_restrained and implying_selection for functionally important_sequences. We then_conducted_RT-PCR analyses with placental mRNA using an upstream primer specific for Mamu-AG exon 4,_and_a downstream_primer_which_would amplify through the 3U-untranslated"} +{"text": " carcinogens. In pursuit of the possible role in carcinogenesis of one such conjugate, and of the interaction between carcinogen and target protein from which it arises, the following are broad aims of the proposed research: 1. Characterization of the principal soluble liver azoprotein of azo dye preneoplastic liver. 2. Identification", "synonym_substitution": "carcinogens. In pursuit of the possible role in carcinogenesis of one such conjugate solution, and of the interaction between carcinogen and target protein from which it arise, the following are broad aim of the project research: 1. Characterization of the chief soluble liver azoprotein of azo dye preneoplastic liver. 2. Identification", "butter_fingers": " cagcinogens. In pursuit of uhe possible role in carrinogenssis of une such conjugate, and of thx inreracupon between carcinogev and tarhet protwin hrom which it armaes, the folloslng axe broad aims of the propoved research: 1. Whxrccterization of the principal solublq liver axoprotein of aeo dyt pwenekilcstic liver. 2. Identification", "random_deletion": "carcinogens. In pursuit of the possible role of such conjugate, of the interaction from it arises, the are broad aims the proposed research: 1. Characterization of principal soluble liver azoprotein of azo dye preneoplastic liver. 2. Identification", "change_char_case": " carcinogens. In pursuit of the Possible roLe in cArcInoGeNesiS of oNe such conjugatE, And oF the interaction between CarciNoGEn anD TaRget pRotein fROm WHIch It ArIseS, tHE fOllowIng Are broaD aims of the ProPoSed research: 1. CHArActerizatiOn oF the principaL soLuble lIvEr aZOprotEin Of azo Dye preNEoplasTic liver. 2. IDeNTificaTIon", "whitespace_perturbation": " carcinogens. In pursuit o f the poss iblerol e i ncarc inog enesis of ones uchconjugate, and of theinter ac t ionb et weencarcino g en a ndta rg etpr o te in fr omwhich i t arises,the f ollowing are br oad aims o f t he proposedres earch: 1 . C h aract eri zatio n of t h e prin cipal sol ub l e live r azopro t e in ofazo dye preneopla s ti c liver. 2. Ide ntific at i on ", "underscore_trick": " carcinogens._In pursuit_of the possible role_in carcinogenesis_of_one such_conjugate,_and of the_interaction between carcinogen_and target protein from_which it arises,_the_following are broad aims of the proposed research: 1. Characterization of the principal soluble_liver_azoprotein of_azo_dye_preneoplastic liver. 2. Identification"} +{"text": ":1 ratio is required for proof of linkage. Additional studies are in progress to determine whether this marker is in fact linked to the FMF gene. Project 4 will focus on understanding the role that social determinants play in the link between obesity and cancer at the population level across the lifespan by developing a multi-cohort simulation", "synonym_substitution": ":1 ratio is required for proof of linkage. Additional report are in advancement to determine whether this marker is in fact linked to the FMF gene. undertaking 4 will focus on understand the role that social determinant play in the link between fleshiness and cancer at the population degree across the lifespan by develop a multi - cohort simulation", "butter_fingers": ":1 rahio is required for proon of linkage. Addnrional studiss are iv progress to determine whetier rhis narker is in fact linkdd to the FMF genw. Prihect 4 will focus ok undsvstanbiig the role thaj social detarminants play iv che link between obesity and cancer wt the looulation level acrpfs tgv oifespan by developing a multj-cohort simulation", "random_deletion": ":1 ratio is required for proof of studies in progress determine whether this to FMF gene. Project will focus on the role that social determinants play the link between obesity and cancer at the population level across the lifespan developing a multi-cohort simulation", "change_char_case": ":1 ratio is required for proof of Linkage. AddItionAl sTudIeS are In prOgress to determINe whEther this marker is in facT linkEd TO the fmF Gene. PRoject 4 wILl FOCus On UnDerStANdIng thE roLe that sOcial deterMinAnTs play in the lINk Between obeSitY and cancer at The PopulaTiOn lEVel acRosS the lIfespaN By deveLoping a muLtI-Cohort SImulatiON", "whitespace_perturbation": ":1 ratio is required for p roof of li nkage . A ddi ti onal stu dies are in pr o gres s to determine whether this m a rker is in f act lin k ed t o t he F MFge n e. Proj ect 4 will focus onund er standing the ro le that so cia l determinan tsplay i nthe linkbet weenobesit y and c ancer atth e popul a tion le v e lacro ss the lifespan b y d e veloping a mul ti-coh or t s i m ula tio n", "underscore_trick": ":1 ratio_is required_for proof of linkage._Additional studies_are_in progress_to_determine whether this_marker is in_fact linked to the_FMF gene. Project_4_will focus on understanding the role that social determinants play in the link between_obesity_and cancer_at_the_population level across the lifespan_by developing a multi-cohort simulation"} +{"text": "1, we have shown that impairment of insulin extraction causes chronic hyperinsulinemia and leads to insulin resistance by down-regulating insulin receptors and promoting de novo lipogenesis in liver. Based on preliminary data that underscore the central role of CEACAM1 in pathways regulating insulin action, lipid synthesis, and inflammation, we", "synonym_substitution": "1, we have shown that impairment of insulin extraction causes chronic hyperinsulinemia and lead to insulin underground by down - regulating insulin receptors and promoting de novo lipogenesis in liver. base on preliminary data that underscore the cardinal role of CEACAM1 in pathways regulating insulin military action, lipid synthesis, and inflammation, we", "butter_fingers": "1, we have shown that impairmtnt of insulin exjrqction causea chroniz hyperinsulinemia and leads ti insylin resistance by dowv-regulatijg insulun rtceptors and promoting de novo mlpogeuewis in liver. Bssed on praliminary data tfac underscore the central role of CEASAM1 in lahhways regulatyng pnfulih action, lipid synthesis, and inflajmation, we", "random_deletion": "1, we have shown that impairment of causes hyperinsulinemia and to insulin resistance promoting novo lipogenesis in Based on preliminary that underscore the central role of in pathways regulating insulin action, lipid synthesis, and inflammation, we", "change_char_case": "1, we have shown that impairment Of insulin eXtracTioN caUsEs chRoniC hyperinsulineMIa anD leads to insulin resistaNce by DoWN-regULaTing iNsulin rECePTOrs AnD pRomOtINg De novO liPogenesIs in liver. BAseD oN preliminary DAtA that underScoRe the central RolE of CEAcAm1 in PAthwaYs rEgulaTing inSUlin acTion, lipid SyNThesis, ANd inflaMMAtIon, wE", "whitespace_perturbation": "1, we have shown that impa irment ofinsul inext ra ctio n ca uses chronic h y peri nsulinemia and leads t o ins ul i n re s is tance by dow n -r e g ula ti ng in su l in rece pto rs andpromotingdeno vo lipogenes i sin liver.Bas ed on prelim ina ry dat atha t unde rsc ore t he cen t ral ro le of CEA CA M 1 in p a thwaysr e gu lati ng insulin action , l i pid synthesis, and i nf l am m a tio n,we", "underscore_trick": "1, we_have shown_that impairment of insulin_extraction causes_chronic_hyperinsulinemia and_leads_to insulin resistance_by down-regulating insulin_receptors and promoting de_novo lipogenesis in_liver._Based on preliminary data that underscore the central role of CEACAM1 in pathways regulating_insulin_action, lipid_synthesis,_and_inflammation, we"} +{"text": " funded National Lung Cancer Screening Trial (NLST) found that screening with low dose computerized tomography (CT) scans compared to a control of chest x-ray reduced lung cancer mortality among a high risk study cohort. Based on the emerging scientific evidence, clinical guidelines supporting lung cancer screening among high risk populations have been developed by", "synonym_substitution": "funded National Lung Cancer Screening Trial (NLST) found that screening with low dose computerized imaging (CT) scan compared to a control of chest of drawers adam - ray reduced lung cancer deathrate among a high risk study age group. free-base on the emerging scientific evidence, clinical guidepost supporting lung cancer screening among eminent risk populations have been developed by", "butter_fingers": " fujded National Lung Cancev Screening Trial (NLST) hound tgat scredning with low dose computermzed tomotraphy (CT) scans compardd to a clntrol od chtst x-ray reduced lung cangzr modbalitv emong a high rixk study cmhort. Based on tfe emerging scientific evidence, clinisal guicepines supportigg llnd cahbev screening among high risk popumations have been defeloped by", "random_deletion": "funded National Lung Cancer Screening Trial (NLST) screening low dose tomography (CT) scans chest reduced lung cancer among a high study cohort. Based on the emerging evidence, clinical guidelines supporting lung cancer screening among high risk populations have been by", "change_char_case": " funded National Lung Cancer SCreening TrIal (NLsT) fOunD tHat sCreeNing with low dosE CompUterized tomography (CT) scAns coMpARed tO A cOntroL of chesT X-rAY RedUcEd LunG cANcEr morTalIty amonG a high risk StuDy Cohort. Based oN ThE emerging sCieNtific evidenCe, cLinicaL gUidELines SupPortiNg lung CAncer sCreening aMoNG high rISk populATIoNs haVe been developed by", "whitespace_perturbation": " funded National Lung Canc er Screeni ng Tr ial (N LS T) f ound that screenin g wit h low dose computerize d tom og r aphy (C T) sc ans com p ar e d to a c ont ro l o f che stx-ray r educed lun g c an cer mortalit y a mong a hig h r isk study co hor t. Bas ed on the e mer gingscient i fic ev idence, c li n ical g u ideline s su ppor ting lung cancers cr e ening among hi gh ris kp op u l ati ons have been d evelo p ed by", "underscore_trick": " funded_National Lung_Cancer Screening Trial (NLST)_found that_screening_with low_dose_computerized tomography (CT)_scans compared to_a control of chest_x-ray reduced lung_cancer_mortality among a high risk study cohort. Based on the emerging scientific evidence, clinical_guidelines_supporting lung_cancer_screening_among high risk populations have_been developed by"} +{"text": " clinic-integrated behavioral intervention for youth with type 1 diabetes and their parents. The study employs a randomized experimental design in which youth-parent dyads attending one of four clinical sites are stratified by degree of glycemic control and randomized to receive either standard care or a clinic-integrated behavioral intervention. The intervention is based on both", "synonym_substitution": "clinic - integrated behavioral intervention for youth with type 1 diabetes and their parent. The discipline employs a randomized experimental design in which young - parent dyads attending one of four clinical site are stratified by degree of glycemic control condition and randomized to receive either standard concern or a clinic - integrated behavioral intervention. The treatment is free-base on both", "butter_fingers": " cllnic-integrated behaviorau intervention yir youvh with type 1 dkabetes and their parents. Thx stydy enploys a randomized exoerimentap design in xhich youth-parenv dyads attendjkg onz if four clinicsl sites ase stratified ty dzgree of glycemic control and randomyzed to rfceive either ftancwrd dare or a clinic-integrated behaviodal inttrvention. The intetvention is based on both", "random_deletion": "clinic-integrated behavioral intervention for youth with type and parents. The employs a randomized dyads one of four sites are stratified degree of glycemic control and randomized receive either standard care or a clinic-integrated behavioral intervention. The intervention is based both", "change_char_case": " clinic-integrated behavioraL interventIon foR yoUth WiTh tyPe 1 diAbetes and their PArenTs. The study employs a randOmizeD eXPeriMEnTal deSign in wHIcH YOutH-pArEnt DyADs AttenDinG one of fOur clinicaL siTeS are stratifiED bY degree of gLycEmic control aNd rAndomiZeD to REceivE eiTher sTandarD Care or A clinic-inTeGRated bEHavioraL INtErveNtion. The interventIOn IS based on both", "whitespace_perturbation": " clinic-integrated behavio ral interv entio n f oryo uthwith type 1 diabet e s an d their parents. The s tudyem p loys arando mized e x pe r i men ta ldes ig n i n whi chyouth-p arent dyad s a tt ending one o f f our clinic alsites are st rat ifiedby de g ree o f g lycem ic con t rol an d randomi ze d to re c eive ei t h er sta ndard care or a c l in i c-integrated b ehavio ra l i n t erv ent ion. The i nt erven t ion isb as e d onb oth", "underscore_trick": " clinic-integrated_behavioral intervention_for youth with type_1 diabetes_and_their parents._The_study employs a_randomized experimental design_in which youth-parent dyads_attending one of_four_clinical sites are stratified by degree of glycemic control and randomized to receive either_standard_care or_a_clinic-integrated_behavioral intervention. The intervention is_based on both"} +{"text": " individuals who receive allogeneic stem cell transplant for chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in chronic phase (approximately 7% leukemia relapse), implicating a strong hematopoietic stem cell (HSC)-independent component of JMML development and progression. We envision two distinct mechanisms that potentially account for a HSC-independent means", "synonym_substitution": "individuals who receive allogeneic stem cell graft for chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in chronic phase (approximately 7% leukemia backsliding), entail a strong hematopoietic shank cellular telephone (HSC)-independent component of JMML development and progression. We visualize two clear-cut mechanisms that potentially report for a HSC - autonomous means", "butter_fingers": " infividuals who receive aluogeneic stem cglo tranvplant for chrunic myelogenous leukemia (CMP) un cheonic phase (approximatdly 7% leukvmia relapse), mmplicating a stckng hematopoisbic scen cell (HSC)-indekendent compmnent of JMML gexepopment and progression. We envision two dixtlnct mechanismf thse pofvnuially account for a HSC-independeht meanv", "random_deletion": "individuals who receive allogeneic stem cell transplant myelogenous (CML) in phase (approximately 7% hematopoietic cell (HSC)-independent component JMML development and We envision two distinct mechanisms that account for a HSC-independent means", "change_char_case": " individuals who receive alloGeneic stem Cell tRanSplAnT for ChroNic myelogenous LEukeMia (CML) in chronic phase (apProxiMaTEly 7% lEUkEmia rElapse), iMPlICAtiNg A sTroNg HEmAtopoIetIc stem cEll (HSC)-indePenDeNt component oF jMmL developmEnt And progressiOn. WE envisIoN twO DistiNct MechaNisms tHAt poteNtially acCoUNt for a hsC-indepENDeNt meAns", "whitespace_perturbation": " individuals who receive a llogeneicstemcel l t ra nspl antfor chronic my e loge nous leukemia (CML) in chro ni c pha s e(appr oximate l y7 % le uk em iare l ap se),imp licatin g a strong he ma topoietic st e mcell (HSC) -in dependent co mpo nent o fJMM L deve lop mentand pr o gressi on. We en vi s ion tw o distin c t m echa nisms that potent i al l y account fora HSC- in d ep e n den t m eans", "underscore_trick": " individuals_who receive_allogeneic stem cell transplant_for chronic_myelogenous_leukemia (CML)_in_chronic phase (approximately_7% leukemia relapse),_implicating a strong hematopoietic_stem cell (HSC)-independent_component_of JMML development and progression. We envision two distinct mechanisms that potentially account for_a_HSC-independent means"} +{"text": " cervical swabs from women. These specimens are usually cultured onto Thayer-Martin media; alternatively a variety of other methods can be employed to diagnose gonorrhea, but none is as sensitive as culture. The objective of this proposal is to create an inexpensive, rapid, simple and non-invasive immunologic test for gon", "synonym_substitution": "cervical swabs from women. These specimens are usually culture onto Thayer - Martin metier; alternatively a variety of other method can be hire to diagnose gonorrhea, but none is as sensitive as polish. The aim of this proposal is to create an inexpensive, rapid, simple and non - invasive immunological test for gon", "butter_fingers": " cegvical swabs from women. Uhese specimens ate usualny culfured ongo Thayer-Martin media; alternetivwly a variety of other methuds can bv employee to eiagnose gonorrhea, but nkke is es sensitive as culture. Tve objective ox ghns proposal is to create an inexpensyve, rapod, simple and nog-invsfive pmnunologic test for gon", "random_deletion": "cervical swabs from women. These specimens are onto media; alternatively variety of other diagnose but none is sensitive as culture. objective of this proposal is to an inexpensive, rapid, simple and non-invasive immunologic test for gon", "change_char_case": " cervical swabs from women. TheSe specimenS are uSuaLly CuLturEd onTo Thayer-Martin MEdia; Alternatively a variety oF otheR mEThodS CaN be emPloyed tO DiAGNosE gOnOrrHeA, BuT none Is aS sensitIve as cultuRe. THe Objective of tHIs Proposal is To cReate an inexpEnsIve, rapId, SimPLe and Non-InvasIve immUNologiC test for gOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " cervical swabs from women . These sp ecime nsare u sual ly c ultured onto T h ayer -Martin media; alterna tivel ya var i et y ofother m e th o d s c an b e e mp l oy ed to di agnosegonorrhea, bu tnone is as s e ns itive as c ult ure. The obj ect ive of t his propo sal is t o crea t e an i nexpensiv e, rapid, simplea n dnon- invasive immunolo g ic test for gon", "underscore_trick": " cervical_swabs from_women. These specimens are_usually cultured_onto_Thayer-Martin media;_alternatively_a variety of_other methods can_be employed to diagnose_gonorrhea, but none_is_as sensitive as culture. The objective of this proposal is to create an inexpensive,_rapid,_simple and_non-invasive_immunologic_test for gon"} +{"text": ") project elongated processes (axons) from the brain into the spinal cord to make connections or synapses with motor neurons that drive body movements. To facilitate the identification of genes that control the specificity of these connections, we are using the nematode, C. elegans, a model organism with a simple, well-defined nervous", "synonym_substitution": ") project elongated processes (axons) from the mind into the spinal cord to name connections or synapses with motor neurons that repel body movements. To help the identification of genes that control the specificity of these joining, we are using the nematode, C. elegans, a model organism with a dim-witted, well - defined nervous", "butter_fingers": ") prlject elongated processer (axons) from thg vrain mnto ths spinal cord to make connections or stnapstf with motor neurovs that dgive body movtments. To facilitefe the lbentirlcatimi of genes that control tve specificity ow chese connections, we are using the nqmatode, C. elegans, a modgl orbwnisj with a simple, well-defined nervoua", "random_deletion": ") project elongated processes (axons) from the the cord to connections or synapses body To facilitate the of genes that the specificity of these connections, we using the nematode, C. elegans, a model organism with a simple, well-defined nervous", "change_char_case": ") project elongated processes (Axons) from tHe braIn iNto ThE spiNal cOrd to make conneCTionS or synapses with motor neUrons ThAT driVE bOdy moVements. tO fACIliTaTe The IdENtIficaTioN of geneS that contrOl tHe Specificity oF ThEse connectIonS, we are using tHe nEmatodE, C. EleGAns, a mOdeL orgaNism wiTH a simpLe, well-defInED nervoUS", "whitespace_perturbation": ") project elongated proces ses (axons ) fro m t hebr aininto the spinal co r d to make connections or s ynaps es with mo tor n euronst ha t dri ve b ody m o ve ments . T o facil itate theide nt ification of ge nes that c ont rol the spec ifi city o fthe s e con nec tions , we a r e usin g the nem at o de, C. elegans , amode l organism with a si m ple, well-defi ned ne rv o us ", "underscore_trick": ") project_elongated processes_(axons) from the brain_into the_spinal_cord to_make_connections or synapses_with motor neurons_that drive body movements._To facilitate the_identification_of genes that control the specificity of these connections, we are using the nematode,_C._elegans, a_model_organism_with a simple, well-defined nervous"} +{"text": " results of preliminary testing. We will consult with a leading scientist in the field of molecular investigations of thermo sensitive ion channels in the mammalian nervous system. All necessary tests to verify performance of the Channel Laser Stimulator will be carried out in the laboratory of this scientist by his personnel. We are carrying out studies of the histone", "synonym_substitution": "results of preliminary testing. We will consult with a leading scientist in the sphere of molecular probe of thermo sensitive ion channels in the mammalian nervous organization. All necessary tests to verify operation of the Channel Laser Stimulator will be carried out in the laboratory of this scientist by his personnel. We are carry out studies of the histone", "butter_fingers": " redults of preliminary tesuing. We will consolr with a leasing scidntist in the field of molecnlar invewtigations of thermo sdnsitive pon channwls mn the mammalian nervous systej. All iecessary tests to verify performance ox ghz Channel Laser Stimulator will be cwrried puh in the laborwtorj jf tgps scientist by his personnel. Ws are cerrying out stucies of the histone", "random_deletion": "results of preliminary testing. We will consult leading in the of molecular investigations in mammalian nervous system. necessary tests to performance of the Channel Laser Stimulator be carried out in the laboratory of this scientist by his personnel. We carrying out studies of the histone", "change_char_case": " results of preliminary testiNg. We will coNsult WitH a lEaDing ScieNtist in the fielD Of moLecular investigations oF therMo SEnsiTIvE ion cHannels IN tHE MamMaLiAn nErVOuS systEm. ALl necesSary tests tO veRiFy performancE Of The Channel lasEr Stimulator WilL be carRiEd oUT in thE laBoratOry of tHIs scieNtist by hiS pERsonneL. we are caRRYiNg ouT studies of the histONe", "whitespace_perturbation": " results of preliminary te sting. Wewillcon sul twith a l eading scienti s t in the field of molecula r inv es t igat i on s ofthermos en s i tiv eio n c ha n ne ls in th e mamma lian nervo ussy stem. All ne c es sary tests to verify perf orm ance o fthe Chann elLaser Stimu l ator w ill be ca rr i ed out in thel a bo rato ry of this scient i st by his personn el. We a r ec a rry ing out studi es of t h e histo n e", "underscore_trick": " results_of preliminary_testing. We will consult_with a_leading_scientist in_the_field of molecular_investigations of thermo_sensitive ion channels in_the mammalian nervous_system._All necessary tests to verify performance of the Channel Laser Stimulator will be carried_out_in the_laboratory_of_this scientist by his personnel._We are carrying out studies_of the_histone"} +{"text": " diseases and will help to better understand the genetic control of these diseases. The experiments will also suggest methods for specific treatment of human autoimmune diseases. This application for a KO1 Career Development Award seeks five years of support for education and research activities that will prepare Dr. Justeen Hyde to examine the consequences of child abuse and neglect", "synonym_substitution": "diseases and will help to better understand the familial restraint of these diseases. The experiments will also hint methods for specific treatment of human autoimmune disease. This application for a KO1 Career Development Award seeks five years of documentation for education and research activity that will prepare Dr. Justeen Hyde to examine the consequence of child maltreatment and neglect", "butter_fingers": " dideases and will help to netter understanb the gxnetic dontrol uf these diseases. The experilebts wull also suggest methoas for spvcific trwatmtnt of human automjmune dlfeassd. Thns application fpr a KO1 Caseer Developmett Acard seeks five years of support for educatooj and research actpvytiea that will prepare Dr. Justeen Hyds to exemine the conseauences of child abuse and negpect", "random_deletion": "diseases and will help to better understand control these diseases. experiments will also of autoimmune diseases. This for a KO1 Development Award seeks five years of for education and research activities that will prepare Dr. Justeen Hyde to examine consequences of child abuse and neglect", "change_char_case": " diseases and will help to bettEr understaNd the GenEtiC cOntrOl of These diseases. THE expEriments will also suggesT methOdS For sPEcIfic tReatmenT Of HUMan AuToImmUnE DiSeaseS. ThIs appliCation for a kO1 CArEer DevelopmeNT AWard seeks fIve Years of suppoRt fOr educAtIon ANd resEarCh actIvitieS That wiLl prepare dr. jUsteen hYde to exAMInE the Consequences of chiLD aBUse and neglect", "whitespace_perturbation": " diseases and will help to better un derst and th egene ticcontrol of the s e di seases. The experiment s wil la lsos ug gestmethods fo r spe ci fi c t re a tm ent o f h uman au toimmune d ise as es. This app l ic ation fora K O1 Career De vel opment A war d seek s f ive y ears o f suppo rt for ed uc a tion a n d resea r c hacti vities that willp re p are Dr. Justee n Hyde t o e x a min e t he consequ en ces o f childa bu s e and neglect", "underscore_trick": " diseases_and will_help to better understand_the genetic_control_of these_diseases._The experiments will_also suggest methods_for specific treatment of_human autoimmune diseases._This_application for a KO1 Career Development Award seeks five years of support for education_and_research activities_that_will_prepare Dr. Justeen Hyde to_examine the consequences of child_abuse and_neglect"} +{"text": " will examine the role of IFN-I signaling in the generation of WNV-specific CDS T cell responses. In Aim 3 we will assess the importance of the timing of IFN-I signals in programming T cell responses. Using the knowledge gained from these and the studies proposed in the other four projects of this U19", "synonym_substitution": "will examine the role of IFN - I signaling in the generation of WNV - specific CDS metric ton cellular telephone responses. In Aim 3 we will measure the importance of the timing of IFN - I bespeak in programming T cellular telephone responses. Using the knowledge gain from these and the studies proposed in the early four projects of this U19", "butter_fingers": " wipl examine the role of INN-I signaling in the geieratioh of WNV-rpecific CDS T cell responsed. Un Ain 3 we will assess the kmportancv of the rimiig of IFN-I signals in programmjkg T eeol responses. Uxing the ktowledge gaineg wrlm these and the studies proposed ig the oyhfr four projecjs of ehis L19", "random_deletion": "will examine the role of IFN-I signaling generation WNV-specific CDS cell responses. In the of the timing IFN-I signals in T cell responses. Using the knowledge from these and the studies proposed in the other four projects of this", "change_char_case": " will examine the role of IFN-I sIgnaling in The geNerAtiOn Of WNv-speCific CDS T cell rESponSes. In Aim 3 we will assess thE impoRtANce oF ThE timiNg of IFN-i SiGNAls In PrOgrAmMInG T celL reSponses. using the knOwlEdGe gained from THeSe and the stUdiEs proposed in The Other fOuR prOJects Of tHis U19", "whitespace_perturbation": " will examine the role ofIFN-I sign aling in th egene rati on of WNV-spec i ficCDS T cell responses.In Ai m3 wew il l ass ess the im p o rta nc eofth e t iming of IFN-Isignals in pr og ramming T ce l lresponses. Us ing the know led ge gai ne d f r om th ese andthe st u dies p roposed i nt he oth e r fourp r oj ects of this U19", "underscore_trick": " will_examine the_role of IFN-I signaling_in the_generation_of WNV-specific_CDS_T cell responses._In Aim 3_we will assess the_importance of the_timing_of IFN-I signals in programming T cell responses. Using the knowledge gained from these_and_the studies_proposed_in_the other four projects of_this U19"} +{"text": " in the binding pockets of the ATAD2/B bromodomains. We will compare the genome-wide associations of ATAD2/B with histone H4 acetylation patterns in a breast cancer progression model to determine the impact of ATAD2/B on breast cancer cell phenotypes using ChIP-seq and RNA-", "synonym_substitution": "in the binding pockets of the ATAD2 / B bromodomains. We will compare the genome - wide association of ATAD2 / B with histone H4 acetylation design in a breast cancer progression model to determine the shock of ATAD2 / B on breast cancer cell phenotypes use ChIP - seq and RNA-", "butter_fingers": " in the binding pockets of uhe ATAD2/B bromodomains. Wx will dompare ghe genome-wide associations lf ATAD2/V with histone H4 acetyuation panterns in a bceast cancer projdession model bo dececmine the impacj of ATAD2/B ot breast cances zepl phenotypes using ChIP-seq and RNA-", "random_deletion": "in the binding pockets of the ATAD2/B will the genome-wide of ATAD2/B with a cancer progression model determine the impact ATAD2/B on breast cancer cell phenotypes ChIP-seq and RNA-", "change_char_case": " in the binding pockets of the AtAD2/B bromodOmainS. We WilL cOmpaRe thE genome-wide assOCiatIons of ATAD2/B with histone h4 acetYlATion PAtTerns In a breaST cANCer PrOgResSiON mOdel tO deTermine The impact oF ATaD2/b on breast canCEr Cell phenotYpeS using ChIP-seQ anD RNA-", "whitespace_perturbation": " in the binding pockets of the ATAD2 /B br omo dom ai ns.We w ill compare th e gen ome-wide associationsof AT AD 2 /B w i th hist one H4a ce t y lat io npat te r ns in a br east ca ncer progr ess io n model to d e te rmine theimp act of ATAD2 /Bon bre as t c a ncercel l phe notype s using ChIP-seq a n d RNA- ", "underscore_trick": " in_the binding_pockets of the ATAD2/B_bromodomains. We_will_compare the_genome-wide_associations of ATAD2/B_with histone H4_acetylation patterns in a_breast cancer progression_model_to determine the impact of ATAD2/B on breast cancer cell phenotypes using ChIP-seq and_RNA-"} +{"text": " one focus of tis proposal is the recruitment and packaging of viral genomic RNA (gRNA). Reciprocally, gRNA may help to drive the recruitment of additional Gag molecules into a virion as assembly progresses. However, the full extent to which RNA participates in particle assembly in cells, and how Gag", "synonym_substitution": "one focus of tis proposal is the recruitment and packaging of viral genomic RNA (gRNA). inversely, gRNA may avail to drive the recruitment of additional Gag molecules into a virion as forum progresses. However, the full extent to which RNA enter in atom assembly in cells, and how Gag", "butter_fingers": " onf focus of tis proposal ls the recruitmeur and 'ackagihg of vifal genomic RNA (gRNA). Reciprorallt, gRNQ may help to drive thd recruitlent of qddiuional Gag molecules into a virjln av assembly progtesses. Howevar, the full exdevt to which RNA participates in partisle assrmhly in cells, agd hpr Gaf", "random_deletion": "one focus of tis proposal is the packaging viral genomic (gRNA). Reciprocally, gRNA recruitment additional Gag molecules a virion as progresses. However, the full extent to RNA participates in particle assembly in cells, and how Gag", "change_char_case": " one focus of tis proposal is thE recruitmeNt and PacKagInG of vIral Genomic RNA (gRNA). rEcipRocally, gRNA may help to drIve thE rECruiTMeNt of aDditionAL GAG MolEcUlEs iNtO A vIrion As aSsembly Progresses. howEvEr, the full extENt To which RNA ParTicipates in pArtIcle asSeMblY In celLs, aNd how gag", "whitespace_perturbation": " one focus of tis proposal is the re cruit men t a nd pac kagi ng of viral ge n omic RNA (gRNA). Reciproca lly,gR N A ma y h elp t o drive th e rec ru it men to faddit ion al Gagmoleculesint oa virion asa ss embly prog res ses. However , t he ful lext e nt to wh ich R NA par t icipat es in par ti c le ass e mbly in c el ls,and how Gag", "underscore_trick": " one_focus of_tis proposal is the_recruitment and_packaging_of viral_genomic_RNA (gRNA). Reciprocally,_gRNA may help_to drive the recruitment_of additional Gag_molecules_into a virion as assembly progresses. However, the full extent to which RNA participates_in_particle assembly_in_cells,_and how Gag"} +{"text": " candidate with the skills necessary to become an independent researcher in epilepsy related to aging. Specific training goals are to obtain advanced training in epidemiology and biostatistics; to obtain training in recruiting and leading cohort studies; to acquire and apply knowledge of AD pathophysiology and the use of biomarkers; to gain didactic and experiential training", "synonym_substitution": "candidate with the skills necessary to become an independent researcher in epilepsy relate to ripening. Specific training goals are to receive advance training in epidemiology and biostatistics; to obtain education in recruit and leading cohort studies; to acquire and give knowledge of AD pathophysiology and the use of biomarkers; to profit didactic and experiential training", "butter_fingers": " cajdidate with the skills kecessary to become an mndepensent resdarcher in epilepsy related vo ating. Wpecific training goalr are to lbtain aevanred training in xlidemiology ahf bimwtatistics; to pbtain trahning in recruhtkny and leading cohort studies; to acquyre and aoply knowledge of SQ pafhophysiology and the use of biomadkers; tm gain didactoc and experiential trainijg", "random_deletion": "candidate with the skills necessary to become researcher epilepsy related aging. Specific training training epidemiology and biostatistics; obtain training in and leading cohort studies; to acquire apply knowledge of AD pathophysiology and the use of biomarkers; to gain didactic experiential training", "change_char_case": " candidate with the skills necEssary to beCome aN inDepEnDent ReseArcher in epilepSY relAted to aging. Specific traIning GoALs arE To ObtaiN advancED tRAIniNg In EpiDeMIoLogy aNd bIostatiStics; to obtAin TrAining in recrUItIng and leadIng Cohort studieS; to AcquirE aNd aPPly knOwlEdge oF AD patHOphysiOlogy and tHe USe of biOMarkers; TO GaIn diDactic and experienTIaL Training", "whitespace_perturbation": " candidate with the skills necessary to b eco mean ind epen dent researche r inepilepsy related to ag ing.Sp e cifi c t raini ng goal s a r e to o bt ain a d va ncedtra ining i n epidemio log yand biostati s ti cs; to obt ain training in re cruiti ng an d lead ing coho rt stu d ies; t o acquire a n d appl y knowle d g eof A D pathophysiology an d the use of bi omarke rs ; t o gai n d idactic an dexper i entialt ra i n i ng", "underscore_trick": " candidate_with the_skills necessary to become_an independent_researcher_in epilepsy_related_to aging. Specific_training goals are_to obtain advanced training_in epidemiology and_biostatistics;_to obtain training in recruiting and leading cohort studies; to acquire and apply knowledge_of_AD pathophysiology_and_the_use of biomarkers; to gain_didactic and experiential training"} +{"text": ", and 50 ppm for 7 weeks. At the end of 7 weeks they were mated with untreated males and continued on the same dosage throughout gestation and lactation. The offspring of these females were weaned at 21 days of age and continued on the same lead exposure regimen as their mothers. These offspring were used in immune", "synonym_substitution": ", and 50 ppm for 7 weeks. At the end of 7 weeks they were mated with untreated male and stay on the same dose throughout pregnancy and lactation. The offspring of these females were wean at 21 days of age and cover on the same lead photograph regimen as their mothers. These offspring were use in immune", "butter_fingers": ", anf 50 ppm for 7 weeks. At the end of 7 weeks jhwy werx mated with ungreated males and continued ln the wame dosage throughout gestatioj and laxtatmon. The offsprinj of these femzpes cece weaned at 21 dsys of age and continued ov che same lead exposure regimen as thqir motnegs. These offspting eqre hsed in immune", "random_deletion": ", and 50 ppm for 7 weeks. end 7 weeks were mated with the dosage throughout gestation lactation. The offspring these females were weaned at 21 of age and continued on the same lead exposure regimen as their mothers. offspring were used in immune", "change_char_case": ", and 50 ppm for 7 weeks. At the end of 7 wEeks they weRe matEd wIth UnTreaTed mAles and continuED on tHe same dosage throughout GestaTiON and LAcTatioN. The offSPrING of ThEsE feMaLEs Were wEanEd at 21 dayS of age and cOntInUed on the same LEaD exposure rEgiMen as their moTheRs. ThesE oFfsPRing wEre Used iN immunE", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and 50 ppm for 7 weeks.At the end of 7 we eks t heywere mated with un t reat ed males and continued on t he same do sagethrough o ut g est at io n a nd la ctati on. The of fspring of th es e females we r eweaned at21days of ageand conti nu edo n the sa me le ad exp o sure r egimen as t h eir mo t hers. T h e se off spring were usedi ni mmune", "underscore_trick": ", and_50 ppm_for 7 weeks. At_the end_of_7 weeks_they_were mated with_untreated males and_continued on the same_dosage throughout gestation_and_lactation. The offspring of these females were weaned at 21 days of age and_continued_on the_same_lead_exposure regimen as their mothers._These offspring were used in_immune"} +{"text": " parameters are defined to analyze the factors affecting the viscosity of proteins; the interaction factor (delta) determines the maximum interaction radius, the constraint number (Nc) measures the lower limit of this interaction radius, and the compressibility factor (Fc) evaluates the capacity of proteins to compress their radius of interaction under increasing concentration.", "synonym_substitution": "parameters are defined to analyze the factors affecting the viscosity of protein; the interaction agent (delta) determines the maximum interaction spoke, the constraint issue (Nc) measures the lower terminus ad quem of this interaction spoke, and the compressibility factor (Fc) evaluates the capacity of proteins to compress their radius of interaction under increase concentration.", "butter_fingers": " pagameters are defined to xnalyze the facjoes affxcting fhe viscusity of proteins; the interartiob facujr (delta) determiner the maxpmum inteeactmon radius, the constrainb numgcr (Nc) neasures the lpwer limit of this interdcgiln radius, and the compressibility fwctor (Fv) fvaluates the sapabiey or proteins to compress their radiua of inueraction under invreasing concentration.", "random_deletion": "parameters are defined to analyze the factors viscosity proteins; the factor (delta) determines constraint (Nc) measures the limit of this radius, and the compressibility factor (Fc) the capacity of proteins to compress their radius of interaction under increasing concentration.", "change_char_case": " parameters are defined to anaLyze the facTors aFfeCtiNg The vIscoSity of proteins; THe inTeraction factor (delta) deTermiNeS The mAXiMum inTeractiON rADIus, ThE cOnsTrAInT numbEr (NC) measurEs the lower LimIt Of this interaCTiOn radius, anD thE compressibiLitY factoR (FC) evALuateS thE capaCity of PRoteinS to compreSs THeir raDIus of inTERaCtioN under increasing cONcENtration.", "whitespace_perturbation": " parameters are defined to analyze t he fa cto rsaf fect ingthe viscosityo f pr oteins; the interactio n fac to r (de l ta ) det ermines th e max im um in te r ac tionrad ius, th e constrai ntnu mber (Nc) me a su res the lo wer limit of th isintera ct ion radiu s,and t he com p ressib ility fac to r (Fc)e valuate s th e ca pacity of protein s t o compress thei r radi us of i nte rac tion under i ncrea s ing con c en t r a tio n .", "underscore_trick": " parameters_are defined_to analyze the factors_affecting the_viscosity_of proteins;_the_interaction factor (delta)_determines the maximum_interaction radius, the constraint_number (Nc) measures_the_lower limit of this interaction radius, and the compressibility factor (Fc) evaluates the capacity_of_proteins to_compress_their_radius of interaction under increasing_concentration."} +{"text": ". In AIM 1, the investigators will study the molecular mechanisms underlying perturbed protein homeostasis in a well-established mouse model for mitochondrial FAO disorders. For this they will determine the dynamics of metabolic signaling during fasting in liver, heart and skeletal muscle and will quantify metabolic fluxes in protein synthesis and degradation. They will use a", "synonym_substitution": ". In AIM 1, the investigators will study the molecular mechanisms underlying perturb protein homeostasis in a well - prove mouse model for mitochondrial FAO disorders. For this they will decide the dynamics of metabolic signaling during fast in liver, kernel and skeletal muscle and will quantify metabolic fluxes in protein synthesis and abasement. They will use a", "butter_fingers": ". In AIM 1, the investigators dill study the moleculer mechznisms uvderlying perturbed protein iomeistasus in a well-establishea mouse mldel for mitixhondrial HZO disovbers. Rlr tkiw they will dejermine the gynamics of medacopic signaling during fasting in livqr, heary wnd skeletal moscle wnd splo quantify metabolic fluxes ih protepn synthesis and cegradation. They will use w", "random_deletion": ". In AIM 1, the investigators will molecular underlying perturbed homeostasis in a FAO For this they determine the dynamics metabolic signaling during fasting in liver, and skeletal muscle and will quantify metabolic fluxes in protein synthesis and degradation. will use a", "change_char_case": ". In AIM 1, the investigators will Study the moLeculAr mEchAnIsms UndeRlying perturbeD ProtEin homeostasis in a well-eStablIsHEd moUSe Model For mitoCHoNDRiaL FaO DisOrDErS. For tHis They wilL determine The DyNamics of metaBOlIc signalinG duRing fasting iN liVer, heaRt And SKeletAl mUscle And wilL QuantiFy metabolIc FLuxes iN Protein SYNtHesiS and degradation. ThEY wILl use a", "whitespace_perturbation": ". In AIM 1, the investigat ors will s tudythe mo le cula r me chanisms under l ying perturbed protein hom eosta si s ina w ell-e stablis h ed m ous emo del f o rmitoc hon drial F AO disorde rs. F or this they wi ll determi nethe dynamics of metab ol ics ignal ing duri ng fas t ing in liver, h ea r t ands keletal m us cleand will quantify me t abolic fluxesin pro te i ns y nth esi s and degr ad ation . They w i ll u s e a ", "underscore_trick": ". In_AIM 1,_the investigators will study_the molecular_mechanisms_underlying perturbed_protein_homeostasis in a_well-established mouse model_for mitochondrial FAO disorders._For this they_will_determine the dynamics of metabolic signaling during fasting in liver, heart and skeletal muscle_and_will quantify_metabolic_fluxes_in protein synthesis and degradation._They will use a"} +{"text": " been well documented. Our preliminary results demonstrate that all facets of Ag-specific CD8+ I cell homeostasis-expansion, death, memory and immunodominance are aberrant in perforin/IFN-y double deficient mice after LM infection. Examination of Ag-specific CD8+ T cell homeostasis in the parental perforin", "synonym_substitution": "been well documented. Our preliminary results demonstrate that all facets of Ag - specific CD8 + I cell homeostasis - expansion, end, memory and immunodominance are aberrant in perforin / IFN - y double over deficient mice after LM contagion. Examination of Ag - specific CD8 + T cellular telephone homeostasis in the parental perforin", "butter_fingers": " befn well documented. Our pveliminary resuljs demonvtrate that alu facets of Ag-specific CD8+ I rell homeistasis-expansion, death, memory ajd immunidommnance are aberreht in pcxforih/LFN-y bonble deficient kice after LM infection. Axxmnnation of Ag-specific CD8+ T cell homejstasis ij the parental pergjrin", "random_deletion": "been well documented. Our preliminary results demonstrate facets Ag-specific CD8+ cell homeostasis-expansion, death, in double deficient mice LM infection. Examination Ag-specific CD8+ T cell homeostasis in parental perforin", "change_char_case": " been well documented. Our prelIminary resUlts dEmoNstRaTe thAt alL facets of Ag-speCIfic cD8+ I cell homeostasis-expaNsion, DeATh, meMOrY and iMmunodoMInANCe aRe AbErrAnT In PerfoRin/iFN-y douBle deficieNt mIcE after LM infeCTiOn. ExaminatIon Of Ag-specific cD8+ T Cell hoMeOstASis in The ParenTal perFOrin", "whitespace_perturbation": " been well documented. Our prelimina ry re sul tsde mons trat e that all fac e ts o f Ag-specific CD8+ I c ell h om e osta s is -expa nsion,d ea t h , m em or y a nd im munod omi nance a re aberran t i nperforin/IFN - ydouble def ici ent mice aft erLM inf ec tio n . Exa min ation of Ag - specif ic CD8+ T c e ll hom e ostasis i ntheparental perforin ", "underscore_trick": " been_well documented._Our preliminary results demonstrate_that all_facets_of Ag-specific_CD8+_I cell homeostasis-expansion,_death, memory and_immunodominance are aberrant in_perforin/IFN-y double deficient_mice_after LM infection. Examination of Ag-specific CD8+ T cell homeostasis in the parental perforin"} +{"text": "ating by pH and other factors. The CL-CT mediated regulation of Cx43 is crucial for its physiological function, and is a therapeutic target for cardiovascular pathologies. However, the role of CL-CT interactions in modulation of other connexin channels, just as likely to be biomedically important, and their mechanism of action", "synonym_substitution": "ating by pH and other factors. The CL - CT mediated regulation of Cx43 is all-important for its physiologic routine, and is a therapeutic prey for cardiovascular pathology. However, the role of CL - CT interactions in intonation of early connexin channels, just as likely to be biomedically important, and their mechanism of legal action", "butter_fingers": "atijg by pH and other factovs. The CL-CT medicred rejulatioh of Cx43 ks crucial for its physiologmcal funcupon, and is a therapeugic targen for careiovescular pathologmss. Howeyzr, ths rolz if CL-CT interagtions in mmdulation of odhdr connexin channels, just as likely tj be bipmfdically imporjant, sgd tgviv mechanism of action", "random_deletion": "ating by pH and other factors. The regulation Cx43 is for its physiological target cardiovascular pathologies. However, role of CL-CT in modulation of other connexin channels, as likely to be biomedically important, and their mechanism of action", "change_char_case": "ating by pH and other factors. THe CL-CT mediAted rEguLatIoN of CX43 is cRucial for its phYSiolOgical function, and is a thErapeUtIC tarGEt For caRdiovasCUlAR PatHoLoGieS. HOWeVer, thE roLe of CL-Ct interactiOns In Modulation of OThEr connexin ChaNnels, just as lIkeLy to be BiOmeDIcallY imPortaNt, and tHEir mecHanism of aCtIOn", "whitespace_perturbation": "ating by pH and other fact ors. The C L-CTmed iat ed reg ulat ion of Cx43 is cruc ial for its physiologi cal f un c tion , a nd is a ther a pe u t icta rg etfo r c ardio vas cular p athologies . H ow ever, the ro l eof CL-CT i nte ractions inmod ulatio nofo thercon nexin chann e ls, ju st as lik el y to be biomedi c a ll y im portant, and thei r m e chanism of act ion", "underscore_trick": "ating by_pH and_other factors. The CL-CT_mediated regulation_of_Cx43 is_crucial_for its physiological_function, and is_a therapeutic target for_cardiovascular pathologies. However,_the_role of CL-CT interactions in modulation of other connexin channels, just as likely to_be_biomedically important,_and_their_mechanism of action"} +{"text": " and the kinetics of synthesis, processing and release. The experiments proposed here seek a precise definition of these complex properties in order to better understand the possible physiological role of the peptidergic neuron. Two simple nerve terminal preparations will be studied; the neural lobe of the rat pituitary and the sinus gland of the land crab. The", "synonym_substitution": "and the kinetics of synthesis, processing and release. The experiments aim here search a precise definition of these complex properties in order to well understand the possible physiologic role of the peptidergic neuron. Two simple heart terminal preparations will be learn; the neural lobe of the rat pituitary and the venous sinus gland of the farming crab. The", "butter_fingers": " anf the kinetics of syntheris, processing cbd relxase. Ths experioents proposed here seek a pceciwe dedinition of these compuex propegties in irdec to better undecatand tmz posalble 'hbsiological rolg of the pepdidergic neurot. Gwl simple nerve terminal preparationf will ne studied; the ngural jobe of the rat pituitary and the sinua gland of the land vrab. The", "random_deletion": "and the kinetics of synthesis, processing and experiments here seek precise definition of to understand the possible role of the neuron. Two simple nerve terminal preparations be studied; the neural lobe of the rat pituitary and the sinus gland the land crab. The", "change_char_case": " and the kinetics of synthesis, Processing And reLeaSe. THe ExpeRimeNts proposed herE Seek A precise definition of thEse coMpLEx prOPeRties In order TO bETTer UnDeRstAnD ThE possIblE physioLogical rolE of ThE peptidergic NEuRon. Two simpLe nErve terminal PreParatiOnS wiLL be stUdiEd; the Neural LObe of tHe rat pituItARy and tHE sinus gLANd Of thE land crab. The", "whitespace_perturbation": " and the kinetics of synth esis, proc essin g a ndre leas e. T he experiments prop osed here seek a preci se de fi n itio n o f the se comp l ex p rop er ti esin or der t o b etter u nderstandthe p ossible phys i ol ogical rol e o f the peptid erg ic neu ro n.T wo si mpl e ner ve ter m inal p reparatio ns will b e studie d ; t he n eural lobe of the ra t pituitary and the s in u sg l and of the landcr ab. T h e", "underscore_trick": " and_the kinetics_of synthesis, processing and_release. The_experiments_proposed here_seek_a precise definition_of these complex_properties in order to_better understand the_possible_physiological role of the peptidergic neuron. Two simple nerve terminal preparations will be studied;_the_neural lobe_of_the_rat pituitary and the sinus_gland of the land crab._The"} +{"text": " personnel are scarce. The purpose of Project ECHO is to educate, train, and support rural general practitioners or other available healthcare representatives on the best practice treatment protocols for complex diseases they encounter in their communities. This model focuses on the principles of case-based learning and disease management using the telemedicine infrastructure and internet-", "synonym_substitution": "personnel are scarce. The purpose of Project ECHO is to educate, train, and confirm rural cosmopolitan practitioners or other available healthcare congressman on the good practice treatment protocol for complex diseases they encounter in their community. This model focuses on the principle of case - based eruditeness and disease management using the telemedicine infrastructure and internet-", "butter_fingers": " pegsonnel are scarce. The pmrpose of Projecj WCHO iv to esucate, tfain, and support rural generel peactiuponers or other availxble healnhcare represtntatives on the usst pragcice fveatmznv protocols for complex dhseases they etcuuuter in their communities. This model focusex ln the principjes ps caav-bcsed learning and disease managsment uving the telekedicine infrastructure anf inhernet-", "random_deletion": "personnel are scarce. The purpose of Project to train, and rural general practitioners on best practice treatment for complex diseases encounter in their communities. This model on the principles of case-based learning and disease management using the telemedicine infrastructure internet-", "change_char_case": " personnel are scarce. The purpOse of ProjeCt ECHo is To eDuCate, TraiN, and support rurAL genEral practitioners or othEr avaIlABle hEAlThcarE represENtATIveS oN tHe bEsT PrActicE trEatment Protocols fOr cOmPlex diseases THeY encounter In tHeir communitIes. this moDeL foCUses oN thE prinCiples OF case-bAsed learnInG And disEAse manaGEMeNt usIng the telemedicinE InFRastructure and InternEt-", "whitespace_perturbation": " personnel are scarce. The purpose o f Pro jec t E CH O is toeducate, train , and support rural general prac ti t ione r sor ot her ava i la b l e h ea lt hca re re prese nta tives o n the best pr ac tice treatme n tprotocolsfor complex dis eas es the yenc o unter in thei r comm u nities . This mo de l focus e s on th e pr inci ples of case-base d l e arning and dis ease m an a ge m e ntusi ng the tel em edici n e infra s tr u c t ure and internet- ", "underscore_trick": " personnel_are scarce._The purpose of Project_ECHO is_to_educate, train,_and_support rural general_practitioners or other_available healthcare representatives on_the best practice_treatment_protocols for complex diseases they encounter in their communities. This model focuses on the_principles_of case-based_learning_and_disease management using the telemedicine_infrastructure and internet-"} +{"text": " promote cancer progression. Based on previous studies and preliminary studies, we hypothesize that inflammatory chemokine expression in fibroblasts including CCL2 and CXCL1 mediate epithelial cell and immune cell motility and invasiveness to promote breast cancer progression. The objective of this proposal is determine the functions of chemokines, which are normally suppressed by TGF-B signaling", "synonym_substitution": "promote cancer progression. Based on previous report and preliminary cogitation, we hypothesize that incendiary chemokine expression in fibroblast including CCL2 and CXCL1 mediate epithelial cellular telephone and immune cell motility and invasiveness to promote breast cancer progress. The objective of this proposal is settle the functions of chemokines, which are normally suppressed by TGF - B signal", "butter_fingers": " prlmote cancer progression. Based on previous stuvies ans prelimknary studies, we hypothesize tyat ibflammatory chemokine dxpressioj in fibeoblests including CRM2 and CWEL1 meslate zpmthelial cell akd immune call motility atd iuvasiveness to promote breast cancer progrexslon. The objectyve ps thjs proposal is determine the functjons of chemokines, wnich are normally suppressfd bj TGF-B signaling", "random_deletion": "promote cancer progression. Based on previous studies studies, hypothesize that chemokine expression in mediate cell and immune motility and invasiveness promote breast cancer progression. The objective this proposal is determine the functions of chemokines, which are normally suppressed by signaling", "change_char_case": " promote cancer progression. BAsed on prevIous sTudIes AnD preLimiNary studies, we hYPothEsize that inflammatory cHemokInE ExprESsIon in FibroblAStS INclUdInG CCl2 aND CxCL1 meDiaTe epithElial cell aNd iMmUne cell motilITy And invasivEneSs to promote bReaSt cancEr ProGRessiOn. THe objEctive OF this pRoposal is DeTErmine THe functIONs Of chEmokines, which are nORmALly suppressed bY TGF-B sIgNAlING", "whitespace_perturbation": " promote cancer progressio n. Based o n pre vio usst udie s an d preliminarys tudi es, we hypothesize tha t inf la m mato r ychemo kine ex p re s s ion i nfib ro b la sts i ncl uding C CL2 and CX CL1 m ediate epith e li al cell an d i mmune cell m oti lity a nd in v asive nes s topromot e breas t cancerpr o gressi o n. Theo b je ctiv e of this proposa l i s determine the funct io n so f ch emo kines, whi ch aren ormally su p p r ess e d by TGF-B si gnaling", "underscore_trick": " promote_cancer progression._Based on previous studies_and preliminary_studies,_we hypothesize_that_inflammatory chemokine expression_in fibroblasts including_CCL2 and CXCL1 mediate_epithelial cell and_immune_cell motility and invasiveness to promote breast cancer progression. The objective of this proposal_is_determine the_functions_of_chemokines, which are normally suppressed_by TGF-B signaling"} +{"text": " bp away from the recognition site. This implies the presence of two separate protein domains in this enzyme: one for sequence-specific recognition and the other for the endonuclease activity. Our studies o proteolytic fragments of FokI endonuclease have defined an N-terminal DNA- binding domain and C-terminal domain", "synonym_substitution": "bp away from the recognition site. This implies the bearing of two freestanding protein domains in this enzyme: one for sequence - specific realization and the other for the endonuclease activeness. Our studies o proteolytic fragments of FokI endonuclease have specify an N - terminal DNA- binding sphere and C - terminal knowledge domain", "butter_fingers": " bp away from the recognitiun site. This imklues thx presehce of tdo separate protein domains mn tyis ebzyme: one for sequence-rpecific gecognitiin aid the other for the endonuclezde aetmvity. Our studigs o proteolftic fragments ow YokI endonuclease have defined an N-tqrminal DJA- binding domwin sgd C-fvrninal domain", "random_deletion": "bp away from the recognition site. This presence two separate domains in this and other for the activity. Our studies proteolytic fragments of FokI endonuclease have an N-terminal DNA- binding domain and C-terminal domain", "change_char_case": " bp away from the recognition sIte. This impLies tHe pResEnCe of Two sEparate protein DOmaiNs in this enzyme: one for seQuencE-sPEcifIC rEcognItion anD ThE OTheR fOr The EnDOnUcleaSe aCtivity. our studies O prOtEolytic fragmENtS of FokI endOnuClease have deFinEd an N-tErMinAL DNA- bIndIng doMain anD c-termiNal domain", "whitespace_perturbation": " bp away from the recognit ion site.Thisimp lie sthepres ence of two se p arat e protein domains in t his e nz y me:o ne forsequenc e -s p e cif ic r eco gn i ti on an d t he othe r for theend on uclease acti v it y. Our stu die s o proteoly tic fragm en tso f Fok I e ndonu clease have d efined an N - termin a l DNA-b i nd ingdomain and C-term i na l domain", "underscore_trick": " bp_away from_the recognition site. This_implies the_presence_of two_separate_protein domains in_this enzyme: one_for sequence-specific recognition and_the other for_the_endonuclease activity. Our studies o proteolytic fragments of FokI endonuclease have defined an N-terminal_DNA-_binding domain_and_C-terminal_domain"} +{"text": " Pofutl gene as an essential component of the Notch signaling pathway. We now propose in Specific Aim 1 to investigate the molecular basis of the requirement for complex and hybrid A/-glycans in oogenesis, and to identify roles of mucin O-glycans and Ofucose glycans in early development after oocyte", "synonym_substitution": "Pofutl gene as an essential component of the Notch signaling pathway. We now nominate in Specific Aim 1 to investigate the molecular footing of the requirement for complex and hybrid A/-glycans in oogenesis, and to identify function of mucin oxygen - glycans and Ofucose glycans in early development after oocyte", "butter_fingers": " Povutl gene as an essentiau component of jhw Notci signaming patfway. We now propose in Specihic Qim 1 uj investigate the oolecular basis od tht requirement for complex and hgnrid C/-goycans in oogekesis, and tm identify rolas oy mucin O-glycans and Ofucose glycans in earky development aster jocyfv", "random_deletion": "Pofutl gene as an essential component of signaling We now in Specific Aim basis the requirement for and hybrid A/-glycans oogenesis, and to identify roles of O-glycans and Ofucose glycans in early development after oocyte", "change_char_case": " Pofutl gene as an essential coMponent of tHe NotCh sIgnAlIng pAthwAy. We now propose IN SpeCific Aim 1 to investigate tHe molEcULar bASiS of thE requirEMeNT For CoMpLex AnD HyBrid A/-GlyCans in oOgenesis, anD to IdEntify roles oF MuCin O-glycanS anD Ofucose glycAns In earlY dEveLOpmenT afTer ooCyte", "whitespace_perturbation": " Pofutl gene as an essenti al compone nt of th e N ot ch s igna ling pathway.W e no w propose in SpecificAim 1 t o inv e st igate the mo l ec u l arba si s o ft he requ ire ment fo r complexand h ybrid A/-gly c an s in oogen esi s, and to id ent ify ro le s o f muci n O -glyc ans an d Ofuco se glycan si n earl y develo p m en t af ter oocyte", "underscore_trick": " Pofutl_gene as_an essential component of_the Notch_signaling_pathway. We_now_propose in Specific_Aim 1 to_investigate the molecular basis_of the requirement_for_complex and hybrid A/-glycans in oogenesis, and to identify roles of mucin O-glycans and_Ofucose_glycans in_early_development_after oocyte"} +{"text": " in others, the infections probably represent cross-contamination that occurred in other laboratories. We believe that the iGLuc strategy for detection of retroviral replication can have wide application. We have collaborated with Dr. Kenneth Cornetta (Indiana University) to demonstrate the utility of the iGLuc assay for testing gene-", "synonym_substitution": "in others, the infections probably represent cross - contaminant that occur in other laboratories. We think that the iGLuc strategy for signal detection of retroviral replication can have across-the-board application. We have collaborated with Dr. Kenneth Cornetta (Indiana University) to show the utility of the iGLuc assay for test gene-", "butter_fingers": " in others, the infections pvobably represenj xross-cmntamihation tfat occurred in other laboravoriws. We believe that the iGLuz strategj for detwctiib of retrotjral reijicaflon ccn have wide appkication. Wa have collabosageb with Dr. Kenneth Cornetta (Indiana Ugiversiyy) to demonstratg the ttiljny of the iGLuc assay for testihg gene-", "random_deletion": "in others, the infections probably represent cross-contamination in laboratories. We that the iGLuc replication have wide application. have collaborated with Kenneth Cornetta (Indiana University) to demonstrate utility of the iGLuc assay for testing gene-", "change_char_case": " in others, the infections probAbly represEnt crOss-ConTaMinaTion That occurred in OTher Laboratories. We believe tHat thE igluc sTRaTegy fOr detecTIoN OF reTrOvIraL rEPlIcatiOn cAn have wIde applicaTioN. WE have collaboRAtEd with Dr. KeNneTh Cornetta (InDiaNa UnivErSitY) To demOnsTrate The utiLIty of tHe iGLuc asSaY For tesTIng gene-", "whitespace_perturbation": " in others, the infections probablyrepre sen t c ro ss-c onta mination thato ccur red in other laborator ies.We beli e ve that the iG L uc s tra te gy fo rd et ectio n o f retro viral repl ica ti on can havew id e applicat ion . We have co lla borate dwit h Dr.Ken nethCornet t a (Ind iana Univ er s ity) t o demons t r at e th e utility of thei GL u c assay for te stingge n e- ", "underscore_trick": " in_others, the_infections probably represent cross-contamination_that occurred_in_other laboratories._We_believe that the_iGLuc strategy for_detection of retroviral replication_can have wide_application._We have collaborated with Dr. Kenneth Cornetta (Indiana University) to demonstrate the utility of_the_iGLuc assay_for_testing_gene-"} +{"text": " photoreceptor degeneration as well as regional brain iron accumulation. Once the HSS gene is cloned and characterized, the other pathologic changes may provide a context for understanding the mechanism of pigmentary retinopathy. Since defects in this non-retina-specific process may cause other forms of syndromic and isolated RP and may be", "synonym_substitution": "photoreceptor degeneration as well as regional brain iron accumulation. Once the HSS gene is clone and qualify, the other pathologic change may put up a context for understanding the mechanism of pigmentary retinopathy. Since defects in this non - retina - specific summons may induce other forms of syndromic and isolated RP and may be", "butter_fingers": " phltoreceptor degeneration as well as regninal bcain irkn accumjlation. Once the HSS gene is cooned and characterized, the other panhologic xhanjes may provide e contexb for mndervvanding the mecmanism of phgmentary retitooachy. Since defects in this non-retina-s[ecific pgocess may caufe ouhew fodms of syndromic and isolated RP ahd may ue", "random_deletion": "photoreceptor degeneration as well as regional brain Once HSS gene cloned and characterized, provide context for understanding mechanism of pigmentary Since defects in this non-retina-specific process cause other forms of syndromic and isolated RP and may be", "change_char_case": " photoreceptor degeneration As well as reGionaL brAin IrOn acCumuLation. Once the Hss genE is cloned and characteriZed, thE oTHer pAThOlogiC changeS MaY PRovIdE a ConTeXT fOr undErsTanding The mechaniSm oF pIgmentary retINoPathy. Since DefEcts in this noN-reTina-spEcIfiC ProceSs mAy cauSe otheR Forms oF syndromiC aND isolaTEd RP and MAY bE", "whitespace_perturbation": " photoreceptor degeneratio n as wellas re gio nal b rain iro n accumulation . Onc e the HSS gene is clon ed an dc hara c te rized , the o t he r pat ho lo gic c h an ges m ayprovide a context fo runderstandin g t he mechani smof pigmentar y r etinop at hy. Since de fects in th i s non- retina-sp ec i fic pr o cess ma y ca useother forms of sy n dr o mic and isolat ed RPan d m a y be ", "underscore_trick": " photoreceptor_degeneration as_well as regional brain_iron accumulation._Once_the HSS_gene_is cloned and_characterized, the other_pathologic changes may provide_a context for_understanding_the mechanism of pigmentary retinopathy. Since defects in this non-retina-specific process may cause other_forms_of syndromic_and_isolated_RP and may be"} +{"text": " aim #2, we will determine if the sex chromosome effect in the CNS during EAE is due to the dose of X or Y genes. Finally in aim #3, we will use mice which differ in gonadal type, female vs. male, while having the same sex chromosome complement (XX vs. XX S", "synonym_substitution": "aim # 2, we will determine if the sex chromosome effect in the central nervous system during EAE is ascribable to the acid of X or Y genes. ultimately in bearing # 3, we will use mice which disagree in gonadal type, female vs. male, while having the same sexual activity chromosome complement (XX vs. XX S", "butter_fingers": " ail #2, we will determine if uhe sex chromosomg wffect in ths CNS dufing EAE is due to the dose lf X or Y genes. Finally in aio #3, we wilp use mixe wiich differ in gonadal tn'e, fejwle rs. male, while haying the sake sex chromosmmd eomplement (XX vs. XX S", "random_deletion": "aim #2, we will determine if the effect the CNS EAE is due or genes. Finally in #3, we will mice which differ in gonadal type, vs. male, while having the same sex chromosome complement (XX vs. XX S", "change_char_case": " aim #2, we will determine if the seX chromosomE effeCt iN thE CnS duRing eAE is due to the dOSe of x or Y genes. Finally in aim #3, wE will UsE Mice WHiCh difFer in goNAdAL TypE, fEmAle Vs. MAlE, whilE haVing the Same sex chrOmoSoMe complement (xx vS. XX S", "whitespace_perturbation": " aim #2, we will determine if the se x chr omo som eeffe ct i n the CNS duri n g EA E is due to the dose o f X o rY gen e s. Fina lly ina im # 3,we w ill u s emicewhi ch diff er in gona dal t ype, femalev s. male, whi lehaving the s ame sex c hr omo s ome c omp lemen t (XXv s. XXS", "underscore_trick": " aim_#2, we_will determine if the_sex chromosome_effect_in the_CNS_during EAE is_due to the_dose of X or_Y genes. Finally_in_aim #3, we will use mice which differ in gonadal type, female vs. male,_while_having the_same_sex_chromosome complement (XX vs. XX_S"} +{"text": " modify these distinct substrates. Our long-term objectives are to determine the mechanism of protein specific polysialylation, what factors regulate the polymerization of polySia chains on specific substrates, and how polySia modulates the functions of the proteins it modifies. In this proposal we will test the hypothesis that the polySTs", "synonym_substitution": "modify these distinct substrates. Our long - condition aim are to determine the mechanism of protein specific polysialylation, what factors regulate the polymerization of polySia chain on specific substrates, and how polySia modulates the function of the protein it modifies. In this proposal we will test the hypothesis that the polySTs", "butter_fingers": " mofify these distinct subsurates. Our long-tetm objecvives ade to degermine the mechanism of provein specufic polysialylation, wfat factogs regulare tie polymerizatioi of polnFia dmains in specific sunstrates, ang how polySia koaupates the functions of the proteins it modofles. In this prjpossj we will test the hypothesis that the polySTv", "random_deletion": "modify these distinct substrates. Our long-term objectives determine mechanism of specific polysialylation, what polySia on specific substrates, how polySia modulates functions of the proteins it modifies. this proposal we will test the hypothesis that the polySTs", "change_char_case": " modify these distinct substrAtes. Our lonG-term ObjEctIvEs arE to dEtermine the mecHAnisM of protein specific polySialyLaTIon, wHAt FactoRs regulATe THE poLyMeRizAtIOn Of polYSiA chains On specific SubStRates, and how pOLysia modulatEs tHe functions oF thE proteInS it MOdifiEs. IN this ProposAL we wilL test the hYpOThesis THat the pOLYSts", "whitespace_perturbation": " modify these distinct sub strates. O ur lo ng- ter mobje ctiv es are to dete r mine the mechanism of prot ein s pe c ific po lysia lylatio n ,w h atfa ct ors r e gu latethe polyme rization o f p ol ySia chainso nspecific s ubs trates, andhow polyS ia mo d ulate s t he fu nction s of th e protein si t modi f ies. In t hi s pr oposal we will te s tt he hypothesisthat t he po l y STs ", "underscore_trick": " modify_these distinct_substrates. Our long-term objectives_are to_determine_the mechanism_of_protein specific polysialylation,_what factors regulate_the polymerization of polySia_chains on specific_substrates,_and how polySia modulates the functions of the proteins it modifies. In this proposal_we_will test_the_hypothesis_that the polySTs"} +{"text": " Potential clinical applications of inhibition of the JNK signaling may include: (1) the prevention of ischemic apoptosis; (2) attenuation of chronic glutamate excitotoxicity in amytrophic lateral sclerosis; (3) the prevention of neurodegneration (4) enhanced survival of grafted neurons in transplantation therapy. Preliminary evidence of feasibility", "synonym_substitution": "Potential clinical applications of inhibition of the JNK signaling may admit: (1) the prevention of ischemic apoptosis; (2) attenuation of chronic glutamate excitotoxicity in amytrophic lateral sclerosis; (3) the prevention of neurodegneration (4) enhance survival of grafted neurons in transplant therapy. Preliminary evidence of feasibility", "butter_fingers": " Pohential clinical applicauions of inhibition of tie JNK aignaline may include: (1) the preventioi of ischtiic apoptosis; (2) attdnuation lf chronuc goytamate exrjtotoxignty ih amycriphic lateral xclerosis; (3) the preventiot uf neurodegneration (4) enhanced survivaj of grsfhed neurons in tramfplahnauion therapy. Preliminary evidence of feavibility", "random_deletion": "Potential clinical applications of inhibition of the may (1) the of ischemic apoptosis; excitotoxicity amytrophic lateral sclerosis; the prevention of (4) enhanced survival of grafted neurons transplantation therapy. Preliminary evidence of feasibility", "change_char_case": " Potential clinical applicatIons of inhiBitioN of The jNk sigNaliNg may include: (1) thE PrevEntion of ischemic apoptoSis; (2) atTeNUatiON oF chroNic glutAMaTE ExcItOtOxiCiTY iN amytRopHic lateRal sclerosIs; (3) tHe Prevention of NEuRodegneratIon (4) Enhanced survIvaL of graFtEd nEUrons In tRanspLantatIOn therApy. PrelimInARy evidENce of feASIbIlitY", "whitespace_perturbation": " Potential clinical applic ations ofinhib iti onof the JNK signaling may incl ude: (1) the preventio n ofis c hemi c a popto sis; (2 ) a t t enu at io n o fc hr onicglu tamateexcitotoxi cit yin amytrophi c l ateral scl ero sis; (3) the pr eventi on of neuro deg nerat ion (4 ) enhan ced survi va l of gr a fted ne u r on s in transplantationt he r apy. Prelimina ry evi de n ce o f f eas ibility", "underscore_trick": " Potential_clinical applications_of inhibition of the_JNK signaling_may_include: (1)_the_prevention of ischemic_apoptosis; (2) attenuation_of chronic glutamate excitotoxicity_in amytrophic lateral_sclerosis;_(3) the prevention of neurodegneration (4) enhanced survival of grafted neurons in transplantation therapy._Preliminary_evidence of_feasibility"} +{"text": " provided expanded opportunities for training of the students in outstanding laboratories and has fostered collaboration between faculty and students at Columbia's Medical School and main campuses. The faculty members work in a broad range of fields including structural biology, molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics and systems biology, developmental biology and neurobiology. Experimental systems are also", "synonym_substitution": "provided expanded opportunities for training of the student in great laboratories and has fostered collaboration between staff and students at Columbia's Medical School and independent campuses. The faculty penis work in a broad scope of fields including morphologic biology, molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics and system biology, developmental biology and neurobiology. Experimental systems are also", "butter_fingers": " prlvided expanded opportunlties for trainiut of tie studsnts in uutstanding laboratories and hqs fowtered collaboration bdtween fabulty and stuvents at Columbie'a Medical Schkll aud main campuses. The faculdy members worn kn a broad range of fields including ftructutap biology, molesulag fiolkgy, genetics, bioinformatics and syatems bpology, developmenyal biology and neurobiolohy. Edperimental systemd are also", "random_deletion": "provided expanded opportunities for training of the outstanding and has collaboration between faculty School main campuses. The members work in broad range of fields including structural molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics and systems biology, developmental biology and neurobiology. Experimental systems also", "change_char_case": " provided expanded opportuniTies for traIning Of tHe sTuDentS in oUtstanding laboRAtorIes and has fostered collaBoratIoN BetwEEn FaculTy and stUDeNTS at coLuMbiA's mEdIcal SChoOl and maIn campuses. the FaCulty members WOrK in a broad rAngE of fields incLudIng strUcTurAL biolOgy, MolecUlar biOLogy, geNetics, bioInFOrmatiCS and sysTEMs BiolOgy, developmental bIOlOGy and neurobiolOgy. ExpErIMeNTAl sYstEms are also", "whitespace_perturbation": " provided expanded opportu nities for trai nin g o fthestud ents in outsta n ding laboratories and hasfoste re d col l ab orati on betw e en f acu lt yand s t ud entsatColumbi a's Medica l S ch ool and main ca mpuses. Th e f aculty membe rswork i na b r oad r ang e offields includ ing struc tu r al bio l ogy, mo l e cu larbiology, genetics , b i oinformatics a nd sys te m sb i olo gy, developme nt al bi o logy an d n e u r obi o logy. Experim ental syste m s a re als o", "underscore_trick": " provided_expanded opportunities_for training of the_students in_outstanding_laboratories and_has_fostered collaboration between_faculty and students_at Columbia's Medical School_and main campuses._The_faculty members work in a broad range of fields including structural biology, molecular biology,_genetics,_bioinformatics and_systems_biology,_developmental biology and neurobiology. Experimental_systems are also"} +{"text": " fashion. A portion of the pancreas cancer specific antibodies will be labeled with iodine-131 and assayed to determine their suitability for use in external computerized photoscanning for tumor localization. This project will significantly improve the micro-LAI assay and the serological and biochemical data obtained will complement the clinical results. The overall goal of", "synonym_substitution": "fashion. A portion of the pancreas cancer specific antibodies will be labeled with iodine-131 and assay to settle their suitability for use in external computerized photoscanning for tumor localization. This project will importantly improve the micro - LAI assay and the serological and biochemical datum receive will complement the clinical results. The overall goal of", "butter_fingers": " fadhion. A portion of the pxncreas cancer specifir antibkdies wiul be labeled with iodine-131 anv aswayed to determine their suktability for use in txternal computermaed phobjscahking yoc tumor localizstion. This project will viennficantly improve the micro-LAI assay and thr derological anq bipshemjbao data obtained will complemeht the blinical results. Yhe overall goal of", "random_deletion": "fashion. A portion of the pancreas cancer will labeled with and assayed to in computerized photoscanning for localization. This project significantly improve the micro-LAI assay and serological and biochemical data obtained will complement the clinical results. The overall goal", "change_char_case": " fashion. A portion of the pancrEas cancer sPecifIc aNtiBoDies Will Be labeled with iODine-131 And assayed to determine tHeir sUiTAbilITy For usE in exteRNaL COmpUtErIzeD pHOtOscanNinG for tumOr localizaTioN. THis project wiLL sIgnificantLy iMprove the micRo-LaI assaY aNd tHE seroLogIcal aNd biocHEmical Data obtaiNeD Will coMPlement THE cLiniCal results. The overALl GOal of", "whitespace_perturbation": " fashion. A portion of the pancreascance r s pec if ic a ntib odies will bel abel ed with iodine-131 and assa ye d tod et ermin e their su i t abi li ty fo ru se in e xte rnal co mputerized ph ot oscanning fo r t umor local iza tion. This p roj ect wi ll si g nific ant ly im provet he mic ro-LAI as sa y and t h e serol o g ic al a nd biochemical da t ao btained will c omplem en t t h e cl ini cal result s. Theo verallg oa l o f", "underscore_trick": " fashion._A portion_of the pancreas cancer_specific antibodies_will_be labeled_with_iodine-131 and assayed_to determine their_suitability for use in_external computerized photoscanning_for_tumor localization. This project will significantly improve the micro-LAI assay and the serological and_biochemical_data obtained_will_complement_the clinical results. The overall_goal of"} +{"text": " availability of these services should facilitate research in rheumatic diseases for both clinical and basic scientists at the University of Tennessee, HSC. Maximum blood flow acceleration, beat-to-beat stroke volume and continuous external power of the left ventricle are derived from instantaneous (pulsatile) measurements of blood flow velocity and pressure in the", "synonym_substitution": "availability of these services should facilitate research in arthritic disease for both clinical and basic scientist at the University of Tennessee, HSC. Maximum blood flow acceleration, rhythm - to - beat stroke book and continuous external might of the left ventricle are deduce from instantaneous (pulsatile) measurements of blood menstruation velocity and pressure in the", "butter_fingers": " avwilability of these servlces should facilitate cesearcg in rhejmatic diseases for both cliiicao and basic scientists at tfe Univerdity of Renntssee, HSC. Maximum blood flow acdcleraciin, beat-to-beat xtroke volgme and contingojs external power of the left ventricje are cegived from insjantamqous (iuosatile) measurements of blood flow vtlocity and pressute in the", "random_deletion": "availability of these services should facilitate research diseases both clinical basic scientists at Maximum flow acceleration, beat-to-beat volume and continuous power of the left ventricle are from instantaneous (pulsatile) measurements of blood flow velocity and pressure in the", "change_char_case": " availability of these servicEs should faCilitAte ResEaRch iN rheUmatic diseases FOr boTh clinical and basic scieNtistS aT The UNIvErsitY of TennESsEE, hSC. maXiMum BlOOd Flow aCceLeratioN, beat-to-beaT stRoKe volume and cONtInuous exteRnaL power of the lEft VentriClE arE DerivEd fRom inStantaNEous (puLsatile) meAsURementS Of blood FLOw VeloCity and pressure in THe", "whitespace_perturbation": " availability of these ser vices shou ld fa cil ita te res earc h in rheumatic dise ases for both clinical andba s ic s c ie ntist s at th e U n i ver si ty of T e nn essee , H SC. Max imum blood fl ow acceleratio n ,beat-to-be atstroke volum e a nd con ti nuo u s ext ern al po wer of the le ft ventri cl e are d e rived f r o minst antaneous (pulsat i le ) measurementsof blo od fl o w ve loc ity and pr es surei n the", "underscore_trick": " availability_of these_services should facilitate research_in rheumatic_diseases_for both_clinical_and basic scientists_at the University_of Tennessee, HSC. Maximum_blood flow acceleration,_beat-to-beat_stroke volume and continuous external power of the left ventricle are derived from instantaneous_(pulsatile)_measurements of_blood_flow_velocity and pressure in the"} +{"text": " the following: (1) biochemical indices related to nutritional status, (2) trace element requirements, (3) immunological function related to trauma and nutrition, (4) metabolism of carbohydrate using 14C-glucose, (5) gluconeogenesis using 14C-L-alanine and 14C-glycerol, and", "synonym_substitution": "the following: (1) biochemical indices related to nutritional status, (2) hound chemical element requirements, (3) immunological function related to injury and nutrition, (4) metabolism of carbohydrate using 14C - glucose, (5) gluconeogenesis practice 14C - L - alanine and 14C - glycerol, and", "butter_fingers": " thf following: (1) biochemical indices relateb to nuvritionzl statur, (2) trace element requirementd, (3) immubological function relxted to tgauma and nutcition, (4) metabolism of cavyohyddwte bsmng 14C-glucose, (5) gkuconeogenasis using 14C-L-anaviue and 14C-glycerol, and", "random_deletion": "the following: (1) biochemical indices related to (2) element requirements, immunological function related metabolism carbohydrate using 14C-glucose, gluconeogenesis using 14C-L-alanine 14C-glycerol, and", "change_char_case": " the following: (1) biochemical inDices relatEd to nUtrItiOnAl stAtus, (2) Trace element reQUireMents, (3) immunological funcTion rElATed tO TrAuma aNd nutriTIoN, (4) MEtaBoLiSm oF cARbOhydrAte Using 14C-gLucose, (5) glucOneOgEnesis using 14C-l-AlAnine and 14C-gLycErol, and", "whitespace_perturbation": " the following: (1) bioche mical indi ces r ela ted t o nu trit ional status,( 2) t race element requireme nts,(3 ) imm u no logic al func t io n rel at ed to t r au ma an d n utritio n, (4) met abo li sm of carboh y dr ate using14C -glucose, (5 ) g lucone og ene s is us ing 14C- L-alan i ne and 14C-glyc er o l, and ", "underscore_trick": " the_following: (1)_biochemical indices related to_nutritional status,_(2)_trace element_requirements,_(3) immunological function_related to trauma_and nutrition, (4) metabolism_of carbohydrate using_14C-glucose,_(5) gluconeogenesis using 14C-L-alanine and 14C-glycerol, and"} +{"text": ". Among these species are isolable compounds of pentacoordinate carbon, chiral sulfuranes and asasulfuranes. The generation of sulfuranes and persulfuranes by neighboring group participation in perester decompositions will be studied. The generation of radical pairs, and larger arrays of radicals, within the solvent cage", "synonym_substitution": ". Among these species are isolable compounds of pentacoordinate carbon, chiral sulfuranes and asasulfuranes. The generation of sulfuranes and persulfuranes by neighboring group engagement in perester decomposition will be studied. The generation of extremist couple, and larger arrays of radical, within the solution cage", "butter_fingers": ". Amlng these species are isulable compounds of peitacoorsinate cxrbon, chiral sulfuranes and esasylfurqnes. The generation of sulfuranvs and peesulhuranes by neighukring gvjup lwrtiei'ation in peresjer decomposhtions will be sgubied. The generation of radical pairs, and latgfr arrays of rwdicsjs, wjnhln the solvent cage", "random_deletion": ". Among these species are isolable compounds carbon, sulfuranes and The generation of group in perester decompositions be studied. The of radical pairs, and larger arrays radicals, within the solvent cage", "change_char_case": ". Among these species are isolaBle compounDs of pEntAcoOrDinaTe caRbon, chiral sulfURaneS and asasulfuranes. The geNeratIoN Of suLFuRanes And persULfURAneS bY nEigHbORiNg groUp pArticipAtion in perEstEr DecompositioNS wIll be studiEd. THe generation Of rAdical PaIrs, ANd larGer ArrayS of radICals, wiThin the soLvENt cage", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Among these species areisolable c ompou nds of p enta coor dinate carbon, chir al sulfuranes and asas ulfur an e s. T h egener ation o f s u l fur an es an dp er sulfu ran es by n eighboring gr ou p participat i on in perest erdecompositio nswill b estu d ied.The gene ration of rad ical pair s, and la r ger arr a y sof r adicals, within t h es olvent cage", "underscore_trick": ". Among_these species_are isolable compounds of_pentacoordinate carbon,_chiral_sulfuranes and_asasulfuranes._The generation of_sulfuranes and persulfuranes_by neighboring group participation_in perester decompositions_will_be studied. The generation of radical pairs, and larger arrays of radicals, within the_solvent_cage"} +{"text": " research in this critical area. The Collaborative HIV Prevention in Minority Communities (CRMC) program has been funded since 1997 to 1) increase the amount of innovative and scientifically excellent HIV prevention with minority communities and 2) to increase the number of funded investigators from underrepresented minority groups. To date we have trained 37", "synonym_substitution": "research in this critical area. The Collaborative HIV Prevention in Minority Communities (CRMC) program has been funded since 1997 to 1) increase the sum of advanced and scientifically excellent HIV prevention with minority communities and 2) to increase the number of fund investigator from underrepresented minority groups. To date we have trained 37", "butter_fingers": " redearch in this critical xrea. The Collaborative HIV Pdeventiov in Minority Communities (CRLC) progeam has been funded sivce 1997 to 1) pncrease rhe emount of innovavjve and scienflficanoy excellent HLV preventimn with minoridy clmmunities and 2) to increase the numfer of gujded investigajors gwom hnderrepresented minority groups. Tk date xe have trained 37", "random_deletion": "research in this critical area. The Collaborative in Communities (CRMC) has been funded the of innovative and excellent HIV prevention minority communities and 2) to increase number of funded investigators from underrepresented minority groups. To date we have trained", "change_char_case": " research in this critical areA. The CollabOratiVe HiV PReVentIon iN Minority CommuNItieS (CRMC) program has been funDed siNcE 1997 To 1) inCReAse thE amount OF iNNOvaTiVe And ScIEnTificAllY excellEnt HIV prevEntIoN with minoritY CoMmunities aNd 2) tO increase the NumBer of fUnDed INvestIgaTors fRom undERrepreSented minOrITy grouPS. To date WE HaVe trAined 37", "whitespace_perturbation": " research in this critical area. The Coll abo rat iv e HI V Pr evention in Mi n orit y Communities (CRMC) p rogra mh as b e en fund ed sinc e 1 9 9 7 t o1) in cr e as e the am ount of innovativ e a nd scientifica l ly excellent HI V prevention wi th min or ity commu nit ies a nd 2)t o incr ease thenu m ber of fundedi n ve stig ators from underr e pr e sented minorit y grou ps . T o dat e w e have tra in ed 37 ", "underscore_trick": " research_in this_critical area. The Collaborative_HIV Prevention_in_Minority Communities_(CRMC)_program has been_funded since 1997_to 1) increase the_amount of innovative_and_scientifically excellent HIV prevention with minority communities and 2) to increase the number of_funded_investigators from_underrepresented_minority_groups. To date we have_trained 37"} +{"text": " are to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of chromosome elimination and elucidate the selective advantages of asymmetric meiotic division. Errors in meiosis lead to the absence of one chromosome (monosomy) or the presence of an extra chromosome (trisomy) in 10-30% of human conceptions with the majority of these an", "synonym_substitution": "are to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of chromosome elimination and elucidate the selective advantages of asymmetrical meiotic part. Errors in meiosis spark advance to the absence of one chromosome (monosomy) or the bearing of an extra chromosome (trisomy) in 10 - 30% of human conceptions with the majority of these an", "butter_fingers": " arf to elucidate the molecmlar mechanisms of chrokosome eliminagion and elucidate the selecvive advabtages of asymmetric mdiotic dinision. Ereors un meiosis lead to the agdencz if one chromospme (monosoky) or the presanze of an extra chromosome (trisomy) in 10-30% of humsn conceptions wyth uhe majkgiuy of these an", "random_deletion": "are to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of and the selective of asymmetric meiotic to absence of one (monosomy) or the of an extra chromosome (trisomy) in of human conceptions with the majority of these an", "change_char_case": " are to elucidate the moleculaR mechanismS of chRomOsoMe ElimInatIon and elucidatE The sElective advantages of asYmmetRiC MeioTIc DivisIon. ErroRS iN MEioSiS lEad To THe AbsenCe oF one chrOmosome (monOsoMy) Or the presencE Of An extra chrOmoSome (trisomy) iN 10-30% of Human cOnCepTIons wIth The maJority OF these An", "whitespace_perturbation": " are to elucidate the mole cular mech anism s o f c hr omos omeelimination an d elu cidate the selective a dvant ag e s of as ymmet ric mei o ti c div is io n.Er r or s inmei osis le ad to theabs en ce of one ch r om osome (mon oso my) or the p res ence o fane xtrachr omoso me (tr i somy)in 10-30% o f human concept i o ns wit h the majority of th e se an", "underscore_trick": " are_to elucidate_the molecular mechanisms of_chromosome elimination_and_elucidate the_selective_advantages of asymmetric_meiotic division. Errors_in meiosis lead to_the absence of_one_chromosome (monosomy) or the presence of an extra chromosome (trisomy) in 10-30% of human_conceptions_with the_majority_of_these an"} +{"text": ". Supriya Saha, a medical oncologist at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Cancer Center, toward his goal of becoming an independent physician-scientist with a focused clinical practice in hepatobiliary cancers and a research laboratory dedicated to the study of cholangiocarcinoma. Dr. Saha will be ment", "synonym_substitution": ". Supriya Saha, a medical oncologist at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Cancer Center, toward his goal of becoming an independent doctor - scientist with a focused clinical exercise in hepatobiliary cancer and a research laboratory dedicate to the study of cholangiocarcinoma. Dr. Saha will be ment", "butter_fingers": ". Suoriya Saha, a medical onculogist at the Massachnsetts Feneral Fospital (MGH) Cancer Center, tlwqrd hus goal of becoming an independvnt physixian-wxientist wmfh a fogbsed dpinieao practice in mepatobiliasy cancers and a rzsearch laboratory dedicated to the ftudy og fholangiocarcigoma. Qr. Szha will be ment", "random_deletion": ". Supriya Saha, a medical oncologist at General (MGH) Cancer toward his goal with focused clinical practice hepatobiliary cancers and research laboratory dedicated to the study cholangiocarcinoma. Dr. Saha will be ment", "change_char_case": ". Supriya Saha, a medical oncoloGist at the MAssacHusEttS GEnerAl HoSpital (MGH) CanceR centEr, toward his goal of becomIng an InDEpenDEnT physIcian-scIEnTISt wItH a FocUsED cLinicAl pRactice In hepatobiLiaRy Cancers and a rESeArch laboraTorY dedicated to The Study oF cHolANgiocArcInoma. dr. Saha WIll be mEnt", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Supriya Saha, a medicaloncologist at t heMas sa chus etts General Hospi t al ( MGH) Cancer Center, to wardhi s goa l o f bec oming a n i n d epe nd en t p hy s ic ian-s cie ntist w ith a focu sed c linical prac t ic e in hepat obi liary cancer s a nd a r es ear c h lab ora torydedica t ed tothe study o f chola n giocarc i n om a. D r. Saha will be m e nt ", "underscore_trick": ". Supriya_Saha, a_medical oncologist at the_Massachusetts General_Hospital_(MGH) Cancer_Center,_toward his goal_of becoming an_independent physician-scientist with a_focused clinical practice_in_hepatobiliary cancers and a research laboratory dedicated to the study of cholangiocarcinoma. Dr. Saha_will_be ment"} +{"text": " obscure diseases of man. These animal diseases are scrapie and progressive pneumonia of sheep and Aleutian disease and transmissible encephalopathy of mink. Their clinicopathologic, virologic, and immunologic features are studied to obtain an understanding of their natural history and pathogenesis. Such studies should provide not only information on", "synonym_substitution": "obscure diseases of man. These animal diseases are scrapie and progressive pneumonia of sheep and Aleutian disease and ancestral brain disorder of mink. Their clinicopathologic, virologic, and immunologic features are study to prevail an understanding of their natural history and pathogenesis. Such study should provide not only data on", "butter_fingers": " obdcure diseases of man. Thtse animal diseasgs are srrapie znd progfessive pneumonia of sheep aid Aoeutiqn disease and transmirsible enbephaloparhy id mink. Themd clinigjpatgllognc, virologic, and immunologhc features ara rtbdied to obtain an understanding of eheir nstkral history agd psehogsnesis. Such studies should provide not onny informatiom on", "random_deletion": "obscure diseases of man. These animal diseases and pneumonia of and Aleutian disease Their virologic, and immunologic are studied to an understanding of their natural history pathogenesis. Such studies should provide not only information on", "change_char_case": " obscure diseases of man. These Animal diseAses aRe sCraPiE and ProgRessive pneumonIA of sHeep and Aleutian disease And trAnSMissIBlE encePhalopaTHy OF MinK. THeIr cLiNIcOpathOloGic, viroLogic, and imMunOlOgic features ARe Studied to oBtaIn an understaNdiNg of thEiR naTUral hIstOry anD pathoGEnesis. such studiEs SHould pROvide noT ONlY infOrmation on", "whitespace_perturbation": " obscure diseases of man.These anim al di sea ses a re s crap ie and progres s ivepneumonia of sheep and Aleu ti a n di s ea se an d trans m is s i ble e nc eph al o pa thy o f m ink. Th eir clinic opa th ologic, viro l og ic, and im mun ologic featu res are s tu die d to o bta in an under s tandin g of thei rn atural history a nd pat hogenesis. Such s t ud i es should prov ide no to nl y inf orm ation on", "underscore_trick": " obscure_diseases of_man. These animal diseases_are scrapie_and_progressive pneumonia_of_sheep and Aleutian_disease and transmissible_encephalopathy of mink. Their_clinicopathologic, virologic, and_immunologic_features are studied to obtain an understanding of their natural history and pathogenesis. Such_studies_should provide_not_only_information on"} +{"text": " entry into island countries and the combination of NPIs that are likely to be most effective at achieving this. [unreadable] - Data on the prevalence of influenza in passengers from various origins and flying times would provide an important input for decisions about the efficacy of traveler exclusion, quarantine and screening. Results could also be contrasted", "synonym_substitution": "entry into island countries and the combination of NPIs that are likely to be most effective at achieve this. [ indecipherable ] - Data on the preponderance of influenza in passengers from various origins and flight times would provide an important input signal for decisions about the efficacy of traveler exclusion, quarantine and cover. result could also be contrast", "butter_fingers": " enhry into island countrier and the combiuqtion mf NPIa that afe likely to be most effectite ar achueving this. [unreadable] - Data on the precaleice of influenza in passcugers nrom racious origins akd flying thmes would proeiae an important input for decisions afout thr ffficacy of trwveltr qxclhsion, quarantine and screening. Reshlts colld also be contrssted", "random_deletion": "entry into island countries and the combination that likely to most effective at on prevalence of influenza passengers from various and flying times would provide an input for decisions about the efficacy of traveler exclusion, quarantine and screening. Results also be contrasted", "change_char_case": " entry into island countries aNd the combiNatioN of nPIS tHat aRe liKely to be most efFEctiVe at achieving this. [unreaDable] - daTA on tHE pRevalEnce of iNFlUENza In PaSseNgERs From vAriOus origIns and flyiNg tImEs would proviDE aN important InpUt for decisioNs aBout thE eFfiCAcy of TraVeler ExclusIOn, quarAntine and ScREening. rEsults cOULd Also Be contrasted", "whitespace_perturbation": " entry into island countri es and the comb ina tio nof N PIsthat are likel y tobe most effective at a chiev in g thi s .[unre adable] -D a taon t hepr e va lence of influe nza in pas sen ge rs from vari o us origins a ndflying times wo uld pr ov ide an im por tantinputf or dec isions ab ou t the e f ficacyo f t rave ler exclusion, qu a ra n tine and scree ning.Re s ul t s co uld also be c on trast e d", "underscore_trick": " entry_into island_countries and the combination_of NPIs_that_are likely_to_be most effective_at achieving this._[unreadable] - Data on_the prevalence of_influenza_in passengers from various origins and flying times would provide an important input for_decisions_about the_efficacy_of_traveler exclusion, quarantine and screening._Results could also be contrasted"} +{"text": " may be applicable for the assessment of other medical technologies and to aid in the comparison of investments in such technologies. Intercellular RNA transport is a potentially important means of cell-cell communication. In the nematode C. elegans the RNA channel SID-1 is essential for the cell-to-cell transport of silencing RNAs", "synonym_substitution": "may be applicable for the assessment of other medical technologies and to help in the comparison of investment in such technologies. Intercellular RNA transport is a potentially important mean of cell - cell communication. In the nematode C. elegans the RNA channel SID-1 is all-important for the cell - to - cell conveyance of silencing RNAs", "butter_fingers": " maj be applicable for the xssessment of ojhwr medmcal tedhnologids and to aid in the comparidob of unvestments in such tezhnologied. Intercwlluoqr RNA traiaport is a pofcntianoy important mgans of cell-well communicadiun. In the nematode C. elegans the RNA shannel SLD-1 is essentiaj fog ehe dvlo-to-cell transport of silencinf RNAs", "random_deletion": "may be applicable for the assessment of technologies to aid the comparison of RNA is a potentially means of cell-cell In the nematode C. elegans the channel SID-1 is essential for the cell-to-cell transport of silencing RNAs", "change_char_case": " may be applicable for the asseSsment of otHer meDicAl tEcHnolOgieS and to aid in the COmpaRison of investments in suCh tecHnOLogiES. INtercEllular rnA TRAnsPoRt Is a PoTEnTiallY imPortant Means of celL-ceLl CommunicatioN. in The nematodE C. eLegans the RNA ChaNnel SId-1 iS esSEntiaL foR the cEll-to-cELl tranSport of siLeNCing RNaS", "whitespace_perturbation": " may be applicable for the assessmen t ofoth erme dica l te chnologies and to a id in the comparison o f inv es t ment s i n suc h techn o lo g i es. I nt erc el l ul ar RN A t ranspor t is a pot ent ia lly importan t m eans of ce ll- cell communi cat ion. I nthe nemat ode C. e legans the RN A channel S I D-1 is essenti a l f or t he cell-to-cell t r an s port of silenc ing RN As ", "underscore_trick": " may_be applicable_for the assessment of_other medical_technologies_and to_aid_in the comparison_of investments in_such technologies. Intercellular RNA_transport is a_potentially_important means of cell-cell communication. In the nematode C. elegans the RNA channel SID-1_is_essential for_the_cell-to-cell_transport of silencing RNAs"} +{"text": " [unreadable] 2. After adjustment for pertinent cancer risk factors, to determine the potential direct effects of the neighborhood environmental factors on incident cancer outcomes (breast, colorectal, total). [unreadable] [unreadable] 3. Using multivariable models, to ascertain the direct, mediated or moderated effects of both the neighborhood environment", "synonym_substitution": "[ unreadable ] 2. After adjustment for pertinent cancer risk divisor, to settle the potential direct effects of the region environmental factors on incident cancer outcomes (breast, colorectal, full). [ indecipherable ] [ unreadable ] 3. Using multivariable models, to ascertain the direct, mediated or moderated effect of both the neighborhood environment", "butter_fingers": " [ungeadable] 2. After adjustmekt for pertinent cancer risk ractors, go determine the potential dmrecr efftbts of the neighborhoud envirojmental dacties on incivsnt cangzr oufgomes (ureast, colorectsl, total). [utreadable] [unreddxbpe] 3. Using multivariable models, to afcertaim hhe direct, medyatec or joderated effects of both the neiggborhoov environment", "random_deletion": "[unreadable] 2. After adjustment for pertinent cancer to the potential effects of the cancer (breast, colorectal, total). [unreadable] 3. Using models, to ascertain the direct, mediated moderated effects of both the neighborhood environment", "change_char_case": " [unreadable] 2. After adjustment For pertineNt canCer RisK fActoRs, to Determine the poTEntiAl direct effects of the neIghboRhOOd enVIrOnmenTal factORs ON IncIdEnT caNcER oUtcomEs (bReast, coLorectal, toTal). [UnReadable] [unreADaBle] 3. Using muLtiVariable modeLs, tO ascerTaIn tHE direCt, mEdiatEd or moDErated Effects of BoTH the neIGhborhoOD EnViroNment", "whitespace_perturbation": " [unreadable] 2. After adj ustment fo r per tin ent c ance r ri sk factors, to dete rmine the potential di rectef f ects of theneighbo r ho o d en vi ro nme nt a lfacto rson inci dent cance r o ut comes (breas t ,colorectal , t otal). [unre ada ble] [ un rea d able] 3. Usin g mult i variab le models ,t o asce r tain th e di rect , mediated or mod e ra t ed effects ofboth t he ne i g hbo rho od environ me nt", "underscore_trick": " [unreadable]_2. After_adjustment for pertinent cancer_risk factors,_to_determine the_potential_direct effects of_the neighborhood environmental_factors on incident cancer_outcomes (breast, colorectal,_total)._[unreadable] [unreadable] 3. Using multivariable models, to ascertain the direct, mediated or moderated effects_of_both the_neighborhood_environment"} +{"text": " shown to be rich in cytokines such as IL10, IL13, and TGF2, which promote Treg induction or amplification of their suppressive function. Some of the cytokines elaborated by Tregs may serve as survival factors for transformed B cells. Finally, as lymphoma cells constitutively express MHC class II antigens, they are capable", "synonym_substitution": "shown to be rich in cytokines such as IL10, IL13, and TGF2, which promote Treg evocation or amplification of their suppressive affair. Some of the cytokines elaborated by Tregs may serve as survival component for transformed B cell. last, as lymphoma cells constitutively carry MHC class II antigens, they are able", "butter_fingers": " shlwn to be rich in cytokikes such as IL10, IL13, and TJF2, whicg promotd Treg induction or amplificetiob of ukeir suppressive funztion. Somv of the xytojunes elaboczted by Tregs lay vxrve as survivak factors xor transformeg C eells. Finally, as lymphoma cells conseitutivrlj express MHC slasx II zntigens, they are capable", "random_deletion": "shown to be rich in cytokines such IL13, TGF2, which Treg induction or Some the cytokines elaborated Tregs may serve survival factors for transformed B cells. as lymphoma cells constitutively express MHC class II antigens, they are capable", "change_char_case": " shown to be rich in cytokines sUch as IL10, IL13, aNd TGF2, WhiCh pRoMote treg Induction or ampLIficAtion of their suppressivE funcTiON. SomE Of The cyTokines ELaBORatEd By treGs MAy Serve As sUrvival Factors for TraNsFormed B cells. fInAlly, as lympHomA cells constiTutIvely eXpResS mHC clAss iI antIgens, tHEy are cApable", "whitespace_perturbation": " shown to be rich in cytok ines suchas IL 10, IL 13 , an d TG F2, which prom o te T reg induction or ampli ficat io n oft he ir su ppressi v ef u nct io n. So me of thecyt okineselaborated by T regs may ser v eas surviva l f actors for t ran sforme dB c e lls.Fin ally, as ly m phomacells con st i tutive l y expre s s M HC c lass II antigens, th e y are capable", "underscore_trick": " shown_to be_rich in cytokines such_as IL10,_IL13,_and TGF2,_which_promote Treg induction_or amplification of_their suppressive function. Some_of the cytokines_elaborated_by Tregs may serve as survival factors for transformed B cells. Finally, as lymphoma_cells_constitutively express_MHC_class_II antigens, they are capable"} +{"text": " and presenilin comprise one of just three superfamilies of intramembrane proteases. The details of regulated intramembrane proteolysis, from cell biological signaling to active site chemistry, are of both fundamental biochemical importance and potential therapeutic application. How substrates are presented and hydrolyzed within the confines of the hydrophobic space of the", "synonym_substitution": "and presenilin comprise one of just three superfamilies of intramembrane proteases. The detail of determine intramembrane proteolysis, from cell biological signaling to active site chemistry, are of both cardinal biochemical importance and potential therapeutic application. How substrate are presented and hydrolyzed within the confines of the hydrophobic outer space of the", "butter_fingers": " anf presenilin comprise ont of just three sopwrfaminies or intramdmbrane proteases. The detaild if retulated intramembrane oroteolysps, from cwll uiological signaling to active dite rhemistry, are on both funddmental biochekizap importance and potential therapeueic appkifation. How subftraues are irtsented and hydrolyzed within the confints of the hydrophonic space of the", "random_deletion": "and presenilin comprise one of just three intramembrane The details regulated intramembrane proteolysis, active chemistry, are of fundamental biochemical importance potential therapeutic application. How substrates are and hydrolyzed within the confines of the hydrophobic space of the", "change_char_case": " and presenilin comprise one oF just three SuperFamIliEs Of inTramEmbrane proteasES. The Details of regulated intrAmembRaNE proTEoLysis, From celL BiOLOgiCaL sIgnAlINg To actIve Site cheMistry, are oF boTh Fundamental bIOcHemical impOrtAnce and potenTiaL theraPeUtiC AppliCatIon. HoW substRAtes arE presenteD aND hydroLYzed witHIN tHe coNfines of the hydropHObIC space of the", "whitespace_perturbation": " and presenilin comprise o ne of just thre e s upe rf amil iesof intramembra n e pr oteases. The details o f reg ul a tedi nt ramem brane p r ot e o lys is ,fro mc el l bio log ical si gnaling to ac ti ve site chem i st ry, are of bo th fundament albioche mi cal impor tan ce an d pote n tial t herapeuti ca pplica t ion. Ho w su bstr ates are presente d a n d hydrolyzed w ithinth e c o n fin esof the hyd ro phobi c spaceo ft h e ", "underscore_trick": " and_presenilin comprise_one of just three_superfamilies of_intramembrane_proteases. The_details_of regulated intramembrane_proteolysis, from cell_biological signaling to active_site chemistry, are_of_both fundamental biochemical importance and potential therapeutic application. How substrates are presented and hydrolyzed_within_the confines_of_the_hydrophobic space of the"} +{"text": " of vertebrate embryos and give rise to a diverse range of cell types, including most of the peripheral nervous system, melanocytes and the craniofacial skeleton. It has been classically assumed that the neutral crest is a segregated population in the early ectoderm, lying between the neutral plate and presumptive epidermis. However, our", "synonym_substitution": "of vertebrate embryos and give rise to a diverse compass of cellular telephone types, including most of the peripheral skittish organization, melanocytes and the craniofacial skeleton. It has been classically assumed that the impersonal crest is a segregated population in the early ectoderm, lying between the impersonal plate and presumptive epidermis. However, our", "butter_fingers": " of vertebrate embryos and nive rise to a dncerse cange or cell thpes, including most of the pxripyeral nervous system, melanozytes and the crabiofecial skeleton. Iv has becu claadicanoy assumed thaj the neutran crest is a sagfeyated population in the early ectodewm, lyinb hetween the neotral [lats and presumptive epidermis. Howeved, our", "random_deletion": "of vertebrate embryos and give rise to range cell types, most of the the skeleton. It has classically assumed that neutral crest is a segregated population the early ectoderm, lying between the neutral plate and presumptive epidermis. However, our", "change_char_case": " of vertebrate embryos and givE rise to a diVerse RanGe oF cEll tYpes, Including most oF The pEripheral nervous system, MelanOcYTes aND tHe craNiofaciAL sKELetOn. it Has BeEN cLassiCalLy assumEd that the nEutRaL crest is a segREgAted populaTioN in the early eCtoDerm, lyInG beTWeen tHe nEutraL plate ANd presUmptive epIdERmis. HoWEver, our", "whitespace_perturbation": " of vertebrate embryos and give rise to a di ver se ran ge o f cell types,i nclu ding most of the perip heral n e rvou s s ystem , melan o cy t e s a nd t hecr a ni ofaci alskeleto n. It hasbee nclassicallya ss umed thatthe neutral cre stis a s eg reg a ted p opu latio n in t h e earl y ectoder m, lyingb etweent h eneut ral plate and pre s um p tive epidermis . Howe ve r ,o u r", "underscore_trick": " of_vertebrate embryos_and give rise to_a diverse_range_of cell_types,_including most of_the peripheral nervous_system, melanocytes and the_craniofacial skeleton. It_has_been classically assumed that the neutral crest is a segregated population in the early_ectoderm,_lying between_the_neutral_plate and presumptive epidermis. However,_our"} +{"text": " and bone marrow of subjects with sickle cell anemia. We hypothesize that therapeutic interventions that interrupt adhesive interactions between sickle erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and vascular endothelium will lessen the vaso occlusion, hemoglobin desaturations, and release of mediators of vascular damage induced by intermittent hypoxia. While sickle cell anemia (SCA", "synonym_substitution": "and bone marrow of subjects with sickle cell anemia. We hypothesize that curative interposition that interrupt adhesive interactions between sickle erythrocytes, leukocyte, platelets and vascular endothelium will decrease the vaso occlusion, hemoglobin desaturations, and acquittance of mediators of vascular damage induce by intermittent hypoxia. While sickle cell anemia (SCA", "butter_fingers": " anf bone marrow of subjectr with sickle cglo anemma. We hgpothesixe that therapeutic intervenvionw thau interrupt adhesivd interacnions betqeen wickle eryvgrocytes, leukkgytes, 'latelets and vsscular engothelium will ldsden the vaso occlusion, hemoglobin dqsaturayilns, and releasg of kqdiafors of vascular damage induced by intermpttent hypoxia. Whole sickle cell anemia (SCA", "random_deletion": "and bone marrow of subjects with sickle We that therapeutic that interrupt adhesive platelets vascular endothelium will the vaso occlusion, desaturations, and release of mediators of damage induced by intermittent hypoxia. While sickle cell anemia (SCA", "change_char_case": " and bone marrow of subjects wiTh sickle ceLl aneMia. we hYpOtheSize That therapeutiC InteRventions that interrupt AdhesIvE InteRAcTions Between SIcKLE erYtHrOcyTeS, LeUkocyTes, PlateleTs and vascuLar EnDothelium wilL LeSsen the vasO ocClusion, hemogLobIn desaTuRatIOns, anD reLease Of mediATors of Vascular dAmAGe induCEd by intERMiTtenT hypoxia. While sickLE cELl anemia (SCA", "whitespace_perturbation": " and bone marrow of subjec ts with si cklecel l a ne mia. Wehypothesize th a t th erapeutic intervention s tha ti nter r up t adh esive i n te r a cti on sbet we e nsickl e e rythroc ytes, leuk ocy te s, platelets an d vascular en dothelium wi lllessen t hev aso o ccl usion , hemo g lobindesaturat io n s, and release o fmedi ators of vascular da m age induced by inter mi t te n t hy pox ia. Whilesi cklec ell ane m ia ( S CA", "underscore_trick": " and_bone marrow_of subjects with sickle_cell anemia._We_hypothesize that_therapeutic_interventions that interrupt_adhesive interactions between_sickle erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets_and vascular endothelium_will_lessen the vaso occlusion, hemoglobin desaturations, and release of mediators of vascular damage induced_by_intermittent hypoxia._While_sickle_cell anemia (SCA"} +{"text": " the female menstrual cycle. Based on this hypohesis, two predictions regarding IC will be investigated: first, that IC is associated with a generalized increase in pain sensitivity, which includes enhanced response to somatic as well as visceral stimuli; and second, that both clinical symptoms and responses to experimentally-evoked pain will be influenced", "synonym_substitution": "the female menstrual cycle. Based on this hypohesis, two predictions regarding intelligence community will be investigate: first, that IC is associated with a generalized addition in pain sensitivity, which admit enhanced response to somatic equally well as intuitive stimuli; and second, that both clinical symptoms and responses to experimentally - evoked pain will be charm", "butter_fingers": " thf female menstrual cycle. Based on this ktpohesms, two lredictiuns regarding IC will be invxstitated: first, that IC is assoziated winh a geneealieed increase in pejn senslcivitg, whieh includes enhakced responve to somatic ds wzll as visceral stimuli; and second, trat botn flinical symptjms sgd rssponses to experimentally-evoked pzin wiln be influencrd", "random_deletion": "the female menstrual cycle. Based on this predictions IC will investigated: first, that generalized in pain sensitivity, includes enhanced response somatic as well as visceral stimuli; second, that both clinical symptoms and responses to experimentally-evoked pain will be influenced", "change_char_case": " the female menstrual cycle. BaSed on this hYpoheSis, Two PrEdicTionS regarding IC wiLL be iNvestigated: first, that IC Is assOcIAted WItH a genEralizeD InCREasE iN pAin SeNSiTivitY, whIch inclUdes enhancEd rEsPonse to somatIC aS well as visCerAl stimuli; and SecOnd, thaT bOth CLinicAl sYmptoMs and rESponseS to experiMeNTally-eVOked paiN WIlL be iNfluenced", "whitespace_perturbation": " the female menstrual cycl e. Based o n thi s h ypo he sis, two predictions r e gard ing IC will be investi gated :f irst , t hat I C is as s oc i a ted w it h a g e ne raliz edincreas e in painsen si tivity, whic h i ncludes en han ced response to somat ic as wellasvisce ral st i muli;and secon d, that b o th clin i c al sym ptoms and respons e st o experimental ly-evo ke d p a i n w ill be influe nc ed", "underscore_trick": " the_female menstrual_cycle. Based on this_hypohesis, two_predictions_regarding IC_will_be investigated: first,_that IC is_associated with a generalized_increase in pain_sensitivity,_which includes enhanced response to somatic as well as visceral stimuli; and second, that_both_clinical symptoms_and_responses_to experimentally-evoked pain will be_influenced"} +{"text": " and prognosis as well as providing novel targets for therapeutic discovery and treatment of esophageal adenocarcinoma. The p53 tumor suppressor is central to human DNA repair, damage checkpoints and many aspects of human biology. Importantly, most cancers are altered for p53 function. Although the guardian of the genome p53, much about its function and", "synonym_substitution": "and prognosis as well as providing novel targets for curative discovery and discussion of esophageal adenocarcinoma. The p53 tumor suppressor is cardinal to human DNA repair, damage checkpoints and many aspect of human biology. Importantly, most cancers are interpolate for p53 routine. Although the guardian of the genome p53, a lot about its affair and", "butter_fingers": " anf prognosis as well as pvoviding novel tcegets hor thedapeutic discovery and treatment of xsopyageao adenocarcinoma. The p53 tumor suipressor us ctntral to human DIZ repaiv, damzne chzcjpoints and maky aspects mf human biolocy. Ilportantly, most cancers are altered for p53 gujction. Althougr tht gtardjan of the genome p53, much about its functimn and", "random_deletion": "and prognosis as well as providing novel therapeutic and treatment esophageal adenocarcinoma. The to DNA repair, damage and many aspects human biology. Importantly, most cancers are for p53 function. Although the guardian of the genome p53, much about its and", "change_char_case": " and prognosis as well as proviDing novel tArgetS foR thErApeuTic dIscovery and treATmenT of esophageal adenocarcInoma. thE P53 tumOR sUppreSsor is cENtRAL to HuMaN DNa rEPaIr, damAge CheckpoInts and manY asPeCts of human biOLoGy. ImportanTly, Most cancers aRe aLtered FoR p53 fUNctioN. AlThougH the guARdian oF the genomE p53, MUch aboUT its funCTIoN and", "whitespace_perturbation": " and prognosis as well asprovidingnovel ta rge ts for the rapeutic disco v eryand treatment of esoph ageal a d enoc a rc inoma . The p 5 3t u mor s up pre ss o ris ce ntr al to h uman DNA r epa ir , damage che c kp oints andman y aspects of hu man bi ol ogy . Impo rta ntly, mostc ancers are alte re d for p 5 3 funct i o n. Alt hough the guardia n o f the genome p5 3, muc ha bo u t it s f unction an d", "underscore_trick": " and_prognosis as_well as providing novel_targets for_therapeutic_discovery and_treatment_of esophageal adenocarcinoma._The p53 tumor_suppressor is central to_human DNA repair,_damage_checkpoints and many aspects of human biology. Importantly, most cancers are altered for p53_function._Although the_guardian_of_the genome p53, much about_its function and"} +{"text": " interconversion enzymes will be purified to see whether they occur in an enzyme aggregate. The intracellular localization of these enzymes will be determined. Mutants with alterations in the function or regulation of proteases will be isolated and characterized both with respect to genetics and biochemistry. The consequences to the cell of such alterations in protease function will be", "synonym_substitution": "interconversion enzymes will be purified to see whether they occur in an enzyme sum. The intracellular localization of function of these enzyme will be determined. Mutants with alterations in the routine or regulation of proteases will be isolate and characterize both with respect to genetics and biochemistry. The consequence to the cell of such alterations in protease routine will be", "butter_fingers": " inherconversion enzymes wiul be purified jo see wiether fhey occjr in an enzyme aggregate. Thx inrraceolular localization of these endymes wilo be eetermined. Mutants with zpterctmons in the fungtion or reculation of prmtdades will be isolated and characterised botn aith respect tj gemqtica and biochemistry. The consequencea to tht cell of such altrrations in protease functlon aill be", "random_deletion": "interconversion enzymes will be purified to see occur an enzyme The intracellular localization determined. with alterations in function or regulation proteases will be isolated and characterized with respect to genetics and biochemistry. The consequences to the cell of such in protease function will be", "change_char_case": " interconversion enzymes wilL be purifieD to seE whEthEr They OccuR in an enzyme aggREgatE. The intracellular localIzatiOn OF theSE eNzymeS will be DEtERMinEd. muTanTs WItH alteRatIons in tHe function Or rEgUlation of proTEaSes will be iSolAted and charaCteRized bOtH wiTH respEct To genEtics aND biochEmistry. ThE cONsequeNCes to thE CElL of sUch alterations in pROtEAse function wilL be", "whitespace_perturbation": " interconversion enzymes w ill be pur ified to se ewhet herthey occur ina n en zyme aggregate. The in trace ll u larl oc aliza tion of th e s e e nz ym eswi l lbe de ter mined.Mutants wi thal terations in th e function or regulationofprotea se s w i ll be is olate d andc haract erized bo th with r e spect t o ge neti cs and biochemist r y. The consequenc es toth e c e l l o f s uch altera ti ons i n protea s ef u n cti o n will be", "underscore_trick": " interconversion_enzymes will_be purified to see_whether they_occur_in an_enzyme_aggregate. The intracellular_localization of these_enzymes will be determined._Mutants with alterations_in_the function or regulation of proteases will be isolated and characterized both with respect_to_genetics and_biochemistry._The_consequences to the cell of_such alterations in protease function_will be"} +{"text": " of proteins, polypeptides and lipoproteins across cells and basement membranes. The studies will be done on isolated segments of renal tubules employing in vitro and in situ microperfusion methods and electron microscopy. Functional, quantitative data on the absorption and transport of various macromolecular substances will be directly correlated with fine structural changes at the", "synonym_substitution": "of proteins, polypeptides and lipoproteins across cells and basement membrane. The cogitation will be done on sequester segment of renal tubules hire in vitro and in situ microperfusion method acting and electron microscopy. Functional, quantitative datum on the concentration and transport of versatile macromolecular substances will be directly correlate with all right structural changes at the", "butter_fingers": " of proteins, polypeptides akd lipoproteins cxross rells ahd basemdnt membranes. The studies wipl be dine on isolated segmengs of renwl tubulws enploying in vitro akb in altu mnccoperfusion metmods and elactron microscmph. Yunctional, quantitative data on the wbsorptooj and transporj of nawioua macromolecular substances will bs direculy correlated witn fine structural changes wt tje", "random_deletion": "of proteins, polypeptides and lipoproteins across cells membranes. studies will done on isolated in and in situ methods and electron Functional, quantitative data on the absorption transport of various macromolecular substances will be directly correlated with fine structural changes the", "change_char_case": " of proteins, polypeptides and LipoproteiNs acrOss CelLs And bAsemEnt membranes. ThE StudIes will be done on isolateD segmEnTS of rENaL tubuLes emplOYiNG In vItRo And In SItU micrOpeRfusion Methods and EleCtRon microscopY. fuNctional, quAntItative data oN thE absorPtIon ANd traNspOrt of VariouS MacromOlecular sUbSTances WIll be diRECtLy coRrelated with fine sTRuCTural changes at The", "whitespace_perturbation": " of proteins, polypeptides and lipop rotei nsacr os s ce llsand basement m e mbra nes. The studies willbe do ne on i s ol atedsegment s o f ren al t ubu le s e mploy ing in vit ro and insit umicroperfusi o nmethods an d e lectron micr osc opy. F un cti o nal,qua ntita tive d a ta onthe absor pt i on and transpo r t o f va rious macromolecu l ar substances wil l be d ir e ct l y co rre lated with f ine s t ructura l c h a n ges at the", "underscore_trick": " of_proteins, polypeptides_and lipoproteins across cells_and basement_membranes._The studies_will_be done on_isolated segments of_renal tubules employing in_vitro and in_situ_microperfusion methods and electron microscopy. Functional, quantitative data on the absorption and transport of_various_macromolecular substances_will_be_directly correlated with fine structural_changes at the"} +{"text": " heart morphometry, microscopic analysis of capillary density, fibrosis and apoptosis and determination of tissue ATP levels. Transgenic overexpression is a valuable tool to analyze the tissue function of PR-M. We believe that enhanced ATP production secondary to PR-M expression will diminish cardiac hypertrophy secondary to volume and pressure overload in the study models.", "synonym_substitution": "heart morphometry, microscopic analysis of capillary density, fibrosis and apoptosis and determination of tissue ATP degree. Transgenic overexpression is a valuable cock to analyze the tissue function of PR - M. We believe that enhanced ATP output secondary to PR - M expression will decrease cardiac hypertrophy secondary to volume and pressure overload in the survey models.", "butter_fingers": " hewrt morphometry, microscokic analysis of ccpillarb densify, fibroris and apoptosis and determmnatuon od tissue ATP levels. Trxnsgenic lverexprwssiib is a valnzble tool to zkalyzz vhe tissue funcjion of PR-M. Fe believe thad dnkanced ATP production secondary to PW-M exprrsdion will dimigish sardjac hypertrophy secondary to volums and pgessure overload on the study models.", "random_deletion": "heart morphometry, microscopic analysis of capillary density, apoptosis determination of ATP levels. Transgenic to the tissue function PR-M. We believe enhanced ATP production secondary to PR-M will diminish cardiac hypertrophy secondary to volume and pressure overload in the study", "change_char_case": " heart morphometry, microscopIc analysis Of capIllAry DeNsitY, fibRosis and apoptoSIs anD determination of tissue aTP leVeLS. TraNSgEnic oVerexprESsION is A vAlUabLe TOoL to anAlyZe the tiSsue functiOn oF Pr-M. We believe tHAt Enhanced ATp prOduction secoNdaRy to PR-m eXprESsion WilL dimiNish caRDiac hyPertrophy SeCOndary TO volume AND pRessUre overload in the sTUdY Models.", "whitespace_perturbation": " heart morphometry, micros copic anal ysisofcap il lary den sity, fibrosis andapoptosis and determin ation o f tis s ue ATPlevels. Tr a n sge ni cove re x pr essio n i s a val uable tool to a nalyze the t i ss ue functio n o f PR-M. We b eli eve th at en h anced AT P pro ductio n secon dary to P R- M expre s sion wi l l d imin ish cardiac hyper t ro p hy secondary t o volu me an d pre ssu re overloa din th e studym od e l s .", "underscore_trick": " heart_morphometry, microscopic_analysis of capillary density,_fibrosis and_apoptosis_and determination_of_tissue ATP levels._Transgenic overexpression is_a valuable tool to_analyze the tissue_function_of PR-M. We believe that enhanced ATP production secondary to PR-M expression will diminish_cardiac_hypertrophy secondary_to_volume_and pressure overload in the_study models."} +{"text": " superimposed acute injury. This Project is critically linked to Project 1, as studies in chronic AB-enrichment in the CMSstrongly support deleterious and maladaptive roles for RAGE in neuronal stress. As antagonism of RAGE nears clinical trials in Alzheimer's Disease and diabetes, it is imperative to dissect", "synonym_substitution": "superimposed acute injury. This Project is critically linked to Project 1, as report in chronic AB - enrichment in the CMSstrongly documentation deleterious and maladaptive roles for RAGE in neuronal tension. As antagonism of RAGE nears clinical trials in Alzheimer's Disease and diabetes, it is imperative to analyze", "butter_fingers": " suoerimposed acute injury. Uhis Project is ctiricallb linkes to Progect 1, as studies in chronic EB-eneichmtut in the CMSstronglh support deleteruous qnd malada'five roles fod RAGZ mn neuronal strgss. As antagmnism of RAGE texrd clinical trials in Alzheimer's Disqase anc fiabetes, it is imptraeive no dissect", "random_deletion": "superimposed acute injury. This Project is critically Project as studies chronic AB-enrichment in maladaptive for RAGE in stress. As antagonism RAGE nears clinical trials in Alzheimer's and diabetes, it is imperative to dissect", "change_char_case": " superimposed acute injury. ThIs Project iS critIcaLly LiNked To PrOject 1, as studies IN chrOnic AB-enrichment in the CmSstrOnGLy suPPoRt delEteriouS AnD MAlaDaPtIve RoLEs For RAgE iN neuronAl stress. As AntAgOnism of RAGE nEArS clinical tRiaLs in AlzheimeR's DIsease AnD diABetes, It iS impeRative TO disseCt", "whitespace_perturbation": " superimposed acute injury . This Pro jectiscri ti call y li nked to Projec t 1,as studies in chronicAB-en ri c hmen t i n the CMSstr o ng l y su pp or t d el e te rious an d malad aptive rol esfo r RAGE in ne u ro nal stress . A s antagonism of RAGEne ars clini cal tria ls inA lzheim er's Dise as e and d i abetes, i tis i mperative to diss e ct ", "underscore_trick": " superimposed_acute injury._This Project is critically_linked to_Project_1, as_studies_in chronic AB-enrichment_in the CMSstrongly_support deleterious and maladaptive_roles for RAGE_in_neuronal stress. As antagonism of RAGE nears clinical trials in Alzheimer's Disease and diabetes,_it_is imperative_to_dissect"} +{"text": " regulate the membrane potential of glia and 4) the characteristics of ion transport systems in glia. We plan to develop a cell culture facility in support of these specific projects. The purpose of this facility will be two-fold; first, to provide each investigator with preparations of cultured cells that are standardized within the current limits", "synonym_substitution": "regulate the membrane potential of glia and 4) the characteristics of ion ecstasy system in glia. We design to develop a cellular telephone culture facility in accompaniment of these specific project. The purpose of this adeptness will be two - fold; foremost, to provide each investigator with readiness of cultured cells that are standardized within the current limit", "butter_fingers": " rehulate the membrane potektial of glia anb 4) the rharactsristics of ion transport systems in goia. Wt plan to develop a cell culnure facioity un support of thesc spedlfic 'rijects. The purkose of this facility will bd cwo-fold; first, to provide each investygator eihh preparationf of sulthgeb cells that are standardized wjthin tie current limiys", "random_deletion": "regulate the membrane potential of glia and characteristics ion transport in glia. We culture in support of specific projects. The of this facility will be two-fold; to provide each investigator with preparations of cultured cells that are standardized within current limits", "change_char_case": " regulate the membrane potentIal of glia aNd 4) the ChaRacTeRistIcs oF ion transport sYStemS in glia. We plan to develop A cell CuLTure FAcIlity In suppoRT oF THesE sPeCifIc PRoJects. the Purpose Of this faciLitY wIll be two-fold; FIrSt, to providE eaCh investigatOr wIth prePaRatIOns of CulTured Cells tHAt are sTandardizEd WIthin tHE currenT LImIts", "whitespace_perturbation": " regulate the membrane pot ential ofgliaand 4) t he c hara cteristics ofi on t ransport systems in gl ia. W ep lant odevel op a ce l lc u ltu re f aci li t yin su ppo rt of t hese speci fic p rojects. The pu rpose of t his facility wi llbe two -f old ; firs t,to pr ovidee ach in vestigato rw ith pr e paratio n s o f cu ltured cells that ar e standardizedwithin t h ec u rre ntlimits", "underscore_trick": " regulate_the membrane_potential of glia and_4) the_characteristics_of ion_transport_systems in glia._We plan to_develop a cell culture_facility in support_of_these specific projects. The purpose of this facility will be two-fold; first, to provide_each_investigator with_preparations_of_cultured cells that are standardized_within the current limits"} +{"text": "ates for certain glycosyltransferases have already been accomplished in our laboratory. A number of these synthetic substrates have proven to be very useful and valuable acceptors for glycosyltransferases from sources other than human. Our main strategy for the characterization of the product resulting from the reaction of a glycosyltransferase and its acceptor involves", "synonym_substitution": "ates for certain glycosyltransferases have already been accomplished in our laboratory. A numeral of these man-made substrates have proven to be very useful and valuable acceptor for glycosyltransferases from sources other than human. Our independent scheme for the characterization of the product resulting from the reaction of a glycosyltransferase and its acceptor involves", "butter_fingers": "ated for certain glycosyltrxnsferases have alreadb been zccomplirhed in our laboratory. A numuer if thtfe synthetic substfates havv proven ro bt very useful and valuablc accsitors hor glycosyltraksferases fsom sources otvef chan human. Our main strategy for the characyegization of thg proctct dvsmlting from the reaction of a glgcosyltgansferase and itx acceptor involves", "random_deletion": "ates for certain glycosyltransferases have already been our A number these synthetic substrates useful valuable acceptors for from sources other human. Our main strategy for the of the product resulting from the reaction of a glycosyltransferase and its acceptor", "change_char_case": "ates for certain glycosyltraNsferases hAve alReaDy bEeN accOmplIshed in our laboRAtorY. A number of these synthetIc subStRAtes HAvE provEn to be vERy USEfuL aNd ValUaBLe AccepTorS for glyCosyltransFerAsEs from sourceS OtHer than humAn. OUr main strateGy fOr the cHaRacTErizaTioN of thE produCT resulTing from tHe REactioN Of a glycOSYlTranSferase and its accePToR Involves", "whitespace_perturbation": "ates for certain glycosylt ransferase s hav e a lre ad y be en a ccomplished in ourlaboratory. A number o f the se synt h et ic su bstrate s h a v e p ro ve n t ob everyuse ful and valuableacc ep tors for gly c os yltransfer ase s from sourc esotherth anh uman. Ou r mai n stra t egy fo r the cha ra c teriza t ion oft h eprod uct resulting fro m t h e reaction ofa glyc os y lt r a nsf era se and its a ccept o r invol v es ", "underscore_trick": "ates for_certain glycosyltransferases_have already been accomplished_in our_laboratory._A number_of_these synthetic substrates_have proven to_be very useful and_valuable acceptors for_glycosyltransferases_from sources other than human. Our main strategy for the characterization of the product_resulting_from the_reaction_of_a glycosyltransferase and its acceptor_involves"} +{"text": "-invasive disease monitoring, stem cell therapies, cell transplantation, tumor growth, in vivo gene expression analysis, immune cell tracking, and neurogenesis, and remains a critical element of our research program. The Perkin/Elmer IVIS Spectrum In Vivo Imaging System is a top-level research instrument that combines cutting edge", "synonym_substitution": "-invasive disease monitoring, stem cell therapies, cell transplant, tumor increase, in vivo gene expression analysis, immune cell trailing, and neurogenesis, and remains a critical element of our research plan. The Perkin / Elmer IVIS Spectrum In Vivo Imaging System is a top - level research legal document that combines cutting boundary", "butter_fingers": "-invwsive disease monitoring, stem cell thercpies, cxll trahsplantagion, tumor growth, in vivo geie ezpreswion analysis, immune cdll trackpng, and nwurojenesis, and remamhs a crlcical clemeut of our researgh program. Dhe Perkin/Elmes KVNS Spectrum In Vivo Imaging System if a top-kegel research igstrlmqnt fhat combines cutting edge", "random_deletion": "-invasive disease monitoring, stem cell therapies, cell growth, vivo gene analysis, immune cell a element of our program. The Perkin/Elmer Spectrum In Vivo Imaging System is top-level research instrument that combines cutting edge", "change_char_case": "-invasive disease monitoring, Stem cell thErapiEs, cEll TrAnspLantAtion, tumor growTH, in vIvo gene expression analySis, imMuNE celL TrAckinG, and neuROgENEsiS, aNd RemAiNS a CritiCal Element Of our reseaRch PrOgram. The PerkIN/ELmer IVIS SpEctRum In Vivo ImaGinG SysteM iS a tOP-leveL reSearcH instrUMent thAt combineS cUTting eDGe", "whitespace_perturbation": "-invasive disease monitori ng, stem c ell t her api es , ce ll t ransplantation , tum or growth, in vivo gen e exp re s sion an alysi s, immu n ec e lltr ac kin g, an d neu rog enesis, and remai nsacritical ele m en t of our r ese arch program . T he Per ki n/E l mer I VIS Spec trum I n VivoImaging S ys t em isa top-le v e lrese arch instrument t h at combines cutti ng edg e", "underscore_trick": "-invasive disease_monitoring, stem_cell therapies, cell transplantation,_tumor growth,_in_vivo gene_expression_analysis, immune cell_tracking, and neurogenesis,_and remains a critical_element of our_research_program. The Perkin/Elmer IVIS Spectrum In Vivo Imaging System is a top-level research instrument_that_combines cutting_edge"} +{"text": " into mechanisms and signaling pathways involved in the malignant transformation of cells. The goals are to advance basic understanding of cancer pathogenesis and to translate basic science discoveries into the clinical arena to improve the outcome of patients with cancer. The Program encompasses three major thematic groups: 1) Mechanisms and Pathways of Oncogenesis;2", "synonym_substitution": "into mechanisms and signaling pathways involved in the malignant transformation of cell. The goal are to advance basic understanding of cancer pathogenesis and to translate basic skill discoveries into the clinical arena to improve the result of patients with cancer. The Program encompasses three major thematic group: 1) Mechanisms and Pathways of Oncogenesis;2", "butter_fingers": " inho mechanisms and signallng pathways involved ii the mzlignant transformation of cells. The gials qre to advance basic uvderstandpng of cabcer pathogenesma and to tranapate uasic science dlscoveries hnto the cliniwau crena to improve the outcome of patiqnts wiyh cancer. The Prjgrak enckmpasses three major thematic grouls: 1) Mecianisms and Patnways of Oncogenesis;2", "random_deletion": "into mechanisms and signaling pathways involved in transformation cells. The are to advance and translate basic science into the clinical to improve the outcome of patients cancer. The Program encompasses three major thematic groups: 1) Mechanisms and Pathways of", "change_char_case": " into mechanisms and signalinG pathways iNvolvEd iN thE mAligNant Transformation OF celLs. The goals are to advance Basic UnDErstANdIng of Cancer pAThOGEneSiS aNd tO tRAnSlate BasIc scienCe discoverIes InTo the clinicaL ArEna to improVe tHe outcome of pAtiEnts wiTh CanCEr. The proGram eNcompaSSes thrEe major thEmATic groUPs: 1) MechaNISmS and pathways of OncogenESiS;2", "whitespace_perturbation": " into mechanisms and signa ling pathw ays i nvo lve din t he m alignant trans f orma tion of cells. The goa ls ar et o ad v an ce ba sic und e rs t a ndi ng o f c an c er path oge nesis a nd to tran sla te basic scien c ediscoverie s i nto the clin ica l aren atoi mprov e t he ou tcomeo f pati ents with c a ncer.T he Prog r a menco mpasses three maj o rt hematic groups : 1) M ec h an i s msand Pathwaysof Onco g enesis; 2 ", "underscore_trick": " into_mechanisms and_signaling pathways involved in_the malignant_transformation_of cells._The_goals are to_advance basic understanding_of cancer pathogenesis and_to translate basic_science_discoveries into the clinical arena to improve the outcome of patients with cancer. The_Program_encompasses three_major_thematic_groups: 1) Mechanisms and Pathways_of Oncogenesis;2"} +{"text": " that Gbx2 is required at certain threshold levels for different parts of the brain. Compared to Gbx2 relatively little has been reported about Gbx1. We recently described the cloning and embryonic expression pattern of Gbx1 and defined regions of potential molecular redundancy with Gbx2. (Waters et al 2003 Gene", "synonym_substitution": "that Gbx2 is required at certain threshold levels for unlike part of the brain. Compared to Gbx2 relatively short has been report about Gbx1. We recently described the cloning and embryonic expression convention of Gbx1 and define regions of likely molecular redundancy with Gbx2. (body of water et al 2003 Gene", "butter_fingers": " thwt Gbx2 is required at cevtain threshold levels hor difrerent pxrts of the brain. Compared tl Tbx2 rtjatively little har been reiorted abiut Jbx1. We recently vsscribed the dponiug and embryonic expressiot pattern of Gtx1 aud defined regions of potential molesular rrdkndancy with Gfx2. (Wseers vt al 2003 Gene", "random_deletion": "that Gbx2 is required at certain threshold different of the Compared to Gbx2 about We recently described cloning and embryonic pattern of Gbx1 and defined regions potential molecular redundancy with Gbx2. (Waters et al 2003 Gene", "change_char_case": " that Gbx2 is required at certaiN threshold LevelS foR diFfErenT parTs of the brain. CoMPareD to Gbx2 relatively little Has beEn REporTEd About gbx1. We reCEnTLY deScRiBed ThE ClOning And EmbryonIc expressiOn pAtTern of Gbx1 and DEfIned regionS of Potential molEcuLar redUnDanCY with gbx2. (waterS et al 2003 GENe", "whitespace_perturbation": " that Gbx2 is required atcertain th resho ldlev el s fo r di fferent partso f th e brain. Compared to G bx2 r el a tive l ylittl e has b e en r epo rt ed ab ou t G bx1.Werecentl y describe d t he cloning and em bryonic ex pre ssion patter n o f Gbx1 a ndd efine d r egion s of p o tentia l molecul ar redund a ncy wit h Gb x2.(Waters et al 200 3 G e ne", "underscore_trick": " that_Gbx2 is_required at certain threshold_levels for_different_parts of_the_brain. Compared to_Gbx2 relatively little_has been reported about_Gbx1. We recently_described_the cloning and embryonic expression pattern of Gbx1 and defined regions of potential molecular_redundancy_with Gbx2._(Waters_et_al 2003 Gene"} +{"text": " role of pregnancy and parturition in the etiology and prevention of pelvic floor disorders (PFDs). Magee-Womens Hospital (MWH) is the central resource for gynecologic specialty care for the 19 hospital University of Pittsburgh Health System serving a very large aging population. Our site brings expertise in u", "synonym_substitution": "role of pregnancy and parturition in the etiology and prevention of pelvic floor disorders (PFDs). Magee - Womens Hospital (MWH) is the central resource for gynecologic specialization caution for the 19 hospital University of Pittsburgh Health System serving a very large aging population. Our web site brings expertise in u", "butter_fingers": " rope of pregnancy and partmrition in the ejiilogy end prebention uf pelvic floor disorders (PFVs). Mqgee-Wimens Hospital (MWH) is ghe centrwl resouece hor gynecologic specialtn cars for vhe 19 hospital Ukiversity ox Pittsburgh Haautk System serving a very large aging [opulatooj. Our site briggs txpqrtiav ln u", "random_deletion": "role of pregnancy and parturition in the prevention pelvic floor (PFDs). Magee-Womens Hospital for specialty care for 19 hospital University Pittsburgh Health System serving a very aging population. Our site brings expertise in u", "change_char_case": " role of pregnancy and parturiTion in the eTioloGy aNd pReVentIon oF pelvic floor diSOrdeRs (PFDs). Magee-Womens HospiTal (MWh) iS The cENtRal reSource fOR gYNEcoLoGiC spEcIAlTy carE foR the 19 hosPital UniveRsiTy Of Pittsburgh hEaLth System sErvIng a very largE agIng popUlAtiON. Our sIte BringS experTIse in u", "whitespace_perturbation": " role of pregnancy and par turition i n the et iol og y an d pr evention of pe l vicfloor disorders (PFDs) . Mag ee - Wome n sHospi tal (MW H )i s th ece ntr al re sourc e f or gyne cologic sp eci al ty care fort he 19 hospit alUniversity o f P ittsbu rg h H e althSys tem s erving a very large ag in g popul a tion. O u r s itebrings expertisei nu ", "underscore_trick": " role_of pregnancy_and parturition in the_etiology and_prevention_of pelvic_floor_disorders (PFDs). Magee-Womens_Hospital (MWH) is_the central resource for_gynecologic specialty care_for_the 19 hospital University of Pittsburgh Health System serving a very large aging population._Our_site brings_expertise_in_u"} +{"text": "3) provide Core resources to investigators in the center in order to facilitate research design, diagnostic and behavioral assessment, statistical analysis and access to a computer facility, (4) provide Core laboratories to investigators in the Center so that specialized tests and procedures can be carried out in conjunction with clinical and basic science studies, (5)", "synonym_substitution": "3) provide Core resources to investigators in the center in decree to help research design, diagnostic and behavioral appraisal, statistical psychoanalysis and access to a computer facility, (4) supply Core laboratories to investigators in the Center so that specialized trial and procedures can be carried out in junction with clinical and basic science studies, (5 )", "butter_fingers": "3) prlvide Core resources to lnvestigators in the ceiter in order tu facilitate research design, duagnowtic and behavioral asressment, dtatistixal enalysis and accxas to a compufcr faeioity, (4) provide Gore laboradories to invevtkgctors in the Center so that specialised tesys and proceduref cam be darried out in conjunction with cljnical end basic scienve studies, (5)", "random_deletion": "3) provide Core resources to investigators in in to facilitate design, diagnostic and access a computer facility, provide Core laboratories investigators in the Center so that tests and procedures can be carried out in conjunction with clinical and basic studies, (5)", "change_char_case": "3) provide Core resources to invEstigators In the CenTer In OrdeR to fAcilitate reseaRCh deSign, diagnostic and behavIoral AsSEssmENt, StatiStical aNAlYSIs aNd AcCesS tO A cOmputEr fAcility, (4) Provide CorE laBoRatories to inVEsTigators in The center so that SpeCializEd TesTS and pRocEdureS can be CArried Out in conjUnCTion wiTH clinicAL AnD basIc science studies, (5)", "whitespace_perturbation": "3) provide Core resourcesto investi gator s i n t he cen terin order to fa c ilit ate research design, d iagno st i c an d b ehavi oral as s es s m ent ,st ati st i ca l ana lys is andaccess toa c om puter facili t y, (4) provi deCore laborat ori es toin ves t igato rsin th e Cent e r so t hat speci al i zed te s ts andp r oc edur es can be carried ou t in conjunctio n with c l in i c aland basic sci en ce st u dies, ( 5 )", "underscore_trick": "3) provide_Core resources_to investigators in the_center in_order_to facilitate_research_design, diagnostic and_behavioral assessment, statistical_analysis and access to_a computer facility,_(4)_provide Core laboratories to investigators in the Center so that specialized tests and procedures_can_be carried_out_in_conjunction with clinical and basic_science studies, (5)"} +{"text": "ial cells cultured from the ureter, this novel concept has broad implications in the pathophysiology of the urinary tract. The goal of this project is to identify cellular pathways of stretch-induced COX-2 expression and thereby provide several potential targets for drug therapy. Based on titerature reports in other cells, and preliminary data,", "synonym_substitution": "ial cells cultured from the ureter, this novel concept has broad implication in the pathophysiology of the urinary nerve pathway. The goal of this project is to name cellular pathways of reach - induced COX-2 expression and thereby supply several potential target for drug therapy. Based on titerature reports in early cells, and preliminary data,", "butter_fingers": "ial cells cultured from the ureter, this norwl conrept haa broad kmplications in the pathophydiilogy of the urinary tract. Ghe goal lf this projtct is to identifb cellular patgaays if stretch-induged COX-2 expsession and thardbv provide several potential targets sor drub hherapy. Based jn tptqrathge reports in other cells, and pdeliminery data,", "random_deletion": "ial cells cultured from the ureter, this has implications in pathophysiology of the this is to identify pathways of stretch-induced expression and thereby provide several potential for drug therapy. Based on titerature reports in other cells, and preliminary data,", "change_char_case": "ial cells cultured from the urEter, this noVel coNcePt hAs BroaD impLications in the PAthoPhysiology of the urinary Tract. thE Goal OF tHis prOject is TO iDENtiFy CeLluLaR PaThwayS of Stretch-Induced COX-2 ExpReSsion and therEBy Provide sevEraL potential taRgeTs for dRuG thERapy. BAseD on tiTeratuRE reporTs in other CeLLs, and pREliminaRY DaTa,", "whitespace_perturbation": "ial cells cultured from th e ureter,thisnov elco ncep t ha s broad implic a tion s in the pathophysiolo gy of t h e ur i na ry tr act. Th e g o a l o fth ispr o je ct is to identi fy cellula r p at hways of str e tc h-inducedCOX -2 expressio n a nd the re byp rovid e s evera l pote n tial t argets fo rd rug th e rapy. B a s ed ontiterature report s i n other cells,and pr el i mi n a rydat a,", "underscore_trick": "ial cells_cultured from_the ureter, this novel_concept has_broad_implications in_the_pathophysiology of the_urinary tract. The_goal of this project_is to identify_cellular_pathways of stretch-induced COX-2 expression and thereby provide several potential targets for drug therapy._Based_on titerature_reports_in_other cells, and preliminary data,"} +{"text": " with ET none of these treatments has changed the natural history of the MPN. We have established the Myeloproliferative Disorders Research Consortium (MPD-RC) an intemationai group of 24 academic centers in the US and Europe to conduct translational clinical trials in MPN. The goals of this project", "synonym_substitution": "with ET none of these treatments has changed the natural history of the MPN. We have established the Myeloproliferative Disorders Research Consortium (MPD - RC) an intemationai group of 24 academic center in the US and Europe to conduct translational clinical trials in MPN. The goal of this undertaking", "butter_fingers": " wihh ET none of these treauments has changeb the netural gistory uf the MPN. We have establishxd tye Mytjoproliferative Dirorders Rvsearch Cinsoctium (MPD-RC) an iifematiokci grkmp of 24 academic centgrs in the UV and Europe tm zouduct translational clinical trials yn MPN. Yhf goals of thif prptect", "random_deletion": "with ET none of these treatments has natural of the We have established (MPD-RC) intemationai group of academic centers in US and Europe to conduct translational trials in MPN. The goals of this project", "change_char_case": " with ET none of these treatmenTs has changEd the NatUraL hIstoRy of The MPN. We have esTAbliShed the MyeloproliferatIve DiSoRDers rEsEarch consortIUm (mpd-RC) An InTemAtIOnAi groUp oF 24 academIc centers iN thE Us and Europe to COnDuct translAtiOnal clinical TriAls in MpN. the GOals oF thIs proJect", "whitespace_perturbation": " with ET none of these tre atments ha s cha nge d t he nat ural history of th e MPN . We have establishedthe M ye l opro l if erati ve Diso r de r s Re se ar chCo n so rtium (M PD-RC)an intemat ion ai group of 24 ac ademic cen ter s in the USand Europ etoc onduc t t ransl ationa l clini cal trial si n MPN. The goa l s o f th is project", "underscore_trick": " with_ET none_of these treatments has_changed the_natural_history of_the_MPN. We have_established the Myeloproliferative_Disorders Research Consortium (MPD-RC)_an intemationai group_of_24 academic centers in the US and Europe to conduct translational clinical trials in_MPN._The goals_of_this_project"} +{"text": " disease in young hyperlipidemic subjects remains a major unsolved health problem in terms of pethogenesis and treatment. Recent research has made available reference values for diagnosing hyperlipidemia, markers for genetic analysis, and methods for studying lipoprotein metabolism and arteriosclerotic disease progression. With these advances, the opportunity now exists for in", "synonym_substitution": "disease in young hyperlipidemic subjects remains a major unsolved health problem in term of pethogenesis and discussion. Recent research has make available citation values for diagnosing lipemia, markers for genetic analysis, and method for studying lipoprotein metabolism and arteriosclerotic disease progress. With these advances, the opportunity now exist for in", "butter_fingers": " didease in young hyperlipiaemic subjects tenains e major unsolvea health problem in terms of pwthogtuesis and treatment. Fecent redearch hqs mede available rehsrence yclues nor dnajnosing hyperlikidemia, markars for genetiw xnclysis, and methods for studying lipo[rotein mftabolism and wrtegijsclsgouic disease progression. With thess advanbes, the opportuniyy now exists for in", "random_deletion": "disease in young hyperlipidemic subjects remains a health in terms pethogenesis and treatment. reference for diagnosing hyperlipidemia, for genetic analysis, methods for studying lipoprotein metabolism and disease progression. With these advances, the opportunity now exists for in", "change_char_case": " disease in young hyperlipideMic subjectS remaIns A maJoR unsOlveD health problem IN terMs of pethogenesis and treAtmenT. RECent REsEarch Has made AVaILAblE rEfEreNcE VaLues fOr dIagnosiNg hyperlipIdeMiA, markers for gENeTic analysiS, anD methods for sTudYing liPoProTEin meTabOlism And artERiosclErotic disEaSE progrESsion. WiTH ThEse aDvances, the opportuNItY Now exists for in", "whitespace_perturbation": " disease in young hyperlip idemic sub jects re mai ns a m ajor unsolved heal t h pr oblem in terms of peth ogene si s and tr eatme nt. Rec e nt r ese ar ch ha sm ad e ava ila ble ref erence val ues f or diagnosin g h yperlipide mia , markers fo r g enetic a nal y sis,and meth ods fo r study ing lipop ro t ein me t abolism a nd art eriosclerotic dis e as e progression.With t he s ea d van ces , the oppo rt unity now exi s ts f o r i n ", "underscore_trick": " disease_in young_hyperlipidemic subjects remains a_major unsolved_health_problem in_terms_of pethogenesis and_treatment. Recent research_has made available reference_values for diagnosing_hyperlipidemia,_markers for genetic analysis, and methods for studying lipoprotein metabolism and arteriosclerotic disease progression._With_these advances,_the_opportunity_now exists for in"} +{"text": " achieve optimum integration of the auditory and visual signals. Third, we will determine whether or not the presence of hearing loss may affect integration performance for both older and younger adults, and whether the type of speech material interacts with one's ability to integrate. The results may affect several stages of the geriatric audiological rehabilitation plan,", "synonym_substitution": "achieve optimum integration of the auditory and visual signals. Third, we will determine whether or not the bearing of hear loss may affect consolidation performance for both erstwhile and younger adults, and whether the character of actor's line material interact with one's ability to desegregate. The results may affect respective stages of the geriatric audiological rehabilitation design,", "butter_fingers": " acjieve optimum integratiok of the auditori qnd vivual sjgnals. Tfird, we will determine whethxr oe not the presence of hearivg loss mwy affecr inuegration performehce for both kpder end younger adukts, and whather the type ow dpeech material interacts with one's abilitu ho integrate. Tre rtsujts jay affect several stages of the gsriatrib audiological renabilitation plan,", "random_deletion": "achieve optimum integration of the auditory and Third, will determine or not the affect performance for both and younger adults, whether the type of speech material with one's ability to integrate. The results may affect several stages of the audiological rehabilitation plan,", "change_char_case": " achieve optimum integration Of the auditOry anD viSuaL sIgnaLs. ThIrd, we will deterMIne wHether or not the presence Of heaRiNG losS MaY affeCt integRAtION peRfOrManCe FOr Both oLdeR and youNger adults, And WhEther the type OF sPeech materIal Interacts witH onE's abilItY to INtegrAte. the reSults mAY affecT several sTaGEs of thE GeriatrIC AuDiolOgical rehabilitatIOn PLan,", "whitespace_perturbation": " achieve optimum integrati on of theaudit ory an dvisu al s ignals. Third, we w ill determine whetheror no tt he p r es enceof hear i ng l oss m ay af fe c tinteg rat ion per formance f orbo th older and yo unger adul ts, and whether th e type o f s p eechmat erial inter a cts wi th one'sab i lity t o integr a t e. The results may affe c ts everal stagesof the g e ri a t ric au diological r ehabi l itation pl a n , ", "underscore_trick": " achieve_optimum integration_of the auditory and_visual signals._Third,_we will_determine_whether or not_the presence of_hearing loss may affect_integration performance for_both_older and younger adults, and whether the type of speech material interacts with one's_ability_to integrate._The_results_may affect several stages of_the geriatric audiological rehabilitation plan,"} +{"text": " of early events in murine TB, and will be the first to fully characterize lung Mphi apoptosis in vivo and to define it's contribution to the integrated host response to infection. Our model may reflect a mechanism broadly involved in the defense against a variety of other intracellular pathogens (such as Legionella) of immediate relevance to the", "synonym_substitution": "of early events in murine TB, and will be the first to fully characterize lung Mphi apoptosis in vivo and to specify it's contribution to the integrate host response to infection. Our mannequin may reflect a mechanism broadly involved in the defensive structure against a kind of other intracellular pathogen (such as Legionella) of contiguous relevance to the", "butter_fingers": " of early events in murine UB, and will be thg dirst vo fullg characgerize lung Mphi apoptosis ii vico ane to define it's contricution to the intwgraued host response to infegcion. Kmr mobeo may reflect s mechanisk broadly invonvdd in the defense against a variety os other ijtracellular pwthobqns (alcm as Legionella) of immediate relsvance uo the", "random_deletion": "of early events in murine TB, and the to fully lung Mphi apoptosis it's to the integrated response to infection. model may reflect a mechanism broadly in the defense against a variety of other intracellular pathogens (such as Legionella) immediate relevance to the", "change_char_case": " of early events in murine TB, anD will be the First To fUllY cHaraCterIze lung Mphi apoPTosiS in vivo and to define it's cOntriBuTIon tO ThE inteGrated hOSt RESpoNsE tO inFeCTiOn. Our ModEl may reFlect a mechAniSm Broadly involVEd In the defenSe aGainst a varieTy oF other InTraCEllulAr pAthogEns (sucH As LegiOnella) of iMmEDiate rELevance TO ThE", "whitespace_perturbation": " of early events in murine TB, and w ill b e t hefi rstto f ully character i ze l ung Mphi apoptosis invivoan d tod ef ine i t's con t ri b u tio nto th ei nt egrat edhost re sponse toinf ec tion. Our mo d el may refle cta mechanismbro adly i nv olv e d inthe defe nse ag a inst a varietyof otheri ntracel l u la r pa thogens (such asL eg i onella) of imm ediate r e le v a nce to the", "underscore_trick": " of_early events_in murine TB, and_will be_the_first to_fully_characterize lung Mphi_apoptosis in vivo_and to define it's_contribution to the_integrated_host response to infection. Our model may reflect a mechanism broadly involved in the_defense_against a_variety_of_other intracellular pathogens (such as_Legionella) of immediate relevance to_the"} +{"text": "-term depression (LTD) at the commissural-CA1 synapse in the hippocampus in vivo. Homosynaptic LTD is a lasting decrease in synaptic transmission that results from activity in the afferent pathway. Research with formal models of learning and memory has shown that synaptic strength must have the capacity to both decrease and", "synonym_substitution": "-term depression (LTD) at the commissural - CA1 synapse in the hippocampus in vivo. Homosynaptic LTD is a lasting decrease in synaptic transmission that results from natural process in the sensory nerve pathway. Research with conventional model of learning and memory has shown that synaptic persuasiveness must give birth the capacity to both decrease and", "butter_fingers": "-terl depression (LTD) at the gommissural-CA1 syuqpse ii the hjppocampjs in vivo. Homosynaptic LTD ms a lastung decrease in synaptkc transmpssion thqt rtsults from activmfy in tmz affsvent 'avhway. Research eith forman models of ledrviug and memory has shown that synaptis strenbtj must have thg capssity no both decrease and", "random_deletion": "-term depression (LTD) at the commissural-CA1 synapse hippocampus vivo. Homosynaptic is a lasting results activity in the pathway. Research with models of learning and memory has that synaptic strength must have the capacity to both decrease and", "change_char_case": "-term depression (LTD) at the comMissural-CA1 SynapSe iN thE hIppoCampUs in vivo. HomosyNAptiC LTD is a lasting decrease In synApTIc trANsMissiOn that rESuLTS frOm AcTivItY In The afFerEnt pathWay. ResearcH wiTh Formal models OF lEarning and MemOry has shown tHat SynaptIc StrENgth mUst Have tHe capaCIty to bOth decreaSe ANd", "whitespace_perturbation": "-term depression (LTD) atthe commis sural -CA 1 s yn apse inthe hippocampu s invivo. Homosynaptic LTD is a l a stin g d ecrea se in s y na p t ictr an smi ss i on that re sults f rom activi tyin the afferen t p athway. Re sea rch with for mal model sofl earni ngand m emoryh as sho wn that s yn a ptic s t rengthm u st hav e the capacity to bo t h decrease and ", "underscore_trick": "-term depression_(LTD) at_the commissural-CA1 synapse in_the hippocampus_in_vivo. Homosynaptic_LTD_is a lasting_decrease in synaptic_transmission that results from_activity in the_afferent_pathway. Research with formal models of learning and memory has shown that synaptic strength_must_have the_capacity_to_both decrease and"} +{"text": " will be recorded from patients undergoing surgical/invasive monitoring as part of the clinical treatment of medically refractory epilepsy. By performing cognitive tasks that pose no health risks whatsoever, these patients can provide exquisite data on the involvement of brain waves in memory formation. The proposed research aims to determine: (1) the relative roles of oscillations in", "synonym_substitution": "will be recorded from patients undergoing surgical / invasive monitoring as character of the clinical discussion of medically refractory epilepsy. By performing cognitive undertaking that model no health risks whatsoever, these patients can supply exquisite data on the engagement of brain waves in memory geological formation. The proposed research aim to settle: (1) the relative roles of oscillations in", "butter_fingers": " wipl be recorded from patitnts undergoing sortical/iivasive monitorkng as part of the clinical vrearment of medically refractofy epilepdy. By peefornung cognitmbe tasks that iose uo health risks ehatsoever, these patientv zau provide exquisite data on the invojvement ov brain waves yn mtmowy fkgmction. The proposed research aima to deuermine: (1) the relatove roles of oscillations ln", "random_deletion": "will be recorded from patients undergoing surgical/invasive part the clinical of medically refractory that no health risks these patients can exquisite data on the involvement of waves in memory formation. The proposed research aims to determine: (1) the relative of oscillations in", "change_char_case": " will be recorded from patientS undergoinG surgIcaL/inVaSive MoniToring as part of THe clInical treatment of medicAlly rEfRActoRY ePilepSy. By perFOrMINg cOgNiTivE tASkS that PosE no healTh risks whaTsoEvEr, these patieNTs Can provide ExqUisite data on The InvolvEmEnt OF braiN waVes in Memory FOrmatiOn. The propOsED reseaRCh aims tO DEtErmiNe: (1) the relative roleS Of OScillations in", "whitespace_perturbation": " will be recorded from pat ients unde rgoin g s urg ic al/i nvas ive monitoring as p art of the clinical tr eatme nt of m e di cally refrac t or y epi le ps y.By pe rform ing cognit ive taskstha tpose no heal t hrisks what soe ver, these p ati ents c an pr o videexq uisit e data on the involvem en t of br a in wave s in mem ory formation. Th e p r oposed researc h aims t o d e t erm ine : (1) there lativ e roleso fo s c ill a tions in", "underscore_trick": " will_be recorded_from patients undergoing surgical/invasive_monitoring as_part_of the_clinical_treatment of medically_refractory epilepsy. By_performing cognitive tasks that_pose no health_risks_whatsoever, these patients can provide exquisite data on the involvement of brain waves in_memory_formation. The_proposed_research_aims to determine: (1) the_relative roles of oscillations in"} +{"text": "100 cells/injection site), the LDZ cells generated tumors more rapidly and with higher penetrance, and showed more frequent brain and lung metastasis. Both gene reactivation and tumorigenicity progressively increased G1 to G4. Tumors derived from G1-G4 LDZ cells were also increasingly more vascular. Global transcriptome", "synonym_substitution": "100 cells / injection site), the LDZ cells generated tumor more quickly and with high penetrance, and showed more frequent brain and lung metastasis. Both gene reactivation and tumorigenicity increasingly increased G1 to G4. Tumors derived from G1 - G4 LDZ cellular telephone were also increasingly more vascular. Global transcriptome", "butter_fingers": "100 cepls/injection site), the LDE cells generated tumors more dapidly xnd with higher penetrance, aid syowed more frequent brain avd lung mvtastasis. Boti gene reactivatmkn and bbmorifcnicicy progressively increased G1 to G4. Tumors ddrnved from G1-G4 LDZ cells were also incweasingky more vascular. Glonwl tdanscriptome", "random_deletion": "100 cells/injection site), the LDZ cells generated rapidly with higher and showed more Both reactivation and tumorigenicity increased G1 to Tumors derived from G1-G4 LDZ cells also increasingly more vascular. Global transcriptome", "change_char_case": "100 cells/injection site), the LDZ cElls generaTed tuMorS moRe RapiDly aNd with higher peNEtraNce, and showed more frequeNt braIn ANd luNG mEtastAsis. BotH GeNE ReaCtIvAtiOn ANd TumorIgeNicity pRogressiveLy iNcReased G1 to G4. TuMOrS derived frOm G1-g4 LDZ cells werE alSo incrEaSinGLy morE vaSculaR. GlobaL TranscRiptome", "whitespace_perturbation": "100 cells/injection site), the LDZ c ellsgen era te d tu mors more rapidlya nd w ith higher penetrance, andsh o wedm or e fre quent b r ai n and l un g m et a st asis. Bo th gene reactivat ion a nd tumorigen i ci ty progres siv ely increase d G 1 to G 4. Tu m ors d eri ved f rom G1 - G4 LDZ cells we re also i n creasin g l ymore vascular. Global tr a nscriptome", "underscore_trick": "100 cells/injection_site), the_LDZ cells generated tumors_more rapidly_and_with higher_penetrance,_and showed more_frequent brain and_lung metastasis. Both gene_reactivation and tumorigenicity_progressively_increased G1 to G4. Tumors derived from G1-G4 LDZ cells were also increasingly more_vascular._Global transcriptome"} +{"text": " (1) to characterize expression of Sfswap gene in the mouse cortex during early development; (2) to examine if Sfswap expression in the cortex is regulated by perinatal exposure to elevated testosterone via androgen receptor; and (3) to investigate the physiological roles of Sfswap in the development of sexually dim", "synonym_substitution": "(1) to characterize expression of Sfswap gene in the mouse cortex during early growth; (2) to test if Sfswap expression in the cortex is regulated by perinatal photograph to elevated testosterone via androgen receptor; and (3) to investigate the physiologic roles of Sfswap in the development of sexually dim", "butter_fingers": " (1) tl characterize expressiok of Sfswap gene in the mouse cortex auring early development; (2) to ezamint if Sfswap expresskon in thv cortex us rtgulated by perinefal exposure fl elzveted testosteroke via andrmgen receptor; dna (3) to investigate the physiological rjles of Svswap in the dgvelokmegt or sexually dim", "random_deletion": "(1) to characterize expression of Sfswap gene mouse during early (2) to examine cortex regulated by perinatal to elevated testosterone androgen receptor; and (3) to investigate physiological roles of Sfswap in the development of sexually dim", "change_char_case": " (1) to characterize expression oF Sfswap genE in thE moUse CoRtex DuriNg early developMEnt; (2) tO examine if Sfswap expresSion iN tHE corTEx Is regUlated bY PeRINatAl ExPosUrE To ElevaTed TestostErone via anDroGeN receptor; and (3) TO iNvestigate The PhysiologicaL roLes of SFsWap IN the dEveLopmeNt of seXUally dIm", "whitespace_perturbation": " (1) to characterize expre ssion of S fswap ge nein the mou se cortex duri n g ea rly development; (2) t o exa mi n e if Sf swapexpress i on i n t he c ort ex is regu lat ed by p erinatal e xpo su re to elevat e dtestostero nevia androgen re ceptor ;and (3) t o i nvest igatet he phy siologica lr oles o f Sfswap i nthedevelopment of se x ua l ly dim", "underscore_trick": " (1)_to characterize_expression of Sfswap gene_in the_mouse_cortex during_early_development; (2) to_examine if Sfswap_expression in the cortex_is regulated by_perinatal_exposure to elevated testosterone via androgen receptor; and (3) to investigate the physiological roles_of_Sfswap in_the_development_of sexually dim"} +{"text": " 2-day conference to bring together program participants, prospective participants, faculty and representatives of funding agencies. The conference will provide a structured environment to disseminate innovative research, promote the development of mentoring and collaborative research relationships, and to explore the current state of science and community practice regarding HIV prevention in disproportionately impacted minority communities", "synonym_substitution": "2 - day conference to bring together program participant, prospective participant, faculty and representatives of funding agency. The conference will provide a integrated environment to disseminate innovative research, advertise the growth of mentoring and collaborative inquiry relationships, and to explore the current state of science and residential district practice regarding HIV prevention in disproportionately impact minority communities", "butter_fingers": " 2-daj conference to bring tonether program pceticipents, prkspectivd participants, faculty and rxprewentaupves of funding agenckes. The clnferencw wioo provide e structmxed ehyironkxnt to disseminste innovadive research, [rumlte the development of mentoring anq collanogative researcr rekwtiohships, and to explore the current atate oh science and cpmmunity practice regardinh HIG prevention in didproportionqtelr impacted mivority communities", "random_deletion": "2-day conference to bring together program participants, faculty representatives of agencies. The conference to innovative research, promote development of mentoring collaborative research relationships, and to explore current state of science and community practice regarding HIV prevention in disproportionately impacted communities", "change_char_case": " 2-day conference to bring togetHer program PartiCipAntS, pRospEctiVe participants, FAculTy and representatives of FundiNg AGencIEs. the coNferencE WiLL ProViDe A stRuCTuRed enVirOnment tO disseminaTe iNnOvative reseaRCh, Promote the DevElopment of meNtoRing anD cOllABoratIve ReseaRch relATionshIps, and to eXpLOre the CUrrent sTATe Of scIence and community PRaCTice regarding HiV prevEnTIoN IN diSprOportionatElY impaCTed minoRItY COMmuNIties", "whitespace_perturbation": " 2-day conference to bring togetherprogr ampar ti cipa nts, prospective p a rtic ipants, faculty and re prese nt a tive s o f fun ding ag e nc i e s.Th econ fe r en ce wi llprovide a structu red e nvironment t o d isseminate in novative res ear ch, pr om ote the d eve lopme nt ofm entori ng and co ll a borati v e resea r c hrela tionships, and to ex p lore the curre nt sta te of s cie nce and commu ni ty pr a ctice r e ga r d i ngH IV prevention in disprop o rti onatel yimp a cted m inori ty com munities", "underscore_trick": " 2-day_conference to_bring together program participants,_prospective participants,_faculty_and representatives_of_funding agencies. The_conference will provide_a structured environment to_disseminate innovative research,_promote_the development of mentoring and collaborative research relationships, and to explore the current state_of_science and_community_practice_regarding HIV prevention in disproportionately_impacted minority communities"} +{"text": ", and researchers on the impact of unconscious bias on health outcomes to further build upon the exchange of ideas which began recently among research and practice professionals in cultural competency and health literacy. Specific aims include: 1) create a network of experts in cultural competency and health literacy curriculum development and research, 2) identify common competencies,", "synonym_substitution": ", and researchers on the impact of unconscious bias on health outcomes to far build up upon the exchange of ideas which began recently among inquiry and practice professionals in cultural competency and health literacy. Specific purpose include: 1) create a net of expert in cultural competency and health literacy curriculum exploitation and research, 2) identify common competence,", "butter_fingers": ", anf researchers on the impxct of unconscious biav on hsalth ougcomes to further build upon tye exxhange of ideas which cegan recvntly amobg rtsearch and practmde profcfsiohwls nn cultural compgtency and haalth literacy. Soeeific aims include: 1) create a network of exprrhs in cultural comketqncy and health literacy curriculum debelopmeit and research, 2) identify common competenfies,", "random_deletion": ", and researchers on the impact of on outcomes to build upon the recently research and practice in cultural competency health literacy. Specific aims include: 1) a network of experts in cultural competency and health literacy curriculum development and 2) identify common competencies,", "change_char_case": ", and researchers on the impact Of unconsciOus biAs oN heAlTh ouTcomEs to further buiLD upoN the exchange of ideas whiCh begAn REcenTLy Among ResearcH AnD PRacTiCe ProFeSSiOnals In cUltural Competency And HeAlth literacy. sPeCific aims iNclUde: 1) create a neTwoRk of exPeRts IN cultUraL compEtency ANd healTh literacY cURriculUM develoPMEnT and Research, 2) identify cOMmON competencies,", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and researchers on the i mpact of u ncons cio usbi as o n he alth outcomest o fu rther build upon the e xchan ge of i d ea s whi ch bega n r e c ent ly a mon gr es earch an d pract ice profes sio na ls in cultur a lcompetency an d health lit era cy. Sp ec ifi c aims in clude : 1) c r eate a networkof expert s in cul t u ra l co mpetency and heal t hl iteracy curric ulum d ev e lo p m ent an d research ,2) id e ntify c o mm o n com p etencies,", "underscore_trick": ", and_researchers on_the impact of unconscious_bias on_health_outcomes to_further_build upon the_exchange of ideas_which began recently among_research and practice_professionals_in cultural competency and health literacy. Specific aims include: 1) create a network of_experts_in cultural_competency_and_health literacy curriculum development and_research, 2) identify common competencies,"} +{"text": " constructed a replication-defective adenovirus encoding this protein (ADV-D1). Our preliminary studies indicate that ADV-D1 but not a control adenovirus, promotes cell cycle progression in primary hepatocytes in the absence of growth factor, and induces hepatocyte proliferation on extracellular matrices that are normally growth-inhib", "synonym_substitution": "constructed a replication - defective adenovirus encoding this protein (ADV - D1). Our preliminary report bespeak that ADV - D1 but not a control adenovirus, promotes cell bicycle progression in primary hepatocytes in the absence of emergence gene, and induces hepatocyte proliferation on extracellular matrix that are normally growth - inhib", "butter_fingers": " cojstructed a replication-dtfective adenoviros encodmng thia proteiv (ADV-D1). Our preliminary studixs ibdicauv that ADV-D1 but not a control wdenovirys, pcomotes cell cycle progrcfsioh in 'rmmary hepatocytgs in the abvence of growtv waetor, and induces hepatocyte proliferwtion om fxtracellular iatrpcqs tgat are normally growth-inhib", "random_deletion": "constructed a replication-defective adenovirus encoding this protein preliminary indicate that but not a progression primary hepatocytes in absence of growth and induces hepatocyte proliferation on extracellular that are normally growth-inhib", "change_char_case": " constructed a replication-deFective adeNovirUs eNcoDiNg thIs prOtein (ADV-D1). Our prELimiNary studies indicate thaT ADV-D1 BuT Not a COnTrol aDenovirUS, pROMotEs CeLl cYcLE pRogreSsiOn in priMary hepatoCytEs In the absence OF gRowth factoR, anD induces hepaTocYte proLiFerATion oN exTraceLlular MAtriceS that are nOrMAlly grOWth-inhiB", "whitespace_perturbation": " constructed a replication -defective aden ovi rus e ncod ingthis protein ( A DV-D 1). Our preliminary st udies i n dica t ethatADV-D1b ut n otaco ntr ol ad enovi rus , promo tes cell c ycl eprogressioni nprimary he pat ocytes in th e a bsence o f g r owthfac tor,and in d uces h epatocyte p r olifer a tion on e xt race llular matrices t h at are normally g rowth- in h ib ", "underscore_trick": " constructed_a replication-defective_adenovirus encoding this protein_(ADV-D1). Our_preliminary_studies indicate_that_ADV-D1 but not_a control adenovirus,_promotes cell cycle progression_in primary hepatocytes_in_the absence of growth factor, and induces hepatocyte proliferation on extracellular matrices that are_normally_growth-inhib"} +{"text": " reactivity screening of the unknown cluster derivatives 2 is planned in order to determine if their anticipated unique structural and electronic features will provide new, improved opportunities for stereocontrolled coupling reactions an d a future basis for cluster-based stereoselective reactions in general. Our second major emphasis will be directed towards expanding the synthet", "synonym_substitution": "reactivity screening of the unknown cluster derivative instrument 2 is plan in order to determine if their anticipated singular structural and electronic features will supply new, improved opportunity for stereocontrolled yoke reactions an d a future basis for bunch - based stereoselective reactions in cosmopolitan. Our second major emphasis will be directed towards expanding the synthet", "butter_fingers": " rewctivity screening of tht unknown cluster derivavives 2 js planndd in order to determine if vheie antucipated unique structjral and vlectronix feetures will provmse new, liprobcd op'octunities for sjereocontrolned coupling raaztnons an d a future basis for cluster-fased syegeoselective rgactipgs ih general. Our second major emphasia will ue directed towsrds expanding the synthet", "random_deletion": "reactivity screening of the unknown cluster derivatives planned order to if their anticipated will new, improved opportunities stereocontrolled coupling reactions d a future basis for cluster-based reactions in general. Our second major emphasis will be directed towards expanding the", "change_char_case": " reactivity screening of the uNknown clusTer deRivAtiVeS 2 is pLannEd in order to detERminE if their anticipated uniQue stRuCTuraL AnD elecTronic fEAtUREs wIlL pRovIdE NeW, imprOveD opportUnities for SteReOcontrolled cOUpLing reactiOns An d a future baSis For cluStEr-bASed stEreOseleCtive rEActionS in generaL. OUR seconD Major emPHAsIs wiLl be directed towarDS eXPanding the syntHet", "whitespace_perturbation": " reactivity screening of t he unknown clus ter de ri vati ves2 is planned i n ord er to determine if the ir an ti c ipat e duniqu e struc t ur a l an del ect ro n ic feat ure s willprovide ne w,im proved oppor t un ities forste reocontrolle d c ouplin grea c tions an d afuture basisfor clust er - baseds tereose l e ct ivereactions in gene r al . Our second ma jor em ph a si s wil l b e directed t oward s expand i ng t h e s y nthet", "underscore_trick": " reactivity_screening of_the unknown cluster derivatives_2 is_planned_in order_to_determine if their_anticipated unique structural_and electronic features will_provide new, improved_opportunities_for stereocontrolled coupling reactions an d a future basis for cluster-based stereoselective reactions in_general._Our second_major_emphasis_will be directed towards expanding_the synthet"} +{"text": " pigmentosa (RP), called. Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome (HSS) and characterized by abnormal electroretinogram, lipofuscin accumulation in the retinal pigment epithelium, and pigmentary retinopathy. Other features include dystonia, due to massive iron accumulation in the basal ganglia, and progressive", "synonym_substitution": "pigmentosa (RP), called. Hallervorden - Spatz syndrome (HSS) and characterized by abnormal electroretinogram, lipofuscin accumulation in the retinal pigment epithelium, and pigmentary retinopathy. early feature include dystonia, due to massive iron accretion in the basal ganglion, and progressive", "butter_fingers": " pihmentosa (RP), called. Hallevvorden-Spatz synbeome (HVS) and charactdrized by abnormal electrorevinotram, oipofuscin accumulatiov in the getinal pugmeit epithelium, anv pigmenbcry rsbinopctiy. Other featurgs include dfstonia, due to mxsdive iron accumulation in the basal ganglis, wnd progressivg", "random_deletion": "pigmentosa (RP), called. Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome (HSS) and abnormal lipofuscin accumulation the retinal pigment features dystonia, due to iron accumulation in basal ganglia, and progressive", "change_char_case": " pigmentosa (RP), called. HallervOrden-Spatz SyndrOme (hSS) AnD chaRactErized by abnormAL eleCtroretinogram, lipofuscIn accUmULatiON iN the rEtinal pIGmENT epItHeLiuM, aND pIgmenTarY retinoPathy. Other FeaTuRes include dySToNia, due to maSsiVe iron accumuLatIon in tHe BasAL gangLia, And prOgressIVe", "whitespace_perturbation": " pigmentosa (RP), called.Hallervord en-Sp atz sy nd rome (HS S) and charact e rize d by abnormal electror etino gr a m, l i po fusci n accum u la t i onin t here t in al pi gme nt epit helium, an d p ig mentary reti n op athy. Othe r f eatures incl ude dysto ni a,d ue to ma ssive irona ccumul ation inth e basal ganglia , an d pr ogressive", "underscore_trick": " pigmentosa_(RP), called._Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome (HSS) and_characterized by_abnormal_electroretinogram, lipofuscin_accumulation_in the retinal_pigment epithelium, and_pigmentary retinopathy. Other features_include dystonia, due_to_massive iron accumulation in the basal ganglia, and progressive"} +{"text": " establish dry reagent formulations, and define sample. \"Aim 3: Design and fabricate optimized kit hardware and consumables: the isothermal incubator and reaction containment tube. \"Aim 4: Validate the electricity-free and instrument-free assay kit created in Aims 1-3. PUBLIC HEALTH RE", "synonym_substitution": "establish dry reagent formulations, and define sample. \" Aim 3: plan and manufacture optimize kit hardware and consumables: the isothermal incubator and reaction containment tube. \" Aim 4: Validate the electricity - detached and instrument - free assay kit create in Aims 1 - 3. PUBLIC HEALTH ra", "butter_fingers": " eshablish dry reagent formmlations, and defnbe sam'le. \"Aim 3: Design and fabricate optimized kit hqrdwaee and consumables: the isothermwl incubqtor qnd reaction contalument bube. \"Cin 4: Validate thg electricitf-free and instsuoeut-free assay kit created in Aims 1-3. PUFLIC HESLHH RE", "random_deletion": "establish dry reagent formulations, and define sample. Design fabricate optimized hardware and consumables: containment \"Aim 4: Validate electricity-free and instrument-free kit created in Aims 1-3. PUBLIC RE", "change_char_case": " establish dry reagent formulAtions, and dEfine SamPle. \"aiM 3: DesIgn aNd fabricate optIMizeD kit hardware and consumaBles: tHe ISothERmAl incUbator aND rEACtiOn CoNtaInMEnT tube. \"aim 4: validatE the electrIciTy-Free and instrUMeNt-free assaY kiT created in AiMs 1-3. PuBLIC HeAlTH re", "whitespace_perturbation": " establish dry reagent for mulations, anddef ine s ampl e. \" Aim 3: Designa nd f abricate optimized kit hard wa r e an d c onsum ables:t he i sot he rm alin c ub atorand reacti on contain men ttube. \"Aim 4 : V alidate th e e lectricity-f ree and i ns tru m ent-f ree assa y kitc reated in Aims1- 3 . PUBL I C HEALT H RE ", "underscore_trick": " establish_dry reagent_formulations, and define sample._\"Aim 3:_Design_and fabricate_optimized_kit hardware and_consumables: the isothermal_incubator and reaction containment_tube. \"Aim 4:_Validate_the electricity-free and instrument-free assay kit created in Aims 1-3. PUBLIC HEALTH RE"} +{"text": " The subunit composition of electrophoretically isolated human haptoglobin 2-1 polymers was elucidated by 1) determination of the ratio of alpha 2 to alpha 1 polypeptide chains using gel densitometry, 2) analysis of the beta chain composition by enumeration of fractionally saturated hemoglobin-haptoglobin intermediates, and 3) determination", "synonym_substitution": "The subunit composition of electrophoretically isolated human haptoglobin 2 - 1 polymers was clarify by 1) decision of the ratio of alpha 2 to alpha 1 polypeptide chains using gelatin densitometry, 2) analysis of the beta chain composition by count of fractionally impregnate hemoglobin - haptoglobin intermediates, and 3) decision", "butter_fingers": " Thf subunit composition of electrophoretieqlly ivolates human faptoglobin 2-1 polymers was elncidqted vy 1) determination of tfe ratio lf alpha 2 to qlpha 1 polbleptide chaina usiug gel densitomejry, 2) analysiv of the beta whxiu composition by enumeration of fraceionallu daturated hemodlobpn-raptkglobin intermediates, and 3) determihation", "random_deletion": "The subunit composition of electrophoretically isolated human polymers elucidated by determination of the alpha polypeptide chains using densitometry, 2) analysis the beta chain composition by enumeration fractionally saturated hemoglobin-haptoglobin intermediates, and 3) determination", "change_char_case": " The subunit composition of elEctrophoreTicalLy iSolAtEd huMan hAptoglobin 2-1 polyMErs wAs elucidated by 1) determinAtion Of THe raTIo Of alpHa 2 to alpHA 1 pOLYpePtIdE chAiNS uSing gEl dEnsitomEtry, 2) analysIs oF tHe beta chain cOMpOsition by eNumEration of fraCtiOnally SaTurATed heMogLobin-HaptogLObin inTermediatEs, ANd 3) deteRMinatioN", "whitespace_perturbation": " The subunit composition o f electrop horet ica lly i sola tedhuman haptoglo b in 2 -1 polymers was elucid atedby 1) d e te rmina tion of th e rat io o f a lp h a2 toalp ha 1 po lypeptidecha in s using geld en sitometry, 2) analysis of th e beta c hai n comp osi tionby enu m eratio n of frac ti o nallys aturate d he mogl obin-haptoglobini nt e rmediates, and 3) de te r mi n a tio n", "underscore_trick": " The_subunit composition_of electrophoretically isolated human_haptoglobin 2-1_polymers_was elucidated_by_1) determination of_the ratio of_alpha 2 to alpha_1 polypeptide chains_using_gel densitometry, 2) analysis of the beta chain composition by enumeration of fractionally saturated_hemoglobin-haptoglobin_intermediates, and_3)_determination"} +{"text": " dose-dependent studies. Finally, the ILY/ihCD59-mediated cell-ablation method was tested in several disease models to study immune cell functionalities, hepatocyte and/or biliary epithelial damage and regeneration, and neural cell damage. Together, the results of this study demonstrate the utility of the ihCD", "synonym_substitution": "dose - dependent studies. Finally, the ILY / ihCD59 - intercede cellular telephone - ablation method was tested in respective disease models to learn immune cell functionalities, hepatocyte and/or biliary epithelial price and regeneration, and neural cellular telephone price. Together, the resultant role of this study demonstrate the utility program of the ihCD", "butter_fingers": " dode-dependent studies. Finauly, the ILY/ihCD59-mediatev cell-aglation oethod was tested in several duseast models to study iomune celp functiinalmties, hepatocyte and/or bljiarg epichxlial damage anc regeneradion, and neuran zepl damage. Together, the results of tris stucy demonstrate tre uuilyty kf the ihCD", "random_deletion": "dose-dependent studies. Finally, the ILY/ihCD59-mediated cell-ablation method in disease models study immune cell damage regeneration, and neural damage. Together, the of this study demonstrate the utility the ihCD", "change_char_case": " dose-dependent studies. FinalLy, the ILY/ihcD59-medIatEd cElL-ablAtioN method was testED in sEveral disease models to sTudy iMmUNe ceLL fUnctiOnalitiES, hEPAtoCyTe And/Or BIlIary ePitHelial dAmage and reGenErAtion, and neurAL cEll damage. TOgeTher, the resulTs oF this sTuDy dEMonstRatE the uTility OF the ihcD", "whitespace_perturbation": " dose-dependent studies. F inally, th e ILY /ih CD5 9- medi ated cell-ablation meth od was tested in sever al di se a se m o de ls to studyi mm u n e c el lfun ct i on aliti es, hepato cyte and/o r b il iary epithel i al damage an d r egeneration, an d neur al ce l l dam age . Tog ether, the re sults ofth i s stud y demons t r at e th e utility of thei hC D ", "underscore_trick": " dose-dependent_studies. Finally,_the ILY/ihCD59-mediated cell-ablation method_was tested_in_several disease_models_to study immune_cell functionalities, hepatocyte_and/or biliary epithelial damage_and regeneration, and_neural_cell damage. Together, the results of this study demonstrate the utility of the ihCD"} +{"text": ". The proposed research will address how this system becomes reversed upon M phase exit. The first two Specific Aims will expand upon preliminary results indicating that: (1) the major phosphatase that removes the Gwl-driven phosphorylation on pEndos is surprisingly PP2A/B55 itself; and (2) a simple", "synonym_substitution": ". The proposed research will address how this system becomes overrule upon thousand phase exit. The first two Specific Aims will expand upon preliminary solution indicating that: (1) the major phosphatase that removes the Gwl - drive phosphorylation on pEndos is surprisingly PP2A / B55 itself; and (2) a simple", "butter_fingers": ". Thf proposed research will address how thnw systxm becojes revefsed upon M phase exit. The fmrst two Wpecific Aims will expxnd upon ireliminaey rtsults indicating that: (1) tmz majkv phov'hatase that rekoves the Cwl-driven phos[hurvlation on pEndos is surprisingly PP2W/B55 itsekf; and (2) a simple", "random_deletion": ". The proposed research will address how becomes upon M exit. The first upon results indicating that: the major phosphatase removes the Gwl-driven phosphorylation on pEndos surprisingly PP2A/B55 itself; and (2) a simple", "change_char_case": ". The proposed research will adDress how thIs sysTem BecOmEs reVersEd upon M phase exIT. The First two Specific Aims wiLl expAnD Upon PReLiminAry resuLTs INDicAtInG thAt: (1) THe Major PhoSphatasE that removEs tHe gwl-driven phoSPhOrylation oN pENdos is surpriSinGly PP2A/b55 iTseLF; and (2) a SimPle", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The proposed research wi ll address howthi s s ys tembeco mes reversed u p on M phase exit. The first twoSp e cifi c A ims w ill exp a nd u pon p re lim in a ry resu lts indica ting that: (1 )the major ph o sp hatase tha t r emoves the G wl- driven p hos p horyl ati on on pEndo s is su rprisingl yP P2A/B5 5 itself ; an d (2 ) a simple", "underscore_trick": ". The_proposed research_will address how this_system becomes_reversed_upon M_phase_exit. The first_two Specific Aims_will expand upon preliminary_results indicating that:_(1)_the major phosphatase that removes the Gwl-driven phosphorylation on pEndos is surprisingly PP2A/B55 itself;_and_(2) a_simple"} +{"text": " genes or gene products, and each with potential relevance to the development of next-generation human therapeutics: recombinase enzymes that insert DNA of interest into safe-harbor loci in the human genome, proteases that specifically cleave disease- associated proteins, orthogonal Cas9 (CRISPR) nucleases with altered PAM specific", "synonym_substitution": "genes or gene products, and each with potential relevance to the development of future - coevals human therapeutics: recombinase enzymes that insert deoxyribonucleic acid of interest into safe - harbor venue in the human genome, proteases that specifically cleave disease- associate proteins, orthogonal Cas9 (CRISPR) nuclease with altered PAM specific", "butter_fingers": " gejes or gene products, and each with poteurial rxlevancs to the development of next-generatiln humab therapeutics: recombivase enzyles that instrt DNA of interest into safe-hadnor lmri in the human genome, prmteases that s[eziyically cleave disease- associated prjteins, prhhogonal Cas9 (CTISPR) guclsases with altered PAM specific", "random_deletion": "genes or gene products, and each with to development of human therapeutics: recombinase interest safe-harbor loci in human genome, proteases specifically cleave disease- associated proteins, orthogonal (CRISPR) nucleases with altered PAM specific", "change_char_case": " genes or gene products, and eacH with potenTial rEleVanCe To thE devElopment of next-GEnerAtion human therapeutics: RecomBiNAse eNZyMes thAt inserT dNa OF inTeReSt iNtO SaFe-harBor Loci in tHe human genOme, PrOteases that sPEcIfically clEavE disease- assoCiaTed proTeIns, ORthogOnaL Cas9 (CrISPR) nUCleaseS with alteReD pAM speCIfic", "whitespace_perturbation": " genes or gene products, a nd each wi th po ten tia lrele vanc e to the devel o pmen t of next-generation h umanth e rape u ti cs: r ecombin a se e nzy me stha ti ns ert D NAof inte rest intosaf e- harbor locii nthe humangen ome, proteas esthat s pe cif i cally cl eavediseas e - asso ciated pr ot e ins, o r thogona l Ca s9 ( CRISPR) nucleases wi t h altered PAMspecif ic ", "underscore_trick": " genes_or gene_products, and each with_potential relevance_to_the development_of_next-generation human therapeutics:_recombinase enzymes that_insert DNA of interest_into safe-harbor loci_in_the human genome, proteases that specifically cleave disease- associated proteins, orthogonal Cas9 (CRISPR) nucleases_with_altered PAM_specific"} +{"text": " long-term, this project seeks to supplement surgical treatment of strabismus with a pharmacological treatment targeted at trophic interactions. Using an advantageous chicken animal model, we will test the hypothesis that an experimentally weakened developing eye muscle can be strengthened with trophic factors. Injections of trophic factors into selected eye muscles during a", "synonym_substitution": "long - term, this project seeks to append surgical discussion of strabismus with a pharmacological discussion targeted at trophic interactions. Using an advantageous wimp animal model, we will test the hypothesis that an experimentally dampen developing eye muscleman can be strengthened with trophic factors. injection of trophic factors into selected center muscles during a", "butter_fingers": " lojg-term, this project seekr to supplement surgicel treafment of strabismus with a pharmacollgucal ugeatment targeted at grophic ijteractiins. Nsing an advantajsous chleken zkimal nodel, we will jest the hypmthesis that at dx'erimentally weakened developing eye muscle cwn be strengthgned eyth fgokhic factors. Injections of trophid factogs into selected rye muscles during a", "random_deletion": "long-term, this project seeks to supplement surgical strabismus a pharmacological targeted at trophic animal we will test hypothesis that an weakened developing eye muscle can be with trophic factors. Injections of trophic factors into selected eye muscles during a", "change_char_case": " long-term, this project seeks tO supplemenT surgIcaL trEaTmenT of sTrabismus with a PHarmAcological treatment tarGeted At TRophIC iNteraCtions. USInG AN adVaNtAgeOuS ChIcken AniMal modeL, we will tesT thE hYpothesis thaT An ExperimentAllY weakened devEloPing eyE mUscLE can bE stRengtHened wITh tropHic factorS. INJectioNS of tropHIC fActoRs into selected eye MUsCLes during a", "whitespace_perturbation": " long-term, this project s eeks to su pplem ent su rg ical tre atment of stra b ismu s with a pharmacologic al tr ea t ment ta rgete d at tr o ph i c in te ra cti on s .Using an advant ageous chi cke nanimal model , w e will tes t t he hypothesi s t hat an e xpe r iment all y wea kenedd evelop ing eye m us c le can be stre n g th ened with trophic fac t or s . Injections o f trop hi c f a c tor s i nto select ed eyem usclesd ur i n g a", "underscore_trick": " long-term,_this project_seeks to supplement surgical_treatment of_strabismus_with a_pharmacological_treatment targeted at_trophic interactions. Using_an advantageous chicken animal_model, we will_test_the hypothesis that an experimentally weakened developing eye muscle can be strengthened with trophic_factors._Injections of_trophic_factors_into selected eye muscles during_a"} +{"text": ", in fibroblast interactions with tumor cells during breast cancer progression. [unreadable] [unreadable] The following Specific Aims are proposed to address this hypothesis: Specific Aim 1: To determine the mechanisms of CCL2 and CXCL1 inflammatory chemokine expression in mammary fibroblasts as it relates to TGF-B signaling using cell biology, molecular and", "synonym_substitution": ", in fibroblast interactions with tumor cells during breast cancer progression. [ unreadable ] [ indecipherable ] The take after Specific Aims are proposed to address this guess: Specific Aim 1: To determine the mechanism of CCL2 and CXCL1 inflammatory chemokine construction in mammary fibroblast as it relates to TGF - B signaling using cell biology, molecular and", "butter_fingers": ", in fibroblast interactions with tumor cells duriig breaat cancef progression. [unreadable] [unrxadavle] Tye following Specific Xims are iroposed ro avdress this hypovgesis: Sizcifid Aim 1: To determine jhe mechanisks of CCL2 and WXZL1 inflammatory chemokine expression yn mammsrj fibroblasts ws iu rqlatss to TGF-B signaling using cell biklogy, mmlecular and", "random_deletion": ", in fibroblast interactions with tumor cells cancer [unreadable] [unreadable] following Specific Aims hypothesis: Aim 1: To the mechanisms of and CXCL1 inflammatory chemokine expression in fibroblasts as it relates to TGF-B signaling using cell biology, molecular and", "change_char_case": ", in fibroblast interactions wIth tumor ceLls duRinG brEaSt caNcer Progression. [unrEAdabLe] [unreadable] The followiNg SpeCiFIc AiMS aRe proPosed to ADdRESs tHiS hYpoThESiS: SpecIfiC Aim 1: To dEtermine thE meChAnisms of CCL2 aND CxCL1 inflammAtoRy chemokine eXprEssion In MamMAry fiBroBlastS as it rELates tO TGF-B signAlINg usinG Cell bioLOGy, MoleCular and", "whitespace_perturbation": ", in fibroblast interactio ns with tu mor c ell s d ur ingbrea st cancer prog r essi on. [unreadable] [unre adabl e] Thef ol lowin g Speci f ic A ims a re pr op o se d toadd ress th is hypothe sis :Specific Aim 1: To determ ine the mechani sms of CC L2 an d CXCL 1 i nflam matory chemok ine expre ss i on inm ammaryf i br obla sts as it relates to TGF-B signalin g usin gc el l bio log y, molecul ar and", "underscore_trick": ", in_fibroblast interactions_with tumor cells during_breast cancer_progression._[unreadable] [unreadable]_The_following Specific Aims_are proposed to_address this hypothesis: Specific_Aim 1: To_determine_the mechanisms of CCL2 and CXCL1 inflammatory chemokine expression in mammary fibroblasts as it_relates_to TGF-B_signaling_using_cell biology, molecular and"} +{"text": " Biobehavioral Reviews 22: 181-193, 1998). In many of these studies, pretraining is used to familiarize animals with the procedural aspects of the task, and so it is commonly assumed that subsequent training in a novel environment should therefore be particularly sensitive to cognitive spatial processing. However, our recent behavioral findings", "synonym_substitution": "Biobehavioral Reviews 22: 181 - 193, 1998). In many of these studies, pretraining is used to familiarize animals with the procedural view of the undertaking, and so it is commonly assumed that subsequent education in a novel environment should therefore be particularly sensible to cognitive spatial processing. However, our late behavioral findings", "butter_fingers": " Bilbehavioral Reviews 22: 181-193, 1998). Ik many of these studies, pretrzining ir used to familiarize animald qith uke procedural aspectr of the nask, and wo iu is commonly assnjed thab subacquenc vraining in a npvel envirmnment should dhdrzfore be particularly sensitive to cjgnitivr dpatial procesfing. Rowebvr, our recent behavioral findinfs", "random_deletion": "Biobehavioral Reviews 22: 181-193, 1998). In many studies, is used familiarize animals with task, so it is assumed that subsequent in a novel environment should therefore particularly sensitive to cognitive spatial processing. However, our recent behavioral findings", "change_char_case": " Biobehavioral Reviews 22: 181-193, 1998). In manY of these stUdies, PreTraInIng iS useD to familiarize ANimaLs with the procedural aspEcts oF tHE tasK, AnD so it Is commoNLy ASSumEd ThAt sUbSEqUent tRaiNing in a Novel envirOnmEnT should thereFOrE be particuLarLy sensitive tO coGnitivE sPatIAl proCesSing. HOwever, OUr receNt behavioRaL FindinGS", "whitespace_perturbation": " Biobehavioral Reviews 22: 181-193,1998) . I n m an y of the se studies, pr e trai ning is used to famili arize a n imal s w ith t he proc e du r a l a sp ec tsof th e tas k,and soit is comm onl yassumed that su bsequent t rai ning in a no vel envir on men t shou ldthere fore b e parti cularly s en s itivet o cogni t i ve spa tial processing.H ow e ver, our recen t beha vi o ra l fin din gs", "underscore_trick": " Biobehavioral_Reviews 22:_181-193, 1998). In many_of these_studies,_pretraining is_used_to familiarize animals_with the procedural_aspects of the task,_and so it_is_commonly assumed that subsequent training in a novel environment should therefore be particularly sensitive_to_cognitive spatial_processing._However,_our recent behavioral findings"} +{"text": "ct LV remodeling is a strong predictor of mortality and a high incidence of heart failure (HF). Acellular hydrogels that limit LV remodeling when injected into an MI or BZ are receiving increasing attention. We term this therapy matrix-assisted infarct stabilization (MAIS) and suggest that MAIS works by decreasing myof", "synonym_substitution": "ct LV remodeling is a strong predictor of mortality and a high incidence of affection bankruptcy (HF). Acellular hydrogels that restrict LV remodeling when inject into an MI or BZ are receiving increase care. We term this therapy matrix - assisted infarct stabilization (MAIS) and suggest that MAIS works by decreasing myof", "butter_fingers": "ct PV remodeling is a stronn predictor of mortalitb and a high inzidence of heart failure (HF). Eceloular hydrogels that limit UV remodeping wheb inoected into an MM or BZ are redciviny mncreasing attektion. We tesm this therapf oacrix-assisted infarct stabilization (MWIS) and skggest that MAYS wpwks gj becreasing myof", "random_deletion": "ct LV remodeling is a strong predictor and high incidence heart failure (HF). remodeling injected into an or BZ are increasing attention. We term this therapy infarct stabilization (MAIS) and suggest that MAIS works by decreasing myof", "change_char_case": "ct LV remodeling is a strong prEdictor of mOrtalIty And A hIgh iNcidEnce of heart faiLUre (Hf). Acellular hydrogels thaT limiT Lv RemoDElIng whEn injecTEd INTo aN Mi oR BZ ArE ReCeiviNg iNcreasiNg attentioN. We TeRm this therapY MaTrix-assistEd iNfarct stabilIzaTion (MAiS) And SUggesT thAt MAIs works BY decreAsing myof", "whitespace_perturbation": "ct LV remodeling is a stro ng predict or of mo rta li ty a nd a high incidenc e ofheart failure (HF). Ac ellul ar hydr o ge ls th at limi t L V rem od el ing w h en inje cte d intoan MI or B Z a re receiving i n cr easing att ent ion. We term th is the ra pym atrix -as siste d infa r ct sta bilizatio n( MAIS)a nd sugg e s tthat MAIS works by de c re a sing myof", "underscore_trick": "ct LV_remodeling is_a strong predictor of_mortality and_a_high incidence_of_heart failure (HF)._Acellular hydrogels that_limit LV remodeling when_injected into an_MI_or BZ are receiving increasing attention. We term this therapy matrix-assisted infarct stabilization (MAIS)_and_suggest that_MAIS_works_by decreasing myof"} +{"text": "the latter including 100 low-risk women from NCI/CCR\"s Breast Cancer Susceptibility Study) are well underway. These include a collaboration with Dr. Funmi Olopade and colleagues at the University of Chicago, in which our digitized mammographic images are being used to evaluate, and possibly validate", "synonym_substitution": "the latter including 100 low - risk women from NCI / CCR\"s Breast Cancer Susceptibility Study) are well afoot. These admit a collaboration with Dr. Funmi Olopade and colleague at the University of Chicago, in which our digitized mammographic picture are being use to evaluate, and possibly validate", "butter_fingers": "the latter including 100 low-rirk women from NEU/CCR\"s Ureast Dancer Sjsceptibility Study) are well ubderwqy. These include a coluaboratioj with De. Fuimi Olopade and rklleagucf at bhe Uuitersity of Chicsgo, in whiwh our digitizad mcmmographic images are being used to evaluaye, and possibly dalicwte", "random_deletion": "the latter including 100 low-risk women from Cancer Study) are underway. These include Olopade colleagues at the of Chicago, in our digitized mammographic images are being to evaluate, and possibly validate", "change_char_case": "the latter including 100 low-risk Women from NcI/CCR\"S BrEasT CAnceR SusCeptibility StuDY) are Well underway. These incluDe a coLlABoraTIoN with dr. Funmi oLoPADe aNd CoLleAgUEs At the uniVersity Of Chicago, iN whIcH our digitizeD MaMmographic ImaGes are being uSed To evalUaTe, aND possIblY valiDate", "whitespace_perturbation": "the latter including 100 l ow-risk wo men f rom NC I/ CCR\" s Br east Cancer Su s cept ibility Study) are wel l und er w ay.T he se in clude a co l l abo ra ti onwi t hDr. F unm i Olopa de and col lea gu es at the Un i ve rsity of C hic ago, in whic h o ur dig it ize d mamm ogr aphic image s are b eing used t o evalu a te, and p os sibl y validate", "underscore_trick": "the latter_including 100_low-risk women from NCI/CCR\"s_Breast Cancer_Susceptibility_Study) are_well_underway. These include_a collaboration with_Dr. Funmi Olopade and_colleagues at the_University_of Chicago, in which our digitized mammographic images are being used to evaluate, and_possibly_validate"} +{"text": " in either office; the drugs most frequently responsible for drug interactions; the frequency of provider reminder interruptions according to different commercial drug interaction knowledge bases at various levels of threshold settings, and; identification of events (e.g. ED visits, hospitalizations) potentially caused by adverse drug interactions. Evidence from our studies on the", "synonym_substitution": "in either office; the drugs most frequently responsible for drug interaction; the frequency of supplier reminder interruptions harmonize to unlike commercial drug interaction knowledge bases at various level of threshold settings, and; designation of events (e.g. ED visit, hospitalizations) potentially caused by adverse drug interaction. Evidence from our sketch on the", "butter_fingers": " in either office; the drugs most frequentli eesponvible ror drug interactions; the frequency lf provuder reminder interrupgions acclrding ti dihferent commerciem drug luteradbion niowledge bases st various levels of thrasfopd settings, and; identification of edents (e.b. FD visits, hospytalpzwtiohs) potentially caused by adverse ddug inttractions. Evidence from our studies on the", "random_deletion": "in either office; the drugs most frequently drug the frequency provider reminder interruptions interaction bases at various of threshold settings, identification of events (e.g. ED visits, potentially caused by adverse drug interactions. Evidence from our studies on the", "change_char_case": " in either office; the drugs mosT frequentlY respOnsIblE fOr drUg inTeractions; the fREqueNcy of provider reminder iNterrUpTIons ACcOrdinG to diffEReNT ComMeRcIal DrUG iNteraCtiOn knowlEdge bases aT vaRiOus levels of tHReShold settiNgs, And; identificAtiOn of evEnTs (e.G. eD visIts, HospiTalizaTIons) poTentially CaUSed by aDVerse drUG InTeraCtions. Evidence froM OuR Studies on the", "whitespace_perturbation": " in either office; the dru gs most fr equen tly re sp onsi blefor drug inter a ctio ns; the frequency of p rovid er remi n de r int errupti o ns a cco rd in g t od if feren t c ommerci al drug in ter ac tion knowled g ebases at v ari ous levels o f t hresho ld se t tings , a nd; i dentif i cation of event s( e.g. E D visits , ho spit alizations) poten t ia l ly caused by a dverse d r ug i nte rac tions. Evi de nce f r om ours tu d i e s o n the", "underscore_trick": " in_either office;_the drugs most frequently_responsible for_drug_interactions; the_frequency_of provider reminder_interruptions according to_different commercial drug interaction_knowledge bases at_various_levels of threshold settings, and; identification of events (e.g. ED visits, hospitalizations) potentially caused_by_adverse drug_interactions._Evidence_from our studies on the"} +{"text": " entering the study. Group 1 (n=15/group, males) began in 1989 with R01 funding. In 1994, with PPG support, we added 46 animals to increase statistical power for the key outcome measures on health span and life span. These were Group 2 (n = 15/group, females)", "synonym_substitution": "entering the study. Group 1 (n=15 / group, males) began in 1989 with R01 support. In 1994, with PPG documentation, we added 46 animals to increase statistical power for the cardinal outcome measures on health span and animation span. These were Group 2 (n = 15 / group, females )", "butter_fingers": " enhering the study. Group 1 (k=15/group, males) begcb in 1989 xith R01 runding. Kn 1994, with PPG support, we addev 46 abimalw to increase statistizal power for the key iutcome meeaures ok heambh spcn and life span. These wera Group 2 (n = 15/grmuo, yemales)", "random_deletion": "entering the study. Group 1 (n=15/group, males) 1989 R01 funding. 1994, with PPG to statistical power for key outcome measures health span and life span. These Group 2 (n = 15/group, females)", "change_char_case": " entering the study. Group 1 (n=15/groUp, males) begAn in 1989 wIth r01 fuNdIng. IN 1994, witH PPG support, we aDDed 46 aNimals to increase statisTical PoWEr foR ThE key oUtcome mEAsUREs oN hEaLth SpAN aNd lifE spAn. These Were Group 2 (n = 15/GroUp, Females)", "whitespace_perturbation": " entering the study. Group 1 (n=15/g roup, ma les )bega n in 1989 with R01 fund ing. In 1994, with PPG supp or t , we ad ded 4 6 anima l st o in cr ea sest a ti stica l p ower fo r the keyout co me measureso nhealth spa n a nd life span . T hese w er e G r oup 2 (n = 15 /group , femal es)", "underscore_trick": " entering_the study._Group 1 (n=15/group, males)_began in_1989_with R01_funding._In 1994, with_PPG support, we_added 46 animals to_increase statistical power_for_the key outcome measures on health span and life span. These were Group 2_(n_= 15/group,_females)"} +{"text": "id), and (3) lower algal biomass and zooplankton abundance. We also plan to test for additional influences of factors including lake productivity, use of the littoral zone for feeding, presence of other environmental stressors. We further seek to strengthen the scientific basis for lake-specific management and public health warnings and", "synonym_substitution": "i d), and (3) lower algal biomass and zooplankton abundance. We also plan to test for extra influence of factors including lake productiveness, use of the littoral zone for eating, presence of other environmental stressor. We further seek to strengthen the scientific footing for lake - specific management and public health warning and", "butter_fingers": "id), wnd (3) lower algal biomass and zooplanktou abundence. We also plxn to test for additional inhluebces if factors including lxke produbtivity, uwe oh the littoral zone for nzedinf, prevxnce of other ekvironmentan stressors. We fjrcher seek to strengthen the scientifyc basix vor lake-specifyc msgagejvnu and public health warnings and", "random_deletion": "id), and (3) lower algal biomass and We plan to for additional influences use the littoral zone feeding, presence of environmental stressors. We further seek to the scientific basis for lake-specific management and public health warnings and", "change_char_case": "id), and (3) lower algal biomass and ZooplanktoN abunDanCe. WE aLso pLan tO test for additiONal iNfluences of factors inclUding LaKE proDUcTivitY, use of tHE lITTorAl ZoNe fOr FEeDing, pResEnce of oTher enviroNmeNtAl stressors. WE FuRther seek tO stRengthen the sCieNtific BaSis FOr lakE-spEcifiC managEMent anD public heAlTH warniNGs and", "whitespace_perturbation": "id), and (3) lower algal b iomass and zoop lan kto nabun danc e. We also pla n totest for additional in fluen ce s off ac torsincludi n gl a kepr od uct iv i ty , use of the li ttoral zon e f or feeding, pr e se nce of oth erenvironmenta l s tresso rs . W e furt her seek to st r engthe n the sci en t ific b a sis for l ak e-sp ecific management an d public health warni ng s a n d ", "underscore_trick": "id), and_(3) lower_algal biomass and zooplankton_abundance. We_also_plan to_test_for additional influences_of factors including_lake productivity, use of_the littoral zone_for_feeding, presence of other environmental stressors. We further seek to strengthen the scientific basis_for_lake-specific management_and_public_health warnings and"} +{"text": " of both gases and particles. Such measurements will provide basic experimental data on pollutant mass transfer. The complexity of flow profiles in both human and animal airways precludes useful predictions of mass transfer based on current fluid dynamics theory. The physical models to be made will permit examination of particle deposition in small bronchial and bronchioles for", "synonym_substitution": "of both gases and particles. Such measurements will provide basic experimental datum on pollutant bulk transfer. The complexity of flow profile in both human and animal air lane precludes useful prediction of aggregate transfer based on current fluid dynamics theory. The forcible models to be made will permit examination of atom deposition in small bronchial and bronchiole for", "butter_fingers": " of both gases and particler. Such measuremgnrs wiln provjde basiz experimental data on polluvant mass transfer. The complexigy of floa profilws ii both human and animal airwaya preelndes useful precictions ox mass transfes caded on current fluid dynamics theorr. The pnydical models tj be iade will permit examination of particme depovition in smakl bronchial and bronchiolfs flr", "random_deletion": "of both gases and particles. Such measurements basic data on mass transfer. The both and animal airways useful predictions of transfer based on current fluid dynamics The physical models to be made will permit examination of particle deposition in bronchial and bronchioles for", "change_char_case": " of both gases and particles. SuCh measuremEnts wIll ProViDe baSic eXperimental datA On poLlutant mass transfer. The ComplExITy of FLoW profIles in bOTh HUMan AnD aNimAl AIrWays pRecLudes usEful predicTioNs Of mass transfER bAsed on currEnt Fluid dynamicS thEory. ThE pHysICal moDelS to be Made wiLL permiT examinatIoN Of partICle depoSITiOn in Small bronchial and BRoNChioles for", "whitespace_perturbation": " of both gases and particl es. Such m easur eme nts w illprov ide basic expe r imen tal data on pollutantmasstr a nsfe r .The c omplexi t yo f fl ow p rof il e sin bo thhuman a nd animalair wa ys precludes us eful predi cti ons of masstra nsferba sed on cu rre nt fl uid dy n amicstheory. T he physic a l model s to bemade will permite xa m ination of par ticlede p os i t ion in small bro nc hiala nd bron c hi o l e s f o r", "underscore_trick": " of_both gases_and particles. Such measurements_will provide_basic_experimental data_on_pollutant mass transfer._The complexity of_flow profiles in both_human and animal_airways_precludes useful predictions of mass transfer based on current fluid dynamics theory. The physical_models_to be_made_will_permit examination of particle deposition_in small bronchial and bronchioles_for"} +{"text": " tidal volume, end-tidal PCO2, maternal heart rate and blood pressure, and fetal heart rate. Minute-to-minute changes in respiration will be obtained, measuring gas flow and composition by a mass spectrometer and a pneumotachograph, and alveolar ventilation, maternal cardiac output and respiratory gas exchange will", "synonym_substitution": "tidal volume, end - tidal PCO2, maternal heart pace and rake pressure, and fetal heart pace. Minute - to - moment changes in breathing will be receive, measuring gas flow and composition by a bulk spectrometer and a pneumotachograph, and alveolar ventilation, parental cardiac output and respiratory gas exchange will", "butter_fingers": " tifal volume, end-tidal PCO2, oaternal heart tare and blood pressurd, and fetal heart rate. Minutx-to-munute changes in respiratiov will be obtainee, meesuring gas flow and comijsitjln bv e mass spectromgter and a pteumotachograpv, xnb alveolar ventilation, maternal cardyac outluh and respiratjry bws esbhcnge will", "random_deletion": "tidal volume, end-tidal PCO2, maternal heart rate pressure, fetal heart Minute-to-minute changes in gas and composition by mass spectrometer and pneumotachograph, and alveolar ventilation, maternal cardiac and respiratory gas exchange will", "change_char_case": " tidal volume, end-tidal PCO2, matErnal heart Rate aNd bLooD pRessUre, aNd fetal heart raTE. MinUte-to-minute changes in reSpiraTiON wilL Be ObtaiNed, measURiNG Gas FlOw And CoMPoSitioN by A mass spEctrometer And A pNeumotachogrAPh, And alveolaR veNtilation, matErnAl cardIaC ouTPut anD reSpiraTory gaS ExchanGe will", "whitespace_perturbation": " tidal volume, end-tidal P CO2, mater nal h ear t r at e an d bl ood pressure,a nd f etal heart rate. Minut e-to- mi n utec ha ngesin resp i ra t i onwi ll be o b ta ined, me asuring gas flowand c omposition b y a mass spec tro meter and apne umotac ho gra p h, an d a lveol ar ven t ilatio n, matern al cardia c output a nd res piratory gas exch a ng e will", "underscore_trick": " tidal_volume, end-tidal_PCO2, maternal heart rate_and blood_pressure,_and fetal_heart_rate. Minute-to-minute changes_in respiration will_be obtained, measuring gas_flow and composition_by_a mass spectrometer and a pneumotachograph, and alveolar ventilation, maternal cardiac output and respiratory_gas_exchange will"} +{"text": " addition, we hypothesize that the expression of proliferin may occur in tumors, with this hormone then acting as a paracrine angiogenesis factor that promotes tumor growth and metastasis. By introducing an expression construct for proliferin into tumor cells, we will determine if we can increase the tumorigenicity of these cells. Similarly, the effect", "synonym_substitution": "addition, we hypothesize that the expression of proliferin may occur in tumor, with this hormone then act as a paracrine angiogenesis factor that advertise tumor emergence and metastasis. By introducing an expression concept for proliferin into tumor cells, we will determine if we can increase the tumorigenicity of these cells. Similarly, the consequence", "butter_fingers": " adfition, we hypothesize thxt the expression of pcoliferjn may ozcur in tumors, with this horlobe thtu acting as a paracrkne angiohenesis dactie that promotes tumor grkath cnv metastasis. By introducitg an expressimn clnstruct for proliferin into tumor sells, wr aill determine if eq cah increase the tumorigenicity of tgese cenls. Similarly, the effect", "random_deletion": "addition, we hypothesize that the expression of occur tumors, with hormone then acting that tumor growth and By introducing an construct for proliferin into tumor cells, will determine if we can increase the tumorigenicity of these cells. Similarly, the", "change_char_case": " addition, we hypothesize that The expressIon of ProLifErIn maY occUr in tumors, with THis hOrmone then acting as a parAcrinE aNGiogENeSis faCtor thaT PrOMOteS tUmOr gRoWTh And meTasTasis. By IntroducinG an ExPression consTRuCt for proliFerIn into tumor cEllS, we wilL dEteRMine iF we Can inCrease THe tumoRigenicitY oF These cELls. SimiLARlY, the Effect", "whitespace_perturbation": " addition, we hypothesizethat the e xpres sio n o fprol ifer in may occur i n tum ors, with this hormone then a c ting as a pa racrine an g i oge ne si s f ac t or that pr omotestumor grow than d metastasis . B y introduc ing an expressi onconstr uc t f o r pro lif erininto t u mor ce lls, we w il l deter m ine ifw e c an i ncrease the tumor i ge n icity of these cells .S im i l arl y,the effect ", "underscore_trick": " addition,_we hypothesize_that the expression of_proliferin may_occur_in tumors,_with_this hormone then_acting as a_paracrine angiogenesis factor that_promotes tumor growth_and_metastasis. By introducing an expression construct for proliferin into tumor cells, we will determine_if_we can_increase_the_tumorigenicity of these cells. Similarly,_the effect"} +{"text": " the interstitium. LACAF is an interstitial cell protein stimulated by HCG and growth factor but inhibited by prolactin. LACAF activates adenylyl cyclase in Leydig cells but this activation is not functionally directed towards steroidogenesis. Such differential regulation is by known Leydig cell trophic", "synonym_substitution": "the interstitium. LACAF is an interstitial cell protein stimulated by HCG and growth factor but inhibit by prolactin. LACAF activate adenylyl cyclase in Leydig cells but this activation is not functionally directed towards steroidogenesis. Such differential rule is by known Leydig cell trophic", "butter_fingers": " thf interstitium. LACAF is xn interstitial cell pcotein atimulatdd by HCG and growth factor uut unhibuted by prolactin. LACAW activatvs adenyltl cbclase in Leydig cells bmc thia actnvetion is not fukctionally girected towargs sceroidogenesis. Such differential regtlation id by known Leyqig bejl tdophic", "random_deletion": "the interstitium. LACAF is an interstitial cell by and growth but inhibited by in cells but this is not functionally towards steroidogenesis. Such differential regulation is known Leydig cell trophic", "change_char_case": " the interstitium. LACAF is an iNterstitiaL cell ProTeiN sTimuLateD by HCG and growtH FactOr but inhibited by prolacTin. LAcAf ActiVAtEs adeNylyl cyCLaSE In LEyDiG ceLlS BuT this ActIvation Is not functIonAlLy directed toWArDs steroidoGenEsis. Such diffEreNtial rEgUlaTIon is By kNown LEydig cELl tropHic", "whitespace_perturbation": " the interstitium. LACAF i s an inter stiti alcel lprot einstimulated byH CG a nd growth factor but i nhibi te d byp ro lacti n. LACA F a c t iva te sade ny l yl cycl ase in Ley dig cellsbut t his activati o nis not fun cti onally direc ted towar ds st e roido gen esis. Suchd iffere ntial reg ul a tion i s by kno w n L eydi g cell trophic", "underscore_trick": " the_interstitium. LACAF_is an interstitial cell_protein stimulated_by_HCG and_growth_factor but inhibited_by prolactin. LACAF_activates adenylyl cyclase in_Leydig cells but_this_activation is not functionally directed towards steroidogenesis. Such differential regulation is by known Leydig_cell_trophic"} +{"text": " evaluate the effect of basic physiologic parameters on PG production, the pharmacology of smooth muscle response to exogenous prostaglandins and thromboxanes, the effect of anti-inflammatory drugs (including anti-inflammatory steroids) on large and small airway sensitivity to smooth muscle agonists, and confirmation of preliminary evidence for the existence of a prostagland", "synonym_substitution": "evaluate the effect of basic physiologic parameters on PG production, the pharmacology of legato muscleman response to exogenous prostaglandins and thromboxanes, the effect of anti - incendiary drugs (including anti - inflammatory steroid) on large and small air passage sensitivity to smooth muscle agonist, and confirmation of preliminary evidence for the existence of a prostagland", "butter_fingers": " evwluate the effect of baslc physiologic pceametecs on PF producgion, the pharmacology of smolty musxle response to exogenuus prostwglandinw anv thromboxanes, tis effecb of zkti-inylemmatory drugs (lncluding atti-inflammatorf rtzroids) on large and small airway senfitivitu ho smooth muscje abjnisfs, and confirmation of preliminary evidenbe for the existemce of a prostagland", "random_deletion": "evaluate the effect of basic physiologic parameters production, pharmacology of muscle response to effect anti-inflammatory drugs (including steroids) on large small airway sensitivity to smooth muscle and confirmation of preliminary evidence for the existence of a prostagland", "change_char_case": " evaluate the effect of basic pHysiologic ParamEteRs oN Pg proDuctIon, the pharmacoLOgy oF smooth muscle response tO exogEnOUs prOStAglanDins and THrOMBoxAnEs, The EfFEcT of anTi-iNflammaTory drugs (iNclUdIng anti-inflaMMaTory steroiDs) oN large and smaLl aIrway sEnSitIVity tO smOoth mUscle aGOnists, And confirMaTIon of pREliminaRY EvIdenCe for the existence OF a PRostagland", "whitespace_perturbation": " evaluate the effect of ba sic physio logic pa ram et erson P G production,t he p harmacology of smoothmuscl er espo n se to e xogenou s p r o sta gl an din sa nd thro mbo xanes,the effect of a nti-inflamma t or y drugs (i ncl uding anti-i nfl ammato ry st e roids ) o n lar ge and smallairway se ns i tivity to smoo t h m uscl e agonists, and c o nf i rmation of pre limina ry ev i d enc e f or the exi st enceo f a pro s ta g l a nd", "underscore_trick": " evaluate_the effect_of basic physiologic parameters_on PG_production,_the pharmacology_of_smooth muscle response_to exogenous prostaglandins_and thromboxanes, the effect_of anti-inflammatory drugs_(including_anti-inflammatory steroids) on large and small airway sensitivity to smooth muscle agonists, and confirmation_of_preliminary evidence_for_the_existence of a prostagland"} +{"text": ", plant tissue cultures, \"immunoliposome\"-encapsulated anti-Candida drugs, and novel cell wall inhibitory analogs from syntheticchemical efforts of our laboratories. In vitro models for initial rapid evaluation of potentially active drugs from thesources mentioned above will be used. These in vitro models will allow us to ascertain MIC values", "synonym_substitution": ", plant tissue cultures, \" immunoliposome\"-encapsulated anti - Candida drugs, and novel cell rampart inhibitory analogue from syntheticchemical campaign of our laboratories. In vitro model for initial rapid evaluation of potentially active drug from thesources mentioned above will be used. These in vitro models will give up us to ascertain MIC values", "butter_fingers": ", plwnt tissue cultures, \"immukoliposome\"-encapsolqted aiti-Candjda drugr, and novel cell wall inhibivory analigs from syntheticchemkcal effogts of oue lauoratories. In vivdo models for lniticl rapid evaluatlon of potettially active dfuys from thesources mentioned above wyll be isfd. These in vijro mpqels will allow us to ascertain MIC vamues", "random_deletion": ", plant tissue cultures, \"immunoliposome\"-encapsulated anti-Candida drugs, cell inhibitory analogs syntheticchemical efforts of for rapid evaluation of active drugs from mentioned above will be used. These vitro models will allow us to ascertain MIC values", "change_char_case": ", plant tissue cultures, \"immunoLiposome\"-enCapsuLatEd aNtI-CanDida Drugs, and novel cELl waLl inhibitory analogs froM syntHeTIcchEMiCal efForts of OUr LABorAtOrIes. in VItRo modEls For initIal rapid evAluAtIon of potentiALlY active druGs fRom thesourceS meNtioneD aBovE Will bE usEd. TheSe in viTRo modeLs will allOw US to ascERtain MIc VAlUes", "whitespace_perturbation": ", plant tissue cultures, \" immunolipo some\" -en cap su late d an ti-Candida dru g s, a nd novel cell wall inh ibito ry anal o gs from synthe t ic c h emi ca leff or t sof ou r l aborato ries. In v itr omodels for i n it ial rapideva luation of p ote ntiall yact i ve dr ugs from theso u rces m entionedab o ve wil l be use d . T hese in vitro modelsw il l allow us to a scerta in MI C val ues ", "underscore_trick": ", plant_tissue cultures,_\"immunoliposome\"-encapsulated anti-Candida drugs, and_novel cell_wall_inhibitory analogs_from_syntheticchemical efforts of_our laboratories. In_vitro models for initial_rapid evaluation of_potentially_active drugs from thesources mentioned above will be used. These in vitro models will_allow_us to_ascertain_MIC_values"} +{"text": "otor processes involved in naturalistic behaviors. Insights from multiple fields have 25 all come to the conclusion that behavior is organized into discrete packets or behavioral primitives. Actions un- 26 fold by a sequential recruitment of these discrete packets. A critical barrier to the study of natural behavior is 27 that in most cases there is enough", "synonym_substitution": "otor processes involved in naturalistic behaviors. Insights from multiple field have 25 all come to the ending that demeanor is organized into discrete packets or behavioral primitives. action un- 26 fold by a sequential recruitment of these discrete package. A critical barrier to the study of natural demeanor is 27 that in most cases there is enough", "butter_fingers": "otog processes involved in katuralistic behcciors. Mnsighta from mjltiple fields have 25 all comx to the xonclusion that behaviur is orgwnized ibto viscrete packets or behaynoral irimicites. Actions un- 26 fold by a sequential rewrjicment of these discrete packets. A crytical nagrier to the sjudy ps naflrcl behavior is 27 that in most caaes thege is enough", "random_deletion": "otor processes involved in naturalistic behaviors. Insights fields 25 all to the conclusion discrete or behavioral primitives. un- 26 fold a sequential recruitment of these discrete A critical barrier to the study of natural behavior is 27 that in cases there is enough", "change_char_case": "otor processes involved in naTuralistic BehavIorS. InSiGhts From Multiple fields HAve 25 aLl come to the conclusion tHat beHaVIor iS OrGanizEd into dIScRETe pAcKeTs oR bEHaVioraL prImitiveS. Actions un- 26 FolD bY a sequential REcRuitment of TheSe discrete paCkeTs. A criTiCal BArrieR to The stUdy of nATural bEhavior is 27 ThAT in mosT Cases thERE iS enoUgh", "whitespace_perturbation": "otor processes involved in naturalis tic b eha vio rs . In sigh ts from multip l e fi elds have 25 all cometo th ec oncl u si on th at beha v io r isor ga niz ed in to di scr ete pac kets or be hav io ral primitiv e s. Actions u n-26 fold by a se quenti al re c ruitm ent of t hese d i screte packets. A critic a l barri e r t o th e study of natura l b e havior is 27 t hat in m o st c ase s t here is en ou gh", "underscore_trick": "otor processes_involved in_naturalistic behaviors. Insights from_multiple fields_have_25 all_come_to the conclusion_that behavior is_organized into discrete packets_or behavioral primitives._Actions_un- 26 fold by a sequential recruitment of these discrete packets. A critical barrier_to_the study_of_natural_behavior is 27 that in_most cases there is enough"} +{"text": "'s and Parkinson's disease. In retinal rods, IR signaling is neuroprotective, and recently it was shown that insulin delays the death of cone photoreceptor in retinitis pigmentosa animal models. Besides IR, insulin-like growth factor-1 receptors (IGF-1R) are also expressed in both rods and cones;", "synonym_substitution": "'s and Parkinson's disease. In retinal rods, IR signaling is neuroprotective, and recently it was shown that insulin delays the end of cone photoreceptor in retinitis pigmentosa animal mannequin. Besides IR, insulin - like increase factor-1 sense organ (IGF-1R) are also expressed in both perch and cone;", "butter_fingers": "'s ajd Parkinson's disease. In retinal rods, IT wignalmng is heuroprogective, and recently it was dhiwn tyat insulin delays the death of cone phitortceptor in retinivjs pigmcutosa wnimcl models. Besidex IR, insulhn-like growth xaztlr-1 receptors (IGF-1R) are also expresseq in boyh rods and conef;", "random_deletion": "'s and Parkinson's disease. In retinal rods, is and recently was shown that cone in retinitis pigmentosa models. Besides IR, growth factor-1 receptors (IGF-1R) are also in both rods and cones;", "change_char_case": "'s and Parkinson's disease. In reTinal rods, Ir signAliNg iS nEuroProtEctive, and recenTLy it Was shown that insulin delAys thE dEAth oF CoNe phoTorecepTOr IN RetInItIs pIgMEnTosa aNimAl modelS. Besides IR, InsUlIn-like growth FAcTor-1 receptoRs (IgF-1R) are also exPreSsed in BoTh rODs and ConEs;", "whitespace_perturbation": "'s and Parkinson's disease . In retin al ro ds, IR s igna ling is neuroprote c tive , and recently it wasshown t h at i n su lin d elays t h ed e ath o fcon ep ho torec ept or in r etinitis p igm en tosa animalm od els. Besid esIR, insulin- lik e grow th fa c tor-1 re cepto rs (IG F -1R) a re also e xp r essedi n bothr o ds and cones;", "underscore_trick": "'s and_Parkinson's disease._In retinal rods, IR_signaling is_neuroprotective,_and recently_it_was shown that_insulin delays the_death of cone photoreceptor_in retinitis pigmentosa_animal_models. Besides IR, insulin-like growth factor-1 receptors (IGF-1R) are also expressed in both rods_and_cones;"} +{"text": " rarely progresses to blast crisis; rather, mortality is due to extramedullary tumor cell expansion leading to organ failure, respiratory failure, bleeding, or infection. Notably, following allogeneic stem cell transplant, 50% of children succumb to leukemia relapse. This relapse rate in JMML is substantially higher than that of", "synonym_substitution": "rarely progresses to blast crisis; rather, mortality is ascribable to extramedullary tumor cellular telephone expansion lead to organ failure, respiratory bankruptcy, bleeding, or infection. Notably, stick to allogeneic stem cell graft, 50% of child succumb to leukemia backsliding. This backsliding rate in JMML is substantially high than that of", "butter_fingers": " ragely progresses to blast crisis; rather, mortalivy is dhe to exgramedullary tumor cell expaisiob leaeing to organ failure, fespiratogy failurw, blteding, or infection. Notably, folmlwiny ellogeneic stem cell tranvplant, 50% of chindfeu succumb to leukemia relapse. This rqlapse tahe in JMML is fubsuaneialmj migher than that of", "random_deletion": "rarely progresses to blast crisis; rather, mortality to tumor cell leading to organ infection. following allogeneic stem transplant, 50% of succumb to leukemia relapse. This relapse in JMML is substantially higher than that of", "change_char_case": " rarely progresses to blast crIsis; rather, MortaLitY is DuE to eXtraMedullary tumor CEll eXpansion leading to organ FailuRe, REspiRAtOry faIlure, blEEdING, or InFeCtiOn. nOtAbly, fOllOwing alLogeneic stEm cElL transplant, 50% oF ChIldren succUmb To leukemia reLapSe. This ReLapSE rate In JmML is SubstaNTially Higher thaN tHAt of", "whitespace_perturbation": " rarely progresses to blas t crisis;rathe r,mor ta lity isdue to extrame d ulla ry tumor cell expansio n lea di n g to or gan f ailure, re s p ira to ry fa il u re , ble edi ng, orinfection. No ta bly, followi n gallogeneic st em cell tran spl ant, 5 0% of child ren succ umb to leukem ia relaps e. This r e lapse r a t ein J MML is substantia l ly higher than th at of", "underscore_trick": " rarely_progresses to_blast crisis; rather, mortality_is due_to_extramedullary tumor_cell_expansion leading to_organ failure, respiratory_failure, bleeding, or infection._Notably, following allogeneic_stem_cell transplant, 50% of children succumb to leukemia relapse. This relapse rate in JMML_is_substantially higher_than_that_of"} +{"text": " structures using in vivo dialysis coupled to HPLC. The results will provide scientists with: 1) a profile of social behaviors in a rodent model for candidate atypical compounds to restore in order to be effective at treating both types of symptoms in schizophrenia; and 2) a neurochemical model with limited effects on striatal dopamine and only transient", "synonym_substitution": "structures using in vivo dialysis coupled to HPLC. The results will leave scientist with: 1) a profile of social behaviors in a rodent exemplar for campaigner atypical compounds to restore in order to be effective at treat both types of symptoms in schizophrenia; and 2) a neurochemical exemplar with limited effects on striatal dopamine and entirely transient", "butter_fingers": " stguctures using in vivo dlalysis coupled jo HPLC. Vhe reshlts wilu provide scientists with: 1) a peofilt of social behaviofs in a rldent moeel hor candidate atblical compounsd to cestore in ordet to be effewtive at treathne yoth types of symptoms in schizophregia; and 2) w neurochemicaj mocql wjnh limited effects on striatal sopamint and only transiemt", "random_deletion": "structures using in vivo dialysis coupled to results provide scientists 1) a profile rodent for candidate atypical to restore in to be effective at treating both of symptoms in schizophrenia; and 2) a neurochemical model with limited effects on dopamine and only transient", "change_char_case": " structures using in vivo dialYsis coupleD to HPlC. THe rEsUlts Will Provide scientiSTs wiTh: 1) a profile of social behaViors In A RodeNT mOdel fOr candiDAtE ATypIcAl ComPoUNdS to reStoRe in ordEr to be effeCtiVe At treating boTH tYpes of sympTomS in schizophrEniA; and 2) a nEuRocHEmicaL moDel wiTh limiTEd effeCts on striAtAL dopamINe and onLY TrAnsiEnt", "whitespace_perturbation": " structures using in vivodialysis c ouple d t o H PL C. T he r esults will pr o vide scientists with: 1) a prof il e ofs oc ial b ehavior s i n a r od en t m od e lfor c and idate a typical co mpo un ds to restor e i n order to be effective a t t reatin gbot h type s o f sym ptomsi n schi zophrenia ;a nd 2)a neuroc h e mi calmodel with limite d e f fects on stria tal do pa m in e and on ly transie nt ", "underscore_trick": " structures_using in_vivo dialysis coupled to_HPLC. The_results_will provide_scientists_with: 1) a_profile of social_behaviors in a rodent_model for candidate_atypical_compounds to restore in order to be effective at treating both types of symptoms_in_schizophrenia; and_2)_a_neurochemical model with limited effects_on striatal dopamine and only_transient"} +{"text": " as well as providing new chemical tools that may lead to the development of drugs that target this important biochemical pathway. The ubiquitin-proteasome system regulates many essential processes that impact on disease, including neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinsons's disease, and also many forms of cancer. Recently, inhibitors of the proteasome", "synonym_substitution": "as well as providing new chemical tools that may head to the growth of drugs that target this important biochemical pathway. The ubiquitin - proteasome organization regulates many essential process that shock on disease, including neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer's and Parkinsons's disease, and besides many forms of cancer. Recently, inhibitors of the proteasome", "butter_fingers": " as well as providing new cmemical tools thcr may nead tk the dexelopment of drugs that targxt tyis inportant biochemical pxthway. Thv ubiquitun-prireasome system regmjatea manv xssential procexses that hmpact on disedsd, nncluding neurodegenerative diseases such ax Wlzheimer's and Parlynsohs's disease, and also many forms of cancer. Recently, inhobitors of the proteasome", "random_deletion": "as well as providing new chemical tools lead the development drugs that target ubiquitin-proteasome regulates many essential that impact on including neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's Parkinsons's disease, and also many forms of cancer. Recently, inhibitors of the proteasome", "change_char_case": " as well as providing new chemiCal tools thAt may LeaD to ThE devElopMent of drugs thaT TargEt this important biochemIcal pAtHWay. THE uBiquiTin-protEAsOME syStEm RegUlATeS many EssEntial pRocesses thAt iMpAct on disease, INcLuding neurOdeGenerative diSeaSes sucH aS AlZHeimeR's aNd ParKinsonS'S diseaSe, and also MaNY forms OF cancer. rECeNtly, Inhibitors of the prOTeASome", "whitespace_perturbation": " as well as providing newchemical t oolstha t m ay lea d to the developme n t of drugs that target thi s imp or t antb io chemi cal pat h wa y . Th eub iqu it i n- prote aso me syst em regulat esma ny essential pr ocesses th atimpact on di sea se, in cl udi n g neu rod egene rative diseas es such a sA lzheim e r's and P ar kins ons's disease, an d a l so many formsof can ce r .R e cen tly , inhibito rs of t h e prote a so m e ", "underscore_trick": " as_well as_providing new chemical tools_that may_lead_to the_development_of drugs that_target this important_biochemical pathway. The ubiquitin-proteasome_system regulates many_essential_processes that impact on disease, including neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinsons's disease,_and_also many_forms_of_cancer. Recently, inhibitors of the_proteasome"} +{"text": " surveillance procedures between 35 and 45 days of age. Lead exposure at the levels employed had no statistically significant effect on growth and did not result in overt signs of toxicity. Thymic weights were significantly decreased in both males and females of the two lead dosage groups. Furthermore, lead exposure resulted in suppression of responsiveness of lymphocytes to", "synonym_substitution": "surveillance procedures between 35 and 45 days of age. Lead vulnerability at the degree employed had no statistically significant impression on growth and did not result in overt sign of the zodiac of toxicity. Thymic weights were importantly decrease in both males and female of the two lead dosage group. Furthermore, lead vulnerability resulted in suppression of responsiveness of lymphocytes to", "butter_fingers": " sugveillance procedures beuween 35 and 45 days of age. Nead esposure xt the levels employed had nl wtatiwtically significant ewfect on hrowth abd dmd not result in overt slyns or toxncmty. Thymic weigmts were sicnificantly dewrdaded in both males and females of thq two lraf dosage groupf. Fugtrermkge, lead exposure resulted in sulpressimn of responsoveness of lymphocytes to", "random_deletion": "surveillance procedures between 35 and 45 days Lead at the employed had no and not result in signs of toxicity. weights were significantly decreased in both and females of the two lead dosage groups. Furthermore, lead exposure resulted in of responsiveness of lymphocytes to", "change_char_case": " surveillance procedures betWeen 35 and 45 dayS of agE. LeAd eXpOsurE at tHe levels employED had No statistically signifiCant eFfECt on GRoWth anD did not REsULT in OvErT siGnS Of ToxicIty. thymic wEights were SigNiFicantly decrEAsEd in both maLes And females of The Two leaD dOsaGE grouPs. FUrtheRmore, lEAd expoSure resulTeD In suppREssion oF REsPonsIveness of lymphocyTEs TO", "whitespace_perturbation": " surveillance procedures b etween 35and 4 5 d ays o f ag e. L ead exposure a t the levels employed had n o sta ti s tica l ly sign ificant ef f e cton g row th an d did no t resul t in overt si gn s of toxicit y .Thymic wei ght s were signi fic antlyde cre a sed i n b oth m ales a n d fema les of th et wo lea d dosage g ro ups. Furthermore, lea d e x posure resulte d in s up p re s s ion of responsiv en ess o f lympho c yt e s to", "underscore_trick": " surveillance_procedures between_35 and 45 days_of age._Lead_exposure at_the_levels employed had_no statistically significant_effect on growth and_did not result_in_overt signs of toxicity. Thymic weights were significantly decreased in both males and females_of_the two_lead_dosage_groups. Furthermore, lead exposure resulted_in suppression of responsiveness of_lymphocytes to"} +{"text": " split between genetic, molecular biology, whole animal studies and small molecule screening, with training and instruction in each, and in the particular areas that this project involves: murine biology, cancer biology, cell culture technique and high-throughput drug screening. Dr. Kasinski's goal is to become a faculty member in an interdisciplinary", "synonym_substitution": "split between genetic, molecular biology, whole animal report and humble molecule screening, with training and education in each, and in the particular areas that this undertaking involves: murine biology, cancer biology, cellular telephone acculturation technique and gamey - throughput drug screening. Dr. Kasinski's goal is to become a staff member in an interdisciplinary", "butter_fingers": " sppit between genetic, molegular biology, whole anikal sthdies ana small molecule screening, wmth rrainung and instruction in each, and in the partmcular areas thav this pvjjecf invmoves: murine biplogy, cancar biology, celn zupture technique and high-throughput qrug sctefning. Dr. Kasinfki's doal ps to become a faculty member ih an inuerdisciplinary", "random_deletion": "split between genetic, molecular biology, whole animal small screening, with and instruction in areas this project involves: biology, cancer biology, culture technique and high-throughput drug screening. Kasinski's goal is to become a faculty member in an interdisciplinary", "change_char_case": " split between genetic, molecuLar biology, Whole AniMal StUdieS and Small molecule sCReenIng, with training and instRuctiOn IN eacH, AnD in thE particULaR AReaS tHaT thIs PRoJect iNvoLves: murIne biology, CanCeR biology, cell CUlTure techniQue And high-throuGhpUt drug ScReeNIng. Dr. kasInski'S goal iS To becoMe a facultY mEMber in AN interdISCiPlinAry", "whitespace_perturbation": " split between genetic, mo lecular bi ology , w hol eanim al s tudies and sma l l mo lecule screening, with trai ni n g an d i nstru ction i n e a c h,an dinth e p artic ula r areas that this pr oj ect involves : m urine biol ogy , cancer bio log y, cel lcul t ure t ech nique and h i gh-thr oughput d ru g scree n ing. Dr . Ka sins ki's goal is to b e co m e a faculty me mber i na ni n ter dis ciplinary", "underscore_trick": " split_between genetic,_molecular biology, whole animal_studies and_small_molecule screening,_with_training and instruction_in each, and_in the particular areas_that this project_involves:_murine biology, cancer biology, cell culture technique and high-throughput drug screening. Dr. Kasinski's goal_is_to become_a_faculty_member in an interdisciplinary"} +{"text": " to make substitutions at residues thought to play a role as a covalent catalyst, a metal ligand, or Bronsted base/acid. Second, fluorinated substrate(s) will be used that cannot undergo turnover. Third, rapid quench approaches will be tried. The second aim is to determine the manner by which PB", "synonym_substitution": "to make substitutions at residues thought to toy a function as a covalent catalyst, a metal ligand, or Bronsted base / acid. Second, fluorinated substrate(s) will be used that cannot undergo dollar volume. Third, rapid quench approaches will be tried. The second bearing is to decide the manner by which PB", "butter_fingers": " to make substitutions at rtsidues thought to play e role zs a covxlent catalyst, a metal liganv, or Bronwted base/acid. Second, fuuorinatef substrqte(s) qill be usxs that gcnnot mnderyo turnover. Thirc, rapid quanch approachev dipl be tried. The second aim is to deeermine tje manner by wrich [B", "random_deletion": "to make substitutions at residues thought to role a covalent a metal ligand, substrate(s) be used that undergo turnover. Third, quench approaches will be tried. The aim is to determine the manner by which PB", "change_char_case": " to make substitutions at resiDues thoughT to plAy a RolE aS a coValeNt catalyst, a metAL ligAnd, or Bronsted base/acid. SEcond, FlUOrinATeD subsTrate(s) wILl BE UseD tHaT caNnOT uNdergO tuRnover. THird, rapid qUenCh Approaches wiLL bE tried. The sEcoNd aim is to detErmIne the MaNneR By whiCh Pb", "whitespace_perturbation": " to make substitutions atresidues t hough t t o p la y arole as a covalent cata lyst, a metal ligand,or Br on s tedb as e/aci d. Seco n d, f luo ri na ted s u bs trate (s) will b e used tha t c an not undergot ur nover. Thi rd, rapid quenc h a pproac he s w i ll be tr ied.The se c ond ai m is to d et e rminet he mann e r b y wh ich PB", "underscore_trick": " to_make substitutions_at residues thought to_play a_role_as a_covalent_catalyst, a metal_ligand, or Bronsted_base/acid. Second, fluorinated substrate(s)_will be used_that_cannot undergo turnover. Third, rapid quench approaches will be tried. The second aim is_to_determine the_manner_by_which PB"} +{"text": " PD is not only limited to tooth loss and associated loss of self-esteem but also impacts general health. Our recent findings indicate that resolution of inflammation is an active process and reveal an urgent need to clinically navigate this essentially uncharted terrain of infammation-resolution. To address this scientific opportunity and important mission in oral health", "synonym_substitution": "PD is not only limited to tooth loss and associated loss of self - admiration but besides impacts general health. Our late findings argue that resolution of inflammation is an active procedure and reveal an urgent motivation to clinically navigate this essentially chartless terrain of infammation - resolution. To address this scientific opportunity and important mission in oral health", "butter_fingers": " PD is not only limited to uooth loss and associatev loss kf self-erteem but also impacts generel hwalth. Our recent findings ivdicate tjat resooutiib of inflammation lf an wctire process and rgveal an urgant need to clhnkcclly navigate this essentially unchawted tetrwin of infammajion-rtsojutikn. To address this scientific oppodtunity and importany mission in oral health", "random_deletion": "PD is not only limited to tooth associated of self-esteem also impacts general that of inflammation is active process and an urgent need to clinically navigate essentially uncharted terrain of infammation-resolution. To address this scientific opportunity and important mission oral health", "change_char_case": " PD is not only limited to tooth Loss and assOciatEd lOss Of Self-EsteEm but also impacTS genEral health. Our recent finDings InDIcatE ThAt resOlution OF iNFLamMaTiOn iS aN AcTive pRocEss and rEveal an urgEnt NeEd to clinicalLY nAvigate thiS esSentially uncHarTed terRaIn oF InfamMatIon-reSolutiON. To addRess this sCiENtific OPportunITY aNd imPortant mission in oRAl HEalth", "whitespace_perturbation": " PD is not only limited to tooth los s and as soc ia tedloss of self-estee m but also impacts generalhealt h. Ourr ec ent f indings in d i cat eth atre s ol ution of inflam mation isanac tive process an d reveal a n u rgent need t o c linica ll y n a vigat e t his e ssenti a lly un charted t er r ain of infamma t i on -res olution. To addre s st his scientific oppor tu n it y and im portant mi ss ion i n oral h e al t h ", "underscore_trick": " PD_is not_only limited to tooth_loss and_associated_loss of_self-esteem_but also impacts_general health. Our_recent findings indicate that_resolution of inflammation_is_an active process and reveal an urgent need to clinically navigate this essentially uncharted_terrain_of infammation-resolution._To_address_this scientific opportunity and important_mission in oral health"} +{"text": " Newborns and Children (ACHDNC) (authorized by the Children's Health Act of 2000), and by the Secretary of HHS. Most states now use this or very similar panels for newborn screening. Currently, there are thousands of rare disorders that have been identified and hundreds that could potentially benefit from newborn screening.", "synonym_substitution": "Newborns and Children (ACHDNC) (authorized by the Children's Health Act of 2000), and by the Secretary of HHS. Most states now use this or very exchangeable panel for newborn screening. Currently, there are thousand of rare disorders that have been identified and hundreds that could potentially profit from newborn cover.", "butter_fingers": " Neaborns and Children (ACHDKC) (authorized by the Chmldren's Health Xct of 2000), and by the Secretary od HHS. Most states now use tfis or vegy similae paiels for newborn screeniky. Curdcntly, vhere are thoussnds of rase disorders tvag kave been identified and hundreds thwt coulc ootentially begefiu fwom hvwnorn screening.", "random_deletion": "Newborns and Children (ACHDNC) (authorized by the Act 2000), and the Secretary of this very similar panels newborn screening. Currently, are thousands of rare disorders that been identified and hundreds that could potentially benefit from newborn screening.", "change_char_case": " Newborns and Children (ACHDNC) (Authorized By the chiLdrEn'S HeaLth ACt of 2000), and by the SeCRetaRy of HHS. Most states now usE this Or VEry sIMiLar paNels for NEwBORn sCrEeNinG. CURrEntly, TheRe are thOusands of rAre DiSorders that hAVe Been identiFieD and hundreds ThaT could PoTenTIally BenEfit fRom newBOrn scrEening.", "whitespace_perturbation": " Newborns and Children (AC HDNC) (aut horiz edbyth e Ch ildr en's Health Ac t of2000), and by the Secr etary o f HHS . M ost s tates n o wu s e t hi sorve r ysimil arpanelsfor newbor n s cr eening. Curr e nt ly, thereare thousands o f r are di so rde r s tha t h ave b een id e ntifie d and hun dr e ds tha t couldp o te ntia lly benefit fromn ew b orn screening. ", "underscore_trick": " Newborns_and Children_(ACHDNC) (authorized by the_Children's Health_Act_of 2000),_and_by the Secretary_of HHS. Most_states now use this_or very similar_panels_for newborn screening. Currently, there are thousands of rare disorders that have been identified_and_hundreds that_could_potentially_benefit from newborn screening."} +{"text": " aims, we plan to test the overall hypothesis that the HCN1 channel that contributes to the Ih current in PFC PNs is important for the regulation of alcohol drinking, and specifically that (a) binge drinking of alcohol during adolescence inhibits persistent firing and excitability in the PFC via reduction of Ih", "synonym_substitution": "aims, we plan to test the overall hypothesis that the HCN1 distribution channel that contribute to the Ih current in PFC PNs is important for the regulation of alcohol drink, and specifically that (a) binge drinking of alcohol during adolescence inhibits persistent fire and excitability in the PFC via reduction of Ih", "butter_fingers": " ails, we plan to test the oyerall hypothesis that vhe HCN1 channel that contributes to the Ih rurrwnt ib PFC PNs is important for the gegulatiob of qlcohol drmhking, akb spedlficanoy that (a) bingg drinking ox alcohol duritg abolescence inhibits persistent firind and eccltability in tre PGS viz reduction of Ih", "random_deletion": "aims, we plan to test the overall the channel that to the Ih important the regulation of drinking, and specifically (a) binge drinking of alcohol during inhibits persistent firing and excitability in the PFC via reduction of Ih", "change_char_case": " aims, we plan to test the overalL hypothesiS that The hCN1 ChAnneL thaT contributes to THe Ih Current in PFC PNs is imporTant fOr THe reGUlAtion Of alcohOL dRINkiNg, AnD spEcIFiCally ThaT (a) binge Drinking of AlcOhOl during adolEScEnce inhibiTs pErsistent firIng And excItAbiLIty in The pFC viA reducTIon of IH", "whitespace_perturbation": " aims, we plan to test the overall h ypoth esi s t ha t th e HC N1 channel tha t con tributes to the Ih cur rentin PFCP Ns is i mportan t f o r th ere gul at i on of a lco hol dri nking, and sp ec ifically tha t ( a) binge d rin king of alco hol durin gado l escen ceinhib its pe r sisten t firingan d excit a bilityi n t he P FC via reductiono fI h", "underscore_trick": " aims,_we plan_to test the overall_hypothesis that_the_HCN1 channel_that_contributes to the_Ih current in_PFC PNs is important_for the regulation_of_alcohol drinking, and specifically that (a) binge drinking of alcohol during adolescence inhibits persistent_firing_and excitability_in_the_PFC via reduction of Ih"} +{"text": " growth as a result of disruption of the genes for the only annotated M. pneumoniae protein phosphatase and cognate ser/thr protein kinase. We will confirm cause and effect for these mutants and explore the impact of loss of protine kinase or phosphatase function on the phosphorylation of terminal organelle proteins HMW1 and HMW", "synonym_substitution": "growth as a result of disruption of the genes for the lone annotate M. pneumoniae protein phosphatase and cognate ser / thr protein kinase. We will confirm cause and effect for these mutant and explore the impact of passing of protine kinase or phosphatase routine on the phosphorylation of terminal organelle protein HMW1 and HMW", "butter_fingers": " grlwth as a result of disrmption of the geuws for the ohly annogated M. pneumoniae protein piospyatast and cognate ser/thf protein kinase. Qe wmll confirm causx and efnzct fkv thevx mutants and ewplore the hmpact of loss ow 'rotine kinase or phosphatase functijn on tne phosphorylatijn og terjpncl organelle proteins HMW1 and HJW", "random_deletion": "growth as a result of disruption of for only annotated pneumoniae protein phosphatase We confirm cause and for these mutants explore the impact of loss of kinase or phosphatase function on the phosphorylation of terminal organelle proteins HMW1 and", "change_char_case": " growth as a result of disruptiOn of the genEs for The OnlY aNnotAted m. pneumoniae proTEin pHosphatase and cognate seR/thr pRoTEin kINaSe. We wIll confIRm CAUse AnD eFfeCt FOr These MutAnts and Explore the ImpAcT of loss of proTInE kinase or pHosPhatase functIon On the pHoSphORylatIon Of terMinal oRGanellE proteins hMw1 And HMW", "whitespace_perturbation": " growth as a result of dis ruption of thegen esfo r th e on ly annotated M . pne umoniae protein phosph atase a n d co g na te se r/thr p r ot e i n k in as e.We wi ll co nfi rm caus e and effe ctfo r these muta n ts and explo rethe impact o f l oss of p rot i ne ki nas e orphosph a tase f unction o nt he pho s phoryla t i on ofterminal organell e p r oteins HMW1 an d HMW", "underscore_trick": " growth_as a_result of disruption of_the genes_for_the only_annotated_M. pneumoniae protein_phosphatase and cognate_ser/thr protein kinase. We_will confirm cause_and_effect for these mutants and explore the impact of loss of protine kinase or_phosphatase_function on_the_phosphorylation_of terminal organelle proteins HMW1_and HMW"} +{"text": " inhibited by acute increases in arterial blood pressure. Further it is proposed that caudal VLM neurons influence the activity of rostral VLM neurons either through monosynaptic connections or through indirect pathways. Thus, interactions between caudal and rostral VLM neurons constitute neuronal mechanisms in the VLM of the cat that", "synonym_substitution": "inhibited by acute increases in arterial blood atmospheric pressure. far it is proposed that caudal VLM neurons influence the bodily process of rostral VLM neurons either through monosynaptic connections or through collateral pathways. Thus, interactions between caudal and rostral VLM nerve cell establish neuronal mechanism in the VLM of the cat that", "butter_fingers": " injibited by acute increasts in arterial blood prevsure. Rurther kt is proposed that caudal VPM neurins influence the actixity of rlstral VOM nturons either through monosynapflc counxctions or throogh indirect pathways. Thus, ivtzractions between caudal and rostral VLM neirlns constitute neugogal jvcmanisms in the VLM of the cat thzt", "random_deletion": "inhibited by acute increases in arterial blood it proposed that VLM neurons influence neurons through monosynaptic connections through indirect pathways. interactions between caudal and rostral VLM constitute neuronal mechanisms in the VLM of the cat that", "change_char_case": " inhibited by acute increases In arterial Blood PreSsuRe. furtHer iT is proposed thaT CaudAl VLM neurons influence tHe actIvITy of ROsTral VlM neuroNS eITHer ThRoUgh MoNOsYnaptIc cOnnectiOns or throuGh iNdIrect pathwayS. thUs, interactIonS between caudAl aNd rostRaL VLm NeuroNs cOnstiTute neURonal mEchanisms In THe VLM oF The cat tHAT", "whitespace_perturbation": " inhibited by acute increa ses in art erial bl ood p ress ure. Further it is prop osed that caudal VLM n euron si nflu e nc e the activi t yo f ro st ra l V LM ne urons ei ther th rough mono syn ap tic connecti o ns or throug h i ndirect path way s. Thu s, in t eract ion s bet ween c a udal a nd rostra lV LM neu r ons con s t it uteneuronal mechanis m si n the VLM of t he cat t h at ", "underscore_trick": " inhibited_by acute_increases in arterial blood_pressure. Further_it_is proposed_that_caudal VLM neurons_influence the activity_of rostral VLM neurons_either through monosynaptic_connections_or through indirect pathways. Thus, interactions between caudal and rostral VLM neurons constitute neuronal_mechanisms_in the_VLM_of_the cat that"} +{"text": " cause structural malformations in the fetus. We propose that many commonly used drugs also can produce more subtle biochemical, physiological and behavioral teratogenic defects in the fetus. The effects of these drug teratogens may not be apparent at birth or even in childhood, but may lie dormant or \"latent\" until years later", "synonym_substitution": "cause structural malformations in the fetus. We propose that many normally use drugs also can grow more insidious biochemical, physiological and behavioral teratogenic defects in the fetus. The effect of these drug teratogen may not be apparent at birth or even in childhood, but may lie dormant or \" latent \" until years later", "butter_fingers": " cakse structural malformatlons in the fetus. We prmpose fhat manh commonly used drugs also cen peoduct more subtle biochdmical, phjsiologicql aid behavioral tecztogenig defsgts iu vhe fetus. The enfects of tvese drug teradoeeus may not be apparent at birth or eden in vhlldhood, but mai lie qormznt or \"latent\" until years later", "random_deletion": "cause structural malformations in the fetus. We many used drugs can produce more teratogenic in the fetus. effects of these teratogens may not be apparent at or even in childhood, but may lie dormant or \"latent\" until years later", "change_char_case": " cause structural malformatiOns in the feTus. We ProPosE tHat mAny cOmmonly used druGS alsO can produce more subtle bIocheMiCAl, phYSiOlogiCal and bEHaVIOraL tErAtoGeNIc DefecTs iN the fetUs. The effecTs oF tHese drug teraTOgEns may not bE apParent at birtH or Even in ChIldHOod, buT maY lie dOrmant OR \"latenT\" until yeaRs LAter", "whitespace_perturbation": " cause structural malforma tions in t he fe tus . W eprop osethat many comm o nlyused drugs also can pr oduce m o re s u bt le bi ochemic a l, p hys io lo gic al an d beh avi oral te ratogenicdef ec ts in the fe t us . The effe cts of these dr ugterato ge nsm ay no t b e app arenta t birt h or even i n child h ood, bu t ma y li e dormant or \"lat e nt \" until years l ater", "underscore_trick": " cause_structural malformations_in the fetus. We_propose that_many_commonly used_drugs_also can produce_more subtle biochemical,_physiological and behavioral teratogenic_defects in the_fetus._The effects of these drug teratogens may not be apparent at birth or even_in_childhood, but_may_lie_dormant or \"latent\" until years_later"} +{"text": " mortality worldwide. There has been a great interest in developing novel therapeutics for this disease that function via an orthogonal mechanism of action to currently available drugs. One promising strategy is to enhance the function of high-density lipoproteins (HDLs). HDLs facilitate the process of reverse cholesterol transport to transfer excess cholesterol from peripheral tissues to", "synonym_substitution": "mortality worldwide. There has been a great interest in developing fresh remedy for this disease that officiate via an orthogonal mechanism of legal action to presently available drugs. One promising strategy is to enhance the affair of high - density lipoprotein (high-density lipoprotein). HDLs facilitate the summons of reverse cholesterol transport to transfer excess cholesterol from peripheral tissue to", "butter_fingers": " mogtality worldwide. There mas been a great interevt in sevelopivg novel therapeutics for thms duseast that function via an orthohonal mexhanmsm of action to currently avajpablz vrugs. One promixing stratagy is to enhatcd che function of high-density lipoprotqins (HDKs). HDLs facilitaje tht pwoceas of reverse cholesterol transporf to trensfer excess cnolesterol from peripheral tisdues to", "random_deletion": "mortality worldwide. There has been a great developing therapeutics for disease that function action currently available drugs. promising strategy is enhance the function of high-density lipoproteins HDLs facilitate the process of reverse cholesterol transport to transfer excess cholesterol from tissues to", "change_char_case": " mortality worldwide. There haS been a greaT inteResT in DeVeloPing Novel therapeutICs foR this disease that functiOn via An ORthoGOnAl mecHanism oF AcTIOn tO cUrRenTlY AvAilabLe dRugs. One Promising sTraTeGy is to enhancE ThE function oF hiGh-density lipOprOteins (hDls). Hdls facIliTate tHe procESs of reVerse cholEsTErol trANsport tO TRaNsfeR excess cholesteroL FrOM peripheral tisSues to", "whitespace_perturbation": " mortality worldwide. Ther e has been a gr eat in te rest indeveloping nov e l th erapeutics for this di sease t h at f u nc tionvia ano rt h o gon al m ech an i sm of a cti on to c urrently a vai la ble drugs. O n epromisingstr ategy is toenh ance t he fu n ction of high -densi t y lipo proteins(H D Ls). H D Ls faci l i ta te t he process of rev e rs e cholesterol t ranspo rt to t ran sfe r excess c ho leste r ol from pe r i p her a l tissues to", "underscore_trick": " mortality_worldwide. There_has been a great_interest in_developing_novel therapeutics_for_this disease that_function via an_orthogonal mechanism of action_to currently available_drugs._One promising strategy is to enhance the function of high-density lipoproteins (HDLs). HDLs facilitate_the_process of_reverse_cholesterol_transport to transfer excess cholesterol_from peripheral tissues to"} +{"text": " the lesions to topical agent (imiquimod) and to radiotherapy;2) the ease to visually monitor local response and to perform Fine Needle Aspiration biopsies for mechanistic studies. A Phase I/II trial will be conducted to evaluate the safety of the combination of RT and IMQ, topically applied to skin metastases", "synonym_substitution": "the lesions to topical agent (imiquimod) and to radiotherapy;2) the ease to visually monitor local response and to do Fine Needle Aspiration biopsy for mechanistic cogitation. A Phase I / II trial will be behave to measure the safety of the combination of RT and IMQ, topically applied to hide metastases", "butter_fingers": " thf lesions to topical agekt (imiquimod) and to radmotheraly;2) the exse to visually monitor locap eespobse and to perform Find Needle Wspiratiin bmopsies for mechehistic studiea. A Pkawe I/II trial wlll be condgcted to evaludtd che safety of the combination of RT wnd IMQ, tlpically appligd to fkin metastases", "random_deletion": "the lesions to topical agent (imiquimod) and the to visually local response and biopsies mechanistic studies. A I/II trial will conducted to evaluate the safety of combination of RT and IMQ, topically applied to skin metastases", "change_char_case": " the lesions to topical agent (iMiquimod) anD to raDioTheRaPy;2) thE easE to visually monITor lOcal response and to perfoRm FinE NEEdle aSpIratiOn biopsIEs FOR meChAnIstIc STuDies. A phaSe I/II trIal will be cOndUcTed to evaluatE ThE safety of tHe cOmbination of rT aNd IMQ, tOpIcaLLy appLieD to skIn metaSTases", "whitespace_perturbation": " the lesions to topical ag ent (imiqu imod) an d t oradi othe rapy;2) the ea s e to visually monitor loca l res po n se a n dto pe rform F i ne N eed le A spi ra t io n bio psi es formechanisti c s tu dies. A Phas e I /II trialwil l be conduct edto eva lu ate the s afe ty of the c o mbinat ion of RT a n d IMQ, topical l y a ppli ed to skin metast a se s ", "underscore_trick": " the_lesions to_topical agent (imiquimod) and_to radiotherapy;2)_the_ease to_visually_monitor local response_and to perform_Fine Needle Aspiration biopsies_for mechanistic studies._A_Phase I/II trial will be conducted to evaluate the safety of the combination of_RT_and IMQ,_topically_applied_to skin metastases"} +{"text": " as Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium tetani, Clostridium botulinum and Clostridium novyi. Because of the previously reported linkage of toxin genes to extrachromosomal DNA and the documented occurrence of adhesive or invasive genes being coded for by plasmids in other bacteria", "synonym_substitution": "as Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium tetani, Clostridium botulinum and Clostridium novyi. Because of the previously reported linkage of toxin genes to extrachromosomal DNA and the documented happening of adhesive or incursive genes being coded for by plasmid in other bacteria", "butter_fingers": " as Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium tejabi, Clovtridihm botulknum and Clostridium novyi. Bxcauwe of the previously reportdd linkagv of toxib geies to extrachromosomal DNA ans the vocumented occutrence of advesive or invavixe genes being coded for by plasmids yn othet hacteria", "random_deletion": "as Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium tetani, Clostridium botulinum novyi. of the reported linkage of and documented occurrence of or invasive genes coded for by plasmids in other", "change_char_case": " as Clostridium perfringens, CLostridium TetanI, ClOstRiDium BotuLinum and ClostrIDium Novyi. Because of the previOusly RePOrteD LiNkage Of toxin GEnES To eXtRaChrOmOSoMal DNa anD the docUmented occUrrEnCe of adhesive OR iNvasive genEs bEing coded for By pLasmidS iN otHEr bacTerIa", "whitespace_perturbation": " as Clostridium perfringen s, Clostri diumtet ani ,Clos trid ium botulinuma nd C lostridium novyi. Beca use o ft he p r ev iousl y repor t ed l ink ag eofto x in gene s t o extra chromosoma l D NA and the doc u me nted occur ren ce of adhesi veor inv as ive genes be ing c oded f o r by p lasmids i no ther b a cteria", "underscore_trick": " as_Clostridium perfringens,_Clostridium tetani, Clostridium botulinum_and Clostridium_novyi._Because of_the_previously reported linkage_of toxin genes_to extrachromosomal DNA and_the documented occurrence_of_adhesive or invasive genes being coded for by plasmids in other bacteria"} +{"text": ". Specifically, our central hypothesis is that some bacterial and viral components, through TLRs, induce trophoblast apoptosis, leading to adverse pregnancy outcome, such as preterm labor or preeclampsia. In our published studies we found TLR2 activation by gram-positive bacterial peptidoglycan (PDG), and TLR8 activation", "synonym_substitution": ". Specifically, our central hypothesis is that some bacterial and viral components, through TLRs, induce trophoblast apoptosis, leading to adverse pregnancy result, such as preterm british labour party or preeclampsia. In our published studies we found TLR2 energizing by gram - positive bacterial peptidoglycan (PDG), and TLR8 activation", "butter_fingers": ". Spfcifically, our central hnpothesis is thaj wome becteriam and vifal components, through TLRs, mnduxe triphoblast apoptosis, lexding to wdverse pregiancy outcome, surg as prccerm mwbor ir preeclampsis. In our pgblished studias wz found TLR2 activation by gram-positide bactrrlal peptidoglysan (KDG), and NLV8 activation", "random_deletion": ". Specifically, our central hypothesis is that and components, through induce trophoblast apoptosis, such preterm labor or In our published we found TLR2 activation by gram-positive peptidoglycan (PDG), and TLR8 activation", "change_char_case": ". Specifically, our central hypOthesis is tHat soMe bActErIal aNd viRal components, tHRougH TLRs, induce trophoblast ApoptOsIS, leaDInG to adVerse prEGnANCy oUtCoMe, sUcH As PreteRm lAbor or pReeclampsiA. In OuR published stUDiEs we found TlR2 aCtivation by gRam-PositiVe BacTErial PepTidogLycan (Pdg), and TLr8 activatiOn", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Specifically, our centra l hypothes is is th atso me b acte rial and viral comp onents, through TLRs,induc et roph o bl ast a poptosi s ,l e adi ng t o a dv e rs e pre gna ncy out come, such as p reterm labor or preeclamp sia . In our pub lis hed st ud ies we fo und TLR2 activ a tion b y gram-po si t ive ba c terialp e pt idog lycan (PDG), andT LR 8 activation", "underscore_trick": ". Specifically,_our central_hypothesis is that some_bacterial and_viral_components, through_TLRs,_induce trophoblast apoptosis,_leading to adverse_pregnancy outcome, such as_preterm labor or_preeclampsia._In our published studies we found TLR2 activation by gram-positive bacterial peptidoglycan (PDG), and_TLR8_activation"} +{"text": " antigens on MHC class II in dendritic cells upon HSV-1 infection. Building on these preliminary studies, we propose to examine the importance of autophagy in both innate and adaptive immune responses using a variety of molecular and cell biological techniques and using established mouse models of virus infection. In the first Aim, we will determine the mechanism by", "synonym_substitution": "antigens on MHC class II in dendritic cells upon HSV-1 infection. Building on these preliminary report, we nominate to examine the importance of autophagy in both innate and adaptive immune responses use a variety of molecular and cell biological proficiency and use established shiner model of virus infection. In the first Aim, we will determine the mechanism by", "butter_fingers": " anhigens on MHC class II ik dendritic cells upon ISV-1 infsction. Bjilding on these preliminary srudiew, we propose to examind the implrtance if antophagy in both innate and adzitive mmmune responsex using a eariety of molacjlcr and cell biological techniques anq using edtablished moufe mpqels of virus infection. In the first Ajm, we wpll determine the mechanism by", "random_deletion": "antigens on MHC class II in dendritic HSV-1 Building on preliminary studies, we of in both innate adaptive immune responses a variety of molecular and cell techniques and using established mouse models of virus infection. In the first Aim, will determine the mechanism by", "change_char_case": " antigens on MHC class II in denDritic cellS upon hSV-1 InfEcTion. builDing on these preLIminAry studies, we propose to eXaminE tHE impORtAnce oF autophAGy IN BotH iNnAte AnD AdAptivE imMune resPonses usinG a vArIety of molecuLAr And cell bioLogIcal techniquEs aNd usinG eStaBLisheD moUse moDels of VIrus inFection. In ThE First AIM, we will DETeRminE the mechanism by", "whitespace_perturbation": " antigens on MHC class IIin dendrit ic ce lls up on HSV -1 i nfection. Buil d ingon these preliminary s tudie s, we p r op ose t o exami n et h e i mp or tan ce of auto pha gy in b oth innate an dadaptive imm u ne responses us ing a variet y o f mole cu lar and c ell biol ogical techni ques andus i ng est a blished m ou se m odels of virus in f ec t ion. In the fi rst Ai m, we w ill de termine th emecha n ism by", "underscore_trick": " antigens_on MHC_class II in dendritic_cells upon_HSV-1_infection. Building_on_these preliminary studies,_we propose to_examine the importance of_autophagy in both_innate_and adaptive immune responses using a variety of molecular and cell biological techniques and_using_established mouse_models_of_virus infection. In the first_Aim, we will determine the_mechanism by"} +{"text": " to quantify regional myocardial perfusion with 82/RbCl and 62/Cu- pyruvaldehyde bis(N/4-methylthiosemicarbazone) (PTSM). We demonstrated however that 62/Cu-PTSM binds to human albumin limiting the ability to quantify flow after pharmacologically-induced hyperemia", "synonym_substitution": "to quantify regional myocardial perfusion with 82 / RbCl and 62 / Cu- pyruvaldehyde bis(N/4 - methylthiosemicarbazone) (PTSM). We demonstrated however that 62 / Cu - PTSM binds to human albumin limiting the ability to quantify flow after pharmacologically - induce hyperemia", "butter_fingers": " to quantify regional myocavdial perfusion cuth 82/RbRl and 62/Du- pyruvxldehyde bis(N/4-methylthiosemicerbazone) (KNSM). We demonstrated huwever thwt 62/Cu-PTSN biids to human albnjin limlcing fme abnlmty to quantify flow aftes pharmacologiwaulv-induced hyperemia", "random_deletion": "to quantify regional myocardial perfusion with 82/RbCl pyruvaldehyde (PTSM). We however that 62/Cu-PTSM the to quantify flow pharmacologically-induced hyperemia", "change_char_case": " to quantify regional myocardIal perfusiOn witH 82/Rbcl aNd 62/cu- pyRuvaLdehyde bis(N/4-metHYlthIosemicarbazone) (PTSM). We dEmonsTrATed hOWeVer thAt 62/Cu-PTSm BiNDS to HuMaN alBuMIn LimitIng The abilIty to quantIfy FlOw after pharmACoLogically-iNduCed hyperemia", "whitespace_perturbation": " to quantify regional myoc ardial per fusio n w ith 8 2/Rb Cl a nd 62/Cu- pyru v alde hyde bis(N/4-methylthi osemi ca r bazo n e) (PTS M). Wed em o n str at ed ho we v er that 62 /Cu-PTS M binds to hu ma n albumin li m it ing the ab ili ty to quanti fyflow a ft erp harma col ogica lly-in d uced h yperemia", "underscore_trick": " to_quantify regional_myocardial perfusion with 82/RbCl_and 62/Cu-_pyruvaldehyde_bis(N/4-methylthiosemicarbazone) (PTSM)._We_demonstrated however that_62/Cu-PTSM binds to_human albumin limiting the_ability to quantify_flow_after pharmacologically-induced hyperemia"} +{"text": " women of Hispanic descent, and examine a social-cognitive-cultural model of post-GCRA cancer screening and prevention behaviors that can guide future GCRA and psychosocial interventions for this population. The following aims will be addressed: 1) Assess cognitive, social and cultural factors influencing cancer screening and prevention behaviors following culturally relevant", "synonym_substitution": "women of Hispanic descent, and examine a social - cognitive - cultural model of post - GCRA cancer cover and prevention demeanor that can guide future GCRA and psychosocial interventions for this population. The follow aim will be addressed: 1) Assess cognitive, social and cultural agent determine cancer screening and prevention behaviors following culturally relevant", "butter_fingers": " wolen of Hispanic descent, xnd examine a social-cojnitive-dultural model of post-GCRA cancer scceenung abd prevention behaviorr that caj guide dutuce GCRA and psyciksocial interbcntious for this popukation. The following aimv dipl be addressed: 1) Assess cognitive, sjcial amd cultural factjrs pnsluehbikg cancer screening and preventikn behaniors following cilturally relevant", "random_deletion": "women of Hispanic descent, and examine a of cancer screening prevention behaviors that psychosocial for this population. following aims will addressed: 1) Assess cognitive, social and factors influencing cancer screening and prevention behaviors following culturally relevant", "change_char_case": " women of Hispanic descent, and Examine a soCial-cOgnItiVe-CultUral Model of post-GCRa CancEr screening and preventiOn behAvIOrs tHAt Can guIde futuRE Gcra anD pSyChoSoCIaL inteRveNtions fOr this popuLatIoN. The followinG AiMs will be adDreSsed: 1) Assess coGniTive, soCiAl aND cultUraL factOrs infLUencinG cancer scReENing anD PreventION bEhavIors following cultURaLLy relevant", "whitespace_perturbation": " women of Hispanic descent , and exam ine a so cia l- cogn itiv e-cultural mod e l of post-GCRA cancer scre ening a n d pr e ve ntion behavi o rs t hat c an gu id e f uture GC RA andpsychosoci alin terventionsf or this popu lat ion. The fol low ing ai ms wi l l beadd resse d: 1)A ssesscognitive ,s ociala nd cult u r al fac tors influencingc an c er screening a nd pre ve n ti o n be hav iors follo wi ng cu l turally re l e v ant ", "underscore_trick": " women_of Hispanic_descent, and examine a_social-cognitive-cultural model_of_post-GCRA cancer_screening_and prevention behaviors_that can guide_future GCRA and psychosocial_interventions for this_population._The following aims will be addressed: 1) Assess cognitive, social and cultural factors influencing_cancer_screening and_prevention_behaviors_following culturally relevant"} +{"text": " cues, or both. Also, by overexpressing Tbr1 in embryos, we will resolve whether Tbr1 specifies cortical axon connections cell autonomously. Aim 3 is to define the role of Tbr1 in glutamatergic differentiation and layer-specific fate choices. Gain-of-function assays", "synonym_substitution": "cues, or both. Also, by overexpressing Tbr1 in embryos, we will resolve whether Tbr1 specify cortical axon connection cell autonomously. purpose 3 is to specify the role of Tbr1 in glutamatergic differentiation and level - specific fate choices. Gain - of - function assay", "butter_fingers": " cufs, or both. Also, by overewpressing Tbr1 in embryov, we wjll resouve whether Tbr1 specifies cocticql axin connections cell augonomouslj. Aim 3 is to vefine the role of Tbr1 ik glufwmatzrjic differentiajion and layar-specific fata zhlices. Gain-of-function assays", "random_deletion": "cues, or both. Also, by overexpressing Tbr1 we resolve whether specifies cortical axon is define the role Tbr1 in glutamatergic and layer-specific fate choices. Gain-of-function assays", "change_char_case": " cues, or both. Also, by overexpreSsing Tbr1 in EmbryOs, wE wiLl ResoLve wHether Tbr1 speciFIes cOrtical axon connections Cell aUtONomoUSlY. Aim 3 iS to defiNE tHE RolE oF TBr1 iN gLUtAmateRgiC differEntiation aNd lAyEr-specific faTE cHoices. Gain-Of-fUnction assayS", "whitespace_perturbation": " cues, or both. Also, by o verexpress ing T br1 in e mbry os,we will resolv e whe ther Tbr1 specifies co rtica la xonc on necti ons cel l a u t ono mo us ly. A i m3 istodefinethe role o f T br 1 in glutama t er gic differ ent iation and l aye r-spec if icf ate c hoi ces.Gain-o f -funct ion assay s", "underscore_trick": " cues,_or both._Also, by overexpressing Tbr1_in embryos,_we_will resolve_whether_Tbr1 specifies cortical_axon connections cell_autonomously. Aim 3 is_to define the_role_of Tbr1 in glutamatergic differentiation and layer-specific fate choices. Gain-of-function assays"} +{"text": " viable strategy for the treatment of NE tumors. Furthermore, we will show that the potent GSK3B inhibitor, lithium chloride, suppresses NE tumor proliferation and hormone production. Thus, we propose to conduct a Phase II clinical trial to determine if lithium is a potential therapy for patients with NE tumors. The primary objective in this aim", "synonym_substitution": "viable strategy for the treatment of NE tumors. Furthermore, we will picture that the potent GSK3B inhibitor, lithium chloride, inhibit NE tumor proliferation and hormone production. Thus, we propose to lead a Phase II clinical trial to determine if lithium is a likely therapy for patients with NE tumors. The primary aim in this purpose", "butter_fingers": " viwble strategy for the trtatment of NE tumors. Furvhermors, we wilu show that the potent GSK3B mnhivitor, lithium chloride, suppfesses NE tumor peoliheration and hormone productioh. Thuv, we propose to conduct a Phase II clinhcxl trial to determine if lithium is a potentoap therapy for katiemes wjnh NE tumors. The primary objectjve in uhis aim", "random_deletion": "viable strategy for the treatment of NE we show that potent GSK3B inhibitor, proliferation hormone production. Thus, propose to conduct Phase II clinical trial to determine lithium is a potential therapy for patients with NE tumors. The primary objective this aim", "change_char_case": " viable strategy for the treatMent of NE tuMors. FUrtHerMoRe, we Will Show that the potENt GSk3B inhibitor, lithium chloRide, sUpPRessES Ne tumoR prolifERaTIOn aNd HoRmoNe PRoDuctiOn. THus, we prOpose to conDucT a phase II cliniCAl Trial to detErmIne if lithium Is a PotentIaL thERapy fOr pAtienTs with ne tumorS. The primaRy OBjectiVE in this AIM", "whitespace_perturbation": " viable strategy for the t reatment o f NEtum ors .Furt herm ore, we will s h ow t hat the potent GSK3B i nhibi to r , li t hi um ch loride, su p p res se sNEtu m or prol ife rationand hormon e p ro duction. Thu s ,we propose to conduct a P has e II c li nic a l tri alto de termin e if li thium isap otenti a l thera p y f or p atients with NE t u mo r s. The primary objec ti v ei n th isaim", "underscore_trick": " viable_strategy for_the treatment of NE_tumors. Furthermore,_we_will show_that_the potent GSK3B_inhibitor, lithium chloride,_suppresses NE tumor proliferation_and hormone production._Thus,_we propose to conduct a Phase II clinical trial to determine if lithium is_a_potential therapy_for_patients_with NE tumors. The primary_objective in this aim"} +{"text": " activate PTP enzymes by targeting either engineered cysteine residues (Specific Aim 1) or naturally occurring cysteine residues (Specific Aim 2). Specific Aim 1 (Target-specific inhibition and activation of engineered PTPs with biarsenical small molecules) proposes several complementary means for engineering inhibitor- sensitive and activator-sensitive (collectively,", "synonym_substitution": "activate PTP enzymes by targeting either engineered cysteine residue (Specific Aim 1) or naturally occur cysteine residues (Specific Aim 2). Specific Aim 1 (Target - specific inhibition and energizing of engineered PTPs with biarsenical small molecules) propose several complementary mean for technology inhibitor- sensitive and activator - sensitive (jointly,", "butter_fingers": " achivate PTP enzymes by tavgeting either eutineerxd cystsine reskdues (Specific Aim 1) or naturelly occuering cysteine residuer (Specifib Aim 2). Spwcifmc Aim 1 (Target-spxdific ikkibitjln aud activation of engineereg PTPs with bidrreuical small molecules) proposes severwl compkelentary means sor tngyneedpnn inhibitor- sensitive and activafor-sensptive (collectivelu,", "random_deletion": "activate PTP enzymes by targeting either engineered (Specific 1) or occurring cysteine residues 1 inhibition and activation engineered PTPs with small molecules) proposes several complementary means engineering inhibitor- sensitive and activator-sensitive (collectively,", "change_char_case": " activate PTP enzymes by targeTing either EnginEerEd cYsTeinE resIdues (Specific AIM 1) or nAturally occurring cysteIne reSiDUes (SPEcIfic AIm 2). SpeciFIc aIM 1 (TaRgEt-SpeCiFIc InhibItiOn and acTivation of EngInEered PTPs witH BiArsenical sMalL molecules) prOpoSes sevErAl cOMplemEntAry meAns for ENgineeRing inhibItOR- sensiTIve and aCTIvAtor-Sensitive (collectiVElY,", "whitespace_perturbation": " activate PTP enzymes by t argeting e ither en gin ee redcyst eine residues( Spec ific Aim 1) or natural ly oc cu r ring cy stein e resid u es ( Spe ci fi c A im 2) . Spe cif ic Aim1 (Target- spe ci fic inhibiti o nand activa tio n of enginee red PTPswi thb iarse nic al sm all mo l ecules ) propose ss everal complem e n ta ry m eans for engineer i ng inhibitor- sen sitive a n da c tiv ato r-sensitiv e(coll e ctively , ", "underscore_trick": " activate_PTP enzymes_by targeting either engineered_cysteine residues_(Specific_Aim 1)_or_naturally occurring cysteine_residues (Specific Aim_2). Specific Aim 1_(Target-specific inhibition and_activation_of engineered PTPs with biarsenical small molecules) proposes several complementary means for engineering inhibitor-_sensitive_and activator-sensitive_(collectively,"} +{"text": " HIV persistence in other cohorts. We have assembled a multidisciplinary group that will allow us to overcome these aforementioned hurdles and will use unbiased OMICs approaches to address our major objective which is to delineate the molecular mechanisms triggered by cocaine that lead to HIV persistence. In specific aim 1 we will use three independent state of the", "synonym_substitution": "HIV persistence in other cohorts. We have assembled a multidisciplinary group that will leave us to get the best these aforementioned hurdles and will use unbiased OMICs approach to address our major objective which is to define the molecular mechanisms triggered by cocaine that moderate to HIV persistence. In specific aim 1 we will practice three independent state of the", "butter_fingers": " HIG persistence in other cuhorts. We have cwsemblxd a mumtidisciolinary group that will allox us to ocercome these aforemengioned hugdles and wilo use unbiased OMICs apprkwchev to address out major objewtive which is tu belineate the molecular mechanisms twiggerec hy cocaine thaj leac to GPV persistence. In specific aim 1 we wiln use three imdependent state of the", "random_deletion": "HIV persistence in other cohorts. We have multidisciplinary that will us to overcome use OMICs approaches to our major objective is to delineate the molecular mechanisms by cocaine that lead to HIV persistence. In specific aim 1 we will three independent state of the", "change_char_case": " HIV persistence in other cohoRts. We have aSsembLed A muLtIdisCiplInary group that WIll aLlow us to overcome these aForemEnTIoneD HuRdles And will USe UNBiaSeD OmICS aPPrOacheS to Address Our major obJecTiVe which is to dELiNeate the moLecUlar mechanisMs tRiggerEd By cOCaine ThaT lead To HIV pERsisteNce. In specIfIC aim 1 we WIll use tHREe IndePendent state of the", "whitespace_perturbation": " HIV persistence in othercohorts. W e hav e a sse mb leda mu ltidisciplinar y gro up that will allow usto ov er c omet he se af orement i on e d hu rd le s a nd wi ll us e u nbiased OMICs app roa ch es to addres s o ur major o bje ctive whichisto del in eat e themol ecula r mech a nismstriggered b y cocai n e thatl e ad toHIV persistence.I ns pecific aim 1we wil lu se t hre e i ndependent s tateo f the", "underscore_trick": " HIV_persistence in_other cohorts. We have_assembled a_multidisciplinary_group that_will_allow us to_overcome these aforementioned_hurdles and will use_unbiased OMICs approaches_to_address our major objective which is to delineate the molecular mechanisms triggered by cocaine_that_lead to_HIV_persistence._In specific aim 1 we_will use three independent state_of the"} +{"text": "PLA2 KO mice. Changes in stromal cells will be defined and in vitro co-cultures will examine cross-talk between cancer cells and macrophages. Aim 2 will use genetic mice to define the downstream effectors of cPLA2 in the tumor microenvironment. These studies will provide a better understanding of tumor-stromal interactions", "synonym_substitution": "PLA2 KO mice. Changes in stromal cells will be defined and in vitro conscientious objector - acculturation will examine cross - talk between cancer cell and macrophages. Aim 2 will practice genetic mice to define the downstream effecter of cPLA2 in the tumor microenvironment. These studies will provide a good understanding of tumor - stromal interaction", "butter_fingers": "PLA2 KO mice. Changes in strooal cells will yw defiied and in vitru co-cultures will examine crlsw-talk between cancer cells xnd macroihages. Ain 2 wmll use genetic mice to define bhe dmxnstream effectprs of cPLD2 in the tumor mkcxoenvironment. These studies will prodide a nehter understanqing jf thmor-stromal interactions", "random_deletion": "PLA2 KO mice. Changes in stromal cells defined in vitro will examine cross-talk Aim will use genetic to define the effectors of cPLA2 in the tumor These studies will provide a better understanding of tumor-stromal interactions", "change_char_case": "PLA2 KO mice. Changes in stromal Cells will bE defiNed And In VitrO co-cUltures will exaMIne cRoss-talk between cancer cElls aNd MAcroPHaGes. AiM 2 will usE GeNETic MiCe To dEfINe The doWnsTream efFectors of cpLA2 In The tumor micrOEnVironment. THesE studies will ProVide a bEtTer UNdersTanDing oF tumor-STromal InteractiOnS", "whitespace_perturbation": "PLA2 KO mice. Changes in s tromal cel ls wi llbede fine d an d in vitro co- c ultu res will examine cross -talk b e twee n c ancer cellsa nd m acr op ha ges .A im 2 wi lluse gen etic micetode fine the dow n st ream effec tor s of cPLA2 i n t he tum or mi c roenv iro nment . Thes e studi es will p ro v ide ab etter u n d er stan ding of tumor-str o ma l interactions", "underscore_trick": "PLA2 KO_mice. Changes_in stromal cells will_be defined_and_in vitro_co-cultures_will examine cross-talk_between cancer cells_and macrophages. Aim 2_will use genetic_mice_to define the downstream effectors of cPLA2 in the tumor microenvironment. These studies will_provide_a better_understanding_of_tumor-stromal interactions"} +{"text": "; and then 3) species ID by MALDI-TOF, (again requiring skilled sample preparation), The SpecID solution combines faster detection, more accurate Gram status determination than the benchtop stain, and ID more accurate than MALDI, in a single fully automated step which reduces the time to ID, streamlines lab workflow", "synonym_substitution": "; and then 3) species ID by MALDI - TOF, (again requiring skilled sample preparation), The SpecID solution combines fast signal detection, more accurate Gram status determination than the benchtop blot, and ID more accurate than MALDI, in a unmarried fully automated footfall which repress the time to ID, streamline lab workflow", "butter_fingers": "; anf then 3) species ID by MAUDI-TOF, (again requiring skillsd sampld preparation), The SpecID solntiob comvines faster detection, more acclrate Gran stetus determination than bke behghtop wtain, and ID mpre accurade than MALDI, hn a single fully automated step which weduces tje time to ID, ftresilinss lab workflow", "random_deletion": "; and then 3) species ID by requiring sample preparation), SpecID solution combines status than the benchtop and ID more than MALDI, in a single fully step which reduces the time to ID, streamlines lab workflow", "change_char_case": "; and then 3) species ID by MALDI-TOf, (again requIring SkiLleD sAmplE preParation), The SpeCiD soLution combines faster deTectiOn, MOre aCCuRate GRam statUS dETErmInAtIon ThAN tHe benChtOp stain, And ID more aCcuRaTe than MALDI, iN A sIngle fully AutOmated step whIch ReduceS tHe tIMe to Id, stReamlInes laB WorkflOw", "whitespace_perturbation": "; and then 3) species ID b y MALDI-TO F, (a gai n r eq uiri ng s killed samplep repa ration), The SpecID so lutio nc ombi n es fast er dete c ti o n , m or eacc ur a te Gram st atus de terminatio n t ha n the bencht o pstain, and ID more accura tethan M AL DI, in asin gle f ully a u tomate d step wh ic h reduc e s the t i m eto I D, streamlines la b w o rkflow", "underscore_trick": "; and_then 3)_species ID by MALDI-TOF,_(again requiring_skilled_sample preparation),_The_SpecID solution combines_faster detection, more_accurate Gram status determination_than the benchtop_stain,_and ID more accurate than MALDI, in a single fully automated step which reduces_the_time to_ID,_streamlines_lab workflow"} +{"text": " signaling pathway at this crucial juncture in the disease progression. Wnt growth factors are critical regulators of chondrocyte differentiation, and GAGs are known to be important regulators of Wnt distribution and activity, suggesting a link between GAG accumulation and dysregulation of this pathway. The objectives of this proposal are to investigate mechanisms of failed", "synonym_substitution": "signaling pathway at this crucial juncture in the disease progress. Wnt increase factors are critical regulators of chondrocyte differentiation, and gag are known to be important regulator of Wnt distribution and activity, suggesting a connection between GAG accumulation and dysregulation of this pathway. The objective of this proposal are to investigate mechanisms of fail", "butter_fingers": " sihnaling pathway at this grucial juncture in the diseaae progrdssion. Wnt growth factors arx cruticao regulators of chondrucyte difverentiarion, qnd GAGs acs known to be lmporcait regulators on Wnt distrhbution and acdixicy, suggesting a link between GAG acctmulatipn and dysregulajion ps thjs pathway. The objectives of this lroposan are to invextigate mechanisms of failfd", "random_deletion": "signaling pathway at this crucial juncture in progression. growth factors critical regulators of known be important regulators Wnt distribution and suggesting a link between GAG accumulation dysregulation of this pathway. The objectives of this proposal are to investigate mechanisms failed", "change_char_case": " signaling pathway at this cruCial junctuRe in tHe dIseAsE proGresSion. Wnt growth fACtorS are critical regulators Of choNdROcytE DiFfereNtiatioN, AnD gaGs ArE kNowN tO Be ImporTanT regulaTors of Wnt dIstRiBution and actIViTy, suggestiNg a Link between GaG aCcumulAtIon ANd dysRegUlatiOn of thIS pathwAy. The objeCtIVes of tHIs propoSAL aRe to Investigate mechanISmS Of failed", "whitespace_perturbation": " signaling pathway at this crucial j unctu reinth e di seas e progression. Wntgrowth factors are cri tical r e gula t or s ofchondro c yt e dif fe re nti at i on , and GA Gs areknown to b e i mp ortant regul a to rs of Wntdis tribution an d a ctivit y, su g gesti nga lin k betw e en GAG accumula ti o n andd ysregul a t io n of this pathway. Th e o b jectives of th is pro po s al a retoinvestigat emecha n isms of fa i l e d", "underscore_trick": " signaling_pathway at_this crucial juncture in_the disease_progression._Wnt growth_factors_are critical regulators_of chondrocyte differentiation,_and GAGs are known_to be important_regulators_of Wnt distribution and activity, suggesting a link between GAG accumulation and dysregulation of_this_pathway. The_objectives_of_this proposal are to investigate_mechanisms of failed"} +{"text": " astatine is stably attached to them. Maintenance and plasticity of synaptic connections are fundamental to all higher cognitive processes. The proper trafficking of postsynaptic glutamate receptors (GluRs) is critical for this process. It is suggested that their misregulation can impair memory formation, as in Alzheimer patients, and can potentially contribute to other", "synonym_substitution": "astatine is stably attached to them. Maintenance and plasticity of synaptic connections are cardinal to all eminent cognitive processes. The proper trafficking of postsynaptic glutamate receptors (GluRs) is critical for this procedure. It is hint that their misregulation can impair memory formation, as in Alzheimer affected role, and can potentially put up to other", "butter_fingers": " ashatine is stably attachea to them. Maintgnqnce aid plasficity ow synaptic connections are fnndanentao to all higher cognitkve procedses. The proker trafficking oh postsykcptic nlutakete receptors (GkuRs) is crhtical for thiv orlcess. It is suggested that their mifregulayiln can impair iemogy forjation, as in Alzheimer patients, ans can pmtentially comtribute to other", "random_deletion": "astatine is stably attached to them. Maintenance of connections are to all higher of glutamate receptors (GluRs) critical for this It is suggested that their misregulation impair memory formation, as in Alzheimer patients, and can potentially contribute to other", "change_char_case": " astatine is stably attached tO them. MaintEnancE anD plAsTiciTy of Synaptic connecTIons Are fundamental to all higHer coGnITive PRoCesseS. The proPEr TRAffIcKiNg oF pOStSynapTic GlutamaTe receptorS (GlURS) is critical fOR tHis process. it iS suggested thAt tHeir miSrEguLAtion Can ImpaiR memorY FormatIon, as in AlZhEImer paTIents, anD CAn PoteNtially contribute TO oTHer", "whitespace_perturbation": " astatine is stably attach ed to them . Mai nte nan ce and pla sticity of syn a ptic connections are funda menta lt o al l h igher cognit i ve p roc es se s.Th e p roper tr afficki ng of post syn ap tic glutamat e r eceptors ( Glu Rs) is criti cal for t hi s p r ocess . I t issugges t ed tha t their m is r egulat i on cani m pa ir m emory formation,a si n Alzheimer pa tients ,a nd c anpot entially c on tribu t e to ot h er ", "underscore_trick": " astatine_is stably_attached to them. Maintenance_and plasticity_of_synaptic connections_are_fundamental to all_higher cognitive processes._The proper trafficking of_postsynaptic glutamate receptors_(GluRs)_is critical for this process. It is suggested that their misregulation can impair memory_formation,_as in_Alzheimer_patients,_and can potentially contribute to_other"} +{"text": " we propose to make a series of measurements which will establish the degree of insulin resistance as well as cardiovascular risk factors in a group of 1600 subjects to be tested in specific field centers. In this application we propose the formation of two cores: an Assay Core, to carry out a series of biochemical measurements, and a Kinetic", "synonym_substitution": "we propose to make a series of measurements which will install the academic degree of insulin resistance as well as cardiovascular hazard factors in a group of 1600 subject to be tested in specific field center. In this application we propose the formation of two cores: an Assay Core, to carry out a serial of biochemical measurements, and a Kinetic", "butter_fingers": " we propose to make a serier of measuremenjs which will sstablisf the degree of insulin residtqnce qs well as cardiovascuuar risk vactors un a troup of 1600 subjects to be besteb mn specific fiekd centers. In this appliwagiln we propose the formation of two sores: am Wssay Core, to sarrj jut z series of biochemical measuremenfs, and e Kinetic", "random_deletion": "we propose to make a series of will the degree insulin resistance as in group of 1600 to be tested specific field centers. In this application propose the formation of two cores: an Assay Core, to carry out a of biochemical measurements, and a Kinetic", "change_char_case": " we propose to make a series of mEasurementS whicH wiLl eStAbliSh thE degree of insulIN resIstance as well as cardiovAsculAr RIsk fACtOrs in A group oF 1600 SuBJEctS tO bE teStED iN specIfiC field cEnters. In thIs aPpLication we prOPoSe the formaTioN of two cores: aN AsSay CorE, tO caRRy out A seRies oF biochEMical mEasuremenTs, ANd a KinETic", "whitespace_perturbation": " we propose to make a seri es of meas ureme nts wh ic h wi ll e stablish the d e gree of insulin resistance as w el l asc ar diova scularr is k fac to rs in a gr oup o f 1 600 sub jects to b e t es ted in speci f ic field cen ter s. In this a ppl icatio nwep ropos e t he fo rmatio n of tw o cores:an AssayC ore, to c ar ry o ut a series of bi o ch e mical measurem ents,an d a K ine tic ", "underscore_trick": " we_propose to_make a series of_measurements which_will_establish the_degree_of insulin resistance_as well as_cardiovascular risk factors in_a group of_1600_subjects to be tested in specific field centers. In this application we propose the_formation_of two_cores:_an_Assay Core, to carry out_a series of biochemical measurements,_and a_Kinetic"} +{"text": " the velocity of shortening during stimulation at 1 Hz. Waves were measured in a 30 sec window following 2 min of stimulation. In absence of drugs average velocity of shortening was 70 plus/minus 32 um/sec (x-SEM, n=6) and no waves occurred. Norepinephrine (1x10", "synonym_substitution": "the velocity of shortening during stimulation at 1 Hz. Waves were measured in a 30 sec windowpane take after 2 min of stimulation. In absence of drug average speed of shortening was 70 plus / minus 32 um / sec (x - SEM, n=6) and no waves occurred. noradrenaline (1x10", "butter_fingers": " thf velocity of shortening during stimulajiin at 1 Hz. Wabes were measured in a 30 sec window flloowint 2 min of stimulation. Kn absencv of drugw avtrage velocity of shortenlug waa 70 plbs/ninus 32 um/sec (x-XEM, n=6) and to waves occursea. Uorepinephrine (1x10", "random_deletion": "the velocity of shortening during stimulation at Waves measured in 30 sec window In of drugs average of shortening was plus/minus 32 um/sec (x-SEM, n=6) and waves occurred. Norepinephrine (1x10", "change_char_case": " the velocity of shortening duRing stimulAtion At 1 HZ. WaVeS werE meaSured in a 30 sec winDOw foLlowing 2 min of stimulatioN. In abSeNCe of DRuGs aveRage velOCiTY Of sHoRtEniNg WAs 70 Plus/mInuS 32 um/sec (x-sEM, n=6) and no wAveS oCcurred. NorepINePhrine (1x10", "whitespace_perturbation": " the velocity of shortenin g during s timul ati onat 1 H z. W aves were meas u redin a 30 sec window fol lowin g2 min of stim ulation . I n abs en ce of d r ug s ave rag e veloc ity of sho rte ni ng was 70 pl u s/ minus 32 u m/s ec (x-SEM, n =6) and n owav e s occ urr ed. N orepin e phrine (1x10", "underscore_trick": " the_velocity of_shortening during stimulation at_1 Hz._Waves_were measured_in_a 30 sec_window following 2_min of stimulation. In_absence of drugs_average_velocity of shortening was 70 plus/minus 32 um/sec (x-SEM, n=6) and no waves occurred._Norepinephrine_(1x10"} +{"text": "-throughput large scale biology with academic collaborators from across the country, investigating a wide variety of biological systems. In this proposal the Broad Institute core small molecule screening group is requesting funding for an automated tissue culture system to enhance our large scale biology capabilities. The instrument would be managed and maintained by the Chemical Biology platform screening group.", "synonym_substitution": "-throughput large scale biology with academic collaborators from across the area, investigate a wide variety of biological systems. In this marriage proposal the Broad Institute core small molecule cover group is request funding for an automated tissue culture system to enhance our big scale biology capability. The musical instrument would be managed and maintained by the Chemical Biology platform screening group.", "butter_fingers": "-thrlughput large scale biolugy with academnx colleboratods from xcross the country, investigaving a wiee variety of biologicxl systemd. In thiw priposal the Udoad Instituts corz wmall molecule screening group is requasgiug funding for an automated tissue ctlture xydtem to enhancg our jargs scale biology capabilities. The ihstrumeit would be mansged and maintained by the Chelical Biology platvorm screenung deoup.", "random_deletion": "-throughput large scale biology with academic collaborators the investigating a variety of biological Broad core small molecule group is requesting for an automated tissue culture system enhance our large scale biology capabilities. The instrument would be managed and maintained the Chemical Biology platform screening group.", "change_char_case": "-throughput large scale bioloGy with acadEmic cOllAboRaTors From Across the countRY, invEstigating a wide variety Of bioLoGIcal SYsTems. IN this prOPoSAL thE BRoAd INsTItUte coRe sMall molEcule screeNinG gRoup is requesTInG funding foR an Automated tisSue CulturE sYstEM to enHanCe our Large sCAle bioLogy capabIlITies. ThE InstrumENT wOuld Be managed and maintAInED by the Chemical biologY pLAtFORm sCreEning group.", "whitespace_perturbation": "-throughput large scale bi ology with acad emi c c ol labo rato rs from across thecountry, investigating a wi de vari e ty of b iologic a ls y ste ms .Inth i spropo sal the Br oad Instit ute c ore small mo l ec ule screen ing group is re que stingfu ndi n g for an auto matedt issueculture s ys t em toe nhanceo u rlarg e scale biology c a pa b ilities. The i nstrum en t w o u ldbemanaged an dmaint a ined by th e C hem i cal Biology p latform scr e eni ng gro up .", "underscore_trick": "-throughput large_scale biology_with academic collaborators from_across the_country,_investigating a_wide_variety of biological_systems. In this_proposal the Broad Institute_core small molecule_screening_group is requesting funding for an automated tissue culture system to enhance our large_scale_biology capabilities._The_instrument_would be managed and maintained_by the Chemical Biology platform_screening group."} +{"text": " a 10,000-fold excess of HeLa cells. Our IHC assays used a rabbit antiserum raised against HPLC-purified Moloney MLV p30CA and another against HPLC-purified Moloney MLV gp70SU. Controls included not only 22Rv1, but also 293T cells transfected with", "synonym_substitution": "a 10,000 - fold excess of HeLa cells. Our IHC assays used a lapin antiserum raise against HPLC - purified Moloney MLV p30CA and another against HPLC - purified Moloney MLV gp70SU. control include not only 22Rv1, but also 293 triiodothyronine cell transfected with", "butter_fingers": " a 10,000-vold excess of HeLa cellr. Our IHC assays used e rabbif antisefum raised against HPLC-purifmed Nolontj MLV p30CA and another against JPLC-puridied Noloney MLT gp70SU. Controla incnnded not only 22Ry1, but also 293D cells transfacgeb with", "random_deletion": "a 10,000-fold excess of HeLa cells. Our used rabbit antiserum against HPLC-purified Moloney HPLC-purified MLV gp70SU. Controls not only 22Rv1, also 293T cells transfected with", "change_char_case": " a 10,000-fold excess of HeLa cells. Our iHC assays uSed a rAbbIt aNtIserUm raIsed against HPLc-PuriFied Moloney MLV p30CA and anOther AgAInst hpLc-puriFied MolONeY mlV gP70Su. COntRoLS iNcludEd nOt only 22RV1, but also 293T cEllS tRansfected wiTH", "whitespace_perturbation": " a 10,000-fold excess of H eLa cells. OurIHC as sa ys u seda rabbit antis e rumraised against HPLC-pu rifie dM olon e yMLV p 30CA an d a n o the rag ain st HP LC-pu rif ied Mol oney MLV g p70 SU . Controls i n cl uded not o nly 22Rv1, butals o 293T c ell s tran sfe ctedwith", "underscore_trick": " a_10,000-fold excess_of HeLa cells. Our_IHC assays_used_a rabbit_antiserum_raised against HPLC-purified_Moloney MLV p30CA_and another against HPLC-purified_Moloney MLV gp70SU._Controls_included not only 22Rv1, but also 293T cells transfected with"} +{"text": " theoretical approach to drug abuse among these adolescents. This preliminary theory contains three aspects-wanting, frames, and self. Wanting refers to the implication of dopamine systems in drug abuse, frames to the role cognitive processes play, and self as an encompassing construct around wanting and frames. The psychophysiological research is the main", "synonym_substitution": "theoretical approach to drug abuse among these adolescents. This preliminary theory control three view - wanting, frames, and self. Wanting refers to the significance of dopamine systems in drug abuse, frame to the role cognitive processes gambling, and self as an encompassing construct around wanting and human body. The psychophysiological research is the main", "butter_fingers": " thforetical approach to drmg abuse among tkwse admlescehts. This preliminary theory contains tyree qspects-wanting, frames, xnd self. Aanting eefecs to the implicefion of dopamjke syvvems in drug abose, frames tm the role cogtigire processes play, and self as an encjmpassimg construct aroond wsgtinf and frames. The psychophysiologiczl reseerch is the maim", "random_deletion": "theoretical approach to drug abuse among these preliminary contains three frames, and self. of systems in drug frames to the cognitive processes play, and self as encompassing construct around wanting and frames. The psychophysiological research is the main", "change_char_case": " theoretical approach to drug Abuse among These AdoLesCeNts. THis pReliminary theoRY conTains three aspects-wantiNg, fraMeS, And sELf. wantiNg referS To THE imPlIcAtiOn OF dOpamiNe sYstems iN drug abuse, FraMeS to the role coGNiTive procesSes Play, and self aS an EncompAsSinG ConstRucT arouNd wantINg and fRames. The pSyCHophysIOlogicaL REsEarcH is the main", "whitespace_perturbation": " theoretical approach to d rug abuseamong th ese a dole scen ts. This preli m inar y theory contains thre e asp ec t s-wa n ti ng, f rames,a nd s elf .Wa nti ng re ferstothe imp lication o f d op amine system s i n drug abu se, frames to t herole c og nit i ve pr oce ssesplay,a nd sel f as an e nc o mpassi n g const r u ct aro und wanting and f r am e s. The psychop hysiol og i ca l res ear ch is thema in", "underscore_trick": " theoretical_approach to_drug abuse among these_adolescents. This_preliminary_theory contains_three_aspects-wanting, frames, and_self. Wanting refers_to the implication of_dopamine systems in_drug_abuse, frames to the role cognitive processes play, and self as an encompassing construct_around_wanting and_frames._The_psychophysiological research is the main"} +{"text": " as well as the preliminary examination. In phase two (years three and four), Dr. Ritchey will remain at North Carolina State University, in a postdoctoral position. b. Research Plan: Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) will be used to examine the defects in alveolar macrophage (AM", "synonym_substitution": "as well as the preliminary examination. In phase two (years three and four), Dr. Ritchey will remain at North Carolina State University, in a postdoctoral placement. b. Research Plan: Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) will be use to examine the defects in alveolar macrophage (AM", "butter_fingers": " as well as the preliminary examination. In phase vwo (yeads three and four), Dr. Ritchey will relaun at North Carolina State Jniversitj, in a powtdortoral position. u. Researgk Plah: Felnnx Immunodeficiekcy Virus (FHV) will be useg go examine the defects in alveolar masrophagr (WM", "random_deletion": "as well as the preliminary examination. In (years and four), Ritchey will remain in postdoctoral position. b. Plan: Feline Immunodeficiency (FIV) will be used to examine defects in alveolar macrophage (AM", "change_char_case": " as well as the preliminary exaMination. In Phase Two (YeaRs ThreE and Four), Dr. Ritchey wILl reMain at North Carolina StaTe UniVeRSity, IN a PostdOctoral POsITIon. B. REsEarCh pLaN: FeliNe IMmunodeFiciency ViRus (fIv) will be used tO ExAmine the deFecTs in alveolar MacRophagE (Am", "whitespace_perturbation": " as well as the preliminar y examinat ion.Inpha se two (ye ars three andf our) , Dr. Ritchey will rem ain a tN orth Ca rolin a State Un i v ers it y, in a po stdoc tor al posi tion. b. R ese ar ch Plan: Fel i ne Immunodef ici ency Virus ( FIV ) will b e u s ed to ex amine the d e fectsin alveol ar macrop h age (AM ", "underscore_trick": " as_well as_the preliminary examination. In_phase two_(years_three and_four),_Dr. Ritchey will_remain at North_Carolina State University, in_a postdoctoral position._b._Research Plan: Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) will be used to examine the defects in_alveolar_macrophage (AM"} +{"text": " respiratory system, skin, or digestive tract. Dependent upon the entry route into the human body, Anthrax can be highly lethal. Although cutaneous Anthrax is rarely lethal, inhalation Anthrax is dangerous and usually fatal. Upon inhalation, the Anthrax spores adhere to the alveolar macrophages and germinate. Bacteria migrate to", "synonym_substitution": "respiratory system, skin, or digestive tract. Dependent upon the entry path into the human soundbox, Anthrax can be highly lethal. Although cutaneous Anthrax is rarely lethal, inhalation Anthrax is dangerous and normally fatal. Upon inhalation, the Anthrax spores adhere to the alveolar macrophage and germinate. Bacteria migrate to", "butter_fingers": " redpiratory system, skin, or digestive tracj. Eependxnt upoh the engry route into the human bodb, Anrhrax can be highly lethal. Xlthough butaneous Antirax is rarely lxfhal, inmclatikk Antkrex is dangerous and usualny fatal. Upon hnfapation, the Anthrax spores adhere to the alfellar macrophaggs anc gerjpncte. Bacteria migrate to", "random_deletion": "respiratory system, skin, or digestive tract. Dependent entry into the body, Anthrax can Anthrax rarely lethal, inhalation is dangerous and fatal. Upon inhalation, the Anthrax spores to the alveolar macrophages and germinate. Bacteria migrate to", "change_char_case": " respiratory system, skin, or diGestive traCt. DepEndEnt UpOn thE entRy route into the HUman Body, Anthrax can be highly LethaL. ALThouGH cUtaneOus AnthRAx IS RarElY lEthAl, INhAlatiOn ANthrax iS dangerous And UsUally fatal. UpON iNhalation, tHe ANthrax spores AdhEre to tHe AlvEOlar mAcrOphagEs and gERminatE. Bacteria MiGRate to", "whitespace_perturbation": " respiratory system, skin, or digest ive t rac t.De pend entupon the entry rout e into the human body, Anth ra x can be high ly leth a l. A lth ou gh cu ta n eo us An thr ax is r arely leth al, i nhalation An t hr ax is dang ero us and usual lyfatal. U pon inhal ati on, t he Ant h rax sp ores adhe re to the alveola r ma crop hages and germina t e. Bacteria migra te to", "underscore_trick": " respiratory_system, skin,_or digestive tract. Dependent_upon the_entry_route into_the_human body, Anthrax_can be highly_lethal. Although cutaneous Anthrax_is rarely lethal,_inhalation_Anthrax is dangerous and usually fatal. Upon inhalation, the Anthrax spores adhere to the_alveolar_macrophages and_germinate._Bacteria_migrate to"} +{"text": " and biostability of PU elastomers have led to a hypothesis for the cell/polymer feedback control of in vivo biodegradation. In order to confirm and/or modify the hypothesis, experimental procedures will be carried out on PUs of known composition with and without specific additives that enhance biostability. The specific aims of", "synonym_substitution": "and biostability of PU elastomers have led to a hypothesis for the cell / polymer feedback restraint of in vivo biodegradation. In decree to confirm and/or modify the hypothesis, experimental procedures will be carry out on PUs of known writing with and without specific additive that enhance biostability. The specific aims of", "butter_fingers": " anf biostability of PU elartomers have leb to a iypotheais for ghe cell/polymer feedback convrol of ib vivo biodegradation. Kn order no confirn anv/or modify the hblothesis, expedlmentcl procedures wikl be carrhed out on PUs ow nnown composition with and without fpecifiv wdditives that enhsgce gpowtability. The specific aims or", "random_deletion": "and biostability of PU elastomers have led hypothesis the cell/polymer control of in confirm modify the hypothesis, procedures will be out on PUs of known composition and without specific additives that enhance biostability. The specific aims of", "change_char_case": " and biostability of PU elastoMers have leD to a hYpoTheSiS for The cEll/polymer feedBAck cOntrol of in vivo biodegraDatioN. IN OrdeR To ConfiRm and/or MOdIFY thE hYpOthEsIS, eXperiMenTal procEdures will Be cArRied out on PUs OF kNown composItiOn with and witHouT speciFiC adDItiveS thAt enhAnce biOStabilIty. The speCiFIc aims OF", "whitespace_perturbation": " and biostability of PU el astomers h ave l edtoahypo thes is for the cel l /pol ymer feedback controlof in v i vo b i od egrad ation.I no r der t ocon fi r mand/o r m odify t he hypothe sis ,experimental pr ocedures w ill be carriedout on PU sofk nowncom posit ion wi t h andwithout s pe c ific a d ditives t ha t en hance biostabilit y .T he specific ai ms of", "underscore_trick": " and_biostability of_PU elastomers have led_to a_hypothesis_for the_cell/polymer_feedback control of_in vivo biodegradation._In order to confirm_and/or modify the_hypothesis,_experimental procedures will be carried out on PUs of known composition with and without_specific_additives that_enhance_biostability._The specific aims of"} +{"text": "-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of early response to tumor necrosis factor alpha in a colon carcinoma model. Invest Radiol, 41: 691-696, 2006. 7. Wedam, S. B., Low, J. A., Yang, S. X., Chow, C. K., Choy", "synonym_substitution": "-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of early reception to tumor necrosis agent alpha in a colon carcinoma model. Invest Radiol, 41: 691 - 696, 2006. 7. Wedam, S. B., Low, J. A., Yang, S. X., Chow, C. K., Choy", "butter_fingers": "-enhwnced magnetic resonance imaging in the assesskent or early fesponse to tumor necrosis fectoe alpya in a colon carcinomx model. Ijvest Raeiol, 41: 691-696, 2006. 7. Wedam, S. B., Low, M. A., Yzkg, S. R., Rhow, C. K., Choy", "random_deletion": "-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment response tumor necrosis alpha in a 41: 2006. 7. Wedam, B., Low, J. Yang, S. X., Chow, C. K.,", "change_char_case": "-enhanced magnetic resonance Imaging in tHe assEssMenT oF earLy reSponse to tumor nECrosIs factor alpha in a colon cArcinOmA ModeL. inVest RAdiol, 41: 691-696, 2006. 7. WeDAm, s. b., low, j. A., yaNg, S. x., CHOw, c. K., ChoY", "whitespace_perturbation": "-enhanced magnetic resonan ce imaging in t heass es smen t of early respons e totumor necrosis factoralpha i n a c o lo n car cinomam od e l . I nv es t R ad i ol , 41: 69 1-696,2006. 7. W eda m, S. B., Low, J. A., Yang, S. X., Chow, C . K ., Cho y", "underscore_trick": "-enhanced magnetic_resonance imaging_in the assessment of_early response_to_tumor necrosis_factor_alpha in a_colon carcinoma model._Invest Radiol, 41: 691-696,_2006. 7. Wedam,_S._B., Low, J. A., Yang, S. X., Chow, C. K., Choy"} +{"text": ", for the first time, delineate the effects of HE-related toxins on astrocyte receptor systems. It is anticipated that the characterization of specific receptor systems changes will elucidate possible mechanisms involved in HE and may lead to the formulation of new therapeutic strategies. Significance Borna disease virus (BDV) infects a broad", "synonym_substitution": ", for the first time, delineate the effects of HE - relate toxin on astrocyte receptor systems. It is anticipate that the portrayal of specific receptor systems change will elucidate possible mechanism involved in HE and may lead to the conceptualization of new therapeutic strategies. Significance Borna disease virus (BDV) infects a wide", "butter_fingers": ", fog the first time, delineaue the effects of HE-relaved toxjns on artrocyte receptor systems. It iw antucipated that the charxcterizatpon of spwcifmc receptor systxjs channzs wimp elbcmdate possible kechanisms involved in HA xnb may lead to the formulation of new therapruhic strategies. Sigmyficznce Borna disease virus (BDV) infecfs a brmad", "random_deletion": ", for the first time, delineate the HE-related on astrocyte systems. It is specific systems changes will possible mechanisms involved HE and may lead to the of new therapeutic strategies. Significance Borna disease virus (BDV) infects a broad", "change_char_case": ", for the first time, delineate tHe effects oF HE-reLatEd tOxIns oN astRocyte receptor SYsteMs. It is anticipated that tHe chaRaCTeriZAtIon of SpecifiC ReCEPtoR sYsTemS cHAnGes wiLl eLucidatE possible mEchAnIsms involved IN He and may leaD to The formulatiOn oF new thErApeUTic stRatEgies. signifICance BOrna diseaSe VIrus (BDv) Infects A BRoAd", "whitespace_perturbation": ", for the first time, deli neate theeffec tsofHE -rel ated toxins on ast r ocyt e receptor systems. It is a nt i cipa t ed that the ch a ra c t eri za ti onof sp ecifi c r eceptor systems c han ge s will eluci d at e possible me chanisms inv olv ed inHE an d maylea d tothe fo r mulati on of new t h erapeu t ic stra t e gi es.Significance Born a d i sease virus (B DV) in fe c ts a br oad ", "underscore_trick": ", for_the first_time, delineate the effects_of HE-related_toxins_on astrocyte_receptor_systems. It is_anticipated that the_characterization of specific receptor_systems changes will_elucidate_possible mechanisms involved in HE and may lead to the formulation of new therapeutic_strategies._Significance Borna_disease_virus_(BDV) infects a broad"} +{"text": " compared to control. Alpha had no effect on resting calcium and decreased the rate of calcium uptake with KCl depolarization. A Pre-Clinical Model of TBI Heterogeneity. The majority of traumatic brain injuries are considered mild. Mild TBI (mTBI) is difficult to diagnose, and despite recent progress in public awareness and clinical", "synonym_substitution": "compared to control. Alpha had no effect on rest calcium and decrease the rate of calcium uptake with KCl depolarization. A Pre - Clinical Model of TBI Heterogeneity. The majority of traumatic brain injury are considered mild. balmy TBI (mTBI) is unmanageable to diagnose, and despite recent progress in public awareness and clinical", "butter_fingers": " colpared to control. Alpha mad no effect on restinj calcihm and ddcreased the rate of calcium uptake with KCl depolarizatiun. A Pre-Cpinical Nodeo of TBI Hevsrogenelcy. Ths majmcity of traumatlc brain inburies are conviaexed mild. Mild TBI (mTBI) is difficult eo diagmode, and despite rectnt profgews in public awareness and cljnical", "random_deletion": "compared to control. Alpha had no effect calcium decreased the of calcium uptake Model TBI Heterogeneity. The of traumatic brain are considered mild. Mild TBI (mTBI) difficult to diagnose, and despite recent progress in public awareness and clinical", "change_char_case": " compared to control. Alpha had No effect on RestiNg cAlcIuM and DecrEased the rate of CAlciUm uptake with KCl depolarIzatiOn. a pre-CLInIcal MOdel of Tbi HETEroGeNeIty. thE MaJoritY of TraumatIc brain injUriEs Are considereD MiLd. Mild TBI (mtBI) Is difficult tO diAgnose, AnD deSPite rEceNt proGress iN Public Awareness AnD ClinicAL", "whitespace_perturbation": " compared to control. Alph a had no e ffect on re st ingcalc ium and decrea s ed t he rate of calcium upt ake w it h KCl de polar ization . A P re- Cl in ica lM od el of TB I Heter ogeneity.The m ajority of t r au matic brai n i njuries arecon sidere dmil d . Mil d T BI (m TBI) i s diffi cult to d ia g nose,a nd desp i t erece nt progress in pu b li c awareness and clini ca l ", "underscore_trick": " compared_to control._Alpha had no effect_on resting_calcium_and decreased_the_rate of calcium_uptake with KCl_depolarization. A Pre-Clinical Model_of TBI Heterogeneity._The_majority of traumatic brain injuries are considered mild. Mild TBI (mTBI) is difficult to_diagnose,_and despite_recent_progress_in public awareness and clinical"} +{"text": "' diarrhea per year. The potential of proteins to form structural complexes is a most important property which determines their function in biological systems. A rheological method to resolve and characterize this potential is proposed. Dominant intermolecular interactions will be identified in concentrated solutions of globular proteins from the concentration dependence of their viscosity. Three hydrodynamic", "synonym_substitution": "' diarrhea per year. The potential of proteins to form geomorphologic complex is a most important property which determine their function in biological systems. A rheologic method to resolve and characterize this electric potential is aim. Dominant intermolecular interactions will be identify in concentrated solutions of ball-shaped proteins from the concentration dependence of their viscosity. Three hydrodynamic", "butter_fingers": "' diwrrhea per year. The potektial of proteins to focm strudtural cumplexes is a most important peoperuj which determines thdir functpon in biilogmcal systems. A risological metgld tm resolve and cmaracterize this potentian ks proposed. Dominant intermolecular igteractoojs will be idegtifpeq in bokcentrated solutions of globular proteiis from the conventration dependence of tjeir viscosity. Three hjdrodynamic", "random_deletion": "' diarrhea per year. The potential of form complexes is most important property biological A rheological method resolve and characterize potential is proposed. Dominant intermolecular interactions be identified in concentrated solutions of globular proteins from the concentration dependence of viscosity. Three hydrodynamic", "change_char_case": "' diarrhea per year. The potentiAl of proteiNs to fOrm StrUcTuraL comPlexes is a most iMPortAnt property which determInes tHeIR funCTiOn in bIologicAL sYSTemS. A RhEolOgICaL methOd tO resolvE and characTerIzE this potentiAL iS proposed. DOmiNant intermolEcuLar intErActIOns wiLl bE idenTified IN conceNtrated soLuTIons of GLobular PROtEins From the concentratIOn DEpendence of theIr viscOsITy. tHRee HydRodynamic", "whitespace_perturbation": "' diarrhea per year. The p otential o f pro tei nsto for m st ructural compl e xesis a most important pr opert yw hich de termi nes the i rf u nct io ninbi o lo gical sy stems.A rheologi cal m ethod to res o lv e and char act erize this p ote ntialis pr o posed . D omina nt int e rmolec ular inte ra c tionsw ill bei d en tifi ed in concentrate d s o lutions of glo bularpr o te i n s f rom the conce nt ratio n depend e nc e o f t h eir viscosity . Three hyd r ody namic", "underscore_trick": "' diarrhea_per year._The potential of proteins_to form_structural_complexes is_a_most important property_which determines their_function in biological systems._A rheological method_to_resolve and characterize this potential is proposed. Dominant intermolecular interactions will be identified in_concentrated_solutions of_globular_proteins_from the concentration dependence of_their viscosity. Three hydrodynamic"} +{"text": "18, and have demonstrated that it exhibited almost identical patterns of expression with C. elegans LBP-1. Most significantly, LBP-1 appears to be secreted from hypodermal cells prior to the formation of the cuticle and the classical nematode excretory/secretory apparatus which only appears later in development", "synonym_substitution": "18, and have demonstrated that it exhibited almost identical patterns of formula with C. elegans LBP-1. about significantly, LBP-1 appears to be secrete from hypodermal cell prior to the formation of the cuticle and the authoritative nematode excretory / secretory apparatus which only appears later in growth", "butter_fingers": "18, anf have demonstrated that it exhibited almost iventicam pattervs of expression with C. elegens OBP-1. Mist significantly, LBP-1 xppears tl be seceetev from hypodermal cells ixior fl thz hormation of thg cuticle ang the classican velatode excretory/secretory apparatus which pnpy appears latgr in qevemopment", "random_deletion": "18, and have demonstrated that it exhibited patterns expression with elegans LBP-1. Most secreted hypodermal cells prior the formation of cuticle and the classical nematode excretory/secretory which only appears later in development", "change_char_case": "18, and have demonstrated that it Exhibited aLmost IdeNtiCaL patTernS of expression wITh C. eLegans LBP-1. Most significaNtly, LbP-1 APpeaRS tO be seCreted fROm HYPodErMaL ceLlS PrIor to The FormatiOn of the cutIclE aNd the classicAL nEmatode excRetOry/secretory AppAratus WhIch ONly apPeaRs latEr in deVElopmeNt", "whitespace_perturbation": "18, and have demonstratedthat it ex hibit edalm os t id enti cal patterns o f exp ression with C. elegan s LBP -1 . Mos t s ignif icantly , L B P -1ap pe ars t o b e sec ret ed from hypoderma l c el ls prior tot he formation of the cuticle an d thecl ass i cal n ema todeexcret o ry/sec retory ap pa r atus w h ich onl y ap pear s later in develo p me n t", "underscore_trick": "18, and_have demonstrated_that it exhibited almost_identical patterns_of_expression with_C._elegans LBP-1. Most_significantly, LBP-1 appears_to be secreted from_hypodermal cells prior_to_the formation of the cuticle and the classical nematode excretory/secretory apparatus which only appears_later_in development"} +{"text": " the principal source of biological energy in the lens. Hexokinase, the pacemaker of this metabolic pathway and phosphofructokinase, an equally important point of metabolic control, will be studied in detail. Isolation and characterization of these enzymes will be attempted. Changes in overall glycolytic activity will be correlated with changes", "synonym_substitution": "the principal source of biological energy in the lens. Hexokinase, the pacemaker of this metabolic nerve pathway and phosphofructokinase, an evenly significant point of metabolic control, will be study in detail. Isolation and characterization of these enzyme will be attempted. Changes in overall glycolytic activity will be correlate with changes", "butter_fingers": " thf principal source of biulogical energy in the lens. Gexokinare, the pacemaker of this meteboluc paukway and phosphofrucgokinase, wn equaloy inportant pomht of mccaboljg concril, will be stucied in dedail. Isolation avd characterization of these enzymes rill be ahtempted. Changgs in jverzll glycolytic activity will be codrelatev with changes", "random_deletion": "the principal source of biological energy in Hexokinase, pacemaker of metabolic pathway and of control, will be in detail. Isolation characterization of these enzymes will be Changes in overall glycolytic activity will be correlated with changes", "change_char_case": " the principal source of bioloGical energY in thE leNs. HExOkinAse, tHe pacemaker of tHIs meTabolic pathway and phospHofruCtOKinaSE, aN equaLly impoRTaNT PoiNt Of MetAbOLiC contRol, Will be sTudied in deTaiL. ISolation and cHArActerizatiOn oF these enzymeS wiLl be atTeMptED. ChanGes In oveRall glYColytiC activity WiLL be corRElated wITH cHangEs", "whitespace_perturbation": " the principal source of b iologicalenerg y i n t he len s. H exokinase, the pace maker of this metaboli c pat hw a y an d p hosph ofructo k in a s e,an e qua ll y i mport ant pointof metabol icco ntrol, willb estudied in de tail. Isolat ion and c ha rac t eriza tio n ofthesee nzymes will beat t empted . Change s in ove rall glycolytic a c ti v ity will be co rrelat ed wi t h ch ang es", "underscore_trick": " the_principal source_of biological energy in_the lens._Hexokinase,_the pacemaker_of_this metabolic pathway_and phosphofructokinase, an_equally important point of_metabolic control, will_be_studied in detail. Isolation and characterization of these enzymes will be attempted. Changes in_overall_glycolytic activity_will_be_correlated with changes"} +{"text": " beyond concurrent assessments of vagal response and identify patterns and trajectories that develop over time. The proposed analyses will allow us to examine the development of vagal tone over the first three years as a predictor of typical and atypical socio-emotional outcomes. Relevance to Public Health: The proposed study is designed to provide longitudinal analyses", "synonym_substitution": "beyond concurrent assessments of vagal response and identify design and trajectory that develop over time. The aim analysis will allow us to examine the exploitation of vagal note over the first three old age as a predictor of typical and atypical socio - aroused outcomes. Relevance to Public Health: The proposed study is designed to leave longitudinal analyses", "butter_fingers": " bejond concurrent assessmekts of vagal reskobse anv identjfy pattdrns and trajectories that dxvelip ovtg time. The proposed avalyses wpll allow us uo examine the detslopmenb of bwgal vone over the flrst three fears as a pregiztlr of typical and atypical socio-emoeional puhcomes. Relevanse tp Pubmpc Health: The proposed study is designtd to provide longotudinal analyses", "random_deletion": "beyond concurrent assessments of vagal response and and that develop time. The proposed examine development of vagal over the first years as a predictor of typical atypical socio-emotional outcomes. Relevance to Public Health: The proposed study is designed to longitudinal analyses", "change_char_case": " beyond concurrent assessmenTs of vagal rEsponSe aNd iDeNtifY patTerns and trajecTOrieS that develop over time. ThE propOsED anaLYsEs wilL allow uS To EXAmiNe ThE deVeLOpMent oF vaGal tone Over the firSt tHrEe years as a prEDiCtor of typiCal And atypical sOciO-emotiOnAl oUTcomeS. ReLevanCe to PuBLic HeaLth: The proPoSEd studY Is desigNED tO proVide longitudinal aNAlYSes", "whitespace_perturbation": " beyond concurrent assessm ents of va gal r esp ons eandiden tify patternsa nd t rajectories that devel op ov er time . T he pr oposeda na l y ses w il l a ll o wus to ex amine t he develop men tof vagal ton e o ver the fi rst three years as a pre di cto r of t ypi cal a nd aty p ical s ocio-emot io n al out c omes. R e l ev ance to Public Health : T h e proposed stu dy isde s ig n e d t o p rovide lon gi tudin a l analy s es ", "underscore_trick": " beyond_concurrent assessments_of vagal response and_identify patterns_and_trajectories that_develop_over time. The_proposed analyses will_allow us to examine_the development of_vagal_tone over the first three years as a predictor of typical and atypical socio-emotional_outcomes._Relevance to_Public_Health:_The proposed study is designed_to provide longitudinal analyses"} +{"text": ". We will employ a sensitive and precise radioimmunoassay for relaxin to determine factors which influence the secretion of porcine relaxin immediately preceding parturition. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: O.D. Sherwood, K.R. Rosentreter, and M.L.", "synonym_substitution": ". We will employ a sensitive and precise radioimmunoassay for relaxin to determine divisor which determine the secretion of porcine relaxin immediately preceding parturition. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: O.D. Sherwood, K.R. Rosentreter, and M.L.", "butter_fingers": ". We will employ a sensitive and precise rabuoimmuioassay for relxxin to determine factors whmch unflutuce the secretion of porcine gelaxin inmedmately preceding parturibnon. BJNLIOGXA'HIC REFERENCES: O.D. Sherwomd, K.R. Rosentredef, cnd M.L.", "random_deletion": ". We will employ a sensitive and for to determine which influence the preceding BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: O.D. K.R. Rosentreter, and", "change_char_case": ". We will employ a sensitive and Precise radIoimmUnoAssAy For rElaxIn to determine fACtorS which influence the secrEtion Of POrciNE rElaxiN immediATeLY PreCeDiNg pArTUrItion. bIBlIOGRAPhIC REFERENcES: o.D. sherwood, K.R. RoSEnTreter, and M.l.", "whitespace_perturbation": ". We will employ a sensiti ve and pre ciserad ioi mm unoa ssay for relaxin t o det ermine factors which i nflue nc e the se creti on of p o rc i n e r el ax inim m ed iatel y p recedin g parturit ion .BIBLIOGRAPHI C R EFERENCES: O. D. Sherwood, K. R. Ros en tre t er, a ndM.L.", "underscore_trick": ". We_will employ_a sensitive and precise_radioimmunoassay for_relaxin_to determine_factors_which influence the_secretion of porcine_relaxin immediately preceding parturition._BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: O.D._Sherwood,_K.R. Rosentreter, and M.L."} +{"text": ". Thus, the coordinated activities of Jagged1 and Dll1 regulate all phases of the VSMC life cycle from embryonic development to re-establishment of homeostasis following vascular injury. The aims of this project are to: 1) Elucidate Jagged1- and Dll1-induced differential pathways and", "synonym_substitution": ". Thus, the coordinated activities of Jagged1 and Dll1 regulate all phase of the VSMC biography cycle from embryonic development to re - establishment of homeostasis postdate vascular injury. The aims of this undertaking are to: 1) Elucidate Jagged1- and Dll1 - induced differential pathways and", "butter_fingers": ". Thks, the coordinated activlties of Jagged1 cbd Dll1 regulzte all ohases of the VSMC life cyclx frim emvryonic development to re-establpshment od honwostasis following vascumwr iujnry. The aims of this projact are to: 1) Elgckdcte Jagged1- and Dll1-induced differentiwl patheajs and", "random_deletion": ". Thus, the coordinated activities of Jagged1 regulate phases of VSMC life cycle of following vascular injury. aims of this are to: 1) Elucidate Jagged1- and differential pathways and", "change_char_case": ". Thus, the coordinated activitIes of JaggeD1 and DLl1 rEguLaTe alL phaSes of the VSMC liFE cycLe from embryonic developMent tO rE-EstaBLiShmenT of homeOStASIs fOlLoWinG vAScUlar iNjuRy. The aiMs of this prOjeCt Are to: 1) ElucidaTE JAgged1- and DlL1-inDuced differeNtiAl pathWaYs aND", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Thus, the coordinated ac tivities o f Jag ged 1 a nd Dll 1 re gulate all pha s es o f the VSMC life cyclefromem b ryon i cdevel opmentt or e -es ta bl ish me n tof ho meo stasisfollowingvas cu lar injury.T he aims of t his project are to : 1) E lu cid a te Ja gge d1- a nd Dll 1 -induc ed differ en t ial pa t hways a n d ", "underscore_trick": ". Thus,_the coordinated_activities of Jagged1 and_Dll1 regulate_all_phases of_the_VSMC life cycle_from embryonic development_to re-establishment of homeostasis_following vascular injury._The_aims of this project are to: 1) Elucidate Jagged1- and Dll1-induced differential pathways and"} +{"text": " to fifty billion cells are used for each treatment. The anticancer cells are generated in vitro from each patient's lymphocytes. The lymphocytes have natural anticancer activity, or anticancer activity induced or enhanced by genetic modification of the cells in vitro. Eighty patients with metastatic cancer have been treated with anticancer lymphocytes between August 1, 2013 and August", "synonym_substitution": "to fifty billion cells are used for each treatment. The anticancer cells are generate in vitro from each affected role's lymphocytes. The lymphocytes get lifelike anticancer activity, or anticancer activity induced or enhance by genetic modification of the cell in vitro. Eighty patients with metastatic cancer have been treated with anticancer lymphocytes between August 1, 2013 and August", "butter_fingers": " to fifty billion cells are used for each jrwatmenv. The ahticancef cells are generated in vitco feom eqch patient's lymphocytds. The lylphocytew hate natural anticehcer acbnvity, lr autmcancer activiti induced or enhanced by gandtnc modification of the cells in vitrj. Eightu oatients with ietaxeatid cancer have been treated with anficanceg lymphocytes beteeen August 1, 2013 and August", "random_deletion": "to fifty billion cells are used for The cells are in vitro from have anticancer activity, or activity induced or by genetic modification of the cells vitro. Eighty patients with metastatic cancer have been treated with anticancer lymphocytes between 1, 2013 and August", "change_char_case": " to fifty billion cells are useD for each trEatmeNt. THe aNtIcanCer cElls are generatED in vItro from each patient's lyMphocYtES. The LYmPhocyTes have NAtURAl aNtIcAncEr ACtIvity, Or aNticancEr activity IndUcEd or enhanced BY gEnetic modiFicAtion of the ceLls In vitrO. EIghTY patiEntS with MetastATic canCer have beEn TReated WIth antiCANcEr lyMphocytes between AUGuST 1, 2013 and August", "whitespace_perturbation": " to fifty billion cells ar e used for each tr eat me nt.Theanticancer cel l s ar e generated in vitro f rom e ac h pat i en t's l ymphocy t es . The l ym pho cy t es have na tural a nticanceract iv ity, or anti c an cer activi tyinduced or e nha nced b ygen e tic m odi ficat ion of the ce lls in vi tr o . Eigh t y patie n t swith metastatic cance r h a ve been treate d with a n ti c a nce r l ymphocytes b etwee n August 1, 2 0 13a nd August", "underscore_trick": " to_fifty billion_cells are used for_each treatment._The_anticancer cells_are_generated in vitro_from each patient's_lymphocytes. The lymphocytes have_natural anticancer activity,_or_anticancer activity induced or enhanced by genetic modification of the cells in vitro. Eighty_patients_with metastatic_cancer_have_been treated with anticancer lymphocytes_between August 1, 2013 and_August"} +{"text": ". All participants will undergo culturally relevant GCRA following referral by their primary physicians. Genetic testing for a BRCA mutation will be offered when there is medical necessity and a reasonable calculated probability of a detectable mutation. Cancer screening and prevention recommendations will be given based on genetic test results or empiric risk estimates. Participants will complete a baseline", "synonym_substitution": ". All participants will undergo culturally relevant GCRA following referral by their primary physicians. familial examination for a BRCA mutation will be offered when there be aesculapian necessity and a reasonable calculated probability of a detectable mutation. Cancer cover and prevention recommendation will be given based on genetic test resultant role or empiric risk appraisal. Participants will complete a baseline", "butter_fingers": ". Alp participants will undevgo culturally rglwvant JCRA fomlowing feferral by their primary phbsicuans. Tenetic testing for a CRCA mutanion will be idfered whei there lf meslcal ueressity and a rgasonable canculated probatiuicy of a detectable mutation. Cancer ssreeninb wnd prevention recpimensations will be given based on genstic tevt results or empiric risk estimates. Pagticlpants will complehe a baselibe", "random_deletion": ". All participants will undergo culturally relevant referral their primary Genetic testing for offered there is medical and a reasonable probability of a detectable mutation. Cancer and prevention recommendations will be given based on genetic test results or empiric estimates. Participants will complete a baseline", "change_char_case": ". All participants will undergO culturallY releVanT GCrA FollOwinG referral by theIR priMary physicians. Genetic tEstinG fOR a BRca mUtatiOn will bE OfFERed WhEn TheRe IS mEdicaL neCessity And a reasonAblE cAlculated proBAbIlity of a deTecTable mutatioN. CaNcer scReEniNG and pRevEntioN recomMEndatiOns will be GiVEn baseD On genetIC TeSt reSults or empiric risK EsTImates. ParticipAnts wiLl COmPLEte A baSeline", "whitespace_perturbation": ". All participants will un dergo cult urall y r ele va nt G CRAfollowing refe r ralby their primary physi cians .G enet i ctesti ng fora B R C A m ut at ion w i ll be o ffe red whe n there is me di cal necessit y a nd a reaso nab le calculate d p robabi li tyo f a d ete ctabl e muta t ion. C ancer scr ee n ing an d preven t i on rec ommendations will be given based on genet ic te s t re sul ts or empi ri c ris k estima t es . P art i cipants willcomplete ab ase line", "underscore_trick": ". All_participants will_undergo culturally relevant GCRA_following referral_by_their primary_physicians._Genetic testing for_a BRCA mutation_will be offered when_there is medical_necessity_and a reasonable calculated probability of a detectable mutation. Cancer screening and prevention recommendations_will_be given_based_on_genetic test results or empiric_risk estimates. Participants will complete_a baseline"} +{"text": " meeting. We also request joint sponsorship by the Office of Women's Health, the National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences, and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. The number of requested sponsors reflects the unusual nature of this conference which focuses", "synonym_substitution": "meeting. We also request joint sponsorship by the Office of Women's Health, the National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences, and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. The number of requested patron reflect the unusual nature of this conference which focuses", "butter_fingers": " mefting. We also request jolnt sponsorship yt the Mffice of Womev's Health, the National Cancec Inwtituuv, National Institute uf Diabetvs, Digestuve end Kidney Diseases, the Kctionzp Invvitute for Envitonmental Hedlth Sciences, dna che National Institute of General Meqical Svifnces. The numbgr of wequssted sponsors reflects the unusuam naturt of this conferenve which focuses", "random_deletion": "meeting. We also request joint sponsorship by of Health, the Cancer Institute, National Kidney the National Institute Environmental Health Sciences, the National Institute of General Medical The number of requested sponsors reflects the unusual nature of this conference which", "change_char_case": " meeting. We also request joint SponsorshiP by thE OfFicE oF WomEn's HEalth, the NationAL CanCer Institute, National InStituTe OF DiaBEtEs, DigEstive aND KIDNey diSeAseS, tHE NAtionAl INstitutE for EnviroNmeNtAl Health ScieNCeS, and the NatIonAl Institute oF GeNeral MEdIcaL scienCes. the nuMber of REquestEd sponsorS rEFlects THe unusuAL NaTure Of this conference wHIcH Focuses", "whitespace_perturbation": " meeting. We also requestjoint spon sorsh ipbyth e Of fice of Women's He a lth, the National Cancer I nstit ut e , Na t io nal I nstitut e o f Dia be te s,Di g es tiveand Kidney Diseases, th eNational Ins t it ute for En vir onmental Hea lth Scien ce s,a nd th e N ation al Ins t ituteof Genera lM edical Science s . T he n umber of requeste d s p onsors reflect s theun u su a l na tur e of thisco nfere n ce whic h f o c u ses ", "underscore_trick": " meeting._We also_request joint sponsorship by_the Office_of_Women's Health,_the_National Cancer Institute,_National Institute of_Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney_Diseases, the National_Institute_for Environmental Health Sciences, and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. The number_of_requested sponsors_reflects_the_unusual nature of this conference_which focuses"} +{"text": " subversion, pain, demographic, social, other structural factors) are most closely linked to ART nonadherence (per DBS), and how they affect measuring ART adherence using MyTPill and Wisepill. Public health significance: If MyTPill, a non-invasive, self-contained, and nearly automated", "synonym_substitution": "subversion, pain, demographic, social, other structural divisor) are about closely linked to ART nonadherence (per DBS), and how they involve quantify ART adherence using MyTPill and Wisepill. Public health meaning: If MyTPill, a non - invasive, self - contained, and nearly automatize", "butter_fingers": " suhversion, pain, demographig, social, other sjrycturan factkrs) are oost closely linked to ART nlnqdhertuce (per DBS), and how ghey affebt measurung ERT adherence usmhg MyTPljl ahf Wivxpill. Public heslth signixicance: If MyT[iul, a non-invasive, self-contained, and newrly auyolated", "random_deletion": "subversion, pain, demographic, social, other structural factors) closely to ART (per DBS), and adherence MyTPill and Wisepill. health significance: If a non-invasive, self-contained, and nearly automated", "change_char_case": " subversion, pain, demographic, Social, otheR struCtuRal FaCtorS) are Most closely linKEd to aRT nonadherence (per DBS), aNd how ThEY affECt MeasuRing ART ADhEREncE uSiNg MYTpIlL and WIsePill. PubLic health sIgnIfIcance: If MyTPILl, A non-invasiVe, sElf-contained, And Nearly AuTomATed", "whitespace_perturbation": " subversion, pain, demogra phic, soci al, o the r s tr uctu ralfactors) are m o st c losely linked to ART n onadh er e nce( pe r DBS ), andh ow t hey a ff ect m e as uring AR T adher ence using My TP ill and Wise p il l. Publichea lth signific anc e: IfMy TPi l l, anon -inva sive,s elf-co ntained,an d nearl y automa t e d", "underscore_trick": " subversion,_pain, demographic,_social, other structural factors)_are most_closely_linked to_ART_nonadherence (per DBS),_and how they_affect measuring ART adherence_using MyTPill and_Wisepill._Public health significance: If MyTPill, a non-invasive, self-contained, and nearly automated"} +{"text": " although ATAD2 and ATAD2B are highly conserved, there is little known about the function of ATAD2B or its role in oncogenesis. Both the ATAD2/B proteins contain two conserved domains: an AAA ATPase domain and a bromodomain. The overall objective of the proposed research is", "synonym_substitution": "although ATAD2 and ATAD2B are highly conserved, there is little known about the function of ATAD2B or its role in oncogenesis. Both the ATAD2 / boron protein contain two conserved domain: an AAA ATPase world and a bromodomain. The overall objective of the proposed inquiry is", "butter_fingers": " alhhough ATAD2 and ATAD2B art highly conserveb, there is liftle knodn about the function of ATAV2B oe its role in oncogenesis. Buth the ANAD2/B protwins xontain two conseryzd dojwins: en AAA ATPase dpmain and d bromodomain. Dhd lverall objective of the proposed rqsearch id", "random_deletion": "although ATAD2 and ATAD2B are highly conserved, little about the of ATAD2B or the proteins contain two domains: an AAA domain and a bromodomain. The overall of the proposed research is", "change_char_case": " although ATAD2 and ATAD2B are hiGhly conserVed, thEre Is lItTle kNown About the functiON of AtAD2B or its role in oncogenEsis. BOtH The AtaD2/b protEins conTAiN TWo cOnSeRveD dOMaIns: an aAA aTPase dOmain and a bRomOdOmain. The overALl Objective oF thE proposed resEarCh is", "whitespace_perturbation": " although ATAD2 and ATAD2B are highl y con ser ved ,ther e is little knowna bout the function of ATAD2 B orit s rol e i n onc ogenesi s .B o thth eATA D2 / Bprote ins contai n two cons erv ed domains: an AA A ATPase d oma in and a bro mod omain. T heo veral l o bject ive of the pr oposed re se a rch is ", "underscore_trick": " although_ATAD2 and_ATAD2B are highly conserved,_there is_little_known about_the_function of ATAD2B_or its role_in oncogenesis. Both the_ATAD2/B proteins contain_two_conserved domains: an AAA ATPase domain and a bromodomain. The overall objective of the_proposed_research is"} +{"text": " now propose to test the hypothesis that reduction in hepatic CEACAM1 underlies the causative role of hyperinsulinemia in diet-induced insulin resistance. To this end, we will in Aim 1, investigate whether preventing hyperinsulinemia curbs diet-induced insulin resistance in a model of hepatic Ceacam1 gain-", "synonym_substitution": "now propose to test the hypothesis that decrease in hepatic CEACAM1 underlie the causative role of hyperinsulinemia in diet - induced insulin underground. To this conclusion, we will in Aim 1, investigate whether preventing hyperinsulinemia curbs diet - induce insulin resistor in a model of hepatic Ceacam1 gain-", "butter_fingers": " noa propose to test the hykothesis that redocrion ii hepatjc CEACAO1 underlies the causative rope of htperinsulinemia in dieg-induced pnsulin rwsisuance. To this end, we will in Aij 1, inrewtigate whethet preventing hyperinsulinekix eurbs diet-induced insulin resistance in a mpdfl of hepatic Seacsi1 gajn-", "random_deletion": "now propose to test the hypothesis that hepatic underlies the role of hyperinsulinemia this we will in 1, investigate whether hyperinsulinemia curbs diet-induced insulin resistance in model of hepatic Ceacam1 gain-", "change_char_case": " now propose to test the hypothEsis that reDuctiOn iN hePaTic CeACAm1 underlies the cAUsatIve role of hyperinsulineMia in DiET-indUCeD insuLin resiSTaNCE. To ThIs End, We WIlL in AiM 1, inVestigaTe whether pRevEnTing hyperinsULiNemia curbs DieT-induced insuLin ResistAnCe iN A modeL of HepatIc CeacAM1 gain-", "whitespace_perturbation": " now propose to test the h ypothesisthatred uct io n in hep atic CEACAM1 u n derl ies the causative role of h yp e rins u li nemia in die t -i n d uce din sul in re sista nce . To th is end, we wi ll in Aim 1, i n ve stigate wh eth er preventin g h yperin su lin e mia c urb s die t-indu c ed ins ulin resi st a nce in a model o fhepa tic Ceacam1 gain- ", "underscore_trick": " now_propose to_test the hypothesis that_reduction in_hepatic_CEACAM1 underlies_the_causative role of_hyperinsulinemia in diet-induced_insulin resistance. To this_end, we will_in_Aim 1, investigate whether preventing hyperinsulinemia curbs diet-induced insulin resistance in a model of_hepatic_Ceacam1 gain-"} +{"text": " after global ischemia is still unknown. Our hypotheses is that oxidative stress induced by mild ischemia and reperfusion causes the delayed hippocampal neuronal injury and death through pathways involving both necrosis and apoptosis, and that the latter is exacerbated when mitochondrial dysfunction occurs during reperfusion. It is our aim to test our hypothesis using transgenic mice overexpressing Sod1", "synonym_substitution": "after global ischemia is still unknown. Our hypotheses is that oxidative tension induce by mild ischemia and reperfusion causes the stay hippocampal neural injury and death through pathways involve both necrosis and apoptosis, and that the latter is exacerbated when mitochondrial dysfunction occurs during reperfusion. It is our purpose to test our hypothesis use transgenic mice overexpressing Sod1", "butter_fingers": " afher global ischemia is suill unknown. Our ktpotheves is that oxkdative stress induced by mipd ischtiia and reperfusiov causes nhe delaywd hmppocampal neuroizl injuvv and featk vhrough pathwayx involvinc both necrosiv xnb apoptosis, and that the latter is evacerbayef when mitochogdrisj dyafunction occurs during reperfusioh. It is our aim to trst our hypothesis using tganshenic mice overexpgessing Sod1", "random_deletion": "after global ischemia is still unknown. Our that stress induced mild ischemia and neuronal and death through involving both necrosis apoptosis, and that the latter is when mitochondrial dysfunction occurs during reperfusion. It is our aim to test our using transgenic mice overexpressing Sod1", "change_char_case": " after global ischemia is stilL unknown. OuR hypoTheSes Is That OxidAtive stress indUCed bY mild ischemia and reperfUsion CaUSes tHE dElayeD hippocAMpAL NeuRoNaL inJuRY aNd deaTh tHrough pAthways invOlvInG both necrosiS AnD apoptosis, And That the latteR is ExacerBaTed WHen miTocHondrIal dysFUnctioN occurs duRiNG reperFUsion. It IS OuR aim To test our hypothesIS uSIng transgenic mIce oveReXPrESSinG SoD1", "whitespace_perturbation": " after global ischemia isstill unkn own.Our hy po thes es i s that oxidati v e st ress induced by mild i schem ia andr ep erfus ion cau s es t hede la yed h i pp ocamp alneurona l injury a ndde ath throughp at hways invo lvi ng both necr osi s andap opt o sis,and that the l a tter i s exacerb at e d when mitocho n d ri al d ysfunction occurs du r ing reperfusio n. Itis ou r aim to test ourhy pothe s is usin g t r a n sge n ic mice overe xpressing S o d1", "underscore_trick": " after_global ischemia_is still unknown. Our_hypotheses is_that_oxidative stress_induced_by mild ischemia_and reperfusion causes_the delayed hippocampal neuronal_injury and death_through_pathways involving both necrosis and apoptosis, and that the latter is exacerbated when mitochondrial_dysfunction_occurs during_reperfusion._It_is our aim to test_our hypothesis using transgenic mice_overexpressing Sod1"} +{"text": " efforts designed to prevent and alleviate distress in partners and relationships. Identifying protective factors that encourage some spouses and marriages to thrive and endure in middle adulthood is critical to understanding the determinants of healthy aging and promoting public health. Psychophysical methods will be used to study perception of temporally ordered visual stimulation. Two novel techniques have been", "synonym_substitution": "efforts designed to prevent and alleviate distress in partners and relationship. identify protective factors that encourage some spouses and marriage to thrive and endure in center adulthood is critical to understand the determinants of goodly ripening and promoting public health. Psychophysical methods will be use to study perception of temporally ordered ocular stimulation. Two novel techniques have been", "butter_fingers": " efvorts designed to prevenu and alleviate dnwtress in padtners avd relationships. Identifying peotecupve factors that encojrage somv spouses and narriages vk thrivc and cndurz mn middle adultmood is cridical to undervtxnbing the determinants of healthy agigg and lrlmoting public heakeh. Pajcmophysical methods will be used fo studj perception of trmporally ordered visual shimupation. Two novel tfchniques hqve fwen", "random_deletion": "efforts designed to prevent and alleviate distress and Identifying protective that encourage some and in middle adulthood critical to understanding determinants of healthy aging and promoting health. Psychophysical methods will be used to study perception of temporally ordered visual Two novel techniques have been", "change_char_case": " efforts designed to prevent aNd alleviatE distResS in PaRtneRs anD relationships. iDentIfying protective factorS that EnCOuraGE sOme spOuses anD MaRRIagEs To ThrIvE AnD enduRe iN middle Adulthood iS crItIcal to undersTAnDing the detErmInants of healThy Aging aNd ProMOting PubLic heAlth. PsYChophySical methOdS Will be USed to stUDY pErcePtion of temporally ORdERed visual stimuLation. twO NoVEL teChnIques have bEeN", "whitespace_perturbation": " efforts designed to preve nt and all eviat e d ist re ss i n pa rtners and rel a tion ships. Identifying pro tecti ve fact o rs that encour a ge s ome s po use sa nd marr iag es to t hrive andend ur e in middlea du lthood iscri tical to und ers tandin gthe deter min antsof hea l thy ag ing and p ro m otingp ublic h e a lt h. P sychophysical met h od s will be usedto stu dy pe r c ept ion of tempor al ly or d ered vi s ua l s tim u lation. Two n ovel techni q ues havebe en", "underscore_trick": " efforts_designed to_prevent and alleviate distress_in partners_and_relationships. Identifying_protective_factors that encourage_some spouses and_marriages to thrive and_endure in middle_adulthood_is critical to understanding the determinants of healthy aging and promoting public health. Psychophysical_methods_will be_used_to_study perception of temporally ordered_visual stimulation. Two novel techniques_have been"} +{"text": "Ps (microbe-associated molecular patterns) from microorganisms and microbial products have significant influence on the suppression of allergic response. This suppressive response was implicated to the induction of regulatory T cells (Treg) by recent revisions of the Hygiene Hypothesis. Therefore we propose to explore and determine how combined airway exposures to", "synonym_substitution": "Ps (microbe - associated molecular patterns) from microorganisms and microbial products get meaning influence on the suppression of allergic response. This suppressive reception was entail to the induction of regulatory triiodothyronine cell (Treg) by recent revision of the Hygiene Hypothesis. Therefore we propose to research and determine how combined airway exposures to", "butter_fingers": "Ps (licrobe-associated molecuuar patterns) from micrmorganjsms and microbial products have sigiifixant unfluence on the supprdssion of allergix rewponse. This suppressive rsdponvx was implicatec to the itduction of recuuacory T cells (Treg) by recent revisionf of thr Jygiene Hypothgsis. Uhewefodv ce propose to explore and deterjine hox combined airwsy exposures to", "random_deletion": "Ps (microbe-associated molecular patterns) from microorganisms and have influence on suppression of allergic implicated the induction of T cells (Treg) recent revisions of the Hygiene Hypothesis. we propose to explore and determine how combined airway exposures to", "change_char_case": "Ps (microbe-associated molecuLar patternS) from MicRooRgAnisMs anD microbial prodUCts hAve significant influencE on thE sUPpreSSiOn of aLlergic REsPONse. thIs SupPrESsIve reSpoNse was iMplicated tO thE iNduction of reGUlAtory T cellS (TrEg) by recent reVisIons of ThE HyGIene HYpoThesiS. ThereFOre we pRopose to eXpLOre and DEterminE HOw CombIned airway exposurES tO", "whitespace_perturbation": "Ps (microbe-associated mol ecular pat terns ) f rom m icro orga nisms and micr o bial products have signifi cantin f luen c eon th e suppr e ss i o n o fal ler gi c r espon se. This s uppressive re sp onse was imp l ic ated to th e i nduction ofreg ulator yT c e lls ( Tre g) by recen t revis ions of t he Hygien e Hypoth e s is . Th erefore we propos e t o explore and d etermi ne ho w com bin ed airwayex posur e s to", "underscore_trick": "Ps (microbe-associated_molecular patterns)_from microorganisms and microbial_products have_significant_influence on_the_suppression of allergic_response. This suppressive_response was implicated to_the induction of_regulatory_T cells (Treg) by recent revisions of the Hygiene Hypothesis. Therefore we propose to_explore_and determine_how_combined_airway exposures to"} +{"text": " use with an isolated perfused hindlimb preparation. We will determine the energy contribution of branched-chain amino acid oxidation, the extent of oxidative deamination of glutarate, and the mode of amine nitrogen elimination from the working muscle. A major adaptation induced in skeletal muscle by training is an increase in the capacity for ATP", "synonym_substitution": "use with an isolated perfused hindlimb readiness. We will settle the energy contribution of branched - chain amino acid oxidation, the extent of oxidative deamination of glutarate, and the modality of amine nitrogen elimination from the working muscle. A major adaptation induced in bony muscle by training is an increase in the capability for ATP", "butter_fingers": " usf with an isolated perfured hindlimb prgpqratioi. We wiml deteroine the energy contribution od brabched-chain amino acid uxidation, the extwnt id oxidativx deamination kn glucacate, and the moce of amina nitrogen elikivacion from the working muscle. A major adaptayiln induced in fkelttaj muablt by training is an increase in tge capabity for ATP", "random_deletion": "use with an isolated perfused hindlimb preparation. determine energy contribution branched-chain amino acid deamination glutarate, and the of amine nitrogen from the working muscle. A major induced in skeletal muscle by training is an increase in the capacity for", "change_char_case": " use with an isolated perfused Hindlimb prEparaTioN. We WiLl deTermIne the energy coNTribUtion of branched-chain amIno acId OXidaTIoN, the eXtent of OXiDATivE dEaMinAtIOn Of gluTarAte, and tHe mode of amIne NiTrogen eliminATiOn from the wOrkIng muscle. A maJor AdaptaTiOn iNDuced In sKeletAl muscLE by traIning is an InCRease iN The capaCITy For AtP", "whitespace_perturbation": " use with an isolated perf used hindl imb p rep ara ti on.We w ill determinet he e nergy contribution ofbranc he d -cha i namino acid o x id a t ion ,th e e xt e nt of o xid ative d eamination of g lutarate, an d t he mode of am ine nitrogen el iminat io n f r om th e w orkin g musc l e. A m ajor adap ta t ion in d uced in s ke leta l muscle by train i ng is an increase in th ec ap a c ity fo r ATP", "underscore_trick": " use_with an_isolated perfused hindlimb preparation._We will_determine_the energy_contribution_of branched-chain amino_acid oxidation, the_extent of oxidative deamination_of glutarate, and_the_mode of amine nitrogen elimination from the working muscle. A major adaptation induced in_skeletal_muscle by_training_is_an increase in the capacity_for ATP"} +{"text": " and other cytokines, immunologic and virologic parameters. This study will address the mechanisms of HIV-induced wasting and investigate the role of two potential medical treatments. Injection drug use is a serious public health problem, leading to blood-borne infections including HBC, HCV, and HIV. In spite of advances in", "synonym_substitution": "and other cytokines, immunologic and virologic parameters. This discipline will cover the mechanisms of HIV - induced cachexia and investigate the character of two potential medical discussion. Injection drug manipulation is a serious public health trouble, go to blood - hold infections including HBC, HCV, and HIV. In cattiness of progress in", "butter_fingers": " anf other cytokines, immunouogic and virologic pacametera. This sgudy will address the mechanmsms of HUV-induced wasting and knvestigane the rooe oh two potential medical bxeatmskts. Iujxction drug use is a serimus public heantf 'roblem, leading to blood-borne infectyons invlkding HBC, HCV, wnd NYV. Ih spite of advances in", "random_deletion": "and other cytokines, immunologic and virologic parameters. will the mechanisms HIV-induced wasting and potential treatments. Injection drug is a serious health problem, leading to blood-borne infections HBC, HCV, and HIV. In spite of advances in", "change_char_case": " and other cytokines, immunoloGic and viroLogic ParAmeTeRs. ThIs stUdy will address THe meChanisms of HIV-induced waSting AnD InveSTiGate tHe role oF TwO POteNtIaL meDiCAl TreatMenTs. InjecTion drug usE is A sErious public HEaLth problem, LeaDing to blood-bOrnE infecTiOns INcludIng hBC, HCv, and HIv. in spitE of advancEs IN", "whitespace_perturbation": " and other cytokines, immu nologic an d vir olo gic p aram eter s. This studyw illaddress the mechanisms of H IV - indu c ed wast ing and in v e sti ga te th er ol e oftwo potent ial medica l t re atments. Inj e ct ion drug u seis a serious pu blic h ea lth probl em, lead ing to blood- borne inf ec t ions i n cluding H BC , HC V, and HIV. In sp i te of advances in ", "underscore_trick": " and_other cytokines,_immunologic and virologic parameters._This study_will_address the_mechanisms_of HIV-induced wasting_and investigate the_role of two potential_medical treatments. Injection_drug_use is a serious public health problem, leading to blood-borne infections including HBC, HCV,_and_HIV. In_spite_of_advances in"} +{"text": " long-term work in a particular occupation and the onset of chronic disease later in life. A secondary aim is to test the utility o that process for assessing the relationship between long-term exposure to various job characteristics and activities (e.g., handling materials and objects) and subsequent chronic disease outcomes (e.g.,", "synonym_substitution": "long - term work in a particular occupation and the attack of chronic disease subsequently in life. A secondary purpose is to quiz the utility o that summons for assess the relationship between retentive - term exposure to versatile job characteristics and activeness (for example, handling materials and object) and subsequent chronic disease outcomes (e.g.,", "butter_fingers": " lojg-term work in a particuuar occupation cbd the onset of chrovic disease later in life. A dexondaey aim is to test the jtility o that pricesw for assessing the relatjlnshnp between long-tgrm exposure to various jot zhcracteristics and activities (e.g., handjing mayegials and objests) sgd shbsequent chronic disease outcomes (e.g.,", "random_deletion": "long-term work in a particular occupation and of disease later life. A secondary utility that process for the relationship between exposure to various job characteristics and (e.g., handling materials and objects) and subsequent chronic disease outcomes (e.g.,", "change_char_case": " long-term work in a particular Occupation And thE onSet Of ChroNic dIsease later in lIFe. A sEcondary aim is to test the UtiliTy O That PRoCess fOr assesSInG THe rElAtIonShIP bEtweeN loNg-term eXposure to vAriOuS job characteRIsTics and actIviTies (e.g., handliNg mAteriaLs And OBjectS) anD subsEquent CHronic Disease ouTcOMes (e.g.,", "whitespace_perturbation": " long-term work in a parti cular occu patio n a ndth e on setof chronic dis e aselater in life. A secon daryai m ist otestthe uti l it y o t ha tpro ce s sfor a sse ssing t he relatio nsh ip between lon g -t erm exposu reto various j obcharac te ris t ics a ndactiv ities( e.g.,handlingma t erials and obj e c ts ) an d subsequent chro n ic disease outcom es (e. g. , ", "underscore_trick": " long-term_work in_a particular occupation and_the onset_of_chronic disease_later_in life. A_secondary aim is_to test the utility_o that process_for_assessing the relationship between long-term exposure to various job characteristics and activities (e.g., handling_materials_and objects)_and_subsequent_chronic disease outcomes (e.g.,"} +{"text": " research is to develop new therapies that will increase the number of patients who are non-diabetic following islet autotransplant. Such therapies may also benefit recipients of islet allotransplant for type 1 diabetes. Following islet transplantation, the islets must acutely survive the stress of the procedure, and then they must", "synonym_substitution": "research is to develop new therapies that will increase the numeral of patient who are non - diabetic following islet autotransplant. Such therapies may besides benefit recipients of islet allotransplant for character 1 diabetes. trace islet transplant, the islets must acutely outlive the stress of the procedure, and then they must", "butter_fingers": " redearch is to develop new therapies that will iicrease the numcer of patients who are non-dmaberic fillowing islet autotravsplant. Slch therapies nay also bxhefit rceipiehbs of mslet allotransklant for ty[e 1 diabetes. Fmluocing islet transplantation, the isletf must scktely survive jhe surefs or the procedure, and then they must", "random_deletion": "research is to develop new therapies that the of patients are non-diabetic following also recipients of islet for type 1 Following islet transplantation, the islets must survive the stress of the procedure, and then they must", "change_char_case": " research is to develop new theRapies that Will iNcrEasE tHe nuMber Of patients who aRE non-Diabetic following islet AutotRaNSplaNT. SUch thErapies MAy ALSo bEnEfIt rEcIPiEnts oF isLet alloTransplant For TyPe 1 diabetes. FoLLoWing islet tRanSplantation, tHe iSlets mUsT acUTely sUrvIve thE stresS Of the pRocedure, aNd THen theY Must", "whitespace_perturbation": " research is to develop ne w therapie s tha t w ill i ncre asethe number ofp atie nts who are non-diabet ic fo ll o wing is let a utotran s pl a n t.Su ch th er a pi es ma y a lso ben efit recip ien ts of islet al l ot ransplantfor type 1 diab ete s. Fol lo win g isle t t ransp lantat i on, th e isletsmu s t acut e ly surv i v ethestress of the pro c ed u re, and then t hey mu st ", "underscore_trick": " research_is to_develop new therapies that_will increase_the_number of_patients_who are non-diabetic_following islet autotransplant._Such therapies may also_benefit recipients of_islet_allotransplant for type 1 diabetes. Following islet transplantation, the islets must acutely survive the_stress_of the_procedure,_and_then they must"} +{"text": " several gaps in our knowledge. The first concerns the role of topoisomerase I in DNA repair. How are DNA repair processes dependent upon the type of initial lesion? Is topoisomerase I involved in the repair of all kinds of DNA lesions? From a practical point of view, the combination of topoisomerase I inhibitors", "synonym_substitution": "several gaps in our knowledge. The first concern the function of topoisomerase I in DNA repair. How are DNA repair process dependent upon the type of initial wound? Is topoisomerase I involved in the repair of all kinds of deoxyribonucleic acid lesion? From a practical compass point of view, the combination of topoisomerase I inhibitors", "butter_fingers": " segeral gaps in our knowleage. The first concerns the rkle of tupoisomerase I in DNA repair. Hiw art DNA repair procesres depenfent upob tht type of initial lesion? Lf tollisokxrase I involvec in the rapair of all khnas of DNA lesions? From a practical poynt of fifw, the combinajion ps toloisomerase I inhibitors", "random_deletion": "several gaps in our knowledge. The first role topoisomerase I DNA repair. How upon type of initial Is topoisomerase I in the repair of all kinds DNA lesions? From a practical point of view, the combination of topoisomerase I", "change_char_case": " several gaps in our knowledge. the first coNcernS thE roLe Of toPoisOmerase I in DNA rEPair. how are DNA repair processEs depEnDEnt uPOn The tyPe of iniTIaL LEsiOn? is TopOiSOmErase i inVolved iN the repair Of aLl Kinds of DNA leSIoNs? From a praCtiCal point of viEw, tHe combInAtiON of toPoiSomerAse I inHIbitorS", "whitespace_perturbation": " several gaps in our knowl edge. Thefirst co nce rn s th e ro le of topoisom e rase I in DNA repair. Howare D NA repa i rproce sses de p en d e ntup on th et yp e ofini tial le sion? Is t opo is omerase I in v ol ved in the re pair of allkin ds ofDN A l e sions ? F rom a pract i cal po int of vi ew , the c o mbinati o n o f to poisomerase I inh i bi t ors", "underscore_trick": " several_gaps in_our knowledge. The first_concerns the_role_of topoisomerase_I_in DNA repair._How are DNA_repair processes dependent upon_the type of_initial_lesion? Is topoisomerase I involved in the repair of all kinds of DNA lesions?_From_a practical_point_of_view, the combination of topoisomerase_I inhibitors"} +{"text": "-led group program, Combating Prejudice and Discrimination through Photovoice Empowerment, which blends Photovoice, a novel public health participatory action research methodology, with psychoeducation and teaching proactive coping strategies to empower individuals with serious mental illnesses to resist public prejudice and discrimination, and participate in the community", "synonym_substitution": "-led group program, Combating Prejudice and Discrimination through Photovoice Empowerment, which blends Photovoice, a novel public health participatory legal action inquiry methodology, with psychoeducation and teaching proactive coping scheme to endow individuals with serious mental illness to protest public prejudice and discrimination, and enter in the residential district", "butter_fingers": "-led group program, Combating Prejudice and Buscrimmnation through Photovoice Empowerment, whici blwnds Kkotovoice, a novel puclic healnh particupatiey action cssearch methosllogv, xith psychoeducstion and deaching proacdixe coping strategies to empower indivyduals eihh serious menjal ikjnesavs to resist public prejudice ahd discgimination, and patticipate in the community", "random_deletion": "-led group program, Combating Prejudice and Discrimination Empowerment, blends Photovoice, novel public health psychoeducation teaching proactive coping to empower individuals serious mental illnesses to resist public and discrimination, and participate in the community", "change_char_case": "-led group program, Combating PRejudice anD DiscRimInaTiOn thRougH Photovoice EmpOWermEnt, which blends PhotovoiCe, a noVeL PublIC hEalth ParticiPAtORY acTiOn ResEaRCh MethoDolOgy, with PsychoeducAtiOn And teaching pROaCtive copinG stRategies to emPowEr indiViDuaLS with SerIous mEntal iLLnesseS to resist PuBLic preJUdice anD DIsCrimInation, and particiPAtE In the community", "whitespace_perturbation": "-led group program, Combat ing Prejud ice a ndDis cr imin atio n through Phot o voic e Empowerment, which b lends P h otov o ic e, anovel p u bl i c he al th pa rt i ci pator y a ction r esearch me tho do logy, with p s yc hoeducatio n a nd teachingpro active c opi n g str ate giesto emp o wer in dividuals w i th ser i ous men t a lilln esses to resist p u bl i c prejudice an d disc ri m in a t ion , a nd partici pa te in the com m un i t y ", "underscore_trick": "-led group_program, Combating_Prejudice and Discrimination through_Photovoice Empowerment,_which_blends Photovoice,_a_novel public health_participatory action research_methodology, with psychoeducation and_teaching proactive coping_strategies_to empower individuals with serious mental illnesses to resist public prejudice and discrimination, and_participate_in the_community"} +{"text": " The Urokinase is supplied by the National Heart and Lung Institute, and is derived from the stockpile of the Urokinase subcommittee which approved of this protocol and hence released the amount of urokinase sufficient for this project. We aim to compare anticoagulant therapy and the use of Urokinase therapy. All", "synonym_substitution": "The Urokinase is supplied by the National Heart and Lung Institute, and is derived from the stockpile of the Urokinase subcommittee which approved of this protocol and therefore release the amount of plasminogen activator sufficient for this project. We draw a bead on to compare anticoagulant therapy and the use of Urokinase therapy. All", "butter_fingers": " Thf Urokinase is supplied ny the National Kwart aid Lung Instituge, and is derived from the svockpile if the Urokinase subcoomittee wjich appeovev of this protocol and hcuce rspeaszd the amount of urokinase sufficient fos ghns project. We aim to compare anticoadulant yhfrapy and the ose og Uroipncse therapy. All", "random_deletion": "The Urokinase is supplied by the National Lung and is from the stockpile approved this protocol and released the amount urokinase sufficient for this project. We to compare anticoagulant therapy and the use of Urokinase therapy. All", "change_char_case": " The Urokinase is supplied by tHe National heart And lunG INstiTute, And is derived frOM the Stockpile of the UrokinasE subcOmMItteE WhIch apProved oF ThIS ProToCoL anD hENcE releAseD the amoUnt of urokiNasE sUfficient for THiS project. We Aim To compare antIcoAgulanT tHerAPy and The Use of urokinASe therApy. All", "whitespace_perturbation": " The Urokinase is supplied by the Na tiona l H ear tandLung Institute, an d isderived from the stock pileof theU ro kinas e subco m mi t t eewh ic h a pp r ov ed of th is prot ocol and h enc ereleased the am ount of ur oki nase suffici ent for t hi s p r oject . W e aim to co m pare a nticoagul an t thera p y and t h e u se o f Urokinase thera p y. All", "underscore_trick": " The_Urokinase is_supplied by the National_Heart and_Lung_Institute, and_is_derived from the_stockpile of the_Urokinase subcommittee which approved_of this protocol_and_hence released the amount of urokinase sufficient for this project. We aim to compare_anticoagulant_therapy and_the_use_of Urokinase therapy. All"} +{"text": "osome in the nucleolus. We propose to study in Saccharomyces cerevisiae the mechanisms controlling both the transcription of ribosomal RNA and the synthesis of ribosomal proteins. Ribosomal RNA: We have identified a sequence in the rDNA repeat with many of the properties of an enhancer element. We plan to identify the precise sequences involved", "synonym_substitution": "osome in the nucleolus. We propose to study in Saccharomyces cerevisiae the mechanisms controlling both the arrangement of ribosomal RNA and the deduction of ribosomal proteins. Ribosomal RNA: We have identified a succession in the rDNA repeat with many of the properties of an foil element. We plan to name the precise sequences involved", "butter_fingers": "osole in the nucleolus. We pvopose to study nb Sacciaromycss cerevksiae the mechanisms controlpibg bouk the transcription uf ribosolal RNA qnd uhe synthesis of cjbosomal protslns. Rnbisomal RNA: We mave identixied a sequenca kn the rDNA repeat with many of the pwopertirs of an enhancet elekqnt. Sv klan to identify the precise sequsnces iivolved", "random_deletion": "osome in the nucleolus. We propose to Saccharomyces the mechanisms both the transcription synthesis ribosomal proteins. Ribosomal We have identified sequence in the rDNA repeat with of the properties of an enhancer element. We plan to identify the precise involved", "change_char_case": "osome in the nucleolus. We propOse to study In SacChaRomYcEs ceReviSiae the mechaniSMs coNtrolling both the transcRiptiOn OF ribOSoMal RNa and the SYnTHEsiS oF rIboSoMAl ProteIns. ribosomAl RNA: We havE idEnTified a sequeNCe In the rDNA rEpeAt with many of The ProperTiEs oF An enhAncEr eleMent. We PLan to iDentify thE pREcise sEQuences INVoLved", "whitespace_perturbation": "osome in the nucleolus. We propose t o stu dyinSa ccha romy ces cerevisiae themechanisms controlling both t h e tr a ns cript ion ofr ib o s oma lRN A a nd th e syn the sis ofribosomalpro te ins. Ribosom a lRNA: We ha veidentified a se quence i n t h e rDN A r epeat withm any of the prop er t ies of an enha n c er ele ment. We plan toi de n tify the preci se seq ue n ce s inv olv ed", "underscore_trick": "osome in_the nucleolus._We propose to study_in Saccharomyces_cerevisiae_the mechanisms_controlling_both the transcription_of ribosomal RNA_and the synthesis of_ribosomal proteins. Ribosomal_RNA:_We have identified a sequence in the rDNA repeat with many of the properties_of_an enhancer_element._We_plan to identify the precise_sequences involved"} +{"text": " as realize the scientific goals of the Center. The ACE Administrative Core will accomplish four Specific Aims during this funding period: Aim 1 Create and maintain a knowledgeable, skilled, and interdisciplinary leadership team that is connected to the research and the wider network; Aim 2 Design and implement a clear and effective communication plan across the Center", "synonym_substitution": "as realize the scientific goals of the Center. The ACE Administrative Core will accomplish four Specific Aims during this funding time period: Aim 1 make and maintain a knowledgeable, skilled, and interdisciplinary leadership team that is connected to the inquiry and the wider network; Aim 2 Design and implement a clean and effective communication plan across the Center", "butter_fingers": " as realize the scientific noals of the Cenjee. The ECE Admjnistratkve Core will accomplish fouc Spwcifix Aims during this funaing perild: Aim 1 Xreaue and maintain a knowlednzable, dkilnxd, and interdisgiplinary laadership team tfac is connected to the research and tre widet jetwork; Aim 2 Dgsign wnd jmplement a clear and effective cojmunicauion plan across tne Center", "random_deletion": "as realize the scientific goals of the ACE Core will four Specific Aims 1 and maintain a skilled, and interdisciplinary team that is connected to the and the wider network; Aim 2 Design and implement a clear and effective plan across the Center", "change_char_case": " as realize the scientific goaLs of the CenTer. ThE ACe AdMiNistRatiVe Core will accoMPlisH four Specific Aims durinG this FuNDing PErIod: AiM 1 Create ANd MAIntAiN a KnoWlEDgEable, SkiLled, and InterdisciPliNaRy leadership TEaM that is conNecTed to the reseArcH and thE wIdeR NetwoRk; AIm 2 DesIgn and IMplemeNt a clear aNd EFfectiVE communICAtIon pLan across the CenteR", "whitespace_perturbation": " as realize the scientific goals ofthe C ent er. T he A CE A dministrativeC orewill accomplish four S pecif ic Aims du ringthis fu n di n g pe ri od : A im 1Creat e a nd main tain a kno wle dg eable, skill e d, and inter dis ciplinary le ade rshipte amt hat i s c onnec ted to the re search an dt he wid e r netwo r k ;Aim2 Design and impl e me n t a clear andeffect iv e c o m mun ica tion planac rosst he Cent e r", "underscore_trick": " as_realize the_scientific goals of the_Center. The_ACE_Administrative Core_will_accomplish four Specific_Aims during this_funding period: Aim 1_Create and maintain_a_knowledgeable, skilled, and interdisciplinary leadership team that is connected to the research and the_wider_network; Aim_2_Design_and implement a clear and_effective communication plan across the_Center"} +{"text": ", the KSPXK peptide showed a mainly extended conformation with beta-turns. These differences revealed a structural specificity for the substrate of this kinase. using two dimensional NMR methods and molecular modeling. We are also studying the mechanism of cdk5 activation. Though, cdk5 is similar to other cdc2", "synonym_substitution": ", the KSPXK peptide showed a mainly extended conformation with beta - turn. These dispute revealed a structural specificity for the substrate of this kinase. using two dimensional NMR method acting and molecular modeling. We are also learn the mechanism of cdk5 energizing. Though, cdk5 is similar to other cdc2", "butter_fingers": ", thf KSPXK peptide showed a mainly extendeb confocmation with bega-turns. These differences retealwd a wtructural specificity for the dubstratw of rhis kinasx. using bco dijcnsiouao NMR methods snd molecunar modeling. Wa xrz also studying the mechanism of cdk5 activayiln. Though, cdk5 ys spmylar no other cdc2", "random_deletion": ", the KSPXK peptide showed a mainly with These differences a structural specificity kinase. two dimensional NMR and molecular modeling. are also studying the mechanism of activation. Though, cdk5 is similar to other cdc2", "change_char_case": ", the KSPXK peptide showed a maiNly extendeD confOrmAtiOn With Beta-Turns. These diffERencEs revealed a structural sPecifIcITy foR ThE subsTrate of THiS KInaSe. UsIng TwO DiMensiOnaL NMR metHods and molEcuLaR modeling. We aRE aLso studyinG thE mechanism of Cdk5 ActivaTiOn. THOugh, cDk5 iS simiLar to oTHer cdc2", "whitespace_perturbation": ", the KSPXK peptide showed a mainlyexten ded co nf orma tion with beta-tur n s. T hese differences revea led a s t ruct u ra l spe cificit y f o r th esu bst ra t eof th iskinase. using two di me nsional NMRm et hods and m ole cular modeli ng. We ar eals o stud yin g the mecha n ism of cdk5 act iv a tion.T hough,c d k5 issimilar to otherc dc 2 ", "underscore_trick": ", the_KSPXK peptide_showed a mainly extended_conformation with_beta-turns._These differences_revealed_a structural specificity_for the substrate_of this kinase. using_two dimensional NMR_methods_and molecular modeling. We are also studying the mechanism of cdk5 activation. Though, cdk5_is_similar to_other_cdc2"} +{"text": ", various novel imaging characteristics that may prove to be better predictors of breast cancer risk than standard mammographic density. We have published the first formal method for enumerating cells in breast duct lavage (BDL) fluid, described the results of BDL in the largest cohort of BRCA mutation carriers yet reported, and quantified the", "synonym_substitution": ", various novel imaging characteristics that may prove to be good predictor of breast cancer risk than standard mammographic density. We have published the beginning formal method for count cell in breast duct lavage (BDL) fluid, described the consequence of BDL in the largest cohort of BRCA mutant carriers yet reported, and quantified the", "butter_fingers": ", vagious novel imaging charxcteristics thaj nay prmve to be bettdr predictors of breast cancxr rusk tyan standard mammograpfic densiny. We havw puulished the firsv formal methos for xnumerating celks in breavt duct lavage (BAL) fluid, described the results of BDL in the lwrgest cohort jf BGCW mufation carriers yet reported, and qhantifitd the", "random_deletion": ", various novel imaging characteristics that may be predictors of cancer risk than published first formal method enumerating cells in duct lavage (BDL) fluid, described the of BDL in the largest cohort of BRCA mutation carriers yet reported, and the", "change_char_case": ", various novel imaging characTeristics tHat maY prOve To Be beTter Predictors of brEAst cAncer risk than standard mAmmogRaPHic dENsIty. We Have pubLIsHED thE fIrSt fOrMAl MethoD foR enumerAting cells In bReAst duct lavagE (bDl) fluid, descRibEd the results Of BdL in thE lArgESt cohOrt Of BRCa mutatIOn carrIers yet rePoRTed, and QUantifiED ThE", "whitespace_perturbation": ", various novel imaging ch aracterist ics t hat ma yprov e to be better pre d icto rs of breast cancer ri sk th an stan d ar d mam mograph i cd e nsi ty .Weha v epubli she d the f irst forma l m et hod for enum e ra ting cells in breast duct la vage ( BD L)f luid, de scrib ed the result s of BDLin the la r gest co h o rt ofBRCA mutation car r ie r s yet reported , andqu a nt i f ied th e", "underscore_trick": ", various_novel imaging_characteristics that may prove_to be_better_predictors of_breast_cancer risk than_standard mammographic density._We have published the_first formal method_for_enumerating cells in breast duct lavage (BDL) fluid, described the results of BDL in_the_largest cohort_of_BRCA_mutation carriers yet reported, and_quantified the"} +{"text": " a requirement for each of 8 cysteine codons within the region for proper folding of the v-sis gene project. These studies have also predicted three testable models for the active conformation of this protein are represent an important step in identifying the receptor binding domain of this oncogenic growth factor. The BLAST family of protein and DNA", "synonym_substitution": "a requirement for each of 8 cysteine codons within the region for proper folding of the five - systeme international d'unites gene project. These studies have besides predicted three testable mannequin for the active conformation of this protein are represent an significant step in identifying the sense organ constipate knowledge domain of this oncogenic growth factor. The good time family of protein and DNA", "butter_fingers": " a gequirement for each of 8 cysteine codons withii the rsgion fof proper folding of the v-sis gwne peoject. These studies hxve also iredicted thrte testable models for thc actjye coufirmation of thls protein dre represent dn ilportant step in identifying the reseptor nijding domain os thps onckgenic growth factor. The BLAST famjly of krotein and DNA", "random_deletion": "a requirement for each of 8 cysteine the for proper of the v-sis also three testable models the active conformation this protein are represent an important in identifying the receptor binding domain of this oncogenic growth factor. The BLAST of protein and DNA", "change_char_case": " a requirement for each of 8 cystEine codons WithiN thE reGiOn foR proPer folding of thE V-sis Gene project. These studieS have AlSO preDIcTed thRee testABlE MOdeLs FoR thE aCTiVe conForMation oF this proteIn aRe Represent an iMPoRtant step iN idEntifying the RecEptor bInDinG DomaiN of This oNcogenIC growtH factor. ThE BlaST famILy of proTEIn And DnA", "whitespace_perturbation": " a requirement for each of 8 cystein e cod ons wi th in t he r egion for prop e r fo lding of the v-sis gen e pro je c t. T h es e stu dies ha v ea l sopr ed ict ed th ree t est able mo dels for t heac tive conform a ti on of this pr otein are re pre sent a nimp o rtant st ep in ident i fyingthe recep to r bindi n g domai n of thi s oncogenic growt h f a ctor. The BLAS T fami ly of p rot ein and DNA", "underscore_trick": " a_requirement for_each of 8 cysteine_codons within_the_region for_proper_folding of the_v-sis gene project._These studies have also_predicted three testable_models_for the active conformation of this protein are represent an important step in identifying_the_receptor binding_domain_of_this oncogenic growth factor. The_BLAST family of protein and_DNA"} +{"text": " The proposed experiments are aimed at the discovery of drug-like compounds that can target Shp2?s unique allosteric site, potentially providing highly selective Shp2 inhibitors that have not been realized through active-site- directed efforts. Also proposed are small-molecule-discovery efforts targeting two disease- causing Sh", "synonym_substitution": "The proposed experiments are aimed at the discovery of drug - like compound that can target Shp2?s alone allosteric site, potentially providing highly selective Shp2 inhibitors that have not been understand through active - site- directed efforts. besides proposed are small - molecule - discovery attempt targeting two disease- causing Sh", "butter_fingers": " Thf proposed experiments ave aimed at the buscovecy of ddug-like zompounds that can target Sh'2?s ubique allosteric site, potengially prlviding yighot selectivx Shp2 inmnbitodd thct have not been realized dhrough active-vige- directed efforts. Also proposed are small-mplfcule-discovery effpwts fargeting two disease- causing Sh", "random_deletion": "The proposed experiments are aimed at the drug-like that can Shp2?s unique allosteric Shp2 that have not realized through active-site- efforts. Also proposed are small-molecule-discovery efforts two disease- causing Sh", "change_char_case": " The proposed experiments are Aimed at the DiscoVerY of DrUg-liKe coMpounds that can TArgeT Shp2?s unique allosteric sIte, poTeNTialLY pRovidIng highLY sELEctIvE SHp2 iNhIBiTors tHat Have not Been realizEd tHrOugh active-siTE- dIrected effOrtS. Also proposeD arE small-MoLecULe-disCovEry efForts tARgetinG two diseaSe- CAusing sH", "whitespace_perturbation": " The proposed experimentsare aimedat th e d isc ov eryof d rug-like compo u ndsthat can target Shp2?s uniq ue allo s te ric s ite, po t en t i all ypr ovi di n ghighl y s electiv e Shp2 inh ibi to rs that have no t been rea liz ed through a cti ve-sit e- di r ected ef forts . Also propos ed are sm al l -molec u le-disc o v er y ef forts targeting t w od isease- causin g Sh", "underscore_trick": " The_proposed experiments_are aimed at the_discovery of_drug-like_compounds that_can_target Shp2?s unique_allosteric site, potentially_providing highly selective Shp2_inhibitors that have_not_been realized through active-site- directed efforts. Also proposed are small-molecule-discovery efforts targeting two disease-_causing_Sh"} +{"text": " discoveries regarding well-being over the lifespan. The goal of the final specific aim will be to evaluate how previous aging- related well-being findings obtained with evaluative measures generalize to experiential methods. More importantly, the data from this longitudinal study will be made publicly available so that other researchers can advance the science of", "synonym_substitution": "discoveries regarding well - being over the lifespan. The finish of the concluding specific bearing will be to evaluate how former aging- related good - being findings obtained with appraising measures generalize to experiential methods. More importantly, the datum from this longitudinal discipline will be made publicly available so that early researchers can advance the science of", "butter_fingers": " didcoveries regarding well-neing over the lndespan. The gkal of tfe final specific aim will bx to evalyate how previous agine- related well-beibg fmndings obtained with evaluatibc meavnres generalize to experiantial methods. Murz importantly, the data from this londitudinsl study will be madt ptblidly available so that other researdhers cen advance the xcience of", "random_deletion": "discoveries regarding well-being over the lifespan. The the specific aim be to evaluate findings with evaluative measures to experiential methods. importantly, the data from this longitudinal will be made publicly available so that other researchers can advance the science", "change_char_case": " discoveries regarding well-bEing over thE lifeSpaN. ThE gOal oF the Final specific aIM wilL be to evaluate how previoUs agiNg- RElatED wEll-beIng findINgS OBtaInEd WitH eVAlUativE meAsures gEneralize tO exPeRiential methODs. more importAntLy, the data froM thIs longItUdiNAl stuDy wIll be Made puBLicly aVailable sO tHAt otheR ResearcHERs Can aDvance the science oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " discoveries regarding wel l-being ov er th e l ife sp an.Thegoal of the fi n al s pecific aim will be to eval ua t e ho w p revio us agin g -r e lat ed w ell -b e in g fin din gs obta ined witheva lu ative measur e sgeneralize to experientia l m ethods .Mor e impo rta ntly, the d a ta fro m this lo ng i tudina l studyw i ll bemade publicly ava i la b le so that oth er res ea r ch e r s c anadvance th escien c e of", "underscore_trick": " discoveries_regarding well-being_over the lifespan. The_goal of_the_final specific_aim_will be to_evaluate how previous_aging- related well-being findings_obtained with evaluative_measures_generalize to experiential methods. More importantly, the data from this longitudinal study will be_made_publicly available_so_that_other researchers can advance the_science of"} +{"text": " maturation of GCs. PKA accomplishes this integrating function by phosphorylating substrates that directly regulate transcription or by regulating pathways whose targets regulate transcription. The co-activator beta-catenin is emerging as one potential PKA substrate necessary for activation of a subset of FSH target genes. PKA also phosphorylates", "synonym_substitution": "maturation of GCs. PKA accomplishes this integrating function by phosphorylating substrate that immediately regulate transcription or by determine pathway whose targets regulate recording. The colorado - activator beta - catenin is emerging as one likely PKA substrate necessary for energizing of a subset of FSH target genes. PKA besides phosphorylates", "butter_fingers": " mahuration of GCs. PKA accooplishes this iuregratmng fundtion by phosphorylating substrates vhat dirextly regulate transcriotion or hy regulqtinj pathways whose targets regulzbe trcnwcription. The go-activator beta-catenin iv dmzrging as one potential PKA substratq necesxagy for activatyon ps a albwet of FSH target genes. PKA amso phovphorylates", "random_deletion": "maturation of GCs. PKA accomplishes this integrating phosphorylating that directly transcription or by transcription. co-activator beta-catenin is as one potential substrate necessary for activation of a of FSH target genes. PKA also phosphorylates", "change_char_case": " maturation of GCs. PKA accomplIshes this iNtegrAtiNg fUnCtioN by pHosphorylating SUbstRates that directly regulAte trAnSCripTIoN or by RegulatINg PAThwAyS wHosE tARgEts reGulAte tranScription. THe cO-aCtivator beta-CAtEnin is emerGinG as one potentIal pKA subStRatE NecesSarY for aCtivatIOn of a sUbset of FSh tARget geNEs. PKA alSO PhOsphOrylates", "whitespace_perturbation": " maturation of GCs. PKA ac complishes this in teg ra ting fun ction by phosp h oryl ating substrates thatdirec tl y reg u la te tr anscrip t io n orby r egu la t in g pat hwa ys whos e targetsreg ul ate transcri p ti on. The co -ac tivator beta -ca teninis em e rging as onepotent i al PKA substrat en ecessa r y for a c t iv atio n of a subset ofF SH target genes.PKA al so ph o s pho ryl ates", "underscore_trick": " maturation_of GCs._PKA accomplishes this integrating_function by_phosphorylating_substrates that_directly_regulate transcription or_by regulating pathways_whose targets regulate transcription._The co-activator beta-catenin_is_emerging as one potential PKA substrate necessary for activation of a subset of FSH_target_genes. PKA_also_phosphorylates"} +{"text": " high density range by a receptor-mediated process not associated with lipoprotein endocytosis and lysosomal degradation. These observations raise two major questions which our proposal is designed to answer: (1) What properties of the lipoprotein are responsible for \"HDL receptor\" recognition and cholesterol uptake? (2) What is the mechanism by which adren", "synonym_substitution": "high density range by a receptor - intercede procedure not associated with lipoprotein endocytosis and lysosomal degradation. These observations rear two major questions which our proposal is design to suffice: (1) What properties of the lipoprotein are responsible for \" HDL receptor \" recognition and cholesterol uptake? (2) What is the mechanism by which adren", "butter_fingers": " hihh density range by a regeptor-mediated ptoxess nmt asskciated dith lipoprotein endocytosis abd lywosomal degradation. Thdse obsernations rqise rwo major questions whicg our 'roposal is deslgned to anvwer: (1) What pro[eftnes of the lipoprotein are responsibje for \"NDP receptor\" recjgniuiog ans cholesterol uptake? (2) What is the jechanivm by which acren", "random_deletion": "high density range by a receptor-mediated process with endocytosis and degradation. These observations our is designed to (1) What properties the lipoprotein are responsible for \"HDL recognition and cholesterol uptake? (2) What is the mechanism by which adren", "change_char_case": " high density range by a receptOr-mediated ProceSs nOt aSsOciaTed wIth lipoprotein ENdocYtosis and lysosomal degrAdatiOn. tHese OBsErvatIons raiSE tWO MajOr QuEstIoNS wHich oUr pRoposal Is designed To aNsWer: (1) What propeRTiEs of the lipOprOtein are respOnsIble foR \"HdL rECeptoR\" reCogniTion anD CholesTerol uptaKe? (2) wHat is tHE mechanISM bY whiCh adren", "whitespace_perturbation": " high density range by a r eceptor-me diate d p roc es s no t as sociated withl ipop rotein endocytosis and lyso so m al d e gr adati on. The s eo b ser va ti ons r a is e two ma jor que stions whi chou r proposal i s d esigned to an swer: (1) Wh atproper ti eso f the li popro tein a r e resp onsible f or \"HDL r e ceptor\" r ec ogni tion and choleste r ol uptake? (2) Wh at isth e m e c han ism by whichad ren", "underscore_trick": " high_density range_by a receptor-mediated process_not associated_with_lipoprotein endocytosis_and_lysosomal degradation. These_observations raise two_major questions which our_proposal is designed_to_answer: (1) What properties of the lipoprotein are responsible for \"HDL receptor\" recognition and_cholesterol_uptake? (2)_What_is_the mechanism by which adren"} +{"text": " abnormal protrusion of the facial nuclei into the 4th ventricle, premature arrest of the pontine migrational stream, and slowed migration of cerebellar granule cells. This study provides evidence that NMHC II-B is required for migration of certain groups of neuronal cells. Removal of the Neo cassette from B-R/", "synonym_substitution": "abnormal protrusion of the facial nuclei into the 4th ventricle, premature apprehension of the pontine migrational flow, and slowed migration of cerebellar granule cells. This discipline provide evidence that NMHC II - B is required for migration of certain group of neuronal cells. Removal of the Neo cassette from bacillus - R/", "butter_fingers": " abjormal protrusion of the facial nuclei nbto thx 4th vehtricle, oremature arrest of the pontmne nigrauponal stream, and slowdd migratpon of ceeebeooar granulx cells. Bkis sfmdy pxotides evidence jhat NMHC II-T is required xof ligration of certain groups of neurjnal cekld. Removal of tre Nto sasssntt from B-R/", "random_deletion": "abnormal protrusion of the facial nuclei into ventricle, arrest of pontine migrational stream, granule This study provides that NMHC II-B required for migration of certain groups neuronal cells. Removal of the Neo cassette from B-R/", "change_char_case": " abnormal protrusion of the faCial nuclei Into tHe 4tH veNtRiclE, preMature arrest of THe poNtine migrational stream, And slOwED migRAtIon of CerebelLAr GRAnuLe CeLls. thIS sTudy pRovIdes eviDence that NmHC iI-b is required fOR mIgration of CerTain groups of NeuRonal cElLs. REMoval Of tHe Neo CassetTE from B-r/", "whitespace_perturbation": " abnormal protrusion of th e facial n uclei in toth e 4t h ve ntricle, prema t urearrest of the pontinemigra ti o nals tr eam,and slo w ed m igr at io n o fc er ebell argranule cells. Th isst udy provides ev idence tha t N MHC II-B isreq uiredfo r m i grati onof ce rtaing roupsof neuron al cells. Removal o ftheNeo cassette from B- R /", "underscore_trick": " abnormal_protrusion of_the facial nuclei into_the 4th_ventricle,_premature arrest_of_the pontine migrational_stream, and slowed_migration of cerebellar granule_cells. This study_provides_evidence that NMHC II-B is required for migration of certain groups of neuronal cells._Removal_of the_Neo_cassette_from B-R/"} +{"text": " of developmentally and educationally important variables is being conducted. The behavioral variables of interest include spatial and verbal ability, field dependence, automatization, handedness and ear dominance for speech and non-speech sounds. Genetic and environmental contributions to the variance will be estimated by path analysis and major gene effects will be investigated by pedig", "synonym_substitution": "of developmentally and educationally important variables is being conducted. The behavioral variables of sake admit spatial and verbal ability, field dependence, automatization, handedness and auricle dominance for actor's line and non - speech sounds. genic and environmental contribution to the variance will be estimate by path analysis and major gene effect will be investigated by pedig", "butter_fingers": " of developmentally and edugationally imporjabt varmables js being conducted. The behavioral vaciaboes od interest include spagial and nerbal abulitb, field dependenrs, automatizatjln, hcnvedness and ear dominance for speech ang vou-speech sounds. Genetic and environmegtal comtgibutions to tre vswiandv cill be estimated by path analyais and major gene egfects will be investigatef by pedig", "random_deletion": "of developmentally and educationally important variables is The variables of include spatial and handedness ear dominance for and non-speech sounds. and environmental contributions to the variance be estimated by path analysis and major gene effects will be investigated by", "change_char_case": " of developmentally and educaTionally imPortaNt vAriAbLes iS beiNg conducted. The BEhavIoral variables of intereSt incLuDE spaTIaL and vErbal abILiTY, FieLd DePenDeNCe, AutomAtiZation, hAndedness aNd eAr Dominance for SPeEch and non-sPeeCh sounds. GeneTic And envIrOnmENtal cOntRibutIons to THe variAnce will bE eSTimateD By path aNALySis aNd major gene effectS WiLL be investigateD by pedIg", "whitespace_perturbation": " of developmentally and ed ucationall y imp ort ant v aria bles is being cond u cted . The behavioral varia blesof inte r es t inc lude sp a ti a l an dve rba la bi lity, fi eld dep endence, a uto ma tization, ha n de dness andear dominance f orspeech a ndn on-sp eec h sou nds. G e neticand envir on m entalc ontribu t i on s to the variance wil l b e estimated bypath a na l ys i s an d m ajor geneef fects will be in v e s tig a ted by pedig", "underscore_trick": " of_developmentally and_educationally important variables is_being conducted._The_behavioral variables_of_interest include spatial_and verbal ability,_field dependence, automatization, handedness_and ear dominance_for_speech and non-speech sounds. Genetic and environmental contributions to the variance will be estimated_by_path analysis_and_major_gene effects will be investigated_by pedig"} +{"text": ", in Aim 4 we will modulate IFN-I signaling as means to enhance vaccination. Thus, this proposal will contribute to attainment of multi-project objectives of this U19. [unreadable] This is a 5-year training program renewal to support 5 postdoctoral trainees (Ph.D. and/or M.D", "synonym_substitution": ", in Aim 4 we will modulate IFN - I signaling as means to enhance vaccination. therefore, this marriage proposal will put up to attainment of multi - project objectives of this U19. [ indecipherable ] This is a 5 - year education program renewal to subscribe 5 postdoctoral trainee (Ph.D. and/or M.D", "butter_fingers": ", in Aim 4 we will modulate INN-I signaling as means vo enhahce vaccknation. Thus, this proposal wmll xontrubute to attainment of multi-prouect objwctites of this U19. [uncsadable] This jd a 5-veer training pronram renewan to support 5 [ortboctoral trainees (Ph.D. and/or M.D", "random_deletion": ", in Aim 4 we will modulate as to enhance Thus, this proposal multi-project of this U19. This is a training program renewal to support 5 trainees (Ph.D. and/or M.D", "change_char_case": ", in Aim 4 we will modulate IFN-I siGnaling as mEans tO enHanCe VaccInatIon. Thus, this proPOsal Will contribute to attainMent oF mULti-pROjEct obJectiveS Of THIs U19. [UnReAdaBlE] thIs is a 5-YeaR trainiNg program rEneWaL to support 5 poSTdOctoral traIneEs (Ph.D. and/or M.D", "whitespace_perturbation": ", in Aim 4 we will modulat e IFN-I si gnali ngasme ansto e nhance vaccina t ion. Thus, this proposal w ill c on t ribu t eto at tainmen t o f mul ti -p roj ec t o bject ive s of th is U19. [u nre ad able] This i s a 5-year tr ain ing programren ewal t osup p ort 5 po stdoc toralt rainee s (Ph.D.an d /or M. D ", "underscore_trick": ", in_Aim 4_we will modulate IFN-I_signaling as_means_to enhance_vaccination._Thus, this proposal_will contribute to_attainment of multi-project objectives_of this U19._[unreadable]_This is a 5-year training program renewal to support 5 postdoctoral trainees (Ph.D. and/or_M.D"} +{"text": " utilizes precision-cut lung slice technology. This offers the key advantage of maintaining the native environment of the inflamed lung. Finally, we will determine if XHE-III-74A, an?4 subunit- selective GABAA receptor activator that does not cross the blood brain barrier, will limit house dust mite", "synonym_substitution": "utilizes precision - cut lung slice engineering. This extend the key advantage of maintaining the native environment of the kindle lung. last, we will determine if XHE - III-74A, an?4 subunit- selective GABAA receptor activator that does not crossbreed the lineage brain barrier, will restrict house dust mite", "butter_fingers": " utllizes precision-cut lung slice technoloyt. This offera the keh advantage of maintaining tie nqtive environment of the inwlamed lujg. Finaloy, wt will determine mr XHE-IIL-74C, an?4 ambunic- welective GABAS receptor activator thad aozs not cross the blood brain barrier, will lomlt house dust iite", "random_deletion": "utilizes precision-cut lung slice technology. This offers advantage maintaining the environment of the determine XHE-III-74A, an?4 subunit- GABAA receptor activator does not cross the blood brain will limit house dust mite", "change_char_case": " utilizes precision-cut lung sLice technoLogy. THis OffErS the Key aDvantage of mainTAiniNg the native environment Of the InFLameD LuNg. FinAlly, we wILl DETerMiNe If XhE-iiI-74a, an?4 suBunIt- selecTive GABAA rEcePtOr activator tHAt Does not croSs tHe blood brain BarRier, wiLl LimIT housE duSt mitE", "whitespace_perturbation": " utilizes precision-cut lu ng slice t echno log y.Th is o ffer s the key adva n tage of maintaining the na tiveen v iron m en t ofthe inf l am e d lu ng .Fin al l y, we w ill determ ine if XHE -II I- 74A, an?4 su b un it- select ive GABAA recep tor activ at ort hat d oes notcrosst he blo od brainba r rier,w ill lim i t h ouse dust mite", "underscore_trick": " utilizes_precision-cut lung_slice technology. This offers_the key_advantage_of maintaining_the_native environment of_the inflamed lung._Finally, we will determine_if XHE-III-74A, an?4_subunit-_selective GABAA receptor activator that does not cross the blood brain barrier, will limit_house_dust mite"} +{"text": " and therefore is likely to be involved in the earliest step of X-identification. Therefore, the identification of CLAMP provides the first opportunity to define the X-chromosome features that promote its identification for dosage compensation. Based on strong preliminary data, I hypothesize that identification of the X-chromosome requires contributions from primary", "synonym_substitution": "and therefore is likely to be involved in the earliest gradation of ten - identification. Therefore, the identification of CLAMP provide the first opportunity to define the ten - chromosome features that promote its identification for dose compensation. Based on solid preliminary data, I hypothesize that recognition of the ten - chromosome requires contributions from primary", "butter_fingers": " anf therefore is likely to be involved in the eacliest atep of B-identification. Therefore, thx idwntifucation of CLAMP proviaes the fprst oppoetunmty to define thx X-chromosome rcaturzs that promote lts identifhcation for dovaee compensation. Based on strong preliiinary caha, I hypothesiee thse idsntification of the X-chromosome resuires bontributions frok primary", "random_deletion": "and therefore is likely to be involved earliest of X-identification. the identification of to the X-chromosome features promote its identification dosage compensation. Based on strong preliminary I hypothesize that identification of the X-chromosome requires contributions from primary", "change_char_case": " and therefore is likely to be iNvolved in tHe earLieSt sTeP of X-IdenTification. TherEFore, The identification of CLAmP proViDEs thE FiRst opPortuniTY tO DEfiNe ThE X-cHrOMoSome fEatUres thaT promote itS idEnTification foR DoSage compenSatIon. Based on stRonG preliMiNarY Data, I HypOthesIze thaT IdentiFication oF tHE X-chroMOsome reQUIrEs coNtributions from prIMaRY", "whitespace_perturbation": " and therefore is likely t o be invol ved i n t heea rlie st s tep of X-ident i fica tion. Therefore, the i denti fi c atio n o f CLA MP prov i de s the f ir stop p or tunit y t o defin e the X-ch rom os ome features th at promote it s identifica tio n fordo sag e comp ens ation . Base d on st rong prel im i nary d a ta, I h y p ot hesi ze that identific a ti o n of the X-chr omosom er eq u i res co ntribution sfromp rimary", "underscore_trick": " and_therefore is_likely to be involved_in the_earliest_step of_X-identification._Therefore, the identification_of CLAMP provides_the first opportunity to_define the X-chromosome_features_that promote its identification for dosage compensation. Based on strong preliminary data, I hypothesize_that_identification of_the_X-chromosome_requires contributions from primary"} +{"text": " Sciences Building, University of Kentucky. The Analytical Core will consist of the Director and research personnel for performing services of resolution and profiling of analytes using mass spectroscopy and for quantifying analytes using luminex platforms. An important part of Core activities will include methods development to analyze specific molecules of interest, and for profiling", "synonym_substitution": "Sciences Building, University of Kentucky. The Analytical Core will consist of the Director and research personnel for performing service of settlement and profiling of analytes using mass spectroscopy and for quantifying analytes use luminex platforms. An important share of Core activity will include method development to analyze specific molecules of pastime, and for profiling", "butter_fingers": " Sclences Building, Universiuy of Kentucky. Thg Qnalytmcal Code will zonsist of the Director and ceseqrch kvrsonnel for performivg servicvs of resilutmon and profilinj of analytes hding nass spectroscppy and fos quantifying dnxlvtes using luminex platforms. An impowtant psrh of Core actiditits rill pnglude methods development to anamyze sptcific molecules og interest, and for profilijg", "random_deletion": "Sciences Building, University of Kentucky. The Analytical consist the Director research personnel for profiling analytes using mass and for quantifying using luminex platforms. An important part Core activities will include methods development to analyze specific molecules of interest, and profiling", "change_char_case": " Sciences Building, UniversitY of KentuckY. The ANalYtiCaL CorE wilL consist of the DIRectOr and research personnel For peRfORminG SeRviceS of resoLUtION anD pRoFilInG Of AnalyTes Using maSs spectrosCopY aNd for quantifYInG analytes uSinG luminex platForMs. An imPoRtaNT part Of COre acTivitiES will iNclude metHoDS develOPment to ANAlYze sPecific molecules oF InTErest, and for proFiling", "whitespace_perturbation": " Sciences Building, Univer sity of Ke ntuck y.The A naly tica l Core will co n sist of the Director and r esear ch pers o nn el fo r perfo r mi n g se rv ic esof re solut ion and pr ofiling of an al ytes using m a ss spectrosc opy and for qua nti fyingan aly t es us ing lumi nex pl a tforms . An impo rt a nt par t of Cor e ac tivi ties will include me t hods developme nt toan a ly z e sp eci fic molecu le s ofi nterest , a n d for profiling", "underscore_trick": " Sciences_Building, University_of Kentucky. The Analytical_Core will_consist_of the_Director_and research personnel_for performing services_of resolution and profiling_of analytes using_mass_spectroscopy and for quantifying analytes using luminex platforms. An important part of Core activities_will_include methods_development_to_analyze specific molecules of interest,_and for profiling"} +{"text": "D4-2 gene ablation and in people with certain polymorphisms of NEDD4-L, the human homologue of rodent NEDD4-2, occurs, in part, from the increased renal Na+ and Cl- transporter abundance. In the cortical collecting duct (CCD) NEDD4-", "synonym_substitution": "D4 - 2 gene ablation and in people with certain polymorphisms of NEDD4 - L, the human homologue of rodent NEDD4 - 2, occurs, in character, from the increase renal Na+ and Cl- transporter abundance. In the cortical collecting duct (CCD) NEDD4-", "butter_fingers": "D4-2 gfne ablation and in peopue with certain polymocphisms of NEDD4-U, the human homologue of rodxnt BEDD4-2, iccurs, in part, from thd increasvd renal Ba+ aid Cl- transportec abundakee. In bhe cmctical collectikg duct (CCD) NEDD4-", "random_deletion": "D4-2 gene ablation and in people with of the human of rodent NEDD4-2, increased Na+ and Cl- abundance. In the collecting duct (CCD) NEDD4-", "change_char_case": "D4-2 gene ablation and in people wIth certain PolymOrpHisMs Of NEdD4-L, tHe human homologUE of rOdent NEDD4-2, occurs, in part, fRom thE iNCreaSEd Renal na+ and Cl- TRaNSPorTeR aBunDaNCe. in the CorTical coLlecting duCt (CcD) nEDD4-", "whitespace_perturbation": "D4-2 gene ablation and inpeople wit h cer tai n p ol ymor phis ms of NEDD4-L, thehuman homologue of rod ent N ED D 4-2, oc curs, in par t ,f r omth einc re a se d ren alNa+ and Cl- trans por te r abundance. In the corti cal collectingduc t (CCD )NED D 4-", "underscore_trick": "D4-2 gene_ablation and_in people with certain_polymorphisms of_NEDD4-L,_the human_homologue_of rodent NEDD4-2,_occurs, in part,_from the increased renal_Na+ and Cl-_transporter_abundance. In the cortical collecting duct (CCD) NEDD4-"} +{"text": " networks of young African American MSM, we will assess whether one?s willingness to use LAI-PrEP is impacted by their position within their networks. Using a complex systems approach known as agent-based modeling, we will simulate HIV transmission in the dynamic networks of young African American MSM, allowing us to assess the potential", "synonym_substitution": "networks of young African American MSM, we will assess whether one?s willingness to use LAI - PrEP is impact by their placement within their networks. Using a complex systems approach path known as agent - establish modeling, we will simulate HIV transmittance in the dynamic networks of unseasoned African American MSM, allowing us to assess the electric potential", "butter_fingers": " nehworks of young African Xmerican MSM, we will avsess shether une?s willingness to use LAI-PcEP us imkccted by their positkon withij their betwieks. Using e complew sysfcms a'pcoach known as sgent-based modeling, we whlu dimulate HIV transmission in the dygamic nrtaorks of young Afrpcwn Ajvrlcan MSM, allowing us to assess tge poteitial", "random_deletion": "networks of young African American MSM, we whether willingness to LAI-PrEP is impacted networks. a complex systems known as agent-based we will simulate HIV transmission in dynamic networks of young African American MSM, allowing us to assess the potential", "change_char_case": " networks of young African AmeRican MSM, we Will aSseSs wHeTher One?s Willingness to uSE LAI-prEP is impacted by their pOsitiOn WIthiN ThEir neTworks. USInG A ComPlEx SysTeMS aPproaCh kNown as aGent-based mOdeLiNg, we will simuLAtE HIV transmIssIon in the dynaMic NetworKs Of yOUng AfRicAn AmeRican Msm, allowIng us to asSeSS the poTEntial", "whitespace_perturbation": " networks of young African AmericanMSM,wewil lasse ss w hether one?s w i llin gness to use LAI-PrEPis im pa c tedb ytheir positi o nw i thi nth eir n e tw orks. Us ing a c omplex sys tem sapproach kno w nas agent-b ase d modeling,wewill s im ula t e HIV tr ansmi ssioni n thedynamic n et w orks o f youngA f ri canAmerican MSM, all o wi n g us to assess the p ot e nt i a l", "underscore_trick": " networks_of young_African American MSM, we_will assess_whether_one?s willingness_to_use LAI-PrEP is_impacted by their_position within their networks._Using a complex_systems_approach known as agent-based modeling, we will simulate HIV transmission in the dynamic networks_of_young African_American_MSM,_allowing us to assess the_potential"} +{"text": " genome sequences and protein structures during the last decade has been paralleled by major advances in sequence database search methods. The powerful Position-Specific Iterating BLAST (PSI-BLAST) method developed at the NCBI formed the basis of our work on protein motif analysis. In addition, Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and", "synonym_substitution": "genome sequences and protein structures during the last decade has been twin by major overture in sequence database search methods. The powerful Position - Specific Iterating BLAST (PSI - BLAST) method acting developed at the NCBI formed the basis of our employment on protein motif analysis. In accession, Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and", "butter_fingers": " gejome sequences and proteln structures dutibg the last secade hxs been paralleled by major edvabces un sequence database sdarch metjods. The powtrful Position-Sperjfic Itcxatinf BLAVV (PSI-BLAST) methpd developad at the NCBI furled the basis of our work on proteig motif ajalysis. In addytiom, Hidsvn Markov Models (HMM) and", "random_deletion": "genome sequences and protein structures during the has paralleled by advances in sequence Position-Specific BLAST (PSI-BLAST) method at the NCBI the basis of our work on motif analysis. In addition, Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and", "change_char_case": " genome sequences and protein Structures DurinG thE laSt DecaDe haS been paralleleD By maJor advances in sequence dAtabaSe SEarcH MeThods. the poweRFuL pOsiTiOn-speCiFIc iteraTinG BLAST (PsI-BLAST) metHod DeVeloped at the ncBi formed the BasIs of our work oN prOtein mOtIf aNAlysiS. In AdditIon, HidDEn MarkOv Models (HmM) ANd", "whitespace_perturbation": " genome sequences and prot ein struct uresdur ing t he l astdecade has bee n par alleled by major advan ces i ns eque n ce data base se a rc h met ho ds . T he po werfu l P osition -SpecificIte ra ting BLAST ( P SI -BLAST) me tho d developedatthe NC BI fo r med t hebasis of ou r workon protei nm otif a n alysis. I naddi tion, Hidden Mark o vM odels (HMM) an d", "underscore_trick": " genome_sequences and_protein structures during the_last decade_has_been paralleled_by_major advances in_sequence database search_methods. The powerful Position-Specific_Iterating BLAST (PSI-BLAST)_method_developed at the NCBI formed the basis of our work on protein motif analysis._In_addition, Hidden_Markov_Models_(HMM) and"} +{"text": " produce and release compounds of both leukocytic and bacterial origin. These phenomena are relevant to maintenance of health, because they provide a bulwark against infection. On the other hand, some biochemical sequelae of this stimulation may injure host cells. Generation and release of activated oxygen species is a key phenomenon in these contexts.", "synonym_substitution": "produce and release compounds of both leukocytic and bacterial origin. These phenomenon are relevant to sustenance of health, because they provide a bulwark against infection. On the early hand, some biochemical sequelae of this stimulation may hurt host cells. coevals and release of activated oxygen coinage is a key phenomenon in these contexts.", "butter_fingers": " prlduce and release compoukds of both leukocytic end bacferial ofigin. These phenomena are repecant uj maintenance of hdalth, becwuse thet pricide a bulxzrk agalust ihnectimi. On the other mand, some bhochemical seqgeuaz of this stimulation may injure hose cells. Gfneration and teleaxq of activated oxygen species is a key phenomtnon in these contrxts.", "random_deletion": "produce and release compounds of both leukocytic origin. phenomena are to maintenance of bulwark infection. On the hand, some biochemical of this stimulation may injure host Generation and release of activated oxygen species is a key phenomenon in these", "change_char_case": " produce and release compoundS of both leuKocytIc aNd bAcTeriAl orIgin. These phenoMEna aRe relevant to maintenancE of heAlTH, becAUsE they Provide A BuLWArk AgAiNst InFEcTion. ON thE other hAnd, some bioCheMiCal sequelae oF ThIs stimulatIon May injure hosT ceLls. GenErAtiON and rEleAse of ActivaTEd oxygEn species Is A Key pheNOmenon iN THeSe coNtexts.", "whitespace_perturbation": " produce and release compo unds of bo th le uko cyt ic and bac terial origin. Thes e phenomena are releva nt to m a inte n an ce of health , b e c aus eth eypr o vi de abul wark ag ainst infe cti on . On the oth e rhand, some bi ochemical se que lae of t his stimu lat ion m ay inj u re hos t cells.Ge n eratio n and re l e as e of activated oxygen sp e cies is a keyphenom en o ni n th ese contexts. ", "underscore_trick": " produce_and release_compounds of both leukocytic_and bacterial_origin._These phenomena_are_relevant to maintenance_of health, because_they provide a bulwark_against infection. On_the_other hand, some biochemical sequelae of this stimulation may injure host cells. Generation and_release_of activated_oxygen_species_is a key phenomenon in_these contexts."} +{"text": " affected by disaster. Our central hypothesi is that the majority of older adults exposed to disaster are resilient, healthcare utilization and expenditures associated with some functional limitation trajectories in the wake of disaster are significant, and pre-disaster characteristics of individuals and communities can distinguish trajectories of resilience and vulnerability. Our hypothesis was formulated based on our", "synonym_substitution": "affected by disaster. Our central hypothesi is that the majority of older adult debunk to disaster are bouncy, healthcare utilization and expending associated with some running limit trajectories in the aftermath of disaster are significant, and pre - disaster characteristic of individuals and communities can signalize trajectory of resilience and vulnerability. Our hypothesis was formulated free-base on our", "butter_fingers": " afvected by disaster. Our ctntral hypothesi nw that the mzjority uf older adults exposed to dmsasrer aee resilient, healthcard utilizanion and wxpeiditures associavsd with some rmnctimial limitation jrajectories in the wake ox aidaster are significant, and pre-disaseer chatafteristics of yndiniquala and communities can distinguish frajectmries of resikience and vulnerability. Okr hjpothesis was formklated basee on iur", "random_deletion": "affected by disaster. Our central hypothesi is majority older adults to disaster are associated some functional limitation in the wake disaster are significant, and pre-disaster characteristics individuals and communities can distinguish trajectories of resilience and vulnerability. Our hypothesis was based on our", "change_char_case": " affected by disaster. Our centRal hypotheSi is tHat The MaJoriTy of Older adults expOSed tO disaster are resilient, hEalthCaRE utiLIzAtion And expeNDiTURes AsSoCiaTeD WiTh somE fuNctionaL limitatioN trAjEctories in thE WaKe of disastEr aRe significanT, anD pre-diSaSteR CharaCteRistiCs of inDIviduaLs and commUnITies caN DistingUISh TrajEctories of resilieNCe ANd vulnerabilitY. Our hyPoTHeSIS waS foRmulated baSeD on ouR", "whitespace_perturbation": " affected by disaster. Our central h ypoth esi is t hatthemajority of ol d er a dults exposed to disas ter a re resi l ie nt, h ealthca r eu t ili za ti onan d e xpend itu res ass ociated wi thso me functiona l l imitationtra jectories in th e wake o f d i saste r a re si gnific a nt, an d pre-dis as t er cha r acteris t i cs ofindividuals and c o mm u nities can dis tingui sh tr a j ect ori es of resi li encea nd vuln e ra b i l ity . Our hypothes is was form u lat ed bas ed on our", "underscore_trick": " affected_by disaster._Our central hypothesi is_that the_majority_of older_adults_exposed to disaster_are resilient, healthcare_utilization and expenditures associated_with some functional_limitation_trajectories in the wake of disaster are significant, and pre-disaster characteristics of individuals and_communities_can distinguish_trajectories_of_resilience and vulnerability. Our hypothesis_was formulated based on our"} +{"text": " order to identify potential new therapeutic targets for esophageal adenocarcinoma. We will also determine which of the regions and genes are associated with disease stage, metastasis and survival. The association of these regions and the expression of genes within them with clinical endpoints will then be validated in an independent tumor set using quantitative PCR. Finally, validated prognostic markers", "synonym_substitution": "order to identify potential new curative target for esophageal adenocarcinoma. We will also determine which of the region and gene are associated with disease stage, metastasis and survival. The association of these region and the expression of genes within them with clinical end point will then be validate in an independent tumor set up using quantitative PCR. Finally, validate predictive markers", "butter_fingers": " orfer to identify potentiau new therapeutnx targxts for esophagdal adenocarcinoma. We will apsi dettgmine which of the reeions and genes aee awwociated wmfh disease stzne, mecawtasis and suryival. The avsociation of dhdsz regions and the expression of genef withim hhem with clinycal qndpkpnus will then be validated in an ihdependtnt tumor set usinb quantitative PCR. Finally, valldated prognostic larkers", "random_deletion": "order to identify potential new therapeutic targets adenocarcinoma. will also which of the with stage, metastasis and The association of regions and the expression of genes them with clinical endpoints will then be validated in an independent tumor set quantitative PCR. Finally, validated prognostic markers", "change_char_case": " order to identify potential nEw therapeuTic taRgeTs fOr EsopHageAl adenocarcinoMA. We wIll also determine which oF the rEgIOns aND gEnes aRe assocIAtED WitH dIsEasE sTAgE, metaStaSis and sUrvival. The AssOcIation of thesE ReGions and thE exPression of geNes Within ThEm wITh cliNicAl endPoints WIll theN be validaTeD In an inDEpendenT TUmOr seT using quantitativE pCr. finally, validatEd progNoSTiC MArkErs", "whitespace_perturbation": " order to identify potenti al new the rapeu tic ta rg etsforesophageal ade n ocar cinoma. We will also d eterm in e whi c hof th e regio n sa n d g en es ar ea ss ociat edwith di sease stag e,me tastasis and su rvival. Th e a ssociation o f t hese r eg ion s andthe expr ession of gen es within t h em wit h clinic a l e ndpo ints will then be va l idated in an i ndepen de n tt u mor se t using qu an titat i ve PCR. Fi n a l ly, validated pro gnostic mar k ers ", "underscore_trick": " order_to identify_potential new therapeutic targets_for esophageal_adenocarcinoma._We will_also_determine which of_the regions and_genes are associated with_disease stage, metastasis_and_survival. The association of these regions and the expression of genes within them with_clinical_endpoints will_then_be_validated in an independent tumor_set using quantitative PCR. Finally,_validated prognostic_markers"} +{"text": " been shown to suppress A1 expression. Herein, I propose a novel suppressive effect of A1 on HDAC3. My central hypothesis predicts that myeloid A1 protects against retinal IR injury through ODC-mediated suppression of HDAC3. I will be using mice with myeloid-specific deletion of A1, ODC", "synonym_substitution": "been shown to suppress A1 expression. Herein, I propose a fresh suppressive consequence of A1 on HDAC3. My central hypothesis predict that myeloid A1 protect against retinal IR injury through ODC - mediated inhibition of HDAC3. I will be using mice with myeloid - specific deletion of A1, ODC", "butter_fingers": " befn shown to suppress A1 ewpression. Herein, I propmse a hovel suopressive effect of A1 on HDAR3. My centeal hypothesis predictr that myvloid A1 peoterts against retiizl IR iklury fmrougk IDC-mediated sukpression of HDAC3. I will ba jsnng mice with myeloid-specific deletijn of A1, OFC", "random_deletion": "been shown to suppress A1 expression. Herein, a suppressive effect A1 on HDAC3. myeloid protects against retinal injury through ODC-mediated of HDAC3. I will be using with myeloid-specific deletion of A1, ODC", "change_char_case": " been shown to suppress A1 expreSsion. HereiN, I proPosE a nOvEl suPpreSsive effect of A1 ON HDAc3. My central hypothesis prEdictS tHAt myELoId A1 prOtects aGAiNST reTiNaL IR InJUrY throUgh oDC-mediAted suppreSsiOn Of HDAC3. I will bE UsIng mice witH myEloid-specifiC deLetion Of a1, ODc", "whitespace_perturbation": " been shown to suppress A1 expressio n. He rei n,Iprop osea novel suppre s sive effect of A1 on HDAC3 . Myce n tral hy pothe sis pre d ic t s th at m yel oi d A 1 pro tec ts agai nst retina l I Rinjury throu g hODC-mediat edsuppressionofHDAC3. I wi l l beusi ng mi ce wit h myelo id-specif ic deleti o n of A1 , OD C", "underscore_trick": " been_shown to_suppress A1 expression. Herein,_I propose_a_novel suppressive_effect_of A1 on_HDAC3. My central_hypothesis predicts that myeloid_A1 protects against_retinal_IR injury through ODC-mediated suppression of HDAC3. I will be using mice with myeloid-specific_deletion_of A1,_ODC"} +{"text": " of premenopausal, postmenopausal and affected postmenopausal females (i.e., those with gingiva exhibiting a hormone-induced desquamative lesion) will be used to define estrogen action in the gingiva. This proposal will examine estrogen effects on proliferation, glycosaminoglycan synthesis, collagen synthesis, noncollagen", "synonym_substitution": "of premenopausal, postmenopausal and affected postmenopausal females (i.e., those with gingiva exhibiting a hormone - induced desquamative wound) will be use to define estrogen action in the gingiva. This marriage proposal will examine estrogen effect on proliferation, glycosaminoglycan synthesis, collagen deduction, noncollagen", "butter_fingers": " of premenopausal, postmenopxusal and affecjee postkenopahsal femxles (i.e., those with gingiva eehibuting a hormone-induced desqjamative pesion) wull ue used to definx estrogcu actjln iu vhe gingiva. Thix proposal will examine asgrlgen effects on proliferation, glycofaminogkyfan synthesis, sollsden ajnuhesis, noncollagen", "random_deletion": "of premenopausal, postmenopausal and affected postmenopausal females with exhibiting a desquamative lesion) will action the gingiva. This will examine estrogen on proliferation, glycosaminoglycan synthesis, collagen synthesis,", "change_char_case": " of premenopausal, postmenopaUsal and affEcted PosTmeNoPausAl feMales (i.e., those wiTH ginGiva exhibiting a hormone-InducEd DEsquAMaTive lEsion) wiLL bE USed To DeFinE eSTrOgen aCtiOn in the Gingiva. ThiS prOpOsal will examINe Estrogen efFecTs on proliferAtiOn, glycOsAmiNOglycAn sYntheSis, colLAgen syNthesis, noNcOLlagen", "whitespace_perturbation": " of premenopausal, postmen opausal an d aff ect edpo stme nopa usal females ( i .e., those with gingiva ex hibit in g a h o rm one-i nducedd es q u ama ti ve le si o n) will be used t o define e str og en action in th e gingiva. Th is proposalwil l exam in e e s troge n e ffect s on p r olifer ation, gl yc o samino g lycan s y n th esis , collagen synthe s is , noncollagen", "underscore_trick": " of_premenopausal, postmenopausal_and affected postmenopausal females_(i.e., those_with_gingiva exhibiting_a_hormone-induced desquamative lesion)_will be used_to define estrogen action_in the gingiva._This_proposal will examine estrogen effects on proliferation, glycosaminoglycan synthesis, collagen synthesis, noncollagen"} +{"text": " injury. We will use one of the most inflammatory of all CNS disease models, the multiple sclerosis model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), to show applicability of this approach to a variety of neurological diseases. We will employ mice which differ in the complement of sex chromosomes (XX vs. XY), while having", "synonym_substitution": "injury. We will use one of the most inflammatory of all CNS disease models, the multiple sclerosis exemplar, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), to picture applicability of this approach to a variety of neurological diseases. We will hire mice which differ in the complement of sexual activity chromosomes (XX vs. XY), while having", "butter_fingers": " inuury. We will use one of uhe most inflammajoey of ell CNS disease models, the multiple sclerosms midel, tqperimental autoimmund encephapomyelitus (EEE), to show applirzbility of thjd ap'riach to a varigty of neuronogical diseasas. Wz will employ mice which differ in tre compkelent of sex chtomospies (SQ ys. XY), while having", "random_deletion": "injury. We will use one of the of CNS disease the multiple sclerosis to applicability of this to a variety neurological diseases. We will employ mice differ in the complement of sex chromosomes (XX vs. XY), while having", "change_char_case": " injury. We will use one of the moSt inflammaTory oF alL CNs dIseaSe moDels, the multiplE ScleRosis model, experimental AutoiMmUNe enCEpHalomYelitis (eaE), TO ShoW aPpLicAbILiTy of tHis ApproacH to a varietY of NeUrological diSEaSes. We will eMplOy mice which dIffEr in thE cOmpLEment Of sEx chrOmosomES (XX vs. Xy), while havInG", "whitespace_perturbation": " injury. We will use one o f the most infl amm ato ry ofallCNS disease mo d els, the multiple sclerosi s mod el , exp e ri menta l autoi m mu n e en ce ph alo my e li tis ( EAE ), to s how applic abi li ty of this a p pr oach to avar iety of neur olo gicaldi sea s es. W e w ill e mploym ice wh ich diffe ri n thec ompleme n t o f se x chromosomes (XX vs . XY), while ha ving", "underscore_trick": " injury._We will_use one of the_most inflammatory_of_all CNS_disease_models, the multiple_sclerosis model, experimental_autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), to_show applicability of_this_approach to a variety of neurological diseases. We will employ mice which differ in_the_complement of_sex_chromosomes_(XX vs. XY), while having"} +{"text": ", the carotid artery and aorta, and to determine similarities or differences in the responses of these two beds to intervention with the calcium blocking agent, nifedipine. The hypothesis to be tested is that carotid artery atherosclerosis in hypertensive animals develops at a significantly greater rate and is less subject to regression compared to aortic atherosclerosis.", "synonym_substitution": ", the carotid artery and aorta, and to determine similarities or differences in the responses of these two bed to interposition with the calcium blocking agent, nifedipine. The hypothesis to be screen is that carotid artery atherosclerosis in hypertensive animals develops at a importantly greater rate and is less subject to arrested development compare to aortic atherosclerosis.", "butter_fingers": ", thf carotid artery and aorua, and to determiuw siminaritiss or diwferences in the responses oh thwse tqo beds to interventiov with thv calcium blorking agent, nifevjpine. Tmz hypkbhesiv to be tested ls that carmtid artery atvefodclerosis in hypertensive animals dqvelops ah a significanjly ggewter gaue and is less subject to regressjon comkared to aortic atnerosclerosis.", "random_deletion": ", the carotid artery and aorta, and similarities differences in responses of these the blocking agent, nifedipine. hypothesis to be is that carotid artery atherosclerosis in animals develops at a significantly greater rate and is less subject to regression to aortic atherosclerosis.", "change_char_case": ", the carotid artery and aorta, aNd to determIne siMilAriTiEs or DiffErences in the reSPonsEs of these two beds to inteRventIoN With THe CalciUm blockINg AGEnt, NiFeDipInE. thE hypoTheSis to be Tested is thAt cArOtid artery atHErOsclerosis In hYpertensive aNimAls devElOps AT a sigNifIcantLy greaTEr rate And is less SuBJect to REgressiON CoMparEd to aortic atherosCLeROsis.", "whitespace_perturbation": ", the carotid artery and a orta, andto de ter min esimi lari ties or differ e nces in the responses of t hesetw o bed s t o int erventi o nw i thth ecal ci u mblock ing agent, nifedipin e.Th e hypothesis to be tested is that caroti d a rteryat her o scler osi s inhypert e nsiveanimals d ev e lops a t a sign i f ic antl y greater rate an d i s less subjectto reg re s si o n co mpa red to aor ti c ath e roscler o si s . ", "underscore_trick": ", the_carotid artery_and aorta, and to_determine similarities_or_differences in_the_responses of these_two beds to_intervention with the calcium_blocking agent, nifedipine._The_hypothesis to be tested is that carotid artery atherosclerosis in hypertensive animals develops at_a_significantly greater_rate_and_is less subject to regression_compared to aortic atherosclerosis."} +{"text": "-fold. First, in parallel with Project by Griffin, we will continue to study the effect of survival time and of gene polymorphisms on the manifestation of specific pathological features in traumatic brain injury which mimic the pathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in the belief that this will offer valuable insights into the early molecular mechanisms underlying the", "synonym_substitution": "-fold. First, in parallel with Project by Griffin, we will continue to study the consequence of survival meter and of gene polymorphisms on the manifestation of specific pathological feature in traumatic brain injury which mimic the pathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in the impression that this will offer valuable insights into the early molecular mechanisms underlie the", "butter_fingers": "-folf. First, in parallel with Project by Griydin, we will dontinue to study the effect of survmval time and of gene polymorphksms on tje manifwstauion of specific 'zthologleal fswturzs in traumatic nrain injurf which mimic dhd 'athology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) ig the brllef that this rill jffed valuable insights into the early molecunar mechanismx underlying the", "random_deletion": "-fold. First, in parallel with Project by will to study effect of survival on manifestation of specific features in traumatic injury which mimic the pathology of disease (AD) in the belief that this will offer valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the", "change_char_case": "-fold. First, in parallel with PrOject by GriFfin, wE wiLl cOnTinuE to sTudy the effect oF SurvIval time and of gene polymOrphiSmS On thE MaNifesTation oF SpECIfiC pAtHolOgICaL featUreS in trauMatic brain InjUrY which mimic tHE pAthology of alzHeimer's diseaSe (Ad) in the BeLieF That tHis Will oFfer vaLUable iNsights inTo THe earlY MoleculAR MeChanIsms underlying the", "whitespace_perturbation": "-fold. First, in parallelwith Proje ct by Gr iff in , we wil l continue tos tudy the effect of surviva l tim ea nd o f g ene p olymorp h is m s on t he ma ni f es tatio n o f speci fic pathol ogi ca l features i n t raumatic b rai n injury whi chmimicth e p a tholo gyof Al zheime r 's dis ease (AD) i n the b e lief th a t t hiswill offer valuab l ei nsights into t he ear ly mo l e cul armechanisms u nderl y ing the ", "underscore_trick": "-fold. First,_in parallel_with Project by Griffin,_we will_continue_to study_the_effect of survival_time and of_gene polymorphisms on the_manifestation of specific_pathological_features in traumatic brain injury which mimic the pathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in_the_belief that_this_will_offer valuable insights into the_early molecular mechanisms underlying the"} +{"text": " extent of vector-mediated pro-drug activation. Taken in conjunction, these studies will provide not only justification for a treatment modality that we will be able to test in phase I clinical trials, but also a mechanistic insight into the variables affecting cytotoxicity by the viral and pro-drug activation. The field of evolutionary biology has long", "synonym_substitution": "extent of vector - mediated pro - drug activation. Taken in conjunction, these report will leave not only justification for a treatment modality that we will be able to quiz in phase I clinical trials, but also a mechanistic penetration into the variables affecting cytotoxicity by the viral and pro - drug activation. The battlefield of evolutionary biology has long", "butter_fingers": " exhent of vector-mediated pvo-drug activatiou. Taken in cohjunctiov, these studies will provide nit onoy justification for a treatmenn modalitt thet we will be able to test in lmase N rlinical trials, but also d mechanistic hnriyht into the variables affecting cytjtoxiciyy by the viral wnd kro-qrug activation. The field of evolutionzry bionogy has long", "random_deletion": "extent of vector-mediated pro-drug activation. Taken in studies provide not justification for a be to test in I clinical trials, also a mechanistic insight into the affecting cytotoxicity by the viral and pro-drug activation. The field of evolutionary biology long", "change_char_case": " extent of vector-mediated pro-Drug activaTion. TAkeN in CoNjunCtioN, these studies wILl prOvide not only justificatIon foR a TReatMEnT modaLity thaT We WILl bE aBlE to TeST iN phasE I cLinical Trials, but aLso A mEchanistic inSIgHt into the vAriAbles affectiNg cYtotoxIcIty BY the vIraL and pRo-drug ACtivatIon. The fieLd OF evoluTIonary bIOLoGy haS long", "whitespace_perturbation": " extent of vector-mediated pro-drugactiv ati on. T aken inconjunction, t h esestudies will provide n ot on ly just i fi catio n for a tr e a tme nt m oda li t ythatwewill be able to t est i n phase I cl i ni cal trials , b ut also a me cha nistic i nsi g ht in tothe v ariabl e s affe cting cyt ot o xicity by thev i ra l an d pro-drug activa t io n . The field of evolu ti o na r y bi olo gy has lon g", "underscore_trick": " extent_of vector-mediated_pro-drug activation. Taken in_conjunction, these_studies_will provide_not_only justification for_a treatment modality_that we will be_able to test_in_phase I clinical trials, but also a mechanistic insight into the variables affecting cytotoxicity_by_the viral_and_pro-drug_activation. The field of evolutionary_biology has long"} +{"text": " dopamine-regulated membrane currents. The suggestion that the striatum behaves as an \"action selection\" network, raised interest in understanding how dynamic patterns of cortical activity are represented in the striatum and how this representation is modified by changes in dopamine neurotransmission. By simultaneously recording the population activity of cortical neurons and the membrane potential of striatal", "synonym_substitution": "dopamine - regulated membrane currents. The suggestion that the striatum behave as an \" legal action selection \" network, raised pastime in understanding how dynamic convention of cortical activeness are represented in the corpus striatum and how this theatrical performance is modified by changes in dopamine neurotransmission. By simultaneously record the population activity of cortical neurons and the membrane potential of striatal", "butter_fingers": " dooamine-regulated membrane currents. The sogtestioi that fhe strixtum behaves as an \"action sepextion\" network, raised interert in undvrstandint hox dynamic patteria of covcical wctirivy are represenjed in the sdriatum and hof ghns representation is modified by chagges in dlpamine neurottansmpsfion. By simultaneously recording the pkpulatimn activity og cortical neurons and the memhrane potential of striatal", "random_deletion": "dopamine-regulated membrane currents. The suggestion that the as \"action selection\" raised interest in cortical are represented in striatum and how representation is modified by changes in neurotransmission. By simultaneously recording the population activity of cortical neurons and the membrane of striatal", "change_char_case": " dopamine-regulated membrane Currents. ThE suggEstIon ThAt thE strIatum behaves as AN \"actIon selection\" network, raiSed inTeREst iN UnDerstAnding hOW dYNAmiC pAtTerNs OF cOrticAl aCtivity Are represeNteD iN the striatum ANd How this repResEntation is moDifIed by cHaNgeS In dopAmiNe neuRotranSMissioN. By simultAnEOusly rECording THE pOpulAtion activity of coRTiCAl neurons and thE membrAnE PoTENtiAl oF striatal", "whitespace_perturbation": " dopamine-regulated membra ne current s. Th e s ugg es tion tha t the striatum beha ves as an \"action sele ction \"n etwo r k, rais ed inte r es t inun de rst an d in g how dy namic p atterns of co rt ical activit y a re represe nte d in the str iat um and h owt his r epr esent ationi s modi fied by c ha n ges in dopamin e ne urot ransmission. By s i mu l taneously reco rdingth e p o p ula tio n activity o f cor t ical ne u ro n s and the membranepotential o f st riatal ", "underscore_trick": " dopamine-regulated_membrane currents._The suggestion that the_striatum behaves_as_an \"action_selection\"_network, raised interest_in understanding how_dynamic patterns of cortical_activity are represented_in_the striatum and how this representation is modified by changes in dopamine neurotransmission. By_simultaneously_recording the_population_activity_of cortical neurons and the_membrane potential of striatal"} +{"text": " binding of these transcriptional factors is in turn highly dependent on the accessibility of the chromatin landscape. To access the underlying genomic information, histone proteins must be repositioned or removed, a function that is performed by ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes. In particular, several components of the mammalian SWI/SNF or BAF", "synonym_substitution": "binding of these transcriptional factors is in turn highly dependent on the handiness of the chromatin landscape. To access the underlie genomic information, histone proteins must be repositioned or remove, a function that is performed by ATP - subject chromatin remodeling building complex. In particular, respective component of the mammalian SWI / SNF or BAF", "butter_fingers": " bijding of these transcripuional factors is in turi highlg dependdnt on the accessibility of vhe xhromqtin landscape. To accers the unferlying geninic informefion, histone lvoteius must be reposltioned or semoved, a funcdiun that is performed by ATP-dependent shromaton remodeling coipleqef. In iavticular, several components of tge mammelian SWI/SNF or BAF", "random_deletion": "binding of these transcriptional factors is in dependent the accessibility the chromatin landscape. information, proteins must be or removed, a that is performed by ATP-dependent chromatin complexes. In particular, several components of the mammalian SWI/SNF or BAF", "change_char_case": " binding of these transcriptiOnal factorS is in TurN hiGhLy dePendEnt on the accessIBiliTy of the chromatin landscApe. To AcCEss tHE uNderlYing genOMiC INfoRmAtIon, HiSToNe proTeiNs must bE repositioNed Or Removed, a funcTIoN that is perForMed by ATP-depeNdeNt chroMaTin REmodeLinG compLexes. IN ParticUlar, severAl COmponeNTs of the MAMmAliaN SWI/SNF or BAF", "whitespace_perturbation": " binding of these transcri ptional fa ctors is in t urnhigh ly dependent o n the accessibility of thechrom at i n la n ds cape. To acc e ss t heun de rly in g g enomi c i nformat ion, histo nepr oteins mustb ereposition edor removed,a f unctio ntha t is p erf ormed by AT P -depen dent chro ma t in rem o delingc o mp lexe s. In particular, se v eral component s of t he ma m m ali anSWI/SNF or B AF", "underscore_trick": " binding_of these_transcriptional factors is in_turn highly_dependent_on the_accessibility_of the chromatin_landscape. To access_the underlying genomic information,_histone proteins must_be_repositioned or removed, a function that is performed by ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes. In_particular,_several components_of_the_mammalian SWI/SNF or BAF"} +{"text": " versus corticospinal impairments in an animal model of PD. Using intracorticial microstimulation and a comprehensive behavioral testing battery consisting of both cranial motor and limb motor tasks, the proposed studies will (1) determine the differential effects of unilateral versus bilateral striatal dopamine depletion on cranial and limb motor function and corticobul", "synonym_substitution": "versus corticospinal impairments in an animal model of PD. Using intracorticial microstimulation and a comprehensive behavioral testing barrage consist of both cranial motor and limb motor tasks, the aim study will (1) determine the differential effects of unilateral versus bilateral striatal dopamine depletion on cranial and arm motor function and corticobul", "butter_fingers": " vegsus corticospinal impaivments in an animal modxl of PS. Using kntracorticial microstimulatmon qnd a comprehensive behaviofal testijg batteey cibsisting oh both cvcnial lotox end limb motor jasks, the prmposed studies wklp (1) determine the differential effeces of umipateral versus bilseeram striatal dopamine depletion on cdanial end limb motor gunction and corticobul", "random_deletion": "versus corticospinal impairments in an animal model Using microstimulation and comprehensive behavioral testing motor limb motor tasks, proposed studies will determine the differential effects of unilateral bilateral striatal dopamine depletion on cranial and limb motor function and corticobul", "change_char_case": " versus corticospinal impairMents in an aNimal ModEl oF Pd. UsiNg inTracorticial miCRostImulation and a comprehenSive bEhAViorAL tEstinG batterY CoNSIstInG oF boTh CRaNial mOtoR and limB motor taskS, thE pRoposed studiES wIll (1) determiNe tHe differentiAl eFfects Of UniLAteraL veRsus bIlaterAL striaTal dopamiNe DEpletiON on cranIAL aNd liMb motor function anD CoRTicobul", "whitespace_perturbation": " versus corticospinal impa irments in an a nim almo delof P D. Using intra c orti cial microstimulationand a c o mpre h en sivebehavio r al t est in gbat te r yconsi sti ng of b oth crania l m ot or and limbm ot or tasks,the proposed st udi es wil l(1) deter min e the diffe r ential effectsof unilat e ral ver s u sbila teral striatal do p am i ne depletion o n cran ia l a n d li mbmotor func ti on an d cortic o bu l ", "underscore_trick": " versus_corticospinal impairments_in an animal model_of PD._Using_intracorticial microstimulation_and_a comprehensive behavioral_testing battery consisting_of both cranial motor_and limb motor_tasks,_the proposed studies will (1) determine the differential effects of unilateral versus bilateral striatal_dopamine_depletion on_cranial_and_limb motor function and corticobul"} +{"text": ". Gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting and antibodies that recognize phosphorylated forms of cTnl are used to detect changes in the Tn complex. To test the role of specific PKC sites on cTnI in the evolution of hypertrophy and failure, mice harboring transgenes expressing a mutant form of cTnl (lacking PKC", "synonym_substitution": ". Gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting and antibodies that recognize phosphorylated forms of cTnl are used to detect changes in the Tn building complex. To screen the role of specific PKC sites on cTnI in the development of hypertrophy and failure, mouse harboring transgenes express a mutant form of cTnl (lacking PKC", "butter_fingers": ". Gep electrophoresis, immunonlotting and antnvodies that decognizd phosphorylated forms of cTil aee ustb to detect changes kn the Tn complex. To uest the role of specific PKC sjbes ou rTnI in the evokution of vypertrophy ang wanlure, mice harboring transgenes exprqssing s lutant form of cTnk (lacipnn PKC", "random_deletion": ". Gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting and antibodies that forms cTnl are to detect changes test role of specific sites on cTnI the evolution of hypertrophy and failure, harboring transgenes expressing a mutant form of cTnl (lacking PKC", "change_char_case": ". Gel electrophoresis, immunobLotting and AntibOdiEs tHaT recOgniZe phosphorylatED forMs of cTnl are used to detecT chanGeS In thE tn ComplEx. To tesT ThE ROle Of SpEciFiC pKc siteS on CTnI in tHe evolutioN of HyPertrophy and FAiLure, mice haRboRing transgenEs eXpressInG a mUTant fOrm Of cTnL (lackiNG PKC", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Gel electrophoresis, imm unoblottin g and an tib od iesthat recognize pho s phor ylated forms of cTnl a re us ed to d e te ct ch anges i n t h e Tn c om ple x. To test th e roleof specifi c P KC sites on cT n Iin the evo lut ion of hyper tro phy an dfai l ure,mic e har boring transg enes expr es s ing am utant f o r mof c Tnl (lacking PKC", "underscore_trick": ". Gel_electrophoresis, immunoblotting_and antibodies that recognize_phosphorylated forms_of_cTnl are_used_to detect changes_in the Tn_complex. To test the_role of specific_PKC_sites on cTnI in the evolution of hypertrophy and failure, mice harboring transgenes expressing_a_mutant form_of_cTnl_(lacking PKC"} +{"text": " year, the Department of Veterans Affairs introduced a quality measure (the fluoride monitor) that examines, on a quarterly basis, the percent of veterans at high risk for caries who receive fluoride treatments. This project will examine the effectiveness of the introduction of this fluoride monitor in reducing the rate of restorations in medically compromised veterans at", "synonym_substitution": "year, the Department of Veterans Affairs introduced a quality measure (the fluoride proctor) that probe, on a quarterly basis, the percent of veterans at gamey risk for caries who meet fluoride discussion. This project will analyze the effectiveness of the introduction of this fluoride admonisher in reducing the rate of restoration in medically compromise veterans at", "butter_fingers": " yewr, the Department of Vettrans Affairs inttoeuced e qualify measufe (the fluoride monitor) that ezamintf, on a quarterly bxsis, the iercent od veuerans at high risk for caries smo reeemve fluoride trgatments. Thiv project will ebaline the effectiveness of the introquction ov this fluoridg monptjr ih reducing the rate of restorationa in mevically compromosed veterans at", "random_deletion": "year, the Department of Veterans Affairs introduced measure fluoride monitor) examines, on a veterans high risk for who receive fluoride This project will examine the effectiveness the introduction of this fluoride monitor in reducing the rate of restorations in compromised veterans at", "change_char_case": " year, the Department of VeteraNs Affairs iNtrodUceD a qUaLity MeasUre (the fluoride MOnitOr) that examines, on a quartErly bAsIS, the PErCent oF veteraNS aT HIgh RiSk For CaRIeS who rEceIve fluoRide treatmEntS. THis project wiLL eXamine the eFfeCtiveness of tHe iNtroduCtIon OF this FluOride MonitoR In reduCing the raTe OF restoRAtions iN MEdIcalLy compromised veteRAnS At", "whitespace_perturbation": " year, the Department of V eterans Af fairs in tro du ceda qu ality measure( thefluoride monitor) that exam in e s, o n a quar terly b a si s , th epe rce nt of vete ran s at hi gh risk fo r c ar ies who rece i ve fluoridetre atments. Thi s p roject w ill exami nethe e ffecti v enessof the in tr o ductio n of thi s fl uori de monitor in red u ci n g the rate ofrestor at i on s inmed ically com pr omise d vetera n sa t ", "underscore_trick": " year,_the Department_of Veterans Affairs introduced_a quality_measure_(the fluoride_monitor)_that examines, on_a quarterly basis,_the percent of veterans_at high risk_for_caries who receive fluoride treatments. This project will examine the effectiveness of the introduction_of_this fluoride_monitor_in_reducing the rate of restorations_in medically compromised veterans at"} +{"text": " projects by providing new mechanical, electronic, optic and computer-based design and fabrication services and to develop highly innovative, high-impact research tools, such as the chronically implanted tetrode array recording chambers, the virtual reality visual-vestibular stimulating system, and the forced-choice, Bayesian adaptive protocol-driven opt", "synonym_substitution": "projects by providing new mechanical, electronic, optic and calculator - free-base design and fabrication service and to grow highly innovative, high - shock inquiry tools, such as the chronically implanted tetrode array recording chambers, the virtual reality ocular - vestibular stimulating system, and the push - choice, Bayesian adaptive protocol - driven opt", "butter_fingers": " prljects by providing new oechanical, elecjrinic, o'tic ans computdr-based design and fabricatiln servuces and to develop hiehly innonative, hith-imkact research tools, such as the ghronncelly implanted jetrode arraf recording chdmcexs, the virtual reality visual-vestibujar stikupating system, wnd uhe fordvd-ghoice, Bayesian adaptive protocom-driven opt", "random_deletion": "projects by providing new mechanical, electronic, optic design fabrication services to develop highly as chronically implanted tetrode recording chambers, the reality visual-vestibular stimulating system, and the Bayesian adaptive protocol-driven opt", "change_char_case": " projects by providing new mecHanical, eleCtronIc, oPtiC aNd coMputEr-based design aND fabRication services and to dEveloP hIGhly INnOvatiVe, high-iMPaCT ResEaRcH toOlS, SuCh as tHe cHronicaLly implantEd tEtRode array recORdIng chamberS, thE virtual realIty Visual-VeStiBUlar sTimUlatiNg systEM, and thE forced-chOiCE, BayesIAn adaptIVE pRotoCol-driven opt", "whitespace_perturbation": " projects by providing new mechanica l, el ect ron ic , op ticand computer-b a seddesign and fabrication serv ic e s an d t o dev elop hi g hl y inn ov at ive ,h ig h-imp act resear ch tools,suc has the chron i ca lly implan ted tetrode arr ayrecord in g c h amber s,the v irtual realit y visual- ve s tibula r stimul a t in g sy stem, and the for c ed - choice, Bayesi an ada pt i ve p rot oco l-driven o pt ", "underscore_trick": " projects_by providing_new mechanical, electronic, optic_and computer-based_design_and fabrication_services_and to develop_highly innovative, high-impact_research tools, such as_the chronically implanted_tetrode_array recording chambers, the virtual reality visual-vestibular stimulating system, and the forced-choice, Bayesian adaptive_protocol-driven_opt"} +{"text": " the absence of protein synthesis) in cascades of phosphorylation associated with the induction of proliferation and cell division. The HIV nef gene product has also been proposed to act as a regulatory G protein based on reports attributing GTP binding and GTPase activity to these proteins. We expressed different cDNA clones of nef using the same", "synonym_substitution": "the absence of protein synthesis) in cascades of phosphorylation associated with the induction of proliferation and cellular telephone part. The HIV nef gene product has also been aim to dissemble as a regulatory G protein establish on reports attributing GTP bind and GTPase activity to these proteins. We express different cDNA clone of nef use the same", "butter_fingers": " thf absence of protein synuhesis) in cascades of phmsphorglation xssociated with the inductioi of proluferation and cell divksion. The HIV nef gent product has also been pvjpossf to ect as a regulajory G protehn based on re[oftd attributing GTP binding and GTPasq activotj to these projeins. Re esirtssed different cDNA clones of ner using the same", "random_deletion": "the absence of protein synthesis) in cascades associated the induction proliferation and cell product also been proposed act as a G protein based on reports attributing binding and GTPase activity to these proteins. We expressed different cDNA clones of using the same", "change_char_case": " the absence of protein syntheSis) in cascaDes of PhoSphOrYlatIon aSsociated with tHE indUction of proliferation aNd celL dIVisiON. THe HIV Nef gene PRoDUCt hAs AlSo bEeN PrOposeD to Act as a rEgulatory G ProTeIn based on repORtS attributiNg GtP binding and gTPAse actIvIty TO thesE prOteinS. We expREssed dIfferent cdNa Clones OF nef usiNG ThE samE", "whitespace_perturbation": " the absence of protein sy nthesis) i n cas cad esof pho spho rylation assoc i ated with the induction of prol if e rati o nand c ell div i si o n . T he H IVne f g ene p rod uct has also been pr op osed to acta sa regulato ryG protein ba sed on re po rts attri but ing G TP bin d ing an d GTPaseac t ivityt o these p ro tein s. We expressed d i ff e rent cDNA clon es ofne f u s i ngthe same", "underscore_trick": " the_absence of_protein synthesis) in cascades_of phosphorylation_associated_with the_induction_of proliferation and_cell division. The_HIV nef gene product_has also been_proposed_to act as a regulatory G protein based on reports attributing GTP binding and_GTPase_activity to_these_proteins._We expressed different cDNA clones_of nef using the same"} +{"text": " activity in the human subjects. Dental cementum covering the tooth root is critical for tooth attachment, long-term stability, and function of the dentition, yet regulation of root development and cementum formation remains poorly understood, hampering efforts towards periodontal regeneration. This application is a Pathway to Independence Award proposal that aims to", "synonym_substitution": "activity in the human subjects. Dental cementum covering the tooth root is critical for tooth fastening, retentive - term stability, and affair of the teething, yet regulation of root development and cementum constitution remains poorly understand, hampering efforts towards periodontic regeneration. This application is a Pathway to Independence Award proposal that aims to", "butter_fingers": " achivity in the human subjtcts. Dental cemenjun covecing ths tooth foot is critical for tooth avtacyment, long-term stability, ana functioj of the denuition, yet regulavjon of vjot scvelo'mxnt and cementuk formatiot remains poorny uuderstood, hampering efforts towards [eriodomtwl regeneratiog. Thps appmpcction is a Pathway to Independehce Awagd proposal that sims to", "random_deletion": "activity in the human subjects. Dental cementum tooth is critical tooth attachment, long-term dentition, regulation of root and cementum formation poorly understood, hampering efforts towards periodontal This application is a Pathway to Independence Award proposal that aims to", "change_char_case": " activity in the human subjectS. Dental cemEntum CovEriNg The tOoth Root is critical FOr toOth attachment, long-term sTabilItY, And fUNcTion oF the denTItION, yeT rEgUlaTiON oF root DevElopmenT and cementUm fOrMation remainS PoOrly undersTooD, hampering efForTs towaRdS peRIodonTal RegenEratioN. this apPlication Is A pathwaY To IndepENDeNce AWard proposal that aIMs TO", "whitespace_perturbation": " activity in the human sub jects. Den tal c eme ntu mcove ring the tooth roo t iscritical for tooth att achme nt , lon g -t erm s tabilit y ,a n d f un ct ion o f t he de nti tion, y et regulat ion o f root devel o pm ent and ce men tum formatio n r emains p oor l y und ers tood, hampe r ing ef forts tow ar d s peri o dontalr e ge nera tion. This applic a ti o n is a Pathway to In de p en d e nce Aw ard propos al that aims to ", "underscore_trick": " activity_in the_human subjects. Dental cementum_covering the_tooth_root is_critical_for tooth attachment,_long-term stability, and_function of the dentition,_yet regulation of_root_development and cementum formation remains poorly understood, hampering efforts towards periodontal regeneration. This application_is_a Pathway_to_Independence_Award proposal that aims to"} +{"text": " in intracellular Ca2+ level, an immediate peak followed by a sustained Ca2+ release. Additionally, selective inhibition of EGFR by AG1478 or the SK1 inhibitor, (DMS) inhibited the second phase. Also, AngII and EGF increased endogenous SK1 activity and enhanced production of S1P. De", "synonym_substitution": "in intracellular Ca2 + level, an immediate peak followed by a free burning Ca2 + dismissal. Additionally, selective inhibition of EGFR by AG1478 or the SK1 inhibitor, (DMS) inhibited the second phase. besides, AngII and EGF increased endogenous SK1 activeness and enhanced production of S1P. De", "butter_fingers": " in intracellular Ca2+ level, xn immediate pecj follmwed bg a sustxined Ca2+ release. Additionallb, seoectice inhibition of EGFR cy AG1478 or nhe SK1 inyibiuor, (DMS) inhibited the second phzde. Anwo, AngII and ENF increaseg endogenous SN1 xccivity and enhanced production of S1P. De", "random_deletion": "in intracellular Ca2+ level, an immediate peak a Ca2+ release. selective inhibition of SK1 (DMS) inhibited the phase. Also, AngII EGF increased endogenous SK1 activity and production of S1P. De", "change_char_case": " in intracellular Ca2+ level, an iMmediate peAk folLowEd bY a SustAineD Ca2+ release. AddiTIonaLly, selective inhibition Of EGFr bY aG1478 or THe sK1 inhIbitor, (Dms) iNHIbiTeD tHe sEcONd Phase. alsO, AngII aNd EGF increAseD eNdogenous SK1 aCTiVity and enhAncEd production Of S1p. De", "whitespace_perturbation": " in intracellular Ca2+ lev el, an imm ediat e p eak f ollo wedby a sustained Ca2+ release. Additionally , sel ec t ivei nh ibiti on of E G FR b y A G1 47 8 o rt he SK1inh ibitor, (DMS) inh ibi te d the second ph ase. Also, An gII and EGFinc reased e ndo g enous SK 1 act ivitya nd enh anced pro du c tion o f S1P. D e ", "underscore_trick": " in_intracellular Ca2+_level, an immediate peak_followed by_a_sustained Ca2+_release._Additionally, selective inhibition_of EGFR by_AG1478 or the SK1_inhibitor, (DMS) inhibited_the_second phase. Also, AngII and EGF increased endogenous SK1 activity and enhanced production of_S1P._De"} +{"text": " explore a new fundamental strategy for directing the human immune system to kill target cells and to apply that strategy to treating several forms of metastasis-prone cancer beginning with HT-29 human colon cancer cells. The strategy is partially inspired by the concept of prodrugs. A molecule will be made such that when it interacts with u", "synonym_substitution": "explore a new fundamental strategy for direct the human immune arrangement to kill target cells and to put on that strategy to treating respective forms of metastasis - prone cancer beginning with HT-29 human colon cancer cells. The scheme is partially prompt by the concept of prodrugs. A molecule will be take such that when it interacts with u", "butter_fingers": " exolore a new fundamental rtrategy for ditexting vhe humzn immund system to kill target celld qnd ti apply that strategy go treatijg severql fiems of meteatasis-pvjne dwncex ueginning with MT-29 human conon cancer celns. Tke strategy is partially inspired by the comcfpt of prodrugf. A kjlechle will be made such that when it interabts with u", "random_deletion": "explore a new fundamental strategy for directing immune to kill cells and to several of metastasis-prone cancer with HT-29 human cancer cells. The strategy is partially by the concept of prodrugs. A molecule will be made such that when interacts with u", "change_char_case": " explore a new fundamental strAtegy for diRectiNg tHe hUmAn imMune System to kill taRGet cElls and to apply that straTegy tO tREatiNG sEveraL forms oF MeTAStaSiS-pRonE cANcEr begInnIng with hT-29 human colOn cAnCer cells. The sTRaTegy is partIalLy inspired by The ConcepT oF prODrugs. a moLeculE will bE Made suCh that wheN iT InteraCTs with u", "whitespace_perturbation": " explore a new fundamental strategyfor d ire cti ng the hum an immune syst e m to kill target cells and to a pp l y th a tstrat egy tot re a t ing s ev era lf or ms of me tastasi s-prone ca nce rbeginning wi t hHT-29 huma n c olon cancercel ls. Th estr a tegyisparti ally i n spired by the c on c ept of prodrug s . A mol ecule will be mad e s u ch that when i t inte ra c ts w ith u", "underscore_trick": " explore_a new_fundamental strategy for directing_the human_immune_system to_kill_target cells and_to apply that_strategy to treating several_forms of metastasis-prone_cancer_beginning with HT-29 human colon cancer cells. The strategy is partially inspired by the_concept_of prodrugs._A_molecule_will be made such that_when it interacts with u"} +{"text": " approach. Substantial preliminary evidence in his laboratory and others demonstrates the utility of over-expression of therapeutic proteins in hepatic tissues. In principle, this system has the capability to deliver the therapeutic protein to all tissues via secretion from the hepatic platform. Additionally, correction of G6P deficiency examines the important question of direct correction of", "synonym_substitution": "approach. Substantial preliminary evidence in his laboratory and others demonstrates the utility program of over - formula of therapeutic proteins in hepatic tissue. In rationale, this system has the capability to deliver the curative protein to all tissue via secretion from the hepatic platform. Additionally, discipline of G6P lack examines the authoritative question of direct discipline of", "butter_fingers": " aporoach. Substantial prelioinary evidence in his laborztory ana others demonstrates the utmlitt of iver-expression of therxpeutic pgoteins ib hekatic tissues. In 'dinciplc, thia syscen has the capanility to daliver the thesaoebtic protein to all tissues via secrqtion ftol the hepatic klatfpwm. Asditionally, correction of G6P deficjency eqamines the imporyant question of direct cogrechion of", "random_deletion": "approach. Substantial preliminary evidence in his laboratory demonstrates utility of of therapeutic proteins this has the capability deliver the therapeutic to all tissues via secretion from hepatic platform. Additionally, correction of G6P deficiency examines the important question of direct of", "change_char_case": " approach. Substantial prelimInary evideNce in His LabOrAtorY and Others demonstrATes tHe utility of over-expressIon of ThERapeUTiC protEins in hEPaTIC tiSsUeS. In PrINcIple, tHis System hAs the capabIliTy To deliver the THeRapeutic prOteIn to all tissuEs vIa secrEtIon FRom thE hePatic PlatfoRM. AdditIonally, coRrECtion oF g6P deficIENcY exaMines the important QUeSTion of direct coRrectiOn OF", "whitespace_perturbation": " approach. Substantial pre liminary e viden ceinhi s la bora tory and other s dem onstrates the utilityof ov er - expr e ss ion o f thera p eu t i c p ro te ins i n h epati c t issues. In princi ple ,this systemh as the capab ili ty to delive r t he the ra peu t ic pr ote in to all t i ssuesvia secre ti o n from the hep a t ic pla tform. Additional l y, correction ofG6P de fi c ie n c y e xam ines the i mp ortan t questi o no f dir e ct correction of", "underscore_trick": " approach._Substantial preliminary_evidence in his laboratory_and others_demonstrates_the utility_of_over-expression of therapeutic_proteins in hepatic_tissues. In principle, this_system has the_capability_to deliver the therapeutic protein to all tissues via secretion from the hepatic platform._Additionally,_correction of_G6P_deficiency_examines the important question of_direct correction of"} +{"text": " of diseases. To discover what classes of chemical compounds slow aging, we will screen a large and diverse chemical library for extension in the lifespan of the nematode C. elegans. We have developed a number of automated screening methods that exploit C. elegans handling technology. We will also screen a library of compounds generally recognized as safe", "synonym_substitution": "of diseases. To discover what classes of chemical compounds decelerate ripening, we will shield a large and divers chemical library for extension in the life of the nematode C. elegans. We have developed a number of automatize screening methods that exploit C. elegans manage technology. We will also shield a library of compounds generally spot as safe", "butter_fingers": " of diseases. To discover whxt classes of ckwmical compohnds slod aging, we will screen a larje abd dicerse chemical library for extejsion in the oifespan oh the nematode G. eleyais. We have devekoped a nukber of automadea dcreening methods that exploit C. elqgans hsnfling technolody. Wt wyll zlso screen a library of compounds generanly recognizec as safe", "random_deletion": "of diseases. To discover what classes of slow we will a large and in lifespan of the C. elegans. We developed a number of automated screening that exploit C. elegans handling technology. We will also screen a library of generally recognized as safe", "change_char_case": " of diseases. To discover what cLasses of chEmicaL coMpoUnDs slOw agIng, we will screeN A larGe and diverse chemical liBrary FoR ExteNSiOn in tHe lifesPAn OF The NeMaTodE C. ELeGans. WE haVe develOped a numbeR of AuTomated screeNInG methods thAt eXploit C. elegaNs hAndlinG tEchNOlogy. we wIll alSo screEN a librAry of compOuNDs geneRAlly recOGNiZed aS safe", "whitespace_perturbation": " of diseases. To discoverwhat class es of ch emi ca l co mpou nds slow aging , wewill screen a large an d div er s e ch e mi cal l ibraryf or e xte ns io n i nt he life spa n of th e nematode C. e legans. We h a ve developed anumber of au tom ated s cr een i ng me tho ds th at exp l oit C. elegansha n dlingt echnolo g y .We w ill also screen a li b rary of compou nds ge ne r al l y re cog nized as s af e", "underscore_trick": " of_diseases. To_discover what classes of_chemical compounds_slow_aging, we_will_screen a large_and diverse chemical_library for extension in_the lifespan of_the_nematode C. elegans. We have developed a number of automated screening methods that exploit_C._elegans handling_technology._We_will also screen a library_of compounds generally recognized as_safe"} +{"text": " Acute metabolic acidosis. Rats breathing 21% O2 -0% CO2 (normoxia-normocapnia) had significant decreases in cardiac and skeletal muscle pH. The production of hypoxia-normocapnia (10% O2, 3% CO2) or hypoxic-hypercapnic conditions (", "synonym_substitution": "Acute metabolic acidosis. Rats breathing 21% O2 -0% CO2 (normoxia - normocapnia) had significant decrease in cardiac and bony muscle pH. The production of hypoxia - normocapnia (10% O2, 3% CO2) or hypoxic - hypercapnic condition (", "butter_fingers": " Ackte metabolic acidosis. Rxts breathing 21% O2 -0% CO2 (nmrmoxiz-normocaonia) had significant decreasxs ib careiac and skeletal muscue pH. The productuon id hypoxia-normocapnlc (10% O2, 3% GO2) or iypoxic-hypercapkic conditimns (", "random_deletion": "Acute metabolic acidosis. Rats breathing 21% O2 (normoxia-normocapnia) significant decreases cardiac and skeletal hypoxia-normocapnia O2, 3% CO2) hypoxic-hypercapnic conditions (", "change_char_case": " Acute metabolic acidosis. RatS breathing 21% o2 -0% CO2 (noRmoXia-NoRmocApniA) had significanT DecrEases in cardiac and skeleTal muScLE pH. THE pRoducTion of hYPoXIA-noRmOcApnIa (10% o2, 3% cO2) Or hypOxiC-hypercApnic condiTioNs (", "whitespace_perturbation": " Acute metabolic acidosis. Rats brea thing 21 % O 2-0%CO2(normoxia-norm o capn ia) had significant de creas es in c a rd iac a nd skel e ta l mus cl epH. T h eprodu cti on of h ypoxia-nor moc ap nia (10% O2, 3% CO2) or h ypo xic-hypercap nic condi ti ons (", "underscore_trick": " Acute_metabolic acidosis._Rats breathing 21% O2_-0% CO2_(normoxia-normocapnia)_had significant_decreases_in cardiac and_skeletal muscle pH._The production of hypoxia-normocapnia_(10% O2, 3%_CO2)_or hypoxic-hypercapnic conditions ("} +{"text": " to infarct, and the more infracted brain there is, the more likely it is to hemorrhage after opening the occluded artery. Advances in neuroimaging are shifting the paradigm from?time is brain? to?physiology is brain?. Perfusion imaging (CT and MRI) and diffusion weighted MR imaging (DW", "synonym_substitution": "to infarct, and the more infracted brain there is, the more likely it is to hemorrhage after open the obstruct artery. Advances in neuroimaging are shifting the prototype from?time is genius? to?physiology is brain? . Perfusion imaging (CT and MRI) and dispersion slant MR imaging (DW", "butter_fingers": " to infarct, and the more innracted brain thgrw is, tie more likely kt is to hemorrhage after opxnint the occluded artery. Advanzes in nelroimagint art shifting the paczdigm fvjm?tijc is yrein? to?physiologi is brain?. Parfusion imagitg (CC and MRI) and diffusion weighted MR ymaging (DA", "random_deletion": "to infarct, and the more infracted brain the likely it to hemorrhage after in are shifting the from?time is brain? is brain?. Perfusion imaging (CT and and diffusion weighted MR imaging (DW", "change_char_case": " to infarct, and the more infracTed brain thEre is, The MorE lIkelY it iS to hemorrhage aFTer oPening the occluded arterY. AdvaNcES in nEUrOimagIng are sHIfTINg tHe PaRadIgM FrOm?timE is Brain? to?Physiology Is bRaIn?. Perfusion iMAgIng (CT and MRi) anD diffusion weIghTed MR iMaGinG (dW", "whitespace_perturbation": " to infarct, and the moreinfractedbrain th ere i s, t he m ore likely iti s to hemorrhage after open ing t he occl u de d art ery. Ad v an c e s i nne uro im a gi ng ar e s hifting the parad igm f rom?time isb ra in? to?phy sio logy is brai n?. Perfu si oni magin g ( CT an d MRI) and di ffusion w ei g hted M R imagin g (D W", "underscore_trick": " to_infarct, and_the more infracted brain_there is,_the_more likely_it_is to hemorrhage_after opening the_occluded artery. Advances in_neuroimaging are shifting_the_paradigm from?time is brain? to?physiology is brain?. Perfusion imaging (CT and MRI) and diffusion_weighted_MR imaging_(DW"} +{"text": " site of action of these agents. Research Biochemicals proposes a program to prepare novel substances with selective agonist or antagonist action at specific DA receptors for use by researchers in neuropharmacology. The objectives of Phase I research are: 1) the synthesis of novel aporphines and related compounds with irreversible binding activity at DA", "synonym_substitution": "site of action of these agents. Research Biochemicals proposes a platform to organize novel substances with selective agonist or adversary action at specific DA receptors for function by researchers in neuropharmacology. The objectives of Phase I inquiry are: 1) the deduction of novel aporphines and related compound with irreversible binding activity at district attorney", "butter_fingers": " sihe of action of these agtnts. Research Bioeyemicans proloses a orogram to prepare novel subdtqnces with selective agonisg or antahonist axtioi at specific DA receptovf fod use uy researchers ln neurophasmacology. The mbgeetives of Phase I research are: 1) the fynthesos of novel aporkhinex and geoated compounds with irreversjble biiding activity st DA", "random_deletion": "site of action of these agents. Research a to prepare substances with selective specific receptors for use researchers in neuropharmacology. objectives of Phase I research are: the synthesis of novel aporphines and related compounds with irreversible binding activity at", "change_char_case": " site of action of these agents. research BiOchemIcaLs pRoPoseS a prOgram to prepare NOvel Substances with selectivE agonIsT Or anTAgOnist Action aT SpECIfiC Da rEcePtORs For usE by ResearcHers in neurOphArMacology. The oBJeCtives of PhAse i research are: 1) The SyntheSiS of NOvel aPorPhineS and reLAted coMpounds wiTh IRreverSIble binDINg ActiVity at DA", "whitespace_perturbation": " site of action of these a gents. Res earch Bi och em ical s pr oposes a progr a m to prepare novel substan ces w it h sel e ct ive a gonisto ra n tag on is t a ct i on at s pec ific DA receptors fo ruse by resea r ch ers in neu rop harmacology. Th e obje ct ive s of P has e I r esearc h are:1) the sy nt h esis o f novela p or phin es and related co m po u nds with irrev ersibl eb in d i ngact ivity at D A", "underscore_trick": " site_of action_of these agents. Research_Biochemicals proposes_a_program to_prepare_novel substances with_selective agonist or_antagonist action at specific_DA receptors for_use_by researchers in neuropharmacology. The objectives of Phase I research are: 1) the synthesis_of_novel aporphines_and_related_compounds with irreversible binding activity_at DA"} +{"text": " needs of advancements in scientific animal care to meet the requirements of federal and state agencies were not made in the original construction. In the intervening 25 years the MMRL has met these by numerous modifications, and restrictions in the capacity to house and use animals, often at the expense of the interests of the investigators using the research", "synonym_substitution": "needs of advancements in scientific animal care to meet the prerequisite of union and state agencies were not make in the original structure. In the intervening 25 years the MMRL has met these by numerous modifications, and restriction in the capacity to house and use animal, frequently at the expense of the interests of the detective using the research", "butter_fingers": " nefds of advancements in sgientific animal care tm meet the reqjirements of federal and stave atencitf were not made in the origpnal consrrucuion. In the intertsning 25 nzars fme MMXL has met these by numerogs modificatiots, aud restrictions in the capacity to hjuse anc kse animals, ofjen au tre esiekse of the interests of the inveatigatogs using the resesrch", "random_deletion": "needs of advancements in scientific animal care the of federal state agencies were construction. the intervening 25 the MMRL has these by numerous modifications, and restrictions the capacity to house and use animals, often at the expense of the of the investigators using the research", "change_char_case": " needs of advancements in scieNtific animAl carE to MeeT tHe reQuirEments of federaL And sTate agencies were not madE in thE oRIginAL cOnstrUction. IN ThE INteRvEnIng 25 YeARs The MMrL hAs met thEse by numerOus MoDifications, aND rEstrictionS in The capacity tO hoUse and UsE anIMals, oFteN at thE expenSE of the Interests Of THe inveSTigatorS USiNg thE research", "whitespace_perturbation": " needs of advancements inscientific anim alcar eto m eetthe requiremen t s of federal and state age ncies w e re n o tmadein theo ri g i nal c on str uc t io n. In th e inter vening 25yea rs the MMRL ha s m et these b y n umerous modi fic ations ,and restr ict ionsin the capaci ty to hou se and us e animal s , o ften at the expense o f t h e interests of the i nv e st i g ato rsusing there searc h ", "underscore_trick": " needs_of advancements_in scientific animal care_to meet_the_requirements of_federal_and state agencies_were not made_in the original construction._In the intervening_25_years the MMRL has met these by numerous modifications, and restrictions in the capacity_to_house and_use_animals,_often at the expense of_the interests of the investigators_using the_research"} +{"text": " function will improve the hemodynamic profile in these patients. We are beginning recruitment and screening. The Institute of Medicine and others have strongly encouraged research on structural interventions. Outreach HIV/STD testing programs are an example of a structural intervention that have been studied for their individual level effects but not for structural level effects. Nevertheless, some", "synonym_substitution": "function will improve the hemodynamic profile in these patients. We are begin recruitment and cover. The Institute of Medicine and others have strongly encouraged inquiry on structural intervention. Outreach HIV / STD examination programs are an example of a structural interposition that have been studied for their individual level effect but not for structural level effect. however, some", "butter_fingers": " fujction will improve the memodynamic profnoe in vhese pztients. De are beginning recruitment abd sceeening. The Institute uf Medicije and orherw have stroifly encourages reszacch on structursl intervettions. Outreacv FIR/STD testing programs are an example of a syrkctural intervgntiom thaf have been studied for their indibidual nevel effects but not for structural legel fffects. Nevertheleds, some", "random_deletion": "function will improve the hemodynamic profile in We beginning recruitment screening. The Institute strongly research on structural Outreach HIV/STD testing are an example of a structural that have been studied for their individual level effects but not for structural effects. Nevertheless, some", "change_char_case": " function will improve the hemOdynamic prOfile In tHesE pAtieNts. WE are beginning rECruiTment and screening. The InStituTe OF MedICiNe and Others hAVe STRonGlY eNcoUrAGeD reseArcH on struCtural inteRveNtIons. Outreach hiV/sTD testing ProGrams are an exAmpLe of a sTrUctURal inTerVentiOn that HAve beeN studied fOr THeir inDIvidual LEVeL effEcts but not for struCTuRAl level effects. nevertHeLEsS, SOme", "whitespace_perturbation": " function will improve the hemodynam ic pr ofi lein the se p atients. We ar e beg inning recruitment and scre en i ng.T he Inst itute o f M e d ici ne a ndot h er s hav e s trongly encourage d r es earch on str u ct ural inter ven tions. Outre ach HIV/S TD te s tingpro grams are a n examp le of a s tr u ctural interve n t io n th at have been stud i ed for their indi vidual l e ve l eff ect s but notfo r str u cturall ev e l eff e cts. Neverthe less, some", "underscore_trick": " function_will improve_the hemodynamic profile in_these patients._We_are beginning_recruitment_and screening. The_Institute of Medicine_and others have strongly_encouraged research on_structural_interventions. Outreach HIV/STD testing programs are an example of a structural intervention that have_been_studied for_their_individual_level effects but not for_structural level effects. Nevertheless, some"} +{"text": " biology has been to isolate and study genes through to make critical decisions of cell fate and patterning in embryogenesis. Genetic studies in Drosophila indicate that genes containing the homeobox DNA-binding motif participate in such decisions.Other genes such as the vertebrate Myo-D gene, also have the compelling properties of developmental regulators.", "synonym_substitution": "biology has been to isolate and study genes through to seduce critical decision of cell fate and patterning in embryogenesis. genic studies in Drosophila indicate that gene containing the homeobox DNA - binding motif participate in such decision. Other genes such as the vertebrate Myo - five hundred gene, also have the compelling place of developmental regulators.", "butter_fingers": " billogy has been to isolatt and study genes througi to maie critizal decisions of cell fate aid pqtterbing in embryogenesis. Eenetic snudies in Drowiphila indmdate that gensd couteining the homepbox DNA-bitding motif pastkcnpate in such decisions.Other genes stch as yhf vertebrate Mio-D gtne, alsk have the compelling properties or develmpmental regukators.", "random_deletion": "biology has been to isolate and study to critical decisions cell fate and in indicate that genes the homeobox DNA-binding participate in such decisions.Other genes such the vertebrate Myo-D gene, also have the compelling properties of developmental regulators.", "change_char_case": " biology has been to isolate anD study geneS throUgh To mAkE criTicaL decisions of ceLL fatE and patterning in embryoGenesIs. gEnetIC sTudieS in DrosOPhILA inDiCaTe tHaT GeNes coNtaIning thE homeobox DnA-bInDing motif parTIcIpate in sucH deCisions.Other GenEs such As The VErtebRatE Myo-D Gene, alSO have tHe compellInG ProperTIes of deVELoPmenTal regulators.", "whitespace_perturbation": " biology has been to isola te and stu dy ge nes th ro ughto m ake critical d e cisi ons of cell fate and p atter ni n g in em bryog enesis. Ge n e tic s tu die si nDroso phi la indi cate thatgen es containingt he homeoboxDNA -binding mot ifpartic ip ate in su chdecis ions.O t her ge nes suchas the ve r tebrate M yo -D g ene, also have th e c o mpelling prope rtiesof de v e lop men tal regula to rs.", "underscore_trick": " biology_has been_to isolate and study_genes through_to_make critical_decisions_of cell fate_and patterning in_embryogenesis. Genetic studies in_Drosophila indicate that_genes_containing the homeobox DNA-binding motif participate in such decisions.Other genes such as the vertebrate_Myo-D_gene, also_have_the_compelling properties of developmental regulators."} +{"text": ". Our recent studies In vitro clearly demonstrate the differenfial expression of the funcfional elements ofthe vitamin D system, including CYP27B1-hydroxylase and the VDR in Type I and II interferon-driven, T-lep and L-lep granulomas, respecfively.", "synonym_substitution": ". Our recent studies In vitro clearly demonstrate the differenfial formula of the funcfional chemical element ofthe vitamin D system, including CYP27B1 - hydroxylase and the VDR in Type I and II interferon - drive, T - lep and L - lep granulomas, respecfively.", "butter_fingers": ". Oug recent studies In vitru clearly demonstrate vhe difrerenfiau expression of the funcfionel eoemenuf ofthe vitamin D rystem, inbluding CTP27B1-hbdroxylase and tis VDR ik Typs I aud II interferon-criven, T-le[ and L-lep gratuuolas, respecfively.", "random_deletion": ". Our recent studies In vitro clearly differenfial of the elements ofthe vitamin the in Type I II interferon-driven, T-lep L-lep granulomas, respecfively.", "change_char_case": ". Our recent studies In vitro clEarly demonStratE thE diFfErenFial Expression of thE FuncFional elements ofthe vitAmin D SySTem, iNClUding cYP27B1-hydROxYLAse AnD tHe VdR IN TYpe I aNd Ii interfEron-driven, t-leP aNd L-lep granulOMaS, respecfivEly.", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Our recent studies In vi tro clearl y dem ons tra te the dif ferenfial expr e ssio n of the funcfional el ement so fthe vi tamin D syst e m, i ncl ud in g C YP 2 7B 1-hyd rox ylase a nd the VDR in T ype I and II in terferon-d riv en, T-lep an d L -lep g ra nul o mas,res pecfi vely.", "underscore_trick": ". Our_recent studies_In vitro clearly demonstrate_the differenfial_expression_of the_funcfional_elements ofthe vitamin_D system, including_CYP27B1-hydroxylase and the VDR_in Type I_and_II interferon-driven, T-lep and L-lep granulomas, respecfively."} +{"text": " find why displacement occurs, the factors that control displacement and whether this displacement weakens the interactions of H2A or H2A.Z dimers with the rest of the histone octamer or otherwise disrupts the nucleosome structure. Based on the proximity of Arp5 to nucleosomal DNA, we will test the", "synonym_substitution": "find why displacement occurs, the factors that see translation and whether this displacement weakens the interactions of H2A or H2A.Z dimer with the rest of the histone octamer or otherwise disrupts the nucleosome social organization. base on the proximity of Arp5 to nucleosomal DNA, we will test the", "butter_fingers": " fijd why displacement occuvs, the factors tkqt convrol diaplacemevt and whether this displacelebt weqkens the interactions of H2A or H2A.Z dimwrs xith the rest of the hisbjne kgtamex ir otherwise dlsrupts the nucleosome stsuztbre. Based on the proximity of Arp5 to nucleoxolal DNA, we wilj texe ths", "random_deletion": "find why displacement occurs, the factors that and this displacement the interactions of the of the histone or otherwise disrupts nucleosome structure. Based on the proximity Arp5 to nucleosomal DNA, we will test the", "change_char_case": " find why displacement occurs, The factors That cOntRol DiSplaCemeNt and whether thIS disPlacement weakens the intEractIoNS of H2a Or h2A.Z diMers witH ThE REst Of ThE hiStONe OctamEr oR otherwIse disruptS thE nUcleosome strUCtUre. Based on The Proximity of ARp5 tO nucleOsOmaL dNA, we WilL test The", "whitespace_perturbation": " find why displacement occ urs, the f actor s t hat c ontr ol d isplacement an d whe ther this displacement weak en s the in terac tions o f H 2 A or H 2A .Zdi m er s wit h t he rest of the hi sto ne octamer oro th erwise dis rup ts the nucle oso me str uc tur e . Bas edon th e prox i mity o f Arp5 to n u cleoso m al DNA, w ewill test the", "underscore_trick": " find_why displacement_occurs, the factors that_control displacement_and_whether this_displacement_weakens the interactions_of H2A or_H2A.Z dimers with the_rest of the_histone_octamer or otherwise disrupts the nucleosome structure. Based on the proximity of Arp5 to_nucleosomal_DNA, we_will_test_the"} +{"text": " The second aim will optimize transduction cultures of expanded cells and subsequent clinical studies will incorporate these conditions to use marked expanded cells in patients. This will allow the evaluation of the contribution of expanded cells to long to engraftment. Correlative analysis will be performed comparing the contribution of the marked cells in patients with in vitro assays of", "synonym_substitution": "The second aim will optimize transduction cultures of expanded cells and subsequent clinical report will integrate these conditions to use distinguish expand cells in patients. This will admit the evaluation of the contribution of boom cells to retentive to engraftment. Correlative analysis will be performed compare the contribution of the marked cells in affected role with in vitro assay of", "butter_fingers": " Thf second aim will optimiee transduction colrures mf expznded ceuls and subsequent clinical dtydies will incorporate thesd conditilns to uwe merked expanded cxmls in ictienfd. Thns will allow thg evaluation of the contritugiln of expanded cells to long to engwaftmeny. Forrelative anwlysps wilm be performed comparing the contrjbution of the markec cells in patients with ij vihro assays of", "random_deletion": "The second aim will optimize transduction cultures cells subsequent clinical will incorporate these cells patients. This will the evaluation of contribution of expanded cells to long engraftment. Correlative analysis will be performed comparing the contribution of the marked cells patients with in vitro assays of", "change_char_case": " The second aim will optimize tRansductioN cultUreS of ExPandEd ceLls and subsequeNT cliNical studies will incorpOrate ThESe coNDiTions To use maRKeD EXpaNdEd CelLs IN pAtienTs. THis will Allow the evAluAtIon of the contRIbUtion of expAndEd cells to lonG to EngrafTmEnt. cOrrelAtiVe anaLysis wILl be peRformed coMpARing thE ContribUTIoN of tHe marked cells in paTIeNTs with in vitro aSsays oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " The second aim will optim ize transd uctio n c ult ur es o f ex panded cells a n d su bsequent clinical stud ies w il l inc o rp orate thesec on d i tio ns t o u se ma rkedexp anded c ells in pa tie nt s. This will al low the ev alu ation of the co ntribu ti ono f exp and ed ce lls to long t o engraft me n t. Cor r elative a na lysi s will be perform e dc omparing the c ontrib ut i on o f t hemarked cel ls in p a tientsw it h i n v i tro assays of ", "underscore_trick": " The_second aim_will optimize transduction cultures_of expanded_cells_and subsequent_clinical_studies will incorporate_these conditions to_use marked expanded cells_in patients. This_will_allow the evaluation of the contribution of expanded cells to long to engraftment. Correlative_analysis_will be_performed_comparing_the contribution of the marked_cells in patients with in_vitro assays_of"} +{"text": " This information is essential for making informed judgments about evaluative measures which are the easiest to implement in large-scale survey research. The final specific aim is to incorporate both ESM and DRM assessments into an on-going, nationally representative panel study. This existing study already includes evaluative measures and has been used to make important", "synonym_substitution": "This information is essential for making informed judgments about appraising measuring stick which are the easiest to enforce in big - scale survey inquiry. The final specific aim is to incorporate both ESM and DRM appraisal into an on - going, nationally representative panel sketch. This existing study already include appraising measures and has been used to seduce important", "butter_fingers": " Thls information is essentlal for making iudormed judgmsnts abojt evaluative measures which aee tht easiest to implemdnt in lagge-scale wurvty research. The fmhal spegnfic zlm is vo incorporate noth ESM ang DRM assessmettr nnto an on-going, nationally representwtive psnfl study. This gxistpnd sthdy already includes evaluative mezsures end has been usrd to make important", "random_deletion": "This information is essential for making informed evaluative which are easiest to implement final aim is to both ESM and assessments into an on-going, nationally representative study. This existing study already includes evaluative measures and has been used to important", "change_char_case": " This information is essentiaL for making InforMed JudGmEnts AbouT evaluative meaSUres Which are the easiest to imPlemeNt IN larGE-sCale sUrvey reSEaRCH. ThE fInAl sPeCIfIc aim Is tO incorpOrate both EsM aNd dRM assessmenTS iNto an on-goiNg, nAtionally repResEntatiVe PanEL studY. ThIs exiSting sTUdy alrEady incluDeS EvaluaTIve measUREs And hAs been used to make iMPoRTant", "whitespace_perturbation": " This information is essen tial for m aking in for me d ju dgme nts about eval u ativ e measures which are t he ea si e st t o i mplem ent inl ar g e -sc al esur ve y r esear ch. The fi nal specif icai m is to inco r po rate bothESM and DRM ass ess mentsin toa n on- goi ng, n ationa l ly rep resentati ve panels tudy. T h i sexis ting study alread y i n cludes evaluat ive me as u re s and ha s been use dto ma k e impor t an t ", "underscore_trick": " This_information is_essential for making informed_judgments about_evaluative_measures which_are_the easiest to_implement in large-scale_survey research. The final_specific aim is_to_incorporate both ESM and DRM assessments into an on-going, nationally representative panel study. This_existing_study already_includes_evaluative_measures and has been used_to make important"} +{"text": " are part of baroreflex control of sympathetic nerve activity. The concept that VLM neurons are part of the baroreflex will be investigated in anesthetized cats prepared with a single innervated isolated carotid sinus (other baroreceptor regions denervated) and prepared for the recording of single unit activity of caudal and", "synonym_substitution": "are part of baroreflex control of sympathetic nerve natural process. The concept that VLM nerve cell are part of the baroreflex will be investigated in anesthetized cat cook with a single innervated isolate carotid venous sinus (other baroreceptor region denervated) and prepared for the recording of single whole activity of caudal and", "butter_fingers": " arf part of baroreflex conurol of sympathetnx nervx activjty. The zoncept that VLM neurons are pqrt od the baroreflex will ce investpgated in anewrhetized cefs prepared wjbh a vmngle innervatec isolated carotid sinus (oghzr baroreceptor regions denervated) agd prepsrfd for the recjrdimd of single unit activity of caudal ans", "random_deletion": "are part of baroreflex control of sympathetic The that VLM are part of in cats prepared with single innervated isolated sinus (other baroreceptor regions denervated) and for the recording of single unit activity of caudal and", "change_char_case": " are part of baroreflex controL of sympathEtic nErvE acTiVity. the cOncept that VLM nEUronS are part of the barorefleX will Be INvesTIgAted iN anesthETiZED caTs PrEpaReD WiTh a siNglE innervAted isolatEd cArOtid sinus (othER bAroreceptoR reGions denervaTed) And prePaRed FOr the RecOrdinG of sinGLe unit Activity oF cAUdal anD", "whitespace_perturbation": " are part of baroreflex co ntrol of s ympat het icne rveacti vity. The conc e pt t hat VLM neurons are pa rt of t h e ba r or eflex will b e i n v est ig at edin an esthe tiz ed cats preparedwit ha single inn e rv ated isola ted carotid sin us(other b aro r ecept orregio ns den e rvated ) and pre pa r ed for the rec o r di ng o f single unit act i vi t y of caudal an d", "underscore_trick": " are_part of_baroreflex control of sympathetic_nerve activity._The_concept that_VLM_neurons are part_of the baroreflex_will be investigated in_anesthetized cats prepared_with_a single innervated isolated carotid sinus (other baroreceptor regions denervated) and prepared for the_recording_of single_unit_activity_of caudal and"} +{"text": " there differences in children's ability to conceive of multiple representations with regard to fictional versus epistemic mental states, and (3) what do children understand about the origin of imagination and other mental states? Answers to these questions will fill a gap in our knowledge of children's understanding of imagination specifically, and will aide in developing", "synonym_substitution": "there differences in children's ability to conceive of multiple representations with gaze to fabricated versus epistemic mental states, and (3) what do child sympathize about the origin of imagination and other genial state? Answers to these question will fill a gap in our cognition of children's understanding of imagination specifically, and will aide in developing", "butter_fingers": " thfre differences in childven's ability to einceivx of mumtiple rdpresentations with regard tl dictiinal versus epistemic oental stwtes, and (3) whet do children uiserstand abouf the irigin of imaglnation and other mental vtxtzs? Answers to these questions will fyll a gsp in our knowleqge ps chjldren's understanding of imaginatikn specpfically, and will aide in developing", "random_deletion": "there differences in children's ability to conceive representations regard to versus epistemic mental children about the origin imagination and other states? Answers to these questions will a gap in our knowledge of children's understanding of imagination specifically, and will in developing", "change_char_case": " there differences in childreN's ability tO concEivE of MuLtipLe rePresentations wITh reGard to fictional versus ePisteMiC MentAL sTates, And (3) what DO cHILdrEn UnDerStANd About The Origin oF imaginatiOn aNd Other mental sTAtEs? Answers tO thEse questions WilL fill a GaP in OUr knoWleDge of ChildrEN's undeRstanding Of IMaginaTIon specIFIcAlly, And will aide in deveLOpINg", "whitespace_perturbation": " there differences in chil dren's abi litytocon ce iveof m ultiple repres e ntat ions with regard to fi ction al vers u sepist emic me n ta l sta te s, an d( 3) what do childr en underst and a bout the ori g in of imagin ati on and other me ntal s ta tes ? Answ ers to t hese q u estion s will fi ll a gapi n our k n o wl edge of children's un d er s tanding of ima ginati on sp e c ifi cal ly, and wi ll aide in deve l op i n g ", "underscore_trick": " there_differences in_children's ability to conceive_of multiple_representations_with regard_to_fictional versus epistemic_mental states, and_(3) what do children_understand about the_origin_of imagination and other mental states? Answers to these questions will fill a gap_in_our knowledge_of_children's_understanding of imagination specifically, and_will aide in developing"} +{"text": "-cancer therapies. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have increasingly been implicated as modulators of tumorigenicity and many cancer types exhibit elevated ROS levels. An important regulatory enzyme of Redox balance is the mitochondrially expressed manganese superoxide dismutase (Sod2), which catalyzes the conversion of superoxide anion to", "synonym_substitution": "-cancer therapies. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have increasingly been implicated as modulators of tumorigenicity and many cancer types parade lift ROS levels. An important regulatory enzyme of Redox remainder is the mitochondrially expressed manganese superoxide dismutase (Sod2), which catalyzes the conversion of superoxide anion to", "butter_fingers": "-canfer therapies. Reactive owygen species (ROS) have mncreasjngly bedn implicated as modulators lf tumoeigenicity and many cavcer typed exhibir eltvated ROS levels. An impovcant dcgulacocy enzyme of Recox balanca is the mitocvovdxially expressed manganese superoxidq dismuyade (Sod2), which cwtaljzqs tgv gonversion of superoxide anion tk", "random_deletion": "-cancer therapies. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have implicated modulators of and many cancer An regulatory enzyme of balance is the expressed manganese superoxide dismutase (Sod2), which the conversion of superoxide anion to", "change_char_case": "-cancer therapies. Reactive oxYgen specieS (ROS) hAve IncReAsinGly bEen implicated aS ModuLators of tumorigenicity And maNy CAnceR TyPes exHibit elEVaTED ROs lEvEls. an IMpOrtanT reGulatorY enzyme of REdoX bAlance is the mIToChondriallY exPressed mangaNesE superOxIde DIsmutAse (sod2), whIch catALyzes tHe conversIoN Of supeROxide anION tO", "whitespace_perturbation": "-cancer therapies. Reactiv e oxygen s pecie s ( ROS )have inc reasingly been impl icated as modulators o f tum or i geni c it y and many c a nc e r ty pe sexh ib i televa ted ROS le vels. An i mpo rt ant regulato r yenzyme ofRed ox balance i s t he mit oc hon d riall y e xpres sed ma n ganese superoxi de dismut a se (Sod 2 ) ,whic h catalyzes the c o nv e rsion of super oxidean i on t o", "underscore_trick": "-cancer therapies._Reactive oxygen_species (ROS) have increasingly_been implicated_as_modulators of_tumorigenicity_and many cancer_types exhibit elevated_ROS levels. An important_regulatory enzyme of_Redox_balance is the mitochondrially expressed manganese superoxide dismutase (Sod2), which catalyzes the conversion of_superoxide_anion to"} +{"text": " the study of chronic effects of antidepressants. We propose to study the effects of long-term administration of MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, chlorpromazine, and some antihistamines that have been shown to have antidepressant potential on the basis of preclinical pharmacology. The effects of these drugs on the", "synonym_substitution": "the study of chronic effects of antidepressants. We propose to analyze the effect of long - term administration of MAO inhibitor, tricyclic antidepressants, chlorpromazine, and some antihistamines that have been shown to hold antidepressant potential on the basis of preclinical pharmacology. The consequence of these drugs on the", "butter_fingers": " thf study of chronic effecus of antidepresscbts. We propoae to stjdy the effects of long-term edmibistrqtion of MAO inhibitorr, tricyclpc antidepreswqnts, chlor'domazinc, and dome entihistamines jhat have bean shown to haee autidepressant potential on the basis of prevllnical pharmacjlogj. Ehe sffects of these drugs on the", "random_deletion": "the study of chronic effects of antidepressants. to the effects long-term administration of and antihistamines that have shown to have potential on the basis of preclinical The effects of these drugs on the", "change_char_case": " the study of chronic effects oF antidepreSsantS. We ProPoSe to StudY the effects of lONg-teRm administration of MAO iNhibiToRS, triCYcLic anTidepreSSaNTS, chLoRpRomAzINe, And soMe aNtihistAmines that HavE bEen shown to haVE aNtidepressAnt Potential on tHe bAsis of PrEclINical PhaRmacoLogy. ThE EffectS of these dRuGS on the", "whitespace_perturbation": " the study of chronic effe cts of ant idepr ess ant s. Weprop ose to study t h e ef fects of long-term adm inist ra t iono fMAO i nhibito r s, t ric yc li c a nt i de press ant s, chlo rpromazine , a nd some antihi s ta mines that ha ve been show n t o have a nti d epres san t pot ential on the basis of p r eclini c al phar m a co logy . The effects oft he s e drugs on the ", "underscore_trick": " the_study of_chronic effects of antidepressants._We propose_to_study the_effects_of long-term administration_of MAO inhibitors,_tricyclic antidepressants, chlorpromazine, and_some antihistamines that_have_been shown to have antidepressant potential on the basis of preclinical pharmacology. The effects_of_these drugs_on_the"} +{"text": " were recovered from patients who were infected following transfusion. The sequence of the hypervariable region and adjacent portions of envelope proteins 1 and 2 were determined for multiple clones obtained from patients who had fulminant hepatitis, from patients who convalesced following acute hepatitis and from patients who progressed to chronic hepatitis C. Distinctive", "synonym_substitution": "were recovered from patients who were infected following transfusion. The succession of the hypervariable area and adjacent fortune of envelope proteins 1 and 2 were determined for multiple clone obtained from patients who have fulminant hepatitis, from patients who convalesced following acute hepatitis and from patients who build up to chronic hepatitis C. Distinctive", "butter_fingers": " wege recovered from patienus who were infecjee follmwing fransfuskon. The sequence of the hypecvaruable region and adjacent purtions ov envelope pcoteins 1 and 2 wecs determined rlr mblviple clones objained from [atients who hdd fblminant hepatitis, from patients who convalrsfed following wcutt hqpatjniw and from patients who progrsssed tm chronic hepstitis C. Distinctive", "random_deletion": "were recovered from patients who were infected The of the region and adjacent and were determined for clones obtained from who had fulminant hepatitis, from patients convalesced following acute hepatitis and from patients who progressed to chronic hepatitis C.", "change_char_case": " were recovered from patients Who were infEcted FolLowInG traNsfuSion. The sequencE Of thE hypervariable region anD adjaCeNT porTIoNs of eNvelope PRoTEIns 1 AnD 2 wEre DeTErMined For MultiplE clones obtAinEd From patients WHo Had fulminaNt hEpatitis, from PatIents wHo ConVAlescEd fOllowIng acuTE hepatItis and frOm PAtientS Who progRESsEd to Chronic hepatitis C. dIsTInctive", "whitespace_perturbation": " were recovered from patie nts who we re in fec ted f ollo wing transfusion.T he s equence of the hyperva riabl er egio n a nd ad jacentp or t i ons o fenv el o pe prot ein s 1 and 2 were de ter mi ned for mult i pl e clones o bta ined from pa tie nts wh ohad fulmi nan t hep atitis , frompatientswh o conva l esced f o l lo wing acute hepatitisa nd from patientswho pr og r es s e d t o c hronic hep at itisC . Disti n ct i v e ", "underscore_trick": " were_recovered from_patients who were infected_following transfusion._The_sequence of_the_hypervariable region and_adjacent portions of_envelope proteins 1 and_2 were determined_for_multiple clones obtained from patients who had fulminant hepatitis, from patients who convalesced following_acute_hepatitis and_from_patients_who progressed to chronic hepatitis_C. Distinctive"} +{"text": " protein kinase to transduce the signal. Three lines of evidence support this notion. Firstly, the sphingomyelin pathway is activated within seconds to minutes by TNF in HL-60 cells and by IL-1 in human dermal fibroblasts and mouse EL4 T helper cells. Secondly, cell- permeable ceramide analogs", "synonym_substitution": "protein kinase to transduce the signal. Three lines of evidence support this notion. Firstly, the sphingomyelin nerve pathway is activate within seconds to minutes by TNF in HL-60 cell and by IL-1 in human cutaneous fibroblasts and mouse EL4 T benefactor cell. Secondly, cell- permeable ceramide analogue", "butter_fingers": " prltein kinase to transduct the signal. Threg oines mf evisence suoport this notion. Firstly, thx spyingonyelin pathway is actixated witjin secobds uo minutes by TNF in HL-60 ccjls zkd by ML-1 in human derkal fibrobnasts and mousa DL4 T helper cells. Secondly, cell- permewble cetalide analogs", "random_deletion": "protein kinase to transduce the signal. Three evidence this notion. the sphingomyelin pathway minutes TNF in HL-60 and by IL-1 human dermal fibroblasts and mouse EL4 helper cells. Secondly, cell- permeable ceramide analogs", "change_char_case": " protein kinase to transduce tHe signal. ThRee liNes Of eViDencE supPort this notion. fIrstLy, the sphingomyelin pathWay is AcTIvatED wIthin Seconds TO mINUteS bY TnF iN Hl-60 CeLls anD by iL-1 in humAn dermal fiBroBlAsts and mouse el4 T Helper cellS. SeCondly, cell- peRmeAble ceRaMidE AnaloGs", "whitespace_perturbation": " protein kinase to transdu ce the sig nal.Thr eeli nesof e vidence suppor t thi s notion. Firstly, the sphi ng o myel i npathw ay is a c ti v a ted w it hin s e co nds t o m inutesby TNF inHL- 60 cells and b y I L-1 in hum andermal fibro bla sts an dmou s e EL4 Thelpe r cell s . Seco ndly, cel l- permea b le cera m i de ana logs", "underscore_trick": " protein_kinase to_transduce the signal. Three_lines of_evidence_support this_notion._Firstly, the sphingomyelin_pathway is activated_within seconds to minutes_by TNF in_HL-60_cells and by IL-1 in human dermal fibroblasts and mouse EL4 T helper cells._Secondly,_cell- permeable_ceramide_analogs"} +{"text": " three-session Story Sharing (StS) intervention will be compared to a Communication Skills (CS) condition. Interventions will be randomly assigned to six nursing homes. A convenience sample of 20 NAs in each of the six homes (N=120 NAs) will participate in the study. Based on the outcomes", "synonym_substitution": "three - session Story Sharing (StS) intervention will be compared to a Communication Skills (CS) condition. interposition will be randomly impute to six nursing homes. A convenience sample of 20 sodium in each of the six homes (N=120 NAs) will participate in the study. establish on the outcomes", "butter_fingers": " thgee-session Story Sharing (StS) intervention will be cojpared tu a Communication Skills (CS) rondution. Interventions will be randomly assignee to wix nursinj homes. A convskiencz wample of 20 NAs in each ox the six homev (V=120 UAs) will participate in the study. Bafed on yhf outcomes", "random_deletion": "three-session Story Sharing (StS) intervention will be a Skills (CS) Interventions will be homes. convenience sample of NAs in each the six homes (N=120 NAs) will in the study. Based on the outcomes", "change_char_case": " three-session Story Sharing (STS) intervenTion wIll Be cOmPareD to a communication SKIlls (cS) condition. InterventioNs wilL bE RandOMlY assiGned to sIX nURSinG hOmEs. A CoNVeNiencE saMple of 20 Nas in each of The SiX homes (N=120 NAs) wiLL pArticipate In tHe study. Based On tHe outcOmEs", "whitespace_perturbation": " three-session Story Shari ng (StS) i nterv ent ion w illbe c ompared to a C o mmun ication Skills (CS) co nditi on . Int e rv entio ns will be r and om ly as si g ne d tosix nursin g homes. A co nv enience samp l eof 20 NAsineach of thesix homes ( N=1 2 0 NAs ) w ill p artici p ate in the stud y. Basedo n the o u t co mes", "underscore_trick": " three-session_Story Sharing_(StS) intervention will be_compared to_a_Communication Skills_(CS)_condition. Interventions will_be randomly assigned_to six nursing homes._A convenience sample_of_20 NAs in each of the six homes (N=120 NAs) will participate in the_study._Based on_the_outcomes"} +{"text": " multiple affected members. Once the HSS gene has been mapped, we will search for mutations in candidate genes, as well as identify novel transcribed sequences that may contain the HSS gene. We will then characterize the gene and its protein product through homology studies to known sequences. Knowledge of the molecular basis of this disease will lead", "synonym_substitution": "multiple affected members. Once the HSS gene has been mapped, we will search for mutation in campaigner genes, as well as name novel transcribe sequences that may check the HSS gene. We will then qualify the gene and its protein product through homology studies to known sequences. Knowledge of the molecular basis of this disease will head", "butter_fingers": " muptiple affected members. Unce the HSS geuw has ueen malped, we dill search for mutations in cqndidqte genes, as well as iaentify nlvel trabscrmbed sequences tizt may gjntajk the ISS gene. We wilk then chasacterize the ceve and its protein product through hoiology xtkdies to known seqlegces. Knowledge of the molecular basis kf this disease will lead", "random_deletion": "multiple affected members. Once the HSS gene mapped, will search mutations in candidate novel sequences that may the HSS gene. will then characterize the gene and protein product through homology studies to known sequences. Knowledge of the molecular basis this disease will lead", "change_char_case": " multiple affected members. OnCe the HSS geNe has BeeN maPpEd, we Will Search for mutatIOns iN candidate genes, as well aS idenTiFY novEL tRanscRibed seQUeNCEs tHaT mAy cOnTAiN the HsS gEne. We wiLl then charActErIze the gene anD ItS protein prOduCt through homOloGy studIeS to KNown sEquEnces. knowleDGe of thE moleculaR bASis of tHIs diseaSE WiLl leAd", "whitespace_perturbation": " multiple affected members . Once the HSSgen e h as bee n ma pped, we wills earc h for mutations in can didat eg enes , a s wel l as id e nt i f y n ov el tr an s cr ibedseq uencesthat may c ont ai n the HSS ge n e. We will t hen characteriz e t he gen eand its p rot ein p roduct throug h homolog ys tudies to know n se quen ces. Knowledge of th e molecular bas is ofth i sd i sea sewill lead", "underscore_trick": " multiple_affected members._Once the HSS gene_has been_mapped,_we will_search_for mutations in_candidate genes, as_well as identify novel_transcribed sequences that_may_contain the HSS gene. We will then characterize the gene and its protein product_through_homology studies_to_known_sequences. Knowledge of the molecular_basis of this disease will_lead"} +{"text": " black girls vary as a function of age and toy structure (high vs. low). High structure toys are defined as those which have highly specific, readily identifiable, and conventional functions (e.g., tea set). Low structure toys are defined as those which have less specific, relatively ambiguous functions (e.g., piece", "synonym_substitution": "black girls vary as a function of old age and toy dog structure (high vs. low). gamey structure toys are define as those which give birth highly specific, readily identifiable, and conventional functions (e.g., tea hardening). Low structure miniature are defined as those which get less specific, relatively ambiguous functions (for example, piece", "butter_fingers": " blwck girls vary as a funcuion of age and toy strurture (hjgh vs. luw). High structure toys are dxfinwd as those which have highuy specifpc, readilt idtntifiable, and coibentional fundbions (x.g., tea set). Low xtructure doys are definad ad those which have less specific, rejativelu wmbiguous funcjions (q.g., pjvct", "random_deletion": "black girls vary as a function of toy (high vs. High structure toys have specific, readily identifiable, conventional functions (e.g., set). Low structure toys are defined those which have less specific, relatively ambiguous functions (e.g., piece", "change_char_case": " black girls vary as a function Of age and toY struCtuRe (hIgH vs. lOw). HiGh structure toyS Are dEfined as those which have HighlY sPEcifIC, rEadilY identiFIaBLE, anD cOnVenTiONaL funcTioNs (e.g., tea Set). Low struCtuRe Toys are definED aS those whicH haVe less specifIc, rElativElY amBIguouS fuNctioNs (e.g., piECe", "whitespace_perturbation": " black girls vary as a fun ction of a ge an d t oyst ruct ure(high vs. low) . Hig h structure toys are d efine da s th o se whic h haveh ig h l y s pe ci fic ,r ea dilyide ntifiab le, and co nve nt ional functi o ns (e.g., te a s et). Low str uct ure to ys ar e defi ned as t hose w h ich ha ve less s pe c ific,r elative l y a mbig uous functions (e . g. , piece", "underscore_trick": " black_girls vary_as a function of_age and_toy_structure (high_vs._low). High structure_toys are defined_as those which have_highly specific, readily_identifiable,_and conventional functions (e.g., tea set). Low structure toys are defined as those which_have_less specific,_relatively_ambiguous_functions (e.g., piece"} +{"text": "ate in the U.S. has increased from 1.8 million tons in 1970 to 25.5 million in 1995. Thus humans are exposed to preservatives constantly; persons in the U.S. consuming the average amount of soda ingest 800 mg of benzoate daily. Food preservatives are weak acids and", "synonym_substitution": "ate in the U.S. has increased from 1.8 million tons in 1970 to 25.5 million in 1995. Thus world are debunk to preservatives constantly; person in the U.S. consume the average amount of pop ingest 800 magnesium of benzoate daily. Food preservative are fallible acids and", "butter_fingers": "ate in the U.S. has increased from 1.8 million jobs in 1970 to 25.5 mjllion iv 1995. Thus humans are exposed tl preseevatives constantly; pefsons in nhe U.S. cobsummng the average ejount on sodz ingzsv 800 mg of benzoaje daily. Foog preservativev xrz weak acids and", "random_deletion": "ate in the U.S. has increased from tons 1970 to million in 1995. preservatives persons in the consuming the average of soda ingest 800 mg of daily. Food preservatives are weak acids and", "change_char_case": "ate in the U.S. has increased froM 1.8 million toNs in 1970 tO 25.5 miLliOn In 1995. ThUs huMans are exposed TO preServatives constantly; peRsons In THe U.S. COnSuminG the aveRAgE AMouNt Of SodA iNGeSt 800 mg oF beNzoate dAily. Food prEseRvAtives are weaK AcIds and", "whitespace_perturbation": "ate in the U.S. has increa sed from 1 .8 mi lli onto ns i n 19 70 to 25.5 mil l ionin 1995. Thus humans a re ex po s ed t o p reser vatives co n s tan tl y; pe rs o ns in t heU.S. co nsuming th e a ve rage amounto fsoda inges t 8 00 mg of ben zoa te dai ly . F o od pr ese rvati ves ar e weakacids and ", "underscore_trick": "ate in_the U.S._has increased from 1.8_million tons_in_1970 to_25.5_million in 1995._Thus humans are_exposed to preservatives constantly;_persons in the_U.S._consuming the average amount of soda ingest 800 mg of benzoate daily. Food preservatives_are_weak acids_and"} +{"text": " sexes are being followed longitudinally for two years. A census of addicts living in or routinely active on the streets in a given geopraphical area will be completed and basic demographic data on these addicts will be obtained. This application requests support through an NIAAA Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K", "synonym_substitution": "sexes are being followed longitudinally for two years. A census of addict survive in or routinely active on the streets in a given geopraphical area will be complete and basic demographic data on these addicts will be obtain. This application requests back through an NIAAA Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K", "butter_fingers": " sedes are being followed lungitudinally for two bears. A census uf addicts living in or routmnelt actuve on the streets in x given gvopraphicql acea will be completed and basid demmjraphic data on these addhcts will be ottxiued. This application requests suppore throubh an NIAAA Mentjred Wesezgcm Scientist Development Award (K", "random_deletion": "sexes are being followed longitudinally for two census addicts living or routinely active given area will be and basic demographic on these addicts will be obtained. application requests support through an NIAAA Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K", "change_char_case": " sexes are being followed longItudinally For twO yeArs. a cEnsuS of aDdicts living in OR rouTinely active on the streeTs in a GiVEn geOPrAphicAl area wILl BE ComPlEtEd aNd BAsIc demOgrAphic daTa on these aDdiCtS will be obtaiNEd. this applicAtiOn requests suPpoRt throUgH an niAAA MEntOred REsearcH scientIst DeveloPmENt AwarD (k", "whitespace_perturbation": " sexes are being followedlongitudin allyfor tw oyear s. A census of add i ctsliving in or routinely acti ve on t h estree ts in a gi v e n g eo pr aph ic a lareawil l be co mpleted an d b as ic demograph i cdata on th ese addicts wil l b e obta in ed. Thisapp licat ion re q uestssupport t hr o ugh an NIAAA M e n to redResearch Scientis t D e velopment Awar d (K", "underscore_trick": " sexes_are being_followed longitudinally for two_years. A_census_of addicts_living_in or routinely_active on the_streets in a given_geopraphical area will_be_completed and basic demographic data on these addicts will be obtained. This application requests_support_through an_NIAAA_Mentored_Research Scientist Development Award (K"} +{"text": "or assembly determine biological outcomes. The staff and scientists of the SIBYLS beamline provide comprehensive expertise in the targeted areas of nucleic acid binding proteins. High Throughput (HT) Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS), Macromolecular Crystallography (MX), and hybrid computational methods. MIN", "synonym_substitution": "or assembly determine biological outcomes. The staff and scientists of the SIBYLS beamline leave comprehensive expertness in the targeted areas of nucleic acerb bind proteins. High Throughput (HT) Small Angle X - beam Scattering (SAXS), Macromolecular Crystallography (MX), and hybrid computational methods. MIN", "butter_fingers": "or wssembly determine biolonical outcomes. Tkw stafh and sdientistr of the SIBYLS beamline protide compeehensive expertise in the targvted areaw of bucleic acms bindiky profcins. Kijh Throughput (HJ) Small Angla X-ray Scatterhne (DAXS), Macromolecular Crystallography (MX), and hjbrid computatyonak metgods. MIN", "random_deletion": "or assembly determine biological outcomes. The staff of SIBYLS beamline comprehensive expertise in acid proteins. High Throughput Small Angle X-ray (SAXS), Macromolecular Crystallography (MX), and hybrid methods. MIN", "change_char_case": "or assembly determine biologIcal outcomEs. The StaFf aNd ScieNtisTs of the SIBYLS bEAmliNe provide comprehensive ExperTiSE in tHE tArgetEd areas OF nUCLeiC aCiD biNdINg ProteIns. high ThrOughput (HT) SMalL ANgle X-ray ScatTErIng (SAXS), MacRomOlecular CrysTalLograpHy (mX), aND hybrId cOmputAtionaL MethodS. MIN", "whitespace_perturbation": "or assembly determine biol ogical out comes . T hest affandscientists oft he S IBYLS beamline provide comp re h ensi v eexper tise in th e tar ge te d a re a sof nu cle ic acid binding p rot ei ns. High Thr o ug hput (HT)Sma ll Angle X-r ayScatte ri ng( SAXS) , M acrom olecul a r Crys tallograp hy (MX),a nd hybr i d c ompu tational methods. MI N ", "underscore_trick": "or assembly_determine biological_outcomes. The staff and_scientists of_the_SIBYLS beamline_provide_comprehensive expertise in_the targeted areas_of nucleic acid binding_proteins. High Throughput_(HT)_Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS), Macromolecular Crystallography (MX), and hybrid computational methods. MIN"} +{"text": " site. Structures of mutant forms of UreR will also be generated. This work will elucidate the molecular mechanisms of this important regulator of a urovirulence, as well as extend our knowledge on the AraC-fainily of transcriptional activators. This research project is directed toward establishing experimental systems to enable", "synonym_substitution": "site. Structures of mutant forms of UreR will also be generate. This workplace will elucidate the molecular mechanisms of this important governor of a urovirulence, as well as extend our knowledge on the AraC - fainily of transcriptional activator. This inquiry project is directed toward establishing experimental systems to enable", "butter_fingers": " sihe. Structures of mutant norms of UreR will also be geherated. Ghis work will elucidate the milecuoar mechanisms of this importann regulatir oh a urovirulence, as well as exfcnd obr knowledge on jhe AraC-fainhly of transcrhpgilnal activators. This research projest is dorfcted toward eftabkyshihg experimental systems to enable", "random_deletion": "site. Structures of mutant forms of UreR be This work elucidate the molecular of urovirulence, as well extend our knowledge the AraC-fainily of transcriptional activators. This project is directed toward establishing experimental systems to enable", "change_char_case": " site. Structures of mutant forMs of UreR wiLl alsO be GenErAted. this Work will elucidATe thE molecular mechanisms of This iMpORtanT ReGulatOr of a urOViRULenCe, As WelL aS ExTend oUr kNowledgE on the AraC-FaiNiLy of transcriPTiOnal activaTorS. This researcH prOject iS dIreCTed toWarD estaBlishiNG experImental syStEMs to enABle", "whitespace_perturbation": " site. Structures of mutan t forms of UreR wi llal so b e ge nerated. Thisw orkwill elucidate the mol ecula rm echa n is ms of this i m po r t ant r eg ula to r o f a u rov irulenc e, as well as e xtend our kn o wl edge on th e A raC-fainilyoftransc ri pti o nal a cti vator s. Thi s resea rch proje ct is dir e cted to w a rd est ablishing experim e nt a l systems to e nable", "underscore_trick": " site._Structures of_mutant forms of UreR_will also_be_generated. This_work_will elucidate the_molecular mechanisms of_this important regulator of_a urovirulence, as_well_as extend our knowledge on the AraC-fainily of transcriptional activators. This research project is_directed_toward establishing_experimental_systems_to enable"} +{"text": " how PMNs ingest and kill bacteria, and elucidates post-phagocytosis sequelae such as apoptosis, processes crucial for the resolution phase of inflammation. Thus, one of our research objectives is to elucidate molecular processes in human PMNs that facilitate resolution of infection. To that end, we used genomics methodologies to", "synonym_substitution": "how PMNs ingest and kill bacteria, and elucidates post - phagocytosis sequelae such as apoptosis, process all-important for the resolution phase of inflammation. therefore, one of our research objective is to elucidate molecular processes in human PMNs that facilitate resolving power of infection. To that end, we use genomics methodologies to", "butter_fingers": " hoa PMNs ingest and kill bxcteria, and elueudates post-pgagocytoris sequelae such as apoptosms, peoceswes crucial for the rerolution ihase of unflemmation. Thus, onx of our reseadgh oblertives is to elocidate molewular processev kn human PMNs that facilitate resolutyon of onvection. To thaj end, re uavd genomics methodologies to", "random_deletion": "how PMNs ingest and kill bacteria, and sequelae as apoptosis, crucial for the one our research objectives to elucidate molecular in human PMNs that facilitate resolution infection. To that end, we used genomics methodologies to", "change_char_case": " how PMNs ingest and kill bacteRia, and elucIdateS poSt-pHaGocyTosiS sequelae such aS ApopTosis, processes crucial fOr the ReSOlutIOn Phase Of inflaMMaTIOn. THuS, oNe oF oUR rEsearCh oBjectivEs is to elucIdaTe Molecular proCEsSes in human pMNS that facilitAte ResoluTiOn oF InfecTioN. To thAt end, wE Used geNomics metHoDOlogieS To", "whitespace_perturbation": " how PMNs ingest and killbacteria,and e luc ida te s po st-p hagocytosis se q uela e such as apoptosis, p roces se s cru c ia l for the re s ol u t ion p ha seof in flamm ati on. Thu s, one ofour r esearch obje c ti ves is toelu cidate molec ula r proc es ses in hu man PMNs thatf acilit ate resol ut i on ofi nfectio n . T o th at end, we used g e no m ics methodolog ies to ", "underscore_trick": " how_PMNs ingest_and kill bacteria, and_elucidates post-phagocytosis_sequelae_such as_apoptosis,_processes crucial for_the resolution phase_of inflammation. Thus, one_of our research_objectives_is to elucidate molecular processes in human PMNs that facilitate resolution of infection. To_that_end, we_used_genomics_methodologies to"} +{"text": ". hospitals by a single predominant strain. S. aureus in which oxacillin resistance is reduced in the presence of clavulanic acid, the hyperbetalactamase producers, have another, distinct phage pattern. We also are studying loss rates of oxacillin resistance after the strains are cultured from the treated", "synonym_substitution": ". hospitals by a single predominant strain. S. aureus in which oxacillin underground is reduce in the presence of clavulanic acid, the hyperbetalactamase producers, have another, clear-cut phage pattern. We besides are studying loss rates of oxacillin electric resistance after the strains are cultured from the cover", "butter_fingers": ". hodpitals by a single preduminant strain. S. aureuv in wgich oxazillin resistance is reduced ib the presence of clavulaniz acid, thv hyperberalartamase producers, have akjthed, disciict phage pattetn. We also ase studying lovs rctes of oxacillin resistance after tre straond are cultured frok the nrtated", "random_deletion": ". hospitals by a single predominant strain. in oxacillin resistance reduced in the hyperbetalactamase have another, distinct pattern. We also studying loss rates of oxacillin resistance the strains are cultured from the treated", "change_char_case": ". hospitals by a single predomiNant strain. s. aureUs iN whIcH oxaCillIn resistance is REducEd in the presence of clavuLanic AcID, the HYpErbetAlactamASe PROduCeRs, HavE aNOtHer, diStiNct phagE pattern. We AlsO aRe studying loSS rAtes of oxacIllIn resistance AftEr the sTrAinS Are cuLtuRed frOm the tREated", "whitespace_perturbation": ". hospitals by a single pr edominantstrai n.S.au reus inwhich oxacilli n res istance is reduced inthe p re s ence of clav ulanica ci d , th ehy per be t al actam ase produc ers, haveano th er, distinct ph age patter n.We also arestu dyinglo ssr atesofoxaci llin r e sistan ce afterth e strai n s are c u l tu redfrom the treated", "underscore_trick": ". hospitals_by a_single predominant strain. S._aureus in_which_oxacillin resistance_is_reduced in the_presence of clavulanic_acid, the hyperbetalactamase producers,_have another, distinct_phage_pattern. We also are studying loss rates of oxacillin resistance after the strains are_cultured_from the_treated"} +{"text": " formed by shotgun recombinant DNA phages for those with inserts complementary to probe sequences. After these clones are amplified those with functional HPRT genes will be identified by transfer of their DNA into HPRT- cells using micro-injection or calcium-phosphate precipitation techniques. If the approach outlined above is successful we will attempt to", "synonym_substitution": "formed by shotgun recombinant DNA phages for those with inserts complemental to probe sequence. After these clones are amplified those with running HPRT genes will be identify by transfer of their deoxyribonucleic acid into HPRT- cells using micro - injection or calcium - phosphate precipitation technique. If the approach outlined above is successful we will undertake to", "butter_fingers": " fogmed by shotgun recombinxnt DNA phages yir thove witg insertr complementary to probe seqnencws. Afuvr these clones are aoplified nhose wity fuictional HPRT geiss will be idsktifizd by transfer on their DNA into HPRT- celns uding micro-injection or calcium-phosprate prrclpitation techgiquts. Yf tgv cpproach outlined above is succsssful xe will attempt to", "random_deletion": "formed by shotgun recombinant DNA phages for inserts to probe After these clones HPRT will be identified transfer of their into HPRT- cells using micro-injection or precipitation techniques. If the approach outlined above is successful we will attempt to", "change_char_case": " formed by shotgun recombinanT DNA phages For thOse WitH iNserTs coMplementary to pRObe sEquences. After these clonEs are AmPLifiED tHose wIth funcTIoNAL HPrT GeNes WiLL bE idenTifIed by trAnsfer of thEir dNa into HPRT- celLS uSing micro-iNjeCtion or calciUm-pHosphaTe PreCIpitaTioN techNiques. iF the apProach outLiNEd abovE Is succeSSFuL we wIll attempt to", "whitespace_perturbation": " formed by shotgun recombi nant DNA p hages fo r t ho se w ithinserts comple m enta ry to probe sequences. Afte rt hese cl onesare amp l if i e d t ho se wi th fu nctio nal HPRT g enes willbeid entified byt ra nsfer of t hei r DNA into H PRT - cell susi n g mic ro- injec tion o r calci um-phosph at e preci p itation t ec hniq ues. If the appro a ch outlined above is su cc e ss f u l w e w ill attemp tto", "underscore_trick": " formed_by shotgun_recombinant DNA phages for_those with_inserts_complementary to_probe_sequences. After these_clones are amplified_those with functional HPRT_genes will be_identified_by transfer of their DNA into HPRT- cells using micro-injection or calcium-phosphate precipitation techniques._If_the approach_outlined_above_is successful we will attempt_to"} +{"text": "generation, organized by Ted M. Dawson, Virginia M.-Y. Lee and Stephen M. Strittmatter, which will be held in Taos, New Mexico from February 21 - 26, 2011. Neurodegenerative diseases are chronic age-dependent progressive disorders that are substantial and growing health problems, which exert a tremendous", "synonym_substitution": "generation, organized by Ted M. Dawson, Virginia M.-Y. Lee and Stephen M. Strittmatter, which will be held in Taos, New Mexico from February 21 - 26, 2011. Neurodegenerative diseases are chronic old age - pendent progressive disorders that are substantial and growing health problem, which exert a tremendous", "butter_fingers": "genfration, organized by Ted M. Dawson, Virgiuua M.-Y. Nee ans Stephev M. Strittmatter, which will ue hwld ib Taos, New Mexico from February 21 - 26, 2011. Neueodejenerative diseases are gkronid age-be'endent progresxive disorgers that are vucscantial and growing health problems, rhich ecegt a tremendouf", "random_deletion": "generation, organized by Ted M. Dawson, Virginia and M. Strittmatter, will be held February - 26, 2011. diseases are chronic progressive disorders that are substantial and health problems, which exert a tremendous", "change_char_case": "generation, organized by Ted M. dawson, VirgInia M.-y. LeE anD STephEn M. STrittmatter, whiCH wilL be held in Taos, New Mexico From FEbRUary 21 - 26, 2011. nEuRodegEneratiVE dISEasEs ArE chRoNIc Age-dePenDent proGressive diSorDeRs that are subSTaNtial and grOwiNg health probLemS, which ExErt A TremeNdoUs", "whitespace_perturbation": "generation, organized by T ed M. Daws on, V irg ini aM.-Y . Le e and StephenM . St rittmatter, which will be h el d inT ao s, Ne w Mexic o f r o m F eb ru ary 2 1 - 26,201 1. Neur odegenerat ive d iseases arec hr onic age-d epe ndent progre ssi ve dis or der s that ar e sub stanti a l andgrowing h ea l th pro b lems, w h i ch exe rt a tremendous", "underscore_trick": "generation, organized_by Ted_M. Dawson, Virginia M.-Y._Lee and_Stephen_M. Strittmatter,_which_will be held_in Taos, New_Mexico from February 21_- 26, 2011._Neurodegenerative_diseases are chronic age-dependent progressive disorders that are substantial and growing health problems, which_exert_a tremendous"} +{"text": " WCCC Biometry component to aid in the planning, implementation and evaluation of Wisconsin cancer control programs. 3. Public Information and Eduction. To develop and promote needed programs to inform the public about cancer. 4. Professional Information and Education. To conduct necessary and evaluable programs to inform and educate health professionals about cancer.", "synonym_substitution": "WCCC Biometry component to aid in the planning, implementation and evaluation of Wisconsin cancer control broadcast. 3. Public Information and Eduction. To originate and promote needed programs to inform the populace about cancer. 4. Professional Information and Education. To conduct necessary and evaluable programs to inform and educate health professional about cancer.", "butter_fingers": " WCFC Biometry component to aid in the plaubing, ikplemehtation xnd evaluation of Wisconsin rancwr cobtrol programs. 3. Public Informatpon and Eeuctmon. To develop ais promobz neescd prmjrams to inform the publiw about cancer. 4. Orlfessional Information and Educatiog. To comdkct necessary wnd tvajuabmv krograms to inform and educate hezlth prmfessionals anout cancer.", "random_deletion": "WCCC Biometry component to aid in the and of Wisconsin control programs. 3. develop promote needed programs inform the public cancer. 4. Professional Information and Education. conduct necessary and evaluable programs to inform and educate health professionals about cancer.", "change_char_case": " WCCC Biometry component to aiD in the planNing, iMplEmeNtAtioN and Evaluation of WiSConsIn cancer control programS. 3. PublIc iNforMAtIon anD EductiON. TO DEveLoP aNd pRoMOtE needEd pRograms To inform thE puBlIc about canceR. 4. prOfessional infOrmation and EDucAtion. TO cOndUCt necEssAry anD evaluABle proGrams to inFoRM and edUCate heaLTH pRofeSsionals about cancER.", "whitespace_perturbation": " WCCC Biometry component t o aid in t he pl ann ing ,impl emen tation and eva l uati on of Wisconsin cancer cont ro l pro g ra ms. 3 . Publi c I n f orm at io n a nd Ed uctio n.To deve lop and pr omo te needed prog r am s to infor m t he public ab out cance r. 4. Profe ssi onalInform a tion a nd Educat io n . To c o nduct n e c es sary and evaluable pr o gr a ms to inform a nd edu ca t eh e alt h p rofessiona ls abou t cancer . ", "underscore_trick": " WCCC_Biometry component_to aid in the_planning, implementation_and_evaluation of_Wisconsin_cancer control programs._3. Public Information_and Eduction. To develop_and promote needed_programs_to inform the public about cancer. 4. Professional Information and Education. To conduct necessary_and_evaluable programs_to_inform_and educate health professionals about_cancer."} +{"text": " Y evolve in a highly precise manner and accurately reconstruct expected evolutionary relationships. Yet we describe an unusual form of recombination exists between X and Y, represented by one-way exon exchange (ectopic gene conversion) from Zfx to Zfy genes, that may be an adaptive mechanism for maintaining function of Y genes located outside the", "synonym_substitution": "Y evolve in a highly precise manner and accurately reconstruct expected evolutionary relationships. so far we identify an unusual form of recombination exists between X and Y, typify by one - way exon exchange (ectopic gene conversion) from Zfx to Zfy genes, that may be an adaptive mechanism for wield function of Y genes locate outside the", "butter_fingers": " Y fvolve in a highly precire manner and aexurateny recknstruct expected evolutionary relatmonsyips. Tet we describe an unurual form of reconbinetion exists betxsen X akb Y, rsireseutxd by one-way expn exchanga (ectopic gene cunrersion) from Zfx to Zfy genes, that mwy be am wdaptive mechagism sor jaintaining function of Y genes lodated oltside the", "random_deletion": "Y evolve in a highly precise manner reconstruct evolutionary relationships. we describe an between and Y, represented one-way exon exchange gene conversion) from Zfx to Zfy that may be an adaptive mechanism for maintaining function of Y genes located the", "change_char_case": " Y evolve in a highly precise maNner and accUrateLy rEcoNsTrucT expEcted evolutionARy reLationships. Yet we descriBe an uNuSUal fORm Of recOmbinatIOn EXIstS bEtWeeN X ANd y, reprEseNted by oNe-way exon eXchAnGe (ectopic genE CoNversion) frOm ZFx to Zfy genes, ThaT may be An AdaPTive mEchAnism For maiNTaininG function Of y Genes lOCated ouTSIdE the", "whitespace_perturbation": " Y evolve in a highly prec ise manner andacc ura te ly r econ struct expecte d evo lutionary relationship s. Ye tw e de s cr ibe a n unusu a lf o rmof r eco mb i na tionexi sts bet ween X and Y, r epresented b y o ne-way exo n e xchange (ect opi c gene c onv e rsion ) f rom Z fx toZ fy gen es, thatma y be an adaptiv e me chan ism for maintaini n gf unction of Y g enes l oc a te d out sid e the", "underscore_trick": " Y_evolve in_a highly precise manner_and accurately_reconstruct_expected evolutionary_relationships._Yet we describe_an unusual form_of recombination exists between_X and Y,_represented_by one-way exon exchange (ectopic gene conversion) from Zfx to Zfy genes, that may_be_an adaptive_mechanism_for_maintaining function of Y genes_located outside the"} +{"text": " of many endogenous and foreign OCs in the body. In contrast to the kidney and liver, little is known about OC elimination mechanisms in the brain. This is rather unfortunate because many CNS active compounds, including monoamine neurotransmitters (e.g. dopamine, serotonin), CNS drugs (e.g. amant", "synonym_substitution": "of many endogenous and foreign OCs in the body. In contrast to the kidney and liver, little is know about OC elimination mechanism in the brain. This is rather unfortunate because many CNS active compound, including monoamine neurotransmitters (for example dopamine, serotonin), CNS drugs (e.g. amant", "butter_fingers": " of many endogenous and fortign OCs in the body. In rontrasf to the kidney and liver, little is nniwn avout OC elimination mezhanisms pn the brqin. Uhis is rather unhkrtunatc beczmse mcnb CNS active cokpounds, inwluding monoamhnd ueurotransmitters (e.g. dopamine, serotogin), CNS dgugs (e.g. amant", "random_deletion": "of many endogenous and foreign OCs in In to the and liver, little mechanisms the brain. This rather unfortunate because CNS active compounds, including monoamine neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin), CNS drugs (e.g. amant", "change_char_case": " of many endogenous and foreigN OCs in the bOdy. In ConTraSt To thE kidNey and liver, litTLe is Known about OC eliminatioN mechAnISms iN ThE braiN. This is RAtHER unFoRtUnaTe BEcAuse mAny cNS actiVe compoundS, inClUding monoamiNE nEurotransmIttErs (e.g. dopaminE, seRotoniN), CnS dRUgs (e.g. AmaNt", "whitespace_perturbation": " of many endogenous and fo reign OCsin th e b ody .In c ontr ast to the kid n ey a nd liver, little is kn own a bo u t OC el imina tion me c ha n i sms i nthe b r ai n. Th isis rath er unfortu nat ebecause many CN S active c omp ounds, inclu din g mono am ine neuro tra nsmit ters ( e .g. do pamine, s er o tonin) , CNS dr u g s(e.g . amant", "underscore_trick": " of_many endogenous_and foreign OCs in_the body._In_contrast to_the_kidney and liver,_little is known_about OC elimination mechanisms_in the brain._This_is rather unfortunate because many CNS active compounds, including monoamine neurotransmitters (e.g. dopamine, serotonin),_CNS_drugs (e.g._amant"} +{"text": " human and mouse tissues, showing tissue-specific expression of alternatively spliced and read-through transcripts. We conducted several yeast two-hybrid screens to identify protein-binding partners for the putative histone methyltransferases. These screens yielded several intriguing candidates that are being characterized further by biochemical and genetic methods. We have constructed a conditional", "synonym_substitution": "human and mouse tissues, showing tissue - specific expression of alternatively splice and understand - through transcripts. We conducted several yeast two - loanblend screens to identify protein - binding spouse for the putative histone methyltransferases. These screens yielded respective challenging candidates that are being characterized far by biochemical and genetic methods. We have constructed a conditional", "butter_fingers": " hulan and mouse tissues, shuwing tissue-speeufic eepressikn of algernatively spliced and read-vhroygh teanscripts. We conductea several yeast tqo-hyurid screens to msentify protejk-bindnnj partners for jhe putative histone methyntfausferases. These screens yielded sevewal inttihuing candidatgs thse ars being characterized further by bjochemibal and genetic mrthods. We have constructed a clnditional", "random_deletion": "human and mouse tissues, showing tissue-specific expression spliced read-through transcripts. conducted several yeast partners the putative histone These screens yielded intriguing candidates that are being characterized by biochemical and genetic methods. We have constructed a conditional", "change_char_case": " human and mouse tissues, showiNg tissue-spEcifiC exPreSsIon oF altErnatively spliCEd anD read-through transcriptS. We coNdUCted SEvEral yEast two-HYbRID scReEnS to IdENtIfy prOteIn-bindiNg partners For ThE putative hisTOnE methyltraNsfErases. These sCreEns yieLdEd sEVeral IntRiguiNg candIDates tHat are beiNg CHaractERized fuRTHeR by bIochemical and geneTIc MEthods. We have coNstrucTeD A cONDitIonAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " human and mouse tissues,showing ti ssue- spe cif ic exp ress ion of alterna t ivel y spliced and read-thr oughtr a nscr i pt s. We conduc t ed s eve ra lyea st tw o-hyb rid screen s to ident ify p rotein-bindi n gpartners f orthe putative hi stoneme thy l trans fer ases. These screen s yielded s e verali ntrigui n g c andi dates that are be i ng characterizedfurthe rb yb i och emi cal and ge ne tic m e thods.W eh a v e c o nstructed a c onditional", "underscore_trick": " human_and mouse_tissues, showing tissue-specific expression_of alternatively_spliced_and read-through_transcripts._We conducted several_yeast two-hybrid screens_to identify protein-binding partners_for the putative_histone_methyltransferases. These screens yielded several intriguing candidates that are being characterized further by biochemical_and_genetic methods._We_have_constructed a conditional"} +{"text": " forces, including principal and shear stresses, in experimental models of hypertension and flow overload. The specific aims include studies on alterations in the macro-structure including the length, diameter, and branching pattern of all generations of the coronary tree in response to increased mechanical stresses; alterations in the vessel walls and their micro-structure, including", "synonym_substitution": "forces, including principal and shear stresses, in experimental model of high blood pressure and flow overload. The specific aims admit studies on alteration in the macro - structure include the length, diameter, and branching form of all generations of the coronary tree in response to increase mechanical stresses; alterations in the vessel wall and their micro - social organization, including", "butter_fingers": " fogces, including principal and shear stresses, in experjmental oodels of hypertension and fpoq oveeload. The specific aimr include studies on elterations in tis macro-structhve inelnding the lengtm, diameter, dnd branching [agtzrn of all generations of the coronawy tree ij response to yncrtasqd msbhcnical stresses; alterations in fhe vesvel walls and their micro-structure, inclkdinh", "random_deletion": "forces, including principal and shear stresses, in of and flow The specific aims the including the length, and branching pattern all generations of the coronary tree response to increased mechanical stresses; alterations in the vessel walls and their micro-structure,", "change_char_case": " forces, including principal aNd shear strEsses, In eXpeRiMentAl moDels of hypertenSIon aNd flow overload. The speciFic aiMs INcluDE sTudieS on alteRAtIONs iN tHe MacRo-STrUcturE inCluding The length, dIamEtEr, and branchiNG pAttern of alL geNerations of tHe cOronarY tRee IN respOnsE to inCreaseD MechanIcal stresSeS; AlteraTIons in tHE VeSsel Walls and their micrO-StRUcture, includinG", "whitespace_perturbation": " forces, including princip al and she ar st res ses ,in e xper imental models of h ypertension and flow o verlo ad . The sp ecifi c aimsi nc l u dest ud ies o n a ltera tio ns in t he macro-s tru ct ure includin g t he length, di ameter, andbra nching p att e rn of al l gen eratio n s of t he corona ry tree i n respon s e t o in creased mechanica l s t resses; altera tionsin th e ves sel walls and t heirm icro-st r uc t u r e,i ncluding", "underscore_trick": " forces,_including principal_and shear stresses, in_experimental models_of_hypertension and_flow_overload. The specific_aims include studies_on alterations in the_macro-structure including the_length,_diameter, and branching pattern of all generations of the coronary tree in response to_increased_mechanical stresses;_alterations_in_the vessel walls and their_micro-structure, including"} +{"text": " routine use in the assay. Malignant effusion fluid and patients' sera will be biochemically fractionated and selected fractions will be analyzed for reactivity in the LAI assay. Xenogeneic antisera will be prepared against the purified antigen preparations and they will be immunochemically and biochemically compared by serological", "synonym_substitution": "routine use in the assay. Malignant effusion fluid and patients' sera will be biochemically fractionate and choose fractions will be analyzed for responsiveness in the LAI assay. Xenogeneic antisera will be train against the purified antigen preparations and they will be immunochemically and biochemically compared by serologic", "butter_fingers": " roktine use in the assay. Mxlignant effusion fluiv and pztients' rera will be biochemically fcactuonattb and selected fractkons will be analtzed dor reactitjty in bke LAJ asscy. Xenogeneic anjisera will te prepared agdivsc the purified antigen preparations wnd theu aill be immunoshempcwlly and biochemically compared by serklogican", "random_deletion": "routine use in the assay. Malignant effusion patients' will be fractionated and selected reactivity the LAI assay. antisera will be against the purified antigen preparations and will be immunochemically and biochemically compared by serological", "change_char_case": " routine use in the assay. MaligNant effusiOn fluId aNd pAtIentS' serA will be biochemICallY fractionated and selectEd fraCtIOns wILl Be anaLyzed foR ReACTivItY iN thE Lai aSsay. XEnoGeneic aNtisera wilL be PrEpared againsT ThE purified aNtiGen preparatiOns And theY wIll BE immuNocHemicAlly anD BiocheMically coMpARed by sERologicAL", "whitespace_perturbation": " routine use in the assay. Malignant effu sio n f lu id a nd p atients' seraw illbe biochemically fract ionat ed ands el ected fracti o ns w ill b eana ly z ed forrea ctivity in the LA I a ss ay. Xenogene i cantisera w ill be prepared ag ainstth e p u rifie d a ntige n prep a ration s and the yw ill be immunoc h e mi call y and biochemical l yc ompared by ser ologic al ", "underscore_trick": " routine_use in_the assay. Malignant effusion_fluid and_patients'_sera will_be_biochemically fractionated and_selected fractions will_be analyzed for reactivity_in the LAI_assay._Xenogeneic antisera will be prepared against the purified antigen preparations and they will be_immunochemically_and biochemically_compared_by_serological"} +{"text": " with the Indian Health Service. - Diabetes mellitus, prevention, clinical trial - Human Subjects Treatment of Central Vein Thrombosis remains unsatisfactory. However, there is strong evidence from a recent study that quick, aggressive therapy with Urokinase for occlusions of recent onset, can produce marked benefits. Prognosis of these", "synonym_substitution": "with the Indian Health Service. - Diabetes mellitus, prevention, clinical trial - Human Subjects Treatment of Central Vein Thrombosis remains unsatisfactory. However, there is strong evidence from a late discipline that quick, aggressive therapy with Urokinase for occlusions of late onset, can grow marked benefits. Prognosis of these", "butter_fingers": " wihh the Indian Health Seryice. - Diabetes mgloitus, 'reventjon, clinkcal trial - Human Subjects Tceatnent if Central Vein Thrombusis remapns unsatusfartory. However, thxde is sbxong syidenee from a recent study thad quick, aggresvixe therapy with Urokinase for occlusijns of tefent onset, can proctce jarked benefits. Prognosis of these", "random_deletion": "with the Indian Health Service. - Diabetes clinical - Human Treatment of Central there strong evidence from recent study that aggressive therapy with Urokinase for occlusions recent onset, can produce marked benefits. Prognosis of these", "change_char_case": " with the Indian Health ServicE. - Diabetes mEllitUs, pRevEnTion, ClinIcal trial - Human sUbjeCts Treatment of Central VEin ThRoMBosiS ReMains UnsatisFAcTORy. HOwEvEr, tHeRE iS stroNg eVidence From a recenT stUdY that quick, agGReSsive theraPy wIth Urokinase For OcclusIoNs oF RecenT onSet, caN produCE markeD benefits. prOGnosis OF these", "whitespace_perturbation": " with the Indian Health Se rvice. - D iabet esmel li tus, pre vention, clini c al t rial - Human SubjectsTreat me n t of Ce ntral Vein T h ro m b osi sre mai ns un satis fac tory. H owever, th ere i s strong evi d en ce from arec ent study th atquick, a ggr e ssive th erapy withU rokina se for oc cl u sionso f recen t on set, can produce mark e db enefits. Progn osis o ft he s e ", "underscore_trick": " with_the Indian_Health Service. - Diabetes_mellitus, prevention,_clinical_trial -_Human_Subjects Treatment of_Central Vein Thrombosis_remains unsatisfactory. However, there_is strong evidence_from_a recent study that quick, aggressive therapy with Urokinase for occlusions of recent onset,_can_produce marked_benefits._Prognosis_of these"} +{"text": " substances across cells injured by a variety of harmful transport of macromolecular substances across cells injured by a variety of harmful agents. This information would be of fundamental importance in understanding the role of macromolecules and their transport process during physiologic and many pathologic conditions. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: Opar", "synonym_substitution": "substances across cells injured by a variety of harmful ecstasy of macromolecular meaning across cells injured by a variety of harmful agent. This information would be of fundamental importance in understand the character of macromolecules and their transport process during physiologic and many pathologic condition. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: Opar", "butter_fingers": " suhstances across cells inmured by a variejy of hacmful tdansport of macromolecular substanced qcrosw cells injured by a vxriety of harmful ageits. This informavjon would be kn funbanental importakce in undesstanding the soue of macromolecules and their transpjrt proveds during physyolobyc ahd many pathologic conditions. BIBLJOGRAPHPC REFERENCES: Opat", "random_deletion": "substances across cells injured by a variety transport macromolecular substances cells injured by This would be of importance in understanding role of macromolecules and their transport during physiologic and many pathologic conditions. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: Opar", "change_char_case": " substances across cells injuRed by a variEty of HarMfuL tRansPort Of macromoleculAR subStances across cells injuRed by A vARietY Of HarmfUl agentS. thIS InfOrMaTioN wOUlD be of FunDamentaL importancE in UnDerstanding tHE rOle of macroMolEcules and theIr tRanspoRt ProCEss duRinG physIologiC And manY pathologIc COnditiONs. BIBLIogrApHIC rEFERENCES: Opar", "whitespace_perturbation": " substances across cells i njured bya var iet y o fharm fultransport of m a crom olecular substances ac rossce l ls i n ju red b y a var i et y ofha rm ful a g en ts. T his inform ation woul d b eof fundament a limportance in understandi ngthe ro le of macro mol ecule s andt heir t ransportpr o cess d u ring ph y s io logi c and many pathol o gi c conditions. B IBLIOG RA P HI C REF ERE NCES: Opar ", "underscore_trick": " substances_across cells_injured by a variety_of harmful_transport_of macromolecular_substances_across cells injured_by a variety_of harmful agents. This_information would be_of_fundamental importance in understanding the role of macromolecules and their transport process during physiologic_and_many pathologic_conditions._BIBLIOGRAPHIC_REFERENCES: Opar"} +{"text": " meetings between all personnel involved in the diagnostic grant program, and exchange of facilities with Rockefeller assuming responsibility for culture work-up and Cornell the hematological aspects of the program. Histopathological evaluation of necropsy material in clinical and evaluation cases has been carried out by Dr. Frank Bloom. Glial cells form", "synonym_substitution": "meetings between all personnel involved in the diagnostic grant platform, and substitution of facilities with Rockefeller assuming responsibility for polish work - up and Cornell the hematological aspect of the course of study. Histopathological evaluation of necropsy material in clinical and evaluation casing has been carried out by Dr. Frank Bloom. Glial cells imprint", "butter_fingers": " meftings between all persoknel involved in the diegnostid grant orogram, and exchange of facipiries qith Rockefeller assumkng respojsibilitt foc culture work-up and Corkzll tgc hemctilogical aspecjs of the prmgram. Histopatvouoyical evaluation of necropsy materiaj in clonlcal and evaluwtiom casss has been carried out by Dr. Frani Bloom. Glial cells gorm", "random_deletion": "meetings between all personnel involved in the program, exchange of with Rockefeller assuming Cornell hematological aspects of program. Histopathological evaluation necropsy material in clinical and evaluation has been carried out by Dr. Frank Bloom. Glial cells form", "change_char_case": " meetings between all personnEl involved In the DiaGnoStIc grAnt pRogram, and exchaNGe of Facilities with RockefelLer asSuMIng rESpOnsibIlity foR CuLTUre WoRk-Up aNd cOrNell tHe hEmatoloGical aspecTs oF tHe program. HisTOpAthologicaL evAluation of neCroPsy matErIal IN clinIcaL and eValuatIOn caseS has been cArRIed out BY Dr. FranK bLoOm. GlIal cells form", "whitespace_perturbation": " meetings between all pers onnel invo lvedinthe d iagn osti c grant progra m , an d exchange of faciliti es wi th Rock e fe llerassumin g r e s pon si bi lit yf or cult ure work-u p and Corn ell t he hematolog i ca l aspectsofthe program. Hi stopat ho log i cal e val uatio n of n e cropsy material i n clini c al ande v al uati on cases has been ca r ried out by Dr . Fran kB lo o m . G lia l cells fo rm ", "underscore_trick": " meetings_between all_personnel involved in the_diagnostic grant_program,_and exchange_of_facilities with Rockefeller_assuming responsibility for_culture work-up and Cornell_the hematological aspects_of_the program. Histopathological evaluation of necropsy material in clinical and evaluation cases has been_carried_out by_Dr._Frank_Bloom. Glial cells form"} +{"text": "sensitive viruses provides the necessary system to study. Rearrangement of membrane components appears to play a role in altering cell behavior. We propose to examine the topological distribution of membrane components utilizing novel new cross-linking reagents synthesized in this laboratory for nearest-neighbor analysis. In addition, lectin-binding to cell surfaces", "synonym_substitution": "sensitive viruses provides the necessary system to analyze. Rearrangement of membrane component appears to play a role in change cell behavior. We project to examine the topological distribution of membrane components use novel new crabbed - linking reagents synthesized in this laboratory for cheeseparing - neighbor analysis. In accession, lectin - binding to cell surface", "butter_fingers": "senditive viruses provides uhe necessary sysjen to svudy. Rezrrangemdnt of membrane components a'peaes to play a role in alterivg cell bvhavior. Ww pripose to exejine thc topkpogieao distribution of membrate components gtklnzing novel new cross-linking reagentf synthrslzed in this lwborseory for nearest-neighbor analysis. In asdition, lectin-bindinb to cell surfaces", "random_deletion": "sensitive viruses provides the necessary system to of components appears play a role propose examine the topological of membrane components novel new cross-linking reagents synthesized in laboratory for nearest-neighbor analysis. In addition, lectin-binding to cell surfaces", "change_char_case": "sensitive viruses provides tHe necessarY systEm tO stUdY. ReaRranGement of membraNE comPonents appears to play a rOle in AlTErinG CeLl behAvior. We PRoPOSe tO eXaMinE tHE tOpoloGicAl distrIbution of mEmbRaNe components UTiLizing noveL neW cross-linkinG reAgents SyNthESized In tHis laBoratoRY for neArest-neigHbOR analySIs. In addITIoN, lecTin-binding to cell sURfACes", "whitespace_perturbation": "sensitive viruses provides the neces sarysys tem t o st udy. Rearrangement of m embrane components app earsto play arolein alte r in g cel lbe hav io r .We pr opo se to e xamine the to po logical dist r ib ution of m emb rane compone nts utili zi ngn ovelnew cros s-link i ng rea gents syn th e sizedi n thisl a bo rato ry for nearest-ne i gh b or analysis. I n addi ti o n, l ect in- binding to c ell s u rfaces", "underscore_trick": "sensitive viruses_provides the_necessary system to study._Rearrangement of_membrane_components appears_to_play a role_in altering cell_behavior. We propose to_examine the topological_distribution_of membrane components utilizing novel new cross-linking reagents synthesized in this laboratory for nearest-neighbor_analysis._In addition,_lectin-binding_to_cell surfaces"} +{"text": "OSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS: Quality continuing education is essential for health care providers. Providers and their organizations will request easy to use, inexpensive and engaging courses that help them detect opiate addiction and provide cost- efficient, effective treatment. Chronic smoking is a national public health problem. Associative-based interventions", "synonym_substitution": "OSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS: Quality continuing education is essential for health caution supplier. Providers and their organizations will request easy to practice, inexpensive and engaging courses that help oneself them detect opiate addiction and provide cost- efficient, effective discussion. Chronic smoke is a national public health trouble. Associative - based interventions", "butter_fingers": "OSEF COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONR: Quality contiuying evucatioh is essdntial for health care provivers. Provuders and their organixations wpll requewt eesy to use, inexpxhsive akb engzning eonrses that help them detewt opiate addiwtkou and provide cost- efficient, effectide treaymfnt. Chronic smjkinb is z national public health problem. Aasociatpve-based intervenyions", "random_deletion": "OSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS: Quality continuing education is health providers. Providers their organizations will and courses that help detect opiate addiction provide cost- efficient, effective treatment. Chronic is a national public health problem. Associative-based interventions", "change_char_case": "OSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONs: Quality coNtinuIng EduCaTion Is esSential for healTH carE providers. Providers and Their OrGAnizATiOns wiLl requeST eASY to UsE, iNexPeNSiVe and EngAging coUrses that hElp ThEm detect opiaTE aDdiction anD prOvide cost- effIciEnt, effEcTivE TreatMenT. ChroNic smoKIng is a National pUbLIc healTH probleM. aSsOciaTive-based intervenTIoNS", "whitespace_perturbation": "OSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATIO NS: Qualit y con tin uin geduc atio n is essential forhealth care providers. Prov id e rs a n dtheir organi z at i o nswi ll re qu e st easy to use, i nexpensive an dengaging cou r se s that hel p t hem detect o pia te add ic tio n andpro videcost-e fficie nt, effec ti v e trea t ment. C h r on ic s moking is a natio n al public healthproble m. As s o cia tiv e-based in te rvent i ons", "underscore_trick": "OSED COMMERCIAL_APPLICATIONS: Quality_continuing education is essential_for health_care_providers. Providers_and_their organizations will_request easy to_use, inexpensive and engaging_courses that help_them_detect opiate addiction and provide cost- efficient, effective treatment. Chronic smoking is a national_public_health problem._Associative-based_interventions"} +{"text": " a channel protein can be mutated systematically without perturbing its channel function. Site-directed mutagenesis was used as a perturbation method in order to identify the lipid-facing residues. Based on this study, simultaneous changes have been introduced at sites in its transmembrane lipid-facing exterior of the channel, which do not alter the channel function", "synonym_substitution": "a channel protein can be mutated systematically without perturbing its channel affair. web site - directed mutagenesis was used as a disturbance method acting in order to identify the lipid - facing residue. Based on this study, coincident variety have been insert at sites in its transmembrane lipid - facing exterior of the channel, which do not alter the channel affair", "butter_fingers": " a fhannel protein can be mmtated systematieqlly wmthout lerturbivg its channel function. Site-virexted nutagenesis was used ar a pertugbation mwthov in order to idxhtify tmz lipjf-facnnj residues. Basec on this vtudy, simultanaojs changes have been introduced at siees in otd transmembrang lippd-sacihg exterior of the channel, which dk not anter the chanmel function", "random_deletion": "a channel protein can be mutated systematically its function. Site-directed was used as to the lipid-facing residues. on this study, changes have been introduced at sites its transmembrane lipid-facing exterior of the channel, which do not alter the channel", "change_char_case": " a channel protein can be mutatEd systematIcallY wiThoUt PertUrbiNg its channel fuNCtioN. Site-directed mutagenesIs was UsED as a PErTurbaTion metHOd IN OrdEr To IdeNtIFy The liPid-Facing rEsidues. BasEd oN tHis study, simuLTaNeous changEs hAve been introDucEd at siTeS in ITs traNsmEmbraNe lipiD-Facing Exterior oF tHE channEL, which dO NOt AlteR the channel functiON", "whitespace_perturbation": " a channel protein can bemutated sy stema tic all ywith outperturbing its chan nel function. Site-dir ected m u tage n es is wa s useda sa per tu rb ati on me thodinorder t o identify th elipid-facing re sidues. Ba sed on this stu dy, simul ta neo u s cha nge s hav e been introd uced at s it e s in i t s trans m e mb rane lipid-facing ext e ri o r of the chann el, wh ic h d o not al ter the ch an nel f u nction", "underscore_trick": " a_channel protein_can be mutated systematically_without perturbing_its_channel function._Site-directed_mutagenesis was used_as a perturbation_method in order to_identify the lipid-facing_residues._Based on this study, simultaneous changes have been introduced at sites in its transmembrane_lipid-facing_exterior of_the_channel,_which do not alter the_channel function"} +{"text": " such as dioxins; this can explain the decreased fertility resulting from chronic exposure with age. The objective of this project is to identify checkpoints of oocyte development and early embryogenesis that are regulated by AhR ligands. Our central hypothesis is that environmental exposure to AhR ligands reinforces the decline in oocyte and embryo", "synonym_substitution": "such as dioxins; this can explain the decreased fertility result from chronic vulnerability with age. The objective of this project is to name checkpoints of oocyte development and early embryogenesis that are regulated by AhR ligand. Our cardinal hypothesis is that environmental exposure to AhR ligands reinforces the decline in oocyte and embryo", "butter_fingers": " sufh as dioxins; this can ewplain the decrecwed fectility resultivg from chronic exposure witi agw. The objective of this progect is tl identidy cieckpoints of oorgte devcjopmskt anb xarly embryogengsis that ara regulated by AfR ligands. Our central hypothesis is ehat enfigonmental expofure eo AgG oigands reinforces the declins in oobyte and embryo", "random_deletion": "such as dioxins; this can explain the resulting chronic exposure age. The objective identify of oocyte development early embryogenesis that regulated by AhR ligands. Our central is that environmental exposure to AhR ligands reinforces the decline in oocyte and", "change_char_case": " such as dioxins; this can explaIn the decreAsed fErtIliTy ResuLtinG from chronic exPOsurE with age. The objective of This pRoJEct iS To IdentIfy checKPoINTs oF oOcYte DeVElOpmenT anD early eMbryogenesIs tHaT are regulateD By ahR ligands. our Central hypotHesIs is thAt EnvIRonmeNtaL expoSure to aHR ligaNds reinfoRcES the deCLine in oOCYtE and Embryo", "whitespace_perturbation": " such as dioxins; this can explain t he de cre ase dfert ilit y resulting fr o m ch ronic exposure with ag e. Th eo bjec t iv e ofthis pr o je c t is t oide nt i fy chec kpo ints of oocyte de vel op ment and ear l yembryogene sis that are re gul ated b yAhR ligan ds. Ourcentra l hypot hesis isth a t envi r onmenta l ex posu re to AhR ligands re i nforces the de clinein oo c y teand embryo", "underscore_trick": " such_as dioxins;_this can explain the_decreased fertility_resulting_from chronic_exposure_with age. The_objective of this_project is to identify_checkpoints of oocyte_development_and early embryogenesis that are regulated by AhR ligands. Our central hypothesis is that_environmental_exposure to_AhR_ligands_reinforces the decline in oocyte_and embryo"} +{"text": " focus on the unique features of the regulation of LACAF, PIL and complement components by prolactin. The ability to determine the various forms of the prolactin receptor MRNAS affords the opportunity to determine the cell-specificity of these prolactin-induced changes in interstitial protein secretion. LACAF and", "synonym_substitution": "focus on the unique features of the regulation of LACAF, PIL and complement component by prolactin. The ability to settle the various forms of the prolactin receptor MRNAS yield the opportunity to determine the cell - specificity of these prolactin - induce variety in interstitial protein secretion. LACAF and", "butter_fingers": " fofus on the unique featurts of the regulatnin of NACAF, LIL and zomplement components by propaxtin. Uke ability to determkne the vwrious firms if the prolactin rceeptod MRNCS affords the okportunity tm determine tha zepl-specificity of these prolactin-indtced chsnhes in interstytiak profvik secretion. LACAF and", "random_deletion": "focus on the unique features of the LACAF, and complement by prolactin. The forms the prolactin receptor affords the opportunity determine the cell-specificity of these prolactin-induced in interstitial protein secretion. LACAF and", "change_char_case": " focus on the unique features oF the regulaTion oF LAcAF, pIl and CompLement componenTS by pRolactin. The ability to deTermiNe THe vaRIoUs forMs of the PRoLACtiN rEcEptOr mrNaS affOrdS the oppOrtunity to DetErMine the cell-sPEcIficity of tHesE prolactin-inDucEd chanGeS in INtersTitIal prOtein sECretioN. LACAF and", "whitespace_perturbation": " focus on the unique featu res of the regu lat ion o f LA CAF, PIL and compl e ment components by prolact in. T he abil i ty to d etermin e t h e va ri ou s f or m sof th e p rolacti n receptor MR NA S affords th e o pportunity to determine t hecell-s pe cif i cityofthese prola c tin-in duced cha ng e s in i n terstit i a lprot ein secretion. LA C AF and", "underscore_trick": " focus_on the_unique features of the_regulation of_LACAF,_PIL and_complement_components by prolactin._The ability to_determine the various forms_of the prolactin_receptor_MRNAS affords the opportunity to determine the cell-specificity of these prolactin-induced changes in interstitial_protein_secretion. LACAF_and"} +{"text": " to a schedule that prevents anticipation of sampling but which assesses cumulative/recent ART adherence. We will also examine which aspects of prescription opioid use, pain, withdrawal, and demographic, social, structural, and other environmental contexts (measured by timeline follow back and quantitative interviews) are most closely linked to ART adherence. Furthermore,", "synonym_substitution": "to a schedule that prevents anticipation of sampling but which tax accumulative / recent ART attachment. We will besides examine which aspects of prescription opioid function, pain, withdrawal, and demographic, social, geomorphologic, and other environmental contexts (measure by timeline follow back and quantitative interviews) are most close linked to ART adherence. Furthermore,", "butter_fingers": " to a schedule that preventr anticipation of sampning bht which assesses cumulative/recent ACT aeherebce. We will also examive which wspects if pcescription opioms use, pain, wifmdrawcl, and demographlc, social, sdructural, and mtfex environmental contexts (measured by timelime follow back agd qlagtitzniye interviews) are most closely ljnked tm ART adherenve. Furthermore,", "random_deletion": "to a schedule that prevents anticipation of which cumulative/recent ART We will also opioid pain, withdrawal, and social, structural, and environmental contexts (measured by timeline follow and quantitative interviews) are most closely linked to ART adherence. Furthermore,", "change_char_case": " to a schedule that prevents anTicipation Of samPliNg bUt WhicH assEsses cumulativE/ReceNt ART adherence. We will alSo exaMiNE whiCH aSpectS of presCRiPTIon OpIoId uSe, PAiN, withDraWal, and dEmographic, SocIaL, structural, aND oTher enviroNmeNtal contexts (MeaSured bY tImeLIne foLloW back And quaNTitatiVe interviEwS) Are mosT Closely LINkEd to aRT adherence. FurthERmORe,", "whitespace_perturbation": " to a schedule that preven ts anticip ation of sa mp ling but which assesse s cum ulative/recent ART adh erenc e. We w i ll also examin e w h i chas pe cts o f p rescr ipt ion opi oid use, p ain ,withdrawal,a nd demograph ic, social, str uct ural,an d o t her e nvi ronme ntal c o ntexts (measure db y time l ine fol l o wback and quantitative in t erviews) are m ost cl os e ly l ink edto ART adh er ence. Further m or e , ", "underscore_trick": " to_a schedule_that prevents anticipation of_sampling but_which_assesses cumulative/recent_ART_adherence. We will_also examine which_aspects of prescription opioid_use, pain, withdrawal,_and_demographic, social, structural, and other environmental contexts (measured by timeline follow back and quantitative_interviews)_are most_closely_linked_to ART adherence. Furthermore,"} +{"text": ". The surface of this exterior-modified channel has a sequence motif known to form a specific helix-to-helix interaction, through which the exterior-modified channel itself is solubilized by binding of synthetic amphipathic peptides to the channel exterior in the aqueous phase without the use of detergents. Understanding the structural", "synonym_substitution": ". The surface of this exterior - modified channel take a succession motif known to imprint a specific coil - to - helix interaction, through which the exterior - modified groove itself is solubilized by binding of synthetic amphipathic peptide to the distribution channel exterior in the aqueous phase without the manipulation of detergents. Understanding the morphologic", "butter_fingers": ". Thf surface of this exteriur-modified chanuwl has a seqhence mogif known to form a specific hwlix-ti-helix interaction, thruugh whicj the exreriie-modified rgannel lcself ls sonnbilized by bincing of sytthetic amphipdtfie peptides to the channel exterior ig the aaufous phase witrout ehe hse of detergents. Understanding ths strucuural", "random_deletion": ". The surface of this exterior-modified channel sequence known to a specific helix-to-helix channel is solubilized by of synthetic amphipathic to the channel exterior in the phase without the use of detergents. Understanding the structural", "change_char_case": ". The surface of this exterior-mOdified chaNnel hAs a SeqUeNce mOtif Known to form a spECifiC helix-to-helix interactiOn, thrOuGH whiCH tHe extErior-moDIfIED chAnNeL itSeLF iS soluBilIzed by bInding of syNthEtIc amphipathiC PePtides to thE chAnnel exterioR in The aquEoUs pHAse wiThoUt the Use of dETergenTs. UnderstAnDIng the STructurAL", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The surface of this exte rior-modif ied c han nel h as a seq uence motif kn o wn t o form a specific heli x-to- he l ix i n te racti on, thr o ug h whi ch t heex t er ior-m odi fied ch annel itse lfis solubilized by binding o f s ynthetic amp hip athicpe pti d es to th e cha nnel e x terior in the a qu e ous ph a se with o u ttheuse of detergents . U n derstanding th e stru ct u ra l ", "underscore_trick": ". The_surface of_this exterior-modified channel has_a sequence_motif_known to_form_a specific helix-to-helix_interaction, through which_the exterior-modified channel itself_is solubilized by_binding_of synthetic amphipathic peptides to the channel exterior in the aqueous phase without the_use_of detergents._Understanding_the_structural"} +{"text": " animals used in research studies. Our research focuses on the physiological effects of natural or contaminating compounds in the micro-environment (e.g., animal feed, caging, bedding, water, etc.)of the research animals. Our goal is to assure that we minimize exposure to environmental compounds that may effect animal health", "synonym_substitution": "animals used in research studies. Our inquiry concenter on the physiological effects of lifelike or contaminating compound in the micro - environment (e.g., animal feed, caging, bedding, body of water, etc.)of the research animals. Our finish is to reassure that we minimize photograph to environmental compounds that may effect animal health", "butter_fingers": " anlmals used in research suudies. Our researey focuves on the phyriological effects of naturap ir cobtaminating compounds kn the mibro-envirobmenu (e.g., animal feed, rzging, bcbding, aatex, xtc.)of the reseatch animals. Mur goal is to arsbre that we minimize exposure to envyronmenyap compounds thwt msr efrvcu animal health", "random_deletion": "animals used in research studies. Our research the effects of or contaminating compounds feed, bedding, water, etc.)of research animals. Our is to assure that we minimize to environmental compounds that may effect animal health", "change_char_case": " animals used in research studIes. Our reseArch fOcuSes On The pHysiOlogical effectS Of naTural or contaminating coMpounDs IN the MIcRo-envIronmenT (E.g., ANImaL fEeD, caGiNG, bEddinG, waTer, etc.)oF the researCh aNiMals. Our goal iS To Assure that We mInimize exposUre To enviRoNmeNTal coMpoUnds tHat may EFfect aNimal healTh", "whitespace_perturbation": " animals used in researchstudies. O ur re sea rch f ocus es o n the physiolo g ical effects of natural or cont am i nati n gcompo unds in th e mic ro -e nvi ro n me nt (e .g. , anima l feed, ca gin g, bedding, wa t er , etc.)ofthe research an ima ls. Ou rgoa l is t o a ssure thatw e mini mize expo su r e to e n vironme n t al com pounds that may e f fe c t animal healt h", "underscore_trick": " animals_used in_research studies. Our research_focuses on_the_physiological effects_of_natural or contaminating_compounds in the_micro-environment (e.g., animal feed,_caging, bedding, water,_etc.)of_the research animals. Our goal is to assure that we minimize exposure to environmental_compounds_that may_effect_animal_health"} +{"text": " dollar industry. Statistical software for this industry is itself a significant business. We sell iBART both to drug company trialists and to federally sponsored clinical researchers. We expect iBART s tutorial and the Bayesian approach in general to appeal especially to the many trialists without specialized statistical qualifications. This proposal will investigate several", "synonym_substitution": "dollar industry. Statistical software for this industry is itself a significant business. We deal iBART both to drug ship's company trialists and to federally sponsored clinical researchers. We expect iBART s tutorial and the Bayesian approach path in general to appeal specially to the many trialists without specialized statistical qualification. This proposal will investigate several", "butter_fingers": " doplar industry. Statisticau software for jhus indnstry ia itself a significant business. We sxll uBART both to drug company grialists and to dedecally sponsored rminical reseadghers. Xe expect iBART s tutorian and the Bayevixn approach in general to appeal espesially yo the many triajistx witgout specialized statistical qualiricatiois. This proposak will investigate several", "random_deletion": "dollar industry. Statistical software for this industry a business. We iBART both to federally clinical researchers. We iBART s tutorial the Bayesian approach in general to especially to the many trialists without specialized statistical qualifications. This proposal will investigate", "change_char_case": " dollar industry. Statistical Software foR this IndUstRy Is itSelf A significant buSInesS. We sell iBART both to drug CompaNy TRialIStS and tO federaLLy SPOnsOrEd CliNiCAl ReseaRchErs. We exPect iBART s TutOrIal and the BayESiAn approach In gEneral to appeAl eSpeciaLlY to THe manY trIalisTs withOUt specIalized stAtIStical QUalificATIoNs. ThIs proposal will invEStIGate several", "whitespace_perturbation": " dollar industry. Statisti cal softwa re fo r t his i ndus tryis itself a si g nifi cant business. We sell iBAR Tb otht odrugcompany tr i a lis ts a ndto fe deral lysponsor ed clinica l r es earchers. We ex pect iBART stutorial and th e Baye si ana pproa chin ge neralt o appe al especi al l y to t h e manyt r ia list s without special i ze d statistical q ualifi ca t io n s . T his proposalwi ll in v estigat e s e v e ral ", "underscore_trick": " dollar_industry. Statistical_software for this industry_is itself_a_significant business._We_sell iBART both_to drug company_trialists and to federally_sponsored clinical researchers._We_expect iBART s tutorial and the Bayesian approach in general to appeal especially to_the_many trialists_without_specialized_statistical qualifications. This proposal will_investigate several"} +{"text": " be selected. These might potentially serve as preventative HIV-1 vaccine candidates for further studies in nonhuman primates and clinical trials. Surgical resection for cancer is becoming more minimally invasive with smaller incisions and less patient morbidity. However, this process switches the burden to the surgeon to remove all the disease with suboptimal visualization.", "synonym_substitution": "be selected. These might potentially serve as preventative HIV-1 vaccine candidates for further report in nonhuman archpriest and clinical trials. Surgical resection for cancer is becoming more minimally invasive with minor incisions and less patient morbidity. However, this summons switch the burden to the surgeon to get rid of all the disease with suboptimal visualization.", "butter_fingers": " be selected. These might pouentially serve as preveitative HIV-1 vaczine candidates for further dtydies in nonhuman primates xnd clinibal trialw. Sucgical resection for cangzr is necomnnj more minimalli invasive whth smaller inwirilns and less patient morbidity. Howeder, thix orocess switchgs tht btrdeh to the surgeon to remove all the diseast with suboptimal fisualization.", "random_deletion": "be selected. These might potentially serve as vaccine for further in nonhuman primates for is becoming more invasive with smaller and less patient morbidity. However, this switches the burden to the surgeon to remove all the disease with suboptimal", "change_char_case": " be selected. These might potenTially servE as prEveNtaTiVe HIv-1 vacCine candidates FOr fuRther studies in nonhuman PrimaTeS And cLInIcal tRials. SuRGiCAL reSeCtIon FoR CaNcer iS beComing mOre minimalLy iNvAsive with smaLLeR incisions And Less patient mOrbIdity. HOwEveR, This pRocEss swItches THe burdEn to the suRgEOn to reMOve all tHE DiSeasE with suboptimal viSUaLIzation.", "whitespace_perturbation": " be selected. These mightpotentiall y ser veaspr even tati ve HIV-1 vacci n e ca ndidates for further s tudie si n no n hu man p rimates an d cli ni ca l t ri a ls . Sur gic al rese ction forcan ce r is becomin g m ore minima lly invasive wi thsmalle rinc i sions an d les s pati e nt mor bidity. H ow e ver, t h is proc e s sswit ches the burden t o t h e surgeon to r emoveal l t h e di sea se with su bo ptima l visual i za t i o n.", "underscore_trick": " be_selected. These_might potentially serve as_preventative HIV-1_vaccine_candidates for_further_studies in nonhuman_primates and clinical_trials. Surgical resection for_cancer is becoming_more_minimally invasive with smaller incisions and less patient morbidity. However, this process switches the_burden_to the_surgeon_to_remove all the disease with_suboptimal visualization."} +{"text": " Greenwood formula was the smallest among all three different variance estimators. On the basis of the mean square error criteria, the differences were negligible between the three different variance estimators. The Greenwood formula did not approach the confidence coefficient 0.95 in any censored observation. The confidence coefficient of Peto's formula was closer to", "synonym_substitution": "Greenwood formula was the smallest among all three different variance calculator. On the footing of the beggarly square error criterion, the differences were negligible between the three different variability calculator. The Greenwood formula did not approach the confidence coefficient 0.95 in any censored observation. The assurance coefficient of Peto's formula was closer to", "butter_fingers": " Grfenwood formula was the rmallest among col thrxe diffsrent vafiance estimators. On the basms od the mean square error crigeria, the differebces qere neglijjble bebceen fme thxex different varlance estimdtors. The Greetwuob formula did not approach the confiqence cpevficient 0.95 in agy ctnsjred observation. The confidence coeffidient oh Peto's formula was closer to", "random_deletion": "Greenwood formula was the smallest among all variance On the of the mean were between the three variance estimators. The formula did not approach the confidence 0.95 in any censored observation. The confidence coefficient of Peto's formula was closer", "change_char_case": " Greenwood formula was the smaLlest among All thRee DifFeRent VariAnce estimators. oN the Basis of the mean square erRor crItERia, tHE dIfferEnces weRE nEGLigIbLe BetWeEN tHe thrEe dIfferenT variance eStiMaTors. The GreenWOoD formula diD noT approach the ConFidencE cOefFIcienT 0.95 in Any ceNsored OBservaTion. The coNfIDence cOEfficieNT Of peto'S formula was closer TO", "whitespace_perturbation": " Greenwood formula was the smallestamong al l t hr ee d iffe rent variancee stim ators. On the basis of theme a n sq u ar e err or crit e ri a , th edi ffe re n ce s wer e n egligib le between th ethree differ e nt varianceest imators. The Gr eenwoo dfor m ula d idnot a pproac h the c onfidence c o effici e nt 0.95 i nanycensored observat i on . The confidenc e coef fi c ie n t of Pe to's formu la wasc loser t o ", "underscore_trick": " Greenwood_formula was_the smallest among all_three different_variance_estimators. On_the_basis of the_mean square error_criteria, the differences were_negligible between the_three_different variance estimators. The Greenwood formula did not approach the confidence coefficient 0.95 in_any_censored observation._The_confidence_coefficient of Peto's formula was_closer to"} +{"text": " peripheral pain reported by many cancer patients may be addressed by effective regulation of neuroimmune molecules. DESCRIPTION: It is hypothesized that estrogen deficiency induces a decrease in the rate of fat oxidation which leads to accelerated gain of visceral fat mass and its associated insulin resistance. It is further hypothesized that viscera fat accumulation will be prevented", "synonym_substitution": "peripheral pain reported by many cancer patients may be addressed by effective rule of neuroimmune molecule. DESCRIPTION: It is hypothesized that estrogen deficiency induce a decrease in the pace of fat oxidation which leads to accelerated addition of visceral fat batch and its associated insulin resistance. It is far hypothesized that viscera fat collection will be prevent", "butter_fingers": " pegipheral pain reported bn many cancer pajiwnts mey be asdressed by effective regulation of ieuriimmube molecules. DESCRIPTIUN: It is jypothesuzed rhat estrojsn defignency lnduczs a decrease in the rate mf fat oxidatimn wkich leads to accelerated gain of vifceral gah mass and its asspsiatsd insulin resistance. It is furthed hypotiesized that vixcera fat accumulation wilp be prevented", "random_deletion": "peripheral pain reported by many cancer patients addressed effective regulation neuroimmune molecules. DESCRIPTION: deficiency a decrease in rate of fat which leads to accelerated gain of fat mass and its associated insulin resistance. It is further hypothesized that viscera accumulation will be prevented", "change_char_case": " peripheral pain reported by mAny cancer pAtienTs mAy bE aDdreSsed By effective regULatiOn of neuroimmune moleculEs. DEScRipTIOn: it Is hypOthesizED tHAT esTrOgEn dEfICiEncy iNduCes a decRease in the RatE oF fat oxidatioN WhIch leads to AccElerated gain Of vIsceraL fAt mASs and Its AssocIated iNSulin rEsistance. it IS furthER hypothESIzEd thAt viscera fat accumULaTIon will be preveNted", "whitespace_perturbation": " peripheral pain reportedby many ca ncerpat ien ts may beaddressed by e f fect ive regulation of neur oimmu ne mole c ul es. D ESCRIPT I ON : Itis h ypo th e si zed t hat estrog en deficie ncy i nduces a dec r ea se in therat e of fat oxi dat ion wh ic h l e ads t o a ccele ratedg ain of visceral f a t mass and its a ss ocia ted insulin resis t an c e. It is furth er hyp ot h es i z edtha t viscerafa t acc u mulatio n w i l l be prevented", "underscore_trick": " peripheral_pain reported_by many cancer patients_may be_addressed_by effective_regulation_of neuroimmune molecules._DESCRIPTION: It is_hypothesized that estrogen deficiency_induces a decrease_in_the rate of fat oxidation which leads to accelerated gain of visceral fat mass_and_its associated_insulin_resistance._It is further hypothesized that_viscera fat accumulation will be_prevented"} +{"text": "TLCC]). These neurodevelopmental abnormalities are likely to be expressed premorbidly by subtle behavioral, cognitive, and structural \"vulnerability markers\". In most cases, these abnormalities require specific maturational processes (i.e., synaptic elimination, myelination), which occur around puberty, to unmask", "synonym_substitution": "TLCC ]). These neurodevelopmental abnormalities are likely to be expressed premorbidly by subtle behavioral, cognitive, and geomorphologic \" vulnerability marker \". In most cases, these abnormalities require specific maturational process (i.e., synaptic elimination, myelination), which occur around puberty, to unmask", "butter_fingers": "TLCF]). These neurodevelopmentxl abnormalities are lmkely tk be expfessed premorbidly by subtle bwhaviiral, cognitive, and strjctural \"vllnerabiluty nqrkers\". In most cascf, thsde aynirmalities reqoire specifiw maturational pfoeesses (i.e., synaptic elimination, myeligation), ehlch occur arougd plbqrty, no unmask", "random_deletion": "TLCC]). These neurodevelopmental abnormalities are likely to premorbidly subtle behavioral, and structural \"vulnerability abnormalities specific maturational processes synaptic elimination, myelination), occur around puberty, to unmask", "change_char_case": "TLCC]). These neurodevelopmentAl abnormalIties Are LikElY to bE expRessed premorbiDLy by Subtle behavioral, cognitIve, anD sTRuctURaL \"vulnErabiliTY mARKerS\". IN mOst CaSEs, These AbnOrmalitIes require SpeCiFic maturatioNAl Processes (i.E., syNaptic eliminAtiOn, myelInAtiON), whicH ocCur arOund puBErty, to Unmask", "whitespace_perturbation": "TLCC]). These neurodevelop mental abn ormal iti esar e li kely to be express e d pr emorbidly by subtle be havio ra l , co g ni tive, and st r uc t u ral \" vu lne ra b il ity m ark ers\". I n most cas es, t hese abnorma l it ies requir e s pecific matu rat ionalpr oce s ses ( i.e ., sy naptic elimin ation, my el i nation ) , which o cc ur a round puberty, to un m ask", "underscore_trick": "TLCC]). These_neurodevelopmental abnormalities_are likely to be_expressed premorbidly_by_subtle behavioral,_cognitive,_and structural \"vulnerability_markers\". In most_cases, these abnormalities require_specific maturational processes_(i.e.,_synaptic elimination, myelination), which occur around puberty, to unmask"} +{"text": "rosinase, whereas R298W is located within the Cys-rich motif 2. The mutations N364H, P384A, D394N, D437N and R403V disrupt the coordination of the copper ion center. A490D affects conformation of helix located in melanosomal membrane. TYRP", "synonym_substitution": "rosinase, whereas R298W is located within the Cys - rich motif 2. The mutations N364H, P384A, D394N, D437N and R403V interrupt the coordination of the bull ion center. A490D affects shape of coil located in melanosomal membrane. TYRP", "butter_fingers": "roslnase, whereas R298W is locaued within the Cys-rich mmtif 2. Fhe mutagions N364H, P384A, D394N, D437N and R403V discupt the xoordination of the cooper ion benter. A490D afftcts conformation of heliw loczbed iu nelanosomal mekbrane. TYR[", "random_deletion": "rosinase, whereas R298W is located within the 2. mutations N364H, D394N, D437N and the ion center. A490D conformation of helix in melanosomal membrane. TYRP", "change_char_case": "rosinase, whereas R298W is locateD within the cys-riCh mOtiF 2. THe muTatiOns N364H, P384A, D394N, D437N and r403v disRupt the coordination of tHe copPeR Ion cENtEr. A490D aFfects cONfORMatIoN oF heLiX LoCated In mElanosoMal membranE. TYrP", "whitespace_perturbation": "rosinase, whereas R298W is located w ithin th e C ys -ric h mo tif 2. The mut a tion s N364H, P384A, D394N, D437 Na nd R 4 03 V dis rupt th e c o o rdi na ti onof th e cop per ion ce nter. A490 D a ff ects conform a ti on of heli x l ocated in me lan osomal m emb r ane.TYR P", "underscore_trick": "rosinase, whereas_R298W is_located within the Cys-rich_motif 2._The_mutations N364H,_P384A,_D394N, D437N and_R403V disrupt the_coordination of the copper_ion center. A490D_affects_conformation of helix located in melanosomal membrane. TYRP"} +{"text": " experimental model that combines direct and indirect calorimetry so that core temperature and its determinants (metabolic heat production and heat release) can be simultaneously measured, enabling rigorous determination of allostatic dynamics during repeated N2O administrations. This thermoregulatory model system also provides a sensitive method for determining the motivational consequences of all", "synonym_substitution": "experimental model that combines direct and indirect calorimetry so that effect temperature and its determinant (metabolic heat production and heat handout) can be simultaneously measured, enabling rigorous decision of allostatic moral force during repeated N2O administrations. This thermoregulatory model system also put up a sensitive method for determine the motivational consequence of all", "butter_fingers": " exoerimental model that coobines direct aue indicect camorimetrh so that core temperature aid irs deuvrminants (metabolic hdat produbtion and heau release) can be simultancjuslg meavnred, enabling rlgorous detarmination of dluodtatic dynamics during repeated N2O wdminisyrwtions. This thgrmortgujatodj nodel system also provides a aensitine method for detrrmining the motivational fonsfquences of all", "random_deletion": "experimental model that combines direct and indirect that temperature and determinants (metabolic heat be measured, enabling rigorous of allostatic dynamics repeated N2O administrations. This thermoregulatory model also provides a sensitive method for determining the motivational consequences of all", "change_char_case": " experimental model that combInes direct And inDirEct CaLoriMetrY so that core temPEratUre and its determinants (mEtaboLiC Heat PRoDuctiOn and heAT rELEasE) cAn Be sImULtAneouSly MeasureD, enabling rIgoRoUs determinatIOn Of allostatIc dYnamics durinG rePeated n2O AdmINistrAtiOns. ThIs therMOregulAtory modeL sYStem alSO providES A sEnsiTive method for deteRMiNIng the motivatiOnal coNsEQuENCes Of aLl", "whitespace_perturbation": " experimental model that c ombines di rectand in di rect cal orimetry so th a t co re temperature and its dete rm i nant s ( metab olic he a tp r odu ct io n a nd he at re lea se) can be simult ane ou sly measured , e nabling ri gor ous determin ati on ofal los t aticdyn amics durin g repea ted N2O a dm i nistra t ions. T h i sther moregulatory mode l s y stem also prov ides a s e ns i t ive me thod for d et ermin i ng them ot i v a tio n al consequenc es of all", "underscore_trick": " experimental_model that_combines direct and indirect_calorimetry so_that_core temperature_and_its determinants (metabolic_heat production and_heat release) can be_simultaneously measured, enabling_rigorous_determination of allostatic dynamics during repeated N2O administrations. This thermoregulatory model system also provides_a_sensitive method_for_determining_the motivational consequences of all"} +{"text": ": 1) Aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards, these units are vastly different than those teachers are familiar with and making community connections are also difficult to orchestrate; 2) The potential for maintaining and enhancing student engagement was limited by short periods during the school year and lack of continuity from year to year; 3)", "synonym_substitution": ": 1) Aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards, these units are vastly different than those teachers are conversant with and do community connections are besides difficult to mastermind; 2) The potential for maintaining and enhance scholar engagement was limited by short periods during the school year and lack of continuity from class to year; 3 )", "butter_fingers": ": 1) Apigned with the Next Gentration Science Sjabdards, these units afe vastly different than thode teacyers are familiar with and makijg commubity xonnections are also difrlcult vo orchestrate; 2) The potendial for maintdiviug and enhancing student engagement ras limotfd by short petiods qurihg the school year and lack of confinuity from year to year; 3)", "random_deletion": ": 1) Aligned with the Next Generation these are vastly than those teachers community are also difficult orchestrate; 2) The for maintaining and enhancing student engagement limited by short periods during the school year and lack of continuity from to year; 3)", "change_char_case": ": 1) Aligned with the Next GeneratIon Science standArdS, thEsE uniTs arE vastly differeNT thaN those teachers are familIar wiTh ANd maKInG commUnity coNNeCTIonS aRe AlsO dIFfIcult To oRchestrAte; 2) The poteNtiAl For maintainiNG aNd enhancinG stUdent engagemEnt Was limItEd bY Short PerIods dUring tHE schooL year and lAcK Of contINuity frOM YeAr to Year; 3)", "whitespace_perturbation": ": 1) Aligned with the Next Generatio n Sci enc e S ta ndar ds,these units ar e vas tly different than tho se te ac h ersa re fami liar wi t ha n d m ak in g c om m un ity c onn ections are alsodif fi cult to orch e st rate; 2) T hepotential fo r m aintai ni nga nd en han cingstuden t engag ement was l i mitedb y short p er iods during the schoo l y e ar and lack of conti nu i ty f rom ye ar to year ;3)", "underscore_trick": ": 1)_Aligned with_the Next Generation Science_Standards, these_units_are vastly_different_than those teachers_are familiar with_and making community connections_are also difficult_to_orchestrate; 2) The potential for maintaining and enhancing student engagement was limited by short_periods_during the_school_year_and lack of continuity from_year to year; 3)"} +{"text": "5,-bis-phosphate (PIP2) is the precursor of inositol-trisphosphate (IP3), diacylglycerol (DAG), and phosphatidylinositol-trisphosphate (PIP3). It also anchors cytoskeleton and numerous signaling molecules at the plasmalemma, and its metabolism", "synonym_substitution": "5,-bis - phosphate (PIP2) is the precursor of inositol - trisphosphate (IP3), diacylglycerol (DAG), and phosphatidylinositol - trisphosphate (PIP3). It also anchors cytoskeleton and numerous signaling molecules at the plasmalemma, and its metamorphosis", "butter_fingers": "5,-bis-ohosphate (PIP2) is the pregursor of inositol-trispiosphats (IP3), diazylglycerol (DAG), and phosphatmdylunosiujl-trisphosphate (PIO3). It also anchors cytiwkeleton ais numerous sifkaliny nolecules at tme plasmalekma, and its medacopism", "random_deletion": "5,-bis-phosphate (PIP2) is the precursor of inositol-trisphosphate (DAG), phosphatidylinositol-trisphosphate (PIP3). also anchors cytoskeleton the and its metabolism", "change_char_case": "5,-bis-phosphate (PIP2) is the precuRsor of inosItol-tRisPhoSpHate (iP3), diAcylglycerol (DAg), And pHosphatidylinositol-triSphosPhATe (PIp3). it Also aNchors cYToSKEleToN aNd nUmERoUs sigNalIng moleCules at the PlaSmAlemma, and its MEtAbolism", "whitespace_perturbation": "5,-bis-phosphate (PIP2) is the precu rsorofino si tol- tris phosphate (IP3 ) , di acylglycerol (DAG), an d pho sp h atid y li nosit ol-tris p ho s p hat e(P IP3 ). It also an chors c ytoskeleto n a nd numerous si g na ling molec ule s at the pla sma lemma, a ndi ts me tab olism ", "underscore_trick": "5,-bis-phosphate (PIP2)_is the_precursor of inositol-trisphosphate (IP3),_diacylglycerol (DAG),_and_phosphatidylinositol-trisphosphate (PIP3)._It_also anchors cytoskeleton_and numerous signaling_molecules at the plasmalemma,_and its metabolism"} +{"text": " These studies should generate new concepts and paradigms to test in man, and possibly new approaches to immunotherapy, as has happened with mouse models of other diseases. Recently, a number of studies have shown that mammalian central nervous system axons can regrow following lesion if given the proper environment (Richardson, 1980; David and", "synonym_substitution": "These studies should generate new concepts and substitution class to screen in man, and possibly new approaches to immunotherapy, as has happen with mouse models of early diseases. Recently, a number of studies have read that mammalian central nervous organization axons can regrow following wound if given the proper environment (Richardson, 1980; David and", "butter_fingers": " Thfse studies should generxte new concepts and peradigma to tesg in man, and possibly new ap'roaxhes uj immunotherapy, as has happvned with mouww models oh other diseassd. Reeeitly, a number on studies hdve shown that mxmlalian central nervous system axons can rebrlw following lgsion yf gjnek the proper environment (Richardaon, 1980; Danid and", "random_deletion": "These studies should generate new concepts and test man, and new approaches to mouse of other diseases. a number of have shown that mammalian central nervous axons can regrow following lesion if given the proper environment (Richardson, 1980; David", "change_char_case": " These studies should generatE new concepTs and ParAdiGmS to tEst iN man, and possiblY New aPproaches to immunotheraPy, as hAs HAppeNEd With mOuse modELs OF OthEr DiSeaSeS. reCentlY, a nUmber of Studies havE shOwN that mammaliAN cEntral nervOus System axons cAn rEgrow fOlLowINg lesIon If givEn the pROper enVironment (riCHardsoN, 1980; david anD", "whitespace_perturbation": " These studies should gene rate new c oncep tsand p arad igms to test in ma n , an d possibly new approac hes t oi mmun o th erapy , as ha s h a p pen ed w ith m o us e mod els of oth er disease s.Re cently, a nu m be r of studi eshave shown t hat mamma li anc entra l n ervou s syst e m axon s can reg ro w follo w ing les i o nif g iven the proper e n vi r onment (Richar dson,19 8 0; D avi d a nd", "underscore_trick": " These_studies should_generate new concepts and_paradigms to_test_in man,_and_possibly new approaches_to immunotherapy, as_has happened with mouse_models of other_diseases._Recently, a number of studies have shown that mammalian central nervous system axons can_regrow_following lesion_if_given_the proper environment (Richardson, 1980;_David and"} +{"text": " techniques in serial electron microscopy and immunogold labeling, and training in multiphoton laser scanning microscopy, one of the most advanced techniques for live tissue imaging. The candidate's long-term goal is to become an independent investigator in an academic setting. Environment: The MRSDA sponsor is one of the foremost researchers studying", "synonym_substitution": "techniques in serial electron microscopy and immunogold labeling, and training in multiphoton laser scanning microscopy, one of the most advance technique for live tissue imaging. The campaigner's long - terminus goal is to become an independent research worker in an academic setting. Environment: The MRSDA sponsor is one of the first research worker studying", "butter_fingers": " tefhniques in serial electvon microscopy aue immuiogold mabeling, and training in multiphoton lqser wcanning microscopy, ond of the lost advqncev techniques for live tissue ijwginy. Vhe candidate's kong-term gmal is to becoke au independent investigator in an acaqemic srthing. Environmegt: Tnq MRADA sponsor is one of the foremost researbhers studying", "random_deletion": "techniques in serial electron microscopy and immunogold training multiphoton laser microscopy, one of live imaging. The candidate's goal is to an independent investigator in an academic Environment: The MRSDA sponsor is one of the foremost researchers studying", "change_char_case": " techniques in serial electroN microscopY and iMmuNogOlD labElinG, and training in MUltiPhoton laser scanning micRoscoPy, ONe of THe Most aDvanced TEcHNIquEs FoR liVe TIsSue imAgiNg. The caNdidate's loNg-tErM goal is to becOMe An independEnt Investigator In aN acadeMiC seTTing. ENviRonmeNt: The MrsDA spoNsor is one Of THe foreMOst reseARChErs sTudying", "whitespace_perturbation": " techniques in serial elec tron micro scopy an d i mm unog oldlabeling, andt rain ing in multiphoton las er sc an n ingm ic rosco py, one of t hemo st ad va n ce d tec hni ques fo r live tis sue i maging. Thec an didate's l ong -term goal i s t o beco me an indep end ent i nvesti g ator i n an acad em i c sett i ng. Env i r on ment : The MRSDA spons o ri s one of the f oremos tr es e a rch ers studying", "underscore_trick": " techniques_in serial_electron microscopy and immunogold_labeling, and_training_in multiphoton_laser_scanning microscopy, one_of the most_advanced techniques for live_tissue imaging. The_candidate's_long-term goal is to become an independent investigator in an academic setting. Environment: The_MRSDA_sponsor is_one_of_the foremost researchers studying"} +{"text": " enteric diseases to exploit this powerful model to study the pathogenesis of four major etiologic agents of diarrheal disease: three pathotypes of diarrheagenic E.coli (enteroaggregative, enterohemorrhagic and enterotoxigenic E. coli) and Shigella. Investigators", "synonym_substitution": "enteric diseases to exploit this powerful exemplar to analyze the pathogenesis of four major etiologic agents of diarrheal disease: three pathotypes of diarrheagenic E.coli (enteroaggregative, enterohemorrhagic and enterotoxigenic E. coli) and Shigella. Investigators", "butter_fingers": " enheric diseases to exploiu this powerful model to study the patfogenesis of four major etiopotic atents of diarrheal disdase: threv pathotypes id diarrheajsnic E.coli (enfcroagyrxgative, enterohgmorrhagic atd enterotoxigankc E. coli) and Shigella. Investigators", "random_deletion": "enteric diseases to exploit this powerful model the of four etiologic agents of diarrheagenic (enteroaggregative, enterohemorrhagic and E. coli) and Investigators", "change_char_case": " enteric diseases to exploit tHis powerfuL modeL to StuDy The pAthoGenesis of four mAJor eTiologic agents of diarrhEal diSeASe: thREe PathoTypes of DIaRRHeaGeNiC E.cOlI (EnTeroaGgrEgative, EnterohemoRrhAgIc and enterotOXiGenic E. coli) And shigella. InveStiGators", "whitespace_perturbation": " enteric diseases to explo it this po werfu l m ode lto s tudy the pathogene s is o f four major etiologic agen ts of d i ar rheal diseas e :t h ree p at hot yp e sof di arr heageni c E.coli ( ent er oaggregative , e nterohemor rha gic and ente rot oxigen ic E. coli) an d Shi gella. Invest igators", "underscore_trick": " enteric_diseases to_exploit this powerful model_to study_the_pathogenesis of_four_major etiologic agents_of diarrheal disease:_three pathotypes of diarrheagenic_E.coli (enteroaggregative, enterohemorrhagic_and_enterotoxigenic E. coli) and Shigella. Investigators"} +{"text": " outcomes. The New York City Primary Care Information Project (PCIP) is the nation's largest community EHR extension project, with 148 primary care practices and over 1,000 providers in some of the city's poorest neighborhoods. The PCIP's goal is to maximize improvements in the quality of care through this investment of public", "synonym_substitution": "outcomes. The New York City Primary Care Information Project (PCIP) is the nation's largest community EHR elongation undertaking, with 148 primary care practice and over 1,000 provider in some of the city's poorest neighborhoods. The PCIP's finish is to maximize improvements in the quality of care through this investing of populace", "butter_fingers": " ouhcomes. The New York City Primary Care Iudormatmon Pronect (PCIO) is the nation's largest comlubity TKR extension project, with 148 prpmary carw prectices and over 1,000 providcxs in dome if the city's pporest neichborhoods. The PZI''s goal is to maximize improvements yn the auwlity of care jhroubr thjs investment of public", "random_deletion": "outcomes. The New York City Primary Care (PCIP) the nation's community EHR extension practices over 1,000 providers some of the poorest neighborhoods. The PCIP's goal is maximize improvements in the quality of care through this investment of public", "change_char_case": " outcomes. The New York City PriMary Care InFormaTioN PrOjEct (PcIP) iS the nation's larGEst cOmmunity EHR extension prOject, WiTH 148 priMArY care PracticES aND OveR 1,000 pRoVidErS In Some oF thE city's pOorest neigHboRhOods. The PCIP's GOaL is to maximIze Improvements In tHe qualItY of CAre thRouGh thiS invesTMent of Public", "whitespace_perturbation": " outcomes. The New York Ci ty Primary Care In for ma tion Pro ject (PCIP) is thenation's largest commu nityEH R ext e ns ion p roject, wi t h 14 8pr ima ry ca re pr act ices an d over 1,0 00pr oviders in s o me of the ci ty' s poorest ne igh borhoo ds . T h e PCI P's goal is to maximi ze improv em e nts in the qua l i ty ofcare through this in v estment of pub lic", "underscore_trick": " outcomes._The New_York City Primary Care_Information Project_(PCIP)_is the_nation's_largest community EHR_extension project, with_148 primary care practices_and over 1,000_providers_in some of the city's poorest neighborhoods. The PCIP's goal is to maximize improvements_in_the quality_of_care_through this investment of public"} +{"text": " modern molecular genetic approaches to define and trace circuits involved and ultimately to relate these circuits to taste perception. These include: Ca-imaging techniques to assess the activity of neural ensembles; screening and sequencing approaches to identify markers for select subsets of taste responsive neuron; and optogenetic, pharmacogenetic, activation and silencing as well as other", "synonym_substitution": "modern molecular genetic approaches to define and hound circuit involved and ultimately to relate these circuits to smack perception. These include: Ca - visualize proficiency to assess the action of neural ensembles; screen and sequencing approaches to name markers for select subsets of taste responsive neuron; and optogenetic, pharmacogenetic, activation and silencing equally well as other", "butter_fingers": " mofern molecular genetic akproaches to defiuw and vrace cjrcuits knvolved and ultimately to rxlatw thewe circuits to taste pdrception. These ibcluve: Ca-imaging tecihiques bj asacss tke activity of ngural ensembnes; screening dna dequencing approaches to identify mwrkers gog select subsejs of easts responsive neuron; and optogenetid, pharmecogenetic, actifation and silencing as wepl ad other", "random_deletion": "modern molecular genetic approaches to define and involved ultimately to these circuits to techniques assess the activity neural ensembles; screening sequencing approaches to identify markers for subsets of taste responsive neuron; and optogenetic, pharmacogenetic, activation and silencing as well other", "change_char_case": " modern molecular genetic appRoaches to dEfine And TraCe CircUits Involved and ultIMateLy to relate these circuitS to taStE PercEPtIon. ThEse inclUDe: cA-ImaGiNg TecHnIQuEs to aSseSs the acTivity of neUraL eNsembles; screENiNg and sequeNciNg approaches To iDentifY mArkERs for SelEct suBsets oF Taste rEsponsive NeURon; and OPtogeneTIC, pHarmAcogenetic, activatIOn ANd silencing as wEll as oThER", "whitespace_perturbation": " modern molecular geneticapproaches to d efi nean d tr acecircuits invol v ed a nd ultimately to relat e the se circ u it s totaste p e rc e p tio n. T hes ei nc lude: Ca -imagin g techniqu esto assess thea ct ivity of n eur al ensembles ; s creeni ng an d sequ enc ing a pproac h es toidentifyma r kers f o r selec t su bset s of taste respon s iv e neuron; and o ptogen et i c, p har mac ogenetic,ac tivat i on ands il e n c ing as well as ot her", "underscore_trick": " modern_molecular genetic_approaches to define and_trace circuits_involved_and ultimately_to_relate these circuits_to taste perception._These include: Ca-imaging techniques_to assess the_activity_of neural ensembles; screening and sequencing approaches to identify markers for select subsets of_taste_responsive neuron;_and_optogenetic,_pharmacogenetic, activation and silencing as_well as other"} +{"text": " eThekwini CRS for vaccine, microbicide and adult HIV treatment studies, is located in central Durban adjoining a local clinic that annually treats 40,000 patients with sexually transmitted infections (HIV prevalence of 59.3% (CI: 56.5-62.0) and HIV incidence rate of 6", "synonym_substitution": "eThekwini CRS for vaccine, microbicide and adult HIV treatment studies, is located in central Durban adjoin a local clinic that per annum treats 40,000 patients with sexually air infection (HIV prevalence of 59.3% (CI: 56.5 - 62.0) and HIV incidence pace of 6", "butter_fingers": " eTjekwini CRS for vaccine, oicrobicide and adult IIV treztment sgudies, is located in central Dyrban adjoining a local clivic that wnnually treets 40,000 patients wivg sexually trzksmitcev infections (HIY prevalenca of 59.3% (CI: 56.5-62.0) and VIX nncidence rate of 6", "random_deletion": "eThekwini CRS for vaccine, microbicide and adult studies, located in Durban adjoining a 40,000 with sexually transmitted (HIV prevalence of (CI: 56.5-62.0) and HIV incidence rate 6", "change_char_case": " eThekwini CRS for vaccine, micRobicide anD adulT HIv trEaTmenT stuDies, is located iN CentRal Durban adjoining a locAl cliNiC That ANnUally Treats 40,000 pATiENTs wItH sExuAlLY tRansmIttEd infecTions (HIV prEvaLeNce of 59.3% (CI: 56.5-62.0) and HIv InCidence ratE of 6", "whitespace_perturbation": " eThekwini CRS for vaccine , microbic ide a ndadu lt HIV tre atment studies , islocated in central Dur ban a dj o inin g a loca l clini c t h a t a nn ua lly t r ea ts 40 ,00 0 patie nts with s exu al ly transmitt e dinfections (H IV prevalenc e o f 59.3 %(CI : 56.5 -62 .0) a nd HIV incide nce rateof 6", "underscore_trick": " eThekwini_CRS for_vaccine, microbicide and adult_HIV treatment_studies,_is located_in_central Durban adjoining_a local clinic_that annually treats 40,000_patients with sexually_transmitted_infections (HIV prevalence of 59.3% (CI: 56.5-62.0) and HIV incidence rate of 6"} +{"text": " factors including brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) known for their diverse roles in the nervous system. NTs and their receptors have now been found in different lung components including airway smooth muscle (ASM), with altered expression observed in asthma, allergy, and even lung cancer. While NTs may be derived from", "synonym_substitution": "factors including brain - derived neurotrophic agent (BDNF) know for their diverse roles in the nervous organization. NTs and their receptors have now been establish in different lung components including airway smooth brawn (ASM), with altered expression note in asthma, allergy, and even lung cancer. While NTs may be derived from", "butter_fingers": " faftors including brain-derlved neurotrophie factoc (BDNF) inown fof their diverse roles in the nwrvouw system. NTs and their receptord have niw bten found in diffxdent luky comllnencs including aireay smooth muscle (ASM), widh aptered expression observed in asthmw, allerby, and even lung canbew. Whjle NTs may be derived from", "random_deletion": "factors including brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) known diverse in the system. NTs and found different lung components airway smooth muscle with altered expression observed in asthma, and even lung cancer. While NTs may be derived from", "change_char_case": " factors including brain-deriVed neurotrOphic FacTor (bDnF) knOwn fOr their diverse ROles In the nervous system. NTs aNd theIr REcepTOrS have Now been FOuND In dIfFeRenT lUNg CompoNenTs incluDing airway SmoOtH muscle (ASM), wiTH aLtered exprEssIon observed iN asThma, alLeRgy, ANd eveN luNg canCer. WhiLE NTs maY be deriveD fROm", "whitespace_perturbation": " factors including brain-d erived neu rotro phi c f ac tor(BDN F) known for t h eirdiverse roles in the n ervou ss yste m .NTs a nd thei r r e c ept or shav en ow been fo und indifferentlun gcomponents i n cl uding airw aysmooth muscl e ( ASM),wi tha ltere d e xpres sion o b served in asthm a, allerg y , and e v e nlung cancer. While NT s m a y be derived f rom", "underscore_trick": " factors_including brain-derived_neurotrophic factor (BDNF) known_for their_diverse_roles in_the_nervous system. NTs_and their receptors_have now been found_in different lung_components_including airway smooth muscle (ASM), with altered expression observed in asthma, allergy, and even_lung_cancer. While_NTs_may_be derived from"} +{"text": ", this is believed to circularized the mRNA and to explain the importance of the 3 polyA structure for translation. However, our finding that ski2- slh1- double mutants are indifferent to the presence of the 3 polyA structure of eukaryotic mRNAs casts some doubt on this view of the role of the polyA", "synonym_substitution": ", this is believed to circularized the mRNA and to explain the importance of the 3 polyA social organization for transformation. However, our determination that ski2- slh1- double mutants are indifferent to the bearing of the 3 polyA structure of eukaryotic mRNAs casts some doubt on this horizon of the role of the polyA", "butter_fingers": ", thls is believed to circulxrized the mRNA and to explajn the ioportance of the 3 polyA strurturw for translation. However, ojr findinh that sji2- soy1- double mnfants avz indjnfereut to the presenge of the 3 [olyA structura uf eukaryotic mRNAs casts some doubt jn this vlew of the rolg of uhe polgA", "random_deletion": ", this is believed to circularized the to the importance the 3 polyA finding ski2- slh1- double are indifferent to presence of the 3 polyA structure eukaryotic mRNAs casts some doubt on this view of the role of the", "change_char_case": ", this is believed to circulariZed the mRNA And to ExpLaiN tHe imPortAnce of the 3 polyA STrucTure for translation. HoweVer, ouR fINdinG ThAt ski2- Slh1- doubLE mUTAntS aRe IndIfFErEnt to The PresencE of the 3 polya stRuCture of eukarYOtIc mRNAs casTs sOme doubt on thIs vIew of tHe RolE Of the PolYA", "whitespace_perturbation": ", this is believed to circ ularized t he mR NAand t o ex plai n the importan c e of the 3 polyA structure fortr a nsla t io n. Ho wever,o ur f ind in gtha ts ki 2- sl h1- double mutants a rein different to th e presence of the 3 polyA st ructur eofe ukary oti c mRN As cas t s some doubt on t h is vie w of the r ol e of the polyA", "underscore_trick": ", this_is believed_to circularized the mRNA_and to_explain_the importance_of_the 3 polyA_structure for translation._However, our finding that_ski2- slh1- double_mutants_are indifferent to the presence of the 3 polyA structure of eukaryotic mRNAs casts_some_doubt on_this_view_of the role of the_polyA"} +{"text": " and VDR) will be quantitafively mapped in T-lep and L-lep granulomas at the single cell level. Second, the orchestrated effects of T-lep or L-lep immune response secretomes, and associated downstream interferon responses, on the metabolism and immunoacfion", "synonym_substitution": "and VDR) will be quantitafively mapped in T - lep and L - lep granulomas at the single cell degree. Second, the orchestrated effect of T - lep or L - lep immune response secretomes, and associated downstream interferon responses, on the metamorphosis and immunoacfion", "butter_fingers": " anf VDR) will be quantitafiyely mapped in T-lep and L-lep franulomxs at the single cell level. Dexond, uke orchestrated effezts of T-lvp or L-lep imnyne response secrebjmes, wnd cswociated downsjream interfaron responses, ov che metabolism and immunoacfion", "random_deletion": "and VDR) will be quantitafively mapped in L-lep at the cell level. Second, or immune response secretomes, associated downstream interferon on the metabolism and immunoacfion", "change_char_case": " and VDR) will be quantitafivelY mapped in T-Lep anD L-lEp gRaNuloMas aT the single cell LEvel. second, the orchestrated eFfectS oF t-lep OR L-Lep imMune resPOnSE SecReToMes, AnD AsSociaTed DownstrEam interfeRon ReSponses, on the MEtAbolism and ImmUnoacfion", "whitespace_perturbation": " and VDR) will be quantita fively map ped i n T -le pandL-le p granulomas a t the single cell level. Se cond, t h e or c he strat ed effe c ts o f T -l ep or L - le p imm une respon se secreto mes ,and associat e ddownstream in terferon res pon ses, o nthe metab oli sm an d immu n oacfio n", "underscore_trick": " and_VDR) will_be quantitafively mapped in_T-lep and_L-lep_granulomas at_the_single cell level._Second, the orchestrated_effects of T-lep or_L-lep immune response_secretomes,_and associated downstream interferon responses, on the metabolism and immunoacfion"} +{"text": " departments in the management of TB infection and disease; b) to develop curricula and educational interventions that can be customized and used in similar regions of the U.S; c) to improve Duke's effectiveness in teaching practicing clinicians about TB in our region and provide them with effective life- long educational resources; d) to", "synonym_substitution": "departments in the management of TB infection and disease; b) to develop curricula and educational interposition that can be custom-make and used in similar regions of the U.S; c) to better Duke's effectiveness in teaching practice clinician about TB in our region and provide them with effective life- long educational resources; d) to", "butter_fingers": " deoartments in the managemtnt of TB infection and visease; b) to dexelop curricula and educatioial untercentions that can be cjstomized and usee in wimilar rejjons of the U.A; c) tm improve Duke's effectivetess in teachitg pxacticing clinicians about TB in our region ajd provide thei wiuh qffedniye life- long educational resourcss; d) to", "random_deletion": "departments in the management of TB infection b) develop curricula educational interventions that in regions of the c) to improve effectiveness in teaching practicing clinicians about in our region and provide them with effective life- long educational resources; d)", "change_char_case": " departments in the managemenT of TB infecTion aNd dIseAsE; b) to DeveLop curricula anD EducAtional interventions thAt can Be CUstoMIzEd and Used in sIMiLAR reGiOnS of ThE u.S; C) to imProVe Duke's EffectivenEss In Teaching pracTIcIng cliniciAns About TB in our RegIon and PrOviDE them WitH effeCtive lIFe- long EducationAl REsourcES; d) to", "whitespace_perturbation": " departments in the manage ment of TB infe cti onan d di seas e; b) to devel o p cu rricula and educationa l int er v enti o ns that can be cu s t omi ze dand u s ed in s imi lar reg ions of th e U .S ; c) to impr o ve Duke's ef fec tiveness intea chingpr act i cingcli nicia ns abo u t TB i n our reg io n and p r ovide t h e mwith effective life-l on g educational r esourc es ; d ) to", "underscore_trick": " departments_in the_management of TB infection_and disease;_b)_to develop_curricula_and educational interventions_that can be_customized and used in_similar regions of_the_U.S; c) to improve Duke's effectiveness in teaching practicing clinicians about TB in our_region_and provide_them_with_effective life- long educational resources;_d) to"} +{"text": " vessel formation in other settings. This is an open label, non randomized, Phase I dose escalating study of rhIL-12 administered by intraperitoneal (IP) infusion in adult male or female patients with measurable disseminated intraperitoneal cancer that is residual, recurrent or metastatic. Neither a control or placebo group will be utilized.", "synonym_substitution": "vessel formation in other settings. This is an open label, non randomize, Phase I drug escalate study of rhIL-12 administered by intraperitoneal (IP) infusion in adult male or female patients with measurable circulate intraperitoneal cancer that is residual, recurrent or metastatic. Neither a control or placebo group will be utilized.", "butter_fingers": " vedsel formation in other rettings. This is an opxn labem, non ravdomized, Phase I dose escalaving studt of rhIL-12 administered by intraieritoneao (IP) unfusion ii adult male od femclx patients with measurabla disseminated ivtxaperitoneal cancer that is residual, recurrrnh or metastatis. Neptrer z control or placebo group will be utiliztd.", "random_deletion": "vessel formation in other settings. This is label, randomized, Phase dose escalating study (IP) in adult male female patients with disseminated intraperitoneal cancer that is residual, or metastatic. Neither a control or placebo group will be utilized.", "change_char_case": " vessel formation in other setTings. This iS an opEn lAbeL, nOn raNdomIzed, Phase I dose EScalAting study of rhIL-12 adminiStereD bY IntrAPeRitonEal (IP) inFUsION in AdUlT maLe OR fEmale PatIents wiTh measurabLe dIsSeminated intRApEritoneal cAncEr that is resiDuaL, recurReNt oR MetasTatIc. NeiTher a cONtrol oR placebo gRoUP will bE UtilizeD.", "whitespace_perturbation": " vessel formation in other settings. This is an o penlabe l, non randomi z ed,Phase I dose escalatin g stu dy of r h IL -12 a dminist e re d byin tr ape ri t on eal ( IP) infusi on in adul t m al e or femalep at ients with me asurable dis sem inated i ntr a perit one al ca ncer t h at isresidual, r e curren t or met a s ta tic. Neither a contro l o r placebo group willbe ut i l ize d.", "underscore_trick": " vessel_formation in_other settings. This is_an open_label,_non randomized,_Phase_I dose escalating_study of rhIL-12_administered by intraperitoneal (IP)_infusion in adult_male_or female patients with measurable disseminated intraperitoneal cancer that is residual, recurrent or metastatic._Neither_a control_or_placebo_group will be utilized."} +{"text": ", cancer control, screening, imaging, and post-therapy surveillance. The program monitors trends and implements measures for continued improvement. It balances protecting patients, their safety, and health with providing the broadest possible access to trial activation and minority outreach participation with the help of a highly responsive and responsible support staff. Posit", "synonym_substitution": ", cancer control, screening, imaging, and post - therapy surveillance. The program monitor drift and implements measures for continued improvement. It balances protect patients, their safety, and health with put up the broad possible entree to test activation and minority outreach engagement with the help of a highly responsive and responsible support staff. postulate", "butter_fingers": ", cajcer control, screening, ioaging, and post-jhwrapy vurveimlance. Tfe program monitors trends aid inplemtuts measures for conginued imirovement. It ualances protectmhg paticuts, tgcir scfxty, and health eith proviging the broadasg 'ossible access to trial activation wnd minprlty outreach pwrtibi[atikn with the help of a highly respohsive aid responsible xupport staff. Posit", "random_deletion": ", cancer control, screening, imaging, and post-therapy program trends and measures for continued their and health with the broadest possible to trial activation and minority outreach with the help of a highly responsive and responsible support staff. Posit", "change_char_case": ", cancer control, screening, imaGing, and posT-therApy SurVeIllaNce. THe program monitORs trEnds and implements measuRes foR cONtinUEd ImproVement. IT BaLANceS pRoTecTiNG pAtienTs, tHeir safEty, and healTh wItH providing thE BrOadest possIblE access to triAl aCtivatIoN anD MinorIty OutreAch parTIcipatIon with thE hELp of a hIGhly resPONsIve aNd responsible suppORt STaff. Posit", "whitespace_perturbation": ", cancer control, screenin g, imaging , and po st- th erap y su rveillance. Th e pro gram monitors trends a nd im pl e ment s m easur es forc on t i nue dim pro ve m en t. It ba lancesprotecting pa ti ents, theirs af ety, and h eal th with prov idi ng the b roa d est p oss ibleaccess to tri al activa ti o n andm inority o ut reac h participation w i th the help of ahighly r e sp o n siv e a nd respons ib le su p port st a ff . P osi t ", "underscore_trick": ", cancer_control, screening,_imaging, and post-therapy surveillance._The program_monitors_trends and_implements_measures for continued_improvement. It balances_protecting patients, their safety,_and health with_providing_the broadest possible access to trial activation and minority outreach participation with the help_of_a highly_responsive_and_responsible support staff. Posit"} +{"text": "so radiofrequency positioning system, utilizing implantable fiducial transducers and real-time tracking capability. ROB has acquired a second TrueBeam STX unit to replace its RapidArc Clinac-21EX. This machine provides treatment redundancy with the older unit, as well as having additional photon energies of 8 MV and 18", "synonym_substitution": "so radiofrequency positioning system, utilizing implantable fiduciary transducer and actual - time tracking capability. ROB has assume a second TrueBeam STX unit to replace its RapidArc Clinac-21EX. This car provides treatment redundancy with the older unit of measurement, as well as having extra photon energies of 8 MV and 18", "butter_fingers": "so gadiofrequency positionikg system, utiliznbg impnantabme fiduckal transducers and real-time teackibg capability. ROB has xcquired w second TrutBeam STX unit to replace its RziidAre Rlinac-21EX. This mschine proeides treatmend febundancy with the older unit, as well as havonh additional protom enedgies of 8 MV and 18", "random_deletion": "so radiofrequency positioning system, utilizing implantable fiducial real-time capability. ROB acquired a second its Clinac-21EX. This machine treatment redundancy with older unit, as well as having photon energies of 8 MV and 18", "change_char_case": "so radiofrequency positioniNg system, utIliziNg iMplAnTablE fidUcial transduceRS and Real-time tracking capabiLity. RoB HAs acQUiRed a sEcond TrUEBEAM STx uNiT to RePLaCe its rapIdArc ClInac-21EX. This MacHiNe provides trEAtMent redundAncY with the oldeR unIt, as weLl As hAVing aDdiTionaL photoN EnergiEs of 8 MV and 18", "whitespace_perturbation": "so radiofrequency position ing system , uti liz ing i mpla ntab le fiducial tr a nsdu cers and real-time tra cking c a pabi l it y. RO B has a c qu i r edase con dT ru eBeam ST X unitto replace it sRapidArc Cli n ac -21EX. Thi s m achine provi des treat me ntr edund anc y wit h theo lder u nit, as w el l as ha v ing add i t io nalphoton energies o f 8 MV and 18", "underscore_trick": "so radiofrequency_positioning system,_utilizing implantable fiducial transducers_and real-time_tracking_capability. ROB_has_acquired a second_TrueBeam STX unit_to replace its RapidArc_Clinac-21EX. This machine_provides_treatment redundancy with the older unit, as well as having additional photon energies of_8_MV and_18"} +{"text": " data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (the Add Health Study) in response to PA-08-167. An important predictor of alcohol problems in both adolescence and young adulthood is compromised parent-adolescent relationships. Another predictor is financial stress which may be particularly relevant during times of economic downturn", "synonym_substitution": "data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (the Add Health Study) in response to PA-08 - 167. An important predictor of alcohol trouble in both adolescence and unseasoned adulthood is compromised parent - adolescent relationships. Another predictor is fiscal stress which may be particularly relevant during times of economic downturn", "butter_fingers": " daha from the National Lonnitudinal Study of Adolxscent Gealth (tfe Add Health Study) in respoise ro PA-08-167. An important predictof of alcojol proboems un both adolescencc and noung edulthood is cokpromised [arent-adolescett rzlationships. Another predictor is figancial shress which mai be kareicumarly relevant during times of ecohomic dmwnturn", "random_deletion": "data from the National Longitudinal Study of (the Health Study) response to PA-08-167. problems both adolescence and adulthood is compromised relationships. Another predictor is financial stress may be particularly relevant during times of economic downturn", "change_char_case": " data from the National LongitUdinal StudY of AdOleSceNt healTh (thE Add Health StudY) In reSponse to PA-08-167. An important pRedicToR Of alCOhOl proBlems in BOtH ADolEsCeNce AnD YoUng adUltHood is cOmpromised ParEnT-adolescent rELaTionships. ANotHer predictor Is fInanciAl StrESs whiCh mAy be pArticuLArly reLevant durInG Times oF EconomiC DOwNturN", "whitespace_perturbation": " data from the National Lo ngitudinal Stud y o f A do lesc entHealth (the Ad d Hea lth Study) in response to P A- 0 8-16 7 .An im portant pr e d ict or o f a lc o ho l pro ble ms in b oth adoles cen ce and young a d ul thood is c omp romised pare nt- adoles ce ntr elati ons hips. Anoth e r pred ictor isfi n ancial stressw h ic h ma y be particularly re l evant during t imes o fe co n o mic do wnturn", "underscore_trick": " data_from the_National Longitudinal Study of_Adolescent Health_(the_Add Health_Study)_in response to_PA-08-167. An important_predictor of alcohol problems_in both adolescence_and_young adulthood is compromised parent-adolescent relationships. Another predictor is financial stress which may be_particularly_relevant during_times_of_economic downturn"} +{"text": " efficacy using trypanosome infected mice. Positive results will be of interest to the pharmaceutical industry for the development of new antisense oligonucleotide chemotherapeutic agents for trypanosomes and other parasites. The WHO Collaborating Center for Design, Methodology and Analysis of Epidemiological and Clinical Investigations in Diabetes was designated in 1986. The purposes", "synonym_substitution": "efficacy using trypanosome infected mice. Positive result will be of sake to the pharmaceutical industry for the development of new antisense oligonucleotide chemotherapeutic agent for trypanosomes and other parasites. The WHO Collaborating Center for Design, Methodology and Analysis of Epidemiological and Clinical Investigations in Diabetes was destine in 1986. The function", "butter_fingers": " efvicacy using trypanosome infected mice. Kowitive resulfs will ce of interest to the pharmareutucal undustry for the develupment of new antusenww oligonucleotide gkemotgcrapebtmc agents for ttypanosomes dnd other paraviged. The WHO Collaborating Center for Qesign, Kehhodology and Wnaljsys or Epidemiological and Clinical Invsstigatpons in Diabetes eas designated in 1986. The puroosed", "random_deletion": "efficacy using trypanosome infected mice. Positive results of to the industry for the chemotherapeutic for trypanosomes and parasites. The WHO Center for Design, Methodology and Analysis Epidemiological and Clinical Investigations in Diabetes was designated in 1986. The purposes", "change_char_case": " efficacy using trypanosome iNfected micE. PosiTivE reSuLts wIll bE of interest to tHE phaRmaceutical industry for The deVeLOpmeNT oF new aNtisensE OlIGOnuClEoTidE cHEmOtherApeUtic ageNts for trypAnoSoMes and other pARaSites. The WHo CoLlaborating CEntEr for DEsIgn, mEthodOloGy and analysIS of EpiDemiologiCaL And CliNIcal InvESTiGatiOns in Diabetes was dESiGNated in 1986. The purpOses", "whitespace_perturbation": " efficacy using trypanosom e infected mice . P osi ti ve r esul ts will be ofi nter est to the pharmaceuti cal i nd u stry fo r the develo p me n t of n ew an ti s en se ol igo nucleot ide chemot her ap eutic agents fo r trypanos ome s and otherpar asites .The WHO C oll abora ting C e nter f or Design ,M ethodo l ogy and A na lysi s of Epidemiologi c al and Clinical I nvesti ga t io n s in Di abetes was d esign a ted in1 98 6 . The purposes", "underscore_trick": " efficacy_using trypanosome_infected mice. Positive results_will be_of_interest to_the_pharmaceutical industry for_the development of_new antisense oligonucleotide chemotherapeutic_agents for trypanosomes_and_other parasites. The WHO Collaborating Center for Design, Methodology and Analysis of Epidemiological and_Clinical_Investigations in_Diabetes_was_designated in 1986. The purposes"} +{"text": "LA may be formed from other substrates; the mechanism of ALA formation will be studied with appropriate labelled substrates and with metabolic inhibitors. To meet the dual threats of emerging infectious diseases and engineered biowarfare/bioterror agents, there is a pressing need for more efficient systems for vaccine development. TRIAD, or", "synonym_substitution": "LA may be formed from other substrates; the mechanism of ALA formation will be study with appropriate pronounce substrates and with metabolic inhibitors. To meet the double threats of emerging infectious disease and engineered biowarfare / bioterror agents, there is a crusade need for more efficient system for vaccine development. TRIAD, or", "butter_fingers": "LA lay be formed from other substrates; the mechanmsm of ZLA formxtion will be studied with a'propriatt labelled substratds and winh metabooic mnhibitors. To mexf the dmcl thdcats mh emerging infegtious disedses and enginaefeb biowarfare/bioterror agents, there if a prexslng need for mjre tffyciehn wystems for vaccine developmeht. TRIAV, or", "random_deletion": "LA may be formed from other substrates; of formation will studied with appropriate inhibitors. meet the dual of emerging infectious and engineered biowarfare/bioterror agents, there is pressing need for more efficient systems for vaccine development. TRIAD, or", "change_char_case": "LA may be formed from other subStrates; the MechaNisM of aLa forMatiOn will be studieD With Appropriate labelled subStratEs ANd wiTH mEtaboLic inhiBItORS. To MeEt The DuAL tHreatS of EmerginG infectiouS diSeAses and enginEErEd biowarfaRe/bIoterror agenTs, tHere is A pResSIng neEd fOr morE efficIEnt sysTems for vaCcINe deveLOpment. TriaD, Or", "whitespace_perturbation": "LA may be formed from othe r substrat es; t hemec ha nism ofALA formationw illbe studied with approp riate l a bell e dsubst rates a n dw i thme ta bol ic in hibit ors . To me et the dua l t hr eats of emer g in g infectio usdiseases and en gineer ed bi o warfa re/ biote rror a g ents,there isap ressin g need f o r m oreefficient systems fo r vaccine devel opment .T RI A D , o r", "underscore_trick": "LA may_be formed_from other substrates; the_mechanism of_ALA_formation will_be_studied with appropriate_labelled substrates and_with metabolic inhibitors. To_meet the dual_threats_of emerging infectious diseases and engineered biowarfare/bioterror agents, there is a pressing need for_more_efficient systems_for_vaccine_development. TRIAD, or"} +{"text": " management of EIB consists mostly of pharmacological intevention. The objectives of this research are to investigate the complex, interacting mechanisms causing EIB and to develop means of non-pharmacological management of EIB. This research proposal will investigate the effects that inspired air temperature, humidity, and hypoxia exert on the severity of E", "synonym_substitution": "management of EIB consists mostly of pharmacological intevention. The objectives of this research are to investigate the complex, interact mechanism causing EIB and to originate mean of non - pharmacological management of EIB. This research proposal will investigate the effect that inspired air temperature, humidity, and hypoxia wield on the austereness of E", "butter_fingers": " majagement of EIB consists mostly of pharmacologmcal infeventiov. The objectives of this resxarcy are to investigate the cooplex, intvracting nechenisms causing EMG and to devemlp mzais of non-pharmagological mdnagement of EHB. Tkis research proposal will investigaee the rfvects that inskired wir fvmkerature, humidity, and hypoxia exedt on tie severity of R", "random_deletion": "management of EIB consists mostly of pharmacological objectives this research to investigate the and develop means of management of EIB. research proposal will investigate the effects inspired air temperature, humidity, and hypoxia exert on the severity of E", "change_char_case": " management of EIB consists moStly of pharMacolOgiCal InTeveNtioN. The objectives OF thiS research are to investigAte thE cOMpleX, InTeracTing mecHAnISMs cAuSiNg EiB ANd To devEloP means oF non-pharmaColOgIcal managemeNT oF EIB. This reSeaRch proposal wIll InvestIgAte THe effEctS that InspirED air teMperature, HuMIdity, aND hypoxiA EXeRt on The severity of E", "whitespace_perturbation": " management of EIB consist s mostly o f pha rma col og ical int evention. Theo bjec tives of this research areto inve s ti gatethe com p le x , in te ra cti ng me chani sms causin g EIB andtode velop meanso fnon-pharma col ogical manag eme nt ofEI B.T his r ese archpropos a l will investig at e the e f fects t h a tinsp ired air temperat u re , humidity, and hypox ia ex e r t o n t he severit yof E", "underscore_trick": " management_of EIB_consists mostly of pharmacological_intevention. The_objectives_of this_research_are to investigate_the complex, interacting_mechanisms causing EIB and_to develop means_of_non-pharmacological management of EIB. This research proposal will investigate the effects that inspired air_temperature,_humidity, and_hypoxia_exert_on the severity of E"} +{"text": " cup for engulfment of the bead. Chemoattractant GPCR/Gi signaling and phagocytic receptor/tyrosine kinase signaling work independently to promote phagocytosis of beads coated with either chemoattractants or IgG opsonins. Thus, in addition to phagocytic receptor-mediated phagocytosis, neutrophils also utilize", "synonym_substitution": "cup for engulfment of the bead. Chemoattractant GPCR / Gi signaling and phagocytic receptor / tyrosine kinase signaling workplace independently to advertise phagocytosis of beads coated with either chemoattractants or immunoglobulin g opsonins. therefore, in addition to phagocytic receptor - mediate phagocytosis, neutrophil also utilize", "butter_fingers": " cuo for engulfment of the nead. Chemoattracjabt GPCC/Gi sighaling avd phagocytic receptor/tyrosiie kunase signaling work indepevdently tl promotw phegocytosis of beess coatcb witg eitkec chemoattractakts or IgG mpsonins. Thus, hn abdition to phagocytic receptor-mediatqd phagpcjtosis, neutroprils wlso ltllize", "random_deletion": "cup for engulfment of the bead. Chemoattractant and receptor/tyrosine kinase work independently to with chemoattractants or IgG Thus, in addition phagocytic receptor-mediated phagocytosis, neutrophils also utilize", "change_char_case": " cup for engulfment of the bead. chemoattraCtant gPCr/Gi SiGnalIng aNd phagocytic reCEptoR/tyrosine kinase signaliNg worK iNDepeNDeNtly tO promotE PhAGOcyToSiS of BeADs CoateD wiTh eitheR chemoattrActAnTs or IgG opsonINs. thus, in addiTioN to phagocytiC reCeptor-MeDiaTEd phaGocYtosiS, neutrOPhils aLso utilizE", "whitespace_perturbation": " cup for engulfment of the bead. Che moatt rac tan tGPCR /Gisignaling andp hago cytic receptor/tyrosin e kin as e sig n al ing w ork ind e pe n d ent ly t o p ro m ot e pha goc ytosisof beads c oat ed with either ch emoattract ant s or IgG ops oni ns. Th us , i n addi tio n tophagoc y tic re ceptor-me di a ted ph a gocytos i s ,neut rophils also util i ze ", "underscore_trick": " cup_for engulfment_of the bead. Chemoattractant_GPCR/Gi signaling_and_phagocytic receptor/tyrosine_kinase_signaling work independently_to promote phagocytosis_of beads coated with_either chemoattractants or_IgG_opsonins. Thus, in addition to phagocytic receptor-mediated phagocytosis, neutrophils also utilize"} +{"text": " ranging from simple tasks of judging the meaning or the naturalness of sentences and discourses to measures of eye movements during normal reading. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: The immediate goal of the research is to explore how normal adult readers and listeners compose the meaning of a sentence out of the meaning of its parts. This is", "synonym_substitution": "ranging from simple tasks of judging the meaning or the artlessness of prison term and discourses to measures of center movements during normal recitation. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: The immediate goal of the inquiry is to research how normal adult readers and listeners compose the meaning of a sentence out of the meaning of its parts. This is", "butter_fingers": " rajging from simple tasks uf judging the meaning or ths naturauness of sentences and disconrsew to neasures of eye movemevts durinh normal reaving. PUBLIC HEALVG RELEVANCE: Tgc immzdmate goal of thg research iv to explore hmw nlrmal adult readers and listeners cjmpose yhf meaning of a senuense ohn if the meaning of its parts. Tgis is", "random_deletion": "ranging from simple tasks of judging the the of sentences discourses to measures reading. HEALTH RELEVANCE: The goal of the is to explore how normal adult and listeners compose the meaning of a sentence out of the meaning of parts. This is", "change_char_case": " ranging from simple tasks of jUdging the mEaninG or The NaTuraLnesS of sentences anD DiscOurses to measures of eye mOvemeNtS DuriNG nOrmal Reading. puBlic HEaLtH rELeVanCe: The iMmeDiate goAl of the resEarCh Is to explore hOW nOrmal adult ReaDers and listeNerS compoSe The MEaninG of A sentEnce ouT Of the mEaning of iTs PArts. ThIS is", "whitespace_perturbation": " ranging from simple tasks of judgin g the me ani ng orthenaturalness of sent ences and discourses t o mea su r es o f e ye mo vements du r i ngno rm alre a di ng. P UBL IC HEAL TH RELEVAN CE: T he immediate go al of theres earch is toexp lore h ow no r mal a dul t rea ders a n d list eners com po s e them eaningo f a sen tence out of them ea n ing of its par ts. Th is is ", "underscore_trick": " ranging_from simple_tasks of judging the_meaning or_the_naturalness of_sentences_and discourses to_measures of eye_movements during normal reading._PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE:_The_immediate goal of the research is to explore how normal adult readers and listeners_compose_the meaning_of_a_sentence out of the meaning_of its parts. This is"} +{"text": "amers of a protein (connexon) from a family of integral membrane proteins known as eonnexins. Here, we focus on the structure and function of connexin26 (Cx26), the smallest of the family. Mutations in the DNA sequence can result in hereditary sensorineural deafness and account for", "synonym_substitution": "amers of a protein (connexon) from a family of integral membrane proteins known as eonnexins. Here, we concentrate on the social organization and function of connexin26 (Cx26), the smallest of the syndicate. mutation in the DNA sequence can result in ancestral sensorineural deafness and report for", "butter_fingers": "amegs of a protein (connexon) from a family of intejral mejbrane pfoteins known as eonnexins. Hxre, qe foxus on the structure avd functiln of cobnexmn26 (Cx26), the smallest of thc famjpy. Mbtetions in the DKA sequence can result in hdrzditary sensorineural deafness and ascount gog", "random_deletion": "amers of a protein (connexon) from a integral proteins known eonnexins. Here, we function connexin26 (Cx26), the of the family. in the DNA sequence can result hereditary sensorineural deafness and account for", "change_char_case": "amers of a protein (connexon) frOm a family oF inteGraL meMbRane ProtEins known as eonNExinS. Here, we focus on the strucTure aNd FUnctIOn Of conNexin26 (Cx26), THe SMAllEsT oF thE fAMiLy. MutAtiOns in thE DNA sequenCe cAn Result in hereDItAry sensoriNeuRal deafness aNd aCcount FoR", "whitespace_perturbation": "amers of a protein (connex on) from a fami lyofin tegr al m embrane protei n s kn own as eonnexins. Here , wefo c us o n t he st ructure an d fun ct io n o fc on nexin 26(Cx26), the small est o f the family . M utations i n t he DNA seque nce can r es ult in he red itary senso r ineura l deafnes sa nd acc o unt for ", "underscore_trick": "amers of_a protein_(connexon) from a family_of integral_membrane_proteins known_as_eonnexins. Here, we_focus on the_structure and function of_connexin26 (Cx26), the_smallest_of the family. Mutations in the DNA sequence can result in hereditary sensorineural deafness_and_account for"} +{"text": " smokers take in nicotine by inhalation and as one of over 4,000 chemicals present in cigarette smoke. The adequacy of using such artificial dosing paradigms to model cigarette smoking is unknown and largely untested. We have adapted and characterized methods for inhalation exposure of rats to smoke simulating the smoking of 1 cigarette or periods of", "synonym_substitution": "smokers take in nicotine by inhalation and as one of over 4,000 chemicals present in cigarette fastball. The sufficiency of using such artificial dosing paradigms to exemplar cigarette smoke is unknown and largely untested. We have adjust and characterized method acting for inhalation vulnerability of rats to smoke simulate the smoking of 1 cigarette or periods of", "butter_fingers": " smlkers take in nicotine bn inhalation and as one of ovsr 4,000 chemkcals present in cigarette sloje. Tht adequacy of using such artpficial disinj paradigms to model cigarette dmoknnj is unknown anc largely gntested. We haee abapted and characterized methods for inhalayiln exposure of ratx to amoke simulating the smoking of 1 cjgarettt or periods of", "random_deletion": "smokers take in nicotine by inhalation and of 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke. artificial paradigms to model smoking is unknown largely untested. We have adapted and methods for inhalation exposure of rats to smoke simulating the smoking of 1 or periods of", "change_char_case": " smokers take in nicotine by inHalation anD as onE of OveR 4,000 cHemiCals Present in cigarETte sMoke. The adequacy of using Such aRtIFiciAL dOsing ParadigMS tO MOdeL cIgAreTtE SmOking Is uNknown aNd largely uNteStEd. We have adapTEd And charactEriZed methods foR inHalatiOn ExpOSure oF raTs to sMoke siMUlatinG the smokiNg OF 1 cigarETte or peRIOdS of", "whitespace_perturbation": " smokers take in nicotineby inhalat ion a ndason e of ove r 4,000 chemic a ls p resent in cigarette sm oke.Th e ade q ua cy of usings uc h art if ic ial d o si ng pa rad igms to model cig are tt e smoking is un known andlar gely unteste d.We hav eada p ted a ndchara cteriz e d meth ods for i nh a lation exposur e of rat s to smoke simula t in g the smoking o f 1 ci ga r et t e or pe riods of", "underscore_trick": " smokers_take in_nicotine by inhalation and_as one_of_over 4,000_chemicals_present in cigarette_smoke. The adequacy_of using such artificial_dosing paradigms to_model_cigarette smoking is unknown and largely untested. We have adapted and characterized methods for_inhalation_exposure of_rats_to_smoke simulating the smoking of_1 cigarette or periods of"} +{"text": " studies of cancer, and development of a set of interactive computer programs which can be used to analyze the trends of cancer rates over time. The central purpose of the proposed research is to define the roles which drug metabolism and pharmacokinetic factors play in determining the clinical response to certain commonly abused drugs, including the predisposition for compulsive", "synonym_substitution": "studies of cancer, and development of a set of interactive calculator broadcast which can be used to analyze the trends of cancer pace over fourth dimension. The central purpose of the nominate inquiry is to define the roles which drug metabolism and pharmacokinetic factors play in specify the clinical response to certain normally abused drugs, including the predisposition for compulsive", "butter_fingers": " stkdies of cancer, and deveuopment of a sej if intxractivs computdr programs which can be usev to analtze the trends of cancdr rates lver timw. Tht central purpose of the ixopossf revxarch is to deflne the rolas which drug kegayolism and pharmacokinetic factors pjay in cehermining the slinpcwl rssponse to certain commonly abused drugs, pncluding the precisposition for compulsive", "random_deletion": "studies of cancer, and development of a interactive programs which be used to rates time. The central of the proposed is to define the roles which metabolism and pharmacokinetic factors play in determining the clinical response to certain commonly drugs, including the predisposition for compulsive", "change_char_case": " studies of cancer, and developMent of a set Of intEraCtiVe CompUter Programs which cAN be uSed to analyze the trends oF cancEr RAtes OVeR time. the centRAl PURpoSe Of The PrOPoSed reSeaRch is to Define the rOleS wHich drug metaBOlIsm and pharMacOkinetic factOrs Play in DeTerMIning The CliniCal resPOnse to Certain coMmONly abuSEd drugs, INClUdinG the predispositioN FoR Compulsive", "whitespace_perturbation": " studies of cancer, and de velopmentof aset of i nter acti ve computer pr o gram s which can be used to anal yz e the tr endsof canc e rr a tes o ve r t im e .The c ent ral pur pose of th e p ro posed resear c his to defi nethe roles wh ich drugme tab o lismand phar macoki n etic f actors pl ay in det e rmining t he cli nical response to ce r tain commonlyabused d r ug s , in clu ding the p re dispo s ition f o rc o m pul s ive", "underscore_trick": " studies_of cancer,_and development of a_set of_interactive_computer programs_which_can be used_to analyze the_trends of cancer rates_over time. The_central_purpose of the proposed research is to define the roles which drug metabolism and_pharmacokinetic_factors play_in_determining_the clinical response to certain_commonly abused drugs, including the_predisposition for_compulsive"} +{"text": "eding bone metastases and associated osteolytic disease. Aim 4: To determine whether targeted Wwox ablation in the mammary gland leads to enhanced mammary tumorigenesis and increases metastasis. The proposed studies will provide novel information on the mechanistic basis of bone metastasis development and identify potential novel targets for therapeutic intervention. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE:", "synonym_substitution": "eding bone metastases and associated osteolytic disease. Aim 4: To determine whether target Wwox ablation in the mammary gland go to enhanced mammary tumorigenesis and increases metastasis. The aim study will provide novel data on the mechanistic basis of bone metastasis development and identify likely novel target for therapeutic treatment. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE:", "butter_fingers": "edijg bone metastases and arsociated osteolytic dmsease. Zim 4: To aetermine whether targeted Wxox qblatuon in the mammary glavd leads no enhancwd memmary tumorigenxais and increzdes kxtastasis. The ptoposed studhes will provige nlvel information on the mechanistic basis pf bone metastasys dtvejopmsnt and identify potential novel tzrgets hor therapeutic intervention. PUBLIC HEALTJ REPEVANCE:", "random_deletion": "eding bone metastases and associated osteolytic disease. To whether targeted ablation in the mammary and increases metastasis. proposed studies will novel information on the mechanistic basis bone metastasis development and identify potential novel targets for therapeutic intervention. PUBLIC HEALTH", "change_char_case": "eding bone metastases and assOciated ostEolytIc dIseAsE. Aim 4: to deTermine whether TArgeTed Wwox ablation in the maMmary GlANd leADs To enhAnced maMMaRY TumOrIgEneSiS AnD incrEasEs metasTasis. The prOpoSeD studies will PRoVide novel iNfoRmation on the MecHanistIc BasIS of boNe mEtastAsis deVElopmeNt and idenTiFY potenTIal noveL TArGets For therapeutic intERvENtion. PUBLIC HEAlTH RELeVanCe:", "whitespace_perturbation": "eding bone metastases andassociated oste oly tic d isea se.Aim 4: To dete r mine whether targeted Wwox abla ti o n in th e mam mary gl a nd l ead sto en ha n ce d mam mar y tumor igenesis a ndin creases meta s ta sis. The p rop osed studies wi ll pro vi den ovelinf ormat ion on the me chanistic b a sis of bone me t a st asis development andi de n tify potential novel t a rg e t s f ortherapeuti cinter v ention. PU B L I C H E ALTH RELEVANC E:", "underscore_trick": "eding bone_metastases and_associated osteolytic disease. Aim_4: To_determine_whether targeted_Wwox_ablation in the_mammary gland leads_to enhanced mammary tumorigenesis_and increases metastasis._The_proposed studies will provide novel information on the mechanistic basis of bone metastasis development_and_identify potential_novel_targets_for therapeutic intervention. PUBLIC HEALTH_RELEVANCE:"} +{"text": ", directly on macrophages, and on other cell types in vitro, as well as in vivo in conditions of co-morbid factor interaction. The hypothesis behind this proposal is that Meth affects the intensity and quality of the oxidative burst by acting directly on macrophages and/or glial cells, in addition to its action on neurons,", "synonym_substitution": ", directly on macrophages, and on other cell type in vitro, equally well as in vivo in conditions of co - morbid agent interaction. The guess behind this proposal is that Meth affects the intensity and timbre of the oxidative fusillade by acting directly on macrophages and/or glial cells, in summation to its action on neurons,", "butter_fingers": ", digectly on macrophages, ana on other cell types mn vitrk, as welu as in vivo in conditions oh co-norbie factor interaction. Tfe hypothvsis behibd tiis proposal is vgat Metm affsgts tke intensity and quality ox the oxidativa cuxst by acting directly on macrophagef and/or gpial cells, in wddiuiog to ptw action on neurons,", "random_deletion": ", directly on macrophages, and on other in as well in vivo in The behind this proposal that Meth affects intensity and quality of the oxidative by acting directly on macrophages and/or glial cells, in addition to its action neurons,", "change_char_case": ", directly on macrophages, and oN other cell Types In vItrO, aS welL as iN vivo in conditiONs of Co-morbid factor interactIon. ThE hYPothESiS behiNd this pROpOSAl iS tHaT MeTh AFfEcts tHe iNtensitY and qualitY of ThE oxidative buRSt By acting diRecTly on macrophAgeS and/or GlIal CElls, iN adDitioN to its ACtion oN neurons,", "whitespace_perturbation": ", directly on macrophages, and on ot her c ell ty pe s in vit ro, as well as in v ivo in conditions of c o-mor bi d fac t or inte raction . T h e hy po th esi sb eh ind t his propos al is that Me th affects the in tensity an d q uality of th e o xidati ve bu r st by ac tingdirect l y on m acrophage sa nd/org lial ce l l s, inaddition to its a c ti o n on neurons,", "underscore_trick": ", directly_on macrophages,_and on other cell_types in_vitro,_as well_as_in vivo in_conditions of co-morbid_factor interaction. The hypothesis_behind this proposal_is_that Meth affects the intensity and quality of the oxidative burst by acting directly_on_macrophages and/or_glial_cells,_in addition to its action_on neurons,"} +{"text": "AR). Arthrodesis involves fusing the tibia and talus and is performed in most patients. With motion completely lost at the tibiotalar joint, 50% of arthrodesis patients are unable to return to their desired activities. Eliminating tibiotalar motion may also force the adjacent joints", "synonym_substitution": "AR). Arthrodesis involves fusing the tibia and talus and is performed in most patients. With apparent motion wholly lost at the tibiotalar joint, 50% of arthrodesis patient are ineffective to return to their desired activities. excrete tibiotalar motion may also coerce the adjacent joints", "butter_fingers": "AR). Wrthrodesis involves fuslng the tibia anb talus and ia perforoed in most patients. With movion compoetely lost at the tibkotalar jlint, 50% of artirodesis patients are unable tk retbri to their desited activitias. Eliminating tkbnotalar motion may also force the adtacent kolnts", "random_deletion": "AR). Arthrodesis involves fusing the tibia and is in most With motion completely 50% arthrodesis patients are to return to desired activities. Eliminating tibiotalar motion may force the adjacent joints", "change_char_case": "AR). Arthrodesis involves fusiNg the tibia And taLus And Is PerfOrmeD in most patientS. with Motion completely lost at The tiBiOTalaR JoInt, 50% of ArthrodESiS PAtiEnTs Are UnABlE to reTurN to theiR desired acTivItIes. EliminatiNG tIbiotalar mOtiOn may also forCe tHe adjaCeNt jOInts", "whitespace_perturbation": "AR). Arthrodesis involvesfusing the tibi a a ndta lusandis performed i n mos t patients. With motio n com pl e tely lo st at the ti b io t a lar j oi nt, 5 0 %of ar thr odesispatients a reun able to retu r nto their d esi red activiti es. Elimi na tin g tibi ota lar m otionm ay als o force t he adjace n t joint s ", "underscore_trick": "AR). Arthrodesis_involves fusing_the tibia and talus_and is_performed_in most_patients._With motion completely_lost at the_tibiotalar joint, 50% of_arthrodesis patients are_unable_to return to their desired activities. Eliminating tibiotalar motion may also force the adjacent_joints"} +{"text": " and this increase was dependent on ERK signaling. In a mouse model of inflammation-induced pain in which carrageenan injection into the hind paw causes hypersensitivity to heat stimuli, TNF-alpha mRNA was increased at the site of injection. These findings suggest that TNF-alpha-mediated regulation of Cdk5 activity plays an", "synonym_substitution": "and this increase was dependent on ERK signaling. In a mouse exemplar of excitement - induced pain in which carrageenan injection into the hind paw induce hypersensitivity to heat stimuli, TNF - alpha mRNA was increase at the web site of injection. These findings suggest that TNF - alpha - mediated regulation of Cdk5 activity play an", "butter_fingers": " anf this increase was depekdent on ERK siguqling. Mn a mohse modeu of inflammation-induced paii in whicy carrageenan injectiov into thv hind paq canses hypersensitmbity to heat abimuln, VNF-alpha mRNA wss increasad at the site ow nnjection. These findings suggest thae TNF-allhw-mediated regujatipg of Bdj5 activity plays an", "random_deletion": "and this increase was dependent on ERK a model of pain in which paw hypersensitivity to heat TNF-alpha mRNA was at the site of injection. These suggest that TNF-alpha-mediated regulation of Cdk5 activity plays an", "change_char_case": " and this increase was dependeNt on ERK sigNalinG. In A moUsE modEl of Inflammation-inDUced Pain in which carrageenan InjecTiON intO ThE hind Paw causES hYPErsEnSiTivItY To Heat sTimUli, TNF-aLpha mRNA waS inCrEased at the siTE oF injection. theSe findings suGgeSt that tNf-alPHa-medIatEd regUlatioN Of Cdk5 aCtivity plAyS An", "whitespace_perturbation": " and this increase was dep endent onERK s ign ali ng . In a m ouse model ofi nfla mmation-induced pain i n whi ch carr a ge enaninjecti o ni n toth ehin dp aw caus eshyperse nsitivitytohe at stimuli,T NF -alpha mRN A w as increased at the s it e o f inje cti on. T hese f i ndings suggestth a t TNF- a lpha-me d i at ed r egulation of Cdk5 ac t ivity plays an ", "underscore_trick": " and_this increase_was dependent on ERK_signaling. In_a_mouse model_of_inflammation-induced pain in_which carrageenan injection_into the hind paw_causes hypersensitivity to_heat_stimuli, TNF-alpha mRNA was increased at the site of injection. These findings suggest that_TNF-alpha-mediated_regulation of_Cdk5_activity_plays an"} +{"text": " and Bioinformatics Core which will assist researchers in the statistical evaluation of metabolomic data and integration with other 'omics or phenotypic data; and a Promotion and Outreach Core which will organize and provide seminars, symposia, workshops and web-based videos to increase the lay and research communities knowledge and use of metabol", "synonym_substitution": "and Bioinformatics Core which will assist researchers in the statistical evaluation of metabolomic data and integration with early' omics or phenotypical datum; and a Promotion and Outreach Core which will organize and provide seminars, symposia, workshop and web - based television to increase the ballad and research community knowledge and use of metabol", "butter_fingers": " anf Bioinformatics Core whlch will assist tewearchxrs in fhe statkstical evaluation of metaboponic dqta and integration wigh other 'lmics or pheiotypic data; and a Promobnon ahf Oucrxach Core which will orgatize and provige szminars, symposia, workshops and web-bafed vidrod to increase jhe lsr ans research communities knowledge ahd use mf metabol", "random_deletion": "and Bioinformatics Core which will assist researchers statistical of metabolomic and integration with and Promotion and Outreach which will organize provide seminars, symposia, workshops and web-based to increase the lay and research communities knowledge and use of metabol", "change_char_case": " and Bioinformatics Core whicH will assisT reseArcHerS iN the StatIstical evaluatIOn of Metabolomic data and inteGratiOn WIth oTHeR 'omicS or phenOTyPIC daTa; AnD a PRoMOtIon anD OuTreach COre which wiLl oRgAnize and provIDe Seminars, syMpoSia, workshops And Web-basEd VidEOs to iNcrEase tHe lay aND reseaRch communItIEs knowLEdge and USE oF metAbol", "whitespace_perturbation": " and Bioinformatics Core w hich willassis t r ese ar cher s in the statistic a l ev aluation of metabolomi c dat aa nd i n te grati on with ot h e r ' om ic s o rp he notyp icdata; a nd a Promo tio nand Outreach Co re which w ill organize an d p rovide s emi n ars,sym posia , work s hops a nd web-ba se d video s to inc r e as e th e lay and researc h c o mmunities know ledgean d u s e of me tabol", "underscore_trick": " and_Bioinformatics Core_which will assist researchers_in the_statistical_evaluation of_metabolomic_data and integration_with other 'omics_or phenotypic data; and_a Promotion and_Outreach_Core which will organize and provide seminars, symposia, workshops and web-based videos to increase_the_lay and_research_communities_knowledge and use of metabol"} +{"text": " in a cohort of approximately 30,000 people who received low to moderate radiation doses from the contaminated river. Current efforts focus on improving data quality, tracing the population for vital status information, and on statistical analyses and manuscript preparation. Associations between solid cancer and leukemia mortality and radiation dose have been observed.<", "synonym_substitution": "in a cohort of approximately 30,000 people who received low to moderate radiation venereal disease from the contaminated river. Current feat focus on improving data timbre, tracing the population for vital status data, and on statistical analysis and manuscript preparation. association between solid cancer and leukemia mortality and radiotherapy dose have been observed. <", "butter_fingers": " in a cohort of approximateuy 30,000 people who texeived low tk moderage radiation doses from the rontqminauvd river. Current effofts focus on imprivinj data quality, tczcing tmz pophpatimi for vital stajus informathon, and on stadirtncal analyses and manuscript preparaeion. Asxofiations betwegn sokyd czncer and leukemia mortality and rzdiatioi dose have beem observed.<", "random_deletion": "in a cohort of approximately 30,000 people low moderate radiation from the contaminated improving quality, tracing the for vital status and on statistical analyses and manuscript Associations between solid cancer and leukemia mortality and radiation dose have been observed.<", "change_char_case": " in a cohort of approximately 30,000 pEople who reCeiveD loW to MoDeraTe raDiation doses frOM the Contaminated river. CurreNt effOrTS focUS oN imprOving daTA qUALitY, tRaCinG tHE pOpulaTioN for vitAl status inForMaTion, and on staTIsTical analySes And manuscripT prEparatIoN. AsSOciatIonS betwEen solID canceR and leukeMiA MortalITy and raDIAtIon dOse have been observED.<", "whitespace_perturbation": " in a cohort of approximat ely 30,000 peop lewho r ecei vedlow to moderat e rad iation doses from theconta mi n ated ri ver.Current ef f o rts f oc uson im provi ngdata qu ality, tra cin gthe populati o nfor vitalsta tus informat ion , andon st a tisti cal anal yses a n d manu script pr ep a ration . Associ a t io ns b etween solid canc e ra nd leukemia mo rtalit ya nd r adi ati on dose ha ve been observe d .< b r ; br> < ", "underscore_trick": " in_a cohort_of approximately 30,000 people_who received_low_to moderate_radiation_doses from the_contaminated river. Current_efforts focus on improving_data quality, tracing_the_population for vital status information, and on statistical analyses and manuscript preparation. Associations between_solid_cancer and_leukemia_mortality_and radiation dose have been_observed.<"} +{"text": " the action of the secreted Anthrax toxin. LF (lethal factor) is a key component of the secreted toxin and plays a major role in inducing apoptosis (cell-death) of macrophages by cleaving the specific human cell signaling proteins. Our plan is to develop potent, safe, selective and orally active compounds that inhibit", "synonym_substitution": "the action of the secreted Anthrax toxin. LF (lethal factor) is a cardinal part of the secrete toxin and plays a major function in induce apoptosis (cell - death) of macrophage by cleaving the specific human cell signaling protein. Our design is to develop potent, safe, selective and orally active compound that inhibit", "butter_fingers": " thf action of the secreted Anthrax toxin. LF (lethel factkr) is a yey component of the secretev tozin abd plays a major role kn inducijg apoptisis (xell-death) of macroikages ny clzating the speciflc human cenl signaling psogenns. Our plan is to develop potent, sase, selevtlve and orally actpvq cojiomnds that inhibit", "random_deletion": "the action of the secreted Anthrax toxin. factor) a key of the secreted role inducing apoptosis (cell-death) macrophages by cleaving specific human cell signaling proteins. Our is to develop potent, safe, selective and orally active compounds that inhibit", "change_char_case": " the action of the secreted AntHrax toxin. Lf (lethAl fActOr) Is a kEy coMponent of the seCReteD toxin and plays a major roLe in iNdUCing APoPtosiS (cell-deATh) OF MacRoPhAgeS bY ClEavinG thE specifIc human celL siGnAling proteinS. ouR plan is to dEveLop potent, safE, seLectivE aNd oRAlly aCtiVe comPounds THat inhIbit", "whitespace_perturbation": " the action of the secrete d Anthraxtoxin . L F ( le thal fac tor) is a keyc ompo nent of the secreted t oxinan d pla y sa maj or role in i ndu ci ng ap op t os is (c ell -death) of macrop hag es by cleaving th e specific hu man cell sig nal ing pr ot ein s . Our pl an is to de v elop p otent, sa fe , selec t ive and o ra llyactive compoundst ha t inhibit", "underscore_trick": " the_action of_the secreted Anthrax toxin._LF (lethal_factor)_is a_key_component of the_secreted toxin and_plays a major role_in inducing apoptosis_(cell-death)_of macrophages by cleaving the specific human cell signaling proteins. Our plan is to_develop_potent, safe,_selective_and_orally active compounds that inhibit"} +{"text": " We anticipate completing 10-20 constructs per week and providing a strong foundation for the program investigators. The consequences of alcohol abuse on the American public are profound, both in terms of individual well-being and impact on the family structure, as well as the enormous cost to society in terms of lost productivity and associated health care expenses", "synonym_substitution": "We anticipate completing 10 - 20 constructs per week and provide a impregnable foundation for the program investigators. The consequence of alcohol abuse on the American public are heavy, both in term of individual well - organism and impingement on the family social organization, as well as the enormous cost to society in terms of lose productivity and associated health care expenses", "butter_fingers": " We anticipate completing 10-20 gonstructs per wgej and 'rovidihg a strung foundation for the progrem ibvestugators. The consequencds of alclhol abuwe oi the American pnglic arc prorlund, uoth in terms on individuan well-being ang km'act on the family structure, as well as the ejormous cost tj sobiqty jn terms of lost productivity and zssociaued health care exlenses", "random_deletion": "We anticipate completing 10-20 constructs per week a foundation for program investigators. The the public are profound, in terms of well-being and impact on the family as well as the enormous cost to society in terms of lost productivity associated health care expenses", "change_char_case": " We anticipate completing 10-20 conStructs per Week aNd pRovIdIng a StroNg foundation foR The pRogram investigators. The ConseQuENces OF aLcohoL abuse oN ThE aMerIcAn PubLiC ArE profOunD, both in Terms of indIviDuAl well-being aND iMpact on the FamIly structure, As wEll as tHe EnoRMous cOst To socIety in TErms of Lost produCtIVity anD AssociaTED hEaltH care expenses", "whitespace_perturbation": " We anticipate completing10-20 cons truct s p erwe ek a nd p roviding a str o ng f oundation for the prog ram i nv e stig a to rs. T he cons e qu e n ces o falc oh o labuse on the Am erican pub lic a re profound, bo th in term s o f individual we ll-bei ng an d impa cton th e fami l y stru cture, as w e ll ast he enor m o us cos t to society in t e rm s of lost produ ctivit ya nd a sso cia ted health c are e x penses", "underscore_trick": " We_anticipate completing_10-20 constructs per week_and providing_a_strong foundation_for_the program investigators._The consequences of_alcohol abuse on the_American public are_profound,_both in terms of individual well-being and impact on the family structure, as well_as_the enormous_cost_to_society in terms of lost_productivity and associated health care_expenses"} +{"text": " variants that will be isolated, will be characterized genetically and biochemically. The genetic characterization includes complementation analysis in cell hybrids and linkage studies. The biochemical tests involve assays for analysis in cell hybrids and linkage studies. The biochemical tests involve assays for glucocorticoid receptor and for a putative nuclear acceptor site for the receptor. En", "synonym_substitution": "variants that will be isolated, will be characterized genetically and biochemically. The genetic word picture include complementation analysis in cell hybrid and linkage studies. The biochemical tests necessitate assay for analysis in cellular telephone hybrid and linkage studies. The biochemical test involve assays for glucocorticoid sense organ and for a putative nuclear acceptor site for the receptor. En", "butter_fingers": " vagiants that will be isolxted, will be chceactermzed geheticallh and biochemically. The genevic xharaxterization includes cumplementwtion anqlysms in cell hybriva and llukage dtudnew. The biochemigal tests itvolve assays xof cnalysis in cell hybrids and linkage studiex. Hhe biochemicaj texes ihnoove assays for glucocorticoid receptmr and for a lutative nuclear acceptor dite for the receptor. Fn", "random_deletion": "variants that will be isolated, will be and The genetic includes complementation analysis studies. biochemical tests involve for analysis in hybrids and linkage studies. The biochemical involve assays for glucocorticoid receptor and for a putative nuclear acceptor site for receptor. En", "change_char_case": " variants that will be isolateD, will be chaRacteRizEd gEnEticAlly And biochemicalLY. The Genetic characterizatioN inclUdES comPLeMentaTion anaLYsIS In cElL hYbrIdS AnD linkAge Studies. the biochemIcaL tEsts involve aSSaYs for analySis In cell hybridS anD linkaGe StuDIes. ThE biOchemIcal teSTs invoLve assays FoR GlucocORticoid RECePtor And for a putative nuCLeAR acceptor site fOr the rEcEPtOR. en", "whitespace_perturbation": " variants that will be iso lated, wil l becha rac te rize d ge netically andb ioch emically. The geneticchara ct e riza t io n inc ludes c o mp l e men ta ti onan a ly sis i n c ell hyb rids and l ink ag e studies. T h ebiochemica l t ests involve as says f or an a lysis in cell hybri d s andlinkage s tu d ies. T h e bioch e m ic al t ests involve assa y sf or glucocortic oid re ce p to r and fo r a putati ve nucl e ar acce p to r s ite for the recep tor. En", "underscore_trick": " variants_that will_be isolated, will be_characterized genetically_and_biochemically. The_genetic_characterization includes complementation_analysis in cell_hybrids and linkage studies._The biochemical tests_involve_assays for analysis in cell hybrids and linkage studies. The biochemical tests involve assays_for_glucocorticoid receptor_and_for_a putative nuclear acceptor site_for the receptor. En"} +{"text": " fiber photometry calcium imaging will be paired with cocaine self-administration in transgenic mouse lines that express Cre-recombinase in D1 or D2 MSN populations. These mice allow for cell-type specific expression of molecular targets, such as calcium indicators (GCaMP6f) and opsins (ChR2", "synonym_substitution": "fiber photometry calcium imaging will be paired with cocaine self - administration in transgenic shiner line that express Cre - recombinase in D1 or D2 MSN populations. These mouse permit for cell - type specific construction of molecular target, such as calcium indicators (GCaMP6f) and opsins (ChR2", "butter_fingers": " fiher photometry calcium ioaging will be kaured wmth coczine selw-administration in transgenir moyse lunes that express Cre-rdcombinasv in D1 or D2 MWB populations. Thesc mics allmx for cell-type xpecific efpression of mmldcblar targets, such as calcium indicatjrs (GCaKP6v) and opsins (CrR2", "random_deletion": "fiber photometry calcium imaging will be paired self-administration transgenic mouse that express Cre-recombinase populations. mice allow for specific expression of targets, such as calcium indicators (GCaMP6f) opsins (ChR2", "change_char_case": " fiber photometry calcium imaGing will be PaireD wiTh cOcAine Self-Administration IN traNsgenic mouse lines that eXpresS CRE-recOMbInase In D1 or D2 Msn pOPUlaTiOnS. ThEsE MiCe allOw fOr cell-tYpe specifiC exPrEssion of moleCUlAr targets, sUch As calcium indIcaTors (GCAMp6f) aND opsiNs (CHR2", "whitespace_perturbation": " fiber photometry calciumimaging wi ll be pa ire dwith coc aine self-admi n istr ation in transgenic mo use l in e s th a texpre ss Cre- r ec o m bin as einD1 or D2 M SNpopulat ions. Thes e m ic e allow forc el l-type spe cif ic expressio n o f mole cu lar targe ts, such as ca l cium i ndicators ( G CaMP6f ) and op s i ns (Ch R2", "underscore_trick": " fiber_photometry calcium_imaging will be paired_with cocaine_self-administration_in transgenic_mouse_lines that express_Cre-recombinase in D1_or D2 MSN populations._These mice allow_for_cell-type specific expression of molecular targets, such as calcium indicators (GCaMP6f) and opsins (ChR2"} +{"text": "obiology of the target proteins. Altogether, the information derived from these studies may reveal strategies for preventing or ameliorating cell death induced by pathogenic bacteria, thus complementing traditional antibiotics in the prevention and treatment of bacterial diseases and agents of biological warfare. A large but inconclusive body of evidence implicates the role of bi", "synonym_substitution": "obiology of the target proteins. Altogether, the information derive from these cogitation may reveal scheme for prevent or ameliorating cell end induced by pathogenic bacteria, thus complement traditional antibiotic in the prevention and treatment of bacterial diseases and agent of biological warfare. A large but inconclusive body of evidence implicate the role of bi", "butter_fingers": "obillogy of the target prottins. Altogether, tkw infocmation derived from these studies may reveel srrateties for preventing or amelioraning cell deauh induced by patikgenic nccterjw, thbs complementing traditiondl antibiotics iv che prevention and treatment of bactqrial dosfases and agenjs of fiolkgical warfare. A large but inconclhsive bmdy of evidenve implicates the role of hi", "random_deletion": "obiology of the target proteins. Altogether, the from studies may strategies for preventing by bacteria, thus complementing antibiotics in the and treatment of bacterial diseases and of biological warfare. A large but inconclusive body of evidence implicates the role bi", "change_char_case": "obiology of the target proteiNs. AltogethEr, the InfOrmAtIon dErivEd from these stuDIes mAy reveal strategies for pRevenTiNG or aMElIoratIng cell DEaTH IndUcEd By pAtHOgEnic bActEria, thuS complemenTinG tRaditional anTIbIotics in thE prEvention and tReaTment oF bActERial dIseAses aNd agenTS of bioLogical waRfARe. A larGE but incONClUsivE body of evidence imPLiCAtes the role of bI", "whitespace_perturbation": "obiology of the target pro teins. Alt ogeth er, th einfo rmat ion derived fr o m th ese studies may reveal stra te g iesf or prev entingo ra m eli or at ing c e ll deat h i nducedby pathoge nic b acteria, thu s c omplementi ngtraditionalant ibioti cs in the p rev entio n andt reatme nt of bac te r ial di s eases a n d a gent s of biological w a rf a re. A large bu t inco nc l us i v e b ody of eviden ce impl i cates t h er o l e o f bi", "underscore_trick": "obiology of_the target_proteins. Altogether, the information_derived from_these_studies may_reveal_strategies for preventing_or ameliorating cell_death induced by pathogenic_bacteria, thus complementing_traditional_antibiotics in the prevention and treatment of bacterial diseases and agents of biological warfare._A_large but_inconclusive_body_of evidence implicates the role_of bi"} +{"text": " States. While drugs to treat RA exist, better treatments strategies are needed to prevent and treat this debilitating disease. As with a variety of autoimmune disorders, there is evidence of an elevated level of tryptophan catabolism in RA patients. This is indicative of activation of the enzyme indoleamine-2,3-", "synonym_substitution": "States. While drugs to treat RA exist, better treatment scheme are needed to prevent and treat this debilitating disease. As with a diverseness of autoimmune disorders, there is evidence of an raised horizontal surface of tryptophan catabolism in RA patients. This is indicative of energizing of the enzyme indoleamine-2,3-", "butter_fingers": " Stwtes. While drugs to treau RA exist, better treatmxnts stdategies are needed to prevent and tceat this debilitating disease. Xs with a variety of eutoimmune disorvsrs, thevz is syidenee of an elevatec level of tryptophan cadacopism in RA patients. This is indicatyve of schivation of thg enzjmq insoleamine-2,3-", "random_deletion": "States. While drugs to treat RA exist, strategies needed to and treat this variety autoimmune disorders, there evidence of an level of tryptophan catabolism in RA This is indicative of activation of the enzyme indoleamine-2,3-", "change_char_case": " States. While drugs to treat RA Exist, betteR treaTmeNts StRateGies Are needed to preVEnt aNd treat this debilitatinG diseAsE. as wiTH a VarieTy of autOImMUNe dIsOrDerS, tHErE is evIdeNce of an Elevated leVel Of Tryptophan caTAbOlism in RA pAtiEnts. This is inDicAtive oF aCtiVAtion Of tHe enzYme indOLeaminE-2,3-", "whitespace_perturbation": " States. While drugs to tr eat RA exi st, b ett ertr eatm ents strategies ar e nee ded to prevent and tre at th is debi l it ating diseas e .A s wi th a va ri e ty of a uto immunedisorders, th er e is evidenc e o f an eleva ted level of tr ypt ophanca tab o lisminRA pa tients . Thisis indica ti v e of a c tivatio n of the enzyme indoleami n e- 2 ,3-", "underscore_trick": " States._While drugs_to treat RA exist,_better treatments_strategies_are needed_to_prevent and treat_this debilitating disease._As with a variety_of autoimmune disorders,_there_is evidence of an elevated level of tryptophan catabolism in RA patients. This is_indicative_of activation_of_the_enzyme indoleamine-2,3-"} +{"text": " minimally invasively and quantitatively assessed using a subject-specific electrophysiological pelvic modeling approach. Primary Hypothesis #2 is that urethrovaginal support function in women can be non-invasively and quantitatively assessed using a subject-specific biomechanical pelvic modeling approach. Primary Hypothesis #3 is that aging will", "synonym_substitution": "minimally invasively and quantitatively assessed using a subject - specific electrophysiological pelvic modeling approach. Primary Hypothesis # 2 is that urethrovaginal documentation affair in women can be non - invasively and quantitatively assessed using a subject - specific biomechanical pelvic model approach. Primary Hypothesis # 3 is that aging will", "butter_fingers": " mijimally invasively and qmantitatively assessed nsing a subject-rpecific electrophysiologicap pelvix modeling approach. Prkmary Hyplthesis #2 is uhat urethrovaginem suppovc fundbion nn women can be kon-invasiveny and quantitdtkvzly assessed using a subject-specific biomecnajical pelvic mjdelpnd aplgocch. Primary Hypothesis #3 is that aging xill", "random_deletion": "minimally invasively and quantitatively assessed using a pelvic approach. Primary #2 is that can non-invasively and quantitatively using a subject-specific pelvic modeling approach. Primary Hypothesis #3 that aging will", "change_char_case": " minimally invasively and quaNtitativelY asseSseD usInG a suBjecT-specific electROphySiological pelvic modeliNg appRoACh. PrIMaRy HypOthesis #2 IS tHAT urEtHrOvaGiNAl SuppoRt fUnction In women can Be nOn-Invasively anD QuAntitativeLy aSsessed using A suBject-sPeCifIC biomEchAnicaL pelviC ModeliNg approacH. PRImary HYPothesiS #3 IS tHat aGing will", "whitespace_perturbation": " minimally invasively andquantitati velyass ess ed usi ng a subject-speci f ic e lectrophysiological pe lvicmo d elin g a pproa ch. Pri m ar y Hyp ot he sis # 2 i s tha t u rethrov aginal sup por tfunction inw om en can benon -invasivelyand quant it ati v ely a sse ssedusinga subje ct-specif ic biomec h anicalp e lv ic m odeling approach. Pr i mary Hypothesi s #3 i st ha t agi ngwill", "underscore_trick": " minimally_invasively and_quantitatively assessed using a_subject-specific electrophysiological_pelvic_modeling approach._Primary_Hypothesis #2 is_that urethrovaginal support_function in women can_be non-invasively and_quantitatively_assessed using a subject-specific biomechanical pelvic modeling approach. Primary Hypothesis #3 is that aging_will"} +{"text": " neuron in vivo. Aim 1. This project will determine the mechanism of de novo VP16 gene activation and silencing in sensory neurons in vivo. The working hypothesis is that the VP16 gene in the HSV-1 genome can be regulated by action of neuron-specific and stress-responsive promoter elements and corresponding transcription factors either to", "synonym_substitution": "neuron in vivo. Aim 1. This project will determine the mechanism of de novo VP16 gene activation and hush in centripetal neurons in vivo. The working hypothesis is that the VP16 gene in the HSV-1 genome can be regulate by action of neuron - specific and tension - responsive promoter elements and comparable arrangement factors either to", "butter_fingers": " nekron in vivo. Aim 1. This pvoject will detetmune thx mechahism of ae novo VP16 gene activation aid sulencung in sensory neurons in vivo. Nhe workibg hbpothesis is thav the VP16 gene jk the ISV-1 genome can ne regulateg by action of nduxon-specific and stress-responsive proioter ekelents and corrgsponcyng fgakscription factors either to", "random_deletion": "neuron in vivo. Aim 1. This project the of de VP16 gene activation in The working hypothesis that the VP16 in the HSV-1 genome can be by action of neuron-specific and stress-responsive promoter elements and corresponding transcription factors either", "change_char_case": " neuron in vivo. Aim 1. This projecT will deterMine tHe mEchAnIsm oF de nOvo VP16 gene activATion And silencing in sensory nEuronS iN Vivo. tHe WorkiNg hypotHEsIS Is tHaT tHe Vp16 gENe In the hSV-1 Genome cAn be regulaTed By Action of neurON-sPecific and StrEss-responsivE prOmoter ElEmeNTs and CorRespoNding tRAnscriPtion factOrS Either TO", "whitespace_perturbation": " neuron in vivo. Aim 1. Th is project will de ter mi ne t he m echanism of de novo VP16 gene activationand s il e ncin g i n sen sory ne u ro n s in v iv o.Th e w orkin g h ypothes is is that th eVP16 gene in th e HSV-1 ge nom e can be reg ula ted by a cti o n ofneu ron-s pecifi c and s tress-res po n sive p r omotere l em ents and correspondin g t r anscription fa ctorsei t he r to", "underscore_trick": " neuron_in vivo._Aim 1. This project_will determine_the_mechanism of_de_novo VP16 gene_activation and silencing_in sensory neurons in_vivo. The working_hypothesis_is that the VP16 gene in the HSV-1 genome can be regulated by action_of_neuron-specific and_stress-responsive_promoter_elements and corresponding transcription factors_either to"} +{"text": " quantification of patient adherence as compared to previous measures of adherence to prescribed footwear (e.g. face-to-face interview) while ambulating at home and in the community and (b) investigating changes in patients'footwear behavior in response to commonly used practices, such as addressing patient preferences, patient education;", "synonym_substitution": "quantification of patient adherence as compared to previous measures of attachment to order footwear (e.g. face - to - grimace consultation) while ambulating at home and in the community and (b) investigate changes in patients'footwear behavior in reaction to commonly used practice, such as addressing patient predilection, patient department of education;", "butter_fingers": " quwntification of patient xdherence as compared vo prevjous mearures of adherence to prescrmbed footqear (e.g. face-to-face intdrview) whple ambulqtinj at home and in the community wnd (y) mnvestigating cmanges in pdtients'footweas cekavior in response to commonly used [racticrs, such as addrefsinb patjvnu preferences, patient education;", "random_deletion": "quantification of patient adherence as compared to of to prescribed (e.g. face-to-face interview) in community and (b) changes in patients'footwear in response to commonly used practices, as addressing patient preferences, patient education;", "change_char_case": " quantification of patient adHerence as cOmparEd tO prEvIous MeasUres of adherencE To prEscribed footwear (e.g. face-To-facE iNTervIEw) While AmbulatINg AT HomE aNd In tHe COmMunitY anD (b) invesTigating chAngEs In patients'foOTwEar behavioR in Response to coMmoNly useD pRacTIces, sUch As addRessinG PatienT preferenCeS, PatienT EducatiON;", "whitespace_perturbation": " quantification of patient adherence as c omp are dto p revi ous measures o f adh erence to prescribed f ootwe ar (e.g . f ace-t o-facei nt e r vie w) w hil ea mb ulati ngat home and in th e c om munity and ( b )investigat ing changes inpat ients' fo otw e ar be hav ior i n resp o nse to commonly u s ed pra c tices,s u ch asaddressing patien t p r eferences, pat ient e du c at i o n;", "underscore_trick": " quantification_of patient_adherence as compared to_previous measures_of_adherence to_prescribed_footwear (e.g. face-to-face_interview) while ambulating_at home and in_the community and_(b)_investigating changes in patients'footwear behavior in response to commonly used practices, such as addressing_patient_preferences, patient_education;"} +{"text": " analyses will then be performed in the presence and absence of characterized enhancers and suppressors of TD to test whether these genes affect developmental plasticity by modifying the cell lineage pattern, the number of founder cells or the cell-doubling times. This proposal will contribute to the understanding of which molecular signals increase regeneration potential to ensure normal", "synonym_substitution": "analyses will then be performed in the presence and absence of characterized enhancers and suppressor of TD to screen whether these genes affect developmental plasticity by modify the cell lineage convention, the issue of founder cell or the cell - doubling time. This proposal will contribute to the understanding of which molecular signals increase regeneration potential to guarantee normal", "butter_fingers": " anwlyses will then be perfurmed in the prgswnce aid absehce of cfaracterized enhancers and snpprwssorw of TD to test whethef these gvnes affext dtvelopmental plasvjcity bn modjnying vhe cell lineagg pattern, tha number of fognaex cells or the cell-doubling times. Thys proppswl will contrifute eo tgv mnderstanding of which molecular signalv increase rebeneration potential to endure normal", "random_deletion": "analyses will then be performed in the absence characterized enhancers suppressors of TD affect plasticity by modifying cell lineage pattern, number of founder cells or the times. This proposal will contribute to the understanding of which molecular signals increase potential to ensure normal", "change_char_case": " analyses will then be performEd in the preSence And AbsEnCe of CharActerized enhanCErs aNd suppressors of TD to tesT whetHeR ThesE GeNes afFect devELoPMEntAl PlAstIcITy By modIfyIng the cEll lineage PatTeRn, the number oF FoUnder cells Or tHe cell-doubliNg tImes. ThIs ProPOsal wIll ContrIbute tO The undErstandinG oF Which mOLecular SIGnAls iNcrease regeneratiON pOTential to ensurE normaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " analyses will then be per formed inthe p res enc eandabse nce of charact e rize d enhancers and suppre ssors o f TDt otestwhether th e s e g en es af fe c tdevel opm ental p lasticitybymo difying thec el l lineagepat tern, the nu mbe r of f ou nde r cell s o r the cell- d oublin g times.Th i s prop o sal wil l co ntri bute to the under s ta n ding of whichmolecu la r s i g nal s i ncrease re ge nerat i on pote n ti a l toe nsure normal", "underscore_trick": " analyses_will then_be performed in the_presence and_absence_of characterized_enhancers_and suppressors of_TD to test_whether these genes affect_developmental plasticity by_modifying_the cell lineage pattern, the number of founder cells or the cell-doubling times. This_proposal_will contribute_to_the_understanding of which molecular signals_increase regeneration potential to ensure_normal"} +{"text": " secretion; 3) gender differences in RDBF will be related to changes in gonadal steroid levels; 4) despite increases in GH secretion during puberty, % BF and visceral fat will increase due to the over-riding effects of gonadal steroids; 5) BM will be directly related to physical activity, calcium", "synonym_substitution": "secretion; 3) gender differences in RDBF will be related to changes in gonadal steroid hormone degree; 4) despite increases in GH secretion during puberty, % BF and visceral adipose tissue will increase due to the all over - riding effects of gonadal steroids; 5) BM will be immediately relate to physical action, calcium", "butter_fingers": " sefretion; 3) gender differenges in RDBF will be releted to changes in gonadal steroid levels; 4) vespute ibcreases in GH secretiun during puberty, % BF qnd viscerem fat wljl ihgreasz vue to the over-tiding effecds of gonadal vtdrlids; 5) BM will be directly related tj physivap activity, calsium", "random_deletion": "secretion; 3) gender differences in RDBF will to in gonadal levels; 4) despite puberty, BF and visceral will increase due the over-riding effects of gonadal steroids; BM will be directly related to physical activity, calcium", "change_char_case": " secretion; 3) gender differenceS in RDBF wilL be reLatEd tO cHangEs in Gonadal steroid LEvelS; 4) despite increases in GH sEcretIoN DuriNG pUbertY, % BF and vIScERAl fAt WiLl iNcREaSe due To tHe over-rIding effecTs oF gOnadal steroiDS; 5) Bm will be dirEctLy related to pHysIcal acTiVitY, CalciUm", "whitespace_perturbation": " secretion; 3) gender diff erences in RDBF wi llbe rel ated to changes in gona dal steroid levels; 4) desp it e inc r ea ses i n GH se c re t i ondu ri ngpu b er ty, % BF and vi sceral fat wi ll increase du e t o the over -ri ding effects of gonad al st e roids ; 5 ) BMwill b e direc tly relat ed to phy s ical ac t i vi ty,calcium", "underscore_trick": " secretion;_3) gender_differences in RDBF will_be related_to_changes in_gonadal_steroid levels; 4)_despite increases in_GH secretion during puberty,_% BF and_visceral_fat will increase due to the over-riding effects of gonadal steroids; 5) BM will_be_directly related_to_physical_activity, calcium"} +{"text": " be calculated. Findings will be correlated with stage of gestation, maternal age, weight, height, blood hemoglobin concentration, and with fetal heart rate in labor, the size and condition of the newborn and placental weight. Measurements in pregnant, trained Pygmy goats of maternal cardiac output and its distribution, fetal heart rate and fetal", "synonym_substitution": "be calculated. Findings will be correlated with stage of pregnancy, parental age, weight, altitude, lineage hemoglobin concentration, and with fetal heart pace in labor, the size and condition of the newborn and placental weight. measurement in meaning, trained Pygmy capricorn of maternal cardiac output and its distribution, fetal kernel pace and fetal", "butter_fingers": " be calculated. Findings wilu be correlated with svage of gestatiun, maternal age, weight, heighv, bliod htioglobin concentragion, and aith fetql htart rate in laboc, the sidz and gondiciin of the newbprn and pldcental weight. Mdadurements in pregnant, trained Pygmy goats pf maternal cardyac pttpuf and its distribution, fetal heart rate aid fetal", "random_deletion": "be calculated. Findings will be correlated with gestation, age, weight, blood hemoglobin concentration, in the size and of the newborn placental weight. Measurements in pregnant, trained goats of maternal cardiac output and its distribution, fetal heart rate and fetal", "change_char_case": " be calculated. Findings will bE correlateD with StaGe oF gEstaTion, Maternal age, weiGHt, heIght, blood hemoglobin conCentrAtIOn, anD WiTh fetAl heart RAtE IN laBoR, tHe sIzE AnD condItiOn of the Newborn and PlaCeNtal weight. MeASuRements in pRegNant, trained PYgmY goats Of MatERnal cArdIac ouTput anD Its disTribution, FeTAl hearT Rate and FETaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " be calculated. Findings w ill be cor relat edwit hstag e of gestation, ma t erna l age, weight, height, bloo dh emog l ob in co ncentra t io n , an dwi thfe t al hear t r ate inlabor, the si ze and conditi o nof the new bor n and placen tal weigh t. Me a surem ent s inpregna n t, tra ined Pygm yg oats o f matern a l c ardi ac output and its di s tribution, fet al hea rt ra t e an d f etal", "underscore_trick": " be_calculated. Findings_will be correlated with_stage of_gestation,_maternal age,_weight,_height, blood hemoglobin_concentration, and with_fetal heart rate in_labor, the size_and_condition of the newborn and placental weight. Measurements in pregnant, trained Pygmy goats of_maternal_cardiac output_and_its_distribution, fetal heart rate and_fetal"} +{"text": " blood cell trafficking for treatment of inflammatory diseases. This project aims at determining if the administration of Betaseron affects the progression of secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis. Bone metastasis occurs in 49% of patients with cancer of the breast. Although the diagnosis is currently made by x-rays and scintiscanning, there are no", "synonym_substitution": "blood cell trafficking for treatment of inflammatory disease. This undertaking target at determining if the administration of Betaseron affect the progression of secondary - progressive multiple sclerosis. Bone metastasis happen in 49% of patients with cancer of the breast. Although the diagnosis is currently make by x - rays and scintiscanning, there be no", "butter_fingers": " bllod cell trafficking for treatment of iudlammavory diaeases. Tfis project aims at determinmng uf tht administration of Betaseroj affectw tht progression of secondarn-'rogrsdsivz nultiple sclerpsis. Bone ketastasis occgrr nn 49% of patients with cancer of the bweast. Aktjough the diaggosix is dlrvently made by x-rays and scintisdanning, there are no", "random_deletion": "blood cell trafficking for treatment of inflammatory project at determining the administration of secondary-progressive sclerosis. Bone metastasis in 49% of with cancer of the breast. Although diagnosis is currently made by x-rays and scintiscanning, there are no", "change_char_case": " blood cell trafficking for trEatment of iNflamMatOry DiSeasEs. ThIs project aims aT DeteRmining if the administraTion oF BETaseROn AffecTs the prOGrESSioN oF sEcoNdARy-ProgrEssIve multIple scleroSis. boNe metastasis OCcUrs in 49% of patIenTs with cancer Of tHe breaSt. altHOugh tHe dIagnoSis is cURrentlY made by x-rAyS And sciNTiscannING, tHere Are no", "whitespace_perturbation": " blood cell trafficking fo r treatmen t ofinf lam ma tory dis eases. This pr o ject aims at determining i f the a d mini s tr ation of Bet a se r o n a ff ec tsth e p rogre ssi on of s econdary-p rog re ssive multip l esclerosis. Bo ne metastasi s o ccursin 49 % of p ati entswith c a ncer o f the bre as t . Alth o ugh the d ia gnos is is currently m a de by x-rays andscinti sc a nn i n g,the re are no", "underscore_trick": " blood_cell trafficking_for treatment of inflammatory_diseases. This_project_aims at_determining_if the administration_of Betaseron affects_the progression of secondary-progressive_multiple sclerosis. Bone_metastasis_occurs in 49% of patients with cancer of the breast. Although the diagnosis is_currently_made by_x-rays_and_scintiscanning, there are no"} +{"text": " streams produced by SELDI and rapidly identify (in up to 20th-dimensional space) patterns of proteins that are diagnostic for human cancer in serum or cell lysates.. A component of our research efforts focuses on the applicability of proteomic technology to identification of changes in protein patterns that could predict drug toxicity. Through a collaboration", "synonym_substitution": "streams produced by SELDI and rapidly identify (in up to twentieth - dimensional quad) patterns of proteins that are diagnostic for human cancer in serum or cellular telephone lysates.. A component of our inquiry efforts focuses on the applicability of proteomic engineering to identification of changes in protein patterns that could bode drug perniciousness. Through a collaboration", "butter_fingers": " stgeams produced by SELDI xnd rapidly ideurify (ii up to 20th-dimenrional space) patterns of proveinw thau are diagnostic fof human cwncer in sernm or cell lysatxa.. A comijnenf of mnr research effprts focusas on the applhcxbnlity of proteomic technology to idegtificayiln of changes yn pgoeein iauterns that could predict drug tosicity. Uhrough a collaborstion", "random_deletion": "streams produced by SELDI and rapidly identify to space) patterns proteins that are serum cell lysates.. A of our research focuses on the applicability of proteomic to identification of changes in protein patterns that could predict drug toxicity. Through collaboration", "change_char_case": " streams produced by SELDI and Rapidly ideNtify (In uP to 20Th-DimeNsioNal space) patterNS of pRoteins that are diagnostIc for HuMAn caNCeR in seRum or ceLL lYSAteS.. A CoMpoNeNT oF our rEseArch effOrts focuseS on ThE applicabiliTY oF proteomic TecHnology to ideNtiFicatiOn Of cHAnges In pRoteiN patteRNs that Could predIcT Drug toXIcity. ThROUgH a coLlaboration", "whitespace_perturbation": " streams produced by SELDI and rapid ly id ent ify ( in u p to 20th-dimensio n al s pace) patterns of prot einsth a t ar e d iagno stic fo r h u m anca nc erin se rum o r c ell lys ates.. A c omp on ent of our r e se arch effor tsfocuses on t heapplic ab ili t y ofpro teomi c tech n ologyto identi fi c ationo f chang e s i n pr otein patterns th a tc ould predict d rug to xi c it y . Th rou gh a colla bo ratio n ", "underscore_trick": " streams_produced by_SELDI and rapidly identify_(in up_to_20th-dimensional space)_patterns_of proteins that_are diagnostic for_human cancer in serum_or cell lysates.._A_component of our research efforts focuses on the applicability of proteomic technology to identification_of_changes in_protein_patterns_that could predict drug toxicity._Through a collaboration"} +{"text": " by comparing against 2-D monolayer and 3-D hydrogel cultures. We seek to define the mechanism of enhanced adipogenesis in the context of morphological cues (cell shape through the mmp14 pathway) regulating PPAR-?, a key effector of adipogenesis. (3) Determine the effects of multiple metabolic stresses (fatty", "synonym_substitution": "by comparing against 2 - D monolayer and 3 - D hydrogel cultures. We search to specify the mechanism of enhanced adipogenesis in the context of morphological cues (cellular telephone shape through the mmp14 pathway) regulating PPAR-? , a cardinal effecter of adipogenesis. (3) Determine the effects of multiple metabolic stresses (fatty", "butter_fingers": " by comparing against 2-D monulayer and 3-D hybeogel rulturea. We seey to define the mechanism of ebhanctb adipogenesis in thd context of morpyolojical cues (cell shape thvjugh bhe mk'14 pathway) regulsting PPAR-?, a key effectos uf adipogenesis. (3) Determine the effectf of muktlple metabolic strtssqs (fzntn", "random_deletion": "by comparing against 2-D monolayer and 3-D We to define mechanism of enhanced morphological (cell shape through mmp14 pathway) regulating a key effector of adipogenesis. (3) the effects of multiple metabolic stresses (fatty", "change_char_case": " by comparing against 2-D monolaYer and 3-D hydRogel CulTurEs. we seEk to Define the mechaNIsm oF enhanced adipogenesis iN the cOnTExt oF MoRpholOgical cUEs (CELl sHaPe ThrOuGH tHe mmp14 PatHway) regUlating PPAr-?, a kEy Effector of adIPoGenesis. (3) DetErmIne the effectS of MultipLe MetABolic StrEsses (Fatty", "whitespace_perturbation": " by comparing against 2-Dmonolayerand 3 -Dhyd ro gelcult ures. We seekt o de fine the mechanism ofenhan ce d adi p og enesi s in th e c o n tex tof mo rp h ol ogica l c ues (ce ll shape t hro ug h the mmp14p at hway) regu lat ing PPAR-?,a k ey eff ec tor of ad ipo genes is. (3 ) Deter mine theef f ects o f multip l e m etab olic stresses (fa t ty ", "underscore_trick": " by_comparing against_2-D monolayer and 3-D_hydrogel cultures._We_seek to_define_the mechanism of_enhanced adipogenesis in_the context of morphological_cues (cell shape_through_the mmp14 pathway) regulating PPAR-?, a key effector of adipogenesis. (3) Determine the effects_of_multiple metabolic_stresses_(fatty"} +{"text": " as mono-intercalators and therefore unable to bind the internal sites of the DNA helix. We will demonstrate that these molecules are able to selectively bind to the ends of DNA helices which are not constrained by neighbor exclusion. This type of selective binding has not been seen before and should have a number of important applications.", "synonym_substitution": "as mono - intercalators and therefore unable to bind the inner web site of the DNA helix. We will demonstrate that these molecules are able to selectively tie down to the ends of DNA helix which are not constrained by neighbor exclusion. This character of selective dressing has not been seen ahead and should have a number of crucial application.", "butter_fingers": " as mono-intercalators and tmerefore unable jo bind vhe intsrnal siges of the DNA helix. We will dwmonsugate that these molecjles are wble to welertively bind to vge ends of DNZ helncxs which are noj constraineg by neighbor axzlbsion. This type of selective binding has noy heen seen befote anc shohld have a number of important appmicatiois.", "random_deletion": "as mono-intercalators and therefore unable to bind sites the DNA We will demonstrate to bind to the of DNA helices are not constrained by neighbor exclusion. type of selective binding has not been seen before and should have a of important applications.", "change_char_case": " as mono-intercalators and theRefore unabLe to bInd The InTernAl siTes of the DNA helIX. We wIll demonstrate that thesE moleCuLEs arE AbLe to sElectivELy BINd tO tHe EndS oF dNa heliCes Which arE not constrAinEd By neighbor exCLuSion. This tyPe oF selective biNdiNg has nOt BeeN Seen bEfoRe and Should HAve a nuMber of impOrTAnt appLIcationS.", "whitespace_perturbation": " as mono-intercalators and therefore unab letobi nd t he i nternal siteso f th e DNA helix. We will d emons tr a te t h at thes e molec u le s are a bl e t os el ectiv ely bind t o the ends of D NA helices w h ic h are notcon strained bynei ghborex clu s ion.Thi s typ e of s e lectiv e binding h a s notb een see n be fore and should havea n u mber of import ant ap pl i ca t i ons .", "underscore_trick": " as_mono-intercalators and_therefore unable to bind_the internal_sites_of the_DNA_helix. We will_demonstrate that these_molecules are able to_selectively bind to_the_ends of DNA helices which are not constrained by neighbor exclusion. This type of_selective_binding has_not_been_seen before and should have_a number of important applications."} +{"text": " reveal candidate proteins that are important for OLG-growth cone targeting, i.e. the initiation of myelin sheath formation. In continuing studies based on the findings of the present proposal, we are planning to further characterize these proteins. The proposed studies thus represent a first step into a set of experiments designed to better understand", "synonym_substitution": "reveal candidate proteins that are important for OLG - increase cone targeting, i.e. the knowledgeability of myelin sheath formation. In continuing study based on the findings of the present marriage proposal, we are planning to further characterize these protein. The aim studies therefore represent a first step into a set of experiment designed to better understand", "butter_fingers": " regeal candidate proteins uhat are importanj dor OLJ-growth cone tafgeting, i.e. the initiation of mtelin sheath formation. In cuntinuing studies bastd on the findings of the presehb pro'owal, we are plakning to fusther charactesixe these proteins. The proposed studief thus teoresent a firsj stek igto z set of experiments designed to bstter uiderstand", "random_deletion": "reveal candidate proteins that are important for targeting, the initiation myelin sheath formation. the of the present we are planning further characterize these proteins. The proposed thus represent a first step into a set of experiments designed to better", "change_char_case": " reveal candidate proteins thAt are imporTant fOr OlG-gRoWth cOne tArgeting, i.e. the iNItiaTion of myelin sheath formAtion. in COntiNUiNg stuDies basED oN THe fInDiNgs Of THe PreseNt pRoposal, We are plannIng To Further charaCTeRize these pRotEins. The propoSed StudieS tHus REpresEnt A firsT step iNTo a set Of experimEnTS desigNEd to betTER uNderStand", "whitespace_perturbation": " reveal candidate proteins that areimpor tan t f or OLG -gro wth cone targe t ing, i.e. the initiation o f mye li n she a th form ation.I nc o nti nu in g s tu d ie s bas edon thefindings o f t he present pro p os al, we are pl anning to fu rth er cha ra cte r ize t hes e pro teins. The pr oposed st ud i es thu s repres e n ta fi rst step into a s e to f experimentsdesign ed to b ett erunderstand ", "underscore_trick": " reveal_candidate proteins_that are important for_OLG-growth cone_targeting,_i.e. the_initiation_of myelin sheath_formation. In continuing_studies based on the_findings of the_present_proposal, we are planning to further characterize these proteins. The proposed studies thus represent_a_first step_into_a_set of experiments designed to_better understand"} +{"text": " replication. Error-prone repair, the major mechanism of damage-induced mutagenesis, occurs when DNA replication bypasses such damaged bases in a poorly templated (and thus highly mutagenic) manner. Replication blocks have been studied in vitro but hardly at all in vivo. We are establishing systems to map, at", "synonym_substitution": "replication. Error - prone repair, the major mechanism of damage - induce mutagenesis, occur when DNA replication bypasses such discredited bases in a poorly templated (and thus highly mutagenic) manner. reproduction blocks have been studied in vitro but barely at wholly in vivo. We are establishing systems to map, at", "butter_fingers": " reolication. Error-prone repxir, the major mgcyanism of dajage-induzed mutagenesis, occurs when VNA eeplixation bypasses such dxmaged bades in a poocly templated (anv thus hlyhly jmtageuir) manner. Replicstion blocns have been sduaizd in vitro but hardly at all in vivj. We arr fstablishing sistemx to jap, at", "random_deletion": "replication. Error-prone repair, the major mechanism of occurs DNA replication such damaged bases thus mutagenic) manner. Replication have been studied vitro but hardly at all in We are establishing systems to map, at", "change_char_case": " replication. Error-prone repaIr, the major MechaNisM of DaMage-InduCed mutagenesis, OCcurS when DNA replication bypAsses SuCH damAGeD baseS in a pooRLy TEMplAtEd (And ThUS hIghly MutAgenic) mAnner. RepliCatIoN blocks have bEEn Studied in vItrO but hardly at All In vivo. we Are EStablIshIng syStems tO Map, at", "whitespace_perturbation": " replication. Error-pronerepair, th e maj ormec ha nism ofdamage-induced muta genesis, occurs when D NA re pl i cati o nbypas ses suc h d a m age dba ses i n a poor lytemplat ed (and th ushi ghly mutagen i c) manner. R epl ication bloc kshave b ee n s t udied in vitr o buth ardlyat all in v i vo. We are est a b li shin g systems to map, at ", "underscore_trick": " replication._Error-prone repair,_the major mechanism of_damage-induced mutagenesis,_occurs_when DNA_replication_bypasses such damaged_bases in a_poorly templated (and thus_highly mutagenic) manner._Replication_blocks have been studied in vitro but hardly at all in vivo. We are_establishing_systems to_map,_at"} +{"text": " adults and of diabetics. The hypothesis will be tested by: (a) isolating the active materials from these sources using chromatographic procedures, (b) determining their amino acid sequences, (c) developing radioimmunoassays for their quantitation in plasma, and (d) using such procedures to ascertain the", "synonym_substitution": "adults and of diabetics. The hypothesis will be tested by: (a) sequester the active fabric from these sources using chromatographic procedures, (b) determine their amino acid sequences, (c) develop radioimmunoassays for their quantitation in plasma, and (d) using such procedure to ascertain the", "butter_fingers": " adklts and of diabetics. Tht hypothesis will be tesved by: (z) isolatkng the active materials frol rhese sources using chromatugraphic irocedurew, (b) vetermining theic amino acid sseueneew, (c) developing radioimmutoassays for tvekr quantitation in plasma, and (d) using such ptofedures to ascgrtaim the", "random_deletion": "adults and of diabetics. The hypothesis will by: isolating the materials from these determining amino acid sequences, developing radioimmunoassays for quantitation in plasma, and (d) using procedures to ascertain the", "change_char_case": " adults and of diabetics. The hyPothesis wiLl be tEstEd bY: (a) IsolAtinG the active mateRIals From these sources using cHromaToGRaphIC pRocedUres, (b) deTErMINinG tHeIr aMiNO aCid seQueNces, (c) deVeloping raDioImMunoassays foR ThEir quantitAtiOn in plasma, anD (d) uSing suCh ProCEdureS to AscerTain thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " adults and of diabetics.The hypoth esiswil l b etest ed b y: (a) isolati n g th e active materials fro m the se sour c es usin g chrom a to g r aph ic p roc ed u re s, (b ) d etermin ing theirami no acid sequen c es , (c) deve lop ing radioimm uno assays f ort heirqua ntita tion i n plasm a, and (d )u sing s u ch proc e d ur es t o ascertain the", "underscore_trick": " adults_and of_diabetics. The hypothesis will_be tested_by:_(a) isolating_the_active materials from_these sources using_chromatographic procedures, (b) determining_their amino acid_sequences,_(c) developing radioimmunoassays for their quantitation in plasma, and (d) using such procedures to_ascertain_the"} +{"text": " understanding of the role for these receptors in HSK and how they contribute to disease will provide insight for the development of novel therapeutics for the treatment HSK which is the most frequent cause of corneal blindness in the US. Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCCHN) is one of the most common", "synonym_substitution": "understanding of the role for these receptors in HSK and how they contribute to disease will leave penetration for the development of novel remedy for the treatment HSK which is the about frequent cause of corneal blindness in the US. Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCCHN) is one of the most coarse", "butter_fingers": " unferstanding of the role nor these receptors in ISK and how theh contribute to disease will peovidt insight for the ddvelopmenn of noveo thtrapeutics for thx treatmcut HSI whieh is the most ftequent causa of corneal bnivduess in the US. Head and Neck Squamouf Cell Vagcinoma (SCCHN) ys omq of nht most common", "random_deletion": "understanding of the role for these receptors and they contribute disease will provide novel for the treatment which is the frequent cause of corneal blindness in US. Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCCHN) is one of the most", "change_char_case": " understanding of the role for These recepTors iN HSk anD hOw thEy coNtribute to diseASe wiLl provide insight for the DevelOpMEnt oF NoVel thErapeutICs FOR thE tReAtmEnT hSk whicH is The most Frequent caUse Of Corneal blindNEsS in the US. HeAd aNd Neck SquamoUs CEll CarCiNomA (sCCHN) Is oNe of tHe most COmmon", "whitespace_perturbation": " understanding of the role for these rece pto rsin HSK and how they cont r ibut e to disease will prov ide i ns i ghtf or thedevelop m en t ofno ve l t he r ap eutic s f or thetreatmentHSK w hich is them os t frequent ca use of corne alblindn es s i n theUS. Head and N e ck Squ amous Cel lC arcino m a (SCCH N ) i s on e of the most com m on ", "underscore_trick": " understanding_of the_role for these receptors_in HSK_and_how they_contribute_to disease will_provide insight for_the development of novel_therapeutics for the_treatment_HSK which is the most frequent cause of corneal blindness in the US. Head_and_Neck Squamous_Cell_Carcinoma_(SCCHN) is one of the_most common"} +{"text": " includes the RNA Therapeutics Institute, the Center for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, and the Gene Therapy Center. The UMATC joins the Massachusetts Biologic Laboratories, Meyers Primary Care Institute, and Commonwealth Medicine, four innovative components that are rarely found in academic centers, to speed bench to bedside to", "synonym_substitution": "includes the RNA Therapeutics Institute, the Center for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, and the Gene Therapy Center. The UMATC joins the Massachusetts Biologic Laboratories, Meyers Primary Care Institute, and Commonwealth Medicine, four innovative components that are rarely find oneself in academic center, to speed bench to bedside to", "butter_fingers": " infludes the RNA Therapeutlcs Institute, thg Xenter for Sfem Cell Biology and Regenerative Mevicibe, ane the Gene Therapy Cenger. The ULATC joibs tie Massachusetts Biologig Labkvatornew, Meyers Primaty Care Insthtute, and Commmndeclth Medicine, four innovative componqnts thst are rarely foond im acasvmlc centers, to speed bench to bedaide to", "random_deletion": "includes the RNA Therapeutics Institute, the Center Cell and Regenerative and the Gene the Biologic Laboratories, Meyers Care Institute, and Medicine, four innovative components that are found in academic centers, to speed bench to bedside to", "change_char_case": " includes the RNA TherapeuticS Institute, The CeNteR foR STem CEll BIology and RegenERatiVe Medicine, and the Gene ThErapy ceNTer. THE UmATC jOins the mAsSAChuSeTtS BiOlOGiC LaboRatOries, MeYers PrimarY CaRe institute, and cOmMonwealth MEdiCine, four innoVatIve comPoNenTS that Are RarelY found IN acadeMic centerS, tO Speed bENch to beDSIdE to", "whitespace_perturbation": " includes the RNA Therapeu tics Insti tute, th e C en terforStem Cell Biol o gy a nd Regenerative Medici ne, a nd theG en e The rapy Ce n te r . Th eUM ATC j o in s the Ma ssachus etts Biolo gic L aboratories, Me yers Prima ryCare Institu te, and C om mon w ealth Me dicin e, fou r innov ative com po n ents t h at arer a re ly f ound in academicc en t ers, to speedbenchto be d s ide to ", "underscore_trick": " includes_the RNA_Therapeutics Institute, the Center_for Stem_Cell_Biology and_Regenerative_Medicine, and the_Gene Therapy Center._The UMATC joins the_Massachusetts Biologic Laboratories,_Meyers_Primary Care Institute, and Commonwealth Medicine, four innovative components that are rarely found in_academic_centers, to_speed_bench_to bedside to"} +{"text": ") and virus will be administered locally by the IP route. Tumor burden and survival curves will be compared between treatment groups in the presence or absence of gemcitabine and in gemcitabine refractory tumors to determine if MYXV virotherapy under the three regimes mentioned above results in an enhancement of therapeutic benefits as measured by", "synonym_substitution": ") and virus will be administered locally by the IP route. Tumor burden and survival curves will be compare between discussion groups in the presence or absence of gemcitabine and in gemcitabine fractious tumors to decide if MYXV virotherapy under the three regimes mention above results in an enhancement of therapeutic benefit as measured by", "butter_fingers": ") anf virus will be administtred locally by tkw IP rmute. Thmor buraen and survival curves will bw comkcred between treatmevt groups in the prestnce or absence oh gemcitabine zkd in jemcitabine reftactory tumoss to determina kf MYXV virotherapy under the three rqgimes kejtioned above tesulus yn ah enhancement of therapeutic benefjts as keasured by", "random_deletion": ") and virus will be administered locally IP Tumor burden survival curves will in presence or absence gemcitabine and in refractory tumors to determine if MYXV under the three regimes mentioned above results in an enhancement of therapeutic benefits measured by", "change_char_case": ") and virus will be administereD locally by The IP RouTe. TUmOr buRden And survival curVEs wiLl be compared between treAtmenT gROups IN tHe preSence or ABsENCe oF gEmCitAbINe And in GemCitabinE refractorY tuMoRs to determinE If mYXV virothEraPy under the thRee RegimeS mEntIOned aBovE resuLts in aN EnhancEment of thErAPeutic BEnefits AS MeAsurEd by", "whitespace_perturbation": ") and virus will be admini stered loc allybythe I P ro ute. Tumor burdena nd s urvival curves will be comp ar e d be t we en tr eatment gr o u psin t hepr e se nce o r a bsenceof gemcita bin eand in gemci t ab ine refrac tor y tumors todet ermine i f M Y XV vi rot herap y unde r the t hree regi me s menti o ned abo v e r esul ts in an enhancem e nt of therapeutic benef it s a s mea sur ed by", "underscore_trick": ") and_virus will_be administered locally by_the IP_route._Tumor burden_and_survival curves will_be compared between_treatment groups in the_presence or absence_of_gemcitabine and in gemcitabine refractory tumors to determine if MYXV virotherapy under the three_regimes_mentioned above_results_in_an enhancement of therapeutic benefits_as measured by"} +{"text": " of early stage human cancer cells. The proposed studies are expected to provide insight into regulation of normal axon-glial interactions, and to lead to strategies to understand and ultimately treat human schwannomas. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] Hermann Lotze was an agent in the development of philosophy and medicine", "synonym_substitution": "of early stage human cancer cells. The proposed studies are expect to leave insight into regulation of normal axon - glial interactions, and to run to strategies to understand and ultimately process human schwannomas. [ unreadable ] [ unreadable ] [ indecipherable ] Hermann Lotze was an agentive role in the development of philosophy and music", "butter_fingers": " of early stage human cancev cells. The proposed stndies ade expecged to provide insight into ceguoatiob of normal axon-glial knteractilns, and ro ltad to strategies to undevftans and nltimately treaj human schwdnnomas. [unreaddbue] [unreadable] [unreadable] Hermann Lotzq was am wgent in the dgvelokmegt or philosophy and medicine", "random_deletion": "of early stage human cancer cells. The are to provide into regulation of lead strategies to understand ultimately treat human [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] Hermann Lotze was agent in the development of philosophy and medicine", "change_char_case": " of early stage human cancer ceLls. The propOsed sTudIes ArE expEcteD to provide insiGHt inTo regulation of normal axOn-gliAl INterACtIons, aNd to leaD To STRatEgIeS to UnDErStand And UltimatEly treat huMan ScHwannomas. [unrEAdAble] [unreadAblE] [unreadable] HErmAnn LotZe Was AN agenT in The deVelopmENt of phIlosophy aNd MEdicinE", "whitespace_perturbation": " of early stage human canc er cells.The p rop ose dstud iesare expected t o pro vide insight into regu latio no f no r ma l axo n-glial in t e rac ti on s,an d t o lea d t o strat egies to u nde rs tand and ult i ma tely treat hu man schwanno mas . [unr ea dab l e] [u nre adabl e] [un r eadabl e] Herman nL otze w a s an ag e n tin t he development of ph i losophy and me dicine ", "underscore_trick": " of_early stage_human cancer cells. The_proposed studies_are_expected to_provide_insight into regulation_of normal axon-glial_interactions, and to lead_to strategies to_understand_and ultimately treat human schwannomas. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] Hermann Lotze was an agent in_the_development of_philosophy_and_medicine"} +{"text": " as ADHD are thought to affect as many as 5% of the children in the United States, and better understanding of the basic neuronal mechanisms related to attention is needed for guiding assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of attentional deficits. This project will investigate basic mechanisms of bioelectric information as produced by the actions of sodium channel proteins", "synonym_substitution": "as ADHD are thought to affect as many as 5% of the children in the United States, and good reason of the basic neuronal mechanisms related to care is needed for guiding assessment, diagnosis, and discussion of attentional deficit. This project will investigate basic mechanism of bioelectric information as produced by the military action of sodium channel proteins", "butter_fingers": " as ADHD are thought to afftct as many as 5% oy the ciildren in the Jnited States, and better undxrstqndint of the basic neuronau mechanidms relared uo attention is nxsded fov guislng avwessment, diagnpsis, and tseatment of atdevtnonal deficits. This project will invqstigatr hasic mechanisis og bioslectric information as produced bg the abtions of sodium vhannel proteins", "random_deletion": "as ADHD are thought to affect as 5% the children the United States, basic mechanisms related to is needed for assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of attentional This project will investigate basic mechanisms of bioelectric information as produced by the of sodium channel proteins", "change_char_case": " as ADHD are thought to affect aS many as 5% of tHe chiLdrEn iN tHe UnIted states, and betteR UndeRstanding of the basic neuRonal MeCHaniSMs RelatEd to attENtION is NeEdEd fOr GUiDing aSseSsment, dIagnosis, anD trEaTment of attenTIoNal deficitS. ThIs project wilL inVestigAtE baSIc mecHanIsms oF bioelECtric iNformatioN aS ProducED by the aCTIoNs of Sodium channel protEInS", "whitespace_perturbation": " as ADHD are thought to af fect as ma ny as 5% of t he c hild ren in the Uni t ed S tates, and better unde rstan di n g of th e bas ic neur o na l mec ha ni sms r e la ted t o a ttentio n is neede d f or guiding ass e ss ment, diag nos is, and trea tme nt ofat ten t ional de ficit s. Thi s proje ct will i nv e stigat e basicm e ch anis ms of bioelectric in f ormation as pr oduced b y t h e ac tio ns of sodi um chan n el prot e in s ", "underscore_trick": " as_ADHD are_thought to affect as_many as_5%_of the_children_in the United_States, and better_understanding of the basic_neuronal mechanisms related_to_attention is needed for guiding assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of attentional deficits. This project_will_investigate basic_mechanisms_of_bioelectric information as produced by_the actions of sodium channel_proteins"} +{"text": " communication and language abilities by such individuals. The proposed studies will address five specific aims related to these overall objectives that have been identified on the basis of the applicant's current and previous research. All of these aims relate to a proposed model of communication development in this population that identifies a number of critical \"cusps\" that have", "synonym_substitution": "communication and language abilities by such individuals. The proposed report will cover five specific aims related to these overall aim that have been name on the basis of the applicant's current and previous inquiry. All of these aims relate to a proposed model of communication growth in this population that identifies a number of critical \" cusp \" that have", "butter_fingers": " colmunication and language abilities by socy inditiduals. The prooosed studies will address fmve wpecidic aims related to thdse overapl objecrivew that have been idcutifisf on vhe basis of thg applicant's current and psexilus research. All of these aims relaee to a pgoposed model jf cpimunjbauion development in this populatikn that identifies a number of critical \"cusps\" hhat have", "random_deletion": "communication and language abilities by such individuals. studies address five aims related to been on the basis the applicant's current previous research. All of these aims to a proposed model of communication development in this population that identifies a of critical \"cusps\" that have", "change_char_case": " communication and language aBilities by Such iNdiVidUaLs. ThE proPosed studies wiLL addRess five specific aims reLated To THese OVeRall oBjectivES tHAT haVe BeEn iDeNTiFied oN thE basis oF the applicAnt'S cUrrent and preVIoUs research. all Of these aims rElaTe to a pRoPosED modeL of CommuNicatiON develOpment in tHiS PopulaTIon that IDEnTifiEs a number of criticAL \"cUSps\" that have", "whitespace_perturbation": " communication and languag e abilitie s bysuc h i nd ivid uals . The proposed stud ies will address fivespeci fi c aim s r elate d to th e se o ver al lobj ec t iv es th athave be en identif ied o n the basiso fthe applic ant 's current a ndprevio us re s earch . A ll of these aims r elate toap ropose d modelo f c ommu nication developm e nt in this popula tion t ha t i d e nti fie s a number o f cri t ical \"c u sp s \" tha t have", "underscore_trick": " communication_and language_abilities by such individuals._The proposed_studies_will address_five_specific aims related_to these overall_objectives that have been_identified on the_basis_of the applicant's current and previous research. All of these aims relate to a_proposed_model of_communication_development_in this population that identifies_a number of critical \"cusps\"_that have"} +{"text": " (CNS)-derived HIV isolates and one corresponding lymphocyte-derived HIV isolate. These HIV can be distinguished by their replicating properties in different cells. We shall clone their proviral forms from genetic libraries of virus-infected cellular DNA. Molecular clones of these viruses will be subjected to restriction endonuclease analysis and the resulting", "synonym_substitution": "(CNS)-derived HIV isolates and one corresponding lymphocyte - derived HIV isolate. These HIV can be distinguished by their replicating place in unlike cells. We shall clone their proviral forms from familial library of virus - infected cellular DNA. Molecular clones of these virus will be subjected to restriction endonuclease analysis and the result", "butter_fingers": " (CND)-derived HIV isolates ana one corresponbung lykphocyfe-derivea HIV isolate. These HIV can ue dustintuished by their replizating prlperties in vifferent cells. Xs shall clone bheir 'roviral forms nrom genetiw libraries of vkrbs-infected cellular DNA. Molecular cljnes of tjese viruses wyll nq sugjected to restriction endonucleass analyvis and the rrsulting", "random_deletion": "(CNS)-derived HIV isolates and one corresponding lymphocyte-derived These can be by their replicating shall their proviral forms genetic libraries of cellular DNA. Molecular clones of these will be subjected to restriction endonuclease analysis and the resulting", "change_char_case": " (CNS)-derived HIV isolates and oNe correspoNding LymPhoCyTe-deRiveD HIV isolate. TheSE HIV Can be distinguished by thEir rePlICatiNG pRoperTies in dIFfEREnt CeLlS. We ShALl Clone TheIr proviRal forms frOm gEnEtic librarieS Of Virus-infecTed Cellular DNA. MOleCular cLoNes OF thesE viRuses Will be SUbjectEd to restrIcTIon endONucleasE ANaLysiS and the resulting", "whitespace_perturbation": " (CNS)-derived HIV isolate s and onecorre spo ndi ng lym phoc yte-derived HI V iso late. These HIV can be dist in g uish e dby th eir rep l ic a t ing p ro per ti e sin di ffe rent ce lls. We sh all c lone their p r ov iral forms fr om genetic l ibr ariesof vi r us-in fec ted c ellula r DNA.Molecular c l ones o f thesev i ru seswill be subjected to restriction en donucl ea s ea n aly sis and the r es ultin g ", "underscore_trick": " (CNS)-derived_HIV isolates_and one corresponding lymphocyte-derived_HIV isolate._These_HIV can_be_distinguished by their_replicating properties in_different cells. We shall_clone their proviral_forms_from genetic libraries of virus-infected cellular DNA. Molecular clones of these viruses will be_subjected_to restriction_endonuclease_analysis_and the resulting"} +{"text": " syntesized in preparation for mitosis. The basis of this regulation will be investigated. The triggering of tubulin synthesis depends on the completion of prior events in the mitotic cycle. The nature of the committment to tubulin syntesis will be investigated using mitotic cycle mutants, cell fusions, and heat shocks.", "synonym_substitution": "syntesized in preparation for mitosis. The basis of this regulation will be investigated. The triggering of tubulin deduction depend on the completion of prior events in the mitotic hertz. The nature of the committment to tubulin syntesis will be investigate using mitotic cycle mutant, cellular telephone fusions, and heat shocks.", "butter_fingers": " syjtesized in preparation nor mitosis. The yqsis oh this degulatiun will be investigated. The vrigterint of tubulin synthesis depends ln the cimplttion of prior evxhts in bke mifltic rycle. The naturg of the comkittment to tutuuiu syntesis will be investigated usind mitotoc cycle mutants, celk fusjons, and heat shocks.", "random_deletion": "syntesized in preparation for mitosis. The basis regulation be investigated. triggering of tubulin of events in the cycle. The nature the committment to tubulin syntesis will investigated using mitotic cycle mutants, cell fusions, and heat shocks.", "change_char_case": " syntesized in preparation foR mitosis. ThE basiS of ThiS rEgulAtioN will be investiGAted. the triggering of tubulin SynthEsIS depENdS on thE compleTIoN OF prIoR eVenTs IN tHe mitOtiC cycle. THe nature of The CoMmittment to tUBuLin syntesiS wiLl be investigAteD using MiTotIC cyclE muTants, Cell fuSIons, anD heat shocKs.", "whitespace_perturbation": " syntesized in preparation for mitos is. T hebas is ofthis regulation wi l l be investigated. The tri ggeri ng of t u bu lin s ynthesi s d e p end son th ec om pleti onof prio r events i n t he mitotic cyc l e. The natur e o f the commit tme nt totu bul i n syn tes is wi ll bei nvesti gated usi ng mitoti c cyclem u ta nts, cell fusions, an d h e at shocks.", "underscore_trick": " syntesized_in preparation_for mitosis. The basis_of this_regulation_will be_investigated._The triggering of_tubulin synthesis depends_on the completion of_prior events in_the_mitotic cycle. The nature of the committment to tubulin syntesis will be investigated using_mitotic_cycle mutants,_cell_fusions,_and heat shocks."} +{"text": " When synthetic GnRH first became available for clinical study, there was not yet an adequate understanding of the physiology of GnRH secretion in the human to support its potential therapeutic application. As a result, early attempts at ovulation induction were unsuccessful. It was soon appreciated that an episodic mode of delivery was essential for normal pituitary", "synonym_substitution": "When synthetic GnRH first became available for clinical study, there be not so far an adequate understanding of the physiology of GnRH secretion in the human to support its likely therapeutic application. As a result, early attempt at ovulation induction were unsuccessful. It was soon appreciate that an episodic mode of delivery was substantive for normal pituitary", "butter_fingers": " Whfn synthetic GnRH first necame available for clmnical atudy, thdre was not yet an adequate nndeestaneing of the physiology of GnRH decretiob in rhe human vk suppovc its iotenciel therapeutic spplicatiot. As a result, aaflv attempts at ovulation induction wewe unsuvcfssful. It was foon wpprsbicted that an episodic mode of dslivery was essentiak for normal pituitary", "random_deletion": "When synthetic GnRH first became available for there not yet adequate understanding of in human to support potential therapeutic application. a result, early attempts at ovulation were unsuccessful. It was soon appreciated that an episodic mode of delivery was for normal pituitary", "change_char_case": " When synthetic GnRH first becAme availabLe for CliNicAl StudY, theRe was not yet an aDEquaTe understanding of the phYsiolOgY Of Gnrh sEcretIon in thE HuMAN to SuPpOrt ItS PoTentiAl tHerapeuTic applicaTioN. AS a result, earlY AtTempts at ovUlaTion inductioN weRe unsuCcEssFUl. It wAs sOon apPreciaTEd that An episodiC mODe of deLIvery waS ESsEntiAl for normal pituitARy", "whitespace_perturbation": " When synthetic GnRH first became av ailab lefor c lini calstudy, there w a s no t yet an adequate unde rstan di n g of th e phy siology of G nRH s ec ret io n i n the hu man tosupport it s p ot ential thera p eu tic applic ati on. As a res ult , earl yatt e mptsatovula tion i n ductio n were un su c cessfu l . It wa s so on a ppreciated that a n e p isodic mode of deliv er y w a s es sen tial for n or mal p i tuitary ", "underscore_trick": " When_synthetic GnRH_first became available for_clinical study,_there_was not_yet_an adequate understanding_of the physiology_of GnRH secretion in_the human to_support_its potential therapeutic application. As a result, early attempts at ovulation induction were unsuccessful._It_was soon_appreciated_that_an episodic mode of delivery_was essential for normal pituitary"} +{"text": " learning and evaluates how the optimal EA dosage could be customized to healthy individuals and to chronic stroke patients. Research indicates that training specificity (i.e., training on the tasks you actually want to improve) is important to recovery of activities of daily living (ADL). Here we also test whether customized visual feedback based on optimal", "synonym_substitution": "learning and evaluates how the optimal EA dosage could be custom-make to goodly individuals and to chronic stroke patient. Research indicate that training specificity (i.e., training on the job you actually desire to improve) is important to recovery of activities of daily support (ADL). Here we also test whether custom-make visual feedback based on optimal", "butter_fingers": " lewrning and evaluates how the optimal EA dosage could be custumized to healthy individuald qnd ti chronic stroke patievts. Reseagch indicqtes rhat trainmhg speclyicitg (i.e., creining on the tssks you awtually want tm km'rove) is important to recovery of aceivitiex lf daily livind (ADK). Hers we also test whether customized bisual heedback based pn optimal", "random_deletion": "learning and evaluates how the optimal EA be to healthy and to chronic training (i.e., training on tasks you actually to improve) is important to recovery activities of daily living (ADL). Here we also test whether customized visual feedback on optimal", "change_char_case": " learning and evaluates how thE optimal EA DosagE coUld Be CustOmizEd to healthy indIViduAls and to chronic stroke pAtienTs. rEseaRCh IndicAtes thaT TrAINinG sPeCifIcITy (I.e., traIniNg on the Tasks you acTuaLlY want to improVE) iS important To rEcovery of actIviTies of DaIly LIving (aDL). here wE also tESt whetHer customIzED visuaL FeedbacK BAsEd on Optimal", "whitespace_perturbation": " learning and evaluates ho w the opti mal E A d osa ge cou ld b e customized t o hea lthy individuals and t o chr on i c st r ok e pat ients.R es e a rch i nd ica te s t hat t rai ning sp ecificity(i. e. , training o n t he tasks y ouactually wan t t o impr ov e)i s imp ort ant t o reco v ery of activiti es of dai l y livin g (A DL). Here we also tes t w h ether customiz ed vis ua l f e e dba ckbased on o pt imal", "underscore_trick": " learning_and evaluates_how the optimal EA_dosage could_be_customized to_healthy_individuals and to_chronic stroke patients._Research indicates that training_specificity (i.e., training_on_the tasks you actually want to improve) is important to recovery of activities of_daily_living (ADL)._Here_we_also test whether customized visual_feedback based on optimal"} +{"text": " the results are as positive as we anticipate, and given the excellent safety profile of MYXV, we will pursue the production of clinical grade stocks of MYXV and the filing for an investigational new drug application (IND) at the completion of the proposed study. Project Summary/Abstract The Department of Occupational and Environmental Health", "synonym_substitution": "the results are as positive as we anticipate, and give the excellent condom profile of MYXV, we will pursue the production of clinical grad stocks of MYXV and the filing for an investigational new drug lotion (IND) at the completion of the proposed study. Project Summary / Abstract The Department of Occupational and Environmental Health", "butter_fingers": " thf results are as positivt as we anticipatg, qnd giten the excellevt safety profile of MYXV, we wull pyrsue the production ow clinicap grade wtocjw of MYXV ehd the nnling nor au mnvestigational new drug dpplication (ING) xt the completion of the proposed stuqy. Projrch Summary/Abstrwct Uhe Depzgtnent of Occupational and Envidonmentel Health", "random_deletion": "the results are as positive as we given excellent safety of MYXV, we clinical stocks of MYXV the filing for investigational new drug application (IND) at completion of the proposed study. Project Summary/Abstract The Department of Occupational and Environmental", "change_char_case": " the results are as positive as We anticipaTe, and GivEn tHe ExceLlenT safety profile OF MYXv, we will pursue the producTion oF cLInicAL gRade sTocks of myXv ANd tHe FiLinG fOR aN inveStiGationaL new drug apPliCaTion (IND) at the COmPletion of tHe pRoposed study. proJect SuMmAry/aBstraCt THe DepArtmenT Of OccuPational aNd eNvironMEntal HeALTh", "whitespace_perturbation": " the results are as positi ve as we a ntici pat e,an d gi venthe excellents afet y profile of MYXV, wewillpu r suet he prod uctiono fc l ini ca lgra de st ocksofMYXV an d the fili ngfo r an investi g at ional newdru g applicatio n ( IND) a tthe compl eti on of the p r oposed study. P ro j ect Su m mary/Ab s t ra ct T he Department ofO cc u pational and E nviron me n ta l Hea lth ", "underscore_trick": " the_results are_as positive as we_anticipate, and_given_the excellent_safety_profile of MYXV,_we will pursue_the production of clinical_grade stocks of_MYXV_and the filing for an investigational new drug application (IND) at the completion of_the_proposed study._Project_Summary/Abstract_The Department of Occupational and_Environmental Health"} +{"text": " risk factors for rebleeding and the timing of these disastrous events; determination of the safety and effectiveness of antifibrinolytic agents and development of an administration schedule which optimizes the actions in preventing rebleeding and minimizes ischemic neurological complications; documentation of the diagnostic and prognostic value of CT scanning in subarachnoid", "synonym_substitution": "risk factors for rebleeding and the timing of these disastrous events; decision of the condom and effectiveness of antifibrinolytic agents and development of an government schedule which optimizes the action in preventing rebleeding and minimizes ischemic neurological complications; software documentation of the diagnostic and predictive value of CT scanning in subarachnoid", "butter_fingers": " ridk factors for rebleedinn and the timing of theve diszstrous dvents; determination of the dadety qnd effectiveness of avtifibrinllytic atentw and development on an zfminnsvration schedulg which optikizes the actimnr nn preventing rebleeding and minimizqs ischrmlc neurologicaj cok[liczniins; documentation of the diaghostic end prognostic falue of CT scanning in suharafhnoid", "random_deletion": "risk factors for rebleeding and the timing disastrous determination of safety and effectiveness of administration schedule which the actions in rebleeding and minimizes ischemic neurological complications; of the diagnostic and prognostic value of CT scanning in subarachnoid", "change_char_case": " risk factors for rebleeding aNd the timinG of thEse DisAsTrouS eveNts; determinatiON of tHe safety and effectiveneSs of aNtIFibrINoLytic Agents aND dEVEloPmEnT of An ADmInistRatIon scheDule which oPtiMiZes the actionS In Preventing RebLeeding and miNimIzes isChEmiC NeuroLogIcal cOmplicATions; dOcumentatIoN Of the dIAgnostiC ANd ProgNostic value of CT scANnINg in subarachnoId", "whitespace_perturbation": " risk factors for rebleedi ng and the timi ngofth esedisa strous events; dete rmination of the safet y and e f fect i ve nessof anti f ib r i nol yt ic ag en t sand d eve lopment of an adm ini st ration sched u le which opt imi zes the acti ons in pr ev ent i ng re ble eding and m i nimize s ischemi cn eurolo g ical co m p li cati ons; documentatio n o f the diagnosti c andpr o gn o s tic va lue of CTsc annin g in sub a ra c h n oid ", "underscore_trick": " risk_factors for_rebleeding and the timing_of these_disastrous_events; determination_of_the safety and_effectiveness of antifibrinolytic_agents and development of_an administration schedule_which_optimizes the actions in preventing rebleeding and minimizes ischemic neurological complications; documentation of the_diagnostic_and prognostic_value_of_CT scanning in subarachnoid"} +{"text": " to have early reperfusion and good clinical outcome than those without any ICH. Using the largest available trials with revascularization status, the PI will pursue the following specific aims: (1) determine the relationship between radiological subtypes of ICH and timing of successful revascularization and (2) determine the relationship of ICH", "synonym_substitution": "to have early reperfusion and good clinical outcome than those without any ICH. Using the bombastic available test with revascularization status, the PI will pursue the following specific aim: (1) determine the relationship between radiological subtypes of ICH and timing of successful revascularization and (2) specify the relationship of ICH", "butter_fingers": " to have early reperfusion xnd good clinicco outcmme thzn those without any ICH. Using the lergewt avqilable trials with rexascularidation stqtus, rhe PI will pursue the fkplownnj specific aims: (1) determina the relationvhkp between radiological subtypes of ISH and yiling of succesfful wevaabuoarization and (2) determine the relatimnship of ICH", "random_deletion": "to have early reperfusion and good clinical those any ICH. the largest available PI pursue the following aims: (1) determine relationship between radiological subtypes of ICH timing of successful revascularization and (2) determine the relationship of ICH", "change_char_case": " to have early reperfusion and Good clinicAl outComE thAn ThosE witHout any ICH. UsinG The lArgest available trials wIth reVaSCulaRIzAtion Status, tHE Pi WIll PuRsUe tHe FOlLowinG spEcific aIms: (1) determiNe tHe Relationship BEtWeen radiolOgiCal subtypes oF ICh and tiMiNg oF SucceSsfUl revAsculaRIzatioN and (2) deterMiNE the reLAtionshIP Of iCH", "whitespace_perturbation": " to have early reperfusion and goodclini cal ou tc omethan those without anyICH. Using the largest avai la b le t r ia ls wi th reva s cu l a riz at io n s ta t us , the PI will p ursue thefol lo wing specifi c a ims: (1) d ete rmine the re lat ionshi pbet w een r adi ologi cal su b typesof ICH an dt imingo f succe s s fu l re vascularization a n d( 2) determine t he rel at i on s h ipofICH", "underscore_trick": " to_have early_reperfusion and good clinical_outcome than_those_without any_ICH._Using the largest_available trials with_revascularization status, the PI_will pursue the_following_specific aims: (1) determine the relationship between radiological subtypes of ICH and timing of_successful_revascularization and_(2)_determine_the relationship of ICH"} +{"text": "ers of the coat protein, a feature common among the inner protein shells of dsRNA viruses, and probably related to their unique mode of transcription and replication. The two identical Gag molecules in each dimer are in non-equivalent environments, and show substantially different conformations in specific surface regions. This virus decaps cellular mRNA", "synonym_substitution": "ers of the coat protein, a feature common among the inside protein shell of dsRNA viruses, and credibly related to their singular mode of transcription and reproduction. The two identical Gag molecules in each dimer are in non - equivalent environments, and prove substantially different conformity in specific surface regions. This virus decaps cellular messenger rna", "butter_fingers": "ers of the coat protein, a ftature common amout the mnner pdotein sfells of dsRNA viruses, and pcobavly rtjated to their unidue mode lf transxripuion and replicatmkn. The bco idsktican Gag molecules in each dhmer are in not-edunvalent environments, and show substagtially dlfferent confotmatipgs ih specific surface regions. This vidus deceps cellular mRMA", "random_deletion": "ers of the coat protein, a feature the protein shells dsRNA viruses, and mode transcription and replication. two identical Gag in each dimer are in non-equivalent and show substantially different conformations in specific surface regions. This virus decaps cellular", "change_char_case": "ers of the coat protein, a featuRe common amOng thE inNer PrOteiN sheLls of dsRNA viruSEs, anD probably related to theiR uniqUe MOde oF TrAnscrIption aND rEPLicAtIoN. ThE tWO iDentiCal gag moleCules in eacH diMeR are in non-equIVaLent enviroNmeNts, and show suBstAntialLy DifFErent ConFormaTions iN SpecifIc surface ReGIons. ThIS virus dECApS celLular mRNA", "whitespace_perturbation": "ers of the coat protein, a feature c ommon am ong t he i nner protein shell s ofdsRNA viruses, and pro bably r e late d t o the ir uniq u em o deof t ran sc r ip tionand replic ation. The tw oidentical Ga g m olecules i n e ach dimer ar e i n non- eq uiv a lentenv ironm ents,a nd sho w substan ti a lly di f ferentc o nf orma tions in specific su r face regions.This v ir u sd e cap s c ellular mR NA ", "underscore_trick": "ers of_the coat_protein, a feature common_among the_inner_protein shells_of_dsRNA viruses, and_probably related to_their unique mode of_transcription and replication._The_two identical Gag molecules in each dimer are in non-equivalent environments, and show substantially_different_conformations in_specific_surface_regions. This virus decaps cellular_mRNA"} +{"text": " global approach enabling study of many different aspects of action of antimicrobial peptides at once. In this approach altered susceptibilities to the peptide of thousands deletion mutants of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were tested simultaneously. Among identified deletions conferring hypersensitivity to the peptide, many involved genes associated with the RIM101 signaling pathway, best known as", "synonym_substitution": "global approach enabling study of many unlike view of action of antimicrobial peptides at once. In this overture change susceptibilities to the peptide of thousands omission mutants of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were tested simultaneously. Among identified omission conferring hypersensitivity to the peptide, many involved gene associated with the RIM101 signaling pathway, best known as", "butter_fingers": " gllbal approach enabling suudy of many diffgrwnt as'ects or action of antimicrobial peptides av onxe. In this approach altered susceptihilities to uhe peptide of thousands deletikk mutcnvs of yeast Sacgharomyces werevisiae wera gedted simultaneously. Among identifieq deletoojs conferring rypegsqnsifpvlty to the peptide, many involved genes essociated with the RIM101 signaling pathway, besh known as", "random_deletion": "global approach enabling study of many different action antimicrobial peptides once. In this peptide thousands deletion mutants yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae tested simultaneously. Among identified deletions conferring to the peptide, many involved genes associated with the RIM101 signaling pathway, best as", "change_char_case": " global approach enabling stuDy of many diFfereNt aSpeCtS of aCtioN of antimicrobiAL pepTides at once. In this approAch alTeREd suSCePtibiLities tO ThE PEptIdE oF thOuSAnDs delEtiOn mutanTs of yeast SAccHaRomyces cerevISiAe were testEd sImultaneouslY. AmOng ideNtIfiED deleTioNs conFerrinG HypersEnsitivitY tO The pepTIde, many INVoLved Genes associated wiTH tHE RIM101 signaling pAthway, BeST kNOWn aS", "whitespace_perturbation": " global approach enablingstudy of m any d iff ere nt asp ects of action ofa ntim icrobial peptides at o nce.In this ap proac h alter e ds u sce pt ib ili ti e sto th e p eptideof thousan dsde letion mutan t sof yeast S acc haromyces ce rev isiaewe ret ested si multa neousl y . Amon g identif ie d delet i ons con f e rr inghypersensitivityt ot he peptide, ma ny inv ol v ed g ene s a ssociatedwi th th e RIM101 si g n a lin g pathway, bes t known as", "underscore_trick": " global_approach enabling_study of many different_aspects of_action_of antimicrobial_peptides_at once. In_this approach altered_susceptibilities to the peptide_of thousands deletion_mutants_of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were tested simultaneously. Among identified deletions conferring hypersensitivity to the_peptide,_many involved_genes_associated_with the RIM101 signaling pathway,_best known as"} +{"text": " specific tumors that exhibited high NCTX uptake as visualized by X-ray imaging were the most susceptible to treatment by SLD. There are currently 128 ongoing clinical trials in the US (www.ClinicalTrials.gov), of Stealth Liposomal Doxorubicin (Doxil(r) and various generic equivalence", "synonym_substitution": "specific tumors that exhibited high NCTX uptake as visualize by ten - ray imaging were the most susceptible to discussion by SLD. There are currently 128 ongoing clinical trials in the US (www.ClinicalTrials.gov), of Stealth Liposomal Doxorubicin (Doxil(r) and assorted generic equivalence", "butter_fingers": " spfcific tumors that exhiblted high NCTX uktqke as visuamized by X-ray imaging were the most duwceptuble to treatment by SUD. There wre currwntlb 128 ongoing clinirzl trials in fme US (xww.ClinicalTriaks.gov), of Sdealth Liposomdl Dlxorubicin (Doxil(r) and various generyc equifapence", "random_deletion": "specific tumors that exhibited high NCTX uptake by imaging were most susceptible to currently ongoing clinical trials the US (www.ClinicalTrials.gov), Stealth Liposomal Doxorubicin (Doxil(r) and various equivalence", "change_char_case": " specific tumors that exhibitEd high NCTX UptakE as VisUaLizeD by X-Ray imaging were THe moSt susceptible to treatmeNt by SlD. tHere ARe CurreNtly 128 ongOInG CLinIcAl TriAlS In The US (Www.clinicaLTrials.gov), Of STeAlth LiposomaL doXorubicin (DOxiL(r) and various GenEric eqUiValENce", "whitespace_perturbation": " specific tumors that exhi bited high NCTX up tak eas v isua lized by X-ray imag ing were the most susc eptib le to t r ea tment by SLD . T h e rear ecur re n tl y 128 on going c linical tr ial sin the US (w w w. ClinicalTr ial s.gov), of S tea lth Li po som a l Dox oru bicin (Doxi l (r) an d various g e nerice quivale n c e", "underscore_trick": " specific_tumors that_exhibited high NCTX uptake_as visualized_by_X-ray imaging_were_the most susceptible_to treatment by_SLD. There are currently_128 ongoing clinical_trials_in the US (www.ClinicalTrials.gov), of Stealth Liposomal Doxorubicin (Doxil(r) and various generic equivalence"} +{"text": " the program address specific basic problems in biomedical sciences, many with direct applications to human disease. Flow Cytometry Project Summary/Abstract The primary purpose of the Flow Cytometry Module is to provide Principal Investigators with a centralized service for cell phenotyping, sorting (FACS) to obtain viable populations of cells according to specific cellular", "synonym_substitution": "the program address specific basic problems in biomedical sciences, many with lineal application to human disease. Flow Cytometry Project Summary / Abstract The primary function of the Flow Cytometry Module is to put up Principal Investigators with a centralized service for cell phenotyping, classify (FACS) to prevail viable population of cells according to specific cellular", "butter_fingers": " thf program address speciflc basic problems in bimmediczl scienzes, many with direct applicavionw to yuman disease. Flow Cytumetry Prlject Sunmarb/Abstract The prmjary puv'ose kn the Hlow Cytometry Kodule is do provide Pritckpcl Investigators with a centralized fervice flr cell phenotiping, fortjng (FACS) to obtain viable populatikns of bells according tp specific cellular", "random_deletion": "the program address specific basic problems in many direct applications human disease. Flow purpose the Flow Cytometry is to provide Investigators with a centralized service for phenotyping, sorting (FACS) to obtain viable populations of cells according to specific cellular", "change_char_case": " the program address specific Basic problEms in BioMedIcAl scIencEs, many with direCT appLications to human diseasE. Flow cyTOmetRY PRojecT SummarY/abSTRacT THe PriMaRY pUrposE of The Flow cytometry MOduLe Is to provide PRInCipal InvesTigAtors with a ceNtrAlized SeRviCE for cEll PhenoTyping, SOrting (fACS) to obtAiN Viable POpulatiONS oF celLs according to specIFiC Cellular", "whitespace_perturbation": " the program address speci fic basicprobl ems in b iome dica l sciences, ma n y wi th direct applications to h um a n di s ea se. F low Cyt o me t r y P ro je ctSu m ma ry/Ab str act The primary p urp os e of the Flo w C ytometry M odu le is to pro vid e Prin ci pal Inves tig ators witha centr alized se rv i ce for cell ph e n ot ypin g, sorting (FACS) to obtain viablepopula ti o ns o f c ell s accordin gto sp e cific c e ll u l a r", "underscore_trick": " the_program address_specific basic problems in_biomedical sciences,_many_with direct_applications_to human disease._Flow Cytometry Project_Summary/Abstract The primary purpose_of the Flow_Cytometry_Module is to provide Principal Investigators with a centralized service for cell phenotyping, sorting_(FACS)_to obtain_viable_populations_of cells according to specific_cellular"} +{"text": " informatics systems, research networking platforms and training programs to promote multi-disciplinary team science; and creation and leadership of a regional consortium of the three Chicago-area CTSAs to promote community engagement activities and practice-based research. In the present proposal, we describe our second generation institute, NUCATS 2.0", "synonym_substitution": "informatics systems, research networking platforms and education broadcast to promote multi - disciplinary team skill; and creation and leadership of a regional consortium of the three Chicago - sphere CTSAs to promote community employment activity and practice - establish research. In the present proposal, we identify our second generation institute, NUCATS 2.0", "butter_fingers": " invormatics systems, researgh networking plcrforms and tdaining orograms to promote multi-disriplunary team science; and creagion and peadershup oh a regional consortium of the bhree Rhicago-area CTSSs to prommte community aneayement activities and practice-based wesearcn. Ln the present prokoswl, ws describe our second generation ihstitutt, NUCATS 2.0", "random_deletion": "informatics systems, research networking platforms and training promote team science; creation and leadership the Chicago-area CTSAs to community engagement activities practice-based research. In the present proposal, describe our second generation institute, NUCATS 2.0", "change_char_case": " informatics systems, researcH networkinG platForMs aNd TraiNing Programs to promOTe muLti-disciplinary team sciEnce; aNd CReatIOn And leAdershiP Of A REgiOnAl ConSoRTiUm of tHe tHree ChiCago-area CTsAs To Promote commuNItY engagemenT acTivities and pRacTice-baSeD reSEarch. in tHe preSent prOPosal, wE describe OuR Second GEneratiON InStitUte, NUCATS 2.0", "whitespace_perturbation": " informatics systems, rese arch netwo rking pl atf or ms a nd t raining progra m s to promote multi-discipl inary t e am s c ie nce;and cre a ti o n an dle ade rs h ip of a re gionalconsortium of t he three Chi c ag o-area CTS Asto promote c omm unityen gag e mentact iviti es and practi ce-basedre s earch. In thep r es entproposal, we desc r ib e our second ge nerati on in s t itu te, NUCATS 2. 0", "underscore_trick": " informatics_systems, research_networking platforms and training_programs to_promote_multi-disciplinary team_science;_and creation and_leadership of a_regional consortium of the_three Chicago-area CTSAs_to_promote community engagement activities and practice-based research. In the present proposal, we describe our_second_generation institute,_NUCATS_2.0"} +{"text": " students will also be required to attend a short course in the Responsible Conduct of Research. A plan for evaluation of program effectiveness is proposed that will assess career goals, perceived barriers, knowledge of academic research careers, and knowledge of higher education in research. The evaluation plan will be used as the basis of a report, after", "synonym_substitution": "students will also be required to attend a light path in the Responsible Conduct of Research. A plan for evaluation of program effectiveness is project that will assess career goals, perceive barrier, knowledge of academic research careers, and knowledge of high education in research. The evaluation design will be used as the basis of a report, after", "butter_fingers": " stkdents will also be requlred to attend a short rourse jn the Rdsponsible Conduct of Researrh. A plan for evaluation of proeram effebtiveness is kroposed that will assess careed goanw, perceived batriers, knowladge of academhc rzsearch careers, and knowledge of higrer eduvahion in researsh. Tnq evzluation plan will be used as the gasis oh a report, aftet", "random_deletion": "students will also be required to attend course the Responsible of Research. A effectiveness proposed that will career goals, perceived knowledge of academic research careers, and of higher education in research. The evaluation plan will be used as the of a report, after", "change_char_case": " students will also be requireD to attend a Short CouRse In The REspoNsible Conduct oF reseArch. A plan for evaluation Of proGrAM effECtIveneSs is proPOsED ThaT wIlL asSeSS cAreer GoaLs, perceIved barrieRs, kNoWledge of acadEMiC research cAreErs, and knowleDge Of highEr EduCAtion In rEsearCh. The eVAluatiOn plan wilL bE Used as THe basis OF A rEporT, after", "whitespace_perturbation": " students will also be req uired to a ttend asho rt cou rsein the Respons i bleConduct of Research. A plan f o r ev a lu ation of pro g ra m eff ec ti ven es s i s pro pos ed that will asse ssca reer goals,p er ceived bar rie rs, knowledg e o f acad em icr esear chcaree rs, an d knowl edge of h ig h er edu c ation i n re sear ch. The evaluatio n p l an will be use d as t he ba s i s o f a report, a ft er", "underscore_trick": " students_will also_be required to attend_a short_course_in the_Responsible_Conduct of Research._A plan for_evaluation of program effectiveness_is proposed that_will_assess career goals, perceived barriers, knowledge of academic research careers, and knowledge of higher_education_in research._The_evaluation_plan will be used as_the basis of a report,_after"} +{"text": ", and 60 months of age. The Durham Child Health and Development Study has demographic, maternal report, behavioral, and physiological data on 199 infants and their families at seven time points (3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 months). At each visit, infant vagal tone and behavioral response was", "synonym_substitution": ", and 60 months of age. The Durham Child Health and Development Study has demographic, maternal reputation, behavioral, and physiologic data on 199 infants and their class at seven fourth dimension points (3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 months). At each sojourn, infant vagal tone and behavioral response was", "butter_fingers": ", anf 60 months of age. The Durmam Child Health and Detelopmeht Study has demographic, maternal re'ort, behacioral, and physiologicxl data oj 199 infanrs aid their families at sevcu tims poiutw (3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 mpnths). At edch visit, infatt vcgal tone and behavioral response waf", "random_deletion": ", and 60 months of age. The Health Development Study demographic, maternal report, 199 and their families seven time points 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and months). At each visit, infant vagal tone and behavioral response was", "change_char_case": ", and 60 months of age. The Durham ChIld Health aNd DevEloPmeNt studY has Demographic, matERnal Report, behavioral, and phySioloGiCAl daTA oN 199 infaNts and tHEiR FAmiLiEs At sEvEN tIme poIntS (3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 monThs). At each vIsiT, iNfant vagal toNE aNd behaviorAl rEsponse was", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and 60 months of age. Th e Durham C hildHea lth a nd D evel opment Study h a s de mographic, maternal re port, b e havi o ra l, an d physi o lo g i cal d at a o n1 99 infa nts and th eir famili esat seven timep oi nts (3, 6, 12 , 18, 24, 30 , a nd 36mo nth s ). At ea ch vi sit, i n fant v agal tone a n d beha v ioral r e s po nsewas", "underscore_trick": ", and_60 months_of age. The Durham_Child Health_and_Development Study_has_demographic, maternal report,_behavioral, and physiological_data on 199 infants_and their families_at_seven time points (3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 months). At each_visit,_infant vagal_tone_and_behavioral response was"} +{"text": " interstitial cystitis, non-cardiac chest pain and fibromyalgia. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: In the current proposal, we have developed the concept that chronic stress may induce activation of the immune system in the spinal cord, initiating a cascade of events that will affect the sensory system. This new approach has", "synonym_substitution": "interstitial cystitis, non - cardiac chest pain and fibromyalgia. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: In the current proposal, we have developed the concept that chronic tension may induce energizing of the immune organization in the spinal cord, initiating a shower of events that will feign the sensory system. This fresh approach has", "butter_fingers": " inherstitial cystitis, non-cxrdiac chest panb and hibromyzlgia. PUCLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: In the cyrrenu proposal, we have aeveloped the conxept rhat chronmd stress may jkduce ectivation of tme immune sfstem in the s[ivap cord, initiating a cascade of evenes that wlll affect the senxjry ajsuem. This new approach has", "random_deletion": "interstitial cystitis, non-cardiac chest pain and fibromyalgia. RELEVANCE: the current we have developed may activation of the system in the cord, initiating a cascade of events will affect the sensory system. This new approach has", "change_char_case": " interstitial cystitis, non-caRdiac chest Pain aNd fIbrOmYalgIa. PUbLIC HEALTH RELEvaNCE: in the current proposal, we Have dEvELopeD ThE concEpt that CHrONIc sTrEsS maY iNDuCe actIvaTion of tHe immune sySteM iN the spinal coRD, iNitiating a CasCade of events ThaT will aFfEct THe senSorY systEm. This NEw apprOach has", "whitespace_perturbation": " interstitial cystitis, no n-cardiacchest pa inan d fi brom yalgia. PUBLIC HEAL TH RELEVANCE: In the c urren tp ropo s al , wehave de v el o p edth econ ce p tthatchr onic st ress may i ndu ce activationo fthe immune sy stem in thespi nal co rd , i n itiat ing a ca scadeo f even ts that w il l affec t the se n s or y sy stem. This new ap p ro a ch has", "underscore_trick": " interstitial_cystitis, non-cardiac_chest pain and fibromyalgia._PUBLIC HEALTH_RELEVANCE:_In the_current_proposal, we have_developed the concept_that chronic stress may_induce activation of_the_immune system in the spinal cord, initiating a cascade of events that will affect_the_sensory system._This_new_approach has"} +{"text": ", Curriculum Committee and Trainee Review Committees. Participating faculty are selected on the basis of research interest in Pharmacology and enthusiasm for participating in Program activities including advising Ph.D. students, participation on student committees, classroom teaching, student advising and survival skills mentoring. The training includes coursework in four", "synonym_substitution": ", Curriculum Committee and Trainee Review Committees. Participating faculty are selected on the basis of inquiry sake in Pharmacology and enthusiasm for participating in Program bodily process include advising Ph.D. scholar, engagement on student committees, classroom teaching, student advising and survival skills mentor. The training includes coursework in four", "butter_fingers": ", Cugriculum Committee and Tvainee Review Committeev. Partjcipatine faculty are selected on thx bawis od research interest in Pharmacopogy and entiusiasm for partmdipatinn in Lvograk activities ingluding advhsing Ph.D. studangs, participation on student committeef, classtolm teaching, stodent wdviapnn and survival skills mentoring. Fhe trapning includes coirsework in four", "random_deletion": ", Curriculum Committee and Trainee Review Committees. are on the of research interest participating Program activities including Ph.D. students, participation student committees, classroom teaching, student advising survival skills mentoring. The training includes coursework in four", "change_char_case": ", Curriculum Committee and TraInee Review commiTteEs. PArTiciPatiNg faculty are seLEcteD on the basis of research iNtereSt IN PhaRMaCologY and entHUsIASm fOr PaRtiCiPAtIng in proGram actIvities incLudInG advising Ph.D. STuDents, partiCipAtion on studeNt cOmmittEeS, clASsrooM teAchinG, studeNT advisIng and surViVAl skilLS mentorING. THe trAining includes couRSeWOrk in four", "whitespace_perturbation": ", Curriculum Committee and Trainee R eview Co mmi tt ees. Par ticipating fac u ltyare selected on the ba sis o fr esea r ch inte rest in Ph a r mac ol og y a nd en thusi asm for pa rticipatin g i nProgram acti v it ies includ ing advising Ph .D. stude nt s,p artic ipa tionon stu d ent co mmittees, c l assroo m teachi n g ,stud ent advising ands ur v ival skills me ntorin g. Th e tra ini ng include scours e work in fo u r ", "underscore_trick": ", Curriculum_Committee and_Trainee Review Committees. Participating_faculty are_selected_on the_basis_of research interest_in Pharmacology and_enthusiasm for participating in_Program activities including_advising_Ph.D. students, participation on student committees, classroom teaching, student advising and survival skills mentoring._The_training includes_coursework_in_four"} +{"text": "iroheme is a cofactor in the synthesis of cysteine. Heme plays a role in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration, and it has been found that 02 may regulate the production of ALA. These considerations suggest that the control of this pathway requires interesting strategies which are worth investigating. The goal of this project is to", "synonym_substitution": "iroheme is a cofactor in the synthesis of cysteine. Heme plays a role in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration, and it has been find oneself that 02 may determine the production of ALA. These considerations suggest that the dominance of this pathway requires interesting strategy which are deserving investigating. The goal of this project is to", "butter_fingers": "irojeme is a cofactor in tht synthesis of cysteine. Ieme plzys a roue in both aerobic and anaerlbuc rewpiration, and it has bden found that 02 mqy rtgulate the produrfion of ALA. Tgcse cmisiderations sungest that dhe control of tfid pathway requires interesting straeegies ehlch are worth ynvexeigafpnn. The goal of this project is to", "random_deletion": "iroheme is a cofactor in the synthesis Heme a role both aerobic and been that 02 may the production of These considerations suggest that the control this pathway requires interesting strategies which are worth investigating. The goal of this is to", "change_char_case": "iroheme is a cofactor in the syNthesis of cYsteiNe. HEme PlAys a Role In both aerobic aND anaErobic respiration, and it Has beEn FOund THaT 02 may rEgulate THe PROduCtIoN of aLa. thEse coNsiDeratioNs suggest tHat ThE control of thIS pAthway requIreS interesting StrAtegieS wHicH Are woRth InvesTigatiNG. The goAl of this pRoJEct is tO", "whitespace_perturbation": "iroheme is a cofactor in t he synthes is of cy ste in e. H emeplays a role i n bot h aerobic and anaerobi c res pi r atio n ,and i t has b e en f oun dth at02 ma y reg ula te theproduction of A LA. These co n si derationssug gest that th e c ontrol o f t h is pa thw ay re quires intere sting str at e gies w h ich are w or th i nvestigating. The go a l of this proj ect is t o ", "underscore_trick": "iroheme is_a cofactor_in the synthesis of_cysteine. Heme_plays_a role_in_both aerobic and_anaerobic respiration, and_it has been found_that 02 may_regulate_the production of ALA. These considerations suggest that the control of this pathway requires_interesting_strategies which_are_worth_investigating. The goal of this_project is to"} +{"text": " provide technical support in the analysis of study drugs. Research: In the last 10 years, patients have markedly increased their use of dietary supplements to treat and prevent chronic medical conditions like atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. This widespread use continues despite little scientific evidence of benefit from randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Current estimates suggest that 30 percent", "synonym_substitution": "provide technical support in the analysis of study drug. inquiry: In the concluding 10 years, patients have markedly increase their use of dietary supplements to process and prevent chronic medical conditions like atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. This far-flung habit continues despite short scientific evidence of benefit from randomized controlled trial (RCTs). Current estimates indicate that 30 percent", "butter_fingers": " prlvide technical support ln the analysis of studb drugs. Researcf: In the last 10 years, patientd yave narkedly increased thekr use of dietary supklements to treat and preyznt cgvonic nedical conditlons like adherosclerotic cxrbiovascular disease. This widespread tse conyijues despite lyttlt ssienfpflc evidence of benefit from randkmized bontrolled trials (RCTs). Current estimates suhgesh that 30 percent", "random_deletion": "provide technical support in the analysis of Research: the last years, patients have dietary to treat and chronic medical conditions atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. This widespread use despite little scientific evidence of benefit from randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Current estimates that 30 percent", "change_char_case": " provide technical support in The analysiS of stUdy DruGs. reseArch: in the last 10 years, PAtieNts have markedly increasEd theIr USe of DIeTary sUpplemeNTs TO TreAt AnD prEvENt ChronIc mEdical cOnditions lIke AtHerosclerotiC CaRdiovasculAr dIsease. This wiDesPread uSe ConTInues DesPite lIttle sCIentifIc evidencE oF BenefiT From ranDOMiZed cOntrolled trials (RCtS). CURrent estimates SuggesT tHAt 30 PERceNt", "whitespace_perturbation": " provide technical support in the an alysi s o f s tu dy d rugs . Research: In thelast 10 years, patient s hav em arke d ly incr eased t h ei r use o fdie ta r ysuppl eme nts totreat andpre ve nt chronic m e di cal condit ion s like ather osc leroti ccar d iovas cul ar di sease. This w idespread u s e cont i nues de s p it e li ttle scientific e v id e nce of benefit fromra n do m i zed co ntrolled t ri als ( R CTs). C u rr e n t es t imates sugges t that 30 p e rce nt", "underscore_trick": " provide_technical support_in the analysis of_study drugs._Research:_In the_last_10 years, patients_have markedly increased_their use of dietary_supplements to treat_and_prevent chronic medical conditions like atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. This widespread use continues despite little_scientific_evidence of_benefit_from_randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Current_estimates suggest that 30 percent"} +{"text": " reflect changes in protein secretion and shedding from renal tubular cells and other sources. We predict that these changes will vary with onset, duration and severity of the obstruction. In our previous work, we have demonstrated our ability to use state-of-the-art mass spectrometric and proteomic approaches to identify proteins in the urinary", "synonym_substitution": "reflect changes in protein secretion and shedding from renal tubular cell and early sources. We predict that these change will deviate with onset, duration and severity of the obstacle. In our previous work, we have demonstrated our ability to practice department of state - of - the - art bulk spectrometric and proteomic approaches to identify protein in the urinary", "butter_fingers": " revlect changes in protein secretion and sheddinj from denal tucular cells and other sourced. Qe prtbict that these chanees will nary with onstt, duration and sxberity of the lbstxurtion. In our prgvious work, fe have demonsdrxtzd our ability to use state-of-the-art iass sprchrometric and krotepiic zipvoaches to identify proteins in fhe uriiary", "random_deletion": "reflect changes in protein secretion and shedding tubular and other We predict that onset, and severity of obstruction. In our work, we have demonstrated our ability use state-of-the-art mass spectrometric and proteomic approaches to identify proteins in the urinary", "change_char_case": " reflect changes in protein seCretion and SheddIng FroM rEnal TubuLar cells and othER souRces. We predict that these ChangEs WIll vARy With oNset, durATiON And SeVeRitY oF ThE obstRucTion. In oUr previous WorK, wE have demonstRAtEd our abiliTy tO use state-of-tHe-aRt mass SpEctROmetrIc aNd proTeomic APproacHes to idenTiFY proteINs in the URInAry", "whitespace_perturbation": " reflect changes in protei n secretio n and sh edd in g fr om r enal tubular c e llsand other sources. Wepredi ct that th ese c hangesw il l var ywi thon s et , dur ati on andseverity o f t he obstruction . I n our prev iou s work, we h ave demon st rat e d our ab ility to us e state -of-the-a rt mass s p ectrome t r ic and proteomic approa c he s to identify p rotein si nt h e u rin ary", "underscore_trick": " reflect_changes in_protein secretion and shedding_from renal_tubular_cells and_other_sources. We predict_that these changes_will vary with onset,_duration and severity_of_the obstruction. In our previous work, we have demonstrated our ability to use state-of-the-art_mass_spectrometric and_proteomic_approaches_to identify proteins in the_urinary"} +{"text": " particularly as correlated with tumor responsiveness to antiestrogen therapy. The results should help improve the design of atiestrogen therapy alone or in combination with chemotherapy, should aid in the search for more effective antiestrogens, and should also contribute substantially to knowledge of normal estrogen action and the nature of hormone dependence in breast cancer.", "synonym_substitution": "particularly as correlated with tumor responsiveness to antiestrogen therapy. The results should help better the invention of atiestrogen therapy alone or in combination with chemotherapy, should aid in the search for more effective antiestrogens, and should also contribute well to knowledge of normal estrogen action and the nature of hormone dependence in breast cancer.", "butter_fingers": " pagticularly as correlated with tumor reskobsivenxss to zntiestrugen therapy. The results shonld yelp umprove the design of xtiestrogvn therapt alibe or in combination witg chekitherapy, shoulc aid in tve search for kofe effective antiestrogens, and should also cpnhribute substagtiakjy tk knowledge of normal estrogen actjon and the nature og hormone dependence in brfast cancer.", "random_deletion": "particularly as correlated with tumor responsiveness to The should help the design of combination chemotherapy, should aid the search for effective antiestrogens, and should also contribute to knowledge of normal estrogen action and the nature of hormone dependence in cancer.", "change_char_case": " particularly as correlated wIth tumor reSponsIveNesS tO antIestRogen therapy. ThE ResuLts should help improve thE desiGn OF atiEStRogen Therapy ALoNE Or iN cOmBinAtIOn With cHemOtherapY, should aid In tHe Search for morE EfFective antIesTrogens, and shOulD also cOnTriBUte suBstAntiaLly to kNOwledgE of normal EsTRogen aCTion and THE nAturE of hormone dependeNCe IN breast cancer.", "whitespace_perturbation": " particularly as correlate d with tum or re spo nsi ve ness toantiestrogen t h erap y. The results shouldhelpim p rove th e des ign ofa ti e s tro ge nthe ra p yalone or in com bination w ith c hemotherapy, sh ould aid i n t he search fo r m ore ef fe cti v e ant ies troge ns, an d shoul d also co nt r ibutes ubstant i a ll y to knowledge of nor m al estrogen actio n andth e n a t ure of hormone d ep enden c e in br e as t c anc e r.", "underscore_trick": " particularly_as correlated_with tumor responsiveness to_antiestrogen therapy._The_results should_help_improve the design_of atiestrogen therapy_alone or in combination_with chemotherapy, should_aid_in the search for more effective antiestrogens, and should also contribute substantially to knowledge_of_normal estrogen_action_and_the nature of hormone dependence_in breast cancer."} +{"text": "I) now allow detection not only of infarcted brain but also of brain that is potentially salvageable if blood flow can be restored. MR DWI is the gold standard in medical imaging for identifying irreversibly infarcted brain (core infarct). Brain can progress from reversible but severe ischemia to irreversible infarction over the matter", "synonym_substitution": "I) now allow detection not only of infarcted mind but besides of brain that is potentially salvageable if blood menstruation can be regenerate. MR DWI is the gold standard in aesculapian imaging for identifying irreversibly infarcted brain (kernel infarct). Brain can progress from reversible but dangerous ischemia to irreversible infarction over the matter", "butter_fingers": "I) nlw allow detection not okly of infarcted brain uut alsk of brakn that is potentially salvajeaboe if blood flow can be resgored. MR FWI is tye giod standarv in medleal ijwginy hor identifying irreversitly infarcted trxiu (core infarct). Brain can progress frjm revetslble but severg iscnqmia no irreversible infarction over the mauter", "random_deletion": "I) now allow detection not only of but of brain is potentially salvageable restored. DWI is the standard in medical for identifying irreversibly infarcted brain (core Brain can progress from reversible but severe ischemia to irreversible infarction over the", "change_char_case": "I) now allow detection not only Of infarcteD braiN buT alSo Of brAin tHat is potentialLY salVageable if blood flow can Be resToREd. MR dwI Is the Gold staNDaRD In mEdIcAl iMaGInG for iDenTifying IrreversibLy iNfArcted brain (cORe Infarct). BraIn cAn progress frOm rEversiBlE buT SeverE isChemiA to irrEVersibLe infarctIoN Over thE Matter", "whitespace_perturbation": "I) now allow detection not only of i nfarc ted br ai n bu t al so of brain th a t is potentially salvageab le if b l oodf lo w can be res t or e d . M RDW I i st he gold st andardin medical im ag ing for iden t if ying irrev ers ibly infarct edbrain(c ore infar ct) . Bra in can progre ss from r ev e rsible but sev e r eisch emia to irreversi b le infarction ove r thema t te r ", "underscore_trick": "I) now_allow detection_not only of infarcted_brain but_also_of brain_that_is potentially salvageable_if blood flow_can be restored. MR_DWI is the_gold_standard in medical imaging for identifying irreversibly infarcted brain (core infarct). Brain can progress_from_reversible but_severe_ischemia_to irreversible infarction over the_matter"} +{"text": " surface receptors during normal human myeloid differentiation. These membrane markers, now being used to examine leukemic myeloid differentiation are detected on cells from only a minority of patients. The objectives of this proposed research are: (1) to induce differentiation in freshly isolated human acute nonlymphoid leukemic cells (ANLL) by incubation with", "synonym_substitution": "surface receptors during normal human myeloid differentiation. These membrane markers, nowadays being use to examine leukemic myeloid differentiation are detected on cell from only a minority of patients. The objective of this nominate research are: (1) to induce specialization in newly isolated human acute accent nonlymphoid leukemic cells (ANLL) by incubation with", "butter_fingers": " sugface receptors during nurmal human myeloid dihferentjation. Tfese membrane markers, now bemng ysed uj examine leukemic myeloid fifferenriatmon are detected on cells from lnly e minority of pstients. Tha objectives ox ghns proposed research are: (1) to induce qifferemtlation in fresrly psjlatsd human acute nonlymphoid leukemid cells (ANLL) by incunation with", "random_deletion": "surface receptors during normal human myeloid differentiation. markers, being used examine leukemic myeloid from a minority of The objectives of proposed research are: (1) to induce in freshly isolated human acute nonlymphoid leukemic cells (ANLL) by incubation with", "change_char_case": " surface receptors during norMal human myEloid DifFerEnTiatIon. THese membrane maRKers, Now being used to examine lEukemIc MYeloID dIfferEntiatiON aRE DetEcTeD on CeLLs From oNly A minoriTy of patienTs. THe Objectives of THiS proposed rEseArch are: (1) to indUce DifferEnTiaTIon in FreShly iSolateD Human aCute nonlyMpHOid leuKEmic celLS (aNlL) by Incubation with", "whitespace_perturbation": " surface receptors duringnormal hum an my elo iddi ffer enti ation. These m e mbra ne markers, now beingusedto exam i ne leuk emic my e lo i d di ff er ent ia t io n are de tectedon cells f rom o nly a minori t yof patient s.The objectiv esof thi spro p osedres earch are:( 1) toinduce di ff e rentia t ion inf r es hlyisolated human ac u te nonlymphoid le ukemic c e ll s (AN LL) by incuba ti on wi t h", "underscore_trick": " surface_receptors during_normal human myeloid differentiation._These membrane_markers,_now being_used_to examine leukemic_myeloid differentiation are_detected on cells from_only a minority_of_patients. The objectives of this proposed research are: (1) to induce differentiation in freshly_isolated_human acute_nonlymphoid_leukemic_cells (ANLL) by incubation with"} +{"text": " human hosts, and how host hormones may regulate critical fungal processing during infection. We have described the presence of steroid binding proteins (SBPs) in C. albicans and other pathogenic fungi. These SBPs exhibit high affinity for selected mammalian steroid hormones, particularly estrogens and corticosteroids. We have also demonstrated functional responses in the fungi", "synonym_substitution": "human hosts, and how host hormones may regulate critical fungal processing during contagion. We have trace the presence of steroid bind protein (SBPs) in C. albicans and other pathogenic fungi. These SBPs expose high affinity for selected mammalian steroid hormone hormone, particularly estrogens and corticosteroid. We have also demonstrated running responses in the fungi", "butter_fingers": " hulan hosts, and how host hurmones may regolqte crmtical rungal pfocessing during infection. Wx hace dewcribed the presence ow steroid binding proueins (SBPs) in C. albicans and otgcr pachigenic fungi. Tmese SBPs efhibit high afxivicy for selected mammalian steroid howmones, lagticularly esttogenx and bovticosteroids. We have also demonatrated functional rrsponses in the fungi", "random_deletion": "human hosts, and how host hormones may fungal during infection. have described the (SBPs) C. albicans and pathogenic fungi. These exhibit high affinity for selected mammalian hormones, particularly estrogens and corticosteroids. We have also demonstrated functional responses in the", "change_char_case": " human hosts, and how host hormoNes may reguLate cRitIcaL fUngaL proCessing during iNFectIon. We have described the pResenCe OF steROiD bindIng protEInS (sbPs) In c. aLbiCaNS aNd othEr pAthogenIc fungi. TheSe SbPS exhibit high AFfInity for seLecTed mammalian SteRoid hoRmOneS, PartiCulArly eStrogeNS and coRticosterOiDS. We havE Also demONStRateD functional responSEs IN the fungi", "whitespace_perturbation": " human hosts, and how host hormonesmay r egu lat ecrit ical fungal proces s ingduring infection. We h ave d es c ribe d t he pr esenceo fs t ero id b ind in g p rotei ns(SBPs)in C. albi can sand other pa t ho genic fung i.These SBPs e xhi bit hi gh af f inity fo r sel ectedm ammali an steroi dh ormone s , parti c u la rlyestrogens and cor t ic o steroids. We h ave al so de m o nst rat ed functio na l res p onses i n t h e fun g i", "underscore_trick": " human_hosts, and_how host hormones may_regulate critical_fungal_processing during_infection._We have described_the presence of_steroid binding proteins (SBPs)_in C. albicans_and_other pathogenic fungi. These SBPs exhibit high affinity for selected mammalian steroid hormones, particularly_estrogens_and corticosteroids._We_have_also demonstrated functional responses in_the fungi"} +{"text": " doctoral-level trainees. Trainees in the MS program may be supported on the TPG for up to 24 months. Trainees in the PhD program may be supported for up to 5 years. Oklahoma colleges have relatively high American Indian enrollments reflecting the state's unique ethnic mix, presenting an excellent pool of well qualified", "synonym_substitution": "doctoral - level trainees. Trainees in the MS program may be back on the TPG for up to 24 calendar month. Trainees in the PhD program may be support for up to 5 years. Oklahoma colleges hold relatively high American Indian enrollments reflect the state's unique heathen mix, presenting an excellent pool of well restricted", "butter_fingers": " doftoral-level trainees. Tralnees in the MS krigram kay be supportdd on the TPG for up to 24 monvhs. Rraintvs in the PhD program may be slpported dor np to 5 years. Oklegoma colleges mave xeoatively high Smerican Itdian enrollmettr xeflecting the state's unique ethnic iix, prexejting an exceljent [ool of well qualified", "random_deletion": "doctoral-level trainees. Trainees in the MS program supported the TPG up to 24 program be supported for to 5 years. colleges have relatively high American Indian reflecting the state's unique ethnic mix, presenting an excellent pool of well qualified", "change_char_case": " doctoral-level trainees. TraiNees in the Ms progRam May Be SuppOrteD on the TPG for up TO 24 monThs. Trainees in the PhD proGram mAy BE supPOrTed foR up to 5 yeARs. oKLahOmA cOllEgES hAve reLatIvely hiGh American indIaN enrollments REfLecting the StaTe's unique ethNic Mix, preSeNtiNG an exCelLent pOol of wELl qualIfied", "whitespace_perturbation": " doctoral-level trainees.Trainees i n the MS pr og rammaybe supported o n the TPG for up to 24 mont hs. T ra i nees in thePhD pro g ra m may b esup po r te d for up to 5 y ears. Okla hom acolleges hav e r elativelyhig h American I ndi an enr ol lme n ts re fle cting the s t ate'sunique et hn i c mix, present i n gan e xcellent pool ofw el l qualified", "underscore_trick": " doctoral-level_trainees. Trainees_in the MS program_may be_supported_on the_TPG_for up to_24 months. Trainees_in the PhD program_may be supported_for_up to 5 years. Oklahoma colleges have relatively high American Indian enrollments reflecting the_state's_unique ethnic_mix,_presenting_an excellent pool of well_qualified"} +{"text": " fusion is stimulated 40- fold by expression of a cloned Klebsiella pneumonia nifA gene. Pilin expression has been found to be regulated by two gene products from pilA and pilB. The relationship between pilA and pilB regulation and the sigma factor binding site will be investigated utilizing gene fusions and site", "synonym_substitution": "fusion is stimulated 40- fold by expression of a clone Klebsiella pneumonia nifA gene. Pilin formula has been found to be regulated by two gene product from pilA and pilB. The kinship between pilA and pilB regulation and the sigma factor binding web site will be investigate utilizing gene fusion and site", "butter_fingers": " fudion is stimulated 40- fold by expression of a clmned Kmebsiellx pneumonia nifA gene. Pilin xxprwssiob has been found to be regulatef by two gent products from pmmA and inlB. Tgc relctmonship between pilA and [ilB regulatiot xnb the sigma factor binding site will be invrshigated utilizyng bqne rlslons and site", "random_deletion": "fusion is stimulated 40- fold by expression cloned pneumonia nifA Pilin expression has by gene products from and pilB. The between pilA and pilB regulation and sigma factor binding site will be investigated utilizing gene fusions and site", "change_char_case": " fusion is stimulated 40- fold by eXpression oF a cloNed kleBsIellA pneUmonia nifA gene. pIlin Expression has been found To be rEgULateD By Two geNe produCTs FROm pIla aNd pIlb. thE relaTioNship beTween pilA aNd pIlb regulation aND tHe sigma facTor Binding site wIll Be inveStIgaTEd utiLizIng geNe fusiONs and sIte", "whitespace_perturbation": " fusion is stimulated 40-fold by ex press ion of a clo nedKlebsiella pne u moni a nifA gene. Pilin exp ressi on hasb ee n fou nd to b e r e g ula te dbytw o g ene p rod ucts fr om pilA an d p il B. The relat i on ship betwe enpilA and pil B r egulat io n a n d the si gma f actorb inding site wil lb e inve s tigated u ti lizi ng gene fusions a n ds ite", "underscore_trick": " fusion_is stimulated_40- fold by expression_of a_cloned_Klebsiella pneumonia_nifA_gene. Pilin expression_has been found_to be regulated by_two gene products_from_pilA and pilB. The relationship between pilA and pilB regulation and the sigma factor_binding_site will_be_investigated_utilizing gene fusions and site"} +{"text": " is known about how iron levels are regulated in the eye which is isolated from the systemic circulation by blood ocular barriers (BOB). The proposal's hypothesis is that intraocular tissues have unique and independent systems for regulating iron uptake into and efflux from the eye across the BOBs. Their polarized location and iron-regulated quantity", "synonym_substitution": "is known about how iron levels are regulated in the eye which is sequester from the systemic circulation by rake ocular barriers (BOB). The proposal's hypothesis is that intraocular tissue have unique and autonomous systems for regulating iron uptake into and efflux from the center across the bobsled. Their polarized localization and iron - regulated quantity", "butter_fingers": " is known about how iron leyels are regulatgd in thx eye wgich is ksolated from the systemic cmrcuoatiob by blood ocular barrkers (BOB). Nhe propowal's yypothesis is that intrakgular vissues have unlque and ingependent systamr yor regulating iron uptake into and qfflux grlm the eye acrjss uhe BOBa. Their polarized location and iroh-regulaued quantity", "random_deletion": "is known about how iron levels are the which is from the systemic (BOB). proposal's hypothesis is intraocular tissues have and independent systems for regulating iron into and efflux from the eye across the BOBs. Their polarized location and quantity", "change_char_case": " is known about how iron levels Are regulatEd in tHe eYe wHiCh is IsolAted from the sysTEmic Circulation by blood oculAr barRiERs (BOb). thE propOsal's hyPOtHESis Is ThAt iNtRAoCular TisSues havE unique and IndEpEndent systemS FoR regulatinG irOn uptake into And Efflux FrOm tHE eye aCroSs the bOBs. ThEIr polaRized locaTiON and irON-regulaTED qUantIty", "whitespace_perturbation": " is known about how iron l evels areregul ate d i ntheeyewhich is isola t ed f rom the systemic circu latio nb y bl o od ocul ar barr i er s (BO B) .The p r op osal' s h ypothes is is that in tr aocular tiss u es have uniq ueand independ ent syste ms fo r regu lat ing i ron up t ake in to and ef fl u x from the eye a cr ossthe BOBs. Their p o la r ized locationand ir on - re g u lat edquantity", "underscore_trick": " is_known about_how iron levels are_regulated in_the_eye which_is_isolated from the_systemic circulation by_blood ocular barriers (BOB)._The proposal's hypothesis_is_that intraocular tissues have unique and independent systems for regulating iron uptake into and_efflux_from the_eye_across_the BOBs. Their polarized location_and iron-regulated quantity"} +{"text": " Leica SP8 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope or a PerkinElmer UltraView Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope, with some usage of our Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscope. Most of the users view immunofluorescent staining on fixed samples with the Leica LSCM", "synonym_substitution": "Leica SP8 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope or a PerkinElmer UltraView Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope, with some usage of our Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscope. Most of the users view immunofluorescent staining on specify sample with the Leica LSCM", "butter_fingers": " Lelca SP8 Laser Scanning Cokfocal Microscopg ir a PxrkinEljer UltrxView Spinning Disk Confocal Mucrosxope, with some usage ow our Totwl Interbal Ceflection Fluorxacence (BNRF) mjgroscm'e. Most of the osers view ikmunofluorescett scaining on fixed samples with the Leyca LSCK", "random_deletion": "Leica SP8 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope or UltraView Disk Confocal with some usage Fluorescence microscope. Most of users view immunofluorescent on fixed samples with the Leica", "change_char_case": " Leica SP8 Laser Scanning ConfoCal MicroscOpe or A PeRkiNELmer ultrAView Spinning DISk CoNfocal Microscope, with soMe usaGe OF our tOtAl IntErnal ReFLeCTIon flUoResCeNCe (tIRF) mIcrOscope. MOst of the usErs ViEw immunofluoREsCent stainiNg oN fixed sampleS wiTh the LEiCa LscM", "whitespace_perturbation": " Leica SP8 Laser ScanningConfocal M icros cop e o ra Pe rkin Elmer UltraVie w Spi nning Disk Confocal Mi crosc op e , wi t hsomeusage o f o u r To ta lInt er n al Refl ect ion Flu orescence(TI RF ) microscope . M ost of the us ers view imm uno fluore sc ent stain ing on f ixed s a mpleswith theLe i ca LSC M ", "underscore_trick": " Leica_SP8 Laser_Scanning Confocal Microscope or_a PerkinElmer_UltraView_Spinning Disk_Confocal_Microscope, with some_usage of our_Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence_(TIRF) microscope. Most_of_the users view immunofluorescent staining on fixed samples with the Leica LSCM"} +{"text": " within the area as an educational mechanism. To undertake a retrospective study of the critical management variables of metastatic breast cancer. To study acute pulmonary distress associated with antiestrogen therapy in metastatic breast cancer patients. The undersigned agrees to accept responsibility for the scientific and technical conduct of the project and for provision of required progress reports if", "synonym_substitution": "within the area as an educational mechanism. To undertake a retrospective study of the critical management variables of metastatic breast cancer. To analyze acuate pulmonary distress associated with antiestrogen therapy in metastatic breast cancer patient. The undersigned agree to accept responsibility for the scientific and technical demeanor of the undertaking and for provision of required progress reports if", "butter_fingers": " wihhin the area as an educxtional mechanism. To uidertaks a retruspective study of the critiral nanagtient variables of oetastatib breast xanctr. To study acute pulmonavv disfvess cswociated with sntiestrogan therapy in kegadtatic breast cancer patients. The ugdersigmef agrees to acsept wespknsibility for the scientific and fechnicel conduct of tne project and for provisiln ov required progresd reports id", "random_deletion": "within the area as an educational mechanism. a study of critical management variables study pulmonary distress associated antiestrogen therapy in breast cancer patients. The undersigned agrees accept responsibility for the scientific and technical conduct of the project and for of required progress reports if", "change_char_case": " within the area as an educatioNal mechaniSm. To uNdeRtaKe A retRospEctive study of tHE criTical management variablEs of mEtAStatIC bReast Cancer. TO StUDY acUtE pUlmOnARy DistrEss AssociaTed with antIesTrOgen therapy iN MeTastatic brEasT cancer patieNts. the undErSigNEd agrEes To accEpt resPOnsibiLity for thE sCIentifIC and tecHNIcAl coNduct of the project ANd FOr provision of rEquireD pROgRESs rEpoRts if", "whitespace_perturbation": " within the area as an edu cational m echan ism . T ounde rtak e a retrospect i ve s tudy of the critical m anage me n t va r ia blesof meta s ta t i c b re as t c an c er . Tostu dy acut e pulmonar y d is tress associ a te d with ant ies trogen thera pyin met as tat i c bre ast canc er pat i ents.The under si g ned ag r ees toa c ce pt r esponsibility for th e scientific an d tech ni c al c ond uct of the pr oj ect a n d for p r ov i s i ono f required pr ogress repo r tsif", "underscore_trick": " within_the area_as an educational mechanism._To undertake_a_retrospective study_of_the critical management_variables of metastatic_breast cancer. To study_acute pulmonary distress_associated_with antiestrogen therapy in metastatic breast cancer patients. The undersigned agrees to accept responsibility_for_the scientific_and_technical_conduct of the project and_for provision of required progress_reports if"} +{"text": " interventions show promise as a behavioral technique to help staff and family caregivers improve the quality of life for people with dementia. Market potential exists for an engaging group activity for persons with dementia that provides appropriate levels of cognitive and physical involvement, accesses long-term memories, focuses attention and concentration, provides a high probability of success for", "synonym_substitution": "interventions show promise as a behavioral technique to help staff and syndicate health professional improve the quality of life for multitude with dementia. Market potential exist for an engaging group activeness for persons with dementia that supply appropriate levels of cognitive and physical participation, accesses long - terminus memory, focuses care and concentration, provide a eminent probability of success for", "butter_fingers": " inherventions show promise as a behavioral technmque to help stxff and family caregivers im'rovw the quality of life for pdople witj dementua. Merket potential xsists for an skgagiug group activiti for personv with dementid ghct provides appropriate levels of codnitive ajd physical indolvtmegt, adbewses long-term memories, focusea attenuion and concentrayion, provides a high probahilihy of success for", "random_deletion": "interventions show promise as a behavioral technique staff family caregivers the quality of Market exists for an group activity for with dementia that provides appropriate levels cognitive and physical involvement, accesses long-term memories, focuses attention and concentration, provides a probability of success for", "change_char_case": " interventions show promise aS a behaviorAl tecHniQue To Help StafF and family careGIverS improve the quality of liFe for PeOPle wITh DemenTia. MarkET pOTEntIaL eXisTs FOr An engAgiNg group Activity foR peRsOns with demenTIa That providEs aPpropriate leVelS of cogNiTivE And phYsiCal inVolvemENt, acceSses long-tErM MemoriES, focuseS ATtEntiOn and concentratioN, PrOVides a high probAbilitY oF SuCCEss For", "whitespace_perturbation": " interventions show promis e as a beh avior altec hn ique tohelp staff and fami ly caregivers improvethe q ua l ityo flifefor peo p le w ith d em ent ia . M arket po tential exists fo r a nengaging gro u pactivity f orpersons with de mentia t hat provi des appr opriat e level s of cogn it i ve and physica l in volv ement, accesses l o ng - term memories, focus es at t e nti onand concen tr ation , provid e sa h igh probability o f success f o r", "underscore_trick": " interventions_show promise_as a behavioral technique_to help_staff_and family_caregivers_improve the quality_of life for_people with dementia. Market_potential exists for_an_engaging group activity for persons with dementia that provides appropriate levels of cognitive and_physical_involvement, accesses_long-term_memories,_focuses attention and concentration, provides_a high probability of success_for"} +{"text": " have been chemically synthesized for use in biological studies. The synthesis of (3H) indicine N-oxide proceeded from incidine N-oxide through a process involving reduction to indicine, ester cleavage, oxidation of the exocyclic carbon on the pyrrolizidine moiety, reduction with lithium aluminum tritide,", "synonym_substitution": "have been chemically synthesized for use in biological studies. The synthesis of (3H) indicine N - oxide go from incidine N - oxide through a procedure involving reduction to indicine, ester cleavage, oxidation of the exocyclic carbon on the pyrrolizidine moiety, decrease with lithium aluminum tritide,", "butter_fingers": " hage been chemically synthtsized for use in biologmcal sthdies. Thd synthesis of (3H) indicine N-oeide proctvded from incidine N-obide throlgh a proxess unvolving csductiok to jkdiciue, ester cleavagg, oxidation mf the exocyclhc ccrbon on the pyrrolizidine moiety, requction wlth lithium alominuk trifpdt,", "random_deletion": "have been chemically synthesized for use in The of (3H) N-oxide proceeded from involving to indicine, ester oxidation of the carbon on the pyrrolizidine moiety, reduction lithium aluminum tritide,", "change_char_case": " have been chemically synthesIzed for use In bioLogIcaL sTudiEs. ThE synthesis of (3H) iNDiciNe N-oxide proceeded from iNcidiNe n-OxidE ThRough A procesS InVOLviNg ReDucTiON tO indiCinE, ester cLeavage, oxiDatIoN of the exocycLIc Carbon on thE pyRrolizidine mOieTy, reduCtIon WIth liThiUm aluMinum tRItide,", "whitespace_perturbation": " have been chemically synt hesized fo r use in bi ol ogic al s tudies. The sy n thes is of (3H) indicine N- oxide p r ocee d ed from incidi n eN - oxi de t hro ug h a proc ess involv ing reduct ion t o indicine,e st er cleavag e,oxidation of th e exoc yc lic carbo n o n the pyrro l izidin e moiety, r e ductio n with l i t hi um a luminum tritide,", "underscore_trick": " have_been chemically_synthesized for use in_biological studies._The_synthesis of_(3H)_indicine N-oxide proceeded_from incidine N-oxide_through a process involving_reduction to indicine,_ester_cleavage, oxidation of the exocyclic carbon on the pyrrolizidine moiety, reduction with lithium aluminum_tritide,"} +{"text": "-expression patterns that characterize retinal go and retina stop responses, and scleral mRNA and protein-expression patterns that characterize the sclera go, sclera stop and sclera ignores responses in our well-characterized animal model, tree shrew. These animals are closely related to primates and, like humans,", "synonym_substitution": "-expression patterns that characterize retinal go and retina stop answer, and scleral mRNA and protein - formula patterns that characterize the sclera go, sclera stop consonant and sclera ignores responses in our well - characterize animal mannequin, tree shrew. These animals are close relate to primates and, like homo,", "butter_fingers": "-expgession patterns that chxracterize retiuql go end retjna stop responses, and scleral mRNA end proteun-expression patterns ghat charwcterize the wclera go, sclera sbjp ahf scnxra ignores reskonses in ous well-charactesixeb animal model, tree shrew. These animwls are cposely related to kriiatea and, like humans,", "random_deletion": "-expression patterns that characterize retinal go and responses, scleral mRNA protein-expression patterns that stop sclera ignores responses our well-characterized animal tree shrew. These animals are closely to primates and, like humans,", "change_char_case": "-expression patterns that chaRacterize rEtinaL go And ReTina Stop Responses, and scLEral MRNA and protein-expressiOn patTeRNs thAT cHaracTerize tHE sCLEra Go, ScLerA sTOp And scLerA ignoreS responses In oUr Well-characteRIzEd animal moDel, Tree shrew. TheSe aNimals ArE clOSely rElaTed to PrimatES and, liKe humans,", "whitespace_perturbation": "-expression patterns thatcharacteri ze re tin algo and ret ina stop respo n ses, and scleral mRNA andprote in - expr e ss ion p atterns th a t ch ar ac ter iz e t he sc ler a go, s clera stop an dsclera ignor e sresponsesinour well-cha rac terize dani m al mo del , tre e shre w . Thes e animals a r e clos e ly rela t e dto p rimates and, like hu m ans,", "underscore_trick": "-expression patterns_that characterize_retinal go and retina_stop responses,_and_scleral mRNA_and_protein-expression patterns that_characterize the sclera_go, sclera stop and_sclera ignores responses_in_our well-characterized animal model, tree shrew. These animals are closely related to primates and,_like_humans,"} +{"text": " constants of a hydrogel sample. The shear modulus, m, the bulk modulus, k, and the hydraulic permeability, 1/f, can be determined from a single stress relaxation experiment. The material constants are treated as free parameters whose values are optimally estimated X)y minimizing the variance between predicted and empirical force relaxation wave", "synonym_substitution": "constants of a hydrogel sample. The shear modulus, m, the bulk modulus, k, and the hydraulic permeability, 1 / f, can be determined from a single tension liberalization experiment. The material constants are treat as detached parameters whose values are optimally calculate X)y understate the variance between predicted and empirical force liberalization wave", "butter_fingers": " cojstants of a hydrogel saople. The shear modulus, m, the bulk moaulus, k, and the hydraulic pecmeavilitt, 1/f, can be determined wrom a sijgle strwss celaxation expermjent. Thc matsvial eoistants are trested as frae parameters fhusz values are optimally estimated X)y iinimizonh the variance beteqen lgebicted and empirical force relasation xave", "random_deletion": "constants of a hydrogel sample. The shear the modulus, k, the hydraulic permeability, a stress relaxation experiment. material constants are as free parameters whose values are estimated X)y minimizing the variance between predicted and empirical force relaxation wave", "change_char_case": " constants of a hydrogel samplE. The shear mOduluS, m, tHe bUlK modUlus, K, and the hydraulIC perMeability, 1/f, can be determiNed frOm A SingLE sTress RelaxatIOn EXPerImEnT. ThE mATeRial cOnsTants arE treated as FreE pArameters whoSE vAlues are opTimAlly estimateD X)y MinimiZiNg tHE variAncE betwEen preDIcted aNd empiricAl FOrce reLAxation WAVe", "whitespace_perturbation": " constants of a hydrogel s ample. The shea r m odu lu s, m , th e bulk modulus , k,and the hydraulic perm eabil it y , 1/ f ,can b e deter m in e d fr om a si ng l estres s r elaxati on experim ent .The material co nstants ar e t reated as fr eeparame te rsw hoseval ues a re opt i mallyestimated X ) y mini m izing t h e v aria nce between predi c te d and empirical force r e la x a tio n w ave", "underscore_trick": " constants_of a_hydrogel sample. The shear_modulus, m,_the_bulk modulus,_k,_and the hydraulic_permeability, 1/f, can_be determined from a_single stress relaxation_experiment._The material constants are treated as free parameters whose values are optimally estimated X)y_minimizing_the variance_between_predicted_and empirical force relaxation wave"} +{"text": " restricted deficiency in RXRalpha; 3) To determine the role of RXRalpha pathways within endothelial/endocardial cushion cell lineages in cardiovascular morphogenesis by creating mice which harbor an endothelial cell lineage restricted deficiency in RXRalpha; 4) To determine the role of all retinoid receptor dependent pathways in specific cardiovascular cell types", "synonym_substitution": "restricted deficiency in RXRalpha; 3) To determine the role of RXRalpha nerve pathway within endothelial / endocardial shock absorber cell lineages in cardiovascular morphogenesis by create shiner which harbor an endothelial cell lineage qualify insufficiency in RXRalpha; 4) To determine the function of all retinoid receptor dependent pathway in specific cardiovascular cell types", "butter_fingers": " redtricted deficiency in RWRalpha; 3) To detetmune thx role kf RXRaloha pathways within endothelmal/ebdocaedial cushion cell lindages in bardiovasxulac morphogenesis ug creatlug midc whieh harbor an endpthelial call lineage revtfieted deficiency in RXRalpha; 4) To detewmine tne role of all rgtinopd recsitir dependent pathways in specjfic cagdiovascular cell types", "random_deletion": "restricted deficiency in RXRalpha; 3) To determine of pathways within cushion cell lineages mice harbor an endothelial lineage restricted deficiency RXRalpha; 4) To determine the role all retinoid receptor dependent pathways in specific cardiovascular cell types", "change_char_case": " restricted deficiency in RXRAlpha; 3) To detErminE thE roLe Of RXralpHa pathways withIN endOthelial/endocardial cusHion cElL LineAGeS in caRdiovasCUlAR MorPhOgEneSiS By CreatIng Mice whiCh harbor an EndOtHelial cell liNEaGe restrictEd dEficiency in RxRaLpha; 4) To DeTerMIne thE roLe of aLl retiNOid recEptor depeNdENt pathWAys in spECIfIc caRdiovascular cell tYPeS", "whitespace_perturbation": " restricted deficiency inRXRalpha;3) To de ter mi ne t he r ole of RXRalph a pat hways within endotheli al/en do c ardi a lcushi on cell li n e age sin ca rd i ov ascul armorphog enesis bycre at ing mice whi c hharbor anend othelial cel l l ineage r est r icted de ficie ncy in RXRalp ha; 4) To d e termin e the ro l e o f al l retinoid recept o rd ependent pathw ays in s p ec i f iccar diovascula rcellt ypes", "underscore_trick": " restricted_deficiency in_RXRalpha; 3) To determine_the role_of_RXRalpha pathways_within_endothelial/endocardial cushion cell_lineages in cardiovascular_morphogenesis by creating mice_which harbor an_endothelial_cell lineage restricted deficiency in RXRalpha; 4) To determine the role of all retinoid_receptor_dependent pathways_in_specific_cardiovascular cell types"} +{"text": " neural pathways which mediate the conversion of vocalization into endocrine response. In other words, we intend to demonstrate that an increased luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) release can be traced to neuronal activity in the vocal control nuclei associated with the performance of female nest calls. The proposed studies will add useful", "synonym_substitution": "neural pathways which mediate the conversion of vocalization into endocrine reception. In early words, we intend to attest that an increase luteinizing hormone - releasing hormone (LHRH) release can be hound to neural activity in the vocal control nuclei associated with the operation of female nest calls. The proposed studies will add utilitarian", "butter_fingers": " nekral pathways which medixte the conversnin of tocalizztion ingo endocrine response. In othxr wirds, qe intend to demonstrage that aj increawed oyteinizing hormone-vzleasjkg hoxmine (LHRH) releaxe can be draced to neurmnxl activity in the vocal control nuclqi assoviwted with the kerfogmwnce of female nest calls. The proposed studiev will add usrful", "random_deletion": "neural pathways which mediate the conversion of endocrine In other we intend to hormone-releasing (LHRH) release can traced to neuronal in the vocal control nuclei associated the performance of female nest calls. The proposed studies will add useful", "change_char_case": " neural pathways which mediatE the converSion oF voCalIzAtioN intO endocrine respONse. IN other words, we intend to dEmonsTrATe thAT aN incrEased luTEiNIZinG hOrMonE-rELeAsing HorMone (LHRh) release caN be TrAced to neuronAL aCtivity in tHe vOcal control nUclEi assoCiAteD With tHe pErforMance oF Female Nest calls. thE ProposED studieS WIlL add Useful", "whitespace_perturbation": " neural pathways which med iate the c onver sio n o fvoca liza tion into endo c rine response. In other wo rds,we inte n dto de monstra t et h atan i ncr ea s ed lute ini zing ho rmone-rele asi ng hormone (LH R H) release c anbe traced to ne uronal a cti v ity i n t he vo cal co n trol n uclei ass oc i ated w i th thep e rf orma nce of female nes t c a lls. The propo sed st ud i es w ill ad d useful", "underscore_trick": " neural_pathways which_mediate the conversion of_vocalization into_endocrine_response. In_other_words, we intend_to demonstrate that_an increased luteinizing hormone-releasing_hormone (LHRH) release_can_be traced to neuronal activity in the vocal control nuclei associated with the performance_of_female nest_calls._The_proposed studies will add useful"} +{"text": " and using this this model enables us to identify a DT:preF:adjuvant formulation that overcomes the risks of VED. In Phase I of this proposal, we will test four DT-preF:adjuvant formulations and identify the one that elicits the most protective responses that does not cause VED in", "synonym_substitution": "and using this this model enables us to identify a DT: preF: accessory conceptualization that get the best the risks of VED. In Phase I of this marriage proposal, we will test four DT - preF: accessory formulations and identify the one that arouse the most protective responses that does not induce VED in", "butter_fingers": " anf using this this model tnables us to ideurify a DT:preR:adjuvang formulation that overcomes tye riwks of VED. In Phase I uf this pgoposal, ww wioo test fouc DT-preF:adjuvahb forknlations and idgntify the ote that elicitv ghz most protective responses that doef not csude VED in", "random_deletion": "and using this this model enables us a formulation that the risks of this we will test DT-preF:adjuvant formulations and the one that elicits the most responses that does not cause VED in", "change_char_case": " and using this this model enabLes us to ideNtify A DT:Pref:aDjuvAnt fOrmulation that OVercOmes the risks of VED. In PhaSe I of ThIS proPOsAl, we wIll test FOuR dt-prEF:AdJuvAnT FoRmulaTioNs and idEntify the oNe tHaT elicits the mOSt Protective ResPonses that doEs nOt causE VeD iN", "whitespace_perturbation": " and using this this model enables u s toide nti fy a D T:pr eF:adjuvant fo r mula tion that overcomes th e ris ks of V E D. In P hase Io ft h ispr op osa l, we will te st four DT-preF:a dju va nt formulati o ns and ident ify the one tha t e licits t hem ost p rot ectiv e resp o nses t hat doesno t cause VED in", "underscore_trick": " and_using this_this model enables us_to identify_a_DT:preF:adjuvant formulation_that_overcomes the risks_of VED. In_Phase I of this_proposal, we will_test_four DT-preF:adjuvant formulations and identify the one that elicits the most protective responses that_does_not cause_VED_in"} +{"text": "AA), myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), and autoimmune disease, as well as genetic diseases, in conjunction with these projects, in vitro studies of cellular interactions will define how diseased cells in MDS or AA may be capable of suppressing normal hematopoiesis, possibly leading to alternative forms of therapy for these diseases", "synonym_substitution": "AA), myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), and autoimmune disease, as well as genetic diseases, in junction with these undertaking, in vitro studies of cellular interactions will define how diseased cell in MDS or AA may be capable of suppressing normal hematopoiesis, possibly precede to alternate forms of therapy for these diseases", "butter_fingers": "AA), lyelodysplastic syndromer (MDS), and autoimmune dmsease, zs well xs genetic diseases, in conjuictiin wiuk these projects, in xitro stufies of xellnlar interactions will dcyine glw dnsxased cells in KDS or AA kay be capable ow duppressing normal hematopoiesis, pofsibly kewding to altergatine forjs of therapy for these diseases", "random_deletion": "AA), myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), and autoimmune disease, as diseases, in with these projects, interactions define how diseased in MDS or may be capable of suppressing normal possibly leading to alternative forms of therapy for these diseases", "change_char_case": "AA), myelodysplastic syndromeS (MDS), and autOimmuNe dIseAsE, as wEll aS genetic diseasES, in cOnjunction with these proJects, In VItro STuDies oF cellulAR iNTEraCtIoNs wIlL DeFine hOw dIseased Cells in MDS Or Aa mAy be capable oF SuPpressing nOrmAl hematopoieSis, PossibLy LeaDIng to AltErnatIve forMS of theRapy for thEsE DiseasES", "whitespace_perturbation": "AA), myelodysplastic syndr omes (MDS) , and au toi mm unedise ase, as well a s gen etic diseases, in conj uncti on with th ese p rojects , i n vit ro s tud ie s o f cel lul ar inte ractions w ill d efine how di s ea sed cellsinMDS or AA ma y b e capa bl e o f supp res singnormal hemato poiesis,po s siblyl eadingt o a lter native forms of t h er a py for these d isease s", "underscore_trick": "AA), myelodysplastic_syndromes (MDS),_and autoimmune disease, as_well as_genetic_diseases, in_conjunction_with these projects,_in vitro studies_of cellular interactions will_define how diseased_cells_in MDS or AA may be capable of suppressing normal hematopoiesis, possibly leading to_alternative_forms of_therapy_for_these diseases"} +{"text": " of cell type- specific circuits tools and their function in the NHP brain. Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), the most common type of epilepsy, is characterized by destruction of specific hippocampal neurons. Recent evidence indicates that this neuronal damage is the result of excessive stimulation by excitotoxic amino acids (e.g., glut", "synonym_substitution": "of cell type- specific circuits tools and their function in the NHP mind. worldly lobe epilepsy (TLE), the most common character of epilepsy, is characterized by end of specific hippocampal neurons. Recent evidence argue that this neural damage is the result of excessive stimulation by excitotoxic amino acids (e.g., flood", "butter_fingers": " of cell type- specific circmits tools and tkwir fuiction jn the NFP brain. Temporal lobe epile'sy (RLE), tye most common type of epilepsy, is charqctecized by destrucvjon of specifjg hip'orampal neurons. Tecent evidetce indicates dhxt this neuronal damage is the result of excrsdive stimulatijn bj qxcifotoxic amino acids (e.g., glut", "random_deletion": "of cell type- specific circuits tools and in NHP brain. lobe epilepsy (TLE), epilepsy, characterized by destruction specific hippocampal neurons. evidence indicates that this neuronal damage the result of excessive stimulation by excitotoxic amino acids (e.g., glut", "change_char_case": " of cell type- specific circuitS tools and tHeir fUncTioN iN the nHP bRain. Temporal loBE epiLepsy (TLE), the most common tYpe of EpILepsY, Is CharaCterizeD By DEStrUcTiOn oF sPEcIfic hIppOcampal Neurons. RecEnt EvIdence indicaTEs That this neUroNal damage is tHe rEsult oF eXceSSive sTimUlatiOn by exCItotoxIc amino acIdS (E.g., glut", "whitespace_perturbation": " of cell type- specific ci rcuits too ls an d t hei rfunc tion in the NHP br a in.Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE ), them os t com mon typ e o f epi le ps y,is ch aract eri zed bydestructio n o fspecific hip p oc ampal neur ons . Recent evi den ce ind ic ate s that th is ne uronal damage is the r es u lt ofe xcessiv e st imul ation by excitoto x ic amino acids (e .g., g lu t ", "underscore_trick": " of_cell type-_specific circuits tools and_their function_in_the NHP_brain._Temporal lobe epilepsy_(TLE), the most_common type of epilepsy,_is characterized by_destruction_of specific hippocampal neurons. Recent evidence indicates that this neuronal damage is the result_of_excessive stimulation_by_excitotoxic_amino acids (e.g., glut"} +{"text": " cancer research. The ultimate goal is to increase the number of health professionals, especially those from under-represented minorities, that will pursue clinical and/or research careers in cancer. The current grant award, Nutrition-Cancer Education Program (R25 CA47877) began September 1, 1988 and will end August 31,", "synonym_substitution": "cancer research. The ultimate goal is to increase the number of health professionals, particularly those from under - stage minorities, that will pursue clinical and/or research career in cancer. The current grant award, Nutrition - Cancer Education Program (R25 CA47877) begin September 1, 1988 and will end August 31,", "butter_fingers": " cajcer research. The ultimaue goal is to incteqse thx numbed of heauth professionals, especially tyose drom under-represented oinoritied, that wull kursue clinical ais/or resccrch dwreexs in cancer. The current gsant award, Nutsigiln-Cancer Education Program (R25 CA47877) begwn Septrmher 1, 1988 and will end Wuguan 31,", "random_deletion": "cancer research. The ultimate goal is to number health professionals, those from under-represented and/or careers in cancer. current grant award, Education Program (R25 CA47877) began September 1988 and will end August 31,", "change_char_case": " cancer research. The ultimate Goal is to inCreasE thE nuMbEr of HealTh professionalS, EspeCially those from under-rePreseNtED minORiTies, tHat will PUrSUE clInIcAl aNd/OR rEsearCh cAreers iN cancer. The CurReNt grant award, nUtRition-CancEr EDucation ProgRam (r25 CA47877) begAn sepTEmber 1, 1988 And Will eNd AuguST 31,", "whitespace_perturbation": " cancer research. The ulti mate goalis to in cre as e th e nu mber of health prof essionals, especiallythose f r om u n de r-rep resente d m i n ori ti es , t ha t w ill p urs ue clin ical and/o r r es earch career s i n cancer.The current gra ntaward, N utr i tion- Can cer E ducati o n Prog ram (R25CA 4 7877)b egan Se p t em ber1, 1988 and wille nd August 31,", "underscore_trick": " cancer_research. The_ultimate goal is to_increase the_number_of health_professionals,_especially those from_under-represented minorities, that_will pursue clinical and/or_research careers in_cancer._The current grant award, Nutrition-Cancer Education Program (R25 CA47877) began September 1, 1988 and_will_end August_31,"} +{"text": "ality using the Lung Aspiration Model. Specific Aim 3: To Validate the Efficacy of Cell-Permeable Antibodies for Post-Exposure Treatment in an Aerosolized Ricin Mouse Model. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Since there is currently no treatment for the ricin toxin, development of", "synonym_substitution": "ality using the Lung Aspiration Model. Specific Aim 3: To Validate the Efficacy of Cell - Permeable Antibodies for Post - Exposure Treatment in an Aerosolized Ricin Mouse Model. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Since there is currently no treatment for the ricin toxin, growth of", "butter_fingers": "alihy using the Lung Aspirauion Model. Specifnx Aim 3: To Vamidate tfe Efficacy of Cell-Permeable Abtiboeies for Post-Exposure Greatment in an Awrosioized Ricii Mouse Model. LMBLIC IEALTH RELEVANCG: Since thera is currently nu creatment for the ricin toxin, develo[ment og", "random_deletion": "ality using the Lung Aspiration Model. Specific To the Efficacy Cell-Permeable Antibodies for Ricin Model. PUBLIC HEALTH Since there is no treatment for the ricin toxin, of", "change_char_case": "ality using the Lung AspiratiOn Model. SpeCific aim 3: to VAlIdatE the efficacy of Cell-pErmeAble Antibodies for Post-EXposuRe tReatMEnT in an aerosolIZeD rIciN MOuSe MOdEL. PuBLIC hEAlTH RELEvANCE: Since TheRe Is currently nO TrEatment for The Ricin toxin, deVelOpment Of", "whitespace_perturbation": "ality using the Lung Aspir ation Mode l. Sp eci fic A im 3 : To Validate theE ffic acy of Cell-PermeableAntib od i es f o rPost- Exposur e T r e atm en tinan Ae rosol ize d Ricin Mouse Mod el. P UBLIC HEALTH RE LEVANCE: S inc e there is c urr entlyno tr e atmen t f or th e rici n toxin , develop me n t of", "underscore_trick": "ality using_the Lung_Aspiration Model. Specific Aim_3: To_Validate_the Efficacy_of_Cell-Permeable Antibodies for_Post-Exposure Treatment in_an Aerosolized Ricin Mouse_Model. PUBLIC HEALTH_RELEVANCE:_Since there is currently no treatment for the ricin toxin, development of"} +{"text": " Bruce Crise, Louis Henderson, and Karen Worthy. This patent describes a class of compounds with anti-HIV-1 activity, which are under investigation for use in antiretroviral therapy. [Corresponds to Rein Project 4 in the October 2011 site visit report of the HIV Drug Resistance Program] The investigators and", "synonym_substitution": "Bruce Crise, Louis Henderson, and Karen Worthy. This patent describes a class of compounds with anti - HIV-1 activity, which are under probe for habit in antiretroviral therapy. [ Corresponds to Rein Project 4 in the October 2011 site sojourn report of the HIV Drug Resistance Program ] The investigator and", "butter_fingers": " Brkce Crise, Louis Hendersok, and Karen Wortkt. This patenf descrices a class of compounds witi anri-HIV-1 activity, which are unaer invesnigation dor nse in antiretrotjral thcxapy. [Dlrrev'onds to Rein Ptoject 4 in tve October 2011 side vnsit report of the HIV Drug Resistanse Progtal] The investigwtorx and", "random_deletion": "Bruce Crise, Louis Henderson, and Karen Worthy. describes class of with anti-HIV-1 activity, use antiretroviral therapy. [Corresponds Rein Project 4 the October 2011 site visit report the HIV Drug Resistance Program] The investigators and", "change_char_case": " Bruce Crise, Louis Henderson, aNd Karen WorThy. ThIs pAteNt DescRibeS a class of compoUNds wIth anti-HIV-1 activity, whicH are uNdER invEStIgatiOn for usE In ANTirEtRoVirAl THeRapy. [COrrEsponds To Rein ProjEct 4 In The October 2011 siTE vIsit report Of tHe HIV Drug ResIstAnce PrOgRam] tHe invEstIgatoRs and", "whitespace_perturbation": " Bruce Crise, Louis Hender son, and K arenWor thy .This pat ent describesa cla ss of compounds with a nti-H IV - 1 ac t iv ity,which a r eu n der i nv est ig a ti on fo r u se in a ntiretrovi ral t herapy. [Cor r es ponds to R ein Project 4 i n t he Oct ob er2 011 s ite visi t repo r t of t he HIV Dr ug Resist a nce Pro g r am ] Th e investigators a n d", "underscore_trick": " Bruce_Crise, Louis_Henderson, and Karen Worthy._This patent_describes_a class_of_compounds with anti-HIV-1_activity, which are_under investigation for use_in antiretroviral therapy._[Corresponds_to Rein Project 4 in the October 2011 site visit report of the HIV_Drug_Resistance Program]_The_investigators_and"} +{"text": " (apo) E in peripheral tissues. The proposal consists of 4 aims that are focused on activities of apoE that influence cellular cholesterol metabolism in adrenal cells and activities that are anti-atherogenic within the vascular wall. Experiments in Aim 1 will test the hypothesis that low levels of systemic apoE act within the vascular wall to", "synonym_substitution": "(apo) E in peripheral tissues. The proposal consists of 4 aim that are concenter on activities of apoE that influence cellular cholesterol metabolism in adrenal cell and activities that are anti - atherogenic within the vascular wall. experiment in Aim 1 will test the hypothesis that abject levels of systemic apoE act within the vascular wall to", "butter_fingers": " (apl) E in peripheral tissuer. The proposal einsistv of 4 zims thag are focused on activities lf apoE that influence cellulxr cholesnerol metqbolmsm in adrenal cxmls and activjbies chet are anti-athetogenic withhn the vasculas dapl. Experiments in Aim 1 will test thq hypotnedis that low lgvels jf sgstemic apoE act within the vasculzr wall to", "random_deletion": "(apo) E in peripheral tissues. The proposal 4 that are on activities of metabolism adrenal cells and that are anti-atherogenic the vascular wall. Experiments in Aim will test the hypothesis that low levels of systemic apoE act within the wall to", "change_char_case": " (apo) E in peripheral tissues. ThE proposal cOnsisTs oF 4 aiMs That Are fOcused on activiTIes oF apoE that influence cellUlar cHoLEsteROl MetabOlism in ADrENAl cElLs And AcTIvIties ThaT are antI-atherogenIc wItHin the vasculAR wAll. ExperimEntS in Aim 1 will teSt tHe hypoThEsiS That lOw lEvels Of systEMic apoe act withiN tHE vascuLAr wall tO", "whitespace_perturbation": " (apo) E in peripheral tis sues. Thepropo sal co ns ists of4 aims that ar e foc used on activities ofapoEth a t in f lu encecellula r c h o les te ro l m et a bo lisminadrenal cells and ac ti vities thata re anti-athe rog enic withinthe vascu la r w a ll. E xpe rimen ts inA im 1 w ill testth e hypot h esis th a t l ow l evels of systemic ap o E act within t he vas cu l ar w all to ", "underscore_trick": " (apo)_E in_peripheral tissues. The proposal_consists of_4_aims that_are_focused on activities_of apoE that_influence cellular cholesterol metabolism_in adrenal cells_and_activities that are anti-atherogenic within the vascular wall. Experiments in Aim 1 will test_the_hypothesis that_low_levels_of systemic apoE act within_the vascular wall to"} +{"text": " programs. The objective of Phase II is to develop ProNutra, a research dietitian software tool for metabolic research studies, which was specified in Phase I. ProNutra contains several other innovative features, such as the ability to: automatically modify a study's diet schedule to meet the diet requirements of each of", "synonym_substitution": "programs. The objective of Phase II is to develop ProNutra, a research dietitian software cock for metabolic inquiry studies, which was specified in Phase I. ProNutra control respective other innovative features, such as the ability to: mechanically change a study's diet schedule to meet the diet requirements of each of", "butter_fingers": " prlgrams. The objective of Khase II is to derwlop PcoNutra, a reseafch dietitian software tool hor netabilic research studies, dhich was specifiwd ii Phase I. ProNutcz contalus sebcral mvher innovative features, vuch as the abhlktv to: automatically modify a study's dyet schrdkle to meet thg dieu rqquidvmtnts of each of", "random_deletion": "programs. The objective of Phase II is ProNutra, research dietitian tool for metabolic in I. ProNutra contains other innovative features, as the ability to: automatically modify study's diet schedule to meet the diet requirements of each of", "change_char_case": " programs. The objective of PhaSe II is to deVelop pronutRa, A resEarcH dietitian softWAre tOol for metabolic researcH studIeS, WhicH WaS specIfied in pHaSE i. PrONUtRa cOnTAiNs sevEraL other iNnovative fEatUrEs, such as the aBIlIty to: automAtiCally modify a StuDy's dieT sCheDUle to MeeT the dIet reqUIremenTs of each oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " programs. The objective o f Phase II is t o d eve lo p Pr oNut ra, a research diet itian software tool fo r met ab o licr es earch studie s ,w h ich w as sp ec i fi ed in Ph ase I.ProNutra c ont ai ns several o t he r innovati vefeatures, su chas the a bil i ty to : a utoma ticall y modif y a study 's diet s c hedulet o m eetthe diet requirem e nt s of each of", "underscore_trick": " programs._The objective_of Phase II is_to develop_ProNutra,_a research_dietitian_software tool for_metabolic research studies,_which was specified in_Phase I. ProNutra_contains_several other innovative features, such as the ability to: automatically modify a study's diet_schedule_to meet_the_diet_requirements of each of"} +{"text": "25RR022703); and our currently project (2014- 2019), A New Genomic Framework for Schools and Communities (Grant Code: 8 R25 GM129186-05). These projects focused on addressing the critical need for modern genomics curriculum for middle and high school students by connecting classroom instruction with the community to", "synonym_substitution": "25RR022703); and our currently project (2014- 2019), A New Genomic Framework for Schools and Communities (Grant Code: 8 R25 GM129186 - 05). These projects focused on address the critical motivation for modern genomics curriculum for middle and gamey school students by connecting classroom direction with the community to", "butter_fingers": "25RR022703); wnd our currently projecu (2014- 2019), A New Genomic Framewmrk fod Schoolr and Communities (Grant Code: 8 E25 GM129186-05). Ukese projects focusea on addrvssing thw crmtical need for modern gcuomica curxirulum for middlg and high swhool students bh eonnecting classroom instruction witr the cpmlunity to", "random_deletion": "25RR022703); and our currently project (2014- 2019), Genomic for Schools Communities (Grant Code: focused addressing the critical for modern genomics for middle and high school students connecting classroom instruction with the community to", "change_char_case": "25RR022703); and our currently project (2014- 2019), A new Genomic frameWorK foR SChooLs anD Communities (GrANt CoDe: 8 R25 GM129186-05). These projects focuSed on AdDRessINg The crItical nEEd FOR moDeRn GenOmICs CurriCulUm for miDdle and higH scHoOl students by COnNecting claSsrOom instructiOn wIth the CoMmuNIty to", "whitespace_perturbation": "25RR022703); and our curre ntly proje ct (2 014 - 2 01 9),A Ne w Genomic Fram e work for Schools and Commu nitie s( Gran t C ode:8 R25 G M 12 9 1 86- 05 ). Th es e p rojec tsfocused on addres sin gthe critical ne ed for mod ern genomics cu rri culumfo r m i ddleand high schoo l stude nts by co nn e ctingc lassroo m in stru ction with the co m mu n ity to", "underscore_trick": "25RR022703); and_our currently_project (2014- 2019), A_New Genomic_Framework_for Schools_and_Communities (Grant Code:_8 R25 GM129186-05)._These projects focused on_addressing the critical_need_for modern genomics curriculum for middle and high school students by connecting classroom instruction_with_the community_to"} +{"text": "; to determine the maximum tolerated does (MTD) of SPI-77 when given once every 2 weeks for 2 and 3 doses concurrent with radiotheraphy; to determine the pharmacokinetics of SPI-77; and to gather preliminary response information that may result from the treatment of SPI-77 when given concurrent with radi", "synonym_substitution": "; to determine the maximum tolerated does (MTD) of SPI-77 when give once every 2 week for 2 and 3 doses concurrent with radiotheraphy; to determine the pharmacokinetics of SPI-77; and to accumulate preliminary response information that may leave from the treatment of SPI-77 when given concurrent with radi", "butter_fingers": "; to determine the maximum tulerated does (MJD) of SPM-77 when fiven onze every 2 weeks for 2 and 3 dodew conxurrent with radiotherxphy; to dvtermine rhe kharmacokinetics of SPI-77; akb to fwthex 'reliminary reskonse informdtion that may rdsblt from the treatment of SPI-77 when gyven comckrrent with raqi", "random_deletion": "; to determine the maximum tolerated does SPI-77 given once 2 weeks for with to determine the of SPI-77; and gather preliminary response information that may from the treatment of SPI-77 when given concurrent with radi", "change_char_case": "; to determine the maximum toleRated does (MtD) of SpI-77 wHen GiVen oNce eVery 2 weeks for 2 anD 3 DoseS concurrent with radiothEraphY; tO DeteRMiNe the PharmacOKiNETicS oF SpI-77; aNd TO gAther PreLiminarY response iNfoRmAtion that may REsUlt from the TreAtment of SPI-77 wHen Given cOnCurREnt wiTh rAdi", "whitespace_perturbation": "; to determine the maximum tolerated does (M TD) o f SP I-77 when given on c e ev ery 2 weeks for 2 and3 dos es conc u rr ent w ith rad i ot h e rap hy ;tode t er minethe pharma cokinetics of S PI-77; and t o g ather prel imi nary respons e i nforma ti ont hat m ayresul t from the tr eatment o fS PI-77w hen giv e n c oncu rrent with radi", "underscore_trick": "; to_determine the_maximum tolerated does (MTD)_of SPI-77_when_given once_every_2 weeks for_2 and 3_doses concurrent with radiotheraphy;_to determine the_pharmacokinetics_of SPI-77; and to gather preliminary response information that may result from the treatment_of_SPI-77 when_given_concurrent_with radi"} +{"text": " as a paracrine mediator of progenitor recruitment and osteogenic differentiation in load- and injury-induced osteogenesis. We further hypothesize that SDF-1 treatment can accelerate bone repair in aged mice, a model of diminished regenerative capacity, possibly by enhancing cellular recruitment. To our hypotheses, we propose the following Specific Aims", "synonym_substitution": "as a paracrine mediator of progenitor recruitment and osteogenic differentiation in load- and injury - induced osteogenesis. We further speculate that SDF-1 discussion can accelerate bone haunt in aged mice, a model of diminished regenerative capacitance, possibly by enhancing cellular recruitment. To our hypotheses, we project the following Specific Aims", "butter_fingers": " as a paracrine mediator of progenitor rectuutment and oateogeniz differentiation in load- anv inhury-ibduced osteogenesis. We further jypothesuze uhat SDF-1 treatmenv can acgzlerafc bonz cepair in aged kice, a modal of diminishad rzgenerative capacity, possibly by enhwncing veplular recruitient. Eo ohg mypotheses, we propose the followjng Spebific Aims", "random_deletion": "as a paracrine mediator of progenitor recruitment differentiation load- and osteogenesis. We further accelerate repair in aged a model of regenerative capacity, possibly by enhancing cellular To our hypotheses, we propose the following Specific Aims", "change_char_case": " as a paracrine mediator of proGenitor recRuitmEnt And OsTeogEnic DifferentiatioN In loAd- and injury-induced osteOgeneSiS. we fuRThEr hypOthesizE ThAT sDF-1 TrEaTmeNt CAn AccelEraTe bone rEpair in ageD miCe, A model of dimiNIsHed regenerAtiVe capacity, poSsiBly by eNhAncINg celLulAr recRuitmeNT. To our HypotheseS, wE ProposE The follOWInG SpeCific Aims", "whitespace_perturbation": " as a paracrine mediator o f progenit or re cru itm en t an d os teogenic diffe r enti ation in load- and inj ury-i nd u cedo st eogen esis. W e f u r the rhy pot he s iz e tha t S DF-1 tr eatment ca n a cc elerate bone re pair in ag edmice, a mode l o f dimi ni she d rege ner ative capac i ty, po ssibly by e n hancin g cellul a r r ecru itment. To our hy p ot h eses, we propo se the f o ll o w ing Sp ecific Aim s", "underscore_trick": " as_a paracrine_mediator of progenitor recruitment_and osteogenic_differentiation_in load-_and_injury-induced osteogenesis. We_further hypothesize that_SDF-1 treatment can accelerate_bone repair in_aged_mice, a model of diminished regenerative capacity, possibly by enhancing cellular recruitment. To our_hypotheses,_we propose_the_following_Specific Aims"} +{"text": " comparison of genotype to phenotypes. We have collected all of the DNA samples and relevant phenotypes, and are ready to proceed with high-throughput sequencing in order to calculate mutation rates of great relevance to biomedicine. In Aim 1 we focus on CNVs, which are readily detected at low coverage sequencing due to our selection of mice", "synonym_substitution": "comparison of genotype to phenotypes. We have collected all of the DNA samples and relevant phenotype, and are quick to continue with high - throughput sequencing in orderliness to calculate mutation rate of capital relevance to biomedicine. In Aim 1 we focus on CNVs, which are readily detected at broken coverage sequencing due to our selection of shiner", "butter_fingers": " colparison of genotype to khenotypes. We havg xollecved all of the ANA samples and relevant pheiotypes, abd are ready to proceea with hihh-througyput wequencing in ordev to dwlcunete mutation rajes of great relevance to tiumzdicine. In Aim 1 we focus on CNVs, whish are tewdily detected at kjw cknevage sequencing due to our selecfion of mice", "random_deletion": "comparison of genotype to phenotypes. We have of DNA samples relevant phenotypes, and high-throughput in order to mutation rates of relevance to biomedicine. In Aim 1 focus on CNVs, which are readily detected at low coverage sequencing due to selection of mice", "change_char_case": " comparison of genotype to pheNotypes. We hAve coLleCteD aLl of The DnA samples and reLEvanT phenotypes, and are ready To proCeED witH HiGh-thrOughput SEqUENciNg In OrdEr TO cAlculAte MutatioN rates of grEat ReLevance to bioMEdIcine. In Aim 1 We fOcus on CNVs, whIch Are reaDiLy dETecteD at Low coVerage SEquencIng due to oUr SElectiON of mice", "whitespace_perturbation": " comparison of genotype to phenotype s. We ha veco llec tedall of the DNA samp les and relevant pheno types ,a nd a r eready to pro c ee d wit hhi gh- th r ou ghput se quencin g in order to c alculate mut a ti on rates o f g reat relevan ceto bio me dic i ne. I n A im 1we foc u s on C NVs, whic ha re rea d ily det e c te d at low coverage seq u en c ing due to our selec ti o no f mi ce", "underscore_trick": " comparison_of genotype_to phenotypes. We have_collected all_of_the DNA_samples_and relevant phenotypes,_and are ready_to proceed with high-throughput_sequencing in order_to_calculate mutation rates of great relevance to biomedicine. In Aim 1 we focus on_CNVs,_which are_readily_detected_at low coverage sequencing due_to our selection of mice"} +{"text": " specific aim investigates whether S. Aureus growing on the skin of patients with an exacerbation of AD due to infection, produce toxins known to act as bacterial superantigens E.G. Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SES) and correlate these findings with the TCR VB gene usage of the t cell infiltr", "synonym_substitution": "specific aim investigates whether S. Aureus growing on the skin of patients with an aggravation of AD due to contagion, grow toxins know to dissemble as bacterial superantigens E.G. Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SES) and correlate these findings with the TCR VB gene custom of the triiodothyronine cell infiltr", "butter_fingers": " spfcific aim investigates dhether S. Aureus growiig on tge skin uf patients with an exacerbavion of AE due to infection, proauce toxijs known to ect as bacterial superanbngens C.G. Stcpiylococcal entetotoxins (SES) and correlate tfede findings with the TCR VB gene uswge of yhf t cell infiljr", "random_deletion": "specific aim investigates whether S. Aureus growing skin patients with exacerbation of AD known act as bacterial E.G. Staphylococcal enterotoxins and correlate these findings with the VB gene usage of the t cell infiltr", "change_char_case": " specific aim investigates whEther S. AureUs groWinG on ThE skiN of pAtients with an eXAcerBation of AD due to infectiOn, proDuCE toxINs Known To act as BAcTERiaL sUpEraNtIGeNs E.G. STapHylococCal enterotOxiNs (sES) and correlATe These findiNgs With the TCR VB GenE usage Of The T Cell iNfiLtr", "whitespace_perturbation": " specific aim investigates whether S . Aur eus gr ow ingon t he skin of pat i ents with an exacerbationof AD d u e to in fecti on, pro d uc e tox in skno wn to actasbacteri al superan tig en s E.G. Staph y lo coccal ent ero toxins (SES) an d corr el ate these fi nding s with the TC R VB gene u s age of the t c e l linfi ltr", "underscore_trick": " specific_aim investigates_whether S. Aureus growing_on the_skin_of patients_with_an exacerbation of_AD due to_infection, produce toxins known_to act as_bacterial_superantigens E.G. Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SES) and correlate these findings with the TCR VB gene_usage_of the_t_cell_infiltr"} +{"text": " extracellular matrix (ECM) exerts on type II pneumocytes. The extracellular components of the lung have long been known to influence the physical/mechanical properties of the tissue and thereby to play an important role in the function of normal and diseased tissue. alterations in the content and/or organization of connective tissue elements are involved", "synonym_substitution": "extracellular matrix (ECM) exerts on type II pneumocytes. The extracellular components of the lung have long been known to influence the forcible / mechanical place of the tissue and thereby to play an important function in the routine of normal and diseased tissue. alterations in the content and/or arrangement of connective tissue elements are involved", "butter_fingers": " exhracellular matrix (ECM) ewerts on type II pneumorytes. Tge extrazellular components of the lnng yave oong been known to infuuence thv physicao/mecianical propertixa of thc tisame anb vhereby to play an importdnt role in tha wuuction of normal and diseased tissue. alterayilns in the conjent sgd/or organization of connective tissue elemenus are involved", "random_deletion": "extracellular matrix (ECM) exerts on type II extracellular of the have long been properties the tissue and to play an role in the function of normal diseased tissue. alterations in the content and/or organization of connective tissue elements are", "change_char_case": " extracellular matrix (ECM) exeRts on type Ii pneuMocYteS. THe exTracEllular componeNTs of The lung have long been knoWn to iNfLUencE ThE physIcal/mecHAnICAl pRoPeRtiEs OF tHe tisSue And therEby to play aN imPoRtant role in tHE fUnction of nOrmAl and diseaseD tiSsue. alTeRatIOns in The ConteNt and/oR OrganiZation of cOnNEctive TIssue elEMEnTs arE involved", "whitespace_perturbation": " extracellular matrix (ECM ) exerts o n typ e I I p ne umoc ytes . The extracel l ular components of the lun g hav el ongb ee n kno wn to i n fl u e nce t he ph ys i ca l/mec han ical pr operties o f t he tissue andt he reby to pl ayan important ro le inth e f u nctio n o f nor mal an d disea sed tissu e. altera t ions in t he con tent and/or organ i za t ion of connect ive ti ss u ee l eme nts are invol ve d", "underscore_trick": " extracellular_matrix (ECM)_exerts on type II_pneumocytes. The_extracellular_components of_the_lung have long_been known to_influence the physical/mechanical properties_of the tissue_and_thereby to play an important role in the function of normal and diseased tissue._alterations_in the_content_and/or_organization of connective tissue elements_are involved"} +{"text": " cause of death for youth and the 10th leading cause of death for adults. As suicide risk screening becomes a national priority for medical settings, non-mental health clinicians require valid, psychometrically-sound screening instruments for assessing suicide risk. However, there are very few such mental health assessment instruments that have been validated empirically", "synonym_substitution": "cause of death for youth and the 10th lead lawsuit of death for adults. As suicide risk cover becomes a national priority for aesculapian context, non - mental health clinician command valid, psychometrically - sound cover instruments for assessing suicide risk. However, there are very few such genial health assessment instruments that have been validate empirically", "butter_fingers": " cakse of death for youth akd the 10th leadiny cause of dezth for xdults. As suicide risk screeiing becones a national priorith for medpcal settungs, bon-mental isalth clinicizks rexnire valid, psycmometricallf-sound screenitg iustruments for assessing suicide rish. Howevrr, there are veri few fuch mental health assessment instrumehts thau have been validayed empirically", "random_deletion": "cause of death for youth and the cause death for As suicide risk for settings, non-mental health require valid, psychometrically-sound instruments for assessing suicide risk. However, are very few such mental health assessment instruments that have been validated empirically", "change_char_case": " cause of death for youth and thE 10th leading Cause Of dEatH fOr adUlts. as suicide risk sCReenIng becomes a national priOrity FoR MediCAl SettiNgs, non-mENtAL HeaLtH cLinIcIAnS requIre Valid, psYchometricAllY-sOund screeninG InStruments fOr aSsessing suicIde Risk. HoWeVer, THere aRe vEry feW such mENtal heAlth assesSmENt instRUments tHAT hAve bEen validated empirICaLLy", "whitespace_perturbation": " cause of death for youthand the 10 th le adi ngca useof d eath for adult s . As suicide risk screenin g bec om e s an at ional priori t yf o r m ed ic alse t ti ngs,non -mental health cl ini ci ans requirev al id, psycho met rically-soun d s creeni ng in s trume nts forassess i ng sui cide risk .H owever , therea r every few such mentalh ea l th assessmentinstru me n ts t hat ha ve been va li dated empiric a ll y ", "underscore_trick": " cause_of death_for youth and the_10th leading_cause_of death_for_adults. As suicide_risk screening becomes_a national priority for_medical settings, non-mental_health_clinicians require valid, psychometrically-sound screening instruments for assessing suicide risk. However, there are very_few_such mental_health_assessment_instruments that have been validated_empirically"} +{"text": " (sphingolipids, fatty acids, cholesterol and cholesterol esters) reflect brain functioning and pathology, and may interact with ApoE genotype in the development of AD pathogenesis, warranting human studies. Clinical and epidemiological studies of short duration, while important, will not contribute to our understanding of the earliest phases of AD", "synonym_substitution": "(sphingolipids, fatty acids, cholesterol and cholesterol esters) reflect mind operation and pathology, and may interact with ApoE genotype in the development of AD pathogenesis, warranting human report. Clinical and epidemiologic studies of short duration, while important, will not lend to our understanding of the earliest phase of AD", "butter_fingers": " (spjingolipids, fatty acids, gholesterol and eyolestxrol esfers) refuect brain functioning and pethooogy, qnd may interact with XpoE genonype in tye dtvelopment of AD 'zthogencfis, swrrautmng human studigs. Clinical dnd epidemiolocizap studies of short duration, while iiportany, aill not contrybutt tj oud understanding of the earliest phzses of AD", "random_deletion": "(sphingolipids, fatty acids, cholesterol and cholesterol esters) functioning pathology, and interact with ApoE AD warranting human studies. and epidemiological studies short duration, while important, will not to our understanding of the earliest phases of AD", "change_char_case": " (sphingolipids, fatty acids, chOlesterol aNd choLesTerOl EsteRs) reFlect brain funcTIoniNg and pathology, and may inTeracT wITh ApOe gEnotyPe in the DEvELOpmEnT oF AD PaTHoGenesIs, wArrantiNg human stuDieS. CLinical and epIDeMiological StuDies of short dUraTion, whIlE imPOrtanT, wiLl not ContriBUte to oUr understAnDIng of tHE earlieST PhAses Of AD", "whitespace_perturbation": " (sphingolipids, fatty aci ds, choles terol an d c ho lest erol esters) refle c t br ain functioning and pa tholo gy , and ma y int eract w i th A poE g en oty pe in thedev elopmen t of AD pa tho ge nesis, warra n ti ng human s tud ies. Clinica l a nd epi de mio l ogica l s tudie s of s h ort du ration, w hi l e impo r tant, w i l lnotcontribute to our un d erstanding ofthe ea rl i es t pha ses of AD", "underscore_trick": " (sphingolipids,_fatty acids,_cholesterol and cholesterol esters)_reflect brain_functioning_and pathology,_and_may interact with_ApoE genotype in_the development of AD_pathogenesis, warranting human_studies._Clinical and epidemiological studies of short duration, while important, will not contribute to our_understanding_of the_earliest_phases_of AD"} +{"text": " in vitro and in vivo, leading to increased production of a secreted receptor (sIL7R) that is unable to activate the IL-7 signaling pathway. Importantly, sIL7R has been linked to the disease in both human patients and animal models. These results directly implicate splicing of IL7R to the", "synonym_substitution": "in vitro and in vivo, leading to increased production of a secreted sense organ (sIL7R) that is ineffective to trip the IL-7 signaling pathway. Importantly, sIL7R has been linked to the disease in both human affected role and animal models. These results immediately implicate splicing of IL7R to the", "butter_fingers": " in vitro and in vivo, leadikg to increased kriductimn of z secretdd receptor (sIL7R) that is unaule ro acupvate the IL-7 signaline pathway. Importabtly, wIL7R has bxsn linkcb to fme divxase in both hukan patiends and animal koaeps. These results directly implicate splicimg of IL7R to the", "random_deletion": "in vitro and in vivo, leading to of secreted receptor that is unable pathway. sIL7R has been to the disease both human patients and animal models. results directly implicate splicing of IL7R to the", "change_char_case": " in vitro and in vivo, leading to Increased pRoducTioN of A sEcreTed rEceptor (sIL7R) thaT Is unAble to activate the IL-7 sigNalinG pAThwaY. imPortaNtly, sIL7r HaS BEen LiNkEd tO tHE dIseasE in Both humAn patients And AnImal models. ThESe Results dirEctLy implicate sPliCing of iL7r to THe", "whitespace_perturbation": " in vitro and in vivo, lea ding to in creas edpro du ctio n of a secreted re c epto r (sIL7R) that is unab le to a c tiva t ethe I L-7 sig n al i n g p at hw ay. I m po rtant ly, sIL7Rhas been l ink ed to the dise a se in both h uma n patients a ndanimal m ode l s. Th ese resu lts di r ectlyimplicate s p licing of IL7R t othe", "underscore_trick": " in_vitro and_in vivo, leading to_increased production_of_a secreted_receptor_(sIL7R) that is_unable to activate_the IL-7 signaling pathway._Importantly, sIL7R has_been_linked to the disease in both human patients and animal models. These results directly_implicate_splicing of_IL7R_to_the"} +{"text": " diabetes-related behavioral and health outcomes are limited by their use of non-representative data sets, cross-sectional analyses, and inadequate controls on other factors that may also be important to consider. This application's goal is to examine how social relationships (and particularly marriage) and self-efficacy influence adherence to diabetes-related", "synonym_substitution": "diabetes - related behavioral and health outcomes are limited by their use of non - representative datum set, cross - sectional analyses, and inadequate control on early factors that may also be important to view. This application's goal is to analyze how social relationships (and particularly marriage) and self - efficacy influence adhesiveness to diabetes - related", "butter_fingers": " diwbetes-related behavioral and health outeimes ace limifed by tfeir use of non-representativx dara seuf, cross-sectional avalyses, ajd inadewuatt controls on othxd factovf thzb may elso be importakt to consiger. This appliwagiln's goal is to examine how social rqlationxhlps (and particolarlj iarrjage) and self-efficacy influence adgerence to diabetes-rrlated", "random_deletion": "diabetes-related behavioral and health outcomes are limited use non-representative data cross-sectional analyses, and that also be important consider. This application's is to examine how social relationships particularly marriage) and self-efficacy influence adherence to diabetes-related", "change_char_case": " diabetes-related behavioral And health oUtcomEs aRe lImIted By thEir use of non-repREsenTative data sets, cross-secTionaL aNAlysES, aNd inaDequate COnTROls On OtHer FaCToRs thaT maY also be Important tO coNsIder. This applICaTion's goal iS to Examine how soCiaL relatIoNshIPs (and ParTiculArly maRRiage) aNd self-effIcACy inflUEnce adhEREnCe to Diabetes-related", "whitespace_perturbation": " diabetes-related behavior al and hea lth o utc ome sarelimi ted by their u s e of non-representative da ta se ts , cro s s- secti onal an a ly s e s,an dina de q ua te co ntr ols onother fact ors t hat may also be important to consider. T his appli ca tio n 's go alis to exami n e howsocial re la t ionshi p s (andp a rt icul arly marriage) an d s e lf-efficacy in fluenc ea dh e r enc e t o diabetes -r elate d ", "underscore_trick": " diabetes-related_behavioral and_health outcomes are limited_by their_use_of non-representative_data_sets, cross-sectional analyses,_and inadequate controls_on other factors that_may also be_important_to consider. This application's goal is to examine how social relationships (and particularly marriage)_and_self-efficacy influence_adherence_to_diabetes-related"} +{"text": "CI by providing anatomic pathology and tissue processing services to the Clinical Center and to all of the categorical institutes. LP is CLIA-certified with a Certificate of Accreditation and is inspected every two years for compliance with regulatory standards by the College of American Pathologists. LP's clinical services provide services in surgical pathology", "synonym_substitution": "CI by providing anatomic pathology and tissue processing services to the Clinical Center and to all of the categorical institutes. LP is CLIA - license with a Certificate of Accreditation and is audit every two years for compliance with regulatory criterion by the College of American Pathologists. LP's clinical services provide serve in surgical pathology", "butter_fingers": "CI hy providing anatomic pauhology and tissug procesving ssrvices go the Clinical Center and tl qll od the categorical instktutes. LP is CLIA-xertmfied with a Cervjficate of Acdveditctmon and is inspgcted every dwo years for wooppiance with regulatory standards by the Coklfge of Americag Pauhojogians. LP's clinical services provids servibes in surgical psthology", "random_deletion": "CI by providing anatomic pathology and tissue to Clinical Center to all of CLIA-certified a Certificate of and is inspected two years for compliance with regulatory by the College of American Pathologists. LP's clinical services provide services in surgical", "change_char_case": "CI by providing anatomic pathOlogy and tiSsue pRocEssInG serViceS to the Clinical cEnteR and to all of the categoriCal inStITuteS. lP Is CLIa-certifIEd WITh a ceRtIfiCaTE oF AccrEdiTation aNd is inspecTed EvEry two years fOR cOmpliance wIth Regulatory stAndArds by ThE CoLLege oF AmEricaN PathoLOgists. lP's clinicAl SErviceS Provide SERvIces In surgical patholoGY", "whitespace_perturbation": "CI by providing anatomic p athology a nd ti ssu e p ro cess ingservices to th e Cli nical Center and to al l ofth e cat e go rical instit u te s . LP i sCLI A- c er tifie d w ith a C ertificate of A ccreditation an d is inspe cte d every twoyea rs for c omp l iance wi th re gulato r y stan dards byth e Colle g e of Am e r ic an P athologists. LP's cl i nical services provi de se r v ice s i n surgical p athol o gy", "underscore_trick": "CI by_providing anatomic_pathology and tissue processing_services to_the_Clinical Center_and_to all of_the categorical institutes._LP is CLIA-certified with_a Certificate of_Accreditation_and is inspected every two years for compliance with regulatory standards by the College_of_American Pathologists._LP's_clinical_services provide services in surgical_pathology"} +{"text": " This effort has been continuously supported by a Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), providing the designation as an NCI-designated Cancer Center at MIT. By supplying infrastructural support for Core Facilities and other organizational components of the Koch Institute as well as funds for", "synonym_substitution": "This effort has been continuously supported by a Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), providing the appellation as an NCI - indicate Cancer Center at MIT. By supplying infrastructural support for Core Facilities and other organizational part of the Koch Institute as well as funds for", "butter_fingers": " Thls effort has been contikuously supporteb by a Rancer Denter Sjpport Grant (CCSG) from the Netiobal Cqncer Institute (NCI), pruviding tje desigbatiib as an NCM-sesignabzd Cahger Cznver at MIT. By sopplying infsastructural sgpooxt for Core Facilities and other orgwnizatipnwl components jf tnq Kodh Institute as well as funds for", "random_deletion": "This effort has been continuously supported by Center Grant (CCSG) the National Cancer as NCI-designated Cancer Center MIT. By supplying support for Core Facilities and other components of the Koch Institute as well as funds for", "change_char_case": " This effort has been continuoUsly supporTed by A CaNceR CEnteR SupPort Grant (CCSG) fROm thE National Cancer InstituTe (NCI), PrOVidiNG tHe desIgnatioN As AN nCI-DeSiGnaTeD caNcer CEntEr at MIT. by supplyinG inFrAstructural sUPpOrt for Core facIlities and otHer OrganiZaTioNAl comPonEnts oF the KoCH InstiTute as welL aS Funds fOR", "whitespace_perturbation": " This effort has been cont inuously s uppor ted by a Can cerCenter Support Gran t (CCSG) from the Nati onalCa n cerI ns titut e (NCI) , p r o vid in gthe d e si gnati onas an N CI-designa ted C ancer Center at MIT. By s upp lying infras tru ctural s upp o rt fo r C ore F acilit i es and other or ga n izatio n al comp o n en ts o f the Koch Instit u te as well as fun ds for ", "underscore_trick": " This_effort has_been continuously supported by_a Cancer_Center_Support Grant_(CCSG)_from the National_Cancer Institute (NCI),_providing the designation as_an NCI-designated Cancer_Center_at MIT. By supplying infrastructural support for Core Facilities and other organizational components of_the_Koch Institute_as_well_as funds for"} +{"text": "). We employ a mixed-methods study design based on a social ecological model of IPV origin, continuation, and severity. Rigorous qualitative and quantitative methods will be employed, the latter focused on three well-regarded IPV measures used in this study on an exploratory basis. The study goal is to discover Deaf community", "synonym_substitution": "). We employ a mixed - methods study invention free-base on a social ecological model of IPV origin, continuation, and asperity. Rigorous qualitative and quantitative methods will be employed, the latter focus on three well - regard IPV measures used in this study on an exploratory basis. The sketch goal is to discover Deaf residential district", "butter_fingers": "). We employ a mixed-methods suudy design based on a smcial scologicxl model of IPV origin, contiiuatuon, abd severity. Rigorous qjalitativv and quabtitetive methods will be emijoyes, the oatter focused on three fell-regarded I[V mzasures used in this study on an expjoratoru hasis. The studi goak is fo discover Deaf community", "random_deletion": "). We employ a mixed-methods study design a ecological model IPV origin, continuation, quantitative will be employed, latter focused on well-regarded IPV measures used in this on an exploratory basis. The study goal is to discover Deaf community", "change_char_case": "). We employ a mixed-methods studY design basEd on a SocIal EcOlogIcal Model of IPV origIN, conTinuation, and severity. RiGorouS qUAlitATiVe and QuantitATiVE MetHoDs WilL bE EmPloyeD, thE latter Focused on tHreE wEll-regarded Ipv mEasures useD in This study on aN exPloratOrY baSIs. The StuDy goaL is to dIScover deaf commuNiTY", "whitespace_perturbation": "). We employ a mixed-metho ds study d esign ba sed o n asoci al ecologicalm odel of IPV origin, contin uatio n, ands ev erity . Rigor o us q ual it at ive a n dquant ita tive me thods will be e mployed, the la tter focus edon three wel l-r egarde dIPV measu res used in th i s stud y on an e xp l orator y basis. T he stu dy goal is to dis c ov e r Deaf communi ty", "underscore_trick": "). We_employ a_mixed-methods study design based_on a_social_ecological model_of_IPV origin, continuation,_and severity. Rigorous_qualitative and quantitative methods_will be employed,_the_latter focused on three well-regarded IPV measures used in this study on an exploratory_basis._The study_goal_is_to discover Deaf community"} +{"text": " speciation and PAHs using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS), and spectrophotometry. Simultaneously, their toxicological effects will be tested in vitro on beef heart mitochondria, with particular interest on whether the initial mechanisms of mitochondrial dysfunction are", "synonym_substitution": "speciation and PAHs using x - ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), time of flight junior-grade ion mass spectroscopy (TOF - SIMS), and spectrophotometry. Simultaneously, their toxicological effect will be tested in vitro on beef kernel mitochondria, with particular interest on whether the initial mechanism of mitochondrial dysfunction are", "butter_fingers": " spfciation and PAHs using w-ray photoelectron specvroscopg (XPS), tioe of flight secondary ion mess wpecteometry (TOF-SIMS), and spdctrophotlmetry. Sumuluaneously, their toxicologleal ernects xill be tested ln vitro on beef heart midozhlndria, with particular interest on rhether tje initial mecranixis or mitochondrial dysfunction are", "random_deletion": "speciation and PAHs using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of secondary ion spectrometry (TOF-SIMS), and will tested in vitro beef heart mitochondria, particular interest on whether the initial of mitochondrial dysfunction are", "change_char_case": " speciation and PAHs using x-raY photoelecTron sPecTroScOpy (XpS), tiMe of flight secoNDary Ion mass spectrometry (TOF-sIMS), aNd SPectROpHotomEtry. SimULtANEouSlY, tHeiR tOXiCologIcaL effectS will be tesTed In Vitro on beef hEArT mitochondRia, With particulAr iNteresT oN whETher tHe iNitiaL mechaNIsms of MitochondRiAL dysfuNCtion arE", "whitespace_perturbation": " speciation and PAHs using x-ray pho toele ctr onsp ectr osco py (XPS), time of f light secondary ion ma ss sp ec t rome t ry (TOF -SIMS), an d spe ct ro pho to m et ry. S imu ltaneou sly, their to xi cological ef f ec ts will be te sted in vitr o o n beef h ear t mito cho ndria , with partic ular inte re s t on w h ether t h e i niti al mechanisms ofm it o chondrial dysf unctio na re ", "underscore_trick": " speciation_and PAHs_using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy_(XPS), time_of_flight secondary_ion_mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS),_and spectrophotometry. Simultaneously,_their toxicological effects will_be tested in_vitro_on beef heart mitochondria, with particular interest on whether the initial mechanisms of mitochondrial_dysfunction_are"} +{"text": " immediate and delayed treatment of flexor tendon insertion-site injuries. In this project, we will apply a canine model of flexor tendon insertion-site injury and repair to investigate several clinically relevant variables that have not been previously addressed: 1) suture technique for reattachment of tendon to bone, 2) increased tendon force and", "synonym_substitution": "immediate and delayed treatment of flexor tendon insertion - site wound. In this undertaking, we will apply a canine model of flexor tendon interpolation - site wound and repair to investigate several clinically relevant variable that have not been previously address: 1) suture technique for reattachment of tendon to bone, 2) increased tendon force and", "butter_fingers": " imlediate and delayed treaument of flexor tgneon invertioh-site inguries. In this project, we wipl applt a canine model of fldxor tendln inserrion-wute injury and repair to lnvescijate several cllnically renevant variablas tkat have not been previously addressqd: 1) sutirf technique fot reautashmehn if tendon to bone, 2) increased fendon horce and", "random_deletion": "immediate and delayed treatment of flexor tendon In project, we apply a canine injury repair to investigate clinically relevant variables have not been previously addressed: 1) technique for reattachment of tendon to bone, 2) increased tendon force and", "change_char_case": " immediate and delayed treatmEnt of flexoR tendOn iNseRtIon-sIte iNjuries. In this pROjecT, we will apply a canine modEl of fLeXOr teNDoN inseRtion-siTE iNJUry AnD rEpaIr TO iNvestIgaTe severAl clinicalLy rElEvant variablES tHat have not BeeN previously aDdrEssed: 1) sUtUre TEchniQue For reAttachMEnt of tEndon to boNe, 2) INcreasED tendon FORcE and", "whitespace_perturbation": " immediate and delayed tre atment offlexo r t end on ins erti on-site injuri e s. I n this project, we wil l app ly a ca n in e mod el of f l ex o r te nd on in se r ti on-si teinjuryand repair to i nvestigate s e ve ral clinic all y relevant v ari ablesth ath ave n otbeenprevio u sly ad dressed:1) suture techniq u e f or r eattachment of te n do n to bone, 2) i ncreas ed te n d onfor ce and", "underscore_trick": " immediate_and delayed_treatment of flexor tendon_insertion-site injuries._In_this project,_we_will apply a_canine model of_flexor tendon insertion-site injury_and repair to_investigate_several clinically relevant variables that have not been previously addressed: 1) suture technique for_reattachment_of tendon_to_bone,_2) increased tendon force and"} +{"text": " speech, swallowing). The objective of this proposal is to investigate the use of MYXV as potential oncolytic virotherapy agent against pancreatic cancer in preclinical animal models. The proposal focuses on MYXV, and is based on our previously published reports and supporting preliminary studies. MYXV is a rabbit-specific pox", "synonym_substitution": "speech, swallowing). The objective of this proposal is to investigate the habit of MYXV as likely oncolytic virotherapy agent against pancreatic cancer in preclinical animal models. The marriage proposal focuses on MYXV, and is base on our previously published report card and supporting preliminary studies. MYXV is a lapin - specific syphilis", "butter_fingers": " spfech, swallowing). The objegtive of this proposal ms to ihvestigage the use of MYXV as potentmal incolttic virotherapy agent against iancreatix caicer in preclinirzl animal modsps. Tke proposal focuxes on MYXE, and is based ov lur previously published reports anq suppottlng preliminari stucyes. JJXY is a rabbit-specific pox", "random_deletion": "speech, swallowing). The objective of this proposal investigate use of as potential oncolytic in animal models. The focuses on MYXV, is based on our previously published and supporting preliminary studies. MYXV is a rabbit-specific pox", "change_char_case": " speech, swallowing). The objectIve of this pRoposAl iS to InVestIgatE the use of MYXV aS PoteNtial oncolytic virotherApy agEnT AgaiNSt PancrEatic caNCeR IN prEcLiNicAl ANiMal moDelS. The proPosal focusEs oN MyXV, and is baseD On Our previouSly Published repOrtS and suPpOrtINg preLimInary StudieS. mYXV is A rabbit-spEcIFic pox", "whitespace_perturbation": " speech, swallowing). Theobjectiveof th ispro po salis t o investigatet he u se of MYXV as potentia l onc ol y ticv ir other apy age n ta g ain st p anc re a ti c can cer in pre clinical a nim al models. The pr oposal foc use s on MYXV, a ndis bas ed on our p rev iousl y publ i shed r eports an ds upport i ng prel i m in arystudies. MYXV isa r a bbit-specificpox", "underscore_trick": " speech,_swallowing). The_objective of this proposal_is to_investigate_the use_of_MYXV as potential_oncolytic virotherapy agent_against pancreatic cancer in_preclinical animal models._The_proposal focuses on MYXV, and is based on our previously published reports and supporting_preliminary_studies. MYXV_is_a_rabbit-specific pox"} +{"text": " to focus on mechanisms underlying neuromodulation and plasticity and the effects of alcohol and other drugs of abuse on these neuronal functions. Our main interest is the function of the dorsal striatum (DS), a brain region involved in action control and selection, as well as action learning. Striatal Synaptic Plasticity and Effects of", "synonym_substitution": "to focus on mechanisms underlying neuromodulation and plasticity and the effect of alcohol and early drugs of abuse on these neural functions. Our independent interest is the function of the dorsal corpus striatum (DS), a genius region involve in action control and excerpt, as well as action eruditeness. Striatal Synaptic Plasticity and Effects of", "butter_fingers": " to focus on mechanisms undtrlying neuromodulation end plaaticity xnd the effects of alcohol aid orher erugs of abuse on thesd neuronap functiins. Iyr main invsrest is the rmnctimi of the dorsal striatum (GS), a brain reghov nnvolved in action control and seleceion, as wfll as action jearmyng. Anrlatal Synaptic Plasticity and Efrects oh", "random_deletion": "to focus on mechanisms underlying neuromodulation and the of alcohol other drugs of Our interest is the of the dorsal (DS), a brain region involved in control and selection, as well as action learning. Striatal Synaptic Plasticity and Effects", "change_char_case": " to focus on mechanisms underlYing neuromOdulaTioN anD pLastIcitY and the effects OF alcOhol and other drugs of abuSe on tHeSE neuROnAl funCtions. OUR mAIN inTeReSt iS tHE fUnctiOn oF the dorSal striatuM (DS), A bRain region inVOlVed in actioN coNtrol and seleCtiOn, as weLl As aCTion lEarNing. STriataL synaptIc PlasticItY And EffECts of", "whitespace_perturbation": " to focus on mechanisms un derlying n eurom odu lat io n an d pl asticity and t h e ef fects of alcohol and o therdr u gs o f a buseon thes e n e u ron al f unc ti o ns . Our ma in inte rest is th e f un ction of the do rsal stria tum (DS), a bra inregion i nvo l ved i n a ction contr o l andselection ,a s well as acti o n l earn ing. Striatal Syn a pt i c Plasticity a nd Eff ec t so f ", "underscore_trick": " to_focus on_mechanisms underlying neuromodulation and_plasticity and_the_effects of_alcohol_and other drugs_of abuse on_these neuronal functions. Our_main interest is_the_function of the dorsal striatum (DS), a brain region involved in action control and_selection,_as well_as_action_learning. Striatal Synaptic Plasticity and_Effects of"} +{"text": " could improve the health care for millions of patients. PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT Chemoresistant metastatic disease presents the most serious threat to cancer patients despite the increased arsenal of targeted therapeutic options available to clinicians. While intense study into late-stage cancer progression has revealed a number of mechanisms that contribute to chemoresistance,", "synonym_substitution": "could improve the health care for millions of patients. PROJECT SUMMARY / ABSTRACT Chemoresistant metastatic disease stage the about serious threat to cancer patient despite the increase arsenal of targeted curative options available to clinicians. While intense survey into late - stage cancer progress has revealed a number of mechanism that contribute to chemoresistance,", "butter_fingers": " cokld improve the health cxre for millions of pavients. LROJECT RUMMARY/ABSTRACT Chemoresistait mwtastqtic disease presents ghe most derious rhreet to cancer patmsnts despite fme inerxased arsenal on targeted dherapeutic opdiund available to clinicians. While intqnse stidj into late-stade csgcer irigression has revealed a numbsr of mtchanisms that conyribute to chemoresistance,", "random_deletion": "could improve the health care for millions PROJECT Chemoresistant metastatic presents the most despite increased arsenal of therapeutic options available clinicians. While intense study into late-stage progression has revealed a number of mechanisms that contribute to chemoresistance,", "change_char_case": " could improve the health care For millionS of paTieNts. pRoJECt SUMmARY/ABSTRACT ChEMoreSistant metastatic diseaSe preSeNTs thE MoSt serIous thrEAt TO CanCeR pAtiEnTS dEspitE thE increaSed arsenal Of tArGeted therapeUTiC options avAilAble to clinicIanS. While InTenSE studY inTo latE-stage CAncer pRogressioN hAS reveaLEd a numbER Of MechAnisms that contribUTe TO chemoresistanCe,", "whitespace_perturbation": " could improve the healthcare for m illio nsofpa tien ts.PROJECT SUMMAR Y /ABS TRACT Chemoresistant m etast at i c di s ea se pr esentst he m ost s er iou st hr eat t o c ancer p atients de spi te the increas e darsenal of ta rgeted thera peu tic op ti ons avail abl e toclinic i ans. W hile inte ns e study into la t e -s tage cancer progressi o nh as revealed anumber o f m e c han ism s that con tr ibute to chem o re s i s tan c e,", "underscore_trick": " could_improve the_health care for millions_of patients._PROJECT_SUMMARY/ABSTRACT Chemoresistant_metastatic_disease presents the_most serious threat_to cancer patients despite_the increased arsenal_of_targeted therapeutic options available to clinicians. While intense study into late-stage cancer progression has_revealed_a number_of_mechanisms_that contribute to chemoresistance,"} +{"text": " abuse and drug court services. Specific aims include: Aim 1: Adapt existing intervention and training protocols from evidence-based practices (i.e., contingency management for treating adolescent substance abuse; family engagement strategies from evidence-based treatments of juvenile offenders) for integration into juvenile drug court sites. Aim 2: Conduct a study to", "synonym_substitution": "abuse and drug court services. Specific aims admit: Aim 1: adjust exist intervention and education protocols from evidence - base practices (i.e., eventuality management for cover adolescent substance maltreatment; family engagement strategy from evidence - based treatments of adolescent offenders) for integration into juvenile drug court sites. Aim 2: Conduct a survey to", "butter_fingers": " abkse and drug court serviges. Specific aims incluve: Aim 1: Adapt ebisting intervention and tramnint proujcols from evidencd-based prwctices (u.e., cibtingency managemekc for breatnnj adolescent sunstance abuve; family engaceoeut strategies from evidence-based trewtments ov juvenile offgnderx) for pnuegration into juvenile drug courf sites. Aim 2: Conduct a study to", "random_deletion": "abuse and drug court services. Specific aims 1: existing intervention training protocols from for adolescent substance abuse; engagement strategies from treatments of juvenile offenders) for integration juvenile drug court sites. Aim 2: Conduct a study to", "change_char_case": " abuse and drug court services. specific aiMs incLudE: AiM 1: ADapt ExisTing interventiON and Training protocols from eVidenCe-BAsed PRaCticeS (i.e., contINgENCy mAnAgEmeNt FOr TreatIng AdolescEnt substanCe aBuSe; family engaGEmEnt strategIes From evidence-BasEd treaTmEntS Of juvEniLe offEnders) FOr inteGration inTo JUvenilE Drug couRT SiTes. AIm 2: Conduct a study to", "whitespace_perturbation": " abuse and drug court serv ices. Spec ificaim s i nc lude : Ai m 1: Adapt exi s ting intervention and trai ningpr o toco l sfromevidenc e -b a s edpr ac tic es (i .e.,con tingenc y manageme ntfo r treating a d ol escent sub sta nce abuse; f ami ly eng ag eme n t str ate giesfrom e v idence -based tr ea t mentso f juven i l eoffe nders) for integr a ti o n into juvenil e drug c o ur t sit es. Aim 2: Co nd uct a study t o ", "underscore_trick": " abuse_and drug_court services. Specific aims_include: Aim_1:_Adapt existing_intervention_and training protocols_from evidence-based practices_(i.e., contingency management for_treating adolescent substance_abuse;_family engagement strategies from evidence-based treatments of juvenile offenders) for integration into juvenile drug_court_sites. Aim_2:_Conduct_a study to"} +{"text": " and therapeutic efforts for older men and women with functional disability, while the coursework in Clinical and Population Translational Sciences offers a unique opportunity to maximize the candidate's post-doctoral training at Wake Forest University and develop competencies in conduction and translation of clinical and population research. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Maintenance of physical", "synonym_substitution": "and therapeutic efforts for older men and charwoman with running disability, while the coursework in Clinical and Population Translational Sciences offers a unique opportunity to maximize the campaigner's post - doctoral training at Wake Forest University and break competencies in conduction and translation of clinical and population inquiry. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Maintenance of forcible", "butter_fingers": " anf therapeutic efforts fov older men and cimen wmth fundtional aisability, while the coursewlrj in Xlinical and Populatiov Translanional Scuencts offers a uniqux opportmuity fl marinize the candicate's post-goctoral trainhne ct Wake Forest University and develo[ compeyejcies in condustiom and nrcnslation of clinical and populztion rtsearch. PUBLIC HEAKTH RELEVANCE: Maintenance lf pjysical", "random_deletion": "and therapeutic efforts for older men and functional while the in Clinical and unique to maximize the post-doctoral training at Forest University and develop competencies in and translation of clinical and population research. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Maintenance of physical", "change_char_case": " and therapeutic efforts for oLder men and Women WitH fuNcTionAl diSability, while tHE couRsework in Clinical and PoPulatIoN tranSLaTionaL SciencES oFFErs A uNiQue OpPOrTunitY to MaximizE the candidAte'S pOst-doctoral tRAiNing at Wake forEst UniversitY anD develOp ComPEtencIes In conDuctioN And traNslation oF cLInical ANd populATIoN resEarch. PUBLIC HEALTH reLevANCE: MaintenanCe of phYsICaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " and therapeutic efforts f or older m en an d w ome nwith fun ctional disabi l ity, while the courseworkin Cl in i cala nd Popu lationT ra n s lat io na l S ci e nc es of fer s a uni que opport uni ty to maximize th e candidat e's post-doctor altraini ng at WakeFor est U nivers i ty and developco m petenc i es in c o n du ctio n and translation of clinical and p opulat io n r e s ear ch. PUBLIC HE AL TH RE L EVANCE: Ma i n t ena n ce of physica l", "underscore_trick": " and_therapeutic efforts_for older men and_women with_functional_disability, while_the_coursework in Clinical_and Population Translational_Sciences offers a unique_opportunity to maximize_the_candidate's post-doctoral training at Wake Forest University and develop competencies in conduction and translation_of_clinical and_population_research._PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Maintenance of_physical"} +{"text": " to tumor induction. Avian leukosis virus (ALV) induces bursal lymphoma in chickens, after integration of viral long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences next to the c-myc proto- oncogene. Labile or short-lived proteins appear to regulate c-myc hyperexpression, because", "synonym_substitution": "to tumor induction. Avian leukosis virus (ALV) induces bursal lymphoma in chickens, after integration of viral retentive concluding repeat (LTR) sequences next to the c - myc proto- oncogene. Labile or abruptly - live proteins appear to baffle carbon - myc hyperexpression, because", "butter_fingers": " to tumor induction. Avian ltukosis virus (ALV) inducev burszl lymphuma in chickens, after integretiob of ciral long terminal reoeat (LTR) dequencew neet to the c-myc pckto- oncogene. Mwbilz ir short-lived kroteins appaar to regulata z-mvc hyperexpression, because", "random_deletion": "to tumor induction. Avian leukosis virus (ALV) lymphoma chickens, after of viral long to c-myc proto- oncogene. or short-lived proteins to regulate c-myc hyperexpression, because", "change_char_case": " to tumor induction. Avian leukOsis virus (AlV) indUceS buRsAl lyMphoMa in chickens, afTEr inTegration of viral long teRminaL rEPeat (ltR) SequeNces nexT To THE c-mYc PrOto- OnCOgEne. LaBilE or shorT-lived protEinS aPpear to regulATe C-myc hypereXprEssion, becausE", "whitespace_perturbation": " to tumor induction. Avian leukosisvirus (A LV) i nduc es b ursal lymphoma in c hickens, after integra tionof vira l l ong t erminal re p e at(L TR ) s eq u en ces n ext to the c-myc pro to- o ncogene. Lab i le or short- liv ed proteinsapp ear to r egu l ate c -my c hyp erexpr e ssion, because", "underscore_trick": " to_tumor induction._Avian leukosis virus (ALV)_induces bursal_lymphoma_in chickens,_after_integration of viral_long terminal repeat_(LTR) sequences next to_the c-myc proto-_oncogene._Labile or short-lived proteins appear to regulate c-myc hyperexpression, because"} +{"text": " a mouse resistance gene, Rmcfr, that prevents the development of erythroleukemia induced by Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV). It was previously shown that F-MuLV- induced erythroleukemia requires the generation and replication of polytropic MuLVs. Molecular cloning of the Rm", "synonym_substitution": "a mouse resistance gene, Rmcfr, that prevents the development of erythroleukemia induce by Friend murine leukemia virus (F - MuLV). It was previously usher that F - MuLV- induced erythroleukemia requires the generation and rejoinder of polytropic MuLVs. Molecular cloning of the Rm", "butter_fingers": " a louse resistance gene, Rmgfr, that prevents the dxvelopmsnt of efythroleukemia induced by Frmend muribe leukemia virus (F-MuLX). It was ireviouslt shiqn that F-MnMV- indugzd ergbhrolzujemia requires the generdtion and replhcxtnon of polytropic MuLVs. Molecular cljning og hhe Rm", "random_deletion": "a mouse resistance gene, Rmcfr, that prevents of induced by murine leukemia virus that induced erythroleukemia requires generation and replication polytropic MuLVs. Molecular cloning of the", "change_char_case": " a mouse resistance gene, Rmcfr, That prevenTs the DevEloPmEnt oF eryThroleukemia inDUced By Friend murine leukemia Virus (f-MUlV). It WAs PreviOusly shOWn THAt F-mulV- IndUcED eRythrOleUkemia rEquires the GenErAtion and replICaTion of polyTroPic MuLVs. MoleCulAr clonInG of THe Rm", "whitespace_perturbation": " a mouse resistance gene,Rmcfr, tha t pre ven tsth e de velo pment of eryth r oleu kemia induced by Frien d mur in e leu k em ia vi rus (F- M uL V ) . I twa s p re v io uslysho wn that F-MuLV- i ndu ce d erythroleu k em ia require s t he generatio n a nd rep li cat i on of po lytro pic Mu L Vs. Mo lecular c lo n ing of the Rm", "underscore_trick": " a_mouse resistance_gene, Rmcfr, that prevents_the development_of_erythroleukemia induced_by_Friend murine leukemia_virus (F-MuLV). It_was previously shown that_F-MuLV- induced erythroleukemia_requires_the generation and replication of polytropic MuLVs. Molecular cloning of the Rm"} +{"text": " Tat peptide analogs inhibited HIV virus replication by 85 percent in latently infected U1 cells induced with Tat. While both short and long peptide analogs (amino acids 36-50 vs 36-72) inhibited Tat transactivation in transient assays, the short peptides were more effective inhibitors of virus replication in U1 cells. Furthermore,", "synonym_substitution": "Tat peptide analogs inhibited HIV virus replication by 85 percent in latently septic U1 cell induced with Tat. While both short and retentive peptide analogue (amino acids 36 - 50 vs 36 - 72) inhibited Tat transactivation in transient assay, the short peptides were more effective inhibitor of virus echo in U1 cells. Furthermore,", "butter_fingers": " Tah peptide analogs inhibiued HIV virus replicatioi by 85 psrcent iv latently infected U1 cells mnduxed wuth Tat. While both shoft and lojg peptiee aialogs (amino aciva 36-50 vs 36-72) luhibifcd Tac vransactivation in transiant assays, the sfoxt peptides were more effective inhifitors pf virus replicajion pn U1 cslls. Furthermore,", "random_deletion": "Tat peptide analogs inhibited HIV virus replication percent latently infected cells induced with long analogs (amino acids vs 36-72) inhibited transactivation in transient assays, the short were more effective inhibitors of virus replication in U1 cells. Furthermore,", "change_char_case": " Tat peptide analogs inhibiteD HIV virus rEplicAtiOn bY 85 pErceNt in Latently infectED U1 ceLls induced with Tat. While Both sHoRT and LOnG peptIde analOGs (AMIno AcIdS 36-50 vs 36-72) InHIbIted TAt tRansactIvation in tRanSiEnt assays, the SHoRt peptides WerE more effectiVe iNhibitOrS of VIrus rEplIcatiOn in U1 cELls. FurThermore,", "whitespace_perturbation": " Tat peptide analogs inhib ited HIV v irusrep lic at ionby 8 5 percent in l a tent ly infected U1 cells i nduce dw ithT at . Whi le both sh o r t a nd l ong p e pt ide a nal ogs (am ino acids36- 50 vs 36-72) i n hi bited Tattra nsactivation in trans ie nta ssays , t he sh ort pe p tideswere more e f fectiv e inhibi t o rs ofvirus replication in U1 cells. Furt hermor e, ", "underscore_trick": " Tat_peptide analogs_inhibited HIV virus replication_by 85_percent_in latently_infected_U1 cells induced_with Tat. While_both short and long_peptide analogs (amino_acids_36-50 vs 36-72) inhibited Tat transactivation in transient assays, the short peptides were more_effective_inhibitors of_virus_replication_in U1 cells. Furthermore,"} +{"text": ".8 Gy, a radiation dose that results in 100% lethality. Ten minutes prior to the 10.8 Gy exposure the animals will be injected with a radioprotector. The control for this group, another set of animals was exposed to 5.4 Gy total body irradiation. This radiation dose was derived from the", "synonym_substitution": ".8 Gy, a radiation dose that results in 100% lethality. Ten moment prior to the 10.8 Gy vulnerability the animals will be injected with a radioprotector. The control for this group, another bent of animals was exposed to 5.4 Gy full consistency irradiation. This radiation dose was derived from the", "butter_fingers": ".8 Gy, a radiation dose that rtsults in 100% lethalnry. Ten minutss prior to the 10.8 Gy exposure the anilaos wiol be injected with a fadioprotvctor. The conurol for this gronl, anothcx set lf auinals was exposgd to 5.4 Gy todal body irradhagiln. This radiation dose was derived srom thr", "random_deletion": ".8 Gy, a radiation dose that results lethality. minutes prior the 10.8 Gy injected a radioprotector. The for this group, set of animals was exposed to Gy total body irradiation. This radiation dose was derived from the", "change_char_case": ".8 Gy, a radiation dose that resulTs in 100% lethalIty. TeN miNutEs PrioR to tHe 10.8 Gy exposure thE AnimAls will be injected with a RadioPrOTectOR. THe conTrol for THiS GRouP, aNoTheR sET oF animAls Was expoSed to 5.4 Gy totAl bOdY irradiation. tHiS radiation DosE was derived fRom The", "whitespace_perturbation": ".8 Gy, a radiation dose th at results in 1 00% le th alit y. T en minutes pri o r to the 10.8 Gy exposurethe a ni m alsw il l beinjecte d w i t h a r ad iop ro t ec tor.The contro l for this gr ou p, another s e tof animals wa s exposed to 5. 4 Gy t ot alb ody i rra diati on. Th i s radi ation dos ew as der i ved fro m th e", "underscore_trick": ".8 Gy,_a radiation_dose that results in_100% lethality._Ten_minutes prior_to_the 10.8 Gy_exposure the animals_will be injected with_a radioprotector. The_control_for this group, another set of animals was exposed to 5.4 Gy total body_irradiation._This radiation_dose_was_derived from the"} +{"text": " to learn whether the proposed treatment induces tumor- specific T cell responses and generates a tumor immune signature consistent with immunological rejection. The proposed studies will create the basis for a potential paradigm shift with direct clinical implications: harnessing a novel combination to effectively immunize the patient to her own tumor, and thereby achieving a response of the", "synonym_substitution": "to learn whether the proposed treatment induces tumor- specific metric ton cellular telephone responses and generates a tumor immune touch coherent with immunological rejection. The proposed studies will produce the footing for a potential paradigm shift with direct clinical implications: rule a novel combination to effectively immunize the affected role to her own tumor, and thereby achieving a response of the", "butter_fingers": " to learn whether the propored treatment iueuces vumor- slecific G cell responses and generatxs a tumoe immune signature conristent wpth immunilogmcal rejection. Tis proposed sthfies xill create the basis for a potential pdrxdngm shift with direct clinical implisations: hwrnessing a nodel boibinzniin to effectively immunize ths patieit to her own timor, and thereby achieving a rfsponse of the", "random_deletion": "to learn whether the proposed treatment induces T responses and a tumor immune The studies will create basis for a paradigm shift with direct clinical implications: a novel combination to effectively immunize the patient to her own tumor, and achieving a response of the", "change_char_case": " to learn whether the proposed Treatment iNduceS tuMor- SpEcifIc T cEll responses anD GeneRates a tumor immune signaTure cOnSIsteNT wIth imMunologICaL REjeCtIoN. ThE pROpOsed sTudIes will Create the bAsiS fOr a potential PArAdigm shift WitH direct cliniCal ImplicAtIonS: HarneSsiNg a noVel comBInatioN to effectIvELy immuNIze the pATIeNt to Her own tumor, and theREbY Achieving a respOnse of ThE", "whitespace_perturbation": " to learn whether the prop osed treat mentind uce stumo r- s pecific T cell resp onses and generates atumor i m mune si gnatu re cons i st e n t w it himm un o lo gical re jection . The prop ose dstudies will cr eate the b asi s for a pote nti al par ad igm shift wi th di rect c l inical implicat io n s: har n essinga no velcombination to ef f ec t ively immunize the p at i en t toher own tumor ,and t h ereby a c hi e v i nga response ofthe", "underscore_trick": " to_learn whether_the proposed treatment induces_tumor- specific_T_cell responses_and_generates a tumor_immune signature consistent_with immunological rejection. The_proposed studies will_create_the basis for a potential paradigm shift with direct clinical implications: harnessing a novel_combination_to effectively_immunize_the_patient to her own tumor,_and thereby achieving a response_of the"} +{"text": " Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The candidate's past academic experiences underscore his commitment to academic medicine and his desire to acquire rigorous and complete scientific training. He completed a MS in physics, then entered the NIH-sponsored Medical Scientist Training Program at Johns Hopkins University and did his graduate work under the mentorship of", "synonym_substitution": "Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The candidate's past academic experiences underscore his commitment to academic music and his desire to grow rigorous and complete scientific training. He dispatch a MS in purgative, then entered the NIH - sponsored Medical Scientist Training Program at Johns Hopkins University and did his alumnus oeuvre under the mentorship of", "butter_fingers": " Jojns Hopkins Bloomberg Scmool of Public Hgaoth. Thx candisate's part academic experiences undecscoee hiw commitment to academkc medicije and hus dtsire to acquire cjgorous and cklplece scientific trsining. He wompleted a MS iv 'hysics, then entered the NIH-sponsoreq Medicsl Scientist Trayninb Profgan at Johns Hopkins University and div his graduate eork under the mentorship lf", "random_deletion": "Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. past experiences underscore commitment to academic acquire and complete scientific He completed a in physics, then entered the NIH-sponsored Scientist Training Program at Johns Hopkins University and did his graduate work under mentorship of", "change_char_case": " Johns Hopkins Bloomberg SchoOl of Public healtH. ThE caNdIdatE's paSt academic expeRIencEs underscore his commitmEnt to AcADemiC MeDicinE and his DEsIRE to AcQuIre RiGOrOus anD coMplete sCientific tRaiNiNg. He completeD A Ms in physics, TheN entered the NiH-sPonsorEd medICal ScIenTist TRaininG prograM at Johns HOpKIns UniVErsity aND DiD his Graduate work under THe MEntorship of", "whitespace_perturbation": " Johns Hopkins Bloomberg S chool of P ublic He alt h. The can didate's pasta cade mic experiences unders corehi s com m it mentto acad e mi c med ic in e a nd hi s des ire to acq uire rigor ous a nd completes ci entific tr ain ing. He comp let ed a M Sinp hysic s,thenentere d the N IH-sponso re d Medic a l Scien t i st Tra ining Program atJ oh n s Hopkins Univ ersity a n dd i d h isgraduate w or k und e r the m e nt o r s hip of", "underscore_trick": " Johns_Hopkins Bloomberg_School of Public Health._The candidate's_past_academic experiences_underscore_his commitment to_academic medicine and_his desire to acquire_rigorous and complete_scientific_training. He completed a MS in physics, then entered the NIH-sponsored Medical Scientist Training_Program_at Johns_Hopkins_University_and did his graduate work_under the mentorship of"} +{"text": "virus with oncolytic activity against many types of human cancer models in vivo, including brain tumors, melanoma and rhabdoid tumors. In addition, we reported recently that MYXV is able to infect and kill pancreatic cancer cells in vitro. Our preliminary studies provided in the main body of the proposal show that MYXV", "synonym_substitution": "virus with oncolytic activity against many types of human cancer models in vivo, including mind tumor, melanoma and rhabdoid tumors. In addition, we report recently that MYXV is able to infect and toss off pancreatic cancer cells in vitro. Our preliminary studies put up in the independent body of the marriage proposal picture that MYXV", "butter_fingers": "virks with oncolytic activiuy against many tipws of iuman czncer moaels in vivo, including brain tymors, melanoma and rhabdoid tumors. Ij additiin, wt reported recently that MYXV ia ablz vo infect and klll pancreadic cancer celns iu vitro. Our preliminary studies provyded in tje main body os tht pwopoaal show that MYXV", "random_deletion": "virus with oncolytic activity against many types cancer in vivo, brain tumors, melanoma we recently that MYXV able to infect kill pancreatic cancer cells in vitro. preliminary studies provided in the main body of the proposal show that MYXV", "change_char_case": "virus with oncolytic activitY against maNy typEs oF huMaN canCer mOdels in vivo, incLUdinG brain tumors, melanoma anD rhabDoID tumORs. in addItion, we REpORTed ReCeNtlY tHAt mYXV iS abLe to infEct and kill PanCrEatic cancer cELlS in vitro. OuR prEliminary stuDieS proviDeD in THe maiN boDy of tHe propOSal shoW that MYXV", "whitespace_perturbation": "virus with oncolytic activ ity agains t man y t ype sof h uman cancer models in v ivo, including brain t umors ,m elan o ma andrhabdoi d t u m ors .In ad di t io n, we re portedrecently t hat M YXV is ablet oinfect and ki ll pancreati c c ancerce lls in vi tro . Our preli m inarystudies p ro v ided i n the ma i n b odyof the proposal s h ow that MYXV", "underscore_trick": "virus with_oncolytic activity_against many types of_human cancer_models_in vivo,_including_brain tumors, melanoma_and rhabdoid tumors._In addition, we reported_recently that MYXV_is_able to infect and kill pancreatic cancer cells in vitro. Our preliminary studies provided_in_the main_body_of_the proposal show that MYXV"} +{"text": " - a direction in which the focus will address how cytokines and related substances in the brain may play critical roles in the expression and control of aggression and rage. By identifying the mechanisms underlying these effects, the proposed studies are of further significance because the strategies utilized here can now be applied for the study of how cytokines in the brain", "synonym_substitution": "- a direction in which the focus will address how cytokines and related meaning in the mind may play critical roles in the expression and dominance of aggression and rage. By identifying the mechanism underlie these effects, the propose studies are of further significance because the strategy utilized here can now be apply for the study of how cytokines in the brain", "butter_fingers": " - a direction in which the nocus will address how rytokinss and rdlated substances in the bramn mqy plqy critical roles in tfe expresdion and conurol of aggressioi and ranz. By jfentnfbing the mechanlsms underlfing these effacgs, the proposed studies are of furthew signigifance because jhe suraeegiss utilized here can now be applies for tie study of how cytokines in the brain", "random_deletion": "- a direction in which the focus how and related in the brain the and control of and rage. By the mechanisms underlying these effects, the studies are of further significance because the strategies utilized here can now be for the study of how cytokines in the brain", "change_char_case": " - a direction in which the focus Will addresS how cYtoKinEs And rElatEd substances in THe brAin may play critical roleS in thE eXPresSIoN and cOntrol oF AgGREssIoN aNd rAgE. by IdentIfyIng the mEchanisms uNdeRlYing these effECtS, the proposEd sTudies are of fUrtHer sigNiFicANce beCauSe the StrateGIes utiLized here CaN Now be aPPlied foR THe StudY of how cytokines in THe BRain", "whitespace_perturbation": " - a direction in which th e focus wi ll ad dre ssho w cy toki nes and relate d sub stances in the brain m ay pl ay crit i ca l rol es in t h ee x pre ss io n a nd co ntrol of aggres sion and r age .By identifyi n gthe mechan ism s underlying th ese ef fe cts , thepro posed studi e s areof furthe rs ignifi c ance be c a us e th e strategies util i ze d here can nowbe app li e df o r t hestudy of h ow cyto k ines in th e b rai n ", "underscore_trick": " -_a direction_in which the focus_will address_how_cytokines and_related_substances in the_brain may play_critical roles in the_expression and control_of_aggression and rage. By identifying the mechanisms underlying these effects, the proposed studies are_of_further significance_because_the_strategies utilized here can now_be applied for the study_of how_cytokines in the brain"} +{"text": " about the secretion of the PF, the regulation of its composition during development, or the molecular aspects of eggshell maintenance, even though these processes are critical for survival. The present study is designed to identify the major components of the PF and to characterize the pathway of their secretion from the larvae by exploiting the advantages inherent in the", "synonym_substitution": "about the secretion of the PF, the regulation of its composition during development, or the molecular aspects of eggshell sustenance, even though these summons are critical for survival. The present study is designed to identify the major part of the PF and to characterize the pathway of their secretion from the larva by exploiting the advantages inherent in the", "butter_fingers": " ablut the secretion of the PF, the regulatnin of mts comlosition during development, or the mllwculae aspects of eggshell oaintenanbe, even tyougi these processes are crlcical nor sbrtival. The presekt study is designed to igevtnfy the major components of the PF agd to cnagacterize the kathwsr of nhtir secretion from the larvae by sxploitpng the advantagex inherent in the", "random_deletion": "about the secretion of the PF, the its during development, the molecular aspects these are critical for The present study designed to identify the major components the PF and to characterize the pathway of their secretion from the larvae exploiting the advantages inherent in the", "change_char_case": " about the secretion of the PF, tHe regulatiOn of iTs cOmpOsItioN durIng development, OR the Molecular aspects of eggsHell mAiNTenaNCe, Even tHough thESe PROceSsEs Are CrITiCal foR suRvival. THe present sTudY iS designed to iDEnTify the majOr cOmponents of tHe Pf and to ChAraCTerizE thE pathWay of tHEir secRetion froM tHE larvaE By exploITInG the Advantages inherenT In THe", "whitespace_perturbation": " about the secretion of th e PF, theregul ati onof its com position durin g dev elopment, or the molec ularas p ects of eggs hell ma i nt e n anc e, e ven t h ou gh th ese proces ses are cr iti ca l for surviv a l. The prese ntstudy is des ign ed toid ent i fy th e m ajorcompon e nts of the PF a nd to cha r acteriz e th e pa thway of their se c re t ion from the l arvaeby ex p l oit ing the advan ta ges i n herenti nt h e ", "underscore_trick": " about_the secretion_of the PF, the_regulation of_its_composition during_development,_or the molecular_aspects of eggshell_maintenance, even though these_processes are critical_for_survival. The present study is designed to identify the major components of the PF_and_to characterize_the_pathway_of their secretion from the_larvae by exploiting the advantages_inherent in_the"} +{"text": ". Enhanced interventions with IDUs have shown only modest effects over and above standard interventions. The key to improving interventions with IDUs may lie in understanding variations in responses to these interventions. Latent variable approaches (also known as mixture modeling) can be used to identify subgroups of individuals with similar response patterns. These approaches are", "synonym_substitution": ". Enhanced interventions with IDUs have shown only minor effect over and above standard interventions. The key to improving intervention with IDUs may lie in understanding variation in responses to these interventions. Latent variable star access (also known as mixture modeling) can be used to identify subgroup of individuals with similar response convention. These approaches are", "butter_fingers": ". Enjanced interventions witm IDUs have showu only kodest effects over and above standard intxrvebtionw. The key to improving intervennions wity IDNs may lie in unvsrstandlug vadlatious in responses jo these intarventions. Latang rariable approaches (also known as mivture mpdfling) can be ufed uo ydenfpfn subgroups of individuals with aimilar response patyerns. These approaches are", "random_deletion": ". Enhanced interventions with IDUs have shown effects and above interventions. The key may in understanding variations responses to these Latent variable approaches (also known as modeling) can be used to identify subgroups of individuals with similar response patterns. approaches are", "change_char_case": ". Enhanced interventions with iDUs have shOwn onLy mOdeSt EffeCts oVer and above staNDard Interventions. The key to iMprovInG InteRVeNtionS with IDuS mAY Lie In UnDerStANdIng vaRiaTions in Responses tO thEsE interventioNS. LAtent variaBle Approaches (alSo kNown as MiXtuRE modeLinG) can bE used tO IdentiFy subgrouPs OF indivIDuals wiTH SiMilaR response patterns. tHeSE approaches are", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Enhanced interventions w ith IDUs h ave s how n o nl y mo dest effects overa nd a bove standard interven tions .T he k e yto im proving in t e rve nt io nswi t hIDUsmay lie in understan din gvariations i n r esponses t o t hese interve nti ons. L at ent varia ble appr oaches (alsoknown asmi x ture m o deling) c an beused to identifys ub g roups of indiv iduals w i th s imi lar responsepa ttern s . These ap p r o ach e s are", "underscore_trick": ". Enhanced_interventions with_IDUs have shown only_modest effects_over_and above_standard_interventions. The key_to improving interventions_with IDUs may lie_in understanding variations_in_responses to these interventions. Latent variable approaches (also known as mixture modeling) can be_used_to identify_subgroups_of_individuals with similar response patterns._These approaches are"} +{"text": " Anesthesiology and Critical Care. Their responsibilities will be focused on directing four theme-based research training tracks, three of which are devoted to laboratory research trainees and one of which is devoted to clinical research trainees gaining research training in perioperative medicine. The aims of the PPRTPM are to: Identify,", "synonym_substitution": "Anesthesiology and Critical Care. Their responsibilities will be focused on directing four theme - free-base inquiry training tracks, three of which are devoted to lab inquiry trainees and one of which is devoted to clinical research trainees gain research training in perioperative music. The aim of the PPRTPM are to: Identify,", "butter_fingers": " Anfsthesiology and Criticau Care. Their responsibmlities will be focused on directing four tieme-vased research training trazks, three of whicy art devoted to labocztory rcfeardm trannxes and one of ehich is davoted to clinhcxl research trainees gaining research trainimg in perioperatyve kqdicjne. The aims of the PPRTPM are to: Jdentifj,", "random_deletion": "Anesthesiology and Critical Care. Their responsibilities will on four theme-based training tracks, three laboratory trainees and one which is devoted clinical research trainees gaining research training perioperative medicine. The aims of the PPRTPM are to: Identify,", "change_char_case": " Anesthesiology and Critical care. Their rEsponSibIliTiEs wiLl be Focused on direcTIng fOur theme-based research tRainiNg TRackS, ThRee of Which arE DeVOTed To LaBorAtORy ReseaRch TraineeS and one of wHicH iS devoted to clINiCal researcH trAinees gaininG reSearch TrAinINg in pEriOperaTive meDIcine. THe aims of tHe ppRTPM aRE to: IdenTIFy,", "whitespace_perturbation": " Anesthesiology and Critic al Care. T heirres pon si bili ties will be focus e d on directing four theme- based r e sear c htrain ing tra c ks , thr ee o f w hi c hare d evo ted tolaboratory re se arch trainee s a nd one ofwhi ch is devote d t o clin ic alr esear chtrain ees ga i ning r esearch t ra i ning i n periop e r at ivemedicine. The aim s o f the PPRTPM ar e to:Id e nt i f y,", "underscore_trick": " Anesthesiology_and Critical_Care. Their responsibilities will_be focused_on_directing four_theme-based_research training tracks,_three of which_are devoted to laboratory_research trainees and_one_of which is devoted to clinical research trainees gaining research training in perioperative medicine._The_aims of_the_PPRTPM_are to: Identify,"} +{"text": " a powerful biocatalyst for simvastatin biosynthesis. This proposal will examine the following specific aims: AIM 1: Directed Evolution of LovD. We will use directed evolution methods to improve the catalytic efficiencies of LovD towards simvastatin synthesis. We have developed a high throughput screening assay based on the formation", "synonym_substitution": "a powerful biocatalyst for simvastatin biosynthesis. This proposal will examine the following specific aim: AIM 1: steer Evolution of LovD. We will use directed evolution method acting to improve the catalytic efficiencies of LovD towards simvastatin deduction. We have developed a high throughput screening assay establish on the formation", "butter_fingers": " a oowerful biocatalyst for simvastatin biosynthevis. Thjs proporal will examine the followiig specifuc aims: AIM 1: Directed Dvolution of LovD. We xill use directev evolutljn msbhods vo improve the gatalytic exficiencies of LuvB towards simvastatin synthesis. We hwve devrllped a high thtoughkut scrsvnlng assay based on the formation", "random_deletion": "a powerful biocatalyst for simvastatin biosynthesis. This examine following specific AIM 1: Directed use evolution methods to the catalytic efficiencies LovD towards simvastatin synthesis. We have a high throughput screening assay based on the formation", "change_char_case": " a powerful biocatalyst for siMvastatin bIosynTheSis. thIs prOposAl will examine tHE folLowing specific aims: AIM 1: DIrectEd eVoluTIoN of LoVD. We wilL UsE DIreCtEd EvoLuTIoN methOds To improVe the catalYtiC eFficiencies oF loVD towards sImvAstatin synthEsiS. We havE dEveLOped a HigH throUghput SCreeniNg assay baSeD On the fORmation", "whitespace_perturbation": " a powerful biocatalyst fo r simvasta tin b ios ynt he sis. Thi s proposal wil l exa mine the following spe cific a i ms:A IM 1: D irected Ev o l uti on o f L ov D .We wi lluse dir ected evol uti on methods toi mp rove the c ata lytic effici enc ies of L ovD towar dssimva statin synthe sis. We h av e devel o ped a h i g hthro ughput screeninga ss a y based on the forma ti o n", "underscore_trick": " a_powerful biocatalyst_for simvastatin biosynthesis. This_proposal will_examine_the following_specific_aims: AIM 1:_Directed Evolution of_LovD. We will use_directed evolution methods_to_improve the catalytic efficiencies of LovD towards simvastatin synthesis. We have developed a high_throughput_screening assay_based_on_the formation"} +{"text": " the ATAD2/B bromodomains will be coupled with in vivo functional genomic investigations using a breast cancer progression model to characterize the biological roles of the ATAD2/B bromodomains. We will evaluate the impact of neighboring histone modifications on histone H4 tail recognition using peptide array assays in combination with isothermal", "synonym_substitution": "the ATAD2 / B bromodomains will be coupled with in vivo functional genomic investigations use a breast cancer progress model to characterize the biological roles of the ATAD2 / b-complex vitamin bromodomains. We will evaluate the impact of neighbor histone change on histone H4 tail realization use peptide array assays in combination with isothermal", "butter_fingers": " thf ATAD2/B bromodomains wilu be coupled wijh in vito funcfional gdnomic investigations using e brwast xancer progression moddl to chagacterize the viological roles on the WTAD2/Y uromodomains. We will evalgate the impacd uf neighboring histone modifications jn histpnf H4 tail recoggitipg usjng peptide array assays in combinztion wpth isothermal", "random_deletion": "the ATAD2/B bromodomains will be coupled with functional investigations using breast cancer progression roles the ATAD2/B bromodomains. will evaluate the of neighboring histone modifications on histone tail recognition using peptide array assays in combination with isothermal", "change_char_case": " the ATAD2/B bromodomains will bE coupled wiTh in vIvo FunCtIonaL genOmic investigatIOns uSing a breast cancer progrEssioN mODel tO ChAractErize thE BiOLOgiCaL rOleS oF ThE ATAD2/b brOmodomaIns. We will eValUaTe the impact oF NeIghboring hIstOne modificatIonS on hisToNe H4 TAil reCogNitioN using PEptide Array assaYs IN combiNAtion wiTH IsOtheRmal", "whitespace_perturbation": " the ATAD2/B bromodomainswill be co upled wi thin viv o fu nctional genom i c in vestigations using a b reast c a ncer pr ogres sion mo d el t o c ha ra cte ri z ethe b iol ogicalroles of t heAT AD2/B bromod o ma ins. We wi llevaluate the im pact o fnei g hbori nghisto ne mod i ficati ons on hi st o ne H4t ail rec o g ni tion using peptide ar r ay assays in comb inatio nw it h iso the rmal", "underscore_trick": " the_ATAD2/B bromodomains_will be coupled with_in vivo_functional_genomic investigations_using_a breast cancer_progression model to_characterize the biological roles_of the ATAD2/B_bromodomains._We will evaluate the impact of neighboring histone modifications on histone H4 tail recognition_using_peptide array_assays_in_combination with isothermal"} +{"text": " HAL and followed for up to a year on Li alone unless there is clinical worsening or recurrence. The aims of the study are to test hypotheses that Li-CBZ combined is a viable short and long term treatment for manic patients as compared with the standard Li-HAL. If this be so, then exposure to neurole", "synonym_substitution": "HAL and followed for up to a year on Li alone unless there is clinical deterioration or recurrence. The aim of the study are to test guess that Li - CBZ compound is a viable short and farseeing terminus treatment for frenzied patient as compared with the standard Li - HAL. If this embody so, then exposure to neurole", "butter_fingers": " HAP and followed for up to a year on Li alone unness tgere is zlinical worsening or recurrxnce. The qims of the study are go test hjpotheses thau Li-CBZ combined ma a vianje sglrt cnv long term trestment for manic patientv xs compared with the standard Li-HAL. Is this ne so, then exposore tp neudole", "random_deletion": "HAL and followed for up to a Li unless there clinical worsening or study to test hypotheses Li-CBZ combined is viable short and long term treatment manic patients as compared with the standard Li-HAL. If this be so, then to neurole", "change_char_case": " HAL and followed for up to a yeaR on Li alone UnlesS thEre Is ClinIcal Worsening or recURrenCe. The aims of the study are To tesT hYPothESeS that li-CBZ coMBiNED is A vIaBle ShORt And loNg tErm treaTment for maNic PaTients as compAReD with the stAndArd Li-HAL. If thIs bE so, theN eXpoSUre to NeuRole", "whitespace_perturbation": " HAL and followed for up t o a year o n Lialo neun less the re is clinical wors ening or recurrence. T he ai ms of t h estudy are to te s t hy po th ese st ha t Li- CBZ combin ed is a vi abl eshort and lo n gterm treat men t for manicpat ientsas co m pared wi th th e stan d ard Li -HAL. Ifth i s be s o , thene x po sure to neurole", "underscore_trick": " HAL_and followed_for up to a_year on_Li_alone unless_there_is clinical worsening_or recurrence. The_aims of the study_are to test_hypotheses_that Li-CBZ combined is a viable short and long term treatment for manic patients_as_compared with_the_standard_Li-HAL. If this be so,_then exposure to neurole"} +{"text": " part of the recruitment of Dr. Skaly, the CFAR will purchase a BD Biosciences FACSAria with 4 or 5 lasers and 18-color capability. The FACSAria will be maintained under BSLII conditions to permit sorting of HIV-infected cells. This state-of-the-art instrument", "synonym_substitution": "part of the recruitment of Dr. Skaly, the CFAR will purchase a BD Biosciences FACSAria with 4 or 5 lasers and 18 - color capability. The FACSAria will be sustain under BSLII condition to permit sort of HIV - infect cells. This state - of - the - artwork instrument", "butter_fingers": " pagt of the recruitment of Dr. Skaly, the CYQR wiln purcgase a BA Biosciences FACSAria with 4 oe 5 lawers and 18-color capabilkty. The FWCSAria qill ve maintaiisd undev BSLJL conbivions to permit sorting ox HIV-infected weuld. This state-of-the-art instrument", "random_deletion": "part of the recruitment of Dr. Skaly, will a BD FACSAria with 4 capability. FACSAria will be under BSLII conditions permit sorting of HIV-infected cells. This instrument", "change_char_case": " part of the recruitment of Dr. SKaly, the CFAr will PurChaSe A BD BIoscIences FACSAria WIth 4 oR 5 lasers and 18-color capabilIty. ThE FacSArIA wIll be MaintaiNEd UNDer bSlIi coNdITiOns to PerMit sortIng of HIV-inFecTeD cells. This stATe-Of-the-art inStrUment", "whitespace_perturbation": " part of the recruitment o f Dr. Skal y, th e C FAR w illpurc hase a BD Bios c ienc es FACSAria with 4 or5 las er s and 18 -colo r capab i li t y . T he F ACS Ar i awillbemaintai ned underBSL II conditionst opermit sor tin g of HIV-inf ect ed cel ls . T h is st ate -of-t he-art instru ment", "underscore_trick": " part_of the_recruitment of Dr. Skaly,_the CFAR_will_purchase a_BD_Biosciences FACSAria with_4 or 5_lasers and 18-color capability._The FACSAria will_be_maintained under BSLII conditions to permit sorting of HIV-infected cells. This state-of-the-art instrument"} +{"text": " variants will be arrayed on phage T4 nanoparticles by incubating the purified Soc-V2 proteins with Soc-minus Hoc-minus phage, up to 870 copies per particle. A Hoc- fused targeting ligand such as Dec205 mAb will also be assembled on the same capsid, up to 155 copies", "synonym_substitution": "variants will be arrayed on phage T4 nanoparticles by incubating the purify Soc - V2 protein with Soc - minus Hoc - minus phage, up to 870 copy per atom. A Hoc- fused targeting ligand such as Dec205 mAb will also be assemble on the same capsid, up to 155 transcript", "butter_fingers": " vagiants will be arrayed ok phage T4 nanopattucles uy incugating tfe purified Soc-V2 proteins wivh Sic-minys Hoc-minus phage, up tu 870 copies per parriclt. A Hoc- fused tarjsting llyand amch av Dec205 mAb will slso be asvembled on the sxmz capsid, up to 155 copies", "random_deletion": "variants will be arrayed on phage T4 incubating purified Soc-V2 with Soc-minus Hoc-minus per A Hoc- fused ligand such as mAb will also be assembled on same capsid, up to 155 copies", "change_char_case": " variants will be arrayed on phAge T4 nanopaRticlEs bY inCuBatiNg thE purified Soc-V2 pROteiNs with Soc-minus Hoc-minus Phage, Up TO 870 copIEs Per paRticle. A hOc- FUSed TaRgEtiNg LIgAnd suCh aS Dec205 mAb Will also be AssEmBled on the samE CaPsid, up to 155 coPieS", "whitespace_perturbation": " variants will be arrayedon phage T 4 nan opa rti cl es b y in cubating the p u rifi ed Soc-V2 proteins wit h Soc -m i nusH oc -minu s phage , u p to87 0cop ie s p er pa rti cle. AHoc- fused ta rg eting ligand su ch as Dec2 05mAb will als o b e asse mb led on th e s ame c apsid, up to155 copie s", "underscore_trick": " variants_will be_arrayed on phage T4_nanoparticles by_incubating_the purified_Soc-V2_proteins with Soc-minus_Hoc-minus phage, up_to 870 copies per_particle. A Hoc-_fused_targeting ligand such as Dec205 mAb will also be assembled on the same capsid,_up_to 155_copies"} +{"text": " of the prospects for a trophic, pharmacological treatment of strabismus and other eye muscle disorders as an alternative or supplement to current surgical and denervation procedures. Our main research interests reside in the intracellular events -changes in signaling and in gene expression- which direct T-lymphocyte differentiation and survival, both during intrath", "synonym_substitution": "of the prospects for a trophic, pharmacological treatment of strabismus and other eye muscleman disorder as an alternative or supplement to current surgical and denervation procedures. Our independent research interests rest in the intracellular consequence -changes in signaling and in gene expression- which lineal T - lymphocyte specialization and survival, both during intrath", "butter_fingers": " of the prospects for a trokhic, pharmacologieql treetment kf strabksmus and other eye muscle dmsoreers qs an alternative or sjpplement to currwnt wyrgical anv denervation lvocedbrxs. Our main resgarch interevts reside in dhd nntracellular events -changes in signwling amd in gene exprefsiom- whidh direct T-lymphocyte differentiatjon and survival, botn during intrath", "random_deletion": "of the prospects for a trophic, pharmacological strabismus other eye disorders as an surgical denervation procedures. Our research interests reside the intracellular events -changes in signaling in gene expression- which direct T-lymphocyte differentiation and survival, both during intrath", "change_char_case": " of the prospects for a trophic, PharmacoloGical TreAtmEnT of sTrabIsmus and other eYE musCle disorders as an alternAtive Or SUpplEMeNt to cUrrent sURgICAl aNd DeNerVaTIoN procEduRes. Our mAin researcH inTeRests reside iN ThE intracellUlaR events -changEs iN signaLiNg aND in geNe eXpresSion- whICh direCt T-lymphoCyTE diffeREntiatiON AnD surVival, both during inTRaTH", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the prospects for a tr ophic, pha rmaco log ica ltrea tmen t of strabismu s and other eye muscle diso rders a s ana lt ernat ive ors up p l eme nt t o c ur r en t sur gic al anddenervatio n p ro cedures. Our ma in researc h i nterests res ide in th eint r acell ula r eve nts -c h angesin signal in g and i n gene e x p re ssio n- which direct T - ly m phocyte differ entiat io n a n d su rvi val, bothdu ringi ntrath", "underscore_trick": " of_the prospects_for a trophic, pharmacological_treatment of_strabismus_and other_eye_muscle disorders as_an alternative or_supplement to current surgical_and denervation procedures._Our_main research interests reside in the intracellular events -changes in signaling and in gene_expression-_which direct_T-lymphocyte_differentiation_and survival, both during intrath"} +{"text": "-2R1-blocking antibody, daclizumab, significantly reduces TReg levels in patients with GBM with a nadir at 5 weeks without reducing overall CD8+ or CD4+ T-cell counts. Preliminary analysis also suggests that daclizumab enhances EGFRvIII-specific cellular (P=0.01", "synonym_substitution": "-2R1 - blocking antibody, daclizumab, significantly reduces TReg levels in patient with GBM with a nadir at 5 week without reducing overall CD8 + or CD4 + T - cell counts. Preliminary psychoanalysis also suggests that daclizumab enhances EGFRvIII - specific cellular (P=0.01", "butter_fingers": "-2R1-bllcking antibody, daclizumxb, significantli eeducev TReg levels kn patients with GBM with a iadie at 5 weeks without reducine overall CD8+ or CE4+ T-ctll counts. Prelimmhary analysis wlso wuggests that caclizumab enhances EGFReIKI-dpecific cellular (P=0.01", "random_deletion": "-2R1-blocking antibody, daclizumab, significantly reduces TReg levels with with a at 5 weeks CD4+ counts. Preliminary analysis suggests that daclizumab EGFRvIII-specific cellular (P=0.01", "change_char_case": "-2R1-blocking antibody, daclizumAb, significAntly RedUceS Treg lEvelS in patients witH gBM wIth a nadir at 5 weeks withouT reduCiNG oveRAlL CD8+ or cD4+ T-cell COuNTS. PrElImInaRy ANaLysis AlsO suggesTs that daclIzuMaB enhances EGFrVIiI-specific CelLular (P=0.01", "whitespace_perturbation": "-2R1-blocking antibody, da clizumab,signi fic ant ly red uces TReg levels i n pat ients with GBM with anadir a t 5 w e ek s wit hout re d uc i n g o ve ra llCD 8 +or CD 4+T-cellcounts. Pr eli mi nary analysi s a lso sugges tsthat daclizu mab enhan ce s E G FRvII I-s pecif ic cel l ular ( P=0.01", "underscore_trick": "-2R1-blocking antibody,_daclizumab, significantly_reduces TReg levels in_patients with_GBM_with a_nadir_at 5 weeks_without reducing overall_CD8+ or CD4+ T-cell_counts. Preliminary analysis_also_suggests that daclizumab enhances EGFRvIII-specific cellular (P=0.01"} +{"text": " period where recent studies in sheep after antero-apical MI revealed a critical role for intracellular (IC) matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) as a mediator of contractile protein and mitochondrial dysfunction. Further, recent studies have characterized two IC MMP-2 isoforms. First, full length IC MMP", "synonym_substitution": "period where recent studies in sheep after antero - apical MI reveal a critical function for intracellular (IC) matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) as a mediator of contractile protein and mitochondrial dysfunction. Further, recent studies have characterize two IC MMP-2 isoforms. First, full distance intelligence community MMP", "butter_fingers": " pegiod where recent studier in sheep aftet qntero-epical JI reveaued a critical role for intreceloular (IC) matrix metalloprotdinase-2 (MMI-2) as a meeiatie of contredtile pvjteih and nitochondrial cysfunctiot. Further, recett scudies have characterized two IC MMP-2 isoforks. First, full leggth YC MJI", "random_deletion": "period where recent studies in sheep after revealed critical role intracellular (IC) matrix of protein and mitochondrial Further, recent studies characterized two IC MMP-2 isoforms. First, length IC MMP", "change_char_case": " period where recent studies iN sheep afteR anteRo-aPicAl mI reVealEd a critical rolE For iNtracellular (IC) matrix meTalloPrOTeinASe-2 (mMP-2) as A mediatOR oF COntRaCtIle PrOTeIn and MitOchondrIal dysfuncTioN. FUrther, recent STuDies have chAraCterized two Ic MMp-2 isofoRmS. FiRSt, fulL leNgth Ic MMP", "whitespace_perturbation": " period where recent studi es in shee p aft erant er o-ap ical MI revealed a crit ical role for intracel lular ( I C) m a tr ix me tallopr o te i n ase -2 ( MMP -2 ) a s a m edi ator of contracti lepr otein and mi t oc hondrial d ysf unction. Fur the r, rec en t s t udies ha ve ch aracte r ized t wo IC MMP -2 isofor m s. Firs t , f ulllength IC MMP", "underscore_trick": " period_where recent_studies in sheep after_antero-apical MI_revealed_a critical_role_for intracellular (IC)_matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2)_as a mediator of_contractile protein and_mitochondrial_dysfunction. Further, recent studies have characterized two IC MMP-2 isoforms. First, full length IC_MMP"} +{"text": " In particular, we will discover how and why PCD leads to alterations in the phospholipid bilayer, resulting in PS exposure at the surface of affected cells, and how this in turn acts either alone or in concert with other signaling systems to lead to the recognition and removal of the affected erythroid precursors. To pursue these goals", "synonym_substitution": "In particular, we will discover how and why PCD leads to alterations in the phospholipid bilayer, result in PS vulnerability at the surface of affected cells, and how this in turning acts either alone or in concert with other signaling arrangement to lead to the recognition and removal of the moved erythroid harbinger. To pursue these goal", "butter_fingers": " In particular, we will discuver how and whi PCD leeds to zlteratiuns in the phospholipid bilaber, eesulupng in PS exposure at the surfwce of adfecued cells, and how this in turn zgts entier alone or in concert whth other signdlkny systems to lead to the recognition and rekogal of the affgcted qrytggold precursors. To pursue these gozls", "random_deletion": "In particular, we will discover how and leads alterations in phospholipid bilayer, resulting surface affected cells, and this in turn either alone or in concert with signaling systems to lead to the recognition and removal of the affected erythroid To pursue these goals", "change_char_case": " In particular, we will discoveR how and why pCD leAds To aLtEratIons In the phospholiPId biLayer, resulting in PS expoSure aT tHE surFAcE of afFected cELlS, ANd hOw ThIs iN tURn Acts eIthEr alone Or in concerT wiTh Other signaliNG sYstems to leAd tO the recognitIon And remOvAl oF The afFecTed erYthroiD PrecurSors. To purSuE These gOAls", "whitespace_perturbation": " In particular, we will di scover how andwhy PC Dlead s to alterations i n the phospholipid bilayer, resu lt i ng i n P S exp osure a t t h e su rf ac e o fa ff ected ce lls, an d how this in t urn acts eit h er alone orinconcert with ot her si gn ali n g sys tem s tolead t o the r ecognitio na nd rem o val oft h eaffe cted erythroid pr e cu r sors. To pursu e thes eg oa l s ", "underscore_trick": " In_particular, we_will discover how and_why PCD_leads_to alterations_in_the phospholipid bilayer,_resulting in PS_exposure at the surface_of affected cells,_and_how this in turn acts either alone or in concert with other signaling systems_to_lead to_the_recognition_and removal of the affected_erythroid precursors. To pursue these_goals"} +{"text": ", researchers have identified nearly 30 AD susceptibility genes/loci. However, these loci account for only a portion of AD heritability. Furthermore, almost all of them have been identified for the risk of developing AD, where disease status is the primary outcome of interest. In our paper (Li et al. AJHG", "synonym_substitution": ", researchers have identified nearly 30 AD susceptibility genes / locus. However, these locus account for only a portion of AD heritability. Furthermore, about all of them have been identified for the risk of developing AD, where disease condition is the elementary outcome of interest. In our paper (Li et al. AJHG", "butter_fingers": ", redearchers have identifiea nearly 30 AD susceptibmlity gsnes/loci. However, these loci account hor inly q portion of AD heritacility. Fugthermore, almiwt all of vgem havc beeh ideutmfied for the rlsk of devenoping AD, whera aidease status is the primary outcome of intrrfst. In our papgr (Li qt am. AJHG", "random_deletion": ", researchers have identified nearly 30 AD However, loci account only a portion all them have been for the risk developing AD, where disease status is primary outcome of interest. In our paper (Li et al. AJHG", "change_char_case": ", researchers have identified Nearly 30 AD suSceptIbiLitY gEnes/Loci. however, these loCI accOunt for only a portion of Ad heriTaBIlitY. fuRtherMore, almOSt ALL of ThEm HavE bEEn IdentIfiEd for thE risk of devEloPiNg AD, where disEAsE status is tHe pRimary outcomE of IntereSt. in oUR papeR (Li Et al. AjHG", "whitespace_perturbation": ", researchers have identif ied nearly 30 A D s usc ep tibi lity genes/loci. H o weve r, these loci accountfor o nl y a p o rt ion o f AD he r it a b ili ty .Fur th e rm ore,alm ost all of them h ave b een identifi e dfor the ri skof developin g A D, whe re di s easesta tus i s thep rimary outcomeof intere s t. In o u r p aper (Li et al. AJHG", "underscore_trick": ", researchers_have identified_nearly 30 AD susceptibility_genes/loci. However,_these_loci account_for_only a portion_of AD heritability._Furthermore, almost all of_them have been_identified_for the risk of developing AD, where disease status is the primary outcome of_interest._In our_paper_(Li_et al. AJHG"} +{"text": " mechanism we call inhibition by unfair competition can explain how pEndos can simultaneously act as an inhibitor and a substrate of PP2A/B55. The experiments described in the first Specific Aim will dissect the molecular basis for the unfair competition mechanism, investigate the means by which pEndos action may be influenced by events", "synonym_substitution": "mechanism we call inhibition by unfair competition can explain how pEndos can simultaneously work as an inhibitor and a substrate of PP2A / B55. The experiment described in the first Specific Aim will dissect the molecular footing for the unfair competition mechanism, investigate the means by which pEndos action may be influence by events", "butter_fingers": " mefhanism we call inhibitiun by unfair competitimn can explain how pEndos can simultaneouspy act qs an inhibitor and a rubstrate of PP2A/B55. The wxperiments descrinzd in bhe fnrwt Specific Aik will disvect the molecglxr basis for the unfair competition mqchanisk, lnvestigate thg meamf by which pEndos action may be influehced by events", "random_deletion": "mechanism we call inhibition by unfair competition how can simultaneously as an inhibitor The described in the Specific Aim will the molecular basis for the unfair mechanism, investigate the means by which pEndos action may be influenced by events", "change_char_case": " mechanism we call inhibition By unfair coMpetiTioN caN eXplaIn hoW pEndos can simuLTaneOusly act as an inhibitor aNd a suBsTRate OF Pp2A/B55. ThE experiMEnTS DesCrIbEd iN tHE fIrst SPecIfic Aim Will dissecT thE mOlecular basiS FoR the unfair ComPetition mechAniSm, inveStIgaTE the mEanS by whIch pEnDOs actiOn may be inFlUEnced bY Events", "whitespace_perturbation": " mechanism we call inhibit ion by unf air c omp eti ti on c an e xplain how pEn d os c an simultaneously actas an i n hibi t or anda subst r at e ofPP 2A /B5 5. Th e exp eri ments d escribed i n t he first Speci f ic Aim willdis sect the mol ecu lar ba si s f o r the un faircompet i tion m echanism, i n vestig a te them e an s by which pEndos act i on may be influen ced by e v en t s ", "underscore_trick": " mechanism_we call_inhibition by unfair competition_can explain_how_pEndos can_simultaneously_act as an_inhibitor and a_substrate of PP2A/B55. The_experiments described in_the_first Specific Aim will dissect the molecular basis for the unfair competition mechanism, investigate_the_means by_which_pEndos_action may be influenced by_events"} +{"text": "ella tularensis (tularemia). These preparations will specifically accumulate inside and or in the near vicinity of cells harboring such pathogens after exposure to weaponized (aerosolized) biological agents. Availability of such preparations will provide new strategies of disease prevention for those at risk of exposure, and novel effective", "synonym_substitution": "ella tularensis (tularemia). These preparations will specifically accumulate inside and or in the near vicinity of cell harbor such pathogens after exposure to weaponized (aerosolize) biological agents. Availability of such readiness will put up new strategies of disease prevention for those at risk of exposure, and novel effective", "butter_fingers": "ellw tularensis (tularemia). Tmese preparations will vpecifjcally azcumulate inside and or in tie nwar vucinity of cells harbofing such pathogebs ahter exposure to weaponidzd (aedlsolnzxd) biological anents. Availdbility of sucv orzparations will provide new strategiqs of dosfase preventiog fog ehoss at risk of exposure, and novel efrective", "random_deletion": "ella tularensis (tularemia). These preparations will specifically and in the vicinity of cells to (aerosolized) biological agents. of such preparations provide new strategies of disease prevention those at risk of exposure, and novel effective", "change_char_case": "ella tularensis (tularemia). ThEse preparaTions WilL spEcIficAlly Accumulate insiDE and Or in the near vicinity of cElls hArBOrinG SuCh patHogens aFTeR EXpoSuRe To wEaPOnIzed (aEroSolized) Biological AgeNtS. AvailabilitY Of Such preparAtiOns will proviDe nEw straTeGieS Of disEasE prevEntion FOr thosE at risk of ExPOsure, aND novel eFFEcTive", "whitespace_perturbation": "ella tularensis (tularemia ). These p repar ati ons w illspec ifically accum u late inside and or in thenearvi c init y o f cel ls harb o ri n g su ch p ath og e ns afte r e xposure to weapon ize d(aerosolized ) b iologicalage nts. Availab ili ty ofsu chp repar ati ons w ill pr o vide n ew strate gi e s of d i sease p r e ve ntio n for those at ri s ko f exposure, an d nove le ff e c tiv e", "underscore_trick": "ella tularensis_(tularemia). These_preparations will specifically accumulate_inside and_or_in the_near_vicinity of cells_harboring such pathogens_after exposure to weaponized_(aerosolized) biological agents._Availability_of such preparations will provide new strategies of disease prevention for those at risk_of_exposure, and_novel_effective"} +{"text": " targets for future development of therapeutic interventions for HSV reactivation. Since its inception in 1984, the goal of the CSHL FACS Shared Resource has been to give Cancer Center members access to state-of-the-art flow cytometry equipment and support. The Resource has evolved with emerging technologies and changing research needs. In 1984", "synonym_substitution": "targets for future development of therapeutic interventions for HSV reactivation. Since its origin in 1984, the finish of the CSHL FACS Shared Resource has been to grant Cancer Center members entree to state - of - the - artwork flow cytometry equipment and support. The Resource has evolve with emerging technologies and deepen research needs. In 1984", "butter_fingers": " taggets for future developoent of therapeotuc intxrventikns for FSV reactivation. Since its iiceprion un 1984, the goal of the CSFL FACS Sjared Rewourre has been to gmbe Canccx Cenfcr mekuers access to xtate-of-the-drt flow cytomatfy equipment and support. The Resource has evplged with emergyng uecrnolkgies and changing research needs. Jn 1984", "random_deletion": "targets for future development of therapeutic interventions reactivation. its inception 1984, the goal Resource been to give Center members access state-of-the-art flow cytometry equipment and support. Resource has evolved with emerging technologies and changing research needs. In 1984", "change_char_case": " targets for future developmeNt of therapEutic IntErvEnTionS for hSV reactivatioN. sincE its inception in 1984, the goal Of the cShl FACs shAred REsource HAs BEEn tO gIvE CaNcER CEnter MemBers accEss to state-Of-tHe-Art flow cytomETrY equipment And Support. The ReSouRce has EvOlvED with EmeRging TechnoLOgies aNd changinG rESearch NEeds. In 1984", "whitespace_perturbation": " targets for future develo pment of t herap eut icin terv enti ons for HSV re a ctiv ation. Since its incep tionin 1984 , t he go al of t h eC S HLFA CS Sh ar e dResou rce has be en to give Ca nc er Center me m be rs accesstostate-of-the -ar t flow c yto m etryequ ipmen t ands upport . The Res ou r ce has evolved w it h em erging technologi e sa nd changing re search n e ed s . In 19 84", "underscore_trick": " targets_for future_development of therapeutic interventions_for HSV_reactivation._Since its_inception_in 1984, the_goal of the_CSHL FACS Shared Resource_has been to_give_Cancer Center members access to state-of-the-art flow cytometry equipment and support. The Resource has_evolved_with emerging_technologies_and_changing research needs. In 1984"} +{"text": " for oxidative injury is ameliorated by an elaborate system of antioxidant defenses. As the flux of ROS increases, the endothelial cell responds by enhancing protective mechanisms, leading to a state of compensated stress;when the flux of ROS increases further, these protective mechanisms are overwhelmed, leading to a state of uncompensated oxidant stress.", "synonym_substitution": "for oxidative injury is ameliorated by an elaborate system of antioxidant defense. As the magnetic field of ROS increases, the endothelial cell responds by enhance protective mechanisms, leading to a state of matter of compensated stress;when the flux of ROS increase further, these protective mechanisms are overwhelmed, precede to a state of uncompensated oxidant stress.", "butter_fingers": " fog oxidative injury is amtliorated by an elaboratx systej of antkoxidant defenses. As the flue of ROS uncreases, the endothelkal cell gesponds vy eihancing protectmbe mechanisms, peadnnj to a state of compensatad stress;when dhd ylux of ROS increases further, these [rotectovf mechanisms ate ovtrwrelmsd, leading to a state of uncompenszted oxpdant stress.", "random_deletion": "for oxidative injury is ameliorated by an of defenses. As flux of ROS by protective mechanisms, leading a state of stress;when the flux of ROS increases these protective mechanisms are overwhelmed, leading to a state of uncompensated oxidant stress.", "change_char_case": " for oxidative injury is ameliOrated by an ElaboRatE syStEm of AntiOxidant defenseS. as thE flux of ROS increases, the EndotHeLIal cELl RespoNds by enHAnCINg pRoTeCtiVe MEcHanisMs, lEading tO a state of cOmpEnSated stress;wHEn The flux of RoS iNcreases furtHer, These pRoTecTIve meChaNisms Are oveRWhelmeD, leading tO a STate of UNcompenSATeD oxiDant stress.", "whitespace_perturbation": " for oxidative injury is a meliorated by a n e lab or atesyst em of antioxid a nt d efenses. As the flux o f ROS i n crea s es , the endoth e li a l ce ll r esp on d sby en han cing pr otective m ech an isms, leadin g t o a stateofcompensatedstr ess;wh en th e flux of ROSincrea s es fur ther, the se protec t ive mec h a ni smsare overwhelmed,l ea d ing to a state of un co m pe n s ate d o xidant str es s.", "underscore_trick": " for_oxidative injury_is ameliorated by an_elaborate system_of_antioxidant defenses._As_the flux of_ROS increases, the_endothelial cell responds by_enhancing protective mechanisms,_leading_to a state of compensated stress;when the flux of ROS increases further, these protective_mechanisms_are overwhelmed,_leading_to_a state of uncompensated oxidant_stress."} +{"text": " cell lung cancer are reactive with tumor specific mutated neo-antigens and if so, whether they can be therapeutic if given patients using methods recently developed in the Surgery Branch (Tran et al, Science 2014). We are studying ways to sequence the genome of a patient's lung cancer, identify all mutated proteins, redis", "synonym_substitution": "cell lung cancer are reactive with tumor specific mutated neo - antigens and if so, whether they can be curative if render patients using method recently evolve in the Surgery Branch (Tran et al, Science 2014). We are studying ways to sequence the genome of a affected role's lung cancer, identify all mutated proteins, redis", "butter_fingers": " cepl lung cancer are reactlve with tumor skexific kutates neo-antkgens and if so, whether they cqn be therapeutic if given oatients lsing metyods eecently dxbeloped in ths Suryecy Branch (Tran gt al, Scienca 2014). We are studfivg ways to sequence the genome of a pwtient's lkng cancer, idegtifj wll jltcted proteins, redis", "random_deletion": "cell lung cancer are reactive with tumor neo-antigens if so, they can be methods developed in the Branch (Tran et Science 2014). We are studying ways sequence the genome of a patient's lung cancer, identify all mutated proteins, redis", "change_char_case": " cell lung cancer are reactive With tumor sPecifIc mUtaTeD neo-AntiGens and if so, wheTHer tHey can be therapeutic if gIven pAtIEnts USiNg metHods recENtLY DevElOpEd iN tHE SUrgerY BrAnch (TraN et al, ScienCe 2014). WE aRe studying waYS tO sequence tHe gEnome of a patiEnt'S lung cAnCer, IDentiFy aLl mutAted prOTeins, rEdis", "whitespace_perturbation": " cell lung cancer are reac tive withtumor sp eci fi c mu tate d neo-antigens andif so, whether they ca n beth e rape u ti c ifgiven p a ti e n tsus in g m et h od s rec ent ly deve loped in t heSu rgery Branch (T ran et al, Sc ience 2014). We are s tu dyi n g way s t o seq uencet he gen ome of apa t ient's lung ca n c er , id entify all mutate d p r oteins, redis", "underscore_trick": " cell_lung cancer_are reactive with tumor_specific mutated_neo-antigens_and if_so,_whether they can_be therapeutic if_given patients using methods_recently developed in_the_Surgery Branch (Tran et al, Science 2014). We are studying ways to sequence the_genome_of a_patient's_lung_cancer, identify all mutated proteins,_redis"} +{"text": " is likely regulated by CDK-dependent phosphorylation. Large inhalable particles exist in the workplace and can constitute a substantial amount of inhaled exposure (50% or more). Particles >20 m primarily deposit in the oro-nasal cavities. Symptomatic health effects (e.g. acute or chronic rhinitis, chronic", "synonym_substitution": "is likely regulated by CDK - dependent phosphorylation. Large inhalable particle exist in the workplace and can establish a substantial amount of inhaled exposure (50% or more). particle > 20 m primarily deposit in the oro - adenoidal cavity. Symptomatic health consequence (e.g. acute or chronic rhinitis, chronic", "butter_fingers": " is likely regulated by CDK-aependent phospkirylatmon. Larfe inhalxble particles exist in the xorkplace and can constitute a rubstantiwl amounr of unhaled ex'ksure (50% or mors). Parcirles >20 m primariky deposit in the oro-nasdl ccvities. Symptomatic health effects (e.d. acute og chronic rhinytis, shrohpc", "random_deletion": "is likely regulated by CDK-dependent phosphorylation. Large exist the workplace can constitute a (50% more). Particles >20 primarily deposit in oro-nasal cavities. Symptomatic health effects (e.g. or chronic rhinitis, chronic", "change_char_case": " is likely regulated by CDK-depEndent phosPhoryLatIon. laRge iNhalAble particles eXIst iN the workplace and can conStituTe A SubsTAnTial aMount of INhALEd eXpOsUre (50% Or MOrE). PartIclEs >20 m primArily deposIt iN tHe oro-nasal caVItIes. SymptomAtiC health effecTs (e.G. acute Or ChrONic rhIniTis, chRonic", "whitespace_perturbation": " is likely regulated by CD K-dependen t pho sph ory la tion . La rge inhalablep arti cles exist in the work place a n d ca n c onsti tute as ub s t ant ia lamo un t o f inh ale d expos ure (50% o r m or e). Particle s > 20 m prima ril y deposit in th e oro- na sal cavit ies . Sym ptomat i c heal th effect s( e.g. a c ute orc h ro nicrhinitis, chronic ", "underscore_trick": " is_likely regulated_by CDK-dependent phosphorylation. Large_inhalable particles_exist_in the_workplace_and can constitute_a substantial amount_of inhaled exposure (50%_or more). Particles_>20_m primarily deposit in the oro-nasal cavities. Symptomatic health effects (e.g. acute or chronic_rhinitis,_chronic"} +{"text": " However, group attendance is uneven and the little research available on Filipino Americans suggests that a \"one size fits all\" approach to outreach would not be effective in this highly relational (collectivist-oriented) culture. The proposed study will elucidate the meanings of survivorship and breast cancer support in this community, and inform how", "synonym_substitution": "However, group attendance is uneven and the little research available on Filipino Americans suggests that a \" one size meet all \" overture to outreach would not be effective in this highly relational (collectivist - oriented) culture. The proposed report will elucidate the meanings of survivorship and breast cancer accompaniment in this residential district, and inform how", "butter_fingers": " Hoaever, group attendance ir uneven and thg oittle reseadch avaiuable on Filipino Americans dutgestw that a \"one size fits all\" apprlach to iutrtach would not be effectiyz in fmis hngily relational (gollectivisd-oriented) cultgrd. Che proposed study will elucidate thq meanimgd of survivorsrip sgd bdvawt cancer support in this comjunity, end inform how", "random_deletion": "However, group attendance is uneven and the available Filipino Americans that a \"one outreach not be effective this highly relational culture. The proposed study will elucidate meanings of survivorship and breast cancer support in this community, and inform how", "change_char_case": " However, group attendance is uNeven and thE littLe rEseArCh avAilaBle on Filipino AMEricAns suggests that a \"one sizE fits AlL\" ApprOAcH to ouTreach wOUlD NOt bE eFfEctIvE In This hIghLy relatIonal (colleCtiViSt-oriented) cuLTuRe. The propoSed Study will eluCidAte the MeAniNGs of sUrvIvorsHip and BReast cAncer suppOrT In this COmmunitY, ANd InfoRm how", "whitespace_perturbation": " However, group attendance is uneven andthe li tt le r esea rch availableo n Fi lipino Americans sugge sts t ha t a \" o ne size fits a l l\" a ppr oa ch to o u tr eachwou ld notbe effecti vein this highly re lational ( col lectivist-or ien ted) c ul tur e . The pr opose d stud y willelucidate t h e mean i ngs ofs u rv ivor ship and breast c a nc e r support in t his co mm u ni t y , a ndinform how ", "underscore_trick": " However,_group attendance_is uneven and the_little research_available_on Filipino_Americans_suggests that a_\"one size fits_all\" approach to outreach_would not be_effective_in this highly relational (collectivist-oriented) culture. The proposed study will elucidate the meanings of_survivorship_and breast_cancer_support_in this community, and inform_how"} +{"text": " will elucidate the molecular players participating in one of these alternative pathways. They will also assess the physiological importance of these peroxisomal pathways by studying the biochemical and clinical features of a unique mouse model with a combined defect in mitochondrial FAO and peroxisomal?-oxidation. Combined these two aims will yield not only the", "synonym_substitution": "will elucidate the molecular players participating in one of these alternative nerve pathway. They will besides assess the physiological importance of these peroxisomal nerve pathway by study the biochemical and clinical features of a unique shiner model with a combined defect in mitochondrial food and agriculture organization and peroxisomal?-oxidation. Combined these two aim will yield not entirely the", "butter_fingers": " wipl elucidate the moleculxr players partnxipatiig in ohe of thdse alternative pathways. Theb wiol alwo assess the physioloeical implrtance if tiese peroxisomal pathways by sfmdyiny vhe biochemical and cliniwal features ox x bnique mouse model with a combined dqfect im litochondrial SAO sgd psgowisomal?-oxidation. Combined these fwo aimv will yield mot only the", "random_deletion": "will elucidate the molecular players participating in these pathways. They also assess the pathways studying the biochemical clinical features of unique mouse model with a combined in mitochondrial FAO and peroxisomal?-oxidation. Combined these two aims will yield not only", "change_char_case": " will elucidate the molecular Players parTicipAtiNg iN oNe of ThesE alternative paTHwayS. They will also assess the PhysiOlOGicaL ImPortaNce of thESe PERoxIsOmAl pAtHWaYs by sTudYing the BiochemicaL anD cLinical featuREs Of a unique mOusE model with a cOmbIned deFeCt iN MitocHonDrial fAO and PEroxisOmal?-oxidaTiON. CombiNEd these TWO aIms wIll yield not only thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " will elucidate the molecu lar player s par tic ipa ti ng i n on e of these alt e rnat ive pathways. They wil l als oa sses s t he ph ysiolog i ca l imp or ta nce o f t heseper oxisoma l pathways by s tudying theb io chemical a ndclinical fea tur es ofauni q ue mo use mode l with a comb ined defe ct in mit o chondri a l F AO a nd peroxisomal?-o x id a tion. Combined these t w oa i mswil l yield no tonlyt he", "underscore_trick": " will_elucidate the_molecular players participating in_one of_these_alternative pathways._They_will also assess_the physiological importance_of these peroxisomal pathways_by studying the_biochemical_and clinical features of a unique mouse model with a combined defect in mitochondrial_FAO_and peroxisomal?-oxidation._Combined_these_two aims will yield not_only the"} +{"text": "platelet (DAPT) Study will randomize >20,000 patients to either 12 versus 30 months of dual antiplatelet drugs. This trial is unique in that it will study all-comers, there is no upper age limit, and will collect data on bleeding, interruptions of medications, and adverse", "synonym_substitution": "platelet (DAPT) Study will randomize > 20,000 patients to either 12 versus 30 months of dual antiplatelet drugs. This test is alone in that it will study all - comers, there is no upper long time limit, and will collect datum on bleeding, interruptions of medications, and adverse", "butter_fingers": "plahelet (DAPT) Study will rakdomize >20,000 patients to eivher 12 vsrsus 30 munths of dual antiplatelet dcugs. This trial is unique in thxt it wilp study qll-ciners, there is no ui'er afc limnt, and will collgct data on tleeding, intersuotnons of medications, and adverse", "random_deletion": "platelet (DAPT) Study will randomize >20,000 patients 12 30 months dual antiplatelet drugs. that will study all-comers, is no upper limit, and will collect data on interruptions of medications, and adverse", "change_char_case": "platelet (DAPT) Study will randOmize >20,000 patieNts to EitHer 12 VeRsus 30 MontHs of dual antiplATeleT drugs. This trial is uniquE in thAt IT wilL StUdy alL-comers, THeRE Is nO uPpEr aGe LImIt, and WilL collecT data on bleEdiNg, InterruptionS Of MedicationS, anD adverse", "whitespace_perturbation": "platelet (DAPT) Study will randomize >20, 000 pa ti ents toeither 12 vers u s 30 months of dual antipl atele td rugs . T his t rial is un i q uein t hat i t w ill s tud y all-c omers, the reis no upper ag e l imit, andwil l collect da taon ble ed ing , inte rru ption s of m e dicati ons, andad v erse", "underscore_trick": "platelet (DAPT)_Study will_randomize >20,000 patients to_either 12_versus_30 months_of_dual antiplatelet drugs._This trial is_unique in that it_will study all-comers,_there_is no upper age limit, and will collect data on bleeding, interruptions of medications,_and_adverse"} +{"text": " begins with the systematic analysis of insulin signaling. After over 30 years of intensive research in the pursuit of relevant protein kinases, Akt/PKB has emerged as the only serine/threonine protein kinases definitively established as a mediator of insulin's regulation of important metabolic targets. The activity of Akt/PKB depends on", "synonym_substitution": "begins with the systematic analysis of insulin signaling. After over 30 days of intensive inquiry in the pursuit of relevant protein kinases, Akt / PKB has emerge as the alone serine / threonine protein kinases definitively established as a mediator of insulin's rule of important metabolic targets. The activity of Akt / PKB depend on", "butter_fingers": " behins with the systematic analysis of insulin smgnalinf. After uver 30 years of intensive resxarcy in uke pursuit of relevavt proteij kinasew, Aku/PKB has emerged ea the okjy ssvine/tkrxonine protein linases dexinitively estdbuidhed as a mediator of insulin's regujation pf important metwbolpc tarfvtw. The activity of Akt/PKB depehds on", "random_deletion": "begins with the systematic analysis of insulin over years of research in the Akt/PKB emerged as the serine/threonine protein kinases established as a mediator of insulin's of important metabolic targets. The activity of Akt/PKB depends on", "change_char_case": " begins with the systematic anAlysis of inSulin SigNalInG. AftEr ovEr 30 years of intenSIve rEsearch in the pursuit of rElevaNt PRoteIN kInaseS, Akt/PKB HAs EMErgEd As The OnLY sErine/ThrEonine pRotein kinaSes DeFinitively esTAbLished as a mEdiAtor of insuliN's rEgulatIoN of IMportAnt MetabOlic taRGets. ThE activity Of aKt/PKB dEPends on", "whitespace_perturbation": " begins with the systemati c analysis of i nsu lin s igna ling . After over 3 0 yea rs of intensive resear ch in t h e pu r su it of releva n tp r ote in k ina se s ,Akt/P KBhas eme rged as th e o nl y serine/thr e on ine protei n k inases defin iti vely e st abl i shedasa med iatoro f insu lin's reg ul a tion o f import a n tmeta bolic targets. Th e a c tivity of Akt/ PKB de pe n ds o n", "underscore_trick": " begins_with the_systematic analysis of insulin_signaling. After_over_30 years_of_intensive research in_the pursuit of_relevant protein kinases, Akt/PKB_has emerged as_the_only serine/threonine protein kinases definitively established as a mediator of insulin's regulation of important_metabolic_targets. The_activity_of_Akt/PKB depends on"} +{"text": " in understanding the immunosuppressive microenvironment within solid tumors. Because of their central role in mediating immunosuppression, tumor associated macrophages (TAMs), typically?polarized? to a so-called M2- like immunosuppressive phenotype, and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC), are thought to be important therapeutic targets. We have found", "synonym_substitution": "in understanding the immunosuppressive microenvironment within solid tumors. Because of their central function in mediating immunosuppression, tumor consociate macrophages (TAMs), typically?polarized? to a so - call M2- like immunosuppressive phenotype, and myeloid - derived suppressor cells (MDSC), are think to be crucial therapeutic targets. We have found", "butter_fingers": " in understanding the immunusuppressive mieeoenviconment within rolid tumors. Because of theic cebtral role in mediating immjnosuppredsion, tunor essociated macro'gages (TAMs), tyllcallv?pilarized? to a xo-called M2- like immunosu[pfedsive phenotype, and myeloid-derived fuppresxog cells (MDSC), ate thptght no be important therapeutic tarfets. We have found", "random_deletion": "in understanding the immunosuppressive microenvironment within solid of central role mediating immunosuppression, tumor a M2- like immunosuppressive and myeloid-derived suppressor (MDSC), are thought to be important targets. We have found", "change_char_case": " in understanding the immunosUppressive MicroEnvIroNmEnt wIthiN solid tumors. BeCAuse Of their central role in meDiatiNg IMmunOSuPpresSion, tumOR aSSOciAtEd MacRoPHaGes (TAms), tYpicallY?polarized? To a So-Called M2- like iMMuNosuppressIve Phenotype, and MyeLoid-deRiVed SUppreSsoR cellS (MDSC), aRE thougHt to be impOrTAnt theRApeutic TARgEts. WE have found", "whitespace_perturbation": " in understanding the immu nosuppress ive m icr oen vi ronm entwithin solid t u mors . Because of their cen tralro l e in me diati ng immu n os u p pre ss io n,tu m or asso cia ted mac rophages ( TAM s) , typically? p ol arized? to aso-called M2 - l ike im mu nos u ppres siv e phe notype , and m yeloid-de ri v ed sup p ressorc e ll s (M DSC), are thought to be important t herape ut i ct a rge ts. We have f ou nd", "underscore_trick": " in_understanding the_immunosuppressive microenvironment within solid_tumors. Because_of_their central_role_in mediating immunosuppression,_tumor associated macrophages_(TAMs), typically?polarized? to a_so-called M2- like_immunosuppressive_phenotype, and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC), are thought to be important therapeutic targets. We_have_found"} +{"text": " involved in bile duct injury, specifically B cell antigen presentation versus immunoglobulin production. Specific Aim 2: Determine the contribution of B cells to progression of bile duct injury in murine BA through administration of B cell-depleting agents. This aim has direct translational implications to potential new therapies for human BA. Specific Aim 3: Define", "synonym_substitution": "involved in bile duct injury, specifically B cell antigen display versus immunoglobulin product. Specific Aim 2: Determine the contribution of B cell to progress of bile duct injury in murine BA through administration of B cellular telephone - depleting agents. This aim have direct translational implications to likely new therapies for human BA. Specific Aim 3: specify", "butter_fingers": " ingolved in bile duct injuvy, specifically Y cell entigen presentxtion versus immunoglobulin 'rodyctiob. Specific Aim 2: Determkne the clntributuon id B cells vk progrcfsioh of yioe duct injury in murine BA through adkividtration of B cell-depleting agents. Ehis aik jas direct tragslauiogal jmplications to potential new therzpies fmr human BA. Slecific Aim 3: Define", "random_deletion": "involved in bile duct injury, specifically B presentation immunoglobulin production. Aim 2: Determine to of bile duct in murine BA administration of B cell-depleting agents. This has direct translational implications to potential new therapies for human BA. Specific Aim Define", "change_char_case": " involved in bile duct injury, sPecificallY B celL anTigEn PresEntaTion versus immuNOgloBulin production. SpecifiC Aim 2: DEtERminE ThE contRibutioN Of b CEllS tO pRogReSSiOn of bIle Duct injUry in murinE BA ThRough adminisTRaTion of B celL-dePleting agentS. ThIs aim hAs DirECt traNslAtionAl implICationS to potentIaL New theRApies foR HUmAn BA. specific Aim 3: Define", "whitespace_perturbation": " involved in bile duct inj ury, speci fical lyB c el l an tige n presentation vers us immunoglobulin prod uctio n. Spec i fi c Aim 2: Det e rm i n e t he c ont ri b ut ion o f B cellsto progres sio nof bile duct in jury in mu rin e BA through ad minist ra tio n of B ce ll-de pletin g agent s. This a im has di r ect tra n s la tion al implications t o p o tential new th erapie sf or h uma n B A. Specifi cAim 3 : Define ", "underscore_trick": " involved_in bile_duct injury, specifically B_cell antigen_presentation_versus immunoglobulin_production._Specific Aim 2:_Determine the contribution_of B cells to_progression of bile_duct_injury in murine BA through administration of B cell-depleting agents. This aim has direct_translational_implications to_potential_new_therapies for human BA. Specific_Aim 3: Define"} +{"text": " are inherited by a single egg. In contrast, all chromosomes are distributed among 4 sperm during male meiosis. The elimination of 3/4 of the genome to allow inheritance of only 1/4 of the chromosomes is conserved in all animal phyla, suggesting some fundamental selective advantage. The long-term goals of this project", "synonym_substitution": "are inherited by a single egg. In contrast, all chromosome are distribute among 4 sperm during male meiosis. The elimination of 3/4 of the genome to leave inheritance of entirely 1/4 of the chromosomes is conserved in all animal phylum, indicate some fundamental selective advantage. The retentive - term goals of this undertaking", "butter_fingers": " arf inherited by a single tgg. In contrast, all chrokosomea are dirtributed among 4 sperm durinj maoe meuosis. The elimination uf 3/4 of thv genome ro aooow inherivznce of only 1/4 lf tke chromosomes ix conserveg in all animan ohvla, suggesting some fundamental selestive acvwntage. The lond-terk goams of this project", "random_deletion": "are inherited by a single egg. In chromosomes distributed among sperm during male of genome to allow of only 1/4 the chromosomes is conserved in all phyla, suggesting some fundamental selective advantage. The long-term goals of this project", "change_char_case": " are inherited by a single egg. IN contrast, aLl chrOmoSomEs Are dIstrIbuted among 4 speRM durIng male meiosis. The elimiNatioN oF 3/4 Of thE GeNome tO allow iNHeRITanCe Of OnlY 1/4 oF ThE chroMosOmes is cOnserved in All AnImal phyla, sugGEsTing some fuNdaMental selectIve AdvantAgE. ThE Long-tErm Goals Of this PRoject", "whitespace_perturbation": " are inherited by a single egg. In c ontra st, al lchro moso mes are distri b uted among 4 sperm duringmaleme i osis . T he el iminati o no f 3/ 4of th eg en ome t o a llow in heritanceofon ly 1/4 of th e c hromosomes is conserved i n a ll ani ma l p h yla,sug gesti ng som e funda mental se le c tive a d vantage . Th e lo ng-term goals oft hi s project", "underscore_trick": " are_inherited by_a single egg. In_contrast, all_chromosomes_are distributed_among_4 sperm during_male meiosis. The_elimination of 3/4 of_the genome to_allow_inheritance of only 1/4 of the chromosomes is conserved in all animal phyla, suggesting_some_fundamental selective_advantage._The_long-term goals of this project"} +{"text": " would allow patients to be treated in any standard clinical MRI scanner, thus allowing real- time assessment of brain viability during endovascular intervention. The strong magnetic field of the MRI scanner provides a unique opportunity to develop remote-controlled catheters that can navigate through the vasculature by creating magnetic forces on their tips. We have previously", "synonym_substitution": "would allow patients to be treated in any standard clinical MRI scanner, thus allow real- meter assessment of brain viability during endovascular intervention. The potent magnetic field of the MRI scanner put up a singular opportunity to develop remote - control catheters that can navigate through the vasculature by create magnetic forces on their tip. We have previously", "butter_fingers": " wokld allow patients to be treated in any standacd clinjcal MRI scanner, thus allowing real- vime assewsment of brain viabilkty durinh endovawculer intervention. Vge stroky maghctic yixld of the MRI xcanner prmvides a uniqua up'ortunity to develop remote-controlleq catheyegs that can nadigaue ehrohgh the vasculature by creating mafnetic horces on their tips. We have previously", "random_deletion": "would allow patients to be treated in clinical scanner, thus real- time assessment intervention. strong magnetic field the MRI scanner a unique opportunity to develop remote-controlled that can navigate through the vasculature by creating magnetic forces on their tips. have previously", "change_char_case": " would allow patients to be treAted in any sTandaRd cLinIcAl MRi scaNner, thus allowiNG reaL- time assessment of brain ViabiLiTY durINg EndovAscular INtERVenTiOn. the StROnG magnEtiC field oF the MRI scaNneR pRovides a uniqUE oPportunity To dEvelop remote-ConTrolleD cAthETers tHat Can naVigate THrough The vasculAtURe by crEAting maGNEtIc foRces on their tips. We HAvE Previously", "whitespace_perturbation": " would allow patients to b e treatedin an y s tan da rd c lini cal MRI scanne r , th us allowing real- time asse ss m ento fbrain viabil i ty d uri ng e ndo va s cu lar i nte rventio n. The str ong m agnetic fiel d o f the MRIsca nner provide s a uniqu eopp o rtuni tyto de velopr emote- controlle dc athete r s thatc a nnavi gate through thev as c ulature by cre atingma g ne t i c f orc es on thei rtips. We have pr e v i ous l y", "underscore_trick": " would_allow patients_to be treated in_any standard_clinical_MRI scanner,_thus_allowing real- time_assessment of brain_viability during endovascular intervention._The strong magnetic_field_of the MRI scanner provides a unique opportunity to develop remote-controlled catheters that can_navigate_through the_vasculature_by_creating magnetic forces on their_tips. We have previously"} +{"text": " expression during abortive infection by SV40, and 3) the relationship between viral mediated control of DHFR synthesis and the control by cell cycle, serum growth factors, and cyclic nucleotides. An important feature of the proposed research is the use of methotrexate resistant cell lines in which one of the viral induced enzymes,", "synonym_substitution": "expression during abortive infection by SV40, and 3) the relationship between viral mediated restraint of DHFR deduction and the control by cell hertz, serum emergence factors, and cyclic nucleotides. An significant feature of the proposed inquiry is the habit of methotrexate resistant cellular telephone lines in which one of the viral induced enzymes,", "butter_fingers": " exoression during abortive infection by SR40, and 3) vhe relztionshio between viral mediated convrol of DYFR synthesis and the zontrol bj cell cyxle, wwrum growti factors, and dnclic iucleotides. An lmportant faature of the [ruplsed research is the use of methotrqxate rrslstant cell liges pn whidh one of the viral induced enzymea,", "random_deletion": "expression during abortive infection by SV40, and relationship viral mediated of DHFR synthesis cycle, growth factors, and nucleotides. An important of the proposed research is the of methotrexate resistant cell lines in which one of the viral induced enzymes,", "change_char_case": " expression during abortive iNfection by sV40, and 3) The RelAtIonsHip bEtween viral medIAted Control of DHFR synthesis And thE cONtroL By Cell cYcle, serUM gROWth FaCtOrs, AnD CyClic nUclEotides. an importanT feAtUre of the propOSeD research iS thE use of methotRexAte resIsTanT Cell lIneS in whIch one OF the viRal induceD eNZymes,", "whitespace_perturbation": " expression during abortiv e infectio n bySV4 0,an d 3) the relationshipb etwe en viral mediated cont rol o fD HFRs yn thesi s and t h ec o ntr ol b y c el l c ycle, se rum gro wth factor s,an d cyclic nuc l eo tides. Animp ortant featu reof the p rop o sed r ese archis the use of methotre xa t e resi s tant ce l l l ines in which one oft he viral inducedenzyme s, ", "underscore_trick": " expression_during abortive_infection by SV40, and_3) the_relationship_between viral_mediated_control of DHFR_synthesis and the_control by cell cycle,_serum growth factors,_and_cyclic nucleotides. An important feature of the proposed research is the use of methotrexate_resistant_cell lines_in_which_one of the viral induced_enzymes,"} +{"text": ", in retinal pigmented epithelial cells (RPE) and lens epithelial cells (LEC) iron regulates the activity of the transcription factor, hypoxia-inducible factor, which in turn regulates the synthesis of dozens of proteins. Our preliminary data indicate that hypoxic conditions stimulate glutamate release, another critically important observation since hypoxic conditions", "synonym_substitution": ", in retinal pigmented epithelial cells (RPE) and lens epithelial cells (LEC) iron regulates the natural process of the arrangement factor, hypoxia - inducible factor, which in turn regulate the synthesis of dozens of protein. Our preliminary data indicate that hypoxic conditions induce glutamate release, another critically important notice since hypoxic conditions", "butter_fingers": ", in retinal pigmented epithtlial cells (RPE) aue lens epithslial ceuls (LEC) iron regulates the artivuty od the transcription faztor, hypoqia-inducivle hactor, which in vhrn regmjatea the wynthesis of dpzens of psoteins. Our pralkmnnary data indicate that hypoxic conqitions shimulate glutaiate welezse, another critically important ogservatpon since hypoxic conditions", "random_deletion": ", in retinal pigmented epithelial cells (RPE) epithelial (LEC) iron the activity of which turn regulates the of dozens of Our preliminary data indicate that hypoxic stimulate glutamate release, another critically important observation since hypoxic conditions", "change_char_case": ", in retinal pigmented epithelIal cells (RPe) and lEns EpiThEliaL celLs (LEC) iron regulATes tHe activity of the transcrIptioN fACtor, HYpOxia-iNduciblE FaCTOr, wHiCh In tUrN ReGulatEs tHe synthEsis of dozeNs oF pRoteins. Our prELiMinary data IndIcate that hypOxiC condiTiOns STimulAte GlutaMate reLEase, anOther critIcALly impORtant obSERvAtioN since hypoxic condITiONs", "whitespace_perturbation": ", in retinal pigmented epi thelial ce lls ( RPE ) a nd len s ep ithelial cells (LEC ) iron regulates the a ctivi ty of t h etrans criptio n f a c tor ,hy pox ia - in ducib lefactor, which intur nregulates th e s ynthesis o f d ozens of pro tei ns. Ou rpre l imina rydataindica t e that hypoxicco n dition s stimul a t eglut amate release, an o th e r critically i mporta nt ob s e rva tio n since hy po xic c o ndition s ", "underscore_trick": ", in_retinal pigmented_epithelial cells (RPE) and_lens epithelial_cells_(LEC) iron_regulates_the activity of_the transcription factor,_hypoxia-inducible factor, which in_turn regulates the_synthesis_of dozens of proteins. Our preliminary data indicate that hypoxic conditions stimulate glutamate release,_another_critically important_observation_since_hypoxic conditions"} +{"text": " systems in relaying signals of developmental consequence. For these studies, we will employ the fruit fly Drosophila as an experimental system because of the wealth of genetic and molecular tools it offers as well as the easy accessibility of well--described developmental stages. We will focus specifically on the role of G protein-coupled receptors that are", "synonym_substitution": "systems in relaying signals of developmental consequence. For these studies, we will use the yield fly Drosophila as an experimental system because of the wealth of familial and molecular instrument it offers as well as the comfortable accessibility of well -- described developmental stages. We will concentrate specifically on the role of G protein - coupled sense organ that are", "butter_fingers": " sydtems in relaying signalr of developmenjao consxquence. For there studies, we will employ thx fryit foy Drosophila as an exoerimentap system beceuse of the wealvg of gekztic zkd monxcular tools it offers as well as the edsh cccessibility of well--described develjpmentak dtages. We will focls spedpflcally on the role of G protein-ckupled geceptors that arr", "random_deletion": "systems in relaying signals of developmental consequence. studies, will employ fruit fly Drosophila of wealth of genetic molecular tools it as well as the easy accessibility well--described developmental stages. We will focus specifically on the role of G protein-coupled that are", "change_char_case": " systems in relaying signals oF developmeNtal cOnsEquEnCe. FoR theSe studies, we wilL EmplOy the fruit fly DrosophilA as an ExPErimENtAl sysTem becaUSe OF The WeAlTh oF gENeTic anD moLecular Tools it offErs As Well as the easY AcCessibilitY of Well--describeD deVelopmEnTal STages. we wIll foCus speCIficalLy on the roLe OF G protEIn-couplED ReCeptOrs that are", "whitespace_perturbation": " systems in relaying signa ls of deve lopme nta l c on sequ ence . For these st u dies , we will employ the f ruitfl y Dro s op hilaas an e x pe r i men ta lsys te m b ecaus e o f the w ealth of g ene ti c and molecu l ar tools itoff ers as wellasthe ea sy ac c essib ili ty of well- - descri bed devel op m entals tages.W e w illfocus specificall y o n the role of G prote in - co u p led re ceptors th at are", "underscore_trick": " systems_in relaying_signals of developmental consequence._For these_studies,_we will_employ_the fruit fly_Drosophila as an_experimental system because of_the wealth of_genetic_and molecular tools it offers as well as the easy accessibility of well--described developmental_stages._We will_focus_specifically_on the role of G_protein-coupled receptors that are"} +{"text": "128 element CMUT array) suitable for real-time 3D imaging would be demonstrated in Phase II, with the long-term goal of commercializing the technology (as well as other CMUT-in-CMOS-based products) for the ultrasound equipment market, forecast to be $3.75B globally by", "synonym_substitution": "128 element CMUT array) suitable for real - time three-d imagination would be demonstrated in Phase II, with the long - condition finish of commercializing the technology (as well as early CMUT - in - CMOS - base products) for the ultrasound equipment market, forecast to be $ 3.75B globally by", "butter_fingers": "128 elfment CMUT array) suitablt for real-time 3D nnaging would be demovstrated in Phase II, with thx lobg-tern goal of commercializkng the tvchnology (as xell as other CMNF-in-CMOS-ncsed lvoduccs) for the ultraxound equi[ment market, fmrdccst to be $3.75B globally by", "random_deletion": "128 element CMUT array) suitable for real-time would demonstrated in II, with the technology well as other products) for the equipment market, forecast to be $3.75B by", "change_char_case": "128 element CMUT array) suitable fOr real-time 3d imagIng WouLd Be deMonsTrated in Phase Ii, With The long-term goal of commeRcialIzINg thE TeChnolOgy (as weLL aS OTheR CmUt-in-cMos-bAsed pRodUcts) for The ultrasoUnd EqUipment markeT, FoRecast to be $3.75b glObally by", "whitespace_perturbation": "128 element CMUT array) su itable for real -ti me3D ima ging would be demo n stra ted in Phase II, withthe l on g -ter m g oal o f comme r ci a l izi ng t hete c hn ology (a s wellas other C MUT -i n-CMOS-based pr oducts) fo r t he ultrasoun d e quipme nt ma r ket,for ecast to be $3.75B globally b y ", "underscore_trick": "128 element_CMUT array)_suitable for real-time 3D_imaging would_be_demonstrated in_Phase_II, with the_long-term goal of_commercializing the technology (as_well as other_CMUT-in-CMOS-based_products) for the ultrasound equipment market, forecast to be $3.75B globally by"} +{"text": " Northern blot analyses will determine if this lability is regulated by changes in protein half life or by post- translational modifications such as phosphorylation. Binding protein expression will be analyzed during B cell development, by Western blotting and immunofluorescent staining, to determine if the proteins are labile in ALV target pre-B cells,", "synonym_substitution": "Northern blot analyses will determine if this lability is determine by change in protein half life or by post- translational modification such as phosphorylation. bind protein expression will be analyzed during bel cellular telephone development, by Western blotting and immunofluorescent staining, to determine if the proteins are labile in ALV aim pre - B cells,", "butter_fingers": " Nogthern blot analyses wilu determine if jhus labmlity ia regulaged by changes in protein hapf life or by post- translatioval modifpcations wuch qs phosphocglation. Bindihn procemn expression wlll be analfzed during B weul development, by Western blotting anq immunpfpuorescent stayninb, to svttrmine if the proteins are labile in ALV target pre-B vells,", "random_deletion": "Northern blot analyses will determine if this regulated changes in half life or as Binding protein expression be analyzed during cell development, by Western blotting and staining, to determine if the proteins are labile in ALV target pre-B cells,", "change_char_case": " Northern blot analyses will dEtermine if This lAbiLitY iS regUlatEd by changes in pROteiN half life or by post- transLatioNaL ModiFIcAtionS such as PHoSPHorYlAtIon. biNDiNg proTeiN expresSion will be AnaLyZed during B ceLL dEvelopment, By WEstern blottiNg aNd immuNoFluOResceNt sTainiNg, to deTErmine If the protEiNS are laBIle in ALv TArGet pRe-B cells,", "whitespace_perturbation": " Northern blot analyses wi ll determi ne if th isla bili ty i s regulated by chan ges in protein half li fe or b y pos t -trans lationa l m o d ifi ca ti ons s u ch as p hos phoryla tion. Bind ing p rotein expre s si on will be an alyzed durin g B cellde vel o pment , b y Wes tern b l otting and immu no f luores c ent sta i n in g, t o determine if th e p r oteins are lab ile in A L Vt a rge t p re-B cells ,", "underscore_trick": " Northern_blot analyses_will determine if this_lability is_regulated_by changes_in_protein half life_or by post-_translational modifications such as_phosphorylation. Binding protein_expression_will be analyzed during B cell development, by Western blotting and immunofluorescent staining, to_determine_if the_proteins_are_labile in ALV target pre-B_cells,"} +{"text": " specific protein kinases have been linked to over 400 diseases, and about 25% of all pharmaceutical industry research and development is now focused on the discovery and evaluation of protein kinase inhibitors for therapeutic applications. Cdk5 has become a target of high interest to the drug industry because of its key role in neuronal homeostasis. So far more", "synonym_substitution": "specific protein kinases have been linked to over 400 diseases, and about 25% of all pharmaceutical diligence inquiry and exploitation is now concenter on the discovery and evaluation of protein kinase inhibitor for therapeutic applications. Cdk5 has become a target of eminent interest to the drug industry because of its cardinal function in neuronal homeostasis. indeed far more", "butter_fingers": " spfcific protein kinases hxve been linked to ovec 400 disezses, and about 25% of all pharmaceuticap undusugy research and develupment is now focysed in the disrkvery akb evammatiou if protein kinsse inhibidors for thera[ejtnc applications. Cdk5 has become a tardet of nihh interest to the qrug pnbustry because of its key role jn neurmnal homeostaxis. So far more", "random_deletion": "specific protein kinases have been linked to diseases, about 25% all pharmaceutical industry focused the discovery and of protein kinase for therapeutic applications. Cdk5 has become target of high interest to the drug industry because of its key role neuronal homeostasis. So far more", "change_char_case": " specific protein kinases havE been linkeD to ovEr 400 dIseAsEs, anD aboUt 25% of all pharmacEUticAl industry research and dEveloPmENt is NOw FocusEd on the DIsCOVerY aNd EvaLuATiOn of pRotEin kinaSe inhibitoRs fOr Therapeutic aPPlIcations. CdK5 haS become a targEt oF high iNtEreST to thE drUg indUstry bECause oF its key roLe IN neuroNAl homeoSTAsIs. So Far more", "whitespace_perturbation": " specific protein kinaseshave beenlinke d t o o ve r 40 0 di seases, and ab o ut 2 5% of all pharmaceutic al in du s tryr es earch and de v el o p men tis no wf oc usedonthe dis covery and ev al uation of pr o te in kinaseinh ibitors forthe rapeut ic ap p licat ion s. Cd k5 has become a target o f highi nterest t othedrug industry bec a us e of its key ro le inne u ro n a l h ome ostasis. S ofar m o re", "underscore_trick": " specific_protein kinases_have been linked to_over 400_diseases,_and about_25%_of all pharmaceutical_industry research and_development is now focused_on the discovery_and_evaluation of protein kinase inhibitors for therapeutic applications. Cdk5 has become a target of_high_interest to_the_drug_industry because of its key_role in neuronal homeostasis. So_far more"} +{"text": "T) science at Northwestern and beyond. Northwestern University (NU) is a leading national research university affiliated with nationally-renowned clinical partners. NUCATS is nationally recognized as an innovation leader in several key areas of C&T science, pioneering novel and scalable approaches in the areas of preclinical therapeutic development, health and biomedical", "synonym_substitution": "T) science at Northwestern and beyond. Northwestern University (NU) is a leading national inquiry university consort with nationally - renowned clinical partners. NUCATS is nationally recognized as an initiation drawing card in several key areas of C&T skill, initiate novel and scalable approaches in the areas of preclinical therapeutic development, health and biomedical", "butter_fingers": "T) sfience at Northwestern akd beyond. Northwgsrern Uiiversify (NU) is a leading national research ubiverwity affiliated with nxtionally-genowned xlinmcal partners. NURZTS is kctionzply xerognized as an lnnovation neader in sevesau ney areas of C&T science, pioneering govel amd scalable apprjachts yn tgv creas of preclinical therapeutid develmpment, health and biomedical", "random_deletion": "T) science at Northwestern and beyond. Northwestern is leading national university affiliated with nationally as an innovation in several key of C&T science, pioneering novel and approaches in the areas of preclinical therapeutic development, health and biomedical", "change_char_case": "T) science at Northwestern and Beyond. NortHwestErn uniVeRsitY (NU) iS a leading natioNAl reSearch university affiliAted wItH NatiONaLly-reNowned cLInICAl pArTnErs. nUcaTs is naTioNally reCognized as An iNnOvation leadeR In Several key AreAs of C&T sciencE, piOneeriNg NovEL and sCalAble aPproacHEs in thE areas of pReCLinicaL TherapeUTIc DeveLopment, health and bIOmEDical", "whitespace_perturbation": "T) science at Northwestern and beyon d. No rth wes te rn U nive rsity (NU) isa lea ding national research univ er s itya ff iliat ed with na t i ona ll y- ren ow n ed clin ica l partn ers. NUCAT S i snationally r e co gnized asaninnovation l ead er inse ver a l key ar eas o f C&Ts cience , pioneer in g novel and sca l a bl e ap proaches in the a r ea s of preclinica l ther ap e ut i c de vel opment, he al th an d biomed i ca l ", "underscore_trick": "T) science_at Northwestern_and beyond. Northwestern University_(NU) is_a_leading national_research_university affiliated with_nationally-renowned clinical partners._NUCATS is nationally recognized_as an innovation_leader_in several key areas of C&T science, pioneering novel and scalable approaches in the_areas_of preclinical_therapeutic_development,_health and biomedical"} +{"text": " members not submitting a proposal, and scientists outside the Center will be sought for this purpose. External Advisory Committee members may be approached to review or suggest possible reviewers for the proposals once they have been received. The reviews will be completed within one month of receipt. All appropriate proposals will be scored for 1) relevance to the Center", "synonym_substitution": "members not submitting a proposal, and scientists outside the Center will be try for this function. External Advisory Committee members may be approached to review or suggest potential reviewers for the proposals once they have been received. The revue will be completed within one month of reception. All appropriate proposal will be scored for 1) relevance to the plaza", "butter_fingers": " melbers not submitting a pvoposal, and scieurists mutsids the Cevter will be sought for this pyrpost. External Advisory Committev members may ve approacisd to rcriew kv sugyewt possible reyiewers for the proposals ovcz they have been received. The reviewf will ne completed witrin pge mknth of receipt. All appropriate prkposals will be scorrd for 1) relevance to the Cfnteg", "random_deletion": "members not submitting a proposal, and scientists Center be sought this purpose. External approached review or suggest reviewers for the once they have been received. The will be completed within one month of receipt. All appropriate proposals will be for 1) relevance to the Center", "change_char_case": " members not submitting a propOsal, and sciEntisTs oUtsIdE the centEr will be sought FOr thIs purpose. External AdvisOry CoMmITtee MEmBers mAy be appROaCHEd tO rEvIew Or SUgGest pOssIble revIewers for tHe pRoPosals once thEY hAve been recEivEd. The reviews WilL be comPlEteD WithiN onE montH of recEIpt. All AppropriaTe PRoposaLS will be SCOrEd foR 1) relevance to the CeNTeR", "whitespace_perturbation": " members not submitting aproposal,and s cie nti st s ou tsid e the Center w i ll b e sought for this purp ose.Ex t erna l A dviso ry Comm i tt e e me mb er s m ay be appr oac hed toreview orsug ge st possibler ev iewers for th e proposalsonc e they h ave beenrec eived . Ther eviews will beco m pleted withino n emont h of receipt. All ap p ropriate propo sals w il l b e sco red for 1) re le vance to theC en t e r ", "underscore_trick": " members_not submitting_a proposal, and scientists_outside the_Center_will be_sought_for this purpose._External Advisory Committee_members may be approached_to review or_suggest_possible reviewers for the proposals once they have been received. The reviews will be_completed_within one_month_of_receipt. All appropriate proposals will_be scored for 1) relevance_to the_Center"} +{"text": " cells use molecular circuits to achieve complex physiological behaviors and how these behaviors break down in disease states like cancer. Although only a small fraction of existing networks have been well characterized, recurrent topologies have emerged for a variety of biological functions, suggesting that any particular behavior is encoded by a limited number of network structures. With the goal", "synonym_substitution": "cells use molecular circuits to achieve complex physiological demeanor and how these demeanor break down in disease states like cancer. Although only a little fraction of existing networks have been well characterize, perennial topologies have emerged for a variety of biological functions, suggesting that any finical behavior is encoded by a circumscribed number of network structures. With the goal", "butter_fingers": " cepls use molecular circuius to achieve comklwx phyviologjcal behxviors and how these behaviocs beeak eown in disease states like canber. Althoygh ibly a small fraction of swistiug networks have been well characterized, rdcbrrent topologies have emerged for a varietu lf biological suncuiogs, shggesting that any particular behabior is encoded by a limited number of network strkctures. With the glal", "random_deletion": "cells use molecular circuits to achieve complex and these behaviors down in disease a fraction of existing have been well recurrent topologies have emerged for a of biological functions, suggesting that any particular behavior is encoded by a limited of network structures. With the goal", "change_char_case": " cells use molecular circuits To achieve cOmpleX phYsiOlOgicAl beHaviors and how tHEse bEhaviors break down in disEase sTaTEs liKE cAncer. althougH OnLY A smAlL fRacTiON oF exisTinG networKs have been WelL cHaracterized, REcUrrent topoLogIes have emergEd fOr a varIeTy oF BioloGicAl funCtions, SUggestIng that anY pARticulAR behaviOR Is EncoDed by a limited numbER oF Network structuRes. WitH tHE gOAL", "whitespace_perturbation": " cells use molecular circu its to ach ievecom ple xphys iolo gical behavior s and how these behaviors b reakdo w n in di sease states li k e ca nc er . A lt h ou gh on lya small fractionofex isting netwo r ks have been we ll character ize d, rec ur ren t topo log ies h ave em e rged f or a vari et y of bi o logical f un ctio ns, suggesting th a ta ny particularbehavi or is e nco ded by a limi te d num b er of n e tw o r k st r uctures. With the goal", "underscore_trick": " cells_use molecular_circuits to achieve complex_physiological behaviors_and_how these_behaviors_break down in_disease states like_cancer. Although only a_small fraction of_existing_networks have been well characterized, recurrent topologies have emerged for a variety of biological_functions,_suggesting that_any_particular_behavior is encoded by a_limited number of network structures._With the_goal"} +{"text": " (2) Several approaches were used to search for calretinin target proteins. Iodinated calretinin was found to bind to proteins in several subcellular fractions on nitrocellulose blots of one dimensional SDS gels; (3) A purification procedure was developed for obtaining large amounts of homogeneous recombinant calretinin from plasmids.", "synonym_substitution": "(2) Several approaches were used to search for calretinin prey protein. Iodinated calretinin was found to bind to protein in several subcellular fraction on nitrocellulose smudge of one dimensional SDS gels; (3) A purification operation was developed for obtaining big amounts of homogeneous recombinant calretinin from plasmids.", "butter_fingers": " (2) Sfveral approaches were ured to search for calrxtinin farget pfoteins. Iodinated calretinin wqs foynd to bind to proteinr in sevegal subceoluler fractions on ijtrocellulose nlots if one dimensipnal SDS gals; (3) A purificdtkou procedure was developed for obtainyng larbe amounts of hoiogemqous gegombinant calretinin from plasmiss.", "random_deletion": "(2) Several approaches were used to search target Iodinated calretinin found to bind fractions nitrocellulose blots of dimensional SDS gels; A purification procedure was developed for large amounts of homogeneous recombinant calretinin from plasmids.", "change_char_case": " (2) Several approaches were used To search foR calrEtiNin TaRget ProtEins. Iodinated cALretInin was found to bind to prOteinS iN SeveRAl SubceLlular fRAcTIOns On NiTroCeLLuLose bLotS of one dImensional sDS GeLs; (3) A purificatIOn Procedure wAs dEveloped for oBtaIning lArGe aMOunts Of hOmogeNeous rECombinAnt calretInIN from pLAsmids.", "whitespace_perturbation": " (2) Several approaches we re used to sear chfor c alre tini n target prote i ns.Iodinated calretinin w as fo un d tob in d toprotein s i n sev er al su bc e ll ularfra ctionson nitroce llu lo se blots ofo ne dimension alSDS gels; (3 ) A purif ic ati o n pro ced ure w as dev e lopedfor obtai ni n g larg e amount s of hom ogeneous recombin a nt calretinin fro m plas mi d s. ", "underscore_trick": " (2)_Several approaches_were used to search_for calretinin_target_proteins. Iodinated_calretinin_was found to_bind to proteins_in several subcellular fractions_on nitrocellulose blots_of_one dimensional SDS gels; (3) A purification procedure was developed for obtaining large amounts_of_homogeneous recombinant_calretinin_from_plasmids."} +{"text": " We propose to study regional specification and pattern formation in Xenopus embryos using as a focus the Xhox-1 homeobox genes and the Myo-D gene. In previous work we devised an overexpression assay to address the function of the Xhox-1A gene and demonstrated that it is likely to be involved", "synonym_substitution": "We propose to study regional specification and pattern constitution in Xenopus embryo using as a focus the Xhox-1 homeobox genes and the Myo - five hundred gene. In previous work we devised an overexpression try to cover the function of the Xhox-1A gene and demonstrated that it is likely to be involved", "butter_fingers": " We propose to study regionxl specificatiou and pettern rormatiov in Xenopus embryos using ad q focys the Xhox-1 homeobox gdnes and nhe Myo-D tene. Un previous work wc devjded cn overexpressiok assay to dddress the futcgiln of the Xhox-1A gene and demonstratqd that ih is likely to be pndolvsd", "random_deletion": "We propose to study regional specification and in embryos using a focus the Myo-D In previous work devised an overexpression to address the function of the gene and demonstrated that it is likely to be involved", "change_char_case": " We propose to study regional sPecificatiOn and PatTerN fOrmaTion In Xenopus embryOS usiNg as a focus the Xhox-1 homeoBox geNeS And tHE MYo-D geNe. In preVIoUS WorK wE dEviSeD An OvereXprEssion aSsay to addrEss ThE function of tHE XHox-1A gene anD deMonstrated thAt iT is likElY to BE invoLveD", "whitespace_perturbation": " We propose to study regio nal specif icati onand p atte rn f ormation in Xe n opus embryos using as a fo cus t he Xhox - 1homeo box gen e sa n d t he M yo- Dg en e. In pr eviouswork we de vis ed an overexpr e ss ion assaytoaddress thefun ctionof th e Xhox -1A gene and d e monstr ated that i t is li k ely tob e i nvol ved", "underscore_trick": " We_propose to_study regional specification and_pattern formation_in_Xenopus embryos_using_as a focus_the Xhox-1 homeobox_genes and the Myo-D_gene. In previous_work_we devised an overexpression assay to address the function of the Xhox-1A gene and_demonstrated_that it_is_likely_to be involved"} +{"text": " NIAID we have investigated this in a cotton rat herpes virus infection model for chemotherapy induced Herpes Zoster. Herpes infection of dorsal root ganglia results in extremely painful inflammatory responses along nerve tracts. It has been reported that VZV infection produces TLR ligands and we have found that peripheral neurons present in dorsal root ganglia", "synonym_substitution": "NIAID we have investigated this in a cotton rat herpes virus infection model for chemotherapy induced Herpes Zoster. Herpes contagion of dorsal ancestor ganglia results in highly painful incendiary responses along nerve nerve pathway. It has been report that VZV infection produce TLR ligands and we have found that peripheral nerve cell present in dorsal root ganglia", "butter_fingers": " NIWID we have investigated this in a cotton rat ierpes birus inwection model for chemothera'y ibducee Herpes Zoster. Herpes infectioj of dorwal coot ganglia resnmts in crtremspy pciiful inflammatoty responses along nerve tsaztd. It has been reported that VZV infqction lrlduces TLR ligwnds wnd sv mave found that peripheral neurohs prestnt in dorsal root ganglia", "random_deletion": "NIAID we have investigated this in a herpes infection model chemotherapy induced Herpes root results in extremely inflammatory responses along tracts. It has been reported that infection produces TLR ligands and we have found that peripheral neurons present in root ganglia", "change_char_case": " NIAID we have investigated thIs in a cottoN rat hErpEs vIrUs inFectIon model for cheMOtheRapy induced Herpes ZosteR. HerpEs INfecTIoN of doRsal rooT GaNGLia ReSuLts In EXtRemelY paInful inFlammatory ResPoNses along nerVE tRacts. It has BeeN reported thaT VZv infecTiOn pROduceS TLr ligaNds and WE have fOund that pErIPheral NEurons pRESeNt in Dorsal root ganglia", "whitespace_perturbation": " NIAID we have investigate d this ina cot ton ra therp es v irus infection mode l for chemotherapy ind ucedHe r pesZ os ter.Herpesi nf e c tio nof do rs a lrootgan glia re sults in e xtr em ely painfuli nf lammatoryres ponses along ne rve tr ac ts. It ha s b een r eporte d thatVZV infec ti o n prod u ces TLR l ig ands and we have foun d t h at peripheralneuron sp re s e ntindorsal roo tgangl i a", "underscore_trick": " NIAID_we have_investigated this in a_cotton rat_herpes_virus infection_model_for chemotherapy induced_Herpes Zoster. Herpes_infection of dorsal root_ganglia results in_extremely_painful inflammatory responses along nerve tracts. It has been reported that VZV infection produces_TLR_ligands and_we_have_found that peripheral neurons present_in dorsal root ganglia"} +{"text": " achieving close to complete ascertainment of patients with schizophrenia in the Azores. This will be a valuable sample for linkage disequilibrium approaches given the nature of the Azorean population and provide us with a unique epidemiologic frame. These complementary strategies will allow us to cross validate any positive results. The careful diagnostic definition of phenotype will", "synonym_substitution": "achieving close to complete ascertainment of patients with schizophrenia in the Azores. This will be a valuable sample distribution for linkage disequilibrium approach given the nature of the Azorean population and leave us with a singular epidemiologic frame. These complementary strategy will admit us to cross validate any convinced results. The careful diagnostic definition of phenotype will", "butter_fingers": " acjieving close to complett ascertainment oy patieits witg schizoohrenia in the Azores. This wmll ve a caluable sample for livkage disvquilibriym akproaches given tis naturc of fme Azmcean population and provige us with a utiduz epidemiologic frame. These complemegtary syrwtegies will ajlow ts tk cross validate any positive resumts. The careful diagmostic definition of phenohype will", "random_deletion": "achieving close to complete ascertainment of patients in Azores. This be a valuable given nature of the population and provide with a unique epidemiologic frame. These strategies will allow us to cross validate any positive results. The careful diagnostic of phenotype will", "change_char_case": " achieving close to complete aScertainmeNt of pAtiEntS wIth sChizOphrenia in the AZOres. this will be a valuable samPle foR lINkagE DiSequiLibrium APpROAchEs GiVen ThE NaTure oF thE AzoreaN populatioN anD pRovide us with A UnIque epidemIolOgic frame. TheSe cOmplemEnTarY StratEgiEs wilL allow US to croSs validatE aNY positIVe resulTS. thE carEful diagnostic defINiTIon of phenotype Will", "whitespace_perturbation": " achieving close to comple te ascerta inmen t o f p at ient s wi th schizophren i a in the Azores. This will be a v a luab l esampl e for l i nk a g e d is eq uil ib r iu m app roa ches gi ven the na tur eof the Azore a npopulation an d provide us wi th a u ni que epide mio logic frame . These compleme nt a ry str a tegiesw i ll all ow us to cross va l id a te any positiv e resu lt s .T h e c are ful diagno st ic de f inition of p h eno t ype will", "underscore_trick": " achieving_close to_complete ascertainment of patients_with schizophrenia_in_the Azores._This_will be a_valuable sample for_linkage disequilibrium approaches given_the nature of_the_Azorean population and provide us with a unique epidemiologic frame. These complementary strategies will_allow_us to_cross_validate_any positive results. The careful_diagnostic definition of phenotype will"} +{"text": ": To determine the effects of oral ubiquinol, D-ribose, or a combination of the two administered over 12 weeks on symptoms accompanying low bioenergetics in patients with HFpEF. The measures used to assess patients' perceptions of their health status and level of vigor (energy) will be", "synonym_substitution": ": To determine the effects of oral ubiquinol, D - ribose, or a combination of the two administered over 12 week on symptom accompanying low bioenergetics in patients with HFpEF. The measure used to assess affected role' perception of their health status and degree of vigor (energy) will be", "butter_fingers": ": To determine the effects on oral ubiquinol, D-ribosx, or a dombinatkon of the two administered lvwr 12 wtvks on symptoms accomoanying llw bioenwrgeuics in patients xjth HFpCY. The leasbrxs used to assexs patientv' perceptions mf tkeir health status and level of vigow (energu) aill be", "random_deletion": ": To determine the effects of oral or combination of two administered over low in patients with The measures used assess patients' perceptions of their health and level of vigor (energy) will be", "change_char_case": ": To determine the effects of orAl ubiquinoL, D-ribOse, Or a CoMbinAtioN of the two adminISterEd over 12 weeks on symptoms aCcompAnYIng lOW bIoeneRgetics IN pATIenTs WiTh Hfpef. THe meaSurEs used tO assess patIenTs' Perceptions oF ThEir health sTatUs and level of VigOr (enerGy) WilL Be", "whitespace_perturbation": ": To determine the effects of oral u biqui nol , D -r ibos e, o r a combinatio n ofthe two administered o ver 1 2w eeks on symp toms ac c om p a nyi ng l owbi o en erget ics in pat ients with HF pE F. The measu r es used to a sse ss patients' pe rcepti on s o f thei r h ealth statu s and l evel of v ig o r (ene r gy) wil l be ", "underscore_trick": ": To_determine the_effects of oral ubiquinol,_D-ribose, or_a_combination of_the_two administered over_12 weeks on_symptoms accompanying low bioenergetics_in patients with_HFpEF._The measures used to assess patients' perceptions of their health status and level of_vigor_(energy) will_be"} +{"text": " research expertise, and global stakeholder links, we propose the following aims: (1) Develop a theoretical framework about HIV cure research and early implementation using historical, conceptual and ethical data; (2) Determine HIV cure stakeholder perspectives on cure research and early implementation in Cape Town, South Africa, Guangzhou, China,", "synonym_substitution": "research expertise, and global stakeholder links, we nominate the take after aims: (1) Develop a theoretical framework about HIV remedy research and early implementation using historic, conceptual and ethical data; (2) Determine HIV remedy stakeholder perspectives on remedy research and early implementation in Cape Town, South Africa, Guangzhou, China,", "butter_fingers": " redearch expertise, and glonal stakeholder links, wx propoae the fullowing aims: (1) Develop a thelrwticao framework about HIV zure resewrch and earot implemenvztion using hjdtorncel, conceptual akd ethical gata; (2) Determina FIR cure stakeholder perspectives on ctre resragch and early ympltmegtatjon in Cape Town, South Africa, Guanfzhou, Ciina,", "random_deletion": "research expertise, and global stakeholder links, we following (1) Develop theoretical framework about implementation historical, conceptual and data; (2) Determine cure stakeholder perspectives on cure research early implementation in Cape Town, South Africa, Guangzhou, China,", "change_char_case": " research expertise, and globaL stakeholdEr linKs, wE prOpOse tHe foLlowing aims: (1) DevELop a Theoretical framework abOut HIv cURe reSEaRch anD early iMPlEMEntAtIoN usInG HiStoriCal, ConceptUal and ethiCal DaTa; (2) Determine Hiv cUre stakehoLdeR perspectiveS on Cure reSeArcH And eaRly ImpleMentatIOn in CaPe Town, SouTh aFrica, GUAngzhou, cHInA,", "whitespace_perturbation": " research expertise, and g lobal stak ehold erlin ks , we pro pose the follo w ingaims: (1) Develop a th eoret ic a l fr a me workabout H I Vc u rere se arc ha nd earl y i mplemen tation usi nghi storical, co n ce ptual andeth ical data; ( 2)Determ in e H I V cur e s takeh olderp erspec tives oncu r e rese a rch and e ar ly i mplementation inC ap e Town, South A frica, G u an g z hou , C hina,", "underscore_trick": " research_expertise, and_global stakeholder links, we_propose the_following_aims: (1)_Develop_a theoretical framework_about HIV cure_research and early implementation_using historical, conceptual_and_ethical data; (2) Determine HIV cure stakeholder perspectives on cure research and early implementation_in_Cape Town,_South_Africa,_Guangzhou, China,"} +{"text": ". Investigate the role of UFM1 signaling in prostate cancer therapy. Our studies will comprehensively reveal a novel function of UFL1 signaling in the DNA damage response and radiosensitivity. In addition, it will reveal a new therapeutic strategy based on synthetic lethality in treating prostate cancer cells, especially those with deletion of", "synonym_substitution": ". Investigate the role of UFM1 signaling in prostate cancer therapy. Our studies will comprehensively uncover a fresh function of UFL1 signaling in the DNA price answer and radiosensitivity. In addition, it will unwrap a modern therapeutic scheme free-base on synthetic deadliness in treating prostate cancer cells, especially those with omission of", "butter_fingers": ". Ingestigate the role of UFO1 signaling in kristate canced theraph. Our studies will comprehendicely eeveal a novel functiov of UFL1 dignalint in rhe DNA damage resijnse wnd xaviosensitivity. Ln addition, it will revean x uew therapeutic strategy based on sygthetic lfthality in trgatinb proanaue cancer cells, especially those sith denetion of", "random_deletion": ". Investigate the role of UFM1 signaling cancer Our studies comprehensively reveal a in DNA damage response radiosensitivity. In addition, will reveal a new therapeutic strategy on synthetic lethality in treating prostate cancer cells, especially those with deletion of", "change_char_case": ". Investigate the role of UFM1 siGnaling in pRostaTe cAncEr TherApy. OUr studies will cOMpreHensively reveal a novel fUnctiOn OF UFL1 SIgNalinG in the Dna dAMAge ReSpOnsE aND rAdiosEnsItivity. in addition, It wIlL reveal a new tHErApeutic strAteGy based on synTheTic letHaLitY In treAtiNg proState cANcer ceLls, especiAlLY those WIth deleTIOn Of", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Investigate the role ofUFM1 signa linginpro st atecanc er therapy. Ou r stu dies will comprehensiv ely r ev e al a no vel f unction of U FL1 s ig nal in g i n the DN A damag e response an dradiosensiti v it y. In addi tio n, it will r eve al a n ew th e rapeu tic stra tegy b a sed on syntheti cl ethali t y in tr e a ti ng p rostate cancer ce l ls , especially th ose wi th de l e tio n o f", "underscore_trick": ". Investigate_the role_of UFM1 signaling in_prostate cancer_therapy._Our studies_will_comprehensively reveal a_novel function of_UFL1 signaling in the_DNA damage response_and_radiosensitivity. In addition, it will reveal a new therapeutic strategy based on synthetic lethality_in_treating prostate_cancer_cells,_especially those with deletion of"} +{"text": " E2 enzymes (UbcH5A-C) have been cloned and characterized. These E2s are widely expressed in human tissues and function in conjunction with the only characterized human E3, E6-AP, in the ubiquitination of proteins. We have also been studying a novel yeast E2, U", "synonym_substitution": "E2 enzymes (UbcH5A - C) have been cloned and characterized. These E2s are widely carry in human tissue and function in conjunction with the only characterize human E3, E6 - AP, in the ubiquitination of proteins. We have also been learn a fresh yeast E2, U", "butter_fingers": " E2 fnzymes (UbcH5A-C) have been cloned and chataxterizxd. Thess E2s are widely expressed in human tmssuws ane function in conjunctkon with nhe only xharecterized human X3, E6-AP, in the uglquitnnetion of proteiks. We have dlso been studfivg a novel yeast E2, U", "random_deletion": "E2 enzymes (UbcH5A-C) have been cloned and E2s widely expressed human tissues and only human E3, E6-AP, the ubiquitination of We have also been studying a yeast E2, U", "change_char_case": " E2 enzymes (UbcH5A-C) have been cloNed and charActerIzeD. ThEsE E2s aRe wiDely expressed iN HumaN tissues and function in cOnjunCtIOn wiTH tHe onlY characTErIZEd hUmAn e3, E6-Ap, iN ThE ubiqUitInation Of proteins. we hAvE also been stuDYiNg a novel yeAst e2, U", "whitespace_perturbation": " E2 enzymes (UbcH5A-C) hav e been clo ned a ndcha ra cter ized . These E2s ar e wid ely expressed in human tiss ue s and fu nctio n in co n ju n c tio nwi thth e o nly c har acteriz ed human E 3,E6 -AP, in theu bi quitinatio n o f proteins.Wehave a ls o b e en st udy ing a novel yeastE2, U", "underscore_trick": " E2_enzymes (UbcH5A-C)_have been cloned and_characterized. These_E2s_are widely_expressed_in human tissues_and function in_conjunction with the only_characterized human E3,_E6-AP,_in the ubiquitination of proteins. We have also been studying a novel yeast E2,_U"} +{"text": " cell culture model of mutant SOD1-linked ALS. 4) To determine whether Bcl-2 mediates mutant SOD1 mitochondrial translocation. 5) To study the correlation between mutant SOD1/Bcl-2-containing aggregates and ALS using transgenic ALS mice and patients. In this project, the investigators propose to study the pathophysiology", "synonym_substitution": "cell culture model of mutant SOD1 - linked ALS. 4) To settle whether Bcl-2 intercede mutant SOD1 mitochondrial translocation. 5) To study the correlation between mutant SOD1 / Bcl-2 - containing aggregate and ALS using transgenic ALS mouse and affected role. In this project, the research worker propose to study the pathophysiology", "butter_fingers": " cepl culture model of mutakt SOD1-linked ALS. 4) To devermine whether Bcl-2 mediates mutant SOD1 mitlcyondrual translocation. 5) To rtudy the correlarion vetween muvznt SOD1/Nel-2-confwiniug aggregates anc ALS usinc transgenic ANS mnce and patients. In this project, the investogwtors propose jo stldr ths pathophysiology", "random_deletion": "cell culture model of mutant SOD1-linked ALS. determine Bcl-2 mediates SOD1 mitochondrial translocation. between SOD1/Bcl-2-containing aggregates and using transgenic ALS and patients. In this project, the propose to study the pathophysiology", "change_char_case": " cell culture model of mutant SoD1-linked ALs. 4) To deTerMinE wHethEr BcL-2 mediates mutanT sOD1 mItochondrial translocatIon. 5) To StUDy thE CoRrelaTion betWEeN MUtaNt sOd1/BcL-2-cONtAininG agGregateS and ALS usiNg tRaNsgenic ALS miCE aNd patients. in tHis project, thE inVestigAtOrs PRoposE to Study The patHOphysiOlogy", "whitespace_perturbation": " cell culture model of mut ant SOD1-l inked AL S.4) Todete rmine whetherB cl-2 mediates mutant SOD1mitoc ho n dria l t ransl ocation . 5 ) Tost ud y t he co rrela tio n betwe en mutantSOD 1/ Bcl-2-contai n in g aggregat esand ALS usin g t ransge ni c A L S mic e a nd pa tients . In th is projec t, the in v estigat o r sprop ose to study thep at h ophysiology", "underscore_trick": " cell_culture model_of mutant SOD1-linked ALS._4) To_determine_whether Bcl-2_mediates_mutant SOD1 mitochondrial_translocation. 5) To_study the correlation between_mutant SOD1/Bcl-2-containing aggregates_and_ALS using transgenic ALS mice and patients. In this project, the investigators propose to_study_the pathophysiology"} +{"text": " catalyze CO/CO2 redox. Many of these developments (recombinant biosynthesis of active alpha, discovery of the tunnel and of active site coupling) arose from efforts of the previous granting period which resulted in 11 publications. The methodologies used for the project include enzyme kinetics (stopped-flow, rapid freeze-qu", "synonym_substitution": "catalyze CO / CO2 redox. Many of these developments (recombinant biosynthesis of active alpha, discovery of the tunnel and of active site yoke) arise from efforts of the previous granting time period which leave in 11 publications. The methodologies use for the undertaking include enzyme kinetics (stopped - flow, rapid freeze - qu", "butter_fingers": " cahalyze CO/CO2 redox. Many on these developmgnrs (recmmbinaht biosyvthesis of active alpha, disclvwry od the tunnel and of acgive site couplint) ariwe from efhkrts of the pdcviouv granting peripd which rasulted in 11 putlkcctions. The methodologies used for thq projevt include enzymg kinttiss (sfopped-flow, rapid freeze-qu", "random_deletion": "catalyze CO/CO2 redox. Many of these developments of alpha, discovery the tunnel and from of the previous period which resulted 11 publications. The methodologies used for project include enzyme kinetics (stopped-flow, rapid freeze-qu", "change_char_case": " catalyze CO/CO2 redox. Many of thEse developMents (RecOmbInAnt bIosyNthesis of activE AlphA, discovery of the tunnel aNd of aCtIVe siTE cOupliNg) arose FRoM EFfoRtS oF thE pREvIous gRanTing perIod which reSulTeD in 11 publicatiONs. the methodoLogIes used for thE prOject iNcLudE EnzymE kiNeticS (stoppED-flow, rApid freezE-qU", "whitespace_perturbation": " catalyze CO/CO2 redox. Ma ny of thes e dev elo pme nt s (r ecom binant biosynt h esis of active alpha, disc overy o f the tu nneland ofa ct i v e s it ecou pl i ng ) aro sefrom ef forts of t hepr evious grant i ng period wh ich resulted in 11 publi ca tio n s. Th e m ethod ologie s usedfor the p ro j ect in c lude en z y me kin etics (stopped-fl o w, rapid freeze-q u", "underscore_trick": " catalyze_CO/CO2 redox._Many of these developments_(recombinant biosynthesis_of_active alpha,_discovery_of the tunnel_and of active_site coupling) arose from_efforts of the_previous_granting period which resulted in 11 publications. The methodologies used for the project include_enzyme_kinetics (stopped-flow,_rapid_freeze-qu"} +{"text": " will be used to amplify appropriate areas of DNA. Parallel studies will be undertaken in cell lines and primary cultures of epithelial cells. Finally, the effects of retinoids and thyroid hormones on differentiating epidermis in tissue culture will be determined. Thus, our aims in the 5 years for which we are requesting support will be: 1", "synonym_substitution": "will be used to amplify appropriate areas of DNA. Parallel studies will be undertake in cellular telephone lines and primary acculturation of epithelial cell. Finally, the effects of retinoids and thyroid gland hormones on differentiating epidermis in tissue culture will be determine. Thus, our aims in the 5 year for which we are requesting support will be: 1", "butter_fingers": " wipl be used to amplify apkropriate areas oy DNA. Perallel studies will be undertaken in cell pibes abd primary cultures of epitheliwl cells. Finelly, the effects of retikjids wnd chbroid hormones pn differettiating epidesmks in tissue culture will be determinqd. Thus, okr aims in the 5 yesws fkg chich we are requesting support will bt: 1", "random_deletion": "will be used to amplify appropriate areas Parallel will be in cell lines cells. the effects of and thyroid hormones differentiating epidermis in tissue culture will determined. Thus, our aims in the 5 years for which we are requesting will be: 1", "change_char_case": " will be used to amplify appropRiate areas Of DNA. parAllEl StudIes wIll be undertakeN In ceLl lines and primary cultuRes of EpIThelIAl Cells. finally, THe EFFecTs Of RetInOIdS and tHyrOid hormOnes on diffEreNtIating epiderMIs In tissue cuLtuRe will be deteRmiNed. ThuS, oUr aIMs in tHe 5 yEars fOr whicH We are rEquesting SuPPort wiLL be: 1", "whitespace_perturbation": " will be used to amplify a ppropriate area s o f D NA . Pa rall el studies wil l beundertaken in cell lin es an dp rima r ycultu res ofe pi t h eli al c ell s. Fi nally , t he effe cts of ret ino id s and thyroi d h ormones on di fferentiatin g e piderm is in tissu e c ultur e will be det ermined.Th u s, our aims in t he 5 y ears for which we ar e requesting su pportwi l lb e : 1 ", "underscore_trick": " will_be used_to amplify appropriate areas_of DNA._Parallel_studies will_be_undertaken in cell_lines and primary_cultures of epithelial cells._Finally, the effects_of_retinoids and thyroid hormones on differentiating epidermis in tissue culture will be determined. Thus,_our_aims in_the_5_years for which we are_requesting support will be: 1"} +{"text": " of stored blood. This line of research has resulted in the publication of 5 papers to date. The objective of this project is to use a retrovirus-based mouse model system to understand how inappropriate activation of transcription factors in hematopoietic cells can result in the development of leukemia. We have been studying the myb-ets-", "synonym_substitution": "of stored blood. This line of research has resulted in the issue of 5 composition to date. The objective of this project is to practice a retrovirus - based shiner model system to sympathize how inappropriate activation of transcription factors in hematopoietic cell can result in the development of leukemia. We have been learn the myb - ets-", "butter_fingers": " of stored blood. This line uf research has resultxd in tge publization of 5 papers to date. Thx obhectice of this project is go use a getroviruw-bastd mouse model system to mudersfwnd kox inappropriate activatiot of transcripdiun factors in hematopoietic cells can result ij the developmgnt og leuivmla. We have been studying the myb-sts-", "random_deletion": "of stored blood. This line of research in publication of papers to date. is use a retrovirus-based model system to how inappropriate activation of transcription factors hematopoietic cells can result in the development of leukemia. We have been studying myb-ets-", "change_char_case": " of stored blood. This line of reSearch has rEsultEd iN thE pUbliCatiOn of 5 papers to daTE. The Objective of this project Is to uSe A RetrOViRus-baSed mousE MoDEL syStEm To uNdERsTand hOw iNappropRiate activAtiOn Of transcriptIOn Factors in hEmaTopoietic celLs cAn resuLt In tHE deveLopMent oF leukeMIa. We haVe been stuDyINg the mYB-ets-", "whitespace_perturbation": " of stored blood. This lin e of resea rch h asres ul tedin t he publication of 5 papers to date. The o bject iv e oft hi s pro ject is to u seare tro vi r us -base d m ouse mo del system to u nderstand ho w i nappropria teactivation o f t ranscr ip tio n fact ors in h ematop o ieticcells can r e sult i n the de v e lo pmen t of leukemia. We ha v e been studyin g themy b -e t s -", "underscore_trick": " of_stored blood._This line of research_has resulted_in_the publication_of_5 papers to_date. The objective_of this project is_to use a_retrovirus-based_mouse model system to understand how inappropriate activation of transcription factors in hematopoietic cells_can_result in_the_development_of leukemia. We have been_studying the myb-ets-"} +{"text": " bilayer, thereby associating the protein moiety with the lipid bilayer of choice, for example, a liposome or viable cell membrane. We have demonstrated that a ganglioside conjugate with rabbit IgG can associate with human or sheep erythrocytes, since the cells may be hemagglutinated with goat anti-rabbit IgG after incubation with", "synonym_substitution": "bilayer, thereby associating the protein moiety with the lipid bilayer of choice, for example, a liposome or viable cellular telephone membrane. We have attest that a ganglioside conjugate with rabbit immunoglobulin g can associate with human or sheep red blood cell, since the cells may be hemagglutinated with goat anti - rabbit immunoglobulin g after incubation with", "butter_fingers": " bipayer, thereby associatinn the protein monwty wivh the mipid biuayer of choice, for example, e liposomt or viable cell meobrane. We have denonsurated that a ganjmioside conjufwte civh rabbit IgG csn associade with human mr skeep erythrocytes, since the cells mar be hekahglutinated wijh gose anfp-rcbbit IgG after incubation with", "random_deletion": "bilayer, thereby associating the protein moiety with bilayer choice, for a liposome or demonstrated a ganglioside conjugate rabbit IgG can with human or sheep erythrocytes, since cells may be hemagglutinated with goat anti-rabbit IgG after incubation with", "change_char_case": " bilayer, thereby associating The protein MoietY wiTh tHe LipiD bilAyer of choice, foR ExamPle, a liposome or viable ceLl memBrANe. We HAvE demoNstrateD ThAT A gaNgLiOsiDe COnJugatE wiTh rabbiT IgG can assOciAtE with human or SHeEp erythrocYteS, since the celLs mAy be heMaGglUTinatEd wIth goAt anti-RAbbit IGG after inCuBAtion wITh", "whitespace_perturbation": " bilayer, thereby associat ing the pr otein mo iet ywith the lipid bilayer of c hoice, for example, alipos om e orv ia ble c ell mem b ra n e . W eha vede m on strat edthat agangliosid e c on jugate withr ab bit IgG ca n a ssociate wit h h uman o rshe e p ery thr ocyte s, sin c e thecells may b e hemag g lutinat e d w ithgoat anti-rabbitI gG after incubati on wit h", "underscore_trick": " bilayer,_thereby associating_the protein moiety with_the lipid_bilayer_of choice,_for_example, a liposome_or viable cell_membrane. We have demonstrated_that a ganglioside_conjugate_with rabbit IgG can associate with human or sheep erythrocytes, since the cells may_be_hemagglutinated with_goat_anti-rabbit_IgG after incubation with"} +{"text": "assays for it. Such assays then will permit the specific measurement of NGF in man. More recent studies have shown that NGF can significantly promote the healing of experimentally induced wounds in animals, that it can substitute specifically for the first component of human complement, and that it is chemotactic for leukocytes. These findings indicate", "synonym_substitution": "assays for it. Such assays then will permit the specific measurement of NGF in man. More late cogitation have shown that NGF can importantly promote the healing of experimentally induce wounds in animal, that it can substitute specifically for the first component of human complement, and that it is chemotactic for leukocytes. These determination indicate", "butter_fingers": "asswys for it. Such assays tmen will permit jhw specmfic mezsuremeng of NGF in man. More recent dtydies have shown that NGF cxn signifpcantly peomoue the healing of experimcutallg indbcxd wounds in anlmals, that ht can substitgtd dpecifically for the first componene of hukaj complement, agd tnwt if is chemotactic for leukocytes. Thsse finvings indicate", "random_deletion": "assays for it. Such assays then will specific of NGF man. More recent can promote the healing experimentally induced wounds animals, that it can substitute specifically the first component of human complement, and that it is chemotactic for leukocytes. findings indicate", "change_char_case": "assays for it. Such assays then Will permit The spEciFic MeAsurEmenT of NGF in man. MorE ReceNt studies have shown that nGF caN sIGnifICaNtly pRomote tHE hEALinG oF eXpeRiMEnTally IndUced wouNds in animaLs, tHaT it can substiTUtE specificaLly For the first cOmpOnent oF hUmaN ComplEmeNt, and That it IS chemoTactic for LeUKocyteS. these fiNDInGs inDicate", "whitespace_perturbation": "assays for it. Such assays then will perm itthe s peci ficmeasurement of NGFin man. More recent st udies h a ve s h ow n tha t NGF c a ns i gni fi ca ntl yp ro motethe healin g of exper ime nt ally induced wo unds in an ima ls, that itcan subst it ute speci fic allyfor th e first componen to f huma n comple m e nt , an d that it is chem o ta c tic for leukoc ytes.Th e se f ind ing s indicate ", "underscore_trick": "assays for_it. Such_assays then will permit_the specific_measurement_of NGF_in_man. More recent_studies have shown_that NGF can significantly_promote the healing_of_experimentally induced wounds in animals, that it can substitute specifically for the first component_of_human complement,_and_that_it is chemotactic for leukocytes._These findings indicate"} +{"text": "ade), AIDS related malignancies (Dr. Liebowitz), surgical oncology (Dr. Michelassi) and pathology (Dr. Vardiman); (4) to encourage Chicago faculty to be protocol chairs for future protocols; and (5) to actively assist and participate in the CALGB committees of audit, minority", "synonym_substitution": "ade), AIDS related malignancies (Dr. Liebowitz), surgical oncology (Dr. Michelassi) and pathology (Dr. Vardiman); (4) to encourage Chicago faculty to be protocol president for future protocol; and (5) to actively assist and participate in the CALGB committees of audited account, minority", "butter_fingers": "ade), AIDS related malignancits (Dr. Liebowitz), sortical mncolofy (Dr. Mizhelassi) and pathology (Dr. Vacdimqn); (4) ti encourage Chicago fazulty to he protoxol rhairs for futurx protocols; ans (5) to ectively assist and partiwipate in the WAUGY committees of audit, minority", "random_deletion": "ade), AIDS related malignancies (Dr. Liebowitz), surgical Michelassi) pathology (Dr. (4) to encourage chairs future protocols; and to actively assist participate in the CALGB committees of minority", "change_char_case": "ade), AIDS related malignancieS (Dr. LiebowiTz), surGicAl oNcOlogY (Dr. MIchelassi) and paTHoloGy (Dr. Vardiman); (4) to encouragE ChicAgO FacuLTy To be pRotocol CHaIRS foR fUtUre PrOToCols; aNd (5) tO activeLy assist anD paRtIcipate in the caLgB committeEs oF audit, minoriTy", "whitespace_perturbation": "ade), AIDS related maligna ncies (Dr. Lieb owi tz) ,surg ical oncology (Dr. Mich elassi) and pathology(Dr.Va r dima n ); (4)to enco u ra g e Ch ic ag o f ac u lt y tobeprotoco l chairs f orfu ture protoco l s; and (5) t o a ctively assi stand pa rt ici p ate i n t he CA LGB co m mittee s of audi t, minori t y", "underscore_trick": "ade), AIDS_related malignancies_(Dr. Liebowitz), surgical oncology_(Dr. Michelassi)_and_pathology (Dr._Vardiman);_(4) to encourage_Chicago faculty to_be protocol chairs for_future protocols; and_(5)_to actively assist and participate in the CALGB committees of audit, minority"} +{"text": " therapy. We have previously expressed a TAT-GC fusion protein in which recombinant glucocerebrosidase (GC) is fused to 11-amino acid peptide from the HIV-1 transactivator protein (TAT) which functions to facilitate the transport of the enzyme across the plasma membrane of a variety of cell", "synonym_substitution": "therapy. We have previously expressed a TAT - GC fusion protein in which recombinant glucocerebrosidase (GC) is fused to 11 - amino acid peptide from the HIV-1 transactivator protein (TAT) which functions to help the ecstasy of the enzyme across the plasma membrane of a variety of cell", "butter_fingers": " thfrapy. We have previously expressed a TAJ-GX fusimn profein in dhich recombinant glucocerebcosiease (TC) is fused to 11-amino azid peptife from rhe IIV-1 transactivator protelu (TAT) ahick hunctions to fagilitate tha transport of tfe enzyme across the plasma membrane jf a vatifty of cell", "random_deletion": "therapy. We have previously expressed a TAT-GC in recombinant glucocerebrosidase is fused to HIV-1 protein (TAT) which to facilitate the of the enzyme across the plasma of a variety of cell", "change_char_case": " therapy. We have previously exPressed a TAt-GC fuSioN prOtEin iN whiCh recombinant gLUcocErebrosidase (GC) is fused tO 11-aminO aCId pePTiDe froM the HIV-1 TRaNSActIvAtOr pRoTEiN (TAT) wHicH functiOns to facilItaTe The transport OF tHe enzyme acRosS the plasma meMbrAne of a VaRieTY of ceLl", "whitespace_perturbation": " therapy. We have previous ly express ed aTAT -GC f usio n pr otein in which reco mbinant glucocerebrosi dase(G C ) is fu sed t o 11-am i no a cid p ep tid ef ro m the HI V-1 tra nsactivato r p ro tein (TAT) w h ic h function s t o facilitate th e tran sp ort of th e e nzyme acros s the p lasma mem br a ne ofa variet y of cel l", "underscore_trick": " therapy._We have_previously expressed a TAT-GC_fusion protein_in_which recombinant_glucocerebrosidase_(GC) is fused_to 11-amino acid_peptide from the HIV-1_transactivator protein (TAT)_which_functions to facilitate the transport of the enzyme across the plasma membrane of a_variety_of cell"} +{"text": " in Fmr1 knockout mice that lack the Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), using immunohistochemical methods. Importantly, the patterns of expression of the 12 subunit will be followed throughout early postnatal development in wild-type and Fmr1 knockout mice in order to identify early changes that could be associated with loss", "synonym_substitution": "in Fmr1 knockout mice that lack the Fragile X mental slowdown protein (FMRP), use immunohistochemical methods. Importantly, the patterns of expression of the 12 fractional monetary unit will be followed throughout early postnatal development in wild - character and Fmr1 smasher mice in order to identify early changes that could be associated with passing", "butter_fingers": " in Fmr1 knockout mice that uack the Fragilg Z mentel retaddation orotein (FMRP), using immunohisvochwmicao methods. Importantly, ghe pattegns of expreswuon of the 12 subunib wilm be yoolowed throughput early [ostnatal devenoomznt in wild-type and Fmr1 knockout micq in orceg to identify garly shanfvs that could be associated witg loss", "random_deletion": "in Fmr1 knockout mice that lack the mental protein (FMRP), immunohistochemical methods. Importantly, the subunit will be throughout early postnatal in wild-type and Fmr1 knockout mice order to identify early changes that could be associated with loss", "change_char_case": " in Fmr1 knockout mice that lack The Fragile x mentAl rEtaRdAtioN proTein (FMRP), using iMMunoHistochemical methods. ImPortaNtLY, the PAtTerns Of expreSSiON Of tHe 12 SuBunIt WIlL be foLloWed throUghout earlY poStNatal developMEnT in wild-typE anD Fmr1 knockout MicE in ordEr To iDEntifY eaRly chAnges tHAt coulD be associAtED with lOSs", "whitespace_perturbation": " in Fmr1 knockout mice tha t lack the Frag ile Xme ntal ret ardation prote i n (F MRP), using immunohist ochem ic a l me t ho ds. I mportan t ly , the p at ter ns of expr ess ion ofthe 12 sub uni twill be foll o we d througho utearly postna tal devel op men t in w ild -type and F m r1 kno ckout mic ei n orde r to ide n t if y ea rly changes thatc ou l d be associate d with l o ss ", "underscore_trick": " in_Fmr1 knockout_mice that lack the_Fragile X_mental_retardation protein_(FMRP),_using immunohistochemical methods._Importantly, the patterns_of expression of the_12 subunit will_be_followed throughout early postnatal development in wild-type and Fmr1 knockout mice in order to_identify_early changes_that_could_be associated with loss"} +{"text": " dysfunction (PTTD) results in a debilitating flatfoot deformity which is increasingly recognized as a major problem in the treatment of foot and ankle disorders. In fact, this disorder is felt to be the number one foot and ankle problem requiring intensive scientific investigation. The deformity is caused, at least in part", "synonym_substitution": "dysfunction (PTTD) results in a debilitating flatfoot deformity which is increasingly recognized as a major trouble in the discussion of metrical foot and ankle disorders. In fact, this disorderliness is felt to be the issue one foot and ankle problem necessitate intensive scientific investigation. The deformity is cause, at least in part", "butter_fingers": " dydfunction (PTTD) results ik a debilitating flatfomt defkrmity wfich is increasingly recognived qs a najor problem in the tfeatment lf foot qnd enkle disorders. Mh fact, bkis djdordzr is felt to be the numbes one foot and avkpe problem requiring intensive sciegtific ongestigation. Thg defpwmitg is caused, at least in part", "random_deletion": "dysfunction (PTTD) results in a debilitating flatfoot is recognized as major problem in ankle In fact, this is felt to the number one foot and ankle requiring intensive scientific investigation. The deformity is caused, at least in part", "change_char_case": " dysfunction (PTTD) results in a DebilitatiNg flaTfoOt dEfOrmiTy whIch is increasinGLy reCognized as a major probleM in thE tREatmENt Of fooT and ankLE dISOrdErS. IN faCt, THiS disoRdeR is felt To be the numBer OnE foot and anklE PrOblem requiRinG intensive scIenTific iNvEstIGatioN. ThE defoRmity iS Caused, At least in PaRT", "whitespace_perturbation": " dysfunction (PTTD) result s in a deb ilita tin g f la tfoo t de formity whichi s in creasingly recognizedas ama j or p r ob lem i n the t r ea t m ent o ffoo ta nd ankl e d isorder s. In fact , t hi s disorder i s f elt to bethe number onefoo t andan kle probl emrequi ring i n tensiv e scienti fi c inves t igation . Th e de formity is caused , a t least in part ", "underscore_trick": " dysfunction_(PTTD) results_in a debilitating flatfoot_deformity which_is_increasingly recognized_as_a major problem_in the treatment_of foot and ankle_disorders. In fact,_this_disorder is felt to be the number one foot and ankle problem requiring intensive_scientific_investigation. The_deformity_is_caused, at least in part"} +{"text": "TG-gel and CAP-DTG-NPs-Gel using female NOD SCID gamma (NSG) mice for up to 7 days. Drug dissemination will be determined using HPLC analysis to measure DTG levels in dissected tissue. We will evaluate tolerability of DTG-gel and CAP-DTG-NPs", "synonym_substitution": "TG - gel and CAP - DTG - NPs - Gel using female NOD SCID gamma (NSG) mice for up to 7 day. Drug dispersion will be determined using HPLC psychoanalysis to measure DTG floor in dissected tissue. We will evaluate tolerability of DTG - gel and CAP - DTG - neptunium", "butter_fingers": "TG-gfl and CAP-DTG-NPs-Gel usinn female NOD SCIB gamma (NSG) mjce for jp to 7 days. Drug disseminatiln will be determined using HOLC analydis to mwasuce DTG levels in dissectcb tisame. We xill evaluate tplerabilitf of DTG-gel ang ZA'-DTG-NPs", "random_deletion": "TG-gel and CAP-DTG-NPs-Gel using female NOD SCID mice up to days. Drug dissemination analysis measure DTG levels dissected tissue. We evaluate tolerability of DTG-gel and CAP-DTG-NPs", "change_char_case": "TG-gel and CAP-DTG-NPs-Gel using Female NOD ScID gaMma (nSG) MiCe foR up tO 7 days. Drug disseMInatIon will be determined usiNg HPLc aNAlysIS tO measUre DTG lEVeLS In dIsSeCteD tISsUe. We wIll EvaluatE tolerabilIty Of dTG-gel and CAP-dtG-nPs", "whitespace_perturbation": "TG-gel and CAP-DTG-NPs-Gel using fem ale N ODSCI Dgamm a (N SG) mice for u p to7 days. Drug dissemina tionwi l l be de termi ned usi n gH P LCan al ysi st omeasu reDTG lev els in dis sec te d tissue. We wi ll evaluat e t olerabilityofDTG-ge land CAP-D TG- NPs", "underscore_trick": "TG-gel and_CAP-DTG-NPs-Gel using_female NOD SCID gamma_(NSG) mice_for_up to_7_days. Drug dissemination_will be determined_using HPLC analysis to_measure DTG levels_in_dissected tissue. We will evaluate tolerability of DTG-gel and CAP-DTG-NPs"} +{"text": " lines transfected with either V1a or V1b receptors showed that the pathways involved in transactivation of the MAPK pathway by VP are cell specific and independent of the V1 receptor subtype. This data suggest that VP released into the pituitary portal circulation during stress activates V1b receptor transcription through transactivation of the EGF receptor", "synonym_substitution": "lines transfected with either V1a or V1b receptors showed that the pathways imply in transactivation of the MAPK nerve pathway by VP are cell specific and independent of the V1 sense organ subtype. This data hint that VP released into the pituitary portal circulation during tension activate V1b receptor arrangement through transactivation of the EGF receptor", "butter_fingers": " lijes transfected with eitmer V1a or V1b recgprors siowed tgat the oathways involved in transacvivarion if the MAPK pathway by VP are cvll specidic end independent of the V1 recepflr sbbvype. This data xuggest thdt VP released ivtl the pituitary portal circulation quring xtgess activates V1b geseptkg uranscription through transactivafion of the EGF receltor", "random_deletion": "lines transfected with either V1a or V1b that pathways involved transactivation of the cell and independent of V1 receptor subtype. data suggest that VP released into pituitary portal circulation during stress activates V1b receptor transcription through transactivation of the receptor", "change_char_case": " lines transfected with eitheR V1a or V1b recEptorS shOweD tHat tHe paThways involved IN traNsactivation of the MAPK pAthwaY bY vP arE CeLl speCific anD InDEPenDeNt Of tHe v1 ReCeptoR suBtype. ThIs data suggEst ThAt VP released INtO the pituitAry Portal circulAtiOn duriNg StrESs actIvaTes V1b ReceptOR transCription tHrOUgh traNSactivaTIOn Of thE EGF receptor", "whitespace_perturbation": " lines transfected with ei ther V1a o r V1b re cep to rs s howe d that the pat h ways involved in transacti vatio no f th e M APK p athwayb yV P ar ece llsp e ci fic a ndindepen dent of th e V 1receptor sub t yp e. This da tasuggest that VP relea se d i n to th e p ituit ary po r tal ci rculation d u ring s t ress ac t i va tesV1b receptor tran s cr i ption throughtransa ct i va t i onofthe EGF re ce ptor", "underscore_trick": " lines_transfected with_either V1a or V1b_receptors showed_that_the pathways_involved_in transactivation of_the MAPK pathway_by VP are cell_specific and independent_of_the V1 receptor subtype. This data suggest that VP released into the pituitary portal_circulation_during stress_activates_V1b_receptor transcription through transactivation of_the EGF receptor"} +{"text": " that underlie the actions of sex steroids on differential gene transcription and translation relevat to sex differences are still not clear. Recently, we have identified splicing factor, suppressor of white-apricot homolog (Drosophila) (Sfswap), also known as splicing factor arginine/serine-rich 8, as one of", "synonym_substitution": "that underlie the actions of sex steroids on differential gene transcription and transformation relevat to sexual activity remainder are still not clear. Recently, we have name splicing factor, suppressor of white - apricot homolog (Drosophila) (Sfswap), besides known as splicing factor arginine / serine - fat 8, as one of", "butter_fingers": " thwt underlie the actions uf sex steroids on difherentizl gene granscription and translatioi reoevat to sex differences ard still nlt clear. Rectntly, we have ideifified splicihn faccoc, suppressor of white-apriwot homolog (Drmsupkila) (Sfswap), also known as splicing fwctor atglnine/serine-ricr 8, ax one of", "random_deletion": "that underlie the actions of sex steroids gene and translation to sex differences we identified splicing factor, of white-apricot homolog (Sfswap), also known as splicing factor 8, as one of", "change_char_case": " that underlie the actions of sEx steroids On difFerEntIaL genE traNscription and tRAnslAtion relevat to sex diffeRenceS aRE stiLL nOt cleAr. RecenTLy, WE HavE iDeNtiFiED sPliciNg fActor, suPpressor of WhiTe-Apricot homolOG (DRosophila) (SFswAp), also known aS spLicing FaCtoR ArginIne/SerinE-rich 8, aS One of", "whitespace_perturbation": " that underlie the actions of sex st eroid s o n d if fere ntia l gene transcr i ptio n and translation rele vat t os ex d i ff erenc es ares ti l l no tcl ear .R ec ently , w e haveidentified sp li cing factor, su ppressor o f w hite-apricot ho molog(D ros o phila ) ( Sfswa p), al s o know n as spli ci n g fact o r argin i n e/ seri ne-rich 8, as one of ", "underscore_trick": " that_underlie the_actions of sex steroids_on differential_gene_transcription and_translation_relevat to sex_differences are still_not clear. Recently, we_have identified splicing_factor,_suppressor of white-apricot homolog (Drosophila) (Sfswap), also known as splicing factor arginine/serine-rich 8, as_one_of"} +{"text": ". (Aim 2) Which rrgs are important for virulence and how do they contribute to individual RovA-associated phenotypes? (Aim 3) Are all rrgs regulated in the same way as inv? By knowing when and where these gene products are expressed combined with information regarding the phenotype of mutations", "synonym_substitution": ". (Aim 2) Which rrgs are important for virulence and how do they contribute to individual RovA - associated phenotypes? (Aim 3) Are all rrgs determine in the like way as inv? By knowing when and where these gene product are express combined with information see the phenotype of mutations", "butter_fingers": ". (Ail 2) Which rrgs are importxnt for virulenew and iow do fhey congribute to individual RovA-asdoxiatee phenotypes? (Aim 3) Are xll rrgs gegulated in uhe same way as iib? By knowing smen aud where these ggne products are expressed cumyined with information regarding the phenotupf of mutations", "random_deletion": ". (Aim 2) Which rrgs are important and do they to individual RovA-associated rrgs in the same as inv? By when and where these gene products expressed combined with information regarding the phenotype of mutations", "change_char_case": ". (Aim 2) Which rrgs are important fOr virulencE and hOw dO thEy ContRibuTe to individual rOvA-aSsociated phenotypes? (Aim 3) are alL rRGs reGUlAted iN the samE WaY AS inV? BY kNowInG WhEn and WheRe these Gene producTs aRe Expressed comBInEd with infoRmaTion regardinG thE phenoTyPe oF MutatIonS", "whitespace_perturbation": ". (Aim 2) Which rrgs are i mportant f or vi rul enc eandhowdo they contri b uteto individual RovA-ass ociat ed phen o ty pes?(Aim 3) Ar e all r rg s r eg u la ted i n t he same way as in v?By knowing whe n a nd where t hes e gene produ cts are e xp res s ed co mbi ned w ith in f ormati on regard in g the p h enotype o fmuta tions", "underscore_trick": ". (Aim_2) Which_rrgs are important for_virulence and_how_do they_contribute_to individual RovA-associated_phenotypes? (Aim 3)_Are all rrgs regulated_in the same_way_as inv? By knowing when and where these gene products are expressed combined with_information_regarding the_phenotype_of_mutations"} +{"text": " transcription factor DAF-16 and extended lifespan. Conversely, preliminary analysis of a daf-2b deletion strain, generated using CRISPR, indicates that loss of daf-2b confers insulin sensitivity. Finally, using our daf-2b reporter strain, we identified specific splicing factors that alter the expression of", "synonym_substitution": "transcription factor DAF-16 and extended lifespan. Conversely, preliminary psychoanalysis of a daf-2b omission tenor, generated using CRISPR, indicate that loss of daf-2b confers insulin sensitivity. last, use our daf-2b reporter strain, we identify specific splicing factors that interpolate the expression of", "butter_fingers": " trwnscription factor DAF-16 akd extended lifespan. Coiverselg, prelimknary analysis of a daf-2b delxtiob strqin, generated using CRKSPR, indibates thar loww of daf-2b rknfers lusulih senvmtivity. Finally, using our daf-2b reporter sgrcin, we identified specific splicing sactors tjat alter the gxprexfion of", "random_deletion": "transcription factor DAF-16 and extended lifespan. Conversely, of daf-2b deletion generated using CRISPR, confers sensitivity. Finally, using daf-2b reporter strain, identified specific splicing factors that alter expression of", "change_char_case": " transcription factor DAF-16 and Extended liFespaN. CoNveRsEly, pReliMinary analysis OF a daF-2b deletion strain, generaTed usInG cRISpr, iNdicaTes that LOsS OF daF-2b CoNfeRs INsUlin sEnsItivity. finally, usiNg oUr Daf-2b reporter STrAin, we identIfiEd specific spLicIng facToRs tHAt altEr tHe expRessioN Of", "whitespace_perturbation": " transcription factor DAF- 16 and ext ended li fes pa n. C onve rsely, prelimi n aryanalysis of a daf-2b d eleti on stra i n, gene rated u s in g CRI SP R, in di c at es th atloss of daf-2b co nfe rs insulin sen s it ivity. Fin all y, using our da f-2b r ep ort e r str ain , weidenti f ied sp ecific sp li c ing fa c tors th a t a lter the expression o f ", "underscore_trick": " transcription_factor DAF-16_and extended lifespan. Conversely,_preliminary analysis_of_a daf-2b_deletion_strain, generated using_CRISPR, indicates that_loss of daf-2b confers_insulin sensitivity. Finally,_using_our daf-2b reporter strain, we identified specific splicing factors that alter the expression of"} +{"text": " understood including the important neighbor exclusion principle. Our molecular tweezers are the first bis-intercalators to force chromophores into adjacent sites. We will investigate chromophores of different \"widths\" to determine the origin of the neighbor exclusion principle. Those molecular tweezers which obey the principle will be unable to act", "synonym_substitution": "understood including the important neighbor exclusion rationale. Our molecular pincer are the beginning bis - intercalators to push chromophore into adjacent sites. We will investigate chromophores of different \" width \" to decide the origin of the neighbor exclusion principle. Those molecular tweezers which obey the rationale will be unable to act", "butter_fingers": " unferstood including the ioportant neighbor exclnsion pdinciple. Our molecular tweezers are vhe dirst bis-intercalators to furce chrolophores inti adjacent sites. We will jkvestngete chromophorex of diffesent \"widths\" to ddtzrmine the origin of the neighbor exslusion pginciple. Those moltcujar fweezers which obey the principle sill be unable to acy", "random_deletion": "understood including the important neighbor exclusion principle. tweezers the first to force chromophores investigate of different \"widths\" determine the origin the neighbor exclusion principle. Those molecular which obey the principle will be unable to act", "change_char_case": " understood including the impOrtant neigHbor eXclUsiOn PrinCiplE. Our molecular tWEezeRs are the first bis-intercAlatoRs TO forCE cHromoPhores iNTo ADJacEnT sIteS. WE WiLl invEstIgate chRomophores Of dIfFerent \"widths\" TO dEtermine thE orIgin of the neiGhbOr exclUsIon PRinciPle. those MolecuLAr tweeZers which ObEY the prINciple wILL bE unaBle to act", "whitespace_perturbation": " understood including theimportantneigh bor ex cl usio n pr inciple. Our m o lecu lar tweezers are the f irstbi s -int e rc alato rs to f o rc e chr om op hor es in to ad jac ent sit es. We wil l i nv estigate chr o mo phores ofdif ferent \"widt hs\" to de te rmi n e the or iginof the neighb or exclus io n princ i ple. Th o s emole cular tweezers wh i ch obey the princ iple w il l b e una ble to act", "underscore_trick": " understood_including the_important neighbor exclusion principle._Our molecular_tweezers_are the_first_bis-intercalators to force_chromophores into adjacent_sites. We will investigate_chromophores of different_\"widths\"_to determine the origin of the neighbor exclusion principle. Those molecular tweezers which obey_the_principle will_be_unable_to act"} +{"text": ", no accepted sensitive and specific biological markers of total dietary fat intake for use in epidemiologic studies. Self-report measures of dietary fat may be seriously biased. By examining a combination of fatty acids, found in low concentrations, reflecting various components of a low-fat diet, it may be possible to develop a biomarker of", "synonym_substitution": ", no accepted sensitive and specific biological markers of total dietary adipose tissue consumption for use in epidemiologic studies. Self - report measure of dietary fat may be seriously bias. By examine a combination of fatty acids, recover in low concentrations, reflect various components of a low - adipose tissue diet, it may be possible to develop a biomarker of", "butter_fingers": ", no accepted sensitive and rpecific biolognxal mackers or total aietary fat intake for use ii epudemiilogic studies. Self-repurt measuges of diwtarb fat may be sermkusly blcsed. Gn exakmning a combinajion of fattf acids, found hn llw concentrations, reflecting variouf compomejts of a low-faj dieu, ie mag be possible to develop a biomarksr of", "random_deletion": ", no accepted sensitive and specific biological total fat intake use in epidemiologic fat be seriously biased. examining a combination fatty acids, found in low concentrations, various components of a low-fat diet, it may be possible to develop a of", "change_char_case": ", no accepted sensitive and speCific bioloGical MarKerS oF totAl diEtary fat intake FOr usE in epidemiologic studieS. Self-RePOrt mEAsUres oF dietarY FaT MAy bE sErIouSlY BiAsed. BY exAmining A combinatiOn oF fAtty acids, fouND iN low concenTraTions, reflectIng VariouS cOmpONents Of a Low-faT diet, iT May be pOssible to DeVElop a bIOmarker OF", "whitespace_perturbation": ", no accepted sensitive an d specific biol ogi cal m arke rs o f total dietar y fat intake for use in epi demio lo g ic s t ud ies.Self-re p or t mea su re s o fd ie taryfat may be seriously bi as ed. By exami n in g a combin ati on of fattyaci ds, fo un d i n lowcon centr ations , refle cting var io u s comp o nents o f alow- fat diet, it mayb ep ossible to dev elop a b i om a r ker of ", "underscore_trick": ", no_accepted sensitive_and specific biological markers_of total_dietary_fat intake_for_use in epidemiologic_studies. Self-report measures_of dietary fat may_be seriously biased._By_examining a combination of fatty acids, found in low concentrations, reflecting various components of_a_low-fat diet,_it_may_be possible to develop a_biomarker of"} +{"text": ", but poorly understood. Through innovative pilot studies and thoughtful planning for future studies and educational approaches we will help alleviate this alarming situation. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is characterized as a defect of electrolyte transport of epithelial cells of exocrine tissues. Central to the pathophysiology of CF is the absence of cAMP- stimulated Cl-", "synonym_substitution": ", but poorly understood. Through innovative pilot report and heedful planning for future studies and educational approaches we will avail facilitate this alarming situation. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is characterized as a blemish of electrolyte transport of epithelial cells of exocrine tissue. Central to the pathophysiology of CF is the absence of cAMP- stimulated Cl-", "butter_fingers": ", buh poorly understood. Thromgh innovative pnoot stndies ahd thougftful planning for future stndiew and educational approacher we will help aloeviete this alarminj situatljn. Cgdtic hibrosis (CF) is gharacterizad as a defect ow zlectrolyte transport of epithelial sells og fxocrine tissugs. Cemeral no the pathophysiology of CF is the abvence of cAMP- stimulated Cl-", "random_deletion": ", but poorly understood. Through innovative pilot thoughtful for future and educational approaches alarming Cystic fibrosis (CF) characterized as a of electrolyte transport of epithelial cells exocrine tissues. Central to the pathophysiology of CF is the absence of cAMP- Cl-", "change_char_case": ", but poorly understood. ThrougH innovativE piloT stUdiEs And tHougHtful planning fOR futUre studies and educationAl appRoAChes WE wIll heLp allevIAtE THis AlArMinG sITuAtion. cysTic fibrOsis (CF) is chAraCtErized as a defECt Of electrolYte Transport of ePitHelial CeLls OF exocRinE tissUes. CenTRal to tHe pathophYsIOlogy oF cF is the ABSeNce oF cAMP- stimulated Cl-", "whitespace_perturbation": ", but poorly understood. T hrough inn ovati vepil ot stu dies and thoughtfu l pla nning for future studi es an de duca t io nal a pproach e sw e wi ll h elp a l le viate th is alar ming situa tio n. Cystic fibr o si s (CF) ischa racterized a s a defec tofe lectr oly te tr anspor t of ep ithelialce l ls ofe xocrine t is sues . Central to thep at h ophysiology of CF is t h ea b sen ceof cAMP- s ti mulat e d Cl-", "underscore_trick": ", but_poorly understood._Through innovative pilot studies_and thoughtful_planning_for future_studies_and educational approaches_we will help_alleviate this alarming situation._Cystic fibrosis (CF)_is_characterized as a defect of electrolyte transport of epithelial cells of exocrine tissues. Central_to_the pathophysiology_of_CF_is the absence of cAMP-_stimulated Cl-"} +{"text": " the same specimens originally used for RNA studies along with paired normal cells will be tested with high density 500K SNP arrays to determine if DNA and DNA + RNA signatures predict PFS. If so, clinically applicable TaqMan(r) DNA assays will be designed from SNP microarray results and tested using the same DNAs. Last,", "synonym_substitution": "the same specimens originally used for RNA report along with pair normal cells will be tested with high concentration 500 K SNP arrays to determine if DNA and DNA + RNA signature predict PFS. If so, clinically applicable TaqMan(r) deoxyribonucleic acid assay will be designed from SNP microarray resultant role and tested using the like DNAs. Last,", "butter_fingers": " thf same specimens originauly used for RNC studixs alonf with pxired normal cells will be txstee wity high density 500K SNP afrays to feterminw if ENA and DNE + RNA slynatudcs przdmct PFS. If so, ckinically dpplicable TaqKav(r) DNA assays will be designed from SGP micrpagray results agd ttstqd uapnn the same DNAs. Last,", "random_deletion": "the same specimens originally used for RNA with normal cells be tested with to if DNA and + RNA signatures PFS. If so, clinically applicable TaqMan(r) assays will be designed from SNP microarray results and tested using the same Last,", "change_char_case": " the same specimens originallY used for RNa studIes AloNg With PairEd normal cells wILl be Tested with high density 500K sNP arRaYS to dETeRmine If DNA anD dNa + rnA sIgNaTurEs PReDict PfS. IF so, clinIcally applIcaBlE TaqMan(r) DNA aSSaYs will be deSigNed from SNP miCroArray rEsUltS And teSteD usinG the saME DNAs. LAst,", "whitespace_perturbation": " the same specimens origin ally usedfor R NAstu di es a long with paired n o rmal cells will be testedwithhi g h de n si ty 50 0K SNPa rr a y s t ode ter mi n eif DN A a nd DNA+ RNA sign atu re s predict PF S .If so, cli nic ally applica ble TaqMa n( r)D NA as say s wil l be d e signed from SNP m i croarr a y resul t s a nd t ested using the s a me DNAs. Last,", "underscore_trick": " the_same specimens_originally used for RNA_studies along_with_paired normal_cells_will be tested_with high density_500K SNP arrays to_determine if DNA_and_DNA + RNA signatures predict PFS. If so, clinically applicable TaqMan(r) DNA assays will_be_designed from_SNP_microarray_results and tested using the_same DNAs. Last,"} +{"text": ":B signaling could sensitize PC cells to erlotinib and gemcitabine induced killing, and (b) whether the inhibition of tumor progression could correlate with the down regulation of FoxM1/Notch-1/NF-:B signaling in animal tumor tissues. The results of our research will aid in designing", "synonym_substitution": ": B signaling could sensitize PC cells to erlotinib and gemcitabine induce killing, and (b) whether the prohibition of tumor progression could correlate with the down rule of FoxM1 / Notch-1 / NF-:B signaling in animal tumor tissue. The results of our research will help in designing", "butter_fingers": ":B slgnaling could sensitize PC cells to erlotinib and gsmcitabive induced killing, and (b) whevher the unhibition of tumor prugression could cirreoqte with tis down vzgulaflon oy HoxM1/Notch-1/NF-:B sinnaling in dnimal tumor thsruzs. The results of our research will wid in cedigning", "random_deletion": ":B signaling could sensitize PC cells to gemcitabine killing, and whether the inhibition with down regulation of signaling in animal tissues. The results of our research aid in designing", "change_char_case": ":B signaling could sensitize Pc cells to erLotinIb aNd gEmCitaBine Induced killing, ANd (b) wHether the inhibition of tUmor pRoGRessIOn Could CorrelaTE wITH thE dOwN reGuLAtIon of foxm1/Notch-1/Nf-:B signalinG in AnImal tumor tisSUeS. The resultS of Our research wIll Aid in dEsIgnINg", "whitespace_perturbation": ":B signaling could sensiti ze PC cell s toerl oti ni b an d ge mcitabine indu c ed k illing, and (b) whethe r the i n hibi t io n oftumor p r og r e ssi on c oul dc or relat e w ith the down regu lat io n of FoxM1/N o tc h-1/NF-:Bsig naling in an ima l tumo rtis s ues.The resu lts of our re search wi ll aid in designi n g ", "underscore_trick": ":B signaling_could sensitize_PC cells to erlotinib_and gemcitabine_induced_killing, and_(b)_whether the inhibition_of tumor progression_could correlate with the_down regulation of_FoxM1/Notch-1/NF-:B_signaling in animal tumor tissues. The results of our research will aid in designing"} +{"text": " frequency domain spectroscopy in providing the optical path length for photon migration in tissues is well recognized. Phase I set forth to exploit design parameters of a simplified system suitable for biomedical research and for clinical studies. Phase II will focus on construction of dual wavelength phase modulation systems that will bring to the clinic the advantages of TRs in an", "synonym_substitution": "frequency domain spectroscopy in providing the optical path duration for photon migration in tissue is well recognized. Phase I set forth to overwork design parameters of a simplified system desirable for biomedical inquiry and for clinical studies. Phase II will focus on construction of dual wavelength phase modulation system that will bring to the clinic the advantages of TRs in an", "butter_fingers": " frfquency domain spectroscupy in providiny the o'tical lath leneth for photon migration in vissyes iw well recognized. Phasd I set flrth to wxpliut design 'zrametevf of w sik'lified system xuitable fmr biomedical serecrch and for clinical studies. Phase YI will flcus on constroctiom of slao wavelength phase modulation systemv that will bting to the clinic the advwntahes of TRs in an", "random_deletion": "frequency domain spectroscopy in providing the optical for migration in is well recognized. exploit parameters of a system suitable for research and for clinical studies. Phase will focus on construction of dual wavelength phase modulation systems that will bring the clinic the advantages of TRs in an", "change_char_case": " frequency domain spectroscoPy in providIng thE opTicAl Path LengTh for photon migRAtioN in tissues is well recognIzed. PHaSE I seT FoRth to Exploit DEsIGN paRaMeTerS oF A sImpliFieD system Suitable foR biOmEdical researCH aNd for cliniCal Studies. Phase iI wIll focUs On cONstruCtiOn of dUal wavELength Phase moduLaTIon sysTEms that WILl BrinG to the clinic the adVAnTAges of TRs in an", "whitespace_perturbation": " frequency domain spectros copy in pr ovidi ngthe o ptic al p ath length for phot on migration in tissue s iswe l l re c og nized . Phase Is e t f or th to e x pl oit d esi gn para meters ofa s im plified syst e msuitable f orbiomedical r ese arch a nd fo r clin ica l stu dies.P hase I I will fo cu s on co n structi o n o f du al wavelength pha s em odulation syst ems th at wi l l br ing to the cl in ic th e advant a ge s o f T R s in an", "underscore_trick": " frequency_domain spectroscopy_in providing the optical_path length_for_photon migration_in_tissues is well_recognized. Phase I_set forth to exploit_design parameters of_a_simplified system suitable for biomedical research and for clinical studies. Phase II will focus_on_construction of_dual_wavelength_phase modulation systems that will_bring to the clinic the_advantages of_TRs in an"} +{"text": "-reinforcing stimuli rather than the aversive, motivational effects of the onset of aversive stimuli. Specific research areas: (1) the interaction of Pavlovian conditioning and instrumental learning; how appetitive and aversive Pavlovian conditioning modify instrumental responses of either appetitive or aversive origin;", "synonym_substitution": "-reinforcing stimuli rather than the aversive, motivational effects of the onset of aversive stimulation. Specific inquiry area: (1) the interaction of Pavlovian conditioning and instrumental learning; how appetitive and aversive Pavlovian conditioning change instrumental responses of either appetitive or aversive origin;", "butter_fingers": "-reijforcing stimuli rather uhan the aversive, motivavional sffects uf the onset of aversive stiluoi. Sptbific research areas: (1) the integaction od Patlovian conditioijng and instrhlentcl learning; how sppetitive and aversive [axllvian conditioning modify instrumeneal reslojses of either appttieive or aversive origin;", "random_deletion": "-reinforcing stimuli rather than the aversive, motivational the of aversive Specific research areas: conditioning instrumental learning; how and aversive Pavlovian modify instrumental responses of either appetitive aversive origin;", "change_char_case": "-reinforcing stimuli rather tHan the averSive, mOtiVatIoNal eFfecTs of the onset of AVersIve stimuli. Specific reseArch aReAS: (1) the INtEractIon of PaVLoVIAn cOnDiTioNiNG aNd insTruMental lEarning; how AppEtItive and averSIvE Pavlovian ConDitioning modIfy InstruMeNtaL RespoNseS of eiTher apPEtitivE or aversiVe ORigin;", "whitespace_perturbation": "-reinforcing stimuli rathe r than the aver siv e,mo tiva tion al effects oft he o nset of aversive stimu li. S pe c ific re searc h areas : ( 1 ) th ein ter ac t io n ofPav lovianconditioni ngan d instrument a llearning;how appetitiveand avers iv e P a vlovi ancondi tionin g modif y instrum en t al res p onses o f ei ther appetitive or av e rs i ve origin;", "underscore_trick": "-reinforcing stimuli_rather than_the aversive, motivational effects_of the_onset_of aversive_stimuli._Specific research areas:_(1) the interaction_of Pavlovian conditioning and_instrumental learning; how_appetitive_and aversive Pavlovian conditioning modify instrumental responses of either appetitive or aversive origin;"} +{"text": "ute are components of a novel defense system that also includes a variety of other putative nucleases that we identifies using sensitive methods of domain analysis. We additionally contributed to experimental and structural analysis of a variety of domains previously identified in our computational studies, in particular, the key components of the prokaryotic CRSIPR", "synonym_substitution": "ute are components of a novel defense system that besides include a variety of other putative nuclease that we identifies use sensitive method acting of world analysis. We additionally contributed to experimental and structural analysis of a kind of domains previously identified in our computational report, in particular, the key components of the prokaryotic CRSIPR", "butter_fingers": "ute are components of a novtl defense system that anso indludes a variety of other putative nncleqses ukat we identifies uskng sensinive methids id domain aizlysis. We addjbionanoy contributed to experikental and strgcguxal analysis of a variety of domains previoispy identified yn olr comlltctional studies, in particular, tge key bomponents of the prokaryotic CRSIPR", "random_deletion": "ute are components of a novel defense also a variety other putative nucleases methods domain analysis. We contributed to experimental structural analysis of a variety of previously identified in our computational studies, in particular, the key components of the CRSIPR", "change_char_case": "ute are components of a novel dEfense systEm thaT alSo iNcLudeS a vaRiety of other puTAtivE nucleases that we identiFies uSiNG senSItIve meThods of DOmAIN anAlYsIs. WE aDDiTionaLly ContribUted to expeRimEnTal and structURaL analysis oF a vAriety of domaIns PrevioUsLy iDEntifIed In our ComputATional Studies, in PaRTiculaR, The key cOMPoNentS of the prokaryotic crSipR", "whitespace_perturbation": "ute are components of a no vel defens e sys tem th at als o in cludes a varie t y of other putative nuclea ses t ha t wei de ntifi es usin g s e n sit iv emet ho d sof do mai n analy sis. We ad dit io nally contri b ut ed to expe rim ental and st ruc turalan aly s is of avarie ty ofd omains previous ly identi f ied ino u rcomp utational studies , i n particular, t he key c o mp o n ent s o f the prok ar yotic CRSIPR", "underscore_trick": "ute are_components of_a novel defense system_that also_includes_a variety_of_other putative nucleases_that we identifies_using sensitive methods of_domain analysis. We_additionally_contributed to experimental and structural analysis of a variety of domains previously identified in_our_computational studies,_in_particular,_the key components of the_prokaryotic CRSIPR"} +{"text": " color=\"#990000\";b>Radiation BiodosimetryPeriodic reviews of the scientific literature are conducted to identify the most current techniques used to estimate doses from past exposure to occupational and environmental radiation. These data are used to inform current epidemiologic studies of irradiated populations (eg.", "synonym_substitution": "color=\"#990000\";b > Radiation Biodosimetry Periodic reviews of the scientific literature are conducted to identify the most current technique use to estimate doses from past exposure to occupational and environmental radiotherapy. These data are used to inform current epidemiologic study of irradiated populations (eg.", "butter_fingers": " copor=\"#990000\";b>Radiation BiodosimetvyPeriodie reviexs of tge sciengific literature are conductxd ti idebtify the most current techniquvs used ti esuimate doses from past exijsurs to mrcupational and environmettal radiation. Tfede data are used to inform current qpidemipllgic studies os irgaqiatsd populations (eg.", "random_deletion": "color=\"#990000\";b>Radiation BiodosimetryPeriodic reviews of the scientific literature to the most techniques used to to and environmental radiation. data are used inform current epidemiologic studies of irradiated (eg.", "change_char_case": " color=\"#990000\";b>Radiation BiodosimetRyPEriodIc rEviEwS of tHe scIentific literaTUre aRe conducted to identify tHe mosT cURrenT TeChniqUes used TO eSTImaTe DoSes FrOM pAst exPosUre to ocCupational And EnVironmental rADiAtion. These DatA are used to inForM curreNt EpiDEmiolOgiC studIes of iRRadiatEd populatIoNS (eg.", "whitespace_perturbation": " color=\"#990000\";b>Radiati on Biodosi metry Per iodic reviewso f th e scientific literatur e are c o nduc t ed to i dentify th e mos tcu rre nt te chniq ues used t o estimate do se s from paste xp osure to o ccu pational and en vironm en tal radia tio n. Th ese da t a areused to i nf o rm cur r ent epi d e mi olog ic studies of irr a di a ted population s (eg. ", "underscore_trick": " color=\"#990000\";b>Radiation_BiodosimetryPeriodic reviews_of the scientific literature_are conducted_to_identify the_most_current techniques used_to estimate doses_from past exposure to_occupational and environmental_radiation._These data are used to inform current epidemiologic studies of irradiated populations (eg."} +{"text": " layers, indicative of a defect in cardiomyocyte maturation. Interestingly, recent work by our group and others clearly indicate that FAK is activated in cultured cardiomyocytes by a variety of hypertrophic stimuli including, phenylephrine (PE), endothelin I (ET-1), angiotensin II (AII), and hyp", "synonym_substitution": "layers, indicative of a defect in cardiomyocyte maturation. Interestingly, recent workplace by our group and others intelligibly indicate that FAK is activated in cultured cardiomyocytes by a diverseness of hypertrophic stimuli including, phenylephrine (PE), endothelin I (ET-1), angiotensin II (AII), and hyp", "butter_fingers": " lajers, indicative of a deftct in cardiomyocitw matucation. Jnterestkngly, recent work by our gronp abd otyers clearly indicate ghat FAK ps activared mn cultured cardmkmyocytcf by w vaxixty of hypertrokhic stimuli including, phetyue'hrine (PE), endothelin I (ET-1), angiotensig II (AIO), wnd hyp", "random_deletion": "layers, indicative of a defect in cardiomyocyte recent by our and others clearly in cardiomyocytes by a of hypertrophic stimuli phenylephrine (PE), endothelin I (ET-1), angiotensin (AII), and hyp", "change_char_case": " layers, indicative of a defect In cardiomyOcyte MatUraTiOn. InTereStingly, recent wORk by Our group and others clearLy indIcATe thAT FaK is aCtivateD In CULtuReD cArdIoMYoCytes By a Variety Of hypertroPhiC sTimuli includINg, PhenylephrIne (pE), endothelin i (ET-1), AngiotEnSin ii (AII), aNd hYp", "whitespace_perturbation": " layers, indicative of a d efect in c ardio myo cyt ematu rati on. Interestin g ly,recent work by our gro up an do ther s c learl y indic a te t hat F AK is a c ti vated in cultur ed cardiom yoc yt es by a vari e ty of hypert rop hic stimuliinc luding ,phe n yleph rin e (PE ), end o thelin I (ET-1) ,a ngiote n sin II( A II ), a nd hyp", "underscore_trick": " layers,_indicative of_a defect in cardiomyocyte_maturation. Interestingly,_recent_work by_our_group and others_clearly indicate that_FAK is activated in_cultured cardiomyocytes by_a_variety of hypertrophic stimuli including, phenylephrine (PE), endothelin I (ET-1), angiotensin II (AII), and_hyp"} +{"text": "(r)) does, by the so-called Enhanced Permeation and Retention (EPR) effect. In addition to the molecular effect of doxorubicin in inhibiting topoisomerase-II, the efficacy of SLD in treating a tumor is fundamentally dependent on (1) the extent of its localization in the tumor", "synonym_substitution": "( r) ) does, by the so - called Enhanced Permeation and Retention (EPR) effect. In accession to the molecular consequence of doxorubicin in inhibiting topoisomerase - II, the efficacy of SLD in treating a tumor is fundamentally subject on (1) the extent of its localization in the tumor", "butter_fingers": "(r)) dles, by the so-called Enhakced Permeation cbd Retxntion (SPR) effezt. In addition to the molecupae efftbt of doxorubicin in knhibitinh topoisimerese-II, the efficarg of SLD in tdcatiny e tumor is fundsmentally gependent on (1) dhd zxtent of its localization in the tuior", "random_deletion": "(r)) does, by the so-called Enhanced Permeation (EPR) In addition the molecular effect the of SLD in a tumor is dependent on (1) the extent of localization in the tumor", "change_char_case": "(r)) does, by the so-called EnhanceD PermeatioN and REteNtiOn (ePR) eFfecT. In addition to tHE molEcular effect of doxorubiCin in InHIbitINg TopoiSomerasE-iI, THE efFiCaCy oF Sld iN treaTinG a tumor Is fundamenTalLy Dependent on (1) tHE eXtent of its LocAlization in tHe tUmor", "whitespace_perturbation": "(r)) does, by the so-calle d Enhanced Perm eat ion a nd R eten tion (EPR) eff e ct.In addition to the mol ecula re ffec t o f dox orubici n i n inh ib it ing t o po isome ras e-II, t he efficac y o fSLD in treat i ng a tumor i s f undamentally de penden ton( 1) th e e xtent of it s local ization i nt he tum o r", "underscore_trick": "(r)) does,_by the_so-called Enhanced Permeation and_Retention (EPR)_effect._In addition_to_the molecular effect_of doxorubicin in_inhibiting topoisomerase-II, the efficacy_of SLD in_treating_a tumor is fundamentally dependent on (1) the extent of its localization in the_tumor"} +{"text": " period of global brain ischemia causes delayed cell death in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons days after reperfusion in animals and humans. Although numerous factors have been indicated in this phenomenon, the mechanisms underlying this delayed neuronal cell death are still poorly understood. We have demonstrated that cerebral infarction and neurological deficits are significantly reduced in transgenic mice overexpressing", "synonym_substitution": "period of global brain ischemia causes stay cellular telephone death in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons day after reperfusion in animal and humans. Although numerous factors have been indicated in this phenomenon, the mechanism underlying this delayed neural cellular telephone death are still ill understood. We have demonstrated that cerebral infarct and neurological deficits are significantly reduced in transgenic mice overexpressing", "butter_fingers": " pegiod of global brain iscmemia causes delcted cenl deafh in hiopocampal CA1 pyramidal neurois dqys adter reperfusion in ankmals and humans. Qlthiygh numerona factovf habc beeu mndicated in thls phenomenmn, the mechanivmr bnderlying this delayed neuronal celj death age still poorli undtrseood. We have demonstrated that cerebram infarbtion and neurolobical deficits are signififantpy reduced in trandgenic mice ovewwxpressing", "random_deletion": "period of global brain ischemia causes delayed in CA1 pyramidal days after reperfusion numerous have been indicated this phenomenon, the underlying this delayed neuronal cell death still poorly understood. We have demonstrated that cerebral infarction and neurological deficits are reduced in transgenic mice overexpressing", "change_char_case": " period of global brain ischemIa causes deLayed CelL deAtH in hIppoCampal CA1 pyramiDAl neUrons days after reperfusIon in AnIMals ANd HumanS. AlthouGH nUMEroUs FaCtoRs HAvE been IndIcated iN this phenoMenOn, The mechanismS UnDerlying thIs dElayed neuronAl cEll deaTh Are STill pOorLy undErstooD. we have DemonstraTeD That ceREbral inFARcTion And neurological deFIcITs are significaNtly reDuCEd IN TraNsgEnic mice ovErExpreSSing", "whitespace_perturbation": " period of global brain is chemia cau ses d ela yed c elldeat h in hippocamp a l CA 1 pyramidal neurons da ys af te r rep e rf usion in ani m al s and h um ans .A lt hough nu merousfactors ha vebe en indicated in this phen ome non, the mec han isms u nd erl y ing t his dela yed ne u ronalcell deat ha re sti l l poorl y un ders tood. We have dem o ns t rated that cer ebralin f ar c t ion an d neurolog ic al de f icits a r es i g nif i cantly reduce d in transg e nic miceov ere x pressi ng", "underscore_trick": " period_of global_brain ischemia causes delayed_cell death_in_hippocampal CA1_pyramidal_neurons days after_reperfusion in animals_and humans. Although numerous_factors have been_indicated_in this phenomenon, the mechanisms underlying this delayed neuronal cell death are still poorly_understood._We have_demonstrated_that_cerebral infarction and neurological deficits_are significantly reduced in transgenic_mice overexpressing"} +{"text": " in neurosurgeon K08 awards. Moreover, 50% of all current NINDS K08?s, awarded to neurosurgeons, are affiliated with the NRCDP either through direct support or through participation in the program. Another three alumni obtained independent federal funding through other mechanisms. If the scholars funded in 2016", "synonym_substitution": "in neurosurgeon K08 awards. Moreover, 50% of all current NINDS K08?s, awarded to neurosurgeons, are consort with the NRCDP either through lineal support or through participation in the platform. Another three alumnus obtained independent federal support through other mechanisms. If the scholar funded in 2016", "butter_fingers": " in neurosurgeon K08 awards. Mureover, 50% of all currenv NINDS K08?s, awaraed to neurosurgeons, are affmliared wuth the NRCDP either tfrough digect suppirt ie through 'zrticipation jk the 'rogram. Another three alukni obtained itddpzndent federal funding through other mechanosls. If the schojars sundsd in 2016", "random_deletion": "in neurosurgeon K08 awards. Moreover, 50% of NINDS awarded to are affiliated with support through participation in program. Another three obtained independent federal funding through other If the scholars funded in 2016", "change_char_case": " in neurosurgeon K08 awards. MoreOver, 50% of all cUrrenT NInDS k08?s, AwarDed tO neurosurgeons, ARe afFiliated with the NRCDP eiTher tHrOUgh dIReCt supPort or tHRoUGH paRtIcIpaTiON iN the pRogRam. AnotHer three alUmnI oBtained indepENdEnt federal FunDing through oTheR mechaNiSms. iF the sChoLars fUnded iN 2016", "whitespace_perturbation": " in neurosurgeon K08 award s. Moreove r, 50 % o f a ll cur rent NINDS K08?s,a ward ed to neurosurgeons, a re af fi l iate d w ith t he NRCD P e i t her t hr oug hd ir ect s upp ort orthrough pa rti ci pation in th e p rogram. An oth er three alu mni obtai ne d i n depen den t fed eral f u ndingthrough o th e r mech a nisms.I f t he s cholars funded in 20 1 6", "underscore_trick": " in_neurosurgeon K08_awards. Moreover, 50% of_all current_NINDS_K08?s, awarded_to_neurosurgeons, are affiliated_with the NRCDP_either through direct support_or through participation_in_the program. Another three alumni obtained independent federal funding through other mechanisms. If the_scholars_funded in_2016"} +{"text": " gestures) and racial discrimination (i.e., unfair employment- related treatment of employees of one race over another). Further, the model predicts that a negative organizational climate for racial/ethnic minorities affects the occurrence of racial harassment and discrimination, and that those who are racially harassed or discriminated against experience increased stress,", "synonym_substitution": "gestures) and racial discrimination (i.e., unfair employment- related treatment of employees of one race over another). far, the exemplar predicts that a negative organizational climate for racial / ethnic minority affects the occurrence of racial harassment and discrimination, and that those who are racially harass or discriminate against experience increased stress,", "butter_fingers": " gedtures) and racial discrioination (i.e., unfcur empnoymenf- relatea treatment of employees of lnw ract over another). Furtfer, the mldel preeictw that a nejztive ovyanizzbionan climate for rscial/ethniw minorities axfdccs the occurrence of racial harassmegt and cidcrimination, agd tnwt tgose who are racially harassed or siscrimpnated against exlerience increased stress,", "random_deletion": "gestures) and racial discrimination (i.e., unfair employment- of of one over another). Further, negative climate for racial/ethnic affects the occurrence racial harassment and discrimination, and that who are racially harassed or discriminated against experience increased stress,", "change_char_case": " gestures) and racial discrimiNation (i.e., unFair eMplOymEnT- relAted Treatment of empLOyeeS of one race over another). FUrtheR, tHE modEL pRedicTs that a NEgATIve OrGaNizAtIOnAl cliMatE for racIal/ethnic mInoRiTies affects tHE oCcurrence oF raCial harassmeNt aNd discRiMinATion, aNd tHat thOse who ARe raciAlly harasSeD Or discRIminateD AGaInst Experience increasED sTRess,", "whitespace_perturbation": " gestures) and racial disc rimination (i.e .,unf ai r em ploy ment- relatedt reat ment of employees of o ne ra ce over an other ). Furt h er , the m od elpr e di cts t hat a nega tive organ iza ti onal climate fo r racial/e thn ic minoritie s a ffects t heo ccurr enc e ofracial harass ment anddi s crimin a tion, a n d t hatthose who are rac i al l y harassed ordiscri mi n at e d ag ain st experie nc e inc r eased s t re s s , ", "underscore_trick": " gestures)_and racial_discrimination (i.e., unfair employment-_related treatment_of_employees of_one_race over another)._Further, the model_predicts that a negative_organizational climate for_racial/ethnic_minorities affects the occurrence of racial harassment and discrimination, and that those who are_racially_harassed or_discriminated_against_experience increased stress,"} +{"text": "-Gel after repeated administration for 7 days by analyzing inflammatory cytokines in cervicovaginal fluid and immunohistochemical analysis of NSG tissue. As a laboratory within an undergraduate biology department with collaborators in attached professional schools, we are uniquely situated to expose undergraduates to state-of-the-art nanoparticle research. This", "synonym_substitution": "-Gel after repeated administration for 7 days by analyzing incendiary cytokine in cervicovaginal fluid and immunohistochemical psychoanalysis of NSG tissue. As a laboratory within an undergraduate biology department with collaborators in attach professional schools, we are uniquely situated to queer undergraduate to state - of - the - art nanoparticle research. This", "butter_fingers": "-Gel after repeated administvation for 7 days by ananyzing inflammxtory cytokines in cervicovajinao fluud and immunohistochemkcal analjsis of NWG tmssue. As a laborefory wibkin ah undzrjraduate biologi department with collabordturd in attached professional schools, re are inlquely situateq to qxpoav mndergraduates to state-of-the-art hanoparuicle research. Thix", "random_deletion": "-Gel after repeated administration for 7 days inflammatory in cervicovaginal and immunohistochemical analysis laboratory an undergraduate biology with collaborators in professional schools, we are uniquely situated expose undergraduates to state-of-the-art nanoparticle research. This", "change_char_case": "-Gel after repeated administrAtion for 7 daYs by aNalYziNg InflAmmaTory cytokines iN CervIcovaginal fluid and immuNohisToCHemiCAl AnalySis of NSg TiSSUe. AS a LaBorAtORy WithiN an UndergrAduate biolOgy DePartment with COlLaborators In aTtached profeSsiOnal scHoOls, WE are uNiqUely sItuateD To expoSe undergrAdUAtes to STate-of-tHE-ArT nanOparticle research. tHiS", "whitespace_perturbation": "-Gel after repeated admini stration f or 7day s b yanal yzin g inflammatory cyto kines in cervicovagina l flu id andi mm unohi stochem i ca l ana ly si s o fN SG tiss ue. As a l aboratorywit hi n an undergr a du ate biolog y d epartment wi thcollab or ato r s inatt ached profe s sional schools, w e are u n iquelys i tu ated to expose underg r ad u ates to state- of-the -a r tn a nop art icle resea rc h. Th i s", "underscore_trick": "-Gel after_repeated administration_for 7 days by_analyzing inflammatory_cytokines_in cervicovaginal_fluid_and immunohistochemical analysis_of NSG tissue._As a laboratory within_an undergraduate biology_department_with collaborators in attached professional schools, we are uniquely situated to expose undergraduates to_state-of-the-art_nanoparticle research._This"} +{"text": "ase activity that would lead to conformational changes in MSH2-MSH6 to signal repair initiation. A second aim is to examine the detailed interaction between MSH2-MSH6 and DNA to understand the mechanism by which defective DNA is distinguished from regular DNA by employing biased simulations with a new biasing potential that", "synonym_substitution": "ase activity that would lead to conformational changes in MSH2 - MSH6 to signal haunt knowledgeability. A second aim is to examine the detailed interaction between MSH2 - MSH6 and DNA to sympathize the mechanism by which defective deoxyribonucleic acid is distinguished from regular deoxyribonucleic acid by employing biased simulations with a new biasing electric potential that", "butter_fingers": "ase activity that would leaa to conformational chenges ih MSH2-MSH6 to signal repair initiation. A secobd aim is to examine tfe detailvd interaxtioi between MSH2-MSH6 and DNA to unscrstaud the mechanism by which gefective DNA hs dnstinguished from regular DNA by empjoying niwsed simulatiogs wptr a hvw biasing potential that", "random_deletion": "ase activity that would lead to conformational MSH2-MSH6 signal repair A second aim interaction MSH2-MSH6 and DNA understand the mechanism which defective DNA is distinguished from DNA by employing biased simulations with a new biasing potential that", "change_char_case": "ase activity that would lead tO conformatIonal ChaNgeS iN MSH2-mSH6 tO signal repair iNItiaTion. A second aim is to examIne thE dETailED iNteraCtion beTWeEN mSH2-mSh6 aNd DnA TO uNdersTanD the mecHanism by whIch DeFective DNA is DIsTinguished FroM regular DNA bY emPloyinG bIasED simuLatIons wIth a neW BiasinG potentiaL tHAt", "whitespace_perturbation": "ase activity that would le ad to conf ormat ion alch ange s in MSH2-MSH6 tos igna l repair initiation. A seco nd aimi sto ex amine t h ed e tai le dint er a ct ion b etw een MSH 2-MSH6 and DN Ato understan d t he mechani smby which def ect ive DN Aisd istin gui shedfrom r e gularDNA by em pl o ying b i ased si m u la tion s with a new bias i ng potential that ", "underscore_trick": "ase activity_that would_lead to conformational changes_in MSH2-MSH6_to_signal repair_initiation._A second aim_is to examine_the detailed interaction between_MSH2-MSH6 and DNA_to_understand the mechanism by which defective DNA is distinguished from regular DNA by employing_biased_simulations with_a_new_biasing potential that"} +{"text": "ors modulate locomotion by changing the time a fly spends performing dif- 19 ferent locomotor primitives. 2) To test the hypothesis that different ORN classes modulate the time spent in 20 distinct locomotor primitives. 3) To elucidate the role of lateral horn in odor modulation of locomotion. The re-", "synonym_substitution": "ors modulate locomotion by changing the time a tent-fly spends perform dif- 19 ferent locomotor primitives. 2) To test the guess that different ORN class modulate the time spend in 20 distinct locomotor primitives. 3) To clarify the role of lateral horn in odor intonation of locomotion. The re-", "butter_fingers": "ors modulate locomotion by ghanging the timg q fly vpends performkng dif- 19 ferent locomotor prmmituves. 2) To test the hypothesir that divferent IRN rlasses modulate the timc spehb in 20 vistinct locomojor primitivas. 3) To elucidade tke role of lateral horn in odor modujation pf locomotion. Thg re-", "random_deletion": "ors modulate locomotion by changing the time spends dif- 19 locomotor primitives. 2) different classes modulate the spent in 20 locomotor primitives. 3) To elucidate the of lateral horn in odor modulation of locomotion. The re-", "change_char_case": "ors modulate locomotion by chAnging the tIme a fLy sPenDs PerfOrmiNg dif- 19 ferent locOMotoR primitives. 2) To test the hyPotheSiS That DIfFerenT ORN claSSeS MOduLaTe The TiME sPent iN 20 diStinct lOcomotor prImiTiVes. 3) To elucidaTE tHe role of laTerAl horn in odor ModUlatioN oF loCOmotiOn. THe re-", "whitespace_perturbation": "ors modulate locomotion by changingthe t ime afl y sp ends performing di f - 19 ferent locomotor prim itive s. 2) T o t est t he hypo t he s i s t ha tdif fe r en t ORN cl asses m odulate th e t im e spent in 2 0 d istinct lo com otor primiti ves . 3) T oelu c idate th e rol e of l a teralhorn in o do r modul a tion of l oc omot ion. The re-", "underscore_trick": "ors modulate_locomotion by_changing the time a_fly spends_performing_dif- 19_ferent_locomotor primitives. 2)_To test the_hypothesis that different ORN_classes modulate the_time_spent in 20 distinct locomotor primitives. 3) To elucidate the role of lateral horn_in_odor modulation_of_locomotion._The re-"} +{"text": " TGF? signaling and BETs, and (3) to define the mechanism of BET recruitment to target genes. Understanding these mechanisms will provide important fundamental insight into the biology of HF and could unlock potential therapeutic targets for this common and morbid disease. This research will teach Dr. Burke the use of advanced molecular techniques including viral", "synonym_substitution": "TGF? signaling and BETs, and (3) to define the mechanism of BET recruitment to target genes. understand these mechanism will provide important fundamental penetration into the biology of HF and could unlock potential therapeutic aim for this common and morbid disease. This inquiry will teach Dr. Burke the habit of advanced molecular proficiency including viral", "butter_fingers": " TGV? signaling and BETs, and (3) to define the mechanmsm of GET recrjitment to target genes. Undecstabding these mechanisms will provide pmportant funvamental insight into thc biomlgy mh HF and could onlock potendial therapeuthc tcrgets for this common and morbid difease. Tnid research wilj tessh Dd. Burke the use of advanced molecumar teciniques includimg viral", "random_deletion": "TGF? signaling and BETs, and (3) to mechanism BET recruitment target genes. Understanding fundamental into the biology HF and could potential therapeutic targets for this common morbid disease. This research will teach Dr. Burke the use of advanced molecular including viral", "change_char_case": " TGF? signaling and BETs, and (3) to dEfine the meChaniSm oF BEt rEcruItmeNt to target geneS. undeRstanding these mechanisMs wilL pROvidE ImPortaNt fundaMEnTAL inSiGhT inTo THe BioloGy oF HF and cOuld unlock PotEnTial therapeuTIc Targets for ThiS common and moRbiD diseaSe. thiS ReseaRch Will tEach Dr. bUrke thE use of advAnCEd moleCUlar tecHNIqUes iNcluding viral", "whitespace_perturbation": " TGF? signaling and BETs,and (3) to defi nethe m echa nism of BET recrui t ment to target genes. Unde rstan di n g th e se mech anismsw il l pro vi de im po r ta nt fu nda mentalinsight in toth e biology of HF and could un lock potenti altherap eu tic targe tsfor t his co m mon an d morbiddi s ease.T his res e a rc h wi ll teach Dr. Burk e t h e use of advan ced mo le c ul a r te chn iques incl ud ing v i ral", "underscore_trick": " TGF?_signaling and_BETs, and (3) to_define the_mechanism_of BET_recruitment_to target genes._Understanding these mechanisms_will provide important fundamental_insight into the_biology_of HF and could unlock potential therapeutic targets for this common and morbid disease._This_research will_teach_Dr._Burke the use of advanced_molecular techniques including viral"} +{"text": " affecting valvulogenesis. The objectives of Core B are twofold: 1. To ensure the availability of cohorts of patients with specific cardiovascular anomalies in whom phenotype has been well characterized by echocardiography. To catalogue and store echocardiographic and additional relevant clinical material along with DNA from both probands and parents so that the information is", "synonym_substitution": "affecting valvulogenesis. The objectives of Core B are twofold: 1. To ensure the handiness of age group of patients with specific cardiovascular anomalies in whom phenotype has been well qualify by echocardiography. To catalog and store echocardiographic and additional relevant clinical fabric along with DNA from both probands and parents so that the information is", "butter_fingers": " afvecting valvulogenesis. Tme objectives of Core B are tsofold: 1. Go ensure the availability oh coyorts of patients with speckfic cardpovasculae aninalies in xgom phekjtyps has ueen well charagterized by echocardiogra[hh. Co catalogue and store echocardiogra[hic anc wdditional relgvant slinjbao material along with DNA froj both krobands and parenys so that the information is", "random_deletion": "affecting valvulogenesis. The objectives of Core B 1. ensure the of cohorts of in phenotype has been characterized by echocardiography. catalogue and store echocardiographic and additional clinical material along with DNA from both probands and parents so that the is", "change_char_case": " affecting valvulogenesis. ThE objectiveS of CoRe B Are TwOfolD: 1. To eNsure the availaBIlitY of cohorts of patients wiTh speCiFIc caRDiOvascUlar anoMAlIES in WhOm PheNoTYpE has bEen Well chaRacterized By eChOcardiographY. to Catalogue aNd sTore echocardIogRaphic AnD adDItionAl rElevaNt clinICal matErial alonG wITh DNA fROm both pROBaNds aNd parents so that thE InFOrmation is", "whitespace_perturbation": " affecting valvulogenesis. The objec tives of Co re B a re t wofold: 1. Toe nsur e the availability ofcohor ts of p a ti entswith sp e ci f i c c ar di ova sc u la r ano mal ies inwhom pheno typ ehas been wel l c haracteriz edby echocardi ogr aphy.To ca t alogu e a nd st ore ec h ocardi ographican d addit i onal re l e va nt c linical materiala lo n g with DNA fro m both p r ob a n dsand parents s othatt he info r ma t i o n i s ", "underscore_trick": " affecting_valvulogenesis. The_objectives of Core B_are twofold:_1._To ensure_the_availability of cohorts_of patients with_specific cardiovascular anomalies in_whom phenotype has_been_well characterized by echocardiography. To catalogue and store echocardiographic and additional relevant clinical material_along_with DNA_from_both_probands and parents so that_the information is"} +{"text": ", as a means of developing specific disease models applicable to human diseases. Research methods include cell culture analysis of migration and proliferation; flow cytometry and cell sorting; production and testing of monoclonal antibodies against angiogenic lymphokines; biochemical procedures designed for purification of specific angiokines, and image analysis for assessment of new blood vessel", "synonym_substitution": ", as a means of developing specific disease models applicable to human diseases. inquiry method include cell acculturation psychoanalysis of migration and proliferation; flow cytometry and cell sorting; product and testing of monoclonal antibodies against angiogenic lymphokine; biochemical routine designed for refining of specific angiokines, and image analysis for assessment of new rake vessel", "butter_fingers": ", as a means of developing skecific disease models a'plicabme to huoan diseases. Research methodd uncluee cell culture analysks of miggation ane prioiferation; flow cybjmetdn and rell sorting; prpduction atd testing of kovoelonal antibodies against angiogenic lympholijes; biochemicaj prpsedudvs designed for purification of specifpc angiokines, and image analysis for assesslent of new blood vessfl", "random_deletion": ", as a means of developing specific applicable human diseases. methods include cell proliferation; cytometry and cell production and testing monoclonal antibodies against angiogenic lymphokines; biochemical designed for purification of specific angiokines, and image analysis for assessment of new vessel", "change_char_case": ", as a means of developing speciFic disease ModelS apPliCaBle tO humAn diseases. ReseARch mEthods include cell cultuRe anaLySIs of MIgRatioN and proLIfERAtiOn; FlOw cYtOMeTry anD ceLl sortiNg; productiOn aNd Testing of monOClOnal antiboDieS against angiOgeNic lymPhOkiNEs; bioCheMical ProcedURes desIgned for pUrIFicatiON of specIFIc AngiOkines, and image anaLYsIS for assessment Of new bLoOD vESSel", "whitespace_perturbation": ", as a means of developing specificdisea semod el s ap plic able to humand isea ses. Research methodsinclu de cell cu lture analys i so f mi gr at ion a n dproli fer ation;flow cytom etr yand cell sor t in g; product ion and testing of monoc lo nal antib odi es ag ainsta ngioge nic lymph ok i nes; b i ochemic a l p roce dures designed fo r p u rification ofspecif ic an g i oki nes , and imag eanaly s is fora ss e s s men t of new blood vessel", "underscore_trick": ", as_a means_of developing specific disease_models applicable_to_human diseases._Research_methods include cell_culture analysis of_migration and proliferation; flow_cytometry and cell_sorting;_production and testing of monoclonal antibodies against angiogenic lymphokines; biochemical procedures designed for purification_of_specific angiokines,_and_image_analysis for assessment of new_blood vessel"} +{"text": "G neurons, and this attenuation was reversible. These observations suggest that Cdk5-mediated phosphorylation of TRPV1 is important for capsaicin-mediated calcium influx through this receptor. Since Cdk5-/- mice die perinatally, we generated primary nociceptor-specific Cdk5 conditional knockout (", "synonym_substitution": "G neurons, and this attenuation was reversible. These observations suggest that Cdk5 - mediated phosphorylation of TRPV1 is authoritative for capsaicin - intercede calcium influx through this receptor. Since Cdk5-/- mice fail perinatally, we generated primary nociceptor - specific Cdk5 conditional knockout (", "butter_fingers": "G nfurons, and this attenuatlon was reversible. Thesx obserbations ruggest that Cdk5-mediated phodpyorylqtion of TRPV1 is imporgant for bapsaicin-nedieted calcium influx thromyh thjd reee'tor. Since Cdk5-/- kice die parinatally, we cevexated primary nociceptor-specific Cdk5 conditoojal knockout (", "random_deletion": "G neurons, and this attenuation was reversible. suggest Cdk5-mediated phosphorylation TRPV1 is important this Since Cdk5-/- mice perinatally, we generated nociceptor-specific Cdk5 conditional knockout (", "change_char_case": "G neurons, and this attenuatioN was reversIble. THesE obSeRvatIons Suggest that Cdk5-MEdiaTed phosphorylation of TRpV1 is iMpORtanT FoR capsAicin-meDIaTED caLcIuM inFlUX tHrougH thIs recepTor. Since CdK5-/- miCe Die perinatalLY, wE generated PriMary nociceptOr-sPecifiC CDk5 cONditiOnaL knocKout (", "whitespace_perturbation": "G neurons, and this attenu ation wasrever sib le. T hese obs ervations sugg e st t hat Cdk5-mediated phos phory la t iono fTRPV1 is imp o rt a n t f or c aps ai c in -medi ate d calci um influxthr ou gh this rece p to r. Since C dk5 -/- mice die pe rinata ll y,w e gen era ted p rimary nocice ptor-spec if i c Cdk5 conditi o n al kno ckout (", "underscore_trick": "G neurons,_and this_attenuation was reversible. These_observations suggest_that_Cdk5-mediated phosphorylation_of_TRPV1 is important_for capsaicin-mediated calcium_influx through this receptor._Since Cdk5-/- mice_die_perinatally, we generated primary nociceptor-specific Cdk5 conditional knockout ("} +{"text": " and greater consideration of adjunct therapies such as strength training post-operatively. KS is the most common neoplasm occurring in patients with AIDS. Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is universally present in Kaposi's sarcoma tissue and in a rare subset of non-Hodgkin' lymphomas", "synonym_substitution": "and greater consideration of adjunct therapies such as forte education post - operatively. KS is the most coarse tumor occurring in patients with AIDS. Kaposi's sarcoma - associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is universally present in Kaposi's sarcoma tissue and in a rare subset of non - Hodgkin' lymphoma", "butter_fingers": " anf greater consideration uf adjunct thercpies snch as atrength training post-operatively. KS iw the most common neoplasm uccurring in patiwnts qith AIDS. Kaposi's sarcomz-wssoeieted herpesvirux (KSHV) is gniversally prasdnc in Kaposi's sarcoma tissue and in a rare sibdet of non-Hodghin' krmphkmas", "random_deletion": "and greater consideration of adjunct therapies such training KS is most common neoplasm Kaposi's herpesvirus (KSHV) is present in Kaposi's tissue and in a rare subset non-Hodgkin' lymphomas", "change_char_case": " and greater consideration of Adjunct theRapieS suCh aS sTrenGth tRaining post-opeRAtivEly. KS is the most common neOplasM oCCurrINg In patIents wiTH Aids. KaPoSi'S saRcOMa-AssocIatEd herpeSvirus (KSHV) Is uNiVersally presENt In Kaposi's sArcOma tissue and In a Rare suBsEt oF Non-HoDgkIn' lymPhomas", "whitespace_perturbation": " and greater consideration of adjunc t the rap ies s uchas s trength traini n g po st-operatively. KS isthe m os t com m on neop lasm oc c ur r i ngin p ati en t swithAID S. Kapo si's sarco ma- as sociated her p es virus (KSH V)is universal lypresen tinK aposi 'ssarco ma tis s ue and in a rar es ubseto f non-H o d gk in'lymphomas", "underscore_trick": " and_greater consideration_of adjunct therapies such_as strength_training_post-operatively. KS_is_the most common_neoplasm occurring in_patients with AIDS. Kaposi's_sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV)_is_universally present in Kaposi's sarcoma tissue and in a rare subset of non-Hodgkin' lymphomas"} +{"text": " an important concept of lymphocyte maturation; that is, specialization of effector function similar to memory B cell generation characterized by immunoglobulin isotype switch. These studies will provide greater understanding of the generation and function of memory cells in the immune system, both in normal and diseased states. We established that neurons present in dorsal root ganglia (DR", "synonym_substitution": "an important concept of lymphocyte maturation; that is, specialization of effector function similar to memory boron cellular telephone generation characterized by immunoglobulin isotype substitution. These studies will put up greater agreement of the generation and function of memory cell in the immune system, both in normal and diseased states. We lay down that neurons present in dorsal root ganglia (DR", "butter_fingers": " an important concept of lyophocyte maturajiin; thav is, spscializagion of effector function silioar ti memory B cell generagion charwcterizee by ummunoglobnmin isobvpe ssltch. Chxse studies wilk provide creater undersdavdnng of the generation and function os memoru fells in the iimunt srstej, both in normal and diseased statss. We evtablished thst neurons present in dorswl rlot ganglia (DR", "random_deletion": "an important concept of lymphocyte maturation; that of function similar memory B cell switch. studies will provide understanding of the and function of memory cells in immune system, both in normal and diseased states. We established that neurons present dorsal root ganglia (DR", "change_char_case": " an important concept of lymphOcyte maturAtion; ThaT is, SpEciaLizaTion of effector FUnctIon similar to memory B celL geneRaTIon cHArActerIzed by iMMuNOGloBuLiN isOtYPe SwitcH. ThEse studIes will proVidE gReater undersTAnDing of the gEneRation and funCtiOn of meMoRy cELls in The ImmunE systeM, Both in Normal and DiSEased sTAtes. We eSTAbLishEd that neurons presENt IN dorsal root ganGlia (DR", "whitespace_perturbation": " an important concept of l ymphocytematur ati on; t hatis,specialization of e ffector function simil ar to m e mory Bcellgenerat i on c har ac te riz ed by immu nog lobulin isotype s wit ch . These stud i es will prov ide greater und ers tandin goft he ge ner ation and f u nction of memor yc ells i n the im m u ne sys tem, both in norm a la nd diseased st ates.We es t a bli she d that neu ro ns pr e sent in do r s a l r o ot ganglia (D R", "underscore_trick": " an_important concept_of lymphocyte maturation; that_is, specialization_of_effector function_similar_to memory B_cell generation characterized_by immunoglobulin isotype switch._These studies will_provide_greater understanding of the generation and function of memory cells in the immune system,_both_in normal_and_diseased_states. We established that neurons_present in dorsal root ganglia_(DR"} +{"text": " This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH source, and thus could be represented in other CRISP entries. The institution listed is for the Center, which", "synonym_substitution": "This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center concession fund by NIH / NCRR. The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received basal financing from another NIH source, and thus could be represent in early CRISP entries. The institution listed is for the Center, which", "butter_fingers": " Thls subproject is one of oany research sobprojecvs utiljzing thd resources provided by a Ceiter granu funded by NIH/NCRR. The subpgoject ane intestigator (PI) mab have rceeives prikery funding frok another TIH source, and tfud could be represented in other CRIFP entroed. The institutyon kystes is for the Center, which", "random_deletion": "This subproject is one of many research the provided by Center grant funded investigator may have received funding from another source, and thus could be represented other CRISP entries. The institution listed is for the Center, which", "change_char_case": " This subproject is one of many Research suBprojEctS utIlIzinG the Resources proviDEd by A Center grant funded by NIh/NCRR. thE SubpROjEct anD investIGaTOR (PI) MaY hAve ReCEiVed prImaRy fundiNg from anotHer nIh source, and thUS cOuld be reprEseNted in other CrISp entriEs. the INstitUtiOn lisTed is fOR the CeNter, which", "whitespace_perturbation": " This subproject is one of many rese archsub pro je ctsutil izing the reso u rces provided by a Centergrant f u nded by NIH/ NCRR. T h es u bpr oj ec t a nd in vesti gat or (PI) may haverec ei ved primaryf un ding fromano ther NIH sou rce , andth usc ouldberepre sented in oth er CRISPen t ries.T he inst i t ut ionlisted is for the Ce n ter, which", "underscore_trick": " This_subproject is_one of many research_subprojects utilizing_the_resources provided_by_a Center grant_funded by NIH/NCRR._The subproject and investigator_(PI) may have_received_primary funding from another NIH source, and thus could be represented in other CRISP_entries._The institution_listed_is_for the Center, which"} +{"text": ", KSPXXK and KSPXK peptides. This study suggests that neuronal MAPK can phosphsorylate all KSP repeats in rat NF-H and may be the principal kinase in vivo that phosphorylates serine residues in KSP repeats in neurofilament tail domains. Since cdk5 specifically phosphoryl", "synonym_substitution": ", KSPXXK and KSPXK peptides. This study suggests that neuronal MAPK can phosphsorylate all KSP repeat in rat NF - H and may be the chief kinase in vivo that phosphorylates serine remainder in KSP repeats in neurofilament stern domain. Since cdk5 specifically phosphoryl", "butter_fingers": ", KSOXXK and KSPXK peptides. Uhis study suggesjs that ieuronam MAPK cxn phosphsorylate all KSP re'eatw in eat NF-H and may be the principap kinase in tivo that phosphorylates serins resndnes in KSP repests in neusofilament tain aolains. Since cdk5 specifically phosphjryl", "random_deletion": ", KSPXXK and KSPXK peptides. This study neuronal can phosphsorylate KSP repeats in the kinase in vivo phosphorylates serine residues KSP repeats in neurofilament tail domains. cdk5 specifically phosphoryl", "change_char_case": ", KSPXXK and KSPXK peptides. ThiS study suggEsts tHat NeuRoNal MaPK cAn phosphsorylaTE all kSP repeats in rat NF-H and mAy be tHe PRincIPaL kinaSe in vivO ThAT PhoSpHoRylAtES sErine ResIdues in kSP repeats In nEuRofilament taIL dOmains. SincE cdK5 specificallY phOsphorYl", "whitespace_perturbation": ", KSPXXK and KSPXK peptide s. This st udy s ugg est sthat neu ronal MAPK can phos phsorylate all KSP rep eatsin ratN F- H and may be th e pri nc ip alki n as e inviv o thatphosphoryl ate sserine resid u es in KSP re pea ts in neurof ila ment t ai l d o mains . S incecdk5 s p ecific ally phos ph o ryl", "underscore_trick": ", KSPXXK_and KSPXK_peptides. This study suggests_that neuronal_MAPK_can phosphsorylate_all_KSP repeats in_rat NF-H and_may be the principal_kinase in vivo_that_phosphorylates serine residues in KSP repeats in neurofilament tail domains. Since cdk5 specifically phosphoryl"} +{"text": " maladjustment of this compensation, which can be adapted in time. Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococus) ranks among the five leading causes of infectious death worldwide. This single species accounts for a large proportion of respiratory tract (pneumonia, otitis media) and invasive (sepsis, meningitis) bacterial", "synonym_substitution": "maladjustment of this compensation, which can be adapted in time. Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococus) ranks among the five lead campaign of infectious death worldwide. This single species account for a large proportion of respiratory nerve pathway (pneumonia, otitis media) and invasive (sepsis, meningitis) bacterial", "butter_fingers": " mapadjustment of this comptnsation, which cau be adepted ih time. Sgreptococcus pneumoniae (the 'neunococys) ranks among the fivd leading causes if iifectious death xkrldwidc. Thia sinylx species accoukts for a ldrge proportiot uf respiratory tract (pneumonia, otitis media) snf invasive (sepfis, kqninfptls) bacterial", "random_deletion": "maladjustment of this compensation, which can be time. pneumoniae (the ranks among the death This single species for a large of respiratory tract (pneumonia, otitis media) invasive (sepsis, meningitis) bacterial", "change_char_case": " maladjustment of this compenSation, whicH can bE adAptEd In tiMe. StReptococcus pneUMoniAe (the pneumococus) ranks aMong tHe FIve lEAdIng caUses of iNFeCTIouS dEaTh wOrLDwIde. ThIs sIngle spEcies accouNts FoR a large propoRTiOn of respirAtoRy tract (pneumOniA, otitiS mEdiA) And inVasIve (sePsis, meNIngitiS) bacteriaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " maladjustment of this com pensation, whic h c anbe ada pted in time. Stre p toco ccus pneumoniae (the p neumo co c us)r an ks am ong the fi v e le ad in g c au s es of i nfe ctiousdeath worl dwi de . This singl e s pecies acc oun ts for a lar gepropor ti ono f res pir atory tract (pneum onia, oti ti s media ) and in v a si ve ( sepsis, meningiti s )b acterial", "underscore_trick": " maladjustment_of this_compensation, which can be_adapted in_time._Streptococcus pneumoniae_(the_pneumococus) ranks among_the five leading_causes of infectious death_worldwide. This single_species_accounts for a large proportion of respiratory tract (pneumonia, otitis media) and invasive (sepsis,_meningitis)_bacterial"} +{"text": " complexes to define nearest neighbors. As a first step, contractile machinery, myofibrils from vertebrate skeletal muscle (rabbit psoas) and a novel tubular muscle from Midshipman fish sonic muscle were crosslinked by a zerolength crosslinker. The crosslinked complexes were identified by the gel", "synonym_substitution": "complexes to define nearest neighbors. As a first gradation, contractile machinery, myofibril from vertebrate skeletal muscle (lapin psoas) and a novel tubular brawn from Midshipman fish sonic muscle were crosslinked by a zerolength crosslinker. The crosslinked complexes were identify by the gel", "butter_fingers": " colplexes to define nearesu neighbors. As a yurst svep, confractile machinery, myofibrils from vxrtevrate skeletal muscle (rabbig psoas) ajd a novwl tnbular muscle from Midshl'man rlsh smiic muscle were crosslinkad by a zeroletggh crosslinker. The crosslinked compleves werr ldentified by jhe gtl", "random_deletion": "complexes to define nearest neighbors. As a contractile myofibrils from skeletal muscle (rabbit muscle Midshipman fish sonic were crosslinked by zerolength crosslinker. The crosslinked complexes were by the gel", "change_char_case": " complexes to define nearest nEighbors. As A firsT stEp, cOnTracTile Machinery, myofiBRils From vertebrate skeletal MusclE (rABbit PSoAs) and A novel tUBuLAR muScLe FroM MIDsHipmaN fiSh sonic Muscle were CroSsLinked by a zerOLeNgth crosslInkEr. The crossliNkeD complExEs wERe ideNtiFied bY the geL", "whitespace_perturbation": " complexes to define neare st neighbo rs. A s a fi rs t st ep,contractile ma c hine ry, myofibrils from ve rtebr at e ske l et al mu scle (r a bb i t ps oa s) an da n oveltub ular mu scle fromMid sh ipman fish s o ni c muscle w ere crosslinked by a zer ol eng t h cro ssl inker . Thec rossli nked comp le x es wer e identi f i ed bythe gel", "underscore_trick": " complexes_to define_nearest neighbors. As a_first step,_contractile_machinery, myofibrils_from_vertebrate skeletal muscle_(rabbit psoas) and_a novel tubular muscle_from Midshipman fish_sonic_muscle were crosslinked by a zerolength crosslinker. The crosslinked complexes were identified by the_gel"} +{"text": " time to graduation of all Biology and Chemistry majors, but in five years should increase the pool of MARC eligible rising Juniors by at least a 100 students. A series of science promotions will be included in order to direct more of these into careers into biomedical research. [unreadable] [unreadable] This Facility provides a variety", "synonym_substitution": "time to graduation of all Biology and Chemistry majors, but in five years should increase the pond of MARC eligible rise Juniors by at least a 100 students. A series of skill promotions will be included in order to conduct more of these into careers into biomedical research. [ indecipherable ] [ indecipherable ] This Facility provides a kind", "butter_fingers": " tile to graduation of all Niology and Chemnwtry mejors, bht in fixe years should increase the piol od MARC eligible rising Juniors hy at leqst e 100 students. A secjes of sciencs prokitions will be included hn order to disezt more of these into careers into bijmedicak gesearch. [unreaqablt] [ugreasable] This Facility provides a varjety", "random_deletion": "time to graduation of all Biology and but five years increase the pool by least a 100 A series of promotions will be included in order direct more of these into careers into biomedical research. [unreadable] [unreadable] This Facility a variety", "change_char_case": " time to graduation of all BiolOgy and ChemIstry MajOrs, BuT in fIve yEars should incrEAse tHe pool of MARC eligible riSing JUnIOrs bY At Least A 100 studenTS. A SERieS oF sCieNcE PrOmotiOns Will be iNcluded in oRdeR tO direct more oF ThEse into carEerS into biomediCal ResearCh. [UnrEAdablE] [unReadaBle] ThiS faciliTy provideS a VAriety", "whitespace_perturbation": " time to graduation of all Biology a nd Ch emi str ymajo rs,but in five ye a rs s hould increase the poo l ofMA R C el i gi ble r ising J u ni o r s b yat le as t a 100stu dents.A series o f s ci ence promoti o ns will be i ncl uded in orde r t o dire ct mo r e ofthe se in to car e ers in to biomed ic a l rese a rch. [u n r ea dabl e] [unreadable] T h is Facility provi des ava r ie t y ", "underscore_trick": " time_to graduation_of all Biology and_Chemistry majors,_but_in five_years_should increase the_pool of MARC_eligible rising Juniors by_at least a_100_students. A series of science promotions will be included in order to direct more_of_these into_careers_into_biomedical research. [unreadable] [unreadable] This_Facility provides a variety"} +{"text": " life through adulthood. The marmoset normally produces biovular twins which show complete chorionic fusion prior to somite formation. The embryological processes which lead to blastocyst fusion and early blastocyst form, i.e., prior to fusion, are unknown. It is the aim of this research to describe the", "synonym_substitution": "life through adulthood. The marmoset normally produces biovular twins which picture accomplished chorionic fusion prior to somite formation. The embryological process which lead to blastocyst fusion and early blastocyst shape, i.e., prior to coalition, are unknown. It is the aim of this research to describe the", "butter_fingers": " live through adulthood. The marmoset normally provuces bjovular gwins which show complete chlruonic fusion prior to somitd formatiln. The enbryioogical processes which mcad tm blastocyst fuxion and edrly blastocysd woxm, i.e., prior to fusion, are unknown. It is the alm of this resgarch eo dsscribe the", "random_deletion": "life through adulthood. The marmoset normally produces which complete chorionic prior to somite lead blastocyst fusion and blastocyst form, i.e., to fusion, are unknown. It is aim of this research to describe the", "change_char_case": " life through adulthood. The maRmoset normAlly pRodUceS bIovuLar tWins which show cOMpleTe chorionic fusion prior To somItE FormATiOn. The EmbryolOGiCAL prOcEsSes WhICh Lead tO blAstocysT fusion and EarLy Blastocyst foRM, i.E., prior to fuSioN, are unknown. IT is The aim Of ThiS ReseaRch To desCribe tHE", "whitespace_perturbation": " life through adulthood. T he marmose t nor mal lypr oduc es b iovular twinsw hich show complete chorion ic fu si o n pr i or to s omite f o rm a t ion .Th e e mb r yo logic alprocess es which l ead t o blastocyst fu sion and e arl y blastocyst fo rm, i. e. , p r ior t o f usion , areu nknown . It is t he aim of this re s e ar ch t o describe the", "underscore_trick": " life_through adulthood._The marmoset normally produces_biovular twins_which_show complete_chorionic_fusion prior to_somite formation. The_embryological processes which lead_to blastocyst fusion_and_early blastocyst form, i.e., prior to fusion, are unknown. It is the aim of_this_research to_describe_the"} +{"text": " HSCs and progenitors that can repopulate the recipient's hematopoietic system is estimated at best 1 in 2-5x106 among Cdx4-HoxB4 induced ES derived cells (3). Constitutive HoxB4 expression in transplanted cells could also be problematic. The overall objective is to robustly generate", "synonym_substitution": "HSCs and progenitors that can repopulate the recipient's hematopoietic system is estimated at well 1 in 2 - 5x106 among Cdx4 - HoxB4 induce ES derived cells (3). Constitutive HoxB4 formulation in transplanted cells could besides be problematic. The overall objective is to robustly generate", "butter_fingers": " HSFs and progenitors that gan repopulate tkw reci'ient's gematopoketic system is estimated at bwst 1 un 2-5x106 among Cdx4-HoxB4 indjced ES dvrived ceols (3). Xonstitutits HoxB4 crpresalon iu vransplanted cekls could dlso be problekagie. The overall objective is to robustjy genetahe", "random_deletion": "HSCs and progenitors that can repopulate the system estimated at 1 in 2-5x106 cells Constitutive HoxB4 expression transplanted cells could be problematic. The overall objective is robustly generate", "change_char_case": " HSCs and progenitors that can Repopulate The reCipIenT's HemaTopoIetic system is eSTimaTed at best 1 in 2-5x106 among Cdx4-HoXB4 indUcED ES dERiVed ceLls (3). ConsTItUTIve hoXB4 ExpReSSiOn in tRanSplanteD cells coulD alSo Be problematiC. thE overall obJecTive is to robuStlY generAtE", "whitespace_perturbation": " HSCs and progenitors that can repop ulate th e r ec ipie nt's hematopoietic syst em is estimated at bes t 1 i n2 -5x1 0 6among Cdx4-H o xB 4 ind uc ed ES d e ri ved c ell s (3).Constituti veHo xB4 expressi o nin transpl ant ed cells cou ldalso b epro b lemat ic. Theoveral l objec tive is t or obustl y genera t e ", "underscore_trick": " HSCs_and progenitors_that can repopulate the_recipient's hematopoietic_system_is estimated_at_best 1 in_2-5x106 among Cdx4-HoxB4_induced ES derived cells_(3). Constitutive HoxB4_expression_in transplanted cells could also be problematic. The overall objective is to robustly generate"} +{"text": " Dr. Jeremy Berg in the Department of Molecular Biophysics. There he performed basic research investigating the molecular events that allow intracellular zinc-sensing by a metal responsive transcription factor. He also developed a method of targeting proteins to a single-stranded region of DNA, which may have therapeutic applications. He completed both a residency", "synonym_substitution": "Dr. Jeremy Berg in the Department of Molecular Biophysics. There he performed basic research investigating the molecular events that leave intracellular zinc - detection by a metal responsive arrangement divisor. He also developed a method acting of targeting proteins to a single - maroon region of DNA, which may have curative applications. He completed both a residency", "butter_fingers": " Dr. Jeremy Berg in the Depavtment of Molecular Bio'hysics. There hd performed basic research iivesrigatung the molecular evengs that aplow inteaceooular zinc-sensing nv a msbal rzs'onsive transcrlption factmr. He also devalupzd a method of targeting proteins to a singke-dtranded regiog of QNA, shich may have therapeutic applicafions. Ht completed both a residency", "random_deletion": "Dr. Jeremy Berg in the Department of There performed basic investigating the molecular by metal responsive transcription He also developed method of targeting proteins to a region of DNA, which may have therapeutic applications. He completed both a residency", "change_char_case": " Dr. Jeremy Berg in the DepartmeNt of MolecuLar BiOphYsiCs. therE he pErformed basic rESearCh investigating the moleCular EvENts tHAt Allow IntraceLLuLAR ziNc-SeNsiNg BY a Metal ResPonsive TranscriptIon FaCtor. He also deVElOped a methoD of Targeting proTeiNs to a sInGle-STrandEd rEgion Of DNA, wHIch may Have theraPeUTic appLIcationS. hE cOmplEted both a residencY", "whitespace_perturbation": " Dr. Jeremy Berg in the De partment o f Mol ecu lar B ioph ysic s. There he pe r form ed basic research inve stiga ti n g th e m olecu lar eve n ts t hat a ll owin t ra cellu lar zinc-s ensing bya m et al responsiv e t ranscripti onfactor. He a lso devel op eda meth odof ta rgetin g prote ins to asi n gle-st r anded r e g io n of DNA, which may h a ve therapeutic ap plicat io n s. H e c omp leted both a resi d ency", "underscore_trick": " Dr._Jeremy Berg_in the Department of_Molecular Biophysics._There_he performed_basic_research investigating the_molecular events that_allow intracellular zinc-sensing by_a metal responsive_transcription_factor. He also developed a method of targeting proteins to a single-stranded region of_DNA,_which may_have_therapeutic_applications. He completed both a_residency"} +{"text": "ating currents to directly test voltage sensor movement. Comparison of charge immobilization and its remobilization will allow a similar quantifiable measure of S1-S3 interaction with S4 segments during two forms of fast inactivation, and during recovery. Finally, we will build models of the voltage sensor domains, insert our mutations in", "synonym_substitution": "ating currents to directly test voltage detector campaign. Comparison of charge immobilization and its remobilization will allow a exchangeable quantifiable measurement of S1 - S3 interaction with S4 segments during two forms of debauched inactivation, and during recovery. ultimately, we will build models of the electric potential sensor domains, insert our mutations in", "butter_fingers": "atijg currents to directly uest voltage sensor movekent. Ckmparisov of charge immobilization aid irs renobilization will allod a similwr quantufiaule measure of S1-S3 interagcion slth S4 wegments durinn two forms of fast inacthvxtnon, and during recovery. Finally, we wyll buikd models of the voluagq sehsor domains, insert our mutations jn", "random_deletion": "ating currents to directly test voltage sensor of immobilization and remobilization will allow S1-S3 with S4 segments two forms of inactivation, and during recovery. Finally, we build models of the voltage sensor domains, insert our mutations in", "change_char_case": "ating currents to directly teSt voltage sEnsor MovEmeNt. compArisOn of charge immoBIlizAtion and its remobilizatIon wiLl ALlow A SiMilar QuantifIAbLE MeaSuRe Of S1-s3 iNTeRactiOn wIth S4 segMents durinG twO fOrms of fast inACtIvation, and DurIng recovery. FInaLly, we wIlL buILd modEls Of the VoltagE Sensor Domains, inSeRT our muTAtions iN", "whitespace_perturbation": "ating currents to directly test volt age s ens ormo veme nt.Comparison ofc harg e immobilization and i ts re mo b iliz a ti on wi ll allo w a s imi la rqua nt i fi ablemea sure of S1-S3 int era ct ion with S4s eg ments duri ngtwo forms of fa st ina ct iva t ion,and duri ng rec o very.Finally,we will b u ild mod e l sof t he voltage sensor do m ains, insert o ur mut at i on s in", "underscore_trick": "ating currents_to directly_test voltage sensor movement._Comparison of_charge_immobilization and_its_remobilization will allow_a similar quantifiable_measure of S1-S3 interaction_with S4 segments_during_two forms of fast inactivation, and during recovery. Finally, we will build models of_the_voltage sensor_domains,_insert_our mutations in"} +{"text": " smokers will increasingly account for a higher percentage of lung cancer cases. Therefore, two high-risk population groups exist for lung cancer and improved disease management can be beneficial to both current and former smokers. Additionally, the prognosis for lung cancer patients is very poor. Resistance to chemotherapy used in lung cancer treatment remains a major problem and", "synonym_substitution": "smokers will increasingly account for a higher percentage of lung cancer case. consequently, two high - risk population group exist for lung cancer and better disease management can be beneficial to both current and former smokers. Additionally, the prognosis for lung cancer affected role is very inadequate. Resistance to chemotherapy use in lung cancer treatment remains a major trouble and", "butter_fingers": " smlkers will increasingly xccount for a hnther pxrcentafe of luvg cancer cases. Therefore, twl yigh-rusk population groups dxist for lung cabcer qnd improvxs disease manznemenc ran be beneficisl to both current and fmroex smokers. Additionally, the prognosis for lumg cancer patienjs is dery ioir. Resistance to chemotherapy used ii lung cancer tteatment remains a major pgoblfm and", "random_deletion": "smokers will increasingly account for a higher lung cases. Therefore, high-risk population groups improved management can be to both current former smokers. Additionally, the prognosis for cancer patients is very poor. Resistance to chemotherapy used in lung cancer treatment a major problem and", "change_char_case": " smokers will increasingly acCount for a hIgher PerCenTaGe of Lung Cancer cases. TheREforE, two high-risk population GroupS eXIst fOR lUng caNcer and IMpROVed DiSeAse MaNAgEment Can Be benefIcial to botH cuRrEnt and former SMoKers. AdditiOnaLly, the prognoSis For lunG cAncER patiEntS is veRy poor. rEsistaNce to chemOtHErapy uSEd in lunG CAnCer tReatment remains a mAJoR Problem and", "whitespace_perturbation": " smokers will increasingly account f or ahig her p erce ntag e of lung canc e r ca ses. Therefore, two hi gh-ri sk popu l at ion g roups e x is t for l un g c an c er andimp roved d isease man age me nt can be be n ef icial to b oth current and fo rmer s mo ker s . Add iti onall y, the progno sis for l un g cance r patien t s i s ve ry poor. Resistan c et o chemotherapy usedin lu n g ca nce r treatmen tremai n s a maj o rp r o ble m and", "underscore_trick": " smokers_will increasingly_account for a higher_percentage of_lung_cancer cases._Therefore,_two high-risk population_groups exist for_lung cancer and improved_disease management can_be_beneficial to both current and former smokers. Additionally, the prognosis for lung cancer patients_is_very poor._Resistance_to_chemotherapy used in lung cancer_treatment remains a major problem_and"} +{"text": " calculus & statistics with biology, genetics, ecology & chemistry using a Teaching Pentagon; Part 2 (juniors & seniors), offers tailored-upper level courses. MARC U*STAR trainees will actively participate in directed scientific research & enrichment activities that include modeling workshops, journal club activities, professional development workshops, science cafes,", "synonym_substitution": "calculus & statistics with biology, genetics, ecology & chemistry using a Teaching Pentagon; Part 2 (junior & senior), offers tailored - upper level course. MARC U*STAR trainees will actively participate in address scientific inquiry & enrichment activities that include modeling workshops, journal cabaret activities, professional development workshop, skill cafes,", "butter_fingers": " capculus & statistics with niology, genetics, ecologb & chemjstry uskng a Teaching Pentagon; Part 2 (hunioes & seniors), offers taiuored-uppeg level ciursts. MARC U*STAR tramhees will actjyely 'acticipate in ditected sciendific research & dnxichment activities that include modqling wprnshops, journal clun actjniuies, professional development worishops, vcience cafes,", "random_deletion": "calculus & statistics with biology, genetics, ecology using Teaching Pentagon; 2 (juniors & MARC trainees will actively in directed scientific & enrichment activities that include modeling journal club activities, professional development workshops, science cafes,", "change_char_case": " calculus & statistics with bioLogy, genetiCs, ecoLogY & chEmIstrY usiNg a Teaching PenTAgon; part 2 (juniors & seniors), offeRs taiLoREd-upPEr Level Courses. maRc u*sTAr tRaIneEs WIlL actiVelY particIpate in dirEctEd Scientific reSEaRch & enrichmEnt Activities thAt iNclude MoDelINg worKshOps, joUrnal cLUb actiVities, proFeSSional DEvelopmENT wOrksHops, science cafes,", "whitespace_perturbation": " calculus & statistics wit h biology, gene tic s,ec olog y &chemistry usin g a T eaching Pentagon; Part 2 (j un i ors& s enior s), off e rs t ail or ed -up pe r l evelcou rses. M ARC U*STAR tr ai nees will ac t iv ely partic ipa te in direct edscient if icr esear ch& enr ichmen t activ ities tha ti nclude modelin g wo rksh ops, journal club ac t ivities, profe ssiona ld ev e l opm ent workshops ,scien c e cafes , ", "underscore_trick": " calculus_& statistics_with biology, genetics, ecology_& chemistry_using_a Teaching_Pentagon;_Part 2 (juniors_& seniors), offers_tailored-upper level courses. MARC_U*STAR trainees will_actively_participate in directed scientific research & enrichment activities that include modeling workshops, journal club_activities,_professional development_workshops,_science_cafes,"} +{"text": " electron microscopic observations of these tissues. The mechanism of cell stacking and its maintenance will be investigated in embryonic skin and during the development and remission of essential fatty acid deficiency. Studies will be made of the permeability of normal and essential fatty acid deficient mouse skin to ultrastructural tracer molecules. We have shown that targeted therapy to", "synonym_substitution": "electron microscopic observations of these tissues. The mechanism of cell stacking and its maintenance will be investigate in embryonic hide and during the development and remission of essential fatty acid insufficiency. Studies will be made of the permeability of normal and substantive fatty acid insufficient mouse skin to ultrastructural tracer molecules. We have shown that targeted therapy to", "butter_fingers": " elfctron microscopic obseryations of these tissuev. The jechaniso of cell stacking and its meintwnanct will be investigaged in emhryonic wkin qnd during the devcjopmskt anb cemission of esxential fadty acid defichevcv. Studies will be made of the permeafility pf normal and esfentpaj fafny acid deficient mouse skin to ultrasuructural tracer mplecules. We have shown thah taggeted therapy to", "random_deletion": "electron microscopic observations of these tissues. The cell and its will be investigated the and remission of fatty acid deficiency. will be made of the permeability normal and essential fatty acid deficient mouse skin to ultrastructural tracer molecules. We shown that targeted therapy to", "change_char_case": " electron microscopic observAtions of thEse tiSsuEs. THe MechAnisM of cell stackinG And iTs maintenance will be invEstigAtED in eMBrYonic Skin and DUrING thE dEvEloPmENt And reMisSion of eSsential faTty AcId deficiency. sTuDies will be MadE of the permeaBilIty of nOrMal ANd essEntIal faTty aciD DeficiEnt mouse sKiN To ultrAStructuRAL tRaceR molecules. We have sHOwN That targeted thErapy tO", "whitespace_perturbation": " electron microscopic obse rvations o f the setis su es.Themechanism of c e ll s tacking and its mainte nance w i ll b e i nvest igatedi ne m bry on ic sk in an d dur ing the de velopmentand r emission ofe ss ential fat tyacid deficie ncy . Stud ie s w i ll be ma de of the p e rmeabi lity of n or m al and essenti a l f atty acid deficient m o us e skin to ultra struct ur a lt r ace r m olecules.We have shown t h at t a rge t ed therapy to ", "underscore_trick": " electron_microscopic observations_of these tissues. The_mechanism of_cell_stacking and_its_maintenance will be_investigated in embryonic_skin and during the_development and remission_of_essential fatty acid deficiency. Studies will be made of the permeability of normal and_essential_fatty acid_deficient_mouse_skin to ultrastructural tracer molecules._We have shown that targeted_therapy to"} +{"text": " of synaptic plasticity in the cerebral cortex. The aims of this proposal are to determine (1) the qualities of visual cortical plasticity across the life-span, (2) the contributions of LTD mechanisms to deprivation-induced response depression in vivo, (3) the contribution of LTP mechanisms to experience-dependent response potent", "synonym_substitution": "of synaptic plasticity in the cerebral cortex. The aims of this proposal are to settle (1) the quality of visual cortical plasticity across the life - bridge, (2) the contributions of LTD mechanisms to privation - induced response natural depression in vivo, (3) the contribution of LTP mechanisms to experience - subject response potent", "butter_fingers": " of synaptic plasticity in uhe cerebral cortgx. The amms of fhis prooosal are to determine (1) the euqlititf of visual corticxl plastibity acrows tie life-span, (2) the contribmcions lf LCD mechanisms to deprivatimn-induced respmnre depression in vivo, (3) the contributijn of LYP mechanisms to exptriqnce-svptndent response potent", "random_deletion": "of synaptic plasticity in the cerebral cortex. of proposal are determine (1) the across life-span, (2) the of LTD mechanisms deprivation-induced response depression in vivo, (3) contribution of LTP mechanisms to experience-dependent response potent", "change_char_case": " of synaptic plasticity in the Cerebral coRtex. THe aIms Of This PropOsal are to deterMIne (1) tHe qualities of visual corTical PlASticITy AcrosS the lifE-SpAN, (2) The CoNtRibUtIOnS of LTd meChanismS to deprivaTioN-iNduced responSE dEpression iN viVo, (3) the contribUtiOn of LTp mEchANisms To eXperiEnce-dePEndent Response pOtENt", "whitespace_perturbation": " of synaptic plasticity in the cereb ral c ort ex. T he a imsof this propos a l ar e to determine (1) the qual it i es o f v isual cortic a lp l ast ic it y a cr o ss thelif e-span, (2) the c ont ri butions of L T Dmechanisms to deprivation -in ducedre spo n se de pre ssion in vi v o, (3) the cont ri b utiono f LTP m e c ha nism s to experience-d e pe n dent responsepotent ", "underscore_trick": " of_synaptic plasticity_in the cerebral cortex._The aims_of_this proposal_are_to determine (1)_the qualities of_visual cortical plasticity across_the life-span, (2)_the_contributions of LTD mechanisms to deprivation-induced response depression in vivo, (3) the contribution of_LTP_mechanisms to_experience-dependent_response_potent"} +{"text": "umatic brain injury (TBI) represents a signature injury of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. TBI causes severe persistent disability including cognitive impairment and mental health problems, resulting in loss of productivity and quality of life for the young Veterans returning from the wars. The long-term health care costs of combat-related TBI have created a", "synonym_substitution": "umatic brain injury (TBI) represents a signature wound of the Iraq and Afghanistan battle. TBI causes severe haunting disability include cognitive impairment and mental health problem, resulting in loss of productiveness and timbre of life for the young Veterans reelect from the wars. The long - term health caution costs of combat - related TBI have created a", "butter_fingers": "umahic brain injury (TBI) repvesents a signatorw injucy of tge Iraq xnd Afghanistan conflicts. TBM cayses wevere persistent disacility inbluding cigniuive impairment ais mental healfm proylxms, resulting ik loss of psoductivity ang duclity of life for the young Veterans returnonh from the warf. Tht ljng-tsgm health care costs of combat-rslated UBI have created a", "random_deletion": "umatic brain injury (TBI) represents a signature the and Afghanistan TBI causes severe and health problems, resulting loss of productivity quality of life for the young returning from the wars. The long-term health care costs of combat-related TBI have a", "change_char_case": "umatic brain injury (TBI) repreSents a signAture InjUry Of The IRaq aNd Afghanistan cONfliCts. TBI causes severe persIstenT dISabiLItY inclUding coGNiTIVe iMpAiRmeNt ANd MentaL heAlth proBlems, resulTinG iN loss of produCTiVity and quaLitY of life for thE yoUng VetErAns REturnIng From tHe wars. tHe long-Term healtH cARe costS Of combaT-RElAted tBI have created a", "whitespace_perturbation": "umatic brain injury (TBI)represents a si gna tur einju ry o f the Iraq and Afgh anistan conflicts. TBI caus es seve r epersi stent d i sa b i lit yin clu di n gcogni tiv e impai rment andmen ta l health pro b le ms, result ing in loss ofpro ductiv it y a n d qua lit y oflife f o r theyoung Vet er a ns ret u rning f r o mthewars. The long-te r mh ealth care cos ts ofco m ba t - rel ate d TBI have c reate d a", "underscore_trick": "umatic brain_injury (TBI)_represents a signature injury_of the_Iraq_and Afghanistan_conflicts._TBI causes severe_persistent disability including_cognitive impairment and mental_health problems, resulting_in_loss of productivity and quality of life for the young Veterans returning from the_wars._The long-term_health_care_costs of combat-related TBI have_created a"} +{"text": "i.e., maternal sensitivity) to the infant on vagal trajectories over time, 4) to examine factors related to ethnicity and family income as predictors of vagal trajectories and 5) to examine baseline vagal tone and vagal withdrawal trajectories as predictors of socio-emotional functioning assessed by maternal report at 36, 48", "synonym_substitution": "i.e., maternal sensitivity) to the infant on vagal trajectories over time, 4) to test divisor related to ethnicity and family income as predictors of vagal trajectory and 5) to examine baseline vagal tone and vagal coitus interruptus trajectories as predictors of socio - aroused operation assessed by maternal reputation at 36, 48", "butter_fingers": "i.e., laternal sensitivity) to uhe infant on vagco trajxctoriea over tkme, 4) to examine factors relaved ro etynicity and family incume as prvdictors if vegal trajectories and 5) to examjke bavxline vagal tong and vagal fithdrawal trabeztlries as predictors of socio-emotionwl funcyilning assessed by kwterhal report at 36, 48", "random_deletion": "i.e., maternal sensitivity) to the infant on over 4) to factors related to predictors vagal trajectories and to examine baseline tone and vagal withdrawal trajectories as of socio-emotional functioning assessed by maternal report at 36, 48", "change_char_case": "i.e., maternal sensitivity) to thE infant on vAgal tRajEctOrIes oVer tIme, 4) to examine faCTors Related to ethnicity and fAmily InCOme aS PrEdictOrs of vaGAl TRAjeCtOrIes AnD 5) To ExamiNe bAseline Vagal tone aNd vAgAl withdrawal TRaJectories aS prEdictors of soCio-EmotioNaL fuNCtionIng AssesSed by mATernal Report at 36, 48", "whitespace_perturbation": "i.e., maternal sensitivity ) to the i nfant on va ga l tr ajec tories over ti m e, 4 ) to examine factors r elate dt o et h ni cityand fam i ly i nco me a s p re d ic torsofvagal t rajectorie s a nd 5) to exami n ebaseline v aga l tone and v aga l with dr awa l traj ect ories as pr e dictor s of soci o- e motion a l funct i o ni ng a ssessed by matern a lr eport at 36, 4 8", "underscore_trick": "i.e., maternal_sensitivity) to_the infant on vagal_trajectories over_time,_4) to_examine_factors related to_ethnicity and family_income as predictors of_vagal trajectories and_5)_to examine baseline vagal tone and vagal withdrawal trajectories as predictors of socio-emotional functioning_assessed_by maternal_report_at_36, 48"} +{"text": " can be toxic or protective and can have distinct effects on cell maturation. The survival of oligodendrocytes (OLs) and formation of myelin is critical for CNS function. Although opiate abuse can result in myelin pathology, essentially nothing is known about opioid effects on OLs either during neonatal or perinatal periods or", "synonym_substitution": "can be toxic or protective and can have distinct effects on cell growth. The survival of oligodendrocyte (OLs) and formation of myelin is critical for CNS affair. Although opiate misuse can result in myelin pathology, essentially nothing is know about opioid effects on OLs either during neonatal or perinatal periods or", "butter_fingers": " caj be toxic or protective and can have dnwtinct effecfs on ceul maturation. The survival oh olugodebdrocytes (OLs) and formxtion of lyelin iw crmtical for CNS fnhction. Althoufm opictx abuse can resolt in myelit pathology, esvevtnally nothing is known about opioid qffects oj OLs either doring geonznao or perinatal periods or", "random_deletion": "can be toxic or protective and can effects cell maturation. survival of oligodendrocytes is for CNS function. opiate abuse can in myelin pathology, essentially nothing is about opioid effects on OLs either during neonatal or perinatal periods or", "change_char_case": " can be toxic or protective and Can have disTinct EffEctS oN celL matUration. The survIVal oF oligodendrocytes (OLs) anD formAtIOn of MYeLin is CriticaL FoR cnS fUnCtIon. alTHoUgh opIatE abuse cAn result in MyeLiN pathology, esSEnTially nothIng Is known about OpiOid effEcTs oN oLs eiTheR duriNg neonATal or pErinatal pErIOds or", "whitespace_perturbation": " can be toxic or protectiv e and canhavedis tin ct eff ects on cell matur a tion . The survival of olig odend ro c ytes (O Ls) a nd form a ti o n of m ye lin i s c ritic alfor CNS function. Al th ough opiatea bu se can res ult in myelin p ath ology, e sse n tiall y n othin g is k n own ab out opioi de ffects on OLse i th er d uring neonatal or pe r inatal periods or", "underscore_trick": " can_be toxic_or protective and can_have distinct_effects_on cell_maturation._The survival of_oligodendrocytes (OLs) and_formation of myelin is_critical for CNS_function._Although opiate abuse can result in myelin pathology, essentially nothing is known about opioid_effects_on OLs_either_during_neonatal or perinatal periods or"} +{"text": "OS builds upon our results developing and employing SAXS to define accurate conformations and assemblies in solution in combination with PSI high-resolution crystal structures for detail. Biological information involves changes in shape as well as active site chemistry. SAXS provides robust analyses of shape and conformational change in solution whereas crystallography provides precise information on", "synonym_substitution": "OS builds upon our results developing and use SAXS to specify accurate conformations and assemblies in solution in combination with PSI high - resoluteness crystal structures for contingent. Biological information involves changes in human body as well as active site chemistry. SAXS put up robust analyses of condition and conformational change in solution whereas crystallography provides precise information on", "butter_fingers": "OS huilds upon our results aeveloping and gmployinj SAXS fo defind accurate conformations and awsemboies in solution in coobination with PSU hijh-resolution crystal strmeturea for vetail. Biologicsl informadion involves whxnyes in shape as well as active site shemistty. SAXS provides roblse anzlyses of shape and conformational change in solution ehereas crystallography prlvidfs precise informahion on", "random_deletion": "OS builds upon our results developing and to accurate conformations assemblies in solution crystal for detail. Biological involves changes in as well as active site chemistry. provides robust analyses of shape and conformational change in solution whereas crystallography provides information on", "change_char_case": "OS builds upon our results devEloping and EmploYinG SAxS To deFine Accurate conforMAtioNs and assemblies in solutIon in CoMBinaTIoN with pSI high-REsOLUtiOn CrYstAl STrUcturEs fOr detaiL. BiologicaL inFoRmation involVEs Changes in sHapE as well as actIve Site chEmIstRY. SAXS ProVides Robust ANalyseS of shape aNd COnformATional cHANgE in sOlution whereas crySTaLLography providEs precIsE InFORmaTioN on", "whitespace_perturbation": "OS builds upon our results developin g and em plo yi ng S AXSto define accu r ateconformations and asse mblie si n so l ut ion i n combi n at i o n w it hPSI h i gh -reso lut ion cry stal struc tur es for detail. Bi ological i nfo rmation invo lve s chan ge s i n shap e a s wel l as a c tive s ite chemi st r y. SAX S provid e s r obus t analyses of sha p ea nd conformatio nal ch an g ei n so lut ion wherea scryst a llograp h yp r o vid e s precise inf ormation on ", "underscore_trick": "OS builds_upon our_results developing and employing_SAXS to_define_accurate conformations_and_assemblies in solution_in combination with_PSI high-resolution crystal structures_for detail. Biological_information_involves changes in shape as well as active site chemistry. SAXS provides robust analyses_of_shape and_conformational_change_in solution whereas crystallography provides_precise information on"} +{"text": " propose to use this grant mechanism to address three priority areas of the NIMH including decreasing the morbidity associated with depression, improving the mental health of females, and reducing the racial disparity in mental health. We address these issues by developing a novel approach to preventing depression in preadolescent African American girls growing up in urban", "synonym_substitution": "propose to use this grant mechanism to address three precedence area of the NIMH including decreasing the unwholesomeness associated with low, improving the genial health of female, and reducing the racial disparity in genial health. We cover these issues by developing a fresh approach to preventing low in preteen African American girls growing up in urban", "butter_fingers": " prlpose to use this grant oechanism to adbeess tiree prjority afeas of the NIMH including dxcreqsing the morbidity associaged with fepressiin, inproving thx mental healtg of yenales, and reduging the rawial disparity iv lental health. We address these issuqs by drvfloping a novej apkrowch fo preventing depression in preadomescent African Amerocan girls growing up in ugban", "random_deletion": "propose to use this grant mechanism to priority of the including decreasing the the health of females, reducing the racial in mental health. We address these by developing a novel approach to preventing depression in preadolescent African American girls up in urban", "change_char_case": " propose to use this grant mechAnism to addRess tHreE prIoRity AreaS of the NIMH inclUDing Decreasing the morbidity AssocIaTEd wiTH dEpresSion, impROvING thE mEnTal HeALtH of feMalEs, and reDucing the rAciAl Disparity in mENtAl health. We AddRess these issUes By deveLoPinG A noveL apProacH to preVEnting DepressioN iN PreadoLEscent AFRIcAn AmErican girls growinG Up IN urban", "whitespace_perturbation": " propose to use this grant mechanism to a ddr ess t hree pri ority areas of theNIMH including decreas ing t he morb i di ty as sociate d w i t h d ep re ssi on , i mprov ing the me ntal healt h o ffemales, and re ducing the ra cial dispari tyin men ta l h e alth. We addr ess th e se iss ues by de ve l opinga novela p pr oach to preventing de p re s sion in preado lescen tA fr i c anAme rican girl sgrowi n g up in ur b a n ", "underscore_trick": " propose_to use_this grant mechanism to_address three_priority_areas of_the_NIMH including decreasing_the morbidity associated_with depression, improving the_mental health of_females,_and reducing the racial disparity in mental health. We address these issues by developing_a_novel approach_to_preventing_depression in preadolescent African American_girls growing up in urban"} +{"text": ", glucose, C-peptide), Meiselman (blood and plasma viscosity, red blood cell aggregation, zeta sedimentation ratio, and hematological indices), Francis (Fibrinogen, factor VIIc, plasminogen activator inhibitor a, prothrombin factor F1.2, and fibrin D-", "synonym_substitution": ", glucose, C - peptide), Meiselman (blood and plasma viscosity, red blood cellular telephone collection, zeta sedimentation ratio, and hematologic indices), Francis (Fibrinogen, gene VIIc, plasminogen activator inhibitor a, prothrombin factor F1.2, and fibrin D-", "butter_fingers": ", glkcose, C-peptide), Meiselman (blood and plasma viscmsity, ded blooa cell aggregation, zeta sedilebtatiin ratio, and hematologkcal indibes), Francus (Fmbrinogen, factor VIIc, plasminofcn accitator inhibitor a, prothrokbin factor F1.2, dna yibrin D-", "random_deletion": ", glucose, C-peptide), Meiselman (blood and plasma blood aggregation, zeta ratio, and hematological plasminogen inhibitor a, prothrombin F1.2, and fibrin", "change_char_case": ", glucose, C-peptide), Meiselman (bLood and plaSma viScoSitY, rEd blOod cEll aggregation, ZEta sEdimentation ratio, and heMatolOgICal iNDiCes), FrAncis (FiBRiNOGen, FaCtOr ViIC, PlAsminOgeN activaTor inhibitOr a, PrOthrombin facTOr f1.2, and fibrin d-", "whitespace_perturbation": ", glucose, C-peptide), Mei selman (bl ood a ndpla sm a vi scos ity, red blood cell aggregation, zeta sed iment at i on r a ti o, an d hemat o lo g i cal i nd ice s) , F ranci s ( Fibrino gen, facto r V II c, plasminog e nactivatorinh ibitor a, pr oth rombin f act o r F1. 2,and f ibrinD -", "underscore_trick": ", glucose,_C-peptide), Meiselman_(blood and plasma viscosity,_red blood_cell_aggregation, zeta_sedimentation_ratio, and hematological_indices), Francis (Fibrinogen,_factor VIIc, plasminogen activator_inhibitor a, prothrombin_factor_F1.2, and fibrin D-"} +{"text": " issue at the heart of gerontology and of widespread interest to the general populace. A Comparative Cancer Center is being established at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell with the aim of bridging basic research efforts in cell biology, signal transduction and virology with translational research and the clinical treatment of animal patients with cancer", "synonym_substitution": "issue at the heart of gerontology and of widespread sake to the cosmopolitan populace. A Comparative Cancer Center is being established at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell with the aim of bridge basic inquiry efforts in cell biology, signal transduction and virology with translational inquiry and the clinical discussion of animal patients with cancer", "butter_fingers": " isdue at the heart of geroktology and of wneespreed intedest to ghe general populace. A Compacatice Cabcer Center is being ertablishef at the Colowge of Vetxdinary Medicihc at Eocnell with the sim of brigging basic revexreh efforts in cell biology, signal trwnsductooj and virology witn trahslational research and the cliniczl treaument of animal payients with cancer", "random_deletion": "issue at the heart of gerontology and interest the general A Comparative Cancer the of Veterinary Medicine Cornell with the of bridging basic research efforts in biology, signal transduction and virology with translational research and the clinical treatment of patients with cancer", "change_char_case": " issue at the heart of gerontolOgy and of wiDesprEad IntErEst tO the General populacE. a ComParative Cancer Center is Being EsTAbliSHeD at thE CollegE Of vETerInArY MeDiCInE at CoRneLl with tHe aim of briDgiNg Basic researcH EfForts in celL biOlogy, signal tRanSductiOn And VIroloGy wIth trAnslatIOnal reSearch and ThE ClinicAL treatmENT oF aniMal patients with caNCeR", "whitespace_perturbation": " issue at the heart of ger ontology a nd of wi des pr eadinte rest to the ge n eral populace. A Comparati ve Ca nc e r Ce n te r isbeing e s ta b l ish ed a t t he Co llege of Veteri nary Medic ine a t Cornell wi t hthe aim of br idging basic re search e ffo r ts in ce ll bi ology, signal transduc ti o n andv irology w it h tr anslational resea r ch and the clinic al tre at m en t ofani mal patien ts with cancer", "underscore_trick": " issue_at the_heart of gerontology and_of widespread_interest_to the_general_populace. A Comparative_Cancer Center is_being established at the_College of Veterinary_Medicine_at Cornell with the aim of bridging basic research efforts in cell biology, signal_transduction_and virology_with_translational_research and the clinical treatment_of animal patients with cancer"} +{"text": " the age-associated decrease in circulating androgens contributes to the alterations in carbohydrate metabolism that are commonly observed in the elderly and on insulin action, insulin secretion, and glucose effectiveness. Project 4, \"Effect of Androgen Replacement on Fat Metabolism\" will determine whether changes in fat distribution that occur with aging could result from", "synonym_substitution": "the age - associated decrease in circulating androgens contribute to the revision in carbohydrate metabolism that are commonly observed in the aged and on insulin action, insulin secretion, and glucose effectiveness. Project 4, \" consequence of Androgen Replacement on Fat Metabolism \" will determine whether changes in fatty distribution that happen with aging could result from", "butter_fingers": " thf age-associated decrease in circulating androgxns confributes to the alterations in carboiydrqte mtnabolism that are comoonly obsvrved in rhe tlderly and on insulin acbnon, ihduliu wecretion, and nlucose effactiveness. Probezt 4, \"Effect of Androgen Replacement on Fat Meyaholism\" will dejermimq whsnhtr changes in fat distribution thzt occug with aging coulc result from", "random_deletion": "the age-associated decrease in circulating androgens contributes alterations carbohydrate metabolism are commonly observed insulin insulin secretion, and effectiveness. Project 4, of Androgen Replacement on Fat Metabolism\" determine whether changes in fat distribution that occur with aging could result from", "change_char_case": " the age-associated decrease iN circulatiNg andRogEns CoNtriButeS to the alteratiONs in Carbohydrate metabolism That aRe COmmoNLy ObserVed in thE ElDERly AnD oN inSuLIn ActioN, inSulin seCretion, and GluCoSe effectivenESs. project 4, \"EffEct Of Androgen RePlaCement On fat mEtaboLisM\" will DetermINe whetHer changeS iN Fat disTRibutioN THaT occUr with aging could rESuLT from", "whitespace_perturbation": " the age-associated decrea se in circ ulati ngand ro gens con tributes to th e alt erations in carbohydra te me ta b olis m t hat a re comm o nl y obs er ve d i nt he elde rly and on insulin a cti on , insulin se c re tion, andglu cose effecti ven ess. P ro jec t 4, \" Eff ect o f Andr o gen Re placement o n Fat M e tabolis m \" w illdetermine whether ch a nges in fat di stribu ti o nt h atocc ur with ag in g cou l d resul t f r o m ", "underscore_trick": " the_age-associated decrease_in circulating androgens contributes_to the_alterations_in carbohydrate_metabolism_that are commonly_observed in the_elderly and on insulin_action, insulin secretion,_and_glucose effectiveness. Project 4, \"Effect of Androgen Replacement on Fat Metabolism\" will determine whether_changes_in fat_distribution_that_occur with aging could result_from"} +{"text": "- induced visceral hyperalgesia. The second specific aim relates to the characterization of molecular mechanisms linking chronic stress and spinal glial activation. The experimental design proposed in this application includes the behavioral assessment of visceral sensitivity in response to different pharmacological treatments (antagonists, agonists, oligonucleotide antisenses), combined with in vitro analysis using", "synonym_substitution": "- induced visceral hyperalgesia. The second specific aim relates to the word picture of molecular mechanism linking chronic stress and spinal glial activation. The experimental purpose proposed in this application admit the behavioral judgment of visceral sensitivity in reaction to different pharmacological treatments (antagonist, agonists, oligonucleotide antisenses), combined with in vitro psychoanalysis using", "butter_fingers": "- infuced visceral hyperalgeria. The second specifir aim rslates tu the characterization of mopexular mechanisms linking chfonic strvss and spinao glial actmbation. Bke exlcrimeutel design propoxed in thiv application hnzlbdes the behavioral assessment of vifceral xejsitivity in rgsponxq to different pharmacological treatmehts (antegonists, agonisys, oligonucleotide antisendes), fombined with in vltro analysus ufung", "random_deletion": "- induced visceral hyperalgesia. The second specific to characterization of mechanisms linking chronic The design proposed in application includes the assessment of visceral sensitivity in response different pharmacological treatments (antagonists, agonists, oligonucleotide antisenses), combined with in vitro analysis using", "change_char_case": "- induced visceral hyperalgesIa. The seconD specIfiC aiM rElatEs to The characterizATion Of molecular mechanisms lInkinG cHRoniC StRess aNd spinaL GlIAL acTiVaTioN. THE eXperiMenTal desiGn proposed In tHiS application INcLudes the beHavIoral assessmEnt Of viscErAl sENsitiVitY in reSponse TO diffeRent pharmAcOLogicaL TreatmeNTS (aNtagOnists, agonists, oliGOnUCleotide antiseNses), coMbINeD WIth In vItro analysIs Using", "whitespace_perturbation": "- induced visceral hyperal gesia. The seco ndspe ci ficaimrelates to the char acterization of molecu lar m ec h anis m slinki ng chro n ic s tre ss a ndsp i na l gli alactivat ion. The e xpe ri mental desig n p roposed in th is applicati oninclud es th e beha vio ral a ssessm e nt ofvisceralse n sitivi t y in re s p on se t o different pharm a co l ogical treatme nts (a nt a go n i sts , a gonists, o li gonuc l eotidea nt i s e nse s ), combined w ith in vitr o an alysis u sin g ", "underscore_trick": "- induced_visceral hyperalgesia._The second specific aim_relates to_the_characterization of_molecular_mechanisms linking chronic_stress and spinal_glial activation. The experimental_design proposed in_this_application includes the behavioral assessment of visceral sensitivity in response to different pharmacological treatments_(antagonists,_agonists, oligonucleotide_antisenses),_combined_with in vitro analysis using"} +{"text": " cardiac disease and sleep disorders, family history of epilepsy, and the family and social environment. To supplement these data, medical records will be abstracted for treatment schedules, medication use, epilepsy phenotype, and other health measures. Follow- up data collection is expected to occur every 6 months. In support of Aim 3, we", "synonym_substitution": "cardiac disease and sleep disorders, family history of epilepsy, and the family and social environment. To append these datum, aesculapian records will be abstracted for treatment schedule, medication use, epilepsy phenotype, and early health measures. Follow- up data collection is expect to occur every 6 months. In accompaniment of Aim 3, we", "butter_fingers": " cagdiac disease and sleep aisorders, famili yistorb of epjlepsy, avd the family and social envmronnent. Uj supplement these data, medpcal recoeds xill be abstractxs for tvzatmehb schzdnles, medication use, epile[sy phenotype, dna lther health measures. Follow- up datw collevtlon is expecteq to jccud every 6 months. In support of Aim 3, we", "random_deletion": "cardiac disease and sleep disorders, family history and family and environment. To supplement be for treatment schedules, use, epilepsy phenotype, other health measures. Follow- up data is expected to occur every 6 months. In support of Aim 3, we", "change_char_case": " cardiac disease and sleep disOrders, famiLy hisTorY of EpIlepSy, anD the family and sOCial Environment. To supplemenT thesE dATa, meDIcAl recOrds wilL Be ABStrAcTeD foR tREaTment SchEdules, mEdication uSe, ePiLepsy phenotyPE, aNd other heaLth Measures. FollOw- uP data cOlLecTIon is ExpEcted To occuR Every 6 mOnths. In suPpORt of AiM 3, We", "whitespace_perturbation": " cardiac disease and sleep disorders , fam ily hi st oryof e pilepsy, and t h e fa mily and social enviro nment .T o su p pl ement thesed at a , me di ca l r ec o rd s wil l b e abstr acted fortre at ment schedul e s, medicatio n u se, epilepsy ph enotyp e, an d othe r h ealth measu r es. Fo llow- upda t a coll e ction i s ex pect ed to occur every 6m onths. In supp ort of A i m3 , we ", "underscore_trick": " cardiac_disease and_sleep disorders, family history_of epilepsy,_and_the family_and_social environment. To_supplement these data,_medical records will be_abstracted for treatment_schedules,_medication use, epilepsy phenotype, and other health measures. Follow- up data collection is expected_to_occur every_6_months._In support of Aim 3,_we"} +{"text": " foundation for development of novel steroid-based drugs for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. The goal of the work described in these studies is to elucidate how critical extracellular and intracellular domains control signaling by notch receptors. The extracellular domains of all notches contain three iterated LIN12 repeats, which maintain notch receptors in their resting state prior", "synonym_substitution": "foundation for development of novel steroid - free-base drug for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. The finish of the work identify in these studies is to elucidate how critical extracellular and intracellular knowledge domain control signaling by pass receptor. The extracellular domains of all notch contain three iterated LIN12 repeat, which maintain notch receptors in their resting state prior", "butter_fingers": " fokndation for development of novel sterone-based drugs for the treatment of psychiatric didoeders. The goal of the work aescribed in thesw stndies is to elucmsate how critjgal ertcacellular and lntracelluldr domains condrul signaling by notch receptors. The evtracelkupar domains of all gotcgvs contain three iterated LIN12 rspeats, xhich maintain motch receptors in their rfstijg state prior", "random_deletion": "foundation for development of novel steroid-based drugs treatment psychiatric disorders. goal of the is elucidate how critical and intracellular domains signaling by notch receptors. The extracellular of all notches contain three iterated LIN12 repeats, which maintain notch receptors in resting state prior", "change_char_case": " foundation for development oF novel sterOid-baSed DruGs For tHe trEatment of psychIAtriC disorders. The goal of the Work dEsCRibeD In These Studies IS tO ELucIdAtE hoW cRItIcal eXtrAcellulAr and intraCelLuLar domains coNTrOl signalinG by Notch receptoRs. THe extrAcEllULar doMaiNs of aLl notcHEs contAin three iTeRAted LIn12 Repeats, WHIcH maiNtain notch receptoRS iN Their resting stAte priOr", "whitespace_perturbation": " foundation for developmen t of novel ster oid -ba se d dr ugsfor the treatm e nt o f psychiatric disorder s. Th eg oalo fthe w ork des c ri b e d i nth ese s t ud ies i s t o eluci date how c rit ic al extracell u la r and intr ace llular domai nscontro lsig n aling by notc h rece p tors.The extra ce l lulard omainso f a ll n otches contain th r ee iterated LIN12 repea ts , w h i chmai ntain notc hrecep t ors int he i r res t ing state pri or", "underscore_trick": " foundation_for development_of novel steroid-based drugs_for the_treatment_of psychiatric_disorders._The goal of_the work described_in these studies is_to elucidate how_critical_extracellular and intracellular domains control signaling by notch receptors. The extracellular domains of all_notches_contain three_iterated_LIN12_repeats, which maintain notch receptors_in their resting state prior"} +{"text": " divide, and respond to signals. This proposal focuses on cytoplasmic dynein, the largest, most complex, and least understood of the cytoskeletal motors. The specific objectives are to determine how single dynein dimers move processively, how ensembles of motors efficiently move cargo, and the role of processive movement in", "synonym_substitution": "divide, and respond to signals. This proposal concenter on cytoplasmic dynein, the bombastic, most complex, and least understood of the cytoskeletal motors. The specific objective are to determine how single dynein dimer move processively, how ensembles of motors efficiently travel cargo, and the role of processive movement in", "butter_fingers": " digide, and respond to signxls. This proposco focuves on cytoplarmic dynein, the largest, most cimplez, and least understood of the cjtoskeletql mirors. The s'scific objectjyes axe to determine mow single gynein dimers koxe processively, how ensembles of motows effivifntly move cardo, amq ths role of processive movement in", "random_deletion": "divide, and respond to signals. This proposal cytoplasmic the largest, complex, and least The objectives are to how single dynein move processively, how ensembles of motors move cargo, and the role of processive movement in", "change_char_case": " divide, and respond to signals. this proposAl focUseS on CyToplAsmiC dynein, the largESt, moSt complex, and least underStood Of THe cyTOsKeletAl motorS. thE SPecIfIc ObjEcTIvEs are To dEterminE how single DynEiN dimers move pROcEssively, hoW enSembles of motOrs EfficiEnTly MOve caRgo, And thE role oF ProcesSive movemEnT In", "whitespace_perturbation": " divide, and respond to si gnals. Thi s pro pos alfo cuse s on cytoplasmic d y nein , the largest, most co mplex ,a nd l e as t und erstood of t hecy to ske le t al moto rs. The sp ecific obj ect iv es are to de t er mine how s ing le dynein di mer s move p roc e ssive ly, howensemb l es ofmotors ef fi c iently move ca r g o, and the role of proc e ss i ve movement in ", "underscore_trick": " divide,_and respond_to signals. This proposal_focuses on_cytoplasmic_dynein, the_largest,_most complex, and_least understood of_the cytoskeletal motors. The_specific objectives are_to_determine how single dynein dimers move processively, how ensembles of motors efficiently move cargo,_and_the role_of_processive_movement in"} +{"text": "o-osmotic stress, and that increased cardiac FAK activity is observed in vivo in hypertrophic hearts. The idea that FAK activation plays a direct role in the development of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy is evident from our seminal findings that the activation of FAK is required for PE-stimulated hypertrophy of cultured cells and similar", "synonym_substitution": "o - osmotic stress, and that increased cardiac FAK activity is observed in vivo in hypertrophic heart. The theme that FAK activation plays a direct character in the development of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy is evident from our germinal findings that the activation of FAK is required for PE - stimulate hypertrophy of cultured cells and exchangeable", "butter_fingers": "o-oslotic stress, and that ingreased cardiac YQK actmvity ia observdd in vivo in hypertrophic hxartw. The idea that FAK activatkon plays a direcr roow in the dxbelopmekc of dwrdimnyocyte hyperttophy is evigent from our veoiual findings that the activation of SAK is teeuired for PE-sjimulseed gjptrtrophy of cultured cells and sijilar", "random_deletion": "o-osmotic stress, and that increased cardiac FAK observed vivo in hearts. The idea direct in the development cardiomyocyte hypertrophy is from our seminal findings that the of FAK is required for PE-stimulated hypertrophy of cultured cells and similar", "change_char_case": "o-osmotic stress, and that incrEased cardiAc FAK ActIviTy Is obServEd in vivo in hypeRTropHic hearts. The idea that FAk actiVaTIon pLAyS a dirEct role IN tHE DevElOpMenT oF CaRdiomYocYte hypeRtrophy is eVidEnT from our semiNAl Findings thAt tHe activation Of FaK is reQuIreD For PE-StiMulatEd hypeRTrophy Of cultureD cELls and SImilar", "whitespace_perturbation": "o-osmotic stress, and that increased card iac FA Kacti vity is observed i n viv o in hypertrophic hear ts. T he idea th at FA K activ a ti o n pl ay sa d ir e ct role in the de velopmentofca rdiomyocyteh yp ertrophy i s e vident fromour semin al fi n dings th at th e acti v ationof FAK is r e quired for PE- s t im ulat ed hypertrophy of cu l tured cells an d simi la r ", "underscore_trick": "o-osmotic stress,_and that_increased cardiac FAK activity_is observed_in_vivo in_hypertrophic_hearts. The idea_that FAK activation_plays a direct role_in the development_of_cardiomyocyte hypertrophy is evident from our seminal findings that the activation of FAK is_required_for PE-stimulated_hypertrophy_of_cultured cells and similar"} +{"text": ". A hallmark of immunity is its longevity, manifested by the durability of memory B cells (Bmem ) and plasma cells (PC).Through the analysis and isolation of extremely rare antigen-specific Bmem populations, we have scrutinized their functional responsiveness and their transcriptome. Such genetic analyses and functional studies in vivo have opened up", "synonym_substitution": ". A hallmark of immunity is its longevity, manifested by the durability of memory boron cell (Bmem) and plasma cells (PC).Through the analysis and isolation of extremely rare antigen - specific Bmem population, we have scrutinized their functional responsiveness and their transcriptome. Such genic analysis and functional study in vivo have opened up", "butter_fingers": ". A jallmark of immunity is lts longevity, mauufestev by ths durabiuity of memory B cells (Bmem ) abd plqsma cells (PC).Through tfe analysps and isilatmon of extremely rare anbngen-slccifie Umem populationx, we have vcrutinized thaif yunctional responsiveness and their eranscrophome. Such genejic amwlysss and functional studies in vivo gave optned up", "random_deletion": ". A hallmark of immunity is its by durability of B cells (Bmem the and isolation of rare antigen-specific Bmem we have scrutinized their functional responsiveness their transcriptome. Such genetic analyses and functional studies in vivo have opened up", "change_char_case": ". A hallmark of immunity is its lOngevity, maNifesTed By tHe DuraBiliTy of memory B celLS (BmeM ) and plasma cells (PC).ThrouGh the AnALysiS AnD isolAtion of EXtREMelY rArE anTiGEn-SpeciFic bmem popUlations, we HavE sCrutinized thEIr Functional ResPonsiveness aNd tHeir trAnScrIPtome. sucH geneTic anaLYses anD functionAl STudies IN vivo haVE OpEned Up", "whitespace_perturbation": ". A hallmark of immunity i s its long evity , m ani fe sted bythe durability of m emory B cells (Bmem )and p la s ma c e ll s (PC ).Throu g ht h e a na ly sis a n disola tio n of ex tremely ra rean tigen-specif i cBmem popul ati ons, we have sc rutini ze d t h eir f unc tiona l resp o nsiven ess and t he i r tran s criptom e . S uchgenetic analysesa nd functional stu dies i nv iv o hav e o pened up", "underscore_trick": ". A_hallmark of_immunity is its longevity,_manifested by_the_durability of_memory_B cells (Bmem_) and plasma_cells (PC).Through the analysis_and isolation of_extremely_rare antigen-specific Bmem populations, we have scrutinized their functional responsiveness and their transcriptome. Such_genetic_analyses and_functional_studies_in vivo have opened up"} +{"text": " use in the purification of 8-hydroxy-5-deazaflavin-dependent enzymes was synthesized. Successful development of a vaccine against HIV will likely require the induction of both antibody and/or cellular immune responses sufficient to prevent infection or disease respectively following infectious challenge. While the induction of antibody responses for a variety of", "synonym_substitution": "use in the purification of 8 - hydroxy-5 - deazaflavin - dependent enzymes was synthesize. Successful growth of a vaccine against HIV will likely require the induction of both antibody and/or cellular immune reaction sufficient to prevent infection or disease respectively following infectious challenge. While the trigger of antibody reception for a variety of", "butter_fingers": " usf in the purification of 8-hydroxy-5-deazaflccin-depxndent snzymes das synthesized. Successful dxvelipmenu of a vaccine agaivst HIV wpll likelt rewyire the iisuction of bofm antnbidy and/or cellolar immune sesponses suffhckeut to prevent infection or disease rqspectifepy following igfecuiots cgallenge. While the induction of anfibody gesponses for a vsriety of", "random_deletion": "use in the purification of 8-hydroxy-5-deazaflavin-dependent enzymes Successful of a against HIV will both and/or cellular immune sufficient to prevent or disease respectively following infectious challenge. the induction of antibody responses for a variety of", "change_char_case": " use in the purification of 8-hydRoxy-5-deazafLavin-DepEndEnT enzYmes Was synthesized. sUcceSsful development of a vacCine aGaINst Hiv wIll liKely reqUIrE THe iNdUcTioN oF BoTh antIboDy and/or Cellular imMunE rEsponses suffICiEnt to preveNt iNfection or diSeaSe respEcTivELy folLowIng inFectioUS challEnge. While ThE InductIOn of antIBOdY resPonses for a variety OF", "whitespace_perturbation": " use in the purification o f 8-hydrox y-5-d eaz afl av in-d epen dent enzymes w a s sy nthesized. Successfuldevel op m ento fa vac cine ag a in s t HI Vwi llli k el y req uir e the i nduction o f b ot h antibody a n d/ or cellula r i mmune respon ses suffi ci ent to pr eve nt in fectio n or di sease res pe c tively followi n g i nfec tious challenge.W hi l e the inductio n of a nt i bo d y re spo nses for a v ariet y of", "underscore_trick": " use_in the_purification of 8-hydroxy-5-deazaflavin-dependent enzymes_was synthesized._Successful_development of_a_vaccine against HIV_will likely require_the induction of both_antibody and/or cellular_immune_responses sufficient to prevent infection or disease respectively following infectious challenge. While the induction_of_antibody responses_for_a_variety of"} +{"text": ". While not within the scope of the present proposal, we anticipate that therapeutic interventions that abrogate hypoxia-induced blood flow decreases and changes in markers of vascular damage detected in these human models will decrease frequency of crisis and lessen the degree of end-organ damage if tested in larger clinical trials. In this project, mechanisms", "synonym_substitution": ". While not within the scope of the present proposal, we anticipate that therapeutic interposition that abrogate hypoxia - induce blood flow decreases and change in markers of vascular damage detect in these human models will decrease frequency of crisis and lessen the degree of goal - organ damage if test in larger clinical trials. In this undertaking, mechanisms", "butter_fingers": ". Whlle not within the scope of the present proposel, we ahticipatd that therapeutic interventmons that abrogate hypoxia-inducdd blood vlow deceeasts and changes in markers of vaagular vamage detected in these vuman models whlu becrease frequency of crisis and lesfen the dfgree of end-ordan cwmags if tested in larger clinical trizls. In uhis project, mechamisms", "random_deletion": ". While not within the scope of proposal, anticipate that interventions that abrogate changes markers of vascular detected in these models will decrease frequency of crisis lessen the degree of end-organ damage if tested in larger clinical trials. In project, mechanisms", "change_char_case": ". While not within the scope of tHe present pRoposAl, wE anTiCipaTe thAt therapeutic iNTervEntions that abrogate hypOxia-iNdUCed bLOoD flow DecreasES aND ChaNgEs In mArKErS of vaScuLar damaGe detected In tHeSe human modelS WiLl decrease FreQuency of crisIs aNd lessEn The DEgree Of eNd-orgAn damaGE if tesTed in largEr CLinicaL Trials. IN THiS proJect, mechanisms", "whitespace_perturbation": ". While not within the sco pe of theprese ntpro po sal, weanticipate tha t the rapeutic interventions that a b roga t ehypox ia-indu c ed b loo dfl owde c re asesand change s in marke rsof vascular da m ag e detected in these human mo dels w il l d e creas e f reque ncy of crisis and less en the de g ree ofe n d- orga n damage if teste d i n larger clinic al tri al s .I n th isproject, m ec hanis m s", "underscore_trick": ". While_not within_the scope of the_present proposal,_we_anticipate that_therapeutic_interventions that abrogate_hypoxia-induced blood flow_decreases and changes in_markers of vascular_damage_detected in these human models will decrease frequency of crisis and lessen the degree_of_end-organ damage_if_tested_in larger clinical trials. In_this project, mechanisms"} +{"text": " an autoinhibitory domain that interacts with the IAD, burying key residues required for IRF dimerization and preventing IRF nuclear accumulation. C-terminal phosphorylation induces charge repulsions, causing the autoinhibitory domain to unmask the IAD, allowing formation of transcriptionally active IRF dimers. To identify", "synonym_substitution": "an autoinhibitory domain that interacts with the IAD, burying key residue command for IRF dimerization and preventing IRF nuclear accumulation. C - concluding phosphorylation induces charge repulsions, cause the autoinhibitory domain to unmask the IAD, allowing constitution of transcriptionally active IRF dimers. To identify", "butter_fingers": " an autoinhibitory domain tmat interacts wijh the IED, buryjng key fesidues required for IRF dileeizatuon and preventing IRF nuclear wccumularion. X-terminal 'gosphornjatikk indbcxs charge repulxions, caushng the autoinvicicory domain to unmask the IAD, allowigg formstlon of transcryptipgallg active IRF dimers. To identify", "random_deletion": "an autoinhibitory domain that interacts with the key required for dimerization and preventing induces repulsions, causing the domain to unmask IAD, allowing formation of transcriptionally active dimers. To identify", "change_char_case": " an autoinhibitory domain thaT interacts With tHe IaD, bUrYing Key rEsidues requireD For IrF dimerization and preveNting iRf NuclEAr AccumUlation. c-TeRMInaL pHoSphOrYLaTion iNduCes charGe repulsioNs, cAuSing the autoiNHiBitory domaIn tO unmask the IAd, alLowing FoRmaTIon of TraNscriPtionaLLy actiVe IRF dimeRs. tO identIFy", "whitespace_perturbation": " an autoinhibitory domainthat inter actswit h t he IAD , bu rying key resi d uesrequired for IRF dimer izati on andp re venti ng IRFn uc l e arac cu mul at i on . C-t erm inal ph osphorylat ion i nduces charg e r epulsions, ca using the au toi nhibit or y d o maintounmas k theI AD, al lowing fo rm a tion o f transc r i pt iona lly active IRF di m er s . To identify", "underscore_trick": " an_autoinhibitory domain_that interacts with the_IAD, burying_key_residues required_for_IRF dimerization and_preventing IRF nuclear_accumulation. C-terminal phosphorylation induces_charge repulsions, causing_the_autoinhibitory domain to unmask the IAD, allowing formation of transcriptionally active IRF dimers. To_identify"} +{"text": " will guide our methods development using data from 500,000 samples from the UK Biobank, and will work closely with the Haplotype Reference Consortium (see letters of support). Our aim is to understand chemotactic migration in cells from a biochemical standpoint. To this end we have investigated this process in both phagocytic cells", "synonym_substitution": "will guide our methods development using datum from 500,000 sample from the UK Biobank, and will work closely with the Haplotype Reference Consortium (visualize letter of support). Our aim is to sympathize chemotactic migration in cells from a biochemical standpoint. To this end we have investigate this process in both phagocytic cells", "butter_fingers": " wipl guide our methods devtlopment using daja from 500,000 samplss from ghe UK Biobank, and will work cooselt with the Haplotype Rdference Bonsortiun (set letters of support). Our aim is bo unbecstand chemotacjic migratiot in cells frok x yiochemical standpoint. To this end wq have ongestigated thif prpsess pn both phagocytic cells", "random_deletion": "will guide our methods development using data samples the UK and will work Consortium letters of support). aim is to chemotactic migration in cells from a standpoint. To this end we have investigated this process in both phagocytic cells", "change_char_case": " will guide our methods develoPment using Data fRom 500,000 SamPlEs frOm thE UK Biobank, and wILl woRk closely with the HaplotYpe ReFeREnce cOnSortiUm (see leTTeRS Of sUpPoRt). OUr AIm Is to uNdeRstand cHemotactic MigRaTion in cells fROm A biochemicAl sTandpoint. To tHis End we hAvE inVEstigAteD this ProcesS In both PhagocytiC cELls", "whitespace_perturbation": " will guide our methods de velopmentusing da tafr om 5 00,0 00 samples fro m the UK Biobank, and willworkcl o sely wi th th e Haplo t yp e Ref er en ceCo n so rtium (s ee lett ers of sup por t) . Our aim is to understan d c hemotactic m igr ationin ce l ls fr oma bio chemic a l stan dpoint. T ot his en d we hav e in vest igated this proce s si n both phagocy tic ce ll s ", "underscore_trick": " will_guide our_methods development using data_from 500,000_samples_from the_UK_Biobank, and will_work closely with_the Haplotype Reference Consortium_(see letters of_support)._Our aim is to understand chemotactic migration in cells from a biochemical standpoint. To_this_end we_have_investigated_this process in both phagocytic_cells"} +{"text": " we propose to: (1) study their relationship to the activity and vascular complications in RA and SLE, (2) analyze those features, such as complement fixing ability, that could account for their phlogogenic capacity, (3) determine their ability to influence lymphocyte function (especially lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity) and, finally", "synonym_substitution": "we propose to: (1) study their relationship to the activity and vascular complication in RA and SLE, (2) analyze those feature, such as complement fixing ability, that could account for their phlogogenic capacity, (3) decide their ability to influence lymphocyte function (specially lymphocyte - mediate cytotoxicity) and, finally", "butter_fingers": " we propose to: (1) study their relationship to the artivity and vaszular complications in RA anv SLW, (2) anqlyze those features, sjch as colplement fixmng ability, that could ageount nor tkemr phlogogenic gapacity, (3) datermine their acipity to influence lymphocyte functijn (espeviwlly lymphocytg-mediseed djtitoxicity) and, finally", "random_deletion": "we propose to: (1) study their relationship activity vascular complications RA and SLE, as fixing ability, that account for their capacity, (3) determine their ability to lymphocyte function (especially lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity) and, finally", "change_char_case": " we propose to: (1) study their relaTionship to The acTivIty AnD vasCulaR complications IN RA aNd SLE, (2) analyze those featuRes, suCh AS comPLeMent fIxing abILiTY, ThaT cOuLd aCcOUnT for tHeiR phlogoGenic capacIty, (3) DeTermine their ABiLity to inflUenCe lymphocyte FunCtion (eSpEciALly lyMphOcyte-MediatED cytotOxicity) anD, fINally", "whitespace_perturbation": " we propose to: (1) studytheir rela tions hip to t he a ctiv ity and vascul a r co mplications in RA andSLE,(2 ) ana l yz e tho se feat u re s , su ch a s c om p le mentfix ing abi lity, that co ul d account fo r t heir phlog oge nic capacity , ( 3) det er min e thei r a bilit y to i n fluenc e lymphoc yt e funct i on (esp e c ia llylymphocyte-mediat e dc ytotoxicity) a nd, fi na l ly ", "underscore_trick": " we_propose to:_(1) study their relationship_to the_activity_and vascular_complications_in RA and_SLE, (2) analyze_those features, such as_complement fixing ability,_that_could account for their phlogogenic capacity, (3) determine their ability to influence lymphocyte function_(especially_lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity)_and,_finally"} +{"text": " physician scientists at Johns Hopkins including Drs. Cynthia Sears and David Huso. All of these individuals have committed their time, resources, and expertise to facilitate Dr. Guerrerio's career development and research goals. In addition, the candidate will acquire additional skills and training through didactic coursework at the highly regarded", "synonym_substitution": "physician scientists at Johns Hopkins including Drs. Cynthia Sears and David Huso. All of these individuals have commit their meter, resources, and expertise to facilitate Dr. Guerrerio's career exploitation and research goals. In summation, the campaigner will acquire additional skills and training through didactic coursework at the highly regarded", "butter_fingers": " phjsician scientists at Jomns Hopkins inclodung Drv. Cyntgia Searr and David Huso. All of thesx ineividyals have committed thdir time, gesources, and wxpertise vk facillcate Sv. Guexrxrio's career deyelopment atd research godlr. Nn addition, the candidate will acquiwe addiyilnal skills anq trsyninf through didactic coursework at tge highny regarded", "random_deletion": "physician scientists at Johns Hopkins including Drs. and Huso. All these individuals have expertise facilitate Dr. Guerrerio's development and research In addition, the candidate will acquire skills and training through didactic coursework at the highly regarded", "change_char_case": " physician scientists at JohnS Hopkins inCludiNg DRs. CYnThia searS and David Huso. ALL of tHese individuals have comMitteD tHEir tIMe, ResouRces, and EXpERTisE tO fAciLiTAtE Dr. GuErrErio's caReer develoPmeNt And research gOAlS. In additioN, thE candidate wiLl aCquire AdDitIOnal sKilLs and TrainiNG throuGh didactiC cOUrsewoRK at the hIGHlY regArded", "whitespace_perturbation": " physician scientists at J ohns Hopki ns in clu din gDrs. Cyn thia Sears and Davi d Huso. All of these i ndivi du a ls h a ve comm itted t h ei r tim e, r eso ur c es , and ex pertise to facili tat eDr. Guerreri o 's career de vel opment and r ese arch g oa ls. In ad dit ion,the ca n didate will acq ui r e addi t ional s k i ll s an d training throug h d i dactic coursew ork at t h eh i ghl y r egarded", "underscore_trick": " physician_scientists at_Johns Hopkins including Drs._Cynthia Sears_and_David Huso._All_of these individuals_have committed their_time, resources, and expertise_to facilitate Dr._Guerrerio's_career development and research goals. In addition, the candidate will acquire additional skills and_training_through didactic_coursework_at_the highly regarded"} +{"text": "iplegia due to damage in the brain in both the pediatric and adult populations stems not only from the loss of neurons killed by the vascular insult but also from the loss of function in viable but dormant neurons in the affected hemisphere. The latter problem may be avoidable and, to a certain extent, correctable. The", "synonym_substitution": "iplegia due to damage in the brain in both the pediatric and adult populations stems not merely from the personnel casualty of neurons killed by the vascular insult but besides from the loss of function in viable but abeyant nerve cell in the affected hemisphere. The latter problem may be avoidable and, to a certain extent, correctable. The", "butter_fingers": "iplfgia due to damage in tht brain in both tkw pedietric ahd adult populations stems not only hrom the ooss of neurons killed by the vwscular unsuor but also from thc losa of yuiction in viablg but dormand neurons in tve ayfected hemisphere. The latter problei may br wvoidable and, jo a bewtaih extent, correctable. The", "random_deletion": "iplegia due to damage in the brain the and adult stems not only killed the vascular insult also from the of function in viable but dormant in the affected hemisphere. The latter problem may be avoidable and, to a extent, correctable. The", "change_char_case": "iplegia due to damage in the brAin in both tHe pedIatRic AnD aduLt poPulations stems NOt onLy from the loss of neurons KilleD bY The vAScUlar iNsult buT AlSO FroM tHe LosS oF FuNctioN in Viable bUt dormant nEurOnS in the affectED hEmisphere. THe lAtter problem May Be avoiDaBle ANd, to a CerTain eXtent, cORrectaBle. The", "whitespace_perturbation": "iplegia due to damage in t he brain i n bot h t hepe diat ricand adult popu l atio ns stems not only from thelo s s of ne urons killed by t heva sc ula ri ns ult b utalso fr om the los s o ffunction inv ia ble but do rma nt neurons i n t he aff ec ted hemis phe re. T he lat t er pro blem maybe avoida b le and, t oa ce rtain extent, cor r ec t able. The", "underscore_trick": "iplegia due_to damage_in the brain in_both the_pediatric_and adult_populations_stems not only_from the loss_of neurons killed by_the vascular insult_but_also from the loss of function in viable but dormant neurons in the affected_hemisphere._The latter_problem_may_be avoidable and, to a_certain extent, correctable. The"} +{"text": "PE) as coating substrates. Here the positively-charged PEs encourage spheroid formation and ELP encourages stable surface-tethering of spheroids. We will systematically investigate the effect of charge content and chemistry on 3-D spheroid organization. Our overarching hypothesis is that we will achieve superior adip", "synonym_substitution": "PE) as coating substrates. Here the positively - charged PEs encourage spheroid constitution and ELP encourage stable surface - tethering of spheroids. We will systematically investigate the impression of charge content and chemistry on 3 - five hundred spheroid organization. Our overarching hypothesis is that we will achieve superscript adip", "butter_fingers": "PE) ws coating substrates. Heve the positiveli-cyarged PEs ehcourage spheroid formation and ELP xncoyragew stable surface-tetherkng of spjeroids. Qe wmll systematically invesbngate bhe eyfxct of charge cpntent and chemistry on 3-G rpkeroid organization. Our overarching rypothexid is that we wyll sshiebv wuperior adip", "random_deletion": "PE) as coating substrates. Here the positively-charged spheroid and ELP stable surface-tethering of the of charge content chemistry on 3-D organization. Our overarching hypothesis is that will achieve superior adip", "change_char_case": "PE) as coating substrates. Here The positivEly-chArgEd Pes EncoUragE spheroid formaTIon aNd ELP encourages stable sUrfacE-tETherINg Of sphEroids. WE WiLL SysTeMaTicAlLY iNvestIgaTe the efFect of charGe cOnTent and chemiSTrY on 3-D spheroId oRganization. OUr oVerarcHiNg hYPotheSis Is thaT we wilL AchievE superior AdIP", "whitespace_perturbation": "PE) as coating substrates. Here theposit ive ly- ch arge d PE s encourage sp h eroi d formation and ELP en coura ge s sta b le surf ace-tet h er i n g o fsp her oi d s. We w ill system atically i nve st igate the ef f ec t of charg e c ontent and c hem istryon 3- D sphe roi d org anizat i on. Ou r overarc hi n g hypo t hesis i s th at w e will achieve su p er i or adip", "underscore_trick": "PE) as_coating substrates._Here the positively-charged PEs_encourage spheroid_formation_and ELP_encourages_stable surface-tethering of_spheroids. We will_systematically investigate the effect_of charge content_and_chemistry on 3-D spheroid organization. Our overarching hypothesis is that we will achieve superior_adip"} +{"text": " premise of Arp5 as the?gatekeeper? regulating DNA traversing through the center of nucleosomes with wild type INO80 and mutant Arp5 in which either its histone or nucleosome binding regions have been deleted or mutated. We will also test whether the Arp8 module regulates Arp5 interactions with", "synonym_substitution": "premise of Arp5 as the?gatekeeper? regulating DNA traversing through the center of nucleosomes with wild character INO80 and mutant Arp5 in which either its histone or nucleosome tie regions have been edit or mutate. We will also test whether the Arp8 module regulate Arp5 interactions with", "butter_fingers": " prfmise of Arp5 as the?gatekteper? regulating BBA tratersing through the center of nucleosomes wmth qild ujpe INO80 and mutant Aro5 in whicj either its yistone or nucleosome bihfing cegions have begn deleted os mutated. We whlu clso test whether the Arp8 module regtlates Sro5 interactions witn", "random_deletion": "premise of Arp5 as the?gatekeeper? regulating DNA the of nucleosomes wild type INO80 either histone or nucleosome regions have been or mutated. We will also test the Arp8 module regulates Arp5 interactions with", "change_char_case": " premise of Arp5 as the?gatekeepEr? regulatiNg DNA TraVerSiNg thRougH the center of nuCLeosOmes with wild type INO80 and MutanT ARP5 in wHIcH eithEr its hiSToNE Or nUcLeOsoMe BInDing rEgiOns have Been deleteD or MuTated. We will aLSo Test whetheR thE Arp8 module reGulAtes ArP5 iNteRActioNs wIth", "whitespace_perturbation": " premise of Arp5 as the?ga tekeeper?regul ati ngDN A tr aver sing through t h e ce nter of nucleosomes wi th wi ld type IN O80 a nd muta n tA r p5in w hic he it her i tshistone or nucleo som ebinding regi o ns have been de leted or mut ate d. Wewi lla lso t est whet her th e Arp8module re gu l ates A r p5 inte r a ct ions with", "underscore_trick": " premise_of Arp5_as the?gatekeeper? regulating DNA_traversing through_the_center of_nucleosomes_with wild type_INO80 and mutant_Arp5 in which either_its histone or_nucleosome_binding regions have been deleted or mutated. We will also test whether the Arp8_module_regulates Arp5_interactions_with"} +{"text": " as well as monocyte progenitors to release enhanced amounts of cytokine in response to bacterial endotoxin. Using both tissue macrophage and those derived from bone marrow progenitors, cytokine responses to endotoxin as well as phagocytosis and chemotaxis will be determined in mice with denervated compared to neural intact bone marrow. Having established the role of", "synonym_substitution": "as well as monocyte progenitors to release enhanced amounts of cytokine in reception to bacterial endotoxin. use both tissue macrophage and those derived from bone marrow progenitors, cytokine reaction to endotoxin as well as phagocytosis and chemotaxis will be determined in mouse with denervated compare to neural integral bone marrow. Having established the function of", "butter_fingers": " as well as monocyte progenltors to release enhancxd amouhts of chtokine in response to bactecial endoujxin. Using both tirsue macrlphage abd tiose derived from bone marrow lvogenntirs, cytokine rgsponses to andotoxin as walu cs phagocytosis and chemotaxis will fe detetmlned in mice wyth cqnerbated compared to neural intact bohe marrmw. Having estsblished the role of", "random_deletion": "as well as monocyte progenitors to release of in response bacterial endotoxin. Using derived bone marrow progenitors, responses to endotoxin well as phagocytosis and chemotaxis will determined in mice with denervated compared to neural intact bone marrow. Having established role of", "change_char_case": " as well as monocyte progenitoRs to releasE enhaNceD amOuNts oF cytOkine in responsE To baCterial endotoxin. Using bOth tiSsUE macROpHage aNd those DErIVEd fRoM bOne MaRRoW progEniTors, cytOkine respoNseS tO endotoxin as WElL as phagocyTosIs and chemotaXis Will be DeTerMIned iN miCe witH denerVAted coMpared to nEuRAl intaCT bone maRROw. haviNg established the rOLe OF", "whitespace_perturbation": " as well as monocyte proge nitors torelea seenh an cedamou nts of cytokin e inresponse to bacterialendot ox i n. U s in g bot h tissu e m a c rop ha ge an dt ho se de riv ed from bone marr owpr ogenitors, c y to kine respo nse s to endotox inas wel lasp hagoc yto sis a nd che m otaxis will bede t ermine d in mic e wi th d enervated compare d t o neural intact bonema r ro w . Ha vin g establis he d the role of ", "underscore_trick": " as_well as_monocyte progenitors to release_enhanced amounts_of_cytokine in_response_to bacterial endotoxin._Using both tissue_macrophage and those derived_from bone marrow_progenitors,_cytokine responses to endotoxin as well as phagocytosis and chemotaxis will be determined in_mice_with denervated_compared_to_neural intact bone marrow. Having_established the role of"} +{"text": "-dependent gene expression. This study aims to address two fundamental questions relating to Gcn5 and its role in RA-mediated forebrain development. First, I will investigate patterning and differentiation in the forebrains of Gcn5hat mutants to determine the exact role of Gcn5 in forebrain development. More specifically,", "synonym_substitution": "-dependent gene expression. This study aims to address two cardinal question relating to Gcn5 and its role in RA - intercede forebrain exploitation. First, I will investigate patterning and differentiation in the forebrain of Gcn5hat mutants to determine the exact function of Gcn5 in forebrain development. More specifically,", "butter_fingers": "-depfndent gene expression. Tmis study aims to addrevs two fundamevtal questions relating to Grn5 abd itw role in RA-mediated furebrain fevelopmwnt. Hirst, I will invxatigate pattedking cnv differentiatipn in the xorebrains of Ccv5hct mutants to determine the exact roje of Gvn5 in forebrain qevekjpmehn. Nore specifically,", "random_deletion": "-dependent gene expression. This study aims to fundamental relating to and its role I investigate patterning and in the forebrains Gcn5hat mutants to determine the exact of Gcn5 in forebrain development. More specifically,", "change_char_case": "-dependent gene expression. ThIs study aimS to adDreSs tWo FundAmenTal questions reLAtinG to Gcn5 and its role in RA-meDiateD fORebrAIn DevelOpment. FIRsT, i WilL iNvEstIgATe PatteRniNg and diFferentiatIon In The forebrainS Of gcn5hat mutaNts To determine tHe eXact roLe Of GCN5 in foRebRain dEvelopMEnt. MorE specificAlLY,", "whitespace_perturbation": "-dependent gene expression . This stu dy ai mstoad dres s tw o fundamentalq uest ions relating to Gcn5and i ts role in RA-m ediated fo r e bra in d eve lo p me nt. F irs t, I wi ll investi gat epatterning a n ddifferenti ati on in the fo reb rainsof Gc n 5hatmut antsto det e rminethe exact r o le ofG cn5 inf o re brai n development. Mo r es pecifically,", "underscore_trick": "-dependent gene_expression. This_study aims to address_two fundamental_questions_relating to_Gcn5_and its role_in RA-mediated forebrain_development. First, I will_investigate patterning and_differentiation_in the forebrains of Gcn5hat mutants to determine the exact role of Gcn5 in_forebrain_development. More_specifically,"} +{"text": " of nasal macrophages. The proposed studies provide a mechanistic understanding of i) its ability to inhibit uptake and killing by neutrophils, ii) its recognition by macrophages, and iii) the role of its capsule type in these interactions with phagocytes. Experimental autoimmune thyroiditis in mice is a very useful model of autoimmune disease since it shows", "synonym_substitution": "of nasal macrophages. The proposed studies leave a mechanistic reason of i) its ability to inhibit uptake and kill by neutrophils, ii) its recognition by macrophage, and iii) the role of its capsule type in these interactions with phagocyte. Experimental autoimmune thyroiditis in mouse is a very useful mannequin of autoimmune disease since it shows", "butter_fingers": " of nasal macrophages. The pvoposed studies krivide e mechahistic uvderstanding of i) its abilitb to inhivit uptake and killing by neutrlphils, iu) itw recognition by magxophafcs, anb mii) the role of its capsune type in theve iuteractions with phagocytes. Experimegtal auyolmmune thyroidytis yn mjbe is a very useful model of aufoimmunt disease since it shows", "random_deletion": "of nasal macrophages. The proposed studies provide understanding i) its to inhibit uptake its by macrophages, and the role of capsule type in these interactions with Experimental autoimmune thyroiditis in mice is a very useful model of autoimmune disease it shows", "change_char_case": " of nasal macrophages. The propOsed studieS provIde A meChAnisTic uNderstanding of I) Its aBility to inhibit uptake aNd kilLiNG by nEUtRophiLs, ii) its REcOGNitIoN bY maCrOPhAges, aNd iIi) the roLe of its capSulE tYpe in these inTErActions witH phAgocytes. ExpeRimEntal aUtOimMUne thYroIditiS in micE Is a verY useful moDeL Of autoIMmune diSEAsE sinCe it shows", "whitespace_perturbation": " of nasal macrophages. The proposedstudi espro vi de a mec hanistic under s tand ing of i) its abilityto in hi b it u p ta ke an d killi n gb y ne ut ro phi ls , i i) it s r ecognit ion by mac rop ha ges, and iii ) t he role of it s capsule ty pein the se in t eract ion s wit h phag o cytes. Experime nt a l auto i mmune t h y ro idit is in mice is a v e ry useful model o f auto im m un e dis eas e since it s hows", "underscore_trick": " of_nasal macrophages._The proposed studies provide_a mechanistic_understanding_of i)_its_ability to inhibit_uptake and killing_by neutrophils, ii) its_recognition by macrophages,_and_iii) the role of its capsule type in these interactions with phagocytes. Experimental autoimmune_thyroiditis_in mice_is_a_very useful model of autoimmune_disease since it shows"} +{"text": " augments parasympathetic and/or reduces cardiac sympathetic activity and thereby protects against VF. Specific Aim #1 will test the hypothesis that exercise training alters cardiac autonomic balance in animals susceptible and resistant to VF. Specifically, cardiac autonomic balance will be evaluated in animals either resistant or susceptible to VF before, during and", "synonym_substitution": "augments parasympathetic and/or reduces cardiac sympathetic activity and thereby protect against VF. Specific Aim # 1 will screen the hypothesis that exercise training alters cardiac autonomic remainder in animals susceptible and resistant to VF. Specifically, cardiac autonomic libra will be evaluate in animals either immune or susceptible to VF before, during and", "butter_fingers": " auhments parasympathetic akd/or reduces carbuac sykpathefic actixity and thereby protects ageinsr VF. Wpecific Aim #1 will tesg the hyplthesis rhat wxercise tczining alters gardicc autonomic balsnce in anhmals susceptitld cnd resistant to VF. Specifically, carqiac auyojomic balance rill fe ebaluated in animals either resistaht or slsceptible to VF nefore, during and", "random_deletion": "augments parasympathetic and/or reduces cardiac sympathetic activity protects VF. Specific #1 will test alters autonomic balance in susceptible and resistant VF. Specifically, cardiac autonomic balance will evaluated in animals either resistant or susceptible to VF before, during and", "change_char_case": " augments parasympathetic anD/or reduces CardiAc sYmpAtHetiC actIvity and therebY ProtEcts against VF. Specific AIm #1 wilL tESt thE HyPotheSis that EXeRCIse TrAiNinG aLTeRs carDiaC autonoMic balance In aNiMals susceptiBLe And resistaNt tO VF. SpecificaLly, CardiaC aUtoNOmic bAlaNce wiLl be evALuated In animals EiTHer resIStant or SUScEptiBle to VF before, duriNG aND", "whitespace_perturbation": " augments parasympatheticand/or red ucescar dia csymp athe tic activity a n d th ereby protects against VF.Sp e cifi c A im #1 will t e st t hehy po the si s t hat e xer cise tr aining alt ers c ardiac auton o mi c balanceinanimals susc ept ible a nd re s istan t t o VF. Speci f ically , cardiac a u tonomi c balanc e wi ll b e evaluated in an i ma l s either resis tant o rs us c e pti ble to VF bef or e, du r ing and ", "underscore_trick": " augments_parasympathetic and/or_reduces cardiac sympathetic activity_and thereby_protects_against VF._Specific_Aim #1 will_test the hypothesis_that exercise training alters_cardiac autonomic balance_in_animals susceptible and resistant to VF. Specifically, cardiac autonomic balance will be evaluated in_animals_either resistant_or_susceptible_to VF before, during and"} +{"text": "term changes mediated by neural activity are dependent on calcium-activated transcription of new gene products. Thus, calcium-activated transcription factors provide a mechanism for linking extrinsic signals with genetic programs of neural development. NeuroD2 is a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor previously isolated in our lab, using a screen for novel", "synonym_substitution": "term changes mediated by neural natural process are pendent on calcium - activated transcription of new gene product. Thus, calcium - activated recording agent provide a mechanism for associate extrinsic signals with genetic platform of neural development. NeuroD2 is a basic coil - loop - helix transcription factor previously isolated in our lab, using a screen for novel", "butter_fingers": "terl changes mediated by nemral activity arg eependxnt on dalcium-aztivated transcription of nex gebe priducts. Thus, calcium-actkvated trwnscriptuon hactors provide e mechanlfm fkv linnmng extrinsic slgnals with genetic progrdmr lf neural development. NeuroD2 is a bwsic hekid-loop-helix tragscrppeion factor previously isolated in our lab, uspng a screen for movel", "random_deletion": "term changes mediated by neural activity are calcium-activated of new products. Thus, calcium-activated for extrinsic signals with programs of neural NeuroD2 is a basic helix-loop-helix transcription previously isolated in our lab, using a screen for novel", "change_char_case": "term changes mediated by neurAl activity Are dePenDenT oN calCium-Activated transCRiptIon of new gene products. ThUs, calCiUM-actIVaTed trAnscripTIoN FActOrS pRovIdE A mEchanIsm For linkIng extrinsIc sIgNals with geneTIc Programs of NeuRal developmeNt. NEuroD2 iS a BasIC heliX-loOp-helIx tranSCriptiOn factor pReVIously ISolated IN OuR lab, Using a screen for noVEl", "whitespace_perturbation": "term changes mediated by n eural acti vityare de pe nden t on calcium-activ a tedtranscription of new g ene p ro d ucts . T hus,calcium - ac t i vat ed t ran sc r ip tionfac tors pr ovide a me cha ni sm for linki n gextrinsicsig nals with ge net ic pro gr ams of ne ura l dev elopme n t. Neu roD2 is a b a sic he l ix-loop - h el ix t ranscription fact o rp reviously isol ated i no ur l ab, us ing a scre en forn ovel", "underscore_trick": "term changes_mediated by_neural activity are dependent_on calcium-activated_transcription_of new_gene_products. Thus, calcium-activated_transcription factors provide_a mechanism for linking_extrinsic signals with_genetic_programs of neural development. NeuroD2 is a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor previously isolated in_our_lab, using_a_screen_for novel"} +{"text": " model of inflammatory pain and hyperalgesia. The investigators will use their well-characterized model if inflammation to examine the effects of these active components on pain and hyperalgesia that persists for hours or days. This model will also distinguish between analgesic and antihyperalgesic activity. The second aim is to", "synonym_substitution": "model of inflammatory pain and hyperalgesia. The investigators will practice their well - qualify model if inflammation to test the impression of these active components on pain and hyperalgesia that prevail for hours or days. This exemplar will also distinguish between analgesic and antihyperalgesic activeness. The second aim is to", "butter_fingers": " mofel of inflammatory pain and hyperalgesnq. The mnvestifators wkll use their well-characterived nodel if inflammation to exxmine the effects of uhese active components ok paih and iyperalgesia thst persistv for hours or dxyd. This model will also distinguish fetween ajalgesic and agtihjpqralfvslc activity. The second aim is to", "random_deletion": "model of inflammatory pain and hyperalgesia. The use well-characterized model inflammation to examine components pain and hyperalgesia persists for hours days. This model will also distinguish analgesic and antihyperalgesic activity. The second aim is to", "change_char_case": " model of inflammatory pain anD hyperalgeSia. ThE inVesTiGatoRs wiLl use their well-CHaraCterized model if inflammAtion To EXamiNE tHe effEcts of tHEsE ACtiVe CoMpoNeNTs On paiN anD hyperaLgesia that PerSiSts for hours oR DaYs. This modeL wiLl also distinGuiSh betwEeN anALgesiC anD antiHyperaLGesic aCtivity. ThE sECond aiM Is to", "whitespace_perturbation": " model of inflammatory pai n and hype ralge sia . T he inv esti gators will us e the ir well-characterizedmodel i f inf l am matio n to ex a mi n e th eef fec ts of thes e a ctive c omponentsonpa in and hyper a lg esia thatper sists for ho urs or da ys . T h is mo del will alsod isting uish betw ee n analg e sic and a nt ihyp eralgesic activit y .T he second aimis to", "underscore_trick": " model_of inflammatory_pain and hyperalgesia. The_investigators will_use_their well-characterized_model_if inflammation to_examine the effects_of these active components_on pain and_hyperalgesia_that persists for hours or days. This model will also distinguish between analgesic and_antihyperalgesic_activity. The_second_aim_is to"} +{"text": " microsphere-derived flows using an acute canine model of stenosis. The ability of deformation and differential deformation derived from 4D stress echocardiography to detect new myocardial tissue at-risk in the presence of existing infarction will then be determined in a hybrid acute/chronic canine model of infarction with superimposed ischemia. The technique will be translated", "synonym_substitution": "microsphere - derived flows using an acute canine exemplar of stenosis. The ability of distortion and differential deformation derived from 4D stress echocardiography to detect raw myocardial tissue at - risk in the presence of exist infarct will then be determined in a hybrid acute / chronic canine model of infarction with superimposed ischemia. The proficiency will be translated", "butter_fingers": " mifrosphere-derived flows uring an acute ccbine mmdel or stenosks. The ability of deformatioi ane difderential deformation aerived fgom 4D strwss tchocardiography vk detecb new lyoccrvial tissue at-rlsk in the [resence of exhsgiug infarction will then be determineq in a nyhrid acute/chrogic bagine model of infarction with superimpksed isbhemia. The techniaue will be translated", "random_deletion": "microsphere-derived flows using an acute canine model The of deformation differential deformation derived detect myocardial tissue at-risk the presence of infarction will then be determined in hybrid acute/chronic canine model of infarction with superimposed ischemia. The technique will be", "change_char_case": " microsphere-derived flows usIng an acute CaninE moDel Of StenOsis. the ability of deFOrmaTion and differential defOrmatIoN DeriVEd From 4D Stress eCHoCARdiOgRaPhy To DEtEct neW myOcardiaL tissue at-rIsk In The presence oF ExIsting infaRctIon will then bE deTerminEd In a HYbrid AcuTe/chrOnic caNIne modEl of infarCtIOn with SUperimpOSEd IschEmia. The technique wILl BE translated", "whitespace_perturbation": " microsphere-derived flows using anacute ca nin emode l of stenosis. The abil ity of deformation and diff er e ntia l d eform ation d e ri v e d f ro m4Dst r es s ech oca rdiogra phy to det ect n ew myocardia l t issue at-r isk in the pres enc e of e xi sti n g inf arc tionwill t h en bedetermine di n a hy b rid acu t e /c hron ic canine model o f i n farction withsuperi mp o se d isc hem ia. The te ch nique will be tr a n s lat e d", "underscore_trick": " microsphere-derived_flows using_an acute canine model_of stenosis._The_ability of_deformation_and differential deformation_derived from 4D_stress echocardiography to detect_new myocardial tissue_at-risk_in the presence of existing infarction will then be determined in a hybrid acute/chronic_canine_model of_infarction_with_superimposed ischemia. The technique will_be translated"} +{"text": " the first time. The ultimate objective is to develop predictive models for deposition using both theory and experimentally derived coefficients, including models that account for the pronounced nonuniformity of epithelial depositions on the airways. We propose to make single path hollow airway casts of human and dog tracheobronchial airways, including a", "synonym_substitution": "the first time. The ultimate objective is to develop predictive model for deposit using both theory and experimentally derive coefficient, including models that account for the pronounce nonuniformity of epithelial depositions on the airways. We project to make single way hollow airway casts of human and dog tracheobronchial respiratory tract, including a", "butter_fingers": " thf first time. The ultimatt objective is to develo' predidtive moaels for deposition using bovh tyeory and experimentally defived coevficientw, inrluding models tizt accomut fod the 'ronounced nonukiformity ox epithelial dapusntions on the airways. We propose to iake simgpe path hollow airewy czsts of human and dog tracheobroncgial aigways, including a", "random_deletion": "the first time. The ultimate objective is predictive for deposition both theory and that for the pronounced of epithelial depositions the airways. We propose to make path hollow airway casts of human and dog tracheobronchial airways, including a", "change_char_case": " the first time. The ultimate obJective is tO deveLop PreDiCtivE modEls for depositiON usiNg both theory and experimEntalLy DErivED cOeffiCients, iNClUDIng MoDeLs tHaT AcCount For The pronOunced nonuNifOrMity of epitheLIaL depositioNs oN the airways. WE prOpose tO mAke SIngle PatH hollOw airwAY casts Of human anD dOG trachEObronchIAL aIrwaYs, including a", "whitespace_perturbation": " the first time. The ultim ate object ive i s t o d ev elop pre dictive models fordeposition using boththeor ya nd e x pe rimen tally d e ri v e d c oe ff ici en t s, incl udi ng mode ls that ac cou nt for the pro n ou nced nonun ifo rmity of epi the lial d ep osi t ionsonthe a irways . We pr opose toma k e sing l e pathh o ll ow a irway casts of hu m an and dog trache obronc hi a la i rwa ys, including a ", "underscore_trick": " the_first time._The ultimate objective is_to develop_predictive_models for_deposition_using both theory_and experimentally derived_coefficients, including models that_account for the_pronounced_nonuniformity of epithelial depositions on the airways. We propose to make single path hollow_airway_casts of_human_and_dog tracheobronchial airways, including a"} +{"text": " might be developed to interact specifically with helical biomolecules, such as proteins and nucleotides. All complexes will be studied spectroscopically and crystallographically to improve fundamental understanding of the interactions of metals with biomolecules. The new complexing agents will be tested as ionophores in ion-selective electrodes for analysis of metals in biological fluids.", "synonym_substitution": "might be developed to interact specifically with helical biomolecules, such as proteins and nucleotides. All complex will be study spectroscopically and crystallographically to improve fundamental understanding of the interaction of metals with biomolecules. The new complexing agent will be test as ionophores in ion - selective electrodes for psychoanalysis of metallic element in biological fluids.", "butter_fingers": " mihht be developed to intevact specificalli qith hxlical giomolecjles, such as proteins and nurleorides. All complexes will be studied dpectrosxopirally and crystallographleally bo im'rive fundamentak understatding of the ittdrcctions of metals with biomolecules. Ehe new clmplexing agenjs wikj be newted as ionophores in ion-seledtive enectrodes for analysis of metals in biopogifal fluids.", "random_deletion": "might be developed to interact specifically with such proteins and All complexes will to fundamental understanding of interactions of metals biomolecules. The new complexing agents will tested as ionophores in ion-selective electrodes for analysis of metals in biological fluids.", "change_char_case": " might be developed to interacT specificaLly wiTh hEliCaL bioMoleCules, such as proTEins And nucleotides. All complExes wIlL Be stUDiEd speCtroscoPIcALLy aNd CrYstAlLOgRaphiCalLy to impRove fundamEntAl UnderstandinG Of The interacTioNs of metals wiTh bIomoleCuLes. tHe new ComPlexiNg agenTS will bE tested as IoNOphoreS In ion-seLECtIve eLectrodes for analySIs OF metals in bioloGical fLuIDs.", "whitespace_perturbation": " might be developed to int eract spec ifica lly wi th hel ical biomolecules, such as proteins and nucle otide s. Allc om plexe s willb es t udi ed s pec tr o sc opica lly and cr ystallogra phi ca lly to impro v efundamenta l u nderstanding of the i nt era c tions of meta ls wit h biomo lecules.Th e new c o mplexin g ag ents will be tested a s i o nophores in io n-sele ct i ve e lec tro des for an al ysiso f metal s i n b iol o gical fluids. ", "underscore_trick": " might_be developed_to interact specifically with_helical biomolecules,_such_as proteins_and_nucleotides. All complexes_will be studied_spectroscopically and crystallographically to_improve fundamental understanding_of_the interactions of metals with biomolecules. The new complexing agents will be tested as_ionophores_in ion-selective_electrodes_for_analysis of metals in biological_fluids."} +{"text": " infected brains of rhesus monkeys for biomarker discovery using transcriptomics (gene array) and metabolomics (mass spectrometry) based technologies. For this project, we will perform hypothesis-based studies building on the wealth of data generated in functional proteomics at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC, Drs. Howard", "synonym_substitution": "infected brains of rhesus monkeys for biomarker discovery using transcriptomics (gene array) and metabolomics (mass spectroscopy) free-base technologies. For this project, we will do hypothesis - base studies build on the wealth of data generated in running proteomics at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC, Drs. Howard", "butter_fingers": " invected brains of rhesus oonkeys for biomarker viscovedy using transcriptomics (gene array) end netabilomics (mass spectromegry) based technoligiew. For this 'doject, we wilm peryocm hypothesis-baxed studiev building on dhd cealth of data generated in functionwl protrolics at the Unyverxyty kf Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC, Dra. Howarv", "random_deletion": "infected brains of rhesus monkeys for biomarker transcriptomics array) and (mass spectrometry) based will hypothesis-based studies building the wealth of generated in functional proteomics at the of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC, Drs. Howard", "change_char_case": " infected brains of rhesus monKeys for bioMarkeR diScoVeRy usIng tRanscriptomics (GEne aRray) and metabolomics (masS specTrOMetrY) BaSed teChnologIEs. fOR thIs PrOjeCt, WE wIll peRfoRm hypotHesis-based StuDiEs building on THe Wealth of daTa gEnerated in fuNctIonal pRoTeoMIcs at The univeRsity oF nebrasKa Medical ceNTer (UNMc, drs. HowaRD", "whitespace_perturbation": " infected brains of rhesus monkeys f or bi oma rke rdisc over y using transc r ipto mics (gene array) andmetab ol o mics (m ass s pectrom e tr y ) ba se dtec hn o lo gies. Fo r thisproject, w e w il l perform hy p ot hesis-base d s tudies build ing on th ewea l th of da ta ge nerate d in fu nctionalpr o teomic s at the U ni vers ity of Nebraska M e di c al Center (UNM C, Drs .H ow a r d", "underscore_trick": " infected_brains of_rhesus monkeys for biomarker_discovery using_transcriptomics_(gene array)_and_metabolomics (mass spectrometry)_based technologies. For_this project, we will_perform hypothesis-based studies_building_on the wealth of data generated in functional proteomics at the University of Nebraska_Medical_Center (UNMC,_Drs._Howard"} +{"text": " enriched in the plasma membranes and nuclear fractions in proliferating cells and appear to modify specific proteins in the membrane fractions. The aim of this RO3 proposal is to examine the ability of cyclin D1 and other cell cycle regulatory proteins to promote hepatocyte proliferation in culture and in vivo. Mature hepatocytes retain the ability to function", "synonym_substitution": "enriched in the plasma membranes and nuclear fractions in proliferating cell and look to modify specific proteins in the membrane fraction. The bearing of this RO3 proposal is to examine the ability of cyclin D1 and early cell cycle regulatory protein to advertise hepatocyte proliferation in culture and in vivo. Mature hepatocytes retain the ability to function", "butter_fingers": " engiched in the plasma memnranes and nuclece fracvions ih prolifdrating cells and appear to loeify wpecific proteins in tfe membraje fractuons. Rhe aim of this RO3 propoawl iv to examine thg ability of cyclin D1 and mtfex cell cycle regulatory proteins to [romote hfpatocyte prolyferseion pn culture and in vivo. Mature hspatocyues retain the abikity to function", "random_deletion": "enriched in the plasma membranes and nuclear proliferating and appear modify specific proteins aim this RO3 proposal to examine the of cyclin D1 and other cell regulatory proteins to promote hepatocyte proliferation in culture and in vivo. Mature hepatocytes the ability to function", "change_char_case": " enriched in the plasma membraNes and nuclEar frActIonS iN proLifeRating cells and APpeaR to modify specific proteIns in ThE MembRAnE fracTions. ThE AiM OF thIs rO3 ProPoSAl Is to eXamIne the aBility of cyCliN D1 And other cell CYcLe regulatoRy pRoteins to proMotE hepatOcYte PRolifEraTion iN cultuRE and in Vivo. MaturE hEPatocyTEs retaiN THe AbilIty to function", "whitespace_perturbation": " enriched in the plasma me mbranes an d nuc lea r f ra ctio ns i n proliferatin g cel ls and appear to modif y spe ci f ic p r ot einsin them em b r ane f ra cti on s .The a imof this RO3 propo sal i s to examine th e abilityofcyclin D1 an d o ther c el l c y cle r egu lator y prot e ins to promotehe p atocyt e prolif e r at ionin culture and in vi v o. Mature hepa tocyte sr et a i n t heability to f uncti o n", "underscore_trick": " enriched_in the_plasma membranes and nuclear_fractions in_proliferating_cells and_appear_to modify specific_proteins in the_membrane fractions. The aim_of this RO3_proposal_is to examine the ability of cyclin D1 and other cell cycle regulatory proteins_to_promote hepatocyte_proliferation_in_culture and in vivo. Mature_hepatocytes retain the ability to_function"} +{"text": " this study is to determine the role of caveolae in airway remodeling in asthma. This chronic inflammatory disease of the airways affects an estimated 15 million people in the United States and 100-150 million people worldwide. Among this population at risk, a subset of subjects will develop irreversible remodeling and airway obstruction. Airway remodeling", "synonym_substitution": "this study is to determine the role of caveolae in airway remodel in asthma. This chronic incendiary disease of the airways affects an estimated 15 million citizenry in the United States and 100 - 150 million multitude worldwide. Among this population at risk, a subset of subjects will build up irreversible remodeling and airline obstruction. air passage remodeling", "butter_fingers": " thls study is to determine the role of carwolae mn airwzy remoddling in asthma. This chronic ibflamnatory disease of the xirways avfects ab esuimated 15 million 'sople ik the Mniteb Wtates and 100-150 miklion peopne worldwide. Akovg this population at risk, a subset os subjevtd will develop irrtvewsibmv vemodeling and airway obstructioh. Airwaj remodeling", "random_deletion": "this study is to determine the role in remodeling in This chronic inflammatory an 15 million people the United States 100-150 million people worldwide. Among this at risk, a subset of subjects will develop irreversible remodeling and airway obstruction. remodeling", "change_char_case": " this study is to determine the Role of caveOlae iN aiRwaY rEmodElinG in asthma. This cHRoniC inflammatory disease of The aiRwAYs afFEcTs an eStimateD 15 MiLLIon PeOpLe iN tHE UNited staTes and 100-150 mIllion peopLe wOrLdwide. Among tHIs Population At rIsk, a subset of SubJects wIlL deVElop iRreVersiBle remODeling And airway ObSTructiON. Airway REMoDeliNg", "whitespace_perturbation": " this study is to determin e the role of c ave ola ein a irwa y remodeling i n ast hma. This chronic infl ammat or y dis e as e ofthe air w ay s aff ec ts an e s ti mated 15 millio n people i n t he United Stat e sand 100-15 0 m illion peopl e w orldwi de . A m ong t his popu lation at ris k, a subs et of sub j ects wi l l d evel op irreversible r e mo d eling and airw ay obs tr u ct i o n.Air way remode li ng", "underscore_trick": " this_study is_to determine the role_of caveolae_in_airway remodeling_in_asthma. This chronic_inflammatory disease of_the airways affects an_estimated 15 million_people_in the United States and 100-150 million people worldwide. Among this population at risk,_a_subset of_subjects_will_develop irreversible remodeling and airway_obstruction. Airway remodeling"} +{"text": " distinction of patients with and without prior alloimmunization is critical because of their different immunological behavior in response to blood transfusions. Prior sensitization will be determined by conventional cytotoxicity and by flow cytometry. for the first objective, non-alloimmunized patients with newly diagnosed acute non-lymphocytic leukemia will be randomized into", "synonym_substitution": "distinction of patients with and without prior alloimmunization is critical because of their different immunological demeanor in reception to blood transfusions. anterior sensitization will be determine by conventional cytotoxicity and by flow cytometry. for the inaugural objective, non - alloimmunized patients with newly diagnose acute non - lymphocytic leukemia will be randomized into", "butter_fingers": " didtinction of patients wiuh and without prnir allmimmunjzation ks critical because of their duffertut immunological behxvior in gesponse ro boiod transfnaions. Pvnor ssksitivavion will be dejermined by wonventional cftutlxicity and by flow cytometry. for tre firsy lbjective, non-ajloikiuniavd patients with newly diagnoses acute non-lymphocytoc leukemia will be randomlzed into", "random_deletion": "distinction of patients with and without prior critical of their immunological behavior in sensitization be determined by cytotoxicity and by cytometry. for the first objective, non-alloimmunized with newly diagnosed acute non-lymphocytic leukemia will be randomized into", "change_char_case": " distinction of patients with And without Prior AllOimMuNizaTion Is critical becaUSe of Their different immunoloGical BeHAvioR In RespoNse to blOOd TRAnsFuSiOns. prIOr SensiTizAtion wiLl be determIneD bY conventionaL CyTotoxicity And By flow cytomeTry. For the FiRst OBjectIve, Non-alLoimmuNIzed paTients witH nEWly diaGNosed acUTE nOn-lyMphocytic leukemia WIlL Be randomized inTo", "whitespace_perturbation": " distinction of patients w ith and wi thout pr ior a lloi mmun ization is cri t ical because of their diff erent i m muno l og icalbehavio r i n res po ns e t ob lo od tr ans fusions . Prior se nsi ti zation willb edetermined by conventiona l c ytotox ic ity and b y f low c ytomet r y. for the firs to bjecti v e, non- a l lo immu nized patients wi t hn ewly diagnosed acute n o n- l y mph ocy tic leukem ia will be rand o mi z e d in t o", "underscore_trick": " distinction_of patients_with and without prior_alloimmunization is_critical_because of_their_different immunological behavior_in response to_blood transfusions. Prior sensitization_will be determined_by_conventional cytotoxicity and by flow cytometry. for the first objective, non-alloimmunized patients with newly_diagnosed_acute non-lymphocytic_leukemia_will_be randomized into"} +{"text": " relationship to smoking-relevant variables will be examined, including its relationship to nicotine dependence, withdrawal, motivation to quit, abstinence self-efficacy, negative affect, and smoking expectancies. We hypothesize that the SAQ will have significant relationships with each of these variables, thereby providing evidence for its construct validity. The proposed study", "synonym_substitution": "relationship to smoking - relevant variables will be examined, include its kinship to nicotine dependence, withdrawal, motivation to depart, abstinence self - efficacy, minus affect, and smoking expectancies. We speculate that the SAQ will have significant relationships with each of these variable, thereby providing evidence for its construct robustness. The proposed study", "butter_fingers": " repationship to smoking-reltvant variables wnol be xxamines, includkng its relationship to nicovine depebdence, withdrawal, motixation to quit, abwtintnce self-efficacy, negativc affsgt, anb wmoking expectsncies. We vypothesize thdt tke SAQ will have significant relatiogships eihh each of thefe vswiabmvs, thereby providing evidence fkr its bonstruct validitu. The proposed study", "random_deletion": "relationship to smoking-relevant variables will be examined, relationship nicotine dependence, motivation to quit, smoking We hypothesize that SAQ will have relationships with each of these variables, providing evidence for its construct validity. The proposed study", "change_char_case": " relationship to smoking-releVant variabLes wiLl bE exAmIned, InclUding its relatiONshiP to nicotine dependence, wIthdrAwAL, motIVaTion tO quit, abSTiNENce SeLf-EffIcACy, NegatIve Affect, aNd smoking eXpeCtAncies. We hypoTHeSize that thE SAq will have sigNifIcant rElAtiONshipS wiTh eacH of theSE variaBles, thereBy PRovidiNG evidenCE FoR its Construct validity. tHe PRoposed study", "whitespace_perturbation": " relationship to smoking-r elevant va riabl eswil lbe e xami ned, including itsrelationship to nicoti ne de pe n denc e ,withd rawal,m ot i v ati on t o q ui t ,absti nen ce self -efficacy, ne ga tive affect, an d smokingexp ectancies. W e h ypothe si zet hat t heSAQ w ill ha v e sign ificant r el a tionsh i ps with e ac h of these variables, th e reby providing evide nc e f o r it s c onstruct v al idity . The pr o po s e d st u dy", "underscore_trick": " relationship_to smoking-relevant_variables will be examined,_including its_relationship_to nicotine_dependence,_withdrawal, motivation to_quit, abstinence self-efficacy,_negative affect, and smoking_expectancies. We hypothesize_that_the SAQ will have significant relationships with each of these variables, thereby providing evidence_for_its construct_validity._The_proposed study"} +{"text": " promoter specificities. We also identified the vulnerabilities of drug candidates to the evolution of drug resistance by using PACE to evolve proteases that are resistant to HCV protease inhibitors currently used in human clinical trials. In addition, we developed important PACE capabilities beyond basic positive selection, including small- molecule modulation of selection stringency and negative", "synonym_substitution": "promoter specificities. We also identified the vulnerability of drug campaigner to the evolution of drug resistance by using PACE to develop proteases that are resistant to HCV protease inhibitors presently use in human clinical trials. In accession, we developed important PACE capability beyond basic positive selection, include small- molecule modulation of selection stringency and negative", "butter_fingers": " prlmoter specificities. We xlso identified the vunnerabjlities uf drug candidates to the evllytion of drug resistance by using PABE to evoove kroteases that arx resistant to MCV pxovease inhibitorx currentlf used in humat zlnnical trials. In addition, we developqd impottwnt PACE capabylitpef begond basic positive selection, inclhding skall- molecule modulation of selection shrinhency and negative", "random_deletion": "promoter specificities. We also identified the vulnerabilities candidates the evolution drug resistance by that resistant to HCV inhibitors currently used human clinical trials. In addition, we important PACE capabilities beyond basic positive selection, including small- molecule modulation of selection and negative", "change_char_case": " promoter specificities. We alSo identifiEd the VulNerAbIlitIes oF drug candidateS To thE evolution of drug resistAnce bY uSIng PacE To evoLve protEAsES ThaT aRe ResIsTAnT to HCv prOtease iNhibitors cUrrEnTly used in humAN cLinical triAls. in addition, we DevEloped ImPorTAnt PAcE cApabiLities BEyond bAsic positIvE SelectIOn, incluDINg SmalL- molecule modulatiON oF Selection strinGency aNd NEgATIve", "whitespace_perturbation": " promoter specificities. W e also ide ntifi edthe v ulne rabi lities of drug cand idates to the evolutio n ofdr u g re s is tance by usi n gP A CEto e vol ve pr oteas esthat ar e resistan t t oHCV protease in hibitors c urr ently used i n h uman c li nic a l tri als . Inadditi o n, wedeveloped i m portan t PACE c a p ab ilit ies beyond basicp os i tive selection , incl ud i ng s mal l-molecule m od ulati o n of se l ec t i o n s t ringency andnegative", "underscore_trick": " promoter_specificities. We_also identified the vulnerabilities_of drug_candidates_to the_evolution_of drug resistance_by using PACE_to evolve proteases that_are resistant to_HCV_protease inhibitors currently used in human clinical trials. In addition, we developed important PACE_capabilities_beyond basic_positive_selection,_including small- molecule modulation of_selection stringency and negative"} +{"text": " real-life setting, the project will provide integrated results that would complement existing population-level data and inform science-driven regulation of cigarette packaging that balances constitutional law and public health interest. This proposal is aimed at continuing our ongoing efforts to identify and characterize novel AD genes involved in presenilin-related pathways. AD candidate", "synonym_substitution": "real - life setting, the project will leave integrate results that would complement existing population - level datum and inform science - driven regulation of cigarette promotion that balance constitutional jurisprudence and public health interest. This proposal is calculate at continuing our ongoing efforts to name and characterize novel AD genes involved in presenilin - related pathways. AD candidate", "butter_fingers": " rewl-life setting, the projegt will provide nbtegraved reshlts thag would complement existing 'opuoatiob-level data and inform science-dgiven regylatmon of cigarette packagiky thaf balcnres constitutiokal law and public health ivtzrest. This proposal is aimed at contynuing pug ongoing effotts tp idehniny and characterize novel AD genss invonved in presemilin-related pathways. AD cwndifate", "random_deletion": "real-life setting, the project will provide integrated would existing population-level and inform science-driven balances law and public interest. This proposal aimed at continuing our ongoing efforts identify and characterize novel AD genes involved in presenilin-related pathways. AD candidate", "change_char_case": " real-life setting, the project Will providE inteGraTed ReSultS thaT would complemeNT exiSting population-level daTa and InFOrm sCIeNce-drIven regULaTIOn oF cIgAreTtE PaCkagiNg tHat balaNces constiTutIoNal law and pubLIc Health inteResT. This proposaL is Aimed aT cOntINuing Our OngoiNg effoRTs to idEntify and ChARacterIZe novel ad GeNes iNvolved in presenilIN-rELated pathways. Ad candiDaTE", "whitespace_perturbation": " real-life setting, the pr oject will prov ide in te grat ed r esults that wo u ld c omplement existing pop ulati on - leve l d ata a nd info r ms c ien ce -d riv en re gulat ion of cig arette pac kag in g that balan c es constitut ion al law and p ubl ic hea lt h i n teres t.Thispropos a l is a imed at c on t inuing our ong o i ng eff orts to identifya nd characterize n ovel A Dg en e s in vol ved in pre se nilin - related pa t h w ays . AD candidate ", "underscore_trick": " real-life_setting, the_project will provide integrated_results that_would_complement existing_population-level_data and inform_science-driven regulation of_cigarette packaging that balances_constitutional law and_public_health interest. This proposal is aimed at continuing our ongoing efforts to identify and_characterize_novel AD_genes_involved_in presenilin-related pathways. AD candidate"} +{"text": " underlying the high frequency of mutation and chromosome rearrangements in Giardia lamblia, and its variable gene expression. The Core components include: (a) ICIDR administration, (b) a Visiting Investigator Program, (c) Microbiology, (d) Giardia lamblia Serology, (", "synonym_substitution": "underlying the high frequency of mutation and chromosome rearrangements in Giardia lamblia, and its varying gene formula. The Core components include: (a) ICIDR presidency, (b) a Visiting Investigator Program, (c) Microbiology, (d) Giardia lamblia Serology, (", "butter_fingers": " unferlying the high frequekcy of mutation cbd chrmmosoms rearravgements in Giardia lamblia, end uts vqriable gene expressiov. The Corv componebts mnclude: (a) ICIDR esministvction, (n) a Vnsmting Investigajor Program, (w) Microbiology, (d) Gnardia lamblia Serology, (", "random_deletion": "underlying the high frequency of mutation and in lamblia, and variable gene expression. ICIDR (b) a Visiting Program, (c) Microbiology, Giardia lamblia Serology, (", "change_char_case": " underlying the high frequencY of mutatioN and cHroMosOmE reaRranGements in GiardIA lamBlia, and its variable gene ExpreSsIOn. ThE coRe comPonents INcLUDe: (a) iCiDr adMiNIsTratiOn, (b) A VisitiNg InvestigAtoR PRogram, (c) MicroBIoLogy, (d) GiardIa lAmblia SeroloGy, (", "whitespace_perturbation": " underlying the high frequ ency of mu tatio n a ndch romo some rearrangement s inGiardia lamblia, and i ts va ri a bleg en e exp ression . T h e Co re c omp on e nt s inc lud e: (a)ICIDR admi nis tr ation, (b) a Vi siting Inv est igator Progr am, (c) M ic rob i ology , ( d) Gi ardial amblia Serology ,( ", "underscore_trick": " underlying_the high_frequency of mutation and_chromosome rearrangements_in_Giardia lamblia,_and_its variable gene_expression. The Core_components include: (a) ICIDR_administration, (b) a_Visiting_Investigator Program, (c) Microbiology, (d) Giardia lamblia Serology, ("} +{"text": ") determining if the drug-induced changes in 13C pyruvate to 130 lactate conversion that parallel target inhibition and drug sensitivity in vitro also do so in xenografts in vivo, and 4) determining if treatment-induced alterations in pyruvate metabolism detected by hyperpolarized 130 MRSI can be used alone, or in combination with", "synonym_substitution": ") determining if the drug - induced changes in 13C pyruvate to 130 lactate conversion that parallel target prohibition and drug sensitivity in vitro besides dress so in heterograft in vivo, and 4) determining if discussion - induced alterations in pyruvate metamorphosis detected by hyperpolarized 130 MRSI can be used alone, or in combination with", "butter_fingers": ") dehermining if the drug-indmced changes in 13E pyruvete to 130 lactate conversion that parallel tacget inhivition and drug sensitkvity in nitro alsi do wo in xenojdafts ik vivk, and 4) determining in treatment-hnduced alteradiund in pyruvate metabolism detected br hyperloparized 130 MRSI san nq ussd alone, or in combination with", "random_deletion": ") determining if the drug-induced changes in to lactate conversion parallel target inhibition also so in xenografts vivo, and 4) if treatment-induced alterations in pyruvate metabolism by hyperpolarized 130 MRSI can be used alone, or in combination with", "change_char_case": ") determining if the drug-inducEd changes iN 13C pyrUvaTe tO 130 lActaTe coNversion that paRAlleL target inhibition and drUg senSiTIvitY In Vitro Also do sO In XENogRaFtS in ViVO, aNd 4) detErmIning if Treatment-iNduCeD alterations IN pYruvate metAboLism detected By hYperpoLaRizED 130 MRSI Can Be useD alone, OR in comBination wItH", "whitespace_perturbation": ") determining if the drug- induced ch anges in 13 Cpyru vate to 130 lactat e con version that paralleltarge ti nhib i ti on an d drugs en s i tiv it yinvi t ro also do so inxenografts in v ivo, and 4)d et ermining i f t reatment-ind uce d alte ra tio n s inpyr uvate metab o lism d etected b yh yperpo l arized1 3 0MRSI can be used alon e ,o r in combinati on wit h", "underscore_trick": ") determining_if the_drug-induced changes in 13C_pyruvate to_130_lactate conversion_that_parallel target inhibition_and drug sensitivity_in vitro also do_so in xenografts_in_vivo, and 4) determining if treatment-induced alterations in pyruvate metabolism detected by hyperpolarized 130_MRSI_can be_used_alone,_or in combination with"} +{"text": " huge financial burden and generated serious public and personal crises in the United States. To date, evidence-based treatment for TBI recovery is not yet available. Considering the fact that TBI Veterans are currently in the chronic phase of the disease, there is a critical need to develop neurorestorative strategies for brain repair in the chronic", "synonym_substitution": "huge financial burden and generated serious public and personal crisis in the United States. To date, evidence - free-base treatment for TBI recovery is not yet available. study the fact that TBI Veterans are currently in the chronic phase of the disease, there is a critical indigence to build up neurorestorative strategies for mind repair in the chronic", "butter_fingers": " huhe financial burden and nenerated serious publir and psrsonal zrises in the United States. Vo dqte, ecidence-based treatment for TBI gecovery us nir yet available. Cokfidedlng tke fact that TBI Veterans dre currently hn tke chronic phase of the disease, therq is a vrltical need to devtlo[ nehgovestorative strategies for brain repair in the chronoc", "random_deletion": "huge financial burden and generated serious public crises the United To date, evidence-based not available. Considering the that TBI Veterans currently in the chronic phase of disease, there is a critical need to develop neurorestorative strategies for brain repair the chronic", "change_char_case": " huge financial burden and genErated seriOus puBliC anD pErsoNal cRises in the UnitED StaTes. To date, evidence-based TreatMeNT for tbI RecovEry is noT YeT AVaiLaBlE. CoNsIDeRing tHe fAct that tBI VeteranS arE cUrrently in thE ChRonic phase Of tHe disease, theRe iS a critIcAl nEEd to dEveLop neUroresTOrativE strategiEs FOr braiN Repair iN THe ChroNic", "whitespace_perturbation": " huge financial burden and generated seri ous pu bl ic a nd p ersonal crises in t he United States. To d ate,ev i denc e -b asedtreatme n tf o r T BI r eco ve r yis no t y et avai lable. Con sid er ing the fact th at TBI Vet era ns are curre ntl y in t he ch r onicpha se of the d i sease, there is a critic a l needt o d evel op neurorestorati v es trategies forbrainre p ai r inthe chronic", "underscore_trick": " huge_financial burden_and generated serious public_and personal_crises_in the_United_States. To date,_evidence-based treatment for_TBI recovery is not_yet available. Considering_the_fact that TBI Veterans are currently in the chronic phase of the disease, there_is_a critical_need_to_develop neurorestorative strategies for brain_repair in the chronic"} +{"text": " expand our current processes to assure they are applicable to AAV serotypes 1, 2 and 5. We will also address the significant problem of AAV aggregation. Finally, we will conduct an in vivo mouse study to determine the correlation between purity, biological activity and safety through the evaluation of immune and histopathological responses to the vector", "synonym_substitution": "expand our current processes to assure they are applicable to AAV serotypes 1, 2 and 5. We will also cover the meaning trouble of AAV aggregation. Finally, we will conduct an in vivo shiner study to determine the correlation between honor, biological activeness and safety through the evaluation of immune and histopathological response to the vector", "butter_fingers": " exoand our current processts to assure they are ap'licabls to AAV serotypes 1, 2 and 5. We will aldo addrtfs the significant problem lf AAV atgrejation. Finally, wx will conduct wn iu tivo mouse studi to determite the correladiun between purity, biological activity and sagehy through the evaktatikn of immune and histopathological responves to the vevtor", "random_deletion": "expand our current processes to assure they to serotypes 1, and 5. We problem AAV aggregation. Finally, will conduct an vivo mouse study to determine the between purity, biological activity and safety through the evaluation of immune and histopathological to the vector", "change_char_case": " expand our current processes To assure thEy are AppLicAbLe to aAV sErotypes 1, 2 and 5. We wILl alSo address the significanT probLeM Of AAv AgGregaTion. FinALlY, WE wiLl CoNduCt AN iN vivo MouSe study To determinE thE cOrrelation beTWeEn purity, biOloGical activitY anD safetY tHroUGh the EvaLuatiOn of imMUne and HistopathOlOGical rESponses TO ThE vecTor", "whitespace_perturbation": " expand our current proces ses to ass ure t hey ar eappl icab le to AAV sero t ypes 1, 2 and 5. We will a lso a dd r esst he sign ificant pr o b lem o fAAV a g gr egati on. Finall y, we will co nd uct an in vi v omouse stud y t o determinethe corre la tio n betw een puri ty, bi o logica l activit ya nd saf e ty thro u g htheevaluation of imm u ne and histopatho logica lr es p o nse s t o the vect or ", "underscore_trick": " expand_our current_processes to assure they_are applicable_to_AAV serotypes_1,_2 and 5._We will also_address the significant problem_of AAV aggregation._Finally,_we will conduct an in vivo mouse study to determine the correlation between purity,_biological_activity and_safety_through_the evaluation of immune and_histopathological responses to the vector"} +{"text": " a single local inflammation of a handpaw lasting for approximately 24 hours can result in significant changes in future withdrawal responses to noxious stimulation in the affected animals. However, the specific parameters of the \"window(s) of vulnerability\" of the developing nociceptive circuitry to such short- lasting inflammation, as well", "synonym_substitution": "a single local inflammation of a handpaw lasting for approximately 24 hours can leave in meaning change in future withdrawal answer to noxious foreplay in the affected animals. However, the specific parameters of the \" window(s) of vulnerability \" of the develop nociceptive circuitry to such short- lasting inflammation, equally well", "butter_fingers": " a dingle local inflammatiok of a handpaw lcwting hor appdoximateuy 24 hours can result in signmficqnt cyanges in future withdfawal resionses to noxmous stimulation in the affectsf annmels. However, the specific [arameters of dhd \"cindow(s) of vulnerability\" of the devejoping moficeptive circoitry eo shbh short- lasting inflammation, aa well", "random_deletion": "a single local inflammation of a handpaw approximately hours can in significant changes noxious in the affected However, the specific of the \"window(s) of vulnerability\" of developing nociceptive circuitry to such short- lasting inflammation, as well", "change_char_case": " a single local inflammation oF a handpaw lAstinG foR apPrOximAtelY 24 hours can resulT In siGnificant changes in futuRe witHdRAwal REsPonseS to noxiOUs STImuLaTiOn iN tHE aFfectEd aNimals. HOwever, the sPecIfIc parameters OF tHe \"window(s) oF vuLnerability\" oF thE develOpIng NOcicePtiVe cirCuitry TO such sHort- lastiNg INflammATion, as wELL", "whitespace_perturbation": " a single local inflammati on of a ha ndpaw la sti ng for app roximately 24h ours can result in signifi cantch a nges in futu re with d ra w a l r es po nse st onoxio usstimula tion in th e a ff ected animal s .However, t hespecific par ame ters o fthe \"wind ow( s) of vulne r abilit y\" of the d e velopi n g nocic e p ti ve c ircuitry to suchs ho r t- lasting inf lammat io n ,a s we ll", "underscore_trick": " a_single local_inflammation of a handpaw_lasting for_approximately_24 hours_can_result in significant_changes in future_withdrawal responses to noxious_stimulation in the_affected_animals. However, the specific parameters of the \"window(s) of vulnerability\" of the developing nociceptive_circuitry_to such_short-_lasting_inflammation, as well"} +{"text": " medication effects. Side effects will be carefully monitored with standard instruments. Plasma levels of risperidone plus 9-OH-risperidone will be monitored throughout the treatment period and related to treatment response and side effects. Pre- and post-treatment serotonin platelet will be assessed and related to treatment response. The study will advance", "synonym_substitution": "medication effects. Side effects will be cautiously monitor with standard instruments. Plasma levels of risperidone plus 9 - ohio - risperidone will be monitored throughout the discussion period and related to discussion response and side effects. Pre- and post - treatment serotonin platelet will be measure and related to treatment reply. The study will advance", "butter_fingers": " mefication effects. Side efnects will be catedully konitoded with standard instruments. Plasma lwvels of risperidone plus 9-OF-risperidlne will be ninitored tidoughoub the breatkxnt period and telated to tseatment respotsd cnd side effects. Pre- and post-treatmegt seroyojin platelet wyll nq asavswed and related to treatment desponst. The study will acvance", "random_deletion": "medication effects. Side effects will be carefully standard Plasma levels risperidone plus 9-OH-risperidone treatment and related to response and side Pre- and post-treatment serotonin platelet will assessed and related to treatment response. The study will advance", "change_char_case": " medication effects. Side effeCts will be cArefuLly MonItOred With Standard instruMEnts. plasma levels of risperidOne plUs 9-oh-risPErIdone Will be mONiTORed ThRoUghOuT ThE treaTmeNt perioD and relateD to TrEatment respoNSe And side effEctS. Pre- and post-tReaTment sErOtoNIn plaTelEt wilL be assESsed anD related tO tREatmenT ResponsE. tHe StudY will advance", "whitespace_perturbation": " medication effects. Sideeffects wi ll be ca ref ul ly m onit ored with stan d ardinstruments. Plasma le velsof risp e ri doneplus 9- O H- r i spe ri do newi l lbe mo nit ored th roughout t hetr eatment peri o dand relate d t o treatmentres ponsean d s i de ef fec ts. P re- an d post- treatment s e rotoni n platel e t w illbe assessed and r e la t ed to treatmen t resp on s e. T hestu dy will ad va nce", "underscore_trick": " medication_effects. Side_effects will be carefully_monitored with_standard_instruments. Plasma_levels_of risperidone plus_9-OH-risperidone will be_monitored throughout the treatment_period and related_to_treatment response and side effects. Pre- and post-treatment serotonin platelet will be assessed and_related_to treatment_response._The_study will advance"} +{"text": " education and the necessary histological material is available. Increased sophistication will be achieved through (l) the use of high end computer graphic hardware and software (2) use of a professional science writer to develop textual materials and (3) a scientific advisory board including teachers, clinicians and textbook authors. The materials developed in phase II", "synonym_substitution": "education and the necessary histological material is available. Increased sophistication will be achieve through (lambert) the use of high goal calculator graphic hardware and software (2) use of a professional science writer to develop textual material and (3) a scientific advisory board including teacher, clinicians and textbook authors. The material developed in phase II", "butter_fingers": " edkcation and the necessarn histological mcrerial is avzilable. Kncreased sophistication wilp ve acyieved through (l) the ure of higj end conputtr graphic hardwacs and softwars (2) usz if a professiokal science writer to devalup textual materials and (3) a scientifis advisprj board includyng ueashera, clinicians and textbook authors. Fhe mattrials developed im phase II", "random_deletion": "education and the necessary histological material is sophistication be achieved (l) the use hardware software (2) use a professional science to develop textual materials and (3) scientific advisory board including teachers, clinicians and textbook authors. The materials developed in II", "change_char_case": " education and the necessary hIstologicaL mateRiaL is AvAilaBle. INcreased sophisTIcatIon will be achieved throuGh (l) thE uSE of hIGh End coMputer gRApHIC haRdWaRe aNd SOfTware (2) Use Of a profEssional scIenCe Writer to deveLOp Textual matEriAls and (3) a scienTifIc adviSoRy bOArd inCluDing tEacherS, ClinicIans and teXtBOok autHOrs. The mATErIals Developed in phase Ii", "whitespace_perturbation": " education and the necessa ry histolo gical ma ter ia l is ava ilable. Increa s ed s ophistication will beachie ve d thr o ug h (l) the us e o f hig hen d c om p ut er gr aph ic hard ware and s oft wa re (2) use o f a professio nal science wri ter to de ve lop textu almater ials a n d (3)a scienti fi c advis o ry boar d in clud ing teachers, cli n ic i ans and textbo ok aut ho r s. T hemat erials dev el opedi n phase II ", "underscore_trick": " education_and the_necessary histological material is_available. Increased_sophistication_will be_achieved_through (l) the_use of high_end computer graphic hardware_and software (2)_use_of a professional science writer to develop textual materials and (3) a scientific advisory_board_including teachers,_clinicians_and_textbook authors. The materials developed_in phase II"} +{"text": "1 line this year. Searching for optimal freezing conditions is in progress. Bovine Visual Arrestin: The arrestin crystals diffract to 3.0[unreadable] resolution using synchrotron radiation (NSLS X-25 beamline and MacCHESS A-1 beamline). We have collected complete native", "synonym_substitution": "1 line this year. Searching for optimal freeze condition is in progress. Bovine Visual Arrestin: The arrestin crystal diffract to 3.0[unreadable ] resoluteness using synchrotron radiation (NSLS X-25 beamline and MacCHESS A-1 beamline). We have collect arrant native", "butter_fingers": "1 lije this year. Searching fur optimal freeeibg convitions is in pfogress. Bovine Visual Arrestmn: Tye areestin crystals diffrazt to 3.0[unrvadable] rwsolntion using syncidotron vcdiatjln (NVOS X-25 beamline snd MacCHEVS A-1 beamline). Fe hcve collected complete native", "random_deletion": "1 line this year. Searching for optimal is progress. Bovine Arrestin: The arrestin using radiation (NSLS X-25 and MacCHESS A-1 We have collected complete native", "change_char_case": "1 line this year. Searching for oPtimal freeZing cOndItiOnS is iN proGress. Bovine VisUAl ArRestin: The arrestin crystAls diFfRAct tO 3.0[UnReadaBle] resoLUtION usInG sYncHrOTrOn radIatIon (NSLS x-25 beamline aNd MAccHESS A-1 beamliNE). WE have colleCteD complete natIve", "whitespace_perturbation": "1 line this year. Searchin g for opti mal f ree zin gcond itio ns is in progr e ss.Bovine Visual Arrestin : The a r rest i ncryst als dif f ra c t to 3 .0 [un re a da ble]res olution using syn chr ot ron radiatio n ( NSLS X-25bea mline and Ma cCH ESS A- 1bea m line) . W e hav e coll e cted c omplete n at i ve", "underscore_trick": "1 line_this year._Searching for optimal freezing_conditions is_in_progress. Bovine_Visual_Arrestin: The arrestin_crystals diffract to_3.0[unreadable] resolution using synchrotron_radiation (NSLS X-25_beamline_and MacCHESS A-1 beamline). We have collected complete native"} +{"text": " that RSV, the major cause of respiratory problems in young children worldwide, induced p53 protein activation, resulting in the expression of several A3 genes in a p53-dependent manner and influencing negatively the virus replication. A SNP in TLR8 regulatory region creates a p53 responsive sequence that renders responsiveness and transcriptional control of this", "synonym_substitution": "that RSV, the major cause of respiratory problems in young children worldwide, induce p53 protein energizing, resulting in the expression of respective A3 genes in a p53 - subject manner and influencing negatively the virus replication. A SNP in TLR8 regulative area creates a p53 responsive sequence that renders responsiveness and transcriptional control of this", "butter_fingers": " thwt RSV, the major cause on respiratory problems mn younf childrdn worldwide, induced p53 protemn axtivaupon, resulting in the dxpressioj of sevwral Q3 genes in a p53-depekbent jwnnex end influencing negativelf the virus re[lkcction. A SNP in TLR8 regulatory region createx w p53 responsive seqlegce fhat renders responsiveness and trznscripuional control of yhis", "random_deletion": "that RSV, the major cause of respiratory young worldwide, induced protein activation, resulting A3 in a p53-dependent and influencing negatively virus replication. A SNP in TLR8 region creates a p53 responsive sequence that renders responsiveness and transcriptional control of", "change_char_case": " that RSV, the major cause of resPiratory prOblemS in YouNg ChilDren Worldwide, inducED p53 prOtein activation, resultiNg in tHe EXpreSSiOn of sEveral A3 GEnES In a P53-dEpEndEnT MaNner aNd iNfluencIng negativEly ThE virus replicATiOn. A SNP in TLr8 reGulatory regiOn cReates A p53 ResPOnsivE seQuencE that rENders rEsponsiveNeSS and trANscriptIONaL conTrol of this", "whitespace_perturbation": " that RSV, the major cause of respir atory pr obl em s in you ng children wo r ldwi de, induced p53 protei n act iv a tion , r esult ing int he e xpr es si onof se veral A3 genesin a p53-d epe nd ent manner a n dinfluencin g n egatively th e v irus r ep lic a tion. ASNP i n TLR8 regula tory regi on create s a p53r e sp onsi ve sequence thatr en d ers responsive ness a nd tr a n scr ipt ional cont ro l oft his", "underscore_trick": " that_RSV, the_major cause of respiratory_problems in_young_children worldwide,_induced_p53 protein activation,_resulting in the_expression of several A3_genes in a_p53-dependent_manner and influencing negatively the virus replication. A SNP in TLR8 regulatory region creates_a_p53 responsive_sequence_that_renders responsiveness and transcriptional control_of this"} +{"text": " contractility. Finally, airway inflammation enhances BDNF signaling, leading to an overall enhancement of [Ca2+]i and force. In this proposal, we will use human ASM and the ovalbumin (OVA) mouse model to examine the relative role of the BDNF receptors (high affinity TrkB vs.", "synonym_substitution": "contractility. Finally, airway inflammation enhances BDNF signaling, lead to an overall enhancement of [ Ca2+]i and power. In this proposal, we will use human ASM and the ovalbumin (OVA) shiner model to examine the relative function of the BDNF receptors (high affinity TrkB vs.", "butter_fingers": " cojtractility. Finally, airwxy inflammation enhancxs BDNF signalivg, leading to an overall enhencenent if [Ca2+]i and force. In thks proposwl, we wiol uww human ASM and thc ovamnumin (IVA) mouse modek to examite the relativa fope of the BDNF receptors (high affinyty TrkN gs.", "random_deletion": "contractility. Finally, airway inflammation enhances BDNF signaling, an enhancement of and force. In human and the ovalbumin mouse model to the relative role of the BDNF (high affinity TrkB vs.", "change_char_case": " contractility. Finally, airwaY inflammatIon enHanCes bDnF siGnalIng, leading to an OVeraLl enhancement of [Ca2+]i and fOrce. IN tHIs prOPoSal, we Will use HUmAN aSM AnD tHe oVaLBuMin (OVa) moUse modeL to examine The ReLative role of THe bDNF receptOrs (High affinity trkb vs.", "whitespace_perturbation": " contractility. Finally, a irway infl ammat ion en ha nces BDN F signaling, l e adin g to an overall enhanc ement o f [Ca 2 +] i and force. In t his p ro pos al , w e wil l u se huma n ASM andthe o valbumin (OV A )mouse mode l t o examine th e r elativ erol e of t heBDNFrecept o rs (hi gh affini ty TrkB v s .", "underscore_trick": " contractility._Finally, airway_inflammation enhances BDNF signaling,_leading to_an_overall enhancement_of_[Ca2+]i and force._In this proposal,_we will use human_ASM and the_ovalbumin_(OVA) mouse model to examine the relative role of the BDNF receptors (high affinity_TrkB_vs."} +{"text": " regulation of neurons and its indirect effects via bone marrow-derived monocytes/macrophages (BMDM). Using the approaches of live brain imaging, transgenic mice and targeted knockout mice, neurobehavioral assessments, and cell signaling, the central hypothesis will be tested and the objective of this application wil be achieved by accomplishing", "synonym_substitution": "regulation of neurons and its indirect effects via bone kernel - derive monocytes / macrophages (BMDM). use the approach of live brain imagination, transgenic mice and targeted knockout mouse, neurobehavioral assessments, and cell signal, the central hypothesis will be tested and the objective of this lotion wil be achieved by accomplishing", "butter_fingers": " rehulation of neurons and lts indirect effgcrs via bone jarrow-defived monocytes/macrophages (BLDN). Usibg the approaches of lkve brain imaging, traisgenic mice and targeted knocilut kmce, neurobehavipral assesvments, and celn riynaling, the central hypothesis will fe testrd and the objecjive ps thjs application wil be achieved by zccomplpshing", "random_deletion": "regulation of neurons and its indirect effects marrow-derived (BMDM). Using approaches of live targeted mice, neurobehavioral assessments, cell signaling, the hypothesis will be tested and the of this application wil be achieved by accomplishing", "change_char_case": " regulation of neurons and its Indirect efFects Via BonE mArroW-derIved monocytes/mACropHages (BMDM). Using the approAches Of LIve bRAiN imagIng, tranSGeNIC miCe AnD taRgETeD knocKouT mice, neUrobehavioRal AsSessments, and CElL signaling, The Central hypotHesIs will Be TesTEd and The ObjecTive of THis appLication wIl BE achieVEd by accOMPlIshiNg", "whitespace_perturbation": " regulation of neurons and its indir ect e ffe cts v ia b onemarrow-derived mono cytes/macrophages (BMD M). U si n g th e a pproa ches of li v e br ai nima gi n g, tran sge nic mic e and targ ete dknockout mic e ,neurobehav ior al assessmen ts, and c el l s i gnali ng, thecentra l hypot hesis wil lb e test e d and t h e o bjec tive of this appl i ca t ion wil be ach ievedby ac c o mpl ish ing", "underscore_trick": " regulation_of neurons_and its indirect effects_via bone_marrow-derived_monocytes/macrophages (BMDM)._Using_the approaches of_live brain imaging,_transgenic mice and targeted_knockout mice, neurobehavioral_assessments,_and cell signaling, the central hypothesis will be tested and the objective of this_application_wil be_achieved_by_accomplishing"} +{"text": ". Studies proposed here will leverage our recent advances, including identification of lead candidate human monoclonal antibodies (huMAbs) that neutralize LASV infectivity and protect guinea pigs against fatal disease induced by LASV. Zalgen's exclusive technology for rapid development (<3 months) of high yield antibody expressing stable cell", "synonym_substitution": ". Studies proposed here will leverage our recent advances, include designation of lead candidate human monoclonal antibodies (huMAbs) that neutralize LASV infectivity and protect guinea fowl pigs against fatal disease induce by LASV. Zalgen's single technology for rapid development (<3 months) of high yield antibody express stable cell", "butter_fingers": ". Stkdies proposed here will leverage our rgcwnt adtances, jncludine identification of lead canvidare hunan monoclonal antibodkes (huMAbd) that nwutrelize LASV infecvjvity akb profcct gbiiea pigs againsj fatal disedse induced by LXSR. Zalgen's exclusive technology for rwpid defepopment (<3 monthf) of righ jitld antibody expressing stable ceml", "random_deletion": ". Studies proposed here will leverage our including of lead human monoclonal antibodies and guinea pigs against disease induced by Zalgen's exclusive technology for rapid development months) of high yield antibody expressing stable cell", "change_char_case": ". Studies proposed here will leVerage our rEcent AdvAncEs, InclUdinG identificatioN Of leAd candidate human monoclOnal aNtIBodiES (hUMAbs) That neuTRaLIZe LaSv iNfeCtIViTy and ProTect guiNea pigs agaInsT fAtal disease iNDuCed by LASV. ZAlgEn's exclusive TecHnologY fOr rAPid deVelOpmenT (<3 monthS) Of high Yield antiBoDY expreSSing staBLE cEll", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Studies proposed here wi ll leverag e our re cen tadva nces , including id e ntif ication of lead candid ate h um a n mo n oc lonal antibo d ie s (hu MA bs ) t ha t n eutra liz e LASVinfectivit y a nd protect gui n ea pigs agai nst fatal disea seinduce dbyL ASV.Zal gen's exclu s ive te chnologyfo r rapid develop m e nt (<3 months) of highy ie l d antibody exp ressin gs ta b l e c ell ", "underscore_trick": ". Studies_proposed here_will leverage our recent_advances, including_identification_of lead_candidate_human monoclonal antibodies_(huMAbs) that neutralize_LASV infectivity and protect_guinea pigs against_fatal_disease induced by LASV. Zalgen's exclusive technology for rapid development (<3 months) of high_yield_antibody expressing_stable_cell"} +{"text": " extracellular portion of L-R results in the activation of Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) that is constitutively bound on the intracellular regions of the receptor. Leptin-instigated JAK2 signaling in hypothalamic nuclei reduces food intake and stimulates energy expenditure, while functional defects in either leptin or L-R", "synonym_substitution": "extracellular portion of L - R results in the energizing of Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) that is constitutively tie on the intracellular regions of the receptor. Leptin - incite JAK2 bespeak in hypothalamic nuclei reduces food inhalation and stimulate energy outgo, while functional defects in either leptin or lambert - R", "butter_fingers": " exhracellular portion of L-V results in the activavion of Janus kknase 2 (JAK2) that is constitutmvelt boubd on the intracellulaf regions of the eecektor. Leptin-instigefed JAK2 signamlng iu iypothalamic nuglei reducev food intake dna dtimulates energy expenditure, while functipnwl defects in githeg jeptjn or L-R", "random_deletion": "extracellular portion of L-R results in the Janus 2 (JAK2) is constitutively bound the Leptin-instigated JAK2 signaling hypothalamic nuclei reduces intake and stimulates energy expenditure, while defects in either leptin or L-R", "change_char_case": " extracellular portion of L-R rEsults in thE actiVatIon Of januS kinAse 2 (JAK2) that is coNStitUtively bound on the intraCelluLaR RegiONs Of the ReceptoR. lePTIn-iNsTiGatEd jaK2 SignaLinG in hypoThalamic nuCleI rEduces food inTAkE and stimulAteS energy expenDitUre, whiLe FunCTionaL deFects In eithER leptiN or L-R", "whitespace_perturbation": " extracellular portion ofL-R result s inthe ac ti vati on o f Janus kinase 2 (J AK2) that is constitut ively b o undo nthe i ntracel l ul a r re gi on s o ft he rece pto r. Lept in-instiga ted J AK2 signalin g i n hypothal ami c nuclei red uce s food i nta k e and st imula tes en e rgy ex penditure ,w hile f u nctiona l de fect s in either lepti n o r L-R", "underscore_trick": " extracellular_portion of_L-R results in the_activation of_Janus_kinase 2_(JAK2)_that is constitutively_bound on the_intracellular regions of the_receptor. Leptin-instigated JAK2_signaling_in hypothalamic nuclei reduces food intake and stimulates energy expenditure, while functional defects in_either_leptin or_L-R"} +{"text": " an understanding of the molecular basis of LT gene activation by antigen. The objective of this project is to elucidate the catalytic mechanism of CO dehydrogenase (a.k.a. acetyl-CoA synthase - ACS), emphasizing the structure and function of the unique Ni-Fe-S clusters contained therein. The enzyme is an alpha-", "synonym_substitution": "an understanding of the molecular basis of LT gene activation by antigen. The objective of this undertaking is to clarify the catalytic mechanism of CO dehydrogenase (a.k.a. acetyl - CoA synthase - ACS), emphasizing the structure and affair of the singular Ni - Fe - S clusters contained therein. The enzyme is an alpha-", "butter_fingers": " an understanding of the mouecular basis oy LT geie actibation bh antigen. The objective of tiis projext is to elucidate the catalytib mechaniwm oh CO dehydrogenase (a.k.a. agztyl-CkW syutiase - ACS), emphaxizing the structure and fjnetion of the unique Ni-Fe-S clusters cjntainec hherein. The eneyme ps an zlpha-", "random_deletion": "an understanding of the molecular basis of activation antigen. The of this project mechanism CO dehydrogenase (a.k.a. synthase - ACS), the structure and function of the Ni-Fe-S clusters contained therein. The enzyme is an alpha-", "change_char_case": " an understanding of the molecUlar basis oF LT geNe aCtiVaTion By anTigen. The objectIVe of This project is to elucidaTe the CaTAlytIC mEchanIsm of CO DEhYDRogEnAsE (a.k.A. aCEtYl-CoA SynThase - ACs), emphasiziNg tHe Structure and FUnCtion of the UniQue Ni-Fe-S clusTerS contaInEd tHErein. the EnzymE is an aLPha-", "whitespace_perturbation": " an understanding of the m olecular b asisofLTge ne a ctiv ation by antig e n. T he objective of this p rojec ti s to el ucida te thec at a l yti cme cha ni s mof CO de hydroge nase (a.k. a.ac etyl-CoA syn t ha se - ACS), em phasizing th e s tructu re an d func tio n ofthe un i que Ni -Fe-S clu st e rs con t ained t h e re in.The enzyme is ana lp h a-", "underscore_trick": " an_understanding of_the molecular basis of_LT gene_activation_by antigen._The_objective of this_project is to_elucidate the catalytic mechanism_of CO dehydrogenase_(a.k.a._acetyl-CoA synthase - ACS), emphasizing the structure and function of the unique Ni-Fe-S clusters_contained_therein. The_enzyme_is_an alpha-"} +{"text": " whether AT and LV can reduce mortality following POX induced SE and conduct pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analyses for CounterACT lead compounds AT and LV when administered intra- muscularly and orally. Aim 2: Determine whether AT and LV can reduce mortality following DFP and sarin induced SE and evaluate the acute and chronic effects of intram", "synonym_substitution": "whether AT and LV can reduce mortality following POX induced SE and impart pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis for CounterACT lead compounds AT and LV when administered intra- muscularly and orally. bearing 2: Determine whether AT and LV can reduce deathrate following DFP and sarin induced SE and evaluate the acuate and chronic effect of intram", "butter_fingers": " whfther AT and LV can reduge mortality following 'OX indhced SE xnd conduct pharmacokinetic end pharmqcodynamic analyses fof CounterWCT lead comkounds AT and LV xgen admluistedcd incre- muscularly anc orally. Ahm 2: Determine fhdtker AT and LV can reduce mortality fjllowinb FFP and sarin yndubeq SE and evaluate the acute and chronid effecus of intram", "random_deletion": "whether AT and LV can reduce mortality induced and conduct and pharmacodynamic analyses and when administered intra- and orally. Aim Determine whether AT and LV can mortality following DFP and sarin induced SE and evaluate the acute and chronic of intram", "change_char_case": " whether AT and LV can reduce moRtality folLowinG POx inDuCed Se and Conduct pharmacOKineTic and pharmacodynamic aNalysEs FOr CoUNtErACT Lead comPOuNDS AT AnD Lv whEn ADmInistEreD intra- mUscularly aNd oRaLly. Aim 2: DetermINe Whether AT aNd Lv can reduce moRtaLity foLlOwiNG DFP aNd sArin iNduced se and evAluate the AcUTe and cHRonic efFECtS of iNtram", "whitespace_perturbation": " whether AT and LV can red uce mortal ity f oll owi ng POX ind uced SE and co n duct pharmacokinetic and p harma co d ynam i canaly ses for Co u n ter AC Tlea dc om pound s A T and L V when adm ini st ered intra-m us cularly an d o rally. Aim 2 : D etermi ne wh e therATand L V canr educemortality f o llowin g DFP an d sa rininduced SE and ev a lu a te the acute a nd chr on i ce f fec tsof intram", "underscore_trick": " whether_AT and_LV can reduce mortality_following POX_induced_SE and_conduct_pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic_analyses for CounterACT_lead compounds AT and_LV when administered_intra-_muscularly and orally. Aim 2: Determine whether AT and LV can reduce mortality following_DFP_and sarin_induced_SE_and evaluate the acute and_chronic effects of intram"} +{"text": " for the reliable and valid diagnosis of personality disorder on which to base the development of effective, more specifically targeted interventions. The specific aims of the current proposal are (1) to establish a set of specific traits that collectively define the trait dimensions of individuals with PD, (2) to establish a set of psychosocial functioning dimensions that", "synonym_substitution": "for the reliable and valid diagnosis of personality disorder on which to base the development of effective, more specifically target interposition. The specific aims of the current proposal are (1) to install a bent of specific traits that collectively specify the trait proportion of individuals with PD, (2) to prove a set of psychosocial functioning proportion that", "butter_fingers": " fog the reliable and valid diagnosis of pgrwonalivy disodder on dhich to base the developmenv of effextive, more specificallh targetef intervwntiibs. The sperjfic aims of fme cuxrxnt proposal arg (1) to establhsh a set of s[eziyic traits that collectively define ehe traot dimensions of indpvyduams with PD, (2) to establish a set of lsychosmcial functioming dimensions that", "random_deletion": "for the reliable and valid diagnosis of on to base development of effective, specific of the current are (1) to a set of specific traits that define the trait dimensions of individuals with PD, (2) to establish a set psychosocial functioning dimensions that", "change_char_case": " for the reliable and valid diaGnosis of peRsonaLitY diSoRder On whIch to base the deVElopMent of effective, more speCificAlLY tarGEtEd intErventiONs. tHE spEcIfIc aImS Of The cuRreNt propoSal are (1) to esTabLiSh a set of specIFiC traits thaT coLlectively deFinE the trAiT diMEnsioNs oF indiVidualS With PD, (2) To establiSh A Set of pSYchosocIAL fUnctIoning dimensions tHAt", "whitespace_perturbation": " for the reliable and vali d diagnosi s ofper son al itydiso rder on whicht o ba se the development ofeffec ti v e, m o re spec ificall y t a r get ed i nte rv e nt ions. Th e speci fic aims o f t he current pro p os al are (1) to establish a se t of s pe cif i c tra its that colle c tively define t he traitd imensio n s o f in dividuals with PD , ( 2 ) to establish a set o f p s y cho soc ial functi on ing d i mension s t h a t ", "underscore_trick": " for_the reliable_and valid diagnosis of_personality disorder_on_which to_base_the development of_effective, more specifically_targeted interventions. The specific_aims of the_current_proposal are (1) to establish a set of specific traits that collectively define the_trait_dimensions of_individuals_with_PD, (2) to establish a_set of psychosocial functioning dimensions_that"} +{"text": "88% of all strokes) since 1996, stroke remains the third leading cause of death and the leading cause of disability in the United States. Therapies that restore blood flow to more patients, and do so more effectively and safely, are greatly needed to improve outcomes after stroke. A group of seven qualifying Primary Users have", "synonym_substitution": "88% of all strokes) since 1996, stroke remains the third leading lawsuit of end and the leading cause of disability in the United States. therapy that restore lineage flow to more patients, and suffice so more effectively and safely, are greatly necessitate to improve outcomes after solidus. A group of seven qualifying Primary Users have", "butter_fingers": "88% of all strokes) since 1996, stroye remains the jhurd leeding czuse of aeath and the leading cause lf disavility in the United Sgates. Thegapies thqt rtstore blood flow to more patiehbs, anb vo so more effegtively and safely, are graaglv needed to improve outcomes after seroke. A ggoup of seven zualpfring Irlmary Users have", "random_deletion": "88% of all strokes) since 1996, stroke third cause of and the leading United Therapies that restore flow to more and do so more effectively and are greatly needed to improve outcomes after stroke. A group of seven qualifying Users have", "change_char_case": "88% of all strokes) since 1996, stroke reMains the thIrd leAdiNg cAuSe of DeatH and the leading CAuse Of disability in the UniteD StatEs. tHeraPIeS that Restore BLoOD FloW tO mOre PaTIeNts, anD do So more eFfectively And SaFely, are greatLY nEeded to impRovE outcomes aftEr sTroke. A GrOup OF seveN quAlifyIng PriMAry UseRs have", "whitespace_perturbation": "88% of all strokes) since1996, stro ke re mai nsth e th irdleading causeo f de ath and the leading ca use o fd isab i li ty in the Un i te d Sta te s. Th er a pi es th atrestore blood flo w t omore patient s ,and do somor e effectivel y a nd saf el y,a re gr eat ly ne eded t o impro ve outcom es afters troke.A gr oupof seven qualifyi n gP rimary Users h ave", "underscore_trick": "88% of_all strokes)_since 1996, stroke remains_the third_leading_cause of_death_and the leading_cause of disability_in the United States._Therapies that restore_blood_flow to more patients, and do so more effectively and safely, are greatly needed_to_improve outcomes_after_stroke._A group of seven qualifying_Primary Users have"} +{"text": " exchange and integration of information concerning the reproductive tract. Three specific aims will allow us to accomplish this goal: First, the scientific content of the meeting will be at the highest level. To achieve this standard of excellence, we are inviting speakers who are internationally recognized experts at the forefront of their fields. There is an interesting blend", "synonym_substitution": "exchange and integration of information concerning the generative nerve pathway. Three specific bearing will allow us to carry through this finish: First, the scientific content of the meeting will be at the high level. To achieve this standard of excellence, we are invite speakers who are internationally recognized expert at the forefront of their fields. There is an interesting blend", "butter_fingers": " exfhange and integration on information couxerninj the rsproductkve tract. Three specific aimd qill qllow us to accomplish this goap: First, rhe wxientific rkntent of the leetnnj will be at thg highest leeel. To achieve tfid standard of excellence, we are invyting slewkers who are yntegnwtiohally recognized experts at the fodefront of their fiekds. There is an interestinh blfnd", "random_deletion": "exchange and integration of information concerning the Three aims will us to accomplish content the meeting will at the highest To achieve this standard of excellence, are inviting speakers who are internationally recognized experts at the forefront of their There is an interesting blend", "change_char_case": " exchange and integration of iNformation ConceRniNg tHe ReprOducTive tract. Three SPeciFic aims will allow us to acComplIsH This GOaL: FirsT, the sciENtIFIc cOnTeNt oF tHE mEetinG wiLl be at tHe highest lEveL. TO achieve this STaNdard of excEllEnce, we are invItiNg speaKeRs wHO are iNteRnatiOnally REcogniZed expertS aT The forEFront of THEiR fieLds. There is an interEStINg blend", "whitespace_perturbation": " exchange and integrationof informa tioncon cer ni ng t he r eproductive tr a ct.Three specific aims wi ll al lo w ust oaccom plish t h is g oal :Fi rst ,t he scie nti fic con tent of th e m ee ting will be at the highe stlevel. To ac hie ve thi ssta n dardofexcel lence, we are inviting s p eakers who are i nt erna tionally recogniz e de xperts at theforefr on t o f the irfields. Th er e isa n inter e st i n g bl e nd", "underscore_trick": " exchange_and integration_of information concerning the_reproductive tract._Three_specific aims_will_allow us to_accomplish this goal:_First, the scientific content_of the meeting_will_be at the highest level. To achieve this standard of excellence, we are inviting_speakers_who are_internationally_recognized_experts at the forefront of_their fields. There is an_interesting blend"} +{"text": " that the rate of increase in PIB retention in individual subjects will be of larger magnitude and be detectable earlier than the rate of decrease in hippocampal volume or cerebral metabolic rate. The volume and electrolyte composition of saliva are dependent on the coordinated activity of ion transport proteins including multiple Na+-dependent mechanisms. Acinar cells employ a combination", "synonym_substitution": "that the rate of increase in PIB retention in individual subjects will be of large order of magnitude and be detectable earlier than the rate of decrease in hippocampal bulk or cerebral metabolic pace. The volume and electrolyte composition of saliva are dependent on the coordinated action of ion transport proteins include multiple Na+-dependent mechanisms. Acinar cells hire a combination", "butter_fingers": " thwt the rate of increase ln PIB retention in indmvidual subjectr will be of larger magnitudx ane be eetectable earlier thav the ratv of decrwase un hippocampal volmie od cerzbcal metabolic rste. The vonume and electsouyce composition of saliva are dependegt on tne coordinated astivptr of pok transport proteins including mhltiple Na+-dependent kechanisms. Acinar cells emoloy a combination", "random_deletion": "that the rate of increase in PIB individual will be larger magnitude and rate decrease in hippocampal or cerebral metabolic The volume and electrolyte composition of are dependent on the coordinated activity of ion transport proteins including multiple Na+-dependent Acinar cells employ a combination", "change_char_case": " that the rate of increase in PIb retention In indIviDuaL sUbjeCts wIll be of larger mAGnitUde and be detectable earlIer thAn THe raTE oF decrEase in hIPpOCAmpAl VoLumE oR CeRebraL meTabolic Rate. The volUme AnD electrolyte COmPosition of SalIva are dependEnt On the cOoRdiNAted aCtiVity oF ion trANsport Proteins iNcLUding mULtiple NA+-DEpEndeNt mechanisms. AcinaR CeLLs employ a combiNation", "whitespace_perturbation": " that the rate of increase in PIB re tenti oninin divi dual subjects will be o f larger magnitude and be d et e ctab l eearli er than th e rat eof de cr e as e inhip pocampa l volume o r c er ebral metabo l ic rate. The vo lume and ele ctr olyteco mpo s ition of sali va are depend ent on th ec oordin a ted act i v it y of ion transport pr o te i ns including m ultipl eN a+ - d epe nde nt mechani sm s. Ac i nar cel l se m p loy a combination ", "underscore_trick": " that_the rate_of increase in PIB_retention in_individual_subjects will_be_of larger magnitude_and be detectable_earlier than the rate_of decrease in_hippocampal_volume or cerebral metabolic rate. The volume and electrolyte composition of saliva are dependent_on_the coordinated_activity_of_ion transport proteins including multiple_Na+-dependent mechanisms. Acinar cells employ_a combination"} +{"text": "-scanning methods, as the entire imaging plane is detected simultaneously. Second, excitation is confined to the focal plane, so each pixel is imaged only once during each volumetric acquisition. This drastically reduces light exposure and results in far lower photobleaching and photodamage than is possible with conventional imaging techniques.", "synonym_substitution": "-scanning methods, as the entire imaging plane is detect simultaneously. Second, excitement is confine to the focal plane, so each pixel is visualize only once during each volumetric acquisition. This drastically reduce light exposure and results in far lower photobleaching and photodamage than is possible with ceremonious imaging techniques.", "butter_fingers": "-scajning methods, as the entlre imaging plang us detxcted sjmultaneuusly. Second, excitation is clndined to the focal plane, so each pixvl is imated ibly once dnding eagk volhletrnc acquisition. Tmis drasticdlly reduces lhgft exposure and results in far lower [hotoblrafhing and photjdamsde tgan is possible with conventional jmaging techniques.", "random_deletion": "-scanning methods, as the entire imaging plane simultaneously. excitation is to the focal imaged once during each acquisition. This drastically light exposure and results in far photobleaching and photodamage than is possible with conventional imaging techniques.", "change_char_case": "-scanning methods, as the entirE imaging plAne is DetEctEd SimuLtanEously. Second, exCItatIon is confined to the focaL planE, sO Each PIxEl is iMaged onLY oNCE duRiNg EacH vOLuMetriC acQuisitiOn. This drasTicAlLy reduces ligHT eXposure and ResUlts in far lowEr pHotoblEaChiNG and pHotOdamaGe than IS possiBle with coNvENtionaL Imaging TEChNiquEs.", "whitespace_perturbation": "-scanning methods, as theentire ima gingpla neis det ecte d simultaneous l y. S econd, excitation is c onfin ed to t h efocal plane, so e ach p ix elis im agedonl y onceduring eac h v ol umetric acqu i si tion. This dr astically re duc es lig ht ex p osure an d res ults i n far l ower phot ob l eachin g and ph o t od amag e than is possibl e w i th conventiona l imag in g t e c hni que s.", "underscore_trick": "-scanning methods,_as the_entire imaging plane is_detected simultaneously._Second,_excitation is_confined_to the focal_plane, so each_pixel is imaged only_once during each_volumetric_acquisition. This drastically reduces light exposure and results in far lower photobleaching and photodamage_than_is possible_with_conventional_imaging techniques."} +{"text": " second type of tethered molecules will be those which maintain their integrity in the presenc of esterases. This design will take advantage of a very efficient intramolecular energy transfer between hypericin and the chemiluminescent intermediate of the reaction of luciferin with luciferase. All tethered compounds will be tested initially", "synonym_substitution": "second type of tethered molecules will be those which maintain their integrity in the presenc of esterases. This design will subscribe advantage of a very effective intramolecular energy transfer between hypericin and the chemiluminescent intermediate of the chemical reaction of luciferin with luciferase. All tethered compounds will be test initially", "butter_fingers": " sefond type of tethered mouecules will be those xhich mzintain gheir integrity in the preseic od esttgases. This design wilu take adnantage od a tery efficient iiframolegblar skergy vransfer betweek hypericin and the cheminuoiuescent intermediate of the reaction of lucoffrin with luciseraxq. Alm tethered compounds will be testes initielly", "random_deletion": "second type of tethered molecules will be maintain integrity in presenc of esterases. of very efficient intramolecular transfer between hypericin the chemiluminescent intermediate of the reaction luciferin with luciferase. All tethered compounds will be tested initially", "change_char_case": " second type of tethered molecUles will be Those WhiCh mAiNtaiN theIr integrity in tHE preSenc of esterases. This desIgn wiLl TAke aDVaNtage Of a very EFfICIenT iNtRamOlECuLar enErgY transfEr between hYpeRiCin and the cheMIlUminescent IntErmediate of tHe rEactioN oF luCIferiN wiTh lucIferasE. all tetHered compOuNDs will BE tested INItIallY", "whitespace_perturbation": " second type of tethered m olecules w ill b e t hos ewhic h ma intain their i n tegr ity in the presenc ofester as e s. T h is desi gn will ta k e ad va nt age o f a very ef ficient intramole cul ar energy tran s fe r betweenhyp ericin and t hechemil um ine s centint ermed iate o f the r eaction o fl ucifer i n withl u ci fera se. All tetheredc om p ounds will betested i n it i a lly ", "underscore_trick": " second_type of_tethered molecules will be_those which_maintain_their integrity_in_the presenc of_esterases. This design_will take advantage of_a very efficient_intramolecular_energy transfer between hypericin and the chemiluminescent intermediate of the reaction of luciferin with_luciferase._All tethered_compounds_will_be tested initially"} +{"text": " cell death but also sensitize PC cells to an EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitor (erlotinib) and gemcitabine-induced killing. We will also test whether the chemo-sensitizing effect of genistein is mechanistically associated with the down regulation of FoxM1/Notch-1/NF", "synonym_substitution": "cell death but also sensitize PC cell to an EGFR - tyrosine kinase inhibitor (erlotinib) and gemcitabine - induce killing. We will also test whether the chemo - sensitizing impression of genistein is mechanistically associated with the down rule of FoxM1 / Notch-1 / NF", "butter_fingers": " cepl death but also sensitlze PC cells to cb EGFR-vyrosins kinase inhibitor (erlotinib) and gemritavine-ibduced killing. We will also tesn whether the xhemo-sensivjzing enyect kn gennsvein is mechanixtically avsociated with tfe down regulation of FoxM1/Notch-1/NF", "random_deletion": "cell death but also sensitize PC cells EGFR-tyrosine inhibitor (erlotinib) gemcitabine-induced killing. We chemo-sensitizing of genistein is associated with the regulation of FoxM1/Notch-1/NF", "change_char_case": " cell death but also sensitize pC cells to aN EGFR-TyrOsiNe KinaSe inHibitor (erlotinIB) and Gemcitabine-induced killIng. We WiLL alsO TeSt wheTher the CHeMO-SenSiTiZinG eFFeCt of gEniStein is MechanistiCalLy Associated wiTH tHe down reguLatIon of FoxM1/NotCh-1/Nf", "whitespace_perturbation": " cell death but also sensi tize PC ce lls t o a n E GF R-ty rosi ne kinase inhi b itor (erlotinib) and gemci tabin e- i nduc e dkilli ng. Wew il l als ote stwh e th er th e c hemo-se nsitizingeff ec t of geniste i nis mechani sti cally associ ate d with t hed own r egu latio n of F o xM1/No tch-1/NF", "underscore_trick": " cell_death but_also sensitize PC cells_to an_EGFR-tyrosine_kinase inhibitor_(erlotinib)_and gemcitabine-induced killing._We will also_test whether the chemo-sensitizing_effect of genistein_is_mechanistically associated with the down regulation of FoxM1/Notch-1/NF"} +{"text": " and the subsequent neurocognitive deficits which occur during ECM using both a monoclonal antibody against phosphorylated tau and tau-knock-out (KO) mouse experiments. AIM2: To determine the role of tau in an in vitro human CM model. We will challenge cultured immortalized human neurons with supernatants obtained from blood-brain", "synonym_substitution": "and the subsequent neurocognitive deficits which occur during ECM using both a monoclonal antibody against phosphorylated tau and tau - pink - out (KO) shiner experiments. AIM2: To determine the function of tau in an in vitro human CM mannequin. We will challenge cultured immortalized human neurons with supernatant obtained from blood - brain", "butter_fingers": " anf the subsequent neuroconnitive deficits which mccur suring EZM using both a monoclonal aitibidy atainst phosphorylated gau and twu-knock-oyt (KI) mouse expxdiments. AIM2: Tk detzrnine the role pf tau in dn in vitro hukav EM model. We will challenge cultured ymmortakixed human neurjns eyth alptrnatants obtained from blood-braih", "random_deletion": "and the subsequent neurocognitive deficits which occur using a monoclonal against phosphorylated tau AIM2: determine the role tau in an vitro human CM model. We will cultured immortalized human neurons with supernatants obtained from blood-brain", "change_char_case": " and the subsequent neurocognItive deficIts whIch OccUr DuriNg ECm using both a monOClonAl antibody against phospHorylAtED tau ANd Tau-knOck-out (Ko) MoUSE exPeRiMenTs. aiM2: to detErmIne the rOle of tau in An iN vItro human CM mODeL. We will chaLleNge cultured iMmoRtalizEd HumAN neurOns With sUpernaTAnts obTained froM bLOod-braIN", "whitespace_perturbation": " and the subsequent neuroc ognitive d efici tswhi ch occ ur d uring ECM usin g bot h a monoclonal antibod y aga in s t ph o sp horyl ated ta u a n d ta u- kn ock -o u t(KO)mou se expe riments. A IM2 :To determine th e role oftau in an in vi tro human C M m o del.Wewillchalle n ge cul tured imm or t alized human n e u ro ns w ith supernatantso bt a ined from bloo d-brai n", "underscore_trick": " and_the subsequent_neurocognitive deficits which occur_during ECM_using_both a_monoclonal_antibody against phosphorylated_tau and tau-knock-out_(KO) mouse experiments. AIM2:_To determine the_role_of tau in an in vitro human CM model. We will challenge cultured immortalized_human_neurons with_supernatants_obtained_from blood-brain"} +{"text": " for patients with AIDS. CMV pneumonia is often found at autopsy, but is rarely found antemortem for reasons that are not understood. As antipneumocystis prophylaxis is used more commonly, it is likely that CMV will become an increasingly important cause of morbidity and mortality. Effective anti-CMV drugs are now available.", "synonym_substitution": "for patients with AIDS. CMV pneumonia is often found at autopsy, but is rarely found antemortem for reason that are not understand. As antipneumocystis prophylaxis is used more commonly, it is likely that CMV will become an increasingly crucial cause of morbidity and deathrate. Effective anti - CMV drugs are now available.", "butter_fingers": " fog patients with AIDS. CMV pneumonia is oyren fonnd at zutopsy, cut is rarely found antemortxm fir reqsons that are not unddrstood. Ad antipnwumorystis prophylaxma is uscb mors comkinly, it is likgly that CMV will become at knereasingly important cause of morbidyty and mlrtality. Effecjive sgti-CJN brugs are now available.", "random_deletion": "for patients with AIDS. CMV pneumonia is at but is found antemortem for As prophylaxis is used commonly, it is that CMV will become an increasingly cause of morbidity and mortality. Effective anti-CMV drugs are now available.", "change_char_case": " for patients with AIDS. CMV pneUmonia is ofTen foUnd At aUtOpsy, But iS rarely found anTEmorTem for reasons that are noT undeRsTOod. AS AnTipneUmocystIS pROPhyLaXiS is UsED mOre coMmoNly, it is Likely that cMV WiLl become an inCReAsingly impOrtAnt cause of moRbiDity anD mOrtALity. EFfeCtive Anti-CMv Drugs aRe now avaiLaBLe.", "whitespace_perturbation": " for patients with AIDS. C MV pneumon ia is of ten f ound atautopsy, but i s rar ely found antemortem f or re as o ns t h at arenot und e rs t o od. A sant ip n eu mocys tis prophy laxis is u sed m ore commonly , i t is likel y t hat CMV will be come a ninc r easin gly impo rtantc ause o f morbidi ty and mo r tality. E ff ecti ve anti-CMV drugs ar e now available .", "underscore_trick": " for_patients with_AIDS. CMV pneumonia is_often found_at_autopsy, but_is_rarely found antemortem_for reasons that_are not understood. As_antipneumocystis prophylaxis is_used_more commonly, it is likely that CMV will become an increasingly important cause of_morbidity_and mortality._Effective_anti-CMV_drugs are now available."} +{"text": " impact on the establishment of HIV latency in different memory T cell subsets and on the response to Latency Reactivating Agents. SPID#: 23 Despite almost 13 years of research on HIV and its role as the etiologic agent of AIDS, the mechanisms of pathogenesis remain mostly unknown. Specific in vitro effects have been identified that", "synonym_substitution": "impact on the establishment of HIV latency in different memory metric ton cellular telephone subsets and on the response to Latency Reactivating Agents. SPID #: 23 Despite about 13 years of inquiry on HIV and its role as the etiologic agentive role of AIDS, the mechanisms of pathogenesis remain mostly nameless. Specific in vitro effects have been identified that", "butter_fingers": " imoact on the establishmenu of HIV latency nb diffxrent msmory T zell subsets and on the resplnwe to Latency Reactivating Xgents. SPPD#: 23 Despire aonost 13 years of resccrch kk HIV end its role as the etiolmgic agent of DIAS, the mechanisms of pathogenesis remwin mosylj unknown. Specyfic yn vjnri effects have been identifies that", "random_deletion": "impact on the establishment of HIV latency memory cell subsets on the response 23 almost 13 years research on HIV its role as the etiologic agent AIDS, the mechanisms of pathogenesis remain mostly unknown. Specific in vitro effects have identified that", "change_char_case": " impact on the establishment oF HIV latencY in diFfeRenT mEmorY T ceLl subsets and on THe reSponse to Latency ReactivAting agENts. SpiD#: 23 despiTe almosT 13 YeARS of ReSeArcH oN hIv and iTs rOle as thE etiologic AgeNt Of AIDS, the mecHAnIsms of pathOgeNesis remain mOstLy unknOwN. SpECific In vItro eFfects HAve beeN identifiEd THat", "whitespace_perturbation": " impact on the establishme nt of HIVlaten cyindi ffer entmemory T cells ubse ts and on the response to L at e ncyR ea ctiva ting Ag e nt s . SP ID #: 23 D e sp ite a lmo st 13 y ears of re sea rc h on HIV and it s role asthe etiologic a gen t of A ID S,t he me cha nisms of pa t hogene sis remai nm ostlyu nknown. S pe cifi c in vitro effect s h a ve been identi fied t ha t ", "underscore_trick": " impact_on the_establishment of HIV latency_in different_memory_T cell_subsets_and on the_response to Latency_Reactivating Agents. SPID#: 23_Despite almost 13_years_of research on HIV and its role as the etiologic agent of AIDS, the_mechanisms_of pathogenesis_remain_mostly_unknown. Specific in vitro effects_have been identified that"} +{"text": " the flippases facilitate 'downhill' transport of lipids; this distinguishes ER flippases from other translocators, typically found in the eukaryotic plasma membrane, that couple ATP hydrolysis to concentrative 'uphill' transport of lipids. We estimate that there are as many as six different ER lipid flippases but", "synonym_substitution": "the flippases facilitate' downhill' transport of lipids; this distinguishes ER flippases from early translocators, typically discover in the eukaryotic plasma membrane, that couple ATP hydrolysis to concentrative' uphill' transport of lipid. We estimate that there be as many as six different ER lipid flippases but", "butter_fingers": " thf flippases facilitate 'duwnhill' transpott of li'ids; thjs distivguishes ER flippases from ovher tranwlocators, typically fojnd in thv eukaryoric klasma membrane, tizt couple ATP mydronbsis to concenttative 'uphiln' transport of lkpnds. We estimate that there are as magy as sox different ER jipic fliliawes but", "random_deletion": "the flippases facilitate 'downhill' transport of lipids; ER from other typically found in couple hydrolysis to concentrative transport of lipids. estimate that there are as many six different ER lipid flippases but", "change_char_case": " the flippases facilitate 'dowNhill' transPort oF liPidS; tHis dIstiNguishes ER flipPAses From other translocators, TypicAlLY fouND iN the eUkaryotIC pLASma MeMbRanE, tHAt CouplE ATp hydrolYsis to concEntRaTive 'uphill' trANsPort of lipiDs. WE estimate thaT thEre are As ManY As six DifFerenT ER lipID flippAses but", "whitespace_perturbation": " the flippases facilitate'downhill' tran spo rtof lip ids; this distingu i shes ER flippases from oth er tr an s loca t or s, ty pically fo u n d i nth e e uk a ry oticpla sma mem brane, tha t c ou ple ATP hydr o ly sis to con cen trative 'uph ill ' tran sp ort of li pid s. We estim a te tha t there a re as man y as six d if fere nt ER lipid flipp a se s but", "underscore_trick": " the_flippases facilitate_'downhill' transport of lipids;_this distinguishes_ER_flippases from_other_translocators, typically found_in the eukaryotic_plasma membrane, that couple_ATP hydrolysis to_concentrative_'uphill' transport of lipids. We estimate that there are as many as six different_ER_lipid flippases_but"} +{"text": " of CVD in Eastern NC. The overall objective of this proposal is to assess feasibility of implementing an EBI, adapted to the needs and interests of a rural community in order to plan a large scale study. To that end our specific aims are to 1) expand and sustain a Project GRACE CVD coalition of community and academic", "synonym_substitution": "of CVD in Eastern NC. The overall objective of this proposal is to assess feasibility of implementing an EBI, adapt to the motivation and interests of a rural community in order to design a large scale study. To that goal our specific aims are to 1) expand and prolong a Project GRACE CVD coalition of community and academic", "butter_fingers": " of CVD in Eastern NC. The oyerall objective of thiv propksal is go assess feasibility of imppenentibg an EBI, adapted to tfe needs wnd inteeestw of a rural communlcy in lrdex vo plan a large scale stugy. To that end ojr specific aims are to 1) expand and ststain s Oroject GRACE SVD bowlitjon of community and academic", "random_deletion": "of CVD in Eastern NC. The overall this is to feasibility of implementing needs interests of a community in order plan a large scale study. To end our specific aims are to 1) expand and sustain a Project GRACE coalition of community and academic", "change_char_case": " of CVD in Eastern NC. The overalL objective Of thiS prOpoSaL is tO assEss feasibility OF impLementing an EBI, adapted tO the nEeDS and INtErestS of a rurAL cOMMunItY iN orDeR To Plan a LarGe scale Study. To thaT enD oUr specific aiMS aRe to 1) expand And Sustain a ProjEct gRACE CvD CoaLItion Of cOmmunIty and ACademiC", "whitespace_perturbation": " of CVD in Eastern NC. The overall o bject ive of t hisprop osal is to ass e ss f easibility of implemen tingan EBI, ad apted to the ne e d s a nd i nte re s ts of a ru ral com munity inord er to plan a l a rg e scale st udy . To that en d o ur spe ci fic aimsare to 1 ) expa n d andsustain a P r ojectG RACE CV D co alit ion of communitya nd academic", "underscore_trick": " of_CVD in_Eastern NC. The overall_objective of_this_proposal is_to_assess feasibility of_implementing an EBI,_adapted to the needs_and interests of_a_rural community in order to plan a large scale study. To that end our_specific_aims are_to_1)_expand and sustain a Project_GRACE CVD coalition of community_and academic"} +{"text": ", often while the child is still asymptomatic. Such early detection and treatment can have a profound impact on the clinical severity of the condition in the affected child. If left undiagnosed and untreated, the consequences of the targeted disorders can be dire, many causing irreversible neurological damage, intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities, and", "synonym_substitution": ", often while the child is still asymptomatic. Such early detection and treatment can get a fundamental impact on the clinical severity of the condition in the moved child. If left undiagnosed and untreated, the consequences of the targeted disorder can be dire, many causing irreversible neurological price, intellectual, developmental and physical disability, and", "butter_fingers": ", ofhen while the child is suill asymptomatic. Such eerly defection xnd treatment can have a prohoune impqct on the clinical sexerity of the coneitiib in the ahrected gkild. Jn lefc nndiagnosed and untreated, the consequenwer lf the targeted disorders can be diwe, many cwusing irreverfiblt nquromogical damage, intellectual, develolmental and physical disabilities, and", "random_deletion": ", often while the child is still early and treatment have a profound of condition in the child. If left and untreated, the consequences of the disorders can be dire, many causing irreversible neurological damage, intellectual, developmental and physical and", "change_char_case": ", often while the child is still AsymptomatIc. SucH eaRly DeTectIon aNd treatment can HAve a Profound impact on the cliNical SeVEritY Of The coNdition IN tHE AffEcTeD chIlD. if Left uNdiAgnosed And untreatEd, tHe Consequences OF tHe targeted DisOrders can be dIre, Many caUsIng IRreveRsiBle neUrologICal damAge, intellEcTUal, devELopmentAL AnD phySical disabilities, ANd", "whitespace_perturbation": ", often while the child is still asy mptom ati c.Su ch e arly detection and trea tment can have a profo und i mp a ct o n t he cl inicals ev e r ity o fthe c o nd ition in the af fected chi ld. I f left undia g no sed and un tre ated, the co nse quence soft he ta rge ted d isorde r s canbe dire,ma n y caus i ng irre v e rs ible neurological dam a ge , intellectual, devel op m en t a l a ndphysical d is abili t ies, an d ", "underscore_trick": ", often_while the_child is still asymptomatic._Such early_detection_and treatment_can_have a profound_impact on the_clinical severity of the_condition in the_affected_child. If left undiagnosed and untreated, the consequences of the targeted disorders can be_dire,_many causing_irreversible_neurological_damage, intellectual, developmental and physical_disabilities, and"} +{"text": "ioxygenases will be purified and characterized and studies on the mechanism of enzymatic oxygen fixation will be initiated. The products formed by the action of these dioxygenases on a variety of aromatic hydrocarbons and their substituted derivatives will be isolated and characterized by conventional chemical techniques. Trichotillomania (TTM) is", "synonym_substitution": "ioxygenases will be purified and characterized and studies on the mechanism of enzymatic oxygen fixation will be initiate. The product formed by the action of these dioxygenases on a variety of aromatic hydrocarbon and their substituted derivatives will be isolated and characterized by ceremonious chemical proficiency. Trichotillomania (TTM) is", "butter_fingers": "ioxjgenases will be purifiea and characternzed anv studiss on thd mechanism of enzymatic oxyjen dixatuon will be initiated. Ghe produbts formee by rhe action of thesc diosngenavxs on a variety of aromathc hydrocarbonv xnb their substituted derivatives will be isokahed and characjeriztd fy cknventional chemical techniques. Trjchotilnomania (TTM) ix", "random_deletion": "ioxygenases will be purified and characterized and the of enzymatic fixation will be the of these dioxygenases a variety of hydrocarbons and their substituted derivatives will isolated and characterized by conventional chemical techniques. Trichotillomania (TTM) is", "change_char_case": "ioxygenases will be purified And charactErizeD anD stUdIes oN the Mechanism of enzYMatiC oxygen fixation will be iNitiaTeD. the pROdUcts fOrmed by THe ACTioN oF tHesE dIOxYgenaSes On a variEty of aromaTic HyDrocarbons anD ThEir substitUteD derivatives WilL be isoLaTed ANd chaRacTerizEd by coNVentioNal chemicAl TEchniqUEs. TrichOTIlLomaNia (TTM) is", "whitespace_perturbation": "ioxygenases will be purifi ed and cha racte riz edan d st udie s on the mecha n ismof enzymatic oxygen fi xatio nw illb einiti ated. T h ep r odu ct sfor me d b y the ac tion of these dio xyg en ases on a va r ie ty of arom ati c hydrocarbo nsand th ei r s u bstit ute d der ivativ e s will be isola te d and c h aracter i z ed byconventional chem i ca l techniques. T richot il l om a n ia(TT M) is", "underscore_trick": "ioxygenases will_be purified_and characterized and studies_on the_mechanism_of enzymatic_oxygen_fixation will be_initiated. The products_formed by the action_of these dioxygenases_on_a variety of aromatic hydrocarbons and their substituted derivatives will be isolated and characterized_by_conventional chemical_techniques._Trichotillomania_(TTM) is"} +{"text": "ing binding capacity and unbound bilirubin are not facile. However, all these parameters can be directly measured simply in a very small volume of whole blood with a special purpose fluorometer, the hematofluorometer, first described years ago, by making use of the natural fluorescence of bilirubin bound to albumin. This", "synonym_substitution": "ing binding capacity and unbound bilirubin are not facile. However, all these parameters can be immediately measure simply in a very small bulk of hale blood with a special determination fluorometer, the hematofluorometer, foremost described years ago, by making use of the natural fluorescence of bilirubin bind to albumin. This", "butter_fingers": "ing binding capacity and unnound bilirubin cee not facils. Howevef, all these parameters can bx dieectlt measured simply in a very smapl volumw of qhole bloov with a specizp puxpise fluorometet, the hematoxluorometer, fissg bescribed years ago, by making use of the nayugal fluorescense og biljgunin bound to albumin. This", "random_deletion": "ing binding capacity and unbound bilirubin are However, these parameters be directly measured volume whole blood with special purpose fluorometer, hematofluorometer, first described years ago, by use of the natural fluorescence of bilirubin bound to albumin. This", "change_char_case": "ing binding capacity and unboUnd bilirubIn are Not FacIlE. HowEver, All these parameTErs cAn be directly measured siMply iN a VEry sMAlL voluMe of whoLE bLOOd wItH a SpeCiAL pUrposE flUorometEr, the hematOflUoRometer, first DEsCribed yearS agO, by making use Of tHe natuRaL flUOrescEncE of biLirubiN Bound tO albumin. THiS", "whitespace_perturbation": "ing binding capacity and u nbound bil irubi n a reno t fa cile . However, all thes e parameters can be di rectl ym easu r ed simp ly in a ve r y sm al lvol um e o f who leblood w ith a spec ial p urpose fluor o me ter, the h ema tofluoromete r,firstde scr i bed y ear s ago , by m a king u se of the n a turalf luoresc e n ce ofbilirubin bound t o a l bumin. This", "underscore_trick": "ing binding_capacity and_unbound bilirubin are not_facile. However,_all_these parameters_can_be directly measured_simply in a_very small volume of_whole blood with_a_special purpose fluorometer, the hematofluorometer, first described years ago, by making use of the_natural_fluorescence of_bilirubin_bound_to albumin. This"} +{"text": " microscopic analysis, including partial denaturation and heteroduplex techniques, and cleavage of specific circular DNA classes with site-specific restriction endonucleases in order to determine the relationships between these molecules. DNA-DNA hybridization will also be employed as will sedimentation velocity procedures for characterization of these elements. Specific inhibitors will be employed", "synonym_substitution": "microscopic analysis, including partial denaturation and heteroduplex techniques, and cleavage of specific round deoxyribonucleic acid class with site - specific limitation endonucleases in club to determine the kinship between these atom. DNA - DNA hybridization will besides be use as will sedimentation velocity procedure for characterization of these elements. Specific inhibitor will be employed", "butter_fingers": " mifroscopic analysis, incluaing partial deuqturatmon and heterodjplex techniques, and cleavagx of specufic circular DNA clasres with dite-specufic eestrictioi endonugjeassd in irder to deterkine the ralationships batdezn these molecules. DNA-DNA hybridizatyon wilk wlso be employgd as rill sedimentation velocity procedures for cheracterization pf these elements. Specific inhlbitors will be emoloyed", "random_deletion": "microscopic analysis, including partial denaturation and heteroduplex cleavage specific circular classes with site-specific determine relationships between these DNA-DNA hybridization will be employed as will sedimentation velocity for characterization of these elements. Specific inhibitors will be employed", "change_char_case": " microscopic analysis, includIng partial DenatUraTioN aNd heTeroDuplex techniquES, and Cleavage of specific circUlar DnA CLassES wIth siTe-speciFIc REStrIcTiOn eNdONuCleasEs iN order tO determine The ReLationships bETwEen these moLecUles. DNA-DNA hyBriDizatiOn WilL Also bE emPloyeD as wilL SedimeNtation veLoCIty proCEdures fOR ChAracTerization of these ELeMEnts. Specific inHibitoRs WIlL BE emPloYed", "whitespace_perturbation": " microscopic analysis, inc luding par tialden atu ra tion and heteroduplext echn iques, and cleavage of spec if i c ci r cu lar D NA clas s es w ith s it e-s pe c if ic re str ictionendonuclea ses i n order to d e te rmine therel ationships b etw een th es e m o lecul es. DNA- DNA hy b ridiza tion will a l so bee mployed a swill sedimentation ve l oc i ty proceduresfor ch ar a ct e r iza tio n of these e lemen t s. Spec i fi c i nhi b itors will be employed", "underscore_trick": " microscopic_analysis, including_partial denaturation and heteroduplex_techniques, and_cleavage_of specific_circular_DNA classes with_site-specific restriction endonucleases_in order to determine_the relationships between_these_molecules. DNA-DNA hybridization will also be employed as will sedimentation velocity procedures for characterization_of_these elements._Specific_inhibitors_will be employed"} +{"text": ": The transient exposure to Zeb produced differential cell density-depended responses in 5/7 tested HCC cell lines. In cell lines which were scored as Zeb-sensitive, a 3-day drug pre-treatment of LD cultures (LDZ) caused a remarkable increase in primary sphere formation. This effect persisted through", "synonym_substitution": ": The transient exposure to Zeb produced differential cell concentration - depend responses in 5/7 tested HCC cellular telephone lines. In cellular telephone lines which were scored as Zeb - sensible, a 3 - day drug pre - treatment of LD cultures (LDZ) cause a remarkable increase in basal sphere formation. This consequence persisted through", "butter_fingers": ": Thf transient exposure to Eeb produced diffgrwntial cell sensity-ddpended responses in 5/7 tested HXC ceol lines. In cell lines which wege scored as Eeb-sensitive, a 3-dab drug pvz-treaflent if LD cultures (LDZ) causeg a remarkable ivcxease in primary sphere formation. Thys effevt persisted thrjugh", "random_deletion": ": The transient exposure to Zeb produced density-depended in 5/7 HCC cell lines. scored Zeb-sensitive, a 3-day pre-treatment of LD (LDZ) caused a remarkable increase in sphere formation. This effect persisted through", "change_char_case": ": The transient exposure to Zeb Produced diFfereNtiAl cElL denSity-Depended responSEs in 5/7 Tested HCC cell lines. In ceLl linEs WHich WErE scorEd as Zeb-SEnSITivE, a 3-DaY drUg PRe-TreatMenT of LD cuLtures (LDZ) cAusEd A remarkable iNCrEase in primAry Sphere formatIon. this efFeCt pERsistEd tHrougH", "whitespace_perturbation": ": The transient exposure t o Zeb prod uceddif fer en tial cel l density-depe n dedresponses in 5/7 teste d HCC c e ll l i ne s. In cell l i ne s whi ch w ere s c or ed as Ze b-sensi tive, a 3- day d rug pre-trea t me nt of LD c ult ures (LDZ) c aus ed a r em ark a ble i ncr easein pri m ary sp here form at i on. Th i s effec t pe rsis ted through", "underscore_trick": ": The_transient exposure_to Zeb produced differential_cell density-depended_responses_in 5/7_tested_HCC cell lines._In cell lines_which were scored as_Zeb-sensitive, a 3-day_drug_pre-treatment of LD cultures (LDZ) caused a remarkable increase in primary sphere formation. This_effect_persisted through"} +{"text": " A-IV deletion mutants and phospholipid will be studied by physico-chemical techniques to examine the impact of protein structure on the properties and LCAT reactivity of apo A-IV/lipid complexes; 3) The interaction of CETP and HDL will be investigated using fluorescent labelled recombinant and native HDL to determine the", "synonym_substitution": "A - IV deletion mutants and phospholipid will be studied by physico - chemical technique to test the impact of protein structure on the properties and LCAT responsiveness of apo A - IV / lipid complexes; 3) The interaction of CETP and HDL will be investigated using fluorescent label recombinant and native HDL to determine the", "butter_fingers": " A-IG deletion mutants and pmospholipid will be stuvied by physico-zhemical techniques to examiie tye imkcct of protein strucgure on tje propeetiew and LCAT csactivibv of zio A-IR/lmpid complexes; 3) The interdction of CETP avd HDL will be investigated using flujresceny pabelled recomfiname ans native HDL to determine the", "random_deletion": "A-IV deletion mutants and phospholipid will be physico-chemical to examine impact of protein LCAT of apo A-IV/lipid 3) The interaction CETP and HDL will be investigated fluorescent labelled recombinant and native HDL to determine the", "change_char_case": " A-IV deletion mutants and phosPholipid wiLl be sTudIed By PhysIco-cHemical techniqUEs to Examine the impact of protEin stRuCTure ON tHe proPerties ANd lcaT rEaCtIviTy OF aPo A-IV/LipId complExes; 3) The intEraCtIon of CETP and hdL Will be inveStiGated using flUorEscent LaBelLEd recOmbInant And natIVe HDL tO determinE tHE", "whitespace_perturbation": " A-IV deletion mutants and phospholi pid w ill be s tudi ed b y physico-chem i caltechniques to examinethe i mp a ct o f p rotei n struc t ur e onth epro pe r ti es an d L CAT rea ctivity of ap oA-IV/lipid c o mp lexes; 3)The interaction of CETPan d H D L wil l b e inv estiga t ed usi ng fluore sc e nt lab e lled re c o mb inan t and native HDLt od etermine the", "underscore_trick": " A-IV_deletion mutants_and phospholipid will be_studied by_physico-chemical_techniques to_examine_the impact of_protein structure on_the properties and LCAT_reactivity of apo_A-IV/lipid_complexes; 3) The interaction of CETP and HDL will be investigated using fluorescent labelled_recombinant_and native_HDL_to_determine the"} +{"text": " and the development of tests of etiological and prognostic value. PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) is the most common myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) in childhood, and tends to occur in very young children less than 4 years of age. JM", "synonym_substitution": "and the development of tests of etiological and prognostic value. PROJECT SUMMARY / ABSTRACT Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) is the most coarse myeloproliferative tumor (MPN) in childhood, and tends to occur in very unseasoned child less than 4 years of age. JM", "butter_fingers": " anf the development of tesus of etiological and prmgnostjc value. PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT Juvxnilw myeoomonocytic leukemia (JOML) is thv most conmon nyeloprolihsrative neoplzdm (M'N) in childhood, snd tends do occur in vesy ylung children less than 4 years of ade. JM", "random_deletion": "and the development of tests of etiological value. SUMMARY/ABSTRACT Juvenile leukemia (JMML) is (MPN) childhood, and tends occur in very children less than 4 years of JM", "change_char_case": " and the development of tests oF etiologicAl and ProGnoStIc vaLue. PrOJECT SUMMARY/AbsTRAcT Juvenile myelomonocytIc leuKeMIa (JMml) iS the mOst commON mYELopRoLiFerAtIVe NeoplAsm (mPN) in chIldhood, and TenDs To occur in verY YoUng childreN leSs than 4 years oF agE. JM", "whitespace_perturbation": " and the development of te sts of eti ologi cal an dprog nost ic value. PROJ E CT S UMMARY/ABSTRACT Juveni le my el o mono c yt ic le ukemia( JM M L ) i sth e m os t c ommon my eloprol iferativeneo pl asm (MPN) in ch ildhood, a ndtends to occ urin ver yyou n g chi ldr en le ss tha n 4 yea rs of age .J M", "underscore_trick": " and_the development_of tests of etiological_and prognostic_value._PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT_Juvenile_myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML)_is the most_common myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN)_in childhood, and_tends_to occur in very young children less than 4 years of age. JM"} +{"text": "able cancers is crucial. This fact is particularly important in this era in which tiny cancers are detected by imaging and more advanced techniques are needed for localizing tumors. This project may be able to decrease positive margins, local recurrence and possible cure of early stage cancers. Taste controls an animals food intake. For the past fifteen", "synonym_substitution": "able cancers is crucial. This fact is particularly important in this earned run average in which bantam cancer are detected by imaging and more advance techniques are needed for localizing tumor. This undertaking may be able to decrease positive margins, local recurrence and possible cure of early stage cancer. Taste controls an animals food inhalation. For the past fifteen", "butter_fingers": "ablf cancers is crucial. Thir fact is partieylarly imporfant in ghis era in which tiny cancecs aee deuvcted by imaging and oore advajced tecyniqnes are needed for locallving fmmors. Vhis project mai be able to decrease posidixe margins, local recurrence and possifle curr lf early stage canbews. Tzste controls an animals food intaie. For uhe past fifteen", "random_deletion": "able cancers is crucial. This fact is in era in tiny cancers are advanced are needed for tumors. This project be able to decrease positive margins, recurrence and possible cure of early stage cancers. Taste controls an animals food For the past fifteen", "change_char_case": "able cancers is crucial. This fAct is partiCularLy iMpoRtAnt iN thiS era in which tinY CancErs are detected by imaginG and mOrE AdvaNCeD techNiques aRE nEEDed FoR lOcaLiZInG tumoRs. THis projEct may be abLe tO dEcrease positIVe Margins, locAl rEcurrence and PosSible cUrE of EArly sTagE cancErs. TasTE contrOls an animAlS Food inTAke. For tHE PaSt fiFteen", "whitespace_perturbation": "able cancers is crucial. T his fact i s par tic ula rl y im port ant in this er a inwhich tiny cancers are dete ct e d by im aging and mo r ea d van ce dtec hn i qu es ar e n eeded f or localiz ing t umors. Thisp ro ject may b e a ble to decre ase posit iv e m a rgins , l ocalrecurr e nce an d possibl ec ure of early s t a ge can cers. Taste contr o ls an animals foo d inta ke . F o r th e p ast fiftee n", "underscore_trick": "able cancers_is crucial._This fact is particularly_important in_this_era in_which_tiny cancers are_detected by imaging_and more advanced techniques_are needed for_localizing_tumors. This project may be able to decrease positive margins, local recurrence and possible_cure_of early_stage_cancers._Taste controls an animals food_intake. For the past fifteen"} +{"text": " is to test the hypothesis that expression and localization of specific subunits of the GABAAR are altered during postnatal development in a mouse model of FXS and that these changes are associated with functional deficits, including increased neuronal excitability and altered anxiety- related behavior. Specific Aim 1 will identify changes in the 12 subunit of the GABAAR", "synonym_substitution": "is to test the hypothesis that expression and localization of specific fractional monetary unit of the GABAAR are alter during postnatal development in a mouse exemplar of FXS and that these change are associated with functional deficit, admit increased neural excitability and alter anxiety- related behavior. Specific Aim 1 will name changes in the 12 subunit of the GABAAR", "butter_fingers": " is to test the hypothesis uhat expression aue locanizatikn of spdcific subunits of the GABAAC arw alttged during postnatal aevelopmejt in a noust model of FXS anv that tmzse cgwngev are associatec with funwtional deficids, iucluding increased neuronal excitabijity anc wltered anxieti- relseed gvhcvior. Specific Aim 1 will identiry chanjes in the 12 subinit of the GABAAR", "random_deletion": "is to test the hypothesis that expression of subunits of GABAAR are altered mouse of FXS and these changes are with functional deficits, including increased neuronal and altered anxiety- related behavior. Specific Aim 1 will identify changes in the subunit of the GABAAR", "change_char_case": " is to test the hypothesis that Expression And loCalIzaTiOn of SpecIfic subunits of THe GAbAAR are altered during poStnatAl DEvelOPmEnt in A mouse mODeL OF FXs aNd ThaT tHEsE chanGes Are assoCiated with FunCtIonal deficitS, InCluding incReaSed neuronal eXciTabiliTy And ALtereD anXiety- RelateD BehaviOr. SpecifiC AIM 1 will iDEntify cHANgEs in The 12 subunit of the GAbaAr", "whitespace_perturbation": " is to test the hypothesis that expr essio n a ndlo cali zati on of specific subu nits of the GABAAR are alte re d dur i ng post natal d e ve l o pme nt i n a m o us e mod elof FXSand that t hes echanges area ss ociated wi thfunctional d efi cits,in clu d ing i ncr eased neuro n al exc itability a n d alte r ed anxi e t y- rel ated behavior. Sp e ci f ic Aim 1 willidenti fy ch a n ges in the 12 su bu nit o f the GA B AA R ", "underscore_trick": " is_to test_the hypothesis that expression_and localization_of_specific subunits_of_the GABAAR are_altered during postnatal_development in a mouse_model of FXS_and_that these changes are associated with functional deficits, including increased neuronal excitability and altered_anxiety-_related behavior._Specific_Aim_1 will identify changes in_the 12 subunit of the_GABAAR"} +{"text": " the development of LE are not known. Therefore, the specific aims of this study, in a sample of patients following treatment for breast cancer, are to: determine genetic predictors of LE using a candidate gene approach and evaluate for epigenetic changes, as measured by DNA methylation and subsequent gene expression, in candidate genes associated with the diagnosis", "synonym_substitution": "the development of LE are not known. Therefore, the specific aims of this discipline, in a sample distribution of patients following discussion for breast cancer, are to: determine genic predictors of LE using a campaigner gene approach path and evaluate for epigenetic changes, as measured by DNA methylation and subsequent gene construction, in candidate genes consort with the diagnosis", "butter_fingers": " thf development of LE are kot known. Therefore, the speciric aims of this study, in a sample oh parientw following treatment wor breasn cancer, qre uo: determine genevjc predletors lf LZ nsing a candidaje gene apprmach and evaludtd yor epigenetic changes, as measured br DNA mrtjylation and sobseqlegt gsne expression, in candidate genes zssociaued with the diagnpsis", "random_deletion": "the development of LE are not known. specific of this in a sample breast are to: determine predictors of LE a candidate gene approach and evaluate epigenetic changes, as measured by DNA methylation and subsequent gene expression, in candidate associated with the diagnosis", "change_char_case": " the development of LE are not kNown. TherefOre, thE spEciFiC aimS of tHis study, in a samPLe of Patients following treatMent fOr BReasT CaNcer, aRe to: detERmINE geNeTiC prEdICtOrs of lE uSing a caNdidate genE apPrOach and evaluATe For epigeneTic Changes, as meaSurEd by DNa mEthYLatioN anD subsEquent GEne expRession, in CaNDidate GEnes assOCIaTed wIth the diagnosis", "whitespace_perturbation": " the development of LE are not known . The ref ore ,thespec ific aims of t h is s tudy, in a sample of p atien ts foll o wi ng tr eatment fo r bre as tcan ce r ,are t o:determi ne genetic pr ed ictors of LE us ing a cand ida te gene appr oac h andev alu a te fo r e pigen etic c h anges, as measu re d by DN A methyl a t io n an d subsequent gene ex p ression, in ca ndidat eg en e s as soc iated with t he di a gnosis", "underscore_trick": " the_development of_LE are not known._Therefore, the_specific_aims of_this_study, in a_sample of patients_following treatment for breast_cancer, are to:_determine_genetic predictors of LE using a candidate gene approach and evaluate for epigenetic changes,_as_measured by_DNA_methylation_and subsequent gene expression, in_candidate genes associated with the_diagnosis"} +{"text": " long time goal of our studies is to delineate the molecular mechanism that regulates the immune defense against invading pathogens. The study proposed is focused on the role of the family transcription factors of interferon regulatory factors (IRF) in the innate and acquired responses to viral infection. These factors were shown to participate not only in the induction", "synonym_substitution": "long time goal of our studies is to trace the molecular mechanism that determine the immune defense against invading pathogens. The report proposed is focused on the function of the family transcription factor of interferon regulatory factors (IRF) in the congenital and acquired responses to viral contagion. These factors were shown to enter not only in the evocation", "butter_fingers": " lojg time goal of our studles is to delinecre the molechlar mecfanism that regulates the imlube dedense against invading pathogend. The stydy kroposed is focusxs on thc rols of chx family transctiption factmrs of interfesov xegulatory factors (IRF) in the innate and acaulred responses to niwal jnfection. These factors were shown to paruicipate not only on the induction", "random_deletion": "long time goal of our studies is the mechanism that the immune defense proposed focused on the of the family factors of interferon regulatory factors (IRF) the innate and acquired responses to viral infection. These factors were shown to not only in the induction", "change_char_case": " long time goal of our studies iS to delineaTe the MolEcuLaR mecHaniSm that regulateS The iMmune defense against invAding PaTHogeNS. THe stuDy propoSEd IS FocUsEd On tHe ROlE of thE faMily traNscription FacToRs of interferON rEgulatory fActOrs (IRF) in the iNnaTe and aCqUirED respOnsEs to vIral inFEction. these factOrS Were shOWn to parTICiPate Not only in the inducTIoN", "whitespace_perturbation": " long time goal of our stu dies is to deli nea teth e mo lecu lar mechanismt hatregulates the immune d efens ea gain s tinvad ing pat h og e n s.Th estu dy pr opose d i s focus ed on therol eof the famil y t ranscripti onfactors of i nte rferon r egu l atory fa ctors (IRF) in the innate a nd acquir e d respo n s es toviral infection.T he s e factors were shown t o p a r tic ipa te not onl yin th e induct i on ", "underscore_trick": " long_time goal_of our studies is_to delineate_the_molecular mechanism_that_regulates the immune_defense against invading_pathogens. The study proposed_is focused on_the_role of the family transcription factors of interferon regulatory factors (IRF) in the innate_and_acquired responses_to_viral_infection. These factors were shown_to participate not only in_the induction"} +{"text": ". These ongoing studies give rise to an overarching hypothesis to be tested in four interrelated sub-projects in this SCR requiring a highly integrated approach. The SCR overall novel hypothesis addressed is: Periodontal disease (oral inflammation and tissue injury), certain microbes, surgical anesthesia, and other widely used drugs impact recently uncovered", "synonym_substitution": ". These ongoing studies give rise to an overarching hypothesis to be quiz in four interconnected sub - projects in this SCR command a highly desegregate approach. The SCR overall novel guess addressed is: Periodontal disease (oral inflammation and tissue wound), sealed microbes, surgical anesthesia, and other wide used drugs shock recently uncover", "butter_fingers": ". Thfse ongoing studies give rise to an ovetaeching hypotgesis to be tested in four interrelaved wub-prijects in this SCR reqjiring a jighly ibtegcated approach. Tis SCR oyzrall kovel iypothesis addrgssed is: Perhodontal diseave (oxal inflammation and tissue injury), cqrtain kifrobes, surgicaj antstresiz, and other widely used drugs impadt receitly uncovered", "random_deletion": ". These ongoing studies give rise to hypothesis be tested four interrelated sub-projects highly approach. The SCR novel hypothesis addressed Periodontal disease (oral inflammation and tissue certain microbes, surgical anesthesia, and other widely used drugs impact recently uncovered", "change_char_case": ". These ongoing studies give riSe to an overArchiNg hYpoThEsis To be Tested in four inTErreLated sub-projects in this sCR reQuIRing A HiGhly iNtegratED aPPRoaCh. thE SCr oVErAll noVel HypotheSis addressEd iS: PEriodontal diSEaSe (oral inflAmmAtion and tissUe iNjury), cErTaiN MicroBes, SurgiCal aneSThesia, And other wIdELy used DRugs impACT rEcenTly uncovered", "whitespace_perturbation": ". These ongoing studies gi ve rise to an o ver arc hi ng h ypot hesis to be te s tedin four interrelated s ub-pr oj e ctsi nthisSCR req u ir i n g a h ig hly i n te grate d a pproach . The SCRove ra ll novel hyp o th esis addre sse d is: Period ont al dis ea se( oralinf lamma tion a n d tiss ue injury ), certai n microb e s ,surg ical anesthesia,a nd other widely u sed dr ug s i m p act re cently unc ov ered", "underscore_trick": ". These_ongoing studies_give rise to an_overarching hypothesis_to_be tested_in_four interrelated sub-projects_in this SCR_requiring a highly integrated_approach. The SCR_overall_novel hypothesis addressed is: Periodontal disease (oral inflammation and tissue injury), certain microbes, surgical_anesthesia,_and other_widely_used_drugs impact recently uncovered"} +{"text": "ically treated with sildenafil. Male and female subjects, age 18 and above with sickle cell disease or thalassemia were eligible for Stage I of the study. Stage I evaluated 25 subjects and included pulmonary function testing, chest x-rays, VQ scan, 6-minute walk, sleep study", "synonym_substitution": "ically treated with sildenafil. Male and female subjects, age 18 and above with sickle cell disease or thalassemia were eligible for Stage I of the discipline. stagecoach I evaluated 25 subjects and included pneumonic function testing, chest ten - rays, VQ scan, 6 - minute base on balls, sleep study", "butter_fingers": "icaply treated with sildenanil. Male and femcoe suboects, afe 18 and xbove with sickle cell diseade or tyalassemia were eligibue for Stwge I of the wtudy. Stagx I evalmcted 25 dubjzcvs and included pulmonary function testhne, ehest x-rays, VQ scan, 6-minute walk, slee[ study", "random_deletion": "ically treated with sildenafil. Male and female 18 above with cell disease or I the study. Stage evaluated 25 subjects included pulmonary function testing, chest x-rays, scan, 6-minute walk, sleep study", "change_char_case": "ically treated with sildenafIl. Male and fEmale SubJecTs, Age 18 aNd abOve with sickle cELl diSease or thalassemia were EligiBlE For STAgE I of tHe study. sTaGE i evAlUaTed 25 SuBJeCts anD inCluded pUlmonary fuNctIoN testing, chesT X-rAys, VQ scan, 6-mInuTe walk, sleep sTudY", "whitespace_perturbation": "ically treated with silden afil. Male andfem ale s ubje cts, age 18 and ab o ve w ith sickle cell diseas e orth a lass e mi a wer e eligi b le f orSt ag e I o f t he st udy . Stage I evaluat ed25 subjects an d i ncluded pu lmo nary functio n t esting ,che s t x-r ays , VQscan,6 -minut e walk, s le e p stud y ", "underscore_trick": "ically treated_with sildenafil._Male and female subjects,_age 18_and_above with_sickle_cell disease or_thalassemia were eligible_for Stage I of_the study. Stage_I_evaluated 25 subjects and included pulmonary function testing, chest x-rays, VQ scan, 6-minute walk,_sleep_study"} +{"text": " and by providing leadership in the scientific and administrative efforts of CCG. During the first three years of the last grant period, 1989,1990 and 1991, two hundred-forty-eight patients were entered onto therapeutic studies, 181 onto epidemiology and late effects studies, and 36 onto biology studies. At the end of 1991", "synonym_substitution": "and by providing leadership in the scientific and administrative efforts of CCG. During the first three years of the final concession period, 1989,1990 and 1991, two hundred - forty - eight patients were enroll onto curative studies, 181 onto epidemiology and late effects study, and 36 onto biology studies. At the goal of 1991", "butter_fingers": " anf by providing leadershik in the scientifnx and edminisfrative dfforts of CCG. During the ficst rhree years of the last gravt period, 1989,1990 and 1991, tqo hnndred-forty-eight patients were cnterzd onto therapeujic studies, 181 onto epidemionoey and late effects studies, and 36 onto biologu dtudies. At the end jf 1991", "random_deletion": "and by providing leadership in the scientific efforts CCG. During first three years 1989,1990 1991, two hundred-forty-eight were entered onto studies, 181 onto epidemiology and late studies, and 36 onto biology studies. At the end of 1991", "change_char_case": " and by providing leadership iN the scientIfic aNd aDmiNiStraTive Efforts of CCG. DuRIng tHe first three years of the Last gRaNT perIOd, 1989,1990 And 1991, twO hundreD-FoRTY-eiGhT pAtiEnTS wEre enTerEd onto tHerapeutic StuDiEs, 181 onto epidemIOlOgy and late EffEcts studies, aNd 36 oNto bioLoGy sTUdies. at tHe end Of 1991", "whitespace_perturbation": " and by providing leadersh ip in thescien tif ican d ad mini strative effor t s of CCG. During the first thre ey ears of thelast gr a nt p eri od ,198 9, 1 99 0 and 19 91, two hundred-f ort y- eight patien t swere enter edonto therape uti c stud ie s,1 81 on toepide miolog y and l ate effec ts studie s , and 3 6 on to b iology studies. A t t h e end of 1991", "underscore_trick": " and_by providing_leadership in the scientific_and administrative_efforts_of CCG._During_the first three_years of the_last grant period, 1989,1990_and 1991, two_hundred-forty-eight_patients were entered onto therapeutic studies, 181 onto epidemiology and late effects studies, and_36_onto biology_studies._At_the end of 1991"} +{"text": " rat liver cells pre-treated to make only their plasma membranes permeable to solutes. Having already documented joint steady-state regulation of ambient (Ca2 ion) by mitochondria plus microsomes at values approximating those of liver cell cytosol, this project will investigate 1) inter-organellar effects on Ca2 ion", "synonym_substitution": "rat liver cells pre - treated to make merely their plasma membrane permeable to solutes. Having already documented joint steady - country regulation of ambient (Ca2 ion) by mitochondria plus microsomes at value estimate those of liver cell cytosol, this undertaking will investigate 1) inter - organellar effect on Ca2 ion", "butter_fingers": " rah liver cells pre-treated to make only tkwir plesma mejbranes oermeable to solutes. Having elreqdy dicumented joint steady-rtate regllation od amuient (Ca2 ion) by mitochondria pmms mierisomes at valugs approximading those of nixex cell cytosol, this project will invqstigatr 1) inter-organellwr egsecta on Ca2 ion", "random_deletion": "rat liver cells pre-treated to make only membranes to solutes. already documented joint ion) mitochondria plus microsomes values approximating those liver cell cytosol, this project will 1) inter-organellar effects on Ca2 ion", "change_char_case": " rat liver cells pre-treated to Make only thEir plAsmA meMbRaneS perMeable to soluteS. haviNg already documented joiNt steAdY-StatE ReGulatIon of amBIeNT (ca2 iOn) By MitOcHOnDria pLus MicrosoMes at valueS apPrOximating thoSE oF liver cell CytOsol, this projEct Will inVeStiGAte 1) inTer-OrganEllar eFFects oN Ca2 ion", "whitespace_perturbation": " rat liver cells pre-treat ed to make only th eir p lasm a me mbranes permea b le t o solutes. Having alre ady d oc u ment e djoint steady - st a t e r eg ul ati on of ambi ent (Ca2 i on) by mit och on dria plus mi c ro somes at v alu es approxima tin g thos eofl ivercel l cyt osol,t his pr oject wil li nvesti g ate 1)i n te r-or ganellar effectso nC a2 ion", "underscore_trick": " rat_liver cells_pre-treated to make only_their plasma_membranes_permeable to_solutes._Having already documented_joint steady-state regulation_of ambient (Ca2 ion)_by mitochondria plus_microsomes_at values approximating those of liver cell cytosol, this project will investigate 1) inter-organellar_effects_on Ca2_ion"} +{"text": " methodological expertise in the study of family demography, with an emphasis on contextual influences on family formation for lesbian and gay parents. The second goal is to increase my knowledge and expertise in using established national datasets such as the U.S. Census and the American Community survey to conduct secondary data analyses pertinent to the study of LG", "synonym_substitution": "methodological expertise in the study of family demography, with an emphasis on contextual influence on syndicate formation for lesbian and gay parents. The second finish is to increase my knowledge and expertise in using establish national datasets such as the U.S. Census and the American Community survey to behave secondary data analysis pertinent to the study of LG", "butter_fingers": " mehhodological expertise ik the study of fcnily dxmograpgy, with xn emphasis on contextual inhluebces in family formation fof lesbian and gay partnts. The second goal is to incrswse kb knowledge and expertise in using estatlksked national datasets such as the U.S. Census ajd the Americag Cokiunifj wurvey to conduct secondary dzta ananyses pertinemt to the study of LG", "random_deletion": "methodological expertise in the study of family an on contextual on family formation The goal is to my knowledge and in using established national datasets such the U.S. Census and the American Community survey to conduct secondary data analyses to the study of LG", "change_char_case": " methodological expertise in The study of FamilY deMogRaPhy, wIth aN emphasis on conTExtuAl influences on family foRmatiOn FOr leSBiAn and Gay pareNTs. tHE seCoNd GoaL iS To IncreAse My knowlEdge and expErtIsE in using estaBLiShed nationAl dAtasets such aS thE U.S. CenSuS anD The AmEriCan CoMmunitY Survey To conduct SeCOndary DAta analYSEs PertInent to the study of lg", "whitespace_perturbation": " methodological expertisein the stu dy of fa mil ydemo grap hy, with an em p hasi s on contextual influe nceson fami l yforma tion fo r l e s bia nan d g ay pa rents . T he seco nd goal is to i ncrease my k n ow ledge andexp ertise in us ing estab li she d nati ona l dat asetss uch as the U.S. C e nsus a n d the A m e ri canCommunity surveyt oc onduct seconda ry dat aa na l y ses pe rtinent to t he st u dy of L G ", "underscore_trick": " methodological_expertise in_the study of family_demography, with_an_emphasis on_contextual_influences on family_formation for lesbian_and gay parents. The_second goal is_to_increase my knowledge and expertise in using established national datasets such as the U.S._Census_and the_American_Community_survey to conduct secondary data_analyses pertinent to the study_of LG"} +{"text": ") nd increase in both serum ALT and prednisone requirements was found in AIH patients from the US and from Japan. Based on these results, the K08 proposal will define a key mechanistic role for MIF in the immunoregulation of AIH, enabling new strategies for therapy and disease management. To accomplish this", "synonym_substitution": ") nd increase in both serum ALT and prednisone requirements was found in AIH patients from the US and from Japan. Based on these result, the K08 marriage proposal will define a key mechanistic function for MIF in the immunoregulation of AIH, enable new strategies for therapy and disease management. To accomplish this", "butter_fingers": ") nd increase in both serum XLT and prednisone reqniremenfs was fuund in AIH patients from thx US and drom Japan. Based on thdse resulns, the K08 propiwal will dxrine a key medmaniscir role for MIF ln the immutoregulation ox XIK, enabling new strategies for therapr and dosfase managemenj. To sscomllish this", "random_deletion": ") nd increase in both serum ALT requirements found in patients from the on results, the K08 will define a mechanistic role for MIF in the of AIH, enabling new strategies for therapy and disease management. To accomplish this", "change_char_case": ") nd increase in both serum ALT aNd prednisoNe reqUirEmeNtS was FounD in AIH patients FRom tHe US and from Japan. Based oN thesE rESultS, ThE K08 proPosal wiLL dEFIne A kEy MecHaNIsTic roLe fOr MIF in The immunorEguLaTion of AIH, enaBLiNg new stratEgiEs for therapy And DiseasE mAnaGEment. to aCcompLish thIS", "whitespace_perturbation": ") nd increase in both seru m ALT andpredn iso nere quir emen ts was found i n AIH patients from the USand f ro m Jap a n. Base d on th e se r esu lt s, th eK 08 prop osa l willdefine a k eyme chanistic ro l efor MIF in th e immunoregu lat ion of A IH, enabl ing newstrate g ies fo r therapy a n d dise a se mana g e me nt.To accomplish thi s ", "underscore_trick": ") nd_increase in_both serum ALT and_prednisone requirements_was_found in_AIH_patients from the_US and from_Japan. Based on these_results, the K08_proposal_will define a key mechanistic role for MIF in the immunoregulation of AIH, enabling_new_strategies for_therapy_and_disease management. To accomplish this"} +{"text": " throughput cDNA expression screen for regulators of this splicing switch. This screen identified the epithelial cell type specific splicing regulators ESRP1 and ESRP2 demonstrating the feasibility of cell-based splicing assays in high throughput, array-based screens. An extensive set of ESRP-regulated exons switch splicing during the EMT, indicating that global", "synonym_substitution": "throughput cDNA expression screen for regulators of this splice substitution. This screen door identified the epithelial cellular telephone type specific splice regulators ESRP1 and ESRP2 demonstrating the feasibility of cellular telephone - based splicing assays in eminent throughput, array - based screens. An across-the-board set of ESRP - regulated exons switch splice during the EMT, indicating that global", "butter_fingers": " thgoughput cDNA expression screen for regolqtors mf thia splicivg switch. This screen identihied the tiithelial cell type soecific silicing rwguletors ESRP1 and ESRP2 demokftraflng tke feasibility on cell-based splicing assafs iu high throughput, array-based screens. An extrndive set of ESTP-regllwted vxins switch splicing during ths EMT, iidicating that blobal", "random_deletion": "throughput cDNA expression screen for regulators of switch. screen identified epithelial cell type ESRP2 the feasibility of splicing assays in throughput, array-based screens. An extensive set ESRP-regulated exons switch splicing during the EMT, indicating that global", "change_char_case": " throughput cDNA expression sCreen for reGulatOrs Of tHiS splIcinG switch. This scrEEn idEntified the epithelial cEll tyPe SPeciFIc SplicIng reguLAtORS ESrP1 AnD ESrP2 DEmOnstrAtiNg the feAsibility oF ceLl-Based splicinG AsSays in high ThrOughput, array-BasEd screEnS. An EXtensIve Set of eSRP-reGUlated Exons switCh SPlicinG During tHE eMt, indIcating that global", "whitespace_perturbation": " throughput cDNA expressio n screen f or re gul ato rs ofthis splicing swit c h. T his screen identifiedthe e pi t heli a lcelltype sp e ci f i c s pl ic ing r e gu lator s E SRP1 an d ESRP2 de mon st rating the f e as ibility of ce ll-based spl ici ng ass ay s i n high th rough put, a r ray-ba sed scree ns . An ex t ensives e tof E SRP-regulated exo n ss witch splicing durin gt he E MT, in dicating t ha t glo b al", "underscore_trick": " throughput_cDNA expression_screen for regulators of_this splicing_switch._This screen_identified_the epithelial cell_type specific splicing_regulators ESRP1 and ESRP2_demonstrating the feasibility_of_cell-based splicing assays in high throughput, array-based screens. An extensive set of ESRP-regulated exons_switch_splicing during_the_EMT,_indicating that global"} +{"text": ", and academic instruction; 4) to publish joint research publications; 5) to incorporate team-based projects that will generate a steady pipeline of students to continue advanced studies in the nation's top graduate institutions; and 6) to create competitive minority scientists that are successful in receiving funding for addressing cancer health disparities. [unreadable]", "synonym_substitution": ", and academic instruction; 4) to publish joint research publications; 5) to integrate team - free-base projects that will generate a regular grapevine of students to continue advanced study in the nation's top graduate institution; and 6) to create competitive minority scientists that are successful in receive funding for addressing cancer health disparity. [ unreadable ]", "butter_fingers": ", anf academic instruction; 4) uo publish joint tewearch publidations; 5) to incorporate team-based prljwcts ukat will generate a rteady piieline of stuvents to continux advanccb stusles iu vhe nation's top graduate hnstitutions; atd 6) co create competitive minority scieneists tnah are successfol in wecejnikg funding for addressing cancer health disparities. [inreadable]", "random_deletion": ", and academic instruction; 4) to publish publications; to incorporate projects that will students continue advanced studies the nation's top institutions; and 6) to create competitive scientists that are successful in receiving funding for addressing cancer health disparities. [unreadable]", "change_char_case": ", and academic instruction; 4) to pUblish joinT reseArcH puBlIcatIons; 5) To incorporate tEAm-baSed projects that will genErate A sTEady PIpEline Of studeNTs TO ConTiNuE adVaNCeD studIes In the naTion's top grAduAtE institutionS; AnD 6) to create cOmpEtitive minorIty ScientIsTs tHAt are SucCessfUl in reCEiving Funding foR aDDressiNG cancer HEAlTh diSparities. [unreadabLE]", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and academic instruction ; 4) to pu blish jo int r esea rchpublications;5 ) to incorporate team-base d pro je c ts t h at will genera t ea ste ad ypip el i ne of s tud ents to continueadv an ced studiesi nthe nation 'stop graduate in stitut io ns; and 6 ) t o cre ate co m petiti ve minori ty scient i sts tha t ar e su ccessful in recei v in g funding for a ddress in g c a n cer he alth dispa ri ties. [unread a bl e ] ", "underscore_trick": ", and_academic instruction;_4) to publish joint_research publications;_5)_to incorporate_team-based_projects that will_generate a steady_pipeline of students to_continue advanced studies_in_the nation's top graduate institutions; and 6) to create competitive minority scientists that are_successful_in receiving_funding_for_addressing cancer health disparities. [unreadable]"} +{"text": " 1 (HIF1), a critical transcription factor for VEGF gene regulation. Our recent data and other published studies suggest that OSM may promote angiogenesis, tumor progression, and metastasis in vivo. In this grant, we propose to determine the multiple mechanisms by which OSM promotes VEGF expression in human breast cancer. To accomplish this", "synonym_substitution": "1 (HIF1), a critical transcription factor for VEGF gene regulation. Our recent datum and early print studies suggest that OSM may advertise angiogenesis, tumor progression, and metastasis in vivo. In this grant, we propose to specify the multiple mechanisms by which OSM promotes VEGF saying in human breast cancer. To accomplish this", "butter_fingers": " 1 (HLF1), a critical transcriptlon factor for VGGD gene regulztion. Ouf recent data and other publmshee stueies suggest that OSM oay promone angiogwnesms, tumor progression, and metasfwsis mn vivo. In this grant, we [ropose to detaroiue the multiple mechanisms by which JSM prokohes VEGF exprefsiom in glmcn breast cancer. To accomplish fhis", "random_deletion": "1 (HIF1), a critical transcription factor for regulation. recent data other published studies angiogenesis, progression, and metastasis vivo. In this we propose to determine the multiple by which OSM promotes VEGF expression in human breast cancer. To accomplish this", "change_char_case": " 1 (HIF1), a critical transcription Factor for VeGF geNe rEguLaTion. our rEcent data and otHEr puBlished studies suggest tHat OSm mAY proMOtE angiOgenesiS, TuMOR prOgReSsiOn, ANd MetasTasIs in vivO. In this graNt, wE pRopose to deteRMiNe the multiPle Mechanisms by WhiCh OSM pRoMotES VEGF ExpRessiOn in huMAn breaSt cancer. TO aCCompliSH this", "whitespace_perturbation": " 1 (HIF1), a critical tran scriptionfacto r f orVE GF g eneregulation. Ou r rec ent data and other pub lishe ds tudi e ssugge st that OS M may p ro mot ea ng iogen esi s, tumo r progress ion ,and metastas i sin vivo. I n t his grant, w e p ropose t o d e termi nethe m ultipl e mecha nisms bywh i ch OSM promote s VE GF e xpression in huma n b r east cancer. T o acco mp l is h thi s", "underscore_trick": " 1_(HIF1), a_critical transcription factor for_VEGF gene_regulation._Our recent_data_and other published_studies suggest that_OSM may promote angiogenesis,_tumor progression, and_metastasis_in vivo. In this grant, we propose to determine the multiple mechanisms by which_OSM_promotes VEGF_expression_in_human breast cancer. To accomplish_this"} +{"text": "TAF)60 and TAF110 and RNA pol II subunits] as well as factors that modulate transcription through their affects on chromatin structure [Trithorax group (TRX-G) genes, RPD3, and SIN3]. Additional mutations have been identified that may also encode transcriptional regulators. Phenotypic", "synonym_substitution": "TAF)60 and TAF110 and RNA pol II subunits ] as well as factors that tone arrangement through their affects on chromatin structure [ Trithorax group (TRX - G) gene, RPD3, and SIN3 ]. Additional mutations have been identified that may besides encode transcriptional regulator. Phenotypic", "butter_fingers": "TAF)60 and TAF110 and RNA pol II rubunits] as well as fartors tgat moduuate transcription through tieir affexts on chromatin strucgure [Tritjorax griup (URX-G) genes, RPD3, anv SIN3]. Additionzp mucavions have been identifieg that may alsm dneode transcriptional regulators. Phenjtypic", "random_deletion": "TAF)60 and TAF110 and RNA pol II well factors that transcription through their group genes, RPD3, and Additional mutations have identified that may also encode transcriptional Phenotypic", "change_char_case": "TAF)60 and TAF110 and RNA pol II subunIts] as well aS factOrs ThaT mOdulAte tRanscription thROugh Their affects on chromatiN struCtURe [TrIThOrax gRoup (TRX-g) GeNES, RPd3, aNd sIN3]. adDItIonal MutAtions hAve been ideNtiFiEd that may alsO EnCode transcRipTional regulaTorS. PhenoTyPic", "whitespace_perturbation": "TAF)60 and TAF110 and RNApol II sub units ] a s w el l as fac tors that modu l atetranscription throughtheir a f fect s o n chr omatins tr u c tur e[T rit ho r ax grou p ( TRX-G)genes, RPD 3,an d SIN3]. Add i ti onal mutat ion s have beenide ntifie dtha t mayals o enc ode tr a nscrip tional re gu l ators. Phenoty p i c", "underscore_trick": "TAF)60 and_TAF110 and_RNA pol II subunits]_as well_as_factors that_modulate_transcription through their_affects on chromatin_structure [Trithorax group (TRX-G)_genes, RPD3, and_SIN3]._Additional mutations have been identified that may also encode transcriptional regulators. Phenotypic"} +{"text": ".2. Gscl may contribute to the development of these syndromes. Therefore, we have generated Gscl-null mice that will serve as important resources to determine the role of Gscl in the DGS/VCFS. Finally, defects are not observed in all Gsc-expressing tissues of G", "synonym_substitution": ".2. Gscl may contribute to the development of these syndromes. Therefore, we have generate Gscl - null mouse that will serve as important resources to decide the role of Gscl in the DGS / VCFS. Finally, blemish are not observe in all Gsc - express tissues of G", "butter_fingers": ".2. Gsfl may contribute to the development of these vyndrojes. Therdfore, we have generated Gscl-iull mice that will serve as imoortant rvsources ro dttermine the role of Gscl in ths DGS/RCHS. Finally, defegts are not observed in anl Gdc-expressing tissues of G", "random_deletion": ".2. Gscl may contribute to the development syndromes. we have Gscl-null mice that to the role of in the DGS/VCFS. defects are not observed in all tissues of G", "change_char_case": ".2. Gscl may contribute to the devElopment of These SynDroMeS. TheRefoRe, we have generaTEd GsCl-null mice that will servE as imPoRTant REsOurceS to deteRMiNE The RoLe Of GScL In The DGs/VCfS. FinalLy, defects aRe nOt Observed in alL gsC-expressinG tiSsues of G", "whitespace_perturbation": ".2. Gscl may contribute to the devel opmen t o f t he se s yndr omes. Therefor e , we have generated Gscl-n ull m ic e tha t w ill s erve as im p o rta nt r eso ur c es to d ete rmine t he role of Gs cl in the DGS/ V CF S. Finally , d efects are n otobserv ed in all G sc- expre ssingt issues of G", "underscore_trick": ".2. Gscl_may contribute_to the development of_these syndromes._Therefore,_we have_generated_Gscl-null mice that_will serve as_important resources to determine_the role of_Gscl_in the DGS/VCFS. Finally, defects are not observed in all Gsc-expressing tissues of G"} +{"text": " positional information needed for the establishment of the correct set of limb cartilages and bones. Gene targeting in mouse embryo-derived stem cells provides the means for generating mice with disruptions in each of these genes. The goal of this grant is to use gene targeting to undertake a systematic analysis of this gene complex and thereby directly", "synonym_substitution": "positional information needed for the establishment of the correct hardening of arm cartilages and bones. Gene target in mouse embryo - derive stem cell put up the means for generate mice with disruptions in each of these gene. The goal of this grant is to use gene targeting to contract a systematic analysis of this gene building complex and thereby directly", "butter_fingers": " poditional information neeaed for the estcvlishmxnt of fhe corrdct set of limb cartilages aid bines. Tene targeting in mousd embryo-dvrived stwm ctlls provides the means for gensvatiny nice with disroptions in edch of these gands. The goal of this grant is to use gqne tarbehing to undertwke s sysfvmctic analysis of this gene compmex and thereby direvtly", "random_deletion": "positional information needed for the establishment of set limb cartilages bones. Gene targeting provides means for generating with disruptions in of these genes. The goal of grant is to use gene targeting to undertake a systematic analysis of this complex and thereby directly", "change_char_case": " positional information needEd for the esTabliShmEnt Of The cOrreCt set of limb carTIlagEs and bones. Gene targetinG in moUsE EmbrYO-dEriveD stem ceLLs PROviDeS tHe mEaNS fOr genEraTing micE with disruPtiOnS in each of theSE gEnes. The goaL of This grant is tO usE gene tArGetINg to uNdeRtake A systeMAtic anAlysis of tHiS Gene coMPlex and THErEby dIrectly", "whitespace_perturbation": " positional information ne eded for t he es tab lis hm entof t he correct set of l imb cartilages and bon es. G en e tar g et ing i n mouse em b r yo- de ri ved s t em cell s p rovides the means fo rgenerating m i ce with disr upt ions in each of these g ene s . The go al of thisg rant i s to usege n e targ e ting to u nd erta ke a systematic a n al y sis of this ge ne com pl e xa n d t her eby direct ly ", "underscore_trick": " positional_information needed_for the establishment of_the correct_set_of limb_cartilages_and bones. Gene_targeting in mouse_embryo-derived stem cells provides_the means for_generating_mice with disruptions in each of these genes. The goal of this grant is_to_use gene_targeting_to_undertake a systematic analysis of_this gene complex and thereby_directly"} +{"text": "IM 4: Direct Biosynthesis of Simvastatin from A. terreus. We will metabolically engineer A. terreus to be blocked in lovastatin biosynthesis, but robust in simvastatin biosynthesis. Project Narrative We have proposed biochemical and structural studies to investigate a simvastatin synthase recently identified", "synonym_substitution": "IM 4: Direct Biosynthesis of Simvastatin from A. terreus. We will metabolically engineer A. terreus to be blocked in lovastatin biosynthesis, but robust in simvastatin biosynthesis. Project Narrative We have proposed biochemical and geomorphologic cogitation to investigate a simvastatin synthase recently identified", "butter_fingers": "IM 4: Direct Biosynthesis of Rimvastatin from A. terceus. We will megabolically engineer A. terrens ti be vlocked in lovastatin ciosynthedis, but eobuwr in simvastatin bljsynfmesis. 'roject Narratiye We have [roposed biochamkccl and structural studies to investidate a xilvastatin syntrase wecehnln identified", "random_deletion": "IM 4: Direct Biosynthesis of Simvastatin from We metabolically engineer terreus to be robust simvastatin biosynthesis. Project We have proposed and structural studies to investigate a synthase recently identified", "change_char_case": "IM 4: Direct Biosynthesis of SimVastatin frOm A. teRreUs. WE wIll mEtabOlically engineER A. teRreus to be blocked in lovaStatiN bIOsynTHeSis, buT robust IN sIMVasTaTiN biOsYNtHesis. proJect NarRative We haVe pRoPosed biochemICaL and structUraL studies to inVesTigate A sImvAStatiN syNthasE recenTLy idenTified", "whitespace_perturbation": "IM 4: Direct Biosynthesisof Simvast atinfro m A .terr eus. We will metab o lica lly engineer A. terreu s tobe bloc k ed in l ovastat i nb i osy nt he sis ,b ut robu stin simv astatin bi osy nt hesis. Proje c tNarrativeWehave propose d b iochem ic ala nd st ruc tural studi e s to i nvestigat ea simva s tatin s y n th aserecently identifi e d", "underscore_trick": "IM 4:_Direct Biosynthesis_of Simvastatin from A._terreus. We_will_metabolically engineer_A._terreus to be_blocked in lovastatin_biosynthesis, but robust in_simvastatin biosynthesis. Project_Narrative_We have proposed biochemical and structural studies to investigate a simvastatin synthase recently identified"} +{"text": " disabling back problems of at least a three-month duration have a significantly different fitness level than their age-matched controls. With two more years of follow-up we estimate another 15 - 21 subjects will develop chronic back pain disability. An increased number of subjects in the chronically disabled category would add to the statistical power for", "synonym_substitution": "disabling back problems of at least a three - month duration have a importantly unlike seaworthiness level than their age - matched control. With two more years of follow - up we estimate another 15 - 21 topic will build up chronic back annoyance disability. An increase number of topic in the chronically disabled category would add to the statistical baron for", "butter_fingers": " didabling back problems of at least a thrge-nonth vuratioh have a significantly different fitiess leveo than their age-matchea controld. With tqo miee years oh follow-m' we sdtimctx another 15 - 21 sunjects will develop chronhc bcck pain disability. An increased numfer of xuhjects in the shromycalmj bisabled category would add to fhe stauistical power for", "random_deletion": "disabling back problems of at least a have significantly different level than their years follow-up we estimate 15 - 21 will develop chronic back pain disability. increased number of subjects in the chronically disabled category would add to the power for", "change_char_case": " disabling back problems of at Least a threE-montH duRatIoN havE a siGnificantly difFErenT fitness level than their Age-maTcHEd coNTrOls. WiTh two moRE yEARs oF fOlLow-Up WE eStimaTe aNother 15 - 21 sUbjects wilL deVeLop chronic baCK pAin disabilIty. an increased nUmbEr of suBjEctS In the ChrOnicaLly disABled caTegory wouLd ADd to thE StatistICAl PoweR for", "whitespace_perturbation": " disabling back problems o f at least a th ree -mo nt h du rati on have a sign i fica ntly different fitness leve lt hant he ir ag e-match e dc o ntr ol s. Wi th tw o mor e y ears of follow-up we e stimate anot h er 15 - 21 s ubj ects will de vel op chr on icb ack p ain disa bility . An in creased n um b er ofs ubjects i nthechronically disab l ed category would add t ot he s tat ist ical power f or", "underscore_trick": " disabling_back problems_of at least a_three-month duration_have_a significantly_different_fitness level than_their age-matched controls._With two more years_of follow-up we_estimate_another 15 - 21 subjects will develop chronic back pain disability. An increased number_of_subjects in_the_chronically_disabled category would add to_the statistical power for"} +{"text": " (OCA) is a rare genetic disorder of melanin synthesis that results in hypopigmented hair, skin, and eyes. There are currently four types of OCA. For the first time, three full-length protein atomic structures, TYR (OCA1), TYRP1 (OCA3", "synonym_substitution": "(OCA) is a rare genetic disorder of melanin synthesis that results in hypopigmented hair's-breadth, hide, and eyes. There are currently four character of OCA. For the first time, three entire - length protein atomic structure, TYR (OCA1), TYRP1 (OCA3", "butter_fingers": " (OCW) is a rare genetic disovder of melanin synthesms that results in hypopigmented hair, skin, end wyes. Ukere are currently fuur types of OCA. Dor uhe first time, thcse full-length irotenn atomic structores, TYR (OCA1), TYRP1 (OCA3", "random_deletion": "(OCA) is a rare genetic disorder of that in hypopigmented skin, and eyes. of For the first three full-length protein structures, TYR (OCA1), TYRP1 (OCA3", "change_char_case": " (OCA) is a rare genetic disorder Of melanin sYntheSis ThaT rEsulTs in Hypopigmented hAIr, skIn, and eyes. There are curreNtly fOuR TypeS Of oCA. FoR the firST tIME, thReE fUll-LeNGtH protEin Atomic sTructures, TyR (OcA1), tYRP1 (OCA3", "whitespace_perturbation": " (OCA) is a rare genetic d isorder of mela nin sy nt hesi s th at results inh ypop igmented hair, skin, a nd ey es . The r eare c urrentl y f o u r t yp es of O C A. Forthe firsttime, thre e f ul l-length pro t ei n atomic s tru ctures, TYR(OC A1), T YR P1( OCA3", "underscore_trick": " (OCA)_is a_rare genetic disorder of_melanin synthesis_that_results in_hypopigmented_hair, skin, and_eyes. There are_currently four types of_OCA. For the_first_time, three full-length protein atomic structures, TYR (OCA1), TYRP1 (OCA3"} +{"text": " have demonstrated improvements, but also shows areas that need continuous improvement and monitoring. Annual QM reports are provided to the NIH Clinical Center's Office of Patient Safety and Clinical Quality as one element needed to demonstrate an ongoing quality assurance and process improvement program for clinical services that is required for Joint Commission accreditation. Clinical operations also overse", "synonym_substitution": "have demonstrated improvements, but also shows area that necessitate continuous improvement and monitoring. Annual QM reports are provided to the NIH Clinical Center's Office of Patient Safety and Clinical Quality as one element want to demonstrate an ongoing quality assurance and summons improvement course of study for clinical services that is necessitate for Joint Commission accreditation. Clinical operations also overse", "butter_fingers": " hage demonstrated improvemtnts, but also shocw areav that need covtinuous improvement and monmtorung. Abnual QM reports are pfovided tl the NIY Clmnical Center's Ohrice of Patiehb Safztb and Clinical Auality as one element naeaeb to demonstrate an ongoing quality wssuranve and process iiproneient irigram for clinical services tgat is gequired for Joiny Commission accreditation. Clijical operations apso overse", "random_deletion": "have demonstrated improvements, but also shows areas continuous and monitoring. QM reports are Center's of Patient Safety Clinical Quality as element needed to demonstrate an ongoing assurance and process improvement program for clinical services that is required for Joint accreditation. Clinical operations also overse", "change_char_case": " have demonstrated improvemeNts, but also Shows AreAs tHaT neeD conTinuous improveMEnt aNd monitoring. Annual QM rePorts ArE ProvIDeD to thE NIH CliNIcAL cenTeR's offIcE Of patieNt SAfety anD Clinical QUalItY as one elemenT NeEded to demoNstRate an ongoinG quAlity aSsUraNCe and ProCess iMproveMEnt proGram for clInICal serVIces thaT IS rEquiRed for Joint CommisSIoN Accreditation. CLinicaL oPErATIonS alSo overse", "whitespace_perturbation": " have demonstrated improve ments, but also sh ows a reas tha t need continu o us i mprovement and monitor ing.An n ualQ Mrepor ts arep ro v i ded t othe N I HClini cal Center 's OfficeofPa tient Safety an d Clinical Qu ality as one el ementne ede d to d emo nstra te ano ngoing qualityas s urance and pro c e ss imp rovement programf or clinical servi ces th at is r equ ire d for Join tCommi s sion ac c re d i t ati o n. Clinical o perations a l sooverse ", "underscore_trick": " have_demonstrated improvements,_but also shows areas_that need_continuous_improvement and_monitoring._Annual QM reports_are provided to_the NIH Clinical Center's_Office of Patient_Safety_and Clinical Quality as one element needed to demonstrate an ongoing quality assurance and_process_improvement program_for_clinical_services that is required for_Joint Commission accreditation. Clinical operations_also overse"} +{"text": " of known target samples. The specificity of the probes will be evaluated against panels of closely related non-pathogenic organisms. In Phase II, we will expand the number of Category A organisms and improve throughput by multiplexing. In addition, commercial prototype MGB Eclipse(TM) probe assays will be developed for each of these", "synonym_substitution": "of known target samples. The specificity of the probes will be measure against panel of closely related non - pathogenic organism. In Phase II, we will expand the number of Category A organism and better throughput by multiplexing. In addition, commercial prototype MGB Eclipse(TM) probe assay will be developed for each of these", "butter_fingers": " of known target samples. Tht specificity of jhw probxs will be evaljated against panels of closxly eelattb non-pathogenic orgavisms. In Ihase II, qe wmll expand the nnjber of Categkvy A mcganisms and imkrove througvput by multipnebiug. In addition, commercial prototype IGB Eclopde(TM) probe asswys eyll gv beveloped for each of these", "random_deletion": "of known target samples. The specificity of will evaluated against of closely related we expand the number Category A organisms improve throughput by multiplexing. In addition, prototype MGB Eclipse(TM) probe assays will be developed for each of these", "change_char_case": " of known target samples. The spEcificity oF the pRobEs wIlL be eValuAted against panELs of Closely related non-pathoGenic OrGAnisMS. IN PhasE II, we wiLL eXPAnd ThE nUmbEr OF CAtegoRy A OrganisMs and improVe tHrOughput by mulTIpLexing. In adDitIon, commerciaL prOtotypE MgB ECLipse(tM) pRobe aSsays wILl be deVeloped foR eACh of thESe", "whitespace_perturbation": " of known target samples.The specif icity of th eprob es w ill be evaluat e d ag ainst panels of closel y rel at e d no n -p athog enic or g an i s ms. I nPha se II , wewil l expan d the numb erof Category Ao rg anisms and im prove throug hpu t by m ul tip l exing . I n add ition, commer cial prot ot y pe MGB Eclipse ( T M) pro be assays will be de v eloped for eac h of t he s e", "underscore_trick": " of_known target_samples. The specificity of_the probes_will_be evaluated_against_panels of closely_related non-pathogenic organisms._In Phase II, we_will expand the_number_of Category A organisms and improve throughput by multiplexing. In addition, commercial prototype MGB_Eclipse(TM)_probe assays_will_be_developed for each of these"} +{"text": " and that the magnitude of the endocrine stress response increases with increasing stressor intensity. Preliminary analyses, however, do not support the hypothesis that individual differences in baseline hormone levels, associated with differences in reproductive and social status, are accompanied by differences in the hormonal response to stress. If confirmed, these results woud indicate that the", "synonym_substitution": "and that the magnitude of the endocrine stress response increase with increase stressor intensity. Preliminary analyses, however, do not support the guess that individual differences in baseline hormone levels, associated with remainder in reproductive and social status, are attach to by differences in the hormonal response to tension. If confirmed, these results woud indicate that the", "butter_fingers": " anf that the magnitude of uhe endocrine strgsw respmnse ihcreases with increasing stressor invensuty. Peeliminary analyses, hodever, do jot suppirt uhe hypothesis thef indivlbual slfferznres in baseline hormone lavels, associatad wnth differences in reproductive and focial xtwtus, are accomkaniec by spfnerences in the hormonal responss to stgess. If confirmed, these results woud indicahe tjat the", "random_deletion": "and that the magnitude of the endocrine increases increasing stressor Preliminary analyses, however, that differences in baseline levels, associated with in reproductive and social status, are by differences in the hormonal response to stress. If confirmed, these results woud that the", "change_char_case": " and that the magnitude of the eNdocrine stRess rEspOnsE iNcreAses With increasing STresSor intensity. PreliminarY analYsES, howEVeR, do noT supporT ThE HYpoThEsIs tHaT InDividUal DiffereNces in baseLinE hOrmone levels, ASsOciated witH diFferences in rEprOductiVe And SOcial StaTus, arE accomPAnied bY differenCeS In the hORmonal rESPoNse tO stress. If confirmeD, ThESe results woud iNdicatE tHAt THE", "whitespace_perturbation": " and that the magnitude of the endoc rinestr ess r espo nseincreases with incr easing stressor intens ity.Pr e limi n ar y ana lyses,h ow e v er, d onot s u pp ort t hehypothe sis that i ndi vi dual differe n ce s in basel ine hormone lev els , asso ci ate d with di ffere nces i n repro ductive a nd social status, a re acc ompanied by diffe r en c es in the horm onal r es p on s e to st ress. If c on firme d , these re s u l tsw oud indicatethat the", "underscore_trick": " and_that the_magnitude of the endocrine_stress response_increases_with increasing_stressor_intensity. Preliminary analyses,_however, do not_support the hypothesis that_individual differences in_baseline_hormone levels, associated with differences in reproductive and social status, are accompanied by differences_in_the hormonal_response_to_stress. If confirmed, these results_woud indicate that the"} +{"text": ", the CFTR (-/-) knockout mouse. Interestingly, the CFTR (-/-) mouse did not exhibit a severe CF phenotype in many epithelial tissues, including the airways. Importantly, the absence of a CF phenotype led to the formal identification of the Ca2+-regulated, or \"alternative\" Cl- conduction", "synonym_substitution": ", the CFTR (-/-) knockout mouse. Interestingly, the CFTR (-/-) mouse did not exhibit a severe CF phenotype in many epithelial tissues, include the respiratory tract. Importantly, the absence of a CF phenotype led to the formal identification of the Ca2 + -regulated, or \" alternate \" Cl- conduction", "butter_fingers": ", thf CFTR (-/-) knockout mouse. Ikterestingly, the CFTR (-/-) kouse sid not dxhibit a severe CF phenotypx in many epithelial tissues, inzluding tje airwats. Inportantly, vge absekee of w CF 'henotype led tp the formdl identificathov lf the Ca2+-regulated, or \"alternative\" Cj- conduvtlon", "random_deletion": ", the CFTR (-/-) knockout mouse. Interestingly, (-/-) did not a severe CF including airways. Importantly, the of a CF led to the formal identification of Ca2+-regulated, or \"alternative\" Cl- conduction", "change_char_case": ", the CFTR (-/-) knockout mouse. InterEstingly, thE CFTR (-/-) MouSe dId Not eXhibIt a severe CF pheNOtypE in many epithelial tissuEs, incLuDIng tHE aIrwayS. ImportANtLY, The AbSeNce Of A cF PhenoTypE led to tHe formal idEntIfIcation of the cA2+-rEgulated, or \"AltErnative\" Cl- coNduCtion", "whitespace_perturbation": ", the CFTR (-/-) knockoutmouse. Int erest ing ly, t he C FTR(-/-) mouse di d not exhibit a severe CF p henot yp e inm an y epi thelial ti s s ues ,in clu di n gthe a irw ays. Im portantly, th eabsence of a CF phenotype le d to the for mal ident if ica t ion o f t he Ca 2+-reg u lated, or \"alte rn a tive\"C l- cond u c ti on", "underscore_trick": ", the_CFTR (-/-)_knockout mouse. Interestingly, the_CFTR (-/-)_mouse_did not_exhibit_a severe CF_phenotype in many_epithelial tissues, including the_airways. Importantly, the_absence_of a CF phenotype led to the formal identification of the Ca2+-regulated, or \"alternative\"_Cl-_conduction"} +{"text": " higher than the young adults exercising at the same absolute intensity (63.4+ 8.2 umol.min-1.kg LBM-1) (p<0.001) but lower than the young adults exercising at the same relative intensity (131.9+ 13.1 umol.min.-", "synonym_substitution": "higher than the young adults exercising at the like absolute volume (63.4 + 8.2 umol.min-1.kg LBM-1) (p<0.001) but lower than the young adult practice at the same relative saturation (131.9 + 13.1 umol.min.-", "butter_fingers": " hihher than the young adulus exercising at jhw same absolhte intevsity (63.4+ 8.2 umol.min-1.kg LBM-1) (p<0.001) but poqer tyan the young adults ebercising at the wame eelative iifensity (131.9+ 13.1 umom.lin.-", "random_deletion": "higher than the young adults exercising at absolute (63.4+ 8.2 LBM-1) (p<0.001) but exercising the same relative (131.9+ 13.1 umol.min.-", "change_char_case": " higher than the young adults eXercising aT the sAme AbsOlUte iNtenSity (63.4+ 8.2 umol.min-1.kg Lbm-1) (p<0.001) buT lower than the young adulTs exeRcISing AT tHe samE relatiVE iNTEnsItY (131.9+ 13.1 uMol.MiN.-", "whitespace_perturbation": " higher than the young adu lts exerci singatthe s ameabso lute intensity (63. 4+ 8.2 umol.min-1.kg L BM-1) ( p <0.0 0 1) butlower t h an t heyo un g a du l ts exer cis ing atthe same r ela ti ve intensity (1 31.9+ 13.1 um ol.min.-", "underscore_trick": " higher_than the_young adults exercising at_the same_absolute_intensity (63.4+_8.2_umol.min-1.kg LBM-1) (p<0.001)_but lower than_the young adults exercising_at the same_relative_intensity (131.9+ 13.1 umol.min.-"} +{"text": " particular, of novel or poorly-characterized, uncultivated microbial community members. This proposal responds to critical unmet needs posed by the NIH Human Microbiome Project. The following are the Specific Aims of this proposal: Aim 1. To reduce the contribution of environmental DNA to single cell genomic sequence data, and", "synonym_substitution": "particular, of novel or poorly - characterized, uncultivated microbial residential district extremity. This proposal responds to critical unmet motivation model by the NIH Human Microbiome Project. The following are the Specific Aims of this proposal: Aim 1. To abridge the contribution of environmental DNA to unmarried cell genomic sequence data, and", "butter_fingers": " pagticular, of novel or poovly-characterized, uncultmvated jicrobiau community members. This pro'osao reskjnds to critical uvmet needd posed vy tie NIH Human Micckbiome Ixojecf. The hollowing are tme Specific Aims of this [ruplsal: Aim 1. To reduce the contributiog of enfigonmental DNA jo simdle dvlo genomic sequence data, and", "random_deletion": "particular, of novel or poorly-characterized, uncultivated microbial This responds to unmet needs posed Project. following are the Aims of this Aim 1. To reduce the contribution environmental DNA to single cell genomic sequence data, and", "change_char_case": " particular, of novel or poorly-CharacteriZed, unCulTivAtEd miCrobIal community meMBers. this proposal responds to CritiCaL UnmeT NeEds poSed by thE nIh hUmaN MIcRobIoME PRojecT. ThE followIng are the SPecIfIc Aims of this PRoPosal: Aim 1. To RedUce the contriButIon of eNvIroNMentaL DNa to siNgle ceLL genomIc sequencE dATa, and", "whitespace_perturbation": " particular, of novel or p oorly-char acter ize d,un cult ivat ed microbial c o mmun ity members. This prop osalre s pond s t o cri tical u n me t nee ds p ose db ythe N IHHuman M icrobiomePro je ct. The foll o wi ng are the Sp ecific Aimsofthis p ro pos a l: Ai m 1 . Toreduce the co ntributio no f envi r onmenta l DN A to single cell geno m ic sequence data, and", "underscore_trick": " particular,_of novel_or poorly-characterized, uncultivated microbial_community members._This_proposal responds_to_critical unmet needs_posed by the_NIH Human Microbiome Project._The following are_the_Specific Aims of this proposal: Aim 1. To reduce the contribution of environmental DNA_to_single cell_genomic_sequence_data, and"} +{"text": "). We propose to determine the amino acid sequence of the porcine relaxin chains and the location of the disulfide bond(s). We then propose to determine that portion of the relaxin molecule responsible for its biological properties--the so-called biologically active site. We propose to locate the tissues responsive to relaxin in the rat", "synonym_substitution": "). We propose to determine the amino acid sequence of the porcine relaxin chains and the placement of the disulfide bond(s). We then nominate to determine that portion of the relaxin molecule creditworthy for its biological properties -- the so - called biologically active web site. We aim to locate the tissues responsive to relaxin in the rat", "butter_fingers": "). We propose to determine tht amino acid sequgnxe of vhe pordine relxxin chains and the location od the disulfide bond(s). We thdn proposv to deteemint that portion of the relaxin mkpecunx responsible fpr its bionogical properdids--che so-called biologically active sitq. We prpplse to locate jhe tpsfues gewponsive to relaxin in the raf", "random_deletion": "). We propose to determine the amino of porcine relaxin and the location then to determine that of the relaxin responsible for its biological properties--the so-called active site. We propose to locate the tissues responsive to relaxin in the", "change_char_case": "). We propose to determine the amIno acid seqUence Of tHe pOrCine RelaXin chains and thE LocaTion of the disulfide bond(S). We thEn PRopoSE tO deteRmine thAT pORTioN oF tHe rElAXiN moleCulE responSible for itS biOlOgical properTIeS--the so-callEd bIologically aCtiVe site. we ProPOse to LocAte thE tissuES respoNsive to reLaXIn in thE Rat", "whitespace_perturbation": "). We propose to determine the amino acid se que nc e of the porcine relax i n ch ains and the locationof th ed isul f id e bon d(s). W e t h e n p ro po seto de termi nethat po rtion of t here laxin molecu l eresponsibl e f or its biolo gic al pro pe rti e s--th e s o-cal led bi o logica lly activ es ite. W e propos e to loc ate the tissues r e sp o nsive to relax in inth e r a t ", "underscore_trick": "). We_propose to_determine the amino acid_sequence of_the_porcine relaxin_chains_and the location_of the disulfide_bond(s). We then propose_to determine that_portion_of the relaxin molecule responsible for its biological properties--the so-called biologically active site. We_propose_to locate_the_tissues_responsive to relaxin in the_rat"} +{"text": " Characterization of the molecular interactions between trans-acting and cis-acting elements should lead to the successful isolation of the gene(s) for the relevant trans-acting factor(s). As an extension of these studies, tissue-specific expression will further be investigated in transgenic mouse models. The results from these studies may provide", "synonym_substitution": "Characterization of the molecular interactions between trans - acting and cis - acting chemical element should run to the successful isolation of the gene(s) for the relevant trans - acting factor(s). As an extension of these report, tissue - specific formulation will further be investigated in transgenic shiner models. The results from these studies may supply", "butter_fingers": " Chwracterization of the mouecular interacjiins bevween tdans-activg and cis-acting elements shluod leqd to the successful irolation lf the gwne(s) dor the relevant tvcns-acflng fccvor(s). As an exteksion of thase studies, tivsje-dpecific expression will further be investogwted in transggnic kjuse models. The results from these stusies maj provide", "random_deletion": "Characterization of the molecular interactions between trans-acting elements lead to successful isolation of trans-acting As an extension these studies, tissue-specific will further be investigated in transgenic models. The results from these studies may provide", "change_char_case": " Characterization of the moleCular interActioNs bEtwEeN traNs-acTing and cis-actiNG eleMents should lead to the suCcessFuL IsolATiOn of tHe gene(s) FOr THE reLeVaNt tRaNS-aCting FacTor(s). As aN extension Of tHeSe studies, tisSUe-Specific exPreSsion will furTheR be invEsTigATed in TraNsgenIc mousE Models. the resultS fROm thesE Studies MAY pRoviDe", "whitespace_perturbation": " Characterization of the m olecular i ntera cti ons b etwe en t rans-acting an d cis -acting elements shoul d lea dt o th e s ucces sful is o la t i onof t hege n e( s) fo r t he rele vant trans -ac ti ng factor(s) . A s an exten sio n of these s tud ies, t is sue - speci fic expr ession will f urther be i n vestig a ted int r an sgen ic mouse models.T he results from t hese s tu d ie s may pr ovide", "underscore_trick": " Characterization_of the_molecular interactions between trans-acting_and cis-acting_elements_should lead_to_the successful isolation_of the gene(s)_for the relevant trans-acting_factor(s). As an_extension_of these studies, tissue-specific expression will further be investigated in transgenic mouse models. The_results_from these_studies_may_provide"} +{"text": " setting. Mast cells (MCs), granulocytes, and lymphocytes are integral to the development of an allergic response. Allergic inflammation may also be generated through activation of receptors coupled to heterotrimeric G proteins (GPCRs). The purpose of this study is to understand mechanisms of G protein-mediated signal transduction", "synonym_substitution": "setting. Mast cells (MCs), granulocytes, and lymphocyte are built-in to the exploitation of an allergic response. Allergic excitement may besides be generated through activation of receptors match to heterotrimeric G proteins (GPCRs). The purpose of this survey is to understand mechanisms of G protein - mediate signal transduction", "butter_fingers": " sehting. Mast cells (MCs), grakulocytes, and lymphocytxs are jntegral to the development of an alpeegic eesponse. Allergic inflxmmation lay also be jenerated througi activabnon or reczpvors coupled to heterotrikeric G proteits (G'CRs). The purpose of this study is to undersyajd mechanisms jf G [rotspn-nediated signal transduction", "random_deletion": "setting. Mast cells (MCs), granulocytes, and lymphocytes to development of allergic response. Allergic through of receptors coupled heterotrimeric G proteins The purpose of this study is understand mechanisms of G protein-mediated signal transduction", "change_char_case": " setting. Mast cells (MCs), granulOcytes, and lYmphoCytEs aRe InteGral To the developmeNT of aN allergic response. AllerGic inFlAMmatIOn May alSo be genERaTED thRoUgH acTiVAtIon of RecEptors cOupled to heTerOtRimeric G protEInS (GPCRs). The pUrpOse of this stuDy iS to undErStaND mechAniSms of g proteIN-mediaTed signal TrANsductIOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " setting. Mast cells (MCs) , granuloc ytes, an d l ym phoc ytes are integralt o th e development of an al lergi cr espo n se . All ergic i n fl a m mat io nmay a l so be g ene rated t hrough act iva ti on of recept o rs coupled t o h eterotrimeri c G prote in s ( G PCRs) . T he pu rposeo f this study is t o under s tand me c h an isms of G protein-med i at e d signal trans ductio n", "underscore_trick": " setting._Mast cells_(MCs), granulocytes, and lymphocytes_are integral_to_the development_of_an allergic response._Allergic inflammation may_also be generated through_activation of receptors_coupled_to heterotrimeric G proteins (GPCRs). The purpose of this study is to understand mechanisms_of_G protein-mediated_signal_transduction"} +{"text": " administration as an effective treatment for reducing mortality and morbidity from OP SE. This is a response to RFA # RFA-AG-09-002. The major goals of the proposal are to: (1) Identify biomarkers that are associated with progression from normal cognitive status to mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or", "synonym_substitution": "administration as an effective treatment for reducing mortality and unwholesomeness from OP SE. This is a reception to RFA # RFA - AG-09 - 002. The major goals of the proposal are to: (1) name biomarkers that are associated with progress from normal cognitive status to mild cognitive damage (MCI) or", "butter_fingers": " adlinistration as an effecuive treatment fot eeduciig mortzlity ana morbidity from OP SE. This ms a respinse to RFA # RFA-AG-09-002. The major gowls of tye pcoposal are to: (1) Msentify biomadners vhat are associsted with [rogression frmm nlrmal cognitive status to mild cognytive ikpwirment (MCI) or", "random_deletion": "administration as an effective treatment for reducing morbidity OP SE. is a response major of the proposal to: (1) Identify that are associated with progression from cognitive status to mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or", "change_char_case": " administration as an effectiVe treatmenT for rEduCinG mOrtaLity And morbidity frOM OP Se. This is a response to RFA # RfA-AG-09-002. THe MAjor GOaLs of tHe propoSAl ARE to: (1) idEnTifY bIOmArkerS thAt are asSociated wiTh pRoGression from NOrMal cognitiVe sTatus to mild cOgnItive iMpAirMEnt (MCi) or", "whitespace_perturbation": " administration as an effe ctive trea tment fo r r ed ucin g mo rtality and mo r bidi ty from OP SE. This is a re sp o nset oRFA # RFA-AG - 09 - 0 02. T he ma jo r g oalsofthe pro posal areto: ( 1) Identifyb io markers th atare associat edwith p ro gre s sionfro m nor mal co g nitive status t om ild co g nitivei m pa irme nt (MCI) or", "underscore_trick": " administration_as an_effective treatment for reducing_mortality and_morbidity_from OP_SE._This is a_response to RFA_# RFA-AG-09-002. The major_goals of the_proposal_are to: (1) Identify biomarkers that are associated with progression from normal cognitive status_to_mild cognitive_impairment_(MCI)_or"} +{"text": " the ability to significantly improve the speed and reliability of TAA growth analysis, facilitate the communication of aortic growth assessment between radiologists, care-providers and patients, and generate new biomarkers of disease progression that can be used to improve patient management decisions, and ultimately patient outcomes. In this grant effort, we propose to achieve", "synonym_substitution": "the ability to significantly improve the speed and reliability of TAA increase psychoanalysis, facilitate the communication of aortic increase judgment between radiologists, care - provider and affected role, and generate fresh biomarkers of disease progression that can be used to better patient management decisions, and ultimately patient outcomes. In this concession effort, we propose to achieve", "butter_fingers": " thf ability to significantuy improve the speed aid relizbility uf TAA growth analysis, facilmtatw the communication of aortkc growth assessmwnt uetween radiologmats, carc-'roviscrs aud patients, and nenerate nef biomarkers ox aidease progression that can be used eo imprpvf patient manadememe dedpslons, and ultimately patient outckmes. In this grant egfort, we propose to achievf", "random_deletion": "the ability to significantly improve the speed of growth analysis, the communication of care-providers patients, and generate biomarkers of disease that can be used to improve management decisions, and ultimately patient outcomes. In this grant effort, we propose to", "change_char_case": " the ability to significantly Improve the Speed And RelIaBiliTy of tAA growth analySIs, faCilitate the communicatiOn of aOrTIc grOWtH asseSsment bETwEEN raDiOlOgiStS, CaRe-proVidErs and pAtients, and GenErAte new biomarKErS of disease ProGression that Can Be used To ImpROve paTieNt manAgemenT DecisiOns, and ultImATely paTIent outCOMeS. In tHis grant effort, we pROpOSe to achieve", "whitespace_perturbation": " the ability to significan tly improv e the sp eed a nd r elia bility of TAAg rowt h analysis, facilitate theco m muni c at ion o f aorti c g r o wth a ss ess me n tbetwe enradiolo gists, car e-p ro viders and p a ti ents, andgen erate new bi oma rkersof di s easepro gress ion th a t canbe used t oi mprove patient m an agem ent decisions, an d u l timately patie nt out co m es . Inthi s grant ef fo rt, w e propos e t o a chi e ve", "underscore_trick": " the_ability to_significantly improve the speed_and reliability_of_TAA growth_analysis,_facilitate the communication_of aortic growth_assessment between radiologists, care-providers_and patients, and_generate_new biomarkers of disease progression that can be used to improve patient management decisions,_and_ultimately patient_outcomes._In_this grant effort, we propose_to achieve"} +{"text": " strengths, durations, frequency of application, biases, and spatial complexities both within and across movements. The variability of these perturbations will generate a template with which we will identify subtleties in trial-by-trial adaptation. These interrogations, coupled with novel state space analyses, will enable a thorough understanding of the transformation of", "synonym_substitution": "strengths, durations, frequency of application, biases, and spatial complexity both within and across movement. The variability of these perturbations will render a template with which we will name subtleties in trial - by - trial adaptation. These question, coupled with novel state of matter space analyses, will enable a exhaustive understanding of the transformation of", "butter_fingers": " stgengths, durations, frequekcy of application, biasxs, and apatial zomplexities both within and axross movements. The variabiuity of tjese perrurbetions will geneczte a tciplafc witk xhich we will icentify suttleties in trhau-bv-trial adaptation. These interrogatiogs, coupkef with novel sjate x[ace analyses, will enable a thorough uhderstaiding of the trsnsformation of", "random_deletion": "strengths, durations, frequency of application, biases, and both and across The variability of template which we will subtleties in trial-by-trial These interrogations, coupled with novel state analyses, will enable a thorough understanding of the transformation of", "change_char_case": " strengths, durations, frequenCy of applicAtion, BiaSes, AnD spaTial Complexities boTH witHin and across movements. THe varIaBIlitY Of These PerturbATiONS wiLl GeNerAtE A tEmplaTe wIth whicH we will ideNtiFy Subtleties in TRiAl-by-trial aDapTation. These iNteRrogatIoNs, cOUpled WitH noveL state SPace anAlyses, wilL eNAble a tHOrough uNDErStanDing of the transforMAtIOn of", "whitespace_perturbation": " strengths, durations, fre quency ofappli cat ion ,bias es,and spatial co m plex ities both within andacros sm ovem e nt s. Th e varia b il i t y o fth ese p e rt urbat ion s willgenerate a te mp late with wh i ch we will i den tify subtlet ies in tr ia l-b y -tria l a dapta tion.T hese i nterrogat io n s, cou p led wit h no velstate space analy s es , will enable a thoro ug h u n d ers tan ding of th etrans f ormatio n o f ", "underscore_trick": " strengths,_durations, frequency_of application, biases, and_spatial complexities_both_within and_across_movements. The variability_of these perturbations_will generate a template_with which we_will_identify subtleties in trial-by-trial adaptation. These interrogations, coupled with novel state space analyses, will_enable_a thorough_understanding_of_the transformation of"} +{"text": " CRH expression by cAMP is markedly dependent on downstream elements in the CRH gene. Stimulation of cAMP production by forskolin increased luciferase activity driven by the CRH-promoter. This was caused by increases in transcription, shown by nuclear run-on-assay, as well as increases in mRNA stability and translation", "synonym_substitution": "CRH expression by cAMP is markedly dependent on downstream elements in the CRH gene. foreplay of clique output by forskolin increased luciferase natural process drive by the CRH - promoter. This was caused by increase in recording, shown by nuclear test - on - assay, as well as increases in mRNA constancy and translation", "butter_fingers": " CRJ expression by cAMP is oarkedly dependgnr on dmwnstrsam elemdnts in the CRH gene. Stimulavion of cQMP production by forsyolin incgeased luxifecase activity drmben by bke CRG-iromocec. This was causgd by increaves in transcrhpgiln, shown by nuclear run-on-assay, as wqll as onfreases in mRNW stsfilifj cnd translation", "random_deletion": "CRH expression by cAMP is markedly dependent elements the CRH Stimulation of cAMP activity by the CRH-promoter. was caused by in transcription, shown by nuclear run-on-assay, well as increases in mRNA stability and translation", "change_char_case": " CRH expression by cAMP is markEdly dependEnt on DowNstReAm elEmenTs in the CRH gene. sTimuLation of cAMP production By forSkOLin iNCrEased LuciferASe ACTivItY dRivEn BY tHe CRH-ProMoter. ThIs was causeD by InCreases in traNScRiption, shoWn bY nuclear run-oN-asSay, as wElL as INcreaSes In mRNa stabiLIty and TranslatiOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " CRH expression by cAMP is markedlydepen den t o ndown stre am elements in theCRH gene. Stimulationof cA MP prod u ct ion b y forsk o li n inc re as edlu c if erase ac tivitydriven bythe C RH-promoter. Th is was cau sed by increase s i n tran sc rip t ion,sho wn by nucle a r run- on-assay, a s wella s incre a s es inmRNA stability an d t r anslation", "underscore_trick": " CRH_expression by_cAMP is markedly dependent_on downstream_elements_in the_CRH_gene. Stimulation of_cAMP production by_forskolin increased luciferase activity_driven by the_CRH-promoter._This was caused by increases in transcription, shown by nuclear run-on-assay, as well as_increases_in mRNA_stability_and_translation"} +{"text": " the admissions were for a pregnancy complication, primarily threatened abortion or early labor. Median length of stay for all admissions was 12 days. The ratio of admissions to deliveries was 52 per 100.The Ukrainian ratio of hospitalizations to deliveries is notably higher than any that have been published in studies from the United States and Australia, reflecting", "synonym_substitution": "the admissions were for a pregnancy complication, primarily threatened miscarriage or early british labour party. Median length of arrest for all admissions was 12 sidereal day. The ratio of admissions to pitch was 52 per 100.The Ukrainian ratio of hospitalizations to delivery is notably higher than any that have been published in report from the United States and Australia, reflecting", "butter_fingers": " thf admissions were for a kregnancy compliccrion, pcimarilg threatdned abortion or early labor. Mwdian length of stay for alu admissilns was 12 dayw. The ratio of admissions bo denmveries was 52 pet 100.The Ukrainhan ratio of hmsoicalizations to deliveries is notably higher tjan any that hwve nqen llboished in studies from the Unjted Stetes and Austrakia, reflecting", "random_deletion": "the admissions were for a pregnancy complication, abortion early labor. length of stay days. ratio of admissions deliveries was 52 100.The Ukrainian ratio of hospitalizations to is notably higher than any that have been published in studies from the States and Australia, reflecting", "change_char_case": " the admissions were for a pregNancy complIcatiOn, pRimArIly tHreaTened abortion oR EarlY labor. Median length of stAy for AlL AdmiSSiOns waS 12 days. ThE RaTIO of AdMiSsiOnS To DelivEriEs was 52 peR 100.The UkrainIan RaTio of hospitaLIzAtions to deLivEries is notabLy hIgher tHaN anY That hAve Been pUblishED in stuDies from tHe uNited STAtes and aUStRaliA, reflecting", "whitespace_perturbation": " the admissions were for a pregnancy comp lic ati on , pr imar ily threatened abor tion or early labor. M edian l e ngth of stay for al l a d m iss io ns wa s1 2days. Th e ratio of admiss ion sto deliverie s w as 52 per100 .The Ukraini anratioof ho s pital iza tions to de l iverie s is nota bl y highe r than a n y t hathave been publish e di n studies from the U ni t ed S tat esand Austra li a, re f lecting ", "underscore_trick": " the_admissions were_for a pregnancy complication,_primarily threatened_abortion_or early_labor._Median length of_stay for all_admissions was 12 days._The ratio of_admissions_to deliveries was 52 per 100.The Ukrainian ratio of hospitalizations to deliveries is notably_higher_than any_that_have_been published in studies from_the United States and Australia,_reflecting"} +{"text": "functional magnetic resonance imaging), and MRS (magnetic resonance spectroscopy). These imaging methodologies offer real promise for the expanded clinical utility of neuroimaging in the diagnosis, treatment, and understanding of the pathophysiology of major neuropsychiatric disorders. However, these new methodologies typically derive from complex, multidisciplinary sciences, which thereby create a challenging information barrier", "synonym_substitution": "functional magnetic resonance imaging), and MRS (charismatic plangency spectroscopy). These imaging methodologies extend substantial promise for the expanded clinical utility of neuroimaging in the diagnosis, discussion, and understanding of the pathophysiology of major neuropsychiatric disorders. However, these new methodology typically derive from complex, multidisciplinary sciences, which thereby produce a challenging information barrier", "butter_fingers": "funftional magnetic resonange imaging), and MTS (magnevic resknance soectroscopy). These imaging mevhodilogitf offer real promire for thv expandee clmnical utility oh neuroimaging ln thz viagnosis, treatkent, and utderstanding ox ghz pathophysiology of major neuropsycriatric dlsorders. Howevgr, thtse new methodologies typically derive frkm compnex, multidiscoplinary sciences, which thfrebj create a challenhing informqtiog barrier", "random_deletion": "functional magnetic resonance imaging), and MRS (magnetic These methodologies offer promise for the in diagnosis, treatment, and of the pathophysiology major neuropsychiatric disorders. However, these new typically derive from complex, multidisciplinary sciences, which thereby create a challenging information barrier", "change_char_case": "functional magnetic resonanCe imaging), aNd MRS (MagNetIc ResoNancE spectroscopy). THEse iMaging methodologies offEr reaL pROmisE FoR the eXpanded CLiNICal UtIlIty Of NEuRoimaGinG in the dIagnosis, trEatMeNt, and understANdIng of the paThoPhysiology of MajOr neurOpSycHIatriC diSordeRs. HoweVEr, thesE new methoDoLOgies tYPically DERiVe frOm complex, multidisCIpLInary sciences, wHich thErEBy CREatE a cHallenging InFormaTIon barrIEr", "whitespace_perturbation": "functional magnetic resona nce imagin g), a ndMRS ( magn etic resonance spe c tros copy). These imaging m ethod ol o gies of fer r eal pro m is e for t he ex pa n de d cli nic al util ity of neu roi ma ging in thed ia gnosis, tr eat ment, and un der standi ng of the p ath ophys iology of maj or neurop sy c hiatri c disord e r s. How ever, these new m e th o dologies typic ally d er i ve f rom co mplex, mul ti disci p linarys ci e n c es, which thereby create a c h all enging i nfo r mation barr ie r ", "underscore_trick": "functional magnetic_resonance imaging),_and MRS (magnetic resonance_spectroscopy). These_imaging_methodologies offer_real_promise for the_expanded clinical utility_of neuroimaging in the_diagnosis, treatment, and_understanding_of the pathophysiology of major neuropsychiatric disorders. However, these new methodologies typically derive from_complex,_multidisciplinary sciences,_which_thereby_create a challenging information barrier"} +{"text": " sequelae of gonorrhea in women include infertility, ectopic pregnancy and chronic pelvic pain. Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Ng), the causative agent of gonorrhea, has become resistant to almost every antibiotic in clinical use. Resistance to ceftriaxone and azithromycin? the recommended first", "synonym_substitution": "sequelae of gonorrhea in women include infertility, ectopic pregnancy and chronic pelvic pain. Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Ng), the causative agentive role of gonorrhea, has become insubordinate to almost every antibiotic in clinical use. underground to ceftriaxone and azithromycin? the commend first", "butter_fingers": " seeuelae of gonorrhea in wumen include inywrtilivy, ectolic pregvancy and chronic pelvic paii. Neusserua gonorrhoeae (Ng), the zausative agent od goiorrhea, has become resisbcnt tk almmwt every antiblotic in clhnical use. Reshsgauce to ceftriaxone and azithromycin? ehe recpmlended first", "random_deletion": "sequelae of gonorrhea in women include infertility, and pelvic pain. gonorrhoeae (Ng), the become to almost every in clinical use. to ceftriaxone and azithromycin? the recommended", "change_char_case": " sequelae of gonorrhea in womeN include inFertiLitY, ecToPic pRegnAncy and chronic PElviC pain. Neisseria gonorrhoEae (Ng), ThE CausATiVe ageNt of gonORrHEA, haS bEcOme ReSIsTant tO alMost eveRy antibiotIc iN cLinical use. ReSIsTance to cefTriAxone and azitHroMycin? tHe RecOMmendEd fIrst", "whitespace_perturbation": " sequelae of gonorrhea inwomen incl ude i nfe rti li ty,ecto pic pregnancya nd c hronic pelvic pain. Ne isser ia gono r rh oeae(Ng), t h ec a usa ti ve ag en t o f gon orr hea, ha s become r esi st ant to almos t e very antib iot ic in clinic aluse. R es ist a nce t o c eftri axonea nd azi thromycin ?t he rec o mmended f ir st", "underscore_trick": " sequelae_of gonorrhea_in women include infertility,_ectopic pregnancy_and_chronic pelvic_pain._Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Ng),_the causative agent_of gonorrhea, has become_resistant to almost_every_antibiotic in clinical use. Resistance to ceftriaxone and azithromycin? the recommended first"} +{"text": " for the production of murine monoclonal antibodies. Several hundred hybridomas have been shown to bind to the transition-state analog used for immunization and several of these show differential binding to the transition-state analog vs the original-sequence peptide. Research within the Laboratory for Integrative Neuroscience, Section on Synaptic Pharmacology, continues", "synonym_substitution": "for the production of murine monoclonal antibodies. Several hundred hybridomas have been shown to oblige to the passage - state analog used for immunization and respective of these show differential binding to the transition - state of matter analog vs the original - sequence peptide. inquiry within the Laboratory for Integrative Neuroscience, incision on Synaptic Pharmacology, continues", "butter_fingers": " fog the production of murike monoclonal anjivodies. Severzl hundrdd hybridomas have been showi to bind to the transition-statd analog lsed for ummuiization and sevxdal of bkese amow dnfherential bindikg to the tsansition-state avapog vs the original-sequence peptide. Researvh within the Laforauorr fod Integrative Neuroscience, Section on Syneptic Pharmacolpgy, continues", "random_deletion": "for the production of murine monoclonal antibodies. hybridomas been shown bind to the and of these show binding to the analog vs the original-sequence peptide. Research the Laboratory for Integrative Neuroscience, Section on Synaptic Pharmacology, continues", "change_char_case": " for the production of murine mOnoclonal aNtiboDieS. SeVeRal hUndrEd hybridomas haVE beeN shown to bind to the transItion-StATe anALoG used For immuNIzATIon AnD sEveRaL Of These ShoW differEntial bindIng To The transitioN-StAte analog vS thE original-seqUenCe peptIdE. ReSEarch WitHin thE LaborATory foR IntegratIvE neurosCIence, SeCTIoN on SYnaptic PharmacoloGY, cONtinues", "whitespace_perturbation": " for the production of mur ine monocl onalant ibo di es.Seve ral hundred hy b rido mas have been shown to bind t o the tr ansit ion-sta t ea n alo gus edfo r i mmuni zat ion and several o f t he se show diff e re ntial bind ing to the tran sit ion-st at e a n alogvsthe o rigina l -seque nce pepti de . Resea r ch with i n t he L aboratory for Int e gr a tive Neuroscie nce, S ec t io n onSyn aptic Phar ma colog y , conti n ue s ", "underscore_trick": " for_the production_of murine monoclonal antibodies._Several hundred_hybridomas_have been_shown_to bind to_the transition-state analog_used for immunization and_several of these_show_differential binding to the transition-state analog vs the original-sequence peptide. Research within the Laboratory_for_Integrative Neuroscience,_Section_on_Synaptic Pharmacology, continues"} +{"text": " that the v-sis oncogene encodes a PDGF-related product whose transforming activity requires functional interaction with the PDGF receptor has suggested the importance of identifying the active site of the v-sis translational product. Site-directed mutagenesis of v-sis has localized an 89 codon stretch as its minimum transforming region and has shown", "synonym_substitution": "that the v - sis oncogene encodes a PDGF - related product whose transforming natural process command functional interaction with the PDGF receptor has suggested the importance of name the active site of the v - sis translational intersection. web site - directed mutagenesis of v - sis has localized an 89 codon stretch as its minimum transforming area and has shown", "butter_fingers": " thwt the v-sis oncogene encudes a PDGF-relajee prodnct whoae transworming activity requires fuictiinal unteraction with the PAGF recepnor has syggewred the im'krtance of idsktifynnj the active sije of the v-shs translationdl pxoduct. Site-directed mutagenesis of v-fis has llcalized an 89 cjdon ftrefbh as its minimum transforming degion end has shown", "random_deletion": "that the v-sis oncogene encodes a PDGF-related transforming requires functional with the PDGF of the active site the v-sis translational Site-directed mutagenesis of v-sis has localized 89 codon stretch as its minimum transforming region and has shown", "change_char_case": " that the v-sis oncogene encodeS a PDGF-relaTed prOduCt wHoSe trAnsfOrming activity REquiRes functional interactiOn witH tHE PDGf ReCeptoR has sugGEsTED thE iMpOrtAnCE oF idenTifYing the Active site Of tHe V-sis translatIOnAl product. SIte-Directed mutaGenEsis of V-sIs hAS locaLizEd an 89 cOdon stREtch as Its minimuM tRAnsforMIng regiON AnD has Shown", "whitespace_perturbation": " that the v-sis oncogene e ncodes a P DGF-r ela ted p rodu ct w hose transform i ng a ctivity requires funct ional i n tera c ti on wi th theP DG F rec ep to r h as su ggest edthe imp ortance of id en tifying thea ct ive site o f t he v-sis tra nsl ationa lpro d uct.Sit e-dir ectedm utagen esis of v -s i s hasl ocalize d an 89codon stretch asi ts minimum transf orming r e gi o n an d h as shown", "underscore_trick": " that_the v-sis_oncogene encodes a PDGF-related_product whose_transforming_activity requires_functional_interaction with the_PDGF receptor has_suggested the importance of_identifying the active_site_of the v-sis translational product. Site-directed mutagenesis of v-sis has localized an 89 codon_stretch_as its_minimum_transforming_region and has shown"} +{"text": " and fluorochrome-labeled viral filaments, we will quantitatively examine whether viral filament entry occurs by partial or complete endocytosis or possibly by a phagocytosis-like mechanism. Membrane fusion assays will be used to determine pH requirements and extent of cell fusion of viral filaments. Live cell video microscopy, confocal and electron microscopy will", "synonym_substitution": "and fluorochrome - labeled viral filaments, we will quantitatively examine whether viral filament entrance occur by partial or complete endocytosis or possibly by a phagocytosis - like mechanism. Membrane coalition assays will be used to determine pH requirement and extent of cell fusion of viral fibril. Live cell television microscopy, confocal and electron microscopy will", "butter_fingers": " anf fluorochrome-labeled vival filaments, we will qnantitafively ebamine whether viral filamenv enrry oxcurs by partial or cooplete enfocytosiw or possibly bb a phagocytosjd-likz nechanism. Membtane fusion dssays will be ureb to determine pH requirements and evtent og fell fusion of virsj fimaments. Live cell video microscopy, confocel and electron microscopy will", "random_deletion": "and fluorochrome-labeled viral filaments, we will quantitatively viral entry occurs partial or complete phagocytosis-like Membrane fusion assays be used to pH requirements and extent of cell of viral filaments. Live cell video microscopy, confocal and electron microscopy will", "change_char_case": " and fluorochrome-labeled virAl filamentS, we wiLl qUanTiTatiVely Examine whether VIral Filament entry occurs by pArtiaL oR CompLEtE endoCytosis OR pOSSibLy By A phAgOCyTosis-LikE mechanIsm. MembranE fuSiOn assays will BE uSed to deterMinE pH requiremeNts And extEnT of CEll fuSioN of viRal filAMents. LIve cell viDeO MicrosCOpy, confOCAl And eLectron microscopy WIlL", "whitespace_perturbation": " and fluorochrome-labeledviral fila ments , w e w il l qu anti tatively exami n e wh ether viral filament e ntryoc c ursb yparti al or c o mp l e teen do cyt os i sor po ssi bly bya phagocyt osi s- like mechani s m. Membranefus ion assays w ill be us ed to deter min e pHrequir e mentsand exten to f cell fusiono f v iral filaments. Livec el l video microsc opy, c on f oc a l an d e lectron mi cr oscop y will", "underscore_trick": " and_fluorochrome-labeled viral_filaments, we will quantitatively_examine whether_viral_filament entry_occurs_by partial or_complete endocytosis or_possibly by a phagocytosis-like_mechanism. Membrane fusion_assays_will be used to determine pH requirements and extent of cell fusion of viral_filaments._Live cell_video_microscopy,_confocal and electron microscopy will"} +{"text": " hydride transfer step? This will be explored by a study of very pertinent model reactions and by parallel studies on the early transient steps. This latter study will include cryoenzymology and alternative kinetic approach to the study of transients which may have some application to the study of enzymes in general. Finally, we will", "synonym_substitution": "hydride transfer step? This will be explored by a study of very apposite exemplar reactions and by parallel studies on the early transeunt measure. This latter study will include cryoenzymology and alternate kinetic approach to the study of transients which may suffer some application to the study of enzyme in general. Finally, we will", "butter_fingers": " hyfride transfer step? This will be explorgd by a vtudy kf very oertinent model reactions anv by paraolel studies on the eafly transpent stepw. Thms latter study xjll include cdnoenzvmilogy and altetnative kinedic approach tm ghz study of transients which may have some alppication to thg stucr of vneymes in general. Finally, we will", "random_deletion": "hydride transfer step? This will be explored study very pertinent reactions and by transient This latter study include cryoenzymology and kinetic approach to the study of which may have some application to the study of enzymes in general. Finally, will", "change_char_case": " hydride transfer step? This wiLl be explorEd by a StuDy oF vEry pErtiNent model reactIOns aNd by parallel studies on tHe earLy TRansIEnT stepS. This laTTeR STudY wIlL inClUDe CryoeNzyMology aNd alternatIve KiNetic approacH To The study of TraNsients which May Have soMe AppLIcatiOn tO the sTudy of ENzymes In general. fiNAlly, we WIll", "whitespace_perturbation": " hydride transfer step? Th is will be expl ore d b ya st udyof very pertin e nt m odel reactions and byparal le l stu d ie s onthe ear l yt r ans ie nt st ep s .Thislat ter stu dy will in clu de cryoenzymol o gy and alter nat ive kineticapp roachto th e stud y o f tra nsient s which may have s o me app l ication t othestudy of enzymesi ng eneral. Finall y, wewi l l", "underscore_trick": " hydride_transfer step?_This will be explored_by a_study_of very_pertinent_model reactions and_by parallel studies_on the early transient_steps. This latter_study_will include cryoenzymology and alternative kinetic approach to the study of transients which may_have_some application_to_the_study of enzymes in general._Finally, we will"} +{"text": ", selected high priority candidate substrates and the corresponding F-box adaptor proteins will be analyzed through biochemical and cell biological methods to place these proteins into regulatory and physiological pathways with an initial focus on a BACH1, a signal-dependent transcriptional repressor of NRF2-dependent genes and a novel substrate of SCFF", "synonym_substitution": ", selected high priority candidate substrate and the correspond F - box adaptor proteins will be analyzed through biochemical and cellular telephone biological methods to place these proteins into regulative and physiologic pathways with an initial focus on a BACH1, a signal - dependent transcriptional repressor of NRF2 - dependent genes and a fresh substrate of SCFF", "butter_fingers": ", sepected high priority canaidate substratgs and tie corrsspondine F-box adaptor proteins will bw anaoyzed through biochemizal and cvll bioloticao methods to place bkese lvoteius into regulatoty and physimlogical pathwdyr cith an initial focus on a BACH1, a sidnal-deprnfent transcripjionak repdvswor of NRF2-dependent genes and a noven substrate og SCFF", "random_deletion": ", selected high priority candidate substrates and F-box proteins will analyzed through biochemical place proteins into regulatory physiological pathways with initial focus on a BACH1, a transcriptional repressor of NRF2-dependent genes and a novel substrate of SCFF", "change_char_case": ", selected high priority candiDate substrAtes aNd tHe cOrRespOndiNg F-box adaptor pROteiNs will be analyzed througH biocHeMIcal ANd Cell bIologicAL mETHodS tO pLacE tHEsE protEinS into reGulatory anD phYsIological patHWaYs with an inItiAl focus on a BAcH1, a Signal-DePenDEnt trAnsCriptIonal rEPressoR of NRF2-depEnDEnt genES and a noVEL sUbstRate of SCFF", "whitespace_perturbation": ", selected high priority c andidate s ubstr ate s a nd the cor responding F-b o x ad aptor proteins will be anal yz e d th r ou gh bi ochemic a la n d c el lbio lo g ic al me tho ds to p lace these pr ot eins into re g ul atory andphy siological p ath ways w it h a n init ial focu s on a BACH1, a signal -d e penden t transc r i pt iona l repressor of NR F 2- d ependent genes and a n o ve l sub str ate of SCF F", "underscore_trick": ", selected_high priority_candidate substrates and the_corresponding F-box_adaptor_proteins will_be_analyzed through biochemical_and cell biological_methods to place these_proteins into regulatory_and_physiological pathways with an initial focus on a BACH1, a signal-dependent transcriptional repressor of_NRF2-dependent_genes and_a_novel_substrate of SCFF"} +{"text": " within a single complex model, and (d) a clear and fruitful separation between hypothesis testing (confirmatory analysis) and hypothesis generation (exploratory analysis). We also outline plans for integrative analyses across the populations under study within the Multicenter, including the construction of models that can be used for systematic cross", "synonym_substitution": "within a single complex model, and (d) a clear and fruitful separation between guess examination (collateral analysis) and hypothesis generation (exploratory psychoanalysis). We also outline plans for consolidative analysis across the populations under survey within the Multicenter, including the construction of model that can be used for systematic cross", "butter_fingers": " wihhin a single complex moael, and (d) a clece and hruitfum separagion between hypothesis testmng (xonfiematory analysis) and hhpothesis generatuon (txploratory analysis). We also oufpine 'lans for integtative analyves across the pupblations under study within the Multycenter, ijcluding the cjnstgustioh of models that can be used for sgstematpc cross", "random_deletion": "within a single complex model, and (d) and separation between testing (confirmatory analysis) We outline plans for analyses across the under study within the Multicenter, including construction of models that can be used for systematic cross", "change_char_case": " within a single complex model, And (d) a clear And frUitFul SeParaTion Between hypotheSIs teSting (confirmatory analySis) anD hYPothESiS geneRation (eXPlORAtoRy AnAlySiS). we Also oUtlIne planS for integrAtiVe Analyses acroSS tHe populatiOns Under study wiThiN the MuLtIceNTer, inCluDing tHe consTRuctioN of models ThAT can be USed for sYSTeMatiC cross", "whitespace_perturbation": " within a single complex m odel, and(d) a cl ear a nd f ruit ful separation betw een hypothesis testing (con fi r mato r yanaly sis) an d h y p oth es is ge ne r at ion ( exp lorator y analysis ).We also outlin e p lans for i nte grative anal yse s acro ss th e popu lat ionsunders tudy w ithin the M u lticen t er, inc l u di ng t he construction o f m o dels that canbe use df or s yst ema tic cross", "underscore_trick": " within_a single_complex model, and (d)_a clear_and_fruitful separation_between_hypothesis testing (confirmatory_analysis) and hypothesis_generation (exploratory analysis). We_also outline plans_for_integrative analyses across the populations under study within the Multicenter, including the construction of_models_that can_be_used_for systematic cross"} +{"text": " expression in ocular tissues. With the recent renewal of the T32 Training grant, these modules will also continue to serve as an integral resource for pre- and postdoctoral trainees in the Case Visual Sciences Training Program. The Visual Sciences at Case has receives very strong institutional support, including, construction of a centralized facility for Core Grant", "synonym_substitution": "expression in ocular tissues. With the recent renewal of the T32 education concession, these module will also stay to suffice as an integral resource for pre- and postdoctoral trainees in the Case Visual Sciences Training Program. The Visual Sciences at Case has receive very solid institutional support, include, construction of a centralized facility for Core Grant", "butter_fingers": " exoression in ocular tissuts. With the recenj eenewan of tge T32 Trakning grant, these modules wipl also continue to serve as xn integrwl resouece hor pre- and postvkctoral trainscs in vhe Case Visual Sciences Draining Progrdm. Tke Visual Sciences at Case has receides veru dtrong institujionak suplort, including, construction of a csntralieed facility for Cpre Grant", "random_deletion": "expression in ocular tissues. With the recent the Training grant, modules will also integral for pre- and trainees in the Visual Sciences Training Program. The Visual at Case has receives very strong institutional support, including, construction of a centralized for Core Grant", "change_char_case": " expression in ocular tissues. with the recEnt reNewAl oF tHe T32 TRainIng grant, these mODuleS will also continue to serVe as aN iNTegrAL rEsourCe for prE- AnD POstDoCtOraL tRAiNees iN thE Case ViSual SciencEs TRaIning Program. tHe visual ScieNceS at Case has reCeiVes verY sTroNG instItuTionaL suppoRT, incluDing, constRuCTion of A CentralIZEd FaciLity for Core Grant", "whitespace_perturbation": " expression in ocular tiss ues. Withthe r ece ntre newa l of the T32 Train i ng g rant, these modules wi ll al so cont i nu e toserve a s a n int eg ra l r es o ur ce fo r p re- and postdocto ral t rainees in t h eCase Visua l S ciences Trai nin g Prog ra m.T he Vi sua l Sci encesa t Case has rece iv e s very strongi n st itut ional support, in c lu d ing, construct ion of a ce n t ral ize d facility f or Co r e Grant ", "underscore_trick": " expression_in ocular_tissues. With the recent_renewal of_the_T32 Training_grant,_these modules will_also continue to_serve as an integral_resource for pre-_and_postdoctoral trainees in the Case Visual Sciences Training Program. The Visual Sciences at Case_has_receives very_strong_institutional_support, including, construction of a_centralized facility for Core Grant"} +{"text": " II, MPS III A and MPS III B. To complement the studies with human subjects, a drug (suramin) induced animal model of MPS has been developed and a canine model, (natural), of MPS I (alpha-L-iduronidase deficiency), has been fully characterized. In an", "synonym_substitution": "II, MPS III A and MPS III B. To complement the studies with human subjects, a drug (suramin) induced animal model of MPS has been develop and a canine exemplar, (natural), of MPS I (alpha - L - iduronidase deficiency), has been in full characterized. In an", "butter_fingers": " II, MPS III A and MPS III B. To complement jhw studmes witg human rubjects, a drug (suramin) indured qnimao model of MPS has beev developvd and a xaniie model, (natural), of MPS L (alpgw-L-idbrinidase deficigncy), has beet fully characdefived. In an", "random_deletion": "II, MPS III A and MPS III complement studies with subjects, a drug MPS been developed and canine model, (natural), MPS I (alpha-L-iduronidase deficiency), has been characterized. In an", "change_char_case": " II, MPS III A and MPS III B. To compLement the sTudieS wiTh hUmAn suBjecTs, a drug (suramin) INducEd animal model of MPS has bEen deVeLOped ANd A caniNe model, (NAtURAl), oF MpS i (alPhA-l-iDuronIdaSe deficIency), has beEn fUlLy characteriZEd. in an", "whitespace_perturbation": " II, MPS III A and MPS III B. To com pleme ntthe s tudi es w ith human subj e cts, a drug (suramin) indu ced a ni m al m o de l ofMPS has be e n de ve lo ped a n da can ine model, (natural) , o fMPS I (alpha - L- iduronidas e d eficiency),has beenfu lly chara cte rized . In a n ", "underscore_trick": " II,_MPS III_A and MPS III_B. To_complement_the studies_with_human subjects, a_drug (suramin) induced_animal model of MPS_has been developed_and_a canine model, (natural), of MPS I (alpha-L-iduronidase deficiency), has been fully characterized. In_an"} +{"text": " PROJECT SUMMARY The molecular mechanisms that underpin the development of insulin resistance with age remain poorly defined, yet a better understanding of this process is critical, given the fact that obesity, metabolic disease and diabetes have reached epidemic status in the US. We discovered that alternative splicing of the insulin receptor in humans leads to truncated isoforms that", "synonym_substitution": "PROJECT SUMMARY The molecular mechanisms that underpin the development of insulin resistance with old age persist poorly defined, yet a better sympathy of this process is critical, given the fact that fleshiness, metabolic disease and diabetes have reached epidemic status in the US. We discovered that alternate splice of the insulin receptor in humans precede to truncated isoforms that", "butter_fingers": " PRLJECT SUMMARY The molecuuar mechanisms jhqt undxrpin tge develupment of insulin resistance wuth ate remain poorly defindd, yet a hetter ubderwranding of this process jd crntmcal, given the nact that otesity, metabolhc dnsease and diabetes have reached epiqemic syahus in the US. Re dpssovedvd that alternative splicing of the invulin receptot in humans leads to truncwted isoforms that", "random_deletion": "PROJECT SUMMARY The molecular mechanisms that underpin of resistance with remain poorly defined, this is critical, given fact that obesity, disease and diabetes have reached epidemic in the US. We discovered that alternative splicing of the insulin receptor in leads to truncated isoforms that", "change_char_case": " PROJECT SUMMARY The moleculaR mechanismS that UndErpIn The dEvelOpment of insuliN ResiStance with age remain pooRly deFiNEd, yeT A bEtter UnderstANdING of ThIs ProCeSS iS critIcaL, given tHe fact that ObeSiTy, metabolic dISeAse and diabEteS have reached EpiDemic sTaTus IN the Us. We DiscoVered tHAt alteRnative spLiCIng of tHE insuliN REcEptoR in humans leads to tRUnCAted isoforms thAt", "whitespace_perturbation": " PROJECT SUMMARY The molec ular mecha nisms th atun derp in t he development of i nsulin resistance with agere m ainp oo rly d efined, ye t a b et te r u nd e rs tandi ngof this process i s c ri tical, given th e fact tha t o besity, meta bol ic dis ea sea nd di abe tes h ave re a ched e pidemic s ta t us int he US.W e d isco vered that altern a ti v e splicing ofthe in su l in r ece pto r in human sleads to trun c at e d iso f orms that", "underscore_trick": " PROJECT_SUMMARY The_molecular mechanisms that underpin_the development_of_insulin resistance_with_age remain poorly_defined, yet a_better understanding of this_process is critical,_given_the fact that obesity, metabolic disease and diabetes have reached epidemic status in the_US._We discovered_that_alternative_splicing of the insulin receptor_in humans leads to truncated_isoforms that"} +{"text": "aucomatous subjects. Our Specific Aims are to (1) detect the earliest possible evidence of glaucomatous damage and progression. We will compare objective, quantitative ocular structural measurements obtained by ocular imaging and functional measurements, to test the prediction that changes structural functional change, and to characterize those changes, (", "synonym_substitution": "aucomatous subjects. Our Specific Aims are to (1) detect the earliest possible evidence of glaucomatous damage and progress. We will compare objective, quantitative ocular geomorphologic measurements obtained by ocular imaging and running measurements, to test the prediction that changes geomorphologic functional change, and to qualify those variety, (", "butter_fingers": "auclmatous subjects. Our Spegific Aims are to (1) detert the sarliest possible evidence of glaucolarous eamage and progression. We will bompare ovjecuive, quantitative ocular structhval mzawurements obtalned by ocunar imaging ang wuuctional measurements, to test the prqdictiom hhat changes sjructlrwl fhnctional change, and to characteriae thost changes, (", "random_deletion": "aucomatous subjects. Our Specific Aims are to the possible evidence glaucomatous damage and quantitative structural measurements obtained ocular imaging and measurements, to test the prediction that structural functional change, and to characterize those changes, (", "change_char_case": "aucomatous subjects. Our SpecIfic Aims arE to (1) deTecT thE eArliEst pOssible evidencE Of glAucomatous damage and proGressIoN. we wiLL cOmparE objectIVe, QUAntItAtIve OcULaR struCtuRal measUrements obTaiNeD by ocular imaGInG and functiOnaL measurementS, to Test thE pRedICtion ThaT chanGes strUCtural FunctionaL cHAnge, anD To charaCTErIze tHose changes, (", "whitespace_perturbation": "aucomatous subjects. Our S pecific Ai ms ar e t o ( 1) det ectthe earliest p o ssib le evidence of glaucom atous d a mage an d pro gressio n .W e wi ll c omp ar e o bject ive , quant itative oc ula rstructural m e as urements o bta ined by ocul arimagin gand funct ion al me asurem e nts, t o test th ep redict i on that c ha nges structural funct i on a l change, andto cha ra c te r i zetho se changes ,(", "underscore_trick": "aucomatous subjects._Our Specific_Aims are to (1)_detect the_earliest_possible evidence_of_glaucomatous damage and_progression. We will_compare objective, quantitative ocular_structural measurements obtained_by_ocular imaging and functional measurements, to test the prediction that changes structural functional change,_and_to characterize_those_changes,_("} +{"text": ". The CC is a Genetic Reference Population and, therefore, the number of lines available has a direct impact in the power of detecting loci with small to moderate effects and on the ability to select lines that are uniquely suited to specific research projects. This proposal is concerned with skeletal muscle function, energy metabolism and biochemical adaptations induced by", "synonym_substitution": ". The CC is a Genetic Reference Population and, therefore, the number of lines available take a lineal impact in the power of detect loci with little to moderate effects and on the ability to choose lines that are uniquely suited to specific research undertaking. This proposal is concerned with bony muscle function, energy metabolism and biochemical adaptation induced by", "butter_fingers": ". Thf CC is a Genetic Referekce Population aue, therxfore, tge numbef of lines available has a dmrecr impqct in the power of degecting llci with smaoo to moderefe effegcs ans on chx ability to sekect lines that are uniqgeuy suited to specific research projeces. This pgoposal is conserntd rith skeletal muscle function, energy mstabolivm and biochekical adaptations induced hy", "random_deletion": ". The CC is a Genetic Reference therefore, number of available has a of loci with small moderate effects and the ability to select lines that uniquely suited to specific research projects. This proposal is concerned with skeletal muscle energy metabolism and biochemical adaptations induced by", "change_char_case": ". The CC is a Genetic Reference POpulation aNd, theRefOre, ThE numBer oF lines availablE Has a Direct impact in the power Of detEcTIng lOCi With sMall to mODeRATe eFfEcTs aNd ON tHe abiLitY to seleCt lines thaT arE uNiquely suiteD To Specific reSeaRch projects. THis ProposAl Is cONcernEd wIth skEletal MUscle fUnction, enErGY metabOLism and BIOcHemiCal adaptations indUCeD By", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The CC is a Genetic Refe rence Popu latio n a nd, t here fore , the number o f lin es available has a dir ect i mp a ct i n t he po wer ofd et e c tin glo ciwi t hsmall to modera te effects an don the abili t yto selectlin es that areuni quelysu ite d to s pec ificresear c h proj ects. Thi sp roposa l is con c e rn ed w ith skeletal musc l ef unction, energ y meta bo l is m and bi ochemicalad aptat i ons ind u ce d b y", "underscore_trick": ". The_CC is_a Genetic Reference Population_and, therefore,_the_number of_lines_available has a_direct impact in_the power of detecting_loci with small_to_moderate effects and on the ability to select lines that are uniquely suited to_specific_research projects._This_proposal_is concerned with skeletal muscle_function, energy metabolism and biochemical_adaptations induced_by"} +{"text": " response to a fifteen minute, 15[unreadable] head-down tilt positional challenge. Measures of HF self-care will be compared to the relative change in measures of cardiac performance in response to body positioning. This research study examines the self-care behaviors of persons with heart failure and how their heart functions at rest and", "synonym_substitution": "response to a fifteen minute, 15[unreadable ] head - down tilt positional challenge. bill of HF self - caution will be compared to the relative change in measure of cardiac performance in response to torso positioning. This research survey examines the self - care behavior of persons with heart bankruptcy and how their heart functions at rest and", "butter_fingers": " redponse to a fifteen minuue, 15[unreadable] heab-eown tmlt posjtional zhallenge. Measures of HF selh-carw wilo be compared to the rdlative cjange in meawyres of cacsiac pevyormahge in cesponse to bodi positioninc. This researcv rtbdy examines the self-care behaviors jf perspnd with heart fwiluge and how their heart functions at rest and", "random_deletion": "response to a fifteen minute, 15[unreadable] head-down challenge. of HF will be compared measures cardiac performance in to body positioning. research study examines the self-care behaviors persons with heart failure and how their heart functions at rest and", "change_char_case": " response to a fifteen minute, 15[uNreadable] hEad-doWn tIlt PoSitiOnal Challenge. MeasuREs of hF self-care will be comparEd to tHe RElatIVe ChangE in measUReS OF caRdIaC peRfORmAnce iN reSponse tO body positIonInG. This researcH StUdy examineS thE self-care behAviOrs of pErSonS With hEarT failUre and HOw theiR heart funCtIOns at rESt and", "whitespace_perturbation": " response to a fifteen min ute, 15[un reada ble ] h ea d-do wn t ilt positional chal lenge. Measures of HFself- ca r e wi l lbe co mparedt ot h e r el at ive c h an ge in me asuresof cardiac pe rf ormance in r e sp onse to bo dypositioning. Th is res ea rch study ex amine s thes elf-ca re behavi or s of pe r sons wi t h h eart failure and howt he i r heart functi ons at r e st a nd", "underscore_trick": " response_to a_fifteen minute, 15[unreadable] head-down_tilt positional_challenge._Measures of_HF_self-care will be_compared to the_relative change in measures_of cardiac performance_in_response to body positioning. This research study examines the self-care behaviors of persons with_heart_failure and_how_their_heart functions at rest and"} +{"text": " called Greatwall (Gwl) and its effector Endosulfine (Endos). MPF phosphorylates and thus activates Gwl; Gwl in turn phosphorylates and thus activates Endos, and phosphorylated Endos (pEndos) binds to and thus inactivates PP2A/B55", "synonym_substitution": "called Greatwall (Gwl) and its effector Endosulfine (Endos). MPF phosphorylates and thus activates Gwl; Gwl in twist phosphorylates and therefore activates Endos, and phosphorylated Endos (pEndos) binds to and therefore inactivates PP2A / B55", "butter_fingers": " capled Greatwall (Gwl) and ius effector Endosoldine (Eidos). MPR phosphurylates and thus activates Jwl; Twl ib turn phosphorylates xnd thus wctivatew Envos, and phosphorbmated Ekbos (pSkdos) yiids to and thus inactivatas PP2A/B55", "random_deletion": "called Greatwall (Gwl) and its effector Endosulfine phosphorylates thus activates Gwl in turn and Endos (pEndos) binds and thus inactivates", "change_char_case": " called Greatwall (Gwl) and its eFfector EndOsulfIne (endOs). mPF pHospHorylates and thUS actIvates Gwl; Gwl in turn phosPhoryLaTEs anD ThUs actIvates ENDoS, ANd pHoSpHorYlATeD EndoS (pENdos) binDs to and thuS inAcTivates PP2A/B55", "whitespace_perturbation": " called Greatwall (Gwl) an d its effe ctorEnd osu lf ine(End os). MPF phosp h oryl ates and thus activate s Gwl ;G wl i n t urn p hosphor y la t e s a nd t hus a c ti vates En dos, an d phosphor yla te d Endos (pEn d os ) binds to an d thus inact iva tes PP 2A /B5 5 ", "underscore_trick": " called_Greatwall (Gwl)_and its effector Endosulfine_(Endos). MPF_phosphorylates_and thus_activates_Gwl; Gwl in_turn phosphorylates and_thus activates Endos, and_phosphorylated Endos (pEndos)_binds_to and thus inactivates PP2A/B55"} +{"text": " MIP-1alpha showed improved neurologic status and a longer lifespan. The results indicate that the pathogenesis of Sandhoff disease involves an increase in MIP-1alpha that induces monocytes to infiltrate the brain, expand the activated macrophage/microglial population, and trigger apoptosis of neurons, resulting in a rapid neurodegenerative", "synonym_substitution": "MIP-1alpha showed improved neurologic status and a long life. The results indicate that the pathogenesis of Sandhoff disease imply an addition in MIP-1alpha that induces monocytes to infiltrate the brain, boom the activated macrophage / microglial population, and trigger apoptosis of nerve cell, result in a rapid neurodegenerative", "butter_fingers": " MIO-1alpha showed improved nturologic status cbd a lmnger mifespan. The results indicate that tie pqthogtuesis of Sandhoff direase invllves an inccease in MIP-1alphe that ikbuces lonoeyves to infiltraje the brain, expand the acdixaced macrophage/microglial population, wnd tribgfr apoptosis os nelrjns, dvsmlting in a rapid neurodegeneratjve", "random_deletion": "MIP-1alpha showed improved neurologic status and a The indicate that pathogenesis of Sandhoff MIP-1alpha induces monocytes to the brain, expand activated macrophage/microglial population, and trigger apoptosis neurons, resulting in a rapid neurodegenerative", "change_char_case": " MIP-1alpha showed improved neuRologic staTus anD a lOngEr LifeSpan. the results indiCAte tHat the pathogenesis of SaNdhofF dISeasE InVolveS an incrEAsE IN MIp-1aLpHa tHaT InDuces MonOcytes tO infiltratE thE bRain, expand thE AcTivated macRopHage/microgliAl pOpulatIoN, anD TriggEr aPoptoSis of nEUrons, rEsulting iN a RApid neURodegenERAtIve", "whitespace_perturbation": " MIP-1alpha showed improve d neurolog ic st atu s a nd a l onge r lifespan. Th e res ults indicate that the path og e nesi s o f San dhoff d i se a s e i nv ol ves a n i ncrea sein MIP- 1alpha tha t i nd uces monocyt e sto infiltr ate the brain,exp and th eact i vated ma croph age/mi c roglia l populat io n , andt riggera p op tosi s of neurons, res u lt i ng in a rapidneurod eg e ne r a tiv e", "underscore_trick": " MIP-1alpha_showed improved_neurologic status and a_longer lifespan._The_results indicate_that_the pathogenesis of_Sandhoff disease involves_an increase in MIP-1alpha_that induces monocytes_to_infiltrate the brain, expand the activated macrophage/microglial population, and trigger apoptosis of neurons, resulting_in_a rapid_neurodegenerative"} +{"text": " as outlined by three Specific Aims. In the first Aim, we will investigate the structural and molecular basis for C1 inhibition by BBK32 and follow-up on interesting preliminary data which suggests that other Lyme disease associated Borrelia BBK32?s have differential activity. In the second aim, we will", "synonym_substitution": "as outlined by three Specific Aims. In the first Aim, we will investigate the structural and molecular footing for C1 prohibition by BBK32 and play along - up on interesting preliminary data which suggest that early Lyme disease associated Borrelia BBK32?s have differential activity. In the second purpose, we will", "butter_fingers": " as outlined by three Specinic Aims. In the yurst Amm, we wjll invertigate the structural and mllwculae basis for C1 inhibitiun by BBK32 and foloow-uk on interesting 'deliminary dafw whnci suggests that other Lyma disease assowixtzd Borrelia BBK32?s have differential astivity. Ij the second aym, wt wyll", "random_deletion": "as outlined by three Specific Aims. In Aim, will investigate structural and molecular BBK32 follow-up on interesting data which suggests other Lyme disease associated Borrelia BBK32?s differential activity. In the second aim, we will", "change_char_case": " as outlined by three Specific aims. In the fIrst AIm, wE wiLl InveStigAte the structurAL and Molecular basis for C1 inhiBitioN bY bBK32 aND fOllow-Up on intEReSTIng PrElImiNaRY dAta whIch SuggestS that other lymE dIsease associATeD Borrelia BbK32?s Have differenTiaL activItY. In THe secOnd Aim, we Will", "whitespace_perturbation": " as outlined by three Spec ific Aims. In t hefir st Aim , we will investig a te t he structural and mole cular b a sisf or C1 i nhibiti o nb y BB K3 2and f o ll ow-up on intere sting prel imi na ry data whic h s uggests th atother Lyme d ise ase as so cia t ed Bo rre lia B BK32?s have d ifferenti al activi t y. In t h e s econ d aim, we will", "underscore_trick": " as_outlined by_three Specific Aims. In_the first_Aim,_we will_investigate_the structural and_molecular basis for_C1 inhibition by BBK32_and follow-up on_interesting_preliminary data which suggests that other Lyme disease associated Borrelia BBK32?s have differential activity._In_the second_aim,_we_will"} +{"text": " that 21B, which is expressed during late prenatal/early postnatal brain development, is essential to SCN1B function. Further, it is proposed that disruptions in SCN1B expression during this critical developmental period result in defects in brain circuitry, as well as aberrant VGSC subcellular localization in neurons, that", "synonym_substitution": "that 21B, which is expressed during late prenatal / early postnatal brain development, is all-important to SCN1B affair. Further, it is proposed that disruptions in SCN1B formulation during this critical developmental period result in blemish in genius circuitry, as well as aberrant VGSC subcellular localization of function in nerve cell, that", "butter_fingers": " thwt 21B, which is expressed auring late preuqtal/eacly posfnatal bfain development, is essentiap ro SCB1B function. Further, it is propoded that discuptions in SCN1B expressljn dhving chms critical devglopmental pariod result it aeyects in brain circuitry, as well as wberrany GGSC subcellulwr lpsaliaation in neurons, that", "random_deletion": "that 21B, which is expressed during late brain is essential SCN1B function. Further, in expression during this developmental period result defects in brain circuitry, as well aberrant VGSC subcellular localization in neurons, that", "change_char_case": " that 21B, which is expressed duriNg late prenAtal/eArlY poStNataL braIn development, iS EsseNtial to SCN1B function. FurTher, iT iS PropOSeD that DisruptIOnS IN SCn1B ExPreSsIOn DurinG thIs critiCal developMenTaL period resulT In Defects in bRaiN circuitry, as WelL as abeRrAnt vgSC suBceLlulaR localIZation In neurons, ThAT", "whitespace_perturbation": " that 21B, which is expres sed during late pr ena ta l/ea rlypostnatal brai n dev elopment, is essential to S CN 1 B fu n ct ion.Further , i t ispr op ose dt ha t dis rup tions i n SCN1B ex pre ss ion during t h is criticaldev elopmental p eri od res ul t i n defe cts in b rain c i rcuitr y, as wel la s aber r ant VGS C su bcel lular localizatio n i n neurons, that ", "underscore_trick": " that_21B, which_is expressed during late_prenatal/early postnatal_brain_development, is_essential_to SCN1B function._Further, it is_proposed that disruptions in_SCN1B expression during_this_critical developmental period result in defects in brain circuitry, as well as aberrant VGSC_subcellular_localization in_neurons,_that"} +{"text": " tethers and luciferase within virus-infected cells. Reactions between luciferase and tethered luciferin will be monitored as a function of hypericin activation using fluorescence spectroscopy. Finally, cells will be assayed for production of infectious virus. The results of these studies will determine if chemiluminescent activation of hypericin or", "synonym_substitution": "tethers and luciferase within virus - infected cells. Reactions between luciferase and tethered luciferin will be monitor as a affair of hypericin activation using fluorescence spectroscopy. Finally, cell will be assayed for production of infectious virus. The resultant role of these study will determine if chemiluminescent activation of hypericin or", "butter_fingers": " tehhers and luciferase witmin virus-infecteb cells. Reactjons betdeen luciferase and tethered lycifeein will be monitored xs a funcnion of htpermcin activation naing flmjresdcnce v'ectroscopy. Finslly, cells will be assayad flr production of infectious virus. Tre resuktd of these stuqies rill determine if chemiluminescent actjvation of hypericin or", "random_deletion": "tethers and luciferase within virus-infected cells. Reactions and luciferin will monitored as a fluorescence Finally, cells will assayed for production infectious virus. The results of these will determine if chemiluminescent activation of hypericin or", "change_char_case": " tethers and luciferase withiN virus-infeCted cEllS. ReAcTionS betWeen luciferase ANd teThered luciferin will be mOnitoReD As a fUNcTion oF hyperiCIn ACTivAtIoN usInG FlUoresCenCe spectRoscopy. FinAllY, cElls will be asSAyEd for produCtiOn of infectioUs vIrus. ThE rEsuLTs of tHesE studIes wilL DetermIne if chemIlUMinescENt activATIoN of hYpericin or", "whitespace_perturbation": " tethers and luciferase wi thin virus -infe cte d c el ls.Reac tions betweenl ucif erase and tethered luc iferi nw illb emonit ored as af u nct io nofhy p er icinact ivation using flu ore sc ence spectro s co py. Finall y,cells will b e a ssayed f orp roduc tio n ofinfect i ous vi rus. There s ults o f theses t ud ieswill determine if ch e miluminescentactiva ti o no f hy per icin or", "underscore_trick": " tethers_and luciferase_within virus-infected cells. Reactions_between luciferase_and_tethered luciferin_will_be monitored as_a function of_hypericin activation using fluorescence_spectroscopy. Finally, cells_will_be assayed for production of infectious virus. The results of these studies will determine_if_chemiluminescent activation_of_hypericin_or"} +{"text": " other schools, and disseminate teaching guides, We anticipate that exemplary universities of tobacco teaching can be developed and serve as regional and national role models. We are aided in this effort by national representatives of major primary care prance organizations, preventive health specialists, medical student organizations, and cancer control advocates. With expertise in medical student", "synonym_substitution": "other schools, and disseminate teaching guidebook, We expect that exemplary universities of tobacco teaching can be evolve and serve as regional and national function models. We are aided in this attempt by national representatives of major basal care prance constitution, preventive health specialists, medical student organizations, and cancer control advocate. With expertise in medical student", "butter_fingers": " otjer schools, and disseminxte teaching gunees, We anticjpate thxt exemplary universities of tibacci teaching can be deveuoped and serve aw rejional and natioizl role modela. We crx aided in this effort by national reprasdncatives of major primary care prance organiaahions, preventide htaleh slvclalists, medical student organizafions, aid cancer contrpl advocates. With expertisf in medical student", "random_deletion": "other schools, and disseminate teaching guides, We exemplary of tobacco can be developed national models. We are in this effort national representatives of major primary care organizations, preventive health specialists, medical student organizations, and cancer control advocates. With expertise medical student", "change_char_case": " other schools, and disseminatE teaching gUides, we aNtiCiPate That Exemplary univeRSitiEs of tobacco teaching can Be devElOPed aND sErve aS regionAL aND NatIoNaL roLe MOdEls. We Are Aided in This effort By nAtIonal represeNTaTives of majOr pRimary care prAncE organIzAtiONs, preVenTive hEalth sPEcialiSts, medicaL sTUdent oRGanizatIONs, And cAncer control advocATeS. with expertise iN medicAl STuDENt", "whitespace_perturbation": " other schools, and dissem inate teac hinggui des ,We a ntic ipate that exe m plar y universities of toba cco t ea c hing ca n bedevelop e da n d s er ve as r e gi onaland nation al role mo del s. We are aide d i n this eff ort by national re presen ta tiv e s ofmaj or pr imaryc are pr ance orga ni z ations , preven t i ve hea lth specialists,m ed i cal student or ganiza ti o ns , and ca ncer contr ol advo c ates. W i th e x per t ise in medica l student", "underscore_trick": " other_schools, and_disseminate teaching guides, We_anticipate that_exemplary_universities of_tobacco_teaching can be_developed and serve_as regional and national_role models. We_are_aided in this effort by national representatives of major primary care prance organizations, preventive_health_specialists, medical_student_organizations,_and cancer control advocates. With_expertise in medical student"} +{"text": " develop an isolated mammalian parietal cell preparation which would permit direct metabolic study of the parietal cells and resolve the problem of structural localization of presumed key enzymes inth cyclic nucleotide system in the analytical approach of acid generation mechanisms. We plan to further define the localization of cyclic nucleotide activity by developing immunofluorescence techniques which will selectively localize cyclic AMP", "synonym_substitution": "develop an isolated mammalian parietal cell preparation which would let lineal metabolic study of the parietal cells and purpose the trouble of structural localization of presumed cardinal enzyme inth cyclic nucleotide system in the analytical approach of acid generation mechanism. We plan to further specify the localization of function of cyclic nucleotide activity by developing immunofluorescence technique which will selectively localize cyclic AMP", "butter_fingers": " degelop an isolated mammallan parietal cell prepacation shich wojld permit direct metabolic dtydy od the parietal cells avd resolvv the provlem if structuczl localizatikk of 'rxsumed key enzykes inth cfclic nucleotige svstem in the analytical approach of wcid gemegation mechanifms. Eq plzn to further define the localizatjon of byclic nucleotide activity by developing imlunovluorescence technlques which wilj selectively localize bvclic AMP", "random_deletion": "develop an isolated mammalian parietal cell preparation permit metabolic study the parietal cells structural of presumed key inth cyclic nucleotide in the analytical approach of acid mechanisms. We plan to further define the localization of cyclic nucleotide activity by immunofluorescence techniques which will selectively localize cyclic AMP", "change_char_case": " develop an isolated mammaliaN parietal cEll prEpaRatIoN whiCh woUld permit direcT MetaBolic study of the parietaL cellS aND resOLvE the pRoblem oF StRUCtuRaL lOcaLiZAtIon of PreSumed keY enzymes inTh cYcLic nucleotidE SyStem in the aNalYtical approaCh oF acid gEnEraTIon meChaNisms. we plan TO furthEr define tHe LOcalizATion of cYCLiC nucLeotide activity by DEvELoping immunoflUorescEnCE tECHniQueS which will SeLectiVEly locaLIzE CYCliC aMP", "whitespace_perturbation": " develop an isolated mamma lian parie tal c ell pr ep arat ionwhich would pe r mitdirect metabolic study of t he pari e ta l cel ls andr es o l veth epro bl e mof st ruc tural l ocalizatio n o fpresumed key en zymes inth cy clic nucleot ide syste mint he an aly tical appro a ch ofacid gene ra t ion me c hanisms . We pla n to further defi n et he localizatio n of c yc l ic n ucl eot ide activi ty by d e velopin g i m m u nof l uorescence te chniques wh i chwill s el ect i vely l ocali ze cyc lic AMP", "underscore_trick": " develop_an isolated_mammalian parietal cell preparation_which would_permit_direct metabolic_study_of the parietal_cells and resolve_the problem of structural_localization of presumed_key_enzymes inth cyclic nucleotide system in the analytical approach of acid generation mechanisms. We_plan_to further_define_the_localization of cyclic nucleotide activity_by developing immunofluorescence techniques which_will selectively_localize cyclic AMP"} +{"text": " Y2 receptor antagonists (Aim 2A). Previous studies indicate that inflammation up-regulates the expression of NPY and Y1 in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARC), and that microinjection of NPY into the ARC attenuated behavioral signs of heat hypersensitivity. In Aim 2B, I propose to", "synonym_substitution": "Y2 receptor antagonists (Aim 2A). Previous studies bespeak that excitement up - regulates the expression of NPY and Y1 in the arcuate lens nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARC), and that microinjection of NPY into the ARC attenuated behavioral signs of hotness hypersensitivity. In Aim 2B, I propose to", "butter_fingers": " Y2 geceptor antagonists (Aim 2A). Previous stubues invicate fhat infuammation up-regulates the ex'reswion if NPY and Y1 in the arzuate nucpeus of rhe iypothalamus (ARC), and thab micdlinjzcvion of NPY intp the ARC dttenuated behdvkoxal signs of heat hypersensitivity. Ig Aim 2B, I propose to", "random_deletion": "Y2 receptor antagonists (Aim 2A). Previous studies inflammation the expression NPY and Y1 the (ARC), and that of NPY into ARC attenuated behavioral signs of heat In Aim 2B, I propose to", "change_char_case": " Y2 receptor antagonists (Aim 2A). PRevious stuDies iNdiCatE tHat iNflaMmation up-regulATes tHe expression of NPY and Y1 iN the aRcUAte nUClEus of The hypoTHaLAMus (aRc), aNd tHaT MiCroinJecTion of NpY into the ArC aTtEnuated behavIOrAl signs of hEat HypersensitiVitY. In Aim 2b, I ProPOse to", "whitespace_perturbation": " Y2 receptor antagonists ( Aim 2A). P revio usstu di es i ndic ate that infla m mati on up-regulates the ex press io n ofN PY andY1 in t h ea r cua te n ucl eu s o f the hy pothala mus (ARC), an dthat microin j ec tion of NP Y i nto the ARCatt enuate dbeh a viora l s ignsof hea t hyper sensitivi ty . In Ai m 2B, Ip r op oseto", "underscore_trick": " Y2_receptor antagonists_(Aim 2A). Previous studies_indicate that_inflammation_up-regulates the_expression_of NPY and_Y1 in the_arcuate nucleus of the_hypothalamus (ARC), and_that_microinjection of NPY into the ARC attenuated behavioral signs of heat hypersensitivity. In Aim_2B,_I propose_to"} +{"text": ") Division of Pediatric Pathology, the Milwaukee-based NIH/NIEHS-sponsored Children's Environmental Health Science Core Center (CEHSCC), the Yantalo Peru Foundation, and most recently the Oregon State University Superfund Research Program. Inherent strengths of this multidisciplinary group are magnified by new availability of a", "synonym_substitution": ") Division of Pediatric Pathology, the Milwaukee - based NIH / NIEHS - sponsored Children's Environmental Health Science Core Center (CEHSCC), the Yantalo Peru Foundation, and most recently the Oregon State University Superfund Research Program. built-in strength of this multidisciplinary group are magnified by newfangled handiness of a", "butter_fingers": ") Digision of Pediatric Pathulogy, the Milwaokwe-basev NIH/NISHS-sponsured Children's Environmental Hwalth Science Core Center (CDHSCC), the Yantalo Pern Foundation, and most regzntly bhe Oxejon State Univetsity Superfgnd Research Psoercm. Inherent strengths of this multidysciplimagy group are mwgnigyed gj kew availability of a", "random_deletion": ") Division of Pediatric Pathology, the Milwaukee-based Environmental Science Core (CEHSCC), the Yantalo the State University Superfund Program. Inherent strengths this multidisciplinary group are magnified by availability of a", "change_char_case": ") Division of Pediatric PatholOgy, the MilwAukee-BasEd NiH/nIEHs-spoNsored Children'S enviRonmental Health Science core CEnTEr (CEhsCc), the YAntalo PERu fOUndAtIoN, anD mOSt RecenTly The OregOn State UniVerSiTy Superfund RESeArch PrograM. InHerent strengThs Of this MuLtiDIscipLinAry grOup are MAgnifiEd by new avAiLAbilitY Of a", "whitespace_perturbation": ") Division of Pediatric Pa thology, t he Mi lwa uke e- base d NI H/NIEHS-sponso r ed C hildren's Environmenta l Hea lt h Sci e nc e Cor e Cente r ( C E HSC C) ,the Y a nt alo P eru Founda tion, andmos trecently the Or egon State Un iversity Sup erf und Re se arc h Prog ram . Inh erents trengt hs of thi sm ultidi s ciplina r y g roup are magnified by ne w availabilityof a", "underscore_trick": ") Division_of Pediatric_Pathology, the Milwaukee-based NIH/NIEHS-sponsored_Children's Environmental_Health_Science Core_Center_(CEHSCC), the Yantalo_Peru Foundation, and_most recently the Oregon_State University Superfund_Research_Program. Inherent strengths of this multidisciplinary group are magnified by new availability of a"} +{"text": " APOBEC3G expression and identify what is the critical specific pathway; to demonstrate the efficacy of CCR6-mediated HIV inhibition on a broad spectrum of primary and non-B viral isolates; and to measure the expression of CCR6, CCR6 ligands, and APOBEC3G in clinical specimens. PUBLIC HE", "synonym_substitution": "APOBEC3 G expression and identify what is the critical specific pathway; to attest the efficacy of CCR6 - intercede HIV inhibition on a broad spectrum of primary and non - B viral isolates; and to quantify the expression of CCR6, CCR6 ligands, and APOBEC3 G in clinical specimens. PUBLIC HE", "butter_fingers": " APLBEC3G expression and idektify what is thg xriticel specjfic patfway; to demonstrate the effiracy of CXR6-mediated HIV inhibitkon on a hroad spwctrnm of primary anv non-B vlxal iallatzs; and to measurg the expresvion of CCR6, CCS6 uiyands, and APOBEC3G in clinical specimqns. PUBKIF HE", "random_deletion": "APOBEC3G expression and identify what is the pathway; demonstrate the of CCR6-mediated HIV of and non-B viral and to measure expression of CCR6, CCR6 ligands, and in clinical specimens. PUBLIC HE", "change_char_case": " APOBEC3G expression and identIfy what is tHe criTicAl sPeCifiC patHway; to demonstrATe thE efficacy of CCR6-mediated hIV inHiBItioN On A broaD spectrUM oF PRimArY aNd nOn-b ViRal isOlaTes; and tO measure thE exPrEssion of CCR6, Ccr6 lIgands, and ApOBeC3G in clinicaL spEcimenS. PuBLic HE", "whitespace_perturbation": " APOBEC3G expression and i dentify wh at is th e c ri tica l sp ecific pathway ; todemonstrate the effica cy of C C R6-m e di atedHIV inh i bi t i onon a br oa d s pectr umof prim ary and no n-B v iral isolate s ;and to mea sur e the expres sio n of C CR 6,C CR6 l iga nds,and AP O BEC3Gin clinic al specim e ns. PUB L I CHE", "underscore_trick": " APOBEC3G_expression and_identify what is the_critical specific_pathway;_to demonstrate_the_efficacy of CCR6-mediated_HIV inhibition on_a broad spectrum of_primary and non-B_viral_isolates; and to measure the expression of CCR6, CCR6 ligands, and APOBEC3G in clinical_specimens._PUBLIC HE"} +{"text": " of antipyrine and its metabolites, norantipyrine, 4-hydroxyantipyrine, and 3-hydroxyantipyrine. This method involved studies to determine optimal buffer pH and molarity, ratio of solvents in the mobile phase of the system, and effects of centrifugation temperature during assay. Experiments", "synonym_substitution": "of antipyrine and its metabolites, norantipyrine, 4 - hydroxyantipyrine, and 3 - hydroxyantipyrine. This method involved studies to settle optimum buffer pH and molarity, ratio of solvent in the fluid phase of the system, and effects of centrifugation temperature during assay. Experiments", "butter_fingers": " of antipyrine and its metanolites, norantipirune, 4-hyvroxyanfipyrine, and 3-hydroxyantipyrine. This lerhod unvolved studies to degermine oitimal budfer pH and moledity, rabno of dolvznvs in the mobilg phase of tve system, and afweets of centrifugation temperature duwing asxaj. Experiments", "random_deletion": "of antipyrine and its metabolites, norantipyrine, 4-hydroxyantipyrine, This involved studies determine optimal buffer solvents the mobile phase the system, and of centrifugation temperature during assay. Experiments", "change_char_case": " of antipyrine and its metabolItes, norantIpyriNe, 4-hYdrOxYantIpyrIne, and 3-hydroxyaNTipyRine. This method involved StudiEs TO detERmIne opTimal buFFeR Ph anD mOlAriTy, RAtIo of sOlvEnts in tHe mobile phAse Of The system, and EFfEcts of centRifUgation tempeRatUre durInG asSAy. ExpEriMents", "whitespace_perturbation": " of antipyrine and its met abolites,noran tip yri ne , 4- hydr oxyantipyrine, and3-hydroxyantipyrine. T his m et h od i n vo lvedstudies to d ete rm in e o pt i ma l buf fer pH and molarity, ra ti o of solvent s i n the mobi lephase of the sy stem,an d e f fects of cent rifuga t ion te mperature d u ring a s say. Ex p e ri ment s", "underscore_trick": " of_antipyrine and_its metabolites, norantipyrine, 4-hydroxyantipyrine,_and 3-hydroxyantipyrine._This_method involved_studies_to determine optimal_buffer pH and_molarity, ratio of solvents_in the mobile_phase_of the system, and effects of centrifugation temperature during assay. Experiments"} +{"text": " in caspase-9 (an initiator caspase) activation, which ultimately activates effector caspases such as caspase-3 to execute cell demise. How Apaf-1 apoptosome is formed and regulated in vivo (i.e., in the stimulated cells) remains poorly understood. Recently, we provided evidence that physiological levels", "synonym_substitution": "in caspase-9 (an initiator caspase) activation, which ultimately activates effector caspases such as caspase-3 to perform cellular telephone demise. How Apaf-1 apoptosome is formed and determine in vivo (i.e., in the stimulated cell) remains poorly understand. Recently, we put up evidence that physiological degree", "butter_fingers": " in caspase-9 (an initiator carpase) activatiou, which ultimztely acgivates effector caspases surh aw caskcse-3 to execute cell aemise. Hoa Apaf-1 apoptiwome is focjed and regulzbed iu tivo (i.e., in the xtimulated cells) remains puoxly understood. Recently, we provided qvidencr hhat physiologycal jevems", "random_deletion": "in caspase-9 (an initiator caspase) activation, which effector such as to execute cell formed regulated in vivo in the stimulated remains poorly understood. Recently, we provided that physiological levels", "change_char_case": " in caspase-9 (an initiator caspaSe) activatiOn, whiCh uLtiMaTely ActiVates effector cASpasEs such as caspase-3 to execuTe celL dEMise. hOw apaf-1 aPoptosoME iS FOrmEd AnD reGuLAtEd in vIvo (I.e., in the Stimulated CelLs) Remains poorlY UnDerstood. ReCenTly, we provideD evIdence ThAt pHYsiolOgiCal leVels", "whitespace_perturbation": " in caspase-9 (an initiato r caspase) acti vat ion ,whic h ul timately activ a teseffector caspases such as c as p ase- 3 t o exe cute ce l ld e mis e. H owAp a f- 1 apo pto some is formed an d r eg ulated in vi v o(i.e., inthe stimulatedcel ls) re ma ins poorl y u nders tood.R ecentl y, we pro vi d ed evi d ence th a t p hysi ological levels", "underscore_trick": " in_caspase-9 (an_initiator caspase) activation, which_ultimately activates_effector_caspases such_as_caspase-3 to execute_cell demise. How_Apaf-1 apoptosome is formed_and regulated in_vivo_(i.e., in the stimulated cells) remains poorly understood. Recently, we provided evidence that physiological_levels"} +{"text": " ion transport proteins. The general functional properties of most Na+ transport proteins are understood. However, it is not clear what contribution individual Na+ transport proteins make to the overall secretion process, or which compensatory mechanisms may arise if the activity of a given transporter is perturbed. Thus, Aim 1 will determine which Na+ transport mechanisms", "synonym_substitution": "ion transport proteins. The general functional place of most Na+ ecstasy proteins are understood. However, it is not clear what contribution individual Na+ transportation proteins make to the overall secretion summons, or which compensatory mechanism may arise if the action of a given transporter is perturb. Thus, Aim 1 will decide which Na+ tape drive mechanisms", "butter_fingers": " ioj transport proteins. The general functional prmpertiss of mort Na+ transport proteins are ubdersujod. However, it is vot clear what cobtriuution individual Na+ trakfporf procemns make to the overall sacretion procevs, ox which compensatory mechanisms may wrise ig hhe activity os a byven nrcnsporter is perturbed. Thus, Aim 1 will vetermine which Na+ transport mechanisms", "random_deletion": "ion transport proteins. The general functional properties Na+ proteins are However, it is Na+ proteins make to overall secretion process, which compensatory mechanisms may arise if activity of a given transporter is perturbed. Thus, Aim 1 will determine which transport mechanisms", "change_char_case": " ion transport proteins. The geNeral functIonal ProPerTiEs of Most na+ transport proTEins Are understood. However, it Is not ClEAr whAT cOntriBution iNDiVIDuaL NA+ tRanSpORt ProteIns Make to tHe overall sEcrEtIon process, or WHiCh compensaTorY mechanisms mAy aRise if ThE acTIvity Of a Given TranspORter is Perturbed. thUS, Aim 1 wiLL determINE wHich na+ transport mechanISmS", "whitespace_perturbation": " ion transport proteins. T he general func tio nal p rope rtie s of most Na+t rans port proteins are unde rstoo d. Howe v er , itis notc le a r wh at c ont ri b ut ion i ndi vidualNa+ transp ort p roteins make to the overa llsecretion pr oce ss, or w hic h comp ens atory mecha n isms m ay ariseif the ac t ivity o f agive n transporter isp er t urbed. Thus, A im 1 w il l d e t erm ine which Na+ t ransp o rt mech a ni s m s ", "underscore_trick": " ion_transport proteins._The general functional properties_of most_Na+_transport proteins_are_understood. However, it_is not clear_what contribution individual Na+_transport proteins make_to_the overall secretion process, or which compensatory mechanisms may arise if the activity of_a_given transporter_is_perturbed._Thus, Aim 1 will determine_which Na+ transport mechanisms"} +{"text": " adeno-carcinoma of the ovary, 3) uterine sarcoma, 4) squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva, 5) advanced, recurrent pelvic malignancy. In excitable cells, voltage-gated potassium channels play an important role in regulating the duration of the action potential. We hypothesize that the targeting of channels to", "synonym_substitution": "adeno - carcinoma of the ovary, 3) uterine sarcoma, 4) squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva, 5) advanced, recurrent pelvic malignancy. In excitable cell, electric potential - gated potassium channels toy an crucial role in regulating the duration of the military action potential. We hypothesize that the targeting of channel to", "butter_fingers": " adfno-carcinoma of the ovarn, 3) uterine sarcoma, 4) squemous csll carcknoma of the vulva, 5) advanced, rwcurrtut pelvic malignancy. In excitwble celos, viotage-gated potassimi chzknels 'lay an importakt role in segulating the djrction of the action potential. We hypjthesizr hhat the targejing ps chznnels to", "random_deletion": "adeno-carcinoma of the ovary, 3) uterine sarcoma, cell of the 5) advanced, recurrent voltage-gated channels play an role in regulating duration of the action potential. We that the targeting of channels to", "change_char_case": " adeno-carcinoma of the ovary, 3) uTerine sarcOma, 4) sqUamOus CeLl caRcinOma of the vulva, 5) aDVancEd, recurrent pelvic maligNancy. in EXcitABlE cellS, voltagE-GaTED poTaSsIum ChANnEls plAy aN importAnt role in rEguLaTing the duratIOn Of the actioN poTential. We hypOthEsize tHaT thE TargeTinG of chAnnels TO", "whitespace_perturbation": " adeno-carcinoma of the ov ary, 3) ut erine sa rco ma , 4) squ amous cell car c inom a of the vulva, 5) adv anced ,r ecur r en t pel vic mal i gn a n cy. I nexc it a bl e cel ls, voltag e-gated po tas si um channelsp la y an impor tan t role in re gul atingth e d u ratio n o f the actio n poten tial. Wehy p othesi z e thatt h etarg eting of channels to ", "underscore_trick": " adeno-carcinoma_of the_ovary, 3) uterine sarcoma,_4) squamous_cell_carcinoma of_the_vulva, 5) advanced,_recurrent pelvic malignancy._In excitable cells, voltage-gated_potassium channels play_an_important role in regulating the duration of the action potential. We hypothesize that the_targeting_of channels_to"} +{"text": "colonoids and growth media, instructs all projects on how to produce enteroid/colonoid monolayers and an Immunology Core that measures cytokines and chemokines, and isolates human macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells. The Enteroid and Immunology Cores work together to develop co-culture systems of innate immune cells and", "synonym_substitution": "colonoids and growth media, instructs all projects on how to grow enteroid / colonoid monolayers and an Immunology Core that measure cytokines and chemokines, and isolates human macrophages, neutrophil and dendritic cells. The Enteroid and Immunology Cores work together to explicate co - culture systems of unconditioned immune cells and", "butter_fingers": "collnoids and growth media, lnstructs all projects mn how to prodjce enteroid/colonoid monolayxrs qnd ab Immunology Core that measures cytokinws aid chemokines, anv isolatcf hujwn mcccophages, neutrokhils and detdritic cells. Dhd Znteroid and Immunology Cores work tjgether tl develop co-cujturt srstejs of innate immune cells and", "random_deletion": "colonoids and growth media, instructs all projects to enteroid/colonoid monolayers an Immunology Core and human macrophages, neutrophils dendritic cells. The and Immunology Cores work together to co-culture systems of innate immune cells and", "change_char_case": "colonoids and growth media, inStructs all ProjeCts On hOw To prOducE enteroid/colonOId moNolayers and an ImmunologY Core ThAT meaSUrEs cytOkines aND cHEMokInEs, And IsOLaTes huMan MacrophAges, neutroPhiLs And dendritic CElLs. The EnterOid And ImmunologY CoRes worK tOgeTHer to DevElop cO-cultuRE systeMs of innatE iMMune ceLLs and", "whitespace_perturbation": "colonoids and growth media , instruct s all pr oje ct s on how to produce en t eroi d/colonoid monolayersand a nI mmun o lo gy Co re that me a s ure scy tok in e sand c hem okines, and isola tes h uman macroph a ge s, neutrop hil s and dendri tic cells .The Enter oid andImmuno l ogy Co res workto g ethert o devel o p c o-cu lture systems ofi nn a te immune cell s and", "underscore_trick": "colonoids and_growth media,_instructs all projects on_how to_produce_enteroid/colonoid monolayers_and_an Immunology Core_that measures cytokines_and chemokines, and isolates_human macrophages, neutrophils_and_dendritic cells. The Enteroid and Immunology Cores work together to develop co-culture systems of_innate_immune cells_and"} +{"text": " when stressed. This study will help determine if the day-to-day self-care behaviors of heart failure patients can influence how the heart functions. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] The objective of this project is to develop improved methods for studying the metabolism of biologically significant materials through improved instrumental methods of microanalysis", "synonym_substitution": "when stressed. This study will help determine if the sidereal day - to - sidereal day self - concern behaviors of affection bankruptcy patients can influence how the heart function. [ unreadable ] [ unreadable ] [ indecipherable ] The aim of this project is to develop better methods for studying the metabolism of biologically meaning materials through improved implemental methods of microanalysis", "butter_fingers": " whfn stressed. This study wlll help determiuw if tie day-tk-day selw-care behaviors of heart faipuee paupents can influence huw the hewrt funcrionw. [unreadablx] [unreadable] [uhveadaylx] The objective of this psoject is to davdllp improved methods for studying thq metabpllsm of biologisallj fignjficant materials through improved instrukental methodx of microanalysis", "random_deletion": "when stressed. This study will help determine day-to-day behaviors of failure patients can [unreadable] [unreadable] The objective this project is develop improved methods for studying the of biologically significant materials through improved instrumental methods of microanalysis", "change_char_case": " when stressed. This study will Help determIne if The Day-To-Day sElf-cAre behaviors of HEart Failure patients can inflUence HoW The hEArT funcTions. [unREaDABle] [UnReAdaBlE] [UnReadaBle] the objeCtive of thiS prOjEct is to develOP iMproved metHodS for studying The MetaboLiSm oF BioloGicAlly sIgnifiCAnt matErials thrOuGH improVEd instrUMEnTal mEthods of microanalYSiS", "whitespace_perturbation": " when stressed. This study will help dete rmi neif the day -to-day self-c a re b ehaviors of heart fail ure p at i ents ca n inf luenceh ow t hehe ar t f un c ti ons.[un readabl e] [unread abl e] [unreadable ] T he objecti veof this proj ect is to d eve l op im pro ved m ethods for st udying th em etabol i sm of b i o lo gica lly significant m a te r ials through i mprove di ns t r ume nta l methodsof micr o analysi s ", "underscore_trick": " when_stressed. This_study will help determine_if the_day-to-day_self-care behaviors_of_heart failure patients_can influence how_the heart functions. [unreadable]_[unreadable] [unreadable] The_objective_of this project is to develop improved methods for studying the metabolism of biologically_significant_materials through_improved_instrumental_methods of microanalysis"} +{"text": " and 11, which are the least well characterized of the metal-dependent HDACs. Our preliminary studies coupled with phylogenetic comparisons suggest that HDACs 10 and 11 may function as dual acetyllysine and acetylpolyamine deacetylases with unique substrate binding site architectures. However, how HDAC10 and 11 could accommodate small polyamine", "synonym_substitution": "and 11, which are the least well characterized of the metal - dependent HDACs. Our preliminary studies pair with phylogenetic comparison suggest that HDACs 10 and 11 may function as dual acetyllysine and acetylpolyamine deacetylases with singular substrate binding site computer architecture. However, how HDAC10 and 11 could oblige small polyamine", "butter_fingers": " anf 11, which are the least wtll characterized of the metal-sependeng HDACs. Our preliminary studmes xoupltb with phylogenetic zomparisojs suggewt tiat HDACs 10 and 11 may funcbnon aa duan acetyllysine snd acetyl[olyamine deacathlcses with unique substrate binding syte arcnihectures. Howevgr, hoe HDAD10 and 11 could accommodate small polgamine", "random_deletion": "and 11, which are the least well the HDACs. Our studies coupled with 10 11 may function dual acetyllysine and deacetylases with unique substrate binding site However, how HDAC10 and 11 could accommodate small polyamine", "change_char_case": " and 11, which are the least well chAracterizeD of thE meTal-DePendEnt HdACs. Our prelimiNAry sTudies coupled with phyloGenetIc COmpaRIsOns suGgest thAT Hdacs 10 aNd 11 MaY fuNcTIoN as duAl aCetyllySine and aceTylPoLyamine deaceTYlAses with unIquE substrate biNdiNg site ArChiTEcturEs. HOweveR, how HDac10 and 11 coUld accommOdATe smalL PolyamiNE", "whitespace_perturbation": " and 11, which are the lea st well ch aract eri zed o f th e me tal-dependentH DACs . Our preliminary stud ies c ou p ledw it h phy logenet i cc o mpa ri so nssu g ge st th atHDACs 1 0 and 11 m ayfu nction as du a lacetyllysi neand acetylpo lya mine d ea cet y lases wi th un ique s u bstrat e binding s i te arc h itectur e s .Howe ver, how HDAC10 a n d1 1 could accomm odatesm a ll p oly ami ne", "underscore_trick": " and_11, which_are the least well_characterized of_the_metal-dependent HDACs._Our_preliminary studies coupled_with phylogenetic comparisons_suggest that HDACs 10_and 11 may_function_as dual acetyllysine and acetylpolyamine deacetylases with unique substrate binding site architectures. However, how_HDAC10_and 11_could_accommodate_small polyamine"} +{"text": ", imaging, and technologies used in interventional/procedural medical care make the field of anesthesiology/perioperative medicine rich with research career development opportunities. The goal of this program is to address the as yet unmet need to train more committed physician-scientist anesthesiologists. PPRT", "synonym_substitution": ", imaging, and technologies used in interventional / procedural aesculapian caution make the field of anesthesiology / perioperative music rich with inquiry career development opportunities. The finish of this program is to address the as yet unmet motivation to train more committed physician - scientist anesthesiologist. PPRT", "butter_fingers": ", imwging, and technologies ured in intervenjiinal/prmcedurzl medicxl care make the field of anxsthwsioligy/perioperative medickne rich aith reswarci career development opportunifles. Tke goal of this krogram is tm address the ds yzt unmet need to train more committeq physiviwn-scientist angsthexyolofpsus. PPRT", "random_deletion": ", imaging, and technologies used in interventional/procedural make field of medicine rich with goal this program is address the as unmet need to train more committed anesthesiologists. PPRT", "change_char_case": ", imaging, and technologies useD in interveNtionAl/pRocEdUral MediCal care make the FIeld Of anesthesiology/periopEratiVe MEdicINe Rich wIth reseARcH CAreEr DeVelOpMEnT oppoRtuNities. THe goal of thIs pRoGram is to addrESs The as yet unMet Need to train mOre CommitTeD phYSiciaN-scIentiSt anesTHesiolOgists. PPRt", "whitespace_perturbation": ", imaging, and technologie s used ininter ven tio na l/pr oced ural medical c a re m ake the field of anest hesio lo g y/pe r io perat ive med i ci n e ri ch w ith r e se archcar eer dev elopment o ppo rt unities. The go al of this pr ogram is toadd ress t he as yet u nme t nee d to t r ain mo re commit te d physi c ian-sci e n ti st a nesthesiologists. PP R T", "underscore_trick": ", imaging,_and technologies_used in interventional/procedural medical_care make_the_field of_anesthesiology/perioperative_medicine rich with_research career development_opportunities. The goal of_this program is_to_address the as yet unmet need to train more committed physician-scientist anesthesiologists. PPRT"} +{"text": " research will begin to provide necessary data and analysis of addict income, expenditures, crime, and drug use behavior. This grant is a pilot study investigating the economic behavior of street-level opiate addicts in the East Harlem area of New York City. The study will obtain data about the total income and expenditures of addict", "synonym_substitution": "research will begin to provide necessary data and psychoanalysis of addict income, consumption, crime, and drug use behavior. This concession is a pilot sketch investigating the economic demeanor of street - level opiate addicts in the East Harlem area of New York City. The survey will obtain data about the full income and expenditures of addict", "butter_fingers": " redearch will begin to proyide necessary dcra and analyais of aadict income, expenditures, crmme, qnd deug use behavior. This erant is w pilot wtudb investigating vge economic bsmaviox if street-level opiate adgicts in the Edsg Karlem area of New York City. The stuqy will ohtain data aboot tht tjtal pngome and expenditures of addict", "random_deletion": "research will begin to provide necessary data of income, expenditures, and drug use pilot investigating the economic of street-level opiate in the East Harlem area of York City. The study will obtain data about the total income and expenditures addict", "change_char_case": " research will begin to providE necessary Data aNd aNalYsIs of AddiCt income, expendITureS, crime, and drug use behaviOr. ThiS gRAnt iS A pIlot sTudy invEStIGAtiNg ThE ecOnOMiC behaVioR of streEt-level opiAte AdDicts in the EaST HArlem area oF NeW York City. The StuDy will ObTaiN Data aBouT the tOtal inCOme and ExpendituReS Of addiCT", "whitespace_perturbation": " research will begin to pr ovide nece ssary da taan d an alys is of addict i n come , expenditures, crime, anddr u g us e b ehavi or. Thi s g r a ntis a pi lo t s tudyinv estigat ing the ec ono mi c behavior o f s treet-leve l o piate addict s i n theEa stH arlem ar ea of New Y o rk Cit y. The st ud y willo btain d a t aabou t the total incom e a n d expenditures of ad di c t", "underscore_trick": " research_will begin_to provide necessary data_and analysis_of_addict income,_expenditures,_crime, and drug_use behavior. This_grant is a pilot_study investigating the_economic_behavior of street-level opiate addicts in the East Harlem area of New York City._The_study will_obtain_data_about the total income and_expenditures of addict"} +{"text": " learning and producing song. Area X is a part of the neural circuitry involved in song acquisition and modulation. Area X is also a part of the avian basal ganglia and receives a strong input from midbrain dopaminergic nuclei. Cells in Area X respond to changes in social context: their activity changes depending on whether males are singing in", "synonym_substitution": "learning and producing song. Area X is a part of the nervous circuitry imply in song acquisition and modulation. Area X is besides a part of the avian basal ganglion and receives a strong input signal from midbrain dopaminergic nuclei. Cells in Area X react to changes in social context: their activity change depending on whether males are singing in", "butter_fingers": " lewrning and producing sonn. Area X is a patt of thx neuram circuigry involved in song acquisivion and nodulation. Area X is auso a parn of the qviai basal ganglia ehd recelres a dtroug input from micbrain dopdminergic nuclai. Czlls in Area X respond to changes in social clntext: their astivptr chznges depending on whether males ade singpng in", "random_deletion": "learning and producing song. Area X is of neural circuitry in song acquisition also part of the basal ganglia and a strong input from midbrain dopaminergic Cells in Area X respond to changes in social context: their activity changes on whether males are singing in", "change_char_case": " learning and producing song. ARea X is a parT of thE neUraL cIrcuItry Involved in song ACquiSition and modulation. AreA X is aLsO A parT Of The avIan basaL GaNGLia AnD rEceIvES a StronG inPut from Midbrain doPamInErgic nuclei. CELlS in Area X reSpoNd to changes iN soCial coNtExt: THeir aCtiVity cHanges DEpendiNg on whethEr MAles arE Singing IN", "whitespace_perturbation": " learning and producing so ng. Area X is a pa rtof the neu ral circuitryi nvol ved in song acquisitio n and m o dula t io n. Ar ea X is al s o apa rt of t h eavian ba sal gan glia and r ece iv es a strongi np ut from mi dbr ain dopamine rgi c nucl ei . C e lls i n A rea X respo n d to c hanges in s o cial c o ntext:t h ei r ac tivity changes de p en d ing on whether males a r es i ngi ngin", "underscore_trick": " learning_and producing_song. Area X is_a part_of_the neural_circuitry_involved in song_acquisition and modulation._Area X is also_a part of_the_avian basal ganglia and receives a strong input from midbrain dopaminergic nuclei. Cells in_Area_X respond_to_changes_in social context: their activity_changes depending on whether males_are singing_in"} +{"text": " The long-term goal of our project is to gain a greater understanding of the intracellular signaling pathways that provide neuroprotection to both rod and cone photoreceptor cells. The specific objective is to investigate the role of IR and IGF-1R in the regulation of photoreceptor structure and function. To this end, we will determine", "synonym_substitution": "The long - term goal of our project is to profit a great understanding of the intracellular signaling pathways that put up neuroprotection to both rod and cone photoreceptor cells. The specific aim is to investigate the role of IR and IGF-1R in the regulation of photoreceptor structure and affair. To this end, we will determine", "butter_fingers": " Thf long-term goal of our pvoject is to gaiu a greeter unserstandkng of the intracellular sigialibg paukways that provide nduroprotebtion to voth eod and cois photovzceptkv celnw. The specific objective is to investicage the role of IR and IGF-1R in the regtlation ov photoreceptot strlceure and function. To this end, we will setermiie", "random_deletion": "The long-term goal of our project is a understanding of intracellular signaling pathways rod cone photoreceptor cells. specific objective is investigate the role of IR and in the regulation of photoreceptor structure and function. To this end, we will", "change_char_case": " The long-term goal of our projeCt is to gain A greaTer UndErStanDing Of the intracellULar sIgnaling pathways that prOvide NeURoprOTeCtion To both rOD aND ConE pHoTorEcEPtOr celLs. THe speciFic objectiVe iS tO investigate THe Role of IR anD IGf-1R in the regulAtiOn of phOtOreCEptor StrUcturE and fuNCtion. TO this end, wE wILl deteRMine", "whitespace_perturbation": " The long-term goal of our project i s togai n a g reat er u nderstanding o f the intracellular signali ng pa th w ayst ha t pro vide ne u ro p r ote ct io n t ob ot h rod an d conephotorecep tor c ells. The sp e ci fic object ive is to inves tig ate th erol e of I R a nd IG F-1R i n the r egulation o f photo r eceptor s tr uctu re and function.T ot his end, we wi ll det er m in e ", "underscore_trick": " The_long-term goal_of our project is_to gain_a_greater understanding_of_the intracellular signaling_pathways that provide_neuroprotection to both rod_and cone photoreceptor_cells._The specific objective is to investigate the role of IR and IGF-1R in the_regulation_of photoreceptor_structure_and_function. To this end, we_will determine"} +{"text": "emic progression but not long-term hematopoietic stem cell engraftment. In this revised competitive renewal application, we propose to examine the molecular pathways to understand the mechanism of CREB function in normal and aberrant hematopoiesis. We propose four specific aims. In Aim 1, we will study the role of CREB on", "synonym_substitution": "emic progression but not long - term hematopoietic stem cellular telephone engraftment. In this revise competitive renewal application, we nominate to probe the molecular pathways to understand the mechanism of CREB routine in normal and aberrant hematopoiesis. We aim four specific aims. In Aim 1, we will study the role of CREB on", "butter_fingers": "emif progression but not lokg-term hematopoigtuc stek cell engraftoent. In this revised competivive reneqal application, we prooose to eqamine thw moowcular patisays to underaband chx mechanism of GREB functimn in normal atd ayerrant hematopoiesis. We propose fouw specigif aims. In Aim 1, we eyll anuby the role of CREB on", "random_deletion": "emic progression but not long-term hematopoietic stem In revised competitive application, we propose to the mechanism of function in normal aberrant hematopoiesis. We propose four specific In Aim 1, we will study the role of CREB on", "change_char_case": "emic progression but not long-Term hematoPoietIc sTem CeLl enGrafTment. In this revISed cOmpetitive renewal appliCatioN, wE PropOSe To exaMine the MOlECUlaR pAtHwaYs TO uNdersTanD the mecHanism of CReB fUnCtion in normaL AnD aberrant hEmaTopoiesis. We pRopOse fouR sPecIFic aiMs. IN Aim 1, wE will sTUdy the Role of CREb oN", "whitespace_perturbation": "emic progression but not l ong-term h emato poi eti cstem cel l engraftment. In t his revised competitiv e ren ew a l ap p li catio n, we p r op o s e t oex ami ne th e mol ecu lar pat hways to u nde rs tand the mec h an ism of CRE B f unction in n orm al and a ber r ant h ema topoi esis.W e prop ose foursp e cifica ims. In A im 1,we will study the ro l e of CREB on", "underscore_trick": "emic progression_but not_long-term hematopoietic stem cell_engraftment. In_this_revised competitive_renewal_application, we propose_to examine the_molecular pathways to understand_the mechanism of_CREB_function in normal and aberrant hematopoiesis. We propose four specific aims. In Aim 1,_we_will study_the_role_of CREB on"} +{"text": " the primary responsibility for the child's care. Traditional hospital-based interventions have focused on the peritransplant period, but given the prolonged and demanding period of recovery (6-12 months), alternative interventions are needed. To address these issues, we are collaborating to develop a highly transportable transplant-specific module,", "synonym_substitution": "the primary responsibility for the child's care. Traditional hospital - based interposition have concenter on the peritransplant period, but given the prolonged and demanding menstruation of recovery (6 - 12 months), alternate interventions are needed. To address these emergence, we are collaborating to develop a highly movable transplant - specific module,", "butter_fingers": " thf primary responsibility for the child's care. Tcaditiohal hospktal-based interventions have ficusee on the peritransplang period, hut giveb tht prolonged and dxjanding perios of xerovery (6-12 months), slternativa interventionv xrz needed. To address these issues, we wre colkahorating to dedelok a higgly transportable transplant-specifjc modune,", "random_deletion": "the primary responsibility for the child's care. interventions focused on peritransplant period, but period recovery (6-12 months), interventions are needed. address these issues, we are collaborating develop a highly transportable transplant-specific module,", "change_char_case": " the primary responsibility fOr the child'S care. traDitIoNal hOspiTal-based intervENtioNs have focused on the periTransPlANt peRIoD, but gIven the PRoLONgeD aNd DemAnDInG periOd oF recoveRy (6-12 months), alTerNaTive intervenTIoNs are needeD. To Address these IssUes, we aRe ColLAboraTinG to deVelop a HIghly tRansportaBlE TranspLAnt-specIFIc ModuLe,", "whitespace_perturbation": " the primary responsibilit y for thechild 'scar e. Tra diti onal hospital- b ased interventions have fo cused o n the pe ritra nsplant pe r i od, b ut gi ve n t he pr olo nged an d demandin g p er iod of recov e ry (6-12 mon ths ), alternati veinterv en tio n s are ne eded. To ad d ress t hese issu es , we ar e collab o r at ingto develop a high l yt ransportable t ranspl an t -s p e cif icmodule,", "underscore_trick": " the_primary responsibility_for the child's care._Traditional hospital-based_interventions_have focused_on_the peritransplant period,_but given the_prolonged and demanding period_of recovery (6-12_months),_alternative interventions are needed. To address these issues, we are collaborating to develop a_highly_transportable transplant-specific_module,"} +{"text": ". Deficient expression of APE results in a heightened sensitivity to radiation and alkylating agents with resultant tissue damage. Logically it follows that APE may also play a role in the sensitivity to malignant cells to DNA damaging therapeutic agents. Many cancer therapeutic agents will induce apoptosis or programmed cell death, however little is known about", "synonym_substitution": ". Deficient expression of APE results in a heightened sensitivity to radiation sickness and alkylating agent with resultant tissue damage. Logically it follows that APE may besides play a role in the sensitivity to malignant cells to deoxyribonucleic acid damaging curative agents. Many cancer therapeutic agents will induce apoptosis or programmed cell end, however little is known about", "butter_fingers": ". Devicient expression of APT results in a henthtenev sensifivity tu radiation and alkylating ajentw wity resultant tissue damxge. Logicwlly it dolliqs that APX may also plag a rmoe in the sensltivity to kalignant cellv go DNA damaging therapeutic agents. Magy cancrr therapeutic adentx wilm induce apoptosis or programmed csll deauh, however little os known about", "random_deletion": ". Deficient expression of APE results in sensitivity radiation and agents with resultant that may also play role in the to malignant cells to DNA damaging agents. Many cancer therapeutic agents will induce apoptosis or programmed cell death, however is known about", "change_char_case": ". Deficient expression of APE rEsults in a hEightEneD seNsItivIty tO radiation and aLKylaTing agents with resultanT tissUe DAmagE. loGicalLy it folLOwS THat aPe mAy aLsO PlAy a roLe iN the senSitivity to MalIgNant cells to Dna dAmaging theRapEutic agents. MAny Cancer ThEraPEutic AgeNts wiLl induCE apoptOsis or proGrAMmed ceLL death, hOWEvEr liTtle is known about", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Deficient expression ofAPE result s ina h eig ht ened sen sitivity to ra d iati on and alkylating agen ts wi th resu l ta nt ti ssue da m ag e . Lo gi ca lly i t f ollow s t hat APE may alsopla ya role in th e s ensitivity to malignant c ell s to D NA da m aging th erape utic a g ents.Many canc er therap e utic ag e n ts wil l induce apoptosi s o r programmed ce ll dea th , h o w eve r l ittle is k no wn ab o ut", "underscore_trick": ". Deficient_expression of_APE results in a_heightened sensitivity_to_radiation and_alkylating_agents with resultant_tissue damage. Logically_it follows that APE_may also play_a_role in the sensitivity to malignant cells to DNA damaging therapeutic agents. Many cancer_therapeutic_agents will_induce_apoptosis_or programmed cell death, however_little is known about"} +{"text": " be small under steady state conditions. Therefore, we will perturb the system by inducing oxidation of membranes in vitro (using primarily endogenous oxidants) in order to amplify existing differences. Our preliminary studies show that mitochondrial cholesterol is more oxidizable in PD than in controls. Mitochondrial and synaptosomal fractions will be oxidized by", "synonym_substitution": "be small under steady state conditions. consequently, we will perturb the arrangement by inducing oxidation of membranes in vitro (use chiefly endogenous oxidants) in order to amplify exist differences. Our preliminary studies prove that mitochondrial cholesterol is more oxidizable in PD than in controls. Mitochondrial and synaptosomal fraction will be oxidized by", "butter_fingers": " be small under steady statt conditions. Thergfire, we will lerturb ghe system by inducing oxidavion of mtibranes in vitro (uring primwrily eneogeious oxidants) in order to ampljny exnsving differencex. Our prelhminary studiev rhlw that mitochondrial cholesterol if more pxldizable in PD tham in dontrols. Mitochondrial and synaptoaomal fgactions will be pxidized by", "random_deletion": "be small under steady state conditions. Therefore, perturb system by oxidation of membranes oxidants) order to amplify differences. Our preliminary show that mitochondrial cholesterol is more in PD than in controls. Mitochondrial and synaptosomal fractions will be oxidized by", "change_char_case": " be small under steady state coNditions. ThErefoRe, wE wiLl PertUrb tHe system by induCIng oXidation of membranes in vItro (uSiNG priMArIly enDogenouS OxIDAntS) iN oRdeR tO AmPlify ExiSting diFferences. OUr pReLiminary studIEs Show that miTocHondrial cholEstErol is MoRe oXIdizaBle In PD tHan in cONtrols. mitochondRiAL and syNAptosomAL FrActiOns will be oxidized BY", "whitespace_perturbation": " be small under steady sta te conditi ons.The ref or e, w e wi ll perturb the syst em by inducing oxidati on of m e mbra n es in v itro (u s in g pri ma ri lyen d og enous ox idants) in ordertoam plify existi n gdifference s.Our prelimin ary studi es sh o w tha t m itoch ondria l chole sterol is m o re oxi d izablei n P D th an in controls. M i to c hondrial and s ynapto so m al f rac tio ns will be o xidiz e d by", "underscore_trick": " be_small under_steady state conditions. Therefore,_we will_perturb_the system_by_inducing oxidation of_membranes in vitro_(using primarily endogenous oxidants)_in order to_amplify_existing differences. Our preliminary studies show that mitochondrial cholesterol is more oxidizable in PD_than_in controls._Mitochondrial_and_synaptosomal fractions will be oxidized_by"} +{"text": " and unmethylated DNA ligands? to create detailed maps of the effect of methylation on binding affinity for a broad panel of human transcription factors from various structural families. Second, we will perform detailed computational analyses and follow-up experiments to test the hypothesis that methylation causes local changes in DNA shape, which in turn modify TF binding", "synonym_substitution": "and unmethylated DNA ligands? to create detailed maps of the effect of methylation on bind affinity for a wide panel of human transcription factors from respective structural families. Second, we will do detailed computational analyses and follow - up experiments to screen the hypothesis that methylation causes local change in DNA shape, which in turn modify TF binding", "butter_fingers": " anf unmethylated DNA liganas? to create dejauled meps of fhe effezt of methylation on binding adfiniuj for a broad panel ow human tganscriptuon hactors from varmkus strmeturam famnlmes. Second, we wlll perform detailed compgtxtnonal analyses and follow-up experimegts to yedt the hypothefis uhae mefhylation causes local changes in SNA shake, which in turn mpdify TF binding", "random_deletion": "and unmethylated DNA ligands? to create detailed the of methylation binding affinity for transcription from various structural Second, we will detailed computational analyses and follow-up experiments test the hypothesis that methylation causes local changes in DNA shape, which in modify TF binding", "change_char_case": " and unmethylated DNA ligands? To create deTaileD maPs oF tHe efFect Of methylation oN BindIng affinity for a broad paNel of HuMAn trANsCriptIon factORs FROm vArIoUs sTrUCtUral fAmiLies. SecOnd, we will pErfOrM detailed comPUtAtional anaLysEs and follow-uP exPerimeNtS to TEst thE hyPotheSis thaT MethylAtion causEs LOcal chANges in Dna ShApe, wHich in turn modify Tf BiNDing", "whitespace_perturbation": " and unmethylated DNA liga nds? to cr eatedet ail ed map s of the effect of meth ylation on binding aff inity f o r ab ro ad pa nel ofh um a n tr an sc rip ti o nfacto rsfrom va rious stru ctu ra l families.S ec ond, we wi llperform deta ile d comp ut ati o nal a nal ysesand fo l low-up experime nt s to te s t the h y p ot hesi s that methylatio n c a uses local cha nges i nD NA s hap e,which in t ur n mod i fy TF b i nd i n g ", "underscore_trick": " and_unmethylated DNA_ligands? to create detailed_maps of_the_effect of_methylation_on binding affinity_for a broad_panel of human transcription_factors from various_structural_families. Second, we will perform detailed computational analyses and follow-up experiments to test the_hypothesis_that methylation_causes_local_changes in DNA shape, which_in turn modify TF binding"} +{"text": "% from the labelled potency. Predilution of both products in either albumin or factor VIII deficient plasma also affects the potency, with those samples prediluted in deficient plasma having overall higher values. It is planned to do in vivo half life and recovery studies. Control of the primary tumor is a major goal of radiotherapy for", "synonym_substitution": "% from the labelled potency. Predilution of both products in either albumin or factor VIII insufficient plasma besides affect the potency, with those samples prediluted in insufficient plasma having overall higher values. It is plan to do in vivo half life and convalescence study. command of the primary tumor is a major goal of radiotherapy for", "butter_fingers": "% frlm the labelled potency. Kredilution of bojh produrts in sither aubumin or factor VIII deficixnt plasmq also affects the potdncy, with those sqmplts prediluted in vsficienb plaala hcvmng overall higmer values. Ht is planned do dl in vivo half life and recovery sttdies. Cpnhrol of the prymarj eumod is a major goal of radiotherapy ror", "random_deletion": "% from the labelled potency. Predilution of in albumin or VIII deficient plasma those prediluted in deficient having overall higher It is planned to do in half life and recovery studies. Control of the primary tumor is a major of radiotherapy for", "change_char_case": "% from the labelled potency. PreDilution of Both pRodUctS iN eitHer aLbumin or factor viII dEficient plasma also affeCts thE pOTencY, WiTh thoSe samplES pREDilUtEd In dEfICiEnt plAsmA having Overall higHer VaLues. It is planNEd To do in vivo HalF life and recoVerY studiEs. conTRol of The PrimaRy tumoR Is a majOr goal of rAdIOtheraPY for", "whitespace_perturbation": "% from the labelled potenc y. Predilu tionofbot hprod ucts in either alb u minor factor VIII deficie nt pl as m a al s oaffec ts thep ot e n cy, w it h t ho s esampl espredilu ted in def ici en t plasma hav i ng overall h igh er values. I t i s plan ne d t o do i n v ivo h alf li f e andrecoveryst u dies.C ontrolo f t he p rimary tumor is a ma j or goal of rad iother ap y f o r ", "underscore_trick": "% from_the labelled_potency. Predilution of both_products in_either_albumin or_factor_VIII deficient plasma_also affects the_potency, with those samples_prediluted in deficient_plasma_having overall higher values. It is planned to do in vivo half life and_recovery_studies. Control_of_the_primary tumor is a major_goal of radiotherapy for"} +{"text": " and its effects are altered by mutations that cause human disease. Cx26 and Cx32 are widely distributed in the body. Mutations of Cx26 are responsible for over half the inherited sensorineural deafness worldwide, and also cause serious disfiguring skin disorders. Mutations of Cx32 cause a peripheral demyelination", "synonym_substitution": "and its effects are altered by mutations that cause human disease. Cx26 and Cx32 are wide distribute in the body. mutation of Cx26 are creditworthy for over half the inherited sensorineural deafness worldwide, and also cause dangerous disfiguring skin disorders. mutant of Cx32 cause a peripheral demyelination", "butter_fingers": " anf its effects are alterea by mutations jhqt cauve humzn diseare. Cx26 and Cx32 are widely distcibured ib the body. Mutations ow Cx26 are gesponsiboe fie over halh the inmzrites senvirineural deafkess worldwhde, and also cdure serious disfiguring skin disorders. Mutatipnd of Cx32 cause w pegi[herzl demyelination", "random_deletion": "and its effects are altered by mutations human Cx26 and are widely distributed Cx26 responsible for over the inherited sensorineural worldwide, and also cause serious disfiguring disorders. Mutations of Cx32 cause a peripheral demyelination", "change_char_case": " and its effects are altered by Mutations tHat caUse HumAn DiseAse. CX26 and Cx32 are widelY DistRibuted in the body. MutatiOns of cx26 ARe reSPoNsiblE for oveR HaLF The InHeRitEd SEnSorinEurAl deafnEss worldwiDe, aNd Also cause serIOuS disfiguriNg sKin disorders. mutAtions Of cx32 cAUse a pEriPheraL demyeLInatioN", "whitespace_perturbation": " and its effects are alter ed by muta tions th atca usehuma n disease. Cx2 6 and Cx32 are widely distr ibute di n th e b ody.Mutatio n so f Cx 26 a rere s po nsibl e f or over half theinh er ited sensori n eu ral deafne ssworldwide, a ndalso c au ses eriou s d isfig urings kin di sorders.Mu t ations of Cx32 c au se a peripheral demye l in a tion", "underscore_trick": " and_its effects_are altered by mutations_that cause_human_disease. Cx26_and_Cx32 are widely_distributed in the_body. Mutations of Cx26_are responsible for_over_half the inherited sensorineural deafness worldwide, and also cause serious disfiguring skin disorders. Mutations_of_Cx32 cause_a_peripheral_demyelination"} +{"text": " studies. Issues regarding the opimal protocol and set of sequence parameters needed for various diffusion studies are under investigation, which includes more rapid protocols for the assessment of stroke and more high resolution protocols for diffusion tensor imaging of white matter tracts. The effort is being translated from 3T to newer field field studies at 7T. OB", "synonym_substitution": "studies. Issues regarding the opimal protocol and set of succession argument needed for various dissemination study are under investigation, which includes more rapid protocol for the assessment of stroke and more eminent resolution protocols for dispersion tensor imaging of white topic tracts. The effort is being translated from 3 T to newer field field study at 7T. OB", "butter_fingers": " stkdies. Issues regarding tme opimal protocol and vet of sequencd parameters needed for variluw difdusion studies are unddr investpgation, wyich uncludes more rapid protkgols yoc the assessmenj of stroke dnd more high seropution protocols for diffusion tensjr imagonh of white matjer tgasts. Fhe effort is being translated froj 3T to iewer field fiekd studies at 7T. OB", "random_deletion": "studies. Issues regarding the opimal protocol and sequence needed for diffusion studies are rapid for the assessment stroke and more resolution protocols for diffusion tensor imaging white matter tracts. The effort is being translated from 3T to newer field studies at 7T. OB", "change_char_case": " studies. Issues regarding the Opimal protOcol aNd sEt oF sEqueNce pArameters needeD For vArious diffusion studies Are unDeR InveSTiGatioN, which iNClUDEs mOrE rApiD pROtOcols For The asseSsment of stRokE aNd more high reSOlUtion protoColS for diffusioN teNsor imAgIng OF whitE maTter tRacts. THE efforT is being tRaNSlated FRom 3T to nEWEr FielD field studies at 7T. Ob", "whitespace_perturbation": " studies. Issues regarding the opima l pro toc olan d se t of sequence para m eter s needed for various d iffus io n stu d ie s are underi nv e s tig at io n,wh i ch incl ude s morerapid prot oco ls for the ass e ss ment of st rok e and more h igh resol ut ion proto col s for diffu s ion te nsor imag in g of wh i te matt e r t ract s. The effort isb ei n g translated f rom 3T t o n e w erfie ld field s tu diesa t 7T. O B ", "underscore_trick": " studies._Issues regarding_the opimal protocol and_set of_sequence_parameters needed_for_various diffusion studies_are under investigation,_which includes more rapid_protocols for the_assessment_of stroke and more high resolution protocols for diffusion tensor imaging of white matter_tracts._The effort_is_being_translated from 3T to newer_field field studies at 7T._OB"} +{"text": " is for the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. Polysaccharides are used in food and pharmaceutical applications due to their inherent abilities such as gelation, viscosity and thickening behavior. As the macroscopic properties of these biopolymers are dictated mainly by their molecular geometry and atomic level interactions, accurate molecular details", "synonym_substitution": "is for the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. Polysaccharides are use in food and pharmaceutical application due to their inherent abilities such as gelation, viscosity and thickening demeanor. As the macroscopic properties of these biopolymers are dictated mainly by their molecular geometry and nuclear horizontal surface interactions, accurate molecular detail", "butter_fingers": " is for the Center, which is not necessarili rhe invtitutjon for ghe investigator. Polysaccharmdes are ysed in food and pharmxceutical applicarionw due to thxjr inhevznt agllitizs such as gelatlon, viscosidy and thickenhne yehavior. As the macroscopic propertiqs of tnede biopolymers are qictzneb mainly by their molecular geojetry aid atomic level interactions, accurate molfculwr details", "random_deletion": "is for the Center, which is not institution the investigator. are used in to inherent abilities such gelation, viscosity and behavior. As the macroscopic properties of biopolymers are dictated mainly by their molecular geometry and atomic level interactions, accurate details", "change_char_case": " is for the Center, which is not nEcessarily The inStiTutIoN for The iNvestigator. PolYSaccHarides are used in food anD pharMaCEutiCAl AppliCations DUe TO TheIr InHerEnT AbIlitiEs sUch as geLation, viscOsiTy And thickeninG BeHavior. As thE maCroscopic proPerTies of ThEse BIopolYmeRs are DictatED mainlY by their mOlECular gEOmetry aND AtOmic Level interactions, ACcURate molecular dEtails", "whitespace_perturbation": " is for the Center, whichis not nec essar ily th einst itut ion for the in v esti gator. Polysaccharides areus e d in fo od an d pharm a ce u t ica lap pli ca t io ns du e t o their inherentabi li ties such as ge lation, vi sco sity and thi cke ning b eh avi o r. As th e mac roscop i c prop erties of t h ese bi o polymer s ar e di ctated mainly byt he i r molecular ge ometry a n da t omi c l evel inter ac tions , accura t em o l ecu l ar details", "underscore_trick": " is_for the_Center, which is not_necessarily the_institution_for the_investigator._Polysaccharides are used_in food and_pharmaceutical applications due to_their inherent abilities_such_as gelation, viscosity and thickening behavior. As the macroscopic properties of these biopolymers are_dictated_mainly by_their_molecular_geometry and atomic level interactions,_accurate molecular details"} +{"text": " associated with endometriosis. In the course of a study on the long-term effects of dioxin exposure, Drs. R. Bowman and S. Rier discovered that female monkeys exposed to either 5 or 25 ppt TCDD for 4 years were at greater risk for developing endometriosis as they aged (", "synonym_substitution": "associated with endometriosis. In the course of a study on the long - condition effect of dioxin exposure, Drs. R. Bowman and S. Rier discovered that female monkeys unwrap to either 5 or 25 ppt TCDD for 4 years were at greater hazard for developing endometriosis as they aged (", "butter_fingers": " asdociated with endometrioris. In the course of a study on the uong-term effects of dioxin eeposyre, Des. R. Bowman and S. Rier discovervd that fwmalt monkeys exposed to eithcx 5 or 25 ppt VCDD for 4 years were at gseater risk fos aereloping endometriosis as they aged (", "random_deletion": "associated with endometriosis. In the course of on long-term effects dioxin exposure, Drs. discovered female monkeys exposed either 5 or ppt TCDD for 4 years were greater risk for developing endometriosis as they aged (", "change_char_case": " associated with endometriosIs. In the couRse of A stUdy On The lOng-tErm effects of diOXin eXposure, Drs. R. Bowman and S. RIer diScOVereD ThAt femAle monkEYs EXPosEd To EitHeR 5 Or 25 Ppt TCdD fOr 4 years Were at greaTer RiSk for developINg EndometrioSis As they aged (", "whitespace_perturbation": " associated with endometri osis. In t he co urs e o fa st udyon the long-te r m ef fects of dioxin exposu re, D rs . R.B ow man a nd S. R i er d isc ov er edth a tfemal e m onkeysexposed to ei th er 5 or 25 p p tTCDD for 4 ye ars were atgre ater r is k f o r dev elo pingendome t riosis as theyag e d (", "underscore_trick": " associated_with endometriosis._In the course of_a study_on_the long-term_effects_of dioxin exposure,_Drs. R. Bowman_and S. Rier discovered_that female monkeys_exposed_to either 5 or 25 ppt TCDD for 4 years were at greater risk_for_developing endometriosis_as_they_aged ("} +{"text": " animal system. Previous work has shown that divergence in male and female mating behaviors leads to reproductive isolation between stickleback populations that have adapted to living in two different habitats ('benthic'and 'limnetic') in a single lake. There are multiple lakes in British Columbia in which these benthic and lim", "synonym_substitution": "animal system. Previous work has shown that deviation in male and female coupling behaviors leads to generative isolation between stickleback populations that have adjust to living in two different habitat (' benthic'and' limnetic') in a unmarried lake. There are multiple lakes in British Columbia in which these benthic and lim", "butter_fingers": " anlmal system. Previous wory has shown thaj eivergxnce in male ana female mating behaviors leeds ro rekgoductive isolation bdtween stpckleback popnlations that hats adaptcb to mlving mn two differenj habitats ('banthic'and 'limnatkc') in a single lake. There are multiplq lakes ij British Coluibia yn wgpcm these benthic and lim", "random_deletion": "animal system. Previous work has shown that male female mating leads to reproductive have to living in different habitats ('benthic'and in a single lake. There are lakes in British Columbia in which these benthic and lim", "change_char_case": " animal system. Previous work hAs shown thaT diveRgeNce In Male And fEmale mating behAViorS leads to reproductive isOlatiOn BEtweEN sTicklEback poPUlATIonS tHaT haVe ADaPted tO liVing in tWo differenT haBiTats ('benthic'aND 'lImnetic') in a SinGle lake. There Are MultipLe LakES in BrItiSh ColUmbia iN Which tHese benthIc ANd lim", "whitespace_perturbation": " animal system. Previous w ork has sh own t hat di ve rgen ce i n male and fem a le m ating behaviors leadsto re pr o duct i ve isol ation b e tw e e n s ti ck leb ac k p opula tio ns that have adap ted t o living int wo different ha bitats ('ben thi c'and'l imn e tic') in a si ngle l a ke. Th ere are m ul t iple l a kes inB r it ishColumbia in which th e se benthic and lim", "underscore_trick": " animal_system. Previous_work has shown that_divergence in_male_and female_mating_behaviors leads to_reproductive isolation between_stickleback populations that have_adapted to living_in_two different habitats ('benthic'and 'limnetic') in a single lake. There are multiple lakes in_British_Columbia in_which_these_benthic and lim"} +{"text": ", and the results will be correlated with creep and fatigue behavior as determined in vitro under oxidative and hydrolytic conditions. 4) To determine the effect of PU surface chemistry and the effect of additives on the adhesion of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and monocytes/macrophages under static and dynamic conditions, with and without the presence of complement", "synonym_substitution": ", and the results will be correlated with creep and fatigue behavior as determine in vitro under oxidative and hydrolytic condition. 4) To determine the consequence of PU airfoil chemistry and the effect of additives on the attachment of polymorphonuclear leukocyte and monocytes / macrophages under static and dynamic conditions, with and without the bearing of complement", "butter_fingers": ", anf the results will be covrelated with crgep and hatigue behaviof as determined in vitro undxr ozidatuve and hydrolytic conaitions. 4) No determune uhe effect of PU surface gkemisfvy anb vhe effect of acditives ot the adhesion ow 'olymorphonuclear leukocytes and monjcytes/mscgophages under stauic and dynamic conditions, with and withoht the kresence of complekent", "random_deletion": ", and the results will be correlated and behavior as in vitro under To the effect of surface chemistry and effect of additives on the adhesion polymorphonuclear leukocytes and monocytes/macrophages under static and dynamic conditions, with and without the of complement", "change_char_case": ", and the results will be correlAted with crEep anD faTigUe BehaVior As determined in VItro Under oxidative and hydroLytic CoNDitiONs. 4) to detErmine tHE eFFEct Of pU SurFaCE cHemisTry And the eFfect of addItiVeS on the adhesiON oF polymorphOnuClear leukocyTes And monOcYteS/MacroPhaGes unDer staTIc and dYnamic conDiTIons, wiTH and witHOUt The pResence of complemeNT", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and the results will becorrelated with cr eep a nd f atig ue behavior as dete rmined in vitro underoxida ti v e an d h ydrol ytic co n di t i ons .4) To d e te rmine th e effec t of PU su rfa ce chemistry a n dthe effect of additives o n t he adh es ion of po lym orpho nuclea r leuko cytes and m o nocyte s /macrop h a ge s un der static and dy n am i c conditions,with a nd wi t h out th e presence o f com p lement", "underscore_trick": ", and_the results_will be correlated with_creep and_fatigue_behavior as_determined_in vitro under_oxidative and hydrolytic_conditions. 4) To determine_the effect of_PU_surface chemistry and the effect of additives on the adhesion of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and_monocytes/macrophages_under static_and_dynamic_conditions, with and without the_presence of complement"} +{"text": " kinetic parameters in insulin triggered PIP3 signaling as well as in GLUT4 translocation. In the second part, we will execute, analyze and interpret a screen of the insulin-PIP3-GLUT4 signaling network with this new approach and will also perform a screen of cross-talk between insulin and TNF-alpha", "synonym_substitution": "kinetic parameters in insulin triggered PIP3 signaling equally well as in GLUT4 translocation. In the second character, we will execute, analyze and interpret a sieve of the insulin - PIP3 - GLUT4 bespeak network with this new access and will also perform a blind of cross - talk between insulin and TNF - alpha", "butter_fingers": " kijetic parameters in insuuin triggered PNP3 signeling aa well ar in GLUT4 translocation. In tie swcond part, we will execute, xnalyze ajd interpret q screen oh the insulin-PJI3-GLUT4 wignaling netwprk with tvis new approawh aud will also perform a screen of crofs-talk nehween insulin wnd UNF-wlphz", "random_deletion": "kinetic parameters in insulin triggered PIP3 signaling as GLUT4 translocation. the second part, interpret screen of the signaling network with new approach and will also perform screen of cross-talk between insulin and TNF-alpha", "change_char_case": " kinetic parameters in insuliN triggered pIP3 siGnaLinG aS welL as iN GLUT4 translocaTIon. IN the second part, we will exEcute, AnALyze ANd InterPret a scREeN OF thE iNsUliN-Pip3-GlUT4 siGnaLing netWork with thIs nEw Approach and wILl Also perforM a sCreen of cross-TalK betweEn InsULin anD TNf-alphA", "whitespace_perturbation": " kinetic parameters in ins ulin trigg eredPIP 3 s ig nali ng a s well as in G L UT4translocation. In thesecon dp art, we will execut e ,a n aly ze a ndin t er preta s creen o f the insu lin -P IP3-GLUT4 si g na ling netwo rkwith this ne w a pproac hand willals o per form a screen of cross -t a lk bet w een ins u l in and TNF-alpha", "underscore_trick": " kinetic_parameters in_insulin triggered PIP3 signaling_as well_as_in GLUT4_translocation._In the second_part, we will_execute, analyze and interpret_a screen of_the_insulin-PIP3-GLUT4 signaling network with this new approach and will also perform a screen of_cross-talk_between insulin_and_TNF-alpha"} +{"text": " We show that mice with severe SCD exhibit evidence for ongoing pain and pronounced pain-like behavior in response to cold, mechanical and heat stimuli. Our preliminary data also indicate that sensory neurons from sickle mice have severely dysfunctional mitochondria. We hypothesize that ROS and oxidative stress induce mitochondrial dysfunction and TRP channel sensitization in", "synonym_substitution": "We show that mice with severe SCD exhibit evidence for ongoing annoyance and pronounce pain - like demeanor in response to cold, mechanical and estrus stimuli. Our preliminary datum besides indicate that sensory neurons from sickle mice have hard dysfunctional mitochondria. We hypothesize that ROS and oxidative tension induce mitochondrial dysfunction and TRP channel sensitization in", "butter_fingers": " We show that mice with sevtre SCD exhibit erudence for ohgoing pxin and pronounced pain-like uehacior un response to cold, mezhanical wnd heat stinyli. Our prxmiminarn datz alsm indicate that sensory naurons from siwkue mice have severely dysfunctional mytochoncrla. We hypothesyze uhae ROA and oxidative stress induce mitodhondriel dysfunction snd TRP channel sensitizatlon ln", "random_deletion": "We show that mice with severe SCD for pain and pain-like behavior in heat Our preliminary data indicate that sensory from sickle mice have severely dysfunctional We hypothesize that ROS and oxidative stress induce mitochondrial dysfunction and TRP channel in", "change_char_case": " We show that mice with severe ScD exhibit eVidenCe fOr oNgOing Pain And pronounced pAIn-liKe behavior in response to Cold, mEcHAnicAL aNd heaT stimulI. ouR PRelImInAry DaTA aLso inDicAte that Sensory neuRonS fRom sickle micE HaVe severely DysFunctional miTocHondriA. WE hyPOthesIze That RoS and oXIdativE stress inDuCE mitocHOndrial DYSfUnctIon and TRP channel sENsITization in", "whitespace_perturbation": " We show that mice with se vere SCD e xhibi t e vid en ce f or o ngoing pain an d pro nounced pain-like beha viorin resp o ns e tocold, m e ch a n ica lan d h ea t s timul i.Our pre liminary d ata a lso indicate th at sensory ne urons from s ick le mic ehav e seve rel y dys functi o nal mi tochondri a. We hyp o thesize t ha t RO S and oxidative s t re s s induce mitoc hondri al dy s f unc tio n and TRPch annel sensiti z at i o n in ", "underscore_trick": " We_show that_mice with severe SCD_exhibit evidence_for_ongoing pain_and_pronounced pain-like behavior_in response to_cold, mechanical and heat_stimuli. Our preliminary_data_also indicate that sensory neurons from sickle mice have severely dysfunctional mitochondria. We hypothesize_that_ROS and_oxidative_stress_induce mitochondrial dysfunction and TRP_channel sensitization in"} +{"text": "astructural analysis in situ by immersing the entire pouch in fixative. Thin cross sections of arterioles are cut, stained and examined with a TEM. The frequency and distribution of MEJ's present in both dilated and constricted microvessels will be compared. Morphometric analysis of vessel cross sections", "synonym_substitution": "astructural analysis in situ by immersing the entire pouch in fixative. Thin hybridization section of arterioles are cut, stained and examine with a TEM. The frequency and distribution of MEJ's present in both dilated and constricted microvessels will be compared. Morphometric analysis of vessel crisscross sections", "butter_fingers": "astguctural analysis in sitm by immersing tkw entice poucg in fixxtive. Thin cross sections of aeteriiles are cut, stained avd examinvd with a TEM. Rhe frequeidy and distrigmtion if MEJ's presenj in both dinated and consdrkcced microvessels will be compared. Mowphomettif analysis of desstl srosa sections", "random_deletion": "astructural analysis in situ by immersing the in Thin cross of arterioles are a The frequency and of MEJ's present both dilated and constricted microvessels will compared. Morphometric analysis of vessel cross sections", "change_char_case": "astructural analysis in situ By immersinG the eNtiRe pOuCh in FixaTive. Thin cross sECtioNs of arterioles are cut, stAined AnD ExamINeD with A TEM. The FReQUEncY aNd DisTrIBuTion oF MEj's preseNt in both diLatEd And constrictED mIcrovesselS wiLl be compared. morPhometRiC anALysis Of vEssel Cross sECtions", "whitespace_perturbation": "astructural analysis in si tu by imme rsing th e e nt irepouc h in fixative. Thin cross sections of art eriol es arec ut , sta ined an d e x a min ed w ith a TE M. Th e f requenc y and dist rib ut ion of MEJ's pr esent in b oth dilated and co nstric te d m i crove sse ls wi ll bec ompare d. Morpho me t ric an a lysis o f ve ssel cross sections", "underscore_trick": "astructural analysis_in situ_by immersing the entire_pouch in_fixative._Thin cross_sections_of arterioles are_cut, stained and_examined with a TEM._The frequency and_distribution_of MEJ's present in both dilated and constricted microvessels will be compared. Morphometric analysis_of_vessel cross_sections"} +{"text": " a predictor of the extravasation of SLD, and therefore of the efficacy of SLD in treating a specific tumor. To test these hypotheses, NCTX was used to image rat mammary adenocarcinomas using a clinical mammography instrument. It was demonstrated that in individual rats bearing tumors of identical size and morphology, those", "synonym_substitution": "a predictor of the extravasation of SLD, and therefore of the efficacy of SLD in treating a specific tumor. To screen these guess, NCTX was used to image rat mammary adenocarcinomas use a clinical mammography instrument. It was demonstrated that in individual informer hold tumors of identical size and morphology, those", "butter_fingers": " a oredictor of the extravaration of SLD, aue therxfore or the efwicacy of SLD in treating a dpwcifix tumor. To test these fypothesed, NCTX wqs uwwd to imagx rat mammary zfenoeaccinomas using s clinical mammography itsgrbment. It was demonstrated that in inqividuak gats bearing tomors jf isvnuical size and morphology, those", "random_deletion": "a predictor of the extravasation of SLD, of efficacy of in treating a hypotheses, was used to rat mammary adenocarcinomas a clinical mammography instrument. It was that in individual rats bearing tumors of identical size and morphology, those", "change_char_case": " a predictor of the extravasatIon of SLD, anD therEfoRe oF tHe efFicaCy of SLD in treatINg a sPecific tumor. To test thesE hypoThESes, NctX Was usEd to imaGE rAT MamMaRy AdeNoCArCinomAs uSing a clInical mammOgrApHy instrument. iT wAs demonstrAteD that in indivIduAl rats BeAriNG tumoRs oF idenTical sIZe and mOrphology, ThOSe", "whitespace_perturbation": " a predictor of the extrav asation of SLD, an d t he refo re o f the efficacy of S LD in treating a speci fic t um o r. T o t est t hese hy p ot h e ses ,NC TXwa s u sed t o i mage ra t mammaryade no carcinomas u s in g a clinic almammographyins trumen t. It was d emo nstra ted th a t in i ndividual r a ts bea r ing tum o r sof i dentical size and mo r phology, those ", "underscore_trick": " a_predictor of_the extravasation of SLD,_and therefore_of_the efficacy_of_SLD in treating_a specific tumor._To test these hypotheses,_NCTX was used_to_image rat mammary adenocarcinomas using a clinical mammography instrument. It was demonstrated that in_individual_rats bearing_tumors_of_identical size and morphology, those"} +{"text": " the disease. Therefore, there is a dire need for the development of novel strategies by which pancreatic tumor progression could be prevented. The constitutive activation of EGFR and Akt signaling, commonly seen in PC, is known to activate NF-:B, which transcriptionally regulates many genes contributing to aggressive tumor growth, angiogenesis and invasion,", "synonym_substitution": "the disease. Therefore, there is a dire need for the growth of fresh strategies by which pancreatic tumor progression could be prevent. The constituent activation of EGFR and Akt signaling, commonly seen in PC, is know to activate NF-:B, which transcriptionally regulates many gene contribute to aggressive tumor growth, angiogenesis and invasion,", "butter_fingers": " thf disease. Therefore, thert is a dire need yir the develkpment ow novel strategies by which 'anceeatix tumor progression cojld be prvvented. Tye cibstitutive activatljn or EGFX end Akt signalikg, commonly seen in PC, is kvocn to activate NF-:B, which transcriptijnally tehulates many ggnes bogtrigltlng to aggressive tumor growth, ahgiogentsis and invasion,", "random_deletion": "the disease. Therefore, there is a dire the of novel by which pancreatic The activation of EGFR Akt signaling, commonly in PC, is known to activate which transcriptionally regulates many genes contributing to aggressive tumor growth, angiogenesis and invasion,", "change_char_case": " the disease. Therefore, there iS a dire need For thE deVelOpMent Of noVel strategies bY WhicH pancreatic tumor progreSsion CoULd be PReVenteD. The conSTiTUTivE aCtIvaTiON oF EGFR And akt signAling, commoNly SeEn in PC, is knowN To Activate NF-:b, whIch transcripTioNally rEgUlaTEs manY geNes coNtribuTIng to aGgressive TuMOr growTH, angiogENEsIs anD invasion,", "whitespace_perturbation": " the disease. Therefore, t here is adirenee d f or the dev elopment of no v el s trategies by which pan creat ic tumo r p rogre ssion c o ul d bepr ev ent ed . T he co nst itutive activatio n o fEGFR and Akt si gnaling, c omm only seen in PC , is k no wnt o act iva te NF -:B, w h ich tr anscripti on a lly re g ulatesm a ny gen es contributing t o a g gressive tumor growt h, an g i oge nes is and inv as ion,", "underscore_trick": " the_disease. Therefore,_there is a dire_need for_the_development of_novel_strategies by which_pancreatic tumor progression_could be prevented. The_constitutive activation of_EGFR_and Akt signaling, commonly seen in PC, is known to activate NF-:B, which transcriptionally_regulates_many genes_contributing_to_aggressive tumor growth, angiogenesis and_invasion,"} +{"text": " and neurodegenerative diseases. DESCRIPTION: Restoration of muscle function after injury requires the coordinate restoration of muscle fibers and microcirculation, as well as muscle and vascular innervation. Hypertension may have a significant effect on muscle regeneration, particularly on the regeneration of muscle blood vessels and the restoration of normal vascular control mechanisms.", "synonym_substitution": "and neurodegenerative diseases. DESCRIPTION: Restoration of muscle function after wound command the coordinate restoration of muscle fiber and microcirculation, equally well as muscle and vascular innervation. Hypertension may have a meaning impression on muscle positive feedback, particularly on the regeneration of brawn blood vessels and the renovation of normal vascular restraint mechanisms.", "butter_fingers": " anf neurodegenerative disexses. DESCRIPTIOU: Restocation kf muscld function after injury requmres the xoordinate restoration of musclv fibers qnd nucrocirculefion, as well zd muvrle and vasculat innervatiot. Hypertension mxy have a significant effect on musclq regenrrwtion, particulwrly jn tgv vegeneration of muscle blood vesaels anv the restoratipn of normal vascular contgol lechanisms.", "random_deletion": "and neurodegenerative diseases. DESCRIPTION: Restoration of muscle injury the coordinate of muscle fibers muscle vascular innervation. Hypertension have a significant on muscle regeneration, particularly on the of muscle blood vessels and the restoration of normal vascular control mechanisms.", "change_char_case": " and neurodegenerative diseaSes. DESCRIPtION: REstOraTiOn of MuscLe function afteR InjuRy requires the coordinatE restOrATion OF mUscle Fibers aND mICRocIrCuLatIoN, As Well aS muScle and Vascular inNerVaTion. HypertenSIoN may have a sIgnIficant effecT on Muscle ReGenERatioN, paRticuLarly oN The regEneration Of MUscle bLOod vessELS aNd thE restoration of norMAl VAscular control MechanIsMS.", "whitespace_perturbation": " and neurodegenerative dis eases. DES CRIPT ION : R es tora tion of muscle fun c tion after injury requires theco o rdin a te rest oration of m usc le f ibe rs an d mic roc irculat ion, as we llas muscle andv as cular inne rva tion. Hypert ens ion ma yhav e a si gni fican t effe c t on m uscle reg en e ration , partic u l ar ly o n the regeneratio n o f muscle bloodvessel sa nd t heres toration o fnorma l vascul a rc o n tro l mechanisms.", "underscore_trick": " and_neurodegenerative diseases._DESCRIPTION: Restoration of muscle_function after_injury_requires the_coordinate_restoration of muscle_fibers and microcirculation,_as well as muscle_and vascular innervation._Hypertension_may have a significant effect on muscle regeneration, particularly on the regeneration of muscle_blood_vessels and_the_restoration_of normal vascular control mechanisms."} +{"text": " a quorum must be present. The CPRMC reviews all protocols executed under the auspices of the Cancer Center and which use VCC resources. The objectives of the proposed studies are to investigate the relationship between immune responsiveness and leukemogenesis in congenic strains of mice. One portion of study will be directed at evaluating", "synonym_substitution": "a quorum must be present. The CPRMC reviews all protocols executed under the auspices of the Cancer Center and which practice VCC resource. The objectives of the proposed report are to investigate the kinship between immune responsiveness and leukemogenesis in congenic strains of mice. One portion of cogitation will be directed at evaluating", "butter_fingers": " a euorum must be present. Tme CPRMC reviews all prmtocola executdd under the auspices of the Cqncer Center and which use XCC resougces. The ibjertives of the proposed sbbdies wre co investigate tme relationvhip between ikmjnz responsiveness and leukemogenesis yn congrnlc strains of iice. Jne lortion of study will be directed zt evallating", "random_deletion": "a quorum must be present. The CPRMC protocols under the of the Cancer resources. objectives of the studies are to the relationship between immune responsiveness and in congenic strains of mice. One portion of study will be directed at", "change_char_case": " a quorum must be present. The CPrMC reviews All prOtoColS eXecuTed uNder the auspiceS Of thE Cancer Center and which uSe VCC ReSOurcES. THe objEctives OF tHE ProPoSeD stUdIEs Are to InvEstigatE the relatiOnsHiP between immuNE rEsponsivenEss And leukemogeNesIs in coNgEniC StraiNs oF mice. one porTIon of sTudy will bE dIRected AT evaluaTINg", "whitespace_perturbation": " a quorum must be present. The CPRMC revi ews al lprot ocol s executed und e r th e auspices of the Canc er Ce nt e r an d w hichuse VCC re s o urc es .The o b je ctive s o f the p roposed st udi es are to inve s ti gate the r ela tionship bet wee n immu ne re s ponsi ven ess a nd leu k emogen esis in c on g enic s t rains o f mi ce.One portion of st u dy will be direct ed atev a lu a t ing ", "underscore_trick": " a_quorum must_be present. The CPRMC_reviews all_protocols_executed under_the_auspices of the_Cancer Center and_which use VCC resources._The objectives of_the_proposed studies are to investigate the relationship between immune responsiveness and leukemogenesis in congenic_strains_of mice._One_portion_of study will be directed_at evaluating"} +{"text": " therapy in pediatric populations, and the prophylaxis and treatment of opportunistic infection in children. This program, consisting of a pediatric unit, an obstetrical unit and a virology core laboratory has a distinguished record over the past five years. The program faculty have provided scientific input into the conduct of clinical trials both nationally and locally", "synonym_substitution": "therapy in pediatric populations, and the prophylaxis and treatment of opportunistic infection in child. This platform, consisting of a pediatric unit, an obstetrical whole and a virology core laboratory have a distinguished record over the past five years. The program faculty have provided scientific stimulation into the conduct of clinical trials both nationally and locally", "butter_fingers": " thfrapy in pediatric populxtions, and the kriphylaeis and treatmevt of opportunistic infectioi in chileren. This program, consksting of a pediarric ynit, an obstetrical unit wnd c tirology core lsboratory vas a distinguhsfeb record over the past five years. Thq progrsm faculty have krovicqd sdpektific input into the conduct of clinicel trials both mationally and locally", "random_deletion": "therapy in pediatric populations, and the prophylaxis of infection in This program, consisting obstetrical and a virology laboratory has a record over the past five years. program faculty have provided scientific input into the conduct of clinical trials both and locally", "change_char_case": " therapy in pediatric populatIons, and the ProphYlaXis AnD treAtmeNt of opportunisTIc inFection in children. This pRograM, cONsisTInG of a pEdiatriC UnIT, An oBsTeTriCaL UnIt and A viRology cOre laboratOry HaS a distinguisHEd Record over The Past five yearS. ThE progrAm FacULty haVe pRovidEd scieNTific iNput into tHe COnduct OF clinicAL TrIals Both nationally and LOcALly", "whitespace_perturbation": " therapy in pediatric popu lations, a nd th e p rop hy laxi s an d treatment of oppo rtunistic infection in chil dr e n. T h is prog ram, co n si s t ing o fa p ed i at ric u nit , an ob stetricaluni tand a virolo g ycore labor ato ry has a dis tin guishe drec o rd ov erthe p ast fi v e year s. The pr og r am fac u lty hav e pr ovid ed scientific inp u ti nto the conduc t of c li n ic a l tr ial s both nat io nally and loc a ll y ", "underscore_trick": " therapy_in pediatric_populations, and the prophylaxis_and treatment_of_opportunistic infection_in_children. This program,_consisting of a_pediatric unit, an obstetrical_unit and a_virology_core laboratory has a distinguished record over the past five years. The program faculty_have_provided scientific_input_into_the conduct of clinical trials_both nationally and locally"} +{"text": "spinning disk confocal microscopy), with equivalent signal-to-noise ratio, which should aid in embryo lineaging. Initial results from this collaboration are under review. On the technical side, we are pursuing various instrumental approaches that should allow us to image with better 3D resolution (a weakness of SPIM compared to other technologies", "synonym_substitution": "spinning disk confocal microscopy), with equivalent signal - to - noise ratio, which should help in embryo lineaging. Initial result from this collaboration are under review. On the technical side, we are pursuing respective instrumental approaches that should admit us to visualize with better 3D resolution (a weakness of SPIM compared to other engineering", "butter_fingers": "spijning disk confocal micruscopy), with equncalent signam-to-noise ratio, which should aid in elbeyo luneaging. Initial resulgs from tjis collqboretion are under csview. Ok the bechnncel side, we are kursuing varhous instrumendau cpproaches that should allow us to iiage wiyh better 3D resojutipg (a svajness of SPIM compared to othsr techiologies", "random_deletion": "spinning disk confocal microscopy), with equivalent signal-to-noise should in embryo Initial results from On technical side, we pursuing various instrumental that should allow us to image better 3D resolution (a weakness of SPIM compared to other technologies", "change_char_case": "spinning disk confocal microScopy), with eQuivaLenT siGnAl-to-NoisE ratio, which shoULd aiD in embryo lineaging. InitIal reSuLTs frOM tHis coLlaboraTIoN ARe uNdEr RevIeW. on The teChnIcal sidE, we are pursUinG vArious instruMEnTal approacHes That should alLow Us to imAgE wiTH bettEr 3D ResolUtion (a WEaknesS of SPIM coMpARed to oTHer techNOLoGies", "whitespace_perturbation": "spinning disk confocal mic roscopy),withequ iva le nt s igna l-to-noise rat i o, w hich should aid in emb ryo l in e agin g .Initi al resu l ts f rom t hi s c ol l ab orati onare und er review. On t he technical si de, we are pu rsuing vario usinstru me nta l appr oac hes t hat sh o uld al low us to i m age wi t h bette r 3D res olution (a weakne s so f SPIM compare d to o th e rt e chn olo gies", "underscore_trick": "spinning disk_confocal microscopy),_with equivalent signal-to-noise ratio,_which should_aid_in embryo_lineaging._Initial results from_this collaboration are_under review. On the_technical side, we_are_pursuing various instrumental approaches that should allow us to image with better 3D resolution_(a_weakness of_SPIM_compared_to other technologies"} +{"text": "ic T cells derived from aged but not young thymi demonstrated high levels of IgM on their cell surface suggesting the possible presence of auto-antibodies on the surface thymocytes with advancing age. Whether there are autoantibodies targeting proteins on thymic subsets with advancing age remains to be determined. We are currently examining several gene pathways that", "synonym_substitution": "ic T cells derived from aged but not young thymus attest high levels of IgM on their cellular telephone surface suggesting the possible bearing of car - antibodies on the surface thymocytes with advancing age. Whether there are autoantibody targeting proteins on thymic subsets with advancing old age remains to be determined. We are currently examining several gene nerve pathway that", "butter_fingers": "ic H cells derived from agea but not young thymi vemonstdated hieh levels of IgM on their cepl surfqce suggesting the posrible predence of auti-qntibodies on the surfacs thykicytes with adyancing age. Whether there afe autoantibodies targeting proteins jn thymoc subsets with wdvamsing age remains to be determined. We ade currtntly examining seferal gene pathways that", "random_deletion": "ic T cells derived from aged but thymi high levels IgM on their presence auto-antibodies on the thymocytes with advancing Whether there are autoantibodies targeting proteins thymic subsets with advancing age remains to be determined. We are currently examining gene pathways that", "change_char_case": "ic T cells derived from aged buT not young tHymi dEmoNstRaTed hIgh lEvels of IgM on thEIr ceLl surface suggesting the PossiBlE PresENcE of auTo-antibODiES On tHe SuRfaCe THyMocytEs wIth advaNcing age. WhEthEr There are autoANtIbodies tarGetIng proteins oN thYmic suBsEts WIth adVanCing aGe remaINs to be DetermineD. WE Are curREntly exAMInIng sEveral gene pathwayS ThAT", "whitespace_perturbation": "ic T cells derived from ag ed but not youn g t hym idemo nstr ated high leve l s of IgM on their cell sur facesu g gest i ng thepossibl e p r e sen ce o f a ut o -a ntibo die s on th e surfacethy mo cytes with a d va ncing age. Wh ether thereare autoa nt ibo d ies t arg eting prote i ns onthymic su bs e ts wit h advanc i n gageremains to be det e rm i ned. We are cu rrentl ye xa m i nin g s everal gen epathw a ys that ", "underscore_trick": "ic T_cells derived_from aged but not_young thymi_demonstrated_high levels_of_IgM on their_cell surface suggesting_the possible presence of_auto-antibodies on the_surface_thymocytes with advancing age. Whether there are autoantibodies targeting proteins on thymic subsets with_advancing_age remains_to_be_determined. We are currently examining_several gene pathways that"} +{"text": " difficulty in obtaining suitable clinical material for study. A highly specialized and independent Clinical Core has been designed for this AADRC program to remove the burden from investigators of the consuming tasks of human subject recruitment/characterization and bronchoscope/sample acquisition while simultaneously supplying all investigators with sufficient clinical samples to efficiently pursue the mechanistic studies that", "synonym_substitution": "difficulty in obtaining suitable clinical material for discipline. A highly specialized and autonomous Clinical Core has been designed for this AADRC program to absent the effect from investigators of the consuming job of human topic recruitment / characterization and bronchoscope / sample acquisition while simultaneously supplying all detective with sufficient clinical samples to efficiently pursue the mechanistic sketch that", "butter_fingers": " divficulty in obtaining sultable clinical materian for atudy. A fighly specialized and indepxndebt Clunical Core has been ddsigned flr this QADRR program to remove the nbrden nrom nntestigators of jhe consuminc tasks of humdn sbbject recruitment/characterization agd bronvhlscope/sample asquixytioh while simultaneously supplying aml invevtigators witn sufficient clinical samppes ho efficiently purdue the mecyanifric studies ghat", "random_deletion": "difficulty in obtaining suitable clinical material for highly and independent Core has been to the burden from of the consuming of human subject recruitment/characterization and bronchoscope/sample while simultaneously supplying all investigators with sufficient clinical samples to efficiently pursue the studies that", "change_char_case": " difficulty in obtaining suitAble clinicAl matEriAl fOr StudY. A hiGhly specializeD And iNdependent Clinical Core Has beEn DEsigNEd For thIs AADRC PRoGRAm tO rEmOve ThE BuRden fRom InvestiGators of thE coNsUming tasks of HUmAn subject rEcrUitment/charaCteRizatiOn And BRonchOscOpe/saMple acQUisitiOn while siMuLTaneouSLy supplYINg All iNvestigators with sUFfICient clinical sAmples To EFfICIenTly Pursue the mEcHanisTIc studiES tHAT", "whitespace_perturbation": " difficulty in obtaining s uitable cl inica l m ate ri al f or s tudy. A highly spec ialized and independen t Cli ni c al C o re hasbeen de s ig n e d f or t his A A DR C pro gra m to re move the b urd en from invest i ga tors of th e c onsuming tas ksof hum an su b jectrec ruitm ent/ch a racter ization a nd bronch o scope/s a m pl e ac quisition while s i mu l taneously supp lyingal l i n v est iga tors withsu ffici e nt clin i ca l s amp l es to efficie ntly pursue the mecha ni sti c studi es th at ", "underscore_trick": " difficulty_in obtaining_suitable clinical material for_study. A_highly_specialized and_independent_Clinical Core has_been designed for_this AADRC program to_remove the burden_from_investigators of the consuming tasks of human subject recruitment/characterization and bronchoscope/sample acquisition while simultaneously_supplying_all investigators_with_sufficient_clinical samples to efficiently pursue_the mechanistic studies that"} +{"text": " is then transmitted to the brain via a neuronal network. The group of diseases being studied is referred to as congenital stationary night blindness. They have defects in signal transmission between photoreceptors and the second neuron in the pathway. The studies in this proposal will characterize the nature of the defects and determine new proteins critical to function. [", "synonym_substitution": "is then transmitted to the brain via a neuronal network. The group of disease being study is referred to as congenital stationary night blindness. They get defect in signal transmission between photoreceptors and the second neuron in the nerve pathway. The studies in this proposal will characterize the nature of the defect and determine new protein critical to function. [", "butter_fingers": " is then transmitted to the brain via a neorinal nxtwork. Fhe grouo of diseases being studied ms rwferrtb to as congenital sgationary night boindiess. They have dxrects ik sighwl txaismission betwegn photorece[tors and the vezoud neuron in the pathway. The studies in thix oroposal will sharssterjde the nature of the defects ans deterkine new protrins critical to function. [", "random_deletion": "is then transmitted to the brain via network. group of being studied is night They have defects signal transmission between and the second neuron in the The studies in this proposal will characterize the nature of the defects and new proteins critical to function. [", "change_char_case": " is then transmitted to the braIn via a neurOnal nEtwOrk. thE groUp of Diseases being sTUdieD is referred to as congeniTal stAtIOnarY NiGht blIndness. tHeY HAve DeFeCts In SIgNal trAnsMission Between phoTorEcEptors and the SEcOnd neuron iN thE pathway. The sTudIes in tHiS prOPosal WilL charActeriZE the naTure of the DeFEcts anD DetermiNE NeW proTeins critical to fuNCtIOn. [", "whitespace_perturbation": " is then transmitted to th e brain vi a a n eur ona lnetw ork. The group ofd isea ses being studied is r eferr ed to a s c ongen ital st a ti o n ary n ig htbl i nd ness. Th ey have defects i n s ig nal transmis s io n betweenpho toreceptorsand the s ec ond neuro n i n the pathw a y. The studiesin this p r oposalw i ll cha racterize the nat u re of the defects and d et e rm i n e n ewproteins c ri tical to func t io n . [", "underscore_trick": " is_then transmitted_to the brain via_a neuronal_network._The group_of_diseases being studied_is referred to_as congenital stationary night_blindness. They have_defects_in signal transmission between photoreceptors and the second neuron in the pathway. The studies_in_this proposal_will_characterize_the nature of the defects_and determine new proteins critical_to function._["} +{"text": " Daphnia as a general toxicogenomic model species for assessing metal exposure and effects in natural field populations. Catecholamine neurotransmitters have been implicated in the pathophysiology of several neurological and psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, depressive illness and Parkinson's disease. The enzyme which catalyzes the first and rate limiting step in", "synonym_substitution": "Daphnia as a general toxicogenomic model species for assessing metallic element vulnerability and effects in natural field population. Catecholamine neurotransmitters have been implicated in the pathophysiology of respective neurological and psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, depressive illness and Parkinson's disease. The enzyme which catalyzes the first and pace specify step in", "butter_fingers": " Daohnia as a general toxicugenomic model species for aasessing metal exposure and effects mn nqturao field populations. Cagecholamije neurorranwnitters hats been liplidwted mn the pathophyxiology of several neuronoeieal and psychiatric disorders such af schizppjrenia, depressyve pljnesa and Parkinson's disease. The enzyms which catalyzes thr first and rate limiting dtep in", "random_deletion": "Daphnia as a general toxicogenomic model species metal and effects natural field populations. in pathophysiology of several and psychiatric disorders as schizophrenia, depressive illness and Parkinson's The enzyme which catalyzes the first and rate limiting step in", "change_char_case": " Daphnia as a general toxicogeNomic model SpeciEs fOr aSsEssiNg meTal exposure and EFfecTs in natural field populaTions. caTEchoLAmIne neUrotranSMiTTErs HaVe BeeN iMPlIcateD in The pathOphysiologY of SeVeral neuroloGIcAl and psychIatRic disorders SucH as schIzOphREnia, dEprEssivE illneSS and PaRkinson's dIsEAse. The ENzyme whICH cAtalYzes the first and raTE lIMiting step in", "whitespace_perturbation": " Daphnia as a general toxi cogenomicmodel sp eci es for ass essing metal e x posu re and effects in natu ral f ie l d po p ul ation s. Cate c ho l a min ene uro tr a ns mitte rshave be en implica ted i n the pathop h ys iology ofsev eral neurolo gic al and p syc h iatri c d isord ers su c h as s chizophre ni a , depr e ssive i l l ne ss a nd Parkinson's di s ea s e. The enzymewhichca t al y z esthe first and r ate l i mitings te p i n", "underscore_trick": " Daphnia_as a_general toxicogenomic model species_for assessing_metal_exposure and_effects_in natural field_populations. Catecholamine neurotransmitters_have been implicated in_the pathophysiology of_several_neurological and psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, depressive illness and Parkinson's disease. The enzyme_which_catalyzes the_first_and_rate limiting step in"} +{"text": " the human and mouse insulin receptor genes. Recently, we have characterized trans-acting factors that bind to a 26 base pair enhancer located 503-528 base pairs upstream from the translation start site. This enhancer accounts for a two- to threefold increase in the level of gene expression. Using electrophoretic mobility shift analysis, we", "synonym_substitution": "the human and mouse insulin receptor genes. Recently, we have qualify trans - acting divisor that bind to a 26 base pair foil located 503 - 528 base pairs upriver from the transformation start site. This enhancer accounts for a two- to threefold addition in the level of gene expression. Using electrophoretic mobility shift psychoanalysis, we", "butter_fingers": " thf human and mouse insulik receptor genes. Recentny, we gave chafacterized trans-acting factocs tyat bund to a 26 base pair enfancer lobated 503-528 bawe peirs upstream from the tvcnslaflon scact site. This enmancer accognts for a two- tu chreefold increase in the level of gqne exptedsion. Using elgctrokhowetid mobility shift analysis, we", "random_deletion": "the human and mouse insulin receptor genes. have trans-acting factors bind to a 503-528 pairs upstream from translation start site. enhancer accounts for a two- to increase in the level of gene expression. Using electrophoretic mobility shift analysis, we", "change_char_case": " the human and mouse insulin reCeptor geneS. ReceNtlY, we HaVe chAracTerized trans-acTIng fActors that bind to a 26 base pAir enHaNCer lOCaTed 503-528 baSe pairs UPsTREam FrOm The TrANsLatioN stArt site. this enhancEr aCcOunts for a two- TO tHreefold inCreAse in the leveL of Gene exPrEssIOn. UsiNg eLectrOphoreTIc mobiLity shift AnALysis, wE", "whitespace_perturbation": " the human and mouse insul in recepto r gen es. Re ce ntly , we have characte r ized trans-acting factorsthatbi n d to a26 ba se pair en h a nce rlo cat ed 50 3-528 ba se pair s upstream fr om the transla t io n start si te. This enhanc eraccoun ts fo r a tw o-to th reefol d incre ase in th el evel o f gene e x p re ssio n. Using electrop h or e tic mobility s hift a na l ys i s , w e", "underscore_trick": " the_human and_mouse insulin receptor genes._Recently, we_have_characterized trans-acting_factors_that bind to_a 26 base_pair enhancer located 503-528_base pairs upstream_from_the translation start site. This enhancer accounts for a two- to threefold increase in_the_level of_gene_expression._Using electrophoretic mobility shift analysis,_we"} +{"text": " accurate indicators for the evaluation of the early response to therapy. Since bone matrix is the largest store of collagen, the invasion of bone by metastatic cancer, is accompanied by an elevated excretion of hydroxyproline (HYPRO) in urine. HYPRO is excreted as dialyzable and non-dialyzable forms", "synonym_substitution": "accurate indicators for the evaluation of the early response to therapy. Since bone matrix is the largest store of collagen, the invasion of bone by metastatic cancer, is play along by an exalted excretion of hydroxyproline (HYPRO) in urine. HYPRO is excreted as dialyzable and non - dialyzable forms", "butter_fingers": " acfurate indicators for tht evaluation of tkw earlb respohse to tferapy. Since bone matrix is vhe oargewt store of collagen, tfe invasiln of bobe bb metastatic canrsr, is ageompahled bv en elevated exctetion of hygroxyproline (HFPFO) in urine. HYPRO is excreted as dialrzable snf non-dialyzablg forkf", "random_deletion": "accurate indicators for the evaluation of the to Since bone is the largest of by metastatic cancer, accompanied by an excretion of hydroxyproline (HYPRO) in urine. is excreted as dialyzable and non-dialyzable forms", "change_char_case": " accurate indicators for the eValuation oF the eArlY reSpOnse To thErapy. Since bone MAtriX is the largest store of coLlageN, tHE invASiOn of bOne by meTAsTATic CaNcEr, iS aCCoMpaniEd bY an elevAted excretIon Of HydroxyproliNE (HyPRO) in urinE. HYpRO is excreteD as DialyzAbLe aND non-dIalYzablE forms", "whitespace_perturbation": " accurate indicators for t he evaluat ion o f t heea rlyresp onse to therap y . Si nce bone matrix is the larg es t sto r eof co llagen, th e inv as io n o fb on e bymet astatic cancer, i s a cc ompanied bya nelevated e xcr etion of hyd rox yproli ne (H Y PRO)inurine . HYPR O is ex creted as d i alyzab l e and n o n -d ialy zable forms", "underscore_trick": " accurate_indicators for_the evaluation of the_early response_to_therapy. Since_bone_matrix is the_largest store of_collagen, the invasion of_bone by metastatic_cancer,_is accompanied by an elevated excretion of hydroxyproline (HYPRO) in urine. HYPRO is excreted_as_dialyzable and_non-dialyzable_forms"} +{"text": " intraluminal solubilization and distribution within micelles and vesicles of biliary compared to dietary cholesterol in humans and assess the impact of ezetimibe treatment on absorption of endogenous or exogenous cholesterol by assessing absorption of human contents in the biliary diverted, rat lymph fistula model. For each of these aims, subjects will be", "synonym_substitution": "intraluminal solubilization and distribution within micelles and vesicles of biliary compared to dietary cholesterol in humans and measure the impingement of ezetimibe treatment on absorption of endogenous or exogenous cholesterol by assessing assimilation of human contents in the biliary diverted, denounce lymph fistulous withers model. For each of these aims, subjects will be", "butter_fingers": " inhraluminal solubilizatiok and distribution withmn micemles and vesicles of biliary comparev to dietqry cholesterol in humxns and adsess thw imkact of ezetimibe treatmekc on znsorpciin of endogenoos or exogenmus cholesteron cy assessing absorption of human contqnts in tje biliary divgrted, wat mjmkh fistula model. For each of thess aims, vubjects will be", "random_deletion": "intraluminal solubilization and distribution within micelles and biliary to dietary in humans and treatment absorption of endogenous exogenous cholesterol by absorption of human contents in the diverted, rat lymph fistula model. For each of these aims, subjects will be", "change_char_case": " intraluminal solubilizatioN and distriButioN wiThiN mIcelLes aNd vesicles of biLIary Compared to dietary choleSteroL iN HumaNS aNd assEss the iMPaCT Of eZeTiMibE tREaTment On aBsorptiOn of endogeNouS oR exogenous chOLeSterol by asSesSing absorptiOn oF human CoNteNTs in tHe bIliarY diverTEd, rat lYmph fistuLa MOdel. FoR Each of tHESe Aims, Subjects will be", "whitespace_perturbation": " intraluminal solubilizati on and dis tribu tio n w it hinmice lles and vesic l es o f biliary compared todieta ry chol e st erolin huma n sa n d a ss es s t he im pactofezetimi be treatme nton absorptiono fendogenous or exogenous c hol estero lbya ssess ing abso rption of hum an conten ts in the biliary d iv erte d, rat lymph fist u la model. For eac h of t he s ea i ms, su bjects wil lbe", "underscore_trick": " intraluminal_solubilization and_distribution within micelles and_vesicles of_biliary_compared to_dietary_cholesterol in humans_and assess the_impact of ezetimibe treatment_on absorption of_endogenous_or exogenous cholesterol by assessing absorption of human contents in the biliary diverted, rat_lymph_fistula model._For_each_of these aims, subjects will_be"} +{"text": "-dimensional histograms; other correlations include flow cytometry data with high-resolution image analysis data. In addition, there is the potential use of this device for obtaining high-frequency chromosome spreads on a microscope slide. Under computer control, the device performs the cell deposition function. With a recently purchased computer-controlled microscope, we are", "synonym_substitution": "-dimensional histograms; other correlations include menstruation cytometry datum with high - resolution prototype psychoanalysis data. In addition, there is the likely manipulation of this device for obtaining eminent - frequency chromosome spreads on a microscope slide. Under calculator control, the device performs the cell deposition affair. With a recently purchased computer - controlled microscope, we are", "butter_fingers": "-dimfnsional histograms; othev correlations iuxlude hlow cyfometry aata with high-resolution imaje abalysus data. In addition, thdre is thv potentiql uww of this vsvice for obtzlning iigh-frequency cmromosome s[reads on a miwruseope slide. Under computer control, thq devicr oerforms the cgll dtpofitikn function. With a recently purchaaed comkuter-controlled mivroscope, we are", "random_deletion": "-dimensional histograms; other correlations include flow cytometry high-resolution analysis data. addition, there is device obtaining high-frequency chromosome on a microscope Under computer control, the device performs cell deposition function. With a recently purchased computer-controlled microscope, we are", "change_char_case": "-dimensional histograms; otheR correlatiOns inCluDe fLoW cytOmetRy data with high-REsolUtion image analysis data. in addItIOn, thERe Is the PotentiAL uSE Of tHiS dEviCe FOr ObtaiNinG high-frEquency chrOmoSoMe spreads on a MIcRoscope sliDe. UNder computer ConTrol, thE dEviCE perfOrmS the cEll depOSition Function. WItH A recenTLy purchASEd CompUter-controlled micROsCOpe, we are", "whitespace_perturbation": "-dimensional histograms; o ther corre latio nsinc lu de f lowcytometry data with high-resolution image anal ys i s da t a. In a ddition , t h e reis t hepo t en tialuse of thi s device f orob taining high - fr equency ch rom osome spread s o n a mi cr osc o pe sl ide . Und er com p uter c ontrol, t he device perform s th e ce ll deposition fun c ti o n. With a rece ntly p ur c ha s e d c omp uter-contr ol led m i croscop e ,w e are ", "underscore_trick": "-dimensional histograms;_other correlations_include flow cytometry data_with high-resolution_image_analysis data._In_addition, there is_the potential use_of this device for_obtaining high-frequency chromosome_spreads_on a microscope slide. Under computer control, the device performs the cell deposition function._With_a recently_purchased_computer-controlled_microscope, we are"} +{"text": " In addition, the delivery of therapeutic agents via the blood supply is often impossible because the Blood-Brain barrier (BBB) protects the brain tissue from foreign molecules. Laboratory experiments have shown that focused ultrasound (FUS) beams can be used for noninvasive interventions. However, the utilization of FUS in the brain", "synonym_substitution": "In addition, the delivery of therapeutic agents via the rake provision is often impossible because the Blood - Brain barrier (BBB) protects the mind tissue from extraneous molecules. Laboratory experiment have shown that focused ultrasound (FUS) radio beam can be used for noninvasive interventions. However, the use of FUS in the brain", "butter_fingers": " In addition, the delivery on therapeutic aggnrs via the bmood supoly is often impossible becanse rhe Boood-Brain barrier (BBB) orotects nhe brain tiswye from focsign moleculea. Labmcatory experimekts have shmwn that focusad uptrasound (FUS) beams can be used for noninvsslve interventijns. Njwevsg, uhe utilization of FUS in the brajn", "random_deletion": "In addition, the delivery of therapeutic agents blood is often because the Blood-Brain tissue foreign molecules. Laboratory have shown that ultrasound (FUS) beams can be used noninvasive interventions. However, the utilization of FUS in the brain", "change_char_case": " In addition, the delivery of thErapeutic aGents Via The BlOod sUpplY is often impossIBle bEcause the Blood-Brain barRier (BbB) PRoteCTs The brAin tissUE fROM foReIgN moLeCUlEs. LabOraTory expEriments haVe sHoWn that focuseD UlTrasound (FUs) beAms can be used For NoninvAsIve INtervEntIons. HOwever, THe utilIzation of fUs In the bRAin", "whitespace_perturbation": " In addition, the delivery of therap eutic ag ent sviatheblood supply i s oft en impossible becausethe B lo o d-Br a in barr ier (BB B )p r ote ct sthe b r ai n tis sue from f oreign mol ecu le s. Laborator y e xperiments ha ve shown tha t f ocused u ltr a sound (F US) b eams c a n be u sed for n on i nvasiv e interv e n ti ons. However, the uti l iz a tion of FUS in the b ra i n", "underscore_trick": " In_addition, the_delivery of therapeutic agents_via the_blood_supply is_often_impossible because the_Blood-Brain barrier (BBB)_protects the brain tissue_from foreign molecules._Laboratory_experiments have shown that focused ultrasound (FUS) beams can be used for noninvasive interventions._However,_the utilization_of_FUS_in the brain"} +{"text": "olerability, effect size, etc.) to design a larger RCT of low-dose naltrexone and/or nalmefene for chronic pain among persons with heavy alcohol use. We choose to conduct this research in St. Petersburg, Russia, given that: 1) nalmefene is licensed in Russia", "synonym_substitution": "olerability, effect size, etc .) to design a larger RCT of low - venereal disease naltrexone and/or nalmefene for chronic annoyance among persons with heavy alcohol habit. We choose to lead this research in St. Petersburg, Russia, given that: 1) nalmefene is license in Russia", "butter_fingers": "olegability, effect size, etc.) to design a latgwr RCT of los-dose nautrexone and/or nalmefene for cyronix pain among persons wkth heavy alcohol use. Qe choose vk condugc thia reszacch in St. Peterxburg, Russha, given that: 1) nxllefene is licensed in Russia", "random_deletion": "olerability, effect size, etc.) to design a of naltrexone and/or for chronic pain use. choose to conduct research in St. Russia, given that: 1) nalmefene is in Russia", "change_char_case": "olerability, effect size, etc.) tO design a laRger RcT oF loW-dOse nAltrExone and/or nalmEFene For chronic pain among perSons wItH HeavY AlCohol Use. We chOOsE TO coNdUcT thIs REsEarch In ST. PetersBurg, Russia, GivEn That: 1) nalmefenE Is Licensed in rusSia", "whitespace_perturbation": "olerability, effect size,etc.) to d esign alar ge r RC T of low-dose nalt r exon e and/or nalmefene for chro ni c pai n a mongpersons wi t h he av yalc oh o luse.Wechooseto conduct th is research in St . Petersbu rg, Russia, giv enthat:1) na l mefen e i s lic ensedi n Russ ia", "underscore_trick": "olerability, effect_size, etc.)_to design a larger_RCT of_low-dose_naltrexone and/or_nalmefene_for chronic pain_among persons with_heavy alcohol use. We_choose to conduct_this_research in St. Petersburg, Russia, given that: 1) nalmefene is licensed in Russia"} +{"text": " integrated health care organizations. The PCIP is evaluating trends in priority quality measures (e.g., blood pressure and lipid control) among 90 small practices randomized to receive clinical decision support tools and/or financial rewards. This proposed study of 60 comparison practices that have not adopted EHRs will provide a unique opportunity to demonstrate", "synonym_substitution": "integrated health care organizations. The PCIP is evaluating drift in precedence quality measures (for example, blood imperativeness and lipid control) among 90 little practices randomized to pick up clinical decision support cock and/or financial rewards. This aim study of 60 comparison practices that have not adopted EHRs will provide a unique opportunity to demonstrate", "butter_fingers": " inhegrated health care orgxnizations. The KCUP is xvaluatjng trenas in priority quality measuces (w.g., bliod pressure and lipid control) wmong 90 snall practices czndomizcb to dcceivz rlinical decisipn support tools and/or fhnxneial rewards. This proposed study of 60 comparosln practices trat nwve hot adopted EHRs will provide a unjque opkortunity to demonxtrate", "random_deletion": "integrated health care organizations. The PCIP is in quality measures blood pressure and practices to receive clinical support tools and/or rewards. This proposed study of 60 practices that have not adopted EHRs will provide a unique opportunity to demonstrate", "change_char_case": " integrated health care organIzations. ThE PCIP Is eValUaTing TrenDs in priority quALity Measures (e.g., blood pressurE and lIpID conTRoL) amonG 90 small pRAcTICes RaNdOmiZeD To ReceiVe cLinical Decision suPpoRt Tools and/or fiNAnCial rewardS. ThIs proposed stUdy Of 60 compArIsoN PractIceS that Have noT AdopteD EHRs will PrOVide a uNIque oppORTuNity To demonstrate", "whitespace_perturbation": " integrated health care or ganization s. Th e P CIP i s ev alua ting trends in prio rity quality measures(e.g. ,b lood pr essur e and l i pi d con tr ol ) a mo n g90 sm all practi ces random ize dto receive c l in ical decis ion support too lsand/or f ina n cialrew ards. Thisp ropose d study o f6 0 comp a rison p r a ct ices that have not ad o pt e d EHRs will pr ovideau ni q u e o ppo rtunity to d emons t rate", "underscore_trick": " integrated_health care_organizations. The PCIP is_evaluating trends_in_priority quality_measures_(e.g., blood pressure_and lipid control)_among 90 small practices_randomized to receive_clinical_decision support tools and/or financial rewards. This proposed study of 60 comparison practices that_have_not adopted_EHRs_will_provide a unique opportunity to_demonstrate"} +{"text": "4) develop efficient path methods to study chemical mechanisms and conformational transitions in ribozymes. In this way we hope to greatly extend the predictive capability and range of application of state of the art theoretical methods to RNA catalysis. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: The goal of this proposal is to use quantum mechanical and molecular", "synonym_substitution": "4) develop efficient path methods to analyze chemical mechanism and conformational transitions in ribozymes. In this way we hope to greatly extend the predictive capability and image of application of state of the artwork theoretical methods to RNA catalysis. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: The goal of this proposal is to practice quantum mechanical and molecular", "butter_fingers": "4) degelop efficient path metmods to study chgmucal mxchanisjs and cunformational transitions in rubozynes. In this way we hopd to greanly extene tht predictive capaujlity akb ranfc of cp'lication of stste of the art theoreticdl mzthods to RNA catalysis. PUBLIC HEALTR RELEVSNFE: The goal of thix prolosal is to use quantum mechanical and monecular", "random_deletion": "4) develop efficient path methods to study and transitions in In this way the capability and range application of state the art theoretical methods to RNA PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: The goal of this proposal is to use quantum mechanical molecular", "change_char_case": "4) develop efficient path methoDs to study cHemicAl mEchAnIsms And cOnformational tRAnsiTions in ribozymes. In this Way we HoPE to gREaTly exTend the PReDICtiVe CaPabIlITy And raNge Of appliCation of stAte Of The art theoreTIcAl methods tO RNa catalysis. PUbLIc HEALTh ReLEvaNCE: THe gOal of This prOPosal iS to use quaNtUM mechaNIcal and MOLeCulaR", "whitespace_perturbation": "4) develop efficient pathmethods to stud y c hem ic al m echa nisms and conf o rmat ional transitions in r ibozy me s . In th is wa y we ho p et o gr ea tl y e xt e nd thepre dictive capabilit y a nd range of ap p li cation ofsta te of the ar t t heoret ic alm ethod s t o RNA catal y sis. P UBLIC HEA LT H RELEV A NCE: Th e go al o f this proposal i s t o use quantum m echani ca l a n d mo lec ular", "underscore_trick": "4) develop_efficient path_methods to study chemical_mechanisms and_conformational_transitions in_ribozymes._In this way_we hope to_greatly extend the predictive_capability and range_of_application of state of the art theoretical methods to RNA catalysis. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE:_The_goal of_this_proposal_is to use quantum mechanical_and molecular"} +{"text": " that can be considered appropriate for the K08 award. The career development plan is outlined for five years, with courses in epidemiology and biostatistics during phase I, followed by the period of independent research in phase II. The proposed research addresses the role of interferon in infection by dengue virus (DV), both to investigate how", "synonym_substitution": "that can be considered appropriate for the K08 award. The career development plan is delineate for five days, with courses in epidemiology and biostatistics during phase I, followed by the menstruation of independent research in phase II. The nominate inquiry addresses the role of interferon in infection by dengue virus (DV), both to investigate how", "butter_fingers": " thwt can be considered appvopriate for the K08 awarv. The czreer dexelopment plan is outlined flr five years, with courses in epidemiopogy and biowratistics vhring pmcse I, nollocev by the period of indepetdent research iv 'hase II. The proposed research addrefses thr gole of interfgron pn infsbtlon by dengue virus (DV), both to ihvestigete how", "random_deletion": "that can be considered appropriate for the The development plan outlined for five and during phase I, by the period independent research in phase II. The research addresses the role of interferon in infection by dengue virus (DV), both investigate how", "change_char_case": " that can be considered appropRiate for thE K08 awaRd. THe cArEer dEvelOpment plan is ouTLineD for five years, with coursEs in ePiDEmioLOgY and bIostatiSTiCS DurInG pHasE I, FOlLowed By tHe perioD of indepenDenT rEsearch in phaSE Ii. The proposEd rEsearch addreSseS the roLe Of iNTerfeRon In infEction BY denguE virus (DV), bOtH To inveSTigate hOW", "whitespace_perturbation": " that can be considered ap propriatefor t heK08 a ward . Th e career devel o pmen t plan is outlined for five y e ars, wi th co urses i n e p i dem io lo gyan d b iosta tis tics du ring phase I, f ollowed by t h eperiod ofind ependent res ear ch inph ase II. T hepropo sed re s earchaddresses t h e role of inte r f er on i n infection by de n gu e virus (DV), b oth to i n ve s t iga tehow", "underscore_trick": " that_can be_considered appropriate for the_K08 award._The_career development_plan_is outlined for_five years, with_courses in epidemiology and_biostatistics during phase_I,_followed by the period of independent research in phase II. The proposed research addresses_the_role of_interferon_in_infection by dengue virus (DV),_both to investigate how"} +{"text": " so the drug names were subject to variation and typos. Surescripts data provided standardized names. To make the two sources comparable, we mapped all drugs to their standard names in RxNorm, the U.S. standard reference drug terminology. Mapping was done largely by automatic text matching algorithms followed by manual review", "synonym_substitution": "so the drug names were subject to variation and typos. Surescripts datum provide standardized names. To produce the two source comparable, we mapped all drugs to their standard name in RxNorm, the U.S. standard reference book drug terminology. Mapping was act largely by automatic text matching algorithm followed by manual review", "butter_fingers": " so the drug names were submect to variatiou and tbpos. Sudescriptr data provided standardized nqmes. Uj make the two soufces compwrable, ww makped all drugs to their sbcndars namzs in RxNorm, the U.S. standasd reference dsue cerminology. Mapping was done largely by autpmwtic text matcring wlgodptmms followed by manual review", "random_deletion": "so the drug names were subject to typos. data provided names. To make mapped drugs to their names in RxNorm, U.S. standard reference drug terminology. Mapping done largely by automatic text matching algorithms followed by manual review", "change_char_case": " so the drug names were subject To variatioN and tYpoS. SuReScriPts dAta provided staNDardIzed names. To make the two sOurceS cOMparABlE, we maPped all DRuGS To tHeIr StaNdARd Names In RXNorm, thE U.S. standarD reFeRence drug terMInOlogy. MappiNg wAs done largelY by AutomaTiC teXT matcHinG algoRithms FOlloweD by manual ReVIew", "whitespace_perturbation": " so the drug names were su bject to v ariat ion an dtypo s. S urescripts dat a pro vided standardized nam es. T om aket he twosources co m p ara bl e, we m a pp ed al l d rugs to their sta nda rd names in Rx N or m, the U.S . s tandard refe ren ce dru gter m inolo gy. Mapp ing wa s donelargely b ya utomat i c textm a tc hing algorithms follo w ed by manual revi ew", "underscore_trick": " so_the drug_names were subject to_variation and_typos._Surescripts data_provided_standardized names. To_make the two_sources comparable, we mapped_all drugs to_their_standard names in RxNorm, the U.S. standard reference drug terminology. Mapping was done largely_by_automatic text_matching_algorithms_followed by manual review"} +{"text": " VLM will be determined through the use of antidromic microstimulation and/or spike-triggered averaging of recorded field potentials. Second, monosynaptic connections between caudal and rostral VLM neurons will be investigated by recording simultaneous activity from pairs of these neurons and application of cross correlation analysis. Third", "synonym_substitution": "VLM will be determined through the use of antidromic microstimulation and/or spike - triggered averaging of recorded sphere potential. Second, monosynaptic connections between caudal and rostral VLM neurons will be investigated by record simultaneous activity from pair of these nerve cell and application of cross correlation analysis. Third", "butter_fingers": " VLL will be determined thruugh the use of antidrmmic mjcrostimjlation and/or spike-triggered aceragung of recorded field ootentiald. Second, moniwynaptic connectiokf befaeen raudal and rosttal VLM neurmns will be ineertngated by recording simultaneous actyvity ftol pairs of thefe nturjns znd application of cross correlatikn analjsis. Third", "random_deletion": "VLM will be determined through the use microstimulation spike-triggered averaging recorded field potentials. and VLM neurons will investigated by recording activity from pairs of these neurons application of cross correlation analysis. Third", "change_char_case": " VLM will be determined througH the use of aNtidrOmiC miCrOstiMulaTion and/or spike-TRiggEred averaging of recordeD fielD pOTentIAlS. SecoNd, monosYNaPTIc cOnNeCtiOnS BeTween CauDal and rOstral VLM nEurOnS will be invesTIgAted by recoRdiNg simultaneoUs aCtivitY fRom PAirs oF thEse neUrons aND appliCation of cRoSS correLAtion anALYsIs. ThIrd", "whitespace_perturbation": " VLM will be determined th rough theuse o f a nti dr omic mic rostimulationa nd/o r spike-triggered aver aging o f rec o rd ed fi eld pot e nt i a ls. S ec ond ,m on osyna pti c conne ctions bet wee ncaudal and r o st ral VLM ne uro ns will be i nve stigat ed by recor din g sim ultane o us act ivity fro mp airs o f thesen e ur onsand application o f c r oss correlatio n anal ys i s. T hir d", "underscore_trick": " VLM_will be_determined through the use_of antidromic_microstimulation_and/or spike-triggered_averaging_of recorded field_potentials. Second, monosynaptic_connections between caudal and_rostral VLM neurons_will_be investigated by recording simultaneous activity from pairs of these neurons and application of_cross_correlation analysis._Third"} +{"text": " gonorrhoeae causes about 800,000 new infections each year in the United States, with health-care costs approaching 2 billion dollars/year. Various surface components, including lipooligosaccharide (LOS) and opacity protein(s) (Opa(s)), are important in mediating disease. The objectives", "synonym_substitution": "gonorrhoeae causes about 800,000 new infections each class in the United States, with health - caution costs approaching 2 billion dollar / class. Various surface components, include lipooligosaccharide (LOS) and opacity protein(s) (Opa(s) ), are important in mediating disease. The aim", "butter_fingers": " gojorrhoeae causes about 800,000 kew infections ecxh yeac in ths United States, with health-care costd qpproqching 2 billion dollarr/year. Varpous surfqce romponents, incluvjng lipooligoawcchcrmde (LOS) and opagity proteit(s) (Opa(s)), are im[oftcnt in mediating disease. The objectides", "random_deletion": "gonorrhoeae causes about 800,000 new infections each the States, with costs approaching 2 including (LOS) and opacity (Opa(s)), are important mediating disease. The objectives", "change_char_case": " gonorrhoeae causes about 800,000 new Infections Each yEar In tHe unitEd StAtes, with health-CAre cOsts approaching 2 billion DollaRs/YEar. VARiOus suRface coMPoNENts, InClUdiNg LIpOoligOsaCcharidE (LOS) and opaCitY pRotein(s) (Opa(s)), aRE iMportant in MedIating diseasE. ThE objecTiVes", "whitespace_perturbation": " gonorrhoeae causes about800,000 ne w inf ect ion seach yea r in the Unite d Sta tes, with health-carecosts a p proa c hi ng 2billion do l l ars /y ea r.Va r io us su rfa ce comp onents, in clu di ng lipooligo s ac charide (L OS) and opacity pr otein( s) (O p a(s)) , a re im portan t in me diating d is e ase. T h e objec t i ve s", "underscore_trick": " gonorrhoeae_causes about_800,000 new infections each_year in_the_United States,_with_health-care costs approaching_2 billion dollars/year._Various surface components, including_lipooligosaccharide (LOS) and_opacity_protein(s) (Opa(s)), are important in mediating disease. The objectives"} +{"text": " for the permeability response for these and other permeabilizing factors. By screening a commercially available library, we have already identified a class of inhibitors for this target and in this grant we propose to combine medicinal chemists, structural biologists and cellular and molecular physiologists to develop compounds that control retinal blood vessel permeability in multiple models", "synonym_substitution": "for the permeability response for these and other permeabilizing factors. By screening a commercially available library, we have already identify a course of inhibitors for this target and in this concession we propose to aggregate medicinal pharmacist, morphologic biologists and cellular and molecular physiologist to originate compounds that master retinal blood vessel permeability in multiple models", "butter_fingers": " fog the permeability respokse for these anb other permezbilizine factors. By screening a comleecialoy available library, wd have algeady idebtifmed a class of iigibitors for fmis tcrjet and in this grant we [ropose to comtive medicinal chemists, structural bioljgists snf cellular and moltcujar lhysiologists to develop compounds that cmntrol retinak blood vessel permeabilitj in multiple models", "random_deletion": "for the permeability response for these and factors. screening a available library, we of for this target in this grant propose to combine medicinal chemists, structural and cellular and molecular physiologists to develop compounds that control retinal blood vessel in multiple models", "change_char_case": " for the permeability responsE for these aNd othEr pErmEaBiliZing Factors. By screeNIng a Commercially available lIbrarY, wE Have ALrEady iDentifiED a CLAss Of InHibItORs For thIs tArget anD in this graNt wE pRopose to combINe Medicinal cHemIsts, structurAl bIologiStS anD CelluLar And moLeculaR PhysioLogists to DeVElop coMPounds tHAT cOntrOl retinal blood vesSEl PErmeability in mUltiplE mODeLS", "whitespace_perturbation": " for the permeability resp onse for t heseand ot he r pe rmea bilizing facto r s. B y screening a commerci allyav a ilab l elibra ry, weh av e alr ea dy id en t if ied a cl ass ofinhibitors fo rthis targeta nd in this g ran t we propose to combi ne me d icina l c hemis ts, st r uctura l biologi st s and c e llulara n dmole cular physiologis t st o develop comp oundsth a tc o ntr olretinal bl oo d ves s el perm e ab i l i tyi n multiple mo dels", "underscore_trick": " for_the permeability_response for these and_other permeabilizing_factors._By screening_a_commercially available library,_we have already_identified a class of_inhibitors for this_target_and in this grant we propose to combine medicinal chemists, structural biologists and cellular_and_molecular physiologists_to_develop_compounds that control retinal blood_vessel permeability in multiple models"} +{"text": " with its receptors (BMPR) on single mouse ESCs (mESCs) can induce their differentiation, triggering down and up regulation of a few receptor molecules (SSEA1 and CXCR4), respectively. However, their related molecular mechanisms and how to precisely control their specific cardiac differentiation remain largely unknown. We hypothesize that", "synonym_substitution": "with its receptors (BMPR) on single mouse ESCs (mESCs) can induce their differentiation, trip down and up rule of a few receptor molecules (SSEA1 and CXCR4), respectively. However, their relate molecular mechanism and how to precisely control their specific cardiac differentiation stay largely unknown. We hypothesize that", "butter_fingers": " wihh its receptors (BMPR) on single mouse ESCs (mESRs) can jnduce tfeir differentiation, triggermng eown qnd up regulation of a few receitor molexulew (SSEA1 and RSCR4), resizctivspy. Hmxever, their relsted molecglar mechanismv xnb how to precisely control their spesific csrfiac differentyatipg rejain largely unknown. We hypothesizs that", "random_deletion": "with its receptors (BMPR) on single mouse can their differentiation, down and up molecules and CXCR4), respectively. their related molecular and how to precisely control their cardiac differentiation remain largely unknown. We hypothesize that", "change_char_case": " with its receptors (BMPR) on sinGle mouse EScs (mEScs) cAn iNdUce tHeir DifferentiatioN, TrigGering down and up regulatIon of A fEW recEPtOr molEcules (SseA1 AND CXcR4), ReSpeCtIVeLy. HowEveR, their rElated moleCulAr Mechanisms anD HoW to preciseLy cOntrol their sPecIfic caRdIac DIfferEntIatioN remaiN LargelY unknown. WE hYPothesIZe that", "whitespace_perturbation": " with its receptors (BMPR) on single mous e E SCs ( mESC s) c an induce thei r dif ferentiation, triggeri ng do wn andu pregul ation o f a f ewre ce pto rm ol ecule s ( SSEA1 a nd CXCR4), re sp ectively. Ho w ev er, theirrel ated molecul armechan is msa nd ho w t o pre cisely contro l their s pe c ific c a rdiac d i f fe rent iation remain lar g el y unknown. We h ypothe si z et h at", "underscore_trick": " with_its receptors_(BMPR) on single mouse_ESCs (mESCs)_can_induce their_differentiation,_triggering down and_up regulation of_a few receptor molecules_(SSEA1 and CXCR4),_respectively._However, their related molecular mechanisms and how to precisely control their specific cardiac differentiation_remain_largely unknown._We_hypothesize_that"} +{"text": " or chemical transmitters). This international collaboration will study a field trial initiated and funded by the Norwegian government: a nationwide implementation of the OSLC model of parent management training (PMTO). PMTO is an efficacious theory-based intervention that teaches parents child-rearing strategies that prevent deviant child behavior and", "synonym_substitution": "or chemical transmitters). This international collaboration will study a field test initiate and funded by the Norwegian government: a nationwide execution of the OSLC model of parent management training (PMTO). PMTO is an efficacious hypothesis - base intervention that teaches parents child - rearing strategy that prevent deviant child behavior and", "butter_fingers": " or chemical transmitters). Tmis international collauoratioh will sgudy a field trial initiated abd fubded by the Norwegian eovernmenn: a natiobwidt implementation of the OSLC moscl of 'arent managemekt training (PMTO). PMTO is dn eyficacious theory-based intervention ehat tescjes parents chyld-rtaryng anrctegies that prevent deviant chjld behevior and", "random_deletion": "or chemical transmitters). This international collaboration will field initiated and by the Norwegian the model of parent training (PMTO). PMTO an efficacious theory-based intervention that teaches child-rearing strategies that prevent deviant child behavior and", "change_char_case": " or chemical transmitters). ThiS internatiOnal cOllAboRaTion Will Study a field triAL iniTiated and funded by the NoRwegiAn GOverNMeNt: a naTionwidE ImPLEmeNtAtIon Of THe oSLC mOdeL of pareNt managemeNt tRaIning (PMTO). PMTo Is An efficaciOus Theory-based iNteRventiOn ThaT TeachEs pArentS child-REaring StrategieS tHAt prevENt deviaNT ChIld bEhavior and", "whitespace_perturbation": " or chemical transmitters) . This int ernat ion alco llab orat ion will study a fi eld trial initiated an d fun de d byt he Norw egian g o ve r n men t: a na ti o nw ide i mpl ementat ion of the OS LC model of pa r en t manageme nttraining (PM TO) . PMTO i s a n effi cac ioustheory - basedintervent io n thatt eachesp a re ntschild-rearing str a te g ies that preve nt dev ia n tc h ild be havior and ", "underscore_trick": " or_chemical transmitters)._This international collaboration will_study a_field_trial initiated_and_funded by the_Norwegian government: a_nationwide implementation of the_OSLC model of_parent_management training (PMTO). PMTO is an efficacious theory-based intervention that teaches parents child-rearing strategies_that_prevent deviant_child_behavior_and"} +{"text": " CD45RB isoform. By using T isolated from OVA-TCR Tg mice, we will be able to control exposure of the separate populations to antigen after adoptive transfer to SCID mice. This will allow us to dissect the earliest antigenic responses of these two populations during disease progression or prevention. In parallel", "synonym_substitution": "CD45RB isoform. By using T isolated from OVA - TCR Tg mice, we will be able to see vulnerability of the separate populations to antigen after adoptive transportation to SCID mice. This will allow us to analyze the early antigenic responses of these two population during disease progression or prevention. In parallel", "butter_fingers": " CD45GB isoform. By using T isulated from OVA-JCE Tg mmce, we sill be xble to control exposure of vhe weparqte populations to antkgen afteg adoptivw trensfer to SCID mmde. This will zplow ns to dissect tme earliest antigenic res[ovszs of these two populations during dysease lrlgression or ptevenuiog. In iavallel", "random_deletion": "CD45RB isoform. By using T isolated from mice, will be to control exposure antigen adoptive transfer to mice. This will us to dissect the earliest antigenic of these two populations during disease progression or prevention. In parallel", "change_char_case": " CD45RB isoform. By using T isolatEd from OVA-TcR Tg mIce, We wIlL be aBle tO control exposuRE of tHe separate populations tO antiGeN AfteR AdOptivE transfER tO scID MiCe. thiS wILl Allow Us tO dissecT the earlieSt aNtIgenic responSEs Of these two PopUlations duriNg dIsease PrOgrESsion Or pRevenTion. In PAralleL", "whitespace_perturbation": " CD45RB isoform. By usingT isolated from OV A-T CR Tgmice , we will be a b le t o control exposure ofthe s ep a rate po pulat ions to an t i gen a ft erad o pt ive t ran sfer to SCID mice . T hi s will allow us to dissec t t he earliestant igenic r esp o nsesofthese two p o pulati ons durin gd isease progres s i on orprevention. In pa r al l el", "underscore_trick": " CD45RB_isoform. By_using T isolated from_OVA-TCR Tg_mice,_we will_be_able to control_exposure of the_separate populations to antigen_after adoptive transfer_to_SCID mice. This will allow us to dissect the earliest antigenic responses of these_two_populations during_disease_progression_or prevention. In parallel"} +{"text": " mouse. Utilizing the data obtained from these various investigational approaches, the designed chemotherapy programs will be clinically tested in patients. Enzymes containing mononuclear non-heme iron sites catalyze a diverse array of reactions that are significant to medicine and to the environment. This proposal describes plans to study three representatives of the largest,", "synonym_substitution": "mouse. Utilizing the data obtained from these diverse investigational approach, the designed chemotherapy broadcast will be clinically screen in patients. Enzymes contain mononuclear non - heme iron site catalyze a diverse array of reactions that are significant to medicine and to the environment. This marriage proposal describes plans to study three representatives of the big,", "butter_fingers": " mokse. Utilizing the data ontained from these varimus inbestigatkonal approaches, the designev chwmothtgapy programs will be clinicalpy testee in patients. Eiaymes containjkg mouoiuclear non-heme iron sitev catalyze a dhvdrde array of reactions that are signyficant tl medicine and to uhe envjgokment. This proposal describes plzns to vtudy three rrpresentatives of the largfst,", "random_deletion": "mouse. Utilizing the data obtained from these approaches, designed chemotherapy will be clinically mononuclear iron sites catalyze diverse array of that are significant to medicine and the environment. This proposal describes plans to study three representatives of the largest,", "change_char_case": " mouse. Utilizing the data obtaIned from thEse vaRioUs iNvEstiGatiOnal approaches, THe deSigned chemotherapy progRams wIlL Be clINiCally Tested iN PaTIEntS. ENzYmeS cONtAininG moNonucleAr non-heme iRon SiTes catalyze a DIvErse array oF reActions that aRe sIgnifiCaNt tO MedicIne And to The envIRonmenT. This propOsAL descrIBes planS TO sTudy Three representatiVEs OF the largest,", "whitespace_perturbation": " mouse. Utilizing the data obtainedfromthe seva riou s in vestigationala ppro aches, the designed ch emoth er a py p r og ramswill be cl i n ica ll ytes te d i n pat ien ts. Enz ymes conta ini ng mononuclear no n-heme iro n s ites catalyz e a diver se ar r ay of re actio ns tha t are s ignifican tt o medi c ine and t otheenvironment. This pr o posal describe s plan st os t udy th ree repres en tativ e s of th e l a r g est , ", "underscore_trick": " mouse._Utilizing the_data obtained from these_various investigational_approaches,_the designed_chemotherapy_programs will be_clinically tested in_patients. Enzymes containing mononuclear_non-heme iron sites_catalyze_a diverse array of reactions that are significant to medicine and to the environment._This_proposal describes_plans_to_study three representatives of the_largest,"} +{"text": " c) Lines which produce Ig of classes or allotypes where no myeloma tumors currently exist. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: Sato, Vicki L., S.D. Waksal, and Leonard A. Herzenberg. 1976. Identification and separation of pre T-cells", "synonym_substitution": "c) Lines which produce Ig of classes or allotypes where no myeloma tumors presently exist. BIBLIOGRAPHIC reference: Sato, Vicki L., S.D. Waksal, and Leonard A. Herzenberg. 1976. Identification and interval of pre deoxythymidine monophosphate - cells", "butter_fingers": " c) Pines which produce Ig on classes or allotypes xhere nk myelomx tumors currently exist. BIBPIIGRAPYIC REFERENCES: Sato, Vizki L., S.D. Aaksal, abd Ltonard A. Herzenbecf. 1976. Idenbnficaflon aud separation of pre T-cellv", "random_deletion": "c) Lines which produce Ig of classes where myeloma tumors exist. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: and A. Herzenberg. 1976. and separation of T-cells", "change_char_case": " c) Lines which produce Ig of claSses or alloTypes WheRe nO mYeloMa tuMors currently eXIst. BiBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: sato, VIcKI L., S.D. wAkSal, anD LeonarD a. HERZenBeRg. 1976. ideNtIFiCatioN anD separaTion of pre T-CelLs", "whitespace_perturbation": " c) Lines which produce Ig of classe s orall oty pe s wh ereno myeloma tum o rs c urrently exist. BIBLIO GRAPH IC REFE R EN CES:Sato, V i ck i L., S .D . W ak s al , and Le onard A . Herzenbe rg. 1 976. Identif i ca tion and s epa ration of pr e T -cells ", "underscore_trick": " c)_Lines which_produce Ig of classes_or allotypes_where_no myeloma_tumors_currently exist. BIBLIOGRAPHIC_REFERENCES: Sato, Vicki_L., S.D. Waksal, and_Leonard A. Herzenberg._1976._Identification and separation of pre T-cells"} +{"text": " oxidase from an overexpressed yeast strain, and studied the amine oxidase activity of the purified protein in vitro. Current work is directed at extending the use of the spe3 ( delta) fms1 (delta) mutants to elucidate the relative importance of spermidine and spermine in a variety of physiological functions. The objective of", "synonym_substitution": "oxidase from an overexpressed yeast strain, and studied the amine oxidase activity of the purified protein in vitro. Current workplace is steer at extending the use of the spe3 (delta) fms1 (delta) mutants to clear the relative importance of spermidine and spermine in a variety of physiologic functions. The objective of", "butter_fingers": " oxldase from an overexpresred yeast straiu, and svudied fhe amind oxidase activity of the pucifiwd pritein in vitro. Current work is firected at txtending the use of the spe3 ( dspta) ymw1 (delta) mutantx to elucigate the relathvd nmportance of spermidine and sperminq in a fagiety of physijlogpcwl fhnctions. The objective of", "random_deletion": "oxidase from an overexpressed yeast strain, and amine activity of purified protein in at the use of spe3 ( delta) (delta) mutants to elucidate the relative of spermidine and spermine in a variety of physiological functions. The objective of", "change_char_case": " oxidase from an overexpresseD yeast straIn, and StuDieD tHe amIne oXidase activity OF the Purified protein in vitro. curreNt WOrk iS DiRecteD at exteNDiNG The UsE oF thE sPE3 ( dElta) fMs1 (dElta) mutAnts to elucIdaTe The relative iMPoRtance of spErmIdine and sperMinE in a vaRiEty OF physIolOgicaL functIOns. The Objective Of", "whitespace_perturbation": " oxidase from an overexpre ssed yeast stra in, an dstud iedthe amine oxid a se a ctivity of the purifie d pro te i n in vi tro.Current wo r k is d ir ect ed at exte ndi ng theuse of the sp e3 ( delta) fm s 1(delta) mu tan ts to elucid ate the r el ati v e imp ort anceof spe r midine and sper mi n e in a variety o fphys iological functio n s. The objectiveof", "underscore_trick": " oxidase_from an_overexpressed yeast strain, and_studied the_amine_oxidase activity_of_the purified protein_in vitro. Current_work is directed at_extending the use_of_the spe3 ( delta) fms1 (delta) mutants to elucidate the relative importance of spermidine_and_spermine in_a_variety_of physiological functions. The objective_of"} +{"text": " loci. We now propose to elucidate further the role of NHEJ proteins in CSR and SM, with a particular focus on how defects in these processes, and in V(D)J recombination, may lead to the generation of chromosomal translocations that contribute to the generation and maintenance of mature B cell lymphomas.", "synonym_substitution": "loci. We now propose to elucidate far the function of NHEJ proteins in CSR and SM, with a particular focus on how defect in these processes, and in V(D)J recombination, may lead to the genesis of chromosomal translocation that contribute to the coevals and maintenance of mature bel cell lymphomas.", "butter_fingers": " lofi. We now propose to elugidate further tkw role of NHSJ protekns in CSR and SM, with a parvicuoar ficus on how defects in these prlcesses, qnd mn V(D)J recombinavjon, may lead fl thz jeneration of cmromosomal dranslocations tfac contribute to the generation and mwintenamcf of mature B sell jympgomas.", "random_deletion": "loci. We now propose to elucidate further of proteins in and SM, with defects these processes, and V(D)J recombination, may to the generation of chromosomal translocations contribute to the generation and maintenance of mature B cell lymphomas.", "change_char_case": " loci. We now propose to elucidaTe further tHe rolE of nHEj pRoteIns iN CSR and SM, with a PArtiCular focus on how defects In theSe PRoceSSeS, and iN V(D)J recOMbINAtiOn, MaY leAd TO tHe genEraTion of cHromosomal TraNsLocations thaT CoNtribute to The Generation anD maIntenaNcE of MAture b ceLl lymPhomas.", "whitespace_perturbation": " loci. We now propose to e lucidate f urthe r t hero le o f NH EJ proteins in CSRand SM, with a particu lar f oc u s on ho w def ects in th e s e p ro ce sse s, an d inV(D )J reco mbination, ma ylead to theg en eration of ch romosomal tr ans locati on s t h at co ntr ibute to th e gener ation and m a intena n ce of m a t ur e Bcell lymphomas.", "underscore_trick": " loci._We now_propose to elucidate further_the role_of_NHEJ proteins_in_CSR and SM,_with a particular_focus on how defects_in these processes,_and_in V(D)J recombination, may lead to the generation of chromosomal translocations that contribute to_the_generation and_maintenance_of_mature B cell lymphomas."} +{"text": " has one consistent aspect: the application of conditioning and training theories and methods to the empirical analysis of concepts important to theories of social behavior, motivation, psychopathology, and personality development. The major focus has been aversive control but now the emphasis is shifting to the aversive, motivational after-effects of terminating positively", "synonym_substitution": "has one consistent aspect: the application of conditioning and education theory and methods to the empirical psychoanalysis of concepts crucial to theories of social demeanor, motivation, psychiatry, and personality development. The major stress has been aversive restraint but now the stress is shifting to the aversive, motivational after - effects of end positively", "butter_fingers": " had one consistent aspect: uhe application oy condivioning and trakning theories and methods tl rhe enpirical analysis of cuncepts ilportant to uheories of social behavior, motjyatiou, 'sychopathology, and persotality developkevt. The major focus has been aversive sontrol bkt now the emprasix is ahifting to the aversive, motivatiohal afttr-effects of termimating positively", "random_deletion": "has one consistent aspect: the application of training and methods the empirical analysis of behavior, motivation, psychopathology, personality development. The focus has been aversive control but the emphasis is shifting to the aversive, motivational after-effects of terminating positively", "change_char_case": " has one consistent aspect: the ApplicatioN of coNdiTioNiNg anD traIning theories aND metHods to the empirical analYsis oF cONcepTS iMportAnt to thEOrIES of SoCiAl bEhAViOr, motIvaTion, psyChopatholoGy, aNd Personality dEVeLopment. The MajOr focus has beEn aVersivE cOntROl but Now The emPhasis IS shiftIng to the aVeRSive, moTIvationAL AfTer-eFfects of terminatiNG pOSitively", "whitespace_perturbation": " has one consistent aspect : the appl icati onofco ndit ioni ng and trainin g the ories and methods to t he em pi r ical an alysi s of co n ce p t s i mp or tan tt otheor ies of soc ial behavi or, m otivation, p s yc hopatholog y,and personal ity devel op men t . The ma jor f ocus h a s been aversive c o ntrolb ut nowt h eemph asis is shiftingt ot he aversive, m otivat io n al a fte r-e ffects ofte rmina t ing pos i ti v e l y", "underscore_trick": " has_one consistent_aspect: the application of_conditioning and_training_theories and_methods_to the empirical_analysis of concepts_important to theories of_social behavior, motivation,_psychopathology,_and personality development. The major focus has been aversive control but now the emphasis_is_shifting to_the_aversive,_motivational after-effects of terminating positively"} +{"text": "uing reduction in signs and symptoms, as well as disability, joint damage, disease remission and quality of life will be evaluated at 1 year. It is well recongnized that ketone bodies are excellent fuels for energy production in developing rat brain. Our on-going studies have shown that ketone bodies are also good", "synonym_substitution": "uing reduction in signs and symptoms, as well as disability, joint price, disease remittance and quality of life will be evaluated at 1 class. It is well recongnized that ketone bodies are excellent fuels for energy product in developing rat mind. Our on - going studies have show that ketone bodies are also dependable", "butter_fingers": "uinh reduction in signs and symptoms, as well as dmsabilify, joint damage, disease remission anv quqlity of life will be evaluxted at 1 jear. It iw weoo recongnivsd that ketons bodnew are excellenj fuels for anergy producthov nn developing rat brain. Our on-going ftudies hwve shown that ketpge bkdies are also good", "random_deletion": "uing reduction in signs and symptoms, as disability, damage, disease and quality of 1 It is well that ketone bodies excellent fuels for energy production in rat brain. Our on-going studies have shown that ketone bodies are also good", "change_char_case": "uing reduction in signs and syMptoms, as weLl as dIsaBilItY, joiNt daMage, disease remISsioN and quality of life will bE evalUaTEd at 1 YEaR. It is Well recONgNIZed ThAt KetOnE BoDies aRe eXcellenT fuels for eNerGy Production in DEvEloping rat BraIn. Our on-going StuDies haVe ShoWN that KetOne boDies arE Also goOd", "whitespace_perturbation": "uing reduction in signs an d symptoms , aswel l a sdisa bili ty, joint dama g e, d isease remission and q ualit yo f li f ewillbe eval u at e d at 1 y ear .I tis we llrecongn ized thatket on e bodies are ex cellent fu els for energypro ductio nind evelo pin g rat brain . Our o n-going s tu d ies ha v e shown t ha t ke tone bodies are a l so good", "underscore_trick": "uing reduction_in signs_and symptoms, as well_as disability,_joint_damage, disease_remission_and quality of_life will be_evaluated at 1 year._It is well_recongnized_that ketone bodies are excellent fuels for energy production in developing rat brain. Our_on-going_studies have_shown_that_ketone bodies are also good"} +{"text": " degradation. We hypothesize further that aldosterone increases Cl- absorption in the CCD, in part, by reducing the association of these transporters with NEDD4-2. This proposal will dissect the mechanism whereby intercalated cell NEDD4-2 alters Cl- transport by intercalated cells. Aims", "synonym_substitution": "degradation. We hypothesize further that aldosterone increases Cl- concentration in the CCD, in character, by reducing the association of these transporters with NEDD4 - 2. This marriage proposal will dissect the mechanism whereby intercalated cell NEDD4 - 2 alters Cl- transportation by intercalated cells. Aims", "butter_fingers": " dehradation. We hypothesize further that aldostermne indreases Zl- absorption in the CCD, in 'art, by rtbucing the associatiun of thede transporttrs with NEDD4-2. This proposal wilm disvxct the mechanixm whereby intercalated weul NEDD4-2 alters Cl- transport by intercwlated vepls. Aims", "random_deletion": "degradation. We hypothesize further that aldosterone increases in CCD, in by reducing the NEDD4-2. proposal will dissect mechanism whereby intercalated NEDD4-2 alters Cl- transport by intercalated Aims", "change_char_case": " degradation. We hypothesize fUrther that AldosTerOne InCreaSes CL- absorption in tHE CCD, In part, by reducing the assOciatIoN Of thESe TransPorters WItH neDD4-2. thIs ProPoSAl Will dIssEct the mEchanism whEreBy Intercalated CElL NEDD4-2 alterS Cl- Transport by iNteRcalatEd CelLS. Aims", "whitespace_perturbation": " degradation. We hypothesi ze further that al dos te rone inc reases Cl- abs o rpti on in the CCD, in part , byre d ucin g t he as sociati o no f th es etra ns p or terswit h NEDD4 -2. This p rop os al will diss e ct the mecha nis m whereby in ter calate dcel l NEDD 4-2 alte rs Cl- transp ort by in te r calate d cells. A im s", "underscore_trick": " degradation._We hypothesize_further that aldosterone increases_Cl- absorption_in_the CCD,_in_part, by reducing_the association of_these transporters with NEDD4-2._This proposal will_dissect_the mechanism whereby intercalated cell NEDD4-2 alters Cl- transport by intercalated cells. Aims"} +{"text": "2, Schwannomatosis and TSC and their sporadic counterparts. 5) Provide histological and immunohistochemical expertise in the classification and analysis of newly generated lesions in Nf2 and Tsc murine models and evaluate the delivery and effects of experimental gene therapy in these lesions. The core will ensure optimal and uniform processing of all", "synonym_substitution": "2, Schwannomatosis and TSC and their sporadic counterparts. 5) Provide histological and immunohistochemical expertise in the classification and psychoanalysis of newly generate lesions in Nf2 and Tsc murine models and measure the delivery and effect of experimental gene therapy in these lesions. The kernel will ensure optimal and consistent processing of all", "butter_fingers": "2, Scjwannomatosis and TSC ana their sporadie countxrparts. 5) Providd histological and immunohisvochwmicao expertise in the clarsificatiln and abalywus of newlb generabzd lealons nn Nf2 and Tsc mutine models dnd evaluate tve dzlivery and effects of experimental dene thrrwpy in these lgsionx. The bove will ensure optimal and unifodm proctssing of all", "random_deletion": "2, Schwannomatosis and TSC and their sporadic Provide and immunohistochemical in the classification lesions Nf2 and Tsc models and evaluate delivery and effects of experimental gene in these lesions. The core will ensure optimal and uniform processing of all", "change_char_case": "2, Schwannomatosis and TSC and tHeir sporadIc couNteRpaRtS. 5) ProVide Histological anD ImmuNohistochemical expertiSe in tHe CLassIFiCatioN and anaLYsIS Of nEwLy GenErATeD lesiOns In Nf2 and tsc murine mOdeLs And evaluate tHE dElivery and EffEcts of experiMenTal genE tHerAPy in tHesE lesiOns. The COre wilL ensure opTiMAl and uNIform prOCEsSing Of all", "whitespace_perturbation": "2, Schwannomatosis and TSC and their spor adi c c ou nter part s. 5) Provideh isto logical and immunohist ochem ic a l ex p er tisein thec la s s ifi ca ti onan d a nalys isof newl y generate d l es ions in Nf2a nd Tsc murin e m odels and ev alu ate th edel i veryand effe cts of experi mental ge ne therap y in the s e l esio ns. The core will en s ure optimal an d unif or m p r o ces sin g of all", "underscore_trick": "2, Schwannomatosis_and TSC_and their sporadic counterparts._5) Provide_histological_and immunohistochemical_expertise_in the classification_and analysis of_newly generated lesions in_Nf2 and Tsc_murine_models and evaluate the delivery and effects of experimental gene therapy in these lesions._The_core will_ensure_optimal_and uniform processing of all"} +{"text": " to ligand binding. Ligand-induced proteolysis releases the intracellular portion of notch (ICN) and allow it to translocate to the nucleus, where its RAM and ankyrin-repeat domains interact with two additional factors, RBP-JK and mastermind (mami 1) to form a transcriptionally active", "synonym_substitution": "to ligand binding. Ligand - induced proteolysis releases the intracellular portion of pass (ICN) and leave it to translocate to the nucleus, where its RAM and ankyrin - repeat domains interact with two extra factors, RBP - JK and genius (mami 1) to form a transcriptionally active", "butter_fingers": " to ligand binding. Ligand-inauced proteolysnw releeses ths intracdllular portion of notch (ICN) abd aloow it to translocate go the nubleus, wheee ius RAM and ankyrii-depeat domaina intzrect with two adcitional fdctors, RBP-JK atd mcstermind (mami 1) to form a transcriptyonally aftive", "random_deletion": "to ligand binding. Ligand-induced proteolysis releases the of (ICN) and it to translocate RAM ankyrin-repeat domains interact two additional factors, and mastermind (mami 1) to form transcriptionally active", "change_char_case": " to ligand binding. Ligand-induCed proteolYsis rEleAseS tHe inTracEllular portion OF notCh (ICN) and allow it to transLocatE tO The nUClEus, whEre its Ram aND AnkYrIn-RepEaT DoMains IntEract wiTh two additIonAl Factors, RBP-JK ANd Mastermind (MamI 1) to form a tranScrIptionAlLy aCTive", "whitespace_perturbation": " to ligand binding. Ligand -induced p roteo lys isre leas es t he intracellul a r po rtion of notch (ICN) a nd al lo w itt otrans locatet ot h e n uc le us, w h er e its RA M and a nkyrin-rep eat d omains inter a ct with twoadd itional fact ors , RBP- JK an d mast erm ind ( mami 1 ) to fo rm a tran sc r iption a lly act i v e", "underscore_trick": " to_ligand binding._Ligand-induced proteolysis releases the_intracellular portion_of_notch (ICN)_and_allow it to_translocate to the_nucleus, where its RAM_and ankyrin-repeat domains_interact_with two additional factors, RBP-JK and mastermind (mami 1) to form a transcriptionally active"} +{"text": " minimal and residual lymphoma. We are using multiparametric approaches to improve the sensitivity of detection of monoclonal B-cell populations. By targeting abnormal patterns of antigen expression (eg CD10, CD5, CD23, FMC7, or abnormal intensity of antigen expression) by neoplastic B-cells in light chain detection,", "synonym_substitution": "minimal and residual lymphoma. We are using multiparametric approaches to improve the sensitivity of detection of monoclonal boron - cellular telephone populations. By targeting abnormal design of antigen formulation (eg CD10, CD5, CD23, FMC7, or abnormal intensity of antigen expression) by neoplastic bel - cell in light range signal detection,", "butter_fingers": " mijimal and residual lymphuma. We are usiny multi'arametdic appruaches to improve the sensitmvitt of eetection of monoclonau B-cell plpulatiobs. Bb targeting abnocjal patbzrns kn antngxn expression (en CD10, CD5, CD23, XMC7, or abnorman kncensity of antigen expression) by neo[lastic B-fells in light chapn detsbtlon,", "random_deletion": "minimal and residual lymphoma. We are using to the sensitivity detection of monoclonal patterns antigen expression (eg CD5, CD23, FMC7, abnormal intensity of antigen expression) by B-cells in light chain detection,", "change_char_case": " minimal and residual lymphomA. We are usinG multIpaRamEtRic aPproAches to improve THe seNsitivity of detection of MonocLoNAl B-cELl PopulAtions. BY TaRGEtiNg AbNorMaL PaTternS of Antigen Expression (Eg Cd10, Cd5, CD23, FMC7, or abnoRMaL intensity Of aNtigen expresSioN) by neoPlAstIC B-celLs iN lighT chain DEtectiOn,", "whitespace_perturbation": " minimal and residual lymp homa. We a re us ing mu lt ipar amet ric approaches to i mprove the sensitivity of d et e ctio n o f mon oclonal B- c e llpo pu lat io n s. By t arg eting a bnormal pa tte rn s of antigen ex pression ( egCD10, CD5, C D23 , FMC7 ,ora bnorm alinten sity o f antig en expres si o n) byn eoplast i c B -cel ls in light chain de t ection,", "underscore_trick": " minimal_and residual_lymphoma. We are using_multiparametric approaches_to_improve the_sensitivity_of detection of_monoclonal B-cell populations._By targeting abnormal patterns_of antigen expression_(eg_CD10, CD5, CD23, FMC7, or abnormal intensity of antigen expression) by neoplastic B-cells in_light_chain detection,"} +{"text": " thyroid hormone receptor response element (TRE). A second tyrosine that is responsible for Lyn binding has been identified and is also required for PI3K stimulation. Thus, this mechanism provides a direct link for integrating growth signals through thyroid hormone and receptor tyrosine kinases. To determine the magnitude and duration of acetylcholinesterase (", "synonym_substitution": "thyroid hormone receptor response element (TRE). A second tyrosine that is creditworthy for Lyn tie has been identified and is besides required for PI3 K foreplay. Thus, this mechanism provides a lineal link for integrating growth signal through thyroid hormone and receptor tyrosine kinase. To determine the magnitude and duration of acetylcholinesterase (", "butter_fingers": " thjroid hormone receptor rtsponse element (TTE). A secmnd tydosine tfat is responsible for Lyn bmndibg haw been identified and ks also rvquired fir PM3K stimulation. Tihs, this mechahlsm pxotides a direct kink for ittegrating groftf dignals through thyroid hormone and receptpr tyrosine kinafes. Uo qetedmine the magnitude and duration or acetyncholinesteraxe (", "random_deletion": "thyroid hormone receptor response element (TRE). A that responsible for binding has been for stimulation. Thus, this provides a direct for integrating growth signals through thyroid and receptor tyrosine kinases. To determine the magnitude and duration of acetylcholinesterase (", "change_char_case": " thyroid hormone receptor resPonse elemeNt (TRE). a seConD tYrosIne tHat is responsibLE for lyn binding has been identIfied AnD Is alSO rEquirEd for PI3k StIMUlaTiOn. thuS, tHIs MechaNisM providEs a direct lInk FoR integrating GRoWth signals ThrOugh thyroid hOrmOne and ReCepTOr tyrOsiNe kinAses. To DEtermiNe the magnItUDe and dURation oF ACeTylcHolinesterase (", "whitespace_perturbation": " thyroid hormone receptorresponse e lemen t ( TRE ). A s econ d tyrosine tha t isresponsible for Lyn bi nding h a s be e nident ified a n di s al so r equ ir e dfor P I3K stimul ation. Thu s,th is mechanism pr ovides a d ire ct link forint egrati ng gr o wth s ign als t hrough thyroi d hormone a n d rece p tor tyr o s in e ki nases. To determi n et he magnitude a nd dur at i on o f a cet ylcholines te rase( ", "underscore_trick": " thyroid_hormone receptor_response element (TRE). A_second tyrosine_that_is responsible_for_Lyn binding has_been identified and_is also required for_PI3K stimulation. Thus,_this_mechanism provides a direct link for integrating growth signals through thyroid hormone and receptor_tyrosine_kinases. To_determine_the_magnitude and duration of acetylcholinesterase_("} +{"text": " aims test relations between structure and function of the GPCR and the G protein trimer at the level of individual molecules. Experiments with GPCRs aim to: a. use molecular probes to determine how the extracellular surface of a GPCR actually binds the activating ligand; b. engineer metal binding sites that activate a GPCR", "synonym_substitution": "aims test relations between structure and affair of the GPCR and the G protein trimer at the degree of individual molecules. Experiments with GPCRs aim to: a. practice molecular probes to determine how the extracellular surface of a GPCR actually tie down the activating ligand; b. engineer metal bind sites that activate a GPCR", "butter_fingers": " ails test relations betweek structure and yynctioi of ths GPCR avd the G protein trimer at tie lwvel if individual moleculer. Experimvnts with GPCCs aim to: a. use moleculav progcs to vetermine how tme extracelnular surface mf a GPCR actually binds the activating ligand; b. engineer metaj bimqing sites that activate a GPCR", "random_deletion": "aims test relations between structure and function GPCR the G trimer at the with aim to: a. molecular probes to how the extracellular surface of a actually binds the activating ligand; b. engineer metal binding sites that activate a", "change_char_case": " aims test relations between sTructure anD funcTioN of ThE GPCr and The G protein triMEr at The level of individual moLeculEs. eXperIMeNts wiTh GPCRs AIm TO: A. usE mOlEcuLaR PrObes tO deTermine How the extrAceLlUlar surface oF A GpCR actuallY biNds the activaTinG liganD; b. EngINeer mEtaL bindIng sitES that aCtivate a GpCr", "whitespace_perturbation": " aims test relations betwe en structu re an d f unc ti on o f th e GPCR and the G pr otein trimer at the le vel o fi ndiv i du al mo lecules . E x p eri me nt s w it h G PCRsaim to: a. use molec ula rprobes to de t er mine how t heextracellula r s urface o f a GPCRact ually binds the ac tivatingli g and; b . engine e r m etal binding sites th a ta ctivate a GPCR ", "underscore_trick": " aims_test relations_between structure and function_of the_GPCR_and the_G_protein trimer at_the level of_individual molecules. Experiments with_GPCRs aim to:_a._use molecular probes to determine how the extracellular surface of a GPCR actually binds_the_activating ligand;_b._engineer_metal binding sites that activate_a GPCR"} +{"text": " successful meniscal replacement will work to prevent joint degeneration following meniscectomy. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Menisci within the knee joint function to protect the underlying articular cartilage from degenerative osteoarthritis. The absence of a healthy meniscus can inhibit this function. The goal of this research is to determine", "synonym_substitution": "successful meniscal replacement will work to prevent joint degeneration following meniscectomy. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Menisci within the stifle joint affair to protect the underlying articular cartilage from degenerative osteoarthritis. The absence of a healthy meniscus can suppress this function. The finish of this research is to determine", "butter_fingers": " sufcessful meniscal replactment will work to preveit joinf degenefation following meniscectomb. PUVLIC YEALTH RELEVANCE: Meniszi within the knew jomnt function to 'dotect bke unscrlyiug articular carjilage from gegenerative ovtdocrthritis. The absence of a healthy mqniscus cwn inhibit thif fumstioh. The goal of this research is to setermiie", "random_deletion": "successful meniscal replacement will work to prevent following PUBLIC HEALTH Menisci within the the articular cartilage from osteoarthritis. The absence a healthy meniscus can inhibit this The goal of this research is to determine", "change_char_case": " successful meniscal replaceMent will woRk to pRevEnt JoInt dEgenEration followiNG menIscectomy. PUBLIC HEALTH ReLEVAnCe: meniSCi WithiN the kneE JoINT fuNcTiOn tO pROtEct thE unDerlyinG articular CarTiLage from degeNErAtive osteoArtHritis. The absEncE of a heAlThy MEniscUs cAn inhIbit thIS functIon. The goaL oF This reSEarch is TO DeTermIne", "whitespace_perturbation": " successful meniscal repla cement wil l wor k t o p re vent joi nt degeneratio n fol lowing meniscectomy. P UBLIC H E ALTH RE LEVAN CE: Men i sc i wit hi nthe k n ee join t f unction to protec t t he underlyinga rt icular car til age from deg ene rative o ste o arthr iti s. Th e abse n ce ofa healthy m e niscus can inh i b it thi s function. The g o al of this resear ch isto de t e rmi ne", "underscore_trick": " successful_meniscal replacement_will work to prevent_joint degeneration_following_meniscectomy. PUBLIC_HEALTH_RELEVANCE: Menisci within_the knee joint_function to protect the_underlying articular cartilage_from_degenerative osteoarthritis. The absence of a healthy meniscus can inhibit this function. The goal_of_this research_is_to_determine"} +{"text": "-1 (ICAM-1) messenger RNA (mRNA), thus blocking translation of this message. The goal of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of ISIS 2302 in steroid-dependent Crohn's disease. We hypothesize that inhibition of ICAM-1 will decrease intestinal inflammation and lead to clinical symptom", "synonym_substitution": "-1 (ICAM-1) messenger RNA (mRNA), thus blocking translation of this message. The goal of this discipline is to measure the safety and efficacy of ISIS 2302 in steroid - pendent Crohn's disease. We speculate that inhibition of ICAM-1 will decrease intestinal inflammation and lead to clinical symptom", "butter_fingers": "-1 (ICWM-1) messenger RNA (mRNA), thms blocking translation of thjs messaee. The goal of this study is ti evaouate the safety and ewficacy ov ISIS 2302 un sueroid-dependent Cckhn's disease. Sc hypmvhesize that inmibition of ICAM-1 will decsexsz intestinal inflammation and lead tj clinivap symptom", "random_deletion": "-1 (ICAM-1) messenger RNA (mRNA), thus blocking this The goal this study is efficacy ISIS 2302 in Crohn's disease. We that inhibition of ICAM-1 will decrease inflammation and lead to clinical symptom", "change_char_case": "-1 (ICAM-1) messenger RNA (mRNA), thus bLocking traNslatIon Of tHiS mesSage. the goal of this sTUdy iS to evaluate the safety anD effiCaCY of IsiS 2302 In steRoid-depENdENT CrOhN's DisEaSE. WE hypoTheSize thaT inhibitioN of iCaM-1 will decreaSE iNtestinal iNflAmmation and lEad To clinIcAl sYMptom", "whitespace_perturbation": "-1 (ICAM-1) messenger RNA(mRNA), th us bl ock ing t rans lati on of this mes s age. The goal of this stud y isto eval u at e the safety an d eff ic ac y o fI SI S 230 2 i n stero id-depende ntCr ohn's diseas e .We hypothe siz e that inhib iti on ofIC AM- 1 will de creas e inte s tinalinflammat io n and l e ad to c l i ni calsymptom", "underscore_trick": "-1 (ICAM-1)_messenger RNA_(mRNA), thus blocking translation_of this_message._The goal_of_this study is_to evaluate the_safety and efficacy of_ISIS 2302 in_steroid-dependent_Crohn's disease. We hypothesize that inhibition of ICAM-1 will decrease intestinal inflammation and lead_to_clinical symptom"} +{"text": " 3: Hypothesis: PKC activity affects fluid production via regulation of K channels and/or NKCC1 transporters. We will test controls, NZB and the two knockouts (Beta1 and NKCC1). A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with electrochemical (EC) detection was developed", "synonym_substitution": "3: Hypothesis: PKC activity affects fluid product via rule of K channels and/or NKCC1 transporters. We will screen control, NZB and the two knockouts (Beta1 and NKCC1). A high - operation liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with electrochemical (EC) detection was developed", "butter_fingers": " 3: Hjpothesis: PKC activity anfects fluid probyction via rsgulatiov of K channels and/or NKCC1 tcansportees. We will test controus, NZB anf the twi knixkouts (Bete1 and NKGE1). A hjnh-peryocmance liquid cmromatograpvy (HPLC) method wktk electrochemical (EC) detection was dqvelopec", "random_deletion": "3: Hypothesis: PKC activity affects fluid production of channels and/or transporters. We will two (Beta1 and NKCC1). high-performance liquid chromatography method with electrochemical (EC) detection was", "change_char_case": " 3: Hypothesis: PKC activity affeCts fluid prOductIon Via ReGulaTion Of K channels and/OR NKCc1 transporters. We will tesT contRoLS, NZB ANd The twO knockoUTs (bETa1 aNd nKcC1). A HiGH-pErforManCe liquiD chromatogRapHy (hPLC) method wiTH eLectrochemIcaL (EC) detection Was DeveloPeD", "whitespace_perturbation": " 3: Hypothesis: PKC activi ty affects flui d p rod uc tion via regulation of K ch annels and/or NKCC1 tr anspo rt e rs.W ewilltest co n tr o l s,NZ Band t h etwo k noc kouts ( Beta1 andNKC C1 ). A high-pe r fo rmance liq uid chromatogra phy (HPLC )met h od wi thelect rochem i cal (E C) detect io n was d e veloped ", "underscore_trick": " 3:_Hypothesis: PKC_activity affects fluid production_via regulation_of_K channels_and/or_NKCC1 transporters. We_will test controls,_NZB and the two_knockouts (Beta1 and_NKCC1)._A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with electrochemical (EC) detection was developed"} +{"text": " providing a simple model for studying how a single chromosome is discriminated from the rest of the genome. In Drosophila, selective two-fold upregulation of the single male X-chromosome equalizes transcription between the sexes. The selective identification of the X-chromosome involves the recruitment of a ribonucleoprotein complex, Male-", "synonym_substitution": "providing a simple model for studying how a individual chromosome is discriminate from the rest of the genome. In Drosophila, selective two - fold upregulation of the single male X - chromosome equalizes recording between the sexes. The selective identification of the adam - chromosome necessitate the recruitment of a ribonucleoprotein complex, Male-", "butter_fingers": " prlviding a simple model fur studying how a singne chrkmosome ks discriminated from the redt of tye genome. In Drosophilx, selectine two-fole upcegulation of thx single male S-ghrommwome equalizes transcripdion between tve szxes. The selective identification of the X-cnrlmosome involvgs tht rqcrujnmtnt of a ribonucleoprotein comples, Male-", "random_deletion": "providing a simple model for studying how chromosome discriminated from rest of the upregulation the single male equalizes transcription between sexes. The selective identification of the involves the recruitment of a ribonucleoprotein complex, Male-", "change_char_case": " providing a simple model for sTudying how A singLe cHroMoSome Is diScriminated froM The rEst of the genome. In DrosopHila, sElECtivE TwO-fold UpregulATiON Of tHe SiNglE mALe x-chroMosOme equaLizes transCriPtIon between thE SeXes. The seleCtiVe identificaTioN of the x-cHroMOsome InvOlves The recRUitmenT of a ribonUcLEoprotEIn complEX, maLe-", "whitespace_perturbation": " providing a simple modelfor studyi ng ho w a si ng le c hrom osome is discr i mina ted from the rest of t he ge no m e. I n D rosop hila, s e le c t ive t wo -fo ld up regul ati on of t he singlemal eX-chromosome eq ualizes tr ans cription bet wee n these xes . Thesel ectiv e iden t ificat ion of th eX -chrom o some in v o lv es t he recruitment of ar ibonucleoprote in com pl e x, M ale -", "underscore_trick": " providing_a simple_model for studying how_a single_chromosome_is discriminated_from_the rest of_the genome. In_Drosophila, selective two-fold upregulation_of the single_male_X-chromosome equalizes transcription between the sexes. The selective identification of the X-chromosome involves the_recruitment_of a_ribonucleoprotein_complex,_Male-"} +{"text": " life, and cost-effective innovative tools to support its delivery. Thus, the study is highly relevant to public health as it affects the health of a continuously growing segment of our population, namely these who are called to assume the essential role of informal caregiving, and aims to demonstrate the value of a feasible and sustainable problem", "synonym_substitution": "life, and cost - effective innovative tools to confirm its rescue. Thus, the study is highly relevant to public health as it affects the health of a endlessly growing segment of our population, namely these who are called to bear the essential role of cozy caregiving, and drive to demonstrate the value of a feasible and sustainable trouble", "butter_fingers": " live, and cost-effective innuvative tools to suppoct its selivery. Thus, the study is highly repecant uj public health as it affecns the heqlth if a contiihously nxowinf segkxnt of our popukation, namaly these who drd ealled to assume the essential role jf infotmwl caregiving, wnd syms fo demonstrate the value of a feasjble anv sustainable ptoblem", "random_deletion": "life, and cost-effective innovative tools to support Thus, study is relevant to public health a continuously growing of our population, these who are called to assume essential role of informal caregiving, and aims to demonstrate the value of a and sustainable problem", "change_char_case": " life, and cost-effective innovAtive tools To supPorT itS dElivEry. THus, the study is hIGhly Relevant to public health As it aFfECts tHE hEalth Of a contINuOUSly GrOwIng SeGMeNt of oUr pOpulatiOn, namely thEse WhO are called to ASsUme the esseNtiAl role of infoRmaL caregIvIng, ANd aimS to DemonStrate THe valuE of a feasiBlE And susTAinable PRObLem", "whitespace_perturbation": " life, and cost-effectiveinnovative tool s t o s up port its delivery. Thu s , th e study is highly rele vantto publ i chealt h as it af f e cts t he he al t hof acon tinuous ly growing se gm ent of our p o pu lation, na mel y these whoare calle dtoa ssume th e ess ential role o f informa lc aregiv i ng, and a im s to demonstrate thev al u e of a feasibl e andsu s ta i n abl e p roblem", "underscore_trick": " life,_and cost-effective_innovative tools to support_its delivery._Thus,_the study_is_highly relevant to_public health as_it affects the health_of a continuously_growing_segment of our population, namely these who are called to assume the essential role_of_informal caregiving,_and_aims_to demonstrate the value of_a feasible and sustainable problem"} +{"text": " the extant literature is descriptive, comparative, or limited to distinct subgroups of LG parents. Of this research, demography studies that examined trends in LG family structures have rarely considered the family and individual processes that may account for changing trends in LG family formation; meanwhile developmental studies of LG parents have rarely considered the ecological and cultural influences", "synonym_substitution": "the extant literature is descriptive, comparative, or limited to distinct subgroups of LG parent. Of this inquiry, demography studies that examined drift in LG kin structures have rarely considered the class and individual processes that may account for deepen trends in LG family geological formation; meanwhile developmental studies of LG parents have rarely consider the ecological and cultural influences", "butter_fingers": " thf extant literature is dtscriptive, comparcrive, oc limitsd to dirtinct subgroups of LG parenvs. Od thiw research, demography rtudies tjat examuned rrends in LG familn strhgturev have rarely cpnsidered dhe family and ivdnvidual processes that may account fjr chanbijg trends in LD fakyly rormation; meanwhile developmental atudies of LG parentx have rarely considered tje efological and cultkral influebces", "random_deletion": "the extant literature is descriptive, comparative, or distinct of LG Of this research, in family structures have considered the family individual processes that may account for trends in LG family formation; meanwhile developmental studies of LG parents have rarely the ecological and cultural influences", "change_char_case": " the extant literature is descRiptive, comParatIve, Or lImIted To diStinct subgroupS Of LG Parents. Of this research, dEmogrApHY stuDIeS that ExamineD TrENDs iN Lg fAmiLy STrUcturEs hAve rareLy considerEd tHe Family and indIViDual procesSes That may accouNt fOr chanGiNg tREnds iN LG FamilY formaTIon; meaNwhile devElOPmentaL Studies OF lG PareNts have rarely consIDeREd the ecologicaL and cuLtURaL INflUenCes", "whitespace_perturbation": " the extant literature isdescriptiv e, co mpa rat iv e, o r li mited to disti n ct s ubgroups of LG parents . Ofth i s re s ea rch,demogra p hy s tud ie stha te xa mined tr ends in LG family st ru ctures haver ar ely consid ere d the family an d indi vi dua l proc ess es th at may accoun t for cha ng i ng tre n ds in L G fa mily formation; meanw h il e developmental studi es of L G p are nts have r ar ely c o nsidere d t h e eco l ogical and cu ltural infl u enc es", "underscore_trick": " the_extant literature_is descriptive, comparative, or_limited to_distinct_subgroups of_LG_parents. Of this_research, demography studies_that examined trends in_LG family structures_have_rarely considered the family and individual processes that may account for changing trends in_LG_family formation;_meanwhile_developmental_studies of LG parents have_rarely considered the ecological and_cultural influences"} +{"text": "] [unreadable] [unreadable] The goals of this research as stated in the grant title are the optimization of hygroscopic aerosol delivery to the human bronchial tree. We are achieving these goals by a combination of experimental studies on physical models of the bronchial airways, theoretical calculations of aerosol drop size and size distributions effected by", "synonym_substitution": "] [ unreadable ] [ unreadable ] The goals of this research as express in the concession title are the optimization of hygroscopic aerosol delivery to the human bronchial tree. We are achieve these goals by a combination of experimental cogitation on physical models of the bronchial airways, theoretical calculation of aerosol drop size and size distributions effect by", "butter_fingers": "] [ungeadable] [unreadable] The noals of this research es statsd in thd grant title are the optimivatiin of hygroscopic aerosol ddlivery tl the hunan uronchial tree. Wx are acmnevinf thevx goals by a cokbination mf experimentan rtbdies on physical models of the bronshial aoraays, theoreticwl csjculzniins of aerosol drop size and aize divtributions egfected by", "random_deletion": "] [unreadable] [unreadable] The goals of this stated the grant are the optimization the bronchial tree. We achieving these goals a combination of experimental studies on models of the bronchial airways, theoretical calculations of aerosol drop size and size effected by", "change_char_case": "] [unreadable] [unreadable] The goAls of this rEsearCh aS stAtEd in The gRant title are thE OptiMization of hygroscopic aErosoL dELiveRY tO the hUman broNChIAL trEe. we Are AcHIeVing tHesE goals bY a combinatIon Of Experimental STuDies on physIcaL models of the BroNchial AiRwaYS, theoRetIcal cAlculaTIons of Aerosol drOp SIze and SIze distRIBuTionS effected by", "whitespace_perturbation": "] [unreadable] [unreadable ] The goal s ofthi s r es earc h as stated in the gran t title are the optimi zatio no f hy g ro scopi c aeros o ld e liv er ytoth e h umanbro nchialtree. We a reac hieving thes e g oals by acom bination ofexp erimen ta l s t udies on phys ical m o dels o f the bro nc h ial ai r ways, t h e or etic al calculations o f a e rosol drop siz e andsi z ed i str ibu tions effe ct ed by ", "underscore_trick": "] [unreadable]_[unreadable] The_goals of this research_as stated_in_the grant_title_are the optimization_of hygroscopic aerosol_delivery to the human_bronchial tree. We_are_achieving these goals by a combination of experimental studies on physical models of the_bronchial_airways, theoretical_calculations_of_aerosol drop size and size_distributions effected by"} +{"text": "-146a, anti-miRNA-146a and modulation of CFH, IRAK or TSPAN12 expression are key regulators of the inflammatory response and amyloidogenesis in amyloid over-expressing Tg2576 mice. The goal of this set of projects is to use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to", "synonym_substitution": "-146a, anti - miRNA-146a and modulation of CFH, IRAK or TSPAN12 expression are key governor of the incendiary response and amyloidogenesis in amyloid over - expressing Tg2576 mouse. The finish of this set of projects is to use running charismatic resonance imaging (fMRI) to", "butter_fingers": "-146a, ajti-miRNA-146a and modulation of CFH, IRAK or TSPAN12 xxpressjon are yey regulators of the inflamlarory eesponse and amyloidogdnesis in amyloid ovec-expressing Tg2576 mmde. The njal kn thiv set of projecjs is to use functional macndtnc resonance imaging (fMRI) to", "random_deletion": "-146a, anti-miRNA-146a and modulation of CFH, IRAK expression key regulators the inflammatory response Tg2576 The goal of set of projects to use functional magnetic resonance imaging to", "change_char_case": "-146a, anti-miRNA-146a and modulation oF CFH, IRAK or tSPAN12 ExpResSiOn arE key Regulators of thE InflAmmatory response and amyLoidoGeNEsis IN aMyloiD over-exPReSSIng tg2576 MiCe. THe GOaL of thIs sEt of proJects is to uSe fUnCtional magneTIc Resonance iMagIng (fMRI) to", "whitespace_perturbation": "-146a, anti-miRNA-146a and modulatio n ofCFH , I RA K or TSP AN12 expressio n are key regulators of the infl am m ator y r espon se anda my l o ido ge ne sis i n a myloi d o ver-exp ressing Tg 257 6mice. The go a lof this se t o f projects i s t o usefu nct i onalmag netic reson a nce im aging (fM RI ) to", "underscore_trick": "-146a, anti-miRNA-146a_and modulation_of CFH, IRAK or_TSPAN12 expression_are_key regulators_of_the inflammatory response_and amyloidogenesis in_amyloid over-expressing Tg2576 mice._The goal of_this_set of projects is to use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to"} +{"text": " of retinoids in the liver has received very little attention. We show that retinoids and their receptors have a broad spectrum of actions ranging from xenobiotic biotransformation to lipid, carbohydrate, and amino acid homeostasis in the liver. The proposed project will profile hepatic genome-wide RA receptor target-gene in a gender", "synonym_substitution": "of retinoids in the liver has received very little attention. We show that retinoids and their receptor take a broad spectrum of actions ranging from xenobiotic biotransformation to lipid, carbohydrate, and amino acid homeostasis in the liver. The project project will profile hepatic genome - wide RA sense organ target - gene in a gender", "butter_fingers": " of retinoids in the liver mas received veri oittle attenfion. We rhow that retinoids and theic rexeptoes have a broad spectrjm of actpons rangung hrom xenobiotic ujotransnjrmaflon tm lipid, carbohycrate, and dmino acid homaortcsis in the liver. The proposed projest will pgofile hepatic genpie-wisv VA receptor target-gene in a gendsr", "random_deletion": "of retinoids in the liver has received attention. show that and their receptors actions from xenobiotic biotransformation lipid, carbohydrate, and acid homeostasis in the liver. The project will profile hepatic genome-wide RA receptor target-gene in a gender", "change_char_case": " of retinoids in the liver has rEceived verY littLe aTteNtIon. WE shoW that retinoids ANd thEir receptors have a broad SpectRuM Of acTIoNs ranGing froM XeNOBioTiC bIotRaNSfOrmatIon To lipid, CarbohydraTe, aNd Amino acid homEOsTasis in the LivEr. The proposeD prOject wIlL prOFile hEpaTic geNome-wiDE RA recEptor targEt-GEne in a GEnder", "whitespace_perturbation": " of retinoids in the liver has recei ved v ery li tt le a tten tion. We showt hatretinoids and their re cepto rs have abroad spectr u mo f ac ti on s r an g in g fro m x enobiot ic biotran sfo rm ation to lip i d, carbohydr ate , and aminoaci d home os tas i s inthe live r. The propos ed projec tw ill pr o file he p a ti c ge nome-wide RA rece p to r target-gene i n a ge nd e r", "underscore_trick": " of_retinoids in_the liver has received_very little_attention._We show_that_retinoids and their_receptors have a_broad spectrum of actions_ranging from xenobiotic_biotransformation_to lipid, carbohydrate, and amino acid homeostasis in the liver. The proposed project will_profile_hepatic genome-wide_RA_receptor_target-gene in a gender"} +{"text": " The transcriptional cofactors ASPP1 and ASPP2 can enhance p53 mediated transactivation of several TLR genes. Moreover, p53 collaborate with NFkappaB to modulate several immune responses in primary lymphocytes and macrophages. Through our meta-analysis of p53 targeted binding sites and associated gene expression (i.e., c", "synonym_substitution": "The transcriptional cofactors ASPP1 and ASPP2 can enhance p53 mediated transactivation of several TLR genes. furthermore, p53 collaborate with NFkappaB to tone several immune responses in basal lymphocyte and macrophages. Through our meta - analysis of p53 targeted tie down sites and associated gene saying (i.e., c", "butter_fingers": " Thf transcriptional cofacturs ASPP1 and ASKP2 can eihance l53 mediatdd transactivation of severap RLR gtues. Moreover, p53 collacorate winh NFkappqB ti modulate several limuns res'oises in primary lymphocytas and macrophdgds. Through our meta-analysis of p53 targqted bimdlng sites and wssobiwted gene expression (i.e., c", "random_deletion": "The transcriptional cofactors ASPP1 and ASPP2 can mediated of several genes. Moreover, p53 several responses in primary and macrophages. Through meta-analysis of p53 targeted binding sites associated gene expression (i.e., c", "change_char_case": " The transcriptional cofactoRs ASPP1 and AsPP2 caN enHanCe P53 medIateD transactivatiON of sEveral TLR genes. Moreover, P53 collAbORate WItH NFkaPpaB to mODuLATe sEvErAl iMmUNe RespoNseS in primAry lymphocYteS aNd macrophageS. thRough our meTa-aNalysis of p53 taRgeTed binDiNg sITes anD asSociaTed genE ExpresSion (i.e., c", "whitespace_perturbation": " The transcriptional cofac tors ASPP1 andASP P2ca n en hanc e p53 mediated tran sactivation of several TLRge n es.M or eover , p53 c o ll a b ora te w ith N F ka ppaBtomodulat e severalimm un e responsesi nprimary ly mph ocytes and m acr ophage s. Th r oughour meta -analy s is ofp53 targe te d bindi n g sites a nd ass ociated gene expr e ss i on (i.e., c", "underscore_trick": " The_transcriptional cofactors_ASPP1 and ASPP2 can_enhance p53_mediated_transactivation of_several_TLR genes. Moreover,_p53 collaborate with_NFkappaB to modulate several_immune responses in_primary_lymphocytes and macrophages. Through our meta-analysis of p53 targeted binding sites and associated gene_expression_(i.e., c"} +{"text": " by T1. The effect of lambda initiated transcription will be studied as follows: (1) The effect of deleting DNA between the galactose operon and the attachment site of lambda. (2) The effect of nonpolar kil mutants of lambda. (3) The effect of lambda mutants which result in the creation of", "synonym_substitution": "by T1. The effect of lambda initiated transcription will be studied as follow: (1) The consequence of deleting DNA between the galactose operon and the attachment web site of lambda. (2) The effect of nonpolar kil mutants of lambda. (3) The consequence of lambda mutants which result in the initiation of", "butter_fingers": " by T1. The effect of lambda lnitiated transctiption xill be studied as follows: (1) The effect of dxletung DBA between the galactore operon and the attechment site of lambda. (2) Bke efrcct oy ionpolar kil mujants of lamtda. (3) The effecd uf lambda mutants which result in the creatipn of", "random_deletion": "by T1. The effect of lambda initiated be as follows: The effect of operon the attachment site lambda. (2) The of nonpolar kil mutants of lambda. The effect of lambda mutants which result in the creation of", "change_char_case": " by T1. The effect of lambda initiAted transcRiptiOn wIll Be StudIed aS follows: (1) The effECt of Deleting DNA between the gAlactOsE OperON aNd the AttachmENt SITe oF lAmBda. (2) thE EfFect oF noNpolar kIl mutants oF laMbDa. (3) The effect oF LaMbda mutantS whIch result in tHe cReatioN oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " by T1. The effect of lamb da initiat ed tr ans cri pt ionwill be studied as foll ows: (1) The effect of dele ti n g DN A b etwee n the g a la c t ose o pe ron a n dthe a tta chmentsite of la mbd a. (2) The eff e ct of nonpol arkil mutantsoflambda .(3) The e ffe ct of lambd a mutan ts whichre s ult in the cre a t io n of ", "underscore_trick": " by_T1. The_effect of lambda initiated_transcription will_be_studied as_follows:_(1) The effect_of deleting DNA_between the galactose operon_and the attachment_site_of lambda. (2) The effect of nonpolar kil mutants of lambda. (3) The effect_of_lambda mutants_which_result_in the creation of"} +{"text": " in this project comprise a four-way partnership including the Queens Borough Public Library System, the Queens Cancer Center, the American Cancer Society of Queens, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. The goal of this research is to define the relative roles of intra-and extra-mitochondrial genetic systems in determining", "synonym_substitution": "in this project comprise a four - way partnership including the Queens Borough Public Library System, the Queens Cancer Center, the American Cancer Society of Queens, and Memorial Sloan - Kettering Cancer Center. The finish of this inquiry is to specify the relative function of intra - and excess - mitochondrial genetic systems in determining", "butter_fingers": " in this project comprise a four-way partnetsyip inrluding the Quedns Borough Public Library Sbsten, the Queens Cancer Center, ghe Ameriban Cancee Soriety of Queens, ehd Memovnal Smlan-Kztvering Cancer Cgnter. The godl of this resaafck is to define the relative roles of intra-amd extra-mitochonqriak gensnig systems in determining", "random_deletion": "in this project comprise a four-way partnership Queens Public Library the Queens Cancer of and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Center. The goal this research is to define the roles of intra-and extra-mitochondrial genetic systems in determining", "change_char_case": " in this project comprise a fouR-way partneRship IncLudInG the queeNs Borough PubliC librAry System, the Queens CancEr CenTeR, The AMErIcan CAncer SoCIeTY Of QUeEnS, anD MEMoRial SLoaN-KetterIng Cancer CEntEr. the goal of thiS ReSearch is to DefIne the relatiVe rOles of InTra-ANd extRa-mItochOndriaL GenetiC systems iN dETerminINg", "whitespace_perturbation": " in this project comprisea four-way part ner shi pincl udin g the Queens B o roug h Public Library Syste m, th eQ ueen s C ancer Center , t h e Am er ic anCa n ce r Soc iet y of Qu eens, andMem or ial Sloan-Ke t te ring Cance r C enter. The g oal of th is re s earch is to d efinet he rel ative rol es of int r a-and e x t ra -mit ochondrial geneti c s y stems in deter mining ", "underscore_trick": " in_this project_comprise a four-way partnership_including the_Queens_Borough Public_Library_System, the Queens_Cancer Center, the_American Cancer Society of_Queens, and Memorial_Sloan-Kettering_Cancer Center. The goal of this research is to define the relative roles of_intra-and_extra-mitochondrial genetic_systems_in_determining"} +{"text": " state-of-the-art live-cell imaging quantitative fluorescence microscope with total internal reflection fluorescence for quantifying events at the plasma membrane and allow for measurement of dynamic processes underlying these complex interactions in four dimensions (4D) in living cells. It is the goal of this proposal to determine how intraocular iron levels are", "synonym_substitution": "state - of - the - art live - cell imagination quantitative fluorescence microscope with entire internal reflection fluorescence for quantify event at the plasma membrane and allow for measurement of dynamic process underlie these complex interactions in four dimension (4D) in living cells. It is the finish of this proposal to determine how intraocular iron levels are", "butter_fingers": " stwte-of-the-art live-cell imaning quantitativg dluorevcence microscupe with total internal reflxctiin flyorescence for quantifhing evenns at the plawna membranx and allow fod meavnrement of dynakic procesves underlying tfede complex interactions in four dimqnsions (4D) in living celjs. Iu if ths goal of this proposal to determihe how pntraocular iron kevels are", "random_deletion": "state-of-the-art live-cell imaging quantitative fluorescence microscope with reflection for quantifying at the plasma of processes underlying these interactions in four (4D) in living cells. It is goal of this proposal to determine how intraocular iron levels are", "change_char_case": " state-of-the-art live-cell imagIng quantitAtive FluOreScEnce MicrOscope with totaL InteRnal reflection fluorescEnce fOr QUantIFyIng evEnts at tHE pLASma MeMbRanE aND aLlow fOr mEasuremEnt of dynamIc pRoCesses underlYInG these compLex Interactions In fOur dimEnSioNS (4D) in lIviNg celLs. It is THe goal Of this proPoSAl to deTErmine hOW InTraoCular iron levels arE", "whitespace_perturbation": " state-of-the-art live-cel l imagingquant ita tiv efluo resc ence microscop e wit h total internal refle ction f l uore s ce nce f or quan t if y i ngev en tsat th e pla sma membra ne and all owfo r measuremen t o f dynamicpro cesses under lyi ng the se co m plexint eract ions i n fourdimension s( 4D) in livingc e ll s. I t is the goal oft hi s proposal to d etermi ne ho w int rao cular iron l evels are", "underscore_trick": " state-of-the-art_live-cell imaging_quantitative fluorescence microscope with_total internal_reflection_fluorescence for_quantifying_events at the_plasma membrane and_allow for measurement of_dynamic processes underlying_these_complex interactions in four dimensions (4D) in living cells. It is the goal of_this_proposal to_determine_how_intraocular iron levels are"} +{"text": " the increased gain of he cardiac sympathetic afferent reflex in HF is a decrease in nitric oxide (NO) production in several central sites which regulate sympathetic outflow. We hypothesize that both an increase in central Ang II and a decrease in central NO contributes to the increase in the sensitivity of the cardiac sympathetic afferent reflex and to the tonic", "synonym_substitution": "the increased gain of he cardiac sympathetic afferent reflex in HF is a decrease in nitric oxide (nobelium) product in several central web site which baffle sympathetic outflow. We speculate that both an increase in central Ang II and a decrease in central NO lend to the increase in the sensitivity of the cardiac sympathetic sensory nerve reflex and to the tonic", "butter_fingers": " thf increased gain of he cxrdiac sympathejix affecent rerlex in FF is a decrease in nitric oeide (NO) peoduction in several cdntral sines which regnlate sympathetir outflow. We hgiothevmze that both ak increase hn central Ang IK cnd a decrease in central NO contribttes to tje increase in the fensjniyity of the cardiac sympathetic zfferenu reflex and to thr tonic", "random_deletion": "the increased gain of he cardiac sympathetic in is a in nitric oxide sites regulate sympathetic outflow. hypothesize that both increase in central Ang II and decrease in central NO contributes to the increase in the sensitivity of the sympathetic afferent reflex and to the tonic", "change_char_case": " the increased gain of he cardiAc sympatheTic afFerEnt ReFlex In HF Is a decrease in nITric Oxide (NO) production in sevEral cEnTRal sITeS whicH regulaTE sYMPatHeTiC ouTfLOw. we hypOthEsize thAt both an inCreAsE in central AnG iI And a decreaSe iN central NO coNtrIbutes To The INcreaSe iN the sEnsitiVIty of tHe cardiac SyMPathetIC affereNT ReFlex And to the tonic", "whitespace_perturbation": " the increased gain of hecardiac sy mpath eti c a ff eren t re flex in HF isa dec rease in nitric oxide(NO)pr o duct i on in s everalc en t r alsi te s w hi c hregul ate sympat hetic outf low .We hypothesi z ethat bothanincrease incen tral A ng II and a de creas e in c e ntralNO contri bu t es tot he incr e a se inthe sensitivity o f t h e cardiac symp atheti ca ff e r ent re flex and t othe t o nic", "underscore_trick": " the_increased gain_of he cardiac sympathetic_afferent reflex_in_HF is_a_decrease in nitric_oxide (NO) production_in several central sites_which regulate sympathetic_outflow._We hypothesize that both an increase in central Ang II and a decrease in_central_NO contributes_to_the_increase in the sensitivity of_the cardiac sympathetic afferent reflex_and to_the tonic"} +{"text": " Notch signaling in spermatogenesis. In Specific Aim 3 the hypothesis that the Mgat3 gene may function as a tumor suppressor in mammary gland will be tested in the MMTV-Polyoma middle T (PyMT) mammary tumor model which metastasizes to lung and in cell signaling assays. In addition, roles for", "synonym_substitution": "Notch signaling in spermatogenesis. In Specific Aim 3 the hypothesis that the Mgat3 gene may function as a tumor suppressor in mammary gland will be tested in the MMTV - Polyoma in-between T (PyMT) mammary tumor exemplar which metastasizes to lung and in cell signaling assay. In addition, roles for", "butter_fingers": " Nohch signaling in spermatugenesis. In Speeufic Amm 3 the hypotheris that the Mgat3 gene may fnnctuon aw a tumor suppressor iv mammary gland wull ue tested in the MMTV-Polnjma jlddle V (PyMT) mammary jumor model fhich metastashzds to lung and in cell signaling assars. In acdltion, roles fot", "random_deletion": "Notch signaling in spermatogenesis. In Specific Aim hypothesis the Mgat3 may function as gland be tested in MMTV-Polyoma middle T mammary tumor model which metastasizes to and in cell signaling assays. In addition, roles for", "change_char_case": " Notch signaling in spermatogEnesis. In SpEcifiC AiM 3 thE hYpotHesiS that the Mgat3 geNE may Function as a tumor suppreSsor iN mAMmarY GlAnd wiLl be tesTEd IN The mMtV-polYoMA mIddle t (PymT) mammaRy tumor modEl wHiCh metastasizES tO lung and in CelL signaling asSayS. In addItIon, ROles fOr", "whitespace_perturbation": " Notch signaling in sperma togenesis. In S pec ifi cAim3 th e hypothesis t h at t he Mgat3 gene may func tionas a tu m or supp ressori nm a mma ry g lan dw il l betes ted inthe MMTV-P oly om a middle T ( P yM T) mammary tu mor model wh ich metas ta siz e s tolun g and in ce l l sign aling ass ay s . In a d dition, r ol es f or", "underscore_trick": " Notch_signaling in_spermatogenesis. In Specific Aim_3 the_hypothesis_that the_Mgat3_gene may function_as a tumor_suppressor in mammary gland_will be tested_in_the MMTV-Polyoma middle T (PyMT) mammary tumor model which metastasizes to lung and in_cell_signaling assays._In_addition,_roles for"} +{"text": "using, noninertial particles will provide basic flow profile information needed for predictive dose estimation. Characterizing the relationship between the structure of the human brain and its function is one of the most important goals in neuroscience today. Medical imaging has been used to gain significant new insights into this relationship through the use of both anatomical", "synonym_substitution": "using, noninertial particles will provide basic flow visibility data necessitate for predictive dose estimation. characterize the relationship between the structure of the human genius and its routine is one of the most significant goals in neuroscience today. Medical imagination has been used to gain significant new insight into this relationship through the use of both anatomical", "butter_fingers": "usijg, noninertial particles will provide bcwic flmw prorile infurmation needed for predictite dise ewtimation. Characterizivg the repationshup bttween the structnde of tmz humzk brann and its functlon is one mf the most im[oftcnt goals in neuroscience today. Medisal imabijg has been usgd to dain significant new insights into thia relatponship through tne use of both anatomical", "random_deletion": "using, noninertial particles will provide basic flow needed predictive dose Characterizing the relationship human and its function one of the important goals in neuroscience today. Medical has been used to gain significant new insights into this relationship through the of both anatomical", "change_char_case": "using, noninertial particles Will providE basiC flOw pRoFile InfoRmation needed fOR preDictive dose estimation. CHaracTeRIzinG ThE relaTionshiP BeTWEen ThE sTruCtURe Of the HumAn brain And its funcTioN iS one of the mosT ImPortant goaLs iN neurosciencE toDay. MedIcAl iMAging Has Been uSed to gAIn signIficant neW iNSights INto this RELaTionShip through the use OF bOTh anatomical", "whitespace_perturbation": "using, noninertial particl es will pr ovide ba sic f lowprof ile informatio n nee ded for predictive dos e est im a tion . C harac terizin g t h e re la ti ons hi p b etwee n t he stru cture of t hehu man brain an d i ts functio n i s one of the mo st imp or tan t goal s i n neu roscie n ce tod ay. Medic al imagin g has be e n u sedto gain significa n tn ew insights in to thi sr el a t ion shi p throughth e use of both an a t o mic a l", "underscore_trick": "using, noninertial_particles will_provide basic flow profile_information needed_for_predictive dose_estimation._Characterizing the relationship_between the structure_of the human brain_and its function_is_one of the most important goals in neuroscience today. Medical imaging has been used_to_gain significant_new_insights_into this relationship through the_use of both anatomical"} +{"text": "osteric, and biased melanotropin peptides and peptide mimetics with enhanced stability, bioavailability, selectivity and potency for the melanocortin receptors; 2a) to examine binding affinities, cyclic AMP production, efficacies, Ca+2 assays and assays for -arrestin. The novel ligands for the hMC", "synonym_substitution": "osteric, and biased melanotropin peptides and peptide mimetics with enhanced stability, bioavailability, selectivity and potency for the melanocortin receptor; 2a) to test binding affinities, cyclic AMP production, efficacy, Ca+2 assays and assays for -arrestin. The novel ligands for the hMC", "butter_fingers": "ostfric, and biased melanotrupin peptides aue peptmde mimstics wigh enhanced stability, bioavamlabulity, selectivity and potenzy for thv melanocirtii receptors; 2a) to examine bindihn affnnmties, cyclic AMK production, efficacies, Ca+2 arscys and assays for -arrestin. The novej ligancs for the hMC", "random_deletion": "osteric, and biased melanotropin peptides and peptide enhanced bioavailability, selectivity potency for the binding cyclic AMP production, Ca+2 assays and for -arrestin. The novel ligands for hMC", "change_char_case": "osteric, and biased melanotroPin peptideS and pEptIde MiMetiCs wiTh enhanced stabILity, Bioavailability, selectiVity aNd POtenCY fOr the MelanocORtIN RecEpToRs; 2a) To EXaMine bIndIng affiNities, cyclIc AmP Production, efFIcAcies, Ca+2 assAys And assays for -ArrEstin. THe NovEL ligaNds For thE hMC", "whitespace_perturbation": "osteric, and biased melano tropin pep tides an d p ep tide mim etics with enh a nced stability, bioavailab ility ,s elec t iv ity a nd pote n cy f orth emel an o co rtinrec eptors; 2a) to ex ami ne binding aff i ni ties, cycl icAMP producti on, effic ac ies , Ca+2 as saysand as s ays fo r -arrest in . The n o vel lig a n ds for the hMC", "underscore_trick": "osteric, and_biased melanotropin_peptides and peptide mimetics_with enhanced_stability,_bioavailability, selectivity_and_potency for the_melanocortin receptors; 2a)_to examine binding affinities,_cyclic AMP production,_efficacies,_Ca+2 assays and assays for -arrestin. The novel ligands for the hMC"} +{"text": "ative Working Group. In addition to our outreach efforts, we will reach inward to our members through monthly Breakfast Club gatherings where research is shared and collaboration encouraged, and offer communications training for members and trainees, including Lightning Talk events and a graduate class in outreach and engagement. COEC is an integrating element in the Center, translating", "synonym_substitution": "ative Working Group. In addition to our outreach efforts, we will reach inward to our extremity through monthly Breakfast Club gather where research is shared and collaboration encouraged, and put up communications training for member and trainee, including Lightning Talk events and a graduate class in outreach and engagement. COEC is an integrate element in the Center, translating", "butter_fingers": "atige Working Group. In addiuion to our outrecxh effmrts, ws will rdach inward to our members tirouth mobthly Breakfast Club gxtherings where rwseacch is shared anv collaboratioh encmnraged, and offet communicathons training xof lembers and trainees, including Lighening Tsln events and a gractate blcss in outreach and engagement. DOEC is an integratimg element in the Center, tganspating", "random_deletion": "ative Working Group. In addition to our we reach inward our members through research shared and collaboration and offer communications for members and trainees, including Lightning events and a graduate class in outreach and engagement. COEC is an integrating in the Center, translating", "change_char_case": "ative Working Group. In additiOn to our outReach EffOrtS, wE wilL reaCh inward to our mEMberS through monthly BreakfaSt CluB gATherINgS wherE researCH iS SHarEd AnD coLlABoRatioN enCourageD, and offer cOmmUnIcations traiNInG for memberS anD trainees, incLudIng LigHtNinG talk eVenTs and A graduATe clasS in outreaCh ANd engaGEment. COec Is An inTegrating element iN ThE center, translatIng", "whitespace_perturbation": "ative Working Group. In ad dition toour o utr eac heffo rts, we will reach inwa rd to our members thro ugh m on t hlyB re akfas t Clubg at h e rin gs w her er es earch is shared and colla bor at ion encourag e d, and offer co mmunications tr aining f orm ember s a nd tr ainees , inclu ding Ligh tn i ng Tal k events a nd a g raduate class ino ut r each and engag ement. C O EC i s a n i ntegrating e lemen t in the Ce n t e r,t ranslating", "underscore_trick": "ative Working_Group. In_addition to our outreach_efforts, we_will_reach inward_to_our members through_monthly Breakfast Club_gatherings where research is_shared and collaboration_encouraged,_and offer communications training for members and trainees, including Lightning Talk events and a_graduate_class in_outreach_and_engagement. COEC is an integrating_element in the Center, translating"} +{"text": " hyperinsulinemia in the development of cardiovascular disease. This proposal is based on a fundamentally new approach to the isolation of bacterial virulence genes involved in pathogenesis, termed IVET (in vivo expression technology), that allows for the positive selection of bacterial genes that are specifically induced in host tissues. This methodology will be used to characterize the", "synonym_substitution": "hyperinsulinemia in the development of cardiovascular disease. This proposal is based on a fundamentally newfangled overture to the isolation of bacterial virulence genes involved in pathogenesis, termed IVET (in vivo formulation technology), that allows for the positivist excerpt of bacterial genes that are specifically induce in host tissues. This methodology will be use to characterize the", "butter_fingers": " hyoerinsulinemia in the deyelopment of carbuovascnlar diaease. Thks proposal is based on a fuidamwntaloy new approach to the isolatioj of bacreriel virulence genxa involyzd in iathoyeiesis, termed IVGT (in vivo efpression techtouoyy), that allows for the positive selestion og hacterial genef thse ars specifically induced in host tisaues. Thps methodology wikl be used to characterize the", "random_deletion": "hyperinsulinemia in the development of cardiovascular disease. is on a new approach to genes in pathogenesis, termed (in vivo expression that allows for the positive selection bacterial genes that are specifically induced in host tissues. This methodology will be to characterize the", "change_char_case": " hyperinsulinemia in the deveLopment of cArdioVasCulAr DiseAse. THis proposal is bASed oN a fundamentally new apprOach tO tHE isoLAtIon of BacteriAL vIRUleNcE gEneS iNVoLved iN paThogeneSis, termed IvET (In Vivo expressiON tEchnology), tHat Allows for the PosItive sElEctIOn of bActErial Genes tHAt are sPecificalLy INduced IN host tiSSUeS. ThiS methodology will bE UsED to characterizE the", "whitespace_perturbation": " hyperinsulinemia in the d evelopment of c ard iov as cula r di sease. This pr o posa l is based on a fundam ental ly newa pp roach to the is o l ati on o f b ac t er ial v iru lence g enes invol ved i n pathogenes i s, termed IV ET(in vivo exp res sion t ec hno l ogy), th at al lows f o r thepositivese l ection of bact e r ia l ge nes that are spec i fi c ally induced i n host t i ss u e s.Thi s methodol og y wil l be use d t o c har a cterize the", "underscore_trick": " hyperinsulinemia_in the_development of cardiovascular disease._This proposal_is_based on_a_fundamentally new approach_to the isolation_of bacterial virulence genes_involved in pathogenesis,_termed_IVET (in vivo expression technology), that allows for the positive selection of bacterial genes_that_are specifically_induced_in_host tissues. This methodology will_be used to characterize the"} +{"text": " and anti-IL- 13. We were able to overcome antigen-specific unresponsiveness in only a minority of the rhesus monkeys studied. Co-culture with either IL-2 or IL-12 were the only conditions which resulted in a slightly enhanced proliferation to BmA in these animals. Even high concentration", "synonym_substitution": "and anti - IL- 13. We were able to overcome antigen - specific unresponsiveness in only a minority of the rhesus monkeys studied. conscientious objector - acculturation with either IL-2 or IL-12 were the only conditions which resulted in a slenderly enhanced proliferation to BmA in these animals. Even high assiduity", "butter_fingers": " anf anti-IL- 13. We were able tu overcome antiywn-specmfic undesponsixeness in only a minority of tye rhtfus monkeys studiea. Co-cultuge with euthec IL-2 or IL-12 were vge only condiflons chmch resulted in a slightlf enhanced proniwexation to BmA in these animals. Even righ comcfntration", "random_deletion": "and anti-IL- 13. We were able to unresponsiveness only a of the rhesus IL-2 IL-12 were the conditions which resulted a slightly enhanced proliferation to BmA these animals. Even high concentration", "change_char_case": " and anti-IL- 13. We were able to overCome antigeN-specIfiC unReSponSiveNess in only a minORity Of the rhesus monkeys studIed. Co-CuLTure WItH eithEr IL-2 or Il-12 WeRE The OnLy ConDiTIoNs whiCh rEsulted In a slightlY enHaNced proliferATiOn to BmA in tHesE animals. Even HigH conceNtRatIOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " and anti-IL- 13. We wereable to ov ercom e a nti ge n-sp ecif ic unresponsiv e ness in only a minority of therh e susm on keysstudied . C o - cul tu re wi th ei therIL- 2 or IL -12 were t heon ly condition s w hich resul ted in a slight lyenhanc ed pr o lifer ati on to BmA i n these animals. E v en hig h concen t r at ion", "underscore_trick": " and_anti-IL- 13._We were able to_overcome antigen-specific_unresponsiveness_in only_a_minority of the_rhesus monkeys studied._Co-culture with either IL-2_or IL-12 were_the_only conditions which resulted in a slightly enhanced proliferation to BmA in these animals._Even_high concentration"} +{"text": "cing Membranes -Structure and Function, Cell Surface Immuno-Receptors, Cell-Cell Interactions, Cell Surface in Neoplasia, Molecular Basis of Motility, Gamete Morphogenesis, Somatic Cell Hybridization. They will be followed in the afternoons and evenings by sessions of short contributed papers", "synonym_substitution": "cing Membranes -Structure and Function, Cell Surface Immuno - Receptors, Cell - Cell Interactions, Cell Surface in Neoplasia, Molecular Basis of Motility, Gamete Morphogenesis, Somatic Cell Hybridization. They will be followed in the afternoons and evenings by sessions of light contributed composition", "butter_fingers": "cinh Membranes -Structure ana Function, Cell Surfacx Immunk-Receptofs, Cell-Cell Interactions, Celp Wurfaxe in Neoplasia, Molecuuar Basis of Motioity, Tamete Mor'gogeneslf, Sojwtic Rell Hybridizatlon. They winl be followed iv che afternoons and evenings by sessijns of xhlrt contributeq pakerf", "random_deletion": "cing Membranes -Structure and Function, Cell Surface Interactions, Surface in Molecular Basis of Hybridization. will be followed the afternoons and by sessions of short contributed papers", "change_char_case": "cing Membranes -Structure and function, CeLl SurFacE ImMuNo-ReCeptOrs, Cell-Cell IntERactIons, Cell Surface in NeoplAsia, MOlECulaR baSis of motilitY, gaMETe MOrPhOgeNeSIs, somatIc CEll HybrIdization. THey WiLl be followed IN tHe afternooNs aNd evenings by SesSions oF sHorT ContrIbuTed paPers", "whitespace_perturbation": "cing Membranes -Structureand Functi on, C ell Su rf aceImmu no-Receptors,C ell- Cell Interactions, Cel l Sur fa c e in Ne oplas ia, Mol e cu l a r B as is of M o ti lity, Ga mete Mo rphogenesi s,So matic Cell H y br idization. Th ey will be f oll owed i nthe after noo ns an d even i ngs by sessions o f short contrib u t ed pap ers", "underscore_trick": "cing Membranes_-Structure and_Function, Cell Surface Immuno-Receptors,_Cell-Cell Interactions,_Cell_Surface in_Neoplasia,_Molecular Basis of_Motility, Gamete Morphogenesis,_Somatic Cell Hybridization. They_will be followed_in_the afternoons and evenings by sessions of short contributed papers"} +{"text": " The susceptibility of the DLC-1 (+/-) and (-/-) mice to hepatocarcinogenesis can be studied using the liver cancer models developed in LEC. A new constitutive translocation involving a common fragile site was characterized by FISH and molecular markers. In a family in which multifocal clear cell renal carcinoma (RCC)", "synonym_substitution": "The susceptibility of the DLC-1 (+ /-) and (-/-) mice to hepatocarcinogenesis can be studied using the liver cancer models develop in LEC. A newfangled constitutive translocation involving a common flimsy site was characterized by pisces and molecular marker. In a family in which multifocal clear cell renal carcinoma (RCC )", "butter_fingers": " Thf susceptibility of the ALC-1 (+/-) and (-/-) mice jo hepatmcarcihogenesir can be studied using the lmver canctg models developed in LEC. A nea constirutite translocation involviky a cklmon hragile site wax charactesized by FISH dna lolecular markers. In a family in whych mulyivocal clear cejl rtnaj cadbikoma (RCC)", "random_deletion": "The susceptibility of the DLC-1 (+/-) and to can be using the liver A constitutive translocation involving common fragile site characterized by FISH and molecular markers. a family in which multifocal clear cell renal carcinoma (RCC)", "change_char_case": " The susceptibility of the DLC-1 (+/-) And (-/-) mice to hEpatoCarCinOgEnesIs caN be studied usinG The lIver cancer models develoPed in lEc. a new COnStituTive traNSlOCAtiOn InVolViNG a CommoN frAgile siTe was charaCteRiZed by FISH and MOlEcular markErs. in a family in wHicH multiFoCal CLear cEll Renal CarcinOMa (RCC)", "whitespace_perturbation": " The susceptibility of the DLC-1 (+/ -) an d ( -/- )mice tohepatocarcinog e nesi s can be studied using theli v er c a nc er mo dels de v el o p edin L EC. A ne w con sti tutivetranslocat ion i nvolving a c o mm on fragile si te was chara cte rizedby FI S H and mo lecul ar mar k ers. I n a famil yi n whic h multif o c al cle ar cell renal car c in o ma (RCC)", "underscore_trick": " The_susceptibility of_the DLC-1 (+/-) and_(-/-) mice_to_hepatocarcinogenesis can_be_studied using the_liver cancer models_developed in LEC. A_new constitutive translocation_involving_a common fragile site was characterized by FISH and molecular markers. In a family_in_which multifocal_clear_cell_renal carcinoma (RCC)"} +{"text": " collaborations. There are two major components of this core. The core will 1) Serve as a resource of multi-user equipment 2) Perform Immune Function Assessment by 1) Evaluation of the general health status 2) Level I immunological testing which includes a variety of assays that examine the functions of T cells, B", "synonym_substitution": "collaborations. There are two major components of this core. The effect will 1) service as a resource of multi - user equipment 2) Perform Immune Function Assessment by 1) Evaluation of the general health status 2) Level I immunological examination which includes a variety of assays that analyze the functions of T cell, B", "butter_fingers": " coplaborations. There are tdo major compongnrs of vhis code. The cure will 1) Serve as a resourcx of multu-user equipment 2) Perfofm Immune Functiob Aswwssment by 1) Evaluabnon or the jeneral health xtatus 2) Leeel I immunolocizap testing which includes a variety jf assaus that examine jhe flnstiohs of T cells, B", "random_deletion": "collaborations. There are two major components of The will 1) as a resource Immune Assessment by 1) of the general status 2) Level I immunological testing includes a variety of assays that examine the functions of T cells, B", "change_char_case": " collaborations. There are two Major compoNents Of tHis CoRe. ThE corE will 1) Serve as a rESourCe of multi-user equipment 2) perfoRm iMmunE fuNctioN AssessMEnT BY 1) EvAlUaTioN oF ThE geneRal Health sTatus 2) Level i imMuNological tesTInG which inclUdeS a variety of aSsaYs that ExAmiNE the fUncTions Of T celLS, B", "whitespace_perturbation": " collaborations. There are two major comp one nts o f th is c ore. The corew ill1) Serve as a resource of m ul t i-us e requip ment 2) Pe r f orm I mm une F u nc tionAss essment by 1) Eva lua ti on of the ge n er al healthsta tus 2) Level Iimmuno lo gic a l tes tin g whi ch inc l udes a varietyof assays that ex a m in e th e functions of Tc el l s, B", "underscore_trick": " collaborations._There are_two major components of_this core._The_core will_1)_Serve as a_resource of multi-user_equipment 2) Perform Immune_Function Assessment by_1)_Evaluation of the general health status 2) Level I immunological testing which includes a_variety_of assays_that_examine_the functions of T cells,_B"} +{"text": " tissue specific enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase will be examined to determine if the increase in the quantity of the protein is due to a change in the rate of synthesis, the rate of degradation, or a modulation of both parameters. 2) The tissue specific S-100 protein is actually a class of related proteins;", "synonym_substitution": "tissue specific enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase will be examined to determine if the increase in the measure of the protein is ascribable to a variety in the rate of synthesis, the rate of abasement, or a modulation of both parameters. 2) The tissue specific S-100 protein is actually a class of relate proteins;", "butter_fingers": " tidsue specific enzyme gluuamic acid decarboxylase will ge examived to determine if the incrxase in tye quantity of the progein is dle to a cyangt in the rate of synthesis, the dwte mh degradation, ot a modulatimn of both pardmdtzrs. 2) The tissue specific S-100 protein if actuaklj a class of rglatec profviks;", "random_deletion": "tissue specific enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase will to if the in the quantity to change in the of synthesis, the of degradation, or a modulation of parameters. 2) The tissue specific S-100 protein is actually a class of related", "change_char_case": " tissue specific enzyme glutaMic acid decArboxYlaSe wIlL be eXamiNed to determine IF the Increase in the quantity oF the pRoTEin iS DuE to a cHange in THe RATe oF sYnTheSiS, ThE rate Of dEgradatIon, or a moduLatIoN of both paramETeRs. 2) The tissuE spEcific S-100 proteIn iS actuaLlY a cLAss of RelAted pRoteinS;", "whitespace_perturbation": " tissue specific enzyme gl utamic aci d dec arb oxy la se w illbe examined to dete rmine if the increasein th eq uant i ty of t he prot e in i s d ue t o a c h an ge in th e rateof synthes is, t he rate of d e gr adation, o r a modulationofboth p ar ame t ers.2)The t issues pecifi c S-100 p ro t ein is actuall y aclas s of related prot e in s ;", "underscore_trick": " tissue_specific enzyme_glutamic acid decarboxylase will_be examined_to_determine if_the_increase in the_quantity of the_protein is due to_a change in_the_rate of synthesis, the rate of degradation, or a modulation of both parameters. 2)_The_tissue specific_S-100_protein_is actually a class of_related proteins;"} +{"text": " adventitial fibroblasts). There has been growing interest in the vascular NADPH oxidases, largely because it is recognized that oxidative stress plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of vascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis. Preliminary studies performed in our group and others have demonstrated that ortho- methoxyphenols, such as ap", "synonym_substitution": "adventitial fibroblasts). There has been growing interest in the vascular NADPH oxidases, largely because it is spot that oxidative tension plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of vascular disease, such as atherosclerosis. Preliminary studies do in our group and others have demonstrated that ortho- methoxyphenols, such as ap", "butter_fingers": " adgentitial fibroblasts). Thtre has been grownbg intxrest ih the varcular NADPH oxidases, largelb bexause it is recognized that oxidativv stress playw a critical role ik the iathoyeiesis of vasculsr diseasev, such as athesorcperosis. Preliminary studies performqd in oir group and othgrs hsde dsmonstrated that ortho- methoxyphenkls, suci as ap", "random_deletion": "adventitial fibroblasts). There has been growing interest vascular oxidases, largely it is recognized critical in the pathogenesis vascular diseases, such atherosclerosis. Preliminary studies performed in our and others have demonstrated that ortho- methoxyphenols, such as ap", "change_char_case": " adventitial fibroblasts). TheRe has been gRowinG inTerEsT in tHe vaScular NADPH oxiDAses, Largely because it is recoGnizeD tHAt oxIDaTive sTress plAYs A CRitIcAl RolE iN ThE pathOgeNesis of Vascular diSeaSeS, such as atherOScLerosis. PreLimInary studies PerFormed In Our GRoup aNd oThers Have deMOnstraTed that orThO- MethoxYPhenols, SUCh As ap", "whitespace_perturbation": " adventitial fibroblasts). There has been gr owi ng int eres t in the vascu l ar N ADPH oxidases, largely beca us e iti srecog nized t h at o xid at iv e s tr e ss play s a critic al role in th epathogenesis of vasculardis eases, suchasathero sc ler o sis.Pre limin ary st u dies p erformedin our gr o up ando t he rs h ave demonstratedt ha t ortho- methox ypheno ls , s u c h a s a p", "underscore_trick": " adventitial_fibroblasts). There_has been growing interest_in the_vascular_NADPH oxidases,_largely_because it is_recognized that oxidative_stress plays a critical_role in the_pathogenesis_of vascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis. Preliminary studies performed in our group and others_have_demonstrated that_ortho-_methoxyphenols,_such as ap"} +{"text": " felis, and throughout flea populations. Parameters of R. felis infection and transmission in fleas; specifically, a) horizontal transmission (contribution of vertebrate hosts and concurrent feeding); b) vertical transmission (dynamics of replication and dissemination through adult tissues and immature stages of life cycle); c) flea fitness (", "synonym_substitution": "felis, and throughout flea populations. Parameters of R. felis infection and transmission in flea; specifically, a) horizontal transmittance (contribution of vertebrate hosts and concurrent eating); b) vertical infection (dynamics of replication and dispersion through adult tissue and immature phase of life cycle); c) flea seaworthiness (", "butter_fingers": " fepis, and throughout flea kopulations. Paramgtwrs of R. feljs infecgion and transmission in flees; specifucally, a) horizontal trxnsmissioj (contrivutiib of verteudate hosts ans coneucrent feeding); b) vertical dransmission (dfnxmncs of replication and dissemination througn wdult tissues wnd pmiatudv wtages of life cycle); c) flea fjtness (", "random_deletion": "felis, and throughout flea populations. Parameters of infection transmission in specifically, a) horizontal and feeding); b) vertical (dynamics of replication dissemination through adult tissues and immature of life cycle); c) flea fitness (", "change_char_case": " felis, and throughout flea popUlations. PaRametErs Of R. FeLis iNfecTion and transmiSSion In fleas; specifically, a) hoRizonTaL TranSMiSsion (ContribUTiON Of vErTeBraTe HOsTs and ConCurrent Feeding); b) veRtiCaL transmissioN (DyNamics of rePliCation and disSemInatioN tHroUGh aduLt tIssueS and imMAture sTages of liFe CYcle); c) fLEa fitneSS (", "whitespace_perturbation": " felis, and throughout fle a populati ons.Par ame te rs o f R. felis infecti o n an d transmission in flea s; sp ec i fica l ly , a)horizon t al t ran sm is sio n( co ntrib uti on of v ertebratehos ts and concurr e nt feeding); b) vertical tr ans missio n(dy n amics of repl icatio n and d isseminat io n throu g h adult t is sues and immature sta g es of life cycle) ; c) f le a f i t nes s ( ", "underscore_trick": " felis,_and throughout_flea populations. Parameters of_R. felis_infection_and transmission_in_fleas; specifically, a)_horizontal transmission (contribution_of vertebrate hosts and_concurrent feeding); b)_vertical_transmission (dynamics of replication and dissemination through adult tissues and immature stages of life_cycle);_c) flea_fitness_("} +{"text": " accessibility and known microbial composition. Specific Aim 1 will examine the effects of 3 systemically administered antibiotics on the microbial composition of subgingival biofilms in adult humans with periodontitis. All subjects will receive scaling and root planing and will be randomly assigned to one of 4 groups of 36 subjects each receiving one of do", "synonym_substitution": "accessibility and known microbial composition. Specific Aim 1 will examine the effect of 3 systemically distribute antibiotics on the microbial composition of subgingival biofilms in adult humans with periodontal disease. All subjects will receive scaling and root planing and will be randomly put to one of 4 groups of 36 subjects each meet one of do", "butter_fingers": " acfessibility and known migrobial compositnin. Sperific Ajm 1 will examine the effects of 3 sysvemixally administered antibiotkcs on thv microbiql cinposition of subgikyival niofinns in adult hukans with [eriodontitis. Dlu dubjects will receive scaling and rjot plamijg and will be rancjmly assigned to one of 4 groups of 36 sugjects tach receiving one of do", "random_deletion": "accessibility and known microbial composition. Specific Aim examine effects of systemically administered antibiotics subgingival in adult humans periodontitis. All subjects receive scaling and root planing and be randomly assigned to one of 4 groups of 36 subjects each receiving of do", "change_char_case": " accessibility and known micrObial compoSitioN. SpEciFiC Aim 1 Will Examine the effeCTs of 3 Systemically administerEd antIbIOticS On The miCrobial COmPOSitIoN oF suBgINgIval bIofIlms in aDult humans WitH pEriodontitis. aLl Subjects wiLl rEceive scalinG anD root pLaNinG And wiLl bE randOmly asSIgned tO one of 4 groUpS Of 36 subjECts each RECeIvinG one of do", "whitespace_perturbation": " accessibility and known m icrobial c ompos iti on. S peci ficAim 1 will exa m inethe effects of 3 syste mical ly admi n is tered antibi o ti c s on t he mi cr o bi al co mpo sitionof subging iva lbiofilms ina du lt humanswit h periodonti tis . Allsu bje c ts wi llrecei ve sca l ing an d root pl an i ng and will be r an doml y assigned to one of 4 groups of 36 subje ct s e a c h r ece iving oneof do", "underscore_trick": " accessibility_and known_microbial composition. Specific Aim_1 will_examine_the effects_of_3 systemically administered_antibiotics on the_microbial composition of subgingival_biofilms in adult_humans_with periodontitis. All subjects will receive scaling and root planing and will be randomly_assigned_to one_of_4_groups of 36 subjects each_receiving one of do"} +{"text": " free radicals generated by UV-irradiated skin of living animals and may potentially open a new avenue to evaluate the properties of antioxidant against free radicals generated in living animals. Another significance of the study is the identification of qucertrin as a preventive agent against UV-induced skin cancers. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE:", "synonym_substitution": "free radicals generated by UV - irradiate hide of living animals and may potentially open a raw avenue to evaluate the properties of antioxidant against barren radical generated in life animals. Another significance of the sketch is the identification of qucertrin as a preventive agent against ultraviolet - induced skin cancers. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE:", "butter_fingers": " frfe radicals generated by UV-irradiated skin of niving animals and may potentially open a iew qvenut to evaluate the pfoperties of antiixident against free radicals genedwted mn living animaks. Another significance mf tke study is the identification of qusertrin ad a preventive ageme agzpnwt UV-induced skin cancers. PUBMIC HEANTH RELEVANCE:", "random_deletion": "free radicals generated by UV-irradiated skin of and potentially open new avenue to against radicals generated in animals. Another significance the study is the identification of as a preventive agent against UV-induced skin cancers. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE:", "change_char_case": " free radicals generated by UV-Irradiated Skin oF liVinG aNimaLs anD may potentiallY Open A new avenue to evaluate thE propErTIes oF AnTioxiDant agaINsT FRee RaDiCalS gENeRated In lIving anImals. AnothEr sIgNificance of tHE sTudy is the iDenTification of QucErtrin As A prEVentiVe aGent aGainst uv-inducEd skin canCeRS. PUBLIc hEALTH ReleVaNCE:", "whitespace_perturbation": " free radicals generated b y UV-irrad iated sk inof liv inganimals and ma y pot entially open a new av enueto eval u at e the proper t ie s ofan ti oxi da n tagain stfree ra dicals gen era te d in livinga ni mals. Anot her significanc e o f thest udy is th e i denti ficati o n of q ucertrinas a prev e ntive a g e nt aga inst UV-induced s k in cancers. PUBLI C HEAL TH RE L E VAN CE: ", "underscore_trick": " free_radicals generated_by UV-irradiated skin of_living animals_and_may potentially_open_a new avenue_to evaluate the_properties of antioxidant against_free radicals generated_in_living animals. Another significance of the study is the identification of qucertrin as a_preventive_agent against_UV-induced_skin_cancers. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE:"} +{"text": " diseases of mucosal surfaces, particularly in the intestine, is migration of large numbers of neutrophils (PMN) across the epithelium and accumulation within a lumen. In such conditions, disease symptoms are complex but directly related to leukocyte effects on the epithelial barrier and epithelial cell function. While much has been learned about mechanisms of leukocyte emigration", "synonym_substitution": "diseases of mucosal surfaces, particularly in the intestine, is migration of large number of neutrophil (PMN) across the epithelium and accumulation within a lumen. In such conditions, disease symptom are complex but immediately related to leukocyte effects on the epithelial barrier and epithelial cell affair. While much has been learned about mechanisms of leukocyte emigration", "butter_fingers": " dideases of mucosal surfacts, particularly iu the iitestins, is migfation of large numbers of nxutriphilw (PMN) across the epithdlium and accumulqtioi within a lumen. In such condiflons, biwease symptoms are complax but directlf fepated to leukocyte effects on the e[ithelisl barrier and ekithekyal dvlo function. While much has beeh learntd about mechanismx of leukocyte emigration", "random_deletion": "diseases of mucosal surfaces, particularly in the migration large numbers neutrophils (PMN) across a In such conditions, symptoms are complex directly related to leukocyte effects on epithelial barrier and epithelial cell function. While much has been learned about mechanisms leukocyte emigration", "change_char_case": " diseases of mucosal surfaces, ParticularLy in tHe iNteStIne, iS migRation of large nUMberS of neutrophils (PMN) acrosS the ePiTHeliUM aNd accUmulatiON wITHin A lUmEn. IN sUCh CondiTioNs, diseaSe symptoms Are CoMplex but direCTlY related to LeuKocyte effectS on The epiThEliAL barrIer And epItheliAL cell fUnction. WhIlE Much haS Been leaRNEd AbouT mechanisms of leukOCyTE emigration", "whitespace_perturbation": " diseases of mucosal surfa ces, parti cular lyinth e in test ine, is migrat i on o f large numbers of neu troph il s (PM N )acros s the e p it h e liu man d a cc u mu latio n w ithin a lumen. In su ch conditions, di sease symp tom s are comple x b ut dir ec tly relat edto le ukocyt e effec ts on the e p itheli a l barri e r a nd e pithelial cell fu n ct i on. While much has b ee n l e a rne d a bout mecha ni sms o f leukoc y te e m igr a tion", "underscore_trick": " diseases_of mucosal_surfaces, particularly in the_intestine, is_migration_of large_numbers_of neutrophils (PMN)_across the epithelium_and accumulation within a_lumen. In such_conditions,_disease symptoms are complex but directly related to leukocyte effects on the epithelial barrier_and_epithelial cell_function._While_much has been learned about_mechanisms of leukocyte emigration"} +{"text": " symptoms, 2) to identify the characteristics of patients able to benefit from such treatments, 3) to explore treatment's mechanism of action, 4) to produce a treatment manual for the program, and 5) to provide training in the treatment of BPD. Forty-eight subjects who meet criteria for a BPD diagnosis using", "synonym_substitution": "symptoms, 2) to identify the characteristics of patients able to profit from such treatment, 3) to explore treatment's mechanism of legal action, 4) to grow a treatment manual for the course of study, and 5) to put up training in the treatment of BPD. Forty - eight subjects who meet criterion for a BPD diagnosis using", "butter_fingers": " sylptoms, 2) to identify the gharacteristics of patixnts abme to bevefit from such treatments, 3) vo ezplort treatment's mechanksm of acnion, 4) to prodnce a treatment manual for the irogrcm, and 5) to provice traininc in the treatkevt of BPD. Forty-eight subjects who meee critetiw for a BPD diwgnoxys uapnn", "random_deletion": "symptoms, 2) to identify the characteristics of to from such 3) to explore to a treatment manual the program, and to provide training in the treatment BPD. Forty-eight subjects who meet criteria for a BPD diagnosis using", "change_char_case": " symptoms, 2) to identify the charActeristicS of paTieNts AbLe to BeneFit from such treATmenTs, 3) to explore treatment's mEchanIsM Of acTIoN, 4) to prOduce a tREaTMEnt MaNuAl fOr THe ProgrAm, aNd 5) to proVide trainiNg iN tHe treatment oF bPd. Forty-eighT suBjects who meeT crIteria FoR a Bpd diagNosIs usiNg", "whitespace_perturbation": " symptoms, 2) to identifythe charac teris tic s o fpati ents able to benef i t fr om such treatments, 3) to e xp l oret re atmen t's mec h an i s m o fac tio n, 4) to p rod uce a t reatment m anu al for the pro g ra m, and 5)toprovide trai nin g in t he tr e atmen t o f BPD . Fort y -eight subjects w h o meet criteri a fo r aBPD diagnosis usi n g", "underscore_trick": " symptoms,_2) to_identify the characteristics of_patients able_to_benefit from_such_treatments, 3) to_explore treatment's mechanism_of action, 4) to_produce a treatment_manual_for the program, and 5) to provide training in the treatment of BPD. Forty-eight_subjects_who meet_criteria_for_a BPD diagnosis using"} +{"text": " cells. In Specific Aim #1, we will perform serial imaging of CAA progression in mouse models and define the spatial and temporal relationship between amyloid deposition and markers of injury to the vessel wall. The goal of this aim will be a precise understanding of the sequence of events in the pathway that lead to vascular wall injury.", "synonym_substitution": "cells. In Specific Aim # 1, we will perform serial imaging of CAA progress in shiner models and define the spatial and worldly relationship between amyloid deposit and markers of injury to the vessel rampart. The goal of this aim will be a precise agreement of the sequence of events in the nerve pathway that lead to vascular wall injury.", "butter_fingers": " cepls. In Specific Aim #1, we dill perform setiql imajing of CAA proeression in mouse models and dwfine the spatial and tempofal relatponship bwtwetn amyloid deposivjon and markedd of mnjury to the vgssel wall. Tve goal of thiv xil will be a precise understanding os the srqkence of eventf in ehe lathway that lead to vascular wall injury.", "random_deletion": "cells. In Specific Aim #1, we will imaging CAA progression mouse models and relationship amyloid deposition and of injury to vessel wall. The goal of this will be a precise understanding of the sequence of events in the pathway lead to vascular wall injury.", "change_char_case": " cells. In Specific Aim #1, we will pErform seriAl imaGinG of cAa proGresSion in mouse modELs anD define the spatial and teMporaL rELatiONsHip beTween amYLoID DepOsItIon AnD MaRkers Of iNjury to The vessel wAll. thE goal of this aIM wIll be a precIse UnderstandinG of The seqUeNce OF evenTs iN the pAthway THat leaD to vasculAr WAll injURy.", "whitespace_perturbation": " cells. In Specific Aim #1 , we willperfo rmser ia l im agin g of CAA progr e ssio n in mouse models anddefin et he s p at ial a nd temp o ra l rel at io nsh ip be tween am yloid d epositionand m arkers of in j ur y to the v ess el wall. The go al ofth isa im wi llbe aprecis e under standingof the se q uence o f ev ents in the pathway t h at lead to vascul ar wal li nj u r y.", "underscore_trick": " cells._In Specific_Aim #1, we will_perform serial_imaging_of CAA_progression_in mouse models_and define the_spatial and temporal relationship_between amyloid deposition_and_markers of injury to the vessel wall. The goal of this aim will be_a_precise understanding_of_the_sequence of events in the_pathway that lead to vascular_wall injury."} +{"text": " CR genes which affect cell cycle progression, apoptosis, cytokine production, and immunomodulatory surface protein expression. The SLAP method yields a 40-fold enrichment of CR genes, so that approximately 98 percent of constitutively-expressed, \"housekeeping\" genes are removed. The SAGE method to identify genes by sequencing 9", "synonym_substitution": "CR genes which affect cell cycle progress, apoptosis, cytokine product, and immunomodulatory surface protein expression. The SLAP method give way a 40 - fold enrichment of CR genes, so that approximately 98 percent of constitutively - express, \" housework \" genes are removed. The SAGE method to identify genes by sequence 9", "butter_fingers": " CR genes which affect cell cycle progressnin, apo'tosis, dytokine production, and immunomodulavory surfqce protein expression. The SLAP method tielvs a 40-fold enrichment of GX gensd, so vhat approximatgly 98 percent of constitutieeuy-zxpressed, \"housekeeping\" genes are remjved. Thr DAGE method to idemeify genes by sequencing 9", "random_deletion": "CR genes which affect cell cycle progression, production, immunomodulatory surface expression. The SLAP of genes, so that 98 percent of \"housekeeping\" genes are removed. The SAGE to identify genes by sequencing 9", "change_char_case": " CR genes which affect cell cycLe progressIon, apOptOsiS, cYtokIne pRoduction, and imMUnomOdulatory surface proteiN exprEsSIon. THE SlAP meThod yieLDs A 40-FOld EnRiChmEnT Of cR genEs, sO that apProximatelY 98 peRcEnt of constitUTiVely-expresSed, \"Housekeeping\" GenEs are rEmOveD. the SAgE mEthod To idenTIfy genEs by sequeNcINg 9", "whitespace_perturbation": " CR genes which affect cel l cycle pr ogres sio n,ap opto sis, cytokine prod u ctio n, and immunomodulator y sur fa c e pr o te in ex pressio n .T h e S LA Pmet ho d y ields a40-fold enrichmen t o fCR genes, so th at approxi mat ely 98 perce ntof con st itu t ively -ex press ed, \"h o usekee ping\" gen es are re m oved. T h e S AGEmethod to identif y g e nes by sequenc ing 9", "underscore_trick": " CR_genes which_affect cell cycle progression,_apoptosis, cytokine_production,_and immunomodulatory_surface_protein expression. The_SLAP method yields_a 40-fold enrichment of_CR genes, so_that_approximately 98 percent of constitutively-expressed, \"housekeeping\" genes are removed. The SAGE method to identify_genes_by sequencing_9"} +{"text": " organization, and function of cell regulatory networks engaged by Ras family GTPases. Our focus is on the dominant effector pathways that mediate oncogenic Ras-induced cell transformation. Our specific aims are 1) revealing the molecular basis of the contribution of Ral GTPases to support of human tumor cell proliferation and survival; 2) assessing", "synonym_substitution": "organization, and function of cell regulatory net engage by Ras family GTPases. Our stress is on the dominant effecter pathways that mediate oncogenic right ascension - induce cell transformation. Our specific purpose are 1) revealing the molecular basis of the contribution of Ral GTPases to accompaniment of human tumor cell proliferation and survival; 2) assessing", "butter_fingers": " orhanization, and function uf cell regulatory netxorks ehgaged bh Ras family GTPases. Our focns iw on uke dominant effector pathways that meeiatt oncogenic Ras-invhced cell trahdforketion. Our specinic aims ara 1) revealing tve mllecular basis of the contribution jf Ral BTOases to suppott of rumah tumor cell proliferation and surbival; 2) essessing", "random_deletion": "organization, and function of cell regulatory networks Ras GTPases. Our is on the oncogenic cell transformation. Our aims are 1) the molecular basis of the contribution Ral GTPases to support of human tumor cell proliferation and survival; 2) assessing", "change_char_case": " organization, and function of Cell regulaTory nEtwOrkS eNgagEd by ras family GTPasES. Our Focus is on the dominant efFectoR pAThwaYS tHat meDiate onCOgENIc RAs-InDucEd CElL tranSfoRmation. our specifiC aiMs Are 1) revealing THe Molecular bAsiS of the contriButIon of RAl gTPASes to SupPort oF human TUmor ceLl prolifeRaTIon and SUrvival; 2) ASSeSsinG", "whitespace_perturbation": " organization, and functio n of cellregul ato ryne twor ks e ngaged by Rasf amil y GTPases. Our focus i s onth e dom i na nt ef fectorp at h w ays t ha t m ed i at e onc oge nic Ras -induced c ell t ransformatio n .Our specif icaims are 1)rev ealing t hem olecu lar basi s of t h e cont ributionof Ral GT P ases to s up port of human tumor c e ll proliferationand su rv i va l ; 2) as sessing", "underscore_trick": " organization,_and function_of cell regulatory networks_engaged by_Ras_family GTPases._Our_focus is on_the dominant effector_pathways that mediate oncogenic_Ras-induced cell transformation._Our_specific aims are 1) revealing the molecular basis of the contribution of Ral GTPases_to_support of_human_tumor_cell proliferation and survival; 2)_assessing"} +{"text": "ating MSCs express lineage-associated molecules prior to induction of differentiation. This has led to a suggested model of differentiation where commitment to a specific cell type results from the combined effects of increased expression along the induced pathway and repression of genes related to other lineages. MicroRNAs are endogenously expressed, small RNAs that may regulate this", "synonym_substitution": "ating MSCs express lineage - associated molecules prior to evocation of specialization. This has led to a suggested exemplar of specialization where commitment to a specific cell type consequence from the combined effects of increase expression along the induced pathway and repression of gene related to other lineages. MicroRNAs are endogenously expressed, belittled RNAs that may regulate this", "butter_fingers": "atijg MSCs express lineage-arsociated molecolws primr to jnductiov of differentiation. This had oed ti a suggested model of differenniation wyere xommitment to a spceific gell cy'e results from the combited effects of ivcxeased expression along the induced [athway ajd repression jf gtnef remated to other lineages. MicroRNAs zre endmgenously exptessed, small RNAs that may regklate this", "random_deletion": "ating MSCs express lineage-associated molecules prior to differentiation. has led a suggested model a cell type results the combined effects increased expression along the induced pathway repression of genes related to other lineages. MicroRNAs are endogenously expressed, small RNAs may regulate this", "change_char_case": "ating MSCs express lineage-asSociated moLeculEs pRioR tO indUctiOn of differentiATion. this has led to a suggested Model Of DIffeREnTiatiOn where COmMITmeNt To A spEcIFiC cell TypE resultS from the coMbiNeD effects of inCReAsed expresSioN along the indUceD pathwAy And REpresSioN of geNes relATed to oTher lineaGeS. microRnas are enDOGeNousLy expressed, small Rnas THat may regulate This", "whitespace_perturbation": "ating MSCs express lineage -associate d mol ecu les p rior toinduction of d i ffer entiation. This has le d toas ugge s te d mod el of d i ff e r ent ia ti onwh e re comm itm ent toa specific ce ll type result s f rom the co mbi ned effectsofincrea se d e x press ion alon g thei nduced pathwayan d repre s sion of g en es r elated to other l i ne a ges. MicroRNAs are e nd o ge n o usl y e xpressed,sm all R N As that ma y r egu l ate this", "underscore_trick": "ating MSCs_express lineage-associated_molecules prior to induction_of differentiation._This_has led_to_a suggested model_of differentiation where_commitment to a specific_cell type results_from_the combined effects of increased expression along the induced pathway and repression of genes_related_to other_lineages._MicroRNAs_are endogenously expressed, small RNAs_that may regulate this"} +{"text": "]. Changes in mammographic density, total body fat and selected hormones will be explored as surrogate biomarkers. This study has closed to accrual, and a preliminary report has been submitted for publication. Inherited Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes: Our study of persons from families with one of a variety of inherited bone marrow failure", "synonym_substitution": "]. Changes in mammographic density, total body adipose tissue and choose hormones will be explored as foster biomarkers. This study has close to accrual, and a preliminary report has been relegate for publication. Inherited Bone Marrow Failure syndrome: Our study of persons from family with one of a variety of inherited bone kernel failure", "butter_fingers": "]. Chwnges in mammographic deksity, total body fat anv selecfed hormunes will be explored as surcogare biimarkers. This study har closed no accruao, anv a preliminary csport has beeh subkmtted for publigation. Inhesited Bone Marsod Yailure Syndromes: Our study of persogs from fwmilies with oge og a vzgitty of inherited bone marrow failhre", "random_deletion": "]. Changes in mammographic density, total body selected will be as surrogate biomarkers. accrual, a preliminary report been submitted for Inherited Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes: Our of persons from families with one of a variety of inherited bone marrow", "change_char_case": "]. Changes in mammographic densIty, total boDy fat And SelEcTed hOrmoNes will be exploREd as Surrogate biomarkers. ThiS studY hAS cloSEd To accRual, and A PrELImiNaRy RepOrT HaS been SubMitted fOr publicatIon. inHerited Bone MARrOw Failure SYndRomes: Our studY of PersonS fRom FAmiliEs wIth onE of a vaRIety of Inherited BoNE marroW Failure", "whitespace_perturbation": "]. Changes in mammographic density,total bo dyfa t an d se lected hormone s wil l be explored as surro gatebi o mark e rs . Thi s study ha s clo se dtoac c ru al, a nda preli minary rep ort h as been subm i tt ed for pub lic ation. Inher ite d Bone M arr o w Fai lur e Syn dromes : Our s tudy of p er s ons fr o m famil i e swith one of a variety of inherited bone marro wf ai l u re", "underscore_trick": "]. Changes_in mammographic_density, total body fat_and selected_hormones_will be_explored_as surrogate biomarkers._This study has_closed to accrual, and_a preliminary report_has_been submitted for publication. Inherited Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes: Our study of persons from_families_with one_of_a_variety of inherited bone marrow_failure"} +{"text": " mentor if the in- vestigator is a junior faculty member, the study coordinator, one or more members from each resource core, and ad hoc experts, will use the reports produced by GERI as they oversee studies and monitor study pro- gress. The reports will help the RWGs assure that studies are", "synonym_substitution": "mentor if the in- vestigator is a junior faculty member, the study coordinator, one or more members from each resource effect, and ad hoc expert, will use the reports produce by GERI as they oversee study and monitor study pro- gress. The reports will help oneself the RWGs assure that studies are", "butter_fingers": " mejtor if the in- vestigatov is a junior faeylty mxmber, tge study coordinator, one or more memuers from each resource core, ana ad hoc vxperts, wull nse the reports 'doduced by GEDL as chxy oversee studles and monhtor study pro- gfeds. The reports will help the RWGs afsure tnah studies are", "random_deletion": "mentor if the in- vestigator is a member, study coordinator, or more members ad experts, will use reports produced by as they oversee studies and monitor pro- gress. The reports will help the RWGs assure that studies are", "change_char_case": " mentor if the in- vestigator is A junior facUlty mEmbEr, tHe StudY cooRdinator, one or mORe meMbers from each resource cOre, anD aD Hoc eXPeRts, wiLl use thE RePORts PrOdUceD bY gErI as tHey Oversee Studies and MonItOr study pro- grESs. the reports WilL help the RWGs AssUre thaT sTudIEs are", "whitespace_perturbation": " mentor if the in- vestiga tor is a j unior fa cul ty mem ber, the study coo r dina tor, one or more membe rs fr om each re sourc e core, an d adho cexp er t s, will us e the r eports pro duc ed by GERI ast he y overseestu dies and mon ito r stud ypro - gres s.The r eports will h elp the R WG s assur e that s t u di es a re", "underscore_trick": " mentor_if the_in- vestigator is a_junior faculty_member,_the study_coordinator,_one or more_members from each_resource core, and ad_hoc experts, will_use_the reports produced by GERI as they oversee studies and monitor study pro- gress._The_reports will_help_the_RWGs assure that studies are"} +{"text": " and circumstances of common safety errors, as well as on the underlying causes and mechanisms of driving problems in PD, we have devised a new intervention for at-risk drivers with PD. The intervention consists of a systematic review of the subject's own road drive in the IV using verbal, video, and written feedback, followed by", "synonym_substitution": "and circumstances of common safety errors, equally well as on the implicit in causes and mechanisms of drive problem in PD, we have devised a new treatment for at - hazard drivers with PD. The intervention consists of a systematic review of the national's own road drive in the IV using verbal, video recording, and written feedback, followed by", "butter_fingers": " anf circumstances of commok safety errors, cw well as on the unddrlying causes and mechanismd if druving problems in PD, wd have denised a nww iitervention for ef-risk dvnvers aith 'D. The intervenjion consistv of a systemadiz xeview of the subject's own road drivq in thr LV using verbaj, vicqo, ahd written feedback, followed by", "random_deletion": "and circumstances of common safety errors, as on underlying causes mechanisms of driving devised new intervention for drivers with PD. intervention consists of a systematic review the subject's own road drive in the IV using verbal, video, and written followed by", "change_char_case": " and circumstances of common sAfety errorS, as weLl aS on ThE undErlyIng causes and meCHaniSms of driving problems in pD, we hAvE DeviSEd A new iNtervenTIoN FOr aT-rIsK drIvERs With Pd. ThE intervEntion consIstS oF a systematic REvIew of the suBjeCt's own road drIve In the Iv uSinG VerbaL, viDeo, anD writtEN feedbAck, followEd BY", "whitespace_perturbation": " and circumstances of comm on safetyerror s,aswe ll a s on the underlyin g cau ses and mechanisms ofdrivi ng prob l em s inPD, weh av e dev is ed ane w i nterv ent ion for at-risk d riv er s with PD. T h einterventi onconsists ofa s ystema ti c r e viewofthe s ubject ' s ownroad driv ei n theI V using v er bal, video, and writt e nf eedback, follo wed by ", "underscore_trick": " and_circumstances of_common safety errors, as_well as_on_the underlying_causes_and mechanisms of_driving problems in_PD, we have devised_a new intervention_for_at-risk drivers with PD. The intervention consists of a systematic review of the subject's_own_road drive_in_the_IV using verbal, video, and_written feedback, followed by"} +{"text": " Reproductive Health Research (WRHR) Career Development Center with the goal of selecting outstanding novice or more experienced physician scientists for advanced training in basic, translational, or clinical science under the guidance of skilled scientific mentors. The Principal Investigator/Program Director (PD/PI) and Research Director (RD) will", "synonym_substitution": "Reproductive Health Research (WRHR) Career Development Center with the goal of selecting outstanding novice or more experienced doctor scientist for advance training in basic, translational, or clinical science under the guidance of skilled scientific mentor. The Principal Investigator / Program Director (PD / PI) and Research Director (RD) will", "butter_fingers": " Reoroductive Health Researgh (WRHR) Career Dgvwlopmeit Centsr with ghe goal of selecting outstaidint novuce or more experiencea physiciwn scienristw for advanrsd traiknng ih basnc, translational, or clinicdl science undar tke guidance of skilled scientific megtors. Tne Principal Invgstigseor/Pdogram Director (PD/PI) and Research Sirectog (RD) will", "random_deletion": "Reproductive Health Research (WRHR) Career Development Center goal selecting outstanding or more experienced in translational, or clinical under the guidance skilled scientific mentors. The Principal Investigator/Program (PD/PI) and Research Director (RD) will", "change_char_case": " Reproductive Health ResearcH (WRHR) CareeR DeveLopMenT CEnteR witH the goal of seleCTing Outstanding novice or morE expeRiENced PHySiciaN scientIStS FOr aDvAnCed TrAInIng in BasIc, transLational, or CliNiCal science unDEr The guidancE of Skilled scienTifIc mentOrS. ThE princIpaL InveStigatOR/ProgrAm DirectoR (Pd/pI) and RESearch DIREcTor (Rd) will", "whitespace_perturbation": " Reproductive Health Resea rch (WRHR) Care erDev el opme nt C enter with the goal of selecting outstand ing n ov i ce o r m ore e xperien c ed p hys ic ia n s ci e nt istsfor advanc ed trainin g i nbasic, trans l at ional, orcli nical scienc e u nder t he gu i dance of skil led sc i entifi c mentors .T he Pri n cipal I n v es tiga tor/Program Direc t or (PD/PI) and Re search D i re c t or(RD ) will", "underscore_trick": " Reproductive_Health Research_(WRHR) Career Development Center_with the_goal_of selecting_outstanding_novice or more_experienced physician scientists_for advanced training in_basic, translational, or_clinical_science under the guidance of skilled scientific mentors. The Principal Investigator/Program Director (PD/PI) and_Research_Director (RD)_will"} +{"text": "ural funding mechanisms. Accomplishments to date include successfully completing accrual to this study, completing the research-based BRCA1/2 mutation testing for the 1,500 mutation-unknown study participants (including both full sequencing and testing for large deletions, rearrangements), nearly completing the central pathology review of 1037", "synonym_substitution": "ural funding mechanisms. Accomplishments to date include successfully dispatch accrual to this discipline, completing the research - based BRCA1/2 mutant testing for the 1,500 mutation - unknown cogitation participants (including both entire sequencing and testing for large deletion, rearrangements), nearly dispatch the central pathology review of 1037", "butter_fingers": "urap funding mechanisms. Accumplishments to date iiclude auccessfjlly completing accrual to tiis wtudy, completing the researzh-based BGCA1/2 mutatuon uesting for the 1,500 mutation-muknowh stuby participants (lncluding bmth full sequetckny and testing for large deletions, rewrrangekejts), nearly comkletimd ths central pathology review of 1037", "random_deletion": "ural funding mechanisms. Accomplishments to date include accrual this study, the research-based BRCA1/2 mutation-unknown participants (including both sequencing and testing large deletions, rearrangements), nearly completing the pathology review of 1037", "change_char_case": "ural funding mechanisms. AccoMplishmentS to daTe iNclUdE sucCessFully completinG AccrUal to this study, completiNg the ReSEarcH-BaSed BRcA1/2 mutatIOn TEStiNg FoR thE 1,500 mUTaTion-uNknOwn studY participaNts (InCluding both fULl Sequencing And Testing for laRge DeletiOnS, reARrangEmeNts), neArly coMPletinG the centrAl PAtholoGY review OF 1037", "whitespace_perturbation": "ural funding mechanisms. A ccomplishm entstodat eincl udesuccessfully c o mple ting accrual to this s tudy, c o mple t in g the resear c h- b a sed B RC A1/ 2m ut ation te sting f or the 1,5 00mu tation-unkno w nstudy part ici pants (inclu din g both f ull seque nci ng an d test i ng for large de le t ions,r earrang e m en ts), nearly completin g t h e central path ologyre v ie w of103 7", "underscore_trick": "ural funding_mechanisms. Accomplishments_to date include successfully_completing accrual_to_this study,_completing_the research-based BRCA1/2_mutation testing for_the 1,500 mutation-unknown study_participants (including both_full_sequencing and testing for large deletions, rearrangements), nearly completing the central pathology review of_1037"} +{"text": "rt line, Cx43 immunostaining in the ciliary epithelium is globally reduced and also shows backflow of plasma proteins. The pax6alpha-cre/Cx43flox/flox line shows a loss of Cx43 from the non-pigmented epithelial (NPE) cells and a decrease in intraocular", "synonym_substitution": "rt line, Cx43 immunostaining in the ciliary epithelium is globally reduced and also shows backflow of plasma protein. The pax6alpha - cre / Cx43flox / flox credit line shows a loss of Cx43 from the non - pigmented epithelial (NPE) cell and a decrease in intraocular", "butter_fingers": "rt pine, Cx43 immunostaining ik the ciliary epnrheliuk is gmobally feduced and also shows backfpoq of kjasma proteins. The pax6alpha-bre/Cx43flox/dlox oine shows a loss of Cx43 rvom tke non-pigmented gpithelial (N[E) cells and a ddcxease in intraocular", "random_deletion": "rt line, Cx43 immunostaining in the ciliary globally and also backflow of plasma a of Cx43 from non-pigmented epithelial (NPE) and a decrease in intraocular", "change_char_case": "rt line, Cx43 immunostaining in tHe ciliary ePitheLiuM is GlObalLy reDuced and also shOWs baCkflow of plasma proteins. the paX6aLPha-cRE/CX43flox/Flox linE ShOWS a lOsS oF Cx43 FrOM tHe non-PigMented ePithelial (NpE) cElLs and a decreaSE iN intraoculAr", "whitespace_perturbation": "rt line, Cx43 immunostaini ng in thecilia ryepi th eliu m is globally redu c ed a nd also shows backflow of p la s ma p r ot eins. The pa x 6a l p ha- cr e/ Cx4 3f l ox /flox li ne show s a loss o f C x4 3 from the n o n- pigmentedepi thelial (NPE ) c ells a nd ad ecrea sein in traocu l ar", "underscore_trick": "rt line,_Cx43 immunostaining_in the ciliary epithelium_is globally_reduced_and also_shows_backflow of plasma_proteins. The pax6alpha-cre/Cx43flox/flox_line shows a loss_of Cx43 from_the_non-pigmented epithelial (NPE) cells and a decrease in intraocular"} +{"text": " In high-turnover ROD, for example, increased trabecular bone volume may offset cortical bone loss, resulting in normal or increased areal-BMD despite poor bone strength. The proposed project focuses on overcoming a critical barrier towards understanding the mechanism of action of LMMS therapy in humans by developing a non-", "synonym_substitution": "In high - turnover ROD, for example, increased trabecular bone bulk may cancel cortical bone loss, resulting in normal or increase areal - BMD despite inadequate bone strength. The proposed undertaking focuses on overcoming a critical barrier towards understanding the mechanism of military action of LMMS therapy in humans by developing a non-", "butter_fingers": " In high-turnover ROD, for exxmple, increased trabecnlar bohe volumd may offset cortical bone llsw, resylting in normal or inzreased ageal-BMD dwspiue poor bone streifth. The propoacd prmoect focuses on overcominc a critical bdrfizr towards understanding the mechanifm of avtlon of LMMS thgrapy yn hhmans by developing a non-", "random_deletion": "In high-turnover ROD, for example, increased trabecular may cortical bone resulting in normal bone The proposed project on overcoming a barrier towards understanding the mechanism of of LMMS therapy in humans by developing a non-", "change_char_case": " In high-turnover ROD, for exampLe, increaseD trabEcuLar BoNe voLume May offset cortiCAl boNe loss, resulting in normaL or inCrEAsed AReAl-BMD Despite POoR BOne StReNgtH. THE pRoposEd pRoject fOcuses on ovErcOmIng a critical BArRier towardS unDerstanding tHe mEchaniSm Of aCTion oF LMmS theRapy in HUmans bY developiNg A Non-", "whitespace_perturbation": " In high-turnover ROD, for example,incre ase d t ra becu larbone volume ma y off set cortical bone loss , res ul t ingi nnorma l or in c re a s edar ea l-B MD de spite po or bone strength. Th eproposed pro j ec t focusesonovercoming a cr itical b arr i er to war ds un dersta n ding t he mechan is m of ac t ion ofL M MS the rapy in humans by de v eloping a non- ", "underscore_trick": " In_high-turnover ROD,_for example, increased trabecular_bone volume_may_offset cortical_bone_loss, resulting in_normal or increased_areal-BMD despite poor bone_strength. The proposed_project_focuses on overcoming a critical barrier towards understanding the mechanism of action of LMMS_therapy_in humans_by_developing_a non-"} +{"text": "X, where the phosphoacceptor site is followed on the carboxyl-terminus by a proline residue and X can be any amino acid. This grant application has three goals: (1) To define the structural determinants for substrates recognition by ceramide-activated protein kinase and for ceramide stimulation, and determine the intracellular", "synonym_substitution": "X, where the phosphoacceptor site is followed on the carboxyl - terminus by a proline residue and ten can be any amino acid. This concession application has three goal: (1) To specify the structural determinants for substrate realization by ceramide - activated protein kinase and for ceramide stimulation, and determine the intracellular", "butter_fingers": "X, wjere the phosphoacceptor site is followgd on thx carbosyl-termivus by a proline residue and X can ve any amino acid. This grant apilication has rhree goals: (1) To dennne tgc strbcvural determinakts for subvtrates recognhtkou by ceramide-activated protein kinasq and fpr ceramide stimolatipg, ans determine the intracellular", "random_deletion": "X, where the phosphoacceptor site is followed carboxyl-terminus a proline and X can grant has three goals: To define the determinants for substrates recognition by ceramide-activated kinase and for ceramide stimulation, and determine the intracellular", "change_char_case": "X, where the phosphoacceptor sIte is folloWed on The CarBoXyl-tErmiNus by a proline rESiduE and X can be any amino acid. this gRaNT appLIcAtion Has threE GoALS: (1) To DeFiNe tHe STrUcturAl dEterminAnts for subStrAtEs recognitioN By Ceramide-acTivAted protein kInaSe and fOr CerAMide sTimUlatiOn, and dETerminE the intraCeLLular", "whitespace_perturbation": "X, where the phosphoaccept or site is foll owe d o nthecarb oxyl-terminusb y aproline residue and Xcan b ea ny a m in o aci d. This gr a n t a pp li cat io n h as th ree goals: (1) To de fin ethe structur a ldeterminan tsfor substrat esrecogn it ion by ce ram ide-a ctivat e d prot ein kinas ea nd for ceramid e st imul ation, and determ i ne the intracellu lar", "underscore_trick": "X, where_the phosphoacceptor_site is followed on_the carboxyl-terminus_by_a proline_residue_and X can_be any amino_acid. This grant application_has three goals:_(1)_To define the structural determinants for substrates recognition by ceramide-activated protein kinase and for_ceramide_stimulation, and_determine_the_intracellular"} +{"text": ". These mice will be a crucial reagent in determining both how SVOP contributes to neuronal functioning and whether it holds promise in the development of new therapeutics. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: This pilot project will generate a genetically modified mouse line that will be used to identify the function of SVOP, a transporter-like protein", "synonym_substitution": ". These mice will be a crucial reagent in determining both how SVOP contributes to neural operation and whether it defy promise in the development of newfangled remedy. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: This pilot project will generate a genetically modify mouse line that will be use to identify the function of SVOP, a conveyer belt - like protein", "butter_fingers": ". Thfse mice will be a crucixl reagent in dgtwrminiig both how SVOO contributes to neuronal fuictiining and whether it holds oromise ij the decelokment of new thereleutics. PUBLID HEANVH RELEVANCE: Thls pilot prmject will genarxtz a genetically modified mouse line ehat wikl be used to idgntifj ehe rlngtion of SVOP, a transporter-like lrotein", "random_deletion": ". These mice will be a crucial determining how SVOP to neuronal functioning in development of new PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: pilot project will generate a genetically mouse line that will be used to identify the function of SVOP, a protein", "change_char_case": ". These mice will be a crucial reAgent in detErminIng BotH hOw SVoP coNtributes to neuROnal Functioning and whether iT holdS pROmisE In The deVelopmeNT oF NEw tHeRaPeuTiCS. PuBLIC hEAlTH RELEvANCE: This pIloT pRoject will geNErAte a genetiCalLy modified moUse Line thAt WilL Be useD to IdentIfy the FUnctioN of SVOP, a tRaNSporteR-Like proTEIn", "whitespace_perturbation": ". These mice will be a cru cial reage nt in de ter mi ning bot h how SVOP con t ribu tes to neuronal functi oning a n d wh e th er it holdsp ro m i sein t hede v el opmen t o f new t herapeutic s.PU BLIC HEALTHR EL EVANCE: Th ispilot projec t w ill ge ne rat e a ge net icall y modi f ied mo use lineth a t will be used t oiden tify the function of SVOP, a transp orter- li k ep r ote in", "underscore_trick": ". These_mice will_be a crucial reagent_in determining_both_how SVOP_contributes_to neuronal functioning_and whether it_holds promise in the_development of new_therapeutics._PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: This pilot project will generate a genetically modified mouse line that_will_be used_to_identify_the function of SVOP, a_transporter-like protein"} +{"text": " a successful independent researcher, I recently entered the laboratory of Dr. John Engelhardt, a national authority on the molecular pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis (CF) and strategies to utilize recombinant adenovirus-associated viruses (rAAV) as gene therapy vectors. Dr. Engelhardt has proven track records in both mentoring", "synonym_substitution": "a successful independent researcher, I recently entered the laboratory of Dr. John Engelhardt, a home assurance on the molecular pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis (CF) and strategies to utilize recombinant adenovirus - consociate virus (rAAV) as gene therapy vectors. Dr. Engelhardt has proven cut record in both mentoring", "butter_fingers": " a duccessful independent rtsearcher, I recenjlt enteced the laboratury of Dr. John Engelhardt, a iatiinal quthority on the molecjlar pathlphysioligy id cystic fmgrosis (GY) and dtracejies to utilize recombinatt adenovirus-avsucnated viruses (rAAV) as gene therapy vqctors. Cr. Engelhardt haf prpden fgagk records in both mentoring", "random_deletion": "a successful independent researcher, I recently entered of John Engelhardt, national authority on fibrosis and strategies to recombinant adenovirus-associated viruses as gene therapy vectors. Dr. Engelhardt proven track records in both mentoring", "change_char_case": " a successful independent resEarcher, I reCentlY enTerEd The lAborAtory of Dr. John ENGelhArdt, a national authority On the MoLEculAR pAthopHysioloGY oF CYstIc FiBroSiS (cF) And stRatEgies to Utilize recOmbInAnt adenoviruS-AsSociated viRusEs (rAAV) as gene TheRapy veCtOrs. dR. EngeLhaRdt haS proveN Track rEcords in bOtH MentorINg", "whitespace_perturbation": " a successful independentresearcher , I r ece ntl yente redthe laboratory of D r. John Engelhardt, anatio na l aut h or ity o n the m o le c u lar p at hop hy s io logyofcysticfibrosis ( CF) a nd strategie s t o utilizerec ombinant ade nov irus-a ss oci a ted v iru ses ( rAAV)a s gene therapyve c tors.D r. Enge l h ar dt h as proven track r e co r ds in both men toring ", "underscore_trick": " a_successful independent_researcher, I recently entered_the laboratory_of_Dr. John_Engelhardt,_a national authority_on the molecular_pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis_(CF) and strategies_to_utilize recombinant adenovirus-associated viruses (rAAV) as gene therapy vectors. Dr. Engelhardt has proven track_records_in both_mentoring"} +{"text": " large number of samples coming from patients affected by AD and other tauopathies as well as to evaluate the utility of tau-PMCA for monitoring disease progression. The results generated in this project may lead to the first biochemical test for diagnosis of AD. The studies included in this project will constitute the basis for regulatory approval of", "synonym_substitution": "large number of samples coming from patient involve by AD and other tauopathies as well as to evaluate the utility program of tau - PMCA for monitoring disease progression. The results generate in this project may lead to the inaugural biochemical test for diagnosis of AD. The studies admit in this project will constitute the footing for regulatory approval of", "butter_fingers": " lagge number of samples cooing from patieurs affxcted bg AD and other tauopathies as well ad ro evqluate the utility of gau-PMCA flr monitirinj disease progression. Thc reshpts yeierated in this project mdy lead to the fkrdt biochemical test for diagnosis os AD. Thr dtudies includgd in ehis iriject will constitute the basjs for gegulatory approvsl of", "random_deletion": "large number of samples coming from patients AD other tauopathies well as to for disease progression. The generated in this may lead to the first biochemical for diagnosis of AD. The studies included in this project will constitute the for regulatory approval of", "change_char_case": " large number of samples cominG from patieNts afFecTed By aD anD othEr tauopathies aS Well As to evaluate the utility Of tau-pMca for MOnItoriNg diseaSE pROGreSsIoN. ThE rESuLts geNerAted in tHis project May LeAd to the first BIoChemical teSt fOr diagnosis oF AD. the stuDiEs iNCludeD in This pRoject WIll conStitute thE bASis for REgulatoRY ApProvAl of", "whitespace_perturbation": " large number of samples c oming from pati ent s a ff ecte d by AD and othert auop athies as well as to e valua te theu ti lityof tau- P MC A for m on ito ri n gdisea seprogres sion. Theres ul ts generated in this proj ect may lead to th e firs tbio c hemic altestfor di a gnosis of AD. T he studie s includ e d i n th is project will c o ns t itute the basi s forre g ul a t ory ap proval of", "underscore_trick": " large_number of_samples coming from patients_affected by_AD_and other_tauopathies_as well as_to evaluate the_utility of tau-PMCA for_monitoring disease progression._The_results generated in this project may lead to the first biochemical test for diagnosis_of_AD. The_studies_included_in this project will constitute_the basis for regulatory approval_of"} +{"text": " These observations are consistent with the importance of amiloride-sensitive channels in absorbing sodium ions from the endolymph to maintain its unique ionic composition. Preliminary studies of ion channel regulations in these cells were carried out by examining immunocytochemical localization of various GTP-binding proteins. Although the Warburg effect has long been known", "synonym_substitution": "These observations are consistent with the importance of amiloride - sensitive channels in absorb sodium ion from the endolymph to maintain its unique ionic composing. Preliminary study of ion channel regulations in these cell were carry out by examining immunocytochemical localization of function of diverse GTP - binding protein. Although the Warburg effect has long been known", "butter_fingers": " Thfse observations are conristent with thg umportence of amiloriae-sensitive channels in absocbint soduum ions from the endouymph to laintain its ynique ionmd composition. Irelikmnary studies on ion channal regulations iv chese cells were carried out by examyning ikmknocytochemicaj lobajizafpok of various GTP-binding proteins. Althoujh the Warburg rffect has long been known", "random_deletion": "These observations are consistent with the importance channels absorbing sodium from the endolymph composition. studies of ion regulations in these were carried out by examining immunocytochemical of various GTP-binding proteins. Although the Warburg effect has long been known", "change_char_case": " These observations are consiStent with tHe impOrtAncE oF amiLoriDe-sensitive chaNNels In absorbing sodium ions fRom thE eNDolyMPh To maiNtain itS UnIQUe iOnIc ComPoSItIon. PrEliMinary sTudies of ioN chAnNel regulatioNS iN these cellS weRe carried out By eXaminiNg ImmUNocytOchEmicaL localIZation Of various gTp-BindinG ProteinS. aLtHougH the Warburg effect HAs LOng been known", "whitespace_perturbation": " These observations are co nsistent w ith t heimp or tanc e of amiloride-sen s itiv e channels in absorbin g sod iu m ion s f rom t he endo l ym p h to m ai nta in it s uni que ioniccompositio n.Pr eliminary st u di es of ioncha nnel regulat ion s in t he sec ellswer e car ried o u t by e xaminingim m unocyt o chemica l lo cali zation of various GT P -binding prote ins. A lt h ou g h th e W arburg eff ec t has long be e nk n o wn", "underscore_trick": " These_observations are_consistent with the importance_of amiloride-sensitive_channels_in absorbing_sodium_ions from the_endolymph to maintain_its unique ionic composition._Preliminary studies of_ion_channel regulations in these cells were carried out by examining immunocytochemical localization of various_GTP-binding_proteins. Although_the_Warburg_effect has long been known"} +{"text": " of amphetamine and related compounds will encompass both clinical and experimental studies in order to evaluate both the factors controlling the rate and routes of metabolism and the pharmacological properties of active metabolites. Significant improvements are anticipated in the sensitivity and accuracy of chemical assays and in methods of quantitative evaluation of clinical response to these drugs. Project Summary: B", "synonym_substitution": "of amphetamine and related compounds will encompass both clinical and experimental studies in order to measure both the divisor controlling the rate and path of metamorphosis and the pharmacological properties of active metabolites. Significant improvement are anticipated in the sensitivity and accuracy of chemical assays and in method of quantitative evaluation of clinical response to these drugs. Project Summary: bel", "butter_fingers": " of amphetamine and related compounds will encompess botg clinicxl and experimental studies mn oeder uj evaluate both thd factors controloing rhe rate ais routes of msbabolnsn and the pharkacologican properties ox xccive metabolites. Significant improveients ate anticipated ig tht sqnsifpvlty and accuracy of chemical asszys and in methods og quantitative evaluation lf cpinical response tl these druts. Pwiject Summarh: B", "random_deletion": "of amphetamine and related compounds will encompass and studies in to evaluate both and of metabolism and pharmacological properties of metabolites. Significant improvements are anticipated in sensitivity and accuracy of chemical assays and in methods of quantitative evaluation of response to these drugs. Project Summary: B", "change_char_case": " of amphetamine and related coMpounds wilL encoMpaSs bOtH cliNicaL and experimentAL stuDies in order to evaluate bOth thE fACtorS CoNtrolLing the RAtE ANd rOuTeS of MeTAbOlism And The pharMacologicaL prOpErties of actiVE mEtabolites. sigNificant imprOveMents aRe AntICipatEd iN the sEnsitiVIty and Accuracy oF cHEmical ASsays anD IN mEthoDs of quantitative eVAlUAtion of clinicaL respoNsE To THEse DruGs. Project SUmMary: B", "whitespace_perturbation": " of amphetamine and relate d compound s wil l e nco mp assboth clinical ande xper imental studies in ord er to e v alua t eboththe fac t or s con tr ol lin gt he rate an d route s of metab oli sm and the pha r ma cologicalpro perties of a cti ve met ab oli t es. S ign ifica nt imp r ovemen ts are an ti c ipated in thes e ns itiv ity and accuracyo fc hemical assays and i nm et h o dsofquantitati ve eval u ation o f c l i n ica l response tothese drugs . Pr ojectSu mma r y: B", "underscore_trick": " of_amphetamine and_related compounds will encompass_both clinical_and_experimental studies_in_order to evaluate_both the factors_controlling the rate and_routes of metabolism_and_the pharmacological properties of active metabolites. Significant improvements are anticipated in the sensitivity and_accuracy_of chemical_assays_and_in methods of quantitative evaluation_of clinical response to these_drugs. Project_Summary: B"} +{"text": " and asthma symptom severity. Although there is a strong clinical correlation between M. pneumoniae infection and a sub-set of asthma cases, until recently, the identification of a virulence factor that might play a role in disease pathogenesis had remained elusive. This situation changed, however, when we discovered a 591 amino acid protein with ADP", "synonym_substitution": "and asthma symptom severity. Although there is a strong clinical correlation between M. pneumoniae contagion and a bomber - set of asthma cases, until recently, the designation of a virulence divisor that might play a role in disease pathogenesis had persist baffling. This situation changed, however, when we discovered a 591 amino acid protein with ADP", "butter_fingers": " anf asthma symptom severitn. Although there is a svrong cminical zorrelation between M. pneumoiiae infextion and a sub-set of xsthma cades, untio rerently, the identmricatiok of z virblxnce factor thaj might play a role in disaare pathogenesis had remained elusive. Ehis siyuwtion changed, rowenew, whsn we discovered a 591 amino acid profein wiuh ADP", "random_deletion": "and asthma symptom severity. Although there is clinical between M. infection and a recently, identification of a factor that might a role in disease pathogenesis had elusive. This situation changed, however, when we discovered a 591 amino acid protein ADP", "change_char_case": " and asthma symptom severity. ALthough theRe is a StrOng ClInicAl coRrelation betweEN M. pnEumoniae infection and a sUb-set Of ASthmA CaSes, unTil receNTlY, THe iDeNtIfiCaTIoN of a vIruLence faCtor that miGht PlAy a role in disEAsE pathogeneSis Had remained eLusIve. ThiS sItuATion cHanGed, hoWever, wHEn we diScovered a 591 AmINo acid PRotein wITH AdP", "whitespace_perturbation": " and asthma symptom severi ty. Althou gh th ere is a str ongclinical corre l atio n between M. pneumonia e inf ec t iona nd a su b-set o f a s t hma c as es, u n ti l rec ent ly, the identific ati on of a virule n ce factor th atmight play a ro le indi sea s e pat hog enesi s hadr emaine d elusive .T his si t uationc h an ged, however, when we di s covered a 591aminoac i dp r ote inwith ADP", "underscore_trick": " and_asthma symptom_severity. Although there is_a strong_clinical_correlation between_M._pneumoniae infection and_a sub-set of_asthma cases, until recently,_the identification of_a_virulence factor that might play a role in disease pathogenesis had remained elusive. This_situation_changed, however,_when_we_discovered a 591 amino acid_protein with ADP"} +{"text": " initiated and the first few participants have been enrolled. DESCRIPTION (provided by candidate): My long-term career goal is to become an independent researcher and obtain an academic faculty position at a top-tier academic research university, where I may teach and mentor students in the fields of environmental and molecular toxicology. My primary research", "synonym_substitution": "initiated and the first few participants have been enrolled. DESCRIPTION (provide by campaigner ): My long - term career finish is to become an independent research worker and obtain an academic faculty situation at a top - grade academic research university, where I may teach and mentor students in the fields of environmental and molecular toxicology. My primary research", "butter_fingers": " inltiated and the first fed participants kqve bexn enromled. DESZRIPTION (provided by candidave): Mt lont-term career goal is tu become wn indepwndeit researcher anv obtain an aczfemie haculty positiok at a top-ther academic rasdaxch university, where I may teach and mentor shudents in the fiekqs or environmental and molecular toxidology. Ky primary rexearch", "random_deletion": "initiated and the first few participants have DESCRIPTION by candidate): long-term career goal researcher obtain an academic position at a academic research university, where I may and mentor students in the fields of environmental and molecular toxicology. My primary", "change_char_case": " initiated and the first few paRticipants Have bEen EnrOlLed. DeSCRiPTION (provided BY canDidate): My long-term career Goal iS tO BecoME aN indePendent REsEARchEr AnD obTaIN aN acadEmiC facultY position aT a tOp-Tier academic REsEarch univeRsiTy, where I may tEacH and meNtOr sTUdentS in The fiElds of ENvironMental and MoLEcular TOxicoloGY. my PrimAry research", "whitespace_perturbation": " initiated and the first f ew partici pants ha vebe en e nrol led. DESCRIPTI O N (p rovided by candidate): My l on g -ter m c areer goal i s t o bec om eanin d ep enden t r esearch er and obt ain a n academic f a cu lty positi onat a top-tie r a cademi cres e archuni versi ty, wh e re I m ay teachan d mento r studen t s i n th e fields of envir o nm e ntal and molec ular t ox i co l o gy. My primary r es earch ", "underscore_trick": " initiated_and the_first few participants have_been enrolled._DESCRIPTION_(provided by_candidate):_My long-term career_goal is to_become an independent researcher_and obtain an_academic_faculty position at a top-tier academic research university, where I may teach and mentor_students_in the_fields_of_environmental and molecular toxicology. My_primary research"} +{"text": " into the biology of breast cancer as well as lead to predictive testing for genetic susceptibility to breast cancer. Immortalized lymphocytes from families with apparent autosomal dominant transmission of breast cancer are essential reagents in our efforts to identify BRCA1. This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded", "synonym_substitution": "into the biology of breast cancer as well as lead to predictive testing for familial susceptibility to breast cancer. Immortalized lymphocytes from class with apparent autosomal dominant transmission of breast cancer are essential reagent in our efforts to identify BRCA1. This subproject is one of many research subprojects use the resources provided by a Center concession fund", "butter_fingers": " inho the biology of breast cancer as well as leav to prsdictive testing for genetic susceptmbiluty ti breast cancer. Immortxlized lylphocytew frin families with apicrent wutovimal dominant jransmission of breast canwef cre essential reagents in our effortf to idrnhify BRCA1. This subkrotect ps one of many research subprojscts utplizing the resoutces provided by a Center hranh funded", "random_deletion": "into the biology of breast cancer as lead predictive testing genetic susceptibility to families apparent autosomal dominant of breast cancer essential reagents in our efforts to BRCA1. This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided a Center grant funded", "change_char_case": " into the biology of breast canCer as well aS lead To pRedIcTive TestIng for genetic sUScepTibility to breast cancer. immorTaLIzed LYmPhocyTes from FAmILIes WiTh AppArENt AutosOmaL dominaNt transmisSioN oF breast canceR ArE essential ReaGents in our efForTs to idEnTifY bRCA1. THis SubprOject iS One of mAny researCh SUbprojECts utilIZInG the Resources provided BY a cEnter grant fundEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " into the biology of breas t cancer a s wel l a s l ea d to pre dictive testin g for genetic susceptibilit y tobr e astc an cer.Immorta l iz e d ly mp ho cyt es fr om fa mil ies wit h apparent au to somal domina n ttransmissi onof breast ca nce r arees sen t ial r eag entsin our effort s to iden ti f y BRCA 1 . Thiss u bp roje ct is one of many re s earch subproje cts ut il i zi n g th e r esources p ro vided by a Ce n te r g ran t funded", "underscore_trick": " into_the biology_of breast cancer as_well as_lead_to predictive_testing_for genetic susceptibility_to breast cancer._Immortalized lymphocytes from families_with apparent autosomal_dominant_transmission of breast cancer are essential reagents in our efforts to identify BRCA1. This_subproject_is one_of_many_research subprojects utilizing the resources_provided by a Center grant_funded"} +{"text": " low light level video microscopy. Such direct observations will establish the normal time-course of axonal patterning, and permit simple perturbation experiments that will test the relative roles of axon-axon and axon-target interactions in forming specific connections. These experiments will be the first to follow the development of the neuronal connections that subserve vestibular", "synonym_substitution": "low light level video microscopy. Such lineal observation will establish the normal time - path of axonal patterning, and allow simple perturbation experiment that will test the relative function of axon - axon and axon - target interactions in shape specific connections. These experiments will be the beginning to succeed the development of the neuronal connections that subserve vestibular", "butter_fingers": " loa light level video micruscopy. Such dirgcr obsecvationa will ertablish the normal time-courde of azonal patterning, and pdrmit simile pertuebatmon experiments vgat will test bhe rzletive roles of sxon-axon atd axon-target hngexactions in forming specific connectyons. Thrsf experiments rill fe tgv nirst to follow the development kf the ieuronal connecyions that subserve vestibklar", "random_deletion": "low light level video microscopy. Such direct establish normal time-course axonal patterning, and will the relative roles axon-axon and axon-target in forming specific connections. These experiments be the first to follow the development of the neuronal connections that subserve", "change_char_case": " low light level video microscOpy. Such dirEct obSerVatIoNs wiLl esTablish the normAL timE-course of axonal patternIng, anD pERmit SImPle peRturbatIOn EXPerImEnTs tHaT WiLl tesT thE relatiVe roles of aXon-AxOn and axon-tarGEt InteractioNs iN forming specIfiC conneCtIonS. these ExpErimeNts wilL Be the fIrst to folLoW The devELopment OF ThE neuRonal connections tHAt SUbserve vestibuLar", "whitespace_perturbation": " low light level video mic roscopy. S uch d ire ctob serv atio ns will establ i sh t he normal time-courseof ax on a l pa t te rning , and p e rm i t si mp le pe rt u rb ation ex perimen ts that wi llte st the relat i ve roles ofaxo n-axon and a xon -targe tint e racti ons in f orming specif ic connec ti o ns. Th e se expe r i me ntswill be the first to follow the dev elopme nt of t heneu ronal conn ec tions that su b se r v e ve s tibular", "underscore_trick": " low_light level_video microscopy. Such direct_observations will_establish_the normal_time-course_of axonal patterning,_and permit simple_perturbation experiments that will_test the relative_roles_of axon-axon and axon-target interactions in forming specific connections. These experiments will be the_first_to follow_the_development_of the neuronal connections that_subserve vestibular"} +{"text": "bp fragment comprising the VP1 gene. This information has allowed design of type-specific primers which can also be applied to archival CNS tissues in paraffin. As these two types of JCV do not differ serologically, this approach is the only means to differentiate these JCV types, the clinical significance of which is currently", "synonym_substitution": "bp fragment comprising the VP1 gene. This information has allowed design of character - specific flat coat which can also be applied to archival central nervous system tissues in methane series. As these two types of JCV do not differ serologically, this access is the only means to distinguish these JCV types, the clinical significance of which is presently", "butter_fingers": "bp vragment comprising the YP1 gene. This informatioi has amlowed ddsign of type-specific primerd qhich can also be applied tu archivap CNS tiwsuew in paraffmh. As thcfe tsl ty'ew of JCV do noj differ sermlogically, thiv xp'roach is the only means to differeneiate tnede JCV types, tre ckyniczl significance of which is currenfly", "random_deletion": "bp fragment comprising the VP1 gene. This allowed of type-specific which can also tissues paraffin. As these types of JCV not differ serologically, this approach is only means to differentiate these JCV types, the clinical significance of which is", "change_char_case": "bp fragment comprising the VP1 Gene. This inFormaTioN haS aLlowEd deSign of type-specIFic pRimers which can also be apPlied To ARchiVAl cNS tiSsues in PArAFFin. as ThEse TwO TyPes of jCV Do not diFfer seroloGicAlLy, this approaCH iS the only meAns To differentiAte These JcV TypES, the cLinIcal sIgnifiCAnce of Which is cuRrENtly", "whitespace_perturbation": "bp fragment comprising the VP1 gene. This in for ma tion has allowed desig n oftype-specific primerswhich c a n al s obe ap plied t o a r c hiv al C NSti s su es in pa raffin. As thesetwo t ypes of JCVd onot differ se rologically, th is app ro ach is th e o nly m eans t o diffe rentiateth e se JCV types,t h eclin ical significance of which is curre ntly", "underscore_trick": "bp fragment_comprising the_VP1 gene. This information_has allowed_design_of type-specific_primers_which can also_be applied to_archival CNS tissues in_paraffin. As these_two_types of JCV do not differ serologically, this approach is the only means to_differentiate_these JCV_types,_the_clinical significance of which is_currently"} +{"text": " a new strategy for prophylactic and early post-exposure treatment of bacterial diseases of Category A. [unreadable] [unreadable] The chemical synthesis of 2'(3')-0-aminoacyloligoribonucleotides and 2'(3')-0-(N-acylaminoacyl)oligoribonucleotides with", "synonym_substitution": "a new strategy for prophylactic and early post - exposure treatment of bacterial disease of class A. [ indecipherable ] [ unreadable ] The chemical synthesis of 2'(3')-0 - aminoacyloligoribonucleotides and 2'(3')-0-(N - acylaminoacyl)oligoribonucleotides with", "butter_fingers": " a jew strategy for prophylxctic and early post-ex'osure freatmeng of bacterial diseases of Cetegiry A. [unreadable] [unreadable] The chempcal syntyesiw of 2'(3')-0-aminoargloligovnbonudpeotndxs and 2'(3')-0-(N-acylamikoacyl)oligosibonucleotidev dich", "random_deletion": "a new strategy for prophylactic and early of diseases of A. [unreadable] [unreadable] and with", "change_char_case": " a new strategy for prophylactIc and early Post-eXpoSurE tReatMent Of bacterial disEAses Of Category A. [unreadable] [uNreadAbLE] The CHeMical SynthesIS oF 2'(3')-0-AMinOaCyLolIgORiBonucLeoTides anD 2'(3')-0-(N-acylaminOacYl)OligoribonucLEoTides with", "whitespace_perturbation": " a new strategy for prophy lactic and earl y p ost -e xpos uretreatment of b a cter ial diseases of Catego ry A. [ u nrea d ab le] [ unreada b le ] The c he mic al sy nthes isof 2'(3 ')-0-amino acy lo ligoribonucl e ot ides and 2 '(3 ')-0-(N-acyl ami noacyl )o lig o ribon ucl eotid es wit h ", "underscore_trick": " a_new strategy_for prophylactic and early_post-exposure treatment_of_bacterial diseases_of_Category A. [unreadable]_[unreadable] The chemical_synthesis of 2'(3')-0-aminoacyloligoribonucleotides and_2'(3')-0-(N-acylaminoacyl)oligoribonucleotides with"} +{"text": " class I and class II epitopes. In aim 3, CpG, a known inflammatory stimulant used for cancer immunotherapy, on AuNPs will be combined with AuNVs for a complete vaccine regimen. Future applications of AuNVs are substantial. This design would dramatically lower the cost of immunotherapy compared cellular vaccines. They are easily", "synonym_substitution": "class I and class II epitopes. In aim 3, CpG, a know incendiary stimulant used for cancer immunotherapy, on AuNPs will be compound with AuNVs for a arrant vaccine regimen. Future applications of AuNVs are substantial. This blueprint would dramatically lower the cost of immunotherapy compare cellular vaccines. They are easily", "butter_fingers": " clwss I and class II epitokes. In aim 3, CpG, a known mnflammztory stkmulant used for cancer immuiothwrapy, on AuNPs will be combkned with AuNVs fir a xomplete vedcine rcyimen. Nuturz epplications of AuNVs are substantial. Tvir besign would dramatically lower the sost of ilmunotherapy cjmpageq cemlular vaccines. They are easily", "random_deletion": "class I and class II epitopes. In CpG, known inflammatory used for cancer combined AuNVs for a vaccine regimen. Future of AuNVs are substantial. This design dramatically lower the cost of immunotherapy compared cellular vaccines. They are easily", "change_char_case": " class I and class II epitopes. IN aim 3, CpG, a knOwn inFlaMmaToRy stImulAnt used for cancER immUnotherapy, on AuNPs will bE combInED witH aunVs foR a complETe VACciNe ReGimEn. fUtUre apPliCations Of AuNVs are SubStAntial. This deSIgN would dramAtiCally lower thE coSt of imMuNotHErapy ComPared CellulAR vacciNes. They arE eASily", "whitespace_perturbation": " class I and class II epit opes. In a im 3, Cp G,aknow n in flammatory sti m ulan t used for cancer immu nothe ra p y, o n A uNPswill be co m b ine dwi thAu N Vs fora c omplete vaccine r egi me n. Future ap p li cations of Au NVs are subs tan tial.Th isd esign wo uld d ramati c ally l ower theco s t of i m munothe r a py com pared cellular va c ci n es. They are e asily", "underscore_trick": " class_I and_class II epitopes. In_aim 3,_CpG,_a known_inflammatory_stimulant used for_cancer immunotherapy, on_AuNPs will be combined_with AuNVs for_a_complete vaccine regimen. Future applications of AuNVs are substantial. This design would dramatically lower_the_cost of_immunotherapy_compared_cellular vaccines. They are easily"} +{"text": " their psoriasis when those individuals do not enter a study, for one reason or another. These are not \"off-protocol\" visits, but neither can the visit(s) be attributed to a particular protocol. With new patients a medical history is obtained, the skin is examined visually, the nature of participation in research studies", "synonym_substitution": "their psoriasis when those individuals do not enter a study, for one reason or another. These are not \" off - protocol \" visit, but neither can the visit(s) be impute to a particular protocol. With new patients a aesculapian history is obtained, the skin is examined visually, the nature of engagement in inquiry studies", "butter_fingers": " thfir psoriasis when those individuals do not enver a sfudy, for one reason or another. These aee nou \"off-protocol\" visitr, but neinher can rhe tisit(s) be attribnfed to a partjgular 'rotocol. With ngw patients d medical histmrh ns obtained, the skin is examined vistally, tne nature of parjicipseion pn research studies", "random_deletion": "their psoriasis when those individuals do not study, one reason another. These are can visit(s) be attributed a particular protocol. new patients a medical history is the skin is examined visually, the nature of participation in research studies", "change_char_case": " their psoriasis when those inDividuals dO not eNteR a sTuDy, foR one Reason or anotheR. thesE are not \"off-protocol\" visiTs, but NeITher CAn The viSit(s) be aTTrIBUteD tO a ParTiCUlAr proTocOl. With nEw patients A meDiCal history is OBtAined, the skIn iS examined visUalLy, the nAtUre OF partIciPatioN in resEArch stUdies", "whitespace_perturbation": " their psoriasis when thos e individu als d o n oten tera st udy, for one r e ason or another. These are not\"o f f-pr o to col\"visits, bu t nei th er ca nt he visi t(s ) be at tributed t o a p articular pr o to col. Withnew patients amed ical h is tor y is o bta ined, the s k in isexaminedvi s ually, the nat u r eof p articipation in r e se a rch studies", "underscore_trick": " their_psoriasis when_those individuals do not_enter a_study,_for one_reason_or another. These_are not \"off-protocol\"_visits, but neither can_the visit(s) be_attributed_to a particular protocol. With new patients a medical history is obtained, the skin_is_examined visually,_the_nature_of participation in research studies"} +{"text": " preventive care adherence in HSCT survivors. The five-site multi-center RCT will enroll N=1200 adult HSCT survivors with internet access. Assessments will occur at baseline, 3 and 12 months. Participants without internet access will be invited to complete the baseline assessment for participation in the risk factor analyses. To our", "synonym_substitution": "preventive care adherence in HSCT survivors. The five - site multi - center RCT will enroll N=1200 adult HSCT survivor with internet entree. Assessments will occur at service line, 3 and 12 months. player without internet access will be invited to dispatch the service line assessment for participation in the risk factor analyses. To our", "butter_fingers": " prfventive care adherence ln HSCT survivors. The fmve-site multi-cevter RCT will enroll N=1200 adult HWCT syrvivors with internet access. Adsessmenrs wmll occur at basxmine, 3 akb 12 mohbhs. Pcrvicipants withoot internet dccess will be ivvnted to complete the baseline assessient fot oarticipation yn tnq riak factor analyses. To our", "random_deletion": "preventive care adherence in HSCT survivors. The RCT enroll N=1200 HSCT survivors with at 3 and 12 Participants without internet will be invited to complete the assessment for participation in the risk factor analyses. To our", "change_char_case": " preventive care adherence in hSCT survivOrs. ThE fiVe-sItE mulTi-ceNter RCT will enrOLl N=1200 aDult HSCT survivors with iNternEt ACcesS. asSessmEnts wilL OcCUR at BaSeLinE, 3 aND 12 mOnths. parTicipanTs without iNteRnEt access will BE iNvited to coMplEte the baseliNe aSsessmEnT foR PartiCipAtion In the rISk factOr analyseS. TO Our", "whitespace_perturbation": " preventive care adherence in HSCT s urviv ors . T he fiv e-si te multi-cente r RCT will enroll N=1200 ad ult H SC T sur v iv ors w ith int e rn e t ac ce ss . A ss e ss ments wi ll occu r at basel ine ,3 and 12 mon t hs . Particip ant s without in ter net ac ce ssw ill b e i nvite d to c o mplete the base li n e asse s sment f o r p arti cipation in the r i sk factor analyse s. Toou r ", "underscore_trick": " preventive_care adherence_in HSCT survivors. The_five-site multi-center_RCT_will enroll_N=1200_adult HSCT survivors_with internet access._Assessments will occur at_baseline, 3 and_12_months. Participants without internet access will be invited to complete the baseline assessment for_participation_in the_risk_factor_analyses. To our"} +{"text": " formation, driving the paradigm- shifting findings regarding pyrophosphate control of cementum formation, and discovering the necessity of ECM protein BSP for cementum mineralization. The applicant's long-term career goal is to lead a productive research program that provides significant insights into the molecular mechanisms driving tooth root formation and mineralization", "synonym_substitution": "formation, driving the paradigm- shifting findings involve pyrophosphate restraint of cementum formation, and discovering the necessity of ECM protein BSP for cementum mineralization. The applicant's long - terminus career goal is to lead a fat inquiry program that provides significant insights into the molecular mechanisms drive tooth root geological formation and mineralization", "butter_fingers": " fogmation, driving the paraaigm- shifting fnbdings regarsing pyruphosphate control of cementnm firmatuon, and discovering thd necessiny of ECM prouein BSP for cemeifum mincxalizzbion. Chx applicant's lokg-term carear goal is to nexd a productive research program that providrs significant igsignes ihno the molecular mechanisms dribing tomth root formstion and mineralization", "random_deletion": "formation, driving the paradigm- shifting findings regarding of formation, and the necessity of mineralization. applicant's long-term career is to lead productive research program that provides significant into the molecular mechanisms driving tooth root formation and mineralization", "change_char_case": " formation, driving the paradiGm- shifting FindiNgs RegArDing PyroPhosphate contrOL of cEmentum formation, and disCoverInG The nECeSsity Of ECM prOTeIN bSP FoR cEmeNtUM mIneraLizAtion. ThE applicant'S loNg-Term career goAL iS to lead a prOduCtive researcH prOgram tHaT prOVides SigNificAnt insIGhts inTo the moleCuLAr mechANisms drIVInG tooTh root formation anD MiNEralization", "whitespace_perturbation": " formation, driving the pa radigm- sh iftin g f ind in gs r egar ding pyrophosp h atecontrol of cementum fo rmati on , and di scove ring th e n e c ess it yofEC M p rotei n B SP forcementum m ine ra lization. Th e a pplicant's lo ng-term care ergoal i stol ead a pr oduct ive re s earchprogram t ha t provi d es sign i f ic antinsights into the mo l ecular mechani sms dr iv i ng t oot h r oot format io n and mineral i za t i o n", "underscore_trick": " formation,_driving the_paradigm- shifting findings regarding_pyrophosphate control_of_cementum formation,_and_discovering the necessity_of ECM protein_BSP for cementum mineralization._The applicant's long-term_career_goal is to lead a productive research program that provides significant insights into the_molecular_mechanisms driving_tooth_root_formation and mineralization"} +{"text": " blood with a sugar molecule prior to infusion appears to improve its ability to home to the bone marrow quickly. Both these strategies will be explored in the grant thereby making the transplant safer for patients in terms of infectious and bleeding complications and will thus improve survival. This proposal deals with the development of a radiation detector system that will make", "synonym_substitution": "blood with a sugar molecule prior to infusion appears to better its ability to home to the bone kernel quickly. Both these strategies will be explore in the concession thereby making the transplant safer for patient in terms of infectious and bleeding complication and will thus improve survival. This marriage proposal deals with the development of a radiation detector system that will produce", "butter_fingers": " bllod with a sugar molecult prior to infusion appeers to jmprove kts ability to home to the blnw mareow quickly. Both these strategivs will bw exklored in the graif therenv makjkg thz vransplant safet for patiends in terms of ivfzctious and bleeding complications agd will tjus improve sutvivak. Thia proposal deals with the developmsnt of e radiation detrctor system that will makf", "random_deletion": "blood with a sugar molecule prior to to its ability home to the strategies be explored in grant thereby making transplant safer for patients in terms infectious and bleeding complications and will thus improve survival. This proposal deals with development of a radiation detector system that will make", "change_char_case": " blood with a sugar molecule prIor to infusIon apPeaRs tO iMproVe itS ability to home TO the Bone marrow quickly. Both tHese sTrATegiES wIll be ExploreD In THE grAnT tHerEbY MaKing tHe tRansplaNt safer for PatIeNts in terms of INfEctious and BleEding complicAtiOns and WiLl tHUs impRovE survIval. ThIS propoSal deals wItH The devELopment OF A rAdiaTion detector systeM ThAT will make", "whitespace_perturbation": " blood with a sugar molecu le prior t o inf usi onap pear s to improve its a b ilit y to home to the bonemarro wq uick l y. Both theses tr a t egi es w ill b e e xplor edin thegrant ther eby m aking the tr a ns plant safe r f or patientsintermsof in f ectio usand b leedin g compl icationsan d willt hus imp r o ve sur vival. This propo s al deals with the devel op m en t ofa r adiation d et ector systemt ha t w ill make", "underscore_trick": " blood_with a_sugar molecule prior to_infusion appears_to_improve its_ability_to home to_the bone marrow_quickly. Both these strategies_will be explored_in_the grant thereby making the transplant safer for patients in terms of infectious and_bleeding_complications and_will_thus_improve survival. This proposal deals_with the development of a_radiation detector_system that will make"} +{"text": " primitive progenitor cells to determine the predictive value of the in vitro assays. The third aim will evaluate the immune recovery in patients receiving ex vivo expanded cells. Both phenotypical and functional analysis of T cells subsets will be performed The final goal of these studies is to determine culture conditions for the expansion of T cells in vitro for use", "synonym_substitution": "primitive progenitor cells to determine the predictive value of the in vitro assays. The third purpose will measure the immune recovery in patients pick up ex-wife vivo expanded cells. Both phenotypical and running analysis of T cells subset will be perform The final finish of these studies is to determine culture conditions for the expansion of triiodothyronine cells in vitro for habit", "butter_fingers": " prlmitive progenitor cells to determine tkw predmctive balue of the in vitro assays. The thicd aum wiol evaluate the immune recovery in patiwnts eeceiving xs vivo crpandsf cenos. Both phenotipical and fgnctional analfsks of T cells subsets will be performqd The gijal goal of thgse suudyes js to determine culture conditions for tht expansion of T crlls in vitro for use", "random_deletion": "primitive progenitor cells to determine the predictive the vitro assays. third aim will patients ex vivo expanded Both phenotypical and analysis of T cells subsets will performed The final goal of these studies is to determine culture conditions for expansion of T cells in vitro for use", "change_char_case": " primitive progenitor cells tO determine The prEdiCtiVe ValuE of tHe in vitro assayS. the tHird aim will evaluate the ImmunE rECoveRY iN patiEnts recEIvING ex ViVo ExpAnDEd Cells. botH phenotYpical and fUncTiOnal analysis OF T Cells subseTs wIll be performEd THe finaL gOal OF thesE stUdies Is to deTErmine Culture coNdITions fOR the expANSiOn of t cells in vitro for uSE", "whitespace_perturbation": " primitive progenitor cell s to deter minethe pr ed icti ve v alue of the in vitr o assays. The third ai m wil le valu a te theimmuner ec o v ery i npat ie n ts rece ivi ng ex v ivo expand edce lls. Both ph e no typical an d f unctional an aly sis of T ce l ls su bse ts wi ll bep erform ed The fi na l goalo f these s tu dies is to determinec ul t ure conditions for t he ex p a nsi onof T cells i n vit r o for u s e", "underscore_trick": " primitive_progenitor cells_to determine the predictive_value of_the_in vitro_assays._The third aim_will evaluate the_immune recovery in patients_receiving ex vivo_expanded_cells. Both phenotypical and functional analysis of T cells subsets will be performed The_final_goal of_these_studies_is to determine culture conditions_for the expansion of T_cells in_vitro for use"} +{"text": " macrophages are sensitized to inflammatory stimuli, including LPS. However, the molecular mediators that may contribute to age-related immune disorders remain ambiguous and largely undefined. Here, we propose to employ a systems-based approach, which will integrate a series of functional genomics analyses, to identify novel molecular factors that contribute to increased LPS", "synonym_substitution": "macrophages are sensitized to inflammatory stimuli, including LPS. However, the molecular mediator that may lend to age - related immune disorder stay ambiguous and largely undefined. Here, we propose to hire a system - establish approach, which will integrate a serial of functional genomics analyses, to identify novel molecular gene that contribute to increased LPS", "butter_fingers": " mafrophages are sensitized to inflammatori wtimulm, inclusing LPS. However, the molecular mediavors that may contribute to age-felated ilmune diwordtrs remain ambiguous and largelg undzfmned. Here, we prppose to ekploy a systemv-bxszd approach, which will integrate a sqries og vunctional genjmicx anamjsts, to identify novel molecular fadtors tiat contribute yo increased LPS", "random_deletion": "macrophages are sensitized to inflammatory stimuli, including the mediators that contribute to age-related largely Here, we propose employ a systems-based which will integrate a series of genomics analyses, to identify novel molecular factors that contribute to increased LPS", "change_char_case": " macrophages are sensitized tO inflammatOry stImuLi, iNcLudiNg LPs. However, the molECulaR mediators that may contrIbute To AGe-reLAtEd immUne disoRDeRS RemAiN aMbiGuOUs And laRgeLy undefIned. Here, we ProPoSe to employ a sYStEms-based apProAch, which will IntEgrate A sEriES of fuNctIonal GenomiCS analySes, to idenTiFY novel MOleculaR FAcTors That contribute to iNCrEAsed LPS", "whitespace_perturbation": " macrophages are sensitize d to infla mmato rysti mu li,incl uding LPS. How e ver, the molecular mediato rs th at mayc on tribu te to a g e- r e lat ed i mmu ne di sorde rsremainambiguousand l argely undef i ne d. Here, w e p ropose to em plo y a sy st ems - based ap proac h, whi c h will integrat ea serie s of fun c t io nalgenomics analyses , t o identify nove l mole cu l ar f act ors that cont ri butet o incre a se d L PS", "underscore_trick": " macrophages_are sensitized_to inflammatory stimuli, including_LPS. However,_the_molecular mediators_that_may contribute to_age-related immune disorders_remain ambiguous and largely_undefined. Here, we_propose_to employ a systems-based approach, which will integrate a series of functional genomics analyses,_to_identify novel_molecular_factors_that contribute to increased LPS"} +{"text": " the functionality offered by TAR. Our ultimate goal is to make TAR a viable option for restoring mobility to patients? young and old Quantification of in-vivo kinematics (i.e. angles and translations) of the tibiotalar and adjacent joints is essential to design TAR implants that increase longevity and improve", "synonym_substitution": "the functionality offered by TAR. Our ultimate goal is to make TAR a feasible choice for restore mobility to patients? young and honest-to-god Quantification of in - vivo kinematics (i.e. angles and translations) of the tibiotalar and adjacent roast is substantive to design pitch implants that increase longevity and improve", "butter_fingers": " thf functionality offered ny TAR. Our ultimcre goan is tk make TXR a viable option for restocing mobioity to patients? young and old Euantifixatiib of in-vivo kinemabncs (i.s. angnxs and translatlons) of the tibiotalar ang xdlacent joints is essential to design TAR imllwnts that incrgase kjngebptn and improve", "random_deletion": "the functionality offered by TAR. Our ultimate to TAR a option for restoring old of in-vivo kinematics angles and translations) the tibiotalar and adjacent joints is to design TAR implants that increase longevity and improve", "change_char_case": " the functionality offered by tAR. Our ultiMate gOal Is tO mAke TaR a vIable option for REstoRing mobility to patients? Young AnD Old QUAnTificAtion of IN-vIVO kiNeMaTicS (i.E. AnGles aNd tRanslatIons) of the tIbiOtAlar and adjacENt Joints is esSenTial to design tAR ImplanTs ThaT IncreAse LongeVity anD ImprovE", "whitespace_perturbation": " the functionality offered by TAR. O ur ul tim ate g oalis t o make TAR a v i able option for restoringmobil it y top at ients ? young an d old Q ua nti fi c at ion o f i n-vivokinematics (i .e . angles and tr anslations ) o f the tibiot ala r andad jac e nt jo int s isessent i al todesign TA Ri mplant s that i n c re aselongevity and imp r ov e ", "underscore_trick": " the_functionality offered_by TAR. Our ultimate_goal is_to_make TAR_a_viable option for_restoring mobility to_patients? young and old_Quantification of in-vivo_kinematics_(i.e. angles and translations) of the tibiotalar and adjacent joints is essential to design_TAR_implants that_increase_longevity_and improve"} +{"text": " therapy is to cause DNA damages (whether it be cancer cells or normal cells). In addition to the direct effect, there are also some indirect effects which can also cause liver damages. For example, the elevation of TNF-alpha levels in liver by radiation is an indirectly effect of radiation treatment; high levels of TNF-alpha", "synonym_substitution": "therapy is to cause DNA damages (whether it be cancer cell or normal cell). In addition to the direct effect, there be also some indirect effect which can besides cause liver damages. For example, the elevation of TNF - alpha levels in liver by radiotherapy is an indirectly effect of radiation discussion; high levels of TNF - alpha", "butter_fingers": " thfrapy is to cause DNA daoages (whether ij ve canrer celms or nofmal cells). In addition to thx dieect tyfect, there are also some indprect effwcts qhich can emso cause livsv damcgxs. For example, jhe elevatiot of TNF-alpha nexeps in liver by radiation is an indiwectly rfvect of radiatyon urewtmehn; migh levels of TNF-alpha", "random_deletion": "therapy is to cause DNA damages (whether cancer or normal In addition to also indirect effects which also cause liver For example, the elevation of TNF-alpha in liver by radiation is an indirectly effect of radiation treatment; high levels TNF-alpha", "change_char_case": " therapy is to cause DNA damageS (whether it Be canCer CelLs Or noRmal Cells). In additioN To thE direct effect, there are aLso soMe INdirECt EffecTs which CAn ALSo cAuSe LivEr DAmAges. FOr eXample, tHe elevatioN of tNf-alpha levels IN lIver by radiAtiOn is an indireCtlY effecT oF raDIatioN trEatmeNt; high LEvels oF TNF-alpha", "whitespace_perturbation": " therapy is to cause DNA d amages (wh ether it be c ance r ce lls or normalc ells ). In addition to thedirec te ffec t ,there are al s os o mein di rec te ff ectswhi ch canalso cause li ve r damages. F o rexample, t heelevation of TN F-alph alev e ls in li ver b y radi a tion i s an indi re c tly ef f ect ofr a di atio n treatment; high le v els of TNF-alp ha", "underscore_trick": " therapy_is to_cause DNA damages (whether_it be_cancer_cells or_normal_cells). In addition_to the direct_effect, there are also_some indirect effects_which_can also cause liver damages. For example, the elevation of TNF-alpha levels in liver_by_radiation is_an_indirectly_effect of radiation treatment; high_levels of TNF-alpha"} +{"text": " health and nursing knowledge regarding appropriate interventions to increase the health and well being of this group. This qualitative study will focs on examining perceptions of risk and self-protective strategies and resources used by farm-workers women to maintain sexual health. DESCRIPTION (from Applicant's Abstract): The Ah receptor (AHR) is", "synonym_substitution": "health and nursing knowledge regarding appropriate interventions to increase the health and well being of this group. This qualitative study will focs on probe perception of risk and self - protective strategies and resources use by farm - workers women to wield sexual health. DESCRIPTION (from Applicant's Abstract ): The Ah receptor (AHR) is", "butter_fingers": " hewlth and nursing knowledne regarding apptopriate interbentions to increase the health and xell beint of this group. This qjalitativv study wull hocs on examininj percepbnons kn risn and self-protegtive stratagies and resogrzed used by farm-workers women to maineain secuwl health. DESCTIPTIPG (frkm Applicant's Abstract): The Ah receltor (AHG) is", "random_deletion": "health and nursing knowledge regarding appropriate interventions the and well of this group. on perceptions of risk self-protective strategies and used by farm-workers women to maintain health. DESCRIPTION (from Applicant's Abstract): The Ah receptor (AHR) is", "change_char_case": " health and nursing knowledge Regarding aPpropRiaTe iNtErveNtioNs to increase thE HealTh and well being of this grOup. ThIs QUaliTAtIve stUdy will FOcS ON exAmInIng PeRCePtionS of Risk and Self-protecTivE sTrategies and REsOurces used By fArm-workers woMen To mainTaIn sEXual hEalTh. DEScRIPTIon (from APplicant's abSTract): THE Ah recePTOr (aHR) iS", "whitespace_perturbation": " health and nursing knowle dge regard ing a ppr opr ia te i nter ventions to in c reas e the health and wellbeing o f thi s g roup. This q u al i t ati ve s tud yw il l foc s o n exami ning perce pti on s of risk an d s elf-protec tiv e strategies an d reso ur ces usedbyfarm- worker s women to maint ai n sexua l health . DE SCRI PTION (from Appli c an t 's Abstract):The Ah r e ce p t or(AH R) is", "underscore_trick": " health_and nursing_knowledge regarding appropriate interventions_to increase_the_health and_well_being of this_group. This qualitative_study will focs on_examining perceptions of_risk_and self-protective strategies and resources used by farm-workers women to maintain sexual health. DESCRIPTION_(from_Applicant's Abstract):_The_Ah_receptor (AHR) is"} +{"text": " lenses by means of NMR spectroscopy; and the concentrations of ADP and substrates of glutathione synthesis in the aging human lens by HPLC or the amino acid analyzer. 3) To establish the roles of glutathione peroxidase and catalase in the prevention of oxidative damage in the organ cultured lens. 4) To study the effect of both reduced and", "synonym_substitution": "lenses by means of NMR spectroscopy; and the concentrations of ADP and substrates of glutathione deduction in the age human lens by HPLC or the amino acid analyzer. 3) To establish the roles of glutathione peroxidase and catalase in the prevention of oxidative price in the harmonium cultured lens. 4) To study the impression of both repress and", "butter_fingers": " lejses by means of NMR spegtroscopy; and thg xoncenvrationa of ADP and substrates of glutathioie stnthewis in the aging human lens by JPLC or rhe emino acid analyvsr. 3) To cftabmlsh tke roles of glutsthione pesoxidase and cdtxlcse in the prevention of oxidative dwmage im hhe organ cultored kqns. 4) No study the effect of both redhced anv", "random_deletion": "lenses by means of NMR spectroscopy; and of and substrates glutathione synthesis in HPLC the amino acid 3) To establish roles of glutathione peroxidase and catalase the prevention of oxidative damage in the organ cultured lens. 4) To study effect of both reduced and", "change_char_case": " lenses by means of NMR spectroScopy; and thE concEntRatIoNs of aDP aNd substrates of GLutaThione synthesis in the agIng huMaN Lens BY HpLC or The aminO AcID AnaLyZeR. 3) To EsTAbLish tHe rOles of gLutathione PerOxIdase and cataLAsE in the prevEntIon of oxidatiVe dAmage iN tHe oRGan cuLtuRed leNs. 4) To stUDy the eFfect of boTh REduced ANd", "whitespace_perturbation": " lenses by means of NMR sp ectroscopy ; and th e c on cent rati ons of ADP and subs trates of glutathionesynth es i s in th e agi ng huma n l e n s b yHP LCor th e ami noacid an alyzer. 3) To e stablish the ro les of glu tat hione peroxi das e andca tal a se in th e pre ventio n of ox idative d am a ge int he orga n cu ltur ed lens. 4) To st u dy the effect ofboth r ed u ce d and ", "underscore_trick": " lenses_by means_of NMR spectroscopy; and_the concentrations_of_ADP and_substrates_of glutathione synthesis_in the aging_human lens by HPLC_or the amino_acid_analyzer. 3) To establish the roles of glutathione peroxidase and catalase in the prevention_of_oxidative damage_in_the_organ cultured lens. 4) To_study the effect of both_reduced and"} +{"text": " levels of physical activity, an \"unhealthy\" diet and the presence of overweight/obesity are established risk factors for several types of cancer. There is a growing interest in exploring the potential links between environmental characteristics and chronic diseases, such as breast cancer in women. Previous research done by our group has demonstrated a link between", "synonym_substitution": "levels of physical activity, an \" unhealthy \" diet and the bearing of fleshy / fleshiness are established risk factors for respective types of cancer. There is a growing sake in exploring the potential link between environmental characteristics and chronic diseases, such as breast cancer in womanhood. Previous research do by our group has demonstrated a link between", "butter_fingers": " legels of physical activitn, an \"unhealthy\" dnwt and the pdesence uf overweight/obesity are estebliwhed eisk factors for severxl types lf cancee. Thtre is a growing mhterest in exlporiug the potential links betfeen environmettxl characteristics and chronic diseasqs, such ad breast cancet in ejmen. Irtvious research done by our group has dekonstrated a kink between", "random_deletion": "levels of physical activity, an \"unhealthy\" diet presence overweight/obesity are risk factors for is growing interest in the potential links environmental characteristics and chronic diseases, such breast cancer in women. Previous research done by our group has demonstrated a between", "change_char_case": " levels of physical activity, aN \"unhealthy\" Diet aNd tHe pReSencE of oVerweight/obesiTY are Established risk factors For seVeRAl tyPEs Of canCer. TherE Is A GRowInG iNteReST iN explOriNg the poTential linKs bEtWeen environmENtAl characteRisTics and chronIc dIseaseS, sUch AS breaSt cAncer In womeN. previoUs researcH dONe by ouR Group haS DEmOnstRated a link between", "whitespace_perturbation": " levels of physical activi ty, an \"un healt hy\" di et and the presence of o v erwe ight/obesity are estab lishe dr iskf ac torsfor sev e ra l typ es o f c an c er . The reis a gr owing inte res tin exploring th e potentia l l inks between en vironm en tal chara cte risti cs and chroni c disease s, such a s breast c an cerin women. Previou s r e search done by our g ro u ph a s d emo nstrated a l ink b e tween", "underscore_trick": " levels_of physical_activity, an \"unhealthy\" diet_and the_presence_of overweight/obesity_are_established risk factors_for several types_of cancer. There is_a growing interest_in_exploring the potential links between environmental characteristics and chronic diseases, such as breast cancer_in_women. Previous_research_done_by our group has demonstrated_a link between"} +{"text": " in brain slice preparations. Brain slice preparations allow stable intracellular recordings to be made while controlled manipulations can be made of: (1) intracellularly injected current, (2) the precise temporal patterning of auditory nerve input, (3) the ionic and pharmacological environment and (4) the physical presence of tissue which might provide synaptic", "synonym_substitution": "in brain slice preparations. Brain piece planning allow stable intracellular recordings to be make while controlled manipulations can be have of: (1) intracellularly injected current, (2) the precise worldly patterning of auditory heart input, (3) the ionic and pharmacological environment and (4) the forcible presence of tissue which might provide synaptic", "butter_fingers": " in brain slice preparationr. Brain slice pteparatimns almow stabue intracellular recordings vo bw madt while controlled oanipulatpons can ve mede of: (1) intracellularly lujectsf cuxrxnt, (2) the precisg temporal pdtterning of agdktlry nerve input, (3) the ionic and phariacologocwl environment and (4) the ihnsical presence of tissue which jight pgovide synaptic", "random_deletion": "in brain slice preparations. Brain slice preparations intracellular to be while controlled manipulations intracellularly current, (2) the temporal patterning of nerve input, (3) the ionic and environment and (4) the physical presence of tissue which might provide synaptic", "change_char_case": " in brain slice preparations. BRain slice pReparAtiOns AlLow sTablE intracellular REcorDings to be made while contRolleD mANipuLAtIons cAn be madE Of: (1) INTraCeLlUlaRlY InJecteD cuRrent, (2) thE precise teMpoRaL patterning oF AuDitory nervE inPut, (3) the ionic aNd pHarmacOlOgiCAl envIroNment And (4) the PHysicaL presence Of TIssue wHIch mighT PRoVide Synaptic", "whitespace_perturbation": " in brain slice preparatio ns. Brainslice pr epa ra tion s al low stable int r acel lular recordings to be made w h ilec on troll ed mani p ul a t ion sca n b em ad e of: (1 ) intra cellularly in je cted current , ( 2) the pre cis e temporal p att erning o f a u ditor y n erveinput, (3) th e ionic a nd pharma c ologica l en viro nment and (4) the ph y sical presence of ti ss u ew h ich mi ght provid esynap t ic", "underscore_trick": " in_brain slice_preparations. Brain slice preparations_allow stable_intracellular_recordings to_be_made while controlled_manipulations can be_made of: (1) intracellularly_injected current, (2)_the_precise temporal patterning of auditory nerve input, (3) the ionic and pharmacological environment and_(4)_the physical_presence_of_tissue which might provide synaptic"} +{"text": "CNS); b) myelin breakdown leads to clinical disease; c) TMEV persists in the CNS for the life of the mouse; and, d) demyelination appears to be immune-mediated. Our studies during the initial grant period have defined genetic loci contributing to disease susceptibility, established an immune-mediated", "synonym_substitution": "CNS); b) myelin breakdown leads to clinical disease; c) TMEV persists in the CNS for the life of the shiner; and, d) demyelination appear to be immune - mediated. Our studies during the initial concession period have define genetic venue contributing to disease susceptibility, established an immune - intercede", "butter_fingers": "CNS); b) myelin breakdown leadr to clinical dnwease; r) TMEV lersists in the CNS for the life of vhe nouse; and, d) demyelination aopears to be immube-meviated. Our studixa durinn the lniticl grant period mave defineg genetic loci cuncributing to disease susceptibility, qstablixhfd an immune-meqiattd", "random_deletion": "CNS); b) myelin breakdown leads to clinical TMEV in the for the life demyelination to be immune-mediated. studies during the grant period have defined genetic loci to disease susceptibility, established an immune-mediated", "change_char_case": "CNS); b) myelin breakdown leads tO clinical dIseasE; c) TmEV PeRsisTs in The CNS for the liFE of tHe mouse; and, d) demyelinatiOn appEaRS to bE ImMune-mEdiated. oUr STUdiEs DuRinG tHE iNitiaL grAnt periOd have defiNed GeNetic loci conTRiButing to diSeaSe susceptibiLitY, estabLiSheD An immUne-MediaTed", "whitespace_perturbation": "CNS); b) myelin breakdownleads to c linic aldis ea se;c) T MEV persists i n the CNS for the life of t he mo us e ; an d ,d) de myelina t io n app ea rs to b e i mmune -me diated. Our studi esdu ring the ini t ia l grant pe rio d have defin edgeneti cloc i cont rib uting to di s ease s usceptibi li t y, est a blished a nimmu ne-mediated", "underscore_trick": "CNS); b)_myelin breakdown_leads to clinical disease;_c) TMEV_persists_in the_CNS_for the life_of the mouse;_and, d) demyelination appears_to be immune-mediated._Our_studies during the initial grant period have defined genetic loci contributing to disease susceptibility,_established_an immune-mediated"} +{"text": " TRIAD investigators will pursue the development of second generation epitopebased immunome-derived vaccines for these pathogens, while addressing the failings of prior generations of epitope based vaccines. We will maximize payload quantity using validated immunoinformatics tools that permit selection of optimal T cell epitopes that are highly conserved and immunogenic. We will ensure", "synonym_substitution": "TRIAD investigators will pursue the development of second generation epitopebased immunome - derive vaccine for these pathogens, while addressing the failing of anterior generations of epitope based vaccines. We will maximize warhead quantity using validate immunoinformatics tools that permit excerpt of optimal T cellular telephone epitopes that are highly conserved and immunogenic. We will ensure", "butter_fingers": " TRLAD investigators will pmrsue the develokmwnt of secons generagion epitopebased immunome-decivee vacxines for these pathogdns, while addressung uhe failings of pcjor gencxatiohd of xpitope based vsccines. We will maximize pxypoad quantity using validated immunjinformstlcs tools that perkyt sslection of optimal T cell epitopea that ere highly consrrved and immunogenic. We wlll fnsure", "random_deletion": "TRIAD investigators will pursue the development of epitopebased vaccines for pathogens, while addressing of based vaccines. We maximize payload quantity validated immunoinformatics tools that permit selection optimal T cell epitopes that are highly conserved and immunogenic. We will ensure", "change_char_case": " TRIAD investigators will purSue the deveLopmeNt oF seCoNd geNeraTion epitopebasED immUnome-derived vaccines foR thesE pAThogENs, While AddressINg THE faIlInGs oF pRIoR geneRatIons of ePitope baseD vaCcInes. We will maXImIze payload QuaNtity using vaLidAted imMuNoiNFormaTicS toolS that pERmit seLection of OpTImal T cELl epitoPES tHat aRe highly conserved ANd IMmunogenic. We wiLl ensuRe", "whitespace_perturbation": " TRIAD investigators willpursue the deve lop men tof s econ d generation e p itop ebased immunome-derive d vac ci n es f o rthese pathog e ns , whi le a ddr es s in g the fa ilingsof prior g ene ra tions of epi t op e based va cci nes. We will ma ximize p ayl o ad qu ant ity u sing v a lidate d immunoi nf o rmatic s toolst h at per mit selection ofo pt i mal T cell epi topesth a ta r e h igh ly conserv ed andi mmunoge n ic . W e w i ll ensure", "underscore_trick": " TRIAD_investigators will_pursue the development of_second generation_epitopebased_immunome-derived vaccines_for_these pathogens, while_addressing the failings_of prior generations of_epitope based vaccines._We_will maximize payload quantity using validated immunoinformatics tools that permit selection of optimal T_cell_epitopes that_are_highly_conserved and immunogenic. We will_ensure"} +{"text": " of translation of the RPE65 message reveals that the effect may be at least partially coding-region-sequence specific because the 3' UTR sequence affecting translational efficiency had no effect on CAT expression. The prevalence of dental caries has been reduced significantly in some segments of the population over the past 25 years. The observed reduction has", "synonym_substitution": "of translation of the RPE65 message reveals that the effect may be at least partially coding - area - succession particular because the 3' UTR sequence affecting translational efficiency had no impression on CAT expression. The prevalence of dental cavity has been reduced significantly in some segments of the population over the past 25 old age. The observed reduction suffer", "butter_fingers": " of translation of the RPE65 oessage reveals that tie effedt may bd at least partially coding-rxgiob-sequtuce specific because the 3' UTR sequencw afhecting translatmknal efnnciendn had io effect on CAJ expression. The prevalenca uf dental caries has been reduced siggificanylj in some segmgnts ps ths population over the past 25 years. Fhe obstrved reduction hax", "random_deletion": "of translation of the RPE65 message reveals effect be at partially coding-region-sequence specific affecting efficiency had no on CAT expression. prevalence of dental caries has been significantly in some segments of the population over the past 25 years. The reduction has", "change_char_case": " of translation of the RPE65 messAge reveals That tHe eFfeCt May bE at lEast partially cODing-Region-sequence specific BecauSe THe 3' UTr SeQuencE affectINg TRAnsLaTiOnaL eFFiCiencY haD no effeCt on CAT expResSiOn. The prevaleNCe Of dental caRieS has been reduCed SignifIcAntLY in soMe sEgmenTs of thE PopulaTion over tHe PAst 25 yeaRS. The obsERVeD redUction has", "whitespace_perturbation": " of translation of the RPE 65 message reve als th at the eff ect may be atl east partially coding-regi on-se qu e nces pe cific becaus e t h e 3' U TR se qu e nc e aff ect ing tra nslational ef fi ciency had n o e ffect on C ATexpression.The preva le nce of de nta l car ies ha s beenreduced s ig n ifican t ly in s o m esegm ents of the popul a ti o n over the pas t 25 y ea r s. T heobs erved redu ct ion h a s", "underscore_trick": " of_translation of_the RPE65 message reveals_that the_effect_may be_at_least partially coding-region-sequence_specific because the_3' UTR sequence affecting_translational efficiency had_no_effect on CAT expression. The prevalence of dental caries has been reduced significantly in_some_segments of_the_population_over the past 25 years._The observed reduction has"} +{"text": "brain barrier traumatically and to manipulate magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in mouse brains. By the end of Phase I, we will have built and tested an MRI-compatible gradient insert system capable of delivering magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) to selected regions in normal mouse brains. Using the data collected from the Phase I mouse", "synonym_substitution": "brain barrier traumatically and to manipulate magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in mouse mind. By the goal of Phase I, we will have built and tested an MRI - compatible gradient insert organization capable of delivering charismatic nanoparticles (MNPs) to selected regions in normal mouse brain. Using the data collect from the Phase I mouse", "butter_fingers": "braln barrier traumatically and to manipulcre magietic nznopartizles (MNPs) in mouse brains. By tye ene of Phase I, we will hxve built and tesred en MRI-compatible gradienb inssvt syvvem capable of celivering magnetic nano[aftncles (MNPs) to selected regions in nowmal moisf brains. Using the qata boolected from the Phase I mouss", "random_deletion": "brain barrier traumatically and to manipulate magnetic in brains. By end of Phase and an MRI-compatible gradient system capable of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) to selected regions normal mouse brains. Using the data collected from the Phase I mouse", "change_char_case": "brain barrier traumatically And to manipUlate MagNetIc NanoPartIcles (MNPs) in mouSE braIns. By the end of Phase I, we wIll haVe BUilt ANd TesteD an MRI-cOMpATIblE gRaDieNt INsErt sySteM capablE of deliverIng MaGnetic nanopaRTiCles (MNPs) to SelEcted regions In nOrmal mOuSe bRAins. USinG the dAta colLEcted fRom the PhaSe i Mouse", "whitespace_perturbation": "brain barrier traumaticall y and to m anipu lat e m ag neti c na noparticles (M N Ps)in mouse brains. By th e end o f Pha s eI, we will h a ve b uil tan d t es t ed an M RI- compati ble gradie ntin sert systemc ap able of de liv ering magnet icnanopa rt icl e s (MN Ps) to s electe d regio ns in nor ma l mouse brains. U si ng t he data collected fr o m the Phase Imouse", "underscore_trick": "brain barrier_traumatically and_to manipulate magnetic nanoparticles_(MNPs) in_mouse_brains. By_the_end of Phase_I, we will_have built and tested_an MRI-compatible gradient_insert_system capable of delivering magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) to selected regions in normal mouse brains._Using_the data_collected_from_the Phase I mouse"} +{"text": " long exposure to real-life cigarette packs carrying High or Low ER GWLs. Based on our preliminary data, we hypothesize that smokers exposed to high ER GWLs will exhibit larger reductions in UC than those exposed to low ER GWLs. Based on our preliminary data and prior literature pointing to the mPFC", "synonym_substitution": "long exposure to real - life cigarette pack carry High or Low ER GWLs. Based on our preliminary datum, we hypothesize that smokers exposed to eminent ER GWLs will exhibit larger decrease in UC than those exposed to low ER GWLs. free-base on our preliminary data and prior literature pointing to the mPFC", "butter_fingers": " lojg exposure to real-life gigarette packs eqrryinj High kr Low EF GWLs. Based on our preliminery eata, qe hypothesize that smukers explsed to yigh WR GWLs will exhiblc larfcr reburtions in UC thsn those efposed to low AR GCLs. Based on our preliminary data anq prior llterature poinjing uo ehe jIFG", "random_deletion": "long exposure to real-life cigarette packs carrying Low GWLs. Based our preliminary data, to ER GWLs will larger reductions in than those exposed to low ER Based on our preliminary data and prior literature pointing to the mPFC", "change_char_case": " long exposure to real-life cigArette packS carrYinG HiGh Or LoW ER GwLs. Based on our pRElimInary data, we hypothesize That sMoKErs eXPoSed to High ER Gwls WILl eXhIbIt lArGEr ReducTioNs in UC tHan those exPosEd To low ER GWLs. BASeD on our prelImiNary data and pRioR literAtUre POintiNg tO the mpFC", "whitespace_perturbation": " long exposure to real-lif e cigarett e pac kscar ry ingHigh or Low ER GWL s . Ba sed on our preliminary data ,w e hy p ot hesiz e thats mo k e rsex po sed t o h igh E R G WLs wil l exhibitlar ge r reductions in UC than t hos e exposed to lo w ER G WL s.B asedonour p relimi n ary da ta and pr io r liter a ture po i n ti ng t o the mPFC", "underscore_trick": " long_exposure to_real-life cigarette packs carrying_High or_Low_ER GWLs._Based_on our preliminary_data, we hypothesize_that smokers exposed to_high ER GWLs_will_exhibit larger reductions in UC than those exposed to low ER GWLs. Based on_our_preliminary data_and_prior_literature pointing to the mPFC"} +{"text": " the Scientific Coordinator and the scores and critiques will be provided to the Internal Advisory Committee, which will discuss the projects and make the final funding decision. During its deliberations, the Internal Advisory Committee may take other considerations into account, besides the formal review criteria. These may include: impact on the junior investigator?s", "synonym_substitution": "the Scientific Coordinator and the scores and critiques will be provided to the Internal Advisory Committee, which will discuss the undertaking and name the final funding decision. During its deliberation, the Internal Advisory Committee may take other consideration into score, besides the formal reappraisal criteria. These may include: shock on the junior investigator?s", "butter_fingers": " thf Scientific Coordinator and the scores and crmtiques will be provided to the Internal Adtisoey Conmittee, which will diszuss the irojects qnd nqke the fiizl fundlug dedlsion. Vuring its delinerations, tve Internal Adeiroxy Committee may take other considerwtions onho account, besydes ehe rormal review criteria. These may ihclude: pmpact on the junoor investigator?s", "random_deletion": "the Scientific Coordinator and the scores and be to the Advisory Committee, which make final funding decision. its deliberations, the Advisory Committee may take other considerations account, besides the formal review criteria. These may include: impact on the junior", "change_char_case": " the Scientific Coordinator aNd the scoreS and cRitIquEs Will Be prOvided to the IntERnal advisory Committee, which Will dIsCUss tHE pRojecTs and maKE tHE FinAl FuNdiNg DEcIsion. durIng its dEliberatioNs, tHe internal AdviSOrY Committee May Take other conSidEratioNs IntO AccouNt, bEsideS the foRMal revIew criterIa. tHese maY Include: IMPaCt on The junior investigAToR?S", "whitespace_perturbation": " the Scientific Coordinato r and thescore s a ndcr itiq ueswill be provid e d to the Internal Advisory Comm it t ee,w hi ch wi ll disc u ss t hepr oj ect sa nd make th e final funding d eci si on. During i t sdeliberati ons , the Intern alAdviso ry Co m mitte e m ay ta ke oth e r cons ideration si nto ac c ount, b e s id es t he formal reviewc ri t eria. These ma y incl ud e :i m pac t o n the juni or inve s tigator ? s", "underscore_trick": " the_Scientific Coordinator_and the scores and_critiques will_be_provided to_the_Internal Advisory Committee,_which will discuss_the projects and make_the final funding_decision._During its deliberations, the Internal Advisory Committee may take other considerations into account, besides_the_formal review_criteria._These_may include: impact on the_junior investigator?s"} +{"text": " the VCC. The membership includes both M.D.s and non-M.D.s (e.g., investigators in the areas of biostatistics, preventive medicine, chemotherapy pharmacy, basic science, and nursing). Meetings are held twice a month as dictated by the number of submissions for review and", "synonym_substitution": "the VCC. The membership includes both M.D.s and non - M.D.s (e.g., investigators in the areas of biometrics, preventive music, chemotherapy drugstore, basic science, and nursing). Meetings are held doubly a month as dictated by the number of submission for review and", "butter_fingers": " thf VCC. The membership incuudes both M.D.s cbd non-K.D.s (e.g., investieators in the areas of biostetisrics, kgeventive medicine, chdmotherapj pharmact, bawuc science, and nursing). Msctingv are held twicg a month as dictated by tve nbmber of submissions for review and", "random_deletion": "the VCC. The membership includes both M.D.s (e.g., in the of biostatistics, preventive and Meetings are held a month as by the number of submissions for and", "change_char_case": " the VCC. The membership includEs both M.D.s aNd non-m.D.s (E.g., iNvEstiGatoRs in the areas of BIostAtistics, preventive mediCine, cHeMOtheRApY pharMacy, basIC sCIEncE, aNd NurSiNG). MEetinGs aRe held tWice a month As dIcTated by the nuMBeR of submissIonS for review anD", "whitespace_perturbation": " the VCC. The membership i ncludes bo th M. D.s an dnon- M.D. s (e.g., inves t igat ors in the areas of bi ostat is t ics, pr event ive med i ci n e , c he mo the ra p ypharm acy , basic science,and n ursing). Mee t in gs are hel d t wice a month as dicta te d b y thenum ber o f subm i ssions for revi ew and", "underscore_trick": " the_VCC. The_membership includes both M.D.s_and non-M.D.s_(e.g.,_investigators in_the_areas of biostatistics,_preventive medicine, chemotherapy_pharmacy, basic science, and_nursing). Meetings are_held_twice a month as dictated by the number of submissions for review and"} +{"text": " disease.[unreadable] [unreadable] Chaperone Therapy: We have identified a number of patients with Fabry disease in whom the reduced catalytic activity of alpha-galactosidase A is increased in the presence of the molecular chaperone 1-deoxy-galactonojirimycin (DGJ). This technique is based", "synonym_substitution": "disease.[unreadable ] [ unreadable ] Chaperone Therapy: We have identified a number of patients with Fabry disease in whom the dilute catalytic natural process of alpha - galactosidase A is increased in the presence of the molecular chaperone 1 - deoxy - galactonojirimycin (DGJ). This proficiency is based", "butter_fingers": " didease.[unreadable] [unreadabue] Chaperone Thgrqpy: We have jdentifidd a number of patients with Fqbry eisease in whom the reauced catwlytic axtivmty of alpha-galarfosidasc A ia incxeesed in the prexence of tve molecular cvaoexone 1-deoxy-galactonojirimycin (DGJ). Thif technoqke is based", "random_deletion": "disease.[unreadable] [unreadable] Chaperone Therapy: We have identified of with Fabry in whom the A increased in the of the molecular 1-deoxy-galactonojirimycin (DGJ). This technique is based", "change_char_case": " disease.[unreadable] [unreadabLe] ChaperonE TherApy: we hAvE ideNtifIed a number of paTIentS with Fabry disease in whoM the rEdUCed cATaLytic ActivitY Of ALPha-GaLaCtoSiDAsE A is iNcrEased in The presencE of ThE molecular chAPeRone 1-deoxy-gAlaCtonojirimycIn (DgJ). This TeChnIQue is BasEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " disease.[unreadable] [unr eadable] C haper one Th er apy: Wehave identifie d a n umber of patients with Fabr yd isea s ein wh om ther ed u c edca ta lyt ic ac tivit y o f alpha -galactosi das eA is increas e din the pre sen ce of the mo lec ular c ha per o ne 1- deo xy-ga lacton o jirimy cin (DGJ) .T his te c hniquei s b ased ", "underscore_trick": " disease.[unreadable]_[unreadable] Chaperone_Therapy: We have identified_a number_of_patients with_Fabry_disease in whom_the reduced catalytic_activity of alpha-galactosidase A_is increased in_the_presence of the molecular chaperone 1-deoxy-galactonojirimycin (DGJ). This technique is based"} +{"text": " vitro and in animal studies to deliver an essentially constant dose of a period of 6 months or longer. The rate-controlling membrane is a hydrogel. Specific goals of the study are: (a) determine whether these histrelin-delivering implants can be used in humans; (b) ascertain the dose of hist", "synonym_substitution": "vitro and in animal studies to deliver an essentially constant venereal disease of a time period of 6 months or longer. The rate - control membrane is a hydrogel. Specific goals of the study are: (a) specify whether these histrelin - delivering implants can be use in humans; (b) ascertain the acid of hist", "butter_fingers": " vihro and in animal studier to deliver an essentmally cknstant aose of a period of 6 months lr longtg. The rate-controlling membrane is a hyerogtl. Specific goals of the study zve: (a) bevermine whether these hisdrelin-deliveritg ilplants can be used in humans; (b) ascqrtain yhf dose of hist", "random_deletion": "vitro and in animal studies to deliver constant of a of 6 months is hydrogel. Specific goals the study are: determine whether these histrelin-delivering implants can used in humans; (b) ascertain the dose of hist", "change_char_case": " vitro and in animal studies to Deliver an eSsentIalLy cOnStanT dosE of a period of 6 moNThs oR longer. The rate-controllIng meMbRAne iS A hYdrogEl. SpeciFIc GOAls Of ThE stUdY ArE: (a) detErmIne whetHer these hiStrElIn-delivering IMpLants can be UseD in humans; (b) asCerTain thE dOse OF hist", "whitespace_perturbation": " vitro and in animal studi es to deli ver a n e sse nt iall y co nstant dose of a pe riod of 6 months or lo nger. T h e ra t e- contr ollingm em b r ane i sa h yd r og el. S pec ific go als of the st ud y are: (a) d e te rmine whet her these histr eli n-deli ve rin g impl ant s can be us e d in h umans; (b )a scerta i n the d o s eof h ist", "underscore_trick": " vitro_and in_animal studies to deliver_an essentially_constant_dose of_a_period of 6_months or longer._The rate-controlling membrane is_a hydrogel. Specific_goals_of the study are: (a) determine whether these histrelin-delivering implants can be used in_humans;_(b) ascertain_the_dose_of hist"} +{"text": " underlying mechanisms for LE and allow for the development and testing of novel approaches to prevent or reduce the negative effects of LE. This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from", "synonym_substitution": "underlying mechanisms for LE and allow for the development and examination of novel approach to prevent or reduce the damaging impression of LE. This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resource provided by a Center grant fund by NIH / NCRR. The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received basal funding from", "butter_fingers": " unferlying mechanisms for UE and allow fot rhe detelopmeht and tdsting of novel approaches tl prevebt or reduce the negatkve effecns of LE. Rhis wubproject is one of mang reszacch subprojects utilizing the resources pforided by a Center grant funded by NIR/NCRR. Tne subproject anq inneftigznov (PI) may have received primary fhnding hrom", "random_deletion": "underlying mechanisms for LE and allow for and of novel to prevent or LE. subproject is one many research subprojects the resources provided by a Center funded by NIH/NCRR. The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding", "change_char_case": " underlying mechanisms for LE And allow foR the dEveLopMeNt anD tesTing of novel appROachEs to prevent or reduce the NegatIvE EffeCTs Of LE. THis subpROjECT is OnE oF maNy REsEarch SubProjectS utilizing The ReSources proviDEd By a Center gRanT funded by NIH/nCRr. The suBpRojECt and InvEstigAtor (PI) MAy have Received pRiMAry funDIng from", "whitespace_perturbation": " underlying mechanisms for LE and al low f orthe d evel opme nt and testing of n ovel approaches to pre ventor redu c ethe n egative ef f e cts o fLE. T h is subp roj ect isone of man y r es earch subpro j ec ts utilizi ngthe resource s p rovide dbya Cent ergrant funde d by NI H/NCRR. T he subpro j ect and i nv esti gator (PI) may ha v er eceived primar y fund in g f r o m", "underscore_trick": " underlying_mechanisms for_LE and allow for_the development_and_testing of_novel_approaches to prevent_or reduce the_negative effects of LE._This subproject is_one_of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by_NIH/NCRR._The subproject_and_investigator_(PI) may have received primary_funding from"} +{"text": " 1976 (abstract). ATAD2 is an important co-activator of the estrogen and androgen receptors. ATAD2 is known to be up- regulated in multiple different types of cancer including breast, lung, gastric, endometrial, renal, and prostate. Up-regulation of ATAD2 is often correlated with poor patient", "synonym_substitution": "1976 (abstract). ATAD2 is an important co - activator of the estrogen and androgen receptors. ATAD2 is known to be up- determine in multiple unlike types of cancer including breast, lung, gastric, endometrial, nephritic, and prostate. Up - rule of ATAD2 is often correlated with inadequate affected role", "butter_fingers": " 1976 (ahstract). ATAD2 is an imporuant co-activator of the xstrogeh and anarogen receptors. ATAD2 is knoxn ti be yp- regulated in multipue differvnt types of rancer including breast, lung, gzdtrie, xndometrial, rensl, and provtate. Up-reguladiun of ATAD2 is often correlated with pjor patoejt", "random_deletion": "1976 (abstract). ATAD2 is an important co-activator estrogen androgen receptors. is known to different of cancer including lung, gastric, endometrial, and prostate. Up-regulation of ATAD2 is correlated with poor patient", "change_char_case": " 1976 (abstract). ATAD2 is an important Co-activatoR of thE esTroGeN and AndrOgen receptors. AtaD2 is Known to be up- regulated in MultiPlE DiffEReNt typEs of canCEr INCluDiNg BreAsT, LuNg, gasTriC, endomeTrial, renal, And PrOstate. Up-reguLAtIon of ATAD2 iS ofTen correlateD wiTh poor PaTieNT", "whitespace_perturbation": " 1976 (abstract). ATAD2 is an import ant c o-a cti va torof t he estrogen an d and rogen receptors. ATAD2 is k no w n to be up-regulat e di n mu lt ip ledi f fe renttyp es of c ancer incl udi ng breast, lun g ,gastric, e ndo metrial, ren al, and p ro sta t e. Up -re gulat ion of ATAD2is oftenco r relate d with p o o rpati ent", "underscore_trick": " 1976_(abstract). ATAD2_is an important co-activator_of the_estrogen_and androgen_receptors._ATAD2 is known_to be up-_regulated in multiple different_types of cancer_including_breast, lung, gastric, endometrial, renal, and prostate. Up-regulation of ATAD2 is often correlated with_poor_patient"} +{"text": " as an effector molecule in resistance to infection. SA-1. Determine the role of IFN-y in regulation of immunodominance. SA-2. Analyze the role of IFN-y regulation of the death phase of CD8+ T cells. SA-3. Determine the impact of IFN-y on regulation", "synonym_substitution": "as an effector molecule in resistance to infection. SA-1. settle the function of IFN - y in regulation of immunodominance. SA-2. Analyze the role of IFN - y regulation of the end phase of CD8 + T cells. SA-3. Determine the impact of IFN - y on rule", "butter_fingers": " as an effector molecule in resistance to nbfectimn. SA-1. Setermind the role of IFN-y in regulavion of inmunodominance. SA-2. Analhze the rlle of IDN-y cegulation of thx death ikase kn CD8+ C rells. SA-3. Determlne the impdct of IFN-y on rdgblation", "random_deletion": "as an effector molecule in resistance to Determine role of in regulation of of regulation of the phase of CD8+ cells. SA-3. Determine the impact of on regulation", "change_char_case": " as an effector molecule in resIstance to iNfectIon. sA-1. DEtErmiNe thE role of IFN-y in rEGulaTion of immunodominance. Sa-2. AnalYzE The rOLe Of IFN-Y regulaTIoN OF thE dEaTh pHaSE oF CD8+ T cEllS. SA-3. DeteRmine the imPacT oF IFN-y on regulATiOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " as an effector molecule i n resistan ce to in fec ti on.SA-1 . Determine th e rol e of IFN-y in regulati on of i m muno d om inanc e. SA-2 . A n a lyz eth e r ol e o f IFN -yregulat ion of the de at h phase of C D 8+ T cells.SA- 3. Determine th e impa ct of IFN-y on regu lation ", "underscore_trick": " as_an effector_molecule in resistance to_infection. SA-1._Determine_the role_of_IFN-y in regulation_of immunodominance. SA-2._Analyze the role of_IFN-y regulation of_the_death phase of CD8+ T cells. SA-3. Determine the impact of IFN-y on regulation"} +{"text": "uates who pursue careers in biomedical research and cancer disparities. A new cancer research career development program at SCSU and MUSC-HCC will also be implemented for junior faculty who are interested in establishing independent careers in cancer disparities research. Within the Research Education Core, the SC CADRE undergraduate and junior faculty Scholars will interact", "synonym_substitution": "uates who pursue careers in biomedical research and cancer disparities. A newfangled cancer inquiry career development program at SCSU and MUSC - HCC will besides be implemented for junior staff who are interested in establishing autonomous careers in cancer disparities research. Within the Research Education Core, the SC CADRE undergraduate and junior staff Scholars will interact", "butter_fingers": "uatfs who pursue careers in biomedical resgaech anv canced disparkties. A new cancer research rarewr decelopment program at SZSU and MLSC-HCC wiol aowo be implxjented njr jhkior yarulty who are ikterested it establishing ivdzpendent careers in cancer disparitiqs resesrfh. Within the Teseagcr Edhbauion Core, the SC CADRE undergraduzte and junior faculyy Scholars will interact", "random_deletion": "uates who pursue careers in biomedical research disparities. new cancer career development program also implemented for junior who are interested establishing independent careers in cancer disparities Within the Research Education Core, the SC CADRE undergraduate and junior faculty Scholars interact", "change_char_case": "uates who pursue careers in biOmedical reSearcH anD caNcEr diSparIties. A new canceR ReseArch career development pRograM aT sCSU ANd mUSC-HcC will aLSo BE ImpLeMeNteD fOR jUnior FacUlty who Are interesTed In Establishing INdEpendent caReeRs in cancer diSpaRities ReSeaRCh. WitHin The ReSearch eDucatiOn Core, the sC caDRE unDErgraduATE aNd juNior faculty ScholaRS wILl interact", "whitespace_perturbation": "uates who pursue careers i n biomedic al re sea rch a nd c ance r disparities. A ne w cancer research care er de ve l opme n tprogr am at S C SU a ndMU SC -HC Cw il l als o b e imple mented for ju ni or faculty w h oare intere ste d in establi shi ng ind ep end e nt ca ree rs in cance r dispa rities re se a rch. W i thin th e Re sear ch Education Core , t h e SC CADRE und ergrad ua t ea n d j uni or faculty S chola r s willi nt e r a ct", "underscore_trick": "uates who_pursue careers_in biomedical research and_cancer disparities._A_new cancer_research_career development program_at SCSU and_MUSC-HCC will also be_implemented for junior_faculty_who are interested in establishing independent careers in cancer disparities research. Within the Research_Education_Core, the_SC_CADRE_undergraduate and junior faculty Scholars_will interact"} +{"text": " of profiling the complete transcriptional dynamics of cells and projecting them onto images of regenerating tissue is widely applicable to many developmental model systems. Thus, overall, the proposed work has broad impact on the field of regeneration. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: One important goal in therapeutic regeneration is to enhance the ability of existing cells to", "synonym_substitution": "of profiling the complete transcriptional dynamics of cells and project them onto image of regenerating tissue is wide applicable to many developmental model system. Thus, overall, the proposed employment has broad impingement on the field of regeneration. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: One authoritative goal in therapeutic positive feedback is to enhance the ability of existing cells to", "butter_fingers": " of profiling the complete uranscriptional dinqmics mf celms and pfojecting them onto images oh retenerqting tissue is widely applicabpe to maby dtvelopmental model systems. Thus, lverclo, the proposed work has troad impact ot ghz field of regeneration. PUBLIC HEALTR RELEVSNFE: One importagt gpwl ih therapeutic regeneration is to ehhance uhe ability of exixting cells to", "random_deletion": "of profiling the complete transcriptional dynamics of projecting onto images regenerating tissue is model Thus, overall, the work has broad on the field of regeneration. PUBLIC RELEVANCE: One important goal in therapeutic regeneration is to enhance the ability of cells to", "change_char_case": " of profiling the complete traNscriptionAl dynAmiCs oF cElls And pRojecting them oNTo imAges of regenerating tissUe is wIdELy apPLiCable To many dEVeLOPmeNtAl ModEl SYsTems. THus, Overall, The proposeD woRk Has broad impaCT oN the field oF reGeneration. PUbLIc HEALTh ReLEvaNCE: ONe iMportAnt goaL In therApeutic reGeNEratioN Is to enhANCe The aBility of existing cELlS To", "whitespace_perturbation": " of profiling the complete transcrip tiona l d yna mi cs o f ce lls and projec t ingthem onto images of re gener at i ng t i ss ue is widely ap p l ica bl etoma n ydevel opm ental m odel syste ms. T hus, overall , t he propose d w ork has broa d i mpacton th e fiel d o f reg enerat i on. PU BLIC HEAL TH RELEVA N CE: One i mp orta nt goal in therap e ut i c regeneration is to e n ha n c e t heability of e xisti n g cells to ", "underscore_trick": " of_profiling the_complete transcriptional dynamics of_cells and_projecting_them onto_images_of regenerating tissue_is widely applicable_to many developmental model_systems. Thus, overall,_the_proposed work has broad impact on the field of regeneration. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: One_important_goal in_therapeutic_regeneration_is to enhance the ability_of existing cells to"} +{"text": " at the Gtl2 promoter and its relationship to monoallelic expression will be investigated. Bisulfite mutagenesis and DNA sequencing will be the primary methodology utilized to examine methylation in these analyses. This research will advance the field of imprinting by determining whether the establishment of imprinting marks is globally or independently controlled. Furthermore,", "synonym_substitution": "at the Gtl2 promoter and its relationship to monoallelic expression will be investigated. Bisulfite mutagenesis and deoxyribonucleic acid sequence will be the primary methodology utilized to test methylation in these analysis. This research will advance the playing field of impress by determining whether the constitution of imprinting marks is globally or independently controlled. Furthermore,", "butter_fingers": " at the Gtl2 promoter and itr relationship jo monoanlelic expresskon will be investigated. Bisnlfire muucgenesis and DNA seqjencing wpll be thw prmmary methodologb utilizcb to swaminz nethylation in these ananyses. This resaafck will advance the field of imprintigg by drtfrmining whethgr tht eftabmpsmment of imprinting marks is glogally og independently cpntrolled. Furthermore,", "random_deletion": "at the Gtl2 promoter and its relationship expression be investigated. mutagenesis and DNA methodology to examine methylation these analyses. This will advance the field of imprinting determining whether the establishment of imprinting marks is globally or independently controlled. Furthermore,", "change_char_case": " at the Gtl2 promoter and its relAtionship tO monoAllEliC eXpreSsioN will be investiGAted. bisulfite mutagenesis anD DNA sEqUEnciNG wIll be The primARy METhoDoLoGy uTiLIzEd to eXamIne methYlation in tHesE aNalyses. This rESeArch will adVanCe the field of ImpRintinG bY deTErminIng WhethEr the eSTablisHment of imPrINting mARks is glOBAlLy or Independently contROlLEd. Furthermore,", "whitespace_perturbation": " at the Gtl2 promoter andits relati onshi p t o m on oall elic expression wi l l be investigated. Bisulfi te mu ta g enes i sand D NA sequ e nc i n g w il lbeth e p rimar y m ethodol ogy utiliz edto examine met h yl ation in t hes e analyses.Thi s rese ar chw ill a dva nce t he fie l d of i mprinting b y deter m ining w h e th er t he establishmento fi mprinting mark s is g lo b al l y or in dependentl ycontr o lled. F u rt h e r mor e ,", "underscore_trick": " at_the Gtl2_promoter and its relationship_to monoallelic_expression_will be_investigated._Bisulfite mutagenesis and_DNA sequencing will_be the primary methodology_utilized to examine_methylation_in these analyses. This research will advance the field of imprinting by determining whether_the_establishment of_imprinting_marks_is globally or independently controlled._Furthermore,"} +{"text": "/2 site in the FLT1 promoter was replaced with various 1/2 sites as well as canonical weak and strong human p53 REs. p53 transactivation was greatly enhanced by ligand-activated ER acting in cis. Enhanced transactivation extends to several cancer-associated p53 mutants with altered function, suggesting", "synonym_substitution": "/2 site in the FLT1 promoter was replaced with various 1/2 web site equally well as canonical weak and impregnable human p53 rhenium. p53 transactivation was greatly enhanced by ligand - activated emergency room act in cis. Enhanced transactivation extends to several cancer - consociate p53 mutants with altered affair, suggesting", "butter_fingers": "/2 sihe in the FLT1 promoter wxs replaced witk varions 1/2 sitss as weul as canonical weak and strlnt humqn p53 REs. p53 transactivagion was hreatly wnhaiced by ligand-acvjvated CX actjkg in ris. Enhanced trsnsactivathon extends to sdvzral cancer-associated p53 mutants with alterec vunction, suggeftinb", "random_deletion": "/2 site in the FLT1 promoter was various sites as as canonical weak p53 was greatly enhanced ligand-activated ER acting cis. Enhanced transactivation extends to several p53 mutants with altered function, suggesting", "change_char_case": "/2 site in the FLT1 promoter was rePlaced with VarioUs 1/2 sIteS aS welL as cAnonical weak anD StroNg human p53 REs. p53 transactivAtion WaS GreaTLy EnhanCed by liGAnD-ACtiVaTeD ER AcTInG in ciS. EnHanced tRansactivaTioN eXtends to seveRAl Cancer-assoCiaTed p53 mutants wIth AltereD fUncTIon, suGgeSting", "whitespace_perturbation": "/2 site in the FLT1 promot er was rep laced wi thva riou s 1/ 2 sites as wel l ascanonical weak and str ong h um a n p5 3 R Es. p 53 tran s ac t i vat io nwas g r ea tly e nha nced by ligand-ac tiv at ed ER acting in cis. Enha nce d transactiv ati on ext en dst o sev era l can cer-as s ociate d p53 mut an t s with altered f un ctio n, suggesting", "underscore_trick": "/2 site_in the_FLT1 promoter was replaced_with various_1/2_sites as_well_as canonical weak_and strong human_p53 REs. p53 transactivation_was greatly enhanced_by_ligand-activated ER acting in cis. Enhanced transactivation extends to several cancer-associated p53 mutants with_altered_function, suggesting"} +{"text": "clin and lipoxygenase (LO) products will be measured in the various clinical groups, during insulin clamp studies, and in a continuum of NIDDM patients with micro and macroalbuminuria. Using renin secreting cells and tissues as a specialized vascular model, the effect of the diabetic state on eicosan", "synonym_substitution": "clin and lipoxygenase (LO) products will be measured in the various clinical groups, during insulin clamp report, and in a continuum of NIDDM patient with micro and macroalbuminuria. Using renin secreting cells and tissue as a specialized vascular model, the effect of the diabetic state of matter on eicosan", "butter_fingers": "clij and lipoxygenase (LO) pruducts will be measurev in ths variour clinical groups, during insnlin clamk studies, and in a zontinuum of NIDDN pauients with micro and macvjalbhlinuxie. Using renin sgcreting celns and tissues ar c specialized vascular model, the effqct of yhf diabetic staje on qicoaan", "random_deletion": "clin and lipoxygenase (LO) products will be the clinical groups, insulin clamp studies, NIDDM with micro and Using renin secreting and tissues as a specialized vascular the effect of the diabetic state on eicosan", "change_char_case": "clin and lipoxygenase (LO) prodUcts will be MeasuRed In tHe VariOus cLinical groups, dURing Insulin clamp studies, and In a coNtINuum OF NiDDM pAtients WItH MIcrO aNd MacRoALbUminuRia. using reNin secretiNg cElLs and tissues AS a SpecializeD vaScular model, tHe eFfect oF tHe dIAbetiC stAte on EicosaN", "whitespace_perturbation": "clin and lipoxygenase (LO) productswillbemea su redin t he various cli n ical groups, during insuli n cla mp stud i es , and in a c o nt i n uum o fNID DM pa tient s w ith mic ro and mac roa lb uminuria. Us i ng renin sec ret ing cells an d t issues a s a speci ali zed v ascula r model , the eff ec t of th e diabet i c s tate on eicosan", "underscore_trick": "clin and_lipoxygenase (LO)_products will be measured_in the_various_clinical groups,_during_insulin clamp studies,_and in a_continuum of NIDDM patients_with micro and_macroalbuminuria._Using renin secreting cells and tissues as a specialized vascular model, the effect of_the_diabetic state_on_eicosan"} +{"text": " that kills children before the age of 16. The research described in this proposal will contribute to world-wide efforts to find a cure or at least a palliative. But it is also very probable that unraveling the biology of this unusual disease will go some way to explaining the root causes of aging in general, a genetic disease", "synonym_substitution": "that kills children before the age of 16. The research trace in this marriage proposal will contribute to world - broad effort to find a cure or at least a palliative. But it is besides very probable that unraveling the biology of this unusual disease will rifle some way to explaining the etymon causes of aging in general, a familial disease", "butter_fingers": " thwt kills children before the age of 16. Thg eesearrh descdibed in this proposal will contribuve ti worod-wide efforts to find a cure og at leasr a kalliative. But it is also very lvobabnx that unravelikg the biolmgy of this ungsjap disease will go some way to explayning tne root causes os agpnd in general, a genetic disease", "random_deletion": "that kills children before the age of research in this will contribute to cure at least a But it is very probable that unraveling the biology this unusual disease will go some way to explaining the root causes of in general, a genetic disease", "change_char_case": " that kills children before thE age of 16. The rEsearCh dEscRiBed iN thiS proposal will cONtriBute to world-wide efforts To finD a CUre oR At Least A palliaTIvE. bUt iT iS aLso VeRY pRobabLe tHat unraVeling the bIolOgY of this unusuAL dIsease will Go sOme way to explAinIng the RoOt cAUses oF agIng in GeneraL, A genetIc disease", "whitespace_perturbation": " that kills children befor e the ageof 16 . T here sear ch d escribed in th i s pr oposal will contribute to w or l d-wi d eeffor ts to f i nd a cu re o r a tl ea st apal liative . But it i s a ls o very proba b le that unra vel ing the biol ogy of th is un u sualdis easewill g o someway to ex pl a iningt he root c au sesof aging in gener a l, a genetic dise ase", "underscore_trick": " that_kills children_before the age of_16. The_research_described in_this_proposal will contribute_to world-wide efforts_to find a cure_or at least_a_palliative. But it is also very probable that unraveling the biology of this unusual_disease_will go_some_way_to explaining the root causes_of aging in general, a_genetic disease"} +{"text": " target cell) which is cell size and has a sealed outer membrane. These vesicles are prepared by forming a lipid membrane on the surface of a nylon sphere 5-30 um in diameter. In initial experiments, we have used anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody covalently attached to these vesicles to trigger CTL and demonstrated CTL mediated", "synonym_substitution": "target cell) which is cell size and has a plastered out membrane. These vesicles are prepare by form a lipid membrane on the surface of a nylon sphere 5 - 30 um in diameter. In initial experiment, we have used anti - CD3 monoclonal antibody covalently attach to these vesicles to trigger CTL and demonstrate CTL mediated", "butter_fingers": " tagget cell) which is cell rize and has a sealed muter jembrane. These vesicles are prepared bt forning a lipid membrane un the sugface of q nyoin sphere 5-30 um in dlcmeted. In nnmtial experimenjs, we have uved anti-CD3 monmcuoual antibody covalently attached to ehese vrslcles to trigggr CTK and demonstrated CTL mediated", "random_deletion": "target cell) which is cell size and sealed membrane. These are prepared by the of a nylon 5-30 um in In initial experiments, we have used monoclonal antibody covalently attached to these vesicles to trigger CTL and demonstrated CTL", "change_char_case": " target cell) which is cell size And has a seaLed ouTer MemBrAne. THese Vesicles are prePAred By forming a lipid membranE on thE sURfacE Of A nyloN sphere 5-30 UM iN DIamEtEr. in iNiTIaL expeRimEnts, we hAve used antI-CD3 MoNoclonal antiBOdY covalentlY atTached to thesE veSicles To TriGGer CTl anD demoNstratED CTL meDiated", "whitespace_perturbation": " target cell) which is cel l size and hasa s eal ed out er m embrane. These vesi cles are prepared by f ormin ga lip i dmembr ane ont he s urf ac eofan yl on sp her e 5-30um in diam ete r. In initiale xp eriments,wehave used an ti- CD3 mo no clo n al an tib ody c ovalen t ly att ached toth e se ves i cles to t ri gger CTL and demonstr a te d CTL mediated", "underscore_trick": " target_cell) which_is cell size and_has a_sealed_outer membrane._These_vesicles are prepared_by forming a_lipid membrane on the_surface of a_nylon_sphere 5-30 um in diameter. In initial experiments, we have used anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody_covalently_attached to_these_vesicles_to trigger CTL and demonstrated_CTL mediated"} +{"text": " depending on the serotype can last for months. BoNTs are the most toxic proteins known to man and have been classified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as one of the six highest-risk biothreat agents. Despite their toxicity and high potential as a bioterrorist weapon, Bo", "synonym_substitution": "depending on the serotype can last for months. BoNTs are the most toxic protein know to man and have been classified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as one of the six highest - hazard biothreat agents. Despite their perniciousness and high potential as a bioterrorist weapon, Bo", "butter_fingers": " deoending on the serotype gan last for monjhw. BoNTv are fhe most toxic proteins known to man abd hace been classified by ghe Centegs for Diweast Control and Pretsntion (GBC) as lne mh the six highext-risk biodhreat agents. Gerpnte their toxicity and high potentiaj as a nilterrorist weakon, Bp", "random_deletion": "depending on the serotype can last for are most toxic known to man the for Disease Control Prevention (CDC) as of the six highest-risk biothreat agents. their toxicity and high potential as a bioterrorist weapon, Bo", "change_char_case": " depending on the serotype can Last for monThs. BonTs Are ThE mosT toxIc proteins knowN To maN and have been classified By the ceNTers FOr diseaSe ContrOL aND preVeNtIon (cDc) As One of The Six highEst-risk bioThrEaT agents. DespiTE tHeir toxiciTy aNd high potentIal As a bioTeRroRIst weApoN, Bo", "whitespace_perturbation": " depending on the serotype can lastfor m ont hs. B oNTs are the most toxi c pro teins known to man and have b e en c l as sifie d by th e C e n ter sfo r D is e as e Con tro l and P revention(CD C) as one of t h esix highes t-r isk biothrea t a gents. D esp i te th eir toxi city a n d high potentia la s a bi o terrori s t w eapo n, Bo", "underscore_trick": " depending_on the_serotype can last for_months. BoNTs_are_the most_toxic_proteins known to_man and have_been classified by the_Centers for Disease_Control_and Prevention (CDC) as one of the six highest-risk biothreat agents. Despite their toxicity_and_high potential_as_a_bioterrorist weapon, Bo"} +{"text": " and welfare or alter physiological responses of the animals resulting in unacceptable variability. Historically, QAL studies have focused on the potential for endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) being present in the micro-environment of the research animals and the impact these compounds may have on study outcomes, especially reproductive development. For these", "synonym_substitution": "and welfare or alter physiological responses of the animals result in impossible variability. Historically, QAL studies have concenter on the electric potential for endocrine - disrupting compounds (EDCs) being present in the micro - environment of the inquiry animal and the impact these compounds may have on study outcomes, specially reproductive development. For these", "butter_fingers": " anf welfare or alter physiulogical responses of vhe anijals resjlting in unacceptable variauiliry. Hiwtorically, QAL studies have foclsed on tye pirential foc endocrlue-disdmptiny rompounds (EDCs) neing presett in the micrm-evvnronment of the research animals and the imlaft these compoonds kwy hzne on study outcomes, especially reprodlctive developmeny. For these", "random_deletion": "and welfare or alter physiological responses of resulting unacceptable variability. QAL studies have endocrine-disrupting (EDCs) being present the micro-environment of research animals and the impact these may have on study outcomes, especially reproductive development. For these", "change_char_case": " and welfare or alter physioloGical respoNses oF thE anImAls rEsulTing in unacceptABle vAriability. Historically, qAL stUdIEs haVE fOcuseD on the pOTeNTIal FoR eNdoCrINe-DisruPtiNg compoUnds (EDCs) beIng PrEsent in the miCRo-EnvironmenT of The research aNimAls and ThE imPAct thEse CompoUnds maY Have on Study outcOmES, especIAlly repRODuCtivE development. For thESe", "whitespace_perturbation": " and welfare or alter phys iologicalrespo nse s o ftheanim als resultingi n un acceptable variability . His to r ical l y, QALstudies ha v e fo cu se d o nt he pote nti al forendocrine- dis ru pting compou n ds (EDCs) be ing present inthe micro -e nvi r onmen t o f the resea r ch ani mals andth e impac t thesec o mp ound s may have on stu d yo utcomes, espec iallyre p ro d u cti vedevelopmen t. Fort hese", "underscore_trick": " and_welfare or_alter physiological responses of_the animals_resulting_in unacceptable_variability._Historically, QAL studies_have focused on_the potential for endocrine-disrupting_compounds (EDCs) being_present_in the micro-environment of the research animals and the impact these compounds may have_on_study outcomes,_especially_reproductive_development. For these"} +{"text": " with the use of these technologies is also provided throughout the entire experimental process. Guidance with experimental design, data analysis, data archiving and publication is a major component of the GSR. The resources of the Stanford Functional Genomics Facility (SFGF), Protein and Nucleic Acid Facility (PAN), and Stanford Micro", "synonym_substitution": "with the use of these technologies is also provided throughout the integral experimental procedure. Guidance with experimental design, datum analysis, datum archiving and publication is a major component of the GSR. The resource of the Stanford Functional Genomics Facility (SFGF), Protein and Nucleic Acid Facility (PAN), and Stanford Micro", "butter_fingers": " wihh the use of these techkologies is also providxd throhghout tfe entire experimental proceds. Guidqnce with experimental design, dwta analtsis, eata architjng and publidwtiou ms a major comppnent of tve GSR. The resmufczs of the Stanford Functional Genomiss Facikihy (SFGF), Proteig anc Nucmvig Acid Facility (PAN), and Stanford Micro", "random_deletion": "with the use of these technologies is throughout entire experimental Guidance with experimental and is a major of the GSR. resources of the Stanford Functional Genomics (SFGF), Protein and Nucleic Acid Facility (PAN), and Stanford Micro", "change_char_case": " with the use of these technoloGies is also ProviDed ThrOuGhouT the Entire experimeNTal pRocess. Guidance with expeRimenTaL DesiGN, dAta anAlysis, dATa ARChiViNg And PuBLiCatioN is A major cOmponent of The gSr. The resourceS Of The StanforD FuNctional GenoMicS FacilItY (SFgf), ProtEin And NuCleic ACId FaciLity (PAN), anD STAnford mIcro", "whitespace_perturbation": " with the use of these tec hnologiesis al sopro vi dedthro ughout the ent i re e xperimental process. G uidan ce with ex perim ental d e si g n , d at aana ly s is , dat a a rchivin g and publ ica ti on is a majo r c omponent o f t he GSR. Theres ources o f t h e Sta nfo rd Fu nction a l Geno mics Faci li t y (SFG F ), Prot e i nandNucleic Acid Faci l it y (PAN), and St anford M i cr o ", "underscore_trick": " with_the use_of these technologies is_also provided_throughout_the entire_experimental_process. Guidance with_experimental design, data_analysis, data archiving and_publication is a_major_component of the GSR. The resources of the Stanford Functional Genomics Facility (SFGF), Protein_and_Nucleic Acid_Facility_(PAN),_and Stanford Micro"} +{"text": " biotechnologically; organisms containing it reduce atmospheric levels of CO and degrade TNT. ACS is found in Clostridium difficile, a pathogenic organism responsible for the deaths of about 2000 people annually. Given the complexity of this enzyme, the general strategy used in this project will be to study each activity separately,", "synonym_substitution": "biotechnologically; organisms containing it reduce atmospheric levels of CO and take down TNT. ACS is discover in Clostridium difficile, a pathogenic organism responsible for the death of approximately 2000 people annually. Given the complexity of this enzyme, the cosmopolitan scheme used in this project will be to study each activity separately,", "butter_fingers": " biltechnologically; organisos containing ij eeduce atmoslheric ldvels of CO and degrade TNT. ECS us foynd in Clostridium difwicile, a iathogenix orjanism responsible for tmz deafms of ebout 2000 people aknually. Givan the complexhth lf this enzyme, the general strategy used im hhis project wyll nq to study each activity separately,", "random_deletion": "biotechnologically; organisms containing it reduce atmospheric levels and TNT. ACS found in Clostridium for deaths of about people annually. Given complexity of this enzyme, the general used in this project will be to study each activity separately,", "change_char_case": " biotechnologically; organisMs containiNg it rEduCe aTmOsphEric Levels of CO and dEGradE TNT. ACS is found in ClostrIdium DiFFiciLE, a PathoGenic orGAnISM reSpOnSibLe FOr The deAthS of abouT 2000 people annUalLy. given the compLExIty of this eNzyMe, the general StrAtegy uSeD in THis prOjeCt wilL be to sTUdy eacH activity SePAratelY,", "whitespace_perturbation": " biotechnologically; organ isms conta ining it re du ce a tmos pheric levelso f CO and degrade TNT. ACSis fo un d inC lo strid ium dif f ic i l e,apa tho ge n ic orga nis m respo nsible for th edeaths of ab o ut 2000 peop leannually. Gi ven the c om ple x ity o f t his e nzyme, the ge neral str at e gy use d in thi s pr ojec t will be to stud y e a ch activity se parate ly , ", "underscore_trick": " biotechnologically;_organisms containing_it reduce atmospheric levels_of CO_and_degrade TNT._ACS_is found in_Clostridium difficile, a_pathogenic organism responsible for_the deaths of_about_2000 people annually. Given the complexity of this enzyme, the general strategy used in_this_project will_be_to_study each activity separately,"} +{"text": " delivery of tranduced cells, and multiple different analyses of the effects of these cells on the tumor. Central questions in projects are: 1) how effectively are cells delivered to the tumor? 2) Is the appropriate message and the protein product expressed by these cells? 3) is any therapeutic effect seen? This latter component", "synonym_substitution": "delivery of tranduced cells, and multiple different analyses of the effect of these cell on the tumor. Central questions in projects are: 1) how efficaciously are cells delivered to the tumor? 2) Is the appropriate message and the protein product express by these cells? 3) is any therapeutic consequence seen? This latter component", "butter_fingers": " depivery of tranduced cellr, and multiple buffereit analgses of ghe effects of these cells oi thw tumir. Central questions iv projectd are: 1) hiw ehfectively are cxmls dellrered bo thz vumor? 2) Is the akpropriate massage and the pfocein product expressed by these cellf? 3) is amy therapeutic esfecu sqen? Fhis latter component", "random_deletion": "delivery of tranduced cells, and multiple different the of these on the tumor. 1) effectively are cells to the tumor? Is the appropriate message and the product expressed by these cells? 3) is any therapeutic effect seen? This latter", "change_char_case": " delivery of tranduced cells, aNd multiple DiffeRenT anAlYses Of thE effects of thesE CellS on the tumor. Central quesTions In PRojeCTs Are: 1) hoW effectIVeLY Are CeLlS deLiVErEd to tHe tUmor? 2) Is tHe appropriAte MeSsage and the pROtEin product ExpRessed by thesE ceLls? 3) is aNy TheRApeutIc eFfect Seen? ThIS latteR componenT", "whitespace_perturbation": " delivery of tranduced cel ls, and mu ltipl e d iff er entanal yses of the ef f ects of these cells on the tumo r. Cent r al ques tions i n p r o jec ts a re: 1 ) h ow ef fec tivelyare cellsdel iv ered to thet um or? 2) Isthe appropriate me ssagean d t h e pro tei n pro duct e x presse d by thes ec ells?3 ) is an y th erap eutic effect seen ? T h is latter comp onent", "underscore_trick": " delivery_of tranduced_cells, and multiple different_analyses of_the_effects of_these_cells on the_tumor. Central questions_in projects are: 1)_how effectively are_cells_delivered to the tumor? 2) Is the appropriate message and the protein product expressed_by_these cells?_3)_is_any therapeutic effect seen? This_latter component"} +{"text": " The synthetic scheme proposed for Salvinorin A should construct the molecule in an efficient manner. The key step is an intramolecular double Michael reaction, which assembles the tricyclic core and five of the seven stereocenters. A chiral bis(oxazolinyl) copper(II)-catalyzed vinylogous", "synonym_substitution": "The synthetic scheme proposed for Salvinorin A should construct the atom in an effective manner. The cardinal step is an intramolecular double Michael reaction, which meet the tricyclic core and five of the seven stereocenters. A chiral bis(oxazolinyl) copper(II)-catalyzed vinylogous", "butter_fingers": " Thf synthetic scheme propored for Salvinotib A shmuld cknstruct the molecule in an efficienv mabner. Uke key step is an ingramolecupar douboe Mmchael reaction, xgich assemblea the vricyclic core snd five ox the seven stardoeenters. A chiral bis(oxazolinyl) coppew(II)-catakyxed vinylogous", "random_deletion": "The synthetic scheme proposed for Salvinorin A the in an manner. The key Michael which assembles the core and five the seven stereocenters. A chiral bis(oxazolinyl) vinylogous", "change_char_case": " The synthetic scheme proposeD for SalvinOrin A ShoUld CoNstrUct tHe molecule in an EFficIent manner. The key step is An intRaMOlecULaR doubLe MichaEL rEACtiOn, WhIch AsSEmBles tHe tRicycliC core and fiVe oF tHe seven stereOCeNters. A chirAl bIs(oxazolinyl) CopPer(II)-cAtAlyZEd vinYloGous", "whitespace_perturbation": " The synthetic scheme prop osed for S alvin ori n A s houl d co nstruct the mo l ecul e in an efficient mann er. T he keys te p isan intr a mo l e cul ar d oub le Mi chael re action, which ass emb le s the tricyc l ic core andfiv e of the sev enstereo ce nte r s. Achi ral b is(oxa z olinyl ) copper( II ) -catal y zed vin y l og ous", "underscore_trick": " The_synthetic scheme_proposed for Salvinorin A_should construct_the_molecule in_an_efficient manner. The_key step is_an intramolecular double Michael_reaction, which assembles_the_tricyclic core and five of the seven stereocenters. A chiral bis(oxazolinyl) copper(II)-catalyzed vinylogous"} +{"text": " data would encourage further research and development of TP as a chemopreventive agent. The second hypothesis is also being tested that mice protected from lethal total body irradiation by administration of a radioprotector immediately before radiation exposure will experience an elevated risk of cancer induction. Mice were exposed to a total body radiation dose of 10", "synonym_substitution": "data would encourage further research and development of TP as a chemopreventive agentive role. The second guess is besides being tested that mice protected from deadly total body irradiation by presidency of a radioprotector immediately before radiation exposure will know an elevated risk of cancer trigger. Mice were exposed to a full soundbox radiation dose of 10", "butter_fingers": " daha would encourage furthtr research and dgvwlopmeit of TL as a cfemopreventive agent. The seclne hypithesis is also being gested thwt mice prottcted from lethal total body irdwdiaciin by administtation of a sadioprotector iomzdiately before radiation exposure wyll exprrlence an elevajed rpsh of bakcer induction. Mice were exposed to a tmtal body radoation dose of 10", "random_deletion": "data would encourage further research and development as chemopreventive agent. second hypothesis is protected lethal total body by administration of radioprotector immediately before radiation exposure will an elevated risk of cancer induction. Mice were exposed to a total body dose of 10", "change_char_case": " data would encourage further Research anD deveLopMenT oF TP aS a chEmopreventive aGEnt. THe second hypothesis is alSo beiNg TEsteD ThAt micE protecTEd FROm lEtHaL toTaL BoDy irrAdiAtion by AdministraTioN oF a radioproteCToR immediateLy bEfore radiatiOn eXposurE wIll EXperiEncE an elEvated RIsk of cAncer induCtIOn. Mice WEre expoSED tO a toTal body radiation dOSe OF 10", "whitespace_perturbation": " data would encourage furt her resear ch an d d eve lo pmen t of TP as a chemo p reve ntive agent. The secon d hyp ot h esis is also beingt es t e d t ha tmic ep ro tecte d f rom let hal totalbod yirradiationb yadministra tio n of a radio pro tector i mme d iatel y b efore radia t ion ex posure wi ll experi e nce ane l ev ated risk of cancer i n du c tion. Mice wer e expo se d t o a t ota l body rad ia tiond ose of1 0", "underscore_trick": " data_would encourage_further research and development_of TP_as_a chemopreventive_agent._The second hypothesis_is also being_tested that mice protected_from lethal total_body_irradiation by administration of a radioprotector immediately before radiation exposure will experience an elevated_risk_of cancer_induction._Mice_were exposed to a total_body radiation dose of 10"} +{"text": " an energy deficit and impaired vesicular transport. We have shown that treatment of either TGF-beta1 (-/-) and TGF-beta1 (+/+) cells with TGF-beta in vitro results in rapid upregulation of expression of mitochondrial genes. Present investigations are aimed at determining the mechanism whereby TGF-beta1 regulates expression of", "synonym_substitution": "an energy deficit and impaired vesicular transport. We have shown that discussion of either TGF - beta1 (-/-) and TGF - beta1 (+ /+) cell with TGF - beta in vitro results in rapid upregulation of expression of mitochondrial gene. Present investigations are calculate at determining the mechanism whereby TGF - beta1 baffle construction of", "butter_fingers": " an energy deficit and impalred vesicular ttabsport. We habe shown that treatment of either TGH-betq1 (-/-) ane TGF-beta1 (+/+) cells with GGF-beta ij vitro eesuors in rapiv upregulation lf erpcession of mitoghondrial ganes. Present itvdscigations are aimed at determining tre mechsnlsm whereby TGS-bets1 reghlates expression of", "random_deletion": "an energy deficit and impaired vesicular transport. shown treatment of TGF-beta1 (-/-) and in results in rapid of expression of genes. Present investigations are aimed at the mechanism whereby TGF-beta1 regulates expression of", "change_char_case": " an energy deficit and impaireD vesicular TransPorT. We HaVe shOwn tHat treatment of EItheR TGF-beta1 (-/-) and TGF-beta1 (+/+) cellS with tGf-Beta IN vItro rEsults iN RaPID upReGuLatIoN Of ExpreSsiOn of mitOchondrial GenEs. present invesTIgAtions are aImeD at determiniNg tHe mechAnIsm WHerebY TGf-beta1 RegulaTEs exprEssion of", "whitespace_perturbation": " an energy deficit and imp aired vesi cular tr ans po rt.We h ave shown that trea tment of either TGF-be ta1 ( -/ - ) an d T GF-be ta1 (+/ + )c e lls w it h T GF - be ta in vi tro res ults in ra pid u pregulationo fexpression of mitochondri algenes. P res e nt in ves tigat ions a r e aime d at dete rm i ning t h e mecha n i sm whe reby TGF-beta1 re g ul a tes expression of", "underscore_trick": " an_energy deficit_and impaired vesicular transport._We have_shown_that treatment_of_either TGF-beta1 (-/-)_and TGF-beta1 (+/+)_cells with TGF-beta in_vitro results in_rapid_upregulation of expression of mitochondrial genes. Present investigations are aimed at determining the mechanism_whereby_TGF-beta1 regulates_expression_of"} +{"text": " will provide, as well as important milestones, steps, and a timeline for achieving the short and long term career goals. One-on-one mentoring (for both research and career development) is described. A multi-center study of oxacillin resistant S. aureus is in place and should be completed within", "synonym_substitution": "will provide, as well as important milestones, footstep, and a timeline for achieve the short and long condition career finish. One - on - one mentoring (for both research and career development) is identify. A multi - center sketch of oxacillin resistant S. aureus is in topographic point and should be completed within", "butter_fingers": " wipl provide, as well as imkortant milestones, steps, and a timelind for achieving the short anv lobg teem career goals. One-on-ove mentorpng (for bith cesearch and carxsr developmenf) is bewcribed. A multl-center stugy of oxacillit fedistant S. aureus is in place and shjuld be clmpleted withig", "random_deletion": "will provide, as well as important milestones, a for achieving short and long (for research and career is described. A study of oxacillin resistant S. aureus in place and should be completed within", "change_char_case": " will provide, as well as importAnt milestoNes, stEps, And A tImelIne fOr achieving the SHort And long term career goals. one-on-OnE MentORiNg (for Both resEArCH And CaReEr dEvELoPment) Is dEscribeD. A multi-cenTer StUdy of oxacillIN rEsistant S. aUreUs is in place aNd sHould bE cOmpLEted wIthIn", "whitespace_perturbation": " will provide, as well asimportantmiles ton es, s teps , an d a timeline f o r ac hieving the short andlongte r m ca r ee r goa ls. One - on - o neme nt ori ng (f or bo thresearc h and care erde velopment) i s d escribed.A m ulti-centerstu dy ofox aci l lin r esi stant S. au r eus is in place a n d shou l d be co m p le tedwithin", "underscore_trick": " will_provide, as_well as important milestones,_steps, and_a_timeline for_achieving_the short and_long term career_goals. One-on-one mentoring (for_both research and_career_development) is described. A multi-center study of oxacillin resistant S. aureus is in place_and_should be_completed_within"} +{"text": "ident Management in classes coordinated through cooperation with the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society. In the southeastern United States, emergency room personnel will be trained to handle contaminated patients; surveys show most are unprepared for this problem and are in violation of the regulations of several agencies, including OSHA 1910.120. Because fire fighters", "synonym_substitution": "ident Management in classes coordinated through cooperation with the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society. In the southeastern United States, emergency room force will be trail to handle contaminated patients; surveys testify most are unprepared for this problem and are in violation of the regulation of respective agencies, including OSHA 1910.120. Because fire fighters", "butter_fingers": "idejt Management in classes coordinated thtoygh comperatjon with the Native American Fish anv Wiodlift Society. In the sojtheasterj United Staues, emergency room personkzl wimp be vrained to handke contamitated patients; sjrreys show most are unprepared for thys probkel and are in vyolauiog of nht regulations of several agencies, includpng OSHA 1910.120. Because fire fighters", "random_deletion": "ident Management in classes coordinated through cooperation Native Fish and Society. In the personnel be trained to contaminated patients; surveys most are unprepared for this problem are in violation of the regulations of several agencies, including OSHA 1910.120. Because fighters", "change_char_case": "ident Management in classes cOordinated ThrouGh cOopErAtioN witH the Native AmerICan FIsh and Wildlife Society. IN the sOuTHeasTErN UnitEd StateS, EmERGenCy RoOm pErSOnNel wiLl bE traineD to handle cOntAmInated patienTS; sUrveys show MosT are unpreparEd fOr this PrOblEM and aRe iN violAtion oF The regUlations oF sEVeral aGEncies, iNCLuDing oSHA 1910.120. Because fire fiGHtERs", "whitespace_perturbation": "ident Management in classe s coordina ted t hro ugh c oope rati on with the Na t iveAmerican Fish and Wild lifeSo c iety . I n the southe a st e r n U ni te d S ta t es , eme rge ncy roo m personne l w il l be trained to handle co nta minated pati ent s; sur ve yss how m ost areunprep a red fo r this pr ob l em and are inv i ol atio n of the regulati o ns of several age ncies, i n cl u d ing OS HA 1910.12 0. Beca u se fire fi g h t ers ", "underscore_trick": "ident Management_in classes_coordinated through cooperation with_the Native_American_Fish and_Wildlife_Society. In the_southeastern United States,_emergency room personnel will_be trained to_handle_contaminated patients; surveys show most are unprepared for this problem and are in violation_of_the regulations_of_several_agencies, including OSHA 1910.120. Because_fire fighters"} +{"text": " organizations; c) determine the acceptability of components of CVD risk reduction EBIs and community members' perceptions of possible targets for intervention using focus group interviews; d) determine specific family influences (barriers and facilitators) on acceptability of EBI acceptability; 3) adapt PREMIER, a multi-component", "synonym_substitution": "organizations; c) determine the acceptability of components of CVD risk decrease EBIs and residential district penis' perceptions of possible prey for intervention using stress group interviews; d) determine specific family influence (barriers and facilitators) on acceptability of EBI acceptability; 3) adjust PREMIER, a multi - component", "butter_fingers": " orhanizations; c) determine uhe acceptability of com'onents of CVD fisk reduction EBIs and commnnitt memvers' perceptions of porsible taggets for inttrvention using focus grom' intsvviewv; d) determine skecific faminy influences (tafrners and facilitators) on acceptabiliey of ENI acceptability; 3) ads[t PDVMLER, a multi-component", "random_deletion": "organizations; c) determine the acceptability of components risk EBIs and members' perceptions of focus interviews; d) determine family influences (barriers facilitators) on acceptability of EBI acceptability; adapt PREMIER, a multi-component", "change_char_case": " organizations; c) determine thE acceptabiLity oF coMpoNeNts oF CVD Risk reduction Ebis anD community members' percePtionS oF PossIBlE targEts for iNTeRVEntIoN uSinG fOCuS grouP inTerviewS; d) determinE spEcIfic family inFLuEnces (barriErs And facilitatOrs) On accePtAbiLIty of eBI AccepTabiliTY; 3) adapt pREMIER, a mUlTI-compoNEnt", "whitespace_perturbation": " organizations; c) determi ne the acc eptab ili tyof com pone nts of CVD ris k red uction EBIs and commun ity m em b ers' pe rcept ions of po s s ibl eta rge ts fo r int erv entionusing focu s g ro up interview s ;d) determi nespecific fam ily influ en ces (barr ier s and facil i tators ) on acce pt a bility of EBIa c ce ptab ility; 3) adapt P R EM I ER, a multi-co mponen t", "underscore_trick": " organizations;_c) determine_the acceptability of components_of CVD_risk_reduction EBIs_and_community members' perceptions_of possible targets_for intervention using focus_group interviews; d)_determine_specific family influences (barriers and facilitators) on acceptability of EBI acceptability; 3) adapt PREMIER,_a_multi-component"} +{"text": "olar concentrations cause complete inhibition. The model for control suggests that charged tRNA becomes associated with EF-1, which is specific for aminoacyl-tRNAs and is present in sufficiently high concentrations in cells to sequester the charged forms from an inhibitory role. Support for this model include: (1) the rapid onset of inhibition", "synonym_substitution": "olar concentrations cause complete inhibition. The exemplar for restraint suggests that charged tRNA becomes associated with EF-1, which is specific for aminoacyl - transfer rna and is present in sufficiently high concentrations in cells to impound the charged forms from an inhibitory function. Support for this model admit: (1) the rapid onset of inhibition", "butter_fingers": "olag concentrations cause cumplete inhibitnin. The model for congrol suggests that charged tCNA vecomtf associated with DF-1, which ps specifuc fie aminoacyl-tRNAs akb is lvesenc mn sufficiently high concantrations in weuld to sequester the charged forms frjm an imhlbitory role. Sopporu fjr tgps model include: (1) the rapid onsst of iihibition", "random_deletion": "olar concentrations cause complete inhibition. The model suggests charged tRNA associated with EF-1, and present in sufficiently concentrations in cells sequester the charged forms from an role. Support for this model include: (1) the rapid onset of inhibition", "change_char_case": "olar concentrations cause coMplete inhiBitioN. ThE moDeL for ContRol suggests thaT CharGed tRNA becomes associatEd witH Ef-1, WhicH Is SpeciFic for aMInOACyl-TRnAS anD iS PrEsent In sUfficieNtly high coNceNtRations in celLS tO sequester The Charged forms FroM an inhIbItoRY role. supPort fOr this MOdel inClude: (1) the rApID onset OF inhibiTIOn", "whitespace_perturbation": "olar concentrations causecomplete i nhibi tio n.Th e mo delfor control su g gest s that charged tRNA be comes a s soci a te d wit h EF-1, wh i c h i ssp eci fi c f or am ino acyl-tR NAs and is pr es ent in suffi c ie ntly highcon centrationsincellsto se q ueste r t he ch argedf orms f rom an in hi b itoryr ole. Su p p or t fo r this model incl u de : (1) the rapid onset o f i n h ibi tio n", "underscore_trick": "olar concentrations_cause complete_inhibition. The model for_control suggests_that_charged tRNA_becomes_associated with EF-1,_which is specific_for aminoacyl-tRNAs and is_present in sufficiently_high_concentrations in cells to sequester the charged forms from an inhibitory role. Support for_this_model include:_(1)_the_rapid onset of inhibition"} +{"text": " have increased each year as has the quality of the students receiving the awards. Additional, there has been a higher percentage of minority student recipients when compared to the percentage of minority students enrolled in the Louisiana State University School of Medicine. In this application, the following activities are proposed: * continued funding for students from the health professions", "synonym_substitution": "have increased each year as has the quality of the student get the awards. Additional, there has been a higher share of minority student recipients when compared to the share of minority scholar enrolled in the Louisiana State University School of Medicine. In this lotion, the follow activity are proposed: * continued funding for students from the health profession", "butter_fingers": " hage increased each year ar has the qualijy of thx studehts recekving the awards. Additional, vherw has been a higher percentxge of mijority srudeit recipients whxh compavzd to bhe pzrrentage of minotity studentv enrolled in dhd Pouisiana State University School os Mediconf. In this applycatpog, ths following activities are proposes: * contpnued funding for students from the health oroffssions", "random_deletion": "have increased each year as has the the receiving the Additional, there has minority recipients when compared the percentage of students enrolled in the Louisiana State School of Medicine. In this application, the following activities are proposed: * continued for students from the health professions", "change_char_case": " have increased each year as haS the qualitY of thE stUdeNtS recEiviNg the awards. AddITionAl, there has been a higher pErcenTaGE of mINoRity sTudent rECiPIEntS wHeN coMpAReD to thE peRcentagE of minoritY stUdEnts enrolled IN tHe LouisianA StAte UniversitY ScHool of meDicINe. In tHis AppliCation, THe follOwing actiViTIes are PRoposed: * CONtInueD funding for studenTS fROm the health proFessioNs", "whitespace_perturbation": " have increased each yearas has the qual ity of t he s tude nts receivingt he a wards. Additional, the re ha sb eena h igher percen t ag e ofmi no rit ys tu dentrec ipients when comp are dto the perce n ta ge of mino rit y students e nro lled i nthe Louis ian a Sta te Uni v ersity School o fM edicin e . In th i s a ppli cation, the follo w in g activities ar e prop os e d: * co nti nued fundi ng fors tudents fr o m the health profes sions", "underscore_trick": " have_increased each_year as has the_quality of_the_students receiving_the_awards. Additional, there_has been a_higher percentage of minority_student recipients when_compared_to the percentage of minority students enrolled in the Louisiana State University School of_Medicine._In this_application,_the_following activities are proposed: *_continued funding for students from_the health_professions"} +{"text": " controlled by membrane anchoring, acfivafion, inhibition and shedding. Aim 2 is to determine roles of mast cell peptidases in resolving inflammafion. Mast cell products can Inflict harm, but mouse studies suggest they also promote survival from septic peritonitis and pneumonia. By helping to resolve", "synonym_substitution": "controlled by membrane anchoring, acfivafion, inhibition and shedding. Aim 2 is to settle function of mast cell peptidases in resolving inflammafion. Mast cell product can Inflict harm, but mouse study suggest they also advertise survival from septic peritonitis and pneumonia. By help to resolve", "butter_fingers": " cojtrolled by membrane ancmoring, acfivafiou, inhibmtion ahd sheddkng. Aim 2 is to determine rolxs od masu cell peptidases iv resolvijg inflanmafmon. Mast cell products can Infmlct hcrn, but mouse stodies suggesd they also prmmutz survival from septic peritonitis agd pneukojia. By helping to gefolvs", "random_deletion": "controlled by membrane anchoring, acfivafion, inhibition and 2 to determine of mast cell cell can Inflict harm, mouse studies suggest also promote survival from septic peritonitis pneumonia. By helping to resolve", "change_char_case": " controlled by membrane anchoRing, acfivaFion, iNhiBitIoN and ShedDing. Aim 2 is to detERminE roles of mast cell peptidAses iN rESolvINg InflaMmafion. mAsT CEll PrOdUctS cAN INflicT haRm, but moUse studies SugGeSt they also prOMoTe survival FroM septic peritOniTis and PnEumONia. By HelPing tO resolVE", "whitespace_perturbation": " controlled by membrane an choring, a cfiva fio n,in hibi tion and shedding. Aim2 is to determine role s ofma s t ce l lpepti dases i n r e s olv in ginf la m ma fion. Ma st cell productscan I nflict harm, bu t mouse st udi es suggest t hey alsopr omo t e sur viv al fr om sep t ic per itonitisan d pneum o nia. By h el ping to resolve", "underscore_trick": " controlled_by membrane_anchoring, acfivafion, inhibition and_shedding. Aim_2_is to_determine_roles of mast_cell peptidases in_resolving inflammafion. Mast cell_products can Inflict_harm,_but mouse studies suggest they also promote survival from septic peritonitis and pneumonia. By_helping_to resolve"} +{"text": " no theory-driven, systematic interventions targeting high school athletes so as to prevent alcohol misuse as they transition to college. We intend to implement two early interventions for high school student athletes: (1) a Parent-Based Intervention (PBI) based on the work of Turrisi and colleagues and (2) a", "synonym_substitution": "no theory - driven, systematic interventions target eminent school athletes so as to prevent alcohol misuse as they transition to college. We intend to enforce two early intervention for high school student athlete: (1) a Parent - Based Intervention (PBI) based on the work of Turrisi and colleagues and (2) a", "butter_fingers": " no theory-driven, systematic interventions jaegetinj high achool aghletes so as to prevent alclhil miwuse as they transitiov to collvge. We inrend ro implemeif two early ihberveutmons for high sghool studett athletes: (1) a Pxrznt-Based Intervention (PBI) based on tre work ov Turrisi and solltagtes znd (2) a", "random_deletion": "no theory-driven, systematic interventions targeting high school as prevent alcohol as they transition implement early interventions for school student athletes: a Parent-Based Intervention (PBI) based on work of Turrisi and colleagues and (2) a", "change_char_case": " no theory-driven, systematic iNterventioNs tarGetIng HiGh scHool Athletes so as to PReveNt alcohol misuse as they tRansiTiON to cOLlEge. We Intend tO ImPLEmeNt TwO eaRlY InTerveNtiOns for hIgh school sTudEnT athletes: (1) a PaREnT-Based InteRveNtion (PBI) baseD on The worK oF TuRRisi aNd cOlleaGues anD (2) A", "whitespace_perturbation": " no theory-driven, systema tic interv entio nstar ge ting hig h school athle t es s o as to prevent alcoho l mis us e ast he y tra nsition to c oll eg e. We i n te nd to im plement two early in te rventions fo r h igh school st udent athlet es: (1) a P are n t-Bas edInter ventio n (PBI) based on t h e work of Turr i s iandcolleagues and (2 ) a ", "underscore_trick": " no_theory-driven, systematic_interventions targeting high school_athletes so_as_to prevent_alcohol_misuse as they_transition to college._We intend to implement_two early interventions_for_high school student athletes: (1) a Parent-Based Intervention (PBI) based on the work of_Turrisi_and colleagues_and_(2)_a"} +{"text": " access natural products, and has focused our efforts on secondary metabolite families that appear to covalently modify their targets as the basis for their phenotypic effects. Our chemical syntheses are deliberately concise and easily-scaled to enable subsequent investigation into reactivity and biological activity. The current application significantly advances these efforts, provides compelling preliminary data", "synonym_substitution": "access natural products, and has focused our efforts on junior-grade metabolite class that appear to covalently modify their target as the footing for their phenotypic effects. Our chemical syntheses are intentionally concise and easily - scaled to enable subsequent probe into responsiveness and biological activity. The current application importantly advances these efforts, provide compelling preliminary datum", "butter_fingers": " acfess natural products, ana has focused oor efforvs on sscondary metabolite families that ap'ear to civalently modify their targets ws the bqsis dor their 'genotyple effsgts. Obr chemical syntmeses are daliberately cotcksz and easily-scaled to enable subsequqnt invrshigation into teactpvyty znd biological activity. The currenf applibation significanyly advances these efforts, progides compelling pgeliminary eata", "random_deletion": "access natural products, and has focused our secondary families that to covalently modify for phenotypic effects. Our syntheses are deliberately and easily-scaled to enable subsequent investigation reactivity and biological activity. The current application significantly advances these efforts, provides compelling data", "change_char_case": " access natural products, and hAs focused oUr effOrtS on SeCondAry mEtabolite familIEs thAt appear to covalently moDify tHeIR tarGEtS as thE basis fOR tHEIr pHeNoTypIc EFfEcts. OUr cHemical Syntheses aRe dElIberately conCIsE and easily-ScaLed to enable sUbsEquent InVesTIgatiOn iNto reActiviTY and biOlogical aCtIVity. ThE Current APPlIcatIon significantly aDVaNCes these effortS, proviDeS CoMPEllIng PreliminarY dAta", "whitespace_perturbation": " access natural products,and has fo cused ou r e ff orts onsecondary meta b olit e families that appear to c ov a lent l ymodif y their ta r g ets a sthe b a si s for th eir phe notypic ef fec ts . Our chemic a lsynthesesare deliberatel y c oncise a nde asily -sc aledto ena b le sub sequent i nv e stigat i on into r ea ctiv ity and biologica l a c tivity. The cu rrentap p li c a tio n s ignificant ly adva n ces the s ee f f ort s , provides co mpelling pr e lim inaryda ta", "underscore_trick": " access_natural products,_and has focused our_efforts on_secondary_metabolite families_that_appear to covalently_modify their targets_as the basis for_their phenotypic effects._Our_chemical syntheses are deliberately concise and easily-scaled to enable subsequent investigation into reactivity and_biological_activity. The_current_application_significantly advances these efforts, provides_compelling preliminary data"} +{"text": " look at distribution at the cellular level. In aim 2, class II peptdes, which stimulate helper T cells, will be incorporated in the AuNV design. In vivo enhancement of antitumor efficacies will be assessed with known class II peptides. However for unknown class II peptides situations, peptide pools will be used to incorporate both", "synonym_substitution": "look at distribution at the cellular level. In aim 2, class II peptdes, which provoke assistant T cells, will be incorporated in the AuNV purpose. In vivo enhancement of antitumor efficacies will be assessed with know class II peptides. However for nameless class II peptides site, peptide pools will be used to integrate both", "butter_fingers": " lolk at distribution at tht cellular level. Nb aim 2, class II peptaes, which stimulate helper T cwlls, qill be incorporated iv the AuNN design. Un vmvo enhancement of antitmior snficaeixs will be assexsed with nnown class II pdpcides. However for unknown class II pqptides sltuations, peptyde koojs wjll be used to incorporate both", "random_deletion": "look at distribution at the cellular level. 2, II peptdes, stimulate helper T the design. In vivo of antitumor efficacies be assessed with known class II However for unknown class II peptides situations, peptide pools will be used to both", "change_char_case": " look at distribution at the ceLlular leveL. In aiM 2, clAss iI PeptDes, wHich stimulate hELper t cells, will be incorporatEd in tHe aUNV dESiGn. In vIvo enhaNCeMENt oF aNtItuMoR EfFicacIes Will be aSsessed witH knOwN class II peptIDeS. However foR unKnown class II PepTides sItUatIOns, pePtiDe pooLs will BE used tO incorporAtE Both", "whitespace_perturbation": " look at distribution at t he cellula r lev el. In a im 2 , cl ass II peptdes , whi ch stimulate helper Tcells ,w illb eincor porated in t heAu NV de si g n. In v ivo enhanc ement of a nti tu mor efficaci e swill be as ses sed with kno wnclassII pe p tides . H oweve r foru nknown class II p e ptides situati o n s, pep tide pools will b e u s ed to incorpor ate bo th ", "underscore_trick": " look_at distribution_at the cellular level._In aim_2,_class II_peptdes,_which stimulate helper_T cells, will_be incorporated in the_AuNV design. In_vivo_enhancement of antitumor efficacies will be assessed with known class II peptides. However for_unknown_class II_peptides_situations,_peptide pools will be used_to incorporate both"} +{"text": " areas of the circulation characterized by rapid blood flow. The goal is to elucidate the mechanisms of adhesive interactions and cellular responses that are relevant to the arrest of bleeding from wounded tissues but also to the development of common and serious diseases caused by arterial thrombosis, such as myocardial infarction and stroke. The first aim is to define the bi", "synonym_substitution": "areas of the circulation characterized by rapid blood flow. The finish is to clarify the mechanisms of adhesive interactions and cellular answer that are relevant to the apprehension of bleeding from wounded tissues but besides to the exploitation of common and dangerous diseases caused by arterial thrombosis, such as myocardial infarct and stroke. The first aim is to define the bismuth", "butter_fingers": " arfas of the circulation cmaracterized by tapid blmod flkw. The gual is to elucidate the mechenisns of adhesive interactions and cellllar respinsew that are cslevant to ths arrzsv of bleeding ftom wounded dissues but alvo tl the development of common and seryous dixewses caused by arttriwl tggonbosis, such as myocardial infzrction and stroke. Tne first aim is to define hhe hi", "random_deletion": "areas of the circulation characterized by rapid The is to the mechanisms of that relevant to the of bleeding from tissues but also to the development common and serious diseases caused by arterial thrombosis, such as myocardial infarction and The first aim is to define the bi", "change_char_case": " areas of the circulation charActerized bY rapiD blOod FlOw. ThE goaL is to elucidate THe meChanisms of adhesive inteRactiOnS And cELlUlar rEsponseS ThAT Are ReLeVanT tO ThE arreSt oF bleediNg from wounDed TiSsues but also TO tHe developmEnt Of common and sEriOus disEaSes CAused By aRteriAl throMBosis, sUch as myocArDIal infARction aND StRoke. the first aim is to deFInE The bi", "whitespace_perturbation": " areas of the circulationcharacteri zed b y r api dbloo d fl ow. The goal i s toelucidate the mechanis ms of a d hesi v einter actions an d cel lu la r r es p on ses t hat are re levant tothe a rrest of ble e di ng from wo und ed tissues b utalso t othe devel opm ent o f comm o n andserious d is e ases c a used by a rt eria l thrombosis, suc h a s myocardial in farcti on an d str oke . The firs taim i s to def i ne t h e b i ", "underscore_trick": " areas_of the_circulation characterized by rapid_blood flow._The_goal is_to_elucidate the mechanisms_of adhesive interactions_and cellular responses that_are relevant to_the_arrest of bleeding from wounded tissues but also to the development of common and_serious_diseases caused_by_arterial_thrombosis, such as myocardial infarction_and stroke. The first aim_is to_define the bi"} +{"text": " DNA repair has only recently been fully appreciated. Branch migration drives 1) the resolution of homologous recombination intermediates, 2) the retrieval of information lost at sites of DNA damage, and 3) the restart of stalled DNA replication forks. In human cells, branch migration is catalyzed by RecQ helicases, including BLM", "synonym_substitution": "DNA repair has only recently been fully appreciated. outgrowth migration drive 1) the resolution of homologous recombination intermediates, 2) the retrieval of data lost at sites of DNA price, and 3) the restart of stalled DNA replication fork. In human cells, branch migration is catalyze by RecQ helicases, including BLM", "butter_fingers": " DNW repair has only recentuy been fully akpeeciatxd. Brandh migragion drives 1) the resolution lf homooogous recombination ivtermedianes, 2) the eetrmeval of informavjon losb at altes mh DNA damage, anc 3) the resdart of stalleg ANC replication forks. In human cells, bwanch moggation is catajyzec by DvcW helicases, including BLM", "random_deletion": "DNA repair has only recently been fully migration 1) the of homologous recombination information at sites of damage, and 3) restart of stalled DNA replication forks. human cells, branch migration is catalyzed by RecQ helicases, including BLM", "change_char_case": " DNA repair has only recently bEen fully apPreciAteD. BrAnCh miGratIon drives 1) the reSOlutIon of homologous recombiNatioN iNTermEDiAtes, 2) tHe retriEVaL OF inFoRmAtiOn LOsT at siTes Of DNA daMage, and 3) the ResTaRt of stalled Dna rEplication ForKs. In human celLs, bRanch mIgRatIOn is cAtaLyzed By RecQ HElicasEs, includiNg blM", "whitespace_perturbation": " DNA repair has only recen tly been f ullyapp rec ia ted. Bra nch migrationd rive s 1) the resolution of homo lo g ousr ec ombin ation i n te r m edi at es , 2 )t he retr iev al of i nformation lo st at sites of DN A damage,and 3) the rest art of st al led DNA r epl icati on for k s. Inhuman cel ls , branc h migrat i o nis c atalyzed by RecQh el i cases, includi ng BLM ", "underscore_trick": " DNA_repair has_only recently been fully_appreciated. Branch_migration_drives 1)_the_resolution of homologous_recombination intermediates, 2)_the retrieval of information_lost at sites_of_DNA damage, and 3) the restart of stalled DNA replication forks. In human cells,_branch_migration is_catalyzed_by_RecQ helicases, including BLM"} +{"text": ") is thought of as acute episodes of marked red blood cell (RBC) sickling, sickle-related vaso occlusion occurs continually even dudng non-crisis periods. The cumulative effect of these processes is end-organ damage. Recent data from animal models underscore the importance of leukocyte adhesion to", "synonym_substitution": ") is thought of as acute episodes of marked red rake cellular telephone (RBC) sickling, sickle - related vaso occlusion occur continually even dudng non - crisis period. The cumulative effect of these process is conclusion - organ price. Recent data from animal model underscore the importance of leukocyte adhesion to", "butter_fingers": ") is thought of as acute epirodes of marked red blmod ceml (RBC) skckling, sickle-related vaso orcluwion iccurs continually evev dudng nln-crisis permods. The cumulatmbe effegc of fmese 'ricesses is end-prgan damace. Recent data ffol animal models underscore the impowtance pf leukocyte adhgsion eo", "random_deletion": ") is thought of as acute episodes red cell (RBC) sickle-related vaso occlusion periods. cumulative effect of processes is end-organ Recent data from animal models underscore importance of leukocyte adhesion to", "change_char_case": ") is thought of as acute episodeS of marked rEd bloOd cEll (rBc) sicKlinG, sickle-related VAso oCclusion occurs continuaLly evEn DUdng NOn-CrisiS periodS. thE CUmuLaTiVe eFfECt Of theSe pRocesseS is end-orgaN daMaGe. Recent data FRoM animal modEls Underscore thE imPortanCe Of lEUkocyTe aDhesiOn to", "whitespace_perturbation": ") is thought of as acute e pisodes of mark edred b lood cel l (RBC) sickli n g, s ickle-related vaso occ lusio no ccur s c ontin ually e v en d udn gno n-c ri s is peri ods . The c umulativeeff ec t of these p r oc esses is e nd- organ damage . R ecentda taf rom a nim al mo dels u n dersco re the im po r tanceo f leuko c y te adh esion to", "underscore_trick": ") is_thought of_as acute episodes of_marked red_blood_cell (RBC)_sickling,_sickle-related vaso occlusion_occurs continually even_dudng non-crisis periods. The_cumulative effect of_these_processes is end-organ damage. Recent data from animal models underscore the importance of leukocyte_adhesion_to"} +{"text": " proposed research seeks to understand determinants of maladaptive achievement patterns in children--patterns that may put children at risk for low self-esteem and negative affect. The first major issue examined is the potential adverse effects of certain kinds of teacher strategies and practices (i.e., controlling techniques) on the development of an extrinsic", "synonym_substitution": "proposed research seeks to understand determinant of maladaptive accomplishment patterns in children -- design that may invest children at risk for broken self - respect and negative affect. The inaugural major issue examined is the likely adverse effects of certain kinds of teacher strategies and practice (i.e., controlling technique) on the development of an extrinsic", "butter_fingers": " prlposed research seeks to understand detgrninantv of mzladaptixe achievement patterns in ciildeen--paunerns that may put chkldren at risk foe lox self-esteem and negativc affsgt. Thz hirst major issoe examined hs the potentidl abverse effects of certain kinds of tqacher xtgategies and ptactibef (i.e., boktrolling techniques) on the devemopment of an extrinxic", "random_deletion": "proposed research seeks to understand determinants of patterns children--patterns that put children at negative The first major examined is the adverse effects of certain kinds of strategies and practices (i.e., controlling techniques) on the development of an extrinsic", "change_char_case": " proposed research seeks to unDerstand deTermiNanTs oF mAladAptiVe achievement pATterNs in children--patterns thAt may PuT ChilDReN at riSk for loW SeLF-EstEeM aNd nEgATiVe affEct. the firsT major issuE exAmIned is the potENtIal adverse EffEcts of certaiN kiNds of tEaCheR StratEgiEs and PractiCEs (i.e., coNtrolling TeCHniqueS) On the deVELoPmenT of an extrinsic", "whitespace_perturbation": " proposed research seeks t o understa nd de ter min an ts o f ma ladaptive achi e veme nt patterns in childre n--pa tt e rnst ha t may put ch i ld r e n a tri skfo r l ow se lf- esteemand negati veaf fect. The fi r st major iss ueexamined isthe poten ti ala dvers e e ffect s of c e rtainkinds ofte a cher s t rategie s an d pr actices (i.e., co n tr o lling techniqu es) on t h ed e vel opm ent of anex trins i c", "underscore_trick": " proposed_research seeks_to understand determinants of_maladaptive achievement_patterns_in children--patterns_that_may put children_at risk for_low self-esteem and negative_affect. The first_major_issue examined is the potential adverse effects of certain kinds of teacher strategies and_practices_(i.e., controlling_techniques)_on_the development of an extrinsic"} +{"text": " our understanding of how Gcn5 elicits tissue-specific signaling responses through novel, non-epigenetic mechanisms. Together, these experiments will shed light on new functions of a developmentally critical acetyltransferase, increase our understanding of RA signaling in forebrain development, and identify specific neurodevelopmental processes that require Gcn", "synonym_substitution": "our understanding of how Gcn5 elicits tissue - specific signaling responses through novel, non - epigenetic mechanism. in concert, these experiments will shed inner light on raw functions of a developmentally critical acetyltransferase, increase our understanding of RA bespeak in forebrain exploitation, and identify specific neurodevelopmental procedure that require Gcn", "butter_fingers": " oug understanding of how Ggn5 elicits tissug-specifir signaming resoonses through novel, non-epigxnetuc mexhanisms. Together, thesd experimvnts will shev light on new fnhctions of a scvelo'mxntally criticak acetyltrdnsferase, incraare our understanding of RA signaling yn forenrwin developmenj, and ydenfpfn specific neurodevelopmental prkcesses that require Gcn", "random_deletion": "our understanding of how Gcn5 elicits tissue-specific through non-epigenetic mechanisms. these experiments will of developmentally critical acetyltransferase, our understanding of signaling in forebrain development, and identify neurodevelopmental processes that require Gcn", "change_char_case": " our understanding of how Gcn5 eLicits tissUe-speCifIc sIgNaliNg reSponses through NOvel, Non-epigenetic mechanismS. TogeThER, theSE eXperiMents wiLL sHED liGhT oN neW fUNcTions Of a DevelopMentally crItiCaL acetyltransFErAse, increasE ouR understandiNg oF RA sigNaLinG In forEbrAin deVelopmENt, and iDentify spEcIFic neuROdeveloPMEnTal pRocesses that requiRE GCN", "whitespace_perturbation": " our understanding of howGcn5 elici ts ti ssu e-s pe cifi c si gnaling respon s es t hrough novel, non-epig eneti cm echa n is ms. T ogether , t h e seex pe rim en t swillshe d light on new fu nct io ns of a deve l op mentally c rit ical acetylt ran sferas e, in c rease ou r und erstan d ing of RA signa li n g in f o rebrain d ev elop ment, and identif y s p ecific neurode velopm en t al p roc ess es that re qu ire G c n", "underscore_trick": " our_understanding of_how Gcn5 elicits tissue-specific_signaling responses_through_novel, non-epigenetic_mechanisms._Together, these experiments_will shed light_on new functions of_a developmentally critical_acetyltransferase,_increase our understanding of RA signaling in forebrain development, and identify specific neurodevelopmental processes_that_require Gcn"} +{"text": " CIS are undetectable but are induced by proinflammatory cytokines and growth factors. We further show that SOCS proteins are induced in the retina by high intensity light and following exposure of retinal cells to hypoxic conditions. Demonstration that retinal cells respond to cytotoxic cytokines, hypoxia or high intensity light by upregulating SOCS expression", "synonym_substitution": "CIS are undetectable but are induced by proinflammatory cytokines and growth divisor. We far show that SOCS proteins are induced in the retina by gamey intensity light and surveil exposure of retinal cells to hypoxic condition. Demonstration that retinal cells answer to cytotoxic cytokines, hypoxia or high saturation inner light by upregulating SOCS expression", "butter_fingers": " CID are undetectable but ave induced by proinflamkatory cytokinds and growth factors. We furvher show that SOCS proteins ard induced in the eetiia by high intensity ligmc and nollociig exposure of tetinal cellv to hypoxic cmnaicions. Demonstration that retinal celjs resppnf to cytotoxic cytphinea, hypoxia or high intensity light gy uprejulating SOCS ecpression", "random_deletion": "CIS are undetectable but are induced by and factors. We show that SOCS retina high intensity light following exposure of cells to hypoxic conditions. Demonstration that cells respond to cytotoxic cytokines, hypoxia or high intensity light by upregulating SOCS", "change_char_case": " CIS are undetectable but are iNduced by prOinflAmmAtoRy CytoKineS and growth factORs. We Further show that SOCS proTeins ArE InduCEd In the Retina bY HiGH IntEnSiTy lIgHT aNd folLowIng expoSure of retiNal CeLls to hypoxic COnDitions. DemOnsTration that rEtiNal celLs ResPOnd to CytOtoxiC cytokINes, hypOxia or higH iNTensitY Light by UPReGulaTing SOCS expressioN", "whitespace_perturbation": " CIS are undetectable butare induce d bypro inf la mmat orycytokines andg rowt h factors. We furthershowth a t SO C Sprote ins are in d u ced i nthe r e ti na by hi gh inte nsity ligh t a nd following e x po sure of re tin al cells tohyp oxic c on dit i ons.Dem onstr ationt hat re tinal cel ls respon d to cyt o t ox ic c ytokines, hypoxia or high intensity light b y u p r egu lat ing SOCS e xp ressi o n", "underscore_trick": " CIS_are undetectable_but are induced by_proinflammatory cytokines_and_growth factors._We_further show that_SOCS proteins are_induced in the retina_by high intensity_light_and following exposure of retinal cells to hypoxic conditions. Demonstration that retinal cells respond_to_cytotoxic cytokines,_hypoxia_or_high intensity light by upregulating_SOCS expression"} +{"text": " modifications over the insulin gene locus and its neighborhood in human islet cells, in an attempt to identify long range regulatory influences that may affect insulin gene expression. We have identified an extended domain of open chromatin structure. In addition, we are carrying out measurements of long range physical contacts within the nucleus between the insulin promoter and other", "synonym_substitution": "modifications over the insulin gene locus and its neighborhood in human islet cell, in an attack to identify long compass regulative influences that may affect insulin gene expression. We have identify an extended domain of exposed chromatin structure. In addition, we are post out measurements of long image forcible contacts within the nucleus between the insulin showman and other", "butter_fingers": " mofifications over the insmlin gene locus cbd its neighgorhood kn human islet cells, in an avtempt to identify long range rdgulatory influenxes uhat may affect iiaulin gcue exlvessimi. We have identlfied an exdended domain mf o'en chromatin structure. In addition, re are vagrying out meafurekqnts of long range physical contacts wjthin tie nucleus betwren the insulin promoter ajd ohher", "random_deletion": "modifications over the insulin gene locus and in islet cells, an attempt to that affect insulin gene We have identified extended domain of open chromatin structure. addition, we are carrying out measurements of long range physical contacts within the between the insulin promoter and other", "change_char_case": " modifications over the insulIn gene locuS and iTs nEigHbOrhoOd in Human islet cellS, In an Attempt to identify long rAnge rEgULatoRY iNflueNces thaT MaY AFfeCt InSulIn GEnE exprEssIon. We haVe identifiEd aN eXtended domaiN Of Open chromaTin Structure. In aDdiTion, we ArE caRRying Out MeasuRementS Of long Range physIcAL contaCTs withiN THe NuclEus between the insuLIn PRomoter and otheR", "whitespace_perturbation": " modifications over the in sulin gene locu s a ndit s ne ighb orhood in huma n isl et cells, in an attemp t toid e ntif y l ong r ange re g ul a t ory i nf lue nc e sthatmay affect insulin g ene e xpression. W e h ave identi fie d an extende d d omainof op e n chr oma tin s tructu r e. Inaddition, w e are c a rryingo u tmeas urements of longr an g e physical con tactswi t hi n the nu cleus betw ee n the insulin pr o m o ter and other", "underscore_trick": " modifications_over the_insulin gene locus and_its neighborhood_in_human islet_cells,_in an attempt_to identify long_range regulatory influences that_may affect insulin_gene_expression. We have identified an extended domain of open chromatin structure. In addition, we_are_carrying out_measurements_of_long range physical contacts within_the nucleus between the insulin_promoter and_other"} +{"text": ". The focus of this proposal is to optimize ex vivo culture of CB to provide increased numbers of cells to enable the use of CB in adult patients. In addition, optimization of the expansion cultures will enable more rapid hematopoietic and immune recovery post transplant and potentially minimize other complications associated with transplantation of CB. The first aim of these", "synonym_substitution": ". The focus of this proposal is to optimize ex vivo culture of CB to leave increase numbers of cells to enable the use of CB in adult affected role. In addition, optimization of the expansion cultures will enable more rapid hematopoietic and immune convalescence post transplant and potentially minimize early complication associated with transplant of CB. The first aim of these", "butter_fingers": ". Thf focus of this proposal is to optimize ex vivm culthre of CC to provide increased numbecs od celos to enable the use ow CB in afult patuentw. In addition, optimlvatioh of chx expansion culjures will etable more raphd hzmatopoietic and immune recovery pose transllwnt and potentyallj iinijpzt other complications associated sith trensplantation og CB. The first aim of thesf", "random_deletion": ". The focus of this proposal is ex culture of to provide increased the of CB in patients. In addition, of the expansion cultures will enable rapid hematopoietic and immune recovery post transplant and potentially minimize other complications associated transplantation of CB. The first aim of these", "change_char_case": ". The focus of this proposal is tO optimize eX vivo CulTurE oF CB tO proVide increased nUMberS of cells to enable the use Of CB iN aDUlt pATiEnts. IN additiON, oPTImiZaTiOn oF tHE eXpansIon CultureS will enablE moRe Rapid hematopOIeTic and immuNe rEcovery post tRanSplant AnD poTEntiaLly MinimIze othER complIcations aSsOCiated WIth tranSPLaNtatIon of CB. The first aiM Of THese", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The focus of this propos al is to o ptimi zeexvi vo c ultu re of CB to pr o vide increased numbers ofcells t o ena b le theuse ofC Bi n ad ul tpat ie n ts . Inadd ition,optimizati onof the expansi o ncultures w ill enable more ra pid he ma top o ietic an d imm une re c overypost tran sp l ant an d potent i a ll y mi nimize other comp l ic a tions associat ed wit ht ra n s pla nta tion of CB .The f i rst aim of t h ese ", "underscore_trick": ". The_focus of_this proposal is to_optimize ex_vivo_culture of_CB_to provide increased_numbers of cells_to enable the use_of CB in_adult_patients. In addition, optimization of the expansion cultures will enable more rapid hematopoietic and_immune_recovery post_transplant_and_potentially minimize other complications associated_with transplantation of CB. The_first aim_of these"} +{"text": ", I and II, are highly similar in amino acid composition and function, but appear to be regulated differently at the molecular level. The overall objective of this proposal is to elucidate the mechanisms regulating the expression of these two isoenzymes and to develop new approaches to the modulation the expression of the two gene products. In addition", "synonym_substitution": ", I and II, are highly similar in amino acid composition and function, but appear to be determine differently at the molecular degree. The overall objective of this proposal is to elucidate the mechanism regulating the expression of these two isoenzymes and to build up modern approaches to the transition the expression of the two gene products. In summation", "butter_fingers": ", I wnd II, are highly similav in amino acid eimposivion ans functiun, but appear to be regulatev didferebtly at the molecular uevel. The overall objtctive of this proposal is to emmcidace the mechanismx regulatitg the expresshov lf these two isoenzymes and to devejop new aoproaches to tre mpqulafpok the expression of the two gene producus. In addition", "random_deletion": ", I and II, are highly similar acid and function, appear to be level. overall objective of proposal is to the mechanisms regulating the expression of two isoenzymes and to develop new approaches to the modulation the expression of two gene products. In addition", "change_char_case": ", I and II, are highly similar in aMino acid coMposiTioN anD fUnctIon, bUt appear to be reGUlatEd differently at the moleCular LeVEl. ThE OvErall ObjectiVE oF THis PrOpOsaL iS To EluciDatE the mecHanisms regUlaTiNg the expressIOn Of these two IsoEnzymes and to DevElop neW aPprOAches To tHe modUlatioN The expRession of ThE Two genE ProductS. iN aDditIon", "whitespace_perturbation": ", I and II, are highly sim ilar in am ino a cid co mp osit ionand function,b ut a ppear to be regulateddiffe re n tlya tthe m olecula r l e v el. T he ov er a ll obje cti ve of t his propos alis to elucidat e t he mechani sms regulatingthe expre ss ion of th ese twoisoenz y mes an d to deve lo p new a p proache s to the modulation the e x pr e ssion of the t wo gen ep ro d u cts . I n addition ", "underscore_trick": ", I_and II,_are highly similar in_amino acid_composition_and function,_but_appear to be_regulated differently at_the molecular level. The_overall objective of_this_proposal is to elucidate the mechanisms regulating the expression of these two isoenzymes and_to_develop new_approaches_to_the modulation the expression of_the two gene products. In_addition"} +{"text": " inflammation after sensitization with house dust mite antigen, a common allergic asthma model. This heightened inflammation results in greater in vivo airway reactivity. We also demonstrate that gabra4 knockout CD4+ cells express increased inflammatory cytokines compared to wild type CD4+ cells when stimulated via the T cell receptor in vitro, suggesting", "synonym_substitution": "inflammation after sensitization with house dust touch antigen, a coarse allergic asthma model. This heightened inflammation result in great in vivo airway reactivity. We besides demonstrate that gabra4 knockout CD4 + cells carry increased inflammatory cytokine compared to wild type CD4 + cells when provoke via the T cell receptor in vitro, suggesting", "butter_fingers": " invlammation after sensitieation with house dust mmte antjgen, a cummon allergic asthma model. Vhis heigytened inflammation rerults in hreater un vmvo airway reactmbity. We also scmonscrete that gabra4 lnockout CG4+ cells expresv knereased inflammatory cytokines compawed to eipd type CD4+ celjs wnqn sfpmmlated via the T cell receptor ih vitro, suggesting", "random_deletion": "inflammation after sensitization with house dust mite common asthma model. heightened inflammation results reactivity. also demonstrate that knockout CD4+ cells increased inflammatory cytokines compared to wild CD4+ cells when stimulated via the T cell receptor in vitro, suggesting", "change_char_case": " inflammation after sensitizAtion with hOuse dUst MitE aNtigEn, a cOmmon allergic aSThma Model. This heightened infLammaTiON resULtS in grEater in VIvO AIrwAy ReActIvITy. we alsO deMonstraTe that gabrA4 knOcKout CD4+ cells eXPrEss increasEd iNflammatory cYtoKines cOmParED to wiLd tYpe CD4+ Cells wHEn stimUlated via ThE t cell rECeptor iN VItRo, suGgesting", "whitespace_perturbation": " inflammation after sensit ization wi th ho use du st mit e an tigen, a commo n all ergic asthma model. Th is he ig h tene d i nflam mationr es u l tsin g rea te r i n viv o a irway r eactivity. We a lso demonstr a te that gabr a4knockout CD4 + c ells e xp res s incr eas ed in flamma t ory cy tokines c om p ared t o wild t y p eCD4+ cells when stimu l at e d via the T ce ll rec ep t or i n v itr o, suggest in g", "underscore_trick": " inflammation_after sensitization_with house dust mite_antigen, a_common_allergic asthma_model._This heightened inflammation_results in greater_in vivo airway reactivity._We also demonstrate_that_gabra4 knockout CD4+ cells express increased inflammatory cytokines compared to wild type CD4+ cells_when_stimulated via_the_T_cell receptor in vitro, suggesting"} +{"text": " Pax-2 expression in the developing kidney is repressed as the normal epithelium matures, but is detected at higher levels in the cystic epithelium of experimental animals. The proposed experiments will determine the developmental expression pattern of Pax-2 in the cpk mouse, a well-characterized model for PKD. Furthermore,", "synonym_substitution": "Pax-2 expression in the developing kidney is repressed as the normal epithelium matures, but is detected at eminent degree in the cystic epithelium of experimental animals. The proposed experiments will decide the developmental expression pattern of Pax-2 in the cpk mouse, a well - characterize mannequin for PKD. Furthermore,", "butter_fingers": " Pad-2 expression in the deveuoping kidney is reprevsed aa the nofmal epithelium matures, but ms dwtecttb at higher levels iv the cysnic epithwliun of experimental aknmals. Bhe pxo'osed experimenjs will detesmine the devenoomzntal expression pattern of Pax-2 in tre cpk kokse, a well-charwctegised jodel for PKD. Furthermore,", "random_deletion": "Pax-2 expression in the developing kidney is the epithelium matures, is detected at epithelium experimental animals. The experiments will determine developmental expression pattern of Pax-2 in cpk mouse, a well-characterized model for PKD. Furthermore,", "change_char_case": " Pax-2 expression in the developIng kidney iS reprEssEd aS tHe noRmal Epithelium matuREs, buT is detected at higher levEls in ThE CystIC ePitheLium of eXPeRIMenTaL aNimAlS. thE propOseD experiMents will dEteRmIne the develoPMeNtal expresSioN pattern of PaX-2 in The cpk MoUse, A Well-cHarActerIzed moDEl for PkD. FurtherMoRE,", "whitespace_perturbation": " Pax-2 expression in the d evelopingkidne y i s r ep ress ed a s the normal e p ithe lium matures, but is d etect ed at h i gh er le vels in th e cys ti cepi th e li um of ex perimen tal animal s.Th e proposed e x pe riments wi lldetermine th e d evelop me nta l expr ess ion p attern of Pax -2 in the c p k mous e , a wel l - ch arac terized model for PK D . Furthermore, ", "underscore_trick": " Pax-2_expression in_the developing kidney is_repressed as_the_normal epithelium_matures,_but is detected_at higher levels_in the cystic epithelium_of experimental animals._The_proposed experiments will determine the developmental expression pattern of Pax-2 in the cpk mouse,_a_well-characterized model_for_PKD._Furthermore,"} +{"text": " an Executive Director, and two Assistant Directors, will comprise the Center's Leadership Group (LG), which will meet monthly to guide its administrative and scientific direction and activities. The LG will meet semi-annually with all Core Directors to discuss Core activities and plans and financial resources for implementing them, monitor Core progress in following its", "synonym_substitution": "an Executive Director, and two Assistant Directors, will comprise the Center's Leadership Group (LG), which will meet monthly to guide its administrative and scientific direction and bodily process. The LG will touch semi - annually with all Core Directors to discuss Core activities and design and financial resources for implement them, monitor Core progress in following its", "butter_fingers": " an Executive Director, and uwo Assistant Dirgcrors, wmll comlrise thd Center's Leadership Group (LJ), whuch wull meet monthly to gukde its afministrqtivt and scientific vjrectiok and wctirivies. The LG wilk meet semh-annually with aul Core Directors to discuss Core actyvities ajd plans and fynanbiwl rssources for implementing them, monjtor Coge progress in foklowing its", "random_deletion": "an Executive Director, and two Assistant Directors, the Leadership Group which will meet and direction and activities. LG will meet with all Core Directors to discuss activities and plans and financial resources for implementing them, monitor Core progress in its", "change_char_case": " an Executive Director, and two assistant DIrectOrs, WilL cOmprIse tHe Center's LeadeRShip group (LG), which will meet moNthly To GUide ITs AdminIstratiVE aND SciEnTiFic DiREcTion aNd aCtivitiEs. The LG wilL meEt Semi-annually WItH all Core DiRecTors to discusS CoRe actiViTieS And plAns And fiNanciaL ResourCes for impLeMEnting THem, moniTOR COre pRogress in followinG ItS", "whitespace_perturbation": " an Executive Director, an d two Assi stant Di rec to rs,will comprise theC ente r's Leadership Group ( LG),wh i ch w i ll meet monthl y t o gui de i tsad m in istra tiv e and s cientificdir ec tion and act i vi ties. TheLGwill meet se mi- annual ly wi t h all Co re Di rector s to di scuss Cor ea ctivit i es andp l an s an d financial resou r ce s for implement ing th em , m o n ito r C ore progre ss in f o llowing it s ", "underscore_trick": " an_Executive Director,_and two Assistant Directors,_will comprise_the_Center's Leadership_Group_(LG), which will_meet monthly to_guide its administrative and_scientific direction and_activities._The LG will meet semi-annually with all Core Directors to discuss Core activities and_plans_and financial_resources_for_implementing them, monitor Core progress_in following its"} +{"text": "or1, a plasma membrane protein that acts as a drug pump to clear toxic substances from the yeast cytoplasm. Yor1 is a homolog of the human cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), defects in which cause cystic fibrosis. Deletion of a Phe residue in Yor1, equivalent to the major disease", "synonym_substitution": "or1, a plasma membrane protein that acts as a drug pump to clear toxic substances from the yeast cytoplasm. Yor1 is a homolog of the human cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance governor (CFTR), defect in which cause cystic fibrosis. Deletion of a Phe remainder in Yor1, equivalent to the major disease", "butter_fingers": "or1, w plasma membrane proteik that acts as a drug pnmp to dlear tobic substances from the yeasv cyroplawm. Yor1 is a homolog of the humaj cystic fibcosis transmembrehe condmetancs regbletor (CFTR), defecjs in which wause cystic fhbfodis. Deletion of a Phe residue in Yow1, equivslfnt to the majjr dpsqase", "random_deletion": "or1, a plasma membrane protein that acts drug to clear substances from the homolog the human cystic transmembrane conductance regulator defects in which cause cystic fibrosis. of a Phe residue in Yor1, equivalent to the major disease", "change_char_case": "or1, a plasma membrane protein tHat acts as a Drug pUmp To cLeAr toXic sUbstances from tHE yeaSt cytoplasm. Yor1 is a homolOg of tHe HUman CYsTic fiBrosis tRAnSMEmbRaNe ConDuCTaNce reGulAtor (CFTr), defects in WhiCh Cause cystic fIBrOsis. DeletiOn oF a Phe residue In YOr1, equiVaLenT To the MajOr disEase", "whitespace_perturbation": "or1, a plasma membrane pro tein thatactsasa d ru g pu mp t o clear toxics ubst ances from the yeast c ytopl as m . Yo r 1is ahomolog of t hehu ma n c ys t ic fibr osi s trans membrane c ond uc tance regula t or (CFTR), d efe cts in which ca use cy st icf ibros is. Dele tion o f a Phe residuein Yor1,e quivale n t t o th e major disease", "underscore_trick": "or1, a_plasma membrane_protein that acts as_a drug_pump_to clear_toxic_substances from the_yeast cytoplasm. Yor1_is a homolog of_the human cystic_fibrosis_transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), defects in which cause cystic fibrosis. Deletion of a Phe_residue_in Yor1,_equivalent_to_the major disease"} +{"text": " we hypothesized that combinations of: a) intestinal stem cell growth factor, R-spondinl (R-spol), b) TLR ligands, and c) transplantation of bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) would restore the IR-damaged ISC niche", "synonym_substitution": "we hypothesized that combinations of: a) intestinal stem cell increase agent, R - spondinl (R - spol), b) TLR ligands, and c) transplant of bone marrow - derived endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) and mesenchymal bow cells (MSC) would regenerate the IR - damaged ISC niche", "butter_fingers": " we hypothesized that combikations of: a) intgsrinal vtem csll growgh factor, R-spondinl (R-spol), b) VLR oiganes, and c) transplantatiun of bonv marrow-dwrivtd endothelial progenitor cells (CPC) aud mesenchymal sjem cells (MSW) would restora ghz IR-damaged ISC niche", "random_deletion": "we hypothesized that combinations of: a) intestinal growth R-spondinl (R-spol), TLR ligands, and endothelial cells (EPC) and stem cells (MSC) restore the IR-damaged ISC niche", "change_char_case": " we hypothesized that combinaTions of: a) inTestiNal SteM cEll gRowtH factor, R-spondiNL (R-spOl), b) TLR ligands, and c) transPlantAtIOn of BOnE marrOw-derivED eNDOthElIaL prOgENiTor ceLls (ePC) and mEsenchymal SteM cElls (MSC) would REsTore the IR-dAmaGed ISC niche", "whitespace_perturbation": " we hypothesized that comb inations o f: a) in tes ti nalstem cell growth f a ctor , R-spondinl (R-spol), b) T LR liga n ds , and c) tra n sp l a nta ti on of b o ne marr ow- derived endotheli alpr ogenitor cel l s(EPC) andmes enchymal ste m c ells ( MS C)w ouldres torethe IR - damage d ISC nic he ", "underscore_trick": " we_hypothesized that_combinations of: a) intestinal_stem cell_growth_factor, R-spondinl_(R-spol),_b) TLR ligands,_and c) transplantation_of bone marrow-derived endothelial_progenitor cells (EPC)_and_mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) would restore the IR-damaged ISC niche"} +{"text": " lacking functional D1 or D2 dopamine receptors. This research will be done primarily in Argentina, at the Buenos Aires University School of Medicine, in collaboration with M. Gustavo Murer, as an extension of NIH grant # R01MH060131. This project on human immunogenetics of the major histocompat", "synonym_substitution": "lacking functional D1 or D2 dopamine receptors. This research will be do chiefly in Argentina, at the Buenos Aires University School of Medicine, in collaboration with M. Gustavo Murer, as an extension of NIH grant # R01MH060131. This undertaking on human immunogenetics of the major histocompat", "butter_fingers": " lafking functional D1 or D2 aopamine receptors. Thiv resezrch wilu be done primarily in Argenvina, at tye Buenos Aires Univerrity Scholl of Meeiciie, in collaboratmkn with M. Gusfwvo Knrer, as an exteksion of NIV grant # R01MH060131. Tvir 'roject on human immunogenetics of tre majot jistocompat", "random_deletion": "lacking functional D1 or D2 dopamine receptors. will done primarily Argentina, at the Medicine, collaboration with M. Murer, as an of NIH grant # R01MH060131. This on human immunogenetics of the major histocompat", "change_char_case": " lacking functional D1 or D2 dopaMine receptOrs. ThIs rEseArCh wiLl be Done primarily iN argeNtina, at the Buenos Aires UNiverSiTY SchOOl Of MedIcine, in COlLABorAtIoN wiTh m. guStavo murEr, as an eXtension of nIH GrAnt # R01MH060131. This prOJeCt on human iMmuNogenetics of The Major hIsTocOMpat", "whitespace_perturbation": " lacking functional D1 orD2 dopamin e rec ept ors .This res earch will bed oneprimarily in Argentina , atth e Bue n os Aire s Unive r si t y Sc ho ol of M e di cine, in collab oration wi thM. Gustavo Mur e r, as an ext ens ion of NIH g ran t # R0 1M H06 0 131.Thi s pro ject o n human immunoge ne t ics of the maj o r h isto compat", "underscore_trick": " lacking_functional D1_or D2 dopamine receptors._This research_will_be done_primarily_in Argentina, at_the Buenos Aires_University School of Medicine,_in collaboration with_M._Gustavo Murer, as an extension of NIH grant # R01MH060131. This project on human_immunogenetics_of the_major_histocompat"} +{"text": ", spherical cellular aggregates prepared from fetal mammalian central nervous systems. With these cultures we are following the development of myelin synthesis by measuring several myelin membrane specific molecules such as sulfatides, myelin basic protein and myelin associated enzymes. Preliminary studies indicate myelin synthesis does occur in these cultures and follow the same temporal", "synonym_substitution": ", spherical cellular aggregates prepared from fetal mammalian central skittish system. With these cultures we are follow the exploitation of myelin synthesis by measuring respective myelin membrane specific molecules such as sulfatides, myelin basic protein and myelin associated enzymes. Preliminary study indicate myelin synthesis does happen in these cultures and follow the same temporal", "butter_fingers": ", spjerical cellular aggregaues prepared from fetal kammaljan centfal nervous systems. With thede cultyres we are following ghe devellpment od mytlin synthesis by measuriky sevsval mveoin membrane skecific molewules such as vuufctides, myelin basic protein and myelyn assoviwted enzymes. Ptelimpnwry anubies indicate myelin synthesis soes ocbur in these cultires and follow the same tfmpogal", "random_deletion": ", spherical cellular aggregates prepared from fetal nervous With these we are following by several myelin membrane molecules such as myelin basic protein and myelin associated Preliminary studies indicate myelin synthesis does occur in these cultures and follow the temporal", "change_char_case": ", spherical cellular aggregatEs prepared From fEtaL maMmAliaN cenTral nervous sysTEms. WIth these cultures we are fOllowInG The dEVeLopmeNt of myeLIn SYNthEsIs By mEaSUrIng seVerAl myeliN membrane sPecIfIc molecules sUCh As sulfatidEs, mYelin basic prOteIn and mYeLin ASsociAteD enzyMes. PreLIminarY studies iNdICate myELin syntHESiS doeS occur in these cultUReS And follow the saMe tempOrAL", "whitespace_perturbation": ", spherical cellular aggre gates prep aredfro m f et al m amma lian central n e rvou s systems. With thesecultu re s wea re foll owing t h ed e vel op me ntof my elinsyn thesisby measuri ngse veral myelin me mbrane spe cif ic molecules su ch assu lfa t ides, my elinbasicp rotein and myel in associ a ted enz y m es . Pr eliminary studies in d icate myelin s ynthes is do e s oc cur in thesecu lture s and fo l lo w t hes ame temporal", "underscore_trick": ", spherical_cellular aggregates_prepared from fetal mammalian_central nervous_systems._With these_cultures_we are following_the development of_myelin synthesis by measuring_several myelin membrane_specific_molecules such as sulfatides, myelin basic protein and myelin associated enzymes. Preliminary studies indicate_myelin_synthesis does_occur_in_these cultures and follow the_same temporal"} +{"text": " mimicking the normal, ultradian endogenous rhythm. Rhythmic pulsed administration of GnRH has been used successfully in the induction of ovulation in amenorrhic women, and in the induction of puberty and maintenance of sexual maturity in both males and females with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH),", "synonym_substitution": "mimicking the normal, ultradian endogenous rhythm. Rhythmic pulsed presidency of GnRH has been use successfully in the induction of ovulation in amenorrhic women, and in the induction of puberty and alimony of sexual maturity in both male and females with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH),", "butter_fingers": " milicking the normal, ultraaian endogenous rhythm. Rhythjic pulsdd administration of GnRH had veen ysed successfully in tfe inductpon of ovylatmon in amenorrhir women, and in bhe iudnction of puberjy and maintanance of sexudl mcturity in both males and females wieh hypobojadotropic hypjgonsqism (HH),", "random_deletion": "mimicking the normal, ultradian endogenous rhythm. Rhythmic of has been successfully in the women, in the induction puberty and maintenance sexual maturity in both males and with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH),", "change_char_case": " mimicking the normal, ultradiAn endogenoUs rhyThm. rhyThMic pUlseD administratioN Of GnrH has been used successfuLly in ThE InduCTiOn of oVulatioN In AMEnoRrHiC woMeN, AnD in thE inDuction Of puberty aNd mAiNtenance of seXUaL maturity iN boTh males and feMalEs with HyPogONadotRopIc hypOgonadISm (HH),", "whitespace_perturbation": " mimicking the normal, ult radian end ogeno usrhy th m. R hyth mic pulsed adm i nist ration of GnRH has bee n use ds ucce s sf ullyin thei nd u c tio nof ov ul a ti on in am enorrhi c women, a ndin the inducti o nof puberty an d maintenanc e o f sexu al ma t urity in both males and fe males wit hh ypogon a dotropi c hy pogo nadism (HH),", "underscore_trick": " mimicking_the normal,_ultradian endogenous rhythm. Rhythmic_pulsed administration_of_GnRH has_been_used successfully in_the induction of_ovulation in amenorrhic women,_and in the_induction_of puberty and maintenance of sexual maturity in both males and females with hypogonadotropic_hypogonadism_(HH),"} +{"text": " biology and diseases, ocular immunology and inflammation, and retinal biology and diseases. The current investigators form the nucleus of the Case Visual Sciences Research Center (VSRC), a broader group of 40 vision researchers in 19 different basic and clinical science departments at the Case Medical Center (Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and University Hospit", "synonym_substitution": "biology and diseases, ocular immunology and inflammation, and retinal biology and disease. The current detective form the nucleus of the Case Visual Sciences Research Center (VSRC), a broad group of 40 imagination researchers in 19 different basic and clinical skill departments at the Case Medical Center (Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and University Hospit", "butter_fingers": " billogy and diseases, oculav immunology and inflamkation, and retknal biology and diseases. Thx cuerent investigators form thd nucleus of the Xase Cisual Scixhces Research Gentex (TSRC), a broader nroup of 40 vhsion researcharr nn 19 different basic and clinical sciqnce delagtments at the Cast Mqdiczl Center (Case Western Reserve Unibersity School of Mecicine and University Hosplt", "random_deletion": "biology and diseases, ocular immunology and inflammation, biology diseases. The investigators form the Sciences Center (VSRC), a group of 40 researchers in 19 different basic and science departments at the Case Medical Center (Case Western Reserve University School of and University Hospit", "change_char_case": " biology and diseases, ocular iMmunology aNd infLamMatIoN, and RetiNal biology and dISeasEs. The current investigatOrs foRm THe nuCLeUs of tHe Case VISuAL sciEnCeS ReSeARcH CentEr (VsRC), a broAder group oF 40 viSiOn researcherS In 19 Different bAsiC and clinical SciEnce dePaRtmENts at The case MEdical cEnter (CAse WesterN REServe UNIversitY sChOol oF Medicine and UniveRSiTY Hospit", "whitespace_perturbation": " biology and diseases, ocu lar immuno logyand in fl amma tion , and retinalb iolo gy and diseases. The c urren ti nves t ig ators form t h en u cle us o f t he Ca se Vi sua l Scien ces Resear chCe nter (VSRC), abroader gr oup of 40 visio n r esearc he rsi n 19dif feren t basi c and c linical s ci e nce de p artment s at the Case Medical Cen t er (Case WesternReserv eU ni v e rsi tySchool ofMe dicin e and Un i ve r s i tyH ospit", "underscore_trick": " biology_and diseases,_ocular immunology and inflammation,_and retinal_biology_and diseases._The_current investigators form_the nucleus of_the Case Visual Sciences_Research Center (VSRC),_a_broader group of 40 vision researchers in 19 different basic and clinical science departments_at_the Case_Medical_Center_(Case Western Reserve University School_of Medicine and University Hospit"} +{"text": " hypothesis by focusing on two aims. Aim 1: Determine effects of cocaine-induced down-regulation of anti-HIV cellular miRNAs on HIV-1 replication. Aim 2: Examine whether cocaine-induced down-regulation of anti-HIV cellular miRNAs activate latently infected HIV-1. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE:", "synonym_substitution": "hypothesis by focusing on two aims. Aim 1: Determine effect of cocaine - induce down - regulation of anti - HIV cellular miRNAs on HIV-1 replication. Aim 2: probe whether cocaine - induced down - regulation of anti - HIV cellular miRNAs trip latently infected HIV-1. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE:", "butter_fingers": " hyoothesis by focusing on uwo aims. Aim 1: Detgrnine ehfects kf cocaive-induced down-regulation of enti-YIV ctjlular miRNAs on HKV-1 replicwtion. Ain 2: Eeamine whether cocaine-induced slwn-rzgnlation of anti-MIV cellulas miRNAs activdtd patently infected HIV-1. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVAMCF:", "random_deletion": "hypothesis by focusing on two aims. Aim effects cocaine-induced down-regulation anti-HIV cellular miRNAs Examine cocaine-induced down-regulation of cellular miRNAs activate infected HIV-1. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE:", "change_char_case": " hypothesis by focusing on two Aims. Aim 1: DetErminE efFecTs Of coCainE-induced down-reGUlatIon of anti-HIV cellular mirNAs oN Hiv-1 repLIcAtion. aim 2: ExamINe WHEthEr CoCaiNe-INdUced dOwn-RegulatIon of anti-HiV cElLular miRNAs aCTiVate latentLy iNfected HIV-1. PUbLIc HEALTh ReLEvaNCE:", "whitespace_perturbation": " hypothesis by focusing on two aims. Aim1:Det er mine eff ects of cocain e -ind uced down-regulation o f ant i- H IV c e ll ularmiRNAso nH I V-1 r ep lic at i on . Aim 2: Examin e whethercoc ai ne-induced d o wn -regulatio n o f anti-HIV c ell ular m iR NAs activ ate late ntly i n fected HIV-1. P UB L IC HEA L TH RELE V A NC E:", "underscore_trick": " hypothesis_by focusing_on two aims. Aim_1: Determine_effects_of cocaine-induced_down-regulation_of anti-HIV cellular_miRNAs on HIV-1_replication. Aim 2: Examine_whether cocaine-induced down-regulation_of_anti-HIV cellular miRNAs activate latently infected HIV-1. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE:"} +{"text": " human monoclonal antibody A12. This aim will use the 27 unique human prostate cancer xenografts available in the Biospecimen Core as well as our preclinical finding of the significant synergy between castration and IGF-IR inhibition. Aim 2. Analysis of the functional interactions of the AR on IGF-IR gene expression as a", "synonym_substitution": "human monoclonal antibody A12. This aim will use the 27 unique human prostate gland cancer heterograft available in the Biospecimen Core equally well as our preclinical finding of the significant synergy between castration and IGF - IR prohibition. Aim 2. Analysis of the functional interaction of the AR on IGF - IR gene expression as a", "butter_fingers": " hulan monoclonal antibody X12. This aim will use thx 27 uniqhe human prostate cancer xenografts evaioable in the Biospecimen Cofe as welp as our prerlinical finding of the signifjgant vbnergy between gastration dnd IGF-IR inhitigiln. Aim 2. Analysis of the functional ynteracyilns of the AR jn IBS-IR fvnt expression as a", "random_deletion": "human monoclonal antibody A12. This aim will 27 human prostate xenografts available in as preclinical finding of significant synergy between and IGF-IR inhibition. Aim 2. Analysis the functional interactions of the AR on IGF-IR gene expression as a", "change_char_case": " human monoclonal antibody A12. THis aim will Use thE 27 unIquE hUman ProsTate cancer xenoGRaftS available in the BiospecImen COrE As weLL aS our pRecliniCAl FINdiNg Of The SiGNiFicanT syNergy beTween castrAtiOn And IGF-IR inhiBItIon. Aim 2. AnalYsiS of the functiOnaL interAcTioNS of thE AR On IGF-iR gene EXpressIon as a", "whitespace_perturbation": " human monoclonal antibody A12. This aimwil l u se the 27unique human p r osta te cancer xenografts a vaila bl e int he Bios pecimen Co r e as w el l a so ur prec lin ical fi nding of t hesi gnificant sy n er gy between ca stration and IG F-IR i nh ibi t ion.Aim 2. A nalysi s of th e functio na l inter a ctionso f t he A R on IGF-IR genee xp r ession as a", "underscore_trick": " human_monoclonal antibody_A12. This aim will_use the_27_unique human_prostate_cancer xenografts available_in the Biospecimen_Core as well as_our preclinical finding_of_the significant synergy between castration and IGF-IR inhibition. Aim 2. Analysis of the functional_interactions_of the_AR_on_IGF-IR gene expression as a"} +{"text": "Env) expressed on cell surfaces and by direct neutralization of pseudoviruses. Env-reactive clones are used to produce mAbs that will be evaluated for epitope specificity and neutralization breadth. This information will be used to test the hypothesis that neutralization breadth is determined by monoclonal or pauciclonal responses comprised of", "synonym_substitution": "Env) expressed on cell surfaces and by direct neutralization of pseudoviruses. Env - reactive knockoff are use to produce mAbs that will be evaluated for epitope specificity and neutralization width. This information will be used to test the guess that neutralization width is determined by monoclonal or pauciclonal responses comprised of", "butter_fingers": "Env) expressed on cell surfages and by direcj beutranizatikn of psdudoviruses. Env-reactive clonxs aee ustb to produce mAbs thxt will bv evaluatwd fie epitope specificlcy ans neucrelization breadjh. This infosmation will ba jszd to test the hypothesis that neutrwlizatipn breadth is dejermimqd bg monoclonal or pauciclonal responaes comkrised of", "random_deletion": "Env) expressed on cell surfaces and by of Env-reactive clones used to produce for specificity and neutralization This information will used to test the hypothesis that breadth is determined by monoclonal or pauciclonal responses comprised of", "change_char_case": "Env) expressed on cell surfaceS and by direCt neuTraLizAtIon oF pseUdoviruses. Env-rEActiVe clones are used to produCe mAbS tHAt wiLL bE evalUated foR EpITOpe SpEcIfiCiTY aNd neuTraLizatioN breadth. ThIs iNfOrmation will BE uSed to test tHe hYpothesis thaT neUtraliZaTioN BreadTh iS deteRmined BY monocLonal or paUcIClonal REsponseS COmPrisEd of", "whitespace_perturbation": "Env) expressed on cell sur faces andby di rec t n eu tral izat ion of pseudov i ruse s. Env-reactive clones areus e d to pr oduce mAbs t h at w ill b eeva lu a te d for ep itope s pecificity an dneutralizati o nbreadth. T his information wi ll beus edt o tes t t he hy pothes i s that neutrali za t ion br e adth is d et ermi ned by monoclonal or pauciclonal re sponse sc om p r ise d o f", "underscore_trick": "Env) expressed_on cell_surfaces and by direct_neutralization of_pseudoviruses._Env-reactive clones_are_used to produce_mAbs that will_be evaluated for epitope_specificity and neutralization_breadth._This information will be used to test the hypothesis that neutralization breadth is determined_by_monoclonal or_pauciclonal_responses_comprised of"} +{"text": " the NCRR grant to the subproject or subproject staff. We will continue investigating the intercellular and intracellular signaling pathways that lead to neuronal death (or survival) following the elimination of excitatory synaptic input to the mammalian cochlear nucleus. A major initiative during the current grant period has been to use modern genetic analysis methods", "synonym_substitution": "the NCRR grant to the subproject or subproject staff. We will continue investigating the intercellular and intracellular signaling nerve pathway that run to neuronal end (or survival) following the elimination of excitatory synaptic remark to the mammalian cochlear nucleus. A major initiative during the current concession menstruation has been to use mod genetic analysis method acting", "butter_fingers": " thf NCRR grant to the subpvoject or subprolwct steff. We sill conginue investigating the intecceloular and intracellular sigvaling panhways thqt ltad to neuronal dxzth (or survivzp) fonoowing the elikination ox excitatory sfnxpcic input to the mammalian cochlear gucleus. A major initiatyve ctrinf the current grant period has beeh to ust modern genetic amalysis methods", "random_deletion": "the NCRR grant to the subproject or We continue investigating intercellular and intracellular neuronal (or survival) following elimination of excitatory input to the mammalian cochlear nucleus. major initiative during the current grant period has been to use modern genetic methods", "change_char_case": " the NCRR grant to the subprojeCt or subproJect sTafF. We WiLl coNtinUe investigatinG The iNtercellular and intraceLlulaR sIGnalINg PathwAys that LEaD TO neUrOnAl dEaTH (oR survIvaL) followIng the elimInaTiOn of excitatoRY sYnaptic inpUt tO the mammaliaN coChlear NuCleUS. A majOr iNitiaTive duRIng the Current grAnT Period HAs been tO USe ModeRn genetic analysis MEtHOds", "whitespace_perturbation": " the NCRR grant to the sub project or subp roj ect s taff . We will continue inve stigating the intercel lular a n d in t ra cellu lar sig n al i n g p at hw ays t h at lead to neuron al death ( orsu rvival) foll o wi ng the eli min ation of exc ita tory s yn apt i c inp utto th e mamm a lian c ochlear n uc l eus. A major i n i ti ativ e during the curr e nt grant period h as bee nt ou s e m ode rn genetic a nalys i s metho d s", "underscore_trick": " the_NCRR grant_to the subproject or_subproject staff._We_will continue_investigating_the intercellular and_intracellular signaling pathways_that lead to neuronal_death (or survival)_following_the elimination of excitatory synaptic input to the mammalian cochlear nucleus. A major initiative_during_the current_grant_period_has been to use modern_genetic analysis methods"} +{"text": "-terminal tyrosine to tubulin. Studies on chemotaxis in connective tissue-type cells have shown that fibroblasts respond to the cell binding domain of intact fibronectin and to platelet-derived growth factor; that angiogenesis factors induce endothelial cell migration, and that transformed endothelial cells respond to angiogenesis factors, platelet-derived growth factor, and", "synonym_substitution": "-terminal tyrosine to tubulin. Studies on chemotaxis in connective tissue - type cells have shown that fibroblast react to the cell binding knowledge domain of entire fibronectin and to platelet - derived growth gene; that angiogenesis agent induce endothelial cell migration, and that transform endothelial cells respond to angiogenesis agent, platelet - derived growth divisor, and", "butter_fingers": "-terlinal tyrosine to tubulik. Studies on chemotaxis in cohnective tissue-type cells have shown tyat fubroblasts respond to ghe cell hinding eomamn of intact fibcknectin and tk placeoet-derived groeth factor; that angiogenasks factors induce endothelial cell midration, ajd that transfjrmec endknhtlial cells respond to angiogenesjs factmrs, platelet-drrived growth factor, and", "random_deletion": "-terminal tyrosine to tubulin. Studies on chemotaxis tissue-type have shown fibroblasts respond to intact and to platelet-derived factor; that angiogenesis induce endothelial cell migration, and that endothelial cells respond to angiogenesis factors, platelet-derived growth factor, and", "change_char_case": "-terminal tyrosine to tubulin. studies on cHemotAxiS in CoNnecTive Tissue-type cellS Have Shown that fibroblasts reSpond To THe ceLL bIndinG domain OF iNTAct FiBrOneCtIN aNd to pLatElet-derIved growth FacToR; that angiogeNEsIs factors iNduCe endotheliaL ceLl migrAtIon, ANd thaT trAnsfoRmed enDOtheliAl cells reSpONd to anGIogenesIS FaCtorS, platelet-derived gROwTH factor, and", "whitespace_perturbation": "-terminal tyrosine to tubu lin. Studi es on ch emo ta xisin c onnective tiss u e-ty pe cells have shown th at fi br o blas t srespo nd to t h ec e llbi nd ing d o ma in of in tact fi bronectinand t o platelet-d e ri ved growth fa ctor; that a ngi ogenes is fa c torsind uce e ndothe l ial ce ll migrat io n , andt hat tra n s fo rmed endothelial cell s r e spond to angio genesi sf ac t o rs, pl atelet-der iv ed gr o wth fac t or , a nd", "underscore_trick": "-terminal tyrosine_to tubulin._Studies on chemotaxis in_connective tissue-type_cells_have shown_that_fibroblasts respond to_the cell binding_domain of intact fibronectin_and to platelet-derived_growth_factor; that angiogenesis factors induce endothelial cell migration, and that transformed endothelial cells respond_to_angiogenesis factors,_platelet-derived_growth_factor, and"} +{"text": "aring rats in an enriched environment renders them resistant to addiction-like behavior in models of intravenous self administration. This project will identify molecular mechanisms underlying the protective effect of environmental enrichment and strengthen our understanding of how gene transcription affects behavior. The results of this project will lay the foundation for future treatment and prevention of drug addiction in humans", "synonym_substitution": "aring rats in an enriched environment renders them resistant to addiction - like demeanor in mannequin of intravenous self administration. This undertaking will identify molecular mechanism underlying the protective impression of environmental enrichment and tone our understanding of how gene transcription affects behavior. The results of this undertaking will lay the foundation for future treatment and prevention of drug addiction in humans", "butter_fingers": "arijg rats in an enriched ekvironment rendets them cesistaht to adaiction-like behavior in modeps of ibtravenous self adminirtration. Nhis projwct xill identify molecular mechanjdms bnverlying the prptective exfect of envirmnoeutal enrichment and strengthen our ugderstamdlng of how geng tramfcrilniin affects behavior. The resulfs of tiis project wilk lay the foundation for fkturf treatment and prfvention of drud addiction iv humans", "random_deletion": "aring rats in an enriched environment renders to behavior in of intravenous self molecular underlying the protective of environmental enrichment strengthen our understanding of how gene affects behavior. The results of this project will lay the foundation for future and prevention of drug addiction in humans", "change_char_case": "aring rats in an enriched enviRonment renDers tHem ResIsTant To adDiction-like behAVior In models of intravenous sElf adMiNIstrATiOn. ThiS projecT WiLL IdeNtIfY moLeCUlAr mecHanIsms undErlying the ProTeCtive effect oF EnVironmentaL enRichment and sTreNgthen OuR unDErstaNdiNg of hOw gene TRanscrIption affEcTS behavIOr. The reSULtS of tHis project will lay THe FOundation for fuTure trEaTMeNT And PreVention of dRuG addiCTion in hUMaNS", "whitespace_perturbation": "aring rats in an enrichedenvironmen t ren der s t he m re sist ant to addicti o n-li ke behavior in modelsof in tr a veno u sselfadminis t ra t i on. T hi s p ro j ec t wil l i dentify molecular me ch anisms under l yi ng the pro tec tive effectofenviro nm ent a l enr ich mentand st r engthe n our und er s tandin g of how g en e tr anscription affec t sb ehavior. The r esults o f t h i s p roj ect will l ay thef oundati o nf o r fu t ure treatment and preven t ion of dr ug ad d iction in h um a ns", "underscore_trick": "aring rats_in an_enriched environment renders them_resistant to_addiction-like_behavior in_models_of intravenous self_administration. This project_will identify molecular mechanisms_underlying the protective_effect_of environmental enrichment and strengthen our understanding of how gene transcription affects behavior. The_results_of this_project_will_lay the foundation for future_treatment and prevention of drug_addiction in_humans"} +{"text": " period. The integration of training in methodology and imaging applications will be enhanced by the organization of this program as two interactive tracks of approximately equal size: Methodology and Application. We expect that the majority of fellows in the Methodology track will have Ph.D. degrees, and those in the Application track, primarily M.", "synonym_substitution": "period. The integration of training in methodology and imaging application will be enhance by the organization of this program as two interactive lead of approximately equal size: Methodology and Application. We expect that the majority of mate in the Methodology cut will have ph academic degree, and those in the Application track, chiefly M.", "butter_fingers": " pegiod. The integration of uraining in methobilogy end imafing appuications will be enhanced bb thw orgqnization of this progfam as twl interaxtivt tracks of approejmately equal dize: Nethodology anc Applicathon. We expect dhxt the majority of fellows in the Metrodologu hrack will havg Ph.D. qegrsvs, and those in the Application track, krimarily M.", "random_deletion": "period. The integration of training in methodology applications be enhanced the organization of tracks approximately equal size: and Application. We that the majority of fellows in Methodology track will have Ph.D. degrees, and those in the Application track, primarily", "change_char_case": " period. The integration of traIning in metHodolOgy And ImAginG appLications will bE EnhaNced by the organization oF this PrOGram AS tWo intEractivE TrACKs oF aPpRoxImATeLy equAl sIze: MethOdology and appLiCation. We expeCT tHat the majoRitY of fellows in The methodOlOgy TRack wIll Have PH.D. degrEEs, and tHose in the apPLicatiON track, pRIMaRily m.", "whitespace_perturbation": " period. The integration o f training in m eth odo lo gy a nd i maging applica t ions will be enhanced by t he or ga n izat i on of t his pro g ra m astw oint er a ct ive t rac ks of a pproximate lyeq ual size: Me t ho dology and Ap plication. W e e xpectth att he ma jor ity o f fell o ws inthe Metho do l ogy tr a ck will h av e Ph .D. degrees, andt ho s e in the Appli cation t r ac k , pr ima rily M.", "underscore_trick": " period._The integration_of training in methodology_and imaging_applications_will be_enhanced_by the organization_of this program_as two interactive tracks_of approximately equal_size:_Methodology and Application. We expect that the majority of fellows in the Methodology track_will_have Ph.D._degrees,_and_those in the Application track,_primarily M."} +{"text": " We have shown that NSCLC cell lines expressing oncogenic K-Ras have elevated levels of PGE2 production, mediated through induction of cPLA2 and COX-2. Blocking this pathway inhibits transformed growth in vitro and in xeno graft models, supporting a role for cPLA2 in lung cancer progression. However,", "synonym_substitution": "We have shown that NSCLC cell lines expressing oncogenic thousand - Ras take elevated levels of PGE2 production, mediate through induction of cPLA2 and COX-2. Blocking this nerve pathway inhibits transformed growth in vitro and in xeno bribery model, supporting a role for cPLA2 in lung cancer progression. However,", "butter_fingers": " We have shown that NSCLC ctll lines expressnbg oncmgenic K-Ras haxe elevated levels of PGE2 prldyctiob, mediated through indjction of cPLA2 ane COE-2. Blocking this 'zthway luhibifd trcnwformed growth in vitro dnd in xeno grdfg lodels, supporting a role for cPLA2 ig lung vajcer progressijn. Hpreved,", "random_deletion": "We have shown that NSCLC cell lines K-Ras elevated levels PGE2 production, mediated COX-2. this pathway inhibits growth in vitro in xeno graft models, supporting a for cPLA2 in lung cancer progression. However,", "change_char_case": " We have shown that NSCLC cell lInes expresSing oNcoGenIc k-Ras Have Elevated levels OF PGE2 Production, mediated throUgh inDuCTion OF cpLA2 anD COX-2. BloCKiNG ThiS pAtHwaY iNHiBits tRanSformed Growth in viTro AnD in xeno graft MOdEls, supportIng A role for cPLA2 In lUng canCeR prOGressIon. howevEr,", "whitespace_perturbation": " We have shown that NSCLCcell lines expr ess ing o ncog enic K-Ras have el e vate d levels of PGE2 produ ction ,m edia t ed thro ugh ind u ct i o n o fcP LA2 a n dCOX-2 . B locking this path way i nhibits tran s fo rmed growt h i n vitro andinxeno g ra ftm odels , s uppor ting a role f or cPLA2in lung c a ncer pr o g re ssio n. However,", "underscore_trick": " We_have shown_that NSCLC cell lines_expressing oncogenic_K-Ras_have elevated_levels_of PGE2 production,_mediated through induction_of cPLA2 and COX-2._Blocking this pathway_inhibits_transformed growth in vitro and in xeno graft models, supporting a role for cPLA2_in_lung cancer_progression._However,"} +{"text": " alterations in receptors in a model of experimental cholinergic deafferentation and in cases of AD. By immunoprecipitation, the relative abundance of proteins will be determined in basal forebrain, neocortex, and hippocampus in rats. By immunocytochemistry, the proteins will be precisely localized and colocalized with cholinergic fore", "synonym_substitution": "alterations in receptors in a model of experimental cholinergic deafferentation and in cases of AD. By immunoprecipitation, the proportional abundance of protein will be determine in basal forebrain, neocortex, and hippocampus in rats. By immunocytochemistry, the protein will be precisely localized and colocalized with cholinergic fore", "butter_fingers": " alherations in receptors ik a model of expgrumentan choljnergic aeafferentation and in cases od AD. Vy immunoprecipitation, the relanive abuneanct of proteins will be detcxmines in yawal forebrain, keocortex, atd hippocampus iv xats. By immunocytochemistry, the protqins wikl be precisely jocakyzed and colocalized with cholinergic rore", "random_deletion": "alterations in receptors in a model of deafferentation in cases AD. By immunoprecipitation, will determined in basal neocortex, and hippocampus rats. By immunocytochemistry, the proteins will precisely localized and colocalized with cholinergic fore", "change_char_case": " alterations in receptors in a Model of expErimeNtaL chOlInerGic dEafferentation ANd in Cases of AD. By immunopreciPitatIoN, The rELaTive aBundancE Of PROteInS wIll Be DEtErminEd iN basal fOrebrain, neOcoRtEx, and hippocaMPuS in rats. By iMmuNocytochemisTry, The proTeIns WIll be PreCiselY localIZed and ColocalizEd WIth choLInergic FORe", "whitespace_perturbation": " alterations in receptorsin a model of e xpe rim en talchol inergic deaffe r enta tion and in cases of A D. By i m muno p re cipit ation,t he r ela ti ve ab un d an ce of pr oteinswill be de ter mi ned in basal fo rebrain, n eoc ortex, and h ipp ocampu sinr ats.Byimmun ocytoc h emistr y, the pr ot e ins wi l l be pr e c is elylocalized and col o ca l ized with chol inergi cf or e ", "underscore_trick": " alterations_in receptors_in a model of_experimental cholinergic_deafferentation_and in_cases_of AD. By_immunoprecipitation, the relative_abundance of proteins will_be determined in_basal_forebrain, neocortex, and hippocampus in rats. By immunocytochemistry, the proteins will be precisely localized_and_colocalized with_cholinergic_fore"} +{"text": "6A regulation. (3) We will delineate the epitranscriptome changes in autism brains and manifestation in patient-derived iPS cells, including an examination of epitranscriptome variation across 30 banked Autistic brain samples and testing of the impact on disruption of the readers and writers of RNA regulation (on", "synonym_substitution": "6A regulation. (3) We will delineate the epitranscriptome changes in autism brains and demonstration in affected role - derived iPS cells, include an examen of epitranscriptome variation across 30 banked Autistic genius sample distribution and testing of the impact on disruption of the readers and writer of RNA regulation (on", "butter_fingers": "6A rfgulation. (3) We will delintate the epitranseeiptomx changss in augism brains and manifestatioi in patitut-derived iPS cells, kncluding an examunatmon of epitransccjptome ycriatjln aeriss 30 banked Aujistic brain samples and tasgiug of the impact on disruption of thq readets and writers os RNS reghlation (on", "random_deletion": "6A regulation. (3) We will delineate the in brains and in patient-derived iPS epitranscriptome across 30 banked brain samples and of the impact on disruption of readers and writers of RNA regulation (on", "change_char_case": "6A regulation. (3) We will delineatE the epitraNscriPtoMe cHaNges In auTism brains and mANifeStation in patient-deriveD iPS cElLS, incLUdIng an ExaminaTIoN OF epItRaNscRiPToMe varIatIon acroSs 30 banked AuTisTiC brain sampleS AnD testing of The Impact on disrUptIon of tHe ReaDErs anD wrIters Of RNA rEGulatiOn (on", "whitespace_perturbation": "6A regulation. (3) We will delineate theepi tra ns crip tome changes in au t ismbrains and manifestati on in p a tien t -d erive d iPS c e ll s , in cl ud ing a n e xamin ati on of e pitranscri pto me variation a c ro ss 30 bank edAutistic bra insample sand testi ngof th e impa c t on d isruption o f the r e aders a n d w rite rs of RNA regulat i on (on", "underscore_trick": "6A regulation._(3) We_will delineate the epitranscriptome_changes in_autism_brains and_manifestation_in patient-derived iPS_cells, including an_examination of epitranscriptome variation_across 30 banked_Autistic_brain samples and testing of the impact on disruption of the readers and writers_of_RNA regulation_(on"} +{"text": " unaffected. During virus replication, naturally occurring segments with sequence rearrangement are preferentially packaged over wild-type segments. The mechanism for the improved-replication phenotype is unclear, but may be connected to duplication of RNA sequences involved in packaging of the RV genome. As an extension of these observations, we used reverse genetics to engineer duplic", "synonym_substitution": "unaffected. During virus replication, naturally occurring segments with succession rearrangement are preferentially box over barbarian - type section. The mechanism for the better - replication phenotype is unclear, but may be connect to duplication of RNA sequences involve in packaging of the RV genome. As an extension of these observation, we used reverse genetics to mastermind duplic", "butter_fingers": " unwffected. During virus reklication, naturally occucring ssgments dith sequence rearrangement ere prefeeentially packaged ovef wild-typv segmentw. Tht mechanism for tis improyzd-repmlcatimi phenotype is onclear, but kay be connectad tl duplication of RNA sequences invojved in pwckaging of thg RV bqnoms. As an extension of these observafions, wt used reverse genrtics to engineer duplic", "random_deletion": "unaffected. During virus replication, naturally occurring segments rearrangement preferentially packaged wild-type segments. The is but may be to duplication of sequences involved in packaging of the genome. As an extension of these observations, we used reverse genetics to engineer", "change_char_case": " unaffected. During virus replIcation, natUrallY ocCurRiNg seGmenTs with sequence REarrAngement are preferentiaLly paCkAGed oVEr Wild-tYpe segmENtS. tHe mEcHaNisM fOR tHe impRovEd-repliCation phenOtyPe Is unclear, but MAy Be connecteD to Duplication oF RNa sequeNcEs iNVolveD in PackaGing of THe RV geNome. As an eXtENsion oF These obSERvAtioNs, we used reverse geNEtICs to engineer duPlic", "whitespace_perturbation": " unaffected. During virusreplicatio n, na tur all yoccu rrin g segments wit h seq uence rearrangement ar e pre fe r enti a ll y pac kaged o v er w ild -t yp e s eg m en ts. T hemechani sm for the im pr oved-replica t io n phenotyp e i s unclear, b utmay be c onn e ctedtodupli cation of RNA sequence si nvolve d in pac k a gi ng o f the RV genome.A sa n extension of these o b se r v ati ons , we usedre verse genetic s t o e ngi n eer duplic", "underscore_trick": " unaffected._During virus_replication, naturally occurring segments_with sequence_rearrangement_are preferentially_packaged_over wild-type segments._The mechanism for_the improved-replication phenotype is_unclear, but may_be_connected to duplication of RNA sequences involved in packaging of the RV genome. As_an_extension of_these_observations,_we used reverse genetics to_engineer duplic"} +{"text": " hypoglycemia (including fear of severe hypoglycemia) and post-meal hyperglycemia. The latter commonly occurs in adolescents secondary to missed meal and snack insulin boluses. Both of these issues will be addressed over the five years of this grant. As over half of severe hypoglycemic events occur during sleep, we will continue our", "synonym_substitution": "hypoglycemia (including fear of severe hypoglycemia) and post - meal hyperglycemia. The latter commonly occur in adolescent secondary to missed meal and bite insulin boluses. Both of these offspring will be addressed over the five years of this concession. As over one-half of severe hypoglycemic events occur during sleep, we will continue our", "butter_fingers": " hyooglycemia (including feav of severe hypoyoycemie) and pkst-meal fyperglycemia. The latter comlobly oxcurs in adolescents sdcondary no missed meao and snack insulin bolussd. Boch of these issugs will be agdressed over dhd yive years of this grant. As over hals of sefege hypoglycemis evtntf ocdlr during sleep, we will continus our", "random_deletion": "hypoglycemia (including fear of severe hypoglycemia) and The commonly occurs adolescents secondary to boluses. of these issues be addressed over five years of this grant. As half of severe hypoglycemic events occur during sleep, we will continue our", "change_char_case": " hypoglycemia (including fear Of severe hyPoglyCemIa) aNd Post-Meal Hyperglycemia. THE latTer commonly occurs in adoLesceNtS SecoNDaRy to mIssed meAL aND SnaCk InSulIn BOlUses. BOth Of these Issues will Be aDdRessed over thE FiVe years of tHis Grant. As over hAlf Of seveRe HypOGlyceMic EventS occur DUring sLeep, we wilL cONtinue OUr", "whitespace_perturbation": " hypoglycemia (including f ear of sev ere h ypo gly ce mia) and post-meal hyp e rgly cemia. The latter comm onlyoc c ursi nadole scentss ec o n dar yto mi ss e dmealand snackinsulin bo lus es . Both of th e se issues wi llbe addressed ov er the f ive years of this grant . As ov er half o fs evereh ypoglyc e m ic eve nts occur durings le e p, we will con tinueou r ", "underscore_trick": " hypoglycemia_(including fear_of severe hypoglycemia) and_post-meal hyperglycemia._The_latter commonly_occurs_in adolescents secondary_to missed meal_and snack insulin boluses._Both of these_issues_will be addressed over the five years of this grant. As over half of_severe_hypoglycemic events_occur_during_sleep, we will continue our"} +{"text": ". The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH source, and thus could be represented in other CRISP entries. The institution listed is for the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. The goal of this research continues to refine and improve the methodology of diffusion tensor imaging", "synonym_substitution": ". The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH generator, and therefore could be represented in other chip entries. The mental hospital listed is for the Center, which is not necessarily the initiation for the investigator. The goal of this inquiry continue to complicate and improve the methodology of diffusion tensor imaging", "butter_fingers": ". Thf subproject and investinator (PI) may havg eeceivxd primzry fundkng from another NIH source, end rhus xould be represented iv other CGISP entrues. Uhe institution lmated is for tgc Cencec, which is not kecessarily the institutimn flr the investigator. The goal of thif reseatcj continues to refpnq ans improve the methodology of diffuaion teisor imaging", "random_deletion": ". The subproject and investigator (PI) may primary from another source, and thus CRISP The institution listed for the Center, is not necessarily the institution for investigator. The goal of this research continues to refine and improve the methodology diffusion tensor imaging", "change_char_case": ". The subproject and investigaTor (PI) may haVe recEivEd pRiMary FundIng from another niH soUrce, and thus could be reprEsentEd IN othER CrISP eNtries. THE iNSTitUtIoN liStED iS for tHe CEnter, whIch is not neCesSaRily the instiTUtIon for the iNveStigator. The gOal Of this ReSeaRCh conTinUes to Refine ANd imprOve the metHoDOlogy oF DiffusiON TeNsor Imaging", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The subproject and inves tigator (P I) ma y h ave r ecei vedprimary fundin g fro m another NIH source,and t hu s cou l dbe re present e di n ot he rCRI SP en tries . T he inst itution li ste dis for the C e nt er, whichisnot necessar ily the i ns tit u tionfor theinvest i gator. The goal o f thisr esearch c on tinu es to refine andi mp r ove the method ologyof di f f usi ontensor ima gi ng", "underscore_trick": ". The_subproject and_investigator (PI) may have_received primary_funding_from another_NIH_source, and thus_could be represented_in other CRISP entries._The institution listed_is_for the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. The goal_of_this research_continues_to_refine and improve the methodology_of diffusion tensor imaging"} +{"text": " mature derivatives. If similar mechanisms are relevant for the cancer stem cell (CSC) model, then epigenetic modulation might enrich the CSC population, thereby facilitating CSC isolation and rigorous evaluation. To test this hypothesis, primary human cancer cells and liver cancer cell lines were treated with zebularine (ZEB), a", "synonym_substitution": "mature derivatives. If similar mechanisms are relevant for the cancer shank cellular telephone (CSC) model, then epigenetic modulation might enrich the CSC population, thereby facilitate CSC isolation and rigorous evaluation. To quiz this hypothesis, primary human cancer cell and liver cancer cellular telephone lines were treated with zebularine (ZEB), a", "butter_fingers": " mahure derivatives. If simiuar mechanisms cee relxvant fkr the cxncer stem cell (CSC) model, thxn epigentnic modulation might dnrich thv CSC popylatmon, thereby facilitating CSC iallatnoi and rigorous gvaluation. Tm test this hy[oghzsis, primary human cancer cells and jiver csnfer cell lines wert tweatsd with zebularine (ZEB), a", "random_deletion": "mature derivatives. If similar mechanisms are relevant cancer cell (CSC) then epigenetic modulation thereby CSC isolation and evaluation. To test hypothesis, primary human cancer cells and cancer cell lines were treated with zebularine (ZEB), a", "change_char_case": " mature derivatives. If similaR mechanismS are rEleVanT fOr thE canCer stem cell (CSC) MOdel, Then epigenetic modulatiOn migHt ENricH ThE CSC pOpulatiON, tHERebY fAcIliTaTInG CSC iSolAtion anD rigorous eValUaTion. To test thIS hYpothesis, pRimAry human cancEr cElls anD lIveR CanceR ceLl linEs were TReated With zebulArINe (ZEB), a", "whitespace_perturbation": " mature derivatives. If si milar mech anism s a rere leva nt f or the cancers temcell (CSC) model, then epig en e ticm od ulati on migh t e n r ich t he CS Cp op ulati on, thereb y facilita tin gCSC isolatio n a nd rigorou s e valuation. T o t est th is hy p othes is, prim ary hu m an can cer cells a n d live r cancer c el l li nes were treatedw it h zebularine (Z EB), a ", "underscore_trick": " mature_derivatives. If_similar mechanisms are relevant_for the_cancer_stem cell_(CSC)_model, then epigenetic_modulation might enrich_the CSC population, thereby_facilitating CSC isolation_and_rigorous evaluation. To test this hypothesis, primary human cancer cells and liver cancer cell_lines_were treated_with_zebularine_(ZEB), a"} +{"text": " the yeast mating pathway and screen these for memory behavior. 2) Develop a screen for a complex dynamic behavior-sensory adaptation. A recombination-based FACS assay will be developed to screen for cells that can transiently respond to a stimulus, but then automatically reset output despite sustained stimulus. Comparison of functional circuit architectures is expected", "synonym_substitution": "the yeast mating pathway and screen these for memory behavior. 2) originate a sieve for a complex dynamic behavior - sensory adaptation. A recombination - base FACS assay will be developed to shield for cell that can transiently respond to a stimulation, but then mechanically reset output despite free burning stimulus. Comparison of functional circumference architecture is expected", "butter_fingers": " thf yeast mating pathway akd screen these yir memmry begavior. 2) Aevelop a screen for a complxx dtnamix behavior-sensory adapgation. A gecombinarion-uased FACS assay will be develkied tm screen for cekls that cdn transiently rds'ond to a stimulus, but then automatisally rrsft output despyte xtstajned stimulus. Comparison of functiknal cigcuit architecturrs is expected", "random_deletion": "the yeast mating pathway and screen these behavior. Develop a for a complex FACS will be developed screen for cells can transiently respond to a stimulus, then automatically reset output despite sustained stimulus. Comparison of functional circuit architectures is", "change_char_case": " the yeast mating pathway and sCreen these For meMorY beHaVior. 2) deveLop a screen for a COmplEx dynamic behavior-sensoRy adaPtATion. a ReCombiNation-bASeD faCS AsSaY wiLl BE dEveloPed To screeN for cells tHat CaN transiently REsPond to a stiMulUs, but then autOmaTicallY rEseT OutpuT deSpite SustaiNEd stimUlus. CompaRiSOn of fuNCtional CIRcUit aRchitectures is expECtED", "whitespace_perturbation": " the yeast mating pathwayand screen thes e f orme mory beh avior. 2) Deve l op a screen for a complexdynam ic beha v io r-sen sory ad a pt a t ion .Arec om b in ation -ba sed FAC S assay wi llbe developed t o s creen forcel ls that cantra nsient ly re s pondtoa sti mulus, but th en automa ti c ally r e set out p u tdesp ite sustained sti m ul u s. Comparisonof fun ct i on a l ci rcu it archite ct uresi s expec t ed ", "underscore_trick": " the_yeast mating_pathway and screen these_for memory_behavior._2) Develop_a_screen for a_complex dynamic behavior-sensory_adaptation. A recombination-based FACS_assay will be_developed_to screen for cells that can transiently respond to a stimulus, but then automatically_reset_output despite_sustained_stimulus._Comparison of functional circuit architectures_is expected"} +{"text": " method to monitor surface membrane fusion events, and (3) high resolution capacitance measurements in on-cell patch clamp configuration. Preliminary Data suggests that PKC's may activate PI4K2alpha on internal membranes, thereby initiating movement of vesicles containing lipid phosphatases to the sarcolemma. Insertion at the sarcolemma appears", "synonym_substitution": "method to monitor surface membrane fusion events, and (3) eminent settlement capacitance measurements in on - cell plot clamp configuration. Preliminary Data suggests that PKC's may trip PI4K2alpha on internal membranes, thereby initiating motion of vesicles containing lipid phosphatase to the sarcolemma. Insertion at the sarcolemma appears", "butter_fingers": " mehhod to monitor surface oembrane fusion events, and (3) gigh resulution capacitance measuremxnts in ob-cell patch clamp confkguration. Prelimibary Eata suggests that PKC's jwy aetmvate PI4K2alpha pn internan membranes, thardbv initiating movement of vesicles cogtaininb pipid phosphatwses eo tgv warcolemma. Insertion at the szrcolemka appears", "random_deletion": "method to monitor surface membrane fusion events, high capacitance measurements on-cell patch clamp PKC's activate PI4K2alpha on membranes, thereby initiating of vesicles containing lipid phosphatases to sarcolemma. Insertion at the sarcolemma appears", "change_char_case": " method to monitor surface memBrane fusioN evenTs, aNd (3) hIgH resOlutIon capacitance MEasuRements in on-cell patch clAmp coNfIGuraTIoN. PrelIminary dAtA SUggEsTs ThaT Pkc's May acTivAte PI4K2aLpha on inteRnaL mEmbranes, therEBy Initiating MovEment of vesicLes ContaiNiNg lIPid phOspHatasEs to thE SarcolEmma. InserTiON at the SArcolemMA ApPearS", "whitespace_perturbation": " method to monitor surface membranefusio n e ven ts , an d (3 ) high resolut i on c apacitance measurement s inon - cell pa tch c lamp co n fi g u rat io n. Pr el i mi naryDat a sugge sts that P KC' smay activate PI 4K2alpha o n i nternal memb ran es, th er eby initi ati ng mo vement of ves icles con ta i ning l i pid pho s p ha tase s to the sarcolem m a. Insertion at t he sar co l em m a ap pea rs", "underscore_trick": " method_to monitor_surface membrane fusion events,_and (3)_high_resolution capacitance_measurements_in on-cell patch_clamp configuration. Preliminary_Data suggests that PKC's_may activate PI4K2alpha_on_internal membranes, thereby initiating movement of vesicles containing lipid phosphatases to the sarcolemma. Insertion_at_the sarcolemma_appears"} +{"text": " disrupts the normal development of the immune system, resulting in immune disfunction that may persist well into adult life. Data also indicate that stress can have a profound negative impact on immunocompetence. The proposed research is the first to investigate the interactive effects of prenatal ethanol and postweaning stress on immunocompetence", "synonym_substitution": "disrupts the normal development of the immune system, resulting in immune dysfunction that may prevail well into adult life. Data besides indicate that tension can have a profound minus shock on immunocompetence. The proposed inquiry is the inaugural to investigate the interactive effect of prenatal ethanol and postweaning stress on immunocompetence", "butter_fingers": " didrupts the normal develokment of the immuuw systxm, resumting in immune disfunction that may pwrsisu well into adult lkfe. Data wlso inducatt that stress can have a ixofouhf neyavive impact on lmmunocompedence. The propmsdd research is the first to investigaee the onheractive effests ps prsnatal ethanol and postweaning strsss on pmmunocompetence", "random_deletion": "disrupts the normal development of the immune in disfunction that persist well into that can have a negative impact on The proposed research is the first investigate the interactive effects of prenatal ethanol and postweaning stress on immunocompetence", "change_char_case": " disrupts the normal developmEnt of the imMune sYstEm, rEsUltiNg in Immune disfunctIOn thAt may persist well into adUlt liFe. dAta aLSo IndicAte that STrESS caN hAvE a pRoFOuNd negAtiVe impacT on immunocOmpEtEnce. The propoSEd Research is The First to invesTigAte the InTerACtive EffEcts oF prenaTAl ethaNol and posTwEAning sTRess on iMMUnOcomPetence", "whitespace_perturbation": " disrupts the normal devel opment ofthe i mmu nesy stem , re sulting in imm u ne d isfunction that may pe rsist w e ll i n to adul t life. Da t a al so i ndi ca t ethatstr ess can have a pr ofo un d negative i m pa ct on immu noc ompetence. T hepropos ed re s earch is thefirstt o inve stigate t he intera c tive ef f e ct s of prenatal ethanol an d postweaning s tresson im m u noc omp etence", "underscore_trick": " disrupts_the normal_development of the immune_system, resulting_in_immune disfunction_that_may persist well_into adult life._Data also indicate that_stress can have_a_profound negative impact on immunocompetence. The proposed research is the first to investigate the_interactive_effects of_prenatal_ethanol_and postweaning stress on immunocompetence"} +{"text": " 5-FU dermally should be more effective than 5-FU in treating BCC, AK and psoriasis while reducing the risk of systemic side effects. The goal of this proposal is to understand how developmental mechanisms contribute to neural circuits controlling animal behaviors. The simple neuroanatomy and repertoire of stereotyped locomotor behaviors of larval", "synonym_substitution": "5 - FU dermally should be more effective than 5 - FU in treating BCC, AK and psoriasis while reducing the risk of systemic side effect. The finish of this proposal is to understand how developmental mechanism put up to neural circuits manipulate animal behavior. The simple neuroanatomy and repertory of stereotyped locomotor demeanor of larval", "butter_fingers": " 5-FU dermally should be more effective than 5-FU in vreatinf BCC, AK and psoriasis while reducinj thw risj of systemic side effdcts. The hoal of rhis proposal is to undcxstans how vevelopmental mgchanisms cottribute to negrxl circuits controlling animal behavijrs. The slmple neuroanajomy sgd rsievtoire of stereotyped locomotor gehaviogs of larval", "random_deletion": "5-FU dermally should be more effective than treating AK and while reducing the The of this proposal to understand how mechanisms contribute to neural circuits controlling behaviors. The simple neuroanatomy and repertoire of stereotyped locomotor behaviors of larval", "change_char_case": " 5-FU dermally should be more effEctive than 5-fU in tReaTinG BcC, AK And pSoriasis while rEDuciNg the risk of systemic sidE effeCtS. the gOAl Of thiS proposAL iS TO unDeRsTanD hOW dEveloPmeNtal mecHanisms conTriBuTe to neural ciRCuIts controlLinG animal behavIorS. The siMpLe nEUroanAtoMy and RepertOIre of sTereotypeD lOComotoR BehavioRS Of LarvAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " 5-FU dermally should be m ore effect ive t han 5- FU intrea ting BCC, AK a n d ps oriasis while reducing theri s k of sy stemi c sidee ff e c ts. T he go al of this pr oposalis to unde rst an d how develo p me ntal mecha nis ms contribut e t o neur al ci r cuits co ntrol ling a n imal b ehaviors. T h e simp l e neuro a n at omyand repertoire of st e reotyped locom otor b eh a vi o r s o f l arval", "underscore_trick": " 5-FU_dermally should_be more effective than_5-FU in_treating_BCC, AK_and_psoriasis while reducing_the risk of_systemic side effects. The_goal of this_proposal_is to understand how developmental mechanisms contribute to neural circuits controlling animal behaviors. The_simple_neuroanatomy and_repertoire_of_stereotyped locomotor behaviors of larval"} +{"text": " recent studies showing spouses may be at increased risk for developing diabetes themselves because of the marital context and shared environment. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE Concerns about obesity and physical inactivity and their links to diabetes have led to public health mandates- such as those included in Healthy People 2010-aimed at reversing those trends", "synonym_substitution": "recent studies showing spouses may be at increase hazard for developing diabetes themselves because of the marital context and shared environment. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE Concerns about fleshiness and physical inactiveness and their links to diabetes have led to public health mandates- such as those include in Healthy People 2010 - aimed at reversing those tendency", "butter_fingers": " refent studies showing spomses may be at iuxreasev risk ror deveuoping diabetes themselves bxcauwe of the marital context avd shared environnent. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEYCNCE Dlncexnw about obesiti and physicdl inactivity dna cheir links to diabetes have led to [ublic newlth mandates- fuch ws tgose included in Healthy People 2010-aijed at geversing those ttends", "random_deletion": "recent studies showing spouses may be at for diabetes themselves of the marital HEALTH Concerns about obesity physical inactivity and links to diabetes have led to health mandates- such as those included in Healthy People 2010-aimed at reversing those", "change_char_case": " recent studies showing spousEs may be at iNcreaSed RisK fOr deVeloPing diabetes thEMselVes because of the marital ConteXt ANd shAReD enviRonment. puBlic HEaLtH rELeVanCe ConcErnS about oBesity and pHysIcAl inactivity ANd Their links To dIabetes have lEd tO publiC hEalTH mandAteS- such As thosE IncludEd in HealtHy pEople 2010-aIMed at reVERsIng tHose trends", "whitespace_perturbation": " recent studies showing sp ouses maybe at in cre as ed r iskfor developing diab etes themselves becaus e ofth e mar i ta l con text an d s h a red e nv iro nm e nt . PUB LIC HEALTH RELEVANCE Co nc erns about o b es ity and ph ysi cal inactivi tyand th ei r l i nks t o d iabet es hav e led t o publiche a lth ma n dates-s u ch asthose included in He a lthy People 20 10-aim ed at r eve rsi ng those t re nds", "underscore_trick": " recent_studies showing_spouses may be at_increased risk_for_developing diabetes_themselves_because of the_marital context and_shared environment. PUBLIC HEALTH_RELEVANCE Concerns about_obesity_and physical inactivity and their links to diabetes have led to public health mandates-_such_as those_included_in_Healthy People 2010-aimed at reversing_those trends"} +{"text": " this proposal we aim to further the development of novel and safe oral inhibitors of sEH for the treatment of peripheral neuropathy in diabetic patients. Preclinical studies with our candidate EC5026 demonstrated efficacy for diabetic neuropathy. EicOsis has selected EC5026 for its efficacy with good PK/ADME properties and stability to", "synonym_substitution": "this proposal we aim to further the development of fresh and dependable oral inhibitor of sEH for the treatment of peripheral neuropathy in diabetic patients. Preclinical studies with our campaigner EC5026 demonstrated efficacy for diabetic neuropathy. EicOsis has selected EC5026 for its efficacy with good PK / ADME property and stability to", "butter_fingers": " thls proposal we aim to fuvther the develokmwnt of novel and safd oral inhibitors of sEH for tye trtctment of peripheral neuropatjy in diqbetmc patients. Preclinical studiea witk iur candidate GC5026 demonstraded efficacy fmr dnabetic neuropathy. EicOsis has seleceed EC5026 gog its efficacy witn goos PK/ADME properties and stability fo", "random_deletion": "this proposal we aim to further the novel safe oral of sEH for in patients. Preclinical studies our candidate EC5026 efficacy for diabetic neuropathy. EicOsis has EC5026 for its efficacy with good PK/ADME properties and stability to", "change_char_case": " this proposal we aim to furtheR the develoPment Of nOveL aNd saFe orAl inhibitors of SeH foR the treatment of peripheRal neUrOPathY In DiabeTic patiENtS. pRecLiNiCal StUDiEs witH ouR candidAte EC5026 demonStrAtEd efficacy foR DiAbetic neurOpaThy. EicOsis haS seLected eC5026 For ITs effIcaCy witH good Pk/aDME prOperties aNd STabiliTY to", "whitespace_perturbation": " this proposal we aim to f urther the deve lop men tof n ovel and safe oral inhi bitors of sEH for thetreat me n t of pe riphe ral neu r op a t hyin d iab et i cpatie nts . Precl inical stu die swith our can d id ate EC5026 de monstrated e ffi cacy f or di a betic ne uropa thy. E i cOsishas selec te d EC502 6 for it s ef fica cy with good PK/A D ME properties and stabi li t yt o ", "underscore_trick": " this_proposal we_aim to further the_development of_novel_and safe_oral_inhibitors of sEH_for the treatment_of peripheral neuropathy in_diabetic patients. Preclinical_studies_with our candidate EC5026 demonstrated efficacy for diabetic neuropathy. EicOsis has selected EC5026 for_its_efficacy with_good_PK/ADME_properties and stability to"} +{"text": " We have also determined that at late stages of the PMN transepithelial migration response there are binding interactions between PMN and the apical epithelial membrane mediated by specific glycan epitopes displayed on the transmembrane protein CD44v6. Such binding interactions result in epithelial functional responses that positively regulate epithelial barrier function. Details of the", "synonym_substitution": "We have also determined that at late stages of the PMN transepithelial migration reception there be binding interactions between PMN and the apical epithelial membrane mediated by specific glycan antigenic determinant displayed on the transmembrane protein CD44v6. Such binding interactions leave in epithelial running responses that positively regulate epithelial barrier function. Details of the", "butter_fingers": " We have also determined thxt at late staggs of thx PMN tdansepitfelial migration response thxre qre bunding interactions begween PMN and the apiral epithelial mxjbrane mediatsf by wpecific glycak epitopes gisplayed on tve txansmembrane protein CD44v6. Such bindind interschions result ig epptrelizl functional responses that positjvely rtgulate epithelial barrier function. Details lf tje", "random_deletion": "We have also determined that at late the transepithelial migration there are binding apical membrane mediated by glycan epitopes displayed the transmembrane protein CD44v6. Such binding result in epithelial functional responses that positively regulate epithelial barrier function. Details of", "change_char_case": " We have also determined that aT late stageS of thE PMn trAnSepiThelIal migration reSPonsE there are binding interaCtionS bETweeN pMn and tHe apicaL EpITHelIaL mEmbRaNE mEdiatEd bY specifIc glycan epItoPeS displayed on THe TransmembrAne Protein CD44v6. SuCh bInding InTerACtionS reSult iN epithELial fuNctional rEsPOnses tHAt positIVElY regUlate epithelial baRRiER function. DetaiLs of thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " We have also determined t hat at lat e sta ges of t he P MN t ransepithelial migr ation response there a re bi nd i ng i n te racti ons bet w ee n PMN a nd th ea pi cal e pit helialmembrane m edi at ed by specif i cglycan epi top es displayed on the t ra nsm e mbran e p rotei n CD44 v 6. Suc h binding i n teract i ons res u l tin e pithelial functio n al responses that posit iv e ly r egu lat e epitheli al barr i er func t io n . Det a ils of the", "underscore_trick": " We_have also_determined that at late_stages of_the_PMN transepithelial_migration_response there are_binding interactions between_PMN and the apical_epithelial membrane mediated_by_specific glycan epitopes displayed on the transmembrane protein CD44v6. Such binding interactions result in_epithelial_functional responses_that_positively_regulate epithelial barrier function. Details_of the"} +{"text": "of-function mutations in a gene coding for?-sarcoglycan (?-SG; gene name: SGCE in human and Sgce in mouse). SGCE is widely expressed in embryonic development and in adults. SGCE is expressed in almost all brain regions tested. We have established a Sgce", "synonym_substitution": "of - function mutations in a gene coding for?-sarcoglycan (? -SG; gene name: SGCE in human and Sgce in mouse). SGCE is widely carry in embryonic growth and in adults. SGCE is expressed in almost all genius regions tested. We have lay down a Sgce", "butter_fingers": "of-fknction mutations in a gtne coding for?-sareiglycai (?-SG; gehe name: RGCE in human and Sgce in monse). WGCE us widely expressed in embryonib developnent qnd in adults. SGCE is exlvesseb mn almost all btain regions tested. We hava dscablished a Sgce", "random_deletion": "of-function mutations in a gene coding for?-sarcoglycan name: in human Sgce in mouse). embryonic and in adults. is expressed in all brain regions tested. We have a Sgce", "change_char_case": "of-function mutations in a genE coding for?-SarcoGlyCan (?-sG; Gene Name: sGCE in human and sGce iN mouse). SGCE is widely exprEssed In EMbryONiC deveLopment ANd IN AduLtS. SgCE Is EXpResseD in Almost aLl brain regIonS tEsted. We have eSTaBlished a SgCe", "whitespace_perturbation": "of-function mutations in a gene codi ng fo r?- sar co glyc an ( ?-SG; gene nam e : SG CE in human and Sgce i n mou se ) . SG C Eis wi dely ex p re s s edin e mbr yo n ic deve lop ment an d in adult s.SG CE is expres s ed in almost al l brain regi ons teste d. We haveest ablis hed aS gce", "underscore_trick": "of-function mutations_in a_gene coding for?-sarcoglycan (?-SG;_gene name:_SGCE_in human_and_Sgce in mouse)._SGCE is widely_expressed in embryonic development_and in adults._SGCE_is expressed in almost all brain regions tested. We have established a Sgce"} +{"text": ". Half are also randomly allocated to receive 3 zoledronic acid infusions, one every 6 months. Bone mineral density and serologic markers of bone metabolism are the primary study endpoints. GOG-199 participants who cross-over from screening to surgery remain eligible for this study. The entry criteria have been relaxed to", "synonym_substitution": ". Half are also randomly allocated to receive 3 zoledronic acid infusion, one every 6 calendar month. Bone mineral density and serologic markers of bone metabolism are the elementary study endpoints. GOG-199 player who crossbreed - over from screen to surgery remain eligible for this study. The entrance criteria have been relaxed to", "butter_fingers": ". Hapf are also randomly allucated to receirw 3 zolxdronic acid inwusions, one every 6 months. Boie munerao density and serologiz markers of bone metebolism are the 'dimary study skdpoiutw. GOG-199 participsnts who csoss-over from vcfezning to surgery remain eligible for this syufy. The entry ctiterpa havs been relaxed to", "random_deletion": ". Half are also randomly allocated to zoledronic infusions, one 6 months. Bone of metabolism are the study endpoints. GOG-199 who cross-over from screening to surgery eligible for this study. The entry criteria have been relaxed to", "change_char_case": ". Half are also randomly allocaTed to receiVe 3 zolEdrOniC aCid iNfusIons, one every 6 moNThs. BOne mineral density and seRologIc MArkeRS oF bone MetabolISm ARE thE pRiMarY sTUdY endpOinTs. GOG-199 paRticipants Who CrOss-over from sCReEning to surGerY remain eligiBle For thiS sTudY. the enTry CriteRia havE Been reLaxed to", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Half are also randomly a llocated t o rec eiv e 3 z oled roni c acid infusio n s, o ne every 6 months. Bon e min er a l de n si ty an d serol o gi c mar ke rs of b o ne meta bol ism are the prima ryst udy endpoint s .GOG-199 pa rti cipants whocro ss-ove rfro m scre eni ng to surge r y rema in eligib le for th i s study . Th e en try criteria have be e n relaxed to", "underscore_trick": ". Half_are also_randomly allocated to receive_3 zoledronic_acid_infusions, one_every_6 months. Bone_mineral density and_serologic markers of bone_metabolism are the_primary_study endpoints. GOG-199 participants who cross-over from screening to surgery remain eligible for this_study._The entry_criteria_have_been relaxed to"} +{"text": " (AHH) to probe the multiplicity, diversity, and different catalytic properties of the cytochromes P-450. Seven,8-benzoflavone and L-maackiain acetate are inhibitors that are effective against different forms of AHH. We are using these inhibitors to probe the active catalytic sites", "synonym_substitution": "(AHH) to probe the multiplicity, diversity, and different catalytic properties of the cytochrome P-450. Seven,8 - benzoflavone and L - maackiain acetate rayon are inhibitor that are effective against different forms of AHH. We are using these inhibitor to probe the active catalytic sites", "butter_fingers": " (AHJ) to probe the multipliclty, diversity, anb diffecent cafalytic oroperties of the cytochromed P-450. Sevtu,8-benzoflavone and L-mxackiain wcetate qre mnhibitors that ede effegcive znainsc vifferent forms of AHH. We are using theve iuhibitors to probe the active catalyeic sitrs", "random_deletion": "(AHH) to probe the multiplicity, diversity, and properties the cytochromes Seven,8-benzoflavone and L-maackiain effective different forms of We are using inhibitors to probe the active catalytic", "change_char_case": " (AHH) to probe the multiplicity, Diversity, aNd difFerEnt CaTalyTic pRoperties of the CYtocHromes P-450. Seven,8-benzoflavoNe and l-mAAckiAIn AcetaTe are inHIbITOrs ThAt Are EfFEcTive aGaiNst diffErent forms Of AhH. we are using thESe Inhibitors To pRobe the activE caTalytiC sIteS", "whitespace_perturbation": " (AHH) to probe the multip licity, di versi ty, an ddiff eren t catalytic pr o pert ies of the cytochromes P-45 0. Seve n ,8 -benz oflavon e a n d L- ma ac kia in ac etate ar e inhib itors that ar eeffective ag a in st differe ntforms of AHH . W e areus ing these in hibit ors to probethe activ ec atalyt i c sites ", "underscore_trick": " (AHH)_to probe_the multiplicity, diversity, and_different catalytic_properties_of the_cytochromes_P-450. Seven,8-benzoflavone and_L-maackiain acetate are_inhibitors that are effective_against different forms_of_AHH. We are using these inhibitors to probe the active catalytic sites"} +{"text": " and have pioneered the treatment of children and pregnant women with HIV infection through both Phase I and Phase II/III trials. Over 90% of the women and children recruited into treatment protocols have been members of minority groups. The extensive infrastructure of social and medical services available at the medical center has facilitated the conduct of trials.", "synonym_substitution": "and have pioneered the treatment of children and pregnant charwoman with HIV contagion through both Phase I and Phase II / III trials. Over 90% of the women and child recruit into treatment protocols have been member of minority group. The extensive infrastructure of social and medical services available at the medical plaza has facilitated the conduct of trial.", "butter_fingers": " anf have pioneered the trextment of childteb and 'regnanf women dith HIV infection through blty Phawe I and Phase II/III tfials. Oveg 90% of the womtn and children rxdruited into fveatmznv protocols havg been membess of minority gfobps. The extensive infrastructure of focial snf medical servyces wvaimable at the medical center has fadilitattd the conduct of yrials.", "random_deletion": "and have pioneered the treatment of children women HIV infection both Phase I 90% the women and recruited into treatment have been members of minority groups. extensive infrastructure of social and medical services available at the medical center has the conduct of trials.", "change_char_case": " and have pioneered the treatmEnt of childRen anD prEgnAnT womEn wiTh HIV infection THrouGh both Phase I and Phase II/iII trIaLS. OveR 90% Of The woMen and cHIlDREn rEcRuIteD iNTo TreatMenT protocOls have beeN meMbErs of minoritY GrOups. The extEnsIve infrastruCtuRe of soCiAl aND mediCal ServiCes avaILable aT the medicAl CEnter hAS faciliTATeD the Conduct of trials.", "whitespace_perturbation": " and have pioneered the tr eatment of chil dre n a nd pre gnan t women with H I V in fection through both P haseIa nd P h as e II/ III tri a ls . Ove r90 % o ft he wome n a nd chil dren recru ite dinto treatme n tprotocolshav e been membe rsof min or ity group s.The e xtensi v e infr astructur eo f soci a l and m e d ic al s ervices available at the medical ce nter h as fa c i lit ate d the cond uc t oft rials.", "underscore_trick": " and_have pioneered_the treatment of children_and pregnant_women_with HIV_infection_through both Phase_I and Phase_II/III trials. Over 90%_of the women_and_children recruited into treatment protocols have been members of minority groups. The extensive infrastructure_of_social and_medical_services_available at the medical center_has facilitated the conduct of_trials."} +{"text": " the information that originates in taste receptors, and will thereby provide greater understanding of the role of the gustatory system in feeding and feeding-related disorders. Successful treatment of metastasis continues to be the main challenge in cancer. Local chest wall recurrences of breast cancer often occur in the context of metastatic disease, presenting the challenge", "synonym_substitution": "the information that originates in taste receptors, and will thereby leave great understanding of the role of the gustatory system in eating and feeding - related disorders. Successful discussion of metastasis continue to be the main challenge in cancer. Local chest wall recurrences of breast cancer much occur in the context of metastatic disease, presenting the challenge", "butter_fingers": " thf information that origikates in taste rgcwptors, and wjll therdby provide greater understaidint of uke role of the gustagory systvm in feeeing qnd feedinj-delated disorscrs. Sbcressful treatmekt of metasdasis continuev go be the main challenge in cancer. Losal chext wall recurrenses ps brsast cancer often occur in the confext of metastatic dosease, presenting the chalpengf", "random_deletion": "the information that originates in taste receptors, thereby greater understanding the role of and disorders. Successful treatment metastasis continues to the main challenge in cancer. Local wall recurrences of breast cancer often occur in the context of metastatic disease, the challenge", "change_char_case": " the information that originaTes in taste RecepTorS, anD wIll tHereBy provide greatER undErstanding of the role of tHe gusTaTOry sYStEm in fEeding aND fEEDinG-rElAteD dISoRders. sucCessful Treatment oF meTaStasis continUEs To be the maiN chAllenge in canCer. local cHeSt wALl recUrrEnces Of breaST canceR often occUr IN the coNText of mETAsTatiC disease, presentinG ThE Challenge", "whitespace_perturbation": " the information that orig inates intaste re cep to rs,andwill thereby p r ovid e greater understandin g ofth e rol e o f the gustat o ry s yst em i n f ee d in g and fe eding-r elated dis ord er s. Successfu l t reatment o f m etastasis co nti nues t obet he ma inchall enge i n cance r. Localch e st wal l recurr e n ce s of breast cancer of t en occur in the c ontext o f m e t ast ati c disease, p resen t ing the ch a l l eng e ", "underscore_trick": " the_information that_originates in taste receptors,_and will_thereby_provide greater_understanding_of the role_of the gustatory_system in feeding and_feeding-related disorders. Successful_treatment_of metastasis continues to be the main challenge in cancer. Local chest wall recurrences_of_breast cancer_often_occur_in the context of metastatic_disease, presenting the challenge"} +{"text": " tension on axons spanning two populations of neurons in culture. As our central hypothesis, we propose that engineered living nervous tissue constructs will promote recovery after major peripheral nerve injury by providing a living labeled pathway to guide host axons from the proximal nerve stump across large nerve lesions to reinnervate the target tissue. In addition to providing", "synonym_substitution": "tension on axons spanning two populations of nerve cell in acculturation. As our central hypothesis, we nominate that mastermind living nervous tissue concept will promote recovery after major peripheral nerve wound by provide a living label pathway to guide master of ceremonies axon from the proximal nerve stump across big nerve lesions to reinnervate the prey tissue. In addition to providing", "butter_fingers": " tejsion on axons spanning uwo populations oy neurois in chlture. Ar our central hypothesis, we 'ropise tyat engineered living vervous tpssue conwtrurts will promote recovern aftsv majmc peripheral netve injury bf providing a nixiug labeled pathway to guide host axogs from tje proximal netve suum[ acdoss large nerve lesions to reinnedvate tie target tissur. In addition to providing", "random_deletion": "tension on axons spanning two populations of culture. our central we propose that will recovery after major nerve injury by a living labeled pathway to guide axons from the proximal nerve stump across large nerve lesions to reinnervate the tissue. In addition to providing", "change_char_case": " tension on axons spanning two PopulationS of neUroNs iN cUltuRe. As Our central hypoTHesiS, we propose that engineerEd livInG NervOUs TissuE constrUCtS WIll PrOmOte ReCOvEry afTer Major peRipheral neRve InJury by providINg A living labEleD pathway to guIde Host axOnS frOM the pRoxImal nErve stUMp acroSs large neRvE LesionS To reinnERVaTe thE target tissue. In adDItIOn to providing", "whitespace_perturbation": " tension on axons spanning two popul ation s o f n eu rons inculture. As ou r cen tral hypothesis, we pr opose t h at e n gi neere d livin g n e r vou sti ssu ec on struc tswill pr omote reco ver yafter majorp er ipheral ne rve injury by p rov idingaliv i ng la bel ed pa thwayt o guid e host ax on s fromt he prox i m al ner ve stump across l a rg e nerve lesions to re in n er v a tethe target ti ss ue. I n additi o nt o pro v iding", "underscore_trick": " tension_on axons_spanning two populations of_neurons in_culture._As our_central_hypothesis, we propose_that engineered living_nervous tissue constructs will_promote recovery after_major_peripheral nerve injury by providing a living labeled pathway to guide host axons from_the_proximal nerve_stump_across_large nerve lesions to reinnervate_the target tissue. In addition_to providing"} +{"text": " higher bactericidal Ab against Nm than wild- type FHbp. We will also delete Rmp and H.8, which may elicit blocking Ab against Ng and Nm, respectively. Elicited Abs will be tested for complement-dependent bactericidal activity against homologous and heterologous Ng strains and tested for efficacy versus", "synonym_substitution": "higher bactericidal Ab against Nm than wild- type FHbp. We will also delete Rmp and H.8, which may arouse block Ab against Ng and Nm, respectively. Elicited Abs will be tested for complement - dependent bactericidal activity against homologous and heterologous Ng stress and tested for efficacy versus", "butter_fingers": " hihher bactericidal Ab agalnst Nm than wilb- type HHbp. We will alro delete Rmp and H.8, which mab elucit vlocking Ab against Ng and Nm, rvspectiveoy. Eoucited Abs will be testes for romplement-depencent bactesicidal actividy ayainst homologous and heterologous Nd straims and tested fot effpcwcy bvrwus", "random_deletion": "higher bactericidal Ab against Nm than wild- We also delete and H.8, which Ng Nm, respectively. Elicited will be tested complement-dependent bactericidal activity against homologous and Ng strains and tested for efficacy versus", "change_char_case": " higher bactericidal Ab againSt Nm than wiLd- typE FHBp. WE wIll aLso dElete Rmp and H.8, whICh maY elicit blocking Ab againSt Ng aNd nM, resPEcTivelY. ElicitED ABS WilL bE tEstEd FOr ComplEmeNt-depenDent bacterIciDaL activity agaINsT homologouS anD heterologouS Ng StrainS aNd tESted fOr eFficaCy versUS", "whitespace_perturbation": " higher bactericidal Ab ag ainst Nm t han w ild - t yp e FH bp.We will also d e lete Rmp and H.8, which ma y eli ci t blo c ki ng Ab agains t N g and N m, re sp e ct ively . E licited Abs willbete sted for com p le ment-depen den t bactericid alactivi ty ag a insthom ologo us and hetero logous Ng s t rainsa nd test e d f or e fficacy versus", "underscore_trick": " higher_bactericidal Ab_against Nm than wild-_type FHbp._We_will also_delete_Rmp and H.8,_which may elicit_blocking Ab against Ng_and Nm, respectively._Elicited_Abs will be tested for complement-dependent bactericidal activity against homologous and heterologous Ng strains_and_tested for_efficacy_versus"} +{"text": " and tolerability. This R13 application proposes to support a 2-day annual meeting to enhance the collaborative network, and maximize the long-term national impact of the National Consortium for Multicultural Education for Health Professionals (Consortium). Funded in 2004 by NHLBI as a 5-year competitive training award program", "synonym_substitution": "and tolerability. This R13 application proposes to support a 2 - day annual merging to enhance the collaborative net, and maximize the long - term home impact of the National Consortium for Multicultural Education for Health Professionals (Consortium). fund in 2004 by NHLBI as a 5 - year competitive education award program", "butter_fingers": " anf tolerability. This R13 apklication proposes to su'port a 2-day annjal meeting to enhance the clloaborqtive network, and maxioize the pong-term natmonal impact of vge National Ckksortnun for Multiculjural Educathon for Health Pfoyessionals (Consortium). Funded in 2004 by GHLBI ax w 5-year competijive urayninf award program", "random_deletion": "and tolerability. This R13 application proposes to 2-day meeting to the collaborative network, impact the National Consortium Multicultural Education for Professionals (Consortium). Funded in 2004 by as a 5-year competitive training award program", "change_char_case": " and tolerability. This R13 appliCation propOses tO suPpoRt A 2-day AnnuAl meeting to enhANce tHe collaborative network, And maXiMIze tHE lOng-teRm natioNAl IMPacT oF tHe NAtIOnAl ConSorTium for multicultuRal edUcation for HeALtH ProfessioNalS (Consortium). FUndEd in 2004 by nHlBI AS a 5-yeaR coMpetiTive trAIning aWard progrAm", "whitespace_perturbation": " and tolerability. This R1 3 applicat ion p rop ose sto s uppo rt a 2-day ann u al m eeting to enhance thecolla bo r ativ e n etwor k, andm ax i m ize t he lo ng - te rm na tio nal imp act of the Na ti onal Consort i um for Multi cul tural Educat ion for H ea lth Profe ssi onals (Cons o rtium) . Fundedin 2004 b y NHLBIa s a 5-y ear competitive t r ai n ing award prog ram", "underscore_trick": " and_tolerability. This_R13 application proposes to_support a_2-day_annual meeting_to_enhance the collaborative_network, and maximize_the long-term national impact_of the National_Consortium_for Multicultural Education for Health Professionals (Consortium). Funded in 2004 by NHLBI as a_5-year_competitive training_award_program"} +{"text": " the study will also compare the use of a number of cell types with the goal of identifying the most sensitive and cost effective model system. This study will provide valuable baseline data on the potential for adverse health effects of PM in an airshed that has received almost no scientific attention. This subproject is one of many research", "synonym_substitution": "the study will also compare the use of a number of cellular telephone type with the goal of identifying the about sensitive and cost effective mannequin system. This study will supply valuable baseline data on the electric potential for adverse health effect of PM in an airshed that has receive almost no scientific attention. This subproject is one of many inquiry", "butter_fingers": " thf study will also compart the use of a number of cell fypes wigh the goal of identifying tie mist stusitive and cost effdctive mofel systwm. Tiis study will pckvide valuabls baszlmne data on the potential for adverse haautk effects of PM in an airshed that hws receovfd almost no ssienuifyc afnektion. This subproject is one of jany revearch", "random_deletion": "the study will also compare the use number cell types the goal of cost model system. This will provide valuable data on the potential for adverse effects of PM in an airshed that has received almost no scientific attention. subproject is one of many research", "change_char_case": " the study will also compare thE use of a numBer of CelL tyPeS witH the Goal of identifyINg thE most sensitive and cost eFfectIvE ModeL SyStem. THis studY WiLL ProViDe ValUaBLe BaselIne Data on tHe potentiaL foR aDverse health EFfEcts of PM in An aIrshed that haS reCeived AlMosT No sciEntIfic aTtentiON. This sUbproject Is ONe of maNY researCH", "whitespace_perturbation": " the study will also compa re the use of a nu mbe rof c elltypes with the goal of identifying the mo st se ns i tive an d cos t effec t iv e mod el s yst em . T his s tud y willprovide va lua bl e baseline d a ta on the po ten tial for adv ers e heal th ef f ectsofPM in an ai r shed t hat has r ec e ived a l most no s ci enti fic attention. Th i ss ubproject is o ne ofma n yr e sea rch ", "underscore_trick": " the_study will_also compare the use_of a_number_of cell_types_with the goal_of identifying the_most sensitive and cost_effective model system._This_study will provide valuable baseline data on the potential for adverse health effects of_PM_in an_airshed_that_has received almost no scientific_attention. This subproject is one_of many_research"} +{"text": "ured), several of whom have just joined the faculty this academic year. These investigators are from five basic science an| two clinical departments in the College of Medicine, as well as from two undergraduate departments with strong graduate training programs. This application contains both regular (18) and pilot (4) projects. The mantra for", "synonym_substitution": "ured), several of whom have just joined the faculty this academic class. These detective are from five basic science an| two clinical departments in the College of Medicine, equally well as from two undergraduate departments with solid graduate education programs. This application contains both even (18) and pilot (4) projects. The mantra for", "butter_fingers": "uref), several of whom have jmst joined the fcxulty vhis aczdemic ydar. These investigators are hrom five basic science an| two zlinical fepartmebts mn the College oh Medicikz, as scll av from two undetgraduate de[artments with sgrlng graduate training programs. This applicstlon contains bjth gedulad (18) and pilot (4) projects. The mantra ror", "random_deletion": "ured), several of whom have just joined this year. These are from five departments the College of as well as two undergraduate departments with strong graduate programs. This application contains both regular (18) and pilot (4) projects. The mantra", "change_char_case": "ured), several of whom have just Joined the fAcultY thIs aCaDemiC yeaR. These investigATors Are from five basic sciencE an| twO cLInicAL dEpartMents in THe cOLleGe Of medIcINe, As welL as From two UndergraduAte DePartments witH StRong graduaTe tRaining progrAms. this apPlIcaTIon coNtaIns boTh reguLAr (18) and pIlot (4) projeCtS. the manTRa for", "whitespace_perturbation": "ured), several of whom hav e just joi ned t hefac ul ty t hisacademic year. Thes e investigators are fr om fi ve basi c s cienc e an| t w oc l ini ca ldep ar t me nts i n t he Coll ege of Med ici ne , as well as fr om two und erg raduate depa rtm ents w it h s t ronggra duate train i ng pro grams. Th is applic a tion co n t ai ns b oth regular (18)a nd pilot (4) proj ects.Th e m a n tra fo r", "underscore_trick": "ured), several_of whom_have just joined the_faculty this_academic_year. These_investigators_are from five_basic science an|_two clinical departments in_the College of_Medicine,_as well as from two undergraduate departments with strong graduate training programs. This application_contains_both regular_(18)_and_pilot (4) projects. The mantra_for"} +{"text": " and evolution of complex metazoan GRNs to gain insights into global mechanisms of gene regulation. It is becoming increasingly clear that textbook explanations of gene regulation in which a TF binds DNA in the genome and upon doing so regulates the most proximal gene are too simplistic because many physical TF binding events lack an apparent regulatory consequence.", "synonym_substitution": "and evolution of complex metazoan GRNs to gain insights into global mechanism of gene rule. It is becoming increasingly clear that textbook explanation of gene rule in which a TF binds DNA in the genome and upon doing thus regulates the most proximal gene are excessively simplistic because many physical TF binding consequence lack an apparent regulatory consequence.", "butter_fingers": " anf evolution of complex mttazoan GRNs to gcun insmghts ihto globxl mechanisms of gene regulavion. It iw becoming increasinglh clear tjat textvook wxplanatioia of gekz reghpatimi in which a TF binds DNA in the genome avd upon doing so regulates the most pwoximal gfne are too siiplixeic gvccuse many physical TF binding ebents leck an apparent regulatory consequence.", "random_deletion": "and evolution of complex metazoan GRNs to into mechanisms of regulation. It is explanations gene regulation in a TF binds in the genome and upon doing regulates the most proximal gene are too simplistic because many physical TF binding lack an apparent regulatory consequence.", "change_char_case": " and evolution of complex metaZoan GRNs to Gain iNsiGhtS iNto gLobaL mechanisms of gENe reGulation. It is becoming inCreasInGLy clEAr That tExtbook EXpLANatIoNs Of gEnE ReGulatIon In which A TF binds DNa in ThE genome and upON dOing so reguLatEs the most proXimAl gene ArE toO SimplIstIc becAuse maNY physiCal TF bindInG Events LAck an apPAReNt reGulatory consequenCE.", "whitespace_perturbation": " and evolution of complexmetazoan G RNs t o g ain i nsig htsinto global me c hani sms of gene regulation . Itis beco m in g inc reasing l yc l ear t ha t t ex t bo ok ex pla nations of gene r egu la tion in whic h a TF bindsDNA in the geno meand up on do i ng so re gulat es the most p roximal g en e are t o o simpl i s ti c be cause many physic a lT F binding even ts lac ka na p par ent regulator yconse q uence.", "underscore_trick": " and_evolution of_complex metazoan GRNs to_gain insights_into_global mechanisms_of_gene regulation. It_is becoming increasingly_clear that textbook explanations_of gene regulation_in_which a TF binds DNA in the genome and upon doing so regulates the_most_proximal gene_are_too_simplistic because many physical TF_binding events lack an apparent_regulatory consequence."} +{"text": " clinical practitioners and participate in clinical related research under the direction of an assigned clinician mentor. This clinical summer immersion is designed to connect BME to healthcare and society and to steer and enhance students'research interests towards medicine. It will immediately impact their PhD thesis research by adding a medical conscience and influence their long term career towards improving", "synonym_substitution": "clinical practitioners and participate in clinical related research under the direction of an impute clinician mentor. This clinical summer concentration is designed to connect BME to healthcare and society and to guide and enhance students'research interests towards medicine. It will immediately impact their ph dissertation research by adding a medical conscience and influence their long terminus career towards improving", "butter_fingers": " cllnical practitioners and participate in clinicel relafed resexrch under the direction of en awsigntb clinician mentor. Tfis clinibal summee imnwrsion is vssigned to cohkect YMX to healthcare and sociedy and to stees xnb enhance students'research interests towardx ledicine. It wijl ikiedizneoy impact their PhD thesis reaearch uy adding a medocal conscience and influejce hheir long term cageer towardw im[eoving", "random_deletion": "clinical practitioners and participate in clinical related the of an clinician mentor. This to BME to healthcare society and to and enhance students'research interests towards medicine. will immediately impact their PhD thesis research by adding a medical conscience and their long term career towards improving", "change_char_case": " clinical practitioners and pArticipate In cliNicAl rElAted ReseArch under the diREctiOn of an assigned cliniciaN mentOr. tHis cLInIcal sUmmer imMErSIOn iS dEsIgnEd TO cOnnecT BMe to healThcare and sOciEtY and to steer aND eNhance studEntS'research intEreSts towArDs mEDicinE. It Will iMmediaTEly impAct their PHD THesis rESearch bY ADdIng a Medical conscience ANd INfluence their lOng terM cAReER TowArdS improving", "whitespace_perturbation": " clinical practitioners an d particip ate i n c lin ic al r elat ed research un d er t he direction of an ass igned c l inic i an ment or. Thi s c l i nic al s umm er im mersi onis desi gned to co nne ct BME to heal t hc are and so cie ty and to st eer and e nh anc e stud ent s'res earchi nteres ts toward sm edicin e . It wi l l i mmed iately impact the i rP hD thesis rese arch b ya dd i n g a me dical cons ci encea nd infl u en c e the i r long term c areer towar d s i mprovi ng ", "underscore_trick": " clinical_practitioners and_participate in clinical related_research under_the_direction of_an_assigned clinician mentor._This clinical summer_immersion is designed to_connect BME to_healthcare_and society and to steer and enhance students'research interests towards medicine. It will immediately_impact_their PhD_thesis_research_by adding a medical conscience_and influence their long term_career towards_improving"} +{"text": ". Results of this research will have immediate impact for those engaged in the use of recombinant AAV vectors for gene delivery because it will allow the large-scale development of AAV vectors, It will have positive commercialization implications for PoIyFlo and Puresyn, Inc. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL AP", "synonym_substitution": ". Results of this research will have immediate impingement for those engage in the use of recombinant AAV vector for gene pitch because it will allow the large - plate development of AAV vectors, It will have convinced commercialization implications for PoIyFlo and Puresyn, Inc. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL AP", "butter_fingers": ". Redults of this research wlll have immediaje impacv for tgose engxged in the use of recombinait AQV vextors for gene deliverh because it will alliq the largx-acale dcrelopjcnt oy EAV vectors, It eill have [ositive commesckapization implications for PoIyFlo agd Purexyj, Inc. PROPOSED COMKQRCIZL AP", "random_deletion": ". Results of this research will have for engaged in use of recombinant because will allow the development of AAV It will have positive commercialization implications PoIyFlo and Puresyn, Inc. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL AP", "change_char_case": ". Results of this research will Have immediAte imPacT foR tHose EngaGed in the use of rECombInant AAV vectors for gene DelivErY BecaUSe It wilL allow tHE lARGe-sCaLe DevElOPmEnt of aAV Vectors, it will have PosItIve commerciaLIzAtion impliCatIons for PoIyFLo aNd PureSyN, InC. pROPOsED cOMMErCIAL Ap", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Results of this research will have imme dia teim pact for those engaged in t he use of recombinantAAV v ec t orsf or gene delive r yb e cau se i t w il l a llowthe large- scale deve lop me nt of AAV ve c to rs, It wil l h ave positive co mmerci al iza t ion i mpl icati ons fo r PoIyF lo and Pu re s yn, In c . PROPO S E DCOMM ERCIAL AP", "underscore_trick": ". Results_of this_research will have immediate_impact for_those_engaged in_the_use of recombinant_AAV vectors for_gene delivery because it_will allow the_large-scale_development of AAV vectors, It will have positive commercialization implications for PoIyFlo and Puresyn,_Inc._PROPOSED COMMERCIAL_AP"} +{"text": " in urine. This test differentiates the tissue of origin of the increased collagen turnover as bone or soft tissues. Co-infection with multiple parasites is common in sub-Saharan Africa. Malaria and schistosomiasis are co-endemic diseases that affect nearly a billion people worldwide; 89% of whom reside in", "synonym_substitution": "in urine. This test differentiates the tissue of origin of the increased collagen upset as bone or piano tissues. Co - infection with multiple leech is common in sub - Saharan Africa. Malaria and schistosomiasis are co - endemic disease that affect nearly a billion people worldwide; 89% of whom occupy in", "butter_fingers": " in urine. This test differektiates the tissoe of ormgin of the incfeased collagen turnover as uone or sift tissues. Co-infectiov with muptiple pqrasmtes is common ii sub-Saharan Arvica. Kelaria and schixtosomiasiv are co-endemiw aideases that affect nearly a billion people wlrldwide; 89% of wrom gefide pn", "random_deletion": "in urine. This test differentiates the tissue of increased collagen as bone or parasites common in sub-Saharan Malaria and schistosomiasis co-endemic diseases that affect nearly a people worldwide; 89% of whom reside in", "change_char_case": " in urine. This test differentiAtes the tisSue of OriGin Of The iNcreAsed collagen tuRNoveR as bone or soft tissues. Co-InfecTiON witH MuLtiplE parasiTEs IS ComMoN iN suB-SAHaRan AfRicA. MalariA and schistOsoMiAsis are co-endEMiC diseases tHat Affect nearly A biLlion pEoPle WOrldwIde; 89% Of whoM residE In", "whitespace_perturbation": " in urine. This test diffe rentiatesthe t iss ueof ori ginof the increas e d co llagen turnover as bon e orso f t ti s su es. C o-infec t io n wit hmu lti pl e p arasi tes is com mon in sub -Sa ha ran Africa.M al aria and s chi stosomiasisare co-en de mic disea ses that affec t nearl y a billi on people worldwi d e ;89%of whom reside in ", "underscore_trick": " in_urine. This_test differentiates the tissue_of origin_of_the increased_collagen_turnover as bone_or soft tissues._Co-infection with multiple parasites_is common in_sub-Saharan_Africa. Malaria and schistosomiasis are co-endemic diseases that affect nearly a billion people worldwide;_89%_of whom_reside_in"} +{"text": " stimulate the expression of angiogenic integrins, thereby activating the integrin signaling pathway and promoting endothelial cell adhesion and migration. Specific Aim 2: To determine whether ROS elevate angiogenesis through triggering of endothelial cell proliferation and tube formation in the infarcted heart. Our hypothesis is that ROS activate the expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)", "synonym_substitution": "stimulate the expression of angiogenic integrins, thereby activating the integrin signaling pathway and advertise endothelial cellular telephone adhesion and migration. Specific Aim 2: To determine whether ROS lift angiogenesis through trigger of endothelial cell proliferation and tube geological formation in the infarcted kernel. Our hypothesis is that ROS activate the expressions of vascular endothelial growth gene (VEGF )", "butter_fingers": " stlmulate the expression on angiogenic intggeins, tiereby zctivativg the integrin signaling pavhwat and promoting endothelial cell adhvsion and migcation. Specific Ejm 2: To determjke whztier ROS elevate angiogenevis through trhgeexing of endothelial cell proliferatijn and yuhe formation ig tht igfardneb heart. Our hypothesis is that DOS actpvate the expressoons of vascular endotheliwl ggowth factor (VEGF)", "random_deletion": "stimulate the expression of angiogenic integrins, thereby integrin pathway and endothelial cell adhesion To whether ROS elevate through triggering of cell proliferation and tube formation in infarcted heart. Our hypothesis is that ROS activate the expressions of vascular endothelial factor (VEGF)", "change_char_case": " stimulate the expression of aNgiogenic iNtegrIns, TheReBy acTivaTing the integriN SignAling pathway and promotiNg endOtHEliaL CeLl adhEsion anD MiGRAtiOn. spEciFiC aiM 2: To deTerMine wheTher ROS eleVatE aNgiogenesis tHRoUgh triggerIng Of endotheliaL ceLl prolIfEraTIon anD tuBe forMation IN the inFarcted heArT. our hypOThesis iS THaT ROS Activate the expresSIoNS of vascular endOtheliAl GRoWTH faCtoR (VEGF)", "whitespace_perturbation": " stimulate the expressionof angioge nic i nte gri ns , th ereb y activating t h e in tegrin signaling pathw ay an dp romo t in g end othelia l c e l l a dh es ion a n dmigra tio n. Spec ific Aim 2 : T odetermine wh e th er ROS ele vat e angiogenes isthroug htri g gerin g o f end otheli a l cell prolifer at i on and tube fo r m at ionin the infarctedh ea r t. Our hypothe sis is t h at R OSact ivate theex press i ons ofv as c u l are ndothelial gr owth factor (VE GF)", "underscore_trick": " stimulate_the expression_of angiogenic integrins, thereby_activating the_integrin_signaling pathway_and_promoting endothelial cell_adhesion and migration._Specific Aim 2: To_determine whether ROS_elevate_angiogenesis through triggering of endothelial cell proliferation and tube formation in the infarcted heart._Our_hypothesis is_that_ROS_activate the expressions of vascular_endothelial growth factor (VEGF)"} +{"text": " the biological correlates, such as tissue lead concentrations and morphologic findings? These issues are addressed by a series of related experiments. Minimum exposure levels will be estimated by varying drinking water concentration from 10 ppm to 50 ppm. Critical periods will be assessed by comparing juvenile rats (21 days old at the start of exposure) and adult", "synonym_substitution": "the biological correlates, such as tissue lead concentrations and morphologic finding? These issue are addressed by a series of related experiments. minimal exposure levels will be estimated by change drinking water assiduity from 10 ppm to 50 ppm. Critical period will be assessed by compare juvenile rats (21 day old at the start of exposure) and adult", "butter_fingers": " thf biological correlates, ruch as tissue lead coicentrafions ana morphologic findings? These iwsues are addressed by a sefies of rvlated experinwnts. Minimnj exposmxe lebcls wnlo be estimated by varyinc drinking watar clncentration from 10 ppm to 50 ppm. Critycal petilds will be asfesstd fy ckmparing juvenile rats (21 days old af the suart of exposure) amd adult", "random_deletion": "the biological correlates, such as tissue lead morphologic These issues addressed by a exposure will be estimated varying drinking water from 10 ppm to 50 ppm. periods will be assessed by comparing juvenile rats (21 days old at the of exposure) and adult", "change_char_case": " the biological correlates, suCh as tissue Lead cOncEntRaTionS and Morphologic finDIngs? these issues are addresseD by a sErIEs of RElAted eXperimeNTs. mINimUm ExPosUrE LeVels wIll Be estimAted by varyIng DrInking water cONcEntration fRom 10 Ppm to 50 ppm. CritIcaL perioDs WilL Be assEssEd by cOmpariNG juvenIle rats (21 daYs OLd at thE Start of EXPoSure) And adult", "whitespace_perturbation": " the biological correlates , such astissu e l ead c once ntra tions and morp h olog ic findings? These iss ues a re addr e ss ed by a seri e so f re la te d e xp e ri ments . M inimumexposure l eve ls will be est i ma ted by var yin g drinking w ate r conc en tra t ion f rom 10 p pm to5 0 ppm. Critical p e riodsw ill bea s se ssed by comparing juv e ni l e rats (21 day s oldat th e sta rtof exposur e) anda dult", "underscore_trick": " the_biological correlates,_such as tissue lead_concentrations and_morphologic_findings? These_issues_are addressed by_a series of_related experiments. Minimum exposure_levels will be_estimated_by varying drinking water concentration from 10 ppm to 50 ppm. Critical periods will_be_assessed by_comparing_juvenile_rats (21 days old at_the start of exposure) and_adult"} +{"text": "iterpene Salvinorin A is the most potent naturally occurring hallucinogen. It has been reported to be the first subtype selective opioid ligand. In a screening against an array of receptors, Salvinorin A inhibited only kappa-opioid receptors (KORs). The activation of KORs has", "synonym_substitution": "iterpene Salvinorin A is the most potent naturally occurring hallucinogen. It has been reported to be the first subtype selective opioid ligand. In a cover against an array of receptor, Salvinorin A inhibited only kappa - opioid receptor (homer). The activation of KORs has", "butter_fingers": "itegpene Salvinorin A is tht most potent natorqlly orcurrinf hallucknogen. It has been reported vo bw the first subtype selectixe opioid ligand. Un a wcreening efainst an arrzn of xereptors, Salvinotin A inhibided only kappa-mpkond receptors (KORs). The activation of HORs hax", "random_deletion": "iterpene Salvinorin A is the most potent hallucinogen. has been to be the In screening against an of receptors, Salvinorin inhibited only kappa-opioid receptors (KORs). The of KORs has", "change_char_case": "iterpene Salvinorin A is the mOst potent nAturaLly OccUrRing HallUcinogen. It has bEEn rePorted to be the first subtYpe seLeCTive OPiOid liGand. In a SCrEENinG aGaInsT aN ArRay of RecEptors, SAlvinorin A InhIbIted only kappA-OpIoid receptOrs (kORs). The activAtiOn of KOrs Has", "whitespace_perturbation": "iterpene Salvinorin A is t he most po tentnat ura ll y oc curr ing hallucinog e n. I t has been reported to be t he firs t s ubtyp e selec t iv e opi oi dlig an d .In ascr eeningagainst an ar ra y of recepto r s, Salvinori n A inhibited o nly kappa -o pio i d rec ept ors ( KORs). The ac tivationof KORs h a s", "underscore_trick": "iterpene Salvinorin_A is_the most potent naturally_occurring hallucinogen._It_has been_reported_to be the_first subtype selective_opioid ligand. In a_screening against an_array_of receptors, Salvinorin A inhibited only kappa-opioid receptors (KORs). The activation of KORs has"} +{"text": " the potential of appropriately implemented health information technology for improving quality of care and reducing health disparities in a large community EHR program. (Revised Abstract) Description: The rapid spread of HIV in many Eastern European countries has been linked to an increase in injecting drug use among young people. Non-injecting drug use has also", "synonym_substitution": "the potential of appropriately implemented health information technology for better timbre of care and reducing health disparity in a large residential district EHR program. (Revised Abstract) Description: The rapid spread of HIV in many easterly European country has been linked to an addition in inject drug use among unseasoned people. Non - injecting drug habit has also", "butter_fingers": " thf potential of appropriauely implemented kwalth mnformafion tecfnology for improving qualitb of care and reducing health dksparitied in a lqrge xommunity XGR progvcm. (Reblsed Cbwtract) Descripjion: The raphd spread of HHV iu many Eastern European countries haf been kijked to an inctease yn ihjecting drug use among young peopme. Non-iijecting drug uxe has also", "random_deletion": "the potential of appropriately implemented health information improving of care reducing health disparities program. Abstract) Description: The spread of HIV many Eastern European countries has been to an increase in injecting drug use among young people. Non-injecting drug use also", "change_char_case": " the potential of appropriateLy implemenTed heAltH inFoRmatIon tEchnology for imPRoviNg quality of care and reduCing hEaLTh diSPaRitieS in a larGE cOMMunItY EhR pRoGRaM. (ReviSed abstracT) DescriptiOn: THe Rapid spread oF hIv in many EasTerN European couNtrIes has BeEn lINked tO an IncreAse in iNJectinG drug use aMoNG young PEople. NoN-INjEctiNg drug use has also", "whitespace_perturbation": " the potential of appropri ately impl ement edhea lt h in form ation technolo g y fo r improving quality of care a n d re d uc ing h ealth d i sp a r iti es i n a l a rg e com mun ity EHR program.(Re vi sed Abstract ) D escription : T he rapid spr ead of HI Vinm any E ast ern E uropea n count ries hasbe e n link e d to an i nc reas e in injecting dr u gu se among young peopl e. No n - inj ect ing drug u se hasa lso", "underscore_trick": " the_potential of_appropriately implemented health information_technology for_improving_quality of_care_and reducing health_disparities in a_large community EHR program._(Revised Abstract) Description:_The_rapid spread of HIV in many Eastern European countries has been linked to an_increase_in injecting_drug_use_among young people. Non-injecting drug_use has also"} +{"text": " placental MHC class I molecule HLA-G and the rhesus molecule Mamu-AG is expression of multiple protein isoforms and splice variants. Splice variants also exist for HLA-G which encode a soluble protein but the presence of a mRNA encoding a soluble rhesus MHC class I molecule has not previously been detected.", "synonym_substitution": "placental MHC class I molecule HLA - G and the rhesus molecule Mamu - AG is expression of multiple protein isoforms and splice random variable. lap joint variants also exist for HLA - deoxyguanosine monophosphate which encode a soluble protein but the bearing of a mRNA encoding a soluble rhesus MHC class I atom has not previously been detect.", "butter_fingers": " plwcental MHC class I molegule HLA-G and thg ehesus molechle Mamu-XG is expression of multiple peoteib isoforms and splice xariants. Dplice vqriaits also exist for HLA-G which skcode e soluble proteln but the [resence of a kRVA encoding a soluble rhesus MHC clasf I molrckle has not prgviouxjy bsvn detected.", "random_deletion": "placental MHC class I molecule HLA-G and molecule is expression multiple protein isoforms also for HLA-G which a soluble protein the presence of a mRNA encoding soluble rhesus MHC class I molecule has not previously been detected.", "change_char_case": " placental MHC class I moleculE HLA-G and thE rhesUs mOleCuLe MaMu-AG Is expression of MUltiPle protein isoforms and sPlice VaRIantS. spLice vAriants ALsO EXisT fOr hLA-g wHIcH encoDe a Soluble Protein but The PrEsence of a mRNa EnCoding a solUblE rhesus MHC clAss i molecUlE haS Not prEviOusly Been deTEcted.", "whitespace_perturbation": " placental MHC class I mol ecule HLA- G and th e r he susmole cule Mamu-AG i s exp ression of multiple pr otein i s ofor m sand s plice v a ri a n ts. S pl ice v a ri antsals o exist for HLA-G wh ic h encode a s o lu ble protei n b ut the prese nce of amR NAe ncodi nga sol uble r h esus M HC classIm olecul e has no t pr evio usly been detecte d .", "underscore_trick": " placental_MHC class_I molecule HLA-G and_the rhesus_molecule_Mamu-AG is_expression_of multiple protein_isoforms and splice_variants. Splice variants also_exist for HLA-G_which_encode a soluble protein but the presence of a mRNA encoding a soluble rhesus_MHC_class I_molecule_has_not previously been detected."} +{"text": " known as the ALIVE-2 study. The ALIVE cohort is unique in that it comprises a community-based IDU population of both genders who are largely out of drug treatment, with significant representation of African-Americans and those with limited access to appropriate medical care;these populations have been underrepresented in research on", "synonym_substitution": "known as the ALIVE-2 study. The ALIVE cohort is unique in that it constitute a residential district - based IDU population of both genders who are largely out of drug discussion, with significant theatrical performance of African - Americans and those with limited access to appropriate aesculapian care;these populations have been underrepresented in research on", "butter_fingers": " knlwn as the ALIVE-2 study. Tme ALIVE cohort nw uniqne in tgat it cumprises a community-based IDN populatuon of both genders whu are larhely out of vrug treatment, wmfh signlyicanf repxewentation of Anrican-Ameriwans and those wktk limited access to appropriate medisal carr;tjese populatiogs hsde bsvn underrepresented in research on", "random_deletion": "known as the ALIVE-2 study. The ALIVE unique that it a community-based IDU are out of drug with significant representation African-Americans and those with limited access appropriate medical care;these populations have been underrepresented in research on", "change_char_case": " known as the ALIVE-2 study. The ALiVE cohort iS uniqUe iN thAt It coMpriSes a community-bASed IdU population of both gendErs whO aRE larGElY out oF drug trEAtMENt, wItH sIgnIfICaNt repResEntatioN of African-ameRiCans and those WItH limited acCesS to appropriaTe mEdical CaRe;tHEse poPulAtionS have bEEn undeRrepresenTeD In reseARch on", "whitespace_perturbation": " known as the ALIVE-2 stud y. The ALI VE co hor t i suniq ue i n that it comp r ises a community-based IDU popu la t iono fbothgenders wh o are l ar gel yo ut of d rug treatm ent, withsig ni ficant repre s en tation ofAfr ican-America nsand th os e w i th li mit ed ac cess t o appro priate me di c al car e ;thesep o pu lati ons have been und e rr e presented in r esearc ho n", "underscore_trick": " known_as the_ALIVE-2 study. The ALIVE_cohort is_unique_in that_it_comprises a community-based_IDU population of_both genders who are_largely out of_drug_treatment, with significant representation of African-Americans and those with limited access to appropriate medical_care;these_populations have_been_underrepresented_in research on"} +{"text": " ternary complex. The specific aims of this research plan, which will provide important new insights into the structure and function of the LIN12 and ankyrin repeat domains of notch, are to: [unreadable] [unreadable] 1. Determine how LIN12 modules prevent ligand-independent activation of notch receptors. (a)", "synonym_substitution": "ternary complex. The specific aims of this research plan, which will leave authoritative new insights into the structure and routine of the LIN12 and ankyrin repeat domains of notch, are to: [ indecipherable ] [ unreadable ] 1. Determine how LIN12 modules prevent ligand - autonomous energizing of notch receptors. (a )", "butter_fingers": " tegnary complex. The speciflc aims of this tewearch plan, shich wiul provide important new insmghtw inti the structure and fuvction of the LIN12 and qnkyrin re'sat domains or noteh, are to: [unreadsble] [unreagable] 1. Determite hlw LIN12 modules prevent ligand-indepegdent avtlvation of notsh rtce[tora. (a)", "random_deletion": "ternary complex. The specific aims of this which provide important insights into the LIN12 ankyrin repeat domains notch, are to: [unreadable] 1. Determine how LIN12 modules ligand-independent activation of notch receptors. (a)", "change_char_case": " ternary complex. The specific Aims of this ReseaRch PlaN, wHich Will Provide importaNT new Insights into the structuRe and FuNCtioN Of The LIn12 and ankYRiN REpeAt DoMaiNs OF nOtch, aRe tO: [unreadAble] [unreadAblE] 1. DEtermine how Lin12 mOdules prevEnt Ligand-indepeNdeNt actiVaTioN Of notCh rEceptOrs. (a)", "whitespace_perturbation": " ternary complex. The spec ific aimsof th isres ea rchplan , which will p r ovid e important new insigh ts in to thes tr uctur e and f u nc t i onof t heLI N 12 andank yrin re peat domai nsof notch, aret o: [unreadab le] [unreadable ] 1 . Dete rm ine how L IN1 2 mod ules p r eventligand-in de p endent activat i o nof n otch receptors. ( a )", "underscore_trick": " ternary_complex. The_specific aims of this_research plan,_which_will provide_important_new insights into_the structure and_function of the LIN12_and ankyrin repeat_domains_of notch, are to: [unreadable] [unreadable] 1. Determine how LIN12 modules prevent ligand-independent activation_of_notch receptors._(a)"} +{"text": " are established. Attempts to isolate the receptor (binding) proteins will employ methods that include affinity columns with immobilized peptidoglycans. Muramyl peptides (exogenous substances) and an endogenous substance (serotonin) mimic each other \"pharmacologically.\" Thus, muramyl peptides induce slow- wave sleep in which", "synonym_substitution": "are established. Attempts to isolate the receptor (bind) protein will employ methods that admit affinity columns with immobilized peptidoglycans. Muramyl peptide (exogenous substances) and an endogenous substance (serotonin) mimic each early \" pharmacologically. \" Thus, muramyl peptides induce slow- wave sleep in which", "butter_fingers": " arf established. Attempts tu isolate the rgcwptor (uinding) proteinr will employ methods that iicluee afdinity columns with imoobilized peptidotlycens. Muramyl peptmses (exonznous dubscaices) and an endpgenous sutstance (serototiv) limic each other \"pharmacologically.\" Ehus, mutalyl peptides igduct sjow- save sleep in which", "random_deletion": "are established. Attempts to isolate the receptor will methods that affinity columns with substances) an endogenous substance mimic each other Thus, muramyl peptides induce slow- wave in which", "change_char_case": " are established. Attempts to iSolate the rEceptOr (bIndInG) proTeinS will employ metHOds tHat include affinity coluMns wiTh IMmobILiZed pePtidoglYCaNS. murAmYl PepTiDEs (ExogeNouS substaNces) and an eNdoGeNous substancE (SeRotonin) mimIc eAch other \"pharMacOlogicAlLy.\" THUs, murAmyL peptIdes inDUce sloW- wave sleeP iN Which", "whitespace_perturbation": " are established. Attempts to isolat e the re cep to r (b indi ng) proteins w i ll e mploy methods that inc ludeaf f init y c olumn s withi mm o b ili ze dpep ti d og lycan s.Muramyl peptides(ex og enous substa n ce s) and anend ogenous subs tan ce (se ro ton i n) mi mic each other \"pharm acologica ll y .\" Thu s , muram y l p epti des induce slow-w av e sleep in whic h", "underscore_trick": " are_established. Attempts_to isolate the receptor_(binding) proteins_will_employ methods_that_include affinity columns_with immobilized peptidoglycans._Muramyl peptides (exogenous substances)_and an endogenous_substance_(serotonin) mimic each other \"pharmacologically.\" Thus, muramyl peptides induce slow- wave sleep in which"} +{"text": " activity of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells. The proposal will make use of existing lineages of transgenic mice expressing the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) under the control of a variety of promoters (HA Tg mice) and/or HA-specific T cell receptors", "synonym_substitution": "activity of CD4+CD25+Foxp3 + regulatory T (Treg) cells. The marriage proposal will name use of existing linage of transgenic shiner expressing the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) under the control of a kind of showman (HA Tg mice) and/or HA - specific thymine cell receptors", "butter_fingers": " achivity of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulxtory T (Treg) cells. The propoaal will make use of existing lineagxs od trabsgenic mice expressine the infpuenza vurus yemagglutiijn (HA) ukber tgc concril of a varieti of promotess (HA Tg mice) dna/ox HA-specific T cell receptors", "random_deletion": "activity of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells. will use of lineages of transgenic hemagglutinin under the control a variety of (HA Tg mice) and/or HA-specific T receptors", "change_char_case": " activity of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatOry T (Treg) ceLls. ThE prOpoSaL wilL makE use of existing LIneaGes of transgenic mice expRessiNg THe inFLuEnza vIrus hemAGgLUTinIn (hA) UndEr THe ContrOl oF a varieTy of promotErs (hA tg mice) and/or Ha-SpEcific T celL reCeptors", "whitespace_perturbation": " activity of CD4+CD25+Foxp 3+ regulat ory T (T reg )cell s. T he proposal wi l l ma ke use of existing lin eages o f tra n sg enicmice ex p re s s ing t he in fl u en za vi rus hemagg lutinin (H A)un der the cont r ol of a vari ety of promoter s ( HA Tgmi ce) and/o r H A-spe cificT cellreceptors ", "underscore_trick": " activity_of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+_regulatory T (Treg) cells._The proposal_will_make use_of_existing lineages of_transgenic mice expressing_the influenza virus hemagglutinin_(HA) under the_control_of a variety of promoters (HA Tg mice) and/or HA-specific T cell receptors"} +{"text": "GRP-L is an N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase that hydrolyzes PGN. Very recently, it was found that PGRP-L also has a proinflammatory function, unrelated to its amidase activity (2). We previously published structures of human PGRP-Ialpha and -Ibeta", "synonym_substitution": "GRP - L is an N - acetylmuramoyl - L - alanine amidase that hydrolyzes PGN. Very recently, it was found that PGRP - L also take a proinflammatory affair, unrelated to its amidase activity (2). We previously published structures of human PGRP - Ialpha and -Ibeta", "butter_fingers": "GRP-P is an N-acetylmuramoyl-L-xlanine amidase that hbdrolyzss PGN. Vdry recently, it was found thet PTRP-L qlso has a proinflammagory funcnion, unreoatev to its amidase activitn (2). We irevimnsly published xtructures of human PGRP-Haupka and -Ibeta", "random_deletion": "GRP-L is an N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase that hydrolyzes recently, was found PGRP-L also has its activity (2). We published structures of PGRP-Ialpha and -Ibeta", "change_char_case": "GRP-L is an N-acetylmuramoyl-L-aLanine amidAse thAt hYdrOlYzes pGN. VEry recently, it wAS fouNd that PGRP-L also has a proInflaMmATory FUnCtion, UnrelatED tO ITs aMiDaSe aCtIViTy (2). We pRevIously pUblished stRucTuRes of human PGrp-IAlpha and -IbEta", "whitespace_perturbation": "GRP-L is an N-acetylmuramo yl-L-alani ne am ida seth at h ydro lyzes PGN. Ver y rec ently, it was found th at PG RP - L al s ohas a proinf l am m a tor yfu nct io n ,unrel ate d to it s amidaseact iv ity (2). Wep re viously pu bli shed structu res of hu ma n P G RP-Ia lph a and -Ibet a ", "underscore_trick": "GRP-L is_an N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine_amidase that hydrolyzes PGN._Very recently,_it_was found_that_PGRP-L also has_a proinflammatory function,_unrelated to its amidase_activity (2). We_previously_published structures of human PGRP-Ialpha and -Ibeta"} +{"text": " cells that currently can not be well cryopreserved. The training and research proposed in this application will be sponsored by Dr. Adams and will take place in both the Arteriosclerosis Research Center and the Comparative Medicine Clinical Research Center. Dr. Wagner is seeking SERCA support to further her development as an independent investigator", "synonym_substitution": "cells that currently cannot be well cryopreserved. The training and research aim in this lotion will be sponsored by Dr. Adams and will take home in both the Arteriosclerosis Research Center and the Comparative Medicine Clinical Research Center. Dr. Wagner is search SERCA support to further her exploitation as an autonomous investigator", "butter_fingers": " cepls that currently can nut be well cryokrwservev. The tdaining xnd research proposed in thid qpplixation will be sponsordd by Dr. Wdams ane wioo take plars in bobk the Wrtexiisclerosis Resgarch Center and the Compasagire Medicine Clinical Research Center. Dr. Wagmeg is seeking SGRCA xtppodn uo further her development as an jndepenvent investigatpr", "random_deletion": "cells that currently can not be well training research proposed this application will and take place in the Arteriosclerosis Research and the Comparative Medicine Clinical Research Dr. Wagner is seeking SERCA support to further her development as an independent", "change_char_case": " cells that currently can not bE well cryopReserVed. the TrAiniNg anD research propoSEd in This application will be sPonsoReD By Dr. aDaMs and Will takE PlACE in BoTh The arTErIosclEroSis ReseArch Center And ThE Comparative mEdIcine CliniCal research CentEr. DR. WagneR iS seEKing SeRCa suppOrt to fURther hEr developMeNT as an iNDependeNT InVestIgator", "whitespace_perturbation": " cells that currently cannot be wel l cry opr ese rv ed.Thetraining and r e sear ch proposed in this ap plica ti o n wi l lbe sp onsored by D r.Ad am s a nd wi ll ta keplace i n both the Ar te riosclerosis Re search Cen ter and the Com par ativeMe dic i ne Cl ini cal R esearc h Cente r. Dr. Wa gn e r is s e eking S E R CA sup port to further h e rd evelopment asan ind ep e nd e n t i nve stigator", "underscore_trick": " cells_that currently_can not be well_cryopreserved. The_training_and research_proposed_in this application_will be sponsored_by Dr. Adams and_will take place_in_both the Arteriosclerosis Research Center and the Comparative Medicine Clinical Research Center. Dr. Wagner_is_seeking SERCA_support_to_further her development as an_independent investigator"} +{"text": " by mutations in Kv channel genes. Among the many different types of Kv channels, Kv3-type channels display unique biophysical properties: very rapid activation and deactivation kinetics, high thresholds of activation and large unit conductances, properties that enable neurons to fire narrow actions potentials at extremely high frequencies. Among K", "synonym_substitution": "by mutations in Kv channel genes. Among the many different type of Kv groove, Kv3 - type channels display singular biophysical properties: very rapid activation and deactivation dynamics, high thresholds of activation and bombastic unit conductances, property that enable neurons to fire minute action potentials at extremely high frequencies. Among K", "butter_fingers": " by mutations in Kv channel genes. Among thg nany dmfferenf types uf Kv channels, Kv3-type channeps dispoay unique biophysical propertivs: very rqpid qctivation and deagcivatjln knnxtics, high threxholds of dctivation and lxrye unit conductances, properties that enable nfurons to fire nargor acfpoks potentials at extremely high rrequenbies. Among K", "random_deletion": "by mutations in Kv channel genes. Among different of Kv Kv3-type channels display activation deactivation kinetics, high of activation and unit conductances, properties that enable neurons fire narrow actions potentials at extremely high frequencies. Among K", "change_char_case": " by mutations in Kv channel genEs. Among the Many dIffEreNt TypeS of KV channels, Kv3-typE ChanNels display unique biophYsicaL pROperTIeS: very Rapid acTIvATIon AnD dEacTiVAtIon kiNetIcs, high Thresholds Of aCtIvation and laRGe Unit conducTanCes, propertieS thAt enabLe NeuROns to FirE narrOw actiONs poteNtials at eXtREmely hIGh frequENCiEs. AmOng K", "whitespace_perturbation": " by mutations in Kv channe l genes. A mongthe ma ny dif fere nt types of Kv chan nels, Kv3-type channel s dis pl a y un i qu e bio physica l p r o per ti es : v er y r apidact ivation and deact iva ti on kinetics, hi gh thresho lds of activati onand la rg e u n it co ndu ctanc es, pr o pertie s that en ab l e neur o ns to f i r enarr ow actions potent i al s at extremelyhigh f re q ue n c ies . A mong K", "underscore_trick": " by_mutations in_Kv channel genes. Among_the many_different_types of_Kv_channels, Kv3-type channels_display unique biophysical_properties: very rapid activation_and deactivation kinetics,_high_thresholds of activation and large unit conductances, properties that enable neurons to fire narrow_actions_potentials at_extremely_high_frequencies. Among K"} +{"text": " essential neurotransmitters. Botulinum neurotoxin proteases are unique among endopeptidases in that they require long substrates (SNAREs) for catalytic efficiency due to their recognition strategy. Further complicating their inhibition are allosteric patches, termed exosites that both determine specificity and also remodel the", "synonym_substitution": "essential neurotransmitters. Botulinum neurotoxin proteases are unique among endopeptidases in that they command retentive substrates (SNAREs) for catalytic efficiency due to their recognition strategy. far complicating their inhibition are allosteric patch, termed exosites that both determine specificity and besides recast the", "butter_fingers": " esdential neurotransmitterr. Botulinum neutoroxin 'roteasss are uvique among endopeptidases ii thqt thtj require long substrxtes (SNARVs) for caralyuic efficiency dux to thelx recknnitimi strategy. Furtmer complicdting their invicicion are allosteric patches, termed evosites tjat both deteriine fpecjficity and also remodel the", "random_deletion": "essential neurotransmitters. Botulinum neurotoxin proteases are unique in they require substrates (SNAREs) for recognition Further complicating their are allosteric patches, exosites that both determine specificity and remodel the", "change_char_case": " essential neurotransmitterS. Botulinum NeuroToxIn pRoTeasEs arE unique among enDOpepTidases in that they requiRe lonG sUBstrATeS (SNARes) for caTAlYTIc eFfIcIenCy DUe To theIr rEcognitIon strategY. FuRtHer complicatINg Their inhibItiOn are allosteRic PatcheS, tErmED exosIteS that Both deTErmine SpecificiTy ANd also REmodel tHE", "whitespace_perturbation": " essential neurotransmitte rs. Botuli num n eur oto xi n pr otea ses are unique amon g endopeptidases in th at th ey requ i re long substr a te s (SN AR Es ) f or ca talyt icefficie ncy due to th ei r recognitio n s trategy. F urt her complica tin g thei rinh i bitio n a re al loster i c patc hes, term ed exosit e s thatb o th det ermine specificit y a n d also remodel the", "underscore_trick": " essential_neurotransmitters. Botulinum_neurotoxin proteases are unique_among endopeptidases_in_that they_require_long substrates (SNAREs)_for catalytic efficiency_due to their recognition_strategy. Further complicating_their_inhibition are allosteric patches, termed exosites that both determine specificity and also remodel the"} +{"text": " to one in which special clustering algorithms analyze complex multivariate databases. Such analyses should permit a more complete identification of highly correlated clinical cases and allow us to characterize their response to molecular therapies specifically designed to prevent progression. We are attempting to develop new approaches for better integration of our thermoplastic microtransfer methods of microdissection with downstream macrom", "synonym_substitution": "to one in which special clustering algorithms analyze complex multivariate databases. Such analysis should let a more complete identification of highly correlated clinical event and allow us to characterize their reply to molecular therapy specifically designed to prevent progression. We are attempting to develop new access for better integration of our thermoplastic microtransfer methods of microdissection with downstream macrom", "butter_fingers": " to one in which special clmstering algoritkns ananyze ckmplex mjltivariate databases. Such aialywes syould permit a more cooplete idvntificatuon id highly correlated clinjgal ccsxs and allow us to characderize their rasoouse to molecular therapies specificajly desogjed to prevent probwessjon. We are attempting to develop nsw apprmaches for beyter integration of our thfrmoolastic microtransver methods of iucrodissectiun with downstream mactom", "random_deletion": "to one in which special clustering algorithms multivariate Such analyses permit a more clinical and allow us characterize their response molecular therapies specifically designed to prevent We are attempting to develop new approaches for better integration of our thermoplastic methods of microdissection with downstream macrom", "change_char_case": " to one in which special clusteRing algoriThms aNalYze CoMpleX mulTivariate databASes. SUch analyses should permiT a morE cOMpleTE iDentiFicatioN Of HIGhlY cOrRelAtED cLinicAl cAses and Allow us to cHarAcTerize their rESpOnse to moleCulAr therapies sPecIficalLy DesIGned tO prEvent ProgreSSion. We Are attempTiNG to devELop new aPPRoAcheS for better integraTIoN Of our thermoplaStic miCrOTrANSfeR meThods of micRoDisseCTion witH DoWNSTreAM macrom", "whitespace_perturbation": " to one in which special c lusteringalgor ith msan alyz e co mplex multivar i atedatabases. Such analys es sh ou l d pe r mi t a m ore com p le t e id en ti fic at i on of h igh ly corr elated cli nic al cases and a l lo w us to ch ara cterize thei r r espons etom olecu lar ther apiess pecifi cally des ig n ed top reventp r og ress ion. We are attem p ti n g to develop n ew app ro a ch e s fo r b etter inte gr ation of ourt he r m o pla s tic microtran sfer method s of micro di sse c tion w ith d ow n str eam macrom", "underscore_trick": " to_one in_which special clustering algorithms_analyze complex_multivariate_databases. Such_analyses_should permit a_more complete identification_of highly correlated clinical_cases and allow_us_to characterize their response to molecular therapies specifically designed to prevent progression. We are_attempting_to develop_new_approaches_for better integration of our_thermoplastic microtransfer methods of microdissection_with downstream_macrom"} +{"text": " and alcohol problems in young adulthood, to test multiple models for understanding the mechanisms and directions of influence among these key constructs, and to identify possible points of prevention and intervention. NOT-OD-09-058: NIH Announces the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Competitive Revision Application The immune system has the potential", "synonym_substitution": "and alcohol problems in young adulthood, to test multiple models for understand the mechanism and directions of influence among these key constructs, and to name possible points of prevention and intervention. NOT - OD-09 - 058: NIH announce the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Competitive Revision Application The immune system have the potential", "butter_fingers": " anf alcohol problems in yomng adulthood, to test mnltiple models wor understanding the mechanmsms and eirections of influencd among tjese key conwrructs, and to idenbnfy pkdsibnx points of preyention and intervention. TOG-OB-09-058: NIH Announces the Availability of Wecoveru Wct Funds for Sompttieive Geyision Application The immune syatem hav the potentisl", "random_deletion": "and alcohol problems in young adulthood, to models understanding the and directions of and identify possible points prevention and intervention. NIH Announces the Availability of Recovery Funds for Competitive Revision Application The immune system has the potential", "change_char_case": " and alcohol problems in young Adulthood, tO test MulTipLe ModeLs foR understanding THe meChanisms and directions oF inflUeNCe amONg These Key consTRuCTS, anD tO iDenTiFY pOssibLe pOints of Prevention And InTervention. NOt-oD-09-058: nIH AnnouncEs tHe AvailabiliTy oF RecovErY AcT funds For compeTitive rEvisioN ApplicatIoN the immUNe systeM HAs The pOtential", "whitespace_perturbation": " and alcohol problems in y oung adult hood, to te st mul tipl e models for u n ders tanding the mechanisms anddi r ecti o ns of i nfluenc e a m o ngth es e k ey co nstru cts , and t o identify po ss ible pointso fprevention an d interventi on. NOT-O D- 09- 0 58: N IHAnnou nces t h e Avai labilityof Recove r y Act F u n ds for Competitive Revi s io n Application T he imm un e s y s tem ha s the pote nt ial", "underscore_trick": " and_alcohol problems_in young adulthood, to_test multiple_models_for understanding_the_mechanisms and directions_of influence among_these key constructs, and_to identify possible_points_of prevention and intervention. NOT-OD-09-058: NIH Announces the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for_Competitive_Revision Application_The_immune_system has the potential"} +{"text": ",8-tetra-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), the prototypical AHR agonist. In mice, TCDD inhibits prostatic bud formation by the fetal urogenital sinus (UGS), prevents the ventral prostate lobe from forming, and permanently alters the structure and function", "synonym_substitution": ", 8 - tetra - chlorodibenzo - p - dioxin (TCDD), the prototypical AHR agonist. In mice, TCDD inhibit prostate bud formation by the fetal urogenital sinus (UGS), prevent the adaxial prostate lobe from forming, and permanently alters the social organization and routine", "butter_fingers": ",8-tetga-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TGDD), the prototypnxal AHC agoniat. In mize, TCDD inhibits prostatic bnd firmatuon by the fetal urogevital sinls (UGS), prwvenus the ventral prostate lobe frkl foxmmng, and permanektly alters the structure avd function", "random_deletion": ",8-tetra-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), the prototypical AHR agonist. In inhibits bud formation the fetal urogenital prostate from forming, and alters the structure function", "change_char_case": ",8-tetra-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tCDD), the proTotypIcaL AHr aGoniSt. In Mice, TCDD inhibiTS proStatic bud formation by thE fetaL uROgenITaL sinuS (UGS), preVEnTS The VeNtRal PrOStAte loBe fRom formIng, and permAneNtLy alters the sTRuCture and fuNctIon", "whitespace_perturbation": ",8-tetra-chlorodibenzo-p-d ioxin (TCD D), t hepro to typi calAHR agonist. I n mic e, TCDD inhibits prost aticbu d for m at ion b y the f e ta l uro ge ni tal s i nu s (UG S), preven ts the ven tra lprostate lob e f rom formin g,and permanen tly alter sthe struc tur e and funct i on", "underscore_trick": ",8-tetra-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD),_the prototypical_AHR agonist. In mice,_TCDD inhibits_prostatic_bud formation_by_the fetal urogenital_sinus (UGS), prevents_the ventral prostate lobe_from forming, and_permanently_alters the structure and function"} +{"text": " of the Boston University Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Center grant which was established in 2001 and built on a strong foundation of outstanding epidemiology and clinical research. The strong record of accomplishment in patient oriented medical research at Boston University has been not only maintained in the last four years but expanded. What we propose creates new directions and areas of", "synonym_substitution": "of the Boston University Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Center grant which was established in 2001 and built on a strong initiation of great epidemiology and clinical research. The strong phonograph record of skill in patient oriented medical research at Boston University has been not merely maintained in the last four old age but expanded. What we propose create new directions and area of", "butter_fingers": " of the Boston University Mmltidisciplinary Clinicel Resezrch Cenger grant which was establisied un 2001 abd built on a strong fuundation of outsrandmng epidemiology and clikncal dcseareh. The strong regord of accmmplishment in pxtnent oriented medical research at Bofton Unovfrsity has beeg nou ogly jaintained in the last four years gut expended. What we ptopose creates new directilns wnd areas of", "random_deletion": "of the Boston University Multidisciplinary Clinical Research which established in and built on epidemiology clinical research. The record of accomplishment patient oriented medical research at Boston has been not only maintained in the last four years but expanded. What propose creates new directions and areas of", "change_char_case": " of the Boston University MultIdisciplinAry ClIniCal reSearCh CeNter grant which WAs esTablished in 2001 and built on a StronG fOUndaTIoN of ouTstandiNG ePIDemIoLoGy aNd CLiNical ResEarch. ThE strong recOrd Of AccomplishmeNT iN patient orIenTed medical reSeaRch at BOsTon uNiverSitY has bEen not ONly maiNtained in ThE Last foUR years bUT ExPandEd. What we propose crEAtES new directions And areAs OF", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the Boston UniversityMultidisci plina ryCli ni calRese arch Center gr a nt w hich was established i n 200 1a nd b u il t ona stron g f o u nda ti on of o u ts tandi ngepidemi ology andcli ni cal research . T he strongrec ord of accom pli shment i n p a tient or iente d medi c al res earch atBo s ton Un i versity h as bee n not only mainta i ne d in the last f our ye ar s b u t ex pan ded. Whatwe prop o se crea t es n e w d i rections andareas of", "underscore_trick": " of_the Boston_University Multidisciplinary Clinical Research_Center grant_which_was established_in_2001 and built_on a strong_foundation of outstanding epidemiology_and clinical research._The_strong record of accomplishment in patient oriented medical research at Boston University has been_not_only maintained_in_the_last four years but expanded._What we propose creates new_directions and_areas of"} +{"text": " Sfanos et al., Nat. Rev. Urol. 9:111-118, 2012). b. Development of a new MLV infectivity assay and further applications of the iGLuc infectivity assay strategy As part of our continuing studies on XMRV, we adapted a retrotransposition assay (Cur", "synonym_substitution": "Sfanos et al. , Nat. Rev. Urol. 9:111 - 118, 2012). b. Development of a new MLV infectivity assay and further applications of the iGLuc infectivity assay strategy As character of our stay studies on XMRV, we adapt a retrotransposition assay (Cur", "butter_fingers": " Sfwnos et al., Nat. Rev. Urol. 9:111-118, 2012). b. Development of a nxw MLV jnfectivkty assay and further applicetiobs of the iGLuc infectivity assay stgategy As paru of our continuiif studicf on WMRV, ce adapted a rettotransposithon assay (Cur", "random_deletion": "Sfanos et al., Nat. Rev. Urol. 9:111-118, Development a new infectivity assay and infectivity strategy As part our continuing studies XMRV, we adapted a retrotransposition assay", "change_char_case": " Sfanos et al., Nat. Rev. Urol. 9:111-118, 2012). b. DeveLopment of a New MLv inFecTiVity AssaY and further appLIcatIons of the iGLuc infectivIty asSaY StraTEgY As paRt of our COnTINuiNg StUdiEs ON XmRV, we AdaPted a reTrotranspoSitIoN assay (Cur", "whitespace_perturbation": " Sfanos et al., Nat. Rev.Urol. 9:11 1-118 , 2 012 ). b.Deve lopment of a n e w ML V infectivity assay an d fur th e r ap p li catio ns of t h ei G Luc i nf ect iv i ty assa y s trategy As part o f o ur continuings tu dies on XM RV, we adapteda r etrotr an spo s ition as say ( Cur", "underscore_trick": " Sfanos_et al.,_Nat. Rev. Urol. 9:111-118,_2012). b._Development_of a_new_MLV infectivity assay_and further applications_of the iGLuc infectivity_assay strategy As_part_of our continuing studies on XMRV, we adapted a retrotransposition assay (Cur"} +{"text": " fill out questionnaires after these medical visits. A home visit will occur one month after the audio-taped visit. Children will be interviewed during the home visits, asked to demonstrate inhaler and peak flow technique a second time, and have their lung function examined using spirometry. Caregivers will fill out questionnaires", "synonym_substitution": "fill out questionnaires after these medical visits. A base sojourn will occur one month after the sound recording - taped sojourn. Children will be interviewed during the family visit, asked to show inhaler and peak flow proficiency a second time, and have their lung function examined use spirometry. Caregivers will fill up out questionnaires", "butter_fingers": " fipl out questionnaires afuer these medical visits. A homs visit dill occur one month after tie aydio-tqped visit. Children wiul be intvrviewed euriig the home visiva, asked to dejlnstxave inhaler and keak flow tewhnique a secotd tnme, and have their lung function exaiined uxijg spirometry. Sarebyvera will fill out questionnaires", "random_deletion": "fill out questionnaires after these medical visits. visit occur one after the audio-taped during home visits, asked demonstrate inhaler and flow technique a second time, and their lung function examined using spirometry. Caregivers will fill out questionnaires", "change_char_case": " fill out questionnaires afteR these mediCal viSitS. A hOmE visIt wiLl occur one montH AfteR the audio-taped visit. ChiLdren WiLL be iNTeRviewEd durinG ThE HOme ViSiTs, aSkED tO demoNstRate inhAler and peaK flOw Technique a seCOnD time, and haVe tHeir lung funcTioN examiNeD usINg spiRomEtry. CAregivERs will Fill out quEsTIonnaiREs", "whitespace_perturbation": " fill out questionnaires a fter these medi cal vi si ts.A ho me visit willo ccur one month after the a udio- ta p ed v i si t. Ch ildrenw il l bein te rvi ew e ddurin g t he home visits, a ske dto demonstra t einhaler an d p eak flow tec hni que ase con d time , a nd ha ve the i r lung function e x amined using s p i ro metr y. Caregivers wil l f i ll out questio nnaire s", "underscore_trick": " fill_out questionnaires_after these medical visits._A home_visit_will occur_one_month after the_audio-taped visit. Children_will be interviewed during_the home visits,_asked_to demonstrate inhaler and peak flow technique a second time, and have their lung_function_examined using_spirometry._Caregivers_will fill out questionnaires"} +{"text": " solution at physiological pH and pH = 8.5, using different [NAC]/[Mn+] ratios and [Mn+] = 10 and 100 mM. In this study, we will combine the results from different spectroscopic techniques, such as extended x-ray-absorption fine structure (EXAFS), multi-", "synonym_substitution": "solution at physiological pH and pH = 8.5, using different [ NAC]/[Mn+ ] ratios and [ Mn+ ] = 10 and 100 mM. In this discipline, we will compound the results from different spectroscopic techniques, such as run x - ray - preoccupation all right structure (EXAFS), multi-", "butter_fingers": " sopution at physiological kH and pH = 8.5, using differxnt [NAC]/[Jn+] ratior and [Mn+] = 10 and 100 mM. In this svudy, we wull combine the resultr from divferent wpecuroscopic techniqnss, such as exfcnded e-ray-absorption nine structgre (EXAFS), multh-", "random_deletion": "solution at physiological pH and pH = different ratios and = 10 and we combine the results different spectroscopic techniques, as extended x-ray-absorption fine structure (EXAFS),", "change_char_case": " solution at physiological pH And pH = 8.5, using DiffeRenT [NAc]/[MN+] ratIos aNd [Mn+] = 10 and 100 mM. In thiS StudY, we will combine the resulTs froM dIFferENt SpectRoscopiC TeCHNiqUeS, sUch As EXtEnded X-raY-absorpTion fine stRucTuRe (EXAFS), multi-", "whitespace_perturbation": " solution at physiological pH and pH = 8. 5,usi ng dif fere nt [NAC]/[Mn+] rati os and [Mn+] = 10 and100 m M. In t h is stud y, we w i ll c omb in ethe r e su lts f rom differ ent spectr osc op ic technique s ,such as ex ten ded x-ray-ab sor ptionfi nes truct ure (EXA FS), m u lti-", "underscore_trick": " solution_at physiological_pH and pH =_8.5, using_different_[NAC]/[Mn+] ratios_and_[Mn+] = 10_and 100 mM._In this study, we_will combine the_results_from different spectroscopic techniques, such as extended x-ray-absorption fine structure (EXAFS), multi-"} +{"text": " monkey virus that is the closest relative to HCV. In addition, we have prepared challenge pools of GBV-B and have determined the infectivity titer of these in tamarins. We plan to use the GBV-B tamarin system to study characteristics of the virus that it shares with HCV, which must", "synonym_substitution": "monkey virus that is the closest relative to HCV. In addition, we have prepared challenge pool of GBV - B and have determine the infectivity titer of these in tamarins. We plan to use the GBV - b-complex vitamin tamarin system to study characteristic of the virus that it share with HCV, which must", "butter_fingers": " mojkey virus that is the cuosest relative to HCV. In adsition, wd have prepared challenge pollw of TBV-B and have determindd the invectivitt tiuer of these in tejarins. We plah to bsx the GBV-B tamatin system tm study characdefidtics of the virus that it shares wyth HCV, wjich must", "random_deletion": "monkey virus that is the closest relative In we have challenge pools of infectivity of these in We plan to the GBV-B tamarin system to study of the virus that it shares with HCV, which must", "change_char_case": " monkey virus that is the closeSt relative To HCV. in aDdiTiOn, we Have Prepared challeNGe poOls of GBV-B and have determIned tHe INfecTIvIty tiTer of thESe IN TamArInS. We PlAN tO use tHe GbV-B tamaRin system tO stUdY characterisTIcS of the viruS thAt it shares wiTh HcV, whicH mUst", "whitespace_perturbation": " monkey virus that is theclosest re lativ e t o H CV . In add ition, we have prep ared challenge pools o f GBV -B andh av e det ermined th e inf ec ti vit yt it er of th ese intamarins.Wepl an to use th e G BV-B tamar insystem to st udy chara ct eri s ticsofthe v irus t h at itshares wi th HCV, w h ich mus t ", "underscore_trick": " monkey_virus that_is the closest relative_to HCV._In_addition, we_have_prepared challenge pools_of GBV-B and_have determined the infectivity_titer of these_in_tamarins. We plan to use the GBV-B tamarin system to study characteristics of the_virus_that it_shares_with_HCV, which must"} +{"text": "A. Both genetic studies and studies using inhibitors of protein phosphatases (e.g. okadaic acid) indicate protein phosphatases play an important role(s) in the regulation of cell cycle progression and processes implicated in tumor promotion. PP5 has been shown to play a negative regulatory role in a p53-", "synonym_substitution": "A. Both genetic studies and studies using inhibitor of protein phosphatase (for example okadaic acid) indicate protein phosphatases play an crucial role(s) in the regulation of cell bicycle progress and processes implicate in tumor promotion. PP5 has been shown to toy a negative regulatory role in a p53-", "butter_fingers": "A. Blth genetic studies and rtudies using iuyibitocs of pdotein pfosphatases (e.g. okadaic acid) mndixate kgotein phosphatases puay an imiortant rile(s) un the regnmation of celm cycnx progression akd processev implicated it gulor promotion. PP5 has been shown to [lay a mehative regulatjry goje ih a p53-", "random_deletion": "A. Both genetic studies and studies using protein (e.g. okadaic indicate protein phosphatases the of cell cycle and processes implicated tumor promotion. PP5 has been shown play a negative regulatory role in a p53-", "change_char_case": "A. Both genetic studies and stuDies using iNhibiTorS of PrOteiN phoSphatases (e.g. okaDAic aCid) indicate protein phosPhataSeS Play AN iMportAnt role(S) In THE reGuLaTioN oF CeLl cycLe pRogressIon and procEssEs Implicated in TUmOr promotioN. PP5 Has been shown To pLay a neGaTivE RegulAtoRy rolE in a p53-", "whitespace_perturbation": "A. Both genetic studies an d studiesusing in hib it orsof p rotein phospha t ases (e.g. okadaic acid) i ndica te prot e in phos phatase s p l a y a nim por ta n trole( s)in theregulation of c ell cycle pr o gr ession and pr ocesses impl ica ted in t umo r prom oti on. P P5 has been s hown to p la y a neg a tive re g u la tory role in a p53-", "underscore_trick": "A. Both_genetic studies_and studies using inhibitors_of protein_phosphatases_(e.g. okadaic_acid)_indicate protein phosphatases_play an important_role(s) in the regulation_of cell cycle_progression_and processes implicated in tumor promotion. PP5 has been shown to play a negative_regulatory_role in_a_p53-"} +{"text": "GS from various species use metal ions. This will involve the preparation of a number of PBGSs from various sources, with various combinations of Zn(2+), Mg(2+), Mn(2+), followed by analysis of metal ligation by EXAFS and ESR, and function. The inhibition of these several", "synonym_substitution": "GS from various species use metallic element ion. This will involve the preparation of a numeral of PBGSs from respective sources, with various combination of Zn(2 +), Mg(2 +), Mn(2 +), trace by analysis of metallic element ligation by EXAFS and ESR, and function. The inhibition of these respective", "butter_fingers": "GS vrom various species use metal ions. This will mnvolve the preoaration of a number of PBGSd drom carious sources, with vxrious colbinatiobs oh Zn(2+), Mg(2+), Mn(2+), folloxsd by akclysia of kxtal ligation bi EXAFS and ASR, and functimn. Tke inhibition of these several", "random_deletion": "GS from various species use metal ions. involve preparation of number of PBGSs combinations Zn(2+), Mg(2+), Mn(2+), by analysis of ligation by EXAFS and ESR, and The inhibition of these several", "change_char_case": "GS from various species use meTal ions. ThiS will InvOlvE tHe prEparAtion of a number OF PBGss from various sources, wiTh varIoUS comBInAtionS of Zn(2+), Mg(2+), mN(2+), fOLLowEd By AnaLySIs Of metAl lIgation By EXAFS and eSR, AnD function. The INhIbition of tHesE several", "whitespace_perturbation": "GS from various species us e metal io ns. T his wi ll inv olve the preparati o n of a number of PBGSs fro m var io u s so u rc es, w ith var i ou s com bi na tio ns of Zn(2 +), Mg(2+) , Mn(2+),fol lo wed by analy s is of metallig ation by EXA FSand ES R, an d func tio n. Th e inhi b itionof thesese v eral", "underscore_trick": "GS from_various species_use metal ions. This_will involve_the_preparation of_a_number of PBGSs_from various sources,_with various combinations of_Zn(2+), Mg(2+), Mn(2+),_followed_by analysis of metal ligation by EXAFS and ESR, and function. The inhibition of_these_several"} +{"text": " hippocampus will be correlated with their susceptibility to epilepsy associated damage. Similar studies will be carried out in rats with seizures induced by graded electrical stimulation. Because the hippocampal somatostatin interneuron appears to be an early excitotoxic target, and thus of possible significance in the pathogenesis of TLE, we will particularly focus on the", "synonym_substitution": "hippocampus will be correlated with their susceptibility to epilepsy associated damage. Similar report will be carry out in rats with seizures induced by grade electrical stimulation. Because the hippocampal somatostatin interneuron appear to be an early excitotoxic aim, and thus of potential meaning in the pathogenesis of TLE, we will particularly focus on the", "butter_fingers": " hiopocampus will be correlxted with their suscepvibilitg to epiuepsy associated damage. Simipae stueies will be carried ojt in ratd with swizuces induced by gczded elcetriczp stnmnlation. Because the hippowampal somatosdagiu interneuron appears to be an early excitoyodic target, and thux of lossible significance in the pathofenesis of TLE, we wikl particularly focus on tje", "random_deletion": "hippocampus will be correlated with their susceptibility associated Similar studies be carried out by electrical stimulation. Because hippocampal somatostatin interneuron to be an early excitotoxic target, thus of possible significance in the pathogenesis of TLE, we will particularly focus the", "change_char_case": " hippocampus will be correlatEd with theiR suscEptIbiLiTy to EpilEpsy associated DAmagE. Similar studies will be cArrieD oUT in rATs With sEizures INdUCEd bY gRaDed ElECtRical StiMulatioN. Because thE hiPpOcampal somatOStAtin internEurOn appears to bE an Early eXcItoTOxic tArgEt, and Thus of POssiblE significAnCE in the PAthogenESIs Of TLe, we will particularLY fOCus on the", "whitespace_perturbation": " hippocampus will be corre lated with thei r s usc ep tibi lity to epilepsy a s soci ated damage. Similar s tudie sw illb ecarri ed outi nr a tswi th se iz u re s ind uce d by gr aded elect ric al stimulation . B ecause the hi ppocampal so mat ostati nint e rneur onappea rs tob e an e arly exci to t oxic t a rget, a n d t husof possible signi f ic a nce in the pat hogene si s o f TLE , w e will par ti cular l y focus on t h e", "underscore_trick": " hippocampus_will be_correlated with their susceptibility_to epilepsy_associated_damage. Similar_studies_will be carried_out in rats_with seizures induced by_graded electrical stimulation._Because_the hippocampal somatostatin interneuron appears to be an early excitotoxic target, and thus of_possible_significance in_the_pathogenesis_of TLE, we will particularly_focus on the"} +{"text": " flexor digitorum tendon transfer replace the posterior tibial tendon muscle unit and does it leave muscle imbalance and increased strain in the arch?; 3) does a bony procedure, like a medial calcaneal displacement osteotomy, adequately assist the flexor digitorum tendon transfer?; and, most importantly, 4)", "synonym_substitution": "flexor digitorum tendon transfer replace the posterior tibial tendon muscle unit and does it bequeath muscleman imbalance and increased strain in the arch? ; 3) perform a bony procedure, like a medial calcaneal supplanting osteotomy, adequately assist the flexor digitorum tendon transfer? ; and, most importantly, 4 )", "butter_fingers": " flfxor digitorum tendon trxnsfer replace jhw postxrior tjbial tevdon muscle unit and does it lwave nuscle imbalance and ivcreased dtrain ib tht arch?; 3) does a boig procedure, ljne a nedial calcanesl displacament osteotomf, xdzquately assist the flexor digitorum tendon tgansfer?; and, moft ik[ortzntly, 4)", "random_deletion": "flexor digitorum tendon transfer replace the posterior muscle and does leave muscle imbalance arch?; does a bony like a medial displacement osteotomy, adequately assist the flexor tendon transfer?; and, most importantly, 4)", "change_char_case": " flexor digitorum tendon tranSfer replacE the pOstEriOr TibiAl teNdon muscle unit ANd doEs it leave muscle imbalanCe and InCReasED sTrain In the arCH?; 3) dOES a bOnY pRocEdURe, Like a MedIal calcAneal displAceMeNt osteotomy, aDEqUately assiSt tHe flexor digiTorUm tendOn TraNSfer?; aNd, mOst imPortanTLy, 4)", "whitespace_perturbation": " flexor digitorum tendon t ransfer re place th e p os teri or t ibial tendon m u scle unit and does it leav e mus cl e imb a la nce a nd incr e as e d st ra in in t h earch? ; 3 ) doesa bony pro ced ur e, like a me d ia l calcanea l d isplacementost eotomy ,ade q uatel y a ssist the f l exor d igitorumte n don tr a nsfer?; a nd , mo st importantly, 4 ) ", "underscore_trick": " flexor_digitorum tendon_transfer replace the posterior_tibial tendon_muscle_unit and_does_it leave muscle_imbalance and increased_strain in the arch?;_3) does a_bony_procedure, like a medial calcaneal displacement osteotomy, adequately assist the flexor digitorum tendon transfer?;_and,_most importantly,_4)"} +{"text": " aggravate AIDS-associated CNS dysfunctions. The results obtained in this proposal will allow the generation of data on direct effects of the drug on cells, relative susceptibility of different cell types to direct actions, and on pathways, aiming a future R01 application on modulation of oxidative stress in Meth abuse in vivo. These will lead", "synonym_substitution": "aggravate AIDS - associated CNS dysfunctions. The result prevail in this proposal will allow the generation of datum on direct effects of the drug on cells, proportional susceptibility of unlike cell types to direct actions, and on pathways, calculate a future R01 application on modulation of oxidative tension in Meth abuse in vivo. These will lead", "butter_fingers": " aghravate AIDS-associated CKS dysfunctions. Jhw resunts obfained iv this proposal will allow tie gwneraupon of data on direct effects lf the deug ib cells, relative smfcepflbilicy of different gell types do direct actimnr, cnd on pathways, aiming a future R01 ap[licatipn on modulation of pvidafpvt stress in Meth abuse in vivo. Thsse wiln lead", "random_deletion": "aggravate AIDS-associated CNS dysfunctions. The results obtained proposal allow the of data on on relative susceptibility of cell types to actions, and on pathways, aiming a R01 application on modulation of oxidative stress in Meth abuse in vivo. These lead", "change_char_case": " aggravate AIDS-associated CNs dysfunctiOns. ThE reSulTs ObtaIned In this proposal WIll aLlow the generation of datA on diReCT effECtS of thE drug on CElLS, RelAtIvE suScEPtIbiliTy oF differEnt cell typEs tO dIrect actions, ANd On pathways, AimIng a future R01 aPplIcatioN oN moDUlatiOn oF oxidAtive sTRess in meth abuse In VIvo. TheSE will leAD", "whitespace_perturbation": " aggravate AIDS-associated CNS dysfu nctio ns. Th eresu ltsobtained in th i s pr oposal will allow thegener at i on o f d ata o n direc t e f f ect sof th ed ru g oncel ls, rel ative susc ept ib ility of dif f er ent cell t ype s to directact ions,an d o n path way s, ai ming a future R01 appl ic a tion o n modula t i on ofoxidative stressi nM eth abuse in v ivo. T he s ew i lllea d", "underscore_trick": " aggravate_AIDS-associated CNS_dysfunctions. The results obtained_in this_proposal_will allow_the_generation of data_on direct effects_of the drug on_cells, relative susceptibility_of_different cell types to direct actions, and on pathways, aiming a future R01 application_on_modulation of_oxidative_stress_in Meth abuse in vivo._These will lead"} +{"text": " M. tuberculosis. In the Aim 2, we will study the relationship between PE and PPE protein secretion, post-translational modification and the immunogenicity of these proteins. This work will refine our model of how PE and PPE proteins generate antigenic diversity in M. tuberculosis. Together, these data will dramatically increase", "synonym_substitution": "M. tuberculosis. In the Aim 2, we will study the relationship between PE and PPE protein secretion, post - translational modification and the immunogenicity of these proteins. This workplace will polish our model of how PE and PPE proteins generate antigenic diverseness in M. tuberculosis. Together, these data will dramatically increase", "butter_fingers": " M. huberculosis. In the Aim 2, we will study jhw relavionshil betweev PE and PPE protein secretiln, post-uganslational modificagion and nhe immunigenmcity of these pckteins. Bkis wkvk wino refine our mpdel of hof PE and PPE psogenns generate antigenic diversity in I. tubervuposis. Together, thexq dafa will dramatically increase", "random_deletion": "M. tuberculosis. In the Aim 2, we the between PE PPE protein secretion, of proteins. This work refine our model how PE and PPE proteins generate diversity in M. tuberculosis. Together, these data will dramatically increase", "change_char_case": " M. tuberculosis. In the Aim 2, we wiLl study the RelatIonShiP bEtweEn PE And PPE protein sECretIon, post-translational moDificAtIOn anD ThE immuNogenicITy OF TheSe PrOteInS. thIs worK wiLl refinE our model oF hoW Pe and PPE proteINs Generate anTigEnic diversitY in m. tuberCuLosIS. TogeTheR, thesE data wILl dramAtically iNcREase", "whitespace_perturbation": " M. tuberculosis. In the A im 2, we w ill s tud y t he rel atio nship betweenP E an d PPE protein secretio n, po st - tran s la tiona l modif i ca t i onan dthe i m mu nogen ici ty of t hese prote ins .This work wi l lrefine our mo del of how P E a nd PPE p rot e ins g ene rateantige n ic div ersity in M . tuber c ulosis. T og ethe r, these data wil l d r amatically inc rease", "underscore_trick": " M._tuberculosis. In_the Aim 2, we_will study_the_relationship between_PE_and PPE protein_secretion, post-translational modification_and the immunogenicity of_these proteins. This_work_will refine our model of how PE and PPE proteins generate antigenic diversity in_M._tuberculosis. Together,_these_data_will dramatically increase"} +{"text": "Cs) from patients, have challenged this traditional model of metastasis. The new technologies indicate that metastatic ability is acquired at much earlier stages of tumor progression than predicted by the Darwinian model, is encoded throughout the bulk of the primary tumor, it is highly plastic and involves transient changes in gene expression. These results have led to", "synonym_substitution": "Cs) from patients, have challenged this traditional model of metastasis. The new technology bespeak that metastatic ability is acquired at much earlier degree of tumor progression than predicted by the Darwinian mannequin, is encode throughout the bulk of the primary tumor, it is highly plastic and involves transient change in gene expression. These results have led to", "butter_fingers": "Cs) vrom patients, have challtnged this traditninal mmdel or metastxsis. The new technologies invicare thqt metastatic ability ks acquirvd at mucy eaclier stages of vhmor progressjln tkai predicted by jhe Darwiniat model, is encmddd throughout the bulk of the primary tumor, ot is highly plaftic wnd jnvolves transient changes in gene expresvion. These rexults have led to", "random_deletion": "Cs) from patients, have challenged this traditional metastasis. new technologies that metastatic ability stages tumor progression than by the Darwinian is encoded throughout the bulk of primary tumor, it is highly plastic and involves transient changes in gene expression. results have led to", "change_char_case": "Cs) from patients, have challenGed this traDitioNal ModEl Of meTastAsis. The new techNOlogIes indicate that metastaTic abIlITy is ACqUired At much eARlIER stAgEs Of tUmOR pRogreSsiOn than pRedicted by The daRwinian model, IS eNcoded throUghOut the bulk of The PrimarY tUmoR, It is hIghLy plaStic anD InvolvEs transieNt CHanges IN gene exPREsSion. these results have lED tO", "whitespace_perturbation": "Cs) from patients, have ch allenged t his t rad iti on al m odel of metastasis . The new technologies indi cateth a t me t as tatic abilit y i s acq ui re d a tm uc h ear lie r stage s of tumor pr og ression than pr edicted by th e Darwinianmod el, is e nco d ed th rou ghout the b u lk ofthe prima ry tumor, it is h i g hl y pl astic and involve s t r ansient change s in g en e e x p res sio n. These r es ultsh ave led to ", "underscore_trick": "Cs) from_patients, have_challenged this traditional model_of metastasis._The_new technologies_indicate_that metastatic ability_is acquired at_much earlier stages of_tumor progression than_predicted_by the Darwinian model, is encoded throughout the bulk of the primary tumor, it_is_highly plastic_and_involves_transient changes in gene expression._These results have led to"} +{"text": " scientists and community members across all levels from schoolchildren to retirees. LEARNMEM2018 will have substantial impact on the field by accelerating the pace of team science and leapfrogging towards a more complete fundamental understanding of learning and memory mechanisms as well as novel therapeutic and preventative approaches to treating brain illness and promoting brain", "synonym_substitution": "scientists and community members across all levels from schoolchildren to retiree. LEARNMEM2018 will take substantial impact on the sphere by accelerate the pace of team science and leapfrogging towards a more arrant cardinal understanding of learning and memory mechanisms as well as novel curative and preventative approaches to treating brain illness and promote brain", "butter_fingers": " sclentists and community mtmbers across all levels from achoolchkldren to retirees. LEARNMEM2018 xill have substantial impact on the fielf by accwlereting the pace oh team sgnence wnd nxapfrogging towsrds a mora complete fungaoeutal understanding of learning and mqmory mrcjanisms as welj as govem therapeutic and preventative appdoaches to treating nrain illness and promotinh brwin", "random_deletion": "scientists and community members across all levels to LEARNMEM2018 will substantial impact on pace team science and towards a more fundamental understanding of learning and memory as well as novel therapeutic and preventative approaches to treating brain illness and brain", "change_char_case": " scientists and community memBers across All leVelS frOm SchoOlchIldren to retireES. LEArNMEM2018 will have substantiAl impAcT On thE FiEld by AccelerATiNG The PaCe Of tEaM ScIence And LeapfroGging towarDs a MoRe complete fuNDaMental undeRstAnding of learNinG and meMoRy mEChaniSms As welL as novEL theraPeutic and PrEVentatIVe approACHeS to tReating brain illneSS aND promoting braiN", "whitespace_perturbation": " scientists and communitymembers ac rossall le ve ls f romschoolchildren to r etirees. LEARNMEM2018willha v e su b st antia l impac t o n the f ie ldby ac celer ati ng thepace of te amsc ience and le a pf rogging to war ds a more co mpl ete fu nd ame n tal u nde rstan ding o f learn ing and m em o ry mec h anismsa s w ellas novel therapeu t ic and preventati ve app ro a ch e s to tr eating bra in illn e ss andp ro m o t ing brain", "underscore_trick": " scientists_and community_members across all levels_from schoolchildren_to_retirees. LEARNMEM2018_will_have substantial impact_on the field_by accelerating the pace_of team science_and_leapfrogging towards a more complete fundamental understanding of learning and memory mechanisms as well_as_novel therapeutic_and_preventative_approaches to treating brain illness_and promoting brain"} +{"text": "R action in the adipocyte. Understanding the roles of corepressors in adipocyte biology is crucial if we are to design novel approaches to the treatment of obesity and diabetes. Relevance: Obesity is a risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and diabetes is a major cause or blindness, kidney disease", "synonym_substitution": "R action in the adipocyte. Understanding the roles of corepressors in adipocyte biota is all-important if we are to plan novel approaches to the treatment of obesity and diabetes. Relevance: fleshiness is a risk factor for the development of character 2 diabetes mellitus, and diabetes is a major causal agent or blindness, kidney disease", "butter_fingers": "R aftion in the adipocyte. Ukderstanding the roles mf corspressorr in adipocyte biology is crnciao if qe are to design novel approachvs to the treetment of obesitb and diabetes. Velevcnre: Obesity is a risk factmr for the devaluplent of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and diabetrs is a major caose og flinsness, kidney disease", "random_deletion": "R action in the adipocyte. Understanding the corepressors adipocyte biology crucial if we to treatment of obesity diabetes. Relevance: Obesity a risk factor for the development type 2 diabetes mellitus, and diabetes is a major cause or blindness, kidney", "change_char_case": "R action in the adipocyte. UndeRstanding tHe rolEs oF coRePresSors In adipocyte bioLOgy iS crucial if we are to desigN noveL aPProaCHeS to thE treatmENt OF ObeSiTy And DiABeTes. ReLevAnce: ObeSity is a risK faCtOr for the deveLOpMent of type 2 DiaBetes mellituS, anD diabeTeS is A Major CauSe or bLindneSS, kidneY disease", "whitespace_perturbation": "R action in the adipocyte. Understan dingthe ro le s of cor epressors in a d ipoc yte biology is crucial if w ea re t o d esign novela pp r o ach es t o t he tr eatme ntof obes ity and di abe te s. Relevance : O besity isa r isk factor f orthe de ve lop m ent o f t ype 2 diabe t es mel litus, an dd iabete s is a m a j or cau se or blindness,k id n ey disease", "underscore_trick": "R action_in the_adipocyte. Understanding the roles_of corepressors_in_adipocyte biology_is_crucial if we_are to design_novel approaches to the_treatment of obesity_and_diabetes. Relevance: Obesity is a risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes_mellitus,_and diabetes_is_a_major cause or blindness, kidney_disease"} +{"text": ". A basic understanding of the nature of keratin modification in MB should allow designing rational experiments to determine if changes in keratins are essential for alcohol induced injury and if such changes can be reversed. Our hypothesis is that Mallory Body formation may result from alterations in glycosylation and/or phosphorylation of hepatocyte keratins", "synonym_substitution": ". A basic understanding of the nature of keratin modification in MB should allow design intellectual experiments to determine if change in keratin are essential for alcohol induced injury and if such change can be reversed. Our hypothesis is that Mallory Body constitution may result from alterations in glycosylation and/or phosphorylation of hepatocyte keratin", "butter_fingers": ". A hasic understanding of tme nature of kercrin movificatjon in MC should allow designing ratmonao exptgiments to determine kf changed in kerqtinw are essenvjal for alcohkp inbured injury and lf such chatges can be reeefszd. Our hypothesis is that Mallory Boqy formstlon may result frok altsgauions in glycosylation and/or phoslhorylauion of hepatocyte keratins", "random_deletion": ". A basic understanding of the nature modification MB should designing rational experiments keratins essential for alcohol injury and if changes can be reversed. Our hypothesis that Mallory Body formation may result from alterations in glycosylation and/or phosphorylation of keratins", "change_char_case": ". A basic understanding of the nAture of kerAtin mOdiFicAtIon iN MB sHould allow desiGNing Rational experiments to dEtermInE If chANgEs in kEratins ARe ESSenTiAl For AlCOhOl indUceD injury And if such cHanGeS can be reversED. OUr hypothesIs iS that Mallory bodY formaTiOn mAY resuLt fRom alTeratiONs in glYcosylatiOn ANd/or phOSphorylATIoN of hEpatocyte keratins", "whitespace_perturbation": ". A basic understanding of the natur e ofker ati nmodi fica tion in MB sho u ld a llow designing rationa l exp er i ment s t o det erminei fc h ang es i n k er a ti ns ar e e ssentia l for alco hol i nduced injur y a nd if such ch anges can be re versed .Our hypot hes is is thatM allory Body for ma t ion ma y result f ro m al terations in glyc o sy l ation and/or p hospho ry l at i o n o f h epatocyteke ratin s ", "underscore_trick": ". A_basic understanding_of the nature of_keratin modification_in_MB should_allow_designing rational experiments_to determine if_changes in keratins are_essential for alcohol_induced_injury and if such changes can be reversed. Our hypothesis is that Mallory Body_formation_may result_from_alterations_in glycosylation and/or phosphorylation of_hepatocyte keratins"} +{"text": " to apply. Proposals will be reviewed by scientists not competing for pilot project funding. These reviews will be discussed by the Center's Internal Advisory Committee, which will make final decisions. Recipients will be required to write annual progress reports, and will be contacted beyond the end of the funding to document publications, grants", "synonym_substitution": "to apply. Proposals will be reviewed by scientists not compete for pilot burner project funding. These follow-up will be hash out by the Center's Internal Advisory Committee, which will make final decision. recipient role will be required to publish annual progress reports, and will be touch beyond the end of the funding to text file publications, grants", "butter_fingers": " to apply. Proposals will be reviewed by scnwntistv not dompetine for pilot project funding. Vhesw revuews will be discussed by the Cvnter's Inrernel Advisory Commmftee, whleh wimp manx final decisioks. Recipiends will be reqgifeb to write annual progress reports, agd will bf contacted beiond uhe end of the funding to document publicztions, jrants", "random_deletion": "to apply. Proposals will be reviewed by competing pilot project These reviews will Internal Committee, which will final decisions. Recipients be required to write annual progress and will be contacted beyond the end of the funding to document publications,", "change_char_case": " to apply. Proposals will be revIewed by sciEntisTs nOt cOmPetiNg foR pilot project fUNdinG. These reviews will be disCusseD bY The CENtEr's InTernal ADViSORy COmMiTteE, wHIcH will MakE final dEcisions. ReCipIeNts will be reqUIrEd to write aNnuAl progress rePorTs, and wIlL be COntacTed BeyonD the enD Of the fUnding to dOcUMent puBLicatioNS, GrAnts", "whitespace_perturbation": " to apply. Proposals willbe reviewe d bysci ent is ts n ot c ompeting for p i lotproject funding. These revi ew s wil l b e dis cussedb yt h e C en te r's I n te rnalAdv isory C ommittee,whi ch will make f i na l decision s.Recipients w ill be re qu ire d to w rit e ann ual pr o gressreports,an d willb e conta c t ed bey ond the end of th e f u nding to docum ent pu bl i ca t i ons , g rants", "underscore_trick": " to_apply. Proposals_will be reviewed by_scientists not_competing_for pilot_project_funding. These reviews_will be discussed_by the Center's Internal_Advisory Committee, which_will_make final decisions. Recipients will be required to write annual progress reports, and will_be_contacted beyond_the_end_of the funding to document_publications, grants"} +{"text": ". These changes in GALT are not adequately reflected in peripheral blood analysis. The kinetics and mechanisms of CD4+ T cell restoration and function in GALT following ART have not been fully determined. Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infected rhesus macaques provide an excellent animal model to study the gut mucosal", "synonym_substitution": ". These changes in GALT are not adequately reflected in peripheral blood analysis. The dynamics and mechanism of CD4 + T cell restoration and affair in GALT postdate ART have not been fully determined. Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infect rhesus macaque provide an excellent animal model to study the gut mucosal", "butter_fingers": ". Thfse changes in GALT are kot adequately rgfoected in pedipheral blood analysis. The kinetics abd mexhanisms of CD4+ T cell festoratiln and fynctmon in GALT following ARB havs not ueen fully detetmined. Simiat immunodeficianzy virus (SIV) infected rhesus macaques providr wn excellent agimak modsl to study the gut mucosal", "random_deletion": ". These changes in GALT are not in blood analysis. kinetics and mechanisms and in GALT following have not been determined. Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infected macaques provide an excellent animal model to study the gut mucosal", "change_char_case": ". These changes in GALT are not aDequately rEflecTed In pErIpheRal bLood analysis. ThE KineTics and mechanisms of CD4+ T Cell rEsTOratIOn And fuNction iN gAlt FolLoWiNg ArT HAvE not bEen Fully deTermined. SiMiaN iMmunodeficieNCy Virus (SIV) inFecTed rhesus macAquEs provIdE an EXcellEnt AnimaL model TO study The gut mucOsAL", "whitespace_perturbation": ". These changes in GALT ar e not adeq uatel y r efl ec tedin p eripheral bloo d ana lysis. The kinetics an d mec ha n isms of CD4+ T cell re s t ora ti on an df un ction in GALT f ollowing A RTha ve not beenf ul ly determi ned . Simian imm uno defici en cyv irus(SI V) in fected rhesus macaques p r ovidea n excel l e nt ani mal model to stud y t h e gut mucosal", "underscore_trick": ". These_changes in_GALT are not adequately_reflected in_peripheral_blood analysis._The_kinetics and mechanisms_of CD4+ T_cell restoration and function_in GALT following_ART_have not been fully determined. Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infected rhesus macaques provide an_excellent_animal model_to_study_the gut mucosal"} +{"text": " these cells, although they have lost expression of insulin, retain to a large extend the same modifications found in the active beta cells of islets, strongly supporting the idea that they are poised for expression of insulin. In contrast, other cell types show no such modifications.[unreadable] [unreadable] We are now exploring the long-", "synonym_substitution": "these cells, although they have lost expression of insulin, retain to a large extend the like modification found in the active beta cells of isle, strongly defend the idea that they are poised for saying of insulin. In contrast, other cellular telephone type show no such modifications.[unreadable ] [ indecipherable ] We are now exploring the long-", "butter_fingers": " thfse cells, although they mave lost expression of insuljn, retaiv to a large extend the same midifixations found in the aztive betw cells if iwoets, stronjmy supporting bhe ibee that they are poised fos expression ox kndulin. In contrast, other cell types fhow no skch modificatijns.[umweadzble] [unreadable] We are now explorihg the nong-", "random_deletion": "these cells, although they have lost expression retain a large the same modifications cells islets, strongly supporting idea that they poised for expression of insulin. In other cell types show no such modifications.[unreadable] [unreadable] We are now exploring the", "change_char_case": " these cells, although they havE lost expreSsion Of iNsuLiN, retAin tO a large extend tHE samE modifications found in tHe actIvE Beta CElLs of iSlets, stROnGLY suPpOrTinG tHE iDea thAt tHey are pOised for exPreSsIon of insulin. iN cOntrast, othEr cEll types show No sUch modIfIcaTIons.[uNreAdablE] [unreaDAble] We Are now expLoRIng the LOng-", "whitespace_perturbation": " these cells, although the y have los t exp res sio nof i nsul in, retain toa lar ge extend the same mod ifica ti o ns f o un d inthe act i ve b eta c el lsof is lets, st ronglysupporting th eidea that th e yare poised fo r expression of insul in . I n cont ras t, ot her ce l l type s show no s u ch mod i ficatio n s .[ unre adable] [unreadab l e] We are now exp loring t h el o ng- ", "underscore_trick": " these_cells, although_they have lost expression_of insulin,_retain_to a_large_extend the same_modifications found in_the active beta cells_of islets, strongly_supporting_the idea that they are poised for expression of insulin. In contrast, other cell_types_show no_such_modifications.[unreadable]_[unreadable] We are now exploring_the long-"} +{"text": " kinetics and toxicology. These hypotheses will be tested by accomplishing the following Specific Aims: Specific Aim 1: Quantify the influence of DCA, at exposure levels ranging from environmental, [unreadable]g/kg/d to clinical, mg/kg/d, on human liver MAAI and tyrosine catabolism", "synonym_substitution": "kinetics and toxicology. These hypotheses will be tested by accomplishing the follow Specific Aims: Specific purpose 1: Quantify the influence of DCA, at exposure levels ranging from environmental, [ unreadable]g / kg / d to clinical, mg / kg / d, on human liver MAAI and tyrosine catabolism", "butter_fingers": " kijetics and toxicology. Thtse hypotheses will be txsted bg accompuishing the following Specifmc Aums: Skvcific Aim 1: Quantify ghe influvnce of DXA, au exposure levels ranging from skviroumxntal, [unreadablg]g/kg/d to clitical, mg/kg/d, on hjmcn liver MAAI and tyrosine catabolisi", "random_deletion": "kinetics and toxicology. These hypotheses will be accomplishing following Specific Specific Aim 1: at levels ranging from [unreadable]g/kg/d to clinical, on human liver MAAI and tyrosine", "change_char_case": " kinetics and toxicology. ThesE hypotheseS will Be tEstEd By acCompLishing the follOWing specific Aims: Specific AiM 1: QuanTiFY the INfLuencE of DCA, aT ExPOSurE lEvEls RaNGiNg froM enVironmeNtal, [unreadAblE]g/Kg/d to clinicaL, Mg/Kg/d, on human LivEr MAAI and tyrOsiNe cataBoLisM", "whitespace_perturbation": " kinetics and toxicology.These hypo these s w ill b e te sted by accomplish i ng t he following SpecificAims: S p ecif i cAim 1 : Quant i fy t hein fl uen ce of DCA, at exposu re levelsran gi ng from envi r on mental, [u nre adable]g/kg/ d t o clin ic al, mg/kg /d, on h uman l i ver MA AI and ty ro s ine ca t abolism ", "underscore_trick": " kinetics_and toxicology._These hypotheses will be_tested by_accomplishing_the following_Specific_Aims: Specific Aim_1: Quantify the_influence of DCA, at_exposure levels ranging_from_environmental, [unreadable]g/kg/d to clinical, mg/kg/d, on human liver MAAI and tyrosine catabolism"} +{"text": ", lipid-anchored ectodomains of the alpha subunit are sufficient to demonstrate this effect. 2) A receptor-less mast cell-like line has been successfully transfected with various mutant receptors and studied with respect to the early biochemical events associated with aggregation of the wildtype receptors for IgE. Truncation of the cytoplasmic", "synonym_substitution": ", lipid - anchored ectodomains of the alpha subunit are sufficient to demonstrate this effect. 2) A sense organ - less mast cellular telephone - comparable line has been successfully transfected with diverse mutant sense organ and studied with respect to the early biochemical consequence consort with aggregation of the wildtype receptors for IgE. Truncation of the cytoplasmic", "butter_fingers": ", lioid-anchored ectodomains uf the alpha suyynit ace suffjcient tu demonstrate this effect. 2) A rwceptir-less mast cell-like lkne has bven succewsfuooy transferfed witm varjlus kntant receptors and studiad with respecd go the early biochemical events assocyated wotj aggregation jf tnq wimdtype receptors for IgE. Truncatioh of tht cytoplasmic", "random_deletion": ", lipid-anchored ectodomains of the alpha subunit to this effect. A receptor-less mast transfected various mutant receptors studied with respect the early biochemical events associated with of the wildtype receptors for IgE. Truncation of the cytoplasmic", "change_char_case": ", lipid-anchored ectodomains oF the alpha sUbuniT arE suFfIcieNt to Demonstrate thiS EffeCt. 2) A receptor-less mast celL-like LiNE has BEeN succEssfullY TrANSfeCtEd WitH vARiOus muTanT receptOrs and studIed WiTh respect to tHE eArly biocheMicAl events assoCiaTed witH aGgrEGatioN of The wiLdtype REceptoRs for IgE. TRuNCation OF the cytOPLaSmic", "whitespace_perturbation": ", lipid-anchored ectodomai ns of thealpha su bun it are suf ficient to dem o nstr ate this effect. 2) Arecep to r -les s m ast c ell-lik e l i n e h as b een s u cc essfu lly transf ected with va ri ous mutant r e ce ptors andstu died with re spe ct toth e e a rly b ioc hemic al eve n ts ass ociated w it h aggre g ation o f th e wi ldtype receptorsf or IgE. Truncatio n of t he cy t o pla smi c", "underscore_trick": ", lipid-anchored_ectodomains of_the alpha subunit are_sufficient to_demonstrate_this effect._2)_A receptor-less mast_cell-like line has_been successfully transfected with_various mutant receptors_and_studied with respect to the early biochemical events associated with aggregation of the wildtype_receptors_for IgE._Truncation_of_the cytoplasmic"} +{"text": " functioning and immune functioning, as measured by CD4 cell count and prevalence of gynecological problems, over time and how depression may mediate these links, in both HIV+ and HIV- heterosexual Latinas. Its results will thus be useful in understanding and creating new public health prevention and intervention methods aimed at ethnic minority women.", "synonym_substitution": "functioning and immune functioning, as measured by CD4 cell count and preponderance of gynecological trouble, over time and how depression may intercede these links, in both HIV+ and HIV- heterosexual Latinas. Its resultant role will thus be useful in agreement and creating new public health prevention and interposition methods aimed at heathen minority women.", "butter_fingers": " fujctioning and immune fungtioning, as measorwd by RD4 cell count avd prevalence of gynecologicel peoblens, over time and how ddpression may meduate rhese links, in botm HIV+ wnd KIT- heterosexual Katinas. Itv results will tfud be useful in understanding and crqating mea public healtr prtvegtioh and intervention methods aimed af ethnib minority women.", "random_deletion": "functioning and immune functioning, as measured by count prevalence of problems, over time these in both HIV+ HIV- heterosexual Latinas. results will thus be useful in and creating new public health prevention and intervention methods aimed at ethnic minority", "change_char_case": " functioning and immune functIoning, as meAsureD by cD4 cElL couNt anD prevalence of gYNecoLogical problems, over timE and hOw DEpreSSiOn may Mediate THeSE LinKs, In BotH Hiv+ aNd HIV- HetErosexuAl Latinas. ITs rEsUlts will thus BE uSeful in undErsTanding and crEatIng new PuBliC HealtH prEventIon and INterveNtion methOdS Aimed aT Ethnic mINOrIty wOmen.", "whitespace_perturbation": " functioning and immune fu nctioning, as m eas ure dby C D4 c ell count andp reva lence of gynecological prob le m s, o v er time and ho w d e p res si on ma ym ed iatethe se link s, in both HI V+ and HIV- he t er osexual La tin as. Its resu lts willth usb e use ful in u nderst a ndingand creat in g new p u blic he a l th pre vention and inter v en t ion methods ai med at e t hn i c mi nor ity women. ", "underscore_trick": " functioning_and immune_functioning, as measured by_CD4 cell_count_and prevalence_of_gynecological problems, over_time and how_depression may mediate these_links, in both_HIV+_and HIV- heterosexual Latinas. Its results will thus be useful in understanding and creating_new_public health_prevention_and_intervention methods aimed at ethnic_minority women."} +{"text": " - binding protein in translation. Indeed, mutants of PAB1 deleting the part of the protein that interacts with eIF4G have no effect on the growth of cells. [unreadable] We are re-examining the importance of the polyA binding protein in the polyA requirement for translation. We find that", "synonym_substitution": "- binding protein in translation. Indeed, mutants of PAB1 deleting the character of the protein that interact with eIF4 G have no effect on the increase of cell. [ unreadable ] We are re - examining the importance of the polyA tie down protein in the polyA requirement for translation. We recover that", "butter_fingers": " - blnding protein in translxtion. Indeed, mujabts of PAB1 dsleting ghe part of the protein that ibteraxts with eIF4G have no dffect on the groqth id cells. [uncsadable] We ars re-eranining the impprtance of the polyA bingivg protein in the polyA requirement fjr tranxlwtion. We find jhat", "random_deletion": "- binding protein in translation. Indeed, mutants deleting part of protein that interacts on growth of cells. We are re-examining importance of the polyA binding protein the polyA requirement for translation. We find that", "change_char_case": " - binding protein in translatiOn. Indeed, muTants Of PaB1 dElEtinG the Part of the proteIN thaT interacts with eIF4G have No effEcT On thE GrOwth oF cells. [uNReADAblE] WE aRe rE-eXAmIning The ImportaNce of the poLyA BiNding protein IN tHe polyA reqUirEment for tranSlaTion. We FiNd tHAt", "whitespace_perturbation": " - binding protein in tran slation. I ndeed , m uta nt s of PAB 1 deleting the part of the protein that i ntera ct s wit h e IF4Ghave no ef f e cton t hegr o wt h ofcel ls. [un readable]Wear e re-examini n gthe import anc e of the pol yAbindin gpro t ein i n t he po lyA re q uireme nt for tr an s lation . We fin d th at", "underscore_trick": " -_binding protein_in translation. Indeed, mutants_of PAB1_deleting_the part_of_the protein that_interacts with eIF4G_have no effect on_the growth of_cells._[unreadable] We are re-examining the importance of the polyA binding protein in the polyA_requirement_for translation._We_find_that"} +{"text": " areas are obvious. MAP kinases are key regulatory components acting on many cellular processes such as embryogenesis, differentiation, proliferation, cell death, and acute hormonal responses. MAP kinases are activated by a protein kinase cascade, consisting of a MAP/ERK kinase kinase (MEKK), which activates a MEK which activates a MAP kinase", "synonym_substitution": "areas are obvious. MAP kinases are key regulatory component act on many cellular processes such as embryogenesis, specialization, proliferation, cell end, and acute hormonal responses. MAP kinase are activated by a protein kinase cascade, consisting of a MAP / ERK kinase kinase (MEKK), which trip a MEK which activates a MAP kinase", "butter_fingers": " arfas are obvious. MAP kinares are key regolqtory romponehts activg on many cellular processed wuch qs embryogenesis, diffefentiatioj, prolifwratmon, cell death, ais acute hormohwl rzs'onses. MAP kinaxes are acdivated by a psogenn kinase cascade, consisting of a MA[/ERK kimade kinase (MEKK), whibh actjnaues a MEK which activates a MAP kjnase", "random_deletion": "areas are obvious. MAP kinases are key acting many cellular such as embryogenesis, acute responses. MAP kinases activated by a kinase cascade, consisting of a MAP/ERK kinase (MEKK), which activates a MEK which activates a MAP kinase", "change_char_case": " areas are obvious. MAP kinases Are key reguLatorY coMpoNeNts aCtinG on many cellulaR ProcEsses such as embryogenesIs, difFeREntiATiOn, proLiferatIOn, CELl dEaTh, And AcUTe HormoNal ResponsEs. MAP kinasEs aRe Activated by a PRoTein kinase CasCade, consistiNg oF a MAP/ErK KinASe kinAse (mEKK), wHich acTIvates A MEK which AcTIvates A mAP kinaSE", "whitespace_perturbation": " areas are obvious. MAP ki nases arekey r egu lat or y co mpon ents acting on many cellular processes su ch as e m bryo g en esis, differ e nt i a tio n, p rol if e ra tion, ce ll deat h, and acu teho rmonal respo n se s. MAP kin ase s are activa ted by apr ote i n kin ase casc ade, c o nsisti ng of a M AP / ERK ki n ase kin a s e(MEK K), which activat e sa MEK which act ivates a MA P kin ase ", "underscore_trick": " areas_are obvious._MAP kinases are key_regulatory components_acting_on many_cellular_processes such as_embryogenesis, differentiation, proliferation,_cell death, and acute_hormonal responses. MAP_kinases_are activated by a protein kinase cascade, consisting of a MAP/ERK kinase kinase (MEKK),_which_activates a_MEK_which_activates a MAP kinase"} +{"text": " sympatho-excitatory state in dogs with HF. Therefore, the specific aims of this project are to: 1) determine if the central gain of the cardiac sympathetic afferent reflex in dogs with HF is related to increased levels of central Ang II or to changes in Ang II type1 receptor density or both, 2)", "synonym_substitution": "sympatho - excitatory state in dogs with HF. Therefore, the specific aims of this undertaking are to: 1) settle if the central gain of the cardiac charitable sensory nerve reflex in dogs with HF is related to increased level of central Ang II or to changes in Ang II type1 sense organ concentration or both, 2 )", "butter_fingers": " sylpatho-excitatory state ik dogs with HF. Tkwreforx, the slecific xims of this project are to: 1) dwtermune if the central gaiv of the bardiac stmpauhetic afferent rxrlex in dogs slth HY ms related to ikcreased leeels of centran Xny II or to changes in Ang II type1 reseptor cejsity or both, 2)", "random_deletion": "sympatho-excitatory state in dogs with HF. Therefore, aims this project to: 1) determine the sympathetic afferent reflex dogs with HF related to increased levels of central II or to changes in Ang II type1 receptor density or both, 2)", "change_char_case": " sympatho-excitatory state in Dogs with HF. thereForE, thE sPeciFic aIms of this projeCT are To: 1) determine if the centraL gain Of THe caRDiAc symPathetiC AfFERenT rEfLex In DOgS with hF iS relateD to increasEd lEvEls of central aNg iI or to chanGes In Ang II type1 rEcePtor deNsIty OR both, 2)", "whitespace_perturbation": " sympatho-excitatory state in dogs w ith H F.The re fore , th e specific aim s ofthis project are to: 1 ) det er m inei fthe c entralg ai n ofth ecar di a csympa the tic aff erent refl exin dogs with H F i s relatedtoincreased le vel s of c en tra l AngIIor to chang e s in A ng II typ e1 recept o r densi t y o r bo th, 2)", "underscore_trick": " sympatho-excitatory_state in_dogs with HF. Therefore,_the specific_aims_of this_project_are to: 1)_determine if the_central gain of the_cardiac sympathetic afferent_reflex_in dogs with HF is related to increased levels of central Ang II or_to_changes in_Ang_II_type1 receptor density or both,_2)"} +{"text": ". Unfortunately, EAMs such as Wisepill assume, but cannot verify, actual ingestion of oral medication. In contrast, My/Treatment/Pill (MyTPill), an innovative technology that directly measures ingestion, comprises a digital pill containing a medication and tiny radio emitter in a gelatin capsule. When the digital", "synonym_substitution": ". Unfortunately, EAMs such as Wisepill assume, but cannot verify, actual ingestion of oral medication. In contrast, My / Treatment / Pill (MyTPill), an advanced engineering that immediately measures ingestion, comprises a digital pill hold a medication and tiny radio receiver emitter in a gelatin capsule. When the digital", "butter_fingers": ". Unvortunately, EAMs such as Wisepill assumg, vut cainot vedify, actjal ingestion of oral medicavion. In cintrast, My/Treatment/Pilu (MyTPill), an innocatite technology thef direcbjy mswsurzs ingestion, comkrises a dightal pill contdiviug a medication and tiny radio emittqr in a gflatin capsule. Whem the digital", "random_deletion": ". Unfortunately, EAMs such as Wisepill assume, verify, ingestion of medication. In contrast, that measures ingestion, comprises digital pill containing medication and tiny radio emitter in gelatin capsule. When the digital", "change_char_case": ". Unfortunately, EAMs such as WiSepill assuMe, but CanNot VeRify, ActuAl ingestion of oRAl meDication. In contrast, My/TrEatmeNt/pIll (MYtPIll), an InnovatIVe TEChnOlOgY thAt DIrEctly MeaSures inGestion, comPriSeS a digital pilL CoNtaining a mEdiCation and tinY raDio emiTtEr iN A gelaTin CapsuLe. When THe digiTal", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Unfortunately, EAMs such as Wisepi ll as sum e,bu t ca nnot verify, actua l ing estion of oral medicat ion.In cont r as t, My /Treatm e nt / P ill ( My TPi ll ) ,an in nov ative t echnologytha tdirectly mea s ur es ingesti on, comprises a di gitalpi llc ontai nin g a m edicat i on and tiny rad io emitte r in a g e l at in c apsule. When thed ig i tal", "underscore_trick": ". Unfortunately,_EAMs such_as Wisepill assume, but_cannot verify,_actual_ingestion of_oral_medication. In contrast,_My/Treatment/Pill (MyTPill), an_innovative technology that directly_measures ingestion, comprises_a_digital pill containing a medication and tiny radio emitter in a gelatin capsule. When_the_digital"} +{"text": " larger de-identified database of prescriptions covering the entire Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. With this database we will seek to answer many questions about prescribing patterns, including, but not limited to: the degree to which drug interacting pairs written by different providers from different offices would not be seen as an interaction by the provider", "synonym_substitution": "larger de - identified database of prescriptions covering the integral Washington, D.C. metropolitan sphere. With this database we will try to answer many question about prescribing practice, including, but not limited to: the academic degree to which drug interacting pairs written by unlike supplier from different office would not be seen as an interaction by the provider", "butter_fingers": " lagger de-identified databare of prescriptnins cotering fhe entife Washington, D.C. metropolitai arwa. Wiuk this database we wkll seek no answer manb questions abouv prescrlying lwttexnw, including, buj not limiteg to: the degrea go which drug interacting pairs writtqn by dofverent providets frpi dirferent offices would not be seen zs an iiteraction by tne provider", "random_deletion": "larger de-identified database of prescriptions covering the D.C. area. With database we will about patterns, including, but limited to: the to which drug interacting pairs written different providers from different offices would not be seen as an interaction by provider", "change_char_case": " larger de-identified databasE of prescriPtionS coVerInG the EntiRe Washington, D.C. MEtroPolitan area. With this datAbase We WIll sEEk To ansWer many QUeSTIonS aBoUt pReSCrIbing PatTerns, inCluding, but Not LiMited to: the deGReE to which drUg iNteracting paIrs WritteN bY diFFerenT prOvideRs from DIffereNt offices WoULd not bE Seen as aN INtEracTion by the provider", "whitespace_perturbation": " larger de-identified data base of pr escri pti ons c over ingthe entire Was h ingt on, D.C. metropolitanarea. W i th t h is data base we wi l l se ek t o a ns w er many qu estions about pre scr ib ing patterns , i ncluding,but not limited to : thede gre e to w hic h dru g inte r acting pairs wr it t en byd ifferen t pr ovid ers from differen t o f fices would no t be s ee n a s anint eraction b ythe p r ovider", "underscore_trick": " larger_de-identified database_of prescriptions covering the_entire Washington,_D.C._metropolitan area._With_this database we_will seek to_answer many questions about_prescribing patterns, including,_but_not limited to: the degree to which drug interacting pairs written by different providers_from_different offices_would_not_be seen as an interaction_by the provider"} +{"text": " modulating pathway-specific ERK activation should facilitate new GPCR drug discovery efforts for treating mental disorders. We propose four aims for the project. Aim 1. Develop G-protein-dependent ERK2 activation pathway assay. We plan to utilize phosphorylated ERK2 interaction with imp7 as signal readout for assay development. We plan to validate", "synonym_substitution": "modulating pathway - specific ERK activation should facilitate newfangled GPCR drug discovery feat for treating mental disorders. We aim four aims for the project. bearing 1. Develop G - protein - subject ERK2 activation nerve pathway try. We plan to utilize phosphorylated ERK2 interaction with imp7 as signal readout for assay exploitation. We plan to validate", "butter_fingers": " mofulating pathway-specific ERK activation should faciljtate ned GPCR drug discovery effortd dor teeating mental disordefs. We proiose four aimw for the pckject. Ali 1. Dsyelop J-protein-dependekt ERK2 actieation pathway arscy. We plan to utilize phosphorylated ERK2 inyegaction with iip7 ax sighal readout for assay development. Se plan to validate", "random_deletion": "modulating pathway-specific ERK activation should facilitate new discovery for treating disorders. We propose Aim Develop G-protein-dependent ERK2 pathway assay. We to utilize phosphorylated ERK2 interaction with as signal readout for assay development. We plan to validate", "change_char_case": " modulating pathway-specific eRK activatIon shOulD faCiLitaTe neW GPCR drug discoVEry eFforts for treating mentaL disoRdERs. We PRoPose fOur aims FOr THE prOjEcT. AiM 1. DEVeLop G-pRotEin-depeNdent ERK2 acTivAtIon pathway asSAy. we plan to utIliZe phosphorylAteD ERK2 inTeRacTIon wiTh iMp7 as sIgnal rEAdout fOr assay deVeLOpment. wE plan to VALiDate", "whitespace_perturbation": " modulating pathway-specif ic ERK act ivati onsho ul d fa cili tate new GPCRd rugdiscovery efforts fortreat in g men t al diso rders.W ep r opo se f our a i ms forthe projec t. Aim 1.Dev el op G-protein - de pendent ER K2activation p ath way as sa y.W e pla n t o uti lize p h osphor ylated ER K2 intera c tion wi t h i mp7as signal readout fo r assay develop ment.We pl a n to va lidate", "underscore_trick": " modulating_pathway-specific ERK_activation should facilitate new_GPCR drug_discovery_efforts for_treating_mental disorders. We_propose four aims_for the project. Aim_1. Develop G-protein-dependent_ERK2_activation pathway assay. We plan to utilize phosphorylated ERK2 interaction with imp7 as signal_readout_for assay_development._We_plan to validate"} +{"text": "ates the mechanisms by which cells die if they do not receive the correct developmental information. These incorrectly informed cells resemble cancer cells, and the observation that they die may protect the organism from several common diseases. Understanding the mechanisms of this process may lead to new therapeutic interventions for cancer, and may also be relevant for treatment of neurodegenerative", "synonym_substitution": "ates the mechanisms by which cells die if they do not receive the right developmental data. These falsely informed cells resemble cancer cells, and the observation that they fail may protect the organism from several common diseases. sympathize the mechanisms of this process may moderate to new therapeutic intervention for cancer, and may also be relevant for treatment of neurodegenerative", "butter_fingers": "ated the mechanisms by whicm cells die if tkwy do iot recsive the correct developmental inforlarion. Ukese incorrectly infurmed celps resemvle rancer cells, and the obscxvatikk thac vhey die may prptect the mrganism from vexexal common diseases. Understanding thq mechamidms of this prjcesx may lead to new therapeutic interventjons fog cancer, and may slso be relevant for treatlent of neurodegeneratlve", "random_deletion": "ates the mechanisms by which cells die do receive the developmental information. These cells, the observation that die may protect organism from several common diseases. Understanding mechanisms of this process may lead to new therapeutic interventions for cancer, and also be relevant for treatment of neurodegenerative", "change_char_case": "ates the mechanisms by which cElls die if tHey do Not RecEiVe thE corRect developmenTAl inFormation. These incorrecTly inFoRMed cELlS reseMble canCEr CELls, AnD tHe oBsERvAtion ThaT they diE may protecT thE oRganism from sEVeRal common dIseAses. UnderstaNdiNg the mEcHanISms of ThiS procEss may LEad to nEw therapeUtIC interVEntions FOR cAnceR, and may also be releVAnT For treatment of NeurodEgENeRATivE", "whitespace_perturbation": "ates the mechanisms by whi ch cells d ie if th eydo not rec eive the corre c t de velopmental informatio n. Th es e inc o rr ectly inform e dc e lls r es emb le ca ncercel ls, and the obser vat io n that theyd ie may prote ctthe organism fr om sev er alc ommon di sease s. Und e rstand ing the m ec h anisms of this p ro cess may lead to newt he r apeutic interv ention sf or c anc er, and may a ls o ber elevant fo r t rea t ment of neuro degenerativ e ", "underscore_trick": "ates the_mechanisms by_which cells die if_they do_not_receive the_correct_developmental information. These_incorrectly informed cells_resemble cancer cells, and_the observation that_they_die may protect the organism from several common diseases. Understanding the mechanisms of this_process_may lead_to_new_therapeutic interventions for cancer, and_may also be relevant for_treatment of_neurodegenerative"} +{"text": " is found in 90% of all olfactory receptor neurons, the other receptor (that responds to acetophenone) is present in just 5% of cells and these do not overlap with the cells expressing the octanal receptor. We are therefore examining the mechanisms that account for this completely unexpected gene expression pattern and believe that they will", "synonym_substitution": "is found in 90% of all olfactory receptor neurons, the other sense organ (that respond to acetophenone) is present in just 5% of cells and these do not overlap with the cell express the octanal receptor. We are therefore examine the mechanism that account for this wholly unexpected gene formula pattern and think that they will", "butter_fingers": " is found in 90% of all olfactury receptor neorins, thx other receptof (that responds to acetophenlnw) is kgesent in just 5% of ceuls and tjese do bot icerlap witi the cells exlvessiug the octanal rgceptor. We ase therefore efaoiuing the mechanisms that account for this cpmoletely unexpested dene vxkression pattern and believe that they wpll", "random_deletion": "is found in 90% of all olfactory the receptor (that to acetophenone) is cells these do not with the cells the octanal receptor. We are therefore the mechanisms that account for this completely unexpected gene expression pattern and believe they will", "change_char_case": " is found in 90% of all olfactory reCeptor neurOns, thE otHer ReCeptOr (thAt responds to acETophEnone) is present in just 5% of Cells AnD ThesE Do Not ovErlap wiTH tHE CelLs ExPreSsINg The ocTanAl recepTor. We are thEreFoRe examining tHE mEchanisms tHat Account for thIs cOmpletElY unEXpectEd gEne exPressiON patteRn and beliEvE That thEY will", "whitespace_perturbation": " is found in 90% of all ol factory re cepto r n eur on s, t he o ther receptor( that responds to acetophen one)is pres e nt in j ust 5%o fc e lls a nd th es e d o not ov erlap w ith the ce lls e xpressing th e o ctanal rec ept or. We are t her eforeex ami n ing t hemecha nismst hat ac count for t h is com p letelyu n ex pect ed gene expressio n p a ttern and beli eve th at th e y wi ll", "underscore_trick": " is_found in_90% of all olfactory_receptor neurons,_the_other receptor_(that_responds to acetophenone)_is present in_just 5% of cells_and these do_not_overlap with the cells expressing the octanal receptor. We are therefore examining the mechanisms_that_account for_this_completely_unexpected gene expression pattern and_believe that they will"} +{"text": "-induced spinal glia activation in the modulation of visceral sensitivity and determine the molecular pathways engaged in the initiation and maintenance of visceral hyperalgesia. Our first specific aim is to assess the temporal profile of spinal glia activation during and after chronic stress and to test the ability of inhibitors specific of glia to reduce stress", "synonym_substitution": "-induced spinal glia activation in the modulation of visceral sensitivity and settle the molecular nerve pathway engaged in the initiation and maintenance of intuitive hyperalgesia. Our first specific aim is to assess the worldly visibility of spinal glia activation during and after chronic stress and to test the ability of inhibitors specific of neuroglia to reduce stress", "butter_fingers": "-indkced spinal glia activatlon in the modulcrion oh viscedal sensktivity and determine the mopexular pathways engaged in tfe initianion and nainuenance of viscerem hyperalgesiz. Our hirst specific sim is to dssess the tem[ofap profile of spinal glia activation during ajd after chronyc surefs ahd to test the ability of inhibitods specpfic of glia to rrduce stress", "random_deletion": "-induced spinal glia activation in the modulation sensitivity determine the pathways engaged in visceral Our first specific is to assess temporal profile of spinal glia activation and after chronic stress and to test the ability of inhibitors specific of to reduce stress", "change_char_case": "-induced spinal glia activatiOn in the modUlatiOn oF viScEral SensItivity and deteRMine The molecular pathways enGaged In THe inITiAtion And mainTEnANCe oF vIsCerAl HYpEralgEsiA. Our firSt specific Aim Is To assess the tEMpOral profilE of Spinal glia acTivAtion dUrIng ANd aftEr cHroniC stresS And to tEst the abiLiTY of inhIBitors sPECiFic oF glia to reduce streSS", "whitespace_perturbation": "-induced spinal glia activ ation in t he mo dul ati on ofvisc eral sensitivi t y an d determine the molecu lar p at h ways en gaged in the in i t iat io nand m a in tenan ceof visc eral hyper alg es ia. Our firs t s pecific ai m i s to assessthe tempo ra l p r ofile of spin al gli a activ ation dur in g and a f ter chr o n ic str ess and to test t h ea bility of inhi bitors s p ec i f icofglia to re du ce st r ess", "underscore_trick": "-induced spinal_glia activation_in the modulation of_visceral sensitivity_and_determine the_molecular_pathways engaged in_the initiation and_maintenance of visceral hyperalgesia._Our first specific_aim_is to assess the temporal profile of spinal glia activation during and after chronic_stress_and to_test_the_ability of inhibitors specific of_glia to reduce stress"} +{"text": "ses. Biochemical comparisons of the parameters of pyridine-linked dehydrogenases suggest a common evolutionary origin of these enzymes. In Drosophila melangaster there appears to be two forms of NADP-isocitrate dehyrogenase and there may be two genes controlling the activity of this enzyme. A molecular characterization", "synonym_substitution": "ses. Biochemical comparisons of the parameters of pyridine - linked dehydrogenases indicate a coarse evolutionary origin of these enzymes. In Drosophila melangaster there appears to be two kind of NADP - isocitrate dehyrogenase and there may be two genes controlling the activeness of this enzyme. A molecular portrayal", "butter_fingers": "ses. Biochemical comparisons of the parametgrw of pbridine-minked ddhydrogenases suggest a commln evolytionary origin of there enzymed. In Drowophmla melangaster vgere apizars fl be vwo forms of NACP-isocitrade dehyrogenasa xnb there may be two genes controlling the acyigity of this egzymt. A molsbuoar characterization", "random_deletion": "ses. Biochemical comparisons of the parameters of suggest common evolutionary of these enzymes. to two forms of dehyrogenase and there be two genes controlling the activity this enzyme. A molecular characterization", "change_char_case": "ses. Biochemical comparisons Of the paramEters Of pYriDiNe-liNked Dehydrogenases SUggeSt a common evolutionary oRigin Of THese ENzYmes. IN DrosopHIlA MElaNgAsTer ThERe AppeaRs tO be two fOrms of NADP-IsoCiTrate dehyrogENaSe and there May Be two genes coNtrOlling ThE acTIvity Of tHis enZyme. A mOLeculaR characteRiZAtion", "whitespace_perturbation": "ses. Biochemical compariso ns of theparam ete rsof pyr idin e-linked dehyd r ogen ases suggest a commonevolu ti o nary or iginof thes e e n z yme s. I n D ro s op hilamel angaste r there ap pea rs to be two f o rm s of NADP- iso citrate dehy rog enasean d t h ere m aybe tw o gene s contr olling th ea ctivit y of thi s en zyme . A molecular cha r ac t erization", "underscore_trick": "ses. Biochemical_comparisons of_the parameters of pyridine-linked_dehydrogenases suggest_a_common evolutionary_origin_of these enzymes._In Drosophila melangaster_there appears to be_two forms of_NADP-isocitrate_dehyrogenase and there may be two genes controlling the activity of this enzyme. A_molecular_characterization"} +{"text": " pursue research careers that require training in Cellular and Molecular Biology;the superb record of our past trainees supports this expectation. Facilities are located in a complex of adjacent buildings. Multi-user facilities include cell sorting, biological imaging including cryoelectron microscopy, NMR and mass spectrometry, monoclonal antibody production, high throughput DMA sequencing,", "synonym_substitution": "pursue research careers that require education in Cellular and Molecular Biology;the superb phonograph record of our past trainees supports this anticipation. adeptness are located in a complex of adjacent building. Multi - drug user facilities admit cellular telephone sorting, biological imaging admit cryoelectron microscopy, NMR and mass spectrometry, monoclonal antibody production, eminent throughput DMA sequencing,", "butter_fingers": " pugsue research careers thxt require traiuung in Cellumar and Oolecular Biology;the superb cecoed of our past trainees supoorts thid expectqtioi. Facilities are located in a dlmplzx of adjacent boildings. Muldi-user facilither nnclude cell sorting, biological imagyng inckufing cryoelectton mpcwosckiy, NMR and mass spectrometry, mohoclonan antibody prpduction, high throughput DLA sfquencing,", "random_deletion": "pursue research careers that require training in Molecular superb record our past trainees located a complex of buildings. Multi-user facilities cell sorting, biological imaging including cryoelectron NMR and mass spectrometry, monoclonal antibody production, high throughput DMA sequencing,", "change_char_case": " pursue research careers that Require traIning In CEllUlAr anD MolEcular Biology;tHE supErb record of our past traiNees sUpPOrts THiS expeCtation. fAcILItiEs ArE loCaTEd In a coMplEx of adjAcent buildIngS. MUlti-user faciLItIes include CelL sorting, biolOgiCal imaGiNg iNCludiNg cRyoelEctron MIcroscOpy, NMR and MaSS spectROmetry, mONOcLonaL antibody productiON, hIGh throughput DMa sequeNcINg,", "whitespace_perturbation": " pursue research careers t hat requir e tra ini ngin Cel lula r and Molecula r Bio logy;the superb record of o ur past tr ainee s suppo r ts t his e xp ect at i on . Fac ili ties ar e locatedinacomplex of a d ja cent build ing s. Multi-use r f acilit ie s i n clude ce ll so rting, biolog ical imag in g inclu d ing cry o e le ctro n microscopy, NMR an d mass spectrom etry,mo n oc l o nal an tibody pro du ction , high t h ro u g h put DMA sequencin g,", "underscore_trick": " pursue_research careers_that require training in_Cellular and_Molecular_Biology;the superb_record_of our past_trainees supports this_expectation. Facilities are located_in a complex_of_adjacent buildings. Multi-user facilities include cell sorting, biological imaging including cryoelectron microscopy, NMR and_mass_spectrometry, monoclonal_antibody_production,_high throughput DMA sequencing,"} +{"text": ". The need to address substance use within the women offender population has generated interest in Recovery Management Checkups (RMCs), an evidence-based approach to promoting long-term recovery that provides clients with periodic monitoring, feedback, and linkage with treatment as needed. The Recovery Management Checkups for Women Offenders (RMC-", "synonym_substitution": ". The need to address substance use within the charwoman wrongdoer population has generated interest in Recovery Management Checkups (RMCs), an evidence - free-base approach path to promoting long - terminus convalescence that provides clients with periodic monitoring, feedback, and linkage with treatment as needed. The Recovery Management Checkups for Women Offenders (RMC-", "butter_fingers": ". Thf need to address substakce use within tkw womei offenser popuuation has generated interesv in Recocery Management Checkuos (RMCs), aj evidenxe-bawwd approaci to promoting pong-cecm recovery thaj provides cnients with pesiudnc monitoring, feedback, and linkage wyth trestlent as needed. The Wecobvrn Management Checkups for Women Kffendegs (RMC-", "random_deletion": ". The need to address substance use women population has interest in Recovery approach promoting long-term recovery provides clients with monitoring, feedback, and linkage with treatment needed. The Recovery Management Checkups for Women Offenders (RMC-", "change_char_case": ". The need to address substance Use within tHe womEn oFfeNdEr poPulaTion has generatED intErest in Recovery ManagemEnt ChEcKUps (Rmcs), An eviDence-baSEd APProAcH tO prOmOTiNg lonG-teRm recovEry that proVidEs Clients with pERiOdic monitoRinG, feedback, and LinKage wiTh TreATment As nEeded. the RecOVery MaNagement CHeCKups foR women OfFENdErs (RmC-", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The need to address subs tance usewithi n t hewo menoffe nder populatio n has generated interest in Reco ve r y Ma n ag ement Checku p s( R MCs ), a n e vi d en ce-ba sed approa ch to prom oti ng long-term r e co very thatpro vides client s w ith pe ri odi c moni tor ing,feedba c k, and linkagewi t h trea t ment as n ee ded. The Recovery Man a ge m ent Checkups f or Wom en Of f e nde rs(RMC-", "underscore_trick": ". The_need to_address substance use within_the women_offender_population has_generated_interest in Recovery_Management Checkups (RMCs),_an evidence-based approach to_promoting long-term recovery_that_provides clients with periodic monitoring, feedback, and linkage with treatment as needed. The Recovery_Management_Checkups for_Women_Offenders_(RMC-"} +{"text": ", which produce effector cytokines and migrate through the tissues, and central memory T cells that do not produce effector cytokines and migrate through lymph nodes. C57BL/6 mice infected with Leishmania major are immune to rechallenge after they resolve their infections, but this immunity was thought to be dependent upon residual parasites. Now", "synonym_substitution": ", which produce effector cytokines and migrate through the tissues, and cardinal memory metric ton cells that do not produce effecter cytokines and migrate through lymph node. C57BL/6 mice infected with Leishmania major are immune to rechallenge after they dissolve their infections, but this immunity was think to be dependent upon residual parasites. immediately", "butter_fingers": ", whlch produce effector cytukines and migrcre thrmugh tge tissuds, and central memory T celld rhat eo not produce effectof cytokinvs and mitratt through lymph nodes. C57BL/6 mice jkfectzd with Leishmanla major ara immune to rewhxlpenge after they resolve their infestions, nuh this immuniti was ehoufht to be dependent upon residual larasitts. Now", "random_deletion": ", which produce effector cytokines and migrate tissues, central memory cells that do migrate lymph nodes. C57BL/6 infected with Leishmania are immune to rechallenge after they their infections, but this immunity was thought to be dependent upon residual parasites.", "change_char_case": ", which produce effector cytokInes and migRate tHroUgh ThE tisSues, And central memoRY T ceLls that do not produce effEctor CyTOkinES aNd migRate thrOUgH LYmpH nOdEs. C57bL/6 MIcE infeCteD with LeIshmania maJor ArE immune to recHAlLenge after TheY resolve theiR inFectioNs, But THis imMunIty waS thougHT to be dEpendent uPoN ResiduAL parasiTES. NOw", "whitespace_perturbation": ", which produce effector c ytokines a nd mi gra teth roug h th e tissues, and cent ral memory T cells tha t dono t pro d uc e eff ector c y to k i nes a nd mi gr a te thro ugh lymphnodes. C57 BL/ 6mice infecte d w ith Leishm ani a major areimm une to r ech a lleng e a fterthey r e solvetheir inf ec t ions,b ut this i mm unit y was thought tob ed ependent uponresidu al pa r a sit es. Now", "underscore_trick": ", which_produce effector_cytokines and migrate through_the tissues,_and_central memory_T_cells that do_not produce effector_cytokines and migrate through_lymph nodes. C57BL/6_mice_infected with Leishmania major are immune to rechallenge after they resolve their infections, but_this_immunity was_thought_to_be dependent upon residual parasites._Now"} +{"text": "ation, fluoresence, and orthograde as well as retrograde axonal tracing techniques; 2) the experimental elimination of these systems with lesion or neurotoxins to assess their contribution to the behavior; and 3) the administration of psychoactive drugs such as the stimulants and neuroleptics before and after the lesions to assess", "synonym_substitution": "ation, fluoresence, and orthograde as well as retrograde axonal tracing techniques; 2) the experimental elimination of these systems with wound or neurotoxin to tax their contribution to the behavior; and 3) the presidency of psychoactive drug such as the stimulants and neuroleptics before and after the lesions to measure", "butter_fingers": "atiln, fluoresence, and orthonrade as well as retrogcade axknal trazing techniques; 2) the experimxntao elinination of these systdms with pesion oe nenrotoxins to assxas theiv confvibutnoi to the behavipr; and 3) tha administratimn oy psychoactive drugs such as the stiiulants ajd neurolepticf begjre znd after the lesions to assess", "random_deletion": "ation, fluoresence, and orthograde as well as tracing 2) the elimination of these to their contribution to behavior; and 3) administration of psychoactive drugs such as stimulants and neuroleptics before and after the lesions to assess", "change_char_case": "ation, fluoresence, and orthogRade as well As retRogRadE aXonaL traCing techniques; 2) THe exPerimental elimination oF thesE sYStemS WiTh lesIon or neURoTOXinS tO aSseSs THeIr conTriBution tO the behaviOr; aNd 3) The administrATiOn of psychoActIve drugs such As tHe stimUlAntS And neUroLeptiCs befoRE and afTer the lesIoNS to assESs", "whitespace_perturbation": "ation, fluoresence, and or thograde a s wel l a s r et rogr adeaxonal tracing tech niques; 2) the experim ental e l imin a ti on of theses ys t e mswi th le si o nor ne uro toxinsto assessthe ir contributio n t o the beha vio r; and 3) th e a dminis tr ati o n ofpsy choac tive d r ugs su ch as the s t imulan t s and n e u ro lept ics before and af t er the lesions to asses s", "underscore_trick": "ation, fluoresence,_and orthograde_as well as retrograde_axonal tracing_techniques;_2) the_experimental_elimination of these_systems with lesion_or neurotoxins to assess_their contribution to_the_behavior; and 3) the administration of psychoactive drugs such as the stimulants and neuroleptics_before_and after_the_lesions_to assess"} +{"text": " coli also required for antitermination of the rRNA operons interact with the RNA, and can it be identified by crosslinking? Homologous recombination is a critically important process responsible for repairing double-strand DNA breaks and exchanging genetic material between homologous chromosomes in cells undergoing meiosis. Our goal is to understand the mechanisms of homologous", "synonym_substitution": "coli also required for antitermination of the rRNA operons interact with the RNA, and can it be identified by crosslinking? Homologous recombination is a critically authoritative procedure responsible for repairing double - fibril DNA breaks and exchange genic material between homologous chromosome in cell undergoing litotes. Our goal is to understand the mechanisms of homologous", "butter_fingers": " copi also required for antltermination of jhw rRNA operohs interxct with the RNA, and can it ue ieentidied by crosslinking? Humologous recombibatiib is a crivjcally liporfwnt 'ricess responsinle for repdiring double-sdrxnb DNA breaks and exchanging genetic iateriak hetween homolodous shrojosomes in cells undergoing meiosia. Our gmal is to undrrstand the mechanisms of jomopogous", "random_deletion": "coli also required for antitermination of the interact the RNA, can it be is critically important process for repairing double-strand breaks and exchanging genetic material between chromosomes in cells undergoing meiosis. Our goal is to understand the mechanisms of", "change_char_case": " coli also required for antiteRmination oF the rrNA OpeRoNs inTeraCt with the RNA, anD Can iT be identified by crossliNking? hoMOlogOUs RecomBinatioN Is A CRitIcAlLy iMpORtAnt prOceSs respoNsible for rEpaIrIng double-strANd dNA breaks aNd eXchanging genEtiC materIaL beTWeen hOmoLogouS chromOSomes iN cells undErGOing meIOsis. Our GOAl Is to Understand the mechANiSMs of homologous", "whitespace_perturbation": " coli also required for an titerminat ion o f t herR NA o pero ns interact wi t h th e RNA, and can it be i denti fi e d by cr ossli nking?H om o l ogo us r eco mb i na tionisa criti cally impo rta nt process res p on sible forrep airing doubl e-s trandDN A b r eaksand exch anging geneti c materia lb etween homolog o u schro mosomes in cellsu nd e rgoing meiosis . Ourgo a li s to un derstand t he mech a nisms o f h o m o log o us", "underscore_trick": " coli_also required_for antitermination of the_rRNA operons_interact_with the_RNA,_and can it_be identified by_crosslinking? Homologous recombination is_a critically important_process_responsible for repairing double-strand DNA breaks and exchanging genetic material between homologous chromosomes in_cells_undergoing meiosis._Our_goal_is to understand the mechanisms_of homologous"} +{"text": ". However, such studies in mammals are expensive, time consuming and risky. In contrast, the nematode C. elegans provides an economical system in which to rapidly determine their physiological relevance. To this end, we discovered a truncated isoform of the insulin receptor in the worm, termed DAF-2B, that is directly", "synonym_substitution": ". However, such studies in mammals are expensive, time consuming and hazardous. In line, the nematode C. elegans provides an economical arrangement in which to quickly determine their physiological relevance. To this end, we fall upon a truncated isoform of the insulin receptor in the worm, term DAF-2B, that is immediately", "butter_fingers": ". Hoaever, such studies in maomals are expensive, tike conauming avd risky. In contrast, the nemetodw C. eoegans provides an ecovomical sjstem in qhici to rapidly detxdmine tmzir pgnsiolmjical relevance. To this etd, we discoverad a truncated isoform of the insulin rqceptor ij the worm, teried CWF-2B, fhat is directly", "random_deletion": ". However, such studies in mammals are consuming risky. In the nematode C. in to rapidly determine physiological relevance. To end, we discovered a truncated isoform the insulin receptor in the worm, termed DAF-2B, that is directly", "change_char_case": ". However, such studies in mammaLs are expenSive, tIme ConSuMing And rIsky. In contrast, THe neMatode C. elegans provides An ecoNoMIcal SYsTem in Which to RApIDLy dEtErMinE tHEiR physIolOgical rElevance. To ThiS eNd, we discoverED a Truncated iSofOrm of the insuLin ReceptOr In tHE worm, TerMed DAf-2B, that IS direcTly", "whitespace_perturbation": ". However, such studies in mammals a re ex pen siv e, tim e co nsuming and ri s ky.In contrast, the nemat ode C .e lega n sprovi des ane co n o mic al s yst em in whic h t o rapid ly determi neth eir physiolo g ic al relevan ce. To this end , w e disc ov ere d a tr unc atedisofor m of th e insulin r e ceptor in thew o rm , te rmed DAF-2B, that is directly", "underscore_trick": ". However,_such studies_in mammals are expensive,_time consuming_and_risky. In_contrast,_the nematode C._elegans provides an_economical system in which_to rapidly determine_their_physiological relevance. To this end, we discovered a truncated isoform of the insulin receptor_in_the worm,_termed_DAF-2B,_that is directly"} +{"text": " basis of Tat cross-talk with Rho GTPase and its impact on neuronal cell integrity. The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center (UNM HSC) has developed an innovative and widely applicable model to provide treatment for patients with chronic, common and complex diseases who do not have direct access to specialty healthcare providers. This", "synonym_substitution": "basis of Tat cross - talk with Rho GTPase and its impact on neural cellular telephone integrity. The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center (UNM HSC) has develop an innovative and widely applicable mannequin to provide treatment for affected role with chronic, coarse and complex diseases who do not suffer direct access to specialization healthcare providers. This", "butter_fingers": " badis of Tat cross-talk witm Rho GTPase and its im'act on neuronau cell integrity. The Universmty if Neq Mexico Health Sciencds Center (UNM HSC) has eeveloped eh innovative zkd wibeoy applicable kodel to psovide treatmett flr patients with chronic, common and complec fiseases who dj nou hwve sprtct access to specialty healthcars provivers. This", "random_deletion": "basis of Tat cross-talk with Rho GTPase impact neuronal cell The University of (UNM has developed an and widely applicable to provide treatment for patients with common and complex diseases who do not have direct access to specialty healthcare This", "change_char_case": " basis of Tat cross-talk with RhO GTPase and Its imPacT on NeUronAl ceLl integrity. The uNiveRsity of New Mexico Health scienCeS centER (UnM HSC) Has deveLOpED An iNnOvAtiVe ANd WidelY apPlicablE model to prOviDe Treatment for PAtIents with cHroNic, common and ComPlex diSeAseS Who do Not Have dIrect aCCess to Specialty HeALthcarE ProvideRS. thIs", "whitespace_perturbation": " basis of Tat cross-talk w ith Rho GT Paseand it simpa ct o n neuronal cel l int egrity. The University of N ew Mexi c oHealt h Scien c es C ent er ( UNM H S C) hasdev elopedan innovat ive a nd widely ap p li cable mode l t o provide tr eat ment f or pa t ients wi th ch ronic, common and comp le x disea s es whod o n ot h ave direct access to specialty heal thcare p r ov i d ers . T his", "underscore_trick": " basis_of Tat_cross-talk with Rho GTPase_and its_impact_on neuronal_cell_integrity. The University_of New Mexico_Health Sciences Center (UNM_HSC) has developed_an_innovative and widely applicable model to provide treatment for patients with chronic, common and_complex_diseases who_do_not_have direct access to specialty_healthcare providers. This"} +{"text": " and 36 months. The instrument measuring the quality of work and its human outcomes will be used across all demonstrations. It will allow analyses to be made over time of the relationship between the quality of the working environment and a variety of outcomes. This proposal seeks funding for a portion of the research and evaluation component of this Project,", "synonym_substitution": "and 36 months. The instrument measuring the quality of workplace and its human result will be used across all demonstrations. It will allow analysis to be made over time of the kinship between the quality of the working environment and a variety of result. This proposal seeks financing for a portion of the research and evaluation part of this Project,", "butter_fingers": " anf 36 months. The instrument measuring the quality of wodk and igs human outcomes will be usxd axross all demonstrations. It will alllw analywes uo be made over tmje of tmz relzbionski' between the qoality of tha working envisovmznt and a variety of outcomes. This pwoposal sfeks funding fjr a [ortjon of the research and evaluation compontnt of this Projecy,", "random_deletion": "and 36 months. The instrument measuring the work its human will be used allow to be made time of the between the quality of the working and a variety of outcomes. This proposal seeks funding for a portion of research and evaluation component of this Project,", "change_char_case": " and 36 months. The instrument meaSuring the qUalitY of WorK aNd itS humAn outcomes will BE useD across all demonstratioNs. It wIlL AlloW AnAlyseS to be maDE oVER tiMe Of The ReLAtIonshIp bEtween tHe quality oF thE wOrking enviroNMeNt and a variEty Of outcomes. ThIs pRoposaL sEekS FundiNg fOr a poRtion oF The resEarch and eVaLUation COmponenT OF tHis PRoject,", "whitespace_perturbation": " and 36 months. The instru ment measu ringthe qu al ityof w ork and its hu m an o utcomes will be used a cross a l l de m on strat ions. I t w i l l a ll ow an al y se s tobemade ov er time of th erelationship be tween thequa lity of thewor king e nv iro n mentand a va rietyo f outc omes. Thi sp roposa l seeksf u nd ingfor a portion oft he research and e valuat io n c o m pon ent of this P ro ject, ", "underscore_trick": " and_36 months._The instrument measuring the_quality of_work_and its_human_outcomes will be_used across all_demonstrations. It will allow_analyses to be_made_over time of the relationship between the quality of the working environment and a_variety_of outcomes._This_proposal_seeks funding for a portion_of the research and evaluation_component of_this Project,"} +{"text": " engraft in the liver and establish a vascular supply. The greater the functional islet mass engrafted, the lower the risk of post-operative diabetes. It has been estimated that more than half of the islet mass may be lost in the early post-transplant period in islet transplant recipients. Beta cell", "synonym_substitution": "engraft in the liver and establish a vascular supply. The greater the functional isle mass graft, the lower the risk of post - surgical diabetes. It has been calculate that more than half of the islet batch may be lost in the early post - transplant period in isle graft recipients. Beta cell", "butter_fingers": " enhraft in the liver and ertablish a vascolqr sup'ly. The greater the functional islet mass eigradted, uke lower the risk of post-operwtive diqbetts. It has been esvjmated bkat mkve thcn half of the ixlet mass kay be lost in tfe early post-transplant period in islqt tranxppant recipientf. Beua sell", "random_deletion": "engraft in the liver and establish a The the functional mass engrafted, the diabetes. has been estimated more than half the islet mass may be lost the early post-transplant period in islet transplant recipients. Beta cell", "change_char_case": " engraft in the liver and estabLish a vascuLar suPplY. ThE gReatEr thE functional islET masS engrafted, the lower the rIsk of PoST-opeRAtIve diAbetes. IT HaS BEen EsTiMatEd THaT more ThaN half of The islet maSs mAy Be lost in the eARlY post-transPlaNt period in isLet TranspLaNt rECipieNts. beta cEll", "whitespace_perturbation": " engraft in the liver andestablisha vas cul arsu pply . Th e greater thef unct ional islet mass engra fted, t h e lo w er therisk of po s t -op er at ive d i ab etes. It has be en estimat edth at more than ha lf of theisl et mass maybelost i nthe early po st-tr anspla n t peri od in isl et transp l ant rec i p ie nts. Beta cell", "underscore_trick": " engraft_in the_liver and establish a_vascular supply._The_greater the_functional_islet mass engrafted,_the lower the_risk of post-operative diabetes._It has been_estimated_that more than half of the islet mass may be lost in the early_post-transplant_period in_islet_transplant_recipients. Beta cell"} +{"text": " pathogenesis of juvenile HIV associated oral disease, and test practical, attainable therapies for outcomes that result in reversal of underlying pathologies. Functional understanding of the pathogenic effects of virus-induced immunosuppression on oral disease in HIV-infected children is the first objective of this proposal. Implications of HAART and symptomatic therapy for gingival", "synonym_substitution": "pathogenesis of juvenile HIV associated oral disease, and test practical, attainable therapy for result that result in reversal of underlie pathology. Functional understanding of the infective effects of virus - induced immunosuppression on oral disease in HIV - infected child is the first objective of this marriage proposal. Implications of HAART and symptomatic therapy for gingival", "butter_fingers": " pahhogenesis of juvenile HLV associated orco diseese, and test prxctical, attainable therapies fir ouubomes that result in feversal lf underoyinj pathologies. Fuidtional underabandiug of the pathoggnic effects of virus-inducad ilmunosuppression on oral disease in HIV-infrched children if tht fyrst objective of this proposal. Implicztions mf HAART and xymptomatic therapy for gijgivwl", "random_deletion": "pathogenesis of juvenile HIV associated oral disease, practical, therapies for that result in understanding the pathogenic effects virus-induced immunosuppression on disease in HIV-infected children is the objective of this proposal. Implications of HAART and symptomatic therapy for gingival", "change_char_case": " pathogenesis of juvenile HIV Associated Oral dIseAse, AnD tesT praCtical, attainabLE theRapies for outcomes that rEsult In REverSAl Of undErlying PAtHOLogIeS. FUncTiONaL undeRstAnding oF the pathogEniC eFfects of viruS-InDuced immunOsuPpression on oRal DiseasE iN HIv-InfecTed ChildRen is tHE first Objective Of THis proPOsal. ImpLICaTionS of HAART and symptoMAtIC therapy for ginGival", "whitespace_perturbation": " pathogenesis of juvenileHIV associ atedora l d is ease , an d test practic a l, a ttainable therapies fo r out co m es t h at resu lt in r e ve r s alof u nde rl y in g pat hol ogies.Functional un de rstanding of th e pathogen iceffects of v iru s-indu ce d i m munos upp ressi on ono ral di sease inHI V -infec t ed chil d r en isthe first objecti v eo f this proposa l. Imp li c at i o nsofHAART andsy mptom a tic the r ap y f org ingival", "underscore_trick": " pathogenesis_of juvenile_HIV associated oral disease,_and test_practical,_attainable therapies_for_outcomes that result_in reversal of_underlying pathologies. Functional understanding_of the pathogenic_effects_of virus-induced immunosuppression on oral disease in HIV-infected children is the first objective of_this_proposal. Implications_of_HAART_and symptomatic therapy for gingival"} +{"text": "icline is a first-line medication for smoking cessation that has been shown in meta-analytic reviews to be superior to other smoking cessation treatments (Cahill et al., 2010), however 56% of patients who take varenicline do not achieve smoking abstinence. One strategy to increase quit rates may be to", "synonym_substitution": "icline is a first - line medication for smoking cessation that has been testify in meta - analytic review to be superior to early smoking cessation discussion (Cahill et al. , 2010), however 56% of patients who take varenicline do not achieve smoke abstinence. One strategy to increase quit rate may be to", "butter_fingers": "icllne is a first-line medicxtion for smokiut cessetion tgat has ceen shown in meta-analytic rxvieqs to be superior to other rmoking cvssation rreauments (Cahill et em., 2010), howeyzr 56% or patneits who take vatenicline do not achieve skoyiug abstinence. One strategy to increafe quit rwtes may be to", "random_deletion": "icline is a first-line medication for smoking has shown in reviews to be treatments et al., 2010), 56% of patients take varenicline do not achieve smoking One strategy to increase quit rates may be to", "change_char_case": "icline is a first-line medicatIon for smokIng ceSsaTioN tHat hAs beEn shown in meta-aNAlytIc reviews to be superior tO otheR sMOkinG CeSsatiOn treatMEnTS (cahIlL eT al., 2010), HoWEvEr 56% of pAtiEnts who Take vareniCliNe Do not achieve SMoKing abstinEncE. One strategy To iNcreasE qUit RAtes mAy bE to", "whitespace_perturbation": "icline is a first-line med ication fo r smo kin g c es sati on t hat has been s h ownin meta-analytic revie ws to b e sup e ri or to others mo k i ngce ss ati on tr eatme nts (Cahil l et al.,201 0) , however 56 % o f patients wh o take varen icl ine do n ota chiev e s mokin g abst i nence. One stra te g y to i n creaseq u it rat es may be to", "underscore_trick": "icline is_a first-line_medication for smoking cessation_that has_been_shown in_meta-analytic_reviews to be_superior to other_smoking cessation treatments (Cahill_et al., 2010),_however_56% of patients who take varenicline do not achieve smoking abstinence. One strategy to_increase_quit rates_may_be_to"} +{"text": " by which parasites develop resistance to this class of drug and the role of artemisinin-induced dormancy in the process. The results of this project will provide valuable information regarding the mechanisms of treatment failure for artemisinin drugs. The results will aid the formulation of optimal ACT regimens, improved treatment outcomes for malaria", "synonym_substitution": "by which parasites develop resistance to this class of drug and the function of artemisinin - induce dormancy in the process. The results of this undertaking will provide valuable information regarding the mechanism of treatment failure for artemisinin drug. The result will aid the conceptualization of optimal ACT regimens, improved treatment result for malaria", "butter_fingers": " by which parasites develop resistance to jhus clavs of srug and the role of artemisinin-indured eormabcy in the process. The results lf this projtct will provide tzluable inforjwtiou cegarding the mgchanisms of treatment fainufe for artemisinin drugs. The results rill aic hhe formulatiog of jptijal ACT regimens, improved treatmenf outcokes for malaroa", "random_deletion": "by which parasites develop resistance to this drug the role artemisinin-induced dormancy in this will provide valuable regarding the mechanisms treatment failure for artemisinin drugs. The will aid the formulation of optimal ACT regimens, improved treatment outcomes for malaria", "change_char_case": " by which parasites develop reSistance to This cLasS of DrUg anD the Role of artemisiNIn-inDuced dormancy in the procEss. ThE rESultS Of This pRoject wILl PROviDe VaLuaBlE InFormaTioN regardIng the mechAniSmS of treatment FAiLure for artEmiSinin drugs. ThE reSults wIlL aiD The foRmuLatioN of optIMal ACT Regimens, iMpROved trEAtment oUTCoMes fOr malaria", "whitespace_perturbation": " by which parasites develo p resistan ce to th iscl assof d rug and the ro l e of artemisinin-induced d orman cy in t h eproce ss. The re s u lts o fthi sp ro jectwil l provi de valuabl e i nf ormation reg a rd ing the me cha nisms of tre atm ent fa il ure for a rte misin in dru g s. The resultswi l l aidt he form u l at ionof optimal ACT re g im e ns, improved t reatme nt ou t c ome s f or malaria ", "underscore_trick": " by_which parasites_develop resistance to this_class of_drug_and the_role_of artemisinin-induced dormancy_in the process._The results of this_project will provide_valuable_information regarding the mechanisms of treatment failure for artemisinin drugs. The results will aid_the_formulation of_optimal_ACT_regimens, improved treatment outcomes for_malaria"} +{"text": " five sites across the nation, this research is designed to test whether a tailored internet-based survivorship program with methods for managing health behaviors improves depression, emotional distress and adherence to health care guidelines in adult HSCT survivors. Normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) models can be used to individualize radiation therapy treatment planning,", "synonym_substitution": "five sites across the nation, this research is designed to screen whether a bespoke internet - based survivorship program with method for manage health behaviors improves natural depression, emotional distress and adherence to health caution guidelines in adult HSCT survivors. Normal tissue complicatedness probability (NTCP) models can be used to individualize radiation therapy discussion planning,", "butter_fingers": " fige sites across the natiun, this researck is devigned to test whether a tailored internet-uasee surcivorship program with methods vor manating yealth behebiors improvea depxewsion, emotionak distress and adherence tu kealth care guidelines in adult HSCT survivprd. Normal tissug comklisatikn probability (NTCP) models can be hsed to individualizr radiation therapy treatmfnt olanning,", "random_deletion": "five sites across the nation, this research to whether a internet-based survivorship program behaviors depression, emotional distress adherence to health guidelines in adult HSCT survivors. Normal complication probability (NTCP) models can be used to individualize radiation therapy treatment planning,", "change_char_case": " five sites across the nation, tHis researcH is deSigNed To Test WhetHer a tailored inTErneT-based survivorship progRam wiTh MEthoDS fOr manAging heALtH BEhaViOrS imPrOVeS deprEssIon, emotIonal distrEss AnD adherence to HEaLth care guiDelInes in adult HsCT SurvivOrS. NoRMal tiSsuE compLicatiON probaBility (NTCp) mODels caN Be used tO INdIvidUalize radiation thERaPY treatment planNing,", "whitespace_perturbation": " five sites across the nat ion, thisresea rch is d esig nedto test whethe r a t ailored internet-based surv iv o rshi p p rogra m withm et h o dsfo rman ag i ng heal thbehavio rs improve s d ep ression, emo t io nal distre ssand adherenc e t o heal th ca r e gui del inesin adu l t HSCT survivor s. Normal tissuec o mp lica tion probability( NT C P) models canbe use dt oi n div idu alize radi at ion t h erapy t r ea t m e ntp lanning,", "underscore_trick": " five_sites across_the nation, this research_is designed_to_test whether_a_tailored internet-based survivorship_program with methods_for managing health behaviors_improves depression, emotional_distress_and adherence to health care guidelines in adult HSCT survivors. Normal tissue complication probability_(NTCP)_models can_be_used_to individualize radiation therapy treatment_planning,"} +{"text": " increased mutations of the key DNA damage regulator, p53, which is known to augment the SASP response. Moreover, we will determine whether dermal fibroblasts or epidermal keratinocytes in early hyperemic foci exhibit a senescence marker, heterochromatin protein 1g (HP1g), and markers of double stranded DNA breaks,", "synonym_substitution": "increased mutations of the key DNA damage governor, p53, which is know to augment the SASP response. Moreover, we will settle whether cutaneous fibroblasts or epidermal keratinocytes in early hyperemic foci expose a senescence marker, heterochromatin protein 1 g (HP1 g), and markers of bivalent ground DNA break,", "butter_fingers": " infreased mutations of the key DNA damage regulavor, p53, wgich is ynown to augment the SASP redpinse. Noreover, we will deteroine whetjer dermql fmbroblasts or epmsermal keratihlcytzs in early hypetemic foci efhibit a seneswevcz marker, heterochromatin protein 1g (H[1g), and kagkers of doublg strsgded DNA breaks,", "random_deletion": "increased mutations of the key DNA damage which known to the SASP response. dermal or epidermal keratinocytes early hyperemic foci a senescence marker, heterochromatin protein 1g and markers of double stranded DNA breaks,", "change_char_case": " increased mutations of the keY DNA damage RegulAtoR, p53, wHiCh is KnowN to augment the SasP reSponse. Moreover, we will deTermiNe WHethER dErmal FibroblAStS OR epIdErMal KeRAtInocyTes In early Hyperemic fOci ExHibit a senescENcE marker, hetEroChromatin proTeiN 1g (HP1g), aNd MarKErs of DouBle stRanded dnA breaKs,", "whitespace_perturbation": " increased mutations of th e key DNAdamag e r egu la tor, p53 , which is kno w n to augment the SASP resp onse. M o reov e r, we w ill det e rm i n e w he th erde r ma l fib rob lasts o r epiderma l k er atinocytes i n e arly hyper emi c foci exhib ita sene sc enc e mark er, hete rochro m atin p rotein 1g ( H P1g),a nd mark e r sof d ouble stranded DN A b r eaks,", "underscore_trick": " increased_mutations of_the key DNA damage_regulator, p53,_which_is known_to_augment the SASP_response. Moreover, we_will determine whether dermal_fibroblasts or epidermal_keratinocytes_in early hyperemic foci exhibit a senescence marker, heterochromatin protein 1g (HP1g), and markers_of_double stranded_DNA_breaks,"} +{"text": " transcription factors that regulate expression of plasticity genes. The primary goal of this proposal is to rescue cortical plasticity in an animal model of FAS. The proposed studies will use molecular-genetic and pharmacological approaches to enhance transmission of synaptic signals to the nucleus of cortical neurons. The second major goal is to prevent developmental problems in the", "synonym_substitution": "transcription factors that regulate expression of malleability gene. The chief goal of this proposal is to rescue cortical malleability in an animal model of FAS. The proposed studies will practice molecular - genic and pharmacological approaches to enhance transmittance of synaptic signals to the nucleus of cortical nerve cell. The second major goal is to prevent developmental problems in the", "butter_fingers": " trwnscription factors that regulate expression oh plastjcity geves. The primary goal of this peoposql is to rescue corticxl plastibity in ab anmmal model of FAS. The proposed dtudnew will use molgcular-genetiw and pharmaconoeieal approaches to enhance transmissijn of sunwptic signals jo tht ntclehs of cortical neurons. The second jajor gmal is to prefent developmental problemd in the", "random_deletion": "transcription factors that regulate expression of plasticity primary of this is to rescue model FAS. The proposed will use molecular-genetic pharmacological approaches to enhance transmission of signals to the nucleus of cortical neurons. The second major goal is to developmental problems in the", "change_char_case": " transcription factors that rEgulate expRessiOn oF plAsTiciTy geNes. The primary gOAl of This proposal is to rescue CortiCaL PlasTIcIty in An animaL MoDEL of fAs. THe pRoPOsEd stuDieS will usE molecular-GenEtIc and pharmacOLoGical approAchEs to enhance tRanSmissiOn Of sYNaptiC siGnals To the nUCleus oF cortical NeURons. ThE Second mAJOr Goal Is to prevent develoPMeNTal problems in tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": " transcription factors tha t regulate expr ess ion o f pl asti city genes. Th e pri mary goal of this prop osalis to r e sc ue co rticalp la s t ici ty i n a na ni mal m ode l of FA S. The pro pos ed studies wil l u se molecul ar- genetic andpha rmacol og ica l appr oac hes t o enha n ce tra nsmission o f synap t ic sign a l sto t he nucleus of cor t ic a l neurons. The secon dm aj o r go alis to prev en t dev e lopment a lp r o ble m s in the", "underscore_trick": " transcription_factors that_regulate expression of plasticity_genes. The_primary_goal of_this_proposal is to_rescue cortical plasticity_in an animal model_of FAS. The_proposed_studies will use molecular-genetic and pharmacological approaches to enhance transmission of synaptic signals to_the_nucleus of_cortical_neurons._The second major goal is_to prevent developmental problems in_the"} +{"text": " of well trained and experienced cancer researchers at Lincoln University oriented toward reducing cancer health disparities, to foster such research at the Cancer Center, and to create a pipeline of students with laboratory experience who choose to further their education in cancer biology, population science, and medicine. This cooperative effort will accomplish the following objectives: 1) to", "synonym_substitution": "of well trained and experienced cancer researchers at Lincoln University oriented toward reducing cancer health disparity, to foster such inquiry at the Cancer Center, and to produce a pipeline of student with testing ground experience who choose to further their education in cancer biota, population science, and medicine. This cooperative attempt will accomplish the following objective: 1) to", "butter_fingers": " of well trained and experitnced cancer resecechers at Lihcoln Unkversity oriented toward redncint canxer health disparities, to fosteg such rewearrh at the Cancer Center, and to greatz e pipeline of sjudents with laboratory ex[efiznce who choose to further their edusation on cancer biologi, popllwtioh science, and medicine. This cooperztive ehfort will accokplish the following objechived: 1) to", "random_deletion": "of well trained and experienced cancer researchers University toward reducing health disparities, to Cancer and to create pipeline of students laboratory experience who choose to further education in cancer biology, population science, and medicine. This cooperative effort will accomplish following objectives: 1) to", "change_char_case": " of well trained and experiencEd cancer reSearcHerS at liNcolN UniVersity orienteD TowaRd reducing cancer health DispaRiTIes, tO FoSter sUch reseARcH AT thE CAnCer ceNTeR, and tO crEate a piPeline of stUdeNtS with laboratORy Experience Who Choose to furtHer Their eDuCatIOn in cAncEr bioLogy, poPUlatioN science, aNd MEdicinE. this cooPERaTive Effort will accomplISh THe following objEctiveS: 1) tO", "whitespace_perturbation": " of well trained and exper ienced can cer r ese arc he rs a t Li ncoln Universi t y or iented toward reducing canc er heal t hdispa rities, to f ost er s uch r e se archatthe Can cer Center , a nd to create a pi peline ofstu dents with l abo ratory e xpe r ience wh o cho ose to furthe r their e du c ationi n cance r bi olog y, population sci e nc e , and medicine . This c o op e r ati veeffort wil laccom p lish th e f o l l owi n g objectives: 1) to", "underscore_trick": " of_well trained_and experienced cancer researchers_at Lincoln_University_oriented toward_reducing_cancer health disparities,_to foster such_research at the Cancer_Center, and to_create_a pipeline of students with laboratory experience who choose to further their education in_cancer_biology, population_science,_and_medicine. This cooperative effort will_accomplish the following objectives: 1)_to"} +{"text": " 1kHz bandwidth. A critical and innovative aspect of this work is the integration of the PR force clamp with patch-clamp electrophysiology for synchronous force-displacement- physiological recordings. This technology will enable the first direct measurement of dynamic changes in tissue stiffness that may occur during mechano-electrical transduction and give", "synonym_substitution": "1kHz bandwidth. A critical and innovative aspect of this work is the integration of the public relations power clamp with patch - clamp electrophysiology for synchronous force - displacement- physiological recording. This technology will enable the first lineal measurement of dynamic changes in tissue stiffness that may happen during mechano - electric transduction and give", "butter_fingers": " 1kHx bandwidth. A critical akd innovative askext of vhis wodk is thd integration of the PR forcx clqmp wuth patch-clamp electroohysiologj for synxhroious force-displarsment- pmvsiolknical cecordings. This technologf will enable dhd yirst direct measurement of dynamic shanges ij tissue stiffgess ehat may occur during mechano-electricam transvuction and givr", "random_deletion": "1kHz bandwidth. A critical and innovative aspect work the integration the PR force synchronous physiological recordings. This will enable the direct measurement of dynamic changes in stiffness that may occur during mechano-electrical transduction and give", "change_char_case": " 1kHz bandwidth. A critical and iNnovative aSpect Of tHis WoRk is The iNtegration of thE pR foRce clamp with patch-clamp ElectRoPHysiOLoGy for SynchroNOuS FOrcE-dIsPlaCeMEnT- physIolOgical rEcordings. THis TeChnology will ENaBle the firsT diRect measuremEnt Of dynaMiC chANges iN tiSsue sTiffneSS that mAy occur duRiNG mechaNO-electrICAl TranSduction and give", "whitespace_perturbation": " 1kHz bandwidth. A critica l and inno vativ e a spe ct ofthis work is the i n tegr ation of the PR forceclamp w i th p a tc h-cla mp elec t ro p h ysi ol og y f or sy nchro nou s force -displacem ent -physiologica l r ecordings. Th is technolog y w ill en ab let he fi rst dire ct mea s uremen t of dyna mi c chang e s in ti s s ue sti ffness that may o c cu r during mechan o-elec tr i ca l tra nsd uction and g ive", "underscore_trick": " 1kHz_bandwidth. A_critical and innovative aspect_of this_work_is the_integration_of the PR_force clamp with_patch-clamp electrophysiology for synchronous_force-displacement- physiological recordings._This_technology will enable the first direct measurement of dynamic changes in tissue stiffness that_may_occur during_mechano-electrical_transduction_and give"} +{"text": " The University of Chicago has had a major commitment to both laboratory and clinical cancer research since 1930. As part of the clinical translation of that research, the University of Chicago and its Cancer Research Center joined the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) in 1985, and has subsequently strongly supported the CALGB both scientifically", "synonym_substitution": "The University of Chicago has had a major commitment to both laboratory and clinical cancer research since 1930. As character of the clinical transformation of that research, the University of Chicago and its Cancer Research Center joined the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) in 1985, and has subsequently powerfully supported the CALGB both scientifically", "butter_fingers": " Thf University of Chicago mas had a major eimmitmxnt to goth laburatory and clinical cancer ceseqrch wince 1930. As part of the zlinical nranslatiin oh that research, vge Univcxsity lf Ckirago and its Cakcer Researwh Center joinad tke Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) in 1985, anc jas subsequentjy suroggly supported the CALGB both scientifjcally", "random_deletion": "The University of Chicago has had a to laboratory and cancer research since clinical of that research, University of Chicago its Cancer Research Center joined the and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) in 1985, and has subsequently strongly supported the both scientifically", "change_char_case": " The University of Chicago has Had a major cOmmitMenT to BoTh laBoraTory and clinicaL CancEr research since 1930. As part oF the cLiNIcal TRaNslatIon of thAT rESEarCh, ThE UnIvERsIty of chiCago and Its Cancer REseArCh Center joinED tHe Cancer anD LeUkemia Group B (cALgB) in 1985, anD hAs sUBsequEntLy strOngly sUPporteD the CALGB BoTH scienTIficallY", "whitespace_perturbation": " The University of Chicago has had a majo r c omm it ment toboth laborator y and clinical cancer resea rch s in c e 19 3 0. As p art oft he c lin ic al tr an s la tionofthat re search, th e U ni versity of C h ic ago and it s C ancer Resear chCenter j oin e d the Ca ncerand Le u kemiaGroup B ( CA L GB) in 1985, a n d h as s ubsequently stron g ly supported theCALGBbo t hs c ien tif ically", "underscore_trick": " The_University of_Chicago has had a_major commitment_to_both laboratory_and_clinical cancer research_since 1930. As_part of the clinical_translation of that_research,_the University of Chicago and its Cancer Research Center joined the Cancer and Leukemia_Group_B (CALGB)_in_1985,_and has subsequently strongly supported_the CALGB both scientifically"} +{"text": " is a general effect on tumor development or is specific to the Apc pathway of tumor development. Second, we will test whether the Gtrosa26 insertion acts in a tissue autonomous manner. This information will be vital in the understanding of how the insertion exerts its effects. The overall objective of this research effort is to", "synonym_substitution": "is a general effect on tumor development or is specific to the Apc pathway of tumor growth. Second, we will screen whether the Gtrosa26 insertion acts in a tissue autonomous manner. This information will be full of life in the understanding of how the insertion exert its effects. The overall objective of this inquiry campaign is to", "butter_fingers": " is a general effect on tumur development or is s'ecific to the Xpc pathway of tumor developlebt. Sexond, we will test whetfer the Gnrosa26 inswrtiib acts in e tissue autonklous nanner. This innormation whll be vital it ghz understanding of how the insertion exerts ihs effects. The ovegajl ogjective of this research effort ia to", "random_deletion": "is a general effect on tumor development specific the Apc of tumor development. the insertion acts in tissue autonomous manner. information will be vital in the of how the insertion exerts its effects. The overall objective of this research is to", "change_char_case": " is a general effect on tumor deVelopment oR is spEciFic To The APc paThway of tumor deVElopMent. Second, we will test whEther ThE gtroSA26 iNsertIon acts IN a TISsuE aUtOnoMoUS mAnner. thiS informAtion will bE viTaL in the undersTAnDing of how tHe iNsertion exerTs iTs effeCtS. ThE OveraLl oBjectIve of tHIs reseArch efforT iS To", "whitespace_perturbation": " is a general effect on tu mor develo pment or is s peci ficto the Apc pat h wayof tumor development.Secon d, we w i ll test whethe r t h e Gt ro sa 26in s er tionact s in atissue aut ono mo us manner. T h is informati onwill be vita l i n theun der s tandi ngof ho w thei nserti on exerts i t s effe c ts. The o ve rall objective of thi s r e search effortis to", "underscore_trick": " is_a general_effect on tumor development_or is_specific_to the_Apc_pathway of tumor_development. Second, we_will test whether the_Gtrosa26 insertion acts_in_a tissue autonomous manner. This information will be vital in the understanding of how_the_insertion exerts_its_effects._The overall objective of this_research effort is to"} +{"text": ". The first goal of the project is to improve the image probe design for high sensitivity to small and rapid changes in light scattering. Two methods of reflectance mode illumination will be explored for fluorescence and polarized light measurements. The system will incorporate an electronically tunable filter to illuminate tissue with specific wavelengths for spectroscopic measurements, and", "synonym_substitution": ". The first goal of the project is to improve the prototype probe invention for high sensitivity to small and rapid changes in clean scattering. Two methods of coefficient of reflection mode illumination will be explored for fluorescence and polarize light measurements. The organization will incorporate an electronically tunable filter to illuminate tissue with specific wavelength for spectroscopic measurement, and", "butter_fingers": ". Thf first goal of the projtct is to improve the imege proge desigv for high sensitivity to smell qnd rqpid changes in light rcatterinh. Two merhodw of reflecvznce mode illhlinaciin will be expkored for xluorescence atd pllarized light measurements. The syseem wilk lncorporate an elebtwonidally tunable filter to illuminate tissue with specifiv wavelengths for spectrosfopif measurements, and", "random_deletion": ". The first goal of the project improve image probe for high sensitivity in scattering. Two methods reflectance mode illumination be explored for fluorescence and polarized measurements. The system will incorporate an electronically tunable filter to illuminate tissue with wavelengths for spectroscopic measurements, and", "change_char_case": ". The first goal of the project iS to improve The imAge ProBe DesiGn foR high sensitiviTY to sMall and rapid changes in lIght sCaTTeriNG. TWo metHods of rEFlECTanCe MoDe iLlUMiNatioN wiLl be expLored for flUorEsCence and polaRIzEd light meaSurEments. The sysTem Will inCoRpoRAte an EleCtronIcally TUnable Filter to iLlUMinate TIssue wiTH SpEcifIc wavelengths for sPEcTRoscopic measurEments, AnD", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The first goal of the pr oject is t o imp rov e t he ima ge p robe design fo r hig h sensitivity to small andra p id c h an ges i n light sc a t ter in g. Tw om et hodsofreflect ance modeill um ination will be exploredfor fluorescenc e a nd pol ar ize d ligh t m easur ements . The s ystem wil li ncorpo r ate ane l ec tron ically tunable fi l te r to illuminate tissu ew it h spe cif ic wavelen gt hs fo r spectr o sc o p i c m e asurements, a nd", "underscore_trick": ". The_first goal_of the project is_to improve_the_image probe_design_for high sensitivity_to small and_rapid changes in light_scattering. Two methods_of_reflectance mode illumination will be explored for fluorescence and polarized light measurements. The system_will_incorporate an_electronically_tunable_filter to illuminate tissue with_specific wavelengths for spectroscopic measurements,_and"} +{"text": " is flaccid rather than stretched. We will explore the hypothesis that this \"pars flaccida\" functions as an accessory pathway to the middle ear. 3) The relationship between structure and function of the tympanic membranes of cat, guinea, pig, chinchilla, alligator lizard, and chicken will", "synonym_substitution": "is flaccid rather than stretched. We will explore the guess that this \" par flaccida \" functions as an accessory pathway to the in-between auricle. 3) The relationship between structure and function of the tympanic membrane of cat, guinea, pig, chinchilla, alligator lounge lizard, and wimp will", "butter_fingers": " is flaccid rather than strttched. We will exklire thx hypotgesis thxt this \"pars flaccida\" functilnw as qn accessory pathway tu the midfle ear. 3) The eelationshml betwecu strhgture end function of the tympatic membranes mf cct, guinea, pig, chinchilla, alligator lyzard, amd chicken will", "random_deletion": "is flaccid rather than stretched. We will hypothesis this \"pars functions as an ear. The relationship between and function of tympanic membranes of cat, guinea, pig, alligator lizard, and chicken will", "change_char_case": " is flaccid rather than stretcHed. We will eXplorE thE hyPoThesIs thAt this \"pars flacCIda\" fUnctions as an accessory pAthwaY tO The mIDdLe ear. 3) the relaTIoNSHip BeTwEen StRUcTure aNd fUnction Of the tympaNic MeMbranes of cat, GUiNea, pig, chinChiLla, alligator LizArd, and ChIckEN will", "whitespace_perturbation": " is flaccid rather than st retched. W e wil l e xpl or e th e hy pothesis thatt his\"pars flaccida\" functi ons a sa n ac c es sorypathway to t hemi dd leea r .3) Th e r elation ship betwe enst ructure andf un ction of t hetympanic mem bra nes of c at, guine a,pig,chinch i lla, a lligatorli z ard, a n d chick e n w ill", "underscore_trick": " is_flaccid rather_than stretched. We will_explore the_hypothesis_that this_\"pars_flaccida\" functions as_an accessory pathway_to the middle ear._3) The relationship_between_structure and function of the tympanic membranes of cat, guinea, pig, chinchilla, alligator lizard,_and_chicken will"} +{"text": " health related diseases. Dr. Tanguay has strong collaborative relations with my co-mentors, Dr. Susan Tilton and Dr. Katrina Waters, both of whom are highly regarded computational biologists. This unique opportunity will afford me with training in one of the best aquatic laboratories in the world and top-not", "synonym_substitution": "health related diseases. Dr. Tanguay has strong collaborative relative with my conscientious objector - mentors, Dr. Susan Tilton and Dr. Katrina Waters, both of whom are highly regarded computational biologists. This singular opportunity will afford me with training in one of the good aquatic laboratories in the world and peak - not", "butter_fingers": " hewlth related diseases. Dr. Tanguay has sttobg colnaborafive relxtions with my co-mentors, Dr. Duwan Tulton and Dr. Katrina Wxters, botj of whon art highly regarded computabnonal nioloyiwts. This uniqug opportunitf will afford ke wnth training in one of the best aquaeic labprwtories in the workq ans top-not", "random_deletion": "health related diseases. Dr. Tanguay has strong with co-mentors, Dr. Tilton and Dr. are regarded computational biologists. unique opportunity will me with training in one of best aquatic laboratories in the world and top-not", "change_char_case": " health related diseases. Dr. TaNguay has stRong cOllAboRaTive RelaTions with my co-mENtorS, Dr. Susan Tilton and Dr. KatRina WAtERs, boTH oF whom Are highLY rEGArdEd CoMpuTaTIoNal biOloGists. ThIs unique opPorTuNity will affoRD mE with trainIng In one of the beSt aQuatic LaBorATorieS in The woRld and TOp-not", "whitespace_perturbation": " health related diseases.Dr. Tangua y has st ron gcoll abor ative relation s wit h my co-mentors, Dr. S usanTi l tona nd Dr.Katrina Wa t e rs, b ot h o fw ho m are hi ghly re garded com put at ional biolog i st s. This un iqu e opportunit y w ill af fo rdm e wit h t raini ng ino ne ofthe bestaq u atic l a borator i e sin t he world and top- n ot ", "underscore_trick": " health_related diseases._Dr. Tanguay has strong_collaborative relations_with_my co-mentors,_Dr._Susan Tilton and_Dr. Katrina Waters,_both of whom are_highly regarded computational_biologists._This unique opportunity will afford me with training in one of the best aquatic_laboratories_in the_world_and_top-not"} +{"text": " acids: phospholipids into bile is unclear, but may have important implications in the pathogenesis of cholesterol gallstone formation, hypercholesterolemia, and cholestatic liver diseases. The objectives of the present grant application are: (1) To identify bile acid-activated signaling cascades within the hepatocyte and determine if", "synonym_substitution": "acids: phospholipids into bile is unclear, but may have authoritative implication in the pathogenesis of cholesterol gallstone formation, hypercholesterolemia, and cholestatic liver diseases. The objectives of the present concession application are: (1) To identify bile acid - activated sign cascades within the hepatocyte and determine if", "butter_fingers": " aclds: phospholipids into blle is unclear, bot may heve impkrtant ioplications in the pathogenediw of xholesterol gallstone wormation, hyperchilesuerolemia, and cholestatic liver fisecsxs. The objectivgs of the prasent grant ap[lkcction are: (1) To identify bile acid-actidated sogjaling cascadef wiuhig ths hepatocyte and determine if", "random_deletion": "acids: phospholipids into bile is unclear, but important in the of cholesterol gallstone diseases. objectives of the grant application are: To identify bile acid-activated signaling cascades the hepatocyte and determine if", "change_char_case": " acids: phospholipids into bilE is unclear, But maY haVe iMpOrtaNt imPlications in thE PathOgenesis of cholesterol gAllstOnE FormATiOn, hypErcholeSTeROLemIa, AnD chOlEStAtic lIveR diseasEs. The objecTivEs Of the present GRaNt applicatIon Are: (1) To identifY biLe acid-AcTivATed siGnaLing cAscadeS Within The hepatoCyTE and deTErmine iF", "whitespace_perturbation": " acids: phospholipids into bile is u nclea r,but m ay h aveimportant impl i cati ons in the pathogenesi s ofch o lest e ro l gal lstonef or m a tio n, h ype rc h ol ester ole mia, an d cholesta tic l iver disease s .The object ive s of the pre sen t gran tapp l icati onare:(1) To identi fy bile a ci d -activ a ted sig n a li ng c ascades within th e h e patocyte and d etermi ne if ", "underscore_trick": " acids:_phospholipids into_bile is unclear, but_may have_important_implications in_the_pathogenesis of cholesterol_gallstone formation, hypercholesterolemia,_and cholestatic liver diseases._The objectives of_the_present grant application are: (1) To identify bile acid-activated signaling cascades within the hepatocyte_and_determine if"} +{"text": " conjunction with radio therapy. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] This study is testing the hypothesis that a change in aldosterone and renal blood flow response to AII, induced by converting enzyme inhibitors, is specific for a single subset of hypertensive patients and also for one form of therapy. Thus, non-specific vas", "synonym_substitution": "conjunction with radio therapy. [ unreadable ] [ unreadable ] [ indecipherable ] This discipline is testing the hypothesis that a variety in aldosterone and renal lineage flow response to AII, induce by converting enzyme inhibitors, is specific for a individual subset of hypertensive patients and also for one shape of therapy. Thus, non - specific vas", "butter_fingers": " cojjunction with radio thevapy. [unreadable] [oneeadabne] [unrsadable] Ghis study is testing the hy'othwsis ukat a change in aldorterone ajd renal bloie flow res'knse to AII, ihfuceb uy converting ekzyme inhibhtors, is specixiz yor a single subset of hypertensive [atientx wnd also for oge fpwm or therapy. Thus, non-specific vas", "random_deletion": "conjunction with radio therapy. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable] is the hypothesis a change in response AII, induced by enzyme inhibitors, is for a single subset of hypertensive and also for one form of therapy. Thus, non-specific vas", "change_char_case": " conjunction with radio theraPy. [unreadabLe] [unrEadAblE] [uNreaDablE] This study is teSTing The hypothesis that a chanGe in aLdOSterONe And reNal blooD FlOW ResPoNsE to aIi, InDuced By cOnvertiNg enzyme inHibItOrs, is specifiC FoR a single suBseT of hypertensIve PatienTs And ALso foR onE form Of therAPy. Thus, Non-specifIc VAs", "whitespace_perturbation": " conjunction with radio th erapy. [un reada ble ] [ un read able ] [unreadable] This study is testing thehypot he s is t h at a ch ange in al d o ste ro ne an dr en al bl ood flow r esponse to AI I, induced byc on verting en zym e inhibitors , i s spec if icf or asin gle s ubseto f hype rtensivepa t ientsa nd also f or one form of therapy. Th u s, non-specifi c vas", "underscore_trick": " conjunction_with radio_therapy. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable]_This study_is_testing the_hypothesis_that a change_in aldosterone and_renal blood flow response_to AII, induced_by_converting enzyme inhibitors, is specific for a single subset of hypertensive patients and also_for_one form_of_therapy._Thus, non-specific vas"} +{"text": " therapy for the treatment of Gaucher disease. Using a similar test model as designed for chaperone therapy in Fabry disease, candidate active-site-directed molecules are under investigation. All surviving patients with Gaucher disease have residual glucocerebrosidase activity and appear to be excellent candidates for molecular chaperone", "synonym_substitution": "therapy for the treatment of Gaucher disease. Using a similar test exemplar as design for chaperone therapy in Fabry disease, candidate active - site - target molecules are under investigation. All outlive affected role with Gaucher disease have residual glucocerebrosidase action and appear to be excellent candidates for molecular chaperon", "butter_fingers": " thfrapy for the treatment uf Gaucher disecwe. Usiig a sijilar tert model as designed for cha'erobe thtgapy in Fabry disease, candidatv active-sute-dmrected molecules are under inbcstigctmon. All survivikg patients with Gaucher girecse have residual glucocerebrosidase activiyy and appear to be txcqllehn gandidates for molecular chaperohe", "random_deletion": "therapy for the treatment of Gaucher disease. similar model as for chaperone therapy molecules under investigation. All patients with Gaucher have residual glucocerebrosidase activity and appear be excellent candidates for molecular chaperone", "change_char_case": " therapy for the treatment of GAucher diseAse. UsIng A siMiLar tEst mOdel as designed FOr chAperone therapy in Fabry dIseasE, cANdidATe ActivE-site-diREcTED moLeCuLes ArE UnDer inVesTigatioN. All survivIng PaTients with GaUChEr disease hAve Residual glucOceRebrosIdAse ACtiviTy aNd appEar to bE ExcellEnt candidAtES for moLEcular cHAPeRone", "whitespace_perturbation": " therapy for the treatment of Gauche r dis eas e.Us inga si milar test mod e l as designed for chaperon e the ra p y in Fa bry d isease, ca n d ida te a cti ve - si te-di rec ted mol ecules are un de r investigat i on . All surv ivi ng patientswit h Gauc he r d i sease ha ve re sidual glucoc erebrosid as e activ i ty anda p pe ar t o be excellent ca n di d ates for molec ular c ha p er o n e", "underscore_trick": " therapy_for the_treatment of Gaucher disease._Using a_similar_test model_as_designed for chaperone_therapy in Fabry_disease, candidate active-site-directed molecules_are under investigation._All_surviving patients with Gaucher disease have residual glucocerebrosidase activity and appear to be excellent_candidates_for molecular_chaperone"} +{"text": ", sphingolipids, and pertinent lysosomal enzymes in tissues of patients with various types of MPS and we make correlation in terms of clinical and ultrastructural findings. Our laboratory contributed significantly in understanding the chemical pathology and in particular the neurochemistry of MPS IH, MPS IS, MPS", "synonym_substitution": ", sphingolipids, and pertinent lysosomal enzymes in tissues of patients with diverse type of MPS and we make correlation in terms of clinical and ultrastructural finding. Our laboratory contributed importantly in understanding the chemical pathology and in particular the neurochemistry of MPS IH, MPS IS, MPS", "butter_fingers": ", spjingolipids, and pertinenu lysosomal enzymgs in tivsues kf patievts with various types of MPD qnd wt make correlation kn terms lf clinixal end ultrastructuczl findlugs. Ohv labmcatory contribujed significdntly in undervtxnbing the chemical pathology and in pwrticulsr the neurochemystrj jf MLS IH, MPS IS, MPS", "random_deletion": ", sphingolipids, and pertinent lysosomal enzymes in patients various types MPS and we clinical ultrastructural findings. Our contributed significantly in the chemical pathology and in particular neurochemistry of MPS IH, MPS IS, MPS", "change_char_case": ", sphingolipids, and pertinent Lysosomal eNzymeS in TisSuEs of PatiEnts with variouS TypeS of MPS and we make correlaTion iN tERms oF ClInicaL and ultRAsTRUctUrAl FinDiNGs. our laBorAtory coNtributed sIgnIfIcantly in undERsTanding the CheMical patholoGy aNd in paRtIcuLAr the NeuRocheMistry OF MPS IH, mPS IS, MPS", "whitespace_perturbation": ", sphingolipids, and perti nent lysos omalenz yme sin t issu es of patients with various types of MPSand w em akec or relat ion int er m s of c li nic al an d ult ras tructur al finding s.Ou r laboratory co ntributedsig nificantly i n u nderst an din g theche mical patho l ogy an d in part ic u lar th e neuroc h e mi stry of MPS IH, MPS I S ,M PS", "underscore_trick": ", sphingolipids,_and pertinent_lysosomal enzymes in tissues_of patients_with_various types_of_MPS and we_make correlation in_terms of clinical and_ultrastructural findings. Our_laboratory_contributed significantly in understanding the chemical pathology and in particular the neurochemistry of MPS_IH,_MPS IS,_MPS"} +{"text": " involved in youth HAI. The specific aims of this project are 1) To longitudinally assess if youth?pet relationship quality is predictive of healthy adolescent behaviors, and 2) to assess how parents influence the ways in which pets are integrated into the family system. To achieve these aims, we will utilize data from a", "synonym_substitution": "involved in youth HAI. The specific aims of this project are 1) To lengthways measure if youth?pet relationship quality is predictive of goodly adolescent behaviors, and 2) to tax how parents influence the way in which pets are integrated into the class system. To achieve these aims, we will use data from a", "butter_fingers": " ingolved in youth HAI. The rpecific aims oy this 'roject are 1) To longitudinally assess if yonth?pwt reoationship quality is oredictivv of healrhy edolescent behavmkrs, and 2) to aadess iow parents infkuence the ways in which pdtd are integrated into the family syftem. To afhieve these ayms, eq wiml utilize data from a", "random_deletion": "involved in youth HAI. The specific aims project 1) To assess if youth?pet healthy behaviors, and 2) assess how parents the ways in which pets are into the family system. To achieve these aims, we will utilize data from", "change_char_case": " involved in youth HAI. The specIfic aims of This pRojEct ArE 1) To lOngiTudinally assesS If yoUth?pet relationship qualIty is PrEDictIVe Of heaLthy adoLEsCENt bEhAvIorS, aND 2) tO asseSs hOw parenTs influencE thE wAys in which peTS aRe integratEd iNto the family SysTem. To aChIevE These AimS, we wiLl utilIZe data From a", "whitespace_perturbation": " involved in youth HAI. Th e specific aims of th is pro ject are 1) To lon g itud inally assess if youth ?petre l atio n sh ip qu ality i s p r e dic ti ve of h e al thy a dol escentbehaviors, an d2) to assess ho w parentsinf luence the w ays in wh ic h p e ts ar e i ntegr ated i n to the family s ys t em. To achieve t he se a ims, we will util i ze data from a", "underscore_trick": " involved_in youth_HAI. The specific aims_of this_project_are 1)_To_longitudinally assess if_youth?pet relationship quality_is predictive of healthy_adolescent behaviors, and_2)_to assess how parents influence the ways in which pets are integrated into the_family_system. To_achieve_these_aims, we will utilize data_from a"} +{"text": " NEDD4-2, expressed in the aldosterone-sensitive region of the nephron. Of the NEDD4-2-regulated NaCl transporters, the best studied are the thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter, NCC, and the epithelial Na+ channel, ENaC. NED", "synonym_substitution": "NEDD4 - 2, expressed in the aldosterone - sensitive region of the nephron. Of the NEDD4 - 2 - regulated NaCl conveyer belt, the dear studied are the thiazide - sensitive NaCl cotransporter, NCC, and the epithelial Na+ channel, ENaC. NED", "butter_fingers": " NEFD4-2, expressed in the aldorterone-sensitivg eegion of ths nephrov. Of the NEDD4-2-regulated NaCl vranwporttgs, the best studied afe the thpazide-senwitite NaCl cotransporter, NCG, and bhe e'ivhelial Na+ chankel, ENaC. NEG", "random_deletion": "NEDD4-2, expressed in the aldosterone-sensitive region of Of NEDD4-2-regulated NaCl the best studied NCC, the epithelial Na+ ENaC. NED", "change_char_case": " NEDD4-2, expressed in the aldosteRone-sensitIve reGioN of ThE nepHron. of the NEDD4-2-regulATed NACl transporters, the best StudiEd ARe thE ThIazidE-sensitIVe nAcl cOtRaNspOrTEr, nCC, anD thE epitheLial Na+ chanNel, eNAC. NED", "whitespace_perturbation": " NEDD4-2, expressed in the aldostero ne-se nsi tiv eregi on o f the nephron. Of t he NEDD4-2-regulated N aCl t ra n spor t er s, th e bests tu d i edar ethe t h ia zide- sen sitiveNaCl cotra nsp or ter, NCC, an d t he epithel ial Na+ channel , E NaC. N ED ", "underscore_trick": " NEDD4-2,_expressed in_the aldosterone-sensitive region of_the nephron._Of_the NEDD4-2-regulated_NaCl_transporters, the best_studied are the_thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter, NCC,_and the epithelial_Na+_channel, ENaC. NED"} +{"text": " of AD. Our analysis strategy is unique from previous studies, because we will not only analyze AAO as a quantitative trait in a case-only design as used in the past, but we will also treat AAO as a censored trait by applying novel survival-analysis methodology. The survival-analysis approach will include unaffected", "synonym_substitution": "of AD. Our analysis strategy is unique from previous report, because we will not merely analyze AAO as a quantitative trait in a case - only design as use in the past, but we will also treat AAO as a censor trait by apply novel survival - analysis methodology. The survival - analysis approach will admit unaffected", "butter_fingers": " of AD. Our analysis strategn is unique from previons studjes, becajse we will not only analyze AQO as a quantitative trait kn a case-lnly desugn es used in the peat, but we wilm alsm treat AAO as s censored trait by applfivg novel survival-analysis methodology. The sutvlval-analysis akproabh wilm include unaffected", "random_deletion": "of AD. Our analysis strategy is unique studies, we will only analyze AAO a design as used the past, but will also treat AAO as a trait by applying novel survival-analysis methodology. The survival-analysis approach will include unaffected", "change_char_case": " of AD. Our analysis strategy is Unique from PreviOus StuDiEs, beCausE we will not only ANalyZe AAO as a quantitative trAit in A cASe-onLY dEsign As used iN ThE PAst, BuT wE wiLl ALsO treaT AAo as a cenSored trait By aPpLying novel suRViVal-analysiS meThodology. The SurVival-aNaLysIS apprOacH will IncludE UnaffeCted", "whitespace_perturbation": " of AD. Our analysis strat egy is uni que f rom pr ev ious stu dies, becausew e wi ll not only analyze AA O asaq uant i ta tivetrait i n a c ase -o nl y d es i gn as u sed in the past, but we w ill also tre a tAAO as a c ens ored trait b y a pplyin gnov e l sur viv al-an alysis method ology. Th es urviva l -analys i s a ppro ach will includeu na f fected", "underscore_trick": " of_AD. Our_analysis strategy is unique_from previous_studies,_because we_will_not only analyze_AAO as a_quantitative trait in a_case-only design as_used_in the past, but we will also treat AAO as a censored trait by_applying_novel survival-analysis_methodology._The_survival-analysis approach will include unaffected"} +{"text": " for OSA and likely to harbor rare variants. Capitalizing on the power of family designs combined with focused sequencing efforts and modern statistical tools, including methodological advances by our research team of leading genetic statisticians, geneticists and sleep epidemiologists, we propose to use complementary strategies designed to identify common as well as low frequency", "synonym_substitution": "for OSA and likely to harbor rare variants. Capitalizing on the power of syndicate blueprint combined with focused sequencing efforts and advanced statistical tools, including methodological progress by our inquiry team of leading genetic statisticians, geneticists and sleep epidemiologist, we propose to use complementary strategies design to identify common as well as low frequency", "butter_fingers": " fog OSA and likely to harbur rare variants. Capitelizing on the oower of family designs combmned with focused sequencing efworts and modern wtatmstical tools, inrmuding methodkpogieao advances by pur researwh team of leagivg genetic statisticians, geneticists wnd slerp epidemiologisjs, we [ropkse to use complementary strategiea desigied to identify common as well as low freeuenfy", "random_deletion": "for OSA and likely to harbor rare on power of designs combined with statistical including methodological advances our research team leading genetic statisticians, geneticists and sleep we propose to use complementary strategies designed to identify common as well as frequency", "change_char_case": " for OSA and likely to harbor raRe variants. capitAliZinG oN the PoweR of family desigNS comBined with focused sequenCing eFfORts aND mOdern StatistICaL TOolS, iNcLudInG MeThodoLogIcal advAnces by our ResEaRch team of leaDInG genetic stAtiSticians, geneTicIsts anD sLeeP EpideMioLogisTs, we prOPose to Use compleMeNTary stRAtegies DESiGned To identify common aS WeLL as low frequencY", "whitespace_perturbation": " for OSA and likely to har bor rare v arian ts. Ca pi tali zing on the powero f fa mily designs combinedwithfo c used se quenc ing eff o rt s and m od ern s t at istic altools,includingmet ho dological ad v an ces by our re search teamofleadin ggen e tic s tat istic ians,g enetic ists andsl e ep epi d emiolog i s ts , we propose to use c o mp l ementary strat egiesde s ig n e d t o i dentify co mm on as well as lo w f req u ency", "underscore_trick": " for_OSA and_likely to harbor rare_variants. Capitalizing_on_the power_of_family designs combined_with focused sequencing_efforts and modern statistical_tools, including methodological_advances_by our research team of leading genetic statisticians, geneticists and sleep epidemiologists, we propose_to_use complementary_strategies_designed_to identify common as well_as low frequency"} +{"text": ", 2001 in Virginia Beach, VA. The goal of the meeting is to enhance scientific progress in their understanding of cognitive development by updating researchers' awareness of new developments in the field, fostering debate on relevant topics, teaching new methodological and statistical skills, and encouraging broad applications to the health, education, and welfare of children", "synonym_substitution": ", 2001 in Virginia Beach, VA. The goal of the meeting is to enhance scientific progress in their understanding of cognitive growth by update researchers' awareness of new developments in the discipline, fostering debate on relevant topic, teach new methodological and statistical skill, and encouraging broad application to the health, education, and welfare of child", "butter_fingers": ", 2001 ij Virginia Beach, VA. The noal of the meetnbg is vo enhahce scievtific progress in their undxrstqndint of cognitive developoent by uidating rwseacchers' awareness of new develollentv in the field, nostering dabate on relevdng copics, teaching new methodological agd statoshical skills, agd emsourzging broad applications to the hezlth, edlcation, and welfate of children", "random_deletion": ", 2001 in Virginia Beach, VA. The the is to scientific progress in by researchers' awareness of developments in the fostering debate on relevant topics, teaching methodological and statistical skills, and encouraging broad applications to the health, education, and of children", "change_char_case": ", 2001 in Virginia Beach, VA. The goal oF the meetinG is to EnhAncE sCienTifiC progress in theIR undErstanding of cognitive dEveloPmENt by UPdAting ResearcHErS' AWarEnEsS of NeW DeVelopMenTs in the Field, fosteRinG dEbate on relevANt Topics, teacHinG new methodolOgiCal and StAtiSTical SkiLls, anD encouRAging bRoad appliCaTIons to THe healtH, EDuCatiOn, and welfare of chiLDrEN", "whitespace_perturbation": ", 2001 in Virginia Beach,VA. The go al of th e m ee ting isto enhance sci e ntif ic progress in their u nders ta n ding of cogn itive d e ve l o pme nt b y u pd a ti ng re sea rchers' awareness of n ew developme n ts in the fi eld , fosteringdeb ate on r ele v ant t opi cs, t eachin g new m ethodolog ic a l ands tatisti c a lskil ls, and encouragi n gb road applicati ons to t h eh e alt h,education, a nd we l fare of ch i l d ren ", "underscore_trick": ", 2001_in Virginia_Beach, VA. The goal_of the_meeting_is to_enhance_scientific progress in_their understanding of_cognitive development by updating_researchers' awareness of_new_developments in the field, fostering debate on relevant topics, teaching new methodological and statistical_skills,_and encouraging_broad_applications_to the health, education, and_welfare of children"} +{"text": " application will be against the HT-29 human colon cancer cell line, the method proposed is broad enough in scope to target several types of cancer, especially those that are most likely to metastasize throughout the body. Despite the fact that HIV infection has soared amongst heterosexual women of color, Latinas are consistently underrepresented", "synonym_substitution": "application will be against the HT-29 human colon cancer cell line, the method aim is wide enough in scope to target several types of cancer, specially those that are most likely to metastasize throughout the torso. Despite the fact that HIV infection has soared amongst heterosexual woman of color, Latinas are consistently underrepresented", "butter_fingers": " apolication will be againsu the HT-29 human colon canrer celm line, tfe method proposed is broad xnouth in scope to target severxl types lf cancee, eskecially those thef are most liicly tm metastasize tmroughout tve body. Despita ghz fact that HIV infection has soared amongsy jeterosexual wjmen jf cklor, Latinas are consistently undedreprestnted", "random_deletion": "application will be against the HT-29 human cell the method is broad enough types cancer, especially those are most likely metastasize throughout the body. Despite the that HIV infection has soared amongst heterosexual women of color, Latinas are consistently", "change_char_case": " application will be against tHe HT-29 human cOlon cAncEr cElL linE, the Method proposed IS broAd enough in scope to targeT seveRaL TypeS Of CanceR, especiALlY THosE tHaT arE mOSt LikelY to MetastaSize througHouT tHe body. DespitE ThE fact that HiV iNfection has sOarEd amonGsT heTEroseXuaL womeN of colOR, LatinAs are consIsTEntly uNDerreprESEnTed", "whitespace_perturbation": " application will be again st the HT- 29 hu man co lo n ca ncer cell line, th e met hod proposed is broadenoug hi n sc o pe to t arget s e ve r a l t yp es of c a nc er, e spe ciallythose that ar emost likelyt ometastasiz e t hroughout th e b ody. D es pit e thefac t tha t HIVi nfecti on has so ar e d amon g st hete r o se xual women of color,L at i nas are consis tently u n de r r epr ese nted", "underscore_trick": " application_will be_against the HT-29 human_colon cancer_cell_line, the_method_proposed is broad_enough in scope_to target several types_of cancer, especially_those_that are most likely to metastasize throughout the body. Despite the fact that HIV_infection_has soared_amongst_heterosexual_women of color, Latinas are_consistently underrepresented"} +{"text": " and public health. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Resources, such as money, food, protection, opportunities, care, and emotional support that flow directly from person to person are vital for the well-being of children in poor countries that do not have strong market or government institutions. To understand why some people thrive and", "synonym_substitution": "and public health. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Resources, such as money, food, protection, opportunities, care, and aroused documentation that flow directly from person to person are critical for the well - organism of children in poor countries that do not hold strong market or politics institution. To understand why some multitude thrive and", "butter_fingers": " anf public health. PUBLIC HTALTH RELEVANCE: Rgsiurces, such zs money, food, protection, opportunitixs, cqre, abd emotional support tfat flow firectly fron person to person are vifwl fmc the well-being of childran in poor couttfizs that do not have strong market or governkejt institutionf. To tndedstand why some people thrive and", "random_deletion": "and public health. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Resources, money, protection, opportunities, and emotional support to are vital for well-being of children poor countries that do not have market or government institutions. To understand why some people thrive and", "change_char_case": " and public health. PUBLIC HEALtH RELEVANCe: ResoUrcEs, sUcH as mOney, Food, protection, OPporTunities, care, and emotionAl supPoRT thaT FlOw dirEctly frOM pERSon To PeRsoN aRE vItal fOr tHe well-bEing of chilDreN iN poor countriES tHat do not haVe sTrong market oR goVernmeNt InsTItutiOns. to undErstanD Why somE people thRiVE and", "whitespace_perturbation": " and public health. PUBLIC HEALTH RE LEVAN CE: Re so urce s, s uch as money,f ood, protection, opportuni ties, c a re,a nd emot ional s u pp o r t t ha tflo wd ir ectly fr om pers on to pers onar e vital fort he well-bein g o f children i n p oor co un tri e s tha t d o not haves trongmarket or g o vernme n t insti t u ti ons. To understand wh y s o me people thri ve and ", "underscore_trick": " and_public health._PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Resources,_such as_money,_food, protection,_opportunities,_care, and emotional_support that flow_directly from person to_person are vital_for_the well-being of children in poor countries that do not have strong market or_government_institutions. To_understand_why_some people thrive and"} +{"text": " is discussed. Current protocols are described. With old patients the skin is examined, interim medical history discussed and current protocols are described. No biopsies are taken or blood drawn; other protocols cover these activities. If individuals enter a particular study the screening visit is attributed to that protocol. Some people may be potential candidates for a later", "synonym_substitution": "is discussed. Current protocols are described. With old patient the hide is examined, interim medical history discussed and current protocol are described. No biopsies are take or blood drawn; early protocol cover these activity. If individuals enter a finical sketch the screening sojourn is attributed to that protocol. Some citizenry may be likely candidates for a later", "butter_fingers": " is discussed. Current protogols are describgd. With mld pafients tfe skin is examined, interim leeical history discussed and current irotocols are eescribed. Ik biopslzs ars takzn or blood drawk; other prodocols cover tvere activities. If individuals enter a [articukag study the scteenimd viapt is attributed to that protockl. Some people may br potential candidates for a lwter", "random_deletion": "is discussed. Current protocols are described. With the is examined, medical history discussed No are taken or drawn; other protocols these activities. If individuals enter a study the screening visit is attributed to that protocol. Some people may be candidates for a later", "change_char_case": " is discussed. Current protocoLs are descrIbed. WIth Old PaTienTs thE skin is examineD, InteRim medical history discuSsed aNd CUrreNT pRotocOls are dEScRIBed. no BiOpsIeS ArE takeN or Blood drAwn; other prOtoCoLs cover these ACtIvities. If iNdiViduals enter A paRticulAr StuDY the sCreEning Visit iS AttribUted to thaT pROtocol. sOme peopLE MaY be pOtential candidateS FoR A later", "whitespace_perturbation": " is discussed. Current pro tocols are desc rib ed. W itholdpatients the s k in i s examined, interim me dical h i stor y d iscus sed and cu r r ent p ro toc ol s a re de scr ibed. N o biopsies ar etaken or blo o ddrawn; oth erprotocols co ver these a cti v ities . I f ind ividua l s ente r a parti cu l ar stu d y the s c r ee ning visit is attribu t ed to that protoc ol. So me pe o p lemay be potent ia l can d idatesf or a lat e r", "underscore_trick": " is_discussed. Current_protocols are described. With_old patients_the_skin is_examined,_interim medical history_discussed and current_protocols are described. No_biopsies are taken_or_blood drawn; other protocols cover these activities. If individuals enter a particular study the_screening_visit is_attributed_to_that protocol. Some people may_be potential candidates for a_later"} +{"text": " is dependent upon mitochondrial integrity and an intact autophagy response to injury. We now present data supporting an important role for the inflammasome in predicting severity and mortality during human infection-related ALI/ARDS. Moreover, our preliminary animal studies demonstrate that statins exacerbate lung injury and inflammation via activation of the inflamm", "synonym_substitution": "is dependent upon mitochondrial integrity and an intact autophagy response to injury. We nowadays confront data back an crucial role for the inflammasome in predicting badness and mortality during human infection - associate ALI / ARDS. Moreover, our preliminary animal studies attest that statins exacerbate lung injury and excitement via activation of the inflamm", "butter_fingers": " is dependent upon mitochonarial integrity and an intacf autophxgy response to injury. We nox prwsent data supporting an imoortant rlle for rhe mnflammasome in 'dedictiky sevsvity cnv mortality durlng human itfection-relateg XLN/ARDS. Moreover, our preliminary animaj studirs demonstrate trat xeatihs exacerbate lung injury and inflzmmatioi via activatiom of the inflamm", "random_deletion": "is dependent upon mitochondrial integrity and an response injury. We present data supporting inflammasome predicting severity and during human infection-related Moreover, our preliminary animal studies demonstrate statins exacerbate lung injury and inflammation via activation of the inflamm", "change_char_case": " is dependent upon mitochondrIal integriTy and An iNtaCt AutoPhagY response to injURy. We Now present data supportiNg an iMpORtanT RoLe for The inflAMmASOme In PrEdiCtINg SeverIty And mortAlity durinG huMaN infection-reLAtEd ALI/ARDS. MOreOver, our preliMinAry aniMaL stUDies dEmoNstraTe that STatins ExacerbatE lUNg injuRY and infLAMmAtioN via activation of tHE iNFlamm", "whitespace_perturbation": " is dependent upon mitocho ndrial int egrit y a ndan int actautophagy resp o nseto injury. We now pres ent d at a sup p or tingan impo r ta n t ro le f orth e i nflam mas ome inpredicting se ve rity and mor t al ity during hu man infectio n-r elated A LI/ A RDS.Mor eover , ourp relimi nary anim al studie s demons t r at e th at statins exacer b at e lung injury a nd inf la m ma t i onvia activatio nof th e inflam m ", "underscore_trick": " is_dependent upon_mitochondrial integrity and an_intact autophagy_response_to injury._We_now present data_supporting an important_role for the inflammasome_in predicting severity_and_mortality during human infection-related ALI/ARDS. Moreover, our preliminary animal studies demonstrate that statins exacerbate_lung_injury and_inflammation_via_activation of the inflamm"} +{"text": " in anti-Ab antibodies will be constructed using the first strand cDNA synthesized from mRNA of spleen and lymph node cells isolated from mice immunized with Ab. The constructed library as well as a human scFv library will be used in bioselection procedure to isolate Ab-specific scFvs expressed on phage. The amino acid", "synonym_substitution": "in anti - Ab antibodies will be constructed using the first strand cDNA synthesize from messenger rna of spleen and lymph node cell isolate from mice immunized with Ab. The construct library equally well as a human scFv library will be used in bioselection procedure to isolate Ab - specific scFvs expressed on phage. The amino acid", "butter_fingers": " in anti-Ab antibodies will ne constructed using thx first strand zDNA synthesized from mRNA oh spoeen qnd lymph node cells irolated fgom mice ummuiized with Ab. Thx constrmeted mlbrarv es well as a hukan scFv lhbrary will be ureb in bioselection procedure to isolaee Ab-sprclfic scFvs exptessec on lhage. The amino acid", "random_deletion": "in anti-Ab antibodies will be constructed using strand synthesized from of spleen and mice with Ab. The library as well a human scFv library will be in bioselection procedure to isolate Ab-specific scFvs expressed on phage. The amino acid", "change_char_case": " in anti-Ab antibodies will be cOnstructed Using The FirSt StraNd cDnA synthesized fROm mRnA of spleen and lymph node Cells IsOLateD FrOm micE immuniZEd WITh AB. THe ConStRUcTed liBraRy as welL as a human sCFv LiBrary will be uSEd In bioselecTioN procedure to IsoLate Ab-SpEciFIc scFVs eXpresSed on pHAge. The Amino acid", "whitespace_perturbation": " in anti-Ab antibodies wil l be const ructe d u sin gthefirs t strand cDNAs ynth esized from mRNA of sp leenan d lym p hnodecells i s ol a t edfr om mi ce im muniz edwith Ab . The cons tru ct ed library a s w ell as a h uma n scFv libra rywill b euse d in b ios elect ion pr o cedure to isola te Ab-spe c ific sc F v sexpr essed on phage. T h ea mino acid", "underscore_trick": " in_anti-Ab antibodies_will be constructed using_the first_strand_cDNA synthesized_from_mRNA of spleen_and lymph node_cells isolated from mice_immunized with Ab._The_constructed library as well as a human scFv library will be used in bioselection_procedure_to isolate_Ab-specific_scFvs_expressed on phage. The amino_acid"} +{"text": " (Tracking Database), collect information describing ad- verse events (Adverse Event Database), and will facilitate quality control (Quality Control and Outlier Detection Systems). We will educate faculty, OAIC scholars (junior faculty) and staff in the principals of statistics and ep- idemiology and education efforts in collaboration", "synonym_substitution": "(Tracking Database), collect information describing ad- verse event (Adverse Event Database), and will help quality control (Quality Control and Outlier Detection Systems). We will train faculty, OAIC learner (junior faculty) and staff in the principal of statistics and ep- idemiology and education attempt in collaboration", "butter_fingers": " (Trwcking Database), collect lnformation desctiving av- verse events (Xdverse Event Database), and wmll dacilutate quality control (Duality Clntrol abd Ontlier Detection Systems). We wimp edbcete faculty, OAIG scholars (bunior faculty) avd staff in the principals of statistycs and eo- idemiology agd ectcatjon efforts in collaboration", "random_deletion": "(Tracking Database), collect information describing ad- verse Event and will quality control (Quality We educate faculty, OAIC (junior faculty) and in the principals of statistics and idemiology and education efforts in collaboration", "change_char_case": " (Tracking Database), collect inFormation dEscriBinG ad- VeRse eVentS (Adverse Event DATabaSe), and will facilitate quaLity cOnTRol (QUAlIty CoNtrol anD ouTLIer deTeCtiOn sYsTems). WE wiLl educaTe faculty, OaIC ScHolars (junior FAcUlty) and staFf iN the principaLs oF statiStIcs ANd ep- iDemIologY and edUCation Efforts in CoLLaboraTIon", "whitespace_perturbation": " (Tracking Database), coll ect inform ation de scr ib ingad-verse events ( A dver se Event Database), an d wil lf acil i ta te qu ality c o nt r o l ( Qu al ity C o nt rol a ndOutlier Detection Sy st ems). We wil l e ducate fac ult y, OAIC scho lar s (jun io r f a culty ) a nd st aff in the pr incipalsof statis t ics and e p- ide miology and educa t io n efforts in co llabor at i on ", "underscore_trick": " (Tracking_Database), collect_information describing ad- verse_events (Adverse_Event_Database), and_will_facilitate quality control_(Quality Control and_Outlier Detection Systems). We_will educate faculty,_OAIC_scholars (junior faculty) and staff in the principals of statistics and ep- idemiology and_education_efforts in_collaboration"} +{"text": " these features in idiopathic disorders. Therefore, beyond the specific genetic syndromes investigated, such a cross-CNV effort will identify convergent risk mechanisms for developmental neuropsychiatric disorders that are of relevance to the broader population. We propose to dissect dimensional measures of psychosis, social-emotional processing and neurocognition, and their genetic", "synonym_substitution": "these features in idiopathic disorders. Therefore, beyond the specific genetic syndrome investigate, such a cross - CNV effort will identify convergent hazard mechanisms for developmental neuropsychiatric disorders that are of relevance to the broader population. We project to dissect dimensional measures of psychosis, social - aroused processing and neurocognition, and their familial", "butter_fingers": " thfse features in idiopathlc disorders. Thetedore, bxyond tge speciwic genetic syndromes investmgatwd, suxh a cross-CNV effort wkll identpfy conveegenu risk mechanisms for devcjopmsktal uenropsychiatric cisorders dhat are of renexauce to the broader population. We pro[ose to dlssect dimensijnal ieashgew of psychosis, social-emotionam procevsing and neutocognition, and their genehic", "random_deletion": "these features in idiopathic disorders. Therefore, beyond genetic investigated, such cross-CNV effort will developmental disorders that are relevance to the population. We propose to dissect dimensional of psychosis, social-emotional processing and neurocognition, and their genetic", "change_char_case": " these features in idiopathic Disorders. THerefOre, BeyOnD the SpecIfic genetic synDRomeS investigated, such a crosS-CNV eFfORt wiLL iDentiFy conveRGeNT RisK mEcHanIsMS fOr devEloPmental NeuropsychIatRiC disorders thAT aRe of relevaNce To the broader PopUlatioN. WE prOPose tO diSsect DimensIOnal meAsures of pSyCHosis, sOCial-emoTIOnAl prOcessing and neurocOGnITion, and their geNetic", "whitespace_perturbation": " these features in idiopat hic disord ers.The ref or e, b eyon d the specific gene tic syndromes investig ated, s u ch a cr oss-C NV effo r tw i llid en tif yc on verge ntrisk me chanisms f orde velopmentaln eu ropsychiat ric disorders t hat are o frel e vance to thebroade r popul ation. We p r oposet o disse c t d imen sional measures o f p s ychosis, socia l-emot io n al p roc ess ing and ne ur ocogn i tion, a n dt h e irg enetic", "underscore_trick": " these_features in_idiopathic disorders. Therefore, beyond_the specific_genetic_syndromes investigated,_such_a cross-CNV effort_will identify convergent_risk mechanisms for developmental_neuropsychiatric disorders that_are_of relevance to the broader population. We propose to dissect dimensional measures of psychosis,_social-emotional_processing and_neurocognition,_and_their genetic"} +{"text": " to the development of clinical disease in the chronic Chagas'disease. The goals of this project are to better understand the mechanisms important in the generation of anti-T, cruzi CD8+ T cell responses, to identify the primary and most important targets of these responses, and to obtain a better understanding of why", "synonym_substitution": "to the development of clinical disease in the chronic Chagas'disease. The goals of this project are to better sympathize the mechanism important in the generation of anti - metric ton, cruzi CD8 + T cellular telephone responses, to identify the primary and about crucial targets of these responses, and to obtain a better reason of why", "butter_fingers": " to the development of clinlcal disease in jhw chroiic Chafas'diseare. The goals of this project aee to better understand the mechanisls imporrant un the genxdation of antj-B, cruvi CD8+ T cell reskonses, to idantify the prikafy and most important targets of thesq respomsfs, and to obtayn a fettsg mnderstanding of why", "random_deletion": "to the development of clinical disease in Chagas'disease. goals of project are to in generation of anti-T, CD8+ T cell to identify the primary and most targets of these responses, and to obtain a better understanding of why", "change_char_case": " to the development of clinicaL disease in The chRonIc CHaGas'dIseaSe. The goals of thIS proJect are to better understAnd thE mEChanISmS impoRtant in THe GENerAtIoN of AnTI-T, Cruzi cD8+ T Cell resPonses, to idEntIfY the primary aND mOst importaNt tArgets of thesE reSponseS, aNd tO ObtaiN a bEtter UndersTAnding Of why", "whitespace_perturbation": " to the development of cli nical dise ase i n t hech roni c Ch agas'disease.T he g oals of this project a re to b e tter un derst and the me c h ani sm simp or t an t inthe genera tion of an ti- T, cruzi CD8+T c ell respon ses , to identif y t he pri ma rya nd mo stimpor tant t a rgetsof thesere s ponses , and to o bt aina better understa n di n g of why", "underscore_trick": " to_the development_of clinical disease in_the chronic_Chagas'disease._The goals_of_this project are_to better understand_the mechanisms important in_the generation of_anti-T,_cruzi CD8+ T cell responses, to identify the primary and most important targets of_these_responses, and_to_obtain_a better understanding of why"} +{"text": " 189 (84%) of the samples were naturally contaminated with zearalenone at levels ranging from 100 to 7,000 ppb (mean 500 ppb). We have shown that levels of 5-10 ppm can significantly advance the time of VO in immature CD-1 haired and SKH-1 hairless mice", "synonym_substitution": "189 (84 %) of the samples were naturally contaminated with zearalenone at levels ranging from 100 to 7,000 ppb (think of 500 ppb). We have usher that levels of 5 - 10 ppm can significantly advance the fourth dimension of VO in immature CD-1 haired and SKH-1 hairless mouse", "butter_fingers": " 189 (84%) lf the samples were natuvally contaminatgd with vearalehone at uevels ranging from 100 to 7,000 ppb (mwan 500 kib). We have shown that levels ov 5-10 ppm cqn smgnificantly advehce the time kn VO nn immature CD-1 hsired and VKH-1 hairless mhcd", "random_deletion": "189 (84%) of the samples were naturally zearalenone levels ranging 100 to 7,000 have that levels of ppm can significantly the time of VO in immature haired and SKH-1 hairless mice", "change_char_case": " 189 (84%) of the samples were naturally ContaminatEd witH zeAraLeNone At leVels ranging froM 100 To 7,000 ppB (mean 500 ppb). We have shown thaT leveLs OF 5-10 ppm CAn SigniFicantlY AdVANce ThE tIme Of vo iN immaTurE CD-1 hairEd and SKH-1 haIrlEsS mice", "whitespace_perturbation": " 189 (84%) of the sampleswere natur allycon tam in ated wit h zearalenonea t le vels ranging from 100to 7, 00 0 ppb (m ean 5 00 ppb) . W e hav esh own t h at leve lsof 5-10 ppm can s ign if icantly adva n ce the timeofVO in immatu reCD-1 h ai red and S KH- 1 hai rlessm ice", "underscore_trick": " 189_(84%) of_the samples were naturally_contaminated with_zearalenone_at levels_ranging_from 100 to_7,000 ppb (mean_500 ppb). We have_shown that levels_of_5-10 ppm can significantly advance the time of VO in immature CD-1 haired and_SKH-1_hairless mice"} +{"text": " RNA editing represents an increasingly important mechanism for generating diversity in neurotransmitter receptor expression. Such RNA modifications have been shown to alter both the ion permeation and electrophysiological properties of ligand-gated ion channels and to modulate the efficacy of receptor G-protein interactions. Recent studies in our laboratory have demonstrated that ADAR2, a", "synonym_substitution": "RNA editing represents an increasingly important mechanism for generating diversity in neurotransmitter sense organ formula. Such RNA modifications have been shown to interpolate both the ion interpenetration and electrophysiological properties of ligand - gated ion channels and to tone the efficacy of receptor G - protein interactions. late study in our testing ground have demonstrated that ADAR2, a", "butter_fingers": " RNW editing represents an lncreasingly important kechanjsm for eenerating diversity in neurlteansmutter receptor expresskon. Such GNA modifucatmons have been sikwn to alter glth chx ion permeatiok and electsophysiologican orlperties of ligand-gated ion channelf and tp lodulate the esficssy or receptor G-protein interactions. Rscent suudies in our labotatory have demonstrated tjat WDAR2, a", "random_deletion": "RNA editing represents an increasingly important mechanism diversity neurotransmitter receptor Such RNA modifications both ion permeation and properties of ligand-gated channels and to modulate the efficacy receptor G-protein interactions. Recent studies in our laboratory have demonstrated that ADAR2, a", "change_char_case": " RNA editing represents an incReasingly iMportAnt MecHaNism For gEnerating diverSIty iN neurotransmitter recepTor exPrESsioN. suCh RNA ModificATiONS haVe BeEn sHoWN tO alteR boTh the ioN permeatioN anD eLectrophysioLOgIcal properTieS of ligand-gatEd iOn chanNeLs aND to moDulAte thE efficACy of reCeptor G-prOtEIn inteRActions. rECeNt stUdies in our laboratORy HAve demonstrateD that AdAr2, A", "whitespace_perturbation": " RNA editing represents an increasin gly i mpo rta nt mec hani sm for generat i ng d iversity in neurotrans mitte rr ecep t or expr ession. Su c h RN Amo dif ic a ti ons h ave been s hown to al ter b oth the ionp er meation an d e lectrophysio log ical p ro per t ies o f l igand -gated ion ch annels an dt o modu l ate the e ff icac y of receptor G-p r ot e in interaction s. Rec en t s t u die s i n our labo ra toryh ave dem o ns t r a ted that ADAR2, a ", "underscore_trick": " RNA_editing represents_an increasingly important mechanism_for generating_diversity_in neurotransmitter_receptor_expression. Such RNA_modifications have been_shown to alter both_the ion permeation_and_electrophysiological properties of ligand-gated ion channels and to modulate the efficacy of receptor G-protein_interactions._Recent studies_in_our_laboratory have demonstrated that ADAR2,_a"} +{"text": "kowitz, who is now Chief of the Women's Malignancies Branch. In addition, the Core facility has been used by personnel working with Principal Investigators from other groups including work with Dr. Jonathan Ashwell on the role of ZAP-70 in T cell activation. This research usually involves the use of a", "synonym_substitution": "kowitz, who is now Chief of the Women's Malignancies Branch. In addition, the Core facility has been used by force bring with Principal Investigators from other groups including study with Dr. Jonathan Ashwell on the role of ZAP-70 in T cellular telephone activation. This research usually involve the use of a", "butter_fingers": "kowltz, who is now Chief of uhe Women's Maligncbcies Uranch. Jn additkon, the Core facility has bexn uwed bt personnel working wigh Princiial Invesrigauors from other gckups ingjudihn worn with Dr. Jonatman Ashwell on the role ox XA'-70 in T cell activation. This research usuallu lnvolves the ufe og a", "random_deletion": "kowitz, who is now Chief of the Branch. addition, the facility has been Principal from other groups work with Dr. Ashwell on the role of ZAP-70 T cell activation. This research usually involves the use of a", "change_char_case": "kowitz, who is now Chief of the WOmen's MaligNanciEs BRanCh. in adDitiOn, the Core facilITy haS been used by personnel woRking WiTH PriNCiPal InVestigaTOrS FRom OtHeR grOuPS iNcludIng Work witH Dr. JonathaN AsHwEll on the role OF ZaP-70 in T cell aCtiVation. This reSeaRch usuAlLy iNVolveS thE use oF a", "whitespace_perturbation": "kowitz, who is now Chief o f the Wome n's M ali gna nc iesBran ch. In additio n , th e Core facility has be en us ed by p e rs onnel workin g w i t h P ri nc ipa lI nv estig ato rs from other gro ups i ncluding wor k w ith Dr. Jo nat han Ashwellonthe ro le of ZAP-7 0 i n T c ell ac t ivatio n. This r es e arch u s ually i n v ol vesthe use of a", "underscore_trick": "kowitz, who_is now_Chief of the Women's_Malignancies Branch._In_addition, the_Core_facility has been_used by personnel_working with Principal Investigators_from other groups_including_work with Dr. Jonathan Ashwell on the role of ZAP-70 in T cell activation._This_research usually_involves_the_use of a"} +{"text": " the initiation and progression of the disease. This proposal will address the function of the transcription factor, Pax-2, in the development of normal and cystic renal epithelium. Pax-2 is required and sufficient for the conversion of the kidney mesenchyme to an epithelial phenotype by acting as a differentiation and proliferation stimulus.", "synonym_substitution": "the initiation and progression of the disease. This proposal will address the affair of the arrangement factor, Pax-2, in the development of normal and cystic renal epithelium. Pax-2 is ask and sufficient for the conversion of the kidney mesenchyme to an epithelial phenotype by acting as a differentiation and proliferation stimulation.", "butter_fingers": " thf initiation and progresrion of the disgawe. Thiv propksal wilu address the function of thx trqnscruption factor, Pax-2, in tfe develoiment of bormel and cystic reizl epitmzlium. Iax-2 iv required and xufficient for the convesskou of the kidney mesenchyme to an epiehelial pjenotype by acjing sf a spfnerentiation and proliferation sfimulus.", "random_deletion": "the initiation and progression of the disease. will the function the transcription factor, normal cystic renal epithelium. is required and for the conversion of the kidney to an epithelial phenotype by acting as a differentiation and proliferation stimulus.", "change_char_case": " the initiation and progressiOn of the disEase. THis ProPoSal wIll aDdress the functIOn of The transcription factor, pax-2, in ThE DeveLOpMent oF normal ANd CYStiC rEnAl ePiTHeLium. PAx-2 iS requirEd and suffiCieNt For the converSIoN of the kidnEy mEsenchyme to aN epItheliAl PheNOtype By aCting As a difFErentiAtion and pRoLIferatIOn stimuLUS.", "whitespace_perturbation": " the initiation and progre ssion of t he di sea se. T hisprop osal will addr e ss t he function of the tra nscri pt i on f a ct or, P ax-2, i n t h e de ve lo pme nt of norm aland cys tic renalepi th elium. Pax-2 is requiredand sufficientfor the c on ver s ion o f t he ki dney m e senchy me to anep i thelia l phenot y p eby a cting as a differ e nt i ation and prol iferat io n s t i mul us. ", "underscore_trick": " the_initiation and_progression of the disease._This proposal_will_address the_function_of the transcription_factor, Pax-2, in_the development of normal_and cystic renal_epithelium._Pax-2 is required and sufficient for the conversion of the kidney mesenchyme to an_epithelial_phenotype by_acting_as_a differentiation and proliferation stimulus."} +{"text": " demonstrated that MPS VII dogs have cartilaginous lesions in the vertebrae that compromise the stability of the intervertebral joint. These lesions are caused by failed conversion of cartilage to bone during postnatal growth. In preliminary studies, we have identified the precise developmental window when abnormal ossification first manifests in MPS VII dogs", "synonym_substitution": "demonstrated that MPS VII dogs have cartilaginous lesions in the vertebra that compromise the constancy of the intervertebral roast. These lesions are cause by fail conversion of cartilage to bone during postnatal growth. In preliminary studies, we have identify the accurate developmental window when abnormal ossification first manifests in MPS VII dogs", "butter_fingers": " delonstrated that MPS VII aogs have cartilaginouv lesikns in tfe vertebrae that compromise tye stqbility of the interveftebral jlint. Thewe ltsions are caused by failcb conbcrsiou if cartilage tp bone durhng postnatal cruwch. In preliminary studies, we have idqntifiec hhe precise dedelokmegtal window when abnormal ossification first kanifests in KPS VII dogs", "random_deletion": "demonstrated that MPS VII dogs have cartilaginous the that compromise stability of the caused failed conversion of to bone during growth. In preliminary studies, we have the precise developmental window when abnormal ossification first manifests in MPS VII dogs", "change_char_case": " demonstrated that MPS VII dogS have cartiLaginOus LesIoNs in The vErtebrae that coMPromIse the stability of the inTerveRtEBral JOiNt. TheSe lesioNS aRE CauSeD bY faIlED cOnverSioN of cartIlage to bonE duRiNg postnatal gROwTh. In prelimInaRy studies, we hAve IdentiFiEd tHE precIse DevelOpmentAL windoW when abnoRmAL ossifICation fIRSt ManiFests in MPS VII dogs", "whitespace_perturbation": " demonstrated that MPS VII dogs have cart ila gin ou s le sion s in the verte b raethat compromise the st abili ty of t h einter vertebr a lj o int .Th ese l e si ons a recausedby failedcon ve rsion of car t il age to bon e d uring postna tal growt h. In preli min ary s tudies , we ha ve identi fi e d thep recised e ve lopm ental window when ab n ormal ossifica tion f ir s tm a nif est s in MPS V II dogs ", "underscore_trick": " demonstrated_that MPS_VII dogs have cartilaginous_lesions in_the_vertebrae that_compromise_the stability of_the intervertebral joint._These lesions are caused_by failed conversion_of_cartilage to bone during postnatal growth. In preliminary studies, we have identified the precise_developmental_window when_abnormal_ossification_first manifests in MPS VII_dogs"} +{"text": " state of the non-specific cation channel in several night blind mice, 3) determine the binding partners of nyctalopin, thereby elucidating new component of the mGluR6 cascade, and 4) create knockout mouse lines of the nyctalopin interacting proteins to determine if they result in nigh blindness.", "synonym_substitution": "state of the non - specific cation channel in several night blind mouse, 3) settle the binding partners of nyctalopin, thereby elucidating raw component of the mGluR6 cascade, and 4) produce smasher mouse lines of the nyctalopin interacting proteins to determine if they leave in nigh blindness.", "butter_fingers": " stwte of the non-specific cxtion channel iu severel nighf blind oice, 3) determine the binding 'artbers if nyctalopin, thereby dlucidatijg new cimpoient of the mGluC6 cascadc, and 4) crectx knockout mousg lines of tve nyctalopin hngexacting proteins to determine if ther resuly ln nigh blindngss.", "random_deletion": "state of the non-specific cation channel in blind 3) determine binding partners of of mGluR6 cascade, and create knockout mouse of the nyctalopin interacting proteins to if they result in nigh blindness.", "change_char_case": " state of the non-specific catiOn channel iN seveRal NigHt BlinD micE, 3) determine the bINdinG partners of nyctalopin, tHerebY eLUcidATiNg new ComponeNT oF THe mglUR6 CasCaDE, aNd 4) creAte KnockouT mouse lineS of ThE nyctalopin iNTeRacting proTeiNs to determinE if They reSuLt iN Nigh bLinDness.", "whitespace_perturbation": " state of the non-specific cation ch annel in se ve ralnigh t blind mice,3 ) de termine the binding pa rtner so f ny c ta lopin , there b ye l uci da ti ngne w c ompon ent of the mGluR6 ca sca de , and 4) cre a te knockoutmou se lines ofthe nycta lo pin inter act ing p rotein s to de termine i ft hey re s ult inn i gh bli ndness.", "underscore_trick": " state_of the_non-specific cation channel in_several night_blind_mice, 3)_determine_the binding partners_of nyctalopin, thereby_elucidating new component of_the mGluR6 cascade,_and_4) create knockout mouse lines of the nyctalopin interacting proteins to determine if they_result_in nigh_blindness."} +{"text": " Specifically, the proposed work is aimed at determining whether the performance of ferrets made micrencephalic by prenatal treatment with methylazoxymethanol is impaired on problems that appear to require symbolic (abstractive) processes (viz., acquisition of oddity and matching-from-sample learning sets). Biofilms found on", "synonym_substitution": "Specifically, the proposed work is aimed at determining whether the operation of black-footed ferret made micrencephalic by prenatal treatment with methylazoxymethanol is impair on problem that appear to require emblematic (abstractive) processes (viz. , acquisition of oddity and matching - from - sample distribution eruditeness sets). Biofilms found on", "butter_fingers": " Spfcifically, the proposed dork is aimed aj eetermmning wgether tfe performance of ferrets mave mucrenxephalic by prenatal tfeatment aith metyylaeoxymethanol is impaired on progpems vhat appear to tequire symbmlic (abstractiee) pxocesses (viz., acquisition of oddity agd matcnijg-from-sample lgarnimd sefs). Biofilms found on", "random_deletion": "Specifically, the proposed work is aimed at the of ferrets micrencephalic by prenatal on that appear to symbolic (abstractive) processes acquisition of oddity and matching-from-sample learning Biofilms found on", "change_char_case": " Specifically, the proposed woRk is aimed aT deteRmiNinG wHethEr thE performance of FErreTs made micrencephalic by PrenaTaL TreaTMeNt witH methylAZoXYMetHaNoL is ImPAiRed on ProBlems thAt appear to ReqUiRe symbolic (abSTrActive) procEssEs (viz., acquisiTioN of oddItY anD MatchIng-From-sAmple lEArning Sets). BiofiLmS Found oN", "whitespace_perturbation": " Specifically, the propose d work isaimed at de te rmin ingwhether the pe r form ance of ferrets made m icren ce p hali c b y pre natal t r ea t m ent w it h m et h yl azoxy met hanol i s impaired on p roblems that ap pear to re qui re symbolic(ab stract iv e)p roces ses (viz ., acq u isitio n of oddi ty and ma t ching-f r o m- samp le learning sets) . B i ofilms found o n", "underscore_trick": " Specifically,_the proposed_work is aimed at_determining whether_the_performance of_ferrets_made micrencephalic by_prenatal treatment with_methylazoxymethanol is impaired on_problems that appear_to_require symbolic (abstractive) processes (viz., acquisition of oddity and matching-from-sample learning sets). Biofilms found_on"} +{"text": " vaccine must stimulate neutralizing antibodies. This proposal provides a mouse model to understand some of the problems in stimulating such antibodies by various vaccine candidates and to thereby suggest how better candidates can be designed. The Behavioral & Social Sciences Core (BSSC) is structured to provide services that facilitate interdisciplinary AIDS research among established, new", "synonym_substitution": "vaccine must stimulate neutralizing antibodies. This proposal provide a shiner model to understand some of the trouble in induce such antibodies by various vaccine candidate and to thereby hint how better candidates can be designed. The Behavioral & Social Sciences Core (BSSC) is structured to leave services that facilitate interdisciplinary AIDS inquiry among established, new", "butter_fingers": " vafcine must stimulate neuuralizing antibodnws. Thiv propksal proxides a mouse model to underdtqnd sime of the problems in stimulatpng such qntiuodies by various vaccinc cansldatev and to therebi suggest hof better candigaged can be designed. The Behavioral & Sjcial Svifnces Core (BSSS) is ftrudnuved to provide services that facjlitate interdisciplonary AIDS research among fstahlished, new", "random_deletion": "vaccine must stimulate neutralizing antibodies. This proposal mouse to understand of the problems various candidates and to suggest how better can be designed. The Behavioral & Sciences Core (BSSC) is structured to provide services that facilitate interdisciplinary AIDS research established, new", "change_char_case": " vaccine must stimulate neutrAlizing antIbodiEs. THis PrOposAl prOvides a mouse moDEl to Understand some of the proBlems In STimuLAtIng suCh antibODiES By vArIoUs vAcCInE candIdaTes and tO thereby suGgeSt How better canDIdAtes can be dEsiGned. The BehavIorAl & SociAl sciENces COre (bSSC) iS strucTUred to Provide seRvICes thaT FacilitATE iNterDisciplinary AIDS rESeARch among establIshed, nEw", "whitespace_perturbation": " vaccine must stimulate ne utralizing anti bod ies .This pro posal provides a mo use model to understan d som eo f th e p roble ms in s t im u l ati ng s uch a n ti bodie s b y vario us vaccine ca nd idates and t o t hereby sug ges t how better ca ndidat es ca n be d esi gned. The B e havior al & Soci al Scienc e s Core( B SS C) i s structured to p r ov i de services th at fac il i ta t e in ter disciplina ry AIDS researc h a m o n g e s tablished, ne w", "underscore_trick": " vaccine_must stimulate_neutralizing antibodies. This proposal_provides a_mouse_model to_understand_some of the_problems in stimulating_such antibodies by various_vaccine candidates and_to_thereby suggest how better candidates can be designed. The Behavioral & Social Sciences Core_(BSSC)_is structured_to_provide_services that facilitate interdisciplinary AIDS_research among established, new"} +{"text": " Specific Aims: Specific Aim 1 - Provide animal surgery and model development services Specific Aim 2 - Interact with research investigators to initiate animal experiments in support of the Formative Center's research projects Specific Aim 3 - Implement current and emerging surgical techniques in xenotransplant model development and training of technical staff Lung cancer is", "synonym_substitution": "Specific Aims: Specific Aim 1 - Provide animal surgery and model development service Specific Aim 2 - Interact with inquiry investigators to initiate animal experiment in accompaniment of the Formative Center's research projects Specific Aim 3 - follow through stream and emerging surgical techniques in xenotransplant model development and training of technical staff Lung cancer is", "butter_fingers": " Spfcific Aims: Specific Aim 1 - Provide animco surgxry and model ddvelopment services Specific Aum 2 - Unteract with research investigwtors to iniuiate animal expecjments lu supllrt mh the Formative Center's rasearch projecds S'ecific Aim 3 - Implement current and qmerginb durgical technyquex in svnitransplant model development and treining of technocal staff Lung cancer is", "random_deletion": "Specific Aims: Specific Aim 1 - Provide and development services Aim 2 - initiate experiments in support the Formative Center's projects Specific Aim 3 - Implement and emerging surgical techniques in xenotransplant model development and training of technical staff cancer is", "change_char_case": " Specific Aims: Specific Aim 1 - PrOvide animaL surgEry And MoDel dEvelOpment services sPeciFic Aim 2 - Interact with reseArch iNvEStigAToRs to iNitiate ANiMAL exPeRiMenTs IN sUpporT of The FormAtive CenteR's rEsEarch projectS spEcific Aim 3 - IMplEment current And EmergiNg SurGIcal tEchNiqueS in xenOTranspLant model DeVElopmeNT and traINInG of tEchnical staff Lung CAnCEr is", "whitespace_perturbation": " Specific Aims: Specific A im 1 - Pro videani mal s urge ry a nd model devel o pmen t services Specific Ai m 2 - I n tera c twithresearc h i n v est ig at ors t o i nitia teanimalexperiment s i nsupport of t h eFormativeCen ter's resear chprojec ts Sp e cific Ai m 3 - Imple m ent cu rrent and e m erging surgica l te chni ques in xenotrans p la n t model develo pmentan d t r a ini ngof technic al staf f Lung c a nc e r is", "underscore_trick": " Specific_Aims: Specific_Aim 1 - Provide_animal surgery_and_model development_services_Specific Aim 2_- Interact with_research investigators to initiate_animal experiments in_support_of the Formative Center's research projects Specific Aim 3 - Implement current and emerging_surgical_techniques in_xenotransplant_model_development and training of technical_staff Lung cancer is"} +{"text": "uterine nutritional conditions can also influence body weight and glucose homeostasis in adulthood. We hypothesize that maternal nutrition influences the intrauterine environment and can induce genome-wide DNA methylation changes in multiple organs of the fetus. We hypothesize that this epigenetic programming is responsible for translating intrauterine stress into molecular responses that can durably affect", "synonym_substitution": "uterine nutritional conditions can also influence body system of weights and glucose homeostasis in adulthood. We speculate that maternal nutrition influence the intrauterine environment and can induce genome - wide-eyed DNA methylation changes in multiple electric organ of the fetus. We speculate that this epigenetic programming is responsible for translating intrauterine stress into molecular responses that can durably feign", "butter_fingers": "utegine nutritional conditiuns can also inyouence body seight avd glucose homeostasis in adnlthiod. Wt hypothesize that oaternal jutritiob inhluences the intczuterinc envjvonmeut and can inducg genome-wide DNA methylatimn ckanges in multiple organs of the fetts. We huplthesize that jhis tpidenefpc programming is responsible fkr tranvlating intraiterine stress into molecupar gesponses that can durably afdect", "random_deletion": "uterine nutritional conditions can also influence body glucose in adulthood. hypothesize that maternal and induce genome-wide DNA changes in multiple of the fetus. We hypothesize that epigenetic programming is responsible for translating intrauterine stress into molecular responses that can affect", "change_char_case": "uterine nutritional conditiOns can also InfluEncE boDy WeigHt anD glucose homeosTAsis In adulthood. We hypothesiZe thaT mATernAL nUtritIon inflUEnCES thE iNtRauTeRInE enviRonMent and Can induce gEnoMe-Wide DNA methyLAtIon changes In mUltiple organS of The fetUs. we hYPotheSizE that This epIGenetiC programmInG Is respONsible fOR TrAnslAting intrauterine STrESs into moleculaR respoNsES tHAT caN duRably affecT", "whitespace_perturbation": "uterine nutritional condit ions can a lso i nfl uen ce bod y we ight and gluco s e ho meostasis in adulthood . Wehy p othe s iz e tha t mater n al n utr it io n i nf l ue ncesthe intrau terine env iro nm ent and cani nd uce genome -wi de DNA methy lat ion ch an ges in mu lti ple o rganso f thefetus. We h y pothes i ze that t hi s ep igenetic programm i ng is responsible for t ra n sl a t ing in trauterine s tress into mo l ec u l a r r e sponses thatcan durably aff ect", "underscore_trick": "uterine nutritional_conditions can_also influence body weight_and glucose_homeostasis_in adulthood._We_hypothesize that maternal_nutrition influences the_intrauterine environment and can_induce genome-wide DNA_methylation_changes in multiple organs of the fetus. We hypothesize that this epigenetic programming is_responsible_for translating_intrauterine_stress_into molecular responses that can_durably affect"} +{"text": ". Second, we have developed a separation-based assay for the analysis of lysine acetyltransferase (KAT) enzymes. Currently we are working together with colleagues at the National Center for Advanced Translational Science (NCATS) to apply this assay to identify cell-active inhibitors of KATs known to collaborate with oncogenic", "synonym_substitution": ". Second, we have developed a separation - based assay for the analysis of lysine acetyltransferase (KAT) enzyme. presently we are solve together with colleague at the National Center for Advanced Translational Science (NCATS) to put on this assay to identify cell - active inhibitor of KATs known to collaborate with oncogenic", "butter_fingers": ". Sefond, we have developed a separation-baseb assay for tge analyris of lysine acetyltransferese (JAT) ebzymes. Currently we ard working togethee wiuh colleagues at vge National Cskter yoc Advanced Tranxlational Vcience (NCATS) do a'ply this assay to identify cell-actide inhinihors of KATs kgown eo ckllaborate with oncogenic", "random_deletion": ". Second, we have developed a separation-based the of lysine (KAT) enzymes. Currently colleagues the National Center Advanced Translational Science to apply this assay to identify inhibitors of KATs known to collaborate with oncogenic", "change_char_case": ". Second, we have developed a sepAration-basEd assAy fOr tHe AnalYsis Of lysine acetylTRansFerase (KAT) enzymes. CurrenTly we ArE WorkINg TogetHer with COlLEAguEs At The naTIoNal CeNteR for AdvAnced TransLatIoNal Science (NCatS) To apply thiS asSay to identifY ceLl-actiVe InhIBitorS of kATs kNown to COllaboRate with oNcOGenic", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Second, we have develope d a separa tion- bas edas sayforthe analysis o f lys ine acetyltransferase(KAT) e n zyme s .Curre ntly we ar e wor ki ng to ge t he r wit h c olleagu es at theNat io nal Center f o rAdvanced T ran slational Sc ien ce (NC AT S)t o app lythisassayt o iden tify cell -a c tive i n hibitor s of KAT s known to collab o ra t e with oncogen ic", "underscore_trick": ". Second,_we have_developed a separation-based assay_for the_analysis_of lysine_acetyltransferase_(KAT) enzymes. Currently_we are working_together with colleagues at_the National Center_for_Advanced Translational Science (NCATS) to apply this assay to identify cell-active inhibitors of KATs_known_to collaborate_with_oncogenic"} +{"text": " low affinity p75NTR) vis-vis ASM contractility. We hypothesize that TrkB is more important for [Ca2+]i regulation, while p75NTR regulates force. Using biochemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology, immunocytochemistry, fluorescence Ca2+ imaging, force measurement techniques,", "synonym_substitution": "low affinity p75NTR) vis - vis ASM contractility. We hypothesize that TrkB is more important for [ Ca2+]i regulation, while p75NTR determine power. Using biochemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology, immunocytochemistry, fluorescence Ca2 + imaging, violence measurement techniques,", "butter_fingers": " loa affinity p75NTR) vis-vis ARM contractiliti. Qe hypmthesiae that GrkB is more important for [Ce2+]i rwgulaupon, while p75NTR regulages force. Using buochtmistry, pharmacology, molegblar glologv, mmmunocytochemixtry, fluorascence Ca2+ imacivg, force measurement techniques,", "random_deletion": "low affinity p75NTR) vis-vis ASM contractility. We TrkB more important [Ca2+]i regulation, while pharmacology, biology, immunocytochemistry, fluorescence imaging, force measurement", "change_char_case": " low affinity p75NTR) vis-vis ASM cOntractiliTy. We hYpoTheSiZe thAt TrKB is more importANt foR [Ca2+]i regulation, while p75NTr reguLaTEs foRCe. using BiochemIStRY, PhaRmAcOloGy, MOlEculaR biOlogy, imMunocytochEmiStRy, fluorescenCE CA2+ imaging, foRce Measurement tEchNiques,", "whitespace_perturbation": " low affinity p75NTR) vis- vis ASM co ntrac til ity .We h ypot hesize that Tr k B is more important for [C a2+]i r e gula t io n, wh ile p75 N TR r egu la te s f or c e. Usin g b iochemi stry, phar mac ol ogy, molecul a rbiology, i mmu nocytochemis try , fluo re sce n ce Ca 2+imagi ng, fo r ce mea surementte c hnique s ,", "underscore_trick": " low_affinity p75NTR)_vis-vis ASM contractility. We_hypothesize that_TrkB_is more_important_for [Ca2+]i regulation,_while p75NTR regulates_force. Using biochemistry, pharmacology,_molecular biology, immunocytochemistry,_fluorescence_Ca2+ imaging, force measurement techniques,"} +{"text": " of cortical phenotype; (4) Neurotransmitter receptors as sites of morphogenetic activity in the transient embryonic zones of the developing primate cerebral cortex; (5) Development of network activity in thalamocortical circuits. Thr proposed experiments utilize some of the most advanced neurobiological approaches that can, at this time,", "synonym_substitution": "of cortical phenotype; (4) Neurotransmitter receptors as sites of morphogenetic activity in the transient embryonic zone of the modernize primate cerebral cortex; (5) Development of network bodily process in thalamocortical circuits. Thr proposed experiment utilize some of the most advance neurobiological access that can, at this time,", "butter_fingers": " of cortical phenotype; (4) Neuvotransmitter reewptors as sifes of murphogenetic activity in the teansitut embryonic zones ow the devvloping peimaue cerebral cortee; (5) Development lf nztxork activity ik thalamocostical circuitv. Ghx proposed experiments utilize some jf the kodt advanced neorobipjogidal approaches that can, at this tije,", "random_deletion": "of cortical phenotype; (4) Neurotransmitter receptors as morphogenetic in the embryonic zones of (5) of network activity thalamocortical circuits. Thr experiments utilize some of the most neurobiological approaches that can, at this time,", "change_char_case": " of cortical phenotype; (4) NeurotRansmitter RecepTorS as SiTes oF morPhogenetic actiVIty iN the transient embryonic Zones Of THe deVElOping Primate CErEBRal CoRtEx; (5) DEvELoPment Of nEtwork aCtivity in tHalAmOcortical cirCUiTs. Thr propoSed Experiments uTilIze somE oF thE Most aDvaNced nEurobiOLogicaL approachEs THat can, AT this tiME,", "whitespace_perturbation": " of cortical phenotype; (4 ) Neurotra nsmit ter re ce ptor s as sites of morp h ogen etic activity in the t ransi en t emb r yo nic z ones of th e dev el op ing p r im ate c ere bral co rtex; (5)Dev el opment of ne t wo rk activit y i n thalamocor tic al cir cu its . Thrpro posed exper i mentsutilize s om e of th e most a d v an cedneurobiological a p pr o aches that can , at t hi s t i m e,", "underscore_trick": " of_cortical phenotype;_(4) Neurotransmitter receptors as_sites of_morphogenetic_activity in_the_transient embryonic zones_of the developing_primate cerebral cortex; (5)_Development of network_activity_in thalamocortical circuits. Thr proposed experiments utilize some of the most advanced neurobiological approaches_that_can, at_this_time,"} +{"text": " can help build comprehensive diagnostic tools to identify individuals at risk of developing CD, s well as develop novel personalized treatments for AJ CD patients. In addition, this project will help to establish a strong multidisciplinary foundation for the candidate's future career in translational research. We have reported that beta-lapachone, a plant alkaloid", "synonym_substitution": "can help build comprehensive diagnostic tools to identify person at hazard of developing CD, s well as develop fresh personalized discussion for AJ CD patients. In accession, this project will help to prove a strong multidisciplinary foundation for the campaigner's future career in translational research. We have reported that beta - lapachone, a plant alkaloid", "butter_fingers": " caj help build comprehensiye diagnostic tools to mdentifg indiviauals at risk of developing RD, s well as develop novel persunalized nreatmentw foc AJ CD patients. In addibnon, tgls prmoect will help jo establish a strong multhdkseiplinary foundation for the candidaee's futirf career in trwnslseionzl research. We have reported that geta-lapechone, a plant slkaloid", "random_deletion": "can help build comprehensive diagnostic tools to at of developing s well as AJ patients. In addition, project will help establish a strong multidisciplinary foundation for candidate's future career in translational research. We have reported that beta-lapachone, a plant", "change_char_case": " can help build comprehensive Diagnostic Tools To iDenTiFy inDiviDuals at risk of dEVeloPing CD, s well as develop noVel peRsONaliZEd TreatMents foR aJ cd PatIeNtS. In AdDItIon, thIs pRoject wIll help to eStaBlIsh a strong muLTiDisciplinaRy fOundation for The CandidAtE's fUTure cAreEr in tRanslaTIonal rEsearch. We HaVE reporTEd that bETA-lApacHone, a plant alkaloiD", "whitespace_perturbation": " can help build comprehens ive diagno stictoo lsto ide ntif y individualsa t ri sk of developing CD, s well a s dev e lo p nov el pers o na l i zed t re atm en t sfor A J C D patie nts. In ad dit io n, this proj e ct will help to establish a st rong m ul tid i scipl ina ry fo undati o n forthe candi da t e's fu t ure car e e rin t ranslational rese a rc h . We have repo rted t ha t b e t a-l apa chone, a p la nt al k aloid", "underscore_trick": " can_help build_comprehensive diagnostic tools to_identify individuals_at_risk of_developing_CD, s well_as develop novel_personalized treatments for AJ_CD patients. In_addition,_this project will help to establish a strong multidisciplinary foundation for the candidate's future_career_in translational_research._We_have reported that beta-lapachone, a_plant alkaloid"} +{"text": "ighborhoods (PHDCN) (http://phdcn.harvard.edu/), from which the CCAHS sample is drawn. In addition to utilizing existing and collecting new archival data on these areas, the CCAHS carried out Systematic Social Observations of 1664 blocks containing sampled households for the study", "synonym_substitution": "ighborhoods (PHDCN) (http://phdcn.harvard.edu/), from which the CCAHS sample is drawn. In addition to utilizing exist and gather new archival data on these areas, the CCAHS carry out Systematic Social Observations of 1664 blocks containing sampled family for the study", "butter_fingers": "ighhorhoods (PHDCN) (http://phdcn.marvard.edu/), from cyich tie CCAHA sample is drawn. In addition to utipizing tqisting and collectine new arcjival dara oi these areas, thx CCAHS gcrries out Wystematic Soclal Observadions of 1664 blocns clntaining sampled households for thq study", "random_deletion": "ighborhoods (PHDCN) (http://phdcn.harvard.edu/), from which the CCAHS drawn. addition to existing and collecting areas, CCAHS carried out Social Observations of blocks containing sampled households for the", "change_char_case": "ighborhoods (PHDCN) (http://phdcn.Harvard.edu/), From wHicH thE CcAHS SampLe is drawn. In addITion To utilizing existing and ColleCtINg neW ArChivaL data on THeSE AreAs, ThE CCaHs CaRried Out systemaTic Social OBseRvAtions of 1664 blocKS cOntaining sAmpLed householdS foR the stUdY", "whitespace_perturbation": "ighborhoods (PHDCN) (http: //phdcn.ha rvard .ed u/) ,from whi ch the CCAHS s a mple is drawn. In addition to u ti l izin g e xisti ng andc ol l e cti ng n ewar c hi val d ata on the se areas,the C CAHS carried ou t Systemat icSocial Obser vat ions o f166 4 bloc ksconta inings ampled househol ds for th e study", "underscore_trick": "ighborhoods (PHDCN)_(http://phdcn.harvard.edu/), from_which the CCAHS sample_is drawn._In_addition to_utilizing_existing and collecting_new archival data_on these areas, the_CCAHS carried out_Systematic_Social Observations of 1664 blocks containing sampled households for the study"} +{"text": " correct rule on each trial. It does depend, though, on improvements in the ability to execute the mental computations necessary to translate abstract rules into practice. The core problems in the development of executive control functions are the abilities to flexibly switch mental settings and to flexibly manipulate information in one's mind, not inhibition or memory", "synonym_substitution": "correct rule on each trial. It does depend, though, on improvement in the ability to perform the mental computations necessary to translate abstract convention into practice. The core problem in the development of executive control function are the abilities to flexibly switch genial settings and to flexibly manipulate information in one's mind, not prohibition or memory", "butter_fingers": " cogrect rule on each trial. It does depend, though, on imlrovemengs in the ability to execute tye mebtal computations necersary to nranslate absuract rules into 'dactice. The ckve prmulems in the deyelopment ox executive cottfop functions are the abilities to flqxibly xwltch mental sejtingx and no flexibly manipulate informatjon in mne's mind, not inhibition or memory", "random_deletion": "correct rule on each trial. It does on in the to execute the abstract into practice. The problems in the of executive control functions are the to flexibly switch mental settings and to flexibly manipulate information in one's mind, inhibition or memory", "change_char_case": " correct rule on each trial. It dOes depend, tHough, On iMprOvEmenTs in The ability to exECute The mental computations nEcessArY To trANsLate aBstract RUlES IntO pRaCtiCe. tHe Core pRobLems in tHe developmEnt Of Executive conTRoL functions Are The abilities To fLexiblY sWitCH mentAl sEttinGs and tO FlexibLy manipulAtE InformATion in oNE'S mInd, nOt inhibition or memORy", "whitespace_perturbation": " correct rule on each tria l. It does depe nd, th ou gh,on i mprovements in theability to execute the ment al comp u ta tions necess a ry t o t ra ns lat ea bs tract ru les int o practice . T he core proble m sin the dev elo pment of exe cut ive co nt rol funct ion s are the a b ilitie s to flex ib l y swit c h menta l se ttin gs and to flexibl y m a nipulate infor mation i n o n e 'smin d, not inh ib ition or memo r y", "underscore_trick": " correct_rule on_each trial. It does_depend, though,_on_improvements in_the_ability to execute_the mental computations_necessary to translate abstract_rules into practice._The_core problems in the development of executive control functions are the abilities to flexibly_switch_mental settings_and_to_flexibly manipulate information in one's_mind, not inhibition or memory"} +{"text": " used to record intracellularly from lateral geniculate axons terminating in the striate cortex. After physiologically characterizing a fiber, it will be injected iontophoretically with HRP to reveal its cortical terminations. Distinctive axonal arborization patterns will be correlated with specific function properties to better understand the significance", "synonym_substitution": "used to record intracellularly from lateral geniculate axons terminating in the striate cerebral cortex. After physiologically qualify a fiber, it will be injected iontophoretically with HRP to reveal its cortical end point. Distinctive axonal arborization patterns will be correlate with specific routine properties to well understand the significance", "butter_fingers": " usfd to record intracellulxrly from laterco genirulate zxons tefminating in the striate corvex. Qfter physiologically charazterizing a fiber, it xill be injected iontophoreticzply civh HRP to reveak its corthcal terminatimnr. Bistinctive axonal arborization pattqrns wikl be correlated witn spedpflc function properties to better undersuand the significamce", "random_deletion": "used to record intracellularly from lateral geniculate in striate cortex. physiologically characterizing a iontophoretically HRP to reveal cortical terminations. Distinctive arborization patterns will be correlated with function properties to better understand the significance", "change_char_case": " used to record intracellularLy from lateRal geNicUlaTe AxonS terMinating in the sTRiatE cortex. After physiologiCally ChARactERiZing a Fiber, it WIlL BE inJeCtEd iOnTOpHoretIcaLly with hRP to reveaL itS cOrtical termiNAtIons. DistinCtiVe axonal arboRizAtion pAtTerNS will Be cOrrelAted wiTH speciFic functiOn PRopertIEs to betTER uNderStand the significaNCe", "whitespace_perturbation": " used to record intracellu larly from late ral ge ni cula te a xons terminati n g in the striate cortex. A fterph y siol o gi cally charac t er i z ing a f ibe r, it will be inject ed iontoph ore ti cally with H R Pto revealits cortical te rmi nation s. Di s tinct ive axon al arb o rizati on patter ns will b e correl a t ed wit h specific functi o np roperties to b etterun d er s t and th e signific an ce", "underscore_trick": " used_to record_intracellularly from lateral geniculate_axons terminating_in_the striate_cortex._After physiologically characterizing_a fiber, it_will be injected iontophoretically_with HRP to_reveal_its cortical terminations. Distinctive axonal arborization patterns will be correlated with specific function properties_to_better understand_the_significance"} +{"text": ", we will have demonstrated a chip able to perform industry standard ion channel screens for a significantly lower cost. These membrane array chips have the potential to increase throughput by several orders of magnitude and similarly decrease cost by several orders of magnitude-as a result, transforming the process of ion channel measurement and screening. PUBLIC HEALTH RE", "synonym_substitution": ", we will have demonstrated a chip able to perform industry standard ion distribution channel screen door for a significantly low price. These membrane array chips have the electric potential to increase throughput by several orders of magnitude and similarly decrease monetary value by several orders of order of magnitude - as a result, transforming the process of ion channel measurement and cover. PUBLIC HEALTH RE", "butter_fingers": ", we will have demonstrated x chip able to keeform mndustrg standafd ion channel screens for a sugnifucantly lower cost. There membraje array chiks have the potenvjal to lucreaac thrmnghput by seversl orders mf magnitude atd snmilarly decrease cost by several orqers of mwgnitude-as a rgsult, eranaforming the process of ion channem measugement and screenong. PUBLIC HEALTH RE", "random_deletion": ", we will have demonstrated a chip perform standard ion screens for a array have the potential increase throughput by orders of magnitude and similarly decrease by several orders of magnitude-as a result, transforming the process of ion channel and screening. PUBLIC HEALTH RE", "change_char_case": ", we will have demonstrated a chIp able to peRform IndUstRy StanDard Ion channel screENs foR a significantly lower coSt. TheSe MEmbrANe Array Chips haVE tHE PotEnTiAl tO iNCrEase tHroUghput bY several orDerS oF magnitude anD SiMilarly decReaSe cost by seveRal Orders Of MagNItude-As a ResulT, transFOrming The procesS oF Ion chaNNel measUREmEnt aNd screening. PUBLIC heAltH RE", "whitespace_perturbation": ", we will have demonstrate d a chip a ble t o p erf or m in dust ry standard io n cha nnel screens for a sig nific an t ly l o we r cos t. Thes e m e m bra ne a rra yc hi ps ha vethe pot ential toinc re ase throughp u tby several or ders of magn itu de and s imi l arlydec rease costb y seve ral order so f magn i tude-as a r esul t, transforming t h ep rocess of ionchanne lm ea s u rem ent and scree ni ng. P U BLIC HE A LT H R E", "underscore_trick": ", we_will have_demonstrated a chip able_to perform_industry_standard ion_channel_screens for a_significantly lower cost._These membrane array chips_have the potential_to_increase throughput by several orders of magnitude and similarly decrease cost by several orders_of_magnitude-as a_result,_transforming_the process of ion channel_measurement and screening. PUBLIC HEALTH_RE"} +{"text": " wound closure and COX inhibition will be examined. Investigation of the mechanisms underlying epithelial repair and injury during cyclic strain may lead to better strategies for the management of patients during mechanical ventilation. This is a multi-center study to determine if Selegiline and/or Tocopheral will slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease.", "synonym_substitution": "wound closure and COX inhibition will be examined. probe of the mechanism underlying epithelial repair and wound during cyclic strain may lead to well strategies for the management of patients during mechanical public discussion. This is a multi - center study to determine if Selegiline and/or Tocopheral will decelerate the progress of Alzheimer's disease.", "butter_fingers": " woknd closure and COX inhinition will be erqmined. Invesfigation of the mechanisms underlyinj eputhelual repair and injury auring cyblic straun mey lead to bettec stratennes fkv the nanagement of katients durhng mechanical vdncilation. This is a multi-center study to detrrline if Selegijine wnd/od Tocopheral will slow the progresaion of Alzheimer's dosease.", "random_deletion": "wound closure and COX inhibition will be of mechanisms underlying repair and injury to strategies for the of patients during ventilation. This is a multi-center study determine if Selegiline and/or Tocopheral will slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease.", "change_char_case": " wound closure and COX inhibitIon will be eXaminEd. INveStIgatIon oF the mechanisms UNderLying epithelial repair aNd injUrY DuriNG cYclic Strain mAY lEAD to BeTtEr sTrATeGies fOr tHe managEment of patIenTs During mechanICaL ventilatiOn. THis is a multi-cEntEr studY tO deTErminE if selegIline aND/or TocOpheral wiLl SLow the PRogressION oF AlzHeimer's disease.", "whitespace_perturbation": " wound closure and COX inh ibition wi ll be ex ami ne d. I nves tigation of th e mec hanisms underlying epi theli al repa i rand i njury d u ri n g cy cl ic st ra i nmay l ead to bet ter strate gie sfor the mana g em ent of pat ien ts during me cha nicalve nti l ation . T his i s a mu l ti-cen ter study t o deter m ine ifS e le gili ne and/or Tocophe r al will slow theprogre ss i on o f A lzh eimer's di se ase.", "underscore_trick": " wound_closure and_COX inhibition will be_examined. Investigation_of_the mechanisms_underlying_epithelial repair and_injury during cyclic_strain may lead to_better strategies for_the_management of patients during mechanical ventilation. This is a multi-center study to determine if_Selegiline_and/or Tocopheral_will_slow_the progression of Alzheimer's disease."} +{"text": " worldwide. Current therapies that lower intraocular pressure (IOP) as a means of slowing disease progression are not fully effective. Our proposal seeks to further evaluate Nogo decoy receptor as a potential neuroprotective and regenerative therapy that does not rely on lowering IOP. Preliminary studies employing rat Nogo decoy receptor (rN", "synonym_substitution": "worldwide. Current therapies that lower intraocular pressure (IOP) as a means of slow disease progress are not fully effective. Our proposal seeks to far evaluate Nogo decoy receptor as a likely neuroprotective and regenerative therapy that does not rely on lowering IOP. Preliminary studies use rat Nogo decoy receptor (rN", "butter_fingers": " wogldwide. Current therapier that lower injrqoculac presshre (IOP) xs a means of slowing diseasx prigreswion are not fully effdctive. Oug proposao setks to further evemuate Nogo dedly rzcxptor as a potektial neuro[rotective and rdgznerative therapy that does not rely on lowrrlng IOP. Prelimynarj ftudjvs employing rat Nogo decoy recsptor (rI", "random_deletion": "worldwide. Current therapies that lower intraocular pressure a of slowing progression are not to evaluate Nogo decoy as a potential and regenerative therapy that does not on lowering IOP. Preliminary studies employing rat Nogo decoy receptor (rN", "change_char_case": " worldwide. Current therapies That lower iNtraoCulAr pReSsurE (IOP) As a means of slowINg diSease progression are not Fully EfFEctiVE. OUr proPosal seEKs TO FurThEr EvaLuATe nogo dEcoY receptOr as a potenTiaL nEuroprotectiVE aNd regeneraTivE therapy that DoeS not reLy On lOWerinG IOp. PrelIminarY StudieS employinG rAT Nogo dECoy recePTOr (RN", "whitespace_perturbation": " worldwide. Current therap ies that l owerint rao cu larpres sure (IOP) asa mea ns of slowing diseaseprogr es s iona re notfully e f fe c t ive .Ou r p ro p os al se eks to fur ther evalu ate N ogo decoy re c ep tor as a p ote ntial neurop rot ective a ndr egene rat ive t herapy that d oes not r el y on lo w ering I O P .Prel iminary studies e m pl o ying rat Nogodecoyre c ep t o r ( rN", "underscore_trick": " worldwide._Current therapies_that lower intraocular pressure_(IOP) as_a_means of_slowing_disease progression are_not fully effective._Our proposal seeks to_further evaluate Nogo_decoy_receptor as a potential neuroprotective and regenerative therapy that does not rely on lowering_IOP._Preliminary studies_employing_rat_Nogo decoy receptor (rN"} +{"text": "/eye resulted in mild eye disease and fever. Viral DNA was detected in spleen tissue during the acute infection, and was detectable in the TG after 20 day post-infection. One of the unique features of alphaherpes virus is that they become latent in the TG with no gene expression, except for the latency associated", "synonym_substitution": "/eye resulted in mild eye disease and fever. Viral DNA was detected in irascibility tissue during the acuate contagion, and was detectable in the TG after 20 day post - infection. One of the singular features of alphaherpes virus is that they become latent in the TG with no gene expression, except for the reaction time consort", "butter_fingers": "/eye resulted in mild eye direase and fever. Viral VNA was detectea in spleen tissue during thx acyte ibfection, and was detecgable in nhe TG afrer 20 eay post-inhsction. One of bhe uuiwue features on alphaherpas virus is thdt tkey become latent in the TG with no dene exlrfssion, except sor uhe latsncy associated", "random_deletion": "/eye resulted in mild eye disease and DNA detected in tissue during the in TG after 20 post-infection. One of unique features of alphaherpes virus is they become latent in the TG with no gene expression, except for the associated", "change_char_case": "/eye resulted in mild eye diseaSe and fever. viral dNA Was DeTectEd in Spleen tissue duRIng tHe acute infection, and was DetecTaBLe in THe tG aftEr 20 day poST-iNFEctIoN. ONe oF tHE uNique FeaTures of AlphaherpeS viRuS is that they bECoMe latent in The tG with no gene ExpRessioN, eXcePT for tHe lAtencY assocIAted", "whitespace_perturbation": "/eye resulted in mild eyedisease an d fev er. Vi ra l DN A wa s detected ins plee n tissue during the ac ute i nf e ctio n ,and w as dete c ta b l e i nth e T Ga ft er 20 da y post- infection. On eof the uniqu e f eatures of al phaherpes vi rus is th at th e y bec ome late nt int he TGwith no g en e expre s sion, e x c ep t fo r the latency ass o ci a ted", "underscore_trick": "/eye resulted_in mild_eye disease and fever._Viral DNA_was_detected in_spleen_tissue during the_acute infection, and_was detectable in the_TG after 20_day_post-infection. One of the unique features of alphaherpes virus is that they become latent_in_the TG_with_no_gene expression, except for the_latency associated"} +{"text": " also be able to be used for performing MRI in the presence of exercise, which could be useful for both cardiovascular and musculoskeletal applications, as well as in combination with other kinds of imaging, such as with integrated PET/MRI systems. This research should thus further increase the clinical utility of MR imaging for many patients. Abstract", "synonym_substitution": "also be able to be used for performing MRI in the presence of use, which could be utilitarian for both cardiovascular and musculoskeletal lotion, as well as in combination with other kind of imaging, such as with integrated PET / MRI systems. This inquiry should therefore further increase the clinical utility of MR imaging for many patients. Abstract", "butter_fingers": " aldo be able to be used fov performing MRI in the presehce of ebercise, which could be usefup dor bith cardiovascular and musculosneletal qpplmcations, as well as in combinaflon wnti other kinds on imaging, sgch as with indeercted PET/MRI systems. This research shjuld this further increwse uhe clihpccl utility of MR imaging for mahy patitnts. Abstract", "random_deletion": "also be able to be used for in presence of which could be musculoskeletal as well as combination with other of imaging, such as with integrated systems. This research should thus further increase the clinical utility of MR imaging many patients. Abstract", "change_char_case": " also be able to be used for perfOrming MRI iN the pResEncE oF exeRcisE, which could be uSEful For both cardiovascular aNd musCuLOskeLEtAl appLicatioNS, aS WEll As In ComBiNAtIon wiTh oTher kinDs of imaginG, suCh As with integrATeD PET/MRI sysTemS. This researcH shOuld thUs FurTHer inCreAse thE cliniCAl utilIty of MR imAgINg for mANy patieNTS. ABstrAct", "whitespace_perturbation": " also be able to be used f or perform ing M RIinth e pr esen ce of exercise , whi ch could be useful for both c a rdio v as cular and mu s cu l o ske le ta l a pp l ic ation s,as well as in com bin at ion with oth e rkinds of i mag ing, such as wi th int eg rat e d PET /MR I sys tems.T his re search sh ou l d thus further i nc reas e the clinical ut i li t y of MR imagin g forma n yp a tie nts . Abstract ", "underscore_trick": " also_be able_to be used for_performing MRI_in_the presence_of_exercise, which could_be useful for_both cardiovascular and musculoskeletal_applications, as well_as_in combination with other kinds of imaging, such as with integrated PET/MRI systems. This_research_should thus_further_increase_the clinical utility of MR_imaging for many patients. Abstract"} +{"text": " sBeta-APP may have beneficial or deleterious effects on neuronal survival and growth. The goal of this application is to test the hypothesis that complexes among the adaptor proteins and Beta-APP reflect a signaling pathway that regulates the processing of Beta-APP. Specifically, Aim 1 is to examine the effect of Fe65 binding", "synonym_substitution": "sBeta - APP may have beneficial or deleterious effects on neuronal survival and growth. The finish of this lotion is to quiz the hypothesis that complexes among the adapter proteins and Beta - APP chew over a signaling pathway that regulates the processing of Beta - APP. Specifically, Aim 1 is to analyze the effect of Fe65 binding", "butter_fingers": " sBfta-APP may have beneficixl or deleterioos effecvs on nsuronal rurvival and growth. The goal od thiw application is to tert the hyiothesis rhat xomplexes ejong thc adalbor pxoveins and Beta-AKP reflect a signaling patvwxy that regulates the processing of Bqta-APP. Xpfcifically, Aim 1 is eo esamine the effect of Fe65 binding", "random_deletion": "sBeta-APP may have beneficial or deleterious effects survival growth. The of this application that among the adaptor and Beta-APP reflect signaling pathway that regulates the processing Beta-APP. Specifically, Aim 1 is to examine the effect of Fe65 binding", "change_char_case": " sBeta-APP may have beneficial Or deleteriOus efFecTs oN nEuroNal sUrvival and growTH. The Goal of this application iS to teSt THe hyPOtHesis That comPLeXES amOnG tHe aDaPToR protEinS and BetA-APP reflecT a sIgNaling pathwaY ThAt regulateS thE processing oF BeTa-APP. SPeCifICally, aim 1 Is to eXamine THe effeCt of Fe65 binDiNG", "whitespace_perturbation": " sBeta-APP may have benefi cial or de leter iou s e ff ects onneuronal survi v al a nd growth. The goal of this a p plic a ti on is to tes t t h e hy po th esi st ha t com ple xes amo ng the ada pto rproteins and Be ta-APP ref lec t a signalin g p athway t hat regul ate s the proce s sing o f Beta-AP P. Specif i cally,A i m1 is to examine the e f fe c t of Fe65 bind ing", "underscore_trick": " sBeta-APP_may have_beneficial or deleterious effects_on neuronal_survival_and growth._The_goal of this_application is to_test the hypothesis that_complexes among the_adaptor_proteins and Beta-APP reflect a signaling pathway that regulates the processing of Beta-APP. Specifically,_Aim_1 is_to_examine_the effect of Fe65 binding"} +{"text": " expressed with a particular variable region via a distinct recombination process termed class switch recombination (CSR). At this stage, the variable region coding sequence may be further altered by somatic hypermutation (SM). While the nature of the enzymes that initiate CSR or SM remains elusive, both processes, like V(D)J", "synonym_substitution": "expressed with a particular variable region via a discrete recombination procedure termed class switch recombination (CSR). At this degree, the variable region tease succession may be further altered by somatic hypermutation (SM). While the nature of the enzymes that lead up CSR or SM remains elusive, both process, like V(D)J", "butter_fingers": " exoressed with a particulav variable regiou via a distihct recoobination process termed clads switxh recombination (CSR). Ag this stwge, the carieble region codiif sequekee mag be yucther altered bi somatic hy[ermutation (SM). Wfipe the nature of the enzymes that igitiate CDR or SM remaigs ektsivs, both processes, like V(D)J", "random_deletion": "expressed with a particular variable region via recombination termed class recombination (CSR). At coding may be further by somatic hypermutation While the nature of the enzymes initiate CSR or SM remains elusive, both processes, like V(D)J", "change_char_case": " expressed with a particular vAriable regIon viA a dIstInCt reCombInation process TErmeD class switch recombinatIon (CSr). AT This STaGe, the VariablE ReGIOn cOdInG seQuENcE may bE fuRther alTered by somAtiC hYpermutation (sm). WHile the natUre Of the enzymes ThaT initiAtE CSr Or SM rEmaIns elUsive, bOTh procEsses, like v(D)j", "whitespace_perturbation": " expressed with a particul ar variabl e reg ion vi aa di stin ct recombinati o n pr ocess termed class swi tch r ec o mbin a ti on (C SR). At th i s st ag e, th ev ar iable re gion co ding seque nce m ay be furthe r a ltered bysom atic hypermu tat ion (S M) . W h ile t henatur e of t h e enzy mes thatin i tiateC SR or S M re main s elusive, both p r oc e sses, like V(D )J", "underscore_trick": " expressed_with a_particular variable region via_a distinct_recombination_process termed_class_switch recombination (CSR)._At this stage,_the variable region coding_sequence may be_further_altered by somatic hypermutation (SM). While the nature of the enzymes that initiate CSR_or_SM remains_elusive,_both_processes, like V(D)J"} +{"text": " capability do not exist. We propose to develop these novel tools by applying newly developed cell-based protein-protein interaction LinkLight assay technology. The assays can measure specific subcellular ERK activation signaling pathways. ERK signaling pathways are implicated in LTP, memory, learning, mood stabilization etc. Therefore, developing these tools for identifying compounds", "synonym_substitution": "capability do not exist. We propose to develop these novel tools by apply newly modernize cell - based protein - protein interaction LinkLight assay engineering. The assays can measure specific subcellular ERK activation sign pathways. ERK signaling nerve pathway are implicated in LTP, memory, learning, climate stabilization etc. Therefore, developing these instrument for identify compounds", "butter_fingers": " caoability do not exist. We propose to devglip theve novsl tools by applying newly developed cwll-bawed protein-protein intdraction PinkLighr aswqy technology. The assays gan mzawure specific xubcellulas ERK activatimn sngnaling pathways. ERK signaling pathrays arr lmplicated in JTP, kqmorg, learning, mood stabilization etc. Fherefoge, developing thexe tools for identifying clmpoknds", "random_deletion": "capability do not exist. We propose to novel by applying developed cell-based protein-protein assays measure specific subcellular activation signaling pathways. signaling pathways are implicated in LTP, learning, mood stabilization etc. Therefore, developing these tools for identifying compounds", "change_char_case": " capability do not exist. We proPose to deveLop thEse NovEl ToolS by aPplying newly deVElopEd cell-based protein-protEin inTeRActiON LInkLiGht assaY TeCHNolOgY. THe aSsAYs Can meAsuRe speciFic subcellUlaR ErK activation SIgNaling pathWayS. ERK signalinG paThways ArE imPLicatEd iN LTP, mEmory, lEArning, Mood stabiLiZAtion eTC. TherefORE, dEvelOping these tools foR IdENtifying compouNds", "whitespace_perturbation": " capability do not exist.We propose to d eve lop t hese nov el tools by ap p lyin g newly developed cell -base dp rote i n- prote in inte r ac t i onLi nk Lig ht as say t ech nology. The assay s c an measure spe c if ic subcell ula r ERK activa tio n sign al ing pathw ays . ERK signa l ing pa thways ar ei mplica t ed in L T P ,memo ry, learning, moo d s t abilization et c. The re f or e , de vel oping thes etools for ide n ti f y i ngc ompounds", "underscore_trick": " capability_do not_exist. We propose to_develop these_novel_tools by_applying_newly developed cell-based_protein-protein interaction LinkLight_assay technology. The assays_can measure specific_subcellular_ERK activation signaling pathways. ERK signaling pathways are implicated in LTP, memory, learning, mood_stabilization_etc. Therefore,_developing_these_tools for identifying compounds"} +{"text": "vus development and growth in early adolescence. A secondary aim is to document the clinical and dermoscopic evolution of individual nevi in this age group. We will apply a combined cross-sectional and longitudinal study design to the cohort of all consenting 5th graders in the Framingham, Massachusetts school system (est", "synonym_substitution": "vus development and growth in early adolescence. A secondary aim is to document the clinical and dermoscopic development of individual nevi in this old age group. We will apply a combined crabbed - sectional and longitudinal study purpose to the cohort of all accept fifth graders in the Framingham, Massachusetts school system (est", "butter_fingers": "vus development and growth ln early adolescgnxe. A sxcondarg aim is to document the clinical anv deemoscipic evolution of indixidual neni in thiw agt group. We will a'lly a combines crovw-sectional and longitudital study desicn tl the cohort of all consenting 5th gwaders on the Framinghai, Maxfachhsetts school system (est", "random_deletion": "vus development and growth in early adolescence. aim to document clinical and dermoscopic this group. We will a combined cross-sectional longitudinal study design to the cohort all consenting 5th graders in the Framingham, Massachusetts school system (est", "change_char_case": "vus development and growth in Early adoleScencE. A sEcoNdAry aIm is To document the cLInicAl and dermoscopic evolutIon of InDIvidUAl Nevi iN this agE GrOUP. We WiLl AppLy A CoMbineD crOss-sectIonal and loNgiTuDinal study deSIgN to the cohoRt oF all consentiNg 5tH gradeRs In tHE FramIngHam, MaSsachuSEtts scHool systeM (eST", "whitespace_perturbation": "vus development and growth in earlyadole sce nce .A se cond ary aim is tod ocum ent the clinical and d ermos co p ic e v ol ution of ind i vi d u alne vi in t h is agegro up. Wewill apply aco mbined cross - se ctional an d l ongitudinalstu dy des ig n t o thecoh ort o f allc onsent ing 5th g ra d ers in the Fra m i ng ham, Massachusetts sc h oo l system (est", "underscore_trick": "vus development_and growth_in early adolescence. A_secondary aim_is_to document_the_clinical and dermoscopic_evolution of individual_nevi in this age_group. We will_apply_a combined cross-sectional and longitudinal study design to the cohort of all consenting 5th_graders_in the_Framingham,_Massachusetts_school system (est"} +{"text": " reporting of quality management (QM) data to LP's leadership and QM Committee monthly. The LIS is part of the SoftLab system used by the Clinical Center and it interfaces with the hospital information system so that anatomic pathology results are available online. As part of the tissue request process and to support requests for", "synonym_substitution": "reporting of quality management (QM) data to LP's leadership and QM Committee monthly. The LIS is part of the SoftLab arrangement use by the Clinical Center and it interfaces with the hospital information system so that anatomic pathology results are available online. As function of the tissue request process and to support request for", "butter_fingers": " reoorting of quality managtment (QM) data to LP's leavership and QM Zommittee monthly. The LIS is pqrt od the SoftLab system ured by thv Clinicao Ceiter and it intecraces wlch ths hos'ival information system so that anatomic pxtkology results are available online. Ws part ov the tissue rgquesu pwoceas and to support requests for", "random_deletion": "reporting of quality management (QM) data to and Committee monthly. LIS is part by Clinical Center and interfaces with the information system so that anatomic pathology are available online. As part of the tissue request process and to support for", "change_char_case": " reporting of quality managemEnt (QM) data tO LP's lEadErsHiP and qM CoMmittee monthly. tHe LIs is part of the SoftLab sysTem usEd BY the cLiNical center aND iT INteRfAcEs wItH ThE hospItaL informAtion systeM so ThAt anatomic paTHoLogy resultS arE available onLinE. As parT oF thE TissuE reQuest ProcesS And to sUpport reqUeSTs for", "whitespace_perturbation": " reporting of quality mana gement (QM ) dat a t o L P' s le ader ship and QM Co m mitt ee monthly. The LIS is part o f the So ftLab system us e d by t he Cl in i ca l Cen ter and it interface s w it h the hospit a linformatio n s ystem so tha t a natomi cpat h ology re sults are a v ailabl e online. A s parto f the t i s su e re quest process and to support reques ts for ", "underscore_trick": " reporting_of quality_management (QM) data to_LP's leadership_and_QM Committee_monthly._The LIS is_part of the_SoftLab system used by_the Clinical Center_and_it interfaces with the hospital information system so that anatomic pathology results are available_online._As part_of_the_tissue request process and to_support requests for"} +{"text": ", 14 males and females with mild-to-moderate cannabis use disorder will receive the pharmacologic stressor, yohimbine (0, 20, and 40 mg), prior to marijuana and neutral cue exposure. Our primary outcome measure is marijuana-seeking behavior assessed using a progressive ratio marijuana choice task. Participants will be", "synonym_substitution": ", 14 males and females with mild - to - moderate cannabis use disorderliness will welcome the pharmacologic stressor, yohimbine (0, 20, and 40 mg), prior to marijuana and neutral clue photograph. Our primary outcome meter is cannabis - seeking behavior assessed using a progressive ratio marijuana option task. Participants will be", "butter_fingers": ", 14 mwles and females with miud-to-moderate caubabis nse diskrder wiul receive the pharmacologic srressir, yohimbine (0, 20, and 40 mg), prior to marijuaba aid neutral cue eelosure. Our prjlary iutcome measurg is marijuata-seeking behaeiur assessed using a progressive ratio marijusnw choice task. Kartibi[anta will be", "random_deletion": ", 14 males and females with mild-to-moderate disorder receive the stressor, yohimbine (0, to and neutral cue Our primary outcome is marijuana-seeking behavior assessed using a ratio marijuana choice task. Participants will be", "change_char_case": ", 14 males and females with mild-to-Moderate caNnabiS usE diSoRder Will Receive the pharMAcolOgic stressor, yohimbine (0, 20, aNd 40 mg), pRiOR to mARiJuana And neutRAl CUE exPoSuRe. OUr PRiMary oUtcOme measUre is marijUanA-sEeking behaviOR aSsessed usiNg a Progressive rAtiO marijUaNa cHOice tAsk. partiCipantS Will be", "whitespace_perturbation": ", 14 males and females wit h mild-to- moder ate ca nn abis use disorder will rece ive the pharmacologicstres so r , yo h im bine(0, 20, an d 40mg ), pr io r t o mar iju ana and neutral c ueex posure. Ourp ri mary outco memeasure is m ari juana- se eki n g beh avi or as sessed usinga progres si v e rati o mariju a n achoi ce task. Particip a nt s will be", "underscore_trick": ", 14_males and_females with mild-to-moderate cannabis_use disorder_will_receive the_pharmacologic_stressor, yohimbine (0,_20, and 40_mg), prior to marijuana_and neutral cue_exposure._Our primary outcome measure is marijuana-seeking behavior assessed using a progressive ratio marijuana choice_task._Participants will_be"} +{"text": " diabetes-specific mail survey to examine these relationships by gender, age group, and major race-ethnicity categories. The significance of the proposed research lies in the skyrocketing rates of type 2 diabetes in the U.S. over the past few decades in all segments of the population, but primarily in middle aged", "synonym_substitution": "diabetes - specific mail survey to examine these relationships by sex, old age group, and major race - ethnicity categories. The meaning of the proposed inquiry lies in the skyrocketing rate of character 2 diabetes in the U.S. over the past few decades in all segments of the population, but primarily in middle aged", "butter_fingers": " diwbetes-specific mail survty to examine these relavionshils by gevder, age group, and major racx-ethbicitt categories. The signiwicance ov the pripostd research lies mh the skyrocksbing xaves of type 2 disbetes in dhe U.S. over tha oadt few decades in all segments of tre popukahion, but primatily pn midsle aged", "random_deletion": "diabetes-specific mail survey to examine these relationships age and major categories. The significance in skyrocketing rates of 2 diabetes in U.S. over the past few decades all segments of the population, but primarily in middle aged", "change_char_case": " diabetes-specific mail surveY to examine These RelAtiOnShipS by gEnder, age group, aND majOr race-ethnicity categorIes. ThE sIGnifICaNce of The propOSeD REseArCh LieS iN ThE skyrOckEting raTes of type 2 dIabEtEs in the U.S. oveR ThE past few deCadEs in all segmeNts Of the pOpUlaTIon, buT prImariLy in miDDle ageD", "whitespace_perturbation": " diabetes-specific mail su rvey to ex amine th ese r elat ions hips by gender , age group, and major race -ethn ic i ty c a te gorie s. Thes ig n i fic an ce of t h epropo sed resear ch lies in th eskyrocketing ra tes of typ e 2 diabetes in th e U.S. o ver the p ast fewdecade s in al l segment so f thep opulati o n ,butprimarily in midd l ea ged", "underscore_trick": " diabetes-specific_mail survey_to examine these relationships_by gender,_age_group, and_major_race-ethnicity categories. The_significance of the_proposed research lies in_the skyrocketing rates_of_type 2 diabetes in the U.S. over the past few decades in all segments_of_the population,_but_primarily_in middle aged"} +{"text": "inating diseases in general and to enhance the therapeutic effectiveness of BMT in Leukodystrophies. The project will utilize the following techniques: production of double mutant mice, immunohistochemistry, pathological and clinical evaluations, electron microscopy, PCR, ELISA and BMT. The proposed research is planned to study the functional development of symp", "synonym_substitution": "inating diseases in general and to enhance the therapeutic effectiveness of BMT in Leukodystrophies. The undertaking will use the stick to techniques: product of bivalent mutant mice, immunohistochemistry, pathological and clinical evaluations, electron microscopy, PCR, ELISA and BMT. The propose research is planned to analyze the functional development of symp", "butter_fingers": "inahing diseases in general and to enhance the thxrapeutjc effecgiveness of BMT in Leukodystcophues. Tye project will utilizd the folpowing twchnmques: production of double mutzkt miee, immunohistochgmistry, pathmlogical and cnivieal evaluations, electron microscopy, [CR, ELIXA and BMT. The ptopostd wesezgcm is planned to study the functiknal denelopment of symp", "random_deletion": "inating diseases in general and to enhance effectiveness BMT in The project will of mutant mice, immunohistochemistry, and clinical evaluations, microscopy, PCR, ELISA and BMT. The research is planned to study the functional development of symp", "change_char_case": "inating diseases in general aNd to enhancE the tHerApeUtIc efFectIveness of BMT in lEukoDystrophies. The project wIll utIlIZe thE FoLlowiNg technIQuES: ProDuCtIon Of DOuBle muTanT mice, imMunohistocHemIsTry, pathologiCAl And clinicaL evAluations, eleCtrOn micrOsCopY, pCR, ELiSA And BMt. The prOPosed rEsearch is PlANned to STudy the FUNcTionAl development of syMP", "whitespace_perturbation": "inating diseases in genera l and to e nhanc e t heth erap euti c effectivenes s ofBMT in Leukodystrophie s. Th ep roje c twillutilize th e fol lo wi ngte c hn iques : p roducti on of doub lemu tant mice, i m mu nohistoche mis try, patholo gic al and c lin i cal e val uatio ns, el e ctronmicroscop y, PCR, E L ISA and B MT . Th e proposed resear c hi s planned to s tudy t he fu n c tio nal developme nt of s y mp", "underscore_trick": "inating diseases_in general_and to enhance the_therapeutic effectiveness_of_BMT in_Leukodystrophies._The project will_utilize the following_techniques: production of double_mutant mice, immunohistochemistry,_pathological_and clinical evaluations, electron microscopy, PCR, ELISA and BMT. The proposed research is planned_to_study the_functional_development_of symp"} +{"text": " of diet design and preparation, provide standardization in research methods among metabolic wards, facilitate the use of valid nutrition research methodologies, and improve the ability to monitor subject response. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATION: The completed product in Phase III will be marketed to the general nutritionists in the industry but especially those at", "synonym_substitution": "of diet design and preparation, provide standardization in inquiry method among metabolic wards, facilitate the habit of valid nutriment research methodologies, and improve the ability to monitor capable reply. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATION: The complete product in Phase III will be marketed to the cosmopolitan nutritionists in the industry but especially those at", "butter_fingers": " of diet design and preparauion, provide stanbqrdizavion in researcf methods among metabolic wacds, dacilutate the use of valid nutritioj researxh mtthodologies, and mjprove bke abjpity vo monitor subjgct response. PROPOSED COMMARZICL APPLICATION: The completed product in Phaxe III will be mwrkeued to fhe general nutritionists in the ihdustry but especialky those at", "random_deletion": "of diet design and preparation, provide standardization methods metabolic wards, the use of improve ability to monitor response. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL The completed product in Phase III be marketed to the general nutritionists in the industry but especially those at", "change_char_case": " of diet design and preparatioN, provide stAndarDizAtiOn In reSearCh methods among MEtabOlic wards, facilitate the Use of VaLId nuTRiTion rEsearch MEtHODolOgIeS, anD iMPrOve thE abIlity to Monitor subJecT rEsponse. PROPOseD cOMMERCIAL aPPlICATION: The cOmpLeted pRoDucT In PhaSe IiI wilL be marKEted to The generaL nUTritioNIsts in tHE InDustRy but especially thOSe AT", "whitespace_perturbation": " of diet design and prepar ation, pro videsta nda rd izat ionin research me t hods among metabolic wards , fac il i tate th e use of val i dn u tri ti on re se a rc h met hod ologies , and impr ove t he ability t o m onitor sub jec t response.PRO POSEDCO MME R CIALAPP LICAT ION: T h e comp leted pro du c t in P h ase III w il l be marketed to theg en e ral nutritioni sts in t h ei n dus try but espec ia lly t h ose at", "underscore_trick": " of_diet design_and preparation, provide standardization_in research_methods_among metabolic_wards,_facilitate the use_of valid nutrition_research methodologies, and improve_the ability to_monitor_subject response. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL APPLICATION: The completed product in Phase III will be marketed_to_the general_nutritionists_in_the industry but especially those_at"} +{"text": ", and collaborations that resulted from the pilot project. Pilot Project proposals will initially be reviewed by the Scientific Coordinator, Center Director, and the Deputy Director to determine whether they are appropriate to undergo the full review. Three reviewers will score each proposal and write a brief critique. Reviewers from affiliates of the Center, Center", "synonym_substitution": ", and collaborations that resulted from the pilot project. Pilot Project proposal will initially be review by the Scientific Coordinator, Center Director, and the Deputy Director to determine whether they are appropriate to undergo the full review. Three commentator will score each proposal and publish a brief critique. reviewer from affiliates of the Center, Center", "butter_fingers": ", anf collaborations that rerulted from the pilot 'roject. Pilot Pfoject proposals will initiaplt be eeviewed by the Scientkfic Coorfinator, Xenttr Director, and tis Deputn Dirsgtor co determine whejher they ara appropriate do uudergo the full review. Three reviewews will sfore each propjsal wnd sgiue a brief critique. Reviewers froj affilpates of the Centrr, Center", "random_deletion": ", and collaborations that resulted from the Pilot proposals will be reviewed by and Deputy Director to whether they are to undergo the full review. Three will score each proposal and write a brief critique. Reviewers from affiliates of Center, Center", "change_char_case": ", and collaborations that resuLted from thE piloT prOjeCt. piloT ProJect proposals wILl inItially be reviewed by the scienTiFIc CoORdInatoR, Center dIrECTor, AnD tHe DEpUTy direcTor To deterMine whetheR thEy Are appropriaTE tO undergo thE fuLl review. ThreE reViewerS wIll SCore eAch PropoSal and WRite a bRief critiQuE. reviewERs from aFFIlIateS of the Center, CenteR", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and collaborations thatresulted f rom t hepil ot pro ject . Pilot Projec t pro posals will initiallybe re vi e wedb ythe S cientif i cC o ord in at or, C e nt er Di rec tor, an d the Depu tyDi rector to de t er mine wheth erthey are app rop riateto un d ergothe full revie w . Thre e reviewe rs will s c ore eac h pr opos al and write a br i ef critique. Revi ewersfr o ma f fil iat es of theCe nter, Center", "underscore_trick": ", and_collaborations that_resulted from the pilot_project. Pilot_Project_proposals will_initially_be reviewed by_the Scientific Coordinator,_Center Director, and the_Deputy Director to_determine_whether they are appropriate to undergo the full review. Three reviewers will score each_proposal_and write_a_brief_critique. Reviewers from affiliates of_the Center, Center"} +{"text": " lipophilicity, and absorption. Many surrogates have been introduced already, yet the synthesis of many of these isosteres in a combinatorial way is difficult and requires several steps. Thus, the discovery of new peptide surrogates with easier syntheses is an important achievement that could open new opportunities for the study of", "synonym_substitution": "lipophilicity, and absorption. Many surrogates have been introduced already, yet the synthesis of many of these isosteres in a combinative direction is difficult and requires respective steps. therefore, the discovery of new peptide surrogates with easy synthesis is an important achievement that could open new opportunity for the study of", "butter_fingers": " lioophilicity, and absorptiun. Many surrogajew have been jntroducdd already, yet the synthesis od mant of these isosteres iv a combijatorial way us difficult and rczuirsd serecal steps. Thus, jhe discoverf of new peptige sbrrogates with easier syntheses is ag imporyajt achievement thau cjuld open new opportunities for the sthdy of", "random_deletion": "lipophilicity, and absorption. Many surrogates have been yet synthesis of of these isosteres difficult requires several steps. the discovery of peptide surrogates with easier syntheses is important achievement that could open new opportunities for the study of", "change_char_case": " lipophilicity, and absorptioN. Many surroGates HavE beEn IntrOducEd already, yet thE SyntHesis of many of these isosTeres In A CombINaToriaL way is dIFfICUlt AnD rEquIrES sEveraL stEps. Thus, The discoveRy oF nEw peptide surROgAtes with eaSieR syntheses is An iMportaNt AchIEvemeNt tHat coUld opeN New oppOrtunitieS fOR the stUDy of", "whitespace_perturbation": " lipophilicity, and absorp tion. Many surr oga tes h avebeen introduced al r eady , yet the synthesis of many o f the s eisost eres in ac o mbi na to ria lw ay is d iff icult a nd require s s ev eral steps.T hu s, the dis cov ery of new p ept ide su rr oga t es wi theasie r synt h eses i s an impo rt a nt ach i evement t ha t co uld open new oppo r tu n ities for thestudyof ", "underscore_trick": " lipophilicity,_and absorption._Many surrogates have been_introduced already,_yet_the synthesis_of_many of these_isosteres in a_combinatorial way is difficult_and requires several_steps._Thus, the discovery of new peptide surrogates with easier syntheses is an important achievement_that_could open_new_opportunities_for the study of"} +{"text": " the current study will advance the development of nicotine dependence treatments. Mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells (MSCs) hold considerable potential for a wide range of tissue regeneration therapies. While their differentiation capacity has been demonstrated extensively, mechanisms that control their plasticity remain poorly understood. Observations by our laboratories and others have shown that prolifer", "synonym_substitution": "the current study will advance the development of nicotine dependence treatment. Mesenchymal shank / progenitor cells (MSCs) hold considerable potential for a wide-eyed range of tissue regeneration therapy. While their differentiation capacity has been demonstrated extensively, mechanism that control their plasticity persist poorly understood. observation by our laboratories and others have testify that prolifer", "butter_fingers": " thf current study will advxnce the develokmwnt of nicotjne depevdence treatments. Mesenchymap wtem/peogenitor cells (MSCs) huld consiferable poteitial for a wide range on tisame reyeieration theraples. While tveir differenthagiln capacity has been demonstrated evtensivrlj, mechanisms trat bogtrom their plasticity remain poorly uhderstomd. Observatioms by our laboratories and othfrs have shown thah prolifer", "random_deletion": "the current study will advance the development dependence Mesenchymal stem/progenitor (MSCs) hold considerable of regeneration therapies. While differentiation capacity has demonstrated extensively, mechanisms that control their remain poorly understood. Observations by our laboratories and others have shown that prolifer", "change_char_case": " the current study will advancE the develoPment Of nIcoTiNe dePendEnce treatments. mEsenChymal stem/progenitor ceLls (MScs) HOld cONsIderaBle poteNTiAL For A wIdE raNgE Of TissuE reGeneratIon therapiEs. WHiLe their diffeREnTiation capAciTy has been demOnsTrated ExTenSIvely, MecHanisMs that COntrol Their plasTiCIty remAIn poorlY UNdErstOod. Observations by OUr LAboratories and Others HaVE sHOWn tHat Prolifer", "whitespace_perturbation": " the current study will ad vance thedevel opm ent o f ni coti ne dependencet reat ments. Mesenchymal ste m/pro ge n itor ce lls ( MSCs) h o ld c ons id er abl ep ot entia l f or a wi de range o f t is sue regenera t io n therapie s.While theirdif ferent ia tio n capa cit y has beend emonst rated ext en s ively, mechani s m sthat control their pl a st i city remain po orly u nd e rs t o od. Ob servations b y our laborat o ri e s and others have s hown that p r oli fer", "underscore_trick": " the_current study_will advance the development_of nicotine_dependence_treatments. Mesenchymal_stem/progenitor_cells (MSCs) hold_considerable potential for_a wide range of_tissue regeneration therapies._While_their differentiation capacity has been demonstrated extensively, mechanisms that control their plasticity remain poorly_understood._Observations by_our_laboratories_and others have shown that_prolifer"} +{"text": " displaying mutant proteins on the coat of the phage, phage display enables efficient screening and selection of a large pool of mutants. The purpose of the mutation analysis is to identify the residues that participate in RNA binding. Identifying potential RNA targets and regions of the KH domain responsible for RNA binding may help to elucidate the physiological function", "synonym_substitution": "displaying mutant proteins on the coat of the phage, bacteriophage display enable effective screening and selection of a large consortium of mutants. The purpose of the mutant analysis is to identify the residues that enter in RNA constipate. identify potential RNA targets and regions of the KH knowledge domain responsible for RNA binding may help to elucidate the physiological affair", "butter_fingers": " didplaying mutant proteins on the coat of the phege, phafe displxy enables efficient screeniig abd seoection of a large poou of mutajts. The purpiwe of the mutation analyals is vo identify the residues dhat participade iu RNA binding. Identifying potential WNA tarbehs and regions of uhe KH somain responsible for RNA binding may henp to elucidaye the physiological functlon", "random_deletion": "displaying mutant proteins on the coat of phage enables efficient and selection of The of the mutation is to identify residues that participate in RNA binding. potential RNA targets and regions of the KH domain responsible for RNA binding help to elucidate the physiological function", "change_char_case": " displaying mutant proteins oN the coat of The phAge, PhaGe DispLay eNables efficienT ScreEning and selection of a laRge poOl OF mutANtS. The pUrpose oF ThE MUtaTiOn AnaLySIs Is to iDenTify the Residues thAt pArTicipate in RNa BiNding. IdentIfyIng potential rNA TargetS aNd rEGions Of tHe KH dOmain rESponsiBle for RNA BiNDing maY Help to eLUCiDate The physiological fUNcTIon", "whitespace_perturbation": " displaying mutant protein s on the c oat o f t heph age, pha ge display ena b lesefficient screening an d sel ec t iono fa lar ge pool of m uta nt s. Th ep ur poseofthe mut ation anal ysi sis to identi f ythe residu esthat partici pat e in R NA bi n ding. Id entif ying p o tentia l RNA tar ge t s andr egionso f t he K H domain responsi b le for RNA bindin g mayhe l pt o el uci date the p hy siolo g ical fu n ct i o n ", "underscore_trick": " displaying_mutant proteins_on the coat of_the phage,_phage_display enables_efficient_screening and selection_of a large_pool of mutants. The_purpose of the_mutation_analysis is to identify the residues that participate in RNA binding. Identifying potential RNA_targets_and regions_of_the_KH domain responsible for RNA_binding may help to elucidate_the physiological_function"} +{"text": " we also hypothesize that similar to c-Met, other protein kinases also have functions to regulate PARP1 activity through phosphorylation in TNBC. Potential molecules we will study are EGFR, which also directly interacts with PARP1 and phosphorylate it. We will investigate the role of these kinases in PARP1 regulation and PAR", "synonym_substitution": "we also hypothesize that similar to c - Met, other protein kinase besides receive functions to determine PARP1 bodily process through phosphorylation in TNBC. Potential molecules we will learn are EGFR, which besides directly interacts with PARP1 and phosphorylate it. We will investigate the role of these kinases in PARP1 regulation and PAR", "butter_fingers": " we also hypothesize that slmilar to c-Met, ojhwr provein kihases alro have functions to regulatx PAEP1 acupvity through phosphofylation pn TNBC. Pitenuial molecules we will stmby ars EGFX, xhich also diregtly interawts with PARP1 dna 'hosphorylate it. We will investigate the roke of these kinafes pn PARL1 regulation and PAR", "random_deletion": "we also hypothesize that similar to c-Met, kinases have functions regulate PARP1 activity molecules will study are which also directly with PARP1 and phosphorylate it. We investigate the role of these kinases in PARP1 regulation and PAR", "change_char_case": " we also hypothesize that simiLar to c-Met, oTher pRotEin KiNaseS alsO have functions TO regUlate PARP1 activity throuGh phoSpHOrylATiOn in TnBC. PoteNTiAL MolEcUlEs wE wILl Study Are eGFR, whiCh also direCtlY iNteracts with paRp1 and phosphOryLate it. We will InvEstigaTe The ROle of TheSe kinAses in paRP1 regUlation anD Par", "whitespace_perturbation": " we also hypothesize thatsimilar to c-Me t,oth er pro tein kinases alsoh avefunctions to regulatePARP1 a c tivi t ythrou gh phos p ho r y lat io ninTN B C. Pote nti al mole cules we w ill s tudy are EGF R ,which also di rectly inter act s with P ARP 1 andpho sphor ylatei t. Wewill inve st i gate t h e roleo f t hese kinases in PARP1 re g ulation and PA R", "underscore_trick": " we_also hypothesize_that similar to c-Met,_other protein_kinases_also have_functions_to regulate PARP1_activity through phosphorylation_in TNBC. Potential molecules_we will study_are_EGFR, which also directly interacts with PARP1 and phosphorylate it. We will investigate the_role_of these_kinases_in_PARP1 regulation and PAR"} +{"text": " yet rigorous result for the width of FRET efficiency distribution and showed that the shape of the distribution depends dramatically on the bin size.[unreadable] [unreadable] This year our continued efforts have lead to four publications in this area. First, we have written (1) a book chapter where we have applied our general theory of", "synonym_substitution": "yet rigorous result for the width of FRET efficiency distribution and showed that the shape of the distribution depends dramatically on the bin size.[unreadable ] [ indecipherable ] This class our stay efforts have head to four issue in this area. First, we have write (1) a book chapter where we have applied our cosmopolitan hypothesis of", "butter_fingers": " yeh rigorous result for tht width of FRET eydicienry distdibution and showed that the shape oh thw disugibution depends dramxtically ln the bun smze.[unreadable] [uncsadable] This gcar obr continued effprts have nead to four pgbuieations in this area. First, we have wwitten (1) a book chapter rhert wq habv cpplied our general theory of", "random_deletion": "yet rigorous result for the width of distribution showed that shape of the bin [unreadable] This year continued efforts have to four publications in this area. we have written (1) a book chapter where we have applied our general of", "change_char_case": " yet rigorous result for the wiDth of FRET eFficiEncY diStRibuTion And showed that tHE shaPe of the distribution depEnds dRaMAticALlY on thE bin sizE.[UnREAdaBlE] [uNreAdABlE] This YeaR our conTinued effoRts HaVe lead to four PUbLications iN thIs area. First, wE haVe writTeN (1) a bOOk chaPteR wherE we havE ApplieD our generAl THeory oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " yet rigorous result for t he width o f FRE T e ffi ci ency dis tribution ands howe d that the shape of th e dis tr i buti o ndepen ds dram a ti c a lly o nthe b i nsize. [un readabl e] [unread abl e] This year o u rcontinuedeff orts have le adto fou rpub l icati ons in t his ar e a. Fir st, we ha ve writte n (1) ab o ok cha pter where we hav e a p plied our gene ral th eo r yo f ", "underscore_trick": " yet_rigorous result_for the width of_FRET efficiency_distribution_and showed_that_the shape of_the distribution depends_dramatically on the bin_size.[unreadable] [unreadable] This_year_our continued efforts have lead to four publications in this area. First, we have_written_(1) a_book_chapter_where we have applied our_general theory of"} +{"text": " will be able to gather data on patients even when the retinal defect lies in the area required to fixate. The device will consist of both hardware and software, ant the test administered to the patient will be similar to available automatic perimeter, which include computerized algorithms resulting in a rapid test, storage and analysis of data, and", "synonym_substitution": "will be able to gather data on patients even when the retinal defect dwell in the sphere required to fixate. The device will consist of both hardware and software, ant the trial administer to the patient will be similar to available automatic circumference, which admit computerized algorithms resulting in a rapid test, storage and analysis of datum, and", "butter_fingers": " wipl be able to gather datx on patients erwn whei the rstinal ddfect lies in the area requiced ro fizate. The device will cunsist of both haedwace and software, eht the bzst aslinivvered to the pajient will ba similar to aeaklcble automatic perimeter, which incluqe compitfrized algoritrms gefultjng in a rapid test, storage and anzlysis mf data, and", "random_deletion": "will be able to gather data on when retinal defect in the area will of both hardware software, ant the administered to the patient will be to available automatic perimeter, which include computerized algorithms resulting in a rapid test, and analysis of data, and", "change_char_case": " will be able to gather data on pAtients eveN when The RetInAl deFect Lies in the area rEQuirEd to fixate. The device wilL consIsT Of boTH hArdwaRe and soFTwARE, anT tHe TesT aDMiNisteRed To the paTient will bE siMiLar to availabLE aUtomatic peRimEter, which incLudE compuTeRizED algoRitHms reSultinG In a rapId test, stoRaGE and anALysis of DATa, And", "whitespace_perturbation": " will be able to gather da ta on pati entseve n w he n th e re tinal defect l i es i n the area required to fixa te . The de vicewill co n si s t of b ot h h ar d wa re an d s oftware , ant thetes tadministered to the patie ntwill be simi lar to av ai lab l e aut oma tic p erimet e r, whi ch includ ec ompute r ized al g o ri thms resulting in a r a pi d test, storage and a na l ys i s of da ta, and", "underscore_trick": " will_be able_to gather data on_patients even_when_the retinal_defect_lies in the_area required to_fixate. The device will_consist of both_hardware_and software, ant the test administered to the patient will be similar to available_automatic_perimeter, which_include_computerized_algorithms resulting in a rapid_test, storage and analysis of_data, and"} +{"text": " RIM101 response in S. cerevisiae. In the third Aim we will extend the original fitness profiling by direct selection for S. cerevisiae deletion mutants resistant to the peptide. Public Health Relevance: Due to the declining rate of discovery of new antibiotics and antifungal agents, and spread of resistant strains of pathogens, there is urgent", "synonym_substitution": "RIM101 response in S. cerevisiae. In the third Aim we will extend the original fitness profiling by lineal survival for S. cerevisiae deletion mutants insubordinate to the peptide. Public Health Relevance: Due to the refuse rate of discovery of new antibiotic and antifungal agents, and spread of immune strains of pathogens, there be urgent", "butter_fingers": " RIL101 response in S. cerevisixe. In the third Aim we will sxtend tfe original fitness profilinj by dirext selection for S. cerdvisiae dvletion mytanus resistant to tis peptide. Pubmlc Heclvh Relevance: Dug to the decnining rate of dkseovery of new antibiotics and antifuggal agrnhs, and spread jf rtsiftanf strains of pathogens, there is urfent", "random_deletion": "RIM101 response in S. cerevisiae. In the we extend the fitness profiling by deletion resistant to the Public Health Relevance: to the declining rate of discovery new antibiotics and antifungal agents, and spread of resistant strains of pathogens, there urgent", "change_char_case": " RIM101 response in S. cerevisiae. IN the third AIm we wIll ExtEnD the OrigInal fitness proFIlinG by direct selection for S. CerevIsIAe deLEtIon muTants reSIsTANt tO tHe PepTiDE. PUblic heaLth ReleVance: Due to The DeClining rate oF DiScovery of nEw aNtibiotics anD anTifungAl AgeNTs, and SprEad of ResistANt straIns of pathOgENs, therE Is urgenT", "whitespace_perturbation": " RIM101 response in S. cer evisiae. I n the th ird A im w e wi ll extend theo rigi nal fitness profilingby di re c t se l ec tionfor S.c er e v isi ae d ele ti o nmutan tsresista nt to thepep ti de. Public H e al th Relevan ce: Due to thedec lining r ate of di sco veryof new antibi otics and a n tifung a l agent s , a nd s pread of resistan t s t rains of patho gens,th e re i s u rge nt", "underscore_trick": " RIM101_response in_S. cerevisiae. In the_third Aim_we_will extend_the_original fitness profiling_by direct selection_for S. cerevisiae deletion_mutants resistant to_the_peptide. Public Health Relevance: Due to the declining rate of discovery of new antibiotics_and_antifungal agents,_and_spread_of resistant strains of pathogens,_there is urgent"} +{"text": "-infected women alters the spectrum, frequency, and severity of respiratory complications (both non- infectious and infectious) of HIV infection. Specifically, we surmise that in HIV-seropositive women, cigarette smoking increases airway hyperresponsiveness, accelerates the loss of lung function, and predisposes to the development", "synonym_substitution": "-infected women alters the spectrum, frequency, and severity of respiratory complications (both non- infectious and infectious) of HIV contagion. Specifically, we suspect that in HIV - seropositive womanhood, cigarette smoking increase air lane hyperresponsiveness, accelerates the loss of lung routine, and predispose to the development", "butter_fingers": "-inffcted women alters the skectrum, frequency, and seterity kf respifatory complications (both noi- indectiius and infectious) of FIV infecnion. Specuficelly, we surmise vgat in MNV-serkiositnvx women, cigaretje smoking itcreases airwaf fy'erresponsiveness, accelerates the lofs of linh function, and precyspoavs to the development", "random_deletion": "-infected women alters the spectrum, frequency, and respiratory (both non- and infectious) of that HIV-seropositive women, cigarette increases airway hyperresponsiveness, the loss of lung function, and to the development", "change_char_case": "-infected women alters the speCtrum, frequEncy, aNd sEveRiTy of RespIratory complicATionS (both non- infectious and iNfectIoUS) of Hiv iNfectIon. SpecIFiCALly, We SuRmiSe THaT in HIv-seRopositIve women, ciGarEtTe smoking incREaSes airway hYpeRresponsivenEss, AcceleRaTes THe losS of Lung fUnctioN, And preDisposes tO tHE develOPment", "whitespace_perturbation": "-infected women alters the spectrum, freq uen cy, a nd s ever ity of respira t orycomplications (both no n- in fe c tiou s a nd in fectiou s )o f HI Vin fec ti o n. Spec ifi cally,we surmise th at in HIV-sero p os itive wome n,cigarette sm oki ng inc re ase s airw ayhyper respon s ivenes s, accele ra t es the loss of l un g fu nction, and predi s po s es to the deve lopmen t", "underscore_trick": "-infected women_alters the_spectrum, frequency, and severity_of respiratory_complications_(both non-_infectious_and infectious) of_HIV infection. Specifically,_we surmise that in_HIV-seropositive women, cigarette_smoking_increases airway hyperresponsiveness, accelerates the loss of lung function, and predisposes to the development"} +{"text": " of NAFLD. Our preliminary studies identified the MAP3K mixed-lineage kinase 3 (MLK3) as an important mediator of saturated FFA- induced JNK signaling. Thus, we have demonstrated that MLK3 mediates FFA-induced JNK activation, promotes obesity-induced insulin resistance and modulates FFA-", "synonym_substitution": "of NAFLD. Our preliminary studies identified the MAP3 K mixed - lineage kinase 3 (MLK3) as an authoritative mediator of saturated FFA- induce JNK signaling. Thus, we have demonstrated that MLK3 mediates FFA - induce JNK activation, promotes fleshiness - induced insulin resistance and modulates FFA-", "butter_fingers": " of NAFLD. Our preliminary suudies identified the MA'3K mixes-lineage kinase 3 (MLK3) as an important mwdiatir of saturated FFA- inauced JNK signalibg. Tius, we have demoiatrated that JPK3 mzdmates FFA-inducec JNK actieation, promotev ubzsity-induced insulin resistance and iodulatrs FFA-", "random_deletion": "of NAFLD. Our preliminary studies identified the kinase (MLK3) as important mediator of Thus, have demonstrated that mediates FFA-induced JNK promotes obesity-induced insulin resistance and modulates", "change_char_case": " of NAFLD. Our preliminary studIes identifIed thE MAp3K mIxEd-liNeagE kinase 3 (MLK3) as an IMporTant mediator of saturateD FFA- iNdUCed Jnk sIgnalIng. Thus, WE hAVE deMoNsTraTeD ThAt MLK3 MedIates FFa-induced JNk acTiVation, promotES oBesity-induCed Insulin resisTanCe and mOdUlaTEs FFA-", "whitespace_perturbation": " of NAFLD. Our preliminary studies i denti fie d t he MAP 3K m ixed-lineage k i nase 3 (MLK3) as an import ant m ed i ator of satu rated F F A- i ndu ce dJNK s i gn aling . T hus, we have demo nst ra ted that MLK 3 m ediates FF A-i nduced JNK a cti vation ,pro m otesobe sity- induce d insul in resist an c e andm odulate s FF A-", "underscore_trick": " of_NAFLD. Our_preliminary studies identified the_MAP3K mixed-lineage_kinase_3 (MLK3)_as_an important mediator_of saturated FFA-_induced JNK signaling. Thus,_we have demonstrated_that_MLK3 mediates FFA-induced JNK activation, promotes obesity-induced insulin resistance and modulates FFA-"} +{"text": " underlying cause for the disproportionate increase in fracture risk among diabetics and the elderly is currently unknown. Consequently, there is a need to identify the biophysical basis of the age- and diabetes-related changes in bone that decrease fracture resistance, not just bone strength. Addressing this, the proposal aims to determine whether increases in", "synonym_substitution": "underlying cause for the disproportionate increase in fracture risk among diabetic and the aged is presently unknown. Consequently, there is a need to name the biophysical basis of the age- and diabetes - related changes in bone that decrease fracture electric resistance, not just bone strength. address this, the proposal aims to settle whether increases in", "butter_fingers": " unferlying cause for the dlsproportionate nbcreasx in frzcture rksk among diabetics and the xldeely iw currently unknown. Covsequentlj, there iw a ieed to identify the bioikysiczp bavms of the age- akd diabetes-selated changev kn bone that decrease fracture resistwnce, noy uust bone streggth. Wddrsssing this, the proposal aims to dstermint whether increasex in", "random_deletion": "underlying cause for the disproportionate increase in among and the is currently unknown. to the biophysical basis the age- and changes in bone that decrease fracture not just bone strength. Addressing this, the proposal aims to determine whether increases", "change_char_case": " underlying cause for the dispRoportionaTe incReaSe iN fRactUre rIsk among diabetICs anD the elderly is currently UnknoWn. cOnseQUeNtly, tHere is a NEeD TO idEnTiFy tHe BIoPhysiCal Basis of The age- and dIabEtEs-related chaNGeS in bone thaT deCrease fractuRe rEsistaNcE, noT Just bOne StrenGth. AddREssing This, the prOpOSal aimS To deterMINe WhetHer increases in", "whitespace_perturbation": " underlying cause for thedisproport ionat e i ncr ea se i n fr acture risk am o ng d iabetics and the elder ly is c u rren t ly unkn own. Co n se q u ent ly ,the re is a ne edto iden tify the b iop hy sical basiso fthe age- a nddiabetes-rel ate d chan ge s i n bone th at de crease fractu re resist an c e, not just bo n e s tren gth. Addressing t h is , the proposalaims t od et e r min e w hether inc re asesi n", "underscore_trick": " underlying_cause for_the disproportionate increase in_fracture risk_among_diabetics and_the_elderly is currently_unknown. Consequently, there_is a need to_identify the biophysical_basis_of the age- and diabetes-related changes in bone that decrease fracture resistance, not just_bone_strength. Addressing_this,_the_proposal aims to determine whether_increases in"} +{"text": " study has three broad aims. The first is to investigate the role of parenting behavior and practices for black and white adolescents as a factor in the use of drugs. The second is to investigate how parenting behavior and practices in the context of different family structures may be a factor in the use of drugs for black and white adolescents.", "synonym_substitution": "study has three broad aims. The inaugural is to investigate the function of parenting behavior and practices for black and ashen adolescents as a factor in the manipulation of drug. The second is to investigate how parenting behavior and practices in the context of different family structures may be a gene in the use of drugs for bootleg and white adolescents.", "butter_fingers": " stkdy has three broad aims. The first is to invesvigate fhe role of parenting behavior and pcactuces dor black and white adulescents as a faxtor un the use of drugs. The accond ms to investigaje how parending behavior dna 'ractices in the context of differene familu dtructures may be s facfor in the use of drugs for black znd whiue adolescents.", "random_deletion": "study has three broad aims. The first investigate role of behavior and practices as factor in the of drugs. The is to investigate how parenting behavior practices in the context of different family structures may be a factor in use of drugs for black and white adolescents.", "change_char_case": " study has three broad aims. The First is to iNvestIgaTe tHe Role Of paRenting behavioR And pRactices for black and whiTe adoLeSCentS As A factOr in the USe OF DruGs. thE seCoND iS to inVesTigate hOw parentinG beHaVior and practICeS in the contExt Of different fAmiLy struCtUreS May be A faCtor iN the usE Of drugS for black AnD White aDOlescenTS.", "whitespace_perturbation": " study has three broad aim s. The fir st is to in ve stig atethe role of pa r enti ng behavior and practi ces f or blac k a nd wh ite ado l es c e nts a sa f ac t or in t heuse ofdrugs. The se co nd is to inv e st igate howpar enting behav ior and p ra cti c es in th e con text o f diffe rent fami ly struct u res may b ea fa ctor in the use o f d r ugs for blackand wh it e a d o les cen ts.", "underscore_trick": " study_has three_broad aims. The first_is to_investigate_the role_of_parenting behavior and_practices for black_and white adolescents as_a factor in_the_use of drugs. The second is to investigate how parenting behavior and practices in_the_context of_different_family_structures may be a factor_in the use of drugs_for black_and white adolescents."} +{"text": " arriving at the identified cusps at a faster pace. Specific aims 4 and 5 are to determine whether specific intervention procedures are effective in helping individuals with severe mental retardation make the transition from presymbolic, distal gesture communication to referential symbolic communication (Aim 4); and across one or more other critical cusps", "synonym_substitution": "arriving at the identified cusps at a faster yard. Specific drive 4 and 5 are to determine whether specific intervention procedures are effective in help individuals with severe genial retardation make the transition from presymbolic, distal gesture communication to referential emblematic communication (Aim 4); and across one or more early critical cusps", "butter_fingers": " argiving at the identified cusps at a fasjee pace. Speciric aims 4 and 5 are to determine whetier wpecidic intervention proceaures are effectice ii helping indivivhals wibk sevsve meutel retardation kake the tsansition from pfedymbolic, distal gesture communicatijn to rrffrential symbojic boimunjbauion (Aim 4); and across one or more kther cgitical cusps", "random_deletion": "arriving at the identified cusps at a Specific 4 and are to determine effective helping individuals with mental retardation make transition from presymbolic, distal gesture communication referential symbolic communication (Aim 4); and across one or more other critical cusps", "change_char_case": " arriving at the identified cuSps at a fastEr pacE. SpEciFiC aimS 4 and 5 Are to determine WHethEr specific intervention ProceDuREs arE EfFectiVe in helPInG INdiViDuAls WiTH sEvere MenTal retaRdation makE thE tRansition froM PrEsymbolic, dIstAl gesture comMunIcatioN tO reFErentIal SymboLic comMUnicatIon (Aim 4); and AcROss one OR more otHER cRitiCal cusps", "whitespace_perturbation": " arriving at the identifie d cusps at a fa ste r p ac e. S peci fic aims 4 and 5 ar e to determine whether spec if i c in t er venti on proc e du r e s a re e ffe ct i ve in h elp ing ind ividuals w ith s evere mental re tardationmak e the transi tio n from p res y mboli c,dista l gest u re com municatio nt o refe r entials y mb olic communication (A i m4 ); and acrossone or m o re o the r c ritical cu sp s", "underscore_trick": " arriving_at the_identified cusps at a_faster pace._Specific_aims 4_and_5 are to_determine whether specific_intervention procedures are effective_in helping individuals_with_severe mental retardation make the transition from presymbolic, distal gesture communication to referential symbolic_communication_(Aim 4);_and_across_one or more other critical_cusps"} +{"text": " is a leading cause of mortality among patients with COPD, and obesity is associated with important risk factors for cardiovascular disease including dyslipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes. Comprehensive lifestyle interventions that include calorie-controlled healthy eating, increased physical activity, and behavioral self-management strategies consistently result in modest, clinically significant weight loss and associated reductions", "synonym_substitution": "is a leading cause of mortality among patients with COPD, and fleshiness is consociate with important risk divisor for cardiovascular disease include dyslipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes. Comprehensive lifestyle intervention that admit calorie - controlled healthy eating, increased physical activity, and behavioral self - management strategy consistently result in meek, clinically meaning weight loss and associated reduction", "butter_fingers": " is a leading cause of mortxlity among patnwnts wmth COPS, and obdsity is associated with implrrant eisk factors for cardiuvascular disease incoyding dyslmlidemia, hyperfcnsiou, end diabetes. Cokprehensiva lifestyle indefvzntions that include calorie-controllqd healyhj eating, increwsed [hysjbao activity, and behavioral selr-managekent strategirs consistently result in lodedt, clinically signlficant weitht jiss and assoziated redletions", "random_deletion": "is a leading cause of mortality among COPD, obesity is with important risk dyslipidemia, and diabetes. Comprehensive interventions that include healthy eating, increased physical activity, and self-management strategies consistently result in modest, clinically significant weight loss and associated reductions", "change_char_case": " is a leading cause of mortalitY among patiEnts wIth cOPd, aNd obEsitY is associated wITh imPortant risk factors for cArdioVaSCulaR DiSease IncludiNG dYSLipIdEmIa, hYpERtEnsioN, anD diabetEs. CompreheNsiVe Lifestyle intERvEntions thaT inClude calorie-ConTrolleD hEalTHy eatIng, IncreAsed phYSical aCtivity, anD bEHaviorAL self-maNAGeMent Strategies consistENtLY result in modesT, cliniCaLLy SIGniFicAnt weight lOsS and aSSociateD ReDUCTioNS", "whitespace_perturbation": " is a leading cause of mor tality amo ng pa tie nts w ithCOPD , and obesityi s as sociated with importan t ris kf acto r sfor c ardiova s cu l a r d is ea sein c lu dingdys lipidem ia, hypert ens io n, and diabe t es . Comprehe nsi ve lifestyle in terven ti ons thatinc ludecalori e -contr olled hea lt h y eati n g, incr e a se d ph ysical activity,a nd behavioral sel f-mana ge m en t str ate gies consi st ently resulti nm o d est , clinically s ignificantw eig ht los sand associ atedre d uct ions", "underscore_trick": " is_a leading_cause of mortality among_patients with_COPD,_and obesity_is_associated with important_risk factors for_cardiovascular disease including dyslipidemia,_hypertension, and diabetes._Comprehensive_lifestyle interventions that include calorie-controlled healthy eating, increased physical activity, and behavioral self-management strategies_consistently_result in_modest,_clinically_significant weight loss and associated_reductions"} +{"text": " Applicants' preliminary studies, in which muscle injury was induced by tourniquet ischemia, Marcaine injection, or nerve-intact graft, indicate that experimental muscle injury in the SHR is associated with significantly slower and less complete regenerative recovery than occurs in the normotensive Wistar Kyoto rat (WKY).", "synonym_substitution": "Applicants' preliminary studies, in which muscle injury was induce by tourniquet ischemia, Marcaine injection, or heart - intact graft, indicate that experimental brawn injury in the SHR is associated with importantly slower and less complete regenerative recovery than happen in the normotensive Wistar Kyoto rat (WKY).", "butter_fingers": " Apolicants' preliminary stuaies, in which mosxle inoury waa inducea by tourniquet ischemia, Marrainw injtbtion, or nerve-intact eraft, indpcate thar exkerimental muscle injury lu the DHR ns associated wijh significattly slower ang ueds complete regenerative recovery tran occird in the normojensine Wisfar Kyoto rat (WKY).", "random_deletion": "Applicants' preliminary studies, in which muscle injury by ischemia, Marcaine or nerve-intact graft, in SHR is associated significantly slower and complete regenerative recovery than occurs in normotensive Wistar Kyoto rat (WKY).", "change_char_case": " Applicants' preliminary studIes, in which MusclE inJurY wAs inDuceD by tourniquet iSChemIa, Marcaine injection, or nErve-iNtACt grAFt, IndicAte that EXpERImeNtAl MusClE InJury iN thE SHR is aSsociated wIth SiGnificantly sLOwEr and less cOmpLete regeneraTivE recovErY thAN occuRs iN the nOrmoteNSive WiStar Kyoto RaT (wKY).", "whitespace_perturbation": " Applicants' preliminary s tudies, in whic h m usc le inj urywas induced by tour niquet ischemia, Marca ine i nj e ctio n ,or ne rve-int a ct g raf t, i ndi ca t ethatexp eriment al muscleinj ur y in the SHR is associate d w ith signific ant ly slo we r a n d les s c omple te reg e nerati ve recove ry than o c curs in t he nor motensive WistarK yo t o rat (WKY).", "underscore_trick": " Applicants'_preliminary studies,_in which muscle injury_was induced_by_tourniquet ischemia,_Marcaine_injection, or nerve-intact_graft, indicate that_experimental muscle injury in_the SHR is_associated_with significantly slower and less complete regenerative recovery than occurs in the normotensive Wistar_Kyoto_rat (WKY)."} +{"text": ", low maternal prepregnancy weight, etc.) will be tested for significance in modifying intrauterine growth patterns. In addition to the study described above, a prospective study to determine risk factors for intrauterine growth retardation, or small-for-gestational age birth, was begun in 1984 through the research contract mechanism with", "synonym_substitution": ", low maternal prepregnancy weight, etc .) will be tested for meaning in change intrauterine growth patterns. In accession to the report described above, a prospective study to specify risk factors for intrauterine increase retardation, or small - for - gestational old age birth, was begun in 1984 through the inquiry contract mechanism with", "butter_fingers": ", loa maternal prepregnancy deight, etc.) will be tesved for signifizance in modifying intrautermne trowty patterns. In addition to the snudy desceibev above, a prosperfive stmby to fetexmmne risk factorx for intrduterine growtv fecardation, or small-for-gestational age birth, ead begun in 1984 thtough ehe dvstarch contract mechanism with", "random_deletion": ", low maternal prepregnancy weight, etc.) will for in modifying growth patterns. In above, prospective study to risk factors for growth retardation, or small-for-gestational age birth, begun in 1984 through the research contract mechanism with", "change_char_case": ", low maternal prepregnancy weIght, etc.) wilL be teSteD foR sIgniFicaNce in modifying INtraUterine growth patterns. IN addiTiON to tHE sTudy dEscribeD AbOVE, a pRoSpEctIvE StUdy to DetErmine rIsk factors For InTrauterine grOWtH retardatiOn, oR small-for-gesTatIonal aGe BirTH, was bEguN in 1984 thRough tHE reseaRch contraCt MEchaniSM with", "whitespace_perturbation": ", low maternal prepregnanc y weight,etc.) wi llbe tes tedfor significan c e in modifying intrauterin e gro wt h pat t er ns. I n addit i on t o t he s tud yd es cribe d a bove, a prospecti vest udy to deter m in e risk fac tor s for intrau ter ine gr ow thr etard ati on, o r smal l -for-g estationa la ge bir t h, wasb e gu n in 1984 through the re s earch contract mecha ni s mw i th", "underscore_trick": ", low_maternal prepregnancy_weight, etc.) will be_tested for_significance_in modifying_intrauterine_growth patterns. In_addition to the_study described above, a_prospective study to_determine_risk factors for intrauterine growth retardation, or small-for-gestational age birth, was begun in 1984_through_the research_contract_mechanism_with"} +{"text": " Joseph Haseman, the dataset is undergoing multivariate analysis to examine correlations between immunologic effects and in vivo and in vitro biomarkers of exposure, and to determine the effects of confounding variables such as gender, smoking status, etc. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a major regulator of mineral homeostasis and bone metabolism. In", "synonym_substitution": "Joseph Haseman, the dataset is undergoing multivariate analysis to examine correlations between immunological effect and in vivo and in vitro biomarkers of exposure, and to determine the effect of confuse variables such as gender, fume condition, etc. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a major regulator of mineral homeostasis and bone metabolism. In", "butter_fingers": " Jodeph Haseman, the dataset is undergoing multivaciate ahalysis go examine correlations betwxen ummunilogic effects and in xivo and pn vitro viomerkers of exposucs, and to detedline vhe effects of gonfounding variables sucv xs gender, smoking status, etc. Parathyrjid horkoje (PTH) is a mator gedulafor of mineral homeostasis and bons metabmlism. In", "random_deletion": "Joseph Haseman, the dataset is undergoing multivariate examine between immunologic and in vivo exposure, to determine the of confounding variables as gender, smoking status, etc. Parathyroid (PTH) is a major regulator of mineral homeostasis and bone metabolism. In", "change_char_case": " Joseph Haseman, the dataset is Undergoing MultiVarIatE aNalySis tO examine correlATionS between immunologic effEcts aNd IN vivO AnD in viTro biomARkERS of ExPoSurE, aND tO deteRmiNe the efFects of conFouNdIng variables SUcH as gender, sMokIng status, etc. parAthyroId HorMOne (PTh) is A majoR regulATor of mIneral homEoSTasis aND bone meTABoLism. in", "whitespace_perturbation": " Joseph Haseman, the datas et is unde rgoin g m ult iv aria te a nalysis to exa m inecorrelations between i mmuno lo g ic e f fe cts a nd in v i vo a ndin v itr ob io marke rsof expo sure, andtode termine thee ff ects of co nfo unding varia ble s such a s g e nder, sm oking statu s , etc. Parathyr oi d hormo n e (PTH) i sa ma jor regulator ofm in e ral homeostasi s andbo n em e tab oli sm. In", "underscore_trick": " Joseph_Haseman, the_dataset is undergoing multivariate_analysis to_examine_correlations between_immunologic_effects and in_vivo and in_vitro biomarkers of exposure,_and to determine_the_effects of confounding variables such as gender, smoking status, etc. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is_a_major regulator_of_mineral_homeostasis and bone metabolism. In"} +{"text": " George Bosl, Mentor), geriatrics (Dr. Mark Lachs, Co-Mentor), psychosocial research (Dr. Alice Kornblith, Advisor), and biostatistics (Dr. Katherine Panageas and Dr. Bercedis Peterson, collaborators). Through this career development award", "synonym_substitution": "George Bosl, Mentor), geriatrics (Dr. Mark Lachs, Co - Mentor), psychosocial research (Dr. Alice Kornblith, Advisor), and biostatistics (Dr. Katherine Panageas and Dr. Bercedis Peterson, collaborators). Through this career development prize", "butter_fingers": " Gelrge Bosl, Mentor), geriatrlcs (Dr. Mark Lachs, Co-Menvor), psydhosociau research (Dr. Alice Kornbliti, Adcisor), and biostatistics (Dr. Yatherine Panageaw anv Dr. Bercedis Pevsrson, collabodwtorv). Through this gareer devenopment award", "random_deletion": "George Bosl, Mentor), geriatrics (Dr. Mark Lachs, research Alice Kornblith, and biostatistics (Dr. Peterson, Through this career award", "change_char_case": " George Bosl, Mentor), geriatricS (Dr. Mark LacHs, Co-MEntOr), pSyChosOciaL research (Dr. AliCE KorNblith, Advisor), and biostaTistiCs (dR. KatHErIne PaNageas aND DR. bErcEdIs petErSOn, CollaBorAtors). ThRough this cAreEr Development aWArD", "whitespace_perturbation": " George Bosl, Mentor), ger iatrics (D r. Ma rkLac hs , Co -Men tor), psychoso c ialresearch (Dr. Alice Ko rnbli th , Adv i so r), a nd bios t at i s tic s(D r.Ka t he rinePan ageas a nd Dr. Ber ced is Peterson, c o ll aborators) . T hrough thiscar eer de ve lop m ent a war d", "underscore_trick": " George_Bosl, Mentor),_geriatrics (Dr. Mark Lachs,_Co-Mentor), psychosocial_research_(Dr. Alice_Kornblith,_Advisor), and biostatistics_(Dr. Katherine Panageas_and Dr. Bercedis Peterson,_collaborators). Through this_career_development award"} +{"text": " which appropriate clinical cases will appear. Nevertheless, by monitoring a properly prepared set of behavioral tasks and by keeping the five topics as signposts, we are more likely to make maximal use of the patients who might come our way. Breast cancer among Filipina American women represents a major but largely neglected cancer disparity; -first,", "synonym_substitution": "which appropriate clinical cases will appear. Nevertheless, by monitor a by rights prepared set of behavioral undertaking and by continue the five topics as signposts, we are more probable to make maximal use of the patients who might arrive our way. Breast cancer among Filipina American women represent a major but largely neglected cancer disparity; -first,", "butter_fingers": " whlch appropriate clinical cases will appgae. Nevecthelesa, by monktoring a properly prepared der of vehavioral tasks and bh keeping the fivw tokics as signposts, we are more ljnely vo make maximal use of tha patients who mkgkt come our way. Breast cancer among Silipins Wmerican women repgefenta a major but largely neglected cahcer divparity; -first,", "random_deletion": "which appropriate clinical cases will appear. Nevertheless, a prepared set behavioral tasks and as we are more to make maximal of the patients who might come way. Breast cancer among Filipina American women represents a major but largely neglected disparity; -first,", "change_char_case": " which appropriate clinical cAses will apPear. NEveRthElEss, bY monItoring a properLY prePared set of behavioral taSks anD bY KeepINg The fiVe topicS As SIGnpOsTs, We aRe MOrE likeLy tO make maXimal use of The PaTients who migHT cOme our way. BReaSt cancer amonG FiLipina amEriCAn womEn rEpresEnts a mAJor but Largely neGlECted caNCer dispARItY; -firSt,", "whitespace_perturbation": " which appropriate clinica l cases wi ll ap pea r.Ne vert hele ss, by monitor i ng a properly prepared set of b eh a vior a ltasks and by ke e p ing t he fi ve to picsassignpos ts, we are mo re likely to m a ke maximal u seof the patie nts who m ig htc ome o urway.Breast cancer among Fi li p ina Am e rican w o m en rep resents a major b u tl argely neglect ed can ce r d i s par ity ; -first,", "underscore_trick": " which_appropriate clinical_cases will appear. Nevertheless,_by monitoring_a_properly prepared_set_of behavioral tasks_and by keeping_the five topics as_signposts, we are_more_likely to make maximal use of the patients who might come our way. Breast_cancer_among Filipina_American_women_represents a major but largely_neglected cancer disparity; -first,"} +{"text": " the genomic basis for this variability through a series of interrelated studies addressing a breadth of modern and classical anticancer agents. This will include both laboratory and translational clinical studies. There are two main objectives of this research: (1) to develop the methodology - utilizing both instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation analysis - to determine selected element", "synonym_substitution": "the genomic basis for this variability through a series of interrelated report cover a breadth of mod and authoritative anticancer agents. This will include both laboratory and translational clinical study. There are two main aim of this research: (1) to develop the methodology - utilize both instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation psychoanalysis - to determine selected element", "butter_fingers": " thf genomic basis for this variability thtoygh a veries of intefrelated studies addressing e brwadth of modern and classicxl anticajcer agebts. Uhis will include both lanjratkvy anb vranslational ckinical stgdies. There ara gwl main objectives of this research: (1) to devrllp the methodojogy - utimpzlng both instrumental and radiocgemical neutron actifation analysis - to determlne delected element", "random_deletion": "the genomic basis for this variability through of studies addressing breadth of modern will both laboratory and clinical studies. There two main objectives of this research: to develop the methodology - utilizing both instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation analysis to determine selected element", "change_char_case": " the genomic basis for this varIability thRough A seRieS oF intErreLated studies adDRessIng a breadth of modern and ClassIcAL antICaNcer aGents. ThIS wILL inClUdE boTh LAbOratoRy aNd transLational clIniCaL studies. TherE ArE two main obJecTives of this rEseArch: (1) to DeVelOP the mEthOdoloGy - utilIZing boTh instrumEnTAl and rADiochemICAl NeutRon activation analYSiS - To determine selEcted eLeMEnT", "whitespace_perturbation": " the genomic basis for thi s variabil ity t hro ugh a ser iesof interrelate d stu dies addressing a brea dth o fm oder n a nd cl assical an t i can ce rage nt s .Thiswil l inclu de both la bor at ory and tran s la tional cli nic al studies.The re are t wom ain o bje ctive s of t h is res earch: (1 )t o deve l op them e th odol ogy - utilizing b o th instrumental a nd rad io c he m i cal ne utron acti va tiona nalysis -t o det e rmine selecte d element", "underscore_trick": " the_genomic basis_for this variability through_a series_of_interrelated studies_addressing_a breadth of_modern and classical_anticancer agents. This will_include both laboratory_and_translational clinical studies. There are two main objectives of this research: (1) to develop_the_methodology -_utilizing_both_instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation_analysis - to determine selected_element"} +{"text": " Procurement Core to transplant fetal tissue as it becomes available into xenogeneic hosts. As such, the Core will maintain host animals for instant availability, and its personnel will have the shared responsibility of performing surgical requests within a time frame that allows confidence in graft viability upon implantation. The Xenotransplantation Core will pursue these", "synonym_substitution": "Procurement Core to transplant fetal tissue as it becomes available into xenogeneic hosts. As such, the Core will maintain server animal for instant availability, and its force will own the shared responsibility of do surgical request within a time human body that allows confidence in bribery viability upon implantation. The Xenotransplantation Core will pursue these", "butter_fingers": " Prlcurement Core to transpuant fetal tissoe as it becomss availxble into xenogeneic hosts. Ad wuch, uke Core will maintaiv host anpmals for insuant availability, and its persohkel wnlo have the shated responsitility of perfmroiug surgical requests within a time fwame thst allows confidgnce pn grarn yiability upon implantation. The Senotraisplantation Cote will pursue these", "random_deletion": "Procurement Core to transplant fetal tissue as available xenogeneic hosts. such, the Core instant and its personnel have the shared of performing surgical requests within a frame that allows confidence in graft viability upon implantation. The Xenotransplantation Core will these", "change_char_case": " Procurement Core to transplaNt fetal tisSue as It bEcoMeS avaIlabLe into xenogeneIC hosTs. As such, the Core will maiNtain HoST aniMAlS for iNstant aVAiLABilItY, aNd iTs PErSonneL wiLl have tHe shared reSpoNsIbility of perFOrMing surgicAl rEquests withiN a tIme fraMe ThaT AllowS coNfideNce in gRAft viaBility upoN iMPlantaTIon. The XENOtRansPlantation Core wilL PuRSue these", "whitespace_perturbation": " Procurement Core to trans plant feta l tis sue as i t be come s available in t o xe nogeneic hosts. As suc h, th eC orew il l mai ntain h o st a nim al sfor i n st ant a vai labilit y, and its pe rs onnel will h a ve the share d r esponsibilit y o f perf or min g surg ica l req uestsw ithina time fr am e thata llows c o n fi denc e in graft viabil i ty upon implantat ion. T he Xe n o tra nsp lantationCo re wi l l pursu e t h e s e", "underscore_trick": " Procurement_Core to_transplant fetal tissue as_it becomes_available_into xenogeneic_hosts._As such, the_Core will maintain_host animals for instant_availability, and its_personnel_will have the shared responsibility of performing surgical requests within a time frame that_allows_confidence in_graft_viability_upon implantation. The Xenotransplantation Core_will pursue these"} +{"text": " the proposed program is \"ROAD MAP TO R01 SUPPORT\". Building on some of the success of our current SCORE participants (only 3 are returning in this application, as some have moved on to other individual support -one R01);the program's expectations are being raised leading to the following goals of opportunity:", "synonym_substitution": "the proposed program is \" ROAD MAP TO R01 SUPPORT \". Building on some of the achiever of our current sexual conquest participants (only 3 are revert in this lotion, as some have moved on to other individual documentation -one R01);the program's expectations are being raise leading to the following goal of opportunity:", "butter_fingers": " thf proposed program is \"ROXD MAP TO R01 SUPKOET\". Buinding kn some uf the success of our currenv SCIRE pqrticipants (only 3 are feturning in this appoucation, as some hayz movsf on vo other indivicual suppost -one R01);the prmgfal's expectations are being raised lewding tp hhe following doalx of kipirtunity:", "random_deletion": "the proposed program is \"ROAD MAP TO Building some of success of our are in this application, some have moved to other individual support -one R01);the expectations are being raised leading to the following goals of opportunity:", "change_char_case": " the proposed program is \"ROAD MaP TO R01 SUPPOrT\". BuiLdiNg oN sOme oF the Success of our cuRRent sCORE participants (only 3 aRe retUrNIng iN ThIs appLicatioN, As SOMe hAvE mOveD oN To Other IndIvidual Support -one r01);thE pRogram's expecTAtIons are beiNg rAised leading To tHe follOwIng GOals oF opPortuNity:", "whitespace_perturbation": " the proposed program is \" ROAD MAP T O R01 SU PPO RT \". B uild ing on some of thesuccess of our current SCOR Ep arti c ip ants(only 3 ar e ret ur ni ngin th is ap pli cation, as some h ave m oved on to o t he r individu alsupport -one R0 1);the p rog r am'sexp ectat ions a r e bein g raisedle a ding t o the fo l l ow inggoals of opportun i ty : ", "underscore_trick": " the_proposed program_is \"ROAD MAP TO_R01 SUPPORT\"._Building_on some_of_the success of_our current SCORE_participants (only 3 are_returning in this_application,_as some have moved on to other individual support -one R01);the program's expectations are_being_raised leading_to_the_following goals of opportunity:"} +{"text": "ilibrum (LD) analyses. LD is the non-random association between alleles at different loci. By tracking genetic markers in LD with a disease phenotype, a genomic region harboring a causal variant can be localized. With association studies, it is necessary to determine the haplotype structure of any given region. Recent studies have demonstrated", "synonym_substitution": "ilibrum (LD) analyses. LD is the non - random association between alleles at different locus. By chase genetic markers in LD with a disease phenotype, a genomic region harbor a causal variant can be localized. With affiliation studies, it is necessary to determine the haplotype structure of any contribute region. Recent report have demonstrated", "butter_fingers": "ilihrum (LD) analyses. LD is tme non-random associatioi betwesn allelds at different loci. By tracnibg gebetic markers in LD wigh a disewse phenitypt, a genomic regioi harborlug a dwusan variant can bg localized. Fith associatimn scudies, it is necessary to determine ehe hapkohype structure of sgy gjnek region. Recent studies have demknstrattd", "random_deletion": "ilibrum (LD) analyses. LD is the non-random alleles different loci. tracking genetic markers phenotype, genomic region harboring causal variant can localized. With association studies, it is to determine the haplotype structure of any given region. Recent studies have demonstrated", "change_char_case": "ilibrum (LD) analyses. LD is the nOn-random asSociaTioN beTwEen aLlelEs at different lOCi. By Tracking genetic markers In LD wItH A disEAsE phenOtype, a gENoMIC reGiOn HarBoRInG a cauSal Variant Can be localIzeD. WIth associatiON sTudies, it is NecEssary to deteRmiNe the hApLotYPe strUctUre of Any givEN regioN. Recent stUdIEs have DEmonstrATEd", "whitespace_perturbation": "ilibrum (LD) analyses. LDis the non -rand omass oc iati on b etween alleles at d ifferent loci. By trac kingge n etic ma rkers in LDw it h a d is ea seph e no type, agenomic region ha rbo ri ng a causalv ar iant can b e l ocalized. Wi thassoci at ion studi es, it i s nece s sary t o determi ne the ha p lotypes t ru ctur e of any given re g io n . Recent studi es hav ed em o n str ate d", "underscore_trick": "ilibrum (LD)_analyses. LD_is the non-random association_between alleles_at_different loci._By_tracking genetic markers_in LD with_a disease phenotype, a_genomic region harboring_a_causal variant can be localized. With association studies, it is necessary to determine the_haplotype_structure of_any_given_region. Recent studies have demonstrated"} +{"text": " has been translated into Spanish, French, Dutch and Chinese and is currently being implemented in emergency departments in the U.S. and abroad. The tool is available on the NIMH website at http://www.nimh.nih.gov/news/science-news/ask-suicide-screening", "synonym_substitution": "has been translated into Spanish, French, Dutch and Chinese and is currently being implemented in emergency department in the U.S. and afield. The tool is available on the NIMH website at http://www.nimh.nih.gov/news/science-news/ask-suicide-screening", "butter_fingers": " had been translated into Skanish, French, Dutey and Rhinese and is zurrently being implemented mn energebcy departments in the U.S. and ahroad. Thw toio is availegle on bke NIJM webvmte at http://www.nlmh.nih.gov/nefs/science-news/avk-runcide-screening", "random_deletion": "has been translated into Spanish, French, Dutch and currently being in emergency departments The is available on NIMH website at", "change_char_case": " has been translated into SpanIsh, French, DUtch aNd CHinEsE and Is cuRrently being imPLemeNted in emergency departmEnts iN tHE U.S. aND aBroad. the tool IS aVAIlaBlE oN thE NimH WebsiTe aT http://wwW.nimh.nih.goV/neWs/Science-news/aSK-sUicide-screEniNg", "whitespace_perturbation": " has been translated intoSpanish, F rench , D utc handChin ese and is cur r entl y being implemented in emer ge n cy d e pa rtmen ts in t h eU . S.an dabr oa d .The t ool is ava ilable onthe N IMH websitea thttp://www .ni mh.nih.gov/n ews /scien ce -ne w s/ask -su icide -scree n ing", "underscore_trick": " has_been translated_into Spanish, French, Dutch_and Chinese_and_is currently_being_implemented in emergency_departments in the_U.S. and abroad. The_tool is available_on_the NIMH website at http://www.nimh.nih.gov/news/science-news/ask-suicide-screening"} +{"text": ") engineered to express the IFN-g receptor (IFN-gR) will be used in studies with IFN-g receptor knockout (Rgko) mice to determine whether the effects of IFN-g are mediated through interaction with the receptor on infected neurons and other cells. The potential of IFN-g and TNF to", "synonym_substitution": ") engineered to express the IFN - g receptor (IFN - gR) will be used in report with IFN - g sense organ knockout (Rgko) mice to settle whether the impression of IFN - g are mediated through interaction with the receptor on infect nerve cell and other cells. The potential of IFN - g and TNF to", "butter_fingers": ") enhineered to express the LFN-g receptor (IFU-tR) wiln be uaed in sgudies with IFN-g receptor knlcjout (Egko) mice to determine whether nhe effecrs oh IFN-g are mediavsd thromyh infcractnoi with the recektor on infewted neurons atd ocher cells. The potential of IFN-g and TNF to", "random_deletion": ") engineered to express the IFN-g receptor be in studies IFN-g receptor knockout the of IFN-g are through interaction with receptor on infected neurons and other The potential of IFN-g and TNF to", "change_char_case": ") engineered to express the IFN-G receptor (IfN-gR) wIll Be uSeD in sTudiEs with IFN-g recePTor kNockout (Rgko) mice to deterMine wHeTHer tHE eFfectS of IFN-g ARe MEDiaTeD tHroUgH InTeracTioN with thE receptor oN inFeCted neurons aND oTher cells. THe pOtential of IFn-g aNd TNF tO", "whitespace_perturbation": ") engineered to express th e IFN-g re cepto r ( IFN -g R) w illbe used in stu d ieswith IFN-g receptor kn ockou t( Rgko ) m ice t o deter m in e whe th er th ee ff ectsofIFN-g a re mediate d t hr ough interac t io n with the re ceptor on in fec ted ne ur ons and o the r cel ls. Th e poten tial of I FN - g andT NF to", "underscore_trick": ") engineered_to express_the IFN-g receptor (IFN-gR)_will be_used_in studies_with_IFN-g receptor knockout_(Rgko) mice to_determine whether the effects_of IFN-g are_mediated_through interaction with the receptor on infected neurons and other cells. The potential of_IFN-g_and TNF_to"} +{"text": " spasticity, as seen after SDR. Exacerbation of weakness could prove problematic in these patients who are already significantly weak. The Specific Aims of this project are to:(1) quantify the changes in voluntary torque production, spasticity and selective control as a result of ITB; and (2)", "synonym_substitution": "spasticity, as seen after SDR. Exacerbation of weakness could prove debatable in these patient who are already significantly weak. The Specific Aims of this project are to:(1) quantify the change in voluntary torque production, spasticity and selective command as a solution of ITB; and (2 )", "butter_fingers": " spwsticity, as seen after SAR. Exacerbation of weanness dould pruve problematic in these patmentw who are already significavtly weak. The Spexifir Aims of this pckject avz to:(1) smantiyy the changes ik voluntary torque producdiun, spasticity and selective control af a resilh of ITB; and (2)", "random_deletion": "spasticity, as seen after SDR. Exacerbation of prove in these who are already of project are to:(1) the changes in torque production, spasticity and selective control a result of ITB; and (2)", "change_char_case": " spasticity, as seen after SDR. EXacerbatioN of weAknEss CoUld pRove Problematic in tHEse pAtients who are already siGnifiCaNTly wEAk. the SpEcific AIMs OF ThiS pRoJecT aRE tO:(1) quanTifY the chaNges in voluNtaRy Torque producTIoN, spasticitY anD selective coNtrOl as a rEsUlt OF ITB; aNd (2)", "whitespace_perturbation": " spasticity, as seen after SDR. Exac erbat ion of w eakn esscould prove pr o blem atic in these patients whoar e alr e ad y sig nifican t ly w eak .Th e S pe c if ic Ai msof this project a reto :(1) quantif y t he changes in voluntary t orq ue pro du cti o n, sp ast icity and s e lectiv e control a s a res u lt of I T B ;and(2)", "underscore_trick": " spasticity,_as seen_after SDR. Exacerbation of_weakness could_prove_problematic in_these_patients who are_already significantly weak._The Specific Aims of_this project are_to:(1)_quantify the changes in voluntary torque production, spasticity and selective control as a result_of_ITB; and_(2)"} +{"text": " the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS OF NEW PROBES AND METHODS FOR CORRELATED LIGHT AND ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, LIVE IMAGING, AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS In this subproject, our efforts", "synonym_substitution": "the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS OF newfangled PROBES AND METHODS FOR CORRELATED LIGHT AND ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, LIVE IMAGING, AND running ANALYSIS In this subproject, our efforts", "butter_fingers": " thf Center, which is not negessarily the institutimn for the invdstigator. DEVELOPMENT AND AP'LICQTIONW OF NEW PROBES AND MEGHODS FOR CORRELARED OUGHT AND ELECTRON MICROSDLPY, NMVE IMAGING, AND FUNCTIONAN ANALYSIS In dhks subproject, our efforts", "random_deletion": "the Center, which is not necessarily the the DEVELOPMENT AND OF NEW PROBES AND MICROSCOPY, LIVE IMAGING, FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS In subproject, our efforts", "change_char_case": " the Center, which is not necessArily the inStituTioN foR tHe inVestIgator. DEVELOPMenT ANd APPLICATIONS OF NEW PROBeS AND mEthODS foR cORRElATED LIghT and ELeCtRoN MiCroScOPY, LiVE iMAGING, aND FUNCTIOnAL aNaLYSIS In this SUbProject, our EffOrts", "whitespace_perturbation": " the Center, which is notnecessaril y the in sti tu tion for the investiga t or.DEVELOPMENT AND APPLIC ATION SO F NE W P ROBES AND ME T HO D S FO RCO RRE LA T ED LIGH T A ND ELEC TRON MICRO SCO PY , LIVE IMAGI N G, AND FUNCT ION AL ANALYSISInthis s ub pro j ect,our effo rts", "underscore_trick": " the_Center, which_is not necessarily the_institution for_the_investigator. DEVELOPMENT_AND_APPLICATIONS OF NEW_PROBES AND METHODS_FOR CORRELATED LIGHT AND_ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, LIVE_IMAGING,_AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS In this subproject, our efforts"} +{"text": " that MCs activate adult-born GCs primarily in distal locations, leading to stronger excitation of distal GCs than proximal GCs. By providing afferent input to immature GCs, MCs could play a critical role in behaviors associated with adult DG neurogenesis. Together these experiments will significantly advance our understanding of DG circuitry and", "synonym_substitution": "that MCs activate adult - born GCs chiefly in distal localization, leading to stronger excitement of distal GCs than proximal gigahertz. By providing afferent input signal to immature GCs, MCs could meet a critical role in behaviors consociate with adult DG neurogenesis. Together these experiments will importantly advance our understanding of decigram circuitry and", "butter_fingers": " thwt MCs activate adult-bork GCs primarily nb distel locafions, lexding to stronger excitation od disucl GCs than proximal GCs. By pgoviding qffecent input to immature GGf, MCa counv play a criticsl role in behaviors assmckaced with adult DG neurogenesis. Togetrer thexe experiments wyll xygnirpccntly advance our understanding of DG bircuitry and", "random_deletion": "that MCs activate adult-born GCs primarily in leading stronger excitation distal GCs than input immature GCs, MCs play a critical in behaviors associated with adult DG Together these experiments will significantly advance our understanding of DG circuitry and", "change_char_case": " that MCs activate adult-born Gcs primarilY in diStaL loCaTionS, leaDing to stronger EXcitAtion of distal GCs than prOximaL GcS. By pROvIding AfferenT InPUT to ImMaTurE GcS, Mcs couLd pLay a criTical role iN beHaViors associaTEd With adult Dg neUrogenesis. ToGetHer theSe ExpERimenTs wIll siGnificANtly adVance our uNdERstandINg of DG cIRCuItry And", "whitespace_perturbation": " that MCs activate adult-b orn GCs pr imari lyindi stal loc ations, leadin g tostronger excitation of dist al GCst ha n pro ximal G C s. B y p ro vi din ga ff erent in put toimmature G Cs, M Cs could pla y a criticalrol e in behavio rsassoci at edw ith a dul t DGneurog e nesis. Together t h ese ex p eriment s wi ll s ignificantly adva n ce our understand ing of D G c i r cui try and", "underscore_trick": " that_MCs activate_adult-born GCs primarily in_distal locations,_leading_to stronger_excitation_of distal GCs_than proximal GCs._By providing afferent input_to immature GCs,_MCs_could play a critical role in behaviors associated with adult DG neurogenesis. Together these_experiments_will significantly_advance_our_understanding of DG circuitry and"} +{"text": " DNA in prokaryotic and eurkaryotic cells. Interleukin-2 maintained T cell clones will be exposed to several inducing agents and their LT and TNF mRNA analyzed by Northern blots. The murine LT gene will be ligated to strong promoters and its expression studied in human T cell tumors. Similar vectors", "synonym_substitution": "DNA in prokaryotic and eurkaryotic cells. Interleukin-2 maintained T cell knockoff will be debunk to several induce agent and their LT and TNF mRNA analyzed by Northern blot. The murine LT gene will be ligate to strong promoters and its expression studied in human triiodothyronine cell tumors. like vector", "butter_fingers": " DNW in prokaryotic and euryaryotic cells. Nbterlenkin-2 majntained T cell clones will be exposxd ti sevtgal inducing agents avd their PT and TBF mCNA analyzed by Ikrthern blots. Bhe mbrmne LT gene wilk be ligatad to strong psooocers and its expression studied in htman T vepl tumors. Simijar nestora", "random_deletion": "DNA in prokaryotic and eurkaryotic cells. Interleukin-2 cell will be to several inducing TNF analyzed by Northern The murine LT will be ligated to strong promoters its expression studied in human T cell tumors. Similar vectors", "change_char_case": " DNA in prokaryotic and eurkarYotic cells. interLeuKin-2 MaIntaIned t cell clones wilL Be exPosed to several inducing AgentS aND theIR Lt and TnF mRNA aNAlYZEd bY NOrTheRn BLoTs. The MurIne LT geNe will be liGatEd To strong promOTeRs and its exPreSsion studied In hUman T cElL tuMOrs. SiMilAr vecTors", "whitespace_perturbation": " DNA in prokaryotic and eu rkaryoticcells . I nte rl euki n-2maintained T c e ll c lones will be exposedto se ve r al i n du cingagentsa nd t hei rLT an dT NF mRNA an alyzedby Norther n b lo ts. The muri n eLT gene wi llbe ligated t o s trongpr omo t ers a ndits e xpress i on stu died in h um a n T ce l l tumor s . S imil ar vectors", "underscore_trick": " DNA_in prokaryotic_and eurkaryotic cells. Interleukin-2_maintained T_cell_clones will_be_exposed to several_inducing agents and_their LT and TNF_mRNA analyzed by_Northern_blots. The murine LT gene will be ligated to strong promoters and its expression_studied_in human_T_cell_tumors. Similar vectors"} +{"text": " effects of serial administration of daclizumab in this same patient cohort. We HYPOTHESIZE that serial doses of daclizumab therapy in patients with newly-diagnosed GBM will extend the duration of functional TRegs inhibition and further enhance vaccine-induced immune responses. Consistent with the goals of the American Recovery and", "synonym_substitution": "effects of serial administration of daclizumab in this same affected role age group. We speculate that serial doses of daclizumab therapy in patients with newly - diagnose GBM will extend the duration of functional TRegs prohibition and further enhance vaccine - induced immune responses. reproducible with the goals of the American Recovery and", "butter_fingers": " efvects of serial administvation of daclizomqb in vhis saje patievt cohort. We HYPOTHESIZE thav seeial eoses of daclizumab thdrapy in iatients qith bewly-diagnosed GBM will swtend vhe duration of functionan TRegs inhibidiun and further enhance vaccine-induced immune rfsponses. Consiftenu wyth fhe goals of the American Recovery and", "random_deletion": "effects of serial administration of daclizumab in patient We HYPOTHESIZE serial doses of newly-diagnosed will extend the of functional TRegs and further enhance vaccine-induced immune responses. with the goals of the American Recovery and", "change_char_case": " effects of serial administraTion of daclIzumaB in ThiS sAme pAtieNt cohort. We HYPOthESIzE that serial doses of dacLizumAb THeraPY iN patiEnts witH NeWLY-diAgNoSed gBm WiLl extEnd The duraTion of funcTioNaL TRegs inhibiTIoN and furtheR enHance vaccine-IndUced imMuNe rESponsEs. COnsisTent wiTH the goAls of the AMeRIcan ReCOvery anD", "whitespace_perturbation": " effects of serial adminis tration of dacl izu mab i n th is s ame patient co h ort. We HYPOTHESIZE that s erial d o seso fdacli zumab t h er a p y i npa tie nt s w ith n ewl y-diagn osed GBM w ill e xtend the du r at ion of fun cti onal TRegs i nhi bition a ndf urthe r e nhanc e vacc i ne-ind uced immu ne respon s es. Con s i st entwith the goals of th e American Reco very a nd ", "underscore_trick": " effects_of serial_administration of daclizumab in_this same_patient_cohort. We_HYPOTHESIZE_that serial doses_of daclizumab therapy_in patients with newly-diagnosed_GBM will extend_the_duration of functional TRegs inhibition and further enhance vaccine-induced immune responses. Consistent with the_goals_of the_American_Recovery_and"} +{"text": " cell (VSMC) provides dynamic regulation of contractile tone during homeostasis, and is often dysfunctional in diseases involving vascular obstruction and hyper-proliferation of the vessel wall. VSMC modify their gene expression and contractile proteins in response to a variety of external stimuli, particularly during disease progression. The Notch", "synonym_substitution": "cell (VSMC) provides dynamic regulation of contractile shade during homeostasis, and is frequently dysfunctional in diseases involving vascular obstruction and hyper - proliferation of the vessel rampart. VSMC modify their gene expression and contractile proteins in reaction to a variety of external stimuli, peculiarly during disease progress. The Notch", "butter_fingers": " cepl (VSMC) provides dynamic regulation of eintracvile tohe durine homeostasis, and is often dbsfubctiobal in diseases involvkng vascupar obsteuctmon and hyper-proliferation of fme vevwel wall. VSMC kodify thehr gene expresviun and contractile proteins in responfe to a vwriety of extetnal xeimump, karticularly during disease progrsssion. Uhe Notch", "random_deletion": "cell (VSMC) provides dynamic regulation of contractile homeostasis, is often in diseases involving the wall. VSMC modify gene expression and proteins in response to a variety external stimuli, particularly during disease progression. The Notch", "change_char_case": " cell (VSMC) provides dynamic reGulation of ContrActIle ToNe duRing Homeostasis, and IS oftEn dysfunctional in diseaSes inVoLVing VAsCular ObstrucTIoN ANd hYpEr-ProLiFErAtion Of tHe vesseL wall. VSMC mOdiFy Their gene expREsSion and conTraCtile proteinS in ResponSe To a VArietY of ExterNal stiMUli, parTicularly DuRIng disEAse progRESsIon. THe Notch", "whitespace_perturbation": " cell (VSMC) provides dyna mic regula tionofcon tr acti le t one during hom e osta sis, and is often dysf uncti on a l in di sease s invol v in g vas cu la r o bs t ru ction an d hyper -prolifera tio nof the vesse l w all. VSMCmod ify their ge neexpres si ona nd co ntr actil e prot e ins in response t o a var i ety ofe x te rnal stimuli, particu l ar l y during disea se pro gr e ss i o n.The Notch", "underscore_trick": " cell_(VSMC) provides_dynamic regulation of contractile_tone during_homeostasis,_and is_often_dysfunctional in diseases_involving vascular obstruction_and hyper-proliferation of the_vessel wall. VSMC_modify_their gene expression and contractile proteins in response to a variety of external stimuli,_particularly_during disease_progression._The_Notch"} +{"text": " and highly conserved mechanism to ensure genetic fidelity. The first step in DNA mismatch repair is recognition of DNA base mismatches and insertion or deletions by MutS in bacteria and MSH complexes in eukaryots. The structure for the MSH2-MSH6 complex which recognizes base mismatches and short base insertions has recently become", "synonym_substitution": "and highly conserved mechanism to ensure genetic fidelity. The first gradation in DNA mismatch haunt is recognition of DNA basis mismatch and insertion or deletions by MutS in bacteria and MSH complexes in eukaryots. The social organization for the MSH2 - MSH6 building complex which recognizes base mismatches and short base insertion has recently become", "butter_fingers": " anf highly conserved mechakism to ensure ggnwtic fmdelity. The firrt step in DNA mismatch repamr iw recignition of DNA base mksmatches and inswrtiib or deletmkns by MutS ih baccecia and MSH comklexes in eunaryots. The stsuztbre for the MSH2-MSH6 complex which recjgnizes bwse mismatches and fhorf base insertions has recently beckme", "random_deletion": "and highly conserved mechanism to ensure genetic first in DNA repair is recognition insertion deletions by MutS bacteria and MSH in eukaryots. The structure for the complex which recognizes base mismatches and short base insertions has recently become", "change_char_case": " and highly conserved mechaniSm to ensure GenetIc fIdeLiTy. ThE firSt step in DNA misMAtch Repair is recognition of DnA basE mISmatCHeS and iNsertioN Or DELetIoNs By MUts In BacteRia And MSH cOmplexes in EukArYots. The strucTUrE for the MSH2-mSH6 Complex which RecOgnizeS bAse MIsmatCheS and sHort baSE inserTions has rEcENtly beCOme", "whitespace_perturbation": " and highly conserved mech anism to e nsure ge net ic fid elit y. The first s t ep i n DNA mismatch repairis re co g niti o nof DN A basem is m a tch es a ndin s er tionordeletio ns by MutS in b acteria andM SH complexes in eukaryots.The struc tu ref or th e M SH2-M SH6 co m plex w hich reco gn i zes ba s e misma t c he s an d short base inse r ti o ns has recentl y beco me ", "underscore_trick": " and_highly conserved_mechanism to ensure genetic_fidelity. The_first_step in_DNA_mismatch repair is_recognition of DNA_base mismatches and insertion_or deletions by_MutS_in bacteria and MSH complexes in eukaryots. The structure for the MSH2-MSH6 complex which_recognizes_base mismatches_and_short_base insertions has recently become"} +{"text": "-triggered translocation of the glucose transporter (GLUT4) will likely provide new findings for attacking diseases such as diabetes and obesity. The main goal of the proposal is to develop a kinetic screen to identify adipocyte regulatory proteins that control dynamic parameters for PIP3 signaling and for GLUT4 translocation and endocytosis. We", "synonym_substitution": "-triggered translocation of the glucose transporter (GLUT4) will likely provide new finding for attack diseases such as diabetes and obesity. The main finish of the proposal is to develop a kinetic screen to name adipocyte regulative proteins that control dynamic parameters for PIP3 signaling and for GLUT4 translocation and endocytosis. We", "butter_fingers": "-trihgered translocation of uhe glucose transkoeter (GNUT4) wiml likelh provide new findings for avtacjing eiseases such as diabeges and ohesity. Tye mein goal of the 'doposal is to fevenip a kinetic sgreen to idantify adipocyde rzgulatory proteins that control dynaiic parsmfters for PIP3 fignsjing and for GLUT4 translocation and ensocytosps. We", "random_deletion": "-triggered translocation of the glucose transporter (GLUT4) provide findings for diseases such as goal the proposal is develop a kinetic to identify adipocyte regulatory proteins that dynamic parameters for PIP3 signaling and for GLUT4 translocation and endocytosis. We", "change_char_case": "-triggered translocation of tHe glucose tRanspOrtEr (GlUt4) wilL likEly provide new fINdinGs for attacking diseases Such aS dIAbetES aNd obeSity. The MAiN GOal Of ThE prOpOSaL is to DevElop a kiNetic screeN to IdEntify adipocYTe Regulatory ProTeins that conTroL dynamIc ParAMeterS foR PIP3 sIgnaliNG and foR GLUT4 tranSlOCation ANd endocYTOsIs. We", "whitespace_perturbation": "-triggered translocation o f the gluc ose t ran spo rt er ( GLUT 4) will likely prov ide new findings for a ttack in g dis e as es su ch as d i ab e t esan dobe si t y. Themai n goalof the pro pos al is to devel o pa kineticscr een to ident ify adipo cy ter egula tor y pro teinst hat co ntrol dyn am i c para m eters f o r P IP3signaling and for GL U T4 translocati on and e n do c y tos is. We", "underscore_trick": "-triggered translocation_of the_glucose transporter (GLUT4) will_likely provide_new_findings for_attacking_diseases such as_diabetes and obesity._The main goal of_the proposal is_to_develop a kinetic screen to identify adipocyte regulatory proteins that control dynamic parameters for_PIP3_signaling and_for_GLUT4_translocation and endocytosis. We"} +{"text": " protocols to treat devastating orthopaedic injuries and disease in our Veterans. The program aims to examine the significance of changes that phagocytic leukocytes undergo when they ingest bacteria, with respect to the role those changes play in protecting the host. The leukocytes may be stimulated by solid particles, or by some more soluble substances, to", "synonym_substitution": "protocols to treat devastating orthopaedic wound and disease in our Veterans. The platform aims to examine the significance of change that phagocytic leukocytes undergo when they ingest bacteria, with regard to the character those changes play in protecting the host. The leukocyte may be stimulated by solid particles, or by some more soluble substances, to", "butter_fingers": " prltocols to treat devastauing orthopaedic nbjuriev and sisease kn our Veterans. The program eims to ezamine the significancd of chanhes that phajocytic leukocytxa undernj whsk thev mngest bacteria, with respact to the rola ghlse changes play in protecting the rost. Thr peukocytes may be xeimumated by solid particles, or by soms more voluble substsnces, to", "random_deletion": "protocols to treat devastating orthopaedic injuries and our The program to examine the leukocytes when they ingest with respect to role those changes play in protecting host. The leukocytes may be stimulated by solid particles, or by some more substances, to", "change_char_case": " protocols to treat devastatiNg orthopaeDic inJurIes AnD disEase In our Veterans. THE proGram aims to examine the siGnifiCaNCe of CHaNges tHat phagOCyTIC leUkOcYteS uNDeRgo whEn tHey ingeSt bacteria, WitH rEspect to the rOLe Those changEs pLay in protectIng The hosT. THe lEUkocyTes May be StimulATed by sOlid partiClES, or by sOMe more sOLUbLe suBstances, to", "whitespace_perturbation": " protocols to treat devast ating orth opaed icinj ur iesanddisease in our Vete rans. The program aims to e xa m inet he sign ificanc e o f cha ng es th at ph agocy tic leukoc ytes under gowh en they inge s tbacteria,wit h respect to th e role t hos e chan ges play in pr o tectin g the hos t. The le u kocytes m ay bestimulated by sol i dp articles, or b y some m o re s olu ble substance s, to", "underscore_trick": " protocols_to treat_devastating orthopaedic injuries and_disease in_our_Veterans. The_program_aims to examine_the significance of_changes that phagocytic leukocytes_undergo when they_ingest_bacteria, with respect to the role those changes play in protecting the host. The_leukocytes_may be_stimulated_by_solid particles, or by some_more soluble substances, to"} +{"text": " from lung tissue induced 100-fold by pregnancy or progesterone treatment and translating in a cell-free system to determine the amount of mRNA synthesized with time after treatment or pregnancy. Pig kidney and lung tissue will be utilized as sources for purification of the cytochromes P-450 involved in prostaglandin Omega- or (Omega", "synonym_substitution": "from lung tissue induced 100 - fold by pregnancy or progesterone treatment and translating in a cellular telephone - spare system to determine the sum of messenger rna synthesized with time after treatment or pregnancy. devour kidney and lung tissue will be utilized as sources for refining of the cytochrome P-450 involved in prostaglandin Omega- or (Omega", "butter_fingers": " frlm lung tissue induced 100-fuld by pregnanci ir projesterohe treatoent and translating in a cepl-dree wystem to determine thd amount lf mRNA wyntiesized with timx after bxeatmskt or 'regnancy. Pig kldney and lgng tissue wiln ce utilized as sources for purificatijn of tne cytochromes P-450 invpjved pn prostaglandin Omega- or (Omega", "random_deletion": "from lung tissue induced 100-fold by pregnancy treatment translating in cell-free system to synthesized time after treatment pregnancy. Pig kidney lung tissue will be utilized as for purification of the cytochromes P-450 involved in prostaglandin Omega- or (Omega", "change_char_case": " from lung tissue induced 100-fold By pregnancY or prOgeSteRoNe trEatmEnt and translatINg in A cell-free system to deterMine tHe AMounT Of MRNA sYnthesiZEd WITh tImE aFteR tREaTment Or pRegnancY. Pig kidney And LuNg tissue will BE uTilized as sOurCes for purifiCatIon of tHe CytOChromEs P-450 InvolVed in pROstaglAndin OmegA- oR (omega", "whitespace_perturbation": " from lung tissue induced100-fold b y pre gna ncy o r pr oges terone treatme n t an d translating in a cel l-fre es yste m t o det erminet he a mou nt o f m RN A s ynthe siz ed with time afte r t re atment or pr e gn ancy. Pigkid ney and lung ti ssue w il l b e util ize d assource s for p urificati on of the cytochr o m es P-4 50 involved in pr o st a glandin Omega- or (O me g a", "underscore_trick": " from_lung tissue_induced 100-fold by pregnancy_or progesterone_treatment_and translating_in_a cell-free system_to determine the_amount of mRNA synthesized_with time after_treatment_or pregnancy. Pig kidney and lung tissue will be utilized as sources for purification_of_the cytochromes_P-450_involved_in prostaglandin Omega- or (Omega"} +{"text": " localization in the Pur-alpha knockout mouse model, suggesting that Pur-alpha is required for their proper function. Based on these preliminary observations, we hypothesize that Pur-alpha has a central role in the well-balanced activities of RhoA and Rac, and that its genetic ablation or its functional alteration by associating with Tat", "synonym_substitution": "localization in the Pur - alpha knockout mouse model, suggesting that Pur - alpha is required for their proper affair. free-base on these preliminary observations, we hypothesize that Pur - alpha has a cardinal role in the well - balanced activities of RhoA and Rac, and that its familial ablation or its functional alteration by associate with Tat", "butter_fingers": " lofalization in the Pur-alpma knockout mousg nodel, vuggesfing thag Pur-alpha is required for tieir proptg function. Based on tfese prelpminary ovsertations, we hypotissize tmct Pud-wlphc ias a central rple in the well-balanced dcgirities of RhoA and Rac, and that its denetic ahlation or its funbtyonam alteration by associating with Tzt", "random_deletion": "localization in the Pur-alpha knockout mouse model, Pur-alpha required for proper function. Based hypothesize Pur-alpha has a role in the activities of RhoA and Rac, and its genetic ablation or its functional alteration by associating with Tat", "change_char_case": " localization in the Pur-alpha Knockout moUse moDel, SugGeStinG thaT Pur-alpha is reqUIred For their proper function. based On THese PReLiminAry obseRVaTIOns, We HyPotHeSIzE that pur-Alpha haS a central rOle In The well-balanCEd Activities Of RHoA and Rac, and ThaT its geNeTic ABlatiOn oR its fUnctioNAl alteRation by aSsOCiatinG With Tat", "whitespace_perturbation": " localization in the Pur-a lpha knock out m ous e m od el,sugg esting that Pu r -alp ha is required for the ir pr op e r fu n ct ion.Based o n t h e sepr el imi na r yobser vat ions, w e hypothes ize t hat Pur-alph a h as a centr alrole in thewel l-bala nc eda ctivi tie s ofRhoA a n d Rac, and that i t s gene t ic abla t i on orits functional al t er a tion by associ atingwi t hT a t", "underscore_trick": " localization_in the_Pur-alpha knockout mouse model,_suggesting that_Pur-alpha_is required_for_their proper function._Based on these_preliminary observations, we hypothesize_that Pur-alpha has_a_central role in the well-balanced activities of RhoA and Rac, and that its genetic_ablation_or its_functional_alteration_by associating with Tat"} +{"text": " nervous system that play a role in their functioning. One specific psychophysiological correlate of regulatory behavior that has been extensively studied in the existing literature is that of heart rate variability, or vagal tone. Low heart rate variability in children has been associated with maladaptive outcomes (i.e., conduct disorder;Pine", "synonym_substitution": "nervous system that play a role in their operation. One specific psychophysiological correlate of regulative demeanor that has been extensively studied in the existing literature is that of heart pace variability, or vagal tone. Low center rate variability in child has been associated with maladaptive outcomes (i.e., demeanor disorder;Pine", "butter_fingers": " negvous system that play a role in their yynctioiing. Ons specifkc psychophysiological correpare of regulatory behavior tfat has bven extenwiveot studied mh the ewnstinf litzreture is that on heart rata variability, mr vcgal tone. Low heart rate variability in chikdgen has been afsocpaeed sptm maladaptive outcomes (i.e., conducf disorver;Pine", "random_deletion": "nervous system that play a role in One psychophysiological correlate regulatory behavior that the literature is that heart rate variability, vagal tone. Low heart rate variability children has been associated with maladaptive outcomes (i.e., conduct disorder;Pine", "change_char_case": " nervous system that play a rolE in their fuNctioNinG. OnE sPeciFic pSychophysiologICal cOrrelate of regulatory beHavioR tHAt haS BeEn extEnsivelY StUDIed In ThE exIsTInG liteRatUre is thAt of heart rAte VaRiability, or vAGaL tone. Low heArt Rate variabilIty In chilDrEn hAS been AssOciatEd with MAladapTive outcoMeS (I.e., condUCt disorDER;PIne", "whitespace_perturbation": " nervous system that playa role intheir fu nct io ning . On e specific psy c hoph ysiological correlateof re gu l ator y b ehavi or that ha s bee nex ten si v el y stu die d in th e existing li te rature is th a tof heart r ate variability , o r vaga lton e . Low he art r ate va r iabili ty in chi ld r en has been as s o ci ated with maladaptive ou t comes (i.e., c onduct d i so r d er; Pin e", "underscore_trick": " nervous_system that_play a role in_their functioning._One_specific psychophysiological_correlate_of regulatory behavior_that has been_extensively studied in the_existing literature is_that_of heart rate variability, or vagal tone. Low heart rate variability in children has_been_associated with_maladaptive_outcomes_(i.e., conduct disorder;Pine"} +{"text": " will have significant implications for understanding the diverse ways in which parents have socialized the adolescent-pet relationship. Varenicline for the treatment of cocaine dependence: A phase II clinical trial. Cocaine dependence remains a major public health problem, even after over two decades of steady attempts to develop effective behavioral and pharmacological interventions for", "synonym_substitution": "will have significant implications for understanding the divers way in which parents have socialized the adolescent - darling kinship. Varenicline for the treatment of cocaine dependence: A phase II clinical trial. Cocaine addiction persist a major public health problem, even after over two decade of steady attempts to build up effective behavioral and pharmacological interventions for", "butter_fingers": " wipl have significant impllcations for undgrwtandiig the siverse days in which parents have slcualiztb the adolescent-pet felationsjip. Varebiclmne for the treavjent of cocaihc depznvence: A phase IL clinical drial. Cocaine geoeudence remains a major public health problek, fven after ovet two qecasvs of steady attempts to develol effecuive behavioral anc pharmacological intervenhiond for", "random_deletion": "will have significant implications for understanding the in parents have the adolescent-pet relationship. cocaine A phase II trial. Cocaine dependence a major public health problem, even over two decades of steady attempts to develop effective behavioral and pharmacological interventions", "change_char_case": " will have significant implicAtions for uNdersTanDinG tHe diVersE ways in which paREnts Have socialized the adoleScent-PeT RelaTIoNship. varenicLInE FOr tHe TrEatMeNT oF cocaIne DependeNce: A phase Ii clInIcal trial. CocAInE dependencE reMains a major pUblIc healTh ProBLem, evEn aFter oVer two DEcades Of steady aTtEMpts to DEvelop eFFEcTive Behavioral and pharMAcOLogical interveNtions FoR", "whitespace_perturbation": " will have significant imp licationsfor u nde rst an ding the diverse waysi n wh ich parents have socia lized t h e ad o le scent -pet re l at i o nsh ip .Var en i cl ine f orthe tre atment ofcoc ai ne dependenc e :A phase II cl inical trial . C ocaine d epe n dence re mains a maj o r publ ic health p r oblem, even af t e rover two decades of s t ea d y attempts todevelo pe ff e c tiv e b ehavioralan d pha r macolog i ca l i nte r ventions for", "underscore_trick": " will_have significant_implications for understanding the_diverse ways_in_which parents_have_socialized the adolescent-pet_relationship. Varenicline for_the treatment of cocaine_dependence: A phase_II_clinical trial. Cocaine dependence remains a major public health problem, even after over two_decades_of steady_attempts_to_develop effective behavioral and pharmacological_interventions for"} +{"text": " in mouse and Xenopus oocytes and in Arabidopsis protoplasts was found to require the presence of extracellular ice in close contact with the cell membrane. One strong piece of evidence in the mouse oocyte is that IIF occurs at temperatures where about 95 percent of the external medium has frozen. That temperature varies from -14[", "synonym_substitution": "in mouse and Xenopus oocytes and in Arabidopsis protoplasts was found to require the presence of extracellular internal-combustion engine in cheeseparing contact with the cell membrane. One strong musical composition of evidence in the mouse oocyte is that IIF occurs at temperature where about 95 percentage of the external medium has frozen. That temperature varies from -14 [", "butter_fingers": " in mouse and Xenopus oocytts and in Arabidoksus provoplasta was fojnd to require the presence lf extrqcellular ice in close contact aith the celo membrane. One stroky piedc of zvmdence in the mpuse oocyta is that IIF mczuxs at temperatures where about 95 percqnt of yhf external medyum nws fdozen. That temperature varies from -14[", "random_deletion": "in mouse and Xenopus oocytes and in was to require presence of extracellular the membrane. One strong of evidence in mouse oocyte is that IIF occurs temperatures where about 95 percent of the external medium has frozen. That temperature from -14[", "change_char_case": " in mouse and Xenopus oocytes aNd in ArabidOpsis ProTopLaSts wAs foUnd to require thE PresEnce of extracellular ice In cloSe COntaCT wIth thE cell meMBrANE. OnE sTrOng PiECe Of eviDenCe in the Mouse oocytE is ThAt IIF occurs aT TeMperatures WheRe about 95 perceNt oF the exTeRnaL MediuM haS frozEn. That TEmperaTure varieS fROm -14[", "whitespace_perturbation": " in mouse and Xenopus oocy tes and in Arab ido psi sprot opla sts was foundt o re quire the presence ofextra ce l lula r i ce in closec on t a ctwi th th ec el l mem bra ne. One strong pi ece o f evidence i n t he mouse o ocy te is that I IFoccurs a t t e mpera tur es wh ere ab o ut 95percent o ft he ext e rnal me d i um has frozen. That tem p er a ture varies fr om -14 [", "underscore_trick": " in_mouse and_Xenopus oocytes and in_Arabidopsis protoplasts_was_found to_require_the presence of_extracellular ice in_close contact with the_cell membrane. One_strong_piece of evidence in the mouse oocyte is that IIF occurs at temperatures where_about_95 percent_of_the_external medium has frozen. That_temperature varies from -14["} +{"text": " as adults). These findings point to greater compensatory potential after neonatal cortical than after neonatal limbic removals, indicating that association areas of the cortex are immature at birth, and may thus possess greater plasticity than limbic structures. Direct evidence of neocortical immaturity in the macaque has been provided by our neurobi", "synonym_substitution": "as adults). These findings point to greater compensatory electric potential after neonatal cortical than after neonatal limbic removal, indicating that association area of the lens cortex are immature at birth, and may therefore possess greater plasticity than limbic structure. Direct evidence of neocortical immaturity in the macaque has been provided by our neurobi", "butter_fingers": " as adults). These findings puint to greater compenvatory potentixl after neonatal cortical tian qfter neonatal limbic removxls, indicwting thqt awwociation edeas of the ckvtex crx immature at blrth, and maf thus possess gfecter plasticity than limbic structurqs. Direvt evidence of ngocoruicwl ijmaturity in the macaque has been lrovidev by our neurobo", "random_deletion": "as adults). These findings point to greater after cortical than neonatal limbic removals, the are immature at and may thus greater plasticity than limbic structures. Direct of neocortical immaturity in the macaque has been provided by our neurobi", "change_char_case": " as adults). These findings poinT to greater CompeNsaTorY pOtenTial After neonatal cORticAl than after neonatal limBic reMoVAls, iNDiCatinG that asSOcIATioN aReAs oF tHE cOrtex Are ImmaturE at birth, anD maY tHus possess grEAtEr plasticiTy tHan limbic strUctUres. DiReCt eVIdencE of NeocoRtical IMmaturIty in the mAcAQue has BEen provIDEd By ouR neurobi", "whitespace_perturbation": " as adults). These finding s point to grea ter co mp ensa tory potential aft e r ne onatal cortical than a fterne o nata l l imbic remova l s, i ndi ca ti ngth a tassoc iat ion are as of thecor te x are immatu r eat birth,and may thus po sse ss gre at erp lasti cit y tha n limb i c stru ctures. D ir e ct evi d ence of n eo cort ical immaturity i n t h e macaque hasbeen p ro v id e d by ou r neurobi", "underscore_trick": " as_adults). These_findings point to greater_compensatory potential_after_neonatal cortical_than_after neonatal limbic_removals, indicating that_association areas of the_cortex are immature_at_birth, and may thus possess greater plasticity than limbic structures. Direct evidence of neocortical_immaturity_in the_macaque_has_been provided by our neurobi"} +{"text": " applied to the synthesis of specific naturally occurring macrolides. The development of new female-initiated HIV prevention methods, including oral and topical microbicides, is urgently needed to stem the growing epidemic among adolescent women. Despite the disproportionate impact of HIV/AIDS on adolescent women, they have been markedly under-represented in", "synonym_substitution": "applied to the synthesis of specific naturally occurring macrolides. The development of newfangled female - initiate HIV prevention methods, including oral and topical microbicides, is urgently needed to stem the grow epidemic among adolescent women. Despite the disproportionate impact of HIV / AIDS on adolescent womanhood, they have been markedly under - represent in", "butter_fingers": " apolied to the synthesis on specific naturcoly ocrurring macroliaes. The development of new fxmalw-inituated HIV prevention mdthods, inbluding oeal end topical microbicides, is urfcntly ieeded to stem jhe growing apidemic among aaopescent women. Despite the disproporeionate ilpact of HIV/AIQS om adomvsgent women, they have been markedmy undeg-represented in", "random_deletion": "applied to the synthesis of specific naturally The of new HIV prevention methods, is needed to stem growing epidemic among women. Despite the disproportionate impact of on adolescent women, they have been markedly under-represented in", "change_char_case": " applied to the synthesis of spEcific natuRally OccUrrInG macRoliDes. The developmENt of New female-initiated HIV pRevenTiON metHOdS, inclUding orAL aND TopIcAl MicRoBIcIdes, iS urGently nEeded to steM thE gRowing epidemIC aMong adolesCenT women. DespitE thE disprOpOrtIOnate ImpAct of hIV/AIDs On adolEscent womEn, THey havE Been marKEDlY undEr-represented in", "whitespace_perturbation": " applied to the synthesisof specifi c nat ura lly o ccur ring macrolides. T h e de velopment of new femal e-ini ti a tedH IV prev entionm et h o ds, i nc lud in g o ral a ndtopical microbici des ,is urgentlyn ee ded to ste m t he growing e pid emic a mo nga doles cen t wom en. De s pite t he dispro po r tionat e impact o fHIV/ AIDS on adolescen t w o men, they have beenma r ke d l y u nde r-represen te d in", "underscore_trick": " applied_to the_synthesis of specific naturally_occurring macrolides._The_development of_new_female-initiated HIV prevention_methods, including oral_and topical microbicides, is_urgently needed to_stem_the growing epidemic among adolescent women. Despite the disproportionate impact of HIV/AIDS on adolescent_women,_they have_been_markedly_under-represented in"} +{"text": ",000 deaths per year. It is thus essential that researchers continue to investigate the factors relevant to the treatment of nicotine dependence. Drug-related expectancies represent the consequences that an individual expects from the use (or non-use) of any given substance. With respect to smoking, research has focused on smokers'expectancies", "synonym_substitution": ", 000 deaths per year. It is thus essential that research worker stay to investigate the factors relevant to the treatment of nicotine addiction. Drug - related anticipation represent the consequences that an person expect from the use (or non - function) of any given substance. With regard to smoking, research has concenter on smokers'expectancies", "butter_fingers": ",000 dewths per year. It is thus essential that researrhers ckntinue go investigate the factors rxlevqnt ti the treatment of nicutine depvndence. Deug-rtlated expectancixa represent tgc convxquences that ak individuan expects from tfe use (or non-use) of any given substanse. With rfspect to smokyng, gefeardh has focused on smokers'expectancjes", "random_deletion": ",000 deaths per year. It is thus researchers to investigate factors relevant to Drug-related represent the consequences an individual expects the use (or non-use) of any substance. With respect to smoking, research has focused on smokers'expectancies", "change_char_case": ",000 deaths per year. It is thus esseNtial that rEsearCheRs cOnTinuE to iNvestigate the fACtorS relevant to the treatmenT of niCoTIne dEPeNdencE. Drug-reLAtED ExpEcTaNciEs REpResenT thE conseqUences that An iNdIvidual expecTS fRom the use (oR noN-use) of any givEn sUbstanCe. witH RespeCt tO smokIng, resEArch haS focused oN sMOkers'eXPectancIES", "whitespace_perturbation": ",000 deaths per year. It i s thus ess entia l t hat r esea rche rs continue to inve stigate the factors re levan tt o th e t reatm ent ofn ic o t ine d ep end en c e. Drug -re lated e xpectancie s r ep resent the c o ns equences t hat an individu alexpect sfro m theuse (ornon-us e ) of a ny givensu b stance . With r e s pe ct t o smoking, resear c hh as focused onsmoker s' e xp e c tan cie s", "underscore_trick": ",000 deaths_per year._It is thus essential_that researchers_continue_to investigate_the_factors relevant to_the treatment of_nicotine dependence. Drug-related expectancies_represent the consequences_that_an individual expects from the use (or non-use) of any given substance. With respect_to_smoking, research_has_focused_on smokers'expectancies"} +{"text": " activity of NF-kappaB, making pateamine A a valuable probe to study the nuclear signaling mechanism of NF-kappaB. To identify the molecular targets of pateamine A, a biotin-pateamine A conjugate was synthesized, which enabled the detection, isolation and identification of two pateamine A", "synonym_substitution": "activity of NF - kappaB, making pateamine A a valuable probe to study the nuclear signaling mechanism of NF - kappaB. To name the molecular target of pateamine A, a biotin - pateamine A conjugate was synthesized, which enable the detection, isolation and recognition of two pateamine A", "butter_fingers": " achivity of NF-kappaB, makinn pateamine A a rqluablx probe to studh the nuclear signaling mechenisn of BF-kappaB. To identify tfe molecupar targwts id pateaminx A, a biotin-pafcaminz E conjugate was synthesizad, which enablad tke detection, isolation and identificwtion og hwo pateamine W", "random_deletion": "activity of NF-kappaB, making pateamine A a to the nuclear mechanism of NF-kappaB. of A, a biotin-pateamine conjugate was synthesized, enabled the detection, isolation and identification two pateamine A", "change_char_case": " activity of NF-kappaB, making pAteamine A a ValuaBle ProBe To stUdy tHe nuclear signaLIng mEchanism of NF-kappaB. To idEntifY tHE molECuLar taRgets of PAtEAMinE A, A bIotIn-PAtEaminE A cOnjugatE was syntheSizEd, Which enabled THe Detection, iSolAtion and idenTifIcatioN oF twO PateaMinE A", "whitespace_perturbation": " activity of NF-kappaB, ma king patea mineA a va lu able pro be to study th e nuc lear signaling mechani sm of N F -kap p aB . Toidentif y t h e mo le cu lar t a rg ets o f p ateamin e A, a bio tin -p ateamine A c o nj ugate wassyn thesized, wh ich enabl ed th e dete cti on, i solati o n andidentific at i on oft wo pate a m in e A", "underscore_trick": " activity_of NF-kappaB,_making pateamine A a_valuable probe_to_study the_nuclear_signaling mechanism of_NF-kappaB. To identify_the molecular targets of_pateamine A, a_biotin-pateamine_A conjugate was synthesized, which enabled the detection, isolation and identification of two pateamine_A"} +{"text": " VMD, NAMD, and Lattice Microbes served a community of over 100,000 users. Technical support for the community was provided mainly through the online discussion groups?NAMD-L?,?VMD-L? and?LatticeMicrobes-Users?, where more than 17,000 software-related", "synonym_substitution": "VMD, NAMD, and Lattice Microbes served a community of over 100,000 users. Technical support for the residential district was provide mainly through the online discussion groups?NAMD - L?,?VMD - L? and?LatticeMicrobes - Users? , where more than 17,000 software - relate", "butter_fingers": " VMF, NAMD, and Lattice Micrones served a community mf oved 100,000 users. Technical support for the clmnunitt was provided mainly ghrough tje onlinw diwxussion groups?NAMD-L?,?VMD-L? zkd?LatcireMicrobes-Users?, where mora than 17,000 softwase-fepated", "random_deletion": "VMD, NAMD, and Lattice Microbes served a over users. Technical for the community online groups?NAMD-L?,?VMD-L? and?LatticeMicrobes-Users?, where than 17,000 software-related", "change_char_case": " VMD, NAMD, and Lattice Microbes Served a comMunitY of OveR 100,000 uSers. techNical support foR The cOmmunity was provided maiNly thRoUGh thE OnLine dIscussiON gROUps?nAmD-l?,?VMd-L? ANd?lattiCeMIcrobes-users?, where MorE tHan 17,000 software-rELaTed", "whitespace_perturbation": " VMD, NAMD, and Lattice Mi crobes ser ved a co mmu ni ty o f ov er 100,000 use r s. T echnical support for t he co mm u nity wa s pro vided m a in l y th ro ug h t he on linedis cussion groups?NA MD- L? ,?VMD-L? and ? La tticeMicro bes -Users?, whe remore t ha n 1 7 ,000sof tware -relat e d", "underscore_trick": " VMD,_NAMD, and_Lattice Microbes served a_community of_over_100,000 users._Technical_support for the_community was provided_mainly through the online_discussion groups?NAMD-L?,?VMD-L? and?LatticeMicrobes-Users?,_where_more than 17,000 software-related"} +{"text": " foreign governments and their industries in Latin America. IICA is and has been a strong U.S. government partner in Latin America and the Caribbean for many years and has the demonstrated capacity to implement FSMA training in the region. Many cancer patients who are candidates for high dose chemotherapy do not have available a suitable related or", "synonym_substitution": "foreign governments and their industries in Latin America. IICA is and has been a strong U.S. politics spouse in Latin America and the Caribbean for many years and has the attest capacitance to implement FSMA training in the area. Many cancer patients who are candidates for high dose chemotherapy do not have available a desirable related or", "butter_fingers": " fogeign governments and thtir industries in Latin Emerica. IICA is and has been a strong U.S. goternnent kcrtner in Latin Amerkca and tje Caribvean dor many yxzrs and has tgc demmistrated capacijy to implemant FSMA trainhne nn the region. Many cancer patients wro are vajdidates for hygh cjse dhemotherapy do not have available a suiteble related or", "random_deletion": "foreign governments and their industries in Latin is has been strong U.S. government the for many years has the demonstrated to implement FSMA training in the Many cancer patients who are candidates for high dose chemotherapy do not have a suitable related or", "change_char_case": " foreign governments and theiR industrieS in LaTin ameRiCa. IIcA is And has been a strONg U.S. Government partner in LatIn AmeRiCA and THe caribBean for MAnY YEarS aNd Has ThE DeMonstRatEd capacIty to impleMenT FsMA training iN ThE region. ManY caNcer patients Who Are canDiDatES for hIgh Dose cHemothERapy do Not have avAiLAble a sUItable rELAtEd or", "whitespace_perturbation": " foreign governments and t heir indus tries in La ti n Am eric a. IICA is and hasbeen a strong U.S. gov ernme nt part n er in L atin Am e ri c a an dth e C ar i bb ean f ormany ye ars and ha s t he demonstrate d c apacity to im plement FSMA tr aining i n t h e reg ion . Man y canc e r pati ents whoar e candi d ates fo r hi gh d ose chemotherapyd on ot have availa ble asu i ta b l e r ela ted or", "underscore_trick": " foreign_governments and_their industries in Latin_America. IICA_is_and has_been_a strong U.S._government partner in_Latin America and the_Caribbean for many_years_and has the demonstrated capacity to implement FSMA training in the region. Many cancer_patients_who are_candidates_for_high dose chemotherapy do not_have available a suitable related_or"} +{"text": " mutant cells to ionizing radiation. In addition we studied the mechanism of Doxorubicin resistance in p53 mutant breast cancer cells. Data already obtained show that standard bicycle exercise evokes a greater steady-state O2 consumption and a larger O2 debt during pregnancy than postpartum. Continuing studies will extend observations to the", "synonym_substitution": "mutant cells to ionizing radiation. In addition we study the mechanism of Doxorubicin underground in p53 mutant breast cancer cells. Data already obtained appearance that standard bicycle exercise evokes a bang-up firm - state O2 consumption and a larger O2 debt during pregnancy than postpartum. Continuing report will extend observations to the", "butter_fingers": " muhant cells to ionizing rxdiation. In addnrion wx studisd the mdchanism of Doxorubicin residtqnce un p53 mutant breast canzer cells. Data aleeadb obtained show vgat stakbard glcyclz xxercise evokes a greater steady-state O2 cundumption and a larger O2 debt during pregnamcj than postparjum. Cpgtinhpnn studies will extend observatiohs to tie", "random_deletion": "mutant cells to ionizing radiation. In addition the of Doxorubicin in p53 mutant obtained that standard bicycle evokes a greater O2 consumption and a larger O2 during pregnancy than postpartum. Continuing studies will extend observations to the", "change_char_case": " mutant cells to ionizing radiAtion. In addItion We sTudIeD the MechAnism of DoxorubICin rEsistance in p53 mutant breaSt canCeR CellS. daTa alrEady obtAInED ShoW tHaT stAnDArD bicyCle ExercisE evokes a grEatEr Steady-state O2 COnSumption anD a lArger O2 debt duRinG pregnAnCy tHAn posTpaRtum. COntinuINg studIes will exTeND obserVAtions tO THe", "whitespace_perturbation": " mutant cells to ionizingradiation. In a ddi tio nwe s tudi ed the mechani s m of Doxorubicin resistanc e inp5 3 mut a nt brea st canc e rc e lls .Da taal r ea dy ob tai ned sho w that sta nda rd bicycle exe r ci se evokesa g reater stead y-s tate O 2con s umpti onand a large r O2 de bt during p r egnanc y than p o s tp artu m. Continuing stu d ie s will extend o bserva ti o ns t o t he", "underscore_trick": " mutant_cells to_ionizing radiation. In addition_we studied_the_mechanism of_Doxorubicin_resistance in p53_mutant breast cancer_cells. Data already obtained_show that standard_bicycle_exercise evokes a greater steady-state O2 consumption and a larger O2 debt during pregnancy_than_postpartum. Continuing_studies_will_extend observations to the"} +{"text": " of Na+/H+ exchangers and Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporters to drive fluid secretion and related processes such as cell volume maintenance and intracellular pH regulation. Ductal cells then act on acinar cell secretions to conserve NaCl utilizing Na+/H+ exchangers, Na+ channels and other", "synonym_substitution": "of Na+/H+ exchangers and Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporters to drive fluid secretion and related processes such as cellular telephone bulk maintenance and intracellular pH regulation. Ductal cell then dissemble on acinar cell secretions to conserve NaCl utilize Na+/H+ exchanger, Na+ channels and other", "butter_fingers": " of Na+/H+ exchangers and Na+/K+/2Cu- cotransporters to drmve flujd secregion and related processes snch qs ceol volume maintenance xnd intrabellular pH rtgulation. Ductal rslls thcu act ln aeiiar cell secretlons to converve NaCl utinixiug Na+/H+ exchangers, Na+ channels and otrer", "random_deletion": "of Na+/H+ exchangers and Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporters to secretion related processes as cell volume Ductal then act on cell secretions to NaCl utilizing Na+/H+ exchangers, Na+ channels other", "change_char_case": " of Na+/H+ exchangers and Na+/K+/2Cl- coTransporteRs to dRivE flUiD secRetiOn and related prOCessEs such as cell volume mainTenanCe ANd inTRaCelluLar pH reGUlATIon. duCtAl cElLS tHen acT on Acinar cEll secretiOns To Conserve NaCl UTiLizing Na+/H+ eXchAngers, Na+ chanNelS and otHeR", "whitespace_perturbation": " of Na+/H+ exchangers andNa+/K+/2Cl - cot ran spo rt ersto d rive fluid sec r etio n and related processe s suc ha s ce l lvolum e maint e na n c e a nd i ntr ac e ll ularpHregulat ion. Ducta l c el ls then acto nacinar cel l s ecretions to co nserve N aCl utili zin g Na+ /H+ ex c hanger s, Na+ ch an n els an d other", "underscore_trick": " of_Na+/H+ exchangers_and Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporters to_drive fluid_secretion_and related_processes_such as cell_volume maintenance and_intracellular pH regulation. Ductal_cells then act_on_acinar cell secretions to conserve NaCl utilizing Na+/H+ exchangers, Na+ channels and other"} +{"text": " facilitates their regeneration, and on the surface of several different types of cancers where it promotes their growth and invasiveness. Remarkably, polySia is found on only five proteins in addition to the polysialyltransferases (polySTs) that modify their own N-glycans. The recent identification of two of", "synonym_substitution": "facilitates their regeneration, and on the surface of several unlike type of cancers where it promotes their increase and invasiveness. signally, polySia is found on only five protein in addition to the polysialyltransferases (polySTs) that modify their own N - glycans. The late designation of two of", "butter_fingers": " fafilitates their regenerauion, and on the sordace oh severzl diffefent types of cancers where mt peomottf their growth and invasivejess. Remqrkauly, polySia is found on only fjye prmveins in additipn to the [olysialyltranvfdrcses (polySTs) that modify their own N-dlycans. Tje recent idenjificseion of two of", "random_deletion": "facilitates their regeneration, and on the surface different of cancers it promotes their is on only five in addition to polysialyltransferases (polySTs) that modify their own The recent identification of two of", "change_char_case": " facilitates their regeneratIon, and on thE surfAce Of sEvEral DiffErent types of caNCers Where it promotes their grOwth aNd INvasIVeNess. REmarkabLY, pOLYSiA iS fOunD oN OnLy fivE prOteins iN addition tO thE pOlysialyltraNSfErases (polysTs) That modify thEir Own N-glYcAns. tHe recEnt IdentIficatIOn of twO of", "whitespace_perturbation": " facilitates their regener ation, and on t hesur fa ce o f se veral differen t typ es of cancers where it prom ot e s th e ir grow th andi nv a s ive ne ss . R em a rk ably, po lySia i s found on on ly five protei n sin additio n t o the polysi aly ltrans fe ras e s (po lyS Ts) t hat mo d ify th eir own N -g l ycans. The rec e n tiden tification of two of ", "underscore_trick": " facilitates_their regeneration,_and on the surface_of several_different_types of_cancers_where it promotes_their growth and_invasiveness. Remarkably, polySia is_found on only_five_proteins in addition to the polysialyltransferases (polySTs) that modify their own N-glycans. The recent_identification_of two_of"} +{"text": " and control of environmental hazards or stresses affecting human health. The MS curriculum, which emphasizes both quantitative skills and effective communication, consists of 48 semester hours of coursework, including masters thesis research and a field practice experience, and can be completed in 22-24 months of full-time study. The goal of the PhD degree", "synonym_substitution": "and control of environmental hazards or stresses affecting human health. The MS course of study, which stress both quantitative skills and effective communication, consists of 48 semester hour of coursework, include masters thesis inquiry and a field practice experience, and can be completed in 22 - 24 calendar month of full - time sketch. The goal of the PhD academic degree", "butter_fingers": " anf control of environmentxl hazards or sjrwsses effectihg human health. The MS curriculum, whmch wmphawizes both quantitativd skills wnd effextivt communication, consists of 48 sejcster iours of courseeork, incluging masters tverid research and a field practice expqrience, ajd can be compjetec in 22-24 months of full-time study. The goal of the PhD degree", "random_deletion": "and control of environmental hazards or stresses health. MS curriculum, emphasizes both quantitative of semester hours of including masters thesis and a field practice experience, and be completed in 22-24 months of full-time study. The goal of the PhD", "change_char_case": " and control of environmental Hazards or sTressEs aFfeCtIng hUman Health. The MS curRIculUm, which emphasizes both qUantiTaTIve sKIlLs and EffectiVE cOMMunIcAtIon, CoNSiSts of 48 SemEster hoUrs of coursEwoRk, Including masTErS thesis resEarCh and a field pRacTice exPeRieNCe, and Can Be comPleted IN 22-24 monthS of full-tiMe STudy. ThE Goal of tHE phd degRee", "whitespace_perturbation": " and control of environmen tal hazard s orstr ess es aff ecti ng human healt h . Th e MS curriculum, which emph as i zesb ot h qua ntitati v es k ill san d e ff e ct ive c omm unicati on, consis tsof 48 semester ho urs of cou rse work, includ ing maste rs th e sis r ese archand af ield p ractice e xp e rience , and ca n be com pleted in 22-24 m o nt h s of full-time study .T he g oal of the PhD d eg ree", "underscore_trick": " and_control of_environmental hazards or stresses_affecting human_health._The MS_curriculum,_which emphasizes both_quantitative skills and_effective communication, consists of_48 semester hours_of_coursework, including masters thesis research and a field practice experience, and can be completed_in_22-24 months_of_full-time_study. The goal of the_PhD degree"} +{"text": " diversity of contributions across gender, race, seniority, country of origin, and level of analysis. The conference will achieve the following aims (1) Identify knowledge gaps and opportunities for scientists, clinicians, nonprofits, businesses, and community members to share and discuss cutting-edge research in the area of learning and", "synonym_substitution": "diversity of contributions across gender, race, longevity, area of origin, and level of psychoanalysis. The conference will achieve the stick to aims (1) Identify cognition col and opportunities for scientist, clinician, nonprofits, businesses, and residential district members to share and hash out cut - edge research in the area of learning and", "butter_fingers": " digersity of contributions across gender, taxe, senmority, dountry uf origin, and level of analydiw. The conference will achiexe the foplowing qims (1) Identify knowledgc gapa and ipportunities nor scientivts, clinicians, nun'rofits, businesses, and community memfers to sjare and discufs clteing-sdge research in the area of learnjng and", "random_deletion": "diversity of contributions across gender, race, seniority, origin, level of The conference will Identify gaps and opportunities scientists, clinicians, nonprofits, and community members to share and cutting-edge research in the area of learning and", "change_char_case": " diversity of contributions aCross gendeR, race, SenIorItY, couNtry Of origin, and levEL of aNalysis. The conference wiLl achIeVE the FOlLowinG aims (1) IdENtIFY knOwLeDge GaPS aNd oppOrtUnities For scientiSts, ClInicians, nonpROfIts, businesSes, And community MemBers to ShAre ANd disCusS cuttIng-edgE ResearCh in the arEa OF learnINg and", "whitespace_perturbation": " diversity of contribution s across g ender , r ace ,seni orit y, country ofo rigi n, and level of analys is. T he conf e re nce w ill ach i ev e the f ol low in g a ims ( 1)Identif y knowledg e g ap s and opport u ni ties for s cie ntists, clin ici ans, n on pro f its,bus iness es, an d commu nity memb er s to sh a re andd i sc usscutting-edge rese a rc h in the area o f lear ni n ga n d", "underscore_trick": " diversity_of contributions_across gender, race, seniority,_country of_origin,_and level_of_analysis. The conference_will achieve the_following aims (1) Identify_knowledge gaps and_opportunities_for scientists, clinicians, nonprofits, businesses, and community members to share and discuss cutting-edge research_in_the area_of_learning_and"} +{"text": " cause craniofacial defects are important resources for determining the factors that are essential for this complex developmental process. Goosecoid (Gsc) is a homeobox gene that is expressed in the anterior region of the primitive streak and later in craniofacial structures, the limbs, and the ventrolateral body wall.", "synonym_substitution": "cause craniofacial defects are important resources for determine the divisor that are essential for this complex developmental process. Goosecoid (Gsc) is a homeobox gene that is expressed in the anterior area of the primitive streak and later in craniofacial social organization, the limbs, and the ventrolateral body rampart.", "butter_fingers": " cakse craniofacial defects are important tewourcev for seterminkng the factors that are essxntiql foe this complex developoental prlcess. Goiseciud (Gsc) is e homeobox gens thac ms expressed in the anterhor region of dhd 'rimitive streak and later in craniosacial xtguctures, the lymbs, wnd fhe ventrolateral body wall.", "random_deletion": "cause craniofacial defects are important resources for factors are essential this complex developmental homeobox that is expressed the anterior region the primitive streak and later in structures, the limbs, and the ventrolateral body wall.", "change_char_case": " cause craniofacial defects aRe importanT resoUrcEs fOr DeteRminIng the factors tHAt arE essential for this complEx devElOPmenTAl ProceSs. GooseCOiD (gSc) iS a HoMeoBoX GeNe thaT is ExpressEd in the antEriOr Region of the pRImItive streaK anD later in cranIofAcial sTrUctURes, thE liMbs, anD the veNTrolatEral body wAlL.", "whitespace_perturbation": " cause craniofacial defect s are impo rtant re sou rc es f or d etermining the fact ors that are essential forth i s co m pl ex de velopme n ta l pro ce ss . G oo s ec oid ( Gsc ) is ahomeobox g ene t hat is expre s se d in the a nte rior regionofthe pr im iti v e str eak andlateri n cran iofacialst r ucture s , the l i m bs , an d the ventrolater a lb ody wall.", "underscore_trick": " cause_craniofacial defects_are important resources for_determining the_factors_that are_essential_for this complex_developmental process. Goosecoid_(Gsc) is a homeobox_gene that is_expressed_in the anterior region of the primitive streak and later in craniofacial structures, the_limbs,_and the_ventrolateral_body_wall."} +{"text": "backs in isolated lakes share similar genetic architectures for convergent behaviors involved in reproductive isolation. This project will also test whether QTL influencing behaviors involved in reproductive isolation map disproportionately to genomic regions affecting traits known to be important for mate selection, such as body size and shape. Importantly, the QTL mapping experiments proposed here will serve as a", "synonym_substitution": "backs in isolated lakes share exchangeable familial architectures for convergent behaviors involved in generative isolation. This project will also test whether QTL influence behaviors involved in generative isolation function disproportionately to genomic regions affecting trait known to be important for spouse survival, such as body size and shape. Importantly, the QTL mapping experiments proposed here will service as a", "butter_fingers": "bacns in isolated lakes shave similar genetnx archmtecturss for cunvergent behaviors involved ib repeoductive isolation. Thks projecn will alwo ttst whether QTL iirluenciky behzyiors mnvolved in reptoductive ismlation map divpfo'ortionately to genomic regions affesting ttalts known to bg imppwtanf for mate selection, such as body aize anv shape. Importamtly, the QTL mapping experlmenhs proposed here wlll serve aw a", "random_deletion": "backs in isolated lakes share similar genetic convergent involved in isolation. This project influencing involved in reproductive map disproportionately to regions affecting traits known to be for mate selection, such as body size and shape. Importantly, the QTL mapping proposed here will serve as a", "change_char_case": "backs in isolated lakes share Similar genEtic aRchIteCtUres For cOnvergent behavIOrs iNvolved in reproductive iSolatIoN. this PRoJect wIll also TEsT WHetHeR QtL iNfLUeNcing BehAviors iNvolved in rEprOdUctive isolatIOn Map dispropOrtIonately to geNomIc regiOnS afFEctinG trAits kNown to BE imporTant for maTe SElectiON, such as BODy Size And shape. ImportantLY, tHE QTL mapping expErimenTs PRoPOSed HerE will serve As A", "whitespace_perturbation": "backs in isolated lakes sh are simila r gen eti c a rc hite ctur es for converg e nt b ehaviors involved in r eprod uc t ivei so latio n. This pr o j ect w il l a ls o t est w het her QTL influenci ngbe haviors invo l ve d in repro duc tive isolati onmap di sp rop o rtion ate ly to genom i c regi ons affec ti n g trai t s known t obe i mportant for mate se l ection, such a s body s i ze a ndsha pe. Import an tly,t he QTLm ap p i n g e x periments pro posed herew ill serve a s a ", "underscore_trick": "backs in_isolated lakes_share similar genetic architectures_for convergent_behaviors_involved in_reproductive_isolation. This project_will also test_whether QTL influencing behaviors_involved in reproductive_isolation_map disproportionately to genomic regions affecting traits known to be important for mate selection,_such_as body_size_and_shape. Importantly, the QTL mapping_experiments proposed here will serve_as a"} +{"text": "iveness and increased vascular permeability are dependent on the presence of extravascular polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) in the airways. This proposal will first examine which chemoattractants are responsible for bringing PMNs to the site of airway injury. Animals either 1) depleted of complement, 2) treated with an inhibitor of the", "synonym_substitution": "iveness and increased vascular permeability are dependent on the presence of extravascular polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) in the respiratory tract. This marriage proposal will first examine which chemoattractants are creditworthy for bringing PMNs to the web site of airway injury. animal either 1) depleted of complement, 2) treated with an inhibitor of the", "butter_fingers": "ivejess and increased vascuuar permeabiliti qre de'endent on the oresence of extravascular popynorphinuclear leukocytes (PMVs) in the airways. Thiw proposal xjll first exajlne wkirh chemoattractsnts are rasponsible for bfiuging PMNs to the site of airway injtry. Anikaps either 1) depjetec of domplement, 2) treated with an inhibifor of uhe", "random_deletion": "iveness and increased vascular permeability are dependent presence extravascular polymorphonuclear (PMNs) in the examine chemoattractants are responsible bringing PMNs to site of airway injury. Animals either depleted of complement, 2) treated with an inhibitor of the", "change_char_case": "iveness and increased vasculAr permeabiLity aRe dEpeNdEnt oN the Presence of extrAVascUlar polymorphonuclear lEukocYtES (PMNS) In The aiRways. ThIS pROPosAl WiLl fIrST eXaminE whIch chemOattractanTs aRe Responsible fOR bRinging PMNS to The site of airWay Injury. anImaLS eithEr 1) dEpletEd of coMPlemenT, 2) treated wItH An inhiBItor of tHE", "whitespace_perturbation": "iveness and increased vasc ular perme abili tyare d epen dent on the presen c e of extravascular polymor phonu cl e ar l e uk ocyte s (PMNs ) i n the a ir way s. Th is pr opo sal wil l first ex ami ne which chemo a tt ractants a reresponsiblefor bring in g P M Ns to th e sit e of a i rway i njury. An im a ls eit h er 1) d e p le tedof complement, 2) tr e ated with an i nhibit or of t he", "underscore_trick": "iveness and_increased vascular_permeability are dependent on_the presence_of_extravascular polymorphonuclear_leukocytes_(PMNs) in the_airways. This proposal_will first examine which_chemoattractants are responsible_for_bringing PMNs to the site of airway injury. Animals either 1) depleted of complement,_2)_treated with_an_inhibitor_of the"} +{"text": "accompanied minors or elderly patients). This study is partially funded by the Bethesda Hospitals Emergency Preparedness Partnership. It focuses on patients attended by the Emergency Department (ED) of a regional hospital (Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, MD) and evaluates the potential added value of electronic prescription history information", "synonym_substitution": "accompanied minors or elderly patients). This discipline is partially fund by the Bethesda Hospitals Emergency Preparedness Partnership. It focuses on patients attended by the Emergency Department (ED) of a regional hospital (Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, MD) and evaluate the potential added value of electronic prescription drug history information", "butter_fingers": "acclmpanied minors or elderuy patients). This study is padtially wunded by the Bethesda Hospivals Emertency Preparedness Pargnership. Pt focusew on patients avfended nv the Cmergznry Department (EC) of a reghonal hospital (Sjbbrban Hospital, Bethesda, MD) and evaluwtes thr ootential addeq vakte or electronic prescription history jnformauion", "random_deletion": "accompanied minors or elderly patients). This study funded the Bethesda Emergency Preparedness Partnership. by Emergency Department (ED) a regional hospital Hospital, Bethesda, MD) and evaluates the added value of electronic prescription history information", "change_char_case": "accompanied minors or elderlY patients). THis stUdy Is pArTialLy fuNded by the BetheSDa HoSpitals Emergency PreparEdnesS PARtneRShIp. It fOcuses oN PaTIEntS aTtEndEd BY tHe EmeRgeNcy DepaRtment (ED) of A reGiOnal hospital (sUbUrban HospiTal, bethesda, MD) anD evAluateS tHe pOTentiAl aDded vAlue of ELectroNic prescrIpTIon hisTOry infoRMAtIon", "whitespace_perturbation": "accompanied minors or elde rly patien ts).Thi s s tu dy i s pa rtially funded by t he Bethesda HospitalsEmerg en c y Pr e pa redne ss Part n er s h ip. I tfoc us e son pa tie nts att ended by t heEm ergency Depa r tm ent (ED) o f a regional ho spi tal (S ub urb a n Hos pit al, B ethesd a , MD)and evalu at e s thep otentia l ad dedvalue of electron i cp rescription hi storyin f or m a tio n", "underscore_trick": "accompanied minors_or elderly_patients). This study is_partially funded_by_the Bethesda_Hospitals_Emergency Preparedness Partnership._It focuses on_patients attended by the_Emergency Department (ED)_of_a regional hospital (Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, MD) and evaluates the potential added value of_electronic_prescription history_information"} +{"text": "IMH and NICHD funded training program, has the dual purpose of 1) increasing the amount of innovative and scientifically excellent HIV prevention research being conducted in minority communities, and 2) increasing the number of funded investigators from underrepresented minority groups. Since 1997 the program has mentored a diverse group of 37 scientists who have", "synonym_substitution": "IMH and NICHD funded training program, has the double function of 1) increasing the amount of innovative and scientifically excellent HIV prevention inquiry being conducted in minority communities, and 2) increasing the act of funded investigators from underrepresented minority group. Since 1997 the program has mentored a divers group of 37 scientists who have", "butter_fingers": "IMH and NICHD funded trainikg program, has tkw dual purpoae of 1) ivcreasing the amount of innotatice ane scientifically exceluent HIV ireventiob rewwarch beinj conducbzd in linoxivy communities, snd 2) incredsing the numbar oy funded investigators from underrepwesentec linority groupf. Simse 1997 fhe program has mentored a diverse group mf 37 scientistx who have", "random_deletion": "IMH and NICHD funded training program, has purpose 1) increasing amount of innovative research conducted in minority and 2) increasing number of funded investigators from underrepresented groups. Since 1997 the program has mentored a diverse group of 37 scientists have", "change_char_case": "IMH and NICHD funded training Program, has The duAl pUrpOsE of 1) iNcreAsing the amount OF innOvative and scientificalLy excElLEnt Hiv pRevenTion resEArCH BeiNg CoNduCtED iN minoRitY communIties, and 2) inCreAsIng the number OF fUnded invesTigAtors from undErrEpreseNtEd mINoritY grOups. SInce 1997 thE PrograM has mentoReD A diverSE group oF 37 SCiEntiSts who have", "whitespace_perturbation": "IMH and NICHD funded train ing progra m, ha s t hedu al p urpo se of 1) incre a sing the amount of innovat ive a nd scie n ti fical ly exce l le n t HI Vpr eve nt i on rese arc h being conducted in m inority comm u ni ties, and2)increasing t henumber o f f u ndedinv estig atorsf rom un derrepres en t ed min o rity gr o u ps . Si nce 1997 the prog r am has mentored a diver se gr o u p o f 3 7 scientis ts whoh ave", "underscore_trick": "IMH and_NICHD funded_training program, has the_dual purpose_of_1) increasing_the_amount of innovative_and scientifically excellent_HIV prevention research being_conducted in minority_communities,_and 2) increasing the number of funded investigators from underrepresented minority groups. Since 1997_the_program has_mentored_a_diverse group of 37 scientists_who have"} +{"text": " the Mdr2KO microenvironment in relation to hepatocyte NF-kappaB activation. 3. Elucidate the mechanisms through which HCC develops in spite of NF-kappaB inhibition. Positive results may be rapidly translated in the future into clinical trials since TNFalpha antagonists are already approved for human use. Understanding the mechanisms underlying", "synonym_substitution": "the Mdr2KO microenvironment in relation to hepatocyte NF - kappaB activation. 3. Elucidate the mechanisms through which HCC develop in malice of NF - kappaB inhibition. Positive results may be quickly translated in the future into clinical trials since TNFalpha antagonists are already approve for human use. Understanding the mechanism underlying", "butter_fingers": " thf Mdr2KO microenvironment in relation to hepatoryte NF-iappaB aztivation. 3. Elucidate the mecianiwms tyrough which HCC develups in sppte of NF-jappeB inhibition. Positive rcfulta may ue rapidly tranxlated in dhe future intm zlnnical trials since TNFalpha antagonysts arr wlready approvgd fog rumah use. Understanding the mechanisms underljing", "random_deletion": "the Mdr2KO microenvironment in relation to hepatocyte 3. the mechanisms which HCC develops Positive may be rapidly in the future clinical trials since TNFalpha antagonists are approved for human use. Understanding the mechanisms underlying", "change_char_case": " the Mdr2KO microenvironment iN relation tO hepaTocYte nF-KappAB acTivation. 3. ElucidATe thE mechanisms through whicH HCC dEvELops IN sPite oF NF-kappAb iNHIbiTiOn. posItIVe ResulTs mAy be rapIdly translAteD iN the future inTO cLinical triAls Since TNFalphA anTagoniStS arE AlreaDy aPprovEd for hUMan use. understanDiNG the meCHanisms UNDeRlyiNg", "whitespace_perturbation": " the Mdr2KO microenvironme nt in rela tiontohep at ocyt e NF -kappaB activa t ion. 3. Elucidate the mech anism st hrou g hwhich HCC de v el o p s i nsp ite o f N F-kap paB inhibi tion. Posi tiv eresults mayb erapidly tr ans lated in the fu ture i nt o c l inica l t rials since TNFalp ha antago ni s ts are already a pp rove d for human use.U nd e rstanding themechan is m su n der lyi ng", "underscore_trick": " the_Mdr2KO microenvironment_in relation to hepatocyte_NF-kappaB activation._3._Elucidate the_mechanisms_through which HCC_develops in spite_of NF-kappaB inhibition. Positive_results may be_rapidly_translated in the future into clinical trials since TNFalpha antagonists are already approved for_human_use. Understanding_the_mechanisms_underlying"} +{"text": " the region coding for the Rho-attachment site on the transcript; transcription elongation will be blocked by the binding of a cleavage-defective EcoR1 endonuclease. A kinetic formalism will be used to ascertain the rate-determining steps of the Rho attachment/transcript release reaction. This formalism will be used to", "synonym_substitution": "the region coding for the Rho - attachment site on the transcript; arrangement elongation will be block by the binding of a cleavage - defective EcoR1 endonuclease. A kinetic formalism will be use to ascertain the rate - specify dance step of the Rho attachment / transcript liberation reaction. This formalism will be used to", "butter_fingers": " thf region coding for the Vho-attachment sije on thx transdript; trxnscription elongation will ue boockee by the binding of a zleavage-dvfective WcoR1 wndonuclease. A kinccic fkvmalivn will be used to ascertdin the rate-dedefmnning steps of the Rho attachment/tragscript rflease reactiog. Thps forjalism will be used to", "random_deletion": "the region coding for the Rho-attachment site transcript; elongation will blocked by the endonuclease. kinetic formalism will used to ascertain rate-determining steps of the Rho attachment/transcript reaction. This formalism will be used to", "change_char_case": " the region coding for the Rho-aTtachment sIte on The TraNsCripT; traNscription elonGAtioN will be blocked by the binDing oF a CLeavAGe-DefecTive Ecor1 EnDONucLeAsE. A kInETiC formAliSm will bE used to ascErtAiN the rate-deteRMiNing steps oF thE Rho attachmeNt/tRanscrIpT reLEase rEacTion. THis forMAlism wIll be used To", "whitespace_perturbation": " the region coding for the Rho-attac hment si teon the tra nscript; trans c ript ion elongation will be bloc ke d byt he bind ing ofa c l e ava ge -d efe ct i ve EcoR 1 e ndonucl ease. A ki net ic formalism w i ll be used t o a scertain the ra te-det er min i ng st eps of t he Rho attach ment/tran sc r ipt re l ease re a c ti on.This formalism wi l lb e used to", "underscore_trick": " the_region coding_for the Rho-attachment site_on the_transcript;_transcription elongation_will_be blocked by_the binding of_a cleavage-defective EcoR1 endonuclease._A kinetic formalism_will_be used to ascertain the rate-determining steps of the Rho attachment/transcript release reaction. This_formalism_will be_used_to"} +{"text": " inflammation thereafter leads to spinal ankylosis and poorer long-term health outcomes. We will test this model in two stages. First, we will identify genetic markers associated with worse radiological outcomes, greater functional disability, work disability and need for total hip arthroplasty in a retrospective cohort study of 400 patients with AS of 20 years", "synonym_substitution": "inflammation thereafter leads to spinal ankylosis and poorer retentive - condition health outcomes. We will test this model in two degree. First, we will identify genic marker associated with worse radiological outcomes, greater running disability, work disability and need for total hip arthroplasty in a retrospective age group study of 400 patients with AS of 20 days", "butter_fingers": " invlammation thereafter lexds to spinal aujylosiv and loorer lung-term health outcomes. We wmll rest ukis model in two staees. First, we will ideitify genetic maciers associatsf wich worse radiolonical outcokes, greater futcgilnal disability, work disability and need fpr total hip artrropkwsty pn a retrospective cohort study of 400 pauients with AS of 20 years", "random_deletion": "inflammation thereafter leads to spinal ankylosis and health We will this model in identify markers associated with radiological outcomes, greater disability, work disability and need for hip arthroplasty in a retrospective cohort study of 400 patients with AS of years", "change_char_case": " inflammation thereafter leaDs to spinal AnkylOsiS anD pOoreR lonG-term health outCOmes. we will test this model in tWo staGeS. firsT, We Will iDentify GEnETIc mArKeRs aSsOCiAted wIth Worse raDiological OutCoMes, greater fuNCtIonal disabIliTy, work disabiLitY and neEd For TOtal hIp aRthroPlasty IN a retrOspective CoHOrt stuDY of 400 patiENTs With aS of 20 years", "whitespace_perturbation": " inflammation thereafter l eads to sp inalank ylo si s an d po orer long-term heal th outcomes. We will t est t hi s mod e lin tw o stage s .F i rst ,we wi ll id entif y g eneticmarkers as soc ia ted with wor s eradiologic aloutcomes, gr eat er fun ct ion a l dis abi lity, workd isabil ity and n ee d for t o tal hip a rt hrop lasty in a retros p ec t ive cohort stu dy of40 0 p a t ien tswith AS of 2 0 yea r s", "underscore_trick": " inflammation_thereafter leads_to spinal ankylosis and_poorer long-term_health_outcomes. We_will_test this model_in two stages._First, we will identify_genetic markers associated_with_worse radiological outcomes, greater functional disability, work disability and need for total hip arthroplasty_in_a retrospective_cohort_study_of 400 patients with AS_of 20 years"} +{"text": " research for this already productive group of investigators who work together closely, and it promises to produce further major insights into rheumatic disease causation and treatment. Led by Director, Dr. David Felson and Associate Director, Dr. Saralynn Allaire, this group of full-time MCRC investigators who work together in shared", "synonym_substitution": "research for this already productive group of investigators who work in concert close, and it promise to produce further major insight into arthritic disease causation and treatment. Led by Director, Dr. David Felson and Associate Director, Dr. Saralynn Allaire, this group of entire - time MCRC investigators who exploit together in shared", "butter_fingers": " redearch for this already kroductive group of invevtigatkrs who dork together closely, and it peomistf to produce furthdr major pnsights unto eheumatic vjsease gcusatjln aud treatment. Led by Directmr, Dr. David Fensun and Associate Director, Dr. Saralynn Allairr, hhis group of sull-uimq MCDB lnvestigators who work together jn shartd", "random_deletion": "research for this already productive group of work closely, and promises to produce disease and treatment. Led Director, Dr. David and Associate Director, Dr. Saralynn Allaire, group of full-time MCRC investigators who work together in shared", "change_char_case": " research for this already proDuctive groUp of iNveStiGaTors Who wOrk together cloSEly, aNd it promises to produce fUrtheR mAJor iNSiGhts iNto rheuMAtIC DisEaSe CauSaTIoN and tReaTment. LeD by DirectoR, Dr. daVid Felson and aSsOciate DireCtoR, Dr. Saralynn ALlaIre, thiS gRouP Of fulL-tiMe MCRc invesTIgatorS who work tOgETher in SHared", "whitespace_perturbation": " research for this already productiv e gro upofin vest igat ors who work t o geth er closely, and it pro mises t o pro d uc e fur ther ma j or i nsi gh ts in to rh eumat icdisease causation an dtreatment. L e dby Directo r,Dr. David Fe lso n andAs soc i ate D ire ctor, Dr. S a ralynn Allaire, t h is gro u p of fu l l -t imeMCRC investigator s w h o work togethe r in s ha r ed ", "underscore_trick": " research_for this_already productive group of_investigators who_work_together closely,_and_it promises to_produce further major_insights into rheumatic disease_causation and treatment._Led_by Director, Dr. David Felson and Associate Director, Dr. Saralynn Allaire, this group of_full-time_MCRC investigators_who_work_together in shared"} +{"text": " restricted protein synthesis for OLG-growth cone pathfinding and in particular for chemotropic turning in response to non-permissive cues. In this set of experiments the extent to which locally restricted protein synthesis occurs in pathfinding OLG-growth cones will be determined. In addition, chemotropic turning of separated processes will be", "synonym_substitution": "restricted protein synthesis for OLG - growth cone pathfinding and in particular for chemotropic turn in reception to non - permissive cues. In this set of experiments the extent to which locally restrict protein synthesis occurs in pathfinding OLG - emergence cone will be determined. In accession, chemotropic turning of separated process will be", "butter_fingers": " redtricted protein synthesls for OLG-growth cone pethfindjng and kn particular for chemotropir tuening in response to non-peroissive cles. In thus stt of experiments the extcut to ahick oocally restrigted proteit synthesis ocwufs in pathfinding OLG-growth cones wilj be deyegmined. In addijion, bhqmotdopic turning of separated processss will be", "random_deletion": "restricted protein synthesis for OLG-growth cone pathfinding particular chemotropic turning response to non-permissive experiments extent to which restricted protein synthesis in pathfinding OLG-growth cones will be In addition, chemotropic turning of separated processes will be", "change_char_case": " restricted protein synthesiS for OLG-groWth coNe pAthFiNdinG and In particular foR ChemOtropic turning in responSe to nOn-PErmiSSiVe cueS. In this SEt OF ExpErImEntS tHE eXtent To wHich locAlly restriCteD pRotein syntheSIs Occurs in paThfInding OLG-groWth Cones wIlL be DEtermIneD. In adDition, CHemotrOpic turniNg OF separATed procESSeS wilL be", "whitespace_perturbation": " restricted protein synthe sis for OL G-gro wth co ne pat hfin ding and in pa r ticu lar for chemotropic tu rning i n res p on se to non-pe r mi s s ive c ue s.In th is se t o f exper iments the ex te nt to whichl oc ally restr ict ed protein s ynt hesisoc cur s in p ath findi ng OLG - growth cones wi ll be det e rmined. I naddi tion, chemotropic tu r ning of separa ted pr oc e ss e s wi llbe", "underscore_trick": " restricted_protein synthesis_for OLG-growth cone pathfinding_and in_particular_for chemotropic_turning_in response to_non-permissive cues. In_this set of experiments_the extent to_which_locally restricted protein synthesis occurs in pathfinding OLG-growth cones will be determined. In addition,_chemotropic_turning of_separated_processes_will be"} +{"text": "CA, Boys and Girl Scouts) and is appropriate for Phase II funding. To support the development and assessment of two live microbiome-based products. In an integrated program of laboratory and clinical investigation, we study the molecular biology of the heritable connective tissue disorders osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). Our objective is to", "synonym_substitution": "CA, Boys and Girl Scouts) and is appropriate for Phase II funding. To support the development and assessment of two hot microbiome - free-base products. In an integrated program of testing ground and clinical investigation, we study the molecular biota of the heritable connective tissue disorders osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). Our objective is to", "butter_fingers": "CA, Hoys and Girl Scouts) and is appropriate for Phese II runding. Go support the development aid awsessnent of two live microciome-basef producrs. Ii an integrated 'dogram of labkvatorv end clinical inyestigation, we study the koueeular biology of the heritable connestive tosdue disorders jstepdeneaps imperfecta (OI). Our objective js to", "random_deletion": "CA, Boys and Girl Scouts) and is Phase funding. To the development and products. an integrated program laboratory and clinical we study the molecular biology of heritable connective tissue disorders osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). Our objective is to", "change_char_case": "CA, Boys and Girl Scouts) and is aPpropriate For PhAse iI fUnDing. to suPport the develoPMent And assessment of two live MicroBiOMe-baSEd ProduCts. In an INtEGRatEd PrOgrAm OF lAboraTorY and cliNical invesTigAtIon, we study thE MoLecular bioLogY of the heritaBle ConnecTiVe tISsue dIsoRders OsteogENesis iMperfecta (oI). oUr objeCTive is tO", "whitespace_perturbation": "CA, Boys and Girl Scouts)and is app ropri ate fo rPhas e II funding. To s u ppor t the development andasses sm e nt o f t wo li ve micr o bi o m e-b as ed pr od u ct s. In an integr ated progr amof laboratorya nd clinicalinv estigation,westudyth e m o lecul arbiolo gy oft he her itable co nn e ctivet issue d i s or ders osteogenesis imp e rf e cta (OI). Ourobject iv e i s to", "underscore_trick": "CA, Boys_and Girl_Scouts) and is appropriate_for Phase_II_funding. To_support_the development and_assessment of two_live microbiome-based products. In_an integrated program_of_laboratory and clinical investigation, we study the molecular biology of the heritable connective tissue_disorders_osteogenesis imperfecta_(OI)._Our_objective is to"} +{"text": " computational genetics, molecular genetics and neuroscience; (ii) the study of quantitative and qualitative traits and the development of methods for the analysis of multivariate phenotypes and (iii) the availability of major epidemiological and genetic data sets (phenotypes and genotypes). Fellows may participate in ongoing linkage and candidate gene studies of Schizophrenia", "synonym_substitution": "computational genetics, molecular genetics and neuroscience; (ii) the study of quantitative and qualitative traits and the development of methods for the psychoanalysis of multivariate phenotype and (iii) the handiness of major epidemiological and genetic data set (phenotypes and genotypes). mate may enter in ongoing linkage and candidate gene studies of Schizophrenia", "butter_fingers": " colputational genetics, moltcular genetics aue neurmsciende; (ii) thd study of quantitative and euqlitaupve traits and the dexelopment of methids hor the analysis of multlrariafc pheuovypes and (iii) tme availabinity of major apkdzmiological and genetic data sets (phqnotypex wnd genotypes). Sellprs mzj karticipate in ongoing linkage ans candivate gene studirs of Schizophrenia", "random_deletion": "computational genetics, molecular genetics and neuroscience; (ii) of and qualitative and the development of phenotypes and (iii) availability of major and genetic data sets (phenotypes and Fellows may participate in ongoing linkage and candidate gene studies of Schizophrenia", "change_char_case": " computational genetics, moleCular genetIcs anD neUroScIencE; (ii) tHe study of quantITatiVe and qualitative traits And thE dEVeloPMeNt of mEthods fOR tHE AnaLySiS of MuLTiVariaTe pHenotypEs and (iii) thE avAiLability of maJOr EpidemioloGicAl and genetic DatA sets (pHeNotYPes anD geNotypEs). FellOWs may pArticipatE iN OngoinG Linkage AND cAndiDate gene studies of sChIZophrenia", "whitespace_perturbation": " computational genetics, m olecular g eneti csand n euro scie nce; (ii) thes tudy of quantitative and q ualit at i ve t r ai ts an d the d e ve l o pme nt o f m et h od s for th e analy sis of mul tiv ar iate phenoty p es and (iii) th e availabili tyof maj or ep i demio log icaland ge n etic d ata sets(p h enotyp e s and g e n ot ypes ). Fellows may pa r ti c ipate in ongoi ng lin ka g ea n d c and idate gene s tudie s of Sch i zo p h r eni a ", "underscore_trick": " computational_genetics, molecular_genetics and neuroscience; (ii)_the study_of_quantitative and_qualitative_traits and the_development of methods_for the analysis of_multivariate phenotypes and_(iii)_the availability of major epidemiological and genetic data sets (phenotypes and genotypes). Fellows may_participate_in ongoing_linkage_and_candidate gene studies of Schizophrenia"} +{"text": " studies conducted during the first stage of this project (CA 20939-01, Jan.-Dec. 1977), we proposed to determine in patients with cancer of the breast: 1) If the higly simplified procedure of HYPRO/creatinine ratio in morning urine \"SPOT-HYPRO\" currently used in our laboratories", "synonym_substitution": "studies conducted during the first stage of this undertaking (CA 20939 - 01, Jan.-Dec. 1977), we aim to determine in patients with cancer of the breast: 1) If the higly simplify procedure of HYPRO / creatinine proportion in morning urine \" SPOT - HYPRO \" currently use in our testing ground", "butter_fingers": " stkdies conducted during tme first stage oy this 'roject (CA 20939-01, Jan.-Aec. 1977), we proposed to determinx in patituts with cancer of tfe breast: 1) If the higot simplifixs procedure or HYPXO/rreatinine ratip in mornitg urine \"SPOT-HFPFO\" currently used in our laboratories", "random_deletion": "studies conducted during the first stage of (CA Jan.-Dec. 1977), proposed to determine the 1) If the simplified procedure of ratio in morning urine \"SPOT-HYPRO\" currently in our laboratories", "change_char_case": " studies conducted during the First stage Of thiS prOjeCt (cA 20939-01, JaN.-Dec. 1977), We proposed to deTErmiNe in patients with cancer Of the BrEAst: 1) IF ThE higlY simpliFIeD PRocEdUrE of hYprO/CreatIniNe ratio In morning uRinE \"SpOT-HYPRO\" currENtLy used in ouR laBoratories", "whitespace_perturbation": " studies conducted duringthe firststage of th is pro ject (CA 20939-01, Jan. -Dec. 1977), we propos ed to d e term i ne in p atients wi t h ca nc er of t h ebreas t:1) If t he higly s imp li fied procedu r eof HYPRO/c rea tinine ratio in morni ng ur i ne \"S POT -HYPR O\" cur r entlyused in o ur labora t ories", "underscore_trick": " studies_conducted during_the first stage of_this project_(CA_20939-01, Jan.-Dec._1977),_we proposed to_determine in patients_with cancer of the_breast: 1) If_the_higly simplified procedure of HYPRO/creatinine ratio in morning urine \"SPOT-HYPRO\" currently used in our_laboratories"} +{"text": " energy balance. Therefore, the overarching goal of this project is to identify how BMP7 impacts whole body energy balance by affecting appetite pathways and BAT thermogenesis. Thus far, we have found that mice with BMP7 haploinsufficiency (BMP7-/+) on a high fat diet (HFD)", "synonym_substitution": "energy balance. Therefore, the overarching goal of this undertaking is to name how BMP7 affect whole soundbox department of energy balance by affecting appetite pathways and squash racket thermogenesis. Thus far, we have found that mouse with BMP7 haploinsufficiency (BMP7-/+) on a high fat diet (HFD )", "butter_fingers": " enfrgy balance. Therefore, tme overarching goal of vhis prkject is to identify how BMP7 impacts wyole vody energy balance by affectinh appetire pethways and BAT vgermogekzsis. Fmus fcr, we have found that mice with BMP7 haplmivsbfficiency (BMP7-/+) on a high fat diet (HFQ)", "random_deletion": "energy balance. Therefore, the overarching goal of is identify how impacts whole body pathways BAT thermogenesis. Thus we have found mice with BMP7 haploinsufficiency (BMP7-/+) on high fat diet (HFD)", "change_char_case": " energy balance. Therefore, the OverarchinG goal Of tHis PrOjecT is tO identify how BMp7 ImpaCts whole body energy balaNce by AfFEctiNG aPpetiTe pathwAYs AND BAt tHeRmoGeNEsIs. ThuS faR, we have Found that mIce WiTh BMP7 haploinSUfFiciency (BMp7-/+) on A high fat diet (hFD)", "whitespace_perturbation": " energy balance. Therefore , the over archi nggoa lof t hisproject is toi dent ify how BMP7 impacts w holebo d y en e rg y bal ance by af f e cti ng a ppe ti t epathw ays and BA T thermoge nes is . Thus far,w ehave found th at mice with BM P7 hap lo ins u ffici enc y (BM P7-/+) on a h igh fat d ie t (HFD) ", "underscore_trick": " energy_balance. Therefore,_the overarching goal of_this project_is_to identify_how_BMP7 impacts whole_body energy balance_by affecting appetite pathways_and BAT thermogenesis._Thus_far, we have found that mice with BMP7 haploinsufficiency (BMP7-/+) on a high fat_diet_(HFD)"} +{"text": " goal of becoming an independent investigator in cardiovascular disease-related research, equipped to use experimental and quantitative methods in a synergistic manner. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Atherosclerosis (a leading cause of heart attacks and stroke) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the artery walls. Atherosclerosis involves accumulation of macrophage white blood", "synonym_substitution": "goal of becoming an independent investigator in cardiovascular disease - relate inquiry, equipped to use experimental and quantitative method in a synergetic manner. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Atherosclerosis (a leading cause of heart attack and stroke) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the artery wall. Atherosclerosis involves accumulation of macrophage ashen blood", "butter_fingers": " gowl of becoming an indepekdent investigator in cerdiovaacular dksease-related research, equip'ed ro ust experimental and duantitatpve methoes ii a synergistic manner. PMYLIC GCALTH CELEVANCE: Atherpsclerosis (a leading cauve oy heart attacks and stroke) is a chrogic infkalmatory diseasg of uhe artsgy walls. Atherosclerosis involvss accukulation of mscrophage white blood", "random_deletion": "goal of becoming an independent investigator in research, to use and quantitative methods HEALTH Atherosclerosis (a leading of heart attacks stroke) is a chronic inflammatory disease the artery walls. Atherosclerosis involves accumulation of macrophage white blood", "change_char_case": " goal of becoming an independeNt investigAtor iN caRdiOvAscuLar dIsease-related rESearCh, equipped to use experimEntal AnD QuanTItAtive Methods IN a SYNerGiStIc mAnNEr. pUBLIc HEaLTH RELeVANCE: AtheRosClErosis (a leadiNG cAuse of hearT atTacks and stroKe) iS a chroNiC inFLammaTorY diseAse of tHE arterY walls. AthErOScleroSIs involVES aCcumUlation of macrophaGE wHIte blood", "whitespace_perturbation": " goal of becoming an indep endent inv estig ato r i ncard iova scular disease - rela ted research, equipped to u se expe r im ental and qu a nt i t ati ve m eth od s i n a s yne rgistic manner. P UBL IC HEALTH RELE V AN CE: Athero scl erosis (a le adi ng cau se of heart at tacks and s t roke)is a chro ni c infla m matoryd i se aseof the artery wal l s. Atherosclerosi s invo lv e sa c cum ula tion of ma cr ophag e whiteb lo o d ", "underscore_trick": " goal_of becoming_an independent investigator in_cardiovascular disease-related_research,_equipped to_use_experimental and quantitative_methods in a_synergistic manner. PUBLIC HEALTH_RELEVANCE: Atherosclerosis (a_leading_cause of heart attacks and stroke) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the artery_walls._Atherosclerosis involves_accumulation_of_macrophage white blood"} +{"text": " elucidating the pathogenesis and altered protein expression in TSC-associated lesions in humans and in the Tsc murine models and in defining the molecular, clinical and histological characteristics of NF-associated lesions in humans and murine models. Finally, the delivery and effect of gene therapy on lesions in Tsc and Nf2 mouse models", "synonym_substitution": "elucidating the pathogenesis and altered protein expression in TSC - associated lesion in world and in the Tsc murine models and in defining the molecular, clinical and histological characteristics of NF - consort lesions in humans and murine exemplar. Finally, the delivery and consequence of gene therapy on lesions in Tsc and Nf2 mouse model", "butter_fingers": " elkcidating the pathogenesls and altered ptorein eepressikn in TSZ-associated lesions in humand qnd ib the Tsc murine modelr and in fefining the nolecular, rminical and hjdtolmjical characterlstics of NX-associated leviund in humans and murine models. Finaljy, the cepivery and effgct og gens therapy on lesions in Tsc and Nf2 mouse kodels", "random_deletion": "elucidating the pathogenesis and altered protein expression lesions humans and the Tsc murine molecular, and histological characteristics NF-associated lesions in and murine models. Finally, the delivery effect of gene therapy on lesions in Tsc and Nf2 mouse models", "change_char_case": " elucidating the pathogenesiS and altereD protEin ExpReSsioN in TsC-associated leSIons In humans and in the Tsc murIne moDeLS and IN dEfiniNg the moLEcULAr, cLiNiCal AnD HiStoloGicAl charaCteristics Of Nf-aSsociated lesIOnS in humans aNd mUrine models. FInaLly, the DeLivERy and EffEct of Gene thERapy on Lesions in tsC And Nf2 mOUse modeLS", "whitespace_perturbation": " elucidating the pathogene sis and al tered pr ote in exp ress ion in TSC-ass o ciat ed lesions in humans a nd in t h e Ts c m urine models an d inde fi nin gt he mole cul ar, cli nical andhis to logical char a ct eristics o f N F-associated le sionsin hu m ans a ndmurin e mode l s. Fin ally, the d e livery and eff e c tof g ene therapy on le s io n s in Tsc and N f2 mou se mo d e ls", "underscore_trick": " elucidating_the pathogenesis_and altered protein expression_in TSC-associated_lesions_in humans_and_in the Tsc_murine models and_in defining the molecular,_clinical and histological_characteristics_of NF-associated lesions in humans and murine models. Finally, the delivery and effect of_gene_therapy on_lesions_in_Tsc and Nf2 mouse models"} +{"text": " digestive, pancreatic, and liver research; and 2. To establish durable mentoring relationships between talented undergraduates interested in pursuing careers in biomedical research and supportive faculty mentors. In aggregate, this innovative URO provides the superb faculty, exceptional scientific resources, and exciting intellectual environment for trainees to expand their knowledge and interest in", "synonym_substitution": "digestive, pancreatic, and liver research; and 2. To establish durable mentoring relationships between talented undergraduate concerned in pursue careers in biomedical inquiry and supportive faculty mentor. In aggregate, this innovative URO put up the brilliant faculty, exceptional scientific resources, and exciting intellectual environment for trainees to extend their knowledge and interest in", "butter_fingers": " dihestive, pancreatic, and llver research; anb 2. To evtabliah durabue mentoring relationships bxtwewn taoented undergraduates knterestef in purwuinj careers in biomedical vzseardm and wupportive facolty mentors. In aggregate, dhks innovative URO provides the superb facultu, fxceptional scyentpfyc rssources, and exciting intellectual enviroiment for trainres to expand their knowlefge wnd interest in", "random_deletion": "digestive, pancreatic, and liver research; and 2. durable relationships between undergraduates interested in and faculty mentors. In this innovative URO the superb faculty, exceptional scientific resources, exciting intellectual environment for trainees to expand their knowledge and interest in", "change_char_case": " digestive, pancreatic, and livEr research; And 2. To EstAblIsH durAble Mentoring relatIOnshIps between talented undeRgradUaTEs inTErEsted In pursuINg CAReeRs In BioMeDIcAl resEarCh and suPportive faCulTy Mentors. In aggREgAte, this innOvaTive URO proviDes The supErB faCUlty, eXcePtionAl scieNTific rEsources, aNd EXcitinG IntelleCTUaL envIronment for traineES tO Expand their knoWledge AnD InTEResT in", "whitespace_perturbation": " digestive, pancreatic, an d liver re searc h;and 2 . To est ablish durable ment oring relationships be tween t a lent e dunder graduat e si n ter es te d i np ur suing ca reers i n biomedic alre search and s u pp ortive fac ult y mentors. I n a ggrega te , t h is in nov ative URO p r ovides the supe rb facult y , excep t i on al s cientific resourc e s, and exciting i ntelle ct u al e nvi ron ment for t ra inees to expa n dt h e irk nowledge andinterest in ", "underscore_trick": " digestive,_pancreatic, and_liver research; and 2._To establish_durable_mentoring relationships_between_talented undergraduates interested_in pursuing careers_in biomedical research and_supportive faculty mentors._In_aggregate, this innovative URO provides the superb faculty, exceptional scientific resources, and exciting intellectual_environment_for trainees_to_expand_their knowledge and interest in"} +{"text": " less is known regarding the role of cPLA2 in the tumor microenvironment. During the past funding period, we showed that cPLA2 knockout (KO) mice are protected against chemicallyinduced lung tumorigenesis. However, these studies do not discriminate between the action of cPLA2 in the tumor cells versus the surrounding stromal. To", "synonym_substitution": "less is known regarding the role of cPLA2 in the tumor microenvironment. During the past funding time period, we usher that cPLA2 knockout (KO) mice are protected against chemicallyinduced lung tumorigenesis. However, these study do not discriminate between the action of cPLA2 in the tumor cells versus the wall stromal. To", "butter_fingers": " leds is known regarding tht role of cPLA2 in the tukor midroenvirunment. During the past fundiig pwriod, we showed that cPLA2 kvockout (KL) mice aee pcotected against chemicallyindhged lbnj tumorigenesis. However, tvese studies dm voc discriminate between the action of cPLA2 im hhe tumor cellf vegsts tgv wurrounding stromal. To", "random_deletion": "less is known regarding the role of the microenvironment. During past funding period, (KO) are protected against lung tumorigenesis. However, studies do not discriminate between the of cPLA2 in the tumor cells versus the surrounding stromal. To", "change_char_case": " less is known regarding the roLe of cPLA2 in The tuMor MicRoEnviRonmEnt. During the paST funDing period, we showed that CPLA2 kNoCKout (ko) mIce arE protecTEd AGAinSt ChEmiCaLLyInducEd lUng tumoRigenesis. HOweVeR, these studieS Do Not discrimInaTe between the ActIon of cpLa2 in THe tumOr cElls vErsus tHE surroUnding strOmAL. To", "whitespace_perturbation": " less is known regarding t he role of cPLA 2 i n t he tum or m icroenvironmen t . Du ring the past fundingperio d, we s h ow ed th at cPLA 2 k n o cko ut ( KO) m i ce arepro tectedagainst ch emi ca llyinduced l u ng tumorigen esi s. However,the se stu di esd o not di scrim inateb etween the acti on of cPL A 2 in th e tu morcells versus thes ur r ounding stroma l. To", "underscore_trick": " less_is known_regarding the role of_cPLA2 in_the_tumor microenvironment._During_the past funding_period, we showed_that cPLA2 knockout (KO)_mice are protected_against_chemicallyinduced lung tumorigenesis. However, these studies do not discriminate between the action of cPLA2_in_the tumor_cells_versus_the surrounding stromal. To"} +{"text": " by peptides encoded by members of the T. cruzi trans-sialidase gene family in the regulation of CD8+ T cell responses in T. cruzi will be determined and the biological significance of the effect of this antagonism of the generation and effector function of CD8+ T cells will be determined. X", "synonym_substitution": "by peptides encoded by members of the T. cruzi trans - sialidase gene family in the rule of CD8 + T cellular telephone response in T. cruzi will be determined and the biological significance of the impression of this antagonism of the generation and effecter function of CD8 + T cells will be determined. ten", "butter_fingers": " by peptides encoded by memners of the T. crozu tranv-sialisase gend family in the regulation oh CD8+ T ceol responses in T. cruzk will be determibed end the biologicem signinncancs of chx effect of thix antagonivm of the genesagiln and effector function of CD8+ T cejls wilk he determined. V", "random_deletion": "by peptides encoded by members of the trans-sialidase family in regulation of CD8+ cruzi be determined and biological significance of effect of this antagonism of the and effector function of CD8+ T cells will be determined. X", "change_char_case": " by peptides encoded by memberS of the T. cruZi traNs-sIalIdAse gEne fAmily in the reguLAtioN of CD8+ T cell responses in T. Cruzi WiLL be dETeRmineD and the BIoLOGicAl SiGniFiCAnCe of tHe eFfect of This antagoNisM oF the generatiON aNd effector FunCtion of CD8+ T ceLls Will be DeTerMIned. X", "whitespace_perturbation": " by peptides encoded by me mbers of t he T. cr uzi t rans -sia lidase gene fa m ilyin the regulation of C D8+ T c e ll r e sp onses in T.c ru z i wi ll b e d et e rm inedand the bi ological s ign if icance of th e e ffect of t his antagonismofthe ge ne rat i on an d e ffect or fun c tion o f CD8+ Tce l ls wil l be det e r mi ned. X", "underscore_trick": " by_peptides encoded_by members of the_T. cruzi_trans-sialidase_gene family_in_the regulation of_CD8+ T cell_responses in T. cruzi_will be determined_and_the biological significance of the effect of this antagonism of the generation and effector_function_of CD8+_T_cells_will be determined. X"} +{"text": " in Pediatrics and a fellowship in Pediatric Gastroenterology at Johns Hopkins University. During fellowship, he became interested in the role of choline, a small quaternary amine now known to be an essential nutrient for humans. He completed a small clinical trial in children with intestinal failure that revealed a high prevalenc of ch", "synonym_substitution": "in Pediatrics and a fellowship in Pediatric Gastroenterology at Johns Hopkins University. During fellowship, he became interested in the function of choline, a humble quaternary amine now known to be an substantive nutrient for humans. He complete a little clinical trial in child with intestinal failure that revealed a gamey prevalenc of ch", "butter_fingers": " in Pediatrics and a fellowrhip in Pediatrnx Gastcoenterklogy at Johns Hopkins University. Ducing felliwship, he became interdsted in nhe role if cioline, a small qnzternarn amihc now jnown to be an essential nutrient for vuoaus. He completed a small clinical triwl in cnipdren with intgstinsj fajlure that revealed a high prevalehc of ci", "random_deletion": "in Pediatrics and a fellowship in Pediatric Johns University. During he became interested a quaternary amine now to be an nutrient for humans. He completed a clinical trial in children with intestinal failure that revealed a high prevalenc of", "change_char_case": " in Pediatrics and a fellowshiP in PediatrIc GasTroEntErOlogY at JOhns Hopkins UniVErsiTy. During fellowship, he beCame iNtERestED iN the rOle of chOLiNE, A smAlL qUatErNArY aminE noW known tO be an essenTiaL nUtrient for huMAnS. He completEd a Small clinicaL trIal in cHiLdrEN with IntEstinAl failURe that Revealed a HiGH prevaLEnc of ch", "whitespace_perturbation": " in Pediatrics and a fello wship in P ediat ric Ga st roen tero logy at JohnsH opki ns University. Duringfello ws h ip,h ebecam e inter e st e d in t he ro le of chol ine , a sma ll quatern ary a mine now kno w nto be an e sse ntial nutrie ntfor hu ma ns. He co mpl eteda smal l clini cal trial i n child r en with i nt esti nal failure thatr ev e aled a high pr evalen co fc h ", "underscore_trick": " in_Pediatrics and_a fellowship in Pediatric_Gastroenterology at_Johns_Hopkins University._During_fellowship, he became_interested in the_role of choline, a_small quaternary amine_now_known to be an essential nutrient for humans. He completed a small clinical trial_in_children with_intestinal_failure_that revealed a high prevalenc_of ch"} +{"text": " and animal model studies, we further postulate that increased non-heme iron content in Kupffer cells primes these cell for NF-kB activation and proinflammatory gene expression and thereby contributes to the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease in African Americans. We aim to test two central hypotheses: i)high dietary iron contributes", "synonym_substitution": "and animal model studies, we further postulate that increase non - heme iron contentedness in Kupffer cells primes these cell for NF - kB energizing and proinflammatory gene expression and thereby contributes to the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease in African Americans. We aim to screen two central hypotheses: i)high dietary iron contributes", "butter_fingers": " anf animal model studies, wt further postulaje that mncreassd non-heoe iron content in Kupffer cxlls primtf these cell for NW-kB activwtion ane priunflammatocg gene crpresalon aud thereby contrlbutes to tve pathogenesiv uf alcoholic liver disease in African Americsnd. We aim to teft tej cehnrcl hypotheses: i)high dietary iroh contrpbutes", "random_deletion": "and animal model studies, we further postulate non-heme content in cells primes these proinflammatory expression and thereby to the pathogenesis alcoholic liver disease in African Americans. aim to test two central hypotheses: i)high dietary iron contributes", "change_char_case": " and animal model studies, we fuRther postuLate tHat IncReAsed Non-hEme iron content IN KupFfer cells primes these ceLl for nF-Kb actIVaTion aNd proinFLaMMAtoRy GeNe eXpREsSion aNd tHereby cOntributes To tHe Pathogenesis OF aLcoholic liVer Disease in AfrIcaN AmeriCaNs. WE Aim to TesT two cEntral HYpotheSes: i)high dIeTAry iroN ContribUTEs", "whitespace_perturbation": " and animal model studies, we furthe r pos tul ate t hatincr eased non-heme iron content in Kupffer ce lls p ri m es t h es e cel l for N F -k B act iv at ion a n dproin fla mmatory gene expr ess io n and thereb y c ontributes to the pathoge nes is ofal coh o lic l ive r dis ease i n Afric an Americ an s . We a i m to te s t t wo c entral hypotheses : i & #41;high dieta ry iro nc on t r ibu tes ", "underscore_trick": " and_animal model_studies, we further postulate_that increased_non-heme_iron content_in_Kupffer cells primes_these cell for_NF-kB activation and proinflammatory_gene expression and_thereby_contributes to the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease in African Americans. We aim to_test_two central_hypotheses:_i)high_dietary iron contributes"} +{"text": " identified in other systems. In addition, we will also perform an expression screen of Xenopus cDNA library for transcripts that induce formation of the retina. We believe that the combination of these two approaches will successfully identify genes that play a role in retinal development. These experiments will also further the understanding of general inductive mechanisms and their regulation", "synonym_substitution": "identified in other systems. In addition, we will besides do an construction screen of Xenopus complementary dna library for transcripts that induce geological formation of the retina. We believe that the combination of these two approaches will successfully name gene that play a role in retinal development. These experiments will also promote the understanding of general inductive mechanism and their regulation", "butter_fingers": " idfntified in other systemr. In addition, wg qill anso pedform an expression screen of Xenopud xDNA oibrary for transcriptr that infuce fornatiib of the rxfina. We beliebc thac vhe combination of these dwo approaches wklp successfully identify genes that [lay a tope in retinal qevekjpmehn. Uhese experiments will also furthsr the lnderstanding of beneral inductive mechanisls ajd their regulatioj", "random_deletion": "identified in other systems. In addition, we perform expression screen Xenopus cDNA library of retina. We believe the combination of two approaches will successfully identify genes play a role in retinal development. These experiments will also further the understanding general inductive mechanisms and their regulation", "change_char_case": " identified in other systems. IN addition, wE will AlsO peRfOrm aN expRession screen oF xenoPus cDNA library for transCriptS tHAt inDUcE formAtion of THe RETinA. WE bEliEvE ThAt the ComBinatioN of these twO apPrOaches will suCCeSsfully ideNtiFy genes that pLay A role iN rEtiNAl devEloPment. these eXPerimeNts will alSo FUrther THe underSTAnDing Of general inductivE MeCHanisms and theiR regulAtIOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " identified in other syste ms. In add ition , w e w il l al so p erform an expr e ssio n screen of Xenopus cD NA li br a ry f o rtrans criptst ha t ind uc efor ma t io n ofthe retina . We belie veth at the combi n at ion of the setwo approach eswill s uc ces s fully id entif y gene s thatplay a ro le in ret i nal dev e l op ment . These experimen t sw ill also furth er the u n de r s tan din g of gener al indu c tive me c ha n i s msa nd their regu lation", "underscore_trick": " identified_in other_systems. In addition, we_will also_perform_an expression_screen_of Xenopus cDNA_library for transcripts_that induce formation of_the retina. We_believe_that the combination of these two approaches will successfully identify genes that play a_role_in retinal_development._These_experiments will also further the_understanding of general inductive mechanisms_and their_regulation"} +{"text": " (and continue to develop) a laser-based facility for time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of biomolecules. This facility provides rapid collection and analysis of luminescence data related to macromolecular size, flexibility, folding and structural fluctuations. Our time-correlated laser fluorometer was used to study the folding and dynamics of several proteins", "synonym_substitution": "(and continue to develop) a laser - based facility for meter - purpose fluorescence spectroscopy of biomolecules. This facility provides rapid collection and psychoanalysis of luminescence data related to macromolecular size, flexibility, fold and structural fluctuations. Our clock time - correlated laser fluorometer was used to learn the folding and dynamics of respective proteins", "butter_fingers": " (anf continue to develop) a uaser-based facility foc time-rssolved wluorescence spectroscopy of buomoltbules. This facility pfovides rwpid coloectmon and analysis of lumikzscendc datc celated to macrpmolecular size, flexibilhth, yolding and structural fluctuations. Jur timr-clrrelated laset flupwomefvr was used to study the foldinf and djnamics of severak proteins", "random_deletion": "(and continue to develop) a laser-based facility fluorescence of biomolecules. facility provides rapid data to macromolecular size, folding and structural Our time-correlated laser fluorometer was used study the folding and dynamics of several proteins", "change_char_case": " (and continue to develop) a laseR-based faciLity fOr tIme-ReSolvEd flUorescence specTRoscOpy of biomolecules. This fAciliTy PRoviDEs Rapid CollectIOn AND anAlYsIs oF lUMiNesceNce Data relAted to macrOmoLeCular size, fleXIbIlity, foldiNg aNd structural FluCtuatiOnS. OuR Time-cOrrElateD laser FLuoromEter was usEd TO study THe foldiNG AnD dynAmics of several proTEiNS", "whitespace_perturbation": " (and continue to develop) a laser-b asedfac ili ty for tim e-resolved flu o resc ence spectroscopy of b iomol ec u les. Th is fa cilityp ro v i des r ap idco l le ction an d analy sis of lum ine sc ence data re l at ed to macr omo lecular size , f lexibi li ty, foldi ngand s tructu r al flu ctuations .O ur tim e -correl a t ed las er fluorometer wa s u s ed to study th e fold in g a n d dy nam ics of sev er al pr o teins", "underscore_trick": " (and_continue to_develop) a laser-based facility_for time-resolved_fluorescence_spectroscopy of_biomolecules._This facility provides_rapid collection and_analysis of luminescence data_related to macromolecular_size,_flexibility, folding and structural fluctuations. Our time-correlated laser fluorometer was used to study the_folding_and dynamics_of_several_proteins"} +{"text": " leads to weight increases in immigrants and their children. We do not see this effect in our data and propose that NYC is not \"main stream America\". We propose to conduct qualitative research on Hispanic mothers and children in the Head Start study and investigate how they relate to the built environment of NYC. Our goal is to develop a", "synonym_substitution": "leads to weight increases in immigrants and their child. We do not examine this effect in our data and propose that NYC is not \" independent stream America \". We propose to behave qualitative research on Hispanic mothers and child in the Head Start study and investigate how they relate to the build environment of NYC. Our goal is to develop a", "butter_fingers": " lewds to weight increases ln immigrants anb their childden. We du not see this effect in our dqta abd propose that NYC is not \"main stream Qmermca\". We propose to conducb quamltatire research on Hlspanic motvers and childsev nn the Head Start study and investigwte how tjey relate to jhe blijt ehnivonment of NYC. Our goal is to debelop a", "random_deletion": "leads to weight increases in immigrants and We not see effect in our is \"main stream America\". propose to conduct research on Hispanic mothers and children the Head Start study and investigate how they relate to the built environment NYC. Our goal is to develop a", "change_char_case": " leads to weight increases in iMmigrants aNd theIr cHilDrEn. We Do noT see this effect IN our Data and propose that NYC iS not \"mAiN StreAM AMericA\". We propOSe TO ConDuCt QuaLiTAtIve reSeaRch on HiSpanic mothErs AnD children in tHE HEad Start stUdy And investigaTe hOw they ReLatE To the BuiLt envIronmeNT of NYC. our goal is To DEvelop A", "whitespace_perturbation": " leads to weight increases in immigr antsand th ei r ch ildr en. We do nots ee t his effect in our data andpr o pose th at NY C is no t \" m a inst re amAm e ri ca\".Wepropose to conduc t q ua litative res e ar ch on Hisp ani c mothers an d c hildre nint he He adStart study and in vestigate h o w they relatet o t he b uilt environmento fN YC. Our goal i s to d ev e lo p a", "underscore_trick": " leads_to weight_increases in immigrants and_their children._We_do not_see_this effect in_our data and_propose that NYC is_not \"main stream_America\"._We propose to conduct qualitative research on Hispanic mothers and children in the Head_Start_study and_investigate_how_they relate to the built_environment of NYC. Our goal_is to_develop a"} +{"text": "JECTIVE: To determine whether behavioral and hormonal responses to stress in marmosets are altered by social and reproductive status. RESULTS In human neuropsychiatric disorders, chronic alterations in baseline levels of the stress hormone cortisol are often associated with altered hormonal responses to stress. I have been investigating whether chronic suppression of baseline cortisol levels", "synonym_substitution": "JECTIVE: To determine whether behavioral and hormonal responses to stress in marmosets are alter by social and generative status. RESULTS In human neuropsychiatric disorder, chronic alteration in baseline levels of the stress hormone hydrocortisone are often associated with altered hormonal response to stress. I have been investigating whether chronic inhibition of baseline cortisol levels", "butter_fingers": "JECHIVE: To determine whethev behavioral and hormonel respknses to stress in marmosets are altxred by sicial and reproductive status. RVSULTS In humen neuropsychiatcjc disovbers, dmronie elterations in naseline leeels of the stsers hormone cortisol are often associaeed witn wltered hormonwl rtspjnsea to stress. I have been investigatjng wheuher chronic supprrssion of baseline cortisop legels", "random_deletion": "JECTIVE: To determine whether behavioral and hormonal stress marmosets are by social and neuropsychiatric chronic alterations in levels of the hormone cortisol are often associated with hormonal responses to stress. I have been investigating whether chronic suppression of baseline levels", "change_char_case": "JECTIVE: To determine whether Behavioral And hoRmoNal ReSponSes tO stress in marmoSEts aRe altered by social and reProduCtIVe stATuS. RESUlTS In huMAn NEUroPsYcHiaTrIC dIsordErs, Chronic AlterationS in BaSeline levels OF tHe stress hoRmoNe cortisol arE ofTen assOcIatED with AltEred hOrmonaL ResponSes to streSs. i Have beEN investIGAtIng wHether chronic suppREsSIon of baseline cOrtisoL lEVeLS", "whitespace_perturbation": "JECTIVE: To determine whet her behavi oraland ho rm onal res ponses to stre s s in marmosets are altered by s oc i al a n drepro ductive st a t us. R ES ULT SI nhuman ne uropsyc hiatric di sor de rs, chronica lt erations i n b aseline leve lsof the s tre s s hor mon e cor tisola re oft en associ at e d with altered h or mona l responses to st r es s . I have beeninvest ig a ti n g wh eth er chronic s uppre s sion of ba s e l ine cortisol leve ls", "underscore_trick": "JECTIVE: To_determine whether_behavioral and hormonal responses_to stress_in_marmosets are_altered_by social and_reproductive status. RESULTS_In human neuropsychiatric disorders,_chronic alterations in_baseline_levels of the stress hormone cortisol are often associated with altered hormonal responses to_stress._I have_been_investigating_whether chronic suppression of baseline_cortisol levels"} +{"text": " will be combined to develop a molecular staging algorithm that can be used to guide therapy for esophageal adenocarcinoma patients. Thus, at the end of this study we will have identified, verified and validated novel genetic markers that could be used for diagnosis, staging and treatment of esophageal adenocarcinoma. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Esophageal adenocarcinoma", "synonym_substitution": "will be combined to develop a molecular staging algorithm that can be used to steer therapy for esophageal adenocarcinoma patient. Thus, at the end of this study we will have name, verified and validated fresh genetic markers that could be used for diagnosis, theatrical production and treatment of esophageal adenocarcinoma. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Esophageal adenocarcinoma", "butter_fingers": " wipl be combined to develok a molecular stayung aljorithm that cav be used to guide therapy flr esopyageal adenocarcinoma oatients. Nhus, at tye eid of this study we will have jfentnfmed, verified anc validateg novel genetiw oaxkers that could be used for diagnosys, stagonh and treatmenj of tso[hagsal adenocarcinoma. PUBLIC HEALTH RSLEVANCT: Esophageal adenovarcinoma", "random_deletion": "will be combined to develop a molecular that be used guide therapy for the of this study will have identified, and validated novel genetic markers that be used for diagnosis, staging and treatment of esophageal adenocarcinoma. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: adenocarcinoma", "change_char_case": " will be combined to develop a mOlecular stAging AlgOriThM thaT can Be used to guide tHErapY for esophageal adenocarCinomA pATienTS. THus, at The end oF ThIS StuDy We WilL hAVe IdentIfiEd, verifIed and valiDatEd Novel genetic MArKers that coUld Be used for diaGnoSis, staGiNg aND treaTmeNt of eSophagEAl adenOcarcinomA. PubLIC HEalTH RELEvanCe: EsoPhageal adenocarciNOmA", "whitespace_perturbation": " will be combined to devel op a molec ularsta gin galgo rith m that can beu sedto guide therapy for e sopha ge a l ad e no carci noma pa t ie n t s.Th us , a tt he endofthis st udy we wil l h av e identified , v erified an d v alidated nov elgeneti cmar k ers t hat coul d be u s ed for diagnosi s, stagin g and tr e a tm entof esophageal ade n oc a rcinoma. PUBLI C HEAL TH RE L E VAN CE: Esophagea ladeno c arcinom a ", "underscore_trick": " will_be combined_to develop a molecular_staging algorithm_that_can be_used_to guide therapy_for esophageal adenocarcinoma_patients. Thus, at the_end of this_study_we will have identified, verified and validated novel genetic markers that could be used_for_diagnosis, staging_and_treatment_of esophageal adenocarcinoma. PUBLIC HEALTH_RELEVANCE: Esophageal adenocarcinoma"} +{"text": ". We have chosen five treatments that known to induce closure of Cx26 channels or hemichannels and are physiologically relevant. Conformational changes identified by AFM imaging will be further imaged using EM. Each of these goals is intended to complement the others and lead to structural and ph),siolo_ical models of Cx", "synonym_substitution": ". We have chosen five treatments that known to induce closure of Cx26 groove or hemichannels and are physiologically relevant. Conformational change identified by AFM imagination will be further visualize using EM. Each of these goals is intend to complement the others and lead to structural and ph),siolo_ical model of Cx", "butter_fingers": ". We have chosen five treatmtnts that known to inducx closude of Cx26 channels or hemichannels anv arw phywiologically relevant. Zonformatponal chabges udentified by AFM liagihn wiln be further imsged using EM. Each of thasd yoals is intended to complement the jthers snf lead to strustursj ans ph),siolo_ical models of Cx", "random_deletion": ". We have chosen five treatments that induce of Cx26 or hemichannels and identified AFM imaging will further imaged using Each of these goals is intended complement the others and lead to structural and ph),siolo_ical models of Cx", "change_char_case": ". We have chosen five treatmentS that known To indUce CloSuRe of cx26 chAnnels or hemichANnelS and are physiologically RelevAnT. confORmAtionAl changES iDENtiFiEd By AfM IMaGing wIll Be furthEr imaged usIng eM. each of these gOAlS is intendeD to Complement thE otHers anD lEad TO struCtuRal anD ph),sioLO_ical mOdels of Cx", "whitespace_perturbation": ". We have chosen five trea tments tha t kno wntoin duce clo sure of Cx26 c h anne ls or hemichannels and areph y siol o gi cally releva n t. C onf or ma tio na l c hange s i dentifi ed by AFMima gi ng will be f u rt her imaged us ing EM. Each of these g oal s is i nte ndedto com p lement the othe rs and le a d to st r u ct ural and ph),siolo_ic a lm odels of Cx", "underscore_trick": ". We_have chosen_five treatments that known_to induce_closure_of Cx26_channels_or hemichannels and_are physiologically relevant._Conformational changes identified by_AFM imaging will_be_further imaged using EM. Each of these goals is intended to complement the others_and_lead to_structural_and_ph),siolo_ical models of Cx"} +{"text": " common traits enriched for stemness-associated genes, although each individual CSC gene expression signature exhibited activation of different oncogenic pathways (e.g., EGFR, SRC, and MYC). The common CSC signature was associated with malignant progression, which is enriched in poorly differentiated tumors, and was highly predictive of prognosis", "synonym_substitution": "common traits enriched for stemness - associated gene, although each individual CSC gene formula signature exhibited energizing of different oncogenic pathway (e.g., EGFR, SRC, and MYC). The common CSC touch was associated with malignant progression, which is enrich in poorly differentiated tumor, and was highly predictive of prognosis", "butter_fingers": " colmon traits enriched for stemness-associcred geies, altgough eazh individual CSC gene expredsuon sugnature exhibited actkvation ov differwnt ibcogenic pefhways (c.y., EGFD, SRC, end MYC). The comkon CSC sicnature was asvozicted with malignant progression, whicr is entifhed in poorly difgqrenfpaued tumors, and was highly predictjve of krognosis", "random_deletion": "common traits enriched for stemness-associated genes, although CSC expression signature activation of different and The common CSC was associated with progression, which is enriched in poorly tumors, and was highly predictive of prognosis", "change_char_case": " common traits enriched for stEmness-assoCiateD geNes, AlThouGh eaCh individual CSc Gene Expression signature exhIbiteD aCTivaTIoN of diFferent ONcOGEniC pAtHwaYs (E.G., EgFR, SRc, anD MYC). The Common CSC sIgnAtUre was associATeD with maligNanT progression, WhiCh is enRiCheD In pooRly DiffeRentiaTEd tumoRs, and was hIgHLy predICtive of PROgNosiS", "whitespace_perturbation": " common traits enriched fo r stemness -asso cia ted g enes , al though each in d ivid ual CSC gene expressio n sig na t uree xh ibite d activ a ti o n of d if fer en t o ncoge nic pathwa ys (e.g.,EGF R, SRC, and MY C ). The commo n C SC signature wa s asso ci ate d with ma ligna nt pro g ressio n, whichis enrich e d in po o r ly dif ferentiated tumor s ,a nd was highlypredic ti v eo f pr ogn osis", "underscore_trick": " common_traits enriched_for stemness-associated genes, although_each individual_CSC_gene expression_signature_exhibited activation of_different oncogenic pathways_(e.g., EGFR, SRC, and_MYC). The common_CSC_signature was associated with malignant progression, which is enriched in poorly differentiated tumors, and_was_highly predictive_of_prognosis"} +{"text": " RNA and 23S RNA) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. M dsRNA is a satellite of L-A encoding the killer toxin. We discovered 7 chromosomal genes, SKI1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8, by their ability to prevent these replicons from causing pathogenicity", "synonym_substitution": "RNA and 23S RNA) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. M dsRNA is a satellite of L - A encoding the cause of death toxin. We discover 7 chromosomal genes, SKI1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8, by their ability to prevent these replicons from causing pathogenicity", "butter_fingers": " RNW and 23S RNA) in the yeast Saccharomyces ewrevismae. M daRNA is x satellite of L-A encoding tie kuller toxin. We discovered 7 zhromosomwl genes, SKI1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8, ug their abilifn to 'rxvent these repkicons frok causing pathmgdnncity", "random_deletion": "RNA and 23S RNA) in the yeast M is a of L-A encoding 7 genes, SKI1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, by their ability to prevent replicons from causing pathogenicity", "change_char_case": " RNA and 23S RNA) in the yeast SacchAromyces ceRevisIae. m dsrNa is a SateLlite of L-A encodINg thE killer toxin. We discoverEd 7 chrOmOSomaL GeNes, SKi1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8, by tHEiR ABilItY tO prEvENt These RepLicons fRom causing PatHoGenicity", "whitespace_perturbation": " RNA and 23S RNA) in the y east Sacch aromy ces ce re visi ae.M dsRNA is a s a tell ite of L-A encoding th e kil le r tox i n. We d iscover e d7 chr om os oma lg en es, S KI1 , 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,and 8 , by their a b il ity to pre ven t these repl ico ns fro mcau s ing p ath ogeni city", "underscore_trick": " RNA_and 23S_RNA) in the yeast_Saccharomyces cerevisiae._M_dsRNA is_a_satellite of L-A_encoding the killer_toxin. We discovered 7_chromosomal genes, SKI1,_2,_3, 4, 6, 7, and 8, by their ability to prevent these replicons from_causing_pathogenicity"} +{"text": " there is significant evidence that 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD) alters lymphocyte function in mice, there have been very few studies which examine the effects of TCDD on human lymphocytes. While there have been a number of inadvertent exposures to T", "synonym_substitution": "there is significant evidence that 2,3,7,8 - tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD) alters lymphocyte function in mouse, there have been very few cogitation which examine the effect of TCDD on human lymphocyte. While there have been a number of inadvertent exposures to thyroxine", "butter_fingers": " thfre is significant evidekce that 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibxnzodiosin (TCDD) alters lymphocyte function mn muce, tyere have been very fed studies which ezamiie the effects oh TCDD ok humzk lym'hicytes. While tmere have baen a number ox kncdvertent exposures to T", "random_deletion": "there is significant evidence that 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD) function mice, there been very few of on human lymphocytes. there have been number of inadvertent exposures to T", "change_char_case": " there is significant evidencE that 2,3,7,8-tetraChlorOdiBenZoDioxIn (TCdD) alters lymphoCYte fUnction in mice, there have Been vErY Few sTUdIes whIch examINe THE efFeCtS of tCdd oN humaN lyMphocytEs. While theRe hAvE been a number OF iNadvertent ExpOsures to T", "whitespace_perturbation": " there is significant evid ence that2,3,7 ,8- tet ra chlo rodi benzodioxin (T C DD)alters lymphocyte func tionin mice , t herehave be e nv e ryfe wstu di e swhich ex amine t he effects of T CDD on human ly mphocytes. Wh ile there ha vebeen a n umb e r ofina dvert ent ex p osures to T", "underscore_trick": " there_is significant_evidence that 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD)_alters lymphocyte_function_in mice,_there_have been very_few studies which_examine the effects of_TCDD on human_lymphocytes._While there have been a number of inadvertent exposures to T"} +{"text": " circulatory disease deaths and 536 are all cancer deaths. We have completed analysis of the relationship between baseline vitamin D and all cancer mortality, with a manuscript published. The Follow-up has been extended- with 60% more deaths. Analyses of cancer outcomes are being under taken in the extended dataset.