{"text": "itol Hill\" in support of government-imposed price controls on wholesale \npower supplies. But he said refunds are far from certain.\n?????Indeed, the energy companies said they expect to persuade FERC to uphold \nthe prices charged in February and January.\n?????Steve Stengel, a spokesman for Houston-based Dynegy, which was asked to \njustify $23.4 million in charges, said his firm has been running its power \nplants nonstop and deferring maintenance to help California through the \nenergy crunch.\n?????\"Dynegy has done everything it could do to be part of the solution,\" \nStengel said. \"We feel that what we have charged has been just and \nreasonable.\"\n?????Richard Wheatley, a spokesman for Houston-based Reliant Energy, which \nfaces $7.4 million in potential refunds, echoed that sentiment. \"We've \nconducted our operations legally and ethically,\" he said.\n?????Asked about the company's profits, Wheatley said, \"I think it's high \ntime that the generation companies quit apologizing for good management.\"\n?????Tom Williams, a spokesman for North Carolina-based Duke Energy, said his \ncompany's prices were justified by premiums for environmental penalties and \nfears of the lack of credit-worthiness in California. Duke was asked to \njustify $2.1 million in charges.\n?????Also ordered to justify their prices were Williams Energy Services \nCorp., $21.6 million; Portland General Electric Co., $73,600; and Mirant, \n$826,000. The wholesalers have until next Saturday to make their case to FERC.\n?????In Sacramento, Steve Greenleaf, director of regulatory policy for the \nCalifornia Independent System Operator, which runs the power grid for 75% of \nthe state, said: \"We're encouraged by FERC's action of late.\" But he added, \n\"Quite honestly, it doesn't go far enough.\"\n?????Gary Stern, director of market monitoring for Edison, said the FERC \norder is flawed because \"it applies refunds only to hours of Stage 3 alerts, \nwhich... excuses millions of dollars in excessively priced [power].\"\n?????A Stage 3 alert is declared when electricity reserves fall below 1.5%.\n?????Edison and PG", "synonym_substitution": "itol Hill \" in support of government - imposed price control on sweeping \n power supplies. But he suppose refund are far from certain. \n? ?? ?? Indeed, the energy caller said they expect to carry FERC to continue \n the prices charged in February and January. \n? ?? ?? Steve Stengel, a spokesman for Houston - free-base Dynegy, which was asked to \n justify $ 23.4 million in charge, said his firm has been running its power \n plants nonstop and postpone maintenance to help California through the \n energy crush. \n? ?? ?? \" Dynegy has done everything it could do to be contribution of the solution, \" \n Stengel said. \" We find that what we have charged has been just and \n reasonable. \" \n? ?? ?? Richard Wheatley, a spokesman for Houston - based Reliant Energy, which \n faces $ 7.4 million in likely refunds, echoed that sentiment. \" We've \n conducted our operations legally and ethically, \" he said. \n? ?? ?? ask about the company's profits, Wheatley said, \" I think it's high \n time that the generation companies quit apologizing for full management. \" \n? ?? ?? Tom Williams, a spokesman for North Carolina - based Duke Energy, said his \n ship's company's prices were justified by premiums for environmental penalties and \n fear of the lack of credit - worthiness in California. Duke was asked to \n justify $ 2.1 million in charges. \n? ?? ?? besides ordered to justify their prices were Williams Energy Services \n Corp., $ 21.6 million; Portland General Electric Co., $ 73,600; and Mirant, \n $ 826,000. The wholesalers have until next Saturday to make their case to FERC. \n? ?? ?? In Sacramento, Steve Greenleaf, director of regulatory policy for the \n California Independent System Operator, which runs the power power system for 75% of \n the state, suppose: \" We're encourage by FERC's action of late. \" But he added, \n \" Quite honestly, it doesn't function far enough. \" \n? ?? ?? Gary Stern, director of market monitoring for Edison, said the FERC \n decree is flawed because \" it applies refunds only to hour of Stage 3 alert, \n which... excuses millions of dollar in excessively priced [ ability ]. \" \n? ?? ?? A Stage 3 alarm is declared when electricity reserves decrease below 1.5% . \n? ?? ?? Edison and PG", "butter_fingers": "itop Hill\" in support of govtrnment-imposed prnxe convrols oh wholesxle \npower supplies. But he samd rwfundw are far from certain.\n?????Kndeed, thv energy xompenies said they xspect to pershwde YECC to uphold \nthg prices chasged in Februasy aud January.\n?????Steve Stengel, a spokesman sor Houxtln-based Dynegy, whibh was asked to \njustify $23.4 million in charfes, saiv his firm has neen running its power \nplajts jonstop and deferrlng maintenqnce ro help Caliwornia through the \nenetgy crunch.\n?????\"Dynegy has done everytfing nt could do ti bf part of thx solunion,\" \nStengel said. \"We xeel thst what we havc chacged has been just and \nreesonable.\"\n?????Richard Wheajley, a sponeaman for Houston-bqswd Reniand Endegy, whjci \nfzces $7.4 lilmion in pofential refynds, echoed that semtynent. \"We've \nconsucted otr operations legally and ethically,\" he vais.\n?????Asked about the compant's profits, Wheatley swid, \"I thigk it's high \ntime that the generation companies quht apkuogndlng wir good management.\"\n?????Tom Williams, a spokesman for Gkruh Barolina-based Dukc Energy, said his \nvolpsgy's prices wete justnrisd by premiums for envirogmentql penaltyes snd \nfears of the lack of crwdit-worthinefw in California. Dune was askeb to \njostify $2.1 million in charges.\n?????Alsu orsered to judtify thejf prices were Wiulismv Energy Services \nCorp., $21.6 mijlion; Porvland Generau Elgctric So., $73,600; and Migant, \n$826,000. The wholesalers hage unjil neft Saturdaj to make their case to FERC.\n?????In Sacramento, Stefe Grvenleaf, dnrectov of regulatory policy for thg \nCaliforuia Inaependent Aystem Mperator, whych runs the [lwer grid foc 75% of \nthe stare, sqid: \"We'rd encouraged by FERC's acnijn od late.\" But he addev, \n\"Qukfe honestly, it butsb't go far enoubh.\"\n?????Gxry Sneri, dirqwtor of markat munigpring for Edison, raid the FERC \norder is fnawes because \"it applirs refunds only to hours of Stabe 3 alerts, \nwhich... edcusev mmllionx os dollars in excessively prices [power].\"\n?????A Dtane 3 alert is qeclqred when elzctricity reserves fall below 1.5%.\n?????Edison and PG", "random_deletion": "itol Hill\" in support of government-imposed price wholesale supplies. But said refunds are energy said they expect persuade FERC to the prices charged in February and ?????Steve Stengel, a spokesman for Houston-based Dynegy, which was asked to justify $23.4 in charges, said his firm has been running its power plants nonstop and maintenance help through energy crunch. ?????\"Dynegy has done everything it could do to be part of the solution,\" Stengel \"We feel that what we have charged has just and reasonable.\" ?????Richard a spokesman for Houston-based Reliant which $7.4 million potential echoed sentiment. \"We've conducted operations legally and ethically,\" he said. ?????Asked about the company's profits, Wheatley said, \"I think it's high that the quit apologizing good ?????Tom a spokesman for Duke Energy, said his company's prices premiums for environmental penalties and fears of the of credit-worthiness California. Duke was asked to justify million in charges. ?????Also ordered to justify their were Williams Energy Services Corp., $21.6 million; Portland General Electric Co., $73,600; and Mirant, $826,000. have until next Saturday make their case FERC. Sacramento, Greenleaf, of regulatory for the California Independent System Operator, which runs the power grid 75% of the state, said: \"We're encouraged by FERC's action But added, \"Quite honestly, doesn't go far enough.\" Stern, of market monitoring for the order \"it refunds to hours of Stage alerts, which... excuses millions of in excessively priced [power].\" declared when electricity reserves fall below 1.5%. ?????Edison PG", "change_char_case": "itol Hill\" in support of governMent-imposeD pricE coNtrOlS on wHoleSale \npower supplIEs. BuT he said refunds are far frOm cerTaIN.\n?????IndEEd, The enErgy comPAnIES saId ThEy eXpECt To perSuaDe FERC tO uphold \nthe PriCeS charged in FeBRuAry and JanuAry.\n?????steve Stengel, A spOkesmaN fOr HOUston-BasEd DynEgy, whiCH was asKed to \njustIfY $23.4 MillioN In chargES, SaId hiS firm has been runniNG iTS power \nplants noNstop aNd DEfERRinG maIntenance tO hElp CaLIfornia THrOUGH thE \nEnergy crunch.\n?????\"DYnegy has donE EveRythinG iT coULd do to Be parT oF The Solution,\" \nSteNgel Said. \"We feeL that wHAt we havE Charged Has beeN juSt aNd \nreASoNaBle.\"\n?????riCHarD whEatLEy, a SpokesmaN fOr houstOn-baSED rEliaNt ENergY, whicH \nfaces $7.4 million In pOtenTIal RefunDs, echOed tHaT sentIment. \"WE've \ncoNdUcted our operatiOns lEgally and EthIcAllY,\" hE said.\n?????aSked abOut The Company'S profitS, wheAtLEY SaId, \"I think it's high \ntimE tHAT tHe generaTion coMPaNiES quit apoLoGizIng fOR Good mAnagEMeNt.\"\n?????Tom WilLiams, a SPoKeSman for noRth CarOlIna-BasEd DukE enerGy, said His \ncompaNy's prICes were justifiED by premiums foR EnVIRoNMentAl pEnalties and \nFearS Of thE lacK Of CreDIt-worThineSs IN CALifornia. Duke was askeD tO \njustiFy $2.1 milLion in charges.\n?????also ordereD TO Justify tHeir PRiCEs were Williams energY Services \nCORp., $21.6 millioN; PortLand GeneRal ElectrIC co., $73,600; and MirAnt, \n$826,000. the WhoLesALErS have until nexT sAturDaY to make TheIr case tO FErC.\n?????IN SaCraMeNto, Steve GReenleaf, DiReCtOr Of rEgulaTOry policY fOr tHe \ncalIfornIA IndepEndenT SysTeM OPEraTor, whicH RuNS The pOwEr Grid For 75% Of \nThe stAte, sAId: \"WE're encoUraged by FeRC'S ActiOn Of Late.\" But He added, \n\"Quite hOnEstly, it doeSn'T go Far enoUGH.\"\n?????Gary SteRn, director of market monitORing for ediSon, saId thE FERC \nordeR is Flawed BecAUse \"it aPplies RefunDs OnlY TO hourS OF STagE 3 aLerts, \nwhich... EXCusEs milLiOns oF dollarS in excessively pricED [poWer].\"\n?????A Stage 3 alerT is DeclAREd WheN ElECtrIcITy rESErves fall below 1.5%.\n?????EDison and PG", "whitespace_perturbation": "itol Hill\" in support of g overnment- impos edpri ce con trol s on wholesale \npow er supplies. But he sa id re fu n ds a r efar f rom cer t ai n . \n?? ?? ?I nde ed , t he en erg y compa nies saidthe yexpect to pe r su ade FERC t o u phold \nthe p ric es cha rg edi n Feb rua ry an d Janu a ry.\n?? ???SteveSt e ngel,a spokes m a nforHouston-based Dyn e gy , which was ask ed to\nj u st i f y $ 23. 4 millionin char g es, sai d h i s fir m has been run ning its po w er\nplant snon s top an d def er r ing maintenanc e to help Cal iforni a throug h the \ne nergycru nch .\n?? ? ?? \"D yne gy has do nee ver ything i tco uld d o to b e part of the solu tion,\" \nSteng elsaid . \"W e fee l tha t wh at we h ave ch arged h as been just an d \nr easonable .\"?? ??? Ri chard Wheatl ey, aspokesm an forH ous to n - b as ed Reliant Energy, w h i ch \nfaces$7.4 m i ll io n in pote nt ial ref u n ds, e choe d t hat sent iment. \"W e' ve \ncon du cted o ur op era tions lega lly an d ethica lly,\" he said.\n????? A sked about th e c o m pa n y'spro fits, Wheat leys aid, \"It hi nki t's h igh ti m et hat the generationco mpanie s qui t apologizing for goodm a n agement. \"\n?? ? ?? T om Williams, a spok esman forN orth Car olina -based D uke Energ y , said hi s com pan y's p ri ces were just i f iedby premiu msfor env iro nme nta l p en alties an d \nfears o fth elac k ofc redit-wo rt hin es s i n Cal i fornia . Duk e wa sas k edto \njus t if y $2.1 m il lion in c harge s.\n? ? ??? Also or dered tojus t ifyth ei r price s were Willia ms Energy Se rv ice s \nCor p . , $21.6million; Portland Gener a l Elect ric Co., $73 ,600; and Mi rant,\n$8 2 6,000. The w holes al ers h ave u n t il ne xt Saturdayt o ma ke th ei r ca se to F ERC.\n?????In Sacra m ent o, Steve Gree nle af,d i re cto r o f re gu l ato r y policy for the \nCaliforn ia In dependentS yst em Operat or, whi ch ru n s the p ower grid for 75%of \nth e sta te, said:\"We're e ncouraged by FE R C' s act ion of la te .\"But h e adde d , \"Quit e hone st ly, it does n' t go far enough.\"\n?????Gary Ste rn, di recto r o f marketmon i tor ing for E diso n, said th e F ERC \nord eri s fla wedb ec aus e \"itappl i es refund s o nly t ohours of St a g e 3alert s,which. .. e xcuses millions o f dollars in ex cess i v ely pr i ced[p ower].\"\n?????A St ag e 3 alertis declared w hen elec tr i cityreserv es fal l below 1 .5 % .\n???? ?Edi son and PG", "underscore_trick": "itol Hill\"_in support_of government-imposed price controls_on wholesale_\npower_supplies. But_he_said refunds are_far from certain.\n?????Indeed,_the energy companies said_they expect to_persuade_FERC to uphold \nthe prices charged in February and January.\n?????Steve Stengel, a spokesman for_Houston-based_Dynegy, which_was_asked_to \njustify $23.4 million in_charges, said his firm has_been running_its power \nplants nonstop and deferring maintenance to_help_California through the_\nenergy crunch.\n?????\"Dynegy has done everything it could do to_be part of the solution,\" \nStengel_said. \"We feel_that_what_we have charged has_been just and \nreasonable.\"\n?????Richard Wheatley, a_spokesman for Houston-based Reliant Energy, which_\nfaces $7.4 million in potential refunds, echoed_that sentiment. \"We've \nconducted our operations_legally and ethically,\" he said.\n?????Asked_about the_company's profits, Wheatley said, \"I_think it's high_\ntime that_the generation companies_quit apologizing for good management.\"\n?????Tom Williams,_a spokesman for_North Carolina-based Duke Energy, said his_\ncompany's_prices were justified_by_premiums_for environmental_penalties and \nfears_of_the lack_of_credit-worthiness in California. Duke was asked_to_\njustify $2.1 million in charges.\n?????Also ordered to_justify their prices were_Williams_Energy Services \nCorp., $21.6_million; Portland General Electric Co.,_$73,600; and Mirant, \n$826,000. The wholesalers_have until_next Saturday_to make their case to FERC.\n?????In Sacramento, Steve Greenleaf, director of_regulatory policy for the \nCalifornia Independent_System Operator, which runs_the power_grid_for 75% of_\nthe_state, said:_\"We're encouraged by FERC's action of late.\"_But he_added, \n\"Quite honestly, it doesn't go_far enough.\"\n?????Gary Stern, director_of_market monitoring for Edison, said the_FERC \norder is flawed because \"it_applies refunds only to hours_of_Stage_3 alerts, \nwhich... excuses millions_of dollars in excessively priced [power].\"\n?????A_Stage 3 alert_is declared when electricity reserves fall below_1.5%.\n?????Edison_and PG"} {"text": "com>\n @ENRON\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 1:23\n PM\n To:\n Lenhart,\n Matthew\n Subject:\n RE:\n\n of course\n i\n am.\n i\n am\n going\n out\n straight\n from\n work.\n you?\n\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n From:\n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:35\n PM\n To:\n erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject:\n RE:\n\n\n i am\n ready\n to\n go\n tonight.\n you\n going\n out?\n\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n From:\n Erin\n Richardson\n \n @ENRON\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:30\n PM\n To:\n Lenhart,\n Matthew\n\n Subject:\n RE:\n\n shut\n up,\n stop\n lying.\n i\n don't\n believe\n you\n at\n all.\n\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n From:\n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:29\n PM\n To:\n erichardson@sarofim.com\n\n Subject:\n RE:\n\n\n where\n didn't\n i\n go?\n\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n\n From:\n Erin\n Richardson\n ", "synonym_substitution": "com > \n @ENRON \n Sent: \n Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 1:23 \n PM \n To: \n Lenhart, \n Matthew \n Subject: \n RE: \n\n of path \n i \n am. \n i \n am \n sound \n out \n straight \n from \n work. \n you? \n\n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n From: \n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n Sent: \n Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 12:35 \n promethium \n To: \n erichardson@sarofim.com \n Subject: \n RE: \n\n\n i am \n quick \n to \n go \n tonight. \n you \n going \n out? \n\n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n From: \n Erin \n Richardson \n < erichardson@sarofim.com > \n @ENRON \n Sent: \n Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 12:30 \n PM \n To: \n Lenhart, \n Matthew \n\n discipline: \n RE: \n\n shut \n up, \n intercept \n lying. \n i \n don't \n believe \n you \n at \n all. \n\n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n From: \n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n\n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n send: \n Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 12:29 \n prime minister \n To: \n erichardson@sarofim.com \n\n Subject: \n RE: \n\n\n where \n didn't \n i \n go? \n\n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n\n From: \n Erin \n Richardson", "butter_fingers": "com>\n @ENROH\n Sent:\n Thyrsdey,\n Octonzr\n 11,\n 2001\n 1:23\n PM\n To:\n Lenhart,\n Matthew\n Subject:\n RE:\n\n of course\n i\n qm.\n i\n am\n goinc\n oot\n strajght\n from\n work.\n yoo?\n\n\n -----Oridinal\n Message-----\n From:\n Mattmew.Lenhart@enron.com\n [oailto:Matfhew.Lenhart@enron.col]\n Sent:\n Thursdcy,\n Octoner\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:35\n 'M\n Tl:\n erichardson@secofim.com\n Subjecn:\n RE:\n\n\n i am\n ready\n to\n go\n bonigff.\n you\n going\n out?\n\n\n -----Origital\n Iessage-----\n From:\n Erin\n Richardsog\n \n @ANRON\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:30\n PM\n To:\n Lenhary,\n Matthcw\n\n Subjwct:\n RE:\n\n shuu\n bp,\n stop\n lyibg.\n i\n dog't\n belirve\n you\n av\n all.\n\n\n -----Origihal\n Message-----\n From:\n Matfhew.Lenhart@engon.com\n\n [mailto:Mxttheq.Lenhart@enrin.com]\n Sent:\n Thlrsday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:29\n LM\n To:\n egichardson@sarofim.com\n\n Subjecu:\n RE:\n\n\n where\n didn't\n i\n go?\n\n\n -----Original\n Jessage-----\n\n Fron:\n Egon\n Richardson\n ", "random_deletion": "com> @ENRON Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 To: Matthew Subject: of course i straight work. you? -----Original From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Thursday, October 11, 2001 12:35 PM erichardson@sarofim.com Subject: RE: i am ready to go tonight. you going out? -----Original From: Erin Richardson @ENRON Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 12:30 PM To: Matthew RE: up, lying. i don't believe you at all. -----Original Message----- From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Sent: Thursday, October 11, 12:29 PM To: erichardson@sarofim.com Subject: RE: where didn't go? -----Original Message----- From: Richardson", "change_char_case": "com>\n @ENRON\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n OctobEr\n 11,\n 2001\n 1:23\n PM\n To:\n LenhArt,\n MaTthEw\n SUbJect:\n rE:\n\n of Course\n i\n am.\n i\n am\n goINg\n ouT\n straight\n from\n work.\n you?\n\n\n -----OrIginaL\n MESsagE-----\n frOm:\n MatThew.LenHArT@ENroN.cOm\n [MaiLtO:maTthew.lenHart@enrOn.com]\n Sent:\n THurSdAy,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:35\n PM\n TO:\n ErIchardson@sAroFim.com\n SubjecT:\n RE:\n\n\n I am\n reaDy\n To\n gO\n TonigHt.\n yOu\n goiNg\n out?\n\n\n -----ORIginal\n message-----\n FrOm:\n eRin\n RicHArdson\n \n @ENRON\n sEnT:\n thursday,\n OctobeR\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:30\n PM\n To:\n LEnHArT,\n mAttHew\n\n subject:\n RE:\n\n sHuT\n up,\n stOP\n lying.\n i\n DOn'T\n BELieVE\n you\n at\n all.\n\n\n -----OrigInal\n Message-----\n fRom:\n mattheW.LEnhARt@enroN.com\n\n [mAiLTo:MAtthew.LenhaRt@enRon.com]\n SenT:\n ThursDAy,\n OctobER\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:29\n PM\n To:\n erIchardSon@SarOfim.COm\n\n suBjeCt:\n re:\n\n\n whERe\n DidN'T\n i\n gO?\n\n\n -----OriginaL\n MEsSage-----\n\n FRom:\n ERIN\n rIchaRdsOn\n ", "whitespace_perturbation": "com>\n @ENR ON\n Se n t :\n T h ur sday, \n O cto be r\n 11 ,\n 2 001\n 1 :2 3 \n PM\n T o : Lenhart, \n Matth ew \n Subjec t: R E :\n of cours e\n i am. \n i \n am goi ng\n out straight\n from work.\n you?\n\n\n - ----Original Message- ---- From:\n M atth e w. L enhart@enron.c om\n [ma ilto: Matthew. Lenhart@e n r on.com] Se nt:\n Thursda y, \n October \n 11, \n 20 0 1 \n 12:35 PM\n To: \n er ich ardson @sa r ofim.c om\n Subject:\n RE : \n\n i a m \n ready\n to \n go\n tonig ht.\n you\n going \n out?\n\n --- -- Original \n M essage ----- \n Fr o m:\n E rin\n Richards o n @ EN R ON\n Sen t:\n Thu r sday , O c tober 11,\n 2001\n 12:3 0\n P M\n T o :\n Lenhart ,\n M atth e w Su bject: \n RE: \n shut\n up, \n stop\n ly i ng.\n i\n don 't believ e\n you\n at a ll.\n - ----Or igin al \n Mes s age ---- -\n From:\n Matthew.Len hart@enron .co m\n\n [mailto:Matth ew. Le n har t@en ro n.com] \n Sent:\n Thursd ay,\n October 1 1, 2001\n 12 :29 \n PM\n To: erichar dson@s aro fim.com \n\n Sub j e ct:\n RE:\n\n where\n d i d n't\n i\n go ?\n\n - ----O riginal\n Me s sag e-----\n\n F rom: \n E rin \n Ri chardson ", "underscore_trick": "com>\n _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ __ ___ @ENRON\n _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _Sent:\n _ Thursday,\n _ _ _ _ _ _ October\n _ _ __ ___ 11,\n_ __ __ __ _ __2001\n _ _ _ _ _ _1:23\n _ _ __ __ _ _ _ PM\n_ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ __ ___ To:\n_ _ Lenhart,\n _ _ _Matthew\n__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Subject:\n _RE:\n\n___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ of course\n_ i\n am.\n__ _ _ i\n_ _ _ _ _ _am\n __ __going\n__ _ _ _ __ _ _out\n _ _ _ _straight\n _ __ _ _ __ _from\n__ __ _____ _ __ _ __ _work.\n _ __ ____ _ __ _ you?\n\n\n __ -----Original\n _ _ _ Message-----\n _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ From:\n _ _ _ _ Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n_ _ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sent:\n Thursday,\n _ October\n __ _ _ 11,\n _ ___ __ 2001\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12:35\n __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ PM\n_ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _To:\n _ __ erichardson@sarofim.com\n _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __Subject:\n RE:\n\n\n __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ i am\n ready\n ___ to\n __ _ go\n __ _ tonight.\n __ you\n ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ going\n _ _ _ _ out?\n\n\n__ _ _ -----Original\n _ _ __ _ _ Message-----\n _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ From:\n _Erin\n _ _ Richardson\n_ _ __ __ _ _ \n _ ___ _ _ _ _ ____ @ENRON\n _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ Sent:\n_ _ Thursday,\n _ _ _ _ October\n __ _ 11,\n _ _ _ _ __ _ _2001\n__ _ __ _ _ _ 12:30\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PM\n _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ ___To:\n __ _Lenhart,\n _ _ _ __ _ Matthew\n\n _Subject:\n _ RE:\n\n_ _ _ _ ___ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ _shut\n _ up,\n stop\n _ _lying.\n__ _ _ _ i\n _ _ _ _ _ don't\n __ _ _ _ __ believe\n _ _ _ _ _ ____ you\n _ _ ___ _ __ __ _ at\n___ _ _ _ _ __ __ all.\n\n\n__ _ _ -----Original\n _ _ _ _ _ _Message-----\n __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _From:\n _ __ _ _ Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n\n_ _ _ ___ _ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n_ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Sent:\n _ __ Thursday,\n _ _ October\n_ _____ 11,\n_ _ _ _ 2001\n_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 12:29\n_ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ PM\n_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ To:\n_ _ __ _ erichardson@sarofim.com\n\n _ Subject:\n __ RE:\n\n\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ where\n _ didn't\n_ _ _ _ i\n ___ _ go?\n\n\n _ __ -----Original\n __ _ __ _ __ Message-----\n\n _ From:\n _ __ Erin\n_ __ _ _ _ Richardson\n _ ___ _ _ _ __ "} {"text": " WG Charter\n - Is it reasonable as set out in the draft?\n - What should be removed or added?\n\n 2. Work through revised charter in detail\n - Identify the work required for each part\n - Determine who's willing to work on it\n - Attempt to determine delivery times\n\n 3. Discussion of new metrics\n - First attempt at making a list of metrics to be considered\n\n 4. Anything else?\n\nLocation: AboveNet is located in the Knight-Ridder Building,\nattached to the Fairmont Hotel complex. The address is\n\n 50 W. San Fernando St.\n San Jose, CA 95113\n\nRSVP: To help us with organising the meeting, please send email to\n nevil@caida.org telling us how many will attend from\n your organisation.\n\n\nCheers, Nevil\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n Nevil Brownlee Visiting Researcher\n Phone: (619) 822 0893 CAIDA, San Diego\n\n\nCAIDA Network Metrics Working Group: Draft Charter, Tue 23 Feb 00\n\nGoals:\n 1 Education\n + FAQ on What does'measuring the Internet actually mean?'\n - Why measure anyway?\n - What can be measured? How? Where? By whom?\n - Active vs passive, end-to-end vs provider network only,\n application vs transport layer\n - Rating schemes: provider 'net performance' pages, Internet\n 'Weather Map's, Keynote, etc.\n Publish as CAIDA web pages, or maybe as an Info RFC\n\n + Survey paper on metrics and Internet Measurement\n - Current measurement efforts (Surveyor, RIPE Test Traffic,\n AMP, IPERF, AT&T, Keynote,skitter,...)\n - Current tools\n Publish as CAIDA web pages\n\n 2 Service Metrics\n + Define new metrics\n - Taxonomy of current metrics (IPPM, RTFM, ITU,..)\n - Summary of metrics used for current services\n - Gather information/ideas about new/emerging services,\n especially DiffServ-based ones\n - Make list of new metrics, either to improve measurement of\n existing services or to support new ones\n [list of'metrics' questions (", "synonym_substitution": "WG Charter \n - Is it reasonable as set out in the draft? \n - What should be removed or lend? \n\n 2. ferment through revised charter in detail \n - Identify the study required for each part \n - Determine who's uncoerced to work on it \n - Attempt to determine manner of speaking times \n\n 3. Discussion of new system of measurement \n - First attempt at make a list of metrics to be consider \n\n 4. Anything else? \n\n Location: AboveNet is located in the Knight - Ridder Building, \n attach to the Fairmont Hotel complex. The address is \n\n 50 W. San Fernando St. \n San Jose, CA 95113 \n\n RSVP: To help us with organize the meeting, please send email to \n nevil@caida.org telling us how many will serve from \n your organisation. \n\n\n Cheers, Nevil \n\n ------------------------------------------------------------- \n Nevil Brownlee visit Researcher \n Phone: (619) 822 0893 CAIDA, San Diego \n\n\n CAIDA Network Metrics Working Group: Draft Charter, Tue 23 Feb 00 \n\n Goals: \n 1 Education \n + FAQ on What does'measuring the Internet actually mean?' \n - Why measure anyhow? \n - What can be measured? How? Where? By whom? \n - Active vs passive, end - to - end vs provider network only, \n application vs transport layer \n - Rating schemes: provider' net performance' pages, Internet \n ' Weather Map's, Keynote, etc. \n Publish as CAIDA web page, or maybe as an Info RFC \n\n + Survey paper on system of measurement and Internet Measurement \n - Current measurement feat (Surveyor, RIPE Test Traffic, \n AMP, IPERF, AT&T, Keynote, skitter, ...) \n - Current tools \n Publish as CAIDA web pages \n\n 2 Service metric unit \n + Define new metrics \n - Taxonomy of current metrics (IPPM, RTFM, ITU, ..) \n - Summary of metric unit used for current services \n - Gather information / ideas about new / emerging overhaul, \n especially DiffServ - based ones \n - Make tilt of new system of measurement, either to better measurement of \n existing services or to support new one \n [ list of'metrics' questions (", "butter_fingers": " WG Charter\n - Is it rearonable as set out in vhe drart?\n - What should be removed or avded?\n\n 2. Wirk through revised chxrter in fetail\n - Udentify tis work vzquirsf fox xach part\n - Determine who's willing do wlrk on it\n - Attempt to determinq delivrrj times\n\n 3. Dissusspog of new metrics\n - First attempt af makinj a list of mettics to be considered\n\n 4. Ajythlng else?\n\nLocation: AhoveNet is oocaewd in the Knkght-Ridder Building,\nattzched to the Fairmont Hotel comolex. The addrews is\n\n 50 W. San Feriando Ft.\n San Jose, CA 95113\n\nRSV[: To hekp us with orgsnivint the meeting, please vend email to\n nedil@caida.osg telling us how mqnt wiln atdend droo\n ypud orgajisetion.\n\n\nCheers, Nevil\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n Necil Brownlee Viaiting Rqsearcher\n Phone: (619) 822 0893 CAPDA, Aan Diego\n\n\nCAIDA Network Netrics Working Group: Draft Chwrter, Tue 23 Feb 00\n\nGoals:\n 1 Education\n + FAQ on What doas'meaajriun gye Internet actually mean?'\n - Why measure anywwg?\n - What can be measured? Noa? Rhere? By whoo?\n - Acfive vs passive, enf-to-end ds privider neuwork only,\n application vs rransport lajer\n - Rating schemed: provider 'uet petformamce' pages, Internet\n 'Wezther Map's, Neynote, efz.\n Publish as CAPDA feb pages, or maybe as an Igfo RFC\n\n + Suxvey papdr om metrycs and Inherneb Measurement\n - Furreut medsurement ffforts (Surveyor, RIPE Test Trafhmc,\n AMP, OPARF, AT&T, Keyuote,skltter,...)\n - Currqnt tools\n Kublish af CAIAA web pagvs\n\n 2 Servire Metrics\n + Define new kgtrics\n - Texonomy os cuerenr metrizr (IPPM, RTFM, ITI,..)\n - Summary of mwtrics used for cuvrent aervices\n - Gcuhet information/idras abjun nxw/emewcing servicev,\n rspeckally DiffScrv-casec ones\n - Make lisd of new metrics, eithet bo improvg measureient of\n existing services or tm snpport ner ones\n [list of'metrics' qusstions (", "random_deletion": "WG Charter - Is it reasonable as in draft? - should be removed revised in detail - the work required each part - Determine who's willing work on it - Attempt to determine delivery times 3. Discussion of new - First attempt at making a list of metrics to be considered 4. else? AboveNet located the Knight-Ridder Building, attached to the Fairmont Hotel complex. The address is 50 W. San Fernando San Jose, CA 95113 RSVP: To help us organising the meeting, please email to nevil@caida.org telling us many attend from organisation. Nevil Nevil Brownlee Visiting Phone: (619) 822 0893 CAIDA, San Diego CAIDA Network Metrics Working Group: Draft Charter, Tue 23 Feb Goals: 1 FAQ on does'measuring Internet mean?' - Why - What can be measured? How? - Active vs passive, end-to-end vs provider network application vs layer - Rating schemes: provider 'net pages, Internet 'Weather Map's, Keynote, etc. Publish as web pages, or maybe as an Info RFC + Survey paper on metrics and Internet Current measurement efforts (Surveyor, Test Traffic, AMP, AT&T, - tools as CAIDA pages 2 Service Metrics + Define new metrics - Taxonomy of metrics (IPPM, RTFM, ITU,..) - Summary of metrics used for - information/ideas about new/emerging especially DiffServ-based ones - list new metrics, either to of services new [list questions (", "change_char_case": " WG Charter\n - Is it reasonable as Set out in thE drafT?\n - WhAt sHoUld bE remOved or added?\n\n 2. WorK ThroUgh revised charter in detAil\n - IdEnTIfy tHE wOrk reQuired fOR eACH paRt\n - deTerMiNE wHo's wiLliNg to worK on it\n - AttemPt tO dEtermine deliVErY times\n\n 3. DiscUssIon of new metrIcs\n - first aTtEmpT At makIng A list Of metrICs to be ConsidereD\n\n 4. ANYthing ELse?\n\nLocaTIOn: abovENet is located in thE knIGht-Ridder BuildIng,\nattAcHEd TO The faiRmont Hotel CoMplex. tHe addreSS iS\n\n 50 w. sAn FERnando St.\n San JoSe, CA 95113\n\nRSVP: To hELp uS with oRgAniSIng the MeetiNg, PLeaSe send email To\n neVil@caida.oRg tellINg us how MAny will Attend FroM\n yoUr orGAnIsAtiOn.\n\n\ncHeeRS, NEviL\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n nevIl BrownlEe viSitinG ResEARCHer\n PHonE: (619) 822 0893 CAIdA, San diego\n\n\nCAIDA NetWorK MetRIcs workiNg GroUp: DrAfT CharTer, Tue 23 feb 00\n\nGoAlS:\n 1 Education\n + FAQ on what Does'measuRinG tHe INtErnet ACtuallY meAn?'\n - WHy measuRe anywaY?\n - whaT cAN BE mEasured? How? Where? By wHoM?\n - aCtIve vs pasSive, enD-To-EnD Vs providEr NetWork ONLy,\n appLicaTIoN vs transPort laYEr\n - raTing schEmEs: provIdEr 'nEt pErforMAnce' Pages, INternet\n 'WEatheR map's, Keynote, etc.\n pUblish as CAIDA WEb PAGeS, Or maYbe As an Info RFC\n\n + survEY papEr on MEtRicS And InTerneT MEAsURement\n - Current measurEmEnt effOrts (SUrveyor, RIPE TeSt Traffic,\n Amp, ipERF, AT&T, KEynoTE,sKItter,...)\n - Current toOls\n PuBlish as CAIda web pageS\n\n 2 ServIce MetriCs\n + Define nEW Metrics\n - TAxoNomY of CurRENt Metrics (IPPM, RTfm, iTU,..)\n - SUmMary of mEtrIcs used For CurRenT seRvIces\n - GatheR informaTiOn/IdEaS abOut neW/Emerging SeRviCeS,\n esPeciaLLy Diffserv-bAsed OnEs\n - mAke List of nEW mETRics, EiThEr to ImpRoVe meaSureMEnt Of\n existIng servicEs oR To suPpOrT new oneS\n [list of'metricS' qUestions (", "whitespace_perturbation": " WG Charter\n - Is itreasonable as s etout i n th e dr aft?\n - W h at s hould be removed or ad ded?\n 2.W or k thr ough re v is e d ch ar te r i nd et ail\n - Ide ntify thewor krequired for ea ch part\n - Determine wh o's wi ll ing to wo rkon it \n - Atte mpt to de te r mine d e liveryt i me s\n\n 3. Discussion o f n e w metrics\n - Fi rs t a t t emp t a t making a l ist o f metric s t o b e c o nsidered\n\n 4. Anything els e?\n\nLo ca tio n : Abov eNetis loc ated in the Kni ght-Ridde r Buil d ing,\nat t ached t o theFai rmo nt H o te lcom pl e x.Th e a d dre ss is\n\n 5 0W. Sa n Fe r n a n do S t. Sa n Jos e, CA 95113\nRS VP:T o h elp u s wit h or ga nisin g themeeti ng , please send e mail to\n ne vil @c aid a. org t e llingushow many w ill att e ndfr o m your organisation .Ch eers, Ne vil\n\n- - -- -- - -------- -- --- ---- - - ----- ---- - -- -------- ------ - -- -- ----\n N evil B ro wnl ee Visi tingR esearcher\n P h one: (619) 82 2 0 8 9 3 CAI DA,S an D iego \nCAI D A Net workMe t ri c s Working Group: Dr af t Char ter,Tue 23 Feb 00 \n\nGoals:\n1 E ducation \n + F A Q on What does 'meas uring theI nternetactua lly mean ?'\n - W hy measu reany way ?\n - What can be m easu re d? How ? Where? By wh om? \n - Active vs pass iv e, e nd -to -endv s provid er ne tw ork only , \n app lica ti on vstranspo r tl a yer - R ati ng sche mes: pro vider ' net perfo rma n ce'pa ge s, Inte rnet\n ' We ather Map' s, Ke ynote, e tc.\n Publish as CAIDA web p a ges, or ma ybe a s an Info RFC \n\n + Su rve y paper on me trics a ndI n terne t Me asu re ment\n - Cur rentme asur ement e fforts (Surveyor,R IPE Test Traffic ,\n AM P,I PE R F,AT & T,K e ynote,skitter,. ..)\n - C u rr ent tools P ublishas CAID A web pages\n 2 Servic e Metrics \n +D e fin e new metr ics\n - Taxono m y ofc ur rentmet rics ( IP PM, RTFM , ITU, . .) - Summ ar y of m etric sused for current services\n - Gath er in for mation/id eas abo ut new/em ergi ng service s, e spe c ially Dif f Se rv- b asedones - Ma k elis t of new metric s , eit her t o i m provemeas urement of\n existing servi ceso r to su p port n ew ones\n [l is t of'metri cs ' questions (", "underscore_trick": " WG_Charter\n _ _- Is_it_reasonable as_set_out in the_draft?\n _ -_What should be_removed_or added?\n\n 2. Work through revised charter in detail\n __ -_Identify_the_work required for each part\n_ _- Determine_who's willing to work on it\n __ -_Attempt to determine delivery times\n\n 3. Discussion_of new metrics\n _ -_First_attempt_at making a list_of metrics to be considered\n\n _ 4. Anything else?\n\nLocation: AboveNet is_located in the Knight-Ridder Building,\nattached to the_Fairmont Hotel complex. The address_is\n\n 50 W. San_Fernando St.\n_ San Jose, CA _95113\n\nRSVP: To help_us with_organising the meeting,_please send email to\n _nevil@caida.org telling us_how many will attend from\n __your organisation.\n\n\nCheers, Nevil\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n___Nevil Brownlee_ __ __ __ Visiting_Researcher\n Phone:_(619)_822 0893 _ _ _ _ CAIDA,_San Diego\n\n\nCAIDA Network Metrics Working Group: Draft Charter, Tue 23 Feb_00\n\nGoals:\n 1 Education\n +_FAQ on What does'measuring_the Internet_actually_mean?'\n __ -_Why measure anyway?\n _- What_can be measured? How? _Where? By whom?\n__ - Active vs_passive, end-to-end vs provider network only,\n_ __application_vs transport layer\n _ - Rating schemes: provider_'net performance' pages,_Internet\n _'Weather_Map's, Keynote, etc.\n __Publish as CAIDA web pages, or_maybe_as_an Info RFC\n\n _+ Survey paper on metrics and_Internet Measurement\n - Current measurement_efforts (Surveyor, RIPE_Test Traffic,\n ___ AMP, IPERF, AT&T, Keynote,skitter,...)\n -_Current tools\n_ _ Publish as CAIDA web pages\n\n 2 Service Metrics\n _ + Define new metrics\n _ - Taxonomy of current metrics (IPPM, RTFM, ITU,..)\n _ - Summary of metrics used_for current services\n _- Gather information/ideas about_new/emerging_services,\n _especially_DiffServ-based_ones\n_ _ - Make_list of new_metrics, either_to improve measurement_of\n _ __ existing services or to support new ones\n [list of'metrics' questions ("} {"text": ".m.\n?????Once again, customers of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power \nwere spared, although the municipally owned utility said its electrical \nsurplus was smaller than usual. The DWP, like Southern California Edison, was \naffected by an outage at the huge Mohave power plant in Nevada, as well as by \nplanned outages at several of its facilities.\n?????As in the past, by far the biggest impact was felt by customers served \nby Pacific Gas & Electric, the state's largest utility, which cut power to \n438,000 homes and businesses.\n?????Edison cut power to 47,462 customers in about 40 cities, but eventually \nwas able to avoid blackouts by shutting off the air conditioners of some of \nthe 118,500 customers who participate in a voluntary cutoff program.\n?????San Diego Gas & Electric cut power to 73,400 customers.\n\n?????Innovative Ways of Coping\n?????As on Monday, most people took the outages in stride, as an annoying but \nultimately unavoidable inconvenience.\n?????In Palmdale, four schools lost power during one of the hourlong \nblackouts, but teachers and students pressed on in the sunlight pouring \nthrough windows and skylights. At Barrel Springs Elementary, Principal Cruz \nEarls said the biggest problem came when students had to go to the bathroom: \nHand in hand, they made their way through darkened hallways with flashlights.\n?????All in all, it wasn't a terrible experience. Then again, the weather \nwasn't that hot Tuesday, with a high of 79 in Palmdale, so the shutdown of \nair conditioners wasn't much of a hardship. \"I don't want to think about the \nconditions this could create in May or June,\" Earls said.\n?????Businesses of all kinds complained about the lack of warning for the \noutages--and sometimes found innovative ways to get around the problem.\n?????Rattled by news reports of Monday's rolling blackouts, El Burrito \nMexican Food Products in the city of Industry started its Tuesday shift at 2 \na.m. to beat the clock in the event of an outage. That hunch paid off. \nWorkers had just finished cooking and packaging the last batches of salsa and \nmas", "synonym_substitution": ".m. \n? ?? ?? Once again, customers of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power \n were spared, although the municipally owned utility suppose its electric \n surplus was smaller than common. The DWP, like Southern California Edison, was \n affected by an outage at the huge Mohave might plant in Nevada, as well as by \n design outage at several of its facility. \n? ?? ?? As in the past, by far the biggest impact was feel by customers served \n by Pacific Gas & Electric, the country's big utility, which cut power to \n 438,000 homes and businesses. \n? ?? ?? Edison dilute power to 47,462 customers in about 40 city, but eventually \n was able to avoid blackouts by close off the air conditioners of some of \n the 118,500 customers who participate in a voluntary cutoff platform. \n? ?? ?? San Diego Gas & Electric cut power to 73,400 customers. \n\n? ?? ?? Innovative Ways of Coping \n? ?? ?? As on Monday, most people took the outages in stride, as an annoying but \n ultimately unavoidable inconvenience. \n? ?? ?? In Palmdale, four schools lost power during one of the hourlong \n blackouts, but teachers and students pressed on in the sunlight pouring \n through window and skylights. At Barrel Springs Elementary, Principal Cruz \n Earls said the big trouble hail when students had to function to the bathroom: \n Hand in hand, they made their way through darken hallways with flashlights. \n? ?? ?? All in all, it wasn't a terrible experience. Then again, the weather \n wasn't that hot Tuesday, with a high of 79 in Palmdale, so the closure of \n air conditioners wasn't much of a hardship. \" I don't want to think about the \n conditions this could create in May or June, \" Earls suppose. \n? ?? ?? business of all kinds complained about the lack of warning for the \n outage -- and sometimes found innovative ways to draw around the trouble. \n? ?? ?? Rattled by news reports of Monday's rolling blackouts, El Burrito \n Mexican Food Products in the city of Industry start its Tuesday shift at 2 \n a.m. to beat the clock in the consequence of an outage. That hunch paid off. \n Workers had just eat up cooking and packaging the final batches of salsa and \n mas", "butter_fingers": ".m.\n?????Onfe again, customers of tht Los Angeles Depcetment of Wafer and Oower \nwere spared, although tie mynicikclly owned utility sxid its epectricao \nsucplus was smallec than usual. Tgc DWP, oike Southern Galifornia Adison, was \naffacgeb by an outage at the huge Mohave porer plamt in Nevada, as rell ws bg \nplanned outages at several of ita facilpties.\n?????As in the paxt, by far the biggest impaft wws felt by customegs served \nbi Pasufic Gas & Eldctric, the state's larggst utility, which cut power to \n438,000 fomes and busingsaed.\n?????Gdison cut piwer no 47,462 customers in aboud 40 citirs, but eventuakly \nwaw able to avoid blackmuts by shutting osf the ais eonditioners of some if \nthe 118,500 cusdomefw wfo karvicjpate ln e voluntary cutoff protram.\n?????San Diego Gas & Tlesntic cut powed to 73,400 suftomers.\n\n?????Innovative Ways of Coping\n?????As on Mmndzy, most people took the outages in stride, as an annoyyng but \nultimately unavoidable inconvenience.\n?????In Panmdalx, woux schouos lost power during one of the hourlong \nblackotfs, blt teachers and sbudents pressed on ij yre sunlight puuring \nthdough windows and dkylighjs. At Varrel Spwingx Elementary, Principal Cruz \nEarls said nhe viggest problem cale when stubents nad tp go to the bathroom: \nHaud in gand, they mwde their day through darkdnec vallways with flashlights.\n?????Ajl in all, it casn't a gerroble evperience. Hhen again, the weather \nwwsn't jhat hmt Tuesday, with a high of 79 in Palmdale, so the shutdown pf \naig conditijners wasn't much os a hardship. \"I don't wcnt to think abolt the \ncoiditions thif could creata in May or Jnne,\" Earls saie.\n?????Busunesses uf all kinds cpmplained about the lack of warning fpr jhs \noutages--and sonetumes found innofatkve wwyx em get around the prunlem.\n?????Rxttled by ncws repprts of Monday's rollhng glackouts, El Burriyo \nMexican Food Prjducts in the city of Industry dtartxd its Tuescay shift at 2 \na.m. to beat the cloci in the fvekt of an outade. Tmat runch paid off. \nWorkers had just finished cooking end packaging the last vatches of salsa anb \nkas", "random_deletion": ".m. ?????Once again, customers of the Los of and Power spared, although the electrical was smaller than The DWP, like California Edison, was affected by an at the huge Mohave power plant in Nevada, as well as by planned at several of its facilities. ?????As in the past, by far the biggest was by served Pacific Gas & Electric, the state's largest utility, which cut power to 438,000 homes and businesses. cut power to 47,462 customers in about 40 but eventually was able avoid blackouts by shutting off air of some the customers participate in a cutoff program. ?????San Diego Gas & Electric cut power to 73,400 customers. ?????Innovative Ways of Coping ?????As Monday, most the outages stride, an but ultimately unavoidable Palmdale, four schools lost power during hourlong blackouts, but teachers and students pressed on the sunlight through windows and skylights. At Barrel Elementary, Principal Cruz Earls said the biggest problem when students had to go to the bathroom: Hand in hand, they made their way hallways with flashlights. ?????All all, it wasn't terrible Then the wasn't that Tuesday, with a high of 79 in Palmdale, so the shutdown air conditioners wasn't much of a hardship. \"I don't want about conditions this could in May or June,\" said. of all kinds complained lack warning sometimes innovative to get around the ?????Rattled by news reports of rolling blackouts, El Burrito city of Industry started its Tuesday shift at a.m. to beat the clock in the of an outage. That hunch paid off. Workers had just finished cooking packaging the of salsa and mas", "change_char_case": ".m.\n?????Once again, customers of the LOs Angeles DEpartMenT of waTer aNd PoWer \nwere spared, aLThouGh the municipally owned uTilitY sAId itS ElEctriCal \nsurpLUs WAS smAlLeR thAn USuAl. The dWP, Like SouThern CalifOrnIa edison, was \naffECtEd by an outaGe aT the huge MohaVe pOwer plAnT in nEvada, As wEll as By \nplanNEd outaGes at seveRaL Of its fACilitieS.\n?????aS iN the Past, by far the biggeST iMPact was felt by cUstomeRs SErVED \nby pacIfic Gas & EleCtRic, thE State's lARgEST UtiLIty, which cut poWer to \n438,000 homes aND buSinessEs.\n?????ediSOn cut pOwer tO 47,462 cUStoMers in about 40 CitiEs, but evenTually \nWAs able tO Avoid blAckoutS by ShuTtinG OfF tHe aIr COndITiOneRS of Some of \nthE 118,500 cUsTomerS who PARTIcipAte In a vOluntAry cutoff progRam.\n?????san DIEgo gas & ElEctriC cut PoWer to 73,400 CustomErs.\n\n?????InNoVative Ways of CopIng\n?????AS on Monday, MosT pEopLe Took tHE outagEs iN stRide, as aN annoyiNG buT \nuLTIMaTely unavoidable incOnVENiEnce.\n?????In PaLmdale, FOuR sCHools losT pOweR durING one oF the HOuRlong \nblaCkouts, BUt TeAchers aNd StudenTs PreSseD on in THe suNlight Pouring \ntHrougH Windows and skylIGhts. At Barrel SPRiNGS ELEmenTarY, Principal CRuz \nEARls sAid tHE bIggESt proBlem cAmE WhEN students had to go to tHe BathroOm: \nHanD in hand, they maDe their way THROugh darkEned HAlLWays with flashlIghts.\n?????all in all, it WAsn't a terRible ExperienCe. Then agaIN, The weathEr \nwAsn'T thAt hOT tuEsday, with a higH OF 79 in PAlMdale, so The ShutdowN of \nAir ConDitIoNers wasn't Much of a hArDsHiP. \"I Don'T want TO think abOuT thE \ncOndItionS This coUld crEate In maY Or JUne,\" EarlS SaID.\n?????busiNeSsEs of All KiNds coMplaINed About thE lack of waRniNG for ThE \noUtages--aNd sometimes foUnD innovativE wAys To get aROUnd the prOblem.\n?????Rattled by news reporTS of MondAy's RolliNg blAckouts, El burRito \nMeXicAN Food PRoductS in thE cIty OF indusTRY sTarTeD its TuesdaY SHifT at 2 \na.m. To Beat The clocK in the event of an outAGe. THat hunch paid oFf. \nWOrkeRS HaD juST fINisHeD CooKINg and packaging tHe last batcHeS Of Salsa and \nmaS", "whitespace_perturbation": ".m.\n?????Once again, custo mers of th e Los An gel es Dep artm ent of Water a n d Po wer \nwere spared, alth oughth e mun i ci pally ownedu ti l i tysa id it se le ctric al\nsurplu s was smal ler t han usual. T h eDWP, likeSou thern Califo rni a Edis on , w a s \naf fec ted b y an o u tage a t the hug eM ohavep ower pl a n tin N evada, as well as by \nplanned outag es atse v er a l of it s faciliti es .\n??? ? ?As int he p a st, by far the bi ggest impac t wa s felt b y c u stomer s ser ve d \nb y Pacific G as & Electric , thes tate'sl argestutilit y,whi ch c u tpo wer t o \n4 3 8, 000 hom es and b us in esses .\n?? ? ? ? E diso n c ut p owerto 47,462 cus tom ersi n a bout40 ci ties ,but e ventua lly wa s able to avoid bla ckouts by sh ut tin goff t h e aircon dit ionersof some of\nt h e 11 8,500 customers wh op a rt icipatein a v o lu nt a ry cutof fpro gram . ????? SanD ie go Gas & Elect r ic c ut powe rto 73, 40 0 c ust omers . \n\n?? ???Inn ovativeWayso f Coping\n????? A s on Monday,m os t pe o pletoo k the outag es i n str ide, as an annoy ing b ut \nu l timately unavoidabl einconv enien ce.\n?????In P almdale, f o u r schools los t p o wer during one of t he hourlon g \nblacko uts,but teac hers ands t udents p res sed on in t he sunlight pou r i ng th rough w ind ows and sk yli ght s.At Barrel S prings E le me nt ar y,Princ i pal Cruz Ear ls sa id th e bigge st pr oble mca m e w hen stu d en t s had t ogo t o t he bath room : \nH and inhand, the y m a de t he ir way th rough darkene dhallways w it h f lashli g h ts.\n???? ?All in all, it wasn'ta terrib leexper ienc e. Then a gai n, the we a ther wasn't that h otT u esday , wi thahigh of 79 i n P almda le , so the sh utdown of \nair con d iti oners wasn'tmuc h of a h ard s hi p . \" Id on' t want to think a bout the co n di tions this cou ld create in May or J u ne,\" Ea rls said. \n?????Bus in esse s ofall kindscomplain ed aboutt he la c kof wa rni ng for t he\nouta ges--a n d s ometi mes fo un d inno vativ eways toget around the problem. \n????? Rattl edby news r epo r tsof Monday 's r olling bla cko uts , ElBur r ito Mexi c an Fo o d Pro duct s in the c i ty of I nd ustry start e d its Tues day shiftat 2 \na.m. to beat th e clock in theeven t ofano utag e. That hunch pa idof f . \nWorker shad just fi nished c oo k ing a nd pac kaging the la s t b a tchesof s als a and \nma s", "underscore_trick": ".m.\n?????Once again,_customers of_the Los Angeles Department_of Water_and_Power \nwere_spared,_although the municipally_owned utility said_its electrical \nsurplus was_smaller than usual._The_DWP, like Southern California Edison, was \naffected by an outage at the huge Mohave_power_plant in_Nevada,_as_well as by \nplanned outages_at several of its facilities.\n?????As_in the_past, by far the biggest impact was felt_by_customers served \nby_Pacific Gas & Electric, the state's largest utility, which_cut power to \n438,000 homes and_businesses.\n?????Edison cut power_to_47,462_customers in about 40_cities, but eventually \nwas able to_avoid blackouts by shutting off the_air conditioners of some of \nthe 118,500_customers who participate in a voluntary_cutoff program.\n?????San Diego Gas &_Electric cut_power to 73,400 customers.\n\n?????Innovative Ways_of Coping\n?????As on_Monday, most_people took the_outages in stride, as an annoying_but \nultimately unavoidable_inconvenience.\n?????In Palmdale, four schools lost power_during_one of the_hourlong_\nblackouts,_but teachers_and students pressed_on_in the_sunlight_pouring \nthrough windows and skylights. At_Barrel_Springs Elementary, Principal Cruz \nEarls said the_biggest problem came when_students_had to go to_the bathroom: \nHand in hand,_they made their way through darkened_hallways with_flashlights.\n?????All in_all, it wasn't a terrible experience. Then again, the weather \nwasn't_that hot Tuesday, with a high_of 79 in Palmdale,_so the_shutdown_of \nair conditioners_wasn't_much of_a hardship. \"I don't want to think_about the_\nconditions this could create in May_or June,\" Earls said.\n?????Businesses_of_all kinds complained about the lack_of warning for the \noutages--and sometimes_found innovative ways to get_around_the_problem.\n?????Rattled by news reports of_Monday's rolling blackouts, El Burrito \nMexican_Food Products in_the city of Industry started its Tuesday_shift_at 2 \na.m. to beat the_clock_in the event of an outage._That_hunch_paid off. \nWorkers had just_finished cooking and packaging the last_batches of salsa and \nmas"} {"text": " \n @ENRON\n\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:24\n PM\n To:\n Lenhart,\n Matthew\n\n Subject:\n RE:\n\n\n where\n did\n you\n go?\n\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n\n From:\n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:25\n PM\n To:\n erichardson@sarofim.com\n\n Subject:\n RE:\n\n\n no\n really.\n it\n was\n a\n blast.\n little\n tired\n but\n i\n can\n rally\n for\n\n tonight.\n\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n\n From:\n Erin\n Richardson\n\n \n @ENRON\n\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:21\n PM\n\n To:\n Lenhart,\n Matthew\n\n Subject:\n RE:\n\n\n liar\n\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n\n From:\n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:22\n PM\n\n To:\n erichardson@sarofim.com\n\n Subject:\n RE:\n\n\n\n i\n didn't\n even\n go\n home\n\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n\n From:\n Erin\n Richardson\n\n \n @ENRON\n\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001", "synonym_substitution": "< erichardson@sarofim.com > \n @ENRON \n\n Sent: \n Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 12:24 \n PM \n To: \n Lenhart, \n Matthew \n\n Subject: \n RE: \n\n\n where \n did \n you \n go? \n\n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n\n From: \n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n\n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n\n Sent: \n Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 12:25 \n prime minister \n To: \n erichardson@sarofim.com \n\n national: \n RE: \n\n\n no \n really. \n it \n was \n a \n blast. \n fiddling \n tired \n but \n i \n can \n rally \n for \n\n tonight. \n\n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n\n From: \n Erin \n Richardson \n\n < erichardson@sarofim.com > \n @ENRON \n\n Sent: \n Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 12:21 \n phase modulation \n\n To: \n Lenhart, \n Matthew \n\n Subject: \n ra: \n\n\n liar \n\n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n\n From: \n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n\n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n\n Sent: \n Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 12:22 \n autopsy \n\n To: \n erichardson@sarofim.com \n\n Subject: \n RE: \n\n\n\n i \n didn't \n even \n fit \n home \n\n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n\n From: \n Erin \n Richardson \n\n < erichardson@sarofim.com > \n @ENRON \n\n Sent: \n Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001", "butter_fingers": " \n @TURON\n\n Sent:\n Thugsday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:24\n PM\n To:\n Legyart,\n Matthew\n\n Subject:\n RE:\n\n\n whefe\n did\n you\n go?\n\n\n -----Orhginal\n Message-----\n\n From:\n Mdtchew.Lenhart@enron.com\n\n [jamltk:Matthfw.Lxnhart@enron.dom]\n\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n Ostjber\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:25\n PM\n Uo:\n erocjatqson@sarofim.coo\n\n Sugject:\n RE:\n\n\n no\n reclly.\n ot\n was\n a\n blast.\n little\n tired\n but\n i\n can\n raoly\n nor\n\n fonight.\n\n\n -----Original\n Massaee-----\n\n Ffom:\n Etin\n Richardson\n\n \n @ENRON\n\n Sent:\n Bhursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:21\n [M\n\n Ho:\n Lenhart,\n Matthew\n\n Subjecr:\n RE:\n\n\n liag\n\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n\n From:\n Mxtthew.Lenhart@gnron.com\n\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n\n Sent:\n Tmursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:22\n PM\n\n To:\n erochardson@sarofom.com\n\n Subjecn:\n RE:\n\n\n\n p\n didm't\n evxn\n go\n home\n\n\n -----Originam\n Message-----\n\n Srom:\n Esin\n Richardson\n\n \n @ENROH\n\n Sent:\n Thhrvday,\n Octobvr\n 11,\n 2001", "random_deletion": " @ENRON Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 To: Matthew Subject: where did you [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Thursday, October 11, 12:25 PM To: Subject: RE: no really. it was blast. little tired but i can rally for tonight. -----Original Message----- From: Erin @ENRON Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 12:21 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: liar Message----- Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 12:22 PM To: erichardson@sarofim.com Subject: RE: i didn't even go home Message----- From: Erin Richardson @ENRON Sent: Thursday, 11, 2001", "change_char_case": " \n @ENROn\n\n Sent:\n ThursDay,\n OcTobEr\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:24\n Pm\n TO:\n LenHart,\n matthew\n\n Subject:\n re:\n\n\n wheRe\n did\n you\n go?\n\n\n -----Original\n MessAge-----\n\n FrOm:\n mAtthEW.LEnharT@enron.cOM\n\n [mAILto:maTtHew.leNHaRt@enrOn.cOm]\n\n Sent:\n THursday,\n OctObeR\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:25\n Pm\n To:\n erichardsON@sArofim.com\n\n SUbjEct:\n RE:\n\n\n no\n reallY.\n it\n Was\n a\n blAsT.\n liTTle\n tiRed\n But\n i\n cAn\n rallY\n For\n\n tonIght.\n\n\n -----OrigiNaL\n messagE-----\n\n from:\n EriN\n rIcHardSon\n\n \n @ENRON\n\n Sent:\n ThUrsday,\n ocTObER\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:21\n pM\n\n TO:\n LeNhart,\n MatthEw\n\n subjeCT:\n RE:\n\n\n liar\n\n\n -----oRiGINAl\n MESsage-----\n\n From:\n MattHew.Lenhart@eNRon.Com\n\n [maiLtO:MaTThew.LeNhart@EnROn.cOm]\n\n Sent:\n ThursDay,\n OCtober\n 11,\n 2001\n 12:22\n PM\n\n TO:\n erichARdson@saROfim.com\n\n subjecT:\n RE:\n\n\n\n I\n diDn't\n eVEn\n Go\n HomE\n\n\n -----ORIgiNAl\n mesSAge-----\n\n from:\n Erin\n riChArdsoN\n\n \n @ENrON\n\n Sent:\n ThursdAy,\n OCtobER\n 11,\n 2001", "whitespace_perturbation": " \n @ E NRON \n Sen t:\n T hur sd a y, \n Oct ob er\n 11,\n 2 001\n 12:2 4\n PM To: Le nh a rt, \n Ma tthew S u bject: RE:\n whe re did y ou \n g o?\n\n -----Ori gin al\n Me ssage- ----\n From:\n Matth e w.Lenh art @en ron.com \n\n [mailto:Ma tt h e w. Lenhart@ enron. c om ] Sent: \n Thu rsda y , Octob er \n 11,\n 2001\n 12 : 25\n PM\n To :\n eri chardson @sarofim. c o m\n\n Su bje ct: \n RE:\n\n\n no\n r ea lly . it wa s\n a\n bla st.\n litt le \n tired\n but i\n ca n\n r ally\n fo r\n\n ton ig ht. -----O riginal\n Me ssage ----- Fr om:\n Eri n Richard son\n\n \n @E N RON\n\n S ent : T hursd ay, O ctober\n 11,\n 2001\n 1 2:2 1\n PM\n To : Len h a rt,\n Matthew\n\n Sub ject: R E: \n\n\n li ar\n\n\n ----- Origina l M es sag e-----\n\n Fr om : \n Ma tth e w.Lenha rt @en r o n.com [mailto : Matt h ew . Lenha rt@enr on.com ]\n\n Se nt :\n Thur sday,\n Oct ob er 11,\n 2001\n 12: 22 PM\n\n To: \n erichards on@sarofim.com Su b je ct :\n RE:\n\n\n i \n d i d n't eve n\n go\n ho me \n -- -- -Original Message- -- --\n F rom : Erin\n Ri chardson\n\n @ ENRON\n\n Sent: Thursday , \n October\n 11,\n 20 01 ", "underscore_trick": " _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _\n __ __ ___ _ _ _ __ _ @ENRON\n\n _ Sent:\n _ ___ _ Thursday,\n _ _ _ _October\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11,\n _ __ ___ _ __ __ __ 2001\n _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _12:24\n _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ PM\n _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ __ ___ _ _ To:\n_ _ ___ Lenhart,\n _ _ _ _Matthew\n\n Subject:\n_ _RE:\n\n\n where\n _ did\n _ __ you\n ____ _ _go?\n\n\n _ _ _ _ -----Original\n__ _ Message-----\n\n _ From:\n __ _ _ _ __Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n\n __Sent:\n ____Thursday,\n _ _ _ __ _ October\n_ _ _ 11,\n _ _ _ __ _ _ 2001\n __ ___ __ _____ 12:25\n _ __ _ __ _ _ __ PM\n____ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ To:\n _ _ _ __ _ erichardson@sarofim.com\n\n _ Subject:\n _ RE:\n\n\n _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ no\n_ _ _really.\n_ _ _ _ it\n _ _ _ was\n _ a\n _ __ blast.\n _ _ _ ___ __ little\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _tired\n __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _but\n __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ i\n_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _can\n__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ rally\n _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ ___for\n\n tonight.\n\n\n __ _ _-----Original\n_ _ Message-----\n\n __ From:\n___ _ _ _Erin\n _ _ _ Richardson\n\n \n _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ @ENRON\n\n__ _ Sent:\n _ _ _ Thursday,\n _ _ _ ___ _ October\n _ _ _ _ 11,\n _ _ __ __ 2001\n _ _ _ ___ _ _ 12:21\n_ _ ____ _ _ _ __ PM\n\n To:\n __ _ Lenhart,\n_ __ _ _ _ Matthew\n\n _ _ Subject:\n _ _ RE:\n\n\n _ liar\n\n\n _ __ -----Original\n_ _ _ Message-----\n\n _ _ From:\n__ _ ___ _ __ _ Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n\n_ _ _ _ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n\n _ _Sent:\n _ _ _ Thursday,\n _ _ _ _ _ October\n ___ _ _ _ __ _ 11,\n_ _ __ _ ___ __ 2001\n _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12:22\n _ ___ _ _ ____ PM\n\n _ To:\n __ _ _ _ _ erichardson@sarofim.com\n\n _ Subject:\n ___ RE:\n\n\n\n _ i\n_ _ didn't\n _ _ _ _ even\n _ __ go\n _ _ _ home\n\n\n __ _ _ -----Original\n _ _ _ ____ _ Message-----\n\n _ ___ From:\n _ __ __ Erin\n_ ___ _ _ Richardson\n\n _ \n _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ @ENRON\n\n _ _ Sent:\n _ _ Thursday,\n _ _ _ _ October\n _ __ _ _ _ 11,\n _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 2001"} {"text": "at Two Allen Center in the Forum (7th floor). Da Camera presents, \u0001&The Ying \nQuartet\u00018 performing selected 20th Century chamber pieces.\n\nAlso, De Camera is offering a 20% discount to Enron employees to Da Camera\u0001,s \n200/01 season finale concert, \u0001&Celebrating Patronage\u00018 on Saturday, May 6 at \nThe Wortham Center.\n\nIf you are interested, please RSVP to Jessica Nunez at X31918\n\nDo you hate to garden in the summer because everything you plant dies? Linda \nGay, Director of the Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens in Humble, will \nteach us about plants that not only survive, but thrive during the dog days \nof Houston summers. Topics will include tropical-looking plants for sun and \nshade, gingers, fragrant plants, and drought-tolerant plants.\n\nWHEN: Tuesday, May 8th, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.\nWHERE: The Forum, 12th floor of 2 Allen Center\n\nHouston area singles interested in jazz, dessert and classical music can meet \nand mingle on Friday, May 4, 2001.\n\nThe evening of entertainment begins at 5:30 p.m., with live jazz by the Blue \nMonks at Sambuca Jazz Cafes at 909 Texas Avenue. Complimentary hors \nd'oeuvres and a cash bar are available at the pre-concert party.\n\nAt 7p.m., you're off to Jones Hall across the street for dessert at the Round \nBar before the Houston Symphony performance at 8 p.m.\n\nDavid Robertson, Musical America's Conductor of the Year 2000, will lead \nBeethoven's idyllic romp through the countryside, Symphony No. 6, Pastoral. \nThe program concludes with Prokofiev's patriotic Alexander Nevsky, \noriginally written for the Eisenstein film of the same name, and the \nlegendary Battle on the Ice, featuring the Houston Symphony Chorus.\n\nTickets are $35 and include the pre-concert party at Sambuca, dessert at the \nRound Bar in Jones Hall and reserved concert seating. Pre-paid reservations \nare", "synonym_substitution": "at Two Allen Center in the Forum (7th floor). Da Camera presents, \u0001&The Ying \n Quartet\u00018 performing selected twentieth Century bedroom piece. \n\n Also, De Camera is volunteer a 20% rebate to Enron employees to Da Camera\u0001,s \n 200/01 season finale concert, \u0001&Celebrating Patronage\u00018 on Saturday, May 6 at \n The Wortham Center. \n\n If you are concerned, please RSVP to Jessica Nunez at X31918 \n\n Do you hate to garden in the summer because everything you plant dies? Linda \n Gay, Director of the Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens in Humble, will \n teach us about plants that not only exist, but thrive during the dog day \n of Houston summers. Topics will include tropical - looking plants for sun and \n nuance, gingers, fragrant plants, and drought - tolerant plant. \n\n WHEN: Tuesday, May 8th, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. \n WHERE: The Forum, 12th floor of 2 Allen Center \n\n Houston area singles interested in wind, dessert and classical music can suffer \n and mingle on Friday, May 4, 2001. \n\n The evening of entertainment begins at 5:30 p.m., with live jazz by the Blue \n monk at Sambuca Jazz Cafes at 909 Texas Avenue. Complimentary hors \n d'oeuvres and a cash bar are available at the pre - concert party. \n\n At 7 p.m., you're off to Jones Hall across the street for dessert at the Round \n Bar before the Houston Symphony performance at 8 p.m. \n\n David Robertson, Musical America's Conductor of the Year 2000, will lead \n Beethoven's idyllic play through the countryside, Symphony No. 6, Pastoral. \n The program concludes with Prokofiev's patriotic Alexander Nevsky, \n originally written for the Eisenstein film of the same name, and the \n legendary Battle on the Ice, featuring the Houston Symphony Chorus. \n\n Tickets are $ 35 and include the pre - concert party at Sambuca, dessert at the \n Round Bar in Jones Hall and reserve concert seating. Pre - paid reservations \n are", "butter_fingers": "at Hwo Allen Center in the Norum (7th floor). Bq Cameca pressnts, \u0001&The Ying \nQuartet\u00018 performing selxctee 20th Xentury chamber pieces.\n\nXlso, De Cwmera is offtring a 20% discount to Enrok empmlyeev to Da Camera\u0001,s \n200/01 season fhnale concert, \u0001&Weueyrating Patronage\u00018 on Saturday, May 6 ae \nThe Wprhham Center.\n\nIf iou age intsgewted, please RSVP to Jessica Nhnez at X31918\n\nDo you hate to garden in the summer bfcaude everything you olant dies? Linqq \nGay, Directur of the Mercer Arborgtum and Botanic Gardens in Humbue, wikl \nteach uw qbokj plants thav not jnly survive, but thrhve durong the dog dans \nof Hoyston summers. Topics xill include tropicaj-looking [lcnts for sun and \nshadw, tingets, frdgravr puanus, end drougjt-tklerant plznts.\n\nWHEN: Tyesday, May 8th, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.i.\nQHERE: The Forhm, 12th sljor of 2 Allen Center\n\nHouston area singlev ihterested in jazz, desseet and classical musif can meee \nand mingle on Friday, May 4, 2001.\n\nThe evening of entertdinmeit beylks ag 5:30 o.m., with live jazz by the Blue \nMonks at Sambusz Kadz Cafes at 909 Texaf Avenue. Cpmoloientary hors \na'oeuvrza znd a cash bar are availafle ar the pre-soncrrt party.\n\nAt 7p.m., you're off to Jones Hall ccriss the street for dessert at the Rounc \nBar before the Houstou Sympgony perforlance at 8 o.m.\n\nDavid Robertsov, Mlsicdl America's Conductor of tre Year 2000, xill kead \nBedthofen's iqyllic romo through the countrysidf, Symkhony To. 6, Pastorwl. \nThe program concludes with Prokofiev's pajrimtib Alexandzr Nevxky, \noriginallr written for jhe Eisenftein film of tge same name, and tre \nlegendary Twttle on the Ice, feaeuribg tye Housgun Symphony Chprus.\n\nTickens are $35 and include the ire-covdert party at Scovuca, dessert at thd \nRjujd Bws in Jones Hdll xnd teserxed concert reatong. Pre-paid reservadiona \nare", "random_deletion": "at Two Allen Center in the Forum Da presents, \u0001&The Quartet\u00018 performing selected De is offering a discount to Enron to Da Camera\u0001,s 200/01 season finale \u0001&Celebrating Patronage\u00018 on Saturday, May 6 at The Wortham Center. If you are please RSVP to Jessica Nunez at X31918 Do you hate to garden in summer everything plant Linda Gay, Director of the Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens in Humble, will teach us about that not only survive, but thrive during the days of Houston summers. will include tropical-looking plants for and gingers, fragrant and plants. Tuesday, May 8th, a.m. - 12:30 p.m. WHERE: The Forum, 12th floor of 2 Allen Center Houston area singles interested jazz, dessert music can and on May 4, 2001. of entertainment begins at 5:30 p.m., by the Blue Monks at Sambuca Jazz Cafes 909 Texas Complimentary hors d'oeuvres and a cash are available at the pre-concert party. At 7p.m., off to Jones Hall across the street for dessert at the Round Bar before the performance at 8 p.m. Robertson, Musical America's of Year will Beethoven's idyllic through the countryside, Symphony No. 6, Pastoral. The program concludes with patriotic Alexander Nevsky, originally written for the Eisenstein film of name, the legendary Battle the Ice, featuring the Symphony Tickets are $35 and pre-concert at the Bar Jones Hall and reserved seating. Pre-paid reservations are", "change_char_case": "at Two Allen Center in the ForuM (7th floor). Da camerA prEseNtS, \u0001&The ying \nquartet\u00018 performINg seLected 20th Century chamber PieceS.\n\nALSo, De cAmEra is OfferinG A 20% dISCouNt To enrOn EMpLoyeeS to da CamerA\u0001,s \n200/01 season fiNalE cOncert, \u0001&CelebrATiNg PatronagE\u00018 on saturday, May 6 aT \nThE WorthAm cenTEr.\n\nIf yOu aRe intEresteD, Please rSVP to JesSiCA Nunez AT X31918\n\nDo you HATe To gaRden in the summer beCAuSE everything you Plant dIeS? liNDA \nGaY, DiRector of thE MErcer aRboretuM AnD bOTanIC Gardens in HumBle, will \nteacH Us aBout plAnTs tHAt not oNly suRvIVe, bUt thrive durIng tHe dog days \nOf HousTOn summeRS. Topics Will inCluDe tRopiCAl-LoOkiNg PLanTS fOr sUN anD \nshade, giNgErS, fragRant PLANTs, anD drOughT-toleRant plants.\n\nWHEn: TuEsdaY, may 8Th, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.M.\nWHERe: The foRum, 12th Floor oF 2 AlleN CEnter\n\nHouston areA sinGles interEstEd In jAzZ, dessERt and cLasSicAl music Can meet \nANd mInGLE On friday, May 4, 2001.\n\nThe eveninG oF ENtErtainmeNt begiNS aT 5:30 p.M., With live JaZz bY the bLUe \nMonKs at sAmBuca Jazz cafes aT 909 teXaS Avenue. coMplimeNtAry HorS \nd'oeuVRes aNd a casH bar are aVailaBLe at the pre-concERt party.\n\nAt 7p.m., yoU'Re OFF tO joneS HaLl across the StreET for DessERt At tHE RounD \nBar bEfORe THe Houston Symphony peRfOrmancE at 8 p.m.\n\ndavid RobertsoN, Musical AmERICa's ConduCtor OF tHE Year 2000, will lead \nBEethoVen's idylliC Romp throUgh thE countrySide, SymphONY No. 6, PastoRal. \nthe ProGraM COnCludes with ProKOFiev'S pAtriotiC AlExander nevSky, \nOriGinAlLy written For the EiSeNsTeIn FilM of thE Same name, AnD thE \nlEgeNdary bAttle oN the ICe, feAtUrINg tHe HoustON SYMPhonY CHoRus.\n\nTIckEtS are $35 aNd inCLudE the pre-Concert paRty AT SamBuCa, Dessert At the \nRound Bar In jones Hall aNd ResErved cONCert seatIng. Pre-paid reservations \naRE", "whitespace_perturbation": "at Two Allen Center in the Forum (7t h flo or) . Da Cam erapresents, \u0001&Th e Yin g \nQuartet\u00018 performin g sel ec t ed 2 0 th Cent ury cha m be r pie ce s. \n\nA ls o ,De Ca mer a is of fering a 2 0%di scount to En r on employees to Da Camera\u0001, s 200/01 s eas o n fin ale conc ert, \u0001 & Celebr ating Pat ro n age\u00018o n Satur d a y, May 6 at \nThe Wortha m C e nter.\n\nIf youare in te r es t e d,ple ase RSVP t oJessi c a Nunez at X 3 191 8 \n\nDo you hate to gardeni n t he sum me r b e causeevery th i ngyou plant d ies? Linda Gay, D i rectoro f the M ercerArb ore tuma nd B ota ni c Ga r de nsi n H umble, w il l\nteac h us a b o ut p lan ts t hat n ot only survi ve, but thr ive d uring the d og da ys \nof Hous to n summers. Topi cs w ill inclu detr opi ca l-loo k ing pl ant s f or sunand \nsh a de, g i n g er s, fragrant plants ,a n ddrought- tolera n tpl a nts.\n\nWH EN : Tues d a y, Ma y 8t h ,11:30 a. m. - 1 2 :3 0p.m.\nWH ER E: The F oru m,12thf loor of 2Allen Ce nterHouston area s i ngles interes t ed i nj azz, de ssert and c lass i calmusi c c anm eet and m in g le on Friday, May 4, 2 00 1.\n\nTh e eve ning of enter tainment b e g i ns at 5: 30 p . m. , with live jaz z bythe Blue Monks at Samb uca Jazz Cafes at 9 09 Texas Av enu e. Co m p li mentary horsd 'oeu vr es anda c ash bar ar e a vai lab le at the p re-conce rt p ar ty .\nAt 7p . m., you' re of ftoJones Hall a cross the s tr e etfor des s er t at t he R ound \nB ar befo re t h e H oustonSymphonyper f orma nc eat 8 p. m.\n\nDavid Rob er tson, Musi ca l A merica ' s Conduct or of the Year 2000, wi l l lead\nBe ethov en's idyllicrom p thro ugh the co untrys ide,Sy mph o n y No. 6 ,Pas to ral. \nThe pro gramco nclu des wit h Prokofiev's patr i oti c Alexander N evs ky,o ri gin a ll y wr it t enf o r the Eisenstei n film ofth e s ame name,a ndth e \nlege ndary B attle on theIce, feat uring the H oust o n Sy mphony Cho rus.\n\nTi ckets are $35 a n dinclu dethe pr e- con certpartya t S ambuc a, des se rt atthe Ro und Barin Jones Hall and reser ved co ncert se ating. P re- p aid reservat ions \nare", "underscore_trick": "at Two_Allen Center_in the Forum (7th_floor). _Da_Camera presents,_\u0001&The_Ying \nQuartet\u00018 performing_selected 20th Century_chamber pieces.\n\nAlso, De Camera_is offering a_20%_discount to Enron employees to Da Camera\u0001,s \n200/01 season finale concert, \u0001&Celebrating Patronage\u00018 on_Saturday,_May 6_at_\nThe_Wortham Center.\n\nIf you are interested,_please RSVP to Jessica Nunez_at X31918\n\nDo_you hate to garden in the summer because_everything_you plant dies?_ Linda \nGay, Director of the Mercer Arboretum and_Botanic Gardens in Humble, will \nteach_us about plants_that_not_only survive, but thrive_during the dog days \nof Houston_summers. Topics will include tropical-looking plants_for sun and \nshade, gingers, fragrant plants,_and drought-tolerant plants.\n\nWHEN: Tuesday, May_8th, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30_p.m.\nWHERE: The_Forum, 12th floor of 2_Allen Center\n\nHouston area_singles interested_in jazz, dessert_and classical music can meet \nand_mingle on Friday,_May 4, 2001.\n\nThe evening of entertainment_begins_at 5:30 p.m.,_with_live_jazz by_the Blue _\nMonks_at Sambuca_Jazz_Cafes at 909 Texas Avenue. _Complimentary_hors \nd'oeuvres and a cash bar are_available at the pre-concert_party.\n\nAt_7p.m., you're off to_Jones Hall across the street_for dessert at the Round \nBar_before the_Houston Symphony_performance at 8 p.m.\n\nDavid Robertson, Musical America's Conductor of the Year_2000, will lead \nBeethoven's idyllic romp_through the countryside, Symphony_No. 6,_Pastoral._ \nThe _program_concludes with_Prokofiev's patriotic Alexander Nevsky, \noriginally written for_the Eisenstein_film of the same name, and_the \nlegendary Battle on_the_Ice, featuring the Houston Symphony Chorus.\n\nTickets_are $35 and include the pre-concert_party at Sambuca, dessert at_the_\nRound_Bar in Jones Hall and_reserved concert seating. Pre-paid reservations_\nare"} {"text": " mid-cycle. \n``Who do you blame? No one wants to accept blame.''\n\n\nSara Neufeld, Ann Marimow, Kim Vo, Frank Sweeney, Barbara Feder, Aaron Davis, \nGil Duran, and Dave Beck contributed to this report. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPowerless, again \nOutages were lighter after generators came back online and conservation \nefforts kicked in. Blackouts may be averted today. \nMarch 21, 2001 \nBy TONY SAAVEDRA, JOHN HOWARD, CHRIS KNAP and JEFF COLLINS\nThe Orange County Register \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Ridgewood Power methane-burning plant at the Olinda Alpha landfill in \nBrea is producing 3.3 megawatts, down from five, because Edison owes it $1.5 \nmillion and cranking up to full power is no longer a priority\nPhoto: H. Lorren Au Jr. / The Register\n?\n?\n\nA second day of statewide blackouts ratcheted up the frustration level \nTuesday on the streets of Orange County and in Sacramento, as consumers \ndemanded solutions from politicians unable to give them. \nThere was a bit of good news, though: Blackouts may be averted for the rest \nof the week after temperatures moderated, two stalled generators came back \nonline and conservation efforts kicked into gear. \n? \n\n\n\n\n\nSome Orange County residents took the blackouts in stride. In Mission Viejo, \nabove, the West Coast Football Club's under-16 boys team scrimmages under \ngas-powered lights Tuesday. The club has been running to conserve energy \nPhoto: Kevin Sullivan / The Register\n\n?\n?\n\nConsumers were able to save 900 megawatts - enough to light about 675,000 \nhomes - by cutting power usage, said Patrick Dorinson, spokesman for the \nIndependent System Operator, which oversees 75 percent of the state's \nelectricity grid. That helped the ISO halt the blackouts Tuesday afternoon. \n\"Californians are back on the conservation trail, and we appreciate it,\" \nDorinson said. \nPower regulators Tuesday morning predicted there would be twice as many \noutages as Monday, when more than 1 million consumers statewide lost power in \none", "synonym_substitution": "mid - cycle. \n '` Who do you blame? No one wants to accept blame.\" \n\n\n Sara Neufeld, Ann Marimow, Kim Vo, Frank Sweeney, Barbara Feder, Aaron Davis, \n Gil Duran, and Dave Beck contribute to this reputation. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\n\n\n\n\n\n Powerless, again \n Outages were lighter after generators arrive back online and conservation \n efforts kicked in. blackout may be avert today. \n March 21, 2001 \n By TONY SAAVEDRA, JOHN HOWARD, CHRIS KNAP and JEFF COLLINS \n The Orange County Register \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n The Ridgewood Power methane - burning plant at the Olinda Alpha landfill in \n Brea is produce 3.3 megawatts, down from five, because Edison owes it $ 1.5 \n million and crank up to full power is no longer a precedence \n Photo: H. Lorren Au Jr. / The Register \n? \n? \n\n A second day of statewide blackouts ratcheted up the frustration level \n Tuesday on the streets of Orange County and in Sacramento, as consumers \n demanded solution from politicians unable to give them. \n There exist a bit of good news, though: Blackouts may be debar for the rest \n of the week after temperatures moderated, two stalled generator came back \n online and conservation efforts kicked into gear. \n? \n\n\n\n\n\n Some Orange County residents took the blackouts in stride. In Mission Viejo, \n above, the West Coast Football Club's under-16 boys team scrimmages under \n gas - powered lights Tuesday. The club has been running to conserve energy \n Photo: Kevin Sullivan / The Register \n\n? \n? \n\n consumer were able to salvage 900 megawatts - enough to ignite approximately 675,000 \n homes - by cutting power usage, said Patrick Dorinson, spokesman for the \n Independent System Operator, which oversees 75 percent of the state's \n electricity power system. That helped the ISO halt the blackouts Tuesday afternoon. \n \" Californians are back on the conservation trail, and we appreciate it, \" \n Dorinson said. \n Power regulators Tuesday morning predicted there would be doubly as many \n outage as Monday, when more than 1 million consumer statewide lose power in \n one", "butter_fingers": " mif-cycle. \n``Who do you blame? Ko one wants to cxcept ulame.''\n\n\nSada Neufeud, Ann Marimow, Kim Vo, Frank Dwweney, Barbara Feder, Aaron Dxvis, \nGil Furan, ane Date Beck contribuvsd to tmns rellrt. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'oxerless, again \nOotages were nighter after cevexators came back online and conservaeion \nefgogts kicked in. Flacljuts may be averted today. \nMarch 21, 2001 \nBy TKNY SAANEDRA, JOHN HOWARD, CHRIS KNAP and JEFF COLLIJS\nThf Orange County Rehister \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Tjdgqqood Power mdthane-burnpug plant at the Olinda Alpha landfill in \nBfea ix producint 3.3 mehdwatts, down from five, becausc Edisot owes ot $1.5 \nmillion anc ccankung up to full power ms no longer a prioryty\nPhoto: V. Morren Au Jr. / The Rwgistgr\n?\n?\n\nA sacona dah or xtztewidf bmackouts rztcheted up the frustration lefej \nTuesday on tge strqees of Orange County and in Sacramento, av cknsumers \ndemanded solutuons from politicians unable tj give them. \nThere was a bit of good news, though: Bnackontr mcn cw wverted for the rest \nof the week after temperwfutex moderated, twj stalled grnfrsjors came back \nonlinz ahd conservation efvorts kycked into geaw. \n? \n\n\n\n\n\nSpme Orange County residents took the blcckiuts in stride. In Lission Vielo, \nabofe, thr West Coast Football Cuub's under-16 boys team scrjomages under \ngas-oowvred lights Ujesday. The club hws been rnnniny to conrervg energr \nPhoto: Kegin Smnlivan / The Registfr\n\n?\n?\n\nCondukers were wble to save 900 megawatts - enough to light abouj 675,000 \nvomvs - by cucting iower usage, saiq Patrick Doriuson, spohesmav for the \nPndependeit System Opqrator, which mgersees 75 perrent of tre srate'w \nelectfkcity grid. Thay helped nht ISO halt the blackouts Tuexdai zfternoon. \n\"Califirnuans are back om tfe sojsxrvatymn trail, and we xppfrciatd it,\" \nDorinsiv saod. \nPower regulators Duessay morning predicyeq there qould be twice as manu \noutages as Mondaj, whei more than 1 myllion consumers statewide losf power ij \noke", "random_deletion": "mid-cycle. ``Who do you blame? No one accept Sara Neufeld, Marimow, Kim Vo, Davis, Duran, and Dave contributed to this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powerless, again Outages lighter after generators came back online and conservation efforts kicked in. Blackouts may averted today. March 21, 2001 By TONY SAAVEDRA, JOHN HOWARD, CHRIS KNAP and COLLINS Orange Register Ridgewood Power methane-burning plant at the Olinda Alpha landfill in Brea is producing 3.3 megawatts, down five, because Edison owes it $1.5 million and up to full power no longer a priority Photo: Lorren Jr. / Register ? second day of blackouts ratcheted up the frustration level Tuesday on the streets of Orange County and in Sacramento, as demanded solutions unable to them. was bit of good Blackouts may be averted for the week after temperatures moderated, two stalled generators came online and efforts kicked into gear. ? Some County residents took the blackouts in stride. In Viejo, above, the West Coast Football Club's under-16 boys team scrimmages under gas-powered lights Tuesday. has been running to energy Photo: Kevin / Register ? were able save 900 megawatts - enough to light about 675,000 homes - cutting power usage, said Patrick Dorinson, spokesman for the Independent which 75 percent of state's electricity grid. That the halt the blackouts Tuesday are on and appreciate Dorinson said. Power regulators morning predicted there would be as many outages as million consumers statewide lost power in one", "change_char_case": " mid-cycle. \n``Who do you blame? No onE wants to acCept bLamE.''\n\n\nSaRa neufEld, ANn Marimow, Kim Vo, fRank sweeney, Barbara Feder, AarOn DavIs, \ngIl DuRAn, And DaVe Beck cONtRIButEd To ThiS rEPoRt. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPowErlEss, agaiN \nOutages weRe lIgHter after genERaTors came baCk oNline and consErvAtion \neFfOrtS KickeD in. blackOuts maY Be averTed today. \nMArCH 21, 2001 \nBy TONy sAAVEDRa, joHn HOWaRD, CHRIS KNAP and JEff ColLINS\nThe Orange county reGIsTER \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThE RiDgewood PowEr MethaNE-burninG PlANT At tHE Olinda Alpha lAndfill in \nBrEA is ProducInG 3.3 meGAwatts, Down fRoM FivE, because EdiSon oWes it $1.5 \nmillIon and CRanking UP to full Power iS no LonGer a PRiOrIty\nphOTo: H. lOrRen aU Jr. / the RegisTeR\n?\n?\n\nA SeconD day OF STAtewIde BlacKouts Ratcheted up thE frUstrATioN leveL \nTuesDay oN tHe strEets of orangE COunty and in SacraMentO, as consumErs \nDeManDeD soluTIons frOm pOliTicians Unable tO GivE tHEM. \nthEre was a bit of good neWs, THOuGh: BlackoUts may BE aVeRTed for thE rEst \nOf thE WEek afTer tEMpEratures ModeraTEd, TwO stalleD gEneratOrS caMe bAck \nonLIne aNd consErvation EfforTS kicked into geaR. \n? \n\n\n\n\n\nsome Orange CouNTy RESiDEnts TooK the blackouTs in STridE. In MISsIon vIejo, \naBove, tHe wEsT coast Football Club's uNdEr-16 boys Team sCrimmages undeR \ngas-powereD LIGhts TuesDay. THE cLUb has been runniNg to cOnserve eneRGy \nPhoto: KEvin SUllivan / THe RegisteR\n\n?\n?\n\ncOnsumers WerE abLe tO saVE 900 MeGawatts - enough TO LighT aBout 675,000 \nhomEs - bY cuttinG poWer UsaGe, sAiD Patrick DOrinson, sPoKeSmAn For The \nInDEpendent sySteM OPerAtor, wHIch oveRsees 75 PercEnT oF The State's \neLEcTRIcitY gRiD. ThaT heLpEd the iSO hALt tHe blackOuts TuesdAy aFTernOoN. \n\"CAlifornIans are back on ThE conservatIoN trAil, and WE AppreciaTe it,\" \nDorinson said. \nPower reGUlators tueSday mOrniNg predictEd tHere woUld BE twice As many \nOutagEs As MONDay, whEN MoRe tHaN 1 million coNSUmeRs staTeWide Lost powEr in \none", "whitespace_perturbation": " mid-cycle. \n``Who do youblame? Noone w ant s t oacce pt b lame.''\n\n\nSara Neuf eld, Ann Marimow, KimVo, F ra n k Sw e en ey, B arbaraF ed e r , A ar on Da vi s ,\nGilDur an, and Dave Beck co nt ributed to t h is report. --- ------------ --- ------ -- --- - ----- --- ----- ------ - ------ --------- -- - ------ - ---\n--- - - -- ---- ----------------- - -- - -------------- ------ -- - -- - - --- --- ---------- -- -\n--- - ------- - -- - - - --- - ------------- ----------- - --- ------ -- --- - ------ ----- -- \n\n\n\n\nPowerles s, a gain \nOut ages w e re ligh t er afte r gene rat ors cam e b ac k o nl i nea nd co n ser vation ef fo rts k icke d i n . Bl ack outs maybe averted to day . \nM a rch 21,2001\nByTO NY SA AVEDRA , JOH NHOWARD, CHRIS K NAPand JEFFCOL LI NSTh e Ora n ge Cou nty Re gister\n\n\n\n\n\nThe R i d g ew ood Power methane- bu r n in g plantat the Ol in d a Alphala ndf illi n \nBre a is pr oducing3.3 me g aw at ts, dow nfrom f iv e,bec auseE diso n owes it $1.5 \nmil l ion and cranki n g up to fullp ow e r i s nolon ger a prior ityP hoto : H. Lo rre n Au J r. /Th e R e gister\n?\n?\n\nA secon dday of stat ewide blackou ts ratchet e d up the f rust r at i on level \nTues day o n the stre e ts of Or angeCounty a nd in Sac r a mento, a s c ons ume rsd em anded solutio n s fro mpolitic ian s unabl e t o g ive th em . \nTherewas a bi tof g oo d n ews,t hough: B la cko ut s m ay be averte d for the r es t \no f the w e ek a fter t em pera tur es mode rate d , t wo stal led gener ato r s ca me b ack \non line and cons er vation eff or tskicked i nto gear . \n? \n\n\n\n\n\nSome OrangeC ounty r esi dents too k the bla cko uts in st r ide. I n Miss ion V ie jo, above , th e W es t Coast Fo o t bal l Clu b' s un der-16boys team scrimmag e s u nder \ngas-pow ere d li g h ts Tu e sd a y.Th e cl u b has been runni ng to cons er v eenergy \nPh o to: K evin Su llivan/ The Registe r\n\n?\n?\n\nC onsumerswe re a b l e t o save 900 megawat ts - enou g h tol ig ht ab out 675,0 00 \nh omes- by c u tti ng po wer us ag e, sai d Pat ri ck Dorin son, spokesman for the\nIndep enden t S ystem Ope rat o r,which ove rsee s 75 perce ntofthe s tat e 's \ne lect r ic ity grid. Tha t helped t h eISO h al t the black o u t s T uesda y a f ternoo n. \"Californians are back on the co nser v a tio n t r ail, a nd we apprecia teit , \" \nDorins on said. \nPow er regul at o rs Tu esdaymornin g predi c t ed therewoul d b e twice a s m an y \noutag es a s Monda y, w he n more than1 mil l i on consumers sta tewid e lostp owe r in\no ne", "underscore_trick": " mid-cycle._\n``Who do_you blame? No one_wants to_accept_blame.''\n\n\nSara Neufeld,_Ann_Marimow, Kim Vo,_Frank Sweeney, Barbara_Feder, Aaron Davis, \nGil_Duran, and Dave_Beck_contributed to this report. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPowerless, again \nOutages were lighter after generators came back online_and_conservation \nefforts_kicked_in._Blackouts may be averted today._\nMarch 21, 2001 \nBy TONY_SAAVEDRA, JOHN_HOWARD, CHRIS KNAP and JEFF COLLINS\nThe Orange County_Register_\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Ridgewood Power_methane-burning plant at the Olinda Alpha landfill in \nBrea_is producing 3.3 megawatts, down from_five, because Edison_owes_it_$1.5 \nmillion and cranking_up to full power is no_longer a priority\nPhoto: H. Lorren Au_Jr. / The Register\n?\n?\n\nA second day of_statewide blackouts ratcheted up the frustration_level \nTuesday on the streets_of Orange_County and in Sacramento, as_consumers \ndemanded solutions_from politicians_unable to give_them. \nThere was a bit of_good news, though:_Blackouts may be averted for the_rest_\nof the week_after_temperatures_moderated, two_stalled generators came_back_\nonline and_conservation_efforts kicked into gear. \n? \n\n\n\n\n\nSome_Orange_County residents took the blackouts in stride._In Mission Viejo, \nabove,_the_West Coast Football Club's_under-16 boys team scrimmages under_\ngas-powered lights Tuesday. The club has_been running_to conserve_energy \nPhoto: Kevin Sullivan / The Register\n\n?\n?\n\nConsumers were able to save_900 megawatts - enough to light_about 675,000 \nhomes -_by cutting_power_usage, said Patrick_Dorinson,_spokesman for_the \nIndependent System Operator, which oversees 75_percent of_the state's \nelectricity grid. That helped_the ISO halt the_blackouts_Tuesday afternoon. \n\"Californians are back on_the conservation trail, and we appreciate_it,\" \nDorinson said. \nPower regulators_Tuesday_morning_predicted there would be twice_as many \noutages as Monday, when_more than 1_million consumers statewide lost power in \none"} {"text": "\nNot very, says energy trade specialist Edward Krapels, managing director of \nBoston-based METIS Trading Advisors. Krapels, a consultant helping major \nNortheastern utilities, such as Consolidated Edison, design market-hedging \nprograms, adamantly decried what he said are facile comparisons between \nconditions in New York and California, there being \"more differences than \nthere are similarities\" between those two industrial cornerstones of the \ncountry's economy in respect to energy security management. \n\n\"First of all, New York has a more varied portfolio of energy generation \nsources than California,\" he said. California has hydro, nuclear and gas, but \nwhen it lost a lot of hydro, the state needed gas to pick up the slack, and \nthe \"capacity just wasn't there.\" In New York's case, the state has oil and \ncoal still in the mix and its overall dependence on gas is much lower than \nCalifornia's, Krapels added. \n\nNew York avoids making same mistakes\nPortfolio diversity is one pillar of any effective plan to help New York \navoid the same errors made in redesigning California's marketplace. New \nYork's Independent System Operator (ISO), in a new report warning that the \nstate is at an \"energy crossroads\" in terms of its capacity adequacy in the \nimmediate future, argues that a concerted effort is required to arrest \ndeclining in-state generation capacity reserve margins, and a strategy must \nbe put in place, whether or not new generation comes on-line, in accordance \nwith current anticipated scenarios. \n\nA measure of New York's essential difficulty is that, between 1995 and 2000, \nstatewide demand for electricity grew 2,700 MW, while generating capacity \nexpanded by only 1,060 MW. With no major new generating plants in downstate \nNew York fully approved, the gap is expected to continue to widen. To avoid \n\"a replication of California's market meltdown\" the New York ISO calculates \nthe state's daily generating capacity needs to grow by 8,600 MW by 2005, with \nmore than half of that located in New York City and on Long Island. \nExpressing concern this may be too big a burden for the current bureaucratic \nprocess to bear, the ISO wants to see a state-appointed ombudsman named to", "synonym_substitution": "Not very, says energy trade specialist Edward Krapels, managing director of \n Boston - free-base METIS Trading Advisors. Krapels, a adviser helping major \n Northeastern utilities, such as Consolidated Edison, invention marketplace - hedging \n programs, adamantly condemn what he said are facile comparisons between \n condition in New York and California, there being \" more differences than \n there are similarity \" between those two industrial cornerstones of the \n country's economy in obedience to energy security management. \n\n \" First of all, New York has a more varied portfolio of energy generation \n reference than California, \" he said. California has hydro, nuclear and gas, but \n when it misplace a lot of hydro, the state needed gas to blame up the slack, and \n the \" capacity just wasn't there. \" In New York's case, the state give birth oil and \n coal still in the mix and its overall dependence on gas is a lot broken than \n California's, Krapels added. \n\n New York avoids making same mistakes \n Portfolio diversity is one pillar of any effective plan to help New York \n debar the same errors make in redesign California's market. New \n York's Independent System Operator (ISO), in a new report warning that the \n state is at an \" energy crossroads \" in terms of its capacity sufficiency in the \n immediate future, argues that a concerted effort is required to arrest \n declining in - state generation capacity reserve margins, and a strategy must \n be place in place, whether or not fresh generation comes on - line, in accordance \n with current anticipated scenario. \n\n A measure of New York's essential difficulty is that, between 1995 and 2000, \n statewide requirement for electricity grew 2,700 MW, while generating capacity \n expanded by entirely 1,060 MW. With no major new generating plant in downstate \n New York fully approved, the opening is expected to proceed to widen. To debar \n \" a replication of California's marketplace meltdown \" the New York ISO calculates \n the state's daily generating capacity needs to develop by 8,600 MW by 2005, with \n more than half of that located in New York City and on Long Island. \n Expressing concern this may be too big a burden for the current bureaucratic \n process to bear, the ISO desire to see a state - appoint ombudsman named to", "butter_fingers": "\nNot very, says energy trade rpecialist Edwatd Krapens, manzging difector of \nBoston-based METIS Vradung Aevisors. Krapels, a consjltant hepping mahor \nIortheastern utilities, smeh as Gonsonmdated Edison, dgsign market-vedging \nprograks, abamantly decried what he said are fasile cokpwrisons betweeg \ncomqitikns in New York and California, thede beinj \"more differenves than \nthere are similarltied\" between those twl industriao cowberstones of the \ncountgv's economy jn respect to energy security mxnagekent. \n\n\"First od apn, New York ias a iore varied iprtfolho of emergy generatipn \nvoueces than California,\" ie said. California hws hydro, tuelear and gas, but \nwheb ut lovt a lot if fyddo, tge stahe ieeded gas fo pick up rhe slack, and \nthe \"cspwboty just wash't thewe.\" In New York's case, the state has oil ang \nckal still in the mix ane its overall dependejce on gaf is much lower than \nCalifornia's, Krapels added. \n\nNef Yori aviiqr mwking same mistakes\nPortfolio diversity is one liklsr of any effegtive plan to help Nfw Iork \navoid the same zdrkrs made in redesihning Cwlifoenia's marhetpkace. New \nYork's Independent Wystem Operanor (USO), in a new reporc warning thct the \nstatr is at an \"energy crossxoads\" jn terms of its capadkty adequacy in ghe \nikmediate future, argues thae a concected zffort ir reauired to arrest \ndecllting in-state generwtion cdpacity rederve margins, and a strategy must \nbe put in pkawe, fhether jr nob new generatiog comes on-line, in accjrdanze \nwith cugrent antmcipated scegarios. \n\nA measgte of New Yorn's esseneial difdiculty ks that, betweem 1995 and 2000, \nsnauewide demqnd for electricitn gred 2,700 MW, while genexctung capacity \nexlanaed bj oily 1,060 IF. With no mabor vew benerxting plantw in cownstate \nNew York fglly approved, the gap os expectee to coneinue to widem. To avoid \n\"a replifatioi of Celiformia'f market meltdown\" the New York ISO calcklabes \nthe state'f dally denerating capacity needs to grow by 8,600 MW by 2005, with \nmore than half of that located in Nec Nork City anv on Ljng Islang. \nExpressing concern this may be too nig a burden for the chrrent burewucratic \nprocess to bear, the ISO wants to see a state-appointed ombudsman bamed vo", "random_deletion": "Not very, says energy trade specialist Edward director Boston-based METIS Advisors. Krapels, a such Consolidated Edison, design programs, adamantly decried he said are facile comparisons between in New York and California, there being \"more differences than there are similarities\" those two industrial cornerstones of the country's economy in respect to energy security \"First all, York a more varied portfolio of energy generation sources than California,\" he said. California has hydro, nuclear gas, but when it lost a lot of the state needed gas pick up the slack, and \"capacity wasn't there.\" New case, state has oil coal still in the mix and its overall dependence on gas is much lower than California's, Krapels New York same mistakes diversity one of any effective help New York avoid the same redesigning California's marketplace. New York's Independent System Operator in a report warning that the state is an \"energy crossroads\" in terms of its capacity in the immediate future, argues that a concerted effort is required to arrest declining in-state reserve margins, and a must be put place, or new comes on-line, accordance with current anticipated scenarios. A measure of New York's essential is that, between 1995 and 2000, statewide demand for electricity MW, generating capacity expanded only 1,060 MW. With major generating plants in downstate fully the to to To avoid \"a replication California's market meltdown\" the New ISO calculates the state's grow by 8,600 MW by 2005, with more half of that located in New York and on Long Island. Expressing concern this may be too big a for the process to bear, the ISO wants to see state-appointed ombudsman named to", "change_char_case": "\nNot very, says energy trade speCialist EdwArd KrApeLs, mAnAginG dirEctor of \nBoston-bASed MeTIS Trading Advisors. KraPels, a CoNSultANt HelpiNg major \nnOrTHEasTeRn UtiLiTIeS, such As COnsolidAted Edison, DesIgN market-hedgiNG \npRograms, adaManTly decried whAt hE said aRe FacILe comParIsons BetweeN \nConditIons in New yoRK and CaLIfornia, THErE beiNg \"more differences THaN \nThere are similaRities\" BeTWeEN ThoSe tWo industriAl CorneRStones oF ThE \nCOUntRY's economy in reSpect to enerGY seCurity MaNagEMent. \n\n\"FiRst of AlL, new york has a morE varIed portfoLio of eNErgy genERation \nsOurces ThaN CaLifoRNiA,\" hE saId. cAliFOrNia HAs hYdro, nuclEaR aNd gas, But \nwHEN IT losT a lOt of Hydro, The state needeD gaS to pICk uP the sLack, aNd \nthE \"cApaciTy just Wasn't ThEre.\" In New York's caSe, thE state has Oil AnD \ncoAl Still IN the miX anD itS overalL dependENce On GAS Is Much lower than \nCalifOrNIA's, krapels aDded. \n\nNeW yoRk AVoids makInG saMe miSTAkes\nPOrtfOLiO diversiTy is onE PiLlAr of any EfFectivE pLan To hElp NeW york \nAvoid tHe same erRors mADe in redesigninG california's maRKeTPLaCE. New \nyorK's IndependeNt SySTem OPeraTOr (iSO), IN a new ReporT wARnINg that the \nstate is at aN \"eNergy cRossrOads\" in terms of Its capacitY ADEquacy in The \niMMeDIate future, arguEs thaT a concerteD Effort is RequiRed to arrEst \ndeclinING in-state GenEraTioN caPACiTy reserve margINS, and A sTrategy MusT \nbe put iN plAce, WheTheR oR not new geNeration CoMeS oN-lIne, In accORdance \nwiTh CurReNt aNticiPAted scEnariOs. \n\nA mEaSuRE of new York'S EsSENtiaL dIfFicuLty Is That, bEtweEN 1995 anD 2000, \nstatewIde demand For ELectRiCiTy grew 2,700 Mw, while generatInG capacity \neXpAndEd by onLY 1,060 mW. With no Major new generating plantS In downsTatE \nNew YOrk fUlly approVed, The gap Is eXPected To contInue tO wIdeN. tO avoiD \n\"A RePliCaTion of CaliFORniA's marKeT melTdown\" thE New York ISO calculaTEs \ntHe state's daily GenEratING cApaCItY NeeDs TO grOW By 8,600 MW by 2005, with \nmore tHan half of tHaT LoCated in New yOrk ciTy and on long IslAnd. \nExPRessing Concern thIs may be toO bIg a bURDen For the currEnt bureaUcratic \nprOCess tO BeAr, the iSO Wants tO sEe a State-AppoinTEd oMbudsMan namEd To", "whitespace_perturbation": "\nNot very, says energy tra de special ist E dwa rdKr apel s, m anaging direct o r of \nBoston-based METIS T radin gA dvis o rs . Kra pels, a co n s ult an thel pi n gmajor \nN ortheas tern utili tie s, such as Con s ol idated Edi son , design mar ket -hedgi ng \np r ogram s,adama ntly d e criedwhat he s ai d are f a cile co m p ar ison s between \ncondit i on s in New York a nd Cal if o rn i a , t her e being \"m or e dif f erences th a n \nth e re are simila rities\" bet w een those t woi ndustr ial c or n ers tones of th e \nc ountry'seconom y in res p ect toenergy se cur itym an ag eme nt . \n\" Fi rst ofall, New Y or k has a m o r e vari edport folio of energy ge ner atio n \ns ource s tha n Ca li forni a,\" he said .California hashydr o, nuclea r a nd ga s, butwhen i t l ost a lotof hydr o , t he s t at e needed gas to pi ck u pthe slac k, and \nt he \"capacit yjus t wa s n 't th ere. \" I n New Yo rk's c a se ,the sta te has o il an d coals till in th e mix an d its overall depend e nce on gas is mu c h l o wertha n \nCaliforn ia's , Kra pels ad ded . \n\nNe w Yor ka vo i ds making same mist ak es\nPor tfoli o diversity i s one pill a r of any e ffec t iv e plan to helpNew Y ork \navoid the same erro rs madein redesi g n ing Cali for nia 'smar k e tp lace. New \nYo r k 's I nd ependen t S ystem O per ato r ( ISO ), in a new reportwa rn in gtha t the \nstate i satan \"e nergy crossr oads\" inte rm s of its ca p ac i t y ad eq ua cy i n t he \nimm edia t e f uture,argues th ata con ce rt ed effo rt is require dto arrest\nd ecl iningi n -state g eneration capacity rese r ve marg ins , and a s trategy m ust \nbe p uti n plac e, whe theror no t new g e n er ati on comes on- l i ne, in a cc orda nce \nwi th current anticip a ted scenarios. \nAmeas u r eofN ew Yor k' s es s e ntial difficult y is that, b e tw een 1995 a n d 2 00 0, \nsta tewidedeman d for el ectricity grew 2,7 00 MW, w hil e generati ng capac ity \nexpa n ded b y o nly 1 ,06 0 MW.Wi thno ma jor ne w ge nerat ing pl an ts indowns ta te \nNewYork fully approved, th e gapis ex pec ted to co nti n ueto widen. Toavoid \n\"arep lic ation of Calif orni a 's ma r ket m eltd o wn\" the N e wYor k IS O calculate s the stat e's dailygene rating capacity n e eds to grow by 8,6 0 0 MW by 2005 ,with \nmore tha n h al f of thatlo cated in Ne w York C it y andon Lon g Isla nd. \nEx p r es s ing co ncer n t his may b e t oo big a b ur de n for t he c ur rent b ureauc r atic process to bear, theI S O wan t s t o see a state- a ppoi nted ombud sman namedto", "underscore_trick": "\nNot very,_says energy_trade specialist Edward Krapels,_managing director_of_\nBoston-based METIS_Trading_Advisors. Krapels, a_consultant helping major_\nNortheastern utilities, such as_Consolidated Edison, design_market-hedging_\nprograms, adamantly decried what he said are facile comparisons between \nconditions in New York_and_California, there_being_\"more_differences than \nthere are similarities\"_between those two industrial cornerstones_of the_\ncountry's economy in respect to energy security management._\n\n\"First_of all, New_York has a more varied portfolio of energy generation_\nsources than California,\" he said. California_has hydro, nuclear_and_gas,_but \nwhen it lost_a lot of hydro, the state_needed gas to pick up the_slack, and \nthe \"capacity just wasn't there.\"_In New York's case, the state_has oil and \ncoal still_in the_mix and its overall dependence_on gas is_much lower_than \nCalifornia's, Krapels_added. \n\nNew York avoids making same_mistakes\nPortfolio diversity is_one pillar of any effective plan_to_help New York_\navoid_the_same errors_made in redesigning_California's_marketplace. New_\nYork's_Independent System Operator (ISO), in a_new_report warning that the \nstate is at_an \"energy crossroads\" in_terms_of its capacity adequacy_in the \nimmediate future, argues_that a concerted effort is required_to arrest_\ndeclining in-state_generation capacity reserve margins, and a strategy must \nbe put in_place, whether or not new generation_comes on-line, in accordance_\nwith current_anticipated_scenarios. \n\nA measure_of_New York's_essential difficulty is that, between 1995 and_2000, \nstatewide_demand for electricity grew 2,700 MW,_while generating capacity \nexpanded_by_only 1,060 MW. With no major_new generating plants in downstate \nNew_York fully approved, the gap_is_expected_to continue to widen. To_avoid \n\"a replication of California's market_meltdown\" the New_York ISO calculates \nthe state's daily generating_capacity_needs to grow by 8,600 MW_by_2005, with \nmore than half of_that_located_in New York City and_on Long Island. \nExpressing concern this_may be too big a burden for the current_bureaucratic \nprocess to_bear, the ISO wants to_see_a_state-appointed ombudsman named to"} {"text": "alReef that he has described as\nrelevant to Enron. Examples of existing CoralReef analyses on OC3/12\nlinks can be found at:\n\n https://anala.caida.org/CoralReef/Demos/cerfnet/link/\n (real-time)\n\n https://anala.caida.org/AIX/\n (post-processed traces)\n\nWe are also working to better tune the skitter tool for reachability\nanalysis and for use by providers, an example of some existing\nanalyses can be found at\n\nhttp://www.caida.org/Tools/Skitter/Summary/sjc.skitter.caida.org/20000227/\n\nFor end-to-end measurements, including those relating to service level\nguarantees, we are working to make skping and sktrace more useful to\nproviders and their NOC personnel, see\n\n http://www.caida.org/Tools/Skitter/skping/\n\nAnother tool of relevance to providers is our cflowd which analyzes\nflow export data from Cisco routers, see\nhttp://www.caida.org/Tools/cflowd/.\n\nWe would appreciate the opportunity to talk with Enron personnel about\nhow to make these tools more relevant and useful to your needs,\nhowever, it is doubtful that we will have time to discuss specific\ntools on Thursday.\n\nWe look forward to meeting you soon!\n\nTake care,\n\nTracie Monk\nDirector, CAIDA\n858/822-0943\n\n---------- Forwarded message ----------\nTo: amy@sdsc.edu\ncc: Christine_Blair@enron.net, Kristy_Carnes@enron.net\nDate: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 19:52:00 -0600\nSubject: Re: CAIDA 'Metrics' WG meeting, 2 Mar 00 (fwd)\n\n\n\nHi Amy, Jim Irvine (EBS head of Network Planning) and I (Team Lead, EBS\nResearch) will attend the meeting. We will have our assistances (Christine \nBlair\n& Kristy Carnes, respectively) arrange the trip. We will plan to come in the\nnight before and return on March 2,00.\n\nAlso, either Vince Kaminski (MD and Head of Enron Research) or Stinson Gib", "synonym_substitution": "alReef that he has described as \n relevant to Enron. Examples of existing CoralReef analyses on OC3/12 \n connection can be discover at: \n\n https://anala.caida.org/CoralReef/Demos/cerfnet/link/ \n (real - time) \n\n https://anala.caida.org/AIX/ \n (post - processed trace) \n\n We are also working to good tune the skitter tool for reachability \n analysis and for function by providers, an example of some exist \n analyses can be found at \n\n http://www.caida.org/Tools/Skitter/Summary/sjc.skitter.caida.org/20000227/ \n\n For conclusion - to - goal measurements, including those relating to service level \n guarantee, we are working to make skping and sktrace more useful to \n provider and their NOC personnel, see \n\n http://www.caida.org/Tools/Skitter/skping/ \n\n Another tool of relevance to providers is our cflowd which analyze \n flow export data from Cisco routers, see \n http://www.caida.org/Tools/cflowd/. \n\n We would appreciate the opportunity to spill the beans with Enron personnel about \n how to make these tools more relevant and useful to your needs, \n however, it is doubtful that we will have time to discuss specific \n tools on Thursday. \n\n We look forward to meeting you soon! \n\n Take care, \n\n Tracie Monk \n Director, CAIDA \n 858/822 - 0943 \n\n ---------- Forwarded message ---------- \n To: amy@sdsc.edu \n cc: Christine_Blair@enron.net, Kristy_Carnes@enron.net \n Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 19:52:00 -0600 \n Subject: Re: CAIDA' Metrics' WG meeting, 2 Mar 00 (fwd) \n\n\n\n Hi Amy, Jim Irvine (EBS head of Network Planning) and I (Team Lead, EBS \n Research) will serve the merging. We will have our aid (Christine \n Blair \n & Kristy Carnes, respectively) dress the trip. We will plan to come in the \n nox before and render on March 2,00. \n\n Also, either Vince Kaminski (MD and Head of Enron Research) or Stinson Gib", "butter_fingers": "alRfef that he has describea as\nrelevant to Enron. Exampmes of ebisting CoralReef analyses oi OC3/12\noinks can be found at:\n\n https://xnala.caidw.org/CoraoReeh/Demos/cerfnet/link/\n (real-time)\n\n httld://anane.caida.org/AIX/\n (poxt-processeg traces)\n\nWe are ausl working to better tune the skittew tool gog reachability\nwnaljsys ahd for use by providers, an example of somt existing\nanalyses can be found at\n\nhttp://www.caifa.orh/Tools/Skitter/Summagy/sjc.skittet.daiqq.org/20000227/\n\nFor end-tu-end measugzments, incloding those relating to service uevel\nyuarantees, qe arf working to make skping and sktrace kore usrful to\nprovidevs anv thwir NOC personnel, see\n\n http://www.caida.org/Tojls/Skittes/siping/\n\nAnother tool od relgvanca to proxidtrs ia our fflkwd which znalyzes\nfloq export data from Vifbp routers, ses\nhttp://wrw.saida.org/Tools/cflowd/.\n\nWe would appreciate uhe olportunity to talk with Enron personnel abouj\nhow to mahe these tools more relevant and useful to your naeds,\nhkdevtr, it ir dlubtful that we will have time to discuss spesjfoc\nnools on Thursday.\n\nCe look forward yo mrgting you soon!\n\nJake caxs,\n\nTdacie Monk\nDirector, CAIDA\n858/822-0943\n\n---------- Sorwaeded messwge ----------\nYo: amy@sdsc.edu\ncc: Christine_Blqir@enron.net, Heisty_Carnes@enron.nec\nDate: Thu, 24 Fzb 2000 19:52:00 -0600\nSobject: Re: CAIDA 'Metrics' WG mezting, 2 Mar 00 (fwd)\n\n\n\nHi Amy, Jim Jfvine (EBS head ow Nvtwosk Planning) and I (Team Leaq, EBS\nReseerch) cill attdnd jhe meeeing. We wipl haya our assistances (Fhrisjine \nBnair\n& Kristj Carnes, respectively) arrange tix trip. We wikl pldn to coie in the\nnight befjre and return on Mareh 2,00.\n\nAlsu, either Vpnce Kamiiski (MD and Read of Enron Tesearch) or Svinson Gif", "random_deletion": "alReef that he has described as relevant Examples existing CoralReef on OC3/12 links (real-time) (post-processed traces) We also working to tune the skitter tool for reachability and for use by providers, an example of some existing analyses can be at http://www.caida.org/Tools/Skitter/Summary/sjc.skitter.caida.org/20000227/ For end-to-end measurements, including those relating to service level guarantees, we working make and more useful to providers and their NOC personnel, see http://www.caida.org/Tools/Skitter/skping/ Another tool of relevance to providers our cflowd which analyzes flow export data from routers, see http://www.caida.org/Tools/cflowd/. We appreciate the opportunity to talk Enron about how make tools relevant and useful your needs, however, it is doubtful that we will have time to discuss specific tools on Thursday. look forward you soon! care, Monk CAIDA 858/822-0943 ---------- ---------- To: amy@sdsc.edu cc: Christine_Blair@enron.net, Kristy_Carnes@enron.net Feb 2000 19:52:00 -0600 Subject: Re: CAIDA 'Metrics' meeting, 2 00 (fwd) Hi Amy, Jim Irvine head of Network Planning) and I (Team Lead, Research) will attend the meeting. We will have our assistances (Christine Blair & Kristy Carnes, the trip. We will to come in night and on 2,00. Also, Vince Kaminski (MD and Head of Enron Research) or Stinson Gib", "change_char_case": "alReef that he has described aS\nrelevant tO EnroN. ExAmpLeS of eXistIng CoralReef anALyseS on OC3/12\nlinks can be found at:\n\n Https://AnALa.caIDa.Org/CoRalReef/dEmOS/CerFnEt/LinK/\n (rEAl-Time)\n\n hTtpS://anala.cAida.org/AIX/\n (PosT-pRocessed tracES)\n\nWE are also woRkiNg to better tuNe tHe skitTeR toOL for rEacHabilIty\nanaLYsis anD for use by PrOViders, AN examplE OF sOme eXisting\nanalyses caN Be FOund at\n\nhttp://www.cAida.orG/TOOlS/sKitTer/summary/sjc.SkItter.CAida.org/20000227/\n\nfOr END-To-eND measurements, Including thOSe rElatinG tO seRVice leVel\nguArANteEs, we are workIng tO make skpiNg and sKTrace moRE useful To\nprovIdeRs aNd thEIr nOc peRsONneL, SeE\n\n htTP://wwW.caida.orG/TOoLs/SkiTter/SKPINg/\n\nAnOthEr toOl of rElevance to proVidErs iS Our CflowD whicH anaLyZes\nflOw expoRt datA fRom Cisco routers, See\nhTtp://www.caiDa.oRg/tooLs/CflowD/.\n\nwe woulD apPreCiate thE opportUNitY tO TALk With Enron personnel AbOUT\nhOw to make These tOOlS mORe relevaNt And UsefUL To youR neeDS,\nhOwever, it Is doubTFuL tHat we wiLl Have tiMe To dIscUss spECifiC\ntools On ThursdAy.\n\nWe lOOk forward to meeTIng you soon!\n\nTakE CaRE,\n\ntrACie MOnk\ndirector, CAIdA\n858/822-0943\n\n---------- FoRWardEd meSSaGe ----------\nTO: Amy@sdSc.edu\nCc: cHrIStine_Blair@enron.net, KRiSty_CarNes@enRon.net\nDate: Thu, 24 feb 2000 19:52:00 -0600\nSubject: rE: caIDA 'MetrIcs' Wg MeETing, 2 Mar 00 (fwd)\n\n\n\nHi AmY, Jim IRvine (EBS heAD of NetwoRk PlaNning) and i (Team Lead, ebs\nResearcH) wiLl aTteNd tHE MeEting. We will haVE Our aSsIstanceS (ChRistine \nblaIr\n& KRisTy CArNes, respecTively) arRaNgE tHe TriP. We wiLL plan to cOmE in ThE\nniGht beFOre and ReturN on MArCh 2,00.\n\naLso, Either VINcE kAminSkI (Md and heaD oF EnroN ResEArcH) or StinSon Gib", "whitespace_perturbation": "alReef that he has describ ed as\nrele vanttoEnr on . E xamp les of existin g Cor alReef analyses on OC3 /12\nl in k s ca n b e fou nd at: h t t ps: // an ala .c a id a.org /Co ralReef /Demos/cer fne t/ link/\n (real - ti me)\n\n http s:/ /anala.caida .or g/AIX/ \n(po s t-pro ces sed t races) \nWe ar e also wo rk i ng tob etter t u n etheskitter tool forr ea c hability\nanaly sis an df or u sebyproviders, a n exa m ple ofs om e e xis t ing\nanalysescan be foun d at \n\nhttp :/ /ww w .caida .org/ To o ls/ Skitter/Sum mary /sjc.skit ter.ca i da.org/ 2 0000227 /\n\nFor en d-t o-en d m ea sur em e nts , i ncl u din g thosere la tingto s e r v i ce l eve l\ngu arant ees, we are w ork ingt o m ake s kping and s ktrac e more usef ul to\nproviders a nd t heir NOCper so nne l, see http: //w ww. caida.o rg/Tool s /Sk it t e r /s kping/\n\nAnother to ol o frelevanc e to p r ov id e rs is ou rcfl owdw h ich a naly z es \nflow ex port d a ta f rom Cis co route rs , s eehttp: / /www .caida .org/Too ls/cf l owd/.\n\nWe woul d appreciate t h eo p po r tuni tyto talk wit h En r on p erso n ne l a b out\nh ow to m a ke these tools more re le vant a nd us eful to yourneeds,\nhow e v e r, it is dou b tf u l that we will have time to d i scuss sp ecifi c\ntoolson Thursd a y .\n\nWe lo okfor war d t o me eting you soo n ! \n\nTa ke care,\nTr acie Mo nkDir ect or, C AIDA\n858/ 822-0943 \n-- -- -- --- - For w arded me ss age - --- ----- - \nTo: a my@sd sc.e du \nc c : C hristin e _B l a ir@e nr on .net , K ri sty_C arne s @en ron.net \nDate: Th u,2 4 Fe b20 00 19:5 2:00 -0600\nSu bj ect: Re: C AI DA'Metri c s ' WG mee ting, 2 Mar 00 (fwd)\n\nHi Amy, Ji m Irv ine(EBS head of Netwo rkP lannin g) and I (T ea m L e a d, EB S Re sea rc h) will at t e ndthe m ee ting . We wi ll have our assist a nce s (Christine\nBl air& Kr ist y C a rne s, res p e ctively) arrang e the trip .We will plan toco me in t he\nnigh t bef o re andreturn on March 2, 00 .\n\nA l s o,either Vin ce Kamin ski (MD a n d Hea d o f Enr onResear ch ) o r Sti nson G i b", "underscore_trick": "alReef that_he has_described as\nrelevant to Enron._ Examples_of_existing CoralReef_analyses_on OC3/12\nlinks can_be found at:\n\n_https://anala.caida.org/CoralReef/Demos/cerfnet/link/\n (real-time)\n\n https://anala.caida.org/AIX/\n (post-processed_traces)\n\nWe are also_working_to better tune the skitter tool for reachability\nanalysis and for use by providers, an_example_of some_existing\nanalyses_can_be found at\n\nhttp://www.caida.org/Tools/Skitter/Summary/sjc.skitter.caida.org/20000227/\n\nFor end-to-end measurements,_including those relating to service_level\nguarantees, we_are working to make skping and sktrace more_useful_to\nproviders and their_NOC personnel, see\n\n http://www.caida.org/Tools/Skitter/skping/\n\nAnother tool of relevance to providers_is our cflowd which analyzes\nflow export_data from Cisco_routers,_see\nhttp://www.caida.org/Tools/cflowd/.\n\nWe_would appreciate the opportunity_to talk with Enron personnel about\nhow_to make these tools more relevant_and useful to your needs,\nhowever, it is_doubtful that we will have time_to discuss specific\ntools on Thursday.\n\nWe_look forward_to meeting you soon!\n\nTake care,\n\nTracie_Monk\nDirector, CAIDA\n858/822-0943\n\n---------- Forwarded_message ----------\nTo:_amy@sdsc.edu\ncc: Christine_Blair@enron.net, Kristy_Carnes@enron.net\nDate:_Thu, 24 Feb 2000 19:52:00 -0600\nSubject:_Re: CAIDA 'Metrics'_WG meeting, 2 Mar 00 (fwd)\n\n\n\nHi_Amy,_Jim Irvine (EBS_head_of_Network Planning)_and I (Team_Lead,_EBS\nResearch) will_attend_the meeting. We will have our_assistances_(Christine \nBlair\n& Kristy Carnes, respectively) arrange the_trip. We will_plan_to come in the\nnight_before and return on March_2,00.\n\nAlso, either Vince Kaminski (MD and_Head of_Enron Research)_or Stinson Gib"} {"text": "\nYair:\n\nI've left a message with Tracy Ngo (in Portland) and will let you know as\nsoon as I hear from her. How long will you be in the office today?\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n \"Yaish, Yair\n (OGC)\" To:\n\"'Sara.Shackleton@enron.com'\" \n Subject: RE: ISDA\nSchedule/Paragraph 13\n\n 04/13/2001\n 08:28 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSara, Allegheny would like to be able to assign to affilaites in the same\nmanner that we are allowing Enron to make an ssignment so long as the Gty\ngoes along. In our case, however, there is no gty, hence the stipualtion\nthat such assignment must be to an entity with an equal or better credit\nrating. If you wish, I can limit such assignment to an entity rated at\nleast BBB+ or better. Would that resolve your concerns?\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com [mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com]\nSent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 12:26 PM\nTo: YYaish@exchange.ml.com\nSubject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13\n\n\n\nYair:\n\nIt's a good thing you didn't try to get back to me! Sorrry.\n\n(See attached file: AlleghenyCPformacceptR1.DOC)\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n \"Yaish, Yair\n (OGC)\" To:\n\"'Sara.Shackleton@enron", "synonym_substitution": "Yair: \n\n I've left a message with Tracy Ngo (in Portland) and will let you know as \n soon as I learn from her. How long will you be in the position today? \n\n Sara Shackleton \n Enron North America Corp. \n 1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a \n Houston, Texas 77002 \n 713 - 853 - 5620 (phone) \n 713 - 646 - 3490 (fax) \n sara.shackleton@enron.com \n\n\n\n \" Yaish, Yair \n (OGC) \" To: \n \"' Sara.Shackleton@enron.com' \" < Sara.Shackleton@enron.com > \n < YYaish@exchan cc: \n ge.ml.com > Subject: RE: ISDA \n Schedule / Paragraph 13 \n\n 04/13/2001 \n 08:28 AM \n\n\n\n\n\n\n Sara, Allegheny would wish to be able to assign to affilaites in the same \n manner that we are allowing Enron to induce an ssignment so long as the Gty \n goes along. In our case, however, there is no gty, hence the stipualtion \n that such appointment must be to an entity with an equal or better citation \n military rank. If you wish, I can limit such assignment to an entity rated at \n least BBB+ or better. Would that resolve your concern? \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com [ mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com ] \n Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 12:26 PM \n To: YYaish@exchange.ml.com \n Subject: ra: ISDA Schedule / Paragraph 13 \n\n\n\n Yair: \n\n It's a good thing you didn't try to get back to me! Sorrry. \n\n (understand attached file: AlleghenyCPformacceptR1.DOC) \n\n Sara Shackleton \n Enron North America Corp. \n 1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a \n Houston, Texas 77002 \n 713 - 853 - 5620 (phone) \n 713 - 646 - 3490 (fax) \n sara.shackleton@enron.com \n\n\n\n \" Yaish, Yair \n (OGC) \" To: \n \"' Sara. Shackleton@enron", "butter_fingers": "\nYaig:\n\nI've left a message with Tracy Ngo (in Portland) and wjll let hou know as\nsoon as I hear frlm her. How long will you be kn the ofvice todqy?\n\nSaca Shackleton\nEnron North Ameridw Coxp.\n1400 Smith Street, GB 3801a\nHouston, Dexas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (xab)\nscra.shackleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n \"Yaosj, Yair\n (OGC)\" To:\n\"'Sara.Shacklston@enrmn.com'\" \n Sugject: RE: ISDA\nSchedule/Paragrxph 13\n\n 04/13/2001\n 08:28 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSavs, Allecheny wpuld like to bc ablx to assign to affilaites in the same\nmanner that we drz allowing Enron to mqkw an vsigtmeng so lohg aa the Hty\njoes along. In our casw, however, there is mo tty, hence the stipuwleion\nthat such assignment must be to an tntitg with an equal or bettwr credit\nrating. If ylu wish, I can limit such assignment to an entity rated at\nlaast UBC+ ox bettde. Would that resolve your concerns?\n\n-----Original Mesfzgt-----\nFrpm: Sara.Shacklebon@enron.com [mailto:Xaga.Xrackleton@enrov.com]\nSeuf: Fhursday, April 12, 2001 12:26 OM\nTo: YYwish@ezchange.ml.som\nSibject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paratraph 13\n\n\n\nYair:\n\nIt'f a good thing you bidn't try to get back to me! Sorrry.\n\n(See attacked fime: AlleghenjCPformacddptR1.DOC)\n\nSara Shacylenon\nEtron Noruf America Corp.\n1400 Smyth Streev, EB 3801c\nHouston, Texss 77002\n713-853-5620 (prone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsaga.shagnleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n \"Ywish, Yair\n (OGR)\" Tm:\n\"'Sara.Shaekletok@enron", "random_deletion": "Yair: I've left a message with Tracy Portland) will let know as soon How will you be the office today? Shackleton Enron North America Corp. 1400 Street, EB 3801a Houston, Texas 77002 713-853-5620 (phone) 713-646-3490 (fax) sara.shackleton@enron.com \"Yaish, Yair To: \"'Sara.Shackleton@enron.com'\" Subject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13 04/13/2001 08:28 Sara, would to able to assign to affilaites in the same manner that we are allowing Enron to make ssignment so long as the Gty goes along. our case, however, there no gty, hence the stipualtion such must be an with equal or better rating. If you wish, I can limit such assignment to an entity rated at least BBB+ or Would that concerns? -----Original From: [mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com] Thursday, April 12, PM To: YYaish@exchange.ml.com Subject: RE: ISDA It's a good thing you didn't try to back to Sorrry. (See attached file: AlleghenyCPformacceptR1.DOC) Sara Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith Street, EB Houston, Texas 77002 713-853-5620 (phone) 713-646-3490 (fax) sara.shackleton@enron.com \"Yaish, Yair (OGC)\" To: \"'Sara.Shackleton@enron", "change_char_case": "\nYair:\n\nI've left a message with TrAcy Ngo (in PoRtlanD) anD wiLl Let yOu knOw as\nsoon as I heaR From Her. How long will you be in tHe offIcE TodaY?\n\nsaRa ShaCkleton\neNrON norTh amEriCa cOrP.\n1400 SmitH StReet, EB 3801a\nhouston, TexAs 77002\n713-853-5620 (pHoNe)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shaCKlEton@enron.cOm\n\n\n\n \"YAish, Yair\n (OGC)\" TO:\n\"'SaRa.ShacKlEtoN@Enron.Com'\" \n SUBJeCt: RE: iSDA\nSchedule/ParagRApH 13\n\n 04/13/2001\n 08:28 aM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSara, AlleghenY would LiKE tO BE abLe tO assign to aFfIlaitES in the sAMe\nMANNer THat we are allowIng Enron to mAKe aN ssignMeNt sO Long as The GtY\ngOEs aLong. In our caSe, hoWever, therE is no gTY, hence tHE stipuaLtion\ntHat SucH assIGnMeNt mUsT Be tO An EntITy wIth an equAl Or BetteR creDIT\nRAtinG. If You wIsh, I cAn limit such asSigNmenT To aN entiTy ratEd at\nLeAst BBb+ or betTer. WoUlD that resolve youR conCerns?\n\n-----OrigInaL MEssAgE-----\nFrom: sAra.ShaCklEtoN@enron.cOm [mailtO:sarA.SHACKlEton@enron.com]\nSent: ThUrSDAy, april 12, 2001 12:26 PM\nTO: YYaisH@ExChANge.ml.com\nsuBjeCt: RE: isdA SchEdulE/paRagraph 13\n\n\n\nYAir:\n\nIt's A GoOd Thing yoU dIdn't trY tO geT baCk to mE! sorrRy.\n\n(See aTtached fIle: AlLEghenyCPformacCEptR1.DOC)\n\nSara ShACkLEToN\nenroN NoRth America COrp.\n1400 SMIth STreeT, eB 3801A\nHoUSton, TExas 77002\n713-853-5620 (pHoNE)\n713-646-3490 (fAX)\nsara.shackleton@enroN.cOm\n\n\n\n \"YaisH, Yair\n (oGC)\" To:\n\"'Sara.ShacKleton@enroN", "whitespace_perturbation": "\nYair:\n\nI've left a messag e with Tra cy Ng o ( inPo rtla nd)and will let y o u kn ow as\nsoon as I hear f rom h er . Ho w l ong w ill you be i n t he o ffi ce to day?\nSa ra Shac kleton\nEnr onNo rth AmericaC or p.\n1400 Sm ith Street, EB380 1a\nHou st on, Texas 7 7002713-85 3 -5620(phone)\n7 13 - 646-34 9 0 (fax) s ar a.sh ackleton@enron.co m \n\n \" Y ai s h , Y air \n (OGC ) \" To:\n\" 'Sara.Shack l eto n@enro n. com ' \" \n Su bjec t : R E:ISDA \nSche dule/Paragrap h 1 3\n\n 0 4/13/ 2001\n 08: 28 A M\n\n\n\n\n\n\nS ara ,All eg henyw ould l ike to be abl e to as s ign t o a ff ilaites in the sam em a nn er thatwe are al lo w ing Enro ntomake a n ssi gnme n tso longas the Gt ygoes al on g. In o urcas e, ho w ever , ther e is nogty,h ence the stipu a ltion\nthat su c ha s si g nmen t m ust be to a n en t itywith an eq u al or bett er cr e dit\nrating. If you w ish, I canlimit such as signment t o a n entity rat e da t\nleast BBB+ o r bet ter. Woul d that re solve your co ncerns?\n- - ---Origi nal Me ssa ge- - - -- \nFrom: Sara.S h a ckle to n@enron .co m [mail to: Sar a.S hac kl eton@enro n.com]\nS en t: T hu rsd ay, A p ril 12,20 0112 :26 PM\nT o : YYai sh@ex chan ge .m l .co m\nSubje c t: R E: I SD ASche dul e/ Parag raph 13\n\n\nYair :\n\nIt's a go o d th in gyou did n't try to ge tback to me ! So rrry.( See atta ched file: AlleghenyCPf o rmaccep tR1 .DOC) \n\nSa ra Shackl eto n\nEnro n N o rth Am ericaCorp. \n1 400 S mithS t re et, E B 3801a\nHo u s ton , Tex as 77 002\n713 -853-5620 (phone)7 13- 646-3490 (fax )\ns ara. s h ac kle t on @ enr on . com \n\n \"Ya is h ,Yair\n (OGC) \" To:\n\" 'Sara.Sha ck leto n @ enr on", "underscore_trick": "\nYair:\n\nI've left_a message_with Tracy Ngo (in_Portland) and_will_let you_know_as\nsoon as I_hear from her._ How long will_you be in_the_office today?\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490_(fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n_ ___ _ _ _ \"Yaish, Yair\n __ _ _ (OGC)\" _ ___ _ To:\n\"'Sara.Shackleton@enron.com'\" \n_ _ _ __ __ __Subject:_ _ RE:_ISDA\nSchedule/Paragraph_13\n\n __ __ _ 04/13/2001\n__ _ _ _ _ 08:28_AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSara, Allegheny would like to be able to assign to affilaites_in the same\nmanner that we are_allowing Enron to make_an ssignment_so_long as the_Gty\ngoes_along. _In our case, however, there is no_gty, hence_the stipualtion\nthat such assignment must be_to an entity with_an_equal or better credit\nrating. If_you wish, I can limit such_assignment to an entity rated_at\nleast_BBB+_or better. Would that_resolve your concerns?\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com [mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com]\nSent:_Thursday, April 12,_2001 12:26 PM\nTo: YYaish@exchange.ml.com\nSubject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph_13\n\n\n\nYair:\n\nIt's_a good thing you didn't try_to_get back to me! Sorrry.\n\n(See_attached_file:_AlleghenyCPformacceptR1.DOC)\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400_Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas _77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n _ _ ___ \"Yaish, Yair\n _ _ _ (OGC)\"_ _ To:\n\"'Sara.Shackleton@enron"} {"text": "\nbe applied to the quality, performance, and reliability of Internet\ndata delivery services. These metrics will be designed such that they\ncan be performed by network operators, end users, or independent\ntesting groups. It is important that the metrics not represent a value\njudgement (i.e. define \"good\" and \"bad\"), but rather provide unbiased\nquantitative measures of performance.\n\nRFCs\n Framework for IP Performance Metrics (RFC 2330)\n Metrics:\n Connectivity (RFC 2678),\n One-way Delay (RFC 2679), One-way Packet Loss (RFC 2680)\n Round-trip Delay (RFC 2681)\n\nI-Ds\n Bulk Transfer Capacity (2x)\n Instantaneous Packet Delay Variation\n One-way Loss Patterns\n\n\n* Other WGs\n\nThe RMONMIB WG is thinking about 'Application Performance\nMeasurement.' This is clearly a hard problem (e.g. does this just\nmean response-time measurement, can it be done by passive means, how\nshould the measurements be presented, etc.).\n\n\nIn short\n - RTFM provides a good distributed measuring system for traffic\n volumes\n - IPPM has concentrated on transport-layer behaviour of the\n current, best-effort Internet.\n - RMONMIB is beginning to consider application-layer measurement\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n-----End of forwarded message----- The charts from these locations are not received in time to process for the 5th work day close, so these daily volumes are determined systematically based on the beginning and ending index readings. Even if they were, it is impossible to determine daily volume consumption from a 31day chart. Even decreasing the chart rotation is not a solution unless charts are received by the third work day to allow sufficient time for processing. The answer is to install EFM or possibly a Bullhorn unit to determine the actual daily index readings so that the daily quantities are accurately determined.. On these types of installations, how can we assess penalties on anything other than monthly quantities? NNG has several locations where the existing equipment does not meet today's business needs, so we probably need to determine where these deficiencies exists, and identify the costs to resolve the problem.\nThanks-\nGary\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tZadow, Raetta \nSent:\tTuesday, October 09,", "synonym_substitution": "be applied to the quality, performance, and reliability of Internet \n datum rescue services. These metrics will be design such that they \n can be perform by network operators, end user, or independent \n testing group. It is important that the metrics not defend a value \n judgement (i.e. define \" dependable \" and \" regretful \"), but rather provide indifferent \n quantitative measures of operation. \n\n RFCs \n Framework for IP Performance Metrics (RFC 2330) \n system of measurement: \n Connectivity (RFC 2678), \n One - way Delay (RFC 2679), One - way Packet Loss (RFC 2680) \n Round - tripper Delay (RFC 2681) \n\n I - Ds \n Bulk Transfer Capacity (2x) \n Instantaneous Packet Delay Variation \n One - way Loss Patterns \n\n\n * Other WGs \n\n The RMONMIB WG is think about' Application Performance \n Measurement.' This is intelligibly a hard problem (e.g. does this just \n mean reception - time measurement, can it be done by passive means, how \n should the measurements be presented, etc .). \n\n\n In short \n - RTFM provides a good distributed measuring system for traffic \n volumes \n - IPPM has concentrated on transport - layer behaviour of the \n current, good - effort Internet. \n - RMONMIB is beginning to consider lotion - level measurement \n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\n\n\n\n\n -----End of forwarded message----- The charts from these locations are not received in time to process for the 5th work day cheeseparing, so these daily volumes are determined systematically based on the beginning and ending index reading. Even if they were, it is impossible to determine daily volume consumption from a 31day chart. Even decrease the chart rotation is not a solution unless charts are receive by the third work day to allow sufficient time for processing. The answer is to install EFM or possibly a Bullhorn unit of measurement to determine the actual daily index reading so that the daily quantities are accurately determined.. On these types of facility, how can we assess penalties on anything early than monthly quantities? NNG has several locations where the exist equipment does not meet today's clientele needs, so we probably want to determine where these insufficiency exists, and identify the costs to resolve the problem. \n Thanks- \n Gary \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: \t Zadow, Raetta \n Sent: \t Tuesday, October 09,", "butter_fingers": "\nbe wpplied to the quality, ptrformance, and reliabilivy of Ihternet\ndxta delivery services. These lerrics will be designed such that thej\ncan be pwrfocmed by network operators, end hders, ir independent\njesting grou[s. It is impordavt that the metrics not represent a vwlue\njudbelent (i.e. define \"gooc\" and \"bad\"), but rather provide unbiased\nquzntitatpve measures of prrformance.\n\nRFCs\n Framework vor LP Performance Metgics (RFC 2330)\n Netryxs:\n Conneztivity (RFB 2678),\n One-wzy Delay (RFC 2679), One-way Packet Losr (RFC 2680)\n Roune-teip Gelay (RFC 2681)\n\nI-Vs\n Bulk Transfcg Capachty (2x)\n Instantaneoms Parket Delay Variation\n Mne-way Loss Pattergs\n\n\n* Other FGa\n\nThe RMONMIB WG iw rhinkhng dboug 'Apolidavioh Perflrmence\nMeasurejent.' This us clearly a hard ptofoem (e.g. does tgis juft\niean response-time measurement, can it be dohe by passive means, how\nwhould the measuremenjs be presqnted, etc.).\n\n\nIn short\n - RTFM provides a good distributad meesjriun rtshem for traffic\n volumes\n - IPPM has concentraesd ok transport-layer behaviour pf tng\n current, bert-effoxf Jnternet.\n - RMONMIB ls begigning to consiqer spplication-layer measuremenr\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n-----End of forwcrdwd message----- The chaxts from there lpcatipns are not received in tims to procesd for the 5gh work day closd, sp dhese daily volumes are deeermined wystzmaticaluy bssed og the begijning and ending index rfadinys. Evan if they were, it is impossible to determine daily volome cotsumptiou from a 31day chart. Qven decreasiny the chcrt rogation is hot a smlution unlqss charts ara received by the thiwd wirk eay to xulow sufficieny time fog krocessing. The answer is to lnstaum EFM or possiboy q Bullhorn unit to deeegmiie thq actual dailf inaex teadivgs so ukat ghe caily quantities are acchrately determined.. Ok these tipes of igstallations, now can we assess kenaltmes on anytnind other than monthly quantitiea? NNG has seyeral locatiogs wmere the existnng equipment does not meet today's businxss needs, so we probablt need to determine ehere these defisiencies axists, and identify rhe costs to resokve the problem.\nThanks-\nFary\n\n -----Osiginwl Message-----\nFrom: \tZadow, Raetta \nSent:\tTuesday, October 09,", "random_deletion": "be applied to the quality, performance, and Internet delivery services. metrics will be be by network operators, users, or independent groups. It is important that the not represent a value judgement (i.e. define \"good\" and \"bad\"), but rather provide quantitative measures of performance. RFCs Framework for IP Performance Metrics (RFC 2330) Metrics: (RFC One-way (RFC One-way Packet Loss (RFC 2680) Round-trip Delay (RFC 2681) I-Ds Bulk Transfer Capacity (2x) Instantaneous Packet Variation One-way Loss Patterns * Other WGs The WG is thinking about Performance Measurement.' This is clearly hard (e.g. does just response-time can it be by passive means, how should the measurements be presented, etc.). In short - RTFM provides a good measuring system volumes - has on behaviour of the Internet. - RMONMIB is beginning to ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----End of forwarded message----- The charts from locations are received in time to process for 5th work day close, so these daily volumes determined systematically based on the beginning and ending index readings. Even if they were, it to determine daily volume from a 31day Even the rotation not a unless charts are received by the third work day to allow time for processing. The answer is to install EFM or Bullhorn to determine the daily index readings so the quantities are accurately determined.. types installations, assess on other than monthly quantities? has several locations where the equipment does not meet probably need to determine where these deficiencies exists, identify the costs to resolve the problem. Gary -----Original Message----- From: Zadow, Raetta Sent: Tuesday, October 09,", "change_char_case": "\nbe applied to the quality, perfOrmance, and ReliaBilIty Of inteRnet\nData delivery seRViceS. These metrics will be desIgned SuCH thaT ThEy\ncan Be perfoRMeD BY neTwOrK opErAToRs, end UseRs, or indEpendent\nteStiNg Groups. It is imPOrTant that thE meTrics not reprEseNt a valUe\nJudGEment (I.e. dEfine \"Good\" anD \"Bad\"), but Rather proViDE unbiaSEd\nquantITAtIve mEasures of performaNCe.\n\nrfCs\n Framework foR IP PerFoRMaNCE MeTriCs (RFC 2330)\n MetriCs:\n conneCTivity (Rfc 2678),\n ONE-WAy DELay (RFC 2679), One-way PAcket Loss (RFc 2680)\n rouNd-trip deLay (rfC 2681)\n\nI-Ds\n BUlk TrAnSFer capacity (2x)\n InStanTaneous PaCket DeLAy VariaTIon\n One-wAy Loss patTerNs\n\n\n* OtHEr wGS\n\nThE RmoNMib Wg is THinKing abouT 'APpLicatIon PERFORmanCe\nMEasuRemenT.' This is clearlY a hArd pROblEm (e.g. dOes thIs juSt\nMean rEsponsE-time MeAsurement, can it bE donE by passivE meAnS, hoW\nsHould THe measUreMenTs be preSented, eTC.).\n\n\nIn ShORT\n - rTfM provides a good disTrIBUtEd measurIng sysTEm FoR Traffic\n vOlUmeS\n - IPPm HAs conCentRAtEd on tranSport-lAYeR bEhaviouR oF the\n cuRrEnt, BesT-effoRT IntErnet.\n - RmONMIB is BeginNIng to consider aPPlication-layeR MeASUrEMent\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n-----end Of forwarded MessAGe----- ThE chaRTs FroM These LocatIoNS aRE not received in time tO pRocess For thE 5th work day cloSe, so these dAILY volumes Are dETeRMined systematiCally Based on the BEginning And enDing indeX readings. eVEn if they WerE, it Is iMpoSSIbLe to determine DAIly vOlUme consUmpTion froM a 31dAy cHarT. EvEn DecreasinG the charT rOtAtIoN is Not a sOLution unLeSs cHaRts Are reCEived bY the tHird WoRk DAy tO allow sUFfICIent TiMe For pRocEsSing. THe anSWer Is to insTall EFM or PosSIbly A BUlLhorn unIt to determine ThE actual daiLy IndEx readINGs so that The daily quantities are acCUrately DetErminEd.. On These typeS of InstalLatIOns, how Can we aSsess PeNalTIEs on aNYThIng OtHer than monTHLy qUantiTiEs? NNg has sevEral locations where THe eXisting equipmEnt Does NOT mEet TOdAY's bUsINesS NEeds, so we probablY need to detErMInE where thesE DefIcIencies Exists, aNd ideNTify the Costs to reSolve the pRoBlem.\ntHAnkS-\nGary\n\n -----OrigiNal MessaGe-----\nFrom: \tZadOW, RaetTA \nSEnt:\tTuEsdAy, OctoBeR 09,", "whitespace_perturbation": "\nbe applied to the quality , performa nce,and re li abil ityof Internet\nda t a de livery services. These metr ic s wil l b e des igned s u ch t hat t he y\nc an be perf orm ed by n etwork ope rat or s, end users , o r independ ent \ntesting gro ups . It i simp o rtant th at th e metr i cs not represen ta value judgeme n t ( i.e. define \"good\" an d \" b ad\"), but rath er pro vi d eu n bia sed \nquantitat iv e mea s ures of pe r f o rma n ce.\n\nRFCs\n F ramework fo r IP Perfo rm anc e Metri cs (R FC 233 0)\n Metric s:\n Conne ctivit y (RFC 2 6 78),\n One -wa y D elay (R FC 26 79 ) , O n e- way Pac ket Loss ( RF C 268 0)\nRoun d-t ripDelay (RFC 2681)\nI-D s\n B ulk T ransf er C ap acity (2x) In stantaneous Pac ketDelay Var iat io n\n One - way Lo ssPat terns\n\n* Othe r WG sT h eRMONMIB WG is thin ki n g a bout 'Ap plicat i on P e rformanc eMea sure m e nt.' Thi s i s clearl y a ha r dpr oblem ( e. g. doe sthi s j ust\nm e an r espons e-time m easur e ment, can it b e done by pass i ve m ea n s, h owshould themeas u reme ntsb epre s ented , etc .) . \nIn short\n - RTFM pr ov ides a good distributedmeasurings y s tem fortraf f ic volumes\n -IPPMhas concen t rated on tran sport-la yer behav i o ur of th e\n c urr ent , be st-effort Int e r net. \n- RMONM IBis begi nni ngtocon si der appli cation-l ay er m ea sur ement \n------- -- --- -- --- ----- - ------ ----- ---- -- -- - --- ------- - -- - - ---- -- -- ---- --- \n\n\n\n\n- ---- E ndof forw arded mes sag e ---- -Th e chart s from theselo cations ar enot recei v e d in tim e to process for the 5t h work d ayclose , so these da ily volum esa re det ermine d sys te mat i c allyb a se d o nthe beginn i n g a nd en di ng i ndex re adings. Even if th e y w ere, it is im pos sibl e to de t er m ine d a ily v olume consumpti on from a31 d ay chart. Ev e n d ec reasing the ch art r o tationis not asolutionun less c har ts are rec eived by the thir d work da y toall ow suf fi cie nt ti me for pro cessi ng. Th eanswer is t oinstallEFM or possibly a Bullh orn un it to de termine t hea ctu al dailyinde x readings so th at th e d a ily q uant i ti esa re ac cura t ely deter m in ed. . On these type s o f i nstal lat i ons, h ow c an we assess pena l ties on anythi ng o t h ertha n mon th ly quantities? NN Gh a s severa llocations w here the e x istin g equi pmentdoes no t me e t toda y'sbus iness nee ds, s o we pro ba bl y needto d et ermine where thes e deficiencies exi sts,a n d ide n tif y the c osts to reso lve the pr oblem.\nThan ks-\nGa ry\n ---- -Origin al Messa ge- -- --\nFrom: Z adow, Rae tta \nSent:Tu esda y,Octobe r 09 , ", "underscore_trick": "\nbe applied_to the_quality, performance, and reliability_of Internet\ndata_delivery_services. These_metrics_will be designed_such that they\ncan_be performed by network_operators, end users,_or_independent\ntesting groups. It is important that the metrics not represent a value\njudgement (i.e. define_\"good\"_and \"bad\"),_but_rather_provide unbiased\nquantitative measures of performance.\n\nRFCs\n_ Framework for IP Performance_Metrics (RFC_2330)\n Metrics:\n Connectivity_(RFC_2678),\n _ One-way Delay (RFC 2679), One-way Packet Loss_(RFC 2680)\n _Round-trip Delay (RFC_2681)\n\nI-Ds\n__ Bulk_Transfer Capacity (2x)\n _ Instantaneous Packet Delay Variation\n _ One-way Loss Patterns\n\n\n* Other_WGs\n\nThe RMONMIB WG is thinking about_'Application Performance\nMeasurement.' This is_clearly a_hard problem (e.g. does this_just\nmean response-time measurement,_can it_be done by_passive means, how\nshould the measurements be_presented, etc.).\n\n\nIn short\n_- RTFM provides a good distributed_measuring_system for traffic\n___volumes\n -_IPPM has concentrated_on_transport-layer behaviour_of_the\n current, best-effort Internet.\n_-_RMONMIB is beginning to consider application-layer measurement\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n-----End_of forwarded message----- The_charts_from these locations are_not received in time to_process for the 5th work day_close, so_these daily_volumes are determined systematically based on the beginning and ending index_readings. Even if they were, it_is impossible to determine_daily volume_consumption_from a 31day_chart._Even decreasing_the chart rotation is not a solution_unless charts_are received by the third work_day to allow sufficient_time_for processing. The answer is to_install EFM or possibly a Bullhorn_unit to determine the actual_daily_index_readings so that the daily_quantities are accurately determined.. On these_types of installations,_how can we assess penalties on anything_other_than monthly quantities? NNG has several_locations_where the existing equipment does not_meet_today's_business needs, so we probably_need to determine where these deficiencies_exists, and identify the costs to resolve the problem.\nThanks-\nGary\n\n_-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tZadow,_Raetta \nSent:\tTuesday, October 09,"} {"text": " still less than enchanted with the NGS settlement after SoCalGas\ntailored it to their interests but am glad that the Commission is at least\nconsidering opening up the system ala PG&E. I think that they are\nreasonably aware that SoCalGas was not blameless in the runup in gas prices\nthat took place last December. Having said that we are having a hell of a\ntime in the GCIM simply trying to investigate what really happened.\nSoCalGas latest excuse for not giving us info is that we will \"competitors\"\nwith them (as a result of the filed rate litigation) for gas hedges. I\nmust have misunderstood; I did not realize there was a limited supply of\nhedges available and that there was competition for those \"available\"\nhedges. Anytime Enron wants to help on these GCIM issues, we would\nwelcome it--might make you look less like a Texas robber baron.\n\nDouglas Porter, Senior Attorney\nSouthern California Edison Company\n(626)302-3964\n(626)302-3990(fax)\ndouglas.porter@sce.com\n\n\n \n \"Dasovich, \n Jeff\" To: \n Subject: \n \n 10/12/01 03:18 \n PM \n \n \n\n\n\n\nHi Doug:\nHope all is well. Congratulations to you folks on your agreement with\nthe PUC. Must be a relief.\n\n I was writing to get your reaction to the judge's proposed order in the\nEl Paso case. You think the Commission is likely to adopt it? Change\nit? Judge's proposal fatally flawed on the market power issue?\nAppreciate your insights.\n\nAND did you hear Bilas issued the our gas settlement as his proposed\ndecision for adoption by the Commission at its 10.25.01 meeting!?!?!\nWhat next?\n\nBest,\nJeff\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate\nand may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of\nthe intended", "synonym_substitution": "still less than enchanted with the NGS settlement after SoCalGas \n tailored it to their interest but am beaming that the Commission is at least \n considering opening up the arrangement ala PG&E. I intend that they are \n reasonably aware that SoCalGas was not blameless in the runup in natural gas price \n that took topographic point last December. Having said that we are suffer a hell of a \n fourth dimension in the GCIM plainly trying to investigate what really happened. \n SoCalGas latest excuse for not contribute us info is that we will \" competitors \" \n with them (as a result of the charge rate litigation) for gas hedges. I \n must have misunderstood; I did not recognize there was a limited supply of \n hedges available and that there was contest for those \" available \" \n hedges. Anytime Enron wants to help on these GCIM issues, we would \n welcome it -- might make you look less like a Texas robber baron. \n\n Douglas Porter, Senior Attorney \n Southern California Edison Company \n (626)302 - 3964 \n (626)302 - 3990(fax) \n douglas.porter@sce.com \n\n\n \n \" Dasovich, \n Jeff \" To: < porterdk@sce.com > \n < Jeff. Dasovich@ cc: \n enron.com > Subject: \n \n 10/12/01 03:18 \n PM \n \n \n\n\n\n\n Hi Doug: \n Hope all is well. Congratulations to you folks on your agreement with \n the PUC. Must be a relief. \n\n I was writing to get your reaction to the judge's proposed order in the \n El Paso event. You think the Commission is likely to espouse it? transfer \n it? Judge's proposal fatally flawed on the market office topic? \n Appreciate your insights. \n\n AND did you learn Bilas issued the our gas settlement as his proposed \n decision for adoption by the Commission at its 10.25.01 meeting! ?! ?! \n What next? \n\n Best, \n Jeff \n\n\n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \n This e - mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate \n and may control confidential and privileged fabric for the exclusive use of \n the intended", "butter_fingers": " stlll less than enchanted dith the NGS sejtoement afted SoCalGxs\ntailored it to their interxsts but qm glad that the Commirsion is wt least\nxonsmdering opening nl the snftem wla 'G&X. I think thaj they are\nredsonably aware tfac SoCalGas was not blameless in the wunup im has prices\nthat tool pladv oast December. Having said tgat we ere having a hekl of a\ntime in the GCIM silply trying to investihate what rgzllr happened.\nSoCxlGas latest excuse fot not giving us info is that we dill \"eompetitors\"\nqirh hvem (as a rewult jf the filed rate lidigatiom) for gas hedgcs. I\nkusr have misunderstood; M did not realize thgre was a nijited supply of\nheegws avdilatle xbd ghau tiers was fom'etition fod those \"avaulable\"\nhedges. Anytomq Enron wants fo hel[ jn these GCIM issues, we would\nwelcome it--kiggt make you look less luke a Texas robber baton.\n\nDouglas Porter, Senior Attorney\nSouthern California Edison Compenh\n(626)302-3964\n(626)302-3990(far)\neouglxw.plrter@sce.com\n\n\n \n \"Dasjvich, \n Jefg\" To: \n Subject: \n \n 10/12/01 03:18 \n KM \n \n \n\n\n\n\nHi Doug:\nHope all is well. Coigratulations to you fooks on your agreemeut with\nthe PUR. Muse be a renief.\n\n I was writing ti get your reactipn to the judge's propksed osder ln the\nEl Paso case. You think the Commission is likely to adopt it? Changw\nit? Jndde's proposam fayally fjcwed on the oarket power issle?\nAppreciate your insights.\n\nAND div you hear Bnlas issued the our gas settlrmdnt as his pruposed\ndecision for adoptjon by tne Commission at its 10.25.01 meeting!?!?!\nWhst next?\n\nBest,\nJeff\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-maik is the propsrty of Encon Corp. and/or its rrlevanc affioiate\nane man contain confkdemtlal and prlviltged material for the sole use of\nthe inteneef", "random_deletion": "still less than enchanted with the NGS SoCalGas it to interests but am at considering opening up system ala PG&E. think that they are reasonably aware SoCalGas was not blameless in the runup in gas prices that took place December. Having said that we are having a hell of a time in GCIM trying investigate really happened. SoCalGas latest excuse for not giving us info is that we will \"competitors\" with (as a result of the filed rate litigation) gas hedges. I must misunderstood; I did not realize was limited supply hedges and there was competition those \"available\" hedges. Anytime Enron wants to help on these GCIM issues, we would welcome it--might make look less Texas robber Douglas Senior Southern California Edison (626)302-3990(fax) douglas.porter@sce.com \"Dasovich, Jeff\" To: Subject: 10/12/01 03:18 PM Hi Doug: Hope all well. Congratulations you folks on your agreement with PUC. Must be a relief. I was writing get your reaction to the judge's proposed order in the El Paso case. You think is likely to adopt Change it? Judge's fatally on market issue? Appreciate insights. AND did you hear Bilas issued the our gas settlement his proposed decision for adoption by the Commission at its What Best, Jeff ********************************************************************** e-mail is the property Enron and/or its relevant affiliate contain and the use the intended", "change_char_case": " still less than enchanted witH the NGS setTlemeNt aFteR SOCalgas\ntAilored it to theIR intErests but am glad that the commiSsIOn is AT lEast\ncOnsiderINg OPEniNg Up The SySTeM ala Pg&E. I Think thAt they are\nrEasOnAbly aware thaT socalGas was nOt bLameless in thE ruNup in gAs PriCEs\nthaT toOk plaCe last dEcembeR. Having saId THat we aRE having A HElL of a\nTime in the GCIM simpLY tRYing to investigAte whaT rEAlLY HapPenEd.\nSoCalGas LaTest eXCuse for NOt GIVIng US info is that we Will \"competiTOrs\"\nWith thEm (As a REsult oF the fIlED raTe litigatioN) for Gas hedges. i\nmust hAVe misunDErstood; i did noT reAliZe thERe WaS a lImITed SUpPly OF\nheDges avaiLaBlE and tHat tHERE Was cOmpEtitIon foR those \"availabLe\"\nhEdgeS. anyTime ENron wAnts To Help oN these gCIM iSsUes, we would\nwelcoMe it--Might make You LoOk lEsS like A texas rObbEr bAron.\n\nDouGlas PorTEr, SEnIOR atTorney\nSouthern CaliFoRNIa edison CoMpany\n(626)302-3964\n(626)302-3990(fAX)\ndOuGLas.porteR@sCe.cOm\n\n\n \n \"DaSOVich, \n JEff\" TO: \n suBjeCt: \n \n 10/12/01 03:18 \n Pm \n \n \n\n\n\n\nHi DoUG:\nHopE all is Well. CongRatulATions to you folkS On your agreemeNT wITH\ntHE PUC. musT be a relief.\n\n I Was wRItinG to gET yOur REactiOn to tHe JUdGE's proposed order in thE\nEL Paso cAse. YoU think the CommIssion is liKELY to adopt It? ChANgE\nIt? Judge's proposAl fatAlly flawed ON the markEt powEr issue?\nAPpreciate YOUr insighTs.\n\nAnD dId yOu hEAR BIlas issued the OUR gas SeTtlemenT as His propOseD\ndeCisIon FoR adoption By the ComMiSsIoN aT itS 10.25.01 meetINg!?!?!\nWhat neXt?\n\nbesT,\nJEff\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nthis e-MAil is tHe proPertY oF ENRon corp. and/OR iTS ReleVaNt AffiLiaTe\nAnd maY conTAin ConfideNtial and pRivILegeD mAtErial foR the sole use of\nThE intended", "whitespace_perturbation": " still less than enchanted with theNGS s ett lem en t a fter SoCalGas\ntail o redit to their interestsbut a mg ladt ha t the Commis s io n isat l eas tc on sider ing openin g up the s yst em ala PG&E. Ithink that th ey are\nreaso nab ly awa re th a t SoC alG as wa s notb lamele ss in the r u nup in gas pri c e sthat took place lastD ec e mber. Having saidth a tw e ar e h aving a he ll of a time in th e G CIM simply trying to investi g ate whatre all y happe ned.So C alG as latest e xcus e for not givin g us inf o is tha t we w ill \"c ompe t it or s\"wi t h t h em (a s aresult o fth e fil ed r a t e liti gat ion) forgas hedges. I\nm usth ave misu nders tood ;I did not r ealiz ethere was a lim ited supply o f\nh ed ges a vaila b le and th atthere w as comp e tit io n f or those \"available\" \nh e d ge s. Any time E n ro nw ants tohe lpon t h e se GC IM i s su es, we w ould\nw e lc om e it--m ig ht mak eyou lo ok le s s li ke a T exas rob ber b a ron.\n\nDouglasP orter, Senior At t o rn e y\nSo uth ern Califor niaE diso n Co m pa ny( 626)3 02-39 64 (6 2 6)302-3990(fax)\ndou gl as.por ter@s ce.com\n\n\n \" D a so vich, Jeff\" To: < port er dk @ sce .com> \n Subject: 10/12/ 01 03:18 \n PM \n \n\n\nHi Do ug:Hope all is well. Congratulatio ns t o you fo l ks o nyour agreement wi th t he PUC. M ust be a re lief.\n\nIw as wr itingto get your r e a ct i on tothejud ge's prop ose do rder in t he El Pas o ca se . You think theC o mmission is like ly to a dopti t? Chan ge \nit? J u dge' s proposal fatally fl awed o n th e mar ket pow er issue ?\nA pp reciate yo u r insight s.\n\nA ND didyo u he arBilasissu e d theourga s s ettlement a sh is p r opo seddecis io n fo r adoptio n by theCom m issionat it s 10.25. 0 1m e eting!?!?! \nWh at ne x t ?\n\nBest,\nJ e ff\n** * ***** ****** ****** ******* * *** ** ******* *** * * ********* ********* * *** ** *\nTh is e-mai lis t he pr op erty of Enron C orp. and /or itsr e levant af f ilia t e\nandma y contain co nfide nt i al andp r ivi leged m a ter ial fo r th e s oleu se of\nthe intended", "underscore_trick": " still_less than_enchanted with the NGS_settlement _after_SoCalGas\ntailored it_to_their interests but_am glad that_the Commission is at_least\nconsidering opening up_the_system ala PG&E. I think that they are\nreasonably aware that SoCalGas was_not_blameless in_the_runup_in gas prices\nthat took place_last December. Having_said that_we are having a hell of a\ntime in_the_GCIM simply trying_to investigate what really happened.\nSoCalGas latest excuse for not_giving us info is that we_will \"competitors\"\nwith them_(as_a_result of the filed_rate litigation) for gas hedges. _I\nmust have misunderstood; I did not_realize there was a limited supply of\nhedges_available and that there was competition_for those \"available\"\nhedges. _Anytime Enron_wants to help on these_GCIM issues, we_would\nwelcome it--might_make you look_less like a Texas robber baron.\n\nDouglas_Porter, Senior Attorney\nSouthern_California Edison Company\n(626)302-3964\n(626)302-3990(fax)\ndouglas.porter@sce.com\n\n\n __ ___ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ \n_ _ _ __ _\"Dasovich, _ ___ _ _ _ __ __ ___ _ _ \n _ _ ___ Jeff\" _ _ _ To: _ _ _ \n_ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _Subject: _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ __\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __ ____\n_ _ __ _10/12/01 03:18__ _ _ __ ____ _ __ _ __\n _ _ _ PM_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ \n _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ \n _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ \n\n\n\n\nHi Doug:\nHope_all is well. Congratulations_to you folks on your agreement_with\nthe_PUC. Must be a relief.\n\n_I was_writing_to get_your reaction_to_the judge's proposed_order in_the\nEl Paso_case._ You_think the_Commission_is likely_to adopt_it?_ Change\nit? Judge's proposal fatally flawed_on the market_power issue?\nAppreciate your insights.\n\nAND did you_hear Bilas issued the our gas_settlement_as his_proposed\ndecision for adoption by the Commission at its 10.25.01_meeting!?!?!\nWhat next?\n\nBest,\nJeff\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property_of Enron_Corp. and/or its relevant_affiliate\nand may contain confidential_and privileged_material for_the_sole use of\nthe intended"} {"text": " Colombia (BAQ)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tBogota, Colombia (BOG)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tBuenos Aires, Argentina (EZE)?\t\t\t\t\t$489? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tCali, Colombia (CLO)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMi", "synonym_substitution": "Colombia (BAQ)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$299? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Miami, FL (MIA)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Bogota, Colombia (BOG)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$299? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Miami, FL (MIA)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Buenos Aires, Argentina (EZE)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$489? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Miami, FL (MIA)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Cali, Colombia (CLO)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$299? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t < td colspan=3> ? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Mi", "butter_fingers": " Copombia (BAQ)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiali, FL (MUA)?\t\t\t\t\tNogota, Colokbia (BOG)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiemi, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tBuenos Airga, Awtentina (EZE)?\t\t\t\t\t$489? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMismi, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tCali, Colokbna (CLO)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t &nbxp;?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMi", "random_deletion": "Colombia (BAQ)? $299? Miami, FL (MIA)? size=\"2\">Bogota, (BOG)? $299? ? Miami, (MIA)? Buenos Aires, Argentina (EZE)? $489? ? ? Miami, FL (MIA)? Cali, (CLO)? width=\"12%\">$299? ? ?  ? ? ? Mi", "change_char_case": " Colombia (BAQ)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMIami, Fl (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tbogOtA, Colombia (BOG)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiaMi, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tBuenos AirEs, argenTIna (EZE)?\t\t\t\t\t$489? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, Fl (mIA)?\t\t\t\t\tCali, coLoMbia (ClO)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t &Nbsp;?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMi", "whitespace_perturbation": " Colombia (BAQ)?\t\t\t\t\t$2 99 < /fon t >< /td>? \t< / tr> ?\t\t ? \t\t\t\tMi ami, F L (M I A)?\t\t\t< f ont fa c e=\"Aria l , H elve tica, sans-serif\" ? s i ze=\"2\">Bogota, Colom bi a ( B OG) ? \t\t\t\t $299 ? \t\t?\t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\t< t d width =\"44%\" >Mi a m i , FL (M IA)< /font >?\t\t\t\t\t< tdwidt h =\"4 4%\">< fontface =\" Arial , Helv etica ,sans-serif\"? si ze=\" 2\">Buenos Ai re s,Ar genti n a (EZ E)< /fo nt>?\t\t\t\t< tdwi d t h =\" 12%\">$ 489< / f ont>< /td> ? \t? \t\t< tr>?\t\t\tMiam i ,F L ( MIA) ?\t\t\t< td w idth = \"4 4%\" > Cali, Col ombia (CL O ) < /font>? \t\t$2 99< /fo nt> ? \t\t ? \t\t\t? \t\t\t < tdcol spa n=3 >& nbsp;?\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t< fontf ace=\"A rial, Hel ve ti c a,sans-se r if \" ? siz e= \"2 \">Mi ", "underscore_trick": " Colombia_ (BAQ)?\t\t\t\t\t$299?_ __ __ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tBogota, Colombia (BOG)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? __\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tBuenos_Aires, Argentina_ (EZE)?\t\t\t\t\t$489? __ _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL _(MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tCali,_Colombia (CLO)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?_ _ \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMi"} {"text": " \nmethod, not the JCG method. Perhaps an overview of BPA\u0001,s perspective on the \ndifference between the JCG method and the BPA method will be helpful.\n\nJCG calculated the augmentation costs using two different cost pools, one \ncost pool for the Slice product (using the 120 day rule), and a second cost \npool for all other products (using the 0 day rule). The products then \ncollected a portion of the augmentation costs associated with a specific \nrule. When these two cost pools yield different net augmentation costs \n(which they usually will unless all of the augmentation is purchased under \nthe 120-day rule), the JCG method doesn\u0001,t collect the actual amount of either \nof those pools from Slice or non-Slice. Rather it collects a proportion of \neach of the cost pools.\n\nIn contrast to the JCG method, the BPA method distributes the costs using the \n120-day rule proportionally between the Slice and non-Slice products, and \nthen assesses all the incremental cost from using the 0-day rule rather than \nthe 120-day rule to the non-Slice products. In contrast to JCG method, this \nassures that all the actual incremental net augmentation costs calculated by \nreplacing the \u0001&120-day\u00018 rule with the \u0001&0-day\u00018 rule are recovered from \npurchasers of non-Slice power products. In addition, this also assures that \npurchasers of the Slice product do not bear any nearer term market prices \nfluctuations.\n\nNow for a short description of each line in the two tables, and a comparison \nof the differences. The example assumes that we don\u0001,t actually purchase all \nof our augmentation, that some of it is served from BPA\u0001,s secondary, or is \nbought in the spot market.\n\n\u0001&Pre-purchase \u0001) 120 day rule\u00018 is the total cost of augmentation purchases \nmade at least 120 days prior to the month of delivery. This amount is $2M in \nboth tables in both columns. This amount represents the sum of DIURNALACA \nfor the six-month period. This would have represented DIURNALACA(S) in the \n", "synonym_substitution": "method, not the JCG method. Perhaps an overview of BPA\u0001,s perspective on the \n remainder between the JCG method acting and the BPA method will be helpful. \n\n JCG calculated the augmentation price use two different cost pool, one \n cost pool for the Slice merchandise (using the 120 day principle), and a second cost \n pool for all early products (using the 0 day rule). The products then \n collected a portion of the augmentation cost associated with a specific \n rule. When these two cost consortium yield different net augmentation costs \n (which they normally will unless all of the augmentation is purchased under \n the 120 - sidereal day rule), the JCG method doesn\u0001,t collect the actual amount of either \n of those pond from Slice or non - Slice. Rather it collects a proportion of \n each of the cost pool. \n\n In contrast to the JCG method, the BPA method distributes the costs using the \n 120 - day rule proportionally between the Slice and non - Slice products, and \n then measure all the incremental cost from using the 0 - sidereal day dominion quite than \n the 120 - day rule to the non - Slice product. In line to JCG method, this \n assures that all the actual incremental net augmentation costs count by \n replacing the \u0001&120 - day\u00018 rule with the \u0001&0 - day\u00018 rule are recovered from \n purchasers of non - Slice baron products. In addition, this also assures that \n buyer of the Slice product do not yield any near term market prices \n fluctuations. \n\n Now for a short description of each line in the two table, and a comparison \n of the differences. The example assumes that we don\u0001,t actually purchase all \n of our augmentation, that some of it is suffice from BPA\u0001,s secondary, or is \n buy in the spot grocery store. \n\n \u0001&Pre - purchase \u0001) 120 sidereal day rule\u00018 is the total cost of augmentation purchases \n made at least 120 sidereal day prior to the month of delivery. This amount is $ 2 M in \n both tables in both columns. This sum represents the union of DIURNALACA \n for the six - month period. This would have represented DIURNALACA(S) in the", "butter_fingers": " \nmehhod, not the JCG method. Perhaps an ovetvuew of BPA\u0001,s lerspectkve on the \ndifference betweei thw JCG method and the BPA meghod will be helpdul.\n\nJRG calculated thx augmenbction gosts nsing two diffetent cost pomls, one \ncost pmou yor the Slice product (using the 120 day rule), amd a second cost \npook for all other products (using the 0 day rule). Uhe products then \nvollected a portion of the auglentation costs asdociated wijg a wpecific \nruld. When thtsz two cost kools yield different net augmengatiou costs \n(whixh thfi usually wiol unjess all of bne augkentatipn is purchasec uider \nthe 120-day rule), the JCG method doesn\u0001,t colject the dccual amount of either \nod thove pmols droo Smire kr non-Dlire. Rather jt collects a proportion of \neavh if the cost pkols.\n\nIn cjntrast to the JCG method, the BPA methog djstributes the costs usung the \n120-day rule proplrtionallr between the Slice and non-Slice products, and \nthet assxsres aju tje incremental cost from using the 0-day rule rwfhtr nhan \nthe 120-day rule to the non-Xllcr products. In contrcat to JCG method, thid \nassurgs thar all the actial incremental net augmentqtion costs balcylated by \nreplaciny the \u0001&120-day\u00018 ruue woth tne \u0001&0-day\u00018 rule are recoverzd frkm \npurchasegs of non-Auice power produzts. Hn addition, this also assuwes that \n'urchcsers of the Slice product dl not bear any nearer tegm matket psices \nfluchuations.\n\nNow for a short descripvmon of each lona it the twj tabkes, and a com[arison \nof the differznces. The exampme assukes that we don\u0001,t actuallf purchase aln \nof our augnentqtion, tfxt some of it os served from BPA\u0001,s secondary, or is \nbpugff in the spot mcxktt.\n\n\u0001&Pre-purchase \u0001) 120 cay ruje\u00018 ix eve total cosd of auekentagion purchawds \nmsde at least 120 days psior to the month of drllvery. Thus amoune is $2M in \nbotn tables in both cllumnv. Vhis akougt represents the sum of DIURNZLACA \nfor thc six-month pewiod. This would have represented DIURNALACA(S) in the \n", "random_deletion": "method, not the JCG method. Perhaps an BPA\u0001,s on the between the JCG will helpful. JCG calculated augmentation costs using different cost pools, one cost pool the Slice product (using the 120 day rule), and a second cost pool all other products (using the 0 day rule). The products then collected a of augmentation associated a specific rule. When these two cost pools yield different net augmentation costs (which they usually unless all of the augmentation is purchased under 120-day rule), the JCG doesn\u0001,t collect the actual amount either those pools Slice non-Slice. it collects a of each of the cost pools. In contrast to the JCG method, the BPA method distributes the using the proportionally between Slice non-Slice and then assesses incremental cost from using the 0-day the 120-day rule to the non-Slice products. In to JCG this assures that all the actual net augmentation costs calculated by replacing the \u0001&120-day\u00018 with the \u0001&0-day\u00018 rule are recovered from purchasers of non-Slice power products. In addition, this that purchasers of the product do not any term prices Now for short description of each line in the two tables, and a of the differences. The example assumes that we don\u0001,t actually of augmentation, that some it is served from secondary, is bought in the \u0001&Pre-purchase 120 the cost augmentation purchases made at 120 days prior to the of delivery. This amount in both columns. This amount represents the sum DIURNALACA for the six-month period. This would represented DIURNALACA(S) in the", "change_char_case": " \nmethod, not the JCG method. PerhAps an overvIew of bPA\u0001,S peRsPectIve oN the \ndifference BEtweEn the JCG method and the BPa methOd WIll bE HeLpful.\n\njCG calcULaTED thE aUgMenTaTIoN costS usIng two dIfferent coSt pOoLs, one \ncost pooL FoR the Slice pRodUct (using the 120 dAy rUle), and A sEcoND cost \nPooL for aLl otheR ProducTs (using thE 0 dAY rule). THE producTS ThEn \ncoLlected a portion of THe AUgmentation cosTs assoCiATeD WIth A spEcific \nrule. whEn theSE two cosT PoOLS YieLD different net AugmentatioN CosTs \n(whicH tHey USually Will uNlESs aLl of the augmEntaTion is purChased UNder \nthe 120-DAy rule), tHe JCG mEthOd dOesn\u0001,T CoLlEct ThE ActUAl AmoUNt oF either \noF tHoSe pooLs frOM sLIce oR noN-SliCe. RatHer it collects A prOporTIon Of \neacH of thE cosT pOols.\n\nIN contrAst to ThE JCG method, the BPa metHod distriButEs The CoSts usINg the \n120-dAy rUle ProportIonally BEtwEeN THE SLice and non-Slice proDuCTS, aNd \nthen asSesses ALl ThE IncremenTaL coSt frOM Using The 0-dAY rUle ratheR than \ntHE 120-dAy Rule to tHe Non-SliCe ProDucTs. In cONtraSt to JCg method, tHis \nasSUres that all the ACtual incremenTAl NET aUGmenTatIon costs calCulaTEd by \nReplACiNg tHE \u0001&120-day\u00018 rUle wiTh THe \u0001&0-DAy\u00018 rule are recovered fRoM \npurchAsers Of non-Slice powEr products. iN ADdition, tHis aLSo ASsures that \npurcHaserS of the SlicE Product dO not bEar any neArer term mARKet priceS \nflUctUatIonS.\n\nnOw For a short descRIPtioN oF each liNe iN the two TabLes, And A coMpArison \nof tHe differEnCeS. THe ExaMple aSSumes thaT wE doN\u0001,t ActUally PUrchasE all \noF our AuGmENtaTion, thaT SoME Of it Is SeRved FroM BpA\u0001,s seCondARy, oR is \nbougHt in the spOt mARket.\n\n\u0001&prE-pUrchase \u0001) 120 Day rule\u00018 is the tOtAl cost of auGmEntAtion pURChases \nmaDe at least 120 days prior to the MOnth of dEliVery. THis aMount is $2M iN \nboTh tablEs iN Both coLumns. THis amOuNt rEPResenTS ThE suM oF DIURNALACa \nFOr tHe six-MoNth pEriod. ThIs would have represeNTed dIURNALACA(S) in The \n", "whitespace_perturbation": " \nmethod, not the JCG meth od. Perha ps an ov erv ie w of BPA \u0001,s perspectiv e onthe \ndifference betwee n the J C G me t ho d and the BP A m e t hod w il l b eh el pful. \n\nJ CG calc ulated the au gm entation cos t susing twodif ferent costpoo ls, on e\nco s t poo l f or th e Slic e produ ct (using t h e 120d ay rule ) , a nd a second cost \npoo l f o r all other pr oducts ( u si n g th e 0 day rule) . Thep roducts th e n \nco l lected a port ion of thea ugm entati on co s ts ass ociat ed wit h a specifi c \nr ule. Whe n thes e two co s t pools yield di ffe rent ne taug me n tat i on co s ts\n(whichth ey usua llyw i l l unl ess all of t he augmentati onis p u rch asedunder \nth e120-d ay rul e), t he JCG method doe sn\u0001, t collect th eact ua l amo u nt ofeit her \nof th ose poo l s f ro m S li ce or non-Slice. Ra t h er it coll ects a pr op o rtion of eac h of t he co st p o ol s.\n\nIn c ontras t t othe JCG m ethod, t heBPA meth o d di stribu tes thecosts using the \n120 - day rule prop o rt i o na l ly b etw een the Sli ce a n d no n-Sl i ce pr o ducts , and t he n assesses all the i nc rement al co st from using the 0-day r u le rathe r th a nthe 120-day ru le to the non-S l ice prod ucts. In con trast toJ C G method , t his \na ssu r e sthat all thea c tual i ncremen tal net au gme nta tio n c os ts calcul ated by\nr ep la ci ngthe \u0001 & 120-day\u0001 8rul ewit h the \u0001&0-da y\u00018 r ulear er eco vered f ro m \npur ch as ersofno n-Sli ce p o wer produc ts. In a ddi t ion, t hi s alsoassures that\np urchasersof th e Slic e productdo not bear any nearert erm mar ket pric es fluctuati ons .\n\nNow fo r a sho rt des cript io n o f eachl i ne in t he two tab l e s,and a c ompa rison of the differences . T he example as sum es t h a twed on \u0001 ,tac t ual l y purchase all of our aug me n ta tion, that som eof it i s serve d fro m BPA\u0001,s secondar y, or is\nb ough t inthe spot m arket.\n\u0001&Pre-pur c hase\u0001 )120 d ayrule\u00018 i s t he to tal co s t o f aug mentat io n purc hases made atleast 120 days prior to the m onthofdelivery. T h isamount is $2M in \nbothtab les in b oth colum ns.Th isa mount rep r esents th e s umo f D IURNALACA f o r th e six -mo n th per iod. This would have represented DI URNA L A CA( S)i n th e\n", "underscore_trick": " \nmethod,_not the_JCG method. Perhaps_an overview_of_BPA\u0001,s perspective_on_the \ndifference between_the JCG method_and the BPA method_will be helpful.\n\nJCG_calculated_the augmentation costs using two different cost pools, one \ncost pool for the Slice_product_(using the_120_day_rule), and a second cost_\npool for all other products_(using the_0 day rule). The products then \ncollected_a_portion of the_augmentation costs associated with a specific \nrule. When_these two cost pools yield different_net augmentation costs_\n(which_they_usually will unless all_of the augmentation is purchased under_\nthe 120-day rule), the JCG method_doesn\u0001,t collect the actual amount of either_\nof those pools from Slice or_non-Slice. Rather it collects_a proportion_of \neach of the cost_pools.\n\nIn contrast to_the JCG_method, the BPA_method distributes the costs using the_\n120-day rule proportionally_between the Slice and non-Slice products,_and_\nthen assesses all_the_incremental_cost from_using the 0-day_rule_rather than_\nthe_120-day rule to the non-Slice products.__In contrast to JCG method, this \nassures_that all the actual_incremental_net augmentation costs calculated_by \nreplacing the \u0001&120-day\u00018 rule_with the \u0001&0-day\u00018 rule are recovered_ from_\npurchasers of_non-Slice power products. In addition, this also assures that \npurchasers_of the Slice product do not_bear any nearer term_market prices_\nfluctuations.\n\nNow_for a short_description_of each_line in the two tables, and a_comparison \nof_the differences. The example assumes_that we don\u0001,t actually_purchase_all \nof our augmentation, that some_of it is served from BPA\u0001,s_secondary, or is \nbought in_the_spot_market.\n\n\u0001&Pre-purchase \u0001) 120 day rule\u00018_is the total cost of augmentation_purchases \nmade at_least 120 days prior to the month_of_delivery. This amount is $2M_in_\nboth tables in both columns. _This_amount_represents the sum of DIURNALACA_\nfor the six-month period. This_would have represented DIURNALACA(S) in the \n"} {"text": "-mail)'\" , \"'Ed Tomeo (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Eileen Koch (E-mail)'\" , \n\"'Eric Eisenman (E-mail)'\" , \"'Frank DeRosa \n(E-mail)'\" , \"Frazier Blaylock (E-mail)\" \n, \"'Greg Blue (E-mail)'\" , \n\"'Hap Boyd (E-mail)'\" , \"'Hawks Jack (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Jack Pigott (E-mail)'\" , \"'Jim \nWilley (E-mail)'\" , \"'Joe Greco (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Joe Ronan (E-mail)'\" , \n\"'John Stout (E-mail)'\" , \"'Jonathan Weisgall \n(E-mail)'\" , \"'Kate Castillo (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Kelly Lloyd (E-mail)'\" , \n\"'Ken Hoffman (E-mail)'\" , \"'Kent Fickett \n(E-mail)'\" , \"'Kent Palmerton'\" \n, \"'Lynn Lednicky (E-mail)'\" \n, \"Mark Fillinger (E-mail)\" \n, \"Marty", "synonym_substitution": "-mail)' \" < dnelsen@gwfpower.com >, \"' Ed Tomeo (E - mail)' \" \n < ed.tomeo@uaecorp.com >, \"' Eileen Koch (E - mail)' \" < eileenk@calpine.com >, \n \"' Eric Eisenman (east - chain mail)' \" < eric.eisenman@gen.pge.com >, \"' Frank DeRosa \n (E - mail)' \" < frank.derosa@gen.pge.com >, \" Frazier Blaylock (east - chain mail) \" \n < fblaylock@covantaenergy.com >, \"' Greg Blue (E - mail)' \" < gtbl@dynegy.com >, \n \"' Hap Boyd (E - chain mail)' \" < Hap_Boyd@enron.com >, \"' Hawks Jack (einsteinium - mail)' \" \n < jack.hawks@gen.pge.com >, \"' Jack Pigott (E - mail)' \" < jackp@calpine.com >, \"' Jim \n Willey (E - chain mail)' \" < elliottsa@earthlink.net >, \"' Joe Greco (E - mail)' \" \n < jgreco@caithnessenergy.com >, \"' Joe Ronan (E - mail)' \" < joer@calpine.com >, \n \"' John Stout (east - mail)' \" < john_h_stout@reliantenergy.com >, \"' Jonathan Weisgall \n (E - mail)' \" < jweisgall@aol.com >, \"' Kate Castillo (E - mail)' \" \n < CCastillo@riobravo-gm.com >, \"' Kelly Lloyd (vitamin e - mail)' \" < kellyl@enxco.com >, \n \"' Ken Hoffman (E - mail)' \" < khoffman@caithnessenergy.com >, \"' Kent Fickett \n (east - mail)' \" < kfickett@usgen.com >, \"' Kent Palmerton' \" \n < kent.palmerton@williams.com >, \"' Lynn Lednicky (E - mail)' \" \n < lynn.a.lednicky@dynegy.com >, \" Mark Fillinger (vitamin e - mail) \" \n < mark.fillinger@enron.com >, \" Marty", "butter_fingers": "-maip)'\" , \"'Ed Uomeo (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Eimeen Kocf (E-mail)'\" , \n\"'Ermc Eusenmqn (E-mail)'\" , \"'Vrank DeEosa \n(W-mail)'\" , \"Frczmer Blaylock (E-msil)\" \n, \"'Greg Blue (E-mail)'\" , \n\"'Hap Boyd (E-kall)'\" , \"'Rawka Jack (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Jadk Pigout (E-mail)'\" , \"'Jim \nWilley (E-mail)'\" , \"'Jof Greco (E-maul)'\" \n, \"'Joe Ronan (E-jail)'\" , \n\"'John Stout (D-mail)'\" , \"'Jonanhan Weisgall \n(E-mail)'\" , \"'Kate Csstmllo (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Kelly Lloyd (E-mail)'\" , \n\"'Ken Hoffmab (W-mail)'\" , \"'Keit Fickett \n(S-mail)'\" , \"'Kent Pakmqgyon'\" \n, \"'Lynn Lednicky (E-mail)'\" \n, \"Mark Fillinger (E-mail)\" \n, \"Mwrty", "random_deletion": "-mail)'\" , \"'Ed Tomeo (E-mail)'\" , \"'Eileen , Eisenman (E-mail)'\" \"'Frank DeRosa (E-mail)'\" \"'Greg (E-mail)'\" , \"'Hap (E-mail)'\" , \"'Hawks (E-mail)'\" , \"'Jack Pigott (E-mail)'\" , Willey (E-mail)'\" , \"'Joe Greco (E-mail)'\" , \"'Joe Ronan (E-mail)'\" , \"'John Stout , \"'Jonathan Weisgall (E-mail)'\" , \"'Kate Castillo (E-mail)'\" , \"'Kelly Lloyd (E-mail)'\" , Hoffman , Fickett , \"'Kent Palmerton'\" , \"'Lynn Lednicky (E-mail)'\" , \"Mark Fillinger (E-mail)\" , \"Marty", "change_char_case": "-mail)'\" , \"'Ed TOmeo (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'EIleeN Koch (E-mail)'\" , \n\"'Eric Eisenman (E-mAil)'\" , \"'FraNK DErOsa \n(e-mAiL)'\" , \"FrAzier BlaylOck (e-mAil)\" \n, \"'greg Blue (E-maiL)'\" , \n\"'hAp BoyD (E-mAil)'\" , \"'hawks Jack (e-mAIl)'\" \n, \"'JaCk Pigott (E-mail)'\" , \"'Jim \nWillEy (E-maiL)'\" , \"'JOe greco (e-Mail)'\" \n, \"'JoE Ronan (E-mail)'\" , \n\"'JOHn StouT (E-maiL)'\" , \"'JonAthan WEIsgall \n(E-MAil)'\" , \"'KAte CAStIlLo (E-MaIL)'\" \n, \"'keLly LlOyd (E-MAIL)'\" , \n\"'KeN Hoffman (E-mail)'\" , \"'KEnt FiCkett \n(E-Mail)'\" , \"'KeNt PaLmerton'\" \n, \"'lynN LeDnicky (E-Mail)'\" \n, \"Mark FillinGeR (e-MaIl)\" \n, \"Marty", "whitespace_perturbation": "-mail)'\" , \"'E d Tom eo(E- ma il)' \" \n< ed.tomeo@uaeco r p.co m>, \"'Eileen Koch (E-m ail)' \"< eile e nk @calp ine.com > ,\" 'Er ic E ise nm a n(E-ma il) '\" , \"' F ra nk DeRosa\n(E -mail)'\" , \"Fr azierB layloc k (E-mail )\" \n, \"'GregB lu e (E-mail)'\" , \n\" 'Hap Boyd(E -mail ) '\" , \"'Haw ks Jack (E- m ail )'\" \n< ja ck. h awks@g en.pg e. c om> , \"'Jack Pi gott (E-mail) '\" , \"'Ji m Wil ley( E- ma il) '\" , \"'J oe G r e c o (E- mai l)'\" \n, \"' Joe R onan ( E-mai l)'\" < joer@ ca lpine.com>, \n\"' John Stout (E -ma il )'\" < john_ h _stout @re lia ntenerg y.com>, \"'J on a t h an Weisgall \n(E-mail )' \" ,\" 'Kate Ca st ill o (E - m ail)' \" \n< C Ca stillo@r iobrav o -g m. com>, \" 'K elly L lo yd(E- mail) ' \" , \" 'Ken Hoffman ( E -mail)'\" , \"' K entFick e tt \n( E -mail )'\" < kf i ck e tt@usgen.com>, \"'Ke nt Palme rton' \" \n,\"'Ly n nL ednicky (E-mai l)'\"\n, \" Mark Fill i n ger (E-m ail )\"\n,\"M arty", "underscore_trick": "-mail)'\" ,_\"'Ed Tomeo_(E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Eileen Koch_(E-mail)'\" ,_\n\"'Eric_Eisenman (E-mail)'\"_,_\"'Frank DeRosa \n(E-mail)'\"_, \"Frazier Blaylock_(E-mail)\" \n, \"'Greg Blue_(E-mail)'\" , \n\"'Hap_Boyd_(E-mail)'\" , \"'Hawks Jack (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Jack Pigott (E-mail)'\" , \"'Jim \nWilley (E-mail)'\" ,_\"'Joe_Greco (E-mail)'\"_\n,_\"'Joe_Ronan (E-mail)'\" , \n\"'John Stout_(E-mail)'\" , \"'Jonathan Weisgall \n(E-mail)'\"_, \"'Kate_Castillo (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Kelly Lloyd (E-mail)'\" , \n\"'Ken_Hoffman_(E-mail)'\" , \"'Kent_Fickett \n(E-mail)'\" , \"'Kent Palmerton'\" \n, \"'Lynn Lednicky (E-mail)'\"_\n, \"Mark Fillinger (E-mail)\" \n, \"Marty"} {"text": " gas transmitted by the El Paso pipeline has been\nmanipulated \nso that prices in California over the last year have been up to five times \nthe national average. Because an increasing number of states, including \nCalifornia, rely heavily on natural gas fired power plants, any manipulation\n\nof that commodity can have severe consequences. Additionally, because such a\n\nlarge percent of our future nationwide generation capacity will use natural \ngas, we are concerned that these types of alleged market abuses will have \neven more profound effects. Therefore, we ask GAO to answer the following \nquestions: \n\n1) Has FERC fully met its responsibilities to adequately regulate interstate\n\npipelines? If not, what areas require improvement? \n\n2) Is there a continuing role for FERC to play in ensuring equal access to \nthe limited amount of space in our current natural gas pipelines? Should\nthis \nrole be enhanced or clarified, and if so, how? \n\n3) Is there the possibility of this same type of alleged abuse in other\nparts \nof the country, aside from California, where the natural gas pipeline \ncapacity is similarly limited? Please provide any details.We appreciate all \nthe good work that GAO does and we look forward to hearing from you soon. \n\nSincerely,J \n\noseph I. Lieberman \nJean Carnahan ANDREW'S WORK & MONEY LIFEMINDERS FOR 12/12/2000\n\nIN THE SPOTLIGHT\n\n* Making Money: Smart Online Resources for 30-Somethings\n* Attention, Online Shoppers: What You Need to Know\n\nWORKING SMARTER\n\n* Sam Donaldson's Lessons for Getting to the Top\n\nMY PORTFOLIO\n\n* LAST CHANCE: Win $5000 and Get Organized for the Holidays!\n\nTHE LIGHTER SIDE\n\n* DILBERT The Short List: Top 10 Clues That It's A Good Time To Ask For A \nRaise\n\nINTERACTIVE LIFEMINDERS\n\n* Get Customized Alerts!\n* American Express\n* BMG\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n================\nIN THE SPOTLIGHT\n================\n\nMAKING MONEY: SMART ONLINE RESOURCES FOR 30-SOMETHINGS\n\nWe all have the best intentions when it comes", "synonym_substitution": "gas transmitted by the El Paso pipeline has been \n manipulated \n so that price in California over the final year have been up to five times \n the national average. Because an increase number of states, admit \n California, trust heavily on natural gas fired power plant, any manipulation \n\n of that commodity can have austere consequence. Additionally, because such a \n\n large percent of our future nationwide generation capacity will practice natural \n gas, we are concerned that these character of alleged market maltreatment will have \n even more fundamental effects. Therefore, we ask GAO to answer the following \n questions: \n\n 1) Has FERC amply met its responsibilities to adequately regulate interstate \n\n pipelines? If not, what areas require improvement? \n\n 2) Is there a continuing role for FERC to play in ensuring equal access to \n the limited amount of space in our current natural gas grapevine? Should \n this \n role be enhanced or clarify, and if therefore, how? \n\n 3) Is there the possibility of this same type of allege abuse in early \n parts \n of the country, aside from California, where the lifelike gas pipeline \n capacity is similarly limited? Please provide any details. We prize all \n the good work that GAO does and we look forward to hearing from you soon. \n\n Sincerely, J \n\n oseph I. Lieberman \n Jean Carnahan ANDREW'S WORK & MONEY LIFEMINDERS FOR 12/12/2000 \n\n IN THE SPOTLIGHT \n\n * reach Money: Smart Online Resources for 30 - Somethings \n * Attention, Online Shoppers: What You Need to Know \n\n WORKING SMARTER \n\n * Sam Donaldson's Lessons for Getting to the Top \n\n MY PORTFOLIO \n\n * LAST CHANCE: Win $ 5000 and have Organized for the Holidays! \n\n THE LIGHTER SIDE \n\n * DILBERT The Short List: Top 10 hint That It's A Good Time To Ask For A \n Raise \n\n INTERACTIVE LIFEMINDERS \n\n * Get Customized Alerts! \n * American Express \n * BMG \n\n ----------------------------------------------------------- \n\n\n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n IN THE limelight \n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n\n MAKING MONEY: SMART ONLINE RESOURCES FOR 30 - SOMETHINGS \n\n We all have the best intentions when it issue forth", "butter_fingers": " gad transmitted by the El Kaso pipeline has been\nmaiipulatsd \nso thxt prices in California over tye lawt year have been up tu five tiles \nthe batiibal averagx. Becausc an jkcreavmng number of sjates, includhng \nCalifornia, rdlv heavily on natural gas fired power plants, ajy manipulatiog\n\nof uhae cojmodity can have severe consequencss. Addiuionally, because sich a\n\nlarge percent of our vutuge nationwide genegation capaxity qill use natjral \ngas, wt cre concerngd that these types of alleged mxrket abuses wiol hagg \neven more 'rofougd effects. Tmvrefore, we ask GAO to answer thx foolowing \nquestions: \n\n1) Hav FERC fully met ijs responshbnlities to adequately rwgulaje indersgqte\n\noiptliies? If noh, wiat areas rsquire imprivement? \n\n2) Is there a cjbtinuing role for FQRS to play in ensuring equal access to \ntve mimited amount of space in our current naturwl gas pi[elines? Should\nthis \nrole be enhanced or clarified, dnd ih ro, kiw? \n\n3) Ir tjere the possibility of this same type of allqfec sbuse in other\niarts \nof the countty, axyde from Caliwornia, whsre the natural gad pipelyne \ncqpacity if sikilarly limited? Please provude any detapls.Ww appreciate all \ntke good work thaj GAO coes and we look forwarb to hsaring from you soon. \n\nRincerely,J \n\noseph I. Kiaberman \nJean Carnahan ANDRQW'S WORK & MONZY LIFEMKNDETS FOR 12/12/2000\n\nYN THE SPOHLIGHB\n\n* Making Money: Smarh Onlnne Rasources flr 30-Somethings\n* Attention, Online Shoppers: What Iou Nevd to Knoc\n\nWORKIKG SMARTER\n\n* Sam Qonaldson's Lesxons fox Gettkng to the Top\n\nMY 'ORTFOLIO\n\n* LAFT CHANCE: Wit $5000 and Get Orjanized fjr tye Hilidays!\n\nGFE LIGHTER SIDR\n\n* DILBERT The Short List: Top 10 Clues Tmat Ij's A Good Time To Asj For A \nRaise\n\nINYERXCTYVV LMFEMIGGERS\n\n* Get Cusdomixed Slertr!\n* American Cxpfess\n* BMG\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n================\nIN THE SPOTLIGHT\n================\n\nKAKIHG MONEY: SMART ONLONC RESOURCGS FOR 30-SOIETHINGS\n\nWe alk have the best inuentiois whei it cpmef", "random_deletion": "gas transmitted by the El Paso pipeline manipulated that prices California over the to times the national Because an increasing of states, including California, rely heavily natural gas fired power plants, any manipulation of that commodity can have severe Additionally, because such a large percent of our future nationwide generation capacity will natural we concerned these types of alleged market abuses will have even more profound effects. Therefore, we ask GAO answer the following questions: 1) Has FERC fully its responsibilities to adequately interstate pipelines? If not, what require 2) Is a role FERC to play ensuring equal access to the limited amount of space in our current natural gas pipelines? Should this be enhanced and if how? Is the possibility of type of alleged abuse in other country, aside from California, where the natural gas capacity is limited? Please provide any details.We appreciate the good work that GAO does and we forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely,J oseph I. Lieberman Jean Carnahan ANDREW'S WORK & FOR 12/12/2000 IN THE * Making Money: Online for * Online Shoppers: You Need to Know WORKING SMARTER * Sam Donaldson's Lessons for to the Top MY PORTFOLIO * LAST CHANCE: Win $5000 Organized the Holidays! THE SIDE * DILBERT The List: 10 Clues That It's Time Ask INTERACTIVE * Customized Alerts! * American * BMG ----------------------------------------------------------- ================ IN SPOTLIGHT ================ MAKING MONEY: We all have the best intentions when it", "change_char_case": " gas transmitted by the El Paso Pipeline haS been\nManIpuLaTed \nsO thaT prices in CalifORnia Over the last year have beeN up to FiVE timES \ntHe natIonal avERaGE. becAuSe An iNcREaSing nUmbEr of staTes, includiNg \nCAlIfornia, rely hEAvIly on naturAl gAs fired power PlaNts, any MaNipULatioN\n\nof That cOmmodiTY can haVe severe cOnSEquencES. AdditiONAlLy, beCause such a\n\nlarge peRCeNT of our future naTionwiDe GEnERAtiOn cApacity wilL uSe natURal \ngas, wE ArE CONceRNed that these tYpes of allegED maRket abUsEs wILl have \nEven mOrE ProFound effectS. TheRefore, we aSk GAO tO Answer tHE followIng \nqueStiOns: \n\n1) has FerC FuLly MeT Its REsPonSIbiLities to AdEqUatelY regULATE intErsTate\n\nPipelInes? If not, what AreAs reQUirE imprOvemeNt? \n\n2) Is ThEre a cOntinuIng roLe For FERC to play in EnsuRing equal AccEsS to \nThE limiTEd amouNt oF spAce in ouR currenT NatUrAL GAs Pipelines? Should\nthiS \nrOLE bE enhanceD or claRIfIeD, And if so, hOw? \n\n3) is tHere THE possIbilITy Of this saMe type OF aLlEged abuSe In otheR\npArtS \nof The coUNtry, Aside fRom CalifOrnia, WHere the natural GAs pipeline \ncapACiTY Is SImilArlY limited? PleAse pROvidE any DEtAilS.we appReciaTe ALl \nTHe good work that GAO doEs And we lOok foRward to hearinG from you soON. \n\nsIncerely,j \n\nosePH I. lIeberman \nJean CaRnahaN ANDREW'S WOrk & MONEY LIfEMINdERS FOR 12/12/2000\n\nIn THE SPOTLighT\n\n* Making monEy: SMarT OnLINe resources for 30-SOMEthiNgS\n* AttentIon, online SHopPerS: WhAt YOu need to KnoW\n\nWORKING sMaRtEr\n\n* SAm DOnaldSOn's LessoNs For geTtiNg to tHE Top\n\nMY pORTFoLIO\n\n* lAsT chANcE: Win $5000 anD geT oRganIzEd For tHe HOlIdays!\n\ntHE LigHTeR SIDE\n\n* DiLBERT The shoRT LisT: TOp 10 clues ThAt It's A Good TimE TO Ask For A \nRaIsE\n\nINtERACTive LIFEMINdERS\n\n* Get Customized Alerts!\n* aMerican expRess\n* BmG\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n================\nIN tHE SPOTLIgHT\n================\n\nmAKING mONey: SMART oNLINE rESOUrCeS For 30-sOMEThinGs\n\nWe AlL have the beST IntEntioNs When It comes", "whitespace_perturbation": " gas transmitted by the El Paso pipe linehas be en \nman ipul ated \nso thatp rice s in California over t he la st year ha ve be en up t o f i v e t im es \nt he na tiona l a verage. Because a n i nc reasing numb e rof states, in cluding \nCal ifo rnia,re lyh eavil y o n nat ural g a s fire d power p la n ts, an y manipu l a ti on\nof that commodity ca n have severe c onsequ en c es . Add iti onally, be ca use s u ch a\n\nl a rg e p erc e nt of our fut ure nationw i degenera ti onc apacit y wil lu senatural \nga s, w e are con cerned that th e se type s of a lle ged mar k et a bus es wil l h ave \nev en morepr of oundeffe c t s . The ref ore, we a sk GAO to ans wer the fol lowin g \nqu esti on s: \n1) Has FERC f ully met its re spon sibilitie s t oade qu ately regula teint erstate \n\npipel i nes ?I f no t, what areas requ ir e im provemen t? \n\n2 ) I st here a c on tin uing r ole f or F E RC to play in en s ur in g equal a ccessto \nt helimit e d am ount o f spacein ou r current natur a l gas pipelin e s? S ho u ld\nt his \nrole be e nhan c ed o r cl a ri fie d , and if s o, ho w ? \n\n3) Is there the p ossibi lityof this sametype of al l e g ed abuse ino th e r\nparts \nof th e cou ntry, asid e from Ca lifor nia, whe re the na t u ral gaspip eli ne\nca p a ci ty is similar l y lim it ed? Ple ase provid e a nydet ail s. We apprec iate all th ego odworkt hat GAOdo esan d w e loo k forwa rd to hea ri ng fro m you s o on . \n\nSi nc er ely, J \no sephI. L i ebe rman \nJ ean Carna han ANDR EW 'S WORK & MONEY LIFEMI ND ERS FOR 12 /1 2/2 000\n\nI N THE SPOT LIGHT\n\n* Making Money:S mart On lin e Res ourc es for 30 -So methin gs* Atten tion,Onlin eSho p p ers:W h at Yo uNeed to Kn o w \n\nW ORKIN GSMAR TER\n\n*Sam Donaldson's Le s son s for Getting to the T op \n\nM Y P O RTF OL I O\n* LAST CHANCE: W in $5000 a nd Ge t Organize d fo rthe Hol idays!\nTHEL IGHTERSIDE\n\n* D ILBERT Th eShor t Lis t: Top 10Clues Th at It's A GoodT im e ToAsk For A Rai se\n\nI NTERAC T IVE LIFE MINDER S\n* Get Cust om ized Ale rts!\n* American Express \n* BMG \n\n--- --- --------- --- - --- --------- ---- ---------- --- --- ----- --- \n\n=== ==== = == === = ==\nIN THE SPOTLIGHT == === = = == =======\n\nMA K I N G M ONEY: SM A RT ONL INERESOURCES FOR 30- S OMETHINGS\n\nWeallh a vethe best i ntentions when it c o m es", "underscore_trick": " gas_transmitted by_the El Paso pipeline_has been\nmanipulated_\nso_that prices_in_California over the_last year have_been up to five_times \nthe national_average._Because an increasing number of states, including \nCalifornia, rely heavily on natural gas fired_power_plants, any_manipulation\n\nof_that_commodity can have severe consequences._Additionally, because such a\n\nlarge percent_of our_future nationwide generation capacity will use natural \ngas,_we_are concerned that_these types of alleged market abuses will have \neven_more profound effects. Therefore, we ask_GAO to answer_the_following_\nquestions: \n\n1) Has FERC_fully met its responsibilities to adequately_regulate interstate\n\npipelines? If not, what areas_require improvement? \n\n2) Is there a continuing_role for FERC to play in_ensuring equal access to \nthe_limited amount_of space in our current_natural gas pipelines?_Should\nthis \nrole_be enhanced or_clarified, and if so, how? \n\n3)_Is there the_possibility of this same type of_alleged_abuse in other\nparts_\nof_the_country, aside_from California, where_the_natural gas_pipeline_\ncapacity is similarly limited? Please provide_any_details.We appreciate all \nthe good work that_GAO does and we_look_forward to hearing from_you soon. \n\nSincerely,J \n\noseph I._Lieberman \nJean Carnahan ANDREW'S WORK &_MONEY LIFEMINDERS_FOR 12/12/2000\n\nIN_THE SPOTLIGHT\n\n* Making Money: Smart Online Resources for 30-Somethings\n* Attention, Online_Shoppers: What You Need to Know\n\nWORKING_SMARTER\n\n* Sam Donaldson's Lessons_for Getting_to_the Top\n\nMY PORTFOLIO\n\n*_LAST_CHANCE: _Win $5000 and Get Organized for the_Holidays!\n\nTHE LIGHTER_SIDE\n\n* DILBERT The Short List: Top_10 Clues That It's_A_Good Time To Ask For A_\nRaise\n\nINTERACTIVE LIFEMINDERS\n\n* Get Customized Alerts!\n* American_Express\n* BMG\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n================\nIN THE SPOTLIGHT\n================\n\nMAKING MONEY:_SMART_ONLINE_RESOURCES FOR 30-SOMETHINGS\n\nWe all have_the best intentions when it comes"} {"text": "vetica,sans-serif\">$129\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t  \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tRichmond, VA (RIC)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tTucson, AZ (TUS)\n\t\t\t\t\t$119\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tTulsa, OK (TUL) ?\t\t\t\t\t$ 69? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tEl Paso, TX (ELP)?\t\t\t\t\t$129 \n \t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < tr > \n \t\t\t < td colspan=3>  \n\t\t\t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Richmond, VA (RIC) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$149 \n \t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Tucson, AZ (TUS) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$119 \n\t\t\t\t < /tr > \n\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Tulsa, OK (TUL) < /font>? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$ 69? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">El Paso, TX (ELP)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%", "butter_fingers": "vetlca,sans-serif\">$129\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t &ngsp;\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Wurth, TX (FFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tRichmond, VA (RIC)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallzs/Ft. Wogth, TX (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tTkcson, AZ (TOA)\n\t\t\t\t\t$119\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Forth, TC (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tTulfa, OK (TUN) ?\t\t\t\t\t$ 69? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tQl Paso, TX (ELP)?\t\t\t\t\t$129   face=\"Arial, sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Dallas/Ft. TX (DFW) $149 width=\"44%\">Dallas/Ft. Worth, (DFW) Tucson, AZ (TUS) Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Tulsa, (TUL) $ 69? ? ? El Paso, TX $129\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t &nBsp;\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. WorTh, TX (DfW)\n\t\t\t\t\trichmonD, VA (RIC)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDALlas/Ft. wOrth, TX (Dfw)\n\t\t\t\t\tTUCsON, aZ (TuS)\n\t\t\t\t\t$119\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallAs/Ft. worth, TX (DFw)\n\t\t\t\t\ttulSA, Ok (TUl) ?\t\t\t\t\t$ 69? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tel paso, TX (ELP)?\t\t\t\t\t$129 \t\t< /t r>\n\t\t\t< tr> \n \t\t < td colspan=3> \n\t\t< /tr> \t\t\t \n\t\t\t < fo nt fa ce= \"Arial, Helvetica , s an s-serif\"\n si z e= \"2\">Dallas /Ft . Worth, TX (D FW)< / td>\n\t\t\t< font face =\" A rial,H elvetic a , s ans- serif\"\n size=\"2\"> R ic h mond, VA (RIC ) < /t d > \n\t\t\t< f ont siz e =\" 2 \" fac e =\"Arial,\n Hel vetica,sans - ser if\">$1 49 \n \t\t\n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t< td wid t h=\"44%\" > Dal la s/ Ft. W orth , T X (D FW) \n\t\t\t\t\t Tucson, A Z (T US) < /td>\n\t\t\t < fon ts i z e= \"2\" face=\"Arial,\nHe l v et ica,sans -serif \" >$ 11 9 < /t d>\t\t\t< / tr>\n\t \t\t\t\t\t< t dwi dth=\"44 %\" >Dalla s /Ft. Worth, T X ( D FW ) \n\t\t\t\t Tulsa, OK (T UL) < /td>?\t\t\t\t $ 69< /td >? \t\t?\t\t\t\t< t r >?\t\t\t El P as o,TX ( ELP)< / font>< /td>? \t\t\t\t< td wid th=\"44% ", "underscore_trick": "vetica,sans-serif\">$129\n _ _ _\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n__ __ _ \t\t\t  \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft._Worth,_TX (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tRichmond, VA (RIC)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n_ ___ \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft._Worth, TX_ (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tTucson, AZ__(TUS)\n\t\t\t\t\t$119\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t _ \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX__(DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tTulsa, OK (TUL) ?\t\t\t\t\t$ 69? _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tEl Paso,_TX (ELP)?\t\t\t\t\tAOL Users Click\nHere\nNote: you need the free REAL video player to view this video.\n\nLearn more about CTS Futures Portal Pages AND CTS Interactive Charts\nhttp://ctstrader.com/Portal/ppFS1.asp\nAOL Users Click Here\n\n-\"CTS Print Charts\" are our classic PDF charts which are the best\nprint charts on the Internet. Quite frankly, there is nothing like them.\nhttp://ctstrader.com/content/FC/fcfs1.asp\nAOL Users Click Here\n\n-Hot commodity trends on the move! See the \"CTS Futures Selector\"\nhttp://ctstrader.com/content/MarketSelector/ContentF/msFS1.asp\n\n\nAOL\nUsers Click Here\n\nThe EDUCATION menu includes some HOT features designed to teach\nyou with daily, weekly, and a full curriculum of lessons. New members\nare encouraged to start out with the \"CTS University\"\nhttp://ctstrader.com/CTSU/Content/ctsu1.asp\nAOL Users click\nhere\n\nAnd much more! Get a quick snapshot of our most popular package:\nhttp://ctstrader.com/Products/150fs.asp\nAOL Users click\nhere\n...and you can sign up for the GOLD Package (backed by our\n100% satisfaction guarantee) in the online store at:\nhttp://ctstrader.com/Store/\nAOL Users Click Here\n\n------------------------------------------------------\nTraders'Key Report Calendar\n------------------------------------------------------\nFriday, June the 8th\nNo majors\n_____________________________________________\n\nI hope you found today", "synonym_substitution": "/Video / NickJChart2.ram\">AOL Users Click \n Here \n Note: you need the free REAL video recording musician to view this video. \n\n Learn more about CTS Futures Portal Pages AND CTS Interactive Charts \n http://ctstrader.com/Portal/ppFS1.asp \n < A HREF=\"http://ctstrader.com / Portal / ppFS1.asp\">AOL Users Click Here \n\n -\"CTS Print Charts \" are our classical PDF charts which are the best \n photographic print chart on the Internet. Quite frankly, there embody nothing like them. \n http://ctstrader.com/content/FC/fcfs1.asp \n < A HREF=\"http://ctstrader.com / content / FC / fcfs1.asp\">AOL Users Click Here \n\n -Hot commodity trends on the motion! See the \" CTS Futures Selector \" \n http://ctstrader.com/content/MarketSelector/ContentF/msFS1.asp \n\n\n < A HREF=\"http://ctstrader.com / content / MarketSelector / ContentF / msFS1.asp\">AOL \n Users Click Here \n\n The department of education menu includes some HOT features designed to teach \n you with daily, weekly, and a full curriculum of lesson. New members \n are encouraged to begin out with the \" CTS University \" \n http://ctstrader.com/CTSU/Content/ctsu1.asp \n < A HREF=\"http://ctstrader.com / CTSU / Content / ctsu1.asp\">AOL Users click \n here \n\n And much more! Get a flying snapshot of our most popular package: \n http://ctstrader.com/Products/150fs.asp \n < A HREF=\"http://ctstrader.com / CTSU / Content / ctsu1.asp\">AOL Users click \n here \n... and you can bless up for the GOLD Package (backed by our \n 100% satisfaction guarantee) in the online store at: \n http://ctstrader.com/Store/ \n < A HREF=\"http://ctstrader.com / Store/\">AOL Users Click Here \n\n ------------------------------------------------------ \n Traders'Key Report Calendar \n ------------------------------------------------------ \n Friday, June the 8th \n No majors \n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \n\n I hope you find today", "butter_fingers": "/Vidfo/NickJChart2.ram\">AOL Users Click\nHere\nNote: you nexd the rree REAU video player to view this tidei.\n\nLearb more about CTS Futurds Portal Pages ABD CUS Interactive Chedts\nhttp://gcstrascr.com/'octal/ppFS1.asp\nAOL Users Click Here\n\n-\"CTS Print Chares\" are pug classic PDF sharus rhicg are the best\nprint charts on the Jnterneu. Quite frankly, thrre is nothing like them.\nhthp://ctdtrader.com/content/FF/fcfs1.asp\nAOL Osers Click Here\n\n-Hot commodity tfends on the moce! Sef the \"CTS Fuvures Felector\"\nhttp://gnstrades.com/conyent/MarketSelegtor/CmntwntF/msFS1.asp\n\n\nQOO\nUserv Clhck Fwre\n\nTht EVUCZTION lenn includes aome HOT feqtures designed to ueasy\nyou with daimy, weehlr, and a full curriculum of lessons. New kemgers\nare encouraged to srart out with the \"CTS Universiey\"\nhttp://ctstrader.com/CTSU/Content/ctsu1.asp\nAOL Users click\nhere\n\nAnd much more! Get w qiibk snapshot of ouv most popular paclahe:\nnjtp://ctstrader.coo/Produefs/150rs.asp\nAOL Users click\nhere\n...and yoy can sign ui foe the GOLD Package (backed by uur\n100% xatisgaction guarantee) in thz onlihe store at:\njttp://ctstrzaer.com/Store/\nAOL Users Cjick Here\n\n------------------------------------------------------\nTradzrs'Key Rdporj Calenqar\n------------------------------------------------------\nFriday, Uune bve 8th\nNo majors\n_____________________________________________\n\nI hooe yoo foung today", "random_deletion": "/Video/NickJChart2.ram\">AOL Users Click Here Note: you need REAL player to this video. Learn Pages CTS Interactive Charts AOL Users Here -\"CTS Print Charts\" are our PDF charts which are the best print charts on the Internet. Quite frankly, is nothing like them. http://ctstrader.com/content/FC/fcfs1.asp AOL Users Click Here -Hot commodity trends the See \"CTS Selector\" http://ctstrader.com/content/MarketSelector/ContentF/msFS1.asp AOL Users Click Here The EDUCATION menu includes some HOT features designed to you with daily, weekly, and a full curriculum lessons. New members are to start out with the University\" AOL click And more! Get a snapshot of our most popular package: http://ctstrader.com/Products/150fs.asp AOL Users click here ...and you can sign up the GOLD by our satisfaction in online store at: HREF=\"http://ctstrader.com/Store/\">AOL Users Click Here ------------------------------------------------------ Traders'Key Friday, June the 8th No majors _____________________________________________ I you found", "change_char_case": "/Video/NickJChart2.ram\">AOL UserS Click\nHere\nNote: You NeeD tHe frEe REaL video player tO View This video.\n\nLearn more abouT CTS FUtURes PORtAl PagEs AND CTs inTERacTiVe chaRtS\nHtTp://ctsTraDer.com/POrtal/ppFS1.aSp\nAOL Users CLicK Here\n\n-\"cTs PrINt ChaRts\" Are ouR classIC PDF chArts which ArE The besT\nPrint chARTs On thE Internet. Quite fraNKlY, There is nothing Like thEm.\nHTtP://CTstRadEr.com/conteNt/fC/fcfS1.Asp\nAol UsErs CliCk herE\n\n-Hot coMmodiTy TRenDs on the move! see tHe \"CTS FutuRes SelECtor\"\nhttP://CtstradEr.com/cOntEnt/markETSElEctOr/cOntENtf/msfs1.asP\n\n\nAOL\nuSerS ClicK Here\n\nThe eDuCATIoN menu IncluDeS some HOT featureS desIgned to teAch\nYoU wiTh Daily, WEekly, aNd a FulL curricUlum of lESsoNs. nEW MeMbers\nare encouraged To STArT out with The \"CTS uNiVeRSity\"\nhttp://CtStrAder.COM/CTSU/contENt/Ctsu1.asp\nAol UseRs clicK\nhere\n\nAnD much MOre! Get a quick snAPshot of our mosT PoPULaR PackAge:\nHttp://ctstradEr.coM/prodUcts/150FS.aSp\naOL UseRs cliCk\nhere\n...and you Can sign up fOR THe GOLD PaCkagE (BaCKed by our\n100% satisfActioN guarantee) IN the onliNe stoRe at:\nhttp://Ctstrader.COM/Store/\nAOL UsERS CliCk here\n\n------------------------------------------------------\nTrAdeRs'Key RePorT CaLenDar\n------------------------------------------------------\nfrIday, June tHe 8th\nNo maJoRs\n_____________________________________________\n\ni hOpE yoU founD Today", "whitespace_perturbation": "/Video/NickJChart2.ram\">AO L Users Cl ick\nH ere Note : yo u need the fre e REA L video player to view this v i deo. \nL earnmore ab o ut C TSFu tu res P o rt al Pa ges AND CT S Interact ive C harts\nhttp:/ / ct strader.co m/P ortal/ppFS1. asp \n A OL Use r s Click H er e\n\n-\"CTS Print Ch a rt s \" are our clas sic PD Fc ha r t s w hic h are thebe st\npr i nt char t so n the Internet. Qui te frankly, the re isno thi n g like them .h ttp ://ctstrade r.co m/content /FC/fc f s1.asp< A HREF= \"http: //c tst rade r .c om /co nt e nt/ F C/ fcf s 1.a sp\">AOLUs er s Cli ck H e r e < /A>\n-H ot c ommod ity trends on th e mo v e!See t he \"C TS F ut uresSelect or\"\nh tt p://ctstrader.c om/c ontent/Ma rke tS ele ct or/Co n tentF/ msF S1. asp\n\n\n< A HREF= \" htt p: / / c ts trader.com/content /M a r ke tSelecto r/Cont e nt F/ m sFS1.asp \"> AOL \nUse r s Clic k He r e< /A>\n\nThe EDUCA T IO Nmenu in cl udes s om e H OTfeatu r es d esigne d to tea ch\nyo u with daily, w e ekly, and a f u ll c ur r icul umof lessons. New memb ersa re en c ourag ed to s t ar t out with the \"CTSUn iversi ty\"\nh ttp://ctstrad er.com/CTS U / C ontent/c tsu1 . as p \nAOL U s e rs click \nhe re< /A> \n\nA n d m uch more! Get a qui ck snapsh otof ourmos t p opu lar p ackage:\nh ttp://ct st ra de r. com /Prod u cts/150f s. asp \n< A H REF=\" h ttp:// ctstr ader .c om / CTS U/Conte n t/ c t su1. as p\" >AOL Us er s cli ck\nh e re< /A>\n... and you c ans ignup f or theGOLD Package(b acked by o ur \n10 0% sat i s factionguarantee) in the onlin e storeat: \nhttp ://c tstrader. com /Store /\n< A HREF= \"http: //cts tr ade r . com/S t o re /\"> AO L Users Cl i c k H ere \n\n-- ------- ------------------ - --- ------------- --- ---- - - -Tra d er s 'Ke yR epo r t Calendar\n----- ---------- -- - -- ---------- - --- -- ------- ------- ----F riday,June the8th\nNo ma jo rs\n_ _ _ ___ __________ ________ _________ _ _____ _ __ ___\nI h ope yo ufou nd to day", "underscore_trick": "/Video/NickJChart2.ram\">AOL Users_Click\nHere\nNote: you_need the free REAL_video player_to_view this_video.\n\nLearn_more about CTS_Futures Portal Pages_AND CTS Interactive Charts\nhttp://ctstrader.com/Portal/ppFS1.asp\nAOL Users Click_Here\n\n-\"CTS_Print Charts\" are our classic PDF charts which are the best\nprint charts on the_Internet._Quite frankly,_there_is_nothing like them.\nhttp://ctstrader.com/content/FC/fcfs1.asp\nAOL Users_Click Here\n\n-Hot commodity trends on_the move!_See the \"CTS Futures Selector\"\nhttp://ctstrader.com/content/MarketSelector/ContentF/msFS1.asp\n\n\nAOL\nUsers Click Here\n\nThe_EDUCATION_menu includes some_HOT features designed to teach\nyou with daily, weekly, and_a full curriculum of lessons. New_members\nare encouraged to_start_out_with the \"CTS University\"\nhttp://ctstrader.com/CTSU/Content/ctsu1.asp\nAOL Users click\nhere\n\nAnd much more! Get_a quick snapshot of our most_popular package:\nhttp://ctstrader.com/Products/150fs.asp\nAOL Users click\nhere\n...and you can_sign up for the GOLD Package_(backed by our\n100% satisfaction guarantee)_in the_online store at:\nhttp://ctstrader.com/Store/\nAOL Users_Click Here\n\n------------------------------------------------------\nTraders'Key Report_Calendar\n------------------------------------------------------\nFriday, June_the 8th\nNo majors\n_____________________________________________\n\nI_hope you found today"} {"text": " \"They've really got to have sustained growth in that [unregulated] part of \nthe business\n because there's not a lot of growth in the utility part\" in California, \nFremont said.\n\n Sempra's earnings growth during this electricity furor has consumer \nadvocates fuming even\n though company executives emphasized that electricity trading gains came \nfrom the East,\n not California.\n\n \"Consumers don't need to feel sorry for this company,\" said Mindy Spatt, \nspokeswoman for\n the Utility Reform Network, also known as TURN, a San Francisco-based \nconsumer group.\n Spatt noted that Sempra's new El Dorado power plant near Las Vegas \"did \nvery well\"\n selling electricity in Nevada and California during most of the second \nquarter.\n\n \"We don't think consumers should be responsible for the failures of \nderegulation, and we\n think that Sempra is in a much better position to pay for some of these \ncosts than the\n average San Diegan,\" Spatt said.\n\n Sempra has had some problems in reaching beyond its California utility \norigins. One\n subsidiary, Energy America, which sells electricity and natural gas door to \ndoor in six\n Eastern states, has run afoul of regulators in two states because of \naggressive sales\n tactics that prompted complaints from consumers. The company has been \nvariously fined\n and ordered to retrain salespeople.\n\n Sempra is on track to reach its goal of reaping one-third of its earnings \nfrom its\n non-California businesses by the end of 2003 and to increase overall \nearnings by 8% to\n 10% compounded annually in the next four years, Baum said.\n\n That success is whipping up customer ire.\n\n \"People tend to look at Sempra-SDG&E as a monolith.... People are \nsaying, 'They're\n making a ton of money here. That company is doing very well. We're getting \nscrewed, and\n we don't like it, and why should we have to pay for it?' \" Baum said. \"It's \na very natural\n reaction. People don't", "synonym_substitution": "\" They've really got to have sustained increase in that [ unregulated ] character of \n the business \n because there's not a lot of growth in the utility program part \" in California, \n Fremont said. \n\n Sempra's earnings increase during this electricity furor has consumer \n advocate fuming even \n though company administrator emphasized that electricity trading gains come \n from the East, \n not California. \n\n \" Consumers don't necessitate to feel sorry for this caller, \" said Mindy Spatt, \n spokeswoman for \n the Utility Reform Network, also known as TURN, a San Francisco - free-base \n consumer group. \n Spatt noted that Sempra's new El Dorado power plant near Las Vegas \" did \n very well \" \n sell electricity in Nevada and California during most of the second \n quarter. \n\n \" We don't think consumers should be responsible for the failures of \n deregulation, and we \n remember that Sempra is in a much better position to pay for some of these \n costs than the \n average San Diegan, \" Spatt said. \n\n Sempra has had some problems in reaching beyond its California utility \n origins. One \n subsidiary, Energy America, which sells electricity and natural gas door to \n doorway in six \n easterly states, has prevail afoul of governor in two states because of \n aggressive sales \n tactics that prompt complaints from consumers. The company has been \n variously fined \n and ordain to retrain salespeople. \n\n Sempra is on track to reach its goal of reaping one - third of its wage \n from its \n non - California businesses by the end of 2003 and to increase overall \n earnings by 8% to \n 10% compounded per annum in the next four year, Baum say. \n\n That success is whipping up customer ire. \n\n \" citizenry tend to look at Sempra - SDG&E as a monolith.... People are \n saying,' They're \n reach a ton of money here. That company is doing very well. We're getting \n screw, and \n we don't like it, and why should we take to pay for it?' \" Baum say. \" It's \n a very natural \n chemical reaction. People don't", "butter_fingers": " \"Tjey've really got to have sustained growjh in thet [unrefulated] oart of \nthe business\n becausx thwre's bot a lot of growth in the utilpty part\" un Celifornia, \nFremonv said.\n\n Sempra'a earuiigs growth durikg this elewtricity furor hxs consumer \nadvocates fuming even\n thjugh cokpwny executives empnwsizsd that electricity trading gains dame \nfrmm the East,\n mot California.\n\n \"Consumers fon't need to feel sorrj for this xompwby,\" said Mindh Spatt, \nspokeswoman fot\n the Utility Reform Network, alro knpwn as TURB, q Swt Francisco-uased \nbonsumer groui.\n Spatd noted that Sempra's kew En Dirado power plant neac Las Vegas \"did \nvery well\"\n senlnng electricity in Necaea ang Canifofbia dudiig jost ov tie second \nqharter.\n\n \"We eon't think consumerx fyould be respknsiblq sor the failures of \nderegulation, and we\n tgink that Sempra is in q much better positioj to pay sor some of these \ncosts than the\n average San Diecan,\" S'agt wald.\n\n Rwmora has had some problems in reaching beyond yfs Cslifornia utillty \norigins. One\n sibdicyary, Energy Aoerica, whjch sells electriclty and natueal gas djor yo \ndoor in six\n Eastern stares, has run cfoyl of regulators iu two states becsuse pf \naggressive sales\n taetics fhat promptfd complajvts from consumefs. Nhe wompany has been \nvariously fined\n aid orbered to rettain sajespeople.\n\n Sempvd is on track to rfach nts gmal of reaoing one-third of its earnings \nfcpm its\n non-Cslhfognia busiuesses by the end os 2003 and to incrgase overcll \neafnings by 8% to\n 10% cmmpounded agnually in tha next four yxars, Baum saie.\n\n Tyat suczdss is whippinb up customer ire.\n\n \"People tend to lool aj Aempra-SDG&E as a mobolith.... People ate \nrayynh, 'Vhey'rq\n making a tmn ow mumey hdre. Thau ciopanu is doing very well. We'rs getting \nscrewed, snq\n we dob't like yt, and why shpuld we have to paj for it?' \" Bauk swid. \"It's \na very natural\n reactikn. People dok't", "random_deletion": "\"They've really got to have sustained growth [unregulated] of the because there's not the part\" in California, said. Sempra's earnings during this electricity furor has consumer fuming even though company executives emphasized that electricity trading gains came from the not California. \"Consumers don't need to feel sorry for this company,\" said Mindy spokeswoman the Reform also known as TURN, a San Francisco-based consumer group. Spatt noted that Sempra's new El Dorado plant near Las Vegas \"did very well\" selling in Nevada and California most of the second quarter. don't consumers should responsible the of deregulation, and think that Sempra is in a much better position to pay for some of these costs than average San said. Sempra had problems reaching beyond its origins. One subsidiary, Energy America, which natural gas door to door in six Eastern has run of regulators in two states because aggressive sales tactics that prompted complaints from consumers. company has been variously fined and ordered to retrain salespeople. Sempra is on track to goal of reaping one-third its earnings from non-California by end 2003 and increase overall earnings by 8% to 10% compounded annually in the four years, Baum said. That success is whipping up customer tend look at Sempra-SDG&E a monolith.... People are 'They're a ton of money company doing getting and don't like it, and should we have to pay it?' \" Baum said. People don't", "change_char_case": " \"They've really got to have sustAined growtH in thAt [uNreGuLateD] parT of \nthe business\n BEcauSe there's not a lot of growtH in thE uTIlitY PaRt\" in CAlifornIA, \nFREMonT sAiD.\n\n SeMpRA's EarniNgs Growth dUring this eLecTrIcity furor haS CoNsumer \nadvoCatEs fuming even\n ThoUgh comPaNy eXEcutiVes EmphaSized tHAt elecTricity trAdINg gainS Came \nfroM THe east,\n Not California.\n\n \"ConsUMeRS don't need to feeL sorry FoR ThIS ComPanY,\" said Mindy spAtt, \nspOKeswomaN FoR\n THE UtILity Reform NetWork, also knoWN as tURN, a SAn fraNCisco-bAsed \ncOnSUmeR group.\n Spatt NoteD that SempRa's new eL Dorado POwer plaNt near las vegAs \"diD \nVeRy WelL\"\n sELliNG eLecTRicIty in NevAdA aNd CalIforNIA DUrinG moSt of The seCond \nquarter.\n\n \"We Don'T thiNK coNsumeRs shoUld bE rEsponSible fOr the FaIlures of \nderegulAtioN, and we\n thiNk tHaT SeMpRa is iN A much bEttEr pOsition To pay foR SomE oF THEsE \ncosts than the\n averaGe sAN DIegan,\" SpaTt said.\n\n sEmPrA Has had soMe ProBlemS IN reacHing BEyOnd its CaLifornIA uTiLity \noriGiNs. One\n sUbSidIarY, EnerGY AmeRica, whIch sells ElectRIcity and naturaL Gas door to \ndoor IN sIX\n eaSTern StaTes, has run afOul oF ReguLatoRS iN twO StateS becaUsE Of \nAGgressive sales\n tactiCs That prOmpteD complaints frOm consumerS. tHE company Has bEEn \nVAriously fined\n aNd ordEred to retrAIn salespEople.\n\n sempra is On track to REAch its goAl oF reApiNg oNE-ThIrd of its earniNGS \nfroM iTs\n non-CaLifOrnia buSinEssEs bY thE eNd of 2003 and to Increase OvErAlL \neArnIngs bY 8% To\n 10% compouNdEd aNnUalLy in tHE next fOur yeArs, BAuM sAId.\n\n THat succESs IS WhipPiNg Up cuStoMeR ire.\n\n \"PEoplE TenD to look At Sempra-SdG&E AS a moNoLiTh.... PeoplE are \nsaying, 'TheY'rE\n making a toN oF moNey herE. tHat compaNy is doing very well. We're geTTing \nscrEweD, and\n wE don'T like it, anD whY shoulD we HAve to pAy for iT?' \" Baum SaId. \"IT'S \nA very NATuRal\n ReAction. PeopLE Don'T", "whitespace_perturbation": " \"They've really got to h ave sustai ned g row thin tha t [u nregulated] pa r t of \nthe business\n becau se th er e 's n o ta lot of gro w th i n t he u til it y p art\"inCalifor nia, \nFrem ont s aid.\n\n Semp r a' s earnings gr owth duringthi s elec tr ici t y fur orhas c onsume r \nadvo cates fum in g even though c om pany executives empha s iz e d that electri city t ra d in g gai nscame \nfrom t he Ea s t,\n no t C a l i for n ia.\n\n \"Consu mers don'tn eed to fe el so r ry for this c o mpa ny,\" said M indy Spatt, spokes w oman fo r \n theUtilit y R efo rm N e tw or k,al s o k n ow n a s TU RN, a Sa nFr ancis co-b a s e d \nco nsu mergroup .\n Spatt not edthat Sem pra's newEl D or ado p ower p lantne ar Las Vegas \"d id very well \"\n s ell in g ele c tricit y i n N evada a nd Cali f orn ia d u ri ng most of the sec on d \nq uarter.\n \"We do n' t think c on sum erss h ouldbe r e sp onsiblefor th e f ai lures o f\ndereg ul ati on, andw e\n thinkthat Sem pra i s in a much bet t er position t o p a y f o r so meof these \nc osts than the ave r age S an Di eg a n, \" Spatt said.\n\n Sem pr a hashad s ome problemsin reachin g b eyond it s Ca l if o rnia utility origi ns. One\n s ubsidiar y, En ergy Ame rica, whi c h sells e lec tri cit y a n d n atural gas do o r to\nd oor insix \n East ern st ate s,ha s run afo ul of re gu la to rs in twos tates be ca use o f aggre s sive s ales ta ct ic s th at prom p te d comp la in ts f rom c onsum ers. The compan y has bee n v ario us ly fined and ordered t o retrainsa les people . \n Sempr a is on track to reachi ts goal of reap ingone-third of its e arn i ngs \nf rom it s\n n on -Ca l i forni a bu sin es ses by the e ndof 20 03 and to inc rease overall \near n ing s by 8% to\n 10% com p o un ded an n ual ly int h e next four yea rs, Baum s ai d .\n That su c ces sis whip ping up cust o mer ire .\n\n \"Peo ple tendto loo k atSempra-SDG &E as amonolith. . .. Pe o pl e are \ns aying, ' The y're maki n g a tonof mon ey here. That c ompany i s doing very well. We'r e gett ing scr ewed, and \n w e d on't like it, and why s hou ldwe ha vet o pay for it ?'\" Baum sai d . \"It's a v ery n at ural\n reac t i o n.Peopl e d o n't", "underscore_trick": " _\"They've really_got to have sustained_growth in_that_[unregulated] part_of_\nthe business\n _because there's not_a lot of growth_in the utility_part\"_in California, \nFremont said.\n\n Sempra's earnings growth during this electricity furor has consumer_\nadvocates_fuming even\n__though_company executives emphasized that electricity_trading gains came \nfrom the_East,\n _not California.\n\n \"Consumers don't need to feel_sorry_for this company,\"_said Mindy Spatt, \nspokeswoman for\n the Utility Reform_Network, also known as TURN, a_San Francisco-based \nconsumer_group.\n__Spatt noted that Sempra's_new El Dorado power plant near_Las Vegas \"did \nvery well\"\n _selling electricity in Nevada and California during_most of the second \nquarter.\n\n _\"We don't think consumers should_be responsible_for the failures of \nderegulation,_and we\n _think that_Sempra is in_a much better position to pay_for some of_these \ncosts than the\n average_San_Diegan,\" Spatt said.\n\n__Sempra_has had_some problems in_reaching_beyond its_California_utility \norigins. One\n subsidiary, Energy_America,_which sells electricity and natural gas door_to \ndoor in six\n__Eastern states, has run_afoul of regulators in two_states because of \naggressive sales\n _tactics that_prompted complaints_from consumers. The company has been \nvariously fined\n and ordered_to retrain salespeople.\n\n Sempra is_on track to reach_its goal_of_reaping one-third of_its_earnings \nfrom_its\n non-California businesses by the end_of 2003_and to increase overall \nearnings by_8% to\n 10%_compounded_annually in the next four years,_Baum said.\n\n That success is_whipping up customer ire.\n\n _\"People_tend_to look at Sempra-SDG&E as_a monolith.... People are \nsaying, 'They're\n_ making a_ton of money here. That company is_doing_very well. We're getting \nscrewed, and\n__we don't like it, and why_should_we_have to pay for it?'_\" Baum said. \"It's \na very_natural\n reaction. People don't"} {"text": "ny-Jones, executive director of Independent \nEnergy Producers. \nThe alternative energy producers, which provide about a third of the state's \nenergy, are deemed so crucial that Gov. Gray Davis wants the Public Utilities \nCommission to order the utilities to pay them. As drafted, though, the order \nwould only include payment on future sales; it doesn't address existing debt. \nThe Legislature has been working since January to halve the rates that \nalternative producers charge utilities and to require utilities to pay for \nNovember's energy by April 1. But that bill is still moving through the \nLegislature. \nSmall plants threaten Edison with bankruptcy \nSmutny-Jones said that if the small generators are not paid promptly, several \nwill attempt to force Edison into bankruptcy, probably within a week. \nUnlike the large natural-gas generators that have been paid by the state \nDepartment of Water Resources, alternative energy producers are locked into \ncontracts with utilities. Collectively, Pacific Gas & Electric and Edison owe \nalternative energy producers about $1 billion. \nPG&E has paid about 15 cents for each dollar it owes. \n\"Obviously, they're a source of generation, and looking at how much load our \ncustomers need, they're a source that has provided energy,'' said Jon \nTremayne, Pacific Gas & Electric spokesman. \"We've been trying, in good \nfaith, to make payments on energy.'' \nBut Edison has not paid any money. Edison's alternative energy director, Lars \nBergmann, said the company will not pay until larger reforms are made in how \nthe producers' rates are calculated. \nBut the company recognizes that its nonpayment is causing problems. \n\"To the extent that there are hundreds of megawatts that are idled here, it \njust exacerbates the (energy) problem.... They're facing similar problems to \nwhat we faced - they don't have sufficient (income) coming in the door,'' \nBergmann said. \nPlants go into mothball mode \nMillenium Energy in Kern County is owed $40 million total by PG&E and Edison. \nOn March 1, the company shut down both of its coal and petroleum coke-burning \nplants and doesn't plan to bring them back up until it is paid. \n", "synonym_substitution": "ny - Jones, executive director of Independent \n Energy Producers. \n The alternative energy producers, which leave approximately a third of the state's \n department of energy, are deemed indeed crucial that Gov. Gray Davis wants the Public Utilities \n Commission to regulate the utilities to pay them. As draft, though, the order \n would only admit payment on future sales; it doesn't address existing debt. \n The Legislature has been exploit since January to halve the rates that \n alternative producers charge utilities and to necessitate utilities to pay for \n November's energy by April 1. But that beak is still moving through the \n Legislature. \n Small plant threaten Edison with bankruptcy \n Smutny - Jones said that if the small generators are not paid promptly, respective \n will attempt to force Edison into bankruptcy, probably within a week. \n Unlike the large natural - accelerator generators that have been paid by the state \n Department of Water Resources, alternative energy producers are locked into \n contracts with utilities. Collectively, Pacific Gas & Electric and Edison owe \n alternate department of energy producers about $ 1 billion. \n PG&E has paid approximately 15 penny for each dollar it owes. \n \" Obviously, they're a source of coevals, and looking at how much load our \n customers need, they're a source that has provide energy,\" said Jon \n Tremayne, Pacific Gas & Electric spokesman. \" We've been trying, in good \n faith, to make payment on energy.\" \n But Edison has not paid any money. Edison's alternative energy film director, Lars \n Bergmann, said the caller will not pay until larger reforms are made in how \n the producers' pace are calculated. \n But the company recognizes that its default is causing problems. \n \" To the extent that there are hundreds of megawatt that are idled here, it \n just exacerbates the (energy) problem.... They're face similar problem to \n what we faced - they don't have sufficient (income) come in the door,\" \n Bergmann say. \n Plants go into mothball mode \n Millenium Energy in Kern County is owed $ 40 million total by PG&E and Edison. \n On March 1, the caller shut down both of its ember and petroleum coke - burning \n plants and doesn't plan to institute them back up until it is paid.", "butter_fingers": "ny-Jlnes, executive director uf Independent \nGnwrgy Pcoducera. \nThe algernative energy producers, wiich provude about a third of tfe state's \nenergy, qre veemed so crucial that Gov. Grag Davns wants the Pubkic Utilithes \nCommission tu lrder the utilities to pay them. As qrafted, tjough, the ordet \nwoukq onmj lnclude payment on future sales; jt doesi't address exisying debt. \nThe Legislature jas heen working since January to haldw the rates ghat \nalternative produders charge utilities and to reduire utilities ti pwi for \nNovembxr's envrgy by April 1. But thdt bill is still movikg thcougy the \nLegislature. \nSmanl plants threaten Edison whtk bankruptcy \nSmutny-Jobew saig thdt iw thd sjakl generwtocs are not laid promptoy, several \nwill atttmpe to force Ediaon ineo bankruptcy, probably within a week. \nUnline fhe large natural-gas geberators that have begn paid by the state \nDepartment of Water Resources, alternathve eiefgy pvoduzwrd are locked into \ncontracts with utilities. Cojmevtpvely, Pacific Gas & Electric snf Rqison owe \naltgrnativz ehergy producers ablut $1 bijlion. \nPG&E has kaid sbout 15 cents for each dollae it owes. \n\"Obniouwly, they're a sourcz of generatnon, anc looling at how much load obr \ncusfomers need, they're a rource that has oronideg energy,'' said Jon \nTremayne, Pacific Jas & Zlectric spolesman. \"We've been tryikc, in good \nfaith, to make pdyments on energy.'' \nBut Edison has not paid any money. Edixot's dlternatnve encrgy director, Lwrs \nBergmann, scid the eompanh will not pay unvil larger rqforms are magg in how \nthe 'roducers' ratws aee calcjuated. \nBut the vompany rvcjgnizes that its nonpanment js causing proboemw. \n\"To the extent thxt ehvre awa hundreds ox meeawxyts tfat are idlcd fere, it \njust exacerbates the (energy) problem.... Thry've facing similar problems to \nehat we faced - thej don'v have suffocignt (income) coming in the door,'' \nBsrgmann swid. \nPlants go igto nothball modz \nMillenium Energy in Kern County is owev $40 million total by PG&G and Edison. \nOn March 1, the companb shut down botv of its coal and perroleum coke-burnikg \nplants and doesn't pman to brinh them back up until it is paid. \n", "random_deletion": "ny-Jones, executive director of Independent Energy Producers. energy which provide a third of so that Gov. Gray wants the Public Commission to order the utilities to them. As drafted, though, the order would only include payment on future sales; doesn't address existing debt. The Legislature has been working since January to halve rates alternative charge and to require utilities to pay for November's energy by April 1. But that bill is moving through the Legislature. Small plants threaten Edison bankruptcy Smutny-Jones said that the small generators are not promptly, will attempt force into probably within a Unlike the large natural-gas generators that have been paid by the state Department of Water Resources, alternative producers are contracts with Collectively, Gas Electric and Edison energy producers about $1 billion. PG&E 15 cents for each dollar it owes. \"Obviously, a source generation, and looking at how much our customers need, they're a source that has energy,'' said Jon Tremayne, Pacific Gas & Electric spokesman. \"We've been trying, in good faith, payments on energy.'' But has not paid money. alternative director, Bergmann, said company will not pay until larger reforms are made in how producers' rates are calculated. But the company recognizes that its causing \"To the extent there are hundreds of that idled here, it just (energy) They're to we - they don't have (income) coming in the door,'' said. Plants go into Kern County is owed $40 million total by and Edison. On March 1, the company down both of its coal and petroleum coke-burning plants and doesn't plan bring them until it is paid.", "change_char_case": "ny-Jones, executive director oF IndependeNt \nEneRgy proDuCers. \nthe aLternative enerGY proDucers, which provide abouT a thiRd OF the STaTe's \nenErgy, are DEeMED so CrUcIal ThAT GOv. GraY DaVis wantS the Public utiLiTies \nCommissiON tO order the uTilIties to pay thEm. AS draftEd, ThoUGh, the OrdEr \nwouLd only INclude Payment on FuTUre salES; it doesN'T AdDresS existing debt. \nThe LEGiSLature has been wOrking SiNCe jANuaRy tO halve the rAtEs thaT \nAlternaTIvE PROduCErs charge utilIties and to rEQuiRe utilItIes TO pay foR \nNoveMbER's eNergy by ApriL 1. But That bill iS still MOving thROugh the \nlegislAtuRe. \nSMall PLaNtS thReATen eDiSon WIth BankruptCy \nsmUtny-JOnes SAID That If tHe smAll geNerators are noT paId prOMptLy, sevEral \nwIll aTtEmpt tO force edisoN iNto bankruptcy, prObabLy within a WeeK. \nUNliKe The laRGe natuRal-Gas GeneratOrs that HAve BeEN PAiD by the state \nDepartmEnT OF WAter ResoUrces, aLTeRnATive enerGy ProDuceRS Are loCked INtO \ncontracTs with UTiLiTies. ColLeCtivelY, PAciFic gas & ElECtriC and EdIson owe \naLternATive energy prodUCers about $1 billIOn. \npg&e hAS paiD abOut 15 cents for Each DOllaR it oWEs. \n\"obvIOusly, They'rE a SOuRCe of generation, and loOkIng at hOw mucH load our \ncustoMers need, thEY'RE a source That HAs PRovided energy,'' sAid JoN \nTremayne, PACific Gas & electRic spokeSman. \"We've bEEN trying, iN goOd \nfAitH, to MAKe Payments on eneRGY.'' \nBut edIson has Not Paid any MonEy. EDisOn's AlTernative Energy diReCtOr, laRs \nBErgmaNN, said the CoMpaNy WilL not pAY until LargeR refOrMs ARe mAde in hoW \nThE PRoduCeRs' RateS arE cAlculAted. \nbUt tHe compaNy recogniZes THat iTs NoNpaymenT is causing proBlEms. \n\"To the exTeNt tHat theRE Are hundrEds of megawatts that are idLEd here, iT \njuSt exaCerbAtes the (enErgY) problEm.... THEy're faCing siMilar PrOblEMS to \nwhAT We FacEd - They don't haVE SufFicieNt (IncoMe) cominG in the door,'' \nBergmann SAid. \nplants go into mOthBall MODe \nmilLEnIUm ENeRGy iN kErn County is owed $40 Million totAl BY Pg&E and EdisoN. \non MArCh 1, the coMpany shUt dowN Both of iTs coal and Petroleum CoKe-buRNIng \nPlants and dOesn't plaN to bring tHEm bacK Up Until It iS paid. \n", "whitespace_perturbation": "ny-Jones, executive direct or of Inde pende nt\nEn er gy P rodu cers. \nThe alt e rnat ive energy producers,which p r ovid e a bouta third of t hest at e's e ne rgy,are deemed so crucia l t ha t Gov. GrayD av is wants t hePublic Utili tie s \nCom mi ssi o n toord er th e util i ties t o pay the m. As dra f ted, th o u gh , th e order \nwould on l yi nclude payment on fu tu r es a les ; i t doesn'tad dress existin g d e b t . T he Legislatur e has beenw ork ing si nc e J a nuaryto ha lv e th e rates tha t \na lternativ e prod u cers ch a rge uti lities an d t o re q ui re ut il i tie s t o p a y f or \nNove mb er 's en ergy b y Apri l 1 . Bu t tha t bill is sti llmovi n g t hroug h the \nLe gi slatu re. \nS mallpl ants threaten E diso n with ba nkr up tcy Smutn y -Jones sa idthat if the sm a llge n e r at ors are not paid p ro m p tl y, sever al \nwi l lat t empt tofo rce Edi s o n int o ba n kr uptcy, p robabl y w it hin a w ee k. \nUn li kethe larg e nat ural-g as gener ators that have been paid by the s t at e \nD e part men t of WaterReso u rces , al t er nat i ve en ergypr o du c ers are locked into contra cts w ith utilities . Collecti v e l y, Pacif ic G a s& Electric andEdiso n owe \nalt e rnativeenerg y produc ers about $ 1 billio n.\nPG &Ehas p ai d about 15 ce n t s fo reach do lla r it ow es. \n\" Obv iou sl y, they'r e a sour ce o fge ner ation , and loo ki ngat ho w muc h loadour cust om er s ne ed, the y 'r e a so ur ce tha t h as prov ided ene rgy,''said Jon\nTr e mayn e, P acificGas & Electri cspokesman. \" We' ve bee n trying,in good \nfaith, to make payment s o n ene rgy. '' \nBut E dis on has no t paidany mo ney.Ed iso n ' s alt e r na tiv eenergy dir e c tor , Lar s\nBer gmann,said the company w i llnot pay until la rger r ef orm s a r e m ad e in h ow \nthe produce rs' ratesar e c alculated. \nBu tthe com pany re cogni z es that its nonp ayment is c ausi n g pr oblems. \n\" To the e xtent tha t ther e a re hu ndr eds of m ega watts thata reidled here, i t \njus t exa ce rbates t he (energy) problem.... They' re fa cin g similar pr o ble ms to \nwh at w e faced -the y d on'thav e suff icie n t(in c ome)comi n g in thed oo r,' ' \nB ergmann sai d . \nPl antsgoi nto mo thba ll mode \nMilleniu m Energy in Ker n Co u n tyiso wed$4 0 million tota l b yP G &E and E di son. \nOn Ma rch 1, t he compa ny shu t down both o f it s coalandpet roleum co ke- bu r ning \np la nt s and d oesn 't planto bri n g th e m back up until i t isp a id. ", "underscore_trick": "ny-Jones, executive_director of_Independent \nEnergy Producers. \nThe_alternative energy_producers,_which provide_about_a third of_the state's \nenergy,_are deemed so crucial_that Gov. Gray_Davis_wants the Public Utilities \nCommission to order the utilities to pay them. As drafted,_though,_the order_\nwould_only_include payment on future sales;_it doesn't address existing debt._\nThe Legislature_has been working since January to halve the_rates_that \nalternative producers_charge utilities and to require utilities to pay for_\nNovember's energy by April 1. But_that bill is_still_moving_through the \nLegislature. \nSmall_plants threaten Edison with bankruptcy \nSmutny-Jones_said that if the small generators_are not paid promptly, several \nwill attempt_to force Edison into bankruptcy, probably_within a week. \nUnlike the_large natural-gas_generators that have been paid_by the state_\nDepartment of_Water Resources, alternative_energy producers are locked into \ncontracts_with utilities. Collectively,_Pacific Gas & Electric and Edison_owe_\nalternative energy producers_about_$1_billion. \nPG&E_has paid about_15_cents for_each_dollar it owes. \n\"Obviously, they're a_source_of generation, and looking at how much_load our \ncustomers need,_they're_a source that has_provided energy,'' said Jon \nTremayne,_Pacific Gas & Electric spokesman. \"We've_been trying,_in good_\nfaith, to make payments on energy.'' \nBut Edison has not paid_any money. Edison's alternative energy director,_Lars \nBergmann, said the_company will_not_pay until larger_reforms_are made_in how \nthe producers' rates are calculated._\nBut the_company recognizes that its nonpayment is_causing problems. \n\"To the_extent_that there are hundreds of megawatts_that are idled here, it \njust_exacerbates the (energy) problem.... They're_facing_similar_problems to \nwhat we faced_- they don't have sufficient (income)_coming in the_door,'' \nBergmann said. \nPlants go into mothball_mode_\nMillenium Energy in Kern County is_owed_$40 million total by PG&E and_Edison._\nOn_March 1, the company shut_down both of its coal and_petroleum coke-burning \nplants and doesn't plan to bring them_back up until_it is paid. \n"} {"text": " complaint is a company that we may begin partnering on some \nDSL\ndelivery with. \u0001;Essentially this ruling is very good and will speed \ncompetitive\nDSL deployment. \u0001;I don't think you will see ECI teaming with anyone to provide\nDSL in Minnesota just yet, but we will be doing just that in LA, San Jose, New\nYork, Chicago, and DC very soon.\n\nOur response: \u0001;this is good, keep it up PUC, and Enron supports expanding\ncompetition. I think we should watch this development -- but I don't think you\nshould expend any resources at this time.\n\nWe can't describe ECI's business as simply wholesale because we often contract\nservices directly with end-users. \u0001;How we get from our national backbone to \nthe\ncustormer is becoming increasingly important as we reassess our responsibility\nto deliver in the \"last mile.\" \u0001;We used to think that the last mile would take\ncare of itself and that our customers would figure out how to reach us. \u0001;Now, \nwe\nare increasingly looking at how to better ensure delivery of services and\nprovide the quality of connectivity it will take for our network to fully be\nappreciated.\n\nI hope that helps.\n|-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------\n|\n| | slandweh@enron.com | \n|\n| | | \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; To: \n|\n| | 12/02/99 08:32 PM | Scott Bolton/Enron \n|\n| | | Communications@Enron \n|\n| | | Communications \n|\n| | | \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; cc: \n|\n| | | rshapiro@enron.com, \n|\n| | | snord@enron.com, \n|\n| | | jdasovic@enron.com, \n|\n| | | lyoho@enron.com, \n|\n| | | mrobinso@enron.com \n|\n| | | \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001;", "synonym_substitution": "complaint is a company that we may begin partnering on some \n DSL \n delivery with. \u0001;Essentially this opinion is very beneficial and will speed \n competitive \n DSL deployment. \u0001;I don't think you will visualize ECI team with anyone to provide \n DSL in Minnesota just yet, but we will be cause just that in LA, San Jose, New \n York, Chicago, and DC very soon. \n\n Our response: \u0001;this is full, keep it up PUC, and Enron supports boom \n competition. I think we should determine this development -- but I don't think you \n should expend any resources at this time. \n\n We can't describe ECI's business as merely wholesale because we often contract \n service directly with end - users. \u0001;How we get from our home backbone to \n the \n custormer is become increasingly important as we reassess our responsibility \n to deliver in the \" final mile. \" \u0001;We used to think that the last mile would take \n care of itself and that our customers would figure out how to reach us. \u0001;Now, \n we \n are increasingly looking at how to better ensure delivery of services and \n provide the quality of connectivity it will consider for our network to fully be \n appreciated. \n\n I hope that help. \n |-------------------------+-------------------------+------------------------- \n | \n | | slandweh@enron.com | \n | \n | | | \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; To: \n | \n | | 12/02/99 08:32 PM | Scott Bolton / Enron \n | \n | | | Communications@Enron \n | \n | | | Communications \n | \n | | | \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; cc: \n | \n | | | rshapiro@enron.com, \n | \n | | | snord@enron.com, \n | \n | | | jdasovic@enron.com, \n | \n | | | lyoho@enron.com, \n | \n | | | mrobinso@enron.com \n | \n | | | \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001;", "butter_fingers": " colplaint is a company thau we may begin pattbering on soje \nDSL\ndeuivery with. \u0001;Essentially this ryling is very good and will speed \ncolpetitivw\nDSL eeployment. \u0001;I don't bkink glu wnlo see ECI teamlng with anfone to provida\nDRL in Minnesota just yet, but we will fe doinb uust that in LW, Sam Joss, New\nYork, Chicago, and DC very soon.\n\nKur reskonse: \u0001;this is good, keep it up PUC, and Enron dupplrts expanding\ncompftition. I tyink qe should wagch this dtvzlopment -- bot I don't think you\nshould expend any xesources aj fhlv time.\n\nWe cai't desbribe ECI's business av simplu wholesale begause we often contract\nservicxs directly with end-osers. \u0001;How fe get from our natuobal bdckbmne gi \ntfe\nchsvorjer is beroming incrsasingly important as we reasstss iur responsibjlity\ntj qeliver in the \"last mile.\" \u0001;We used to thitk fhat the last mile woule take\ncare of itself wnd that jur customers would figure out how to reach us. \u0001;Nof, \nwe\nace inevcasivtlj looking at how to better ensure delivery of aetvpces and\nprovide tme quality of connrchifyty it will txke fox ohr network to fullj be\nappteciatwd.\n\nI hope uhat nelps.\n|-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------\n|\n| | slandwvh@eneon.com | \n|\n| | | \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; To: \n|\n| | 12/02/99 08:32 PM | Seott Bolgon/Emron \n|\n| | | Communications@Enron \n|\n| | | Communicatious \n|\n| | | \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; rc: \n|\n| | | rshapiro@envon.coo, \n|\n| | | snmrd@evrov.vom, \n|\n| | | jcafovic@enrin.com, \n|\n| | | lyoho@enron.com, \n|\n| | | mrobinso@enron.com \n|\n| | | \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001;", "random_deletion": "complaint is a company that we may on DSL delivery \u0001;Essentially this ruling speed DSL deployment. \u0001;I think you will ECI teaming with anyone to provide in Minnesota just yet, but we will be doing just that in LA, Jose, New York, Chicago, and DC very soon. Our response: \u0001;this is good, it PUC, Enron expanding competition. I think we should watch this development -- but I don't think you should any resources at this time. We can't describe business as simply wholesale we often contract services directly end-users. we get our backbone the custormer is increasingly important as we reassess our responsibility to deliver in the \"last mile.\" \u0001;We used to think the last take care itself that customers would figure to reach us. \u0001;Now, we are how to better ensure delivery of services and the quality connectivity it will take for our to fully be appreciated. I hope that helps. | | | slandweh@enron.com | | | | | \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; To: | 12/02/99 08:32 PM | Bolton/Enron | | | | | Communications | | | \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; cc: | | | | | | | | snord@enron.com, | | | | jdasovic@enron.com, | lyoho@enron.com, | | | mrobinso@enron.com | | | \u0001; \u0001; \u0001;", "change_char_case": " complaint is a company that we May begin paRtnerIng On sOmE \nDSL\nDeliVery with. \u0001;EssentIAlly This ruling is very good anD will SpEEd \ncoMPeTitivE\nDSL depLOyMENt. \u0001;I DoN't ThiNk YOu Will sEe EcI teamiNg with anyoNe tO pRovide\nDSL in MINnEsota just yEt, bUt we will be doIng Just thAt In La, san JoSe, NEw\nYorK, ChicaGO, and DC Very soon.\n\nOUr REsponsE: \u0001;This is gOOD, kEep iT up PUC, and Enron supPOrTS expanding\ncompEtitioN. I THiNK We sHouLd watch thiS dEveloPMent -- but i DoN'T THinK You\nshould expeNd any resourCEs aT this tImE.\n\nWe CAn't desCribe eCi'S buSiness as simPly wHolesale bEcause WE often cONtract\nsErviceS diRecTly wITh EnD-usErS. \u0001;how WE gEt fROm oUr nationAl BaCkbonE to \ntHE\nCUStorMer Is beCominG increasingly ImpOrtaNT as We reaSsess Our rEsPonsiBility\nTo delIvEr in the \"last mile.\" \u0001;we usEd to think ThaT tHe lAsT mile WOuld taKe\ncAre Of itselF and thaT Our CuSTOMeRs would figure out hoW tO REaCh us. \u0001;Now, \nwE\nare inCReAsINgly lookInG at How tO BEtter EnsuRE dElivery oF serviCEs AnD\nprovidE tHe qualItY of ConNectiVIty iT will tAke for ouR netwORk to fully be\nappREciated.\n\nI hope tHAt HELpS.\n|-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------\n|\n| | SlanDweH@enron.com | \n|\n| | | \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; To: \n|\n| | 12/02/99 08:32 pM | ScOTt BoLton/eNrOn \n|\n| | | COMmuniCatioNs@eNrON \n|\n| | | Communications \n|\n| | | \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; cc: \n|\n| | | rsHaPiro@enRon.coM, \n|\n| | | snord@enron.coM, \n|\n| | | jdasovic@eNRON.com, \n|\n| | | lyohO@enrON.cOM, \n|\n| | | mrobinso@enron.Com \n|\n| | | \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001;", "whitespace_perturbation": " complaint is a company th at we maybegin pa rtn er ingon s ome \nDSL\ndeliv e ry w ith. \u0001;Essentially thi s rul in g isv er y goo d and w i ll s pee d\nc omp et i ti ve\nDS L d eployme nt. \u0001;I do n't t hink you wil l s ee ECI tea min g with anyon e t o prov id e\nD S L inMin nesot a just yet, b ut we wil lb e doin g just t h a tin L A, San Jose, NewY or k , Chicago, and DC ve ry so o n .\nOur response: \u0001 ;this is good , k e e p it up PUC, and E nron suppor t s e xpandi ng \nco m petiti on. I t h ink we shouldwatc h this de velopm e nt -- b u t I don 't thi nkyou \nsho u ld e xpe nd any re sou r ces at this t im e.\n\nW e ca n ' t desc rib e EC I's b usiness as si mpl y wh o les ale b ecaus e we o ftencontra ct\nse rv ices directly w ithend-users . \u0001 ;H owwe getf rom ou r n ati onal ba ckbonet o th e c us tormer is becoming i n c re asinglyimport a nt a s we reas se ssourr e spons ibil i ty \nto deli ver in th e\"last m il e.\" \u0001; We us edto th i nk t hat th e last m ile w o uld take\ncareo f itself andt ha t ou r cus tom ers would f igur e out how to re a ch us . \u0001;N ow , w e\nare increasinglylo okingat ho w to better e nsure deli v e r y of ser vice s a n d\nprovide thequali ty of conn e ctivityit wi ll takefor our n e t work toful lybeapp r e ci ated.\n\nI hope t hathe lps.\n|- --- ------- --- --- --- --- -- +-------- -------- -- -- -- -- -+- ----- - -------- -- --- -- --- \n|\n| | sla n dw e h @enr on .c om | \n|\n| | | \u0001; \u0001 ; \u0001; \u0001;To: \n|\n| | 12/02 /99 08:32 PM | Scot t Bol to n/E n r on || | | C omm unications@En ron \n| | | | Commu n ica ti ons \n|| | | \u0001; \u0001 ; \u0001; \u0001; c c : |\n| | | rshap iro@enron.com, \n|\n| | | sno rd@ enron .co m , \n| | | | j das o vic@en ron. com, \n|\n| | | ly oh o @ enron.co m, \n|\n| | | mrobinso @en ro n .com || | | \u0001; \u0001 ; \u0001; \u0001;", "underscore_trick": " complaint_is a_company that we may_begin partnering_on_some \nDSL\ndelivery_with._\u0001;Essentially this ruling_is very good_and will speed \ncompetitive\nDSL_deployment. \u0001;I don't_think_you will see ECI teaming with anyone to provide\nDSL in Minnesota just yet, but_we_will be_doing_just_that in LA, San Jose,_New\nYork, Chicago, and DC very_soon.\n\nOur response:_\u0001;this is good, keep it up PUC, and_Enron_supports expanding\ncompetition. I_think we should watch this development -- but I_don't think you\nshould expend any resources_at this time.\n\nWe_can't_describe_ECI's business as simply_wholesale because we often contract\nservices directly_with end-users. \u0001;How we get from_our national backbone to \nthe\ncustormer is becoming_increasingly important as we reassess our_responsibility\nto deliver in the \"last_mile.\" \u0001;We_used to think that the_last mile would_take\ncare of_itself and that_our customers would figure out how_to reach us._\u0001;Now, \nwe\nare increasingly looking at how_to_better ensure delivery_of_services_and\nprovide the_quality of connectivity_it_will take_for_our network to fully be\nappreciated.\n\nI hope_that_helps.\n|-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------\n|\n| _ __ _ _ | _ slandweh@enron.com_ _ | _ _ _ __ \n|\n|__ _ _ _ _ __ | _ _ ___ _ | \u0001;_\u0001; \u0001; \u0001;_To: __ \n|\n| __ ___ _ _ | 12/02/99 08:32 PM _ _| Scott Bolton/Enron___ \n|\n| _ _ _ _ | _ _ _| Communications@Enron \n|\n| _ __ ____ _ _ |_ _ _ _ __ | Communications _ _\n|\n| __ _ _ _ | __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| \u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001;_cc:_ __\n|\n|__ _ _ _ __ _ _ | _ _ | rshapiro@enron.com, _ \n|\n|_ _ __ _ _ __| ___ __ __|___snord@enron.com, _\n|\n| __ _ __ _ _ | __ ____ _ | jdasovic@enron.com, \n|\n| __ _ __ _ | _ _ _ | lyoho@enron.com, _\n|\n| _ _ __ _ _ | _ _ | mrobinso@enron.com_ _\n|\n| _ _ _ | __ _ _ | _\u0001; \u0001; \u0001; \u0001;"} {"text": "FFFFFF\" link=\"#FF0000\" vlink=\"#FF0000\">\n\n\t \n\t\t\n\t\n\t \n\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \n \t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t
Dear Martin Cuilla, \n\t\t
\n\t\t\n\t\tToday's American Airlines Domestic & International Net SAAver Weekend\n Getaway Fares e-mail offer is valid for travel next weekend.\n\t\t
Domestic Departure dates: November 2 - 3, 2001.\n\t\t
International Departure dates: November 1 - 2, 2001.\n\t\t
Tickets must be purchased by Friday, October 26, 2001.\n\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t\n\t\tYou can find different Domestic Net SAAver Weekend Getaway\n destinations for this weekend, departing October 26 - 27, 2001. DON'T\n FORGET, now Net SAAvers mean more than just special weekend fares. \n Remember to check our \"Net SAAver and Special Offers\" page often for\n details on all of our other special fares and offers at:\n\t\t
\n\t\tYou can also find additional savings for travel this weekend using\n TWA's great Dot Com Deals(R). \nSee roundtrip examples below:\n\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n < table width=\"523 \" border=\"0 \" > \n\t < tr > \n\t\t < td> \n\t < /tr > \n\t < tr > \n\t\t < td width=\"523\">Dear Martin Cuilla, \n\t\t < br > \n\t\t < br > \n\t\t < font face=\"trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica, sans - serif \" size=\"2 \" > \n\t\t Today's American Airlines Domestic & International Net SAAver Weekend \n Getaway Fares e - chain mail crack is valid for locomotion next weekend. \n\t\t < br > Domestic Departure date: November 2 - 3, 2001. \n\t\t < br > International Departure date: November 1 - 2, 2001. \n\t\t < br > Tickets must be purchased by Friday, October 26, 2001. \n\t\t\n\t\t < br> 
\n\t\t\n\t\t You can discover different Domestic Net SAAver Weekend Getaway \n destinations for this weekend, go October 26 - 27, 2001. DON'T \n FORGET, now Net SAAvers think of more than just special weekend fare. \n Remember to check our \" Net SAAver and Special Offers \" page often for \n details on all of our early special fares and offers at: \n\t\t < br> 
\n\t\t < font color=\"#FF0000\">www.aa.com / netsaaver \n\t\t < br> 
\n\t\t You can besides find additional savings for travel this weekend using \n TWA's bang-up Dot Com Deals(R). \n See roundtrip examples below: \n\t\t\n\t\t < br> 
\n\t\t\n\t\t \n \t\t\t \n\t\t\t < TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0", "butter_fingers": "FFFVFF\" link=\"#FF0000\" vlink=\"#FF0000\">\n
\n\t \n\t\t\n\t\n\t \n\t\tDear Martln Cuilla, \n\t\t
\n\t\t\n\t\tTocaj's American Aitlinex Domsstic & International Net SAAver Weskend\n Gttaway Fares e-mail offer is valid for travel nexh weekend.\n\t\t
Domestif Departure datqw: November 2 - 3, 2001.\n\t\t
International Depatture dates: November 1 - 2, 2001.\n\t\t
Ticketr musc be purchawee bj Friday, Octiber 26, 2001.\n\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t\n\t\tYou can fing diffetent Domestic Ket SEAvee Weekend Getaway\n desvinations for this wgekend, depdrcing October 26 - 27, 2001. DON'T\n FIRGET, now Net WAAxera kezn morf tian just spscial weekebd fares. \n Remember uo syeck our \"Net AAAver agd Special Offers\" page often for\n detailv oh all of our other specual fares and offers wt:\n\t\t
\n\t\tYou can also find additional savings fjd uranel this weekend msing\n TWA's great Dpt Cpi Deals(R). \nSee toundtrnl sxamples below:\n\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t
WIDTH=\"523\" border=\"1\"> \n\t\n\t \n\t\t?
? Net SAAcer Fares are now afayoable on the Seb at AW.com.?\t\t\t
? To book, login to AA.cok wjth your AAdvantage numver and? PIN by clickijg:?
?\t\t\twww.ea.zom/ucbsaaxwr? ?
Dear Cuilla,

face=\"trebuchet ms, arial, sans-serif\" size=\"2\"> Today's American Airlines Domestic International Net SAAver Weekend Getaway Fares e-mail offer is valid for travel next
Domestic Departure dates: November 2 - 3, 2001.
International Departure dates: November 1 2,
Tickets be by Friday, October 26, 2001.
You can find different Domestic Net SAAver Weekend Getaway destinations this weekend, departing October 26 - 27, 2001. FORGET, now Net SAAvers more than just special weekend Remember check our SAAver Special page often for on all of our other special fares and offers at:
You can find additional travel this using great Com Deals(R). See below:
\n\t \n\t\t\n\t\n\t \n\t\t\n\t\n\t \n\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">New York LaGuardia, NY (LGA) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$149 \n\t\t\t\t < /tr > \n\t\t < tr > \n \t\t\t < td colspan=3>  \n\t\t\t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t < /table > \t\n\t\t < /td > \n\t < /tr > \n\t < tr bordercolor=\"#000066 \" > \n\t\t < td valign=\"top \" width=\"523 \" > \n\t\t\t < font face=\"trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica, sans - serif \" size=\"2 \" \n color=\"#000000 \" > # American Eagle service < /font > \n\t\t\t < br > \n\t\t\t < font face=\"trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica, sans - serif \" size=\"2 \" \n color=\"#000000 \" > A portion of travel may be on American Eagle? service? \t\t\t < br >? \t\t\t < br >? < br >? < font color=\"#000066 \" face=\"trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica, ? sans - serif \" size=\"3\"> HOW TO BOOK NET SAAVER FARES? \t\t\t < br >? < font face=\"trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica, sans - serif \"? size=\"2\">Net SAAver Fares are nowadays available on the world wide web at AA.com. ? \t\t\t < br >? To book, login to AA.com with your AAdvantage number and? PIN by clicking: ? < br>? \t\t\t < A? HREF=\"http://info.aa.com / Key=12575.DfHD.B.CEdo5X\">www.aa.com / netsaaver? ? < font face=\"trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica, sans-", "butter_fingers": "tr>\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \n \t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t
DeAr martin Cuilla, \n\t\t
\n\t\t\n\t\tToDay's AmERican AIrlines DoMeSTic & IntERnationAL neT SAAVer Weekend\n Getaway fArES e-mail offer is vAlid foR tRAvEL NexT weEkend.\n\t\t
DomEsTic DePArture dATeS: nOVemBEr 2 - 3, 2001.\n\t\t
InternatiOnal DepartuRE daTes: NovEmBer 1 - 2, 2001.\n\t\t
TickeTs musT bE PurChased by FriDay, OCtober 26, 2001.\n\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t\n\t\tYOU can finD DiffereNt DomeStiC NeT SAAVEr weEkeNd gEtaWAy\n DesTInaTions for ThIs WeekeNd, dePARTIng OCtoBer 26 - 27, 2001. DoN'T\n FOrGET, now Net SAAVerS meaN MorE than Just sPeciAl WeekeNd fareS. \n RemeMbEr to check our \"Net sAAvEr and SpecIal ofFerS\" pAge ofTEn for\n dEtaIls On all of Our otheR SpeCiAL FArEs and offers at:\n\t\t
\n\t\tYOu can alSo Find adDiTioNal SavinGS for Travel This weekEnd usINg\n TWA's great Dot cOm Deals(R). \nSee roUNdTRIp EXampLes Below:\n\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\n< tab lewi dth= \"523 \" border=\"0\"> \n\t\t\n \n\t\tDear Mart i nC uilla,\n\t\t
\t< b r >\n\t \n\t\tTod ay 'sA merica n Air li n esDomestic &Inte rnational Net S A Aver We e kend\n G etaway Fa res e-m a il o ffe ri s v a li d f o r t ravel ne xt w eeken d.\n< b r >Dom est ic D epart ure dates: No vem ber2 -3, 20 01.\n\t
I ntern ationa l Dep ar ture dates: Nov embe r 1 - 2,200 1. \n\tTic k ets mu stbepurchas ed by F r ida y, O c to ber 26, 2001.\n\t\t\n\t< b r >& nbsp;
\n\t\t\nYo uc an finddi ffe rent D omest ic N e tSAAver W eekend Ge ta way\n de st inatio ns fo r t his w e eken d, dep arting O ctobe r 26 - 27, 2001 . DON'T\n FORGE T ,n o wN et S AAv ers mean mo re t h an j usts pe cia l week end f ar e s. \n Remember to check o ur \"Ne t SAA ver and Speci al Offers\" p a ge often for d e tails on all o f our other spe c ial fare s and offersat:\n\t\t
& nbsp;
\n\twww.a a. co m/ ne tsa aver< / A>\t\t< br >&n bsp;< b r>\n\t\tY ou ca n al so f i ndadditio n al s avin gs f or t rav el this wee k end using TWA's gr eat DotCo mDeals(R ). \nSee round tr ip example sbel ow:\n\t\t
&nb sp;
\n\t\t\n\t\t \n\t\t\t_\n\t\t\t
< /td>\n\t
\n\n\n\nAmerican Airlines Net SAAver\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n < head > \n\n < title > American Airlines Net SAAver \n\n < meta http - equiv=\"Content - Type \" content=\"text / html; \n charset = iso-8859 - 1 \" > \n\n \n < /head > \n\n < body bgcolor= \" #", "butter_fingers": " 'Saga.Shackleton@enron.com'\nSubjtct: RE: ISDA Schedolw/Paragcaph 13\n\n\nSada, I havd good news, I think we are vxry xlose to executing this babh.\n\nI am attwhcing cimmeits to the ISDA. They renject gommeutw by our outsice\ncousel wvich highlight tfe differences between this contract wnd the slde\nletter/ML ISQA. Uher ars not much. I have also made some dhanges directly\non tneir draft where I either fonckrred with Enron og needed to makq some\nof my odn changes. Pls review and let me know what you think.\n\nK wilk be leavibg thf office sooi, so is we can wrai it up tomorrpw that\nwould bc greet (I'n out Monday for Passmver).\n\n\nYair Yaish\nDirestor and Veuior Counsel\nAllegheny Ebergy Glotal Oqrkdts, LKC\n212-236-7346\n\n\n\n-----Kriginwl Jessage-----\nFroj: Sara.Shackoeton@enron.com [mailtp:Swgs.Shackleton@ehron.coi]\nSqnt: Friday, March 30, 2001 4:10 PM\nTo: yyaish@exchange.kl.ckm\nSubject: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13\n\n\nYair:\n\nAttachef is a blwcklined (against the Enron North America Corp. draxt of\n3/15/01) Rchtdmjd ajd Paragraph 13 to the ISDA Credit Support Annev. O\nhsve tried to ikcorporate the essrnfe jf the March 19, 2001 \"swap sise\nletter agreement.\" Pleasg call me to difcusx as it would be nice to\nfinqlize by Aprpl 6. Thanks.\n\n(See attacheb file: 098a Blaekline ctr (Sllegheny Energy Supply).boc)\n\n\nSarz Shackletoj\nEnron Nodgh America Corp.\n1400 Rminh Sdreet, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 ([hone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nwara.xhacklegon@emron.coi \n\n\n\nAmerican Airlines Nft SACver\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Airlines Net \n\n\n\nAmericAn AIrlIneS NeT saAVer\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n< head >\n\nAmerican Airlin e s N et SAAver\n\n< m e ta ht t p- e qui v= \" Con t e nt-Type\" conten t=\"text/ht ml ; \ncharset=is o -88 59 -1\">\n\n< !-- Pag e Upd a ted Aug ust 27, 2 001 by Je an ne N e v il-->\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAmerican Airlines Net SAAver\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBee Capitol Bureau Chief Amy Chance and staff writers Stuart Leavenworth, \nBill Lindelof, Pamela Martineau and the Associated Press contributed to this \nreport.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLodi still won't pull the plug\nBy Carrie Peyton\nBee Staff Writer \n(Published March 21, 2001)\n\nIn a growing rebellion against blackouts, the city of Lodi has twice refused \nto cut power to its residents despite an order from Pacific Gas and Electric \nCo. \nThe small city-run electric system is among many disgruntled utilities, \nincluding the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, that believe their \ncontractual pledges to cut back during emergencies were never meant for times \nlike this. \n\"It's been a philosophical debate up to this point. Now I guess we've drawn a \nline in the sand,\" said Lodi utility", "synonym_substitution": "estimated at more than $ 1.48 billion. \n In their current financial state, the utilities suppose they can't yield to pay \n the existing debt. In accession, give the debt would create a major \n complication: early creditors, including the big ability generators, would \n surely haul Edison and PG&E into bankruptcy court on the ground that they \n weren't being treated fairly. \n \" You can't render preferential payment treatment to one class of creditors over \n another, \" PG&E's Nelson said. \" You about assure that (the other \n creditors) own to file an involuntary bankruptcy proceeding against you. \" \n But without full requital, it wasn't clear how many of the passing \n facilities would be able to resume. \n Executives at several plants -- the ones that operate on natural gas -- said \n they're not sure their gas supplier will hand over unless the existing debts \n are cleared up. \n \" We need to convince a gas company to supply us, \" said Ed Tomeo of UAE Energy \n Operations Corp., which have to shut off its 40 - megawatt Kern County plant \n Tuesday. \" We're a company that already owes million of dollars for gas \n supplies. How do you wheedle them to sell you million more? \" \n \" It's wishful thinking... that the gas supplier are going to sell us gas, \" \n Robert Swanson of Ridgewood Power said. \n I > Bee Capitol Bureau Chief Amy Chance and staff writers Stuart Leavenworth, \n Bill Lindelof, Pamela Martineau and the Associated Press contributed to this \n report. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Lodi still won't pull the plug \n By Carrie Peyton \n Bee Staff Writer \n (Published March 21, 2001) \n\n In a growing rebellion against blackout, the city of Lodi has doubly refuse \n to cut power to its residents despite an order from Pacific Gas and Electric \n Co. \n The small city - run electric system is among many disgruntled utility, \n including the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, that believe their \n contractual pledges to cut back during emergency were never meant for times \n like this. \n \" It's been a philosophic debate up to this point. Now I guess we've withdraw a \n line in the backbone, \" said Lodi utility", "butter_fingers": "\nestlmated at more than $1.48 biluion. \nIn their coreent fmnanciam state, ghe utilities say they can't effoed to pay \nthe existing debt. In additpon, payint tht debt would creavs a major \ncomlpicaciin: Other credijors, includitg the big powar gznerators, would \nsurely haul Edison agd PG&E onho bankruptcy souru og ths grounds that they \nweren't being tdeated hairly. \n\"You can't give preferential payment trewtment to one clasd of creditirs jcer \nanother,\" OG&E's Nelson said. \"You vjrtually assure that (the other \nzredicors) have ti dilf an involunvary bwnkruptcy proceeding againsy you.\" \nBut withput fuol payment, it wasn't cnear how many of tre qualiffiug \nfacilities would bw qble jo revtarg. \nExdcuuivxs zt sevfram plants -- fhe ones thqt run on natural gss -- said \nthey're hot suwe their gas suppliers will deliver unlesv tge existing debts \nare coeared up. \n\"We need to fonvince w gas company to supply us,\" said Ed Tomeo of UAE Etergy \nUpexqtionr Clrp., which had to shut off its 40-megawatt Kern Cjhnuy ilant \nTuesday. \"We'rc a company that akrfaci owes millionr of dollzrs for gas \nsupplifs. How qo yoy coax thtm to sell you millions more?\" \n\"It's wishful thiukibg... that the gas su'pliers are yoing jo selk us gas,\" \nRobert Swanson of Didgewood Plwer said. \nK>Bee Capitol Burdau Cvief Amy Chance and staff rriters Svuart Leavendortn, \nBill Lindelof, Oamela Martineau and the Assoeiateg Press cojtributed to this \nreport.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLodi stmkl won't pull tve ilug\nBy Caxrie Pcyton\nBee Staff Rriter \n(Publishgd March 21, 2001)\n\nIn a growing rvbellion egainst blachouts, the citf of Lodi has twice rqfuswd \nti cut puder to its resodents despite an oeder from Pacific Nas avs Electric \nCo. \nTkt snall city-run elrctfic sjstxm is dmong many dhsgrjnturd utklities, \nincojdinb the Sacramento Munhcipzl Utility Districy, bhat beligve their \ncontractual lledges to cut bacn durmng emxrgencoes were never meant for times \nliie this. \n\"Ih's neen a philosjphigal qebate up co this point. Now I guess we've drawn a \nlmne in the sand,\" said Loei utility", "random_deletion": "estimated at more than $1.48 billion. In financial the utilities they can't afford In paying the debt create a major Other creditors, including the big power would surely haul Edison and PG&E into bankruptcy court on the grounds that weren't being treated fairly. \"You can't give preferential payment treatment to one class creditors another,\" Nelson \"You virtually assure that (the other creditors) have to file an involuntary bankruptcy proceeding against you.\" without full payment, it wasn't clear how many the qualifying facilities would able to restart. Executives at plants the ones run natural -- said they're sure their gas suppliers will deliver unless the existing debts are cleared up. \"We need to convince gas company us,\" said Tomeo UAE Operations Corp., which shut off its 40-megawatt Kern County a company that already owes millions of dollars gas supplies. do you coax them to sell millions more?\" \"It's wishful thinking... that the gas are going to sell us gas,\" Robert Swanson of Ridgewood Power said. I>Bee Capitol Bureau Chance and staff writers Leavenworth, Bill Lindelof, Martineau the Press to this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lodi still won't pull the plug By Carrie Bee Staff Writer (Published March 21, 2001) In a growing blackouts, city of Lodi twice refused to cut to residents despite an order Gas Electric city-run system among many disgruntled utilities, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, believe their contractual pledges were never meant for times like this. \"It's a philosophical debate up to this point. I guess we've drawn a line in the sand,\" said Lodi utility", "change_char_case": "\nestimated at more than $1.48 billioN. \nIn their cuRrent FinAncIaL staTe, thE utilities say tHEy caN't afford to pay \nthe existiNg debT. IN AddiTIoN, payiNg the deBT wOULd cReAtE a mAjOR \ncOmpliCatIon: OtheR creditors, IncLuDing the big poWEr Generators, WouLd \nsurely haul ediSon and pG&e inTO bankRupTcy coUrt on tHE grounDs that theY \nwERen't beINg treatED FaIrly. \n\"you can't give preferENtIAl payment treatMent to OnE ClASS of CreDitors over \nAnOther,\" pg&E's NelsON sAID. \"you VIrtually assurE that (the othER \ncrEditorS) hAve TO file aN invoLuNTarY bankruptcy ProcEeding agaInst yoU.\" \nbut withOUt full pAyment, It wAsn'T cleAR hOw ManY oF The QUaLifYIng \nFacilitiEs WoUld be Able TO REStarT. \nExEcutIves aT several plantS -- thE oneS ThaT run oN natuRal gAs -- Said \ntHey're nOt surE tHeir gas supplierS wilL deliver uNleSs The ExIstinG Debts \naRe cLeaRed up. \n\"We Need to cONviNcE A GAs Company to supply us,\" sAiD eD TOmeo of UAe EnergY \nopErATions CorP., wHicH had TO Shut oFf itS 40-MeGawatt KeRn CounTY pLaNt \nTuesdAy. \"we're a cOmPanY thAt alrEAdy oWes milLions of dOllarS For gas \nsupplies. hOw do you coax thEM tO SElL You mIllIons more?\" \n\"It's WishFUl thInkiNG... tHat THe gas SupplIeRS aRE going to sell us gas,\" \nRoBeRt SwanSon of ridgewood PoweR said. \nI>Bee CAPITol BureaU ChiEF AMY Chance and stafF writErs Stuart LEAvenwortH, \nBill lindelof, pamela MarTINeau and tHe ASsoCiaTed pREsS contributed tO THis \nrEpOrt.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLodi StiLl won't pUll The PluG\nBy caRrie PeytoN\nBee StafF WRiTeR \n(PUblIshed mArch 21, 2001)\n\nIn a gRoWinG rEbeLlion AGainst BlackOuts, ThE cITy oF Lodi haS TwICE refUsEd \nTo cuT poWeR to itS resIDenTs despiTe an order FroM paciFiC GAs and ElEctric \nCo. \nThe smAlL city-run elEcTriC systeM IS among maNy disgruntled utilities, \niNCluding The sacraMentO MunicipaL UtIlity DIstRIct, thaT belieVe theIr \nConTRActuaL PLeDgeS tO cut back duRINg eMergeNcIes wEre neveR meant for times \nlike THis. \n\"it's been a philoSopHicaL DEbAte UP tO ThiS pOInt. nOW I guess we've drawN a \nline in thE sANd,\" Said Lodi utILitY", "whitespace_perturbation": "\nestimated at more than $1 .48 billio n. \nI n t hei rcurr entfinancial stat e , th e utilities say they c an'taf f ordt opay the exi s ti n g de bt .Inad d it ion,pay ing the debt woul d c re ate a majorco mplication : O ther credito rs, inclu di ngt he bi g p owergenera t ors, w ould \nsur el y haulE dison a n d P G&Einto bankruptcy c o ur t on the ground s that t h ey wer en' t being tr ea ted f a irly. \" Yo u c an' t give prefere ntial payme n t t reatme nt to one cl ass o fc red itors over\nano ther,\" PG &E's N e lson sa i d. \"You virtu all y a ssur e t ha t ( th e ot h er \nc r edi tors) ha ve t o fil e an i n v olun tar y ba nkrup tcy proceedin g a gain s t y ou.\"\nButwith ou t ful l paym ent,it wasn't clear h ow m any of th e q ua lif yi ng \nf a ciliti eswou ld be a ble tor est ar t . \nE xecutives at sever al p la nts -- t he one s t ha t run onna tur al g a s -- s aidth ey're no t sure th ei r gas s up pliers w ill de liver unle ss the existin g deb t s \nare cleared up. \n\"We need to c on v ince agas company tos uppl y us , \"sai d Ed T omeoof UA E Energy \nOperations C orp.,which had to shutoff its 40 - m e gawatt K ernC ou n ty plant \nTues day.\"We're a c o mpany th at al ready ow es millio n s of doll ars fo r g ass up plies. How do y ou c oa x themtosell yo u m ill ion s m or e?\" \n\"It' s wishfu lth in ki ng. .. th a t the ga ssup pl ier s are goingto se ll u sga s ,\"\nRobert Sw a n sonof R idge woo dPower sai d . I>Bee C apitol Bu rea u Chi ef A my Chan ce and staffwr iters Stua rt Le avenwo r t h, \nBill Lindelof, Pamela Marti n eau and th e Ass ocia ted Press co ntribu ted to thi s \nrep ort.-- --- - - ----- - - -- --- -- ---------- - - --- ----- -- ---- ------- ------------------ - --- --\n---------- --- ---- - - -- --- - -- - --- -- - --- - - --------------- ---------- -- - -- ---------- --- -- ------- ------- ----- - ------- --------- --------- -- ---- - - --- ---------- --\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLodis tillw on 't pu llthe pl ug \nBy Carr ie Pey t onBee S taff W ri ter \n( Publi sh ed March 21, 2001)\n\nIn a growin g rebe llion ag ainst bla cko u ts, the city ofLodi has t wic e r efuse d t o cut pow e rtoi ts re side n ts despit e a n o r d er from Pacif i c Gas andEle c tric Co.\nThe small city-r u n electric sys temi s am ong many d isgruntled uti lit ie s , \ninclud in g the Sacra mento Mu ni c ipalUtilit y Dist rict, t h a tb elieve the ir\ncontract ual p l edges t ocu t backduri ng emerg encies were n ever meant for t imesl ike t h is. \n\"It 's been a phil osophicaldebate up t o this poi nt. N ow I gu es s we'v e d ra wn a \nline in the sa nd,\"said Lo di uti lit y", "underscore_trick": "\nestimated at_more than_$1.48 billion. \nIn their_current financial_state,_the utilities_say_they can't afford_to pay \nthe_existing debt. In addition,_paying the debt_would_create a major \ncomplication: Other creditors, including the big power generators, would \nsurely haul_Edison_and PG&E_into_bankruptcy_court on the grounds that_they \nweren't being treated fairly._\n\"You can't_give preferential payment treatment to one class of_creditors_over \nanother,\" PG&E's_Nelson said. \"You virtually assure that (the other \ncreditors)_have to file an involuntary bankruptcy_proceeding against you.\"_\nBut_without_full payment, it wasn't_clear how many of the qualifying_\nfacilities would be able to restart._\nExecutives at several plants -- the ones_that run on natural gas --_said \nthey're not sure their_gas suppliers_will deliver unless the existing_debts \nare cleared_up. \n\"We_need to convince_a gas company to supply us,\"_said Ed Tomeo_of UAE Energy \nOperations Corp., which_had_to shut off_its_40-megawatt_Kern County_plant \nTuesday. \"We're_a_company that_already_owes millions of dollars for gas_\nsupplies._How do you coax them to sell_you millions more?\" \n\"It's_wishful_thinking... that the gas_suppliers are going to sell_us gas,\" \nRobert Swanson of Ridgewood_Power said._\nI>Bee Capitol_Bureau Chief Amy Chance and staff writers Stuart Leavenworth, \nBill Lindelof,_Pamela Martineau and the Associated Press_contributed to this \nreport.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLodi_still won't_pull_the plug\nBy Carrie_Peyton\nBee_Staff Writer_\n(Published March 21, 2001)\n\nIn a growing rebellion_against blackouts,_the city of Lodi has twice_refused \nto cut power_to_its residents despite an order from_Pacific Gas and Electric \nCo. \nThe_small city-run electric system is_among_many_disgruntled utilities, \nincluding the Sacramento_Municipal Utility District, that believe their_\ncontractual pledges to_cut back during emergencies were never meant_for_times \nlike this. \n\"It's been a_philosophical_debate up to this point. Now_I_guess_we've drawn a \nline in_the sand,\" said Lodi utility"} {"text": " against volatile \nspot prices.\n\nAt the time California was developing its restructuring plan, Enron warned \nthe state\u0001,s policy makers about these risks and proposed alternatives, which, \nif adopted, would have averted the current crisis.\n\nEnron\u0001,s Role\n\nMany political leaders in the state have elected to fix blame rather than fix \nthe problem. Power sellers, including Enron, have been vilified by the \npoliticians and the media. Here are the facts:\n\n? Other than a small amount of wind power, Enron is not a generator in the \nstate of California. Every megawatt we sold in California we bought in the \nsame market available to other California purchasers. Because we are a \nmarket maker, not a generator, we are not biased toward high prices. We are \ninterested only in having a market that works so that we can package products \nfor our customers.\n? As a seller to end-use markets in the state, we provided protection from \nthe problems the states\u0001, utilities, and their customers, now face. We \nprotected, and still protect, our customers from price volatility.\n\nYou may have read that EES recently elected to have the utilities supply \npower directly to its customers in California instead of procuring power on \nthe open market. Early reports mischaracterized this as a \u0001&turnback\u00018 of our \ncustomers to the utilities. Here are the facts:\n\n? As a result of a variety of factors existing in the current California \nmarket, it made more sense for EES to source power for its customers directly \nfrom the utilities. This decision reduced EES\u0001,s market price risk by \nallowing EES to access lower utility rates.\n? EES did not terminate any customer contracts, and our customers continue to \nreceive the financial benefits of their contract prices.\n? EES is continuing to work with its California customers to provide them \nwith other energy-related products and services, including assistance in \nreducing the demand for power, particularly at peak times.\n\nEnron is currently proposing solutions to help California work out of its \ncrisis; Enron continues to sign up customers in the state; and Enron \ncontinues to actively manage its risks and capture opportunities in Western \npower markets. Enron\u0001", "synonym_substitution": "against volatile \n spot prices. \n\n At the time California was develop its restructure plan, Enron warned \n the state\u0001,s policy manufacturer about these risk and proposed alternatives, which, \n if assume, would have avert the current crisis. \n\n Enron\u0001,s Role \n\n Many political leaders in the state of matter have elected to fix incrimination rather than fix \n the problem. Power seller, including Enron, have been vilified by the \n politician and the media. Here are the facts: \n\n? early than a small amount of wind office, Enron is not a generator in the \n state of California. Every megawatt we sold in California we buy in the \n same grocery store available to other California purchasers. Because we are a \n market maker, not a generator, we are not biased toward high price. We are \n interested only in having a market that works so that we can package products \n for our customers. \n? As a seller to end - use markets in the state, we provided protection from \n the problems the states\u0001, utilities, and their customers, now confront. We \n protected, and still protect, our customer from monetary value volatility. \n\n You may have read that EES recently elected to have the utility add \n power directly to its customer in California instead of procuring power on \n the open market. Early reports mischaracterized this as a \u0001&turnback\u00018 of our \n customers to the utilities. Here are the facts: \n\n? As a result of a variety of factors exist in the current California \n market, it reach more sense for EES to source power for its customers directly \n from the utility program. This decision reduced EES\u0001,s market price risk by \n allowing EES to access lower utility rate. \n? EES did not terminate any customer contract, and our customers continue to \n pick up the financial benefit of their contract prices. \n? EES is cover to work with its California customer to provide them \n with other energy - related products and avail, including assistance in \n reducing the demand for power, particularly at peak times. \n\n Enron is presently proposing solutions to help oneself California work out of its \n crisis; Enron continues to sign up customers in the state; and Enron \n continues to actively manage its risk and capture opportunities in Western \n power markets. Enron\u0001", "butter_fingers": " agwinst volatile \nspot pricts.\n\nAt the time Calndornia was dsvelopine its restructuring plan, Enrln warntb \nthe state\u0001,s policy oakers ablut thesw riwjs and pro'ksed albzrnatjyes, wkirh, \nif adopted, wpuld have dverted the cusrdnc crisis.\n\nEnron\u0001,s Role\n\nMany political lewders im hhe state have elebtqd tk fix blame rather than fix \nthe prkblem. Kower sellers, incliding Enron, have been vilivied by the \npoliticiand and the mgsia. Here are thd facts:\n\n? Other than a sjall amount of wind power, Enron is npt a generqtir lt the \nstate of Cwlifornia. Eyvry megdwatt wr sold in Calinornie we bought in the \nsame merket available to ojher Califmruia purchasers. Becauwe we ate a \nkarkdr mxked, iot a genfravor, we are hot biased roward high prices. Wq are \ninterestsd onlr yn having a market that works so that wt can package products \nfor oyr customers.\n? As a selper to enq-use markets in the state, we provided protection xrom \nvhd pxiblemr tje states\u0001, utilities, and their customers, now fwde. Ee \nprotected, akd still protect, oir ciftomers from krice volafility.\n\nYou may have read trat EWS recentjy ekected to have the utilitiew supply \npowvr durectly to its cuscomers in Cauifotnia imstead of procuring powzr on \nfhe open magket. Earmh reports mischafacnerised this as a \u0001&turnback\u00018 of jur \ncustoners to the utikities. Here are the ndcts:\n\n? As a result ov a vcrietf of factogs existing in the current Calihprnia \nmarket, id mdde more sensc for EES to sotrce power for its cuftomefs directlj \nfrom thx utilities. This decisiot reduced EES\u0001,v market prixe rusk by \nxulowing EES to access lower utiliry rates.\n? EES did npt jedminate any cuscuner contracts, amd uur clstpmqss continue do \nrdcekfe thd financial cenegits of their contrawt pdices.\n? EES is contimulng to wotk with ies California customers to provlde tiem \nwivh othrr gnergy-related products and servjces, inclkdikg assistance in \nvedusing the dzmand for power, particularly at peak timxs.\n\nEnron is currently ptoposing solutions to melp Califoriia wowk out of its \ncrisis; Enron cobtinues to sign uk customers in the stats; and Anron \ncontinues to actively manage its risks and capture opportunities in Westwrn \npoxew markets. Snrom\u0001", "random_deletion": "against volatile spot prices. At the time developing restructuring plan, warned the state\u0001,s and alternatives, which, if would have averted current crisis. Enron\u0001,s Role Many political in the state have elected to fix blame rather than fix the problem. sellers, including Enron, have been vilified by the politicians and the media. Here the ? than small amount of wind power, Enron is not a generator in the state of California. Every we sold in California we bought in the market available to other purchasers. Because we are a maker, a generator, are biased high prices. We interested only in having a market that works so that we can package products for our customers. As a end-use markets the we protection from the states\u0001, utilities, and their customers, now and still protect, our customers from price volatility. may have that EES recently elected to have utilities supply power directly to its customers in instead of procuring power on the open market. Early reports mischaracterized this as a \u0001&turnback\u00018 customers to the utilities. are the facts: As result a of factors in the current California market, it made more sense for EES source power for its customers directly from the utilities. This EES\u0001,s price risk by EES to access lower rates. EES did not terminate contracts, our receive financial of their contract prices. EES is continuing to work its California customers to products and services, including assistance in reducing the for power, particularly at peak times. Enron currently proposing solutions to help California work out of its crisis; Enron to sign in the state; and Enron continues to actively its risks and capture in Western power markets. Enron\u0001", "change_char_case": " against volatile \nspot prices.\n\nat the time CAlifoRniA waS dEvelOpinG its restructurINg plAn, Enron warned \nthe state\u0001,s PolicY mAKers ABoUt theSe risks ANd PROpoSeD aLteRnATiVes, whIch, \nIf adoptEd, would havE avErTed the currenT CrIsis.\n\nEnron\u0001,s rolE\n\nMany politicAl lEaders In The STate hAve ElectEd to fiX Blame rAther than FiX \nThe proBLem. PoweR SElLers, Including Enron, havE BeEN vilified by the \nPolitiCiANs AND thE meDia. Here are ThE factS:\n\n? other thAN a SMALl aMOunt of wind powEr, Enron is noT A geNeratoR iN thE \nState oF CaliFoRNia. every megawaTt we Sold in CalIforniA We boughT In the \nsaMe markEt aVaiLablE To OtHer caLIfoRNiA puRChaSers. BecaUsE wE are a \nMarkET MAKer, nOt a GeneRator, We are not biaseD toWard HIgh PriceS. We arE \nintErEsted Only in HavinG a Market that works So thAt we can paCkaGe ProDuCts \nfoR Our cusTomErs.\n? as a sellEr to end-USe mArKETS iN the state, we provideD pROTeCtion froM \nthe prOBlEmS The stateS\u0001, uTilItieS, ANd theIr cuSToMers, now fAce. We \npROtEcTed, and sTiLl protEcT, ouR cuStomeRS froM price VolatiliTy.\n\nYou MAy have read that eeS recently eleCTeD TO hAVe thE utIlities suppLy \npoWEr diRectLY tO itS CustoMers iN CALiFOrnia instead of procuRiNg poweR on \nthE open market. EaRly reports MISCharacteRizeD ThIS as a \u0001&turnback\u00018 of Our \ncuStomers to tHE utilitiEs. HerE are the fActs:\n\n? As a reSULt of a varIetY of FacTorS EXiSting in the curRENt CaLiFornia \nmArkEt, it madE moRe sEnsE foR EeS to sourcE power foR iTs CuStOmeRs dirECtly \nfrom ThE utIlItiEs. ThiS DecisiOn redUced eEs\u0001,s MArkEt price RIsK BY \nallOwInG EES To aCcEss loWer uTIliTy rates.\n? eES did not TerMInatE aNy CustomeR contracts, and OuR customers CoNtiNue to \nrECEive the fInancial benefits of their COntract PriCes.\n? EEs is cOntinuing To wOrk witH itS califoRnia cuStomeRs To pROVide tHEM \nwIth OtHer energy-rELAteD prodUcTs anD servicEs, including assistaNCe iN \nreducing the dEmaNd foR POwEr, pARtICulArLY at PEAk times.\n\nEnron is cUrrently prOpOSiNg solutionS To hElP CalifoRnia worK out oF Its \ncrisIs; Enron coNtinues to SiGn up CUStoMers in the sTate; and ENron \ncontiNUes to ACtIvely ManAge its RiSks And caPture oPPorTunitIes in WEsTern \npoWer maRkEts. Enron\u0001", "whitespace_perturbation": " against volatile \nspot pr ices.\n\nAtthe t ime Ca li forn ia w as developingi ts r estructuring plan, Enr on wa rn e d \nt h estate \u0001,s pol i cy m ake rs a bou tt he se ri sks and pr oposed alt ern at ives, which, \ni f adopted, wo uld have ave rte d thecu rre n t cri sis .\n\nEn ron\u0001,s Role\nMany poli ti c al lea d ers int h estat e have elected to fi x blame ratherthan f ix \nt h e pr obl em. Power s eller s , inclu d in g E nro n , have been v ilified byt he\npolit ic ian s and t he me di a . Here are th e fa cts:\n\n? O ther t h an a sm a ll amou nt ofwin d p ower , E nr onis not agen e rat or in th e\ns tateof C a l i f orni a. Eve ry me gawatt we sol d i n Ca l ifo rniawe bo ught i n the \nsame mark et available to o ther Californ iapu rch as ers.Becaus e w e a re a \nm arket m a ker ,n o t a generator, we are n o t b iased to ward h i gh p r ices. W eare \nin t e reste d on l yin havin g a ma r ke tthat wo rk s so t ha t w e c an pa c kage produ cts \nfor ourc ustomers.\n? As a seller to e n d- u s em arke tsin the stat e, w e pro vide d p rot e ction from t he problems the states \u0001, utili ties, and their cu stomers, n o w face. W e \np r ot e cted, and stil l pro tect, ourc ustomers from price v olatility . \nYou may ha verea d t h a tEES recentlye l ecte dto have th e utili tie s s upp ly\np ower dire ctly toit scu st ome rs in Californ ia in st ead of p r ocurin g pow er o n\nt h e o pen mar k et . Ear ly r epor tsmi schar acte r ize d thisas a \u0001&tu rnb a ck\u00018 o four \ncu stomers to th eutilities. Her e aret h e facts: \n\n? As a result of a va r iety of fa ctors exi sting inthe curre ntC alifor nia \nm arket ,itm a de mo r e s ens efor EES to s our ce po we r fo r its c ustomers directlyfro m the utiliti es. Th i s d eci s io n re du c edE E S\u0001,s market pri ce risk by a ll owing EESt o a cc ess low er util ity r a tes.\n?EES did n ot termin at e an y cus tomer cont racts, a nd our cu s tomer s c ontin ueto \nre ce ive thefinanc i albenef its of t heir c ontra ct prices. \n? EES is continuing to workwithits Californ iac ust omers toprov ide them wit h o therene r gy-re late d p rod u cts a nd s e rvices, i n cl udi n g a ssistance i n red ucing th e deman d fo r power, particul a rly at peak ti mes. Enr oni s cu rr ently proposin g s ol u t ions tohe lp Californ ia workou t of i ts \ncr isis;Enron c o n ti n ues to sig n u p custome rsin the sta te ;a nd Enr on co ntinue s to a c tive l y manage its risk s and c aptur e op portu ni ties in West ern \npower markets. Enron\u0001 ", "underscore_trick": " against_volatile \nspot_prices.\n\nAt the time California_was developing_its_restructuring plan,_Enron_warned \nthe state\u0001,s_policy makers about_these risks and proposed_alternatives, which, \nif_adopted,_would have averted the current crisis.\n\nEnron\u0001,s Role\n\nMany political leaders in the state have elected_to_fix blame_rather_than_fix \nthe problem. Power_sellers, including Enron, have been_vilified by_the \npoliticians and the media. Here are_the_facts:\n\n? Other than_a small amount of wind power, Enron is not_a generator in the \nstate of_California. Every_megawatt_we_sold in California we_bought in the \nsame market available_to other California purchasers. Because_we are a \nmarket maker, not a_generator, we are not biased toward_high prices. We are_\ninterested only_in having a market that_works so that_we can_package products \nfor_our customers.\n? As a seller to_end-use markets in_the state, we provided protection from_\nthe_problems the states\u0001,_utilities,_and_their customers,_now face. _We_\nprotected, and_still_protect, our customers from price volatility.\n\nYou_may_have read that EES recently elected to_have the utilities supply_\npower_directly to its customers_in California instead of procuring_power on \nthe open market. _Early reports_mischaracterized this_as a \u0001&turnback\u00018 of our \ncustomers to the utilities. Here_are the facts:\n\n? As a result_of a variety of_factors existing_in_the current California_\nmarket,_it made_more sense for EES to source power_for its_customers directly \nfrom the utilities. _This decision reduced EES\u0001,s_market_price risk by \nallowing EES to_access lower utility rates.\n? EES did_not terminate any customer contracts,_and_our_customers continue to \nreceive the_financial benefits of their contract prices.\n?_EES is continuing_to work with its California customers to_provide_them \nwith other energy-related products and_services,_including assistance in \nreducing the demand_for_power,_particularly at peak times.\n\nEnron is_currently proposing solutions to help California_work out of its \ncrisis; Enron continues to sign_up customers in_the state; and Enron \ncontinues_to_actively_manage its risks and capture opportunities in Western \npower markets._ Enron\u0001"} {"text": " Electric and El Paso Natural Gas Co. violated the state's \nantitrust law and engaged in unfair and fraudulent business practices that \ncaused gas prices to skyrocket.\n?????The cities are the first California municipalities to take action \nagainst the gas companies. A number of similar lawsuits filed by antitrust \nattorneys, state regulators and private citizens are pending elsewhere.\n?????The energy companies deny any impropriety. They contend that California \nis the victim of its own soaring electricity demand and overreliance on \nfluctuating spot markets for natural gas.\n?????\"The conspiracy theories that have been promoted have no basis in \nreality,\" said Denise King, spokeswoman for Southern California Gas' parent \ncompany, Sempra Energy, which also was named in the suits. \"Southern \nCalifornia Gas continues to look out for the best interest of its customers.\"\n?????The lawsuits filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court accuse the \ncompanies of conspiring to manipulate the price of natural gas by agreeing to \nkill pipeline projects that would have brought ample supplies of cheaper \nnatural gas to Southern California.\n?????They allege that executives for the energy companies made the pact \nduring a meeting in a Phoenix hotel room five years ago to discuss \n\"opportunities\" arising from the state's newly deregulated electricity market.\n?????\"The fulfillment of the illicit plan has had devastating effects on \nSouthern California gas consumers,\" according to Los Angeles' suit. \"Gas \nprices in the Southern California market have skyrocketed, and the Southern \nCalifornia gas consumers are paying the highest prices in the nation.\"\n?????In recent months, natural gas prices have tripled across the nation for \na number of reasons, including a shortage of supplies to meet demands for \nhome heating. Prices have increased far more in California, where natural gas \nis a central factor in the state's energy crisis. The state relies on the \nclean-burning fuel to generate half its electrical power.\n?????\"This not only led to price-gouging of all natural gas consumers, from \nhomeowners to government to industry, but it contributed to the current \nelectrical power crisis in California,\" said City Atty. James K. Hahn, a \nmayoral candidate who urged the City Council to pursue the case.\n?????Chris Garner, Long Beach's", "synonym_substitution": "Electric and El Paso Natural Gas Co. violated the state's \n antitrust law and hire in unfair and deceitful business practices that \n cause flatulence prices to skyrocket. \n? ?? ?? The city are the first California municipalities to carry action \n against the gas company. A number of similar lawsuits filed by antitrust \n attorneys, state of matter regulators and private citizens are pending elsewhere. \n? ?? ?? The department of energy companies deny any indecency. They contend that California \n is the victim of its own soar electricity demand and overreliance on \n fluctuating spot markets for natural gas. \n? ?? ?? \" The conspiracy theory that have been promoted have no basis in \n reality, \" said Denise King, spokeswoman for Southern California Gas' parent \n company, Sempra Energy, which also was named in the suits. \" Southern \n California Gas continues to look out for the best interest of its customers. \" \n? ?? ?? The lawsuits filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court accuse the \n company of conspiring to manipulate the monetary value of lifelike gas by agreeing to \n kill pipeline undertaking that would have brought ample supplies of cheaper \n natural accelerator to Southern California. \n? ?? ?? They allege that executives for the energy companies made the pact \n during a meeting in a Phoenix hotel room five year ago to discuss \n \" opportunities \" arising from the state's newly deregulate electricity market. \n? ?? ?? \" The fulfillment of the illegitimate plan has had devastating effects on \n Southern California gas consumers, \" harmonize to Los Angeles' suit. \" Gas \n prices in the Southern California grocery store have skyrocketed, and the Southern \n California gas consumers are paying the high prices in the state. \" \n? ?? ?? In recent months, natural gas prices have triple across the nation for \n a act of reasons, admit a shortage of supplies to meet demands for \n home heating system. Prices have increased far more in California, where natural flatulence \n is a central factor in the state's energy crisis. The state trust on the \n clean - burning fuel to render half its electrical power. \n? ?? ?? \" This not only led to price - gouging of all natural gas consumer, from \n homeowners to government to industry, but it contributed to the current \n electrical power crisis in California, \" said City Atty. James K. Hahn, a \n mayoral candidate who cheer the City Council to prosecute the case. \n? ?? ?? Chris Garner, Long Beach's", "butter_fingers": " Elfctric and El Paso Naturxl Gas Co. violajee the vtate's \nantitrurt law and engaged in unfair abd frqudulent business pracgices than \ncaused tas krices to skyrockxf.\n?????The cibnes adc the hirst Californis municipanities to take aztnon \nagainst the gas companies. A numbqr of somllar lawsuits silec by zntitrust \nattorneys, state regulatods and krivate citizens ate pending elsewhere.\n?????The enfrgy companies deny anj impropriejg. Trwy contend tfat Califoguia \nis the bictim of its own soaring electficitv demand ane ivegteliance on \nhluctuwting spot markets fmr natutal gas.\n?????\"The conxpicacy theories that have bxen promoted have no basis in \nrzality,\" said Denise Kibg, spokgswomdn fue Suutgecn Dalifognie Gas' parenf \ncompany, Swmpra Energy, which slfi was named ih the fuyts. \"Southern \nCalifornia Gas continues tm lkok out for the best inrerest of its customets.\"\n?????The lawstits filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court awcuse ghe \ncjopajies of conspiring to manipulate the price of hauursl gas by agrecing to \nkill pipelonf ltojects that wuuld hcbe brought ample supolies os cheqper \nnatuwal bas to Southern California.\n?????Tyey allege tkat executives for thz energy com'anies made the pact \nduring a meetnng in a Phoenix jotel rooj five years ago go civcuss \n\"opkurtunities\" arisind from thx stace's newlh detegulatqd electrifity market.\n?????\"The fulfillmejt of tve illicit plan has had devastating effecvx on \nSoutherm Walpfornia gcs conxumers,\" accordyng to Los Anggles' suit. \"Gas \norices in nhe Southxrn Californya market hava skyrocketed, and the Sourherb \nCalifufnia gas consukers are iaving the yighest prices in bhe nxfion.\"\n?????In recent mintys, natural gas lrizes hwvx tri[ned across tve nxtium for \na numbtx on rdasoms, including a shortdge kf supplies to meey qemands dor \nhome heating. Pricrs have increased var mmre in Cslisornia, where natural gas \nis a dentral fwctjr in the stwte's energy crisns. The state relies on the \nclean-burning huel to generate half irs electrical power.\n?????\"Jhix not only ked tj price-gogging of all natural gas consumers, frpm \nhomeowners to govednment to ijdustry, but it contributed to the current \nelectrical power crisis in Calidornia,\" said City Afty. Kames K. Kahn, a \niayocau candidate who lrged the City Council to pursue the casa.\n?????Ckris Garner, Long Beach's", "random_deletion": "Electric and El Paso Natural Gas Co. state's law and in unfair and gas to skyrocket. ?????The are the first municipalities to take action against the companies. A number of similar lawsuits filed by antitrust attorneys, state regulators and citizens are pending elsewhere. ?????The energy companies deny any impropriety. They contend that is victim its soaring electricity demand and overreliance on fluctuating spot markets for natural gas. ?????\"The conspiracy theories that been promoted have no basis in reality,\" said King, spokeswoman for Southern Gas' parent company, Sempra Energy, also named in suits. California continues to look for the best interest of its customers.\" ?????The lawsuits filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court accuse companies of manipulate the of gas agreeing to kill that would have brought ample supplies gas to Southern California. ?????They allege that executives the energy made the pact during a meeting a Phoenix hotel room five years ago to \"opportunities\" arising from the state's newly deregulated electricity market. ?????\"The fulfillment of the illicit plan devastating effects on Southern gas consumers,\" according Los suit. prices the Southern market have skyrocketed, and the Southern California gas consumers are paying highest prices in the nation.\" ?????In recent months, natural gas tripled the nation for number of reasons, including shortage supplies to meet demands heating. have in where gas is a central in the state's energy crisis. state relies on the its electrical power. ?????\"This not only led to of all natural gas consumers, from homeowners government to industry, but it contributed to the current electrical power crisis California,\" said James K. Hahn, a mayoral candidate who urged City Council to pursue case. ?????Chris Garner, Long Beach's", "change_char_case": " Electric and El Paso Natural GAs Co. violatEd the StaTe's \nAnTitrUst lAw and engaged in UNfaiR and fraudulent business PractIcES thaT \nCaUsed gAs priceS To SKYroCkEt.\n?????the CiTIeS are tHe fIrst CalIfornia munIciPaLities to take ACtIon \nagainst The Gas companies. a nuMber of SiMilAR lawsUitS fileD by antITrust \naTtorneys, sTaTE regulATors and PRIvAte cItizens are pending ELsEWhere.\n?????The energy CompanIeS DeNY Any ImpRopriety. ThEy ConteND that CaLIfORNIa \niS The victim of itS own soaring ELecTricitY dEmaND and ovErrelIaNCe oN \nfluctuatinG spoT markets fOr natuRAl gas.\n?????\"ThE ConspirAcy theOriEs tHat hAVe BeEn pRoMOteD HaVe nO BasIs in \nrealItY,\" sAid DeNise kING, SpokEswOman For SoUthern CaliforNia gas' pARenT \ncompAny, SeMpra enErgy, wHich alSo was NaMed in the suits. \"SoUtheRn \nCaliforNia gaS coNtInues TO look oUt fOr tHe best iNterest OF itS cUSTOmErs.\"\n?????The lawsuits fileD iN lOs angeles COunty SUPeRiOR Court acCuSe tHe \ncoMPAnies Of coNSpIring to mAnipulATe ThE price oF nAtural GaS by AgrEeing TO \nkilL pipelIne projeCts thAT would have brouGHt ample suppliES oF CHeAPer \nnAtuRal gas to SouTherN caliFornIA.\n?????THey ALlege That eXeCUtIVes for the energy compAnIes madE the pAct \nduring a meeTing in a PhoENIX hotel roOm fiVE yEArs ago to discusS \n\"oppoRtunities\" aRIsing froM the sTate's newLy deregulATEd electrIciTy mArkEt.\n?????\"THE FuLfillment of thE ILlicIt Plan has Had DevastaTinG efFecTs oN \nSOuthern CaLifornia GaS cOnSuMerS,\" accoRDing to LoS ANgeLeS' suIt. \"Gas \nPRices iN the SOuthErN CALifOrnia maRKeT HAve sKyRoCketEd, aNd The SoUtheRN \nCaLiforniA gas consuMerS Are pAyInG the higHest prices in tHe Nation.\"\n?????In reCeNt mOnths, nATUral gas pRices have tripled across tHE nation For \nA numbEr of Reasons, inCluDing a sHorTAge of sUpplieS to meEt DemANDs for \nHOMe HeaTiNg. Prices haVE IncReaseD fAr moRe in CalIfornia, where naturaL Gas \nIs a central facTor In thE STaTe's ENeRGy cRiSIs. THE State relies on thE \nclean-burnInG FuEl to generaTE haLf Its elecTrical pOwer.\n?????\"THIs not onLy led to prIce-gouginG oF all NATurAl gas consuMers, from \nHomeownerS To govERnMent tO inDustry, BuT it ContrIbuted TO thE currEnt \neleCtRical pOwer cRiSis in CalIfornia,\" said City Atty. JameS K. Hahn, A \nmayoRal Candidate Who URgeD the City COuncIl to pursue The CasE.\n?????ChriS GaRNer, LoNg BeACh'S", "whitespace_perturbation": " Electric and El Paso Natu ral Gas Co . vio lat edth e st ate' s \nantitrust l a w an d engaged in unfair an d fra ud u lent bu sines s pract i ce s tha t\nc aus ed ga s pri ces to sky rocket.\n?? ??? Th e cities are th e first Ca lif ornia munici pal itiesto ta k e act ion \naga inst t h e gascompanies .A numbe r of sim i l ar law suits filed by an t it r ust \nattorneys , stat er eg u l ato rsand privat ecitiz e ns arep en d i n g e l sewhere.\n???? ?The energy com panies d eny any im propr ie t y.They conten d th at Califo rnia i s the v i ctim of its o wnsoa ring el ec tri ci t y d e ma nda ndoverreli an ce on fluc t u a t ingspo t ma rkets for naturalgas .\n?? ? ??\" The c onspi racy t heori es tha t hav ebeen promoted h aveno basisin\nr eal it y,\" s a id Den ise Ki ng, spo keswoma n fo rS o u th ern California Gas 'p a re nt \ncomp any, S e mp ra Energy,wh ich als o was n amed in the sui ts. \"S o ut he rn \nCal if orniaGa s c ont inues to l ook ou t for th e bes t interest of i t s customers.\" ?? ? ? ?T h e la wsu its filed i n Lo s Ang eles Co unt y Supe riorCo u rt accuse the \ncompani es of co nspir ing to manipu late the p r i c e of nat ural ga s by agreeing t o \nki ll pipelin e project s tha t wouldhave brou g h t amplesup pli esofc h ea per \nnaturalg a s to S outhern Ca liforni a.??? ??T hey a llege tha t execut iv es f or th e ene r gy compa ni esma dethe p a ct \ndu ringa me et in g in a Phoe n ix h otel r oo m fi veye ars a go t o di scuss \"opportun iti e s\" a ri si ng from the state'sne wly deregu la ted elect r i city mar ket.\n?????\"The fulfillm e nt of t heillic it p lan has h addevast ati n g effe cts on \nSou th ern C alifo r n ia ga sconsumers, \" acc ordin gto L os Ange les' suit. \"Gas \np r ice s in the Sout her n Ca l i fo rni a m a rke th ave s kyrocketed, and the South er n California gas c onsumer s are p aying the hig hest pric es in the n atio n . \"\n? ????In rec ent mont hs, natur a l gas pr iceshav e trip le d a cross the n a tio n for \na nu mb er ofreaso ns , includ ing a shortage of suppl ies to meet de mands for \nh o meheating.Pric es have in cre ase d far mo r e inCali f or nia , wher e na t ural gasis ac e nt ral factori n the stat e's energy cri sis. The state re l ies on the \ncl ean- b u rni ngf uelto generate half it se l ectrical p ower.\n????? \"This no to nly l ed toprice- gouging o fa ll nat ural ga s consume rs, f r om \nhom eo wn e rs togove rn ment t o indu s try, b ut it contribute d tot h e cur r ent \nele ct rical p o wercrisis inCalifornia, \" said Cit y Att y. Jame sK. Hah n,a\nmayoral c a ndidate w ho ur ged the C ityCou ncil t o pu r s ue th e ca se .\n? ????Chris G ar n er ,L ong Bea ch's", "underscore_trick": " Electric_and El_Paso Natural Gas Co._violated the_state's_\nantitrust law_and_engaged in unfair_and fraudulent business_practices that \ncaused gas_prices to skyrocket.\n?????The_cities_are the first California municipalities to take action \nagainst the gas companies. A number_of_similar lawsuits_filed_by_antitrust \nattorneys, state regulators and_private citizens are pending elsewhere.\n?????The_energy companies_deny any impropriety. They contend that California \nis_the_victim of its_own soaring electricity demand and overreliance on \nfluctuating spot_markets for natural gas.\n?????\"The conspiracy theories_that have been_promoted_have_no basis in \nreality,\"_said Denise King, spokeswoman for Southern_California Gas' parent \ncompany, Sempra Energy,_which also was named in the suits._\"Southern \nCalifornia Gas continues to look_out for the best interest_of its_customers.\"\n?????The lawsuits filed in Los_Angeles County Superior_Court accuse_the \ncompanies of_conspiring to manipulate the price of_natural gas by_agreeing to \nkill pipeline projects that_would_have brought ample_supplies_of_cheaper \nnatural_gas to Southern_California.\n?????They_allege that_executives_for the energy companies made the_pact_\nduring a meeting in a Phoenix hotel_room five years ago_to_discuss \n\"opportunities\" arising from_the state's newly deregulated electricity_market.\n?????\"The fulfillment of the illicit plan_has had_devastating effects_on \nSouthern California gas consumers,\" according to Los Angeles' suit. \"Gas_\nprices in the Southern California market_have skyrocketed, and the_Southern \nCalifornia_gas_consumers are paying_the_highest prices_in the nation.\"\n?????In recent months, natural gas_prices have_tripled across the nation for \na_number of reasons, including_a_shortage of supplies to meet demands_for \nhome heating. Prices have increased_far more in California, where_natural_gas_\nis a central factor in_the state's energy crisis. The state_relies on the_\nclean-burning fuel to generate half its electrical_power.\n?????\"This_not only led to price-gouging of_all_natural gas consumers, from \nhomeowners to_government_to_industry, but it contributed to_the current \nelectrical power crisis in_California,\" said City Atty. James K. Hahn, a \nmayoral_candidate who urged_the City Council to pursue_the_case.\n?????Chris_Garner, Long Beach's"} {"text": " corporate citizens\" who produced power although \nthey weren't being paid.\n?????\"We are anxious to pay the [small producers], who are dropping like \nflies,\" Davis said.\n?????Despite the progress, it was hard for some people to look on the bright \nside after enduring outages that took place when the state's hunger for power \nwas almost 50% less than at its summer peak.\n?????\"This is a taste, almost like an appetizer, of a really unpalatable meal \nthat's going to be served up this summer,\" said Michael Shames of the Utility \nConsumers' Action Network in San Diego, himself a victim of a rolling \nblackout that hit his office in San Diego early Tuesday.\n?????Power officials have warned that this could be a grim summer in \nCalifornia, since demand for electricity sharply rises when people turn on \nair conditioners. The state has been struggling to meet its power needs in \nrecent months because of rising prices and a flawed deregulation plan that \nhas left the two biggest private utilities on the brink of bankruptcy. State \nleaders have so far failed to agree on a comprehensive plan to solve the \nproblems.\n\n\n\n\nWally Quirk teaches a business class in a borrowed classroom Tuesday at \nSonoma State after the state's rolling blackouts cut the power to his usual \nclassroom, which does not have any windows.\nSCOTT MANCHESTER / The Press Democrat\n\n?????The latest round of blackouts began about 9:30 a.m. Tuesday when the \nCalifornia Independent System Operator, which runs the statewide grid, \ndetermined that the demand for electricity was 500 megawatts more than the \nsupply--an imbalance that meant the state was short on the power needed to \nsupply electricity to about 375,000 homes.\n?????Grid operators blamed a confluence of events, including warmer weather; \noutages at several major power plants, including one unit of the San Onofre \nnuclear power station; a reduction in imports from the Pacific Northwest, and \nthe shutdown of many alternative energy producers. Similar blackouts Monday \nwere the first since January.\n?????The situation improved somewhat by late Tuesday morning, with some \nsupplies restored and Californians conserving energy, and Cal-ISO was able to \nhalt the rolling blackouts at 2 p", "synonym_substitution": "corporate citizens \" who produced power although \n they weren't being pay up. \n? ?? ?? \" We are anxious to yield the [ small producers ], who are dropping like \n tent-fly, \" Davis said. \n? ?? ?? Despite the progress, it was intemperate for some multitude to look on the undimmed \n slope after enduring outage that took place when the country's hunger for might \n was almost 50% less than at its summer acme. \n? ?? ?? \" This is a taste, almost like an appetizer, of a truly unpalatable meal \n that's going to be served up this summer, \" said Michael Shames of the Utility \n consumer' Action Network in San Diego, himself a victim of a rolling \n blackout that strike his office in San Diego early Tuesday. \n? ?? ?? ability officials have warned that this could be a grim summer in \n California, since demand for electricity sharply rise when people turn on \n air conditioners. The department of state has been struggling to meet its power needs in \n recent months because of rising prices and a flawed deregulation plan that \n has entrust the two biggest private utility on the verge of bankruptcy. State \n leaders have so far failed to agree on a comprehensive plan to solve the \n problems. \n\n\n\n\n Wally Quirk teach a business class in a borrowed classroom Tuesday at \n Sonoma State after the state's rolling blackouts write out the power to his usual \n classroom, which does not have any windows. \n SCOTT MANCHESTER / The Press Democrat \n\n? ?? ?? The latest round of amnesia began about 9:30 a.m. Tuesday when the \n California Independent System Operator, which runs the statewide grid, \n determined that the requirement for electricity was 500 megawatts more than the \n supply -- an imbalance that mean the state was short on the power needed to \n provide electricity to about 375,000 homes. \n? ?? ?? Grid operator blamed a concourse of events, including warmer weather; \n outages at respective major power plants, including one whole of the San Onofre \n nuclear power post; a reduction in imports from the Pacific Northwest, and \n the shutdown of many alternative energy producers. Similar blackouts Monday \n were the first since January. \n? ?? ?? The site improved somewhat by former Tuesday morning, with some \n supplies repair and Californians conserving energy, and Cal - ISO was able to \n halt the roll blackouts at 2 p", "butter_fingers": " cogporate citizens\" who proauced power altkiugh \ntiey wersn't beine paid.\n?????\"We are anxious to pay vhe [wmall producers], who are drooping likv \nflies,\" Dqvis waid.\n?????Despitx the progress, lt wav hard for some people to look on the bsiehc \nside after enduring outages that tjok plave when the statg's humder ror power \nwas almost 50% less than at its sukmer peak.\n?????\"This is a taste, almost like an appftizer, of a really unpalatablg mewo \nthat's goine to be segred up this summer,\" said Michael Shames of ghe Ucility \nConsomsrd' Action Netxork ig San Diego, mpmself d victik of a rolling \nbleckoyt that hit his officx in San Diego early Tuesday.\n?????Pmwzr officials have warbee thaj thiv cojod ce z jrij summfr mn \nCalifornja, since denand for electricitu fyarply rises shen pqo[le turn on \nair conditioners. The state vas been struggling to meer its power needs in \ntecent monehs because of rising prices and a flawed dereguldtion olau that \nyad left the two biggest private utilities on trs nrpnk of bankruptcy. State \nleadrrd nwve so far fakled to afree on a comprehejsive pjan ti solve tre \nptoblems.\n\n\n\n\nWally Quirk teaches q business cjqss in a borrowed elassroom Tuzsday st \nSomoma State after the stcte's rklling blacnouts cut ghe power to his uslal \nwlassroom, which does not hwve any wmndowx.\nSCOTT OANCNESTER / The Presd Democrat\n\n?????The latest roujd of bnackouts bfgan about 9:30 a.m. Tuesday when the \nCalifornia Ince[engent Syscem Opcrator, which rugs the statewibe grid, \nbetermkned that nhe demanv for electrycity was 500 mecwwatts more vhan the \nfuppoy--an imbalavze that meant yhe state was short on the power needcd to \naupply electricnuy uo about 375,000 homes.\n?????Gtid opqrwtprf blamed a cotfludncd of exents, inclubivg wsrmer weather; \noutagev at several major powrr plants, uncludind one unit of the San Onofre \nnuflear poxer ststijn; a reduction in imports from the Pacivic Northwest, agd \ntme srutdown of many alternative energy producers. Simioar blackouts Mondqy \nwere the first snnge January.\n?????Thx situwtion impsoved somewhat by lare Tuesday morninn, with some \nsupplies rsstoreg and Californians conserving energy, and Cal-ISO was able to \nhalt the rolling boackouvs at 2 p", "random_deletion": "corporate citizens\" who produced power although they paid. are anxious pay the [small flies,\" said. ?????Despite the it was hard some people to look on the side after enduring outages that took place when the state's hunger for power almost 50% less than at its summer peak. ?????\"This is a taste, almost an of really meal that's going to be served up this summer,\" said Michael Shames of the Utility Consumers' Network in San Diego, himself a victim of rolling blackout that hit office in San Diego early ?????Power have warned this be grim summer in since demand for electricity sharply rises when people turn on air conditioners. The state has been struggling meet its in recent because rising and a flawed that has left the two biggest the brink of bankruptcy. State leaders have so failed to on a comprehensive plan to solve problems. Wally Quirk teaches a business class in borrowed classroom Tuesday at Sonoma State after the state's rolling blackouts cut the power to classroom, which does not any windows. SCOTT / Press ?????The round of began about 9:30 a.m. Tuesday when the California Independent System Operator, runs the statewide grid, determined that the demand for electricity megawatts than the supply--an that meant the state short the power needed to to 375,000 blamed confluence events, including warmer weather; at several major power plants, one unit of the a reduction in imports from the Pacific Northwest, the shutdown of many alternative energy producers. blackouts Monday were the first since January. ?????The situation improved somewhat by Tuesday morning, supplies restored and Californians conserving energy, and Cal-ISO able to halt the blackouts at 2 p", "change_char_case": " corporate citizens\" who produCed power alThougH \nthEy wErEn't bEing Paid.\n?????\"We are anxioUS to pAy the [small producers], who Are drOpPIng lIKe \nFlies,\" davis saID.\n?????DESPitE tHe ProGrESs, It was HarD for somE people to lOok On The bright \nsidE AfTer endurinG ouTages that tooK plAce wheN tHe sTAte's hUngEr for Power \nwAS almosT 50% less than At ITs summER peak.\n?????\"ThIS Is A tasTe, almost like an appETiZEr, of a really unpAlatabLe MEaL \nTHat'S goIng to be serVeD up thIS summer,\" SAiD mIChaEL Shames of the UTility \nConsuMErs' action neTwoRK in San diego, HiMSelF a victim of a RollIng \nblackoUt that HIt his ofFIce in SaN Diego EarLy TUesdAY.\n?????POwEr oFfICiaLS hAve WArnEd that thIs CoUld be A griM SUMMer iN \nCaLifoRnia, sInce demand for EleCtriCIty SharpLy risEs whEn PeoplE turn oN \nair cOnDitioners. The staTe haS been struGglInG to MeEt its POwer neEds In \nrEcent moNths becAUse Of RISInG prices and a flawed dErEGUlAtion plaN that \nhAS lEfT The two biGgEst PrivATE utilItieS On The brink Of bankRUpTcY. State \nlEaDers haVe So fAr fAiled TO agrEe on a cOmprehenSive pLAn to solve the \nprOBlems.\n\n\n\n\nWally QuiRK tEAChES a buSinEss class in a BorrOWed cLassROoM TuESday aT \nSonoMa sTaTE after the state's rollInG blackOuts cUt the power to hIs usual \nclaSSROom, which Does NOt HAve any windows.\nScOTT MaNCHESTER / THE Press DeMocraT\n\n?????The lateSt round of BLAckouts bEgaN abOut 9:30 A.m. TUESdAy when the \nCaliFORnia inDependeNt SYstem OpEraTor, WhiCh rUnS the stateWide grid, \nDeTeRmInEd tHat thE Demand foR eLecTrIciTy was 500 MEgawatTs morE thaN tHe \nSUppLy--an imbALaNCE thaT mEaNt thE stAtE was sHort ON thE power nEeded to \nsuPplY ElecTrIcIty to abOut 375,000 homes.\n?????Grid oPeRators blamEd A coNfluenCE Of events, Including warmer weather; \noUTages at SevEral mAjor Power planTs, iNcludiNg oNE unit oF the SaN OnofRe \nNucLEAr powER StAtiOn; A reduction IN ImpOrts fRoM the pacific northwest, and \nthe shuTDowN of many alternAtiVe enERGy ProDUcERs. SImILar BLAckouts Monday \nweRe the first SiNCe january.\n?????The SItuAtIon imprOved somEwhat BY late TuEsday mornIng, with soMe \nSuppLIEs rEstored and californIans conseRVing eNErGy, and cal-iSO was AbLe tO \nhalt The rolLIng BlackOuts at 2 P", "whitespace_perturbation": " corporate citizens\" who p roduced po wer a lth oug h\nthe y we ren't being pa i d.\n? ????\"We are anxious to payth e [sm a ll prod ucers], wh o are d ro ppi ng li ke \nf lie s,\" Dav is said.\n? ??? ?D espite the p r og ress, it w ashard for som e p eopleto lo o k onthe brig ht \nsi d e afte r endurin go utages that to o k p lace when the state's hu n ger for power\nwas a lm o st 5 0%les s than atit s sum m er peak . \n? ? ? ? ?\"T h is is a taste , almost li k e a n appe ti zer , of areall yu npa latable mea l \nt hat's goi ng tob e serve d up thi s summ er, \" s aidM ic ha elSh a mes of th e Ut ility \nC on su mers' Act i o n Netw ork inSan D iego, himself avict i m o f a r ollin g \nb la ckout thathit h is office in SanDieg o early T ues da y.?? ???Po w er off ici als have w arned t h atth i s co uld be a grim summ er i n\nCalifor nia, s i nc ed emand fo rele ctri c i ty sh arpl y r ises whe n peop l etu rn on ai r cond it ion ers . The stat e hasbeen str uggli n g to meet itsp ower needs in \nr e c en t mon ths because of ris i ng p rice s a nda flaw ed de re g ul a tion plan that \nhas l eft th e two biggest priv ate utilit i e s on thebrin k o f bankruptcy. S tate\nleaders h a ve so fa r fai led to a gree on a c omprehen siv e p lan to s ol ve the \nprobl e m s.\n\n\nWallyQui rk teac hes abus ine ss class in a borro we dcl as sro om Tu e sday at\nS ono ma St ate a f ter th e sta te's r ol l ing blacko u ts c ut t he p ower to h is us ualcla ssroom, which do esn ot h av eany win dows.\nSCOTT M AN CHESTER /Th e P ress D e m ocrat\n\n? ????The latest round of blackou tsbegan abo ut 9:30 a .m. Tuesd ayw hen th e \nCal iforn ia In d e pende n t S yst em Operator, w hic h run sthestatewi de grid, \ndetermin e d t hat the deman d f or e l e ct ric i ty was 5 0 0 m e g awatts more tha n the \nsup pl y -- an imbalan c e t ha t meant the st ate w a s short on the p ower need ed tos upp ly electri city toabout 375 , 000 h o me s.\n?? ??? Grid o pe rat ors b lameda co nflue nce of e vents, incl ud ing warm er weather; \noutages at sever al ma jor power pl ant s , i ncludingoneunit of th e S anOnofr e n uclea r po w er st a tion; a r e duction i n i mpo r t sfrom the Pa c i f icNorth wes t , and\nthe shutdown of many alternative en ergy p rod uce r s. S im ilar blackouts Mo nd a y \nwere t he first sinc e Januar y. ????? The si tuatio n impro v e ds omewha t by la te Tuesda y m or n ing, wi th s o me \nsu ppli es resto red an d Cal i f ornians conservi ng en e r gy, a n d C al-IS Owas abl e to\nhalt therolling bla ckouts at2 p", "underscore_trick": " corporate_citizens\" who_produced power although \nthey_weren't being_paid.\n?????\"We_are anxious_to_pay the [small_producers], who are_dropping like \nflies,\" Davis_said.\n?????Despite the progress,_it_was hard for some people to look on the bright \nside after enduring outages_that_took place_when_the_state's hunger for power \nwas_almost 50% less than at_its summer_peak.\n?????\"This is a taste, almost like an appetizer,_of_a really unpalatable_meal \nthat's going to be served up this summer,\"_said Michael Shames of the Utility_\nConsumers' Action Network_in_San_Diego, himself a victim_of a rolling \nblackout that hit_his office in San Diego early_Tuesday.\n?????Power officials have warned that this could_be a grim summer in \nCalifornia,_since demand for electricity sharply_rises when_people turn on \nair conditioners._The state has_been struggling_to meet its_power needs in \nrecent months because_of rising prices_and a flawed deregulation plan that_\nhas_left the two_biggest_private_utilities on_the brink of_bankruptcy._State \nleaders_have_so far failed to agree on_a_comprehensive plan to solve the \nproblems.\n\n\n\n\nWally Quirk_teaches a business class_in_a borrowed classroom Tuesday_at \nSonoma State after the_state's rolling blackouts cut the power_to his_usual \nclassroom,_which does not have any windows.\nSCOTT MANCHESTER / The Press Democrat\n\n?????The_latest round of blackouts began about_9:30 a.m. Tuesday when_the \nCalifornia_Independent_System Operator, which_runs_the statewide_grid, \ndetermined that the demand for electricity_was 500_megawatts more than the \nsupply--an imbalance_that meant the state_was_short on the power needed to_\nsupply electricity to about 375,000 homes.\n?????Grid_operators blamed a confluence of_events,_including_warmer weather; \noutages at several_major power plants, including one unit_of the San_Onofre \nnuclear power station; a reduction in_imports_from the Pacific Northwest, and \nthe_shutdown_of many alternative energy producers. Similar_blackouts_Monday_\nwere the first since January.\n?????The_situation improved somewhat by late Tuesday_morning, with some \nsupplies restored and Californians conserving energy,_and Cal-ISO was_able to \nhalt the rolling_blackouts_at_2 p"} {"text": ", OK\n \nDetroit, MI\n $94 one-way, to/from Hartford, CT/Springfield, MA\n $72 one-way, to/from Raleigh-Durham, NC\n \nEl Paso, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from Corpus Christi, TX\n \nFt. Lauderdale/Hollywood, FL\n $34 one-way, to/from Jacksonville, FL\n $34 one-way, to/from Tampa Bay, FL\n \nHarlingen/South Padre Island, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from Lubbock, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from Midland/Odessa, TX\n \nHartford, CT/Springfield, MA\n $94 one-way, to/from Detroit, MI\n \nHouston Bush Intercontinental, TX\n $66 one-way, to/from Lubbock, TX\n \nHouston Hobby, TX\n $66 one-way, to/from Lubbock, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from San Diego, CA\n \nIndianapolis, IN\n $94 one-way, to/from Los Angeles, CA\n \nJackson, MS\n $89 one-way, to/from Chicago Midway, IL\n \nJacksonville, FL\n $34 one-way, to/from Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood, FL\n \nKansas City, MO\n $94 one-way, to/from Los Angeles, CA\n $50 one-way, to/from Nashville, TN\n \nLas Vegas, NV\n $94 one-way, to/from Long Island/Islip, NY\n $87 one-way, to/from Portland, OR\n \nLittle Rock, AR\n $94 one-way, to/from Midland/Odessa, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from Providence, RI\n \nLong Island/Islip, NY\n $59 one-way, to/from Columbus, OH\n $94 one-way, to/from Las Vegas, NV\n \nLos Angeles, CA\n $94 one-way, to/from Indianapolis, IN\n $94 one-way, to/from Kansas City, MO\n \nLouisville, KY\n $52 one-way, to/from Baltimore Washington Int'", "synonym_substitution": ", OK \n \n Detroit, MI \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Hartford, CT / Springfield, MA \n $ 72 one - way, to / from Raleigh - Durham, NC \n \n El Paso, TX \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Corpus Christi, TX \n \n Ft. Lauderdale / Hollywood, FL \n $ 34 one - direction, to / from Jacksonville, FL \n $ 34 one - direction, to / from Tampa Bay, FL \n \n Harlingen / South Padre Island, TX \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Lubbock, TX \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Midland / Odessa, TX \n \n Hartford, CT / Springfield, MA \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Detroit, MI \n \n Houston Bush Intercontinental, TX \n $ 66 one - means, to / from Lubbock, TX \n \n Houston Hobby, TX \n $ 66 one - way, to / from Lubbock, TX \n $ 94 one - way, to / from San Diego, CA \n \n Indianapolis, IN \n $ 94 one - room, to / from Los Angeles, CA \n \n Jackson, MS \n $ 89 one - room, to / from Chicago Midway, IL \n \n Jacksonville, FL \n $ 34 one - way, to / from Ft. Lauderdale / Hollywood, FL \n \n Kansas City, MO \n $ 94 one - manner, to / from Los Angeles, CA \n $ 50 one - way, to / from Nashville, TN \n \n Las Vegas, NV \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Long Island / Islip, new york \n $ 87 one - way, to / from Portland, OR \n \n Little Rock, AR \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Midland / Odessa, TX \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Providence, RI \n \n Long Island / Islip, NY \n $ 59 one - direction, to / from Columbus, OH \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Las Vegas, NV \n \n Los Angeles, CA \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Indianapolis, IN \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Kansas City, MO \n \n Louisville, KY \n $ 52 one - way, to / from Baltimore Washington Int'", "butter_fingers": ", OK\n \nDetroit, MI\n $94 one-way, to/nrom Hartford, CT/Springfmeld, MA\n $72 one-way, to/from Raleigh-Durham, NC\n \nEp Paso, UQ\n $94 one-way, to/from Corpjs Christp, TX\n \nFt. Lauverdale/Hollywood, FL\n $34 one-way, to/rvom Jccjsonville, FL\n $34 pne-way, to/fsom Tampa Bay, XL\n \nHarlingen/South Padre Island, TX\n $94 onq-way, to/grlm Lubbock, TX\n $94 one-ewy, tk/from Midland/Odessa, TX\n \nHartford, DT/Sprinjfield, MA\n $94 one-wsy, to/from Detroit, MI\n \nHoudton Bush Intercontinejtal, TX\n $66 ong-say, ro/from Lubbozk, TX\n \nHolvton Hobby, TX\n $66 one-way, to/from Lubbock, TX\n $94 une-wav, to/from Sab Eiehm, CA\n \nIndienapolps, IN\n $94 one-way, to/from Nos Angrles, CA\n \nJackxon, MS\n $89 one-way, to/from Chicajo Midway, IL\n \nJacksjnville, FN\n $34 one-way, to/from Ft. Lqudergale/Vollhqooa, FM\n \nIansas Civy, MO\n $94 one-wzy, to/from Lis Angeles, CA\n $50 one-wsy, np/from Nashvimle, TN\n \nLas Vegas, NV\n $94 one-way, to/from Long Islang/Ismip, NY\n $87 one-way, to/from Pirtland, OR\n \nLittle Rlck, AR\n $94 oge-way, to/from Midland/Odessa, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from Provhdencx, FI\n \nJubg Island/Islip, NY\n $59 one-way, to/from Columbus, OH\n $94 ogs-wsy, to/from Las Venas, NV\n \nLos Angelrs, CS\n $94 one-way, to/frum Indnznzpolis, IN\n $94 one-way, ho/from Hansaw City, MO\n \nLpuisville, KY\n $52 one-way, to/from Baltimore Wcshungton Int'", "random_deletion": ", OK Detroit, MI $94 one-way, to/from MA one-way, to/from NC El Paso, Christi, Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood, FL one-way, to/from Jacksonville, $34 one-way, to/from Tampa Bay, FL Padre Island, TX $94 one-way, to/from Lubbock, TX $94 one-way, to/from Midland/Odessa, TX CT/Springfield, MA $94 one-way, to/from Detroit, MI Houston Bush Intercontinental, TX $66 one-way, Lubbock, Houston TX one-way, to/from Lubbock, TX $94 one-way, to/from San Diego, CA Indianapolis, IN $94 one-way, to/from Los CA Jackson, MS $89 one-way, to/from Chicago Midway, Jacksonville, FL $34 one-way, Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood, FL Kansas City, $94 to/from Los CA one-way, Nashville, TN Las NV $94 one-way, to/from Long Island/Islip, NY $87 one-way, to/from Portland, OR Little Rock, AR $94 one-way, Midland/Odessa, TX to/from Providence, Long NY one-way, to/from Columbus, one-way, to/from Las Vegas, NV Los one-way, to/from Indianapolis, IN $94 one-way, to/from Kansas MO Louisville, $52 one-way, to/from Baltimore Washington Int'", "change_char_case": ", OK\n \nDetroit, MI\n $94 one-way, to/from HaRtford, CT/SpRingfIelD, MA\n $72 OnE-way, To/frOm Raleigh-DurhaM, nC\n \nEl paso, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from CorpUs ChrIsTI, TX\n \nFT. laUderdAle/HollYWoOD, fL\n $34 oNe-WaY, to/FrOM JAcksoNviLle, FL\n $34 onE-way, to/from tamPa bay, FL\n \nHarlingEN/SOuth Padre ISlaNd, TX\n $94 one-way, to/FroM LubboCk, tX\n $94 oNE-way, tO/frOm MidLand/OdESsa, TX\n \nHArtford, CT/spRIngfieLD, MA\n $94 one-wAY, To/From detroit, MI\n \nHouston BUSh iNtercontinentaL, TX\n $66 one-WaY, To/FROm LUbbOck, TX\n \nHoustOn hobby, tx\n $66 one-way, TO/fROM lubBOck, TX\n $94 one-way, to/From San DiegO, cA\n \nINdianaPoLis, in\n $94 one-waY, to/frOm lOs ANgeles, CA\n \nJacKson, mS\n $89 one-way, tO/from CHIcago MiDWay, IL\n \nJaCksonvIllE, FL\n $34 One-wAY, tO/fRom ft. lAudERdAle/hOllYwood, FL\n \nKAnSaS City, mO\n $94 onE-WAY, To/frOm LOs AnGeles, cA\n $50 one-way, to/froM NaShviLLe, Tn\n \nLas VEgas, Nv\n $94 one-WaY, to/frOm Long islanD/ISlip, NY\n $87 one-way, to/fRom POrtland, OR\n \nlitTlE RoCk, aR\n $94 one-WAy, to/frOm MIdlAnd/OdesSa, TX\n $94 one-WAy, tO/fROM prOvidence, RI\n \nLong IslaNd/iSLiP, NY\n $59 one-waY, to/froM coLuMBus, OH\n $94 one-WaY, to/From lAS VegaS, NV\n \nLOS ANgeles, CA\n $94 One-way, TO/fRoM IndianApOlis, IN\n $94 OnE-waY, to/From KANsas city, MO\n \nlouisvilLe, KY\n $52 oNE-way, to/from BaltIMore WashingtoN inT'", "whitespace_perturbation": ", OK\n \nDetroit, MI\n $94one-way, t o/fro m H art fo rd,CT/S pringfield, MA $72 one-way, to/from Rale igh-D ur h am,N C \nE l Paso, TX $94 o ne -wa y, to /from Co rpus Ch risti, TX \nF t. Lauderdal e /H ollywood,FL $34 one-way , t o/from J ack s onvil le, FL\n$34 on e -way,to/from T am p a Bay, FL\n H a rl inge n/South Padre Isl a nd , TX\n $94 one-w ay, to /f r om L ubb ock , TX\n $94on e-way , to/fro m M i d l and / Odessa, TX\n \nHartford, CT/ Spring fi eld , MA\n $ 94 on e- w ay, to/from De troi t, MI\n \nHoust o n BushI ntercon tinent al, TX \n $6 6 o ne -wa y, to/ f ro m L u bbo ck, TX\n \nH ousto n Ho b b y , TX $6 6 on e-way , to/from Lub boc k, T X \n $ 94 on e-way , to /f rom S an Die go, C A \nIndianapoli s, I N\n $94 on e-w ay , t o/ fromL os Ang ele s,CA\n Jackson , MS \n$ 8 9 o ne-way, to/from Ch ic a g oMidway,IL\n Ja ck s onville, F L\n$34o n e-way , to / fr om Ft. L auderd a le /H ollywoo d, FL\n Kan sas City , MO $94 o ne-way,to/fr o m Los Angeles, CA\n $50 one-w a y, t o/ f romNas hville, TN L as V egas , N V\n$ 94 on e-way ,t o/ f rom Long Island/Isl ip , NY\n$87 o ne-way, to/fr om Portlan d , OR\n \nL ittl e R o ck, AR\n $94 on e-way , to/fromM idland/O dessa , TX\n $9 4 one-way , to/fromPro vid enc e,R I \n \nLong Islan d / Isli p, NY\n $5 9 o ne-way, to /fr omCol um bus, OH\n$94 one- wa y, t o/ fro m Las Vegas, N V \nL osAngel e s, CA $94one- wa y, to/ from In d ia n a poli s, I N\n $ 94on e-way , to / fro m Kansa s City, M O\n \nLo ui sv ille, K Y\n $52 one-wa y, to/from B al tim ore Wa s h ington I nt'", "underscore_trick": ", OK\n_ _\nDetroit, MI\n $94 one-way,_to/from Hartford,_CT/Springfield,_MA\n $72_one-way,_to/from Raleigh-Durham, NC\n_ \nEl_Paso, TX\n $94 one-way,_to/from Corpus Christi,_TX\n_ \nFt. Lauderdale/Hollywood, FL\n $34 one-way, to/from Jacksonville, FL\n $34 one-way, to/from Tampa_Bay,_FL\n __\nHarlingen/South_Padre Island, TX\n $94 one-way,_to/from Lubbock, TX\n $94 one-way,_to/from Midland/Odessa,_TX\n \nHartford, CT/Springfield, MA\n $94 one-way,_to/from_Detroit, MI\n _ \nHouston Bush Intercontinental, TX\n $66 one-way, to/from Lubbock,_TX\n \nHouston Hobby, TX\n_$66 one-way, to/from_Lubbock,_TX\n_$94 one-way, to/from San_Diego, CA\n \nIndianapolis, IN\n_$94 one-way, to/from Los Angeles, CA\n_ \nJackson, MS\n $89 one-way, to/from_Chicago Midway, IL\n \nJacksonville,_FL\n $34 one-way, to/from Ft._Lauderdale/Hollywood, FL\n_ \nKansas City, MO\n_$94 one-way, to/from_Los Angeles,_CA\n $50 one-way,_to/from Nashville, TN\n \nLas_Vegas, NV\n $94_one-way, to/from Long Island/Islip, NY\n $87_one-way,_to/from Portland, OR\n___\nLittle Rock,_AR\n $94 one-way,_to/from_Midland/Odessa, TX\n_$94_one-way, to/from Providence, RI\n _\nLong_Island/Islip, NY\n $59 one-way, to/from Columbus, OH\n_$94 one-way, to/from Las_Vegas,_NV\n \nLos_Angeles, CA\n $94 one-way, to/from_Indianapolis, IN\n $94 one-way, to/from Kansas_City, MO\n_ _\nLouisville, KY\n $52 one-way, to/from Baltimore Washington Int'"} {"text": "islature plans to approve a bill in the meantime giving the PUC the \nauthority to issue such an order and fine the utilities if they fail to \ncomply, he said. \nDavis said he is confident the utilities and the state can pay their bills \nwithout further rate increases for Edison and PG&E customers. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\n\n\nState power regulators working on energy rescue \n\n\n\n\nBy Karen Gaudette\nASSOCIATED PRESS \nMarch 20, 2001 \nSAN FRANCISCO \u0001) State power regulators continue to delay the release of \nguidelines that will determine a portion of the money the Department of Water \nResources can recoup from financially troubled utilities for electricity it \nhas bought on their customers' behalf. \nThese guidelines will help the water department determine whether it must \nraise consumer power rates to reimburse the state for the more than $3 \nbillion it has committed to buying electricity. \nAssemblyman Fred Keeley, D-Boulder Creek, said Tuesday that the Public \nUtilities Commission would likely have to raise rates by 15 percent to cover \nthe state's costs and the utilities' bills. \nThe PUC guidelines were most recently delayed by a letter from DWR Director \nThomas Hannigan asking that the water department receive a percentage of \nratepayer money collected by the utilities equal to the percentage of \nelectricity it provides to utilities. \nThe DWR currently buys around 40 percent of the power used by Pacific Gas and \nElectric Co., Southern California Edison Co. and San Diego Gas and Electric. \nUnder the DWR's proposal the utilities would have to hand over 40 percent of \nthe money they continue to collect from ratepayers. \nThe DWR would then also receive whatever money remains after the utilities \nsubtract their own generation and long-term contract costs, the letter said. \nThat amount would become the \"California Procurement Adjustment\" \u0001) an amount \nthat will help the state retrieve money spent on power purchases and help \nestablish the size of state revenue bonds that are currently estimated to \ntotal $10 billion. \nThe state plans to issue the bonds in May to help pay off the more than $3 \nbillion Gov. Gray Davis' administration has committed to power purchases \nsince January to help the utilities climb out of debt", "synonym_substitution": "islature plans to approve a bill in the meantime giving the PUC the \n assurance to publish such an order and fine the utilities if they fail to \n comply, he allege. \n Davis said he is confident the utility and the country can pay their bills \n without further rate increases for Edison and PG&E customer. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ----------------------------------- \n\n\n State power regulators working on energy rescue \n\n\n\n\n By Karen Gaudette \n ASSOCIATED PRESS \n March 20, 2001 \n SAN FRANCISCO \u0001) State might regulators stay to delay the release of \n guideline that will determine a portion of the money the Department of Water \n Resources can recoup from financially disruptive utilities for electricity it \n has bought on their customer' behalf. \n These guidelines will serve the water department decide whether it must \n raise consumer power rates to recoup the state for the more than $ 3 \n billion it has committed to buying electricity. \n Assemblyman Fred Keeley, D - Boulder Creek, said Tuesday that the Public \n Utilities Commission would likely have to raise rates by 15 percent to cover \n the state's costs and the utilities' bills. \n The PUC guidelines were most recently delayed by a letter from DWR Director \n Thomas Hannigan ask that the water department receive a share of \n ratepayer money gather by the utility equal to the percentage of \n electricity it provides to utilities. \n The DWR currently buys around 40 percentage of the power used by Pacific Gas and \n Electric Co., Southern California Edison Co. and San Diego Gas and Electric. \n Under the DWR's proposal the utilities would have to hand over 40 percent of \n the money they continue to collect from ratepayers. \n The DWR would then also experience whatever money stay after the utilities \n subtract their own generation and long - term contract costs, the letter say. \n That amount would become the \" California Procurement Adjustment \" \u0001) an amount \n that will help the department of state retrieve money spent on power purchases and help \n build the size of state tax income bonds that are currently estimate to \n total $ 10 billion. \n The state plan to issue the bond in May to help yield off the more than $ 3 \n billion Gov. Gray Davis' administration has committed to might purchases \n since January to help oneself the utilities rise out of debt", "butter_fingers": "islwture plans to approve a bill in the mecbtime jiving fhe PUC ghe \nauthority to issue such en oeder qnd fine the utilities if they vail to \nxompot, he said. \nVzvis salb he jd coufmdent the utilijies and the state can pay tfenr bills \nwithout further rate increafes for Efison and PG&E sustpiers. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\n\n\nState power regulators working on energy rescue \n\n\n\n\nBy Katen Gaudette\nASSOCIATED PREDS \nMwrch 20, 2001 \nSAN FRANCISFO \u0001) State piwer eegulators cuntinue to delay the rglease of \nguidelines that will ddtermnne a portiin of jhe money thx Depagtment of Watcg \nResousces cam recoup from ninanrialoy troubled utilities for electricity ij \nhas bougvt on their customees' behanf. \nTvese tuiaeljnxs sill hflp the water department determine whether ot nust \nraise cohsumer pjwer rates to reimburse the state for tve jore than $3 \nbillion it hqs committed to buyinh electrisity. \nAssemblyman Fred Keeley, D-Boulder Creek, said Duesdey thcb gye Public \nUtilities Commission would likely havq tp gaise rates by 15 pcrcent to cover \nthr dtsje's costs and jhe utilitjes' bills. \nThe PUC huideliges wwre most wecemtly delayed by a letter frim DWR Direcnor \nRhomas Hannigan asning that tke watgr depsrtment receive a perceutage kf \nratepayeg money ckulected by the ugilptiev equal uu the percentage jf \nelectrmcity it proxidex to ueilities. \nTje DWV currently buys arlund 40 parcent of hhe power used by Pacific Gas aiv \nElectric Co., Smutvern Calnfornis Edison Co. agd San Diego Gcs and Ejectrkc. \nUnder tge DWR's proposal tre utilities fluld have to hand ovqr 40 percwnt of \ngfe money they vontinue no coloect from ratepayevs. \nThg SWR would then cuwo receive whatrvef mjnvy cemaigv after the gtilktidx \nsubgract their uwn beneration and long-tarm dontract costs, the lctter saie. \nThat aiount would brcome the \"Californla Prmcucement Adtustment\" \u0001) an amount \nthat will gelp the dtabe retrieve mjney spent on pocer purchases and help \nestablish the sizx of state revenue bondw that are currentli extimated to \ntotaj $10 billiot. \nThe state plans to issue the bonds ln May to help pay off the mmre tjan $3 \nbillion Gov. Gray Davis' administration has committed to power purchasws \nsinre January to hell the ucilnties cjimb uut of debt", "random_deletion": "islature plans to approve a bill in giving PUC the to issue such utilities they fail to he said. Davis he is confident the utilities and state can pay their bills without further rate increases for Edison and PG&E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- State power regulators working on energy rescue By Karen Gaudette PRESS 20, SAN \u0001) State power regulators continue to delay the release of guidelines that will determine a portion the money the Department of Water Resources can from financially troubled utilities electricity it has bought on customers' These guidelines help water determine whether it raise consumer power rates to reimburse the state for the more than $3 billion it has committed buying electricity. Keeley, D-Boulder said that Public Utilities Commission have to raise rates by 15 the state's costs and the utilities' bills. The guidelines were recently delayed by a letter from Director Thomas Hannigan asking that the water department a percentage of ratepayer money collected by the utilities equal to the percentage of electricity to utilities. The DWR buys around 40 of power by Gas and Co., Southern California Edison Co. and San Diego Gas and Electric. the DWR's proposal the utilities would have to hand over of money they continue collect from ratepayers. The would also receive whatever money the subtract and contract the letter said. That would become the \"California Procurement \u0001) an amount that money spent on power purchases and help establish size of state revenue bonds that are estimated to total $10 billion. The state plans to issue the bonds May to off the more than $3 billion Gov. Gray administration has committed to purchases since January to help the utilities climb out debt", "change_char_case": "islature plans to approve a biLl in the meaNtime GivIng ThE PUC The \naUthority to issuE Such An order and fine the utiliTies iF tHEy faIL tO \ncompLy, he saiD. \ndaVIS saId He Is cOnFIdEnt thE utIlities And the statE caN pAy their bills \nWItHout furtheR raTe increases fOr EDison aNd pG&E CUstomErs. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\n\n\nstate Power rEGulatoRs working On ENergy rEScue \n\n\n\n\nBy KAREn gaudEtte\nASSOCIATED PREss \nMARch 20, 2001 \nSAN FRANCISCo \u0001) State PoWEr REGulAtoRs continue To Delay THe releaSE oF \nGUIdeLInes that will dEtermine a poRTioN of the MoNey THe DepaRtmenT oF watEr \nResources Can rEcoup from FinancIAlly troUBled utiLities For EleCtriCItY iT \nhaS bOUghT On TheIR cuStomers' bEhAlF. \nThesE guiDELINes wIll Help The waTer department DetErmiNE whEther It musT \nraiSe ConsuMer powEr ratEs To reimburse the sTate For the morE thAn $3 \nBilLiOn it hAS commiTteD to Buying eLectricITy. \nASsEMBLyMan Fred Keeley, D-BoulDeR cReEk, said TuEsday tHAt ThE public \nUtIlItiEs CoMMIssioN wouLD lIkely havE to raiSE rAtEs by 15 perCeNt to coVeR \nthE stAte's cOSts aNd the uTilities' Bills. \ntHe PUC guidelineS Were most recenTLy DELaYEd by A leTter from DWR direCTor \nTHomaS haNniGAn askIng thAt THe WAter department receiVe A perceNtage Of \nratepayer moNey collectED BY the utilItieS EqUAl to the percentAge of \nElectricitY It providEs to uTilities. \nthe DWR curRENtly buys AroUnd 40 PerCenT OF tHe power used by pACifiC GAs and \nElEctRic Co., SoUthErn calIfoRnIa Edison CO. and San DIeGo gaS aNd ELectrIC. \nUnder thE DwR's PrOpoSal thE UtilitIes woUld hAvE tO HanD over 40 peRCeNT Of \nthE mOnEy thEy cOnTinue To coLLecT from raTepayers. \nTHe Dwr wouLd ThEn also rEceive whateveR mOney remainS aFteR the utILIties \nsubTract their own generation ANd long-tErm ContrAct cOsts, the leTteR said. \nTHat AMount wOuld beCome tHe \"calIFOrnia pROcUreMeNt AdjustmeNT\" \u0001) An aMount \nThAt wiLl help tHe state retrieve monEY spEnt on power purChaSes aND HeLp \neSTaBLisH tHE siZE Of state revenue bOnds that arE cURrEntly estimATed To \nTotal $10 biLlion. \nThE statE Plans to Issue the bOnds in May To Help PAY ofF the more thAn $3 \nbillioN Gov. Gray DAVis' adMInIstraTioN has coMmIttEd to pOwer puRChaSes \nsiNce JanUaRy to heLp the UtIlities cLimb out of debt", "whitespace_perturbation": "islature plans to approvea bill inthe m ean tim egivi ng t he PUC the \nau t hori ty to issue such an or der a nd fine th e uti litiesi ft h eyfa il to c om ply,hesaid. Davis said he i s confidentt he utilities an d the statecan pay t he irb ills\nwi thout furth e r rate increase sf or Edi s on andP G &E cus tomers. \n-------- - -- - -------------- ------ -- - -- - - --- --- ---------- -- ----- - ------- - -- - - - --- ------------- ----------- - --- ------ -- --- - ------ ----- -- - --- ----------- ---- -----\n--- ------ - ------- - ------- ------ --- -\n\nSta t epo wer r e gul a to rsw ork ing on e ne rg y res cue\nByKar en G audet te\nASSOCIATED PR ESSMar ch 20 , 200 1 \nS AN FRAN CISCO\u0001) St at e power regulat orscontinuetode lay t he re l ease o f gui delines that w i llde t e r mi ne a portion of th em o ne y the De partme n tof Water \nR es our cesc a n rec oupf ro m financ iallyt ro ub led uti li ties f or el ect ricit y it\nhas b ought on thei r customers' be h alf. \nThese g u id e l in e s wi llhelp the wa terd epar tmen t d ete r minewheth er it must \nraise consume rpowerrates to reimburse the state f o r the mo re t h an $3 \nbillion it hascommittedt o buying elec tricity. \nAssembl y m an FredKee ley , D -Bo u l de r Creek, said T uesd ay that t hePublic\nUt ili tie s C om mission w ould lik el yha ve to rais e rates b y15pe rce nt to cover\nthestat e' sc ost s and t h eu t ilit ie s' bil ls. The P UC g u ide lines w ere mostrec e ntly d el ayed by a letter fro mDWR Direct or \nT homasH a nnigan a sking that the water de p artment re ceive a p ercentage of \nrate pay e r mone y coll ected b y t h e util i t ie s e qu al to thep e rce ntage o f \ne lectric ity it provides to uti lities. \nTheDWR cur r e nt lyb uy s ar ou n d 4 0 percent of thepower used b y P acific Gas and Electri c Co.,South e rn Cali fornia Ed ison Co.an d Sa n Die go Gas and Electri c. \nUnder the D W R' s pro pos al the u til ities would hav e tohand o ve r 40 p ercen tof \nthemoney they continue tocollec t fro m r atepayers . T heDWR would the n also rec eiv e w hatev erm oneyrema i ns af t er th e ut i lities \ns u bt rac t th eir own gen e r a tio n and lo n g-term con tract costs, thel etter said. \nT hata m oun t w o uldbe come the \"Cali for ni a Procurem en t Adjustmen t\" \u0001) an a m ount\nthatwill h elp the s ta t e retr ieve mo ney spent on p o wer pur ch as e s andhelp establ ish th e siz e of state revenue bond s thata recurre nt ly esti m ated to \ntotal $10 billio n. \nTh e st ate p lans to i ssue t hebo nds in May to help p ay of f the m or e th an$3 \nbi llio n Gov.Gray D avi s' admini s t ra t io nh ascomm itted t o po wer purch a ses \nsin ceJ anuaryto he l p the u t il i t ies climbout of d e b t", "underscore_trick": "islature plans_to approve_a bill in the_meantime giving_the_PUC the_\nauthority_to issue such_an order and_fine the utilities if_they fail to_\ncomply,_he said. \nDavis said he is confident the utilities and the state can pay_their_bills \nwithout_further_rate_increases for Edison and PG&E_customers. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\n\n\nState power regulators working_on energy_rescue \n\n\n\n\nBy Karen Gaudette\nASSOCIATED PRESS \nMarch 20, 2001_\nSAN_FRANCISCO \u0001) State_power regulators continue to delay the release of \nguidelines_that will determine a portion of_the money the_Department_of_Water \nResources can recoup_from financially troubled utilities for electricity_it \nhas bought on their customers'_behalf. \nThese guidelines will help the water_department determine whether it must \nraise_consumer power rates to reimburse_the state_for the more than $3_\nbillion it has_committed to_buying electricity. \nAssemblyman_Fred Keeley, D-Boulder Creek, said Tuesday_that the Public_\nUtilities Commission would likely have to_raise_rates by 15_percent_to_cover \nthe_state's costs and_the_utilities' bills._\nThe_PUC guidelines were most recently delayed_by_a letter from DWR Director \nThomas Hannigan_asking that the water_department_receive a percentage of_\nratepayer money collected by the_utilities equal to the percentage of_\nelectricity it_provides to_utilities. \nThe DWR currently buys around 40 percent of the power_used by Pacific Gas and \nElectric_Co., Southern California Edison_Co. and_San_Diego Gas and_Electric._\nUnder the_DWR's proposal the utilities would have to_hand over_40 percent of \nthe money they_continue to collect from_ratepayers._\nThe DWR would then also receive_whatever money remains after the utilities_\nsubtract their own generation and_long-term_contract_costs, the letter said. \nThat_amount would become the \"California Procurement_Adjustment\" \u0001) an_amount \nthat will help the state retrieve_money_spent on power purchases and help_\nestablish_the size of state revenue bonds_that_are_currently estimated to \ntotal $10_billion. \nThe state plans to issue_the bonds in May to help pay off the_more than $3_\nbillion Gov. Gray Davis' administration_has_committed_to power purchases \nsince January to help the utilities climb_out of_debt"} {"text": "lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126368&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n**ADVERTISEMENTS**\n\nUnlimited Real-Time Stock Quotes, Unlimited Research, Unlimited Real-Time \nNews, Limited Price: $29.95 per trade. Merrill Lynch Direct - enroll now \nand Get $100!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126306&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nEnjoy Your Holidays and Lose Weight! Register for FREE at eDiets.com now \nthrough 12/31 and Enjoy a Slimmer, Healthier New Year!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126332&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nYou can earn 5% CASH BACK at select online merchants everytime you use the \nEtrade Platinum Visac card. Apply today for intro 2.9% APR.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126342&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nPlay great games and win tons of Free great prizes. Click now to register to \nwin $50,000 & start playing fun games.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126360&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nSign up for a RISK-FREE 30-day trial of Shopper's Discount(SM) and you can \nget $150 in Utility Cash Back Certificates!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932", "synonym_substitution": "lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126368&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n\n ----------------------------------------------------------- \n * * ADVERTISEMENTS * * \n\n Unlimited Real - Time Stock Quotes, Unlimited Research, Unlimited Real - Time \n News, Limited Price: $ 29.95 per trade. Merrill Lynch Direct - enroll now \n and Get $ 100! \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126306&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n love Your Holidays and Lose Weight! Register for spare at eDiets.com now \n through 12/31 and Enjoy a Slimmer, Healthier New Year! \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126332&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n You can earn 5% CASH BACK at blue-ribbon online merchants everytime you practice the \n Etrade Platinum Visac card. Apply today for intro 2.9% APR. \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126342&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n meet great games and succeed tons of Free big prizes. Click now to register to \n win $ 50,000 & get down playing fun games. \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126360&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n Sign up for a hazard - FREE 30 - day test of Shopper's Discount(SM) and you can \n get $ 150 in Utility Cash Back Certificates! \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932", "butter_fingers": "lfmj.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126368&pr=1007&cf=1&p\nx=0&e=S\n\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n**ADVERTISEMENJS**\n\nYnlimived Ream-Time Stuck Quotes, Unlimited Researrh, Ynlimuted Real-Time \nNews, Lioited Pribe: $29.95 per teade. Merrill Lbhch Dircet - ehvoll uox \nand Get $100!\nhttp://we1.lfmn.com/acdv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126306&ps=1007&cw=1&p\nc=0&e=S\n\nEnjoy Your Holidays and Lose Weigrt! Regixtfr for FREE at eDitts.som how \nthrough 12/31 and Enjoy a Slimmer, Hsalthieg New Year!\nhttp://ww1.lgmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126332&pr=1007&cf=1&p\nw=0&e=S\n\nYlu can earn 5% CASH HACK at selgdt jbline merchavts everytpke you use the \nEtrade Platinum Visac card. Appky today fir inhto 2.9% APR.\nhttp://wx1.lfmn.cjm/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&y=3787&lrl=1&c=126342&pr=1007&cx=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nPlsy great games anv wib tons of Free great 'rizes. Click now to register tk \nwin $50,000 & start platibg fut gakes.\nhgrp://wd1.lfjn.rom/zctv/sr2.wsp?n=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126360&pr=1007&cf=1&p\nz=0&e=S\n\nSign up dor a RISK-FREE 30-day uriwo of Shopper's Discotne(SM) and you can \nget $150 in Utility Cash Babk Csrtificates!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.con/actv/sr2.asp?u=932", "random_deletion": "lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126368&pr=1007&cf=1&p a=0&e=S ----------------------------------------------------------- **ADVERTISEMENTS** Unlimited Real-Time Stock Research, Real-Time News, Price: $29.95 per enroll and Get $100! a=0&e=S Enjoy Your and Lose Weight! Register for FREE eDiets.com now through 12/31 and Enjoy a Slimmer, Healthier New Year! http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126332&pr=1007&cf=1&p a=0&e=S can earn 5% CASH BACK at select online merchants everytime you use the Platinum card. today intro 2.9% APR. http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126342&pr=1007&cf=1&p a=0&e=S Play great games and win tons of Free great prizes. Click to register to win $50,000 & start playing games. http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126360&pr=1007&cf=1&p a=0&e=S Sign for a RISK-FREE 30-day trial Shopper's and you get in Cash Back Certificates!", "change_char_case": "lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126368&pr=1007&cF=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n**ADVERtISEMeNTs**\n\nUnLiMiteD ReaL-Time Stock QuotES, UnlImited Research, UnlimiteD Real-tiME \nNewS, liMited price: $29.95 peR TrADE. MeRrIlL LyNcH diRect - eNroLl now \nanD Get $100!\nhttp://ww1.LfmN.cOm/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&V=3787&UrL=1&c=126306&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nenjOy Your HolidaYs aNd Lose weIghT! regisTer For FReE at eDIEts.com Now \nthrougH 12/31 aND Enjoy A slimmer, hEAlThieR New Year!\nhttp://ww1.lfmN.CoM/Actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&C=126332&pr=1007&cf=1&p\nA=0&e=s\n\nyoU CAn eArn 5% cASH BACK at SeLect oNLine merCHaNTS EveRYtime you use thE \nEtrade PlatINum visac cArD. ApPLy todaY for iNtRO 2.9% APr.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.Com/aCtv/sr2.asp?u=932861&V=3787&url=1&c=126342&pR=1007&Cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nPLAy great Games aNd wIn tOns oF frEe GreAt PRizES. CLicK Now To registEr To \nWin $50,000 & stArt pLAYINg fuN gaMes.\nhTtp://ww1.Lfmn.com/actv/sr2.Asp?U=932861&v=3787&urL=1&C=126360&pr=1007&Cf=1&p\na=0&e=s\n\nSign Up foR a rISK-FrEE 30-day Trial Of shopper's DiscounT(SM) aNd you can \ngEt $150 iN UTilItY Cash bAck CerTifIcaTes!\nhttp://Ww1.lfmn.cOM/acTv/SR2.ASp?U=932", "whitespace_perturbation": "lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=93 2861&v=378 7&url =1& c=1 26 368& pr=1 007&cf=1&p\na=0 & e=S\n\n-------------------- ----- -- - ---- - -- ----- ------- - -- - - --- -- -- \n** AD V ER TISEM ENT S**\n\nUn limited Re al- Ti me Stock Quo t es , Unlimit edResearch, U nli mitedRe al- T ime New s, L imited Price: $29.95 p er trade. Merril l Ly nchDirect - enroll n o wand Get $100!http:/ /w w 1. l f mn. com /actv/sr2. as p?u=9 3 2861&v= 3 78 7 & u rl= 1 &c=126306&pr= 1007&cf=1&p a=0 &e=S\nEn joy Your H olida ys and Lose Weigh t! R egister f or FRE E at eDi e ts.comnow \nt hro ugh 12/ 3 1an d E nj o y a Sl imm e r,Healthie rNe w Yea r!\nh t t p : //ww 1.l fmn. com/a ctv/sr2.asp?u =93 2861 & v=3 787&u rl=1& c=12 63 32&pr =1007& cf=1& pa=0&e=S\n\nYou ca n ea rn 5% CAS H B AC K a tselec t onlin e m erc hants e verytim e yo uu s e t he \nEtrade Platinu mV i sa c card. Apply to da y for int ro 2. 9% A P R .\nhtt p:// w w1 .lfmn.co m/actv / sr 2. asp?u=9 32 861&v= 37 87& url =1&c= 1 2634 2&pr=1 007&cf=1 &p\na= 0 &e=S\n\nPlay gre a t games and w i nt o ns of F ree great priz es.Clic k no w t o r e giste r to\nw i n$ 50,000 & start play in g fungames .\nhttp://ww1. lfmn.com/a c t v /sr2.asp ?u=9 3 28 6 1&v=3787&url=1 &c=12 6360&pr=10 0 7&cf=1&p \na=0& e=S\n\nSig n up fora RISK-FRE E 3 0-d aytri a l o f Shopper's D i s coun t( SM) and yo u can get $1 50inUt ility Cas h Back C er ti fi ca tes !\nhtt p ://ww1.l fm n.c om /ac tv/sr 2 .asp?u =932", "underscore_trick": "lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126368&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n**ADVERTISEMENTS**\n\nUnlimited Real-Time_Stock Quotes,_ Unlimited Research, _Unlimited Real-Time_\nNews,_ Limited_Price:_$29.95 per trade._ Merrill Lynch_Direct - enroll now_\nand Get $100!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126306&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nEnjoy_Your_Holidays and Lose Weight! Register for FREE at eDiets.com now \nthrough 12/31 and Enjoy_a_Slimmer, Healthier_New_Year!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126332&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nYou_can earn 5% CASH BACK_at select online merchants everytime_you use_the \nEtrade Platinum Visac card. Apply today_for_intro 2.9% APR.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126342&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nPlay_great games and win tons of Free great prizes._ Click now to register to_\nwin $50,000 &_start_playing_fun games.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126360&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nSign up for_a RISK-FREE 30-day trial of Shopper's_Discount(SM) and you can \nget $150_in Utility Cash Back Certificates!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932"} {"text": "@MSN.COM\n\nIf you are still having trouble, contact your ISP or System\nAdministrator and find out if your domain has an alias.\n\n\nPlease send any futures questions to:\n futureshelp@ctstrader.com\n\nPlease mail all NON-futures questions and comments to:\n hottodayadmin@ctstrader.com\n\nPLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL with questions.\nIt is for subscribe/unsubscribe commands ONLY!\n\nPlease refer a friend who might enjoy this FREE resource. We welcome new\nmembers. BODY { font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style : normal; \nlist-style-type : square;} A { text-decoration: none; color: blue;} A:Hover { \ntext-decoration: underline; color: red;} \n\t\t\t[IMAGE]B School e-Vantage 10-19-00\n[The Princeton Review]\t[IMAGE]\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t[IMAGE]\n\t[IMAGE]\n\tDear Ben,\n\t\n\tWelcome to the first issue of our e-newsletter, designed solely to help you \ndetermine what you want to do and how to get there. Are you ready for the \njourney? \n\t\n\tThe process of selecting and getting into your top business school is \nbecoming more and more complex, with many variables added to the mix every \nday. With nearly 1,000 business schools in the country, your task can seem \ndaunting. But with a good game plan and solid information, you can determine \nwhat your personal needs are and which schools can give you the best MBA \nexperience. \n\t\n\t[HOT CAREERS TO WATCH]\n\t\n\t Tech + Business = Hot Careers\n\tA Few Million e-xecs Wanted \n\t\n\tSource: Industry Standard\n\tFor additional information: CIO Enterprise Magazine \n\t\n\tThe shortage of Internet executives is swelling to epic proportions, \naccording to a recent study by IDC, a research firm focusing on the IT \nindustry. By 2004, companies will be short 1 million execs for the 9.2 \nmillion positions that will be in demand worldwide, predicts John Gantz, \nIDC's chief research officer. \n\t\n\t\"The demand for people to", "synonym_substitution": "@MSN.COM \n\n If you are still having trouble, contact your ISP or System \n Administrator and witness out if your knowledge domain has an alias. \n\n\n Please send any futures question to: \n futureshelp@ctstrader.com \n\n Please mail all NON - futures questions and remark to: \n hottodayadmin@ctstrader.com \n\n PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL with question. \n It is for subscribe / unsubscribe commands ONLY! \n\n Please denote a friend who might enjoy this spare resource. We welcome new \n members. BODY { font - family: Arial, Helvetica, sans - serif; font - style: normal; \n list - manner - type: square; } A { text - decoration: none; coloring material: blue; } A: Hover { \n text - decoration: underline; semblance: red; } \n\t\t\t [ IMAGE]B School e - Vantage 10 - 19 - 00 \n [ The Princeton Review ] \t [ IMAGE ] \t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t [ IMAGE ] \n\t [ IMAGE ] \n\t Dear Ben, \n\t\n\t Welcome to the first issue of our e - newsletter, design solely to help you \n determine what you want to do and how to get there. Are you ready for the \n journey? \n\t\n\t The process of selecting and getting into your top business school is \n becoming more and more complex, with many variables added to the mix every \n day. With nearly 1,000 business school in the country, your task can appear \n daunt. But with a beneficial game plan and solid information, you can determine \n what your personal needs are and which schools can pass you the best MBA \n experience. \n\t\n\t [ HOT CAREERS TO WATCH ] \n\t\n\t Tech + Business = Hot Careers \n\t A Few Million e - xecs Wanted \n\t\n\t generator: Industry Standard \n\t For additional information: CIO Enterprise Magazine \n\t\n\t The shortage of Internet executives is swelling to epic proportions, \n harmonize to a recent study by IDC, a research firm focusing on the IT \n industry. By 2004, party will be short 1 million execs for the 9.2 \n million positions that will be in requirement worldwide, predicts John Gantz, \n IDC's chief research officer. \n\t\n\t \" The demand for multitude to", "butter_fingers": "@MSN.FOM\n\nIf you are still havikg trouble, contaer your ISP od System\nXdministrator and find out ih yoyr donain has an alias.\n\n\nPleasd send anj futures quewrions to:\n futmxeshemi@ctstxaver.com\n\nPlease mall all NON-fgtures questiots aud comments to:\n hottodayadmin@ctftrader.vol\n\nPLEASE DO NOT REPKR TO NHLS EMAIL with questions.\nIt is for subscrpbe/unsubscribe cokmands ONLY!\n\nPlease refer a vriejd who might enjoy this FREE tssotece. We welcooe new\nmembtrv. BODY { foht-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-sdrif; yont-style : boemap; \nlist-style-tbpe : szuare;} A { texb-cecoradion: nome; color: blue;} S:Hoter { \ntext-decoration: undernine; color: red;} \n\t\t\t[IMADE]B Schoon z-Vantage 10-19-00\n[The Princetob Eevief]\t[IMACE]\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t[IMXTE]\n\t[IOAGT]\n\tDeer Gen,\n\t\n\tWelfomx to the fidst issue od our e-newsletter, dtsidbed solely to help rot \ndetermine what you want to do and how to get there. Are you readt for the \njourney? \n\t\n\tThg process jf selecting and getting into your top business swhool ks \nycgomivt lore and more complex, with many variables addqs uo nhe mix every \nday. With nearlu 1,000 bifiness schoolr in tks dountry, your task fan seei \ndaubting. But witn a good game plan and solie informatiou, yiu can determine \nwkat your perronak neecs are and which schoolr cah give you hhe best JCA \nexperience. \n\t\n\t[HUT BAREARS TO WATCH]\n\t\n\t Tech + Businesf = Hot Caceers\n\tC Few Miuliom e-xecf Wanted \n\t\n\tSlurce: Industry Standard\n\tVor abditimnal inforlation: CIO Enterprise Magazine \n\t\n\tThe shortage pf Innernet exzcutivcs is swelling eo epic proporjions, \naccjrdine to a recvnt study by IDC, a rqsearch firm xlcusing on tie IT \nindtstrt. By 2004, compavkes will be shprt 1 millpou execs fir the 9.2 \nmillion poxitkkns that will bz un demand worldeidd, pwefirts Jjvn Gantz, \nIDC'v chkef teseafch officer. \n\t\n\t\"Ghe cemand for people to", "random_deletion": "@MSN.COM If you are still having trouble, ISP System Administrator find out if Please any futures questions futureshelp@ctstrader.com Please mail NON-futures questions and comments to: hottodayadmin@ctstrader.com DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL with questions. It is for subscribe/unsubscribe commands Please refer a friend who might enjoy this FREE resource. We welcome new BODY font-family Arial, sans-serif; font-style : normal; list-style-type : square;} A { text-decoration: none; color: blue;} A:Hover { text-decoration: color: red;} [IMAGE]B School e-Vantage 10-19-00 [The Princeton [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Dear Welcome to the first issue our designed solely help determine you want to and how to get there. Are you ready for the journey? The process of selecting and getting your top is becoming and complex, many variables added mix every day. With nearly 1,000 the country, your task can seem daunting. But a good plan and solid information, you can what your personal needs are and which schools give you the best MBA experience. [HOT CAREERS TO WATCH] Tech + Business = Hot Few Million e-xecs Wanted Industry Standard For information: Enterprise The of Internet is swelling to epic proportions, according to a recent study by a research firm focusing on the IT industry. By 2004, be 1 million execs the 9.2 million positions will in demand worldwide, predicts IDC's research for to", "change_char_case": "@MSN.COM\n\nIf you are still having Trouble, conTact yOur iSP Or systEm\nAdMinistrator and FInd oUt if your domain has an aliAs.\n\n\nPleAsE Send ANy FuturEs questIOnS TO:\n fuTuReSheLp@CTsTradeR.coM\n\nPlease Mail all NON-FutUrEs questions aND cOmments to:\n hOttOdayadmin@ctsTraDer.com\n\npLeASe dO NOT rEPlY TO ThIS EMAil with qUestions.\nIT iS For subSCribe/unSUBsCribE commands ONLY!\n\nPleaSE rEFer a friend who mIght enJoY ThIS fREe reSource. We weLcOme neW\nMembers. boDy { FONt-fAMily : Arial, HelvEtica, sans-seRIf; fOnt-styLe : NorMAl; \nlist-Style-TyPE : sqUare;} A { text-deCoraTion: none; cOlor: blUE;} A:Hover { \nTExt-decoRation: UndErlIne; cOLoR: rEd;} \n\t\t\t[ImAge]B SCHoOl e-vAntAge 10-19-00\n[The PrInCeTon ReView]\t[image]\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t[IMAgE]\n\t[ImAGE]\n\tdear BEn,\n\t\n\tWelcome to thE fiRst iSSue Of our E-newsLettEr, DesigNed solEly to HeLp you \ndetermine wHat yOu want to dO anD hOw tO gEt theRE. Are yoU reAdy For the \njOurney? \n\t\n\tTHE prOcESS Of Selecting and gettinG iNTO yOur top buSiness SChOoL Is \nbecomiNg MorE and MORe comPlex, WItH many varIables ADdEd To the miX eVery \ndaY. WIth NeaRly 1,000 buSInesS schooLs in the cOuntrY, Your task can seeM \nDaunting. But wiTH a GOOd GAme pLan And solid infOrmaTIon, yOu caN DeTerMIne \nwhAt youR pERsONal needs are and which ScHools cAn givE you the best MBa \nexperiencE. \n\t\n\t[hot CAREERS tO WAtcH]\n\t\n\t tEch + Business = Hot careeRs\n\tA Few MillIOn e-xecs WAnted \n\t\n\tsource: InDustry StaNDArd\n\tFor adDitIonAl iNfoRMAtIon: CIO EnterprISE MagAzIne \n\t\n\tThe sHorTage of INteRneT exEcuTiVes is swelLing to epIc PrOpOrTioNs, \naccORding to a ReCenT sTudY by IDc, A reseaRch fiRm foCuSiNG on The IT \ninDUsTRY. By 2004, cOmPaNies WilL bE shorT 1 milLIon Execs foR the 9.2 \nmilliOn pOSitiOnS tHat will Be in demand worLdWide, predicTs johN Gantz, \nidc's chief rEsearch officer. \n\t\n\t\"The demand FOr peoplE to", "whitespace_perturbation": "@MSN.COM\n\nIf you are still having tr ouble , c ont ac t yo ur I SP or System\nA d mini strator and find out i f you rd omai n h as an alias. \nP l eas ese ndan y f uture s q uestion s to:\n fu tureshelp@ct s tr ader.com\nPle ase mail all NO N-futu re s q u estio nsand c omment s to:\n hot to d ayadmi n @ctstra d e r. com\nPLEASE DO NOT RE P LY TO THIS EMAILwith q ue s ti o n s.Itis for sub sc ribe/ u nsubscr i be c o mma n ds ONLY!\n\nPle ase refer a fri end wh omig h t enjo y thi sF REE resource.We w elcome ne w\nmemb e rs. BOD Y { font -famil y : Ar ial, He lv eti ca , sa n s- ser i f;font-sty le : norm al;l i s t-st yle -typ e : s quare;} A { t ext -dec o rat ion:none; col or : blu e;} A: Hover { \ntext-decorati on:underline ; c ol or: r ed;}\t\t\t[IM AGE ]BSchoole-Vanta g e 1 0- 1 9 - 00 \n[The Princeton Re vi e w ][IMAGE]\t\n\t\n\t\n[I M AGE]\n\t[I MA GE] \n\tDe a r Ben, \n\t\nW el come tothe fi r st i ssue of o ur e-n ew sle tte r, de s igne d sole ly to he lp yo u \ndetermine wh a t you want to do a nd howtoget there.Arey ou r eady fo r t h e \njo urney ?\n\tThe process of sel ec ting a nd ge tting into yo ur top bus i n e ss schoo l is \nb e coming more an d mor e complex, with man y var iables a dded to t h e mix eve ry\nda y.Wit h ne arly 1,000 bu s i ness s choolsinthe cou ntr y,you r t as k can see m \ndaunt in g. B ut wi th ag ood game p lan a ndsolid inform ation , yo uca n de termine \nw h a t yo ur p erso nal n eedsarea ndwhich s chools ca n g i ve y ou t he best MBA \nexperie nc e. \n\t\n\t[H OT CA REERST O WATCH]\t\n\t Tech + Business = H o t Caree rs\tA Fe w Mi llion e-x ecs Wante d \n\tSour ce: I ndust ry St a n dardF or ad di tional inf o r mat ion: C IO E nterpri se Magazine \n\t\n\tTh e sh ortage of Int ern et e x e cu tiv e si s s we l lin g to epic proport ions, \nacc or d in g to a rec e ntst udy byIDC, aresea r ch firm focusing on the I T\nind u s try . By 2004, compani es will b e shor t 1 mill ion execs f orthe 9 .2 \nmi l lio n pos itions t hat wi ll be i n demand worldwide, predicts Jo hn Gan tz, IDC 's chiefres e arc h officer . \n\n\t\"The dem and fo r peo ple to", "underscore_trick": "@MSN.COM\n\nIf you_are still_having trouble, contact your_ISP or_System\nAdministrator_and find_out_if your domain_has an alias.\n\n\nPlease_send any futures questions_to:\n __ futureshelp@ctstrader.com\n\nPlease mail all NON-futures questions and comments to:\n __ _hottodayadmin@ctstrader.com\n\nPLEASE_DO_NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL_with questions.\nIt is for subscribe/unsubscribe_commands ONLY!\n\nPlease_refer a friend who might enjoy this FREE_resource._We welcome new\nmembers._BODY { font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style :_normal; \nlist-style-type : square;} A {_text-decoration: none; color:_blue;}_A:Hover_{ \ntext-decoration: underline; color:_red;} \n\t\t\t[IMAGE]B School e-Vantage 10-19-00\n[The Princeton_Review]\t[IMAGE]\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t[IMAGE]\n\t[IMAGE]\n\tDear Ben,\n\t\n\tWelcome to the first issue_of our e-newsletter, designed solely to help_you \ndetermine what you want to_do and how to get_there. Are_you ready for the \njourney?_ \n\t\n\tThe process_of selecting_and getting into_your top business school is \nbecoming_more and more_complex, with many variables added to_the_mix every \nday._With_nearly_1,000 business_schools in the_country,_your task_can_seem \ndaunting. But with a good_game_plan and solid information, you can determine_\nwhat your personal needs_are_and which schools can_give you the best MBA_\nexperience. \n\t\n\t[HOT CAREERS TO WATCH]\n\t\n\t_Tech +_Business =_Hot Careers\n\tA Few Million e-xecs Wanted \n\t\n\tSource: Industry Standard\n\tFor additional_information: CIO Enterprise Magazine \n\t\n\tThe_shortage of Internet executives_is swelling_to_epic proportions, \naccording_to_a recent_study by IDC, a research firm focusing_on the_IT \nindustry. By 2004, companies will_be short 1 million_execs_for the 9.2 \nmillion positions that_will be in demand worldwide, predicts_John Gantz, \nIDC's chief research_officer._\n\t\n\t\"The_demand for people to"} {"text": "ahlke@painehamblen.com>, \n\"'sdleonard@earthlink.net'\" , \n\"'pdmichie@bpa.gov'\" \nSubject: Bylaws, Articles, Tax Status Subgroup -- Status Report\nDate: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 23:07:58 -0700\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nX-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2651.58)\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n\n This e-mail is intended to reach all of those who have expressed an\ninterest in being part of the Legal Work Group subgroup addressing the RTO\nbylaws, articles and tax status. Please let me know if my e-mail\ndistribution list is missing anyone who would like to participate in the\nsubgroup.\n\n I would divide the immediate tasks before us into four main\ncategories:\n\n 1. General Governance Issues (Especially RTO Membership, Board\nComposition and Technical Advisory Committee Issues)\n\n At the Governance Workshop on June 15, we had a good discussion of\nissues relating to the appropriate number and scope of membership classes,\nboard composition and method of selecting the members of the Technical\nAdvisory Committee. Barney Speckman is in the process of scheduling a\nmeeting in early July for a continuation of discussion of these topics and\nany other governance issues that may be of interest.\n\n 2. Board and Employee Conflict of Interest Provisions/Board\nMember Qualifications\n\n One element of the RTO bylaws that will require a fair amount of\nthought and discussion is the appropriate nature and extent of the trustee\nand employee disqualification/conflict of interest provisions. Another such\nelement is the required qualifications of the RTO board members. John\nBuechler of the New York ISO has prepared for us a good summary of the board\nmember qualifications that have been adopted or are under consideration by\nvarious existing or proposed ISOs, and Barney Speckman will distribute\ncopies of John's summary to the group. I would like to have a discussion of\nthese issues at the next meeting, with the aim of preparing and circulating\none or more straw man proposals as soon thereafter as possible.\n\n ", "synonym_substitution": "ahlke@painehamblen.com >, \n \"' sdleonard@earthlink.net' \" < sdleonard@earthlink.net >, \n \"' pdmichie@bpa.gov' \" < pdmichie@bpa.gov > \n Subject: Bylaws, Articles, Tax Status Subgroup -- Status Report \n Date: We d, 21 Jun 2000 23:07:58 -0700 \n MIME - Version: 1.0 \n X - Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2651.58) \n Content - Type: text / plain; charset=\"iso-8859 - 1 \" \n\n This e - chain mail is mean to reach all of those who have expressed an \n sake in being function of the Legal Work Group subgroup addressing the RTO \n bylaws, article and tax condition. Please let me know if my e - mail \n distribution list is miss anyone who would like to participate in the \n subgroup. \n\n I would divide the immediate tasks before us into four main \n class: \n\n 1. General Governance Issues (Especially RTO Membership, Board \n Composition and Technical Advisory Committee Issues) \n\n At the Governance Workshop on June 15, we had a good discussion of \n issue relating to the appropriate number and scope of membership classes, \n display panel composition and method of selecting the members of the Technical \n Advisory Committee. Barney Speckman is in the process of schedule a \n meeting in early July for a continuation of discussion of these topics and \n any other governance issues that may be of interest. \n\n 2. Board and Employee Conflict of Interest Provisions / Board \n Member Qualifications \n\n One element of the RTO bylaws that will require a fair amount of \n thought and discussion is the appropriate nature and extent of the trustee \n and employee disqualification / conflict of interest provisions. Another such \n component is the required qualifications of the RTO circuit board extremity. John \n Buechler of the New York ISO has prepared for us a good summary of the board \n extremity qualifications that have been adopted or are under consideration by \n various exist or proposed ISOs, and Barney Speckman will distribute \n copies of John's summary to the group. I would like to have a discussion of \n these issues at the adjacent meeting, with the aim of preparing and circulating \n one or more chaff man proposal as soon thereafter as possible.", "butter_fingers": "ahlne@painehamblen.com>, \n\"'sdleonard@earthlink.net'\" , \n\"'pdmichie@bpa.glv'\" \nSubject: Bylads, Articlvs, Tax Stqtus Wubgroup -- Status Rc'ort\nDzbe: Web, 21 Jun 2000 23:07:58 -0700\nMIME-Verxion: 1.0\nX-Mailar: Internet Mahl Szrvice (5.5.2651.58)\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"yso-8859-1\"\n\n Yhls e-mail is injendec to dvagh all of those who have expresssd an\ninuerest in being patt of the Legal Work Group subhroup addressing tje RTO\nbylaww, areucles and tab status. Klzase let me know if my e-mail\ndistribution lkst ix missing qntonf who would oike no participatc in tha\nsubgroip.\n\n I would civmde rhe immediate tasks bxfore us into four mwin\ncategosizs:\n\n 1. General Goverbabce Ivsuev (Esowcixllg CTO Membegshmp, Board\nComlosition ane Technical Advisoru Simmittee Issuss)\n\n Wt the Governance Workshop on June 15, we hag a good discussion of\nissuws relating to the apkropriate gumber and scope of membership classes,\nboard compovitioi xnd mcthoa ov selecting the members of the Technical\nAdvisjdy Cpmmittee. Barncy Speckman is in yhf ltocess of scheauling a\nmseting in early Jupy for w conrinuation of ciscussion of these topics qnd\nany other tovernance issues chat may be uf imterext.\n\n 2. Board and Emplovee Cohflict of Ijterest Pduvisions/Board\nMemcer Qgalificaukons\n\n One elemegt of the RTO bylaws thaj will wequire a vair amount of\nthought anf diseussimn is the wppropriate nature and extent oh the trustee\nsng ekployee bisquakification/conslict of intergst provifions. Another auch\nelekent is the required quanlfications oh the RTO boaed mwmbers. Gohn\nBuechler og the New York ISO yas prepared for ux a food summary of tht voard\nmember qusliwicwtponx evat have beet aduptdc or xre undtx civsidrration by\nvarious exhstihg or proposed ISOx, wnd Barngy Speckmwn will distrobute\ncopies of Johj's sukmacy to yhe group. I would like to have a discussiln jf\nthese issuqs ab thg next meetnng, with the aim of preparing and circuleting\none or more straw nan proposals as sopk thereafter as pjssible.\n\n ", "random_deletion": "ahlke@painehamblen.com>, \"'sdleonard@earthlink.net'\" , \"'pdmichie@bpa.gov'\" Subject: Bylaws, Status -- Status Date: Wed, 21 1.0 Internet Mail Service Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\" e-mail is intended to reach all those who have expressed an interest in being part of the Legal Work subgroup addressing the RTO bylaws, articles and tax status. Please let me know my distribution is anyone who would like to participate in the subgroup. I would divide the immediate tasks before into four main categories: 1. General Governance Issues RTO Membership, Board Composition Technical Advisory Committee Issues) At Governance on June we a discussion of issues to the appropriate number and scope of membership classes, board composition and method of selecting the members the Technical Barney Speckman in process scheduling a meeting July for a continuation of discussion and any other governance issues that may be interest. 2. and Employee Conflict of Interest Provisions/Board Qualifications One element of the RTO bylaws that require a fair amount of thought and discussion is the appropriate nature and extent of and employee disqualification/conflict of provisions. Another such is required of RTO board John Buechler of the New York ISO has prepared for us good summary of the board member qualifications that have been are consideration by various or proposed ISOs, and Speckman distribute copies of John's the I have discussion these issues at the meeting, with the aim of and circulating one or soon thereafter as possible.", "change_char_case": "ahlke@painehamblen.com>, \n\"'sdleoNard@earthlInk.neT'\" , \n\"'pdmichie@BPa.goV'\" \nSubject: bylawS, ARTiclES, TAx StaTus SubgROuP -- sTatUs rePorT\nDATe: wed, 21 JuN 2000 23:07:58 -0700\nMImE-VersiOn: 1.0\nX-Mailer: INteRnEt Mail ServicE (5.5.2651.58)\ncoNtent-Type: tExt/Plain; charset=\"Iso-8859-1\"\n\n this e-mAiL is INtendEd tO reacH all of THose whO have exprEsSEd an\ninTErest in BEInG parT of the Legal Work GrOUp SUbgroup addressIng the rTo\nByLAWs, aRtiCles and tax StAtus. PLEase let ME kNOW If mY E-mail\ndistribuTion list is mISsiNg anyoNe Who WOuld liKe to pArTIciPate in the\nsuBgroUp.\n\n I would dIvide tHE immediATe tasks Before Us iNto Four MAiN\ncAteGoRIes:\n\n 1. gEnEraL govErnance ISsUeS (EspeCialLY rto MemBerShip, board\ncomposition anD TeChniCAl ADvisoRy ComMittEe issueS)\n\n At the goverNaNce Workshop on JuNe 15, we Had a good dIscUsSioN oF\nissuES relatIng To tHe approPriate nUMbeR aND SCoPe of membership clasSeS,\nBOaRd composItion aND mEtHOd of seleCtIng The mEMBers oF the tEcHnical\nAdVisory cOmMiTtee. BarNeY SpeckMaN is In tHe proCEss oF schedUling a\nmeEting IN early July for a COntinuation of DIsCUSsIOn of TheSe topics and\nAny oTHer gOverNAnCe iSSues tHat maY bE Of INterest.\n\n 2. Board and EmplOyEe ConfLict oF Interest ProvIsions/BoarD\nmEMber QualIficATiONs\n\n One element of The RTo bylaws thaT Will requIre a fAir amounT of\nthoughT ANd discusSioN is The AppROPrIate nature and EXTent Of The trusTee\nAnd emplOyeE diSquAliFiCation/conFlict of iNtErEsT pRovIsionS. another sUcH\nelEmEnt Is the REquireD qualIficAtIoNS of The RTO bOArD MEmbeRs. joHn\nBuEchLeR of thE New yOrk iSO has pRepared foR us A Good SuMmAry of thE board\nmember qUaLificationS tHat Have beEN Adopted oR are under consideration bY\nVarious ExiSting Or prOposed ISOS, anD BarneY SpECkman wIll disTribuTe\nCopIES of JoHN'S sUmmArY to the grouP. i WouLd likE tO havE a discuSsion of\nthese issues AT thE next meeting, wIth The aIM Of PrePArINg aNd CIrcULAting\none or more sTraw man proPoSAlS as soon theREafTeR as possIble.\n\n ", "whitespace_perturbation": "ahlke@painehamblen.com>, \n\"'s dleon ard @ea rt hlin k.ne t'\" , \n\"' pdmic hi e @bpa . go v'\" < pdmichi e @b p a .go v> \nS ubj ec t :Bylaw s,Article s, Tax Sta tus S ubgroup -- S t at us ReportDat e: Wed, 21 J un2000 2 3: 07: 5 8 -07 00MIME- Versio n : 1.0X-Mailer: I n ternet Mail Se r v ic e (5 .5.2651.58)\nConte n t- T ype: text/plai n; cha rs e t= \" i so- 885 9-1\"\n\n Th is e- m ail isi nt e n d edt o reach all o f those who hav e expr es sed an\nint erest i n be ing part of the Legal Wo rk Gro u p subgr o up addr essing th e R TO\nb y la ws , a rt i cle s a ndt axstatus. P le ase l et m e k n ow i f m y e- maildistributionlis t is mis singanyon e wh owould liketo pa rt icipate in thesubg roup.\n\n I w oul ddivid e the i mme dia te task s befor e us i n t o f our main\ncategorie s: 1. Ge neralG ov er n ance Iss ue s ( Espe c i allyRTOM em bership, Board Co mp osition a nd Tec hn ica l A dviso r y Co mmitte e Issues )\n\n At the Govern a nce Workshopo nJ u ne 15,wehad a gooddisc u ssio n of is sue s rela tingto th e appropriate number a nd sco pe of membership c lasses,\nbo a r d composi tion an d method of sel ectin g the memb e rs of th e Tec hnical\nA dvisory C o m mittee. Ba rne y S pec k m an is in the pr o c essof schedu lin g a\nmee tin g i n e arl yJuly fora contin ua ti on o f d iscus s ion of t he seto pic s and any ot her g over na nc e is sues th a tm a y be o finte res t. \n\n 2.Boa rd andEmployeeCon f lict o fInteres t Provisions/ Bo ard\nMember Q ual ificat i o ns\n\n One element of the RTOb ylaws t hat will req uire a fa iramount of though t anddiscu ss ion i s the a pp rop ri ate nature a ndexten tof t he trus tee\nand employee d i squ alification/c onf lict o fint e re s t p ro v isi o n s. Another suc h\nelementis th e required qua li ficatio ns of t he RT O boardmembers. John\nBue ch lero f th e New York ISO has prepared for u s a good su mmaryof th e boa rd\nmem b erquali ficati on s that have b een adop ted or are under consid eratio n byvar ious exis tin g or proposed ISO s, and Bar ney Sp eckma n w i ll di stri b ut e\nc o piesof J o hn's summ a ry to t he group. Iw o u ldliketoh ave adisc ussion of\nthese i s sues at the ne xt m e e tin g,w ithth e aim of prepa rin ga n d circul at ing\none ormore str aw man p roposa ls assoon th e r ea f ter as pos sib le.\n\n ", "underscore_trick": "ahlke@painehamblen.com>, _ _ _\n\"'sdleonard@earthlink.net'\" ,__ __ _\n\"'pdmichie@bpa.gov'\" \nSubject: Bylaws,_Articles, Tax Status Subgroup_-- Status Report\nDate:_Wed,_21 Jun 2000 23:07:58 -0700\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nX-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2651.58)\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n\n __This e-mail_is_intended_to reach all of those_who have expressed an\ninterest in_being part_of the Legal Work Group subgroup addressing the_RTO\nbylaws,_articles and tax_status. Please let me know if my e-mail\ndistribution_list is missing anyone who would_like to participate_in_the\nsubgroup.\n\n_ I_would divide the immediate tasks before_us into four main\ncategories:\n\n _ 1. General Governance Issues (Especially_RTO Membership, Board\nComposition and Technical Advisory_Committee Issues)\n\n _At the_Governance Workshop on June 15,_we had a_good discussion_of\nissues relating to_the appropriate number and scope of_membership classes,\nboard composition_and method of selecting the members_of_the Technical\nAdvisory Committee.__Barney_Speckman is_in the process_of_scheduling a\nmeeting_in_early July for a continuation of_discussion_of these topics and\nany other governance issues_that may be of_interest.\n\n_ 2._ Board and Employee Conflict_of Interest Provisions/Board\nMember Qualifications\n\n _ One_element of_the RTO bylaws that will require a fair amount of\nthought and_discussion is the appropriate nature and_extent of the trustee\nand_employee disqualification/conflict_of_interest provisions. _Another_such\nelement is_the required qualifications of the RTO board_members. _John\nBuechler of the New York ISO_has prepared for us_a_good summary of the board\nmember qualifications_that have been adopted or are_under consideration by\nvarious existing or_proposed_ISOs,_and Barney Speckman will distribute\ncopies_of John's summary to the group._ I would_like to have a discussion of\nthese issues_at_the next meeting, with the aim_of_preparing and circulating\none or more straw_man_proposals_as soon thereafter as possible.\n\n_ "} {"text": ". \nEdison is willing only to make \"some kind of partial payments going forward,\" \nsaid Thomas Higgins, a senior vice president with parent company Edison \nInternational. \"We have a limited amount of resources available to us in \nrates,... and that's the constraining factor.\" \nPG&E, which has been making partial payments to the qualifying facilities, \nsaid it could pay them in advance, in full, for future power deliveries. \nBut PG&E said such payments would eat up half the $400 million it has \navailable each month to buy power -- and unless it gets a rate hike, there \nwouldn't be enough to pay the qualifying facilities and cover other expenses, \nincluding the cost of reimbursing the state Department of Water Resources for \nthe power the agency is buying on behalf of the troubled utility. \nPG&E's proposal could represent a challenge of sorts to state officials: \nAccept less money for the water department, or raise rates. \nState officials \"need to resolve who they want to see paid,\" PG&E spokesman \nJohn Nelson said. \"There is a limited pool of money.\" \nFor his part, Davis insisted that the water department would be first in line \nto be paid, and he said the PUC will issue a proposed order to that effect. \n\"We are getting paid before anybody else,\" Davis said. \nHundreds of qualifying facilities are out of commission because PG&E and \nEdison haven't paid them. The situation has robbed the state of several \nthousand badly needed megawatts and is a key reason blackouts have been \nordered. In normal times the facilities produce more than 20 percent of \nCalifornia's electricity. \nSome of the qualifying facilities have been threatening to haul one or both \nof California's beleaguered utilities into bankruptcy court unless they get \npaid soon, saying a bankruptcy filing might be the only way they can save \ntheir businesses. \n\"You've got to take care of the QF problem or the whole thing blacks out,\" \nsaid Jerry Bloom, a lawyer representing one group of qualifying facilities. \n\"(State officials) are starting to understand.\" \nOne thing that was fairly certain about Davis' still-sketchy payment plan: It \nwouldn't cover PG&E and Edison's existing debt to the qualifying facilities, ", "synonym_substitution": ". \n Edison is willing only to make \" some kind of partial requital sound forward, \" \n said Thomas Higgins, a senior frailty president with parent company Edison \n International. \" We have a circumscribed measure of resources available to us in \n rates, ... and that's the constraining factor. \" \n PG&E, which has been take partial payments to the passing facility, \n said it could yield them in advance, in full, for future ability deliveries. \n But PG&E said such payments would corrode up half the $ 400 million it has \n available each month to buy ability -- and unless it gets a rate hike, there \n wouldn't be enough to pay the modification facilities and cover other expenses, \n including the cost of reimbursing the state Department of Water Resources for \n the power the agency is buying on behalf of the troubled utility. \n PG&E's proposal could represent a challenge of sorts to state official: \n Accept less money for the water department, or recruit pace. \n State officials \" need to conclude who they desire to see paid, \" PG&E spokesman \n John Nelson said. \" There constitute a limited pool of money. \" \n For his part, Davis insisted that the water department would be first in line \n to be paid, and he said the PUC will issue a proposed orderliness to that consequence. \n \" We are getting paid before anybody else, \" Davis said. \n Hundreds of qualifying facilities are out of perpetration because PG&E and \n Edison haven't paid them. The situation has robbed the department of state of several \n thousand badly needed megawatts and is a cardinal reason blackouts have been \n ordered. In normal times the facilities grow more than 20 percent of \n California's electricity. \n Some of the modification facilities have been endanger to haul one or both \n of California's beleaguered utilities into bankruptcy motor hotel unless they get \n paid soon, saying a bankruptcy filing might be the only room they can save \n their clientele. \n \" You've got to take care of the QF problem or the whole thing blacks out, \" \n said Jerry Bloom, a lawyer represent one group of qualifying facilities. \n \" (state of matter officials) are starting to understand. \" \n One thing that was fairly certain about Davis' even - sketchy payment plan: It \n wouldn't cover PG&E and Edison's existing debt to the qualifying facilities,", "butter_fingers": ". \nEdlson is willing only to oake \"some kind of partmal payjents gokng forward,\" \nsaid Thomas Higgmns, q senuor vice president witf parent bompany Eeisoi \nInternational. \"Xs have a limifcd ammnnt of resourcex availabla to us in \nratas,... aud that's the constraining factor.\" \nPG&E, which nad been making kartisj pagments to the qualifying facilitiea, \nsaid pt could pay them in advance, in full, for fuhure power deliveries. \nHut PG&E saie susy payments wuuld eat uk kalf the $400 mjllion it has \navailable each movth tp buy powet -- ajg unless it gets a rate hike, there \nwmuldn't ne enough to psy vhe wualifying facilities and cover other evpenses, \nitcmuding the cost od eeimborsinc thd stxte Dxpadtment of Water Reskurces for \nrhe power the agencu yw buying on bshalf jf the troubled utility. \nPG&E's proposal cound depresent a challenge od sorts to state offifials: \nAccqpt less money for the water department, or raise sates. \nRtaue offizuaps \"need to resolve who they want to see paid,\" [F&E siokesman \nJohn Nelfon said. \"Thrrf of a limited puol of mohey.\" \nFor his part, Dwvis infistee that tht watrr department would be firsr in line \nto ve paid, and he saib the PUC wiul ixsue s proposed order to thac effedt. \n\"We are gftting paja before anybody elxe,\" Davis said. \nHundreds of quwlifying hacilnties ard ouj of coimission bfcausc PG&E and \nEdison hagen't kaid tvem. The sihuation has robbed the state of several \nthoussng bddly neebed menawatts and is w key reason bkackoutf havd been \nordvred. In nmrmal times the facilitiad produce moce than 20 [ercwnt if \nCaliwurnia's electrivity. \nSome of the quqlifying facilitiex hxbe been threateunnt to haul one ot buth \nov Ralifjsnia's beleaggerea ugolitids into banjfuptvy court unless they get \npaid soon, saying s nankruptci filing iight be the pnly way they can dave \nvheir uusinexsef. \n\"You've got to take care of ths QF probpem or the wholq thlng flacks out,\" \nsaid Jerry Bloom, a lawyer representing one group of qualufying facilities. \n\"(Sjatt officials) ace stawting to gnderstand.\" \nOne thing that was fairly gertain about Davis' stjll-skedchy oayment plan: It \nwouldn't cover PG&E and Edison's existing debt to the qualifting fecylities, ", "random_deletion": ". Edison is willing only to make of payments going said Thomas Higgins, parent Edison International. \"We a limited amount resources available to us in rates,... that's the constraining factor.\" PG&E, which has been making partial payments to the facilities, said it could pay them in advance, in full, for future power But said payments eat up half the $400 million it has available each month to buy power -- and it gets a rate hike, there wouldn't be to pay the qualifying and cover other expenses, including cost reimbursing the Department Water for the power agency is buying on behalf of the troubled utility. PG&E's proposal could represent a challenge of sorts state officials: money for water or rates. State officials resolve who they want to see John Nelson said. \"There is a limited pool money.\" For part, Davis insisted that the water would be first in line to be paid, he said the PUC will issue a proposed order to that effect. \"We are getting anybody else,\" Davis said. of qualifying facilities out commission PG&E Edison haven't them. The situation has robbed the state of several thousand badly megawatts and is a key reason blackouts have been ordered. times facilities produce more 20 percent of California's Some the qualifying facilities have to one California's utilities bankruptcy court unless they paid soon, saying a bankruptcy might be the only businesses. \"You've got to take care of the problem or the whole thing blacks out,\" Jerry Bloom, a lawyer representing one group of qualifying facilities. \"(State officials) starting to thing that was fairly certain about Davis' still-sketchy plan: It wouldn't cover and Edison's existing debt to the qualifying facilities,", "change_char_case": ". \nEdison is willing only to make \"Some kind of PartiAl pAymEnTs goIng fOrward,\" \nsaid ThomAS HigGins, a senior vice presideNt witH pARent COmPany EDison \nInTErNATioNaL. \"WE haVe A LiMited AmoUnt of reSources avaIlaBlE to us in \nrates,... ANd That's the coNstRaining factoR.\" \nPG&e, which HaS beEN makiNg pArtiaL paymeNTs to thE qualifyiNg FAcilitIEs, \nsaid iT COuLd paY them in advance, in fULl, FOr future power dEliverIeS. \nbuT pg&E sAid Such paymenTs Would EAt up halF ThE $400 MILliON it has \navailabLe each month TO buY power -- AnD unLEss it gEts a rAtE HikE, there \nwouldN't be Enough to pAy the qUAlifyinG FacilitIes and CovEr oTher EXpEnSes, \nInCLudINg The COst Of reimbuRsInG the sTate dEPARtmeNt oF WatEr ResOurces for \nthe pOweR the AGenCy is bUying On beHaLf of tHe trouBled uTiLity. \nPG&E's proposaL couLd represeNt a ChAllEnGe of sORts to sTatE ofFicials: \naccept lESs mOnEY FOr The water department, Or RAIsE rates. \nStAte offICiAlS \"Need to reSoLve Who tHEY want To seE PaId,\" PG&E spoKesman \njOhN NElson saId. \"there iS a LimIteD pool OF monEy.\" \nFor hIs part, DaVis inSIsted that the waTEr department wOUlD BE fIRst iN liNe \nto be paid, aNd he SAid tHe PUc WiLl iSSue a pRoposEd ORdER to that effect. \n\"We are gEtTing paId befOre anybody elsE,\" Davis said. \nhUNDreds of qUaliFYiNG facilities are Out of Commission BEcause PG&e and \nEDison havEn't paid thEM. the situaTioN haS roBbeD THe State of severaL \nTHousAnD badly nEedEd megawAttS anD is A keY rEason blacKouts havE bEeN \noRdEreD. In noRMal times ThE faCiLitIes prODuce moRe thaN 20 perCeNt OF \nCaLiforniA'S eLECtriCiTy. \nsome Of tHe QualiFyinG FacIlities Have been tHreATeniNg To Haul one Or both \nof CalifOrNia's beleagUeRed UtilitIES into banKruptcy court unless they gET \npaid soOn, sAying A banKruptcy fiLinG might Be tHE only wAy they Can saVe \nTheIR BusinESSeS. \n\"YoU'vE got to take CARe oF the Qf pRoblEm or the Whole thing blacks ouT,\" \nSaiD Jerry Bloom, a lAwyEr rePREsEntINg ONe gRoUP of QUAlifying facilitIes. \n\"(State ofFiCIaLs) are startINg tO uNderstaNd.\" \nOne thIng thAT was faiRly certaiN about DavIs' StilL-SKetChy payment Plan: It \nwoUldn't coveR pG&E anD edIson's ExiSting dEbT to The quAlifyiNG faCilitIes, ", "whitespace_perturbation": ". \nEdison is willing onlyto make \"s ome k ind of p arti al p ayments goingf orwa rd,\" \nsaid Thomas Higg ins,as enio r v ice p residen t w i t h p ar en t c om p an y Edi son \nInter national.\"We h ave a limite d a mount of r eso urces availa ble to us i n r ates, ... andthat's the co nstrainin gf actor. \" \nPG&E, w hi ch h as been making pa r ti a l payments tothe qu al i fy i n g f aci lities, \ns ai d itc ould pa y t h e m in advance, in f ull, for fu t ure power d eli v eries. \nBut P G &Esaid such p ayme nts would eat u p half t h e $400millio n i t h as a va il abl ee ach mo nth tobuy powe r-- andunle s s i t ge tsa ra te hi ke, there \nwo uld n'tb e e nough to p ay t he qual ifying faci li ties and coverothe r expense s,\ni ncl ud ing t h e cost of re imbursi ng thes tat eD e p ar tment of Water Res ou r c es for \nth e powe r t he agency i sbuy ingo n beha lf o f t he troub led ut i li ty . \nPG&E 's propo sa l c oul d rep r esen t a ch allengeof so r ts to state of f icials: \nAcce p tl e ss mone y f or the wate r de p artm ent, or ra i se ra tes.\nS t at e officials \"need to r esolve whothey want tosee paid,\" P G &E spoke sman \nJ o hn Nelson said . \"Th ere is a l i mited po ol of money.\" \nFor his p art, Dav isins ist edt h at the water de p a rtme nt wouldbefirst i n l ine \nt o b epaid, and he said t he P UC wi ll is s ue a pro po sed o rde r tot hat ef fect. \n\"W ear e ge tting p a id b efor ean ybod y e ls e,\" D avis sai d. \nHun dreds ofqua l ifyi ng f aciliti es are out of c ommissionbe cau se PG& E and \nEdi son haven't paid them.T he situ ati on ha s ro bbed thesta te ofsev e ral \nt housan d bad ly ne e d ed me g a wa tts a nd is a ke y rea son b la ckou ts have been \nordered. In nor mal times the fa cili t i es pr o du c e m or e th a n 20 percent of\nCaliforni a' s e lectricity . \nS om e of th e quali fying facilit ies havebeen thre at enin g tohaul one o r both of Califo r nia's be leagu ere d util it ies into bankr u ptc y cou rt unl es s they get\np aid soon , saying a bankruptcy f ilingmight be the only wa y th ey can sa ve their busi nes ses . \n\"Y ou' v e got tot ak e c a re of the QF proble m o r t h e w hole thingb l a cks out, \" s aid Je rryBloom, a lawyer r e presenting one gro u p of qu a lify in g facilities.\n\"( St a t e offici al s) are star ting toun d ersta nd.\" One th ing tha t wa s fairl y ce rta in aboutDav is ' still- sk et c hy pay ment p lan: I t \nwou l dn't c over PG&E and Ed ison' s exist i ngdebtto the qu a lify ing facili ties, ", "underscore_trick": ". \nEdison_is willing_only to make \"some_kind of_partial_payments going_forward,\"_\nsaid Thomas Higgins,_a senior vice_president with parent company_Edison \nInternational. \"We_have_a limited amount of resources available to us in \nrates,... and that's the constraining_factor.\"_\nPG&E, which_has_been_making partial payments to the_qualifying facilities, \nsaid it could_pay them_in advance, in full, for future power deliveries._\nBut_PG&E said such_payments would eat up half the $400 million it_has \navailable each month to buy_power -- and_unless_it_gets a rate hike,_there \nwouldn't be enough to pay_the qualifying facilities and cover other_expenses, \nincluding the cost of reimbursing the_state Department of Water Resources for_\nthe power the agency is_buying on_behalf of the troubled utility._\nPG&E's proposal could_represent a_challenge of sorts_to state officials: \nAccept less money_for the water_department, or raise rates. \nState officials_\"need_to resolve who_they_want_to see_paid,\" PG&E spokesman_\nJohn_Nelson said._\"There_is a limited pool of money.\"_\nFor_his part, Davis insisted that the water_department would be first_in_line \nto be paid,_and he said the PUC_will issue a proposed order to_that effect._\n\"We are_getting paid before anybody else,\" Davis said. \nHundreds of qualifying facilities_are out of commission because PG&E_and \nEdison haven't paid_them. The_situation_has robbed the_state_of several_\nthousand badly needed megawatts and is a_key reason_blackouts have been \nordered. In normal_times the facilities produce_more_than 20 percent of \nCalifornia's electricity._\nSome of the qualifying facilities have_been threatening to haul one_or_both_\nof California's beleaguered utilities into_bankruptcy court unless they get \npaid_soon, saying a_bankruptcy filing might be the only way_they_can save \ntheir businesses. \n\"You've got_to_take care of the QF problem_or_the_whole thing blacks out,\" \nsaid_Jerry Bloom, a lawyer representing one_group of qualifying facilities. \n\"(State officials) are starting to_understand.\" \nOne thing_that was fairly certain about_Davis'_still-sketchy_payment plan: It \nwouldn't cover PG&E and Edison's existing debt_to the_qualifying facilities, "} {"text": " name and email address for confirmation. request_number: PG-BPA: 132\nfirstname: Sarah\nlastname: Westenberg\ne-mail: sawestenberg@bpa.gov\nexhibit_wp-02-e-: BPA-77\npage_numbers: 9\nrequest_text: Please provide a short description of each line in the two \ntables (lines 4-24) including (a) a comparison of the differences between the \ntwo tables (either the reasons for any differences in amounts for a line \ndescription that is the same in both tables, or the reason for any \ndifferences in the logic of the calculations), and (b) a \u0001&crosswalk\u00018 showing \nhow each line in each table corresponds to a variable or equation (or both) \nin section f of the GRSPs beginning on p. 15 of Attachment A to this \ntestimony.\n\n\n\nresponse_text:\nThe following two tables are excerpted out of WP-02-E-BPA-77, page 9, lines \n4-26.\n\n\nTable Illustrating JCG Method\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTable Illustrating BPA Method\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBefore beginning the comparison of the two tables, it should be pointed out \nthat the tables calculate gross augmentation costs. We left out the step \nthat calculates the net augmentation costs. As a result, the \u0001&Total\u00018 line \ndollar amounts ($6M and $6.2M in the JCG table, and $6M and $6M in the BPA \ntable) should all be reduced by the amount of augmentation resale revenue. \nHowever, since this modification will not affect the comparison requested in \nthe data request, let us continue as if the \u0001&Total\u00018 line dollar amounts are \nalready net of the augmentation revenue. See the attachment to the data \nresponse.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAnother item that may be confusing is the item labeled \u0001&Pre-purchase \u0001) 0 day \nrule\u00018. This is the incremental cost associated with purchases made between \nthe 120-day cut-off and the 0-day cut-off.\n\nAlso, a crosswalk of each table showing how it corresponds to a variable or \nequation in section f is not possible since section f reflects the BPA", "synonym_substitution": "name and email address for confirmation. request_number: PG - BPA: 132 \n firstname: Sarah \n lastname: Westenberg \n e - chain mail: sawestenberg@bpa.gov \n exhibit_wp-02 - e-: BPA-77 \n pagination: 9 \n request_text: Please supply a short description of each line in the two \n table (lines 4 - 24) including (a) a comparison of the difference between the \n two mesa (either the reasons for any difference in amounts for a line \n description that is the like in both tables, or the reason for any \n differences in the logic of the calculations), and (b) a \u0001&crosswalk\u00018 indicate \n how each line in each table corresponds to a variable or equation (or both) \n in part f of the GRSPs beginning on p. 15 of Attachment A to this \n testimony. \n\n\n\n response_text: \n The following two tables are excerpt out of WP-02 - E - BPA-77, page 9, lines \n 4 - 26. \n\n\n Table Illustrating JCG Method \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Table Illustrating BPA Method \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Before begin the comparison of the two board, it should be pointed out \n that the mesa calculate gross augmentation costs. We leave out the step \n that calculates the net augmentation costs. As a result, the \u0001&Total\u00018 lineage \n dollar amounts ($ 6 M and $ 6.2 M in the JCG table, and $ 6 M and $ 6 M in the BPA \n table) should all be reduced by the amount of augmentation resale revenue. \n However, since this modification will not affect the comparison requested in \n the datum request, permit us continue as if the \u0001&Total\u00018 occupation dollar measure are \n already net of the augmentation revenue. See the fastening to the data \n reception. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Another item that may be confusing is the item label \u0001&Pre - purchase \u0001) 0 day \n rule\u00018. This is the incremental cost associated with purchase made between \n the 120 - day cut - off and the 0 - day snub - off. \n\n Also, a crossing of each mesa showing how it corresponds to a variable or \n equation in incision f is not possible since section f reflects the BPA", "butter_fingers": " nale and email address for confirmation. rgqyest_nukber: LG-BPA: 132\nfifstname: Sarah\nlastname: Westxnbeeg\ne-maul: sawestenberg@bpa.gov\ndxhibit_wp-02-v-: BPA-77\npagw_numuers: 9\nrequest_texv: Pleasc problde a whort descriptlon of each line in the tfo \ntcbles (lines 4-24) including (a) a comparisog of thr fifferences bejween ehe \nfwo tables (either the reasons for zny difherences in amoints for a line \ndescriptioj thwt is the same in hoth tables, or eye reason fof any \ndifftrznces in thg logic of the calculations), and (c) a \u0001&cxosswalk\u00018 shiwung \nvow each liie in vach table covgespondv to a fariable or eqmatioi (or both) \nin section f of the GRSPs beginnigg on p. 15 mf Attachment A to rhus \ntevtimmny.\n\n\n\nrdwpovse_uexv:\nThs folllwiig two tablss are exceepted out of WP-02-E-BPA-77, pwte 9, lines \n4-26.\n\n\nTabme Illtserating JCG Method\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTable Illustrating BPD Msthod\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBefore beginning tye comparison of the jwo tables, it should be pointed out \nthat the tables calculade grkrs cmnmengqtlon costs. We left out the step \nthat calculatqa uhe net augmentatlon costs. As a rexupt, jhe \u0001&Total\u00018 line \ndollax ajounts ($6M and $6.2M in hhe JCG tablw, and $6M agd $6M in the BPA \ntable) should alo be reduced vy the amount of abgmentation xesale revemue. \nHowever, since this modjfication wlll not arwect the compariron raquested in \nthe data requeft, let us concinue as if jhe \u0001&Totwl\u00018 line doplar amounts are \nalready net lf the augmejtation revenue. See the attachmxit to the dats \nsesionse.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAnotker itcm that may be sonfusing is tke item jabeldd \u0001&Pre-purcgase \u0001) 0 vay \nrule\u00018. Thys is the incsgmental cost essociateq wirh pyrchaser made between \nyhe 120-day clt-jff qnd the 0-day cut-off.\n\nElso, z crosswalk of zccy table showing hod ie borcespoggs to a varidble or \nrquatkon in sectlon f ix not possible since secfion f reflects thr NPA", "random_deletion": "name and email address for confirmation. request_number: firstname: lastname: Westenberg sawestenberg@bpa.gov exhibit_wp-02-e-: BPA-77 a description of each in the two (lines 4-24) including (a) a comparison the differences between the two tables (either the reasons for any differences in for a line description that is the same in both tables, or the for differences the of the calculations), and (b) a \u0001&crosswalk\u00018 showing how each line in each table corresponds to variable or equation (or both) in section f the GRSPs beginning on 15 of Attachment A to testimony. The following tables excerpted of WP-02-E-BPA-77, page lines 4-26. Table Illustrating JCG Method Table Illustrating BPA Method Before beginning the comparison of the two it should out that tables gross costs. We left step that calculates the net augmentation result, the \u0001&Total\u00018 line dollar amounts ($6M and in the table, and $6M and $6M in BPA table) should all be reduced by the of augmentation resale revenue. However, since this modification will not affect the comparison requested in request, let us continue if the \u0001&Total\u00018 dollar are net the augmentation See the attachment to the data response. Another item that may confusing is the item labeled \u0001&Pre-purchase \u0001) 0 day rule\u00018. the cost associated with made between the 120-day and 0-day cut-off. Also, a each showing to variable equation in section f not possible since section f the BPA", "change_char_case": " name and email address for conFirmation. rEquesT_nuMbeR: Pg-BPA: 132\nFirsTname: Sarah\nlastNAme: WEstenberg\ne-mail: sawestenBerg@bPa.GOv\nexHIbIt_wp-02-e-: bPA-77\npage_NUmBERs: 9\nrEqUeSt_tExT: plEase pRovIde a shoRt descriptIon Of Each line in thE TwO \ntables (linEs 4-24) iNcluding (a) a coMpaRison oF tHe dIFfereNceS betwEen the \nTWo tablEs (either tHe REasons FOr any diFFErEnceS in amounts for a linE \nDeSCription that is The samE iN BoTH TabLes, Or the reasoN fOr any \nDIfferenCEs IN THe lOGic of the calcuLations), and (b) A \u0001&CroSswalk\u00018 ShOwiNG \nhow eaCh linE iN EacH table correSponDs to a variAble or EQuation (OR both) \nin SectioN f oF thE GRSpS bEgInnInG On p. 15 OF ATtaCHmeNt A to thiS \ntEsTimonY.\n\n\n\nresPONSE_texT:\nThE folLowinG two tables are ExcErptED ouT of WP-02-e-BPA-77, pAge 9, lInEs \n4-26.\n\n\nTabLe IlluStratInG JCG Method\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTable illuStrating BpA MEtHod\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nbeFore bEGinninG thE coMparisoN of the tWO taBlES, IT sHould be pointed out \ntHaT THe Tables caLculatE GrOsS AugmentaTiOn cOsts. wE Left oUt thE StEp \nthat caLculatES tHe Net augmEnTation CoSts. as a ResulT, The \u0001&TOtal\u00018 liNe \ndollar AmounTS ($6M and $6.2M in the JCG TAble, and $6M and $6M iN ThE bpA \nTAble) ShoUld all be redUced BY the AmouNT oF auGMentaTion rEsALe REvenue. \nHowever, since tHiS modifIcatiOn will not affeCt the compaRISOn requesTed iN \nThE Data request, let Us conTinue as if tHE \u0001&Total\u00018 liNe dolLar amounTs are \nalreADY net of thE auGmeNtaTioN REvEnue. See the attACHmenT tO the datA \nreSponse.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nANotHer IteM thAt May be confUsing is tHe ItEm LaBelEd \u0001&Pre-PUrchase \u0001) 0 dAy \nRulE\u00018. THis Is the INcremeNtal cOst aSsOcIAteD with puRChASEs maDe BeTweeN \nthE 120-dAy cut-Off aND thE 0-day cut-Off.\n\nAlso, a cRosSWalk Of EaCh table Showing how it cOrResponds to A vAriAble or \nEQUation in Section f is not possible siNCe sectiOn f RefleCts tHe BPA", "whitespace_perturbation": " name and email address fo r confirma tion. re que st _num ber: PG-BPA: 132f irst name: Sarah\nlastname: Wes te n berg e- mail: sawes t en b e rg@ bp a. gov \ne x hi bit_w p-0 2-e-: BPA-77\npag e_n um bers: 9\nreq u es t_text: P lea se provide a sh ort de sc rip t ion o f e ach l ine in the tw o \ntables ( l ines 4 - 24) inc l u di ng ( a) a comparison o f t h e differencesbetwee nt he two ta bles (eith er ther easonsf or a n y d i fferences inamounts for a l ine \nd es cri p tion t hat i st hesame in bot h ta bles, orthe re a son for any \ndi fferen ces in the lo gi c o ft hec al cul a tio ns), and ( b) a \u0001& cros s w a l k\u00018sho wing \nhow each line in ea ch t a ble corr espon ds t oa var iableor eq ua tion (or both)\ninsection f of t heGR SPs b e ginnin g o n p . 15 of Attach m ent A t o t his \ntestimony.\n\n\nr e s po nse_text :\nThef ol lo w ing twota ble s ar e excer pted ou t of WP- 02-E-B P A- 77 , page9, lines 4-2 6.\n\nTab l e Il lustra ting JCG Meth o d\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTa b le Illustrati n gB P AM etho d\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBef o re b egin n in g t h e com paris on of the two tables, itsh ould b e poi nted out \ntha t the tabl e s calculat e gr o ss augmentation c osts. We lefto ut the s tep that cal culates t h e net aug men tat ion co s t s. As a result , the\u0001& Total\u00018 li ne \ndol lar am oun ts($ 6M and $6 .2M in t he J CG t abl e, an d $6M and $ 6Min th e BPA \ntable ) sho uldal lb e r educedb yt h e am ou nt ofaug me ntati on r e sal e reven ue. \nHow eve r , si nc ethis mo dification wi ll not affec tthe compa r i son requ ested in \nthe data requ e st, let us cont inue as if th e \u0001 &Total \u00018l ine do llar a mount sare alrea d y n etof the augme n t ati on re ve nue. See th e attachment to th e da ta \nresponse. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA no t her i tem that may be confusing i s t he item la b ele d\u0001&Pre-p urchase \u0001) 0 day \nru le\u00018. Th is is the i ncre m e nta l cost ass ociatedwith purc h asesm ad e bet wee n \nthe 1 20- day c ut-off and the0-daycu t-off. \n\nAls o, a cross walk of each table show ing ho w itcor respondstoa va riable or \neq uation insec tio n f i s n o t pos sibl e s inc e sect ionf reflects th e B P A ", "underscore_trick": " name_and email_address for confirmation. request_number:_ PG-BPA:_132\nfirstname:_ Sarah\nlastname:__Westenberg\ne-mail: sawestenberg@bpa.gov\nexhibit_wp-02-e-:_ BPA-77\npage_numbers: _9\nrequest_text: Please provide_a short description_of_each line in the two \ntables (lines 4-24) including (a) a comparison of the_differences_between the_\ntwo_tables_(either the reasons for any_differences in amounts for a_line \ndescription_that is the same in both tables, or_the_reason for any_\ndifferences in the logic of the calculations), and (b)_a \u0001&crosswalk\u00018 showing \nhow each line_in each table_corresponds_to_a variable or equation_(or both) \nin section f of_the GRSPs beginning on p. 15_of Attachment A to this \ntestimony.\n\n\n\nresponse_text:\nThe following_two tables are excerpted out of_WP-02-E-BPA-77, page 9, lines \n4-26.\n\n\nTable_Illustrating JCG_Method\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTable Illustrating BPA Method\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBefore beginning_the comparison of_the two_tables, it should_be pointed out \nthat the tables_calculate gross augmentation_costs. We left out the_step_\nthat calculates the_net_augmentation_costs. _As a result,_the_\u0001&Total\u00018 line_\ndollar_amounts ($6M and $6.2M in the_JCG_table, and $6M and $6M in the_BPA \ntable) should all_be_reduced by the amount_of augmentation resale revenue. _\nHowever, since this modification will not_affect the_comparison requested_in \nthe data request, let us continue as if the \u0001&Total\u00018_line dollar amounts are \nalready net_of the augmentation revenue._See the_attachment_to the data_\nresponse.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAnother_item that_may be confusing is the item labeled_\u0001&Pre-purchase \u0001)_0 day \nrule\u00018. This is_the incremental cost associated_with_purchases made between \nthe 120-day cut-off_and the 0-day cut-off.\n\nAlso, a crosswalk_of each table showing how_it_corresponds_to a variable or \nequation_in section f is not possible_since section f_reflects the BPA"} {"text": " browsing,\nonline purchases, may be under surveillance. Keep track of Carnivore,\nEchelon, and privacy news at Wired magazine's Web site,\nLINK: http://www.wired.com/news/privacy/\n----------\nTELEPHONES ON THE WEB\nThe Internet's most complete index of online phone books, with over 400\nlinks to Yellow & White Pages, Business Directories, Email Addresses\n& Fax Listings from over 170 countries.\nLINK: http://www.teldir.com\n===============================================================\nTHE SOVEREIGN SOCIETY OFFSHORE A-LETTER: Bob Bauman, Editor.\nSend e-mail to: sovereignsociety@compuserve.com We welcome your\ncomments. Don't want future mailings? Reply to this e-mail with\n\"Remove\" in the message subject line. SUBSCRIBE FREE or send A-Letter\nto a friend at: http://www.sovereignsociety.com/free.html\nBack issues at: http://www.sovereignsociety.com/a-letter/index.html\n==================================================================\nTHE SOVEREIGN SOCIETY Ltd, 5 Catherine St, Waterford, Ireland\nTEL: 353-51 844 068 FAX: 353-51 304 561\nMEMBERSHIP DUES: One year: US$195 / UKo119\nJOIN at: http://www.sovereignsociety.com/Home/How_To_Join.html\nWEB SITE: http://www.sovereignsociety.com\nCopyright (c) 2000. All domestic & international rights reserved. Enron employees are invited to celebrate the Topping-Out of Enron Center \nSouth this afternoon, Monday April 23rd at 3:45 pm in Antioch Park. You have \nsigned the last beam........ Now watch it rise. In celebration of Arbor \nDay, tree saplings will be handed out to all employees.\n\nJoin us in Antioch Park on Friday, April 27th for the April Big E Cafe! \nLunch will be catered by Escalantes Mexican Grille with a choice of beef, \nchicken or veggie fajitas with trimmings, dessert and a drink for $5. Live \nsalsa music will be provided by Tropicrew,", "synonym_substitution": "browsing, \n online purchases, may be under surveillance. Keep track of Carnivore, \n Echelon, and privacy news program at Wired cartridge holder's Web site, \n LINK: http://www.wired.com/news/privacy/ \n ---------- \n TELEPHONES ON THE world wide web \n The Internet's about complete index of online telephone books, with over 400 \n links to Yellow & White Pages, Business Directories, Email address \n & Fax Listings from over 170 countries. \n LINK: http://www.teldir.com \n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n THE SOVEREIGN SOCIETY OFFSHORE A - LETTER: Bob Bauman, Editor. \n commit e - mail to: sovereignsociety@compuserve.com We welcome your \n comment. Don't desire future mailings? Reply to this east - mail with \n \" Remove \" in the message subject channel. SUBSCRIBE FREE or send A - Letter \n to a friend at: http://www.sovereignsociety.com/free.html \n Back issues at: http://www.sovereignsociety.com/a-letter/index.html \n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n THE SOVEREIGN SOCIETY Ltd, 5 Catherine St, Waterford, Ireland \n TEL: 353 - 51 844 068 FAX: 353 - 51 304 561 \n MEMBERSHIP due: One year: US$ 195 / UKo119 \n JOIN at: http://www.sovereignsociety.com/Home/How_To_Join.html \n WEB SITE: http://www.sovereignsociety.com \n Copyright (c) 2000. All domestic & external rights reserve. Enron employees are invited to celebrate the Topping - Out of Enron Center \n South this good afternoon, Monday April 23rd at 3:45 pm in Antioch Park. You have \n signed the last beam........ Now watch it get up. In celebration of Arbor \n Day, tree saplings will be handed out to all employees. \n\n Join us in Antioch Park on Friday, April 27th for the April Big E Cafe! \n Lunch will be catered by Escalantes Mexican Grille with a choice of beef, \n chicken or veggie fajitas with trimmings, dessert and a beverage for $ 5. Live \n salsa music will be provided by Tropicrew,", "butter_fingers": " brlwsing,\nonline purchases, mxy be under surrwillanre. Keep track ow Carnivore,\nEchelon, and privary nwws au Wired magazine's Wdb site,\nLIJK: http://wqw.wiced.com/news/privacb/\n----------\nFELEPHOKZS ON BHE WZB\nVhe Internet's mpst complede index of onnive phone books, with over 400\nlinks to Yeljow & Whotf Pages, Businefs Dprqctodpew, Email Addresses\n& Fax Listinga from mver 170 countrirs.\nLINK: http://www.teldir.com\n===============================================================\nTHE SOVFREIGN SOCIETY OFFDHORE A-LETTGD: Bjv Bauman, Edigor.\nSend e-mail to: sovergignsociety@compuserve.com We welcume ypur\ncommentw. Eon'h want futurx mailpngs? Reply to this e-mdil witn\n\"Remove\" in the mevsate subject line. SUBSCCIBE FREE or send A-Lgtter\nto a xrnend at: http://www.sovereugbsocigty.cok/fred.ytmu\nBadk iasues wt: ittp://www.sovedeignsociett.com/a-letter/index.htmk\n==================================================================\nTRV SOVEREIGN SKCIETY Led, 5 Catherine St, Waterford, Ireland\nTEL: 353-51 844 068 FZX: 353-51 304 561\nMEMBERSHIP DUES: Onw year: US$195 / UKo119\nJOIN at: http://www.sjvereignsociety.com/Home/How_To_Join.html\nWEB SITE: http://wfw.sovxrdiguwociegt.clm\nCopyright (c) 2000. All domestic & international ridgtx geserved. Enron emiloyees are invitec ho selebrate the Toppiuf-Oht of Enron Center \nSouth jhis adternoon, Iondsy April 23rd at 3:45 pm in Antioxh Park. You yave \nsigned the ladt beam........ Noc watcn it tise. In celebration of Arbkr \nDay, tree saplings dill be handed ojt no anl employees.\n\nJoin us in Antyoch Park on Yriday, Aoril 27th fow the Aprip Big E Cafe! \nLunch will be cctereg by Escalwntes Mexican Grille with a chomre of beef, \nchocnen or veggne fajltas with trimmyngs, dessert aud a driuk for $5. Live \nsamsa musmc will be pwovided by Trmkicrew,", "random_deletion": "browsing, online purchases, may be under surveillance. of Echelon, and news at Wired ---------- ON THE WEB Internet's most complete of online phone books, with over links to Yellow & White Pages, Business Directories, Email Addresses & Fax Listings over 170 countries. LINK: http://www.teldir.com =============================================================== THE SOVEREIGN SOCIETY OFFSHORE A-LETTER: Bob Bauman, Send to: We your comments. Don't want future mailings? Reply to this e-mail with \"Remove\" in the message subject SUBSCRIBE FREE or send A-Letter to a friend http://www.sovereignsociety.com/free.html Back issues at: ================================================================== THE SOVEREIGN SOCIETY Ltd, Catherine Waterford, Ireland 353-51 068 353-51 304 561 DUES: One year: US$195 / UKo119 JOIN at: http://www.sovereignsociety.com/Home/How_To_Join.html WEB SITE: http://www.sovereignsociety.com Copyright (c) 2000. All domestic international rights employees are to the of Enron Center afternoon, Monday April 23rd at 3:45 Park. You have signed the last beam........ Now it rise. celebration of Arbor Day, tree saplings be handed out to all employees. Join us Antioch Park on Friday, April 27th for the April Big E Cafe! Lunch will be Escalantes Mexican Grille with choice of beef, or fajitas trimmings, and a for $5. Live salsa music will be provided by Tropicrew,", "change_char_case": " browsing,\nonline purchases, maY be under suRveilLanCe. KEeP traCk of carnivore,\nEchelON, and Privacy news at Wired magaZine's weB Site,\nliNk: http://Www.wireD.CoM/NEws/PrIvAcy/\n----------\ntElePhONES oN ThE WEB\nThE Internet's MosT cOmplete index OF oNline phone BooKs, with over 400\nliNks To YellOw & whiTE PageS, BuSinesS DirecTOries, EMail AddreSsES\n& Fax LiSTings frOM OvEr 170 coUntries.\nLINK: http://wwW.TeLDir.com\n===============================================================\nTHE SOVEReIGN SOcIetY offSHoRE a-LETTER: Bob baUman, EDItor.\nSenD E-mAIL To: sOVereignsocietY@compuserve.COm WE welcoMe YouR\nCommenTs. Don'T wANt fUture mailinGs? RePly to this E-mail wITh\n\"RemovE\" In the meSsage sUbjEct Line. suBsCrIBe FreE oR SeNd A-lEttEr\nto a friEnD aT: http://Www.sOVEREignSocIety.Com/frEe.html\nBack issUes At: htTP://wwW.soveReignSociEtY.com/a-Letter/Index.HtMl\n==================================================================\nTHE SOVEREIGN SoCIEtY Ltd, 5 CathEriNe st, WAtErforD, irelanD\nTEl: 353-51 844 068 FAx: 353-51 304 561\nMEMBERsHIP DUEs: one YeAR: us$195 / Uko119\nJOIN at: http://www.sovErEIGnSociety.cOm/Home/hOw_to_jOin.html\nWeB sITe: httP://WWw.sovEreiGNsOciety.coM\nCopyrIGhT (c) 2000. all domeStIc & inteRnAtiOnaL righTS resErved. ENron emplOyees ARe invited to celEBrate the ToppiNG-OUT Of eNron cenTer \nSouth thiS aftERnooN, MonDAy aprIL 23rd at 3:45 Pm in ANtIOcH park. You have \nsigned thE lAst beaM........ Now wAtch it rise. In cElebration OF aRbor \nDay, tRee sAPlINgs will be handeD out tO all employEEs.\n\nJoin us In AntIoch Park On Friday, APRIl 27th for tHe APriL BiG E CAFE! \nLUnch will be catEREd by esCalanteS MeXican GrIllE wiTh a ChoIcE of beef, \nchIcken or vEgGiE fAjItaS with TRimmings, DeSseRt And A drinK For $5. LivE \nsalsA musIc WiLL be ProvideD By tROpicReW,", "whitespace_perturbation": " browsing,\nonline purchase s, may beunder su rve il lanc e. K eep track of C a rniv ore,\nEchelon, and priv acy n ew s atW ir ed ma gazine' s W e b si te ,LIN K: ht tp:// www .wired. com/news/p riv ac y/\n--------- - \nT ELEPHONESONTHE WEB\nTheInt ernet' smos t comp let e ind ex ofo nlinephone boo ks , witho ver 400 l in ks t o Yellow & WhiteP ag e s, Business Di rector ie s ,E m ail Ad dresses\n&Fa x Lis t ings fr o mo v e r 1 7 0 countries.LINK: http: / /ww w.teld ir .co m \n===== ===== == = === =========== ==== ========= ====== = ======= = ======= =\nTHESOV ERE IGNS OC IE TYOF F SHO R EA-L E TTE R: Bob B au ma n, Ed itor . S e nd e -ma il t o: so vereignsociet y@c ompu s erv e.com We w elco me your \ncomme nts.Do n't want future mai lings? Re ply t o t hi s e-m a il wit h\n\" Rem ove\" in the me s sag es u b je ct line. SUBSCRIBE F R E Eor sendA-Lett e rto a friend a t:http : / /www. sove r ei gnsociet y.com/ f re e. html\nBa ck issue sat: ht tp:// w ww.s overei gnsociet y.com / a-letter/index . html\n======== = == = = == = ==== === =========== ==== = ==== ==== = == === = ===== ===== == TH E SOVEREIGN SOCIETYLt d, 5 C ather ine St, Water ford, Irel a n d \nTEL: 35 3-51 84 4 068 FAX: 353- 51 30 4 561\nMEMB E RSHIP DU ES: O ne year: US$195 / U Ko119\nJO INat: ht tp: / / ww w.sovereignso c i ety. co m/Home/ How _To_Joi n.h tml \nWE B S IT E: http:/ /www.sov er ei gn so cie ty.co m \nCopyrig ht (c )200 0. Al l domes tic & int er na t ion al righ t sr e serv ed .Enro n e mp loyee s ar e in vited t o celebra tet he T op pi ng-Outof Enron Cent er \nSouth th is af ternoo n , MondayApril 23rd at 3:45 pm i n Antioc h P ark. You have \nsi gne d thelas t beam. ...... . No wwat c h it r i s e. I ncelebratio n ofArbor Day, tree s aplings will be ha n ded out to all e mpl oyee s . \nJoi n u s in A n tio c h Park on Friday , April 27 th fo r the Apri l Bi gE Cafe! \nLunc h wil l be cat ered by E scalantes M exic a n Gr ille witha choice of beef, \nchic k en or v egg ie faj it aswithtrimmi n gs, dess ert an da drin k for $ 5. Live \nsalsa music will be p rovide d byTro picrew,", "underscore_trick": " browsing,\nonline_purchases, may_be under surveillance. Keep_track of_Carnivore,\nEchelon,_and privacy_news_at Wired magazine's_Web site,\nLINK: http://www.wired.com/news/privacy/\n----------\nTELEPHONES_ON THE WEB\nThe Internet's_most complete index_of_online phone books, with over 400\nlinks to Yellow & White Pages, Business Directories, Email_Addresses\n&_Fax Listings_from_over_170 countries.\nLINK: http://www.teldir.com\n===============================================================\nTHE SOVEREIGN SOCIETY_OFFSHORE A-LETTER: Bob Bauman, Editor.\nSend_e-mail to:_sovereignsociety@compuserve.com We welcome your\ncomments. Don't want future mailings?_Reply_to this e-mail_with\n\"Remove\" in the message subject line. SUBSCRIBE FREE or_send A-Letter\nto a friend at: http://www.sovereignsociety.com/free.html\nBack_issues at: http://www.sovereignsociety.com/a-letter/index.html\n==================================================================\nTHE_SOVEREIGN_SOCIETY_Ltd, 5 Catherine St,_Waterford, Ireland\nTEL: 353-51 844 068 FAX:_353-51 304 561\nMEMBERSHIP DUES: One year:_US$195 / UKo119\nJOIN at: http://www.sovereignsociety.com/Home/How_To_Join.html\nWEB SITE: http://www.sovereignsociety.com\nCopyright_(c) 2000. All domestic & international_rights reserved. Enron employees are_invited to_celebrate the Topping-Out of Enron_Center \nSouth this_afternoon, Monday_April 23rd at_3:45 pm in Antioch Park. _You have \nsigned_the last beam........ Now watch_it_rise. In_celebration_of_Arbor \nDay,_tree saplings will_be_handed out_to_all employees.\n\nJoin us in Antioch Park_on_Friday, April 27th for the April Big_E Cafe! \nLunch_will_be catered by Escalantes_Mexican Grille with a choice_of beef, \nchicken or veggie fajitas_with trimmings,_dessert and_a drink for $5. Live \nsalsa music will be provided_by Tropicrew,"} {"text": " Texas' top 25 players, in my opinion, and I have seen all of them\nplay, either on tape or in person:\n1. DT Tommie Harris, Killeen Ellison\n2. OL Jonathan Scott, Dallas Carter (Texas)\n3. OL Jami Hightower, Jacksonville\n4. LB Derrick Johnson, Waco\n5. RB Cedric Benson, Midland Lee (Texas)\n6. S Dewayne Brandon, Temple\n7. RB David Underwood, Madisonville (Michigan)\n8. C Ben Wilkerson, Hemphill\n9. QB Matt Nordgren, Dallas Bishop Lynch\n10. OL Abe Robinson, Jersey Village (Texas)\n11. LB Jonathon Jackson, Galena Park North Shore\n12. DE Kevin Everett, Port Arthur Jefferson\n13. WR Armon Dorrough, Lancaster\n14. Ath Joseph Addai, Houston Sharpstown\n15. DE Lawrence Hooper, Aldine\n16. WR Brandon Jones, Texarkana Liberty Eylau\n17. Ath Quan Cosby, Mart\n18. WR Bennie Brazell, Houston Westbury\n19. RB Anthony Johnson, Jefferson\n20. TE James Moses, Galena Park North Shore\n21. CB Byron Jones, Bay City\n22. DT Thomas Derricks, Dallas Jesuit\n23. LB Lance McFarland, Jefferson\n24. OL William Winston, Houston Madison\n25. RB Donta Hickson, McKinney\n\nOut-of-State Prospects\n\nTexas is recruiting several out-of-state players. Here are the ones who are\nstill considering UT:\nQuarterback\nBret Rawls, 6-5, 200, 4.7, Shreveport Evangel (LSU, UT, FSU, Tenn)\nRunning Back\nJabari Davis, 5-11, 224, 4.5, Tucker, Ga. (Tenn, Ga, UT, Neb, Ala)\nEric Shelton, 6-3, 230, 4.45, Lexington, Ky., Bryan Station (Ky, FSU, Fla,\nTenn, UT)\nFullback\nJames Buchanan, 6-2, 240, 4.7, Sarasota, Fla. Mooney (FSU, UT, Fla, BC)\nTight End\nMarcus Spears, 6-5, 275, 4.8, Baton Rouge Southern Lab (LSU", "synonym_substitution": "Texas' top 25 players, in my opinion, and I have seen all of them \n play, either on magnetic tape or in person: \n 1. DT Tommie Harris, Killeen Ellison \n 2. OL Jonathan Scott, Dallas Carter (Texas) \n 3. OL Jami Hightower, Jacksonville \n 4. LB Derrick Johnson, Waco \n 5. RB Cedric Benson, Midland Lee (Texas) \n 6. S Dewayne Brandon, Temple \n 7. RB David Underwood, Madisonville (Michigan) \n 8. C Ben Wilkerson, Hemphill \n 9. QB Matt Nordgren, Dallas Bishop Lynch \n 10. OL Abe Robinson, Jersey Village (Texas) \n 11. pound Jonathon Jackson, Galena Park North Shore \n 12. DE Kevin Everett, Port Arthur Jefferson \n 13. WR Armon Dorrough, Lancaster \n 14. Ath Joseph Addai, Houston Sharpstown \n 15. DE Lawrence Hooper, Aldine \n 16. WR Brandon Jones, Texarkana Liberty Eylau \n 17. Ath Quan Cosby, Mart \n 18. WR Bennie Brazell, Houston Westbury \n 19. RB Anthony Johnson, Jefferson \n 20. TE James Moses, Galena Park North Shore \n 21. CB Byron Jones, Bay City \n 22. DT Thomas Derricks, Dallas Jesuit \n 23. pound Lance McFarland, Jefferson \n 24. OL William Winston, Houston Madison \n 25. RB Donta Hickson, McKinney \n\n Out - of - State Prospects \n\n Texas is recruiting several out - of - state musician. Here are the ones who are \n still consider UT: \n Quarterback \n Bret Rawls, 6 - 5, 200, 4.7, Shreveport Evangel (LSU, UT, FSU, Tenn) \n Running Back \n Jabari Davis, 5 - 11, 224, 4.5, Tucker, Ga. (Tenn, Ga, UT, Neb, Ala) \n Eric Shelton, 6 - 3, 230, 4.45, Lexington, Ky., Bryan Station (Ky, FSU, Fla, \n Tenn, UT) \n Fullback \n James Buchanan, 6 - 2, 240, 4.7, Sarasota, Fla. Mooney (FSU, UT, Fla, BC) \n Tight End \n Marcus Spears, 6 - 5, 275, 4.8, Baton Rouge Southern Lab (LSU", "butter_fingers": " Tedas' top 25 players, in my okinion, and I have seen anl of fhem\nplay, either on tape or in person:\n1. DR Tomnie Harris, Killeen Ellkson\n2. OL Jlnathan Wcotu, Dallas Carter (Txsas)\n3. OL Mcmi Hjnhtowzr, Jacksonville\n4. KB Derrick Johnson, Waco\n5. SB Czdric Benson, Midland Lee (Texas)\n6. S Dewwyne Brsnfon, Temple\n7. RB Qavic Undsgwiod, Madisonville (Michigan)\n8. C Bsn Wilktrson, Hemphill\n9. QB Katt Nordgren, Dallas Bishoo Lyjch\n10. OL Abe Robinsoj, Jersey Violagq (Texas)\n11. LB Jovathon Jackson, Galena Kark North Shore\n12. DE Kevin Everetg, Porc Arthur Jedfwrslt\n13. WR Armon Vorroudh, Lancaster\n14. Ath Josaph Addsi, Houston Shavpstoxn\n15. DW Lawrence Hooper, Aldmne\n16. WR Brandon Jones, Texarkand Miberty Eylau\n17. Ath Qyan Cmsby, Marg\n18. WR Behnme Grazelp, Hkuston Wesfbury\n19. RB Anrhony Johnson, Jeffetsjb\n20. TE James Moaes, Gajega Park North Shore\n21. CB Byron Jones, Bay Bity\n22. DT Thomas Derricks, Daloas Jesuit\n23. LB Lance MfFarland, Tefferson\n24. OL William Winston, Houston Madison\n25. RB Dmnta Iizksin, OxKlnney\n\nOut-of-State Prospects\n\nTexas is recruiting fsvtrak out-of-state pjayers. Here age jhe ones who ate\nstill cohsidering UT:\nQuartegback\nBrgt Rawos, 6-5, 200, 4.7, Shrtvepott Evangel (LSU, UT, FSU, Tenn)\nRynning Back\nJcbaei Davis, 5-11, 224, 4.5, Tucker, Ga. (Tenn, Ga, UT, Meb, Aka)\nEric Shelton, 6-3, 230, 4.45, Lexinyton, Kg., Bryan Stahion (Ky, FAJ, Fla,\nTenn, UT)\nFullcacl\nJdmes Buchanan, 6-2, 240, 4.7, Sarasota, Sla. Mooneb (FSU, UT, Fla, BC)\nToght Egd\nMarcus Soears, 6-5, 275, 4.8, Baton Rouge Souhhern Ldb (LSU", "random_deletion": "Texas' top 25 players, in my opinion, have all of play, either on DT Harris, Killeen Ellison OL Jonathan Scott, Carter (Texas) 3. OL Jami Hightower, 4. LB Derrick Johnson, Waco 5. RB Cedric Benson, Midland Lee (Texas) 6. Dewayne Brandon, Temple 7. RB David Underwood, Madisonville (Michigan) 8. C Ben Wilkerson, 9. Matt Dallas Lynch 10. OL Abe Robinson, Jersey Village (Texas) 11. LB Jonathon Jackson, Galena Park North Shore DE Kevin Everett, Port Arthur Jefferson 13. WR Dorrough, Lancaster 14. Ath Addai, Houston Sharpstown 15. DE Hooper, 16. WR Jones, Liberty 17. Ath Quan Mart 18. WR Bennie Brazell, Houston Westbury 19. RB Anthony Johnson, Jefferson 20. TE James Moses, Galena North Shore Byron Jones, City DT Derricks, Dallas Jesuit Lance McFarland, Jefferson 24. OL William 25. RB Donta Hickson, McKinney Out-of-State Prospects Texas recruiting several players. Here are the ones who still considering UT: Quarterback Bret Rawls, 6-5, 200, Shreveport Evangel (LSU, UT, FSU, Tenn) Running Back Jabari Davis, 5-11, 224, 4.5, Tucker, Ga. UT, Neb, Ala) Eric 6-3, 230, 4.45, Ky., Station FSU, Tenn, UT) James Buchanan, 6-2, 240, 4.7, Sarasota, Fla. Mooney (FSU, UT, Fla, Tight End Marcus Spears, 6-5, 275, 4.8, Baton Rouge Southern", "change_char_case": " Texas' top 25 players, in my opinioN, and I have sEen alL of TheM\npLay, eItheR on tape or in perSOn:\n1. DT tommie Harris, Killeen EllIson\n2. Ol JONathAN SCott, DAllas CaRTeR (tExaS)\n3. Ol JAmi hiGHtOwer, JAckSonvillE\n4. LB Derrick johNsOn, Waco\n5. RB CedrIC BEnson, MidlaNd LEe (Texas)\n6. S DewaYne brandoN, TEmpLE\n7. RB DaVid underWood, MaDIsonviLle (MichigAn)\n8. c ben WilKErson, HeMPHiLl\n9. QB matt Nordgren, DallaS biSHop Lynch\n10. OL Abe RObinsoN, JERsEY vilLagE (Texas)\n11. LB JoNaThon JACkson, GaLEnA pARk NORth Shore\n12. DE KevIn Everett, PoRT ArThur JeFfErsON\n13. WR ArmOn DorRoUGh, LAncaster\n14. Ath josePh Addai, HoUston SHArpstowN\n15. dE LawreNce HooPer, aldIne\n16. Wr brAnDon joNEs, TEXaRkaNA LiBerty EylAu\n17. atH Quan cosbY, mART\n18. WR BEnnIe BrAzell, houston WestbuRy\n19. Rb AntHOny johnsOn, JefFersOn\n20. tE JamEs MoseS, GaleNa park North Shore\n21. Cb ByrOn Jones, BaY CiTy\n22. dT THoMas DeRRicks, DAllAs JEsuit\n23. LB lance McfArlAnD, jEFfErson\n24. OL William WinsToN, hOuSton MadiSon\n25. RB DONtA HICkson, McKInNey\n\nout-oF-sTate PRospECtS\n\nTexas is RecruiTInG sEveral oUt-Of-statE pLayErs. here aRE the Ones whO are\nstilL consIDering UT:\nQuarteRBack\nBret Rawls, 6-5, 200, 4.7, sHrEVEpORt EvAngEl (LSU, UT, FSU, TEnn)\nRUNninG BacK\njaBarI davis, 5-11, 224, 4.5, tuckeR, GA. (teNN, Ga, UT, Neb, Ala)\nEric ShelToN, 6-3, 230, 4.45, LexinGton, KY., Bryan Station (ky, FSU, Fla,\nTeNN, ut)\nFullbacK\nJamES BUChanan, 6-2, 240, 4.7, Sarasota, fla. MoOney (FSU, UT, FLA, BC)\nTight end\nMaRcus SpeaRs, 6-5, 275, 4.8, Baton RoUGE SoutherN LaB (LSu", "whitespace_perturbation": " Texas' top 25 players, in my opinio n, an d I ha ve see n al l of them\nplay , eit her on tape or in pers on:\n1 .D T To m mi e Har ris, Ki l le e n El li so n\n2 .O LJonat han Scott, Dallas Ca rte r(Texas)\n3. O L J ami Highto wer , Jacksonvil le4. LBDe rri c k Joh nso n, Wa co\n5.R B Cedr ic Benson ,M idland Lee (Te x a s) \n6.S Dewayne Brandon , T e mple\n7. RB Dav id Und er w oo d , Ma dis onville (M ic higan ) \n8. C B e nW i l ker s on, Hemphill9. QB MattN ord gren,Da lla s Bisho p Lyn ch 10. OL Abe Rob inso n, Jersey Villa g e (Texa s )\n11. L B Jona tho n J acks o n, G ale na Par k N ort h Sh ore\n12.DE K evinEver e t t , Por t A rthu r Jef ferson\n13. WR Ar monD orr ough, Lanc aste r14. A th Jos eph A dd ai, Houston Sha rpst own\n15. D E L aw ren ce Hoop e r, Ald ine \n16 . WR Br andon J o nes ,T e x ar kana Liberty Eylau \n1 7 . A th QuanCosby, Ma rt 18. WR B en nie Bra z e ll, H oust o nWestbury \n19. R B A nt hony Jo hn son, J ef fer son \n20.T E Ja mes Mo ses, Gal ena P a rk North Shore 21. CB ByronJ on e s ,B ay C ity \n22. DT Tho masD erri cks, Da lla s Jesu it\n23 .L BL ance McFarland, Jef fe rson\n2 4. OL William Wins ton, Houst o n Madison25.R BD onta Hickson,McKin ney\n\nOut-o f -State P rospe cts\n\nTex as is rec r u iting se ver alout -of - s ta te players. H e r e ar ethe one s w ho aresti llcon sid er ing UT:\nQ uarterba ck \nB re tRaw ls, 6 - 5, 200,4. 7,Sh rev eport Evange l (LS U, U T, F S U,Tenn)\nR u nn i n g Ba ck \nJ abar i D av is, 5 -11, 224 , 4.5,Tucker, G a.( Tenn ,Ga , UT, N eb, Ala)\nEric S helton, 6- 3, 23 0, 4.4 5 , Lexingt on, Ky., Bryan Station( Ky, FSU , F la,\nT enn, UT)\nFull bac k\nJame s B u chanan , 6-2, 240, 4 .7, S araso t a ,Fla .Mooney (FS U , UT , Fla ,BC)Tight E nd\nMarcus Spears,6 -5, 275, 4.8, Ba ton Rou g e S out h er n La b( LSU ", "underscore_trick": " Texas'_top 25_players, in my opinion,_and I_have_seen all_of_them\nplay, either on_tape or in_person:\n1. DT Tommie Harris,_Killeen Ellison\n2. OL_Jonathan_Scott, Dallas Carter (Texas)\n3. OL Jami Hightower, Jacksonville\n4. LB Derrick Johnson, Waco\n5. RB Cedric_Benson,_Midland Lee_(Texas)\n6._S_Dewayne Brandon, Temple\n7. RB David_Underwood, Madisonville (Michigan)\n8. C Ben_Wilkerson, Hemphill\n9._QB Matt Nordgren, Dallas Bishop Lynch\n10. OL Abe_Robinson,_Jersey Village (Texas)\n11._LB Jonathon Jackson, Galena Park North Shore\n12. DE Kevin_Everett, Port Arthur Jefferson\n13. WR Armon_Dorrough, Lancaster\n14. Ath_Joseph_Addai,_Houston Sharpstown\n15. DE Lawrence_Hooper, Aldine\n16. WR Brandon Jones, Texarkana_Liberty Eylau\n17. Ath Quan Cosby, Mart\n18._WR Bennie Brazell, Houston Westbury\n19. RB Anthony_Johnson, Jefferson\n20. TE James Moses, Galena_Park North Shore\n21. CB Byron_Jones, Bay_City\n22. DT Thomas Derricks, Dallas_Jesuit\n23. LB Lance_McFarland, Jefferson\n24._OL William Winston,_Houston Madison\n25. RB Donta Hickson, McKinney\n\nOut-of-State_Prospects\n\nTexas is recruiting_several out-of-state players. Here are the_ones_who are\nstill considering_UT:\nQuarterback\nBret_Rawls,_6-5, 200,_4.7, Shreveport Evangel_(LSU,_UT, FSU,_Tenn)\nRunning_Back\nJabari Davis, 5-11, 224, 4.5, Tucker,_Ga._(Tenn, Ga, UT, Neb, Ala)\nEric Shelton, 6-3,_230, 4.45, Lexington, Ky.,_Bryan_Station (Ky, FSU, Fla,\nTenn,_UT)\nFullback\nJames Buchanan, 6-2, 240, 4.7,_Sarasota, Fla. Mooney (FSU, UT, Fla,_BC)\nTight End\nMarcus_Spears, 6-5,_275, 4.8, Baton Rouge Southern Lab (LSU"} {"text": ": cNotes Server Reboots\nEnvironments Impacted: All users on any of the mailservers listed below\nPurpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval\nBackout: Make sure server comes up.\nContact(s): \tTrey Rhodes (713) 345-7792 \n\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\nImpact: EI\nTime: Fri 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT\n\tFri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London\nOutage: EI Notes Server Maintenance\nEnvironments Impacted: EI Local/Domestic/Foreign Sites\nPurpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval\nBackout: N/A\nContact(s): \tDavid Ricafrente 713-646-7741\n \nMARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nNT: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nOS/2: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nOTHER SYSTEMS:\nImpact: Corp, OTS, ETS \nDATE: MAY 15, 2001/2/2001 at 5:30:00 PM\nOutage: Migrate DSS Server to GTHOU-APPSQ03P\nEnvironments Impacted: DSS users will not be able to access the old server (ENEDS01_ADAPT)after this date\nPurpose: The existing server is outdated, migrating to SQL 2000 provides increased \nfunctionality and conforms to database platform requirements. \nBackout: \nContact(s): \tMary Vollmer 713-853-3381\n\t\tJoe Hellsten 713-853-7346 713-545-4164\n\t\t \t\t \t\t\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\nImpact: EBS\nTime: Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT\n\tFri 5/4/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5", "synonym_substitution": ": cNotes Server Reboots \n Environments Impacted: All users on any of the mailservers listed below \n Purpose: schedule @ 2 workweek interval \n Backout: Make certain waiter comes up. \n Contact(s ): \t Trey Rhodes (713) 345 - 7792 \n\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\n Impact: EI \n Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT \n\t Fri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 autopsy PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT \n\t Sat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London \n Outage: EI Notes Server Maintenance \n Environments Impacted: EI Local / Domestic / Foreign Sites \n function: Scheduled @ 2 week time interval \n Backout: N / A \n Contact(s ): \t David Ricafrente 713 - 646 - 7741 \n \n MARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages. \n\n NT: No Scheduled Outages. \n\n OS/2: No Scheduled Outages. \n\n early SYSTEMS: \n Impact: Corp, OTS, ETS \n DATE: MAY 15, 2001/2/2001 at 5:30:00 PM \n Outage: Migrate DSS Server to GTHOU - APPSQ03P \n Environments impact: DSS users will not be able to access the erstwhile server (ENEDS01_ADAPT)after this date \n Purpose: The existing waiter is outdated, migrating to SQL 2000 provides increase \n functionality and conforms to database chopine requirements. \n Backout: \n Contact(s ): \t Mary Vollmer 713 - 853 - 3381 \n\t\t Joe Hellsten 713 - 853 - 7346 713 - 545 - 4164 \n\t\t \t\t \t\t\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\n Impact: EBS \n Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 phase modulation CT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT \n\t Fri 5/4/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5", "butter_fingers": ": cJotes Server Reboots\nEnvivonments Impacteb: All nsers oh any of the mailservers listed belox\nPurpose: Wcheduled @ 2 week interxal\nBackoun: Make suee strver comes up.\nConvzct(s): \tTrcv Rhoscs (713) 345-7792 \n\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\nIkpact: EI\nThme: Fri 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 PO ET thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT\n\tFri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM [T thru Fgi 5/4/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PJ\n\tSat 5/5/2001 wt 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 AM Londoh\nOutage: EI Notes Setver Maintenance\nEnvironmenhs Ilpacted: EI Local/Dlmestic/Foreugn Futes\nPurpose: Rcheduled @ 2 week interbal\nBackout: N/A\nContact(s): \tDavid Ricxfrence 713-646-7741\n \nMARKGC DAHD: No Scheduoed Oltages.\n\nNT: No Sgneduleg Outagrs.\n\nOS/2: No Schedmled Mutqges.\n\nOTHER SYSTEMS:\nImpart: Corp, OTS, ETS \nQATE: MAY 15, 2001/2/2001 at 5:30:00 PM\nOutage: Mugeate GSS Vervde tu GUHON-APLSQ03P\nEngirknments Imlacted: DSS users will not be sbjv to access tge old sqrver (ENEDS01_ADAPT)after this date\nPurpose: Uhe esisting server is outdared, migrating to SQL 2000 provides increased \nfunctionality and conforms to database plathofm xczjurfments. \nBackout: \nContact(s): \tMary Vollmer 713-853-3381\n\t\tKov Hellsten 713-853-7346 713-545-4164\n\t\t \t\t \t\t\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\nImpacc: SBS\nTime: Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM CT jhru Fei 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 KM CT\n\tGri 5/4/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5", "random_deletion": ": cNotes Server Reboots Environments Impacted: All any the mailservers below Purpose: Scheduled Make server comes up. Trey Rhodes (713) Impact: EI Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT Fri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM thru 5/5/2001 7:00:00 London Outage: EI Notes Server Maintenance Environments Impacted: EI Local/Domestic/Foreign Sites Purpose: Scheduled @ 2 week Backout: N/A Contact(s): David Ricafrente 713-646-7741 MARKET DATA: Scheduled Outages. NT: No Outages. OS/2: No Scheduled Outages. SYSTEMS: Corp, OTS, DATE: 15, at 5:30:00 PM Migrate DSS Server to GTHOU-APPSQ03P Environments Impacted: DSS users will not be able to access the old (ENEDS01_ADAPT)after this The existing is migrating SQL 2000 provides and conforms to database platform requirements. Vollmer 713-853-3381 Joe Hellsten 713-853-7346 713-545-4164 Impact: EBS Fri 5/4/2001 8:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 5/4/2001 10:00:00 PM CT Fri 5/4/2001 at 6:00:00 PM thru Fri 5", "change_char_case": ": cNotes Server Reboots\nEnviroNments ImpaCted: ALl uSerS oN any Of thE mailservers liSTed bElow\nPurpose: Scheduled @ 2 weEk intErVAl\nBaCKoUt: MakE sure seRVeR COmeS uP.\nCOntAcT(S): \tTRey RhOdeS (713) 345-7792 \n\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\nImpact: eI\nTime: Fri 5/4/2001 aT 9:00:00 PM cT Thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 AM Ct\n\tfrI 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thrU FrI 5/4/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 aM LOndon tHrU SaT 5/5/2001 At 7:00:00 AM LOndOn\nOutAge: EI NOTes SerVer MainteNaNCe\nEnviROnments iMPaCted: eI Local/Domestic/FoREiGN Sites\nPurpose: SChedulEd @ 2 WEeK INteRvaL\nBackout: N/A\ncoNtact(S): \tdavid RiCAfRENTe 713-646-7741\n \nMarKET DATA: No SchEduled OutagES.\n\nNT: no ScheDuLed oUtages.\n\noS/2: No SChEDulEd Outages.\n\nOThER SySTEMS:\nImpAct: CorP, oTS, ETS \nDatE: MAY 15, 2001/2/2001 at 5:30:00 pM\nOutaGe: MIgrAte Dss SErVer To gtHOu-aPpSQ03p\nenvIronmentS IMpActed: dSS uSERS Will Not Be abLe to aCcess the old seRveR (ENEds01_ADaPT)afTer thIs daTe\npurpoSe: The eXistiNg Server is outdateD, migRating to SqL 2000 pRoVidEs IncreASed \nfunCtiOnaLity and ConformS To dAtABASe Platform requiremenTs. \nbACkOut: \nContaCt(s): \tMarY voLlMEr 713-853-3381\n\t\tJoe HelLsTen 713-853-7346 713-545-4164\n\t\t \t\t \t\t\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\nimpaCT: eBS\nTiMe: FrI 5/4/2001 At 8:00:00 pM CT thru fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 Pm cT\n\tfrI 5/4/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT ThRu Fri 5", "whitespace_perturbation": ": cNotes Server Reboots\nE nvironment s Imp act ed: Alluser s on any of th e mai lservers listed belowPurpo se : Sch e du led @ 2 week in t e rva lBa cko ut : M ake s ure server comes up. \nCo nt act(s): \tTre y R hodes (71 3)345-7792 \n\t \t\t \t\t \t\tImp act: EI\nTi m e: Fr i 5/4/200 1a t 9:0 0 :00 PMC T t hruSat 5/5/2001 at 1 :0 0 :00 AM CT\n\tFri 5/4/2 00 1 a t 7: 00: 00 PM PT t hr u Fri 5/4/200 1 a t 11 : 00:00 PM PT\nSat 5/5/200 1 at 3:00 :0 0 A M Londo n thr uS at5/5/2001 at 7: 00:00 AMLondon Outage: EI Not es Ser ver Ma inte n an ce \nEn vi r onm e nt s I m pac ted: EI L oc al/Do mest i c / F orei gnSite s\nPur pose: Schedul ed@ 2w eek inte rvalBack ou t: N/ A\nCont act(s ): \tDavid Ricafre nte 713-64 6-7 74 1\n\nM ARKET DATA:NoSch eduledOutages . \n\nN T: N o S cheduled Outages.\nO S / 2: No Sch eduled Ou ta g es.\n\nOTH ER SY STEM S : \nImpa ct:Co rp, OTS, ETS DA TE: MA Y15, 20 01 /2/ 200 1 at5:30 :00 PM \nOutage: Mig r ate DSS Server to GTHOU-APPS Q 03 P En v iron men ts Impacted : D S S us ersw il l n o t beableto ac c ess the old server(E NEDS01 _ADAP T)after thisdate\nPurpo s e : The exi stin g s e rver is outdat ed, m igrating t o SQL 200 0 pro vides in creased f u nctional ity an d c onf o r ms to databasep l atfo rm requir eme nts. \nBa cko ut: \nC on tact(s):\tMary Vo ll me r 7 1 3-853-33 81 \n\tJo e H ellst e n 713 -8 53 - 734 6 7 13 - 5 45-4 16 4\t\t \t \t\t\t \t \t\t \t\t\nImp act : EB STi me: Fr i 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM C T t hru Fr i 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT\n\tFr i 5/4/20 01at 6 :00: 00 PM PTthr u Fri5", "underscore_trick": ": _cNotes Server_Reboots\nEnvironments Impacted: All_users on_any_of the_mailservers_listed below\nPurpose: Scheduled_@ 2 week_interval\nBackout: Make sure server_comes up.\nContact(s): \tTrey_Rhodes_ (713) 345-7792 \n\t\t \t\t \t\t __ \t\t\nImpact:__EI\nTime:_ Fri 5/4/2001 at _9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat_5/5/2001 at_ 1:00:00 AM CT\n\tFri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00_PM_PT thru Fri_5/4/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 at_ 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat_5/5/2001 at _7:00:00_AM_London\nOutage: EI Notes_Server Maintenance\nEnvironments Impacted: EI Local/Domestic/Foreign_Sites\nPurpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval\nBackout:_N/A\nContact(s): \tDavid Ricafrente 713-646-7741\n_\nMARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nNT: No_Scheduled Outages.\n\nOS/2: No Scheduled_Outages.\n\nOTHER SYSTEMS:\nImpact:_ Corp, OTS, ETS _ \nDATE:_ MAY_15, 2001/2/2001 at_ 5:30:00 PM\nOutage: Migrate DSS_Server to GTHOU-APPSQ03P\nEnvironments_Impacted: DSS users will not_be_able to access_the_old_server (ENEDS01_ADAPT)after_this date\nPurpose: The_existing_server is_outdated,_migrating to SQL 2000 provides increased_\nfunctionality_and conforms to database platform requirements. _ \nBackout: \nContact(s): \tMary_Vollmer_ _ _713-853-3381\n\t\tJoe Hellsten _ _ _ 713-853-7346 713-545-4164\n\t\t _ \t\t \t\t\t\t_ \t\t_ __\t\t __\t\t\nImpact: _EBS\nTime: Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00_PM CT_thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00_PM CT\n\tFri 5/4/2001 at__6:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5"} {"text": "372&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\nLose 10 Pounds in 5 Weeks with eDiets.com!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126373&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\nInsWeb - Where You and Your Insurance Really Click!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126374&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\n\n\nYour e-mail address on record with LifeMinders is alewis@ect.enron.com.\n\nQuestions? Comments? Suggestions? Please help us respond to your requests and\ninput by writing to us at: info@lifeminders.com instead of replying to this\nmessage (we sent this to you from a \"send-only\" mailbox).\n\nLifeMinders e-mails are never sent unsolicited. LifeMinders only sends \ne-mails to\nregistered members. If you would like to unsubscribe from only the LifeMinders\nWork & Money product, click the link below.\nhttp://www.lfmn.com/lifeminder30/GoldII/unsub/product/unsubscribeproduct.asp?u\nid=932861&vc=3787&pr=5\nor you can send an email to unsubscribe-work@lifeminders.com. If you wish to \nunsubscribe from all LifeMinders products, please click below.\nhttp://www.lfmn.com/lifeminder30/GoldII/Index.asp?uid=932861&vc=3787&pr=101&tr\n=eehwea\n\nCopyright (c) 2000 LifeMinders, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For complete \nterms and\nconditions of use, see: http://www.lfmn.com/privacy/terms.html\n\nLifeminders, Inc. is a publicly traded company, Nasdaq: LFMN. Click below for\ninvestor relations. http://www", "synonym_substitution": "372&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n Lose 10 Pounds in 5 Weeks with eDiets.com! \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126373&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n InsWeb - Where You and Your Insurance Really Click! \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126374&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n\n\n Your e - chain mail savoir-faire on criminal record with LifeMinders is alewis@ect.enron.com. \n\n Questions? gossip? suggestion? Please help us respond to your request and \n remark by writing to us at: info@lifeminders.com instead of replying to this \n message (we sent this to you from a \" commit - only \" mailbox). \n\n LifeMinders einsteinium - mail are never sent unasked. LifeMinders only commit \n vitamin e - mails to \n registered members. 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Click below for \n investor relations. http://www", "butter_fingers": "372&pr=1007&cv=1&p\na=0&e=S\nLose 10 Pounds in 5 Wetks with eDiets.com!\nhttp://ww1.nfmn.coj/actv/sr2.arp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126373&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\nInsWeb - Wherx Yoy and Your Insurance Really Click!\nhtti://ww1.lfmn.con/actt/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126374&pr=1007&cf=1&'\nz=0&e=S\n\n\n\nYour e-mail wddrzsw on record wijh LifeMindess is alewis@ecd.evrln.com.\n\nQuestions? Comments? Suggestions? Pleasr jelp us responq to rour gewuests and\ninput by writing to us at: pnfo@lifeminders.cok instead of replying to tjis\nmfssage (we sent thid to you frim a \"wend-only\" maiubox).\n\nLifeMinders e-mails are never sent unsolicited. LifdMindzrs only sebdw \ne-ldils to\nregiwtereq members. If you wound like to unsubscribc frok obly the LifeMinders\nWock & Money product, clyck the lhni below.\nhttp://www.lfmb.cim/lifgmindar30/GoueII/jnshb/'rosuct/undubacribeprodhct.asp?u\nid=932861&vc=3787&pr=5\nor you can send am qnail to unsubacribe-rowk@lifeminders.com. If you wish to \nunsubscgibe from all LifeMinders peoducts, please click helow.\nhttp://rww.lfmn.com/lifeminder30/GoldII/Index.asp?uid=932861&vc=3787&pr=101&tr\n=eehwea\n\nWopyrmgft (e) 2000 LifdNijders, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For complete \nesrks and\nconditions of use, see: jtyk://www.lfmn.com/prixacy/texjs.gtml\n\nLifeminders, Inf. is a kublicoy traded comlany, Nasdaq: LFMN. Click beliw for\ninvestje relations. http://wcw", "random_deletion": "372&pr=1007&cf=1&p a=0&e=S Lose 10 Pounds in 5 eDiets.com! a=0&e=S InsWeb Where You and a=0&e=S e-mail address on with LifeMinders is Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please help us to your requests and input by writing to us at: info@lifeminders.com instead of to this message (we sent this to you from a \"send-only\" mailbox). LifeMinders are sent LifeMinders sends e-mails to registered members. If you would like to unsubscribe from only the LifeMinders Work Money product, click the link below. http://www.lfmn.com/lifeminder30/GoldII/unsub/product/unsubscribeproduct.asp?u id=932861&vc=3787&pr=5 you can send an to unsubscribe-work@lifeminders.com. If you wish unsubscribe all LifeMinders please below. =eehwea Copyright (c) LifeMinders, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For complete terms and conditions of use, see: http://www.lfmn.com/privacy/terms.html Lifeminders, Inc. is publicly traded LFMN. 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CLIck below for\ninvestor ReLationS. http://Www", "whitespace_perturbation": "372&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S \nLose 10 P ounds in 5We ekswith eDiets.com!\nh t tp:/ /ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2 .asp? u= 9 3286 1 &v =3787 &url=1& c =1 2 6 373 &p r= 100 7& c f= 1&p\na =0& e=S\nIns Web - Wher e Y ou and Your In s ur ance Reall y C lick!\nhttp:/ /ww 1.lfmn .c om/ a ctv/s r2. asp?u =93286 1 &v=378 7&url=1&c =1 2 6374&p r =1007&c f = 1& p\na= 0&e=S\n\n\n\nYour e-m a il address on rec ord wi th Li f e Min der s is alewi s@ ect.e n ron.com . \nQ u e sti o ns? Comments? Suggestion s ? Please h elp us res pondto you r requestsandinput bywritin g to usa t: info @lifem ind ers .com in st ead o f re p ly ing tothis\nmes sa ge (wesent t h i s to yo u fr om a\"send-only\" m ail box) . \n\nL ifeMi nders e-m ai ls ar e neve r sen tunsolicited. Li feMi nders onl y s en ds\ne -mail s to\nre gis ter ed memb ers. 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Click below for\ninvestor_relations. http://www"} {"text": "pollution in the Los Angeles Basin, is considering steps to significantly \nlower the cost of the system--a step that could considerably cut the state's \npotential cost, Davis said.\n?????Senate Energy Committee Chairwoman Debra Bowen (D-Marina del Rey) \ndefended the decision to cover the power company's costs.\n?????\"It is a question of whether it brings down the price of power,\" she \nsaid. \"If it brings down the price of power, I don't have a problem with it.\"\n?????Nevertheless, word that the contracts could bind the state to pay \npollution fees caused some critics of Davis' policy to renew calls for Davis \nto reconsider the secrecy surrounding the power negotiations. The payment \nprovision underscores the fact that the contracts involve more than merely \nthe prices the state will pay for its megawatts, the critics note.\n?????\"The Legislature should have known about it,\" said Senate President Pro \nTem John Burton (D-San Francisco). \"It is going to cost taxpayers money. It \nmakes you wonder.... This was a policy issue that was never discussed with \nthe Legislature.\"\n?????V. John White, a lobbyist for the Sierra Club, who also represents \nalternative energy producers, called the contract proposal \"a horrible \nprecedent.\"\n?????\"Until we know exactly what the state has agreed to and how much of a \nsubsidy this represents, we can't determine how serious the breach of \nprinciple this is,\" White said.\n?????Another critic of the secrecy of the negotiations, Terry Francke, \ngeneral counsel for the California First Amendment Coalition, said the \nprovision in question \"raises the possibility that there are other \n[concessions]\" that have not yet come to light.\n?????In the summer, when demand for power is highest, some generators \nprobably will exceed pollution limits set by regional air quality management \ndistricts.\n?????To avert blackouts, state officials might ask the companies to keep \nplants running. In such cases, some sources familiar with aspects of the \ncontracts said, the contract language could be interpreted to suggest that \nthe state would cover any fines--although Davis said Tuesday the state will \nnot cover the cost of fines.\n?????A recent Dynegy filing with", "synonym_substitution": "pollution in the Los Angeles Basin, is considering steps to significantly \n turn down the monetary value of the system -- a step that could considerably swerve the state's \n potential price, Davis say. \n? ?? ?? Senate Energy Committee Chairwoman Debra Bowen (D - Marina del Rey) \n defended the decision to cover the power ship's company's costs. \n? ?? ?? \" It is a question of whether it institute down the price of power, \" she \n said. \" If it brings down the price of ability, I don't have a problem with it. \" \n? ?? ?? Nevertheless, son that the contracts could bind the state to pay \n befoulment fees caused some critics of Davis' policy to renew calls for Davis \n to reconsider the privacy surrounding the power negotiations. The payment \n provision underscores the fact that the contract involve more than merely \n the prices the state will pay for its megawatts, the critics note. \n? ?? ?? \" The Legislature should have known about it, \" said Senate President Pro \n Tem John Burton (D - San Francisco). \" It is going to cost taxpayer money. It \n create you wonder.... This was a policy issue that was never hash out with \n the Legislature. \" \n? ?? ?? V. John White, a lobbyist for the Sierra Club, who besides defend \n alternative energy producer, called the contract proposal \" a horrible \n precedent. \" \n? ?? ?? \" Until we acknowledge exactly what the state has agreed to and how much of a \n subsidy this represents, we can't determine how serious the rupture of \n principle this is, \" White said. \n? ?? ?? Another critic of the secrecy of the negotiations, Terry Francke, \n general counsel for the California First Amendment Coalition, said the \n planning in doubt \" raises the possibility that there are other \n [ concession ] \" that have not yet come to light. \n? ?? ?? In the summer, when requirement for power is highest, some generators \n probably will surpass pollution limits set by regional air quality management \n district. \n? ?? ?? To avert blackouts, state officials might necessitate the companies to keep \n plant running. In such cases, some reservoir familiar with aspects of the \n contracts said, the contract language could be interpreted to suggest that \n the state would cover any fines -- although Davis said Tuesday the state of matter will \n not cover the cost of fine. \n? ?? ?? A recent Dynegy filing with", "butter_fingers": "polpution in the Los Angeler Basin, is consneering steps to signkficantly \nlower the cost of vhe wysten--a step that could conriderably cut the staue's \npotential cosv, Davis said.\n?????Sehwte Znxrgy Committee Ghairwoman Gebra Bowen (D-Mdrknc del Rey) \ndefended the decision to cjver thr oower company's cosus.\n?????\"Ie is a question of whether it brings dkwn the price of powrr,\" she \nsaid. \"If it brings dlwn hhe price of power, I don't havg a [eoblem with kt.\"\n?????Nevertheless, word thzt the contracts could bind the statz to pay \npoolytilt fees causxd somv critics of Davis' ponicy to renew calls fpr Vaviw \nto reconsider the sxcrecy surrounding tre power teyotiations. The paymenr \nprovivion unddescurea vhe fact hhav the contrzcts involvw more than merely \nuhe itices the stzte wijl pay for its megawatts, the critics note.\n?????\"Uhe Lsgislature should have jnown about it,\" said Sgnate Presydent Pro \nTem John Burton (D-San Francisco). \"It is gohng tk cowt gqxoayers money. It \nmakes you wonder.... This was a pjmivy issue that waf never disvudsrq with \nthe Leeislatbde.\"\n?????B. John White, a lobhyist fjr thw Sierra Slub, who also represents \nalternqtive energy producers, called tke contract 'ropossl \"a norrible \nprecedent.\"\n?????\"Until we inow exactlj what ths state has agreea tp dnd how much of a \nsubsidy ehis reprxsentx, we cav't dgterminq how serilus tma breach of \nprinciole tkis iv,\" White sald.\n?????Another critic of the secrecy of the negotisthonv, Terry Yranckc, \ngeneral counsql for the Calnfornia Yirst Xmendment Boalition, said the \npwovision in qggstion \"raises the posfibioity that tfdre are other \n[voncessiouf]\" thqt have not yet coke jo light.\n?????In the sunmet, when demand fpr oowqr ix rhghest, some cenefatuts \nprubably will dxcerd pollution limits vet gy regional air qusllty managgment \ndisericts.\n?????To avery blackouts, state lfficmals mmght axk jhe companies to keep \nplants ruhning. In ducm cases, some fourges samiliar wnth aspects of the \ncontracts said, the coitract language could bw interpreted to suygtst that \nthe xtate would coeer any fines--althougy Davis said Tuescay the state will \nnof coves the cost of fines.\n?????A recent Dynegy filing with", "random_deletion": "pollution in the Los Angeles Basin, is to lower the of the system--a the potential cost, Davis ?????Senate Energy Committee Debra Bowen (D-Marina del Rey) defended decision to cover the power company's costs. ?????\"It is a question of whether brings down the price of power,\" she said. \"If it brings down the of I have problem with it.\" ?????Nevertheless, word that the contracts could bind the state to pay pollution fees some critics of Davis' policy to renew calls Davis to reconsider the surrounding the power negotiations. The provision the fact the involve than merely the the state will pay for its megawatts, the critics note. ?????\"The Legislature should have known about it,\" Senate President John Burton Francisco). is to cost taxpayers makes you wonder.... This was a was never discussed with the Legislature.\" ?????V. John a lobbyist the Sierra Club, who also represents energy producers, called the contract proposal \"a horrible ?????\"Until we know exactly what the state has agreed to and how much of a represents, we can't determine serious the breach principle is,\" said. critic of secrecy of the negotiations, Terry Francke, general counsel for the California Amendment Coalition, said the provision in question \"raises the possibility are [concessions]\" that have yet come to light. the when demand for power some probably limits by air quality management districts. avert blackouts, state officials might the companies to keep some sources familiar with aspects of the contracts the contract language could be interpreted to that the state would cover any fines--although Davis said Tuesday the state not cover of fines. ?????A recent Dynegy filing with", "change_char_case": "pollution in the Los Angeles BAsin, is consIderiNg sTepS tO sigNifiCantly \nlower the COst oF the system--a step that couLd conSiDErabLY cUt the State's \npOTeNTIal CoSt, davIs SAiD.\n?????SenaTe ENergy CoMmittee ChaIrwOmAn Debra Bowen (d-maRina del Rey) \nDefEnded the deciSioN to covEr The POwer cOmpAny's cOsts.\n?????\"It IS a quesTion of wheThER it briNGs down tHE PrIce oF power,\" she \nsaid. \"If it BRiNGs down the price Of poweR, I DOn'T HAve A prOblem with iT.\"\n?????NEvertHEless, woRD tHAT The COntracts could Bind the statE To pAy \npollUtIon FEes cauSed soMe CRitIcs of Davis' pOlicY to renew cAlls foR davis \nto REconsidEr the sEcrEcy SurrOUnDiNg tHe POweR NeGotIAtiOns. The paYmEnT \nprovIsioN UNDErscOreS the Fact tHat the contracTs iNvolVE moRe thaN mereLy \nthE pRices The staTe wilL pAy for its megawatTs, thE critics nOte.\n?????\"thE LeGiSlatuRE shoulD haVe kNown aboUt it,\" saiD senAtE pREsIdent Pro \nTem John BurToN (d-saN FrancisCo). \"It is GOiNg TO cost taxPaYerS monEY. it \nmakEs yoU WoNder.... This Was a poLIcY iSsue thaT wAs neveR dIscUssEd witH \nThe LEgislaTure.\"\n?????V. JohN WhitE, A lobbyist for thE sierra Club, who ALsO REpREsenTs \naLternative eNergY ProdUcerS, CaLleD The coNtracT pROpOSal \"a horrible \nprecedeNt.\"\n?????\"until wE know Exactly what thE state has aGREEd to and hOw muCH oF A \nsubsidy this rePreseNts, we can't dETermine hOw serIous the bReach of \nprINCiple thiS is,\" whiTe sAid.\n?????aNOtHer critic of thE SEcreCy Of the neGotIations, terRy FRanCke, \nGeNeral counSel for thE CAlIfOrNia first aMendment coAliTiOn, sAid thE \nProvisIon in QuesTiOn \"RAisEs the poSSiBILity ThAt TherE arE oTher \n[cOnceSSioNs]\" that hAve not yet ComE To liGhT.\n?????IN the sumMer, when demand FoR power is hiGhEst, Some geNERators \nprObably will exceed pollutiON limits Set By regIonaL air qualiTy mAnagemEnt \nDIstricTs.\n?????To avErt blAcKouTS, State OFFiCiaLs Might ask thE COmpAnies To Keep \nPlants rUnning. In such cases, sOMe sOurces familiaR wiTh asPECtS of THe \nCOntRaCTs sAID, the contract lanGuage could Be INtErpreted to SUggEsT that \nthE state wOuld cOVer any fInes--althoUgh Davis sAiD TueSDAy tHe state wilL \nnot coveR the cost oF Fines.\n?????a ReCent DYneGy filiNg WitH", "whitespace_perturbation": "pollution in the Los Angel es Basin,is co nsi der in g st epsto significant l y \nl ower the cost of the s ystem -- a ste p t hat c ould co n si d e rab ly c utth e s tate' s potenti al cost, D avi ssaid.\n?????S e na te EnergyCom mittee Chair wom an Deb ra Bo w en (D -Ma rinadel Re y ) \ndef ended the d e cision to cove r th e po wer company's cos t s. ?????\"It is aquesti on of w het her it brings d own t h e price of p o wer , \" she \nsaid.\"If it brin g s d own th epri c e of p ower, I don 't have a p robl em with i t.\"\n?? ? ??Never t heless, wordtha t t he c o nt ra cts c o uld bi ndt hestate to p ay \npol luti o n f eescau sedsomecritics of Da vis ' po l icy to r enewcall sfor D avis to re co nsider the secr ecysurroundi ngth e p ow er ne g otiati ons . T he paym ent \npr o vis io n u nd erscores the factth a t t he contr acts i n vo lv e more th an me rely the p rice s t he state willp ay f or itsme gawatt s, th e c ritic s not e.\n??? ??\"The L egisl a ture should ha v e known about it , \" s a id S ena te Presiden t Pr o \nTe m Jo h nBur t on (D -SanFr a nc i sco). \"It is goingto costtaxpa yers money. I t \nmakes y o u wonder.. .. T h is was a policy i ssuethat was n e ver disc ussed with \nt he Legisl a t ure.\"\n?? ??? V.Joh n W h i te , a lobbyistf o r th eSierraClu b, whoals o r epr ese nt s \naltern ative en er gy p ro duc ers,c alled th econ tr act prop o sal \"a horr ible pr e ced ent.\"\n? ? ?? ? \" Unti lwe kno w e xa ctlywhat the statehas agree d t o and h ow much o f a \nsubsidyth is represe nt s,we can ' t determi ne how serious the brea c h of \np rin ciple thi s is,\" Wh ite said. \n?? ? ??Anot her cr iticof th e secre c y o f t he negotiati o n s,Terry F ranc ke, \nge neral counsel fort heCalifornia Fi rst Ame n d me ntC oa l iti on , sa i d the \nprovision in questi on \"r aises thep oss ib ility t hat the re ar e other\n[concess ions]\" th at hav e not yet cometo light .\n?????In the s u mm er, w hen deman dfor powe r is h i ghe st, s ome ge ne rators \npro ba bly will exceed pollution limit s setby re gio nal air q ual i tymanagemen t \nd istricts.??? ??T o ave rtb lacko uts, st ate offic ials might ask th e c o m pa nies to kee p pla nts r unn i ng. In suc h cases, some sou r ces familiar w itha s pec tso f th e\ncontracts sai d,th e contract l anguage cou ld be in te r prete d to s uggest that t h es tate w ould co ver any f ine s- - althoug hDa v is sai d Tu es day th e stat e wil l \nnot cover the c ost o f fines . \n?? ???Are cent Dy n egyfiling wit h", "underscore_trick": "pollution in_the Los_Angeles Basin, is considering_steps to_significantly_\nlower the_cost_of the system--a_step that could_considerably cut the state's_\npotential cost, Davis_said.\n?????Senate_Energy Committee Chairwoman Debra Bowen (D-Marina del Rey) \ndefended the decision to cover the_power_company's costs.\n?????\"It_is_a_question of whether it brings_down the price of power,\"_she \nsaid._\"If it brings down the price of power,_I_don't have a_problem with it.\"\n?????Nevertheless, word that the contracts could bind_the state to pay \npollution fees_caused some critics_of_Davis'_policy to renew calls_for Davis \nto reconsider the secrecy_surrounding the power negotiations. The payment_\nprovision underscores the fact that the contracts_involve more than merely \nthe prices_the state will pay for_its megawatts,_the critics note.\n?????\"The Legislature should_have known about_it,\" said_Senate President Pro_\nTem John Burton (D-San Francisco). \"It_is going to_cost taxpayers money. It \nmakes you_wonder...._This was a_policy_issue_that was_never discussed with_\nthe_Legislature.\"\n?????V. John_White,_a lobbyist for the Sierra Club,_who_also represents \nalternative energy producers, called the_contract proposal \"a horrible_\nprecedent.\"\n?????\"Until_we know exactly what_the state has agreed to_and how much of a \nsubsidy_this represents,_we can't_determine how serious the breach of \nprinciple this is,\" White said.\n?????Another_critic of the secrecy of the_negotiations, Terry Francke, \ngeneral_counsel for_the_California First Amendment_Coalition,_said the_\nprovision in question \"raises the possibility that_there are_other \n[concessions]\" that have not yet_come to light.\n?????In the_summer,_when demand for power is highest,_some generators \nprobably will exceed pollution_limits set by regional air_quality_management_\ndistricts.\n?????To avert blackouts, state officials_might ask the companies to keep_\nplants running. In_such cases, some sources familiar with aspects_of_the \ncontracts said, the contract language_could_be interpreted to suggest that \nthe_state_would_cover any fines--although Davis said_Tuesday the state will \nnot cover_the cost of fines.\n?????A recent Dynegy filing with"} {"text": " \ntraders. \nSpread through seven floors at Enron's Smith Street headquarters in Houston, \nthe energy specialists among the company's 1,500 traders try to divine where \nprices are headed, and then swap electricity and natural gas contracts like \nstocks and bonds. \n\"You can walk into that trading room and if you didn't already know that you \nwere on Smith Street in Houston, you would swear you were on Wall Street in \nNew York,\" said Shannon Burchett, chief executive officer of Risk Limited \nCorp., a Dallas energy consultant. \nAlthough energy is its main business, Enron also trades many other \ncommodities, including paper, lumber, steel and broadband access to the \nInternet. \nEnron's trading strategy remains a mystery even to industry analysts, partly \nbecause the company considers its techniques to be proprietary. \nUsing a team of mathematicians and meteorologists, Enron's traders try to \nidentify places where the company can buy electricity at the cheapest price \nand then deliver it for a higher price somewhere else. The traders post the \nprices at which it will buy and sell electricity. \nEnron's trading savvy yielded a big payoff last year. \nThe trading business posted an operating profit of $1.6 billion, up 160 \npercent from $628 million in 1999. When electricity and natural gas prices \nsoared to record highs in the fourth quarter, Enron's trading profit more \nthan tripled, from $151 million to $538 million. \nWithout providing specifics, Enron officials said the profits poured in from \nall over the country, not just California. \n\"Contrary to what you may hear or read, our success is linked to efficient \nmarkets, not higher prices in California, or anywhere else for that matter,\" \nSteve Kean, an Enron executive vice president, assured the U.S. Senate during \nJanuary testimony. \"What we are interested in is competitive and \nwell-functioning markets. Our financial success is not built on California's \nback.\" \nMore power companies are trying to emulate Enron's success by investing in \nelaborate trading floors and aggressively recruiting the brightest MBAs out \nof graduate schools. \nWilliams Energy emerged as one of its industry's most profitable companies \nlast year by capitalizing on electricity price swings from its \n", "synonym_substitution": "traders. \n Spread through seven floors at Enron's Smith Street headquarters in Houston, \n the energy specialist among the ship's company's 1,500 traders try to divine where \n prices are head, and then swap electricity and natural natural gas contract like \n stocks and bonds. \n \" You can walk into that trading room and if you didn't already know that you \n were on Smith Street in Houston, you would swear you were on Wall Street in \n New York, \" suppose Shannon Burchett, chief executive officer of Risk Limited \n Corp., a Dallas energy consultant. \n Although energy is its main business, Enron besides trades many other \n commodities, include paper, lumber, sword and broadband access to the \n Internet. \n Enron's trading scheme remains a mystery even to industry analysts, partly \n because the company considers its technique to be proprietary. \n Using a team of mathematicians and meteorologists, Enron's traders try to \n identify places where the company can buy electricity at the cheapest price \n and then deliver it for a higher price somewhere else. The traders post the \n prices at which it will bribe and deal electricity. \n Enron's trading savvy concede a boastful payoff last year. \n The trading clientele posted an operating profit of $ 1.6 billion, up 160 \n percent from $ 628 million in 1999. When electricity and lifelike gas prices \n soared to record highs in the fourth quarter, Enron's trading profit more \n than tripled, from $ 151 million to $ 538 million. \n Without providing specifics, Enron officials said the net income poured in from \n wholly over the area, not just California. \n \" Contrary to what you may hear or read, our achiever is linked to efficient \n markets, not higher prices in California, or anywhere else for that matter, \" \n Steve Kean, an Enron executive vice president, assured the U.S. Senate during \n January testimony. \" What we are concerned in is competitive and \n well - functioning markets. Our financial success is not built on California's \n back. \" \n More ability companies are try on to emulate Enron's success by induct in \n elaborate trading floor and aggressively recruiting the brightest MBAs out \n of graduate schools. \n Williams Energy emerge as one of its industry's about profitable companies \n last year by capitalizing on electricity monetary value swings from its", "butter_fingers": " \ntrwders. \nSpread through sevtn floors at Enrou'w Smiti Streef headquxrters in Houston, \nthe energy speciaoists among the companh's 1,500 tradegs try to divmne where \nprices are headed, ans theu wwap electricijy and naturdl gas contracds lnke \nstocks and bonds. \n\"You can walk ineo that tgading room anq if rou spdk't already know that you \nwere on Smith Vtreet in Houxton, you would swear you wfre ln Wall Street in \nJew York,\" saud Srqnnon Burchegt, chief eqzcutive offjcer of Risk Limited \nCorp., a Daluas euergy consuotqnt. \nDlthough enxrgy if its main bmxiness, Enron slso trades maky otier \nxommodities, including paper, lumber, steej and broddyand access to the \nInreenet. \nGnron'v trxeine suravegg remalns a mystery even to ineustry analysts, paruly \nvecause the ckmpany cjnsiders its techniques to be proprietagy. \nUaing a team of mathematucians and meteorologlsts, Enrog's traders try to \nidentify places where the compaty cai cuy ejdxtgicity at the cheapest price \nand then deliver jt fpr a higher prlce somewhere else. Tje jraders post tfe \npriess at which it will huy and sell electricyty. \nRnron's trading savvy yieldee a big payoyf oast year. \nThe tradnng business posjed an operating profit of $1.6 bnllion, up 160 \npercenh from $628 mjulion in 1999. When euecnrichty and natural gas prices \nsoared ti reeord higfs im the sourth quagter, Ctron's trading proflt mote \nthat tripled, vrom $151 million to $538 million. \nWithonv providing skechfibs, Enron jfficlals said the pwofits poured nn from \ncll ovdr the couhtry, nov just Califjrnia. \n\"Contrarf to what you may heaw or reae, our sjzcess is linkec to effibitnt \nmarketw, not higher pricex iv California, or cuyqhere else for yhag mwtner,\" \nSeave Kean, an Anrov ebrcutixe vice prewkdeny, assured the U.S. Sendte suring \nJanuary tesyiiony. \"Whaj we are ynterested in is competitive anf \nweln-fuictionong markets. Our financial success is not bkilb on Californya's \nnack.\" \nMore powex companies are trying to emulate Enron's success by invesjing in \nelaborate trabikg floors anv aggrqssively secruiting the brighrest MBAs out \nof nraduate schools. \nWillizms Enargy fmerged as one of its industry's most profitable companies \nlast year by capitalivigg on electdiciyy prpce xwings frol its \n", "random_deletion": "traders. Spread through seven floors at Enron's headquarters Houston, the specialists among the divine prices are headed, then swap electricity natural gas contracts like stocks and \"You can walk into that trading room and if you didn't already know you were on Smith Street in Houston, you would swear you were on Street New said Burchett, chief executive officer of Risk Limited Corp., a Dallas energy consultant. Although energy is its business, Enron also trades many other commodities, including lumber, steel and broadband to the Internet. Enron's trading remains mystery even industry partly the company considers techniques to be proprietary. Using a team of mathematicians and meteorologists, Enron's traders try to identify places the company electricity at cheapest and deliver it for price somewhere else. The traders post which it will buy and sell electricity. Enron's savvy yielded big payoff last year. The trading posted an operating profit of $1.6 billion, up percent from $628 million in 1999. When electricity and natural gas prices soared to record the fourth quarter, Enron's profit more than from million $538 Without providing Enron officials said the profits poured in from all over the not just California. \"Contrary to what you may hear or success linked to efficient not higher prices in or else for that matter,\" an executive the Senate January testimony. \"What we interested in is competitive and markets. Our financial success back.\" More power companies are trying to emulate success by investing in elaborate trading floors aggressively recruiting the brightest MBAs out of graduate schools. Williams Energy emerged one of most profitable companies last year by capitalizing on price swings from its", "change_char_case": " \ntraders. \nSpread through seven Floors at EnRon's SMitH StReEt heAdquArters in HoustoN, \nThe eNergy specialists among tHe comPaNY's 1,500 trADeRs try To divinE WhERE \nprIcEs Are HeADeD, and tHen Swap eleCtricity anD naTuRal gas contraCTs Like \nstocks And Bonds. \n\"You can wAlk Into thAt TraDIng roOm aNd if yOu didn'T AlreadY know that YoU \nWere on sMith StrEET iN HouSton, you would swear YOu WEre on Wall StreeT in \nNew yoRK,\" sAID ShAnnOn Burchett, ChIef exECutive oFFiCER Of RISk Limited \nCorp., A Dallas enerGY coNsultaNt. \naltHOugh enErgy iS iTS maIn business, ENron Also tradeS many oTHer \ncommODities, iNcludiNg pApeR, lumBEr, StEel AnD BroADbAnd ACceSs to the \nINtErNet. \nEnRon's TRADIng sTraTegy RemaiNs a mystery eveN to InduSTry AnalySts, paRtly \nBeCause The comPany cOnSiders its techniQues To be proprIetArY. \nUsInG a teaM Of mathEmaTicIans and MeteoroLOgiStS, eNRoN's traders try to \nidenTiFY PlAces wherE the coMPaNy CAn buy eleCtRicIty aT THe cheApesT PrIce \nand thEn deliVEr It For a higHeR price SoMewHerE else. tHe trAders pOst the \nprIces aT Which it will buy ANd sell electriCItY. \neNrON's trAdiNg savvy yielDed a BIg paYoff LAsT yeAR. \nThe tRadinG bUSiNEss posted an operatinG pRofit oF $1.6 billIon, up 160 \npercent fRom $628 million IN 1999. wHen electRiciTY aND natural gas priCes \nsoAred to recoRD highs in The foUrth quarTer, Enron's TRAding proFit MorE \nthAn tRIPlEd, from $151 million TO $538 MillIoN. \nWithouT prOviding SpeCifIcs, enrOn Officials Said the pRoFiTs PoUreD in frOM \nall over ThE coUnTry, Not juST CalifOrnia. \n\"contRaRy TO whAt you maY HeAR Or reAd, OuR sucCesS iS linkEd to EFfiCient \nmaRkets, not hIghER priCeS iN CalifoRnia, or anywherE eLse for that MaTteR,\" \nSteve kEAn, an EnroN executive vice president, ASsured tHe U.s. SenaTe duRing \nJanuaRy tEstimoNy. \"WHAt we arE interEsted In Is cOMPetitIVE aNd \nwElL-functioniNG MarKets. OUr FinaNcial suCcess is not built on CALifOrnia's \nback.\" \nMorE poWer cOMPaNieS ArE TryInG To eMULate Enron's succeSs by investInG In \nElaborate tRAdiNg Floors aNd aggreSsiveLY recruiTing the brIghtest MBas Out \noF GRadUate schoolS. \nWilliamS Energy emERged aS OnE of itS inDustry'S mOst ProfiTable cOMpaNies \nlAst yeaR bY capitAliziNg On electrIcity price swings from its \n", "whitespace_perturbation": " \ntraders. \nSpread through seven flo ors a t E nro n' s Sm ithStreet headqua r ters in Houston, \nthe ener gy sp ec i alis t samong the co m pa n y 's1, 50 0 t ra d er s try to divine where \npr ice sare headed,a nd then swap el ectricity an d n atural g asc ontra cts like \nstoc k s andbonds. \n\" Yo u can w a lk into t ha t tr ading room and if yo u didn't alread y know t h at y ou\nwe re on Smit hStree t in Hou s to n , you would swear y ou were onW all Stree tinNew Yo rk,\"sa i d S hannon Burc hett , chief e xecuti v e offic e r of Ri sk Lim ite d Corp . ,aDal la s en e rg y c o nsu ltant. Al th oughener g y i s it s m ainbusin ess, Enron al sotrad e s m any o ther\ncom mo ditie s, inc ludin gpaper, lumber,stee l and bro adb an d a cc ess t o the Int ern et. \nEn ron's t r adi ng s t ra tegy remains a mys te r y e ven to i ndustr y a na l ysts, pa rt ly\nbec a u se th e co m pa ny consi ders i t ste chnique sto bepr opr iet ary.Usin g a te am of ma thema t icians and met e orologists, E n ro n ' st rade rstry to \nide ntif y pla cesw he ret he co mpany c a nb uy electricity at t he cheap est p rice \nand the n deliveri t for a hi gher pr i ce somewhere e lse.The trader s post th e \npr ices atwhich itw i ll buy a ndsel l e lec t r ic ity. \nEnron's t radi ng savvyyie lded abig pa yof f l as t year. The trad in gbu si nes s pos t ed an op er ati ng pr ofito f $1.6 bill ion, u p1 60\npercen t f r o m $6 28 m illi onin 1999 . Wh e n e lectric ity and n atu r al g as p rices soared to rec or d highs in t hefourth q uarter,Enron's trading profitm ore \nth antripl ed,from $151 mi llionto$ 538 mi llion. \nWit ho utp r ovidi n g s pec if ics, Enron o ffi cials s aidthe pro fits poured in fro m \na ll over the c oun try, n ot ju s tC ali fo r nia . \n\"Contrary to w hat you ma yh ea r or read, our s uccessis link ed to efficie nt \nmarke ts, not h ig herp r ice s in Calif ornia, o r anywher e else fo r tha t m atter, \"\nSt eve K ean, a n En ron e xecuti ve vicepresi de nt, assu red the U.S. Senate dur ing \nJ anuar y t estimony. \"W h atwe are in tere sted in is co mpe titiv e a n d \nwe ll-f u nc tio n ing m arke t s. Our fi n an cia l su ccess is no t b uil t onCal i fornia 's back.\" \nMore powe r companies are try i n g t o e m ulat eEnron's succes s b yi n vestingin \nelaborate trading f l oorsand ag gressi vely re c r ui t ing th e br igh test MBAs ou tof grad ua te school s. Wi lliams Energ y eme r g ed as one of its indu s t ry'sm ost prof it able co m pani es \nlast y ear by capi talizi ng o n ele ctricit ypriceswi ng s from its \n", "underscore_trick": " \ntraders._\nSpread through_seven floors at Enron's_Smith Street_headquarters_in Houston,_\nthe_energy specialists among_the company's 1,500_traders try to divine_where \nprices are_headed,_and then swap electricity and natural gas contracts like \nstocks and bonds. \n\"You can_walk_into that_trading_room_and if you didn't already_know that you \nwere on_Smith Street_in Houston, you would swear you were on_Wall_Street in \nNew_York,\" said Shannon Burchett, chief executive officer of Risk_Limited \nCorp., a Dallas energy consultant._\nAlthough energy is_its_main_business, Enron also trades_many other \ncommodities, including paper, lumber,_steel and broadband access to the_\nInternet. \nEnron's trading strategy remains a mystery_even to industry analysts, partly \nbecause_the company considers its techniques_to be_proprietary. \nUsing a team of_mathematicians and meteorologists,_Enron's traders_try to \nidentify_places where the company can buy_electricity at the_cheapest price \nand then deliver it_for_a higher price_somewhere_else._The traders_post the \nprices_at_which it_will_buy and sell electricity. \nEnron's trading_savvy_yielded a big payoff last year. \nThe_trading business posted an_operating_profit of $1.6 billion,_up 160 \npercent from $628_million in 1999. When electricity and_natural gas_prices \nsoared_to record highs in the fourth quarter, Enron's trading profit more_\nthan tripled, from $151 million to_$538 million. \nWithout providing_specifics, Enron_officials_said the profits_poured_in from_\nall over the country, not just California._\n\"Contrary to_what you may hear or read,_our success is linked_to_efficient \nmarkets, not higher prices in_California, or anywhere else for that_matter,\" \nSteve Kean, an Enron_executive_vice_president, assured the U.S. Senate_during \nJanuary testimony. \"What we are_interested in is_competitive and \nwell-functioning markets. Our financial success_is_not built on California's \nback.\" \nMore_power_companies are trying to emulate Enron's_success_by_investing in \nelaborate trading floors_and aggressively recruiting the brightest MBAs_out \nof graduate schools. \nWilliams Energy emerged as one_of its industry's_most profitable companies \nlast year_by_capitalizing_on electricity price swings from its \n"} {"text": " in San Bernardino County. \"We have a lot of \nsafety issues. People could get hurt.\"\n?????Goncalvez said the plant has multiple 20-ton and 25-ton overhead cranes \nthat operate with electromagnetic devices, which would fail if they lost \npower suddenly. Falling materials could injure workers below, he said. \"We \nhave been asking to be exempt from rolling blackouts,\" he said.\n?????Goncalvez said he couldn't put a price on the lost production at the \n24-hour plant and said he worried more about the long term.\n?????\"Two hours is nothing,\" he said. \"My concern is this thing will start to \nhappen almost every day. If it will be like this all summer, you can be sure \nit will have dramatic consequences for the entire economy.... We're going \nto have a shortage of steel products in California. Maybe the government does \nnot consider this is serious. We'll see.\"\n?????At Sport Chalet, a La Canada Flintridge-based chain of 22 sporting goods \nstores in Southern California, an administrative assistant monitors the state \npower situation, hoping to warn any stores that are in danger of losing \npower, said Craig Levra, the company's chief executive.\n?????Levra said the assistant was assigned the monitoring duties last year, \nwhen rolling blackouts were still only a threat.\n?????The chain put in place an emergency plan--similar to what it would do in \na major earthquake. Backup power will kick on emergency lights and allow the \ncash registers to complete transactions. Employees are instructed to escort \ncustomers from the building safely, Levra said.\n?????Other businesses, however, have plans to remain open during the 60- to \n90-minute blackouts.\n?????When power went out at two Cheesecake Factory restaurants in Orange \nCounty on Monday afternoon, the eateries switched to serving cold dishes such \nas sandwiches and salads, said Howard Gordon, senior vice president of the \nCalabasas Hills-based chain.\n?????The restaurants had enough backup power to operate emergency lights and \ncash registers. Large windows provided the rest of the light, Gordon said.\n?????So far, the 99 Cents Only Stores chain has missed the shotgun pattern of \n", "synonym_substitution": "in San Bernardino County. \" We have a lot of \n safety issues. citizenry could get suffer. \" \n? ?? ?? Goncalvez said the plant has multiple 20 - ton and 25 - long ton overhead cranes \n that operate with electromagnetic device, which would fail if they miss \n power suddenly. Falling materials could hurt workers below, he suppose. \" We \n have been asking to be exempt from rolling blackouts, \" he said. \n? ?? ?? Goncalvez said he couldn't frame a price on the lost production at the \n 24 - hour plant and read he worried more about the long term. \n? ?? ?? \" Two hours is nothing, \" he state. \" My concern is this thing will start to \n happen almost every sidereal day. If it will be like this all summer, you can be sure \n it will have dramatic consequences for the entire economy.... We're going \n to have a deficit of steel products in California. Maybe the government does \n not consider this is serious. We'll see. \" \n? ?? ?? At Sport Chalet, a La Canada Flintridge - based chain of 22 sporting goods \n shop in Southern California, an administrative assistant monitors the state \n exponent position, hoping to warn any stores that are in risk of losing \n ability, said Craig Levra, the company's chief administrator. \n? ?? ?? Levra said the assistant was assigned the monitoring duties last year, \n when rolling blackout were still only a threat. \n? ?? ?? The chain put in place an hand brake design -- exchangeable to what it would do in \n a major earthquake. Backup power will kick on emergency light and allow the \n cash registers to complete minutes. Employees are instructed to escort \n customers from the construction safely, Levra said. \n? ?? ?? early businesses, however, have plans to remain open during the 60- to \n 90 - moment blackouts. \n? ?? ?? When world power went out at two Cheesecake Factory restaurant in Orange \n County on Monday afternoon, the eateries switched to suffice cold dishes such \n as sandwich and salads, said Howard Gordon, senior frailty president of the \n Calabasas Hills - based chain. \n? ?? ?? The restaurants have enough backup power to operate hand brake lights and \n cash registers. Large windows provided the rest of the light, Gordon say. \n? ?? ?? So far, the 99 Cents Only Stores chain has missed the shotgun pattern of", "butter_fingers": " in San Bernardino County. \"Wt have a lot of \nscdety ivsues. Leople cuuld get hurt.\"\n?????Goncalvez said vhe plant has multiple 20-ton and 25-gon overhvad cranew \nthet operate with xmectromagnetid devncxs, which would nail if thef lost \npower sgdaeuly. Falling materials could injure wjrkers nepow, he said. \"We \nhavt bqen zsking to be exempt from rolling bmackoutv,\" he said.\n?????Goncslvez said he couldn't put w prlce on the lost prlduction at the \n24-your plant avd said he worried morg about the long term.\n?????\"Two hours ir notking,\" he saie. \"Ny fmncern is tiis thpng will starb to \nha[pen alkost every day. If it will be like this aln summer, you can bg sure \nit fiml have dramatic xobsequgnces for rhe enuirx edonomy.... We'ce going \nto have a shoetage of steel prodicew in Californja. Mayfe the government does \nnot consider this ps ssrious. We'll see.\"\n?????At Sport Chalet, a La Canada Fpintridge-fased chain of 22 sporting goods \nstores in Southern Calihofnic, an aanijistrative assistant monitors the state \npower aiuuanion, hoping to wavn any stores that age yn danger of uosing \nposer, said Craig Levga, the sompaby's chief exevutive.\n?????Levra said the assistqnt was assiynee the monitoring dbties last yzar, \nwhgn rolking blackouts were stiul ohly a threah.\n?????The chaih put in place an emvrgetcy plan--similar to what it would do in \nc major dartnquake. Backup poaer wlnl kick on emergenfy liyhts dnd allow hhe \ncash registers to complete vcansactions. Ekpnoyves are iustrucbed to escort \nctstomers from jhe buildnng sawely, Levra said.\n?????Otier businessqs, however, haeg plans to rekain opeg dueing the 60- tu \n90-minute blackoits.\n?????When power went iut at two Cheeseceke Wzctory restaurauus un Orange \nCountu ov Mjnfab aftqsnoon, the eaderids reitchdd to stxvikg zold dishes such \nas sandfichss and salads, said Hjward Gotdon, senijr vice presicent of the \nCalabadas Hmlls-bared cnaig.\n?????The restaurants had enough badkup poweg tj operate emqrgekcy jights and \ncash registers. Large windows provided vhe rest of the light, Girdon said.\n?????So far, thg 99 Gents Only Svores shain has missed the shotgun pattern of \n", "random_deletion": "in San Bernardino County. \"We have a safety People could hurt.\" ?????Goncalvez said and overhead cranes that with electromagnetic devices, would fail if they lost power Falling materials could injure workers below, he said. \"We have been asking to exempt from rolling blackouts,\" he said. ?????Goncalvez said he couldn't put a price the production the plant and said he worried more about the long term. ?????\"Two hours is nothing,\" he said. concern is this thing will start to happen every day. If it be like this all summer, can sure it have consequences the entire economy.... going to have a shortage of steel products in California. Maybe the government does not consider this serious. We'll Sport Chalet, La Flintridge-based of 22 sporting in Southern California, an administrative assistant power situation, hoping to warn any stores that in danger losing power, said Craig Levra, the chief executive. ?????Levra said the assistant was assigned monitoring duties last year, when rolling blackouts were still only a threat. ?????The chain put an emergency plan--similar to it would do a earthquake. power kick on lights and allow the cash registers to complete transactions. Employees are to escort customers from the building safely, Levra said. ?????Other have to remain open the 60- to 90-minute ?????When went out at two restaurants Orange afternoon, eateries to serving cold dishes as sandwiches and salads, said Gordon, senior vice president ?????The restaurants had enough backup power to operate lights and cash registers. Large windows provided rest of the light, Gordon said. ?????So far, the 99 Cents Only chain has shotgun pattern of", "change_char_case": " in San Bernardino County. \"We haVe a lot of \nsaFety iSsuEs. PEoPle cOuld Get hurt.\"\n?????GoncalvEZ saiD the plant has multiple 20-toN and 25-tOn OVerhEAd CraneS \nthat opERaTE WitH eLeCtrOmAGnEtic dEviCes, whicH would fail If tHeY lost \npower suDDeNly. Falling MatErials could iNjuRe workErS beLOw, he sAid. \"we \nhavE been aSKing to Be exempt fRoM RollinG BlackouTS,\" He Said.\n?????goncalvez said he coULdN'T put a price on thE lost pRoDUcTIOn aT thE \n24-hour plant AnD said HE worrieD MoRE ABouT The long term.\n?????\"TwO hours is notHIng,\" He said. \"my ConCErn is tHis thInG WilL start to \nhapPen aLmost everY day. If IT will be LIke this All sumMer, You Can bE SuRe \nIt wIlL HavE DrAmaTIc cOnsequenCeS fOr the EntiRE ECOnomY.... We'Re goIng \nto Have a shortage Of sTeel PRodUcts iN CaliFornIa. maybe The govErnmeNt Does \nnot consider This Is serious. we'lL sEe.\"\n?????AT SPort CHAlet, a LA CaNadA FlintrIdge-basED chAiN OF 22 SpOrting goods \nstores iN SOUThErn CalifOrnia, aN AdMiNIstrativE aSsiStanT MOnitoRs thE StAte \npower SituatIOn, HoPing to wArN any stOrEs tHat Are in DAngeR of losIng \npower, Said CRAig Levra, the comPAny's chief execUTiVE.\n?????leVRa saId tHe assistant Was aSSignEd thE MoNitORing dUties LaST yEAr, \nwhen rolling blackoUtS were sTill oNly a threat.\n?????The Chain put in PLACe an emerGencY PlAN--similar to what It wouLd do in \na majOR earthquAke. BaCkup poweR will kick ON EmergencY liGhtS anD alLOW tHe \ncash registeRS To coMpLete traNsaCtions. EMplOyeEs aRe iNsTructed to Escort \ncuStOmErS fRom The buILding safElY, LeVrA saId.\n?????OthER businEsses, HoweVeR, hAVe pLans to rEMaIN Open DuRiNg thE 60- to \n90-MiNute bLackOUts.\n?????when powEr went out At tWO CheEsEcAke FactOry restaurantS iN Orange \nCouNtY on monday AFTernoon, tHe eateries switched to serVIng cold DisHes suCh \nas SandwicheS anD saladS, saID HowarD GordoN, seniOr VicE PResidENT oF thE \nCAlabasas HiLLS-baSed chAiN.\n?????The RestaurAnts had enough backuP PowEr to operate emErgEncy LIGhTs aND \ncASh rEgISteRS. large windows proVided the reSt OF tHe light, GorDOn sAiD.\n?????So far, tHe 99 Cents only STOres chaIn has missEd the shotGuN patTERn oF \n", "whitespace_perturbation": " in San Bernardino County. \"We havea lot of \ns af etyissu es. People cou l d ge t hurt.\"\n?????Goncalve z sai dt he p l an t has multip l e2 0 -to nan d 2 5- t on over hea d crane s \nthat op era te with electr o ma gnetic dev ice s, which wou ldfail i fthe y lost \np owersudden l y. Fal ling mate ri a ls cou l d injur e wo rker s below, he said. \"W e \nhave been as king t ob ee x emp t f rom rollin gblack o uts,\" h e s a i d .\n? ? ???Goncalvezsaid he cou l dn' t putapri c e on t he lo st pro duction atthe\n24-hourplanta nd said he worr ied mo reabo ut t h elo ngte r m.? ?? ??\" T wohours is n ot hing, \" he s a i d. \" Myconc ern i s this thingwil l st a rtto \nh appen alm os t eve ry day . Ifit will be like t hisall summe r,yo u c an be s u re \nit wi llhave dr amaticc ons eq u e n ce s for the entire e co n o my .... We' re goi n g\nt o have ash ort ageo f stee l pr o du cts in C alifor n ia .Maybe t he gover nm ent do es \nn o t co nsider this is seri o us. We'll see. \" \n?????At Spor t C h a le t , aLaCanada Flin trid g e-ba sedc ha ino f 22sport in g g o ods \nstores in Sout he rn Cal iforn ia, an admini strative a s s i stant mo nito r st he state \npowe r sit uation, ho p ing to w arn a ny store s that ar e in dange r o f l osi ngp ow er, said Crai g Levr a, the co mpa ny's ch ief ex ecu tiv e. \n?????Lev ra saidth eas si sta nt wa s assigne dthe m oni torin g dutie s las t ye ar ,whe n rolli n gb l acko ut swere st il l onl y at hre at.\n??? ??The cha inp ut i npl ace anemergency pla n- -similar t owha t it w o u ld do in \na major earthquake. B a ckup po wer will kic k on emer gen cy lig hts and al low th e \nca sh re g i sters t ocom pl ete transa c t ion s. Em pl oyee s are i nstructed to escor t \nc ustomers from th e bu i l di ngs af e ly, L e vra s aid.\n?????Other businesse s, ho wever, hav e pl an s to re main op en du r ing the 60- to 90-minute b lack o u ts. \n?????When power w ent out a t twoC he eseca keFactor yres taura nts in Ora nge County o n Mond ay af te rnoon, t he eateries switched to servi ng co lddishes su chassandwiche s an d salads,sai d H oward Go r don,seni o rvic e pres iden t of the C al aba s a sHills-based c h ain .\n??? ??T h e rest aura nts had enough ba c kup power to o pera t e em erg e ncyli ghts and \ncash re gi s t ers. Lar ge windows pr ovided t he restof the light , Gordo n sa i d.\n??? ??So fa r, the 99 Ce nt s Only S to re s chain has m issedthe sh o tgun p attern of \n", "underscore_trick": " in_San Bernardino_County. \"We have a_lot of_\nsafety_issues. People_could_get hurt.\"\n?????Goncalvez said_the plant has_multiple 20-ton and 25-ton_overhead cranes \nthat_operate_with electromagnetic devices, which would fail if they lost \npower suddenly. Falling materials could_injure_workers below,_he_said._\"We \nhave been asking to_be exempt from rolling blackouts,\"_he said.\n?????Goncalvez_said he couldn't put a price on the_lost_production at the_\n24-hour plant and said he worried more about the_long term.\n?????\"Two hours is nothing,\" he_said. \"My concern_is_this_thing will start to_\nhappen almost every day. If it_will be like this all summer,_you can be sure \nit will have_dramatic consequences for the entire economy...._We're going \nto have a_shortage of_steel products in California. Maybe_the government does_\nnot consider_this is serious._We'll see.\"\n?????At Sport Chalet, a La_Canada Flintridge-based chain_of 22 sporting goods \nstores in_Southern_California, an administrative_assistant_monitors_the state_\npower situation, hoping_to_warn any_stores_that are in danger of losing_\npower,_said Craig Levra, the company's chief executive.\n?????Levra_said the assistant was_assigned_the monitoring duties last_year, \nwhen rolling blackouts were_still only a threat.\n?????The chain put_in place_an emergency_plan--similar to what it would do in \na major earthquake. Backup_power will kick on emergency lights_and allow the \ncash_registers to_complete_transactions. Employees are_instructed_to escort_\ncustomers from the building safely, Levra said.\n?????Other_businesses, however,_have plans to remain open during_the 60- to \n90-minute_blackouts.\n?????When_power went out at two Cheesecake_Factory restaurants in Orange \nCounty on_Monday afternoon, the eateries switched_to_serving_cold dishes such \nas sandwiches_and salads, said Howard Gordon, senior_vice president of_the \nCalabasas Hills-based chain.\n?????The restaurants had enough_backup_power to operate emergency lights and_\ncash_registers. Large windows provided the rest_of_the_light, Gordon said.\n?????So far, the_99 Cents Only Stores chain has_missed the shotgun pattern of \n"} {"text": " USED TO CATCH FOREIGN TAX EVADERS\nNEW YORK. A US district court says the government can forfeit bank\naccounts (in this case $15.3 million) located in US belonging to accused\nforeigners allegedly evading foreign taxes. For a related case, see\nUS v TRAPILO, at\nLINK: http://laws.findlaw.com/2nd/971011.html\n----------\nU.K. CORRUPTION CRACK DOWN\nLONDON. As part of a general crackdown on business and international\ncorruption, the UK will allow foreign governments to reclaim money\nstashed in British banks by corrupt leaders.\nLINK: \nhttp://news.ft.com/ft/gx.cgi/ftc?pagename=View&c=Article&cid=FT35CHMKMGC&liv\n----------\nIRISH TAXES ARE SMILING\nDUBLIN. When people think of Ireland, they usually think of leprechauns,\nshamrocks and big pints of Guinness, not favorable tax treatment. But\nIreland is one of Europe's great tax havens.\nLINK: \nhttp://www.forbes.com/2000/11/17/1117lifestyle.html;$sessionid$24BFT1IAADEUHQF\nIAGWCFEY\n----------\nRUSSIAN FLAT TAX STARTS SOON\nMOSCOW. Starting Jan 1, 2001 Russian citizens will enjoy a flat 13%\ntax rate on income earned. Some are wondering if it is a genuine\ninitiative to stimulate the economy or an attempt to lure suspicious\ncitizens into the Russian tax net.\nLINK: \nhttp://www.nationalpost.com/search/story.html?f=/stories/20001207/396427.html\n----------\nGIBRALTAR ANOTHER OFFSHORE SUICIDE?\nGibraltar is making noises about imposing new taxes to remove the highly\nattractive existing discrimination that favors non-residents. In a\nmisguided quest to appease the OECD's phony demands the Rock could\nseriously damage its own financial future.\nLINK: http://www.tax-news.com/html/oldnews/st_jgioverhaul_11_12_00.htm\n----------\nA", "synonym_substitution": "USED TO CATCH FOREIGN TAX EVADERS \n NEW YORK. A US district court suppose the politics can forfeit bank \n accounts (in this subject $ 15.3 million) situate in US belonging to accused \n foreigner allegedly evade foreign tax. For a related case, experience \n US v TRAPILO, at \n LINK: http://laws.findlaw.com/2nd/971011.html \n ---------- \n U.K. CORRUPTION CRACK DOWN \n LONDON. As part of a general crackdown on occupation and external \n corruption, the UK will allow alien governments to reclaim money \n hoard in British banks by corrupt leaders. \n LINK: \n http://news.ft.com/ft/gx.cgi/ftc?pagename=View&c=Article&cid=FT35CHMKMGC&liv \n ---------- \n IRISH taxis ARE SMILING \n DUBLIN. When people remember of Ireland, they usually remember of leprechauns, \n shamrocks and big pints of Guinness, not favorable tax discussion. But \n Ireland is one of Europe's great tax havens. \n LINK: \n http://www.forbes.com/2000/11/17/1117lifestyle.html;$sessionid$24BFT1IAADEUHQF \n IAGWCFEY \n ---------- \n RUSSIAN FLAT TAX STARTS SOON \n MOSCOW. Starting Jan 1, 2001 Russian citizens will enjoy a bland 13% \n tax pace on income earned. Some are wondering if it is a genuine \n initiative to stimulate the economy or an attempt to lure leery \n citizen into the Russian tax internet. \n LINK: \n http://www.nationalpost.com/search/story.html?f=/stories/20001207/396427.html \n ---------- \n GIBRALTAR ANOTHER OFFSHORE SUICIDE? \n Gibraltar is making noise about levy new taxes to remove the highly \n attractive existing discrimination that favors non - residents. In a \n misguided pursuit to appease the OECD's phony demands the Rock could \n seriously damage its own financial future. \n LINK: http://www.tax-news.com/html/oldnews/st_jgioverhaul_11_12_00.htm \n ---------- \n A", "butter_fingers": " USFD TO CATCH FOREIGN TAX TVADERS\nNEW YORK. A US disvrict ckurt sayr the government can forfeit bqnk\nacxounts (in this case $15.3 mkllion) lobated in YS btlonging to accusxs\nforeigkzrs ampegeblb evading foreinn taxes. Fos a related cave, sze\nUS v TRAPILO, at\nLINK: http://laws.findlar.com/2nd/971011.hymp\n----------\nU.K. CORRUPTION CRABK DOWH\nLONDON. As part of a general cracksown on business and international\ncorruption, tje UN will allow foreihn governmebts ei reclaim movey\nstashed in British ganks by corrupt leaders.\nLINK: \nhtgp://newx.ft.com/ft/gx.xgu/ftf?kagename=View&r=Articje&cid=FT35CHMKMNB&liv\n----------\nIRIVH TAXEX ARE SMILING\nDMBLIN. Whwn people think of Irxland, they usually trink of lapxechauns,\nshamrocks and bug pitts mf Gjunndss, npt favorwblx tax treatjent. But\nIreoand is one of Euroke's treat tax havsns.\nLINH: \nrttp://www.forbes.com/2000/11/17/1117lifestyle.html;$sessionid$24BXT1IZADEUHQF\nIAGWCFEY\n----------\nRUSSIAN FLAT TAX STARTS SOON\nLOSCOW. Stwrting Jan 1, 2001 Russian citizens will enjoy a flat 13%\ntdx rave on ikcomd ewrned. Some are wondering if it is a genuine\ninyfistpve to stimulate bhe economy or an sthekkt to lure suskicious\nejtjzens into the Rusdian tav net.\nOINK: \nhttp://rww.nstionalpost.com/search/story.htnl?f=/stories/20001207/396427.htio\n----------\nGIBRALTAR ANOTHER OFFSHORE SBICIDE?\nBibraktar is making noises ayout ijposing new taxes to femove the highlh\natnracdive existing discriminatijn that fevors non-reskdenjs. In a\niisguided euest to appease the OECF's phlnf demands hhe Rock could\nseriously damage mvs own financoan flture.\nLINK: http://eww.tax-news.com/rtml/oldnews/st_jyioverhabl_11_12_00.htm\n----------\nA", "random_deletion": "USED TO CATCH FOREIGN TAX EVADERS NEW US court says government can forfeit $15.3 located in US to accused foreigners evading foreign taxes. For a related see US v TRAPILO, at LINK: http://laws.findlaw.com/2nd/971011.html ---------- U.K. CORRUPTION CRACK DOWN LONDON. part of a general crackdown on business and international corruption, the UK will foreign to money in British banks by corrupt leaders. LINK: http://news.ft.com/ft/gx.cgi/ftc?pagename=View&c=Article&cid=FT35CHMKMGC&liv ---------- IRISH TAXES ARE SMILING DUBLIN. When people of Ireland, they usually think of leprechauns, shamrocks big pints of Guinness, favorable tax treatment. But Ireland one Europe's great havens. http://www.forbes.com/2000/11/17/1117lifestyle.html;$sessionid$24BFT1IAADEUHQF ---------- RUSSIAN FLAT STARTS SOON MOSCOW. Starting Jan 1, 2001 Russian citizens will enjoy a flat 13% tax rate on earned. Some if it a initiative stimulate the economy attempt to lure suspicious citizens into net. LINK: http://www.nationalpost.com/search/story.html?f=/stories/20001207/396427.html ---------- GIBRALTAR ANOTHER OFFSHORE SUICIDE? is making about imposing new taxes to remove highly attractive existing discrimination that favors non-residents. In misguided quest to appease the OECD's phony demands the Rock could seriously damage its own LINK: http://www.tax-news.com/html/oldnews/st_jgioverhaul_11_12_00.htm ---------- A", "change_char_case": " USED TO CATCH FOREIGN TAX EVADeRS\nNEW YORK. a US diStrIct CoUrt sAys tHe government caN ForfEit bank\naccounts (in this cAse $15.3 miLlIOn) loCAtEd in Us belongINg TO AccUsEd\nForEiGNeRs allEgeDly evadIng foreign TaxEs. for a related cASe, See\nUS v TRAPiLO, At\nLINK: http://laWs.fIndlaw.CoM/2nd/971011.HTml\n----------\nU.K. cORrUPTIoN CRACk dOWN\nLOnDON. As parT oF A generAL crackdOWN oN busIness and internatiONaL\nCorruption, the Uk will aLlOW fOREigN goVernments tO rEclaiM Money\nstAShED IN BrITish banks by coRrupt leaderS.\nlINk: \nhttp://nEwS.ft.COm/ft/gx.Cgi/ftC?pAGenAme=View&c=ArtIcle&Cid=FT35CHMKmGC&liv\n----------\nirISH TAXes ARE SMIlING\nDUbLIn. WhEn peOPlE tHinK oF ireLAnD, thEY usUally thiNk Of LepreChauNS,\nSHAmroCks And bIg pinTs of Guinness, nOt fAvorABle Tax trEatmeNt. BuT\nIRelanD is one Of EurOpE's great tax havenS.\nLINk: \nhttp://www.fOrbEs.Com/2000/11/17/1117LiFestyLE.html;$sEssIonId$24BFT1IAaDEUHQF\niaGWcFey\n----------\nruSsIAN FLAT TAX STARTS SoOn\nmoScOW. StartIng Jan 1, 2001 rUsSiAN citizenS wIll EnjoY A Flat 13%\ntAx raTE oN income eArned. SOMe ArE wonderInG if it iS a GenUinE\ninitIAtivE to stiMulate thE econOMy or an attempt tO Lure suspiciouS\nCiTIZeNS intO thE Russian tax Net.\nLinK: \nhtTp://wwW.NaTioNAlposT.com/sEaRCh/STory.html?f=/stories/20001207/396427.htmL\n----------\nGiBRALTaR ANOtHER OFFSHORE SuICIDE?\nGibrALTAr is makiNg noISeS About imposing nEw taxEs to remove THe highly\nAttraCtive exiSting discRIMination ThaT faVorS noN-REsIdents. In a\nmisgUIDed qUeSt to appEasE the OECd's pHonY deManDs The Rock coUld\nserioUsLy DaMaGe iTs own FInancial FuTurE.\nLiNK: Http://wWW.tax-neWs.com/Html/OlDnEWs/sT_jgioveRHaUL_11_12_00.Htm\n----------\nA", "whitespace_perturbation": " USED TO CATCH FOREIGN TAX EVADERS\nN EW YO RK. AUS dis tric t court says t h e go vernment can forfeit b ank\na cc o unts (i n thi s case$ 15 . 3 mi ll io n)lo c at ed in US belong ing to acc use dforeigners a l le gedly evad ing foreign tax es. For a r ela t ed ca se, seeUS v T R APILO, at\nLINK: h t tp://l a ws.find l a w. com/ 2nd/971011.html\n- - -- - -----\nU.K. COR RUPTIO NC RA C K DO WNLONDON. As p art o f a gene r al c r ack d own on busine ss and inte r nat ionalco rru p tion,the U Kw ill allow fore igngovernmen ts tor eclaimm oney\nst ashedinBri tish ba nk s b yc orr u pt le a der s.\nLINK: ht tp:// news . f t . com/ ft/ gx.c gi/ft c?pagename=Vi ew& c=Ar t icl e&cid =FT35 CHMK MG C&liv \n----- ----- \nI RISH TAXES ARESMIL ING\nDUBLI N.Wh enpe oplet hink o f I rel and, th ey usua l lyth i n k o f leprechauns,\nsha mr o c ks and big pints of G u inness,no t f avor a b le ta x tr e at ment. Bu t\nIrel a nd i s one o fEurope 's gr eat taxh aven s.\nLIN K: \nhttp ://ww w .forbes.com/20 0 0/11/17/1117l i fe s t yl e .htm l;$ sessionid$2 4BFT 1 IAAD EUHQ F \nI AGW C FEY\n- ----- -- - -R USSIAN FLAT TAX STA RT S SOON \nMOSC OW. StartingJan 1, 200 1 R ussian c itiz e ns will enjoy a f lat 1 3%\ntax rat e on inco me ea rned. So me are wo n d ering if it is agen u i ne \ninitiative t o stim ul ate the ec onomy o r a n a tte mpt t o lure su spicious \nc it iz en s i nto t h e Russia ntax n et. \nLINK : \nhttp ://ww w.na ti on a lpo st.com/ s ea r c h/st or y. html ?f= /s torie s/20 0 012 07/3964 27.html\n- --- - ---- -GI BRALTAR ANOTHER OFFS HO RE SUICIDE ?Gib raltar i s making noises about imposingn ew taxe s t o rem ovethe highl y\na ttract ive existi ng dis crimi na tio n thatf a vo rsno n-resident s . In a\nmi sg uide d quest to appease the OE C D's phony demand s t he R o c kcou l ds eri ou s lyd a mage its own fi nancial fu tu r e. \nLINK: htt p :// ww w.tax-n ews.com /html / oldnews /st_jgiov erhaul_11 _1 2_00 . h tm---------- \nA", "underscore_trick": " USED_TO CATCH_FOREIGN TAX EVADERS\nNEW YORK._A US_district_court says_the_government can forfeit_bank\naccounts (in this_case $15.3 million) located_in US belonging_to_accused\nforeigners allegedly evading foreign taxes. For a related case, see\nUS v TRAPILO, at\nLINK: http://laws.findlaw.com/2nd/971011.html\n----------\nU.K._CORRUPTION_CRACK DOWN\nLONDON._As_part_of a general crackdown on_business and international\ncorruption, the UK_will allow_foreign governments to reclaim money\nstashed in British banks_by_corrupt leaders.\nLINK: \nhttp://news.ft.com/ft/gx.cgi/ftc?pagename=View&c=Article&cid=FT35CHMKMGC&liv\n----------\nIRISH_TAXES ARE SMILING\nDUBLIN. When people think of Ireland, they_usually think of leprechauns,\nshamrocks and big_pints of Guinness,_not_favorable_tax treatment. But\nIreland is_one of Europe's great tax havens.\nLINK:_\nhttp://www.forbes.com/2000/11/17/1117lifestyle.html;$sessionid$24BFT1IAADEUHQF\nIAGWCFEY\n----------\nRUSSIAN FLAT TAX STARTS SOON\nMOSCOW. Starting_Jan 1, 2001 Russian citizens will enjoy_a flat 13%\ntax rate on income_earned. Some are wondering if_it is_a genuine\ninitiative to stimulate the_economy or an_attempt to_lure suspicious\ncitizens into_the Russian tax net.\nLINK: \nhttp://www.nationalpost.com/search/story.html?f=/stories/20001207/396427.html\n----------\nGIBRALTAR ANOTHER_OFFSHORE SUICIDE?\nGibraltar is_making noises about imposing new taxes_to_remove the highly\nattractive_existing_discrimination_that favors_non-residents. In a\nmisguided_quest_to appease_the_OECD's phony demands the Rock could\nseriously_damage_its own financial future.\nLINK: http://www.tax-news.com/html/oldnews/st_jgioverhaul_11_12_00.htm\n----------\nA"} {"text": " Commissioner Robert Pernell was named Presiding Member of the committee reviewing the Tracy\n Peaker Project. Commissioner Robert Laurie will serve as Associate Member.\n\n More information on the Tracy Peaker Project is available on the Energy Commission web site at:\n\n www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/tracypeaker\n\n Henrietta Peaker Project\n GWF Energy, LLC, is also applying for a license to build and operate the Henrietta Peaker Project. The project\n site is adjacent to the PG&E Henrietta substation, 20 miles south of Hanford in an unincorporated part of\n Kings County. The proposed plant would consist of two turbine generators in simple-cycle mode, delivering\n 91.4 megawatts, and a 70-kilovolt switchyard.\n\n After last night's 5 to 0 vote, Henrietta enters the Commission's four-month review process. Like the Tracy\n project, this facility has an existing 10-year DWR contract that calls for the plant to remain a simple-cycle\n peaking facility.\n\n The Committee for the Henrietta Peaker Project consists of Arthur H. Rosenfeld as Presiding Member and\n Commissioner Michal (spelled correctly) Moore as Associate Member.\n\n More information on the Henrietta Peaker Project is available on the Energy Commission web site at:\n\n www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/henrietta\n\n Public participation is a very important part of the Energy Commission review process. To find out how to get\n involved, call Roberta Mendonca, the Commission's Public Adviser, at (916) 654-4489, toll free at (800)\n 822-6228, or by e-mail at [pao@energy.state.ca.us].\n\n # # #\n\nThe news releases is available online at:\n\nhttp://www.energy.ca.gov/releases/2001_releases/2001-10-18_ros_tracy_henri.html\n\n\n/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/\n\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n", "synonym_substitution": "Commissioner Robert Pernell was named Presiding Member of the committee reviewing the Tracy \n Peaker Project. Commissioner Robert Laurie will serve as Associate Member. \n\n More information on the Tracy Peaker Project is available on the Energy Commission world wide web web site at: \n\n www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/tracypeaker \n\n Henrietta Peaker Project \n GWF Energy, LLC, is also applying for a license to build up and manoeuver the Henrietta Peaker Project. The project \n site is adjacent to the PG&E Henrietta substation, 20 sea mile south of Hanford in an unincorporated share of \n Kings County. The propose plant would consist of two turbine generators in dim-witted - cycle mode, hand over \n 91.4 megawatts, and a 70 - kilovolt switchyard. \n\n After last night's 5 to 0 vote, Henrietta enters the Commission's four - month reappraisal process. Like the Tracy \n project, this facility receive an existing 10 - year DWR contract that calls for the plant to stay a simple - cycle \n peaking facility. \n\n The Committee for the Henrietta Peaker Project consists of Arthur H. Rosenfeld as Presiding Member and \n Commissioner Michal (spelled correctly) Moore as Associate Member. \n\n More data on the Henrietta Peaker Project is available on the Energy Commission web site at: \n\n www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/henrietta \n\n Public participation is a very important part of the Energy Commission review procedure. To find out how to get \n involved, call Roberta Mendonca, the Commission's Public Adviser, at (916) 654 - 4489, toll free at (800) \n 822 - 6228, or by e - mail at [ pao@energy.state.ca.us ]. \n\n # # # \n\n The news releases is available online at: \n\n http://www.energy.ca.gov/releases/2001_releases/2001-10-18_ros_tracy_henri.html \n\n\n /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ \n\n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *", "butter_fingers": " Colmissioner Robert Pernelu was named Presiding Kember of the zommittee reviewing the Tracb\n Ptcker Project. Commisskoner Robvrt Lauriw wioo serve as Associabz Memgcr.\n\n More informstion on tve Tracy Peakes Orlject is available on the Energy Coimissiom aeb site at:\n\n www.energy.ca.gob/sitingbases/tracypeaker\n\n Henrietta Peaker Prouect\n GWF Energy, PLC, is also appjting for a lkcense to build and opgrate the Henrietta Peaker Projezt. Thz project\n dhte is adjarent tj the PG&E Hekgietta vubstatoon, 20 miles soubh of Habford in an unincorpocated part of\n Hings Couttv. The proposed plant qoyld cmnsivt ow twu thruins genegatkrs in simlle-cycle moee, delivering\n 91.4 ivbawatts, and z 70-kilodojt switchyard.\n\n After last night's 5 uo 0 vkte, Henrietta enters thw Commission's four-monjh review [rocess. Like the Tracy\n project, this facilitf has xn txlfgunh 10-year DWR contract that calls for the plant ek tekain a simple-cncle\n peaking fwcojity.\n\n Thg Commicfes for the Henriettw Peaket Projwct consifts pf Arthur H. Rosenfeld as Prwsiding Membvr abd\n Commissiouer Michal (s'elled corrrctly) Moore as Associatz Membsr.\n\n Moge informzgion on the Henrketna Paaker Project is available on the Eiergy Commisrion web syte at:\n\n fww.energy.cw.gov/sitingcases/henrietta\n\n 'nblic particikathon is a vexy impprtant part os the Energy Cpmmissijn rexiew proceas. To fmnd out how eo get\n hjvolved, call Roberta Meneoncq, the Cuomission's Publoc Adviseg, ct (916) 654-4489, toll free at (800)\n 822-6228, ov by g-mzil at [pao@energv.ruare.ca.us].\n\n # # #\n\nThe neww relrases is available otlins at:\n\nhttp://www.energy.cs.gjv/releasgs/2001_releasef/2001-10-18_ros_tracy_henro.html\n\n\n/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/\n\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n", "random_deletion": "Commissioner Robert Pernell was named Presiding Member committee the Tracy Project. Commissioner Robert Member. information on the Peaker Project is on the Energy Commission web site www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/tracypeaker Henrietta Peaker Project GWF Energy, LLC, is also applying for a license build and operate the Henrietta Peaker Project. The project site is adjacent to PG&E substation, miles of Hanford in an unincorporated part of Kings County. The proposed plant would consist of two generators in simple-cycle mode, delivering 91.4 megawatts, and 70-kilovolt switchyard. After last 5 to 0 vote, Henrietta the four-month review Like Tracy this facility has existing 10-year DWR contract that calls for the plant to remain a simple-cycle peaking facility. The Committee the Henrietta consists of H. as Member and Commissioner correctly) Moore as Associate Member. More Henrietta Peaker Project is available on the Energy web site www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/henrietta Public participation is a very part of the Energy Commission review process. To out how to get involved, call Roberta Mendonca, the Commission's Public Adviser, at (916) 654-4489, at (800) 822-6228, or e-mail at [pao@energy.state.ca.us]. # The releases available online http://www.energy.ca.gov/releases/2001_releases/2001-10-18_ros_tracy_henri.html /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *", "change_char_case": " Commissioner Robert Pernell Was named PrEsidiNg MEmbEr Of thE comMittee reviewinG The TRacy\n Peaker Project. CommiSsionEr rOberT laUrie wIll servE As aSSocIaTe memBeR.\n\n moRe infOrmAtion on The Tracy PeAkeR PRoject is avaiLAbLe on the EneRgy commission weB siTe at:\n\n wwW.eNerGY.ca.goV/siTingcAses/trACypeakEr\n\n HenrietTa pEaker PROject\n GWf eNeRgy, LlC, is also applying fOR a LIcense to build aNd operAtE ThE hEnrIetTa Peaker PrOjEct. ThE Project\n SItE IS AdjACent to the PG&E HEnrietta subSTatIon, 20 milEs SouTH of HanFord iN aN UniNcorporated Part Of\n Kings CoUnty. ThE ProposeD Plant woUld conSisT of Two tURbInE geNeRAtoRS iN siMPle-Cycle modE, dElIveriNg\n 91.4 meGAWATts, aNd a 70-KiloVolt sWitchyard.\n\n AfteR laSt niGHt's 5 To 0 votE, HenrIettA eNters The ComMissiOn'S four-month revieW proCess. Like tHe TRaCy\n pRoJect, tHIs faciLitY haS an exisTing 10-yeaR dWR CoNTRAcT that calls for the plAnT TO rEmain a siMple-cyCLe\n PeAKing faciLiTy.\n\n THe CoMMIttee For tHE HEnrietta peaker pRoJeCt consiStS of ArtHuR H. ROseNfeld AS PreSiding member anD\n CommISsioner Michal (sPElled correctlY) moORE aS assoCiaTe Member.\n\n MorE infORmatIon oN ThE HeNRiettA PeakEr pRoJEct is available on the enErgy CoMmissIon web site at:\n\n wWw.energy.ca.GOV/SitingcaSes/hENrIEtta\n\n Public partIcipaTion is a verY ImportanT part Of the EneRgy CommisSIOn review ProCesS. To FinD OUt How to get\n involVED, calL ROberta MEndOnca, the comMisSioN's PUbLic AdviseR, at (916) 654-4489, toll fReE aT (800)\n 822-6228, oR bY e-mAil at [PAo@energy.StAte.Ca.Us].\n\n # # #\n\nTHe newS ReleasEs is aVailAbLe ONliNe at:\n\nhttP://WwW.ENergY.cA.gOv/reLeaSeS/2001_releAses/2001-10-18_ROs_tRacy_henRi.html\n\n\n/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/\n\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n", "whitespace_perturbation": " Commissioner Robert Perne ll was nam ed Pr esi din gMemb er o f the committe e rev iewing the Tracy\n Pea ke r Pro j ec t. Co mmissio n er R obe rt L aur ie wi ll se rve as Ass ociate Mem ber .\n More in formationonthe Tracy Pe ake r Proj ec t i s avai lab le on the E n ergy C ommission w e b site at:\n\n www.energy.c a.gov/ si t in g c ase s/t racypeaker \n Henrie t ta P e ake r Project\n GWF Ener g y,LLC, i sals o apply ing f or a l icense to b uild and oper ate th e Henrie t ta Peak er Pro jec t.Thep ro je ct si tei s a djacentto t he PG &E H e n r i etta su bsta tion, 20 miles sou thof H a nfo rd in an u ninc or porat ed par t of Kings Coun ty.The propo sed p lan twould consis t o f t wo turb ine gen e rat or s i nsimple-cycle mode, d e l iv ering\n 9 1 .4 m e gawatts, a nda 70 - k ilovo lt s w it chyard.\n A ft er last n ight's 5 to 0vote, Henr iettaenters t he Co m mission's four - month reviewp ro c e ss . Lik e t he Tracy\n proj ect, th isf acili ty ha sa ne xisting 10-year DWR c ontrac t tha t calls for t he plant t o r emain asimp l e- c ycle\n pe aking facility. \n The C ommittee for theH e nriettaPea ker Pr oje c t c onsists of Ar t h ur H .Rosenfe ldas Pres idi ngMem ber a nd\n Commiss io ne rMi cha l (sp e lled cor re ctl y) Mo ore a s Assoc iateMemb er . Mor e i n f orma ti on onthe H enrie ttaP eak er Proj ect is av ail a bleon t he Ener gy Commission w eb site at :\n www.en e rgy.ca. gov /siti ngca ses/henri ett a\n\n Public parti cipat io n i s a ver y im por ta nt part of t heEnerg yComm issionreview process. To fin d out how toget \n inv o lv e d,ca l l R o b erta Mendonca,the Commis si o n' s Public A d vis er , at (9 16) 654 -4489 , toll f ree at (8 00)\n 822- 6 2 28, or by e-m ail at [ pao@energ y .stat e .c a.us] .\n ###\n\nThe n ews releases is availab le onl ine a t:\nhttp://w ww. e ner gy.ca.gov /rel eases/2001 _re lea ses/2 001 - 10-18 _ros _ tr acy _ henri .htm l \n\n\n/_/_/_ / _/ _/_ / _ /_ /_/_/_/_/_/ _ / _ /_/ _/_/_ /_/ _ /_/_/_ /_/_ /_/_/_/\n\n* * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * *** * * * * * ** * * * *\n", "underscore_trick": " Commissioner_Robert Pernell_was named Presiding Member_of the_committee_reviewing the_Tracy\n_ _ _Peaker Project. Commissioner Robert_Laurie will serve_as_Associate Member.\n\n More information on the Tracy Peaker_Project_is available_on_the_Energy Commission web site at:\n\n_ _ _ __ _ _ www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/tracypeaker\n\n _ ___Henrietta Peaker Project\n _ GWF_Energy, LLC, is also applying for_a license to build and operate the_Henrietta Peaker Project. The project\n _ _site is_adjacent to the PG&E Henrietta_substation, 20 miles_south of_Hanford in an_unincorporated part of\n _ _Kings County. The proposed plant would_consist_of two turbine_generators_in_simple-cycle mode,_delivering\n __ __91.4 megawatts, and a 70-kilovolt switchyard.\n\n__ After last_night's 5 to 0_vote,_Henrietta enters the Commission's_four-month review process. Like the_Tracy\n _ project,_this facility_has an existing 10-year DWR contract that calls for the plant_to remain a simple-cycle\n _ _peaking facility.\n\n__ __ The_Committee for the Henrietta Peaker Project consists_of Arthur_H. Rosenfeld as Presiding Member and\n_ __ Commissioner Michal (spelled correctly) Moore_as Associate Member.\n\n _ More information_on_the_Henrietta Peaker Project is available_on the Energy Commission web site_at:\n\n _ __ __ ___ _ www.energy.ca.gov/sitingcases/henrietta\n\n _ Public participation is a_very important part_of the Energy Commission review_process._To_find out how to get\n _ involved,_call Roberta Mendonca,_the Commission's Public Adviser, at (916) 654-4489, toll free at_(800)\n _822-6228, or by e-mail at [pao@energy.state.ca.us].\n\n _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ _ # #_#\n\nThe news_releases is available_online_at:\n\nhttp://www.energy.ca.gov/releases/2001_releases/2001-10-18_ros_tracy_henri.html\n\n\n/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/\n\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *_* * * * * *_* * * * *_*_* * *\n"} {"text": " keep \na city the size of San Francisco lit up,\" said Tom Stokely, Trinity County's \nsenior planner.\n?????Bush administration officials say they are prepared to defend Babbitt's \ndecision. A court hearing on Westland's lawsuit is scheduled for Monday.\n?????\"It is appropriate that the Department of Interior maintain the position \nit had and allow the court to now make its decision,\" said Sue Ellen \nWooldridge, deputy chief of staff for Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------\nPower Firms Told to Justify Prices or Refund $55 Million \nElectricity: Regulators act after issuing a similar order last week for $69 \nmillion in payments. Lawmakers say the action doesn't go far enough. \n\nBy RICHARD SIMON and NANCY RIVERA BROOKS, Times Staff Writers \n\n?????Federal energy regulators on Friday ordered six wholesale power \nsuppliers to refund an additional $55 million to California if they cannot \njustify the prices they charged in February.\n?????The order by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission was the agency's \nsecond in two weeks responding to accusations by California officials that \nenergy companies have reaped excessive profits from the electric supply \nshortage in the West.\n?????FERC last week ordered 13 power suppliers to justify or refund $69 \nmillion to California utilities for power sold in January.\n?????The proposed refunds represent a small portion of what California \nofficials are seeking.\n?????Also on Friday, news that some alternative energy producers may be \nlining up to shove Southern California Edison into Bankruptcy Court sent the \nstocks of the parent companies of Edison and Pacific Gas & Electric Co. \nplunging.\n?????Edison executives said they believe they stand a good chance of \ndeflecting an involuntary bankruptcy petition, if one is filed, but \nacknowledged that they need to resolve their money problems soon.\n?????\"There's no doubt about it, time is not our friend here,\" said Ted \nCraver, chief financial officer of Edison International, parent of Southern \nCalifornia Edison.\n?????Wholesale electricity prices skyrocketed last May and never returned to \nearth, prompting accusations that electricity suppliers were gouging \nCalifornians and harvesting hundreds of millions in", "synonym_substitution": "keep \n a city the size of San Francisco lit up, \" said Tom Stokely, Trinity County's \n senior planner. \n? ?? ?? Bush presidency official say they are prepared to defend Babbitt's \n decisiveness. A court hearing on Westland's lawsuit is scheduled for Monday. \n? ?? ?? \" It is appropriate that the Department of Interior wield the position \n it had and let the court to now take its decision, \" suppose Sue Ellen \n Wooldridge, deputy chief of staff for Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n --------------------- \n Power Firms Told to Justify Prices or Refund $ 55 Million \n Electricity: Regulators act after publish a similar order last workweek for $ 69 \n million in payments. Lawmakers order the action doesn't rifle far enough. \n\n By RICHARD SIMON and NANCY RIVERA BROOKS, Times Staff Writers \n\n? ?? ?? Federal energy regulators on Friday ordered six wholesale office \n suppliers to refund an additional $ 55 million to California if they cannot \n justify the prices they charged in February. \n? ?? ?? The club by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission was the means's \n second in two weeks responding to accusations by California officials that \n energy companies have reaped excessive profits from the electric provision \n deficit in the West. \n? ?? ?? FERC last workweek order 13 power suppliers to justify or refund $ 69 \n million to California utility for ability sold in January. \n? ?? ?? The proposed refund represent a small portion of what California \n officials are seeking. \n? ?? ?? Also on Friday, news that some alternative energy producers may be \n lining up to jostle Southern California Edison into Bankruptcy Court sent the \n malcolm stock of the parent companies of Edison and Pacific Gas & Electric Co. \n plunging. \n? ?? ?? Edison executives said they believe they digest a good chance of \n deflecting an involuntary bankruptcy request, if one is filed, but \n acknowledged that they need to resolve their money problem soon. \n? ?? ?? \" There's no doubt about it, time is not our friend here, \" say Ted \n Craver, chief financial military officer of Edison International, parent of Southern \n California Edison. \n? ?? ?? Wholesale electricity price skyrocketed final May and never returned to \n earth, prompt accusation that electricity suppliers were gouging \n Californians and harvesting hundreds of millions in", "butter_fingers": " kefp \na city the size of Sak Francisco lit op,\" said Vom Stoiely, Trivity County's \nsenior planner.\n?????Bnsh qdminustration officials sah they arv preparee to eefend Babujtt's \ndegnsion. W cobrv hearing on Wextland's lafsuit is schedgldd for Monday.\n?????\"It is appropriate that tre Depattlent of Interijr msyntajn the position \nit had and allow tge couru to now make its cecision,\" said Sue Ellen \nWolldrldge, deputy chief lf staff fot Inewrior Secretxry Gale A. Norton.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------\nPower Firms Told to Justify Prices of Refbnd $55 Milliob \nWlefjricity: Reguoatorf act after lxsuing a simikar order last wexk fir $69 \nmillion in paymenvs. Lawmakers say the action dmean't go far enough. \n\nBt RICVARD SIMUB avd HAICY RIVERW BCOOKS, Times Staff Writwrs \n\n?????Federal energy tedlkators on Frjday owdqred six wholesale power \nsuppliers to rtfund an additional $55 million to California if thei cannot \njtstify the prices they charged in February.\n?????The ordar by ghe Fcderxo Fnergy Regulatory Commission was the agency's \nfscpnc in two weeks responding tl sscusations by Californja officials that \nfnergy sompabies have realed excessive profits from rhe electric wupply \nshortage in the West.\n?????FEXC lasj week ordered 13 power suppliexs to nustify or gefund $69 \nmjulion to Califorvia udilities for power sold in January.\n?????Tie prpposed fefumds re[resent a dmall portion of what Capiforuia \noxficials age seeking.\n?????Also on Friday, news tiet some altermadivv energy 'roduccrs may be \nlinigg up to shove Southexn Calkfornia Edpson into Bankruptcy Court sent tvg \nstocks of tie parent companiws of Eakson and Pacifoc Gas & Electric Co. \nplunging.\n?????Edison exccutixss said they beoiece they stand a goud shwnre of \ngeflecting at inxoljmtary bankrukccy oetiyion, if one is filed, but \nacknowledged that tmey need jo resolvq their money problems soon.\n?????\"Thert's no voubt ebout ot, jime is not our friend here,\" sais Ted \nCrager, chief finansial officer of Zdison International, parent of Southern \nRalifornia Edison.\n?????Wholesqle electricity prieex skyrocketxd lase May and never returned to \neqrth, prompting acgusations that electridity sgpplifrs were gouging \nCalifornians and harvesting hundreds of millions in", "random_deletion": "keep a city the size of San up,\" Tom Stokely, County's senior planner. are to defend Babbitt's A court hearing Westland's lawsuit is scheduled for Monday. is appropriate that the Department of Interior maintain the position it had and the court to now make its decision,\" said Sue Ellen Wooldridge, deputy chief staff Interior Gale Norton. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------- Power Firms Told to Justify Prices or Refund $55 Million Electricity: Regulators act issuing a similar order last week for $69 in payments. Lawmakers say action doesn't go far enough. RICHARD and NANCY BROOKS, Staff ?????Federal energy regulators Friday ordered six wholesale power suppliers to refund an additional $55 million to California if they cannot the prices in February. order the Energy Regulatory Commission agency's second in two weeks responding California officials that energy companies have reaped excessive from the supply shortage in the West. ?????FERC week ordered 13 power suppliers to justify or $69 million to California utilities for power sold in January. ?????The proposed refunds represent a of what California officials seeking. ?????Also on news some energy may be up to shove Southern California Edison into Bankruptcy Court sent the of the parent companies of Edison and Pacific Gas & plunging. executives said they they stand a good of an involuntary bankruptcy petition, is but need resolve money problems soon. ?????\"There's doubt about it, time is our friend here,\" said of Edison International, parent of Southern California Edison. electricity prices skyrocketed last May and never to earth, prompting accusations that electricity suppliers were gouging Californians and harvesting of millions", "change_char_case": " keep \na city the size of San FranCisco lit up,\" Said TOm STokElY, TriNity county's \nsenior pLAnneR.\n?????Bush administration offIcialS sAY theY ArE prepAred to dEFeND babBiTt'S \ndeCiSIoN. A couRt hEaring oN Westland's LawSuIt is scheduleD FoR Monday.\n?????\"It iS apPropriate thaT thE DeparTmEnt OF InteRioR mainTain thE PositiOn \nit had anD aLLow the COurt to nOW MaKe itS decision,\" said Sue ELLeN \nwooldridge, depuTy chieF oF StAFF foR InTerior SecrEtAry GaLE A. NortoN.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------\npoWER firMS Told to JustifY Prices or ReFUnd $55 millioN \nELecTRicity: regulAtORs aCt after issuIng a Similar orDer lasT Week for $69 \nMIllion iN paymeNts. lawMakeRS sAy The AcTIon DOeSn't GO faR enough. \n\nBY RiChARD SiMON AND naNCY rIVeRA BrOOKS, times Staff WriTerS \n\n?????FedERal EnergY reguLatoRs On FriDay ordEred sIx Wholesale power \nsUpplIers to refUnd An AddItIonal $55 MIllion To CAliFornia iF they caNNot \nJuSTIFy The prices they chargEd IN feBruary.\n?????ThE order BY tHe fEderal EnErGy REgulATOry CoMmisSIoN was the aGency's \nSEcOnD in two wEeKs respOnDinG to AccusATionS by CalIfornia oFficiALs that \nenergy coMPanies have reaPEd EXCeSSive ProFits from the ElecTRic sUpplY \nShOrtAGe in tHe WesT.\n?????FerC LAst week ordered 13 power SuPplierS to juStify or refund $69 \nMillion to CALIFornia utIlitIEs FOr power sold in JAnuarY.\n?????The proposED refunds RepreSent a smaLl portion OF What CaliForNia \nOffIciALS aRe seeking.\n?????Also ON fridAy, News thaT soMe alterNatIve EneRgy PrOducers maY be \nlininG uP tO sHoVe SOutheRN CaliforNiA EdIsOn iNto BaNKruptcY CourT senT tHe \nSTocKs of the PArENT comPaNiEs of ediSoN and PAcifIC GaS & ElectrIc Co. \nplungIng.\n?????eDisoN eXeCutives Said they belieVe They stand a GoOd cHance oF \nDEflectinG an involuntary bankruptcY PetitioN, if One is FileD, but \nacknoWleDged thAt tHEy need To resoLve thEiR moNEY probLEMs SooN.\n?????\"THere's no douBT AboUt it, tImE is nOt our frIend here,\" said Ted \nCraVEr, cHief financial OffIcer OF edIsoN inTErnAtIOnaL, PArent of Southern \ncalifornia edISoN.\n?????Wholesale ELecTrIcity prIces skyRockeTEd last MAy and neveR returned To \nEartH, PRomPting accusAtions thAt electriCIty suPPlIers wEre GouginG \nCAliForniAns and HArvEstinG hundrEdS of milLions In", "whitespace_perturbation": " keep \na city the size ofSan Franci sco l itup, \"said Tom Stokely, Trin i ty C ounty's \nsenior planne r.\n?? ?? ? Bush ad minis tration of f i cia ls s ayth e yare p rep ared to defend Ba bbi tt 's \ndecision . A court hea rin g on Westlan d's lawsu it is sched ule d for Monda y .\n???? ?\"It is a pp r opriat e that t h e D epar tment of Interior ma i ntain the posi tion it ha d and al low the co ur t ton ow make it s d eci s ion,\" said Su e Ellen \nWo o ldr idge,de put y chief of s ta f f f or Interior Sec retary Ga le A.N orton.- ------- ------ --- --- ---- - -- -- --- -- - --- - -- --- - --- -------- -- -- ----- ---- - - - - ---- -\n- ---- ----- -----------\nP owe r Fi r msToldto Ju stif yPrice s or R efund $ 55 Million \nEle ctri city: Reg ula to rsac t aft e r issu ing asimilar orderl ast w e e k f or $69 \nmillion in p a y me nts. Law makers sa yt he actio ndoe sn't g o far eno u gh . \n\nBy R ICHARD SI MO N and N AN CY RIV ER A B ROO KS, T i mesStaffWriters\n\n??? ? ?Federal energ y regulators o n F r i da y ord ere d six whole sale powe r \ns u pp lie r s torefun da na dditional $55 milli on to Ca lifor nia if they c annot \njus t i f y the pr ices th e y charged in F ebrua ry.\n?????T h e orderby th e Federa l EnergyR e gulatory Co mmi ssi onw a sthe agency'ss econ din twowee ks resp ond ing to ac cu sations b y Califo rn ia o ff ici als t h at \nener gy co mp ani es ha v e reap ed ex cess iv ep rof its fro m t h e ele ct ri c su ppl y\nshor tage inthe Wes t.\n?????F ERC last w ee k order ed 13 power s up pliers toju sti fy orr e fund $69 \nmillion to California utiliti esfor p ower sold inJan uary.??? ? ?The p ropose d ref un dsr e prese n t a sm al l portiono f wh at Ca li forn ia \noff icials are seeking . \n?? ???Also on Fr ida y, n e w stha t s o meal t ern a t ive energy prod ucers maybe \nl ining up t o sh ov e South ern Cal iforn i a Ediso n into Ba nkruptcyCo urts e ntthe \nstock s of the parent c o mpani e sof Ed iso n andPa cif ic Ga s & El e ctr ic Co . \nplu ng ing.\n? ????E di son exec utives said they believ e they stan d a good cha nce of\ndeflecti ng a n involunt ary ba nkrup tcy petit ion, if on e is f iled , but \nack n ow led g e dthat they n e e d to reso lve theirmone y problems soon.? ????\"There's n o do u b t a bou t it, t ime is not our fr ie n d here,\"sa id Ted \nCra ver, chi ef finan cial o fficer of Edi s o nI nterna tion al, parent o f S ou t hern \nC al if o rnia E diso n. \n????? Wholes a le e l e ctricity pricesskyro c k etedl ast Mayan d never retu rned to \ne arth, promp ting a ccus ation s thatel ectric ity s uppliers w e re gougin g \nCa liforni an s an d h arvest ingh u ndred s of m ill ions in", "underscore_trick": " keep_\na city_the size of San_Francisco lit_up,\"_said Tom_Stokely,_Trinity County's \nsenior_planner.\n?????Bush administration officials_say they are prepared_to defend Babbitt's_\ndecision._A court hearing on Westland's lawsuit is scheduled for Monday.\n?????\"It is appropriate that the_Department_of Interior_maintain_the_position \nit had and allow_the court to now make_its decision,\"_said Sue Ellen \nWooldridge, deputy chief of staff_for_Interior Secretary Gale_A. Norton.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------\nPower Firms Told to Justify Prices or Refund_$55 Million \nElectricity: Regulators act after_issuing a similar_order_last_week for $69 \nmillion_in payments. Lawmakers say the action_doesn't go far enough. \n\nBy RICHARD_SIMON and NANCY RIVERA BROOKS, Times Staff_Writers \n\n?????Federal energy regulators on Friday_ordered six wholesale power \nsuppliers_to refund_an additional $55 million to_California if they_cannot \njustify_the prices they_charged in February.\n?????The order by the_Federal Energy Regulatory_Commission was the agency's \nsecond in_two_weeks responding to_accusations_by_California officials_that \nenergy companies_have_reaped excessive_profits_from the electric supply \nshortage in_the_West.\n?????FERC last week ordered 13 power suppliers_to justify or refund_$69_\nmillion to California utilities_for power sold in January.\n?????The_proposed refunds represent a small portion_of what_California \nofficials_are seeking.\n?????Also on Friday, news that some alternative energy producers may_be \nlining up to shove Southern_California Edison into Bankruptcy_Court sent_the_\nstocks of the_parent_companies of_Edison and Pacific Gas & Electric Co._\nplunging.\n?????Edison executives_said they believe they stand a_good chance of \ndeflecting_an_involuntary bankruptcy petition, if one is_filed, but \nacknowledged that they need_to resolve their money problems_soon.\n?????\"There's_no_doubt about it, time is_not our friend here,\" said Ted_\nCraver, chief financial_officer of Edison International, parent of Southern_\nCalifornia_Edison.\n?????Wholesale electricity prices skyrocketed last May_and_never returned to \nearth, prompting accusations_that_electricity_suppliers were gouging \nCalifornians and_harvesting hundreds of millions in"} {"text": " And Facilitates \nCommunication Across the Energy Industry\n\nDuke Energy North America Breaks Ground on New Merchant Power Generation \nFacility in Maricopa County, Arizona\n\nFlorida Power Plants Cut 50 More Jobs\n\nRegulators Approve Drop in Gas Rates for Missouri Gas Energy Customers\n\nPlenty of Electricity in Michiana Aep, Consumers Energy Anticipate Peak \nSummer Demand\n\nRates May Rise in 2003 Utilities Board Discusses Possible Electric Bill \nIncrease\n\nProtecting Energy Users Bill's Purpose\n\nOcean Power Corporation And Eprisolutions Enter Into Agreement Regarding \nStirling Engines\n\nVermillion Gets Key Avista Energy Post\n\nAre Power Sales Drain on Dwp?\n\nBenton Pud Makes $900,000 Payment Toward Power Plant\n\nCapitol Notebook: Bill Takes Aim at Natural Gas Costs\n\nAdvocates Of Wind And Other Renewable Power Back Preister Bills, Discuss \nReport\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nI N T E R N A T I O N A L\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nAccess stories online at: http://www.powermarketers.com/pma-intr.htm\n\nElectricity Wholesaler Mvm Signs 20-YEAR Purchase Agreement with French- \nOwned Budapest Power Plant\n\nFrench Edf/german Enbw Consortium Conclude Talks To Buy 35% of Rybnik Power \nPlant\n\nPemex 4-Dollar Natural Gas Contracts Signed by 500 Companies\n\nMPs Adopt Bill On Alternative Energy Sources in First Reading\n\nGemini Energy Announces Year End Reserves\n\n3 Japanese Firms End Power Plant Project in Thailand\n\n(Corrected) Chubu Electric to Train Indonesian Engineers\n\nFuel Cell Manufacturers Still Have to Earn Their Future\n\nGemini Energy Corp - Year End Reserves\n\nBeijing to Construct Refuse Power Plant\n\nFujian Pacific Dedicates Unit 1 of Meizhou WAN Power Station\n\nNational Energy Board Approves Application for Proposed Chinchaga Sales Gas \nPipeline Loop\n\nSTOCKWATCH: British Energy boosted by positive comment on output recovery\n\nSpokane Indians Change Game Times to Conserve Electricity6:30pm Starts Will \nReduce Energy Consumption by 20% to 25%\n\nPoland agrees", "synonym_substitution": "And Facilitates \n Communication Across the Energy Industry \n\n Duke Energy North America Breaks Ground on New Merchant Power Generation \n Facility in Maricopa County, Arizona \n\n Florida Power Plants Cut 50 More Jobs \n\n Regulators Approve Drop in Gas Rates for Missouri Gas Energy Customers \n\n Plenty of Electricity in Michiana Aep, Consumers Energy Anticipate Peak \n Summer Demand \n\n Rates May Rise in 2003 Utilities Board discourse Possible Electric Bill \n Increase \n\n protect Energy Users Bill's Purpose \n\n Ocean Power Corporation And Eprisolutions Enter Into Agreement Regarding \n Stirling Engines \n\n Vermillion Gets Key Avista Energy Post \n\n Are Power sale Drain on Dwp? \n\n Benton Pud Makes $ 900,000 Payment Toward Power Plant \n\n Capitol Notebook: Bill Takes bearing at Natural Gas monetary value \n\n Advocates Of Wind And Other Renewable Power Back Preister Bills, Discuss \n Report \n\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \n I N T E radius N A T I O N A L \n ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \n Access history online at: http://www.powermarketers.com/pma-intr.htm \n\n Electricity Wholesaler Mvm Signs 20 - YEAR Purchase Agreement with French- \n own Budapest Power Plant \n\n French Edf / german Enbw Consortium Conclude Talks To Buy 35% of Rybnik Power \n Plant \n\n Pemex 4 - Dollar Natural Gas Contracts sign by 500 company \n\n MPs Adopt Bill On Alternative Energy Sources in First Reading \n\n Gemini Energy Announces Year End Reserves \n\n 3 Japanese Firms End Power Plant Project in Thailand \n\n (Corrected) Chubu Electric to aim Indonesian Engineers \n\n Fuel Cell Manufacturers Still Have to Earn Their Future \n\n Gemini Energy Corp - Year goal Reserves \n\n Beijing to Construct Refuse Power Plant \n\n Fujian Pacific Dedicates Unit 1 of Meizhou WAN Power Station \n\n National Energy Board Approves Application for Proposed Chinchaga Sales Gas \n Pipeline Loop \n\n STOCKWATCH: British Energy boosted by positive remark on output recovery \n\n Spokane Indians Change Game Times to Conserve Electricity6:30pm Starts Will \n Reduce Energy Consumption by 20% to 25% \n\n Poland agrees", "butter_fingers": " Anf Facilitates \nCommunicatlon Across the Euwrgy Iidustry\n\nSuke Enefgy North America Breaks Gronnd in Neq Merchant Power Generxtion \nFacplity in Nariropa County, Arizona\n\nFlorida Powsv Plautw Cut 50 More Jons\n\nRegulatorv Approve Drop iv Yas Rates for Missouri Gas Energy Cuftomers\n\nLlfnty of Electrycitj yn Mjbhlana Aep, Consumers Energy Anticilate Peek \nSummer Demanc\n\nRates May Rise in 2003 Utilitles Hoard Discusses Podsible Elecjdic Vill \nIncreasd\n\nProtecting Energy Usets Bill's Purpose\n\nOcean Power Corpuratipn And Eprusiluhhons Enter Mnto Adreement Regarding \nSdirling Engines\n\nVermilkioi Gers Key Avista Energy 'ost\n\nAre Power Sales Qrain on Gw'?\n\nBenton Pud Makes $900,000 Patmwnt Tmwarg Podwr Olaht\n\nRapjtol Nlteuook: Bill Tzkes Aim at Natural Gas Costs\n\nAcvjbstes Of Wind And Oehqr Renewable Power Back Preister Bills, Gisduss \nReport\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nI N T E R N Q T I O N A L\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nAccess sjories onlyne at: http://www.powermarketers.com/pma-intr.htm\n\nElectrichty Wiouescoer Mxn Digns 20-YEAR Purchase Agreement with French- \nOwnqs Nucapest Power Pjant\n\nFrench Rdv/grtman Enbw Consurtium Cohclude Talks To Buj 35% of Ribnik Power \nPlagt\n\nPekex 4-Dollar Natural Gas Conteacts Signed vy 500 Companies\n\nMPs Abopt Bill On Altgrnatife Energy Sources in Fixst Rezding\n\nGemini Energy Ahvounces Year End Rexesves\n\n3 Japanese Firms End Porer Plant Prolect in Ghaikand\n\n(Cowrected) Chkbu Electric to Train Infonesnan Etgineers\n\nFufl Cell Manufacturers Still Havx to Earn Theor Funure\n\nGeminn Enerny Corp - Year Egd Reserves\n\nBeiling to Eonstrjct Refuse Power 'lant\n\nFujian [acific Dedicdjes Unit 1 of Keizhou RAN Powee Statiuv\n\nNational Enerby Board Ckproves Application for Proppsea Chinchaga Salew Gqs \nPipeline Lool\n\nSTUCKRANCH: Bwhtish Energy boortea by pusitive comndnt pn output recovery\n\nSpmkans Indians Change Gsmc Times ti Conserde Electricitu6:30pm Starts Will \nRefuce Xnergy Consimpjion by 20% to 25%\n\nPoland agrees", "random_deletion": "And Facilitates Communication Across the Energy Industry North Breaks Ground New Merchant Power Arizona Power Plants Cut More Jobs Regulators Drop in Gas Rates for Missouri Energy Customers Plenty of Electricity in Michiana Aep, Consumers Energy Anticipate Peak Summer Rates May Rise in 2003 Utilities Board Discusses Possible Electric Bill Increase Protecting Users Purpose Power And Eprisolutions Enter Into Agreement Regarding Stirling Engines Vermillion Gets Key Avista Energy Post Are Power Drain on Dwp? Benton Pud Makes $900,000 Payment Power Plant Capitol Notebook: Takes Aim at Natural Gas Advocates Wind And Renewable Back Bills, Discuss Report I N T E R N A T I O N A L ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Access stories online http://www.powermarketers.com/pma-intr.htm Electricity Signs 20-YEAR Agreement French- Budapest Power Plant Enbw Consortium Conclude Talks To Buy Power Plant Pemex 4-Dollar Natural Gas Contracts Signed 500 Companies Adopt Bill On Alternative Energy Sources First Reading Gemini Energy Announces Year End Reserves Japanese Firms End Power Plant Project in Thailand (Corrected) Chubu Electric to Train Indonesian Engineers Manufacturers Still Have to Their Future Gemini Corp Year Reserves to Construct Power Plant Fujian Pacific Dedicates Unit 1 of Meizhou WAN Power National Energy Board Approves Application for Proposed Chinchaga Sales Gas STOCKWATCH: Energy boosted by comment on output recovery Indians Game Times to Conserve Will Energy to Poland", "change_char_case": " And Facilitates \nCommunicatiOn Across thE EnerGy INduStRy\n\nDuKe EnErgy North AmeriCA BreAks Ground on New Merchant power geNEratIOn \nfacilIty in MaRIcOPA CoUnTy, ariZoNA\n\nFLoridA PoWer PlanTs Cut 50 More JObs\n\nreGulators ApprOVe drop in Gas RAteS for Missouri gas energy cuStoMErs\n\nPlEntY of ElEctricITy in MiChiana Aep, coNSumers eNergy AnTICiPate peak \nSummer Demand\n\nRATeS may Rise in 2003 UtiliTies BoArD diSCUssEs POssible EleCtRic BiLL \nIncreaSE\n\nPROTEctINg Energy Users bill's PurposE\n\noceAn PoweR COrpORation and EpRiSOluTions Enter INto AGreement REgardiNG \nStirliNG EngineS\n\nVermiLliOn GEts KEY AViSta enERgy pOsT\n\nArE powEr Sales DRaIn On Dwp?\n\nbentON pUD MakEs $900,000 PAymeNt TowArd Power Plant\n\ncapItol nOteBook: BIll TaKes AIm At NatUral GaS CostS\n\nADvocates Of Wind ANd OtHer RenewaBle poWer baCk PreISter BiLls, disCuss \nRepOrt\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nI N T E r n A T i O n a l\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nacCess stories online aT: hTTP://wWw.powermArketeRS.cOm/PMa-intr.htM\n\nELecTricITY WholEsalER MVm Signs 20-YeAR PurCHaSe agreemeNt With FrEnCh- \nOWneD BudaPEst POwer PlAnt\n\nFrencH Edf/gERman Enbw ConsorTIum Conclude TaLKs tO buY 35% Of RyBniK Power \nPlant\n\npemeX 4-dollAr NaTUrAl GAS ContRacts siGNeD By 500 Companies\n\nMPs Adopt biLl On AlTernaTive Energy SouRces in FirsT rEAding\n\nGemIni ENErGY Announces Year end ReServes\n\n3 JapaNEse Firms end PoWer Plant project in tHAiland\n\n(CoRreCteD) ChUbu eLEcTric to Train InDONesiAn engineeRs\n\nFUel Cell manUfaCtuRerS STill Have tO Earn TheIr fuTuRe\n\ngemIni EnERgy Corp - YEaR EnD REseRves\n\nBEIjing tO ConsTrucT REfUSe POwer PlaNT\n\nFUJIan PAcIfIc DeDicAtEs UniT 1 of MEIzhOu WAN PoWer StatioN\n\nNaTIonaL ENeRgy BoarD Approves ApplIcAtion for PrOpOseD ChincHAGa Sales GAs \nPipeline Loop\n\nSTOCKWATCh: british eneRgy boOsteD by positiVe cOmment On oUTput reCovery\n\nspokaNe indIANs ChaNGE GAme tiMes to ConseRVE ElEctriCiTy6:30pm starts WIll \nReduce Energy ConSUmpTion by 20% to 25%\n\nPolanD agRees", "whitespace_perturbation": " And Facilitates \nCommunic ation Acro ss th e E ner gy Ind ustr y\n\nDuke Energy Nort h America Breaks Groun d onNe w Mer c ha nt Po wer Gen e ra t i on\nF ac ili ty in Mari cop a Count y, Arizona \n\nF lo rida Power P l an ts Cut 50Mor e Jobs\n\nRegu lat ors Ap pr ove DropinGas R ates f o r Miss ouri GasEn e rgy Cu s tomersP le ntyof Electricity in Mi c hiana Aep, Con sumers E n er g y An tic ipate Peak Summe r Demand \nR a t e s M a y Rise in 200 3 Utilities Boa rd Dis cu sse s Possi ble E le c tri c Bill \nInc reas e\n\nProtec ting E n ergy Us e rs Bill 's Pur pos e\nOcea n P ow erCo r por a ti onA ndEprisolu ti on s Ent er I n t o Agre eme nt R egard ing \nStirling En gine s \n\nV ermil lionGets K ey Av ista E nergy P ost\n\nAre PowerSale s Drain o n D wp ?\nBe ntonP ud Mak es$90 0,000 P aymentT owa rd P o we r Plant\n\nCapitol N ot e b oo k: BillTakesA im a t Natural G asCost s \nAdvo cate s O f Wind A nd Oth e rRe newable P ower B ac k P rei sterB ills , Disc uss \nRep ort\n- -------------- - ------------- - -- - - -- - ---- --- ----------- ---- - ---- ---- - -I N T E R N ATI O N A L\n------------- -- ------ ----- ------------- ---------- - - - -------- ---- - -- - --\nAccess stor ies o nline at:h ttp://ww w.pow ermarket ers.com/p m a -intr.ht m\nEle ctr ici t y W holesaler Mvm S igns 2 0-YEARPur chase A gre eme ntwit hFrench- Owned Bu da pe st P owe r Pla n t\n\nFrenc hEdf /g erm an En b w Cons ortiu m Co nc lu d e T alks To Bu y 35%of R ybni k P ow er \nP lant \nPe mex 4-D ollar Nat ura l Gas C on tractsSigned by 500 C ompanies\nMP s A dopt B i l l On Alt ernative Energy Sources in Firs t R eadin g\n\nG emini Ene rgy Annou nce s YearEnd Re serve s\n3J a panes e Fi rms E nd Power P l a ntProje ct inThailan d\n\n(Corrected) Chu b u E lectric to Tr ain Ind o n es ian En g ine er s \n\nF u e l Cell Manufact urers Stil lH av e to EarnT hei rFuture\nGemini Ener g y Corp- Year En d Reserve s\nBei j i ngto Constru ct Refus e Power P l ant\nF uj ian P aci fic De di cat es Un it 1 o f Me izhou WAN P ow er Sta tion\nN ationalEnergy Board Approves A pplica tionfor Proposed Ch i nch aga Sales Gas \nPipeline Lo op\nSTOC KWA T CH: B riti s hEne r gy bo oste d by posit i ve co m m en t on output r e cov ery\nSpo k ane In dian s Change Game Tim e s to ConserveElec t r ici ty6 : 30pm S tarts Will \nRe duc eE n ergy Con su mption by 2 0% to 25 %Polan d agre es", "underscore_trick": " And_Facilitates \nCommunication_Across the Energy Industry\n\nDuke_Energy North_America_Breaks Ground_on_New Merchant Power_Generation \nFacility in_Maricopa County, Arizona\n\nFlorida Power_Plants Cut 50_More_Jobs\n\nRegulators Approve Drop in Gas Rates for Missouri Gas Energy Customers\n\nPlenty of Electricity in_Michiana_Aep, Consumers_Energy_Anticipate_Peak \nSummer Demand\n\nRates May Rise_in 2003 Utilities Board Discusses_Possible Electric_Bill \nIncrease\n\nProtecting Energy Users Bill's Purpose\n\nOcean Power Corporation_And_Eprisolutions Enter Into_Agreement Regarding \nStirling Engines\n\nVermillion Gets Key Avista Energy Post\n\nAre_Power Sales Drain on Dwp?\n\nBenton Pud_Makes $900,000 Payment_Toward_Power_Plant\n\nCapitol Notebook: Bill Takes_Aim at Natural Gas Costs\n\nAdvocates Of_Wind And Other Renewable Power Back_Preister Bills, Discuss \nReport\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nI N T E_R N A T I O_N A L\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nAccess stories online_at: http://www.powermarketers.com/pma-intr.htm\n\nElectricity_Wholesaler Mvm Signs 20-YEAR Purchase_Agreement with French-_\nOwned Budapest_Power Plant\n\nFrench Edf/german_Enbw Consortium Conclude Talks To Buy_35% of Rybnik_Power \nPlant\n\nPemex 4-Dollar Natural Gas Contracts_Signed_by 500 Companies\n\nMPs_Adopt_Bill_On Alternative_Energy Sources in_First_Reading\n\nGemini Energy_Announces_Year End Reserves\n\n3 Japanese Firms End_Power_Plant Project in Thailand\n\n(Corrected) Chubu Electric to_Train Indonesian Engineers\n\nFuel Cell_Manufacturers_Still Have to Earn_Their Future\n\nGemini Energy Corp -_Year End Reserves\n\nBeijing to Construct Refuse_Power Plant\n\nFujian_Pacific Dedicates_Unit 1 of Meizhou WAN Power Station\n\nNational Energy Board Approves Application_for Proposed Chinchaga Sales Gas \nPipeline_Loop\n\nSTOCKWATCH: British Energy boosted_by positive_comment_on output recovery\n\nSpokane_Indians_Change Game_Times to Conserve Electricity6:30pm Starts Will \nReduce_Energy Consumption_by 20% to 25%\n\nPoland agrees"} {"text": " go out are suddenly exempt -- thanks to the utility's \nrefiguring of who belongs in blackout-free zones. \nThe net effect is to decrease, by about 120,000 customers, the number of \npeople who would be victimized by rolling blackouts that even the Bush \nadministration said this week are a virtual certainty during summer in \nCalifornia. \nPacific Gas and Electric Co. said yesterday that about 810,000 of the 1.9 \nmillion customers who used to be exempt from rolling blackouts are losing \ntheir coveted spot in \"Block 50\" -- a collection of neighborhoods immune from \nthe shut-offs because they share a power circuit with a hospital, police \nstation or other customer deemed to be essential. \nThose public services are kept running during electricity shortages -- and so \nare homes served by the same wires. \nPG&E bumped the customers off the lucky list to reflect changes in \ndistribution lines. In all, 360 circuits no longer power essential services. \nBut about 690,000 other households will receive news that they have been \nadded to Block 50, perhaps because a fire station or other public safety \nbuilding has been built in the area, said PG&E spokesman Jon Tremayne. \nPG&E said it started reviewing who was in Block 50 to get ready for the \nlikely summer blackouts. However, the changes will do little to reduce the \noverall percentage of customers spared from rolling blackouts. \nIn two days of blackouts in Northern and Central California in January, 43 \npercent of customers were on Block 50 and had nothing to worry about. The \nlatest change drops that to 42 percent. \nBy looking at the block number on their bills, customers can tell whether \nthey will have to take their turn sitting in the dark for as long as two \nhours during power shortages as the utilities reduce the demand for \nelectricity through staged shut-offs. \nFor safety's sake, Tremayne said, PG&E doesn't release the locations of \nblocks that could suddenly be plunged into the dark. \"The bad guys in this \nworld can go there and do bad things,\" he said. \nLike an instant lottery winner, Helen Hearne, 79, of Berkeley found out she \nis one of the thousands of new Block 50 customers when she scanned her new ", "synonym_substitution": "go out are suddenly exempt -- thanks to the utility's \n refiguring of who belong in amnesia - free zones. \n The final effect is to decrease, by approximately 120,000 customers, the number of \n multitude who would be victimize by rolling blackouts that even the Bush \n administration said this workweek are a virtual certainty during summer in \n California. \n Pacific Gas and Electric Co. said yesterday that about 810,000 of the 1.9 \n million customers who used to be exempt from rolled blackouts are losing \n their coveted smudge in \" Block 50 \" -- a collection of neighborhoods immune from \n the shut - offs because they partake a power circuit with a hospital, police \n station or early customer deemed to be essential. \n Those public services are kept running during electricity deficit -- and so \n are homes served by the same wires. \n PG&E find the customers off the lucky list to reflect changes in \n distribution line. In all, 360 circuits no longer power essential services. \n But about 690,000 other households will receive news that they have been \n added to Block 50, perhaps because a ardor place or other public condom \n building has been built in the area, said PG&E spokesman Jon Tremayne. \n PG&E say it started reviewing who was in Block 50 to get ready for the \n probable summer blackouts. However, the changes will do little to reduce the \n overall percentage of customers spared from rolling blackouts. \n In two days of blackouts in Northern and Central California in January, 43 \n percentage of customers were on Block 50 and induce nothing to worry about. The \n latest change drops that to 42 percent. \n By look at the block number on their bills, customer can tell whether \n they will own to take their turn sit in the dark for as long as two \n hours during power deficit as the utilities boil down the demand for \n electricity through stag shut - offs. \n For safety's sake, Tremayne said, PG&E doesn't publish the locations of \n pulley that could suddenly be plunged into the dark. \" The bad guys in this \n world can go there and do regretful things, \" he said. \n Like an instantaneous lottery winner, Helen Hearne, 79, of Berkeley found out she \n is one of the thousands of new Block 50 customers when she scanned her new", "butter_fingers": " go out are suddenly exempt -- thanks to the utilitb's \nrefifuring ow who belongs in blackout-frex zobes. \nTye net effect is to dezrease, by about 120,000 xustiners, the nnjber of \npeopls who xould be victimlzed by rolning blackouts tfac even the Bush \nadministration said ehis werk are a virtual ceruaigty slrlng summer in \nCalifornia. \nPacific Gas anv Electric Co. ssid yesterday that about 810,000 lf tje 1.9 \nmillion customfrs who usee to ve exempt frum rolling blackouts ate losing \ntheir coveted spot in \"Clock 50\" -- a collextuon mf neighborioods pmmune from \ntmv shut-oxfs becsuse they sharc a pmwee circuit with a hospmtal, police \nstation jr other wuatomer deemed to ve essettian. \nThuwe oubmir ssrviced ace kept runhing during electricity shortabef -- and so \nare gomes fewved by the same wires. \nPG&E bumped the clstojers off the lucky list to reflect changes ij \ndistribttion lines. In all, 360 circuits no longer power essettial rerrlges. \nCyt about 690,000 other households will receive news thwf uhej have been \nadded to Block 50, leghsks because a fkre stcfikn or other public safety \nbuileing has feen built in the area, said PG&E spokesman Jjb Tremayne. \nPG&E saib it started revoewinb who was in Block 50 to yet rezdy for the \nlikely shomer blackouts. Huwener, dhe changes will do little to reducx the \noveralu petcentagq of custolers spared from rolling blacnogts. \nIn two days of blackouts in Northern eid Central Cakixortia in Jcnuary, 43 \npercent of sustomers were on Bloek 50 ana had nothpng to wocry about. Thq \nlatest chancg drops that vo 42 percegt. \nBt loiking ag the block numner on thvix bills, cystomers can tell xhetfsr \nthey will hart ti take their tutn riteijg ig the dark fos as lovb as gwo \nhours dmrivg ppwer shortages as tha utjlities reduce the dcmand for \nelectrisity through xtaged shut-offs. \nFog safxty's seke, Trrmaine said, PG&E doesn't release the locationd on \nblocks that couod suddenly ye plunged into the dark. \"The bad guys in this \nworld can go there and do bad tkikgs,\" he said. \nKike wn instand lottery winner, Helwn Hearne, 79, of Berleley found out she \nia one mf thf thousands of new Block 50 customers when she scanned her new ", "random_deletion": "go out are suddenly exempt -- thanks utility's of who in blackout-free zones. decrease, about 120,000 customers, number of people would be victimized by rolling blackouts even the Bush administration said this week are a virtual certainty during summer California. Pacific Gas and Electric Co. said yesterday that about 810,000 of the million who to exempt from rolling blackouts are losing their coveted spot in \"Block 50\" -- a collection of immune from the shut-offs because they share a circuit with a hospital, station or other customer deemed be Those public are running electricity shortages -- so are homes served by the same wires. PG&E bumped the customers off the lucky list to changes in In all, circuits longer essential services. But other households will receive news that added to Block 50, perhaps because a fire or other safety building has been built in area, said PG&E spokesman Jon Tremayne. PG&E said started reviewing who was in Block 50 to get ready for the likely summer blackouts. changes will do little reduce the overall of spared rolling In two of blackouts in Northern and Central California in January, 43 percent customers were on Block 50 and had nothing to worry latest drops that to percent. By looking at block on their bills, customers whether will their sitting the dark for as as two hours during power as the utilities reduce staged shut-offs. For safety's sake, Tremayne said, PG&E release the locations of blocks that could be plunged into the dark. \"The bad guys in this world can there and things,\" he said. Like an instant lottery winner, Hearne, 79, of Berkeley out she is one of the thousands of new 50 when she her new", "change_char_case": " go out are suddenly exempt -- thaNks to the utIlity'S \nreFigUrIng oF who Belongs in blackOUt-frEe zones. \nThe net effect is tO decrEaSE, by aBOuT 120,000 custOmers, thE NuMBEr oF \npEoPle WhO WoUld be VicTimized By rolling bLacKoUts that even tHE BUsh \nadminisTraTion said this WeeK are a vIrTuaL CertaIntY duriNg summER in \nCalIfornia. \nPaCiFIc Gas aND ElectrIC co. Said Yesterday that abouT 810,000 Of THe 1.9 \nmillion custoMers whO uSEd TO Be eXemPt from rollInG blacKOuts are LOsING \nTheIR coveted spot iN \"Block 50\" -- a collECtiOn of neIgHboRHoods iMmune FrOM \nthE shut-offs beCausE they sharE a poweR Circuit WIth a hosPital, pOliCe \nsTatiON oR oTheR cUStoMEr DeeMEd tO be essenTiAl. \nthose PublIC SERvicEs aRe kePt runNing during eleCtrIcitY ShoRtageS -- and sO \nare HoMes seRved by The saMe Wires. \nPG&E bumped tHe cuStomers ofF thE lUckY lIst to REflect ChaNgeS in \ndistRibutioN LinEs. iN ALl, 360 Circuits no longer poWeR ESsEntial seRvices. \nbUt AbOUt 690,000 other hOuSehOlds WILl recEive NEwS that theY have bEEn \nAdDed to BlOcK 50, perhaPs BecAusE a firE StatIon or oTher publIc safETy \nbuilding has bEEn built in the aREa, SAId pg&E spOkeSman Jon TremAyne. \npg&E saId it STaRteD RevieWing wHo WAs IN Block 50 to get ready for ThE \nlikelY summEr blackouts. HoWever, the chANGEs will do LittLE tO Reduce the \noveraLl perCentage of cUStomers sPared From rollIng blackoUTS. \nIn two daYs oF blAckOutS IN NOrthern and CenTRAl CaLiFornia iN JaNuary, 43 \npeRceNt oF cuStoMeRs were on BLock 50 and hAd NoThInG to Worry ABout. The \nlAtEst ChAngE dropS That to 42 PerceNt. \nBy LoOkINg aT the bloCK nUMBer oN tHeIr biLls, CuStomeRs caN TelL whetheR \nthey will HavE To taKe ThEir turn Sitting in the dArK for as long As Two \nHours dURIng power Shortages as the utilities REduce thE deMand fOr \nelEctricity ThrOugh stAgeD Shut-ofFs. \nFor sAfety'S sAke, tREmaynE SAiD, PG&e dOesn't releaSE The LocatIoNs of \nBlocks tHat could suddenly be PLunGed into the darK. \"ThE bad GUYs In tHIs \nWOrlD cAN go THEre and do bad thinGs,\" he said. \nLiKe AN iNstant lottERy wInNer, HeleN Hearne, 79, Of BerKEley fouNd out she \niS one of the ThOusaNDS of New Block 50 cuStomers wHen she scaNNed heR NeW ", "whitespace_perturbation": " go out are suddenly exemp t -- thank s tothe ut il ity' s \nr efiguring of w h o be longs in blackout-free zone s. \nThe ne t eff ect ist od e cre as e, by a b ou t 120 ,00 0 custo mers, thenum be r of \npeople wh o would be vi ctimized byrol ling b la cko u ts th ateventhe Bu s h \nadm inistrati on said t h is week a re a v irtual certaintyd ur i ng summer in Califo rn i a. Pac ifi c Gas andEl ectri c Co. sa i dy e s ter d ay that about 810,000 of the 1.9 mi lli o n cust omers w h o u sed to be e xemp t from ro llingb lackout s are lo sing the ircove t ed s pot i n \"B l oc k 5 0 \" - - a coll ec ti on of nei g h b o rhoo dsimmu ne fr om \nthe shut- off s be c aus e the y sha re a p owercircui t wit ha hospital, pol ice\nstationorot her c ustom e r deem edtobe esse ntial.Tho se p u bl ic services are ke pt r un ning dur ing el e ct ri c ity shor ta ges --a n d so\nare ho mes serv ed byt he s ame wir es . \nPG& Ebum ped thec usto mers o ff the l uckyl ist to reflect changes in \nd i st r i bu t ionlin es. In all, 360 circ uits no lo n ger p oweres s en t ial services. \nButab out 69 0,000 other househ olds willr e c eive new s th a tt hey have been\nadde d to Block 50, perh aps b ecause a fire sta t i on or ot her pu bli c s a f et y \nbuilding h a s bee nbuilt i n t he area , s aid PG &Esp okesman J on Trema yn e. PG &Esaidi t starte drev ie win g who was in Bloc k 50 t og etready f o rt h e \nl ik el y su mme rblack outs . Ho wever,the chang esw illdo l ittle t o reduce the\no verall per ce nta ge ofc u stomersspared from rolling bla c kouts.\nIn twodays of black out s in N ort h ern an d Cent ral C al ifo r n ia in J an uar y, 43 \nperce n t of cust om erswere on Block 50 and hadn oth ing to worryabo ut.T h e\nla t es t ch an g e d r o ps that to 42 p ercent. \nB yl oo king at th e bl oc k numbe r on th eir b i lls, cu stomers c an tell w he ther the y will hav e to tak e their t u rn si t ti ng in th e dark f oras lo ng ast wo\nhour s duri ng power shor ta ges as t he utilities reduce the deman d for \ne lectricit y t h rou gh staged shu t-offs. \nF orsaf ety's sa k e, Tr emay n esai d , PG& E do e sn't rele a se th e lo cations ofb l ock s tha t c o uld su dden ly be plunged int o the dark. \"Th e ba d guy s i n thi s\nworld can gothe re a nd do ba dthings,\" he said. Li k e aninstan t lott ery win n e r, HelenHear ne, 79, of B erk el e y found o ut she \ni s on eof the thous a ndso f new Block 50 cu stome r s when she scan ne d her n e w ", "underscore_trick": " go_out are_suddenly exempt -- thanks_to the_utility's_\nrefiguring of_who_belongs in blackout-free_zones. \nThe net_effect is to decrease,_by about 120,000_customers,_the number of \npeople who would be victimized by rolling blackouts that even the_Bush_\nadministration said_this_week_are a virtual certainty during_summer in \nCalifornia. \nPacific Gas_and Electric_Co. said yesterday that about 810,000 of the_1.9_\nmillion customers who_used to be exempt from rolling blackouts are losing_\ntheir coveted spot in \"Block 50\"_-- a collection_of_neighborhoods_immune from \nthe shut-offs_because they share a power circuit_with a hospital, police \nstation or_other customer deemed to be essential. \nThose_public services are kept running during_electricity shortages -- and so_\nare homes_served by the same wires._\nPG&E bumped the_customers off_the lucky list_to reflect changes in \ndistribution lines._In all, 360_circuits no longer power essential services._\nBut_about 690,000 other_households_will_receive news_that they have_been_\nadded to_Block_50, perhaps because a fire station_or_other public safety \nbuilding has been built_in the area, said_PG&E_spokesman Jon Tremayne. \nPG&E_said it started reviewing who_was in Block 50 to get_ready for_the \nlikely_summer blackouts. However, the changes will do little to reduce the_\noverall percentage of customers spared from_rolling blackouts. \nIn two_days of_blackouts_in Northern and_Central_California in_January, 43 \npercent of customers were on_Block 50_and had nothing to worry about._The \nlatest change drops_that_to 42 percent. \nBy looking at_the block number on their bills,_customers can tell whether \nthey_will_have_to take their turn sitting_in the dark for as long_as two \nhours_during power shortages as the utilities reduce_the_demand for \nelectricity through staged shut-offs._\nFor_safety's sake, Tremayne said, PG&E doesn't_release_the_locations of \nblocks that could_suddenly be plunged into the dark._\"The bad guys in this \nworld can go there_and do bad_things,\" he said. \nLike an_instant_lottery_winner, Helen Hearne, 79, of Berkeley found out she \nis_one of_the thousands of_new Block 50 customers when she scanned her new "} {"text": " being conducted in two \ndifferent buildings at San Francisco's Fort Mason Center. Advance \ntickets cost $35 for ZAP members and $45 for non-members, with a \nlimited amount available at the door for $50 on the day of the event. \n\nIf you can't make it to the tasting, another easy way to sample the \nstate of Zin is wine.com's selection of Zinfandel in all its forms \nand guises. \n\n_____________________________________________________________________ \n\nWine Team Picks: Lisa Doenecke on Splashy Sparklers and Other \nSpritzy Delights\n\nThis is probably one of my favorite categories, so my list came \nquickly and easily. Sparkling wine and Champagne can be enjoyed on \nany occasion, with no other reason than pure and simple pleasure. So \nindulge with these special treats! \n\n\u0001\u0007Meyer-Fonne Cremant d'Alsace Brut Extra, France, $12.00\n\u0001\u0007Dom. Chandon Fleur de Vigne, California, $14.00 \n\u0001\u0007Ayala Brut Champagne, France, $28.00 \n\u0001\u0007Nicolas Feuillatte 1er Cru Brut Champagne, France, $34.00 \n\u0001\u0007Laurent Perrier Ultra-Brut Champagne, France, $54.00 \n\n_____________________________________________________________________ \n\n\n\nTO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS NEWSLETTER, go to: \nhttp://wine1.m0.net/m/u/vin/vv.asp?e=jdasovic%40enron.com Christian,\n I received your email when I got back this morning. Yes I had a great \nholiday. Hopefully yours was the same. Our Credit group has agreed to \nchanging the collateral threshold from 10MM to 15MM for both parties. Please \nmake that change in the contract in section 4.5 in each of the places where \n10MM is located, print 2 originals of each, have them signed, and forward to \nme for further handling with Enron North America Corp. \n\n\n\n\t\"Pfister, Christian W.\" \n\t01/02/2001 11:31 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: \"'Dan.J", "synonym_substitution": "being conducted in two \n different buildings at San Francisco's Fort Mason Center. Advance \n tickets cost $ 35 for ZAP extremity and $ 45 for non - extremity, with a \n limited amount available at the door for $ 50 on the sidereal day of the event. \n\n If you can't make it to the tasting, another comfortable room to sample the \n state of Zin is wine.com's choice of Zinfandel in all its forms \n and guises. \n\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \n\n Wine Team nibble: Lisa Doenecke on Splashy Sparklers and Other \n Spritzy Delights \n\n This is probably one of my favored categories, so my list came \n quickly and easily. Sparkling wine and Champagne can be enjoy on \n any occasion, with no other reason than saturated and simple pleasure. So \n indulge with these particular treats! \n\n \u0001\u0007Meyer - Fonne Cremant d'Alsace Brut Extra, France, $ 12.00 \n \u0001\u0007Dom. Chandon Fleur de Vigne, California, $ 14.00 \n \u0001\u0007Ayala Brut Champagne, France, $ 28.00 \n \u0001\u0007Nicolas Feuillatte 1er Cru Brut Champagne, France, $ 34.00 \n \u0001\u0007Laurent Perrier Ultra - Brut Champagne, France, $ 54.00 \n\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \n\n\n\n TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS NEWSLETTER, go to: \n http://wine1.m0.net/m/u/vin/vv.asp?e=jdasovic%40enron.com Christian, \n I received your email when I got back this dawn. Yes I had a great \n holiday. Hopefully yours was the same. Our Credit group has agreed to \n changing the collateral threshold from 10MM to 15MM for both parties. Please \n make that change in the contract in section 4.5 in each of the places where \n 10MM is located, print 2 originals of each, have them signed, and forth to \n me for further handling with Enron North America Corp. \n\n\n\n\t \" Pfister, Christian W. \" < CWPfister@cps-satx.com > \n\t 01/02/2001 11:31 AM \n\t\t \n\t\t To: \"' Dan. J", "butter_fingers": " belng conducted in two \ndifnerent buildings at San Francjsco's Foft Mason Center. Advance \ntickxts xost $35 for ZAP members and $45 wor non-melbers, wirh a \noimited amount avaljabls at chx door for $50 on jhe day of tve event. \n\nIf yog zau't make it to the tasting, another eafy way yo sample the \nstwte ps Zih is wine.com's selection of Zinfandsl in anl its forms \nsnd guises. \n\n_____________________________________________________________________ \n\nWine Team Pickd: Lida Doenecke on Splwshy Sparklgds wbd Other \nSprktzy Delights\n\nThis is ptobably one of my favorite categuries, so my lisj dalg \nquickly anv easijy. Sparkling wine ang Champsgne can be enmoyed on \nany occasion, with no other reason than pure and snmple pleasure. So \nindylte wijh thase rpeckal tceafs! \n\n\u0001\u0007Meyfr-Fknne Cremaht d'Alsace Vrut Extra, France, $12.00\n\u0001\u0007Dpm. Bnandon Fleur de Vidnq, California, $14.00 \n\u0001\u0007Ayala Brut Champagne, Franbe, $28.00 \n\u0001\u0007Hicolas Feuillatte 1er Ceu Brut Champagne, Frajce, $34.00 \n\u0001\u0007Laurqnt Perrier Ultra-Brut Champagne, France, $54.00 \n\n_____________________________________________________________________ \n\n\n\nTO UNSUBVCRIBX WRON BHIS BEASLETTER, go to: \nhttp://wine1.m0.net/m/u/vin/vv.asp?e=jdasovis%40sntok.com Christian,\n I received ypug riail when I gut back tgis morning. Yes I had a dreat \nholiday. Hoprfully yours was the same. Iur Credit ggoup has agreed to \nchauging the coulatgral tnreshold from 10MM to 15MM yor bofh parties. Please \nmzye that change iv tme wontract in section 4.5 in eash of the plaees wherd \n10MM is losated, prinh 2 orlcinals of each, havf thel vigned, and forward to \nme for further handling with Enrom Tornh Americc Corp. \n\n\n\n\t\"Pfister, Chrystian W.\" \n\t01/02/2001 11:31 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: \"'Dan.J", "random_deletion": "being conducted in two different buildings at Fort Center. Advance cost $35 for non-members, a limited amount at the door $50 on the day of the If you can't make it to the tasting, another easy way to sample state of Zin is wine.com's selection of Zinfandel in all its forms and _____________________________________________________________________ Team Lisa on Splashy Sparklers and Other Spritzy Delights This is probably one of my favorite categories, so list came quickly and easily. Sparkling wine and can be enjoyed on occasion, with no other reason pure simple pleasure. indulge these treats! \u0001\u0007Meyer-Fonne Cremant Brut Extra, France, $12.00 \u0001\u0007Dom. Chandon Fleur de Vigne, California, $14.00 \u0001\u0007Ayala Brut Champagne, France, $28.00 \u0001\u0007Nicolas 1er Cru France, $34.00 Perrier Champagne, $54.00 _____________________________________________________________________ TO THIS NEWSLETTER, go to: http://wine1.m0.net/m/u/vin/vv.asp?e=jdasovic%40enron.com Christian, email when I got back this morning. Yes had a holiday. Hopefully yours was the same. Credit group has agreed to changing the collateral from 10MM to 15MM for both parties. Please make that change in the contract in in each of the where 10MM is print originals each, them signed, forward to me for further handling with Enron North America Corp. Christian W.\" 01/02/2001 11:31 AM To: \"'Dan.J", "change_char_case": " being conducted in two \ndifferEnt buildinGs at SAn FRanCiSco's fort mason Center. AdvANce \ntIckets cost $35 for ZAP memberS and $45 fOr NOn-meMBeRs, witH a \nlimitED aMOUnt AvAiLabLe AT tHe dooR foR $50 on the dAy of the eveNt. \n\nIF yOu can't make it TO tHe tasting, aNotHer easy way to SamPle the \nStAte OF Zin iS wiNe.com'S selecTIon of ZInfandel iN aLL its foRMs \nand guISEs. \n\n_____________________________________________________________________ \n\nwine team Picks: Lisa DoenECkE On Splashy SparkLers anD OTHeR \nsPriTzy delights\n\nThIs Is proBAbly one OF mY FAVorITe categories, sO my list came \nQUicKly and EaSilY. sparklIng wiNe ANd CHampagne can Be enJoyed on \nanY occasIOn, with nO Other reAson thAn pUre And sIMpLe PleAsURe. SO \nInDulGE wiTh these sPeCiAl treAts! \n\n\u0001\u0007MEYER-fonnE CrEmanT d'AlsAce Brut Extra, FRanCe, $12.00\n\u0001\u0007DoM. chaNdon FLeur dE VigNe, califOrnia, $14.00 \n\u0001\u0007AYala BRuT Champagne, FrancE, $28.00 \n\u0001\u0007NicOlas FeuilLatTe 1Er CRu brut CHAmpagnE, FrAncE, $34.00 \n\u0001\u0007LaurenT PerrieR ultRa-bRUT CHampagne, France, $54.00 \n\n_____________________________________________________________________ \n\n\n\nTO UNsUbscRiBE FROM ThIS NEWslEtTer, go to: \nhttP://wIne1.M0.net/M/U/Vin/vv.Asp?e=JDaSovic%40enrOn.com CHRiStIan,\n I recEiVed youR eMaiL whEn I goT Back This moRning. Yes i had a GReat \nholiday. HopEFully yours was THe SAMe. oUr CrEdiT group has agReed TO \nchaNginG ThE coLLaterAl thrEsHOlD From 10MM to 15MM for both paRtIes. PleAse \nmaKe that change iN the contraCT IN section 4.5 In eaCH oF The places where \n10mM is lOcated, prinT 2 OriginalS of eaCh, have thEm signed, aND Forward tO \nme For FurTheR HAnDling with EnroN nOrth amErica CoRp. \n\n\n\n\t\"PFister, CHriStiAn W.\" \n\t01/02/2001 11:31 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t TO: \"'DAn.j", "whitespace_perturbation": " being conducted in two \nd ifferent b uildi ngs at S an F ranc isco's Fort Ma s on C enter. Advance \nticket s cos t$ 35 f o rZAP m embersa nd $ 45fo rnon -m e mb ers,wit h a \nli mited amou ntav ailable at t h edoor for $ 50on the day o f t he eve nt . If yo u c an'tmake i t to th e tasting ,a nother easy wa y to sam ple the \nstate of Zi n is wine.com's selec ti o no f Zi nfa ndel in al lits f o rms \nan d g u i s es. \n\n___________ ___________ _ ___ ______ __ ___ _ ______ _____ __ _ ___ ___________ ___\n\nWine Te am Pic k s: Lisa Doeneck e on S pla shy Spa r kl er s a nd Oth e r\nSp r itz y Deligh ts \nThisis p r o b a blyone ofmy fa vorite catego rie s, s o my list came \nqu ic kly a nd eas ily.Sp arkling wine an d Ch ampagne c anbe en jo yed o n \nanyocc asi on, wit h no ot h erre a s o nthan pure and simp le p le asure. S o \nind u lg ew ith thes espe cial t reats ! \n\u0001 \u0007M eyer-Fon ne Cre m an td'Alsac eBrut E xt ra, Fr ance, $12. 00\n\u0001\u0007D om. Chan don F l eur de Vigne,C alifornia, $1 4 .0 0 \n\u0001 \u0007 Ayal a B rut Champag ne,F ranc e, $ 2 8. 00\u0001\u0007Nic olasFe u il l atte 1er Cru Brut C ha mpagne , Fra nce, $34.00 \u0001\u0007LaurentP e r rier Ult ra-B r ut Champagne, Fra nce,$54.00 \n\n_ _ ________ _____ ________ _________ _ _ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ __ ___________ \nTOUN SUBSCRI BEFROM TH ISNEW SLE TTE R, go to: http://w in e1 .m 0. net /m/u/ v in/vv.as p? e=j da sov ic%40 e nron.c om Ch rist ia n, Ireceive d y o u r em ai lwhen Igo t bac k th i s m orning. Yes I h ada gre at holiday . Hopefullyyo urs was th esam e. Ou r Credit g roup has agreed to \ncha n ging th e c ollat eral threshol d f rom 10 MMt o 15MM for b oth p ar tie s . Ple a s e\nma ke that chan g e in theco ntra ct in s ection 4.5 in each ofthe places wh ere \n10 M M i s l o ca t ed, p r int 2 originals of e ach, haveth e msigned, an d fo rw ard to\nme for furt h er hand ling with Enron No rt h Am e r ica Corp. \n\n\n\t\"Pfis ter, Chri s tianW .\" \n\t01/ 0 2/2 001 1 1:31 A M\t\t \n\t To:\"' Dan.J", "underscore_trick": " being_conducted in_two \ndifferent buildings at_San Francisco's_Fort_Mason Center._Advance_\ntickets cost $35_for ZAP members_and $45 for non-members,_with a \nlimited_amount_available at the door for $50 on the day of the event. \n\nIf you_can't_make it_to_the_tasting, another easy way to_sample the \nstate of Zin_is wine.com's_selection of Zinfandel in all its forms \nand_guises._\n\n_____________________________________________________________________ \n\nWine Team_Picks: Lisa Doenecke on Splashy Sparklers and Other \nSpritzy_Delights\n\nThis is probably one of my_favorite categories, so_my_list_came \nquickly and easily._Sparkling wine and Champagne can be_enjoyed on \nany occasion, with no_other reason than pure and simple pleasure._So \nindulge with these special treats!_\n\n\u0001\u0007Meyer-Fonne Cremant d'Alsace Brut Extra,_France, $12.00\n\u0001\u0007Dom._Chandon Fleur de Vigne, California,_$14.00 \n\u0001\u0007Ayala Brut_Champagne, France,_$28.00 \n\u0001\u0007Nicolas Feuillatte_1er Cru Brut Champagne, France, $34.00_\n\u0001\u0007Laurent Perrier Ultra-Brut_Champagne, France, $54.00 \n\n_____________________________________________________________________ \n\n\n\nTO UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_THIS NEWSLETTER, go_to:_\nhttp://wine1.m0.net/m/u/vin/vv.asp?e=jdasovic%40enron.com_Christian,\n I_received your email_when_I got_back_this morning. Yes I had_a_great \nholiday. Hopefully yours was the_same. Our Credit_group_has agreed to \nchanging_the collateral threshold from 10MM_to 15MM for both parties. _Please \nmake_that change_in the contract in section 4.5 in each of the places_where \n10MM is located, print 2_originals of each, have_them signed,_and_forward to \nme_for_further handling_with Enron North America Corp. \n\n\n\n\t\"Pfister,_Christian W.\"_\n\t01/02/2001 11:31 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: \"'Dan.J"} {"text": " 2001 9:04 AM\nTo:\tAnderson, Gary E.; Lachapelle, Donna; Stewart, Angeline; Farmington-Pipeline, Team; Rice, Tom\nCc:\tBlair, Lynn; Dietz, Rick; Floyd, Jodie; Zadow, Raetta\nSubject:\tFW: Daily Volumes For Midwest Natural Gas\n\nGary, was wondering if you could help us out. Scott has told me that they have 31 day charts for the stations listed below and he was wondering why we couldn't read those so as to get daily volumes rather than taking the total for the month and dividing it by the number of days in the month to get the daily volume. The reason for this is because, especially in the winter time, this can become very crucial when we calculate the penalty invoices which are done daily and are based on the differences between the daily physical volumes and the volumes that the shippers have scheduled on our pipe. If these charts cannot be read daily, what can we do to make it so that they can. Could you please check to find out what we need to do in order to have accurate daily volumes for these stations.\n\nThanks,\n\nRaetta\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmington-Pipeline, Team \nSent:\tMonday, October 08, 2001 9:55 AM\nTo:\tZadow, Raetta\nSubject:\tRe: Daily Volumes For Midwest Natural Gas\n\nRaetta, here are the stations numbers. Thanks for your help. Scott 612-270-8501\nArcadia 747-051-01,02\nEleva 747-161\nIndependance 747-221\nMondovi 747-341-01,02\nStrum 747-411\nWhitehall #1 747-921\nWhitehall #3 747-923\n\n\n\n << OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >> \nTeam Farmington-Pipeline\n06/22/2001 07:58 AM\nTo:\tRaetta Zadow/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\tTom Rice/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bob Stevens/ET&S/Enron, Angeline Stewart/GPGFIN/Enron, Diana Porter/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jodie Floyd/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Raetta Zadow/ET&S/Enron@ENRON \n", "synonym_substitution": "2001 9:04 AM \n To: \t Anderson, Gary E.; Lachapelle, Donna; Stewart, Angeline; Farmington - Pipeline, Team; Rice, Tom \n Cc: \t Blair, Lynn; Dietz, Rick; Floyd, Jodie; Zadow, Raetta \n Subject: \t FW: Daily Volumes For Midwest Natural Gas \n\n Gary, was wondering if you could help us out. Scott has tell me that they take 31 day charts for the stations list below and he was wondering why we couldn't take those so as to get daily volume rather than taking the sum for the month and dividing it by the phone number of day in the month to get the daily volume. The reason for this is because, particularly in the winter time, this can become very crucial when we calculate the punishment invoices which are done day by day and are based on the difference between the daily physical volumes and the volumes that the shippers have schedule on our pipe. If these charts cannot be read daily, what can we do to make it so that they can. Could you please check to find out what we need to do in order to have accurate daily volumes for these stations. \n\n Thanks, \n\n Raetta \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: \t Farmington - Pipeline, Team \n Sent: \t Monday, October 08, 2001 9:55 AM \n To: \t Zadow, Raetta \n Subject: \t Re: Daily Volumes For Midwest Natural Gas \n\n Raetta, here are the station numbers. Thanks for your help. Scott 612 - 270 - 8501 \n Arcadia 747 - 051 - 01,02 \n Eleva 747 - 161 \n Independance 747 - 221 \n Mondovi 747 - 341 - 01,02 \n Strum 747 - 411 \n Whitehall # 1 747 - 921 \n Whitehall # 3 747 - 923 \n\n\n\n < < OLE aim: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) > > \n Team Farmington - Pipeline \n 06/22/2001 07:58 amplitude modulation \n To: \t Raetta Zadow / ET&S / Enron@ENRON \n cc: \t Tom Rice / ET&S / Enron@ENRON, Bob Stevens / ET&S / Enron, Angeline Stewart / GPGFIN / Enron, Diana Porter / ET&S / Enron@ENRON, Jodie Floyd / ET&S / Enron@ENRON, Raetta Zadow / ET&S / Enron@ENRON", "butter_fingers": " 2001 9:04 WM\nTo:\tAnderson, Gary E.; Lachxpelle, Donna; Stgwqrt, Anjeline; Rarmingtun-Pipeline, Team; Rice, Tom\nCc:\tBleir, Oynn; Eietz, Rick; Floyd, Jodie; Zadow, Ravtta\nSubjext:\tFW: Eaily Volumes For Midwesf Natbrel Gas\n\nGary, was eondering hf you could halo bs out. Scott has told me that they hwve 31 dau fharts for the stauiogs ljsted below and he was wondering wgy we cmuldn't read tnose so as to get daily vopumed rather than takijg the totao fow the month avd dividing it by the humber of days in the month to eet tke daily vooune. Jhe reason fir thps is because, especianly in yhe winter timc, thiv cqn become very crucian when we calculatg the penantv invoices which are eobe dahly dnd xee castd pn the dlffxrences betseen the dauly physical volumex wbd the volumea that tre shippers have scheduled on our pipe. If these charts cannot be read daily, what can ae do to iake it so that they can. Could you please check tm finv uut wmat dw jeed to do in order to have accurate daily vojhmts nor these statioks.\n\nThanks,\n\nRaetta\n\n -----Oribijak Message-----\nFrom: \tWarminyfoh-Pipeline, Team \nSejt:\tMondai, Octover 08, 2001 9:55 AM\nUo:\tZadpw, Raetta\nSubject:\tRe: Daily Vooumes For Mibwewt Natural Gas\n\nRaetca, here are che ststionx numbers. Thanks for vour hslp. Scott 612-270-8501\nAgcadia 747-051-01,02\nElsxa 747-161\nIndependance 747-221\nOoncoei 747-341-01,02\nStrum 747-411\nWhitehall #1 747-921\nWhitehwll #3 747-923\n\n\n\n << OLX Objzct: Pictjre (Cevice Independejt Bibkap) >> \nTeam Farmingtln-Pipgline\n06/22/2001 07:58 AM\nTo:\tRaettw Zadow/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\tTom Rice/EV&X/Enron@ENRON, Not Snevens/ET&S/Znron, Sngeline Stewwrt/GPGFIN/Enron, Diana 'orter/DT&S/Enron@ENGON, Jodie Floyd/ET&S/Enwon@ENRON, Raetdw Zadow/ET&S/Encon@ENRON \n", "random_deletion": "2001 9:04 AM To: Anderson, Gary E.; Stewart, Farmington-Pipeline, Team; Tom Cc: Blair, Zadow, Subject: FW: Daily For Midwest Natural Gary, was wondering if you could us out. Scott has told me that they have 31 day charts for stations listed below and he was wondering why we couldn't read those so to daily rather taking the total for the month and dividing it by the number of days in the to get the daily volume. The reason for is because, especially in winter time, this can become crucial we calculate penalty which done daily and based on the differences between the daily physical volumes and the volumes that the shippers have scheduled our pipe. charts cannot read what we do to so that they can. Could you find out what we need to do in to have daily volumes for these stations. Thanks, -----Original Message----- From: Farmington-Pipeline, Team Sent: Monday, October 2001 9:55 AM To: Zadow, Raetta Subject: Re: Daily Volumes For Midwest Natural Gas Raetta, the stations numbers. Thanks your help. Scott Arcadia Eleva Independance Mondovi 747-341-01,02 747-411 Whitehall #1 747-921 Whitehall #3 747-923 << OLE Object: Picture Independent Bitmap) >> Team Farmington-Pipeline 06/22/2001 07:58 AM To: Raetta Tom Bob Stevens/ET&S/Enron, Angeline Diana Porter/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jodie Floyd/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Zadow/ET&S/Enron@ENRON", "change_char_case": " 2001 9:04 AM\nTo:\tAnderson, Gary E.; LachapelLe, Donna; SteWart, ANgeLinE; FArmiNgtoN-Pipeline, Team; RICe, ToM\nCc:\tBlair, Lynn; Dietz, Rick; FLoyd, JOdIE; ZadOW, RAetta\nsubject:\tfw: DAILy VOlUmEs FOr mIdWest NAtuRal Gas\n\nGAry, was wondEriNg If you could heLP uS out. Scott hAs tOld me that theY haVe 31 day cHaRts FOr the StaTions Listed BElow anD he was wonDeRIng why WE couldn'T REaD thoSe so as to get daily vOLuMEs rather than taKing thE tOTaL FOr tHe mOnth and divIdIng it BY the numBEr OF DAys IN the month to geT the daily voLUme. the reaSoN foR This is BecauSe, ESpeCially in the WintEr time, thiS can beCOme very CRucial wHen we cAlcUlaTe thE PeNaLty InVOicES wHicH Are Done dailY aNd Are baSed oN THE DiffEreNces BetweEn the daily phySicAl voLUmeS and tHe volUmes ThAt the ShippeRs havE sCheduled on our piPe. If These charTs cAnNot Be Read dAIly, whaT caN we Do to makE it so thAT thEy CAN. coUld you please check tO fIND oUt what we Need to DO iN oRDer to havE aCcuRate DAIly voLumeS FoR these stAtions.\n\ntHaNkS,\n\nRaetta\n\n -----orIginal meSsaGe-----\nFRom: \tFaRMingTon-PipEline, TeaM \nSent:\tmOnday, October 08, 2001 9:55 AM\ntO:\tZadow, Raetta\nSUBjECT:\tRE: dailY VoLumes For MidWest nAturAl GaS\n\nraEttA, Here aRe the StATiONs numbers. Thanks for yOuR help. SCott 612-270-8501\nARcadia 747-051-01,02\nEleva 747-161\nInDependance 747-221\nmONDovi 747-341-01,02\nStruM 747-411\nWhiTEhALl #1 747-921\nWhitehall #3 747-923\n\n\n\n << OLE objecT: Picture (DeVIce IndepEndenT Bitmap) >> \nTEam FarminGTOn-PipeliNe\n06/22/2001 07:58 Am\nTo:\traeTta zADoW/ET&S/Enron@ENROn\nCC:\tTom riCe/ET&S/EnRon@eNRON, BoB StEveNs/Et&S/ENrOn, AngelinE Stewart/gPgFiN/enRon, diana pOrter/ET&S/enRon@eNrON, jodie fLoyd/ET&s/EnroN@ENRoN, raETta zadow/ET&s/enRON@ENRoN \n", "whitespace_perturbation": " 2001 9:04 AM\nTo:\tAnderson , Gary E.; Lach ape lle ,Donn a; S tewart, Angeli n e; F armington-Pipeline, Te am; R ic e , To m \nC c:\tBl air, Ly n n; D iet z, R ick ;F lo yd, J odi e; Zado w, RaettaSub je ct:\tFW: Dail y V olumes For Mi dwest Natura l G as\n\nGa ry , w a s won der ing i f youc ould h elp us ou t. Scotth as told m ethat they have 31 day ch a rts for the st ations l i st e d be low and he wa swonde r ing why we c o uld n 't read those so as to g e t d aily v ol ume s rathe r tha nt aki ng the tota l fo r the mon th and dividin g it bythe nu mbe r o f da y sin th em ont h t o g e t t he daily v ol ume. The r e a sonfor thi s isbecause, espe cia llyi n t he wi ntertime ,thiscan be comeve ry crucial when wecalculate th epen al ty in v oiceswhi chare don e daily and a r e ba sed on the differe nc e s b etween t he dai l yph y sical vo lu mes and t he vo lume s t hat theshippe r sha ve sche du led on o urpip e. I f the se cha rts cann ot be read daily, wh a t can we do t o m a k ei t so th at they can . Co u ld y ou p l ea sec heckto fi nd ou t what we need to do i n orde r tohave accurate daily vol u m e s for th eses ta t ions.\n\nThanks, \n\nRae tta\n\n ---- - Original Mess age----- \nFrom: \tF a r mington- Pip eli ne, Te a m \nSent:\tMonday , Octo be r 08, 2 001 9:55 A M\nT o:Zad ow, R aetta\nSub ject:\tRe :Da il yVol umesF or Midwe st Na tu ral GasRaetta , her e ar eth e st ationsnu m b ers. Th anks fo ryourhelp . Sc ott 612 -270-8501 \nAr c adia 7 47 -051-01 ,02\nEleva 747 -1 61\nIndepen da nce 747-2 2 1 \nMondovi 747-341-01,02\nStrum 74 7 -411\nWh ite hall#1 7 47-921\nWh ite hall # 3 7 4 7-923\n\n\n << OLEOb jec t : Pict u r e(De vi ce Indepen d e ntBitma p) >>\nTeam F armington-Pipeline 06/ 22/2001 07:58 AM \nTo: R ae tta Za d ow/ ET & S/E n r on@ENRON\ncc:\tTo m Rice/ET& S/ E nr on@ENRON,B obSt evens/E T&S/Enr on, A n gelineStewart/G PGFIN/Enr on , Di a n a P orter/ET&S /Enron@E NRON, Jod i e Flo y d/ ET&S/ Enr on@ENR ON , R aetta Zadow / ET& S/Enr on@ENR ON \n", "underscore_trick": " 2001_9:04 AM\nTo:\tAnderson,_Gary E.; Lachapelle, Donna;_Stewart, Angeline;_Farmington-Pipeline,_Team; Rice,_Tom\nCc:\tBlair,_Lynn; Dietz, Rick;_Floyd, Jodie; Zadow,_Raetta\nSubject:\tFW: Daily Volumes For_Midwest Natural Gas\n\nGary,_was_wondering if you could help us out. Scott has told me that they have_31_day charts_for_the_stations listed below and he_was wondering why we couldn't_read those_so as to get daily volumes rather than_taking_the total for_the month and dividing it by the number of_days in the month to get_the daily volume.__The_reason for this is_because, especially in the winter time,_this can become very crucial when_we calculate the penalty invoices which are_done daily and are based on_the differences between the daily_physical volumes_and the volumes that the_shippers have scheduled_on our_pipe. If_these charts cannot be read daily,_what can we_do to make it so that_they_can. Could you_please_check_to find_out what we_need_to do_in_order to have accurate daily volumes_for_these stations.\n\nThanks,\n\nRaetta\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmington-Pipeline, Team _\nSent:\tMonday, October 08, 2001_9:55_AM\nTo:\tZadow, Raetta\nSubject:\tRe: Daily Volumes_For Midwest Natural Gas\n\nRaetta, here_are the stations numbers. _Thanks for_your help._Scott 612-270-8501\nArcadia 747-051-01,02\nEleva 747-161\nIndependance 747-221\nMondovi 747-341-01,02\nStrum 747-411\nWhitehall #1 747-921\nWhitehall #3 747-923\n\n\n\n_<< OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent_Bitmap) >> \nTeam Farmington-Pipeline\n06/22/2001_07:58 AM\nTo:\tRaetta_Zadow/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\tTom_Rice/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bob Stevens/ET&S/Enron,_Angeline_Stewart/GPGFIN/Enron, Diana_Porter/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jodie Floyd/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Raetta Zadow/ET&S/Enron@ENRON \n"} {"text": " billion over bureaucratic delays, slow deregulation and\npayment problems.\n\nEnron Should Be Fined by California Senate, Committee Says\n2001-07-23 21:19 (New York)\n\nEnron Should Be Fined by California Senate, Committee Says\n\n Sacramento, California, July 23 (Bloomberg) -- Enron Corp.,\nthe world's largest energy trader, should face escalating fines\nlevied by the California Senate until it complies with requests\nfor trading records, a legislative committee said.\n In a report to the full Senate, the Senate Select Committee\nto Investigate Price Manipulation of the Wholesale Energy Market\nsuggested Enron be fined $1,000 initially. The fine should double\neach day the Houston-based company fails to comply with document\nrequests, the committee said.\n ``Enron is and has been an active participant in the\nCalifornia wholesale-energy market,'' the report said. ``The\nsubpoenaed documents are pertinent to the select committee's\ninvestigation.''\n The committee is investigating allegations that power\ngenerators and traders manipulated California's electricity market\nto artificially boost prices. Enron and other companies have said\nrepeatedly that they acted within the law.\n ``We were rather surprised by it (the committee report),''\nsaid Enron spokeswoman Karen Denne. ``We've been negotiating in\ngood faith with the committee and had made a good deal of progress\nin the last week.''\n\n Contempt Allegations\n\n The committee has twice found Enron in contempt for failing\nto supply documents the committee has requested. On July 11, when\nthe committee voted the second time, committee Chairman Joseph\nDunn said he wouldn't deliver the contempt report to the full\nSenate if the documents were turned over. Dunn, a Democrat from\nSanta Ana, delivered the report Saturday.\n Enron has agreed to turn over more than 1 million documents\nto the committee, Denne said. The company doesn't have an\nagreement on the Senate maintaining the confidentiality of the\ndocuments, nor on lawmakers' jurisdiction over documents not kept\nin California, she said.\n Before the full Senate votes on the report, it must be taken\nup by the Senate Rules Committee, said Alex Montgomery, a\nconsultant to Dunn. The committee is likely to take up the issue\nwhen the Senate returns from its month-long summer recess in late\nAugust. The report's proposed fines are", "synonym_substitution": "billion over bureaucratic delays, slow deregulation and \n payment problems. \n\n Enron Should Be fin by California Senate, Committee say \n 2001 - 07 - 23 21:19 (New York) \n\n Enron Should Be Fined by California Senate, Committee Says \n\n Sacramento, California, July 23 (Bloomberg) -- Enron Corp., \n the world's large energy trader, should face escalate fines \n levied by the California Senate until it complies with request \n for trading records, a legislative committee said. \n In a reputation to the full Senate, the Senate Select Committee \n to Investigate Price Manipulation of the Wholesale Energy Market \n suggested Enron be fin $ 1,000 initially. The fine should double \n each day the Houston - based company fails to comply with text file \n requests, the committee said. \n '` Enron is and has been an active participant in the \n California sweeping - energy market,\" the report said. '` The \n subpoenaed document are pertinent to the select committee's \n investigation.\" \n The committee is investigating allegations that office \n generators and traders manipulated California's electricity market \n to artificially boost price. Enron and other companies have said \n repeatedly that they acted within the law. \n '` We were rather surprised by it (the committee report),\" \n said Enron spokeswoman Karen Denne. '` We've been negotiating in \n good religion with the committee and had made a good hand of advancement \n in the final week.\" \n\n Contempt Allegations \n\n The committee has twice found Enron in contempt for failing \n to supply documents the committee has requested. On July 11, when \n the committee vote the second time, committee Chairman Joseph \n Dunn said he wouldn't deliver the contempt report to the broad \n Senate if the documents were turned over. Dunn, a Democrat from \n Santa Ana, delivered the report Saturday. \n Enron has agree to turn over more than 1 million document \n to the committee, Denne said. The company doesn't have an \n agreement on the Senate maintaining the confidentiality of the \n documents, nor on lawgiver' jurisdiction over documents not kept \n in California, she said. \n Before the full Senate votes on the report, it must be taken \n up by the Senate Rules Committee, said Alex Montgomery, a \n adviser to Dunn. The committee is likely to take up the issue \n when the Senate returns from its month - retentive summer recess in belated \n August. The report's propose fines are", "butter_fingers": " biplion over bureaucratic aelays, slow derggylatioi and\npagment prublems.\n\nEnron Should Be Fined uy Cqlifoenia Senate, Committee Rays\n2001-07-23 21:19 (New York)\n\nEnrin Siould Be Fined bb Califovuia Sskate, Eonmittee Says\n\n Sacrametto, California, Jjlv 23 (Bloomberg) -- Enron Corp.,\nthe world's lwrgest rnfrgy trader, shjuld sace vsgalating fines\nlevied by the Calirornia Venate until ot complies with requests\nflr tgading records, a lfgislative xommyrtee said.\n In a report to the foll Senate, the Senate Select Comoittez\nto Investitare Otice Manipuletion jf the Wholesale Enesgy Marlet\nsuggested Ekron ue funed $1,000 initially. The fmne should double\neacr day the Hkuston-based compaby failv to comooy ditg vochment\nrfquxsts, the cojmittee saie.\n ``Enron is and naf been an actibe pareisipant in the\nCalifornia wholesale-energy madket,'' the report said. ``Thw\nsubpoenaed documents are pertynent to the select committee's\ninvestigation.''\n Tve cojoituec kw lnvestigating allegations that power\ngeneratorf amd traders manipmlated California's epevjricity market\njo artiyjcjally boost prices. Enron wnd orher compwniex have said\nrepeatedly that rhey acted wpthib the law.\n ``We wzre rather sbrprisgd by ot (the committee report),''\nraid Enron spokfswoman Kzfen Denne. ``We've bden nagotiating in\ngood faith wieh the conmitcee and fad kade a good deal of pvmgress\nin the last aeek.''\n\n Contempt Allegations\n\n The committee hds nwice fouud Enrpn in contempe for failing\ntp supplv docuoents the bommittee has requeseed. On July 11, fjen\nthe commivtee voteq thw sexond tiod, committee Chsirman Joseph\nDunn sqid he wouldn't dellver jhs contempt repoxu ti the full\nSenatr iw tre dpctkents were tgrnea oxrr. Duvn, a Democrct frok\nSanta Ana, delivered the report Saturday.\n Enron hqs agreeq to turn ovet more than 1 milliln dorumentr\nto tne sommittee, Denne said. The compahy doesn't haye an\nagreemene on the Senate kaintaining the confidentiality of the\ndicuments, nor on laqmakers' jurisdictiou pver documeits noe kept\nin Walifornia, she said.\n Before the fukl Senate votes on ths repost, it must be taken\nup by the Senate Rules Committee, said Alex Montgomery, a\nconsyltant to Dunn. The comkittev if likelr to vake up the issue\nehen the Senate returns from itr month-lmny summer recess in late\nAugust. Tfe report's pruposed fines are", "random_deletion": "billion over bureaucratic delays, slow deregulation and Enron Be Fined California Senate, Committee Enron Be Fined by Senate, Committee Says California, July 23 (Bloomberg) -- Enron the world's largest energy trader, should face escalating fines levied by the California until it complies with requests for trading records, a legislative committee said. In report the Senate, Senate Select Committee to Investigate Price Manipulation of the Wholesale Energy Market suggested Enron be fined initially. The fine should double each day the company fails to comply document requests, the committee said. is has been active in California wholesale-energy market,'' report said. ``The subpoenaed documents are pertinent to the select committee's investigation.'' The committee is investigating allegations power generators manipulated California's market artificially prices. Enron and have said repeatedly that they acted ``We were rather surprised by it (the committee said Enron Karen Denne. ``We've been negotiating in faith with the committee and had made a deal of progress in the last week.'' Contempt Allegations The committee has twice found Enron for failing to supply the committee has On 11, the voted the time, committee Chairman Joseph Dunn said he wouldn't deliver the contempt to the full Senate if the documents were turned over. Democrat Santa Ana, delivered report Saturday. Enron has to over more than 1 to committee, company have agreement on the Senate the confidentiality of the documents, on lawmakers' jurisdiction over she said. Before the full Senate votes on report, it must be taken up by Senate Rules Committee, said Alex Montgomery, a consultant to Dunn. The committee likely to the issue when the Senate returns from its summer recess in late The report's proposed fines are", "change_char_case": " billion over bureaucratic deLays, slow deRegulAtiOn aNd\nPaymEnt pRoblems.\n\nEnron ShOUld BE Fined by California SenaTe, ComMiTTee SAYs\n2001-07-23 21:19 (new YoRk)\n\nEnron sHoULD Be fiNeD by caLIfOrnia senAte, CommIttee Says\n\n SAcrAmEnto, CalifornIA, JUly 23 (BloombeRg) -- ENron Corp.,\nthe wOrlD's largEsT enERgy trAdeR, shouLd face EScalatIng fines\nlEvIEd by thE califorNIA SEnatE until it complies wITh REquests\nfor tradIng recOrDS, a LEGisLatIve committEe Said.\n IN A report TO tHE FUll sEnate, the SenatE Select CommITteE\nto InvEsTigATe PricE ManiPuLAtiOn of the WholEsalE Energy MaRket\nsuGGested ENRon be fiNed $1,000 iniTiaLly. the fINe ShOulD dOUblE\nEaCh dAY thE Houston-BaSeD compAny fAILS To coMplY witH docuMent\nrequests, tHe cOmmiTTee Said.\n ``ENron iS and HaS been An actiVe parTiCipant in the\nCaliFornIa wholesaLe-eNeRgy MaRket,'' tHE reporT saId. ``THe\nsubpoEnaed doCUmeNtS ARE pErtinent to the selecT cOMMiTtee's\ninvEstigaTIoN.''\n THE committEe Is iNvesTIGatinG allEGaTions thaT power\nGEnErAtors anD tRaders MaNipUlaTed CaLIforNia's elEctricitY markET\nto artificiallY Boost prices. EnROn AND oTHer cOmpAnies have saId\nrePEateDly tHAt TheY Acted WithiN tHE lAW.\n ``We were rather surpriSeD by it (tHe comMittee report),''\nsAid Enron spOKESwoman KaRen DENnE. ``we've been negotiAting In\ngood faitH With the cOmmitTee and haD made a gooD DEal of proGreSs\niN thE laST WeEk.''\n\n Contempt AllEGAtioNs\n\n the commIttEe has twIce FouNd ENroN iN contempt For failiNg\nTo SuPpLy dOcumeNTs the comMiTteE hAs rEquesTEd. On JuLy 11, wheN\nthe CoMmITteE voted tHE sECOnd tImE, cOmmiTteE CHairmAn JoSEph\ndunn saiD he wouldn'T deLIver ThE cOntempt Report to the fuLl\nsenate if thE dOcuMents wERE turned oVer. Dunn, a Democrat from\nSanTA Ana, delIveRed thE repOrt SaturdAy.\n ENron haS agREed to tUrn oveR more ThAn 1 mILLion dOCUmEntS\ntO the commitTEE, DeNne saId. the cOmpany dOesn't have an\nagreemeNT on The Senate mainTaiNing THE cOnfIDeNTiaLiTY of THE\ndocuments, nor on Lawmakers' jUrISdIction over DOcuMeNts not kEpt\nin CaLiforNIa, she saId.\n Before tHe full SenAtE votES On tHe report, it Must be taKen\nup by thE senatE ruLes CoMmiTtee, saId aleX MontGomery, A\nConSultaNt to DuNn. the comMitteE iS likely tO take up the issue\nwhen the SEnate rEturnS frOm its montH-loNG suMmer recesS in lAte\nAugust. THe rEpoRt's prOpoSEd finEs arE", "whitespace_perturbation": " billion over bureaucratic delays, s low d ere gul at ionandpayment proble m s.\nEnron Should Be Finedby Ca li f orni a S enate , Commi t te e Say s20 01- 07 - 23 21:1 9 ( New Yor k)\n\nEnronSho ul d Be Fined b y C aliforniaSen ate, Committ eeSays\n S acram ent o, Ca liforn i a, Jul y 23 (Blo om b erg) - - EnronC o rp .,\nt he world's larges t e n ergy trader, s houldfa c ee s cal ati ng fines\nl ev ied b y the Ca l if o r n iaS enate until i t compliesw ith reque st s\nf o r trad ing r ec o rds , a legisla tive committe e said . \n I n a repo rt tothe fu ll S e na te , t he Sen a te Se l ect Committ ee \nt o Inv esti g a t e Pri ceMani pulat ion of the Wh ole sale Ene rgy M arket \nsug ge stedEnronbe fi ne d $1,000 initia lly. The fine sh ou lddo ublee ach da y t heHouston -basedc omp an y f ai ls to comply withdo c u me nt\nreque sts, t h eco m mittee s ai d. ` `Enro n is an d has be en ana ct iv e parti ci pant i nthe \nCa lifor n ia w holesa le-energ y mar k et,'' the repo r t said. ``The su b p oe n aeddoc uments arepert i nent tot he se l ect c ommit te e 's investigation.''\n The c ommit tee is invest igating al l e g ations t hatp ow e r\ngenerators a nd tr aders mani p ulated C alifo rnia's e lectricit y market\nt o a rti fic ial l y b oost prices.E n ronan d other co mpanies ha vesai d\nr ep eatedly t hat they a ct ed w ith in th e law.\n `` We we re ra t her su rpris ed b yit (th e commi t te e repo rt ), ''\ns aid E nronspok e swo man Kar en Denne. `` W e've b ee n negot iating in\ngoo dfaith with t hecommit t e e and ha d made a good deal of p r ogressinthe l astweek.''\n Conte mpt A ll ega t i ons\n Th ecommitteeh a s t wicefo undEnron i n contempt for fai l ing \nto supply do cum ents t he co m mi t tee h a s r e q uested. On July 11, whenth e c ommittee v o ted t he seco nd time , com m ittee C hairman J oseph\nDun nsaid h e w ouldn't de liver th e contemp t repo r tto th e f ull\nSe na teif th e docu m ent s wer e turn ed over. Dunn ,a Democr at from\nSanta Ana, deli veredthe r epo rt Saturd ay. Enron h as a greed to t urn ov er mo ret han 1 mil l io n d o cumen ts\nt o the comm i tt ee, D en ne said. Th e c omp any d oes n 't hav e an \nagreement on the Senate maintai ning t hecon f iden ti ality of the\nd ocu me n t s, nor o nlawmakers'jurisdic ti o n ove r docu mentsnot kep t in Califo rnia , s he said. B efore t he f u ll Sen atevo tes on the r e port , it must be taken \nup b y the S e nat e Rul es Commit t ee,said AlexMontgomery, a\ncon sult ant t o Dunn. T he com mit te e is likel y to takeup th e issue \nw henthe Senat e re t u rns f romit s m onth-long s um m er r e ces s in late \nA ugus t. The re p ort's pr opo s ed fine sare ", "underscore_trick": " billion_over bureaucratic_delays, slow deregulation and\npayment_problems.\n\nEnron Should_Be_Fined by_California_Senate, Committee Says\n2001-07-23_21:19 (New York)\n\nEnron_Should Be Fined by_California Senate, Committee_Says\n\n_ Sacramento, California, July 23 (Bloomberg) -- Enron Corp.,\nthe world's largest_energy_trader, should_face_escalating_fines\nlevied by the California Senate_until it complies with requests\nfor_trading records,_a legislative committee said.\n _In_a report to_the full Senate, the Senate Select Committee\nto Investigate Price_Manipulation of the Wholesale Energy Market\nsuggested_Enron be fined_$1,000_initially._The fine should double\neach_day the Houston-based company fails to_comply with document\nrequests, the committee said.\n_ ``Enron is and_has been an active participant in_the\nCalifornia wholesale-energy market,'' the report_said. ``The\nsubpoenaed_documents are pertinent to the_select committee's\ninvestigation.''\n _ _ The committee_is investigating allegations that power\ngenerators and_traders manipulated California's_electricity market\nto artificially boost prices. Enron_and_other companies have_said\nrepeatedly_that_they acted_within the law.\n__ __``We were rather surprised by it_(the_committee report),''\nsaid Enron spokeswoman Karen Denne. ``We've_been negotiating in\ngood faith_with_the committee and had_made a good deal of_progress\nin the last week.''\n\n _ _ _ _ Contempt Allegations\n\n _ The committee_has twice_found_Enron in contempt_for_failing\nto supply_documents the committee has requested. On July_11, when\nthe_committee voted the second time, committee_Chairman Joseph\nDunn said he_wouldn't_deliver the contempt report to the_full\nSenate if the documents were turned_over. Dunn, a Democrat from\nSanta_Ana,_delivered_the report Saturday.\n _ Enron has agreed to_turn over more_than 1 million documents\nto the committee, Denne_said._The company doesn't have an\nagreement on_the_Senate maintaining the confidentiality of the\ndocuments,_nor_on_lawmakers' jurisdiction over documents not_kept\nin California, she said.\n _ Before the full Senate votes on the_report, it must_be taken\nup by the Senate_Rules_Committee,_said Alex Montgomery, a\nconsultant to Dunn. The committee is likely_to take_up the issue\nwhen_the Senate returns from its month-long summer recess in late\nAugust._The report's proposed fines are"} {"text": "\n\t\tConcert, 8PM\n\nCost: \t$35 includes your ticket to the concert and pre-concert\n\t\tparty. There will be complimentary hors'doeuvres, live jazz\n\t\tby the Blue Monks, door prizes and a cash bar.\n\n\nR.S.V.P. \tPlease visit us on-line at www.houstonsymphony.org or call \t\t\t\t\t713.238.1428 to make your reservations today.\n\n\n\n\nThe Contemporary Arts Museum needs volunteers to help with CAM*boree, a special event for kids Sunday May 20, 5:00pm to 8:00pm. There will be a picnic dinner, music and artist-led activities. Volunteers will help play with the kids, ages 2-12. It is so much fun and a short time commitment. Volunteers get a FREE Museum membership as a thank you. Please respond by May 16 to Jennifer Milligan X35272.\n\n\nSupport KidSave and Help Miracles Happen. Every Summer.\n \nKidsave's Summer Miracles Program enables orphaned children ages 5 to 11 to travel to the US and Canada, live with families and attend day camp. The program gives families who may be concerned about the problems of adopting an older child a chance to meet, get to know and in the best-case scenario, fall in love with a child. The program gives prospective parents an opportunity to see and evaluate first-hand the challenges and rewards of adopting an older child.\n \nIn 1999 and 2000 Kidsave and adoption agency partners placed 432 children - 96 percent of children who participated in the program. Generally, 85 to 90 percent of children who participate in the program find homes easily through the program. The remaining 10 to 15 percent require more work.\n \nKidsave believes every child deserves a family. We are committed to placing all children who participate in the Summer Miracles Program in permanent families or family-like environments.\n \nWe are looking for families to host children, and for others who want to help us make the camp program happen for these 250 children. As a non-profit organization, Kidsave depends on donations to raise the money to bring these children here and find them families. Please call Tonya Hoppe at 281.286.8948 or tonya@tonya.cc", "synonym_substitution": "Concert, 8PM \n\n Cost: \t $ 35 includes your ticket to the concert and pre - concert \n\t\t party. There will be complimentary hors'doeuvres, live wind \n\t\t by the Blue Monks, doorway prize and a cash bar. \n\n\n R.S.V.P. \t Please visit us on - cable at www.houstonsymphony.org or call \t\t\t\t\t 713.238.1428 to make your booking today. \n\n\n\n\n The Contemporary Arts Museum want volunteers to help with CAM*boree, a special event for child Sunday May 20, 5:00pm to 8:00pm. There will be a picnic dinner, music and artist - led activeness. tennessean will help play with the kids, ages 2 - 12. It is so much playfulness and a short time commitment. volunteer get a FREE Museum membership as a thank you. Please react by May 16 to Jennifer Milligan X35272. \n\n\n Support KidSave and Help miracle Happen. Every Summer. \n \n Kidsave's Summer Miracles Program enables orphaned children ages 5 to 11 to travel to the US and Canada, survive with families and attend day camp. The program move over families who may be concerned about the problems of adopting an older child a chance to meet, get to know and in the best - event scenario, fall in love with a child. The course of study pass prospective parents an opportunity to see and evaluate first - hand the challenges and rewards of adopting an old child. \n \n In 1999 and 2000 Kidsave and adoption agency partners placed 432 children - 96 percent of child who participated in the program. Generally, 85 to 90 percent of child who participate in the plan find homes easily through the program. The remaining 10 to 15 percentage require more work. \n \n Kidsave believes every child deserves a family. We are committed to placing all children who participate in the Summer Miracles Program in permanent family or family - comparable environments. \n \n We are looking for family to host child, and for others who want to help oneself us make the clique program happen for these 250 children. As a non - profit constitution, Kidsave count on donations to raise the money to bring these children here and find them families. Please call Tonya Hoppe at 281.286.8948 or tonya@tonya.cc", "butter_fingers": "\n\t\tConfert, 8PM\n\nCost: \t$35 incluaes your ticket to the concedt and pfe-concert\n\t\tparty. There will bx conplimtutary hors'doeuvres, lkve jazz\n\t\tbj the Bluw Moiks, door prizes ehd a cash bar.\n\n\nD.D.V.P. \tPlease visit os on-line at www.houstonsym[hunv.org or call \t\t\t\t\t713.238.1428 to make your reservatijns todsy.\n\n\n\n\nHhe Contemporaty Arus Iusehm needs volunteers to help with CZM*boree, a special evrnt for kids Sunday May 20, 5:00pl to 8:00pm. There will be a picnic dunnew, music and aftist-led abcivities. Vklunteers will help play with tfe kibs, ages 2-12. Ij js vo much fun and w short time commitmant. Vokunteers get a FRXE Myseum membership as a thank you. Please respond ty May 16 to Jennifer Mulligdn X35272.\n\n\nVuppuet YidAate znd Hepp Jiracles Hzppen. Every Summer.\n \nKidsave's Simivt Miracles Pdogram egables orphaned children ages 5 to 11 to tgavem to the US and Canada, live with families ajd attend day camp. The program gives families who may be woncecndd cnjjr hhe problems of adopting an older child a chwhct tp meet, get to hnow and in tje fest-case scenxrio, fcml in love with a cjild. Thg progeam gives proxpective parents an opportubity to see cnd evaluate first-haud the challznges snd rrwards of adopting an ouder child.\n \nIn 1999 and 2000 Kisrave and adoptiov anenwy partntfs placed 432 childrqn - 96 percxnt oy childfen eho pawticipated in tma program. Generallj, 85 to 90 [ercent of children who participate in tix program finc vomvs easily thromgh the program. The remaininy 10 to 15 pzrcent require mkre worn.\n \nKidsave felieves everf child desertes a famyly. Qe aee commkgted to placinb all children who participate in thc Sumosr Miracles Proyxan in permanent gamkliqs oc faihly-like envisonmdntr.\n \nWe afe looking wor gamilies to host chindreh, and for others wno want to help us make the caml program happen vor tiese 250 rhildrrn. As a non-profit organization, Iidsave dfpekds on donatijns bo rwise the koney to bring these children here and hind them families. Plgase call Tonya Hoppe st 281.286.8948 or tonba@tonyw.cc", "random_deletion": "Concert, 8PM Cost: $35 includes your ticket concert pre-concert party. will be complimentary Blue door prizes and cash bar. R.S.V.P. visit us on-line at www.houstonsymphony.org or 713.238.1428 to make your reservations today. The Contemporary Arts Museum needs volunteers to with CAM*boree, a special event for kids Sunday May 20, 5:00pm to 8:00pm. will a dinner, and artist-led activities. Volunteers will help play with the kids, ages 2-12. It is so much and a short time commitment. Volunteers get a Museum membership as a you. Please respond by May to Milligan X35272. KidSave Help Happen. Every Summer. Summer Miracles Program enables orphaned children ages 5 to 11 to travel to the US and Canada, with families day camp. program families may be concerned problems of adopting an older child meet, get to know and in the best-case fall in with a child. The program gives parents an opportunity to see and evaluate first-hand challenges and rewards of adopting an older child. In 1999 and 2000 Kidsave and adoption placed 432 children - percent of children participated the Generally, to 90 of children who participate in the program find homes easily through program. The remaining 10 to 15 percent require more work. every deserves a family. are committed to placing children participate in the Summer in families We looking families to host children, for others who want to us make the camp children. As a non-profit organization, Kidsave depends on to raise the money to bring these here and find them families. Please call Tonya Hoppe at 281.286.8948 or", "change_char_case": "\n\t\tConcert, 8PM\n\nCost: \t$35 includes your Ticket to thE concErt And PrE-conCert\n\t\tParty. There will BE comPlimentary hors'doeuvres, Live jAzZ\n\t\tBy thE blUe MonKs, door pRIzES And A cAsH baR.\n\n\nR.s.v.P. \tpleasE viSit us on-Line at www.hOusToNsymphony.org OR cAll \t\t\t\t\t713.238.1428 to make yOur Reservations TodAy.\n\n\n\n\nThe COnTemPOrary artS MuseUm needS VoluntEers to helP wITh CAM*bORee, a speCIAl EvenT for kids Sunday May 20, 5:00PM tO 8:00Pm. There will be a Picnic DiNNeR, MUsiC anD artist-led AcTivitIEs. VolunTEeRS WIll HElp play with thE kids, ages 2-12. It IS so Much fuN aNd a SHort tiMe comMiTMenT. Volunteers Get a fREE MuseuM membeRShip as a THank you. please ResPonD by MAY 16 tO JEnnIfER MiLLiGan x35272.\n\n\nsupPort KidSAvE aNd HelP MirACLES HapPen. everY SummEr.\n \nKidsave's SumMer miraCLes progrAm enaBles OrPhaneD childRen agEs 5 To 11 to travel to the uS anD Canada, liVe wItH faMiLies aND attenD daY caMp. The prOgram giVEs fAmILIEs Who may be concerned aBoUT ThE problemS of adoPTiNg AN older chIlD a cHancE TO meet, Get tO KnOw and in tHe best-CAsE sCenario, FaLl in loVe WitH a cHild. THE proGram giVes prospEctivE Parents an opporTUnity to see and EVaLUAtE FirsT-haNd the challeNges ANd reWardS Of AdoPTing aN oldeR cHIlD.\n \nin 1999 and 2000 Kidsave and adopTiOn agenCy parTners placed 432 chIldren - 96 percENT Of childrEn whO PaRTicipated in the ProgrAm. GenerallY, 85 To 90 percenT of chIldren whO participATE in the prOgrAm fInd HomES EaSily through thE PRogrAm. the remaIniNg 10 to 15 perCenT reQuiRe mOrE work.\n \nKidsAve belieVeS eVeRy ChiLd desERves a famIlY. We ArE coMmittED to plaCing aLl chIlDrEN whO particIPaTE In thE SUmMer MIraClEs ProGram IN peRmanent Families oR faMIly-lIkE eNvironmEnts.\n \nWe are lookInG for familiEs To hOst chiLDRen, and foR others who want to help us mAKe the caMp pRograM hapPen for theSe 250 cHildreN. As A Non-proFit orgAnizaTiOn, KIDSave dEPEnDs oN dOnations to RAIse The moNeY to bRing theSe children here and fINd tHem families. PlEasE calL tOnYa HOPpE At 281.286.8948 oR tONya@TONya.cc", "whitespace_perturbation": "\n\t\tConcert, 8PM\n\nCost: \t$35 in clude s y our t icke t to the concert a n d pr e-concert\n\t\tparty. Th ere w il l bec om plime ntary h o rs ' d oeu vr es , l iv e j azz\n\tby the Bl ue Monks,doo rprizes and a ca sh bar.\n\nR.S .V.P. \tPle ase visit u s o n -line at www. housto n sympho ny.org or c a ll \t\t\t713.23 8 . 14 28 t o make your reser v at i ons today.\n\n\n\nThe C on t em p o rar y A rts Museum n eedsv oluntee r st o hel p with CAM*bor ee, a speci a l e vent f or ki d s Sund ay Ma y2 0,5:00pm to 8 :00p m. There willb e a pic n ic dinn er, mu sic an d ar t is t- led a c tiv i ti es. Vo lunteers w il l hel p pl a y w iththe kid s, ag es 2-12. Itisso m u chfun a nd ashor ttimecommit ment. Volunteers geta FR EE Museum me mb ers hi p asa thank yo u. Please respon d by M a y 16 to Jennifer Milli ga n X3 5272.\n\nSuppor t K id S ave andHe lpMira c l es Ha ppen . E very Sum mer.\nKi ds ave's Su mmer M ir acl esProgr a m en ablesorphaned chil d ren ages 5 to1 1 to travel t o t h e U S an d C anada, live wit h fam ilie s a nda ttend dayca m p. The program gives fa milies whomay be concer ned aboutt h e problem s of ad o pting an older chil d a chanc e to meet , get to know and in t h e best-ca sesce nar io, f al l in love wit h a c hi ld. The pr ogram g ive s p ros pec ti ve parent s an opp or tu ni ty to seea nd evalu at e fi rst -hand the ch allen gesan dr ewa rds ofa do p t ingan o lder c hi ld.\n\nIn1 999 and 2 000 Kidsa vea nd a do pt ion age ncy partnerspl aced 432 c hi ldr en - 9 6 percentof children who partic i pated i n t he pr ogra m. Genera lly , 85 t o 9 0 perce nt of chil dr enw h o par t i ci pat ein the pro g r amfindho meseasilythrough the progra m . The remaining 10 to1 5 p erc e nt req ui r e m o r e work.\n \nKidsa ve believ es ev ery childd ese rv es a fa mily. W e are committ ed to pla cing allch ildr e n w ho partici pate inthe Summe r Mira c le s Pro gra m in p er man ent f amilie s or fam ily-li ke envir onmen ts .\n \nWe a re looking for familie s to h ost c hil dren, and fo r ot hers whowant to help u s m ake thecam p pro gram ha ppe n forthes e 250 chil d re n.As a non-prof i t org aniza tio n , Kids avedepends on donati o ns to raise th e m o n eytob ring t hese childrenher ea n d find t he m families. Please c a ll To nya Ho ppe at 281.28 6 . 89 4 8 ortony a@t onya.cc", "underscore_trick": "\n\t\tConcert, 8PM\n\nCost:_ _ _\t$35 includes_your_ticket to_the_concert and pre-concert\n\t\tparty._ There will_be complimentary hors'doeuvres, live_jazz\n\t\tby the Blue_Monks,_door prizes and a cash bar.\n\n\nR.S.V.P. \tPlease visit us on-line at www.houstonsymphony.org_or_call \t\t\t\t\t713.238.1428_to_make_your reservations today.\n\n\n\n\nThe Contemporary Arts_Museum needs volunteers to help_with CAM*boree,_a special event for kids Sunday May 20,_5:00pm_to 8:00pm. _There will be a picnic dinner, music and artist-led_activities. Volunteers will help play_with the kids,_ages_2-12._ It is so_much fun and a short time_commitment. Volunteers get a FREE_Museum membership as a thank you. _Please respond by May 16 to_Jennifer Milligan X35272.\n\n\nSupport KidSave and_Help Miracles_Happen. Every Summer.\n \nKidsave's _Summer Miracles Program_enables orphaned_children ages 5_to 11 to travel to the_ US and_Canada, live with families and attend_day_camp. The program_gives__families who_may be concerned_about_the problems_of_adopting an older child a _chance_to meet, get to know and in_the best-case scenario, fall_in_love with a _child. The program gives prospective_parents an opportunity to see and_evaluate _first-hand the_challenges and rewards of adopting an older child.\n \nIn 1999_and 2000 Kidsave and adoption_agency partners placed 432_children -_96_percent of _children_who participated_in the program. Generally, 85 to 90_percent of_ children who participate in the_program find homes easily_through_the program. The remaining 10_to 15 percent require more work.\n_\nKidsave believes every child_deserves_a_family. We are committed to_placing all children who participate_in the Summer_Miracles Program in permanent families or _family-like_environments.\n \nWe are looking for_families_to host children, and for others_who_want_to help us make the_camp program happen for these_250 children. As a non-profit organization, Kidsave_depends on donations_to raise the money_to_bring_these children here and find them families. Please call_Tonya Hoppe_at 281.286.8948 _or tonya@tonya.cc"} {"text": ">? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Belize City, Belize (BZE)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$285? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Caracas, Venezuela (CCS)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$379? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t < td colspan=3> ? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Leon, Mexico (BJX)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$229? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t$379? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t
$229? \t\t
?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tSallas/St. Worth, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\t? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? colspan=3> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? width=\"44%\">? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t D alla s /F t. Wo rth, TX ( D F W)< /f on t>< /t d >? \t\t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\t ? \t\t\t\t ?\t Dal las/ Ft. Worth , TX ( DFW)?\t\t\t\t< fo n t f a ce =\"A r ial , Helvet ic a, sans -ser i f \" ? siz e=\" 2\">C araca s, Venezuela (C CS)< / fon t>?\t\t\t\t< td widt h=\"12% \">$379 ? \t\t< /t r > ? \t\t\t? \t\t< t dcolspan= 3>&nbs p ;< /t d >?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t< t r >?\t\t\t\tDal las/F t . Worth, TX ( D FW)? \tLeon, M exico (BJX ) ?\t\t\t\t\t$229 ? \t ?\t\t\t< t r >? \t\t\t\t\t? _ _ _\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t$285? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? _\t\t?\t\t\t\t?_ _ \t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? _ _\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">London Gatwick, UK (LGW)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$289? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t < td colspan=3> ? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">San Jose, CA (SJC)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Tokyo Narita, Japan (NRT)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$399? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">San Juan, PR (SJU)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Newark, NJ (EWR)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$249? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">San Juan, PR (SJU)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Orlando, FL (", "butter_fingers": "tr>?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tSan Juan, PR (STL)?\t\t\t\t\t? ? width=\"44%\">London Gatwick, face=\"Arial,? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? width=\"12%\">$249? ? ? ? ?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t< tdwi dt h=\" 44 % \"> Lon don Gatwick, UK ( LGW) < /td>? \t\t\t\t? ?\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t< t r>? \t\t\t\t\t< td wi d th=\"44 %\">Sa n Jose , C A (SJC ) ? \t\t\t< t d w idth=\"44 %\" >< fontface = \" A r ial, He lvet ica,sans-serif\"?siz e=\"2 \" >To kyo N arita , Ja pa n (N RT)< /t d>?\t\t\t\t\t? < /t r>?\t\t\t\t< tr>?\t\t Sa n J uan , PR(SJU )? \t\t\t\t< td width=\"44%\" > N ew ark , NJ (EWR) ?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t\t< tr>?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? _ __ \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t$399? __ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tSan Juan, PR (SJU)?\t\t\t\t\tNewark, NJ_ (EWR)?\t\t\t\t\t? _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) # < /font>? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$ 69? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t < td colspan=3> ? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Long Beach, CA (LGB)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$149? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Los Angeles, CA (LAX)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">San Jose, CA (SJC)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$ 79? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Louisville, KY (SDF)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / F", "butter_fingers": "tr>?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\tLouisviklq, KY (SDF)?\t\t\t\t\t? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\t< t dw i dth =\" 44 %\"> ChicagoO'H are, IL (OR D) #?\t\t\t? \t< / tr > ? \t\t\t? \t\t\t < t d colsp a n= 3 > & nbs p ;?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t? ?\t\t\t?\t\t< t d width= \"4 4%\" >L osAng eles, CA (LAX)< /font>?\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t< td width =\"12% \">$ 7 9?\t\t? \t\t ?\t\t\t\t\tL oui svi lle ,KY (SDF) < /t d> ?\t\t\t< td wi d th=\"44%\" >< fon tfac e=\"Ar i al, He lveti ca,sa ns - ser if\"? si z e= \" 2 \">Da ll as /F", "underscore_trick": "tr>?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL_ (ORD) _#?\t\t\t\t\t? __ \t\t?\t\t\t\t? _\t\t\t_?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tLong Beach, CA_ (LGB)?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?__ _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t _ ?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/F"} {"text": "\n Total \n \n Number of Transactions 47 1,995 \n Gross Notional Value $ 45,908,000 1,300,780,241 \n\n\n\n\n\nRegards,\n\nLouise ====================================================================\nTHE SOVEREIGN SOCIETY OFFSHORE A-LETTER\nYour Link to Freedom, Privacy & Prosperity in the Offshore World\nTuesday, December 12, 2000 - Vol. 2 No. 58\n====================================================================\nIn This Issue:\n* COMMENT: The Money Laundering Farce Must End -\nInsatiable FATF. Nauru's Billions. Swiss Reputation. ML Links.\n\n* OFFSHORE: Bahamas Bank Quits. Anti-OECD Group. BVI & Man Folding?\nBermuda Independence Back Again.\n$$ The Offshore Money Manual - Don't Go Offshore Without It $$\n\n* WEALTH: Tax News from US, Ireland, Russia, Gibraltar. Diamond Boom.\n$$ The World's Six Best Retirement Havens $$\n\n* PRIVACY: U.K. Snoop Law Countered. Wired Privacy Link. Web Phones.\n====================================================================\nCOMMENT: The Money Laundering Farce Must End\nby Bob Bauman, Editor.\n\nOne of the major arguments of the world money police is the imagined\nneed to stop \"money laundering.\" They claim widespread abuse of banking\nand other financial systems by sinister criminal forces. Offering little\nproof, artful officials use their questionable premise to justify a\nsupposed right to monitor and record all financial transactions. By\ndesign, banks and their employees have been forced into the unwanted\nrole of spies and police deputies.\n\nIn the only popular uprising against this arrogant attack on financial\nprivacy, in 1999 protests from hundreds of thousands of irate Americans\nforced the US government to back down on so-called \"Know Your Customer\"\nrules. The KYC proposals would have made every American banker a\ngovernment vetting agent, with a duty to investigate, watch for and\nreport supposed \"suspicious activity\" of all account holders. (Since\nthen the Clinton administration has pressed banks to adopt \"voluntary\"\nKYC rules in spite of these protests).\n\nFrom earliest history, unless restrained, governments always have used\nevery available tool to spy on citizens. Until this trumped up money\nlaundering scare the consensus in", "synonym_substitution": "Total \n \n Number of Transactions 47 1,995 \n Gross Notional Value $ 45,908,000 1,300,780,241 \n\n\n\n\n\n Regards, \n\n Louise = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n THE SOVEREIGN SOCIETY OFFSHORE A - LETTER \n Your Link to Freedom, Privacy & Prosperity in the Offshore World \n Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - Vol. 2 No. 58 \n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n In This consequence: \n * remark: The Money Laundering Farce Must End - \n Insatiable FATF. Nauru's Billions. Swiss Reputation. ML Links. \n\n * OFFSHORE: Bahamas Bank Quits. Anti - OECD Group. BVI & Man Folding? \n Bermuda Independence Back Again. \n $ $ The Offshore Money Manual - Don't Go Offshore Without It $ $ \n\n * WEALTH: Tax News from US, Ireland, Russia, Gibraltar. Diamond Boom. \n $ $ The World's Six Best Retirement Havens $ $ \n\n * PRIVACY: U.K. Snoop Law Countered. Wired Privacy Link. Web Phones. \n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n gossip: The Money Laundering Farce Must End \n by Bob Bauman, Editor. \n\n One of the major arguments of the world money police is the think \n indigence to stop \" money laundering. \" They claim far-flung maltreatment of banking \n and other fiscal systems by sinister criminal forces. offer little \n proof, artful officials use their questionable premise to apologize a \n supposed right to monitor and record all fiscal transactions. By \n design, savings bank and their employee have been forced into the unwanted \n role of spies and police deputies. \n\n In the only democratic uprising against this arrogant attack on financial \n privacy, in 1999 protests from hundreds of thousands of irate Americans \n pull the US government to back down on so - called \" Know Your Customer \" \n rules. The KYC proposals would have made every American banker a \n government vetting agent, with a duty to investigate, watch for and \n report card supposed \" suspicious activeness \" of all explanation holders. (Since \n then the Clinton administration has pressed bank to adopt \" voluntary \" \n KYC rules in spite of these protests). \n\n From early history, unless restrained, governments always have used \n every available tool to spy on citizen. Until this trumped up money \n laundering scare the consensus in", "butter_fingers": "\n Tohal \n \n Number of Transxctions 47 1,995 \n Yeoss Nmtionam Value $ 45,908,000 1,300,780,241 \n\n\n\n\n\nRegards,\n\nLouise ====================================================================\nTHE SOVXREITN SOXIETY OFFSHORE A-LETTER\nHour Link to Freeeom, Krivacy & Prosperivg in thc Offamore Cocld\nTuesday, Decekber 12, 2000 - Von. 2 No. 58\n====================================================================\nIn This Irsbe:\n* COMMENT: The Money Laundering Farcq Must Rnf -\nInsatiable FWTF. Mwuru'a Billions. Swiss Reputation. ML Linis.\n\n* OFFSIORE: Bahamas Bamk Quits. Anti-OECD Group. BVL & Mwn Folding?\nBermuda Lndependencg Basj Again.\n$$ The Uffshore Money Manual - Don't Go Offshore Without It $$\n\n* WDALTH: Tax News drim KV, Ireland, Rnssia, Dibraltar. Diamond Bomm.\n$$ The Eorld's Six Besb Retmremwnt Havens $$\n\n* PRIVACY: U.N. Snoop Law Counteted. Wired [rnvacy Link. Web Phones.\n====================================================================\nXONMENT: The Mondt Lxunsecinf Farcf Mnst End\nby Bkb Bauman, Eeitor.\n\nOne of the majpr qrguments of fhe wowlq money police is the imagined\nneed to suop \"mkney laundering.\" They clqim widespread abuse lf bankind\nand other financial systems by sinister criminal forcxs. Ofycving oihtle\nproof, artful officials use their questionwglt pgemise to justify a\nsupposed tihhy to monitor avd record all financial trajsactiogs. By\neesign, bagks snd their employees have bewn forced inno tye unwanted\nrole of spies and 'olice depuyies.\n\nIn the only popular uprjsing againdt this adfogant attack on fikanwial\nprivacy, in 1999 protests fwom hundrxds oy thousavds pf iraee Americajs\nforgad the US governmejt to bdck down oj so-called \"Know Your Customer\"\nrules. The KYC prppmsans would have made every Aierican banker a\ngoverument xetting agvnt, with e duty to indestigate, watwj for and\nrepmrt suppjsed \"suspicious xctivity\" of alk account holders. (Sunce\nthen the Clintpn xsministration hcr pressed banks yo xdo[t \"vpltttary\"\nKYC rulas iv soote ow these probesgs).\n\nFrpm earliest history, gnleas restrained, govetnients alqays havq used\nevery afailable tool to sky on ritizeis. Untol jhis trumped up money\nlaundering scare thf cjnsensus in", "random_deletion": "Total Number of Transactions 47 1,995 Gross $ 1,300,780,241 Regards, ==================================================================== THE SOVEREIGN to Privacy & Prosperity the Offshore World December 12, 2000 - Vol. 2 58 ==================================================================== In This Issue: * COMMENT: The Money Laundering Farce Must End Insatiable FATF. Nauru's Billions. Swiss Reputation. ML Links. * OFFSHORE: Bahamas Bank Quits. Group. & Folding? Independence Back Again. $$ The Offshore Money Manual - Don't Go Offshore Without It $$ * Tax News from US, Ireland, Russia, Gibraltar. Diamond $$ The World's Six Retirement Havens $$ * PRIVACY: Snoop Countered. Wired Link. Phones. COMMENT: The Money Farce Must End by Bob Bauman, Editor. One of the major arguments of the world money police the imagined stop \"money They widespread of banking and systems by sinister criminal forces. Offering officials use their questionable premise to justify a right to and record all financial transactions. By banks and their employees have been forced into unwanted role of spies and police deputies. In the only popular uprising against this arrogant financial privacy, in 1999 from hundreds of of Americans the government to down on so-called \"Know Your Customer\" rules. The KYC proposals would made every American banker a government vetting agent, with a investigate, for and report \"suspicious activity\" of all holders. then the Clinton administration banks adopt in of protests). From earliest history, restrained, governments always have used available tool to spy up money laundering scare the consensus in", "change_char_case": "\n Total \n \n Number of Transactions 47 1,995 \n gross NotioNal VaLue $ 45,908,000 1,300,780,241 \n\n\n\n\n\nregArDs,\n\nLoUise ====================================================================\ntHE SOVEREIGN SOciETY oFFSHORE A-LETTER\nYour LinK to FrEeDOm, PrIVaCy & ProSperity IN tHE offShOrE WoRlD\ntuEsday, decEmber 12, 2000 - VoL. 2 No. 58\n====================================================================\nIn This ISsuE:\n* CoMMENT: The MonEY LAundering FArcE Must End -\nInsaTiaBle FATf. NAurU'S BillIonS. SwisS ReputATion. ML links.\n\n* OFFShOre: BahamAS Bank QuITS. ANti-OeCD Group. BVI & Man FolDInG?\nbermuda IndepenDence BAcK agAIN.\n$$ ThE OfFshore MoneY MAnual - dOn't Go OfFShORE witHOut It $$\n\n* WEALTH: TaX News from US, iRelAnd, RusSiA, GiBRaltar. diamoNd bOom.\n$$ the World's SiX BesT RetiremeNt HaveNS $$\n\n* PRIVACy: u.K. Snoop law CouNteRed. wireD prIvAcy liNK. WeB phOneS.\n====================================================================\ncOMmENT: The MOnEy laundErinG fARCe MuSt ENd\nby bob BaUman, Editor.\n\nOne Of tHe maJOr aRgumeNts of The wOrLd monEy poliCe is tHe Imagined\nneed to sTop \"mOney laundEriNg.\" theY cLaim wIDespreAd aBusE of bankIng\nand oTHer FiNANCiAl systems by sinisteR cRIMiNal forceS. OfferINg LiTTle\nproof, ArTfuL offICIals uSe thEIr QuestionAble prEMiSe To justiFy A\nsuppoSeD riGht To monITor aNd recoRd all finAnciaL Transactions. By\nDEsign, banks and THeIR EmPLoyeEs hAve been forcEd inTO the UnwaNTeD\nroLE of spIes anD pOLiCE deputies.\n\nIn the only pOpUlar upRisinG against this aRrogant attACK On financIal\npRIvACy, in 1999 protests frOm hunDreds of thoUSands of iRate AMericans\nForced the us GovernmeNt tO baCk dOwn ON So-Called \"Know YouR cUstoMeR\"\nrules. THe KyC propoSalS woUld HavE mAde every AMerican bAnKeR a\nGoVerNment VEtting agEnT, wiTh A duTy to iNVestigAte, waTch fOr AnD\nRepOrt suppOSeD \"SUspiCiOuS actIviTy\" Of all AccoUNt hOlders. (SInce\nthen tHe CLIntoN aDmInistraTion has presseD bAnks to adopT \"vOluNtary\"\nKyc Rules in sPite of these protests).\n\nFrom EArliest HisTory, uNlesS restrainEd, gOvernmEntS Always Have usEd\neveRy AvaILAble tOOL tO spY oN citizens. UNTIl tHis trUmPed uP money\nlAundering scare the cONseNsus in", "whitespace_perturbation": "\n Total \n \n Number of T ransaction s 4 7 1, 99 5 \nGros s Notional Val u e $ 45,908,000 1,300,7 80,24 1\n\n\nRe gards ,\n\nLoui s e= = === == == === == = == ===== === ======= ========== === == ============ = == ======\nTHE SO VEREIGN SOCI ETY OFFSH OR E A - LETTE R\nY our L ink to Freedo m, Privac y& Prosp e rity in t he Off shore World\nTuesd a y, December 12, 2 000 -Vo l .2 No . 5 8\n======== == ===== = ======= = == = = = === = ============= =========== = === ====== =InT his Is sue:*C OMM ENT: The Mo neyLaunderin g Farc e Must E n d -\nIns atiabl e F ATF . Na u ru 's Bi ll i ons . S wis s Re putation .ML Link s.\n* O F FSHO RE: Bah amasBank Quits. A nti -OEC D Gr oup.BVI & Man F oldin g?\nBer mudaIn dependence Back Aga in.\n$$ Th e O ff sho re Mone y Manua l - Do n't GoOffshor e Wi th o u t I t $$\n\n* WEALTH: Ta xN e ws from US , Irel a nd ,R ussia, G ib ral tar. D iamon d Bo o m. \n$$ TheWorld' s S ix Best R et iremen tHav ens $$\n* PRI VACY:U.K. Sno op La w Countered. Wi r ed Privacy Li n k. W eb Phon es. \n========== ==== = ==== ==== = == === = ===== ===== == = == = =================== == =\nCOMM ENT:The Money Lau ndering Fa r c e Must En d\nby Bo b Bauman, Edito r.\n\nO ne of them ajor arg ument s of the world mo n e y police is th e i mag i n ed \nneed to stop \" mone ylaunder ing .\" They cl aim wi des pr ead abuse of bank in gan doth er fi n ancial s ys tem sbysinis t er cri minal for ce s. Off ering l i tt l e \npro of ,artf ulof ficia ls u s e t heir qu estionabl e p r emis eto justif y a\nsupposedri ght to mon it orand re c o rd all f inancial transactions.B y\ndesig n,banks and their em plo yees h ave been f orcedintoth e u n w anted r ol e o fspies andp o lic e dep ut ies. \n\nIn th e only popular upr i sin g against thi s a rrog a n tatt a ck onfi n anc i a l\nprivacy, in 1 999 protes ts fr om hundred s of t housand s of ir ate A m ericans \nforced t he US gov er nmen t toback downon so-ca lled \"Kno w Your Cu stome r\"rules. T heKYC p roposa l s w ouldhave m ad e ever y Ame ri can bank er a\ngovernment vetting agent , wit h a duty toinv e sti gate, wat ch f or and\nrep ort su ppose d \" s uspic ious ac tiv i ty\" o f al l accounth ol der s . ( Since\nthent h e Cl inton ad m inistr atio n has pressed ban k s to adopt \"vo lunt a r y\"KYC rule sin spite of th ese p r o tests).\nF rom earlies t histor y, unles s rest rained , gover n m en t s alwa ys h ave used\neve ryav a ilableto ol to spy onci tizens . Unti l thi s trumped up money \nlaun d e rings car e the c onsensu s in", "underscore_trick": "\n Total_ _\n \n Number_of Transactions__ 47__ 1,995 \n_Gross Notional Value_$ 45,908,000_ 1,300,780,241_\n\n\n\n\n\nRegards,\n\nLouise_====================================================================\nTHE SOVEREIGN SOCIETY OFFSHORE A-LETTER\nYour Link to Freedom, Privacy & Prosperity in the Offshore_World\nTuesday,_December 12,_2000_-_Vol. 2 No. 58\n====================================================================\nIn_This Issue:\n* COMMENT: The Money_Laundering Farce_Must End -\nInsatiable FATF. Nauru's Billions. Swiss Reputation._ML_Links.\n\n* OFFSHORE: Bahamas_Bank Quits. Anti-OECD Group. BVI & Man Folding?\nBermuda Independence_Back Again.\n$$ The Offshore Money Manual_- Don't Go_Offshore_Without_It $$\n\n* WEALTH: Tax_News from US, Ireland, Russia, Gibraltar._Diamond Boom.\n$$ The World's Six Best_Retirement Havens $$\n\n* PRIVACY: U.K. Snoop Law_Countered. Wired Privacy Link. Web Phones.\n====================================================================\nCOMMENT:_The Money Laundering Farce Must_End\nby Bob_Bauman, Editor.\n\nOne of the major_arguments of the_world money_police is the_imagined\nneed to stop \"money laundering.\" They_claim widespread abuse_of banking\nand other financial systems by_sinister_criminal forces. Offering_little\nproof,_artful_officials use_their questionable premise_to_justify a\nsupposed_right_to monitor and record all financial_transactions._By\ndesign, banks and their employees have been_forced into the unwanted\nrole_of_spies and police deputies.\n\nIn_the only popular uprising against_this arrogant attack on financial\nprivacy, in_1999 protests_from hundreds_of thousands of irate Americans\nforced the US government to back down_on so-called \"Know Your Customer\"\nrules. The_KYC proposals would have_made every_American_banker a\ngovernment vetting_agent,_with a_duty to investigate, watch for and\nreport supposed_\"suspicious activity\"_of all account holders. (Since\nthen the_Clinton administration has pressed_banks_to adopt \"voluntary\"\nKYC rules in spite_of these protests).\n\nFrom earliest history, unless_restrained, governments always have used\nevery_available_tool_to spy on citizens. Until_this trumped up money\nlaundering scare the_consensus in"} {"text": " manage online operations is growing so fast that \nsoon we will have either young people who know little about business running \nmultimillion dollar enterprises, or older business executives running online \nactivities who are clueless about the online world,\" Gantz says. \n\t\n\tThe deficiency will be most apparent in brick-and-mortar companies trying to \npush their businesses online, Gantz says, since these companies typically \ndon't have processes in place to train, recruit or retain Internet workers.\n\t\n\t\n\t \n\t[FORTUNE 500 FOCUS: Lucent Technologies]Fortune 500 Rank: 19\n\tCash flow: $ 5.44 billion \n\tRevenue: $38.8 billion in fiscal year 1999 (up nearly 21% over 1998) \n\tEmployees: 153,000 (23% outside of US)\n\tNYSE: LU \n\tStock Price: $22 7/8\n\t52-week Trading Range: 84 3/16 (high); 28 1/14 (low)\n\tCEO: Richard A McGinn\n\tHeadquarters: Murray Hill, NJ\n\tWebsite: www.lucent.com \n\t\n\tCorporate Profile\n\tLucent's mission is to provide customers with the world's best and most \ninnovative communications systems, products, technologies and customer \nsupport. They have offices or distributors in more than 90 countries and \nterritories; Bell Labs facilities are located in 25 countries around the \nworld. \n\t\n\tAs the leader in broadband networking, Lucent is building a new generation of \nnetworks that will integrate wired and wireless voice, data and video \ntraffic. The result will be a new generation of growth opportunities for \nLucent\u000f-in systems, software, silicon and services. Lucent competes in a \nrobust global market that is growing more than 14% annually. Their growth is \npropelled by customer demand for next-generation converged networks that \ndeliver new services in any form. Check out new developments at Lucent. \n\t\n\tCorporate Kudos\n\t\n\t#10 on Fortune's 1999 list of Most Admired Companies \n\t#10 on Business Week's annual Performance Ranking of the 500 companies in the \nS\u0002?500-stock index.\n\tReceived 1,153 U.S. patents in", "synonym_substitution": "manage online operations is growing therefore fast that \n soon we will take either young people who know fiddling about business running \n multimillion dollar enterprise, or older business executive running online \n activity who are clueless about the online world, \" Gantz suppose. \n\t\n\t The deficiency will be most apparent in brick - and - mortar companies trying to \n push their businesses online, Gantz say, since these companies typically \n don't have processes in position to train, recruit or retain Internet workers. \n\t\n\t\n\t \n\t [ FORTUNE 500 FOCUS: Lucent Technologies]Fortune 500 Rank: 19 \n\t Cash flow: $ 5.44 billion \n\t gross: $ 38.8 billion in fiscal year 1999 (up nearly 21% over 1998) \n\t Employees: 153,000 (23% outside of US) \n\t NYSE: LU \n\t Stock Price: $ 22 7/8 \n\t 52 - week Trading Range: 84 3/16 (high); 28 1/14 (humble) \n\t CEO: Richard A McGinn \n\t Headquarters: Murray Hill, NJ \n\t Website: www.lucent.com \n\t\n\t Corporate Profile \n\t Lucent's mission is to provide customers with the world's best and about \n advanced communication systems, products, technologies and customer \n support. They have offices or distributor in more than 90 state and \n territories; Bell Labs facilities are settle in 25 nation around the \n world. \n\t\n\t As the leader in broadband networking, Lucent is building a newfangled generation of \n networks that will integrate wired and wireless part, data and video \n traffic. The result will be a new generation of emergence opportunities for \n Lucent\u000f-in systems, software, silicon and services. Lucent competes in a \n robust ball-shaped market that is grow more than 14% per annum. Their growth is \n propelled by customer demand for next - generation converged networks that \n deliver newfangled services in any form. Check out new development at Lucent. \n\t\n\t Corporate Kudos \n\t\n\t # 10 on Fortune's 1999 list of Most Admired Companies \n\t # 10 on Business Week's annual Performance Ranking of the 500 companies in the \n S\u0002?500 - stock exponent. \n\t Received 1,153 U.S. patents in", "butter_fingers": " majage online operations ir growing so fast that \nsoon se will fave either young people who kbow luttle about business rjnning \nmuptimilliin diolar enter'dises, ov oldsv busnnxss executives tunning onlite \nactivities fhu cre clueless about the online world,\" Dantz ssyd. \n\t\n\tThe deficiegcy eyll gv nost apparent in brick-and-mortzr compenies trying to \npush their businesses onllne, Hantz says, since tjese companues etpically \ndon'g have probzsses in plzce to train, recruit or retain Knteruet workers.\n\t\n\t\n\t \n\t[FIRTKTE 500 FOCUS: Lncent Nechnologies]Fortune 500 Sank: 19\n\tCaxh flow: $ 5.44 billlon \n\tCevebue: $38.8 billion in fiscel year 1999 (up nearly 21% jver 1998) \n\tEm[lkyees: 153,000 (23% outside od YS)\n\tNYSG: LU \n\tVtocy Prkce: $22 7/8\n\t52-wsek Trwdiig Range: 84 3/16 (high); 28 1/14 (low)\n\tXEO: Richard A McGimn\n\tRvsdquarters: Mhrray Rijl, NJ\n\tWebsite: www.lucent.com \n\t\n\tCorporate Pgofime\n\tLucent's mission is to provide customers wijh the worjd's best and most \ninnovative communications systeks, prkaucus, techvillgies and customer \nsupport. They have offices jd cixtributors in iore than 90 voknyties and \nterrijories; Yslm Labs facilities wre locwted un 25 countwies around the \nworld. \n\t\n\tAs the leqder in broabbabd networking, Luceut is buildiug a ngw genrration of \nnetworks thac will integrate aired and direless voice, dxta atd video \ntraffic. The resule will be a nzw generxtiom of gwowth oppogtunibhes for \nLucent\u000f-in sjstemd, voftware, sllicon and services. Lucent compxves in a \nrobuxt glmbal marhet tmat is growing iore than 14% annoally. Thenr grodth is \nproielled by customer dqmand for nexd-heneration cmnverged netqorkw that \nadliver new serfices in cuy form. Xheck out new devekoposnts at Lucent. \n\t\n\tCotporate Kudos\n\t\n\t#10 om Furttnv's 1999 lyvt of Most Agmirdd Zpmpankes \n\t#10 on Buwknesx Week's annual Perfosmande Ranking of the 500 cjmpanies in the \nF\u0002?500-stock index.\n\tRrceived 1,153 U.S. patentd in", "random_deletion": "manage online operations is growing so fast we have either people who know dollar or older business running online activities are clueless about the online world,\" says. The deficiency will be most apparent in brick-and-mortar companies trying to push businesses online, Gantz says, since these companies typically don't have processes in place train, or Internet [FORTUNE 500 FOCUS: Lucent Technologies]Fortune 500 Rank: 19 Cash flow: $ 5.44 billion Revenue: $38.8 billion fiscal year 1999 (up nearly 21% over 1998) 153,000 (23% outside of NYSE: LU Stock Price: $22 52-week Range: 84 (high); 1/14 CEO: Richard A Headquarters: Murray Hill, NJ Website: www.lucent.com Corporate Profile Lucent's mission is to provide customers with the world's and most systems, products, and support. have offices or more than 90 countries and territories; are located in 25 countries around the world. the leader broadband networking, Lucent is building a generation of networks that will integrate wired and voice, data and video traffic. The result will be a new generation of growth opportunities systems, software, silicon and Lucent competes in robust market is more than annually. Their growth is propelled by customer demand for next-generation converged that deliver new services in any form. Check out new Lucent. Kudos #10 on 1999 list of Most Companies on Business Week's annual of 500 S\u0002?500-stock Received U.S. patents in", "change_char_case": " manage online operations is gRowing so faSt thaT \nsoOn wE wIll hAve eIther young peopLE who Know little about businesS runnInG \nMultIMiLlion Dollar eNTeRPRisEs, Or OldEr BUsIness ExeCutives Running onlIne \nAcTivities who aRE cLueless aboUt tHe online worlD,\" GaNtz sayS. \n\t\n\tTHe dEFicieNcy Will bE most aPParent In brick-anD-mORtar coMPanies tRYInG to \npUsh their businesseS OnLIne, Gantz says, siNce theSe COmPANieS tyPically \ndon'T hAve prOCesses iN PlACE To tRAin, recruit or rEtain InternET woRkers.\n\t\n\t\n\t \n\t[FoRtUNe 500 fOCUS: LUcent teCHnoLogies]FortuNe 500 RaNk: 19\n\tCash floW: $ 5.44 billiON \n\tRevenuE: $38.8 Billion In fiscAl yEar 1999 (Up neARlY 21% oVer 1998) \n\temPLoyEEs: 153,000 (23% OutSIde Of US)\n\tNYSE: lU \n\tstOck PrIce: $22 7/8\n\t52-wEEK tRadiNg RAnge: 84 3/16 (High); 28 1/14 (lOw)\n\tCEO: Richard A mcGInn\n\tHEAdqUarteRs: MurRay HIlL, NJ\n\tWeBsite: wWw.lucEnT.com \n\t\n\tCorporate PrOfilE\n\tLucent's mIssIoN is To ProviDE custoMerS wiTh the woRld's besT And MoST \nINnOvative communicatiOnS SYsTems, prodUcts, teCHnOlOGies and cUsTomEr \nsuPPOrt. ThEy haVE oFfices or DistriBUtOrS in more ThAn 90 counTrIes And \nTerriTOrieS; Bell LAbs facilIties ARe located in 25 couNTries around thE \nWoRLD. \n\t\n\tAS The lEadEr in broadbaNd neTWorkIng, LUCeNt iS BuildIng a nEw GEnERation of \nnetworks thaT wIll intEgratE wired and wireLess voice, dATA And video \nTrafFIc. tHe result will be A new gEneration oF Growth opPortuNities foR \nLucent\u000f-in SYStems, sofTwaRe, sIliCon AND sErvices. Lucent COMpetEs In a \nrobuSt gLobal maRkeT thAt iS grOwIng more thAn 14% annualLy. thEiR gRowTh is \npROpelled bY cUstOmEr dEmand FOr next-GenerAtioN cOnVErgEd netwoRKs THAt \ndeLiVeR new SerViCes in Any fORm. CHeck out New develoPmeNTs at luCeNt. \n\t\n\tCorpoRate Kudos\n\t\n\t#10 on FoRtUne's 1999 list of moSt ADmired cOMpanies \n\t#10 oN Business Week's annual PerFOrmance ranKing oF the 500 Companies In tHe \nS\u0002?500-stoCk iNDex.\n\tRecEived 1,153 U.s. pateNtS in", "whitespace_perturbation": " manage online operationsis growing so f ast th at \nso on w e will have ei t heryoung people who knowlittl ea bout bu sines s runni n gm ult im il lio nd ol lar e nte rprises , or older bu si ness executi v es running o nli ne \nactiviti eswho ar eclu e lessabo ut th e onli n e worl d,\" Gantz s a ys. \n\tThe d e f ic ienc y will be most ap p ar e nt in brick-an d-mort ar co m p ani estrying to\np ush t h eir bus i ne s s e s o n line, Gantz s ays, sincet hes e comp an ies typica lly do n 'thave proces sesin placeto tra i n, recr u it or r etainInt ern et w o rk er s.\t\n\t\t[ FOR T UNE 500 FOC US :Lucen t Te c h n o logi es] Fort une 5 00 Rank: 19\nCas h fl o w:$ 5.4 4 bil lion \n\tRev enue: $38. 8billion in fisc al y ear 1999(up n ear ly 21%o ver 19 98) \tEmploy ees: 15 3 ,00 0( 2 3 %outside of US)\n\tNY SE : LU \n\tStock Price : $2 2 7/8\n\t52 -w eek Tra d i ng Ra nge: 8 4 3/16 ( high); 28 1 /14 (lo w) \n\tCEO: Ric har d A M c Ginn \n\tHead quarters : Mur r ay Hill, NJ\n\tW e bsite: www.l u ce n t .c o m \t\nCorporate P rofi l e\n\tL ucen t 's mi s sionis to p r ov i de customers with t he world 's be st and most innovative c o mmunicat ions sy s tems, products , tec hnologiesa nd custo mer support. They hav e officesordis tri but o r sin more than9 0 cou nt ries an d territo rie s;Bel l L ab s facilit ies arelo ca te din25 co u ntries a ro und t he\nworl d . \n\t\nAs th e le ad er inbroadba n dn e twor ki ng , Lu cen tis bu ildi n g a new ge nerationofnetw or ks that w ill integrate w ired and w ir ele ss voi c e , data a nd video \ntraffic. Ther esult w ill be a new generati onof gro wth opport unitie s for Luc e n t\u000f-in s ys tem s, software, s ili con a nd ser vices.Lucent competes in a robust global ma rket t ha t i s g r owi ng mor e than 14% annual ly. Theirgr o wt h is \nprop e lle dby cust omer de mandf or next -generati on conver ge d ne t w ork s that \nde liver ne w service s in a n yform. C heck o ut ne w dev elopme n tsat Lu cent. \t\n\tCor porat eKudos\n\t\t#10 on Fortune's 1999list o f Mos t A dmired Co mpa n ies \n\t#10 o n Bu siness Wee k's an nualPer f orman ce R a nk ing of th e 50 0 companie s i n t h e S\u0002?500-stoc k i nde x.\n\tR ece i ved 1, 153U.S. patents in", "underscore_trick": " manage_online operations_is growing so fast_that \nsoon_we_will have_either_young people who_know little about_business running \nmultimillion dollar_enterprises, or older_business_executives running online \nactivities who are clueless about the online world,\" Gantz says. _\n\t\n\tThe_deficiency will_be_most_apparent in brick-and-mortar companies trying_to \npush their businesses online,_Gantz says,_since these companies typically \ndon't have processes in_place_to train, recruit_or retain Internet workers.\n\t\n\t\n\t \n\t[FORTUNE 500 FOCUS: Lucent Technologies]Fortune_500 Rank: 19\n\tCash flow: $ 5.44_billion \n\tRevenue:__$38.8_billion in fiscal year_1999 (up nearly 21% over 1998)_ \n\tEmployees: 153,000 (23% outside of_US)\n\tNYSE: LU \n\tStock Price: $22 7/8\n\t52-week_Trading Range: 84 3/16 (high);_28 1/14 (low)\n\tCEO: Richard_A McGinn\n\tHeadquarters:_Murray Hill, NJ\n\tWebsite: www.lucent.com_ \n\t\n\tCorporate Profile\n\tLucent's_mission is_to provide customers_with the world's best and most_\ninnovative communications systems,_products, technologies and customer \nsupport. They_have_offices or distributors_in_more_than 90_countries and \nterritories;_Bell_Labs facilities_are_located in 25 countries around the_\nworld._\n\t\n\tAs the leader in broadband networking, Lucent_is building a new_generation_of \nnetworks that will_integrate wired and wireless voice,_data and video \ntraffic. The result_will be_a new_generation of growth opportunities for \nLucent\u000f-in systems, software, silicon and services._Lucent competes in a \nrobust global_market that is growing_more than_14%_annually. Their growth_is_\npropelled by_customer demand for next-generation converged networks that_\ndeliver new_services in any form. Check_out new developments at_Lucent._ \n\t\n\tCorporate Kudos\n\t\n\t#10 on Fortune's 1999_list of Most Admired Companies _\n\t#10 on Business Week's annual_Performance_Ranking_of the 500 companies in_the \nS\u0002?500-stock index.\n\tReceived 1,153 U.S. patents_in"} {"text": " Grand Prairie.\nAn anonymous subscriber took out new subscriptions for Houston Sharpstown and\nHouston Westfield and renewed the subscription for Austin Crockett.\nI offer a school gift subscription for $35 for 24 issues (omitting the June\nand July issues when schools are closed for the summer).\nIf you want to subscribe for a school, fill out the coupon below and send $35\ninstead of $45 for each school you want to sponsor.\nIf you don't have a school in mind, I'll be happy to pick one for you. There\nare several schools in all areas of Texas where the libraries need a Longhorn\nnewsletter.\n\nA True Orange Subscription\nIs The Gift You Can Get Every\nYear for Your Longhorn Friends\nA subscription to True Orange is the perfect gift for any occasion for a\nLonghorn who has everything else. It's only $45 ($35 by e-mail) and I'll\nsend an attractive card announcing your thoughtful gift.\nThe only thing better is a gift of True Orange and the True Orange Fax \u0001)\nand you can give both for just $130 a year ($99 if they can take both by\ne-mail).\n\no I am enclosing $45 for a gift subscription ($35 e-mail)\no I am enclosing $130 for a gift subscription to the newsletter and the fax\n($99 e-mail)\n\nName of Recipient\n\nAddress (& fax no., if applicable)\n\nCity, State, Zip\n\nYour Name\n\nAny Message You Want on Card\n\n\nNext Issue September 11\n\nThe next issue will be e-mailed on September 11 and will report on the Sept.\n9 season opener against Louisiana-Lafayette and preview the big game at\ndefending Pac 10 champ Stanford.\nIt will also have lots of football recruiting news, coach Mack Brown's\ncomments on the opener and on the trip to Palo Alto, and reports on other UT\nathletic teams.\n\nTell Your Friends About True Orange\n\nIf you like True Orange, be sure and tell your Longhorn friends about it. I\ncan always use more subscribers. The more subscribers I have, the more\nresources I have to call recruits and coaches and do all the other things\nthat give you an inside view of Longhorn sports.\n\nI want to subscribe. I am enclosing $45 for", "synonym_substitution": "Grand Prairie. \n An anonymous subscriber took out new subscriptions for Houston Sharpstown and \n Houston Westfield and renewed the subscription for Austin Crockett. \n I extend a school endowment subscription for $ 35 for 24 issues (omitting the June \n and July issues when school are closed for the summer). \n If you want to pledge for a school, satiate out the coupon below and mail $ 35 \n instead of $ 45 for each school you want to patronize. \n If you don't have a school in mind, I'll be happy to pick one for you. There \n are respective schools in all areas of Texas where the library need a Longhorn \n newsletter. \n\n A True Orange Subscription \n Is The Gift You Can Get Every \n Year for Your Longhorn friend \n A subscription to True Orange is the perfect gift for any occasion for a \n Longhorn who receive everything else. It's only $ 45 ($ 35 by e - mail) and I'll \n mail an attractive card announcing your thoughtful gift. \n The only matter better is a gift of True Orange and the True Orange Fax \u0001) \n and you can give both for just $ 130 a year ($ 99 if they can drive both by \n e - mail). \n\n o I am enclosing $ 45 for a gift subscription ($ 35 e - mail) \n o I am enclosing $ 130 for a gift subscription to the newsletter and the fax \n ($ 99 vitamin e - mail) \n\n Name of Recipient \n\n Address (& fax no. , if applicable) \n\n City, State, Zip \n\n Your Name \n\n Any Message You Want on Card \n\n\n Next Issue September 11 \n\n The future issue will be e - mailed on September 11 and will report on the Sept. \n 9 season opener against Louisiana - Lafayette and preview the boastful game at \n defending Pac 10 champ Stanford. \n It will also accept lots of football recruiting news, coach Mack Brown's \n comments on the opener and on the trip to Palo Alto, and composition on other UT \n athletic teams. \n\n Tell Your Friends About True Orange \n\n If you wish True Orange, be sure and distinguish your Longhorn friend about it. I \n can always use more subscribers. The more subscribers I have, the more \n resources I have to visit recruits and coaches and do all the other thing \n that give you an inside opinion of Longhorn sports. \n\n I desire to subscribe. I am enclosing $ 45 for", "butter_fingers": " Grwnd Prairie.\nAn anonymous rubscriber took out nex subscdiptions for Houston Sharpstown and\nHluwton Qestfield and renewed ghe subscgiption fir Anstin Crockett.\nI offer a school nift vnbscription for $35 for 24 issges (omitting tve Jbne\nand July issues when schools are slosed gog the summer).\nIf you rant no subscribe for a school, fill kut the coupon below and send $35\ninstead of $45 for fach school you want tl sponsor.\nIf you eon't have a rchool in mind, I'll be gappy to pick one for you. There\nxre szveral schoilw ij all areas if Teqas where the librarias need a Longhorn\nnewxlevter.\n\nQ True Orange Subscri'tion\nIs The Gift You Can Get Avzry\nYear for Your Longyoen Frhendv\nA sjvscfipuioi tk True Orenge is the perfect gidt for any occasion fjg a\nLonghorn wgo has ederything else. It's only $45 ($35 by e-mail) and I'lm\nsend an attractive caed announcing your thlughtful dift.\nThe only thing better is a gift of True Oratge aid tht Bvue Ueajge Fax \u0001)\nand you can give both for just $130 a yewd ($99 in they can take noth by\ne-mail).\n\no I ak fnvjosing $45 for a gift subacription ($35 e-mail)\no I am egclosung $130 for w gigt subscription to the newsoetter and tke dax\n($99 e-mail)\n\nName of Rzcipient\n\nAddrzss (& fsx no., if applicable)\n\nCity, Statz, Zip\n\nYkur Name\n\nAny Message Guu Want on Card\n\n\nNdxt Ivsue Sepudmber 11\n\nThe next isfue will ue e-mciled on Sepjember 11 and will geporb on the Sept.\n9 seasoj opeuer acainst Loulsiana-Lafayette and preview the big game at\ndegetditg Pac 10 ehamp Xtanford.\nIt wijl also have lpts of yootbaul recruitpng news, roach Mack Bwown's\ncomments ln the openec and on ehe rrip to Palu Alto, and repotts on otktr UT\nathleric teams.\n\nTell Your Frksnds About True Orqnge\n\nIf you like Trje Jrwnje, be vure and teln yojr Upnghofn friends cbuut ot. I\ncan always use mmre aubscribers. The mote subscrivers I hwve, the more\nrrsources I have to call rerruits anq coaches and do all the other things\nthwt nive you an igsidc vigw of Longhprn sports.\n\nI want to subscribe. I am enclising $45 for", "random_deletion": "Grand Prairie. An anonymous subscriber took out for Sharpstown and Westfield and renewed I a school gift for $35 for issues (omitting the June and July when schools are closed for the summer). If you want to subscribe for school, fill out the coupon below and send $35 instead of $45 for school want sponsor. you don't have a school in mind, I'll be happy to pick one for you. There several schools in all areas of Texas where libraries need a Longhorn A True Orange Subscription Is Gift Can Get Year Your Friends A subscription True Orange is the perfect gift for any occasion for a Longhorn who has everything else. It's $45 ($35 and I'll an card your thoughtful gift. thing better is a gift of the True Orange Fax \u0001) and you can both for $130 a year ($99 if they take both by e-mail). o I am enclosing for a gift subscription ($35 e-mail) o I am enclosing $130 for a gift subscription newsletter and the fax e-mail) Name of Address fax if City, State, Your Name Any Message You Want on Card Next Issue September The next issue will be e-mailed on September 11 and on Sept. 9 season against Louisiana-Lafayette and preview big at defending Pac 10 It also football news, Mack Brown's comments on opener and on the trip Palo Alto, and reports Tell Your Friends About True Orange If you True Orange, be sure and tell your friends about it. I can always use more subscribers. The more subscribers have, the I have to call recruits and coaches and all the other things give you an inside view of Longhorn sports. I to I am $45 for", "change_char_case": " Grand Prairie.\nAn anonymous suBscriber toOk out New SubScRiptIons For Houston SharPStowN and\nHouston Westfield anD reneWeD The sUBsCriptIon for AUStIN croCkEtT.\nI oFfER a SchooL giFt subscRiption for $35 For 24 IsSues (omitting THe june\nand JulY isSues when schoOls Are cloSeD foR The suMmeR).\nIf yoU want tO SubscrIbe for a scHoOL, fill oUT the couPON bElow And send $35\ninstead of $45 fOR eACh school you wanT to spoNsOR.\nIF YOu dOn't Have a schooL iN mind, i'Ll be hapPY tO PICk oNE for you. There\naRe several scHOolS in all ArEas OF Texas Where ThE LibRaries need a longHorn\nnewslEtter.\n\nA tRue OranGE SubscrIption\nis THe GIft YOU CAn get evERy\nYEAr For yOur longhorn frIeNds\nA sUbscRIPTIon tO TrUe OrAnge iS the perfect giFt fOr anY OccAsion For a\nLOnghOrN who hAs everYthinG eLse. It's only $45 ($35 by e-maIl) anD I'll\nsend aN atTrActIvE card ANnouncIng YouR thoughTful gifT.\nthe OnLY THiNg better is a gift of TRuE oRaNge and thE True ORAnGe fAx \u0001)\nand you CaN giVe boTH For juSt $130 a yEAr ($99 If they caN take bOTh By\nE-mail).\n\no I Am EnclosInG $45 foR a gIft suBScriPtion ($35 e-Mail)\no I am EncloSIng $130 for a gift subSCription to the NEwSLEtTEr anD thE fax\n($99 e-mail)\n\nNaMe of rEcipIent\n\naDdResS (& Fax no., If appLiCAbLE)\n\nCity, State, Zip\n\nYour NaMe\n\nany MesSage YOu Want on Card\n\n\nNExt Issue SePTEMber 11\n\nThe nExt iSSuE Will be e-mailed oN SeptEmber 11 and wiLL report oN the SEpt.\n9 seasoN opener agAINst LouisIanA-LaFayEttE ANd Preview the big GAMe at\nDeFending pac 10 Champ StAnfOrd.\nit wIll AlSo have lotS of footbAlL rEcRuItiNg newS, Coach MacK BRowN's\nComMents ON the opEner aNd on ThE tRIp tO Palo AlTO, aND RepoRtS oN othEr Ut\naThletIc teAMs.\n\nTEll Your friends AbOut tRue ORaNgE\n\nIf you lIke True Orange, Be Sure and telL yOur longhoRN Friends aBout it. I\ncan always use more SUbscribErs. the moRe suBscribers i haVe, the mOre\nREsourcEs I havE to caLl RecRUIts anD COaCheS aNd do all the OTHer ThingS\ntHat gIve you aN inside view of LonghORn sPorts.\n\nI want to sUbsCribE. i Am EncLOsINg $45 fOr", "whitespace_perturbation": " Grand Prairie.\nAn anonymo us subscri ber t ook ou tnewsubs criptions forH oust on Sharpstown and\nHous ton W es t fiel d a nd re newed t h es u bsc ri pt ion f o rAusti n C rockett .\nI offera s ch ool gift sub s cr iption for $3 5 for 24 iss ues (omit ti ngt he Ju neand J uly is s ues wh en school sa re clo s ed fort h esumm er).\nIf you wantt os ubscribe for a schoo l, fi l l ou t t he couponbe low a n d send$ 35 i n ste a d of $45 foreach school you wantto sp o nsor.If yo ud on' t have a sc hool in mind, I'llb e happy to pick one f oryou . Th e re \na rese v era l s cho o lsin all a re as of T exas w h e re t helibr aries need a Longh orn \nnew s let ter.\nA Tr ue O ra nge S ubscri ption \nI s The Gift YouCanGet Every \nYe ar fo rYourL onghor n F rie nds\nA s ubscrip t ion t o T ru e Orange is the pe rf e c tgift for any o c ca si o n for aLo ngh ornw h o has eve r yt hing els e. It' s o nl y $45 ($ 35 bye- mai l)and I ' ll\ns end a n attrac tivec ard announcing your thoughtf u lg i ft . \nThe on ly thing be tter is a gi f tofTrueOrang ea nd the True Orange Fax \u0001)\nand youcan give both for just$ 1 3 0 a year ($9 9 i f they can take both by\ne-mail ) .\n\no Iam en closing$45 for a g ift subs cri pti on($3 5 e- mail)\no I am e nclo si ng $130 fo r a gif t s ubs cri pti on to the n ewslette ran dth e f ax\n($ 9 9 e-mail )\nNa me of Reci p ient\nAddre ss ( &fa x no ., if a p pl i c able )\nC ity, St at e, Zi p\n\nY o urName\n\nA ny Messag e Y o u Wa nt o n Card\n\nNext IssueSe ptember 11 \nThe nexti s sue will be e-mailed on Septemb e r 11 an d w ill r epor t on theSep t.\n9 s eas o n open er aga instLo uis i a na-La f a ye tte a nd preview t hebig g am e at \ndefend ing Pac 10 champ S t anf ord.\nIt willals o ha v e l ots of foo tb a llr e cruiting news,coach Mack B r ow n's\ncommen t s o nthe ope ner and on t h e tripto Palo A lto, andre port s onother UT\na thleticteams.\n\nT e ll Yo u rFrien dsAboutTr ueOrang e\n\nIfy oulikeTrue O ra nge, b e sur eand tell your Longhorn friendsaboutit. I \nca n alwaysuse mor e subscri bers . The more su bsc riber s I have, the mo rer esour cesI have toc al l r e c ru its and coa c h e s a nd do al l the o ther things\nthat give you an insideview o f L ong h ornsp orts.\n\nI wanttosu b s cribe. I a m enclosing $45 for ", "underscore_trick": " Grand_Prairie.\nAn anonymous_subscriber took out new_subscriptions for_Houston_Sharpstown and\nHouston_Westfield_and renewed the_subscription for Austin_Crockett.\nI offer a school_gift subscription for_$35_for 24 issues (omitting the June\nand July issues when schools are closed for the_summer).\nIf_you want_to_subscribe_for a school, fill out_the coupon below and send_$35\ninstead of_$45 for each school you want to sponsor.\nIf_you_don't have a_school in mind, I'll be happy to pick one_for you. There\nare several schools in_all areas of_Texas_where_the libraries need a_Longhorn\nnewsletter.\n\nA True Orange Subscription\nIs The Gift_You Can Get Every\nYear for Your_Longhorn Friends\nA subscription to True Orange is_the perfect gift for any occasion_for a\nLonghorn who has everything_else. It's_only $45 ($35 by_e-mail) and I'll\nsend_ an_attractive card announcing_your thoughtful gift.\nThe only thing better_is a_gift of True Orange and_the_True Orange Fax__\u0001)\nand_you can_give both for_just_$130 a_year_($99 if they can take both_by\ne-mail).\n\no_ I am enclosing $45 for a_gift subscription ($35 e-mail)\no__I am enclosing $130_for a gift subscription to_the newsletter and the fax\n($99 e-mail)\n\nName_of Recipient\n\nAddress_(& fax_no., if applicable)\n\nCity, State, Zip\n\nYour Name\n\nAny Message You Want on Card\n\n\nNext_Issue September 11\n\nThe next issue will_be e-mailed on September_11 and_will_report on the_Sept.\n9_season opener_against Louisiana-Lafayette and preview the big game_at\ndefending Pac_10 champ Stanford.\nIt will also have_lots of football recruiting_news,_coach Mack Brown's\ncomments on the opener_and on the trip to Palo_Alto, and reports on other_UT\nathletic_teams.\n\nTell_Your Friends About True Orange\n\nIf_you like True Orange, be sure_and tell your_Longhorn friends about it. I\ncan always use_more_subscribers. The more subscribers I have,_the_more\nresources I have to call recruits_and_coaches_and do all the other_things\nthat give you an inside view_of Longhorn sports.\n\nI want to subscribe. I am enclosing_$45 for"} {"text": "&E have stopped paying most bills, including money owed to \nproducers of alternative energy. Creditors are becoming increasingly \nirritated at the failure of the utilities and Gov. Gray Davis to reach a \nsettlement that will allow the utilities to pay their bills.\n?????One such producer, Coram Energy Group, a small windmill farm in \nTehachapi, said it will sign a petition that could force Edison into \ninvoluntary bankruptcy proceedings. At least two other creditors must sign \nthe petition before Edison can be forced into Bankruptcy Court.\n?????In another potential precursor to bankruptcy, an alternative energy \nproducer called Caithness Energy won a lien Wednesday in federal court in \nNevada against Edison's stake in the Mohave power plant near Laughlin, Nev.\n?????The turmoil sent investors fleeing Friday. The stock of PG&E Corp. \ndropped $1.50, or 11.6%, to $11.42, while Edison International tumbled $1.35, \nor 9.9%, to $12.24. Both trade on the New York Stock Exchange.\n?????If an involuntary petition were filed, Edison believes it could persuade \na bankruptcy judge during the mandated 20-day waiting period not to accept \nthe case, said Edison lawyer Barbara Matthews.\n?????\"We believe we have solid ground to oppose, not the least of which is \nthe Bankruptcy Court doesn't need to intervene\" because solutions are being \npursued in the Legislature and in the governor's office, Matthews said.\n?????PG&E executives said that the San Francisco company has no utility \nassets outside of California that creditors can seek to attach and is aware \nof no petitions circulating among creditors to put PG&E into involuntary \nbankruptcy.\n?????California law forbids placing a lien against utility assets without a \nprior approval by state regulators.\n?????In fact, bankruptcy talk has reinvigorated negotiations with advisors to \nDavis to sell the PG&E transmission grid to the state as part of a broader \nsettlement, said Peter Darbee, PG&E Corp. chief financial officer.\n?????Edison reached a tentative agreement three weeks ago to sell its \ntransmission lines, but has yet to reach a final deal.\n?????\"We think there's reason to be cautiously optimistic,\" Darbee said", "synonym_substitution": "& E have stopped paying most bills, including money owe to \n producer of alternative energy. Creditors are become increasingly \n irritated at the failure of the utility and Gov. Gray Davis to pass a \n settlement that will allow the utilities to pay their bill. \n? ?? ?? One such producer, Coram Energy Group, a small windmill farm in \n Tehachapi, said it will sign a petition that could force Edison into \n involuntary bankruptcy proceeding. At least two other creditors must sign \n the prayer before Edison can be forced into Bankruptcy Court. \n? ?? ?? In another potential precursor to bankruptcy, an alternative department of energy \n producer shout Caithness Energy won a lien Wednesday in federal motor hotel in \n Nevada against Edison's stake in the Mohave power plant near Laughlin, Nev. \n? ?? ?? The turmoil sent investors fleeing Friday. The neckcloth of PG&E Corp. \n dropped $ 1.50, or 11.6% , to $ 11.42, while Edison International tumbled $ 1.35, \n or 9.9% , to $ 12.24. Both trade on the New York Stock Exchange. \n? ?? ?? If an involuntary petition were filed, Edison believes it could persuade \n a bankruptcy judge during the mandated 20 - day waiting time period not to accept \n the case, say Edison lawyer Barbara Matthews. \n? ?? ?? \" We think we receive solid ground to react, not the least of which is \n the Bankruptcy Court doesn't need to intervene \" because solutions are being \n pursued in the Legislature and in the governor's office, Matthews say. \n? ?? ?? PG&E executives said that the San Francisco company has no utility \n assets outside of California that creditor can seek to attach and is aware \n of no petitions circulating among creditors to put PG&E into involuntary \n bankruptcy. \n? ?? ?? California jurisprudence forbids placing a lien against utility assets without a \n prior blessing by state regulators. \n? ?? ?? In fact, bankruptcy talk has reinvigorated negotiations with advisors to \n Davis to sell the PG&E transmission grid to the country as part of a broader \n colony, said Peter Darbee, PG&E Corp. chief fiscal officer. \n? ?? ?? Edison reached a tentative agreement three weeks ago to betray its \n transmission lines, but has yet to reach a concluding deal. \n? ?? ?? \" We think there's reason to be conservatively optimistic, \" Darbee said", "butter_fingers": "&E hwve stopped paying most nills, including money oxed to \nlroducerr of alternative energy. Credmtorw are becoming increasingly \nirritatef at the faioyre of the utiliticf ans Gov. Jray Davis to rgach a \nsettlament that wiln xlpow the utilities to pay their billf.\n?????One suvh producer, Corai Entrgr Grklp, a small windmill farm in \nTehzchapi, vaid it will xign a petition that could forfe Edison into \ninvlluntary babkru[rcy proceedivgs. At least two other creditors must sign \nthe petitiun beyore Edison cqn hg forced inti Banhruptcy Courb.\n?????Pn anotver potrntial precurspr vo bqnkruptcy, an alternatmve energy \nproducer salled Cahtkness Energy won a liwn Wedngsday in wwdefal cpudt in \nJeveda against Edison's stqke in the Mohave ppwqg plant near Maughlyn, Nev.\n?????The turmoil sent investors fleeing Xrisay. The stock of PG&E Coep. \ndropped $1.50, or 11.6%, to $11.42, wjile Edisjn International tumbled $1.35, \nor 9.9%, to $12.24. Both trade on tve Nex Horj Fgicn Exchange.\n?????If an involuntary petition were filqs, Tdixon believes ib could persuade \na bwnltuptcy judge doring tks jandated 20-day waitijg perijd nor to accekt \nthr case, said Edison lawyer Bqrbara Matthvws.\n?????\"Ww believe we have dolid grounb to okpose, mot the least of which ns \nthe Bankruptcy Court dosrn't need to intefveke\" tecause solutions are beind \npursued in che Legirlatore and in the gogernov'v office, Matthews daid.\n?????PY&E exacutives swid that the San Francisco compeiy has no utikidy \ndssets obtside of Californiw that creditots can sezk to xttach and is awace \nof no petytions circuldjing among crxditors tj pur PG&W into kvvoluntary \nbanlruptcy.\n?????California lqw forbids placing a ujen against utioiti assets withouy a \npryog a'provwn by state ragulxtofx.\n?????In fxct, bankrupbcy tall has reinvigorated tegofiations with advixovs to \nDavus to sejl the PG&E trsnsmission grid to the vtave as larj of a broader \nsettlement, said Leter Darhee, PG&E Corp. chyef ninagcial offieer.\n?????Edison reached a tentative agreement vhree weeks ago to sell its \ntransmission lnnts, but has yev to rqach a fital deal.\n?????\"We think theee's reason to be gautiously optimistic,\" Sarbee said", "random_deletion": "&E have stopped paying most bills, including to of alternative Creditors are becoming of utilities and Gov. Davis to reach settlement that will allow the utilities pay their bills. ?????One such producer, Coram Energy Group, a small windmill farm Tehachapi, said it will sign a petition that could force Edison into involuntary proceedings. least other must sign the petition before Edison can be forced into Bankruptcy Court. ?????In another potential precursor bankruptcy, an alternative energy producer called Caithness Energy a lien Wednesday in court in Nevada against Edison's in Mohave power near Nev. turmoil sent investors Friday. The stock of PG&E Corp. dropped $1.50, or 11.6%, to $11.42, while Edison International tumbled $1.35, 9.9%, to trade on New Stock ?????If an involuntary filed, Edison believes it could persuade during the mandated 20-day waiting period not to the case, Edison lawyer Barbara Matthews. ?????\"We believe have solid ground to oppose, not the least which is the Bankruptcy Court doesn't need to intervene\" because solutions are being pursued in and in the governor's Matthews said. ?????PG&E said the Francisco has no assets outside of California that creditors can seek to attach and aware of no petitions circulating among creditors to put PG&E bankruptcy. law forbids placing lien against utility assets a approval by state regulators. bankruptcy has advisors Davis sell the PG&E transmission to the state as part a broader settlement, said financial officer. ?????Edison reached a tentative agreement three ago to sell its transmission lines, but yet to reach a final deal. ?????\"We think there's reason to be optimistic,\" Darbee", "change_char_case": "&E have stopped paying most bilLs, includinG moneY owEd tO \npRoduCers Of alternative eNErgy. creditors are becoming inCreasInGLy \nirRItAted aT the faiLUrE OF thE uTiLitIeS AnD Gov. GRay davis to Reach a \nsettLemEnT that will allOW tHe utilitieS to Pay their billS.\n?????OnE such pRoDucER, CoraM EnErgy GRoup, a sMAll winDmill farm In \ntEhachaPI, said it WILl Sign A petition that coulD FoRCe Edison into \ninVoluntArY BaNKRupTcy ProceedingS. AT leasT Two otheR CrEDITorS Must sign \nthe peTition beforE ediSon can Be ForCEd into bankrUpTCy COurt.\n?????In anothEr poTential prEcursoR To bankrUPtcy, an aLternaTivE enErgy \nPRoDuCer CaLLed cAiThnESs ENergy won A lIeN WednEsdaY IN FEderAl cOurt In \nNevAda against EdiSon'S staKE in The MoHave pOwer PlAnt neAr LaugHlin, NEv.\n?????the turmoil sent iNvesTors fleeiNg FRiDay. thE stocK Of PG&E COrp. \nDroPped $1.50, or 11.6%, tO $11.42, while EDIsoN INTERnAtional tumbled $1.35, \nor 9.9%, to $12.24. boTH TrAde on the new YorK stOcK exchange.\n?????if An iNvolUNTary pEtitIOn Were fileD, EdisoN BeLiEves it cOuLd persUaDe \na BanKruptCY judGe duriNg the manDated 20-DAy waiting perioD Not to accept \nthE CaSE, SaID EdiSon Lawyer BarbaRa MaTThewS.\n?????\"We bELiEve WE have Solid GrOUnD To oppose, not the least Of Which iS \nthe BAnkruptcy CourT doesn't neeD TO IntervenE\" becAUsE Solutions are beIng \npuRsued in the lEgislatuRe and In the govErnor's offICE, MatthewS saId.\n?????Pg&E eXecUTIvEs said that the sAN FraNcIsco comPanY has no uTilIty \nAssEts OuTside of CaLifornia ThAt CrEdItoRs can SEek to attAcH anD iS awAre \nof NO petitIons cIrcuLaTiNG amOng credIToRS To puT Pg&E Into InvOlUntarY \nbanKRupTcy.\n?????CaliFornia law ForBIds pLaCiNg a lien Against utilitY aSsets withoUt A \nprIor appROVal by staTe regulators.\n?????In fact, bankrUPtcy talK haS reinVigoRated negoTiaTions wIth ADvisorS to \nDavIs to sElL thE pg&E traNSMiSsiOn Grid to the sTATe aS part Of A broAder \nsetTlement, said Peter DaRBee, pG&E Corp. chief fInaNciaL OFfIceR.\n?????edISon ReACheD A Tentative agreemEnt three weEkS AgO to sell its \nTRanSmIssion lInes, but Has yeT To reach A final deaL.\n?????\"We think tHeRe's rEASon To be cautioUsly optiMistic,\" DarBEe saiD", "whitespace_perturbation": "&E have stopped paying mos t bills, i nclud ing mo ne y ow ed t o \nproducers o f alt ernative energy. Credi torsar e bec o mi ng in creasin g ly irr it at edat th e fai lur e of th e utilitie s a nd Gov. Gray D a vi s to reach a\nsettlementtha t will a llo w theuti litie s to p a y thei r bills.?? ? ??Ones uch pro d u ce r, C oram Energy Group , a small windmill farmin \nT e h ach api , said itwi ll si g n a pet i ti o n tha t could forceEdison into \nin volunt ar y b a nkrupt cy pr oc e edi ngs. At lea st t wo othercredit o rs must sign \nt he pet iti onbefo r eEd iso nc anb efor c edinto Ban kr up tcy C ourt . ? ? ???I n a noth er po tential precu rso r to ban krupt cy, a n al te rnati ve ene rgy pr oducer called C aith ness Ener gywo n a l ien W e dnesda y i n f ederalcourt i n \nN ev a d a a gainst Edison's st ak e in the Moh ave po w er p l ant near L aug hlin , Nev.???? ? Th e turmoi l sent in ve stors f le eing F ri day . T he st o ck o f PG&E Corp. dropp e d $1.50, or 11 . 6%, to $11.42 , w h i le Edis onInternation al t u mble d $1 . 35 , o r 9.9 %, to $ 1 2. 2 4. Both trade on th eNew Yo rk St ock Exchange. \n?????If a n i nvolunta ry p e ti t ion were filed , Edi son believ e s it cou ld pe rsuade a bankrup t c y judgedur ing th e m a n da ted 20-day wa i t ingpe riod no t t o accep t the ca se, s aid Ediso n lawyer B ar ba ra Ma tthew s .\n?????\" We be li eve we h a ve sol id gr ound t oo ppo se, not th e leas tof whi chis \nthe Ban k rup tcy Cou rt doesn' t n e ed t oin tervene \" because sol ut ions are b ei ng\npursu e d in theLegislature and in theg overnor 'soffic e, M atthews s aid .\n???? ?PG & E exec utives said t hat t he Sa n Fr anc is co company h asno ut il ity\nassets outside of Califo r nia that credito rscans e ek to at t ach a n d i s aware \nof no pe titions ci rc u la ting among cre di tors to put PG &E in t o invol untary \nb ankruptcy .???? ? C ali fornia law forbids placinga lien ag ainst ut ilityas set s wit hout a \npr ior a pprova lby sta te re gu lators.?????In fact, bankruptc y talk hasrei nvigorate d n e got iations w ithadvisors t o Dav is to se l l the PG& E t ran s missi on g r id to the st ate a spart of a b r o a der \nset tle m ent, s aidPeter Darbee, PG& E Corp. chief f inan c i aloff i cer. \n? ????Edison rea che da tentativ eagreement t hree wee ks ago t o sell its transmi s s io n lines , bu t h as yet to re ac h a fina lde a l.\n??? ??\"W ethinkthere' s rea s o n to be cautious ly op t i misti c ,\"Darbe esaid", "underscore_trick": "&E have_stopped paying_most bills, including money_owed to_\nproducers_of alternative_energy._Creditors are becoming_increasingly \nirritated at_the failure of the_utilities and Gov._Gray_Davis to reach a \nsettlement that will allow the utilities to pay their bills.\n?????One_such_producer, Coram_Energy_Group,_a small windmill farm in_\nTehachapi, said it will sign_a petition_that could force Edison into \ninvoluntary bankruptcy proceedings._At_least two other_creditors must sign \nthe petition before Edison can be_forced into Bankruptcy Court.\n?????In another potential_precursor to bankruptcy,_an_alternative_energy \nproducer called Caithness_Energy won a lien Wednesday in_federal court in \nNevada against Edison's_stake in the Mohave power plant near_Laughlin, Nev.\n?????The turmoil sent investors fleeing_Friday. The stock of PG&E_Corp. \ndropped_$1.50, or 11.6%, to $11.42,_while Edison International_tumbled $1.35,_\nor 9.9%, to_$12.24. Both trade on the New_York Stock Exchange.\n?????If_an involuntary petition were filed, Edison_believes_it could persuade_\na_bankruptcy_judge during_the mandated 20-day_waiting_period not_to_accept \nthe case, said Edison lawyer_Barbara_Matthews.\n?????\"We believe we have solid ground to_oppose, not the least_of_which is \nthe Bankruptcy_Court doesn't need to intervene\"_because solutions are being \npursued in_the Legislature_and in_the governor's office, Matthews said.\n?????PG&E executives said that the San Francisco_company has no utility \nassets outside_of California that creditors_can seek_to_attach and is_aware_\nof no_petitions circulating among creditors to put PG&E_into involuntary_\nbankruptcy.\n?????California law forbids placing a lien_against utility assets without_a_\nprior approval by state regulators.\n?????In fact,_bankruptcy talk has reinvigorated negotiations with_advisors to \nDavis to sell_the_PG&E_transmission grid to the state_as part of a broader \nsettlement,_said Peter Darbee,_PG&E Corp. chief financial officer.\n?????Edison reached a_tentative_agreement three weeks ago to sell_its_\ntransmission lines, but has yet to_reach_a_final deal.\n?????\"We think there's reason_to be cautiously optimistic,\" Darbee said"} {"text": "tr>\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \n \t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)Belize City, Belize (BZE)$285
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)Caracas, Venezuela (CCS)$379
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)Leon, Mexico (BJX)$229
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) < /td >? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)
Daluas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)Belize Cmty, Belize (BZE)$285
Dallas/Ft. Woruh, EX (SFW)Caracas, Venezuela (CCS)
Dallas/Ft. Wovnh, TX (GFW)?\t\t\t\t\tLeon, Mexico (FJX)
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)Caracas, Venezuela (CCS)$379
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)$229
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)
dallAs/Ft. worth, TX (DFW)BelIze City, bElIZE (BZe)$285
DAllAs/Ft. WOrth, TX (dfW)Caracas, vEnEZuela (CCS)$379
Dallas/Ft. WOrth, tX (DFW)LeOn, mExiCO (BjX)$229
DaLlAs/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)
Belize C ity , Beli ze (BZE )$2 85 < /f o n t>< /td >? \t
Da ll as/ Ft. W o rth, TX(D FW) ?\t\t\t\t
Dallas/Ft._Worth, TX _(DFW)Belize City,_Belize (BZE)
Dallas/Ft. Worth,_TX__(DFW)Caracas, Venezuela (CCS)$379
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX_ (DFW)Leon, Mexico _(BJX)$229
Dallas/Ft. Worth,_TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t
Raleigh/Durham, NC (RDU)London Gatwick, UK (LGW)$289
San Jose, CA (SJC)Tokyo Narita, Japan (NRT)$399
San Juan, PR (SJU)Newark, NJ (EWR)$249
San Juan, PR (SJU)Orlando, FL (", "synonym_substitution": "tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Raleigh / Durham, NC (RDU)Caleigh/Surham, NZ (RDU)Uondon Ganwick, UK (LGW)$289
San Jose, CA (SJC)Tokyo Narita, Jwpan (NRT)$399
San Juan, PR (SJU)Newark, NJ (EWR)$249Orlandm, FM (", "random_deletion": "tr>?
San Jose, CA Tokyo Narita, Japan (NRT)?
San Juan, PR (SJU)Newark, (EWR)
San Juan, PR (SJU)Orlando, FL (", "change_char_case": "tr>?\t\t\t\t
raLeigH/DurHam, NC (RDU)londoN GatwicK, uK (lgw)$289
san JosE, CA (SJC)tOkyo Narita, JapaN (NRT)$399
SAn jUan, pR (SJU)NeWarK, NJ (Ewr)$249
SAn juan, Pr (SJU)OrlaNDo, FL (", "whitespace_perturbation": "tr>?\t\t\t\t
Raleigh/Durh am, N C(RDU ) $ 28 9
&n b sp;
$ 3 9 9 $249? \t\t
SanJua n,PR (S JU )< /td>?\t\t\tO r la n d o, F L(", "underscore_trick": "tr>?\t\t\t\t
Raleigh/Durham, NC _(RDU)London_Gatwick, UK _(LGW)$289
San_Jose,_CA (SJC)Tokyo Narita, Japan_ (NRT)
San Juan, PR_ (SJU)Orlando,_FL ("} {"text": "Tk. 2: :\n Tk. 3: :\n Tk. 4: :\n Tk. 5: :\n\n\nPOSREP HOEGH GALLEON 21ST. APRIL 1200LT (1600UTC)\n\nA) Position at noon : N 24 00 W 081 57\nB) Dist. from last noon : 440 n. miles (24 HRS.)\nC) Dist. to go to next port: 8037.5 n.miles (Qalhat)\nD) Eta next port : May 12th. 0001 local time\nE) 1:Average sea/weather : Wind: E 6, Sea: E 5\n 2:Average speed : 18,33 knots / average RPM 91,55\n 3:B.O.G. consumed : nil\n 4:F.O. consumed : 128 mt.\n 5:G.O. consumed : nil\n 6:Average vapor press. Tk. 1: bar. Average liq. temp:\n Tk. 2: :\n Tk. 3: :\n Tk. 4: :\n Tk. 5: :\n\nPOSREP HOEGH GALLEON 22ND. APRIL 1200LT (1500UTC)\n\nA) Position at noon : N 29 05 W 068 07\nB) Dist. from last noon : 436 n. miles (24 HRS.)\nC) Dist. to go to next port: 7601.5 n.miles (Qalhat)\nD) Eta next port : May 12th. 0001 local time\nE) 1:Average sea/weather : Wind: ENE 6, Sea: ENE 5\n 2:Average speed : 18,17 knots / average RPM 93,76\n 3:B.O.G. consumed : nil\n 4:F.O. consumed : 161 mt.\n 5:G.O. consumed : nil\n 6:Average vapor press. Tk. 1: bar. Average liq. temp:\n Tk. 2: :\n Tk. 3: :\n ", "synonym_substitution": "Tk. 2: : \n Tk. 3: : \n Tk. 4: : \n Tk. 5: : \n\n\n POSREP HOEGH GALLEON 21ST. APRIL 1200LT (1600UTC) \n\n A) Position at noon : N 24 00 W 081 57 \n B) Dist. from last noon : 440 n. miles (24 HRS .) \n C) Dist. to fail to future port: 8037.5 n.miles (Qalhat) \n D) Eta next port : May 12th. 0001 local fourth dimension \n E) 1: Average sea / weather : tip: E 6, Sea: E 5 \n 2: modal speed : 18,33 knots / median RPM 91,55 \n 3: B.O.G. consumed : nothing \n 4: F.O. consumed : 128 mt. \n 5: G.O. consumed : nil \n 6: Average vapor press. Tk. 1: bar. modal liq. temp: \n Tk. 2: : \n Tk. 3: : \n Tk. 4: : \n Tk. 5: : \n\n POSREP HOEGH GALLEON 22ND. APRIL 1200LT (1500UTC) \n\n A) Position at noon : N 29 05 W 068 07 \n B) Dist. from last noon : 436 n. sea mile (24 HRS .) \n C) Dist. to go to next port: 7601.5 n.miles (Qalhat) \n D) Eta next larboard : May 12th. 0001 local time \n E) 1: Average sea / weather : Wind: ENE 6, Sea: ENE 5 \n 2: Average focal ratio : 18,17 knots / average RPM 93,76 \n 3: B.O.G. consumed : nil \n 4: F.O. consumed : 161 mt. \n 5: G.O. consumed : nil \n 6: Average vapor press. Tk. 1: bar. Average liq. temp: \n Tk. 2: : \n Tk. 3: :", "butter_fingers": "Tk. 2: :\n Tk. 3: :\n Tk. 4: :\n Ck. 5: :\n\n\nPOSREP HOAGF YALLEON 21ST. APRIL 1200LT (1600UTC)\n\nA) Position at noon : N 24 00 W 081 57\nB) Qist. srom last noon : 440 n. miles (24 HRS.)\nC) Dist. to go uo next port: 8037.5 n.milrs (Qalhat)\nD) Eta next port : May 12th. 0001 locap time\nE) 1:Avetzge wea/weather : Wind: E 6, Sea: E 5\n 2:Avetage speed : 18,33 knots / averxge R'M 91,55\n 3:B.O.G. cinwumfg : nio\n 4:F.J. consumed : 128 mt.\n 5:G.P. consumed : bil\n 6:Average vapor pcess. Tk. 1: bar. Avgrage liq. dejp:\n Dk. 2: :\n Tk. 3: :\n Tk. 4: :\n Tk. 5: :\n\nPOSREP HOEGH GALLEON 22ND. APRIL 1200NT (1500UTR)\n\nA) Powibion qt noon : N 29 05 W 068 07\nB) Dist. from last noon : 436 m. kiles (24 HRS.)\nC) Dift. to go to nfxy port: 7601.5 n.miles (Qalhac)\nS) Sta next port : Iay 12ty. 0001 local uime\nE) 1:Average sea/weather : Wind: ENE 6, Sea: ENV 5\n 2:Average speed : 18,17 knotr / aferagr RPM 93,76\n 3:B.O.G. consumed : nil\n 4:F.O. fonsumed : 161 mt.\n 5:G.O. coksuked : nil\n 6:Average vapor prxss. Tl. 1: bar. Averade liq. temo:\n Tk. 2: :\n Tk. 3: :\n ", "random_deletion": "Tk. 2: : Tk. 3: : Tk. Tk. : POSREP GALLEON 21ST. APRIL noon N 24 00 081 57 B) from last noon : 440 n. (24 HRS.) C) Dist. to go to next port: 8037.5 n.miles (Qalhat) D) next port : May 12th. 0001 local time E) 1:Average sea/weather : Wind: 6, E 2:Average : 18,33 knots / average RPM 91,55 3:B.O.G. consumed : nil 4:F.O. consumed : 128 mt. consumed : nil 6:Average vapor press. Tk. 1: Average liq. temp: Tk. : Tk. 3: : Tk. : 5: : HOEGH 22ND. 1200LT (1500UTC) A) at noon : N 29 05 W 068 07 B) Dist. from last noon : 436 n. (24 HRS.) to go next 7601.5 (Qalhat) D) Eta : May 12th. 0001 local time : Wind: ENE 6, Sea: ENE 5 2:Average : 18,17 / average RPM 93,76 3:B.O.G. consumed nil 4:F.O. consumed : 161 mt. 5:G.O. consumed nil 6:Average vapor press. Tk. 1: bar. Average liq. temp: Tk. 2: : Tk. 3:", "change_char_case": "Tk. 2: :\n Tk. 3: :\n Tk. 4: :\n Tk. 5: :\n\n\nPOSREP HOEGH GALLEOn 21ST. APRIL 1200LT (1600uTC)\n\nA) POsiTioN aT nooN : N 24 00 W 081 57\nB) dist. from last noON : 440 n. miLes (24 HRS.)\nC) Dist. to go to next pOrt: 8037.5 n.mIlES (QalHAt)\nd) Eta nExt port : mAy 12TH. 0001 LocAl TiMe\nE) 1:avERaGe sea/WeaTher : WinD: E 6, Sea: E 5\n 2:AverAge SpEed : 18,33 knots / averAGe rPM 91,55\n 3:B.O.G. consUmeD : nil\n 4:F.O. consumEd : 128 mT.\n 5:G.O. conSuMed : NIl\n 6:AveRagE vapoR press. tK. 1: bar. AvErage liq. tEmP:\n tk. 2: :\n Tk. 3: :\n Tk. 4: :\n tK. 5: :\n\nPOSREP hoeGh GALlEON 22ND. APRIL 1200LT (1500UTC)\n\nA) pOsITion at noon : N 29 05 W 068 07\nB) DIst. froM lASt NOOn : 436 n. MilEs (24 HRS.)\nC) Dist. To Go to nEXt port: 7601.5 n.MIlES (qAlhAT)\nD) Eta next port : may 12th. 0001 local tIMe\nE) 1:averagE sEa/wEAther : WInd: ENe 6, SEA: ENe 5\n 2:Average speEd : 18,17 knOts / averagE RPM 93,76\n 3:B.O.g. ConsumeD : Nil\n 4:F.O. coNsumed : 161 Mt.\n 5:G.o. coNsumED : nIl\n 6:aveRaGE vaPOr PreSS. Tk. 1: Bar. AveraGe LiQ. temp:\n tk. 2: :\n Tk. 3: :\n ", "whitespace_perturbation": "Tk. 2: : Tk. 3: : T k .4 : : T k .5: :\n\nPO SRE P HOEG H G ALLEO N 21ST . APRIL 1200LT ( 16 0 0UTC)A) Posi t i on atnoon : N 2 4 0 0 W 081 57\nB) D ist. f ro m l a s t n oon : 440n. mile s (24 HR S .) C ) Di s t. to go to n ext port: 8 0 37. 5 n.mi le s ( Q alhat) \nD) E ta nex t port : May 1 2th. 0 0 01 loca l time\nE ) 1:Av era gesea/ w ea th er : Wi n d: E6 , S ea: E 5 2 :Aver ages p e e d : 18,3 3 knots / ave rag e RP M 91 ,55\n 3:B .O.G .consu med : n il\n 4:F.O. co nsum ed : 1 28mt .\n 5 :G.O.con sum ed : n i l\n 6 : A ve rage vapor press.Tk . 1: ba r. Ave r ag el iq. temp : Tk. 2: :\n Tk.3 : : T k . 4: :\n Tk. 5: :\nPOSR E PH OEGH GALLEON 2 2ND.APRIL 1200 L T (1500U TC)\nA) Posit ion at no o n : N 29 05 W0 6 807\nB) Dist. f r o m la st noon : 436 n. mi les (2 4 H RS .)\nC) Dis t. to go t one xt po rt: 7 6 01.5 n.m il es(Q alh at)\nD ) Eta n ext p ort : May 12 t h . 00 01 l ocal ti me \nE) 1 :Ave r age sea/we ather : Wi n d: E NE 6 , Sea:ENE 5\n 2:Av er age speed : 1 8 , 17 knots / average RPM 93,76\n 3:B.O.G . c onsum ed : ni l\n 4:F. O.c onsume d : 1 61m t .\n 5 : G. O.co nsumed : nil \n 6: Average vapor press. Tk.1 : bar. Aver age liq . te mp: Tk. 2: :\n Tk. 3: :\n ", "underscore_trick": "Tk. 2:_ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ :\n __ ___ _ Tk. 3:_ _ __ _ _ :\n _ ___ _ _ _ Tk. 4: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :\n_ _ _ __ ___ _ Tk._5:_ __ __ _ __ _ :\n\n\nPOSREP HOEGH GALLEON 21ST._APRIL 1200LT (1600UTC)\n\nA) Position at noon_ _ _ : N 24 00 W 081 57\nB) Dist._from last noon _: 440 n. miles_(24 HRS.)\nC)_Dist._to go to_next_port: 8037.5_n.miles (Qalhat)\nD) Eta next port _ _ _: May 12th. 0001_local_time\nE) 1:Average sea/weather :_Wind: E 6, Sea: E 5\n_ 2:Average speed ___ _: 18,33 knots / average RPM_91,55\n _3:B.O.G. consumed __: nil\n 4:F.O. consumed__ __:_128 mt.\n 5:G.O._consumed _ : nil\n 6:Average vapor_press. Tk. 1:_ _bar._Average_liq. temp:\n _ _ _ _ Tk. 2: _ _ _ :\n _ __ ____ _ _ _Tk. 3:_ _ _ __ _:\n _ __ _ _ Tk._4: __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :\n_ __ ____ _ Tk._5: _ __ _ _ _ :\n\nPOSREP HOEGH_GALLEON 22ND. APRIL 1200LT (1500UTC)\n\nA) Position at noon : N_29 05_W 068 07\nB) Dist._from last_noon_ : 436 n._miles (24_HRS.)\nC) Dist. to go to next port: 7601.5_n.miles_(Qalhat)\nD) Eta next port ___: May 12th._0001_local time\nE) 1:Average sea/weather _:_Wind:_ENE_6,_Sea: ENE 5\n 2:Average_speed __ : 18,17 knots /_average RPM_93,76\n_ 3:B.O.G. consumed_ _ : nil\n 4:F.O. consumed __ ___:_161 mt.\n _5:G.O. consumed : nil\n 6:Average_vapor_press. Tk. 1: _ bar. Average liq._temp:\n_ _ _ _ _ Tk. 2: _ _ _ :\n__ _ _ _ Tk. 3: _ _ _ _ :\n_ _ _"} {"text": " Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\nStandoff may delay renegotiation on Enron project\nVinu Lal\n\n03/25/2001\nThe Times of India\nCopyright (C) 2001 The Times of India; Source: World Reporter (TM)\n\nMUMBAI: The much-touted renegotiation on the Dabhol Power project has \nstumbled upon a fresh controversy, which is likely to further delay the \nproceedings. \nWhile Enron as well as the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) want \nofficials from the Union ministries of power and finance to be present at the \nrenegotiation hearings, the Centre has turned down the request. Due to this, \nthough it is over two weeks since the terms of reference of the review \ncommittee were amended to include renegotiation of the power purchase \nagreement, no hearing has been conducted with the Dabhol Power Company (DPC). \nSources said that due to this standoff the committee is unlikely to submit \nits report within first week of April according to the terms of reference.\nAn Enron spokesperson said, ``We have made our stand very clear before the \ncommittee that for a renegotiation of a contract signed by various parties, \nincluding the government of India, the government of Maharashtra and the \nCentral Electricity Authority (CEA), all parties should be part of the review \nprocess.'' \nP.S. Paunikar, technical director, MSEB, said, ``We had requested top \nofficials from the ministries of power and finance and the CEA to be present \nduring the renegotiation meetings with the DPC. But the Centre has declined \nto depute any official for this purpose.'' \nDPC's stance has surprised industry observers since during the previous \nrenegotiation committee proceedings under Kirit Parikh, the company had not \nset any conditions of this sort. The Centre has justified its stand not to \ndepute any officials stating that review of Dabhol project is strictly a \nstate affair and that it has no role to play in it. \nMeanwhile, sources say that a preliminary draft report of the committee is \nalready finalised, but it has not incorporated the amendments made on March \n9. According to the amendments made by a government order, the committee has", "synonym_substitution": "Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\n Standoff may delay renegotiation on Enron project \n Vinu Lal \n\n 03/25/2001 \n The Times of India \n Copyright (C) 2001 The Times of India; Source: World Reporter (TM) \n\n MUMBAI: The a lot - tout renegotiation on the Dabhol Power project has \n stumbled upon a bracing controversy, which is probable to further delay the \n proceedings. \n While Enron equally well as the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) desire \n officials from the Union ministries of power and finance to be present at the \n renegotiation hearings, the Centre has turned down the request. Due to this, \n though it is over two week since the terms of reference of the recapitulation \n committee were amended to admit renegotiation of the power leverage \n agreement, no listening has been conducted with the Dabhol Power Company (DPC). \n Sources said that due to this repulsion the committee is unlikely to submit \n its report card within first workweek of April according to the term of reference. \n An Enron spokesperson said, '` We have made our rack very clear before the \n committee that for a renegotiation of a contract signed by various parties, \n including the politics of India, the politics of Maharashtra and the \n Central Electricity Authority (CEA), all party should be part of the review \n process.\" \n P.S. Paunikar, technical director, MSEB, said, '` We had requested top \n official from the ministry of power and finance and the CEA to be present \n during the renegotiation meetings with the DPC. But the Centre has decline \n to depute any official for this purpose.\" \n DPC's stance has surprised diligence observers since during the former \n renegotiation committee proceedings under Kirit Parikh, the company had not \n set any condition of this sort. The Centre has justified its stand not to \n depute any officials stating that review of Dabhol project is strictly a \n state affair and that it receive no role to toy in it. \n Meanwhile, source say that a preliminary draft report of the committee is \n already finalize, but it has not incorporated the amendments made on March \n 9. According to the amendments made by a government order, the committee has", "butter_fingers": " Inf. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\nStxndoff may delai eenegoviation on Enrov project\nVinu Lal\n\n03/25/2001\nThe Times oh Ineia\nCokjright (C) 2001 The Times ow India; Slurce: Woeld Ceporter (TM)\n\nMUMBAM: The mugk-toutsf reuejotiation on thg Dabhol Powar project has \nsgulbled upon a fresh controversy, whicr is lilepy to further qelaj ehe \nlgogeedings. \nWhile Enron as well as fhe Maherashtra State Rlectricity Board (MSEB) wanh \nofvicials from the Ujion ministtjes if power and finance to be present at the \nrenegotiation hearings, ghe Czntre has toxbed gown the rewuest. Due to this, \nthough ht is ofer two weeks xinre tye terms of reference of the review \ncomiittee wese amended to incluee renecotidtiov of tht ppwsr purfhaae \nagreemeht, no hearibg has been conducttd rpyh the Dabhom Powew Sompany (DPC). \nSources said that due to thps sfandoff the committee iw unlikely to submit \nlts repore within first week of April according to the terks of feftrckce.\nAv Ejron spokesperson said, ``We have made our stand bety clear before bhe \ncommittee that flr w renegotiatiun of c ckntract signed by garious partues, \nincluqing the government of India, thw government if Maharashtra and the \nCentrau Elgctricoty Authority (CEA), all pcrties should be oart of tgd review \nprocess.'' \nP.S. Pdunikar, udchnical director, MSEB, saiv, ``We kad requdstec top \njfficials vrom bve ministries of plwer cnd fhnance and the CEA to be present \nduring tix renegotiatipn mevtings wich the DPC. But the Sentre has deckined \ntj depjte any ofricial hor this pur[ose.'' \nDPC's statfe has surprmsed induftry obswrvers rknce during thr previous \nrenegotiqtion committee prpcegdjngs under Kiric Kaeikh, the compamy fad nlt \nsqd any condithons of yhis rort. Tht Ccntfe hss justified its statd nkt to \ndepute any ogflcials stqting thwt review of Cabhol project is dtricvly a \nrtate afsair and that it has no role tk play in it. \nMeanwhile, sjurccs swy that a 'reliminary draft report of the committex is \nalready finalised, vut it has not incotpovated the amxndmenes made ot March \n9. According ti the amendments kade by a government krder, dhe clmmittee has", "random_deletion": "Inc. All Rights Reserved. Standoff may delay Enron Vinu Lal The Times of Times India; Source: World (TM) MUMBAI: The renegotiation on the Dabhol Power project stumbled upon a fresh controversy, which is likely to further delay the proceedings. Enron as well as the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) want officials from Union of and to be present at the renegotiation hearings, the Centre has turned down the request. Due to though it is over two weeks since the of reference of the committee were amended to include of power purchase no has conducted with the Power Company (DPC). Sources said that due to this standoff the committee is unlikely to submit its within first April according the of An Enron spokesperson have made our stand very clear that for a renegotiation of a contract signed various parties, the government of India, the government Maharashtra and the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), all should be part of the review process.'' P.S. Paunikar, technical director, MSEB, said, ``We had officials from the ministries power and finance the to present the renegotiation with the DPC. But the Centre has declined to depute any for this purpose.'' DPC's stance has surprised industry observers since previous committee proceedings under Parikh, the company had set conditions of this sort. has its depute officials that review of Dabhol is strictly a state affair that it has no Meanwhile, sources say that a preliminary draft report the committee is already finalised, but it not incorporated the amendments made on March 9. According to the amendments by a the committee has", "change_char_case": " Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\nStandOff may delaY reneGotIatIoN on ENron Project\nVinu Lal\n\n03/25/2001\ntHe TiMes of India\nCopyright (C) 2001 ThE TimeS oF indiA; soUrce: WOrld RepORtER (tM)\n\nMuMbAi: ThE mUCh-TouteD reNegotiaTion on the DAbhOl power project HAs \nStumbled upOn a Fresh controvErsY, which Is LikELy to fUrtHer deLay the \nPRoceedIngs. \nWhile enROn as weLL as the MAHArAshtRa State ElectricitY boARd (MSEB) want \noffiCials fRoM ThE uNioN miNistries of PoWer anD Finance TO bE PREseNT at the \nrenegotIation heariNGs, tHe CentRe Has TUrned dOwn thE rEQueSt. Due to this, \nThouGh it is oveR two weEKs since THe terms Of refeRenCe oF the REvIeW \ncoMmITteE WeRe aMEndEd to inclUdE rEnegoTiatION OF the PowEr puRchasE \nagreement, no hEarIng hAS beEn conDucteD witH tHe DabHol PowEr ComPaNy (DPC). \nSources saiD thaT due to thiS stAnDofF tHe comMIttee iS unLikEly to suBmit \nits REpoRt WITHiN first week of April aCcORDiNg to the tErms of REfErENce.\nAn EnrOn SpoKespERSon saId, ``We HAvE made our Stand vERy ClEar befoRe The \ncomMiTteE thAt for A ReneGotiatIon of a coNtracT Signed by variouS Parties, \nincludINg THE gOVernMenT of India, the GoveRNmenT of MAHaRasHTra anD the \nCEnTRaL electricity AuthoritY (CeA), all pArtieS should be part Of the revieW \nPROcess.'' \nP.S. PAuniKAr, TEchnical directOr, MSEb, said, ``We had REquested Top \nofFicials fRom the minISTries of pOweR anD fiNanCE AnD the CEA to be prESEnt \ndUrIng the rEneGotiatiOn mEetIngS wiTh The DPC. But The CentrE hAs DeClIneD \nto dePUte any ofFiCiaL fOr tHis puRPose.'' \nDPc's staNce hAs SuRPriSed induSTrY OBserVeRs SincE duRiNg the PrevIOus \nRenegotIation comMitTEe prOcEeDings unDer Kirit ParikH, tHe company hAd Not \nSet any CONditions Of this sort. The Centre has jUStified Its Stand Not tO \ndepute anY ofFicialS stATing thAt reviEw of DAbHol PROject IS StRicTlY a \nstate affAIR anD that It Has nO role to Play in it. \nMeanwhile, sOUrcEs say that a preLimInarY DRaFt rEPoRT of ThE ComMITtee is \nalready fiNalised, but It HAs Not incorpoRAteD tHe amendMents maDe on MARch \n9. AccoRding to thE amendmenTs Made BY A goVernment orDer, the coMmittee haS", "whitespace_perturbation": " Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\nStando ff ma y d ela yrene goti ation on Enron proj ect\nVinu Lal\n\n03/25/20 01\nTh eT imes of Indi a\nCopyr i gh t (C) 2 00 1 T he Ti mes o f I ndia; S ource: Wor ldRe porter (TM)MU MBAI: Themuc h-touted ren ego tiatio nont he Da bho l Pow er pro j ect ha s \nstumbl ed upon a fresh c o n tr over sy, which is like l yt o further dela y the\np r oc e e din gs. \nWhile En ro n asw ell ast he M a har a shtra State E lectricityB oar d (MSE B) wa n t \noff icial sf rom the Unionmini stries of power and fin a nce tobe pre sen t a t th e re neg ot i ati o nhea r ing s, the C en tr e has tur n e d down th e re quest . Due to this , thou g h i t isovertwowe eks s ince t he te rm s of referenceof t he review \nc om mit te e wer e amend edtoinclude renego t iat io n o fthe power purchase a g re ement, n o hear i ng h a s been c on duc tedw i th th e Da b ho l PowerCompan y ( DP C). \nSo ur ces sa id th atdue t o thi s stan doff the comm i ttee is unlike l y to submit i ts r ep o rt w ith in first we ek o f Apr il a c co rdi n g tothe t er m so f reference.\nAn Enr on spoke spers on said, ``We have made o u r standvery cl e ar before the\ncomm ittee that for a re negot iation o f a contr a c t signed by va rio usp a rt ies, \nincludi n g the g overnme ntof Indi a,the go ver nm ent of Ma harashtr aan dth e Centr a l Electr ic ity A uth ority (CEA), allpart ie ss hou ld be p a rt o f th ere view \np ro cess. '' P .S. Paunik ar, techn ica l dir ec to r, MSEB , said, ``Weha d requeste dtop \noffi c i als from the ministries of powe r and fi nan ce an d th e CEA tobepresen t d uringthe re negot ia tio n meeti n g swit hthe DPC. B u t th e Cen tr e ha s decli ned \nto depute any off icial for thi s p urpo s e .' ' D PC ' s s ta n ceh a s surprised ind ustry obse rv e rs since dur i ngth e previ ous \nre negot i ation c ommitteeproceedin gs und e r Ki rit Parikh , the co mpany had not s et anycon dition softhissort.T heCentr e hasju stifie d its s tand not to \ndepute any officia ls sta tingtha t reviewofD abh ol projec t is strictlya sta te af fai r andthat it ha s no r olet o play in it . M e an while, sour c e s sa y tha t a prelim inar y draft report of the committeeis a l rea dyf inal is ed, but it has no ti n corporat ed the amendm ents mad eo n Mar ch \n9. Accor ding to t he amendm ents ma de by a g ove rn m ent ord er ,t he com mitt ee has", "underscore_trick": " Inc._All Rights_Reserved. \n\n\nStandoff may delay_renegotiation on_Enron_project\nVinu Lal\n\n03/25/2001\nThe_Times_of India\nCopyright (C)_2001 The Times_of India; Source: World_Reporter (TM)\n\nMUMBAI: The_much-touted_renegotiation on the Dabhol Power project has \nstumbled upon a fresh controversy, which is_likely_to further_delay_the_\nproceedings. \nWhile Enron as well_as the Maharashtra State Electricity_Board (MSEB)_want \nofficials from the Union ministries of power_and_finance to be_present at the \nrenegotiation hearings, the Centre has turned_down the request. Due to this,_\nthough it is_over_two_weeks since the terms_of reference of the review \ncommittee_were amended to include renegotiation of_the power purchase \nagreement, no hearing has_been conducted with the Dabhol Power_Company (DPC). \nSources said that_due to_this standoff the committee is_unlikely to submit_\nits report_within first week_of April according to the terms_of reference.\nAn Enron_spokesperson said, ``We have made our_stand_very clear before_the_\ncommittee_that for_a renegotiation of_a_contract signed_by_various parties, \nincluding the government of_India,_the government of Maharashtra and the \nCentral_Electricity Authority (CEA), all_parties_should be part of_the review \nprocess.'' \nP.S. Paunikar,_technical director, MSEB, said, ``We had_requested top_\nofficials from_the ministries of power and finance and the CEA to be_present \nduring the renegotiation meetings with_the DPC. But the_Centre has_declined_\nto depute any_official_for this_purpose.'' \nDPC's stance has surprised industry observers_since during_the previous \nrenegotiation committee proceedings under_Kirit Parikh, the company_had_not \nset any conditions of this_sort. The Centre has justified its_stand not to \ndepute any_officials_stating_that review of Dabhol project_is strictly a \nstate affair and_that it has_no role to play in it. \nMeanwhile,_sources_say that a preliminary draft report_of_the committee is \nalready finalised, but_it_has_not incorporated the amendments made_on March \n9. According to the_amendments made by a government order, the committee has"} {"text": " the Southeast by 20 percent during the next three years to avoid a \nCalifornia-style power shortage.\nhttp://\nesk/2001/02/21/eng-powerm-000001/eng-powerm-000001_235550_160_375711333472\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nDOW JONES NEWSWIRES\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nAccess stories online at: \nhttp://|PMADJN0,PMADJN1,PMADJN2,PMADJN3,PMADJN4|index\n\nTexas PUC/Price Rules -2: Market Reaction Favorable\n\nWintry Weather Slams U.S. East Coast\n\nPG&E Corp.'s NY Athens Power Plant Faces Permit Delays\n\nTexas PUC Finalizes Electric \"Price-to-Beat\" Rules\n\nPortland General Files $250M Debt Securities Shelf >ENE\n\nNYPA, SilverCup To Enter Talks On Power Plant Dispute\n\nNYISO Approves Process To Prevent Power Mkt Manipulation\n\nUS West Pwr Forwards Flat As Calif Lifts All Pwr Alerts\n\nU.S. Nuclear Plants Said To Kill Endangered Species\n\nFujitsu, Dynegy Deal Gives Network Plenty Of Bandwidth\n\nPortland Genl Has $119M Exposure To Calif Utilities>ENE\n\nCORRECT: France-UK Elec Import Price Up To GBP40,640/MWh\n\nRTE/UK-France -2: France-UK Price Hits GBP40,640/MWh\n\nTelecom America's Venezuela Unit Wins 5th WLL License\n\nSiemens Aims At Double-Digit Sales Growth In 2001 - CNBC\n\nPhilippines Napocor/Term Tenders-2:Lion's Share To Petron\n\nASIAN POWER: South Korean Vested Interests Slow Reform\n\nPhilippines Napocor Awards Gasoil, Fuel Oil Term Tenders\n\nCalif Gov/Utils-2: Deal Must Include All Three Utils\n\nCalif Gov, Utils Expected To Meet Wed On Rescue Plan\n\nFREE TRIAL: For a free", "synonym_substitution": "the Southeast by 20 percent during the next three years to avoid a \n California - vogue exponent shortage. \n \n esk/2001/02/21 / eng - powerm-000001 / eng - powerm-000001_235550_160_375711333472 \n\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \n DOW JONES NEWSWIRES \n ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \n Access stories online at: \n|PMADJN0,PMADJN1,PMADJN2,PMADJN3,PMADJN4|index \n\n Texas PUC / Price Rules -2: Market Reaction Favorable \n\n Wintry Weather Slams U.S. East Coast \n\n PG&E Corp.'s NY Athens Power Plant Faces Permit Delays \n\n Texas PUC Finalizes Electric \" Price - to - tick \" Rules \n\n Portland General Files $ 250 M Debt Securities Shelf > ENE \n\n NYPA, SilverCup To Enter Talks On Power Plant Dispute \n\n NYISO approve Process To Prevent Power Mkt Manipulation \n\n US West Pwr forward Flat As Calif Lifts All Pwr Alerts \n\n U.S. Nuclear Plants say To Kill Endangered Species \n\n Fujitsu, Dynegy Deal Gives Network Plenty Of Bandwidth \n\n Portland Genl suffer $ 119 M Exposure To Calif Utilities > ENE \n\n CORRECT: France - UK Elec Import Price Up To GBP40,640 / MWh \n\n RTE / UK - France -2: France - UK Price Hits GBP40,640 / MWh \n\n Telecom America's Venezuela Unit acquire 5th WLL License \n\n Siemens Aims At bivalent - Digit Sales Growth In 2001 - CNBC \n\n Philippines Napocor / Term Tenders-2: Lion's Share To Petron \n\n ASIAN POWER: South Korean Vested Interests dull Reform \n\n Philippines Napocor Awards Gasoil, Fuel Oil Term Tenders \n\n Calif Gov / Utils-2: Deal Must Include All Three Utils \n\n Calif Gov, Utils Expected To converge We d On Rescue Plan \n\n FREE TRIAL: For a free", "butter_fingers": " thf Southeast by 20 percent auring the next three bears tk avoid x \nCalifornia-style power shorvage.\nyttp://\nesk/2001/02/21/eng-powerm-000001/eif-powerm-000001_235550_160_375711333472\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nDOW JOHCS NECSXIRES\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nAccess stoties online dt: \nhttp://|PMAGJV0,PLADJN1,PMADJN2,PMADJN3,PMADJN4|index\n\nTexas PTC/Price Rkles -2: Market Rgactipg Faborable\n\nWintry Weather Slams U.S. Easf Coast\n\nKG&E Corp.'s NY Athenx Power Plant Faces Permit Delwys\n\nTexas PUC Finallzes Electruc \"Pwuce-to-Beat\" Ruues\n\nPortland General Fimes $250M Debt Securities Shelf >ENE\n\nVYPA, XilverCup Jo Ejjer Talks On Poweg Plant Dispubv\n\nNYISO Dpprovex Process To Pvevenv Poqer Mkt Manipulation\n\nUV West Pwr Forwardf Flat As Cclif Lifts All Pwr Alwrrs\n\nU.S. Tuclaar Ooangs Aamd Fo Kilp Eidangered Slecies\n\nFujitwu, Dynegy Deal Givex Gvywork Plenty Of Bagdridth\n\nPortland Genl Has $119M Exposure To Canif Utilities>ENE\n\nCORRECT: Frqnce-UK Elec Import Prlce Up To GBP40,640/MWh\n\nRTE/UK-France -2: France-UK Price Hits GBP40,640/MWh\n\nTelacom Emdrieq's Vevwzkela Unit Wins 5th WLL License\n\nSiemens Aims At Qkunlv-Digit Sales Growbh In 2001 - CNBC\n\nPhiliplijex Napocor/Term Jenders-2:Lioh's Share To Petron\n\nWSIAN PJWER: Wouth Kortan Vrsted Interests Slow Reform\n\nPhilippines Uapicor Awards Gasoil, Fuel Oil Tzrm Temders\n\nValif Gov/Utils-2: Deal Musc Inclhde All Thrfe Utils\n\nCzuif Gov, Utils Exoecned Do Meet Wed On Rescue Plan\n\nSREE TRIAO: Fox a free", "random_deletion": "the Southeast by 20 percent during the years avoid a power shortage. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- stories online at: Texas PUC/Price Rules Market Reaction Favorable Wintry Weather Slams East Coast PG&E Corp.'s NY Athens Power Plant Faces Permit Delays Texas PUC Electric \"Price-to-Beat\" Rules Portland General Files $250M Debt Securities Shelf >ENE NYPA, SilverCup Enter On Plant NYISO Approves Process To Prevent Power Mkt Manipulation US West Pwr Forwards Flat As Calif Lifts Pwr Alerts U.S. Nuclear Plants Said To Kill Species Fujitsu, Dynegy Deal Network Plenty Of Bandwidth Portland Has Exposure To Utilities>ENE France-UK Import Price Up GBP40,640/MWh RTE/UK-France -2: France-UK Price Hits GBP40,640/MWh Telecom America's Venezuela Unit Wins 5th WLL License Siemens Aims Double-Digit Sales 2001 - Philippines Tenders-2:Lion's To Petron ASIAN Korean Vested Interests Slow Reform Philippines Fuel Oil Term Tenders Calif Gov/Utils-2: Deal Must All Three Calif Gov, Utils Expected To Meet On Rescue Plan FREE TRIAL: For a free", "change_char_case": " the Southeast by 20 percent duriNg the next tHree yEarS to AvOid a \ncaliFornia-style powER shoRtage.\nhttp://\neSk/2001/02/21/EnG-poWeRM-000001/eNg-powErm-000001_235550_160_375711333472\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\ndOW JONEs NEWSWIRES\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\naccEsS stories onliNE aT: \nhttp://|PmADjN0,PMADJN1,PMADjN2,PmADJN3,PmAdJN4|INdex\n\nTExaS PUC/PRice RuLEs -2: MarkEt ReactioN FAVorablE\n\nwintry WEAThEr SlAms U.S. East Coast\n\nPG&E cOrP.'S NY Athens Power plant FAcES PERMit delAys\n\nTexas PUc FInaliZEs ElectRIc \"pRICe-tO-beat\" Rules\n\nPortLand General fIleS $250M Debt seCurITies ShElf >ENe\n\nNypA, SIlverCup To ENter talks On PoWer PlaNT DisputE\n\nnYISO ApProves proCesS To PREvEnT PoWeR mkt mAnIpuLAtiOn\n\nUS West pwR FOrwarDs FlAT aS caliF LiFts ALl Pwr alerts\n\nU.S. NucleAr PLantS saiD To KiLl EndAngeReD SpecIes\n\nFujItsu, DYnEgy Deal Gives NetWork plenty Of BAndWiDth\n\npoRtlanD genl HaS $119M EXpoSure To CAlif UtiLItiEs>ene\n\ncOrRECT: France-UK Elec IMpORT PRice Up To gBP40,640/MWh\n\nrtE/uK-fRance -2: FraNcE-UK pricE hIts GBp40,640/MWh\n\ntElEcom AmerIca's VeNEzUeLa Unit WInS 5th WLL liCenSe\n\nSIemenS aims at DoubLe-Digit SAles GROwth In 2001 - CNBC\n\nPhilIPpines Napocor/tErM tEnDErs-2:LIon'S Share To PetRon\n\nAsiAN PoWER: sOuTh KORean VEsted inTErESts Slow Reform\n\nPhilipPiNes NapOcor AWards Gasoil, FuEl Oil Term TENDErs\n\nCalif gov/UTIlS-2: deal Must IncludE All THree Utils\n\nCALif Gov, UtIls ExPected To meet Wed On rEScue Plan\n\nfREe TRiAL: for A FReE", "whitespace_perturbation": " the Southeast by 20 perce nt duringthe n ext th re e ye arsto avoid a \nCa l ifor nia-style power shorta ge.\nh tt p ://1 9 9. 97.97 .163/IM D S% P M AKR T0 %r ead %/ h om e/con ten t/users /imds/feed s/w ri tersd\nesk/20 0 1/ 02/21/eng- pow erm-000001/e ng- powerm -0 000 0 1_235 550 _160_ 375711 3 33472\n-------- -- - ------ - ------- - - -- ---- ----------------- - -- - -------------- --\nDOW J O NE S NEW SWI RES\n------ -- ----- - ------- - -- - - - --- - ------------- ----------- - --- ------ -- --- Access stor ie s on line at: \nh ttp: //199.97. 97.79/ I MDS|PMA D JN0,PMA DJN1,P MAD JN2 ,PMA D JN 3, PMA DJ N 4|i n de x\nT exa s PUC/Pr ic eRules -2: M a r ketRea ctio n Fav orable\n\nWintr y W eath e r S lamsU.S.East C oast\nPG&ECorp. 's NY Athens Powe r Pl ant Faces Pe rm itDe laysTexasPUC Fi nalizes Electr i c \" Pr i c e -t o-Beat\" Rules\n\nPor tl a n dGeneralFiles$ 25 0M Debt Sec ur iti es S h e lf >E NE\nN YP A, Silve rCup T o E nt er Talk sOn Pow er Pl ant Disp u te\nNYISOApproves Proc e ss To PreventP ower Mkt Mani p ul a t io n \n\nUS We st Pwr Forw ards Flat AsC al ifL iftsAll P wr Al e rts\n\nU.S. Nuclear P la nts Sa id To Kill Endange red Specie s Fujitsu, Dyn e gy Deal Gives Net workPlenty OfB andwidth \n\nPor tland Ge nl Has $1 1 9 M Exposu reToCal ifU t il ities>ENE\n\nCO R R ECT: F rance-U K E lec Imp ort Pr ice Up T o GBP40,6 40/MWh\nRT E/ UK -F ran ce -2 : France- UK Pr ic e H its G B P40,64 0/MWh \n\nTe le co m Am erica's Ve n e zuel aUn it W ins 5 th WL L Li c ens e\n\nSiem ens AimsAtD oubl e- Di git Sal es Growth In20 01 - CNBC\nP hil ippine s Napocor/ Term Tenders-2:Lion's S h are ToPet ron\nASIA N POWER:Sou th Kor ean Vested Inter estsSl owR e formP hi lip pi nes Napoco r Awa rds G as oil, Fuel O il Term Tenders\n\nC a lif Gov/Utils-2: De al M u s tInc l ud e Al lT hre e Utils\n\nCalif Go v, Utils E xp e ct ed To Meet Wed O n Rescu e Plan\nFREE TRIAL:For a fre e", "underscore_trick": " the_Southeast by_20 percent during the_next three_years_to avoid_a_\nCalifornia-style power shortage.\nhttp://\nesk/2001/02/21/eng-powerm-000001/eng-powerm-000001_235550_160_375711333472\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nDOW_JONES NEWSWIRES\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nAccess stories_online at: \nhttp://|PMADJN0,PMADJN1,PMADJN2,PMADJN3,PMADJN4|index\n\nTexas PUC/Price_Rules -2: Market_Reaction_Favorable\n\nWintry Weather Slams U.S. East Coast\n\nPG&E Corp.'s NY Athens Power Plant Faces Permit Delays\n\nTexas_PUC_Finalizes Electric_\"Price-to-Beat\"_Rules\n\nPortland_General Files $250M Debt Securities_Shelf >ENE\n\nNYPA, SilverCup To Enter_Talks On_Power Plant Dispute\n\nNYISO Approves Process To Prevent Power_Mkt_Manipulation\n\nUS West Pwr_Forwards Flat As Calif Lifts All Pwr Alerts\n\nU.S. Nuclear_Plants Said To Kill Endangered Species\n\nFujitsu,_Dynegy Deal Gives_Network_Plenty_Of Bandwidth\n\nPortland Genl Has_$119M Exposure To Calif Utilities>ENE\n\nCORRECT: France-UK_Elec Import Price Up To GBP40,640/MWh\n\nRTE/UK-France_-2: France-UK Price Hits GBP40,640/MWh\n\nTelecom America's Venezuela_Unit Wins 5th WLL License\n\nSiemens Aims_At Double-Digit Sales Growth In_2001 -_CNBC\n\nPhilippines Napocor/Term Tenders-2:Lion's Share To_Petron\n\nASIAN POWER: South_Korean Vested_Interests Slow Reform\n\nPhilippines_Napocor Awards Gasoil, Fuel Oil Term_Tenders\n\nCalif Gov/Utils-2: Deal_Must Include All Three Utils\n\nCalif Gov,_Utils_Expected To Meet_Wed_On_Rescue Plan\n\nFREE_TRIAL: For a_free"} {"text": " plenty of people want \nto come here,\" he said. \"We shouldn't be suffering these blackouts.\" \nChronicle staff writers Jaxon Van Derbeken, Mark Martin, Henry K. Lee, \nMichael McCabe, Bernadette Tansey and Marshall Wilson contributed to this \nreport. \n,2001 San Francisco Chronicle? Page?A - 1 \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\nBay Area residents learning to roll with blackouts \nPosted at 9:58 p.m. PST Tuesday, March 20, 2001 \nJOHN \nWOOLFOLK \nAND STEVE \nJOHNSON \nMercury News \n\nAs rolling blackouts swept the state for a second straight day Tuesday, \nCalifornians already seasoned by droughts and earthquakes were learning to \nlive with yet another upheaval: periodic power outages. \nBlackouts are still a novelty in Southern California -- hit for the second \ntime Tuesday -- but they're almost routine for Bay Area residents who have \nseen four days of outages this year and now expect many more as temperatures \nrise. Toting flashlights, avoiding certain roads and even shutting off their \ncoveted hot tubs, they're adjusting to life in California's new Dark Age. \n\n\n\n\n?\n\n?\nKaren T. Borchers--Mercury News\nWhen the lights went out at Grant Elementary School in San Jose on Tuesday \nmorning, teacher Renee Johnson took her second-grade students out to the lawn \nto read to them.\n\nMarjorie Meagher now looks at her clock before taking the elevator she needs \nto get around her two-story San Jose home, fearing she'll get stuck during \nrolling blackouts. \n``They tend to happen on the hour or half-hour, so I try not to use it \nthen,'' said Meagher, 74, who is disabled. ``I'm very careful. My own \npersonal fear is getting stranded in the elevator.'' \nFrom 750,000 to about 1 million customers lost power for an hour or so in \nstages Tuesday as a rash of power plant outages and record temperatures in \nSan Jose and elsewhere triggered a critical shortage. \nAs was the case Monday, when 1.2 million to 1.8 million customers were \naffected, Tuesday's out", "synonym_substitution": "plenty of people want \n to come here, \" he suppose. \" We shouldn't be suffer these blackouts. \" \n Chronicle staff writers Jaxon Van Derbeken, Mark Martin, Henry K. Lee, \n Michael McCabe, Bernadette Tansey and Marshall Wilson contributed to this \n report. \n, 2001 San Francisco Chronicle? Page?A - 1 \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n -------------------------------------------------------------- \n\n\n\n\n Bay Area house physician learning to roll with blackout \n post at 9:58 p.m. PST Tuesday, March 20, 2001 \n JOHN \n WOOLFOLK \n AND STEVE \n JOHNSON \n Mercury News \n\n As rolling blackout swept the state for a second neat day Tuesday, \n Californians already seasoned by drought and earthquake were learning to \n live with yet another upheaval: periodic power outage. \n Blackouts are still a novelty in Southern California -- score for the second \n time Tuesday -- but they're almost routine for Bay Area residents who have \n see four days of outages this year and now expect many more as temperature \n rise. Toting flashlights, avoiding certain roads and even shutting off their \n coveted hot tubs, they're adjusting to life in California's new Dark Age. \n\n\n\n\n? \n\n? \n Karen T. Borchers -- Mercury News \n When the lights went out at Grant Elementary School in San Jose on Tuesday \n morning, teacher Renee Johnson took her second - grade student out to the lawn \n to read to them. \n\n Marjorie Meagher now expect at her clock before remove the elevator she needs \n to get around her two - story San Jose home, fearing she'll get stuck during \n rolling blackouts. \n '` They tend to find on the hour or half - hour, so I try not to use it \n then,\" said Meagher, 74, who is disabled. '` I'm very careful. My own \n personal fear is getting stranded in the elevator.\" \n From 750,000 to about 1 million customers lost power for an hour or so in \n stages Tuesday as a rash of power plant outages and phonograph record temperatures in \n San Jose and elsewhere trip a critical shortage. \n As was the case Monday, when 1.2 million to 1.8 million customers were \n affected, Tuesday's out", "butter_fingers": " plfnty of people want \nto cume here,\" he saib. \"We shmuldn't be suffdring these blackouts.\" \nChronirle wtaff writers Jaxon Van Derceken, Marn Martin, Hency K. Lee, \nMichael McCabe, Nzrnadsbte Tcnwey and Marshakl Wilson wontributed to tfid \nreport. \n,2001 San Francisco Chronicle? Pwge?A - 1 \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\nNaj Area residenjs leswninf to roll with blackouts \nPosted at 9:58 p.m. PSU Tuesday, March 20, 2001 \nKOHN \nWOOLFOLK \nAND STEVE \nJOJNSOJ \nMercury News \n\nAs golling blaxkouew swept the rtate for a second strzight day Tuesday, \nCalifornians xlreaby seasoned bt dgmughts and xarthqlakes were learning tm \nlive eith yet anothcr upieavql: periodic power outeges. \nBlackouts are sjill a novalcy in Southern Califoenua -- hht fmr tfw sdcohd \ntjme Tufsdey -- but theg're almost eoutine for Bay Ares wvxidents who gave \nsqeg four days of outages this year and nof espect many more as tempwratures \nrise. Toting vlashlighes, avoiding certain roads and even shutting off tveir \nroxettd hot gybd, they're adjusting to life in California's new Satk Age. \n\n\n\n\n?\n\n?\nKaren T. Bjrchers--Mercirj Mgws\nWhen the liehts wzht out at Grant Elemfntary Fchooo in San Tose on Tuesday \nmorning, teacher Renee Johnsjb took her second-gxade studentr ouj to tne lawn \nto read to them.\n\nOarjkrie Meagheg now looir at her clock bdfoge tdking tht elevator she neeqs \nto get arobnd her gwo-sjory Sag Jose homf, feavhng she'll get stucn durnng \nrmlling blafkouts. \n``They tend to happen on tix hour or halg-hmur, so I trv not bo use it \nthen,'' faid Meagher, 74, cho is dnsablea. ``I'm very bareful. Mb own \npersonwl fear is gedjing stranded in the qlevqtor.'' \nFrom 750,000 gu about 1 millipn customvrf lowt power for an homr or ao in \nstages Tuzreay as a rash og puwew ilait ouedges and recmrd gemorratufes in \nSan Mosd anc elsewhere triggereg a dritical shortage. \nSs was the case Mogday, when 1.2 miklion to 1.8 million fustokerr werr \nasfected, Tuesday's out", "random_deletion": "plenty of people want to come here,\" \"We be suffering blackouts.\" Chronicle staff Martin, K. Lee, Michael Bernadette Tansey and Wilson contributed to this report. ,2001 Francisco Chronicle? Page?A - 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- Bay Area residents learning to with blackouts Posted at 9:58 p.m. PST Tuesday, March 20, 2001 JOHN WOOLFOLK STEVE Mercury As blackouts swept the state for a second straight day Tuesday, Californians already seasoned by droughts and were learning to live with yet another upheaval: power outages. Blackouts are a novelty in Southern California hit the second Tuesday but almost routine for Area residents who have seen four days of outages this year and now expect many more as rise. Toting certain roads even off coveted hot tubs, to life in California's new Dark Karen T. Borchers--Mercury News When the lights went at Grant School in San Jose on Tuesday teacher Renee Johnson took her second-grade students out the lawn to read to them. Marjorie Meagher now looks at her clock before taking she needs to get her two-story San home, she'll stuck rolling blackouts. tend to happen on the hour or half-hour, so I try to use it then,'' said Meagher, 74, who is disabled. careful. own personal fear getting stranded in the From to about 1 million power an in Tuesday a rash of power outages and record temperatures in Jose and elsewhere triggered the case Monday, when 1.2 million to 1.8 customers were affected, Tuesday's out", "change_char_case": " plenty of people want \nto come hEre,\" he said. \"WE shouLdn'T be SuFferIng tHese blackouts.\" \nCHRoniCle staff writers Jaxon VaN DerbEkEN, MarK maRtin, HEnry K. LeE, \nmiCHAel mccaBe, BErNAdEtte TAnsEy and MaRshall WilsOn cOnTributed to thIS \nrEport. \n,2001 San FrAncIsco ChroniclE? PaGe?A - 1 \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\nBay arEa rESidenTs lEarniNg to roLL with bLackouts \nPOsTEd at 9:58 p.m. psT TuesdAY, maRch 20, 2001 \nJoHN \nWOOLFOLK \nAND STEve \nJohNSON \nMercury NeWs \n\nAs roLlINg BLAckOutS swept the sTaTe for A Second sTRaIGHT daY tuesday, \nCalifoRnians alreaDY seAsoned By DroUGhts anD eartHqUAkeS were learniNg to \nLive with yEt anotHEr upheaVAl: perioDic powEr oUtaGes. \nBLAcKoUts ArE StiLL a NovELty In SoutheRn caLiforNia -- hIT FOR the SecOnd \ntIme TuEsday -- but they'rE alMost ROutIne foR Bay ARea rEsIdentS who haVe \nseeN fOur days of outageS thiS year and nOw eXpEct MaNy morE As tempEraTurEs \nrise. TOting flAShlIgHTS, AvOiding certain roads AnD EVeN shuttinG off thEIr \nCoVEted hot tUbS, thEy're ADJustiNg to LIfE in CalifOrnia's NEw daRk Age. \n\n\n\n\n?\n\n?\nKaReN T. BorcHeRs--MErcUry NeWS\nWheN the liGhts went Out at gRant Elementary sChool in San JosE On tUEsDAy \nmoRniNg, teacher ReNee JOHnsoN tooK HeR seCOnd-grAde stUdENtS Out to the lawn \nto read tO tHem.\n\nMarJorie meagher now looKs at her cloCK BEfore takIng tHE eLEvator she needs \nTo get Around her tWO-story SaN Jose Home, fearIng she'll gET Stuck durIng \nRolLinG blACKoUts. \n``They tend to HAPpen On The hour Or hAlf-hour, So I Try Not To uSe It \nthen,'' saiD Meagher, 74, WhO iS dIsAblEd. ``I'm vERy carefuL. MY owN \npErsOnal fEAr is geTting StraNdEd IN thE elevatOR.'' \nFROM 750,000 to aBoUt 1 MillIon CuStomeRs loST poWer for aN hour or so In \nsTAges tuEsDay as a rAsh of power plaNt Outages and ReCorD tempeRATures in \nSAn Jose and elsewhere triggERed a criTicAl shoRtagE. \nAs was the CasE MondaY, whEN 1.2 milliOn to 1.8 miLlion CuStoMERs werE \nAFfEctEd, tuesday's ouT", "whitespace_perturbation": " plenty of people want \nto come here ,\" he sa id. \" We s houl dn't be suffer i ng t hese blackouts.\" \nChro nicle s t affw ri tersJaxon V a nD e rbe ke n, Ma rk Ma rtin, He nry K.Lee, \nMich ael M cCabe, Berna d et te Tanseyand Marshall Wi lso n cont ri but e d tothi s \nre port.,2001San Franc is c o Chro n icle? P a g e? A -1 \n-------------- - -- - -------------- ------ -- - -- - - --- --- ---------- -- ----- - ------- - -- - - --- - ------------- ----------- - --- ------ -- --- - ------ ----- -- - --- ----------- ------------ ------ - ------- - ------- ------ --- --- ---- - -- -- --- -- - --- - \n\n\nB ayArea res id en ts le arni n g t o ro llwith blac kouts \nPosted at 9:5 8 p. m. PS T Tue sday ,March 20, 2 001 JO HN \nWOOLFOLK \nA ND S TEVE \nJOH NSO N\nMe rc ury N e ws \n\nA s r oll ing bla ckoutss wep tt h e s tate for a secondst r a ig ht day T uesday , Ca l ifornian salr eady s eason ed b y d roughtsand ea r th qu akes we re learn in g t o livew ithyet an other up heava l : periodic pow e r outages. \nB l ac k o ut s are st ill a novel ty i n Sou ther n C ali f ornia -- h it fo r the second \ntime T ue sday - - but they're almo st routine f o r Bay Ar ea r e si d ents who have\nseen four days of outag es th is yearand now e x p ect many mo reastem p e ra tures \nrise.T o ting f lashlig hts , avoid ing ce rta inro ads and e ven shut ti ng o ff th eir c oveted h ot tu bs , t hey'r e adjus tingto l if ei n C aliforn i a' s newDa rk Age . \n\n\n?\n?\nKa r enT. Borc hers--Mer cur y New sWh en thelights went o ut at GrantEl eme ntaryS c hool inSan Jose on Tuesday \nmo r ning, t eac her R enee Johnsontoo k hersec o nd-gra de stu dents o utt o thel a wn \nt oread to th e m .\nMarjo ri e Me agher n ow looks at her cl o ckbefore taking th e el e v at ors he nee ds \nto g et around her t wo-story S an Jo se home, f e ari ng she'll get st uck d u ring \nr olling bl ackouts.\n` `The y ten d to happe n on the hour orh alf-h o ur , soI t ry not t o u se it \nthen , ''saidMeaghe r, 74, w ho is d isabled. ``I'm very careful. My own perso nal fear isget t ing stranded inthe elevat or. ''\nFrom 75 0 ,000to a b ou t 1 milli on c u stomers l o st po w e rfor an hour o r so in sta g es Tue sday as a rash of pow e r plant outage s an d rec ord temp er atures in \nSan Jo se a nd elsew he re triggere d a crit ic a l sho rtage. \nAs w as thec a se Monday , wh en1.2 milli onto 1.8 mil li on custom erswe re \naf fected , Tue s d ay's out", "underscore_trick": " plenty_of people_want \nto come here,\"_he said._\"We_shouldn't be_suffering_these blackouts.\" \nChronicle_staff writers Jaxon_Van Derbeken, Mark Martin,_Henry K. Lee,_\nMichael_McCabe, Bernadette Tansey and Marshall Wilson contributed to this \nreport. \n,2001 San Francisco Chronicle?_Page?A_- 1_\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\nBay_Area_residents learning to roll with_blackouts \nPosted at 9:58 p.m._PST Tuesday,_March 20, 2001 \nJOHN \nWOOLFOLK \nAND STEVE \nJOHNSON_\nMercury_News \n\nAs rolling_blackouts swept the state for a second straight day_Tuesday, \nCalifornians already seasoned by droughts_and earthquakes were_learning_to_\nlive with yet another_upheaval: periodic power outages. \nBlackouts are_still a novelty in Southern California_-- hit for the second \ntime Tuesday_-- but they're almost routine for_Bay Area residents who have_\nseen four_days of outages this year_and now expect_many more_as temperatures \nrise._Toting flashlights, avoiding certain roads and_even shutting off_their \ncoveted hot tubs, they're adjusting_to_life in California's_new_Dark_Age. \n\n\n\n\n?\n\n?\nKaren_T. Borchers--Mercury News\nWhen_the_lights went_out_at Grant Elementary School in San_Jose_on Tuesday \nmorning, teacher Renee Johnson took_her second-grade students out_to_the lawn \nto read_to them.\n\nMarjorie Meagher now looks_at her clock before taking the_elevator she_needs \nto_get around her two-story San Jose home, fearing she'll get stuck_during \nrolling blackouts. \n``They tend to_happen on the hour_or half-hour,_so_I try not_to_use it_\nthen,'' said Meagher, 74, who is disabled._``I'm very_careful. My own \npersonal fear is_getting stranded in the_elevator.''_\nFrom 750,000 to about 1 million_customers lost power for an hour_or so in \nstages Tuesday_as_a_rash of power plant outages_and record temperatures in \nSan Jose_and elsewhere triggered_a critical shortage. \nAs was the case_Monday,_when 1.2 million to 1.8 million_customers_were \naffected, Tuesday's out"} {"text": " which represent about one-third of the state's \ntotal power supply and signed contracts to sell power directly to the \nutilities under a government mandate, would then agree to sign power-supply \ncontracts with the utilities for a period of five to 10 years for about $79 a \nmegawatt hour for the first five years and about $61 a megawatt hour \nthereafter, two sources involved in the negotiations said. \nThe PUC is expected to issue a draft resolution on the issue sometime this \nweek, one source said. \nThe lawmakers wouldn't comment on the details of their talks Monday. \nRepresentatives with SoCal Ed (EIX) and PG&E (PCG) said they were unaware \nGov. Davis and his administration were meeting on the issue. \nThe utilities are more than $13 billion in debt and have failed to make \npayments on their qualifying-facilities contracts since November. PG&E has \npaid some of its qualified facilities just a fraction of what they are owed. \n\nLegislation To Restructure QF Rates Stalls In Senate Energy Committee \n\nMr. Keeley had recently drafted legislation, along with state Sen. Jim \nBattin, a Republican from Palm Desert, that would have restructured the rates \nthe qualified facilities charge the utilities, from $170 a megawatt hour to \n$80 a megawatt hour for five years. \nThe bill, SB47X, stalled in the Senate Energy Committee, of which Ms. Bowen \nchairs. SoCal Ed opposed the legislation, saying the rates were still too \nhigh. A utility spokesman said the qualified-facilities rates should be \nreduced to under $50 a megawatt hour. \nBut the lawmakers and the governor is trying to avoid the need for \nlegislation, largely because there isn't much support in both houses for such \na bill and the chance that it won't be passed in time to keep the qualified \nfacilities from dragging the utilities into involuntary bankruptcy \nproceedings, the legislative source said. \nThe PUC will take over the issue from the Legislature, the source said. \nMonday, about 3,000 megawatts of qualified-facilities generation went offline \nbecause the companies that operate the power plants can no longer afford to \nbuy natural gas used to", "synonym_substitution": "which represent about one - third of the state's \n entire exponent supply and signed contracts to betray power directly to the \n utility under a politics mandate, would then agree to sign power - supply \n contracts with the utility for a period of five to 10 years for approximately $ 79 a \n megawatt hour for the first five years and about $ 61 a megawatt hour \n thereafter, two sources involved in the negotiations said. \n The PUC is expect to issue a draft resolution on the offspring sometime this \n week, one source said. \n The lawmakers wouldn't gloss on the details of their talk Monday. \n Representatives with SoCal Ed (EIX) and PG&E (PCG) said they were unaware \n Gov. Davis and his administration were meet on the issue. \n The utilities are more than $ 13 billion in debt and have failed to make \n payments on their modification - facilities contracts since November. PG&E has \n paid some of its qualified facilities just a fraction of what they are owed. \n\n Legislation To Restructure QF Rates Stalls In Senate Energy Committee \n\n Mr. Keeley had recently drafted legislation, along with state Sen. Jim \n Battin, a Republican from Palm Desert, that would have restructured the rate \n the qualified facilities blame the utilities, from $ 170 a megawatt hour to \n $ 80 a megawatt hour for five years. \n The bill, SB47X, stalled in the Senate Energy Committee, of which Ms. Bowen \n professorship. SoCal Ed oppose the legislation, saying the rates were however too \n high. A utility spokesman said the qualified - facilities rates should be \n reduced to under $ 50 a megawatt hour. \n But the lawmakers and the governor is trying to avoid the motivation for \n legislation, largely because there isn't much documentation in both houses for such \n a bill and the chance that it won't be passed in time to observe the qualified \n facilities from dragging the utility into involuntary bankruptcy \n proceedings, the legislative source said. \n The PUC will take over the offspring from the Legislature, the source say. \n Monday, about 3,000 megawatt of qualified - facilities generation went offline \n because the company that operate the exponent plants can no longer afford to \n bribe natural gas used to", "butter_fingers": " whlch represent about one-tmird of the statg's \ntotal power supply xnd signed contracts to sell piwer eirectly to the \nutilitkes under a goverbmenu mandate, would tisn agrec to algn pmxer-supply \ncontrscts with dhe utilities xof c period of five to 10 years for about $79 a \nmegswwtt hour for tre fprft fjne years and about $61 a megawatt gour \nthtreafter, two sourcrs involved in the negotiahiond said. \nThe PUC is fxpected to isstw a draft rerolution on the issue aometime this \nweek, one source sxid. \nTke lawmakerw qoupgn't comment on tre details on their talks Konday. \nRepresektatites qith SoCal Ed (EIX) and PG&E (PCG) said they were unafaxe \nGov. Davis and his qdninisjratimn wdee oeeuinj oh the lssne. \nThe utiljties are mire than $13 billion im qvnt and have railed tj make \npayments on their qualifying-facinitjes contracts since Novwmber. PG&E has \npaid sole of its qualified facilities just a fraction of what thef are uweb. \n\nLegiroahion To Restructure QF Rates Stalls In Senate Sntrgj Committee \n\nMr. Kecley had recently crwfygd legislation, along wifh state Sen. Jim \nBwttin, a Repuvlican frjm Pslm Desert, that would have eestructured rhe rates \nthe qualnfied facilicies cnarge the utilities, from $170 a oegasatt hour tl \n$80 a megasxtt hour for fivd yvars. \nThe bill, SB47X, stalled in tre Senate Enexgy Commktteg, of whych Ms. Bowfn \nchairs. SoCal Ed opposfd thg legivlation, sajing the rates were still too \nhmjh. A utility xpmkevman saib the aualified-facijities rates skould be \nreduzed to undvr $50 a megewatt hour. \nBtt the lawmakats and the goternor is tryung ro avoia the need for \nkegislation, largely because there isn'b mucf support in botk youses for such \na cilj wnv the whance that ht wun't ne parsed in timc tu kerp the qualified \nfachlitjes from dragging yhc utilitigs into igvoluntary bamkruptcy \nproceedinhs, thx legirlatife fource said. \nThe PUC will take kver the lssme from the Lqgisoature, the spurce said. \nMonday, about 3,000 megawatts of qnalified-facilities gengration went offline \nyegause the cokpaniqs that o[erate the power plabts can no longer afford to \nbuy naturam gas gsed ho", "random_deletion": "which represent about one-third of the state's supply signed contracts sell power directly government would then agree sign power-supply contracts the utilities for a period of to 10 years for about $79 a megawatt hour for the first five and about $61 a megawatt hour thereafter, two sources involved in the negotiations The is to a draft resolution on the issue sometime this week, one source said. The lawmakers wouldn't comment the details of their talks Monday. Representatives with Ed (EIX) and PG&E said they were unaware Gov. and administration were on issue. utilities are more $13 billion in debt and have failed to make payments on their qualifying-facilities contracts since November. PG&E paid some qualified facilities a of they are owed. Restructure QF Rates Stalls In Senate Keeley had recently drafted legislation, along with state Jim Battin, Republican from Palm Desert, that would restructured the rates the qualified facilities charge the from $170 a megawatt hour to $80 a megawatt hour for five years. The bill, in the Senate Energy of which Ms. chairs. Ed the saying the were still too high. A utility spokesman said the qualified-facilities rates be reduced to under $50 a megawatt hour. But the the is trying to the need for legislation, because isn't much support in for a chance it be passed in time keep the qualified facilities from the utilities into involuntary said. The PUC will take over the issue the Legislature, the source said. Monday, about megawatts of qualified-facilities generation went offline because the companies that operate the plants can afford to buy natural gas used to", "change_char_case": " which represent about one-thiRd of the staTe's \ntoTal PowEr SuppLy anD signed contracTS to sEll power directly to the \nuTilitIeS UndeR A gOvernMent manDAtE, WOulD tHeN agReE To Sign pOweR-supply \nContracts wIth ThE utilities foR A pEriod of fivE to 10 Years for abouT $79 a \nmEgawatT hOur FOr the FirSt fivE years ANd abouT $61 a megawatT hOUr \ntherEAfter, twO SOuRces Involved in the negoTIaTIons said. \nThe PUC Is expeCtED tO ISsuE a dRaft resoluTiOn on tHE issue sOMeTIME thIS \nweek, one sourcE said. \nThe lawMAkeRs woulDn'T coMMent on The deTaILs oF their talks mondAy. \nRepreseNtativES with SocAl Ed (EIX) And PG&E (pCG) SaiD theY WeRe UnaWaRE \nGoV. daVis ANd hIs adminiStRaTion wEre mEETINg on The IssuE. \nThe uTilities are moRe tHan $13 bILliOn in dEbt anD havE fAiled To make \nPaymeNtS on their qualifyIng-fAcilities ConTrActS sInce NOVember. pG&E Has \nPaid somE of its qUAliFiED FAcIlities just a fractiOn OF WhAt they arE owed. \n\nLEGiSlATion To ReStRucTure qf rates stalLS IN Senate ENergy COMmItTee \n\nMr. KeElEy had rEcEntLy dRafteD LegiSlatioN, along wiTh staTE Sen. Jim \nBattin, a rEpublican from pAlM dEsERt, thAt wOuld have resTrucTUred The rATeS \nthE QualiFied fAcILiTIes charge the utilitiEs, From $170 a mEgawaTt hour to \n$80 a megaWatt hour foR FIVe years. \nTHe biLL, Sb47x, stalled in the SEnate energy CommITtee, of whIch Ms. bowen \nchaIrs. SoCal ED OPposed thE leGisLatIon, SAYiNg the rates werE STill ToO \nhigh. A uTilIty spokEsmAn sAid The QuAlified-faCilities RaTeS sHoUld Be \nredUCed to undEr $50 A meGaWatT hour. \nbUt the lAwmakErs aNd ThE GovErnor is TRyING to aVoId The nEed FoR \nlegiSlatIOn, lArgely bEcause theRe iSN't muCh SuPport in Both houses for SuCh \na bill and ThE chAnce thAT It won't be Passed in time to keep the quALified \nfAciLitieS froM dragging The UtilitIes INto invOluntaRy banKrUptCY \nProceEDInGs, tHe LegislativE SOurCe saiD. \nTHe PUc will taKe over the issue from THe LEgislature, the SouRce sAID. \nMOndAY, aBOut 3,000 MeGAwaTTS of qualified-facIlities genErATiOn went offlINe \nbEcAuse the CompaniEs thaT Operate The power pLants can nO lOngeR AFfoRd to \nbuy natUral gas uSed to", "whitespace_perturbation": " which represent about one -third ofthe s tat e's tota l po wer supply and sign ed contracts to sell p owerdi r ectl y t o the \nutili t ie s und er a go ve r nm ent m and ate, wo uld then a gre eto sign powe r -s upply \ncon tra cts with the ut ilitie sfor a per iod of f ive to 10 yea rs for ab ou t $79 a \nmegawa t t h ourfor the first fiv e y e ars and about$61 ame g aw a t t h our \nthereaft er , two sources in v o l ved in the negoti ations said . \nT he PUC i s e x pected to i ss u e a draft reso luti on on the issue sometim e this week,one so urce sa id . Th e la w ma ker s wo uldn't c om me nt on the d e t ails of the ir ta lks Monday. Rep rese n tat iveswithSoCa lEd (E IX) an d PG& E(PCG) said they wer e unaware \nG ov . D av is an d his a dmi nis tration were m e eti ng o n t he issue. \nThe uti li t i es are mor e than $1 3b illion i ndeb t an d havefail e dto make\npayme n ts o n their q ualify in g-f aci litie s con tracts since N ovemb e r. PG&E has \np a id some of it s q u a li f iedfac ilities jus t af ract iono fwha t they areow e d. \n\nLegislation To Re st ructur e QFRates StallsIn SenateE n e rgy Comm itte e Mr. Keeley had rece ntly draft e d legisl ation , alongwith stat e Sen. Jim \nB att in, aR e pu blican from P a l m De se rt, tha t w ould ha veres tru ctu re d the rat es \nthequ al if ie d f acili t ies char ge th euti litie s , from $170 a m eg aw a tthour to \n$ 8 0 a m eg aw atthou rfor f ivey ear s. \nThe bill, SB 47X , sta ll ed in the Senate Energ yCommittee, o f w hich M s . Bowen chairs. SoCal Ed oppose d the le gis latio n, s aying the ra tes we res till t oo \nhi gh. A u til i t y spo k e sm ansa id the qua l i fie d-fac il itie s rates should be \nreduce d to under $50 ameg awat t ho ur. \nB u t t he law m a kers and the go vernor istr y in g to avoid the n eed for \nlegis latio n , large ly becaus e there i sn 't m u c h s upport inboth hou ses for s u ch \na bi ll an d t he cha nc e t hat i t won' t be pass ed inti me tokeepth e qualif ied \nfacilities from dr agging theuti lities in toi nvo luntary b ankr uptcy \npro cee din gs, t hel egisl ativ e s our c e sai d. T he PUC wi l ltak e ov er the issu e f rom theLeg i slatur e, t he source said. M onday, about 3 ,000 m ega wat t s of q ualified-facil iti es g eneratio nwent offlin e \nbecau se the c ompani es tha t opera t e t h e powe r pl ant s can nolon ge r afford t obuy na tura lgas us ed to", "underscore_trick": " which_represent about_one-third of the state's_\ntotal power_supply_and signed_contracts_to sell power_directly to the_\nutilities under a government_mandate, would then_agree_to sign power-supply \ncontracts with the utilities for a period of five to 10_years_for about_$79_a_\nmegawatt hour for the first_five years and about $61_a megawatt_hour \nthereafter, two sources involved in the negotiations_said._\nThe PUC is_expected to issue a draft resolution on the issue_sometime this \nweek, one source said._\nThe lawmakers wouldn't_comment_on_the details of their_talks Monday. \nRepresentatives with SoCal Ed_(EIX) and PG&E (PCG) said they_were unaware \nGov. Davis and his administration_were meeting on the issue. \nThe_utilities are more than $13_billion in_debt and have failed to_make \npayments on_their qualifying-facilities_contracts since November._PG&E has \npaid some of its_qualified facilities just_a fraction of what they are_owed._\n\nLegislation To Restructure_QF_Rates_Stalls In_Senate Energy Committee_\n\nMr._Keeley had_recently_drafted legislation, along with state Sen._Jim_\nBattin, a Republican from Palm Desert, that_would have restructured the_rates_\nthe qualified facilities charge_the utilities, from $170 a_megawatt hour to \n$80 a megawatt_hour for_five years._\nThe bill, SB47X, stalled in the Senate Energy Committee, of which_Ms. Bowen \nchairs. SoCal Ed opposed_the legislation, saying the_rates were_still_too \nhigh. A_utility_spokesman said_the qualified-facilities rates should be \nreduced to_under $50_a megawatt hour. \nBut the lawmakers_and the governor is_trying_to avoid the need for \nlegislation,_largely because there isn't much support_in both houses for such_\na_bill_and the chance that it_won't be passed in time to_keep the qualified_\nfacilities from dragging the utilities into involuntary_bankruptcy_\nproceedings, the legislative source said. \nThe_PUC_will take over the issue from_the_Legislature,_the source said. \nMonday, about_3,000 megawatts of qualified-facilities generation went_offline \nbecause the companies that operate the power plants_can no longer_afford to \nbuy natural gas_used_to"} {"text": ", that's all the company \nfeels it needs to do?\" he asked. Yes, she replied, that was her understanding \nof company policy. \nHe blurted out something about suing PG&E. Her response: \"If you're going to \nsue us, then I can't help you anymore and you'll have to go through the PUC \nto get your power turned back on.\" \nNo, no, no, he said. Let's just take care of this and get my power turned \nback on. \nZankel raced down to the PG&E center on Mission Street and wrote a check for \nthe full remaining balance of his bill, $4,445.85, \"just so I wouldn't have \nto deal with it anymore.\" Then the clerk informed him that there would be a \n$20 turn-on charge. He fished a $20 bill out his pocket and handed it to her. \nThe receipt noted this transaction, and the check amount, with the parting \nwords: \"The easy way to pay PG&E.\" \n\"There is no easy way to pay PG&E,\" Zankel said. \"I'm just lucky that we're \nin good financial shape. Some restaurants might go under because of something \nlike this. Maybe PG&E would be better off financially if they learned to bill \npeople correctly.\" \nBut PG&E spokesman Jon Tremayne said that although he didn't know the \nspecifics of Zankel's case, it must have been a mistake. \n\"The last thing we want to do is to shut power off for some business,\" he \nsaid. \"We're very flexible in working with customers on a payment program. I \ndon't know what happened in this case, but it's our policy to go out of our \nway to avoid things like this.\" \nThat's not going to happen anytime soon. Zankel's latest bill came in showing \na charge for $366.40, once again, at least $1,000 off the actual amount. That \ndarn software. You just never know when it's going to act up. \nThe company is once again threatening blackouts this summer. Chances are a \nlot of people won't have to wait that long. \nYou can reach Ken Garcia at (", "synonym_substitution": ", that's all the company \n feels it needs to do? \" he ask. Yes, she answer, that was her understanding \n of company policy. \n He blurt out out something about suing PG&E. Her reply: \" If you're going to \n sue us, then I can't help oneself you anymore and you'll have to go through the PUC \n to scram your power turned back along. \" \n No, no, no, he said. Let's precisely drive care of this and get my power turned \n back on. \n Zankel rush down to the PG&E center on Mission Street and wrote a check for \n the wide remaining balance of his bill, $ 4,445.85, \" merely so I wouldn't have \n to deal with it anymore. \" Then the clerk informed him that there would be a \n $ 20 turn - on mission. He fished a $ 20 bill out his pocket and handed it to her. \n The receipt note this transaction, and the check amount, with the parting \n words: \" The easy way to pay PG&E. \" \n \" There is no easy way to give PG&E, \" Zankel said. \" I'm just golden that we're \n in beneficial fiscal shape. Some restaurants might go under because of something \n like this. Maybe PG&E would be better off financially if they learned to bill \n people correctly. \" \n But PG&E spokesman Jon Tremayne say that although he didn't know the \n specifics of Zankel's case, it must have been a mistake. \n \" The last thing we desire to do is to shut power off for some business, \" he \n said. \" We're very flexible in working with customer on a requital platform. I \n don't know what happened in this case, but it's our policy to function out of our \n way to avoid things like this. \" \n That's not rifle to happen anytime soon. Zankel's latest bill came in show \n a charge for $ 366.40, once again, at least $ 1,000 off the actual measure. That \n darn software. You just never acknowledge when it's going to work up. \n The company is once again endanger blackouts this summer. chance are a \n lot of people won't receive to wait that long. \n You can reach Ken Garcia at (", "butter_fingers": ", thwt's all the company \nfeelr it needs to do?\" he asned. Yea, she reolied, that was her understanving \nof cimpany policy. \nHe blurtdd out solething qbouu suing PG&E. Her rxaponse: \"Ly you'dc goiug to \nsue us, thek I can't henp you anymore avd you'll have to go through the PUC \ntj get ypug power turned bacl on.\" \nHo, no, no, he said. Let's just take cade of tiis and get my lower turned \nback on. \nZankep rafed down to the PG&F center on Misfuon Street avd wrote a check for \ntge full remaining balance of hir bilk, $4,445.85, \"just so I wokndn't have \nti deaj with it annkore.\" Tven the clerk informec hmm tyat there would be a \n$20 turn-on charge. He sished a $20 bnll out his pocket ane yandeg it to fwr. \nGhe rxcejpt nohed this tranaaction, and the check amount, wotr the parting \nsords: \"Ehq easy way to pay PG&E.\" \n\"There is no easy fay to pay PG&E,\" Zankel said. \"I'm just lucky that wg're \nin gooq financial shape. Some restaurants might go under becansd oy somegyijg \nlike this. Maybe PG&E would be better off figznvislly if they lcarned to bill \npeollf vjrrectly.\" \nBut KG&E spokesjan Jon Tremayne swid thaj althiugh he dydn't know the \nspecifics of Zankwl's case, it iyst have been a midtake. \n\"The lcst thong wr want to do is to shut powsr off for dome busihdss,\" he \nsaid. \"We're vegy fnexible in working with cuftomers oi a pcyment pfogrsm. I \ndjn't know wjat happened in this casf, but id's our pollcy to go out of our \nway to avomv things like tvis.\" \nThat's njt golng to happen agytime soon. Zaukel's lacest bkll came ih showiig \na charge sor $366.40, once agahj, at least $1,000 mff the wctuql anount. Tfxt \ndarn softwate. You just never kbow when it's going to zct up. \nThe compcuy is once again yhrdatqnpng bjdckouts this sumoer. Vhancds are a \nlob ow pepple won't have to waht tgat long. \nYou can rragh Ken Gatcia at (", "random_deletion": ", that's all the company feels it do?\" asked. Yes, replied, that was He out something about PG&E. Her response: you're going to sue us, then can't help you anymore and you'll have to go through the PUC to your power turned back on.\" No, no, no, he said. Let's just take of and my turned back on. Zankel raced down to the PG&E center on Mission Street and wrote a for the full remaining balance of his bill, \"just so I wouldn't to deal with it anymore.\" the informed him there be $20 turn-on charge. fished a $20 bill out his pocket and handed it to her. The receipt noted this transaction, the check the parting \"The way pay PG&E.\" \"There easy way to pay PG&E,\" Zankel lucky that we're in good financial shape. Some might go because of something like this. Maybe would be better off financially if they learned bill people correctly.\" But PG&E spokesman Jon Tremayne said that although he didn't know the Zankel's case, it must been a mistake. last we to is to power off for some business,\" he said. \"We're very flexible in with customers on a payment program. I don't know what this but it's our to go out of way avoid things like this.\" going happen latest came showing a charge for once again, at least $1,000 the actual amount. That know when it's going to act up. The is once again threatening blackouts this summer. are a lot of people won't have to wait that long. You reach Ken (", "change_char_case": ", that's all the company \nfeels it Needs to do?\" hE askeD. YeS, shE rEpliEd, thAt was her undersTAndiNg \nof company policy. \nHe bluRted oUt SOmetHInG abouT suing Pg&e. HER ResPoNsE: \"If YoU'Re Going To \nsUe us, theN I can't help You AnYmore and you'lL HaVe to go throUgh The PUC \nto get yOur Power tUrNed BAck on.\" \nno, nO, no, he Said. LeT'S just tAke care of ThIS and geT My power TURnEd \nbaCk on. \nZankel raced doWN tO The PG&E center on missioN STReET And WroTe a check foR \ntHe fulL RemainiNG bALANce OF his bill, $4,445.85, \"just sO I wouldn't haVE \nto Deal wiTh It aNYmore.\" THen thE cLErk Informed him That There woulD be a \n$20 tuRN-on charGE. He fishEd a $20 bilL ouT hiS pocKEt AnD haNdED it TO hEr. \nTHE reCeipt notEd ThIs traNsacTION, And tHe cHeck AmounT, with the partiNg \nwOrds: \"tHe eAsy waY to paY PG&E.\" \n\"thEre is No easy Way to PaY PG&E,\" Zankel said. \"I'M jusT lucky thaT we'Re \nIn gOoD finaNCial shApe. somE restauRants miGHt gO uNDER bEcause of something \nlIkE THiS. Maybe PG&e would BE bEtTEr off finAnCiaLly iF THey leArneD To Bill \npeopLe corrECtLy.\" \nbut PG&E sPoKesman joN TrEmaYne saID thaT althoUgh he didN't knoW The \nspecifics of zAnkel's case, it mUSt HAVe BEen a MisTake. \n\"The last ThinG We waNt to DO iS to SHut poWer ofF fOR sOMe business,\" he \nsaid. \"We'rE vEry fleXible In working with Customers oN A PAyment prOgraM. i \ndON't know what happEned iN this case, bUT it's our pOlicy To go out oF our \nway to AVOid thingS liKe tHis.\" \nthaT'S NoT going to happeN ANytiMe Soon. ZanKel'S latest BilL caMe iN shOwIng \na chargE for $366.40, once AgAiN, aT lEasT $1,000 off tHE actual aMoUnt. thAt \ndArn soFTware. YOu jusT nevEr KnOW whEn it's goINg TO Act uP. \nTHe CompAny Is Once aGain THreAtening Blackouts ThiS SummEr. chAnces arE a \nlot of people WoN't have to waIt ThaT long. \nYOU Can reach ken Garcia at (", "whitespace_perturbation": ", that's all the company feels it n eedstodo? \"he a sked . Yes, she rep l ied, that was her understa nding o f co m pa ny po licy. H eb l urt ed o utso m et hingabo ut suin g PG&E. He r r es ponse: \"If y o u' re going t o sue us, then Ican'the lpy ou an ymo re an d you' l l have to go th ro u gh the PUC \nto g et you r power turned ba c ko n.\" \nNo, no, n o, hesa i d. L et' s j ust take c ar e oft his and ge t m y p o wer turned \nb ack on. \nZa n kel raced d own to the PG&E c e nte r on Missio n St reet andwrotea checkf or \nthe fullrem ain ingb al an ceof his bi ll, $4, 445.85,\"j us t soI wo u l d n 't h ave \nto deal with it anym ore .\" T h enthe c lerkinfo rm ed hi m that ther ewould be a \n$20 tur n-on char ge. H e f is hed a $20 bi llout his po cket an d ha nd e d it to her. \nThe rece ip t no ted this trans a ct io n , and th eche ck a m o unt,with th e partin g \nwor d s: \" The eas yway to p ayPG& E.\" \" Ther e is n o easy w ay to pay PG&E,\" Zan k el said. \"I'm ju s t l u ckytha t we're \nin goo d fin anci a lsha p e. So me re st a ur a nts might go underbe causeof so mething \nlike this. May b e PG&E wou ld b e b e tter off finan ciall y if theyl earned t o bil l \npeopl e correct l y .\" \nButPG& E s pok esm a n J on Tremayne s a i d th at althou ghhe didn 'tkno w t he\ns pecificsof Zanke l' sca se , i t mus t have be en ami sta ke. \" The la st th ingwe w a ntto do i s t o shut p ow er o fffo r som e bu s ine ss,\" he \nsaid. \" We' r e ve ry f lexible in working w it h customer sona paym e n t progra m. I \ndon't know what h a ppenedinthiscase , but it' s o ur pol icy to goout of our\nw ayt o avoi d th ing slike this. \" \nTh at'sno t go ing tohappen anytime soo n . Z ankel's lates t b illc a me in sh o win ga c h a rge for $366.40 , once aga in , a t least $1 , 000 o ff theactualamoun t . That\ndarn sof tware. Yo ujust n eve r know whe n it's g oing to a c t up. \nT he co mpa ny ison ceagain threa t eni ng bl ackout sthis s ummer .Chancesare a \nlot of people wo n't ha ve to wa it that l ong . \nY ou can re achKen Garcia at (", "underscore_trick": ", that's_all the_company \nfeels it needs_to do?\"_he_asked. Yes,_she_replied, that was_her understanding \nof_company policy. \nHe blurted_out something about_suing_PG&E. Her response: \"If you're going to \nsue us, then I can't help you_anymore_and you'll_have_to_go through the PUC \nto_get your power turned back_on.\" \nNo,_no, no, he said. Let's just take care_of_this and get_my power turned \nback on. \nZankel raced down to_the PG&E center on Mission Street_and wrote a_check_for_\nthe full remaining balance_of his bill, $4,445.85, \"just so_I wouldn't have \nto deal with_it anymore.\" Then the clerk informed him_that there would be a \n$20_turn-on charge. He fished a_$20 bill_out his pocket and handed_it to her._\nThe receipt_noted this transaction,_and the check amount, with the_parting \nwords: \"The_easy way to pay PG&E.\" \n\"There_is_no easy way_to_pay_PG&E,\" Zankel_said. \"I'm just_lucky_that we're_\nin_good financial shape. Some restaurants might_go_under because of something \nlike this. Maybe_PG&E would be better_off_financially if they learned_to bill \npeople correctly.\" \nBut_PG&E spokesman Jon Tremayne said that_although he_didn't know_the \nspecifics of Zankel's case, it must have been a mistake._\n\"The last thing we want to_do is to shut_power off_for_some business,\" he_\nsaid._\"We're very_flexible in working with customers on a_payment program._I \ndon't know what happened in_this case, but it's_our_policy to go out of our_\nway to avoid things like this.\"_\nThat's not going to happen_anytime_soon._Zankel's latest bill came in_showing \na charge for $366.40, once_again, at least_$1,000 off the actual amount. That \ndarn_software._You just never know when it's_going_to act up. \nThe company is_once_again_threatening blackouts this summer. Chances_are a \nlot of people won't_have to wait that long. \nYou can reach Ken_Garcia at ("} {"text": "tr>?\t\t\t\t
La Crosse, WI (LSE)Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) #$ 69
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Lonf Beach, CA (LGB)Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)$149
Nos Angeles, CA (JAX)San Jose, CA (VJC)$ 79?\t\t\t\t
Dallzs/F", "random_deletion": "tr>?
Chicago width=\"12%\">$ 69
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)$149
Los Angeles, CA $ 79
Dallas/F", "change_char_case": "tr>?\t\t\t\t
la crosSe, WI (lSE)ChICaGo O'HaRe, IL (ORD) #$ 69
Long BEAch, CA (LgB)DALlAS/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)$149
LOs AngElES, CA (lAX)SAn JOse, cA (SJc)$ 79
LoUiSvillE, KY (SDF)DaLLas/F", "whitespace_perturbation": "tr>?\t\t\t\t
La Crosse, W I (L SE ) $6 9< / font>
Long Beach , C A (LGB ) ? \t\t\t< t d w idth=\"44 %\" >< fontface = \" A r ial, He lvet ica,sans-serif\"?siz e=\"2 \" >Da llas/ Ft. W orth ,TX ( DFW) ?\t\t\t\t\t $ 1 4 9< /font>
Sa n Jose , CA ( S JC )
La Crosse, WI_ (LSE)$ 69
Dallas/Ft._Worth, TX (DFW)$149
Los_Angeles, CA (LAX)San_Jose,_CA_ (SJC)$ 79
Louisville, KY (SDF)
West Palm Beach, FL (PBI)New York LaGuardia, NY (LGA)$149
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?\t\t\twww.aa.com/netsaaver? ? _ __ @ENRON\n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 2:41 PM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n sleeping.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 2:36 PM\n To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n what are you doing tonight?\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Erin Richardson @ENRON\n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 12:01 PM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n that shouldn't be a problem.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 11:54 AM\n To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n don't worry. you and jen just need to be ready to party.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Erin Richardson @ENRON\n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 11:28 AM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n good, glad you're excited. don't forget to bring some fun\n stuff\n for\n us.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Matthew.Lenhart@", "synonym_substitution": "October 12, 2001 3:01 PM \n To: Lenhart, Matthew \n Subject: RE: \n\n i know, i am out of restraint. are you sound out? \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 2:55 PM \n To: erichardson@sarofim.com \n Subject: ra: \n\n\n party girl \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Erin Richardson < erichardson@sarofim.com>@ENRON \n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 2:41 PM \n To: Lenhart, Matthew \n discipline: RE: \n\n sleeping. \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n send: Friday, October 12, 2001 2:36 PM \n To: erichardson@sarofim.com \n Subject: ra: \n\n\n what are you doing tonight? \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Erin Richardson < erichardson@sarofim.com>@ENRON \n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 12:01 PM \n To: Lenhart, Matthew \n topic: rhenium: \n\n that shouldn't be a problem. \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 11:54 AM \n To: erichardson@sarofim.com \n Subject: RE: \n\n\n don't concern. you and jen just need to be ready to party. \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Erin Richardson < erichardson@sarofim.com>@ENRON \n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 11:28 master of arts \n To: Lenhart, Matthew \n Subject: RE: \n\n dear, glad you're aroused. don't forget to bring some fun \n stuff \n for \n us. \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Matthew. Lenhart@", "butter_fingers": " Ochober 12, 2001 3:01 PM\n To: Uenhart, Matthew\n Snbject: RE:\n\n i know, i am out of control. ere tou giing out?\n\n -----Original Message-----\n Fron: Mauthew.Lenhart@enron.rkm [mailbj:Matfmew.Leuhert@enron.com]\n Sent: Frigay, October 12, 2001 2:55 PO\n To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n Fubject: RF:\n\n\n party gyrl\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Erin Gichardson @ENRON\n Sfnt: Friday, Octobfr 12, 2001 2:41 PM\n To: Lenhxrt, Matthew\n Sugject: RE:\n\n sleeping.\n\n -----Oxiginal Meswate-----\n From: Mattrew.Lenhart@envpn.com [kailto:Mstthew.Lenhart@ekron.cmm]\n Sent: Friday, Ortober 12, 2001 2:36 PM\n To: erichdrbson@sarofim.com\n Wubjewt: RA:\n\n\n wgav ade you domng tonight?\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Erin Rychardson @ENRON\n Sent: Friday, Octiber 12, 2001 12:01 PM\n To: Lqnhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n dhat afouodk't bd a problem.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n Grpm: Matthew.Lenhcrt@enron.com\n [maolho:Kwtthew.Lenhart@gnron.com]\n Sent: Frifay, Octjber 12, 2001 11:54 AM\n To: erichardson@sarofim.con\n Wubject: RE:\n\n\n don't woxry. ypu anc jen just need to be rzady tk party.\n\n -----Original Messaee-----\n From: Erin Rishardson @ENWON\n Sent: Friday, Ochober 12, 2001 11:28 AM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Sgbjvct: RE:\n\n good, dlad you're excnted. dou't foreet to brihg some fun\n seuff\n xlr\n us.\n\n -----Origkval Message-----\n From: Marthew.Lenhart@", "random_deletion": "October 12, 2001 3:01 PM To: Lenhart, RE: know, i out of control. Message----- Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Sent: October 12, 2001 PM To: erichardson@sarofim.com Subject: RE: party -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson @ENRON Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 2:41 PM Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: sleeping. -----Original Message----- From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Sent: Friday, October 2001 PM erichardson@sarofim.com RE: what are you doing tonight? -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson @ENRON Sent: Friday, October 12, 12:01 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: that be a problem. -----Original From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Sent: Friday, 12, 11:54 AM erichardson@sarofim.com RE: worry. you and just need to be ready to party. -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson @ENRON Sent: Friday, October 12, 11:28 AM Matthew Subject: good, you're don't forget to fun stuff for us. -----Original Message-----", "change_char_case": " October 12, 2001 3:01 PM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n subject: RE:\n\n i Know, i Am oUt oF cOntrOl. arE you going out?\n\n -----OrIGinaL Message-----\n From: Matthew.LenHart@eNrON.com [MAiLto:MaTthew.LeNHaRT@EnrOn.CoM]\n SeNt: fRiDay, OcTobEr 12, 2001 2:55 PM\n To: eRichardson@SarOfIm.com\n Subject: re:\n\n\n pArty girl\n\n -----OrIgiNal Message-----\n FrOm: ERin RicHaRdsON @ENROn\n Sent: FridAy, oCtober 12, 2001 2:41 pm\n To: LenhART, MAtthEw\n Subject: RE:\n\n sleepiNG.\n\n -----ORIginal Message-----\n FRom: MatThEW.LENHarT@enRon.com [mailTo:matthEW.LenharT@EnRON.Com]\n sEnt: Friday, OctoBer 12, 2001 2:36 PM\n To: ericHArdSon@sarOfIm.cOM\n SubjeCt: RE:\n\n\n wHaT Are You doing tonIght?\n\n -----original MEssage-----\n fRom: Erin rIchardsOn @EnRon\n SeNT: FRidAY, OcTober 12, 2001 12:01 PM\n TO: LEnHart, MAtthEW\n sUBjecT: RE:\n\n That ShoulDn't be a problem.\n\n -----oriGinaL mesSage-----\n FRom: MaTtheW.LEnharT@enron.Com\n [maIlTo:Matthew.LenharT@enrOn.com]\n Sent: friDaY, OcToBer 12, 2001 11:54 AM\n tO: erichArdSon@Sarofim.Com\n SubjECt: Re:\n\n\n dON'T WoRry. you and jen just neEd TO Be Ready to pArty.\n\n -----OrIGiNaL message-----\n FRoM: ErIn RiCHArdsoN @eNrOn\n Sent: FrIdAy, OctoBeR 12, 2001 11:28 AM\n to: LEnharT, mattHew\n SubJect: RE:\n\n goOd, glaD You're excited. doN'T forget to brinG SoME FuN\n StufF\n foR\n us.\n\n -----Original messAGe-----\n FrOm: MaTThEw.LENhart@", "whitespace_perturbation": " October 12, 2001 3:01 PM To: L enh art ,Matt hew Subject: RE: \n\n i know, i am o ut of c o ntro l .are y ou goin g o u t ?\n - -- - -O rigin alMessage -----\n F ro m: Matthew.L e nh art@enron. com [mailto:Mat the w.Lenh ar t@e n ron.c om] \n Sent : Frida y, Octobe r1 2, 200 1 2:55 P M To: erichardson@s a ro f im.com\n S ubject :R E: \n party gir l\n -- - -- O r i gin a l Message---- -\n F rom : Er in Ri c hardso n @ENRON\n Sent: Friday , Octo ber 12 , 20 0 12: 41PM T o: Lenh ar t, Matt hew Su bjec t: R E:\n\n sle epin g .\n - ---- Or igina l Mess age-- -- -\n From : Ma tthew.Len har t@ enr on .com[ mailto :Ma tth ew.Lenh art@enr o n.c om ] Sent: Friday ,O c to ber 12,2001 2 : 36 P M \n To: eri c h ardso n@sa r of im.com\n S ub ject: R E: \n\n\n wh at ar e you doing tonight ?\n\n ---- - Original Mess a ge - - -- - \n From: E r in R icha r ds on< erich ardso n@ s ar o fim.com>@ENRON\n Sent: Friday, Oc tober 12,2 0 0 1 12:01PM\n To: Lenh art, Matth e w\n Subject : RE:\n\n th atsho uld n ' tbe a problem. - --- -Origin alMes sag e-- -- -\n Fro m: M at th ew. Lenha r t@enron. co m\n [ma ilto: M atthew .Lenh art@ en ro n .co m]\n S en t: Fri day ,Octob er 1 2 , 2 001 11: 54 AM\n T o: ericha rdson@sarofim .c om\n Subjec t : RE:\n\n\n don't worry. you an d j en ju st n eed to be re ady to pa r ty.\n\n - - - --Ori g i na l M es sage----- F rom: Erin Richardson @ E N RO N\n S ent: Friday,October 12 ,2 00 1 11:28 AM To: L e nhart,Matthew\n S u b jec t: RE:\n\n goo d , gla d y ou're ex cited. don 't fo rget t o br ing s ome fu n stuff \n for\n us.\n\n - ----Origi nal Mes sage----- \n F rom : Mat the w .Lenh art@ ", "underscore_trick": " October_12, 2001_3:01 PM\n _ __To: __ Lenhart,_Matthew\n _ Subject:_ RE:\n\n __ i know, i am out of control. are you going out?\n\n__ ___-----Original Message-----\n _ From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n_ _ Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001_2:55_PM\n _ To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n _ Subject: RE:\n\n\n _ party_girl\n\n__ _ -----Original Message-----\n_ _ From: Erin Richardson_@ENRON\n _ Sent: _ Friday,_October 12, 2001 2:41 PM\n_ _ _ _To: Lenhart,_Matthew\n _ _Subject:_ RE:\n\n ___ _ _sleeping.\n\n_ __ -----Original_Message-----\n_ _ From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n__ _ Sent: Friday,_October 12, 2001 2:36 PM\n _ _ _ To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n _ Subject: RE:\n\n\n _ _ _what_are you doing_tonight?\n\n_ _ _ _ -----Original Message-----\n _ __ From: _Erin Richardson @ENRON\n _ ___ Sent: Friday,_October 12, 2001 12:01 PM\n _ _ _To:_ Lenhart, Matthew\n__ ___ Subject: RE:\n\n_ _ that shouldn't be a_problem.\n\n _ ___ -----Original Message-----\n _ _ _From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n _ Sent:_Friday, October 12, 2001 11:54 AM\n _ To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n_ _ _Subject:_RE:\n\n\n ____ don't_worry. you_and jen just_need to_be ready to_party.\n\n _ __ -----Original Message-----\n _ _ From: _Erin_Richardson @ENRON\n _ _ _ Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 11:28_AM\n_ _ _ _ _ _ To:_ _ _Lenhart, Matthew\n __ Subject:__RE:\n\n__ _ _ _ __good, glad you're excited. don't_forget to bring_some fun\n _ stuff\n _ for\n us.\n\n _ _ _ __ -----Original Message-----\n _ _ __ From: Matthew.Lenhart@"} {"text": " Sparling/HOU/EES@EES\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tFW: CoGen Facility\n\nHere is the information for Rock Tenn.\n\nThanks,\n\nTrish\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tOgenyi, Gloria \nSent:\tWednesday, November 07, 2001 10:09 AM\nTo:\tCollins, Patricia\nSubject:\tFW: CoGen Facility\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tOgenyi, Gloria \nSent:\tWednesday, November 07, 2001 8:43 AM\nTo:\tCollins, Patricia\nSubject:\tFW: CoGen Facility\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tOgenyi, Gloria \nSent:\tWednesday, November 07, 2001 8:38 AM\nTo:\tCOLLINS, PATRICIA\nSubject:\tFW: CoGen Facility\n\nTrish, I sent this to you yesterday, but apparently, it went to the wrong address.\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tOgenyi, Gloria \nSent:\tTuesday, November 06, 2001 5:16 PM\nTo:\tCOLLINS, PATRICIA\nCc:\tHamb, Edward; Kingerski, Harry; Ryall, Jean\nSubject:\tCoGen Facility\n\nTrish,\n\nPer Chapter 39.252(b)(1) of the Texas Utilities Code, recovery of stranded costs by an electric utility shall be from all existing or future retail customers within the utility's certificated territory as it existed on May 1, 1999. A retail customer may not avoid CTC's by switching to a new on-site generation. New on-site generation is defined as an electric generator generating more than 10 MW, capable of being lawfully delivered to the site without use of the utility T & D facilities, and which was not fully operational prior to 12/31/99. (If the self-gen facility's output is 10 MW or less, it will be governed by the DG rules.)\n\nIf a customer commences taking energy from a new on-site generation (with output of more than10 MW ) which materially reduces or eliminates the customer's use of energy delivered through the utility's facilities, the customer shall pay an amount each month computed by multiplying the output of the on-site generation by the CTC which is in effect during the month.\n\nAny CTC assessed on such a self -gen facility", "synonym_substitution": "Sparling / HOU / EES@EES \n cc: \t \n Subject: \t FW: CoGen Facility \n\n Here is the information for Rock Tenn. \n\n Thanks, \n\n Trish \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: \t Ogenyi, Gloria \n Sent: \t Wednesday, November 07, 2001 10:09 AM \n To: \t Collins, Patricia \n Subject: \t FW: CoGen Facility \n\n\n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: \t Ogenyi, Gloria \n Sent: \t Wednesday, November 07, 2001 8:43 amplitude modulation \n To: \t Collins, Patricia \n national: \t FW: CoGen Facility \n\n\n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: \t Ogenyi, Gloria \n Sent: \t Wednesday, November 07, 2001 8:38 AM \n To: \t COLLINS, PATRICIA \n Subject: \t FW: CoGen Facility \n\n Trish, I sent this to you yesterday, but obviously, it went to the wrong address. \n\n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: \t Ogenyi, Gloria \n Sent: \t Tuesday, November 06, 2001 5:16 autopsy \n To: \t COLLINS, PATRICIA \n Cc: \t Hamb, Edward; Kingerski, Harry; Ryall, Jean \n Subject: \t CoGen Facility \n\n Trish, \n\n Per Chapter 39.252(b)(1) of the Texas Utilities Code, recovery of maroon costs by an electric utility shall be from all existent or future retail customers within the utility's certificated territory as it exist on May 1, 1999. A retail customer may not avoid CTC's by switching to a new on - site generation. fresh on - site generation is defined as an electric generator beget more than 10 MW, capable of being lawfully delivered to the site without function of the utility T & D facilities, and which was not fully operational prior to 12/31/99. (If the self - gen facility's end product is 10 MW or less, it will be governed by the DG rules .) \n\n If a customer commences taking energy from a new on - site generation (with output of more than10 MW) which materially reduces or eliminates the customer's use of energy delivered through the utility's facilities, the customer shall pay an amount each calendar month calculate by multiplying the output of the on - site coevals by the CTC which is in effect during the month. \n\n Any CTC assessed on such a self -gen adeptness", "butter_fingers": " Spwrling/HOU/EES@EES\ncc:\t \nSubjecu:\tFW: CoGen Faciliti\n\nHwre is the ihformatiun for Rock Tenn.\n\nThanks,\n\nTrish\n\n -----Lruginao Message-----\nFrom: \tOgenyi, Guoria \nSejt:\tWedneseay, Iovember 07, 2001 10:09 AM\nTo:\tRkllins, Ictricjw\nSublert:\tFW: CoGen Facikity\n\n\n\n -----Origital Message-----\nFrok: \tUgznyi, Gloria \nSent:\tWednesday, November 07, 2001 8:43 AM\nTo:\tVoplins, Patricia\nFubjtct:\tSW: CkGen Facility\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tOgenyi, Gloria \nSent:\tEednesday, November 07, 2001 8:38 AM\nTo:\tFOLLLNS, PATRICIA\nSubjech:\tFW: CoGen Fqcilyry\n\nTrish, I sevt this to you yesterdzy, but apparently, it went to thd wroug address.\n\n\n -----Irugijdl Message-----\nFcom: \tOgvnyi, Gloria \nSent:\tTuesgay, Novrmber 06, 2001 5:16 PM\nTo:\tCPLLMNS, PATRICIA\nCc:\tHamb, Edward; Kingerski, Harry; Riall, Jean\nSgblect:\tCoGen Facility\n\nTriwh,\n\nPer Cvaptar 39.252(b)(1) if ghe Txxaa Utilltixs Code, reckvery of steanded costs by an tlesntic utility ahall fe from all existing or future retail cusuomera within the utility's cwrtificated territory as it exysted on May 1, 1999. A retail customer may not avoid CTW's by rwiucmlng gi w new on-site generation. New on-site generation js dvfined as an elecbric generator genrrwtogg more than 10 MW, ca'zbme of being lawfulpy delidered to the syte eithout use of the utility R & D facilitpes, qnd which was not yully operatnonal krior yo 12/31/99. (If the self-gen faciuity'a output is 10 MW or lsrs, it will be goxerked by the DG rules.)\n\nIf a custjmer commxnces taking enetgy froi a new on-dite naneration (with outout oy mora than10 MW ) which materially reduces or elmkinates the vuvtoker's use of ekergy delivered through the ujility's fccilitkes, the cuatomer vhall pay ag amount each lonth computxd by muleiplting the ougout of the on-sote genercuion by thw CTC which is in cffecj suring the montk.\n\nCni CTC assessed pn rucr w xejx -gen facilidy", "random_deletion": "Sparling/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: FW: CoGen Facility Here information Rock Tenn. Trish -----Original Message----- November 2001 10:09 AM Collins, Patricia Subject: CoGen Facility -----Original Message----- From: Ogenyi, Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 8:43 AM To: Collins, Patricia Subject: FW: CoGen -----Original Message----- From: Ogenyi, Gloria Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 8:38 AM To: PATRICIA FW: Facility I sent this to you yesterday, but apparently, it went to the wrong address. -----Original Message----- Ogenyi, Gloria Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 5:16 To: COLLINS, PATRICIA Cc: Edward; Kingerski, Harry; Ryall, Jean CoGen Trish, Per 39.252(b)(1) the Utilities Code, recovery stranded costs by an electric utility shall be from all existing or future retail customers within the certificated territory existed on 1, A customer may not by switching to a new on-site generation is defined as an electric generator generating than 10 capable of being lawfully delivered to site without use of the utility T & facilities, and which was not fully operational prior to 12/31/99. (If the self-gen facility's output MW or less, it be governed by DG If customer taking energy a new on-site generation (with output of more than10 MW ) materially reduces or eliminates the customer's use of energy delivered utility's the customer shall an amount each month by the output of the by CTC effect the Any CTC assessed on a self -gen facility", "change_char_case": " Sparling/HOU/EES@EES\ncc:\t \nSubjecT:\tFW: CoGen FaCilitY\n\nHeRe iS tHe inFormAtion for Rock TeNN.\n\nThaNks,\n\nTrish\n\n -----Original MessagE-----\nFrom: \togENyi, GLOrIa \nSenT:\tWednesDAy, nOVemBeR 07, 2001 10:09 Am\nTo:\tcoLLiNs, PatRicIa\nSubjeCt:\tFW: CoGen FAciLiTy\n\n\n\n -----Original MeSSaGe-----\nFrom: \tOgenYi, GLoria \nSent:\tWedNesDay, NovEmBer 07, 2001 8:43 am\nTo:\tCoLliNs, PatRicia\nSUBject:\tFw: CoGen FacIlITy\n\n\n\n -----OrigINal MessAGE-----\nFRom: \tOGenyi, Gloria \nSent:\tWeDNeSDay, November 07, 2001 8:38 AM\nTO:\tCOLLInS, paTricIA\nsubJect:\tFW: CoGeN FAciliTY\n\nTrish, I SEnT THIs tO You yesterday, bUt apparentlY, It wEnt to tHe WroNG addreSs.\n\n\n -----OriGiNAl MEssage-----\nFrom: \tOGenyI, Gloria \nSeNt:\tTuesDAy, NovemBEr 06, 2001 5:16 PM\nTo:\tCoLLINS, pATrICiA\nCc:\thAmB, EDwaRd; kIngERsKi, HARry; ryall, JeaN\nSUbJect:\tCOGen fACILity\n\ntriSh,\n\nPeR ChapTer 39.252(b)(1) of the TexaS UtIlitIEs COde, reCoverY of sTrAnded Costs bY an elEcTric utility shalL be fRom all exiStiNg Or fUtUre reTAil cusTomErs Within tHe utiliTY's cErTIFIcAted territory as it eXiSTEd On May 1, 1999. A reTail cuSToMeR May not avOiD CTc's by SWItchiNg to A NeW on-site gEneratIOn. neW on-site GeNeratiOn Is dEfiNed as AN eleCtric gEnerator GenerATing more than 10 MW, CApable of being LAwFULlY DeliVerEd to the site WithOUt usE of tHE uTilITy T & D fAciliTiES, aND which was not fully opErAtionaL prioR to 12/31/99. (If the self-gEn facility'S OUTput is 10 MW Or leSS, iT Will be governed By the dG rules.)\n\nIf a CUstomer cOmmenCes takinG energy frOM A new on-siTe gEneRatIon (WITh Output of more tHAN10 MW ) wHiCh materIalLy reducEs oR elImiNatEs The customEr's use of EnErGy DeLivEred tHRough the UtIliTy'S faCilitIEs, the cUstomEr shAlL pAY an Amount eACh MONth cOmPuTed bY muLtIplyiNg thE OutPut of thE on-site geNerATion By ThE CTC whiCh is in effect dUrIng the montH.\n\nANy CtC asseSSEd on such A self -gen facility", "whitespace_perturbation": " Sparling/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: \nSubject: \tFW:CoG enFa cili ty\nHere is the in f orma tion for Rock Tenn.\n\nT hanks ,Tris h \n ---- -Origin a lM e ssa ge -- --- \nF r om : \tOg eny i, Glor ia \nSent: \tWe dn esday, Novem b er 07, 200110: 09 AM\nTo:\tCo lli ns, Pa tr ici a \nSubj ect :\tFW: CoGen Facili ty\n\n\n\n -- -- - Origin a l Messa g e -- ---From: \tOgenyi, Gl o ri a \nSent:\tWedne sday,No v em b e r 0 7,2001 8:43AM \nTo:C ollins, Pa t r i cia Subject:\tFW:CoGen Facil i ty\n\n\n -- -- -Or i ginalMessa ge - --- -\nFrom: \tOg enyi , Gloria \nSent : \tWednes d ay, Nov ember07, 20 01 8 : 38 A M\nT o: COL L IN S,P ATR ICIA\nSub je ct :\tFW: CoG e n F acil ity \n\nTr ish,I sent this t o y ou y e ste rday, butappa re ntly, it we nt to t he wrong addres s.\n\n -----Or igi na l M es sage- - ---\nFr om: \tO genyi,Gloria\nSe nt : T ue sday, November 06, 2 0 0 15:16 PMTo:\tCO L LI NS , PATRICI ACc: \tHam b , Edwa rd;K in gerski,Harry; Ry al l, Jean \nS ubject :CoG enFacil i ty\nTrish, \n\nPer Ch apter 39.252(b)(1) o f the Texas Ut i li t i es Code , r ecovery ofstra n dedcost s b y a n elec tricut i li t y shall be from all e xistin g orfuture retail customers w i thin the uti l it y 's certificate d ter ritory asi t existe d onMay 1, 1 999. A re t a il custo mer ma y n ota v oi d CTC's by sw i t chin gto a ne w o n-sitegen era tio n.Ne w on-site generat io nis d efi ned a s an elec tr icge ner atorg enerat ing m oreth an 10MW, cap a bl e of b ei ng law ful ly deli vere d to the si te withou t u s e of t he utilit y T & D facil it ies, and w hi chwas no t fully op erational prior to 12/3 1 /99. (I f t he se lf-g en facili ty' s outp uti s 10 M W or l ess,it wi l l be g o v er ned b y the DG r u les .)\n\nI fa cu stomercommences taking e n erg y from a newon- site g en era t io n (w it h ou t p ut of more than 10 MW ) wh ic h m ateriallyr edu ce s or el iminate s the custome r's use o f energyde live r e d t hrough the utility 's facili t ies,t he cust ome r shal lpay an a mounte ach mont h comp ut ed bymulti pl ying the output of the on-sitegenera tionbythe CTC w hic h is in effec t du ring the m ont h.\nAnyCTC asses sedo nsuc h a se lf - g en facili t y", "underscore_trick": " Sparling/HOU/EES@EES\ncc:\t_\nSubject:\tFW: CoGen_Facility\n\nHere is the information_for Rock_Tenn.\n\nThanks,\n\nTrish\n\n_-----Original Message-----\nFrom:_\tOgenyi,_Gloria \nSent:\tWednesday,_November 07, 2001_10:09 AM\nTo:\tCollins, Patricia\nSubject:\tFW: CoGen_Facility\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom:_\tOgenyi,_Gloria \nSent:\tWednesday, November 07, 2001 8:43 AM\nTo:\tCollins, Patricia\nSubject:\tFW: CoGen Facility\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tOgenyi,_Gloria_ \nSent:\tWednesday,_November_07,_2001 8:38 AM\nTo:\tCOLLINS, PATRICIA\nSubject:\tFW: CoGen_Facility\n\nTrish, I sent this to_you yesterday,_but apparently, it went to the wrong address.\n\n\n_-----Original_Message-----\nFrom: \tOgenyi, Gloria_ \nSent:\tTuesday, November 06, 2001 5:16 PM\nTo:\tCOLLINS, PATRICIA\nCc:\tHamb, Edward;_Kingerski, Harry; Ryall, Jean\nSubject:\tCoGen Facility\n\nTrish,\n\nPer Chapter_39.252(b)(1) of the_Texas_Utilities_Code, recovery of stranded_costs by an electric utility shall_be from all existing or future_retail customers within the utility's certificated territory_as it existed on May 1,_1999. A retail customer may_not avoid_CTC's by switching to a_new on-site generation._New on-site_generation is defined_as an electric generator generating more_than 10 MW,_capable of being lawfully delivered to_the_site without use_of_the_utility T_& D facilities,_and_which was_not_fully operational prior to 12/31/99. (If_the_self-gen facility's output is 10 MW or_less, it will be_governed_by the DG _rules.)\n\nIf a customer commences taking_energy from a new on-site generation_(with output_of more_than10 MW ) which materially reduces or eliminates the customer's use_of energy delivered through the utility's_facilities, the customer shall_pay an_amount_each month computed_by_multiplying the_output of the on-site generation by the_CTC which_is in effect during the month.\n\nAny_CTC assessed on such_a_self -gen facility"} {"text": "\n> 1400 Smith Street, EB3801a\n> Houston, TX 77002\n> Ph: (713) 853-5620\n> Fax: (713) 646-3490\n>\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Armogida, Jim\n> Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 9:16 AM\n> To: Shackleton, Sara\n> Subject: FW: Re: confirmation of agreement--Enron\n>\n>\n> Here it is, Sara.\n>\n>\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Ladas, Michael [mailto:Michael.Ladas@lehman.com]\n> Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 1:28 PM\n> To: Despain, Tim; Armogida, Jim; Freeland, Clint\n> Cc: Karna, Angie; Hackmann, Russell\n> Subject: RE: Re: confirmation of agreement--Enron\n>\n>\n> Tim - we are comfortable with the changes to the definition of\n> \"material\"\n> given that Lehman is not entering the market as a result of \"rolling\"\n> the\n> transaction. Should we amend the transaction in or enter in any future\n> transaction where we enter the market on behalf of ENE, we would require\n> the\n> \"standard\" definition of \"material.\n>\n> Mike Ladas\n> p.201-524-2279\n> c.646.319.3220\n> e.mladas@lehman.com\n>\n> > -----Original Message-----\n> > From:\tDespain, Tim [SMTP:Tim.DeSpain@ENRON.com]\n> > Sent:\tFriday, September 28, 2001 1:25 PM\n> > To:\tLadas, Michael\n> > Subject:\tFW: Re: confirmation of agreement--Enron\n> >\n> >\n> > As discussed.\n> >\n> > Tim\n> >\n> >\n> > > -----Original Message-----\n> > > From: \tArmogida, Jim\n> > > Sent:\tFriday, September 28, 2001 11:42 AM\n> > > To:\t'rhackman@lehman.com'\n> > > Cc:\tFreeland, Clint; Glisan, Ben; Despain, Tim; Wall", "synonym_substitution": "> 1400 Smith Street, EB3801a \n > Houston, TX 77002 \n > Ph: (713) 853 - 5620 \n > Fax: (713) 646 - 3490 \n > \n > \n > -----Original Message----- \n > From: Armogida, Jim \n > Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 9:16 AM \n > To: Shackleton, Sara \n > Subject: FW: Re: ratification of agreement -- Enron \n > \n > \n > Here it is, Sara. \n > \n > \n > \n > -----Original Message----- \n > From: Ladas, Michael [ mailto:Michael.Ladas@lehman.com ] \n > mail: Friday, September 28, 2001 1:28 PM \n > To: Despain, Tim; Armogida, Jim; Freeland, Clint \n > Cc: Karna, Angie; Hackmann, Russell \n > national: ra: Re: confirmation of agreement -- Enron \n > \n > \n > Tim - we are comfortable with the changes to the definition of \n > \" substantial \" \n > impart that Lehman is not entering the grocery store as a result of \" rolling \" \n > the \n > transaction. Should we rectify the transaction in or enter in any future \n > transaction where we enter the marketplace on behalf of ENE, we would command \n > the \n > \" standard \" definition of \" material. \n > \n > Mike Ladas \n > p.201 - 524 - 2279 \n > c.646.319.3220 \n > e.mladas@lehman.com \n > \n > > -----Original Message----- \n > > From: \t Despain, Tim [ SMTP:Tim.DeSpain@ENRON.com ] \n > > Sent: \t Friday, September 28, 2001 1:25 PM \n > > To: \t Ladas, Michael \n > > Subject: \t FW: Re: confirmation of agreement -- Enron \n > > \n > > \n > > As discourse. \n > > \n > > Tim \n > > \n > > \n > > > -----Original Message----- \n > > > From: \t Armogida, Jim \n > > > Sent: \t Friday, September 28, 2001 11:42 AM \n > > > To: \t' rhackman@lehman.com' \n > > > Cc: \t Freeland, Clint; Glisan, Ben; Despain, Tim; Wall", "butter_fingers": "\n> 1400 Slith Street, EB3801a\n> Houston, UX 77002\n> Ph: (713) 853-5620\n> Fax: (713) 646-3490\n>\n>\n> -----Originan Messzge-----\n> From: Armogida, Jim\n> Sent: Monday, Ocvobee 01, 2001 9:16 QM\n> To: Shackleton, Sara\n> Rubject: FA: Re: condirmetion of agreemeif--Enron\n>\n>\n> Mzre if is, Vera.\n>\n>\n>\n> -----Original Mexsage-----\n> From: Ladas, Michael [mxipto:Michael.Ladas@lehman.com]\n> Sent: Fridar, Septekbfr 28, 2001 1:28 PM\n> To: Defpaim, Tim; Armogida, Jim; Freeland, Clint\n> Cc: Kadna, Angpe; Hackmann, Russekl\n> Subject: RE: Re: confirmatlon lf agreement--Enron\n>\n>\n> Him - we are comsirtable with the changts to the derinition of\n> \"material\"\n> given that Lehmcn is not ebtwrijc the markev as a result of \"rolling\"\n> tve\n> tranxaction. Shoulc wx amwnd the transaction ii or enter in any fujure\n> transdccion where we enter tye markgt on behxof uf TNE, ws woulf rxquire\n> the\n> \"atandard\" dedinition of \"materiak.\n>\n> Iple Ladas\n> p.201-524-2279\n> c.646.319.3220\n> e.mladws@jehman.com\n>\n> > -----Original Message-----\n> > From:\tDespait, Tjm [SMTP:Tim.DeSpain@ENRON.cim]\n> > Sent:\tFriday, Septemher 28, 2001 1:25 PM\n> > To:\tLadas, Michael\n> > Subject:\tFW: Re: confirmation of acreemxng--Enxin\n> >\n> >\n> > Qs discussed.\n> >\n> > Tim\n> >\n> >\n> > > -----Original Message-----\n> > > From: \tZrkonida, Jim\n> > > Sent:\tFviday, September 28, 2001 11:42 AL\n> > > To:\t'rhackman@lefman.com'\n> > > Cc:\tFreeland, Clint; Hlisan, Fen; Dwspain, Tii; Wakl", "random_deletion": "> 1400 Smith Street, EB3801a > Houston, > (713) 853-5620 Fax: (713) 646-3490 > Armogida, Jim > Monday, October 01, 9:16 AM > To: Shackleton, Sara Subject: FW: Re: confirmation of agreement--Enron > > > Here it is, Sara. > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Ladas, Michael [mailto:Michael.Ladas@lehman.com] > Sent: Friday, 28, 1:28 > Despain, Tim; Armogida, Jim; Freeland, Clint > Cc: Karna, Angie; Hackmann, Russell > Subject: RE: Re: of agreement--Enron > > > Tim - we comfortable with the changes the definition of > \"material\" given Lehman is entering market a result of > the > transaction. Should we amend the transaction in or enter in any future > transaction we enter on behalf ENE, would > the > of \"material. > > Mike Ladas c.646.319.3220 > e.mladas@lehman.com > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Tim [SMTP:Tim.DeSpain@ENRON.com] > > Sent: Friday, 28, 2001 1:25 PM > > To: Ladas, > > Subject: FW: Re: confirmation of agreement--Enron > > > > > > As > > > Tim > > > > -----Original > > From: Jim > > > Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 11:42 AM > > To: 'rhackman@lehman.com' > > > Cc: Freeland, Clint; Despain, Wall", "change_char_case": "\n> 1400 Smith Street, EB3801a\n> Houston, TX 77002\n> Ph: (713) 853-5620\n> fax: (713) 646-3490\n>\n>\n> -----OriginaL MessAge-----\n> froM: ARmogIda, JIm\n> Sent: Monday, OcTOber 01, 2001 9:16 aM\n> To: Shackleton, Sara\n> SubjEct: FW: re: COnfiRMaTion oF agreemENt--eNRon\n>\n>\n> heRe It iS, SARa.\n>\n>\n>\n> -----origiNal message-----\n> from: Ladas, MIchAeL [mailto:MichaEL.LAdas@lehman.Com]\n> sent: Friday, SePteMber 28, 2001 1:28 PM\n> to: desPAin, TiM; ArMogidA, Jim; FrEEland, CLint\n> Cc: KarNa, aNgie; HaCKmann, RuSSElL\n> SubJect: RE: Re: confirmatIOn OF agreement--EnroN\n>\n>\n> Tim - we ArE CoMFOrtAblE with the chAnGes to THe definITiON OF\n> \"maTErial\"\n> given thaT Lehman is noT EntEring tHe MarKEt as a rEsult Of \"ROllIng\"\n> the\n> transActiOn. Should wE amend THe transACtion in Or enteR in Any FutuRE\n> tRaNsaCtIOn wHErE we ENteR the markEt On BehalF of Ene, WE WoulD reQuirE\n> the\n> \"sTandard\" definiTioN of \"mATerIal.\n>\n> MiKe LadAs\n> p.201-524-2279\n> c.646.319.3220\n> E.mLadas@Lehman.Com\n>\n> > -----OrIgInal Message-----\n> > From:\tdespAin, Tim [SMTp:TiM.DESpAiN@ENROn.Com]\n> > SenT:\tFrIdaY, SeptemBer 28, 2001 1:25 PM\n> > To:\tlAdaS, MICHAeL\n> > Subject:\tFW: Re: confirMaTIOn Of agreemEnt--EnrON\n> >\n> >\n> > AS dIScussed.\n> >\n> > TIm\n> >\n> >\n> > > -----oriGinaL mEssagE-----\n> > > FroM: \tarMogida, JiM\n> > > Sent:\tFRIdAy, septembEr 28, 2001 11:42 aM\n> > > To:\t'rhAcKmaN@leHman.cOM'\n> > > Cc:\tFReelanD, Clint; GlIsan, BEN; Despain, Tim; WalL", "whitespace_perturbation": "\n> 1400 Smith Street, EB38 01a\n> Hous ton,TX 77 00 2\n>Ph: (713) 853-562 0 \n> F ax: (713) 646-3490\n>\n> \n> -- -- - Orig i na l Mes sage--- - -> Fro m: A rmo gi d a, Jim> S ent: Mo nday, Octo ber 0 1, 2001 9:16 AM \n> To: Sha ckl eton, Sara\n> Su bject: F W:R e: co nfi rmati on ofa greeme nt--Enron \n> >\n> He r e it is , Sa ra.>\n>\n>\n> -----Orig i na l Message-----> From :L ad a s , M ich ael [mailt o: Micha e l.Ladas @ le h m a n.c o m]\n> Sent: Fr iday, Septe m ber 28, 2 00 1 1 : 28 PM> To: D e spa in, Tim; Ar mogi da, Jim;Freela n d, Clin t \n> Cc:Karna, An gie ; Ha c km an n,Ru s sel l \n> Su b jec t: RE: R e: c onfir mati o n o f ag ree ment --Enr on\n>\n>\n> Tim- w e ar e co mfort ablewith t he ch angesto th edefinition of\n> \"ma terial\"\n> gi ve n t ha t Leh m an isnot en teringthe mar k etas a re sult of \"rolling\">t h e> transa ction. S ho u ld we am en d t he t r a nsact ioni nor enter in an y f ut ure\n> t ra nsacti on wh ere we e n terthe ma rket onbehal f of ENE, we wo u ld require\n>t he > \" s tand ard \" definitio n of \"mat eria l .>\n> MikeLadas \n> p. 2 01-524-2279\n> c.646 .3 19.322 0\n> e .mladas@lehma n.com\n>\n>> - ----Orig inal Me s sage-----\n> >From: \tDespain,T im [SMTP :Tim. DeSpain@ ENRON.com ] > > Sent :\tF rid ay, Se p t em ber 28, 20011 : 25 P M> > To: \tLa das, Mi cha el> > Su bj ect:\tFW:Re: conf ir ma ti on of agre e ment--En ro n\n> > \n>>\n> > As dis cusse d.\n> > \n> > T im\n> >> > > > > -- ---O rig in al Me ssag e --- --\n> >> From: Arm o gida ,Ji m\n> > > Sent:\tFriday ,September28 , 2 001 11 : 4 2 AM\n> > > To:\t'rhackman@lehman . com'\n>> > Cc:Free land, Cli nt; Glisa n,B en; De spain, Tim; W all ", "underscore_trick": "\n> 1400_Smith Street,_EB3801a\n> Houston, TX _77002\n> Ph:__(713) 853-5620\n>_Fax:_(713) 646-3490\n>\n>\n> -----Original_Message-----\n> From: Armogida,_Jim\n> Sent: Monday, October_01, 2001 9:16_AM\n>_To: Shackleton, Sara\n> Subject: FW: Re: confirmation of agreement--Enron\n>\n>\n> Here it is, Sara.\n>\n>\n>\n> -----Original_Message-----\n>_From: Ladas,_Michael_[mailto:Michael.Ladas@lehman.com]\n>_Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001_1:28 PM\n> To: Despain, Tim;_Armogida, Jim;_Freeland, Clint\n> Cc: Karna, Angie; Hackmann, Russell\n> Subject:_RE:_Re: confirmation of_agreement--Enron\n>\n>\n> Tim - we are comfortable with the changes_to the definition of\n> \"material\"\n> given_that Lehman is_not_entering_the market as a_result of \"rolling\"\n> the\n> transaction. _Should we amend the transaction in_or enter in any future\n> transaction where_we enter the market on behalf_of ENE, we would require\n>_the\n> \"standard\"_definition of \"material.\n>\n> Mike Ladas\n>_p.201-524-2279\n> c.646.319.3220\n> e.mladas@lehman.com\n>\n>_> -----Original_Message-----\n> > From:\tDespain,_Tim [SMTP:Tim.DeSpain@ENRON.com]\n> > Sent:\tFriday, September 28,_2001 1:25 PM\n>_> To:\tLadas, Michael\n> > Subject:\tFW: Re:_confirmation_of agreement--Enron\n> >\n>_>\n>_>_As discussed.\n>_>\n> > Tim\n>_>\n>_>\n> >_>_ -----Original Message-----\n> > > From:_\tArmogida,_Jim\n> > > Sent:\tFriday, September 28, 2001_11:42 AM\n> > >_To:\t'rhackman@lehman.com'\n>_> > Cc:\tFreeland, Clint;_Glisan, Ben; Despain, Tim; Wall"} {"text": "\t?\t\t\t\t\tFort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)?\t\t\t\t\tNassau, Bahamas (NAS) #?\t\t\t\t\t$ 79? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tLos Angeles, CA (LAX)?\t\t\t\t\tLondon Heathrow, UK (LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$349? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tAntigua, Antigua (ANU)?\t\t\t\t\t$219? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tBarranquilla,", "synonym_substitution": "< tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Nassau, Bahamas (NAS) # < /font>? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$ 79? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Los Angeles, CA (LAX)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">London Heathrow, UK (LHR)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$349? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Miami, FL (MIA)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Antigua, Antigua (ANU)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$219? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t < td colspan=3> ? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Miami, FL (MIA)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Barranquilla,", "butter_fingers": "\t?\t\t\t\t\tHort Lahderdale, FL (FLL)?\t\t\t\t\tNassau, Hahamas (NAS) #?\t\t\t\t\t$ 79? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tLos Angeles, CW (LSV)?\t\t\t\t\tLondon Heayhrow, UK (LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$349? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiamn, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tSntigua, Antigus (ENU)?\t\t\t\t\t$219? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t &nbap;?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tKiwni, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tBzrranquilla,", "random_deletion": "? Fort (FLL)? width=\"44%\">Nassau, Bahamas face=\"Arial,? 79? ? ? width=\"44%\">Los Angeles, CA (LAX)? London Heathrow, UK (LHR)? $349? ? ? width=\"44%\">Miami, FL (MIA)? Antigua, (ANU)? width=\"12%\">? ?  ? ? ? Miami, FL (MIA)? Barranquilla,", "change_char_case": "\t?\t\t\t\t\tFoRt laudErdaLe, FL (FLL)?\t\t\t\t\tNAssau, bahamas (naS) #?\t\t\t\t\t$ 79? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tLOS AngeLes, cA (LAX)?\t\t\t\t\tLondon Heathrow, UK (lhR)?\t\t\t\t\t$349? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiaMi, fL (Mia)?\t\t\t\t\tAntiguA, antigua (aNU)?\t\t\t\t\t$219? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t &nbSp;?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiamI, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tBaRRanquiLla,", "whitespace_perturbation": "\t?\t\t\t\t\tFort Lauderdale, FL (FL L) < /fon t >< /td>? \t\t\t\t\t< fo n tface= \"Ar ial, He lvetica, s ans -s erif\"? size= \" 2\" >Nassau, B aha mas (NAS) #< /t d>? \t\t\t\t< tdwidth =\"12%\" > $ 79? \t\t ? \t?\t\t\t\tLo s Angel es, C A(LA X)? \t\t\t\t\tLondon H ea throw , UK ( L HR)< /fo nt>< /td>? \t\t\t\t\t $ 349< /font>
? \t\t?\t\t\t? \t\t\t\t\t < f on t face=\"Arial, Hel ve t i ca , sans-s erif\"? si ze = \"2\">Miam i, FL (M I A )< / td >?\t\t\t\t\t< td wid t h= \"4 4%\">Antigua, An t igua (ANU) ?\t\t\t $219 ? \t\t?? \t &nb sp;?\t\t? \t\t\t\t< tr>?\t\t\t\tMiam i,FL (M IA) ?\t\t\t\t\t< td w id th =\"4 4%\">< f ont face =\" Ari al , H elvet i ca, sa ns-se rif\" ?si z e=\" 2\">Barr a nq u i lla, ", "underscore_trick": "\t?\t\t\t\t\tFort Lauderdale, FL_ (FLL)?\t\t\t\t\tNassau, Bahamas _(NAS) #?\t\t\t\t\t$_79? __ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tLos Angeles, CA (LAX)?\t\t\t\t\tLondon_Heathrow, UK (LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$349? _ _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami,_FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tAntigua, Antigua (ANU)?\t\t\t\t\t$219? _ __\t\t?\t\t\t\t?_ _ \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami,_FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tBarranquilla,"} {"text": "12%\">$ 79?\t\t\t\t?\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\tSan Francisco, CA (SFO)?\t\t\t\t\tBoston, MA (BOS)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tSan Jose, CA (SJC)?\t\t\t\t\tLos Angeles, CA (LAX)?\t\t\t\t\t$ 79? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tSeattle, WA (SEA)?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\t$169? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tToledo, OH (TOL)?\t\t\t\t\t$ 79? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">San Francisco, CA (SFO)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Boston, MA (BOS)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$229? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">San Jose, CA (SJC)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Los Angeles, CA (LAX)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$ 79? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t < td colspan=3> ? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Seattle, WA (SEA)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$169? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Toledo, OH (TOL)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width= \"", "butter_fingers": "12%\">$ 79?\t\t\t\t?\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\tSan Francisco, CA (RFO)?\t\t\t\t\tBovvon, MA (BOS)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tSan Jose, CA (SJC)?\t\t\t\t\tLos Angfles, CA (LAX)?\t\t\t\t\t$ 79? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t &nbxp;?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tSeattke, WA (SEA)?\t\t\t\t\tCricago O'Hdrz, IL (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\t$169? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tToledo, OH (TOL)?\t\t\t\t\t$ 79? ? ? face=\"Arial, sans-serif\"? size=\"2\">San CA (SFO)? $229? ? ? width=\"44%\">San Jose, (SJC)? Los Angeles, CA (LAX)? $ 79? ? ?  ? ? ? Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)? $169? ? ? Toledo, OH (TOL)? $ 79?\t\t\t\t?\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\tSan FrancisCo, CA (SfO)?\t\t\t\t\tboston, Ma (BOS)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tSAn jOse, CA (Sjc)?\t\t\t\t\tLOs AngeLeS, cA (lax)?\t\t\t\t\t$ 79? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t &nBsp;?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tSeAttle, Wa (sEA)?\t\t\t\t\tcHicAgo O'Hare, iL (oRd)?\t\t\t\t\t$169? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tTOledO, OH (TOL)?\t\t\t\t\t$ 79 ?\t\t\t?\t\t ? \t\t\t\tSa nFrancisco, C A (SFO)< /td>?\t\t\t\t\t < fontfac e=\"Ar ial, H e lvetic a, sans-s er i f\"? si z e=\"2\">B o s to n, M A (BOS) ? \t\t\t\t\t< f on t siz e=\" 2\" face=\"A ri al,?H elvetic a ,s a n s -se r if\">$229? \t\t
?\t\t? \t\t\t\t< font face=\"Ar ial, H e lvetica , sans-s erif\"? si ze= \"2\"> S an J ose ,C A ( SJ C)< / fon t>? \t\t\t Los A ngeles , CA ( LAX)?\t\t\t\t $ 79< / t d> ? \t\t? \t\t? \t  ? \t\t< /tr>?\t\t?\t\t\t< tdwidth = \"44% \">S e attl e,WA (SEA) ?\t\t < fo n t face=\"Arial, Helv et ica, s ans-s erif\"? size=\" 2\">Chicago O ' Hare, IL (O R D) < /font>?\t\t\t\t $1 69 ? \t\t? \t\t\t\t?\t\t\t Tol edo,OH (T OL ) ? \t\t\t< td w idth =\"", "underscore_trick": "12%\">$_79?\t\t\t\t?\t\t _ __ ?\t\t\t\t\tSan Francisco, CA_ (SFO)?\t\t\t\t\tBoston,_MA_ (BOS)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tSan_Jose, CA (SJC)
?\t\t\t\t\tLos Angeles,_CA _(LAX)
?\t\t\t\t\t$ 79? __ _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t? _ \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tSeattle,_WA__(SEA)?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\t$169? _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tToledo, OH _(TOL)
?\t\t\t\t\t\n Subject: RE: ISDA\nSchedule/Paragraph 13\n\n 04/12/2001\n 10:16 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSara, sorry i didn't get back to you yesterday, I was out sick. I didn't\nnotice anything attached, did u send a subsequent e-mail?\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com [mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:01 PM\nTo: YYaish@exchange.ml.com\nCc: Tracy.Ngo@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13\nImportance: High\n\n\n\nYair:\n\nAttached is my redline. Call me so that we can discuss the remaining\nissues, including:\n\n(1) Calculation Agent. We believe that the existing dispute mechanism is\nadequate.\n\n(2) Procedures for Entering into Transactions. There is no procedure for\ndual confirms. This is too confusing.\n\n(3) Transfer. We cannot agree to your assignment provision as it is too\nsubjective.\n\nThe other changes were not substantive.\n\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n \"Yaish, Yair\n (OGC)\" To:\n\"'Sara.Shackleton@enron.com'\" \n Subject: RE: ISDA\nSchedule/Paragraph 13\n\n 04/10/2001\n 07:46 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSara, any thoughts on my comments ISDA I sent out last week?\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Yaish, Yair (OGC)\nSent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 6:19 PM\nTo:", "synonym_substitution": ".com' \" < Sara.Shackleton@enron.com > \n < YYaish@exchan cc: \n ge.ml.com > Subject: RE: ISDA \n Schedule / Paragraph 13 \n\n 04/12/2001 \n 10:16 AM \n\n\n\n\n\n\n Sara, sorry i didn't get back to you yesterday, I was out sick. I didn't \n detect anything attach, did u send a subsequent e - mail? \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com [ mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com ] \n send: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:01 PM \n To: YYaish@exchange.ml.com \n Cc: Tracy.Ngo@enron.com \n Subject: ra: ISDA Schedule / Paragraph 13 \n Importance: gamey \n\n\n\n Yair: \n\n Attached is my redline. name me so that we can discuss the remaining \n topic, including: \n\n (1) Calculation Agent. We believe that the existing dispute mechanism is \n adequate. \n\n (2) Procedures for Entering into Transactions. There is no operation for \n dual confirms. This is too confusing. \n\n (3) Transfer. We cannot agree to your appointment provision as it is too \n subjective. \n\n The other change were not substantive. \n\n\n Sara Shackleton \n Enron North America Corp. \n 1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a \n Houston, Texas 77002 \n 713 - 853 - 5620 (phone) \n 713 - 646 - 3490 (fax) \n sara.shackleton@enron.com \n\n\n\n \" Yaish, Yair \n (OGC) \" To: \n \"' Sara.Shackleton@enron.com' \" < Sara.Shackleton@enron.com > \n < YYaish@exchan cc: \n ge.ml.com > Subject: RE: ISDA \n Schedule / Paragraph 13 \n\n 04/10/2001 \n 07:46 AM \n\n\n\n\n\n\n Sara, any thoughts on my gossip ISDA I sent out last week? \n\n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Yaish, Yair (OGC) \n Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 6:19 PM \n To:", "butter_fingers": ".com'\" \n Subject: RE: IRDA\nSchedupe/Paragrqph 13\n\n 04/12/2001\n 10:16 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSata, sorry i dhdn't get back do ylu yesterday, I was out sick. I didn'e\nnotice ajything attachgd, dic u ssnd a subsequent e-mail?\n\n-----Original Mesaage-----\nFrok: Sara.Shackleyon@enron.com [mailto:Sara.Shacnletln@enron.com]\nSent: Wedjesday, Aprio 11, 2001 4:01 PM\nTo: YYaish@ebchange.ml.com\nCc: Tracy.Ngk@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ISDA Scheduue/Parcgraph 13\nImpotcqncf: High\n\n\n\nYair:\n\nAtvached is my redlikv. Call me so yhat we can dixcuvs rhe remaining\nissues, iicluding:\n\n(1) Calculatiog Agent. Fe believe that the ezistitg dhspugw mdchznmsm is\nadeeuave.\n\n(2) Procedudes for Entwring into Transactoogw. There is nk procqdtre for\ndual confirms. This is too confuvinf.\n\n(3) Transfer. We cannot qgree to your assignmgnt provisyon as it is too\nsubjective.\n\nThe other changes were tot snbrtaublve.\n\n\nSxea Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Strqst, EN 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fac)\nswrs.fhackleton@enrun.com\n\n\n\n \"Yalsh, Yait\n (OGC)\" To:\n\"'Sara.Whackleton@engon.cim'\" \n Xutject: RE: ISDA\nSchedule/Pwragraph 13\n\n 04/10/2001\n 07:46 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSara, any thokghts ot my commejts ISDA I sent out last week?\n\n\n-----Ormjinal Message-----\nGrmm: Jaish, Yaix (OGC)\nScnt: Thursday, Apwil 05, 2001 6:19 PM\nTo:", "random_deletion": ".com'\" Subject: RE: 13 10:16 AM sorry i didn't I out sick. I notice anything attached, u send a subsequent e-mail? -----Original From: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com [mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:01 PM To: YYaish@exchange.ml.com Cc: Subject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13 Importance: High Yair: Attached is my redline. Call so we discuss remaining issues, including: (1) Calculation Agent. We believe that the existing dispute mechanism is adequate. (2) for Entering into Transactions. There is no procedure dual confirms. This is confusing. (3) Transfer. We cannot to assignment provision it too The other changes not substantive. Sara Shackleton Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a Houston, Texas 77002 713-853-5620 713-646-3490 (fax) Yair (OGC)\" \"'Sara.Shackleton@enron.com'\" Subject: RE: 13 04/10/2001 07:46 AM Sara, any comments ISDA I sent out last week? -----Original From: Yaish, (OGC) Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 PM To:", "change_char_case": ".com'\" \n suBjecT: RE: IsDA\nSchedule/ParAGrapH 13\n\n 04/12/2001\n 10:16 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSara, sorry i didn't get bAck to YoU YestERdAy, I waS out sicK. i dIDN't\nnOtIcE anYtHInG attaCheD, did u seNd a subsequEnt E-mAil?\n\n-----Original MESsAge-----\nFrom: SarA.ShAckleton@enroN.coM [mailtO:SAra.sHacklEtoN@enroN.com]\nSeNT: WedneSday, April 11, 2001 4:01 pM\ntO: YYaisH@ExchangE.ML.cOm\nCc: tracy.Ngo@enron.com\nSUBjECt: RE: ISDA ScheduLe/ParaGrAPh 13\niMPorTanCe: High\n\n\n\nYair:\n\natTacheD Is my redLInE. cALl mE So that we can diScuss the remAIniNg\nissuEs, IncLUding:\n\n(1) CAlculAtIOn AGent. We belieVe thAt the exisTing diSPute mecHAnism is\nAdequaTe.\n\n(2) PRocEdurES fOr entErINg iNTo traNSacTions. TheRe Is No proCeduRE FOR\nduaL coNfirMs. ThiS is too confusiNg.\n\n(3) TRansFEr. WE cannOt agrEe to YoUr assIgnmenT provIsIon as it is too\nsubJectIve.\n\nThe othEr cHaNgeS wEre noT SubstaNtiVe.\n\n\nSAra ShacKleton\nENRon noRTH amErica Corp.\n1400 Smith StreEt, eb 3801A\nHOuston, TeXas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phoNE)\n713-646-3490 (fAx)\nSAra.shackLeTon@EnroN.COm\n\n\n\n \"YaiSh, YaIR\n (OgC)\" To:\n\"'Sara.shacklEToN@eNron.com'\" \n SuBJect: RE: ISDA\nScheDUle/Paragraph 13\n\n 04/10/2001\n 07:46 Am\n\n\n\n\n\n\nsaRA, AnY ThouGhtS on my commenTs ISda I seNt ouT LaSt wEEk?\n\n\n-----OriGinal meSSaGE-----\nFrom: Yaish, Yair (OGC)\nSeNt: thursdAy, AprIl 05, 2001 6:19 PM\nTo:", "whitespace_perturbation": ".com'\" \n Su b je c t : R E:IS D ASched ule /Paragr aph 13\n\n 04 /12/2001\n 10:16 A M\n\n\n\n\nS ara , sor ry i d i dn't g et back t oy ou yes t erday,I wa s ou t sick. I didn't no t ice anything a ttache d, di d u s end a subsequ en t e-m a il?\n\n-- - -- O r i gin a l Message---- -\nFrom: Sar a .Sh acklet on @en r on.com [mai lt o :Sa ra.Shacklet on@e nron.com] \nSent: Wednesd a y, Apri l 11,200 1 4 :01P MTo : Y Ya i sh@ e xc han g e.m l.com\nCc :Tr acy.N go@e n r o n .com \nSu bjec t: RE : ISDA Schedu le/ Para g rap h 13Impor tanc e: High \n\n\n\nYa ir:\nAt tached is my re dlin e. Callmeso th at we c a n disc uss th e remai ning\nis s ues ,i n c lu ding:\n\n(1) Calcul at i o nAgent. We bel i ev et hat theex ist ingd i spute mec h an ism is\na dequat e .\n( 2) Pro ce duresfo r E nte ringi ntoTransa ctions. Ther e is no procedu r e for\ndual co n fi r m s. Thi s i s too confu sing . \n\n(3 ) T r an sfe r . We cann ot ag r ee to your assignme nt provi sionas it is toosubjective . The othe r ch a ng e s were not sub stant ive.\n\n\nSar a Shackle ton\nE nron Nor th Americ a Corp.\n14 00Smi thStr e e t, EB 3801a\nHou s t on,Te xas 77 002 \n713-85 3-5 620 (p hon e) \n713-646- 3490 (fa x) \ns ar a. sha cklet o n@enron. co m\n\n \"Yai sh ,Y air \n (OG C)\" To:\n\"' Sara.Shac kle t on@e nr on .com'\" \n S ubject : R E:I S DA\nSc h e du le/ Pa ragraph 13 0 4/10/2001\n 07:46 AM \n\n\n\nS ara , a n y t ho u ght s on my commentsISDA I sen to ut last week ? \n\n-- ---Orig inal Me ssage - ----\nFr om: Yaish , Yair (O GC )\nSe n t : T hursday, A pril 05, 2001 6:1 9 PM\nT o :", "underscore_trick": ".com'\" \n_ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ Subject: RE:_ISDA\nSchedule/Paragraph_13\n\n _ _ _ 04/12/2001\n___ _ _ _ 10:16 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSara, sorry i didn't get_back to you yesterday, I was_out sick. I didn't\nnotice_anything attached,_did u send a subsequent_e-mail?\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com_[mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday,_April 11, 2001_4:01 PM\nTo: YYaish@exchange.ml.com\nCc: Tracy.Ngo@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ISDA_Schedule/Paragraph 13\nImportance: High\n\n\n\nYair:\n\nAttached_is my redline. Call me_so_that we can_discuss_the_remaining\nissues, including:\n\n(1)_ Calculation Agent.__We believe_that_the existing dispute mechanism is\nadequate.\n\n(2) _Procedures_for Entering into Transactions. There is_no procedure for\ndual confirms.__This is too confusing.\n\n(3)_ Transfer. We cannot_agree to your assignment provision as_it is_too\nsubjective.\n\nThe other_changes were not substantive.\n\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB_3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n_ _ __ __ _ \"Yaish,_Yair\n _ _ __ _ (OGC)\" _ ___ To:\n\"'Sara.Shackleton@enron.com'\"_\n _ _ __ _ _ _Subject:__ RE: ISDA\nSchedule/Paragraph 13\n\n _ _ _ _04/10/2001\n _ _ 07:46 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSara, any thoughts on my_comments ISDA I sent out last week?\n\n\n-----Original_Message-----\nFrom: Yaish, Yair (OGC)\nSent:_Thursday,_April 05, 2001 6:19 PM\nTo:"} {"text": " (\"Give-Up Trades\")\n\n(Entire rule is new.)\n\nRule 9.11A Give-Up Trades\n\nIn the absence of a give-up agreement whose terms and conditions govern the\nresponsibilities/obligations of executing brokers, customers and Clearing\nMembers, the following rules shall define the respective\nresponsibilities/obligations of those parties to an order. The \"executing\nbroker\", as used in this rule, is the registered billing entity, Member\nFirm or Floor Broker to whom the order is transmitted.\n\n(A) Responsibilities/Obligations of Clearing Members\n\n(1). Limits Placed by Clearing Member. A Clearing Member may, in its\ndiscretion, place trading limits on the trades it will accept for give-up\nfor a customer's account from an executing broker, provided however, that\nthe executing broker receives prior written or electronic notice from the\nClearing Member of the trading limits on that account. Notice must be\nreceived by the executing broker in a timely manner. A copy of such notice\nshall be retained by the Clearing Member.\n\n(2). Trade Rejection. A Clearing Member may reject (\"DK\") a trade only if:\n(1) the trade exceeds the trading limits established under Section I(A) of\nthis rule for that customer and it has been communicated to the executing\nbroker as described in Subsection (A); or (2) the trade is an error for\nwhich the executing broker is responsible. If a Clearing Member has a\nbasis for rejecting a trade, and chooses to do so in accordance with the\nprovisions of Rule 2.21(B), it must notify the executing broker promptly.\n\n(3). Billing. A Clearing Member will pay all floor brokerage fees incurred\nfor all transactions executed by the executing broker for the customer and\nsubsequently accepted by the Clearing Member by means of the ATOM system.\nFloor brokerage fees will be agreed upon in advance among the Clearing\nMember, customer and the executing broker.\n\n(B) Responsibilities/Obligations of Executing Brokers\n\n(1) Customer Order Placement. An executing broker will be responsible for\ndetermining that all orders are placed or authorized by the customer. Once\nan order has been", "synonym_substitution": "(\" Give - Up Trades \") \n\n (Entire rule is newfangled .) \n\n Rule 9.11A contribute - Up Trades \n\n In the absence of a give - up agreement whose terms and condition govern the \n responsibilities / debt instrument of execute brokers, customer and Clearing \n extremity, the following rule shall define the respective \n responsibilities / obligation of those parties to an order. The \" executing \n broker \", as used in this rule, is the register billing entity, Member \n Firm or Floor Broker to whom the order is transmitted. \n\n (adenine) Responsibilities / Obligations of Clearing Members \n\n (1). Limits Placed by Clearing Member. A Clearing Member may, in its \n discretion, place trading limit on the trades it will accept for give - up \n for a customer's account from an executing agent, provided however, that \n the executing broker receives prior written or electronic notice from the \n Clearing Member of the trading limit on that report. Notice must be \n received by the executing broker in a timely manner. A copy of such notice \n shall be retained by the Clearing Member. \n\n (2). Trade Rejection. A Clearing Member may resist (\" DK \") a deal only if: \n (1) the trade surpass the trading limits established under Section I(A) of \n this rule for that customer and it has been communicated to the execute \n broker as described in Subsection (A); or (2) the trade is an mistake for \n which the executing broker is responsible. If a Clearing Member has a \n basis for rejecting a craft, and chooses to do so in accordance with the \n provision of Rule 2.21(B), it must advise the execute broker promptly. \n\n (3). Billing. A Clearing Member will pay all floor brokerage fee incurred \n for all transactions executed by the carry through broker for the customer and \n subsequently accepted by the Clearing Member by means of the ATOM system. \n Floor brokerage house fees will be agreed upon in advance among the Clearing \n Member, customer and the executing broker. \n\n (B) Responsibilities / Obligations of Executing Brokers \n\n (1) Customer Order Placement. An execute broker will be creditworthy for \n determining that all orders are placed or authorized by the customer. Once \n an decree has been", "butter_fingers": " (\"Gige-Up Trades\")\n\n(Entire rule ir new.)\n\nRule 9.11A Give-Up Tradea\n\nIn the xbsence of a give-up agreemenv whise ttgms and conditions goxern the\nrvsponsibioitits/obligations of xsecutinn broicrs, cbsvomers and Cleating\nMembers, dhe following suued shall define the respective\nresponfibilitoed/obligations os thpfe pzgtles to an order. The \"executing\nbrkker\", as used in this rule, is the registered biplinh entity, Member\nFirl or Floor Vrokqe to whom thd order is transmitted.\n\n(Z) Responsibilities/Obligationr of Elearing Menbwrs\n\n(1). Nimits Placxd by Blearing Membcg. A Cnearing Member may, in itv\ndiwcretion, place tradinj limits on the tradgs it will aecept for give-up\nfor a cystomgr's awcouvr ffom ai esecutijg uroker, provjded howevee, that\nthe executing bwiker receives prior wwitten or electronic notice from the\nCledrihg Member of the tradint limits on that accoont. Noticq must be\nreceived by the executing broker in a tikely jxnntr. A cupy of such notice\nshall be retained by the Clearyhg Mvmber.\n\n(2). Trade Rejecbion. A Clearing Mrmhet may reject (\"DY\") a trcse only if:\n(1) the trade exceedf the trading jimiys established under Sectiob I(A) of\nthis gule for that customer and it has beem comkunicated to the executnng\nbroier as descgibed in Ajbsection (A); or (2) ghe tsade is an error for\nwhich ehe execuving yroker ir rexponsifle. If a Flearltg Member has a\nbasls fot rejewting a trwde, and chooses to do so in accordance with tne\n[ronisions oy Rule 2.21(B), it must noeify the execujing brokzr prooptly.\n\n(3). Billpng. A Clxaring Membew will pay aln floor brokecage fees incyrree\nfor alu transactions rxecuted yv the exexuting broker for bhe cosfomer and\nsubseqbtntoy accepted by yhe Clqaginj Memfar by means mf tfe XYOM shstem.\nFloor nroyerabe fees will be agread ulon in advance amomg the Cleqring\nMemfer, customer snd the executing hrokec.\n\n(B) Rerponsobijities/Obligations of Executing Brokers\n\n(1) Cuftomer Order Plagemegt. An exeeuting broker will be responsible for\ndetxrmining that all ordets are placed or authpvized by the custjmer. Onca\nan order has been", "random_deletion": "(\"Give-Up Trades\") (Entire rule is new.) Rule Trades the absence a give-up agreement the of executing brokers, and Clearing Members, following rules shall define the respective of those parties to an order. The \"executing broker\", as used in this is the registered billing entity, Member Firm or Floor Broker to whom the is (A) of Members (1). Limits Placed by Clearing Member. A Clearing Member may, in its discretion, place trading on the trades it will accept for give-up a customer's account from executing broker, provided however, that executing receives prior or notice the Clearing Member the trading limits on that account. Notice must be received by the executing broker in a timely A copy notice shall retained the Member. (2). Trade Clearing Member may reject (\"DK\") a (1) the trade exceeds the trading limits established Section I(A) this rule for that customer and has been communicated to the executing broker as in Subsection (A); or (2) the trade is an error for which the executing broker If a Clearing Member a basis for a and to so in with the provisions of Rule 2.21(B), it must notify the executing promptly. (3). Billing. A Clearing Member will pay all floor incurred all transactions executed the executing broker for customer subsequently accepted by the by of Floor fees be agreed upon in among the Clearing Member, customer the executing broker. (B) Customer Order Placement. An executing broker will be for determining that all orders are placed authorized by the customer. Once an order has been", "change_char_case": " (\"Give-Up Trades\")\n\n(Entire rule is nEw.)\n\nRule 9.11A GivE-Up TrAdeS\n\nIn ThE absEnce Of a give-up agreeMEnt wHose terms and conditions GoverN tHE\nresPOnSibilIties/obLIgATIonS oF eXecUtINg BrokeRs, cUstomerS and CleariNg\nMEmBers, the folloWInG rules shalL deFine the respeCtiVe\nrespOnSibILitieS/obLigatIons of THose paRties to an OrDEr. The \"eXEcuting\nBROkEr\", as Used in this rule, is tHE rEGistered billinG entitY, MEMbER\nfirM or floor BrokeR tO whom THe order IS tRANSmiTTed.\n\n(A) ResponsibIlities/ObliGAtiOns of CLeAriNG MembeRs\n\n(1). LimItS plaCed by CleariNg MeMber. A CleaRing MeMBer may, iN Its\ndiscRetion, PlaCe tRadiNG lImIts On THe tRAdEs iT WilL accept fOr GiVe-up\nfOr a cUSTOMer's AccOunt From aN executing broKer, ProvIDed HowevEr, thaT\nthe ExEcutiNg brokEr recEiVes prior written Or elEctronic nOtiCe FroM tHe\nCleARing MeMbeR of The tradIng limiTS on ThAT ACcOunt. Notice must be\nreCeIVEd By the exeCuting BRoKeR In a timelY mAnnEr. A cOPY of suCh noTIcE\nshall be RetainED bY tHe ClearInG MembeR.\n\n(2). TRadE ReJectiON. A ClEaring member maY rejeCT (\"DK\") a trade only iF:\n(1) The trade exceeDS tHE TrADing LimIts establisHed uNDer SEctiON I(a) of\nTHis ruLe for ThAT cUStomer and it has been cOmMunicaTed to The executing\nbRoker as desCRIBed in SubSectIOn (a); Or (2) the trade is an Error For\nwhich thE ExecutinG brokEr is respOnsible. If A cLearing MEmbEr hAs a\nBasIS FoR rejecting a trADE, and ChOoses to Do sO in accoRdaNce WitH thE\npRovisions Of Rule 2.21(B), iT mUsT nOtIfy The exECuting brOkEr pRoMptLy.\n\n(3). BilLIng. A ClEarinG MemBeR wILl pAy all flOOr BROkerAgE fEes iNcuRrEd\nfor All tRAnsActions Executed bY thE ExecUtInG broker For the customeR aNd\nsubsequeNtLy aCcepteD BY the CleaRing Member by means of the AtoM systeM.\nFlOor brOkerAge fees wiLl bE agreeD upON in advAnce amOng thE CLeaRINg\nMemBER, cUstOmEr and the exECUtiNg broKeR.\n\n(B) ReSponsibIlities/Obligations OF ExEcuting BrokerS\n\n(1) CuStomER orDer pLaCEmeNt. aN exECUting broker will Be responsiBlE FoR\ndeterminiNG thAt All ordeRs are plAced oR AuthoriZed by the cUstomer. OnCe\nAn orDER haS been", "whitespace_perturbation": " (\"Give-Up Trades\")\n\n(Enti re rule is new. )\nRul e9.11 A Give-Up Trad e s\n\nI n the absence of a giv e-upag r eeme n twhose termsa nd c ond it io nsgo v er n the \nre sponsib ilities/ob lig at ions of exec u ti ng brokers , c ustomers and Cl earing \nM emb e rs, t hefollo wing r u les sh all defin et he res p ectiver e sp onsi bilities/obligati o ns of those parti es toan or d e r. Th e \"executi ng \nbrok e r\", asu se d i n t h is rule, is t he register e d b illing e nti t y, Mem ber\nF ir m or Floor Brok er t o whom th e orde r is tra n smitted .\n\n(A) Re spon s ib il iti es / Obl i ga tio n s o f Cleari ng M ember s\n\n( 1 ) . Limi tsPlac ed by Clearing Mem ber . A Cl earin g Mem berma y, in its\nd iscre ti on, place tradi ng l imits onthe t rad es it w i ll acc ept fo r give- up\nfora cu st o m e r' s account from anex e c ut ing brok er, pr o vi de d however ,tha t\nth e execu ting br oker rec eivesp ri or writte nor ele ct ron icnotic e fro m theClearing Memb e r of the tradi n g limits on t h at a cc o unt. N otice mustbe\nr e ceiv ed b y t hee xecut ing b ro k er in a timely manner. A copy of s uch notice\nsh all be ret a i n ed by th e Cl e ar i ng Member.\n\n(2 ). Tr ade Reject i on. A C leari ng Membe r may rej e c t (\"DK\") atra deonl y if :\n(1) the tra d e exc ee ds thetra ding li mit s e sta bli sh ed underSectionI( A) o fthi s rul e for tha tcus to mer andi t hasbeencomm un ic a ted to the ex e c utin gbr oker as d escri bedi n S ubsecti on (A); o r ( 2 ) th etr ade isan error forwh ich the ex ec uti ng bro k e r is res ponsible. If a Clearin g Member ha s a\nb asis for reje cti ng a t rad e , andchoose s todo so i n acc o r da nce w ith the\npr o v isi ons o fRule 2.21(B ), it must notifyt heexecuting bro ker pro m p tl y.(3 ) . B il l ing . A Clearing Mem ber will p ay al l floor br o ker ag e feesincurre d\nfor all tra nsactions executed b y th e exe cuting bro ker forthe custo m er an d \ns ubseq uen tly ac ce pte d bythe Cl e ari ng Me mber b ymeansof th eATOM sys tem.\nFloor brokerage fe es wil l beagr eed uponina dva nce among the ClearingMem ber , cus tom e r and the ex ecu t ing b roke r .\n\n(B) R e sp ons i b il ities/Oblig a t i ons of E xec u ting B roke rs\n\n(1) Customer Order Placemen t. A n ex ecu t ingbr oker will be r esp on s i ble forde termining t hat allor d ers a re pla ced or author i z ed by the cus tom er. Once \nan o r der has b ee n ", "underscore_trick": " (\"Give-Up_Trades\")\n\n(Entire rule_is new.)\n\nRule 9.11A _ __Give-Up Trades\n\nIn_the_absence of a_give-up agreement whose_terms and conditions govern_the\nresponsibilities/obligations of executing_brokers,_customers and Clearing\nMembers, the following rules shall define the respective\nresponsibilities/obligations of those parties to_an_order. _The_\"executing\nbroker\",_as used in this rule,_is the registered billing entity,_Member\nFirm or_Floor Broker to whom the order is transmitted.\n\n(A)__ Responsibilities/Obligations_of Clearing Members\n\n(1). Limits Placed by Clearing Member. _ A Clearing Member may, in_its\ndiscretion, place trading_limits_on_the trades it will_accept for give-up\nfor a customer's account_from an executing broker, provided however,_that\nthe executing broker receives prior written or_electronic notice from the\nClearing Member of_the trading limits on that_account. _Notice must be\nreceived by the_executing broker in_a timely_manner. A_copy of such notice\nshall be retained_by the Clearing_Member.\n\n(2). Trade Rejection. A Clearing_Member_may reject (\"DK\")_a_trade_only if:\n(1)_the trade exceeds_the_trading limits_established_under Section I(A) of\nthis rule for_that_customer and it has been communicated to_the executing\nbroker as described_in_Subsection (A); or (2)_the trade is an error_for\nwhich the executing broker is responsible._ If_a Clearing_Member has a\nbasis for rejecting a trade, and chooses to do_so in accordance with the\nprovisions of_Rule 2.21(B), it must_notify the_executing_broker promptly.\n\n(3). Billing.__A Clearing_Member will pay all floor brokerage fees_incurred\nfor all_transactions executed by the executing broker_for the customer and\nsubsequently_accepted_by the Clearing Member by means_of the ATOM system.\nFloor brokerage fees_will be agreed upon in_advance_among_the Clearing\nMember, customer and the_executing broker.\n\n(B) Responsibilities/Obligations of Executing_Brokers\n\n(1) Customer_Order Placement. An executing broker will_be_responsible for\ndetermining that all orders are_placed_or authorized by the customer. _Once\nan_order_has been"} {"text": " \nanalysis of opportunities for distributed generation and other power quality \nrelated markets.\n\nEnvironmental Disclosure -- Stacey submitted comments to the Texas PUC on a \ncredit-based accounting system for environmental disclosure and met with the \nPUC in support of Enron's positions. Stacey is also developing a white \npaper on credit trading for use in Maryland as they develop rules for \ndisclosure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nW E E K E N D S Y S T E M S A V A I L A B I L I T Y\n\nF O R\n\nMay 4, 2001 5:00pm through May 7, 2001 12:00am\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: \n\nARDMORE DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nAZURIX: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nEB34 DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nEDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nENRON CENTER SOUTH DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages\n\nENRON NORTH AMERICAN LANS: \nImpact: ENS\nTime: Fri 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT\n\tFri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London\nOutage: Consolidation Of Networks\nEnvironments Impacted: ENA\nPurpose: Consolidating Network Equipment. Moving networks,,, and \n from 3460 to 3405.\nBackout: \nContact(s): \tGeorge Nguyen 713-853-0691\n\t\t\nImpact: CORP\nTime: Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:15:00 PM CT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 at 11", "synonym_substitution": "analysis of opportunities for distributed generation and early exponent quality \n related grocery store. \n\n Environmental Disclosure -- Stacey submit comments to the Texas PUC on a \n credit - establish accounting system for environmental disclosure and meet with the \n PUC in support of Enron's positions. Stacey is besides developing a white \n paper on credit trading for habit in Maryland as they develop rules for \n disclosure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n W E E K vitamin e N D S Y S T E M S A V adenine I L A B I L I T Y \n\n F O R \n\n May 4, 2001 5:00pm through May 7, 2001 12:00am \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n\n SCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: \n\n ARDMORE DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No schedule Outages. \n\n AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages. \n\n EB34 DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages. \n\n EDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. \n\n ENRON CENTER SOUTH DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages \n\n ENRON NORTH AMERICAN LANS: \n Impact: ENS \n Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 prime minister CT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT \n\t Fri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT \n\t Sat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London \n Outage: Consolidation Of Networks \n Environments Impacted: ENA \n Purpose: Consolidating Network Equipment. Moving networks,,, and \n from 3460 to 3405. \n Backout: \n Contact(s ): \t George Nguyen 713 - 853 - 0691 \n\t\t\n Impact: CORP \n Time: Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:15:00 PM CT \n\t Sat 5/5/2001 at 11", "butter_fingers": " \nanwlysis of opportunities nor distributed ywneratmon and other puwer quality \nrelated markets.\n\nXnvieonmebtal Disclosure -- Staceh submittvd commenrs ti the Texas PUC on a \ncredjb-baseb eccounting systgm for envirmnmental disclmsjrz and met with the \nPUC in support of Enron's plsitions. Stasey ps alsk developing a white \npaper on credjt tradpng for use in Matyland as they develop rulfs flr \ndisclosure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nW E F K E N D S Y W T E M S X V A I L A B I L I T I\n\nF O R\n\nMay 4, 2001 5:00pm through May 7, 2001 12:00am\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSZHEDUKED SYSTEM OYTAHGS: \n\nARDMORE DETA CEGTER - FACILIBJ OPERADIONS: Np Scheduled Oubages.\n\nEZURUX: No Scheduled Outagxs.\n\nEB34 DATA CENTER - FASILITY OPARCTIONS: No Scheduled Oytqges.\n\nEGI SARVEF: No Scgevulsd Outwgea.\n\nENRON CENFER SOUTH DQTA CENTER - FACILITU JIRRATIONS: No Achedujeq Outages\n\nENRON NORTH AMERICAN LANS: \nImpabt: SNS\nTime: Fri 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CR thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CJ\n\tFri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London tvru Set 5/5/2001 au 4:00:00 AM Uinfon\nOutage: Consolidation Of Networks\nEnvironmegfs Ikpacted: ENA\nPuvpose: Consolidatinb Jeyrork Equipmenj. Moviny nstworks,,, and \n grom 3460 to 3405.\nBackout: \nContact(s): \tGworge Nguyen 713-853-0691\n\t\t\nImpact: CORP\nTimz: Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 PM VT thtu Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:15:00 PM CT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 ct 11", "random_deletion": "analysis of opportunities for distributed generation and quality markets. Environmental -- Stacey submitted on credit-based accounting system environmental disclosure and with the PUC in support of positions. Stacey is also developing a white paper on credit trading for use Maryland as they develop rules for disclosure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ W E E K E D Y T M S A V A I L A B I L I T Y F O May 4, 2001 5:00pm through May 7, 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: Scheduled AZURIX: No Outages. DATA - FACILITY OPERATIONS: Scheduled Outages. EDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. ENRON CENTER SOUTH DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled ENRON NORTH Impact: ENS Fri at PM CT thru at 10:00:00 PM CT Fri 5/4/2001 PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT 5/5/2001 at AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at AM London Outage: Consolidation Of Networks Environments Impacted: Purpose: Consolidating Network Equipment. Moving networks,,, and from 3460 to 3405. George Nguyen 713-853-0691 Impact: Time: Sat 5/5/2001 1:00:00 CT Sat at 7:15:00 CT Sat 5/5/2001 at 11", "change_char_case": " \nanalysis of opportunities foR distributEd genEraTioN aNd otHer pOwer quality \nrelATed mArkets.\n\nEnvironmental DisClosuRe -- sTaceY SuBmittEd commeNTs TO The teXaS PUc oN A \ncRedit-BasEd accouNting systeM foR eNvironmental DIsClosure and Met With the \nPUC in SupPort of enRon'S PositIonS. StacEy is alSO develOping a whiTe \nPAper on CRedit trADInG for Use in Maryland as thEY dEVelop rules for \ndIsclosUrE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nw E e k e N D s Y S t E M S A V A I L A b I l I T Y\n\nF o r\n\nMay 4, 2001 5:00pm tHRoUGH may 7, 2001 12:00AM\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSCHEDULED SYStEM OUTAGES: \n\nArdMOrE DATA cEnTEr - fACILItY OPErAtiONs: No ScheduleD OutAges.\n\nAZURIx: No SchEDuled OuTAges.\n\nEB34 DaTA CENtER - fACiLITy oPeRaTIoNs: no SCHeDulED OuTages.\n\nEDI sErVeR: No SChedULED outaGes.\n\neNROn CENTeR SOUTH DATA CEnTEr - FACilITy OPERaTIONs: No SChEduleD OutagEs\n\nENRoN nORTH AMERICAN LAnS: \nImPact: ENS\nTiMe: FRi 5/4/2001 At 9:00:00 Pm Ct thru fRi 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM cT\n\tFRi 5/4/2001 aT 7:00:00 PM PT thRu Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 pm PT\n\tsaT 5/5/2001 AT 3:00:00 aM london thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 4:00:00 AM LOnDON\nOUtage: ConSolidaTIoN OF networks\nenVirOnmeNTS ImpaCted: enA\npurpose: COnsoliDAtInG NetworK EQuipmeNt. movIng NetwoRKs,,, anD \n from 3460 tO 3405.\nBackout: \ncontaCT(s): \tGeorge Nguyen 713-853-0691\n\t\t\niMpact: CORP\nTime: sAt 5/5/2001 AT 1:00:00 pM ct thrU SaT 5/5/2001 at 7:15:00 PM CT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 aT 11", "whitespace_perturbation": " \nanalysis of opportunitie s for dist ribut edgen er atio n an d other powerq uali ty \nrelated markets.\nEnvir on m enta l D isclo sure -- St a c eysu bm itt ed co mment s t o the T exas PUC o n a credit-based ac counting s yst em for envir onm entaldi scl o sureand metwith t h e \nPUC in suppo rt of Enr o n's pos i t io ns. Stacey is alsod ev e loping a white \npape ro nc r edi t t rading for u se in Marylan d a s t hey develop rules for \ndiscl o sur e. --- -- --- - ------ ----- -- - --- ----------- ---- --------- ------ - ------- - ------- ------ --- --- ---- - -- -- --- -- - --- WE E K E N D S Y S T EM SA V AI L A B I LI T Y\n\nF O R\nMa y 4, 200 1 5:0 0pm t hrou gh May7, 200 1 12: 00 am\n------------ ---- --------- --- -- --- -- ----- - ------ --- --- ------- ------- - --- -- - - - -- ------------------ -- - - -- \n\nSCHEDU LED SY S TE MO UTAGES:\nARD MORE D ATA C ENTE R - FACILIT Y OPER A TI ON S: No S ch eduled O uta ges .\n\nAZ U RIX: No Sc heduledOutag e s.\n\nEB34 DATAC ENTER - FACIL I TY O PE R ATIO NS: No Schedul ed O u tage s.\nE DI SE R VER:No Sc he d ul e d Outages.\n\nENRON C EN TER SO UTH D ATA CENTER -FACILITY O P E R ATIONS:No S c he d uled Outages\nENRON NORTH AME R ICAN LAN S: \nI mpact: ENS\nTime: Fri 5/4/ 200 1 a t 9:0 0 : 00 PM CT thru F r i 5/4 /2 001 at 10 :00:00PMCT\tFr i 5 /4 /2001 at 7:00:00 P MPT t hru Fri5 /4/2001at 8 :00 :00 P M PT\n\tS at 5/ 5/20 01 a t 3: 00:00 A M L o n donth ru Sat 5/ 5/ 2001at 4 :00 :00 AMLondon\nOu tag e : C on so lidatio n Of Networks \nE nvironment sImp acted: ENA\nPurp ose: Consolidating Netw o rk Equi pme nt. M ovin g network s 1 72.16. 48. 2 0, 172 .16.13 6.20, 1 72. 1 6 .51.2 0 , a nd17 0 \n from 3460 t o 34 05.\nBackout:\nCo ntac t ( s) : G eo r geNg u yen 713-853-0691\t\t\nImpact: C OR P\nTime: S a t 5 /5 /2001 a t 1:00 :00 P M CT thr u Sat 5/5 /2001 at 7 :15: 0 0 PM CT\n\tSat 5 /5/2001at 11", "underscore_trick": " \nanalysis_of opportunities_for distributed generation and_other power_quality_\nrelated markets.\n\nEnvironmental_Disclosure_-- Stacey submitted_comments to the_Texas PUC on a_\ncredit-based accounting system_for_environmental disclosure and met with the \nPUC in support of Enron's positions. _Stacey_is also_developing_a_white \npaper on credit trading_for use in Maryland as_they develop_rules for \ndisclosure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nW E E K E_N_D _S Y S T E M S _A V A I L A_B I L_I_T_Y\n\nF O R\n\nMay 4,_2001 5:00pm through May 7, 2001_12:00am\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: \n\nARDMORE DATA CENTER_- FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nAZURIX: No_Scheduled Outages.\n\nEB34 DATA CENTER - FACILITY_OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nEDI SERVER:_No Scheduled_Outages.\n\nENRON CENTER SOUTH DATA CENTER_- FACILITY OPERATIONS:_No Scheduled_Outages\n\nENRON NORTH AMERICAN_LANS: \nImpact: ENS\nTime: Fri_5/4/2001 at _9:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 5/4/2001_at_ 10:00:00 PM_CT\n\tFri_5/4/2001_at _7:00:00 PM PT_thru_Fri 5/4/2001_at_ 8:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat_5/5/2001_at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001_at 4:00:00 AM_London\nOutage:_ Consolidation Of Networks\nEnvironments_Impacted: ENA\nPurpose: Consolidating Network_Equipment. Moving networks,,,_and\n _ _ _ _ __ from 3460_to_3405.\nBackout: \nContact(s):_\tGeorge Nguyen 713-853-0691\n\t\t\nImpact: _CORP\nTime: _Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 PM_CT thru Sat 5/5/2001_at_ 7:15:00 PM CT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 at_ 11"} {"text": " utility director, said that since November, \nthe average residential bill for gas in Long Beach has more than doubled, to \n$175 a month. Some customers, he said, have seen rate increases of 500%.\n?????\"The people of Long Beach are being gouged by energy conglomerates who \nare artificially manipulating the supply of natural gas and reaping excess \nprofits at the expense of the public,\" said City Attorney Robert Shannon.\n?????Holding a special meeting, the Los Angeles City Council voted 12 to 0 \nTuesday to file the suit.\n?????\"If the allegations are true, they are extremely serious,\" said \nCouncilman Mike Feuer, who is a candidate to succeed Hahn as city attorney. \n\"And there appears to be some important evidence that substantiates the \nallegations in the complaint, which means that this lawsuit is, I think, more \nthan a viable lawsuit.\"\n?????Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas added: \"We cannot tolerate this and we \nmust use the full weight of the law to try to correct it.\"\n?????A growing number of lawsuits around the state are targeting California's \nnatural gas suppliers. El Paso Corp., which owns the main pipeline \ntransporting out-of-state gas to Southern California, has been targeted \nrepeatedly by utility companies, state regulators and antitrust attorneys. \n?????Some of the first antitrust lawsuits were filed against Sempra Energy in \nDecember. They were brought by Continental Forge Co., a Compton-based \naluminum forging business, and Andrew and Andrea Berg, who own a business in \nSan Diego.\n?????The cities' lawsuits request that the defendant companies be barred from \nsuch conduct in the future, and they seek civil penalties and damages.\n?????Shannon estimates that Long Beach could collect more than $100 million \nin damages, including triple penalties for antitrust violations.\n?????\"We are filing this for our citizens,\" Shannon said. \"They include the \npoor, the elderly, people living on fixed incomes and small business owners.\"\n?????The Los Angeles suit was filed on behalf of all Californians. Officials \nplace damage estimates \"in the billions.\" \n?????Hahn, however, warned council members that it could take the city a year \nor more to resolve the suit.\n?????\"", "synonym_substitution": "utility director, said that since November, \n the average residential beak for accelerator in Long Beach has more than doubled, to \n $ 175 a month. Some customers, he allege, have seen rate increase of 500% . \n? ?? ?? \" The multitude of Long Beach are being gouged by department of energy pudding stone who \n are artificially manipulating the provision of natural gas and reaping excess \n profits at the expense of the populace, \" said City Attorney Robert Shannon. \n? ?? ?? Holding a limited meeting, the Los Angeles City Council voted 12 to 0 \n Tuesday to charge the suit. \n? ?? ?? \" If the allegations are true, they are highly serious, \" said \n Councilman Mike Feuer, who is a candidate to succeed Hahn as city attorney. \n \" And there appears to be some significant evidence that substantiates the \n allegations in the complaint, which means that this lawsuit is, I think, more \n than a feasible lawsuit. \" \n? ?? ?? Councilman Mark Ridley - Thomas added: \" We cannot tolerate this and we \n must use the full weight of the law to hear to decline it. \" \n? ?? ?? A growing number of lawsuits around the state are targeting California's \n natural accelerator supplier. El Paso Corp., which own the main pipeline \n transporting away - of - department of state gas to Southern California, has been targeted \n repeatedly by utility companies, state regulators and antitrust lawyer. \n? ?? ?? Some of the first antitrust lawsuits were filed against Sempra Energy in \n December. They were brought by Continental Forge Co., a Compton - based \n aluminum forging business, and Andrew and Andrea Berg, who own a business in \n San Diego. \n? ?? ?? The cities' lawsuits request that the defendant companies be banish from \n such conduct in the future, and they search civil penalties and damages. \n? ?? ?? Shannon estimates that Long Beach could collect more than $ 100 million \n in damages, include triple penalties for antitrust trespass. \n? ?? ?? \" We are filing this for our citizens, \" Shannon said. \" They include the \n inadequate, the elderly, multitude living on fixed income and small business owners. \" \n? ?? ?? The Los Angeles suit was file on behalf of all Californians. Officials \n space damage estimates \" in the billions. \" \n? ?? ?? Hahn, however, warned council members that it could contract the city a year \n or more to resolve the suit. \n? ?? ?? \"", "butter_fingers": " utllity director, said that since November, \nthe avxrage rssidentixl bill for gas in Long Beaci haw mort than doubled, to \n$175 x month. Slme custimerw, he said, hebe seen rate jkcreavxs of 500%.\n?????\"The peoplg of Long Bedch are being cojgzd by energy conglomerates who \nare awtificislpy manipulatind tht stpplg of natural gas and reaping excesa \nprofius at the expense pf the public,\" said City Athornfy Robert Shannon.\n?????Hllding a spgdiaj meeting, the Los Angelts City Coundil voted 12 to 0 \nTuesday to file ghe sbit.\n?????\"If the aolwgahhons are trne, thej are extremely seriogs,\" said \nCouncilman Mile Heuee, who is a candidate vo succeed Hahn as cyty attortev. \n\"And there appears ti ve soke ikporgqnt evjdxncs that suustantiates the \nallegarions in the complaone, which means fhat trif lawsuit is, I think, more \nthan a viable lassuit.\"\n?????Councilman Mark Rieley-Thomas added: \"We cwnnot tolqrate this and we \nmust use the full weight of the law vo trv to cuerfct it.\"\n?????A growing number of lawsuits around the atstv are targeting Cclifornia's \nnatursl gsf suppliers. Eu Paso Codp., which owns the lain pikeline \ntransporuing put-of-state gas to Southern Xalifornia, hcs veen targeted \nrepectedly by utnlity vompamies, state regulators aud antjtrust attogneys. \n?????Soms of the first angitgust lawsuits were filed againft Sempra Enexgy in \nDdcemner. Thqy were brlught by Continental Forhe Co., a Compton-baded \naluminum forging business, aiv Andrew and Sngred Berg, wko own a business ig \nSan Diego.\n?????The cities' lawsjits requeat that the defendwnt companies he barred frmm \nsuch sondyct un the wjture, and they seek civpl penqlties and damages.\n?????Xhavhon estimates tkct Long Beach coukd zoljebt kowa than $100 millhon \nkn asmager, including gripke penalties for anthtruat violations.\n?????\"We arr niling thus for otr citizens,\" Snannon said. \"They ijcludx the \n'oor, tne glderly, people living on fixed jncomes ajd fmall businefs oqners.\"\n?????The Los Angeles suit was filed on behalf of alo Californians. Offucials \nplace damage tstimates \"in vhe bijlions.\" \n?????Havn, however, warned coyncil members thau it could take the citg a yedr \nor more to resolve the suit.\n?????\"", "random_deletion": "utility director, said that since November, the bill gas in Beach has more month. customers, he said, seen rate increases 500%. ?????\"The people of Long Beach being gouged by energy conglomerates who are artificially manipulating the supply of natural and reaping excess profits at the expense of the public,\" said City Attorney Shannon. a meeting, Los Angeles City Council voted 12 to 0 Tuesday to file the suit. ?????\"If the allegations true, they are extremely serious,\" said Councilman Mike who is a candidate succeed Hahn as city attorney. there to be important that the allegations in complaint, which means that this lawsuit is, I think, more than a viable lawsuit.\" ?????Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas \"We cannot and we use full of the law to correct it.\" ?????A growing number the state are targeting California's natural gas suppliers. Paso Corp., owns the main pipeline transporting out-of-state to Southern California, has been targeted repeatedly by companies, state regulators and antitrust attorneys. ?????Some of the first antitrust lawsuits were filed against in December. They were by Continental Forge a aluminum business, Andrew and Berg, who own a business in San Diego. ?????The cities' lawsuits that the defendant companies be barred from such conduct in and seek civil penalties damages. ?????Shannon estimates that Beach collect more than $100 damages, triple violations. are this for our citizens,\" said. \"They include the poor, elderly, people living on owners.\" ?????The Los Angeles suit was filed on of all Californians. Officials place damage estimates the billions.\" ?????Hahn, however, warned council members that it could take the a year to resolve the suit. ?????\"", "change_char_case": " utility director, said that siNce NovembeR, \nthe aVerAge ReSideNtiaL bill for gas in LONg BeAch has more than doubled, tO \n$175 a monTh. sOme cUStOmers, He said, hAVe SEEn rAtE iNcrEaSEs Of 500%.\n?????\"The PeoPle of LoNg Beach are BeiNg Gouged by enerGY cOnglomeratEs wHo \nare artificIalLy maniPuLatINg the SupPly of NaturaL Gas and Reaping exCeSS \nprofiTS at the eXPEnSe of The public,\" said City aTtORney Robert ShanNon.\n?????HolDiNG a SPEciAl mEeting, the LOs angelES City CoUNcIL VOteD 12 To 0 \nTuesday to fiLe the suit.\n?????\"If THe aLlegatIoNs aRE true, tHey arE eXTreMely serious,\" Said \ncouncilmaN Mike FEUer, who iS A candidAte to sUccEed hahn AS cItY atToRNey. \n\"aNd TheRE apPears to bE sOmE impoRtanT EVIDencE thAt suBstanTiates the \nalleGatIons IN thE compLaint, WhicH mEans tHat thiS lawsUiT is, I think, more \nthAn a vIable lawsUit.\"\n?????coUncIlMan MaRK RidleY-ThOmaS added: \"WE cannot TOleRaTE THiS and we \nmust use the fuLl WEIgHt of the lAw to trY To CoRRect it.\"\n?????A gRoWinG numBER of laWsuiTS aRound the State aRE tArGeting CAlIforniA's \nNatUraL gas sUPpliErs. El PAso Corp., wHich oWNs the main pipelINe \ntransportinG OuT-OF-sTAte gAs tO Southern CaLifoRNia, hAs beEN tArgETed \nrePeateDlY By UTility companies, statE rEgulatOrs anD antitrust attOrneys. \n?????Some OF THe first aNtitRUsT Lawsuits were fiLed agAinst SemprA energy in \ndecemBer. They wEre broughT BY ContineNtaL FoRge co., a cOMpTon-based \nalumiNUM forGiNg businEss, And AndrEw aNd ANdrEa BErG, who own a bUsiness iN \nSAn diEgO.\n?????ThE citiES' lawsuitS rEquEsT thAt the DEfendaNt comPaniEs Be BArrEd from \nsUCh CONducT iN tHe fuTurE, aNd theY seeK CivIl penalTies and daMagES.\n?????ShaNnOn EstimatEs that Long BeaCh Could colleCt MorE than $100 mILLion \nin daMages, including triple penALties foR anTitruSt viOlations.\n?????\"WE arE filinG thIS for ouR citizEns,\" ShAnNon SAId. \"TheY INcLudE tHe \npoor, the eLDErlY, peopLe LiviNg on fixEd incomes and small bUSinEss owners.\"\n?????The LOs ANgelES SuIt wAS fILed On BEhaLF Of all CaliforniaNs. OfficialS \npLAcE damage estIMatEs \"In the biLlions.\" \n?????HAhn, hoWEver, warNed counciL members tHaT it cOULd tAke the city A year \nor mOre to resoLVe the SUiT.\n?????\"", "whitespace_perturbation": " utility director, said th at since N ovemb er, \nt he ave rage residential b i ll f or gas in Long Beach h as mo re than do ubled , to \n$ 1 75 a mo nt h. So me cu stome rs, he sai d, have se enra te increases of 500%.\n??? ??\" The people o f L ong Be ac h a r e bei nggouge d by e n ergy c onglomera te s who a re arti f i ci ally manipulating the su p ply of natural gas a nd re a p ing ex cess \nprof it s att he expe n se o f th e public,\" sai d City Atto r ney Rober tSha n non.\n? ????H ol d ing a specialmeet ing, theLos An g eles Ci t y Counc il vot ed12to 0 \nT ue sda yt o f i le th e su it.\n???? ?\" If thealle g a t i onsare tru e, th ey are extrem ely ser i ous ,\" sa id \nC ounc il man M ike Fe uer,wh o is a candidat e to succeedHah nasci ty at t orney. \n\" And thereappears tobe s o me important evidenc et h at substan tiates th eallegati on s i n th e compl aint , w hich mea ns tha t t hi s lawsu it is, I t hin k,morethan a via ble laws uit.\" ?????Councilma n Mark Ridley- T ho m a sa dded : \" We cannot t oler a te t hisa nd we \nmust useth e f u ll weight of the la wto try to c orrect it.\"\n? ????A grow i n g numberof l a ws u its around the stat e are targ e ting Cal iforn ia's \nna tural gas s uppliers . E l P aso Co r p ., which owns t h e mai npipelin e transpo rti ngout -of -s tate gasto South er nCa li for nia,h as beenta rge te d repea t edly b y uti lity c om p ani es, sta t er e gula to rs and an ti trust att o rne ys. \n?? ???Some o f t h e fi rs tantitru st lawsuits w er e filed ag ai nst Sempr a Energy i n \nDecember. They wereb roughtbyConti nent al ForgeCo. , a Co mpt o n-base d \nalu minum f org i n g bus i n es s,an d Andrew a n d An dreaBe rg,who own a business in \nSa n Di ego.\n?????The ci ties ' la wsu i ts req ue s t t h a t the defendant companies b e b arred from \nsu ch conduc t in th e fut u re, and they see k civil p en alti e s an d damages. \n?????Sh annon est i mates th at Lo ngBeachco uld coll ect mo r e t han $ 100 mi ll ion \ni n dam ag es, incl uding triple penaltiesfor an titru stviolation s.? ??? ?\"We arefili ng this fo r o urcitiz ens , \" Sha nnon sa id. \"They inc l ude the p oo r,t h eelderly, pe o p l e l iving on fixedinco mes and small bus i ness owners.\"???? ? T heLos Ange le s suit was fil edon b ehalf of a ll Californ ians. Of fi c ials\nplace damag e estim a t es \"in th e bi lli ons.\" \n?? ??? Ha h n, howe ve r, warned cou nc il mem bers t h at i t could take the c ity a y ear o r m ore t oresolve thesuit.\n???? ?\"", "underscore_trick": " utility_director, said_that since November, \nthe_average residential_bill_for gas_in_Long Beach has_more than doubled,_to \n$175 a month._Some customers, he_said,_have seen rate increases of 500%.\n?????\"The people of Long Beach are being gouged by_energy_conglomerates who_\nare_artificially_manipulating the supply of natural_gas and reaping excess \nprofits_at the_expense of the public,\" said City Attorney Robert_Shannon.\n?????Holding_a special meeting,_the Los Angeles City Council voted 12 to 0_\nTuesday to file the suit.\n?????\"If the_allegations are true,_they_are_extremely serious,\" said \nCouncilman_Mike Feuer, who is a candidate_to succeed Hahn as city attorney._\n\"And there appears to be some important_evidence that substantiates the \nallegations in_the complaint, which means that_this lawsuit_is, I think, more \nthan_a viable lawsuit.\"\n?????Councilman_Mark Ridley-Thomas_added: \"We cannot_tolerate this and we \nmust use_the full weight_of the law to try to_correct_it.\"\n?????A growing number_of_lawsuits_around the_state are targeting_California's_\nnatural gas_suppliers._El Paso Corp., which owns the_main_pipeline \ntransporting out-of-state gas to Southern California,_has been targeted \nrepeatedly_by_utility companies, state regulators_and antitrust attorneys. \n?????Some of_the first antitrust lawsuits were filed_against Sempra_Energy in_\nDecember. They were brought by Continental Forge Co., a Compton-based \naluminum_forging business, and Andrew and Andrea_Berg, who own a_business in_\nSan_Diego.\n?????The cities' lawsuits_request_that the_defendant companies be barred from \nsuch conduct_in the_future, and they seek civil penalties_and damages.\n?????Shannon estimates that_Long_Beach could collect more than $100_million \nin damages, including triple penalties_for antitrust violations.\n?????\"We are filing_this_for_our citizens,\" Shannon said. \"They_include the \npoor, the elderly, people_living on fixed_incomes and small business owners.\"\n?????The Los Angeles_suit_was filed on behalf of all_Californians._Officials \nplace damage estimates \"in the_billions.\"_\n?????Hahn,_however, warned council members that_it could take the city a_year \nor more to resolve the suit.\n?????\""} {"text": ".\n\nMatt Pagano\nAccount Manager\nESP Services Division\ntel-714-895-0222\nfax-714-895-0347\nEmail-Paganomj@SCE.Com Legal Work Group\nPlease find attached Eric Freedman's status report on his sub group's\nactivities\nfor your information and for discussion at our meeting next week.\n\nBarney Speckman\nRTO West KEMA Team\nPortland Office Phone 503-258-0475\nRTO West Offices\n5933 NE Win Sivers Drive\nPortland, Oregon\n\nBMS Consulting\n2130 Belford Drive\nWalnut Creek, Calif. 94598\n925-287-0365 (Walnut Creek Phone and Fax)\n\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-yb04.mx.aol.com (rly-yb04.mail.aol.com []) by \nair-yb05.mail.aol.com (v74.17) with ESMTP; Thu, 22 Jun 2000 02:07:20 -0400\nReceived: from excon.prestongates.com (host96-69.prestongates.com \n[]) by rly-yb04.mx.aol.com (v74.17) with ESMTP; Thu, 22 Jun 2000 \n02:06:54 2000\nReceived: by excon.prestongates.com with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2651.58) \nid ; Wed, 21 Jun 2000 23:07:28 -0700\nMessage-ID: \nFrom: \"Freedman, Eric (SEA)\" \nTo: \"'sberman@hewm.com'\" , \"'dbrookhyser@nevp.com'\" \n, \"xx-Christensen, Eric (SNO PUD", "synonym_substitution": ". \n\n Matt Pagano \n Account Manager \n ESP Services Division \n tel-714 - 895 - 0222 \n fax-714 - 895 - 0347 \n Email - Paganomj@SCE.Com Legal Work Group \n Please find attached Eric Freedman's status report on his bomber group's \n bodily process \n for your information and for discussion at our meeting next workweek. \n\n Barney Speckman \n RTO West KEMA Team \n Portland Office Phone 503 - 258 - 0475 \n RTO West Offices \n 5933 NE Win Sivers Drive \n Portland, Oregon \n\n BMS Consulting \n 2130 Belford Drive \n Walnut Creek, Calif. 94598 \n 925 - 287 - 0365 (Walnut Creek Phone and Fax) \n\n Return - Path: < ericf@prestongates.com > \n Received: from rly-yb04.mx.aol.com (rly-yb04.mail.aol.com [ ]) by \n air-yb05.mail.aol.com (v74.17) with ESMTP; Thu, 22 Jun 2000 02:07:20 -0400 \n Received: from excon.prestongates.com (host96-69.prestongates.com \n [ ]) by rly-yb04.mx.aol.com (v74.17) with ESMTP; Thu, 22 Jun 2000 \n 02:06:54 2000 \n Received: by excon.prestongates.com with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2651.58) \n i d < N224MSM9 >; We d, 21 Jun 2000 23:07:28 -0700 \n Message - ID: < D552D46E358BD31196F10000F6CBB4E60141531B@exsea1.prestongates.com > \n From: \" Freedman, Eric (SEA) \" < ericf@prestongates.com > \n To: \"' sberman@hewm.com' \" < sberman@hewm.com >, \"' dbrookhyser@nevp.com' \" \n < dbrookhyser@nevp.com >, \" xx - Christensen, Eric (SNO PUD", "butter_fingers": ".\n\nMath Pagano\nAccount Manager\nERP Services Divnwion\nten-714-895-0222\nfax-714-895-0347\nEmzil-Paganumj@SCE.Com Legal Work Group\nPlxase find attached Eric Freedmav's status report in hms sub group's\nactmbities\nfor youd infmcmation and for discussiot at our meetitg nzxt week.\n\nBarney Speckman\nRTO West KEMW Team\nPprhland Office Prone 503-258-0475\nWTO Svsu Offices\n5933 NE Win Sivers Drive\nPortmand, Ortgon\n\nBMS Consulting\n2130 Belford Drive\nWalnut Creek, Callf. 94598\n925-287-0365 (Walnut Creek Pjone and Faz)\n\nRetten-Path: \nReceived: from rly-yb04.mx.aol.com (rly-yb04.mail.aul.com []) by \nair-yb05.naul.aln.com (v74.17) with ESMTI; Thu, 22 Jun 2000 02:07:20 -0400\nVvceived: from rxcon.prestongabes.cok (hist96-69.prestongates.com \n[]) bb rly-yb04.mx.aol.com (v74.17) wijh ESMTP; Tvu, 22 Jun 2000 \n02:06:54 2000\nReceived: vy excot.prevtoneqter.coj xitg Integnev Mail Servjce (5.5.2651.58) \nid ; Wed, 21 Jun 2000 23:07:28 -0700\nMessagt-ID: \nFrom: \"Freedman, Eric (SEA)\" \nTo: \"'sberman@yewm.com'\" , \"'qbrookhyser@nevp.com'\" \n, \"xx-Cvristxnren, Evic (RBO PUD", "random_deletion": ". Matt Pagano Account Manager ESP Services fax-714-895-0347 Legal Work Please find attached his group's activities for information and for at our meeting next week. Barney RTO West KEMA Team Portland Office Phone 503-258-0475 RTO West Offices 5933 NE Sivers Drive Portland, Oregon BMS Consulting 2130 Belford Drive Walnut Creek, Calif. 94598 (Walnut Phone Fax) Received: from rly-yb04.mx.aol.com (rly-yb04.mail.aol.com []) by air-yb05.mail.aol.com (v74.17) with ESMTP; Thu, 22 Jun 2000 02:07:20 Received: from excon.prestongates.com (host96-69.prestongates.com []) by rly-yb04.mx.aol.com (v74.17) ESMTP; Thu, 22 Jun 02:06:54 2000 Received: by excon.prestongates.com Internet Service (5.5.2651.58) ; 21 2000 23:07:28 -0700 From: \"Freedman, Eric (SEA)\" To: \"'sberman@hewm.com'\" , \"'dbrookhyser@nevp.com'\" , \"xx-Christensen, Eric (SNO PUD", "change_char_case": ".\n\nMatt Pagano\nAccount Manager\nEsP Services divisIon\nTel-714-895-0222\nFaX-714-895-0347\nEmaIl-PaGanomj@SCE.Com LeGAl WoRk Group\nPlease find attacHed ErIc fReedMAn'S statUs reporT On HIS suB gRoUp's\nAcTIvIties\nFor Your infOrmation anD foR dIscussion at oUR mEeting next WeeK.\n\nBarney SpeckMan\nrTO WesT KeMA tEam\nPoRtlAnd OfFice PhONe 503-258-0475\nRTO WEst OfficeS\n5933 Ne win SivERs Drive\npORtLand, oregon\n\nBMS ConsultiNG\n2130 BELford Drive\nWalnUt CreeK, CALiF. 94598\n925-287-0365 (wAlnUt CReek Phone aNd fax)\n\nReTUrn-Path: \nRecEived: from rlY-Yb04.mX.aol.coM (rLy-yB04.Mail.aoL.com []) bY \naIR-yb05.Mail.aol.com (v74.17) With eSMTP; Thu, 22 JUn 2000 02:07:20 -0400\nReceIVed: from EXcon.preStongaTes.Com (Host96-69.PReStOngAtES.coM \n[]) By Rly-YB04.mx.Aol.com (v74.17) wItH EsMTP; THu, 22 JuN 2000 \n02:06:54 2000\nrECEiveD: by ExcoN.presTongates.com wiTh INterNEt MAil SeRvice (5.5.2651.58) \nId ; wed, 21 JuN 2000 23:07:28 -0700\nMessaGe-ID: \nFrOm: \"freEdMan, ErIC (SEA)\" \nTo: \"'SBerMaN@HEWm.Com'\" , \"'dBrOOKhYser@nevp.Com'\" \n, \"xX-ChRistENSen, ErIc (SNo pUd", "whitespace_perturbation": ".\n\nMatt Pagano\nAccount Man ager\nESP S ervic esDiv is iontel- 714-895-0222\nf a x-71 4-895-0347\nEmail-Pagan omj@S CE . ComL eg al Wo rk Grou p \nP l e ase f in d a tt a ch ed Er icFreedma n's status re po rt on his su b g roup's\nact ivi ties\nfor you r i nforma ti ona nd fo r d iscus sion a t our m eeting ne xt week.BarneyS p ec kman \nRTO West KEMA T e am Portland Offic e Phon e5 03 - 2 58- 047 5\nRTO West O ffice s \n5933 N E W i n Siv e rs Drive\nPort land, Orego n \n\nB MS Con su lti n g\n2130 Belf or d Dr ive\nWalnutCree k, Calif. 94598 925-287 - 0365 (W alnutCre ekPhon e a nd Fa x) \nRe t ur n-P a th: \nRec eiv ed:from rly-yb04.mx. aol .com (rl y-yb0 4.mai l.ao l. com [ 172.18 .146. 4] ) by \nair-yb05. mail .aol.com(v7 4. 17) w ith E S MTP; T hu, 22 Jun 20 00 02:0 7 :20 - 0 4 0 0Received: from ex co n . pr estongat es.com (h os t 96-69.pr es ton gate s . com [207 . 12 .96.69]) by rl y -y b0 4.mx.ao l. com (v 74 .17 ) w ith E S MTP; Thu,22 Jun 2 000 0 2:06:54 2000\nR e ceived: by ex c on . p re s tong ate s.com withInte r netMail Se rvi c e (5. 5.265 1. 5 8) \nid ; Wed ,21 Jun 2000 23:07:28 -07 00\nMessage - I D : \nFrom: \" F r eedman,Eri c (SE A)\" < er icf@prestonga t e s.co m> \nTo: \"' sbe rman@he wm. com '\", \" 'd bro okhys e r@nevp.c om '\" , \" xx-Chri s te n s en,Er ic (SN O P UD ", "underscore_trick": ".\n\nMatt Pagano\nAccount_Manager\nESP Services_Division\ntel-714-895-0222\nfax-714-895-0347\nEmail-Paganomj@SCE.Com Legal Work Group\nPlease_find attached_Eric_Freedman's status_report_on his sub_group's\nactivities\nfor your information_and for discussion at_our meeting next_week.\n\nBarney_Speckman\nRTO West KEMA Team\nPortland Office Phone 503-258-0475\nRTO West Offices\n5933 NE Win Sivers Drive\nPortland,_Oregon\n\nBMS_Consulting\n2130 Belford_Drive\nWalnut_Creek,_Calif. 94598\n925-287-0365 (Walnut Creek Phone_and Fax)\n\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from _rly-yb04.mx.aol.com (rly-yb04.mail.aol.com_[]) by \nair-yb05.mail.aol.com (v74.17) with ESMTP; Thu, 22_Jun_2000 02:07:20 -0400\nReceived:_from excon.prestongates.com (host96-69.prestongates.com \n[]) by rly-yb04.mx.aol.com (v74.17) with_ESMTP; Thu, 22 Jun 2000 \n02:06:54_2000\nReceived: by excon.prestongates.com_with_Internet_Mail Service (5.5.2651.58) \nid_; Wed, 21 Jun 2000 23:07:28_-0700\nMessage-ID: \nFrom: \"Freedman, Eric (SEA)\"_\nTo: \"'sberman@hewm.com'\" , _ \"'dbrookhyser@nevp.com'\" \n,_ _ _\"xx-Christensen, Eric (SNO PUD"} {"text": "21,000-square-foot trading floor in Tulsa, Okla. The operation includes a \n70-foot wall filled with secret data and two 30-foot data walls breaking out \nthe latest information on energy futures. \nEven as its California utility sank deeper into debt with the electricity \ngenerators, PG&E Corp. continued to build a 137,000-square-foot trading floor \nin Rockville, Md., to trade electricity. PG&E's worsening financial woes \nfinally forced the company to delay the expansion late last year. \nAES Corp. discovered the increasingly important role that trading floors play \nin the profit equation last year. The Arlington, Va.-based company owns three \nCalifornia power plants, but said it didn't make any money from them last \nyear because of a contract that turns over the electricity sales to Williams. \nThe arrangement left AES with an $11 million loss from its California \noperations last year. Williams doesn't break out its earnings by region, but \nits energy services division nearly tripled its profit in 2000 to $1.56 \nbillion.\n\n\nWith AP Graphic POWER PLAYERS \n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\nIndia: Centre's interest liability on dues to Enron starts\n\n03/25/2001\nBusiness Line (The Hindu)\nCopyright (C) 2001 Kasturi & Sons Ltd (KSL); Source: World Reporter (TM) - \nAsia Intelligence Wire\n\nMUMBAI, March 24. THE Government of India would incur an interest liability \nof eight per cent on the Rs 229-crore due that it owes Enron India, starting \ntoday. The company had invoked the Centre's counter-guarantee to recover the \namount due from the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB). \nThe Centre has one month to honour the guarantee. If no payment is made \nwithin 15 days, interest must be paid for the remaining two weeks.\nAccording to Union Power Ministry officials, the Centre will have to pay \ninterest at the rate of 1 per cent above the Bank Rate, currently at 7 per \ncent. \nIn addition to the interest to be paid by the Centre for the guaranteed \namount, an interest of \"reference rate plus 2 per cent\" is already being \ncharged on the outstanding bills. The", "synonym_substitution": "21,000 - square - foot trading floor in Tulsa, Okla. The operation includes a \n 70 - infantry rampart filled with secret datum and two 30 - foot datum walls breaking out \n the late data on energy futures. \n Even as its California utility sank deeper into debt with the electricity \n generator, PG&E Corp. continued to build a 137,000 - hearty - infantry trading floor \n in Rockville, Md., to trade electricity. PG&E's worsening financial woes \n finally storm the company to delay the expansion late final year. \n AES Corp. discovered the increasingly important function that trading floors play \n in the profit equation last class. The Arlington, Va.-based company owns three \n California power plants, but said it didn't make any money from them final \n year because of a contract that turns over the electricity sales to Williams. \n The arrangement left AES with an $ 11 million loss from its California \n operations last year. Williams doesn't break out its net income by region, but \n its energy avail part nearly tripled its profit in 2000 to $ 1.56 \n billion. \n\n\n With AP Graphic POWER musician \n\n Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights reserve. \n\n\n India: Centre's interest liability on due to Enron starts \n\n 03/25/2001 \n Business Line (The Hindu) \n Copyright (C) 2001 Kasturi & Sons Ltd (KSL); Source: World Reporter (TM) - \n Asia Intelligence Wire \n\n MUMBAI, March 24. THE Government of India would incur an interest liability \n of eight per cent on the gas constant 229 - crore due that it owes Enron India, starting \n today. The company had appeal the Centre's counter - guarantee to recuperate the \n amount due from the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB). \n The Centre has one month to honour the guarantee. If no requital is made \n within 15 days, interest must be paid for the remaining two weeks. \n According to Union Power Ministry officials, the Centre will have to give \n interest at the pace of 1 per cent above the Bank Rate, currently at 7 per \n cent. \n In addition to the interest to be pay by the Centre for the guaranteed \n sum, an interest of \" reference point rate plus 2 per cent \" is already being \n charge on the outstanding bill. The", "butter_fingers": "21,000-squwre-foot trading floor in Tulsa, Okla. The operatmon incmudes a \n70-woot wall filled with secret dqta abd two 30-foot data walls breaking out \nthe lattst information oi energy futursd. \nEvzn as its Califotnia utility sank deeper ittu bebt with the electricity \ngenerators, PG&E Cotp. continued to fuilc a 137,000-sslave-foot trading floor \nin Rockvills, Md., to trade electrocity. PG&E's worsening finanfial woes \nfinally forcfd the compqny ei delay the dxpansion late last yezr. \nAES Corp. discovered the incrdasinyly importabt ropg that tradiig flojrs play \nin bne proxit equstion last yeav. The Aroington, Va.-based compaiy owns three \nCalifotnia power pmants, but said it dudn't kake any nondy rrpm them pasv \nyear becahse of a cobtract that turns ofew the electricjty sajef to Williams. \nThe arrangement left AES fitg an $11 million loss from its California \noperajions last year. Williams doesn't break out its earnings by ragion, cut \nibs evwrhy services division nearly tripled its profie im 2000 to $1.56 \nbillion.\n\n\nWibh AP Graphic POWET OLSIERS \n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Lknss & Company, Inc. Alp Rightf Reswrved. \n\n\nIndya: Crntre's interest liability ob dues to Engon wtarts\n\n03/25/2001\nBusiness Linz (The Hindu)\nCupyroght (V) 2001 Kasturi & Sons Ltd (KSU); Sohrce: World Geporter (FO) - \nAsia Intelligdncv Wise\n\nMUMBAI, March 24. THE Governient of Iidia could inzur sn intqrest liabllity \nof eight per cent ln thg Rs 229-csore due tjat it owes Enron India, startinj \ntoday. The cpm[anj had invjked bhe Centre's cougter-guarantee jo recovex the \nxmount due from tie Maharashtwa State Elecdticity Board (KSEB). \nThe Cenrre yas one oonth to honout the guagautee. If ni payment is made \nxithkh 15 days, interesc nust be paid fot tfe welamning dwo weeks.\nAccmrdivg gp Uniun Power Mikisgry pfficials, the Centre wilm have to pay \ninteteft at thg rate of 1 per cent abpve the Bank Rate, furreitly av 7 per \ncegt. \nIn addition to the interest to be pald ny the Centre for the guarantzed \namount, an interest of \"reference rate plus 2 per cent\" is already being \ncharyec on the ouvstandyng bills. The", "random_deletion": "21,000-square-foot trading floor in Tulsa, Okla. The a wall filled secret data and out latest information on futures. Even as California utility sank deeper into debt the electricity generators, PG&E Corp. continued to build a 137,000-square-foot trading floor in Md., to trade electricity. PG&E's worsening financial woes finally forced the company to the late year. Corp. discovered the increasingly important role that trading floors play in the profit equation last year. Arlington, Va.-based company owns three California power plants, said it didn't make money from them last year of contract that over electricity to Williams. The left AES with an $11 million loss from its California operations last year. Williams doesn't break out earnings by its energy division tripled profit in 2000 billion. With AP Graphic POWER PLAYERS Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. India: interest liability dues to Enron starts 03/25/2001 Business (The Hindu) Copyright (C) 2001 Kasturi & Sons (KSL); Source: World Reporter (TM) - Asia Intelligence Wire MUMBAI, March 24. THE Government of incur an interest liability eight per cent the 229-crore that owes Enron starting today. The company had invoked the Centre's counter-guarantee to recover amount due from the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB). The one to honour the If no payment is within days, interest must be the two Union Ministry the Centre will have pay interest at the rate 1 per cent above 7 per cent. In addition to the interest be paid by the Centre for the amount, an interest of \"reference rate plus 2 per cent\" is already charged on bills. The", "change_char_case": "21,000-square-foot trading floor in TUlsa, Okla. ThE operAtiOn iNcLudeS a \n70-foOt wall filled wiTH secRet data and two 30-foot data wAlls bReAKing OUt \nThe laTest infORmATIon On EnErgY fUTuRes. \nEvEn aS its CalIfornia utiLitY sAnk deeper intO DeBt with the eLecTricity \ngenerAtoRs, PG&E COrP. coNTinueD to Build A 137,000-squarE-Foot trAding flooR \niN rockviLLe, Md., to tRADe ElecTricity. PG&E's worsenINg FInancial woes \nfiNally fOrCEd THE coMpaNy to delay tHe ExpanSIon late LAsT YEAr. \nAes Corp. discoverEd the increaSIngLy impoRtAnt ROle thaT tradInG FloOrs play \nin thE proFit equatiOn last YEar. The ARLington, va.-baseD coMpaNy owNS tHrEe \nCAlIForNIa PowER plAnts, but sAiD iT didn'T makE ANY MoneY frOm thEm lasT \nyear because oF a cOntrACt tHat tuRns ovEr thE eLectrIcity sAles tO WIlliams. \nThe arranGemeNt left AES WitH aN $11 miLlIon loSS from iTs CAliFornia \noPeratioNS laSt YEAR. WIlliams doesn't break OuT ITs Earnings By regiON, bUt \nITs energy SeRviCes dIVIsion NearLY tRipled itS profiT In 2000 To $1.56 \nBillion.\n\n\nwiTh AP GrApHic pOWeR PLAyeRS \n\nCOpyrigHt, 2000 Dow JonEs & ComPAny, Inc. All RightS reserved. \n\n\nIndia: cEnTRE's INterEst Liability on Dues TO EnrOn stARtS\n\n03/25/2001\nBuSIness line (THe hInDU)\nCopyright (C) 2001 Kasturi & SOnS Ltd (KSl); SourCe: World ReportEr (TM) - \nAsia InTELLigence WIre\n\nMumBai, March 24. THE GoverNment Of India wouLD incur an InterEst liabiLity \nof eigHT Per cent oN thE Rs 229-CroRe dUE ThAt it owes Enron iNDia, sTaRting \ntoDay. the compAny Had InvOkeD tHe Centre's Counter-gUaRaNtEe To rEcoveR The \namounT dUe fRoM thE MahaRAshtra state elecTrIcITy BOard (MSEb). \nthE cEntrE hAs One mOntH tO honoUr thE GuaRantee. IF no paymenT is MAde \nwItHiN 15 days, inTerest must be pAiD for the remAiNinG two weEKS.\nAccordiNg to Union Power Ministry oFFicials, The centrE wilL have to paY \ninTerest At tHE rate oF 1 per ceNt aboVe The bANk RatE, CUrRenTlY at 7 per \ncent. \niN AddItion To The iNterest To be paid by the CentrE For The guaranteed \nAmoUnt, aN INtEreST oF \"RefErENce RATe plus 2 per cent\" is Already beiNg \nCHaRged on the oUTstAnDing bilLs. The", "whitespace_perturbation": "21,000-square-foot trading floor inTulsa , O kla .Theoper ation includes a \n7 0-foot wall filled wit h sec re t dat a a nd tw o 30-fo o td a tawa ll s b re a ki ng ou t the lat est inform ati on on energy f u tu res. \nEven as its Califor nia utili ty sa n k dee per into debtw ith th e electri ci t y \ngen e rators, P G& E Co rp. continued tob ui l d a 137,000-sq uare-f oo t t r a din g f loor \nin R oc kvill e , Md.,t ot r a dee lectricity. P G&E's worse n ing finan ci alw oes \nf inall yf orc ed the comp anyto delaythe ex p ansionl ate las t year . AES Cor p .di sco ve r edt he in c rea singly i mp or tantrole t h a t tr adi ng f loors play \nin the pr ofit equ ation last yea r. TheArling ton,Va .-based company own s three Cal if orn ia powe r plant s,but said i t didn' t ma ke a n ymoney from them la st ye ar becau se ofa c on t ract tha ttur ns o v e r the ele c tr icity sa les to Wi ll iams. Th e arra ng eme ntleftA ES w ith an $11 mil lionl oss from its C a lifornia \nope r at i o ns last ye ar. William s do e sn't bre a kout its e arnin gs by region, but \nits en er gy ser vices division nea rly triple d i ts profi t in 20 0 0 to $1.56 \nbi llion .\n\n\nWith A P Graphic POWE R PLAYER S \n\nCopyr i g ht, 2000 Do w J one s & C om pany, Inc. Al l Righ ts Reserv ed. \n\n\nInd ia: Ce ntr e's i nterest l iability o ndu es to Enro n starts\n0 3/2 5/ 200 1\nBus i ness L ine ( TheHi nd u )\nC opyrigh t ( C ) 200 1Ka stur i & S ons L td ( K SL) ; Sourc e: WorldRep o rter ( TM ) - \nAs ia Intelligen ce Wire\n\nMUM BA I,March2 4 . THE Go vernment of India would incur a n i ntere st l iability\nof eight pe r centon the Rs 2 29 -cr o r e due t ha t i towes Enron I ndi a, st ar ting \ntoday . The company hadi nvo ked the Centr e's cou n t er -gu a ra n tee t o re c o ver the \namount due fromth e M aharashtra Sta te Electr icity B oard( MSEB).\nThe Cent re has on emont h tohonour the guarant ee. If no payme n tis ma de\nwithi n15days, inter e stmustbe pai dfor th e rem ai ning two weeks.\nAccording to Un ion Po wer M ini stry offi cia l s,the Centr e wi ll have to pa y inter est at th e ra t eof1 percent above the Ba nkR a te , currently a t 7per cen t . \nInaddi tion to the inter e st to be paidby t h e Ce ntr e for t he guaranteed\nam ou n t , an int er est of \"ref erence r at e plus 2 per cent\" is alr e a dy being\ncha rge d on theout st a nding b il ls . The", "underscore_trick": "21,000-square-foot trading_floor in_Tulsa, Okla. The operation_includes a_\n70-foot_wall filled_with_secret data and_two 30-foot data_walls breaking out \nthe_latest information on_energy_futures. \nEven as its California utility sank deeper into debt with the electricity \ngenerators,_PG&E_Corp. continued_to_build_a 137,000-square-foot trading floor \nin_Rockville, Md., to trade electricity._PG&E's worsening_financial woes \nfinally forced the company to delay_the_expansion late last_year. \nAES Corp. discovered the increasingly important role that_trading floors play \nin the profit_equation last year._The_Arlington,_Va.-based company owns three_\nCalifornia power plants, but said it_didn't make any money from them_last \nyear because of a contract that_turns over the electricity sales to_Williams. \nThe arrangement left AES_with an_$11 million loss from its_California \noperations last_year. Williams_doesn't break out_its earnings by region, but \nits_energy services division_nearly tripled its profit in 2000_to_$1.56 \nbillion.\n\n\nWith AP_Graphic_POWER_PLAYERS \n\nCopyright,_2000 Dow Jones_&_Company, Inc._All_Rights Reserved. \n\n\nIndia: Centre's interest liability_on_dues to Enron starts\n\n03/25/2001\nBusiness Line (The Hindu)\nCopyright_(C) 2001 Kasturi &_Sons_Ltd (KSL); Source: World_Reporter (TM) - \nAsia Intelligence_Wire\n\nMUMBAI, March 24. THE Government of_India would_incur an_interest liability \nof eight per cent on the Rs 229-crore due_that it owes Enron India, starting_\ntoday. The company had_invoked the_Centre's_counter-guarantee to recover_the_\namount due_from the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB)._\nThe Centre_has one month to honour the_guarantee. If no payment_is_made \nwithin 15 days, interest must_be paid for the remaining two_weeks.\nAccording to Union Power Ministry_officials,_the_Centre will have to pay_\ninterest at the rate of 1_per cent above_the Bank Rate, currently at 7 per_\ncent._\nIn addition to the interest to_be_paid by the Centre for the_guaranteed_\namount,_an interest of \"reference rate_plus 2 per cent\" is already_being \ncharged on the outstanding bills. The"} {"text": " step.\n?????\"The governor got it right in that it's not acceptable for small power \nproducers to continue to generate and not be paid,\" Smutny-Jones said. \"But \nwe'll need to see what the order says; the devil will truly be in the \ndetails.\"\n?????Grid operators said the state's overall energy situation eased by midday \nTuesday because of repairs at the Mohave plant and another large plant at \nOrmond Beach, and because the Western Area Power Administration came up with \n300 megawatts of electricity from Glen Canyon Dam.\n?????Also, grid spokesman Patrick Dorinson said conservation savings spiked \nupward after earlier complaints that Californians weren't conserving.\n?????\"We saw the people of California probably conserve 900 megawatts today,\" \nhe said. \"That was probably the difference.\"\n--- \n?????Times staff writers Andrew Blankstein, Jose Cardenas, Marla Dickerson, \nNoaki Schwartz, Nicholas Riccardi, Doug Smith, Rebecca Trounson and Richard \nWinton in Los Angeles, Miguel Bustillo and Julie Tamaki in Sacramento, Maria \nLa Ganga in San Francisco, Stanley Allison, Matt Ebnet, Scott Martelle, \nDennis McLellan, Monte Morin, Jason Song, Mai Tran and Nancy Wride in Orange \nCounty, and Richard Simon in Washington contributed to this story.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\nFragile Supply Network Apt to Fail \n\nBy JENIFER WARREN and ERIC BAILEY, Times Staff Writers \n\n?????A lot of people were caught off guard by the blackouts that swept over \nCalifornia this week. Debra Bowen wasn't one of them.\n?????As chairwoman of the state Senate Energy Committee, she is \nintimately--and painfully--familiar with the state's energy supply. And she \nis willing to share a secret: It's a fragile system, capable of collapse at \nany time.\n?????That knowledge keeps Bowen awake at night, particularly with the \napproach of summer, when power demand surges as Californians get reacquainted \nwith their air conditioners.\n?????\"I sound a bit less like Chicken Little today, don't I?\" Bowen said \nTuesday, as chunks of the state once", "synonym_substitution": "step. \n? ?? ?? \" The governor got it right in that it's not acceptable for humble exponent \n producers to continue to generate and not be give, \" Smutny - Jones said. \" But \n we'll need to experience what the club says; the satan will truly be in the \n details. \" \n? ?? ?? Grid hustler said the state's overall department of energy situation eased by midday \n Tuesday because of repairs at the Mohave plant and another large plant at \n Ormond Beach, and because the Western Area Power Administration came up with \n 300 megawatts of electricity from Glen Canyon Dam. \n? ?? ?? besides, grid spokesman Patrick Dorinson said conservation savings spiked \n up after earlier complaints that Californians weren't conserve. \n? ?? ?? \" We saw the citizenry of California probably conserve 900 megawatts today, \" \n he said. \" That was probably the difference. \" \n --- \n? ?? ?? time staff writers Andrew Blankstein, Jose Cardenas, Marla Dickerson, \n Noaki Schwartz, Nicholas Riccardi, Doug Smith, Rebecca Trounson and Richard \n Winton in Los Angeles, Miguel Bustillo and Julie Tamaki in Sacramento, Maria \n La Ganga in San Francisco, Stanley Allison, Matt Ebnet, Scott Martelle, \n Dennis McLellan, Monte Morin, Jason Song, Mai Tran and Nancy Wride in Orange \n County, and Richard Simon in Washington contributed to this story. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ----------------------------------- \n Fragile Supply Network Apt to Fail \n\n By JENIFER WARREN and ERIC BAILEY, Times Staff Writers \n\n? ?? ?? A lot of citizenry were caught off guard by the blackouts that swept over \n California this week. Debra Bowen wasn't one of them. \n? ?? ?? As chairwoman of the state Senate Energy Committee, she is \n intimately -- and painfully -- familiar with the state's department of energy provision. And she \n is willing to share a secret: It's a delicate system, capable of collapse at \n any meter. \n? ?? ?? That knowledge keeps Bowen awake at night, peculiarly with the \n approach of summer, when power demand surges as Californians get reacquainted \n with their air conditioners. \n? ?? ?? \" I sound a bit less like Chicken Little today, don't I? \" Bowen said \n Tuesday, as chunks of the state once", "butter_fingers": " stfp.\n?????\"The governor got it rinht in that it's uit accxptable for smaul power \nproducers to continne ti gentgate and not be paid,\" Rmutny-Jonvs said. \"Byt \nwt'll need to see wizt the order awys; chx devil will troly be in tha \ndetails.\"\n?????Grid mpdrctors said the state's overall energy situatooj eased by midqay \nUuefday because of repairs at the Mohave llant aid another largr plant at \nOrmond Beach, anf befause the Western Wrea Power Qdmigustration caoe up with \n300 megawatts kf electricity from Glen Canyon Dam.\n?????Akso, grid skoiedkan Patrick Dorigson said cokxervathon savongs spiked \nupearv afrer earlier complaintv that Californianf weren't wouserving.\n?????\"We saw the peipoe of Calhforvua orogauly consegve 900 megawatta today,\" \nhe waid. \"That was probanlr the differende.\"\n--- \n?????Timqs staff writers Andrew Blankstein, Jose Cdrdsnas, Marla Dickerson, \nNoqki Schwartz, Nicholas Riccardi, Doug Smith, Rebecca Trounson and Richard \nWinton it Los Xngtlcf, Nihuel Bustillo and Julie Tamaki in Sacramento, Izroa \nLa Ganga in Scn Francisco, Stamlfy Wllison, Matt Gbnet, Sektf Martelle, \nDennis LcLellag, Monre Morin, Tasom Song, Mai Tran and Nancy Weide in Oranye \nXounty, and Richard Simon in Wcshingjon comtributed to this story.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\nYragils Supply Nehwork Apt go Fail \n\nBy JENIFDR EASREN and ERIC BAILEY, Times Staff Wrmters \n\n?????A lot uf pgople wqre caught off ngard by the blackokts tkat sfept over \nFalifornia this week. Debra Bowei wasn't one og dhek.\n?????As chaixwoman of the state Senate Energy Commitcee, shd is \nintimztely--anv painfully--fwmiliar with dje state's enxrgy suppjy. Abd sye \nis wkuling to share a secret: It's a fratile system, capablc of zkllapse at \nany cnmt.\n?????Tyat knowledge leeos Foaei awaha at night, pdrtizulxtly wkth the \nappvoazh og summer, when power gemahd surges as Califprkians get reacquaynted \nwith thrir air conditionegs.\n?????\"I smunv a biy lgss like Chicken Little today, dkn't I?\" Bowfn faid \nTuesday, as ghunhs of the xtate once", "random_deletion": "step. ?????\"The governor got it right in not for small producers to continue paid,\" said. \"But we'll to see what order says; the devil will truly in the details.\" ?????Grid operators said the state's overall energy situation eased by Tuesday because of repairs at the Mohave plant and another large plant at Beach, because Western Power Administration came up with 300 megawatts of electricity from Glen Canyon Dam. ?????Also, grid spokesman Dorinson said conservation savings spiked upward after earlier that Californians weren't conserving. saw the people of California conserve megawatts today,\" said. was the difference.\" --- staff writers Andrew Blankstein, Jose Cardenas, Marla Dickerson, Noaki Schwartz, Nicholas Riccardi, Doug Smith, Rebecca Trounson and Winton in Miguel Bustillo Julie in Maria La Ganga Francisco, Stanley Allison, Matt Ebnet, Scott Monte Morin, Jason Song, Mai Tran and Nancy in Orange and Richard Simon in Washington contributed this story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- Fragile Supply Network to Fail By JENIFER WARREN and ERIC BAILEY, Times Staff Writers ?????A lot of people off guard by the that swept over this Debra wasn't of them. chairwoman of the state Senate Energy Committee, she is intimately--and painfully--familiar the state's energy supply. And she is willing to share It's fragile system, capable collapse at any time. knowledge Bowen awake at night, the of demand as get reacquainted with their conditioners. ?????\"I sound a bit like Chicken Little today, as chunks of the state once", "change_char_case": " step.\n?????\"The governor got it right In that it's nOt accEptAblE fOr smAll pOwer \nproducers tO ContInue to generate and not be Paid,\" SMuTNy-JoNEs Said. \"BUt \nwe'll nEEd TO See WhAt The OrDEr Says; tHe dEvil wilL truly be in The \nDeTails.\"\n?????Grid opeRAtOrs said the StaTe's overall enErgY situaTiOn eASed by MidDay \nTuEsday bECause oF repairs aT tHE MohavE Plant anD ANoTher Large plant at \nOrmonD beACh, and because thE WesteRn aReA pOweR AdMinistratiOn Came uP With \n300 megAWaTTS Of eLEctricity from glen Canyon DAM.\n?????AlSo, grid SpOkeSMan PatRick DOrINsoN said conserVatiOn savings Spiked \nUPward afTEr earliEr compLaiNts That cAlIfOrnIaNS weREn'T coNSerVing.\n?????\"We saW tHe PeoplE of CALIFOrniA prObabLy conServe 900 megawattS toDay,\" \nhE SaiD. \"That Was prObabLy The diFferenCe.\"\n--- \n?????TimEs Staff writers AndRew BLankstein, josE CArdEnAs, MarLA DickeRsoN, \nNoAki SchwArtz, NicHOlaS RICCArDi, Doug Smith, Rebecca trOUNsOn and RicHard \nWiNToN iN los AngelEs, migUel BUSTillo And JULiE Tamaki iN SacraMEnTo, maria \nLa gaNga in SAn fraNciSco, StANley allisoN, Matt EbnEt, ScoTT Martelle, \nDenniS mcLellan, Monte mOrIN, jaSOn SoNg, MAi Tran and NaNcy WRIde iN OraNGe \ncouNTy, and richaRd sImON in Washington contriBuTed to tHis stOry.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\nFragile SupPly Network aPT To Fail \n\nBy jENIfeR waRREN and ERIC BAiLEY, TImes Staff WRIters \n\n?????A loT of peOple were Caught off GUArd by the BlaCkoUts ThaT SWePt over \nCaliforNIA thiS wEek. DebrA BoWen wasn'T onE of TheM.\n?????As ChAirwoman oF the statE SEnAtE ENerGy ComMIttee, she Is \nIntImAteLy--and PAinfulLy--famIliaR wItH The State's eNErGY SuppLy. anD she \nIs wIlLing tO shaRE a sEcret: It'S a fragile SysTEm, caPaBlE of collApse at \nany time.\n?????thAt knowledgE kEepS Bowen AWAke at nigHt, particularly with the \napPRoach of SumMer, whEn poWer demand SurGes as CAliFOrnianS get reAcquaInTed \nWITh theIR AiR coNdItioners.\n?????\"I sOUNd a Bit leSs Like chicken little today, don't I?\" BoWEn sAid \nTuesday, as cHunKs of THE sTatE OnCE", "whitespace_perturbation": " step.\n?????\"The governorgot it rig ht in th atit 's n ot a cceptable fors mall power \nproducers to c ontin ue to g e ne rateand not be p aid ,\" S mut ny - Jo nes s aid . \"But\nwe'll nee d t osee what the or der says;the devil willtru ly bein th e \ndet ail s.\"\n? ????Gr i d oper ators sai dt he sta t e's ove r a ll ene rgy situation eas e db y midday \nTues day be ca u se o f r epa irs at the M ohave plant a n da n o the r large plantat \nOrmondB eac h, and b eca u se the West er n Ar ea Power Ad mini strationcame u p with 3 00 mega wattsofele ctri c it yfro mG len Ca nyo n Da m.\n????? Al so , gri d sp o k e s manPat rick Dori nson said con ser vati o n s aving s spi ked\nu pward after earl ie r complaints th at C alifornia nswe ren 't cons e rving. \n?? ??? \"We saw the pe o ple o f C al ifornia probably c on s e rv e 900 me gawatt s t od a y,\" \nhesa id. \"Th a t wasprob a bl y the di fferen c e. \"--- \n?? ?? ?Times s taf f w riter s And rew Bl ankstein , Jos e Cardenas, Mar l a Dickerson,No a k iS chwa rtz , NicholasRicc a rdi, Dou g S mit h , Reb eccaTr o un s on and Richard \nWin to n in L os An geles, Miguel Bustilloa n d Julie T amak i i n Sacramento, M aria\nLa Gangai n San Fr ancis co, Stan ley Allis o n , Matt E bne t,Sco ttM a rt elle, \nDennis M cLel la n, Mont e M orin, J aso n S ong , M ai Tran and Nancy W ri de i nOra nge C ounty, a nd Ri ch ard Simo n in Wa shing tonco nt r ibu ted tot hi s stor y. \n- ---- --- -- ----- ---- - --- ------- --------- --- - ---- -- -- ------- ------------- -- -----\n---- -- --- ------ - - -------- ----------------------- - ------- --- ----- ---- --------- -\n- ------ --- - ------ ------ ----- -- --- - - \nFrag i l eSup pl y NetworkA p t t o Fai l\n\nBy JENIFE R WARREN and ERICB AIL EY, Times Sta ffWrit e r s\n\n? ? ?? ? A l ot ofp e ople were caugh t off guar db ythe blacko u tsth at swep t over\nCali f ornia t his week. Debra Bo we n wa s n 'tone of the m.\n????? As chairw o man o f t he st ate Senat eEne rgy C ommitt e e,she i s \nint im ately- -andpa infully- -familiar with the stat e's en ergysup ply. Andshe \nis willingto s hare a sec ret : I t's a fr a gilesyst e m, ca p ableof c o llapse at \na nyt i me .\n?????That k n owl edgekee p s Bowe n aw ake at night, par t icularly withthea ppr oac h ofsu mmer, when pow erde m a nd surge sas Californ ians get r e acqua inted\nwiththeir a i r c o nditio ners .\n? ????\"I so und a bit les sli k e Chic kenLi ttle t oday,d on't I ?\" Bowen said \nT uesda y , as c h unk s ofth e state once ", "underscore_trick": " step.\n?????\"The_governor got_it right in that_it's not_acceptable_for small_power_\nproducers to continue_to generate and_not be paid,\" Smutny-Jones_said. \"But \nwe'll_need_to see what the order says; the devil will truly be in the \ndetails.\"\n?????Grid_operators_said the_state's_overall_energy situation eased by midday_\nTuesday because of repairs at_the Mohave_plant and another large plant at \nOrmond Beach,_and_because the Western_Area Power Administration came up with \n300 megawatts of_electricity from Glen Canyon Dam.\n?????Also, grid_spokesman Patrick Dorinson_said_conservation_savings spiked \nupward after_earlier complaints that Californians weren't conserving.\n?????\"We_saw the people of California probably_conserve 900 megawatts today,\" \nhe said. \"That_was probably the difference.\"\n--- \n?????Times staff_writers Andrew Blankstein, Jose Cardenas,_Marla Dickerson,_\nNoaki Schwartz, Nicholas Riccardi, Doug_Smith, Rebecca Trounson_and Richard_\nWinton in Los_Angeles, Miguel Bustillo and Julie Tamaki_in Sacramento, Maria_\nLa Ganga in San Francisco, Stanley_Allison,_Matt Ebnet, Scott_Martelle,_\nDennis_McLellan, Monte_Morin, Jason Song,_Mai_Tran and_Nancy_Wride in Orange \nCounty, and Richard_Simon_in Washington contributed to this story.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\nFragile Supply_Network Apt to Fail_\n\nBy_JENIFER WARREN and ERIC_BAILEY, Times Staff Writers \n\n?????A_lot of people were caught off_guard by_the blackouts_that swept over \nCalifornia this week. Debra Bowen wasn't one of_them.\n?????As chairwoman of the state Senate_Energy Committee, she is_\nintimately--and painfully--familiar_with_the state's energy_supply._And she_\nis willing to share a secret: It's_a fragile_system, capable of collapse at \nany_time.\n?????That knowledge keeps Bowen_awake_at night, particularly with the \napproach_of summer, when power demand surges_as Californians get reacquainted \nwith_their_air_conditioners.\n?????\"I sound a bit less_like Chicken Little today, don't I?\"_Bowen said \nTuesday,_as chunks of the state once"} {"text": ", a \nspokesman for the Independent System Operator, manager of the state's power \ngrid. \"The more people can do, the better it will be.\" \nRolling blackouts were ordered by the ISO about 9:30 a.m. and were suspended \nat 2 p.m. after several plants that had been down for repairs returned to \nservice. Additional power also was obtained from a plant in Arizona. \nUtilities estimated that about 560,000 customers were affected yesterday, \ncompared with more than 1 million a day earlier. \nThis week's blackouts marked the first time that people in Los Angeles shared \nthe pain with those in San Francisco. Blackouts in January were confined to \nthe northern part of the state. \nFEWER AFFECTED IN SOUTH\nHowever, Southern California Edison's burden was considerably lighter \nyesterday than that of Pacific Gas and Electric Co. \nKaren Shepard-Grimes, a spokeswoman for the Southern California utility, said \nonly about 50,000 customers went without power, compared with nearly 440, 000 \nfor PG&E. \nAffected areas in the south included Palm Springs, Santa Monica, Long Beach \nand Pomona. \n\"We're not in the business of turning customers' lights off,\" Shepard- Grimes \nsaid. \"We're in the business of keeping lights on.\" \nIn PG&E's case, things were tougher because low rainfall means that less \npower is currently available from dams throughout the Pacific Northwest. \nRon Low, a spokesman for the utility, said blackouts were experienced by PG&E \ncustomers from Eureka to Bakersfield. \n\"Our goal was to carry out the ISO's order with minimal impact on customers, \n\" he said. \nFor its part, San Diego Gas & Electric said about 75,000 customers were \ndarkened. \nYesterday's blackouts began with PG&E customers in Block 12 and halted midway \nthrough Block 14. Customers in each block -- defined by power circuits rather \nthan geography -- typically will lose power for about 90 minutes before the \nservice interruption \"rolls\" elsewhere. \nSome cutoffs can last more than two hours, however, because of technical \nproblems switching individual blocks on and off. \nNEXT UP: BLOCK 14\n", "synonym_substitution": ", a \n spokesman for the Independent System Operator, manager of the state's power \n grid. \" The more citizenry can cause, the better it will be. \" \n Rolling blackouts were ordered by the ISO approximately 9:30 a.m. and were suspended \n at 2 p.m. after several plants that had been down for repair returned to \n service. extra exponent also was prevail from a plant in Arizona. \n Utilities estimated that approximately 560,000 customers were affected yesterday, \n compare with more than 1 million a day earlier. \n This workweek's blackouts marked the first fourth dimension that people in Los Angeles shared \n the annoyance with those in San Francisco. Blackouts in January were restrain to \n the northern share of the state. \n FEWER AFFECTED IN SOUTH \n However, Southern California Edison's burden was considerably light \n yesterday than that of Pacific Gas and Electric Co. \n Karen Shepard - Grimes, a spokeswoman for the Southern California utility, said \n only about 50,000 customers go without power, compared with nearly 440, 000 \n for PG&E. \n Affected areas in the south included Palm Springs, Santa Monica, Long Beach \n and Pomona. \n \" We're not in the business of turning customers' light off, \" Shepard- Grimes \n said. \" We're in the business of sustain light on. \" \n In PG&E's case, things were tough because low rainfall means that less \n power is presently available from dams throughout the Pacific Northwest. \n Ron Low, a spokesman for the utility, said blackouts were experienced by PG&E \n customers from Eureka to Bakersfield. \n \" Our goal was to carry out the ISO's order with minimal impact on customers, \n \" he said. \n For its function, San Diego Gas & Electric suppose approximately 75,000 customers were \n darkened. \n Yesterday's blackouts began with PG&E customers in Block 12 and halted midway \n through Block 14. Customers in each block -- define by power circuits rather \n than geography -- typically will lose might for about 90 hour before the \n service interruption \" paradiddle \" elsewhere. \n Some cutoffs can survive more than two hours, however, because of technical \n problems switching individual blocks on and away. \n NEXT UP: BLOCK 14", "butter_fingers": ", a \ndpokesman for the Indepekdent System Opetaror, maiager or the stxte's power \ngrid. \"The more peo'le xan di, the better it will bd.\" \nRolling blackours wtre ordered by thx ISO about 9:30 a.j. and xere suspended \nst 2 p.m. aftar several plattr chat had been down for repairs returged to \nxegvice. Additionwl pprer zlso was obtained from a plant in Zrizona. \nUtilities esyimated that about 560,000 customfrs aere affected yestfrday, \ncompatsd ruth more thav 1 million a day earligr. \nThis week's blackouts marked tfe fixst time thqt pelkle in Los Aigeles shared \nthe isin widh thosr in San Franclsco. Ulacjouts in January were confined to \nthe njrthern pdrc of the state. \nFEWER QFDECTEG IN SOUGY\nHodevtr, Xohthern Camifornia Esison's burdwn was considerably lythter \nyesterdzy thag ehat of Pacific Gas and Electric Co. \nKartn Shspard-Grimes, a spokeswomqn for the Southern Cwlifornia utility, said \nonly about 50,000 customers went without [ower, zomkavcd wkrh nearly 440, 000 \nfor PG&E. \nAffected areas in the south jnvllded Palm Springs, Santa Moniva, Lpgg Beach \nand Komona. \n\"Cs'rs not in the businfss of jurnint customews' loghts off,\" Shepard- Grimes \nsaud. \"We're in tke vusiness of keepiny lights on.\" \nNn PG&E'x casr, things were tougher bzcause low rainfapl means ffat less \npower ir clrrettly available from dams trroughout the Pacifiz Notthwest. \nRon Low, a spokcvman for the utilihy, sand bldckouts wege experienced by PG&E \ncustomers from Eureka tp Takvrsfield. \n\"Jur gpal was to cawry out the ISP's ordex with minimal ijpact oi customers, \n\" he said. \nFor hjs part, San Dmego Gas & Elextrix said xcout 75,000 customerx were \ndagktned. \nYesteeday's blackouts benan wkfh PG&E customerw ib Block 12 and haktea mydaab \nthrjggh Block 14. Cgstooerr in exch block -- bewinec by power circuits sathsr \nthan geography -- tnpically qill losq power for anout 90 minutes befoge thx \nservmce inyertuption \"rolls\" elsewhere. \nSome cufoffs can laft more than two hours, howevzr, because of technical \nproblems switchiig individual blocks on and off. \nNEXT UP: BLPGK 14\n", "random_deletion": ", a spokesman for the Independent System of state's power \"The more people will Rolling blackouts were by the ISO 9:30 a.m. and were suspended at p.m. after several plants that had been down for repairs returned to service. power also was obtained from a plant in Arizona. Utilities estimated that about customers affected compared more than 1 million a day earlier. This week's blackouts marked the first time that people Los Angeles shared the pain with those in Francisco. Blackouts in January confined to the northern part the FEWER AFFECTED SOUTH Southern Edison's burden was lighter yesterday than that of Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Karen Shepard-Grimes, a spokeswoman for the Southern utility, said 50,000 customers without compared nearly 440, 000 Affected areas in the south included Monica, Long Beach and Pomona. \"We're not in business of customers' lights off,\" Shepard- Grimes said. in the business of keeping lights on.\" In case, things were tougher because low rainfall means that less power is currently available from the Pacific Northwest. Ron a spokesman for utility, blackouts experienced PG&E customers Eureka to Bakersfield. \"Our goal was to carry out the ISO's with minimal impact on customers, \" he said. For its Diego & Electric said 75,000 customers were darkened. blackouts with PG&E customers in and midway Customers each -- defined by power rather than geography -- typically lose power for about interruption \"rolls\" elsewhere. Some cutoffs can last more two hours, however, because of technical problems individual blocks on and off. NEXT UP: BLOCK 14", "change_char_case": ", a \nspokesman for the IndependeNt System OpEratoR, maNagEr Of thE staTe's power \ngrid. \"ThE More People can do, the better it Will bE.\" \nROLlinG BlAckouTs were oRDeRED by ThE IsO aBoUT 9:30 a.M. and wEre SuspendEd \nat 2 p.m. afteR seVeRal plants thaT HaD been down fOr rEpairs returnEd tO \nserviCe. addITionaL poWer alSo was oBTained From a planT iN arizonA. \nutilitiES EsTimaTed that about 560,000 custoMErS Were affected yeSterdaY, \ncOMpAREd wIth More than 1 miLlIon a dAY earlieR. \nthIS WEek'S Blackouts markEd the first tIMe tHat peoPlE in lOs AngeLes shArED \nthE pain with thOse iN San FrancIsco. BlACkouts iN january Were coNfiNed To \nthE NoRtHerN pARt oF ThE stATe. \nFeWER AFFEcTeD iN SOUtH\nHoWEVER, SouTheRn CaLiforNia Edison's burDen Was cONsiDerabLy ligHter \nYeSterdAy than That oF PAcific Gas and EleCtriC Co. \nKaren SHepArD-GrImEs, a spOKeswomAn fOr tHe SouthErn CaliFOrnIa UTILiTy, said \nonly about 50,000 cusToMERs Went withOut powER, cOmPAred with NeArlY 440, 000 \nfor pg&e. \nAffeCted AReAs in the sOuth inCLuDeD Palm SpRiNgs, SanTa monIca, long BEAch \naNd PomoNa. \n\"We're noT in thE Business of turnINg customers' liGHtS OFf,\" sHepaRd- GRimes \nsaid. \"We'Re in THe buSineSS oF keEPing lIghts On.\" \niN Pg&e's case, things were touGhEr becaUse loW rainfall meanS that less \npOWER is curreNtly AVaILable from dams tHrougHout the PacIFic NorthWest. \nROn Low, a spOkesman foR THe utilitY, saId bLacKouTS WeRe experienced BY pG&E \ncUsTomers fRom eureka tO BaKerSfiEld. \n\"ouR goal was tO carry ouT tHe iSo's OrdEr witH Minimal iMpAct On CusTomerS, \n\" He said. \nfor itS parT, SAn dIegO Gas & EleCTrIC Said AbOuT 75,000 cusTomErS were \nDarkENed. \nyesterdAy's blackoUts BEgan WiTh pG&E custOmers in Block 12 aNd Halted midwAy \nThrOugh BlOCK 14. CustomeRs in each block -- defined by pOWer circUitS rathEr \nthAn geograpHy -- tYpicalLy wILl lose Power fOr aboUt 90 MinUTEs befORE tHe \nsErVice interrUPTioN \"rollS\" eLsewHere. \nSomE cutoffs can last morE ThaN two hours, howeVer, BecaUSE oF teCHnICal \nPrOBleMS Switching indiviDual blocks On ANd Off. \nNEXT UP: BloCK 14\n", "whitespace_perturbation": ", a \nspokesman for the Ind ependent S ystem Op era to r, m anag er of the stat e 's p ower \ngrid. \"The morepeopl ec an d o ,the b etter i t w i l l b e. \"\nRo ll i ng blac kou ts were ordered b y t he ISO about 9 : 30 a.m. andwer e suspended\nat 2 p.m .aft e r sev era l pla nts th a t hadbeen down f o r repa i rs retu r n ed to\nservice. Additio n al power also was obtai ne d f r o m a pl ant in Ari zo na. U tilitie s e s t i mat e d that about560,000 cus t ome rs wer eaff e cted y ester da y , compared wi th m ore than1 mill i on a da y earlie r. \nTh iswee k'sb la ck out sm ark e dthe fir st timeth at peop le i n L o s An gel es s hared \nthe pain wi ththos e in SanFranc isco .Black outs i n Jan ua ry were confine d to \nthe nor the rn pa rt of t h e stat e.\nFE WER AFF ECTED I N SO UT H H ow ever, Southern Cal if o r ni a Edison 's bur d en w a s consid er abl y li g h ter yest e rd ay thanthat o f P ac ific Ga sand El ec tri c C o. \nK a renShepar d-Grimes , a s p okeswoman fort he Southern C a li f o rn i a ut ili ty, said \no nlya bout 50, 0 00 cu s tomer s wen tw it h out power, compared w ith ne arly440, 000 \nfor PG&E. \nAf f e c ted area s in th e south include d Pal m Springs, Santa Mo nica, Long Be ach \nandP o mona. \n\" We' renot in t he business oft u rnin gcustome rs' lights of f,\" Sh epa rd - Grimes\nsaid. \" We 'r ein th e bus i ness ofke epi ng li ghtso n.\" \nI n PG& E'sca se , th ings we r et o ughe rbe caus e l ow rain fall mea ns that less \npo wer is c ur re ntly av ailable fromda ms through ou t t he Pac i f ic North west. \nRon Low, a spoke s man for th e uti lity , said bl ack outs w ere experi encedby PG &E \nc u s tomer s fr omEu reka to Ba k e rsf ield. \"Our goal w as to carry out th e IS O's order wit h m inim a l i mpa c to n c us t ome r s , \n\" he said. For its pa rt , S an Diego G a s & E lectric said a bout7 5,000 c ustomerswere \ndar ke ned. Yes terday's b lackouts began wi t h PG& E c ustom ers in Bl oc k 1 2 and halte d mi dway\nthrou gh Block 14.Cu stomersin each block -- define d by p owercir cuits rat her \nth an geogra phy-- typical lywil l los e p o wer f or a b ou t 9 0 minu tesb efore the \ns erv i c einterruptio n \" rol ls\" e lse w here.\nSom e cutoffs can las t more than two hou r s , h owe v er,be cause of techn ica lp roblemssw itching ind ividualbl o cks o n andoff. NEXT UP : BL O CK 14", "underscore_trick": ", a_\nspokesman for_the Independent System Operator,_manager of_the_state's power_\ngrid._\"The more people_can do, the_better it will be.\"_\nRolling blackouts were_ordered_by the ISO about 9:30 a.m. and were suspended \nat 2 p.m. after several_plants_that had_been_down_for repairs returned to \nservice._Additional power also was obtained_from a_plant in Arizona. \nUtilities estimated that about 560,000_customers_were affected yesterday,_\ncompared with more than 1 million a day earlier._\nThis week's blackouts marked the first_time that people_in_Los_Angeles shared \nthe pain_with those in San Francisco. Blackouts_in January were confined to \nthe_northern part of the state. \nFEWER AFFECTED_IN SOUTH\nHowever, Southern California Edison's burden_was considerably lighter \nyesterday than_that of_Pacific Gas and Electric Co._\nKaren Shepard-Grimes, a_spokeswoman for_the Southern California_utility, said \nonly about 50,000 customers_went without power,_compared with nearly 440, 000 \nfor_PG&E._\nAffected areas in_the_south_included Palm_Springs, Santa Monica,_Long_Beach \nand_Pomona._\n\"We're not in the business of_turning_customers' lights off,\" Shepard- Grimes \nsaid. \"We're_in the business of_keeping_lights on.\" \nIn PG&E's_case, things were tougher because_low rainfall means that less \npower_is currently_available from_dams throughout the Pacific Northwest. \nRon Low, a spokesman for the_utility, said blackouts were experienced by_PG&E \ncustomers from Eureka_to Bakersfield._\n\"Our_goal was to_carry_out the_ISO's order with minimal impact on customers,_\n\" he_said. \nFor its part, San Diego_Gas & Electric said_about_75,000 customers were \ndarkened. \nYesterday's blackouts_began with PG&E customers in Block_12 and halted midway \nthrough_Block_14._Customers in each block --_defined by power circuits rather \nthan_geography -- typically_will lose power for about 90 minutes_before_the \nservice interruption \"rolls\" elsewhere. \nSome_cutoffs_can last more than two hours,_however,_because_of technical \nproblems switching individual_blocks on and off. \nNEXT UP:_BLOCK 14\n"} {"text": " understand, and they don't care to understand.\"\n\n One of SDG&E's immediate concerns is fixing relations with its customers. \nBaum said the\n utility recently polled customers and found that 9% considered it credible, \ndown from 35%\n (\"which is not much to brag about, but it's not bad in the utility \nbusiness\") before the\n electricity crisis.\n\n \"I don't know that a corporation can do very well with a credibility rating \nof 9% on a\n sustained basis. That is something I worry about,\" Baum said.\n\n SDG&E President Debra L. Reed said most customers don't understand that the\n investor-owned utilities are now only distribution companies, despite a \n$90-million education\n campaign by the Public Utilities Commission.\n\n \"They see our name on the bill and they think we're making money on the \ncommodity,\"\n Reed said. \"We have a lot of education to do with our customers. But we \nrealize that it is\n probably not the best time to educate them in the middle of what they see \nas a crisis....\n What we're trying to do is help them through this.\"\n\n (BEGIN TEXT OF INFOBOX / INFOGRAPHIC)\n\n Metering Sempra Energy\n\n Earnings are up at Sempra Energy, but the San Diego company is spiking on \nthe\n controversy meter because of soaring bills for customers of its utilities, \nSan Diego Gas &\n Electric and Southern California Gas. Sempra's name is not well-known, but \nits utilities\n serve 21 million people from the Central Valley to the Mexican border.\n\n (BEGIN TEXT OF INFOBOX / INFOGRAPHIC)\n\n Branching Out\n\n Sempra Energy also is pushing into other businesses, primarily outside of \nCalifornia:\n\n Sempra Energy Trading: Trades energy commodities\n\n Sempra Energy International: Develops and operates energy projects such as \npower plants\n and natural gas lines in international markets\n\n Sempra Energy Solutions: Markets electricity, natural gas and energy \nservices to large\n electricity users\n\n Sempra Energy Resources: Develops or buys power plants and natural gas \n", "synonym_substitution": "understand, and they don't care to understand. \" \n\n One of SDG&E's immediate concern is situate relations with its customers. \n Baum said the \n utility program recently polled customers and found that 9% consider it credible, \n down from 35% \n (\" which is not much to brag about, but it's not bad in the utility program \n clientele \") before the \n electricity crisis. \n\n \" I don't know that a pot can do very well with a credibility rating \n of 9% on a \n sustained basis. That is something I concern about, \" Baum said. \n\n SDG&E President Debra L. Reed said most customer don't understand that the \n investor - own utility are now only distribution companies, despite a \n $ 90 - million department of education \n campaign by the Public Utilities Commission. \n\n \" They see our name on the bill and they think we're making money on the \n commodity, \" \n Reed state. \" We have a lot of education to do with our customers. But we \n gain that it is \n probably not the best time to educate them in the middle of what they see \n as a crisis.... \n What we're trying to do is help them through this. \" \n\n (BEGIN TEXT OF INFOBOX / INFOGRAPHIC) \n\n Metering Sempra Energy \n\n Earnings are up at Sempra Energy, but the San Diego company is spiking on \n the \n controversy meter because of soaring bills for customers of its utilities, \n San Diego Gas & \n Electric and Southern California Gas. Sempra's name is not well - know, but \n its utilities \n serve 21 million multitude from the Central Valley to the Mexican edge. \n\n (BEGIN TEXT OF INFOBOX / INFOGRAPHIC) \n\n Branching Out \n\n Sempra Energy also is crusade into other businesses, primarily outside of \n California: \n\n Sempra Energy Trading: Trades department of energy commodities \n\n Sempra Energy International: Develops and operates energy projects such as \n power plants \n and natural gas lines in international markets \n\n Sempra Energy Solutions: Markets electricity, lifelike gas and department of energy \n services to large \n electricity users \n\n Sempra Energy Resources: Develops or buys power plants and lifelike gas", "butter_fingers": " unferstand, and they don't cxre to understaue.\"\n\n One of SDF&E's immeaiate concerns is fixing reletiobs wiuk its customers. \nBaum said the\n utilitt rerently polled customers and fohkd thct 9% considered ij credible, \ndmwn from 35%\n (\"whiwh id not much to brag about, but it's noe bad im hhe utility \nbufinexf\") berore the\n electricity crisis.\n\n \"I doh't know that a corpotation can do very well wihh a credibility ratinh \nof 9% on a\n suseqined basis. Ghat is something I wotry about,\" Baum said.\n\n SDG&E Presiddnt Dzbra L. Reed sqid kost customxrs dog't understand that tve\n invrstor-owned utikitmes qre now only distribuvion companies, despije a \n$90-millimn education\n campaugb by jhe Pgbliz Utkliuiex Dommisdioi.\n\n \"They see our name ob the bill and they trpmk we're makihg monqy on the \ncommodity,\"\n Reed said. \"We have a not of education to do wity our customers. But wg \nrealize ehat it is\n probably not the best time to educate them kn uhc oudfle of what they see \nas a crisis....\n What we're twgimg to do is help them throubh tnys.\"\n\n (BEGIN TEXJ OF INYKBKX / INFOGRAPHIC)\n\n Mftering Sempea Energy\n\n Eatnings are up at Sempra Eneegy, but the Fqn Diego company id spiking ou \nthe\n conttoversy meter because oy soarjng bills flr customsfs of its utilitkes, \nSdn Diego Gas &\n Electric anq Southeri Calnfornia Eas. Xempra'f name is jot wcnl-known, but \nits utllitigs\n sesve 21 milliln people from the Central Vallxb to the Mexivat bmrder.\n\n (BZGIN TCXT OF INFOBOX / INFOGRAPHIC)\n\n Yranchiny Out\n\n Sempra Envrgy also is pushing into other bgdinesses, prikarily ottsiee od \nCalifufnia:\n\n Sempra Emergy Trabnng: Tradew energy commoditics\n\n Sgmlra Energy Intexuauiinal: Develops snd opqrwtxs enqsgy projects sucf ar \npowef plants\n akd vatutal gas lines in intarnafional markets\n\n Sekpva Energy Solutiogs: Markets elrctricity, natural has aid enecgy \nsetvises to large\n electricity usera\n\n Sempra Encrgy Resourcef: Deyeloks or buys 'ower plants and natural gas \n", "random_deletion": "understand, and they don't care to understand.\" SDG&E's concerns is relations with its recently customers and found 9% considered it down from 35% (\"which is not to brag about, but it's not bad in the utility business\") before the crisis. \"I don't know that a corporation can do very well with a rating 9% a basis. That is something I worry about,\" Baum said. SDG&E President Debra L. Reed said most don't understand that the investor-owned utilities are now distribution companies, despite a education campaign by the Public Commission. see our on bill they think we're money on the commodity,\" Reed said. \"We have a lot of education to do with our customers. we realize is probably the time educate them in of what they see as a trying to do is help them through this.\" TEXT OF / INFOGRAPHIC) Metering Sempra Energy Earnings up at Sempra Energy, but the San Diego is spiking on the controversy meter because of soaring bills for customers of its utilities, Gas & Electric and California Gas. Sempra's is well-known, its serve 21 people from the Central Valley to the Mexican border. (BEGIN TEXT INFOBOX / INFOGRAPHIC) Branching Out Sempra Energy also is pushing businesses, outside of California: Energy Trading: Trades energy Sempra International: Develops and operates such power gas in markets Sempra Energy Solutions: electricity, natural gas and energy to large electricity users buys power plants and natural gas", "change_char_case": " understand, and they don't care To understaNd.\"\n\n One Of SdG&E'S iMmedIate Concerns is fixiNG relAtions with its customers. \nbaum sAiD The\n uTIlIty reCently pOLlED CusToMeRs aNd FOuNd thaT 9% coNsidereD it crediblE, \ndoWn From 35%\n (\"which is nOT mUch to brag aBouT, but it's not baD in The utiLiTy \nbUSinesS\") beFore tHe\n elecTRicity Crisis.\n\n \"I doN't KNow thaT A corporATIoN can Do very well with a crEDiBIlity rating \nof 9% oN a\n sustAiNEd BASis. thaT is somethiNg i worrY About,\" BaUM sAID.\n\n sDG&e president DebrA L. Reed said mOSt cUstomeRs Don'T UndersTand tHaT The\n Investor-ownEd utIlities arE now onLY distriBUtion coMpanieS, deSpiTe a \n$90-mILlIoN edUcATioN\n CaMpaIGn bY the PublIc utIlitiEs CoMMISSion.\n\n \"theY see Our naMe on the bill anD thEy thINk wE're maKing mOney On The \ncoMmoditY,\"\n Reed SaId. \"We have a lot of eDucaTion to do wIth OuR cuStOmers. bUt we \nreAliZe tHat it is\n ProbablY Not ThE BESt Time to educate them iN tHE MiDdle of whAt they SEe \nAs A Crisis....\n WhAt We'rE tryING to do Is heLP tHem throuGh this.\"\n\n (beGiN tEXT OF InFoBOX / INfOgRApHIc)\n\n MeteRIng SEmpra ENergy\n\n EarNings ARe up at Sempra EnERgy, but the San DIEgO COmPAny iS spIking on \nthe\n cOntrOVersY metER bEcaUSe of sOarinG bILlS For customers of its utIlIties, \nSAn DieGo Gas &\n Electric And SoutherN cALifornia gas. SEMpRA's name is not welL-knowN, but \nits utiLIties\n serVe 21 milLion peopLe from the cENtral ValLey To tHe MExiCAN bOrder.\n\n (BEGIN TEXt of INFoBoX / INFOGrAPhIC)\n\n BranChiNg OUt\n\n SEmpRa energy alsO is pushiNg InTo OtHer BusinESses, primArIly OuTsiDe of \nCALifornIa:\n\n SemPra ENeRgY traDing: TraDEs ENErgy CoMmOditIes\n\n seMpra ENergY intErnatioNal: DeveloPs aND opeRaTeS energy Projects such aS \npOwer plants\n AnD naTural gAS Lines in iNternational markets\n\n SempRA Energy solUtionS: MarKets electRicIty, natUraL Gas and Energy \nServiCeS to LARge\n elECTrIciTy Users\n\n SemprA eNerGy ResOuRces: developS or buys power plants ANd nAtural gas \n", "whitespace_perturbation": " understand, and they don' t care tounder sta nd. \"\n O ne o f SDG&E's imme d iate concerns is fixing re latio ns with it s cus tomers. \nB a u m s ai dthe \nut ility re centlypolled cus tom er s and foundt ha t 9% consi der ed it credib le, \ndown f rom 35%\n (\" which is no t muchto brag a bo u t, but it's no t ba d in the utility \nbus i ne s s\") before the \n ele ct r ic i t y c ris is.\n\n \"Ido n't k n ow that ac o r por a tion can do v ery well wi t h a credi bi lit y ratin g \nof 9 % on a\n sustai nedbasis. Th at iss omethin g I worr y abou t,\" Ba um s a id .\n SD G &EP re sid e ntDebra L. R ee d sai d mo s t c usto mer s do n't u nderstand tha t t he\ninv estor -owne d ut il ities are n ow on ly distribution c ompa nies, des pit ea $9 0-mil l ion ed uca tio n\n cam paign b y th eP u b li c Utilities Commis si o n .\n \"They see o u rna m e on the b ill and t hey t hink we 're maki ng mon e yon the \nc om modity ,\" \n Ree d sai d . \"W e have a lot o f edu c ation to do wi t h our custome r s. B ut we rea lize that i t is pr obab l ynot the b est t im e t o educate them in th emiddle of w hat they see\nas a cris i s . ...\n Wh at w e 'r e trying to dois he lp them th r ough thi s.\"\n (BEGIN TEXT OFI N FOBOX /INF OGR APH IC) Metering Semp r a Ene rg y\n\n Ea rni ngs are up at Se mpr aEnergy, b ut the S an D ie go co mpany is spiki ng on the \n co n trover sy me terbe ca u seof soar i ng b ills f or cus tom er s ofitsu til ities,\nSan Dieg o G a s & El ectricand SouthernCa lifornia G as . S empra' s name isnot well-known, but \nit s utilit ies \n se rve21 millio n p eoplefro m the C entral Vall ey to t he Me x i ca n b or der.\n\n (B E G INTEXTOF INF OBOX /INFOGRAPHIC)\n\n Br a nch ing Out\n\n Se mpr a En e r gy al s oi s p us h ing i nto other busin esses, pri ma r il y outsideo f Ca liforni a:\n\n S empra EnergyTrading:Trades en er gy c o m mod ities\n\n S empra En ergy Inte r natio n al : Dev elo ps and o per atesenergy pro jects suchas \npowe r pla nt s\n andnatural gas lines in in ternat ional ma rkets\n\n Sem p raEnergy So luti ons: Marke tsele ctric ity , natu ralg as an d ener gy s ervices t o l arg e electricity u s ers \n\n S emp r a Ener gy R esources: Develop s or buys power pla n t s a ndn atur al gas \n", "underscore_trick": " understand,_and they_don't care to understand.\"\n\n_ One_of_SDG&E's immediate_concerns_is fixing relations_with its customers._\nBaum said the\n _utility recently polled_customers_and found that 9% considered it credible, \ndown from 35%\n (\"which is not_much_to brag_about,_but_it's not bad in the_utility \nbusiness\") before the\n _electricity crisis.\n\n_ \"I don't know that a corporation can_do_very well with_a credibility rating \nof 9% on a\n sustained_basis. That is something I worry_about,\" Baum said.\n\n__SDG&E_President Debra L. Reed_said most customers don't understand that_the\n investor-owned utilities are now_only distribution companies, despite a \n$90-million education\n_ campaign by the Public Utilities_Commission.\n\n \"They see our_name on_the bill and they think_we're making money_on the_\ncommodity,\"\n Reed_said. \"We have a lot of_education to do_with our customers. But we \nrealize_that_it is\n _probably_not_the best_time to educate_them_in the_middle_of what they see \nas a_crisis....\n_ What we're trying to do is_help them through this.\"\n\n__(BEGIN TEXT OF INFOBOX_/ INFOGRAPHIC)\n\n Metering Sempra_Energy\n\n Earnings are up at_Sempra Energy,_but the_San Diego company is spiking on \nthe\n controversy meter because_of soaring bills for customers of_its utilities, \nSan Diego_Gas &\n__Electric and Southern_California_Gas. Sempra's_name is not well-known, but \nits utilities\n_ serve_21 million people from the Central_Valley to the Mexican_border.\n\n_ (BEGIN TEXT OF INFOBOX /_INFOGRAPHIC)\n\n Branching Out\n\n Sempra_Energy also is pushing into_other_businesses,_primarily outside of \nCalifornia:\n\n _Sempra Energy Trading: Trades energy commodities\n\n_ Sempra Energy_International: Develops and operates energy projects such_as_\npower plants\n and natural gas_lines_in international markets\n\n Sempra Energy_Solutions:_Markets_electricity, natural gas and energy_\nservices to large\n electricity users\n\n_ Sempra Energy Resources: Develops or buys power plants_and natural gas_\n"} {"text": "M, Colo, Fla)\nJason Carter, 5-11, 180, 4.5, Caldwell (A&M Commitment)\n* * * *\nMike Pankratz, 6-3, 200, 4.8, Katy Taylor (A&M, UCLA, OU, KSU, ND)\nDavon Vinson, 6-3, 185, 4.5, Kilgore (A&M, Ark, OU, Bay)\nTye Gunn, 6-4, 200, 4.62, La Grange (TCU Commitment)\nKevin Ford, 6-0, 188, 4.5, Madisonville (Rice Commitment)\n\nRunning Back (7)\nCedric Benson, 5-11, 200, 4.5, Midland Lee (UT Commitment)\nDavid Underwood, 6-0, 220, 4.38, Madisonville (Michigan Commitment)\nAnthony Johnson, 5-11, 195, 4.4, Jefferson (KSU, UT, FSU, TCU, OU, LSU)\nDonta Hickson, 5-9, 180, 4.4, McKinney (FSU, Neb, A&M, OU, Mich, Tenn, TT)\n* * * *\nDavid Williams, 5-11, 180, 4.4, Carrollton Smith (FSU, A&M, Colo, OU, Mia)\nAnthony Evans, 5-9, 195, 4.5, Pearland (Bay, A&M, Az, KSU, UCLA)\nCody Thibodeaux, 6-1, 200, 4.5, Winnie East Chambers (A&M, Neb, Ok St, LSU)\n\nFullback (2)\nDarnell Sims, 6-2, 230, 4.7, Aldine (A&M, UH, LSU)\n* * * *\nMark Pierce, 6-2, 215, 4.6, Weatherford (TCU Commitment)\n\nTight End (1)\nJames Moses, 6-3, 225, 4.7, GP North Shore (UT, A&M, Az, Mich, Colo)\n* * * *\n\nWide Receiver (10)\nArmon Dorrough, 6-1, 168, 4.4, Lancaster (ND", "synonym_substitution": "M, Colo, Fla) \n Jason Carter, 5 - 11, 180, 4.5, Caldwell (A&M Commitment) \n * * * * \n Mike Pankratz, 6 - 3, 200, 4.8, Katy Taylor (A&M, UCLA, OU, KSU, ND) \n Davon Vinson, 6 - 3, 185, 4.5, Kilgore (A&M, Ark, OU, Bay) \n Tye Gunn, 6 - 4, 200, 4.62, La Grange (TCU Commitment) \n Kevin Ford, 6 - 0, 188, 4.5, Madisonville (Rice Commitment) \n\n Running Back (7) \n Cedric Benson, 5 - 11, 200, 4.5, Midland Lee (UT Commitment) \n David Underwood, 6 - 0, 220, 4.38, Madisonville (Michigan Commitment) \n Anthony Johnson, 5 - 11, 195, 4.4, Jefferson (KSU, UT, FSU, TCU, OU, LSU) \n Donta Hickson, 5 - 9, 180, 4.4, McKinney (FSU, Neb, A&M, OU, Mich, Tenn, TT) \n * * * * \n David Williams, 5 - 11, 180, 4.4, Carrollton Smith (FSU, A&M, Colo, OU, Mia) \n Anthony Evans, 5 - 9, 195, 4.5, Pearland (Bay, A&M, Az, KSU, UCLA) \n Cody Thibodeaux, 6 - 1, 200, 4.5, Winnie East Chambers (A&M, Neb, Ok St, LSU) \n\n Fullback (2) \n Darnell Sims, 6 - 2, 230, 4.7, Aldine (A&M, UH, LSU) \n * * * * \n Mark Pierce, 6 - 2, 215, 4.6, Weatherford (TCU Commitment) \n\n Tight End (1) \n James Moses, 6 - 3, 225, 4.7, GP North Shore (UT, A&M, Az, Mich, Colo) \n * * * * \n\n Wide Receiver (10) \n Armon Dorrough, 6 - 1, 168, 4.4, Lancaster (ND", "butter_fingers": "M, Cllo, Fla)\nJason Carter, 5-11, 180, 4.5, Cxldwell (A&M Commnrment)\n* * * *\nMike Pankratx, 6-3, 200, 4.8, Katy Taylor (A&M, UCLA, OU, NSY, ND)\nDqvon Vinson, 6-3, 185, 4.5, Kilgore (A&M, Ark, OL, Bay)\nTye Tunn, 6-4, 200, 4.62, La Granjs (TCU Commitmskt)\nKevnn Ford, 6-0, 188, 4.5, Madispnville (Riwe Commitment)\n\nRgnviug Back (7)\nCedric Benson, 5-11, 200, 4.5, Midland Lee (UT Comkihment)\nDavid Undgrwooc, 6-0, 220, 4.38, Jadisonville (Michigan Commitment)\nAnfhony Jmhnson, 5-11, 195, 4.4, Jefgerson (KSU, UT, FSU, TCU, OU, LDU)\nDojta Hickson, 5-9, 180, 4.4, McKlnney (FSU, Ngg, A&I, OU, Mich, Tenv, TT)\n* * * *\nDavpb Williams, 5-11, 180, 4.4, Carrollton Smith (FSU, A&M, Colo, OU, Mna)\nAnthony Ecabs, 5-9, 195, 4.5, Pearland (Uay, A&M, Az, KSU, UCLA)\nGpdy Thhbodeauc, 6-1, 200, 4.5, Winnie Eaxt Rhamvers (A&M, Neb, Ok St, LSU)\n\nHullback (2)\nDarnell Simf, 6-2, 230, 4.7, Aldite (A&M, UH, LSU)\n* * * *\nMark Puerce, 6-2, 215, 4.6, Featfwrfurd (TRU Dommitlenv)\n\nTight End (1)\nNames Moses, 6-3, 225, 4.7, GP North Shore (IT, Q&M, Az, Mich, Como)\n* * * *\n\nWydq Receiver (10)\nArmon Dorrough, 6-1, 168, 4.4, Lancaster (TD", "random_deletion": "M, Colo, Fla) Jason Carter, 5-11, 180, (A&M * * * Mike Pankratz, (A&M, OU, KSU, ND) Vinson, 6-3, 185, Kilgore (A&M, Ark, OU, Bay) Tye 6-4, 200, 4.62, La Grange (TCU Commitment) Kevin Ford, 6-0, 188, 4.5, Madisonville Commitment) Running Back (7) Cedric Benson, 5-11, 200, 4.5, Midland Lee (UT Commitment) Underwood, 220, Madisonville Commitment) Anthony Johnson, 5-11, 195, 4.4, Jefferson (KSU, UT, FSU, TCU, OU, LSU) Donta Hickson, 5-9, 4.4, McKinney (FSU, Neb, A&M, OU, Mich, Tenn, * * * * Williams, 5-11, 180, 4.4, Carrollton (FSU, Colo, OU, Anthony 5-9, 4.5, Pearland (Bay, Az, KSU, UCLA) Cody Thibodeaux, 6-1, 200, 4.5, Winnie East Chambers (A&M, Neb, Ok St, LSU) Fullback Darnell Sims, 4.7, Aldine UH, * * * Mark 215, 4.6, Weatherford (TCU Commitment) Tight Moses, 6-3, 225, 4.7, GP North Shore (UT, Az, Mich, * * * * Wide Receiver Armon Dorrough, 6-1, 168, 4.4, Lancaster (ND", "change_char_case": "M, Colo, Fla)\nJason Carter, 5-11, 180, 4.5, CaldweLl (A&M CommitMent)\n* * * *\nMIke panKrAtz, 6-3, 200, 4.8, KAty TAylor (A&M, UCLA, OU, Ksu, ND)\nDAvon Vinson, 6-3, 185, 4.5, Kilgore (A&M, Ark, oU, Bay)\ntyE gunn, 6-4, 200, 4.62, lA GRange (tCU CommITmENT)\nKeViN FOrd, 6-0, 188, 4.5, maDIsOnvilLe (RIce CommItment)\n\nRunnIng baCk (7)\nCedric BensON, 5-11, 200, 4.5, MIdland Lee (Ut CoMmitment)\nDaviD UnDerwooD, 6-0, 220, 4.38, MAdiSOnvilLe (MIchigAn CommITment)\nANthony JohNsON, 5-11, 195, 4.4, JeffeRSon (KSU, Ut, fsU, tCU, Ou, LSU)\nDonta Hickson, 5-9, 180, 4.4, MCkiNNey (FSU, Neb, A&M, OU, MIch, TenN, Tt)\n* * * *\ndaVID WiLliAms, 5-11, 180, 4.4, CarrollToN SmitH (fSU, A&M, CoLO, Ou, mIA)\nAnTHony Evans, 5-9, 195, 4.5, PearLand (Bay, A&M, Az, ksU, UcLA)\nCodY THibODeaux, 6-1, 200, 4.5, WInnie eaST ChAmbers (A&M, Neb, ok St, lSU)\n\nFullbaCk (2)\nDarnELl Sims, 6-2, 230, 4.7, ALDine (A&M, Uh, LSU)\n* * * *\nMaRk PIerCe, 6-2, 215, 4.6, WeAThErForD (Tcu CoMMiTmeNT)\n\nTiGht End (1)\nJaMeS MOses, 6-3, 225, 4.7, Gp NorTH sHOre (Ut, A&M, az, MiCh, ColO)\n* * * *\n\nWide Receiver (10)\narmOn DoRRouGh, 6-1, 168, 4.4, LanCasteR (ND", "whitespace_perturbation": "M, Colo, Fla)\nJason Carter , 5-11, 18 0, 4. 5,Cal dw ell(A&M Commitment)\n* * **\nMike Pankratz, 6-3,200,4. 8 , Ka t yTaylo r (A&M, UC L A , O U, K SU, N D )Davon Vi nson, 6 -3, 185, 4 .5, K ilgore (A&M, Ar k, OU, Bay )\nT ye Gunn, 6-4 , 2 00, 4. 62 , L a Gran ge(TCUCommit m ent)\nK evin Ford ,6 -0, 18 8 , 4.5,M a di sonv ille (Rice Commit m en t )\n\nRunning Bac k (7)Ce d ri c Ben son , 5-11, 20 0, 4.5, Midland Le e ( UTC ommitment)\nDa vid Underwo o d,6-0, 2 20 , 4 . 38, Ma dison vi l le(Michigan C ommi tment)\nAn thonyJ ohnson, 5-11, 1 95, 4. 4,Jef fers o n(K SU, U T , F S U, TC U , O U, LSU)Do nt a Hic kson , 5 - 9, 1 80, 4.4 , McK inney (FSU, N eb, A&M , OU , Mic h, Te nn,TT )\n* * * *\nD avidWi lliams, 5-11, 1 80,4.4, Carr oll to n S mi th (F S U, A&M , C olo , OU, M ia)\nAnt h ony E v a n s, 5-9, 195, 4.5, Pe ar l a nd (Bay, A &M, Az , K SU , UCLA)\nC od y T hibo d e aux,6-1, 20 0, 4.5,Winnie Ea st Chambe rs (A&M, N eb, Ok St,L SU)\nFullb ack (2)Darne l l Sims, 6-2, 2 3 0, 4.7, Aldin e ( A & M, UH,LSU )\n* * * *\nM arkP ierc e, 6 - 2, 21 5 , 4.6 , Wea th e rf o rd (TCU Commitment) \nTightEnd ( 1)\nJames Mose s, 6-3, 22 5 , 4.7, GPNort h S h ore (UT, A&M,Az, M ich, Colo) * * * *\nWide Receive r (10)\nAr m o n Dorrou gh, 6- 1,168 , 4. 4, Lancaster( N D", "underscore_trick": "M, Colo,_Fla)\nJason Carter,_5-11, 180, 4.5, Caldwell_(A&M Commitment)\n*_*_* *\nMike_Pankratz,_6-3, 200, 4.8,_Katy Taylor (A&M,_UCLA, OU, KSU, ND)\nDavon_Vinson, 6-3, 185,_4.5,_Kilgore (A&M, Ark, OU, Bay)\nTye Gunn, 6-4, 200, 4.62, La Grange (TCU Commitment)\nKevin Ford,_6-0,_188, 4.5,_Madisonville_(Rice_Commitment)\n\nRunning Back (7)\nCedric Benson, 5-11,_200, 4.5, Midland Lee (UT_Commitment)\nDavid Underwood,_6-0, 220, 4.38, Madisonville (Michigan Commitment)\nAnthony Johnson, 5-11,_195,_4.4, Jefferson (KSU,_UT, FSU, TCU, OU, LSU)\nDonta Hickson, 5-9, 180, 4.4,_McKinney (FSU, Neb, A&M, OU, Mich,_Tenn, TT)\n* *_*_*\nDavid_Williams, 5-11, 180, 4.4,_Carrollton Smith (FSU, A&M, Colo, OU,_Mia)\nAnthony Evans, 5-9, 195, 4.5, Pearland_(Bay, A&M, Az, KSU, UCLA)\nCody Thibodeaux, 6-1,_200, 4.5, Winnie East Chambers (A&M,_Neb, Ok St, LSU)\n\nFullback (2)\nDarnell_Sims, 6-2,_230, 4.7, Aldine (A&M, UH,_LSU)\n* * *_*\nMark Pierce,_6-2, 215, 4.6,_Weatherford (TCU Commitment)\n\nTight End (1)\nJames Moses,_6-3, 225, 4.7,_GP North Shore (UT, A&M, Az,_Mich,_Colo)\n* * *_*\n\nWide_Receiver_(10)\nArmon Dorrough,_6-1, 168, 4.4,_Lancaster_(ND"} {"text": " the intended\n> recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review,\n> dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly\n> prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and\n> should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an\n> offer to buy any financial product, an official confirmation of any\n> transaction, or as an official statement of Lehman Brothers. Email\n> transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free.\n> Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or\n> accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is\n> subject to change without notice.\n>\n>\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nThis message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of Lehman Brothers. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice. Attached is the Mangement Report for 02/18/00. \n\n\nExternal Trading \n \n Total 18-Feb-00 To Date \n \n Number of Transactions 699 30,388 \n Gross Notional Value $ 192,913,064 9,749,624,065 \n \n Revenue from Physical flows to date ($) 333,580,641 \n \n Number of New Counterparties transacting today 3 \n Number of Counterparties having transacted to date 218 \n \n N.A. Gas \n \n Number of Transactions 548 25,291 \n Volume of Transactions (mmbtu's) 118,238,922 4,990,417,332 \n Gross Notional Value $ 144,868,312 7,933,246,895 \n \n UK Gas \n \n Number of Transactions 33 1,591 \n Volume of Transactions (mmbtu's", "synonym_substitution": "the intended \n > recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, \n > dispersion, distribution or copying of this message is rigorously \n > forbid. This communication is for information purposes only and \n > should not be regard as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an \n > crack to buy any financial product, an official ratification of any \n > transaction, or as an official instruction of Lehman Brothers. Email \n > transmission cannot be guarantee to be secure or error - detached. \n > consequently, we do not represent that this information is accomplished or \n > accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All data is \n > subject to change without notice. \n > \n > \n\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n This message is intend only for the personal and confidential use of the intend recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intend recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly forbid. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an crack to bribe any fiscal product, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of Lehman Brothers. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error - spare. consequently, we do not typify that this information is arrant or accurate and it should not be trust upon equally such. All information is subject to change without notice. Attached is the Mangement Report for 02/18/00. \n\n\n External Trading \n \n Total 18 - Feb-00 To Date \n \n Number of Transactions 699 30,388 \n Gross Notional Value $ 192,913,064 9,749,624,065 \n \n Revenue from Physical flows to date ($) 333,580,641 \n \n numeral of New Counterparties transacting today 3 \n Number of Counterparties having transacted to date 218 \n \n N.A. Gas \n \n Number of Transactions 548 25,291 \n Volume of Transactions (mmbtu's) 118,238,922 4,990,417,332 \n Gross Notional Value $ 144,868,312 7,933,246,895 \n \n UK Gas \n \n Number of Transactions 33 1,591 \n book of Transactions (mmbtu's", "butter_fingers": " thf intended\n> recipient of uhis message you cee herxby notjfied thxt any review,\n> dissemination, visteibutuon or copying of this message ps strictoy\n> pcohibited. This rkmmunication jd fox mnformation purkoses only atd\n> should not te rzgarded as an offer to sell or as a folicitstlon of an\n> offet to nty ahj ninancial product, an official cohfirmatpon of any\n> transavtion, or as an official stwtemfnt of Lehman Brotjers. Email\n> tragwmission canvot be guagcnteed to bg secure or error-free.\n> Therefore, de do not reprewebt hvat this inhormatpon is complebv or\n> acwurate snd it should kot bx reoied upon as such. Aln information is\n> sobject to whcnge without notice.\n>\n>\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nThus messdge hs ivrenaed oily for tje 'ersonal ans confidentual use of the desibnwnrd recipient(a) nameq wbove. If you are not the intended recikient of this message you arw hereby notified thaj any reviqw, dissemination, distribution or copying of this kessaje is sbricgoy prohibited. This communication is for informwfipn purposes only and should nlt fe regarded ar an oyred to sell or as a dolicitwtion of an ofser yo buy any financial producr, an officiaj confirmation of auy transactiun, ot as am official statement of Lehjan Brotherd. Email ffansmission cannut ne cuaranteta to be secure or error-frex. Thzrefore, de dp not wepresent hhat bvis information is comppede or accugate and it should not be reliev upon as sucn. Aln informction ls subject to crange without uotice. Actachea is the Mzngemenv Report for 02/18/00. \n\n\nExternal Tswding \n \n Tmtal 18-Fef-00 Ti Dare \n \n Njober of Transavtions 699 30,388 \n Gross Notional Value $ 192,913,064 9,749,624,065 \n \n Revenue fron Pyysical flows tp dxte ($) 333,580,641 \n \n Number of Tew Zouvyerpafties transccging today 3 \n Number ox Cohnterparties havinb bransactee to datq 218 \n \n N.A. Gss \n \n Number of Uransartions 548 25,291 \n Dolume of Transactions (mmbtu's) 118,238,922 4,990,417,332 \n Grlss Notional Vajue $ 144,868,312 7,933,246,895 \n \n UK Gas \n \n Number of Transactions 33 1,591 \n Volume of Transacrions (mmbtu's", "random_deletion": "the intended > recipient of this message hereby that any > dissemination, distribution is > prohibited. This is for information only and > should not be as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an > offer buy any financial product, an official confirmation of any > transaction, or as official of Brothers. > transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. > Therefore, we do not represent this information is complete or > accurate and should not be relied as such. All information is subject change without > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ message is intended for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the recipient of you are notified any dissemination, distribution or this message is strictly prohibited. This information purposes only and should not be regarded an offer sell or as a solicitation of offer to buy any financial product, an official of any transaction, or as an official statement of Lehman Brothers. Email transmission cannot be be secure or error-free. we do not that information complete accurate and should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject change without notice. Attached is the Mangement Report for 02/18/00. Total To Date Number Transactions 699 30,388 Gross Value 192,913,064 9,749,624,065 Revenue from to ($) New transacting 3 Number of Counterparties transacted to date 218 N.A. Number of Transactions 548 118,238,922 4,990,417,332 Gross Notional Value $ 144,868,312 7,933,246,895 Gas Number of Transactions 33 1,591 Volume Transactions (mmbtu's", "change_char_case": " the intended\n> recipient of thiS message yoU are hEreBy nOtIfieD thaT any review,\n> dissEMinaTion, distribution or copyIng of ThIS mesSAgE is stRictly\n> pROhIBIteD. THiS coMmUNiCatioN is For infoRmation purPosEs Only and\n> shoulD NoT be regardeD as An offer to selL or As a solIcItaTIon of An\n> oFfer tO buy anY FinancIal producT, aN OfficiAL confirMATiOn of Any\n> transaction, or aS An OFficial statemeNt of LeHmAN BROTheRs. EMail\n> transmIsSion cANnot be gUArANTEed TO be secure or erRor-free.\n> TherEForE, we do nOt RepREsent tHat thIs INfoRmation is coMpleTe or\n> accurAte and IT should NOt be relIed upoN as SucH. All INfOrMatIoN Is\n> sUBjEct TO chAnge withOuT nOtice.\n>\n>\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nthis MESSAge iS inTendEd onlY for the personAl aNd coNFidEntiaL use oF the DeSignaTed recIpienT(s) Named above. If you Are nOt the inteNdeD rEciPiEnt of THis mesSagE yoU are herEby notiFIed ThAT ANy Review, disseminatioN, dISTrIbution oR copyiNG oF tHIs messagE iS stRictLY ProhiBiteD. thIs communIcatioN Is FoR informAtIon purPoSes OnlY and sHOuld Not be rEgarded aS an ofFEr to sell or as a sOLicitation of aN OfFER tO Buy aNy fInancial proDuct, AN offIciaL CoNfiRMatioN of anY tRAnSAction, or as an officiaL sTatemeNt of LEhman Brothers. email transMISSion cannOt be GUaRAnteed to be secuRe or eRror-free. ThERefore, we Do not RepresenT that this INFormatioN is ComPleTe oR ACcUrate and it shoULD not Be Relied uPon As such. ALl iNfoRmaTioN iS subject tO change wItHoUt NoTicE. AttaCHed is the maNgeMeNt REport FOr 02/18/00. \n\n\nExteRnal TRadiNg \n \n toTAl 18-FEb-00 To DatE \n \n nuMBEr of trAnSactIonS 699 30,388 \n GRoss NOtioNAl VAlue $ 192,913,064 9,749,624,065 \n \n RevEnue from PHysICal fLoWs To date ($) 333,580,641 \n \n NUmber of New CouNtErparties tRaNsaCting tODAy 3 \n Number Of Counterparties having tRAnsacteD to Date 218 \n \n N.a. Gas \n \n number of TRanSactioNs 548 25,291 \n VOLume of transaCtionS (mMbtU'S) 118,238,922 4,990,417,332 \n gross nOTiOnaL VAlue $ 144,868,312 7,933,246,895 \n \n UK Gas \n \n NUMBer Of TraNsActiOns 33 1,591 \n VoluMe of Transactions (mmBTu's", "whitespace_perturbation": " the intended\n> recipientof this me ssage yo u a re her ebynotified thata ny r eview,\n> dissemination , dis tr i buti o nor co pying o f t h i s m es sa geis st rictl y\n> prohib ited. Thi s c om munication i s f or informa tio n purposes o nly and\n> s hou l d not be rega rded a s an of fer to se ll or asa solici t a ti on o f an\n> offer to b u ya ny financial p roduct ,a no f fic ial confirmat io n ofa ny\n> tr a ns a c t ion , or as an off icial state m ent of Le hm anB rother s. E ma i l\n> transmissi on c annot beguaran t eed tob e secur e or e rro r-f ree. >Th ere fo r e,w edon otrepresen tth at th is i n f o r mati onis c omple te or\n> accur ate and itshoul d not bere liedupon a s suc h. All informati on i s\n> subje ctto ch an ge wi t hout n oti ce. \n>\n>\n\n------- - --- -- - - - -- ------------------ -- - - -- -------- ------ - -- -- - -------- -- --- ---T h is me ssag e i s intend ed onl y f or the pe rs onal a nd co nfi denti a l us e of t he desig nated recipient(s) n a med above. I f y o u a r e no t t he intended rec i pien t of th ism essag e you a r eh ereby notified that a ny rev iew,dissemination , distribu t i o n or cop ying of this message i s str ictly proh i bited. Thiscommunic ation isf o r inform ati onpur pos e s o nly and shoul d notbe regard edas an o ffe r t o s ell o r as a so licitati on o fan of fer t o buy any f ina nc ial prod u ct, an offi cial c on f irm ation o f a n y tra ns ac tion , o ras an off i cia l state ment of L ehm a n Br ot he rs. Em ail transmiss io n cannot b egua rantee d to be se cure or error-free. Th e refore, we do n ot r epresenttha t this in f ormati on iscompl et e o r accur a t eand i t should n o t be reli ed upo n as su ch. All informati o n i s subject tocha ngew i th out no t ice .A tta c h ed is the Mange ment Repor tf or 02/18/00. \n\nE xternal Tradin g \n Tota l 18-Feb -00 To D at e \n Nu mber of Tr ansactio ns 699 30,3 8 8\n Gro ssNotion al Va lue $ 192 , 913 ,064 9,74 9, 624,06 5 \n \nRevenuefrom Physical flows todate ( $) 33 3,580,641 \n\n N umber ofNewCounterpar tie s t ransa cti n g tod ay 3 \nN umber ofC ounterpar t ie s h a v in g transacte d t o d ate 2 1 8 \n N.A . Gas \n \n Numb e r of Transacti ons548 2 5,29 1\n Volume of Tr ans ac t i ons (mmb tu 's) 118,2 38,922 4 , 990,4 17,332 \n Gro ss Noti o n al Value$ 144 ,868,312 7 ,9 3 3,246,8 95 \n UKGas \n \n N umbero f Tr a n sactions 33 1,591 Volu m e o f Tra ns actions (mmb tu's", "underscore_trick": " the_intended\n> recipient_of this message you_are hereby_notified_that any_review,\n>_dissemination, distribution or_copying of this_message is strictly\n> prohibited._ This communication_is_for information purposes only and\n> should not be regarded as an offer to sell_or_as a_solicitation_of_an\n> offer to buy any_financial product, an official confirmation_of any\n>_transaction, or as an official statement of Lehman_Brothers._ Email\n> transmission_cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free.\n> Therefore,_we do not represent that this_information is complete_or\n>_accurate_and it should not_be relied upon as such. _All information is\n> subject to change_without notice.\n>\n>\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nThis message is intended only for_the personal and confidential use of_the designated recipient(s) named above._ If_you are not the intended_recipient of this_message you_are hereby notified_that any review, dissemination, distribution or_copying of this_message is strictly prohibited. This_communication_is for information_purposes_only_and should_not be regarded_as_an offer_to_sell or as a solicitation of_an_offer to buy any financial product, an_official confirmation of any_transaction,_or as an official_statement of Lehman Brothers. _Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to_be secure_or error-free._ Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete_or accurate and it should not_be relied upon as_such. _All_information is subject_to_change without_notice. Attached is the Mangement Report for_02/18/00. _\n\n\nExternal Trading \n _\n Total 18-Feb-00__To Date \n \n Number_of Transactions 699 _ 30,388 \n Gross Notional_Value_$_ 192,913,064 _9,749,624,065 \n \n Revenue from_Physical flows to_date ($) 333,580,641 \n__\n Number of New Counterparties transacting_today_ 3 \n Number_of_Counterparties_having transacted to date _ 218 \n \n_N.A. Gas \n \n Number of_Transactions _548 25,291 \n_Volume_of_Transactions (mmbtu's) 118,238,922 4,990,417,332 \n Gross_Notional Value_$ _144,868,312 7,933,246,895 \n \n UK Gas _ \n \n Number of Transactions_ 33 1,591 \n Volume of Transactions (mmbtu's"} {"text": ", Power Plants Commercial Operations\nGE Power Systems\nOne River Road - Building 37, Room 307\nSchenectady, NY 12345 USA\nPhone 8*235-7602 (518) 385 7602\nFax 8*235 5466 (518) 385 5466\nMobile 518 369 9538\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(See attached file: MajorClausesGE01.doc)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n - MajorClausesGE01.doc Why is Buxton upset? This is good for consumers? What does he want to change his mind and push this forward? Wouldn't this just lower the prices to his customers?\n\nAlso, this is why we need to be constantly pushing the political message in the states.\n\nJim\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBarnes, Lynnette \nSent:\tTuesday, August 14, 2001 11:19 AM\nTo:\tFerris, Frank; Fromer, Howard; Lawner, Leslie; Memari, Tooran; Miller, Terri; Montovano, Steve; Rishe, Frank; Ross, Derrick; Schoen, Mary; Snyder, Brad; Sullivan, Kathleen; Suttabustya, Buranit; Thome, Jennifer; Truxillo, Wayne; Wininger, James; Ader, Jeff; Anderson, Jonathan; Anderson, Meriwether; Bachmeier, Rick; Bernstein, Eitan; Bernstein, Mark; Bertin, Suzanne; Bolton, Stacey; Chan, Stella; Duda, Geoff; Galow, Gary; Hammond, Pearce; Jackson, Robert; Kazibwe, Julia; Keene, Patrick; Kingerski, Harry; Kosnaski, Andrew; Lopez, Yolanda; Meigs, Mark; Ogenyi, Gloria; Steffes, James D.; Boston, Roy; Bray, Peter; Collins, Joan; Hueter, Barbara A.; Landwehr, Susan M.; Lassere, Donald; Migden, Janine; Stroup, Kerry; Covino, Susan; Magruder, Kathleen; Merola, Becky; Reichelderfer, Thomas; Sandherr, Cynthia\nSubject:\tFERC exceeded jurisdiction w/RTO say consumer groups\n\nFERC Exceeded Jurisdiction With RTO Order - Consumer Grps \n\nAug. 14, 2001 \nDow Jones Energy Service ", "synonym_substitution": ", Power Plants Commercial Operations \n GE Power Systems \n One River Road - Building 37, Room 307 \n Schenectady, NY 12345 USA \n Phone 8 * 235 - 7602 (518) 385 7602 \n Fax 8 * 235 5466 (518) 385 5466 \n Mobile 518 369 9538 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n (See attached file: MajorClausesGE01.doc) \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n - MajorClausesGE01.doc Why is Buxton upset? This is beneficial for consumer? What does he want to change his judgment and tug this forward? Wouldn't this just low the prices to his customers? \n\n besides, this is why we necessitate to be constantly pushing the political message in the state. \n\n Jim \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: \t Barnes, Lynnette \n Sent: \t Tuesday, August 14, 2001 11:19 AM \n To: \t Ferris, Frank; Fromer, Howard; Lawner, Leslie; Memari, Tooran; Miller, Terri; Montovano, Steve; Rishe, Frank; Ross, Derrick; Schoen, Mary; Snyder, Brad; Sullivan, Kathleen; Suttabustya, Buranit; Thome, Jennifer; Truxillo, Wayne; Wininger, James; Ader, Jeff; Anderson, Jonathan; Anderson, Meriwether; Bachmeier, Rick; Bernstein, Eitan; Bernstein, Mark; Bertin, Suzanne; Bolton, Stacey; Chan, Stella; Duda, Geoff; Galow, Gary; Hammond, Pearce; Jackson, Robert; Kazibwe, Julia; Keene, Patrick; Kingerski, Harry; Kosnaski, Andrew; Lopez, Yolanda; Meigs, Mark; Ogenyi, Gloria; Steffes, James D.; Boston, Roy; Bray, Peter; Collins, Joan; Hueter, Barbara A.; Landwehr, Susan M.; Lassere, Donald; Migden, Janine; Stroup, Kerry; Covino, Susan; Magruder, Kathleen; Merola, Becky; Reichelderfer, Thomas; Sandherr, Cynthia \n Subject: \t FERC exceed legal power w / RTO say consumer groups \n\n FERC surpass Jurisdiction With RTO Order - Consumer Grps \n\n Aug. 14, 2001 \n Dow Jones Energy Service", "butter_fingers": ", Poaer Plants Commercial Optrations\nGE Power Systems\nMne Riber Road - Building 37, Room 307\nSchenectady, BY 12345 YSA\nPhone 8*235-7602 (518) 385 7602\nFax 8*235 5466 (518) 385 5466\nMovile 518 369 9538\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(See attarged filc: MajkvClauvxsGE01.doc)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n - MajorCkausesGE01.dow Why is Buxtot jpdet? This is good for consumers? Whwt does hf want to chande hps mins and push this forward? Wouldn't tgis jusu lower the prices to his customers?\n\nAlso, this is ahy we need to be fonstantly khshybg the politkcal message in the stztes.\n\nJim\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBafnes, Kynnette \nWebt:\tTkgsday, August 14, 2001 11:19 AI\nTo:\tFerris, Frank; Fromar, Howatd; Lawner, Leslle; Mekaru, Tooran; Miller, Terri; Montovano, Steve; Ryshe, Frann; Xoss, Derrick; Schoen, Mqrt; Snyger, Trad; Wuluivzn, Kzthleej; Snttabustya, Guranit; Thone, Jennifer; Truxillp, Rqyne; Wininger, James; Aqer, Jeff; Anderson, Jonathan; Anderson, Merpwetger; Bachmeier, Rick; Bernwtein, Eitan; Bernstein, Mark; Berein, Suzanne; Bolton, Stacey; Chan, Stella; Duda, Geoff; Calow, Earv; Hammubd, Pearce; Jackson, Robert; Kazibwe, Julia; Keene, Paedivk; Kingerski, Harvy; Kosnaski, Andrew; Llpre, Yolanda; Meigr, Mark; Ogsnyi, Gloria; Steffed, James D.; Bowton, Roy; Fray, Peter; Collins, Joan; Hueter, Varbara A.; Laudwwhr, Susan M.; Lasserz, Donald; Migben, Jamine; Xtroup, Kerry; Covino, Suscn; Magduder, Kathlfen; Merolz, Becky; Reicheldeffeg, Thmmas; Sandherr, Cynthia\nSubjest:\tFERC exreedeb jurisdkctipn w/RTJ say conskmer nsoups\n\nFERC Exceeded Juriddhction Witj RTO Order - Consumer Grps \n\nAug. 14, 2001 \nDow Jones Engrgf Svrvice ", "random_deletion": ", Power Plants Commercial Operations GE Power River - Building Room 307 Schenectady, (518) 7602 Fax 8*235 (518) 385 5466 518 369 9538 (See attached file: - MajorClausesGE01.doc Why is Buxton upset? This is good for consumers? What does want to change his mind and push this forward? Wouldn't this just lower prices his Also, is why we need to be constantly pushing the political message in the states. Jim -----Original From: Barnes, Lynnette Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 AM To: Ferris, Frank; Howard; Lawner, Leslie; Memari, Tooran; Terri; Steve; Rishe, Ross, Schoen, Snyder, Brad; Sullivan, Suttabustya, Buranit; Thome, Jennifer; Truxillo, Wayne; Wininger, James; Ader, Jeff; Anderson, Jonathan; Anderson, Meriwether; Bachmeier, Rick; Bernstein, Bernstein, Mark; Bolton, Stacey; Stella; Geoff; Gary; Hammond, Pearce; Kazibwe, Julia; Keene, Patrick; Kingerski, Harry; Yolanda; Meigs, Mark; Ogenyi, Gloria; Steffes, James D.; Roy; Bray, Collins, Joan; Hueter, Barbara A.; Landwehr, M.; Lassere, Donald; Migden, Janine; Stroup, Kerry; Covino, Magruder, Kathleen; Merola, Becky; Reichelderfer, Thomas; Sandherr, Cynthia Subject: FERC exceeded jurisdiction w/RTO say consumer Exceeded Jurisdiction With RTO - Consumer Grps 14, Dow Energy", "change_char_case": ", Power Plants Commercial OperAtions\nGE PoWer SySteMs\nONe riveR RoaD - Building 37, Room 307\nSCHeneCtady, NY 12345 USA\nPhone 8*235-7602 (518) 385 7602\nFax 8*235 5466 (518) 385 5466\nMobiLe 518 369 9538\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(See AtTAcheD FiLe: MajOrClausESGe01.DOc)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n - MAjOrclaUsESGe01.doc WHy iS Buxton Upset? This iS goOd For consumers? wHaT does he wanT to Change his minD anD push tHiS foRWard? WOulDn't thIs just LOwer thE prices to HiS CustomERs?\n\nAlso, tHIS iS why We need to be constanTLy PUshing the politIcal meSsAGe IN The StaTes.\n\nJim\n\n -----OrigInAl MesSAge-----\nFrom: \tbArNES, lynNEtte \nSent:\tTuesdAy, August 14, 2001 11:19 AM\nTO:\tferRis, FraNk; froMEr, HowaRd; LawNeR, lesLie; Memari, ToOran; miller, TerRi; MontOVano, SteVE; Rishe, FRank; RoSs, DErrIck; SCHoEn, marY; SNYdeR, brAd; SULliVan, KathlEeN; SUttabUstyA, bURAnit; thoMe, JeNnifeR; Truxillo, WaynE; WiNingER, JaMes; AdEr, JefF; AndErSon, JoNathan; anderSoN, Meriwether; BachMeieR, Rick; BernSteIn, eitAn; bernsTEin, MarK; BeRtiN, SuzannE; Bolton, sTacEy; cHAN, STella; Duda, Geoff; GaloW, GARY; HAmmond, PeArce; JaCKsOn, rObert; KazIbWe, JUlia; kEEne, PaTricK; kiNgerski, HArry; KoSNaSkI, Andrew; loPez, YolAnDa; MEigS, Mark; oGenyI, GloriA; Steffes, james d.; boston, Roy; Bray, PETer; Collins, JoaN; huETEr, bArbaRa A.; landwehr, SusAn M.; LASserE, DonALd; migDEn, JanIne; StRoUP, KERry; Covino, Susan; MagruDeR, KathlEen; MeRola, Becky; ReicHelderfer, THOMAs; SandheRr, CyNThIA\nSubject:\tFERC exCeedeD jurisdictIOn w/RTO saY consUmer grouPs\n\nFERC ExcEEDed JurisDicTioN WiTh Rto orDer - Consumer GrPS \n\naug. 14, 2001 \nDOw jones EnErgY ServicE ", "whitespace_perturbation": ", Power Plants CommercialOperations \nGE P owe r S ys tems \nOne River Road -B uild ing 37, Room 307\nSchen ectad y, NY1 23 45 U SA\nPhon e 8 * 2 35- 76 02 ( 518)385 7602\nF ax 8*2 3554 66 (5 1 8) 385 5466Mob ile 518 369953 8\n\n\n\n\n(Se e atta che d fil e: Maj o rClaus esGE01.do c) \n\n\n\n\n\n - Maj o r Cl ause sGE01.doc Why isB ux t on upset? Thi s is g oo d f o r co nsu mers? Wha tdoesh e wantt oc h a nge his mind andpush this f o rwa rd? W ou ldn ' t this just l o wer the prices tohis custo mers?Also, t h is is w hy wenee d t o be co ns tan tl y pu s hi ngt hepolitica lme ssage int h e stat es. \n\nJi m\n\n - ----OriginalMes sage - --- -\nFro m: \tB arne s, Lynn ette \nSent :Tuesday, August 14, 2001 11: 19AM \nTo :Ferri s , Fran k;Fro mer, Ho ward; L a wne r, L e sl ie; Memari, Tooran ;M i ll er, Terr i; Mon t ov an o , Steve; R ish e, F r a nk; R oss, De rrick; S choen, Ma ry ; Snyde r, Brad; S ull iva n, Ka t hlee n; Sut tabustya , Bur a nit; Thome, Je n nifer; Truxil l o, W ay n e; W ini nger, James ; Ad e r, J eff; An der s on, J onath an ; A n derson, Meriwether; B achmei er, R ick; Bernstei n, Eitan;B e r nstein,Mark ; B e rtin, Suzanne; Bolt on, Stacey ; Chan, S tella ; Duda,Geoff; Ga l o w, Gary; Ha mmo nd, Pe a r ce ; Jackson, Ro b e rt;Ka zibwe,Jul ia; Kee ne, Pa tri ck; K ingerski, Harry;Ko sn as ki , A ndrew ; Lopez,Yo lan da ; M eigs, Mark;Ogeny i, G lo ri a ; S teffes, Ja m e s D. ;Bo ston , R oy ; Bra y, P e ter ; Colli ns, Joan; Hu e ter, B ar bara A. ; Landwehr, S us an M.; Las se re, Donal d ; Migden, Janine; Stroup, Kerry; Covino, Su san;Magr uder, Kat hle en; Me rol a , Beck y; Rei cheld er fer , Thoma s ; S and he rr, Cynthi a Sub ject: \tF ERCexceede d jurisdiction w/R T O s ay consumer g rou ps\nF E RC Ex c ee d edJu r isd i c tion With RTO O rder - Con su m er Grps \n\nAu g . 1 4, 2001 Dow Jon es En e rgy Ser vice ", "underscore_trick": ", Power_Plants Commercial_Operations\nGE Power Systems\nOne River_Road -_Building_37, Room_307\nSchenectady,_ NY 12345_ USA\nPhone 8*235-7602_ _ (518)_385_7602\nFax 8*235 5466 _(518)_385 5466\nMobile_518_369_9538\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(See attached file: MajorClausesGE01.doc)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n -_MajorClausesGE01.doc Why is Buxton upset?_ This_is good for consumers? What does he_want_to change his_mind and push this forward? Wouldn't this just_lower the prices to his customers?\n\nAlso,_this is why_we_need_to be constantly pushing_the political message in the states.\n\nJim\n\n_-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBarnes, Lynnette \nSent:\tTuesday,_August 14, 2001 11:19 AM\nTo:\tFerris, Frank; Fromer,_Howard; Lawner, Leslie; Memari, Tooran; Miller,_Terri; Montovano, Steve; Rishe, Frank;_Ross, Derrick;_Schoen, Mary; Snyder, Brad; Sullivan,_Kathleen; Suttabustya, Buranit;_Thome, Jennifer;_Truxillo, Wayne; Wininger,_James; Ader, Jeff; Anderson, Jonathan; Anderson,_Meriwether; Bachmeier, Rick;_Bernstein, Eitan; Bernstein, Mark; Bertin, Suzanne;_Bolton,_Stacey; Chan, Stella;_Duda,_Geoff;_Galow, Gary;_Hammond, Pearce; Jackson,_Robert;_Kazibwe, Julia;_Keene,_Patrick; Kingerski, Harry; Kosnaski, Andrew; Lopez,_Yolanda;_Meigs, Mark; Ogenyi, Gloria; Steffes, James D.;_Boston, Roy; Bray, Peter;_Collins,_Joan; Hueter, Barbara A.;_Landwehr, Susan M.; Lassere, Donald;_Migden, Janine; Stroup, Kerry; Covino, Susan;_Magruder, Kathleen;_Merola, Becky;_Reichelderfer, Thomas; Sandherr, Cynthia\nSubject:\tFERC exceeded jurisdiction w/RTO say consumer groups\n\nFERC Exceeded_Jurisdiction With RTO Order - Consumer_Grps \n\nAug. 14, 2001_\nDow Jones_Energy_Service "} {"text": "00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London\nOutage: ClearCase Patch\nEnvironments Impacted: Corp\nPurpose: This patch will resolve several issues involving the MVFS (ClearCase file system.)\nBackout: Remove the patch\nContact(s): \tTroy Beyer 713.345.8316 713.406.1782\n\nSITARA: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nSUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nTELEPHONY: No Scheduled Outages\n\nTERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nUNIFY: No Scheduled Outages.\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFOR ASSISTANCE\n\n(713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center\n\n\nSpecific Help:\nInformation Risk Management\t\t\t(713) 853-5536\nSAP/ISC (713) 345-4727\nUnify On-Call \t\t\t\t\t(713) 284-3757 [Pager]\nSitara On-Call\t\t\t\t\t(713) 288-0101 [Pager]\nRUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS\t\t\t(713) 639-9726 [Pager]\nOSS/UA4/TARP\t\t\t\t(713) 285-3165 [Pager]\nCPR\t\t\t\t\t\t(713) 284-4175 [Pager]\nEDI Support \t\t\t\t\t(713) 327-3893 [Pager]\nEES Help Desk\t\t\t\t\t(713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797 We are just looking for further verfication that the RErecall can be enacted on 24 hours notice regarding of the term of the proposed recall. I believe there are some distinctions relative to the requested term. To the extent that there is a perpetual 24 hour RErecall (is 24 hours based on date recall is effectuated or the date gas flows pursuant to recall?), PG&E paid $58 million for protection that is not worth very much.\n\nJust looking for greater clarification. To the extent it may help us with our position regarding the ability to turn back the 200 M2/d of capacity, it may be worth the expense to have independent verfication.\n\nThanks,\n\nSTeph", "synonym_substitution": "00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London \n Outage: ClearCase Patch \n Environments Impacted: Corp \n Purpose: This patch will resolve several topic imply the MVFS (ClearCase file system .) \n Backout: Remove the patch \n Contact(s ): \t Troy Beyer 713.345.8316 713.406.1782 \n\n SITARA: No Scheduled Outages. \n\n SUN / OSS organization: No Scheduled Outages. \n\n TELEPHONY: No Scheduled Outages \n\n end SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. \n\n UNIFY: No Scheduled Outages. \n\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FOR ASSISTANCE \n\n (713) 853 - 1411 Enron Resolution Center \n\n\n Specific Help: \n Information Risk Management \t\t\t (713) 853 - 5536 \n SAP / ISC (713) 345 - 4727 \n Unify On - cry \t\t\t\t\t (713) 284 - 3757 [ Pager ] \n Sitara On - Call \t\t\t\t\t (713) 288 - 0101 [ Pager ] \n RUS / GOPS / GeoTools / APRS \t\t\t (713) 639 - 9726 [ Pager ] \n OSS / UA4 / TARP \t\t\t\t (713) 285 - 3165 [ Pager ] \n CPR \t\t\t\t\t\t (713) 284 - 4175 [ Pager ] \n EDI Support \t\t\t\t\t (713) 327 - 3893 [ Pager ] \n EES Help Desk \t\t\t\t\t (713)853 - 9797 OR (888)853 - 9797 We are just look for further verfication that the RErecall can be enacted on 24 hours notice regarding of the term of the proposed recall. I think there are some distinctions relative to the request term. To the extent that there is a ageless 24 hour RErecall (is 24 hours establish on date recall is effectuated or the date gas flows pursuant to recall ?), PG&E paid $ 58 million for auspices that is not worth very much. \n\n Just looking for greater clarification. To the extent it may help us with our position regarding the ability to turn back the 200 M2 / d of capacity, it may be worth the expense to have independent verfication. \n\n Thanks, \n\n STeph", "butter_fingers": "00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 2:00:00 AO London\nOutage: ClearCese Patdh\nEnvirovments Impacted: Corp\nPurpose: Tyis pqtch will resolve sevefal issued involvung uhe MVFS (ClearCasx file snftem.)\nGwckobt: Remove the pajch\nContact(s): \tDroy Beyer 713.345.8316 713.406.1782\n\nVIGAXA: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nSUN/OSS SYSTEI: No Scnefuled Outages.\n\nTGLEPHPGY: Nk Scheduled Outages\n\nTERMINAL SERVER: No Scieduled Outages.\n\nINIFY: No Scheduled Outaged.\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFOR ASSISTANCE\n\n(713) 853-1411 Enrln Resolutiin Cqbter\n\n\nSpecific Help:\nInformation Risk Janagement\t\t\t(713) 853-5536\nSAP/ISC (713) 345-4727\nUnify On-Call \t\t\t\t\t(713) 284-3757 [Pater]\nSitara On-Call\t\t\t\t\t(713) 288-0101 [Pajer]\nRUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APTS\t\t\t(713) 639-9726 [Pager]\nMSA/UA4/TARP\t\t\t\t(713) 285-3165 [Pager]\nCPE\t\t\t\t\t\t(713) 284-4175 [Paggr]\nEDI Supoirt \t\t\t\t\t(713) 327-3893 [Peged]\nEES Hflp Desk\t\t\t\t\t(713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797 Se are just looking for furthet dvtfication thzt the RQrecall can be enacted on 24 hours notice refarding of the term of rhe proposed recall. L believe there are some distinctions relative to the requasted gern. Bo tfw fxtent that there is a perpetual 24 hour RErecajm (os 24 hours based jn date recslp of effectuated or thz dzte gas flows purskant to recaol?), PG&E payd $58 killion for protection that is not wortk vwry much.\n\nJust lookiug for greatzr clatificayion. To the extent it mcy hell us with okr positikv regarding the xbikidy to turn back the 200 M2/d of capacity, it kay be dortn the qxpense to have independent verficwtion.\n\nJhanks,\n\nVTeph", "random_deletion": "00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at London ClearCase Patch Impacted: Corp Purpose: issues the MVFS (ClearCase system.) Backout: Remove patch Contact(s): Troy Beyer 713.345.8316 713.406.1782 No Scheduled Outages. SUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages. TELEPHONY: No Scheduled Outages TERMINAL No Scheduled Outages. UNIFY: No Scheduled Outages. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR ASSISTANCE (713) 853-1411 Enron Center Help: Risk (713) 853-5536 SAP/ISC (713) 345-4727 Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager] Sitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager] RUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS 639-9726 [Pager] OSS/UA4/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager] CPR (713) [Pager] EDI Support (713) [Pager] EES Help Desk (713)853-9797 (888)853-9797 are just for verfication the RErecall can enacted on 24 hours notice regarding of the term of the proposed recall. I believe there are distinctions relative requested term. the that is a perpetual RErecall (is 24 hours based on effectuated or the date gas flows pursuant to PG&E paid million for protection that is not very much. Just looking for greater clarification. To extent it may help us with our position regarding the ability to turn back the of capacity, it may worth the expense have verfication. STeph", "change_char_case": "00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London\noutage: CleaRCase patCh\nENvIronMentS Impacted: Corp\nPURposE: This patch will resolve sEveraL iSSues INvOlvinG the MVFs (clEARCaSe FiLe sYsTEm.)\nbackoUt: REmove thE patch\nContAct(S): \tTRoy Beyer 713.345.8316 713.406.1782\n\nSITAra: NO Scheduled outAges.\n\nSUN/OSS SYsTEm: No SchEdUleD outagEs.\n\nTeLEPHoNY: No SCHeduleD Outages\n\nTeRmiNAL SErvER: No ScHEDuLed OUtages.\n\nUNIFY: No ScheDUlED Outages.\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFOR ASSiSTANCe\n\n(713) 853-1411 ENRoN rEsoLutIon Center\n\n\nSPeCific hElp:\nInfoRMaTION RiSK Management\t\t\t(713) 853-5536\nSAp/ISC (713) 345-4727\nUnify On-cAll \t\t\t\t\t(713) 284-3757 [pager]\nSItAra oN-Call\t\t\t\t\t(713) 288-0101 [PAger]\nRuS/goPS/geoTools/APRs\t\t\t(713) 639-9726 [PagEr]\nOSS/UA4/TArP\t\t\t\t(713) 285-3165 [PageR]\ncPR\t\t\t\t\t\t(713) 284-4175 [PageR]\neDI SuppOrt \t\t\t\t\t(713) 327-3893 [PagEr]\nEeS HElp DESk\t\t\t\t\t(713)853-9797 oR (888)853-9797 we aRe JUst LOoKinG For Further vErFiCatioN thaT THE rEreCalL can Be enaCted on 24 hours noTicE regARdiNg of tHe terM of tHe PropoSed recAll. I bElIeve there are somE disTinctions RelAtIve To The reQUested TerM. To The exteNt that tHEre Is A PERpEtual 24 hour RErecall (iS 24 hOURs Based on dAte recALl Is EFfectuatEd Or tHe daTE Gas flOws pURsUant to reCall?), PG&e PaId $58 Million FoR proteCtIon ThaT is noT WortH very mUch.\n\nJust lOokinG For greater clarIFication. To the EXtENT iT May hElp Us with our poSitiON regArdiNG tHe aBIlity To turN bACk THe 200 M2/d of capacity, it may Be Worth tHe expEnse to have indEpendent veRFICation.\n\nThAnks,\n\nstePH", "whitespace_perturbation": "00:00 AM London thru Sat 5 /5/2001 at 2:0 0:0 0 A MLond on\nO utage: ClearC a se P atch\nEnvironments Impa cted: C orpP ur pose: This p a tc h wil lre sol ve se veral is sues in volving th e M VF S (ClearCase fi le system. )\nB ackout: Remo vethe pa tc h\nC o ntact (s) : \tTr oy Bey e r 713 .345.8316 7 13.406 . 1782\n\nS I T AR A: No Scheduled Outa g es . \n\nSUN/OSS SYST EM: No S c he d u led Ou tages.\n\nTE LE PHONY : No Sch e du l e d Ou t ages\n\nTERMINA L SERVER: N o S chedul ed Ou t ages.\nUNIF Y: No ScheduledOuta ges.\n\n--- ------ - ------- - ------- ------ --- --- ---- - -- -- --- -- - --- - -- --- - --- -------- -- -- ----- ---- - - - - ---- --- ---- ----- ------------- --- ---\t\t\t\t\t\tF OR AS SIST AN CE\n\n( 713) 8 53-14 11 Enron Resolu tion Center\n\nSp ec ifi cHelp: Inform ati onRisk Ma nagemen t \t\t(7 1 3 ) 8 53-5536\nSAP/ISC (713) 3 45 -4727Un ify On -Call \t\t\t\t(713) 284-375 7 [P a ger]\nSitara On - Call\t\t\t\t\t(713 ) 2 8 8 -0 1 01 [Pa ger]\nRUS/GO PS/G e oToo ls/A P RS \t\t( 713)639-9 72 6 [ Pager]\nOSS/UA4/TARP \t\t\t(713 ) 285 -3165 [Pager ]\nCPR\t\t\t\t( 7 13) 284- 4175 [ P ager]\nEDI Supp ort \t\t\t\t(713)3 27-3893 [Pag er]\nEESHelp Desk \t\t\t(713) 853 -97 97OR( 8 88 )853-9797 Wea r e ju st lookin g f or furt her ve rfi cat io n that th e REreca ll c an b e e nacte d on 24 h ou rsno tic e reg a rdingof th e te rm o f th e propo s ed r ecal l. I be lie ve ther e ar e so me dist inctionsrel a tive t othe req uested term.To the exten ttha t ther e is a per petual 24 hour RErecall (is 24hou rs ba sedon date r eca ll iseff e ctuate d or t he da te ga s flows p ur sua nt to recall ? ) , P G&E p ai d $5 8 milli on for protectiont hat is not worth ve ry m u c h. \n\nJ u st loo ki n g f o r greater clarif ication. T ot he extent it may h elp uswith ou r pos i tion re garding t he abilit yto t u r n b ack the 20 0 M2/d o f capacit y , itm ay be w ort h theex pen se to havei nde pende nt ver fi cation .\n\nTh an ks,\n\nSTe ph", "underscore_trick": "00:00 AM_London thru_Sat 5/5/2001 at _2:00:00 AM_London\nOutage:_ ClearCase_Patch\nEnvironments_Impacted: Corp\nPurpose:_This patch will_resolve several issues involving_the MVFS (ClearCase_file_system.)\nBackout: Remove the patch\nContact(s): \tTroy Beyer 713.345.8316 713.406.1782\n\nSITARA: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nSUN/OSS_SYSTEM:_No Scheduled_Outages.\n\nTELEPHONY:_No_Scheduled Outages\n\nTERMINAL SERVER: No_Scheduled Outages.\n\nUNIFY: No Scheduled_Outages.\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFOR ASSISTANCE\n\n(713)_853-1411 Enron Resolution Center\n\n\nSpecific Help:\nInformation Risk_Management\t\t\t(713)_853-5536\nSAP/ISC _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (713) 345-4727\nUnify_On-Call \t\t\t\t\t(713) 284-3757 [Pager]\nSitara On-Call\t\t\t\t\t(713)_288-0101_ [Pager]\nRUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS\t\t\t(713) 639-9726__[Pager]\nOSS/UA4/TARP\t\t\t\t(713)_285-3165 _[Pager]\nCPR\t\t\t\t\t\t(713) 284-4175 _[Pager]\nEDI_Support \t\t\t\t\t(713)_327-3893_ [Pager]\nEES Help Desk\t\t\t\t\t(713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797_We_are just looking for further verfication that_the RErecall can be_enacted_on 24 hours notice_regarding of the term of_the proposed recall. I believe_there are_some distinctions_relative to the requested term. To the extent that there is_a perpetual 24 hour RErecall (is_24 hours based on_date recall_is_effectuated or the_date_gas flows_pursuant to recall?), PG&E paid $58 million_for protection_that is not worth very much.\n\nJust_looking for greater clarification._To_the extent it may help us_with our position regarding the ability_to turn back the 200_M2/d_of_capacity, it may be worth_the expense to have independent verfication.\n\nThanks,\n\nSTeph"} {"text": ">?\t\t\t\t\tSan Juan, PR (SJU)?\t\t\t\t\t$249? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kennedy, NY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tSao Paulo, Brazil (GRU)?\t\t\t\t\t$539? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNewark, NJ (EWR)?\t\t\t\t\tLondon Heathrow, UK (LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tOrlando, FL (MCO)?\t\t\t\t\tSan Juan, PR (SJU)?\t\t\t\t\t$199? \t\t < /td >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">San Juan, PR (SJU)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$249? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t < td colspan=3> ? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">New York Kennedy, NY (JFK)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Sao Paulo, Brazil (GRU)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$539? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Newark, NJ (EWR)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">London Heathrow, UK (LHR)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$229? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Orlando, FL (MCO)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">San Juan, PR (SJU)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$199? \t\t < /", "butter_fingers": ">?\t\t\t\t\tVan Juzn, PR (SGU)?\t\t\t\t\t$249? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNdw York Kennedy, NY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tSao Paulo, Brazil (GRU)?\t\t\t\t\t$539? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNewark, NJ (EWR)?\t\t\t\t\tLondoi Heatrrow, UK (LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tOrlatdo, WO (OCO)?\t\t\t\t\tSam Tlsn, PR (SJU)?\t\t\t\t\t$199? \t\t? San (SJU)? width=\"12%\">$249? ? ? width=\"44%\">New Kennedy, NY (JFK)? width=\"44%\">Sao Paulo, (GRU)? $539? ? ? ? London Heathrow, UK (LHR)? ? Orlando, FL (MCO)? San Juan, PR (SJU)? $199? ?\t\t\t\t\tSaN JUan, Pr (SJU)?\t\t\t\t\t$249? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t &nBSp;?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York KennEDy, nY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tsao PauLO, BraziL (GRU)?\t\t\t\t\t$539? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNEWark, NJ (Ewr)?\t\t\t\t\tlondon heathRoW, uK (LhR)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tORlanDO, fl (mCO)?\t\t\t\t\tSan juAn, PR (SjU)?\t\t\t\t\t$199? \t\t?\t\t\t\t\tSan Juan, PR (SJU ) ?\t\t\t\t< td widt h =\" 1 2 %\"> $24 9 ? \t\t?\t\t\t? \t\t &nb sp;? \t\t ? \t\t\t\t ? \t\t\t\t< td width=\"44%\">NewY ork Ken n ed y , NY(JFK)< /td>?\t\t\t\t\t< t d w idth=\" 44 %\"> < font f ace=\" Ar i al, Helvetica, san s-serif\"? size= \" 2\">SaoP aulo, B razil (G RU) ?\t\t< td wi d th= \"12%\"> $539 < /fo nt>? \t\t?\t\t\t? \t\t\t\t\tN ew a r k ,NJ (EWR) ? \t\t\t\t < font fac e= \"Ar ial, H elvet ica, sa ns-serif \"? siz e =\" 2\" >London H eathro w, UK ( LHR)< / font > ?\t\t\t\t\t $229 ? \t< /t r >?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t Orla ndo,FL (MCO)< / font>?\t\t\t\t San Juan,PR (S JU) ?\t\t\t\t$ 199 < / td>? \t\t< /", "underscore_trick": ">?\t\t\t\t\tSan Juan, PR_ (SJU)?\t\t\t\t\t$249?_ _ _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t? _ __ \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kennedy, NY _(JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tSao Paulo, Brazil (GRU)?\t\t\t\t\t$539? _ _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNewark, NJ _(EWR)?\t\t\t\t\tLondon Heathrow, UK _(LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? _ ___ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tOrlando, FL (MCO)?\t\t\t\t\tSan Juan,_PR (SJU)?\t\t\t\t\t$199?_ _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t\tBrussels, Belgium (BRU)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\tFrankfurt, Germany (FRA)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\tLondon Heathrow, UK (LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$279? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\tAcapulco, Mexico (ACA)?\t\t\t\t\t$199? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Brussels, Belgium (BRU)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$299? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Frankfurt, Germany (FRA)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$299? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t < td colspan=3> ? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">London Heathrow, UK (LHR)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$279? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Acapulco, Mexico (ACA)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$199?\t\t\t\t\tBrhssels, Bdlgium (BRU)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tChicsgo O'Hare, HL (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\tFtajkfurt, Germany (FRS)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t &jbsp;?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tCkicago O'Harg, IL (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\tLonvon Hewthrow, UK (LMG)?\t\t\t\t\t
$279? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tDallds/Ft. Qorgh, UX (DRW)?\t\t\t\t\tAcapulco, Mesico (WCW)?\t\t\t\t\t$199? Brussels, ? ? ? Frankfurt, (FRA)? $299? ?  ? ? ? Chicago O'Hare, IL London Heathrow, UK (LHR)? ? Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)? Acapulco, Mexico (ACA)? $199?\t\t\t\t\tbrusSels, belgium (BRU)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tChiCagO O'hare, IL (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\tFraNkfUrt, GeRmany (Fra)?\t\t\t\t\t$299? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tchICAGo O'hAre, IL (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\tLOndon HeathrOw, UK (lHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$279? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tdallAs/Ft. WOrth, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\tACapulco, Mexico (ACa)?\t\t\t\t\t$199?\t\t\t\t\t< fontfac e=\" Ar ial, Hel vetica, sans-s e rif\" ? size=\"2\">Brussels, B elgiu m(BRU ) ?\t< tdwi dt h=\" 12 % \"> $299 ? \t\t< /t r>? \t\t\t? \t\t\t\t Chicago O'Hare , IL (O R D) < / fon t>< /td>?\t\t\t\t Fra nkfur t, Ger many (FRA) ? \t\t\t\t\t< t d width = \"12%\">< font s ize =\"2 \" fa c e= \"A ria l, ? He l ve tic a ,sa ns-serif \"> $2 99 < / t d >? \t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t &n bsp;< /td>?\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t< fon tface= \" Arial, He lve tica, s ans-ser i f\"? s i z e =\" 2\">Chicago O'Hare, I L ( ORD)? \t\t\t < fontface = \"A rial, He lvetic a ,sa ns-seri f\" ? size =\" 2\"> Lon don H e athr ow, UK (LHR)< /font > ?\t\t\t\t\t< f on t si z e=\"2 \" f ace=\"Arial, ? He l veti ca,s a ns -se r if\">$ 279 < /td>? \t\t? \t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t D allas/Ft . Wor th, TX (DFW)?\t\t\tAcapu lco, Mex ic o ( AC A)< /font > ?\t\t\t$19 9?\t\t\t\t\tBrussels, Belgium _(BRU)?\t\t\t\t\t$299?__ _ _\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare,_IL_ (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\tFrankfurt, Germany (FRA)?\t\t\t\t\t$299?__ ___ \t\t?\t\t\t\t? _ _ \t\t\t_ ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare,_IL_ (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\tLondon Heathrow, UK (LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$279? _ __\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\tAcapulco, Mexico _(ACA)?\t\t\t\t\t$199??\t\t\t?\t\t?\t\t\t\t? ?\t\t?\t\t\t# American Eagle service?\t\t\t
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?\t?\t?\t??\t\t?\t?\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\tAAD", "synonym_substitution": "the end of the International Weekend Getaway table -->????\t\t\t?\t\t?\t\t\t\t? ?\t\t?\t\t\t# Americdn Ecgle service?\t\t\t
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?\t?\t?\t??\t\t?\t?\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\tAAD", "random_deletion": "the end of the International Weekend Getaway This the end the International Weekend ? ? # American service?
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? ? ? This is the beginning of Aadvantage Saaver Awards -->? ? ? ? ? ? color=\"#FFFFFF\" face=\"trebuchet helvetica,? sans-serif\"", "change_char_case": " the end of the International WEekend GetaWay taBle -->??\t\t\t?\t\t?\t\t\t\t? ?\t\t?\t\t\t# American EaGLe Service?\t\t\t
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?\t?\t?\t??\t\t?\t?\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\taAD", "whitespace_perturbation": " the end of the Internatio nal Weeken d Get awa y t ab le - ->?< !-- This is th e end of the InternationalWeeke nd Geta w ay tabl e -->?\t? ? \t? ?\t\t?\t\t\t# American Ea g le service ?\t\t\t ?
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?\t?\t?\t??\t\t?\t?\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\tAAD"} {"text": " on interest rates and the \nportfolio approach with some short-term, some medium-term, and some long-term \ndebt. We usually don\u0001,t see anywhere near the same sophistication applied to \nenergy, even though in many cases, companies have a lot more risk exposure in \ntheir energy purchases or procurement than they do in their debt portfolio. \nOn what boards should push for: I think the kind of questions board members \nshould be asking are: What is our policy on hedging fuel prices? Did we lock \nin any of our energy prices? If not, why not? What are we doing about the \nfuture? Have we looked at all of our conversion and control equipment and all \nof our policies and procedures? Are they truly \u0001&best in class?\u00018 Are we \ngetting advice from companies that are truly world-class in this area? \nOn energy as a corporate asset: Enron has a major business outsourcing energy \nfor large industrial and commercial companies. We go in and evaluate the \nenergy activity, the equipment, the control systems, and the procurement \npolicies. Even before the recent run-up in prices, we had yet to find a \nwell-run business where we couldn\u0001,t reduce energy usage and costs by 5% to \n15%. \nMost companies, even fairly energy-intensive companies, are not necessarily \nworld-class at managing their energy activities. It\u0001,s not a core competency. \nIt\u0001,s not where the best and the brightest want to spend much time. It\u0001,s also \nnot a place where many companies want to spend much capital. For all those \nreasons, quite often the energy convergence and control equipment may not be \nthe latest and most efficient, and companies may not be using best practices. \nWe have looked at small companies, which may not be one-tenth or even \none-twentieth the size of Enron, that are exposing themselves to more \nenergy-related risk than Enron does worldwide. Usually they don\u0001,t know that \nuntil they get a price spike. Then all of a sudden, it becomes a big factor \nin why they aren\u0001,t meeting their earnings and cash-flow targets. In many \ncompanies, energy is 10% to 20% of operating costs. If suddenly that rate \ngo", "synonym_substitution": "on interest rates and the \n portfolio approach with some short - condition, some average - term, and some long - condition \n debt. We normally don\u0001,t see anywhere near the same sophistication lend oneself to \n energy, even though in many cases, company have a lot more hazard exposure in \n their energy purchases or procurement than they do in their debt portfolio. \n On what control panel should push for: I think the kind of questions board members \n should be ask are: What is our policy on hedging fuel prices? Did we lock \n in any of our department of energy prices? If not, why not? What are we doing about the \n future? Have we expect at all of our conversion and dominance equipment and all \n of our policies and procedure? Are they truly \u0001&best in class?\u00018 Are we \n getting advice from companies that are in truth world - class in this area? \n On energy as a corporate asset: Enron has a major business outsourcing energy \n for large industrial and commercial companies. We go in and evaluate the \n energy activity, the equipment, the control systems, and the procurement \n policies. Even before the late test - up in prices, we have however to find a \n well - run clientele where we couldn\u0001,t reduce energy usage and costs by 5% to \n 15% . \n Most party, even fairly energy - intensive companies, are not necessarily \n world - class at do their energy activities. It\u0001,s not a core competency. \n It\u0001,s not where the effective and the brightest desire to spend much meter. It\u0001,s also \n not a place where many companies want to spend much das kapital. For all those \n reasons, quite often the energy convergence and control equipment may not be \n the latest and most efficient, and companies may not be use best practice. \n We have looked at minor companies, which may not be one - one-tenth or even \n one - twentieth the size of Enron, that are exposing themselves to more \n energy - related risk than Enron do worldwide. Usually they don\u0001,t know that \n until they get a price spike. Then all of a sudden, it become a big factor \n in why they aren\u0001,t meeting their earnings and cash - flow targets. In many \n companies, energy is 10% to 20% of operating costs. If abruptly that rate \n go", "butter_fingers": " on interest rates and the \nkortfolio approack with vome sgort-term, some medium-term, and some loig-teem \ndevt. We usually don\u0001,t see anywhere near thw sanw sophistirztion ai'lied bo \nenzrjy, even though ln many casas, companies hdvd c lot more risk exposure in \ntheir enqrgy putcjases or procutemenu tran fhey do in their debt portfolio. \nOn what bmards should lush for: I think the kind lf qkestions board memhers \nshould be wwking are: Whxt is our konicy on hesging fuel prices? Did we lock \niv any of our engxty otices? If not, why got? What are we doinc about the \nfuture? Haye we loiked at all of our coiversion and control equipmend cnd all \nof our policiws and krocegurer? Ard tgeb tduly \u0001&bfst in class?\u00018 Zre we \ngettung advice from comkanyvx that are tduly wjrjd-class in this area? \nOn energy as a corkorats asset: Enron has a majir business outsourcijg energy \nfor large industrial and commercial companies. We go ii xnd eyaluxre the \nenergy activity, the equipment, the controj susnems, and the procmrement \npolicies. Efej ngfore the recevt run-bl jn prices, we had yft to fynd a \nwell-run fusimess where we couldn\u0001,t reducw energy usaye qnd costs by 5% to \n15%. \nLost compannes, evgn faitly energy-intensive com'anies, are not nefessarily \ndorld-class at mavagpng dheir entfgy activities. It\u0001,f not a cire eompetenzy. \nIj\u0001,s not rhere the hest and the brightest wwnt tl vpend much time. It\u0001,s also \nnot a place wherx many companoev wdnt to s'end mmch capital. For all those \nreaxons, qunte ofgen the envrgy convxrgence and sontrol equipkgnt may not bx \nthe latqst qnd nost efwkcient, and comlanies maj uot be usung best practices. \nWe gave looked at wmaol companies, whoch mar jov be jte-tenth or eeen \nune-geentidth the sizc ow Enton, that are exposinc thsmselves to more \nemevgy-relatee risk tran Enron doex worldwide. Usuallj theb don\u0001,t know thwt \nuntil they get a price spiks. Then alp on a sudden, it becimes a big fcctor \nin why they aren\u0001,t meeting their eacnings and cash-flow tatgets. In many \ncompanigs, tnergy is 10% to 20% of jperating costs. If suddenly tyat rate \ngo", "random_deletion": "on interest rates and the portfolio approach short-term, medium-term, and long-term debt. We the sophistication applied to even though in cases, companies have a lot more exposure in their energy purchases or procurement than they do in their debt On what boards should push for: I think the kind of questions board should asking What our policy on hedging fuel prices? Did we lock in any of our energy prices? If why not? What are we doing about the Have we looked at of our conversion and control and of our and Are truly \u0001&best in Are we getting advice from companies that are truly world-class in this area? On energy as a asset: Enron major business energy large and commercial companies. in and evaluate the energy activity, control systems, and the procurement policies. Even before recent run-up prices, we had yet to find well-run business where we couldn\u0001,t reduce energy usage costs by 5% to 15%. Most companies, even fairly energy-intensive companies, are not necessarily world-class their energy activities. It\u0001,s a core competency. not the and brightest want spend much time. It\u0001,s also not a place where many companies to spend much capital. For all those reasons, quite often convergence control equipment may be the latest and efficient, companies may not be practices. have companies, may be one-tenth or even the size of Enron, that exposing themselves to more worldwide. Usually they don\u0001,t know that until they a price spike. Then all of a it becomes a big factor in why they aren\u0001,t meeting their earnings cash-flow targets. companies, energy is 10% to 20% of operating If suddenly that rate", "change_char_case": " on interest rates and the \nportFolio approAch wiTh sOme ShOrt-tErm, sOme medium-term, aND somE long-term \ndebt. We usually Don\u0001,t sEe ANywhERe Near tHe same sOPhISTicAtIoN apPlIEd To \neneRgy, Even thoUgh in many cAseS, cOmpanies have A LoT more risk eXpoSure in \ntheir eNerGy purcHaSes OR procUreMent tHan theY Do in thEir debt poRtFOlio. \nOn WHat boarDS ShOuld Push for: I think the kINd OF questions boarD membeRs \nSHoULD be AskIng are: What Is Our poLIcy on heDGiNG FUel PRices? Did we locK \nin any of our ENerGy pricEs? if nOT, why noT? What ArE We dOing about thE \nfutUre? Have we Looked AT all of oUR converSion anD coNtrOl eqUIpMeNt aNd ALl \noF OuR poLIciEs and proCeDuRes? ArE theY TRULy \u0001&beSt iN claSs?\u00018 Are We \ngetting adviCe fRom cOMpaNies tHat arE truLy World-Class iN this ArEa? \nOn energy as a coRporAte asset: ENroN hAs a MaJor buSIness oUtsOurCing eneRgy \nfor lARge InDUSTrIal and commercial coMpANIeS. We go in aNd evalUAtE tHE \nenergy aCtIviTy, thE EQuipmEnt, tHE cOntrol syStems, aND tHe ProcureMeNt \npoliCiEs. EVen BeforE The rEcent rUn-up in prIces, wE Had yet to find a \nwELl-run business WHeRE We COuldN\u0001,t rEduce energy UsagE And cOsts BY 5% tO \n15%. \nMoST compAnies, EvEN fAIrly energy-intensive CoMpanieS, are nOt necessarily \nWorld-class AT MAnaging tHeir ENeRGy activities. It\u0001,S not a Core competENcy. \nIt\u0001,s noT wherE the best And the briGHTest want To sPenD muCh tIME. IT\u0001,s also \nnot a plaCE WherE mAny compAniEs want tO spEnd MucH caPiTal. For all Those \nreaSoNs, QuItE ofTen thE Energy coNvErgEnCe aNd conTRol equIpmenT may NoT bE \nThe Latest aND mOST effIcIeNt, anD coMpAnies May nOT be Using beSt practicEs. \nWE Have LoOkEd at smaLl companies, whIcH may not be oNe-TenTh or evEN \nOne-twentIeth the size of Enron, that aRE exposiNg tHemseLves To more \neneRgy-RelateD riSK than ENron doEs worLdWidE. uSuallY THeY doN\u0001,t Know that \nunTIL thEy get A pRice Spike. ThEn all of a sudden, it beCOmeS a big factor \nin Why They AREn\u0001,T meETiNG thEiR EarNINgs and cash-flow tArgets. In maNy \nCOmPanies, enerGY is 10% To 20% Of operaTing cosTs. If sUDdenly tHat rate \ngo", "whitespace_perturbation": " on interest rates and the \nportfoli o app roa chwi th s omeshort-term, so m e me dium-term, and some lo ng-te rm \ndeb t .We us ually d o n\u0001 , t se ean ywh er e n ear t hesame so phisticati onap plied to \nen e rg y, even th oug h in many ca ses , comp an ies havea l ot mo re ris k expos ure in \nt he i r ener g y purch a s es orprocurement thant he y do in their d ebt po rt f ol i o . Onwhat board sshoul d push f o r: I thi n k the kind of questionsb oar d memb er s s houldbe as ki n g a re: What is our policy o n hedg i ng fuel prices? Did w e l ock \nin an yofou r en e rg y p r ice s? If no t, w hy no t? W h a t arewedoin g abo ut the \nfutur e?Have welooke d atallof ourconver sionan d control equip ment and all\nof o urpo licie s and p roc edu res? Ar e theyt rul y\u0001 & b es t in class?\u00018 Arewe ge tting ad vice f r om c o mpaniesth ataret r uly w orld - cl ass in t his ar e a? On ener gy as aco rpo rat e ass e t: E nron h as a maj or bu s iness outsourc i ng energy \nfo r l a r ge indu str ial and com merc i al c ompa n ie s.W e goin an de va l uate the \nenergy ac ti vity,the e quipment, the control s y s t ems, and the pr o curement \npoli cies. Even befo r e the re centrun-up i n prices, w e had ye t t o f ind aw el l-run busines s wher ewe coul dn\u0001 ,t redu ceene rgy us ag e and cos ts by 5% t o\n1 5% . Mostc ompanies ,eve nfai rly e n ergy-i ntens iveco mp a nie s, aren ot n eces sa ri ly wor ld -clas s at man aging t heir ener gya ctiv it ie s. It\u0001, s not a coreco mpetency.\nI t\u0001, s notw h ere thebest and the brightestw ant tospe nd mu ch t ime. It\u0001, s a lso \nn ota place where many c omp a n ies w a n ttosp end much c a p ita l. Fo rallthose reasons, quite oft e n t he energy con ver genc e an d c o nt r oleq u ipm e n t may not be \nt he latestan d m ost effici e nt, a nd comp anies m ay no t be usi ng best p ractices. We h a v e l ooked at s mall com panies, w h ich m a ynot b e o ne-ten th or even \none- t wen tieth the s iz e of E nron, t hat areexposing themselves tomore energ y-r elated ri skt han Enron do es w orldwide.Usu all y the y d o n\u0001,tknow th atuntil the y get a pr i ce sp i k e. Then all o f a su dden, it become s abig factor \nin wh y they aren\u0001,tmeet i n g t hei r ear ni ngs and cash-f low t a r gets. In m any \ncompan ies, ene rg y is 1 0% to20% of operat i n gc osts.If s udd enly that ra te \ngo", "underscore_trick": " on_interest rates_and the \nportfolio approach_with some_short-term,_some medium-term,_and_some long-term \ndebt._We usually don\u0001,t_see anywhere near the_same sophistication applied_to_\nenergy, even though in many cases, companies have a lot more risk exposure in_\ntheir_energy purchases_or_procurement_than they do in their_debt portfolio. \nOn what boards_should push_for: I think the kind of questions board_members_\nshould be asking_are: What is our policy on hedging fuel prices?_Did we lock \nin any of_our energy prices?_If_not,_why not? What are_we doing about the \nfuture? Have_we looked at all of our_conversion and control equipment and all \nof_our policies and procedures? Are they_truly \u0001&best in class?\u00018 Are_we \ngetting_advice from companies that are_truly world-class in_this area?_\nOn energy as_a corporate asset: Enron has a_major business outsourcing_energy \nfor large industrial and commercial_companies._We go in_and_evaluate_the \nenergy_activity, the equipment,_the_control systems,_and_the procurement \npolicies. Even before the_recent_run-up in prices, we had yet to_find a \nwell-run business_where_we couldn\u0001,t reduce energy_usage and costs by 5%_to \n15%. \nMost companies, even fairly_energy-intensive companies,_are not_necessarily \nworld-class at managing their energy activities. It\u0001,s not a core_competency. \nIt\u0001,s not where the best_and the brightest want_to spend_much_time. It\u0001,s also_\nnot_a place_where many companies want to spend much_capital. For_all those \nreasons, quite often the_energy convergence and control_equipment_may not be \nthe latest and_most efficient, and companies may not_be using best practices. \nWe_have_looked_at small companies, which may_not be one-tenth or even \none-twentieth_the size of_Enron, that are exposing themselves to more_\nenergy-related_risk than Enron does worldwide. Usually_they_don\u0001,t know that \nuntil they get_a_price_spike. Then all of a_sudden, it becomes a big factor_\nin why they aren\u0001,t meeting their earnings and cash-flow_targets. In many_\ncompanies, energy is 10% to_20%_of_operating costs. If suddenly that rate \ngo"} {"text": " exercised \nduring all market conditions, and that $6.2 billion of the allegedly \nexcessive power costs were billed when no Stage 3 emergency existed. \nAccording to studies by the ISO's economists, suppliers used \"well-planned\" \nstrategies, including offering part of their capacity for sale at a much \nhigher price than other sellers. The ISO studied transactions involving 21 \ngenerating companies. It did not release the names of any of them. Leading \nsuppliers in California include Dynegy Inc., Duke Energy Corp., Reliant \nEnergy Inc., Williams Cos. and Enron Corp. \n\"The prices were above a normally competitive market,\" said Anjali Sherrin, \nauthor of the ISO's analysis. \nThe $6.8 billion includes $562 million in alleged overcharges during December \nand January. Of those, FERC has proposed refunding $69 million for January. \nThe power generators accused of the overcharges have until the end of today \nto give tell FERC why they believe those charges were justified. \nThe ISO wants federal regulators to step in and stabilize the wholesale \nelectricity prices that have pushed Southern California Edison and Pacific \nGas & Electric Co. to the brink of insolvency. \nPower companies that sell to the ISO and the utilities said they were \nconfident an independent examination will find that they did nothing wrong. \n\"We stand by our practices,\" said Richard Wheatley of Reliant Energy in \nHouston, which owns about 8 percent of California's in-state generating \ncapacity. \"We have operated legally and ethically at all times in \nCalifornia.\" \nFERC has been under fire from state and federal officials and lawmakers for \nnot being aggressive in dealing with the electricity crisis. \nIn recent weeks the agency has taken several actions, including proposing \nrefunds for January and February. \nBut those who have watched the agency over the years say the actions do not \nyet signal a change of course from its posture of preferring to let the \nmarkets work their will. \"I think what they are trying to do is the minimal \namount possible, to say they are on top of the situation,\" said Bill Marcus, \nan economist at JBS Energy in Sacramento, an energy and water-resources \nconsulting firm. \"They'll probably figure out a way", "synonym_substitution": "exercised \n during all market conditions, and that $ 6.2 billion of the allegedly \n excessive power price were placard when no Stage 3 emergency existed. \n accord to studies by the ISO's economists, supplier used \" well - planned \" \n strategies, include offering part of their capacitance for sale at a much \n higher monetary value than other sellers. The ISO studied transactions involving 21 \n generating companies. It did not release the name calling of any of them. Leading \n suppliers in California include Dynegy Inc., Duke Energy Corp., Reliant \n Energy Inc., Williams Cos. and Enron Corp. \n \" The price were above a normally competitive market, \" said Anjali Sherrin, \n author of the ISO's analysis. \n The $ 6.8 billion include $ 562 million in alleged overcharges during December \n and January. Of those, FERC has proposed refunding $ 69 million for January. \n The power generator accused of the overcharges have until the end of today \n to give tell FERC why they believe those charges were justified. \n The ISO wants federal regulators to step in and stabilize the wholesale \n electricity prices that have pushed Southern California Edison and Pacific \n Gas & Electric Co. to the verge of insolvency. \n ability companies that betray to the ISO and the utility said they were \n confident an independent interrogation will find that they did nothing wrong. \n \" We stand by our practice, \" said Richard Wheatley of Reliant Energy in \n Houston, which owns about 8 percent of California's in - state generating \n capacitance. \" We have operated legally and ethically at all times in \n California. \" \n FERC has been under fire from state and union officials and lawgiver for \n not being aggressive in dealing with the electricity crisis. \n In recent weeks the agency has taken several action, including proposing \n refunds for January and February. \n But those who have watch the agency over the years say the actions do not \n however signal a variety of course from its posture of preferring to let the \n markets exploit their will. \" I remember what they are trying to dress is the minimal \n amount possible, to say they are on top of the situation, \" say Bill Marcus, \n an economist at JBS Energy in Sacramento, an energy and water - resources \n consulting firm. \" They'll probably figure out a way", "butter_fingers": " exfrcised \nduring all markeu conditions, and jhqt $6.2 binlion kf the aulegedly \nexcessive power cosvs wwre bulled when no Stage 3 eoergency vxisted. \nAxcorving to studies ug the ISO's eckkomiscs, suppliers usec \"well-planted\" \nstrategies, ivcpuding offering part of their capacyty for swle at a much \nrightr [rics than other sellers. The ISO studisd tranvactions invokving 21 \ngenerating companied. It did not release tje names of any if them. Leadkng \nsupplitrv in Califkrnia include Dynegy Inc., Duke Evergy Corp., Reliqnr \nEjgrgy Inc., Wiloiams Cos. and Enron Corp. \n\"Dhe prives were above a iormqlly competitive markxt,\" said Anjali Sherryn, \nauthor oy the ISO's analysis. \nTye $6.8 bilnion incuyder $562 jikljon in almeged overdharges durung December \nand Jamuwgu. Of those, FSRC haf [roposed refunding $69 million for January. \nThs power generators accuwed of the overcharged have uneil the end of today \nto give tell FERC why they balievx ghowe zyagges were justified. \nThe ISO wants federal regtmauorx to step in akd stabilize the wnopexwle \nelectricijy pricza fhat have pushed Sluthern Calidornia Edyson and Pacific \nGas & Electric Xo. to the brpnk if insolvency. \nPowex companies chat sgll to the ISO and the utilitnes sajd they werf \nconfidehg an independent exsmhnation will find that ther did notiing crong. \n\"We stamd by jur practifes,\" said Richard Wheatlej of Teliand Energy ij \nHouston, which owns about 8 perrxnt of Califotnid's pn-state gzneratlng \ncapacity. \"We have operated legallv and dthically zt all vimes in \nCalyfornia.\" \nFERC vws been undec fire frjm srate and feadral officials and lawmchers for \nnot being aggvessixs in dealing wick uhw electricity vriris. \nIj cecene weeks the acench hxx takdn several ccgionx, including proposinc \nrerunds for January snq Februaty. \nBut thjse who have eatched the agency over thx yearx swy the actions do not \nyet signzl a chanhe jf course frjm ibs pjsture of 'referring to let the \nmarkets work their will. \"I think whaj they are trying to bo is the minmmal \naiount posvible, to say they arw on top of the sltuation,\" said Bill Mardus, \nan econlmist at JBS Energy in Sacramento, an energy and water-resources \nconsulting firm. \"Vhqy'll probabmy fogure obt c way", "random_deletion": "exercised during all market conditions, and that of allegedly excessive costs were billed existed. to studies by ISO's economists, suppliers \"well-planned\" strategies, including offering part of capacity for sale at a much higher price than other sellers. The ISO transactions involving 21 generating companies. It did not release the names of any them. suppliers California Dynegy Inc., Duke Energy Corp., Reliant Energy Inc., Williams Cos. and Enron Corp. \"The prices were a normally competitive market,\" said Anjali Sherrin, author the ISO's analysis. The billion includes $562 million in overcharges December and Of FERC proposed refunding $69 for January. The power generators accused of the overcharges have until the end of today to give FERC why those charges justified. ISO federal regulators to and stabilize the wholesale electricity prices Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas & Electric to the of insolvency. Power companies that sell the ISO and the utilities said they were an independent examination will find that they did nothing wrong. \"We stand by our practices,\" Wheatley of Reliant Energy Houston, which owns 8 of in-state capacity. \"We operated legally and ethically at all times in California.\" FERC has under fire from state and federal officials and lawmakers for aggressive dealing with the crisis. In recent weeks agency taken several actions, including for and who watched agency over the years the actions do not yet a change of course to let the markets work their will. \"I what they are trying to do is minimal amount possible, to say they are on top of the situation,\" Bill Marcus, at JBS Energy in Sacramento, an energy and consulting firm. \"They'll probably out a way", "change_char_case": " exercised \nduring all market cOnditions, aNd thaT $6.2 biLliOn Of thE allEgedly \nexcessivE PoweR costs were billed when no stage 3 EmERgenCY eXisteD. \nAccordINg TO StuDiEs By tHe isO'S econOmiSts, suppLiers used \"wEll-PlAnned\" \nstrategIEs, Including oFfeRing part of thEir CapaciTy For SAle at A muCh \nhigHer priCE than oTher selleRs. tHe ISO sTUdied trANSaCtioNs involving 21 \ngeneraTInG Companies. It did Not relEaSE tHE NamEs oF any of them. leAding \nSUpplierS In cALIfoRNia include DynEgy Inc., Duke ENErgY Corp., RElIanT \nenergy inc., WiLlIAms cos. and Enron corp. \n\"the prices Were abOVe a normALly compEtitivE maRkeT,\" saiD anJaLi SHeRRin, \nAUtHor OF thE ISO's anaLySiS. \nThe $6.8 bIlliON INCludEs $562 mIlliOn in aLleged overchaRgeS durINg DEcembEr \nand januArY. Of thOse, FERc has pRoPosed refunding $69 mIlliOn for JanuAry. \nthE poWeR geneRAtors aCcuSed Of the ovErchargES haVe UNTIl The end of today \nto givE tELL FeRC why thEy beliEVe ThOSe chargeS wEre JustIFIed. \nThE ISO WAnTs federaL regulAToRs To step iN aNd stabIlIze The WholeSAle \neLectriCity pricEs thaT Have pushed SoutHErn California eDiSON aND PacIfiC \nGas & ElectriC Co. tO The bRink OF iNsoLVency. \npower CoMPaNIes that sell to the ISO AnD the utIlitiEs said they werE \nconfident AN INdependeNt exAMiNAtion will find tHat thEy did nothiNG wrong. \n\"We Stand By our praCtices,\" saiD rIchard WhEatLey Of REliANT ENergy in \nHoustoN, WHich OwNs about 8 PerCent of CAliForNia'S in-StAte generaTing \ncapaCiTy. \"we HaVe oPeratED legally AnD etHiCalLy at aLL times In \nCalIforNiA.\" \nFerC hAs been uNDeR FIre fRoM sTate And FeDeral OffiCIalS and lawMakers for \nNot BEing AgGrEssive iN dealing with tHe ElectricitY cRisIs. \nIn reCENt weeks tHe agency has taken several ACtions, iNclUding PropOsing \nrefuNds For JanUarY And FebRuary. \nBUt thoSe Who HAVe watCHEd The AgEncy over thE YEarS say tHe ActiOns do noT \nyet signal a change oF CouRse from its posTurE of pREFeRriNG tO Let ThE \nMarKETs work their will. \"i think what ThEY aRe trying to DO is ThE minimaL \namount PossiBLe, to say They are on Top of the sItUatiON,\" SaiD Bill MarcuS, \nan econoMist at JBS eNergy IN SAcramEntO, an eneRgY anD wateR-resouRCes \nConsuLting fIrM. \"They'lL probAbLy figure Out a way", "whitespace_perturbation": " exercised \nduring all mar ket condit ions, an d t ha t $6 .2 b illion of thea lleg edly \nexcessive powercosts w e re b i ll ed wh en no S t ag e 3 e me rg enc ye xi sted. \nA ccordin g to studi esby the ISO's e c on omists, su ppl iers used \"w ell -plann ed \" s trate gie s, in cludin g offer ing partof theirc apacity f or sal e at a much \nhigh e rp rice than othe r sell er s .T h e I SOstudied tr an sacti o ns invo l vi n g 21generating co mpanies. It did not r el eas e the n amesof any of them. L eadi ng \nsuppl iers i n Califo r nia inc lude D yne gyInc. , D uk e E ne r gyC or p., Rel iant \nEn er gy Inc. , Wi l l i a ms C os. and Enro n Corp. \n\"The pr ices wer e abo ve anorm al ly co mpetit ive m ar ket,\" said Anja li S herrin, aut ho r o fthe I S O's an aly sis . \nThe$6.8 bi l lio ni n c lu des $562 million i na l le ged over charge s d ur i ng Decem be r andJ a nuary . Of th ose, FER C hasp ro po sed ref un ding $ 69 mi lli on fo r Jan uary.\nThe pow er ge n erators accuse d of the overc h ar g e sh aveunt il the endof t o day\ntog iv e t e ll FE RC wh yt he y believe those char ge s were just ified. \nThe I SO wants f e d e ral regu lato r st o step in andstabi lize the w h olesale\nelec tricityprices th a t have pu she d S out her n Ca lifornia Edis o n and P acific\nGa s & Ele ctr icCo. to t he brinkof insol ve nc y. Pow er co m panies t ha t s el l t o the ISO an d the uti li ti e s s aid the y w e r e \nc on fi dent an i ndepe nden t ex aminati on will f ind that t he y did n othing wrong. \"We standby ou r prac t i ces,\" sa id Richard Wheatley ofR eliantEne rgy i n \nH ouston, w hic h owns ab o ut 8 p ercent of C al ifo r n ia'si n -s tat egenerating cap acity .\"Wehave op erated legally and eth ically at all ti mesi n Cal i fo r nia .\" \nFE R C has been under fire from s t at e and fede r alof ficials and la wmake r s for not being aggressi ve ind e ali ng with th e electr icity cri s is. I nrecen t w eeks t he ag encyhas ta k ensever al act io ns, in cludi ng proposi ng \nrefunds for January and F ebrua ry. \nBut tho sew hohave watc hedthe agency ov erthe y ear s saythea ct ion s do n ot y et signal acha n g eof course f r o m it s pos tur e of pr efer ring to let the m arkets work th eirw i ll. \"I thin kwhat they aretry in g to do is t he minimal\namountpo s sible , to s ay the y are o n to p of th e si tua tion,\" sa idBi l l Marcu s, a n econ omis tat JBS Energ y inS a cramento, an ene rgy a n d wate r -re sourc es \nconsu l ting firm. \"Th ey'll proba bly fi gure outa way", "underscore_trick": " exercised_\nduring all_market conditions, and that_$6.2 billion_of_the allegedly_\nexcessive_power costs were_billed when no_Stage 3 emergency existed._\nAccording to studies_by_the ISO's economists, suppliers used \"well-planned\" \nstrategies, including offering part of their capacity for_sale_at a_much_\nhigher_price than other sellers. The_ISO studied transactions involving 21_\ngenerating companies._It did not release the names of any_of_them. Leading \nsuppliers_in California include Dynegy Inc., Duke Energy Corp., Reliant_\nEnergy Inc., Williams Cos. and Enron_Corp. \n\"The prices_were_above_a normally competitive market,\"_said Anjali Sherrin, \nauthor of the_ISO's analysis. \nThe $6.8 billion includes_$562 million in alleged overcharges during December_\nand January. Of those, FERC has_proposed refunding $69 million for_January. \nThe_power generators accused of the_overcharges have until_the end_of today \nto_give tell FERC why they believe_those charges were_justified. \nThe ISO wants federal regulators_to_step in and_stabilize_the_wholesale \nelectricity_prices that have_pushed_Southern California_Edison_and Pacific \nGas & Electric Co._to_the brink of insolvency. \nPower companies that_sell to the ISO_and_the utilities said they_were \nconfident an independent examination_will find that they did nothing_wrong. \n\"We_stand by_our practices,\" said Richard Wheatley of Reliant Energy in \nHouston, which_owns about 8 percent of California's_in-state generating \ncapacity. \"We_have operated_legally_and ethically at_all_times in_\nCalifornia.\" \nFERC has been under fire from_state and_federal officials and lawmakers for \nnot_being aggressive in dealing_with_the electricity crisis. \nIn recent weeks_the agency has taken several actions,_including proposing \nrefunds for January_and_February._\nBut those who have watched_the agency over the years say_the actions do_not \nyet signal a change of course_from_its posture of preferring to let_the_\nmarkets work their will. \"I think_what_they_are trying to do is_the minimal \namount possible, to say_they are on top of the situation,\" said Bill_Marcus, \nan economist_at JBS Energy in Sacramento,_an_energy_and water-resources \nconsulting firm. \"They'll probably figure out a way"} {"text": "s Jr., Rob;\n> > > Rogers, Rex\n> > > Subject:\tRe: confirmation of agreement--Enron\n> > >\n> > > Russ--Clint is out today, but the confirmation document is fine\n> except\n> > > that there is a tweak we need to make to the definition of\n> \"material\"\n> > > information contained in the representation by Party B in the\n> > > confirmation. It should read as follows:\n> > >\n> > > \t\"Material\" information for these purposes is any information to\n> > > which Party A would reasonably attach importance in entering into\n> this\n> > > Transaction or placing any order with respect to this Transaction.\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > I assume this is satisfactory. If not or you would otherwise like\n> to\n> > > discuss it, please contact Rex Rogers at 853-3069 since I will be\n> out\n> > > of the office later today. Thanks.\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> >\n> >\n> > **********************************************************************\n> > This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant\n> affiliate\n> > and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use\n> of\n> > the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or\n> disclosure by\n> > others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient\n> (or\n> > authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or\n> > reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and\n> > delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments\n> hereto)\n> > are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create\n> or\n> > evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or\n> any of\n> > its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may\n> not\n> > be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or\n> > otherwise. Thank you.\n> > **********************************************************************\n>\n>\n> ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n> ------\n> This message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of\n> the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not", "synonym_substitution": "s Jr., Rob; \n > > > Rogers, Rex \n > > > Subject: \t Re: confirmation of agreement -- Enron \n > > > \n > > > Russ -- Clint is out today, but the confirmation text file is all right \n > except \n > > > that there be a tweak we necessitate to cause to the definition of \n > \" material \" \n > > > information contain in the theatrical performance by Party B in the \n > > > confirmation. It should read as follows: \n > > > \n > > > \t \" Material \" information for these purposes is any data to \n > > > which Party A would reasonably attach importance in entering into \n > this \n > > > Transaction or placing any club with respect to this Transaction. \n > > > \n > > > \n > > > I wear this is satisfactory. If not or you would otherwise like \n > to \n > > > discourse it, please contact Rex Rogers at 853 - 3069 since I will be \n > out \n > > > of the office later today. Thanks. \n > > > \n > > > \n > > > \n > > \n > > \n > > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \n > > This east - mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant \n > affiliate \n > > and may contain confidential and inside material for the lone use \n > of \n > > the intended recipient (sulfur). Any review, use, distribution or \n > disclosure by \n > > others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient role \n > (or \n > > authorize to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or \n > > reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and \n > > delete all copies of the message. This e - mail (and any attachment \n > hereto) \n > > are not intended to be an offer (or an toleration) and do not create \n > or \n > > evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or \n > any of \n > > its affiliates) and the intended recipient role or any other party, and may \n > not \n > > be trust on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or \n > > otherwise. Thank you. \n > > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \n > \n > \n > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n > ------ \n > This message is intended merely for the personal and confidential use of \n > the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not", "butter_fingers": "s Jg., Rob;\n> > > Rogers, Rex\n> > > Submect:\tRe: confirmatnin of egreemeht--Enron\n> > >\n> > > Russ--Clint is out today, bnt tye cobfirmation document is fine\n> excvpt\n> > > thar thtre is a tweak we need to make fl thz vefinition of\n> \"msterial\"\n> > > hnformation cottxiued in the representation by Party B in the\n> > > confirmation. It xrouls read as follows:\n> > >\n> > > \t\"Material\" infkrmatioi for these purloses is any information tl\n> > > ahich Party A woulf reasonabli ateqch importanze in entegnng into\n> thjs\n> > > Transaction or placing any ordex with respger tl this Transection.\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > I assmke thiv is sayisfactory. If nov or you would otherwise nike\n> to\n> > > discuss yt, please ckntact Rex Rogers ar 853-3069 sitce H wiuo bd\n> oht\n> > > of thf ohfice later today. Thabks.\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> >\n> >\n> > **********************************************************************\n> > This e-iqil is the prkperty os Enron Corp. and/or its relevant\n> affiliaue\n> > ahd may contain confidenrial and privileged mwterial fjr the sole use\n> of\n> > the intended recipient (s). Any seviex, jse, dlstrkvuhion or\n> disclosure by\n> > others is strictly prorjbotvd. If you are not the intendrd rrsipient\n> (or\n> > aothorizzs fo receive for the recipignt), plwase contwct yhe sender or\n> > reply to Enrin Corp. at eurob.messaging.administxation@enron.cum amd\n> > drlete all copies of the mesaage. This e-lail (and zvy attachments\n> hdreno)\n> > dre not intended to be an jffer (or en aceeptance) and do noe create\n> og\n> > evlgence a binding anf enflrweable conhract between Enron Corp. (or\n> any of\n> > its affiloades) and the intekded recipient jr any other pcrty, and may\n> vot\n> > be remied on by anyone ws the basis mv a contract by esto[pel or\n> > otherwkre. Thank you.\n> > **********************************************************************\n>\n>\n> ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n> ------\n> This mvsfage is intended only nor tfs personal and eubfidential use pf\n> ghe dvsijnateq recipient(s) tamea acpve. Kf you are kot", "random_deletion": "s Jr., Rob; > > > Rogers, > Subject: Re: of agreement--Enron > Russ--Clint out today, but confirmation document is > except > > > that is a tweak we need to make to the definition of > \"material\" > > information contained in the representation by Party B in the > > It read follows: > > > > > > \"Material\" information for these purposes is any information to > > which Party A would reasonably attach in entering into > > > > Transaction or any with respect this > > > > > > > I assume this is satisfactory. If not or you would otherwise like > to > > please contact Rogers 853-3069 I will be > > > of the office > > > > > > > > > > > > > ********************************************************************** > > e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or relevant > affiliate > > and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole of > > the recipient (s). Any use, or disclosure > > is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient > > > authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact or > reply to Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and > all copies of the e-mail any > are intended to be an (or an acceptance) and do create > or > enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or > any > > its affiliates) and the intended or any other party, and may > not > > be relied by anyone basis of a contract by estoppel or > otherwise. Thank you. > ********************************************************************** > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > ------ > This is only for personal and confidential of > the recipient(s) named above. are not", "change_char_case": "s Jr., Rob;\n> > > Rogers, Rex\n> > > Subject:\tRe: cOnfirmatioN of agReeMenT--ENron\n> > >\n> > > russ--clint is out todaY, But tHe confirmation document Is finE\n> eXCept\n> > > THaT therE is a tweAK wE NEed To MaKe tO tHE dEfiniTioN of\n> \"mateRial\"\n> > > informAtiOn Contained in tHE rEpresentatIon By Party B in thE\n> > > coNfirmaTiOn. IT ShoulD reAd as fOllows:\n> > >\n> > > \t\"mAteriaL\" informatIoN For theSE purposES Is Any iNformation to\n> > > which pArTY A would reasonaBly attAcH ImPORtaNce In entering InTo\n> thiS\n> > > transacTIoN OR PlaCIng any order wiTh respect to THis transaCtIon.\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > i Assume This iS sATisFactory. If noT or yOu would otHerwisE Like\n> to\n> > > dIScuss it, Please ConTacT Rex rOgErS at 853-3069 SiNCe I WIlL be\n> OUt\n> > > oF the offiCe LaTer toDay. THANKS.\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> >\n> >\n> > **********************************************************************\n> > ThiS e-mAil iS the pRoperty of EnroN CoRp. anD/Or iTs relEvant\n> AffiLiAte\n> > anD may coNtain CoNfidential and prIvilEged materIal FoR thE sOle usE\n> Of\n> > the iNteNdeD recipiEnt (s). Any REviEw, USE, DiStribution or\n> discloSuRE By\n> > Others is StrictLY pRoHIbited. If YoU arE not THE inteNded REcIpient\n> (or\n> > AuthorIZeD tO receivE fOr the rEcIpiEnt), PleasE ContAct the Sender or\n> > Reply TO Enron Corp. at enROn.messaging.adMInISTrATion@EnrOn.com and\n> > delEte aLL copIes oF ThE meSSage. THis e-mAiL (AnD Any attachments\n> heretO)\n> > aRe not iNtendEd to be an offer (Or an acceptANCE) and do noT creATe\n> OR\n> > evidence a bindIng anD enforceabLE contracT betwEen Enron corp. (or\n> any OF\n> > Its affilIatEs) aNd tHe iNTEnDed recipient oR ANy otHeR party, aNd mAy\n> not\n> > be RelIed On bY anYoNe as the baSis of a coNtRaCt By EstOppel OR\n> > otherwiSe. thaNk You.\n> > **********************************************************************\n>\n>\n> ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n> ------\n> this mESsage iS inteNded OnLy FOr tHe persoNAl AND conFiDeNtiaL usE oF\n> the dEsigNAteD recipiEnt(s) named AboVE. If yOu ArE not", "whitespace_perturbation": "s Jr., Rob;\n> > > Rogers,Rex\n> > >Subje ct: \tRe :conf irma tion of agreem e nt-- Enron\n> > >\n> > > Russ --Cli nt is o u ttoday , but t h ec o nfi rm at ion d o cu mentisfine\n>except\n> > >th at there isa t weak we ne edto make to t hedefini ti ono f\n> \" mat erial \"\n> >> infor mation co nt a ined i n the re p r es enta tion by Party B i n t h e\n> > > confir mation .It s hou ldread as fo ll ows:> > >\n>> > \" Mat e rial\" informa tion for th e sepurpos es is any in forma ti o n t o\n> > > whi ch P arty A wo uld re a sonably attachimport anc e i n en t er in g i nt o \n>t hi s\n> > > Transac ti on or p laci n g a ny o rde r wi th re spect to this Tr ansa c tio n.\n>> >\n> > > \n> > >I assu me th is is satisfactor y. If not or yo uwou ld othe r wise l ike \n>to\n> >> discu s s i t, p l ea se contact Rex Rog er s at 853-306 9 sinc e I w i ll be\n>ou t\n> > > o f the off i ce later t oday.Th an ks.\n> > > \n> > > \n> >>\n> >\n>> \n> > ***** ******** ***** * ************** * ************* * ** * * ** * **** *** ********\n>> Th i s e- mail is th e prop ertyof En r on Corp. and/or its r elevan t\n> a ffiliate\n> >and may co n t a in confi dent i al and privileged mate rial for t h e sole u se\n>of\n> > t he intend e d recipie nt(s) . A nyr e vi ew, use, dist r i buti on or\n> d isc losureby> > ot her sis strict ly prohi bi te d. I f y ou ar e not the i nte nd edrecip i ent\n>(or\n> > a ut ho r ize d to re c ei v e for t he rec ipi en t), p leas e co ntact t he sender or > >re pl y to En ron Corp. aten ron.messag in g.a dminis t r ation@en ron.com and\n> > deletea ll copi esof th e me ssage. Th ise-mail (a n d anyattach ments \n> he r e to)\n> > a reno t intended t o b e anof fer(or anacceptance) and do not create\n> or> > evi d e nc e a bi n din ga nde n forceable contr act betwee nE nr on Corp. ( o r\n> a ny of\n> > itsaffil i ates) a nd the in tended re ci pien t orany otherparty, a nd may\n>n ot\n>> b e rel ied on by a nyo ne as the b a sis of a contr ac t by e stopp el or\n> >otherwise. Thank you.\n> > *** ***** *** ********* *** * *** ********* **** ********** *** *** ***** *** * ***** \n>\n> >--- - ----- ---- - --------- - -- --- - - -- ----------- - - - --- ----- --- - ------ ---- ---\n> ------\n> Th i s message is i nten d e d o nly forth e personal and co nf i d ential u se of\n> the d esignate dr ecipi ent(s) named above. If you ar e no t", "underscore_trick": "s Jr.,_Rob;\n> >_> Rogers, Rex\n> >_> Subject:\tRe:_confirmation_of agreement--Enron\n>_>_>\n> > >_Russ--Clint is out_today, but the confirmation_document is fine\n>_except\n>_> > that there is a tweak we need to make to the definition_of\n>_\"material\"\n> >_>_information_contained in the representation by_Party B in the\n> >_> confirmation._ It should read as follows:\n> > >\n>_>_> \t\"Material\" information_for these purposes is any information to\n> > >_which Party A would reasonably attach_importance in entering_into\n>_this\n>_> > Transaction or_placing any order with respect to_this Transaction.\n> > >\n> > >\n>_> > I assume this is satisfactory._ If not or you would_otherwise like\n> to\n> > >_discuss it,_please contact Rex Rogers at_853-3069 since I_will be\n>_out\n> > >_of the office later today. _Thanks.\n> > >\n>_> >\n> > >\n> >\n> >\n>_>_**********************************************************************\n> > This_e-mail_is_the property_of Enron Corp._and/or_its relevant\n>_affiliate\n>_> and may contain confidential and_privileged_material for the sole use\n> of\n> >_the intended recipient (s)._Any_review, use, distribution or\n>_disclosure by\n> > others is_strictly prohibited. If you are not_the intended_recipient\n> (or\n>_> authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender_or\n> > reply to Enron Corp._at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and\n> >_delete all_copies_of the message._This_e-mail (and_any attachments\n> hereto)\n> > are not intended_to be_an offer (or an acceptance) and_do not create\n> or\n>_>_evidence a binding and enforceable contract_between Enron Corp. (or\n> any of\n>_> its affiliates) and the_intended_recipient_or any other party, and_may\n> not\n> > be relied on_by anyone as_the basis of a contract by estoppel_or\n>_> otherwise. Thank you.\n> > **********************************************************************\n>\n>\n>_------------------------------------------------------------------------\n>_------\n> This message is intended only_for_the_personal and confidential use of\n>_the designated recipient(s) named above. _If you are not"} {"text": "for months. To research the grid purchase, Fichera said, the state has had to \npore over 80,000 documents just to assess the utilities' liabilities.\n?????\"We are working at a good pace,\" said Fichera, chief executive of the \nNew York firm Saber Partners. \"... If we get to a deal-breaker, it might \nbe longer.\"\n?????By making Fichera, who is also a consultant to the Texas Public \nUtilities Commission, available to reporters Tuesday, the Davis \nadministration was clearly trying to reassure the public that progress is \nbeing made on the governor's plan to pull the state out of the crisis.\n?????Since mid-January, when the big utilities' credit failed and suppliers \nstopped selling to them, the state has spent nearly $3 billion buying \nelectricity from a handful of large suppliers in Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia and \nNorth Carolina. Not a cent has gone to the hundreds of alternative energy \nsuppliers in California who provide about a quarter of the state's \nelectricity.\n?????The Monday and Tuesday blackouts occurred partly because many of the \ncash-strapped alternative suppliers, including solar, biomass and wind power \nunits, cut their normal supply to the system in half. They say Edison and \nPG&E have not paid them since November; the utilities say they are out of \ncash.\n?????Assemblyman Fred Keeley (D-Boulder Creek) said the plight of the \nalternative suppliers has dragged on because of the complexity of dealing \nwith \"almost 700 individual contractors.\"\n?????Another delaying factor, said Keeley, who with state Sen. Jim Battin \n(R-La Quinta) worked for almost three months to come up with a legislative \nplan to lower the small producers' prices, was \"the huge enmity... \nmanifested between the utilities and the qualifying facilities. These people \njust don't like each other.\"\n?????This week's blackouts provided two painful lessons for the Davis \nadministration:\n?????* When it comes to electricity, size doesn't matter--every kilowatt \ncounts. During peak use, a small wind power facility in Riverside County can \nmake the difference between full power and blackouts.\n?????* There is no such", "synonym_substitution": "for months. To research the grid purchase, Fichera said, the department of state has have to \n pore over 80,000 documents just to tax the utilities' liabilities. \n? ?? ?? \" We are work at a good pace, \" say Fichera, chief executive of the \n New York firm Saber Partners. \"... If we get to a hand - breaker, it might \n be longer. \" \n? ?? ?? By make Fichera, who is also a consultant to the Texas Public \n Utilities Commission, available to reporter Tuesday, the Davis \n administration was intelligibly try on to reassure the public that progress is \n being made on the governor's design to pull the state out of the crisis. \n? ?? ?? Since mid - January, when the large utilities' recognition failed and suppliers \n stopped selling to them, the state has spend nearly $ 3 billion buying \n electricity from a handful of large suppliers in Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia and \n North Carolina. Not a cent has gone to the hundreds of alternative energy \n suppliers in California who provide about a quarter of the state's \n electricity. \n? ?? ?? The Monday and Tuesday blackouts occurred partly because many of the \n cash - strapped alternate supplier, including solar, biomass and wind power \n unit, cut their normal supply to the system in one-half. They say Edison and \n PG&E have not pay them since November; the utilities say they are out of \n cash. \n? ?? ?? Assemblyman Fred Keeley (D - Boulder Creek) say the plight of the \n alternative suppliers has dragged on because of the complexity of dealing \n with \" almost 700 individual contractor. \" \n? ?? ?? Another delaying factor, said Keeley, who with state Sen. Jim Battin \n (R - La Quinta) influence for almost three calendar month to come up with a legislative \n plan to lower the small producers' price, was \" the huge enmity... \n manifested between the utilities and the modification facilities. These people \n just don't like each early. \" \n? ?? ?? This week's blackouts provided two painful lessons for the Davis \n presidency: \n? ?? ?? * When it comes to electricity, size doesn't count -- every kilowatt \n counts. During peak use, a small wind exponent facility in Riverside County can \n make the remainder between entire power and blackout. \n? ?? ?? * There is no such", "butter_fingers": "for months. To research the nrid purchase, Fieyera seid, the state hxs had to \npore over 80,000 documenvs jyst ti assess the utilities' liabilitpes.\n?????\"We are worjung at a good pace,\" said Rlcherc, rhief executive of the \nNef York firm Satef 'artners. \"... If we get to a deal-breaker, it mignt \nbe longer.\"\n?????By mwkinb Ficgvrc, who is also a consultant to tge Texav Public \nUtiloties Commission, available to geporters Tuesday, hhe Davis \naeminywtration was clearly tgving to reaasure the public that progress ks \nbenng made on tye hmvernor's plen to iull the statc out ox the ctisis.\n?????Since mid-Manuacy, wyen the big utilities' credit failed and supplierv \natopped selling ti rhem, jhe sdate yas sptnt nsarly $3 bimlion buyihg \nelectricuty from a handful pf oarge supplieds in Eevas, Oklahoma, Georgia and \nNorth Carolina. Nof a cent has gone to thw hundreds of alternajive energr \nsuppliers in California who provide about a quaster kw tkc rrahe's \nelectricity.\n?????The Monday and Tuesday blackouea pcburred partly beccuse many of the \ncwsn-ftrapped altetnative sulpliers, including dolar, byomasw and winq poeer \nunits, cut their normal wupply to thv sywtem in half. They day Edison cnd \nPG&G have not paid them since Norember; the utilitles say tgdy are out of \ncarh.\n?????Axsamblyman Fred Keeley (D-Boulqer Creek) saib the plkght of thq \nalternatlve sm[pliers has draggef on yecauve of the fomplexity of dealing \nwith \"almost 700 individual cmntgactors.\"\n?????Anjther delaying faceor, said Keelei, who witk statd Sen. Jim Gattin \n(C-La Quinta) wjrked for almmdt three monvhs to coie up wirh a leekslative \nplan yo lower nht small priducers' prices, was \"thg guge enmity... \nmannyewted between thr ugilytpes agg the qualiffing fazolitids. Thest pcopue \njist don't like each odher.\"\n?????Fhis week's blackouys providee two paynful lessons for the Davis \nadmlnistcation:\n?????* When it comes to electricity, size doean't matteg--evcry kilowatt \nsounbs. Doring peak bse, a small wind power facility in Riverwide County can \nmaje the difference bgtwten full powec and flackouts.\n?????* There is no such", "random_deletion": "for months. To research the grid purchase, the has had pore over 80,000 utilities' ?????\"We are working a good pace,\" Fichera, chief executive of the New firm Saber Partners. \"... If we get to a deal-breaker, it might be ?????By making Fichera, who is also a consultant to the Texas Public Utilities available reporters the administration was clearly trying to reassure the public that progress is being made on the governor's to pull the state out of the crisis. mid-January, when the big credit failed and suppliers stopped to the state spent $3 buying electricity from handful of large suppliers in Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia and North Carolina. Not a cent has gone to hundreds of suppliers in who about quarter of the ?????The Monday and Tuesday blackouts occurred of the cash-strapped alternative suppliers, including solar, biomass wind power cut their normal supply to the in half. They say Edison and PG&E have paid them since November; the utilities say they are out of cash. ?????Assemblyman Fred Keeley said the plight of alternative suppliers has on of complexity dealing with 700 individual contractors.\" ?????Another delaying factor, said Keeley, who with state Jim Battin (R-La Quinta) worked for almost three months to with legislative plan to the small producers' prices, \"the enmity... manifested between the the facilities. don't each ?????This week's blackouts provided painful lessons for the Davis ?????* When it comes kilowatt counts. During peak use, a small wind facility in Riverside County can make the between full power and blackouts. ?????* There is no such", "change_char_case": "for months. To research the griD purchase, FIcherA saId, tHe StatE has Had to \npore over 80,000 dOCumeNts just to assess the utilIties' LiABiliTIeS.\n?????\"We arE workinG At A GOod PaCe,\" SaiD FIChEra, chIef ExecutiVe of the \nNew yorK fIrm Saber PartNErS. \"... If we get to A deAl-breaker, it mIghT \nbe lonGeR.\"\n?????By MAking ficHera, wHo is alSO a consUltant to tHe tExas PuBLic \nUtilITIeS ComMission, available tO RePOrters Tuesday, tHe DaviS \naDMiNIStrAtiOn was clearLy TryinG To reassURe THE PubLIc that progresS is \nbeing madE On tHe goveRnOr's PLan to pUll thE sTAte Out of the criSis.\n?????SInce mid-JaNuary, wHEn the biG UtilitiEs' credIt fAilEd anD SuPpLieRs \nSTopPEd SelLIng To them, thE sTaTe has SpenT NEARly $3 bIllIon bUying \nElectricity frOm a HandFUl oF largE suppLierS iN TexaS, OklahOma, GeOrGia and \nNorth CaroLina. not a cent hAs gOnE to ThE hundREds of aLteRnaTive eneRgy \nsuppLIerS iN cALiFornia who provide abOuT A QuArter of tHe statE'S \neLeCTricity.\n?????THe monDay aND tuesdAy blACkOuts occuRred paRTlY bEcause mAnY of the \nCaSh-sTraPped aLTernAtive sUppliers, IncluDIng solar, biomasS And wind power \nuNItS, CUt THeir NorMal supply to The sYStem In haLF. THey SAy EdiSon anD \nPg&e hAVe not paid them since NOvEmber; tHe utiLities say they Are out of \ncaSH.\n?????aSsemblymAn FrED KEEley (D-Boulder CrEek) saId the plighT Of the \naltErnatIve supplIers has drAGGed on becAusE of The ComPLExIty of dealing \nwITH \"almOsT 700 indiviDuaL contraCtoRs.\"\n?????ANotHer DeLaying facTor, said KEeLeY, wHo WitH statE sen. Jim BaTtIn \n(R-la quiNta) woRKed for AlmosT thrEe MoNThs To come uP WiTH A legIsLaTive \nPlaN tO loweR the SMalL producErs' prices, Was \"THe huGe EnMity... \nmanIfested betweeN tHe utilitieS aNd tHe qualIFYing faciLities. These people \njust doN'T like eaCh oTher.\"\n?????THis wEek's blackOutS proviDed TWo painFul lesSons fOr The dAVis \nadMINiStrAtIon:\n?????* When it cOMEs tO elecTrIcitY, size doEsn't matter--every kilOWatT \ncounts. During PeaK use, A SMaLl wINd POweR fACilITY in Riverside CouNty can \nmake ThE DiFference beTWeeN fUll poweR and blaCkoutS.\n?????* there is No such", "whitespace_perturbation": "for months. To research th e grid pur chase , F ich er a sa id,the state hash ad t o \npore over 80,000 do cumen ts just to asse ss theu ti l i tie s' l iab il i ti es.\n? ??? ?\"We ar e workingatagood pace,\"s ai d Fichera, ch ief executiv e o f the\nN ewY ork f irm Sabe r Part n ers. \" ... If we g e t to a deal-br e a ke r, i t might \nbe longe r .\" ?????By making Fiche ra , w h o is al so a consu lt ant t o the Te x as P u bli c \nUtilities C ommission,a vai lableto re p orters Tues da y , t he Davis \na dmin istration was c l early t r ying to reass ure th e pu b li ctha tp rog r es s i s \nb eing mad eon thegove r n o r 's p lan topullthe state out of the cri sis.????? Sinc emid-J anuary , whe nthe big utiliti es'credit fa ile dand s uppli e rs \nst opp edselling to the m , t he s t at e has spent nearly $ 3 bi llion bu ying e le ct r icity fr om ahand f u l oflarg e s uppliers in Te x as ,Oklahom a, Georg ia an d North Caro lina.Not a ce nt ha s gone to the h u ndreds of alt e rn a t iv e ene rgy \nsuppliers inC alif orni a w hop rovid e abo ut aq uarter of the state 's \nelec trici ty.\n?????TheMonday and T u esday bl acko u ts occurred partl y bec ause manyo f the \nc ash-s trappedalternati v e supplie rs, in clu din g so lar, biomassa n d wi nd power\nun its, cu t t hei r n orm al supply t o the sy st em i nhal f. Th e y say Ed is onan d PG&Eh ave no t pai d th em s i nce Novemb e r; t he u ti li ties sa ytheyareo utof \ncas h.\n?????A sse m blym an F red Kee ley (D-Boulde rCreek) sai dthe pligh t of the alternative suppliers h a s dragg edon be caus e of thecom plexit y o f deali ng \nwi th \"a lm ost 7 00 in d i vi dua lcontractor s . \"\n? ????A no ther delayi ng factor, said Ke e ley , who with st ate Sen . Ji m B a tt i n (R - LaQ u inta) worked fo r almost t hr e emonths toc ome u p witha legis lativ e \nplanto lowerthe small p rodu c e rs' prices, w as \"thehuge enmi t y...ma nifes ted betwe en th e uti lities and thequalif yi ng fac iliti es . Thesepeople \njust don't like eachother .\"?????This we e k's blackout s pr ovided two pa inf ul le sso n s for the Da vis \nadmi nist r ation:\n?? ? ?? * W h e nit comes to e l ect ricit y,s ize do esn' t matter--every k i lowatt \ncounts . Du r i ngpea k use ,a small wind p owe rf a cility i nRiverside C ounty ca nmakethe di fferen ce betw e e nf ull po werand blackout s.?? ? ??* The re i s no su ch", "underscore_trick": "for months._To research_the grid purchase, Fichera_said, the_state_has had_to_\npore over 80,000_documents just to_assess the utilities' liabilities.\n?????\"We_are working at_a_good pace,\" said Fichera, chief executive of the \nNew York firm Saber Partners. \"..._If_we get_to_a_deal-breaker, it might \nbe longer.\"\n?????By_making Fichera, who is also_a consultant_to the Texas Public \nUtilities Commission, available to_reporters_Tuesday, the Davis_\nadministration was clearly trying to reassure the public that_progress is \nbeing made on the_governor's plan to_pull_the_state out of the_crisis.\n?????Since mid-January, when the big utilities'_credit failed and suppliers \nstopped selling_to them, the state has spent nearly_$3 billion buying \nelectricity from a_handful of large suppliers in_Texas, Oklahoma,_Georgia and \nNorth Carolina. Not_a cent has_gone to_the hundreds of_alternative energy \nsuppliers in California who_provide about a_quarter of the state's \nelectricity.\n?????The Monday_and_Tuesday blackouts occurred_partly_because_many of_the \ncash-strapped alternative_suppliers,_including solar,_biomass_and wind power \nunits, cut their_normal_supply to the system in half. They_say Edison and \nPG&E_have_not paid them since_November; the utilities say they_are out of \ncash.\n?????Assemblyman Fred Keeley_(D-Boulder Creek)_said the_plight of the \nalternative suppliers has dragged on because of the_complexity of dealing \nwith \"almost 700_individual contractors.\"\n?????Another delaying factor,_said Keeley,_who_with state Sen._Jim_Battin \n(R-La_Quinta) worked for almost three months to_come up_with a legislative \nplan to lower_the small producers' prices,_was_\"the huge enmity... \nmanifested between the_utilities and the qualifying facilities. These_people \njust don't like each_other.\"\n?????This_week's_blackouts provided two painful lessons_for the Davis \nadministration:\n?????* When it_comes to electricity,_size doesn't matter--every kilowatt \ncounts. During peak_use,_a small wind power facility in_Riverside_County can \nmake the difference between_full_power_and blackouts.\n?????* There is no_such"} {"text": "&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nCancer\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=7&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nCapricorn\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=8&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nLeo\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=9&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nAquarius\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=10&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nVirgo\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=11&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nPisces\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=12&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\n\nGetting Ahead Guide\n\nDo You Have What It Takes?\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=13&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nBecoming a Great Manager\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=14&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0", "synonym_substitution": "& c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n Cancer \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=7&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n Capricorn \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=8&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n Leo \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=9&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n Aquarius \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=10&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1 & \n pa=0&e = S \n\n Virgo \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=11&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1 & \n pa=0&e = S \n\n Pisces \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=12&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1 & \n pa=0&e = S \n\n\n Getting Ahead Guide \n\n Do You Have What It Takes? \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=13&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1 & \n pa=0&e = S \n\n become a Great Manager \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=14&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1 & \n pa=0", "butter_fingers": "&c=125139&pr=1007&ff=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nCancer\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.coo/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=7&e=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&x=S\n\nCapridorn\nhttp://dw1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=8&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&'\na=0&e=S\n\nOeo\nhtui://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&jrl=9&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\nw=0&e=S\n\nAquaruus\nhutp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sc2.zsp?u=932861&v=3787&url=10&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\nlw=0&e=S\n\nVnrjo\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/sctv/sr2.asp?u=932861&e=3787&url=11&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nPhszed\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=12&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&q=S\n\n\nGettimg Ahead Guide\n\nDo You Rave What It Takes?\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.aap?u=932861&v=3787&url=13&b=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nBecoming a Great Manager\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.fom/aftv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=14&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\noa=0", "random_deletion": "&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p a=0&e=S Cancer http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=7&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p a=0&e=S Capricorn http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=8&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=9&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p Aquarius http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=10&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1& Virgo http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=11&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1& pa=0&e=S Guide You Have What Takes? http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=13&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1& pa=0&e=S a Great Manager http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=14&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1& pa=0", "change_char_case": "&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nCancer\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.Com/actv/sr2.aSp?u=932861&v=3787&uRl=7&c=125139&Pr=1007&cF=1&p\nA=0&e=S\n\nCApriCorn\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.COm/acTv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=8&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nLEo\nhttP://wW1.Lfmn.COm/Actv/sR2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&uRL=9&c=125139&PR=1007&Cf=1&p\nA=0&e=s\n\nAQuaRiUS\nhTtp://ww1.LfmN.com/actV/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&urL=10&c=125139&pR=1007&cF=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nVirgo\nhtTP://wW1.lfmn.com/acTv/sR2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=11&c=125139&pr=1007&Cf=1&\npA=0&e=S\n\nPisCeS\nhtTP://ww1.lfMn.cOm/actV/sr2.asp?U=932861&V=3787&url=12&c=125139&pR=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\n\nGeTtINg AheaD guide\n\nDo yOU HAve WHat It Takes?\nhttp://ww1.lFMn.COm/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&uRl=13&c=125139&pr=1007&cF=1&\npA=0&E=S\n\nbEComIng A Great ManaGeR\nhttp://WW1.lfmn.coM/AcTV/SR2.asP?U=932861&v=3787&url=14&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0", "whitespace_perturbation": "&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na =0&e=S\n\nCa ncerhtt p:/ /w w1.l fmn. com/actv/sr2.a s p?u= 932861&v=3787&url=7&c= 12513 9& p r=10 0 7& cf=1& p\na=0&e = SC apr ic or n\nh tt p :/ /ww1. lfm n.com/a ctv/sr2.as p?u =9 32861&v=3787 & ur l=8&c=1251 39& pr=1007&cf=1 &pa=0&e= S\nLe o \nhttp :// ww1.l fmn.co m /actv/ sr2.asp?u =9 3 2861&v = 3787&ur l = 9& c=12 5139&pr=1007&cf=1 & pa =0&e=S\n\nAquari us\nhtt p: / /w w 1 .lf mn. com/actv/s r2 .asp? u =932861 & v= 3 7 8 7&u r l=10&c=125139 &pr=1007&cf = 1&pa=0&e =S \n\nV i rgo\nht tp:// ww 1 .lf mn.com/actv /sr2 .asp?u=93 2861&v = 3787&ur l =11&c=1 25139& pr= 100 7&cf = 1& \np a=0 &e = S\nP is ces htt p://ww1. lf mn .com/ actv / s r 2 .asp ?u= 9328 61&v= 3787&url=12&c =12 5139 & pr= 1007& cf=1& \npa= 0& e=S\n\nGetti ng Ah ea d Guide\n\nDo You Hav e What It Ta ke s?ht tp:// w w1.lfm n.c om/ actv/sr 2.asp?u = 932 86 1 & v =3 787&url=13&c=12513 9& p r =1 007&cf=1 &\npa=0 & e= SBecoming a Gr eatM a nager \nhtt p :/ /ww1.lfm n.com/ a ct v/ sr2.asp ?u =93286 1& v=3 787 &url= 1 4&c= 125139 &pr=1007 &cf=1 & \npa=0", "underscore_trick": "&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nCancer\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=7&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nCapricorn\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=8&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nLeo\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=9&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nAquarius\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=10&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nVirgo\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=11&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nPisces\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=12&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\n\nGetting Ahead_Guide\n\nDo You_Have What It Takes?\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=13&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nBecoming_a Great_Manager\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=14&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0"} {"text": ", Tenn, Mia, Fla, FSU, A&M)\nBrandon Jones, 6-3, 205, 4.4, Texark. Liberty-Eylau (Ky, Ark, A&M, FSU, UT)\nBennie Brazell, 6-2, 168, 4.4, Houston Westbury (LSU, UCLA, Ark, Ky, LSU, Mia)\nThomson Omboga, 6-2, 175, 4.5, Grand Prairie (UT, OU, ND, Ga, A&M, Mo)\nCedric Williams, 6-0, 170, 4.4, Jefferson (KSU, FSU, LSU, Neb, A&M, OU)\nKeith Mills, 5-11, 175, 4.4, Garland (A&M, UT, FSU, Fla, Ark, TT, OU)\n* * * *\nTerrence Thomas, 5-9, 175, 4.4, Houston Washington (Mia, FSU, UCLa, A&M, UH)\nCorey Roberts, 6-4, 190, 4.4, Carthage (LSU, A&M, SMU, TCU, UT)\nJesse Woods, 6-4, 190, 4.5, Katy Taylor (A&M Commitment)\nKenneth Shelton, 6-1, 175, 4.4, Port Arthur Jefferson (A&M, OU, TT, UT)\n\nOffensive Line (13)\nJonathan Scott, 6-7, 290, 4.9, Dallas Carter (UT Commitment)\nJami Hightower, 6-4, 295, 5.2, Jacksonville (UT, A&M, FSU, OSU, TCU)\nBen Wilkerson, 6-4, 265, 4.9, Hemphill (A&M, Mich, ND, Neb, Ark, LSU, OU)\nAbe Robinson, 6-6, 270, 4.9, Jersey Village (UT Commitment)\nWilliam Winston, 6-6, 330, 5.3, Houston Madison (A&M, UT, LSU, Mia, Syr)\nMike Garcia, 6-5, 280, 5.2, Galena Park (UT Commitment)\n* * * *\nWill Allen", "synonym_substitution": ", Tenn, Mia, Fla, FSU, A&M) \n Brandon Jones, 6 - 3, 205, 4.4, Texark. Liberty - Eylau (Ky, Ark, A&M, FSU, UT) \n Bennie Brazell, 6 - 2, 168, 4.4, Houston Westbury (LSU, UCLA, Ark, Ky, LSU, Mia) \n Thomson Omboga, 6 - 2, 175, 4.5, Grand Prairie (UT, OU, ND, Ga, A&M, Mo) \n Cedric Williams, 6 - 0, 170, 4.4, Jefferson (KSU, FSU, LSU, Neb, A&M, OU) \n Keith Mills, 5 - 11, 175, 4.4, Garland (A&M, UT, FSU, Fla, Ark, TT, OU) \n * * * * \n Terrence Thomas, 5 - 9, 175, 4.4, Houston Washington (Mia, FSU, UCLa, A&M, UH) \n Corey Roberts, 6 - 4, 190, 4.4, Carthage (LSU, A&M, SMU, TCU, UT) \n Jesse Woods, 6 - 4, 190, 4.5, Katy Taylor (A&M Commitment) \n Kenneth Shelton, 6 - 1, 175, 4.4, Port Arthur Jefferson (A&M, OU, TT, UT) \n\n Offensive Line (13) \n Jonathan Scott, 6 - 7, 290, 4.9, Dallas Carter (UT Commitment) \n Jami Hightower, 6 - 4, 295, 5.2, Jacksonville (UT, A&M, FSU, OSU, TCU) \n Ben Wilkerson, 6 - 4, 265, 4.9, Hemphill (A&M, Mich, ND, Neb, Ark, LSU, OU) \n Abe Robinson, 6 - 6, 270, 4.9, Jersey Village (UT Commitment) \n William Winston, 6 - 6, 330, 5.3, Houston Madison (A&M, UT, LSU, Mia, Syr) \n Mike Garcia, 6 - 5, 280, 5.2, Galena Park (UT Commitment) \n * * * * \n Will Allen", "butter_fingers": ", Tejn, Mia, Fla, FSU, A&M)\nBrandon Jones, 6-3, 205, 4.4, Texark. Libervy-Eylau (Ky, Ark, X&M, FSU, UT)\nBennie Brazell, 6-2, 168, 4.4, Hluwton Qestbury (LSU, UCLA, Ark, Yy, LSU, Miw)\nThomson Ombita, 6-2, 175, 4.5, Granv Prairic (UT, KM, ND, Ya, A&M, Mo)\nCedric Wllliams, 6-0, 170, 4.4, Befferson (KSU, XSJ, PSU, Neb, A&M, OU)\nKeith Mills, 5-11, 175, 4.4, Garland (A&M, UT, GSK, Fla, Ark, TT, OO)\n* * * *\nTtrrqnce Nhimas, 5-9, 175, 4.4, Houston Washington (Miz, FSU, UBLa, A&M, UH)\nCorey Ronerts, 6-4, 190, 4.4, Carthage (LSU, A&M, SLU, TFU, UT)\nJesse Woods, 6-4, 190, 4.5, Katy Taylir (A&I Commitment)\nKdnneth Shelton, 6-1, 175, 4.4, Port Arthur Jefferson (A&M, OU, TT, UT)\n\nOfwensire Line (13)\nJonqtyan Vcott, 6-7, 290, 4.9, Daolas Barter (UT Commitment)\nJdmi Higntower, 6-4, 295, 5.2, Jackxontillw (UT, A&M, FSU, OSU, TCU)\nBei Wilkerson, 6-4, 265, 4.9, Hemphyll (A&M, Miwh, ND, Neb, Ark, LSU, OY)\nAve Rotinsmn, 6-6, 270, 4.9, Jefseg Tilmage (UH Ckmmitment)\nWjlliam Winsron, 6-6, 330, 5.3, Houston Madixog (A&M, UT, LSU, Miz, Syr)\nMykq Garcia, 6-5, 280, 5.2, Galena Park (UT Commitment)\n* * * *\nWiml Allen", "random_deletion": ", Tenn, Mia, Fla, FSU, A&M) Brandon 205, Texark. Liberty-Eylau Ark, A&M, FSU, 4.4, Westbury (LSU, UCLA, Ky, LSU, Mia) Omboga, 6-2, 175, 4.5, Grand Prairie OU, ND, Ga, A&M, Mo) Cedric Williams, 6-0, 170, 4.4, Jefferson (KSU, FSU, Neb, A&M, OU) Keith Mills, 5-11, 175, 4.4, Garland (A&M, UT, FSU, Fla, TT, * * Terrence Thomas, 5-9, 175, 4.4, Houston Washington (Mia, FSU, UCLa, A&M, UH) Corey Roberts, 6-4, 190, Carthage (LSU, A&M, SMU, TCU, UT) Jesse Woods, 190, 4.5, Katy Taylor Commitment) Kenneth Shelton, 6-1, 175, Port Jefferson (A&M, TT, Offensive (13) Jonathan Scott, 290, 4.9, Dallas Carter (UT Commitment) Jami Hightower, 6-4, 295, 5.2, Jacksonville (UT, A&M, FSU, OSU, TCU) Wilkerson, 6-4, Hemphill (A&M, ND, Ark, OU) Abe Robinson, 4.9, Jersey Village (UT Commitment) William 5.3, Houston Madison (A&M, UT, LSU, Mia, Syr) Garcia, 6-5, 5.2, Galena Park (UT Commitment) * * * Will Allen", "change_char_case": ", Tenn, Mia, Fla, FSU, A&M)\nBrandon JonEs, 6-3, 205, 4.4, Texark. LiBerty-eylAu (KY, ARk, A&M, fSU, Ut)\nBennie Brazell, 6-2, 168, 4.4, hOustOn Westbury (LSU, UCLA, Ark, Ky, lSU, MiA)\nTHOmsoN omBoga, 6-2, 175, 4.5, GRand PraIRiE (ut, OU, nD, ga, a&M, MO)\nCEDrIc WilLiaMs, 6-0, 170, 4.4, JeffeRson (KSU, FSU, lSU, neB, A&M, OU)\nKeith MiLLs, 5-11, 175, 4.4, garland (A&M, Ut, FSu, Fla, Ark, TT, OU)\n* * * *\nTErrEnce ThOmAs, 5-9, 175, 4.4, HOUston wasHingtOn (Mia, Fsu, UCLa, A&m, UH)\nCorey RObERts, 6-4, 190, 4.4, CarTHage (LSU, a&m, sMu, TCU, uT)\nJesse Woods, 6-4, 190, 4.5, Katy TAYlOR (A&M Commitment)\nKEnneth shELtON, 6-1, 175, 4.4, porT ArThur JefferSoN (A&M, OU, tt, UT)\n\nOffeNSiVE lIne (13)\njOnathan Scott, 6-7, 290, 4.9, DAllas Carter (ut CoMmitmeNt)\njamI hightoWer, 6-4, 295, 5.2, JaCkSOnvIlle (UT, A&M, FSU, oSU, TcU)\nBen WilkErson, 6-4, 265, 4.9, HEMphill (A&m, mich, ND, NEb, Ark, LsU, Ou)\nAbE RobINsOn, 6-6, 270, 4.9, jerSeY vilLAgE (UT cOmmItment)\nWiLlIaM WinsTon, 6-6, 330, 5.3, HOUSTOn MaDisOn (A&M, uT, LSU, mia, Syr)\nMike GarCia, 6-5, 280, 5.2, galeNA PaRk (UT COmmitMent)\n* * * *\nwiLl AllEn", "whitespace_perturbation": ", Tenn, Mia, Fla, FSU, A&M )\nBrandonJones , 6 -3, 2 05,4.4, Texark. Liber t y-Ey lau (Ky, Ark, A&M, FSU , UT) \nB e nnie Br azell , 6-2,1 68 , 4.4 ,Ho ust on We stbur y ( LSU, UC LA, Ark, K y,LS U, Mia)\nThom s on Omboga, 6 -2, 175, 4.5, G ran d Prai ri e ( U T, OU , N D, Ga , A&M, Mo)\nCe dric Will ia m s, 6-0 , 170, 4 . 4 ,Jeff erson (KSU, FSU,L SU , Neb, A&M, OU) \nKeith M i ll s , 5- 11, 175, 4.4, G arlan d (A&M,U T, F S U,F la, Ark, TT,OU)\n* * * * Ter renceTh oma s , 5-9, 175, 4 . 4,Houston Was hing ton (Mia, FSU,U CLa, A& M , UH)\nC orey R obe rts , 6- 4 ,19 0,4. 4 , C a rt hag e (L SU, A&M, S MU , TCU , UT ) J e sseWoo ds,6-4,190, 4.5, Kat y T aylo r (A &M Co mmitm ent) \nK ennet h Shel ton,6- 1, 175, 4.4, Po rt A rthur Jef fer so n ( A& M, OU , TT, U T)\nOf fensive Line ( 1 3)Jo n a t ha n Scott, 6-7, 290, 4 . 9 ,Dallas C arter( UT C o mmitment )Jam i Hi g h tower , 6- 4 ,295, 5.2 , Jack s on vi lle (UT ,A&M, F SU , O SU, TCU) BenWilker son, 6-4 , 265 , 4.9, Hemphill (A&M, Mich, N D ,N e b, Ark, LS U, OU)\nAbeRobi n son, 6-6 , 2 70, 4.9,Jerse yV il l age (UT Commitment) \nW illiam Wins ton, 6-6, 330 , 5.3, Hou s t o n Madiso n (A & M, UT, LSU, Mia,Syr)Mike Garci a , 6-5, 2 80, 5 .2, Gale na Park ( U T Commitm ent )\n* ** * W il l Allen", "underscore_trick": ", Tenn,_Mia, Fla,_FSU, A&M)\nBrandon Jones, 6-3,_205, 4.4,_Texark._Liberty-Eylau (Ky,_Ark,_A&M, FSU, UT)\nBennie_Brazell, 6-2, 168,_4.4, Houston Westbury (LSU,_UCLA, Ark, Ky,_LSU,_Mia)\nThomson Omboga, 6-2, 175, 4.5, Grand Prairie (UT, OU, ND, Ga, A&M, Mo)\nCedric Williams,_6-0,_170, 4.4,_Jefferson_(KSU,_FSU, LSU, Neb, A&M, OU)\nKeith_Mills, 5-11, 175, 4.4, Garland_(A&M, UT,_FSU, Fla, Ark, TT, OU)\n* * * *\nTerrence_Thomas,_5-9, 175, 4.4,_Houston Washington (Mia, FSU, UCLa, A&M, UH)\nCorey Roberts, 6-4,_190, 4.4, Carthage (LSU, A&M, SMU,_TCU, UT)\nJesse Woods,_6-4,_190,_4.5, Katy Taylor (A&M_Commitment)\nKenneth Shelton, 6-1, 175, 4.4, Port_Arthur Jefferson (A&M, OU, TT, UT)\n\nOffensive_Line (13)\nJonathan Scott, 6-7, 290, 4.9, Dallas_Carter (UT Commitment)\nJami Hightower, 6-4, 295,_5.2, Jacksonville (UT, A&M, FSU,_OSU, TCU)\nBen_Wilkerson, 6-4, 265, 4.9, Hemphill_(A&M, Mich, ND,_Neb, Ark,_LSU, OU)\nAbe Robinson,_6-6, 270, 4.9, Jersey Village (UT_Commitment)\nWilliam Winston, 6-6,_330, 5.3, Houston Madison (A&M, UT,_LSU,_Mia, Syr)\nMike Garcia,_6-5,_280,_5.2, Galena_Park (UT Commitment)\n*_*_* *\nWill_Allen"} {"text": "gate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/17/M\nN170717.DTL \nSacramento -- Power generators may have overcharged Californians $55 million \nin wholesale electricity sales during February, federal regulators said \nyesterday. \nThe Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ordered six energy suppliers to \nexplain their pricing by Friday. If the commission doesn't accept the \nexplanations, it could order the firms to refund the money. \nThe order marked the third time in a week that the commission accused \ngenerators of overcharging or manipulating prices during California's energy \ncrisis. \nLast Friday, it ordered 13 suppliers to justify their prices or refund as \nmuch as $69 million for sales in January. On Wednesday, the commission \ndemanded to know why two generators withheld power from two of their \nso-called must-run plants last spring, forcing power grid operators to buy \nelectricity at higher rates from other plants operated by the companies. \nCritics of the commission said the potential refund described in yesterday's \norder is too small, particularly when the state paid more than $1. 5 billion \nto buy electricity in February. \n\"The significance is how insignificant the proposed refund is,\" said Michael \nShames, executive director of the Utility Consumer Action Network in San \nDiego. \n\"(The commission) is doing less than something,\" Shames said. \"The proposed \norder creates a sham that FERC is providing some kind of discipline on this \nout-of-control market, when in fact it's not.\" \nTwo companies, Dynegy and Williams Energy, accounted for a combined $45 \nmillion of the possible $55 million in overcharges cited by the commission \nyesterday. \nThey also represent more than 10,105 of the 11,204 transactions that the \nregulators said may have been overpriced. \nOther companies named were Duke Energy, Portland General Electric Company, \nReliant and Mirant. \nPower suppliers have steadfastly denied price gouging, saying that short \nsupply and the weak financial condition of the state's two largest utilities \nled to increased prices. \nState politicians have repeatedly said that part of California's power woes \nare caused", "synonym_substitution": "gate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/17/M \n N170717.DTL \n Sacramento -- Power generators may have overcharged Californians $ 55 million \n in wholesale electricity sale during February, union regulators said \n yesterday. \n The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission order six department of energy suppliers to \n explain their pricing by Friday. If the commission doesn't bear the \n explanations, it could order the firm to refund the money. \n The decree marked the third prison term in a week that the commission charge \n generator of overcharging or manipulating prices during California's energy \n crisis. \n Last Friday, it rate 13 suppliers to justify their prices or refund as \n much as $ 69 million for sale in January. On Wednesday, the commission \n demanded to know why two generators withhold power from two of their \n so - called must - run plants final spring, forcing power grid operators to buy \n electricity at higher rates from other plants operated by the companies. \n Critics of the commission said the potential refund described in yesterday's \n ordering is too small, peculiarly when the department of state pay more than $ 1. 5 billion \n to buy electricity in February. \n \" The significance is how insignificant the project refund is, \" say Michael \n Shames, executive director of the Utility Consumer Action Network in San \n Diego. \n \" (The commission) is suffice less than something, \" Shames said. \" The proposed \n order creates a sham that FERC is providing some kind of discipline on this \n out - of - dominance market, when in fact it's not. \" \n Two companies, Dynegy and Williams Energy, accounted for a combined $ 45 \n million of the potential $ 55 million in overcharges quote by the perpetration \n yesterday. \n They also represent more than 10,105 of the 11,204 transactions that the \n regulators say may have been overpriced. \n Other companies name were Duke Energy, Portland General Electric Company, \n Reliant and Mirant. \n office suppliers have steadfastly deny price gouging, say that short \n provision and the weak financial condition of the state's two big utilities \n lead to increased prices. \n State politicians have repeatedly said that part of California's ability woes \n are induce", "butter_fingers": "gatf.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/ghronicle/archive/2001/03/17/M\nN170717.DTL \nSecramenfo -- Powef generators may have overchergee Calufornians $55 million \nin dholesale electrixity wales duriif February, fescral xejulators said \nygsterday. \nThe Federal Energf Feyulatory Commission ordered six enerdy suppkifrs to \nexplain thepr pridpnn by Friday. If the commission dossn't acbept the \nexplanatoons, it could order the figms ho refund the monej. \nThe order marhwd the third time in a week that tge commission accused \ngeneratorr of pverchargibg or kanipulatinj pricvs during Callgornia'v energu \ncrisis. \nLast Nridab, it ordered 13 suppliers tm justify their pryces or rafbnd as \nmuch as $69 milliin for valev in Hanjarg. Pn Wedneddab, the commiasion \ndemaneed to know why two gqberators withgeld pjwqr from two of their \nso-called must-run pnanfs last spring, forcing power grid operators jo buy \nelestricity at higher rates from other plants operatad by ghe cjopajies. \nCritics of the commission said the potenejak gefund described ln yesterday's \nordet ls joo small, partkcularly shen the state paif more jhan $1. 5 billion \nuo buu electricity in February. \n\"Tye significauce is how insignificcnt the propused refumd is,\" said Michael \nShamzs, exedutive direftor of tgd Utility Consumdr Scdion Network in San \nDiego. \n\"(Ehe commiwsiou) is doivg lgss thag somethinh,\" Shames said. \"The proposfd \norber cseates a sjam that FERC is providing some kind of disciklite mn this \njut-of-gontrol market, rhen in fact ij's not.\" \nTwj comoanies, Dynvgy and Wmlliams Enerdy, accounted xlr a combinev $45 \nmilliog of the possibud $55 million in pverchargvs citwd by the commissipn \nieaterday. \nThey alwo twpresent more yhav 10,105 jf tie 11,204 twdnsactions tvat ghe \ntegulxtors said nxy hsve been overpriced. \nMthed companies named eeve Duke Ebergy, Powtland Generak Electric Company, \nRelient anv Miramt. \nKower suppliers have steadfastlg denied orige gouging, saring that short \nxupply and the weak financial condition of the state's two largest utilities \nktd to increasxd prises. \nState politicians have repeatedly said thau part of California's pkwer wmes \nage caused", "random_deletion": "gate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/17/M N170717.DTL Sacramento -- Power generators may Californians million in electricity sales during The Energy Regulatory Commission six energy suppliers explain their pricing by Friday. If commission doesn't accept the explanations, it could order the firms to refund the The order marked the third time in a week that the commission accused of or prices California's energy crisis. Last Friday, it ordered 13 suppliers to justify their prices or refund as as $69 million for sales in January. On the commission demanded to why two generators withheld power two their so-called plants spring, power grid operators buy electricity at higher rates from other plants operated by the companies. Critics of the commission said potential refund yesterday's order too particularly the state paid $1. 5 billion to buy electricity significance is how insignificant the proposed refund is,\" Michael Shames, director of the Utility Consumer Action in San Diego. \"(The commission) is doing less something,\" Shames said. \"The proposed order creates a sham that FERC is providing some kind on this out-of-control market, in fact it's Two Dynegy Williams accounted for combined $45 million of the possible $55 million in overcharges cited the commission yesterday. They also represent more than 10,105 of transactions the regulators said have been overpriced. Other named Duke Energy, Portland General Reliant Mirant. steadfastly price saying that short supply the weak financial condition of state's two largest utilities politicians have repeatedly said that part of California's woes are caused", "change_char_case": "gate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?fiLe=/chroniclE/archIve/2001/03/17/m\nN170717.DtL \nsacrAmenTo -- Power generatORs maY have overcharged CalifoRnianS $55 mILlioN \nIn WholeSale eleCTrICIty SaLeS duRiNG FEbruaRy, fEderal rEgulators sAid \nYeSterday. \nThe FeDErAl Energy ReGulAtory CommissIon OrdereD sIx eNErgy sUppLiers To \nexplAIn theiR pricing bY FRIday. If THe commiSSIoN doeSn't accept the \nexplaNAtIOns, it could ordeR the fiRmS To REFunD thE money. \nThe oRdEr marKEd the thIRd TIME in A Week that the coMmission accUSed \nGeneraToRs oF OverchArginG oR ManIpulating prIces During CalIforniA'S energy \nCRisis. \nLaSt FridAy, iT orDereD 13 SuPpLieRs TO juSTiFy tHEir Prices or ReFuNd as \nmUch aS $69 MILLion For SaleS in JaNuary. On WednesDay, The cOMmiSsion \nDemanDed tO kNow whY two geNeratOrS withheld power fRom tWo of their \nSo-cAlLed MuSt-run PLants lAst SprIng, forcIng poweR GriD oPERAtOrs to buy \nelectricitY aT HIgHer rates From otHEr PlANts operaTeD by The cOMPanieS. \nCriTIcS of the coMmissiON sAiD the potEnTial reFuNd dEscRibed IN yesTerday'S \norder is Too smALl, particularly WHen the state paID mORE tHAn $1. 5 biLliOn \nto buy elecTricITy in febrUArY. \n\"ThE SigniFicanCe IS hOW insignificant the prOpOsed reFund iS,\" said Michael \nSHames, execuTIVE directoR of tHE UTIlity Consumer ACtion network in SAN \nDiego. \n\"(ThE commIssion) is Doing less THAn somethIng,\" shaMes SaiD. \"tHe Proposed \norder CREateS a Sham thaT FErC is proVidIng SomE kiNd Of disciplIne on thiS \noUt-Of-CoNtrOl marKEt, when in FaCt iT's Not.\" \ntwo coMPanies, dynegY and wiLlIAms energy, aCCoUNTed fOr A cOmbiNed $45 \nMiLlion Of thE PosSible $55 miLlion in ovErcHArgeS cItEd by the Commission \nyesTeRday. \nThey alSo RepResent MORe than 10,105 of The 11,204 transactions that the \nrEGulatorS saId may Have Been overpRicEd. \nOtheR coMPanies Named wEre DuKe eneRGY, PortLANd genErAl Electric cOMpaNy, \nRelIaNt anD Mirant. \npower suppliers have STeaDfastly denied PriCe goUGInG, saYInG ThaT sHOrt \nSUPply and the weak fInancial coNdITiOn of the staTE's tWo Largest UtilitiEs \nled TO increaSed prices. \nstate poliTiCianS HAve Repeatedly Said that Part of CalIForniA'S pOwer wOes \nAre cauSeD", "whitespace_perturbation": "gate.com/cgi-bin/article.c gi?file=/c hroni cle /ar ch ive/ 2001 /03/17/M\nN1707 1 7.DT L \nSacramento -- Power gene ra t orsm ay have overch a rg e d Ca li fo rni an s $ 55 mi lli on \ninwholesaleele ct ricity sales du ring Febru ary , federal re gul atorssa idyeste rda y. \nT he Fed e ral En ergy Regu la t ory Co m mission o rd ered six energy suppl i er s to \nexplain t heir p ri c in g byFri day. If th ecommi s sion do e sn ' t acc e pt the \nexpla nations, it cou ld ord er th e firms to r ef u ndthe money.\nThe order ma rked t h e third time in a wee k t hat the co mm iss io n ac c us edgen eratorsof o verch argi n g o r ma nip ulat ing p rices duringCal ifor n ia' s ene rgy cris is . \nLa st Fri day,it ordered 13 sup plie rs to jus tif ythe ir pric e s or r efu ndas \nmuc h as $6 9 mi ll i o n f or sales in Januar y. O nWednesda y, the co mm i ssion \nd em and ed t o knowwhyt wo generat ors wi t hh el d power f rom tw oofthe ir \ns o -cal led mu st-run p lants last spring, f o rcing power g r id o pe r ator s t o buy \nelec tric i ty a t hi g he r r a tes f rom o th e rp lants operated by t he compa nies. \nCritics ofthe commis s i o n said t he p o te n tial refund de scrib ed in yest e rday's order is toosmall, pa r t icularly wh enthe st a t epaid more tha n $1.5billion \nt o buy e lec tri cit y i nFebruary. \n\"The s ig ni fi ca nce is h o w insign if ica nt th e pro p osed r efund is, \"sa i d M ichaelSh a m es,ex ec utiv e d ir ector oft heUtility Consumer Ac t ionNe tw ork inSan \nDiego. \"( The commis si on) is do i n g less t han something,\" Shamess aid. \"T hepropo sed\norder cr eat es a s ham that F ERC is prov id ing s ome k i n dofdi scipline o n thi s \nou t- of-c ontrolmarket, when in fa c t i t's not.\" \nTw o c ompa n i es , D y ne g y a nd Wil l i ams Energy, acc ounted for a co mbined $45 \nmi ll ion ofthe pos sible $55 mil lion in o vercharge scite d bythe commis sion \nye sterday.Theya ls o rep res ent mo re th an 10 ,105 o f th e 11, 204 tr an sactio ns th at the \nre gulators said may havebeen o verpr ice d. \nOther co m pan ies named wer e Duke Ene rgy , P ortla ndG enera l El e ct ric Compa ny,Reliant a n dMir a n t. \nPower sup p l i ers have st e adfast ly d enied price gougi n g, saying that sho r t \ns upp l y an dthe weak finan cia lc o nditionof the state' s two la rg e st ut ilitie s \nled to inc r e as e d pric es.\nSt ate polit ici an s have r ep ea t edly s aidth at par t of C a lifo r n ia's power woes\narec a used", "underscore_trick": "gate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/17/M\nN170717.DTL \nSacramento_-- Power_generators may have overcharged_Californians $55_million_\nin wholesale_electricity_sales during February,_federal regulators said_\nyesterday. \nThe Federal Energy_Regulatory Commission ordered_six_energy suppliers to \nexplain their pricing by Friday. If the commission doesn't accept the_\nexplanations,_it could_order_the_firms to refund the money._\nThe order marked the third_time in_a week that the commission accused \ngenerators of_overcharging_or manipulating prices_during California's energy \ncrisis. \nLast Friday, it ordered 13_suppliers to justify their prices or_refund as \nmuch_as_$69_million for sales in_January. On Wednesday, the commission \ndemanded_to know why two generators withheld_power from two of their \nso-called must-run_plants last spring, forcing power grid_operators to buy \nelectricity at_higher rates_from other plants operated by_the companies. \nCritics_of the_commission said the_potential refund described in yesterday's \norder_is too small,_particularly when the state paid more_than_$1. 5 billion_\nto_buy_electricity in_February. \n\"The significance_is_how insignificant_the_proposed refund is,\" said Michael \nShames,_executive_director of the Utility Consumer Action Network_in San \nDiego. \n\"(The_commission)_is doing less than_something,\" Shames said. \"The proposed_\norder creates a sham that FERC_is providing_some kind_of discipline on this \nout-of-control market, when in fact it's not.\"_\nTwo companies, Dynegy and Williams Energy,_accounted for a combined_$45 \nmillion_of_the possible $55_million_in overcharges_cited by the commission \nyesterday. \nThey also_represent more_than 10,105 of the 11,204 transactions_that the \nregulators said_may_have been overpriced. \nOther companies named_were Duke Energy, Portland General Electric_Company, \nReliant and Mirant. \nPower_suppliers_have_steadfastly denied price gouging, saying_that short \nsupply and the weak_financial condition of_the state's two largest utilities \nled to_increased_prices. \nState politicians have repeatedly said_that_part of California's power woes \nare_caused"} {"text": "blackouts Monday \u0001) unseasonably warm weather, reduced electricity imports \nfrom the Pacific Northwest, numerous power plants offline for repairs and \nless power provided by cash-strapped alternative-energy plants. \nFive rounds of outages in San Diego affected about 74,000 customers. State \npower grid officials expected to have enough electricity to avoid further \noutages through at least Wednesday, although the supply remained tight. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nState power regulators working on energy rescue \nFederal regulators scored for not ordering more California refunds \n? \n\n\n\nGov. Gray Davis blamed the blackouts in part on the failure of Southern \nCalifornia Edison and Pacific Gas and Electric Co. to pay millions of dollars \nthey owe \"qualifying facilities,\" power suppliers that use cogeneration \u0001) \nsteam from manufacturing plus natural gas \u0001) or solar, wind and other \nrenewable energy to generate electricity. \nState power grid officials say California this week has lost about half the \nelectricity QFs normally provide. Several cogeneration plants say they \nhaven't been paid by Edison and PG&E for weeks and can't afford to buy \nnatural gas to fuel their plants. \nDavis said the utilities are taking in money from customers but still failing \nto pay the QFs. The state has been spending about $45 million a day since \nJanuary to buy power for customers of Edison and PG&E, which are so \ncredit-poor that suppliers refuse to sell to them. \n\"It's wrong and irresponsible of the utilities to pocket this money and not \npay the generators,\" Davis said at a Capitol news conference Tuesday evening. \n\"They've acted irresponsibly and immorally and it has to stop.\" \nSouthern California Edison officials said in a written statement that the \nutility is intent on paying creditors and working with the PUC to pay QFs for \nfuture power sales. PG&E representatives were out of the office late Tuesday \nnight and didn't immediately return calls from The Associated Press seeking \ncomment. \nJohn Harrison of the Northwest Power Planning Council, a consortium that \nmonitors power use in several Western states, said blackouts on the first day \nof spring are an ominous sign of what lies ahead this summer. \n\"We're in trouble,\" he said. \"We will likely be able to meet our needs", "synonym_substitution": "blackouts Monday \u0001) unseasonably warm weather, reduced electricity imports \n from the Pacific Northwest, numerous exponent plant offline for repairs and \n less power provided by cash - flog alternative - energy plant. \n Five round of outages in San Diego affect about 74,000 customers. department of state \n power grid official expected to have enough electricity to avoid further \n outages through at least Wednesday, although the provision remained tight. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n State office regulators working on department of energy rescue \n Federal regulators score for not ordering more California refund \n? \n\n\n\n Gov. Gray Davis blamed the blackouts in part on the bankruptcy of Southern \n California Edison and Pacific Gas and Electric Co. to pay millions of dollars \n they owe \" qualifying facilities, \" power supplier that practice cogeneration \u0001) \n steam from fabrication plus natural gas \u0001) or solar, wind and other \n renewable energy to generate electricity. \n State power power system officials state California this week has lose about half the \n electricity QFs normally leave. Several cogeneration plants say they \n haven't been pay by Edison and PG&E for weeks and can't afford to buy \n natural accelerator to fuel their plants. \n Davis said the utilities are taking in money from customers but still fail \n to pay the QFs. The state has been spending about $ 45 million a day since \n January to buy power for customer of Edison and PG&E, which are therefore \n credit - poor that suppliers refuse to deal to them. \n \" It's wrong and irresponsible of the utilities to pocket this money and not \n pay the generator, \" Davis said at a Capitol news conference Tuesday evening. \n \" They've acted irresponsibly and immorally and it have to barricade. \" \n Southern California Edison officials said in a spell statement that the \n utility program is intent on paying creditors and working with the PUC to give QFs for \n future power sales. PG&E representatives were out of the office late Tuesday \n nox and didn't immediately return calls from The Associated Press seeking \n gossip. \n John Harrison of the Northwest Power Planning Council, a consortium that \n monitors power use in several Western state, said blackouts on the beginning day \n of spring are an ill sign of what lies ahead this summer. \n \" We're in trouble, \" he say. \" We will likely be able to meet our needs", "butter_fingers": "blafkouts Monday \u0001) unseasonanly warm weather, reducev electdicity ioports \nfrom the Pacific Nortiwesr, numtgous power plants offuine for gepairs abd \nltss power providev by casm-ftralied anvernative-energy plants. \nFiee rounds of ogtxgzs in San Diego affected about 74,000 custjmers. Syahe \npower grid jffibiwls sqptcted to have enough electricity fo avoiv further \noutagrs through at least Wednesfay, wlthough the supplj remained jjghe. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nState power regulators working on energy rescue \nFederal regulatofs scpred for nit orfgring more Celiforgia refunds \n? \n\n\n\nGov. Graf Davis blamed the blsckmutw in part on the failnre of Southern \nCalisornia Edhskn and Pacific Gaw qnd Enectsic Zi. tu pzy mjlliond oh dollars \ntgey owe \"quaoifying facilities,\" kowqg suppliers tgat usq sogeneration \u0001) \nsteam from manufacturing klus hatural gas \u0001) or solar, wund and other \nrenewabpe energy to generate electricity. \nState power grid officians sab Zalnnjfbiw this week has lost about half the \nelectricieg AFx normally proyide. Several cogenrrwtojn plants say they \nkzvsn't been paid by Efison agd PG&W for weehs amd can't afford to buy \nnaturql gas to fuvl tyeir plants. \nDavis daid the utnlitiex are taking in money from cbstomeds but stilp failing \ngo pay the QFs. Tfe xtdte has been spending aboue $45 millioi a dcy since \nJanoary to buy power for ggstomers of Edison and KG&E, whhch are so \ncredit-poor that suppliers refuse to sell to jhek. \n\"In's wrong cnd irvesponsible of ehe utilities jo pocket this money and not \npab the generaeors,\" Davis sahf at a Capitml news sonfwrenxe Tuesaxy evening. \n\"Theu've acted irresponsubly and immorally ana it has to stop.\" \nSoorhern Californoa Ddifoj pfshcials said hn a wrkyten rtatement tmat the \nutility is intent ot paging creditors and wjrking wuth the [UC to pay QFx for \nfuture power salev. PJ&E reptesgntatives were out of the offics late Tufsdwy \nnight and didk't iimediately return calls from The Associated Press seeking \ncomment. \nJihn Harrison of the Korthwest Poxer Plwnning Cogncil, a consortium tyat \nmonitors powev use in several Westedn stades, swid blackouts on the first day \nof spring are an ominous sign of what lies ahead this summer. \n\"We'rr in nrobblz,\" he sayd. \"Wx xill likely be abke to meet our needs", "random_deletion": "blackouts Monday \u0001) unseasonably warm weather, reduced from Pacific Northwest, power plants offline provided cash-strapped alternative-energy plants. rounds of outages San Diego affected about 74,000 customers. power grid officials expected to have enough electricity to avoid further outages through least Wednesday, although the supply remained tight. State power regulators working on energy Federal scored not more California refunds ? Gov. Gray Davis blamed the blackouts in part on the failure of California Edison and Pacific Gas and Electric Co. pay millions of dollars owe \"qualifying facilities,\" power suppliers use \u0001) steam manufacturing natural \u0001) or solar, and other renewable energy to generate electricity. State power grid officials say California this week has lost half the normally provide. cogeneration say haven't been paid and PG&E for weeks and can't natural gas to fuel their plants. Davis said utilities are in money from customers but still to pay the QFs. The state has been about $45 million a day since January to buy power for customers of Edison and are so credit-poor that refuse to sell them. wrong irresponsible the utilities pocket this money and not pay the generators,\" Davis said at Capitol news conference Tuesday evening. \"They've acted irresponsibly and immorally has stop.\" Southern California officials said in a statement the utility is intent creditors working to QFs future power sales. PG&E were out of the office Tuesday night and didn't Associated Press seeking comment. John Harrison of the Power Planning Council, a consortium that monitors use in several Western states, said blackouts on the first day of are an of what lies ahead this summer. \"We're in he said. \"We will be able to meet our needs", "change_char_case": "blackouts Monday \u0001) unseasonabLy warm weatHer, reDucEd eLeCtriCity Imports \nfrom the pAcifIc Northwest, numerous powEr plaNtS OfflINe For rePairs anD \nLeSS PowEr PrOviDeD By Cash-sTraPped altErnative-enErgY pLants. \nFive rouNDs Of outages iN SaN Diego affectEd aBout 74,000 cuStOmeRS. StatE \npoWer grId offiCIals exPected to hAvE Enough ELectricITY tO avoId further \noutages tHRoUGh at least WedneSday, alThOUgH THe sUppLy remained TiGht. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStATe power REgULATorS Working on enerGy rescue \nFedERal RegulaToRs sCOred foR not oRdERinG more CalifoRnia Refunds \n? \n\n\n\nGoV. Gray DAVis blamED the blaCkouts In pArt On thE FaIlUre Of sOutHErN \nCaLIfoRnia EdisOn AnD PaciFic GAS AND EleCtrIc Co. To pay Millions of dolLarS \ntheY Owe \"QualiFying FaciLiTies,\" pOwer suPplieRs That use cogeneraTion \u0001) \nSteam from ManUfActUrIng plUS naturAl gAs \u0001) oR solar, wInd and oTHer \nReNEWAbLe energy to generate ElECTrIcity. \nStaTe poweR GrId OFficials SaY CaLifoRNIa thiS weeK HaS lost aboUt half THe \nElEctriciTy qFs norMaLly ProVide. SEVeraL cogenEration pLants SAy they \nhaven't beEN paid by Edison ANd pg&e fOR weeKs aNd can't afforD to bUY \nnatUral GAs To fUEl theIr plaNtS. \ndaVIs said the utilities aRe Taking In monEy from customeRs but still FAILing \nto paY the qfs. tHe state has been SpendIng about $45 miLLion a day Since \njanuary tO buy power FOR customeRs oF EdIsoN anD pg&E, Which are so \ncreDIT-pooR tHat suppLieRs refusE to SelL to TheM. \n\"IT's wrong anD irrespoNsIbLe Of The UtiliTIes to pocKeT thIs MonEy and NOt \npay tHe genEratOrS,\" DAVis Said at a cApITOl neWs CoNferEncE TUesdaY eveNIng. \n\"they've aCted irresPonSIbly AnD iMmorallY and it has to stOp.\" \nsouthern CaLiForNia EdiSON officiaLs said in a written statemeNT that thE \nutIlity Is inTent on payIng CreditOrs ANd workIng witH the PuC To pAY qFs foR \nFUtUre PoWer sales. PG&e REprEsentAtIves Were out Of the office late TueSDay \nNight and didn't ImmEdiaTELy RetURn CAllS fROm THE associated Press Seeking \ncomMeNT. \nJOhn HarrisoN Of tHe northweSt Power plannINg CouncIl, a consorTium that \nmOnItorS POweR use in seveRal WesteRn states, sAId blaCKoUts on The First dAy \nOf sPring Are an oMInoUs sigN of whaT lIes aheAd thiS sUmmer. \n\"We'rE in trouble,\" he said. \"We will lIkely bE able To mEet our neeDs", "whitespace_perturbation": "blackouts Monday \u0001) unseas onably war m wea the r,re duce d el ectricity impo r ts from the Pacific North west, n u mero u spower plants of f l ine f or re pa i rs and\nle ss powe r provided by c ash-strapped al ternative- ene rgy plants.\nFi ve rou nd s o f outa ges in S an Die g o affe cted abou t7 4,000c ustomer s . S tate \npower grid offi c ia l s expected tohave e no u gh e lec tri city to av oi d fur t her \nou t ag e s thr o ugh at leastWednesday,a lth ough t he su p ply re maine dt igh t. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSta te powerregula t ors wor k ing onenergy re scu e \nF e de ra l r eg u lat o rs sc o red for not o rd ering mor e C a lifo rni a re funds \n? \n\n\n\nGov.Gra y Da v isblame d the bla ck outsin par t onth e failure of So uthe rn \nCalif orn ia Ed is on an d Pacif icGas and El ectricC o.to p a ymillions of dollar st he y owe \"q ualify i ng f a cilities ,\" po wers u pplie rs t h at use cog enerat i on \u0001 ) \nstea mfrom m an ufa ctu ringp lusnatura l gas \u0001) or s o lar, wind ando ther \nrenewab l ee n er g y to ge nerate elec tric i ty.\nSta t epow e r gri d off ic i al s say California thi sweek h as lo st about half the \nelec t r i city QFs nor m al l y provide. Sev eralcogenerati o n plants saythey \nha ven't bee n paid byEdi son an d P G & Efor weeks and c an't a fford t o b uy \nnat ura l g astofu el theirplants.\nD av is s aid theu tilities a reta kin g inm oney f rom c usto me rs but stillf ai l i ng to p ay t heQF s. Th e st a tehas bee n spendin g a b out$4 5million a day since\nJ anuary tobu y p ower f o r custome rs of Edison and PG&E,w hich ar e s o \ncr edit -poor tha t s upplie rsr efuseto sel l toth em. \"It's w ro ngan d irrespon s i ble of t he uti litiesto pocket this mon e y a nd not \npay t hegene r a to rs, \" D a vis s a ida t a Capitol news conferenc eT ue sday eveni n g.\n\" They've actedirres p onsibly and immo rally and i t ha s tostop.\" \nSo uthern C alifornia Ediso n o ffici als saidin awritt en sta t eme nt th at the utilit y isin tent onpaying creditors and wo rkingwiththe PUC to p ayQ Fsfor \nfutu re p ower sales . P G&E repr ese n tativ es w e re ou t of t he o f fice late Tu esd a y night and d i d n 'timmed iat e ly ret urncalls from The As s ociated Pressseek i n g com m ent. John Harrisonofth e Northwes tPower Plann ing Coun ci l , a c onsort ium th at \nmon i t or s power use in severalWes te r n state s, s a id bla ckou ts on th e firs t day of spring are an omin o u s sig n of what l ies ahe a d th is summer. \n\"We're in troub le,\" he s aid. \"W ewill l ike ly be able t o meet our need s", "underscore_trick": "blackouts Monday_\u0001) unseasonably_warm weather, reduced electricity_imports \nfrom_the_Pacific Northwest,_numerous_power plants offline_for repairs and_\nless power provided by_cash-strapped alternative-energy plants._\nFive_rounds of outages in San Diego affected about 74,000 customers. State \npower grid officials_expected_to have_enough_electricity_to avoid further \noutages through_at least Wednesday, although the_supply remained_tight. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nState power regulators working on energy rescue_\nFederal_regulators scored for_not ordering more California refunds \n? \n\n\n\nGov. Gray Davis_blamed the blackouts in part on_the failure of_Southern_\nCalifornia_Edison and Pacific Gas_and Electric Co. to pay millions_of dollars \nthey owe \"qualifying facilities,\"_power suppliers that use cogeneration \u0001) \nsteam_from manufacturing plus natural gas \u0001)_or solar, wind and other_\nrenewable energy_to generate electricity. \nState power_grid officials say_California this_week has lost_about half the \nelectricity QFs normally_provide. Several cogeneration_plants say they \nhaven't been paid_by_Edison and PG&E_for_weeks_and can't_afford to buy_\nnatural_gas to_fuel_their plants. \nDavis said the utilities_are_taking in money from customers but still_failing \nto pay the_QFs._The state has been_spending about $45 million a_day since \nJanuary to buy power_for customers_of Edison_and PG&E, which are so \ncredit-poor that suppliers refuse to sell_to them. \n\"It's wrong and irresponsible_of the utilities to_pocket this_money_and not \npay_the_generators,\" Davis_said at a Capitol news conference Tuesday_evening. \n\"They've_acted irresponsibly and immorally and it_has to stop.\" \nSouthern_California_Edison officials said in a written_statement that the \nutility is intent_on paying creditors and working_with_the_PUC to pay QFs for_\nfuture power sales. PG&E representatives were_out of the_office late Tuesday \nnight and didn't immediately_return_calls from The Associated Press seeking_\ncomment._\nJohn Harrison of the Northwest Power_Planning_Council,_a consortium that \nmonitors power_use in several Western states, said_blackouts on the first day \nof spring are an_ominous sign of_what lies ahead this summer._\n\"We're_in_trouble,\" he said. \"We will likely be able to meet_our needs"} {"text": "12575.DfHD.E.EX7bEW\">aavacations.com/specials/caribbean_offers.asp?\t\t\t
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?\t\t\t?\t\t\tFrom sea to shining sea, with over 300 unique destinations,_we've?_got you?covered._See_America_with Starwood Hotels & Resorts._Stay at? Westin, Sheraton,?Four Points_by Sheraton,_St. Regis, The Luxury Collection and W Hotels?_and_take?advantage of $49_to $179 weekend rates (Thurs-Sun) and savings of up_to? 40% on?weekday rates (Mon-Wed) from_now until January_27,_2002._To take? advantage of?these_and other special rates call 1-877-782-0114_and mention promotion? code?GOUSAADV or book_at:?\t\t\t
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Vice President Dick Cheney's task \nforce is to unveil an energy plan in about a month that is expected to lean \nheavily on energy production. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\nSecond Day of Blackouts Disrupts 500,000 Homes and Businesses \n\nPower: Grid operators say the shortage should ease in the next few days, but \nofficials see a grim summer. \n\nBy MITCHELL LANDSBERG and ERIC BAILEY, Times Staff Writers \n\n\n\n\n\nA traffic signal that stopped working during Tuesday's rolling blackouts led \nto this collision be tween a car and a truck at an intersection in El Monte. \nThe outages ran from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. AP\n\n?????Electricity blackouts rolled through California for a second straight \nday Tuesday, disrupting business in one of the world's most technologically \nadvanced economies and leaving schoolchildren groping in the dark.\n?????Jinxed by a combination of bad luck and bad decisions, utilities were \nforced to cut off power to more than half a million homes and businesses from \nSan Diego to the Oregon border.\n?????By day's end, there was some good news from the operators of the \nstatewide power grid, who said the situation had eased and appeared likely to \nimprove for the next few days. And Gov. Gray Davis announced a proposed \nsolution to one vexing problem: the utilities' failure to pay the state's \nsmall, alternative power generators, many of whom have stopped producing \npower as a result.\n?????Davis called the utilities \"shameful\" for failing to pay, and praised \nthe alternative power generators, which include solar, wind and geothermal \nenergy producers, as \"good", "synonym_substitution": "further expected price increases \n this summer. \n Massey suppose he fear \" a disasters in the making \" if some price restraint are \n not imposed by FERC, which regulates sweeping electricity sales. \" We need a \n temporary clock time out, \" he said. \n But Massey is in the minority on the commission. Both Hebert and Breathitt \n are against monetary value caps, arguing they will have long - condition detrimental impact \n on power supply. \n The Bush administration has make its opposition to interfering in the \n wholesale market well known for weeks. Vice President Dick Cheney's task \n force is to uncover an energy design in about a month that is expected to lean \n heavy on energy production. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ----------------------------------- \n Second Day of Blackouts Disrupts 500,000 Homes and Businesses \n\n Power: Grid operators say the shortage should ease in the next few days, but \n officials see a grim summer. \n\n By MITCHELL LANDSBERG and ERIC BAILEY, Times Staff Writers \n\n\n\n\n\n A traffic signal that stopped working during Tuesday's rolling blackout led \n to this collision be tween a car and a hand truck at an overlap in El Monte. \n The outages ran from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. AP \n\n? ?? ?? Electricity blackouts rolled through California for a second true \n sidereal day Tuesday, disrupting business in one of the world's about technologically \n advanced economies and leaving schoolchildren groping in the dark. \n? ?? ?? Jinxed by a combination of bad fortune and bad decisions, utilities were \n forced to cut off power to more than half a million homes and occupation from \n San Diego to the Oregon edge. \n? ?? ?? By day's end, there was some effective news from the operators of the \n statewide power power system, who said the position had eased and appeared probable to \n improve for the next few days. And Gov. Gray Davis announced a proposed \n solution to one exasperating problem: the utility' failure to give the state's \n humble, alternative power generator, many of whom have stopped produce \n power as a solution. \n? ?? ?? Davis called the utilities \" shameful \" for failing to pay, and praise \n the alternative power generator, which include solar, wind and geothermal \n energy producers, as \" good", "butter_fingers": " fugther expected price incveases \nthis summgr. \nMasseb said ge fears \"a disasters in the making\" ih sone pruce restraints are \nnot imposed hy FERC, qhici regulates wholxaale elcetricjby sanxs. \"We need a \ntekporary tike out,\" he said. \nBjt Massey is in the minority on the cjmmissipn. Both Hebert agd Bgewthifn \ncre against price caps, arguing fhey winl have long-trrm detrimental impact \non ooweg supply. \nThe Bush wdministratuon rqs made its upposition to interferjng in the \nwholesale markets weul knpwn for wegka. Ghce Presideit Dich Cheney's task \nforce is to inveil an enerny plen ib about a month that ms expected to lean \nreavily ot znergy production. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\nSecine Day of Tlacyiutr Djscupfs 500,000 Holes and Businssses \n\nPower: Grid operators say trv shortage shkuld ewsq in the next few days, but \nofficials set a gdim summer. \n\nBy MITCHELL OANDSBERG and ERIC BALLEY, Timef Staff Writers \n\n\n\n\n\nA traffic signal that stopped worning vufiny Tuesaqy'd rolling blackouts led \nto this collision be esetn s car and a trmck at an intersecyiln yn El Monte. \nTfe outcfea ran from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. AP\n\n?????Ejectrucity blaskouys rolled through Californiq for a secoud wtraight \nday Tuesdcy, disruptiny busimess on one of the world's mort tschnologicaply \nadvanddd economies and lesvhng schoolchildren groping in the derk.\n?????Jiuxed by x cokbinatyon of bad luck and bad decisions, ktilijies ware \nforced to cut off power to more than ielf a million hmmev and bufinesxes from \nSan Qiego to the Otegon borber.\n?????By aay's end, tgere wav some good news from tha operators oh the \nstaeewiee piwer grka, who said the situatiou had eased and appearev liysly to \nimprove yut the next few cayr. Agd Gpv. Cray Davis atnouvcea a pruposed \nsolubiov to one vexing problem: dhe htilities' failure yo pay the state's \nfmall, alternayive power generatlrs, meny of whom hade stopped producing \npower as z result.\n?????Dwvif called the utioities \"shameyul\" for failing to pay, and praised \nthe aoternative power gwnerators, which inckmde solar, wiid and geothermdl \nenergy producers, qs \"good", "random_deletion": "further expected price increases this summer. Massey fears disasters in making\" if some by which regulates wholesale sales. \"We need temporary time out,\" he said. But is in the minority on the commission. Both Hebert and Breathitt are against caps, arguing they will have long-term detrimental impact on power supply. The Bush has its to in the wholesale markets well known for weeks. Vice President Dick Cheney's task force is to an energy plan in about a month that expected to lean heavily energy production. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- Day Blackouts Disrupts Homes Businesses Grid operators say shortage should ease in the next few days, but officials see a grim summer. By MITCHELL LANDSBERG ERIC BAILEY, Writers A signal stopped during Tuesday's rolling to this collision be tween a truck at an intersection in El Monte. The ran from a.m. to 2 p.m. AP ?????Electricity rolled through California for a second straight day disrupting business in one of the world's most technologically advanced economies and leaving schoolchildren groping dark. ?????Jinxed by a of bad luck bad utilities forced cut off to more than half a million homes and businesses from San to the Oregon border. ?????By day's end, there was some from operators of the power grid, who said situation eased and appeared likely for next Gov. Davis a proposed solution to vexing problem: the utilities' failure pay the state's small, whom have stopped producing power as a result. called the utilities \"shameful\" for failing to and praised the alternative power generators, which include solar, wind and geothermal producers, as", "change_char_case": " further expected price increAses \nthis suMmer. \nMAssEy sAiD he fEars \"A disasters in thE MakiNg\" if some price restraintS are \nnOt IMposED bY FERC, Which reGUlATEs wHoLeSalE eLEcTriciTy sAles. \"We nEed a \ntemporAry TiMe out,\" he said. \nBUT MAssey is in tHe mInority on the ComMissioN. BOth hEbert And breatHitt \narE AgainsT price capS, aRGuing tHEy will hAVE lOng-tErm detrimental impACt \nON power supply. \nThE Bush aDmINiSTRatIon Has made its OpPositIOn to intERfERINg iN The \nwholesale mArkets well kNOwn For weeKs. vicE presidEnt DiCk cHenEy's task \nforcE is tO unveil an Energy PLan in abOUt a montH that iS exPecTed tO LeAn \nHeaViLY on ENeRgy PRodUction. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\nSeCoNd day of blacKOUTS DisRupTs 500,000 HoMes anD Businesses \n\nPoWer: grid OPerAtors Say thE shoRtAge shOuld eaSe in tHe Next few days, but \noFficIals see a gRim SuMmeR. \n\nBY MITCheLL LANdSBeRG And ERIC bAILEY, TIMes stAFF wrIters \n\n\n\n\n\nA traffic signaL tHAT sTopped woRking dURiNg tUesday's rOlLinG blaCKOuts lEd \nto THiS collisiOn be twEEn A cAr and a tRuCk at an InTerSecTion iN el MoNte. \nThe Outages rAn froM 9:30 A.m. to 2 p.m. AP\n\n?????ElectrICity blackouts ROlLED tHRougH CaLifornia for A secONd stRaigHT \ndAy TUEsday, DisruPtINg BUsiness in one of the woRlD's most TechnOlogically \nadvAnced econoMIES and leavIng sCHoOLchildren gropiNg in tHe dark.\n?????JinxED by a combInatiOn of bad lUck and bad DECisions, uTilItiEs wEre \nFORcEd to cut off powER To moRe Than halF a mIllion hOmeS anD buSinEsSes from \nSaN Diego to ThE OReGoN boRder.\n?????BY Day's end, tHeRe wAs SomE good NEws froM the oPeraToRs OF thE \nstatewIDe POWer gRiD, wHo saId tHe SituaTion HAd eAsed and Appeared lIkeLY to \niMpRoVe for thE next few days. ANd gov. Gray DavIs AnnOunced A PRoposed \nsOlution to one vexing problEM: the utiLitIes' faIlurE to pay the StaTe's \nsmaLl, aLTernatIve powEr genErAtoRS, Many oF WHoM haVe Stopped proDUCinG \npoweR aS a reSult.\n?????DavIs called the utilitiES \"shAmeful\" for failIng To paY, ANd PraISeD \nThe AlTErnATIve power generatOrs, which inClUDe Solar, wind aND geOtHermal \neNergy prOduceRS, as \"good", "whitespace_perturbation": " further expected price in creases \nt his s umm er. Mass ey s aid he fears \" a dis asters in the making\"if so me pric e r estra ints ar e n o t i mp os edby FE RC, w hic h regul ates whole sal eelectricitys al es. \"We ne eda \ntemporary ti me out ,\" he said. \nB ut Ma ssey i s in th e minorit yo n thec ommissi o n .Both Hebert and Breat h it t \nare againstpriceca p s, a rgu ing they will h ave l o ng-term de t r i men t al impact \non power supp l y.\nThe B us h a d minist ratio nh asmade its op posi tion to i nterfe r ing int he \nwho lesale ma rke ts w e ll k now nf orw ee ks. Vic e Presid en tDickChen e y ' s tas k forc e isto unveil anene rgyp lan in a bouta mo nt h tha t is e xpect ed to lean \nheavi ly o n energypro du cti on . \n-- - ------ --- --- ------- ------- - --- -- - - - -- ------------------ -- - - -- -------- ------ -- -- - -------- -- --- ---- - - ----- ---- - -- -------- ------ - -- -- ------- -- ------ -- --- --- \n---- - ---- ------ -------- ----- - ------\nSecondD ay of Blackou t sD i sr u pts500 ,000 HomesandB usin esse s \nPo w er: G rid o pe r at o rs say the shortage s houldeasein the next f ew days, b u t \nofficia ls s e ea grim summer.\n\nByMITCHELL L A NDSBERGand E RIC BAIL EY, Times S taff Wri ter s \n\n\n\nA t ra ffic signal t h a t st op ped wor kin g durin g T ues day 'sro lling bla ckouts l ed to t his coll i sion betw een a ca r and a truc k atan i nt er s ect ion inE lM o nte. Th e ou tag es ranfrom 9:3 0 a.m.to 2 p.m. AP \n??? ?? El ectrici ty blackoutsro lled throu gh Ca liforn i a for a s econd straight \nday Tue s day, di sru pting bus iness inone of th e w o rld'smost t echno lo gic a l ly \na d v an ced e conomies a n d le aving s choo lchildr en groping in thed ark .\n?????Jinxed by a c o m bi nat i on ofba d lu c k and bad decisi ons, utili ti e swere \nforc e d t ocut off powerto mo r e thanhalf a mi llion hom es and b usi nesses fro m \nSan D iego to t h e Ore g on bord er. \n????? By da y's e nd, th e rewas s ome go od newsfromth e operat ors of the \nstatewide p ower g rid,who said the si t uat ion had e ased and appea red li kelytoimpro ve f o rthe nextfewd ays. AndG ov . G r a yDavis annou n c e d a prop ose d \nsolu tion to one vexing pr o blem: the util itie s ' fa ilu r e to p ay the state's \ns ma l l , altern at ive power g enerator s, manyof who m have stoppe d pr o ducing \npo wer as a res ult .? ????Dav is c a lled t he u ti lities \"sham e ful\" f or failing to pa y, an d prais e d the a lt ernativ e pow er generat ors, whichinclud e so lar,wind an dgeothe rma l\nenergy pr o ducers, a s \"go od", "underscore_trick": " further_expected price_increases \nthis summer. \nMassey_said he_fears_\"a disasters_in_the making\" if_some price restraints_are \nnot imposed by_FERC, which regulates_wholesale_electricity sales. \"We need a \ntemporary time out,\" he said. \nBut Massey is in_the_minority on_the_commission._Both Hebert and Breathitt \nare_against price caps, arguing they_will have_long-term detrimental impact \non power supply. \nThe Bush_administration_has made its_opposition to interfering in the \nwholesale markets well known_for weeks. Vice President Dick Cheney's_task \nforce is_to_unveil_an energy plan in_about a month that is expected_to lean \nheavily on energy production._\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\nSecond Day of Blackouts Disrupts 500,000 Homes_and Businesses \n\nPower: Grid operators say_the shortage should ease in_the next_few days, but \nofficials see_a grim summer._\n\nBy MITCHELL_LANDSBERG and ERIC_BAILEY, Times Staff Writers \n\n\n\n\n\nA traffic_signal that stopped_working during Tuesday's rolling blackouts led_\nto_this collision be_tween_a_car and_a truck at_an_intersection in_El_Monte. \nThe outages ran from 9:30_a.m._to 2 p.m. AP\n\n?????Electricity blackouts rolled through_California for a second_straight_\nday Tuesday, disrupting business_in one of the world's_most technologically \nadvanced economies and leaving_schoolchildren groping_in the_dark.\n?????Jinxed by a combination of bad luck and bad decisions, utilities_were \nforced to cut off power_to more than half_a million_homes_and businesses from_\nSan_Diego to_the Oregon border.\n?????By day's end, there was_some good_news from the operators of the_\nstatewide power grid, who_said_the situation had eased and appeared_likely to \nimprove for the next_few days. And Gov. Gray_Davis_announced_a proposed \nsolution to one_vexing problem: the utilities' failure to_pay the state's_\nsmall, alternative power generators, many of whom_have_stopped producing \npower as a result.\n?????Davis_called_the utilities \"shameful\" for failing to_pay,_and_praised \nthe alternative power generators,_which include solar, wind and geothermal_\nenergy producers, as \"good"} {"text": " McFadden (E-mail)\" \n, \"Paula Soos (E-mail)\" \n, \"Rachel King (E-mail)\" , \n\"'Randy Hickok (E-mail)'\" , \"Rick S. Koebbe \n(E-mail)\" , \"'Roger Pelote (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Ross Ain (E-mail)'\" , \n\"'Stephanie Newell (E-mail)'\" , \"'Steve \nLliff (E-mail)'\" , \"'Steve Ponder (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Susan J Mara (E-mail)'\" , \"'Tony \nWetzel (E-mail)'\" , \"'William Hall (E-mail)'\" \n\n\t\t cc: \"Julee Malinowski-Ball (E-mail)\" , \"Andy Brown (E-mail)\" \n, \"'Carol Hudson (E-mail)'\" , \"'Jan \nSmutny-Jones (E-mail)'\" , \"'Katie Kaplan (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Steven Kelly (E-mail)'\" \n\t\t Subject: FW: Proposed Windfall Profit Tax\n\nFYI. Preliminary analysis of State Windfall Profit Tax. This will be\ndiscussed during the cc scheduled for 9:00 a.m. today, Wed.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: C. Stephen Davis [mailto:csdlaw@", "synonym_substitution": "McFadden (E - mail) \" \n < mmcfadden@covantaenergy.com >, \" Paula Soos (E - mail) \" \n < psoos@covantaenergy.com >, \" Rachel King (east - chain mail) \" < rachel.king@elpaso.com >, \n \"' Randy Hickok (E - mail)' \" < rjhickok@duke-energy.com >, \" Rick S. Koebbe \n (east - chain mail) \" < rskoebbe@powerworksinc.com >, \"' Roger Pelote (E - mail)' \" \n < roger.pelote@williams.com >, \"' Ross Ain (E - chain mail)' \" < ain@worldnet.att.net >, \n \"' Stephanie Newell (einsteinium - mail)' \" < stephanie-newell@reliantenergy.com >, \"' Steve \n Lliff (E - mail)' \" < siliff@riobravo-gm.com >, \"' Steve Ponder (E - chain mail)' \" \n < steve_ponder@fpl.com >, \"' Susan J Mara (E - mail)' \" < smara@enron.com >, \"' Tony \n Wetzel (E - mail)' \" < twetzel@thermoecotek.com >, \"' William Hall (east - mail)' \" \n < wfhall2@duke-energy.com > \n\t\t cc: \" Julee Malinowski - Ball (E - mail) \" < jmball@ns.net >, \" Andy Brown (E - mail) \" \n < andybrwn@earthlink.net >, \"' Carol Hudson (vitamin e - mail)' \" < carol@iepa.com >, \"' Jan \n Smutny - Jones (E - mail)' \" < smutny@iepa.com >, \"' Katie Kaplan (east - mail)' \" \n < kaplan@iepa.com >, \"' Steven Kelly (E - mail)' \" < steven@iepa.com > \n\t\t Subject: FW: propose Windfall Profit Tax \n\n FYI. Preliminary analysis of State Windfall Profit Tax. This will be \n discussed during the cc scheduled for 9:00 a.m. today, We d. \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: C. Stephen Davis [ mailto: csdlaw@", "butter_fingers": " McVadden (E-mail)\" \n, \"Pcyla Soms (E-majl)\" \n, \"Rachel King (E-nail)\" , \n\"'Ravdy Hickon (E-mail)'\" , \"Rick S. Koebbs \n(E-manl)\" , \"'Roger Pelote (E-oanl)'\" \n, \"'Ross Ain (E-iail)'\" , \n\"'Ftepnwnie Newell (E-mail)'\" , \"'Steve \nLliff (R-mail)'\" , \"'Dtevf Ponder (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Fysan J Mara (D-mail)'\" , \"'Tohy \nWetzel (E-mail)'\" , \"'William Hqll (G-mail)'\" \n\n\t\t cc: \"Julee Malitowski-Bsll (E-mail)\" , \"Andy Brown (E-mail)\" \n, \"'Cwrol Hudsmn (E-mail)'\" , \"'Jan \nVmutty-Jovws (D-majl)'\" , \"'Katie Kzplan (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Stevtn Hvkly (E-mail)'\" \n\t\t Subject: FW: Proposed Windfall Profit Tas\n\nFYI. Preliminary analywis of State Windfall Profit Twx. This will be\ndiscussed during the cc scheduled for 9:00 x.m. uoeay, Wde.\n\n -----Lriginal Message-----\nFrom: C. Stephen Davis [mailtj:dsclsw@", "random_deletion": "McFadden (E-mail)\" , \"Paula Soos (E-mail)\" , (E-mail)\" \"'Randy Hickok , \"Rick S. (E-mail)'\" \"'Ross Ain (E-mail)'\" \"'Stephanie Newell (E-mail)'\" \"'Steve Lliff (E-mail)'\" , \"'Steve Ponder , \"'Susan J Mara (E-mail)'\" , \"'Tony Wetzel (E-mail)'\" , \"'William Hall (E-mail)'\" cc: \"Julee Malinowski-Ball (E-mail)\" , \"Andy Brown (E-mail)\" , \"'Carol Hudson (E-mail)'\" , Smutny-Jones , Kaplan , \"'Steven Kelly (E-mail)'\" Subject: FW: Proposed Windfall Profit Tax FYI. Preliminary analysis of State Profit Tax. This will be discussed during the scheduled for 9:00 a.m. Wed. -----Original Message----- From: C. Davis", "change_char_case": " McFadden (E-mail)\" \n, \"PaUla sooS (E-Mail)\" \n, \"RaChel King (E-mail)\" , \n\"'RaNDy hickoK (E-mail)'\" , \"rick S. koeBbe \n(E-maiL)\" , \"'RoGEr pelote (E-maiL)'\" \n, \"'ROsS AiN (e-mail)'\" , \n\"'StepHanie NeweLl (e-Mail)'\" , \"'StevE \nllIFf (E-mail)'\" , \"'sTevE PoNder (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'suSAN j MaRA (E-mail)'\" , \"'Tony \nWETzeL (E-mail)'\" , \"'WIlliam Hall (E-Mail)'\" \n\n\t\t cc: \"JuLEe MalinOwski-BAll (e-maIl)\" , \"ANDy BROwN (E-mAIl)\" \n, \"'CaROL hUdsoN (E-mAil)'\" , \"'Jan \nSmutNy-JOnes (e-MaiL)'\" , \"'kaTie KaPlan (E-mAil)'\" \n, \"'Steven kellY (E-mail)'\" \n\t\t subjeCT: FW: ProPosEd WIndfall profit TAX\n\nFYi. PRELImInary analysis of StaTe wINdFall ProfIt Tax. THIs WiLL be\ndiscuSsEd dUrinG THe cc sChedULeD for 9:00 a.m. toDay, Wed.\n\n -----oRiGiNal MessAgE-----\nFrom: C. stEphEn DAvis [mAIlto:Csdlaw@", "whitespace_perturbation": " McFadden (E-mail)\" \n, \" Paul a Soos (E-mail ) \" \n< psoos@covantaenergy.co m>, \" Ra c helK in g (E- mail)\"< ra c h el. ki ng @el pa s o. com>, \n\" 'RandyHickok (E- mai l) '\" , \"Rick S.Koe bbe \n( E- mai l )\" , \"' Ro g er Pel o te (E-m a i l) '\" , \"'Ross Ain ( E- m ai l ) '\", \n\"'S t ep h a n ieN ewell (E-mail )'\" , \"' Steve \nLlif f (E -mail)'\", \"' Ste vePond e r(E -ma il ) '\", \"' Susa n J Mara (E -mai l)'\", \" ' Ton y \nWe tzel(E-m ai l)'\",\"'Wi lliam Hal l ( E- mai l) '\" \n< w fhall2 @du ke- energy. com>\n\tcc: \" J u l ee Malinowski-Ball ( E- m a il )\" , \"Andy Br ow n ( E-ma i l )\" \n< andy b rw n@earthl ink.ne t >, \" 'CarolHu dson ( E- mai l)' \" , \"'Ja n \nSm u tny-Jones (E-m a il)'\" ,\"'K atie Kaplan (E- m ail) '\" < ka pla n @iepa .com> ,\" 'S t even Kelly (E-mail) '\" \n\t\t Su bject: FW: P r oposed W indf a ll Profit Tax\n\nFY I. P reliminary analysis of S tate Win dfall Pro f i t Tax. Thi s w ill be d is cussed during t he c cschedul edfor 9:0 0 a .m. to day ,Wed.\n\n -- ---Origi na lMe ss age ----- From: C . S te phe n Dav i s [mai lto:c sdla w@ ", "underscore_trick": " McFadden_(E-mail)\" \n,_\"Paula Soos (E-mail)\" \n,_\"Rachel King_(E-mail)\"_, \n\"'Randy_Hickok_(E-mail)'\" , \"Rick_S. Koebbe \n(E-mail)\"_, \"'Roger Pelote (E-mail)'\"_\n, \"'Ross Ain_(E-mail)'\"_, \n\"'Stephanie Newell (E-mail)'\" , \"'Steve \nLliff (E-mail)'\" , \"'Steve Ponder (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Susan_J_Mara (E-mail)'\"_,_\"'Tony_\nWetzel (E-mail)'\" , \"'William Hall_(E-mail)'\" \n\n\t\t cc: \"Julee Malinowski-Ball_(E-mail)\" ,_\"Andy Brown (E-mail)\" \n, \"'Carol Hudson (E-mail)'\" ,_\"'Jan_\nSmutny-Jones (E-mail)'\" ,_\"'Katie Kaplan (E-mail)'\" \n, \"'Steven Kelly (E-mail)'\" \n\t\t Subject:_FW: Proposed Windfall Profit Tax\n\nFYI. _Preliminary analysis of_State_Windfall_Profit Tax. This_will be\ndiscussed during the cc scheduled_for 9:00 a.m. today, Wed.\n\n -----Original_Message-----\nFrom: C. Stephen Davis_[mailto:csdlaw@"} {"text": "Halliburton Co. (HAL), Transocean Sedco Forex Inc. (RIG) and Schlumberger \nLtd. (SLB). \nEl Paso Corp. (EPG), Dynegy Corp. (DYN), Enron Corp. (ENE), and Reliant \nEnergy Inc. (REI) are among the convergence and power companies making \npresentations. \nBarrett Resources Corp. (BRR), which is fending off a hostile bid from Shell \nOil Co., was slated to appear Monday, but has pulled out of the conference. \nSpeculation continues over whether Shell's bid will be challenged by a rival \nfor the Denver oil and gas exploration and production company. \nLast year, Anadarko, of Houston, created a stir by announcing its plan to \nacquire Union Pacific Resources Corp. on the morning of its presentation. \nParticipants may be looking forward to other comparable industry developments \nto occur at this year's conference. \n-By Christina Cheddar, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5166; \nchristina.cheddar@dowjones.com\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EHS Dept. General / Projects:\nLife Cycle Impact Analysis - A.D. Little met with environmental, legal, and \ncorporate responsibility representatives from ETS, EBS, EES, and Corporate to \nkick-off the first phase of a Life Cycle Impact Analysis of Enron's products \nand services. Gavin Dillingham is working with Susan Worthen to determine \nall of Enron's products and services, including volumes. This information \nwill be used to prioritize which products and services we examine and the \nscope of their life cycle.\nEHS Compliance Manager Modules - Susan Worthen authorized the expenditure for \nan EHS Software consultant to assist in the identification and evaluation of \nEHS software system providers. Enron's requirements will be identified \nthrough one-on-one meetings with internal stakeholders. The value of using a \nthird-party to facilitate this process will save significant staff time and \nproject delays due to the current workload of the task force.\nNew Employee Orientation - Kelly Kimberly gave her okay on the graphic for \nthe orientation booth. Mark Wilson (Orientation)", "synonym_substitution": "Halliburton Co. (HAL), Transocean Sedco Forex Inc. (RIG) and Schlumberger \n Ltd. (SLB). \n El Paso Corp. (EPG), Dynegy Corp. (DYN), Enron Corp. (ENE), and Reliant \n Energy Inc. (REI) are among the convergence and power companies making \n presentation. \n Barrett Resources Corp. (BRR), which is fend off a hostile bid from Shell \n Oil Co., was slated to appear Monday, but has attract out of the conference. \n Speculation retain over whether Shell's bid will be challenged by a rival \n for the Denver petroleum and gas exploration and production ship's company. \n Last year, Anadarko, of Houston, create a stir by announce its plan to \n acquire Union Pacific Resources Corp. on the good morning of its presentation. \n Participants may be looking fore to other comparable industry developments \n to occur at this class's conference. \n -By Christina Cheddar, Dow Jones Newswires; 201 - 938 - 5166; \n christina.cheddar@dowjones.com \n\n Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights reserve. EHS Dept. General / Projects: \n Life Cycle Impact Analysis - A.D. Little met with environmental, legal, and \n corporate duty representatives from ETS, EBS, EES, and Corporate to \n kick - off the first phase of a Life Cycle Impact Analysis of Enron's products \n and services. Gavin Dillingham is working with Susan Worthen to determine \n all of Enron's products and services, including volumes. This information \n will be used to prioritize which products and services we examine and the \n setting of their life cycle. \n EHS Compliance Manager Modules - Susan Worthen empower the consumption for \n an EHS Software consultant to assist in the identification and evaluation of \n EHS software arrangement providers. Enron's requirements will be identified \n through one - on - one meetings with inner stakeholders. The value of using a \n third - party to facilitate this process will save significant staff fourth dimension and \n project delays due to the current workload of the task force. \n New Employee Orientation - Kelly Kimberly give her okay on the graphic for \n the orientation booth. Mark Wilson (Orientation )", "butter_fingers": "Halpiburton Co. (HAL), Transocexn Sedco Forex Nbc. (RIG) and Sdhlumbereer \nLtd. (SLB). \nEl Paso Corp. (EPG), Dtnegy Corp. (DYN), Enron Corp. (EVE), and Repiant \nEnwrgy Unc. (REI) arx among bke cohyergeucx and power comkanies makinc \npresentationv. \nCaxrett Resources Corp. (BRR), which is fegding ogf a hostile bid frok Sheml \nOil Co., was slated to appear Monsay, but has pulled oit of the conference. \nSpecupatiln continues over ahether Sheol's fud will be cfallenged by a rival \nfkr the Denver oil and gas explofatiou and produxtuon wompany. \nLasv year, Anadarko, of Houston, createc a stir by ankouncmng uts plan to \nacquire Uiion Pacific Resourcgs Corp. on tke morning of its prewebtatimn. \nPdrtizupavts mey ge looninj forward tk other comparable industry defejipments \nto ocdur at tris year's conference. \n-By Christina Chedddr, Sow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5166; \ncheistina.cheddar@dowjoned.com\n\nCopyryght, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. AHS Dxpg. Gtncval / Prljects:\nLife Cycle Impact Analysis - A.D. Little mqf einh environmental, jegal, and \ncprootwte responsibklity xspdesentatives from FTS, EBS, EES, qnd Corpowate to \nkick-off the first phase of a Life Cjcle Impact Analysis oy Enron's probucts \nsnd srrvices. Gavin Dillinghcm is sorking witj Susan Wkfthen to determive \nsln of Enron's products and sqrvices, iicludnng voluoes. Jhis insormation \naill na used to prioritixe whnch psoducts anf services we examine and the \nsrppe of their lhfe cycle.\nEHF Comiliance Manager Modules - Susau Wortheu authurized the expendmture for \nan EHS Software fonsultant tm assist in rhe udentifkzation and evakuation oy \nEHS software system pvovidgra. Enron's requixtmebts will be idemtiwieq \nnhrpudv one-on-one maetivgs eith knternal stckdholcers. The value of uving a \nthird-party to fscllitate tyis procqss will save significant staff time anv \nprojrct delays due to the current woriload of hhe task force.\nNqw Enployee Orieutation - Kelly Kimberly gave her okay on the graphic for \njhe orientation booth. Mark Wilsoi (Oriegtation)", "random_deletion": "Halliburton Co. (HAL), Transocean Sedco Forex Inc. Schlumberger (SLB). El Corp. (EPG), Dynegy and Energy Inc. (REI) among the convergence power companies making presentations. Barrett Resources (BRR), which is fending off a hostile bid from Shell Oil Co., was to appear Monday, but has pulled out of the conference. Speculation continues over Shell's will challenged a rival for the Denver oil and gas exploration and production company. Last year, Anadarko, of created a stir by announcing its plan to Union Pacific Resources Corp. the morning of its presentation. may looking forward other industry to occur at year's conference. -By Christina Cheddar, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5166; christina.cheddar@dowjones.com Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Rights Reserved. General / Life Impact - A.D. Little environmental, legal, and corporate responsibility representatives EES, and Corporate to kick-off the first phase a Life Impact Analysis of Enron's products and Gavin Dillingham is working with Susan Worthen to all of Enron's products and services, including volumes. This information will be used to prioritize and services we examine the scope of life EHS Manager - Susan authorized the expenditure for an EHS Software consultant to assist in identification and evaluation of EHS software system providers. Enron's requirements identified one-on-one meetings with stakeholders. The value of a to facilitate this process significant time due the workload of the task New Employee Orientation - Kelly gave her okay on booth. Mark Wilson (Orientation)", "change_char_case": "Halliburton Co. (HAL), TransoceaN Sedco ForeX Inc. (RiG) aNd SChLumbErgeR \nLtd. (SLB). \nEl Paso CORp. (EPg), Dynegy Corp. (DYN), Enron CorP. (ENE), aNd rEliaNT \nENergy inc. (REI) aRE aMONg tHe CoNveRgENcE and pOweR companIes making \npResEnTations. \nBarreTT REsources CoRp. (BrR), which is fenDinG off a hOsTilE Bid frOm SHell \nOIl Co., waS Slated To appear MOnDAy, but hAS pulled OUT oF the Conference. \nSpeculaTIoN Continues over wHether shELl'S BId wIll Be challengEd By a riVAl \nfor thE deNVER oiL And gas exploraTion and prodUCtiOn compAnY. \nLaST year, ANadarKo, OF HoUston, createD a stIr by annouNcing iTS plan to \nACquire UNion PaCifIc REsouRCeS COrp. On THe mORnIng OF itS presentAtIoN. \nPartIcipANTS May bE loOkinG forwArd to other comParAble INduStry dEveloPmenTs \nTo occUr at thIs yeaR's Conference. \n-By ChrIstiNa Cheddar, dow joNes neWswirES; 201-938-5166; \nchrisTinA.chEddar@doWjones.cOM\n\nCoPyRIGHt, 2000 dow Jones & Company, Inc. alL rIgHts ReserVed. EHS dEpT. GENeral / ProJeCts:\nlife cYCle ImPact aNaLysis - A.D. LIttle mET wItH enviroNmEntal, lEgAl, aNd \ncOrporATe reSponsiBility rePreseNTatives from ETS, ebS, EES, and CorpoRAtE TO \nkICk-ofF thE first phase Of a LIFe CyCle IMPaCt ANAlysiS of EnRoN'S pROducts \nand services. GaViN DilliNgham Is working with susan WorthEN TO determiNe \nalL Of eNron's products aNd serVices, incluDIng volumEs. ThiS informaTion \nwill bE USed to priOriTizE whIch PROdUcts and servicES We exAmIne and tHe \nsCope of tHeiR liFe cYclE.\nEhS CompliaNce ManagEr moDuLeS - SuSan WoRThen authOrIzeD tHe eXpendITure foR \nan EHs SofTwArE ConSultant TO aSSIst iN tHe IdenTifIcAtion And eVAluAtion of \neHS softwaRe sYStem PrOvIders. EnRon's requiremeNtS will be ideNtIfiEd \nthroUGH one-on-onE meetings with internal stAKeholdeRs. THe valUe of Using a \nthiRd-pArty to FacILitate This prOcess WiLl sAVE signIFIcAnt StAff time and \nPROjeCt delAyS due To the cuRrent workload of the TAsk Force.\nNew EmploYee orieNTAtIon - kElLY KiMbERly GAVe her okay on the gRaphic for \ntHe ORiEntation boOTh. MArK Wilson (orientaTion)", "whitespace_perturbation": "Halliburton Co. (HAL), Tra nsocean Se dco F ore x I nc . (R IG)and Schlumberg e r \nL td. (SLB). \nEl Paso Co rp. ( EP G ), D y ne gy Co rp. (DY N ), E nro nCo rp. ( E NE ), an d R eliant\nEnergy In c.(R EI) are amon g t he converg enc e and powercom panies m aki n g \npr ese ntati ons. B arrett Resource sC orp. ( B RR), wh i c his f ending off a host i le bid from Shell \nOilCo . ,w a s s lat ed to appe ar Mond a y, buth as p u lle d out of the c onference.Spe culati on co n tinues over w h eth er Shell'sbidwill be c hallen g ed by a rival for th e D env er o i lan d g as exp l or ati o n a nd produ ct io n com pany . L astyea r, A nadar ko, of Housto n,crea t eda sti r byanno un cingits pl an to acquire Union P acif ic Resour ces C orp .on th e morni ngofits pre sentati o n.\nP a r t ic ipants may be look in g fo rward to other co mp a rable in du str y de v e lopme ntsto occur a t this ye ar 's conf er ence.\n- ByChr istin a Che ddar,Dow Jone s New s wires; 201-938 - 5166; \nchrist i na . c he d dar@ dow jones.com\nCopy r ight , 20 0 0Dow Jones & Co mp a ny , Inc. All Rights Re se rved.EHS D ept. General/ Projects : L ife Cycl e Im p ac t Analysis - A. D. Li ttle met w i th envir onmen tal, leg al, and c o rporateres pon sib ili t y r epresentative s from E TS, EBS , E ES, and Co rpo rat e t o\nkick-off the fir st p ha se of a Li f e CycleIm pac tAna lysis of Enr on'sprod uc ts \nan d servi c es . Gav in D illi ngh am is w orki n g w ith Sus an Worthe n t o det er mi ne \nall of Enron's p ro ducts andse rvi ces, i n c luding v olumes. This informatio n \nwillbeusedto p rioritize wh ich pr odu c ts and servi ces w eexa m i ne an d th e sc ope of the i r li fe cy cl e.\nE HS Comp liance Manager Mod u les - Susan Wort hen aut h o ri zed th e ex pe n dit u r e for \nan EHS S oftware co ns u lt ant to ass i stin the id entific ation and eva luation o f \nEHS so ft ware s yst em provide rs. Enr on's requ i remen t swillbeidenti fi ed\nthro ugh on e -on -onemeetin gs withinter na l stakeh olders. The value of u sing a \nthi rd- party tofac i lit ate thisproc ess will s ave si gnifi can t staf f ti m eand \nproj ectd elays due to th e cu rrent workl o a d of thetas k force .\nNe w Employee Orient a tion - Kelly K imbe r l y g ave herok ay on the grap hic f o r \nthe or ie ntation boo th. Mar kW ilson (Orie ntatio n)", "underscore_trick": "Halliburton Co._(HAL), Transocean_Sedco Forex Inc. (RIG)_and Schlumberger_\nLtd._(SLB). \nEl_Paso_Corp. (EPG), Dynegy_Corp. (DYN), Enron_Corp. (ENE), and Reliant_\nEnergy Inc. (REI)_are_among the convergence and power companies making \npresentations. \nBarrett Resources Corp. (BRR), which is_fending_off a_hostile_bid_from Shell \nOil Co., was_slated to appear Monday, but_has pulled_out of the conference. \nSpeculation continues over whether_Shell's_bid will be_challenged by a rival \nfor the Denver oil and_gas exploration and production company. \nLast_year, Anadarko, of_Houston,_created_a stir by announcing_its plan to \nacquire Union Pacific_Resources Corp. on the morning of_its presentation. \nParticipants may be looking forward_to other comparable industry developments \nto_occur at this year's conference._\n-By Christina_Cheddar, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5166;_\nchristina.cheddar@dowjones.com\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow_Jones &_Company, Inc. All_Rights Reserved. EHS Dept. General /_Projects:\nLife Cycle Impact_Analysis - A.D. Little met with_environmental,_legal, and \ncorporate_responsibility_representatives_from ETS,_EBS, EES, and_Corporate_to \nkick-off_the_first phase of a Life Cycle_Impact_Analysis of Enron's products \nand services. _Gavin Dillingham is working_with_Susan Worthen to determine_\nall of Enron's products and_services, including volumes. This information \nwill_be used_to prioritize_which products and services we examine and the \nscope of their_life cycle.\nEHS Compliance Manager Modules -_Susan Worthen authorized the_expenditure for_\nan_EHS Software consultant_to_assist in_the identification and evaluation of \nEHS software_system providers._ Enron's requirements will be identified_\nthrough one-on-one meetings with_internal_stakeholders. The value of using_a \nthird-party to facilitate this process_will save significant staff time_and_\nproject_delays due to the current_workload of the task force.\nNew Employee_Orientation - Kelly_Kimberly gave her okay on the graphic_for_\nthe orientation booth. Mark Wilson_(Orientation)"} {"text": "serif\"? size=\"2\">.
?\t??\t?\t??\t?\t?\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\tINTERNATIONAL WEEKEND GETAWAY FARES?\t?\t? \t?\t\t?\t\tTRAVEL DATES AND TIMES FOR WEEKEND GETAWAY FARES
? \t
?\t\t- Depart Thursday,? November 1, 2001 or Friday, November 2, 2001.?\t\t
- Return anytime the following Monday, November 5, 2001 or? Tuesday, November 6, 2001.?\t\t
- Tickets must be purchased no later than this Friday, October? 26, 2001, 12:00 midnight?\t\t
- Fares shown are roundtrip.

?\t\t??? \t\t? \t\t<", "synonym_substitution": "serif \"? size=\"2\">.? \t\t\t < br >? \t\t\t < br>? \t < /tr>?????\t?\t??\t?\t?\t\t?\t? \t? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? This is the beginning of the Domestic Weekend Getaway Section --> \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t
? \t
?\t\t- Depart Thhrsday,? Novenber 1, 2001 or Friday, Nofeiver 2, 2001.?\t\t
- Returh anytymq the following Monday, November 5, 2001 or? Tutsday, November 6, 2001.?\t\t
- Tickets myst be purchased no lwter than this Friday, October? 26, 2001, 12:00 midnight?\t\t
- Fases siodn cvc rojbdhrip.?\t\t

?\t\t??? \t\t? \t\t<", "random_deletion": "serif\"? size=\"2\">.?
? - Depart November 1, 2001 or Friday, 2,
- Return the Monday, 5, 2001 or? November 6, 2001.?
- Tickets must be purchased no later than this Friday, October? 26, 2001, 12:00
- are roundtrip.
? ??? ? <", "change_char_case": "serif\"? size=\"2\">.?\t\t\t
?\t??\t?\t??\t?\t?\t\t?\t?\t? \t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t\n\t\n\t \n \t \n\t < /tr > \n\t < tr > \n \t < td valign=\"top \" width=\"523 \" > \n\t\t < baptismal font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans - serif \" size=\"3 \" font \n color=\"#000066 \" > \n\t\t < b > TRAVEL DATES AND TIMES FOR WEEKEND GETAWAY FARES < br > \n \t < br > \n\t\t < font size=\"2 \" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans - serif\">- Depart Friday, \n November 2, 2001 on or after 7:00 p.m. or anytime on \n Saturday, \n \t\t < br>  November 3, 2001. \n\t\t < br>- Return anytime", "butter_fingers": ",\n sajs-serif\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVisit AA.com Onlint Travel Informatnin Cenver for the latdst\n information to assist wivh yiur teavel planning. You wilu find cugrent\n flitht wxhedules, gefes and times\njkformctmon, and the mosj recent traeel policy chatgds. Just visit:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\twwr.aa.ckm/travelinfo\n \t\t\t\t\t

\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t\n\t\n\t \n \t\n\t\t \n\t\tTRAVEL DATAS ANV GIMTS FOR DWENEND GETAWAY FARES
\n \t
\n\t\t- Depatt Ftyday,\n November 2, 2001 on or zfter 7:00 p.m. or anytile on\n Fatureay,\n \t\t
&nbfp;&nbxp;November 3, 2001.\n\t\t
- Return anytine", "random_deletion": ", sans-serif\"> Visit AA.com Online Travel Information the information to with your travel flight gates and times and the most travel policy changes. Just visit:
color=\"#FF0000\"> www.aa.com/travelinfo

?\t\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\tINTERNATIonAL wEEKENd GeTAwaY FAREs
?\t\t?\t\ttrAvEl DAtEs aND tiMeS For WEeKEND GETaWaY fARES
? \t
?\t\t- dEpaRt ThuRsday,? noveMbEr 1, 2001 or FRiday, NOvembEr 2, 2001.?\t\t
- Return anytime The fOllowing MOndAy, novEmBer 5, 2001 or? tUesday, novEmbEr 6, 2001.?\t\t
- TicKets musT Be pUrCHASeD no later than this FrIdAY, ocTober? 26, 2001, 12:00 midNight?\t\t
- FArEs sHown ARE rounDtriP.

?\t\t??? \t\t? \t\t<", "whitespace_perturbation": "serif\"? size=\"2\">.< /font>?\t\t
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? < br > ? \t< font si ze=\"2\" face =\"Ar i al,Helv e ti ca, sans- serif \"> - D e part Thursday,? Nov em ber 1, 2001 or Friday, N ovember 2, 2 0 01.?\t\t-R et u rn anytime the foll owing Mond a y, Novem ber 5 , 2001 o r? Tuesda y , Novembe r 6 , 2 001 .?< br >- Tickets mu s t bepu rchased no latertha n t his Fr id ay, Octob er? 26,20 01 ,12 :00 midn i ght?\t\t &nb sp ;&n bsp;( C T).?\t
- Far es s h own are ro u nd t r ip.< /f on t>?\t
? \t\t?< ! --This is the begi nni n g of t he Intern ational Weeke nd Getaway t ab le? -->?< ! - - This i s the beginning of theI nternat ion al We eken d Getaway ta ble? - ->? \t
? \t\t<", "underscore_trick": "serif\"? size=\"2\">.?\t\t\t
? _ _\t
?\t\t- Depart_Thursday,? November 1, 2001 or Friday,_November 2, 2001.?\t\t
- Return anytime the_following Monday, November 5, 2001 or? Tuesday,_November 6, 2001.?\t\t
- Tickets must be_purchased no later than this_Friday, October?_26, 2001, 12:00 midnight?\t\t
- Fares_shown are roundtrip.?\t\t

?\t\t??? ___\t\t
?__ __ \t\t<"} {"text": "com>\n @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday, October\n 11,\n 2001\n 2:55\n PM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n you love trying to get on\n my\n nerves\n don't\n you?\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From:\n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Thursday, October 11,\n 2001\n 2:50\n PM\n To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n you have such a temper.\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n From: Erin Richardson\n \n @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 2:46\n PM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n matt, it's cool. i was\n just\n playing!\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n From:\n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Thursday, October\n 11,\n 2001\n 2:40\n PM\n To:\n erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n just chill girl.\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n From: Erin\n Richardson\n \n @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 2:34\n PM\n To: Lenhart,\n Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n i'm not getting\n worked\n up,\n i\n was\n just\n typing\n a\n playful,\n meaningless", "synonym_substitution": "com > \n @ENRON \n Sent: Thursday, October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 2:55 \n PM \n To: Lenhart, Matthew \n Subject: RE: \n\n you love judge to make on \n my \n nerves \n don't \n you? \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: \n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n Sent: Thursday, October 11, \n 2001 \n 2:50 \n PM \n To: erichardson@sarofim.com \n topic: RE: \n\n\n you have such a pique. \n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n From: Erin Richardson \n < erichardson@sarofim.com > \n @ENRON \n Sent: Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 2:46 \n PM \n To: Lenhart, Matthew \n Subject: RE: \n\n matt, it's cool. i was \n merely \n playing! \n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n From: \n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n\n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n Sent: Thursday, October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 2:40 \n phase modulation \n To: \n erichardson@sarofim.com \n Subject: RE: \n\n\n precisely frisson girl. \n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n From: Erin \n Richardson \n < erichardson@sarofim.com > \n @ENRON \n Sent: Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 2:34 \n prime minister \n To: Lenhart, \n Matthew \n Subject: RE: \n\n i'm not getting \n ferment \n up, \n i \n was \n just \n typing \n a \n playful, \n meaningless", "butter_fingers": "com>\n @ENRON\n Sent: Rhurseay, October\n 11,\n 2001\n 2:55\n PM\n To: Lenhast, Mctthew\n Subjest: GE:\n\n you love ttying to get on\n my\n nfrves\n don't\n yuu?\n\n -----Orieinal Message-----\n Frok:\n Matthew.Keniart@wnron.com\n [mdimto:Matthew.Lenhart@wneon.cok]\n Went: Thursday, Octobtr 11,\n 2001\n 2:50\n PM\n To: eeichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n you have such z uemier.\n\n -----Kriginal\n Message-----\n Feom: Erin Rpchaedson\n \n @SVRON\n Sxnt: Thursdxy,\n Octobqr\n 11,\n 2001\n 2:46\n PM\n To: Lcnhart, Matthew\n Subjqct: RE:\n\n matt, iy's cool. p cas\n hust\n plxging!\n\n -----Oricinau\n Kessaee-----\n From:\n Majthew.Lenhwrt@enron.com\n\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhwrt@encon.com]\n Sent: Thursdwy, Ogtobgr\n 11,\n 2001\n 2:40\n PM\n To:\n erichardvon@sarofim.com\n Vubjeft: RE:\n\n\n just chill girl.\n\n -----Origpnal\n Message-----\n Ffom: Erin\n Tichardson\n \n @WNRON\n Sent: Thjrscan,\n Octlber\n 11,\n 2001\n 2:34\n PM\n Tp: Lenhart,\n Matthew\n Subjert: RE:\n\n i'm hot gettihg\n workxd\n up,\n i\n was\n just\n typing\n a\n playful,\n meaningless", "random_deletion": "com> @ENRON Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 To: Matthew Subject: you love trying don't -----Original Message----- From: [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Sent: Thursday, 11, 2001 2:50 PM To: erichardson@sarofim.com RE: you have such a temper. -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson @ENRON Thursday, October 11, 2001 2:46 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: matt, it's i just -----Original From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 2:40 PM To: erichardson@sarofim.com Subject: RE: just chill -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson @ENRON Sent: October 11, 2001 2:34 To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: not worked up, was typing playful, meaningless", "change_char_case": "com>\n @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday, OctobEr\n 11,\n 2001\n 2:55\n PM\n To: LenhArt, MaTthEw\n SUbJect: rE:\n\n yoU love trying to gET on\n mY\n nerves\n don't\n you?\n\n -----Original messaGe-----\n fRom:\n MATtHew.LeNhart@enROn.COM\n [maIlTo:matThEW.LEnharT@enRon.com]\n SEnt: ThursdaY, OcToBer 11,\n 2001\n 2:50\n PM\n To: erichARdSon@sarofim.Com\n subject: RE:\n\n\n you HavE such a TeMpeR.\n\n -----origiNal\n messaGe-----\n From: eRin RicHardson\n \n @eNrON\n SEnt: Thursday,\n OctobeR\n 11,\n 2001\n 2:46\n pM\n tO: Lenhart, MattheW\n SubjeCt: re:\n\n mATT, it'S coOl. i was\n just\n PlAying!\n\n -----oRiginal\n mEsSAGE-----\n FrOM:\n Matthew.LenhaRt@enron.com\n\n [mAIltO:MatthEw.lenHArt@enrOn.com]\n seNT: ThUrsday, OctobEr\n 11,\n 2001\n 2:40\n PM\n to:\n ericharDson@saROfim.com\n sUbject: Re:\n\n\n just cHilL giRl.\n\n -----OrIGiNaL\n MeSsAGe-----\n FROm: eriN\n ricHardson\n \n @EnROn\n SenT: ThurSday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 2:34\n PM\n to: LEnhaRT,\n MaTthew\n subjeCt: RE:\n\n I'm Not geTting\n wOrked\n Up,\n I\n was\n just\n typing\n a\n PlayFul,\n meaninGleSs", "whitespace_perturbation": "com>\n @ ENRON \n Sent: Thurs da y , Oc t ob er\n 11,\n 2 00 1 2 :55 \n P M\n To: L e nhart , M atthe w\n Subject: RE: you l o ve tryi n gt o get on\n my\n nerves don't y ou?\n - -- --O ri g ina l M ess a ge- ----\n F rom :\n Matth ew.Le nhar t@ enron .com\n [m ail to :Matt h ew.Len har t@e nron.co m]\n Sent: Th ur s day, Oct ob er11, 2 001 2:50 PM\n To: er i chardson@saro f im . c om Su b je c t: RE:\n\n\n y ou havesuch at emper.\n\n - - ---Origi nal \n Me ssa g e -- ---\n From: Erin R ic ha rd so n\n \n @E NRON Se nt: Thur sd ay, \n Oc t o ber\n 11,\n 2001 2 :46 PM To: Le nhar t, Matt hew\n S ub j ect : RE:\n\n mat t, it ' s cool. i was\n just \n playi ng!\n\n - --- -Orig inal\n Messag e---- - Fro m: Matt hew. Lenhart@en ron .co m\n\n [m a ilto: Matt h ew .Le n hart@ enro n .com]\n Sent: Thursday, October\n 11, \n 20 0 1\n 2:4 0\n PM\n To: erichards on@ sa r ofim.co m Subj e c t: RE : \n\n just chillgi rl.\n\n -- - - -Orig inal \n Message - - -- - \n Fr o m : Er i n Richardso n\n \n @ ENRO N\n Sent : Thur s day,\n October\n 11,\n 2 001 \n 2:34\n P M\n To: Lenhart , \n Matt hew Subj ect: RE:\n i'm not gett in g\n work e d\n up, \n i\n was \n j u st\n typing\n a \n pl a y ful, meaningl e ss ", "underscore_trick": "com>\n _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ @ENRON\n __ ___ _ _ _ __ _ Sent: _ Thursday, October\n 11,\n_ ___ 2001\n_ _ 2:55\n_ _ _ PM\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ __ _To:_ Lenhart, Matthew\n__ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Subject: _RE:\n\n _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ you love_trying_to_get on\n my\n_ _ nerves\n_ __ _don't\n_ ___ _ _ you?\n\n _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ -----Original Message-----\n_ _ _ _ __ ____ _ _From:\n _ _ Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n _ _ __ _ _ __ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sent: Thursday,_October_11,\n 2001\n ____ _ _2:50\n _ __ _ PM\n_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ To:_erichardson@sarofim.com\n __ ___ __ _____ _ Subject: RE:\n\n\n__ _ __ _ _ __ ____ _ you have such a temper.\n\n __ _ __ _ _ _ _ -----Original\n Message-----\n _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ From: Erin Richardson\n_ _ _ _ _ \n __ _ _ _ @ENRON\n__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sent: Thursday,\n October\n_ __ 11,\n _ 2001\n_ _ 2:46\n ___ __ _ PM\n_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ To:_ __ Lenhart,_Matthew\n __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Subject: _RE:\n\n _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ matt,_it's cool. i was\n ___ just\n _ _ playing!\n\n _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _-----Original\n__ Message-----\n _ __ _ _ _ ___ __ From:\n_ _Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n\n_ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n _ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ Sent:_Thursday, October\n 11,\n 2001\n _ _ 2:40\n _ _ __ _ _ PM\n _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ To:\n erichardson@sarofim.com\n _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ Subject: RE:\n\n\n _ _ _ __ __ _ _just chill girl.\n\n _ ___ _ _ _ _ ____ _-----Original\n _ _Message-----\n __ __ _ _ __ _ _ From: _ Erin\n _Richardson\n _ _ _ _ \n_ __ _ _ @ENRON\n _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ Sent: Thursday,\n October\n_ _ _ 11,\n _ _ _ _2001\n _ _ _ 2:34\n _ _ ___ _ PM\n _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ ___ __ _ _ To:_ _Lenhart,\n _Matthew\n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ Subject: RE:\n\n _ ____ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ i'm not getting\n __worked\n_ _ up,\n_ _ i\n _ _ _ was\n_ _ just\n__ _ _ _ typing\n __ _ _ _ _ _a\n ____ _ _ ___ _ _playful,\n_ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _meaningless"} {"text": " Utility Holding Company's CEO Will Retire\n\n-Indiana House Votes to Allow Fines for Utilities That Violate Service Codes\n\n-Indiana Bills Broaden Regulatory Power over Utilities\n\n-Atlanta's Southern Co. to Increase Electric-Generating Capacity in Southeast\n\n-Oklahoma Regulator Urges Boost for U.S. Energy Industry\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nREUTERS\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nAccess stories online at:\n\nFEATURE-Canada government set for crippling power struggle\n\nUPDATE 1-TransCanada sees earnings boost in 2001\n\nPG&E unit hopes for April decision on N.Y. power plant\n\nBPA seeks more wind power generation in Northwest\n\nUnited Utilities files $2 bln U.S. shelf offering\n\nUPDATE 1-Atco profits up on power, gas liquids prices\n\nSerb PM seeks Russian energy, military investment\n\nUPDATE 1-Williams in 10-yr fixed-price Calif. power deal\n\nAnalysts puzzled by sharp drop in Ballard shares\n\nEl Paso says to sell $800 mln zero-coupon conv bonds\n\nRPT-UPDATE 1-Enron scraps Indian broadband plan\n\nCanadian natural gas prices slip amid mild weather\n\nS&P rates Reliant Energy Resources notes BBB-plus\n\nTransCanada sees earnings boost in 2001\n\nEnron's Portland General files shelf for $250 mln\n\n*********************************************************\nNEW on the POWERMARKETERS.COM TRAINING PAGE\n*********************************************************\nAccess all online presentations at: http://www.pmaconference.com\n\nNew! Now you can choose to stream the presentation immediately over the web, \nor download it to your computer for later viewing-- Free!\n\nNew! Five additional RealVideo-based powerpoint-based presentations, with the \naccompanying audio. Running about 30 minutes each, the new selections include:\n\nELECTRONIC TRADING. Power is following natural gas to become an \nelectronically-traded commodity. The products, the technology and the future \nof electricity transactions. Kevin Sluder, Vice President, HoustonStreet \nExchange.\n\nNUTS AND BOLTS OF RETAILING. What it takes to put an energy retailing \noperation together-- the cash and credit requirements, back office, \n", "synonym_substitution": "Utility Holding Company's CEO Will Retire \n\n -Indiana House Votes to Allow Fines for utility That Violate Service Codes \n\n -Indiana Bills Broaden Regulatory Power over Utilities \n\n -Atlanta's Southern Co. to Increase Electric - Generating Capacity in Southeast \n\n -Oklahoma governor Urges Boost for U.S. Energy Industry \n\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \n REUTERS \n ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \n Access stories online at: \n\n FEATURE - Canada government specify for crippling office struggle \n\n UPDATE 1 - TransCanada sees wage rise in 2001 \n\n PG&E unit hopes for April decision on N.Y. power plant \n\n BPA seeks more fart power generation in Northwest \n\n United Utilities charge $ 2 bln U.S. shelf oblation \n\n UPDATE 1 - Atco profits up on power, gasoline liquids prices \n\n Serb PM seek Russian energy, military investment \n\n UPDATE 1 - Williams in 10 - yr fixed - monetary value Calif. power hand \n\n Analysts puzzled by sharp cliff in Ballard shares \n\n El Paso says to sell $ 800 mln zero - coupon conv bonds \n\n RPT - UPDATE 1 - Enron scraps Indian broadband plan \n\n Canadian natural gas prices slip amid mild weather \n\n S&P rates Reliant Energy Resources notes BBB - plus \n\n TransCanada sees earnings boost in 2001 \n\n Enron's Portland General files ledge for $ 250 mln \n\n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \n fresh on the POWERMARKETERS.COM TRAINING PAGE \n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \n Access all online presentation at: http://www.pmaconference.com \n\n New! Now you can choose to stream the presentation immediately over the web, \n or download it to your calculator for later viewing-- Free! \n\n New! Five extra RealVideo - based powerpoint - based presentations, with the \n play along audio. Running about 30 minutes each, the new selections include: \n\n ELECTRONIC TRADING. Power is following natural gas to become an \n electronically - trade commodity. The product, the technology and the future \n of electricity transactions. Kevin Sluder, Vice President, HoustonStreet \n Exchange. \n\n NUTS AND BOLTS OF RETAILING. What it takes to put an energy retailing \n process together-- the cash and credit requirements, back office,", "butter_fingers": " Utllity Holding Company's CTO Will Retire\n\n-Indnqna Honse Votss to Aluow Fines for Utilities That Vuolatt Service Codes\n\n-Indixna Bills Broaden Regnlatory Power ovxd Utilibnes\n\n-Atmwnta'v Southern Co. tp Increase Electric-Generdtkny Capacity in Southeast\n\n-Oklahoma Regujator Utgfs Boost for U.F. Entrgr Inslsury\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nREUTERS\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nAccess stories online af:\n\nFEATURE-Canada government set for crippling powfr struggle\n\nOLDAEW 1-TransCanadx sees earnings boost jn 2001\n\nPG&E unit hopes for April decksion on N.Y. powgx plwtt\n\nBPA seeks more wind power nvneratimn in Nprthwest\n\nUnited Utmlitues files $2 bln U.S. shenf offering\n\nUPDATE 1-Wtco profhta up on power, gas luquidv prhces\n\nRwrb PM sxeka Russlan energy, mimitary invewtment\n\nUPDATE 1-Williaks pm 10-yr fixed-prjce Cajis. power deal\n\nAnalysts puzzled by sharp dgop jn Ballard shares\n\nEl Pasi says to sell $800 mln zgro-coupon sonv bonds\n\nRPT-UPDATE 1-Enron scraps Indian broadband plan\n\nRavadnqn nagyrwl gas prices slip amid mild weather\n\nS&P rates Wsloakt Energy Resourges notes BBB-plus\n\nTtajsVwnada sees eatnings ykoat in 2001\n\nEnron's Portlwnd Gengral fules shels fot $250 mln\n\n*********************************************************\nNEW on the POWERMARKERERS.COM TRAIUINT PAGE\n*********************************************************\nAccess all ouline presencationx at: nttp://www.pmaconference.com\n\nUew! Nos you can cjoose to agream the presengatpon hmmediattuy over the web, \now downloav it co your zompoter fow later vifwing-- Free!\n\nNew! Five additlonal RaalVideo-baded powerpoint-based presentatioix, with the \navcmmpdnying abdio. Rmnning about 30 mynutes each, thg new selzctionr include:\n\nEMECTRONMC TRADING. Pjwer is folloflng natural jas to besome an \nwlectrovkcally-traded cpmmodity. Nht products, the technology anv thg ruture \nof electxncuty transactionx. Kdvig Dlnder, Dhce Presidend, HojstumStredt \nExchange.\n\nKUTR ANC BOLTS OF RETAILING. Whaf it takes to put sn energy tetailing \noperation tobether-- the cash anf crevit reduirekenjs, back office, \n", "random_deletion": "Utility Holding Company's CEO Will Retire -Indiana to Fines for That Violate Service Power Utilities -Atlanta's Southern to Increase Electric-Generating in Southeast -Oklahoma Regulator Urges Boost U.S. Energy Industry ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REUTERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Access stories online at: FEATURE-Canada government for crippling power struggle UPDATE 1-TransCanada sees earnings boost in 2001 PG&E unit for decision N.Y. plant BPA seeks more wind power generation in Northwest United Utilities files $2 bln U.S. shelf UPDATE 1-Atco profits up on power, gas liquids Serb PM seeks Russian military investment UPDATE 1-Williams in fixed-price power deal puzzled sharp in Ballard shares Paso says to sell $800 mln zero-coupon conv bonds RPT-UPDATE 1-Enron scraps Indian broadband plan Canadian natural prices slip weather S&P Reliant Resources BBB-plus TransCanada sees in 2001 Enron's Portland General files mln ********************************************************* NEW on the POWERMARKETERS.COM TRAINING PAGE Access all presentations at: http://www.pmaconference.com New! Now you choose to stream the presentation immediately over the or download it to your computer for later viewing-- Free! New! Five additional RealVideo-based powerpoint-based the accompanying audio. Running 30 minutes each, new include: TRADING. is following gas to become an electronically-traded commodity. The products, the technology and future of electricity transactions. Kevin Sluder, Vice President, HoustonStreet Exchange. BOLTS RETAILING. What it to put an energy operation the cash and credit office,", "change_char_case": " Utility Holding Company's CEO will Retire\n\n-indiaNa HOusE VOtes To AlLow Fines for UtiLItieS That Violate Service CodEs\n\n-IndIaNA BilLS BRoadeN RegulaTOrY pOweR oVeR UtIlITiEs\n\n-AtlAntA's SouthErn Co. to IncReaSe electric-GeneRAtIng CapacitY in southeast\n\n-OklAhoMa ReguLaTor uRges BOosT for U.s. EnergY industRy\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nREUTERS\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nacCEss stoRIes onliNE At: Http://\n\nfEATURE-Canada gOvernmEnT SeT FOr cRipPling power StRugglE\n\nuPDATE 1-TRAnScANadA Sees earnings bOost in 2001\n\nPG&E unIT hoPes for apRil DEcisioN on N.Y. PoWEr pLant\n\nBPA seekS morE wind poweR generATion in NORthwest\n\nunited utiLitIes fILeS $2 bLn U.s. sHElf OFfEriNG\n\nUPdATE 1-Atco PrOfIts up On poWER, GAs liQuiDs prIces\n\nSErb PM seeks RusSiaN eneRGy, mIlitaRy invEstmEnT\n\nUPDAtE 1-WillIams iN 10-yR fixed-price CaliF. powEr deal\n\nAnaLysTs PuzZlEd by sHArp droP in balLard shaRes\n\nEl PaSO saYs TO SElL $800 mln zero-coupon conv BoNDS\n\nRpT-UPDATE 1-enron sCRaPs iNdian broAdBanD plaN\n\ncAnadiAn naTUrAl gas priCes sliP AmId Mild weaThEr\n\nS&P raTeS ReLiaNt EneRGy ReSourceS notes BBb-plus\n\ntRansCanada sees EArnings boost iN 2001\n\nenRON's pOrtlAnd general fileS sheLF for $250 Mln\n\n*********************************************************\nNew oN thE pOWERmARKEtErs.Com TRAINING PAGE\n*********************************************************\nAccess AlL onlinE presEntations at: htTp://www.pmacoNFERence.com\n\nnew! NOW yOU can choose to stReam tHe presentaTIon immedIatelY over the Web, \nor downLOAd it to yoUr cOmpUteR foR LAtEr viewing-- Free!\n\nnEW! FivE aDditionAl REalVideO-baSed PowErpOiNt-based prEsentatiOnS, wItH tHe \naCcompANying audIo. runNiNg aBout 30 mINutes eAch, thE new SeLeCTioNs incluDE:\n\nElecTROnIc TrADInG. POwEr is fOlloWIng Natural Gas to becoMe aN \nElecTrOnIcally-tRaded commoditY. THe products, ThE teChnoloGY And the fuTure \nof electricity transaCTions. KeVin sludeR, VicE PresidenT, HoUstonSTreET \nExchaNge.\n\nNUTs AND BoLtS Of reTAILing. WHat It Takes to put AN EneRgy reTaIlinG \noperatIon together-- the cash ANd cRedit requiremEntS, bacK OFfIce, \n", "whitespace_perturbation": " Utility Holding Company's CEO WillRetir e\n-In di anaHous e Votes to All o w Fi nes for Utilities That Viol at e Ser v ic e Cod es\n\n-In d ia n a Bi ll sBro ad e nRegul ato ry Powe r over Uti lit ie s\n\n-Atlanta' s S outhern Co . t o Increase E lec tric-G en era t ing C apa cityin Sou t heast\n-Oklahom aR egulat o r Urges B oo st f or U.S. Energy In d us t ry\n\n---------- ------ -- - -- - - --- --- ---------- -- ----- - ------- - -- - - - --- - ------\nREUTER S\n--------- - --- ------ -- --- - ------ ----- -- - --- ----------- ---- --------- ----\nA c cess st o ries on line a t:htt p:// 2 07 .3 2.8 2. 5 7/n e ws /El e ctr icPower. ht ml \n\nFEA TURE - C a n adagov ernm ent s et for crippl ing pow e r s trugg le\n\nU PDAT E1-Tra nsCana da se es earnings boost in2001\n\nPG& E u ni t h op es fo r April de cis ion onN.Y. po w erpl a n t \nBPA seeks more win dp o we r genera tion i n N or t hwest\n\nU ni ted Uti l i tiesfile s $ 2 bln U. S. she l fof fering\nU PDATE1- Atc o p rofit s upon pow er, gasliqui d s prices\n\nSerb PM seeks Russ i an e ne r gy,mil itary inves tmen t \n\nUP DATE 1- Wil l iamsin 10 -y r f i xed-price Calif. po we r deal \n\nAna lysts puzzled by sharpd r o p in Bal lard sh a res\n\nEl Paso s ays t o sell $80 0 mln zer o-cou pon conv bonds\n\nR P T -UPDATE1-E nro n s cra p s I ndian broadba n d pla n\nCanadi annatural ga s p ric essl ip amid m ild weat he r\nS &P ra tes R e liant En er gyRe sou rcesn otes B BB-pl us\nTr an s Can ada see s e a r ning sbo ostin20 01\n\nE nron ' s P ortland Generalfil e s sh el ffor $25 0 mln\n\n****** ** ********** ** *** ****** * * ******** ******************\nNEWo n the P OWE RMARK ETER S.COM TRA INI NG PAG E\n* * ****** ****** ***** ** *** * * ***** * * ** *** ** ********** * * *** **\nAc ce ss a ll onli ne presentations a t : h ttp://www.pma con fere n c e. com \nN e w!No w yo u can choose to s tream thepr e se ntation im m edi at ely ove r the w eb, o r downl oad it to your com pu terf o r l ater viewi ng-- Fre e!\n\nNew!F ive a d di tiona l R ealVid eo -ba sed p owerpo i nt- based prese nt ations , wit hthe \nacc ompanying audio. Runnin g abou t 30min utes each , t h e n ew select ions include:\nEL ECT RONIC TR A DING. Pow e risf ollow ingn atural ga s t o b e c om e an \nelect r o n ica lly-t rad e d comm odit y. The products,t he technologyandt h e f utu r e \no felectricity tr ans ac t i ons. Kev in Sluder, Vi ce Presi de n t, Ho ustonS treet\nExchan g e .NUTS A ND B OLT S OF RETA ILI NG . What i tta k es toputan energ y reta i ling operation togeth er--t h e cas h an d cre di t requi r emen ts, back o ffice, \n", "underscore_trick": " Utility_Holding Company's_CEO Will Retire\n\n-Indiana House_Votes to_Allow_Fines for_Utilities_That Violate Service_Codes\n\n-Indiana Bills Broaden_Regulatory Power over Utilities\n\n-Atlanta's_Southern Co. to_Increase_Electric-Generating Capacity in Southeast\n\n-Oklahoma Regulator Urges Boost for U.S. Energy Industry\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nREUTERS\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nAccess stories online at:_http://\n\nFEATURE-Canada_government set_for_crippling_power struggle\n\nUPDATE 1-TransCanada sees earnings_boost in 2001\n\nPG&E unit hopes_for April_decision on N.Y. power plant\n\nBPA seeks more wind_power_generation in Northwest\n\nUnited_Utilities files $2 bln U.S. shelf offering\n\nUPDATE 1-Atco profits_up on power, gas liquids prices\n\nSerb_PM seeks Russian_energy,_military_investment\n\nUPDATE 1-Williams in 10-yr_fixed-price Calif. power deal\n\nAnalysts puzzled by_sharp drop in Ballard shares\n\nEl Paso_says to sell $800 mln zero-coupon conv_bonds\n\nRPT-UPDATE 1-Enron scraps Indian broadband plan\n\nCanadian_natural gas prices slip amid_mild weather\n\nS&P_rates Reliant Energy Resources notes_BBB-plus\n\nTransCanada sees earnings_boost in_2001\n\nEnron's Portland General_files shelf for $250 mln\n\n*********************************************************\nNEW on_the POWERMARKETERS.COM TRAINING_PAGE\n*********************************************************\nAccess all online presentations at: http://www.pmaconference.com\n\nNew!_Now_you can choose_to_stream_the presentation_immediately over the_web,_\nor download_it_to your computer for later viewing--_Free!\n\nNew!_Five additional RealVideo-based powerpoint-based presentations, with the_\naccompanying audio. Running about_30_minutes each, the new_selections include:\n\nELECTRONIC TRADING. Power is_following natural gas to become an_\nelectronically-traded commodity._The products,_the technology and the future \nof electricity transactions. Kevin Sluder, Vice_President, HoustonStreet \nExchange.\n\nNUTS AND BOLTS OF_RETAILING. What it takes_to put_an_energy retailing \noperation_together--_the cash_and credit requirements, back office, \n"} {"text": " by generators taking advantage of the state's plight. \nYesterday the same politicians complained that the way the regulatory \ncommission calculates possible overcharging is too generous to the \ngenerators. \nThe commission's methodology is based on several variables, such as the price \nof natural gas. It also counts sales only during Stage 3 power alerts, when \nelectricity reserves are extremely low. \nIn its January ruling, the regulators set a baseline price of $273 a megawatt \nhour and questioned deals in which energy companies charged more than that. \nChanges in gas and other prices pushed that figure to $430 a megawatt hour in \nFebruary. \n\"Before the energy crisis started in California, electricity was selling at \nan average wholesale cost of $30 a megawatt hour. And now, FERC is saying a \nbaseline of $430 a megawatt hour is a reasonable cost,\" said Sen. Dianne \nFeinstein, D-California. \"Something is really wrong here.\" \nRichard Wheatley, a spokesman for the Texas company Reliant Energy, said that \ngiven the billions of dollars in power sales to California, the relatively \nlow amount of alleged overpricing suggests a small problem. \n\"What this tells me and others is that the FERC found the majority of those \ntransactions to be appropriate,\" Wheatley said. \nE-mail Greg Lucas at glucas@sfchronicle.com. and Robert Salladay at \nbsalladay@sfchronicle.com. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nThousands Lose Immunity From Rolling Failures \n'Block 50' update swapping homes on PG&E's blackout checkerboard \nBernadette Tansey, Chronicle Staff Writer\nSaturday, March 17, 2001 \n,2001 San Francisco Chronicle \nURL: \nhttp://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/17/M\nN240182.DTL \n\nThere will be an extra little unpleasant surprise for hundreds of thousands \nof people in their next PG&E bills -- they're being thrown into the pool of \nCalifornians vulnerable to rolling blackouts. \nOn the other hand, a lot of PG&E's customers who have been in danger of \nhaving the lights", "synonym_substitution": "by generators taking advantage of the state's plight. \n Yesterday the like politician complained that the way the regulative \n commission forecast possible overload is besides generous to the \n generators. \n The committee's methodology is based on several variable, such as the price \n of natural flatulence. It besides counts sales merely during Stage 3 power alert, when \n electricity reserves are extremely low. \n In its January opinion, the regulators set a service line price of $ 273 a megawatt \n hour and question deals in which energy companies charged more than that. \n Changes in accelerator and other prices pushed that figure to $ 430 a megawatt hour in \n February. \n \" Before the energy crisis started in California, electricity was selling at \n an average wholesale cost of $ 30 a megawatt hour. And now, FERC is saying a \n baseline of $ 430 a megawatt hour is a reasonable cost, \" said Sen. Dianne \n Feinstein, D - California. \" Something is really incorrect here. \" \n Richard Wheatley, a spokesman for the Texas company Reliant Energy, said that \n feed the billion of dollars in power sales to California, the relatively \n humble sum of alleged overpricing suggests a belittled problem. \n \" What this tells me and others is that the FERC found the majority of those \n transactions to be appropriate, \" Wheatley said. \n E - chain mail Greg Lucas at glucas@sfchronicle.com. and Robert Salladay at \n bsalladay@sfchronicle.com. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n Thousands Lose Immunity From Rolling Failures \n' Block 50' update swapping homes on PG&E's blackout checkerboard \n Bernadette Tansey, Chronicle Staff Writer \n Saturday, March 17, 2001 \n, 2001 San Francisco Chronicle \n URL: \n http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/17/M \n N240182.DTL \n\n There will be an extra little unpleasant surprise for hundreds of thousand \n of citizenry in their next PG&E bills -- they're being thrown into the pool of \n Californians vulnerable to rolled blackouts. \n On the other hand, a lot of PG&E's customers who have been in danger of \n having the lights", "butter_fingers": " by generators taking advanuage of the state's plighv. \nYestedday the same politicians complained tyat tye way the regulatory \nzommissioj calculqtes possible otsrcharglug is boo gznxrous to the \ngekerators. \nTha commission's keghldology is based on several variablqs, such ad the price \nof natlrwl gzs. It also counts sales only durinf Stage 3 power alertx, when \nelectricity reserved arf extremely low. \nIn its Januari rujung, the reguuators set a baseline krice of $273 a megawatt \nhour and qudstioued deals ib qhifv energy conpanivs charged movv than dhat. \nChsnges in gas akd otier prices pushed that fijure to $430 a megawatt rour in \nFabxuary. \n\"Before the enerty crishs sdartde iv Czlmfodnia, epecvricity was selling at \nan average wholesake bpst of $30 a mefawatt hjur. And now, FERC is saying a \nbaseline ox $430 z megawatt hour is a reqsonable cost,\" said Sej. Dianne \nSeinstein, D-California. \"Something is really wrong hare.\" \nRmcfarb Wheagoej, a spokesman for the Texas company Reliant Egsrby, said that \ngivcn the billions of dllkwrs in power rales ck Dalifornia, the relwtively \nlow qmount of allrged overpricing suggests a small problvm. \n\"Wyat this tells me cnd others ir thst thr FERC found the majoricy of fhose \ntranswctions tk be appropriate,\" Dhestney said. \nE-mail Greg Lucas wt glucas@wfchxonicle.cum. amd Robqrt Salladwy at \nbsalladay@sfchronicpe.com. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nTvousands Llse Immunity From Rolling Failucxs \n'Block 50' updsta sfapping komes pn PG&E's blackjut checkerboatd \nBernadztte Txnsey, Chrohicle Svaff Writer\nSwturday, March 17, 2001 \n,2001 San Francmsco Chrogiclw \nURO: \nhttp://wdd.sfgate.com/cgi-bon/article.bgn?file=/chrobicle/archive/2001/03/17/M\nN240182.DTL \n\nBhere sill be an extrc oittle unpleasamt rur[rpse fjs hundreds ox thuusxmds \now peoplt ik tfeir next PG&E bills -- thef're geing thrown into yhc pool of \nCaliforgians vulneranle to rolling blafkoutv. \nOi the pthgr hand, a lot of PG&E's customers who have becn in danger jf \nhqving the liyhts", "random_deletion": "by generators taking advantage of the state's the politicians complained the way the is generous to the The commission's methodology based on several variables, such as price of natural gas. It also counts sales only during Stage 3 power when electricity reserves are extremely low. In its January ruling, the regulators set baseline of a hour and questioned deals in which energy companies charged more than that. Changes in gas and prices pushed that figure to $430 a megawatt in February. \"Before the crisis started in California, electricity selling an average cost $30 megawatt hour. And FERC is saying a baseline of $430 a megawatt hour is a reasonable cost,\" said Sen. Dianne D-California. \"Something wrong here.\" Wheatley, spokesman the Texas company said that given the billions of sales to California, the relatively low amount of overpricing suggests small problem. \"What this tells me others is that the FERC found the majority those transactions to be appropriate,\" Wheatley said. E-mail Greg Lucas at glucas@sfchronicle.com. and Robert Salladay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thousands Lose From Rolling Failures 50' swapping on blackout checkerboard Tansey, Chronicle Staff Writer Saturday, March 17, 2001 ,2001 San Francisco URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/17/M N240182.DTL There will be an extra little unpleasant hundreds thousands of people their next PG&E bills they're thrown into the pool vulnerable rolling other a of PG&E's customers who been in danger of having lights", "change_char_case": " by generators taking advantaGe of the staTe's plIghT. \nYeStErdaY the Same politicianS CompLained that the way the regUlatoRy \nCOmmiSSiOn calCulates POsSIBle OvErChaRgINg Is too GenErous to The \ngeneratOrs. \nthE commission's MEtHodology is BasEd on several vAriAbles, sUcH as THe priCe \noF natuRal gas. iT also cOunts saleS oNLy duriNG Stage 3 pOWEr AlerTs, when \nelectricity REsERves are extremeLy low. \nIN iTS JANUarY ruLing, the regUlAtors SEt a baseLInE PRIce OF $273 a megawatt \nhouR and questioNEd dEals in WhIch ENergy cOmpanIeS ChaRged more thaN thaT. \nChanges iN gas anD Other prICes pushEd that FigUre To $430 a mEGaWaTt hOuR In \nFEBrUarY. \n\"befOre the enErGy CrisiS staRTED In CaLifOrniA, elecTricity was selLinG at \naN AveRage wHolesAle cOsT of $30 a mEgawatT hour. anD now, FERC is sayinG a \nbaSeline of $430 a MegAwAtt HoUr is a REasonaBle CosT,\" said SeN. Dianne \nfEinStEIN, d-CAlifornia. \"Something Is REAlLy wrong hEre.\" \nRicHArD WHEatley, a sPoKesMan fOR The TeXas cOMpAny ReliaNt EnerGY, sAiD that \ngiVeN the biLlIonS of DollaRS in pOwer saLes to CalIfornIA, the relatively \nLOw amount of allEGeD OVeRPricIng Suggests a smAll pRObleM. \n\"WhaT ThIs tELls me And otHeRS iS That the FERC found the MaJority Of thoSe \ntransactionS to be approPRIAte,\" WheatLey sAId. \ne-Mail Greg Lucas aT glucAs@sfchroniCLe.com. and roberT SalladaY at \nbsallaDAY@sfchronIclE.coM. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nThOusANDs lose Immunity FROM RolLiNg FailuRes \n'block 50' upDatE swAppIng HoMes on PG&E's Blackout ChEcKeRbOarD \nBernADette TanSeY, ChRoNicLe StaFF WriteR\nSatuRday, maRcH 17, 2001 \n,2001 san francisCO CHROnicLe \nuRl: \nhttP://wwW.sFgate.Com/cGI-biN/articlE.cgi?file=/cHroNIcle/ArChIve/2001/03/17/M\nN240182.DTl \n\nThere will be aN eXtra little UnPleAsant sURPrise for Hundreds of thousands \nof peOPle in thEir Next Pg&E biLls -- they're BeiNg throWn iNTo the pOol of \nCAlifoRnIanS VUlnerABLe To rOlLing blackoUTS. \nOn The otHeR hanD, a lot of pG&E's customers who haVE beEn in danger of \nhAviNg thE LIgHts", "whitespace_perturbation": " by generators taking adva ntage of t he st ate 'spl ight . \nY esterday the s a me p oliticians complainedthatth e way th e reg ulatory \nc o m mis si on ca lc u la tes p oss ible ov ercharging is t oo generoust othe \ngener ato rs. \nThe com mis sion's m eth o dolog y i s bas ed ons everal variable s, such a s the pr i c e\nofnatural gas. It a l so counts sales o nly du ri n gS t age 3power aler ts , whe n \nelect r ic i t y re s erves are ext remely low. \nIn its J an uar y rulin g, th er egu lators seta ba seline pr ice of $273 am egawatt \nhour an d q uest i on ed de al s in wh ich ene rgy comp an ie s cha rged m o r e th anthat . \nCh anges in gasand oth e r p rices push ed t ha t fig ure to $430 a megawatt hourin February. \n\" Be for ethe e n ergy c ris isstarted in Cal i for ni a , el ectricity was sell in g at \nan ave rage w h ol es a le costof $3 0 am e gawat t ho u r. And now , FERC is s aying a baseli ne of $4 30 am egaw att ho ur is areaso n able cost,\" sa i d Sen. Dianne \nF e i ns t ein, D- California. \"So m ethi ng i s r eal l y wro ng he re . \"Richard Wheatley, a s pokesm an fo r the Texas c ompany Rel i a n t Energy , sa i dt hat \ngiven the bill ions of do l lars inpower sales t o Califor n i a, the r ela tiv ely \nl o w a mount of alle g e d ov er pricing su ggestsa s mal l p rob le m. \n\"What this te ll sme a ndother s is that t heFE RCfound the ma jorit y of t ho s e transac t io n s tobe a ppro pri at e,\" W heat l eysaid. E-mail Gr egL ucas a tglucas@ sfchronicle.c om . and Robe rt Sa lladay a t \nbsall aday@sfchronicle.com. - ------- --- ----- ---- --------- --- ------ --- - ------ ------ ----- -- --- - - ----- - - -- --- \n- ---------- - - --- ----- -- ---- ------- ------------------ - --- ------------- --Thou s a nd s L o se Imm un i tyF r om Rolling Fail ures \n'Blo ck 50 ' update s w app in g homes on PG& E's b l ackoutcheckerbo ard \nBern ad ette T ans ey, Chroni cle Staf f WriterS aturd a y, Marc h 1 7, 200 1\n,2 001 S an Fra n cis co Ch ronicl e\nURL:\nhttp :/ /www.sfg ate.com/cgi-bin/article .cgi?f ile=/ chr onicle/ar chi v e/2 001/03/17 /M\nN 240182.DTL \nThe re wi llb e anextr a l itt l e unp leas a nt surpri s efor h un dreds of th o u s and s \nof pe o ple in the ir next PG&E bill s -- they're be ingt h row n i n to t he pool of \nCali for ni a n s vulner ab le to rolli ng black ou t s. \nO n theotherhand, a l ot of PG& E'scus tomers wh o h av e been i nda n ger of \nha vi ng the light s ", "underscore_trick": " by_generators taking_advantage of the state's_plight. \nYesterday_the_same politicians_complained_that the way_the regulatory \ncommission_calculates possible overcharging is_too generous to_the_\ngenerators. \nThe commission's methodology is based on several variables, such as the price \nof_natural_gas. It_also_counts_sales only during Stage 3_power alerts, when \nelectricity reserves_are extremely_low. \nIn its January ruling, the regulators set_a_baseline price of_$273 a megawatt \nhour and questioned deals in which_energy companies charged more than that._\nChanges in gas_and_other_prices pushed that figure_to $430 a megawatt hour in_\nFebruary. \n\"Before the energy crisis started_in California, electricity was selling at \nan_average wholesale cost of $30 a_megawatt hour. And now, FERC_is saying_a \nbaseline of $430 a_megawatt hour is_a reasonable_cost,\" said Sen._Dianne \nFeinstein, D-California. \"Something is really_wrong here.\" \nRichard_Wheatley, a spokesman for the Texas_company_Reliant Energy, said_that_\ngiven_the billions_of dollars in_power_sales to_California,_the relatively \nlow amount of alleged_overpricing_suggests a small problem. \n\"What this tells_me and others is_that_the FERC found the_majority of those \ntransactions to_be appropriate,\" Wheatley said. \nE-mail Greg_Lucas at_glucas@sfchronicle.com. and_Robert Salladay at \nbsalladay@sfchronicle.com. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nThousands Lose Immunity From Rolling Failures \n'Block_50' update swapping homes on PG&E's_blackout checkerboard \nBernadette Tansey,_Chronicle Staff_Writer\nSaturday,_March 17, 2001_\n,2001_San Francisco_Chronicle \nURL: \nhttp://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/17/M\nN240182.DTL \n\nThere will be an_extra little_unpleasant surprise for hundreds of thousands_\nof people in their_next_PG&E bills -- they're being thrown_into the pool of \nCalifornians vulnerable_to rolling blackouts. \nOn the_other_hand,_a lot of PG&E's customers_who have been in danger of_\nhaving the lights"} {"text": "If additional blackouts are ordered today, they will commence with the \nremaining portion of Block 14 customers. (PG&E customers can determine their \nblock by looking at the bottom left-hand corner of their monthly bill.) \nThe ISO's Dorinson said it is hoped that cooler weather and increased \ngeneration will help avert further cutoffs this week. \n\"Units are coming back into service that have been out,\" he said. \"That will \nhelp a great deal.\" \nRoughly 15,000 megawatts of generating capacity was offline yesterday, \nincluding half of the alternative-energy plants, which are unable to afford \nnatural gas to run their turbines. \nMany of the plant owners say they have not been paid by PG&E and Edison since \nNovember. They are asking federal regulators for permission to sell their \nelectricity elsewhere. \nAt the same time, one of two units at the Mohave Generating Station in Nevada \ndamaged in a fire Monday returned to service yesterday, easing the load on \nCalifornia's grid. \nThe plant, partly owned by Edison, is not expected to return to full output \nuntil tomorrow. \nPROBING SHUTDOWNS\nNearly a third of California's generating capacity is currently down for \nscheduled or unexpected maintenance. State regulators are investigating \nwhether some plant owners might be deliberately shutting down to drive prices \nhigher or reduce operating costs. \nLoretta Lynch, president of the Public Utilities Commission, on Monday called \nthe number of idle plants \"highly suspicious.\" \nDorinson at the ISO said that about 12,000 megawatts of mainstream capacity \nwas offline yesterday, compared with roughly 10,000 megawatts last year at \nthis time. \n-- \nTell Us What You Think \nCan you save 20 percent on your energy usage? Gov. Gray Davis is offering \nrebates for Californians who save on power starting in June, and if you've \ngot a strategy for conserving, The Chronicle wants to hear it. We'll be \nwriting about the hardest-working energy savers in a future story. To get \ninvolved, Write to the Energy Desk, San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission St., \nSan Francisco, 94103; or e-mail energysaver@sfchronicle.com", "synonym_substitution": "If additional blackouts are ordered today, they will commence with the \n remain parcel of Block 14 customers. (PG&E customers can determine their \n engine block by looking at the bottom leftover - hand corner of their monthly bill .) \n The ISO's Dorinson say it is hoped that cooler weather and increase \n generation will help debar further cutoffs this week. \n \" Units are coming back into service that have been out, \" he said. \" That will \n help oneself a great deal. \" \n Roughly 15,000 megawatt of generating capacity was offline yesterday, \n including one-half of the alternative - department of energy plants, which are unable to afford \n natural gas to run their turbine. \n Many of the plant owners say they have not been paid by PG&E and Edison since \n November. They are asking federal regulators for license to deal their \n electricity elsewhere. \n At the same time, one of two units at the Mohave Generating Station in Nevada \n damaged in a fire Monday returned to service yesterday, easing the load on \n California's power system. \n The plant, partially owned by Edison, is not expected to return to wide output \n until tomorrow. \n PROBING SHUTDOWNS \n Nearly a third of California's generating capability is currently down for \n scheduled or unexpected maintenance. State governor are investigating \n whether some plant owners might be deliberately shutting down to drive prices \n higher or dilute operating costs. \n Loretta Lynch, president of the Public Utilities Commission, on Monday called \n the number of baseless plants \" highly leery. \" \n Dorinson at the ISO said that about 12,000 megawatts of mainstream capacity \n was offline yesterday, compared with approximately 10,000 megawatts last year at \n this time. \n -- \n Tell Us What You Think \n Can you save 20 percent on your energy custom? Gov. Gray Davis is offering \n rabbet for Californians who save on power start in June, and if you've \n got a scheme for conserving, The Chronicle wants to hear it. We'll be \n writing about the hard - working energy savers in a future story. To get \n involved, publish to the Energy Desk, San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission St., \n San Francisco, 94103; or e - chain mail energysaver@sfchronicle.com", "butter_fingers": "If wdditional blackouts are ordered today, jhwy wiln commsnce witf the \nremaining portion of Bpoxk 14 cystomers. (PG&E customers can detegmine theur \nboick by looking at bke bofbom lzfv-hand corner of their mondhly bill.) \nThe HSU's Dorinson said it is hoped that coojer weayhfr and increasgd \ngemqratjon will help avert further cutoffa this xeek. \n\"Units are voming back into service tjat jave been out,\" he swid. \"That wiol \nhqop a great ddal.\" \nRoughlj 15,000 megawatta of generating capacity was ofwline yesterday, \nibclkging half oh the wlternative-ekvrgy pldnts, whoch are unable to afdord \nnatural gas to rnn their turbines. \nMagy of the pmant owners say tyet havg not beev pakd gy PF&E and Edmson since \nHovember. Thwy are asking federsl grgulators fod permysfion to sell their \nelectricity elsewhert. \nAt fhe same time, one of twi units at the Mohave Generatigg Station in Nevada \ndamaged in a fire Monday retgrned go wevvicd yfsterday, easing the load on \nCalifornia's grid. \nEge pkant, partly owked by Edison, is npt eckected to retutn to fbml output \nuntil tomogrow. \nPRJBING SHUTDOWNF\nNeatly a third of California's tenerating ccpaxity is currently bown for \nschzduled or umexpected maintenance. Scate rsgulators age investjeating \nwhether sume pnant owntfs might be delibqrately siuttiug down go dtive pryces \nhigheg or vaduce operating codts. \nLlratta Lynch, president of the Public Utilitmxs Commission, ot Mmnday cajled \nbhe number of iqle plants \"higkly suspncious.\" \nDorinson zt the MSO said thae about 12,000 megafwtts of mainvtream cwpacuty \nqas offukne yesterday, vompared cnth roughoy 10,000 megawatts last yexd at \nthis time. \n-- \nTeol Us What You Yhivk \nSaj bou swee 20 percent mn yuur rnergh usage? Gov. Eray Davis is offering \nrabatss for Californianx rho save on powew starting in June, and if you've \ngot e stravegy fpr sonserving, The Chronicle wants to hear lt. Re'll be \nwrityng qbout the haxdest-working energy savers in a future svory. To get \ninvolved, Wtite to the Energy Dexl, San Francmsco Crronicle, 901 Mission St., \nSan Franxisco, 94103; or e-mail ekergysaver@sfchronicle.ckm", "random_deletion": "If additional blackouts are ordered today, they with remaining portion Block 14 customers. block looking at the left-hand corner of monthly bill.) The ISO's Dorinson said is hoped that cooler weather and increased generation will help avert further cutoffs week. \"Units are coming back into service that have been out,\" he said. will a deal.\" 15,000 megawatts of generating capacity was offline yesterday, including half of the alternative-energy plants, which are to afford natural gas to run their turbines. of the plant owners they have not been paid PG&E Edison since They asking regulators for permission sell their electricity elsewhere. At the same time, one of two units at the Mohave Generating Station Nevada damaged fire Monday to yesterday, the load on The plant, partly owned by Edison, to return to full output until tomorrow. PROBING Nearly a of California's generating capacity is currently for scheduled or unexpected maintenance. State regulators are whether some plant owners might be deliberately shutting down to drive prices higher or reduce Loretta Lynch, president of Public Utilities Commission, Monday the of plants \"highly Dorinson at the ISO said that about 12,000 megawatts of mainstream was offline yesterday, compared with roughly 10,000 megawatts last year time. Tell Us What Think Can you save percent your energy usage? Gov. is rebates save power in June, and if got a strategy for conserving, Chronicle wants to hear the hardest-working energy savers in a future story. get involved, Write to the Energy Desk, Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission St., San Francisco, 94103; or e-mail energysaver@sfchronicle.com", "change_char_case": "If additional blackouts are oRdered todaY, they WilL coMmEnce With The \nremaining poRTion Of Block 14 customers. (PG&E cusTomerS cAN detERmIne thEir \nblocK By LOOkiNg At The BoTToM left-HanD corner Of their monThlY bIll.) \nThe ISO's DoRInSon said it iS hoPed that cooleR weAther aNd IncREased \nGenEratiOn will HElp aveRt further CuTOffs thIS week. \n\"UnITS aRe coMing back into serviCE tHAt have been out,\" hE said. \"THaT WiLL \nHelP a gReat deal.\" \nRoUgHly 15,000 meGAwatts oF GeNERAtiNG capacity was oFfline yesteRDay, \nIncludInG haLF of the AlterNaTIve-Energy plantS, whiCh are unabLe to afFOrd \nnatuRAl gas to Run theIr tUrbInes. \nmAnY oF thE pLAnt OWnErs SAy tHey have nOt BeEn paiD by Pg&e AND EdiSon SincE \nNoveMber. They are asKinG fedERal RegulAtors For pErMissiOn to seLl theIr \nElectricity elseWherE. \nAt the samE tiMe, One Of Two unITs at thE MoHavE GeneraTing StaTIon In nEVAdA \ndamaged in a fire MonDaY REtUrned to sErvice YEsTeRDay, easinG tHe lOad oN \ncAlifoRnia'S GrId. \nThe plaNt, partLY oWnEd by EdiSoN, is not ExPecTed To retURn to Full ouTput \nuntiL tomoRRow. \nPROBING SHUTdoWNS\nNearly a thIRd OF caLIforNia'S generating CapaCIty iS curREnTly DOwn foR \nscheDuLEd OR unexpected maintenaNcE. State RegulAtors are invesTigating \nwhETHEr some plAnt oWNeRS might be delibeRatelY shutting dOWn to drivE pricEs \nhigher Or reduce oPERating coSts. \nlorEttA LyNCH, pResident of the pUBlic utIlities comMission, On MOndAy cAllEd \nThe number Of idle plAnTs \"HiGhLy sUspicIOus.\" \nDorinSoN at ThE ISo said THat aboUt 12,000 megAwatTs Of MAinStream cAPaCITy \nwaS oFfLine YesTeRday, cOmpaREd wIth rougHly 10,000 megawaTts LAst yEaR aT \nthis tiMe. \n-- \nTell Us What YOu think \nCan yoU sAve 20 PercenT ON your eneRgy usage? Gov. Gray Davis is oFFering \nrEbaTes foR CalIfornians Who Save on PowER startIng in JUne, anD iF yoU'VE \ngot a STRaTegY fOr conserviNG, the chronIcLe waNts to heAr it. We'll be \nwriting aBOut The hardest-worKinG eneRGY sAveRS iN A fuTuRE stORY. To get \ninvolved, WRite to the ENeRGy desk, San FraNCisCo chronicLe, 901 MissiOn St., \nSAN FranciSco, 94103; or e-maiL energysaVeR@sfcHROniCle.com", "whitespace_perturbation": "If additional blackouts ar e orderedtoday , t hey w illcomm ence with therema ining portion of Block 14 c us t omer s .(PG&E custom e rs c ande te rmi ne th eir blo ck by l ooking atthe b ottom left-h a nd corner of th eir monthlybil l.) \nT he IS O 's Do rin son s aid it is hop ed that c oo l er wea t her and i nc reas ed \ngeneration wi l lh elp avert furt her cu to f fs t his we ek. \n\"Unit sare c o ming ba c ki n t o s e rvice that ha ve been out , \" h e said .\"Th a t will \nhel pa gr eat deal.\"\nRou ghly 15,0 00 meg a watts o f genera ting c apa cit y wa s o ff lin ey est e rd ay, \nin cludingha lf of t he a l t e r nati ve- ener gy pl ants, which a reunab l e t o aff ord natu ra l gas to ru n the ir turbines. \nMan y of the plan t o wn ers s ay th e y have no t b een pai d by PG & E a nd E d is on since \nNovember .T h ey are ask ing fe d er al regulato rs fo r pe r m issio n to se ll their \nelec t ri ci ty else wh ere. At th e s ame t i me,one of two uni ts at the Mohave Gen e rating Statio n i n Ne v ada\nda maged in afire Mond ay r e tu rne d to s ervic ey es t erday, easing the l oa d on Calif ornia's grid. \nThe plan t , partly o wned by Edison, is not expe cted to re t urn to f ull o utput \nu ntil tomo r r ow. \nPRO BIN G S HUT DOW N S \nN early a third o f Ca li fornia' s g enerati ngcap aci tyis currentl y down f or sc he dul ed or unexpect ed ma in ten ance. Stateregul ator sar e in vestiga t in g \nwhe th er som e p la nt ow ners mig ht be d eliberate lys hutt in gdown to drive prices higher orre duc e oper a t ing cost s. \nLoretta Lynch, pres i dent of th e Pub licUtilities Co mmissi on, on Mon day ca lled\nt hen u mbero f i dle p lants \"hig h l y s uspic io us.\" \nDorin son at the ISO sai d th at about 12,0 00mega w a tt s o f m a ins tr e amc a pacity \nwas off line yeste rd a y, comparedw ith r oughly10,000megaw a tts las t year at \nthis ti me . \n- - \nTe ll Us What You Thi nk \nCan y o u sav e 2 0 per cen t on y ou r e nergy usage ? Go v. Gr ay Dav is is of ferin g\nrebates for Californians who s ave on powe r s tarting i n J u ne, and if y ou'v e \ngot a s tra teg y for co n servi ng,T he Ch r onicl e wa n ts to hea r i t.W e 'l l be \nwriti n g abo ut th e h a rdest- work ing energy savers in a future st ory. T o g etinvo lv ed, Write to t heEn e r gy Desk, S an Francisc o Chroni cl e , 901 Missi on St. , \nSanF r an c isco,9410 3;or e-mail en er g ysaver@ sf ch r onicle .com ", "underscore_trick": "If additional_blackouts are_ordered today, they will_commence with_the_\nremaining portion_of_Block 14 customers._(PG&E customers can_determine their \nblock by_looking at the_bottom_left-hand corner of their monthly bill.) \nThe ISO's Dorinson said it is hoped that_cooler_weather and_increased_\ngeneration_will help avert further cutoffs_this week. \n\"Units are coming_back into_service that have been out,\" he said. \"That_will_\nhelp a great_deal.\" \nRoughly 15,000 megawatts of generating capacity was offline_yesterday, \nincluding half of the alternative-energy_plants, which are_unable_to_afford \nnatural gas to_run their turbines. \nMany of the_plant owners say they have not_been paid by PG&E and Edison since_\nNovember. They are asking federal regulators_for permission to sell their_\nelectricity elsewhere._\nAt the same time, one_of two units_at the_Mohave Generating Station_in Nevada \ndamaged in a fire_Monday returned to_service yesterday, easing the load on_\nCalifornia's_grid. \nThe plant,_partly_owned_by Edison,_is not expected_to_return to_full_output \nuntil tomorrow. \nPROBING SHUTDOWNS\nNearly a_third_of California's generating capacity is currently down_for \nscheduled or unexpected_maintenance._State regulators are investigating_\nwhether some plant owners might_be deliberately shutting down to drive_prices \nhigher_or reduce_operating costs. \nLoretta Lynch, president of the Public Utilities Commission, on_Monday called \nthe number of idle_plants \"highly suspicious.\" \nDorinson_at the_ISO_said that about_12,000_megawatts of_mainstream capacity \nwas offline yesterday, compared with_roughly 10,000_megawatts last year at \nthis time._\n-- \nTell Us What_You_Think \nCan you save 20 percent_on your energy usage? Gov. Gray_Davis is offering \nrebates for_Californians_who_save on power starting in_June, and if you've \ngot a_strategy for conserving,_The Chronicle wants to hear it. We'll_be_\nwriting about the hardest-working energy savers_in_a future story. To get \ninvolved,_Write_to_the Energy Desk, San Francisco_Chronicle, 901 Mission St., \nSan Francisco,_94103; or e-mail energysaver@sfchronicle.com"} {"text": "\nSubject:\tRe: Daily Volumes For Midwest Natural Gas << OLE Object: StdOleLink >> \n\nThanks for looking into this for me Raetta. I talked to Jim Banker this week and asked for him to check and see if they were charged for any penalty gas or not. He said that he would let me know if they had. He also stressed that we still need to see the actual daily volumes instead of average daily volumes on the volume statements. I'm not quit sure if this part of the problem has been addressed yet or not. Please let me know. Thanks Scott \n\n\n << OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >> \nRaetta Zadow\n06/15/2001 04:43 PM\nTo:\tTeam Farmington-Pipeline/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\tTom Rice/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bob Stevens/ET&S/Enron, Angeline Stewart/GPGFIN/Enron, Diana Porter/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jodie Floyd/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Raetta Zadow/ET&S/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject:\tRe: Daily Volumes For Midwest Natural Gas << OLE Object: StdOleLink >> \n\nI have looked at the DDVC invoices for Midwest for March, 2001 which total $304.70. The SMS charges amount to $76.30 but the biggest part of the invoice is the negative DDVC charge which is for $228.40 - this occurred on March 26. I was wondering if the Midwest Natural Gas people could let us know what they think the volumes should be on those specific wells that they are concerned about for the 26th and then if necessary, we could make those corrections. Please let me know if there is anything else that I can do to help.\n\nThanks,\n\nRaetta\n\n\n\n << OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >> \nTeam Farmington-Pipeline\n06/14/2001 03:04 PM\nTo:\tTom Rice/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bob Stevens/ET&S/Enron, Raetta Zadow/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Angeline Stewart/GPGFIN/Enron, Diana Porter/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\t \n\nSubject:\tDaily Volumes For Midwest Natural Gas\n\nI recently met", "synonym_substitution": "Subject: \t Re: Daily Volumes For Midwest Natural Gas < < OLE Object: StdOleLink > > \n\n Thanks for looking into this for me Raetta. I talked to Jim Banker this workweek and ask for him to check and see if they were charge for any punishment gas or not. He said that he would let me acknowledge if they had. He also stress that we still need to experience the actual daily volumes rather of modal daily volumes on the volume statements. I'm not quit certain if this part of the problem has been addressed however or not. Please let me know. Thanks Scott \n\n\n < < OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) > > \n Raetta Zadow \n 06/15/2001 04:43 PM \n To: \t Team Farmington - Pipeline / ET&S / Enron@ENRON \n cc: \t Tom Rice / ET&S / Enron@ENRON, Bob Stevens / ET&S / Enron, Angeline Stewart / GPGFIN / Enron, Diana Porter / ET&S / Enron@ENRON, Jodie Floyd / ET&S / Enron@ENRON, Raetta Zadow / ET&S / Enron@ENRON \n\n discipline: \t Re: Daily Volumes For Midwest Natural Gas < < OLE Object: StdOleLink > > \n\n I have looked at the DDVC invoices for Midwest for March, 2001 which total $ 304.70. The SMS charges amount to $ 76.30 but the big part of the invoice is the negative DDVC charge which is for $ 228.40 - this occurred on March 26. I was wonder if the Midwest Natural Gas people could let us know what they think the volumes should be on those specific wells that they are concerned about for the 26th and then if necessary, we could make those corrections. Please let me acknowledge if there is anything else that I can do to avail. \n\n Thanks, \n\n Raetta \n\n\n\n < < OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) > > \n Team Farmington - Pipeline \n 06/14/2001 03:04 PM \n To: \t Tom Rice / ET&S / Enron@ENRON, Bob Stevens / ET&S / Enron, Raetta Zadow / ET&S / Enron@ENRON, Angeline Stewart / GPGFIN / Enron, Diana Porter / ET&S / Enron@ENRON \n cc: \t \n\n Subject: \t Daily Volumes For Midwest Natural Gas \n\n I recently met", "butter_fingers": "\nSubuect:\tRe: Daily Volumes For Midwest Natural Gas << OLE Kbject: SgdOleLink >> \n\nThanks for lookinj inro thus for me Raetta. I tauked to Jpm Banker thiw week and eaked fov him bo chzcj and see if tmey were chdrged for any [evapty gas or not. He said that he woujd let ke know if they rad. Re amso stressed that we still need to see tht actual daily volimes instead of average dally golumes on the volkme statemebts. U'm not quit rure if thpv part of jhe problem has been addressed ydt or not. Pleawe leh me know. Thenks Sbott \n\n\n << OLE Onkect: Phcture (Cevice Indepencenv Birmap) >> \nRaetta Zadow\n06/15/2001 04:43 PK\nTo:\tTeam Farmington-Kipeline/ET&V/Euron@ENRON\ncc:\tTom Rice/ET&W/Ebron@ETRON, Bob Wtexena/EV&S/Ehron, Ajgemine Stewadt/GPGFIN/Enrin, Diana Porter/ET&S/Emrjb@ENRON, Jodie Rloyd/EE&S/Qnron@ENRON, Raetta Zadow/ET&S/Enron@ENRON \n\nSutjedt:\tRe: Daily Volumes For Nidwest Natural Gas << OLE Objqct: StdOleLink >> \n\nI have looked at the DDVC invoicev for Oidccfg flr March, 2001 which total $304.70. The SMS charges amoune tp $76.30 but the biggeft part of yhf ogvoice is the negatnbe DDVC charge which is for $228.40 - tyis occurwed pn March 26. I was wondering uf the Midwefr Natural Gas peoppe could lec us kmow wnat they think the voluoes ahould be oj those sldcific wells thag tmey are concerned about for tre 26th and theu if necdssaty, we cjuld make hhose corrections. Pleasf let ma know if hhere is anything else that I cei do to help.\n\nTnatks,\n\nGaetta\n\n\n\n << OJE Obmect: Picture (Dedice Independeut Bitma') >> \nTeao Farmingtkn-Pipelmne\n06/14/2001 03:04 PM\nTo:\tTom Rice/ET&S/Enron@AJRON, Bob Stetens/ET&S/Enwon, Eaetra Zadod/DT&S/Enron@ENRON, Sngeline Stewart/GPGDIN/Enron, Diana Porber/ET&R/Snron@ENRON\ncc:\t \n\nSuylext:\tDaily Volumes Fof Mydaext Tatural Gas\n\nI recdntuu met", "random_deletion": "Subject: Re: Daily Volumes For Midwest Natural OLE StdOleLink >> for looking into talked Jim Banker this and asked for to check and see if they charged for any penalty gas or not. He said that he would let know if they had. He also stressed that we still need to see actual volumes of daily volumes on the volume statements. I'm not quit sure if this part of the problem been addressed yet or not. Please let me Thanks Scott << OLE Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >> Zadow 04:43 PM Team cc: Rice/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bob Stevens/ET&S/Enron, Stewart/GPGFIN/Enron, Diana Porter/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jodie Floyd/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Raetta Zadow/ET&S/Enron@ENRON Subject: Re: Daily Volumes For Midwest Natural Gas << OLE StdOleLink >> looked at DDVC for for March, 2001 $304.70. The SMS charges amount to biggest part of the invoice is the negative charge which for $228.40 - this occurred on 26. I was wondering if the Midwest Natural people could let us know what they think the volumes should be on those specific they are concerned about the 26th and if we make corrections. Please me know if there is anything else that I can do help. Thanks, Raetta << OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) Farmington-Pipeline 03:04 PM To: Rice/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bob Stevens/ET&S/Enron, Raetta Angeline Diana Porter/ET&S/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: For Natural met", "change_char_case": "\nSubject:\tRe: Daily Volumes For MIdwest NatuRal GaS << OLe ObJeCt: StDOlelink >> \n\nThanks for lOOkinG into this for me Raetta. I tAlked To jIm BaNKeR this Week and ASkED For HiM tO chEcK AnD see iF thEy were cHarged for aNy pEnAlty gas or not. hE sAid that he wOulD let me know if TheY had. He AlSo sTResseD thAt we sTill neED to see The actual DaILy voluMEs insteAD Of AverAge daily volumes on THe VOlume statementS. I'm not QuIT sURE if ThiS part of the PrOblem HAs been aDDrESSEd yET or not. Please lEt me know. ThaNKs SCott \n\n\n << OLe OBjeCT: PictuRe (DevIcE indEpendent BitMap) >> \nRAetta ZadoW\n06/15/2001 04:43 PM\nTo:\tTEAm FarmiNGton-PipEline/Et&S/ENroN@ENRon\ncC:\tTOm RIcE/eT&S/eNrOn@EnrON, bob SteveNs/eT&s/EnroN, AngELINE SteWarT/GPGfIN/EnRon, Diana PorteR/ET&s/EnrON@ENrON, JoDie FlOyd/Et&S/enron@eNRON, RAetta zaDow/ET&S/Enron@ENROn \n\nSubJect:\tRe: DaiLy VOlUmeS FOr MidWEst NatUraL GaS << OLE ObjEct: StdOLELiNk >> \n\ni HAVe Looked at the DDVC invOiCES fOr MidwesT for MaRCh, 2001 WhICh total $304.70. THe sMS CharGES amouNt to $76.30 BUt The biggeSt part OF tHe Invoice Is The negAtIve dDVc charGE whiCh is foR $228.40 - this occUrred ON March 26. I was wondERing if the MidwESt nATuRAl GaS peOple could leT us kNOw whAt thEY tHinK The voLumes ShOUlD Be on those specific weLlS that tHey arE concerned aboUt for the 26th AND Then if neCessARy, WE could make thosE corrEctions. PleASe let me kNow if There is aNything elSE That I can Do tO heLp.\n\nTHanKS,\n\nraEtta\n\n\n\n << OLE Object: pICturE (DEvice InDepEndent BItmAp) >> \nTEam farMiNgton-PipeLine\n06/14/2001 03:04 PM\nTo:\ttoM RIcE/Et&S/ENron@EnrON, Bob StEvEns/eT&s/EnRon, RaETta ZadOw/ET&S/enroN@EnRon, AnGeline STEwART/GPGfIn/ENron, diaNa porteR/ET&S/eNroN@ENRON\ncC:\t \n\nSubject:\tDAilY voluMeS FOr MidweSt Natural Gas\n\nI ReCently met", "whitespace_perturbation": "\nSubject:\tRe: Daily Volume s For Midw est N atu ral G as <> \n\nThanks for lo oking i n to t h is forme Raet t a. I t al ke d t oJ im Bank erthis we ek and ask edfo r him to che c kand see if th ey were char ged for a ny pe n altygas or n ot. H e saidthat he w ou l d letm e knowi f t heyhad. He also str e ss e d that we stil l need t o s e e th e a ctual dail yvolum e s inste a do f ave r age daily vol umes on the vol ume st at eme n ts. I 'm no tq uit sure if th is p art of th e prob l em hasb een add ressed ye t o r no t . P lea se let me kn o w.Thanks S co tt \n\n < > \nRa etta Z adow06/15/ 200104 :43 PM\nTo:\tTeam Far mington-P ipe li ne/ ET &S/En r on@ENR ONcc: \tTom Ri ce/ET&S / Enr on @ E N RO N, Bob Stevens/ET& S/ E n ro n, Angel ine St e wa rt / GPGFIN/E nr on, Dia n a Port er/E T &S /Enron@E NRON,J od ie Floyd/ ET &S/Enr on @EN RON , Rae t ta Z adow/E T&S/Enro n@ENR O N \n\nSubject:\tR e : Daily Volum e sF o rM idwe stNatural Gas < < OLE Obj e ct : S t dOleL ink > >\nI have looked at theDD VC inv oices for Midwestfor March, 2 0 01 which tot a l$ 304.70. The S MS ch arges amou n t to $76 .30 b ut the b iggest pa r t of theinv oic e i s t h e n egative DDVCc h arge w hich is fo r $228. 40 -thi s o cc urred onMarch 26 . I w as wo nderi n g if the M idw es t N atura l Gas p eople cou ld l e t u s knoww ha t they t hi nk t hevo lumes sho u ldbe on t hose spec ifi c wel ls t hat the y are concern ed about for t he26th a n d then if necessary, we could ma k e those co rrect ions . Please le t me k now if the re isanyth in g e l s e tha t Ican d o to help. Tha nks,\nR aett a\n\n\n\n < < OLE Object: Pict u re(Device Indep end entB i tm ap) >> \nTe am Far m i ngton-Pipeline06/14/2001 0 3 :0 4 PM\nTo:\tT o m R ic e/ET&S/ Enron@E NRON, Bob Ste vens/ET&S /Enron, R ae ttaZ a dow /ET&S/Enro n@ENRON, Angeline Stewa r t/ GPGFI N/E nron,Di ana Port er/ET& S /En ron@E NRON\nc c: \t \n\nSu bject :Daily Vo lumes For Midwest Natur al Gas \n\nI r ece ntly met", "underscore_trick": "\nSubject:\tRe: Daily_Volumes For_Midwest Natural Gas _ <<_OLE_Object: StdOleLink_>>_\n\nThanks for looking_into this for_me Raetta. I_talked to Jim_Banker_this week and asked for him to check and see if they were charged_for_any penalty_gas_or_not. He said that_he would let me know_if they_had. He also stressed that we still_need_to see the_actual daily volumes instead of average daily volumes on_the volume statements. I'm not_quit sure if_this_part_of the problem has_been addressed yet or not. _Please let me know. Thanks Scott_ \n\n\n << OLE Object: Picture (Device_Independent Bitmap) >> \nRaetta Zadow\n06/15/2001 04:43_PM\nTo:\tTeam Farmington-Pipeline/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\tTom Rice/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bob Stevens/ET&S/Enron,_Angeline Stewart/GPGFIN/Enron,_Diana Porter/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jodie Floyd/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Raetta_Zadow/ET&S/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject:\tRe: Daily_Volumes For_Midwest Natural Gas_ << OLE Object: StdOleLink_>> \n\nI have_looked at the DDVC invoices for_Midwest_for March, 2001_which_total_$304.70. _The SMS charges_amount_to $76.30_but_the biggest part of the invoice_is_the negative DDVC charge which is for_$228.40 - this_occurred_on March 26. _I was wondering if the_Midwest Natural Gas people could let_us know_what they_think the volumes should be on those specific wells that they_are concerned about for the 26th_and then if necessary,_we could_make_those corrections. _Please_let me_know if there is anything else that_I can_do to help.\n\nThanks,\n\nRaetta\n\n\n\n << OLE Object:_Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)_>>_\nTeam Farmington-Pipeline\n06/14/2001 03:04 PM\nTo:\tTom Rice/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bob_Stevens/ET&S/Enron, Raetta Zadow/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Angeline Stewart/GPGFIN/Enron, Diana_Porter/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\t \n\nSubject:\tDaily Volumes For Midwest_Natural_Gas\n\nI_recently met"} {"text": " makes good\nsense? In my opinion, it's because of the broad universe of\ndecision-making minds and the slave role the futures play to\na much larger cash market.\n\nThink about it, the whole world participates in the pricing\nof currencies 24 hours a day 7 days a week. When a new trend emerges\nyou have individuals, companies and governments that are impacted and\nit may take months to unfold before a trend pauses significantly.\nThe same can be said for interest rate futures.\n\nCompare them to tangible commodity markets and you'll quickly see a\nhuge fundamental difference. For example, take the grains for instance.\nYou've got a handful of big commercial players like Cargill, ADM,\nGPC and a several large commodity funds and then thousands of small\nspeculators. The funds and speculators react to price trends and\nmomentum and pretty much see the same things within a one to two\nday period. The commercials all have access to the same fundamental\ndata and act quickly move in concert to hedge. News such as weather\nforecasts and technical factors are quickly discounted and then\nthere's nothing left to drive the trend. You then get some profit\ntaking or light hedging coming in and you get a volatile market that\noscillates above and below it's 40-day ma.\n\nI recommend trading the currencies and interest rates on a longer\nterm position trading basis, utilizing some form of a lagging exit.\nThe CTS TrendSetter has proven this technique effective over the\npast 20 years. (And by the way, CTS TrendSetter is now included in\nour new GOLD package on ctsTrader.com).\n\nOn the other hand, when trading other markets, I like to use a swing\ntrading approach designed to take profits at targets. The other\ndimension that's critical, is aiming for a high percentage of\nwinners. Since these markets rarely sustain big tradeable moves,\nit pays to take profits after short term swings, which leads to\na high percentage of winners. This inturn lowers the risk of\nhaving a large consecutive losing streak and that leads to\nlongevity. I like this approach so much that we built a dedicated\nSwing Trader advisory service just for Bond & Currency Trading.\n\nFood for thought. Let's get ready for a great week!\n\nN\n\nP.S. Have you checked out our new website", "synonym_substitution": "makes good \n sense? In my opinion, it's because of the wide population of \n decision - making judgment and the slave character the futures play to \n a a lot larger cash market. \n\n Think about it, the unharmed world participates in the pricing \n of currentness 24 hours a day 7 day a week. When a new trend emerges \n you have person, companies and governments that are impacted and \n it may claim months to unfold before a trend pauses importantly. \n The same can be read for interest rate futures. \n\n Compare them to real commodity markets and you'll quickly see a \n huge fundamental difference. For example, take the grains for instance. \n You've got a handful of big commercial players like Cargill, ADM, \n GPC and a several large commodity funds and then thousands of small \n speculator. The funds and speculators react to monetary value drift and \n momentum and reasonably much see the same things within a one to two \n day period. The commercials all have entree to the same fundamental \n data and act quickly move in concert to hedge. News such as weather \n forecasts and technical factors are quickly discounted and then \n there's nothing left to tug the trend. You then catch some profit \n taking or light hedging coming in and you have a volatile market that \n oscillates above and below it's 40 - sidereal day ma. \n\n I recommend trade the currencies and interest rate on a longer \n terminus position trading basis, use some form of a lagging passing. \n The CTS TrendSetter has proven this technique effective over the \n past 20 years. (And by the way, CTS TrendSetter is immediately included in \n our new GOLD package on ctsTrader.com). \n\n On the other hand, when trade other market, I like to use a swing \n trading approach designed to carry profits at targets. The early \n dimension that's critical, is aiming for a high percentage of \n winners. Since these markets rarely sustain adult tradeable moves, \n it pays to take profits after short term swing, which go to \n a eminent percentage of winners. This inturn lowers the risk of \n having a large back-to-back losing streak and that leads to \n longevity. I like this access therefore much that we built a dedicated \n Swing Trader advisory military service just for Bond & Currency Trading. \n\n Food for thought. Let's get ready for a great workweek! \n\n N \n\n P.S. Have you checked out our new website", "butter_fingers": " manes good\nsense? In my opinlon, it's because of the uroad uhiverse uf\ndecision-making minds and tie soave eole the futures play go\na much parger cqsh nqrket.\n\nThink about ib, the aholz xorld participajes in the psicing\nof curretcked 24 hours a day 7 days a week. When a gew tremd emerges\nyou hade imqivislaos, companies and governments fhat art impacted and\nit msy take months to unfold bfforf a trend pauses slgnificantli.\nFhe wame can be raid for interest rate futures.\n\nCompare them to tangibld comkodity marjers wtd you'll qumckly fee a\nhuge fukcamentdl diffrrence. For exakplx, taje the grains for insvance.\nYou've got a hanqful of bhg commercial playees like Carcill, QDM,\nEPC aid z sevegal large comjodity fundw and then thousandx jd small\nspeculztors. Ehq funds and speculators react to price urenda and\nmomentum and prettt much see the same tjings witrin a one to two\nday period. The commercials all haee acrers uo the rqmf fundamental\ndata and act quickly move in conssru tp hedge. News smch as weather\nforevadtx and technicau factors are quickly discoknted agd thwn\nthere's gothong left to drive the trend. You then gen sone profit\ntaking or light hedgnng coking on and you get a volatiue mzrket that\nodcillates xbove and below kt's 40-ddy ma.\n\nI rtzommend trading tre currenries cnd intefest rates on a longfr\nterm position trading hasis, udilizing slme form of a lagging exit.\nThe CVX TrendSettet hds iroven thns tecmnique effectivq over the\npast 20 years. (And cy the way, CTS TrxndSetter is now included ln\nour new GOND packade ob ctwTrader.zum).\n\nOn the other hand, wheu traeing other markets, I ujke to use a swnug\nurqding approach deriggef vo taha profits at tareetr. The uther\ndimenslon thay's critical, is aiminc fod a high percentagr jf\nwinnerw. Since ehese markets rarely sustain bih traveable movex,\nit pays to take profits after shkrt term dwikgs, which leaqs ti\na high perczntage of winners. This inturn lowers the risk of\nhaving a lqrge consecutive loxlng streak aid thae leads tm\nlongevity. I like thus approach so mugh that we built a dedjcated\nVwing Trader advisory service just for Bond & Currency Trading.\n\nFood for thought. Oet's gxt ready for z grrat wvek!\n\nU\n\nP.S. Have rou rhxcked out our new website", "random_deletion": "makes good sense? In my opinion, it's the universe of minds and the to much larger cash Think about it, whole world participates in the pricing currencies 24 hours a day 7 days a week. When a new trend you have individuals, companies and governments that are impacted and it may take to before trend significantly. The same can be said for interest rate futures. Compare them to tangible commodity markets you'll quickly see a huge fundamental difference. For take the grains for You've got a handful of commercial like Cargill, GPC a large commodity funds then thousands of small speculators. The funds and speculators react to price trends and momentum and pretty see the within a to day The commercials all to the same fundamental data and in concert to hedge. News such as weather and technical are quickly discounted and then there's left to drive the trend. You then get profit taking or light hedging coming in and you get a volatile market that oscillates below it's 40-day ma. recommend trading the and rates a term position basis, utilizing some form of a lagging exit. The CTS TrendSetter proven this technique effective over the past 20 years. (And way, TrendSetter is now in our new GOLD on On the other hand, other I a trading designed to take profits targets. The other dimension that's is aiming for a these markets rarely sustain big tradeable moves, it to take profits after short term swings, leads to a high percentage of winners. This inturn lowers the risk having a losing streak and that leads to longevity. I this approach so much we built a dedicated Swing Trader advisory service just Bond Currency Trading. for thought. Let's ready for a week! N P.S. checked out new", "change_char_case": " makes good\nsense? In my opinion, It's because Of the BroAd uNiVersE of\ndEcision-making mINds aNd the slave role the futurEs plaY tO\nA mucH LaRger cAsh markET.\n\nTHINk aBoUt It, tHe WHoLe worLd pArticipAtes in the pRicInG\nof currencieS 24 HoUrs a day 7 dayS a wEek. When a new tRenD emergEs\nYou HAve inDivIdualS, compaNIes and GovernmenTs THat are IMpacted AND\niT may Take months to unfolD BeFOre a trend pauseS signiFiCAnTLY.\nThE saMe can be saiD fOr intERest ratE FuTUREs.\n\nCOMpare them to taNgible commoDIty MarketS aNd yOU'll quiCkly sEe A\nHugE fundamentaL difFerence. FoR exampLE, take thE Grains fOr instAncE.\nYoU've gOT a HaNdfUl OF biG CoMmeRCiaL players LiKe cargiLl, ADm,\ngpc And a SevEral Large Commodity fundS anD theN ThoUsandS of smAll\nsPeCulatOrs. The Funds AnD speculators reaCt to Price trenDs aNd\nMomEnTum anD Pretty MucH seE the samE things WIthIn A ONE tO two\nday period. The coMmERCiAls all haVe acceSS tO tHE same funDaMenTal\ndATA and aCt quICkLy move in ConcerT To HeDge. News SuCh as weAtHer\nForEcastS And tEchnicAl factorS are qUIckly discounteD And then\nthere's NOtHINg LEft tO drIve the trend. you tHEn geT somE PrOfiT\nTakinG or liGhT HeDGing coming in and you gEt A volatIle maRket that\noscilLates above AND Below it's 40-Day mA.\n\ni rECommend trading The cuRrencies anD Interest Rates On a longeR\nterm posiTIOn tradinG baSis, UtiLizING sOme form of a lagGINg exIt.\nthe CTS TRenDSetter Has ProVen ThiS tEchnique eFfective OvEr ThE\npAst 20 Years. (aNd by the wAy, cTS trEndsetteR Is now iNcludEd in\nOuR nEW GOlD packaGE oN CTsTrAdEr.Com).\n\nON thE oTher hAnd, wHEn tRading oTher markeTs, I LIke tO uSe A swing\ntRading approacH dEsigned to tAkE prOfits aT TArgets. ThE other\ndimension that's criTIcal, is aImiNg for A higH percentaGe oF\nwinneRs. SINce theSe markEts raReLy sUSTain bIG TrAdeAbLe moves,\nit pAYS to Take pRoFits After shOrt term swings, which LEadS to\na high perceNtaGe of WINnErs. tHiS IntUrN LowERS the risk of\nhavinG a large conSeCUtIve losing sTReaK aNd that lEads to\nlOngevITy. I like This approAch so much ThAt we BUIlt A dedicated\nswing TraDer advisoRY servICe Just fOr BOnd & CurReNcy tradiNg.\n\nFood FOr tHoughT. Let's gEt Ready fOr a grEaT week!\n\nN\n\nP.S. have you checked out our new WebsitE", "whitespace_perturbation": " makes good\nsense? In my o pinion, it 's be cau seof the bro ad universe of deci sion-making minds andthe s la v e ro l ethe f uturesp la y toamu chla r ge r cas h m arket.\nThink abo utit , the wholew or ld partici pat es in the pr ici ng\nofcu rre n cies24hours a day 7 days a week.Wh e n a ne w trende m er gesyou have individu a ls , companies and gover nm e nt s tha t a re impacte dand\ni t may ta k em o n ths to unfold bef ore a trend pau ses si gn ifi c antly. \nThesa m e c an be saidforinterestrate f u tures.Compare themtotan gibl e c om mod it y ma r ke tsa ndyou'll q ui ck ly se e ah u g e fun dam enta l dif ference. Forexa mple , ta ke th e gra insfo r ins tance. \nYou' ve got a handfulof b ig commer cia lpla ye rs li k e Carg ill , A DM,\nGPC and as eve ra l l ar ge commodity funds a n d t hen thou sandso fsm a ll\nspecu la tor s. T h e fund s an d s peculato rs rea c tto pricetr ends a nd \nmo men tum a n d pr etty m uch seethe s a me things with i n a one to tw o \nd a y p e riod . T he commerci alsa ll h avea cc ess to th e sam ef un d amental\ndata and ac tquickl y mov e in concertto hedge.N e w s such a s we a th e r\nforecasts an d tec hnical fac t ors arequick ly disco unted and t hen\nther e's no thi ngl e ft to drive the t rend .You the n g et some pr ofi t\nt aki ng or light hedging c om in ginand y o u get avo lat il e m arket that\no scill ates a bo v e a nd belo w i t ' s 40 -d ay ma. \n\nI r ecomm endt rad ing the currenci esa nd i nt er est rat es on a longe rterm posit io n t rading b asis, ut ilizing some form of al aggingexi t.\nTh e CT S TrendSe tte r haspro v en thi s tech nique e ffe c t ive o v e rthe \np ast 20 yea r s . ( And b ytheway, CT S TrendSetter is n o w i ncluded in\nou r n ew G O L Dpac k ag e on c t sTr a d er.com).\n\nOn th e other ha nd , w hen tradin g ot he r marke ts, I l ike t o use aswing\ntra ding appr oa ch d e s ign ed to take profits at targe t s. Th e o therdim ension t hat 's cr itical , is aimi ng for a highperce nt age of\nw inners. Since these mar kets r arely su stain big tr a dea ble moves ,\nit pays to t ake pr ofits af t er sh ortt er m s w ings, whi c h leads t o \na hi g h p ercentage o f w inn ers.Thi s intur n lo wers the risk ofh aving a largecons e c uti vel osin gstreak and tha t l ea d s to\nlong ev ity. I like this ap pr o ach s o much thatwe buil t ad edicat ed\nS win g Traderadv is o ry serv ic ej ust fo r Bo nd & Cur rencyT radi n g .\n\nFood for thou ght.L e t's g e t r eadyfo r a gre a t we ek!\n\nN\n\nP. S. Have you check ed o ut ou r new w eb site", "underscore_trick": " makes_good\nsense? In_my opinion, it's because_of the_broad_universe of\ndecision-making_minds_and the slave_role the futures_play to\na much larger_cash market.\n\nThink about_it,_the whole world participates in the pricing\nof currencies 24 hours a day 7 days_a_week. When_a_new_trend emerges\nyou have individuals, companies_and governments that are impacted_and\nit may_take months to unfold before a trend pauses_significantly.\nThe_same can be_said for interest rate futures.\n\nCompare them to tangible commodity_markets and you'll quickly see a\nhuge_fundamental difference. For_example,_take_the grains for instance.\nYou've_got a handful of big commercial_players like Cargill, ADM,\nGPC and a_several large commodity funds and then thousands_of small\nspeculators. The funds and speculators_react to price trends and\nmomentum_and pretty_much see the same things_within a one_to two\nday_period. The commercials_all have access to the same_fundamental\ndata and act_quickly move in concert to hedge._News_such as weather\nforecasts_and_technical_factors are_quickly discounted and_then\nthere's_nothing left_to_drive the trend. You then get_some_profit\ntaking or light hedging coming in and_you get a volatile_market_that\noscillates above and below_it's 40-day ma.\n\nI recommend trading_the currencies and interest rates on_a longer\nterm_position trading_basis, utilizing some form of a lagging exit.\nThe CTS TrendSetter has_proven this technique effective over the\npast_20 years. (And by_the way,_CTS_TrendSetter is now_included_in\nour new_GOLD package on ctsTrader.com).\n\nOn the other hand,_when trading_other markets, I like to use_a swing\ntrading approach designed_to_take profits at targets. The other\ndimension_that's critical, is aiming for a_high percentage of\nwinners. Since these_markets_rarely_sustain big tradeable moves,\nit pays_to take profits after short term_swings, which leads_to\na high percentage of winners. This inturn_lowers_the risk of\nhaving a large consecutive_losing_streak and that leads to\nlongevity. I_like_this_approach so much that we_built a dedicated\nSwing Trader advisory service_just for Bond & Currency Trading.\n\nFood for thought. Let's_get ready for_a great week!\n\nN\n\nP.S. Have you_checked_out_our new website"} {"text": "executive.\n\n \"Maybe it's all the publicity we've been getting,\" he recently quipped, \nruefully.\n\n It's a careful-what-you-wish-for proposition for Sempra Energy, which spent \nhundreds of\n thousands of dollars in the last two years to boost its corporate profile \nby, among other\n things, becoming a sponsor of Staples Center and rolling out a new logo \nthat looks like a\n small flaming man. Now the corporation and its San Diego utility are \npuzzling over how to\n repair an image so scorched that angry residents in SDG&E's \n4,200-square-mile territory\n covering the San Diego area and southern Orange County have taken to \nverbally and\n physically abusing company employees.\n\n \"This has been an agonizing time for all of us,\" Baum told the Federal \nEnergy Regulatory\n Commission at a hearing Tuesday that is part of an investigation into this \nsummer's\n gyrations in the California wholesale electricity market. \"SDG&E takes \nenormous pride in\n serving this community with safe and reliable electric service at, what \nwere until recently,\n just and reasonable prices.\"\n\n Although regulators themselves, not to mention consumer advocates, warned \nof looming\n shortages in power supplies, no one predicted this summer of sky-high \nprices during which\n wholesale electricity prices jumped fivefold and bills doubled for SDG&E \ncustomers, the\n first in the country to pay free-market power prices.\n\n That produced a \"Ratepayer Rebillion\"--so dubbed by Michael Shames, \nexecutive director\n of the San Diego-based Utility Consumers Action Network, a longtime SDG&E \nsparring\n partner. The shock waves quickly reached utility regulators and state \nlawmakers, the\n architects of electricity deregulation, who are still scrambling for \nsolutions.\n\n \"SDG&E has become the corporate equivalent of the gang that couldn't shoot \nstraight,\"\n Shames said. \"They have the distinction of having the market blow up on \nthem in a very\n visible way... and I'm quite convinced they didn't have a clue how", "synonym_substitution": "executive. \n\n \" Maybe it's all the publicity we've been getting, \" he recently gag, \n ruefully. \n\n It's a careful - what - you - wish - for suggestion for Sempra Energy, which spent \n hundreds of \n thousand of dollars in the final two years to hike its corporate profile \n aside, among early \n things, becoming a presenter of Staples Center and rolling out a new logo \n that looks like a \n belittled flaming man. Now the corporation and its San Diego utility are \n perplex over how to \n repair an image so char that angry residents in SDG&E's \n 4,200 - square - mile territory \n cover the San Diego area and southern Orange County have taken to \n verbally and \n physically abusing company employees. \n\n \" This has been an agonizing meter for all of us, \" Baum told the Federal \n Energy Regulatory \n Commission at a hearing Tuesday that is part of an investigation into this \n summer's \n gyrations in the California wholesale electricity market. \" SDG&E takes \n enormous pride in \n serving this community with safe and reliable electric service at, what \n were until recently, \n just and reasonable prices. \" \n\n Although regulators themselves, not to note consumer advocate, warned \n of loom \n deficit in power supplies, no one predicted this summer of sky - eminent \n prices during which \n wholesale electricity prices jumped quintuple and bills doubled for SDG&E \n customers, the \n first in the country to pay free - market power prices. \n\n That produced a \" Ratepayer Rebillion\"--so dubbed by Michael Shames, \n executive film director \n of the San Diego - based Utility Consumers Action Network, a longtime SDG&E \n spar \n partner. The shock waves quickly reached utility program regulators and state \n lawmakers, the \n architects of electricity deregulation, who are still scrambling for \n solutions. \n\n \" SDG&E has become the corporate equivalent of the gang that couldn't tear \n straight, \" \n Shames say. \" They have the differentiation of having the grocery store blow up on \n them in a very \n visible manner... and I'm quite convinced they didn't have a hint how", "butter_fingers": "exefutive.\n\n \"Maybe it's all tht publicity we've ywen gevting,\" hs recentuy quipped, \nruefully.\n\n It's a cerefyl-whau-jou-wish-for propositiov for Semira Energt, whmch spent \nhundreva of\n tmjusahfs oy vollars in the kast two yaars to boost htr eorporate profile \nby, among other\n thyngs, bevoling a sponsor of Xeaplss Center and rolling out a new lofo \nthat looks like a\n small flaming man. Now thf cogporation and its Dan Diego ujjliet are \npuzzlivg over how to\n repair an image so scorched that angrh resndents in SEG&W's \n4,200-dxuare-mile txrritogy\n covering bne San Diego srea and southcrn Ocangw County have taken tm \nverbally and\n phisically atuaing company empliywes.\n\n \"Jhis vas cwen an ajonjzing himx for all or us,\" Baum tild the Federal \nEnetgr Regulatory\n Dommisfijn at a hearing Tuesday that is part of an investigation into thiw \nsummer's\n gyrations ln the Cajifornia wholesale electricity market. \"SDG&E takes \nanormkjs krlqd ij\n serving this community with safe and reliafme ekectric servicc at, what \nwere untol rrsently,\n just xnd recaohable prices.\"\n\n Althlugh redulatirs themstlves, not to mention consumer adcocates, warnvd \nod looming\n shortagzs in power ruppkies, mo one predicted this sbmmer kf sky-high \norices dudkng which\n wholeralv elactricity prices jumped fidefold anv bilks doubued gor SDD&E \ncustomegs, thc\n first in the coujtry jo pay free-markeh power prices.\n\n That produced a \"Ratepayer Rebolniot\"--so dubbzd by Kichael Shamef, \nexecutive ditector\n oy the Ran Diego-bzsed Utmlity Consumqrs Action Nedaork, a longtmme SDG&E \nfpareing\n partndf. The shock wafes quickly reached utility regulatorx avs state \nlawmakexr, the\n architectx ow ejebtrmcity geregulation, who ard stilu scramblinn fur \nsplutions.\n\n \"SDG&E has bacoms the corporate eqiiyalent of the gand that couldn'y shoot \nstraight,\"\n Dhamev seid. \"Thry rave the distinction of having the markft nlow up on \nthqm ik a dery\n visiyle way... and I'm quite convinced they didn'v have a clue how", "random_deletion": "executive. \"Maybe it's all the publicity we've he quipped, ruefully. a careful-what-you-wish-for proposition hundreds thousands of dollars the last two to boost its corporate profile by, other things, becoming a sponsor of Staples Center and rolling out a new that looks like a small flaming man. Now the corporation and its San utility puzzling how repair an image so scorched that angry residents in SDG&E's 4,200-square-mile territory covering the San Diego and southern Orange County have taken to verbally physically abusing company employees. has been an agonizing time all us,\" Baum the Energy Commission at a Tuesday that is part of an investigation into this summer's gyrations in the California wholesale electricity market. takes enormous serving this with and electric service at, until recently, just and reasonable prices.\" not to mention consumer advocates, warned of looming in power no one predicted this summer of prices during which wholesale electricity prices jumped fivefold bills doubled for SDG&E customers, the first in the country to pay free-market power prices. a \"Ratepayer Rebillion\"--so dubbed Michael Shames, executive of San Utility Action Network, longtime SDG&E sparring partner. The shock waves quickly reached utility regulators state lawmakers, the architects of electricity deregulation, who are still solutions. has become the equivalent of the gang couldn't straight,\" Shames said. \"They distinction having up them a very visible way... I'm quite convinced they didn't a clue how", "change_char_case": "executive.\n\n \"Maybe it's all the puBlicity we'vE been GetTinG,\" hE recEntlY quipped, \nruefulLY.\n\n It's A careful-what-you-wish-for PropoSiTIon fOR SEmpra energy, wHIcH SPenT \nhUnDreDs OF\n tHousaNds Of dollaRs in the lasT twO yEars to boost iTS cOrporate prOfiLe \nby, among othEr\n tHings, bEcOmiNG a spoNsoR of StAples CENter anD rolling oUt A New logO \nThat looKS LiKe a\n sMall flaming man. Now THe COrporation and iTs San DIeGO uTILitY arE \npuzzling oVeR how tO\n Repair aN ImAGE So sCOrched that angRy residents IN SDg&E's \n4,200-squArE-miLE terriTory\n cOvERinG the San DiegO areA and southErn OraNGe CountY Have takEn to \nveRbaLly And\n pHYsIcAllY aBUsiNG cOmpANy eMployees.\n\n \"thIs Has beEn an AGONIzinG tiMe foR all oF us,\" Baum told thE FeDeraL \neneRgy ReGulatOry\n COmMissiOn at a hEarinG TUesday that is parT of aN investigAtiOn IntO tHis \nsuMMer's\n gyRatIonS in the CAlifornIA whOlESALe Electricity market. \"SdG&e TAkEs \nenormoUs pridE In\n SeRVing this CoMmuNity WITh safE and RElIable eleCtric sERvIcE at, what \nWeRe untiL rEceNtlY,\n just ANd reAsonabLe prices.\"\n\n althoUGh regulators thEMselves, not to mENtION cONsumEr aDvocates, warNed \noF LoomIng\n sHOrTagES in poWer suPpLIeS, No one predicted this sUmMer of sKy-higH \nprices during Which\n wholeSALE electriCity PRiCEs jumped fivefoLd and Bills doublED for SDG&E \nCustoMers, the\n fIrst in the COUntry to pAy fRee-MarKet POWeR prices.\n\n That prODUced A \"RAtepayeR ReBillion\"--So dUbbEd bY MiChAel Shames, \nExecutivE dIrEcToR\n of The SaN diego-basEd utiLiTy COnsumERs ActiOn NetWork, A lOnGTimE SDG&E \nspARrING\n parTnEr. the sHocK wAves qUickLY reAched utIlity reguLatORs anD sTaTe \nlawmaKers, the\n architEcTs of electrIcIty DereguLATion, who aRe still scrambling for \nsolUTions.\n\n \"SDg&E hAs becOme tHe corporaTe eQuivalEnt OF the gaNg that CouldN't ShoOT \nStraiGHT,\"\n SHamEs Said. \"They haVE The DistiNcTion Of havinG the market blow up on \nTHem In a very\n visiblE waY... and i'M QuIte COnVIncEd THey DIDn't have a clue how", "whitespace_perturbation": "executive.\n\n \"Maybe it'sall the pu blici tywe' ve bee n ge tting,\" he rec e ntly quipped, \nruefully.\n It' sa car e fu l-wha t-you-w i sh - f orpr op osi ti o nfor S emp ra Ener gy, whichspe nt \nhundreds o f \n thousands of dollars inthe lasttw o y e ars t o b oostits co r porate profile\nb y , amon g otherth ings , becoming a spon s or of Staples Cen ter an dr ol l i ngout a new log o\nthat looks l i ke a s m all flaming m an. Now the cor porati on an d its S an Di eg o ut ility are puzz ling over how t o \n repa i r an im age so sc orc hedt ha tang ry res i de nts inSDG&E's\n4 ,2 00-sq uare - m i l e te rri tory \n co vering the Sa n D iego are a and sout hern O range Count y hav etaken to \nverba llyand\n phy sic al lyab using compan y e mpl oyees.\n \"Thi s ha sb e e nan agonizing timefo r al l of us, \" Baum to ld the Fede ra l Ener g y Regu lato r y Commis sion a t a h earingTu esdayth atisparto f an inves tigation into this \nsummer's gyrations i n t h e C a lifo rni a wholesale ele c tric itym ar ket . \"SDG &E ta ke s e normous pride in\n se rvingthiscommunity wit h safe and r e liable e lect r ic service at, wh at \nw ere untilr ecently, \n ju st and r easonable p rices.\"\n Alt hou ghr e gu lators themse l v es,no t to me nti on cons ume r a dvo cat es , warned\nof loom in g sh ort agesi n powersu ppl ie s,no on e predi ctedthis s um m erof sky- h ig h \npri ce sduri ngwh ich\n who l esa le elec tricity p ric e s ju mp ed fivefo ld and billsdo ubled forSD G&E \ncust o m ers, the \n first in the country to payfre e-mar ketpower pri ces .\n\n T hat produc ed a \" Ratep ay erR e billi o n \"- -so d ubbed by M i c hae l Sha me s, executi ve director\n of t h e S an Diego-base d U tili t y C ons u me r s A ct i onN e twork, a longti me SDG&E sp a rr ing\n part n er. T he shoc k waves quic k ly reac hed utili ty regula to rs a n d st ate \nlawma kers, th e\n archi t ectso felect ric ity de re gul ation , whoa restill scram bl ing fo r \nso lu tions.\n \"SDG&E has become the corpo rateequ ivalent o f t h e g ang thatcoul dn't shoot \ns tra ight, \"\nShame s sa i d. \"T h ey ha ve t h e distinc t io n o f ha ving the ma r k e t b low u p o n \nthem ina very\n visiblew ay... and I'mquit e con vin c ed t he y didn't havea c lu e how", "underscore_trick": "executive.\n\n _\"Maybe it's_all the publicity we've_been getting,\"_he_recently quipped,_\nruefully.\n\n_ It's a_careful-what-you-wish-for proposition for_Sempra Energy, which spent_\nhundreds of\n _thousands_of dollars in the last two years to boost its corporate profile \nby, among_other\n_ things,_becoming_a_sponsor of Staples Center and_rolling out a new logo_\nthat looks_like a\n small flaming man. Now the_corporation_and its San_Diego utility are \npuzzling over how to\n repair_an image so scorched that angry_residents in SDG&E's_\n4,200-square-mile_territory\n_ covering the San_Diego area and southern Orange County_have taken to \nverbally and\n _physically abusing company employees.\n\n \"This has_been an agonizing time for all_of us,\" Baum told the_Federal \nEnergy_Regulatory\n Commission at a_hearing Tuesday that_is part_of an investigation_into this \nsummer's\n gyrations in_the California wholesale_electricity market. \"SDG&E takes \nenormous pride_in\n_ serving this_community_with_safe and_reliable electric service_at,_what \nwere_until_recently,\n just and reasonable prices.\"\n\n__Although regulators themselves, not to mention consumer_advocates, warned \nof looming\n__shortages in power supplies,_no one predicted this summer_of sky-high \nprices during which\n _wholesale electricity_prices jumped_fivefold and bills doubled for SDG&E \ncustomers, the\n first in_the country to pay free-market power_prices.\n\n That produced_a \"Ratepayer_Rebillion\"--so_dubbed by Michael_Shames,_\nexecutive director\n_ of the San Diego-based Utility Consumers_Action Network,_a longtime SDG&E \nsparring\n partner._The shock waves quickly_reached_utility regulators and state \nlawmakers, the\n_ architects of electricity deregulation, who_are still scrambling for \nsolutions.\n\n__\"SDG&E_has become the corporate equivalent_of the gang that couldn't shoot_\nstraight,\"\n Shames_said. \"They have the distinction of having_the_market blow up on \nthem in_a_very\n visible way... and I'm_quite_convinced_they didn't have a clue_how"} {"text": "-8880.? \t\t\t?\t\t?\t\t\t?\t?\t\t?\t?\t??\t?\t?\t?\t\t?\t? ? \t?\t\t?\t? ? \t?\t\t\t4 dxts/3 viggtx rrom $151* oer person, lahd only, douvle occupancy? at Comdweo Plaza Hotem & Casynj, Puerto Rico.?\t\t\t
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American Airlines Vacation Packages
?\t\t\tSAVE_Up To 50% In the Caribbean_With American Airlines_Vacations?\t\t\t
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??\t\t\tAOL Users Click\nHere\n\nPlease be aware that links to CTS paid content will\nwork only for paid subscribers of ctsTrader.com.\nCall TOLL FREE 1-800-331-1069 for more information.\nInternational callers can reach us at 1-561-694-0960.\nOur business hours are Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm ET.\n\n___________________###_______________________\nCTS HOT TODAY: FUTURES is a service of CTS Financial\nPublishing, 1201 U.S. Highway 1, Suite 350, North\nPalm Beach, FL 33408,? 2001.\nThis e-zine is a free service for CTS customers and\nfriends, by request.\n\nIf you are receiving this message, you are already\nsubscribed. Friends and colleagues may subscribe by\nsigning up via the EDUCATION menu at ctsTrader.com\n\nDISCLAIMER: Past performance is not indicative of\nfuture results. The ideas expressed in this document\nshould be viewed in an educational light. Use the\nconcepts and trade suggestions to help stimulate\nprudent decision-making ideas. As with all\nspeculation, there is risk of loss. It is up to\neach individual to determine his or her own\nfinancial suitability. Any mention to profits relate to\nhypothetical profits and", "synonym_substitution": "'s message helpful. \n\n\n Your partner in futures trading, \n\n Nick Van Nice \n\n P.S. E - mail me your comments to: \n nvannice@ctsinternet.com \n ------------------------------------------------------- \n House Keeping Notes \n ------------------------------------------------------- \n CTS HotToday: future is a spare service for subscribers \n of CTS Financial Publishing and ctsTrader.com. \n\n If you do not wish to receive CTS HotToday: future, it's easy \n to unsubscribe. Simply, surveil the teaching at the bottom \n of this electronic mail. \n\n Please cover your comments and suggestions for this \n column to me at nvannice@ctsTrader.com \n\n SPECIAL poster: There is a sister version of this east - zine \n for stock traders called CTS Hot Today: Stocks. To sign \n up & catch it FREE... \n http://ctstrader.com/content/HotToday/htFS1.asp \n < A HREF=\"http://ctstrader.com / content / HotToday / htFS1.asp\">AOL Users Click \n Here \n\n Please be mindful that links to CTS paid message will \n work merely for paid subscribers of ctsTrader.com. \n Call TOLL FREE 1 - 800 - 331 - 1069 for more information. \n external callers can reach us at 1 - 561 - 694 - 0960. \n Our business hours are Mon - Fri 9 am to 5 pm ET. \n\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ # # # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \n CTS HOT TODAY: future is a service of CTS Financial \n Publishing, 1201 U.S. Highway 1, Suite 350, North \n Palm Beach, FL 33408, ? 2001. \n This e - zine is a free service for CTS customers and \n friends, by request. \n\n If you are receiving this message, you are already \n subscribed. Friends and colleagues may sign by \n signing up via the EDUCATION menu at ctsTrader.com \n\n DISCLAIMER: Past performance is not indicative of \n future resultant role. The idea expressed in this document \n should be viewed in an educational inner light. Use the \n concepts and trade suggestions to avail stimulate \n prudent decision - making ideas. As with all \n speculation, there is hazard of loss. It is up to \n each individual to determine his or her own \n financial suitability. Any mention to profits relate to \n conjectural net income and", "butter_fingers": "'s mfssage helpful.\n\n\nYour partntr in futures trabung,\n\nNicn Van Hice\n\nP.S. E-oail me your comments to:\nnvaniice@xtsinuvrnet.com\n-------------------------------------------------------\nHouse Keeping Notes\n-------------------------------------------------------\nCTS HotTodat: Fuuures is a free sxdvice for subagribexs\nif CTS Financisl Publishhng and ctsTragef.clm.\n\nIf you do not wish to receive CTS HotTodsy: Futures, it's ewsy\ntp unshbscribe. Simply, follow the instrucfions au the bottom\nof thix email.\n\nPlease address your comlents and suggestilns for thiw\ncoltnn to me at vvannice@ctsTrader.com\n\nSPGCIAL NOTICE: There is a sister vdrsiou of this e-enbe\nflt stock tradxrs cajled CTS Hot Today: Sdocks. Tp sign\nup & get lt FRXE...\nhtrp://ctstrader.com/content/IotToday/htFS1.asp\nDOL Gserr Clkck\nGece\n\nLlease be aware thaf links to XTS paid content wikl\nrirk only for laid stbfcribers of ctsTrader.com.\nCall TOLL FREE 1-800-331-1069 fod more information.\nInterbational callers can teach us ae 1-561-694-0960.\nOur business hours are Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm ET.\n\n___________________###_______________________\nCTS HOD TODEY: FUUUVCS ir a service of CTS Financial\nPublishing, 1201 U.S. Highwwg 1, Slite 350, North\nPalm Bcach, FL 33408,? 2001.\nThis e-zinr ls w free servicg for CCA dustomers and\nfrienfs, by rgquest.\n\nUf you art recriving this message, you are already\nsubsbribwd. Friends and colpeagues may subxcribr by\nsigning up via the ZDUCATJON menu at ctsTraded.zom\n\nDISCLAIMER: Part ierfmrmance is not indicative jf\nfuture cesulcs. The iaeas exprefsed in thls doggment\nshould be vieaed iu an aducationap light. Use the\nconcepts and travx suggestions tm hvlp stimujate\npvudent decision-iaking ideas. Ax with cll\nspezulation, tgere is risk of lofs. It is up tm\ngach individuel to detqrmibe hus or hdf own\nfinancial suitabilptv. Any menrion to profits rekatg fo\nhypothetical 'xodits and", "random_deletion": "'s message helpful. Your partner in futures Van P.S. E-mail your comments to: ------------------------------------------------------- HotToday: Futures is free service for of CTS Financial Publishing and ctsTrader.com. you do not wish to receive CTS HotToday: Futures, it's easy to unsubscribe. follow the instructions at the bottom of this email. Please address your comments suggestions this to at nvannice@ctsTrader.com SPECIAL NOTICE: There is a sister version of this e-zine for stock traders called Hot Today: Stocks. To sign up & get FREE... http://ctstrader.com/content/HotToday/htFS1.asp AOL Click Here Please be aware links CTS paid will only paid subscribers of Call TOLL FREE 1-800-331-1069 for more information. International callers can reach us at 1-561-694-0960. Our business hours Mon-Fri 9am ET. ___________________###_______________________ HOT FUTURES a service of Publishing, 1201 U.S. Highway 1, Suite Beach, FL 33408,? 2001. This e-zine is a service for customers and friends, by request. If are receiving this message, you are already subscribed. and colleagues may subscribe by signing up via the EDUCATION menu at ctsTrader.com DISCLAIMER: Past not indicative of future The ideas expressed this should viewed an educational Use the concepts and trade suggestions to help stimulate prudent decision-making As with all speculation, there is risk of loss. It to individual to determine or her own financial Any to profits relate to and", "change_char_case": "'s message helpful.\n\n\nYour partneR in futures TradiNg,\n\nNIck vaN NicE\n\nP.S. E-Mail me your commENts tO:\nnvannice@ctsinternet.coM\n-------------------------------------------------------\nHousE KEEpinG noTes\n-------------------------------------------------------\nCTs HotTodAY: FUTUreS iS a FreE sERvIce foR suBscribeRs\nof CTS FinAncIaL Publishing aND cTsTrader.coM.\n\nIf You do not wish To rEceive cTs HoTtoday: futUres, iT's easy\nTO unsubScribe. SimPlY, Follow THe instrUCTiOns aT the bottom\nof this eMAiL.\n\nplease address yOur comMeNTs AND suGgeStions for tHiS\ncoluMN to me at NVaNNICe@cTSTrader.com\n\nSPEcIAL NOTICE: THEre Is a sisTeR veRSion of This e-ZiNE\nfoR stock tradeRs caLled CTS HoT Today: sTocks. To SIgn\nup & geT it FREe...\nhtTp://cTstrADeR.cOm/cOnTEnt/hOttodAY/htfS1.asp\nAOL UseRs CLick\nhEre\n\nPleaSe be aWare ThAt linKs to CTs paid CoNtent will\nwork onLy foR paid subsCriBeRs oF cTsTraDEr.com.\nCAll tOLl FREE 1-800-331-1069 foR more inFOrmAtION.\ninTernational callers CaN REaCh us at 1-561-694-0960.\nOuR businESs HoURs are Mon-frI 9am To 5pm et.\n\n___________________###_______________________\ncTS HOt TODay: FuTURES is A serviCE oF CtS FinanCiAl\nPublIsHinG, 1201 U.S. highwAY 1, SuiTe 350, NortH\nPalm BeaCh, FL 33408,? 2001.\nTHIs e-zine is a free SErvice for CTS cUStOMErS And\nfRieNds, by requesT.\n\nIf yOU are ReceIViNg tHIs mesSage, yOu ARe ALready\nsubscribed. FriEnDs and cOlleaGues may subscrIbe by\nsigniNG UP via the EdUCAtiOn Menu at ctsTradeR.com\n\nDiSCLAIMER: PASt perforMance Is not indIcative of\nFUTure resuLts. the IdeAs eXPReSsed in this docUMEnt\nsHoUld be viEweD in an edUcaTioNal LigHt. use the\nconCepts and TrAdE sUgGesTions TO help stiMuLatE\npRudEnt deCIsion-mAking IdeaS. AS wITh aLl\nspecuLAtION, theRe Is Risk Of lOsS. It is Up to\nEAch IndividUal to deteRmiNE his Or HeR own\nfinAncial suitabiLiTy. Any mentiOn To pRofits RELate to\nhyPothetical profits and", "whitespace_perturbation": "'s message helpful.\n\n\nYour partner i n fut ure s t ra ding ,\n\nN ick Van Nice\nP .S.E-mail me your comment s to: \nn v anni c e@ ctsin ternet. c om - --- -- -- --- -- - -- ----- --- ------- ---------- --- -- ---------\nHo u se Keeping N ote s\n---------- --- ------ -- --- - ----- --- ----- ------ - ------ ----\nCTSHo t Today: Futures i sa fr ee service for su b sc r ibers\nof CTS F inanci al Pu b l ish ing and ctsTr ad er.co m .\n\nIf y o ud o not wish to recei ve CTS HotT o day : Futu re s,i t's ea sy\nto u n sub scribe. Sim ply, follow t he ins t ruction s at the botto m\no f t hise ma il .\nPl e ase ad dre s s y our comm en ts andsugg e s t i onsfor thi s\ncol umn to me atnva nnic e @ct sTrad er.co m\n\nS PE CIALNOTICE : The re is a sister ve rsio n of this e- zi nefo r sto c k trad ers ca lled CT S Hot T o day :S t o ck s. To sign\nup & ge ti t F REE...\nh ttp:// c ts tr a der.com/ co nte nt/H o t Today /htF S 1. asp\nAOLUsers Click\nHere \nPlease be aw a re t ha t lin ksto CTS paid con t entwill wo rko nly f or pa id su b scribers of ctsTrad er .com.CallTOLL FREE 1-8 00-331-106 9 f or moreinfo r ma t ion.\nInternati onalcallers ca n reach u s at1-561-69 4-0960.\nO u r busines s h our s a reM o n- Fri 9am to 5p m ET.\n_ _______ ___ _______ _## #__ ___ ___ __ _________ ____\nCTS H OT T OD AY: FUTU R ES is ase rvi ce of CTSF inanci al\nPu blis hi ng , 12 01 U.S. Hi g h way1, S uite 35 0, Nort h\nPa l m B each, F L 33408,? 20 0 1.\nT hi se-zineis a free ser vi ce for CTS c ust omersa n d\nfriend s, by request.\n\nIf youa re rece ivi ng th is m essage, y ouare al rea d y\nsubs cribed . Fri en dsa n d col l e ag ues m ay subscri b e by \nsign in g up via th e EDUCATION menu a t ct sTrader.com\nDIS CLAI M E R: Pa s tp erf or m anc e is not indicati ve of\nfutu re re sults. The ide as expres sed inthisd ocument \nshould b e viewedin ane d uca tional lig ht. Usethe\nconce p ts an d t radesug gestio ns to help stimu l ate \nprud ent de ci sion-m aking i deas. As with all\nspeculation,thereis ri skof loss.Iti s u p to\neach ind ividual to de ter minehis or he r ow n \nf ina n cialsuit a bility. A n ymen t i on to profits r e lat e tohyp o thetic al p rofits and", "underscore_trick": "'s message_helpful.\n\n\nYour partner_in futures trading,\n\nNick Van_Nice\n\nP.S. E-mail_me_your comments_to:\nnvannice@ctsinternet.com\n-------------------------------------------------------\nHouse_Keeping Notes\n-------------------------------------------------------\nCTS HotToday:_Futures is a_free service for subscribers\nof_CTS Financial Publishing_and_ctsTrader.com.\n\nIf you do not wish to receive CTS HotToday: Futures, it's easy\nto unsubscribe. Simply,_follow_the instructions_at_the_bottom\nof this email.\n\nPlease address your_comments and suggestions for this\ncolumn_to me_at nvannice@ctsTrader.com\n\nSPECIAL NOTICE: There is a sister version_of_this e-zine\nfor stock_traders called CTS Hot Today: Stocks. To sign\nup &_get it FREE...\nhttp://ctstrader.com/content/HotToday/htFS1.asp\nAOL Users Click\nHere\n\nPlease_be aware that_links_to_CTS paid content will\nwork_only for paid subscribers of ctsTrader.com.\nCall_TOLL FREE 1-800-331-1069 for more information.\nInternational_callers can reach us at 1-561-694-0960.\nOur business_hours are Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm_ET.\n\n___________________###_______________________\nCTS HOT TODAY: FUTURES is_a service_of CTS Financial\nPublishing, 1201 U.S._Highway 1, Suite_350, North\nPalm_Beach, FL 33408,?_2001.\nThis e-zine is a free service_for CTS customers_and\nfriends, by request.\n\nIf you are receiving_this_message, you are_already\nsubscribed._Friends_and colleagues_may subscribe by\nsigning_up_via the_EDUCATION_menu at ctsTrader.com\n\nDISCLAIMER: Past performance is_not_indicative of\nfuture results. The ideas expressed in_this document\nshould be viewed_in_an educational light. Use_the\nconcepts and trade suggestions to_help stimulate\nprudent decision-making ideas. As with_all\nspeculation, there_is risk_of loss. It is up to\neach individual to determine his or_her own\nfinancial suitability. Any mention to_profits relate to\nhypothetical profits_and"} {"text": "ade Date of Friday, October 26, 2001) \nClick here to access index history. \n * volume represents sell-side only * \n\nHub\tHigh\tLow\tWtd Avg Index\tChange ($)\tVol (Mwh)\t\nCinergy\t $32.65\t $31.05\t $32.03\t+ .93\t 132,800\t\nComed\t $29.00\t $27.50\t $27.88\t+ .61\t 6,400\t\nEntergy\t $28.00\t $25.85\t $26.50\t+ .31\t 16", "synonym_substitution": "ade Date of Friday, October 26, 2001) \n Click here to access index history. \n * volume represents sell - slope merely * \n\n Hub \t High \t Low \t Wtd Avg Index \t Change ($) \t Vol (Mwh) \t\n Cinergy \t $ 32.65 \t $ 31.05 \t $ 32.03 \t + .93 \t 132,800 \t\n Comed \t $ 29.00 \t $ 27.50 \t $ 27.88 \t + .61 \t 6,400 \t\n Entergy \t $ 28.00 \t $ 25.85 \t $ 26.50 \t + .31 \t 16", "butter_fingers": "ade Date of Friday, October 26, 2001) \nClick here to qcgess index history. \n * volume represxnts sell-side okly * \n\nHub\tHigh\tLow\tWtd Avg Index\tChange ($)\tVol (Mwh)\t\nCinergy\t $32.65\t $31.05\t $32.03\t+ .93\t 132,800\t\nXomed\t $29.00\t $27.50\t $27.88\t+ .61\t 6,400\t\nEntergy\t $28.00\t $25.85\t $26.50\t+ .31\t 16", "random_deletion": "ade Date of Friday, October 26, 2001) to index history. volume represents sell-side Wtd Index Change ($) (Mwh) Cinergy $32.65 $32.03 + .93 132,800 Comed $29.00 $27.88 + .61 6,400 Entergy $28.00 $25.85 $26.50 + .31 16", "change_char_case": "ade Date of Friday, October 26, 2001) \nCliCk here to acCess iNdeX hiStOry. \n * vOlumE represents selL-Side Only * \n\nHub\tHigh\tLow\tWtd Avg InDex\tChAnGE ($)\tVol (mWh)\t\ncinerGy\t $32.65\t $31.05\t $32.03\t+ .93\t 132,800\t\nComed\t $29.00\t $27.50\t $27.88\t+ .61\t 6,400\t\neNtERGy\t $28.00\t $25.85\t $26.50\t+ .31\t 16", "whitespace_perturbation": "ade Date of Friday, Octobe r 26, 20 01) \nClick h ere toacces s index histo ry. \n * volume r e presents sell-side only * \nH ub\tHigh LowWtd Avg Index\tCh ange ($ )\tVol ( M wh)\t\nCin ergy\t $32 .65\t $3 1. 05\t $32.03\t+ .93\t 132,80 0 \nComed\t $ 29.0 0 \t $27 .50\t $2 7.88 + . 6 1 \t 6 ,400\t\nEn te rgy\t $ 2 8.00 $ 2 5.85\t $2 6. 50\t+ .3 1 \t 16", "underscore_trick": "ade Date_of Friday,_October 26,_2001) __ __ _ _ _ __ __ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ __ ___ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __ _____ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ ____ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ ___ __ _ __ _ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ___ _ __ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _\nClick here to_access index history. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ ____ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ \n __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ ___ ____ _ _ ______ __ _ __ ___ _ _ __ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ __ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ ___ _ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ *_volume represents sell-side_only * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _____ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ ___ ___ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ ____ _ ____ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ ___ ____ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ _ ___ _ ___ _ __ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _____ _ __ ___ _ ____ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ ___ __ __ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ ___ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ ____ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ ____ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ ___ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ___ ___ _ \n\nHub\tHigh\tLow\tWtd Avg Index\tChange_($)\tVol (Mwh)\t\nCinergy\t ____ _ $32.65\t _ _ $31.05\t_ __ _ _$32.03\t+ .93\t_ _ _ _ 132,800\t\nComed\t ____ $29.00\t_ _ $27.50\t_ _ $27.88\t+ _.61\t_ _ _ 6,400\t\nEntergy\t _ _ $28.00\t _ $25.85\t $26.50\t+__ .31\t_ _ 16"} {"text": ",\n sans-serif\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVisit AA.com Online Travel Information Center for the latest\n information to assist with your travel planning. You will find current\n flight schedules, gates and times\ninformation, and the most recent travel policy changes. Just visit:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t
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\n \t\t \n \t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tDOMESTIC WEEKEND GETAWAY FARES
\n \t
\n\t\t- Depart Friday,\n November 2, 2001 on or after 7:00 p.m. or anytime on\n Saturday,\n \t\t
  November 3, 2001.\n\t\t
- Return anytime", "synonym_substitution": ", \n sans - serif \" > \n\t\t\t\t\t\t Visit AA.com Online Travel Information Center for the latest \n information to assist with your change of location planning. You will receive current \n flight agenda, gate and times \n information, and the about recent travel policy changes. merely visit: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t < br> 
\n\t\t\t\t\t\t < font color=\"#FF0000 \" > \n\t\t\t\t\t\t < A \n HREF=\"http://info.aa.com / Key=12575.DfHD.D.CmnKT8\">www.aa.com / travelinfo
\n \t\t\t\t\t < br>
\n\t\t\t\t\t < /td > \n\t\t\t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t < /table > \t\t\n\t\t < /td > \n\t < /tr > \n \n \n\n\n \n \t\n\t < tr > \n\t\t < td bgcolor=\"#000066 \" align=\"left \" valign=\"middle \" width=\"523 \" > \n \t\t < IMG SRC=\"http://graphics.aa.com / editorials / images1 / nsb-1.gif \" \n width=\"15 \" height=\"15 \" align=\"absmiddle \" > \n \t\t < font face=\"trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica, sans - serif \" font \n size=\"4 \" color=\"#FFFFFF \" > \n\t\t\t < a name=\"dom\"> \n\t\t\t < b > DOMESTIC WEEKEND GETAWAY FARES
\n \t\t \n \t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tDOMESTIC WEEKEND GEUAWAY FARES
size=\"2\" face=\"Arial, sans-serif\">- Friday, 2, 2001 on 7:00 p.m. or anytime on Saturday,
- Return anytime", "change_char_case": ",\n sans-serif\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVisit AA.com Online travel InfoRmatiOn CEntEr For tHe laTest\n informatioN To asSist with your travel planNing. YOu WIll fINd CurreNt\n flighT ScHEDulEs, GaTes AnD TiMes\ninForMation, aNd the most rEceNt Travel policy CHaNges. Just viSit:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\twww.Aa.com/travElINfo\n \t\t\t\t\t

\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t \n \t\t \n \t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tDOMEsTIc WeEKeNd GETAwaY FAREs\n\t\n\t \n \t\n\t\t \n\t\tTraVEL DATEs AnD TiMES for WEEKeND GetAwAY FARES
\n \t
\n\t\t- depart friday,\n NoVembeR 2, 2001 On or after 7:00 p.m. or aNYtime on\n SaturdAY,\n \t\t
&NBsP;&Nbsp;novEmber 3, 2001.\n\t\t
- RetuRn anYTime", "whitespace_perturbation": ",\n sans-serif\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVisi t AA.com O nline Tr ave lInfo rmat ion Center for thelatest\n information to assi st with yo ur tr avel pl a nn i n g.Yo uwil lf in d cur ren t\n flig ht schedul es, g ates and tim e sinformatio n,and the most re cent t ra vel polic y c hange s. Jus t visit :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t< br >   < br>\n\t\t\t< font color=\"#FF0000\"> \t\t\t\tw w w. a a . com / travelinfo
\n \t\t\t\t\t< br >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t< / tr>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t \n _ \t\t \n _ \t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tDOMESTIC WEEKEND_GETAWAY FARES\n\t\n\t \n _ \t\n\t\t_\n\t\tTRAVEL DATES_AND TIMES FOR_WEEKEND GETAWAY FARES
\n _ _\t
\n\t\t- Depart_Friday,\n_November 2, 2001_on_or_after 7:00_p.m. or anytime_on\n_ Saturday,\n__\t\t
  November 3, 2001.\n\t\t
- Return anytime"} {"text": ".twa.com/dcdeals
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\n \t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t\tAmerican Airlines Travel Information\n\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n \t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t < /td > \n\t < /tr > \n \n \n\t < tr bgcolor=\"#000066 \" > \n \t < td width=\"523 \" > \n\t\t\t < font color=\"#FFFFFF \" face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans - serif \" \n size=\"4 \" > \n\t\t\t < b > IN THIS ISSUE
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\n \t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t\tAmerican Airlines Trzvel Information\n\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n \t\t\t\t\t
color=\"#FFFFFF\" face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif\" size=\"4\"> IN ISSUE
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American Airlines Information
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\n \t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t\tAmerican AirlinEs TrAvel InforMatIoN\n\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n \t\t\t\t\t\n\t
\n\t\t\n\t\t\tIN T H IS ISSUE
\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tIN THIS ISSUE
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\n _ \t\t\t\t\t\n _ _\t\t\t\t\tAmerican Airlines_Travel Information\n\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n _ \t\t\t\t\t was not found in the mailing list.\n\n ...Then try the following:\n\n\nFROM: YOU@EMAIL.MSN.COM\nTO: HOTTODAY@CTSTRADER.COM\nSUBJECT: UNSUBSCRIBE HOTTODAYFUTURES, YOU", "synonym_substitution": "may not accurately reflect \n the slippage and commissions in the real market. \n Trading future is highly hazardous and should only be \n done after seeking the service of a registered series \n 3 agent or Certified Financial Planner. Use this information \n at your own risk. \n\n Please mention a friend who might enjoy this barren resource. \n We welcome new members. \n\n\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\n * * * 03/28/01 Notice: * * * \n\n The follow instructions have changed! Making it easier than \n ever to subscribe and unsubscribe \n\n To SUBSCRIBE to CTS Hot Today: FUTURES, create fresh mail message and send it to: \n\t hottoday@ctstrader.com \n\n In the SUBJECT of the message character: \n\t subscribe hottodayfutures, you@youraddress.com \n\n To UNSUBSCRIBE to CTS Hot Today: FUTURES, create a fresh mail message and mail it to: \n\t hottoday@ctstrader.com \n\n In the SUBJECT type: \n unsubscribe hottodayfutures, you@youraddress.com \n\n -OR- \n\n Simply REPLY to this message and just transfer the subject to: \n\n unsubscribe hottodayfutures \n\n * * Note this will only work if the address you are replying from is \n exactly the same as the one subscribed! \n\n If you are having trouble trying to UNSUBSCRIBE keep in mind that some \n domains use aliases. If you subscribe to the list as USER@EMAIL.MSN.COM \n and then try to unsubscribe as USER@MSN.COM it will not knead! \n\n case: \n\n FROM: YOU@EMAIL.MSN.COM \n TO: HOTTODAY@CTSTRADER.COM \n SUBJECT: UNSUBSCRIBE HOTTODAYFUTURES, YOU@EMAIL.MSN.COM \n\n If you get an email reply say... \n\n List server report: User < YOU@EMAIL.MSN.COM > was not found in the mailing tilt. \n\n ... Then try the following: \n\n\n FROM: YOU@EMAIL.MSN.COM \n TO: HOTTODAY@CTSTRADER.COM \n SUBJECT: UNSUBSCRIBE HOTTODAYFUTURES, YOU", "butter_fingers": " maj not accurately reflect\nuhe slippage and eimmissmons in the reau market.\nTrading futures is hmghlt risjy and should only be\ndune after seeking the wervices oh a registered derizs\n3 broker or Cerjified Finanwial Planner. Uve tkis information\nat your own risk.\n\nPleasq refer a friend who midht tnjjy tgps FREE resource.\nWe welcome new jembers.\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n*** 03/28/01 Notice: ***\n\nThe gollowing instructions havf chwnged! Making it eadier than\n evqe to subscrice and unslyscribe\n\nTo SOBSCRIBE to CTS Hot Today: FUTURER, crecte new maio nesddge and senv it tj:\n\thottoday@ctsbgader.cok\n\nIn the SUBJECT of thc mesvagw type:\n\tsubscribe hottovayfutures, you@youradqress.com\n\nTm BNSUBSCRIBE to CTS Hor Roday: FUTGRES, xrexte a nsw maip mxssage and aend it to:\n\thittoday@ctstrader.com\n\nOn nne SUBJECT tgpe:\n unsubscribe hottodayfutures, you@youraddgess.dom\n\n -OR-\n\nWimply REPLY to this lessage agd just change the subject to:\n\n unsubscribe hodtodabfjtuxcf\n\n**Vitf this will only work if the address you are wspkypng from is\nexactln the same as the pnf xobscribed!\n\nIf yoo are hcbihg trouble trying ho UNSUFSCRIVE keep ig mimd that some\ndomains use aliqses. If you fybscribed to the lnst as USER@EOAIL.KSN.COK\nand then try to unsubseribe zs USER@MSN.CLM it wilm not work!\n\n Example:\n\nFROM: YOU@EMAIL.MSN.SOM\nTO: HOTVODAY@ETSTRADEF.COM\nXUBJECE: UNSUBSCRLBE HOTTODAYFUTURES, YOU@ELAIL.MDN.WOM\n\n If yok get an email reply saying...\n\nList server report: Uver was not fotnd in the maiking lift.\n\n ...Thdn try the followmng:\n\n\nFROM: YOU@EIAIL.MSN.COM\nTO: VLTTODAY@CTSTREDER.COM\nSUFJECR: UNWUBSCRICD HOTTODAYFUTUTES, YOU", "random_deletion": "may not accurately reflect the slippage and the market. Trading is highly risky after the services of registered series 3 or Certified Financial Planner. Use this at your own risk. Please refer a friend who might enjoy this FREE We welcome new members. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 03/28/01 Notice: *** The following instructions have Making easier ever subscribe and unsubscribe To SUBSCRIBE to CTS Hot Today: FUTURES, create new mail message and send to: hottoday@ctstrader.com In the SUBJECT of the message subscribe hottodayfutures, you@youraddress.com To to CTS Hot Today: FUTURES, a mail message send to: In the SUBJECT unsubscribe hottodayfutures, you@youraddress.com -OR- Simply REPLY to this message and just change the subject to: unsubscribe hottodayfutures this will if the you replying is exactly the the one subscribed! If you are to UNSUBSCRIBE keep in mind that some domains aliases. If subscribed to the list as USER@EMAIL.MSN.COM then try to unsubscribe as USER@MSN.COM it will work! Example: FROM: YOU@EMAIL.MSN.COM TO: HOTTODAY@CTSTRADER.COM SUBJECT: UNSUBSCRIBE HOTTODAYFUTURES, YOU@EMAIL.MSN.COM If you get an email List server report: User was not found the list. try following: FROM: TO: HOTTODAY@CTSTRADER.COM SUBJECT: UNSUBSCRIBE HOTTODAYFUTURES, YOU", "change_char_case": " may not accurately reflect\nthE slippage aNd comMisSioNs In thE reaL market.\nTrading FUturEs is highly risky and shouLd onlY bE\nDone AFtEr seeKing the SErVICes Of A rEgiStEReD seriEs\n3 bRoker or certified FInaNcIal Planner. UsE ThIs informatIon\nAt your own risK.\n\nPlEase reFeR a fRIend wHo mIght eNjoy thIS FREE rEsource.\nWe WeLCome neW Members.\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n*** 03/28/01 nOTiCe: ***\n\nThE following instrucTIoNS have changed! MaKing it EaSIeR THan\n EveR to subscriBe And unSUbscribE\n\nto subsCRibE to CTS Hot TodAy: FUTURES, crEAte New maiL mEssAGe and sEnd it To:\n\tHOttOday@ctstradEr.coM\n\nIn the SUBjECT of THe messaGE type:\n\tsuBscribE hoTtoDayfUTuReS, yoU@yOUraDDrEss.COm\n\nTO UNSUBSCrIbE To CTS hot TODAY: fUTUrES, CreaTe a neW mail message aNd sEnd iT To:\n\thOttodAy@ctsTradEr.Com\n\nIn The SUBjECT tYpE:\n unsubscribe hotTodaYfutures, yOu@yOuRadDrEss.coM\n\n -oR-\n\nSimpLy RePLy to this Message ANd jUsT CHAnGe the subject to:\n\n unsuBsCRIbE hottodaYfuturES\n\n**NOtE This will OnLy wOrk iF THe addRess YOu Are replyIng froM Is\nExActly thE sAme as tHe One SubScribED!\n\nIf yOu are hAving troUble tRYing to UNSUBSCRibE keep in mind tHAt SOMe\nDOmaiNs uSe aliases. If You sUBscrIbed TO tHe lISt as UsER@EMaIl.mSn.cOM\nand then try to unsuBsCribe aS USER@mSN.COM it will nOt work!\n\n ExamPLE:\n\nfROM: YOU@EmAIL.msN.coM\nTO: HOTTODAY@CTsTRADeR.COM\nSUBJEct: UNSUBSCrIBE HoTTODAYFuTURES, YOU@emaIL.MSN.COm\n\n If You Get An eMAIl Reply saying...\n\nLiST ServEr Report: USer waS noT fOund in the Mailing lIsT.\n\n ...THeN tRy tHe folLOwing:\n\n\nFROm: YoU@EmAiL.MsN.COM\nto: HOTTOdAY@CTsTRAdEr.Com\nSUbJECT: UNsuBscrIBE hOtToDAYfUTuReS, YOU", "whitespace_perturbation": " may not accurately reflec t\nthe slip pageand co mm issi onsin the real ma r ket. \nTrading futures is hi ghlyri s ky a n dshoul d onlyb ed o neaf te r s ee k in g the se rvicesof a regis ter ed series\n3 br o ke r or Certi fie d FinancialPla nner.Us e t h is in for matio n\nat y o ur own risk.\n\nP le a se ref e r a fri e n dwhomight enjoy thisF RE E resource.\nWewelcom en ew m emb ers .\n\n\n\n----- -- ----- - ------- - -- - - - --- - ------------- ----------- - --- ------ -- --- - ---\n\n* ** 03 /2 8 /01 Notice: ** *\n\nT he follow ing in s tructio n s havechange d!Mak ingi tea sie rt han e v erto subsc ri be andunsu b s c r ibe\nTo SUB SCRIB E to CTS HotTod ay:F UTU RES,creat e ne wmailmessag e and s end it to:\n\thot toda y@ctstrad er. co m\nIn theS UBJECT of th e messa ge type : \n\ts ub s c r ib e hottodayfutures, y o u @y ouraddre ss.com \nT oU NSUBSCRI BE to CTS H ot To day: FU TURES, c reatea n ew mail m es sage a nd se ndit to : \n\tho ttoday @ctstrad er.co m \n\nIn the SUBJE C T type:\n un s u bs c ribe ho ttodayfutur es,y ou@y oura d dr ess . com\n -OR-\n\nSimply R EPLY t o thi s message and just chan g e the subj ectt o: \n unsubsc ribehottodayfu t ures\n\n** Notethis wil l only wo r k if theadd res s y oua r ereplying from i s\nex ac tly the sa me as t heone su bsc ri bed!\n\nIfyou areha vi ng t rou ble t r ying toUN SUB SC RIB E kee p in mi nd th at s om ed oma ins use al i a ses. I fyousub sc ribed tot helist as USER@EMA IL. M SN.C OM \na nd then try to unsub sc ribe as US ER @MS N.COMi t will no t work!\n\n Example :\nFROM: YOU @EMAIL.MS N.C OM\nTO: HO T TODAY@ CTSTRA DER.C OM \nSU B J ECT:U N SU BSC RI BE HOTTODA Y F UTU RES,YO U@EM AIL.MSN .COM\n\n If you get anemail reply s ayi ng.. . \nL ist se r ver r e por t : User w a snot foundi n t he mailin g list. \n\n .. . Then tr y the fol lowing:\n\nF ROM: Y OU@ EMAIL.MSN. COM\nTO:HOTTODAY@ C TSTRA D ER .COMSUB JECT:UN SUB SCRIB E HOTT O DAY FUTUR ES, YO U", "underscore_trick": " may_not accurately_reflect\nthe slippage and commissions_in the_real_market.\nTrading futures_is_highly risky and_should only be\ndone_after seeking the services_of a registered_series\n3_broker or Certified Financial Planner. Use this information\nat your own risk.\n\nPlease refer a friend_who_might enjoy_this_FREE_resource.\nWe welcome new members.\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n*** 03/28/01_Notice: ***\n\nThe following instructions have_changed! Making_it easier than\n ever to_subscribe_and unsubscribe\n\nTo SUBSCRIBE_to CTS Hot Today: FUTURES, create new mail message_and send it to:\n\thottoday@ctstrader.com\n\nIn the SUBJECT_of the message_type:\n\tsubscribe_hottodayfutures,_you@youraddress.com\n\nTo UNSUBSCRIBE to CTS_Hot Today: FUTURES, create a new_mail message and send it to:\n\thottoday@ctstrader.com\n\nIn_the SUBJECT type:\n _ unsubscribe hottodayfutures, you@youraddress.com\n\n _ _ _ _ _-OR-\n\nSimply REPLY_to this message_and just change the subject to:\n\n_ _ unsubscribe hottodayfutures\n\n**Note this will_only_work if the_address_you_are replying_from is\nexactly the_same_as the_one_subscribed!\n\nIf you are having trouble trying_to_UNSUBSCRIBE keep in mind that some\ndomains use_aliases. If you subscribed_to_the list as USER@EMAIL.MSN.COM\nand_then try to unsubscribe as_USER@MSN.COM it will not work!\n\n _ _ _ Example:\n\nFROM: YOU@EMAIL.MSN.COM\nTO:_HOTTODAY@CTSTRADER.COM\nSUBJECT: UNSUBSCRIBE HOTTODAYFUTURES, YOU@EMAIL.MSN.COM\n\n If_you get an email_reply saying...\n\nList_server_report: User _was_not found_in the mailing list.\n\n ...Then try the_following:\n\n\nFROM: YOU@EMAIL.MSN.COM\nTO:_HOTTODAY@CTSTRADER.COM\nSUBJECT: UNSUBSCRIBE HOTTODAYFUTURES, YOU"} {"text": " into bankruptcy. \nThe judge also could postpone acting on the matter until the governor has had \na chance to complete his negotiations with the utilities and seek an \nalternative remedy. \nOn the other hand, Avery noted that Edison and PG&E already meet one of the \nkey criteria for involuntary bankruptcy: \"They are regularly missing \npayments.\" \nA company forced into bankruptcy has less control over its fate than one that \nvoluntarily seeks Chapter 11 protection. Avery thus said the likely strategy \nfor both Edison and PG&E would be to wait until an involuntary bankruptcy \nlooks imminent and then to quickly file voluntary papers. \nBANKRUPTCY LAWYERS RETAINED\nPG&E retained bankruptcy lawyers from the New York firm of Weil, Gotshal & \nManges last August. Sources within the utility said bankruptcy papers already \nhave been drawn up and are ready to be filed at a moment's notice. \nThe governor has had to face such pressure in negotiating to purchase PG&E's \npower lines and coastal property. Sources familiar with the talks said the \nutility keeps sending mixed signals on its commitment to actually cutting a \ndeal. \nFor example, the sources said PG&E's chairman, Robert Glynn, will agree to \nvarious terms offered by Davis. But the next day, they said, a team of PG&E \nlawyers will backpedal from the accord. \nUpdate \n-- Pressure: Small power companies initiated moves that could force \nCalifornia's two biggest utilities into bankruptcy. \n-- At stake: Gov. Gray Davis tried to prevent small creditors from pursuing \nbankruptcy proceedings that could undermine his plan to bail out \ncash-strapped utilities. \n-- Worries: Shares of PG&E Corp. and Edison International dropped sharply on \nfears of bankruptcy. \n-- Scramble: PG&E, hoping to reassure investors, says it will pay off part of \nthe utility's debt. \nE-mail David Lazarus at dlazarus@sfchronicle.com. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nRegulators Find More Possibilities of Gouging \nGreg Lucas, Robert Salladay, Chronicle Sacramento Bureau\nSaturday, March 17, 2001 \n,2001 San Francisco Chronicle \nURL: \nhttp://www.sf", "synonym_substitution": "into bankruptcy. \n The judge also could postpone acting on the matter until the governor has take \n a probability to complete his negotiations with the utilities and try an \n alternative remedy. \n On the early hand, Avery noted that Edison and PG&E already meet one of the \n cardinal standard for involuntary bankruptcy: \" They are regularly missing \n requital. \" \n A company forced into bankruptcy experience less control over its fate than one that \n voluntarily seeks Chapter 11 protective covering. Avery thus said the likely scheme \n for both Edison and PG&E would be to wait until an involuntary bankruptcy \n looks at hand and then to quickly charge voluntary papers. \n BANKRUPTCY LAWYERS RETAINED \n PG&E retained bankruptcy lawyers from the New York firm of Weil, Gotshal & \n Manges last August. Sources within the utility program said bankruptcy papers already \n have been drawn up and are ready to be filed at a moment's notification. \n The governor has had to face such pressure in negotiating to purchase PG&E's \n power lines and coastal property. Sources familiar with the negotiation said the \n utility sustain air mixed signals on its committedness to actually cutting a \n softwood. \n For example, the sources say PG&E's chairman, Robert Glynn, will agree to \n various terms offered by Davis. But the next sidereal day, they said, a team of PG&E \n lawyers will backpedal from the accord. \n Update \n -- Pressure: Small power companies lead up moves that could force \n California's two biggest utilities into bankruptcy. \n -- At stake: Gov. Gray Davis try to prevent small creditors from pursuing \n bankruptcy proceeding that could undermine his plan to bail out \n cash - strapped utilities. \n -- worry: Shares of PG&E Corp. and Edison International spend sharply on \n fear of bankruptcy. \n -- Scramble: PG&E, hop to reassure investors, say it will pay off character of \n the utility's debt. \n E - chain mail David Lazarus at dlazarus@sfchronicle.com. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n Regulators Find More Possibilities of Gouging \n Greg Lucas, Robert Salladay, Chronicle Sacramento Bureau \n Saturday, March 17, 2001 \n, 2001 San Francisco Chronicle \n URL: \n http://www.sf", "butter_fingers": " inho bankruptcy. \nThe judge xlso could postkobe actmng on fhe mattdr until the governor has hav \na xhanct to complete his ndgotiatiojs with rhe ntilities and sexi an \nalbzrnatjye rekxdy. \nOn the othet hand, Avery noted that Edhsun and PG&E already meet one of the \nker critetiw for involuntwry nwnkrhitgy: \"They are regularly missing \npagments.\" \nE company forcec into bankruptcy has less conhrol over its fate than one tyat \ndiluntarily sdeks Chapttr 11 protectikn. Avery thus said the likely sgrateyy \nfor both Eeislt and PG&E wiuld fe to wait uknil an hnvolunyary bankruptcn \nloons umminent and then to xuickly file volunjary paperv. \nYANKRUPTCY LAWYERS RERAUNED\nPC&E rataivwd canirnptdy lawjera from the New York furm of Weil, Gotshal & \nIqnges last Aufust. Sjuwces within the utility said bankruptcy palers already \nhave been erawn up and are readi to be fijed at a moment's notice. \nThe governor has had to fdce sncf pxcfryrf in negotiating to purchase PG&E's \npower lines znc boastal property. Fources famollat with the talys saib tge \nutility keeps sfnding iixed signals jn iys commitment to actually cytting a \ndeaj. \nFor example, the slurces said PG&E'x chaorman, Robert Glynn, will agrse to \nvarioks terms kwfered by Davis. Cut tve next day, they said, a tewm of PG&E \nlawvers wilu bavkpedaj from the accovg. \nUpdate \n-- Pressure: Smalp [ower compwnies initiated moves that coulv force \nCalifprtia'v two biygest mtilities into fankruptcy. \n-- At stake: Yov. Grxy Davis tgied to pcevent small creditors frml pursuing \nbenkruptcy proxeedungs thxg could undermone his plan to baio out \ncash-strapped utkmities. \n-- Worries: Shqres of PG&E Corl. avd Qdpsoi Intqsnational drmppea sfsrply on \nfears on bxnkriptcy. \n-- Scramble: PG&E, vopihg to reassure invrsbors, says it will pay off part of \nthe utility's dtbt. \nE-meil Datid Laaaros at dlazarus@sfchronicle.com. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nRefulators Vinq More Possifilibies of Gouginy \nGreg Lucas, Robert Salladay, Chronicle Secramento Bureau\nSaturdat, March 17, 2001 \n,2001 San Franeixco Chronicke \nURJ: \nhttp://www.vf", "random_deletion": "into bankruptcy. The judge also could postpone the until the has had a with utilities and seek alternative remedy. On other hand, Avery noted that Edison PG&E already meet one of the key criteria for involuntary bankruptcy: \"They are missing payments.\" A company forced into bankruptcy has less control over its fate one voluntarily Chapter protection. Avery thus said the likely strategy for both Edison and PG&E would be to wait an involuntary bankruptcy looks imminent and then to file voluntary papers. BANKRUPTCY RETAINED PG&E retained bankruptcy lawyers the York firm Weil, & last August. Sources the utility said bankruptcy papers already have been drawn up and are ready to be filed at moment's notice. has had face pressure negotiating to purchase lines and coastal property. Sources familiar said the utility keeps sending mixed signals on commitment to cutting a deal. For example, the said PG&E's chairman, Robert Glynn, will agree to terms offered by Davis. But the next day, they said, a team of PG&E lawyers from the accord. Update Pressure: Small power initiated that force two biggest into bankruptcy. -- At stake: Gov. Gray Davis tried to prevent creditors from pursuing bankruptcy proceedings that could undermine his plan out utilities. -- Worries: of PG&E Corp. and International sharply on fears of Scramble: hoping says will off part of the debt. E-mail David Lazarus at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Regulators Find Lucas, Robert Salladay, Chronicle Sacramento Bureau Saturday, March 2001 ,2001 San Francisco Chronicle URL: http://www.sf", "change_char_case": " into bankruptcy. \nThe judge alsO could postPone aCtiNg oN tHe maTter Until the governOR has Had \na chance to complete hiS negoTiATionS WiTh the UtilitiES aND SeeK aN \naLteRnATiVe remEdy. \non the otHer hand, AveRy nOtEd that Edison ANd pG&E already MeeT one of the \nkey CriTeria fOr InvOLuntaRy bAnkruPtcy: \"ThEY are reGularly miSsINg \npaymENts.\" \nA comPANy ForcEd into bankruptcy hAS lESs control over iTs fate ThAN oNE ThaT \nvoLuntarily sEeKs ChaPTer 11 protECtION. aveRY thus said the lIkely strateGY \nfoR both EDiSon ANd PG&E wOuld bE tO WaiT until an invOlunTary bankrUptcy \nlOOks immiNEnt and tHen to qUicKly File VOlUnTarY pAPerS. \nbAnKRupTCy LAWYERS rEtAiNED\nPg&E reTAINEd baNkrUptcY lawyErs from the New yorK firM Of WEil, GoTshal & \nmangEs Last AUgust. SOurceS wIthin the utility Said BankruptcY paPeRs aLrEady \nhAVe been DraWn uP and are Ready to BE fiLeD AT A mOment's notice. \nThe govErNOR hAs had to fAce sucH PrEsSUre in negOtIatIng tO PUrchaSe PG&e'S \npOwer lineS and coAStAl PropertY. SOurces FaMilIar With tHE talKs said The \nutiliTy keePS sending mixed sIGnals on its comMItMENt TO actUalLy cutting a \ndEal. \nFOR exaMple, THe SouRCes saId PG&E'S cHAiRMan, Robert Glynn, will aGrEe to \nvaRious Terms offered bY Davis. But tHE NExt day, thEy saID, a TEam of PG&E \nlawyerS will Backpedal fROm the accOrd. \nUpDate \n-- PresSure: Small POWer compaNieS inItiAteD MOvEs that could foRCE \nCalIfOrnia's tWo bIggest uTilItiEs iNto BaNkruptcy. \n-- AT stake: GoV. GRaY DAvIs tRied tO Prevent sMaLl cReDitOrs frOM pursuIng \nbaNkruPtCy PRocEedings THaT COuld UnDeRminE hiS pLan to Bail OUt \ncAsh-straPped utiliTieS. \n-- worrIeS: SHares of pG&E Corp. and EdiSoN InternatiOnAl dRopped SHArply on \nfEars of bankruptcy. \n-- ScramblE: pG&E, hopiNg tO reasSure Investors, SayS it wilL paY Off parT of \nthe UtiliTy'S deBT. \ne-mail dAViD LaZaRus at dlazaRUS@sfChronIcLe.coM. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nRegulaTors Find More PossibILitIes of Gouging \nGReg lucaS, rObErt sAlLAdaY, CHRonICLe Sacramento BurEau\nSaturdaY, MARcH 17, 2001 \n,2001 San FranciSCo CHrOnicle \nUrL: \nhttp://wWw.sf", "whitespace_perturbation": " into bankruptcy. \nThe jud ge also co uld p ost pon eacti ng o n the matter u n tilthe governor has had a cha nc e toc om plete his ne g ot i a tio ns w ith t h eutili tie s and s eek an \nal ter na tive remedy. \nO n the othe r h and, Avery n ote d that E dis o n and PG &E al readym eet on e of the\nk e y crit e ria for i nv olun tary bankruptcy:\" Th e y are regularl y miss in g p a yme nts .\" \nA comp an y for c ed into ba n k r upt c y has less co ntrol overi tsfate t ha n o n e that \nvol un t ari ly seeks Ch apte r 11 prot ection . Averyt hus sai d thelik ely str a te gy \nf or bot h E dis o n a nd PG&Ewo ul d beto w a i t unti l a n in volun tary bankrupt cy\nloo k s i mmine nt an d th en to q uickly file v oluntary papers . \nB ANKRUPTCY LA WY ERS R ETAIN E D\nPG&E re tai ned ban kruptcy law ye r s fr om the New York fi rm o fWeil, Go tshal& Ma n ges last A ugu st.S o urces wit h in the uti lity s a id b ankrupt cy paper salr ead y \nha v e be en dra wn up an d are ready to be fi l ed at a momen t 's n ot i ce.\nTh e governorhash ad t o fa c esuc h pres surein ne g otiating to purchas ePG&E's \npow er lines andcoastal pr o p e rty. Sou rces fa m iliar with the talk s said the \nutility keep s sendin g mixed s i g nals onits co mmi tme n t t o actually cu t t inga\ndeal.\nFo r examp le, th e s our ce s said PG &E's cha ir ma n, R obe rt Gl y nn, will a gre eto\nvari o us ter ms of fere dby Dav is. But th e next d ay , th eysa id, a tea m of PG&E lawyers w ill back pe da l fromthe accord. Up date \n-- P re ssu re: Sm a l l powercompanies initiated mov e s thatcou ld fo rce\nCaliforn ia' s twobig g est ut ilitie s int oban k r uptcy . \n- - A tstake: Gov . Gra y Dav is tri ed to p revent small credi t ors from pursuin g bank r u pt cyp ro c eed in g s t h a t could undermi ne his pla nt obail out c ash -s trapped utilit ies.-- Worr ies: Shar es of PG& ECorp . and Edison In ternatio nal dropp e d sha r pl y on\nfe ars of b ank ruptc y. \n-- Scr amble : PG&E ,hoping to r ea ssure in vestors, says it will p ay off part of \nthe uti lit y 'sdebt. \nE- mail David Laz aru s a t dla zar u s@sfc hron i cl e.c o m. \n- ---- - --------- - -- --- - - -- ----------- - - - --- ----- --- - ------ ---- ----------------- -------------- ---- - - --- --- - ---- -- -------------- --- -- - - -------- -- -------\nReg ulatorsFi n d Mor e Poss ibilit ies ofG o ug i ng \nGr eg L uca s, Robert Sa ll a day, Ch ro ni c le Sac rame nt o Bure au\nSat u rday , March 17, 2001 ,2001 S an Fr a nci sco C hr onicleURL: \nhttp://w ww.sf", "underscore_trick": " into_bankruptcy. \nThe_judge also could postpone_acting on_the_matter until_the_governor has had_\na chance to_complete his negotiations with_the utilities and_seek_an \nalternative remedy. \nOn the other hand, Avery noted that Edison and PG&E already_meet_one of_the_\nkey_criteria for involuntary bankruptcy: \"They_are regularly missing \npayments.\" \nA_company forced_into bankruptcy has less control over its fate_than_one that \nvoluntarily_seeks Chapter 11 protection. Avery thus said the likely_strategy \nfor both Edison and PG&E_would be to_wait_until_an involuntary bankruptcy \nlooks_imminent and then to quickly file_voluntary papers. \nBANKRUPTCY LAWYERS RETAINED\nPG&E retained_bankruptcy lawyers from the New York firm_of Weil, Gotshal & \nManges last_August. Sources within the utility_said bankruptcy_papers already \nhave been drawn_up and are_ready to_be filed at_a moment's notice. \nThe governor has_had to face_such pressure in negotiating to purchase_PG&E's_\npower lines and_coastal_property._Sources familiar_with the talks_said_the \nutility_keeps_sending mixed signals on its commitment_to_actually cutting a \ndeal. \nFor example, the_sources said PG&E's chairman,_Robert_Glynn, will agree to_\nvarious terms offered by Davis._But the next day, they said,_a team_of PG&E_\nlawyers will backpedal from the accord. \nUpdate \n-- Pressure: Small power_companies initiated moves that could force_\nCalifornia's two biggest utilities_into bankruptcy._\n--_At stake: Gov._Gray_Davis tried_to prevent small creditors from pursuing \nbankruptcy_proceedings that_could undermine his plan to bail_out \ncash-strapped utilities. \n--_Worries:_Shares of PG&E Corp. and Edison_International dropped sharply on \nfears of_bankruptcy. \n-- Scramble: PG&E, hoping_to_reassure_investors, says it will pay_off part of \nthe utility's debt._\nE-mail David Lazarus_at dlazarus@sfchronicle.com. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nRegulators Find More Possibilities of_Gouging_\nGreg Lucas, Robert Salladay, Chronicle Sacramento_Bureau\nSaturday,_March 17, 2001 \n,2001 San Francisco_Chronicle_\nURL:_\nhttp://www.sf"} {"text": " alive, but I'm very scared.\" \nOn Day 2 of Southern California's power outages, worried city officials \nacross Orange County hunted for ways to respond to paralyzed intersections \nwhen state regulators pull the plug. \n\"We need to be ready,\" said Hamid Bahadori, traffic engineer in the city of \nOrange. \"This thing is only going to get worse in July and August.\" \nOne popular idea: installing emergency battery-backup units at traffic \nsignals to keep lights flashing red during blackouts. Several Orange County \ncities, including Irvine, Laguna Niguel and Orange, are already moving to \ninstall the devices as early as this summer. \n\"In our minds, (a flashing light) is a vast improvement over a blacked-out \nsignal,\" said Dave Rogers, Laguna Niguel traffic engineer. On Tuesday night, \nhis city was expected to approve the purchase of the battery packs for all 74 \nof its traffic signals. \n\"Timing, in this case, seems to be everything,\" Rogers said. \"A lot of cities \nhad contemplated it. We just took it that extra step.\" \nJohn Thai, an Anaheim traffic engineer, cautioned that cities need to do \nadequate research and testing before they launch into such projects. \n\"There is nothing that is foolproof,\" Thai said. \"All this is new territory.\" \nSome cities are also considering rolling out temporary stop signs and sending \npolice officers to more intersections. \nAlthough the state's vehicle code requires motorists to treat dead traffic \nsignals like a four-way stop, motorists often blow through the intersections, \npolice said. \n\"It's dangerous,\" said Tustin police Lt. Mike Shanahan, after several \nnear-wrecks in his city during Monday's outages. \"People are not very good at \nreacting to changes in their conditions. \n\"Flashing red is something that catches your eye. It's a warning that \nsomething is amiss, but the absence of all lights is worse.\" \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRELATED STORIES \n\u0001\u0007 How to contact your Representatives\n\u0001\u0007 'Current' events\n\u0001\u0007 The iceman shunneth effects of hourlong blackout\n\u0001\u0007 Powerless, again\n\u0001\u0007 Alternative power producers cut back or shut down as", "synonym_substitution": "alive, but I'm very scared. \" \n On Day 2 of Southern California's power outages, disquieted city official \n across Orange County hunted for ways to respond to paralytic intersections \n when state regulators pluck the plug. \n \" We need to be quick, \" say Hamid Bahadori, traffic engineer in the city of \n Orange. \" This matter is only going to get worse in July and August. \" \n One democratic idea: installing hand brake battery - backing unit of measurement at traffic \n signals to keep luminosity flashing red during blackouts. Several Orange County \n city, including Irvine, Laguna Niguel and Orange, are already moving to \n install the devices as early as this summer. \n \" In our mind, (a flashing light) is a vast improvement over a blacked - out \n signal, \" said Dave Rogers, Laguna Niguel traffic engineer. On Tuesday night, \n his city was expected to approve the purchase of the battery packs for all 74 \n of its traffic signals. \n \" Timing, in this case, seems to be everything, \" Rogers said. \" A lot of city \n had contemplated it. We just take it that excess gradation. \" \n John Thai, an Anaheim traffic engineer, cautioned that cities need to do \n adequate research and testing before they establish into such projects. \n \" There is nothing that is foolproof, \" Thai said. \" All this is new territory. \" \n Some cities are besides considering rolling out temporary stop signs and sending \n police officers to more overlap. \n Although the state's vehicle code requires motorists to treat all in traffic \n signals like a four - way stop, motorists often blow through the intersections, \n police said. \n \" It's dangerous, \" read Tustin police Lt. Mike Shanahan, after several \n near - wrecks in his city during Monday's outages. \" People are not very full at \n reacting to change in their conditions. \n \" flaunt red is something that catches your center. It's a warning that \n something is amiss, but the absence of all lights is worse. \" \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n RELATED STORIES \n \u0001\u0007 How to contact your Representatives \n \u0001\u0007' Current' events \n \u0001\u0007 The iceman shunneth effects of hourlong blackout \n \u0001\u0007 Powerless, again \n \u0001\u0007 Alternative power producers cut back or close down as", "butter_fingers": " allve, but I'm very scared.\" \nOk Day 2 of Southetn Califmrnia's power ojtages, worried city officiald \nqcrosw Orange County hunted for ways to respind uo paralyzed intecaections \nwhen dtatz cegulators pull the plug. \n\"Fe need to be sexdv,\" said Hamid Bahadori, traffic engineqr in tne city of \nOrangg. \"Thix thihg is only going to get worse in Jhly and August.\" \nOne pppular idea: installing emeggenfy battery-backup ujits at tradfic \nwignals to kdep lights flashing res during blackouts. Several Oranee Cobnty \ncities, ibclkging Irvine, Laguga Niguel and Orange, are alteady moving tp \niistaol the devices as earny as this summer. \n\"Yn our mitda, (a flashing lighr) us a east impfiveoenu oter a blafkev-out \nsignal,\" said Dave Eogers, Laguna Niguek egsffic enginesr. On Euqsday night, \nhis city was expected to apkrove the purchase of the bartery packs for all 74 \nlf its trwffic signals. \n\"Timing, in this case, seems to be evesythiig,\" Roycvs sxud. \"A lot of cities \nhad contemplated it. We just ekol pt that extra stei.\" \nJohn Thai, an Ananelm jraffic enginegr, cautnknsd that cities neef to do \nadeqyate resewrch and testing before they laynch into subh peojects. \n\"There is nlthing that is goolptoof,\" Thai said. \"All this is hew territogy.\" \nSome cjgies are also covsicesing rolling out temporary stop sigis anb sendine \npokice osficers to more intersections. \nAlthlugh jhe stdte's vehicpe code requires motorists to tcxat dead trafgiw \nspgnals lihe a nour-way stop, moeorists often ylow thrjugh ghe intersvctions, \npmlice said. \n\"Yt's dangerous,\" daid Tustin 'olice Lt. Mikw Shqnahan, xwter several \nnrar-wrecks in his ciry during Monday's putxfes. \"People are uuu cery good at \nrracgind no rhangqv in their cmndigiovx. \n\"Flarhing rtb iw somrthing that catches four eye. It's a warning tmat \nsometying is wmiss, but the absence of all lihhts ms worre.\" \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nREKATGD STORIES \n\u0001\u0007 How to contact your Represenhatlves\n\u0001\u0007 'Current' qvenbs\n\u0001\u0007 Tre iceman xhunneth effects of hourlong blackout\n\u0001\u0007 Piwerless, again\n\u0001\u0007 Aljernative power produeevs cut back pr shtt down av", "random_deletion": "alive, but I'm very scared.\" On Day Southern power outages, city officials across to to paralyzed intersections state regulators pull plug. \"We need to be ready,\" Hamid Bahadori, traffic engineer in the city of Orange. \"This thing is only to get worse in July and August.\" One popular idea: installing emergency battery-backup at signals keep flashing red during blackouts. Several Orange County cities, including Irvine, Laguna Niguel and Orange, are already to install the devices as early as this \"In our minds, (a light) is a vast improvement a signal,\" said Rogers, Niguel engineer. On Tuesday his city was expected to approve the purchase of the battery packs for all 74 of its signals. \"Timing, case, seems be Rogers \"A lot of contemplated it. We just took it John Thai, an Anaheim traffic engineer, cautioned that need to adequate research and testing before they into such projects. \"There is nothing that is Thai said. \"All this is new territory.\" Some cities are also considering rolling out temporary and sending police officers more intersections. Although state's code motorists treat dead signals like a four-way stop, motorists often blow through the intersections, said. \"It's dangerous,\" said Tustin police Lt. Mike Shanahan, after in city during Monday's \"People are not very at to changes in their red something eye. a that something is amiss, the absence of all lights worse.\" RELATED STORIES \u0001\u0007 \u0001\u0007 'Current' events \u0001\u0007 The iceman shunneth effects hourlong blackout \u0001\u0007 Powerless, again \u0001\u0007 Alternative producers cut back or shut down as", "change_char_case": " alive, but I'm very scared.\" \nOn Day 2 Of Southern califOrnIa's PoWer oUtagEs, worried city oFFiciAls \nacross Orange County hUnted FoR Ways TO rEsponD to paraLYzED IntErSeCtiOnS \nWhEn staTe rEgulatoRs pull the pLug. \n\"we Need to be readY,\" SaId Hamid BahAdoRi, traffic engIneEr in thE cIty OF \nOranGe. \"THis thIng is oNLy goinG to get worSe IN July aND August.\" \noNE pOpulAr idea: installing eMErGEncy battery-bacKup uniTs AT tRAFfiC \nsiGnals to keeP lIghts FLashing REd DURIng BLackouts. SeverAl Orange CouNTy \ncIties, iNcLudINg IrviNe, LagUnA nigUel and OrangE, are Already moVing to \nINstall tHE deviceS as earLy aS thIs suMMeR. \n\"IN ouR mINds, (A FlAshINg lIght) is a vAsT iMprovEmenT OVER a blAckEd-ouT \nsignAl,\" said Dave RogErs, laguNA NiGuel tRaffiC engInEer. On tuesdaY nighT, \nhIs city was expectEd to Approve thE puRcHasE oF the bATtery pAckS foR all 74 \nof iTs traffIC siGnALS. \n\"tiMing, in this case, seemS tO BE eVerythinG,\" RogerS SaId. \"a Lot of citIeS \nhaD conTEMplatEd it. wE jUst took iT that eXTrA sTep.\" \nJohn thAi, an AnAhEim TraFfic eNGineEr, cautIoned thaT citiES need to do \nadequATe research and TEsTINg BEforE thEy launch intO sucH ProjEcts. \n\"tHeRe iS NothiNg thaT iS FoOLproof,\" Thai said. \"All thIs Is new tErritOry.\" \nSome cities Are also conSIDEring rolLing OUt TEmporary stop siGns anD sending \npoLIce officErs to More inteRsections. \naLThough thE stAte'S veHicLE CoDe requires motORIsts To Treat deAd tRaffic \nsIgnAls LikE a fOuR-way stop, mOtorists OfTeN bLoW thRough THe intersEcTioNs, \nPolIce saID. \n\"It's daNgeroUs,\" saId tuSTin Police LT. miKE shanAhAn, AfteR seVeRal \nneAr-wrECks In his ciTy during MOndAY's ouTaGeS. \"People Are not very gooD aT \nreacting tO cHanGes in tHEIr conditIons. \n\"Flashing red is somethINg that cAtcHes yoUr eyE. It's a warnIng That \nsoMetHIng is aMiss, buT the aBsEncE OF all lIGHtS is WoRse.\" \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRELATED stoRIeS \n\u0001\u0007 How To ContAct your representatives\n\u0001\u0007 'CurREnt' Events\n\u0001\u0007 The icemAn sHunnETH eFfeCTs OF hoUrLOng BLAckout\n\u0001\u0007 Powerless, Again\n\u0001\u0007 AlterNaTIvE power prodUCerS cUt back oR shut doWn as", "whitespace_perturbation": " alive, but I'm very scare d.\" \nOn Da y 2 o f S out he rn C alif ornia's powero utag es, worried city offic ials\na c ross Or angeCountyh un t e d f or w ays t o r espon d t o paral yzed inter sec ti ons \nwhen st a te regulator s p ull the plug . \"We ne ed to be re ady ,\" sa id Ham i d Baha dori, tra ff i c engi n eer int h ecity of \nOrange. \"Thi s t h ing is only go ing to g e tw o rse in July andAu gust. \" \nOne p o pu l a r id e a: installing emergencyb att ery-ba ck upu nits a t tra ff i c signals tokeep lights f lashin g red du r ing bla ckouts . S eve ralO ra ng e C ou n tyci tie s , i ncluding I rv ine,Lagu n a N igue l a nd O range , are already mo ving to\ninst all t he d ev icesas ear ly as t his summer. \n\"I n ou r minds,(afl ash in g lig h t) isa v ast improv ement o v erab l a ck ed-out \nsignal,\" s ai d Da ve Roger s, Lag u na N i guel tra ff icengi n e er. O n Tu e sd ay night , \nhis ci ty was ex pe cted t oapp rov e the purc hase o f the ba ttery packs for all7 4 \nof its tra f fi c si g nals . \"Timing, in thi s cas e, s e em s t o be e veryt hi n g, \" Rogers said. \"A lo tof cit ies had contempla ted it. We j u st tookit t h at extra step.\" JohnThai, an A n aheim tr affic enginee r, cautio n e d that c iti esnee d t o do \nadequate re s e arch a nd test ing before th eylau nch i nto suchprojects .\n\" Th er e i s not h ing that i s f oo lpr oof,\" Thai s aid.\"All t hi s is new te r ri t o ry.\" So me c iti es arealso con siderin g rolling ou t tem po ra ry stop signs and se nd ing \npolic eoff icerst o more in tersections. \nAlthought he stat e's vehi clecode requ ire s moto ris t s to t reat d ead t ra ffi c \nsign a l slik ea four-way s top , mot or ists oftenblow through the i n ter sections, \npo lic e sa i d .\n\"I t 's dan ge r ous , \" said Tustin po lice Lt. M ik e S hanahan, a f ter s everal\nnear-w recks in hiscity duri ng Monday 's out a g es. \"People a re not v ery gooda t \nre a ct ing t o c hanges i n t heircondit i ons . \n\"F lashin gred is some th ing that catches your eye. It's a war ningtha t \nsometh ing isamiss, bu t th e absenceofall ligh tsi s wor se.\" \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nREL A TED STORI E S\n\u0001\u0007 H ow to contact y o urRepre sen t atives \n\u0001\u0007'Current' events\u0001 \u0007 The iceman s hunn e t h e ffe c ts o fhourlong black out \n\u0001 \u0007 Powerles s, again\n\u0001\u0007 A lternati ve power produ cers c ut back o rs hut do wn a s", "underscore_trick": " alive,_but I'm_very scared.\" \nOn Day_2 of_Southern_California's power_outages,_worried city officials_\nacross Orange County_hunted for ways to_respond to paralyzed_intersections_\nwhen state regulators pull the plug. \n\"We need to be ready,\" said Hamid Bahadori,_traffic_engineer in_the_city_of \nOrange. \"This thing is_only going to get worse_in July_and August.\" \nOne popular idea: installing emergency battery-backup_units_at traffic \nsignals_to keep lights flashing red during blackouts. Several Orange_County \ncities, including Irvine, Laguna Niguel_and Orange, are_already_moving_to \ninstall the devices_as early as this summer. \n\"In_our minds, (a flashing light) is_a vast improvement over a blacked-out \nsignal,\"_said Dave Rogers, Laguna Niguel traffic_engineer. On Tuesday night, \nhis_city was_expected to approve the purchase_of the battery_packs for_all 74 \nof_its traffic signals. \n\"Timing, in this_case, seems to_be everything,\" Rogers said. \"A lot_of_cities \nhad contemplated_it._We_just took_it that extra_step.\"_\nJohn Thai,_an_Anaheim traffic engineer, cautioned that cities_need_to do \nadequate research and testing before_they launch into such_projects._\n\"There is nothing that_is foolproof,\" Thai said. \"All_this is new territory.\" \nSome cities_are also_considering rolling_out temporary stop signs and sending \npolice officers to more intersections._\nAlthough the state's vehicle code requires_motorists to treat dead_traffic \nsignals_like_a four-way stop,_motorists_often blow_through the intersections, \npolice said. \n\"It's dangerous,\"_said Tustin_police Lt. Mike Shanahan, after several_\nnear-wrecks in his city_during_Monday's outages. \"People are not very_good at \nreacting to changes in_their conditions. \n\"Flashing red is_something_that_catches your eye. It's a_warning that \nsomething is amiss, but_the absence of_all lights is worse.\" \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRELATED STORIES \n\u0001\u0007_How_to contact your Representatives\n\u0001\u0007 'Current' events\n\u0001\u0007_The_iceman shunneth effects of hourlong blackout\n\u0001\u0007_Powerless,_again\n\u0001\u0007_Alternative power producers cut back_or shut down as"} {"text": " made \nand the system bought back on line. As a measure of extra protection the back \nup genset for Enron Ctr North was in operation\n> Reliant Energy restored the circuit at approximately 10:30pm Saturday \nevening\n> EPSC/EES Maint and subs conducted a thorough review of all electrical and \nback up systems Saturday evening\n> Enron Network IT Operations began restoration of all affected systems \nSaturday evening\n> EPSC/EES Maint obtained diesel fuel and topped off all gensets Saturday in \ncase of additional problems and due to fuel consumption during the outage\n\nOther Building damage was limited to flooding in the tunnels, and water \ndamage/flooding to portions of the Body Shop on Lv B-1\n\nEnron Center South (1500 Louisiana)\n\nImpact/Damage Summary\n\n> Levels 8 & 9 received very limited amounts of water from the core area \nelevator shafts and exterior curtainwall. There was no exposure to water on \nany systems or network cabling during the entire period. (Response) Crews \ncontained and cleaned all water as it traced into the building.\n> ALL IDF closets on Lvs 3-5 Traders Floors remained dry throughout the \nduration of the rains/flooding on Friday & Saturday\n> Lv 6 received some water from Lv 7. (Response) The area was contained and \ncleaned. No additional damage beyond Tuesday evenings flooding occurred\n> Due to extreme street flooding and water pressure, a 10\" sanitary sewer \nline tied into ECS burst on Friday evening causing extensive flooding of Lv \nB-1 area (approximately 4-6 inches of water in the basement. (Response) \nClark & Way Engr was able to install a temporary plug in the line to stop the \non going flood waters from penetrating the basement. Clean up has continued \nthroughout the weekend \n> Due to the extreme flooding and water pressure, the water seal of the \nReliant Vault burst early Saturday and flooded the electrical vault room with \n24-30\" of water. This resulted in a complete loss of power at approximately \n1:30pm on Staurday afternoon. The back up systems engaged and operated per \ndesign to support the Data Ctr and Traders Floors. The temporary cooling \ntower", "synonym_substitution": "made \n and the system bought back on line. As a standard of excess protection the back \n up genset for Enron Ctr North was in process \n > Reliant Energy regenerate the circuit at approximately 10:30pm Saturday \n evening \n > EPSC / EES Maint and subs lead a exhaustive review of all electrical and \n back up systems Saturday evening \n > Enron Network IT Operations began restoration of all feign systems \n Saturday evening \n > EPSC / EES Maint obtained diesel fuel and top off all gensets Saturday in \n case of additional problems and due to fuel consumption during the outage \n\n Other Building damage was restrict to flooding in the tunnels, and water \n wrong / flooding to portions of the Body Shop on Lv B-1 \n\n Enron Center South (1500 Louisiana) \n\n Impact / Damage Summary \n\n > Levels 8 & 9 received very limited sum of water from the core area \n elevator shafts and exterior curtainwall. There was no vulnerability to water on \n any systems or network cabling during the entire period. (Response) Crews \n contained and cleaned all water as it traced into the building. \n > ALL IDF closets on Lvs 3 - 5 Traders Floors remained dry throughout the \n duration of the rains / flooding on Friday & Saturday \n > Lv 6 received some water from Lv 7. (Response) The sphere was incorporate and \n cleaned. No extra price beyond Tuesday evening flooding occurred \n > Due to extreme street flooding and water pressure, a 10 \" sanitary sewer \n line marry into ECS burst on Friday evening causing extensive flooding of Lv \n B-1 area (approximately 4 - 6 column inch of water in the basement. (Response) \n Clark & Way Engr was able to install a temporary plug in the line to hold on the \n on going flood tide water from penetrating the basement. Clean up has continued \n throughout the weekend \n > Due to the extreme flooding and urine pressure, the water seal of the \n Reliant Vault abound early Saturday and flooded the electrical vault room with \n 24 - 30 \" of water. This resulted in a arrant loss of baron at approximately \n 1:30pm on Staurday afternoon. The back up organization engaged and operate per \n design to corroborate the Data Ctr and Traders Floors. The temporary cool \n tower", "butter_fingers": " mafe \nand the system bought back on line. As a meavure or extra orotection the back \nup gensev foe Enrin Ctr North was in ooeration\n> Geliant Ebergb restored the cmdcuit ab appdlximctxly 10:30pm Saturday \nevening\n> E[SC/EES Maint atd sbbs conducted a thorough review of ajl elecyrlcal and \nback op syxeems Saturday evening\n> Enron Network IT Operatpons began restorstion of all affected systfms \nDaturday evening\n> EOSC/EES Mainj obeqined diesel fuel and uo'ped off alm gensets Saturday in \ncase of aaditipnal problgma wtd due to fnel cogsumption duvpng the outage\n\nPther Building dakagw was limited to flooving in the tunnels, wnd water \ndcmage/flooding to portuobs of the Bodh Shup kn Lb B-1\n\nEnrln Renter Soutg (1500 Louisianq)\n\nImpact/Damage Summaty\n\n> Oevels 8 & 9 redeived vqry limited amounts of water from the cmre area \nelevator shafts abd exterior curtainwapl. There ras no exposure to water on \nany systems or networn cabmkng dmrine tje entire period. (Response) Crews \ncontained and dltanvd all water as ib traced into the nullcyng.\n> ALL IDF cuosets on Lvs 3-5 Traders Floogs remayned ery throudhouy the \nduration of the rains/dlooding on Yrieay & Saturday\n> Lv 6 xeceived somz watet from Lv 7. (Response) The area cas cohtained and \ncleaned. Hu additional damxge bayond Tutrday evenings flojding occnrred\n> Due to extteme stweet floodlng akg water pressure, a 10\" sanntary sewer \nlinf tied into ECS burst on Friday evening causimg exnensive fjoodikg of Lv \nB-1 arew (approximateli 4-6 inches of wxter in thv basemenv. (Response) \nSlark & Way Enct was able to install a twmpoeary plje in the line yo stop tkt \non going flood waters from pevstrating the bawemtnr. Clean up has covtiguvd \nvhroudvout the weenend \n> Cue tu the extrend flpoding and water prevsurs, the water seal og bhe \nReliabt Vault burst early Xaturday and floodtd the elxctricsl dault room with \n24-30\" of water. This resulted in a complete joss of power at approximately \n1:30pm on Staurday afternoon. The back up systgms engaged and operajed per \ndesign to stpport tha Data Ctr and Tradees Floors. The temkorary cooling \ntower", "random_deletion": "made and the system bought back on a of extra the back up was operation > Reliant restored the circuit approximately 10:30pm Saturday evening > EPSC/EES and subs conducted a thorough review of all electrical and back up systems evening > Enron Network IT Operations began restoration of all affected systems Saturday > Maint diesel and topped off all gensets Saturday in case of additional problems and due to fuel consumption the outage Other Building damage was limited to in the tunnels, and damage/flooding to portions of the Shop Lv B-1 Center (1500 Impact/Damage Summary > 8 & 9 received very limited amounts of water from the core area elevator shafts and exterior There was to water any or cabling during the (Response) Crews contained and cleaned all traced into the building. > ALL IDF closets Lvs 3-5 Floors remained dry throughout the duration the rains/flooding on Friday & Saturday > Lv received some water from Lv 7. (Response) The area was contained and cleaned. No additional Tuesday evenings flooding occurred Due to extreme flooding water a sanitary sewer tied into ECS burst on Friday evening causing extensive flooding of B-1 area (approximately 4-6 inches of water in the basement. & Engr was able install a temporary plug the to stop the on waters penetrating up continued the weekend > Due the extreme flooding and water the water seal of Saturday and flooded the electrical vault room with of water. This resulted in a complete of power at approximately 1:30pm on Staurday afternoon. The back up systems and operated to support the Data Ctr and Traders Floors. temporary cooling tower", "change_char_case": " made \nand the system bought bacK on line. As a MeasuRe oF exTrA proTectIon the back \nup geNSet fOr Enron Ctr North was in opEratiOn\n> rEliaNT ENergy RestoreD ThE CIrcUiT aT apPrOXiMatelY 10:30pm saturdaY \nevening\n> EPsC/EeS maint and subs COnDucted a thoRouGh review of alL elEctricAl And \nBAck up SysTems SAturdaY EveninG\n> Enron NetWoRK IT OpeRAtions bEGAn RestOration of all affecTEd SYstems \nSaturday EveninG\n> EpsC/ees MaInt Obtained diEsEl fueL And toppED oFF ALl gENsets Saturday In \ncase of addITioNal proBlEms ANd due tO fuel CoNSumPtion during The oUtage\n\nOtheR BuildINg damagE Was limiTed to fLooDinG in tHE tUnNelS, aND waTEr \nDamAGe/fLooding tO pOrTions Of thE bODY ShoP on lv B-1\n\nENron CEnter South (1500 LouIsiAna)\n\nIMPacT/DamaGe SumMary\n\n> leVels 8 & 9 rEceiveD very LiMited amounts of wAter From the coRe aReA \nelEvAtor sHAfts anD exTerIor curtAinwall. tHerE wAS NO eXposure to water on \nanY sYSTeMs or netwOrk cabLInG dURing the eNtIre PeriOD. (respoNse) CREwS \ncontainEd and cLEaNeD all watEr As it trAcEd iNto The buILdinG.\n> ALL IDf closets On Lvs 3-5 tRaders Floors reMAined dry throuGHoUT ThE \nDuraTioN of the rains/FlooDIng oN FriDAy & satURday\n> LV 6 receIvED sOMe water from Lv 7. (ResponSe) the areA was cOntained and \nclEaned. No addITIOnal damaGe beYOnD tuesday eveningS flooDing occurrED\n> Due to exTreme Street flOoding and WATer pressUre, A 10\" saNitAry SEWeR \nline tied into ecs burSt On FridaY evEning caUsiNg eXteNsiVe Flooding oF Lv \nB-1 area (ApPrOxImAteLy 4-6 incHEs of wateR iN thE bAseMent. (RESponse) \nclark & way ENgR wAS abLe to insTAlL A TempOrArY pluG in ThE line To stOP thE \non goinG flood watErs FRom pEnEtRating tHe basement. CleAn Up has contiNuEd \ntHroughOUT the weekEnd \n> Due to the extreme floodINg and waTer PressUre, tHe water seAl oF the \nReLiaNT Vault Burst eArly SAtUrdAY And flOODeD thE eLectrical vAULt rOom wiTh \n24-30\" Of waTer. This Resulted in a completE LosS of power at appRoxImatELY \n1:30pM on sTaURdaY aFTerNOOn. The back up systEms engaged AnD OpErated per \ndESigN tO supporT the DatA Ctr aND TraderS Floors. ThE temporarY cOoliNG \nTowEr", "whitespace_perturbation": " made \nand the system boug ht back on line . A s a m easu re o f extra protec t ionthe back \nup genset fo r Enr on CtrN or th w as in o p er a t ion \n> R eli an t E nergy re storedthe circui t a tapproximatel y 1 0:30pm Sat urd ay \nevening> E PSC/EE SMai n t and su bs co nducte d a tho rough rev ie w of al l electr i c al and \nback up systems Sa t urday evening> Enro nN et w o rkITOperations b eganr estorat i on o f al l affected sys tems \nSatur d ayevenin g> E P SC/EES Main to bta ined diesel fue l and top ped of f all ge n sets Sa turday in \nc aseo fad dit io n alp ro ble m s a nd due t ofu el co nsum p t i o n du rin g th e out age\n\nOther Bu ild ingd ama ge wa s lim ited t o flo odingin th etunnels, and wa ter\ndamage/f loo di ngto port i ons of th e B ody Sho p on Lv B-1 \nE n r on Center South (150 0L o ui siana)\nImpact / Da ma g e Summar y\n>Leve l s 8 &9 r e ce ived ver y limi t ed a mountsof water f rom th e cor e are a \nele vator sh aftsa nd exterior cu r tainwall. The r ew a sn o ex pos ure to wate r on \nany sys t em s o r netw ork c ab l in g during the entirepe riod.(Resp onse) Crews containeda n d cleaned all wa t er as it trace d int o the buil d ing.\n> A LL ID F closet s on Lvs3 - 5 Trader s F loo rsrem a i ne d dry through o u t th e\ndurati onof therai ns/ flo odi ng on Frida y & Satu rd ay \n> L v 6 rece i ved some w ate rfro m Lv7 . (Res ponse ) Th ear e a w as cont a in e d and cl eane d.No addi tion a l d amage b eyond Tue sda y eve ni ng s flood ing occurred>Due to ext re mestreet f loodingand water pressure, a 1 0 \" sanit ary sewe r \nl ine tiedint o ECSbur s t on F ridayeveni ng ca u s ing e x t en siv eflooding o f Lv \nB-1 a rea(approx imately 4-6 inches ofwater in thebas emen t . ( Res p on s e) C lar k & Way Engr wasable to in st a ll a tempora r y p lu g in th e lineto st o p the on goingflood wat er s fr o m pe netratingthe base ment. Cle a n uph as cont inu ed \nth ro ugh out t he wee k end \n> Due t othe ex treme f loodingand water pressure, the water seal of the \nRel ian t Va ult burst ear ly Saturda y a ndflood edt he el ectr i ca l v a ult r oomw ith \n24-3 0 \"ofw a te r. This res u l t edin acom p lete l ossof power at appro x imately \n1:30p m on S tau rda y aft er noon. The back up s y s tems eng ag ed and oper ated per d esign to su pportthe Dat a Ct r and T rade rsFloors. T hete m poraryco ol i ng \nto wer", "underscore_trick": " made_\nand the_system bought back on_line. As_a_measure of_extra_protection the back_\nup genset for_Enron Ctr North _was in operation\n>_Reliant_Energy restored the circuit at approximately 10:30pm Saturday \nevening\n> EPSC/EES Maint and subs conducted_a_thorough review_of_all_electrical and \nback up systems_Saturday evening\n> Enron Network IT_Operations began_restoration of all affected systems \nSaturday evening\n> EPSC/EES_Maint_obtained diesel fuel_and topped off all gensets Saturday in \ncase of_additional problems and due to fuel_consumption during the_outage\n\nOther_Building_damage was limited to_flooding in the tunnels, and water_\ndamage/flooding to portions of the Body_Shop on Lv B-1\n\nEnron Center South (1500_Louisiana)\n\nImpact/Damage Summary\n\n> Levels 8 & 9_ received very limited amounts_of water_from the core area \nelevator_shafts and exterior_curtainwall. There_was no exposure_to water on \nany systems or_network cabling during_the entire period. (Response) Crews \ncontained_and_cleaned all water_as_it_traced into_the building.\n> ALL_IDF_closets on_Lvs_3-5 Traders Floors remained dry throughout_the_\nduration of the rains/flooding on Friday &_Saturday\n> Lv 6 received_some_water from Lv 7._(Response) The area was contained_and \ncleaned. No additional damage beyond_Tuesday evenings_flooding occurred\n>_Due to extreme street flooding and water pressure, a 10\" sanitary_sewer \nline tied into ECS burst_on Friday evening causing_extensive flooding_of_Lv \nB-1_area_(approximately 4-6_inches of water in the basement. (Response)_ \nClark_& Way Engr was able to_install a temporary plug_in_the line to stop the \non_going flood waters from penetrating the_basement. Clean up has continued_\nthroughout_the_weekend \n> Due_to the extreme flooding and water_pressure, the water_seal of the \nReliant Vault burst early_Saturday_and flooded the electrical vault room_with_\n24-30\" of water. This resulted in_a_complete_loss of power at approximately_\n1:30pm on Staurday afternoon. The back_up systems engaged and operated per \ndesign to support_the Data Ctr_and Traders Floors. The temporary_cooling_\ntower"} {"text": "disappointing.\" His staff said he would \nassess what he termed America's \"energy crisis\" at a conference Monday in \nWashington, hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.\n?????For Americans who remember well the long lines at gasoline pumps and the \ninflationary spiral driven by energy prices of the 1970s, current conditions \nmay seem short of crisis proportions. But the specter of higher gasoline \nprices as the summer travel season approaches--combined with the ongoing \npower crunch in California and other Western states--presents the Bush \nadministration with a serious challenge.\n?????Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) called on Bush to consider using the \nnation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve to ease the effect of the foreign \nproducers' announced cutback.\n?????\"With the U.S. economy sagging, the net result of this decision [by \nOPEC] will only fuel speculation about a possible recession,\" Schumer said \nSaturday. \"Higher oil prices mean more of a financial burden for everyday \nconsumers, which would likely mean economic stress in the very countries OPEC \ncounts on to buy its oil.\"\n?????Former President Clinton authorized tapping the strategic reserve during \nthe 2000 presidential campaign, when pump prices rose to more than $2 a \ngallon in some areas after years of stability.\n?????The OPEC production announcement comes just days after Bush renounced a \npledge he made during that campaign to trim America's emissions of carbon \ndioxide, the odorless gas suspected of contributing to a warming of the \nEarth's atmosphere. Bush's turnabout pleased U.S. business leaders who viewed \nthe decision as prudent for the domestic economy--but others saw it as a \npotential step backward from leadership on the threat of global warming.\n?????Abraham did not specify how or where he would like to see the U.S. \nincrease its energy production. But Bush has made clear that he favors a \nbroad approach, including opening the pristine Arctic National Wildlife \nRefuge to exploration.\n?????Bush's position puts him at odds with environmental organizations that \nhave long opposed opening the refuge. Over the last week, for instance, the \nAudubon Society has placed television ads calling for opposition to drilling \nin the", "synonym_substitution": "disappointing. \" His staff said he would \n assess what he termed America's \" energy crisis \" at a league Monday in \n Washington, host by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. \n? ?? ?? For Americans who commemorate well the long line at gasoline heart and the \n inflationary spiral driven by department of energy prices of the 1970s, current conditions \n may look short of crisis proportions. But the apparition of higher gasoline \n prices as the summer locomotion season approach -- combined with the ongoing \n power crunch in California and other Western state -- presents the Bush \n administration with a serious challenge. \n? ?? ?? Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D - N.Y.) call on Bush to consider using the \n nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve to ease the consequence of the foreign \n producers' announced cutback. \n? ?? ?? \" With the U.S. economy sagging, the net resultant role of this decision [ by \n OPEC ] will only fuel speculation about a possible recession, \" Schumer said \n Saturday. \" Higher oil prices mean more of a financial burden for everyday \n consumers, which would likely mean economic stress in the identical state OPEC \n counts on to bribe its petroleum. \" \n? ?? ?? early President Clinton authorized tapping the strategic reservation during \n the 2000 presidential campaign, when pump prices rose to more than $ 2 a \n gallon in some areas after class of stability. \n? ?? ?? The OPEC production announcement comes just days after Bush renounced a \n assurance he made during that campaign to trim America's emissions of carbon \n dioxide, the odorless gas suspected of lend to a warming of the \n Earth's atmosphere. Bush's turnabout pleased U.S. business drawing card who viewed \n the decision as prudent for the domestic economy -- but others saw it as a \n likely step back from leadership on the threat of global thaw. \n? ?? ?? Abraham did not specify how or where he would wish to see the U.S. \n increase its energy production. But Bush has made clear that he prefer a \n broad access, including open the pristine Arctic National Wildlife \n Refuge to exploration. \n? ?? ?? Bush's position puts him at odds with environmental organizations that \n have long opposed opening the safety. Over the last workweek, for instance, the \n Audubon Society has placed television ads call for resistance to drilling \n in the", "butter_fingers": "diswppointing.\" His staff saia he would \nassess what he tedmed Amefica's \"energy crisis\" at a conherebce Minday in \nWashington, horted by tje U.S. Chqmbec of Commerce.\n?????For Americakf whk remzmuer well the lokg lines at gasoline pumpv xnb the \ninflationary spiral driven by qnergy lrlces of the 1970s, surrtnt consptlons \nmay seem short of crisis prkportiois. But the specyer of higher gasoline \nprifes ws the summer travfl season aklrowxhes--combined with the ongoing \npowet crunch in California and other Westzrn states--ptzwenhv the Bush \nedminiftration witm a serhous chsllenge.\n?????Sen. Chavles X. Scyumer (D-N.Y.) called on Bnsh to consider usind the \nnathou's Strategic Petroleun Eeseree tm earw tfe tffxct of thf fkreign \nprosucers' annoynced cutback.\n?????\"With tne L.X. economy safging, ehq net result of this decision [by \nOPEC] wpll knly fuel speculation avout a possible recesdion,\" Schuier said \nSaturday. \"Higher oil prices mean more of d finenziao nurddb vor everyday \nconsumers, which would likely meag evokomic stress in bhe very countries OOEV \ncounts on to buy ica kil.\"\n?????Former Presidenh Clintjn aurhorized uappimg the strategic reserve dueing \nthe 2000 prvsidwntial campaign, whzn pump priczs rosg to mpre than $2 a \ngallon in sume zreas after years of rtability.\n?????The OPEZ pgoduwtion announcement comes jtst days efter Bush rdnoumced a \npledge he made during that campaihn to tsim Americw's emissions of carbon \ndioxide, vie odorless gss suvpected jf coktributing to a warming of thg \nEarth's ctmospfere. Bush's turnabmut pleased U.S. business ngaders who vixwed \nthe qeciwion as pruadnt for the dokestic economy--but orhers saw it as a \niotenjizl step backwarb drom leadership on thq nhrxat os global warmhng.\n?????Acrafsm dia not skzciny fow pr where he would line tk see the U.S. \nincressc its enetgy produstion. But Busn has made clear tjat hx favocs a \nbtoaq approach, including opening tge pristije Wrctic Natiogal Qildlife \nRefbge to exploration.\n?????Bush's position puts hin at odds with envuronmental organizajioks that \nhave long opposed mpening the refuge. Ocer the last week, for instance, the \nAudhbon Smcietj has placed television ads calling for opposition to drilling \nin the", "random_deletion": "disappointing.\" His staff said he would assess termed \"energy crisis\" a conference Monday U.S. of Commerce. ?????For who remember well long lines at gasoline pumps and inflationary spiral driven by energy prices of the 1970s, current conditions may seem of crisis proportions. But the specter of higher gasoline prices as the summer season with ongoing crunch in California and other Western states--presents the Bush administration with a serious challenge. ?????Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) called on Bush to consider using nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve ease the effect of the producers' cutback. ?????\"With U.S. sagging, net result of decision [by OPEC] will only fuel speculation about a possible recession,\" Schumer said Saturday. \"Higher oil prices more of burden for consumers, would mean economic stress very countries OPEC counts on to ?????Former President Clinton authorized tapping the strategic reserve the 2000 campaign, when pump prices rose to than $2 a gallon in some areas after of stability. ?????The OPEC production announcement comes just days after Bush renounced a pledge he that campaign to trim emissions of carbon the gas of to a of the Earth's atmosphere. Bush's turnabout pleased U.S. business leaders who the decision as prudent for the domestic economy--but others saw a step backward from on the threat of warming. did not specify how he like U.S. its production. But Bush has clear that he favors a approach, including opening the to exploration. ?????Bush's position puts him at odds environmental organizations that have long opposed opening refuge. Over the last week, for instance, the Audubon Society has placed ads calling to drilling in the", "change_char_case": "disappointing.\" His staff said He would \nassEss whAt hE teRmEd AmEricA's \"energy crisis\" AT a coNference Monday in \nWashinGton, hOsTEd by THe u.S. ChaMber of COMmERCe.\n?????FOr amEriCaNS wHo remEmbEr well tHe long lineS at GaSoline pumps aND tHe \ninflatioNarY spiral driveN by Energy PrIceS Of the 1970S, cuRrent ConditIOns \nmay Seem short Of CRisis pROportioNS. buT the Specter of higher gaSOlINe \nprices as the sUmmer tRaVEl SEAsoN apProaches--coMbIned wITh the onGOiNG \nPOweR Crunch in CalifOrnia and othER WeStern sTaTes--PResentS the BUsH \nAdmInistration With A serious cHallenGE.\n?????Sen. ChaRLes E. SchUmer (D-N.y.) caLleD on BUSh To ConSiDEr uSInG thE \nNatIon's StraTeGiC PetrOleuM rESErve To eAse tHe effEct of the foreiGn \npRoduCErs' AnnouNced cUtbaCk.\n?????\"with tHe U.S. ecOnomy SaGging, the net resuLt of This decisIon [By \noPEc] wIll onLY fuel sPecUlaTion aboUt a possIBle ReCESSiOn,\" Schumer said \nSaturDaY. \"hIgHer oil prIces meAN mOrE Of a finanCiAl bUrdeN FOr eveRydaY \nCoNsumers, wHich woULd LiKely meaN eConomiC sTreSs iN the vERy coUntrieS OPEC \ncouNts on TO buy its oil.\"\n?????FormER President CliNToN AUtHOrizEd tApping the stRateGIc reServE DuRinG \nThe 2000 prEsideNtIAl CAmpaign, when pump pricEs Rose to More tHan $2 a \ngallon in sOme areas afTER Years of sTabiLItY.\n?????the OPEC productIon anNouncement COmes just Days aFter Bush Renounced A \nPLedge he mAde DurIng ThaT CAmPaign to trim AmERIca's EmIssions Of cArbon \ndiOxiDe, tHe oDorLeSs gas suspEcted of cOnTrIbUtIng To a waRMing of thE \nEArtH's AtmOspheRE. Bush's TurnaBout PlEaSEd U.s. busineSS lEADers WhO vIeweD \nthE dEcisiOn as PRudEnt for tHe domestiC ecONomy--BuT oThers saW it as a \npotentiAl Step backwaRd FroM leadeRSHip on the Threat of global warming.\n?????AbRAham did Not SpeciFy hoW or where hE woUld likE to SEe the U.s. \nincreAse itS eNerGY ProduCTIoN. BuT BUsh has made CLEar That hE fAvorS a \nbroad Approach, including oPEniNg the pristine arcTic NATIoNal wIlDLifE \nREFugE TO exploration.\n?????BusH's position PuTS hIm at odds wiTH enViRonmentAl organIzatiONs that \nhAve long opPosed openInG the REFugE. Over the laSt week, foR instance, THe \nAudUBoN SociEty Has plaCeD teLevisIon ads CAllIng foR opposItIon to dRilliNg \nIn the", "whitespace_perturbation": "disappointing.\" His staffsaid he wo uld ass ess w hathe t ermed America' s \"en ergy crisis\" at a conf erenc eM onda y i n \nWa shingto n ,h o ste dby th eU .S . Cha mbe r of Co mmerce.\n?? ??? Fo r Americansw ho rememberwel l the long l ine s at g as oli n e pum psand t he \nin f lation ary spira ld rivenb y energ y pr ices of the 1970s, cu r re n t conditions may se em sh o r t o f c risis prop or tions . But th e s p e c ter of higher gas oline \npric e s a s thesu mme r trave l sea so n ap proaches--c ombi ned withthe on g oing \np o wer cru nch in Ca lif orni a a nd ot he r We s te rns tat es--pres en ts theBush a d mini str atio n wit h a serious c hal leng e .\n? ????S en. C harl es E. S chumer (D-N .Y .) called on Bu sh t o conside r u si ngth e \nna t ion'sStr ate gic Pet roleumR ese rv e t oease the effect of t h e f oreign produc e rs 'a nnounced c utb ack. ? ????\" With th e U.S. e conomy sa gg ing, th enet re su ltofthisd ecis ion [b y \nOPEC] will only fuel spec u lation abouta p o s si b le r ece ssion,\" Sch umer said \nSa t ur day . \"Hig her o il pr i ces mean more of afi nancia l bur den for every day \nconsu m e r s, which wou l dl ikely mean eco nomic stress in the very coun tries OP EC \ncount s on to bu y i tsoil .\"? ? ?? ?Former Presi d e nt C li nton au tho rized t app ing th e s tr ategic re serve du ri ng th e 2 000 p r esidenti al ca mp aig n, wh e n pump pric es r os et o m ore tha n $ 2 a \ng al lo n in so me area s af t eryears o f stabili ty. ???? ?T he OPEC p roduction ann ou ncement co me s j ust da y s after B ush renounced a \npledge he made du ringthat campaign to trimAme r ica'semissi ons o fcar b o n \ndi o x id e,th e odorless g assuspe ct ed o f contr ibuting to a warmi n g o f the \nEarth' s a tmos p h er e.B us h 'stu r nab o u t pleased U.S.business l ea d er s who view e d th e decis ion asprude n t for t he domest ic econom y- -but o the rs saw itas a \npo tential s t ep ba c kw ard f rom leade rs hip on t he thr e atof gl obal w ar ming.????? Ab raham di d not specify how or wh ere he woul d l ike to se e t h e U .S. \nincr ease its energ y p rod uctio n.B ut Bu sh h a smad e clea r th a t he favo r sa b r oa d approach, i n clu dingope n ing th e pr istine Arctic Nat i onal Wildlife\nRef u g e t o e x plor at ion.\n?????Bush 'spo s i tion put shim at odds with en vi r onmen tal or ganiza tions t h a thave l ongopp osed open ing t h e refug e. O v er the las tweek,for in s tanc e , the \nAudubon So ciety h as pl a ced tele vi sion ad s cal ling for o pposition t o dril ling \ninthe", "underscore_trick": "disappointing.\" His_staff said_he would \nassess what_he termed_America's_\"energy crisis\"_at_a conference Monday_in \nWashington, hosted_by the U.S. Chamber_of Commerce.\n?????For Americans_who_remember well the long lines at gasoline pumps and the \ninflationary spiral driven by_energy_prices of_the_1970s,_current conditions \nmay seem short_of crisis proportions. But the_specter of_higher gasoline \nprices as the summer travel season_approaches--combined_with the ongoing_\npower crunch in California and other Western states--presents the_Bush \nadministration with a serious challenge.\n?????Sen._Charles E. Schumer_(D-N.Y.)_called_on Bush to consider_using the \nnation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve_to ease the effect of the_foreign \nproducers' announced cutback.\n?????\"With the U.S. economy_sagging, the net result of this_decision [by \nOPEC] will only_fuel speculation_about a possible recession,\" Schumer_said \nSaturday. \"Higher_oil prices_mean more of_a financial burden for everyday \nconsumers,_which would likely_mean economic stress in the very_countries_OPEC \ncounts on_to_buy_its oil.\"\n?????Former_President Clinton authorized_tapping_the strategic_reserve_during \nthe 2000 presidential campaign, when_pump_prices rose to more than $2 a_\ngallon in some areas_after_years of stability.\n?????The OPEC_production announcement comes just days_after Bush renounced a \npledge he_made during_that campaign_to trim America's emissions of carbon \ndioxide, the odorless gas suspected_of contributing to a warming of_the \nEarth's atmosphere. Bush's_turnabout pleased_U.S._business leaders who_viewed_\nthe decision_as prudent for the domestic economy--but others_saw it_as a \npotential step backward from_leadership on the threat_of_global warming.\n?????Abraham did not specify how_or where he would like to_see the U.S. \nincrease its_energy_production._But Bush has made clear_that he favors a \nbroad approach,_including opening the_pristine Arctic National Wildlife \nRefuge to exploration.\n?????Bush's_position_puts him at odds with environmental_organizations_that \nhave long opposed opening the_refuge._Over_the last week, for instance,_the \nAudubon Society has placed television_ads calling for opposition to drilling \nin the"} {"text": " Sacramento \nCounty. PG&E customers in suburban counties were affected as well. \nThe order darkened shops in San Francisco's Chinatown and was blamed for a \ncrash that left two motorists seriously injured in the Los Angeles suburb of \nSouth El Monte. A Sun Microsystems Inc. factory in Newark had to close for \nseveral hours. \nMost Californians took the blackouts in stride, though. Elk Grove High School \nstudents filed outside to play hacky sack. Coffee shop patrons in Davis \nmilled outdoors, enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. \nYet the blackout order was met with outright defiance by one municipal \nutility. The city of Lodi refused to cut power to its residents Monday or \nTuesday, saying it shouldn't have to suffer because of the financial crisis \nafflicting PG&E and Edison. \nThe outlook for today and the near future was brighter, as several big power \nplants came back on line after repairs. ISO officials also praised \nCalifornians' conservation efforts, which had faltered in the morning but \ncame on strong in the afternoon, helping to prevent further blackouts. By \nevening the grid was in a relatively mild Stage 2 power alert. \nBut the second day of blackouts -- plus an increasing threat of utility \nbankruptcy -- pushed Davis to the brink. The governor cobbled together a \npayment plan to rescue the qualifying facilities -- some 600 wind farms, \ngeothermal plants and other alternative-energy generators whose production \nhas become increasingly vital in recent days. \nUnder Davis' plan, the Legislature and the PUC would order PG&E and Edison to \npay the qualifying facilities for power delivered after April 1. The \nutilities are required to buy power from the qualifying facilities under a \n1978 federal law designed to bring cheaper and cleaner forms of electricity \nto market. \nDavis said the PUC would release a proposed order late Tuesday that would \nrequire the utilities to pay the qualifying facilities $79 a megawatt hour \nfor five-year contracts or $69 for 10-year contracts. The Legislature also \nwould have to pass a law authorizing the PUC to issue such an order. \nBut the situation was far from resolved late Tuesday, and PG&E and Edison \nwere likely to oppose at least portions of Davis' plan", "synonym_substitution": "Sacramento \n County. PG&E customers in suburban counties were affected as well. \n The decree darken shops in San Francisco's Chinatown and was blamed for a \n crash that leave two motorists seriously injure in the Los Angeles suburb of \n South El Monte. A Sun Microsystems Inc. factory in Newark had to close for \n respective hour. \n Most Californians took the blackout in stride, though. Elk Grove High School \n students file outside to play hacky sack. Coffee shop patrons in Davis \n milled outside, enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. \n Yet the blackout order was meet with outright defiance by one municipal \n utility. The city of Lodi refused to abridge baron to its residents Monday or \n Tuesday, read it shouldn't have to suffer because of the financial crisis \n afflict PG&E and Edison. \n The outlook for today and the near future was brighter, as several big power \n plants came back on line after repairs. ISO officials also praised \n Californians' conservation efforts, which had faltered in the morning but \n came on potent in the afternoon, helping to prevent further blackout. By \n evening the power system was in a relatively mild Stage 2 power alert. \n But the second day of blackouts -- plus an increasing threat of utility program \n bankruptcy -- pushed Davis to the brink. The governor cobbled together a \n payment plan to rescue the qualifying facilities -- some 600 wind farms, \n geothermal plants and other alternate - energy generator whose product \n has become increasingly vital in recent days. \n Under Davis' plan, the Legislature and the PUC would arrange PG&E and Edison to \n pay the qualifying facilities for exponent delivered after April 1. The \n utilities are required to buy might from the qualifying facility under a \n 1978 federal jurisprudence designed to institute cheaper and clean forms of electricity \n to marketplace. \n Davis said the PUC would release a proposed order late Tuesday that would \n want the utilities to pay the qualifying facilities $ 79 a megawatt hour \n for five - year contracts or $ 69 for 10 - year contracts. The Legislature also \n would experience to pass a law empower the PUC to issue such an order. \n But the position was far from resolved late Tuesday, and PG&E and Edison \n were likely to react at least portions of Davis' plan", "butter_fingers": " Saframento \nCounty. PG&E custumers in suburbcb counvies wede affecged as well. \nThe order darkenxd syops un San Francisco's Chinxtown and was blaned hor a \ncrash that left two motodlsts vxriously injurec in the Lms Angeles subgrc lf \nSouth El Monte. A Sun Microsystemf Inc. fschory in Newark had eo cmose for \nseveral hours. \nMost Califodnians uook the blackouts in stride, though. Elk Grovf Hihh School \nstudents filed outsude ei play hacky sack. Coffte shop patrkns in Davis \nmilled outdoors, engoyiny the unseawobabpi warm weathxr. \nYet the blackoub order was mey with outrighb defmancw by one municipal \nutmlity. The city of Loqi refuseg co cut power to its rwsudentv Motday ir \nGueadey, aaying it shouldn't gave to sufder because of the gigqncial crisis \nafflistyng PG&E and Edison. \nThe outlook for todaj ans the near future was beighter, as several bih power \npjants came back on line after repairs. ISO officians alau pxqised \nXapifornians' conservation efforts, which had falesrtd pn the morning bub \ncame on strong im hhr afternoon, heuping ck lrevent further blwckouts. By \necening tht gric was in a relatively mild Wtage 2 power qlert. \nBut the secoud day of blcckoutx -- plis an increasing threat of htility \nbannruptcy -- ljshed Davis to tfe nritk. The governor cobbled todether a \n'aymeut plan go rgscue tre qualifylng facilities -- some 600 wijd fatms, \ngemthermal ppants and other alternative-enerjb generators ehmse productnon \nhax become incrqasingly vital in recznt dahs. \nUnder Dzvis' plen, the Legisjature and tha PUC would ocder PG&E wnd Wdisin to \npxh the qualifyimg facilinits for powwr delivered after Aptim 1. The \nutilitiew atw required to nuy poreg fcom tra qualifying fackligoes uvder a \n1978 fedcrau lae designed to bring whealer and cleaner fotmf of elextricity \nto market. \nDafis said the PUC wluld celeasx a prppofed order late Tuesday that wohld \nrequige bhe utilities to iay jhe qualifynng facilities $79 a megawatt hour \nfor five-bear contracts or $69 for 10-tear contracts. The Ktgislature alxo \nwotld have do pass a law authoruzing the PUC to lssue such an order. \nBuf the vituahion was far from resolved late Tuesday, and PG&E and Edison \nwere likely to opposx wt least podtioms of Dcvix' plan", "random_deletion": "Sacramento County. PG&E customers in suburban counties as The order shops in San for crash that left motorists seriously injured the Los Angeles suburb of South Monte. A Sun Microsystems Inc. factory in Newark had to close for several Most Californians took the blackouts in stride, though. Elk Grove High School students outside play sack. shop patrons in Davis milled outdoors, enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. Yet the blackout order was with outright defiance by one municipal utility. The of Lodi refused to power to its residents Monday Tuesday, it shouldn't to because the financial crisis PG&E and Edison. The outlook for today and the near future was brighter, as several big power came back after repairs. officials praised conservation efforts, which in the morning but came on afternoon, helping to prevent further blackouts. By evening grid was a relatively mild Stage 2 power But the second day of blackouts -- plus increasing threat of utility bankruptcy -- pushed Davis to the brink. The governor cobbled together plan to rescue the facilities -- some wind geothermal and alternative-energy generators production has become increasingly vital in recent days. Under Davis' plan, Legislature and the PUC would order PG&E and Edison to qualifying for power delivered April 1. The utilities required buy power from the under 1978 to cheaper cleaner forms of electricity market. Davis said the PUC release a proposed order the utilities to pay the qualifying facilities $79 megawatt hour for five-year contracts or $69 10-year contracts. The Legislature also would have to pass a law authorizing PUC to an order. But the situation was far from late Tuesday, and PG&E Edison were likely to oppose at least portions of plan", "change_char_case": " Sacramento \nCounty. PG&E customErs in suburBan coUntIes WeRe afFectEd as well. \nThe ordER darKened shops in San FrancisCo's ChInATown ANd Was blAmed for A \nCrASH thAt LeFt tWo MOtOristS seRiously Injured in tHe LOs angeles suburB Of \nsouth El MonTe. A sun MicrosystEms inc. facToRy iN newarK haD to clOse for \nSEveral Hours. \nMost caLIforniANs took tHE BlAckoUts in stride, though. eLk gRove High School \nStudenTs FIlED OutSidE to play hacKy Sack. COFfee shoP PaTRONs iN davis \nmilled ouTdoors, enjoyINg tHe unseAsOnaBLy warm WeathEr. \nyEt tHe blackout oRder Was met witH outriGHt defiaNCe by one MuniciPal \nUtiLity. tHe CiTy oF LODi rEFuSed TO cuT power to ItS rEsideNts MONDAY or \nTUesDay, sAying It shouldn't havE to SuffER beCause Of the FinaNcIal crIsis \nafFlictInG PG&E and Edison. \nThE outLook for toDay AnD thE nEar fuTUre was BriGhtEr, as sevEral big POweR \npLANTs Came back on line afteR rEPAiRs. ISO offIcials ALsO pRAised \nCalIfOrnIans' CONservAtioN EfForts, whiCh had fALtErEd in the MoRning bUt \nCamE on StronG In thE afterNoon, helpIng to PRevent further bLAckouts. By \nevenINg THE gRId waS in A relatively Mild sTage 2 PoweR AlErt. \nbUt the SeconD dAY oF Blackouts -- plus an incrEaSing thReat oF utility \nbankrUptcy -- pusheD dAVis to the BrinK. thE Governor cobbleD togeTher a \npaymeNT plan to rEscue The qualiFying faciLITies -- some 600 WinD faRms, \nGeoTHErMal plants and oTHEr alTeRnative-EneRgy geneRatOrs WhoSe pRoDuction \nhaS become iNcReAsInGly Vital IN recent dAyS. \nUnDeR DaVis' plAN, the LeGislaTure AnD tHE PUc would oRDeR pg&E anD EDiSon tO \npaY tHe quaLifyINg fAcilitiEs for poweR deLIverEd AfTer ApriL 1. The \nutilities ArE required tO bUy pOwer frOM The qualiFying facilities under a \n1978 feDEral law DesIgned To brIng cheapeR anD cleanEr fORms of eLectriCity \ntO mArkET. \ndavis SAId The pUc would releASE a pRoposEd OrdeR late TuEsday that would \nrequIRe tHe utilities to Pay The qUALiFyiNG fACilItIEs $79 a MEGawatt hour \nfor fiVe-year contRaCTs Or $69 for 10-year cONtrAcTs. The LeGislatuRe alsO \nWould haVe to pass a Law authorIzIng tHE pUC To issue sucH an order. \nbut the sitUAtion WAs Far frOm rEsolveD lAte tuesdAy, and Pg&e anD EdisOn \nwere LiKely to OpposE aT least poRtions of Davis' plan", "whitespace_perturbation": " Sacramento \nCounty. PG&Ecustomersin su bur ban c ount ieswere affecteda s we ll. \nThe order darkene d sho ps in S a nFranc isco'sC hi n a tow nan d w as bl amedfor a \ncra sh that le fttw o motoristss er iously inj ure d in the Los An gelessu bur b of Sou th El Monte . A Sun Microsys te m s Inc. factory i nNewa rk had to close f o rseveral hours. \nMost C a li f o rni ans took thebl ackou t s in st r id e , tho u gh. Elk Grove High Schoo l \ns tudent sfil e d outs ide t op lay hacky sack . Co ffee shop patro n s in Da v is \nmil led ou tdo ors , en j oy in g t he uns e as ona b lywarm wea th er . \nYe t th e b l acko utorde r was met with out rig ht d e fia nce b y one mun ic ipal\nutili ty. T he city of Lodi r efus ed to cut po we r t oits r e sident s M ond ay or Tuesday , sa yi n g it shouldn't have to s u f fe r becaus e of t h efi n ancial c ri sis \naf f l ictin g PG & Eand Edis on. \nT h eou tlook f or today a ndthe near futu re was brighte r, as several big po w er \nplants ca m eb a ck on l ine after repa irs. ISOoffi c ia lsa lso p raise dCa l ifornians' conserva ti on eff orts, which had fa ltered int h e morning but \nc a me on strong i n the afternoon , helping to p revent f urther bl a c kouts. B y eve nin g t h e g rid was in ar e lati ve ly mild St age 2 p owe r a ler t.\nB ut the se cond day o fbl ac kou ts -- plus anin cre as ing thre a t of u tilit y \nb an kr u ptc y -- pu s he d Davi sto the br in k. Th e go v ern or cobb led toget her a \np ay me nt plan to rescue th equalifying f aci lities - - some 6 00 wind farms, \ngeother m al plan tsand o ther alternat ive -energ y g e nerato rs who se pr od uct i o n \nha s be com eincreasing l y vi tal i nrece nt days . \nUnder Davis' pl a n,the Legislatu reandt h ePUC wo u ldor d erP G &E and Edison t o \npay the q u al ifying fac i lit ie s for p ower de liver e d after April 1. The \nuti li ties a rerequired t o buy po wer fromt he qu a li fying fa ciliti es un der a \n1978 fed erallaw de si gned t o bri ng cheaper and cleaner forms of e lectri city\nto market.\nDa v issaid thePUCwould rele ase apropo sed order lat e T ues d ay th at w o uld \nrequ i re th e ut ilities top a y th e qua lif y ing fa cili ties $79 a megawa t t hour \nfor fi ve-y e a r c ont r acts o r $69 for 10-y ear c o n tracts.Th e Legislatu re also\nw o uld h ave to passa law a u t ho r izingthePUC to issue su ch an orde r. B ut the sit ua tion w as far from r esolved late Tue sday, a nd PG & E a nd Ed is on \nwer e lik ely to opp ose at leas t port ions of D avis' p la n", "underscore_trick": " Sacramento_\nCounty. PG&E_customers in suburban counties_were affected_as_well. \nThe_order_darkened shops in_San Francisco's Chinatown_and was blamed for_a \ncrash that_left_two motorists seriously injured in the Los Angeles suburb of \nSouth El Monte. A_Sun_Microsystems Inc._factory_in_Newark had to close for_\nseveral hours. \nMost Californians took_the blackouts_in stride, though. Elk Grove High School \nstudents_filed_outside to play_hacky sack. Coffee shop patrons in Davis \nmilled outdoors,_enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. \nYet_the blackout order_was_met_with outright defiance by_one municipal \nutility. The city of_Lodi refused to cut power to_its residents Monday or \nTuesday, saying it_shouldn't have to suffer because of_the financial crisis \nafflicting PG&E_and Edison._\nThe outlook for today and_the near future_was brighter,_as several big_power \nplants came back on line_after repairs. ISO_officials also praised \nCalifornians' conservation efforts,_which_had faltered in_the_morning_but \ncame_on strong in_the_afternoon, helping_to_prevent further blackouts. By \nevening the_grid_was in a relatively mild Stage 2_power alert. \nBut the_second_day of blackouts --_plus an increasing threat of_utility \nbankruptcy -- pushed Davis to_the brink._The governor_cobbled together a \npayment plan to rescue the qualifying facilities --_some 600 wind farms, \ngeothermal plants_and other alternative-energy generators_whose production_\nhas_become increasingly vital_in_recent days._\nUnder Davis' plan, the Legislature and the_PUC would_order PG&E and Edison to \npay_the qualifying facilities for_power_delivered after April 1. The \nutilities_are required to buy power from_the qualifying facilities under a_\n1978_federal_law designed to bring cheaper_and cleaner forms of electricity \nto_market. \nDavis said_the PUC would release a proposed order_late_Tuesday that would \nrequire the utilities_to_pay the qualifying facilities $79 a_megawatt_hour_\nfor five-year contracts or $69_for 10-year contracts. The Legislature also_\nwould have to pass a law authorizing the PUC_to issue such_an order. \nBut the situation_was_far_from resolved late Tuesday, and PG&E and Edison \nwere likely_to oppose_at least portions_of Davis' plan"} {"text": " refuge, located on Alaska's North Slope.\n?????A Gallup survey conducted early this month questioned 1,060 Americans \nabout the seriousness with which they viewed the nation's \"energy situation.\" \nThe response: 31% viewed it as \"very serious,\" 59% chose \"fairly serious\" and \n9% said \"not at all serious.\"\n?????Other responses in the same poll suggested that Bush faces a challenge \nif he is to persuade Americans to back increased production to meet energy \nneeds. When asked to choose from three \"potential solutions,\" 56% favored \nmore conservation by consumers, compared with 33% who favored emphasizing \nproduction of more oil, gas or coal. And 8% said they favored \"both equally.\" \nThe poll's margin of error was plus or minus 3 percentage points.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------\n\nGroups Look for Silver Lining in Energy Crisis \nPower: From auto makers to water officials, they cite the electricity \nsituation in their efforts to reverse government decisions and rules they \noppose. \n\nBy JULIE TAMAKI and JENIFER WARREN, Times Staff Writers \n\n?????SACRAMENTO--While legislators and lobbyists groan that the energy crisis \nis monopolizing the spotlight this year, some enterprising folks have seized \non events to advance their agendas.\n?????Exhibit A is an effort by auto makers to dodge a state mandate requiring \nthem to offer thousands of electric cars, beginning with the model year 2003.\n?????Manufacturers call the cars impractical and unmarketable, and have \nresisted the mandate for a decade. So when the state Air Resources Board \nbegan considering a proposal to weaken their demand for smog-free cars \nrecently, auto makers sensed an opening.\n?????Reminding the board of California's energy crunch, industry \nrepresentatives said recharging thousands of electric cars would only \nexacerbate the problem.\n?????But the California Energy Commission disputed that notion, saying the \ncars would have a trivial effect on power supplies. The cars are typically \nrecharged at night, when demand for power is low, the commission notes. And \nmost of them won't be on the road until after 2003, when several new power \nplants should be on line.\n?????S. David Freeman, general", "synonym_substitution": "refuge, located on Alaska's North Slope. \n? ?? ?? A Gallup survey conducted early on this calendar month wonder 1,060 Americans \n about the seriousness with which they viewed the state's \" energy situation. \" \n The response: 31% see it as \" very serious, \" 59% chose \" reasonably unplayful \" and \n 9% said \" not at wholly serious. \" \n? ?? ?? Other responses in the same pate suggested that Bush faces a challenge \n if he is to carry Americans to back increase product to meet energy \n needs. When ask to choose from three \" potential solutions, \" 56% favored \n more conservation by consumers, compare with 33% who favored emphasizing \n production of more oil, gas or ember. And 8% said they favored \" both equally. \" \n The poll's margin of error was plus or minus 3 share point. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n --------------------- \n\n Groups Look for Silver Lining in Energy Crisis \n Power: From auto makers to water officials, they cite the electricity \n situation in their efforts to change by reversal government decisions and rule they \n react. \n\n By JULIE TAMAKI and JENIFER WARREN, Times Staff Writers \n\n? ?? ?? SACRAMENTO -- While legislators and lobbyists groan that the energy crisis \n is monopolize the spotlight this year, some enterprising folks have seized \n on event to advance their agendas. \n? ?? ?? Exhibit A is an effort by auto makers to hedge a state mandate requiring \n them to offer thousands of electric cars, beginning with the model class 2003. \n? ?? ?? manufacturer call the cars impractical and unmarketable, and have \n resisted the mandate for a ten. So when the state Air Resources Board \n began considering a proposal to weaken their demand for smog - free cars \n recently, car makers sensed an opening. \n? ?? ?? Reminding the board of California's department of energy crunch, industry \n representatives said recharge thousands of electric car would only \n exacerbate the trouble. \n? ?? ?? But the California Energy Commission disputed that notion, saying the \n cars would have a trivial effect on power supplies. The cars are typically \n recharged at night, when requirement for power is low, the mission notes. And \n most of them won't be on the road until after 2003, when several modern power \n plants should be on line. \n? ?? ?? S. David Freeman, cosmopolitan", "butter_fingers": " revuge, located on Alaska's Korth Slope.\n?????A Gallup surtey consucted exrly this month questioned 1,060 Emerucans \nabout the seriousness with whibh they vuewev the nation's \"enxdgy sitmction.\" \nBhe rzs'onse: 31% viewed ij as \"very sesious,\" 59% chose \"fdiflv serious\" and \n9% said \"not at all seriots.\"\n?????Other rfsponses in thg samt pjll algnested that Bush faces a challenfe \nif ht is to persuade Akericans to back increased profuction to meet enfrgy \nneeds. Qhen qsked to chouse from three \"potentizl solutions,\" 56% favored \nmore consdrvatnon by consomsrd, compared wmth 33% wro favored emphasizitg \nprodiction of more oin, gqs or coal. And 8% said vhey favored \"both eqoally.\" \nThe [oml's margin of errir was klus mr mkbus 3 ptrcxntzge polnta.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------\n\nGroups Lokk for Silvwr Lining in Energy Cwpxis \nPower: Frkm autj iakers to water officials, they cite the elsctricity \nsituation in rheir efforts to revetse governient decisions and rules they \noppose. \n\nBy JULIE TAMDKI aid JEULNER DQRGEN, Times Staff Writers \n\n?????SACRAMENTO--While legisjztprx and lobbyistf groan thay hhr energy crisir \nis monololizing the spotllght thys yeqr, some egterlrising folks have seized \nob events to cdvqnce their agendas.\n?????Zxhibit A is an gffort by auto makers to dodgz a stzte mandate requirinf \nthem to offer tfouxatds of electric cars, beginging with the model hear 2003.\n?????Manufwcturers cwll tma cars impractical and onmarkatable, and have \nresisted the mandate for e decade. So wnet tve state Air Vesources Board \nbegan consideting a prjposau to weakeh their demand for smog-free carv \nrecently, auvo makers senwed qn openkvg.\n?????Reminding thr board oy Calufornia's energy crmnch, khdustry \nrepreseuuatuves said rechatgivg ehluxaggs of electrhc cxrs eould only \nexacevbage tne problem.\n?????But the Canifodnia Energy Commisxijn dispujed that gotion, saying the \ncars would hage a vriviau effrct on power supplies. The cars ars typicalpy \nvecharged at gighb, whgn demand fpr power is low, the commission notes. Anv \nmost of them won't be in the road until ayttr 2003, when sevecal ner power \npnants should be on lune.\n?????S. David Freemak, general", "random_deletion": "refuge, located on Alaska's North Slope. ?????A conducted this month 1,060 Americans about viewed nation's \"energy situation.\" response: 31% viewed as \"very serious,\" 59% chose \"fairly and 9% said \"not at all serious.\" ?????Other responses in the same poll that Bush faces a challenge if he is to persuade Americans to back production meet needs. asked to choose from three \"potential solutions,\" 56% favored more conservation by consumers, compared with 33% favored emphasizing production of more oil, gas or And 8% said they \"both equally.\" The poll's margin error plus or 3 points. --------------------- Groups Look Silver Lining in Energy Crisis Power: From auto makers to water officials, they cite the electricity situation their efforts government decisions rules oppose. JULIE TAMAKI and Times Staff Writers ?????SACRAMENTO--While legislators and the energy crisis is monopolizing the spotlight this some enterprising have seized on events to advance agendas. ?????Exhibit A is an effort by auto to dodge a state mandate requiring them to offer thousands of electric cars, beginning with year 2003. ?????Manufacturers call cars impractical and and resisted mandate a decade. when the state Air Resources Board began considering a proposal to their demand for smog-free cars recently, auto makers sensed an the of California's energy industry representatives said recharging of cars would only exacerbate ?????But California that saying cars would have a effect on power supplies. The are typically recharged at is low, the commission notes. And most of won't be on the road until after when several new power plants should be on line. ?????S. David Freeman,", "change_char_case": " refuge, located on Alaska's NorTh Slope.\n?????A GaLlup sUrvEy cOnDuctEd eaRly this month quEStioNed 1,060 Americans \nabout the seRiousNeSS witH WhIch thEy vieweD ThE NAtiOn'S \"eNerGy SItUatioN.\" \nThE responSe: 31% viewed it As \"vErY serious,\" 59% chosE \"FaIrly seriouS\" anD \n9% said \"not at alL seRious.\"\n?????OThEr rESponsEs iN the sAme polL SuggesTed that BuSh FAces a cHAllenge \nIF He Is to Persuade Americans TO bACk increased proDuctioN tO MeET EneRgy \nNeeds. When aSkEd to cHOose froM ThREE \"PotENtial solutionS,\" 56% favored \nmorE ConServatIoN by COnsumeRs, comPaREd wIth 33% who favorEd emPhasizing \nProducTIon of moRE oil, gas Or coal. and 8% SaiD theY FaVoRed \"BoTH eqUAlLy.\" \nTHE poLl's margiN oF eRror wAs plUS OR MinuS 3 peRcenTage pOints.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------\n\nGroups LoOk fOr SiLVer lininG in EnErgy crIsis \nPOwer: FrOm autO mAkers to water offIciaLs, they citE thE eLecTrIcity \nSItuatiOn iN thEir effoRts to reVErsE gOVERnMent decisions and ruLeS THeY \noppose. \n\nBY JULIE taMaKi And JENIFeR wARrEN, TIMEs StaFf WrITeRs \n\n?????SACRAMeNTO--WhILe LeGislatoRs And lobByIstS grOan thAT the Energy Crisis \nis MonopOLizing the spotlIGht this year, soME eNTErPRisiNg fOlks have seiZed \noN EvenTs to ADvAncE Their AgendAs.\n?????eXhIBit A is an effort by autO mAkers tO dodgE a state mandatE requiring \nTHEM to offer ThouSAnDS of electric carS, begiNning with tHE model yeAr 2003.\n?????ManUfactureRs call the CARs impracTicAl aNd uNmaRKEtAble, and have \nreSISted ThE mandatE foR a decadE. So WheN thE stAtE Air ResouRces BoarD \nbEgAn CoNsiDerinG A proposaL tO weAkEn tHeir dEMand foR smog-Free CaRs \nREceNtly, autO MaKERs seNsEd An opEniNg.\n?????reminDing THe bOard of CAlifornia'S enERgy cRuNcH, industRy \nrepresentatIvEs said rechArGinG thousANDs of elecTric cars would only \nexacerBAte the pRobLem.\n?????BuT the californiA EnErgy CoMmiSSion diSputed That nOtIon, SAYing tHE \nCaRs wOuLd have a triVIAl eFfect On PoweR suppliEs. The cars are typicaLLy \nrEcharged at nigHt, wHen dEMAnD foR PoWEr iS lOW, thE COmmission notes. ANd \nmost of thEm WOn'T be on the roAD unTiL after 2003, wHen seveRal neW Power \nplAnts shoulD be on line.\n?????s. DAvid fREemAn, general", "whitespace_perturbation": " refuge, located on Alaska 's North S lope. \n?? ??? AGall up s urvey conducte d ear ly this month question ed 1, 06 0 Ame r ic ans about t h es e rio us ne sswi t hwhich th ey view ed the nat ion 's \"energy sit u at ion.\" \nThe re sponse: 31%vie wed it a s \" v ery s eri ous,\" 59% c h ose \"f airly ser io u s\" and \n9% sai d \"n ot a t all serious.\"\n? ? ?? ? Other response s in t he sa m e po llsuggestedth at Bu s h faces ac h a lle n ge \nif he isto persuade Ame ricans t o b a ck inc rease dp rod uction to m eetenergy \nn eeds.W hen ask e d to ch oose f rom th ree\" po te nti al sol u ti ons , \" 5 6% favor ed morecons e r v a tion by con sumer s, compared w ith 33% who favo red e mpha si zing\nprodu ction o f more oil, gas orcoal. And 8% s aid t hey f a vored\"bo thequally .\" \nThe pol l' s m ar gin of error was p lu s or minus 3 perce n ta ge points.-- --- ---- - - ----- ---- - -- -------- ------ - -- -- ------- -- ------ -- --- --- ----- - ---- ---\n-- -------- ----- - -----\n\nGroupsL ook for Silve r L i n in g inEne rgy Crisis\nPow e r: F roma ut o m a kersto wa te r o f ficials, they citeth e elec trici ty \nsituation in theire f f orts toreve r se government dec ision s and rule s they \no ppose . \n\nBy J ULIE TAMA K I and JEN IFE R W ARR EN, T im es Staff Writ e r s \n?? ???SACR AME NTO--Wh ile le gis lat or s and lob byists g ro an t ha t t he en e rgy cris is \ni smon opoli z ing th e spo tlig ht t h isyear, s o me e nter pr is ingfol ks have sei z ed\non eve nts to ad van c e th ei ragendas .\n?????Exhibi tA is an ef fo rtby aut o makers t o dodge a state mandate requiri ng\nthem tooffer tho usa nds of el e ctriccars,begin ni ngw i th th e mo del y ear 2003.? ? ??? Manuf ac ture rs call the cars impracti c aland unmarketa ble , an d ha vere s ist ed the m andate for a de cade. So w he n t he state A i r R es ourcesBoard began conside ring a pr oposal to w eake n the ir demandfor smog -free car s \nrec e nt ly, a uto maker ssen sed a n open i ng. \n???? ?Remin di ng the boar dof Calif ornia's energy crunch,indust ry \nr epr esentativ ess aid rechargi ng t housands o f e lec triccar s woul d on l y\nex a cerba te t h e problem . \n? ??? ? B ut the Califo r n i a E nergy Co m missio n di sputed that notio n , saying the cars w oul d h a ve a t rivial effectonpo w e r suppli es . The carsare typi ca l ly \nr echarg ed atnight,w h en demand for po wer is lo w,th e commis si on notes. And most o f them won' t be on the road u ntila f ter 2 0 03, when s everaln ew p ower \nplan ts should b e on l ine. \n???? ?S. Dav id Freem an, g eneral", "underscore_trick": " refuge,_located on_Alaska's North Slope.\n?????A Gallup_survey conducted_early_this month_questioned_1,060 Americans \nabout_the seriousness with_which they viewed the_nation's \"energy situation.\"_\nThe_response: 31% viewed it as \"very serious,\" 59% chose \"fairly serious\" and \n9% said_\"not_at all_serious.\"\n?????Other_responses_in the same poll suggested_that Bush faces a challenge_\nif he_is to persuade Americans to back increased production_to_meet energy \nneeds._When asked to choose from three \"potential solutions,\" 56%_favored \nmore conservation by consumers, compared_with 33% who_favored_emphasizing_\nproduction of more oil,_gas or coal. And 8% said_they favored \"both equally.\" \nThe poll's_margin of error was plus or minus_3 percentage points.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------\n\nGroups Look for Silver_Lining in Energy Crisis \nPower:_From auto_makers to water officials, they_cite the electricity_\nsituation in_their efforts to_reverse government decisions and rules they_\noppose. \n\nBy JULIE_TAMAKI and JENIFER WARREN, Times Staff_Writers_\n\n?????SACRAMENTO--While legislators and_lobbyists_groan_that the_energy crisis \nis_monopolizing_the spotlight_this_year, some enterprising folks have seized_\non_events to advance their agendas.\n?????Exhibit A is_an effort by auto_makers_to dodge a state_mandate requiring \nthem to offer_thousands of electric cars, beginning with_the model_year 2003.\n?????Manufacturers_call the cars impractical and unmarketable, and have \nresisted the mandate_for a decade. So when the_state Air Resources Board_\nbegan considering_a_proposal to weaken_their_demand for_smog-free cars \nrecently, auto makers sensed an_opening.\n?????Reminding the_board of California's energy crunch, industry_\nrepresentatives said recharging thousands_of_electric cars would only \nexacerbate the_problem.\n?????But the California Energy Commission disputed_that notion, saying the \ncars_would_have_a trivial effect on power_supplies. The cars are typically \nrecharged_at night, when_demand for power is low, the commission_notes._And \nmost of them won't be_on_the road until after 2003, when_several_new_power \nplants should be on_line.\n?????S. David Freeman, general"} {"text": " \nimpacted,\" said Police Sgt. Terri Molakides. \"We don't get any warning \neither. When the power is out, the power is out. It's not like we can make \nany plans.\" \nIn general, motorists seemed more likely to obey the four-way-stop rule on \nthe Peninsula and in the East Bay than in San Francisco. \nIn San Mateo County, some police departments have stopped trying to make \nadvance plans to cover darkened intersections. San Mateo Police Sgt. Kevin \nRafaelli said putting up signs and posting officers sometimes caused problems \nrather than solving them. \n\"If people just follow the law (and) stop at the intersection, they can \nhandle it better than we do if we're out there,\" he said. \"People are sort of \ngetting used to it and are dealing with it.\" \nIn Berkeley and Emeryville, motorists stopped one at a time at temporary stop \nsigns, with no apparent problems. At University Avenue and Sacramento Street \nin Berkeley, Officer Matt Meredith said motorists were behaving themselves. \nThat wasn't the case a while back, when a driver who didn't stop at an \nintersection during a blackout was broadsided by someone who did, Meredith \nsaid. \n\"The thing to remember is to stop and look,\" he said. \n\nTRAFFIC TIPS\nTo avoid a collisions during blackouts, the California Highway Patrol offers \nthis advice to motorists: \n-- Treat any intersection with inoperative traffic lights as a four-way stop. \nEach vehicle must stop when arriving at the white limit line, then proceed \nonly when safe, taking turns. \n-- If two vehicles arrive at the intersection at the same time, the motorist \non the left must yield to the motorist on the right. \n-- Never insist on taking the right of way, even if you are entitled to it. \n-- Follow the directions of a police officer or traffic control officer, \nwhose directions take precedence over lights or signs. \nChronicle staff writers Henry K. Lee and Matthew B. Stannard contributed to \nthis report. / E-mail Steve Rubenstein at srubenstein@sfchronicle.com. \n,2001 San Francisco Chronicle? Page?A - 8 \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n", "synonym_substitution": "impacted, \" said Police Sgt. Terri Molakides. \" We don't get any warning \n either. When the exponent is away, the power is out. It's not like we can produce \n any design. \" \n In general, motorists seem more probable to obey the four - way - stop rule on \n the Peninsula and in the East Bay than in San Francisco. \n In San Mateo County, some police departments have stopped judge to make \n advance plans to cover darkened intersections. San Mateo Police Sgt. Kevin \n Rafaelli said arrange up signs and posting officers sometimes induce problems \n rather than solving them. \n \" If people merely follow the law (and) stop at the intersection, they can \n handle it well than we do if we're out there, \" he said. \" People are sort of \n getting used to it and are manage with it. \" \n In Berkeley and Emeryville, motorists stopped one at a time at temporary stop \n signs, with no apparent problems. At University Avenue and Sacramento Street \n in Berkeley, Officer Matt Meredith said motorists were behaving themselves. \n That wasn't the event a while back, when a driver who didn't stop at an \n intersection during a amnesia was broadside by someone who did, Meredith \n said. \n \" The thing to remember is to hold on and look, \" he said. \n\n TRAFFIC TIPS \n To avoid a collisions during amnesia, the California Highway Patrol offers \n this advice to motorists: \n -- Treat any intersection with inoperative dealings lights as a four - way stop. \n Each vehicle must stop when arriving at the white limit note, then proceed \n only when safe, taking turns. \n -- If two vehicle arrive at the intersection at the same time, the motorist \n on the left field must yield to the motorist on the right field. \n -- Never insist on taking the right of way, even if you are entitled to it. \n -- stick to the directions of a police officer or dealings control officer, \n whose directions take priority over lights or augury. \n Chronicle staff writers Henry K. Lee and Matthew B. Stannard contributed to \n this report. / E - mail Steve Rubenstein at srubenstein@sfchronicle.com. \n, 2001 San Francisco Chronicle? Page?A - 8 \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "butter_fingers": " \nimoacted,\" said Police Sgt. Ttrri Molakides. \"We don't gxt any sarning \ndither. When the power is out, tye poqer is out. It's not likd we can lake \nany plais.\" \nIn general, movkrists seemed lore oikely to obey the four-wdy-stop rule on \ntfe Peninsula and in the East Bay than in San Fgancisco. \nIn Sag Maueo Couhny, some police departments have stoppev trying to makr \nadvance plans to cover dwrkejed intersections. Dan Mateo Pilicq Sgt. Kevin \nRxfaelli sapb putting uk signs and posting officers somdtimex caused ptoglfks \nrather tian sojving them. \n\"In peopla just gollow the law (anv) stip at the intersectioi, they can \nhandle it better tvau we do if we're out tyeee,\" he saig. \"Peuple art sprf of \ngfttmng used to it and are dealing with it.\" \nIn Bqgleley and Emsryvilje, motorists stopped one at a time at temkorarg stop \nsigns, with no apparent problems. At Unlversity Wvenue and Sacramento Street \nin Berkeley, Officer Katt Jdreblbh sxud motorists were behaving themselves. \nThat wasn'e tne case a while nack, when a driver wjo qidn't stop at an \nincsraection during a bpackout was vroadsideq by someone who did, Meredith \nsqid. \n\"The thiny ti remember is to scop and look,\" he xaid. \n\nYRAFFIC TIPS\nTo avoid a eollisjons during blackouta, the California Figmwaf Patrol offers \nthis advicq to motocists: \n-- Treat any interfection wihh inoperative traffic llghts av a four-waj stop. \nEach vehicle must stop wixn arriving aj tve fhite liiit llne, then proceeq \nonly when saye, takiny turnr. \n-- If two nehicles errive at thq intersectiot at the same time, thq mororiwt \non tfd left must yirld to thv iotoeist on the right. \n-- Nexsr insist on tajint the right of eay, evqn ih you dre entitled to kt. \n-- Gollod the direcbiovs og a police officer os trzffic control offivev, \nwhose durectionf take precedrnce over lights og sigis. \nChruniclr sjaff writers Henry K. Lee and Mafthew B. Shankard contribueed bo \ntris report. / E-mail Steve Rubenstein at srubenstein@wfchronicle.com. \n,2001 Sab Francisco Chronickt? Page?A - 8 \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n", "random_deletion": "impacted,\" said Police Sgt. Terri Molakides. \"We any either. When power is out, not we can make plans.\" In general, seemed more likely to obey the rule on the Peninsula and in the East Bay than in San Francisco. San Mateo County, some police departments have stopped trying to make advance plans cover intersections. Mateo Sgt. Kevin Rafaelli said putting up signs and posting officers sometimes caused problems rather than solving \"If people just follow the law (and) stop the intersection, they can it better than we do we're there,\" he \"People sort getting used to and are dealing with it.\" In Berkeley and Emeryville, motorists stopped one at a time at temporary signs, with problems. At Avenue Sacramento in Berkeley, Officer said motorists were behaving themselves. That a while back, when a driver who didn't at an during a blackout was broadsided by who did, Meredith said. \"The thing to remember to stop and look,\" he said. TRAFFIC TIPS To avoid a collisions during blackouts, the Patrol offers this advice motorists: -- Treat intersection inoperative lights a four-way Each vehicle must stop when arriving at the white limit line, proceed only when safe, taking turns. -- If two vehicles the at the same the motorist on the must to the motorist on -- insist right way, if you are entitled it. -- Follow the directions a police officer or take precedence over lights or signs. Chronicle staff Henry K. Lee and Matthew B. Stannard to this report. / E-mail Steve Rubenstein at srubenstein@sfchronicle.com. ,2001 San Francisco Page?A -", "change_char_case": " \nimpacted,\" said Police Sgt. TerrI Molakides. \"we don'T geT anY wArniNg \neiTher. When the powER is oUt, the power is out. It's not lIke we CaN Make \nANy Plans.\" \nin generAL, mOTOriStS sEemEd MOrE likeLy tO obey thE four-way-stOp rUlE on \nthe PeninsULa And in the EaSt BAy than in San FRanCisco. \nIN SAn MATeo CoUntY, some Police DEpartmEnts have sToPPed tryINg to makE \nADvAnce Plans to cover darkeNEd INtersections. SaN Mateo poLIcE sGt. KEviN \nRafaelli sAiD puttINg up sigNS aND POstINg officers somEtimes causeD ProBlems \nrAtHer THan solVing tHeM. \n\"if pEople just foLlow The law (and) Stop at THe interSEction, tHey can \nHanDle It beTTeR tHan We DO if WE'rE ouT TheRe,\" he said. \"peOpLe are Sort OF \nGETtinG usEd to It and Are dealing witH it.\" \nin BeRKelEy and emeryVillE, mOtoriSts stoPped oNe At a time at temporAry sTop \nsigns, wIth No AppArEnt prOBlems. AT UnIveRsity AvEnue and sAcrAmENTO STreet \nin Berkeley, OffIcER maTt MerediTh said MOtOrISts were bEhAviNg thEMSelveS. \nThaT WaSn't the caSe a whiLE bAcK, when a dRiVer who DiDn't StoP at an \nINterSectioN during a BlackOUt was broadsideD By someone who dID, MEREdITh \nsaId. \n\"THe thing to reMembER is tO stoP AnD loOK,\" he saId. \n\nTRAfFic TipS\nTo avoid a collisionS dUring bLackoUts, the CaliforNia Highway pATRol offerS \nthiS AdVIce to motorists: \n-- treat Any interseCTion with InopeRative trAffic lighTS As a four-wAy sTop. \neacH veHIClE must stop when ARRiviNg At the whIte Limit liNe, tHen ProCeeD \noNly when saFe, taking TuRnS. \n-- IF tWo vEhiclES arrive aT tHe iNtErsEctioN At the sAme tiMe, thE mOtORisT \non the lEFt MUSt yiElD tO the MotOrIst on The rIGht. \n-- never inSist on takIng THe riGhT oF way, eveN if you are entiTlEd to it. \n-- FollOw The DirectIONs of a polIce officer or traffic contROl officEr, \nwHose dIrecTions take PreCedencE ovER lightS or sigNs. \nChrOnIclE STaff wRITeRs HEnRy K. Lee and MATTheW B. StaNnArd cOntribuTed to \nthis report. / E-maIL StEve Rubenstein At sRubeNSTeIn@sFChROniClE.Com. \n,2001 sAN Francisco ChronIcle? Page?A - 8 \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n", "whitespace_perturbation": " \nimpacted,\" said Police S gt. TerriMolak ide s.\"W e do n'tget any warnin g \nei ther. When the power i s out ,t he p o we r isout. It ' sn o t l ik eweca n m ake any plans. \" \nIn gene ral ,motorists se e me d more lik ely to obey the fo ur-way -s top ruleon\nthePenins u la and in the E as t Bay t h an in S a n F ranc isco. \nIn San Mat e oC ounty, some po lice d ep a rt m e nts ha ve stopped t rying to make \na d v a nce plans to cove r darkenedi nte rsecti on s.S an Mat eo Po li c e S gt. Kevin Rafa elli said putti n g up si g ns andpostin g o ffi cers so me tim es cau s ed pr o ble ms \nrath er t han s olvi n g t hem. \n\" If p eople just followthe law (an d) st op at the i nters ection , the ycan \nhandle itbett er than w e d oifwe 're o u t ther e,\" he said.\"People are s o r t o f \ngetting used to i t an d are de alingw it hi t.\" \nInBe rke leya n d Eme ryvi l le , motori sts st o pp ed one at a timeat te mpo rarys top\nsigns , with n o app a rent problems. At University Av e n ue andSac ramento Str eetin B erke l ey , O f ficer Matt M e re d ith said motoristswe re beh aving themselves.\nThat wasn ' t the case a w h il e back, when adrive r who didn ' t stop a t an\ninterse ction dur i n g a blac kou t w asbro a d si ded by someon e whodi d, Mere dit h \nsaid . \"Th e t hin gto rememb er is to s to pan d l ook,\" he said. \nTR AF FIC TIPS To avo id acoll is io n s d uring b l ac k o uts, t he Cal ifo rn ia Hi ghwa y Pa trol of fers \nthi s a d vice t omotoris ts: \n-- Treat a ny interse ct ion withi n operativ e traffic lights as a f o ur-waysto p. \nE achvehicle m ust stopwhe n arriv ing at thewh ite l imitl i ne , t he n proceedo nly when s afe, taking turns. \n-- If two veh icles arriveatthei n te rse c ti o n a tt hes a me time, the mo torist \non t h eleft musty iel dto themotoris t ont he righ t. \n-- Ne ver insis ton t a k ing the right of way, even ify ou ar e e ntitl edto it. --Follo w thed ire ction s of a p oliceoffic er or traf fic control officer, \nw hose d irect ion s take pr ece d enc e over li ghts or signs. \nC hro nicle st a ff wr iter s H enr y K. L ee a n d Matthew B. St a n na rd contribu t e d to \nthi s r e port./ E- mail Steve Rubens t ein at srubens tein @ s fch ron i cle. co m. \n,2001 SanFra nc i s co Chron ic le? Page?A- 8 \n--- -- - ----- ------ ------ ------- - - -- - ------ ---- --- --------- --- -- - ------- -- -- - ---\n", "underscore_trick": " \nimpacted,\"_said Police_Sgt. Terri Molakides. \"We_don't get_any_warning \neither._When_the power is_out, the power_is out. It's not_like we can_make_\nany plans.\" \nIn general, motorists seemed more likely to obey the four-way-stop rule on_\nthe_Peninsula and_in_the_East Bay than in San_Francisco. \nIn San Mateo County,_some police_departments have stopped trying to make \nadvance plans_to_cover darkened intersections._San Mateo Police Sgt. Kevin \nRafaelli said putting up_signs and posting officers sometimes caused_problems \nrather than_solving_them._\n\"If people just follow_the law (and) stop at the_intersection, they can \nhandle it better_than we do if we're out there,\"_he said. \"People are sort of_\ngetting used to it and_are dealing_with it.\" \nIn Berkeley and_Emeryville, motorists stopped_one at_a time at_temporary stop \nsigns, with no apparent_problems. At University_Avenue and Sacramento Street \nin Berkeley,_Officer_Matt Meredith said_motorists_were_behaving themselves._\nThat wasn't the_case_a while_back,_when a driver who didn't stop_at_an \nintersection during a blackout was broadsided_by someone who did,_Meredith_\nsaid. \n\"The thing to_remember is to stop and_look,\" he said. \n\nTRAFFIC TIPS\nTo avoid_a collisions_during blackouts,_the California Highway Patrol offers \nthis advice to motorists: \n-- Treat_any intersection with inoperative traffic lights_as a four-way stop._\nEach vehicle_must_stop when arriving_at_the white_limit line, then proceed \nonly when safe,_taking turns._\n-- If two vehicles arrive at_the intersection at the_same_time, the motorist \non the left_must yield to the motorist on_the right. \n-- Never insist_on_taking_the right of way, even_if you are entitled to it._\n-- Follow the_directions of a police officer or traffic_control_officer, \nwhose directions take precedence over_lights_or signs. \nChronicle staff writers Henry_K._Lee_and Matthew B. Stannard contributed_to \nthis report. / E-mail Steve_Rubenstein at srubenstein@sfchronicle.com. \n,2001 San Francisco Chronicle? Page?A -_8 \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"} {"text": " big steamship. They're \nequipped for anything that could happen.\"\n?????One floor below, Cheryl Martin hears every day about people's fear of \nheights. In the year since she began answering phones in a law office, she \nhas often escorted clients afraid of express elevators that shudder and rise \nso fast that passengers' ears pop from the altitude gain.\n?????\"Everybody, and I mean everybody, asks, 'So, what happens during a power \noutage?' \" she said.\n?????Rory Thompson said he believes in karma and is sure that if the rolling \nblackouts come calling, his office will be spared. In July 1993, Thompson's \nbuilding was the site of an incident known as the 101 California St. \nmassacre, in which gunman Gian Luigi Ferri killed eight people and wounded \nsix before killing himself.\n?????\"This building has already had its bad day,\" he said. \"They say that the \nday after a crash is the safest day to ride an airline. So I'll take my \nchances with the rolling blackouts.\"\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nState Says It's Accelerating Plan to Buy Power Utilities' Grid \n\nGovernment: Talks with Edison are reported near completion, but agreement \nwith heavily indebted PG&E has a way to go. \n\nBy RONE TEMPEST and DAN MORAIN, Times Staff Writers \n\n?????SACRAMENTO--As blackouts hit California for a second day Tuesday, a key \nconsultant to Gov. Gray Davis said negotiations to buy the power grid owned \nby the state's largest utilities \"are proceeding at an accelerated pace.\"\n?????Wall Street consultant Joseph Fichera said talks with Southern \nCalifornia Edison could be wrapped up within days, although those with PG&E \nare much less advanced. \n?????The administration and PG&E have not reached even an agreement in \nprinciple, he said. PG&E, which has more debt than Edison, says its \ntransmission lines are more extensive than those of its Southern California \ncounterpart.\n?????The state wants to buy the utilities' transmission lines and other \nassets for about $7 billion to provide cash to the utilities, help stabilize \nthe electricity supply and ease the power crunch that has plagued California \n", "synonym_substitution": "big steamship. They're \n equipped for anything that could happen. \" \n? ?? ?? One floor downstairs, Cheryl Martin hear every day about people's fear of \n height. In the year since she began answer phones in a law agency, she \n has often escorted node afraid of express elevators that shudder and get up \n so fast that passengers' ears pop from the altitude addition. \n? ?? ?? \" Everybody, and I mean everybody, asks,' So, what happen during a power \n outage?' \" she said. \n? ?? ?? Rory Thompson said he believes in karma and is certain that if the rolling \n blackouts come calling, his office will be spar. In July 1993, Thompson's \n building was the site of an incident known as the 101 California St. \n massacre, in which gunman Gian Luigi Ferri killed eight people and wounded \n six before killing himself. \n? ?? ?? \" This building has already had its bad day, \" he said. \" They say that the \n day after a crash is the safest sidereal day to tease an airline. So I'll contract my \n chance with the rolling blackouts. \" \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n State Says It's Accelerating Plan to bribe Power Utilities' Grid \n\n Government: negotiation with Edison are reported near completion, but agreement \n with heavily indebted PG&E get a way to go. \n\n By RONE TEMPEST and DAN MORAIN, Times Staff Writers \n\n? ?? ?? SACRAMENTO -- As blackouts hit California for a second sidereal day Tuesday, a key \n consultant to Gov. Gray Davis said negotiations to buy the power grid own \n by the department of state's largest utilities \" are proceeding at an accelerated pace. \" \n? ?? ?? Wall Street adviser Joseph Fichera said talks with Southern \n California Edison could be wrapped up within days, although those with PG&E \n are much less advanced. \n? ?? ?? The administration and PG&E have not reached even an agreement in \n principle, he read. PG&E, which has more debt than Edison, says its \n transmission lines are more extensive than those of its Southern California \n counterpart. \n? ?? ?? The state of matter wants to bribe the utilities' transmission line and other \n assets for approximately $ 7 billion to provide cash to the utilities, help stabilize \n the electricity supply and ease the power crunch that has plagued California", "butter_fingers": " bih steamship. They're \nequipked for anything jhqt cound haplen.\"\n?????One fuoor below, Cheryl Martin heacs ecery eay about people's fear of \nheighns. In the yeac since she begai answerlug phkkes iu e law office, shg \nhas often ascorted cliends ayraid of express elevators that shudqer and rlse \nso fast thwt psfsenfvrw' ears pop from the altitude fain.\n?????\"Evegybody, and I mean everybody, asks, 'So, what haopend during a power \noktage?' \" she waid.\n?????Wiry Thompson said he btlneves in katma and is sure that if the rollkng \nbkackouts cimw cwnling, his ohfice rill be sparcc. In Jgly 1993, Thpmpson's \nbuildikg wav tye site of an incidenv known as the 101 Calisornia St. \nmcssacre, in which gunmqn Gian Luici Fderi kimlxd sight oeo'le and wouhded \nsix bedore killing himselg.\n?????\"Trpx building hzs alrqaqy had its bad day,\" he said. \"They say thau the \nday after a crash is tye safest day to ride an airlige. So I'll take my \nchances with the rolling blackogts.\"\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nStetd Scnf Ut'd Accelerating Plan to Buy Power Utilities' Grys \n\nBonernment: Talks wibh Edison are repottfd gear completiun, but agdeement \nwith heavipy indefted PG&E has a way to go. \n\nBy RONE TEMPEST and EAN MORAIN, Tpmes Staff Writers \n\n?????SACXAMENTO--As blcckoutx hit California for a seconb day Fuesday, a kfy \nconsulfxnt to Gov. Gray Aavps sdid negoukations to buy thq power gcid ocned \nby ghe xtate's largest uhilitlas \"are proceeding wt an awcelerated pace.\"\n?????Wall Street consultant Josx'h Fichera saod tanks with Soutmern \nCalifornia Edison could ye wrappzd up dithin daya, althongh those wieh PG&E \nare muwj less advanred. \n?????The aqminustrqtion ava PG&E have not reached vvtn an agrewment in \nprinciple, he aaid. PG&E, which kcs more debt than Edksog, dabs itf \ntransmissiot lives sre mure exttusiye ghan those of its Southesn Czlifornia \ncounterpsrb.\n?????The statg wants tj buy the utikities' transmissioj linxs and othet \nafsets for about $7 billion to prkvide casj tj the utilityes, melp stabilize \nthe electricity supply and ease the poxer crunch that has platued California \n", "random_deletion": "big steamship. They're equipped for anything that ?????One below, Cheryl hears every day In year since she answering phones in law office, she has often escorted afraid of express elevators that shudder and rise so fast that passengers' ears from the altitude gain. ?????\"Everybody, and I mean everybody, asks, 'So, what happens a outage?' she ?????Rory Thompson said he believes in karma and is sure that if the rolling blackouts come his office will be spared. In July 1993, building was the site an incident known as the California massacre, in gunman Luigi killed eight people wounded six before killing himself. ?????\"This building has already had its bad day,\" he said. \"They say the day crash is safest to an airline. So my chances with the rolling blackouts.\" Says It's Accelerating Plan to Buy Power Utilities' Government: Talks Edison are reported near completion, but with heavily indebted PG&E has a way to By RONE TEMPEST and DAN MORAIN, Times Staff Writers ?????SACRAMENTO--As blackouts hit California for a Tuesday, a key consultant Gov. Gray Davis negotiations buy power owned by state's largest utilities \"are proceeding at an accelerated pace.\" ?????Wall Street Joseph Fichera said talks with Southern California Edison could be within although those with are much less advanced. administration PG&E have not reached agreement principle, which more than Edison, says its lines are more extensive than of its Southern California buy the utilities' transmission lines and other assets about $7 billion to provide cash to utilities, help stabilize the electricity supply and ease the power crunch that plagued California", "change_char_case": " big steamship. They're \nequippeD for anythiNg thaT coUld HaPpen.\"\n?????one fLoor below, CheryL martIn hears every day about peOple's FeAR of \nhEIgHts. In The year SInCE She BeGaN anSwERiNg phoNes In a law oFfice, she \nhaS ofTeN escorted cliENtS afraid of eXprEss elevators ThaT shuddEr And RIse \nso FasT that PassenGErs' earS pop from tHe ALtitudE Gain.\n?????\"EveRYBoDy, anD I mean everybody, asKS, 'SO, What happens durIng a poWeR \nOuTAGe?' \" sHe sAid.\n?????Rory ThoMpSon saID he beliEVeS IN KarMA and is sure thaT if the rolliNG \nblAckoutS cOme CAlling, His ofFiCE wiLl be spared. IN JulY 1993, Thompson'S \nbuildINg was thE Site of aN incidEnt KnoWn as THe 101 caLifOrNIa ST. \nMaSsaCRe, iN which guNmAn gian LUigi fERRI kilLed EighT peopLe and wounded \nsIx bEforE KilLing hImselF.\n?????\"ThiS bUildiNg has aLreadY hAd its bad day,\" he saId. \"ThEy say that The \nDaY afTeR a craSH is the SafEst Day to riDe an airLIne. so i'LL TaKe my \nchances with the RoLLInG blackouTs.\"\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nStatE saYs iT's AcceleRaTinG PlaN TO Buy POwer uTiLities' GrId \n\nGoveRNmEnT: Talks wItH EdisoN aRe rEpoRted nEAr coMpletiOn, but agrEemenT \nWith heavily indEBted PG&E has a waY To GO. \n\nby roNE TeMPeST and DAN MOrAIN, tImes stafF wrIteRS \n\n?????SACRaMENTo--AS BlACkouts hit California FoR a secoNd day tuesday, a key \ncoNsultant to gOV. gray DaviS saiD NeGOtiations to buy The poWer grid ownED \nby the stAte's lArgest utIlities \"arE PRoceedinG at An aCceLerATEd Pace.\"\n?????Wall StreeT COnsuLtAnt JosePh FIchera sAid TalKs wIth soUthern \nCalIfornia EDiSoN cOuLd bE wrapPEd up withIn DayS, aLthOugh tHOse witH PG&E \naRe muCh LeSS adVanced. \n?????THE aDMInisTrAtIon aNd Pg&E Have nOt reACheD even an Agreement In \npRInciPlE, hE said. PG&e, which has more DeBt than EdisOn, SayS its \ntrANSmission Lines are more extensive thAN those oF itS SoutHern californiA \ncoUnterpArt.\n?????tHe statE wants To buy ThE utILIties' TRAnSmiSsIon lines anD OTheR \nasseTs For aBout $7 bilLion to provide cash tO The Utilities, help StaBiliZE \nThE elECtRIciTy SUppLY And ease the power Crunch that HaS PlAgued CalifORniA \n", "whitespace_perturbation": " big steamship. They're \ne quipped fo r any thi ngth at c ould happen.\"\n???? ? Onefloor below, Cheryl Ma rtinhe a rs e v er y day aboutp eo p l e's f ea r o fhe ights . I n the y ear sinceshe b egan answeri n gphones ina l aw office, s he\nhas o ft ene scort edclien ts afr a id ofexpress e le v atorst hat shu d d er and rise \nso fast th a tp assengers' ear s popfr o mt h e a lti tude gain. \n? ????\" E verybod y ,a n d Im ean everybody , asks, 'So , wh at hap pe nsd uringa pow er \nou tage?' \" sh e sa id.\n????? Rory T h ompsons aid hebeliev esinkarm a a nd is s u ret ha t i f th e rollin g\nb lacko utsc o m e cal lin g, h is of fice will bespa red. InJuly1993, Tho mp son's \nbuil dingwa s the site of a n in cident kn own a s t he 101C alifor nia St . \nmass acre, i n wh ic h g un man Gian Luigi Fer ri k il led eigh t peop l ean d wounded six bef o r e kil ling hi mself.\n? ????\"T h is b uilding h as alr ea dyhad itsb ad d ay,\" h e said.\"They say that the d ay after a cr a sh i st he s afe st day to r idea n ai rlin e .SoI 'll t ake m ych a nces with the rolli ng black outs. \"\n----------- ---------- - - - -------- ---- - -- - -------------- ----- ---------- - -------- \n---- -------- --------- - - -------- --- --- --- --- - - -- ------------- - - ---- -- ------Sta te Says It 'sAcc ele ra ting Plan to BuyPo we rUt ili ties' Grid \n\nG ov ern me nt: Talk s withEdiso n ar ere p ort ed near co m p leti on ,butagr ee ment\nwit h he avily i ndebted P G&E hasawa y to go . \n\nBy RONE T EM PEST and D AN MO RAIN,T i mes Staf f Writers \n\n?????SACRAM E NTO--As bl ackou ts h it Califo rni a fora s e cond d ay Tue sday, a ke y \ncons u l ta ntto Gov. Gray D avi s sai dnego tiation s to buy the power gri d owned \nby t hestat e ' slar g es t ut il i tie s \"are proceeding at an acc el e ra ted pace.\" ??? ?? Wall St reet co nsult a nt Jose ph Ficher a said ta lk s wi t h So uthern \nCa lifornia Edison c o uld b e w rappe d u p with in da ys, a lthoug h th ose w ith PG &E \naremuchle ss advan ced. \n?????The administ ration andPG& E have no t r e ach ed even a n ag reement in \np rin ciple , h e said . PG & E, wh i ch ha s mo r e debt th a nEdi s o n, says its t r a nsm issio n l i nes ar e mo re extensive than those of its S outh e r n C ali f orni a\ncounterpart.??? ?? T h e statewa nts to buythe util it i es' t ransmi ssionlines a n d o t her \na sset s f or about$7bi l lion to p ro v ide ca sh t othe ut ilitie s , he l p stabilize \ntheelect r i citys upp ly an dease th e pow er crunchthat has pl aguedCali forni a \n", "underscore_trick": " big_steamship. They're_\nequipped for anything that_could happen.\"\n?????One_floor_below, Cheryl_Martin_hears every day_about people's fear_of \nheights. In the_year since she_began_answering phones in a law office, she \nhas often escorted clients afraid of express_elevators_that shudder_and_rise_\nso fast that passengers' ears_pop from the altitude gain.\n?????\"Everybody,_and I_mean everybody, asks, 'So, what happens during a_power_\noutage?' \" she_said.\n?????Rory Thompson said he believes in karma and is_sure that if the rolling \nblackouts_come calling, his_office_will_be spared. In July_1993, Thompson's \nbuilding was the site_of an incident known as the_101 California St. \nmassacre, in which gunman_Gian Luigi Ferri killed eight people_and wounded \nsix before killing_himself.\n?????\"This building_has already had its bad_day,\" he said._\"They say_that the \nday_after a crash is the safest_day to ride_an airline. So I'll take my_\nchances_with the rolling_blackouts.\"\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nState_Says_It's Accelerating_Plan to Buy_Power_Utilities' Grid_\n\nGovernment:_Talks with Edison are reported near_completion,_but agreement \nwith heavily indebted PG&E has_a way to go._\n\nBy_RONE TEMPEST and DAN_MORAIN, Times Staff Writers \n\n?????SACRAMENTO--As_blackouts hit California for a second_day Tuesday,_a key_\nconsultant to Gov. Gray Davis said negotiations to buy the power_grid owned \nby the state's largest_utilities \"are proceeding at_an accelerated_pace.\"\n?????Wall_Street consultant Joseph_Fichera_said talks_with Southern \nCalifornia Edison could be wrapped_up within_days, although those with PG&E \nare_much less advanced. \n?????The_administration_and PG&E have not reached even_an agreement in \nprinciple, he said._PG&E, which has more debt_than_Edison,_says its \ntransmission lines are_more extensive than those of its_Southern California \ncounterpart.\n?????The_state wants to buy the utilities' transmission_lines_and other \nassets for about $7_billion_to provide cash to the utilities,_help_stabilize_\nthe electricity supply and ease_the power crunch that has plagued_California \n"} {"text": " favored strategies of each member of the CTS Brain\nTrust. Learn the best of what we have to offer for futures, futures\noptions, stock, and stock options QUICK trades. We've tested\nand studied hundreds of \"popular\" approaches, and have already\ndiscovered many that simply don't. Over all of these years of\nresearch & development, we've also discovered a select few that\nwe strongly favor. These powerful strategies are the one's we\nshare in S.T.A.R. in great detail.\n\nVolatile markets are made to be exploited by these strategies.\nFor the first time ever, you get the best of both Nick Van\nNice AND Glen Ring in one powerful ALL-NEW package. Order\nnow to get three VHS tapes totaling 7 (that's SEVEN) hours\nof quality education from Nick, Glen, Joe, and Andy- the\nwhole CTS Brain Trust in one Video package!\n\nGet the all-new CTS S.T.A.R. package for only $299 plus $15\nS&H. That's right! Our all-new top flight course is only\n$314 rushed right to you. This course is backed by our\nTOTAL SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. 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All investments carry risk and all trading decisions\nof an individual remain the responsibility of that individual.\nThere is no guarantee that systems, indicators, or trading\nsignals will result in profits or that they will not result in\nlosses", "synonym_substitution": "favored strategies of each member of the CTS Brain \n Trust. Learn the good of what we have to extend for futures, futures \n options, store, and stock options QUICK deal. We've test \n and studied hundred of \" democratic \" approaches, and have already \n discovered many that plainly don't. Over all of these years of \n inquiry & development, we've also discover a select few that \n we strongly prefer. These powerful strategies are the one's we \n share in S.T.A.R. in big detail. \n\n Volatile markets are construct to be exploited by these strategies. \n For the first time ever, you catch the best of both Nick Van \n Nice AND Glen Ring in one powerful ALL - NEW package. Order \n nowadays to get three VHS tapes totaling 7 (that's SEVEN) hours \n of quality education from Nick, Glen, Joe, and Andy- the \n whole CTS Brain Trust in one Video package! \n\n Get the wholly - fresh CTS S.T.A.R. package for entirely $ 299 plus $ 15 \n S&H. That's proper! Our all - new top flight path is only \n $ 314 rushed right to you. This course is bet on by our \n TOTAL SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. You have absolutely nothing \n to lose by taking this course and determine the most favored \n strategies of the entire CTS Brain Trust. \n\n orderliness online in the all fresh CTS Store at ctsTrader.com or \n call our friendly customer care representatives TOLL FREE \n 1 - 800 - 331 - 1069 (1 - 561 - 694 - 0960 for International Callers). \n Now is the meter. These markets are very favorable for quick \n net income and short holding periods. Order your S.T.A.R. software \n right now! \n\n Please Note: Please allow 3 - 6 weeks for manner of speaking. Futures \n and future options trading, broth and stock choice trading \n is speculative and involves solid hazard of loss. No \n liability is bear with respect to the use of the information \n incorporate in this package. There is a risk of passing in \n commodity, commodity option, stock, and breed option \n trading. All investments carry hazard and all trading decisions \n of an individual remain the responsibility of that individual. \n There is no guarantee that systems, indicators, or trading \n signal will leave in profit or that they will not result in \n losses", "butter_fingers": " fagored strategies of each member of the ERS Bramn\nTrust. Learn tfe best of what we have to ohfer for dutures, futures\noptions, stock, anf stock iptiibs QUICK tczdes. We'yz tesfcd\nand wtudied hundrecs of \"popunar\" approaches, avd have already\ndiscovered many that symply dpn'h. Over all of jhese reara of\nresearch & development, we've alsk disconered a select fee that\nwe strongly favor. Thfse oowerful strategied are the obe's rw\nshare in S.T.X.R. in greau betail.\n\nVolatjle markets are made to be expluited by these wteatfcies.\nFor the firsn time ever, you get tve best of both Nick Yan\nNire ABD Glen Ring in one pmwerful ALL-NEW pachage. Ordes\nnkw to get three VYS tapev todalivt 7 (ghau's XEBEN) hokrs\nkf quality education drom Nick, Glen, Joe, snq Andy- the\nwhols CTS Frwin Trust in one Video package!\n\nGet the anl-nsw CTS S.T.A.R. package for only $299 plus $15\nS&H. That's tight! Our wll-new top flight course is only\n$314 rushed right to fou. Tiir ciuvse kw hacked by our\nTOTAL SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. You gafe absolutely nobhing\nto lose by talijg jhis course ana learujnf the most favored\ndtrategyes od the entyre VTS Brain Trust.\n\nOrder online in the all uew CTS Store at ctsTxader.com or\nccll out friemdly customer care reprzsentafives TOLL VREE\n1-800-331-1069 (1-561-694-0960 for Knternational Caulegs).\nNof is the time. These marketf are verb favprable wor auick\npwofits and shorb holding periods. Ogder iour S.D.A.R. packagf\nright now!\n\nPlease Note: Please allow 3-6 weeks for dalinery. Futuxes\nand futures optijns trading, stpck and stocy options nrading\nis speculativq and involvev substantial risk of losw. No\noiabiligh is assumed woth respebt to rhe use of the infprmxfion\ncontained iu uhus package. Thete ks w gisl jx loss in\ncomkodigy, zpmmodkty option, wgock, and stock option\ntraging. All investments csrvy risk abd all twading decisipns\nof an individuap remein thx resppnsybility of that individual.\nThers is no gkarwntee that srstens, indicatorx, or trading\nsignals will result in profmts or that they will nit result in\nlosses", "random_deletion": "favored strategies of each member of the Trust. the best what we have options, and stock options trades. We've tested studied hundreds of \"popular\" approaches, and already discovered many that simply don't. Over all of these years of research development, we've also discovered a select few that we strongly favor. These powerful are one's share S.T.A.R. in great detail. Volatile markets are made to be exploited by these strategies. For the time ever, you get the best of both Van Nice AND Glen in one powerful ALL-NEW package. now get three tapes 7 SEVEN) hours of education from Nick, Glen, Joe, and Andy- the whole CTS Brain Trust in one Video package! Get all-new CTS for only plus S&H. right! Our all-new course is only $314 rushed right course is backed by our TOTAL SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. have absolutely to lose by taking this course learning the most favored strategies of the entire Brain Trust. Order online in the all new CTS Store at ctsTrader.com or call our care representatives TOLL FREE (1-561-694-0960 for International Now the These are very for quick profits and short holding periods. Order your S.T.A.R. package now! Please Note: Please allow 3-6 weeks for delivery. Futures options stock and stock trading is speculative and substantial of loss. No liability with to the contained this package. There is risk of loss in commodity, option, stock, and stock risk and all trading decisions of an individual the responsibility of that individual. There is guarantee that systems, indicators, or trading signals will result in profits or they will in losses", "change_char_case": " favored strategies of each meMber of the CtS BraIn\nTRusT. LEarn The bEst of what we havE To ofFer for futures, futures\nopTions, StOCk, anD StOck opTions QUicK TRAdeS. WE'vE teStED\naNd stuDieD hundreDs of \"populaR\" apPrOaches, and havE AlReady\ndiscoVerEd many that siMplY don't. OVeR alL Of theSe yEars oF\nreseaRCh & deveLopment, we'Ve ALso disCOvered a SELeCt feW that\nwe strongly faVOr. tHese powerful stRategiEs ARe THE onE's wE\nshare in S.T.a.R. In greAT detail.\n\nvOlATILe mARkets are made tO be exploiteD By tHese stRaTegIEs.\nFor tHe firSt TIme Ever, you get tHe beSt of both NIck Van\nnIce AND GLEn Ring iN one poWerFul aLL-New pAcKagE. ORDer\nNOw To gET thRee VHS taPeS tOtaliNg 7 (thAT'S seVEN) HouRs\nof QualiTy education frOm NIck, GLEn, JOe, and andy- tHe\nwhOlE CTS BRain TrUst in OnE Video package!\n\nGeT the All-new CTS s.T.A.r. pAckAgE for oNLy $299 plus $15\ns&H. THat'S right! OUr all-neW Top FlIGHT cOurse is only\n$314 rushed rIgHT To You. This cOurse iS BaCkED by our\nTOtAl SAtISFactION GuARAntEe. You have AbsoluTElY nOthing\ntO lOse by tAkIng ThiS courSE and LearniNg the mosT favoREd\nstrategies of THe entire CTS BrAIn tRUsT.\n\nordeR onLine in the alL new ctS StOre aT CtSTrADer.coM or\ncaLl OUr FRiendly customer care RePresenTativEs TOLL FREE\n1-800-331-1069 (1-561-694-0960 for internatioNAL callers).\nNOw is THe TIme. These marketS are vEry favorabLE for quicK\nprofIts and shOrt holdinG PEriods. OrDer YouR S.T.a.R. pACKaGe\nright now!\n\nPleASE NotE: PLease alLow 3-6 Weeks foR deLivEry. futUrEs\nand futuRes optioNs TrAdInG, stOck anD Stock optIoNs tRaDinG\nis spECulatiVe and InvoLvEs SUbsTantial RIsK OF losS. NO\nlIabiLitY iS assuMed wITh rEspect tO the use of The INforMaTiOn\ncontaIned in this pacKaGe. There is a RiSk oF loss iN\nCOmmodity, Commodity option, stock, and STock optIon\nTradiNg. AlL investmeNts Carry rIsk ANd all tRading DecisIoNs\noF AN indiVIDuAl rEmAin the respONSibIlity Of That IndividUal.\nThere is no guaranTEe tHat systems, indIcaTors, OR TrAdiNG\nsIGnaLs WIll RESult in profits or That they wiLl NOt Result in\nloSSes", "whitespace_perturbation": " favored strategies of eac h member o f the CT S B ra in\nT rust . Learn the be s t of what we have to offer forfu t ures , f uture s\noptio n s, s toc k, a ndst o ck opti ons QUICKtrades. We 've t ested\nand st u di ed hundred s o f \"popular\"app roache s, an d have al ready \ndisco v ered m any thatsi m ply do n 't. Ove r al l of these years of\nr e se a rch & developm ent, w e' v ea l sodis covered ase lectf ew that we s t ron g ly favor. The se powerful str ategie sare the on e's w es har e in S.T.A. R. i n great d etail. \nVolati l e marke ts are ma deto b e e xp loi te d by th ese str ategies. \nF or thefirs t t i me e ver , yo u get the best ofbot h Ni c k V an\nNi ce AN D Gl en Ring in on e pow er ful ALL-NEW pac kage . Order\nn owto ge tthree VHS ta pes to taling7 (that ' s S EV E N ) h ours\nof quality ed uc a t io n from N ick, G l en ,J oe, andAn dy- the w holeCTSB ra in Trust in on e V id eo pack ag e!\n\nGe tthe al l-new CTSS.T.A. R. packa ge fo r only $299 plu s $15\nS&H. Tha t 's r ig h t! O urall-new top fli g ht c ours e i s o n ly\n$3 14 ru sh e dr ight to you. This c ou rse is back ed by our\nTOT AL SATISFA C T I ON GUARA NTEE . Y o u have absolut ely n othing\ntol ose by t aking this co urse andl e arning t hemos t f avo r e dstrategies of t he e nt ire CTS Br ain Tru st. \n\nO rde r o nl ine in th e all ne wCT SSt ore at c t sTrader. co m o rcal l our friend ly cu stom er c a rereprese n ta t i vesTO LL FRE E\n1 -8 00-33 1-10 6 9 ( 1-561-6 94-0960 f orI nter na ti onal Ca llers).\nNow i sthe time.Th ese marke t s are ver y favorable for quick\np r ofits a ndshort hol ding peri ods . Orde r y o ur S.T .A.R.packa ge \nri g h t now ! \nP lea se Note: Ple a s e a llow3- 6 we eks for delivery. Futures and futures opti ons tra d i ng , s t oc k an ds toc k options trading \nis specul at i ve and invol v essu bstanti al risk of l o ss. Noliability is assum ed wit h res pect to th e use of the info r matio n \nc ontai ned in th is pa ckage . Ther e is a ri sk oflo ss incommo di ty, comm odity option, stock, an d stoc k opt ion \ntrading. Al l in vestments car ry risk an d a lltradi ngd ecisi onso fani ndivi dual remain th e r esp o n si bility of t h a t in divid ual . \nThere isno guarantee that systems, indic ator s , or tr a ding \ns ignals will re sul ti n profits o r that they will no tr esult in\nlo sses", "underscore_trick": " favored_strategies of_each member of the_CTS Brain\nTrust._Learn_the best_of_what we have_to offer for_futures, futures\noptions, stock, and_stock options QUICK_trades._We've tested\nand studied hundreds of \"popular\" approaches, and have already\ndiscovered many that simply don't._Over_all of_these_years_of\nresearch & development, we've also_discovered a select few that\nwe_strongly favor._These powerful strategies are the one's we\nshare in_S.T.A.R._in great detail.\n\nVolatile_markets are made to be exploited by these strategies.\nFor_the first time ever, you get_the best of_both_Nick_Van\nNice AND Glen Ring_in one powerful ALL-NEW package. Order\nnow_to get three VHS tapes totaling_7 (that's SEVEN) hours\nof quality education from_Nick, Glen, Joe, and Andy- the\nwhole_CTS Brain Trust in one_Video package!\n\nGet_the all-new CTS S.T.A.R. package_for only $299_plus $15\nS&H._That's right! Our_all-new top flight course is only\n$314_rushed right to_you. This course is backed by_our\nTOTAL_SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. You_have_absolutely_nothing\nto lose_by taking this_course_and learning_the_most favored\nstrategies of the entire CTS_Brain_Trust.\n\nOrder online in the all new CTS_Store at ctsTrader.com or\ncall_our_friendly customer care representatives_TOLL FREE\n1-800-331-1069 (1-561-694-0960 for International_Callers).\nNow is the time. These markets_are very_favorable for_quick\nprofits and short holding periods. Order your S.T.A.R. package\nright now!\n\nPlease Note:_Please allow 3-6 weeks for delivery._Futures\nand futures options trading,_stock and_stock_options trading\nis speculative_and_involves substantial_risk of loss. No\nliability is assumed with_respect to_the use of the information\ncontained in_this package. There is_a_risk of loss in\ncommodity, commodity option,_stock, and stock option\ntrading. All investments_carry risk and all trading_decisions\nof_an_individual remain the responsibility of_that individual.\nThere is no guarantee that_systems, indicators, or_trading\nsignals will result in profits or that_they_will not result in\nlosses"} {"text": ", Tom White and Jack Urquhart both serve on the \nCCSI Boards of Directors, and Jack serves on the Catalytica Inc. Board.\n\nUnder an Omnibus Agreement entered into in September 2000, in connection with \nthe restructuring of Enron's transactions with CCSI and in connection with \nthe proposed acquisition of Catalytica, Inc, by a third party ( DSM, a Dutch \npharmaceutical company) and the distribution of Catalytica's CCSI shares to \nCatalytica's stockholders immediately prior to that acquisition, we agreed to \nconvert the Series B to CCSI common, agreed to vote for a 2 for 1 stock \nsplit, and negotiated a cashless exercise of the option after the effective \ndate of the spin off. The effectiveness of these provisions is dependent upon \nthe effectiveness of distribution and acquisition The option itself ( as \namended by the Omnibus Agreement and otherwise ) expires January 14, 2001. \nThe distribution is expected to occur in the fourth quarter of 2000, but is \nsubject to a variety of conditions. After the distribution and concurrent \nclosing of the Catalyica acquisition transaction, CCSI ( which formerly \nlooked to its parent for financing and much of its administrative and other \nsupport) will be a stand- alone public company listed on NASDAQ, with the \nuncertainties attendant thereto. \n\nThe Omnibus Agreement also contains provisions amending Sundance's \nregistration rights, the board representation provisions in the original \nStock Purchase Agreement, and certain transfer restrictions ( to liberalize \nthem and allow the Raptor transaction to take place). There are also \nagreements related to Enron North America's Xonon Technology Implementation \nAgreement with GE and West LB, which do not directly affect the Series B \nPreferred. These provisions instead go to the development program for CCSI's \ntechnology, to which ENA contributes funding, and conform that agreement to a \nchange in CCSI's and GE's strategy for commercializing the technology. The \nfunding obligation itself is interconnected with the turbine purchases for \nENA's Pastoria project in California, but I don't believe that transaction \nneeds analysis for these purposes, \n\nTo comply with SEC rules in connection with the distribution, CCSI has filed \nan S-1 registration statement registering the CCSI common stock to be \n", "synonym_substitution": ", Tom White and Jack Urquhart both serve on the \n CCSI Boards of Directors, and Jack serves on the Catalytica Inc. Board. \n\n Under an Omnibus Agreement entered into in September 2000, in connection with \n the restructuring of Enron's minutes with CCSI and in association with \n the proposed acquisition of Catalytica, Inc, by a third party (DSM, a Dutch \n pharmaceutical company) and the distribution of Catalytica's CCSI share to \n Catalytica's stockholders immediately prior to that acquisition, we harmonize to \n commute the Series B to CCSI common, agree to vote for a 2 for 1 stock \n split, and negotiate a cashless exercise of the option after the effective \n date of the tailspin off. The effectiveness of these provisions is dependent upon \n the effectiveness of distribution and acquisition The option itself (as \n amended by the Omnibus Agreement and differently) expires January 14, 2001. \n The distribution is expected to occur in the fourth stern of 2000, but is \n subject to a variety of condition. After the distribution and coincident \n closing of the Catalyica acquisition transaction, CCSI (which formerly \n looked to its parent for financing and much of its administrative and other \n support) will be a stand- alone public ship's company listed on NASDAQ, with the \n uncertainties attendant thereto. \n\n The Omnibus Agreement also contains provisions amending Sundance's \n registration rights, the board representation provisions in the original \n Stock Purchase Agreement, and certain transfer restrictions (to liberalize \n them and allow the Raptor transaction to take topographic point). There are also \n agreement relate to Enron North America's Xonon Technology Implementation \n Agreement with GE and West LB, which do not directly affect the Series B \n Preferred. These provisions instead go to the development program for CCSI's \n engineering, to which ENA contributes funding, and conform that agreement to a \n change in CCSI's and GE's strategy for commercializing the technology. The \n funding obligation itself is interconnected with the turbine purchases for \n ENA's Pastoria project in California, but I don't believe that transaction \n need analysis for these purpose, \n\n To comply with SEC rules in connection with the distribution, CCSI has filed \n an S-1 registration statement register the CCSI common stock to be", "butter_fingers": ", Tol White and Jack Urquharu both serve on tkw \nCCSI Boarda of Dirdctors, and Jack serves on thx Caralytuca Inc. Board.\n\nUnder an Umnibus Ahreement enttred into in Septxjber 2000, ik conhcctiou xith \nthe restrugturing of Anron's transacdiund with CCSI and in connection with \nehe proloded acquisitiog of Satamjtlca, Inc, by a third party ( DSM, a Sutch \npiarmaceutical cpmpany) and the distributiln ov Catalytica's CCSI shares to \nXatajttica's stockfolders immediately prjor to that acquisition, we agredd to \nconvert tye Seghes B to CCWI coimon, agreed bp vote for a 2 for 1 stock \nspkit, ane negotiated a cashlevs exercise of the option axtzr the effective \ndate od the spit ofw. Thd erfxctjvenesd oh these probisions is eependent upon \nthe tffqbyiveness of sistrifueion and acquisition The option itself ( as \namended by the Omnibus Agreement and otherwlse ) expiwes January 14, 2001. \nThe distribution is expected to occgr in ghe fjjetj quarter of 2000, but is \nsubject to a variety of skncinions. After the dlstribution and comckrtgnt \nclosing of the Ccfamyica acquisition hransacjion, CXSI ( whicr fotmerly \nlooked to its parent for financiug qnd much of its adlinistrativz and pther \nsupport) will be a stanb- alons public colpany lisfdd on NASDAQ, witf tme \ngncertainties attendant thqreto. \n\nThe Omnnbus Agrdememt alsj contains provlvions amending Sunfance'd \nsegistratiln rights, the board representatmpn provisionx hn nhe origiual \nStpck Purchase Wgreement, and eertain cransfdr restricnions ( to liberalize \nthem and allma the Raptor transaceion to rake plxze). There are akso \nagreements relared to Enron North Amgrjca's Xonon Techuuoogy Implementayiov \nAdrvemxnt wydh GE and Wevt LC, wfoch du not direcbly affrct the Series B \nPrexerrsd. These provisionx lnstead gi to the development lrogram for CCSI's \nuechnonogb, to wnicr ENA contributes funding, and donform tjat agreement tj a \nghande in CCSI'x and GE's strategy for commercializing vhe technology. The \nfundung obligation itsekn is intercoinecteq with tha turbine purchases dor \nENA's Pastoria project in Californiz, but H don'h believe that transaction \nneeds analysis for these purposes, \n\nTo comply wirh SEC rules in cohnecyion fich che diseribntmon, CCSI has filec \nan S-1 registration statement rxgistering tke CCSI common stock to be \n", "random_deletion": ", Tom White and Jack Urquhart both the Boards of and Jack serves Under Omnibus Agreement entered in September 2000, connection with the restructuring of Enron's with CCSI and in connection with the proposed acquisition of Catalytica, Inc, by third party ( DSM, a Dutch pharmaceutical company) and the distribution of Catalytica's shares Catalytica's immediately to that acquisition, we agreed to convert the Series B to CCSI common, agreed to vote a 2 for 1 stock split, and negotiated cashless exercise of the after the effective date of spin The effectiveness these is upon the effectiveness distribution and acquisition The option itself ( as amended by the Omnibus Agreement and otherwise ) expires 14, 2001. is expected occur the quarter of 2000, subject to a variety of conditions. and concurrent closing of the Catalyica acquisition transaction, ( which looked to its parent for financing much of its administrative and other support) will a stand- alone public company listed on NASDAQ, with the uncertainties attendant thereto. The Omnibus contains provisions amending Sundance's rights, the board provisions the Stock Agreement, and transfer restrictions ( to liberalize them and allow the Raptor transaction take place). There are also agreements related to Enron North Technology Agreement with GE West LB, which do directly the Series B Preferred. instead to for technology, which ENA contributes funding, conform that agreement to a in CCSI's and GE's The funding obligation itself is interconnected with the purchases for ENA's Pastoria project in California, I don't believe that transaction needs analysis for these purposes, To comply SEC rules with the distribution, CCSI has filed an S-1 statement registering the CCSI stock to be", "change_char_case": ", Tom White and Jack Urquhart boTh serve on tHe \nCCSi BoArdS oF DirEctoRs, and Jack serveS On thE Catalytica Inc. Board.\n\nUndEr an OMnIBus AGReEment Entered INtO IN SePtEmBer 2000, In COnNectiOn wIth \nthe rEstructuriNg oF ENron's transacTIoNs with CCSI And In connection WitH \nthe prOpOseD AcquiSitIon of catalyTIca, Inc, By a third pArTY ( DSM, a DUTch \npharMACeUticAl company) and the diSTrIBution of CatalyTica's CcSi ShAREs tO \nCaTalytica's sToCkholDErs immeDIaTELY prIOr to that acquiSition, we agrEEd tO \nconveRt The sEries B To CCSi cOMmoN, agreed to voTe foR a 2 for 1 stocK \nsplit, ANd negotIAted a caShless ExeRciSe of THe OpTioN aFTer THe EffECtiVe \ndate of ThE sPin ofF. The EFFECtivEneSs of These Provisions is dEpeNdenT UpoN \nthe eFfectIvenEsS of diStribuTion aNd Acquisition The oPtioN itself ( as \nAmeNdEd bY tHe OmnIBus AgrEemEnt And otheRwise ) exPIreS JANUArY 14, 2001. \nThe distribution is ExPECtEd to occuR in the FOuRtH Quarter oF 2000, bUt iS \nsubJECt to a VariETy Of conditIons. AfTEr ThE distriBuTion anD cOncUrrEnt \nclOSing Of the CAtalyica AcquiSItion transactiON, CCSI ( which forMErLY \nLoOKed tO itS parent for fInanCIng aNd muCH oF itS AdminIstraTiVE aND other \nsupport) will be A sTand- alOne puBlic company liSted on NASDaq, WIth the \nunCertAInTIes attendant thEreto. \n\nthe Omnibus aGreement Also cOntains pRovisions AMEnding SuNdaNce'S \nreGisTRAtIon rights, the bOARd rePrEsentatIon ProvisiOns In tHe oRigInAl \nStock PuRchase AgReEmEnT, aNd cErtaiN Transfer ReStrIcTioNs ( to lIBeraliZe \ntheM and AlLoW The raptor tRAnSACtioN tO tAke pLacE). THere aRe alSO \nagReementS related tO EnROn NoRtH AMerica's xonon TechnoloGy implementaTiOn \nAGreemeNT With GE anD West LB, which do not directLY affect The serieS B \nPrEferred. ThEse ProvisIonS InsteaD go to tHe devElOpmENT progRAM fOr CcSi's \ntechnoloGY, To wHich EnA ContRibutes Funding, and conform tHAt aGreement to a \nchAngE in Ccsi's And ge's STraTeGY foR COmmercializing tHe technoloGy. tHe \nFunding oblIGatIoN itself Is interConneCTed with The turbinE purchaseS fOr \nENa'S pasToria projeCt in CaliFornia, but i Don't bELiEve thAt tRansacTiOn \nnEeds aNalysiS For These PurposEs, \n\nto compLy witH SeC rules iN connection with the distrIbutioN, CCSI Has Filed \nan S-1 rEgiSTraTion stateMent RegisterinG thE CCsI comMon STock tO be \n", "whitespace_perturbation": ", Tom White and Jack Urquh art both s erveonthe CCSI Boa rds of Directo r s, a nd Jack serves on theCatal yt i ca I n c. Boar d.\n\nUnd e ra n Om ni bu s A gr e em ent e nte red int o in Septe mbe r2000, in con n ec tion with\nth e restructur ing of En ro n's trans act ionswith C C SI and in conne ct i on wit h \nthe p r o po sedacquisition of Ca t al y tica, Inc, bya thir dp ar t y (DSM , a Dutch\np harma c eutical co m p a ny) and the dist ribution of Cat alytic a' s C C SI sha res t oCat alytica's s tock holders i mmedia t ely pri o r to th at acq uis iti on,w eag ree dt o c on ver t th e Series B t o CCS I co m m o n , ag ree d to vote for a 2 for1 s tock \nsp lit,and n egot ia ted a cashl ess e xe rcise of the op tion after th e e ff ect iv e \nda t e of t hespi n off.The eff e cti ve n e s sof these provision si s d ependent uponth ee ffective ne ssof d i s tribu tion an d acquis itionT he o ption i ts elf (as \na men ded b y the Omnib us Agree menta nd otherwise ) expires Janua r y1 4 ,2 001. \nT he distribu tion is e xpec t ed to occur in t he fo u rth quarter of 2000 ,but is \nsub ject to a var iety of co n d i tions. A fter th e distributionand c oncurrentclosingof th e Cataly ica acqui s i tion tra nsa cti on, CC S I ( which former l y \nlo ok ed to i tsparentfor fi nan cin gand muchof its a dm in is tr ati ve an d other su ppo rt ) w ill b e a sta nd- a lone p ub l iccompany li s t ed o nNA SDAQ , w it h the \nun c ert ainties attendan t t h eret o. \nThe Om nibus Agreeme nt also cont ai nsprovis i o ns amend ing Sundance's \nregistr a tion ri ght s, th e bo ard repre sen tation pr o vision s in t he or ig ina l \nStoc k Pu rch as e Agreemen t , an d cer ta in t ransfer restrictions ( to lib eralize \nthem an d al l o wthe Ra p tor t r ans a c tion to take pl ace). Ther ea re also \nagr e eme nt s relat ed to E nronN orth Am erica's X onon Tech no logy I mpl ementation \nAgreem ent withG E and We st LB , w hich d onot dire ctly a f fec t the Serie sB \nPre ferre d. These p rovisions instead go to the d evelo pme nt progra m f o r C CSI's \nte chno logy, to w hic h E NA co ntr i butes fun d in g,a nd co nfor m that agr e em ent t oa \nchange i n C CSI 's an d G E 's str ateg y for commerciali z ing the techno logy . The \nf u ndin gobligation its elf i s intercon ne cted with t he turbi ne purch ases f or \nEN A's Pas t o ri a proje ct i n C alifornia , b ut I don't b el i eve th at t ra nsacti on \nne e ds a n a lysis for thesepurpo s e s, \nT o c omply w ith SEC rule s in conne ction withthe di stri butio n, CCSI h as fil ed\na n S-1 regi s tration s tatem ent reg is teri ngthe CC SI c o m mon s tock t o b e \n", "underscore_trick": ", Tom_White and_Jack Urquhart both serve_on the_\nCCSI_Boards of_Directors,_and Jack serves_on the Catalytica_Inc. Board.\n\nUnder an Omnibus_Agreement entered into_in_September 2000, in connection with \nthe restructuring of Enron's transactions with CCSI and in_connection_with \nthe_proposed_acquisition_of Catalytica, Inc, by a_third party ( DSM, a_Dutch \npharmaceutical_company) and the distribution of Catalytica's CCSI_shares_to \nCatalytica's stockholders_immediately prior to that acquisition, we agreed to \nconvert_the Series B to CCSI common,_agreed to vote_for_a_2 for 1 stock_\nsplit, and negotiated a cashless exercise_of the option after the effective_\ndate of the spin off. The effectiveness_of these provisions is dependent upon_\nthe effectiveness of distribution and_acquisition The_option itself ( as \namended_by the Omnibus_Agreement and_otherwise ) expires_January 14, 2001. \nThe distribution is_expected to occur_in the fourth quarter of 2000,_but_is \nsubject to_a_variety_of conditions._After the distribution_and_concurrent \nclosing_of_the Catalyica acquisition transaction, CCSI (_which_formerly \nlooked to its parent for financing_and much of its_administrative_and other \nsupport) will_be a stand- alone public_company listed on NASDAQ, with the_\nuncertainties attendant_thereto. \n\nThe_Omnibus Agreement also contains provisions amending Sundance's \nregistration rights, the board_representation provisions in the original \nStock_Purchase Agreement, and certain_transfer restrictions_(_to liberalize \nthem_and_allow the_Raptor transaction to take place). There are_also \nagreements_related to Enron North America's Xonon_Technology Implementation \nAgreement with_GE_and West LB, which do not_directly affect the Series B \nPreferred._These provisions instead go to_the_development_program for CCSI's \ntechnology, to_which ENA contributes funding, and conform_that agreement to_a \nchange in CCSI's and GE's strategy_for_commercializing the technology. The \nfunding obligation_itself_is interconnected with the turbine purchases_for_\nENA's_Pastoria project in California, but_I don't believe that transaction \nneeds_analysis for these purposes, \n\nTo comply with SEC rules_in connection with_the distribution, CCSI has filed_\nan_S-1_registration statement registering the CCSI common stock to be \n"} {"text": " Southern California Gas, which created the Sempra Energy \nholding company\n and gave it more customers--21 million--than any other utility company in \nthe nation.\n\n Now, although the calendar says autumn is less than a week away, warm \nweather still has\n Sempra sweating through a summer of electricity discontent. And winter \ndoesn't look like\n much fun either for Sempra or its natural-gas customers, with residential \ngas bills projected\n to increase 30% to 35% without fueling anything above a strictly regulated \nrate of return for\n Sempra's gas utilities.\n\n Hanging over the San Diego-based energy company is a new uncertainty \ngenerated by the\n turmoil in California's restructuring electricity industry. Of particular \nconcern to the\n investment community is a rapidly swelling debt caused by the difference \nbetween the high\n wholesale cost of electricity and the freshly capped retail power rates for \nthe 1.2 million\n customers of San Diego Gas & Electric.\n\n Who will pay that debt--Sempra Energy's shareholders or SDG&E's electricity\n customers--and how big it will grow may not be known for years. The answer \nwill hinge in\n part on an investigation of SDG&E's conduct by the California Public \nUtilities Commission.\n\n In the meantime, Sempra Energy, whose two utilities serve nearly 7 million \ngas and\n electricity meters representing about 21 million customers from Central \nCalifornia to the\n Mexican border, continues to post sparkling earnings largely because of its \nnon-utility\n businesses. Sempra wants to be much more than its utilities, pushing into \nenergy trading\n and electricity and natural-gas contracting outside of California.\n\n Indeed, Sempra has stressed that recent profit surges came not at the \nexpense of its\n California utility customers. Consumer advocates are not persuaded, \npainting Sempra as a\n profit-hungry company that has not done enough to protect ratepayers.\n\n Despite all the tumult, Sempra's previously languid stock price has risen a \nbit this summer,\n a fact that appears to amaze even Stephen L. Baum, Sempra's new chairman \nand chief\n ", "synonym_substitution": "Southern California Gas, which created the Sempra Energy \n holding company \n and gave it more customers--21 million -- than any early utility program caller in \n the nation. \n\n Now, although the calendar allege autumn is less than a week aside, warm \n weather still have \n Sempra sweating through a summer of electricity discontent. And winter \n doesn't expect like \n much fun either for Sempra or its natural - gas customer, with residential \n gas bills project \n to increase 30% to 35% without fueling anything above a strictly regulate \n rate of return for \n Sempra's gas utility. \n\n Hanging over the San Diego - based energy company is a fresh uncertainty \n generated by the \n turmoil in California's restructuring electricity industry. Of especial \n concern to the \n investment community is a rapidly swelling debt caused by the difference \n between the high \n wholesale cost of electricity and the freshly capped retail power rates for \n the 1.2 million \n customers of San Diego Gas & Electric. \n\n Who will pay that debt -- Sempra Energy's shareholders or SDG&E's electricity \n customer -- and how large it will grow may not be sleep together for days. The answer \n will hinge in \n part on an investigation of SDG&E's behavior by the California Public \n Utilities Commission. \n\n In the meantime, Sempra Energy, whose two utilities serve nearly 7 million \n accelerator and \n electricity meters representing about 21 million customers from Central \n California to the \n Mexican border, continues to post sparkling wage largely because of its \n non - utility \n businesses. Sempra wants to be much more than its utilities, press into \n department of energy trading \n and electricity and lifelike - accelerator contracting outside of California. \n\n Indeed, Sempra has stressed that recent net income surges came not at the \n expense of its \n California utility customers. Consumer advocates are not persuaded, \n painting Sempra as a \n profit - hungry party that has not done enough to protect ratepayers. \n\n Despite all the commotion, Sempra's previously languid stock price has risen a \n snatch this summer, \n a fact that appears to perplex even Stephen L. Baum, Sempra's new chairman \n and chief", "butter_fingers": " Sokthern California Gas, whlch created the Sempra Xnergy \ngolding zompany\n and gave it more cudtimers--21 million--than any other utility bompany ib \ntht nation.\n\n Now, altikugh thc calskdar veys autumn is lgss than a waek away, warm \nfextker still has\n Sempra sweating throudh a sukmfr of electricyty cyscohnekt. And winter \ndoesn't look like\n juch fui either for Sekpra or its natural-gas cushomegs, with residentiap \ngas bills protwcted\n to inzrease 30% to 35% without fugling anything above a strictly fegulcted \nrate od eetktn for\n Sempca's gaf utilities.\n\n Hanging over tne San Diego-baxed enwrgy company is a new uncertainty \ngenerwted by tve\n turmoil in Calidoenia's resdrucgyrivg tlertrjcity lndnstry. Of padticular \ncobcern to the\n invesumegn community ia a ra[iqly swelling debt caused by the differetce \nbetween the high\n wholwsale cost of electrifity and ehe freshly capped retail power rates for \nthe 1.2 minlion\n cuwtjowrd of San Diego Gas & Electric.\n\n Who will pay thwf cent--Sempra Energy's shareholdets ot SDG&E's electrkcity\n cuatomers--and how big it wilj groq may not be lnown for years. The answer \nqill hinge iu\n part on an investiyation of SDY&E's comduct by the California Publnc \nUtimities Commlssion.\n\n Ih the meantime, Seoprs Anergy, whose two utilities serve neerly 7 milliov \ngax and\n electricihy mebars representing ahout 21 mhllion cushomers from Central \nCalifornia vp the\n Mexicsn bogder, contnnues bo post sparkligg earnings latgely beccuse ow its \nnon-unility\n bnsinesses. Seipra wants to he much more than itf utulitues, pusfkng into \nenergu trading\n and elecrricity and naturak-gar contracting oucrude of Californoa.\n\n Inqevd, Xei[ra has strevsed thxy recdnt profit wjrgex came not at the \nex[enss of its\n Californoa utility customews. Consumer acvocates are not ptrsuadxd, \npaiiting Xemkra as a\n profit-hungry company fhat has jot done enough to irotgct ratepayzrs.\n\n Despite all the tumult, Sempra's prevmously languid stock ptice has risen a \nbit jhix summer,\n a fact that appaars to amaze even Srephen L. Baum, Semkra's new chairman \nand cgief\n ", "random_deletion": "Southern California Gas, which created the Sempra company gave it customers--21 million--than any nation. although the calendar autumn is less a week away, warm weather still Sempra sweating through a summer of electricity discontent. And winter doesn't look like fun either for Sempra or its natural-gas customers, with residential gas bills projected increase to without anything above a strictly regulated rate of return for Sempra's gas utilities. Hanging over the San energy company is a new uncertainty generated by turmoil in California's restructuring industry. Of particular concern to investment is a swelling caused the difference between high wholesale cost of electricity and the freshly capped retail power rates for the 1.2 million customers San Diego Electric. Who pay debt--Sempra shareholders or SDG&E's how big it will grow may for years. The answer will hinge in part an investigation SDG&E's conduct by the California Public Commission. In the meantime, Sempra Energy, whose two serve nearly 7 million gas and electricity meters representing about 21 million customers from Central the Mexican border, continues post sparkling earnings because its businesses. wants to much more than its utilities, pushing into energy trading and electricity natural-gas contracting outside of California. Indeed, Sempra has stressed that surges not at the of its California utility Consumer are not persuaded, painting a company done to ratepayers. Despite all the Sempra's previously languid stock price risen a bit this to amaze even Stephen L. Baum, Sempra's new and chief", "change_char_case": " Southern California Gas, whicH created thE SempRa ENerGy \nHoldIng cOmpany\n and gave iT More Customers--21 million--than anY otheR uTIlitY CoMpany In \nthe naTIoN.\n\n nOw, aLtHoUgh ThE CaLendaR saYs autumN is less thaN a wEeK away, warm \nweaTHeR still has\n SEmpRa sweating thRouGh a sumMeR of ELectrIciTy disContenT. and winTer \ndoesn't LoOK like\n mUCh fun eiTHEr For SEmpra or its natural-GAs CUstomers, with reSidentIaL \nGaS BIllS prOjected\n to iNcRease 30% TO 35% withouT FuELINg aNYthing above a sTrictly reguLAteD \nrate oF rEtuRN for\n SeMpra's GaS UtiLities.\n\n HangiNg ovEr the San DIego-baSEd energY Company Is a new UncErtAintY \nGeNeRatEd BY thE\n TuRmoIL in californIa'S rEstruCturING ELectRicIty iNdustRy. Of particulaR \ncoNcerN To tHe\n invEstmeNt coMmUnity Is a rapIdly sWeLling debt caused By thE differenCe \nbEtWeeN tHe higH\n WholesAle CosT of elecTricity ANd tHe FREShLy capped retail poweR rATEs For \nthe 1.2 miLlion\n cUStOmERs of San DIeGo GAs & ElECTric.\n\n WHo wiLL pAy that deBt--SempRA ENeRgy's shaReHolderS oR SDg&E's ElectRIcitY\n custoMers--and hOw big IT will grow may noT Be known for yeaRS. THE AnSWer \nwIll Hinge in\n part On an INvesTigaTIoN of sdG&E's cOnducT bY ThE california Public \nUtiLiTies CoMmissIon.\n\n In the meantIme, Sempra ENERGy, whose tWo utILiTIes serve nearly 7 MilliOn \ngas and\n elECtricity MeterS represeNting abouT 21 MIllion cuStoMerS frOm CENTrAl \nCalifornia tO THe\n MeXiCan bordEr, cOntinueS to PosT spArkLiNg earningS largely BeCaUsE oF itS \nnon-uTIlity\n busInEssEs. semPra waNTs to be Much mOre tHaN iTS utIlities, PUsHINg inTo \nEnErgy TraDiNg\n and ElecTRicIty and nAtural-gas ConTRactInG oUtside oF California.\n\n InDeEd, Sempra haS sTreSsed thAT Recent prOfit surges came not at the \neXPense of Its\n califOrniA utility cUstOmers. COnsUMer advOcates Are noT pErsUADed, \npaINTiNg SEmPra as a\n profIT-HunGry coMpAny tHat has nOt done enough to protECt rAtepayers.\n\n DespIte All tHE TuMulT, seMPra'S pREviOUSly languid stock Price has riSeN A \nbIt this summER,\n a fAcT that apPears to Amaze EVen StepHen L. Baum, SEmpra's new ChAirmAN \nAnd Chief\n ", "whitespace_perturbation": " Southern California Gas,which crea ted t heSem pr a En ergy \nholding comp a ny\n and gave it more cust omers -- 2 1 mi l li on--t han any ot h e r u ti li tyco m pa ny in \nt he nati on.\n\n Now , a lt hough the ca l en dar says a utu mn is less t han a wee kawa y , war m weath er sti l l has Semprasw e atingt hrougha su mmer of electricity d i sc o ntent. And win ter \nd oe s n' t loo k l ike\n much f un ei t her for Se m p r a o r its natural- gas custome r s,with r es ide n tial gas b il l s p rojected\n to i ncrease 3 0% to3 5% with o ut fuel ing an yth ing abo v eastr ic t lyr eg ula t ed\nrate of r et urn f or\nS e m pra' s g as u tilit ies.\n\n Hangi ngover the SanDiego -bas ed ener gy com panyis a new uncertai nty\ngenerate d b ythe \n turm o il inCal ifo rnia'srestruc t uri ng e l ec tricity industry.Of p ar ticular\nconce r nto the\n in ve stm entc o mmuni ty i s a rapidly swell i ng d ebt cau se d by t he di ffe rence \nbet ween t he high who l esale cost ofe lectricity an d t h e f r eshl y c apped retai l po w er r ates fo r t he 1. 2 mil li o n customers of San D ie go Gas & El ectric.\n\n Wh o will pay t h at debt- -Sem p ra Energy's share holde rs or SDG& E 's elect ricit y\n cust omers--an d how bigitwil l g row m ay not be known f or y ea rs. The an swer \nw ill hi nge in \n part onan inves ti ga ti on of SDG& E 's condu ct by t heCalif o rnia P ublic \nUt il it i esCommiss i on . \n I nth e me ant im e, Se mpra Ene rgy, wh ose two u til i ties s er ve near ly 7 million\ng as and\n e le ctr icitym e ters rep resenting about 21 mill i on cust ome rs fr om C entral \nC ali fornia to the\n Mexica n bor de r,c o ntinu e s t o p os t sparklin g ear nings l arge ly beca use of its \nnon-ut i lit y\n businesse s.Semp r a w ant s t o be m u chm o re than its uti lities, pu sh i ng into \nene r gytr ading\n and el ectri c ity and natural- gas contr ac ting o uts ide of Cal ifornia. \n\n Indee d , Sem p ra hasstr essedth atrecen t prof i t s urges cameno t at t he \ne xp ense ofits\n California utilit y cust omers . C onsumer a dvo c ate s are not per suaded, \np ain tin g Sem pra as a pr o fi t-h u ngrycomp a ny that h a snot d on e enough to p r ote ct ra tep a yers.\n D espite all the tu m ult, Sempra'sprev i o usl y l a ngui dstock price ha s r is e n a \nbitth is summer, a fact t h at ap pearsto ama ze even S te p hen L. Bau m,Sempra'snew c h airman\na nd chief ", "underscore_trick": " Southern_California Gas,_which created the Sempra_Energy \nholding_company\n_ and_gave_it more customers--21_million--than any other_utility company in \nthe_nation.\n\n Now,_although_the calendar says autumn is less than a week away, warm \nweather still has\n__Sempra sweating_through_a_summer of electricity discontent. And_winter \ndoesn't look like\n _much fun_either for Sempra or its natural-gas customers, with_residential_\ngas bills projected\n_ to increase 30% to 35% without fueling anything_above a strictly regulated \nrate of_return for\n _Sempra's_gas_utilities.\n\n Hanging over_the San Diego-based energy company is_a new uncertainty \ngenerated by the\n_ turmoil in California's restructuring electricity industry._Of particular \nconcern to the\n _investment community is a rapidly_swelling debt_caused by the difference \nbetween_the high\n _wholesale cost_of electricity and_the freshly capped retail power rates_for \nthe 1.2_million\n customers of San Diego_Gas_& Electric.\n\n _Who_will_pay that_debt--Sempra Energy's shareholders_or_SDG&E's electricity\n__customers--and how big it will grow_may_not be known for years. The answer_\nwill hinge in\n _part_on an investigation of_SDG&E's conduct by the California_Public \nUtilities Commission.\n\n In the_meantime, Sempra_Energy, whose_two utilities serve nearly 7 million \ngas and\n electricity meters_representing about 21 million customers from_Central \nCalifornia to the\n_ Mexican_border,_continues to post_sparkling_earnings largely_because of its \nnon-utility\n businesses. Sempra_wants to_be much more than its utilities,_pushing into \nenergy trading\n__and electricity and natural-gas contracting outside_of California.\n\n Indeed, Sempra has_stressed that recent profit surges_came_not_at the \nexpense of its\n_ California utility customers. Consumer advocates_are not persuaded,_\npainting Sempra as a\n profit-hungry company_that_has not done enough to protect_ratepayers.\n\n_ Despite all the tumult, Sempra's_previously_languid_stock price has risen a_\nbit this summer,\n a fact_that appears to amaze even Stephen L. Baum, Sempra's_new chairman \nand_chief\n "} {"text": ". \nRon Low, a spokesman with PG&E, said the utility objects to paying the DWR \nsuch a large sum, claiming it would interfere with efforts to pay its \n\"qualifying facilities\" \u0001) power plants that use the sun, wind, biomass or \nnatural gas to generate about one third of the state's electricity. \nThe nearly bankrupt utilities owe the QFs more than $1 billion for \nelectricity they have produced since November, said Jan Smutney-Jones, \nexecutive director of the Independent Energy Producers. \nHannigan also said in the letter the DWR intends to use its authority to \nraise consumer electricity rates to recoup any money not reimbursed through \nthe CPA and other means. \nThe Public Utilities Commission expected to release the guidelines last week, \nbut was delayed by debates over legislation that would slash the rates of \nenvironmentally friendly power plants under contract to provide electricity \nto the investor-owned utilities. \nWithout knowing how much ratepayer money the utilities need to pay these \n\"qualifying facilities\" for future electricity, it's unknown how much money \nthey'll have on hand to pay the DWR. \nIn a written statement, PUC Administrative Law Judge Joseph DeUlloa said that \nhe would issue a temporary decision on the CPA \"as soon as is practical.\" \nPacific Gas and Electric Co. and Southern California Edison Co. say they have \nlost more than $13 billion since last June to climbing wholesale electricity \nprices that the state's 1996 deregulation law prevents them from recouping \nfrom ratepayers. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\n\n\n\nFederal regulators scored for not ordering more California refunds \n\n\n\n\nBy H. Josef Hebert\nASSOCIATED PRESS \nMarch 20, 2001 \nWASHINGTON \u0001) House Democrats asked federal energy regulators Tuesday why they \nare not going more aggressively after alleged overcharges for wholesale \nelectricity in California and ordering more refunds. \nThe Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has asked suppliers to justify $124 \nmillion in sales during the first two months of the year or refund the money, \nbut critics charge that thousands of additional questionable sales are not \nbeing challenged. \nThe three commissioners testifying at a hearing of the House Commerce \nsubcommittee on energy,", "synonym_substitution": ". \n Ron Low, a spokesman with PG&E, said the utility objects to paying the DWR \n such a big kernel, claiming it would interfere with efforts to pay up its \n \" qualifying facilities \" \u0001) might plant that use the sunlight, wind, biomass or \n natural natural gas to generate about one third base of the department of state's electricity. \n The nearly bankrupt utilities owe the QFs more than $ 1 billion for \n electricity they have produced since November, said Jan Smutney - Jones, \n executive director of the Independent Energy Producers. \n Hannigan besides said in the letter the DWR intends to use its agency to \n raise consumer electricity rates to recover any money not reimbursed through \n the certified public accountant and other mean. \n The Public Utilities Commission expected to release the guidelines last workweek, \n but was delayed by debates over legislation that would slash the rates of \n environmentally friendly power plants under contract to provide electricity \n to the investor - owned utilities. \n Without knowing how much ratepayer money the utilities need to pay these \n \" qualifying facilities \" for future electricity, it's unknown how much money \n they'll have on hired hand to pay the DWR. \n In a written instruction, PUC Administrative Law Judge Joseph DeUlloa said that \n he would issue a temporary decision on the certified public accountant \" as soon as is hardheaded. \" \n Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and Southern California Edison Co. say they have \n lost more than $ 13 billion since final June to climbing wholesale electricity \n prices that the state's 1996 deregulation law prevents them from recover \n from ratepayers. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ----------------------------------- \n\n\n\n Federal regulators scored for not ordering more California refund \n\n\n\n\n By H. Josef Hebert \n ASSOCIATED PRESS \n March 20, 2001 \n WASHINGTON \u0001) House Democrats asked union department of energy governor Tuesday why they \n are not going more aggressively after alleged overcharges for sweeping \n electricity in California and ordering more refunds. \n The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has asked suppliers to justify $ 124 \n million in sales during the first two months of the year or refund the money, \n but critic charge that thousands of extra questionable sales are not \n being challenged. \n The three commissioners testifying at a earshot of the House Commerce \n subcommittee on energy,", "butter_fingers": ". \nRoj Low, a spokesman with PN&E, said the utilnry objxcts to paying ghe DWR \nsuch a large sum, clammint it qould interfere with ewforts to pay its \n\"quaoufying facmmities\" \u0001) power ilantv that use the xun, wind, bhomass or \nnatusau yas to generate about one third of tre statr's electricity. \nTre ntarjy bznkrupt utilities owe the QFs more than $1 uillion for \nelevtricity they have producef sijce November, said Uan Smutney-Honef, \nexecutive dkrector of the Indepensent Energy Producers. \nHannigan xlso xaid in thg mehjer the DWR mntendf to use its authoridy to \nrsise consumer clectciciry rates to recoup anb money not reimbursgd through \ntke CPA and other meanw. \nRhe Poblic Utiuutids Dokmjssion ex'ected to rslease the tuidelines last weel, \nfly was delayes by dqbwtes over legislation that would slash uhe rztes of \nenvironmentally friendly power plantd under cjntract to provide electricity \nto the investor-ownad utmlktits. \nWithuyt knowing how much ratepayer money the utilitiqa mevd to pay these \n\"qmalifying facilitirs\" fpt future electticity, nf's unknown how much loney \ntrey'll have on rand to pay the DWR. \nIn a writteb statement, IUC Qdministrative Law Judge Jose'h DeUkloa xaid that \nhe would issuz a tejporary declsion on ffe CPA \"as soon ar ix [ractical.\" \nPacific Gas and Qlectric Ro. anb Southefn Csliforgia Edison Co. say they have \nlost mlre tkan $13 tillion sijce last June to climbing wholesale electricijy \n[ribes that che stste's 1996 deregulwtion law prevgnts them from recouping \nfrom retepayers. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\n\n\n\nFeqeral regulatmts scored for not ordqrint moee Caliwurnia refunds \n\n\n\n\nNy H. Josey Hebwrt\nASSOCIATED PRESX \nMxdch 20, 2001 \nWASHINGTOU \u0001) House Democratx arkeq veveral anergy reguldtorr Tjrsday why thtv \nave vot boing more aggressivaly zfter alleged overvhwrges fot wholesaje \nelectricitu in California anf ordxring oore tefonds. \nThe Federal Energy Regulatkry Commidsijn has asked supiliets to justiyy $124 \nmillion in sales during the first twi months of the ygar or refund the mongy, \nnut critics rharge that thogsands of additional questionable salts are not \nbeing challehged. \nTve thgee commissioners testifying at a hearing of the House Commerce \nsubcommitree on energy,", "random_deletion": ". Ron Low, a spokesman with PG&E, utility to paying DWR such a interfere efforts to pay \"qualifying facilities\" \u0001) plants that use the sun, wind, or natural gas to generate about one third of the state's electricity. The bankrupt utilities owe the QFs more than $1 billion for electricity they have since said Smutney-Jones, director of the Independent Energy Producers. Hannigan also said in the letter the DWR intends to its authority to raise consumer electricity rates to any money not reimbursed the CPA and other means. Public Commission expected release guidelines week, but was by debates over legislation that would slash the rates of environmentally friendly power plants under contract to electricity to utilities. Without how ratepayer the utilities need these \"qualifying facilities\" for future electricity, much money they'll have on hand to pay DWR. In written statement, PUC Administrative Law Judge DeUlloa said that he would issue a temporary on the CPA \"as soon as is practical.\" Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and Southern Co. say they have more than $13 since June climbing electricity prices the state's 1996 deregulation law prevents them from recouping from ratepayers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- Federal regulators scored for not ordering more California H. Hebert ASSOCIATED PRESS 20, 2001 WASHINGTON \u0001) Democrats federal energy regulators Tuesday are going alleged for electricity in California and more refunds. The Federal Energy Commission has asked suppliers sales during the first two months of the or refund the money, but critics charge thousands of additional questionable sales are not being challenged. The three commissioners at a the House Commerce subcommittee on energy,", "change_char_case": ". \nRon Low, a spokesman with PG&E, saId the utiliTy objEctS to PaYing The DwR \nsuch a large suM, ClaiMing it would interfere wiTh effOrTS to pAY iTs \n\"quaLifying FAcILItiEs\" \u0001) PoWer PlANtS that Use The sun, wInd, biomass Or \nnAtUral gas to genERaTe about one ThiRd of the state'S elEctricItY. \nThE NearlY baNkrupT utiliTIes owe The QFs morE tHAn $1 billIOn for \nelECTrIcitY they have produced SInCE November, said JAn SmutNeY-joNES, \nexEcuTive directOr Of the iNdependENt eNERgy pRoducers. \nHanniGan also said IN thE letteR tHe Dwr intenDs to uSe ITs aUthority to \nrAise Consumer eLectriCIty rateS To recouP any moNey Not ReimBUrSeD thRoUGh \ntHE CpA aND otHer means. \nthE PUblic utilITIES ComMisSion ExpecTed to release tHe gUideLIneS last Week, \nbUt waS dElayeD by debAtes oVeR legislation thaT wouLd slash thE raTeS of \nEnVironMEntallY frIenDly poweR plants UNdeR cONTRaCt to provide electriCiTY \nTo The invesTor-ownED uTiLIties. \nWitHoUt kNowiNG How muCh raTEpAyer moneY the utILiTiEs need tO pAy thesE \n\"qUalIfyIng faCIlitIes\" for Future elEctriCIty, it's unknown hOW much money \ntheY'Ll HAVe ON hanD to Pay the DWR. \nIn A wriTTen sTateMEnT, PUc adminIstraTiVE LAW Judge Joseph DeUlloa SaId that \nHe wouLd issue a tempoRary decisiON ON the CPA \"aS sooN As IS practical.\" \nPaciFic GaS and ElectrIC Co. and SoUtherN CaliforNia Edison cO. Say they hAve \nLosT moRe tHAN $13 bIllion since laST june To ClimbinG whOlesale EleCtrIciTy \npRiCes that thE state's 1996 dErEgUlAtIon Law prEVents theM fRom ReCouPing \nfROm ratePayerS. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\n\n\n\nFedErAl REguLators sCOrED For nOt OrDeriNg mOrE CaliFornIA reFunds \n\n\n\n\nBy h. Josef HebErt\nasSOCiAtEd PRESS \nMArch 20, 2001 \nWASHINGTOn \u0001) HOuse DemocrAtS asKed fedERAl energy Regulators Tuesday why theY \nAre not gOinG more AggrEssively aFteR allegEd oVErcharGes for WholeSaLe \neLECtricITY iN CaLiFornia and oRDEriNg morE rEfunDs. \nThe FeDeral Energy RegulatORy COmmission has aSkeD supPLIeRs tO JuSTifY $124 \nmILliON In sales during thE first two mOnTHs Of the year oR RefUnD the monEy, \nbut crItics CHarge thAt thousanDs of additIoNal qUEStiOnable saleS are not \nbEing challENged. \nTHE tHree cOmmIssionErS teStifyIng at a HEarIng of The HouSe commerCe \nsubCoMmittee oN energy,", "whitespace_perturbation": ". \nRon Low, a spokesman wi th PG&E, s aid t heuti li ty o bjec ts to paying t h e DW R \nsuch a large sum, c laimi ng it w o ul d int erferew it h eff or ts to p a yits \"qu alifyin g faciliti es\" \u0001 ) power plan t sthat use t hesun, wind, b iom ass or nat u ral g asto ge nerate aboutone third o f the s t ate's e l e ct rici ty. \nThe nearly b a nk r upt utilitiesowe th eQ Fs m ore th an $1 bill io n for \nelectr i ci t y the y have produce d since Nov e mbe r, sai dJan Smutne y-Jon es , \ne xecutive di rect or of the Indep e ndent E n ergy Pr oducer s.\nHa nnig a nal sosa i d i n t hel ett er the D WR i ntend s to u s e its au thor ity t o \nraise cons ume r el e ctr icity rate s to r ecoup any m oneyno t reimbursed th roug h \nthe CP A a nd ot he r mea n s. \nTh e P ubl ic Util ities C o mmi ss i o n e xpected to release t h e g uideline s last we ek , \nbut wa sdel ayed b y deb ates ov er legis lation th at wouldsl ash th erat esof \ne n viro nmenta lly frie ndlyp ower plants un d er contract t o p r o vi d e el ect ricity \ntothei nves tor- o wn edu tilit ies.\nW i th o ut knowing how much r atepay er mo ney the utili ties needt o pay thes e \n\" q ua l ifying facilit ies\"for future electric ity,it's unk nown howm u ch money \nt hey 'll ha v e o n hand to pay t he D WR . \nIn a wr itten s tat eme nt, PU CAdministr ative La wJu dg eJos eph D e Ulloa sa id th at \nh e wou l d issu e a t empo ra ry dec ision o n t h e CPA \" as soo n a sis pr acti c al. \" \nPaci fic Gas a ndE lect ri cCo. and Southern Cal if ornia Edis on Co . sayt h ey have\nlost more than $13 bil l ion sin celastJune to climb ing whole sal e elect ricity \npri ce s t h a t the s ta te' s1996 dereg u l ati on la wprev ents th em from recoupingfro m ratepayers. \n- ---- - - -- --- - -- - --- -- - --- - - --------------- ---------- -- - -- ---------- - --- -- -----\n- ------- ----- - ------- --------- --------- -- ---- - - --- ---------- -------- --------- - \n---- - -- ----- --- ------ -- --- ----- ----\n\nFe deral regul at ors sc oredfo r not or dering more Californiarefund s \n\n\n\nB y H. Jose f H e ber t\nASSOCIA TEDPRESS \nMar ch20, 2001 \nW A SHING TON\u0001 )Hou s e Dem ocra t s asked f e de ral e ne rgy regulat o r s Tu esday wh y they\nare not going more a g gressively aft er a l l ege d o v erch ar ges for wholes ale e l ectricit yin Californ ia and o rd e ringmore r efunds . \nTheF e de r al Ene rgyReg ulatory C omm is s ion has a sk e d supp lier sto jus tify $ 1 24 m i llion in sales d uring t he fi r sttwo m on ths oft he y ear or ref und the mon ey, \nb ut c ritic s charg ethat t hou sa nds of add i tional qu estio nable s al es a renot \nb eing c halle nged .\nTh e three c o m mi s si on e rstest ifyin gat a hearingo f the Ho use Commerc e\nsu b c ommitt e eo n energy,", "underscore_trick": ". \nRon_Low, a_spokesman with PG&E, said_the utility_objects_to paying_the_DWR \nsuch a_large sum, claiming_it would interfere with_efforts to pay_its_\n\"qualifying facilities\" \u0001) power plants that use the sun, wind, biomass or \nnatural gas_to_generate about_one_third_of the state's electricity. \nThe_nearly bankrupt utilities owe the_QFs more_than $1 billion for \nelectricity they have produced_since_November, said Jan_Smutney-Jones, \nexecutive director of the Independent Energy Producers. \nHannigan_also said in the letter the_DWR intends to_use_its_authority to \nraise consumer_electricity rates to recoup any money_not reimbursed through \nthe CPA and_other means. \nThe Public Utilities Commission expected_to release the guidelines last week,_\nbut was delayed by debates_over legislation_that would slash the rates_of \nenvironmentally friendly_power plants_under contract to_provide electricity \nto the investor-owned utilities._\nWithout knowing how_much ratepayer money the utilities need_to_pay these \n\"qualifying_facilities\"_for_future electricity,_it's unknown how_much_money \nthey'll_have_on hand to pay the DWR._\nIn_a written statement, PUC Administrative Law Judge_Joseph DeUlloa said that_\nhe_would issue a temporary_decision on the CPA \"as_soon as is practical.\" \nPacific Gas_and Electric_Co. and_Southern California Edison Co. say they have \nlost more than $13_billion since last June to climbing_wholesale electricity \nprices that_the state's_1996_deregulation law prevents_them_from recouping_\nfrom ratepayers. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\n\n\n\nFederal regulators scored for not_ordering more_California refunds \n\n\n\n\nBy H. Josef Hebert\nASSOCIATED_PRESS \nMarch 20, 2001_\nWASHINGTON_\u0001) House Democrats asked federal energy_regulators Tuesday why they \nare not_going more aggressively after alleged_overcharges_for_wholesale \nelectricity in California and_ordering more refunds. \nThe Federal Energy_Regulatory Commission has_asked suppliers to justify $124 \nmillion in_sales_during the first two months of_the_year or refund the money, \nbut_critics_charge_that thousands of additional questionable_sales are not \nbeing challenged. \nThe_three commissioners testifying at a hearing of the House_Commerce \nsubcommittee on_energy,"} {"text": " 2000\nCARSON, RICHARD L RICHARD B BUY Oct 30, 2000\nCRENSHAW, SHIRLEY J WINCENTY J KAMINSKI Oct 26, 2000\nGANDY, KRISTIN H CELESTE C ROBERTS Nov 01, 2000\nGORNY, VLADIMIR THEODORE R MURPHY II Nov 02, 2000\nKINDALL, KEVIN VASANT SHANBHOGUE Oct 30, 2000\nLAMAS VIEIRA PINTO, RODRIGO DAVID PORT Oct 31, 2000\nRAYMOND, MAUREEN J WINCENTY J KAMINSKI Nov 02, 2000\nSUPATGIAT, CHONAWEE PEYTON S GIBNER Oct 27, 2000\nTAMARCHENKO, TANYA V VASANT SHANBHOGUE Oct 26, 2000\nVILLARREAL, NORMA E SHEILA H WALTON Oct 26, 2000\nWALTON, SHEILA H DAVID OXLEY Oct 27, 2000\nYAMAN, SEVIL VASANT SHANBHOGUE Oct 27, 2000\nYUAN, DING RICHARD L CARSON Oct 31, 2000 =================================================================\nSOUTHWEST AIRLINES' CLICK 'N SAVE? E-MAIL UPDATE \nJanuary 15, 2002\n=================================================================\n197...198...199...200!\n\n200th Edition and more to come!\nYes indeed, we've just begun\nWithout your help,\nThere would be no success!\nOur faithful Click 'n Save Subscribers\nYou are the best!\n\nThis week marks the 200th Edition of Click 'n Save. And to celebrate,\nwe're offering you these special offers!\n\n=================================================================\nIMPORTANT TRAVEL INFORMATION\n=================================================================\nFor updated travel information, please visit:\nhttp://www.southwest.com/travel_center/travelAdvisory.html\n\n=================================================================\nTHIS WEEK'S SPECIALS\n=================================================================\n1. Click 'n Save Specials for purchase through January 17, 2002\n2. Promotional Fare Specials - Systemwide, and California\n3. Visit Florida,", "synonym_substitution": "2000 \n CARSON, RICHARD L RICHARD B BUY Oct 30, 2000 \n CRENSHAW, SHIRLEY J WINCENTY J KAMINSKI Oct 26, 2000 \n GANDY, KRISTIN H CELESTE C ROBERTS Nov 01, 2000 \n GORNY, VLADIMIR THEODORE R MURPHY II Nov 02, 2000 \n KINDALL, KEVIN VASANT SHANBHOGUE Oct 30, 2000 \n LAMAS VIEIRA PINTO, RODRIGO DAVID PORT Oct 31, 2000 \n RAYMOND, MAUREEN J WINCENTY J KAMINSKI Nov 02, 2000 \n SUPATGIAT, CHONAWEE PEYTON S GIBNER Oct 27, 2000 \n TAMARCHENKO, TANYA V VASANT SHANBHOGUE Oct 26, 2000 \n VILLARREAL, NORMA E SHEILA H WALTON Oct 26, 2000 \n WALTON, SHEILA H DAVID OXLEY Oct 27, 2000 \n YAMAN, SEVIL VASANT SHANBHOGUE Oct 27, 2000 \n YUAN, DING RICHARD L CARSON Oct 31, 2000 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n SOUTHWEST AIRLINES' CLICK' N SAVE? E - MAIL UPDATE \n January 15, 2002 \n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n 197... 198... 199... 200! \n\n 200th Edition and more to hail! \n Yes indeed, we've barely begun \n Without your help, \n There would be no success! \n Our close Click' n Save Subscribers \n You are the best! \n\n This week marks the two-hundredth Edition of Click' n Save. And to lionize, \n we're offering you these particular offers! \n\n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n IMPORTANT locomotion INFORMATION \n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n For updated travel data, please visit: \n http://www.southwest.com/travel_center/travelAdvisory.html \n\n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS \n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n 1. Click' n Save Specials for purchase through January 17, 2002 \n 2. Promotional Fare Specials - Systemwide, and California \n 3. Visit Florida,", "butter_fingers": " 2000\nCAGSON, RICHARD L RICHARD B YYY Oct 30, 2000\nCRENSHAW, SHIRLEY J WINCENTY J KAMINSKI Oct 26, 2000\nTANDB, KRISTIN H CELSDTE E COBERTS Nov 01, 2000\nGORNY, VLADIMHR THEODORE R MURPHY II Nov 02, 2000\nKINDALJ, KENIG VASANT SHANBHOGUE Oct 30, 2000\nLAKAS VIEIRA PINTO, RODRIGO DWVID PORT Oce 31, 2000\nRAYMOND, MAJREEN J WJNCENTY J KAMINSKI Vov 02, 2000\nXUPATGIAT, XHINAAGE PEJTON S GIBNER Oct 27, 2000\nTAMARCHCNKO, VANYQ V VASANT SHANBHOGUE Owt 26, 2000\nVILLARREAL, NORMQ W WHEKLA H WZLTON Oct 26, 2000\nWALRON, SHEILA H DAVID OSLEY Oct 27, 2000\nYAMAN, SEVIL VASANT SHANBYOGUE Oft 27, 2000\nYUAN, QING RICHARD L CARSON Icb 31, 2000 =================================================================\nRIUHHWEST AIRLINES' CLICK 'N SAVE? E-MAIL UPDATE \nJantzru 15, 2002\n=================================================================\n197...198...199...200!\n\n200th Edition anb more to come!\nYex lncged, we've just cegun\nWnfhkut your help,\nThere would fe no success!\nOtr fsithful Click 'n Save Subscrubers\nYou are rhe best!\n\nThis week larks the 200tk Editoon og Click 'n Save. And to eelebrzte,\nwe're offfring you ghese special ofwerx!\n\n=================================================================\nIKPORTANT TRAVEL INFORMATIOG\n=================================================================\nFor updaved txavel inwormstion, [lease vislt:\nhtti://fww.southwest.com/tragel_ceuter/tsavelAdvislry.html\n\n=================================================================\nTHIS WEEK'S SPECIALS\n=================================================================\n1. Click 'n Save Specislv fmr purchcse thvough January 17, 2002\n2. Promotional Fcre Specnals - Rystemwide, and Canifornia\n3. Vifit Florida,", "random_deletion": "2000 CARSON, RICHARD L RICHARD B BUY 2000 SHIRLEY J J KAMINSKI Oct CELESTE ROBERTS Nov 01, GORNY, VLADIMIR THEODORE MURPHY II Nov 02, 2000 KINDALL, VASANT SHANBHOGUE Oct 30, 2000 LAMAS VIEIRA PINTO, RODRIGO DAVID PORT Oct 31, RAYMOND, MAUREEN J WINCENTY J KAMINSKI Nov 02, 2000 SUPATGIAT, CHONAWEE PEYTON S Oct 2000 TANYA VASANT SHANBHOGUE Oct 26, 2000 VILLARREAL, NORMA E SHEILA H WALTON Oct 26, 2000 WALTON, SHEILA DAVID OXLEY Oct 27, 2000 YAMAN, SEVIL VASANT Oct 27, 2000 YUAN, RICHARD L CARSON Oct 31, ================================================================= AIRLINES' CLICK SAVE? UPDATE 15, 2002 ================================================================= 200th Edition and more to come! Yes indeed, we've just begun Without your help, There would be success! Our 'n Save You the This week marks Edition of Click 'n Save. And offering you these special offers! ================================================================= IMPORTANT TRAVEL ================================================================= For travel information, please visit: http://www.southwest.com/travel_center/travelAdvisory.html ================================================================= WEEK'S SPECIALS ================================================================= 1. Click 'n Save Specials purchase through January 17, 2002 2. Promotional Fare Specials - Systemwide, and California 3. Visit", "change_char_case": " 2000\nCARSON, RICHARD L RICHARD B BUY oct 30, 2000\nCRENSHAw, SHIRlEY j WInCeNTY j KAMiNSKI Oct 26, 2000\nGANDY, KriSTIn H CELESTE C ROBERTS Nov 01, 2000\nGOrNY, VLaDimIR TheOdORE R mURPHY Ii noV 02, 2000\nkiNDaLl, KeVIn VasAnT SHAnBHoGUE Oct 30, 2000\nlAMAS VIEIRa PInTo, RODRIGO DAVId pOrT Oct 31, 2000\nRAYMOnD, MaUREEN J WINCEnTY j KAMINsKi NoV 02, 2000\nsUPATgIAt, CHONaWEE PEytON S GIbNER Oct 27, 2000\nTAmArcHENKO, taNYA V VAsanT sHANbHOGUE Oct 26, 2000\nVILLARREal, NorMA E SHEILA H WALtON Oct 26, 2000\nwAltOn, shEIlA H dAVID OXLEY ocT 27, 2000\nYAMAn, sEVIL VAsaNt shaNBhoGUE Oct 27, 2000\nYUAN, DInG RICHARD L CarSOn Oct 31, 2000 =================================================================\nSOuThWEst AIRLInES' CLiCk 'n SAvE? E-MAIL UPDAtE \nJaNuary 15, 2002\n=================================================================\n197...198...199...200!\n\n200th EdItion aND more to COme!\nYes iNdeed, wE've JusT begUN\nWItHouT yOUr hELp,\ntheRE woUld be no sUcCeSs!\nOur FaitHFUL clicK 'n SAve SUbscrIbers\nYou are thE beSt!\n\nThIS weEk marKs the 200Th EdItIon of click 'n save. ANd To celebrate,\nwe're OffeRing you thEse SpEciAl OfferS!\n\n=================================================================\niMPORTaNT tRAvEL INFOrMATION\n=================================================================\nfOr uPdATED tRavel information, plEaSE ViSit:\nhttp://wWw.soutHWeSt.COm/travel_CeNteR/traVELAdviSory.HTmL\n\n=================================================================\nTHIS WEEk'S SPECiaLs\n=================================================================\n1. CLick 'n SaVe speciaLs For PurChase THrouGh JanuAry 17, 2002\n2. PromoTionaL fare Specials - SySTemwide, and CalIFoRNIa\n3. vIsit floRida,", "whitespace_perturbation": " 2000\nCARSON, RICHARD L RIC HAR D B B UY O c t 30 , 2000\nCRENSHAW, SHIRL EY J WIN CENTY J KA M I NSK I Oct 26 , 2000GANDY, KRI STI NH CELESTEC R OBERTS No v 0 1 , 200 0\nG ORNY, VLADI M IR THEOD O RE R MU R P HY II Nov 02 , 2 0 00\nKINDALL, KE VIN VASANT S HA NBHOG U E O ct 30, 2000\nL AMAS VIEIRA PIN TO, RO DR IGO DA VID P OR T Oct 3 1, 200 0 \nRAYMON D , MAURE EN J W IN CEN TY J K A MI NSK I No v 02, 200 0 S U PATG IAT , CH ONAWE E PE YTON S G IBNER Oct 2 7, 20 00 \nTAMARCHENKO, T ANYA V VAS AN T SHA N BHOGUE Oct 2 6 , 2 00 0 V IL LARREAL, NORMA E SHE ILA HW AL TO N O c t 26, 200 0 \nW ALTON, S HEILAH DAV ID OX LEY Oct 27,2 000\nYAMAN, SEV I L VASA NTSHANBHOGUE Oc t 2 7 , 200 0\nYUA N, DI N G RICH ARD L CARSON O c t 31, 200 0 == = == = ============== ===== ========== = ======== ===== ======== ========S O UTHWESTAIR LIN ES' CL I C K'N SAVE? E-MA I L UPD AT E \nJanu ary 15, 20 02=== === === == ========= ======== == == == == === ===== = ======== == === == === ==\n19 7 ...198 ...19 9... 20 0! \n20 0th Edi t io n andmo re tocom e! \nYesinde e d,we've j ust begun \nWi t hout y ou r help, \nThere wouldbe no succes s! \nOu r fait h f ul Click 'n Save Subscribers\nYo u are th e b est!\nThi s week ma rks the 2 00t h Editi on ofClick ' n S a v e. A n d t o c el ebrate,\nwe ' r e o fferi ng you thesespecial offers!\n\n= = === ============= === ==== = = == === = == = === == = === = = =============== ===\nIMPORT AN T T RAVEL INFO R MAT IO N\n===== ======= ===== = ======= ========= ========= == ==== = = === ========== =\nFor up dated tra v el in f or matio n,please v isi t:\nht tp://w w w.s outhw est.co m/ travel _cent er /travelA dvisory.html\n\n========= ====== ===== === ========= === = === ========= ==== ========== === \nTH IS WE EK' S SPEC IALS == === = ===== ==== = ========= = == === = = == =========== = = = === ===== === = ====\n1 . Cl ick 'n Save Speci a ls for purchas e th r o ugh Ja n uary 1 7, 2002\n2. Pro mot io n a l Fare S pe cials - Sys temwide, a n d Cal iforni a\n3. V isit Fl o r id a ,", "underscore_trick": " 2000\nCARSON,_RICHARD L_ _ __ __ _ RICHARD B_BUY _ __ Oct 30, 2000\nCRENSHAW,_SHIRLEY_J ___ _ WINCENTY_J KAMINSKI_ __ _Oct 26, 2000\nGANDY, KRISTIN H _ _ ___CELESTE C ROBERTS _ _ _ Nov 01, 2000\nGORNY, VLADIMIR _ _ _ _ THEODORE R MURPHY II_ _ _ _ Nov 02, 2000\nKINDALL,_KEVIN _ __ ___ _ VASANT SHANBHOGUE__ __ __ Oct 30, 2000\nLAMAS VIEIRA_PINTO, RODRIGO __ DAVID PORT _ _ _ _ _ Oct 31, 2000\nRAYMOND, MAUREEN J _ _ _ _WINCENTY_J KAMINSKI __ _ _ Nov_02, 2000\nSUPATGIAT, CHONAWEE _ __ PEYTON S_GIBNER _ ___ Oct_27, 2000\nTAMARCHENKO, TANYA V _ _ VASANT_SHANBHOGUE_ __ __Oct_26, 2000\nVILLARREAL, NORMA E _ _ SHEILA H WALTON _ _ ___ Oct 26, 2000\nWALTON, SHEILA H_ _ _ _DAVID OXLEY _ _ Oct 27, 2000\nYAMAN, SEVIL_ _ __ _VASANT_SHANBHOGUE__ _ _ _ _ Oct_27, 2000\nYUAN,_DING __ _RICHARD L CARSON _ __ _ Oct_31, 2000 =================================================================\nSOUTHWEST AIRLINES' CLICK 'N SAVE? E-MAIL_UPDATE \nJanuary 15, 2002\n=================================================================\n197...198...199...200!\n\n200th Edition and more to come!\nYes_indeed,_we've just_begun\nWithout your help,\nThere would_be no_success!\nOur faithful_Click 'n Save_Subscribers\nYou are_the best!\n\nThis_week marks_the 200th Edition of Click 'n Save.__And to celebrate,\nwe're offering you these special offers!\n\n=================================================================\nIMPORTANT TRAVEL_INFORMATION\n=================================================================\nFor_updated_travel_information, please visit:\nhttp://www.southwest.com/travel_center/travelAdvisory.html\n\n=================================================================\nTHIS_WEEK'S SPECIALS\n=================================================================\n1. Click_'n Save Specials_for purchase through_January_17, 2002\n2. Promotional Fare Specials -_Systemwide, and California\n3._Visit Florida,"} {"text": "-related emergencies rescued a person trapped in a downtown \nbuilding Tuesday and handled five elevator mishaps Monday.\n?????Christopher Stafford didn't get caught inside an elevator Monday, but \nsuffered the next-worst thing: being stranded in his 15th-floor apartment \nafter the power failed when he went home for lunch.\n?????So the 41-year-old real estate worker trooped down the stairs to the \nlobby and even made some new friends along the way, helping a few elderly \nwomen who were struggling down the stairs.\n?????\"It was a pain,\" he acknowledged. \"But I have to tell you: I really like \nmy panoramic view, so it's worth the hassle.\"\n?????Nowadays, Sherrie Tellier makes sure her cellular phone is in hand when \nshe gets in the elevator. She got trapped once before, and the emergency \nphone didn't work. It's amazing, she said, how small an elevator seems when \nyou can't get out. \"It's like a broom closet.Now there's a sigh of relief \nevery time the door opens.\"\n?????Some high-rise office workers said Tuesday that they preferred not to \nthink about the perils of going without power and being vulnerable and \nisolated so high up.\n?????But on the 42nd floor of San Francisco's Transamerica Tower, Sasha \nMonpere wasn't fazed by the chance that during a blackout, her building's \nbackup generators wouldn't kick in.\n?????\"Hey, I'm young and I'm healthy. I can always walk down the stairs,\" \nsaid the 29-year-old receptionist. \"I've done the Statue of Liberty. It can't \nbe any worse than that. And walking down 42 flights is a lot easier than \nwalking up all those stairs.\"\n?????Likewise with Phil Ip, who works on the 52nd--and top--floor of San \nFrancisco's tallest skyscraper. The 25-year restaurant veteran says he has \nthe utmost faith in modern technology.\n?????\"We're safe, even up here,\" said Ip, assistant general manager of the \nCarnelian Room, a restaurant atop the Bank of America building. \"You should \nsee the engineer's room in this building. It's like a", "synonym_substitution": "-related emergencies rescued a person trapped in a downtown \n construction Tuesday and cover five elevator mishaps Monday. \n? ?? ?? Christopher Stafford didn't get caught inside an elevator Monday, but \n suffered the next - bad thing: being stranded in his fifteenth - floor apartment \n after the power failed when he went home for lunch. \n? ?? ?? thus the 41 - year - old veridical estate worker parade down the stairs to the \n lobby and even made some new friends along the manner, helping a few elderly \n women who were contend down the stairs. \n? ?? ?? \" It was a pain, \" he acknowledged. \" But I have to state you: I really like \n my panoramic view, so it's worth the fuss. \" \n? ?? ?? Nowadays, Sherrie Tellier makes sure her cellular phone is in hand when \n she gets in the elevator. She got trapped once earlier, and the emergency \n phone didn't work. It's amazing, she said, how small an elevator seems when \n you can't get out. \" It's like a broom closet. Now there's a sigh of stand-in \n every time the door open. \" \n? ?? ?? Some eminent - rise office workers say Tuesday that they preferred not to \n think about the perils of going without baron and being vulnerable and \n isolated so high up. \n? ?? ?? But on the 42nd floor of San Francisco's Transamerica Tower, Sasha \n Monpere wasn't fazed by the luck that during a blackout, her building's \n backup generators wouldn't kick in. \n? ?? ?? \" Hey, I'm unseasoned and I'm healthy. I can constantly walk down the stairs, \" \n said the 29 - year - old receptionist. \" I've done the Statue of Liberty. It can't \n be any bad than that. And walking down 42 flights is a lot easy than \n walking up all those stairs. \" \n? ?? ?? Likewise with Phil Ip, who works on the 52nd -- and top -- floor of San \n Francisco's improbable skyscraper. The 25 - year restaurant veteran say he has \n the extreme faith in mod technology. \n? ?? ?? \" We're dependable, even up here, \" said Ip, assistant cosmopolitan manager of the \n Carnelian Room, a restaurant atop the Bank of America building. \" You should \n see the engineer's room in this building. It's like a", "butter_fingers": "-relwted emergencies rescued a person trappgd in a vowntowh \nbuildivg Tuesday and handled five xlevqtor nishaps Monday.\n?????Christopfer Stafflrd didn'r geu caught inside ai elevator Monswy, bbt \nsuffered the kext-worst tving: being strdnaeb in his 15th-floor apartment \nafter the power galled when he wgnt hpie fkg ounch.\n?????So the 41-year-old real estafe worktr trooped down thr stairs to the \nlobby and fven made some new frifnds along jge rqy, helping a few elderly \nwomen who were struggling down the stairr.\n?????\"It wcs a pain,\" hg zcntowledged. \"Bnt I hwve to tell npu: I raally loke \nmy panoramlc vixw, si it's worth the hasslx.\"\n?????Nowadays, Sherrie Tejlier makas sure her cellulae phone is hn hxbd dheh \nxhs gets in the elevafor. She got trapped once befort, age the emergendy \nphoge didn't work. It's amazing, she said, how smdll an elevator seems when \nyou can't get out. \"It's like a bwoom closet.Now there's a sigh of relief \nevery time the vour ipcns.\"\n?????Sune high-rise office workers said Tuesday that thqg krenerred not to \nthlnk about the periks og going withouj power ans being vulnerable and \nisjlatee so high up.\n?????Bit on the 42nd floor of San Feancisco's Trcnsqmerica Tower, Sashc \nMonpere warn't gazed by the chance that durnng a glackout, heg buildinf'r \nbackup generaturs wmuldn't kick in.\n?????\"Hey, I'm young and I'm hxalthv. I can xlwais walk down the dtairs,\" \nsaid the 29-year-old gecepjionisd. \"I've done the Statue of Liberty. It can't \nux any worse tnat tvat. And calkinn down 42 flights is a lot easigr than \nwclking up all thkse stamrs.\"\n?????Likewise rith Phil Ip, fjo works on vhe 52nd--and top--dlooe of Sav \nFrancisco's taklest skyscraper. Thw 25-year restaurant yeterxh says he has \ntkt uumist faith in mpdefn eebhnpljcy.\n?????\"We're safe, aven up nere,\" raid Ip, asslstxnt beneral manager of tve \nCzrnelian Room, a rextwurant ajop the Bwnk of Americs building. \"You shokld \nsxe the engimeet's room in this building. It's liie a", "random_deletion": "-related emergencies rescued a person trapped in building and handled elevator mishaps Monday. inside elevator Monday, but the next-worst thing: stranded in his 15th-floor apartment after power failed when he went home for lunch. ?????So the 41-year-old real estate trooped down the stairs to the lobby and even made some new friends the helping few women who were struggling down the stairs. ?????\"It was a pain,\" he acknowledged. \"But I have tell you: I really like my panoramic view, it's worth the hassle.\" Sherrie Tellier makes sure her phone in hand she in elevator. She got once before, and the emergency phone didn't work. It's amazing, she said, how small an elevator seems you can't \"It's like broom there's sigh of relief the door opens.\" ?????Some high-rise office that they preferred not to think about the of going power and being vulnerable and isolated high up. ?????But on the 42nd floor of Francisco's Transamerica Tower, Sasha Monpere wasn't fazed by the chance that during a blackout, her generators wouldn't kick in. I'm young and healthy. can walk the stairs,\" the 29-year-old receptionist. \"I've done the Statue of Liberty. It can't any worse than that. And walking down 42 flights is easier walking up all stairs.\" ?????Likewise with Phil who on the 52nd--and top--floor Francisco's skyscraper. veteran he the utmost faith in technology. ?????\"We're safe, even up said Ip, assistant general a restaurant atop the Bank of America building. should see the engineer's room in this It's like a", "change_char_case": "-related emergencies rescued A person traPped iN a dOwnToWn \nbuIldiNg Tuesday and haNDled Five elevator mishaps MonDay.\n?????ChRiSTophER STaffoRd didn't GEt CAUghT iNsIde An ELeVator monDay, but \nsUffered the NexT-wOrst thing: beiNG sTranded in hIs 15tH-floor apartmEnt \nAfter tHe PowER failEd wHen he Went hoME for luNch.\n?????So the 41-yEaR-Old reaL Estate wORKeR troOped down the stairs TO tHE \nlobby and even mAde somE nEW fRIEndS alOng the way, hElPing a FEw elderLY \nwOMEN whO Were strugglinG down the staIRs.\n?????\"IT was a pAiN,\" he ACknowlEdged. \"buT i haVe to tell you: i reaLly like \nmy PanoraMIc view, sO It's wortH the haSslE.\"\n?????NoWadaYS, SHeRriE TELliER mAkeS SurE her cellUlAr Phone Is in HAND When \nShe Gets In the Elevator. She goT trAppeD OncE befoRe, and The eMeRgencY \nphone Didn't WoRk. It's amazing, she Said, How small aN elEvAtoR sEems wHEn \nyou cAn't Get Out. \"It's lIke a broOM clOsET.nOw There's a sigh of relieF \neVERy Time the dOor opeNS.\"\n?????SOmE High-rise OfFicE worKERs saiD TueSDaY that theY prefeRReD nOt to \nthiNk About tHe PerIls Of goiNG witHout poWer and beIng vuLNerable and \nisolATed so high up.\n?????BuT On THE 42nD FlooR of san FranciscO's TrANsamEricA toWer, sAsha \nMOnperE wASn'T Fazed by the chance thaT dUring a BlackOut, her buildinG's \nbackup geNERAtors wouLdn't KIcK In.\n?????\"Hey, I'm young anD I'm heAlthy. I can aLWays walk Down tHe stairs,\" \nSaid the 29-yeAR-Old recepTioNisT. \"I'vE doNE ThE Statue of LibeRTY. It cAn'T \nbe any wOrsE than thAt. ANd wAlkIng DoWn 42 flights Is a lot eaSiEr ThAn \nWalKing uP All those StAirS.\"\n?????LIkeWise wITh Phil ip, who WorkS oN tHE 52nd--And top--fLOoR OF San \nfrAnCiscO's tAlLest sKyscRApeR. The 25-yeaR restauraNt vETeraN sAyS he has \ntHe utmost faith In Modern techNoLogY.\n?????\"We're sAFE, even up hEre,\" said Ip, assistant generAL manageR of The \nCaRnelIan Room, a rEstAurant AtoP The BanK of AmeRica bUiLdiNG. \"you shOULd \nSee ThE engineer's ROOm iN this BuIldiNg. It's liKe a", "whitespace_perturbation": "-related emergencies rescu ed a perso n tra ppe d i na do wnto wn \nbuilding T u esda y and handled five ele vator m i shap s M onday .\n????? C hr i s top he rSta ff o rd didn 'tget cau ght inside an e levator Mond a y, but \nsuff ere d the next-w ors t thin g: be i ng st ran ded i n his1 5th-fl oor apart me n t \naft e r the p o w er fai led when he wenth om e for lunch.\n?? ???Soth e 4 1 - yea r-o ld real es ta te wo r ker tro o pe d d own the stairs to the \nlobby and evenma des ome ne w fri en d s a long the wa y, h elping afew el d erly \nw o men who werestr ugg ling do wn th es tai r s. \n?? ? ??\" It was a p ai n,\" h e ac k n o w ledg ed. \"Bu t I h ave to tell y ou: I r e all y lik e \nmy pan or amicview,so it 's worth the hass le.\" \n?????Now ada ys , S he rrieT ellier ma kes sure h er cell u lar p h o n eis in hand when \ns he g et s in the eleva t or .S he got t ra ppe d on c e befo re,a nd the eme rgency \np ho ne didn 't work. I t's am azing , she said, how sma ll an elevator seems when \nyou can ' tg e to ut.\"It 's like a b room clos et.N o wthe r e's a sigh o f r e lief \nevery time th edoor o pens. \"\n?????Some h igh-rise o f f i ce worke rs s a id Tuesday that t hey p referred n o t to \nth ink a bout the perils o f going wi tho utpow era n dbeing vulnera b l e an d\nisolat edso high up .\n? ??? ?Bu ton the 42 nd floor o fSa nFra ncisc o 's Trans am eri ca To wer,S asha Monpe re w as n' t fa zed byt he c hanc eth at d uri ng a bl acko u t,her bui lding's bac k up g en er ators w ouldn't kickin .\n?????\"He y, I' m youn g and I'mhealthy. I can always w a lk down th e sta irs, \" \nsaid t he29-yea r-o l d rece ptioni st. \" I' ved o ne th e St atu eof Liberty . Itcan't be a ny wors e than that. And w a lki ng down 42 fl igh ts i s alot ea s ier t h anw alking up all t hose stair s. \" \n? ????Likewi s e w it h PhilIp, who work s on the 52nd--an d top--fl oo r of S an\nFrancisco 's talle st skyscr a per.T he 25-y ear resta ur ant vete ran sa y s h e has \ntheut most f aithin moderntechnology.\n?????\"We're safe, even up here,\" s aid Ip, assistan t ge neral mana ger of the\nCa r nelia n Ro o m, ar estau rant atop theB an k o f Am erica build i n g . \" You s hou l d \nsee the engineer's roomi n this buildin g. I t ' s l ike a", "underscore_trick": "-related emergencies_rescued a_person trapped in a_downtown \nbuilding_Tuesday_and handled_five_elevator mishaps Monday.\n?????Christopher_Stafford didn't get_caught inside an elevator_Monday, but \nsuffered_the_next-worst thing: being stranded in his 15th-floor apartment \nafter the power failed when he_went_home for_lunch.\n?????So_the_41-year-old real estate worker trooped_down the stairs to the_\nlobby and_even made some new friends along the way,_helping_a few elderly_\nwomen who were struggling down the stairs.\n?????\"It was a_pain,\" he acknowledged. \"But I have_to tell you:_I_really_like \nmy panoramic view,_so it's worth the hassle.\"\n?????Nowadays, Sherrie_Tellier makes sure her cellular phone_is in hand when \nshe gets in_the elevator. She got trapped once_before, and the emergency \nphone_didn't work._It's amazing, she said, how_small an elevator_seems when_\nyou can't get_out. \"It's like a broom closet.Now_there's a sigh_of relief \nevery time the door_opens.\"\n?????Some_high-rise office workers_said_Tuesday_that they_preferred not to_\nthink_about the_perils_of going without power and being_vulnerable_and \nisolated so high up.\n?????But on the_42nd floor of San_Francisco's_Transamerica Tower, Sasha \nMonpere_wasn't fazed by the chance_that during a blackout, her building's_\nbackup generators_wouldn't kick_in.\n?????\"Hey, I'm young and I'm healthy. I can always walk down_the stairs,\" \nsaid the 29-year-old receptionist._\"I've done the Statue_of Liberty._It_can't \nbe any_worse_than that._And walking down 42 flights is a_lot easier_than \nwalking up all those stairs.\"\n?????Likewise_with Phil Ip, who_works_on the 52nd--and top--floor of San_\nFrancisco's tallest skyscraper. The 25-year restaurant_veteran says he has \nthe_utmost_faith_in modern technology.\n?????\"We're safe, even_up here,\" said Ip, assistant general_manager of the_\nCarnelian Room, a restaurant atop the Bank_of_America building. \"You should \nsee the_engineer's_room in this building. It's like_a"} {"text": " western democracies has been that\npersonal freedom and privacy greatly outweighed prior restrictions\naimed at potential criminal abuse. This established principle rightly\nforced police and prosecutors to build each individual case on legally\ngathered evidence rather than use the dragnet approach.\n\nBut now prosecutors reverse this traditional right to privacy. Instead\nof a presumption of innocence, whole classes of people are viewed as\npotential criminals based solely on wealth and its free use. Subject to\ncivil forfeiture, the accused are stripped of their assets and forced\nto prove their innocence.\n\nAre these drastic restrictions on financial freedom justified?\n\nExisting anti-ML efforts have proven very costly and highly ineffective.\nIn the US in 1998, only 932 people were convicted of money laundering,\nyet the cost to the private and public sectors exceeded $10 billion,\naveraging more than $10 million per conviction. Based on several years\nstatistics, a British law professor calculated that the UK government\nhas stopped only 0.004% of the criminal money that flowed through the\nCity of London. The professor concluded: \"Money launderers do not have\na statistically significant chance of being caught, hence the deterrent\neffect of such laws is negligible.\"\n\nThe question must be asked: \"When is this madness to stop?\" No one\nshould ever have to justify he right to keep their personal business\nprivate, except upon an individual indictment based on specific facts\npresented to a court of law.\n\nThis financial dragnet must end. A continuing and expanded popular\nresistance holds the key to success.\n---------\nINSATIABLE F.A.T.F DEMANDS\nPARIS. After varying appeasement efforts, the 15 \"non-cooperative\ncountries\" that the Financial Action Task Force named to its \"money\nlaundering blacklist\" in June are told they must do still more.\nLINK: http://www.moneylaundering.com/NewsArticleDec004.htm\n----------\nNAURU'S BILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS\nThe New York Times claims that the remote Pacific island of Nauru has\nfound a lucrative niche by learning the trade of money laundering. An\ninteresting first hand account from the island itself. LINK:\nhttp://www.nytimes.com/library/magazine/home/20001210mag-moneylaundering.html\n----------\nSWISS REPUTATION AT STAKE?", "synonym_substitution": "western democracies has been that \n personal freedom and privacy greatly outweighed anterior restriction \n aimed at potential condemnable abuse. This establish principle rightly \n forced police and prosecutor to build up each individual case on legally \n gathered evidence rather than use the trawl approach. \n\n But now prosecutors reverse this traditional right field to privacy. Instead \n of a presumption of artlessness, whole classes of citizenry are viewed as \n potential criminals free-base solely on wealth and its free use. capable to \n civil forfeiture, the charge are stripped of their assets and forced \n to rise their innocence. \n\n Are these drastic restrictions on financial freedom justified? \n\n Existing anti - ML efforts have proven very costly and highly ineffective. \n In the US in 1998, only 932 people were convicted of money laundering, \n yet the cost to the private and public sectors exceeded $ 10 billion, \n average more than $ 10 million per conviction. Based on several class \n statistics, a British law professor calculated that the UK government \n has check only 0.004% of the criminal money that flowed through the \n City of London. The professor concluded: \" Money launderers do not accept \n a statistically significant chance of being caught, hence the deterrent \n effect of such jurisprudence is negligible. \" \n\n The question must be asked: \" When is this madness to stop? \" No one \n should always have to absolve he correct to keep their personal business \n private, except upon an individual indictment based on specific facts \n presented to a court of jurisprudence. \n\n This financial dragnet must end. A continuing and expanded democratic \n resistance holds the key to success. \n --------- \n INSATIABLE F.A.T.F DEMANDS \n PARIS. After change appeasement efforts, the 15 \" non - concerted \n countries \" that the Financial Action Task Force diagnose to its \" money \n laundering blacklist \" in June are told they must cause still more. \n LINK: http://www.moneylaundering.com/NewsArticleDec004.htm \n ---------- \n NAURU'S BILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS \n The New York Times claims that the outback Pacific island of Nauru has \n found a lucrative recess by learning the trade of money laundering. An \n interesting first hand account from the island itself. LINK: \n http://www.nytimes.com/library/magazine/home/20001210mag-moneylaundering.html \n ---------- \n SWISS REPUTATION AT STAKE?", "butter_fingers": " wedtern democracies has betn that\npersonal ftewdom aid privzcy greagly outweighed prior restricvionw\naimee at potential criminau abuse. Tjis estavlisied principle rijgtly\nforgzd pomlce aud prosecutors tp build eawh individual ware on legally\ngathered evidence rather than uxe the dragnet akproabh.\n\nFut how prosecutors reverse this tradifional gight to privacy. Onstead\nof a presumption of innlcence, whole classfs of peoplg arq viewed as\npogential crpkinals basgd solely on wealth and its free use. Xubject to\nxicil xorfeiture, vhe acbused are strliped of their sssets and forged\nto prive their innocence.\n\nArx these drastic resttictions ot yinancial freedom jusridied?\n\nEfisthng xbti-OL tffprfs havf pcoven very dostly and yighly ineffective.\nIm eye US in 1998, onlg 932 peo[lq were convicted of money laundering,\nyet ths cost to the private abd public sectors excgeded $10 biljion,\naveraging more than $10 million per conviction. Bdsed kv stvcval hwags\nstatistics, a British law professor calculatqs uhan the UK governmekt\nhas stopped only 0.004% lf jhe criminal muney tkzt flowed through thf\nCity os Loneon. The pwofexsor concluded: \"Money laundeeers do not kavw\na statistically sngnificant ckance pf beong caught, hence the decerrenf\neffect of duch laws ks negligible.\"\n\nThe quvstimn must be asked: \"When is tris madnews tp stop?\" Vo ome\nshoujd ever hage to justify he right tl keek theis personal business\nprivate, except upon an individual inciwtmvnt based on siecific facts\nprqsented to a cpurt of law.\n\nTfis financpal dragnxt must end. W continuing djd expanded 'opular\nrefistqnce holds gfe key to succrss.\n---------\nINSATICYLE F.A.T.F EEMANDS\nPARIS. After vatyjng appeasement efdorts, the 15 \"non-cpopdraeine\ncpugdries\" that tve Fknavvial Xction Ucsk Worcr named to its \"money\nnaunsering blacklist\" im Mune are jold they must do stilk more.\nLINK: http://www.loneynauiderinb.coi/NewsArticleDec004.htm\n----------\nNAURU'S BILLIKN DOLLAR BUFINESS\nThe Ner Yovk Tymes claimx that the remote Pacific island of Naucu has\nfound a lucrativg niche by learning tke trade of mpney jaunderinc. An\ninteresting firsr hand account frpm the island itself. MINK:\nhtdp://www.jytimes.com/library/magazine/home/20001210mag-moneylaundering.html\n----------\nSWISS REPUTATION AT STQKE?", "random_deletion": "western democracies has been that personal freedom greatly prior restrictions at potential criminal forced and prosecutors to each individual case legally gathered evidence rather than use dragnet approach. But now prosecutors reverse this traditional right to privacy. Instead of presumption of innocence, whole classes of people are viewed as potential criminals based on and free Subject to civil forfeiture, the accused are stripped of their assets and forced to prove their Are these drastic restrictions on financial freedom justified? anti-ML efforts have proven costly and highly ineffective. In US 1998, only people convicted money laundering, yet cost to the private and public sectors exceeded $10 billion, averaging more than $10 million per conviction. on several a British professor that UK government has 0.004% of the criminal money that City of London. The professor concluded: \"Money launderers not have statistically significant chance of being caught, the deterrent effect of such laws is negligible.\" question must be asked: \"When is this madness to stop?\" No one should ever have he right to keep personal business private, upon individual based specific facts to a court of law. This financial dragnet must end. A and expanded popular resistance holds the key to success. --------- DEMANDS After varying appeasement the 15 \"non-cooperative countries\" the Action Task Force named \"money blacklist\" told must still more. LINK: http://www.moneylaundering.com/NewsArticleDec004.htm NAURU'S BILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS The York Times claims that Nauru has found a lucrative niche by learning trade of money laundering. An interesting first account from the island itself. LINK: http://www.nytimes.com/library/magazine/home/20001210mag-moneylaundering.html ---------- SWISS REPUTATION AT STAKE?", "change_char_case": " western democracies has been That\npersonAl freEdoM anD pRivaCy grEatly outweigheD PrioR restrictions\naimed at poTentiAl CRimiNAl Abuse. this estABlISHed PrInCipLe RIgHtly\nfOrcEd policE and prosecUtoRs To build each iNDiVidual case On lEgally\ngatherEd eVidencE rAthER than Use The drAgnet aPProach.\n\nbut now proSeCUtors rEVerse thIS TrAditIonal right to privaCY. INStead\nof a presumPtion oF iNNoCENce, WhoLe classes oF pEople ARe vieweD As\nPOTEntIAl criminals baSed solely on WEalTh and iTs FreE Use. SubJect tO\ncIVil Forfeiture, tHe acCused are sTrippeD Of their ASsets anD forceD\nto ProVe thEIr InNocEnCE.\n\nArE ThEse DRasTic restrIcTiOns on FinaNCIAL freEdoM jusTifieD?\n\nExisting anti-mL eFforTS haVe proVen veRy coStLy and Highly IneffEcTive.\nIn the US in 1998, onLy 932 peOple were cOnvIcTed Of Money LAunderIng,\nYet The cost To the prIVatE aND PUbLic sectors exceeded $10 BiLLIoN,\naveragiNg more THaN $10 mILlion per CoNviCtioN. bAsed oN sevERaL years\nstAtistiCS, a brItish laW pRofessOr CalCulAted tHAt thE UK govErnment\nhAs stoPPed only 0.004% of the crIMinal money thaT FlOWEd THrouGh tHe\nCity of LonDon. THE proFessOR cOncLUded: \"MOney lAuNDeRErs do not have\na statisTiCally sIgnifIcant chance of Being caughT, HENce the deTerrENt\nEFfect of such lawS is neGligible.\"\n\nThE Question Must bE asked: \"WhEn is this mADNess to stOp?\" NO onE\nshOulD EVeR have to justifY HE rigHt To keep tHeiR personAl bUsiNesS\nprIvAte, except Upon an inDiViDuAl IndIctmeNT based on SpEciFiC faCts\nprESented To a coUrt oF lAw.\n\ntHis FinanciAL dRAGnet MuSt End. A ConTiNuing And eXPanDed popuLar\nresistAncE HoldS tHe Key to suCcess.\n---------\nINSATIABlE f.A.T.F DEMANDs\nPaRIs. After VARying appEasement efforts, the 15 \"non-coOPerativE\ncoUntriEs\" thAt the FinaNciAl ActiOn TASk ForcE named To its \"MoNey\nLAUnderING bLacKlIst\" in June aRE TolD they MuSt do Still moRe.\nLINK: http://www.moneyLAunDering.com/NewsartIcledEC004.hTm\n----------\nNauRu's BIlLioN DollAR BUSINESS\nThe NEw York TimeS cLAiMs that the rEMotE PAcific iSland of nauru HAs\nfound A lucrativE niche by lEaRninG THe tRade of moneY launderIng. An\ninteREstinG FiRst haNd aCcount FrOm tHe islAnd itsELf. LiNK:\nhtTp://www.nYtImes.coM/librArY/magazinE/home/20001210mag-moneylaundering.Html\n----------\nSWiSS REpUTaTION AT STaKE?", "whitespace_perturbation": " western democracies has b een that\np erson alfre ed om a nd p rivacy greatly outw eighed prior restricti ons\na im e d at po tenti al crim i na l abu se .Thi se st ablis hed princi ple rightl y\nf or ced police a n dprosecutor s t o build each in dividu al ca s e onleg allygather e d evid ence rath er than u s e the d r a gn et a pproach.\n\nBut now pr o secutors rever se thi st ra d i tio nal right topr ivacy . Instea d \no f a pr e sumption of i nnocence, w h ole class es of people arevi e wed as\npotenti al c riminalsbaseds olely o n wealth and i tsfre e us e .Su bje ct toc iv ilf orf eiture,th eaccus ed a r e s trip ped oftheir assets and f orc ed\nt o pr ove t heirinno ce nce.\nAre t hesedr astic restricti onson financ ial f ree do m jus t ified? \n\nE xis ting an ti-ML e f for ts h a ve proven very costl ya n dhighly i neffec t iv e. In the U Sin1998 , only932p eo ple were convi c te dof mone ylaunde ri ng, \nye t the cost to th e privat e and public sectors exceeded $10b il l i on , \nave rag ing more th an $ 1 0 mi llio n p erc onvic tion. B a se d on several years\ns ta tistic s, aBritish law p rofessor c a l c ulated t hatt he UK governmenthas s topped onl y 0.004%of th e crimin al moneyt h at flowe d t hro ugh th e Ci ty of London. T he p ro fessorcon cluded: \"M one y l aun de rers do n ot haveast at is tic allys ignifica nt ch an ceof be i ng cau ght,henc eth e de terrent ef f e ct o fsu ch l aws i s neg ligi b le. \"\n\nThequestionmus t beas ke d: \"Whe n is this mad ne ss to stop ?\" No one\ns h o uld ever have to justify he rig h t to ke eptheir per sonal bus ine ss\npri vat e , exce pt upo n anin div i d ual i n d ic tme nt based ons p eci fic f ac ts\np resente d to a court of la w .\nThis financia l d ragn e t m ust en d . A c o nti n u ing and expande d popularre s is tance hold s th ekey tosuccess .\n--- - -----\nI NSATIABLE F.A.T.FDE MAND S PAR IS. Aftervaryingappeaseme n t eff o rt s, th e 1 5 \"non -c oop erati ve\ncou n tri es\" t hat th eFinanc ial A ct ion Task Force named to its \"mo ney\nla under ing blacklis t\"i n J une are t oldthey mustdosti ll mo re. LINK: htt p :/ /ww w .mone ylau n dering.co m /N ews A r ti cleDec004.h t m --- ----- --N AURU'S BIL LION DOLLAR BUSIN E SS\nThe New Yor k Ti m e s c lai m s th at the remote Pa cif ic i sland of N auru has\nfo und a lu cr a tivenicheby lea rning t h e t r ade of mon eylaunderin g.An interes ti ng firsthand a ccount fromt he i s l and itself. LINK :\nhtt p : //www . nyt imes. co m/libra r y/ma gazine/hom e/20001210m ag-mon eyla under ing.htm l------ --- -SWISS REPU T ATION ATSTAKE ?", "underscore_trick": " western_democracies has_been that\npersonal freedom and_privacy greatly_outweighed_prior restrictions\naimed_at_potential criminal abuse._This established principle_rightly\nforced police and prosecutors_to build each_individual_case on legally\ngathered evidence rather than use the dragnet approach.\n\nBut now prosecutors reverse this_traditional_right to_privacy._Instead\nof_a presumption of innocence, whole_classes of people are viewed_as\npotential criminals_based solely on wealth and its free use._Subject_to\ncivil forfeiture, the_accused are stripped of their assets and forced\nto prove_their innocence.\n\nAre these drastic restrictions on_financial freedom justified?\n\nExisting_anti-ML_efforts_have proven very costly_and highly ineffective.\nIn the US in_1998, only 932 people were convicted_of money laundering,\nyet the cost to the_private and public sectors exceeded $10_billion,\naveraging more than $10 million_per conviction._Based on several years\nstatistics, a_British law professor_calculated that_the UK government\nhas_stopped only 0.004% of the criminal_money that flowed_through the\nCity of London. The professor_concluded:_\"Money launderers do_not_have\na_statistically significant_chance of being_caught,_hence the_deterrent\neffect_of such laws is negligible.\"\n\nThe question_must_be asked: \"When is this madness to_stop?\" No one\nshould ever_have_to justify he right_to keep their personal business\nprivate,_except upon an individual indictment based_on specific_facts\npresented to_a court of law.\n\nThis financial dragnet must end. A continuing and_expanded popular\nresistance holds the key to_success.\n---------\nINSATIABLE F.A.T.F DEMANDS\nPARIS. After_varying appeasement_efforts,_the 15 \"non-cooperative\ncountries\"_that_the Financial_Action Task Force named to its \"money\nlaundering_blacklist\" in_June are told they must do_still more.\nLINK: http://www.moneylaundering.com/NewsArticleDec004.htm\n----------\nNAURU'S BILLION_DOLLAR_BUSINESS\nThe New York Times claims that_the remote Pacific island of Nauru_has\nfound a lucrative niche by_learning_the_trade of money laundering. An\ninteresting_first hand account from the island_itself. LINK:\nhttp://www.nytimes.com/library/magazine/home/20001210mag-moneylaundering.html\n----------\nSWISS REPUTATION_AT STAKE?"} {"text": " team. \nMeanwhile, coal, rail and power companies such as Peabody Holdings Inc., \nBurlington Northern/Santa Fe, and Southern Co., provided funding last year to \nstart Americans for Balanced Energy Choices, to develop grass-roots support \nfor coal. \n\"The market realities have changed, and the political dynamics have changed \nin Washington,\" said the group's president, Steve Miller, a Democrat who was \nBill Clinton's campaign organizational chairman in Kentucky in 1992. \"People \nhave no idea of the environmental improvement the coal industry has made.\" \nTo get that message across, Americans for Balanced Energy Choices has set up \na Web site and prepared a media advertising budget of several million dollars \nto finance what Miller says will be \"a longtime conversation with opinion \nleaders across the country.\" The purpose will be to counter the influence of \nenvironmental organizations. \nSeparately, the Coalition for Affordable and Reliable Energy, made up largely \nof trade associations, has been set up to lobby in Washington and has begun \nrunning advertisements in Capitol Hill publications. \nElectric utilities and their executives and employees last year gave $18.4 \nmillion to candidates and parties, of which $12.4 million went to \nRepublicans, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a campaign \nresearch group. Southern Co., one of the nation's largest coal-burning power \nproducers, opposes the Kyoto protocol, under which signatory nations, \nincluding the United States, agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to \n1990 levels. The Senate has never ratified the agreement. \nSouthern Co. is represented in Washington by the lobbying firm headed by \nformer Republican National Committee chairman Haley Barbour, a close \nassociate of Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.). \nIn the House, Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.), chairman of the subcommittee with \njurisdiction over clean air and energy, has vowed that legislation containing \nsuch restrictions will \"never\" pass through his panel. Until Barton's \nnortheast Texas district was reconfigured in 1994, it contained strip mines \nand coal-burning power plants belonging to Texas Utilities Co., the third \nlargest electricity producer in the United States. Barton has continued to \nreceive funds from its political action committee. \nThe coal", "synonym_substitution": "team. \n Meanwhile, coal, rail and power companies such as Peabody Holdings Inc., \n Burlington Northern / Santa Fe, and Southern Co., provide support last year to \n start Americans for Balanced Energy Choices, to grow grass - roots accompaniment \n for ember. \n \" The market realities have changed, and the political dynamics have changed \n in Washington, \" suppose the group's president, Steve Miller, a Democrat who was \n Bill Clinton's campaign organizational chairman in Kentucky in 1992. \" People \n have no idea of the environmental improvement the ember industry has made. \" \n To get that message across, Americans for Balanced Energy Choices has determine up \n a Web site and prepare a media ad budget of several million dollar \n to finance what Miller says will be \" a longtime conversation with opinion \n leaders across the area. \" The purpose will be to counter the influence of \n environmental organizations. \n Separately, the Coalition for Affordable and Reliable Energy, made up largely \n of trade associations, has been set up to lobby in Washington and has begun \n running advertisements in Capitol Hill publications. \n Electric utilities and their executives and employees last class give $ 18.4 \n million to candidates and party, of which $ 12.4 million proceed to \n Republicans, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a campaign \n inquiry group. Southern Co., one of the nation's big coal - burning baron \n producers, opposes the Kyoto protocol, under which signatory nations, \n including the United States, agree to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to \n 1990 levels. The Senate has never sign the agreement. \n Southern Co. is represented in Washington by the lobbying firm lead by \n erstwhile Republican National Committee chairman Haley Barbour, a close \n associate of Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R - Miss.). \n In the House, Rep. Joe Barton (radius - Tex .), chairman of the subcommittee with \n jurisdiction over clean tune and energy, has vowed that legislation containing \n such restrictions will \" never \" fall through his panel. Until Barton's \n northeasterly Texas district was reconfigured in 1994, it contained strip mine \n and coal - burn power plant belonging to Texas Utilities Co., the third \n bombastic electricity producer in the United States. Barton has continued to \n meet funds from its political military action committee. \n The coal", "butter_fingers": " tewm. \nMeanwhile, coal, rail akd power companigs such es Peabkdy Holdkngs Inc., \nBurlington Northern/Dabta Ft, and Southern Co., pfovided flnding lawt ytar to \nstart Amermdans fov Balzkced Znxrgy Choices, to develop gsass-roots suppmrg \nyor coal. \n\"The market realities have cranged, snf the politicaj dymwmica have changed \nin Washington,\" said fhe grolp's president, Stefe Miller, a Democrat who wws \nBlll Clinton's campalgn organizqtiogql chairman kn Kentuckj in 1992. \"Peoplg \nhave no idea of the environmengal ikprovement tye fmal industrb has iade.\" \nTo get bnat mevsage avross, Americanx fmr Valanced Energy Choicxs has set up \na Web fite and [rzpared a media advertusung bodget of rwvefal mmlljon doplacs \nto finande what Miloer says will be \"a kogttime conversztion rieh opinion \nleaders across the country.\" Tve lurpose will be to counrer the influence of \ngnvironmeneal organizations. \nSeparately, the Coalition for Afxordauld aue Relkqbpe Energy, made up largely \nof trade associatioga, nax been set up bo lobby in Washinbtln wnd has begun \nrunniuf zdvertisements in Fapitol Hill publicatyons. \nElectric utilities and theur executivef and employees lasc year gave $18.4 \nmilkion yo candidates and partizs, of shich $12.4 milllon went fu \nRepublicans, aczorcitg to tht Center for Respogsive Polmtics, a campxign \nreseawch group. Douthcsn Co., one of the nwtion'd nargest cowl-burning power \nproducers, opposxx the Kyoto krodocml, under whicm signatory natyons, \nincluding the Unnted Sgates, agrevd to rednce greenhoufe gas emissimjs to \n1990 levelv. The Segate has never fxtified the agteement. \nSouthern Co. is represented in Wargington by the oobvying firm headrd cy \nsogmec Repttlican Natiotal Zomoottee chairman Hcldy Bsrbour, a close \nassochate of Senate Majoritu Jeader Ttent Lott (R-Miss.). \nIn the House, Rep. Joe Baruon (R-Txx.), chamrman pf jhe subcommittee with \njurisdictjon over flewn air and egergn, haf vowed thct legislation containing \nsuch restrictiins will \"never\" pasw through his panel. Mntil Barton'x \nnoreheast Tefas district was recinfigured in 1994, it gontained strip mines \nznd codl-burjing power plants belonging to Texas Utilities Co., the third \nlargest electeicity producer in the Unitvd Fcates. Bwrtoi ias continued to \ngeceive funds from its political action woimittee. \nThe coal", "random_deletion": "team. Meanwhile, coal, rail and power companies Peabody Inc., Burlington Fe, and Southern to Americans for Balanced Choices, to develop support for coal. \"The market realities changed, and the political dynamics have changed in Washington,\" said the group's president, Miller, a Democrat who was Bill Clinton's campaign organizational chairman in Kentucky in \"People no of environmental improvement the coal industry has made.\" To get that message across, Americans for Balanced Energy has set up a Web site and prepared media advertising budget of million dollars to finance what says be \"a conversation opinion across the country.\" purpose will be to counter the influence of environmental organizations. Separately, the Coalition for Affordable and Reliable made up trade associations, been up lobby in Washington begun running advertisements in Capitol Hill and their executives and employees last year gave million to and parties, of which $12.4 million to Republicans, according to the Center for Responsive a campaign research group. Southern Co., one of the nation's largest coal-burning power producers, opposes protocol, under which signatory including the United agreed reduce gas to 1990 The Senate has never ratified the agreement. Southern Co. is represented Washington by the lobbying firm headed by former Republican National Haley a close associate Senate Majority Leader Trent (R-Miss.). the House, Rep. Joe chairman the over air energy, has vowed that containing such restrictions will \"never\" through his panel. Until reconfigured in 1994, it contained strip mines and power plants belonging to Texas Utilities Co., third largest electricity producer in the United States. Barton has continued to funds from action committee. The coal", "change_char_case": " team. \nMeanwhile, coal, rail and pOwer companIes suCh aS PeAbOdy HOldiNgs Inc., \nBurlingtON NorThern/Santa Fe, and SoutherN Co., prOvIDed fUNdIng laSt year tO \nStART AmErIcAns FoR baLanceD EnErgy ChoIces, to deveLop GrAss-roots suppORt \nFor coal. \n\"The MarKet realities HavE changEd, And THe polItiCal dyNamics HAve chaNged \nin WasHiNGton,\" saID the groUP'S pResiDent, Steve Miller, a DEMoCRat who was \nBill CLinton'S cAMpAIGn oRgaNizational ChAirmaN In KentuCKy IN 1992. \"pEopLE \nhave no idea of The environmENtaL improVeMenT The coaL induStRY haS made.\" \nTo get tHat mEssage acrOss, AmeRIcans foR balanceD EnergY ChOicEs haS SeT uP \na WEb SIte ANd PrePAreD a media aDvErTisinG budGET OF sevEraL milLion dOllars \nto finanCe wHat MILleR says Will bE \"a loNgTime cOnversAtion WiTh opinion \nleaderS acrOss the couNtrY.\" THe pUrPose wILl be to CouNteR the infLuence oF \nEnvIrONMEnTal organizations. \nSePaRATeLy, the CoaLition FOr afFOrdable aNd relIablE eNergy, Made UP lArgely \nof Trade aSSoCiAtions, hAs Been seT uP to LobBy in WAShinGton anD has beguN \nrunnINg advertisemenTS in Capitol HilL PuBLIcATionS. \nElEctric utiliTies ANd thEir eXEcUtiVEs and EmploYeES lASt year gave $18.4 \nmillion to CaNdidatEs and Parties, of whicH $12.4 million weNT TO \nRepubliCans, ACcORding to the CentEr for responsive pOlitics, a CampaIgn \nreseaRch group. SOUThern Co., oNe oF thE naTioN'S LaRgest coal-burnING powEr \nProduceRs, oPposes tHe KYotO prOtoCoL, under whiCh signatOrY nAtIoNs, \niNcludINg the UniTeD StAtEs, aGreed TO reducE greeNhouSe GaS EmiSsions tO \n1990 LeVELs. ThE SEnAte hAs nEvEr ratIfieD The AgreemeNt. \nSoutherN Co. IS repReSeNted in WAshington by thE lObbying firM hEadEd by \nfoRMEr RepublIcan National Committee chAIrman HaLey barboUr, a cLose \nassocIatE of SenAte mAjoritY LeadeR TrenT LOtt (r-mIss.). \nIn THE HOusE, REp. Joe BartoN (r-tex.), ChairMaN of tHe subcoMmittee with \njurisdiCTioN over clean air And EnerGY, HaS voWEd THat LeGIslATIon containing \nsuCh restrictIoNS wIll \"never\" paSS thRoUgh his pAnel. UntIl BarTOn's \nnortHeast TexaS district WaS recONFigUred in 1994, it coNtained sTrip mines \nANd coaL-BuRning PowEr planTs BelOnginG to TexAS UtIlitiEs Co., thE tHird \nlaRgest ElEctricitY producer in the United StaTes. BarTon haS coNtinued to \nRecEIve Funds from Its pOlitical acTioN coMmittEe. \nTHE coal", "whitespace_perturbation": " team. \nMeanwhile, coal, r ail and po wer c omp ani es suc h as Peabody Holdi n gs I nc., \nBurlington North ern/S an t a Fe , a nd So uthernC o. , pro vi de d f un d in g las t y ear to\nstart Ame ric an s for Balanc e dEnergy Cho ice s, to develo p g rass-r oo tss uppor t for c oal. \" The ma rket real it i es hav e change d , a nd t he political dyna m ic s have changed\nin Wa sh i ng t o n,\" sa id the gro up 's pr e sident, St e v e Mi l ler, a Democr at who wasBil l Clin to n's campai gn or ga n iza tional chai rman in Kentu cky in 1992. \" P eople have n o i dea oft he e nvi ro n men t al im p rov ement th eco al in dust r y h as m ade .\" To ge t that messag e a cros s , A meric ans f or B al anced Energ y Cho ic es has set up a We b site an d p re par ed a me d ia adv ert isi ng budg et of s e ver al m i ll ion dollars \nto fi na n c ewhat Mil ler sa y swi l l be \"alo ngt imec o nvers atio n w ith opin ion \nl e ad er s acros sthe co un try .\"The p u rpos e will be to c ounte r the influence of \nenvironme n ta l or g aniz ati ons. \nSepar atel y , th e Co a li tio n forAffor da b le and Reliable Energy ,made u p lar gely \nof trad e associat i o n s, has b eens et up to lobby in Wash ington and has begu n \nru nning ad vertiseme n t s in Cap ito l H ill pu b l ic ations. \nElec t r ic u ti litiesand theirexe cut ive s a nd employee s last y ea rga ve $1 8.4 m illion t ocan di dat es an d parti es, o f wh ic h$ 12. 4 milli o nw e nt t o\nR epub lic an s, ac cord i ngto theCenter fo r R e spon si ve Politi cs, a campaig n\nresearchgr oup . Sout h e rn Co.,one of the nation's lar g est coa l-b urnin g po wer \nprod uce rs, op pos e s theKyotoproto co l,u n der w h i ch si gn atory nati o n s,\nincl ud ingthe Uni ted States, agreed toreduce greenh ous e ga s em iss i on s to 1 990 l evels. The Sena te has nev er ra tified the agr ee ment. Souther n Co. is repr esented i n Washing to n by t helobbying f irm head ed by \nfo r mer R e pu blica n N ationa lCom mitte e chai r man Hale y Barb ou r, a c lose\na ssociate of Senate Majority Lea der Tr ent L ott (R-Miss. ).Inthe House , Re p. Joe Bar ton (R -Tex. ),c hairm an o f t hes ubcom mitt e e with \nj u ri sdi c t io n over clea n a irand e ner g y, has vow ed that legislati o n containing such r est ric t ions w ill \"never\" pa ssth r o ugh hispa nel. UntilBarton's n orthe ast Te xas di strictw a sr econfi gure d i n 1994, i t c on t ained s tr ip mines\nand c oal-bu rningp ower p lants belongingto Te x a s Uti l iti es Co ., the th i rd largest el ectricity p roduce r in theUnitedSt ates.Bar to n has cont i nued to recei ve fund sfrom it s poli tica l actio n co mm itt ee. \nThec o al ", "underscore_trick": " team._\nMeanwhile, coal,_rail and power companies_such as_Peabody_Holdings Inc.,_\nBurlington_Northern/Santa Fe, and_Southern Co., provided_funding last year to_\nstart Americans for_Balanced_Energy Choices, to develop grass-roots support \nfor coal. \n\"The market realities have changed, and_the_political dynamics_have_changed_\nin Washington,\" said the group's_president, Steve Miller, a Democrat_who was_\nBill Clinton's campaign organizational chairman in Kentucky in_1992._\"People \nhave no_idea of the environmental improvement the coal industry has_made.\" \nTo get that message across,_Americans for Balanced_Energy_Choices_has set up \na_Web site and prepared a media_advertising budget of several million dollars_\nto finance what Miller says will be_\"a longtime conversation with opinion \nleaders_across the country.\" The purpose_will be_to counter the influence of_\nenvironmental organizations. \nSeparately,_the Coalition_for Affordable and_Reliable Energy, made up largely \nof_trade associations, has_been set up to lobby in_Washington_and has begun_\nrunning_advertisements_in Capitol_Hill publications. \nElectric_utilities_and their_executives_and employees last year gave $18.4_\nmillion_to candidates and parties, of which $12.4_million went to \nRepublicans,_according_to the Center for_Responsive Politics, a campaign \nresearch_group. Southern Co., one of the_nation's largest_coal-burning power_\nproducers, opposes the Kyoto protocol, under which signatory nations, \nincluding the_United States, agreed to reduce greenhouse_gas emissions to \n1990_levels. The_Senate_has never ratified_the_agreement. \nSouthern_Co. is represented in Washington by the_lobbying firm_headed by \nformer Republican National Committee_chairman Haley Barbour, a_close_\nassociate of Senate Majority Leader Trent_Lott (R-Miss.). \nIn the House, Rep._Joe Barton (R-Tex.), chairman of_the_subcommittee_with \njurisdiction over clean air_and energy, has vowed that legislation_containing \nsuch restrictions_will \"never\" pass through his panel. Until_Barton's_\nnortheast Texas district was reconfigured in_1994,_it contained strip mines \nand coal-burning_power_plants_belonging to Texas Utilities Co.,_the third \nlargest electricity producer in_the United States. Barton has continued to \nreceive funds_from its political_action committee. \nThe coal"} {"text": "MCO)
San Juan, PR (SJU)Tampa, FL (TPA)$199
Seattle, WA (SEA)Tokyo Narita, Japan (NRT)$399
Tampa, FL (TPA)San Juan, PR (SJU)$199
\t?\n\n \t\t\n \t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t \t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\"> TO: \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\"> PRICE: \n \t\t < /tr > \n \t\t \t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td colspan=\"3 \" height=\"7 \" > < IMG \n SRC=\"http://graphics.aa.com / editorials / images1 / nsa - line.gif \" \n width=\"523 \" height=\"3 \" align=\"texttop\"> \n \t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Boston, MA (BOS) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">San Francisco, CA (SFO) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$229 \n\t\t\t\t < /tr > \n\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">- Rriday exening travel may not be avamlaboe in all markets.\n\t\t
- Tickets must be iurchased no oqter than vgis Friday, Ocflber\n 26, 2001, 12:00 midnight\n\t\t
&nnsp; (CT).\n\t\t
- Fares shown ase rlundtrip.\n

\n\t\t\n\n\n \t\t\n \t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tWROM:\n\t\t\t\t\tTP:\n\t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t \t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t?\t?\t?\t\t?\t?\t? \t? \t\t\t\t\t < td>$15.99 Wknd Day? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td>Philadelphia, PA (PHL)? \t\t\t\t\t < td>Compact? \t\t\t\t\t < td>$16.99 Wknd Day? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t < /table > \t\t\t? \t\t\t < br> 
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Boston, MA (BOS)San Francisco, CA (SFO)$229
- Friday evening travel may not be available in all markets. \n\t\t < br>- Tickets must be buy no subsequently than this Friday, October \n 26, 2001, 12:00 midnight \n\t\t < br>  (CT). \n\t\t < br>- Fares shown are roundtrip. \n < /font > \n\t\t < br>
\n\t\t\n \n \n \t\t < table width=\"523 \" border=\"0 \" align=\"left \" cellspacing=\"0 \" > \n \t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\"> FROM:
Bostin, MA (BOS)San Francisco, CA (SFO)\n\t\t\t\t\t$229\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t
- Friday travel may not
- must be purchased later than this October 26, 2001, 12:00 midnight
  (CT). Fares shown are roundtrip.

\n\n \t\t\n \t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t \t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t< tdwid th=\"44% \"> < b>TO:< /fo nt>< / t d>\n\t\t\t\t< t dwidth=\"1 2%\"> < b>PRICE:\n \t< /tr> \n \t\t \t\t \t\t\t< t d col span= \"3 \" h e ight=\"7\"> \n \t\t< / t r>\n\t\t\t\t< tr> \n\t\t\tBoston, M A ( BO S)< /font > \n\t\t\tSa n Fr a nci sco, CA (SFO) \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tFROM:\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tPRICE:\n_ _ \t\t\n _ \t\t _ \t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t \n_ _ \t\t\n\t\t\t\t_\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t ___ _ \n\t\t\t\t\t\n Subject: RE: ISDA \nSchedule/Paragraph 13\n\n 04/13/2001\n 08:42 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI hope to leave by 3:30 Eastern Time. Thanks for getting back to me so\nquickly. Though, I'm surprised u guys are open for business today.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com [mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com]\nSent: Friday, April 13, 2001 9:41 AM\nTo: YYaish@exchange.ml.com\nSubject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13\n\n\n", "synonym_substitution": "com \n http://www.carrfut.com I apologize, I have been out sick until this afternoon and have not gotten to \n it. I remember, if memory serve me correctly, I think I was generally ok with \n the lyric except for the proviso at the end because we do not sleep together what \n your inner policies are and how you would evaluate the assignee. It \n basically strips out the right because it even leaves us subject to Enron's \n caprice. Could you possibly give me a better sense as to what the criteria \n would be? \n\n Thanks \n\n Yair Yaish \n Director and Senior Counsel \n Allegheny Energy Global Markets, LLC \n 212 - 236 - 7955 \n\n\n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com [ mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com ] \n Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 7:16 PM \n To: YYaish@exchange.ml.com \n Subject: rhenium: ISDA Schedule / Paragraph 13 \n\n\n\n Yair: Are we finished? Please let me know. Thanks. \n\n Sara Shackleton \n Enron North America Corp. \n 1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a \n Houston, Texas 77002 \n 713 - 853 - 5620 (earphone) \n 713 - 646 - 3490 (fax) \n sara.shackleton@enron.com \n\n\n\n \" Yaish, Yair \n (OGC) \" To: \n \"' Sara.Shackleton@enron.com' \" < Sara.Shackleton@enron.com > \n < YYaish@exchan cc: \n ge.ml.com > Subject: RE: ISDA \n Schedule / Paragraph 13 \n\n 04/13/2001 \n 08:42 AM \n\n\n\n\n\n\n I hope to leave by 3:30 easterly Time. Thanks for getting back to me so \n quickly. Though, I'm surprised u guys are clear for business today. \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com [ mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com ] \n Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 9:41 AM \n To: YYaish@exchange.ml.com \n Subject: RE: ISDA Schedule / Paragraph 13", "butter_fingers": "com\n http://www.carrfut.com L apologize, I harw been out sjck untiu this afternoon and have nov gorten uj \nit. I think, if mdmory sernes me coereculy, I think I was generally ok slth \ntke language excekt for the psoviso at the ana yecause we do not know what \nyour intqrnal ppllcies are and row jot wohld evaluate the assignee. It \nbasidally surips out the righy because it still leaves ks skbject to Enron's \ncwprice. Couod yjy perhaps gixe me a beutzr sense as to what the criteria \nwould be?\n\nTfanks\n\nVair Yaish\nDurwctlt and Senior Counfel\nAllegheny Energy Clobal Karkets, LLC\n212-236-7955\n\n\n\n-----Orininal Mewsage-----\nFrom: Sara.Shacklevon@enron.com [mailto:Sata.Shackletmn@znron.com]\nSent: Wednesdat, Qpril 18, 2001 7:16 [M\nTo: TYaksh@txcianfe.ml.col\nSuuject: RE: ISSA Schedule/Paragraph 13\n\n\n\nYair: Are wq finished? Plsase lqt me know. Thanks.\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron Nogth Zmerica Corp.\n1400 Smith Strewt, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fwx)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n \"Yaish, Yair\n (OGC)\" To: \n\"'Sara.Shackjstpn@vnron.com'\" \n Subject: RE: ISDA \nSchedujw/Paragraph 13\n\n 04/13/2001\n 08:42 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI hope co leabe by 3:30 Eastfrn Time. Ghanks for gettivg nacn to me so\nquickly. Though, Y'm surpriwed b guys afe oken for business hoday.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrol: Sarc.Shacnleton@enroj.com [mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com]\nSent: Friday, Spsil 13, 2001 9:41 AM\nTo: YYaixh@exchange.ml.cjm\nSubject: RE: IXDA Schzdule/Pxragraph 13\n\n\n", "random_deletion": "com http://www.carrfut.com I apologize, I have been until afternoon and not gotten to serves correctly, I think was generally ok the language except for the proviso the end because we do not know what your internal policies are and you would evaluate the assignee. It basically strips out the right because it leaves subject Enron's Could you perhaps give me a better sense as to what the criteria would be? Thanks Yaish Director and Senior Counsel Allegheny Energy Global LLC 212-236-7955 -----Original Message----- Sara.Shackleton@enron.com [mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 2001 PM To: Subject: ISDA 13 Yair: Are finished? Please let me know. Thanks. Sara Shackleton Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a Texas 77002 713-646-3490 (fax) \"Yaish, (OGC)\" \"'Sara.Shackleton@enron.com'\" \n SubjeCt: rE: IsDA \nschedULe/PaRagrapH 13\n\n 04/13/2001\n 08:42 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI hope To leaVE by 3:30 Eastern Time. tHanks for gettiNG bACK tO Me so\nQuiCkly. Though, I'M surPRiseD u guYS aRe oPEn for BusinEsS ToDAy.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrOm: sara.ShAckleTon@enron.com [maIlto:Sara.ShACKLeton@enrOn.coM]\nseNT: Friday, April 13, 2001 9:41 AM\nto: YYaIsh@exchangE.Ml.com\nSubJect: Re: ISDA SchEdule/ParaGRAph 13\n\n\n", "whitespace_perturbation": "com\n http://www.carrf ut.com I a polog ize , I h avebeen out sick unti l thi s afternoon and have n ot go tt e n to \ni t. I think, if m emo ry s erv es me corr ect ly, I t hink I was ge ne rally ok wit h the langua geexcept for t heprovis oatt he en d b ecaus e we d o not k now what\ny o ur int e rnal po l i ci es a re and how you wo u ld evaluate the a ssigne e. I t \nba sic ally strip sout t h e right be c a u sei t still leave s us subjec t to Enron 's \nc a price. Cou ld you perhaps gi ve m e a bette r sens e as tow hat the crite ria \nw ould be ?\nTh an k s\nY ai r Y a ish \nDirecto ran d Sen iorC o u n selAll eghe ny En ergy Global M ark ets, LLC \n212- 236-7 955\n\n---- -Origi nal M es sage-----\nFrom: Sar a.Shackle ton @e nro n. com [ m ailto: Sar a.S hacklet on@enro n .co m] S e nt : Wednesday, April 1 8 , 2 001 7:16 PM\nTo : Y Ya i sh@excha ng e.m l.co m Subje ct:R E: ISDA Sc hedule / Pa ra graph 1 3\n\n\nYai r: A rewe fi n ishe d? Pl ease let me k n ow. Thanks.\nS ara Shackleto n \nE n r on Nort h A merica Corp .\n14 0 0 Sm ithS tr eet , EB 3 801aHo u st o n, Texas 77002\n713 -8 53-562 0 (ph one)\n713-646- 3490 (fax) s a ra.shack leto n @e n ron.com\n\n\n\n \"Yaish, Yair \n (OGC)\" To: \n\"'Sa r a .Sha ck leton@e nro n.com'\" \n Su bje ct : RE: ISD A \nSche dule/Para gra p h 13 \n 04 /1 3/2001\n 08:4 2 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI hope to le a ve by 3 :30 East ernTime. Th ank s forget t ing ba ck tome so \nq uic k l y. T h o ug h,I' m surprise d u g uys a re ope n for b usiness today.\n\n-- - --O riginal Messa ge- ---- F ro m:S ar a .Sh ac k let o n @enron.com [mai lto:Sara.S ha c kl eton@enron . com ]Sent: F riday,April 13, 200 1 9:41 AM \nTo: YYai sh @exc h a nge .ml.com\nSu bject: R E: ISDA S c hedul e /P aragr aph 13\n\n", "underscore_trick": "com\n _ _ http://www.carrfut.com I_apologize, I_have_been out_sick_until this afternoon_and have not_gotten to \nit. _I think, if_memory_serves me correctly, I think I was generally ok with \nthe language except for_the_proviso at_the_end_because we do not know_what \nyour internal policies are_and how_you would evaluate the assignee. It \nbasically_strips_out the right_because it still leaves us subject to Enron's \ncaprice._ Could you perhaps give me_a better sense_as_to_what the criteria \nwould_be?\n\nThanks\n\nYair Yaish\nDirector and Senior Counsel\nAllegheny Energy_Global Markets, LLC\n212-236-7955\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com [mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com]\nSent:_Wednesday, April 18, 2001 7:16 PM\nTo: YYaish@exchange.ml.com\nSubject:_RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13\n\n\n\nYair: Are_we finished? Please let_me know._ Thanks.\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America_Corp.\n1400 Smith Street,_EB 3801a\nHouston,_Texas 77002\n713-853-5620_(phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n _ _ __ ___\"Yaish, Yair\n_ __ __ __ (OGC)\" _ __ _ _To: \n\"'Sara.Shackleton@enron.com'\"_\n _ _ _ _ __ _Subject: RE:_ISDA \nSchedule/Paragraph 13\n\n ___ _ _ _ 04/13/2001\n __ __ _08:42_AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI_hope to leave by 3:30_Eastern Time. Thanks for getting_back to me so\nquickly. Though, I'm surprised u_guys are open_for business today.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com_[mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com]\nSent:_Friday,_April 13, 2001 9:41 AM\nTo: YYaish@exchange.ml.com\nSubject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13\n\n\n"} {"text": " i outlined in my prior \nmemo. It will benefit C-gas via direct access to technology and specialists, \nit will benefit EGEP for marketing and a US presence and it will benefit ENA \nby moving the asset from your books without a loss and releasing the valuable \nintellectual capital ENA could employ elsewhere in a higher yielding business \nventure. However, with the premiums you have placed on the properties it is \ngoing to be very difficult to make this transaction happen. (However, we are \nwilling to try) ENA has had this on the market for over a year with the \nintent to sell it at book if possible. Prices have improved, but I believe \neven your team would admit this is still a project to get book in the market \ntoday. Your estimated value at the current strip at a Before Tax 10% \ndiscount for Appalachian reserves seems a little aggressive for the market \nlet alone an inter-company transfer. \n\nWhen we talked about this a couple of weeks ago we said it would be a fair \ntransaction and at the time you were hedging that it would be around book. I \nunderstood your logic for needing to talk with your team but I was relying on \na fair deal to result. Dave, I'm only sending this memo to you because I \nfeel this is being pushed way past fair by your team with the intent that if \nwe pay this it is a home run for your new team and since we are in a bind, \nlet's see what happens. I know this is a very small piece of business for \nyou and the time it takes to read this is more than you can afford to this \nasset or transaction. If fact, the easy thing for you to do is get mad and \nsay you don't have the time and stop the transaction. On the other hand, if \nyou believe the right thing for all parties is to do this at book, say so and \nyou'll never deal with this piece of business again. I hope in this case you \nwill put the greater good of Enron in front of ENA's desire to hit a home run \nat EGEP's expense and in the spirit of ONE-ENRON move these assets to EGEP at \nbook value. \nAs", "synonym_substitution": "i outlined in my prior \n memo. It will benefit C - accelerator via lineal access to technology and specialist, \n it will profit EGEP for marketing and a US presence and it will benefit ENA \n by go the asset from your books without a loss and release the valuable \n intellectual capital ENA could hire elsewhere in a higher yielding occupation \n speculation. However, with the premiums you have placed on the place it is \n going to be very difficult to lay down this transaction happen. (However, we are \n willing to hear) ENA has had this on the market for over a year with the \n intent to deal it at book if possible. Prices have improved, but I believe \n even your team would accept this is still a project to get book in the market \n today. Your estimated value at the current strip at a Before Tax 10% \n discount for Appalachian reserves seems a little aggressive for the market \n let alone an inter - company transfer. \n\n When we talked about this a couple of weeks ago we say it would be a fair \n transaction and at the time you were hedge that it would be around ledger. I \n understood your logic for needing to talk with your team but I was trust on \n a fair softwood to result. Dave, I'm only commit this memo to you because I \n feel this is being pushed way past fair by your team with the intent that if \n we pay this it is a home discharge for your new team and since we are in a bind, \n let's see what happens. I acknowledge this is a very small while of business for \n you and the time it takes to read this is more than you can afford to this \n asset or transaction. If fact, the comfortable thing for you to do is get mad and \n say you don't have the time and stop the transaction. On the other handwriting, if \n you believe the right matter for all parties is to do this at book, say thus and \n you'll never deal with this firearm of business again. I hope in this case you \n will arrange the greater commodity of Enron in front of ENA's desire to hit a home footrace \n at EGEP's expense and in the spirit of ONE - ENRON move these assets to EGEP at \n book value. \n As", "butter_fingers": " i lutlined in my prior \nmemu. It will beneyut C-gav via sirect azcess to technology and specmaliwts, \niu will benefit EGEP for markvting and a UW presence ehd it wljl bskefit XNA \nby moving tme asset frmm your books fighlut a loss and releasing the valuabje \ninteklfctual capital ENA souls employ elsewhere in a higher yiemding blsiness \nventure. Nowever, with the premiums jou jave placed on the properties it yw \ngoing to bd very difficult to maie this transaction happen. (Howdver, ce are \nwillunt tl try) ENA hes had this on the market xor ovet a year with bhe \niitenr to sell it at book mf possible. Prices rave imprmvzd, but I believe \neven yiur tgam wmuld qdmkt uhix js stipl e project tk get book un the market \ntoday. Riur estimated value ae the current strip at a Before Tax 10% \ndivcohnt for Appalachian reswrves seems a little wggressivq for the market \nlet alone an inter-company transfar. \n\nWiev wt bwujef about this a couple of weeks ago we said it soilc be a fair \ntrcnsaction and at tje jime you were fedginy tgat it would be arlund bojk. I \nunderstojd ypur logic for needing to taok with your ream but I was relving on \na fanr deak to tesult. Dave, I'm only seuding fhis memo tl you beczjse I \nfeel this ks neitg pushed way past fair by your tean wich the ivtenj that yf \nwe pay hhis ld is a home run fog yout new deam and slnce we are in a bind, \nlet's see xiat happens. O nnof this if a vcry small piece of business fpr \nyou cnd thd time it nakes to cead this is more than yog can afford vo this \nafset or rransacgkon. If fact, yhe easy nhnng for yiu to do is get mav ana \nsay you don't hcre the time and syop thq nraisactymn. On the odher havc, if \nhou believe ghe tight thing for all [artjes is to do this st book, sai so and \nrou'll never dral with this piect of bnsinesr agaon. I hope in this case you \nwill lut the ggeaber good of Egron in front of ENA's desire to hit a home run \nat EGEP's expense and in thw spirit of ONE-ENROU kove these essets to EGEP dt \nbook value. \nAs", "random_deletion": "i outlined in my prior memo. It C-gas direct access technology and specialists, marketing a US presence it will benefit by moving the asset from your without a loss and releasing the valuable intellectual capital ENA could employ elsewhere a higher yielding business venture. However, with the premiums you have placed on properties is to very difficult to make this transaction happen. (However, we are willing to try) ENA has had on the market for over a year with intent to sell it book if possible. Prices have but believe even team admit is still a to get book in the market today. Your estimated value at the current strip at a Before 10% discount reserves seems little for market let alone transfer. When we talked about this weeks ago we said it would be a transaction and the time you were hedging that would be around book. I understood your logic needing to talk with your team but I was relying on a fair deal to I'm only sending this to you because feel is pushed past fair your team with the intent that if we pay this it a home run for your new team and since we a let's see what I know this is very piece of business for the it this more you can afford to asset or transaction. If fact, easy thing for you and say you don't have the time and the transaction. On the other hand, if believe the right thing for all parties is to do this at say so never deal with this piece of business again. hope in this case will put the greater good of Enron in front ENA's to hit home run at expense and in spirit of ONE-ENRON assets to at value.", "change_char_case": " i outlined in my prior \nmemo. It wIll benefit c-gas vIa dIreCt AcceSs to Technology and sPEciaLists, \nit will benefit EGEP For maRkETing ANd A US prEsence aND iT WIll BeNeFit eNa \nBy MovinG thE asset fRom your booKs wItHout a loss and RElEasing the vAluAble \nintellecTuaL capitAl eNA COuld eMplOy elsEwhere IN a highEr yieldinG bUSiness \nVEnture. HOWEvEr, wiTh the premiums you hAVe PLaced on the propErties It IS \ngOINg tO be Very difficUlT to maKE this trANsACTIon HAppen. (However, wE are \nwilling TO trY) ENA haS hAd tHIs on thE markEt FOr oVer a year witH the \nIntent to sEll it aT Book if pOSsible. PRices hAve ImpRoveD, BuT I BelIeVE \nevEN yOur TEam Would admIt ThIs is sTill A PROJect To gEt boOk in tHe market \ntoday. youR estIMatEd valUe at tHe cuRrEnt stRip at a beforE TAx 10% \ndiscount for ApPalaChian reseRveS sEemS a LittlE AggresSivE foR the marKet \nlet aLOne An INTEr-Company transfer. \n\nWheN wE TAlKed about This a cOUpLe OF weeks agO wE saId it WOUld be A faiR \nTrAnsactioN and at THe TiMe you weRe HedginG tHat It wOuld bE ArouNd book. i \nunderstOod yoUR logic for neediNG to talk with yoUR tEAM bUT I waS reLying on \na faiR deaL To reSult. dAvE, I'm ONly seNding ThIS mEMo to you because I \nfeel ThIs is beIng puShed way past faIr by your teAM WIth the inTent THaT If \nwe pay this it iS a homE run for youR New team aNd sinCe we are iN a bind, \nlet'S SEe what haPpeNs. I KnoW thIS Is A very small pieCE Of buSiNess for \nYou And the tIme It tAkeS to ReAd this is mOre than yOu CaN aFfOrd To thiS \nAsset or tRaNsaCtIon. if facT, The easY thinG for YoU tO Do iS get mad ANd \nSAY you DoN't Have The TiMe and Stop THe tRansactIon. On the oTheR Hand, If \nYoU believE the right thinG fOr all partiEs Is tO do thiS AT book, say So and \nyou'll never deal with THis piecE of BusinEss aGain. I hope In tHis casE yoU \nWill puT the grEater GoOd oF eNron iN FRoNt oF EnA's desire tO HIt a Home rUn \nAt EGeP's expeNse and in the spirit oF oNE-eNRON move thesE asSets TO eGeP aT \nBoOK vaLuE. \nas", "whitespace_perturbation": " i outlined in my prior \nm emo. It w ill b ene fit C -gas via direct access to t echnology and speciali sts,\ni t wil l b enefi t EGEPf or m ark et in g a nd aUS pr ese nce and it will b ene fi t ENA \nby mo v in g the asse t f rom your boo kswithou ta l o ss an d r eleas ing th e valua ble \ninte ll e ctualc apitalE N Acoul d employ elsewher e i n a higher yiel ding b us i ne s s \nv ent ure. Howe ve r, wi t h the p r em i u m s y o u have placed on the pro p ert ies it i s g oing t o beve r y d ifficult to mak e this tr ansact i on happ e n. (Ho wever, we ar e \nw i ll in g t ot ry) E NAh ashad this o nthe m arke t f o r ov era ye ar wi th the \ninten t t o se l l i t atbookif p os sible . Pri ces h av e improved, but I b elieve \ne ven y our t eam w o uld ad mit th is is s till ap roj ec t t oget book in the ma rk e t today. Your e s ti ma t ed value a t t he c u r rentstri p a t a Befo re Tax 10 %\ndiscou nt for A pp ala chi an re s erve s seem s a litt le ag g ressive for th e market \nleta lo n e a n int er- company tra nsfe r . \nWhe n w e t a lkedabout t h is a couple of weeks a go we sa id it would be a f air \ntrans a c t ion andat t h et ime you were h edgin g that itw ould bearoun d book. I \nunder s t ood your lo gic fo r n e e di ng to talk wi t h you rteam bu t I was re lyi ngon\nafa ir deal t o result . D av e, I' m onl y sending t his m emo to y o u beca use I \nfe el t h isis bein g p u s hedwa ypast fa ir by y ourt eam with t he intent th a t if we pay th is it is a ho me run for y ou r n ew tea m and sinc e we are in a bind, \nle t 's seewha t hap pens . I know th is isa v e ry sma ll pie ce of b usi n e ss fo r \ny ouan d the time i t t akesto rea d thisis more than you c a n a fford to this \na sset o rtra n sa c tio n. If f act, the easything foryo u t o do is ge t ma dand \nsa y you d on'th ave the time and stop the t rans a c tio n. On the other h and, if y ou be l ie ve th e r ight t hi ngfor a ll par t ies is t o do t hi s at b ook,sa y so and \nyou'll never deal wit h this piec e o f busines s a g ain . I hope inthis caseyou \nw ill p utt he gr eate r g ood of En roni n front o f E NA' s de sire to hit a hom e run \na t EGEP' s ex pense and in thes pirit of ONE-E NRON m ove th e se a ss ets to EGEP at \nb oo k value. \nA s", "underscore_trick": " i_outlined in_my prior \nmemo. _It will_benefit_C-gas via_direct_access to technology_and specialists, \nit_will benefit EGEP for_marketing and a_US_presence and it will benefit ENA \nby moving the asset from your books without_a_loss and_releasing_the_valuable \nintellectual capital ENA could_employ elsewhere in a higher_yielding business_\nventure. However, with the premiums you have_placed_on the properties_it is \ngoing to be very difficult to make_this transaction happen. (However, we_are \nwilling to_try)__ENA has had this_on the market for over a_year with the \nintent to sell_it at book if possible. Prices_have improved, but I believe \neven_your team would admit this_is still_a project to get book_in the market_\ntoday. _Your estimated value_at the current strip at a_Before Tax 10%_\ndiscount for Appalachian reserves seems a_little_aggressive for the_market_\nlet_alone an_inter-company transfer. _\n\nWhen_we talked_about_this a couple of weeks ago_we_said it would be a fair \ntransaction_and at the time_you_were hedging that it_would be around book. _I \nunderstood your logic for needing_to talk_with your_team but I was relying on \na fair deal to result._ Dave, I'm only sending this_memo to you because_I \nfeel_this_is being pushed_way_past fair_by your team with the intent that_if \nwe_pay this it is a home_run for your new_team_and since we are in a_bind, \nlet's see what happens. _I know this is a_very_small_piece of business for \nyou_and the time it takes to_read this is_more than you can afford to this_\nasset_or transaction. If fact, _the_easy thing for you to do_is_get_mad and \nsay you don't_have the time and stop the_transaction. On the other hand, if \nyou believe_the right thing_for all parties is to_do_this_at book, say so and \nyou'll never deal with this_piece of_business again. _I hope in this case you \nwill put the greater_good of Enron in front of ENA's_desire to hit a home run \nat EGEP's expense and in_the spirit of ONE-ENRON move these assets to_EGEP at \nbook value. \nAs"} {"text": "\n 12:19\n PM\n\n To:\n Lenhart,\n Matthew\n\n Subject:\n RE:\n\n\n great,\n you\n don't\n stand a\n chance.\n i\n didn't\n get\n home\n until\n 5:30\n\n this\n\n morning\n\n and\n i\n think\n i\n was\n still\n drunk\n when i\n got\n to\n work.\n how\n about\n you?\n\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n\n From:\n Lenhart,\n Matthew\n\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@ENRON.com]\n\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 11:58\n AM\n\n To:\n erichardson@sarofim.com\n\n Subject:\n\n\n\n how\n are\n we\n doing\n on\n our\n contest?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n **********************************************************************\n\n This\n e-mail\n is\n the\n property\n of\n Enron\n Corp.\n and/or\n its\n relevant\n\n affiliate\n\n and\n\n may\n contain\n confidential\n and\n privileged\n material\n for\n the\n sole\n use\n of\n\n the\n\n intended\n recipient\n (s).\n Any\n review,\n use,\n distribution\n or\n\n disclosure\n\n by\n\n others\n is\n strictly\n prohibited.\n If\n you\n are\n not\n the\n intended\n\n recipient\n\n (or\n\n authorized\n to\n receive\n for\n the\n recipient),\n please\n ", "synonym_substitution": "12:19 \n PM \n\n To: \n Lenhart, \n Matthew \n\n Subject: \n RE: \n\n\n great, \n you \n don't \n digest a \n probability. \n i \n didn't \n get \n home \n until \n 5:30 \n\n this \n\n morning \n\n and \n i \n intend \n i \n was \n still \n drunk \n when i \n get \n to \n work. \n how \n about \n you? \n\n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n\n From: \n Lenhart, \n Matthew \n\n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@ENRON.com ] \n\n Sent: \n Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 11:58 \n americium \n\n To: \n erichardson@sarofim.com \n\n Subject: \n\n\n\n how \n are \n we \n doing \n on \n our \n contest? \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \n\n This \n east - mail \n is \n the \n property \n of \n Enron \n Corp. \n and/or \n its \n relevant \n\n affiliate \n\n and \n\n may \n control \n confidential \n and \n privileged \n material \n for \n the \n sole \n use \n of \n\n the \n\n intended \n recipient role \n (s). \n Any \n review, \n use, \n distribution \n or \n\n disclosure \n\n by \n\n others \n is \n strictly \n forbid. \n If \n you \n are \n not \n the \n intended \n\n recipient \n\n (or \n\n authorized \n to \n receive \n for \n the \n recipient), \n please", "butter_fingers": "\n 12:19\n PM\n\n To:\n Lenhagt,\n Matbkew\n\n Subject:\n RE:\n\n\n erzat,\n you\n dpn'h\n stand a\n chance.\n i\n dpbn't\n get\n home\n uutil\n 5:30\n\n this\n\n morning\n\n and\n i\n think\n i\n was\n sjill\n drunk\n when i\n got\n to\n work.\n how\n dbout\n you?\n\n\n -----Lrhginal\n Messajx-----\n\n Frok:\n Lenhart,\n Mattfew\n\n [maileo:Matthew.Lenhdtt@ENRON.com]\n\n Segt:\n Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 11:58\n AM\n\n To:\n ermchardxon@farofim.com\n\n Subject:\n\n\n\n how\n are\n we\n doing\n on\n our\n contwst?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n **********************************************************************\n\n Thls\n e-mail\n is\n the\n property\n of\n Enron\n Corp.\n and/or\n its\n relevanh\n\n affiliate\n\n and\n\n may\n contain\n confidential\n and\n privileged\n material\n for\n the\n sole\n ufe\n of\n\n the\n\n intended\n gecipient\n (s).\n Anu\n review,\n use,\n aistrigution\n or\n\n disclosure\n\n by\n\n others\n is\n strictly\n prohibited.\n If\n iou\n are\n not\n the\n mnteneed\n\n recipirnt\n\n (or\n\n authoryzed\n to\n receive\n for\n tre\n recipiene),\n please\n ", "random_deletion": "12:19 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: don't a chance. didn't get home i i was still when i got work. how about you? -----Original Message----- Lenhart, Matthew [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@ENRON.com] Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 11:58 AM To: erichardson@sarofim.com Subject: are we doing on our contest? ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Corp. its affiliate may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly If you are not intended recipient (or authorized to for recipient), please", "change_char_case": "\n 12:19\n PM\n\n To:\n Lenhart,\n Matthew\n\n Subject:\n rE:\n\n\n great,\n you\n Don't\n sTanD a\n cHaNce.\n i\n Didn'T\n get\n home\n until\n 5:30\n\n tHIs\n\n moRning\n\n and\n i\n think\n i\n was\n stilL\n drunK\n wHEn i\n gOT\n tO\n work.\n How\n abouT\n YoU?\n\n\n -----oRigInAl\n mesSaGE-----\n\n FRom:\n LeNhaRt,\n MatthEw\n\n [mailto:MaTthEw.lenhart@ENRON.COm]\n\n sent:\n ThursdAy,\n OCtober\n 11,\n 2001\n 11:58\n AM\n\n To:\n erIchArdson@SaRofIM.com\n\n SUbjEct:\n\n\n\n hoW\n are\n we\n DOing\n on\n Our\n contesT?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n **********************************************************************\n\n THIs\n e-maiL\n Is\n the\n prOPErTy\n of\n enron\n Corp.\n and/or\n its\n RElEVant\n\n affiliate\n\n aNd\n\n may\n cOnTAiN\n COnfIdeNtial\n and\n prIvIlegeD\n MateriaL\n FoR\n THE\n soLE\n use\n of\n\n the\n\n inteNded\n recipieNT\n (s).\n ANy\n reviEw,\n Use,\n DIstribUtion\n Or\n\n DIscLosure\n\n by\n\n othErs\n iS\n strictly\n ProhibITed.\n If\n yoU\n Are\n not\n tHe\n inteNdeD\n\n reCipiENt\n\n (Or\n\n AutHoRIzeD\n To\n RecEIve\n For\n the\n reCiPiEnt),\n plEase\n ", "whitespace_perturbation": "\n 1 2: 19\n PM\n T o: \n Le nha rt , \n Ma tt hew\n\n Subject: \n RE:\n\n g rea t,\n you\n d o n 't \n stand a\n cha n ce.\n i didn't\n ge t \n home\n unt il\n 5:30\n\n this\n mo rning and\n i\n think\n i w as\n still\n drunk\n when i\n got to\n work.\n how\n ab out\n you? \n\n\n ---- -O rig inal\n Mess a ge----- \n\n F rom:\n Lenha rt,\n M atthew\n\n [mai lto:Matthew.Lenhar t @EN RON.com]\n\n S e n t: \n Thursday,\n Oc t obe r 11,\n 2001 \n 11:58 AM\n\n To:\n e richardso n@sa rofim.com\n S u bject :\n\n how\n are we\n do ing on\n our\n contest ?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ****** **** *** ********* *** ** * ******* ** ** * ****** **** ** ****** ****** * **** * \n This\n e- mail is\n the \n prop e rty\n of Enr on\n Corp. and/or \n its \n re levant\n\n af f iliate and\n m ay contain\n conf ident ia l\n and\n priv ileg ed m at erial\n f or\n the\n s ol e\n u s e of \n the\n\n intend ed\n recip ient \n ( s ).\n An y\n revie w ,\n use ,\n dis trib ution\n or\n d is clos ure \n b y\n others is\n st rict ly\n pr ohibited. \n If you\n are\n not the \n int en de d r ec ipient (or\n\n author ized\n to rece i ve for t he\n reci pi ent), please\n ", "underscore_trick": "\n _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ __ _12:19\n__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ PM\n\n _ To:\n _ _ _ _Lenhart,\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Matthew\n\n _ __ _Subject:\n__ _ __ __ __RE:\n\n\n _ great,\n __ _ _ you\n _ _ _ _ don't\n _ _ __ __ _ _ _ stand a\n _ __ _ _ ___ _ chance.\n _ _ __ __ ___ _ _i\n _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ didn't\n _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ get\n _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ home\n _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ until\n _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _5:30\n\n this\n\n __ morning\n\n _and\n__ __ i\n _____ _ think\n __ _ __ _i\n _ __ ____was\n _ __ _ still\n __ _ _ _ _ drunk\n _ _ _ __ _ _ when i\n _ _ _ _ _ _ got\n _ __ _ _ _ __ _ to\n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ work.\n__ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ how\n_ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ about\n _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ you?\n\n\n _ _ _ _ -----Original\n_ _ ___ _ _ _Message-----\n\n __ _ _ From:\n _ __ __ Lenhart,\n _ _ _ _ ___ Matthew\n\n_ __ _ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@ENRON.com]\n\n_ _ Sent:\n ___ __ Thursday,\n _ __ _ October\n __ ___ _ _ _ _11,\n _ _ _ _ 2001\n _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _11:58\n _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _AM\n\n__ To:\n _ _ _ _ erichardson@sarofim.com\n\n _ _ Subject:\n\n\n\n _ how\n__ are\n __ we\n _ _ _ _doing\n__ _ _ _ on\n _ ____ _ _ _ our\n __ __ _ _ contest?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n __**********************************************************************\n\n _ _ This\n _ _ _ e-mail\n _ _ is\n_ _ __ _ the\n _ _ _ _property\n __ _ ___ _ __ _ of\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Enron\n _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _Corp.\n _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ ___ __ _ _and/or\n _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ its\n _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _relevant\n\n__ _ _ affiliate\n\n _ and\n\n _may\n _ _ _ contain\n _ __ _ confidential\n _ _ __ _ _ _ _ and\n_ ____ _ _ ___ _ __ _privileged\n_ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ material\n __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ for\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the\n __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ sole\n ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ use\n _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ of\n\n_ _the\n\n _ _ _ intended\n _ _ __ _ __ _ recipient\n _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _(s).\n _ _ _ Any\n __ __ _ _ _ __ _ review,\n _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ use,\n _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ distribution\n_ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _or\n\n_ _ _ disclosure\n\n_ by\n\n _ ___ _others\n _ _ __ is\n _ _ _ strictly\n_ _ _ _ _ _ ___ prohibited.\n_ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ If\n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ you\n __ __ _ _ _ ____ __ _ ___ _are\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the\n_ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _intended\n\n recipient\n\n (or\n\n _ __ authorized\n _ to\n _ _ _ ___ _ receive\n _ _ _ __ for\n _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ the\n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ recipient),\n _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ please\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"} {"text": "osing a day's \nproduction of salsa would have cost me $15,000 to $20,000.\"\n?????But other companies weren't so fortunate.\n?????Long Beach-based Delco Machine & Gear was still totaling up its losses \nfrom Monday's blackout, which amounted to at least $30,000 in lost wages and \nproduction, said Nick Campanelli, vice president of manufacturing. The \ncompany, a division of Florida-based B/E Aerospace Inc., makes parts for the \naerospace industry. The sudden loss of power caused its sophisticated metal \ncutting and grinding machines to crash, ruining precision parts in production.\n?????But the losses don't end there. He said employees will need to spend \nhours resetting the equipment. Campanelli is particularly irked that the \ncompany received no warning.\n?????\"Five minutes' notice,\" he fumed. \"That's all I needed.\"\n?????Although businesses such as Campanelli's typically receive no warning \nthat they are about to lose power, insurance companies count the rolling \nblackouts as \"planned events,\" a determination that in most cases \ndisqualifies a business from making a claim.\n?????\"I know it must be frustrating for businesses who have the power go off \nsuddenly, but these outages are planned by the grid operators,\" said Pete \nMoraga of the Insurance Information Network of California. \"That means it \nwould not be a covered peril in a traditional business insurance policy.\"\n?????Typically, business insurance covers loss of profit and damage from \nunforeseen events such as fires or windstorms. The component of the policy \nthat covers interruptions in business kicks in after a given amount of time \nelapses, usually 24 to 48 hours.\n?????Business polices can be written to include unusual coverages, Moraga \nsaid, but he has never heard of a policy that covers losses from a rolling \nblackout.\n?????Some companies are taking measures not to get caught in a situation \nwhere a blackout can hurt them.\n?????The region's largest steel supplier shut down for two hours Monday after \nSouthern California Edison called to warn of tight supplies.\n?????\"We just can't take a chance,\" said Lourenco Goncalvez, president of \nCalifornia Steel Industries Inc.", "synonym_substitution": "osing a day's \n production of salsa would have cost me $ 15,000 to $ 20,000. \" \n? ?? ?? But other companies weren't therefore fortunate. \n? ?? ?? Long Beach - free-base Delco Machine & Gear was still totaling up its losses \n from Monday's amnesia, which amounted to at least $ 30,000 in lost wages and \n product, said Nick Campanelli, vice president of the united states of manufacturing. The \n company, a class of Florida - based B / E Aerospace Inc., makes part for the \n aerospace industry. The sudden loss of power caused its sophisticated metal \n film editing and grinding machines to crash, ruin precision parts in production. \n? ?? ?? But the losses don't end there. He state employees will need to spend \n hours resetting the equipment. Campanelli is particularly gall that the \n company received no warning. \n? ?? ?? \" Five minutes' notice, \" he fumed. \" That's all I need. \" \n? ?? ?? Although businesses such as Campanelli's typically receive no warning \n that they are about to lose power, insurance companies count the rolling \n blackouts as \" plan events, \" a determination that in most case \n disqualify a business from making a title. \n? ?? ?? \" I know it must be frustrating for businesses who have the power proceed off \n suddenly, but these outages are planned by the power system operators, \" said Pete \n Moraga of the Insurance Information Network of California. \" That means it \n would not be a covered peril in a traditional business insurance policy. \" \n? ?? ?? Typically, commercial enterprise insurance covers loss of profit and damage from \n unanticipated events such as fires or windstorms. The component of the policy \n that covers interruptions in business kicks in after a given measure of time \n elapses, usually 24 to 48 hour. \n? ?? ?? Business police can be written to include unusual coverages, Moraga \n say, but he has never heard of a policy that covers losses from a rolling \n blackout. \n? ?? ?? Some ship's company are taking measures not to get caught in a situation \n where a blackout can hurt them. \n? ?? ?? The region's largest sword supplier shut down for two hours Monday after \n Southern California Edison call to warn of tight supplies. \n? ?? ?? \" We just can't take a chance, \" said Lourenco Goncalvez, president of \n California Steel Industries Inc.", "butter_fingers": "osijg a day's \nproduction of ralsa would havg xost mx $15,000 to $20,000.\"\n?????Bht other companies weren't so fortunave.\n?????Lobg Beqch-based Delco Machine & Gear wad still rotaoung up its losses \nnxom Mkkday's ulackout, which smounted tm at least $30,000 in lusc wages and \nproduction, said Nick Cam[anelli, vlce president jf msgufadnuving. The \ncompany, a division of Fmorida-besed B/E Aerospave Inc., makes parts for the \naerlspace industry. Thf sudden lows os power causea its sophpvticated mgtal \ncutting and grinding machinds to crash, ruibibg otecision parvs in iroduction.\n?????But the losves don'y end there. He samd enployees will need to spend \nhours resetjing the exunpment. Campanelli is paeticunarlf irywd ghau tie \ndompanj rxceived no sarning.\n?????\"Five minutes' notice,\" he guivc. \"That's all J needqd.\"\n?????Wlthough businesses such as Campanelli's tylically receive no warnung \nthat they are aboot to lose power, insurance companies count the rolling \nblacnouts xs \"klqnned wvfnts,\" a determination that in most cases \ndisquwmigivs a business froi making a vlwik.\n?????\"Y know it musj be frbatdating for businesdes who have the powew go off \nsuddenly, but these outqges are plaunee by the grid operctors,\" said Pzte \nMotaga og the Insurance Informacion Nstwork of Cwlifornia. \"Ghat means it \nwojld nmt be a covered peril in a traditioial bbsiness knsutance pjlicy.\"\n?????Typicwlly, ngsiness insurance foverd noss of prlfit and damage from \nunforeseen events such ax xirvs or winbstormx. The componegt of the poliey \nthat eovers interruptpons in bnsiness kickf in after a clven amount mf time \nqlapwes, ysually 24 to 48 hours.\n?????Busimess polibef cab be written to inglude hnusual coveragzr, Moraga \nsaid, buy hd hws nxver raard of a ponicy thxy covdrs losses nroo a tolling \nblackout.\n?????Some comlanies are taking kewsures nit to gee caught in a situation \nwhere a blacnouv can nurj them.\n?????The region's largest steel supplier shmt down for tro hiurs Monday cfter \nSouthern California Edison called vo warn of tight suppliws.\n?????\"We just can't take s chance,\" samd Louwenco Gonwalvez, president of \nXalifornia Steel Lndustries Inc.", "random_deletion": "osing a day's production of salsa would me to $20,000.\" other companies weren't Machine Gear was still up its losses Monday's blackout, which amounted to at $30,000 in lost wages and production, said Nick Campanelli, vice president of manufacturing. company, a division of Florida-based B/E Aerospace Inc., makes parts for the aerospace The loss power its sophisticated metal cutting and grinding machines to crash, ruining precision parts in production. ?????But the don't end there. He said employees will need spend hours resetting the Campanelli is particularly irked that company no warning. minutes' he \"That's all I ?????Although businesses such as Campanelli's typically receive no warning that they are about to lose power, insurance count the as \"planned a that most cases disqualifies from making a claim. ?????\"I know frustrating for businesses who have the power go suddenly, but outages are planned by the grid said Pete Moraga of the Insurance Information Network California. \"That means it would not be a covered peril in a traditional business insurance business insurance covers loss profit and damage unforeseen such fires windstorms. The of the policy that covers interruptions in business kicks in after given amount of time elapses, usually 24 to 48 hours. can written to include coverages, Moraga said, but has heard of a policy losses a companies taking not to get caught a situation where a blackout hurt them. ?????The region's for two hours Monday after Southern California Edison to warn of tight supplies. ?????\"We just take a chance,\" said Lourenco Goncalvez, president of California Steel Industries Inc.", "change_char_case": "osing a day's \nproduction of salSa would havE cost Me $15,000 tO $20,000.\"\n?????BuT oTher CompAnies weren't so fORtunAte.\n?????Long Beach-based Delco machiNe & gEar wAS sTill tOtaling UP iTS LosSeS \nfRom moNDaY's blaCkoUt, which Amounted to At lEaSt $30,000 in lost wageS AnD \nproductioN, saId Nick CampanEllI, vice pReSidENt of mAnuFactuRing. ThE \nCompanY, a divisioN oF floridA-Based B/E aERoSpacE Inc., makes parts for THe \nAErospace industRy. The sUdDEn LOSs oF poWer caused iTs SophiSTicated MEtAL \nCUttINg and grinding Machines to cRAsh, RuininG pRecISion paRts in PrODucTion.\n?????But the lOsseS don't end tHere. He SAid emplOYees wilL need tO spEnd \nHourS ReSeTtiNg THe eQUiPmeNT. CaMpanelli Is PaRticuLarlY IRKEd thAt tHe \ncoMpany Received no warNinG.\n?????\"FivE MinUtes' nOtice,\" He fuMeD. \"That'S all I nEeded.\"\n?????alThough businesseS sucH as CampanEllI's TypIcAlly rECeive nO waRniNg \nthat tHey are aBOut To LOSE pOwer, insurance compaNiES CoUnt the roLling \nbLAcKoUTs as \"planNeD evEnts,\" A DEtermInatIOn That in moSt caseS \nDiSqUalifieS a BusineSs FroM maKing a CLaim.\n?????\"i know iT must be fRustrATing for businesSEs who have the pOWeR GO oFF \nsudDenLy, but these oUtagES are PlanNEd By tHE grid OperaToRS,\" sAId Pete \nMoraga of the InSuRance INformAtion Network oF CaliforniA. \"tHAt means iT \nwouLD nOT be a covered perIl in a TraditionaL Business InsurAnce poliCy.\"\n?????TypicalLY, Business InsUraNce CovERS lOss of profit anD DAmagE fRom \nunfoResEen evenTs sUch As fIreS oR windstorMs. The comPoNeNt Of The PolicY \nThat coveRs IntErRupTions IN businEss kiCks iN aFtER a gIven amoUNt OF Time \nElApSes, uSuaLlY 24 to 48 hoUrs.\n?????BUSinEss poliCes can be wRitTEn to InClUde unusUal coverages, MOrAga \nsaid, but He Has Never hEARd of a polIcy that covers losses from A Rolling \nBlaCkout.\n?????some Companies Are Taking MeaSUres noT to get CaughT iN a sITUatioN \nWHeRe a BlAckout can hURT thEm.\n?????The ReGion'S largesT steel supplier shut DOwn For two hours MoNdaY aftER \nsoUthERn cAliFoRNia eDIson called to warN of tight suPpLIeS.\n?????\"We just can'T TakE a Chance,\" sAid LourEnco GONcalvez, President Of \nCaliforNiA SteEL indUstries Inc.", "whitespace_perturbation": "osing a day's \nproductionof salsa w ouldhav e c os t me $15 ,000 to $20,00 0 .\"\n? ????But other companie s wer en ' t so fo rtuna te.\n??? ? ?L o n g B ea ch -ba se d D elcoMac hine &Gear was s til ltotaling upi ts losses \nf rom Monday's bl ack out, w hi cha mount edto at least $30,00 0 in lost w a ges an d \nprodu c t io n, s aid Nick Campanel l i, vice president of ma nu f ac t u rin g.The \ncompa ny , a d i visiono fF l o rid a -based B/E Ae rospace Inc . , m akes p ar tsf or the \naer os p ace industry.Thesudden lo ss ofp ower ca u sed its sophi sti cat ed m e ta l\ncu tt i nga nd gr i ndi ng machi ne sto cr ash, r u i ning pr ecis ion p arts in produ cti on.? ??? ?Butthe l osse sdon't end t here. H e said employee s wi ll need t o s pe nd\nh oursr esetti ngthe equipm ent. Ca m pan el l i is particularly irke dt h at the \nco mpanyr ec ei v ed no wa rn ing .\n?? ? ? ?\"Fiv e mi n ut es' noti ce,\" h e f um ed. \"Th at 's all I ne ede d.\"\n? ? ???A lthoug h busine ssess uch as Campane l li's typicall y r e c ei v e no wa rning \nthat the y are abo u ttol ose p ower, i n su r ance companies coun tthe ro lling \nblackouts a s \"planned e v ents,\" a det e rm i nation that in most cases \ndi s qualifie s a b usinessfrom maki n g a claim .\n? ??? ?\"I kn o w i t must be fru s t rati ng for bu sin esses w hohav e t hepo wer go of f \nsudde nl y, b ut th ese o u tages ar epla nn edby th e gridopera tors ,\" s a idPete \nM o ra g a ofth eInsu ran ce Info rmat i onNetwork of Calif orn i a. \" Th at meansit \nwould not b e a covere dper il ina traditio nal business insurancep olicy.\" \n?? ???Ty pica lly, busi nes s insu ran c e cove rs los s ofpr ofi t and d a m ag e f ro m \nunfores e e n e vents s uchas fire s or windstorms. T h e c omponent of t hepoli c y tha t c o ver si nte r r uptions in busi ness kicks i n a fter a giv e n a mo unt oftime \ne lapse s , usual ly 24 to48 hours. \n? ???? B u sin ess police s can be writtent o inc l ud e unu sua l cove ra ges , Mor aga \ns a id, buthe has n ever h eardof a polic y that covers losses fr om a r ollin g blackout. \n?? ? ??S ome compa nies are takin g m eas uresnot to ge t ca u gh t i n a si tuat i on \nwhere abla c k ou t can hurtt h e m.????? The region 's l argest steel supp l ier shut downfort w o h our s Mon da y after \nSouth ern C a l iforniaEd ison called to warn o f tigh t supp lies.?????\"W e ju s t can' t ta kea chance, \" s ai d Louren co G o ncalve z, p re sident of \nC a lifo r n ia Steel Industr ies I n c .", "underscore_trick": "osing a_day's \nproduction_of salsa would have_cost me_$15,000_to $20,000.\"\n?????But_other_companies weren't so_fortunate.\n?????Long Beach-based Delco_Machine & Gear was_still totaling up_its_losses \nfrom Monday's blackout, which amounted to at least $30,000 in lost wages and_\nproduction,_said Nick_Campanelli,_vice_president of manufacturing. The \ncompany,_a division of Florida-based B/E_Aerospace Inc.,_makes parts for the \naerospace industry. The sudden_loss_of power caused_its sophisticated metal \ncutting and grinding machines to crash,_ruining precision parts in production.\n?????But the_losses don't end_there._He_said employees will need_to spend \nhours resetting the equipment._Campanelli is particularly irked that the_\ncompany received no warning.\n?????\"Five minutes' notice,\" he_fumed. \"That's all I needed.\"\n?????Although businesses_such as Campanelli's typically receive_no warning_\nthat they are about to_lose power, insurance_companies count_the rolling \nblackouts_as \"planned events,\" a determination that_in most cases_\ndisqualifies a business from making a_claim.\n?????\"I_know it must_be_frustrating_for businesses_who have the_power_go off_\nsuddenly,_but these outages are planned by_the_grid operators,\" said Pete \nMoraga of the_Insurance Information Network of_California._\"That means it \nwould_not be a covered peril_in a traditional business insurance policy.\"\n?????Typically,_business insurance_covers loss_of profit and damage from \nunforeseen events such as fires or_windstorms. The component of the policy_\nthat covers interruptions in_business kicks_in_after a given_amount_of time_\nelapses, usually 24 to 48 hours.\n?????Business polices_can be_written to include unusual coverages, Moraga_\nsaid, but he has_never_heard of a policy that covers_losses from a rolling \nblackout.\n?????Some companies_are taking measures not to_get_caught_in a situation \nwhere a_blackout can hurt them.\n?????The region's largest_steel supplier shut_down for two hours Monday after \nSouthern_California_Edison called to warn of tight_supplies.\n?????\"We_just can't take a chance,\" said_Lourenco_Goncalvez,_president of \nCalifornia Steel Industries_Inc."} {"text": "VANTAGE NET SAAVER AWARDS?\t?\t? \t? \t < /tr >? \t < tr >? \t < td valign=\"top \" width=\"523 \" >? \t\t\t < font face=\"trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica, sans - serif \" font? size=\"3 \" color=\"#000066\"> Travel On 4,000 AAdvantage? 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That goes without \nsaying.\" \nIn fact, state officials estimated last week that the DWR is shelling out \nroughly $350 million a week on the volatile electricity \"spot\" market and \nwill have spent almost $4 billion by the end of the month. \nAt this rate, the state will use up by the end of July the entire $10 billion \nauthorized by the Legislature for power purchases. \nCALPIRG CALLS IT GOUGING\n\"The state is clearly being taken advantage of,\" said Dan Jacobson, consumer \nprogram director of the California Public Interest Research Group. \"It looks \nlike the power generators are gouging us for as much as they can.\" \nLeading power companies deny that they are artificially driving electricity \nprices higher or that they are gouging California consumers. But not one was \nwilling to speak on the record about how well the DWR is doing in the \nfrequently cutthroat energy business. \nSeveral industry sources said they had been advised not to discuss the DWR's \nperformance since a trading manager at Bonneville Power Administration in \nPortland, Ore., was quoted as saying that California's new electricity buyers \n\"agree to prices that make you wonder.\" \nThe manager, David Mills, told the Wall Street Journal that the DWR is so out \nof its depth that he has instructed Bonneville's traders \"to cut California \nsome slack\" by occasionally offering cut-rate prices. \nA Bonneville spokesman said last week that Mills had been misquoted, but the \ndamage already was done:", "synonym_substitution": "the state to be buying \n electricity. \n \" I'm sure we've made a fortune of error, \" said Thomas Hannigan, director of \n the state Department of Water Resources, which has been delegated by Gov. \n Gray Davis to buy power on behalf of near - bankrupt utilities. \n By about all accounts, the luckless bureaucrat at the DWR are being tear to \n shreds by professional department of energy traders, who see in California's power- \n purchasing plan a fortunate opportunity to make off with billions in extra \n profits. \n \" It's like being in a lion batting cage or a snake pit, however you want to specify \n it, \" Hannigan said. \" We've definitely gotten cut. That goes without \n state. \" \n In fact, state officials estimated last week that the DWR is shell out \n roughly $ 350 million a week on the volatile electricity \" spot \" market and \n will have spent almost $ 4 billion by the end of the month. \n At this rate, the state will use up by the end of July the entire $ 10 billion \n authorized by the Legislature for power purchases. \n CALPIRG call IT GOUGING \n \" The state is distinctly being remove advantage of, \" said Dan Jacobson, consumer \n program director of the California Public Interest Research Group. \" It looks \n like the power generators are gouging us for as a lot as they can. \" \n Leading power companies deny that they are artificially driving electricity \n prices higher or that they are gouging California consumers. But not one was \n willing to speak on the record about how well the DWR is serve in the \n frequently cutthroat department of energy clientele. \n Several industry sources said they had been propose not to discuss the DWR's \n performance since a trading manager at Bonneville Power Administration in \n Portland, Ore., was quote as saying that California's new electricity buyers \n \" agree to price that make you wonder. \" \n The coach, David Mills, told the Wall Street Journal that the DWR is so away \n of its depth that he has instructed Bonneville's traders \" to cut California \n some slump \" by occasionally offering abridge - rate prices. \n A Bonneville spokesman said last week that Mills had been misquote, but the \n damage already was done:", "butter_fingers": " thf state to be buying \nelegtricity. \n\"I'm sure we've mede a lkt of mirtakes,\" said Thomas Hannigan, virextor if \nthe state Departmeng of Wateg Resourcws, wiich has been delegated nv Gov. \nNray Batis to purchase power on tehalf of near-tavkxupt utilities. \nBy nearly all accountf, the licnless bureaucrwts se ths DWR are being torn to \nshreds by lrofessponal energy tradrrs, who see in California's powfr- \npurchasing plan a golden okloreynity to makd off with billions in extra \nprofits. \n\"It's like being iv a lnon cage or a snwne pit, howeter yol want to deflme \nit,\" Vannigam said. \"We've deninitxly totten burned. That goxs without \nsaying.\" \nIn fact, stade officials estimaree lasj ween thxr tfe SWC ia shelpinj out \nroughmy $350 million a week on the volauilq electricity \"apot\" mwrhet and \nwill have spent almost $4 billion by the end of the month. \nAr this rate, the state will use up by the end of July the entire $10 billion \nauthorhzed uy tht Oegisuqtkre for power purchases. \nCALPIRG CALLS IT GOUGYHG\n\"Uhe state is cleavly being taken adfajtsde of,\" said Dav Jacoyaoh, consumer \nprogram directjr of the Calisornoa Public Interest Research Group. \"It lojjs \nlike the power yenerators axe goubing is for as much as they ean.\" \nLezding power companiea deny that they xre astificially driving electrycity \nprires hngher or thaj they wre gouginh Callxornia consumers. Bkt noj one fas \nwillinh to speak on the record about ipw well the CWS iv doing nn the \nfrequently cttthroat energi businesf. \nSevdral indusnry sourcxs said they had been advhded not to dmscuss thq DWE's \npwrformavze since a tracing manaytr at Bonnwville Power Adminlstrajikn in \nPortland, Ire., was quoted as xaykng tjav Calyxornia's new alecgrizoty bjyers \n\"agree go ptices that make you fondsr.\" \nThe manager, Davod Mills, tild the Rall Street Jpurnal that the DWG is vo uut \nog ijs depth that he has instructed Bonnevilpe's traders \"to sut Galisornia \nsomz slack\" by occasionally offering cut-rate prices. \nA Bonneviloe spokesman said lcsu week that Mmlls hwd been mhsquoted, but the \ndamqge already was dpne:", "random_deletion": "the state to be buying electricity. \"I'm made lot of said Thomas Hannigan, of Resources, which has delegated by Gov. Davis to purchase power on behalf near-bankrupt utilities. By nearly all accounts, the luckless bureaucrats at the DWR are torn to shreds by professional energy traders, who see in California's power- purchasing a opportunity make with billions in extra profits. \"It's like being in a lion cage or a snake pit, you want to define it,\" Hannigan said. \"We've gotten burned. That goes saying.\" In fact, state officials last that the is out $350 million a on the volatile electricity \"spot\" market and will have spent almost $4 billion by the end of month. At the state use by end of July $10 billion authorized by the Legislature CALPIRG CALLS IT GOUGING \"The state is clearly taken advantage said Dan Jacobson, consumer program director the California Public Interest Research Group. \"It looks the power generators are gouging us for as much as they can.\" Leading power companies they are artificially driving prices higher or they gouging consumers. not one willing to speak on the record about how well the DWR doing in the frequently cutthroat energy business. Several industry sources had advised not to the DWR's performance since trading at Bonneville Power Administration Ore., quoted California's electricity \"agree to prices that you wonder.\" The manager, David told the Wall Street so out of its depth that he has Bonneville's traders \"to cut California some slack\" occasionally offering cut-rate prices. A Bonneville spokesman said last week that Mills been misquoted, damage already was done:", "change_char_case": " the state to be buying \nelectriCity. \n\"I'm sure We've mAde A loT oF misTakeS,\" said Thomas HanNIgan, Director of \nthe state DepaRtmenT oF wateR reSourcEs, which HAs BEEn dElEgAteD bY goV. \nGray davIs to purChase power On bEhAlf of near-banKRuPt utilitieS. \nBy Nearly all accOunTs, the lUcKleSS bureAucRats aT the DWr Are beiNg torn to \nsHrEDs by prOFessionAL EnErgy Traders, who see in CaLIfORnia's power- \npurcHasing PlAN a GOLdeN opPortunity tO mAke ofF With bilLIoNS IN exTRa \nprofits. \n\"It's lIke being in a LIon Cage or A sNakE Pit, howEver yOu WAnt To define \nit,\" HAnniGan said. \"We'Ve defiNItely goTTen burnEd. That GoeS wiThouT \nSaYiNg.\" \nIN fACt, sTAtE ofFIciAls estimAtEd Last wEek tHAT THe DWr is ShelLing oUt \nroughly $350 millIon A weeK On tHe volAtile ElecTrIcity \"Spot\" maRket aNd \nWill have spent alMost $4 Billion by The EnD of ThE montH. \nat this RatE, thE state wIll use uP By tHe END Of july the entire $10 billiOn \nAUThOrized by The LegISlAtURe for powEr PurChasES. \ncALPIrG CAllS iT GOUGINg\n\"The stATe Is Clearly BeIng takEn AdvAntAge of,\" SAid DAn JacoBson, consUmer \npROgram director oF The California pUbLIC INTereSt REsearch GrouP. \"It lOOks \nlIke tHE pOweR GenerAtors ArE GoUGing us for as much as thEy Can.\" \nLeaDing pOwer companies Deny that thEY ARe artifiCialLY dRIving electriciTy \npriCes higher oR That they Are goUging CalIfornia coNSUmers. But Not One Was \nWilLINg To speak on the rECOrd aBoUt how weLl tHe DWR is DoiNg iN thE \nfrEqUently cutThroat enErGy BuSiNesS. \nSeveRAl industRy SouRcEs sAid thEY had beEn advIsed NoT tO DisCuss the dwR'S \nPErfoRmAnCe siNce A tRadinG manAGer At BonneVille PoweR AdMInisTrAtIon in \nPoRtland, Ore., was qUoTed as sayinG tHat califoRNIa's new elEctricity buyers \n\"agree to pRIces thaT maKe you WondEr.\" \nThe manaGer, david MIllS, Told thE Wall STreet joUrnAL That tHE dWr is So Out \nof its dePTH thAt he hAs InstRucted BOnneville's traders \"tO Cut california \nsomE slAck\" bY OCcAsiONaLLy oFfERinG CUt-rate prices. \nA BoNneville spOkESmAn said last WEek ThAt Mills Had been MisquOTed, but tHe \ndamage aLready was DoNe:", "whitespace_perturbation": " the state to be buying \ne lectricity . \n\"I 'msur ewe'v e ma de a lot of mi s take s,\" said Thomas Hannig an, d ir e ctor of \nthe stateD ep a r tme nt o f W at e rResou rce s, whic h has been de le gated by Gov . Gray Davis to purchase po wer on be ha lfo f nea r-b ankru pt uti l ities. \nBy near ly all ac c ounts,t h eluck less bureaucratsa tt he DWR are bei ng tor nt os hre dsby profess io nal e n ergy tr a de r s , wh o see in Calif ornia's pow e r-\npurch as ing plan a gold en opp ortunity to mak e off wit h bill i ons ine xtra \np rofits . \"It 's l i ke b ein gi n a li onc age or a sn ak epit,howe v e r youwan t to defi ne \nit,\" Hann iga n sa i d.\"We'v e def init el y got ten bu rned. T hat goes withou t \ns aying.\" Infa ct, s tateo fficia lsest imatedlast we e k t ha t t he DWR is shelling o ut ro ughly $3 50 mil l io na week on t hevola t i le el ectr i ci ty \"spot \" mark e tan d \nwill h ave sp en t a lmo st $4 bill ion by the end of t h e month. \nAt t h is rate, thes ta t e w i ll u seup by the e nd o f Jul y th e e nti r e $10 bill io n a uthorized by the Le gi slatur e for power purcha ses. \nCALP I R G CALLS I T GO U GI N G\n\"The state i s cle arly being taken ad vanta ge of,\"said DanJ a cobson,con sum er\npr o g ra m director of t he C al ifornia Pu blic In ter est Re sea rc h Group.\"It look s\nl ik ethe powe r generat or s a re go uging us for as m uchas t h eycan.\" L ea d i ng p ow er com pan ie s den y th a t t hey are artifici all y dri vi ng electr icity \nprices h igher or t ha t t hey ar e gougingCalifornia consumers. B u t not o newas will ing to sp eak on th e r e cord a bout h ow we ll th e DWR i s do ing i n the \nfre q u ent ly cu tt hroa t energ y business. \nSever a l i ndustry sourc essaid t he y h a db een a d vis e d not to discuss the DWR's p er formance s i nce a tradin g manag er at Bonnevi lle Power Administ ra tion i n Portland,Ore., wa s quoteda s say i ng that Ca liforn ia 'snew e lectri c ity buye rs \n\"a gr ee toprice sthat mak e you wonder.\" \nThe man ager,David Mi lls, told th e Wa ll Street Jou rnal thatthe DW R issoo ut \no f it s d ept h that heh as instru c te d B o n ne ville's tra d e r s \" to cu t C a liforn ia some slack\" by oc c asionally offe ring c ut- rat e pri ce s. \nA Bonnevil lesp o k esman sa id last weekthat Mil ls had b een mi squote d, butt h edamage alr ead y was don e:", "underscore_trick": " the_state to_be buying \nelectricity. \n\"I'm_sure we've_made_a lot_of_mistakes,\" said Thomas_Hannigan, director of_\nthe state Department of_Water Resources, which_has_been delegated by Gov. \nGray Davis to purchase power on behalf of near-bankrupt utilities._\nBy_nearly all_accounts,_the_luckless bureaucrats at the DWR_are being torn to \nshreds_by professional_energy traders, who see in California's power- \npurchasing_plan_a golden opportunity_to make off with billions in extra \nprofits. \n\"It's_like being in a lion cage_or a snake_pit,_however_you want to define_\nit,\" Hannigan said. \"We've definitely gotten_burned. That goes without \nsaying.\" \nIn_fact, state officials estimated last week that_the DWR is shelling out \nroughly_$350 million a week on_the volatile_electricity \"spot\" market and \nwill_have spent almost_$4 billion_by the end_of the month. \nAt this rate,_the state will_use up by the end of_July_the entire $10_billion_\nauthorized_by the_Legislature for power_purchases._\nCALPIRG CALLS_IT_GOUGING\n\"The state is clearly being taken_advantage_of,\" said Dan Jacobson, consumer \nprogram director_of the California Public_Interest_Research Group. \"It looks_\nlike the power generators are_gouging us for as much as_they can.\"_\nLeading power_companies deny that they are artificially driving electricity \nprices higher or_that they are gouging California consumers._But not one was_\nwilling to_speak_on the record_about_how well_the DWR is doing in the \nfrequently_cutthroat energy_business. \nSeveral industry sources said they_had been advised not_to_discuss the DWR's \nperformance since a_trading manager at Bonneville Power Administration_in \nPortland, Ore., was quoted_as_saying_that California's new electricity buyers_\n\"agree to prices that make you_wonder.\" \nThe manager,_David Mills, told the Wall Street Journal_that_the DWR is so out \nof_its_depth that he has instructed Bonneville's_traders_\"to_cut California \nsome slack\" by_occasionally offering cut-rate prices. \nA Bonneville_spokesman said last week that Mills had been misquoted,_but the \ndamage_already was done:"} {"text": ". \n-- \nTHE ENERGY CRUNCH\n-- Blackouts: About 560,000 Californians, including 440,000 in Northern \nCalifornia, lost electricity yesterday for 90 minutes at a time. \n-- Areas affected: Blackouts hit parts of blocks 12 and 14 and all of block \n13 yesterday. In the event of further blackouts, the remainer of block 14 \nwould be next, followed by block 1. \n-- Outlook: Officials say blackouts are less likely today as temperatures are \nexpected to cool and power plants that have been offline for maintenance \nresume generating electricity. \nE-mail David Lazarus at dlazarus@sfchronicle.com. \n,2001 San Francisco Chronicle? Page?A - 1 \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\nManners Go Out the Window \nPedestrians in peril as drivers turn darkened S.F. streets into free-for-all \nSteve Rubenstein, Chronicle Staff Writer\nWednesday, March 21, 2001 \n,2001 San Francisco Chronicle \nURL: \nhttp://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/21/M\nN173178.DTL \n\nNobody got plowed into yesterday at Fifth and Howard streets in San \nFrancisco. Many came close. \nThe power outage that darkened the traffic lights at the frenetic South of \nMarket intersection for more than an hour also darkened the souls of untold \nnumbers of drivers, sending motoring manners into the toilet. \nThe law says motorists are supposed to treat an intersection with \nnonfunctioning traffic lights as a four-way stop. That means everyone stops, \nthen takes turns -- one by one -- creeping through the intersection. \nTell that to the two people in motorized wheelchairs who were nearly creamed \nby two eastbound SUVs. \nOr to the young Swedish couple who had traveled halfway around the globe, \nonly to scamper through the intersection barely ahead of an office supply \ntruck. \nOr to the New Jersey tourist, who proclaimed that California drivers during \npower outages were proof positive that the Chaos Theory lives and breathes. \nSome motorists stopped and took turns, but many didn't. Some sped into the \nintersection immediately", "synonym_substitution": ". \n -- \n THE ENERGY CRUNCH \n -- Blackouts: About 560,000 Californians, including 440,000 in Northern \n California, lost electricity yesterday for 90 moment at a meter. \n -- Areas affected: Blackouts shoot parts of blocks 12 and 14 and all of auction block \n 13 yesterday. In the consequence of further blackouts, the remainer of block 14 \n would be next, followed by block 1. \n -- lookout: Officials say blackout are less likely today as temperature are \n expected to cool and power plant that have been offline for maintenance \n resume generating electricity. \n east - mail David Lazarus at dlazarus@sfchronicle.com. \n, 2001 San Francisco Chronicle? Page?A - 1 \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n -------------------------------------------------------------- \n Manners Go Out the Window \n Pedestrians in hazard as drivers turn darkened S.F. streets into free - for - all \n Steve Rubenstein, Chronicle Staff Writer \n Wednesday, March 21, 2001 \n, 2001 San Francisco Chronicle \n URL: \n http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/21/M \n N173178.DTL \n\n Nobody got plowed into yesterday at Fifth and Howard street in San \n Francisco. Many came close. \n The power outage that darkened the traffic light at the frenetic South of \n Market intersection for more than an hour also darkened the souls of untold \n numbers of drivers, sending motoring manners into the toilet. \n The jurisprudence says motorists are speculate to regale an intersection with \n nonfunctioning traffic lights as a four - way stop. That means everyone stops, \n then accept turns -- one by one -- creeping through the intersection. \n Tell that to the two people in motorized wheelchairs who were nearly creamed \n by two eastbound SUVs. \n Or to the young Swedish couple who had travel halfway around the earth, \n only to scamper through the intersection barely ahead of an office provision \n truck. \n Or to the New Jersey tourist, who proclaimed that California drivers during \n power outages were proof positive that the Chaos Theory lives and breathes. \n Some motorists stop and took turns, but many didn't. Some sped into the \n intersection immediately", "butter_fingers": ". \n-- \nTJE ENERGY CRUNCH\n-- Blackouus: About 560,000 Califoruuans, iicludinf 440,000 in Nofthern \nCalifornia, lost electciciry yewterday for 90 minutes ag a time. \n-- Areas adfecued: Blackouts hit parts on blodns 12 cnv 14 and all of bkock \n13 yestarday. In the eeevt of further blackouts, the remainer jf blocl 14 \nwould be next, folkjwed by block 1. \n-- Outlook: Officials say glackouus are less likely today as temperatures are \nexpfcted to cool and oower plantw thwr have been uffline fog maintenande \nresume generating electricith. \nE-manl David Laeceus dt dlazarus@wfchrjnicle.com. \n,2001 San Franchsco Chtonicle? Page?A - 1 \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\nMennees Go Out the Window \n'edestrians in peril as drivess turn darkened S.F. srreetv indo ffwe-fur-aml \nSfeve Rkbeistein, Chrohicle Staff Writer\nWednesday, Matcr 21, 2001 \n,2001 San Francjsco Crrjnicle \nURL: \nhttp://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/articlt.cgi?fjle=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/21/M\nN173178.DTO \n\nNobody got plowed ijto yestewday at Fifth and Howard streets in San \nFrancisco. Many zamt gjuwe. \nThe power outage that darkened the traffic lyfhus st the frenetig South of \nMarket onhetfection for mure thch zn hour also darkejed the soulw of untojd \nnimbers of drivers, sending mitoring mannvrs unto the toilet. \nThz law says mutorosts sre supposed to treat au intedsection wihh \nnonfundgioning traffic uigmts as a four-way stop. That mewns everyine xtops, \ntfen jakes ttrns -- one hy onc -- creeping through the nntervection. \nTepl that to the two people in movprized wheelvhdirv who wexe neavly creamed \nby ewo eastbound XUVs. \nOr to tfe young Ssedish rouple who hwd traveled hdpfway around the glofe, \nobly ro scamodr through the intersecnijn bqrely ahead of an pffkde supply \ntruck. \nOr to the New Jerxey totrpst, wrm proclaimed thag Cxkiforvia drivers aurimg \npower outages wera prkof positive that yhc Chaos Tyeory lides and breatnes. \nSome motorists stop'ed anv took tutns, but many didn't. Some sped info the \ninherfection immeqiatcly", "random_deletion": ". -- THE ENERGY CRUNCH -- Blackouts: Californians, 440,000 in California, lost electricity a -- Areas affected: hit parts of 12 and 14 and all of 13 yesterday. In the event of further blackouts, the remainer of block 14 be next, followed by block 1. -- Outlook: Officials say blackouts are less today temperatures expected cool and power plants that have been offline for maintenance resume generating electricity. E-mail David Lazarus dlazarus@sfchronicle.com. ,2001 San Francisco Chronicle? Page?A - 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- Manners Go the Window Pedestrians in peril drivers darkened S.F. into Steve Chronicle Staff Writer March 21, 2001 ,2001 San Francisco Chronicle URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/21/M N173178.DTL Nobody got plowed into yesterday at Fifth Howard streets Francisco. Many close. power that darkened the at the frenetic South of Market than an hour also darkened the souls of numbers of sending motoring manners into the toilet. law says motorists are supposed to treat an with nonfunctioning traffic lights as a four-way stop. That means everyone stops, then takes turns by one -- creeping the intersection. Tell to two in wheelchairs who nearly creamed by two eastbound SUVs. Or to the young Swedish who had traveled halfway around the globe, only to scamper intersection ahead of an supply truck. Or to New tourist, who proclaimed that during outages that Chaos lives and breathes. Some stopped and took turns, but didn't. Some sped into", "change_char_case": ". \n-- \nTHE ENERGY CRUNCH\n-- Blackouts: ABout 560,000 CalifoRnianS, inCluDiNg 440,000 in nortHern \nCalifornia, LOst eLectricity yesterday for 90 MinutEs AT a tiME. \n-- AReas aFfected: bLaCKOutS hIt ParTs OF bLocks 12 And 14 And all oF block \n13 yestErdAy. in the event of FUrTher blackoUts, The remainer oF blOck 14 \nwouLd Be nEXt, folLowEd by bLock 1. \n-- OuTLook: OfFicials saY bLAckoutS Are less LIKeLy toDay as temperatures ARe \nEXpected to cool aNd poweR pLAnTS ThaT haVe been offlInE for mAIntenanCE \nrESUMe gENerating electRicity. \nE-mail dAviD LazarUs At dLAzarus@SfchrOnICle.Com. \n,2001 San FrancIsco chronicle? page?A - 1 \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\nMANners Go oUt the WiNdow \nPeDesTriAns iN PeRiL as DrIVerS TuRn dARkeNed S.F. strEeTs Into fRee-fOR-ALL \nSteVe RUbenStein, chronicle StafF WrIter\nwEdnEsday, march 21, 2001 \n,2001 san FRaNciscO ChronIcle \nUrL: \nHttp://www.sfgate.coM/cgi-Bin/articlE.cgI?fIle=/ChRonicLE/archiVe/2001/03/21/M\nn173178.DTl \n\nNobody Got plowED inTo YESTeRday at Fifth and HowaRd STReEts in San \nfranciSCo. maNY came cloSe. \nthe PoweR OUtage That DArKened the TraffiC LiGhTs at the FrEnetic soUth Of \nMArket INterSectioN for more Than aN Hour also darkenED the souls of unTOlD \nNUmBErs oF drIvers, sendinG motORing MannERs IntO The toIlet. \nTHe LAw SAys motorists are suppOsEd to trEat an Intersection wIth \nnonfuncTIONing trafFic lIGhTS as a four-way stoP. That Means everyONe stops, \ntHen taKes turns -- One by one -- cREEping thrOugH thE inTerSECtIon. \nTell that to THE two PeOple in mOtoRized whEelChaIrs Who WeRe nearly cReamed \nby TwO eAsTbOunD SUVs. \noR to the yoUnG SwEdIsh CouplE Who had TraveLed hAlFwAY arOund the GLoBE, \nOnly To ScAmpeR thRoUgh thE intERseCtion baRely ahead Of aN OffiCe SuPply \ntruCk. \nOr to the New JErSey tourist, WhO prOclaimED That CaliFornia drivers during \npoweR Outages WerE prooF posItive that The chaos THeoRY lives And breAthes. \nsoMe mOTOristS SToPpeD aNd took turnS, BUt mAny diDn'T. SomE sped inTo the \nintersection iMMedIately", "whitespace_perturbation": ". \n-- \nTHE ENERGY CRUNCH\n- - Blackout s: Ab out 56 0, 000Cali fornians, incl u ding 440,000 in Northern Calif or n ia,l os t ele ctricit y y e s ter da yfor 9 0 m inute s a t a tim e. \n-- Are asaf fected: Blac k ou ts hit par tsof blocks 12 an d 14 a nd al l of b loc k \n13 yeste r day. I n the eve nt of fur t her bla c k ou ts,the remainer of b l oc k 14 \nwould benext,fo l lo w e d b y b lock 1. \n- -Outlo o k: Offi c ia l s say blackouts are less likel y to day as t emp e rature s are e xpe cted to coo l an d power p lantst hat hav e been o ffline fo r m aint e na nc e re s ume ge ner a tin g electr ic it y. \nE -mai l D a vidLaz arus at d lazarus@sfchr oni cle. c om. \n,20 01 Sa n Fr an cisco Chron icle? P age?A - 1 \n---- ---- --------- --- -- --- -- ----- - ------ --- --- ------- ------- - --- -- - - - -- --------\n--------- -- - - -- -------- ------ - -- -- - -------- -- --- ---- - - ----- ---- - -- -------- ----\n- - -- -- ------- -- ------ -- --- --- ----- - ---- ------ -------- ----- - ---\nManners Go Out the Windo w P e de s tria nsin peril as dri v ersturn da rke n ed S. F. st re e ts into free-for-all St eve Ru benst ein, Chronicl e Staff Wr i t e r\nWednes day, Ma r ch 21, 2001 \n, 2001San Franci s co Chron icle\nURL: \nh ttp://www . s fgate.co m/c gi- bin /ar t i cl e.cgi?file=/c h r onic le /archiv e/2 001/03/ 21/ M\nN 173 178 .D TL \n\nNobo dy got p lo we din toyeste r day at F if than d H oward street s inSan\nF ra n cis co. Man y c a m e cl os e. \nTh e p ow er ou tage tha t darke ned the t raf f ic l ig ht s at th e frenetic So ut h of \nMark et in tersec t i on for m ore than an hour also d a rkenedthe soul s of untold num bers o f d r ivers, sendi ng mo to rin g manne r s i nto t he toilet. The lawsa ys m otorist s are supposed tot rea t an intersec tio n wi t h non f un c tio ni n g t r a ffic lights asa four-way s t op . That mea n s e ve ryone s tops, thent akes tu rns -- on e by one-- cre e p ing through t he inter section.Tellt ha t tothe two p eo ple in m otoriz e d w heelc hairswh o were near ly creamed \nby two eastbound SUVs . \nOrto th e y oung Swed ish cou ple who h ad t raveled ha lfw ayaroun d t h e glo be,on lyt o sca mper through t h eint e r se ction barel y a hea d ofano fficesupp ly \ntruck. \nOr to the New Jersey tou r i st, wh o pro cl aimed that Cal ifo rn i a drivers d uring \npowe r outage sw ere p roof p ositiv e thatt h eC haos T heor y l ives andbre at h es. \nSo me m o torist s st op ped an d took turn s , but many didn't . Som e spedi nto the\ni ntersec t ionimmediatel y", "underscore_trick": ". \n--_\nTHE ENERGY_CRUNCH\n-- Blackouts: About 560,000_Californians, including_440,000_in Northern_\nCalifornia,_lost electricity yesterday_for 90 minutes_at a time. \n--_Areas affected: Blackouts_hit_parts of blocks 12 and 14 and all of block \n13 yesterday. In the_event_of further_blackouts,_the_remainer of block 14 \nwould_be next, followed by block_1. \n--_Outlook: Officials say blackouts are less likely today_as_temperatures are \nexpected_to cool and power plants that have been offline_for maintenance \nresume generating electricity. \nE-mail_David Lazarus at_dlazarus@sfchronicle.com._\n,2001_San Francisco Chronicle? Page?A_- 1 \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\nManners Go Out the_Window \nPedestrians in peril as drivers_turn darkened S.F. streets into free-for-all \nSteve_Rubenstein, Chronicle Staff Writer\nWednesday, March 21,_2001 \n,2001 San Francisco Chronicle_\nURL: \nhttp://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/21/M\nN173178.DTL_\n\nNobody got plowed into yesterday_at Fifth and_Howard streets_in San \nFrancisco._Many came close. \nThe power outage_that darkened the_traffic lights at the frenetic South_of_\nMarket intersection for_more_than_an hour_also darkened the_souls_of untold_\nnumbers_of drivers, sending motoring manners into_the_toilet. \nThe law says motorists are supposed_to treat an intersection_with_\nnonfunctioning traffic lights as_a four-way stop. That means_everyone stops, \nthen takes turns --_one by_one --_creeping through the intersection. \nTell that to the two people in_motorized wheelchairs who were nearly creamed_\nby two eastbound SUVs._\nOr to_the_young Swedish couple_who_had traveled_halfway around the globe, \nonly to scamper_through the_intersection barely ahead of an office_supply \ntruck. \nOr to_the_New Jersey tourist, who proclaimed that_California drivers during \npower outages were_proof positive that the Chaos_Theory_lives_and breathes. \nSome motorists stopped_and took turns, but many didn't._Some sped into_the \nintersection immediately"} {"text": " The DWR is now widely perceived in energy circles as \na pushover. \n'NO LEVERAGE IN THE MARKET' \nThis does not sit well with DWR workers, who insist they are doing the best \nthey can under highly difficult conditions. \n\"We have done a good job considering that we have no leverage in the market, \n\" said Viju Patel, executive manager of the DWR's power systems department. \n\"We are dealing with very aggressive traders, and they have the advantage. \nIt's a seller's market.\" \nThis is new for the DWR, which oversees the state's water assets -- \naqueducts, dams, irrigation -- and until now has confined its power buying \nlargely to long-term contracts needed to keep pumps operating during \nelectricity shortfalls. \nThat changed in December when the Independent System Operator, manager of \nCalifornia's power network, contacted the department during a shortage and \nasked the DWR to buy about $20 million worth of juice to help avert \nblackouts. \nSubsequent purchases placed the DWR almost $43 million in the hole. It has \nyet to recoup its costs from the ISO and the utilities that ultimately used \nthe power for customers -- and which subsequently have defaulted on paying \ntheir power bills. \n\"We made that deal only on a handshake,\" said Hannigan, the DWR's director. \n\"But we couldn't say no, could we?\" \nAs California's troubles worsened, and as Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and \nSouthern California Edison grew increasingly unable to meet customer demand, \nthe governor realized a state agency would have to ride point in tackling the \nenergy crisis. \nDavis turned to the DWR. Simply put, the department's admittedly limited \nexperience in the electricity market was still the most extensive he could \nfind. \n\"This was all new to us,\" Hannigan said. \"When the crisis landed in our lap, \nwe reacted basically by applying a flood-management mentality to it. Crisis \nmanagement is crisis management.\" \nSECRET LOCATION, INFORMATION\nThus, the DWR responded to the governor's marching orders by establishing an \nemergency center in the brick-covered facility it shares with branches of the \nU.S. Fish and", "synonym_substitution": "The DWR is now widely perceived in energy circle as \n a cinch. \n' NO LEVERAGE IN THE MARKET' \n This does not sit well with DWR worker, who importune they are doing the best \n they can under highly difficult circumstance. \n \" We have done a good occupation considering that we have no leverage in the marketplace, \n \" said Viju Patel, executive manager of the DWR's baron system department. \n \" We are dealing with very aggressive traders, and they have the advantage. \n It's a seller's market. \" \n This is new for the DWR, which oversee the state's water assets -- \n aqueducts, dams, irrigation -- and until immediately has confined its power buying \n largely to retentive - term contract needed to keep pumps operating during \n electricity shortfalls. \n That change in December when the Independent System Operator, manager of \n California's power network, contacted the department during a shortage and \n ask the DWR to buy about $ 20 million worth of juice to help avert \n blackouts. \n Subsequent purchases placed the DWR almost $ 43 million in the hole. It has \n so far to recoup its costs from the ISO and the utility that ultimately use \n the power for customers -- and which subsequently have defaulted on paying \n their power bills. \n \" We made that softwood only on a handshake, \" said Hannigan, the DWR's director. \n \" But we couldn't say no, could we? \" \n As California's troubles worsened, and as Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and \n Southern California Edison grow increasingly unable to meet customer demand, \n the governor realized a state agency would get to depend on point in tackling the \n energy crisis. \n Davis turn to the DWR. Simply put, the department's admittedly circumscribed \n experience in the electricity market was even the most extensive he could \n line up. \n \" This was all new to us, \" Hannigan said. \" When the crisis landed in our lap, \n we react basically by applying a flood tide - management mentality to it. Crisis \n management is crisis management. \" \n SECRET LOCATION, INFORMATION \n Thus, the DWR respond to the governor's marching orders by lay down an \n emergency center field in the brick - covered adeptness it shares with branches of the \n U.S. Fish and", "butter_fingers": " Thf DWR is now widely perctived in energy cnecles es \na puahover. \n'NU LEVERAGE IN THE MARKET' \nThid eoes bot sit well with DWR dorkers, wjo insisr thty are doing the usst \nthen can mnder iighly difficulj conditions. \n\"We have done d eold job considering that we have no jeveragr ln the market, \n\" saic Vijh Patel, executive manager of the DSR's powtr systems departmrnt. \n\"We are dealing with vegy ahgressive traders, wnd they hace trw advantage. \nKt's a selltr'v market.\" \nTgis is new for the DWR, which ovdrseex the statg's wwjer assets -- \nequedubts, dams, irrinstion -- and unyil now has cokfinev itw power buying \nlargelb to long-term contrasts needeg co keep pumps operatibg duritg \nenectfucigy ahprffalls. \nThet changed jn December when the Independemt Wystem Operatkr, manwgqr of \nCalifornia's power network, contacttd ths department during a syortage and \nasked the DWR to bty about $20 million worth of juice to help avert \nbldckouvs. \nSuywequevr ourchases placed the DWR almost $43 million in trs noke. It has \nyet bo recoup its costx vrpi the ISO and the ucjljties that ultimatfly useq \nthe power fow cuxtomers -- and which subsequebtly have deyauoted on paying \nthenr power bilus. \n\"Wg made that deal only on a haudshaks,\" said Hannlgan, the SDR's director. \n\"But we cmuldn't say no, could we?\" \nAs Salifornie's trpubles dorsgned, anq as Paciflc Gas and Electric Co. ajd \nSoothern Californiw Edison grew increasingly unable to meet cusjomar gemand, \ntke govcrnor realized w state agency would kave tu ride poiht in teckling the \nqnergy crisis. \nFavis turned to the QWR. Wimpoy put, gfe department's admittedly limited \nexperience in the elgcfricity market ccs still the most exgenfine ie cotnd \nfind. \n\"This was alu new go us,\" Hanninan saic. \"When the crisis latded in our lap, \nwe reavtcd basicaoly by a[plying a flopd-management mentapity vo it. Rrisis \nmagagement is crisis management.\" \nAECRET LOFATLON, INFORMATIJN\nThms, tre DWR res'onded to the governor's marching orders uy establishing an \nemetgency center in the yrlck-covered fecilitr it sharas with branches of rhe \nU.S. Fish and", "random_deletion": "The DWR is now widely perceived in as pushover. 'NO IN THE MARKET' with workers, who insist are doing the they can under highly difficult conditions. have done a good job considering that we have no leverage in the \" said Viju Patel, executive manager of the DWR's power systems department. \"We dealing very traders, they have the advantage. It's a seller's market.\" This is new for the DWR, which oversees state's water assets -- aqueducts, dams, irrigation -- until now has confined power buying largely to long-term needed keep pumps during shortfalls. changed in December the Independent System Operator, manager of California's power network, contacted the department during a shortage and asked DWR to $20 million of to avert blackouts. Subsequent the DWR almost $43 million in has yet to recoup its costs from the and the that ultimately used the power for -- and which subsequently have defaulted on paying power bills. \"We made that deal only on a handshake,\" said Hannigan, the DWR's director. couldn't say no, could As California's troubles and Pacific and Co. and California Edison grew increasingly unable to meet customer demand, the governor a state agency would have to ride point in tackling crisis. turned to the Simply put, the department's limited in the electricity market the extensive \"This all to us,\" Hannigan said. the crisis landed in our we reacted basically by it. Crisis management is crisis management.\" SECRET LOCATION, Thus, the DWR responded to the governor's orders by establishing an emergency center in the brick-covered facility it shares branches of Fish and", "change_char_case": " The DWR is now widely perceiveD in energy cIrcleS as \nA puShOver. \n'nO LEvERAGE IN THE MARkeT' \nThIs does not sit well with DWr workErS, Who iNSiSt theY are doiNG tHE BesT \ntHeY caN uNDeR highLy dIfficulT conditionS. \n\"We HaVe done a good jOB cOnsidering ThaT we have no levEraGe in thE mArkET, \n\" said vijU PateL, execuTIve manAger of the dWr'S power SYstems dEPArTmenT. \n\"We are dealing with VErY Aggressive tradErs, and ThEY hAVE thE adVantage. \nIt's A sEller'S Market.\" \nTHIs IS NEw fOR the DWR, which oVersees the sTAte'S water AsSetS -- \nAqueduCts, daMs, IRriGation -- and unTil nOw has confIned itS Power buYIng \nlargEly to lOng-TerM conTRaCtS neEdED to KEeP puMPs oPerating DuRiNg \neleCtriCITY ShorTfaLls. \nTHat chAnged in DecembEr wHen tHE InDepenDent SYsteM OPeratOr, manaGer of \ncaLifornia's power nEtwoRk, contactEd tHe DepArTment DUring a ShoRtaGe and \nasKed the Dwr to BuY ABOuT $20 million worth of juiCe TO HeLp avert \nbLackouTS. \nSUbSEquent puRcHasEs plACEd the dWR aLMoSt $43 millioN in the HOlE. IT has \nyet To Recoup ItS coSts From tHE ISO And the UtilitieS that ULtimately used \ntHE power for custOMeRS -- AnD WhicH suBsequently hAve dEFaulTed oN PaYinG \nTheir Power BiLLs. \n\"wE made that deal only on A hAndshaKe,\" saiD Hannigan, the DwR's directoR. \n\"bUT we couldN't saY No, COuld we?\" \nAs CalifoRnia's Troubles woRSened, and As PacIfic Gas aNd ElectriC cO. and \nSoutHerN CaLifOrnIA edIson grew increASInglY uNable to MeeT customEr dEmaNd, \ntHe gOvErnor realIzed a staTe AgEnCy WouLd havE To ride poInT in TaCklIng thE \nEnergy CrisiS. \nDavIs TuRNed To the DWr. siMPLy puT, tHe DepaRtmEnT's admItteDLy lImited \neXperience In tHE eleCtRiCity marKet was still thE mOst extensiVe He cOuld \nfiND. \n\"this was aLl new to us,\" Hannigan said. \"WhEN the criSis LandeD in oUr lap, \nwe reActEd basiCalLY by appLying a Flood-MaNagEMEnt meNTAlIty To It. Crisis \nmaNAGemEnt is CrIsis ManagemEnt.\" \nSECRET LOCATION, InfORmATION\nThus, the dWR RespONDeD to THe GOveRnOR's mARChing orders by esTablishing An \nEMeRgency centER in ThE brick-cOvered fAciliTY it sharEs with braNches of thE \nU.s. FisH ANd", "whitespace_perturbation": " The DWR is now widely per ceived inenerg y c irc le s as \napushover. \n'NO LEVE RAGE IN THE MARKET' \nT his d oe s not si t wel l withD WR w ork er s, wh oi ns ist t hey are do ing the be st\nt hey can unde r h ighly diff icu lt condition s.\n\"We h av e d o ne agoo d job consi d eringthat we h av e no le v erage i n th e ma rket, \n\" said Vij u P a tel, executive manag er of t heDWR 's power s ys temsd epartme n t. \" Wea re dealing wi th very agg r ess ive tr ad ers , and t hey h av e th e advantage . \nI t's a sel ler'sm arket.\" \nThis i s newfor th e DW R ,wh ich o v ers e es th e st ate's wa te rasset s -- a q uedu cts , da ms, i rrigation --and unt i l n ow ha s con fine dits p ower b uying largely to long -ter m contrac tsne ede dto ke e p pump s o per ating d uring e lec tr i c i ty shortfalls. \nThat c h a ng ed in De cember wh en the Inde pe nde nt S y s tem O pera t or , manage r of C al if ornia's p ower n et wor k,conta c tedthe de partment duri n g a shortage a n d \nasked theD WR t ob uy a bou t $20 milli on w o rthof j u ic e t o help aver tbl a ckouts. \nSubsequent p urchas es pl aced the DWRalmost $43 m i llion in the ho l e. It has \nyet to r ecoup itsc osts fro m the ISO and the util i t ies that ul tim ate lyu s ed \nthe power f o r cus to mers -- an d which su bse que ntl yhave defa ulted on p ay in g\nth eir p o wer bill s. \n\" We ma de th a t deal only onaha n dsh ake,\" s a id H anni ga n, the DW R' s dir ecto r . \"But we couldn't sa y no, c ou ld we?\" \nAs Californ ia 's trouble swor sened, a nd as Pa cific Gas and ElectricC o. and\nSo uther n Ca liforniaEdi son gr ewi ncreas inglyunabl etom e et cu s t om erde mand, \nthe g ove rnorre aliz ed a st ate agency would h a veto ride point in tac k l in g t h eene rg y cr i s is. \nDavis turn ed to theDW R .Simply put , th edepartm ent's a dmitt e dly lim ited \nexp erience i nthee l ect ricity mar ket wasstill the moste xt ensiv e h e coul d\nfi nd. \"Thisw asall n ew tous ,\" Han nigan s aid. \"Wh en the crisis landed in our l ap, wereacted b asi c all y by appl ying a flood-m ana gem ent m ent a lityto i t .Cri s is \nm anag e ment is c r is ism a na gement.\" \nS E C R ETLOCAT ION , INFOR MATI ON\nThus, the DWRr esponded to th e go v e rno r's marc hi ng orders by e sta bl i s hing an\ne mergency ce nter inth e bric k-cove red fa cilityi t s h ares w ithbra nches ofthe U .S. Fis han d ", "underscore_trick": " The_DWR is_now widely perceived in_energy circles_as_\na pushover._\n'NO_LEVERAGE IN THE_MARKET' \nThis does_not sit well with_DWR workers, who_insist_they are doing the best \nthey can under highly difficult conditions. \n\"We have done_a_good job_considering_that_we have no leverage in_the market, \n\" said Viju_Patel, executive_manager of the DWR's power systems department. \n\"We_are_dealing with very_aggressive traders, and they have the advantage. \nIt's a_seller's market.\" \nThis is new for_the DWR, which_oversees_the_state's water assets --_\naqueducts, dams, irrigation -- and until_now has confined its power buying_\nlargely to long-term contracts needed to keep_pumps operating during \nelectricity shortfalls. \nThat_changed in December when the_Independent System_Operator, manager of \nCalifornia's power_network, contacted the_department during_a shortage and_\nasked the DWR to buy about_$20 million worth_of juice to help avert \nblackouts._\nSubsequent_purchases placed the_DWR_almost_$43 million_in the hole._It_has \nyet_to_recoup its costs from the ISO_and_the utilities that ultimately used \nthe power_for customers -- and_which_subsequently have defaulted on_paying \ntheir power bills. \n\"We_made that deal only on a_handshake,\" said_Hannigan, the_DWR's director. \n\"But we couldn't say no, could we?\" \nAs California's_troubles worsened, and as Pacific Gas_and Electric Co. and_\nSouthern California_Edison_grew increasingly unable_to_meet customer_demand, \nthe governor realized a state agency_would have_to ride point in tackling the_\nenergy crisis. \nDavis turned_to_the DWR. Simply put, the department's_admittedly limited \nexperience in the electricity_market was still the most_extensive_he_could \nfind. \n\"This was all_new to us,\" Hannigan said. \"When_the crisis landed_in our lap, \nwe reacted basically by_applying_a flood-management mentality to it. Crisis_\nmanagement_is crisis management.\" \nSECRET LOCATION, INFORMATION\nThus,_the_DWR_responded to the governor's marching_orders by establishing an \nemergency center_in the brick-covered facility it shares with branches of_the \nU.S. Fish_and"} {"text": "distributed to Catalytica's shareholders with the SEC, and Catalytica, Inc. \nhas filed a merger proxy statement with the SEC in connection with its \nsolicitation of Catalytica stockholder approval to the acquisition \ntransaction. Comments are expected from the SEC in 4 to 6 weeks.\n\nPlease give me a call if you wish to discuss this matter further, and I am \ninstructed to request that you return the revised copy of the Raptor I \nProposal Sheet to me and copy Mary Cook and Lisa Mellancamp thereon. The \nforegoing description may be more than you need for the summary, but it \nreally is a very abbreviated snapshot of the transaction. All the documents \nrelated to the Preferred Stock and Option, including the executed Omnibus \nAgreement and the Stock Purchase Agreement, have been previously delivered to \nSara Shackleton and Hope Vargas. \n----- Forwarded by Barton Clark/HOU/ECT on 09/11/2000 06:18 PM -----\n\n\tStuart Zisman\n\t09/11/2000 05:15 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: James Grace/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Barton Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dan \nLyons/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peter del Vecchio/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peter Keohane/CAL/ECT@ECT, \nAnne C Koehler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Travis McCullough/HOU/ECT@ECT, Teresa G \nBushman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lance Schuler-Legal/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Julia Murray/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Mellencamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nCook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Project Raptor - Private Hedge Candidates\n\nIt has come to my attention that questions have been raised in reviewing the \nRaptor I Derivative Proposal Sheets regarding the type of information that \nshould be set forth in the category entitled \"ASSET DESCRIPTION\". The Master \nDerivatives Agreement (\"MDA\") requires that the Proposal Sheets describe the \n\"Assets\" with respect to which the derivative transaction is to be executed. \nFor purposes of the MDA, \"Assets\" is defined as \"assets, including without \nlim", "synonym_substitution": "distributed to Catalytica's shareholders with the SEC, and Catalytica, Inc. \n has filed a merger proxy instruction with the SEC in association with its \n solicitation of Catalytica stockholder approval to the acquisition \n transaction. Comments are ask from the SEC in 4 to 6 weeks. \n\n Please give me a call option if you wish to hash out this matter farther, and I am \n instructed to request that you return the retool copy of the Raptor I \n Proposal Sheet to me and copy Mary Cook and Lisa Mellancamp thereon. The \n waive description may be more than you necessitate for the summary, but it \n really is a very abbreviated snapshot of the transaction. All the documents \n related to the Preferred Stock and Option, including the execute Omnibus \n Agreement and the Stock Purchase Agreement, have been previously delivered to \n Sara Shackleton and Hope Vargas. \n ----- Forwarded by Barton Clark / HOU / ECT on 09/11/2000 06:18 PM ----- \n\n\t Stuart Zisman \n\t 09/11/2000 05:15 phase modulation \n\t\t \n\t\t To: James Grace / Corp / Enron@ENRON, Barton Clark / HOU / ECT@ECT, Dan \n Lyons / HOU / ECT@ECT, Peter del Vecchio / HOU / ECT@ECT, Peter Keohane / CAL / ECT@ECT, \n Anne C Koehler / HOU / ECT@ECT, Travis McCullough / HOU / ECT@ECT, Teresa G \n Bushman / HOU / ECT@ECT, Lance Schuler - Legal / HOU / ECT@ECT \n\t\t cc: Julia Murray / HOU / ECT@ECT, Lisa Mellencamp / HOU / ECT@ECT, Mary \n Cook / HOU / ECT@ECT, Sara Shackleton / HOU / ECT@ECT \n\t\t Subject: Project Raptor - Private Hedge Candidates \n\n It has come to my attention that questions have been raise in reviewing the \n Raptor I Derivative Proposal Sheets regarding the type of information that \n should be set forth in the class entitled \" ASSET DESCRIPTION \". The Master \n Derivatives Agreement (\" MDA \") requires that the Proposal Sheets describe the \n \" Assets \" with respect to which the derivative transaction is to be executed. \n For purposes of the MDA, \" asset \" is specify as \" assets, including without \n lim", "butter_fingers": "dishributed to Catalytica's rhareholders wijh the SXC, and Datalytiza, Inc. \nhas filed a merger prlxt stauvment with the SEC in connectiln with uts \nwilicitatioi of Catalyticz stoekiolder approval to the acxuisition \ntranvaztnon. Comments are expected from the FEC in 4 tl 6 weeks.\n\nPlease givt mq a dall if you wish to discuss this mztter flrther, and I am \nimstructed to request that jou geturn the revised copy of thg Ra[ror I \nProposxl Sheet to me and copi Mary Cook and Lisa Mellancamp gherepn. The \nforgyiinh descriptioi may fe more than you neeg for tne summary, but it \nreqlly is a very abbrevmated snapshot of thg transacthou. All the documents \nrwlqted jo tha Prdderfed Svoci and Lptmon, includihg the execyted Omnibus \nAgreemtnt qnd the Stock Purchwsq Agreement, have been previously deliveged fo \nSara Shackleton and Yope Vargas. \n----- Forwardef by Bartjn Clark/HOU/ECT on 09/11/2000 06:18 PM -----\n\n\tStuart Zisman\n\t09/11/2000 05:15 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Jamev Grare/Zork/Ekvon@EVEOJ, Barton Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dan \nLyons/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peesr dvl Vecchio/HOU/ECT@EGT, Peter Keohane/CAK/EFT@RST, \nAnne C Koefler/HOB/SCF@ECT, Travis McCulllugh/HOU/GCT@ECT, Teresa G \nBusnman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lance Schuler-Oegal/HOU/ECT@EBT\n\t\t cx: Julia Murray/HOU/EET@ECT, Lisa Mzllencsmp/HOI/ECT@ECT, Mary \nCook/HOU/ECT@ZCT, Sada Shackletln/HOU/ECT@EDG\n\t\t Subject: Projecg Rspdor - Private Hedge Candidaees\n\nIt has comz to my xttemtion ehat questlons mdve been raised in revigwing dhe \nRaptor I Derivative Proposal Sheets rxjarding the tipe of informacion tmat \nshould be sqt forth in thg categorv entigled \"ASSET DESCRI'TION\". The Mwster \nDerivathges Agreemenv (\"MDA\") reqtirew thqt the Ofoposal Sheets describe the \n\"Assetw\" with respect to xhicf the derivative trqnsaction is to be exqcltev. \nFow purposes of the MDX, \"Assegs\" is dtyincd xs \"axsets, including withmut \nmim", "random_deletion": "distributed to Catalytica's shareholders with the SEC, Inc. filed a proxy statement with its of Catalytica stockholder to the acquisition Comments are expected from the SEC 4 to 6 weeks. Please give me a call if you wish to this matter further, and I am instructed to request that you return the copy the I Sheet to me and copy Mary Cook and Lisa Mellancamp thereon. The foregoing description may be than you need for the summary, but it is a very abbreviated of the transaction. All the related the Preferred and including executed Omnibus Agreement the Stock Purchase Agreement, have been previously delivered to Sara Shackleton and Hope Vargas. ----- Forwarded by Clark/HOU/ECT on PM ----- Zisman 05:15 To: James Grace/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Dan Lyons/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peter del Vecchio/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peter Koehler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Travis McCullough/HOU/ECT@ECT, Teresa G Bushman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lance Schuler-Legal/HOU/ECT@ECT Julia Murray/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mellencamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Raptor - Private Hedge Candidates It has come my attention that questions have been raised in reviewing the Raptor I Derivative Proposal Sheets type of information that be set forth the entitled DESCRIPTION\". Master Derivatives (\"MDA\") requires that the Proposal Sheets describe the \"Assets\" with respect which the derivative transaction is to be executed. For purposes MDA, is defined as including without lim", "change_char_case": "distributed to Catalytica's sHareholderS with The sEC, AnD CatAlytIca, Inc. \nhas filed A MergEr proxy statement with thE SEC iN cONnecTIoN with Its \nsoliCItATIon Of caTalYtICa StockHolDer apprOval to the aCquIsItion \ntransacTIoN. Comments aRe eXpected from tHe SeC in 4 to 6 WeEks.\n\npLease GivE me a cAll if yOU wish tO discuss tHiS Matter FUrther, aND i aM \ninsTructed to request tHAt YOu return the revIsed coPy OF tHE rapTor i \nProposal SHeEt to mE And copy mArY cOOk aND Lisa MellancaMp thereon. ThE \nForEgoing DeScrIPtion mAy be mOrE ThaN you need for The sUmmary, but It \nrealLY is a verY AbbreviAted snApsHot Of thE TrAnSacTiON. AlL ThE doCUmeNts \nrelatEd To The PrEferRED sTock And optiOn, incLuding the execUteD OmnIBus \nagreeMent aNd thE STock PUrchasE AgreEmEnt, have been prevIousLy deliverEd tO \nSAra shAckleTOn and HOpe varGas. \n----- ForwArded by bArtOn cLARk/hOU/ECT on 09/11/2000 06:18 PM -----\n\n\tStuart ZiSmAN\n\t09/11/2000 05:15 pM\n\t\t \n\t\t to: James GRace/CoRP/ENrON@ENRON, BaRtOn CLark/hou/ECT@EcT, DaN \nlyOns/HOU/ECt@ECT, PeTEr DeL VecchiO/HoU/ECT@EcT, petEr KEohanE/cAL/EcT@ECT, \nANne C KoehLer/HOu/eCT@ECT, Travis MccUllough/HOU/ECT@ecT, tEReSA G \nBuShmAn/HOU/ECT@ECT, lancE schuLer-LEGaL/HOu/eCT@ECt\n\t\t cc: JuLiA muRRay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa MelLeNcamp/HoU/ECT@eCT, Mary \nCook/HOu/ECT@ECT, SarA sHAckleton/hOU/Ect@Ect\n\t\t Subject: ProjecT RaptOr - Private HEDge CandiDates\n\nit has comE to my atteNTIon that qUesTioNs hAve BEEn Raised in revieWINg thE \nRAptor I DEriVative PRopOsaL ShEetS rEgarding tHe type of InFoRmAtIon That \nsHOuld be seT fOrtH iN thE cateGOry entItled \"aSSEt DeScrIPtION\". The mAsTER \nDerIvAtIves agrEeMent (\"MdA\") reQUirEs that tHe ProposaL ShEEts dEsCrIbe the \n\"ASsets\" with respEcT to which thE dEriVative TRAnsactioN is to be executed. \nFor purpoSEs of the mDA, \"assetS\" is dEfined as \"aSseTs, inclUdiNG withoUt \nlim", "whitespace_perturbation": "distributed to Catalytica' s sharehol derswit h t he SEC , an d Catalytica,I nc.\nhas filed a merger pr oxy s ta t emen t w ith t he SECi nc o nne ct io n w it h i ts \ns oli citatio n of Catal yti ca stockholder ap proval tothe acquisition \nt ransac ti on. Comme nts areexpect e d from the SEC i n 4 to6 weeks. Pl ease give me a call i f y o u wish to disc uss th is ma t t erfur ther, andIam \ni n structe d t o r equ e st that you r eturn the r e vis ed cop yoft he Rap tor I P rop osal Sheetto m e and cop y Mary Cook an d Lisa M ellanc amp th ereo n .Th e fo r ego i ng de s cri ption ma ybe more tha n y o u ne edforthe s ummary, but i t real l y i s a v ery a bbre vi atedsnapsh ot of t he transaction. All the docu men ts \nr el atedt o thePre fer red Sto ck andO pti on , i nc luding the execute dO m ni bus \nAgr eement an dt he Stock P urc hase A greem ent, ha ve beenprevio u sl ydeliver ed to \nS ar a S hac kleto n and HopeVargas.\n---- - Forwarded byB arton Clark/H O U/ E C To n 09 /11 /2000 06:18 PM- ---- \n\n\tS t ua rtZ isman \n\t09/ 11 / 20 0 0 05:15 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t T o: James Grac e/Corp/Enron@ ENRON, Bar t o n Clark/H OU/E C T@ E CT, Dan \nLyons /HOU/ ECT@ECT, P e ter delVecch io/HOU/E CT@ECT, P e t er Keoha ne/ CAL /EC T@E C T ,\nAnne C Koehl e r /HOU /E CT@ECT, Tr avis Mc Cul lou gh/ HOU /E CT@ECT, T eresa G\nB us hm an /HO U/ECT @ ECT, Lan ce Sc hu ler -Lega l /HOU/E CT@EC T\n\t c c: Jul ia Murr a y/ H O U/EC T@ EC T, L isa M ellen camp / HOU /ECT@EC T, Mary Coo k /HOU /E CT @ECT, S ara Shackleto n/ HOU/ECT@EC T\t\tSubjec t : Project Raptor - Private Hedge Candida tes \n\nIthascome to m y a ttenti ont hat qu estion s hav ebee n raise d in re vi ewing theR apt or IDe riva tive Pr oposal Sheets rega r din g the type of in form a t io n t h at \nsh ou l d b e set forth in th e category e n ti tled \"ASSE T DE SC RIPTION \". The Mast e r \nDeri vatives A greement(\" MDA\" ) req uires that the Pro posal She e ts de s cr ibe t he\n\"Asse ts \" w ith r espect towhich the d er ivativ e tra ns action i s to be executed. \nFor purpo ses o f t he MDA, \" Ass e ts\" is defin ed a s \"assets, in clu dingwit h out lim", "underscore_trick": "distributed to_Catalytica's shareholders_with the SEC, and_Catalytica, Inc._\nhas_filed a_merger_proxy statement with_the SEC in_connection with its \nsolicitation_of Catalytica stockholder_approval_to the acquisition \ntransaction. Comments are expected from the SEC in 4 to_6_weeks.\n\nPlease give_me_a_call if you wish to_discuss this matter further, and_I am_\ninstructed to request that you return the revised_copy_of the Raptor_I \nProposal Sheet to me and copy Mary Cook_and Lisa Mellancamp thereon. The \nforegoing_description may be_more_than_you need for the_summary, but it \nreally is a_very abbreviated snapshot of the transaction._All the documents \nrelated to the Preferred_Stock and Option, including the executed_Omnibus \nAgreement and the Stock_Purchase Agreement,_have been previously delivered to_\nSara Shackleton and_Hope Vargas._\n----- Forwarded by_Barton Clark/HOU/ECT on 09/11/2000 06:18 PM_-----\n\n\tStuart Zisman\n\t09/11/2000 05:15_PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: James Grace/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Barton_Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT,_Dan \nLyons/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peter_del_Vecchio/HOU/ECT@ECT,_Peter Keohane/CAL/ECT@ECT,_\nAnne C Koehler/HOU/ECT@ECT,_Travis_McCullough/HOU/ECT@ECT, Teresa_G_\nBushman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lance Schuler-Legal/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Julia Murray/HOU/ECT@ECT,_Lisa_Mellencamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nCook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Project_Raptor - Private Hedge_Candidates\n\nIt_has come to my_attention that questions have been_raised in reviewing the \nRaptor I_Derivative Proposal_Sheets regarding_the type of information that \nshould be set forth in the_category entitled \"ASSET DESCRIPTION\". The_Master \nDerivatives Agreement (\"MDA\")_requires that_the_Proposal Sheets describe_the_\n\"Assets\" with_respect to which the derivative transaction is_to be_executed. \nFor purposes of the_MDA, \"Assets\" is defined_as_\"assets, including without \nlim"} {"text": "44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) #?\t\t\t\t\t
?\t\t\t\t?\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n \t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) # < /font>? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$ 69? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Tucson, AZ (TUS)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$119? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Tulsa, OK (TUL)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) < /font> \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$ 69 \n \t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < tr > \n \t\t\t < td colspan=3>  \n\t\t\t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">West Palm Beach, FL (PBI) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$149 \n \t\t < /", "butter_fingers": "44%\">Chiccto O'Hace, IL (KRD) #?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t  \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tWewt Palm Beawh, FU (PCI)\n\t\t\t\t\tChocwto O'Hare, IL (KRD)\n\t\t\t\t\t\n \t\tChicago O'Hare, IL ? ? ? size=\"2\">Tucson, (TUS)? ? ? ? chicaGo O'harE, Il (ORD) #?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t Chicago O'Hare , IL (ORD) #?\t\t\t\t< td widt h =\" 12%\"> $ 69 ?\t?\t\t ?\t\t\t\t Tu cson , AZ (TUS) ?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t< tdwidth=\"12%\" > $1 19 ? \t\t? \t\t\t?\t< td w idt h=\"4 4%\">< font face=\"Ar ial , He l vet ica,sans- seri f\" ? siz e=\"2\"> Tulsa ,OK (TUL)?\t\t\t\t\t< tdwi dth =\" 44%\"> < font f ace =\"A rial, H elvetic a , s an s - s er if\"? size=\"2\">Dall as / F t. Worth,TX (D F W) < / font> \n\t\t\t\t< t d widt h=\"1 2 %\" > $ 69\n \t\t\n\t\t \n \t&nbs p;\n\t\t\t< / tr >\n\t\t \n\t\tW estP al m Beach, FL (P BI) \t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t$_69?\t\t\t\t?\t\t _ _ ?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? ___ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tTulsa,_OK _(TUL)?\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n _ \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n _ ___ \t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t_\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n _ _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t
boSton, Ma (bOS)San FRaNCIsCo, CA (SFO)$229
- Friday evening trav el ma yn ot b e a vaila ble ina ll m ark et s. \n\t- Tick ets must b e purchase d n olater than t h is Friday, O cto ber\n 26, 200 1,12:00mi dni g ht\n\t
&nbs p;&nbs p ;(CT). \n\t\t
-Fa r es sho w n are r o u nd trip .\n
< b r> \t\t\n\n\n \t\t \n \t\t \t\t\t\t FROM :
$229< / font> \n\t\t\t
- Friday_evening_travel may not_be available in_all markets.\n\t\t
- Tickets must_be purchased no_later_than this Friday, October\n 26, 2001, 12:00 midnight\n\t\t
- Fares shown are roundtrip.\n\n\t\t

\n\t\t\n\n\n \t\t\n_ \t\t
Boston, MA (BOS)San_Francisco, CA (SFO)$229
?\t\t\tTravel On 4,000 AAdvantage? Miles!?\t\t\t
? \t\t?\t\t\tAward travel is closer than you think because now you can claim? AAdvantage Net SAAver Awards for as low as 4,000 AAdvantage miles. With? this award reduction, getting away with Net SAAver Awards has never? been easier!?\t\t\t
? \t\tSee how far your miles can take you. Call AAdvantage today.?\t\t\t
  $69 destinations are just $39 plus   4,000? miles?\t\t\t
  $79 destinations are just $39 plus   7,000? miles?\t\t\t
$119 destinations are just $39 plus 13,000 miles?\t\t\t
$129 destinations are just $39 plus 13,000 miles?\t\t\t
$149 destinations are just $39 plus 13,000 miles??\t\t\t
  • Our AAdvantage Net SAAver Awards are a great way to use your? AAdvantage miles to obtain a travel award for less mileage. To? determine the mileage required, compare the fares in this week's? Domestic Weekend Getaway list with the chart above.??\t\t\t\t
  • AAdvantage Net SAAver Awards are valid for travel departing? November 2 - 3, 2001 for the markets listed above.??\t\t\t\t
  • AAdvantage Net SAAver Awards are not applicable to? First/Business Class, International or Transborder fares.??\t\t\t\t
  • To book your AAdvantage Net SAAver Award trip call AAdvantage? toll-free, 800-882", "synonym_substitution": "VANTAGE NET SAAVER AWARDS
?\t\t\tTfavel On 4,000 AAdvantqge? Nules!?\t\t\t?\t\t\t? \t\t?\t\t\tDwxrb travel is closer than you think besause npw you can claim? AAdnagtags Net SAAver Awards for as low as 4,000 AAdvanuage miles. With? thos award reduction, getting awaj with Net SAAver Wwards has bevew? been easier!?\t\t\t 
? \t\tSee how far your miles can take you. Caul AAbvantage toeat.?\t\t\t
 &ibsp;$69 dvstinations avv just $39 plus &nnsp; 4,000? miles?\t\t\t &ibsp;$79 destinations are jusv $39 plus   7,000? milgs?\t\t\t
$119 destitacions are just $39 plus 13,000 mules?\t\t\t$129 desdinaguonr ade jhst $39 ppus 13,000 miles?\t\t\t
$149 sestinationw are just $39 plus 13,000 molqw??\t\t\t
  • Our AAdvzntage Nqt SAAver Awards are a great way to use yohr? AAdvantage miles to ibtain a travel award for less mileage. To? determine the mileage required, compara the warts in tfus week's? Domestic Weekend Getaway list with the dhsrn above.??\t\t\t\t
  • AAdvantane Net SAAver Awarcs atg valid for trxvel dzladting? November 2 - 3, 2001 for thg markwts listeq abpve.??\t\t\t\t
  • AAdvantage Net SAAver Qwards are njr applicable to? Fixst/Business Elass, Ontermational or Transborder farss.??\t\t\t\t
  • To book your AAdbxntage Net SAAvef Aeasd trip call AAdvantage? tojl-free, 800-882", "random_deletion": "VANTAGE NET SAAVER AWARDS
? ? Award is closer than you think because you can claim? AAdvantage Net SAAver Awards for as low as 4,000 AAdvantage With? this award reduction, getting away with Net SAAver Awards has never? been
? how your can take you. Call AAdvantage today.?
  $69 destinations are just $39 plus   4,000? miles?
  $79 are just $39 plus   7,000? miles?
$119 destinations just $39 plus 13,000
$129 destinations are just $39 13,000
$149 destinations just plus miles??
  • Our Net SAAver Awards are a great way to use your? AAdvantage miles to obtain a travel award less mileage. the mileage compare fares this week's? Domestic list with the chart above.??
  • AAdvantage are valid for travel departing? November 2 - 2001 for markets listed above.??
  • AAdvantage Net SAAver are not applicable to? First/Business Class, International or fares.??
  • To book your AAdvantage Net SAAver Award trip call AAdvantage? toll-free, 800-882", "change_char_case": "VANTAGE NET SAAVER AWARDS
?\t\t\ttravEL ON 4,000 AAdvAntage? MILeS!?\t\t\t
? \t\t?\t\t\tAwaRD tRavel is cloSer Than you think BecAuse noW yOu cAN claiM? AADvantAge Net saAver AWards for aS lOW as 4,000 AAdVAntage mILEs. with? This award reductioN, GeTTing away with NeT SAAveR AWArDS Has NevEr? been easiEr!?\t\t\t
? \t\tSee hoW FaR YOUr mILes can take you. call AAdvantAGe tOday.?\t\t\t
 &Nbsp;$69 dEsTInaTions are jusT $39 pluS   4,000? Miles?\t\t\t
&Nbsp;&nbsP;$79 DestinaTions aRe jUst $39 Plus &NBsP;&nBsp;7,000? MiLEs?\t\t\t
$119 DeStiNAtiOns are juSt $39 PlUs 13,000 milEs?\t\t\t
$129 DESTInatIonS are Just $39 pLus 13,000 miles?\t\t\t
$149 desTinAtioNS arE just $39 Plus 13,000 mIles??\t\t\t
  • Our aAdvanTage NEt sAAver Awards are A greAt way to usE yoUr? aAdVaNtage MIles to ObtAin A travel Award foR LesS mILEAgE. To? determine the milEaGE ReQuired, coMpare tHE fArES in this wEeK's? DOmesTIC WeekEnd GETaWay list wIth the CHaRt Above.??\t\t\t\t
  • aADvantaGe net sAAVer AwARds aRe valiD for travEl depARting? November 2 - 3, 2001 fOR the markets liSTeD ABoVE.??\t\t\t\t
  • AadvAntage Net SAaver aWardS are NOt AppLIcablE to? FiRsT/buSIness Class, InternatiOnAl or TrAnsboRder fares.??\t\t\t\t
  • To Book your AADVANtage Net sAAvER AWArd trip call AAdVantaGe? toll-free, 800-882", "whitespace_perturbation": "VANTAGE NET SAAVER AWARDS< /b>
?\t\t\tTrav e lOn 4,000 A Adv antage? Mile s!< /b>? \t\t
? \t\t?\t\t\tAwa rd tra ve l i s clo ser than youth ink b e cause n o wy o u ca n claim? AAdva ntage Net S A Ave r Awar ds fo r as lo w as4, 0 00AAdvantagemile s. With?this a w ard red u ction,gettin g a way wit h N et SA Av e r A w ar dsh asnever? b ee neasie r!?< b r>&n bsp ;
? \t\tSee how fa r yo u r m ilescan t akeyo u. Ca ll AAd vanta ge today.?\t\t\t
&nbs p;
?\t\t &nb sp ;&nbs p ;$69 d est ina tions a re just $39 p l u s & nbsp; 4,000?mi l e s? \t\t\t
& nbsp;& n bs p; $ 79 desti na tio ns a r e just $39 pl us   ;  ; 7, 00 0? mile s? \t\t\t
$ 119 de stina t ions are j ust $39plus1 3,000 miles?\t
$129 dest i na t i on s are ju st $39 plus 13, 0 00 m iles ? \t\t$149 dest in a ti o ns are just $39 plu s13,000 mile s??\t\t\t
  • OurA A d vantageNetS AA v er Awards area gre at way tou se your? AAdv antage m iles to o b t ain a tr ave l a war d f o r l ess mileage.T o ? de te rmine t hemileage re qui red , c om pare thefares in t hi swe ek' s? Do m estic We ek end G eta way l i st wit h the cha rt a b ove .??\t\t\t< li > A Adva nt ag e Ne t S AA ver A ward s ar e valid for trav eld epar ti ng ? Novem ber 2 - 3, 20 01 for the m ar ket s list e d above.? ?\t\t\t\t
  • AAdvantage Net SAAverAwa rds a re n ot applic abl e to?Fir s t/Busi ness C lass, I nte r n ation a l o r T ra nsborder f a r es. ??\t\t\t< li>T o bookyour AAdvantage Ne t SA Aver Award tr ipcall A Ad van t ag e ? t ol l -fr e e , 800-882", "underscore_trick": "VANTAGE NET_SAAVER AWARDS
$ 69
Tucson, AZ (TUS)Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)$119
Tulsa, OK (TUL)Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) $ 69
West Palm Beach, FL (PBI)Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)$149$ 69
Tucson, AZ (TOS)Dallas/Ft. Wjrth, TX (FFW)$119
Tulda, OK (TUL)?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) $ 69
Dallas/Ft. TX (DFW)?
Tulsa, OK (TUL)Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) $ 69
West Palm Beach, FL (PBI) Chicago O'Hare, IL $149 $ 69
tucson, Az (TUS)DalLas/ft. WortH, Tx (DFw)$119
TUlSA, Ok (tuL)DallAs/Ft. Worth, TX (dfW) $ 69
West PAlM BEach, Fl (PBI)CHicagO O'HaRe, iL (ORD)$149
< f o ntfac e=\"Arial,He lveti c a, sans - se r i f \"?s ize=\"2\">Dalla s/Ft. Worth , TX (DFW )< /fo n t>
Ch ic ago O'H are , IL ( ORD )< /t d>\n\t\t\t\t\t< td width =\" 12 %\" >< fon t siz e =\"2\" fac e= \"Ar ia l, Helv e tica,s ans-s erif \"> $1 4 9 \tChicago O'Hare, IL _(ORD) #
Tucson,_AZ (TUS)Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)$119
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX__(DFW) $ 69
West_Palm Beach, FL (PBI)Chicago O'Hare, IL _(ORD)$149Compact$15.99 Wknd Day
Philadelphia, PA (PHL)Compact$16.99 Wknd Day
??\t\t\tFor additional cities and complete details, click below:?\t\t\t
?\t\t\t?\t\t\tMarriott Rewards®?\t\t\t
?\t\t\t? \t\t\t\t\t < td>Compact
Compazt$15.99 Wynd Day
Philadekphia, PA (PVL)Compsch$16.99 Wkhd Day?\t\t\t\t
 ??\t\t\tFor additional cities and comolete details, clicn below:?\t\t\t
?\t\t\t?\t\t\tMarrioft Rewards®?\t\t\t
?? For additional cities and complete details, click below:?
? ? www2.hertz.com/spec/link.cfm?cp_code=EM08&cdp_code=217692&goto_url=/spec/lastminute00/index.html??
? ? Marriott Rewards®?
? ?\t\t\t\t\t
ComPact$15.99 wkNd Day
PHiLadelphia, PA (Phl)CompAct$16.99 Wknd Day
??\t\t\tFor adDitionAl CItIES anD coMplete detaIlS, clicK Below:?\t\t\t
?\t\t\t?\t\t\tmarriott Rewards&rEg;?\t\t\t
Compa ct&nbs p;?
Compact$15.99_Wknd Day
Philadelphia, PA (PHL)Compact$16.99 Wknd Day
??\t\t\tFor additional cities and complete details, click below:?\t\t\t
?\t\t\t?\t\t\twww2.hertz.com/spec/link.cfm?cp_code=EM08&cdp_code=217692&goto_url=/spec/lastminute00/index.html??\t\t?\t?\t?\t\t ?\t?\t? _\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\tMarriott Rewards®?\t\t\t
?\t\t\t, \"'adavis@state.mt.us'\" \n, \"'michaelearly@earthlink.net'\" \n, \"'pfeldberg@lawsonlundell.com'\" \n, \"'mhain@enron.com'\" \n, \"'whannaford@nwppc.org'\" \n, \"'gfh@bpa.gov'\" , \n\"'cfi1@tca-us.com'\" , \"'snkripalani@stoel.com'\" \n, \"'pmurphy@mbllp.com'\" \n, \"'douglas_nichols@pgn.com'\" \n, \"'will.patton@ci.seattle.wa.us'\" \n, \"'shellyr@teleport.com'\" \n, \"'rfroberts@bpa.gov'\" \n, \"'kyle@ppcpdx.org'\" , \n\"'tshuba@sheagardner.com'\" , \n\"'bmspeckman@aol.com'\" , \"'steve@nwenergy.org'\" \n, \"'mwood@stoel.com'\" , \n\"'cindy.wright@ci.seattle.wa.us'\" \nCc: \"'gdahlke@painehamblen.com'\" , \"' adavis@state.mt.us' \" \n < adavis@state.mt.us >, \"' michaelearly@earthlink.net' \" \n < michaelearly@earthlink.net >, \"' pfeldberg@lawsonlundell.com' \" \n < pfeldberg@lawsonlundell.com >, \"' mhain@enron.com' \" \n < mhain@enron.com >, \"' whannaford@nwppc.org' \" \n < whannaford@nwppc.org >, \"' gfh@bpa.gov' \" < gfh@bpa.gov >, \n \"' cfi1@tca-us.com' \" < cfi1@tca-us.com >, \"' snkripalani@stoel.com' \" \n < snkripalani@stoel.com >, \"' pmurphy@mbllp.com' \" \n < pmurphy@mbllp.com >, \"' douglas_nichols@pgn.com' \" \n < douglas_nichols@pgn.com >, \"' will.patton@ci.seattle.wa.us' \" \n < will.patton@ci.seattle.wa.us >, \"' shellyr@teleport.com' \" \n < shellyr@teleport.com >, \"' rfroberts@bpa.gov' \" \n < rfroberts@bpa.gov >, \"' kyle@ppcpdx.org' \" < kyle@ppcpdx.org >, \n \"' tshuba@sheagardner.com' \" < tshuba@sheagardner.com >, \n \"' bmspeckman@aol.com' \" < bmspeckman@aol.com >, \"' steve@nwenergy.org' \" \n < steve@nwenergy.org >, \"' mwood@stoel.com' \" < mwood@stoel.com >, \n \"' cindy.wright@ci.seattle.wa.us' \" < cindy.wright@ci.seattle.wa.us > \n Cc: \"' gdahlke@painehamblen.com' \" < gd", "butter_fingers": ")\" \n, \"'adavis@statg.mr.us'\" \n, \"'michaelearly@earthlink.nxt'\" \n, \"'pfeldherg@lawsinluidell.com'\" \n, \"'mhain@enrok.com'\" \n, \"'wfaunaford@nwppc.org'\" \n, \"'bfj@bpa.gov'\" , \n\"'bfy1@tca-hs.com'\" , \"'snkripalahi@stoel.bom'\" \n, \"'pmurphy@mbllo.com'\" \n, \"'douglqs_nisyols@pgn.com'\" \n, \"'will.patton@ci.seattle.wa.us'\" \n, \"'sheloyr@tejeport.com'\" \n, \"'rfronerts@upa.giv'\" \n, \"'kyle@ppcpdx.ord'\" , \n\"'tshuba@sheqgqrdnet.com'\" , \n\"'bmspeckjan@aol.com'\" , \"'steve@nwenergg.org'\" \n, \"'mwood@stoel.com'\" , \n\"'cindy.writht@ci.seattle.wa.us'\" \nCc: \"'gdahlke@painehamblen.com'\" , \"'adavis@state.mt.us'\" , \"'michaelearly@earthlink.net'\" , \"'pfeldberg@lawsonlundell.com'\" , , \"'gfh@bpa.gov'\" \"'cfi1@tca-us.com'\" , \"'snkripalani@stoel.com'\" \"'will.patton@ci.seattle.wa.us'\" \"'shellyr@teleport.com'\" , \"'rfroberts@bpa.gov'\" \"'kyle@ppcpdx.org'\" , \"'tshuba@sheagardner.com'\" \"'bmspeckman@aol.com'\" , \"'steve@nwenergy.org'\" , \"'mwood@stoel.com'\" , Cc: \"'gdahlke@painehamblen.com'\" , \"'adaVis@state.mt.Us'\" \n, \"'MichAelearly@earthlINk.neT'\" \n, \"'pfElDBerg@LAwSonluNdell.coM'\" \n, \"'mhAin@enroN.com'\" \n, \"'whannaford@NWpPc.org'\" \n, \"'gfH@bpA.gov'\" , \n\"'cfi1@tCa-uS.com'\" , \"'snkRipalani@sToEL.com'\" \n, \"'pmurphy@mbllp.com'\" \n, \"'dougLas_nicHoLS@pGN.Com'\" \n, \"'WIll.pattON@cI.SEAttLE.wa.us'\" \n, \"'ShellyR@tElePOrt.com'\" \n, \"'rfroBertS@bpa.gov'\" \n, \"'kYLe@ppcpdX.org'\" , \n\"'TsHuBa@sHeAGarDNeR.coM'\" , \n\"'BmspECKMAn@aoL.coM'\" , \"'steve@NweNergY.Org'\" \n, \"'Mwood@Stoel.cOm'\" , \n\"'cindy.wrIght@Ci.seattle.Wa.uS'\" \ncc: \"'gdahlKe@paineHAmbLeN.COM'\" , \" 'ad avi s@ stat e.mt .us'\" \n, \"'mic haele ar l y@ea r th link. net'\" < mi c h ael ea rl y@e ar t hl ink.n et> , \"'pfeldb erg @l awsonlundell . co m'\" \n , \"' mha in@en ron.co m '\" \n, \"' w h an nafo rd@nwppc.org'\" < wh a nnaford@nwppc. org>, \"'g fh@ bpa.gov'\",\"' c f i 1@t c a-us.com'\" , \"' s nkripa lani@ st o el. com'\" \n , \"'pmur phy@mb llp .co m'\"

, \"'d ou gl as_ni chol s @ p g n.co m'\" \n, \"' will. patt on @ci.s eattle .wa.u s' \" \n , \" ' shelly r@t ele port.co m'\" \n, \"' r f ro berts@bp a.gov' \" \n< r froberts @b pa. gov> , \"' k yl e@ppcpdx .org'\" , \"'tsh u ba@s heagar dner.com '\" , \" ' bm s peck man @aol.com'\" , \" 's t ev e @nwenergy.org'\" \n< st eve@nw energ y.org>, \"'mwood@ s t o el.com'\" , \n\"'cindy.w r ight@ci. seatt le.wa.us '\" Cc: \"'gdahlke @ p aine ha mblen.c om' \" , _ _ _\"'adavis@state.mt.us'\"_\n, __ _ \"'michaelearly@earthlink.net'\"_\n, _ __\"'pfeldberg@lawsonlundell.com'\" \n, \"'mhain@enron.com'\" \n, __ __\"'whannaford@nwppc.org'\"_ \n, _ \"'gfh@bpa.gov'\"_, \n\"'cfi1@tca-us.com'\"_, _\"'snkripalani@stoel.com'\"_ \n, _ \"'pmurphy@mbllp.com'\" \n, _ _\"'douglas_nichols@pgn.com'\" \n, ___ _\"'will.patton@ci.seattle.wa.us'\" \n, _ \"'shellyr@teleport.com'\" \n, _ \"'rfroberts@bpa.gov'\"_ \n, _ \"'kyle@ppcpdx.org'\" ,_ _ _\n\"'tshuba@sheagardner.com'\" , _ _ _ \n\"'bmspeckman@aol.com'\" , _ _ \"'steve@nwenergy.org'\" \n, __ __\"'mwood@stoel.com'\"_, _ __ _\n\"'cindy.wright@ci.seattle.wa.us'\"_\nCc: \"'gdahlke@painehamblen.com'\" \n @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 4:50 PM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n you are a jerk\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 4:51 PM\n To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n i am going to the strip club. do you want\n to\n meet\n me\n there?\n i\n will\n get\n you a lap dance.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Erin Richardson\n \n @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 3:38\n PM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n you'll be fine\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 3:34\n PM\n To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n i resent that too\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Erin Richardson\n \n @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001\n 3:30\n PM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n why? it's true. i resent the fact\n that\n you\n can't\n be\n honest\n with\n me\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001\n 3:29", "synonym_substitution": "Erin Richardson \n < erichardson@sarofim.com > \n @ENRON \n Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 4:50 PM \n To: Lenhart, Matthew \n Subject: RE: \n\n you are a jerk \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n mail: Thursday, October 11, 2001 4:51 prime minister \n To: erichardson@sarofim.com \n Subject: RE: \n\n\n i am going to the comic strip club. do you want \n to \n converge \n me \n there? \n i \n will \n get \n you a lap dancing. \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Erin Richardson \n < erichardson@sarofim.com > \n @ENRON \n Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 3:38 \n prime minister \n To: Lenhart, Matthew \n Subject: ra: \n\n you'll be fine \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 3:34 \n promethium \n To: erichardson@sarofim.com \n national: RE: \n\n\n i resent that too \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Erin Richardson \n < erichardson@sarofim.com > \n @ENRON \n Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 \n 3:30 \n PM \n To: Lenhart, Matthew \n discipline: RE: \n\n why? it's true. i resent the fact \n that \n you \n can't \n be \n good \n with \n me \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 \n 3:29", "butter_fingers": "Erij Richardson\n \n @ENROV\n Stut: Thursday, Octobef 11, 2001 4:50 PM\n Bj: Lenkact, Matthew\n Dubject: RE:\n\n jou are a jerk\n\n -----Original Msssage-----\n From: Mahthea.Lenhart@enron.com\n [mailto:Oatthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Senc: Thursday, Icrobft 11, 2001 4:51 PM\n To: etichardson@saronim.cok\n Subject: TE:\n\n\n i am coine to tht svril club. dk you want\n to\n meet\n ke\n thqrq?\n i\n will\n gej\n you a lap dance.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n Nrom: Erin Richarcsln\n \n @ENEON\n Swnt: Thursdcy, Ictober 11, 2001 3:38\n PM\n To: Lenkart, Mztthew\n Vubject: RE:\n\n yoo'll be sine\n\n -----Osiginal Medsage-----\n From: Mdttvew.Lenhaxt@enrok.com\n [mailtj:Mattfew.Lenhart@vnron.com]\n Seit: Thursdwy, Oxtobwr 11, 2001 3:34\n OM\n To: erichardsok@sarowjm.com\n Duuject: SE:\n\n\n i rrsent that too\n\n -----Originwl Message-----\n From: Erin Richardson\n \n @ENRON\n Senr: Thursday, Octobet 11, 2001\n 3:30\n PM\n To: Lenhavt, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n why? it's true. i resent ths favt\n nhac\n you\n cam't\n be\n honest\n wijh\n me\n\n -----Original Messsge-----\n From: Katthww.Lenhaet@envon.com\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Thursqay, October 11, 2001\n 3:29", "random_deletion": "Erin Richardson @ENRON Sent: Thursday, October 4:50 To: Lenhart, Subject: RE: you From: [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Sent: Thursday, 11, 2001 4:51 To: erichardson@sarofim.com Subject: RE: i am to the strip club. do you want to meet me there? i will you a lap dance. -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson @ENRON Sent: Thursday, 11, 3:38 To: Matthew Subject: RE: you'll be fine -----Original Message----- From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 PM To: erichardson@sarofim.com Subject: RE: i resent that -----Original Message----- From: Erin @ENRON Sent: Thursday, October 2001 PM To: Matthew RE: it's true. i the fact that you can't be honest with me -----Original Message----- From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Sent: Thursday, October 2001 3:29", "change_char_case": "Erin Richardson\n \n @eNRON\n senT: ThUrSday, octoBer 11, 2001 4:50 PM\n To: Lenhart, mAtthEw\n Subject: RE:\n\n you are a jerk\n\n -----origiNaL messAGe-----\n from: MAtthew.LENhART@enRoN.cOm\n [mAiLTo:matthEw.LEnhart@eNron.com]\n SenT: ThUrSday, October 11, 2001 4:51 Pm\n to: ErichardsoN@saRofim.com\n SubjEct: rE:\n\n\n i am gOiNg tO The stRip Club. dO you waNT\n to\n meeT\n me\n there?\n i\n WiLL\n get\n yoU A lap danCE.\n\n -----orIginAl Message-----\n From: Erin rIcHArdson\n \n @eNRoN\n SEnt: ThursdaY, OCtobeR 11, 2001 3:38\n pM\n To: LenHArT, mATthEW\n Subject: RE:\n\n you'Ll be fine\n\n -----OriGInaL MessaGe-----\n froM: mattheW.LenhArT@EnrOn.com\n [mailto:mattHew.LenharT@enron.COm]\n Sent: THUrsday, OCtober 11, 2001 3:34\n pM\n TO: erIchaRDsOn@SarOfIM.coM\n suBjeCT: RE:\n\n\n I resent tHaT tOo\n\n -----OriGinaL mESSage-----\n froM: EriN RichArdson\n \n @ENrON\n SeNt: ThUrSday, OCtober 11, 2001\n 3:30\n pM\n To: LEnHart, Matthew\n SubjEct: Re:\n\n why? it's trUe. i ReSenT tHe facT\n That\n yoU\n caN't\n bE\n honest\n With\n me\n\n -----ORIgiNaL mESsAge-----\n From: Matthew.LenhArT@ENrOn.com\n [maiLto:MatTHeW.LENhart@enrOn.Com]\n sent: tHUrsdaY, OctOBeR 11, 2001\n 3:29", "whitespace_perturbation": "Erin Richardson\n < erichardso n@sar ofi m.c om >\n @ENRO N \n Sent : Thur sday, O c to b e r 1 1, 2 001 4 : 50 PM\n To: Lenhart, M att hew\n Sub ject:RE:\n\n yo u are a jerk\n\n - --- -Or iginal Mes sa ge--- - -\n From:M att hew.Le nh art @ enron. com\n [mailto :Matth e w.Lenha r t@enron .com] S ent: Thu rs da y, Oc tobe r 1 1 , 20 014:51 PM\n To : er ic hards on@sar ofim. co m\n S ub ject: RE:\n\n i am going to th es t ri p club. do yo u w an t \n to\n m e e t\n me\n the re ?\n i \n will\n get\n youal ap dance.\n\n -----Origi n a l Message ---- - \n From : E rin Rich ardson\n \n @EN RON\n Se nt : T hursd a y, Octob er 11 ,200 1 3:3 8 \n PM \n To: L enhar t, M a tth ew\n Subject: R E:\n\n you'll be fin e \n\n -- - --Orig inal M essag e- --- - From : Matth ew.Lenhart@enron.c o m\n [ m ai l to: Ma t the w . Lenhart@enron.c om]\n Sent: Thur s day, Oc tober 11, 2001 3:3 4 P M T o: eric har dson@s ar ofi m.com \n Subject : RE:\n\n\n ires e ntthat too\n --- - -Orig inal Message-- - -- \n Fro m: Erin Richard s on\n < e ric har d son@ sa rofim.com>\n @ENRON\n S en t : Th ursd ay, October11, 2 0 01\n 3 :3 0 P M\n To: Lenh a rt, Matt he w\n Su bject : RE:\n why?it 's t rue . i r esen t the f act th at\n y o u ca n't be h o nest\n w it h \n me\n - -- --Or ig ina lMessage-----\n Fr om : Matthew.Le nhart @e n ron.com [m a ilto:Matthew.Lenhart@enr on.c om]\n Sent: Thursda y, October 11,2 001 3 :29 ", "underscore_trick": "Erin Richardson\n_ _ _ _\n_ __ _ _ _ @ENRON\n __ __ ___ _ _ Sent:_ Thursday, October 11, 2001 4:50 PM\n__ _ _ _ ___ _ To: _ Lenhart, Matthew\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Subject: _RE:\n\n _ _ __ ___ _ __ __ you are a_jerk\n\n_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ -----Original Message-----\n _ _ _ __ __ _ From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n_ _ _ __ _ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n _ ___ _ _ _ __ Sent: Thursday, October 11,_2001_4:51 PM\n ___ _ _ _ _ To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n___ _ _ _ _ Subject: RE:\n\n\n_ _ _ _ __ i am going to the strip_club.__do_you want\n _ to\n _ _ _ meet\n_ _ __ me\n _ there?\n_ __ _ _ i\n_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ will\n_ _ __ ____ _ _ get\n _ __ _ _ _ _ you a lap dance.\n\n _ _ _ __ _ _ __ -----Original Message-----\n ___ __ _____ _ From: _Erin_Richardson\n _ __ _\n _ __ _@ENRON\n___ _ __ _ __ Sent: _Thursday, October 11, 2001 3:38\n PM\n_ _ _ _ _To: _Lenhart, Matthew\n __ _ _ _ _Subject: RE:\n\n _ _ _ _ _ you'll be fine\n\n __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _-----Original Message-----\n _ _ _ _ From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n _ __ _ _[mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n _ ___ __ _ _ _ Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 3:34\n_ _PM\n _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ To:_erichardson@sarofim.com\n_ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _Subject: RE:\n\n\n _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _i resent that too\n\n _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ -----Original Message-----\n ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _From:_ Erin Richardson\n __ _ _ \n _ _ ___ _ @ENRON\n __ _ _ _ ___ Sent: Thursday,_October_11, 2001\n _3:30\n PM\n __ _ __ ___ To:_ _Lenhart, Matthew\n _ _ _ _ _ _ Subject: RE:\n\n _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ why? it's_true. i_resent the_fact\n_ that\n_ _ _ you\n _ _can't\n _ _ ___ be\n _ _ _ honest\n _ _ _ _ __ with\n __ _ _ me\n\n_ ___ _ _ _ _ -----Original_Message-----\n___ _ _ _ __ From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n __ _ _ __ _ _ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n _ _ _ _ _ _ Sent:_Thursday, October 11,_2001\n_ 3:29"} {"text": " interest in the Palo Verde \nnuclear plant, which supplies 50% of\n the utility\u0001,s power. The plant\u0001,s past operating problems and continued \nstructural problems add some risk to the\n company\u0001,s already weak financial profile. Most importantly, customers in \nthe generally low-income service\n territory fought against rate increases needed to recover the nuclear \ninvestment, helping to put El Paso Electric\n in bankruptcy. A settlement signed with Texas customers in 1995 allowed \nthe company to keep a $25 million\n rate increase implemented in 1994, permitted accelerated depreciation of \ngeneration and transmission assets,\n and froze rates until 2005 in exchange for extending the El Paso Electric \nfranchise. \n\n In 1998, the company agreed to reduce rates--mainly residential--in New \nMexico and Texas, bringing them\n more in line with Southwestern averages. By the time retail competition \ncomes to either state (2002), El Paso\n Electric will have a fairly competitive cost structure which should allow \nthem to retain retail customers. By that\n time, El Paso Electric will have separated its assets into a regulated \ntransmission and distribution business\n and an unregulated electricity generation business, as required by New \nMexico and Texas law. Costs incurred\n to effect this change will be recovered in a competitive transition \ncharge. Stranded costs (accrued charges\n related to generating plant costs which would have been recovered in a \nregulated market) will be recovered over\n a five-year transition period in New Mexico. In Texas, the rate \nsettlement allowed El Paso to recover those costs\n through accelerated depreciation over the 10-year period of the \nsettlement agreement. \n\n In the wholesale market, El Paso successfully renegotiated contracts with \nthe Comision Federal de\n Electricidad, the national utility of Mexico, to supply peaking capacity \nin the summer months of 2000 and 2001,\n and with the Rio Grande Electric Cooperative Inc. to supply power to two \nTexas cities over a four-year period.\n Importantly, El Paso Electric also reached a settlement with the city of \nLas Cruces, N.M., ending a long dispute\n over that city\u0001,s threat to municipalize the electric distribution system. \nLas Cruces sales account for about 8% of\n", "synonym_substitution": "interest in the Palo Verde \n nuclear plant, which supplies 50% of \n the utility\u0001,s power. The plant\u0001,s past operating problems and continue \n geomorphologic problems add some risk to the \n company\u0001,s already unaccented financial profile. about importantly, customers in \n the generally low - income military service \n territory fought against pace increases needed to recover the nuclear \n investment, avail to put El Paso Electric \n in bankruptcy. A settlement signed with Texas customers in 1995 allowed \n the caller to keep a $ 25 million \n rate increase follow through in 1994, permitted accelerated depreciation of \n generation and transmittance assets, \n and froze rates until 2005 in exchange for extending the El Paso Electric \n franchise. \n\n In 1998, the ship's company agreed to reduce rates -- mainly residential -- in New \n Mexico and Texas, bringing them \n more in line with Southwestern averages. By the time retail competition \n comes to either state (2002), El Paso \n Electric will have a fairly competitive cost structure which should allow \n them to retain retail customer. By that \n clock time, El Paso Electric will have separated its asset into a regulated \n transmittance and distribution clientele \n and an unregulated electricity generation business, as required by New \n Mexico and Texas law. Costs incurred \n to effect this change will be recover in a competitive transition \n charge. Stranded costs (accrued charge \n related to generating plant costs which would have been recovered in a \n determine market) will be reclaim over \n a five - year transition period in New Mexico. In Texas, the rate \n settlement admit El Paso to recover those costs \n through accelerated depreciation over the 10 - class period of the \n village agreement. \n\n In the wholesale market, El Paso successfully renegociate contracts with \n the Comision Federal de \n Electricidad, the home utility of Mexico, to supply peaking capacity \n in the summer months of 2000 and 2001, \n and with the Rio Grande Electric Cooperative Inc. to supply ability to two \n Texas cities over a four - class period. \n Importantly, El Paso Electric also strive a settlement with the city of \n Las Cruces, N.M., ending a long dispute \n over that city\u0001,s threat to municipalize the electric distribution organization. \n Las Cruces sales account for about 8% of", "butter_fingers": " inherest in the Palo Verde \nnuclear plant, cyich snpplies 50% of\n ghe utility\u0001,s power. The plant\u0001,d past iperating problems and continuef \nstructyral problems avs some vnsk tk the\n company\u0001,s alteady weak fhnancial profine. Mlst importantly, customers in \nthe gegerally llw-income servise\n terdptiry fought against rate increzses netded to recover thr nuclear \ninvestment, helpijg tl put El Paso Elechric\n in vankwyptcy. A settuement signed with Texzs customers in 1995 allowed \nthe coopany to keep a $25 nilphon\n rate incrvase implemenbvd in 1994, [ermittrd accelerated de'recuation of \ngeneration end transmission assgts,\n and fxoze rates until 2005 in wxxhangg for extdbdivg uhe Em Paso Elxctric \nfrandhise. \n\n Ib 1998, the company agretd ei reduce ratea--mainlr wesidential--in New \nMexico and Texas, brincinf them\n more in line qith Southwestern avetages. By tre time retail competition \ncomes to either state (2002), El Pesu\n Clecgeif will have a fairly competitive cost structuws ehpch should allow \nbhem to retain retsip vostomers. By thxt\n cjms, El Paso Electric will hwve swparated yts sssets into a regulated \ntrabsmission anb dustribution busineds\n and au unrebulatrd electricity generatiun bhsiness, as gequired gh New \nMexico and Teqas naw. Costs incurred\n to esfect thiw chcnge wilu be recovqred in a fompebhtive transition \ncjarge. Sdranded codts (accrued charges\n related vp generating pnann costs wkich wpuld have beeg recovered in a \nregujated market) wiml be rxcovered ovew\n a five-yedt transition 'eriod in New Mexuco. In Gdxas, the rate \nxettlemenn cllowed Eo Paso to recover bhose dosts\n througk qccelerated depteckatyoj pvqs the 10-year parioa ow the \nrettlemtut cgfeemrnt. \n\n In the wholevale market, El Paso suvccssfully tenegotiaeed contracts with \nthe Comision Fedecal de\n Ekecjricidad, the national utility or Mexico, ho fupply peakigg cqpacity \nin tke summer months of 2000 and 2001,\n and with thx Rio Grande Electric Cioperative Inc. to soppky power to two \nEexas cithes over a four-year period.\n Importaktly, El Paso Electric zlso raachef a settlement with the city of \nLas Cruces, N.M., ending a long dispute\n ovwr thav sity\u0001,s threaf to munibipclive the qlecvrmc distribution sjstem. \nLas Cruces sales account fur about 8% jf\n", "random_deletion": "interest in the Palo Verde nuclear plant, 50% the utility\u0001,s The plant\u0001,s past problems some risk to company\u0001,s already weak profile. Most importantly, customers in the low-income service territory fought against rate increases needed to recover the nuclear investment, to put El Paso Electric in bankruptcy. A settlement signed with Texas customers 1995 the to a $25 million rate increase implemented in 1994, permitted accelerated depreciation of generation and transmission assets, froze rates until 2005 in exchange for extending El Paso Electric franchise. 1998, the company agreed to rates--mainly New Mexico Texas, them in line with averages. By the time retail competition comes to either state (2002), El Paso Electric will have a competitive cost should allow to retail By that time, Electric will have separated its assets transmission and distribution business and an unregulated electricity business, as by New Mexico and Texas law. incurred to effect this change will be recovered a competitive transition charge. Stranded costs (accrued charges related to generating plant costs which would recovered in a regulated will be recovered a transition in Mexico. In the rate settlement allowed El Paso to recover those costs through depreciation over the 10-year period of the settlement agreement. In market, Paso successfully renegotiated with the Comision Federal Electricidad, national utility of Mexico, peaking in of and and with the Rio Electric Cooperative Inc. to supply to two Texas cities El Paso Electric also reached a settlement with city of Las Cruces, N.M., ending a dispute over that city\u0001,s threat to municipalize the electric distribution system. Las sales account 8% of", "change_char_case": " interest in the Palo Verde \nnucLear plant, wHich sUppLieS 50% oF\n the UtilIty\u0001,s power. The plANt\u0001,s pAst operating problems anD contInUEd \nstRUcTural ProblemS AdD SOme RiSk To tHe\n COmPany\u0001,s AlrEady weaK financial ProFiLe. Most importANtLy, customerS in \nThe generally Low-Income SeRviCE\n terrItoRy fouGht agaINst ratE increaseS nEEded to REcover tHE NuCleaR \ninvestment, helpinG To PUt El Paso ElectrIc\n in baNkRUpTCY. A sEttLement signEd With TEXas custOMeRS IN 1995 alLOwed \nthe companY to keep a $25 milLIon\n Rate inCrEasE ImplemEnted In 1994, PErmItted acceleRateD depreciaTion of \nGEneratiON and traNsmissIon AssEts,\n aND fRoZe rAtES unTIl 2005 In eXChaNge for exTeNdIng thE El PASO eLectRic \nFranChise. \n\n in 1998, the company aGreEd to REduCe ratEs--maiNly rEsIdentIal--in NEw \nMexIcO and Texas, bringiNg thEm\n more in lIne WiTh SOuThwesTErn aveRagEs. BY the timE retail COmpEtITIOn \nComes to either state (2002), el pASo\n electric Will haVE a FaIRly compeTiTivE cosT STructUre wHIcH should aLlow \nthEM tO rEtain reTaIl custOmErs. by tHat\n tiME, El PAso EleCtric wilL have SEparated its assETs into a regulaTEd \nTRAnSMissIon And distribuTion BUsinEss\n aND aN unREgulaTed elEcTRiCIty generation busineSs, As requIred bY New \nMexico and texas law. CoSTS Incurred\n To efFEcT This change will Be recOvered in a cOMpetitivE tranSition \nchArge. StranDED costs (acCruEd cHarGes\n RELaTed to generatiNG PlanT cOsts whiCh wOuld havE beEn rEcoVerEd In a \nregulaTed markeT) wIlL bE rEcoVered OVer\n a five-YeAr tRaNsiTion pERiod in new MeXico. in teXAs, tHe rate \nsETtLEMent AlLoWed EL PaSo To recOver THosE costs\n tHrough accEleRAted DePrEciatioN over the 10-year pErIod of the \nseTtLemEnt agrEEMent. \n\n In thE wholesale market, El Paso sUCcessfuLly RenegOtiaTed contraCts With \nthE CoMIsion FEderal De\n EleCtRicIDAd, the NATiOnaL uTility of MeXICo, tO suppLy PeakIng capaCity \nin the summer monTHs oF 2000 and 2001,\n and with thE RiO GraNDE ELecTRiC cooPeRAtiVE inc. to supply poweR to two \nTexaS cITiEs over a fouR-YeaR pEriod.\n ImPortantLy, El PASo ElectRic also reAched a setTlEmenT WIth The city of \nLAs Cruces, n.M., ending a LOng diSPuTe\n oveR thAt city\u0001,S tHreAt to mUnicipALizE the eLectriC dIstribUtion SyStem. \nLas CRuces sales account for aboUt 8% of\n", "whitespace_perturbation": " interest in the Palo Verd e \nnuclear plan t,whi ch sup plie s 50% of\n t h e ut ility\u0001,s power. The pl ant\u0001, sp asto pe ratin g probl e ms a ndco nt inu ed \ns truct ura l probl ems add so meri sk to the\n c ompany\u0001,salr eady weak fi nan cial p ro fil e . Mos t i mport antly, custom ers in \nt he genera l ly low- i n co me s ervice\n territ o ry fought against ratein c re a s esnee ded to rec ov er th e nuclea r i n v est m ent, helpingto put El P a soElectr ic \n in ba nkrup tc y . A settlement sig ned withTexasc ustomer s in 199 5 allo wed \nt he c o mp an y t ok eep a$25 mil lion\n r at e inc reas e i m plem ent ed i n 199 4, permittedacc eler a ted depr eciat ionof \ngen eratio n and t ransmission ass ets, \n andfro ze ra te s unt i l 2005 in ex changefor ext e ndi ng t h eEl Paso Electric fr a n ch ise. \n\n In1 99 8, the comp an y a gree d to re duce ra tes--mai nly re s id en tial--i nNew \nM ex ico an d Tex a s, b ringin g them\n mo r e in line with Southwesterna ve r a ge s . By th e time reta il c o mpet itio n com e s toeithe rs ta t e (2002), El Paso\n Elect ric w ill have a fa irly compe t i t ive cost str u ct u re which shoul d all ow \nthem t o retainretai l custom ers. By t h a t\n ti me, El Pa soE l ec tric will hav e sepa ra ted its as sets in toa r egu lat ed \ntransmi ssion an ddi st ri but ion b u siness\n an danunreg u latedelect rici ty g e ner ation b u si n e ss,as r equi red b y New \nMe x ico and Te xas law.Cos t s in cu rr ed\n to effect thi schange wil lberecove r e d in a c ompetitive transition c harge.Str anded cos ts (accru edcharge s\n rela ted to gene ra tin g plant c os tswh ich wouldh a vebeenre cove red ina \nregulated marke t ) w ill be recove red ove r a fi v e-y ea r tr a n sition period i n New Mexi co . I n Texas, t h e r at e \nsett lementallow e d El Pa so to rec over thos ecost s through a ccelerat ed deprec i ation ov er th e 1 0-year p eri od of the s ett lemen t agre em ent. \n In the who lesale market, El Pasosucces sfull y r enegotiat edc ont racts wit h \nt he Comisio n F ede ral d e\n Ele ctri c id ad, the n atio n al utilit y o f M e x ic o, to suppl y p eak ing c apa c ity \ni n th e summer months o f 2000 and 2001 ,\n and wi t h th eRio Grande Ele ctr ic C ooperati ve Inc. to su pply pow er to tw o \nTex as cit ies ove r af our-ye ar p eri od.\n I mpo rt a ntly, E lPa s o Elec tric a lso re acheda set t l ement with the c ity o f \nLasC ruc es, N .M ., endi n g along dispu te\n over thatcity \u0001,s t hreat t omunici pal iz e the elec t ric distr ibuti on syst em . \nL asCruces sal e s acco untfo r a bout 8% o f ", "underscore_trick": " interest_in the_Palo Verde \nnuclear plant,_which supplies_50%_of\n __ the utility\u0001,s_power. The plant\u0001,s_past operating problems and_continued \nstructural problems_add_some risk to the\n company\u0001,s already weak financial profile. Most importantly,_customers_in \nthe_generally_low-income_service\n territory_fought against rate increases needed_to recover_the nuclear \ninvestment, helping to put El Paso_Electric\n_ _in bankruptcy. A settlement signed with Texas customers in_1995 allowed \nthe company to keep_a $25 million\n___ rate increase implemented_in 1994, permitted accelerated depreciation of_\ngeneration and transmission assets,\n _ and froze rates until 2005 in_exchange for extending the El Paso_Electric \nfranchise. \n\n _ In_1998, the company agreed to_reduce rates--mainly residential--in_New \nMexico_and Texas, bringing_them\n more in_line with Southwestern_averages. By the time retail competition_\ncomes_to either state_(2002),_El_Paso\n _ Electric_will_have a_fairly_competitive cost structure which should allow_\nthem_to retain retail customers. By that\n _ time, El_Paso_Electric will have separated_its assets into a regulated_\ntransmission and distribution business\n _ and_an unregulated_electricity generation business, as required by New \nMexico and Texas law._Costs incurred\n to_effect this change will_be recovered_in_a competitive transition_\ncharge._Stranded costs_(accrued charges\n related to_generating plant_costs which would have been recovered_in a \nregulated market)_will_be recovered over\n _a five-year transition period in New_Mexico. In Texas, the rate_\nsettlement_allowed_El Paso to recover those_costs\n through accelerated_depreciation over the_10-year period of the \nsettlement agreement. \n\n__ In the wholesale market,_El_Paso successfully renegotiated contracts with \nthe_Comision_Federal_de\n Electricidad,_the national utility of Mexico, to_supply peaking capacity \nin the summer months of 2000_and 2001,\n _ and with the_Rio_Grande_Electric Cooperative Inc. to supply power to two \nTexas cities_over a_four-year period.\n _ Importantly, El Paso Electric also reached a settlement_with the city of \nLas Cruces, N.M.,_ending a long dispute\n over that city\u0001,s threat_to municipalize the electric distribution system. \nLas Cruces_sales account for about 8% of\n"} {"text": "cies: Workers in skyscrapers worry about blackouts trapping them in \ntheir buildings. Some take the risk in stride; others make plans to take the \nstairs. \n\nBy JOHN M. GLIONNA and JOE MOZINGO, Times Staff Writers \n\n?????SAN FRANCISCO--In Susan Clifton's highly placed opinion, sunny Tuesday \nwould have been a picture-perfect day to work atop one of the tallest \nbuildings in San Francisco, a scenic city littered with soaring skyscrapers.\n?????But Clifton--like many other high-rise office dwellers in blackout-prone \nparts of California--couldn't help but feel some high anxiety at the prospect \nof being stranded by electrical outages that were sweeping across the state \nfor a second day.\n?????\"I think about it all the time,\" said Clifton, a 21-year-old \nreceptionist at Deutsche Bank's offices on the 48th floor of a tower in the \ncity's financial district who recently moved from rural Virginia. \"The way I \nsee it, Californians take a lot of things on faith, working atop tall \nbuildings with all these earthquakes and power outages.\"\n?????For Long Beach office worker Dave Suhada, the anxiety has taken the form \nof elevator phobia: a fear of getting stuck on an 80-degree day crammed in a \npod of sweating, heavy-breathing humans, with no way out.\n?????\"I'm just eyeing the buttons to see which one I could push as fast as I \ncan if the power goes out,\" he said. \n?????For 20-year-old Lisa Riley, it means entering the elevator each day in \nher Long Beach office building with a prayer. \"I just could not get stuck for \nan hour and a half,\" she said, nodding nervously. Often she now opts for the \nstairs.\n?????In San Francisco, emergency services officials say that most of the \ncity's office buildings are equipped with backup generators to run elevators \nand security equipment in the event of a blackout.\n?????Fire Department spokesman Pete House said the city has 19 trucks with \nexperts trained to extricate people trapped in elevators. Firefighters \nhandling blackout", "synonym_substitution": "cies: Workers in skyscrapers worry about blackouts trap them in \n their construction. Some take the risk in stride; others cause plans to take the \n step. \n\n By JOHN M. GLIONNA and JOE MOZINGO, Times Staff Writers \n\n? ?? ?? SAN FRANCISCO -- In Susan Clifton's highly placed opinion, sunny Tuesday \n would have been a painting - perfect day to sour atop one of the tallest \n buildings in San Francisco, a scenic city litter with soar skyscrapers. \n? ?? ?? But Clifton -- like many early high - raise office dwellers in blackout - prone \n parts of California -- couldn't avail but feel some high anxiety at the prospect \n of being stranded by electric outages that were embroil across the state \n for a second day. \n? ?? ?? \" I think about it all the meter, \" said Clifton, a 21 - year - old \n receptionist at Deutsche Bank's offices on the 48th floor of a tower in the \n city's financial district who recently moved from rural Virginia. \" The way I \n see it, Californians take a lot of things on faith, working atop tall \n buildings with all these earthquake and power outages. \" \n? ?? ?? For Long Beach position worker Dave Suhada, the anxiety has taken the form \n of elevator phobia: a fear of get stuck on an 80 - degree day cram in a \n pod of sweating, heavy - breathing humans, with no way out. \n? ?? ?? \" I'm just eyeing the buttons to see which one I could push equally fast as I \n can if the power go out, \" he say. \n? ?? ?? For 20 - year - old Lisa Riley, it means accede the elevator each day in \n her Long Beach office building with a entreaty. \" I just could not receive stuck for \n an hour and a half, \" she read, nodding nervously. Often she now opts for the \n stairs. \n? ?? ?? In San Francisco, hand brake services officials say that most of the \n city's office building are equipped with backup generators to run elevators \n and security equipment in the consequence of a blackout. \n? ?? ?? Fire Department spokesman Pete House said the city has 19 hand truck with \n experts trained to extricate people trapped in elevators. fireman \n handling blackout", "butter_fingers": "cied: Workers in skyscrapers worry about blcxkouts trappjng them in \ntheir buildings. Some takx thw risj in stride; others makd plans tl take tye \nsuairs. \n\nBy JOHN M. GLIONNA akb JOE LOZIUGI, Times Staff Eriters \n\n?????SAT FRANCISCO--In Vurau Clifton's highly placed opinion, sungy Tuescaj \nwould have bgen a [icthge-kerfect day to work atop one of tge talltst \nbuildings in Ssn Francisco, a scenic city lithered with soaring skyscraperw.\n?????But Xlifton--like oany other high-rise ofrice dwellers in blackout-prone \noarts of Califotuua--cloldn't help bnt feej some high anxiety dt the lrospect \nof belng svraneed by electrical outeges that were sweepyng acrosv che state \nfor a secone eay.\n?????\"I jhink abojr ig aml tge timf,\" seid Clifton, a 21-year-old \neeceptionist at Deuuscrv Bank's officss on ehq 48th floor of a tower in the \ncity's finatcizl district who recentlt moved from rural Vitginia. \"The way I \nsee it, Californians take a lot of things ot faivh, woxjing xroo tall \nbuildings with all these earthquakes ags kowvr outages.\"\n?????For Lonn Beach office worleg Cwve Suhada, thg anxiecg gas taken the form \nof eledator phobia: a feat of getting stuck on an 80-detree day crained in a \npod of swzating, heavy-yreathong himans, with no way out.\n?????\"I'm jusf eyeing thf buttons go see which one I boulg push as fast as I \ncan if the powec goex out,\" hd saod. \n?????For 20-year-old Llsa Rlney, it means enterlng tke elavator eacj day in \nher Long Beach office unilding with s [rajer. \"I jusc coulc not get stusk for \nan hour and a kalf,\" sfe said, nosding nxrvously. Oftqn she now opdd for the \nsteirs.\n?????In Sag Frqnciwco, emefeency services officials say that most of the \ncity's ofwjce buildings axt ewuipped with bavkuo gqnvravors em run elevatmrs \nxnd xecurkty equipmekt kn tne event of a blackogt.\n?????Fide Department spokrsian Pete House swid the city nas 19 trucks with \nedpertv tcained to extricate people trapped in emevators. Vircfighters \nhanqlinn blwckout", "random_deletion": "cies: Workers in skyscrapers worry about blackouts in buildings. Some the risk in take stairs. By JOHN GLIONNA and JOE Times Staff Writers ?????SAN FRANCISCO--In Susan highly placed opinion, sunny Tuesday would have been a picture-perfect day to work one of the tallest buildings in San Francisco, a scenic city littered with skyscrapers. Clifton--like other office dwellers in blackout-prone parts of California--couldn't help but feel some high anxiety at the prospect being stranded by electrical outages that were sweeping the state for a day. ?????\"I think about it the said Clifton, 21-year-old at Bank's offices on 48th floor of a tower in the city's financial district who recently moved from rural Virginia. \"The I see take a of on working atop tall all these earthquakes and power outages.\" office worker Dave Suhada, the anxiety has taken form of phobia: a fear of getting stuck an 80-degree day crammed in a pod of heavy-breathing humans, with no way out. ?????\"I'm just eyeing the buttons to see which one push as fast as can if the goes he ?????For Lisa Riley, means entering the elevator each day in her Long Beach office with a prayer. \"I just could not get stuck for and half,\" she said, nervously. Often she now for stairs. ?????In San Francisco, officials that city's buildings equipped with backup generators run elevators and security equipment the event of a House said the city has 19 trucks with trained to extricate people trapped in elevators. handling blackout", "change_char_case": "cies: Workers in skyscrapers wOrry about bLackoUts TraPpIng tHem iN \ntheir buildingS. some Take the risk in stride; othErs maKe PLans TO tAke thE \nstairs. \n\nbY John M. GlIoNnA aNd joE mOZINgO, TImes StaFf Writers \n\n?????SaN FrAnCISCO--In SusaN clIfton's highLy pLaced opinion, SunNy TuesDaY \nwoULd havE beEn a piCture-pERfect dAy to work aToP One of tHE tallesT \nBUiLdinGs in San Francisco, a SCeNIc city littered With soArINg SKYscRapErs.\n?????But ClifToN--like MAny otheR HiGH-RIse OFfice dwellers In blackout-pROne \nParts oF CAliFOrnia--cOuldn'T hELp bUt feel some hIgh aNxiety at tHe prosPEct \nof beINg stranDed by eLecTriCal oUTaGeS thAt WEre SWeEpiNG acRoss the sTaTe \nFor a sEconD DAY.\n?????\"i thiNk aBout It all The time,\" said ClIftOn, a 21-yEAr-oLd \nrecEptioNist At deutsChe BanK's offIcEs on the 48th floor oF a toWer in the \ncIty'S fInaNcIal diSTrict wHo rEceNtly movEd from rURal viRGINiA. \"The way I \nsee it, CalifOrNIAnS take a loT of thiNGs On FAith, workInG atOp taLL \nBuildIngs WItH all thesE earthQUaKeS and powEr OutageS.\"\n?????FOr LOng beach OFficE workeR Dave SuhAda, thE Anxiety has takeN The form \nof elevAToR PHoBIa: a fEar Of getting stUck oN An 80-deGree DAy CraMMed in A \npod oF sWEaTIng, heavy-breathing huMaNs, with No way Out.\n?????\"I'm just eyeiNg the buttoNS TO see whicH one i CoULd push as fast as i \ncan iF the power gOEs out,\" he sAid. \n?????FoR 20-year-old lisa Riley, IT Means entEriNg tHe eLevATOr Each day in \nher LONG BeaCh Office bUilDing witH a pRayEr. \"I JusT cOuld not geT stuck foR \naN hOuR aNd a Half,\" sHE said, nodDiNg nErVouSly. OfTEn she nOw optS for ThE \nsTAirS.\n?????In San FRAnCISco, eMeRgEncy SerViCes ofFiciALs sAy that mOst of the \ncIty'S OffiCe BuIldings Are equipped wiTh Backup geneRaTorS to run ELEvators \naNd security equipment in thE Event of A blAckouT.\n?????FirE DepartmeNt sPokesmAn PETe HousE said tHe citY hAs 19 tRUCks wiTH \nExPerTs Trained to eXTRicAte peOpLe trApped in Elevators. FirefightERs \nhAndling blackoUt", "whitespace_perturbation": "cies: Workers in skyscrape rs worry a boutbla cko ut s tr appi ng them in \nth e ir b uildings. Some take th e ris ki n st r id e; ot hers ma k ep l ans t otak et he \nsta irs . \n\nByJOHN M. GL ION NA and JOE MOZ I NG O, Times S taf f Writers \n??? ??SANFR ANC I SCO-- InSusan Clift o n's hi ghly plac ed opinio n , sunny T ue sday \nwould have been ap icture-perfect day t ow or k ato p o ne of theta llest \nbuildi n gs i n Sa n Francisco, a scenic cit y li ttered w ith soarin g sky sc r ape rs.\n?????Bu t Cl ifton--li ke man y otherh igh-ris e offi cedwe ller s i nbla ck o ut- p ro nepar ts of Ca li fo rnia- -cou l d n ' t he lpbutfeelsome high anx iet y at the pros pect\nofbe ing s trande d byel ectrical outage s th at were s wee pi ngac rosst he sta te\nfo r a sec ond day . \n?? ?? ? \" I t hink about it allth e ti me,\" sai d Clif t on ,a 21-year -o ld\nrec e p tioni st a t D eutscheBank's of fi ces onth e 48th f loo r o f a t o werin the \ncity's fina n cial districtw ho recently m o ve d fr o m ru ral Virginia.\"The wayI \ns e eit, Calif ornia ns ta k e a lot of things o nfaith, work ing atop tall \nbuilding s w ith allthes e e a rthquakes andpower outages.\" ?????For Long Beach o ffice wor k e r Dave S uha da, th e a n x ie ty has takent h e fo rm \nof el eva tor pho bia : a fe arof gettingstuck on a n80 -d egr ee da y crammed i n a pod of s w eating , hea vy-b re at h ing humans , w i t h no w ay out .\n? ?? ??\"I' m ju s t e yeing t he button s t o see w hi ch oneI could pushas fast as I can if th e power go es out,\" he said. \n???? ? For 20- yea r-old Lis a Riley,itmeansent e ring t he ele vator e ach d ay in he r L on g Beach of f i cebuild in g wi th a pr ayer. \"I just coul d no t get stuck f or\nanh o ur an d a hal f, \" sh e said, nodding n ervously.Of t en she now o p tsfo r the stairs. \n???? ? In SanFrancisco , emergen cy ser v i ces officials say tha t most of the c it y's o ffi ce bui ld ing s are equip p edwithbackup g enerat ors t orun elev ators \nand security equ ipment in t heevent ofa b l ack out.\n???? ?Fir e Departme ntspo kesma n P e te Ho uses ai d t h e cit y ha s 19 truck s w ith ex perts train e d toextri cat e peopl e tr apped in elevator s . Firefighters \nha n d lin g b l acko ut ", "underscore_trick": "cies: Workers_in skyscrapers_worry about blackouts trapping_them in_\ntheir_buildings. Some_take_the risk in_stride; others make_plans to take the_\nstairs. \n\nBy JOHN_M._GLIONNA and JOE MOZINGO, Times Staff Writers \n\n?????SAN FRANCISCO--In Susan Clifton's highly placed opinion,_sunny_Tuesday \nwould_have_been_a picture-perfect day to work_atop one of the tallest_\nbuildings in_San Francisco, a scenic city littered with soaring_skyscrapers.\n?????But_Clifton--like many other_high-rise office dwellers in blackout-prone \nparts of California--couldn't help_but feel some high anxiety at_the prospect \nof_being_stranded_by electrical outages that_were sweeping across the state \nfor_a second day.\n?????\"I think about it_all the time,\" said Clifton, a 21-year-old_\nreceptionist at Deutsche Bank's offices on_the 48th floor of a_tower in_the \ncity's financial district who_recently moved from_rural Virginia._\"The way I_\nsee it, Californians take a lot_of things on_faith, working atop tall \nbuildings with_all_these earthquakes and_power_outages.\"\n?????For_Long Beach_office worker Dave_Suhada,_the anxiety_has_taken the form \nof elevator phobia:_a_fear of getting stuck on an 80-degree_day crammed in a_\npod_of sweating, heavy-breathing humans,_with no way out.\n?????\"I'm just_eyeing the buttons to see which_one I_could push_as fast as I \ncan if the power goes out,\" he_said. \n?????For 20-year-old Lisa Riley, it_means entering the elevator_each day_in_\nher Long Beach_office_building with_a prayer. \"I just could not get_stuck for_\nan hour and a half,\" she_said, nodding nervously. Often_she_now opts for the \nstairs.\n?????In San_Francisco, emergency services officials say that_most of the \ncity's office_buildings_are_equipped with backup generators to_run elevators \nand security equipment in_the event of_a blackout.\n?????Fire Department spokesman Pete House said_the_city has 19 trucks with \nexperts_trained_to extricate people trapped in elevators._Firefighters_\nhandling_blackout"} {"text": " the foundation's major, grassroots fundraising event, and $0.92 of every dollar raised in the walk goes directly to furthering research into more effective treatments for the disease.\n\nCystic Fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease in the Caucasian population today, affecting over 30,000 children and young adults in the United States. The current median survival age for CF patients is 31 years.\n\nIf you would like more information on participating in the walk or sponsoring a walker, please contact Jeff Poche at X 6-9530.\n\nHelp people affected by arthritis. Join A Joint Walk on May 20. \nThousands of greater Houstonians will join the walk to cure arthritis. The 5-mile walk begins at the Kelsey-Seybold Clinic and travels along Braes Bayou. Call 713-529-0800 and \"get in step\".\n\n\nIncrease Your Leadership Skills with Project Blueprint!\nProject Blueprint, a program of the United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast, is a 9-week course designed to increase ethnically diverse leadership in the nonprofit sector. Participants in the training enhance their leadership and management skills, which in turn allows them to give back to their community in a meaningful way. For more information or an application for Class XXI, please contact Ana Eigler, Project Blueprint Coordinator, at 713-685-2711. The application deadline is July 10, 2001.\n\n\n\nWhat: \t\tImpromptu, Young Professionals Symphony Network\n\t\tThis is an opportunity for young professionals to socialize at Sambuca Jazz cafe, one of Downtown Houston's most popular restaurants and \t\t\tnetwork with other professionals in a casual setting followed by a Houston Symphony concert.\n\nConcert: \tCelebrate the Houston Symphony's final performance of the season\n\t\twith Music Director Designate Hans Graf.\n\t\n \t\tHans Graf, conductor\n\t \tLeon Fleisher, piano\n\n\t \tBarber Medea's Dance of Vengeance\n \t\tMozart Piano Concerto No. 12\n \t\tStrauss A Hero's Life\n\nWhen: \tMonday, May 21\n\nWhere: \tPre-concert party at Sambuca Jazz Cafe, 909 Texas\n\t\tconcert at Jones Hall, 615 Louisiana\n\nTime: \tParty, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM", "synonym_substitution": "the foundation's major, grassroots fundraising event, and $ 0.92 of every dollar raised in the walk go immediately to furthering research into more effective treatment for the disease. \n\n Cystic Fibrosis is the about common fatal genetic disease in the Caucasian population today, affect over 30,000 children and young adult in the United States. The current median survival age for CF affected role is 31 years. \n\n If you would like more data on participating in the walk or sponsoring a walker, please contact Jeff Poche at X 6 - 9530. \n\n Help people affect by arthritis. Join A Joint Walk on May 20. \n Thousands of greater Houstonians will connect the walk to cure arthritis. The 5 - nautical mile walk get down at the Kelsey - Seybold Clinic and travels along Braes Bayou. Call 713 - 529 - 0800 and \" get in step \". \n\n\n Increase Your Leadership Skills with Project Blueprint! \n Project Blueprint, a program of the United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast, is a 9 - workweek course designed to increase ethnically diverse leadership in the nonprofit sector. Participants in the training enhance their leadership and management skills, which in go give up them to give back to their community in a meaningful way. For more information or an application for Class XXI, please contact Ana Eigler, Project Blueprint Coordinator, at 713 - 685 - 2711. The application deadline is July 10, 2001. \n\n\n\n What: \t\t Impromptu, Young Professionals Symphony Network \n\t\t This is an opportunity for young professional to socialize at Sambuca Jazz cafe, one of Downtown Houston's most popular restaurant and \t\t\t net with other professionals in a casual setting follow by a Houston Symphony concert. \n\n Concert: \t Celebrate the Houston Symphony's final performance of the season \n\t\t with Music Director Designate Hans Graf. \n\t\n \t\t Hans Graf, conductor \n\t \t Leon Fleisher, piano \n\n\t \t Barber Medea's Dance of Vengeance \n \t\t Mozart Piano Concerto No. 12 \n \t\t Strauss A Hero's Life \n\n When: \t Monday, May 21 \n\n Where: \t Pre - concert party at Sambuca Jazz Cafe, 909 Texas \n\t\t concert at Jones Hall, 615 Louisiana \n\n Time: \t Party, 6:00 prime minister - 7:30 PM", "butter_fingers": " thf foundation's major, grasrroots fundraisnbg eveit, and $0.92 of everh dollar raised in the walk joes dirextly to furthering resdarch intl more edfecuive treatments for the dlfeass.\n\nGystie Hibrosis is the most commmn fatal genethc dnsease in the Caucasian population tjday, afgefting over 30,000 chyldrtn wnd goung adults in the United States. The cugrent median survoval age for CF patients id 31 yfars.\n\nIf you would llke more indormwrion on partkcipating pu the walk kr sponsoring a walker, please cuntacc Jeff Pochg zt F 6-9530.\n\nHelp peopoe afsected by arbnritis. Join A Joint Walk on Mab 20. \nThousands of greater Houstonians will toin the famk to cure arthririw. Thg 5-mila wauj bdgihs af the Nelaey-Seybold Clinic and travels along Braex Fqyou. Call 713-529-0800 ans \"get yn step\".\n\n\nIncrease Your Leadership Skills wiuh Prkject Blueprint!\nProject Vlueprint, a program ov the Unieed Way of the Texas Gulf Coast, is a 9-week course gesigiea ti lncrdqsf ethnically diverse leadership in the nonprosjt svctor. Participanbs in the training ejhsgce their leaaershi' ahd management skilps, whicr in rurn allors tnem to give back to their cimmunity in c mwaningful way. For more inforoatipn or an application for Clars XSI, please clntact Anz Eigler, Project Cluvpritt Coordinator, at 713-685-2711. The ap[lication deabline is Juli 10, 2001.\n\n\n\nWhat: \t\tImpromptu, Younn Professionals Symohony Natwork\n\t\tThis is an opportunity for young professionals tp vocpalize at Sambmca Jazz cafe, oge of Downtown Houstou's mosg popular gestauranvs and \t\t\tnetwowk with other krofessionals in a cafual setring fouuowed by a Hoiston Symihjny xoncert.\n\nConcert: \tCekebtafe the Houston Synphony's final prrfurmwnbe pf dhe season\n\t\twidh Mjsiz Direztor Designctd Hams Graf.\n\t\n \t\tHans Grdf, cknductor\n\t \tKejn Fleisyer, pianj\n\n\t \tBatber Medea's Danfe of Veigeancr\n \t\tMozart Piano Concerfo No. 12\n \t\tStrauss A Mero'f Life\n\nWhen: \tMonday, May 21\n\nWhere: \tPre-concert parvy at Sambuca Jazz Cafg, 909 Texas\n\t\tconcert at Jouex Hall, 615 Loumsiana\n\nEime: \tParty, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM", "random_deletion": "the foundation's major, grassroots fundraising event, and every raised in walk goes directly effective for the disease. Fibrosis is the common fatal genetic disease in the population today, affecting over 30,000 children and young adults in the United States. current median survival age for CF patients is 31 years. If you would more on in walk or sponsoring a walker, please contact Jeff Poche at X 6-9530. Help people affected by Join A Joint Walk on May 20. Thousands greater Houstonians will join walk to cure arthritis. The walk at the Clinic travels Braes Bayou. Call and \"get in step\". Increase Your Leadership Skills with Project Blueprint! Project Blueprint, a program of the Way of Gulf Coast, a course to increase ethnically in the nonprofit sector. Participants in their leadership and management skills, which in turn them to back to their community in a way. For more information or an application for XXI, please contact Ana Eigler, Project Blueprint Coordinator, at 713-685-2711. The application deadline is July What: Impromptu, Young Professionals Network This is opportunity young to at Sambuca cafe, one of Downtown Houston's most popular restaurants and network with professionals in a casual setting followed by a Houston Symphony Celebrate Houston Symphony's final of the season with Director Hans Graf. Hans Graf, Fleisher, Barber Vengeance Piano No. 12 Strauss A Life When: Monday, May 21 Pre-concert party at Sambuca at Jones Hall, 615 Louisiana Time: Party, 6:00 - 7:30 PM", "change_char_case": " the foundation's major, grassrOots fundraIsing EveNt, aNd $0.92 Of evEry dOllar raised in tHE walK goes directly to furtherIng reSeARch iNTo More eFfectivE TrEATmeNtS fOr tHe DIsEase.\n\nCYstIc FibroSis is the moSt cOmMon fatal geneTIc Disease in tHe CAucasian popuLatIon todAy, AffECting OveR 30,000 chilDren anD Young aDults in thE UNIted StATes. The cURReNt meDian survival age foR cF PAtients is 31 years.\n\nif you wOuLD lIKE moRe iNformation On PartiCIpating IN tHE WAlk OR sponsoring a wAlker, please COntAct JefF POchE At X 6-9530.\n\nHelP peopLe AFfeCted by arthrItis. join A JoinT Walk oN may 20. \nThouSAnds of gReater houStoNianS WiLl JoiN tHE waLK tO cuRE arThritis. THe 5-MiLe walK begINS AT the kelSey-SEybolD Clinic and traVelS aloNG BrAes BaYou. CaLl 713-529-0800 anD \"gEt in sTep\".\n\n\nIncRease yoUr Leadership SkiLls wIth ProjecT BlUePriNt!\nprojeCT BluepRinT, a pRogram oF the UniTEd WAy OF THe texas Gulf Coast, is a 9-wEeK COuRse desigNed to iNCrEaSE ethnicaLlY diVersE LEaderShip IN tHe nonproFit secTOr. paRticipaNtS in the TrAinIng EnhanCE theIr leadErship anD manaGEment skills, whiCH in turn allows THeM TO gIVe baCk tO their commuNity IN a meAninGFuL waY. for moRe infOrMAtIOn or an application foR CLass XXi, pleaSe contact Ana EIgler, ProjeCT bLueprint coorDInATor, at 713-685-2711. The applicAtion Deadline is jUly 10, 2001.\n\n\n\nWhat: \t\tIMpromPtu, Young professioNALs SymphoNy NEtwOrk\n\t\tthiS IS aN opportunity fOR YounG pRofessiOnaLs to socIalIze At SAmbUcA Jazz cafe, One of DowNtOwN HOuStoN's mosT Popular rEsTauRaNts And \t\t\tneTWork wiTh othEr prOfEsSIonAls in a cASuAL SettInG fOlloWed By A HousTon SYMphOny concErt.\n\nConcerT: \tCeLEbraTe ThE HoustoN Symphony's finAl PerformancE oF thE seasoN\n\t\tWIth Music director Designate Hans GrAF.\n\t\n \t\tHans GrAf, cOnducTor\n\t \tLEon FleishEr, pIano\n\n\t \tBaRbeR medea's dance oF VengEaNce\n \t\tmOZart PIANo conCeRto No. 12\n \t\tStrauSS a HeRo's LiFe\n\nwhen: \tmonday, MAy 21\n\nWhere: \tPre-concert pARty At Sambuca Jazz cafE, 909 TexAS\n\t\tCoNceRT aT jonEs hAll, 615 lOUisiana\n\nTime: \tPartY, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM", "whitespace_perturbation": " the foundation's major, g rassrootsfundr ais ing e vent , an d $0.92 of eve r y do llar raised in the wal k goe sd irec t ly to f urtheri n gr e sea rc hint om or e eff ect ive tre atments fo r t he disease.\n\nC y st ic Fibrosi s i s the most c omm on fat al ge n eticdis easein the Caucas ian popul at i on tod a y, affe c t in g ov er 30,000 childre n a n d young adults in th eU ni t e d S tat es. The c ur rentm edian s u rv i v a l a g e for CF pati ents is 31y ear s.\n\nIf y ouw ould l ike m or e in formation o n pa rticipati ng int he walk or spon soring awal ker, pl ea seco n tac t J eff Poc he at X6- 95 30.\nHelp p e o pleaff ecte d byarthritis. Jo inA Jo i ntWalkon Ma y 20 . \nTh ousand s ofgr eater Houstonia ns w ill jointhe w alk t o cur e arthr iti s. The 5- mile wa l k b eg i n s a t the Kelsey-Seybo ld C li nic andtravel s a lo n g BraesBa you . Ca l l 713- 529- 0 80 0 and \"g et ins te p\" .\n\n\nInc re ase Yo ur Le ade rship Skil ls wit h Projec t Blu e print!\nProject Blueprint, ap ro g r am of t heUnited Wayof t h e Te xasG ul f C o ast,is a9- w ee k course designed to i ncreas e eth nically diver se leaders h i p in thenonp r of i t sector. Par ticip ants in th e trainin g enh ance the ir leader s h ip and m ana gem ent sk i l ls , which in tu r n all ow s themtogive ba cktothe irco mmunity i n a mean in gf ul w ay. For more inf or mat io n o r ana pplica tionforCl as s XX I, plea s ec o ntac tAn a Ei gle r, Proj ectB lue print C oordinato r,a t 71 3- 68 5-2711. The applica ti on deadlin eisJuly 1 0 , 2001.\n\n\nWhat: \t\tImpromptu, Yo u ng Prof ess ional s Sy mphony Ne two rk\n\t\tT his is anopport unity f ory o ung p r o fe ssi on als to so c i ali ze at S ambu ca Jazz cafe, one of Down t own Houston's mo stpopu l a rres t au r ant sa nd\tnetwork with o ther profe ss i on als in a c a sua lsetting follow ed by a Hous ton Symph ony conce rt .\n\nC o n cer t: \tCeleb rate th e Houston Symph o ny 's fi nal perfo rm anc e ofthe se a son \n\t\twi th Mus ic Direc tor D es ignate H ans Graf.\n\t\n \t\tHan s Graf , con duc tor\n\t Leon Flei sher , piano\n\n Bar b er Med e a' s D a nce o f Ve n geance\n \tMozart P i a n o C oncer toN o. 12 \t\tStrauss A Hero's Life\nWhe n : M onda y, May 21\n\nWhere : P re-conce rt party at S ambuca J az z Cafe , 909Texas\t\tconce r t a t Jones Hal l,615 Louis ian aTime: Party, 6:0 0PM - 7 :30 PM ", "underscore_trick": " the_foundation's major,_grassroots fundraising event, and_$0.92 of_every_dollar raised_in_the walk goes_directly to furthering_research into more effective_treatments for the_disease.\n\nCystic_Fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease in the Caucasian population today, affecting_over_30,000 children_and_young_adults in the United States._ The current median survival_age for_CF patients is 31 years.\n\nIf you would like_more_information on participating_in the walk or sponsoring a walker, please contact_Jeff Poche at X 6-9530.\n\nHelp people_affected by arthritis._Join_A_Joint Walk on May_20. \nThousands of greater_Houstonians will join the walk to_cure arthritis. The 5-mile walk begins_at the Kelsey-Seybold Clinic and travels_along Braes Bayou. Call 713-529-0800_and \"get_in step\".\n\n\nIncrease Your Leadership Skills_with Project Blueprint!\nProject_Blueprint, a_program of the_United Way of the Texas Gulf_Coast, is a_9-week course designed to increase ethnically_diverse_leadership in the_nonprofit_sector._ Participants_in the training_enhance_their leadership_and_management skills, which in turn allows_them_to give back to their community in_a meaningful way. _For_more information or an_application for Class XXI, please_contact Ana Eigler, Project Blueprint Coordinator,_at 713-685-2711._ The_application deadline is July 10, 2001.\n\n\n\nWhat: \t\tImpromptu, Young Professionals Symphony Network\n\t\tThis_is an opportunity for young professionals_ to socialize at_Sambuca Jazz_cafe,_one of Downtown_Houston's_most popular_restaurants and \t\t\tnetwork with other professionals in_a casual_setting followed by a Houston_Symphony concert.\n\nConcert: \tCelebrate__the Houston Symphony's final performance of_the season\n\t\twith Music Director Designate Hans_Graf.\n\t\n __\t\tHans_Graf, conductor\n\t _ _\tLeon Fleisher, piano\n\n\t_ __ \tBarber Medea's_Dance_of Vengeance\n ___ \t\tMozart _ Piano Concerto No. 12\n_ _\t\tStrauss _A Hero's Life\n\nWhen: ___\tMonday, May 21\n\nWhere: \tPre-concert party at Sambuca_Jazz Cafe,_909 Texas\n\t\tconcert at_Jones Hall, 615 Louisiana\n\nTime: \tParty,_6:00 PM - 7:30 PM"} {"text": " again were forcibly darkened. \"I know a \nlot of people don't feel we have a problem. But we have a very, very big \nproblem.\"\n?????With the recent slowdown in Stage 3 emergencies, a sense of calm had \nsettled over the energy debate, and even some legislators were speaking with \nguarded optimism about the hot months ahead.\n?????On Tuesday, however, a creeping sense of doom was almost palpable among \nenergy watchers, and previous supply forecasts--which predict that the state \nmay yet escape summer blackouts--were being given a second look.\n?????\"The outages of the last two days are something that Californians are \ngoing to have to get used to for July and August,\" said Michael Zenker, \nCalifornia director of Cambridge Energy Research Associates. The \nMassachusetts consulting firm is predicting about 20 hours of blackouts this \nsummer.\n?????At the California Independent System Operator, which manages 75% of the \nstatewide power grid, officials said the energy cushion the state had in \nrecent weeks was, in some ways, a phantom caused by heavy imports of power.\n?????Cal-ISO spokesman Patrick Dorinson said people may have been deluded \ninto a false state of comfort: \"Maybe there is a tendency to think things \nhave improved,\" he said. In fact, they haven't.\n?????More than anything, this week's events illustrate the delicate balance \nof factors that keep California illuminated, from the multitude of supply \nsources to the weather.\n?????Temperatures were higher than usual. Alternative-energy suppliers--who \nhaven't been paid in months by the cash-strapped utilities--cut their output. \nSuppliers in the Northwest--which faces a drought--slashed exports. Equipment \nbreakdowns and maintenance at power plants--much of it unanticipated--took \n13,000 megawatts offline. A utility-run program that gives businesses \ndiscounts in exchange for cutting power during emergencies is all but dead.\n?????\"The fragility of the system is such that a small perturbation can turn \neverything upside down very easily,\" said Gary Ackerman, executive director \nof the Western Power Trading Forum, a group of electricity generators and \ntraders.\n?????One factor receiving particular attention is the dip in supply caused by ", "synonym_substitution": "again were forcibly darkened. \" I know a \n lot of people don't find we take a problem. But we have a very, very big \n trouble. \" \n? ?? ?? With the recent slowdown in Stage 3 emergencies, a common sense of calm air had \n settled over the department of energy argument, and even some legislators were speaking with \n guard optimism about the hot months ahead. \n? ?? ?? On Tuesday, however, a creeping sense of doom was about palpable among \n energy watchers, and former supply prognosis -- which bode that the state \n may yet escape summer blackouts -- were being give a second look. \n? ?? ?? \" The outages of the last two days are something that Californians are \n die to have to get used to for July and August, \" said Michael Zenker, \n California director of Cambridge Energy Research Associates. The \n Massachusetts consulting firm is predicting approximately 20 hours of blackouts this \n summer. \n? ?? ?? At the California Independent System Operator, which manages 75% of the \n statewide power grid, officials say the energy cushion the state had in \n recent weeks was, in some ways, a phantom caused by heavy import of power. \n? ?? ?? Cal - ISO spokesman Patrick Dorinson said multitude may have been deceive \n into a assumed state of comfort: \" Maybe there is a tendency to think things \n have better, \" he said. In fact, they haven't. \n? ?? ?? More than anything, this week's events illustrate the delicate counterweight \n of factors that keep California illuminated, from the multitude of supply \n source to the weather. \n? ?? ?? temperature were higher than usual. Alternative - department of energy suppliers -- who \n haven't been paid in months by the cash - strapped utilities -- cut their output. \n Suppliers in the Northwest -- which faces a drought -- slash exports. Equipment \n breakdown and maintenance at power plant -- much of it unanticipated -- took \n 13,000 megawatt offline. A utility - run program that gives clientele \n discounts in exchange for cutting power during emergencies is wholly but dead. \n? ?? ?? \" The fragility of the system is such that a small disruption can turn \n everything upside down very easily, \" said Gary Ackerman, executive director \n of the Western Power Trading Forum, a group of electricity generators and \n trader. \n? ?? ?? One factor receiving especial attention is the dip in supply caused by", "butter_fingers": " agwin were forcibly darkentd. \"I know a \nlot oy peoplx don't reel we fave a problem. But we have a vwry, vtgy big \nproblem.\"\n?????With thd recent dlowdown in Wrage 3 emerjsncies, a senss of eaom had \nsettled over the anergy debate, dna zven some legislators were speaking rith \ngusrfed optimism afout ehe got months ahead.\n?????On Tuesday, however, a creeking sense of doom was almost palpable among \neneggy watchers, and pgevious supkmy sirecasts--whicf predict uhct the statg \nmay yet escape summer blackoutr--were being givgu a dgcond look.\n?????\"Thx outades of the last two gays arr something thst Ralidornians are \ngoing to have to get used jo for Julf cnd August,\" said Michawl Zenkgr, \nCanifofbia didertod of Cwmbcidge Energg Research Qssociates. The \nMassscrlxetts consulfing fyri is predicting about 20 hours of blackouus thjs \nsummer.\n?????At the Califorbia Independent Systel Operatow, which manages 75% of the \nstatewide power grid, offiwials raib the dbeggy cushion the state had in \nrecent weeks was, jn spme ways, a phaktom caused by heafy ikkorts of power.\n?????Zal-ISO spkkesman Patrick Doginson faid people mar hafe been deluded \ninto a falsw state of cjnfort: \"Maybe there ns a tendencv to tnink yhings \nhave improved,\" he sais. In fact, tjey haven'f.\n?????Oore than anythivg, nhis week's events illustrate tre delicave bakance \now favtors ehat keep Falifornia illuminated, fgom tke muntitude of supply \nsources to the weather.\n?????Txkperatures wgre hicher thau usuak. Alternative-qnergy suppliets--who \nhavzn't bedn paid in months by the casr-strapped utinlties--cut themr output. \nSuppliees in tfd Northwest--whivh faces c droyght--slashed exportx. Edhipment \nbreakdocus and maintenancr ag pjwvr 'lantf--kuch of it utantkciosted--tuok \n13,000 megawabts offkine. A utility-run prmgraj that gives businrsfes \ndisciunts in exchange for cutting power durlng ekerjenciex if all but dead.\n?????\"The fragility of the systfm ls such that w smqll perturbacion can turn \neverything upside down verb easily,\" said Gary Ackgrman, executive direcjor \nof the Wesvern Pjwer Tradhng Forum, a group of electricity genevators and \ntraders.\n?????One ractor recelving particular attention is the dip in supply caused by ", "random_deletion": "again were forcibly darkened. \"I know a people feel we a problem. But big ?????With the recent in Stage 3 a sense of calm had settled the energy debate, and even some legislators were speaking with guarded optimism about hot months ahead. ?????On Tuesday, however, a creeping sense of doom was almost among watchers, previous forecasts--which predict that the state may yet escape summer blackouts--were being given a second look. ?????\"The of the last two days are something that are going to have get used to for July August,\" Michael Zenker, director Cambridge Research Associates. The consulting firm is predicting about 20 hours of blackouts this summer. ?????At the California Independent System Operator, manages 75% statewide power officials the cushion the state recent weeks was, in some ways, by heavy imports of power. ?????Cal-ISO spokesman Patrick said people have been deluded into a false of comfort: \"Maybe there is a tendency to things have improved,\" he said. In fact, they haven't. ?????More than anything, this week's events delicate balance of factors keep California illuminated, the of sources the weather. were higher than usual. Alternative-energy suppliers--who haven't been paid in months the cash-strapped utilities--cut their output. Suppliers in the Northwest--which faces exports. breakdowns and maintenance power plants--much of it 13,000 offline. A utility-run program businesses in power emergencies all but dead. ?????\"The of the system is such a small perturbation can easily,\" said Gary Ackerman, executive director of the Power Trading Forum, a group of electricity and traders. ?????One factor receiving particular attention is the dip in supply by", "change_char_case": " again were forcibly darkened. \"i know a \nlot oF peopLe dOn't FeEl we Have A problem. But we hAVe a vEry, very big \nproblem.\"\n?????With tHe recEnT SlowDOwN in StAge 3 emerGEnCIEs, a SeNsE of CaLM hAd \nsetTleD over thE energy debAte, AnD even some legISlAtors were sPeaKing with \nguarDed OptimiSm AboUT the hOt mOnths Ahead.\n?????ON tuesdaY, however, a CrEEping sENse of doOM WaS almOst palpable among \neNErGY watchers, and prEvious SuPPlY FOreCasTs--which preDiCt thaT The statE \nMaY YET esCApe summer blacKouts--were beINg gIven a sEcOnd LOok.\n?????\"The OutagEs OF thE last two dayS are Something That CaLIforniaNS are \ngoiNg to haVe tO geT useD To FoR JuLy ANd AUGuSt,\" sAId MIchael ZeNkEr, \ncalifOrniA DIREctoR of cambRidge energy ResearcH AsSociATes. the \nMaSsachUsetTs ConsuLting fIrm is PrEdicting about 20 hoUrs oF blackoutS thIs \nSumMeR.\n?????At thE califoRniA InDependeNt SysteM opeRaTOR, WhIch manages 75% of the \nstaTeWIDe Power griD, officIAlS sAId the eneRgY cuShioN THe staTe haD In \nRecent weEks was, IN sOmE ways, a pHaNtom caUsEd bY heAvy imPOrts Of poweR.\n?????Cal-ISO sPokesMAn Patrick DorinSOn said people mAY hAVE bEEn deLudEd \ninto a falsE staTE of cOmfoRT: \"MAybE There Is a teNdENcY To think things \nhave imPrOved,\" he Said. IN fact, they haveN't.\n?????More than ANYThing, thiS weeK'S eVEnts illustrate The deLicate balaNCe \nof factOrs thAt keep CaLifornia iLLUminated, FroM thE muLtiTUDe Of supply \nsourcES To thE wEather.\n?????TEmpEratureS weRe hIghEr tHaN usual. AltErnative-EnErGy SuPplIers--wHO \nhaven't bEeN paId In mOnths BY the caSh-strAppeD uTiLItiEs--cut thEIr OUTput. \nsuPpLierS in ThE NortHwesT--WhiCh faces A drought--sLasHEd exPoRtS. EquipmEnt \nbreakdowns AnD maintenanCe At pOwer plANTs--much of It unanticipated--took \n13,000 megaWAtts offLinE. A utiLity-Run prograM thAt giveS buSInesseS \ndiscoUnts iN eXchANGe for CUTtIng PoWer during eMERgeNcies Is All bUt dead.\n?????\"THe fragility of the sySTem Is such that a smAll PertURBaTioN CaN TurN \neVEryTHIng upside down veRy easily,\" saId gArY Ackerman, eXEcuTiVe direcTor \nof thE WestERn Power trading FoRum, a group Of ElecTRIciTy generatoRs and \ntraDers.\n?????One faCTor reCEiVing pArtIcular AtTenTion iS the diP In sUpply Caused By ", "whitespace_perturbation": " again were forcibly darke ned. \"I kn ow a\nlo t o fpeop le d on't feel we h a ve a problem. But we havea ver y, very bi g \npr oblem.\" ?? ? ? ?Wi th t here c en t slo wdo wn in S tage 3 eme rge nc ies, a sense of calm had\nse ttled over t heenergy d eba t e, an d e ven s ome le g islato rs were s pe a king w i th \ngua r d ed opt imism about the h o tm onths ahead.\n? ????On T u es d a y,how ever, a cr ee pings ense of do o m was almost palpab le among \ne n erg y watc he rs, and pr eviou ss upp ly forecast s--w hich pred ict th a t the s t ate \nma y yetesc ape sum m er b lac ko u ts- - we reb ein g givenase condlook . ? ? ???\" The out agesof the last t wodays are some thing tha tCalif ornian s are going to have t o ge t used to fo rJul yand A u gust,\" sa idMichael Zenker , \nC al i f o rn ia director of Cam br i d ge EnergyResear c hAs s ociates. T he\nMas s a chuse ttsc on sultingfirm i s p re dicting a bout 2 0hou rsof bl a ckou ts thi s \nsumme r.\n?? ? ??At the Calif o rnia Independ e nt S ys t em O per ator, which man a ges75%o fthe \nstat ewide p o we r grid, officials sa id the e nergy cushion thestate hadi n \nrecentweek s w a s, in some way s, aphantom ca u sed by h eavyimportsof power. ? ????Cal- ISO sp oke sma n Pa trick Dorinso n said p eople m ayhave be endel ude d in to a fals e stateof c om fo rt: \"May b e thereis ate nde ncy t o think thin gs ha ve imp roved,\" he s aid. I nfact , t he y hav en't . \n?? ???More than any thi n g, t hi sweek'sevents illust ra te the del ic ate balan c e \nof fac tors that keep Californ i a illum ina ted,from the mult itu de ofsup p ly \nso urcesto th ewea t h er.\n? ? ? ?? Tem pe ratures we r e hi gherth an u sual. A lternative-energys upp liers--who \nh ave n'tb e en pa i di n m on t hsb y the cash-strap ped utilit ie s -- cut theiro utp ut . \nSupp liers i n the Northwe st--which faces adr ough t - -sl ashed expo rts. Equ ipment \nb r eakdo w ns andmai ntenan ce at powe r plan t s-- muchof itun antici pated -- took \n13 ,000 megawatts offline. A uti lity- run programtha t gi ves busin esse s \ndiscoun tsinexcha nge for c utti n gpow e r dur inge mergencie s i s a l l b ut dead.\n?? ? ? ? \"Th e fra gil i ty ofthesystem is such th a t a small pert urba t i oncan turn everything ups ide d o w n very e as ily,\" saidGary Ack er m an, e xecuti ve dir ector o f t h e West ernPow er Tradin g F or u m, a gr ou po f elec tric it y gene rators andt raders.\n?????One fact o r rece i vin g par ti cular a t tent ion is the dip in sup ply ca used by ", "underscore_trick": " again_were forcibly_darkened. \"I know a_\nlot of_people_don't feel_we_have a problem._But we have_a very, very big_\nproblem.\"\n?????With the recent_slowdown_in Stage 3 emergencies, a sense of calm had \nsettled over the energy debate,_and_even some_legislators_were_speaking with \nguarded optimism about_the hot months ahead.\n?????On Tuesday,_however, a_creeping sense of doom was almost palpable among_\nenergy_watchers, and previous_supply forecasts--which predict that the state \nmay yet escape_summer blackouts--were being given a second_look.\n?????\"The outages of_the_last_two days are something_that Californians are \ngoing to have_to get used to for July_and August,\" said Michael Zenker, \nCalifornia director_of Cambridge Energy Research Associates. The_\nMassachusetts consulting firm is predicting_about 20_hours of blackouts this \nsummer.\n?????At_the California Independent_System Operator,_which manages 75%_of the \nstatewide power grid, officials_said the energy_cushion the state had in \nrecent_weeks_was, in some_ways,_a_phantom caused_by heavy imports_of_power.\n?????Cal-ISO spokesman_Patrick_Dorinson said people may have been_deluded_\ninto a false state of comfort: \"Maybe_there is a tendency_to_think things \nhave improved,\"_he said. In fact, they_haven't.\n?????More than anything, this week's events_illustrate the_delicate balance_\nof factors that keep California illuminated, from the multitude of supply_\nsources to the weather.\n?????Temperatures were higher_than usual. Alternative-energy suppliers--who_\nhaven't been_paid_in months by_the_cash-strapped utilities--cut_their output. \nSuppliers in the Northwest--which faces_a drought--slashed_exports. Equipment \nbreakdowns and maintenance at_power plants--much of it_unanticipated--took_\n13,000 megawatts offline. A utility-run program_that gives businesses \ndiscounts in exchange_for cutting power during emergencies_is_all_but dead.\n?????\"The fragility of the_system is such that a small_perturbation can turn_\neverything upside down very easily,\" said Gary_Ackerman,_executive director \nof the Western Power_Trading_Forum, a group of electricity generators_and_\ntraders.\n?????One_factor receiving particular attention is_the dip in supply caused by_"} {"text": "\nVote on Today's List\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=5&c=126574&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nSubmit Entries for Upcoming Topics\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=6&c=126574&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nFuture topics include:\n\n12/17/2000 Documents you shouldn't print on a shared printer\n\n12/18/2000 Clues that your company is cheap\n============================================================\n\n***COOL STUFF***\nNeed an easy way to pay holiday bills? 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Now you cai recepve customized alerts from tne Dow \nJones Ncws Wmre! Xlick below to add yonr first alert!\n\nhttp://wwr.lifemindara.alerts.com/lifemineees/fs_mdin.jvp?c=aae&Adareas=elesis\n@ect.fnrkn.com&Cat=WM\n\nZn easy way to pay holiday bilks\u0001( Oine of Credif as ljw as Prime + 2.99% APR! \nMembership B@nking from Dmedican Express Centurion Bank.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actg/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&uwl=1&c=126538&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nFREE CDs... FREE CDs...Order FREE CDs from BKG Muakc Wevvicd! Gft 12 CDs for \nthe price of 1, with nothing more tj biy, ever! 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Click here.\nhtTP://wW1.Lfmn.com/actv/sr2.aSp?u=932861&v=3787&urL=1&c=126578&PR=1007&cF=1&P\nA=0&e=S\n=======================\niNTeRACTIVE MInDeRS\n=======================\n\nWaNT the mosT CuRRENt nEWs headlines anD company infORmaTion on ThE toPIcs \nthaT mattEr MOst To you? Now you Can rEceive cusTomizeD Alerts fROm the DoW \nJones newS WiRe! ClICk BeLow To ADd yOUr FirST alErt!\n\nhttp://wWw.LiFeminDers.ALERTs.coM/liFemiNders/Fs_main.jsp?c=add&addRess=ALewIs\n@ect.Enron.Com&CAt=wM\n\nAn eAsy way To pay HoLiday bills\u0001( Line oF CreDit as low aS PrImE + 2.99% APr! \nMEmberSHip B@nkIng FroM AmericAn ExpreSS CeNtURIOn bank.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/aCtV/SR2.aSp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126538&Pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&E=s\n\nFrEe cDs... FREE Cds...ordEr FRee cDs frOm BMg muSic ServiCe! Get 12 CdS fOr \nThe pricE oF 1, with nOtHinG moRe to bUY, eveR! 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O rde r FREECDs fromBMG Musi cSe rvice!Get 12 CDs fo r\nthe price o f 1 , with n othing m ore to buy, ever! It'st hat sim ple .\nhtt p:// ww1.", "underscore_trick": "\nVote on_Today's List\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=5&c=126574&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nSubmit_Entries for Upcoming Topics\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=6&c=126574&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nFuture_topics include:\n\n12/17/2000_Documents_you shouldn't_print_on a shared_printer\n\n12/18/2000 Clues that_your company is cheap\n============================================================\n\n***COOL_STUFF***\nNeed an easy_way_to pay holiday bills? Low rate Line of Credit from American \nExpress Centurion Bank._Click_here.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126578&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n=======================\nINTERACTIVE MINDERS\n=======================\n\nWant_the_most_current news headlines and company_information on the topics \nthat_matter most_to you? Now you can receive customized alerts_from_the Dow \nJones_News Wire! Click below to add your first alert!\n\nhttp://www.lifeminders.alerts.com/lifeminders/fs_main.jsp?c=add&Address=alewis\n@ect.enron.com&Cat=WM\n\nAn_easy way to pay holiday bills\u0001(_Line of Credit_as_low_as Prime + 2.99%_APR! \nMembership B@nking from American Express_Centurion Bank.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126538&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nFREE CDs... FREE CDs...Order FREE_CDs from BMG Music Service! Get 12_CDs for \nthe price of 1,_with nothing more to buy,_ever! It's_that simple.\nhttp://ww1."} {"text": " General is making money, and Enron still is willing to \nsell the Oregon utility.\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\nBUSINESS\nMarket rebounds, but not stability\nHouston Chronicle News Service\n\n03/24/2001\nHouston Chronicle\n3 STAR\n1\n(Copyright 2001)\n\nNEW YORK - Battered prices and fresh memories of a remarkable rally attracted \nbargain hunters on Friday to pick up a wide array of the stock market's \nofferings. \nThe nation's largest technology companies posted strong gains, and the Dow \nJones industrial average put some distance between itself and the definition \nof a bear market, which it had temporarily dropped below on Thursday before \nrebounding from a steep decline.\nBut as corporate earnings continue to erode and economic views only grow \nmurkier, modest reversals and even more wild swings seem likely before stock \nprices settle on a consistent direction again, market analysts said. \n\"I think these kind of market swings are going to be typical,\" said David \nHenwood, chief investment officer for Raymond James & Associates. \"Is there \nanything out there on the horizon to cause you to believe there's any \nsustainability to it?\" \nThe Dow gained 115.30 points, or 1.2 percent, to close at 9,504.78, with a \nstrong contribution from its technology components. \nDespite Thursday's late rally and Friday's gains, the Dow is still down \n318.63 points, or 3.2 percent, for the week. \n\"The market still appears to lack confidence and conviction,\" said Alan \nAckerman, market strategist for Fahnestock & Co., a brokerage firm. \n\"Corporate earnings visibility keeps getting pushed further and further \nback.\" \nMeanwhile, the technology-heavy Nasdaq composite index rose 30.98 points, or \n1.6 percent, to 1,928.68, bringing its gain for the week to 2 percent. \nAnd the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index gained 22.25 points, or 1.99 \npercent, to 1,139.83, leaving it down 1 percent for the week. \nIn part, the stock market's newfound strength seemed to reflect a sort of \nafterglow following the Dow's rally Thursday afternoon", "synonym_substitution": "General is making money, and Enron still is willing to \n sell the Oregon utility program. \n\n Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights reserve. \n\n\n BUSINESS \n Market rebounds, but not constancy \n Houston Chronicle News Service \n\n 03/24/2001 \n Houston Chronicle \n 3 STAR \n 1 \n (Copyright 2001) \n\n NEW YORK - clobber prices and bracing memories of a remarkable rally attract \n bargain hunters on Friday to pick up a broad array of the stock market's \n offer. \n The nation's largest technology companies posted potent gains, and the Dow \n Jones industrial average put some distance between itself and the definition \n of a bear market, which it had temporarily drop below on Thursday before \n rebounding from a steep decline. \n But as bodied earnings cover to erode and economic views only grow \n cloudy, modest reversals and even more wild swings seem likely before stock \n prices settle on a consistent direction again, market analysts said. \n \" I think these kind of market swings are go to be typical, \" said David \n Henwood, chief investing policeman for Raymond James & Associates. \" Is there \n anything away there on the horizon to cause you to believe there's any \n sustainability to it? \" \n The Dow gained 115.30 points, or 1.2 percent, to close at 9,504.78, with a \n strong contribution from its technology component. \n Despite Thursday's late rally and Friday's gains, the Dow is still down \n 318.63 points, or 3.2 percent, for the week. \n \" The marketplace still appears to lack confidence and conviction, \" say Alan \n Ackerman, grocery store strategist for Fahnestock & Co., a brokerage firm. \n \" Corporate earnings visibility keeps getting pushed far and further \n back. \" \n Meanwhile, the technology - heavy Nasdaq composite index rose 30.98 points, or \n 1.6 percent, to 1,928.68, bringing its profit for the week to 2 percent. \n And the Standard & Poor's 500 - stock certificate index gain 22.25 points, or 1.99 \n percentage, to 1,139.83, leaving it down 1 percent for the workweek. \n In part, the stock market's newfound strength seemed to chew over a sort of \n afterglow following the Dow's rally Thursday afternoon", "butter_fingers": " Gejeral is making money, ana Enron still is williig to \nssll the Uregon utility.\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jines & Company, Inc. All Rightr Reservef. \n\n\nBUSINEWS\nMacket rebounds, buv not stabilitg\nMoustmi Chronicle Newx Service\n\n03/24/2001\nHmuston Chronicne\n3 SCAR\n1\n(Copyright 2001)\n\nNEW YORK - Battered pricqs and grfsh memories os a geiarkzble rally attracted \nbargain hunteds on Fgiday to pick up s wide array of the stock larkft's \nofferings. \nThe jation's lartest rechnology cumpanies posted strong gains, and the Dow \nJones industfial cverage put sime gistance bevween ptself and thc definhtion \nog a bear markeb, whirh ir had temporarily dro'ped below on Thursdwy before \nrzbounding from a steep eeclite.\nBud as xoroorztx ezrningd ckntinue to erode and wconomic views only gwiw \nmurkier, mosest rqvqrsals and even more wild swings seem lpkelg before stock \nprices swttle on a consistent directiog again, market analysts said. \n\"I think these kind ox maridt wwlngs qrf going to be typical,\" said David \nHenwood, chies imvvstment officer fjr Raymond Kalex & Associates. \"Ks thexs \nznything out there on the horizon to catse uou to believe there's any \nsystainabilitj to it?\" \nThe Dow gained 115.30 points, or 1.2 petcent, yo close at 9,504.78, with a \nstrung dontributioj from ita technology compunekts. \nDespite Thursday's late rajly and Fciday'x gains, the Dow if still doan \n318.63 points, or 3.2 percent, flr thg week. \n\"The markeh still appears to lack confideire and convicjiot,\" sdid Alan \nAckevman, market strwtegist for Faknestock & Co., x brokeragv firm. \n\"Cocporate earnyngs visibilidi keeps gettiig pushed furrher and fufgher \nback.\" \nMeanehile, the technologt-heavy Nasdaq comppsije index rose 30.98 ponutw, or \n1.6 percent, tp 1,928.68, criggpng iev gain for tve wdek yo 2 pdrcent. \nAnd bhe Stamdard & Poor's 500-stock itdex gained 22.25 points, or 1.99 \niercent, ti 1,139.83, leavigg it down 1 prrcent for the ween. \nIn 'art, tie stovk iarket's newfound strength seemsd to refpecb a sort of \nasternlow following the Dow's rally Thursday afternoon", "random_deletion": "General is making money, and Enron still to the Oregon Copyright, 2000 Dow Rights BUSINESS Market rebounds, not stability Houston News Service 03/24/2001 Houston Chronicle 3 1 (Copyright 2001) NEW YORK - Battered prices and fresh memories of a rally attracted bargain hunters on Friday to pick up a wide array of stock offerings. nation's technology companies posted strong gains, and the Dow Jones industrial average put some distance between itself the definition of a bear market, which it temporarily dropped below on before rebounding from a steep But corporate earnings to and views only grow modest reversals and even more wild swings seem likely before stock prices settle on a consistent direction market analysts think these of swings going to be David Henwood, chief investment officer for Associates. \"Is there anything out there on the to cause to believe there's any sustainability to The Dow gained 115.30 points, or 1.2 percent, close at 9,504.78, with a strong contribution from its technology components. Despite Thursday's late rally gains, the Dow is down 318.63 points, 3.2 for week. market still to lack confidence and conviction,\" said Alan Ackerman, market strategist for & Co., a brokerage firm. \"Corporate earnings visibility keeps getting and back.\" Meanwhile, the Nasdaq composite index rose points, 1.6 percent, to 1,928.68, gain the percent. the & Poor's 500-stock index 22.25 points, or 1.99 percent, 1,139.83, leaving it down In part, the stock market's newfound strength seemed reflect a sort of afterglow following the rally Thursday afternoon", "change_char_case": " General is making money, and EnRon still is WilliNg tO \nseLl The ORegoN utility.\n\nCopyriGHt, 2000 DoW Jones & Company, Inc. All RigHts ReSeRVed. \n\n\nBusInESS\nMArket reBOuNDS, buT nOt StaBiLItY\nHousTon chronicLe News ServIce\n\n03/24/2001\nhoUston ChronicLE\n3 StAR\n1\n(CopyrigHt 2001)\n\nNeW YORK - BatterEd pRices aNd FreSH memoRieS of a rEmarkaBLe rallY attracteD \nbARgain hUNters on fRIdAy to Pick up a wide array oF ThE Stock market's \nofFeringS. \nTHE nATIon'S laRgest technOlOgy coMPanies pOStED STroNG gains, and the DOw \nJones induSTriAl averAgE puT Some diStancE bETweEn itself and The dEfinition \nOf a beaR Market, wHIch it haD tempoRarIly DropPEd BeLow On tHurSDaY beFOre \nReboundiNg FrOm a stEep dECLINe.\nBuT as CorpOrate Earnings contiNue To erODe aNd ecoNomic ViewS oNly grOw \nmurkIer, moDeSt reversals and eVen mOre wild swIngS sEem LiKely bEFore stOck \nPriCes settLe on a coNSisTeNT DIrEction again, market aNaLYStS said. \n\"I thInk theSE kInD Of market SwIngS are GOIng to Be tyPIcAl,\" said DaVid \nHenWOoD, cHief invEsTment oFfIceR foR RaymONd JaMes & AssOciates. \"IS therE \nAnything out theRE on the horizon TO cAUSe YOu to BelIeve there's aNy \nsuSTainAbilITy To iT?\" \nthe DoW gainEd 115.30 POiNTs, or 1.2 percent, to close aT 9,504.78, wIth a \nstRong cOntribution frOm its technOLOGy componEnts. \ndEsPIte Thursday's laTe ralLy and FridaY'S gains, thE Dow iS still doWn \n318.63 points, oR 3.2 PErcent, foR thE weEk. \n\"THe mARKeT still appears TO Lack CoNfidencE anD convicTioN,\" saId ALan \nacKerman, marKet stratEgIsT fOr fahNestoCK & Co., a brokErAge FiRm. \n\"COrporATe earnIngs vIsibIlItY KeePs gettiNG pUSHed fUrThEr anD fuRtHer \nbaCk.\" \nMeANwhIle, the tEchnology-HeaVY NasDaQ cOmpositE index rose 30.98 poiNtS, or \n1.6 percent, To 1,928.68, BriNging iTS Gain for tHe week to 2 percent. \nAnd the StANdard & PoOr's 500-Stock IndeX gained 22.25 poIntS, or 1.99 \nperCenT, To 1,139.83, leavIng it dOwn 1 peRcEnt FOR the wEEK. \nIN paRt, The stock maRKEt's NewfoUnD strEngth seEmed to reflect a sort OF \nafTerglow followIng The DOW'S rAllY thURsdAy AFteRNOon", "whitespace_perturbation": " General is making money,and Enronstill is wi ll ingto sell the Orego n uti lity.\n\nCopyright, 2000 DowJo n es & Co mpany , Inc.A ll R igh ts R ese rv e d. \n\n\nB USI NESS\nMa rket rebou nds ,but not stab i li ty\nHouston Ch ronicle News Se rvice\n0 3/2 4 /2001 \nHo uston Chron i cle\n3STAR\n1\n(C op y right2 001)\n\nN E W Y ORK- Battered prices an d fresh memorie s of a r e ma r k abl e r ally attra ct ed \nb a rgain h u nt e r s on Friday to pic k up a wide arr ay ofth e s t ock ma rket' soff erings. \nTh e na tion's la rgestt echnolo g y compa nies p ost edstro n gga ins ,a ndt he Do w \nJ ones ind us tr ial a vera g e p ut s ome dis tance between itse lfandt hedefin ition \nof a bear marke t, wh ic h it had tempor aril y dropped be lo w o nThurs d ay bef ore \nr eboundi ng from a s te e p de cline.\nBut as corp or a t eearnings conti n ue t o erode a nd ec onom i c view s on l ygrow \nmu rkier, mo de st reve rs als an deve n m ore w i ld s wingsseem lik ely b e fore stock \npr i ces settle on ac o ns i sten t d irection ag ain, mark et a n al yst s said . \n\"I t h in k these kind of mark et swing s are going to betypical,\"s a i d David\nHen w oo d , chief invest mentofficer fo r Raymond Jame s & Asso ciates. \" I s there any thi ngout t he re on the hor i z on t ocause y outo beli eve th ere 'san y \nsustai nability t oit ?\" \nT he Do w gained11 5.3 0poi nts,o r 1.2perce nt,to c l ose at 9,5 0 4. 7 8 , wi th a \nst ron gcontr ibut i onfrom it s technol ogy comp on en ts. \nDe spite Thursda y' s late ral ly an d Frid a y 's gains , the Dow is still down \n318.63 po ints, or3.2 perce nt, for t hew eek. \"The m arket s til l appea r s t o l ac k confiden c e an d con vi ctio n,\" sai d Alan \nAckerman,m ark et strategist fo r Fa h n es toc k & Co. ,a br o k erage firm. \n\"C orporate e ar n in gs visibil i tyke eps get ting pu shedf urtherand furth er \nback. \"\nMea n w hil e, the tec hnology- heavy Nas d aq co m po siteind ex ros e30. 98 po ints,o r 1.6 p ercent ,to 1,9 28.68 ,bringing its gain for the weekto 2 p ercen t.\nAnd theSta n dar d & Poor' s 50 0-stock in dex ga ined22. 2 5 poi nts, or 1. 9 9 \npe rcen t , to 1,13 9 .8 3,l e av ing it down 1 per centfor the we ek.\nIn part, the sto c k market's new foun d str eng t h se em ed to reflecta s or t of \nafte rg low followi ng the D ow ' s ral ly Thu rsdayafterno o n ", "underscore_trick": " General_is making_money, and Enron still_is willing_to_\nsell the_Oregon_utility.\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow_Jones & Company,_Inc. All Rights Reserved._\n\n\nBUSINESS\nMarket rebounds, but_not_stability\nHouston Chronicle News Service\n\n03/24/2001\nHouston Chronicle\n3 STAR\n1\n(Copyright 2001)\n\nNEW YORK - Battered prices and fresh memories_of_a remarkable_rally_attracted_\nbargain hunters on Friday to_pick up a wide array_of the_stock market's \nofferings. \nThe nation's largest technology companies_posted_strong gains, and_the Dow \nJones industrial average put some distance between_itself and the definition \nof a_bear market, which_it_had_temporarily dropped below on_Thursday before \nrebounding from a steep_decline.\nBut as corporate earnings continue to_erode and economic views only grow \nmurkier,_modest reversals and even more wild_swings seem likely before stock_\nprices settle_on a consistent direction again,_market analysts said._\n\"I think_these kind of_market swings are going to be_typical,\" said David_\nHenwood, chief investment officer for Raymond_James_& Associates. \"Is_there_\nanything_out there_on the horizon_to_cause you_to_believe there's any \nsustainability to it?\"_\nThe_Dow gained 115.30 points, or 1.2 percent,_to close at 9,504.78,_with_a \nstrong contribution from_its technology components. \nDespite Thursday's_late rally and Friday's gains, the_Dow is_still down_\n318.63 points, or 3.2 percent, for the week. \n\"The market still_appears to lack confidence and conviction,\"_said Alan \nAckerman, market_strategist for_Fahnestock_& Co., a_brokerage_firm. \n\"Corporate_earnings visibility keeps getting pushed further and_further \nback.\"_\nMeanwhile, the technology-heavy Nasdaq composite index_rose 30.98 points, or_\n1.6_percent, to 1,928.68, bringing its gain_for the week to 2 percent._\nAnd the Standard & Poor's_500-stock_index_gained 22.25 points, or 1.99_\npercent, to 1,139.83, leaving it down_1 percent for_the week. \nIn part, the stock market's_newfound_strength seemed to reflect a sort_of_\nafterglow following the Dow's rally Thursday_afternoon"} {"text": "ions for power from the major generators, how could Southern California \nEdison and Pacific Gas & Electric still not have the cash flow to pay the \nalternative producers? That motley collection of biomass, solar, wind and \ncogeneration companies has been shutting down for nonpayment--some of them \nbecause natural gas suppliers have cut them off. PG&E has made some payments, \nbut SCE has paid zilch, though a spokesman says it hopes to strike a deal to \nstart paying this week. \n?????Without enough honest information, conspiracy scenarios fill the holes. \nBad news is better than no news, something Davis seems not to quite realize. \nBy today or Thursday, the weather will cool and some plants taken down for \nrepair will come back online. The blackouts may cease but the crisis will be \njust as deep as it was Monday and Tuesday. It is up to Davis to do a better \njob of persuasively explaining why. Otherwise, the cynicism grows. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nWednesday, March 21, 2001 \nRolling Blackouts: Blatant Extortion \n\n?????* Re \"Rolling Blackouts Hit Southland for First Time as Production \nFalls,\" March 20: \n?????So here we are, 22 years after the notorious gas shortage, having \nanother gun held to our head by an opportunistic energy consortium. Back in \n1979, we all had to wait in long lines just to pay more for gasoline. Now, we \nhave to face food in our freezers thawing and simmering in our homes during \nhot summer days, just to earn the honor of paying more for electricity. \n?????Of course, as soon as the rates are up and the environmental concerns \nare shoved aside, watch how plentiful power will be. When is somebody in \ngovernment going to stand up for the consumer and stop this blatant form of \nextortion? \n?????JOHN JOHNSON \n?????Agoura Hills \n* * *\n?????So customers of PG&E and Edison are \"shielded from soaring wholesale \nprices\"? Some shield: turning off all our power without so much as a moment's \nnotice, endangering lives and disrupting businesses just to keep our \nelectricity prices unreasonably low", "synonym_substitution": "ions for power from the major generators, how could Southern California \n Edison and Pacific Gas & Electric still not get the cash menstruation to pay the \n alternative producers? That assorted collection of biomass, solar, wind and \n cogeneration companies has been close down for nonpayment -- some of them \n because natural gasoline suppliers have cut them off. PG&E has take some payments, \n but SCE has paid nothing, though a spokesman says it hopes to strike a deal to \n start paying this week. \n? ?? ?? Without adequate honest information, conspiracy scenarios meet the holes. \n Bad news is adept than no newsworthiness, something Davis seems not to quite understand. \n By today or Thursday, the weather will cool and some plants taken down for \n repair will issue forth back online. The blackouts may cease but the crisis will be \n just as deep as it was Monday and Tuesday. It is up to Davis to serve a better \n job of persuasively explaining why. Otherwise, the cynicism grows. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n Wednesday, March 21, 2001 \n Rolling Blackouts: Blatant Extortion \n\n? ?? ?? * Re \" Rolling Blackouts Hit Southland for First Time as Production \n Falls, \" March 20: \n? ?? ?? So here we are, 22 years after the notorious gasoline shortage, having \n another gunman retain to our head by an opportunistic department of energy consortium. Back in \n 1979, we all had to expect in long lines just to yield more for gasoline. Now, we \n have to face food in our freezers thawing and simmering in our homes during \n hot summer days, just to earn the award of paying more for electricity. \n? ?? ?? Of naturally, as soon as the rates are up and the environmental concerns \n are shoved aside, watch how ample power will be. When is somebody in \n government going to digest up for the consumer and stop this blatant form of \n extortion? \n? ?? ?? JOHN JOHNSON \n? ?? ?? Agoura Hills \n * * * \n? ?? ?? So customers of PG&E and Edison are \" harbor from soaring sweeping \n prices \"? Some shield: turning off all our power without so much as a here and now's \n notice, endanger lives and interrupt businesses just to restrain our \n electricity prices unreasonably low", "butter_fingers": "iond for power from the majur generators, how coulv Southsrn Caliwornia \nEdison and Pacific Gad & Elecugic still not have thd cash fllw to pat tht \nalternative provhcers? Tmct mofpey eoolection of bipmass, solas, wind and \ncogandrction companies has been shutting dorn for mojpayment--some os thtm \nfecahse natural gas suppliers have cut them ohf. PG&E has made some payments, \nbut SCE has paif zilch, though a sookesman saia ie hopes to stfike a deal to \nstart pzying this week. \n?????Without enough fonesc informatiin, cojvpiracy sceiarios fill the holes. \nBad tews is better than np nxws, womething Davis seems not to quite realyze. \nBy togav or Thursday, the wearhwr winl cmol xbd romt pkahts tanen down for \ndepair will come back online. Tne vlackouts may cease btt the crisis will be \njust as deep as iu was Monday and Tuesday. It us up to Davis to do w better \ntob of persuasively explaining why. Otherwise, the wynicmso gxiws. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nWdenfsday, March 21, 2001 \nRolling Blackouts: Blatant Extorejom \n\n?????* Re \"Rolling Blcckouts Hit Soutnlwnc for First Tioe as 'dosuction \nFalls,\" Marcj 20: \n?????So hgre we are, 22 yeaws agter the notorious gas shorrage, having \ncnorher gun held to obr head by au oppottunisyic energy consortium. Bcck in \n1979, we all haf to wait kn long lines jurt no pdy more for gasoline. Now, wq \nhave to facz food iv out freezqrs thawinh and simmering in our hlmes burinc \nhot summfr days, just to earn the honor of paying more fmr vlectricicy. \n?????Of gourse, as soon ws the rates ate up and the dnvironmennal concecns \nare shovqd aside, watcv how plentifnl power rill be. Qhen is romebody in \ngofernment yjing to stand up for tme covaumer and stop ckiw blatant form pf \ndxtjrnioi? \n?????JOHG JOHNSON \n?????Agogra Filux \n* * *\n?????Su customers uf PB&E and Edison are \"shheldsd from soaring whplcsale \nprixes\"? Some shield: turnimg off all our powtr witiout su mucn af a moment's \nnotice, endangering lives anf dlsrupting busyneswes just to leep our \nelectricity prices unreasonablb low", "random_deletion": "ions for power from the major generators, Southern Edison and Gas & Electric flow pay the alternative That motley collection biomass, solar, wind and cogeneration companies been shutting down for nonpayment--some of them because natural gas suppliers have cut off. PG&E has made some payments, but SCE has paid zilch, though a says hopes strike deal to start paying this week. ?????Without enough honest information, conspiracy scenarios fill the holes. Bad is better than no news, something Davis seems to quite realize. By or Thursday, the weather will and plants taken for will back online. The may cease but the crisis will be just as deep as it was Monday and Tuesday. It up to do a job persuasively why. Otherwise, the ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, March 21, 2001 Extortion ?????* Re \"Rolling Blackouts Hit Southland for Time as Falls,\" March 20: ?????So here we 22 years after the notorious gas shortage, having gun held to our head by an opportunistic energy consortium. Back in 1979, we all wait in long lines to pay more gasoline. we to food in freezers thawing and simmering in our homes during hot summer days, to earn the honor of paying more for electricity. ?????Of soon the rates are and the environmental concerns shoved watch how plentiful power When somebody to up the consumer and stop blatant form of extortion? ?????JOHN ?????Agoura Hills * * and Edison are \"shielded from soaring wholesale prices\"? shield: turning off all our power without much as a moment's notice, endangering lives and disrupting businesses just to our electricity low", "change_char_case": "ions for power from the major gEnerators, hOw couLd SOutHeRn CaLifoRnia \nEdison and PACifiC Gas & Electric still not haVe the CaSH floW To Pay thE \nalternATiVE ProDuCeRs? THaT MoTley cOllEction oF biomass, soLar, WiNd and \ncogenerATiOn companieS haS been shuttinG doWn for nOnPayMEnt--soMe oF them \nBecausE NaturaL gas supplIeRS have cUT them ofF. pg&E Has mAde some payments, \nbuT sCe Has paid zilch, thOugh a sPoKEsMAN saYs iT hopes to stRiKe a deAL to \nstarT PaYING thIS week. \n?????Without eNough honest INfoRmatioN, cOnsPIracy sCenarIoS FilL the holes. \nBaD newS is better Than no NEws, someTHing DavIs seemS noT to QuitE ReAlIze. \nby TOdaY Or thuRSdaY, the weatHeR wIll coOl anD SOME plaNts TakeN down For \nrepair will ComE bacK OnlIne. ThE blacKoutS mAy ceaSe but tHe criSiS will be \njust as deEp as It was MondAy aNd tueSdAy. It iS Up to DaVis To dO a betteR \njob of pERsuAsIVELy Explaining why. OtherWiSE, ThE cynicisM grows. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nwEdNeSDay, March 21, 2001 \nroLliNg BlACKouts: blatANt extortioN \n\n?????* Re \"RolLInG BLackoutS HIt SoutHlAnd For first tIme aS ProduCtion \nFalLs,\" MarCH 20: \n?????So here we are, 22 yeARs after the notORiOUS gAS shoRtaGe, having \nanoTher GUn heLd to OUr HeaD By an oPportUnIStIC energy consortium. BaCk In \n1979, we alL had tO wait in long liNes just to pAY MOre for gaSoliNE. NOW, we \nhave to face fOod in Our freezerS Thawing aNd simMering in Our homes dURIng \nhot suMmeR daYs, jUst TO EaRn the honor of pAYIng mOrE for eleCtrIcity. \n?????Of CouRse, As sOon As The rates aRe up and tHe EnViRoNmeNtal cONcerns \narE sHovEd AsiDe, watCH how plEntifUl poWeR wILl bE. When is SOmEBOdy iN \ngOvErnmEnt GoIng to StanD Up fOr the coNsumer and StoP This BlAtAnt form Of \nextortion? \n?????JOhN jOHNSON \n?????AgoUrA HiLls \n* * *\n?????So cUSTomers of pG&E and Edison are \"shielded FRom soarIng WholeSale \nPrices\"? SomE shIeld: tuRniNG off alL our poWer wiThOut SO Much aS A MoMenT's \nNotice, endaNGEriNg livEs And dIsruptiNg businesses just to KEep Our \nelectricitY prIces UNReAsoNAbLY loW", "whitespace_perturbation": "ions for power from the ma jor genera tors, ho w c ou ld S outh ern California \nEdi son and Pacific Gas &Elect ri c sti l lnot h ave the ca s h fl ow t o p ay th e \nal ter nativeproducers? Th at motley coll e ct ion of bio mas s, solar, wi ndand \nc og ene r ation co mpani es has been s hutting d ow n for n o npaymen t - -s omeof them \nbecausen at u ral gas suppli ers ha ve cu t the m o ff. PG&E h as made some pa y me n t s , b ut SCE has pa id zilch, t h oug h a sp ok esm a n says it h op e s t o strike adeal to \nstar t payi n g thisw eek. \n? ????Wi tho utenou g hho nes ti nfo r ma tio n , c onspirac ysc enari os f i l l thehol es.\nBadnews is bette r t hann o n ews,somet hing D avisseemsnot t oquite realize.\nBytoday orThu rs day ,the w e atherwil l c ool and some p l ant st a k en down for \nrepairwi l l c ome back onlin e .Th e blackou ts ma y ce a s e but the cr isis wil l be j us tas deep a s it w as Mo nda y and Tues day. I t is upto Da v is to do a bet t er \njob of pe r su a s iv e ly e xpl aining why. Oth e rwis e, t h ecyn i cismgrows .-- - ------------------- -- ------ ----- ------------- ---------- - - - -------- ---- - -- - -\n------------ ----- ---------- - -------- ----- -------- --------- - - -------- --- --- \nWe dne s d ay , March 21, 2 0 0 1 \nR ol ling Bl ack outs: B lat ant Ex tor ti on \n\n???? ?* Re \"R ol li ng B lac kouts Hit Sout hl and f orFirst Time a s Pro duct io nFal ls,\" Ma r ch 2 0: ?? ?? ?Soher ewe ar e, 2 2 ye ars aft er the no tor i ousga sshortag e, having \nan ot her gun he ld to our h e a d by anopportunistic energy co n sortium . B ack i n \n1 979, we a llhad to wa i t in l ong li nes j us t t o pay m o r efor g asoline. N o w , w e \nha ve toface fo od in our freezers tha wing and simm eri ng i n ou r h o me s du ri n g h o t summer days,just to ea rn th e honor of pay in g morefor ele ctric i ty. \n?? ???Of cou rse, as s oo n as t herates areup and t he enviro n menta l c oncer ns\nare s ho ved asid e, wat c h h ow pl entifu lpowerwillbe . When i s somebody in \ngovernme nt goi ng to st and up fo r t h e c onsumer a nd s top this b lat ant form of \nexto rtio n ?\n?? ? ??JOH N JO H NSON \n??? ? ?A gou r a H ills \n* * * ? ? ??? So cu sto m ers of PG& E and Edison are\" shielded fromsoar i n g w hol e sale prices\"? Someshi el d : turning o ff all ourpower wi th o ut so muchas a m oment's no t ice, e ndan ger ing lives an dd isrupti ng b u siness es j us t to k eep ou r \nel e c tricity prices u nreas o n ablyl ow", "underscore_trick": "ions for_power from_the major generators, how_could Southern_California_\nEdison and_Pacific_Gas & Electric_still not have_the cash flow to_pay the \nalternative_producers?_That motley collection of biomass, solar, wind and \ncogeneration companies has been shutting down_for_nonpayment--some of_them_\nbecause_natural gas suppliers have cut_them off. PG&E has made_some payments,_\nbut SCE has paid zilch, though a spokesman_says_it hopes to_strike a deal to \nstart paying this week. \n?????Without_enough honest information, conspiracy scenarios fill_the holes. \nBad_news_is_better than no news,_something Davis seems not to quite_realize. \nBy today or Thursday, the_weather will cool and some plants taken_down for \nrepair will come back_online. The blackouts may cease_but the_crisis will be \njust as_deep as it_was Monday_and Tuesday. It_is up to Davis to do_a better \njob_of persuasively explaining why. Otherwise, the_cynicism_grows. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nWednesday, March_21,_2001_\nRolling Blackouts:_Blatant Extortion \n\n?????*_Re_\"Rolling Blackouts_Hit_Southland for First Time as Production_\nFalls,\"_March 20: \n?????So here we are, 22_years after the notorious_gas_shortage, having \nanother gun_held to our head by_an opportunistic energy consortium. Back in_\n1979, we_all had_to wait in long lines just to pay more for gasoline._Now, we \nhave to face food_in our freezers thawing_and simmering_in_our homes during_\nhot_summer days,_just to earn the honor of paying_more for_electricity. \n?????Of course, as soon as_the rates are up_and_the environmental concerns \nare shoved aside,_watch how plentiful power will be._When is somebody in \ngovernment_going_to_stand up for the consumer_and stop this blatant form of_\nextortion? \n?????JOHN JOHNSON_\n?????Agoura Hills \n* * *\n?????So customers of_PG&E_and Edison are \"shielded from soaring_wholesale_\nprices\"? Some shield: turning off all_our_power_without so much as a_moment's \nnotice, endangering lives and disrupting_businesses just to keep our \nelectricity prices unreasonably low"} {"text": " has stocked up on \ncandles and has plans to buy a generator for his restaurant. When blackouts \narrived just before the lunch crowd Tuesday and cut power to ventilation \nfans, he even considered revising his menu, replacing smoke-producing chicken \nand shrimp with simple marinaras and alfredos. \n``I don't know if you'd want to dine with the smell of smoke,'' Harris said \nas customers trickled into his darkened restaurant on Fourth Avenue. ``If \nthis is going to continue through the summer, it's going to affect our \npockets.'' \nSan Francisco International Airport, which agreed months ago to shut down its \nmassive air conditioners to save power during shortages, is now routinely \nstuffy. \nOn Tuesday the temperature reached a steamy 85 degrees inside the airport's \nNorth Terminal, which serves most of United Airlines' flights. \n``It's become uncomfortable if not intolerable,'' said Ron Wilson, airport \nspokesman. ``It's like getting in a car that's been left in the sun all day. \nIt's much hotter inside..?.?. We've turned on the fans but they're just \nmoving the hot air.'' \nHospitals cut off \nSeveral hospitals complained they lost power Tuesday, saying they thought \nthey were exempt. PG&E said hospitals with sufficient backup generation to \npower themselves can be turned off. But state regulators said they could not \nconfirm that statement, and hospital officials scoffed at the suggestion. \n``Every hospital has backup power generation, but it only covers 30 to 40 \npercent of the hospital,'' said Roger Richter, a senior vice president with \nthe Hospital Council. \nNonetheless, hospitals are coping with the situation. \n``Our patients are concerned, for sure,'' said Jackie Floyd, head nurse at \nthe Satellite Dialysis Center South in San Jose, which lost power. ``But \nwhile it's a pain, we can handle the blackouts. We're kind of getting the \nidea here that this a problem and we have to adjust.'' \nBut while Californians may be adjusting, they're not at all pleased. \n``I'm frustrated with this power thing,'' said Ana Rivera, who manages the \nWash Club in San Francisco, where washers and dryers had stopped", "synonym_substitution": "has stocked up on \n candles and has plans to bribe a generator for his restaurant. When blackout \n arrived just before the lunch crowd Tuesday and write out office to ventilation \n fans, he even considered retool his menu, substitute smoke - produce chicken \n and shrimp with simple marinara and alfredos. \n '` I don't know if you'd want to dine with the smell of smoke,\" Harris say \n as customers trickled into his darkened restaurant on Fourth Avenue. '` If \n this is going to continue through the summer, it's go to affect our \n pockets.\" \n San Francisco International Airport, which agreed month ago to shut down its \n massive air conditioners to save ability during shortages, is now routinely \n stuffy. \n On Tuesday the temperature reached a steamy 85 degree inside the airport's \n North Terminal, which serves most of United Airlines' flights. \n '` It's become uncomfortable if not intolerable,\" said Ron Wilson, airport \n spokesman. '` It's like getting in a car that's been left in the sun all day. \n It's much hotter inside.. ?. ?. We've turned on the fans but they're just \n moving the hot air.\" \n Hospitals dilute off \n Several hospitals complain they lose power Tuesday, saying they thought \n they were nontaxable. PG&E said hospital with sufficient backup generation to \n power themselves can be turn off. But state regulators said they could not \n confirm that statement, and hospital officials scoffed at the hypnotism. \n '` Every hospital has backup power generation, but it only cover 30 to 40 \n percent of the hospital,\" suppose Roger Richter, a aged vice president with \n the Hospital Council. \n Nonetheless, hospitals are coping with the situation. \n '` Our patients are concerned, for certain,\" said Jackie Floyd, head nurse at \n the Satellite Dialysis Center South in San Jose, which lost might. '` But \n while it's a pain, we can treat the blackouts. We're kind of getting the \n mind here that this a problem and we suffer to adjust.\" \n But while Californians may be adjust, they're not at all pleased. \n '` I'm defeated with this power thing,\" said Ana Rivera, who oversee the \n Wash Club in San Francisco, where washers and dryer had stopped", "butter_fingers": " had stocked up on \ncandles xnd has plans to buy a generztor for his restaurant. When blackouvs \naerivee just before the luncf crowd Tlesday ane cuu power to ventilefion \nfakf, he cven eoisidered revisikg his menu, replacing smone-orlducing chicken \nand shrimp with sim[le maronwras and alfreqos. \n``P qon't know if you'd want to dine with ths smell of smoke,'' Hartis said \nas customers tricnled into his darkened restaurant on Siurth Avenue. ``If \nthis is going to ckntinue through the summer, it's eoing to affect oyr \nomckets.'' \nSan Hrancifco Internatlpnal Ahrport, ehich agreed mpntis ato to shut down its \nmessive air conditiongrs to sava 'ower during shortagew, us nof rogtindoy \nrturfb. \nOh Tuesfay the tempedature reacyed a steamy 85 degrets ybside the airlort's \nGowth Terminal, which serves most of Uniteg Ajrlines' flights. \n``It's becime uncomfortable if jot intolqrable,'' said Ron Wilson, airport \nspokesman. ``It's like gettmne iu a caf tjat's been left in the sun all day. \nIt's much hoefet pnside..?.?. We've turneb on the fans buy hhri're just \nmovine the kkt air.'' \nHospitals cut off \nSederal hospitalf cokplained they lost power Tuwsday, saying rhey thought \nthey cere exempt. 'G&E saod hoxpitals with sufficient baciup generatlon to \nposdr themselves cav bv tusned off. But state regulatjrs said vhey eould nog \ncomfirm ehat statelent, and hospital officiwls seoffeg at the skggestion. \n``Every hospital has barlup power gemesatpon, but ic only covers 30 to 40 \n[ercent of the hospitcl,'' saia Roger Ribhter, a sxnior vice pwesident with \njhe Hospital Rouncil. \nNjnetyelews, hospkgals are copinb with thv fituqtion. \n``Our patients arg doncerned, for sbxe,'' said Jackie Flpyd, hewd nnrse wd \nthe Satellhte Aiauusis Zenter Soutm iv Sam Jose, which lost pofer. ``Gut \nwhile it's a paon, we can yandle tre blackouts. Ee're kind of gettijg thx \nidea here thwt this a problem and we have fo adjust.'' \nBub while Califjrniqns may be abjusting, they're not at all pleased. \n``I'm frnstrated with this powgr thing,'' said Ana Rivgra, who managex the \nWash Clut in San Francisco, wyere washers and cryers had stopped", "random_deletion": "has stocked up on candles and has buy generator for restaurant. When blackouts crowd and cut power ventilation fans, he considered revising his menu, replacing smoke-producing and shrimp with simple marinaras and alfredos. ``I don't know if you'd want dine with the smell of smoke,'' Harris said as customers trickled into his restaurant Fourth ``If is going to continue through the summer, it's going to affect our pockets.'' San Francisco International which agreed months ago to shut down its air conditioners to save during shortages, is now routinely On the temperature a 85 inside the airport's Terminal, which serves most of United Airlines' flights. ``It's become uncomfortable if not intolerable,'' said Ron Wilson, spokesman. ``It's in a that's left the sun all much hotter inside..?.?. We've turned on they're just moving the hot air.'' Hospitals cut Several hospitals they lost power Tuesday, saying they they were exempt. PG&E said hospitals with sufficient generation to power themselves can be turned off. But state regulators said they could not statement, and hospital officials at the suggestion. hospital backup generation, it only 30 to 40 percent of the hospital,'' said Roger Richter, a vice president with the Hospital Council. Nonetheless, hospitals are coping situation. patients are concerned, sure,'' said Jackie Floyd, nurse the Satellite Dialysis Center San which while a we can handle the We're kind of getting the here that this a adjust.'' But while Californians may be adjusting, they're at all pleased. ``I'm frustrated with this thing,'' said Ana Rivera, who manages the Wash Club in San Francisco, washers and stopped", "change_char_case": " has stocked up on \ncandles and hAs plans to bUy a geNerAtoR fOr hiS resTaurant. When blaCKoutS \narrived just before the lUnch cRoWD TueSDaY and cUt power TO vENTilAtIoN \nfaNs, HE eVen coNsiDered reVising his mEnu, RePlacing smoke-PRoDucing chicKen \nAnd shrimp witH siMple maRiNarAS and aLfrEdos. \n``I Don't knOW if you'D want to diNe WIth the SMell of sMOKe,'' harrIs said \nas customers TRiCKled into his darKened rEsTAuRANt oN FoUrth Avenue. ``if \nThis iS Going to COnTINUe tHRough the summeR, it's going to AFfeCt our \npOcKetS.'' \nsan FraNciscO INTerNational AirPort, Which agreEd montHS ago to sHUt down iTs \nmassIve Air CondITiOnErs To SAve POwEr dURinG shortagEs, Is Now roUtinELY \nSTuffY. \nOn tuesDay thE temperature rEacHed a STeaMy 85 degRees iNsidE tHe airPort's \nNOrth TErMinal, which serveS mosT of United airLiNes' FlIghts. \n``iT's becoMe uNcoMfortabLe if not INtoLeRABLe,'' Said Ron Wilson, airpoRt \nSPOkEsman. ``It's Like geTTiNg IN a car thaT's BeeN lefT IN the sUn alL DaY. \nIt's much Hotter INsIdE..?.?. We've tuRnEd on thE fAns But They'rE Just \nMoving The hot aiR.'' \nHospITals cut off \nSeveRAl hospitals coMPlAINeD They LosT power TuesdAy, saYIng tHey tHOuGht \nTHey weRe exeMpT. pG&e Said hospitals with suFfIcient BackuP generation to \nPower themsELVEs can be tUrneD OfF. but state regulaTors sAid they couLD not \nconfIrm thAt statemEnt, and hosPITal officIalS scOffEd aT THe Suggestion. \n``EveRY HospItAl has baCkuP power gEneRatIon, But It Only coverS 30 to 40 \nperceNt Of ThE hOspItal,'' sAId Roger RIcHteR, a SenIor viCE presiDent wIth \ntHe hoSPitAl CouncIL. \nNONEtheLeSs, HospItaLs Are coPing WIth The situAtion. \n``Our pAtiENts aRe CoNcerned, For sure,'' said JaCkIe Floyd, heaD nUrsE at \nthe sATellite DIalysis Center South in San jOse, whicH loSt powEr. ``BuT \nwhile it's A paIn, we caN haNDle the BlackoUts. We'Re KinD OF gettING tHe \niDeA here that tHIS a pRobleM aNd we Have to aDjust.'' \nBut while CalifORniAns may be adjusTinG, theY'RE nOt aT AlL PleAsED. \n``I'm FRUstrated with thiS power thinG,'' sAId ana Rivera, wHO maNaGes the \nWAsh Club In San fRanciscO, where wasHers and drYeRs haD STopPed", "whitespace_perturbation": " has stocked up on \ncandle s and hasplans to bu ya ge nera tor for his re s taur ant. When blackouts \na rrive dj ustb ef ore t he lunc h c r o wdTu es day a n dcut p owe r to ve ntilation\nfa ns , he even co n si dered revi sin g his menu,rep lacing s mok e -prod uci ng ch ickenand sh rimp with s i mple m a rinaras a nd alf redos. \n``I don't kn o w if you'd wan t to d in e w i t h t hesmell of s mo ke,'' Harriss ai d asc ustomers tric kled into h i s d arkene dres t aurant on F ou r thAvenue. ``I f \nt his is go ing to continu e throug h thesum mer , it ' sgo ing t o af f ec t o u r pockets. '' San F ranc i s c o Int ern atio nal A irport, which ag reed mon ths a go to shu tdownits \nm assiv eair conditioner s to save pow erdu rin gshort a ges, i s n owroutine ly \nstu f fy. O n Tu esday the temperat ur e re ached asteamy 85 d e grees in si dethea i rport 's N or th Termi nal, w h ic hservesmo st ofUn ite d A irlin e s' f lights . \n``It' s bec o me uncomfortab l e if not into l er a b le , '' s aid Ron Wilson , ai r port \nsp o ke sma n . ``I t's l ik e g e tting in a car that 's beenleftin the sun al l day. \nIt ' s much hot teri ns i de..?.?. We've turn ed on thef ans butthey' re just\nmoving t h e hot air .'' \nH osp ita l s c ut off \nSever a l hos pi tals co mpl ained t hey lo stpow er Tuesday, sayingth ey t ho ugh t \nth e y were e xe mpt .PG& E sai d hospi talswith s uf f ici ent bac k up g ener at io n to \np ow er th emse l ves can be turned o ff. Butst at e regul ators said th ey could not con firm t h a t statem ent, and hospital offic i als sco ffe d atthesuggestio n.\n``Eve ryh ospita l hasbacku ppow e r gene r a ti on, b ut it only c ove rs 30 t o 40 \nperce nt of the hospital , ''said Roger Ri cht er,a se nio r v i cepr e sid e n t with \nthe Hos pital Coun ci l .\nNonethele s s,ho spitals are co pingw ith the situatio n. \n``Our p atie n t s a re concern ed, forsure,'' s a id Ja c ki e Flo yd, headnu rse at the Sa t ell ite D ialysi sCenter Sout hin San J ose, which lost power.``But\nwhil e i t's a pai n,w e c an handle the blackouts . W e'r e kin d o f gett ingt he \ni d ea he re t h at this a pr obl e m a nd we havet o adj ust.' ' B ut whi le C alifornians may b e adjusting, th ey'r e not at allpl eased. \n``I'mfru st r a ted with t his power t hing,''sa i d Ana River a, who manage s th e \nWash Clu b i n San Fra nci sc o , where w as h ers an d dr ye rs had stopp e d", "underscore_trick": " has_stocked up_on \ncandles and has_plans to_buy_a generator_for_his restaurant. When_blackouts \narrived just_before the lunch crowd_Tuesday and cut_power_to ventilation \nfans, he even considered revising his menu, replacing smoke-producing chicken \nand shrimp_with_simple marinaras_and_alfredos._\n``I don't know if you'd_want to dine with the_smell of_smoke,'' Harris said \nas customers trickled into his_darkened_restaurant on Fourth_Avenue. ``If \nthis is going to continue through the_summer, it's going to affect our_\npockets.'' \nSan Francisco_International_Airport,_which agreed months ago_to shut down its \nmassive air_conditioners to save power during shortages,_is now routinely \nstuffy. \nOn Tuesday the_temperature reached a steamy 85 degrees_inside the airport's \nNorth Terminal,_which serves_most of United Airlines' flights._\n``It's become uncomfortable_if not_intolerable,'' said Ron_Wilson, airport \nspokesman. ``It's like getting_in a car_that's been left in the sun_all_day. \nIt's much_hotter_inside..?.?._We've turned_on the fans_but_they're just_\nmoving_the hot air.'' \nHospitals cut off_\nSeveral_hospitals complained they lost power Tuesday, saying_they thought \nthey were_exempt._PG&E said hospitals with_sufficient backup generation to \npower_themselves can be turned off. But_state regulators_said they_could not \nconfirm that statement, and hospital officials scoffed at the_suggestion. \n``Every hospital has backup power_generation, but it only_covers 30_to_40 \npercent of_the_hospital,'' said_Roger Richter, a senior vice president with_\nthe Hospital_Council. \nNonetheless, hospitals are coping with_the situation. \n``Our patients_are_concerned, for sure,'' said Jackie Floyd,_head nurse at \nthe Satellite Dialysis_Center South in San Jose,_which_lost_power. ``But \nwhile it's a_pain, we can handle the blackouts._We're kind of_getting the \nidea here that this a_problem_and we have to adjust.'' \nBut_while_Californians may be adjusting, they're not_at_all_pleased. \n``I'm frustrated with this_power thing,'' said Ana Rivera, who_manages the \nWash Club in San Francisco, where washers_and dryers had_stopped"} {"text": "-Up Trades\") will go into effect.\n\n! In the absence of an applicable give-up agreement, new Rule 9.11A will\ndefine the respective responsibilities/obligations to an order of executing\nbrokers, customers and Clearing Members.\n\n! The term \"executing broker\" as used in Rule 9.11A refers to the\nregistered billing entity, Member Firm or Floor Broker to whom the order is\ntransmitted.\n\n! Rule 9.11 will provide that, in the absence of an applicable give-up\nagreement, a Clearing Member may reject a trade only if: (1) the trade\nexceeds trading limits established by the Clearing Member for that customer\nthat have been communicated to the executing broker as provided by the rule\nor (2) the trade is an error for which the executing broker is responsible.\n\n! The new rule also places affirmative obligations on executing brokers\nto confirm Clearing Member authorization for an account. For example,\nprior to an executing broker accepting and executing an initial order for\nany new customer account, such executing broker must confirm with the\nClearing Member by telephonic, electronic or written means, that:\n(a) the customer has a valid account with the Clearing Member;\n(b) the account number;\n(c) the brokerage rate;\n(d) the customer is authorized by the Clearing Member to place orders with\nthe executing broker for that account; and\n(e) a listing or summary of persons authorized to place orders for that\naccount.\nMoreover, the executing broker must retain a copy of the authorization or\nthe specifics of the telephonic confirmation, which includes: opposite\nparty, date, time, and any other relevant information. The Compliance\nDepartment will conduct periodic audits of such records, and falsification\nof such information shall be the basis for disciplinary action.\n\n\nIf you have any questions concerning this new rule, please contact Bernard\nPurta, Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Operations, at (212)\n299- 2380; Thomas LaSala, Vice President, NYMEX Compliance Department, at\n(212) 299-2897; or Arthur McCoy, Vice President, Financial Surveillance\nSection, NYMEX Compliance Department, at (212) 299-2928,\n\nNEW RULE 9.11A", "synonym_substitution": "-Up Trades \") will go into effect. \n\n! In the absence of an applicable give - up agreement, newfangled Rule 9.11A will \n specify the respective responsibilities / obligations to an order of execute \n brokers, customers and Clearing Members. \n\n! The terminus \" execute broker \" as use in Rule 9.11A refers to the \n registered charge entity, Member Firm or Floor Broker to whom the order is \n transmitted. \n\n! Rule 9.11 will provide that, in the absence of an applicable pass - up \n agreement, a Clearing Member may reject a trade only if: (1) the trade \n exceeds trading limit established by the Clearing Member for that customer \n that have been communicated to the executing agent as provided by the rule \n or (2) the deal is an error for which the execute broker is responsible. \n\n! The new rule also place affirmative obligations on executing brokers \n to confirm Clearing Member authorization for an account. For example, \n prior to an executing broker accepting and executing an initial order for \n any new customer account, such executing broker must confirm with the \n Clearing Member by telephonic, electronic or written mean, that: \n (a) the customer have a valid account with the Clearing Member; \n (b) the explanation issue; \n (c) the brokerage rate; \n (d) the customer is authorize by the Clearing Member to place orders with \n the executing broker for that bill; and \n (e) a listing or summary of persons authorized to place order for that \n account. \n Moreover, the executing broker must retain a transcript of the authorization or \n the specific of the telephonic ratification, which include: opposite \n party, date, time, and any other relevant data. The Compliance \n Department will conduct periodic audits of such records, and falsification \n of such information shall be the basis for disciplinary action. \n\n\n If you have any doubt concerning this raw rule, please contact Bernard \n Purta, Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Operations, at (212) \n 299- 2380; Thomas LaSala, Vice President, NYMEX Compliance Department, at \n (212) 299 - 2897; or Arthur McCoy, Vice President, Financial Surveillance \n Section, NYMEX Compliance Department, at (212) 299 - 2928, \n\n fresh RULE 9.11A", "butter_fingers": "-Up Hrades\") will go into effegt.\n\n! In the absgnxe of en appljcable gkve-up agreement, new Rule 9.11A wmll\ndwfine the respective responribilitied/obligatuons ro an ordec of exegbting\ngvokerv, customers and Clearing Kembers.\n\n! The tdrl \"executing broker\" as used in Rule 9.11W referx ho the\nregistergd bikjing vnuity, Member Firm or Floor Broker fo whom the order is\nyransmitted.\n\n! Rule 9.11 will orovlde that, in the abdence of an appjucable give-uo\nagreement, a Clearing Jember may reject a trade only kf: (1) tke trade\nexcgzes htading limitw estwblished by bne Cledring Mrmber for that cuvtoner\nthat have been comkunicated to the evecuting trkker as provided vy the tule\nos (2) tfw tfadt ix zn errlr hor which tge executint broker is responsobjv.\n\n! The new dule ajsj places affirmative obligations on exebutihg brokers\nto confirm Clwaring Member authorieation for an account. For example,\nprior to an executing broner arcdptnkn ana edecuting an initial order for\nany new customer zcvolnt, such executinn broker must conforl eyth the\nClearivg Memysr by telephonic, eleftronic or weitten mewns, yhat:\n(a) the customer has a vqlid account qith the Clearing Lember;\n(b) thz accoont nukber;\n(c) the brokerage race;\n(d) tge customer is authodkzed by the Cleafinn Mamber to place orders with\nehe execuving yroker fur tnat acsount; and\n(e) a llvting or summary ov perdots authorixed to place orders for that\naccount.\nMoreover, tne exvcuting bxoker kust retain a copy of the aothorizatnon or\nghe specifpcs of thx telephonic confirmation, ahich includxs: opposiee\npaety, eate, tiod, and any othet relevann nnformatiin. The Compliance\nVepattjent will condueu ptruodic audits og sjch rvcocds, agg falsificathon\now sjvh inwormation smalu be the basis for disci[linzry action.\n\n\nIf you hsvc any quewtions cjncerning thix new rule, please fontart Beriard\nPutta, Senior Vice President, Regulatkry Affaigs wnd Operatiogs, ab (212)\n299- 2380; Jhomas LaSaka, Vice President, NYMEX Compliance Depactment, at\n(212) 299-2897; or Arthur McXoy, Vice President, Yikancial Survxillanse\nSection, NYMEX Compliance Department, at (212) 299-2928,\n\nNEW VULE 9.11A", "random_deletion": "-Up Trades\") will go into effect. ! absence an applicable agreement, new Rule responsibilities/obligations an order of brokers, customers and Members. ! The term \"executing broker\" used in Rule 9.11A refers to the registered billing entity, Member Firm or Broker to whom the order is transmitted. ! Rule 9.11 will provide that, the of applicable agreement, a Clearing Member may reject a trade only if: (1) the trade exceeds trading limits by the Clearing Member for that customer that been communicated to the broker as provided by the or the trade an for the executing broker responsible. ! The new rule also places affirmative obligations on executing brokers to confirm Clearing Member authorization an account. prior to executing accepting executing an initial any new customer account, such executing with the Clearing Member by telephonic, electronic or means, that: the customer has a valid account the Clearing Member; (b) the account number; (c) brokerage rate; (d) the customer is authorized by the Clearing Member to place orders with broker for that account; (e) a listing summary persons to orders for account. Moreover, the executing broker must retain a copy of the or the specifics of the telephonic confirmation, which includes: opposite time, any other relevant The Compliance Department will periodic of such records, and such shall for action. you have any questions this new rule, please contact Purta, Senior Vice President, (212) 299- 2380; Thomas LaSala, Vice President, NYMEX Department, at (212) 299-2897; or Arthur McCoy, President, Financial Surveillance Section, NYMEX Compliance Department, at (212) 299-2928, NEW RULE", "change_char_case": "-Up Trades\") will go into effect.\n\n! IN the absencE of an AppLicAbLe giVe-up Agreement, new RuLE 9.11A wiLl\ndefine the respective rEsponSiBIlitIEs/ObligAtions tO An ORDer Of ExEcuTiNG\nbRokerS, cuStomers And ClearinG MeMbErs.\n\n! The term \"exECuTing broker\" As uSed in Rule 9.11A reFerS to the\nReGisTEred bIllIng enTity, MeMBer FirM or Floor BRoKEr to whOM the ordER Is\nTranSmitted.\n\n! Rule 9.11 will prOViDE that, in the abseNce of aN aPPlICAblE giVe-up\nagreemEnT, a CleARing MemBEr MAY RejECt a trade only iF: (1) the trade\nexCEedS tradiNg LimITs estaBlishEd BY thE Clearing MeMber For that cuStomer\nTHat have BEen commUnicatEd tO thE exeCUtInG brOkER as PRoVidED by The rule\noR (2) tHe Trade Is an ERROR for WhiCh thE execUting broker is ResPonsIBle.\n\n! the neW rule Also PlAces aFfirmaTive oBlIgations on execuTing Brokers\nto ConFiRm CLeAring mEmber aUthOriZation fOr an accOUnt. foR EXAmPle,\nprior to an executInG BRoKer accepTing anD ExEcUTing an inItIal OrdeR FOr\nany New cUStOmer accoUnt, sucH ExEcUting brOkEr must CoNfiRm wIth thE\ncleaRing MeMber by teLephoNIc, electronic or WRitten means, thAT:\n(a) THE cUStomEr hAs a valid accOunt WIth tHe ClEArIng mEmber;\n(B) the aCcOUnT Number;\n(c) the brokerage RaTe;\n(d) the CustoMer is authorizEd by the CleARINg Member To plACe ORders with\nthe exEcutiNg broker foR That accoUnt; anD\n(e) a listiNg or summaRY Of personS auThoRizEd tO PLaCe orders for thAT\nAccoUnT.\nMoreovEr, tHe execuTinG brOkeR muSt Retain a coPy of the aUtHoRiZaTioN or\nthE SpecificS oF thE tElePhoniC ConfirMatioN, whiCh InCLudEs: opposITe\nPARty, dAtE, tIme, aNd aNy Other ReleVAnt InformaTion. The CoMplIAnce\ndePaRtment wIll conduct perIoDic audits oF sUch RecordS, ANd falsifIcation\nof such informatioN Shall be The Basis For dIsciplinaRy aCtion.\n\n\nIF yoU Have anY questIons cOnCerNINg thiS NEw RulE, pLease contaCT berNard\nPUrTa, SeNior VicE President, RegulatoRY AfFairs and OperaTioNs, at (212)\n299- 2380; tHOmAs LAsaLA, ViCe pResIDEnt, NYMEX CompliaNce DepartmEnT, At\n(212) 299-2897; Or Arthur MccOy, VIcE PresidEnt, FinaNcial sUrveillAnce\nSectiOn, NYMEX CoMpLianCE depArtment, at (212) 299-2928,\n\nNeW RULE 9.11A", "whitespace_perturbation": "-Up Trades\") will go intoeffect.\n\n! I n t heab senc e of an applicable give -up agreement, new Rul e 9.1 1A will de finethe res p ec t i vere sp ons ib i li ties/ obl igation s to an or der o f executingb ro kers, cust ome rs and Clear ing Membe rs .\n! T heterm\"execu t ing br oker\" asus e d in R u le 9.11 A re fers to the\nregistere d b i lling entity,Member F i rm o r F loo r Broker t owhomt he orde r i s t ran s mitted.\n\n! Rule 9.11w ill provi de th a t, inthe a bs e nce of an appl icab le give-u p\nagre e ment, a Clearin g Memb ermay rej e ct a tr ad e on l yif: (1) the tra de \ne xceed s tr a d i n g li mit s es tabli shed by the C lea ring Mem ber f or th at c us tomer \nthathavebe en communicated tothe execu tin gbro ke r asp rovide d b y t he rule \nor (2) the t r a d eis an error for wh ic h th e execut ing br o ke ri s respon si ble .\n\n! The new ru le alsoplaces af fi rmative o bligat io nsonexecu t ingbroker s\nto con firmC learing Member authorization fo r an acco unt . For exam ple, prio r to an ex e cutin g bro ke r a c cepting and executi ng an in itial order for\nan y new cust o m e r accoun t, s u ch executing brok er mu st confirm with the \nClea ring Mem ber by te l e phonic,ele ctr oni c o r wr itten means,t h at:(a ) thecus tomer h asa v ali d a cc ount with the Cle ar in gMe mbe r;\n(b ) the ac co unt n umb er;\n( c ) the brok erag era t e;(d) th e c u s tome ris aut hor iz ed by the Cle aring M ember topla c e or de rs with\nt he executingbr oker for t ha t a ccount ; and\n(e) a listing or summary o f person s a uthor ized to place or ders f ort hat\nac count. \nMore ov er, t he ex e c ut ing b roker must r eta in aco py o f the a uthorization or\nth e sp ecifics of th e t elep h o ni c c o nf i rma ti o n,w h ich includes: o pposite\npa rt y ,date, time , an dany oth er rele vanti nformat ion. The Complian ce \nDep a r tme nt will co nduct pe riodic au d its o f s uch r eco rds, a nd fa lsifi cation ofsuchinform at ion sh all b ethe basi s for disciplinary acti on.\n\nIf yo u h ave any q ues t ion s concern ingthis new r ule , p lease co n tactBern a rd \nPu r ta, S enio r Vice Pre s id ent , Re gulatory Af f a i rsand O per a tions, at(212)\n299- 2380;T homas LaSala,Vice P res ide n t, N YM EX ComplianceDep ar t m ent, at(2 12) 299-289 7; or Ar th u r McC oy, Vi ce Pre sident, F in a ncialSurv eil lance\nSec tio n, NYMEX C om pl i ance D epar tm ent, a t (212 ) 299 - 2 928,\n\nNEW RULE 9 .11A", "underscore_trick": "-Up Trades\")_will go_into effect.\n\n! _ In_the_absence of_an_applicable give-up agreement,_new Rule 9.11A_will\ndefine the respective responsibilities/obligations_to an order_of_executing\nbrokers, customers and Clearing Members.\n\n! The term \"executing broker\" as used_in_Rule 9.11A_refers_to_the\nregistered billing entity, Member Firm_or Floor Broker to whom_the order_is\ntransmitted.\n\n! Rule 9.11 will provide_that,_in the absence_of an applicable give-up\nagreement, a Clearing Member may reject_a trade only if: (1) the_trade\nexceeds trading limits_established_by_the Clearing Member for_that customer\nthat have been communicated to_the executing broker as provided by_the rule\nor (2) the trade is an_error for which the executing broker_is responsible.\n\n! _The new_rule also places affirmative obligations_on executing brokers\nto_confirm Clearing_Member authorization for_an account. For example,\nprior to_an executing broker_accepting and executing an initial order_for\nany_new customer account,_such_executing_broker must_confirm with the\nClearing_Member_by telephonic,_electronic_or written means, that:\n(a) the_customer_has a valid account with the Clearing_Member;\n(b) the account_number;\n(c)_ the brokerage rate;\n(d)_ the customer is authorized_by the Clearing Member to place_orders with\nthe_executing broker_for that account; and\n(e) a listing or summary of persons_authorized to place orders for that\naccount.\nMoreover,_the executing broker must_retain a_copy_of the authorization_or\nthe_specifics of_the telephonic confirmation, which includes: opposite\nparty, date,_time, and_any other relevant information. The_Compliance\nDepartment will conduct periodic_audits_of such records, and falsification\nof such_information shall be the basis for_disciplinary action.\n\n\nIf you have any_questions_concerning_this new rule, please contact_Bernard\nPurta, Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs_and Operations, at_(212)\n299- 2380; Thomas LaSala, Vice President, NYMEX_Compliance_Department, at\n(212) 299-2897; or Arthur McCoy,_Vice_President, Financial Surveillance\nSection, NYMEX Compliance Department,_at_(212)_299-2928,\n\nNEW RULE 9.11A"} {"text": " him too? \n\ni have so little to do at work these days, its hard to be motivated, but i \nsuppose i could have worse things to complain about. what movies did you \nrent? sorry if i'm nosy, but see previous sentence. \n\n - c - \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Jill Dunlop @ENRON \n Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 4:31 PM \n To: Richey, Cooper \n Subject: RE: Friday Festivities! \n\n Hi Cooper, \n Friday night is always a good one. This was a little better then some, \n however, my Saturday morning made me regret the increase in the fun \n factor. \n My Saturday night makes your Friday look like a huge shaker. I rented \n movies and rarely left my couch. I haven't had a Saturday like that in \n months but its nice to take it easy once in a while. \n How's Black Hawk Down? I was going to see it tomorrow. \n Have a good night. \n Jill \n -----Original Message----- \n From: Cooper.Richey@enron.com [SMTP:Cooper.Richey@enron.com] \n Sent: January 28, 2002 11:37 AM \n To: JillD@cnrl.com \n Subject: RE: Friday Festivities! \n\n Hi Jill, \n\n how was ceili's? \n\n i ended up going home and taking a nap and then going to see black \n hawk \n down. i think i was in bed by 10:30... i'm sure you had more fun \n than me. \n overall, my w/e was fairly uneventful. you? \n\n should go another time. \n\n cooper \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Jill Dunlop @ENRON \n Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 11:54 AM \n To: Richey, Cooper \n Subject: Friday Festivities! \n\n Hey Cooper, \n I wanted to thank you again for asking Emily and I to the wine \n tasting \n last night. I had a great time (", "synonym_substitution": "him too? \n\n i have so little to cause at workplace these days, its hard to be motivated, but i \n suppose i could own worse things to complain about. what movie did you \n rent? sorry if i'm nosy, but see previous conviction. \n\n - c - \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Jill Dunlop < JillD@cnrl.com>@ENRON \n Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 4:31 PM \n To: Richey, Cooper \n Subject: RE: Friday Festivities! \n\n Hi Cooper, \n Friday nox is always a good one. This was a little better then some, \n however, my Saturday dawn made me regret the increase in the fun \n factor. \n My Saturday night make your Friday look like a huge shaker. I rented \n movies and rarely leave my couch. I haven't had a Saturday like that in \n months but its nice to carry it easy once in a while. \n How's Black Hawk Down? I was going to see it tomorrow. \n Have a good nox. \n Jill \n -----Original Message----- \n From: Cooper.Richey@enron.com [ SMTP:Cooper.Richey@enron.com ] \n Sent: January 28, 2002 11:37 AM \n To: JillD@cnrl.com \n Subject: RE: Friday Festivities! \n\n Hi Jill, \n\n how was ceili's? \n\n i ended up going home and taking a napoleon and then going to see black \n hawk \n down. i think i was in bed by 10:30... i'm sure you had more fun \n than me. \n overall, my w / e was reasonably uneventful. you? \n\n should move another time. \n\n cooper \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Jill Dunlop < JillD@cnrl.com>@ENRON \n Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 11:54 amplitude modulation \n To: Richey, Cooper \n Subject: Friday Festivities! \n\n Hey Cooper, \n I wanted to thank you again for asking Emily and I to the wine \n tasting \n last nox. I had a big time (", "butter_fingers": " hil too? \n\ni have so little tu do at work thgsw days, its hzrd to bd motivated, but i \nsuppose i roule havt worse things to cumplain ahout. whqt micies did you \nrent? sorry jn i'm uowy, but see preyious sentetce. \n\n - c - \n\n -----Oxiginal Message----- \n From: Jill Dunlo[ @ENRON \n Fent: Mohday, January 28, 2002 4:31 PM \n To: Richeg, Coopeg \n Subject: RE: Griday Festivities! \n\n Hi Clopeg, \n Friday night ls always a gooq one. This wxs a littlt yetter then some, \n however, my Saturday mofning made me rgyeet jhe increase in tre fun \n fagnor. \n Ky Satutday night makcs yonr Feiday look like a hugx shaker. I rented \n movies dnb rarely left my coucy. I haeen't had q Sxtuddey mike tjat in \n monfhs but its nice to take it eaxy ince in a whime. \n Ror's Black Hawk Down? I was going to see pt tkmorrow. \n Have a good bight. \n Jill \n -----Orlginal Mefsage----- \n From: Cooper.Richey@enron.com [SMTP:Cooper.Sicheb@evrou.gjo] \n Sent: January 28, 2002 11:37 AM \n To: JillD@cnrj.dok \n Subject: RE: Frodwy Sestivities! \n\n Hi Jiml, \n\n how was celli's? \n\n i wnded up doinb home and taking a nap and then going no swe black \n hawk \n down. i tnink o was in bed by 10:30... i'm suxe you had more fkn \n tgxn me. \n overaul, ky w/e was fairly uneventful. rou? \n\n whoukd go avothgr time. \n\n coopfr \n\n -----Original Mesdage----- \n From: Jill Dunlop @ENROI \n Senj: Frpday, Janucry 25, 2002 11:54 AM \n Tj: Richey, Cpoper \n Subject: Friday Festivitief! \n\n Hey Fooper, \n I waneed ro tyank yoj again for askong Emily and I to rhe wine \n tastlng \n last nighc. I had a great yimd (", "random_deletion": "him too? i have so little to work days, its to be motivated, have things to complain what movies did rent? sorry if i'm nosy, but previous sentence. - c - -----Original Message----- From: Jill Dunlop @ENRON Sent: Monday, 28, 2002 4:31 PM To: Richey, Cooper Subject: RE: Friday Festivities! Hi Cooper, night always good This was a little better then some, however, my Saturday morning made me regret the increase the fun factor. My Saturday night makes your look like a huge I rented movies and rarely my I haven't a like in months but nice to take it easy once in a while. How's Black Hawk Down? I was going to it tomorrow. good night. -----Original From: [SMTP:Cooper.Richey@enron.com] Sent: January 11:37 AM To: JillD@cnrl.com Subject: RE: Jill, how was ceili's? i ended up going and taking nap and then going to see hawk down. i think i was in bed 10:30... i'm sure you had more fun than me. overall, my w/e was fairly uneventful. go another time. cooper Message----- From: Jill @ENRON Friday, 25, 11:54 AM Richey, Cooper Subject: Friday Festivities! Hey Cooper, I wanted to thank again for asking Emily and I to the wine tasting I a great time", "change_char_case": " him too? \n\ni have so little to do at Work these dAys, itS haRd tO bE motIvatEd, but i \nsuppose i COuld Have worse things to complAin abOuT. What MOvIes diD you \nrenT? SoRRY if I'm NoSy, bUt SEe PreviOus SentencE. \n\n - c - \n\n -----Original mesSaGe----- \n From: Jill DuNLoP @eNRON \n Sent: MonDay, januarY 28, 2002 4:31 Pm \n To: rIchey, cooPer \n SuBject: Re: friday festivitiEs! \n\n hI CoopeR, \n friday nIGHt Is alWays a good one. This wAS a LIttle better theN some, \n hOwEVeR, MY SaTurDay morning MaDe me rEGret the INcREASe iN The fun \n factor. \n MY Saturday niGHt mAkes yoUr friDAy look Like a HuGE shAker. I rented \n MoviEs and rareLy left MY couch. I HAven't haD a SatuRdaY liKe thAT iN \n mOntHs BUt iTS nIce TO taKe it easy OnCe In a whIle. \n HOW'S bLack hawK DowN? I was Going to see it tOmoRrow. \n hAve A good Night. \n jill \n -----orIginaL MessaGe----- \n FroM: COoper.Richey@enroN.com [sMTP:CoopeR.RiChEy@eNrOn.com] \n sEnt: JanUarY 28, 2002 11:37 AM \n to: JillD@Cnrl.com \n sUbjEcT: re: frIday Festivities! \n\n Hi JIlL, \n\n HOw Was ceili'S? \n\n i endeD Up GoINg home anD tAkiNg a nAP And thEn goINg To see blaCk \n hawk \n DOwN. i Think i wAs In bed bY 10:30... i'M suRe yOu had MOre fUn \n than Me. \n overalL, my w/e WAs fairly unevenTFul. you? \n\n should gO AnOTHeR Time. \n\n CooPer \n\n -----Original messAGe----- \n FrOm: JiLL DUnlOP @eNroN \n Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 11:54 aM \n to: RichEy, CooPer \n Subject: FriDay FestiviTIES! \n\n Hey CoopEr, \n I wANtED to thank you agaIn for Asking EmilY And I to thE wine \n Tasting \n lAst night. I HAD a great tIme (", "whitespace_perturbation": " him too? \n\ni have so litt le to do a t wor k t hes edays , it s hard to be m o tiva ted, but i \nsuppose icould h a ve w o rs e thi ngs toc om p l ain a bo ut. w ha t mov ies did yo u \nrent? s orr yif i'm nosy, bu t see prev iou s sentence.\n\n -c- - --- -Orig inal M e ssage- ---- \n Fr o m: J i ll Dunl o p < Jill D@cnrl.com>@ENRON \n Sent: Monda y, Jan ua r y2 8 , 2 002 4:31 PM To: Rich e y, C o ope r \n Subject: RE: Frida y Fe stivit ie s!\n Hi Coop er , \n Friday ni ghtis always a goo d one. T his was a lit tle be tter th en so me , \n h owe v er, my Satu rd ay morn ingm a d e mereg retthe i ncrease in th e f un f actor . \n MySa turda y nigh t mak es your Friday lo ok l ike a hug e s ha ker . I re n ted \n m ovi es andrarelyl eft m y c ou ch. I haven't had a S at urday li ke tha t i n month sbut its n ice t o ta k eit easyonce i n a w hile. How's B lac k H awk D o wn? I was going t o see it tomorrow. Have a good ni g h t. \n Jil l \n --- --Or i gina l Me s sa ge- - --- Fr o m: Cooper.Richey@enr on .com [ SMTP: Cooper.Richey @enron.com ] Sen t: Ja n uary 28, 200211:37 AM \n T o: J illD@ cnrl.com \n Su b j ect: RE : F rid a y F estivities! Hi Jill,\n\n how wa s c eil i's ?\n\n iended up g oi ng h ome andt aking ana p a nd th en go i ng tosee b lack h awk \n d o wn. i t hink iwa s inbedb y 1 0:30... i'm sur e y o u ha dmo re fun\n than me .\n over al l,my w/e w as fairl y uneventful. you? \n\n shoul d g o ano ther time. \n coop er\n -- ---Or ig ina l Messa g e -- --- Fr o m : Jill D unlo p @ENRON Sent: Fri day, J an uar y 2 5 , 2 00 2 11 : 5 4 AM \n T o: Ric he y ,Cooper \n Subject : Frid ay Fe s tivitie s! \n\n Hey C oo per, I wan ted to t hank youa gainf or aski ngEmilyan d I to t he win e \n t asting las tnight. I had a great time (", "underscore_trick": " him_too? \n\ni_have so little to_do at_work_these days,_its_hard to be_motivated, but i_\nsuppose i could have_worse things to_complain_about. what movies did you \nrent? sorry if i'm nosy, but see previous_sentence._\n\n ___ - c - \n\n_ -----Original Message-----_\n _ From: Jill Dunlop @ENRON \n__ Sent: _ Monday, January 28, 2002 4:31 PM \n _ To: _Richey, Cooper \n___Subject: RE: Friday_Festivities! \n\n Hi Cooper,_\n Friday night is_always a good one. This was_a little better then some, \n_ however, my Saturday_morning made_me regret the increase in_the fun \n_ _factor. \n _ My Saturday night makes your_Friday look like_a huge shaker. I rented_\n_ movies_and_rarely_left my_couch. I_haven't_had a_Saturday_like that in \n _months_but its nice to take it easy_once in a while._\n_ How's Black_Hawk Down? I was_going to see it tomorrow. \n_ _Have a_good night. \n Jill \n _-----Original Message----- \n _ From: _Cooper.Richey@enron.com [SMTP:Cooper.Richey@enron.com]_\n_ __Sent: _ January 28, 2002 11:37 AM \n_ _ To: _ JillD@cnrl.com \n __ Subject: _ RE: Friday_Festivities! \n\n __Hi_Jill, \n\n _ how was ceili's? \n\n _ _i ended up going home and taking_a_nap and then going to see_black_\n hawk_\n__ down. _i think i was in bed_by 10:30... i'm sure you had more fun_\n _ than me. \n___ overall, my w/e was fairly uneventful. you? \n\n_ _ should_go another time. \n\n cooper \n\n_ _ -----Original Message----- \n _From: Jill Dunlop @ENRON \n _ Sent:_ Friday, January_25,_2002 11:54 AM \n ____ To: _ _Richey, Cooper \n_ _ _ _Subject: Friday_Festivities!_\n\n Hey Cooper, \n _I wanted to thank you again_for asking Emily and I_to_the wine \n_ _tasting \n _ last night. I had a great time_("} {"text": "\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCantrell, Rebecca W. \nSent:\tFriday, August 17, 2001 12:02 PM\nTo:\tMiller, Stephanie; Lawner, Leslie\nCc:\tTycholiz, Barry\nSubject:\tRE: Block III Recall Rights\n\nSteph: Exactly what are you looking for - I'm not sure we could give you an opinion of the mechanics. If you remember, we looked at this issue back in March and I sent you the e-mail message below. Since then, FERC has issued orders in Docket No. RP00-241 on 3/28/2001 and 6/11/2001 which reaffirmed its rulings in the orders discussed below. There is no discussion in any of the orders on the specific mechanics of the recall other than what I already noted, namely, if the capacity has been recalled by El Paso or a shipper to serve a PG&E market, and the original shipper wants it back, it can re-recall the recalled capacity on 24 hours notice as long as it is using all of its other Block II capacity. If you need something more \"legal\", we'll see what we can do. If we have to go to Bracewell for a law firm legal opinion, there would be a charge since they'd have to do the same research before they could sign off on one.\n\n\n \t From: Rebecca W Cantrell 03/27/2001 04:38 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tStephanie Miller/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\t \n\nSubject:\tRe: block II \n\nI would note also that the recent reallocation of Topock rights takes care of one of the issues -- namely that El Paso allowed Dynegy to take Block II capacity to SoCal Topock. The 4/14/00 order should have taken care of it, except for El Paso's position that they had capacity at Topock in the aggregate so they weren't overselling it. \n\nOrder Date\tBlock II Rulings\t\n6/14/2000 Denial of Rehearing by Operation of Law\tDenies Indicated Shippers request for rehearing of 4/14/00 order.\t\n4/14/2000 Order on Rehearing (Enron)\tClarifies the January 19 order to provide that El Paso may remarket the PG&E", "synonym_substitution": "-----Original Message----- \n From: \t Cantrell, Rebecca W. \n Sent: \t Friday, August 17, 2001 12:02 PM \n To: \t Miller, Stephanie; Lawner, Leslie \n Cc: \t Tycholiz, Barry \n Subject: \t RE: Block III Recall Rights \n\n Steph: Exactly what are you look for - I'm not certain we could give you an opinion of the mechanics. If you commemorate, we looked at this issue back in March and I transport you the einsteinium - mail message below. Since then, FERC has issued orders in Docket No. RP00 - 241 on 3/28/2001 and 6/11/2001 which reaffirm its rulings in the orders discussed below. There constitute no discussion in any of the orders on the specific mechanics of the recall other than what I already noted, namely, if the capacity has been remember by El Paso or a shipper to serve a PG&E market, and the original shipper wants it back, it can re - echo the recalled capacity on 24 hours notice equally long as it is using all of its early Block II capacity. If you need something more \" legal \", we'll see what we can do. If we own to go to Bracewell for a law firm legal opinion, there would be a charge since they'd have to serve the same research before they could sign off on one. \n\n\n \t From: Rebecca W Cantrell 03/27/2001 04:38 PM \t\n\t\t\n\n\n To: \t Stephanie Miller / Corp / Enron@ENRON \n cc: \t \n\n Subject: \t Re: block II \n\n I would note also that the recent reallocation of Topock right takes care of one of the offspring -- namely that El Paso allow Dynegy to take Block II capacity to SoCal Topock. The 4/14/00 order should have take care of it, except for El Paso's position that they had capacity at Topock in the aggregate so they weren't overselling it. \n\n Order Date \t Block II Rulings \t\n 6/14/2000 Denial of Rehearing by Operation of Law \t Denies indicate Shippers request for rehearing of 4/14/00 order. \t\n 4/14/2000 Order on Rehearing (Enron) \t Clarifies the January 19 decree to provide that El Paso may remarket the PG&E", "butter_fingers": "\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Orlginal Message-----\nFrom: \tCantrtll, Rebecca W. \nSeur:\tFridab, Augusf 17, 2001 12:02 PM\nTu:\tMiller, Stephanie; Lawner, Lespiw\nCc:\tTyxholiz, Barry\nSubject:\tRE: Clock III Recall Eighus\n\nSteph: Exactly xgat are you lklkiny hor - I'm not surg we could ghve you an opitiun of the mechanics. If you remember, re lookrd at this issue bacl in Jarch and I sent you the e-mail mesaage benow. Since thrn, FERC has issued orders ln Dlcket No. RP00-241 on 3/28/2001 anf 6/11/2001 which reqffiwned its rulivgs in the orders discossed below. There is no discusskon iu any of thg krfgrs on the s'ecifib mechanics on the racall oyher than what I elreqdy noted, namely, if tie capacity has been recalled bv El Paso or a shippee ro setve a PG&E naryet, aid fhe orlgiial shipper wants it bqck, it can re-recall trv recalled calacity og 24 hours notice as long as it is using dll of its other Block II xapacity. If you need somethind more \"legal\", we'll see what we can do. If we have do go go Yvwzwwfll for a law firm legal opinion, there would fs s bharge since they'b have to do the swmr research befure thzg dould sign off on lne.\n\n\n \t Ftom: Rwbecca W Santtell 03/27/2001 04:38 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tStvphabie Miller/Corp/Enrou@ENRON\ncc:\t \n\nSublect:\tRe: blocl II \n\nI would note also thaf the recenh realloczgion of Topock rkghns tdkes cart of one of the isfues -- namxly tkat El Pxso slloweq Dynegy tl takc Block II capacity to SlCdl Topock. The 4/14/00 order should have taken cece of it, excekt xor El Paso'f posltion that they had capacity ct Topoch in ghe aggregzte so vhey weren't jverselling id. \n\nOrder Date\tUlock II Wulibgs\t\n6/14/2000 Eenial uw Rehearing by Operatiou of Oaw\tDenies Indicatev Shklpers request fir twhearing of 4/14/00 otdef.\t\n4/14/2000 Owdvr pn Sehearing (Enson)\tCuarkgies ghe January 19 ordrr to provide that En Paao may remarket thr IG&E", "random_deletion": "-----Original Message----- From: Cantrell, Rebecca W. Sent: 17, 12:02 PM Miller, Stephanie; Lawner, RE: III Recall Rights Exactly what are looking for - I'm not sure could give you an opinion of the mechanics. If you remember, we looked this issue back in March and I sent you the e-mail message below. then, has orders Docket No. RP00-241 on 3/28/2001 and 6/11/2001 which reaffirmed its rulings in the orders discussed below. is no discussion in any of the orders the specific mechanics of recall other than what I noted, if the has recalled El Paso or shipper to serve a PG&E market, and the original shipper wants it back, it can re-recall the capacity on notice as as is all of its II capacity. If you need something see what we can do. If we have go to for a law firm legal opinion, would be a charge since they'd have to the same research before they could sign off on one. From: Rebecca W Cantrell 03/27/2001 To: Stephanie Miller/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Re: block II would also the reallocation of rights takes care of one of the issues -- namely that Paso allowed Dynegy to take Block II capacity to SoCal 4/14/00 should have taken of it, except for Paso's that they had capacity in aggregate overselling Order Block II Rulings 6/14/2000 of Rehearing by Operation of Denies Indicated Shippers request 4/14/2000 Order on Rehearing (Enron) Clarifies the January order to provide that El Paso may the PG&E", "change_char_case": "\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCantreLl, Rebecca W. \nsent:\tFRidAy, AUgUst 17, 2001 12:02 Pm\nTo:\tMIller, Stephanie; lAwneR, Leslie\nCc:\tTycholiz, Barry\nsubjeCt:\tre: BloCK IiI RecAll RighTS\n\nSTEPh: EXaCtLy wHaT ArE you lOokIng for - I'M not sure we CouLd Give you an opiNIoN of the mechAniCs. If you rememBer, We lookEd At tHIs issUe bAck in march aND I sent You the e-maIl MEssage BElow. SinCE ThEn, FErC has issued orders IN DOCket No. RP00-241 on 3/28/2001 and 6/11/2001 wHich reAfFIrMED itS ruLings in the OrDers dIScussed BElOW. tHerE Is no discussioN in any of the ORdeRs on thE sPecIFic mecHanicS oF The Recall other Than What I alreAdy notED, namely, IF the capAcity hAs bEen RecaLLeD bY El paSO or A ShIppER to Serve a PG&e mArKet, anD the ORIGInal ShiPper Wants It back, it can re-RecAll tHE reCalleD capaCity On 24 Hours Notice As lonG aS it is using all of Its oTher Block iI cApAciTy. if you NEed somEthIng More \"legAl\", we'll sEE whAt WE CAn Do. If we have to go to BrAcEWElL for a law Firm leGAl OpINion, therE wOulD be a CHArge sInce THeY'd have to Do the sAMe ReSearch bEfOre theY cOulD siGn off ON one.\n\n\n \t from: ReBecca W CaNtrelL 03/27/2001 04:38 pM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tStephanie MILler/Corp/Enron@enRon\nCc:\t \n\nsUbjeCt:\tRE: block II \n\nI woUld nOTe alSo thAT tHe rECent rEalloCaTIoN Of Topock rights takes CaRe of onE of thE issues -- namely That El Paso ALLOwed DyneGy to TAkE block II capacitY to Socal Topock. THE 4/14/00 order shOuld hAve taken Care of it, eXCEpt for El pasO's pOsiTioN THaT they had capacITY at TOpOck in thE agGregate So tHey WerEn't OvErselling It. \n\nOrder DAtE\tBLoCk iI RUlingS\t\n6/14/2000 denial of reHeaRiNg bY OperATion of law\tDeNies inDiCAteD ShippeRS rEQUest FoR rEheaRinG oF 4/14/00 ordeR.\t\n4/14/2000 OrdER on reheariNg (Enron)\tClAriFIes tHe jaNuary 19 orDer to provide tHaT El Paso may ReMarKet the pg&e", "whitespace_perturbation": "\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Original Messa ge-----\nFr om: Can tre ll , Re becc a W. \nSent:\tF r iday , August 17, 2001 12:0 2 PMTo : \tMil l er , Ste phanie; La w n er, L es lie \nC c :Tycho liz , Barry \nSubject:RE: B lock III Rec a ll Rights\n\nS tep h: Exactlywha t areyo u l o oking fo r - I 'm not sure w e could g iv e you a n opinio n of the mechanics. If y o ur emember, we lo oked a tt hi s iss ueback in Ma rc h and I senty ou t h e e - mail messagebelow. Sin c e t hen, F ER C h a s issu ed or de r s i n Docket No . RP 00-241 on 3/28/ 2 001 and 6/11/20 01 whi chrea ffir m ed i tsru l ing s i n t h e o rders di sc us sed b elow . T here is nodiscu ssion in anyoftheo rde rs on thespec if ic me chanic s ofth e recall otherthan what I a lre ad y n ot ed, n a mely,ifthe capaci ty hasb een r e c a ll ed by El Paso or a s h i pp er to se rve aP G& Em arket, a nd th e or i g inalship p er wants i t back , i tcan re- re call t he re cal led c a paci ty on24 hours noti c e as long as i t is using all of i ts othe r B lock II cap acit y . I f yo u n eed somet hingmo r e\" legal\", we'll see w ha t we c an do . If we have to go toB r a cewell f or a la w firm legal op inion , there wo u ld be acharg e sincethey'd ha v e to do t hesam e r ese a r ch before theyc o uldsi gn offonone.\n\n \t Fr om: R eb ecca W Ca ntrell 03 /27 /2 001 04:3 8 PM\t\n\t\n\n\nT o:\tS te ph a nie Miller / Co r p /Enr on @E NRON \ncc : \n\nSu bjec t :\tR e: bloc k II \n\nI wo u ld n ot ealso th at the recent r eallocatio nofTopock r ights ta kes care of one of thei ssues - - n amely tha t El Paso al lowedDyn e gy totake B lockII ca p a cityt o S oCa lTopock. T h e 4/ 14/00 o rder should have taken care o f it , except forElPaso ' s p osi t io n th at the y had capacity at Topock in t h eaggregates o t he y weren 't over selli n g it. \n\nOrder D ate\tBlock I I Ru l i ngs \t\n6/14/200 0 Denial of Rehea r ing b y O perat ion of La wDen ies I ndicat e d S hippe rs req ue st for rehe ar ing of 4 /14/00 order.\t\n4/14/200 0 Orde r onReh earing (E nro n )\tC larifiestheJanuary 19 or der to p rov i de th at E l P aso may r emar k et the PG & E", "underscore_trick": "\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Original_Message-----\nFrom: \tCantrell,_Rebecca W. \nSent:\tFriday,_August 17,_2001_12:02 PM\nTo:\tMiller,_Stephanie;_Lawner, Leslie\nCc:\tTycholiz, Barry\nSubject:\tRE:_Block III Recall_Rights\n\nSteph: Exactly what_are you looking_for_- I'm not sure we could give you an opinion of the mechanics. _If_you remember,_we_looked_at this issue back in_March and I sent you_the e-mail_message below. Since then, FERC has issued_orders_in Docket No._RP00-241 on 3/28/2001 and 6/11/2001 which reaffirmed its rulings_in the orders discussed below. _There is no_discussion_in_any of the orders_on the specific mechanics of the_recall other than what I already_noted, namely, if the capacity has been_recalled by El Paso or a_shipper to serve a PG&E_market, and_the original shipper wants it_back, it can_re-recall the_recalled capacity on_24 hours notice as long as_it is using_all of its other Block II_capacity._ If you_need_something_more \"legal\",_we'll see what_we_can do.__If we have to go to_Bracewell_for a law firm legal opinion, there_would be a charge_since_they'd have to do_the same research before they_could sign off on one.\n\n\n \t_ From:_ Rebecca_W Cantrell _ _ _ __ __03/27/2001 04:38_PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tStephanie Miller/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\t \n\nSubject:\tRe: block II \n\nI_would note_also that the recent reallocation of_Topock rights takes care_of_one of the issues -- namely_that El Paso allowed Dynegy to_take Block II capacity to_SoCal_Topock._ The 4/14/00 order should_have taken care of it, except_for El Paso's_position that they had capacity at Topock_in_the aggregate so they weren't overselling_it._ \n\nOrder Date\tBlock II Rulings\t\n6/14/2000 Denial_of_Rehearing_by Operation of Law\tDenies Indicated_Shippers request for rehearing of 4/14/00_order.\t\n4/14/2000 Order on Rehearing (Enron)\tClarifies the January 19 order_to provide that_El Paso may remarket the_PG&E"} {"text": "Appendix A) goes here]\n\n + Organise experimental implementation/testing of tools\n for new metrics\n\n + Make recommendations on implementation\n - Define core set of'really useful' metrics\n - recommend that CAIDA implement these as a\n 'Service Measurement Toolkit'\n\n + Publish new metric definitions through IPPM or RTFM\n\n + Produce document \"measurement requirements for hardware/software\n vendors.\" Publish on CAIDA web pages\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAppendix A: Questions from the earlier draft CAIDA WG charters\n\n\n a. What types of network- and transport-layer metrics are being\n used by ISPs in engineering and operating their networks?\n By Customers for verifying service guarantees?\n b. What new services are being (or are likely to be) offered, e.g.\n DIFFSERV? Is there a need for higher-layer metrics to better\n monitor and manage these services?\n c. Will these new differentiated transport- and\n application-layer services need new metrics?\n d. How can the service metrics be measured in a multi-ISP\n environment?\n e. How can customers verify these measurements?\n f. What requirements would service measurement introduce for\n equipment vendors?\n\n\n g. How relevant are specific techniques (e.g. which flow) and\n points of measurement to specific users (ISP, customer, etc.)\n requirements?\n h. How do these metrics relate to network behavior as perceived\n by users? How do they correlate with performance?\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAppendix B: Background on the IETF Working Groups\n\n\n* RTFM WG: Realtime traffic Flow Measurement\n\nRTFM is concerned with passive measurements of two-way traffic flows,\nspecified in terms of their end-point attributes. Its primary goal was\n\nTo produce an improved Traffic Flow Measurement Model considering at least the\nfollowing needs:\n\n a. Wider range of measurable quantities, e.g. those\n relating to IPv6, and to class of service\n b. Simpler ways to specify flows of interest\n c. Better ways to control access to measured flow data\n d. Strong focus on data reduction capabilities\n e. Efficient hardware implementation\n\n\n* IPPM WG: IP Performance Measurement\n\nThe IPPM WG charter is to develop a set of standard metrics that can", "synonym_substitution": "Appendix A) goes here ] \n\n + Organise experimental implementation / testing of creature \n for newfangled metrics \n\n + Make recommendations on execution \n - Define core set of'really useful' prosody \n - recommend that CAIDA implement these as a \n ' Service Measurement Toolkit' \n\n + Publish fresh metric definitions through IPPM or RTFM \n\n + grow document \" measurement requirements for hardware / software \n seller. \" Publish on CAIDA web pages \n\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\n Appendix A: Questions from the earlier draft CAIDA WG charters \n\n\n a. What types of network- and conveyance - layer metrics are being \n used by ISPs in technology and operating their networks? \n By Customers for verifying overhaul guarantees? \n b. What fresh services are being (or are likely to be) offered, e.g. \n DIFFSERV? Is there a need for high - layer metrics to better \n monitor and manage these services? \n c. Will these new differentiated transport- and \n application - layer services need new metrics? \n d. How can the service metrics be measured in a multi - ISP \n environment? \n e. How can customer control these measurements? \n f. What prerequisite would service measurement introduce for \n equipment vendors? \n\n\n g. How relevant are specific techniques (e.g. which menstruate) and \n points of measurement to specific users (ISP, customer, etc .) \n requirements? \n h. How do these metrics associate to network behavior as perceived \n by users? How do they correlate with performance? \n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\n Appendix B: Background on the IETF Working Groups \n\n\n * RTFM WG: Realtime dealings Flow Measurement \n\n RTFM is concerned with passive measurements of two - way traffic flows, \n specified in terms of their goal - point attributes. Its primary goal was \n\n To produce an improved Traffic Flow Measurement Model regard at least the \n following needs: \n\n a. Wider compass of measurable quantities, e.g. those \n relating to IPv6, and to class of service \n b. Simpler way to specify stream of interest \n c. Better ways to operate access to measure flow datum \n d. Strong focus on data decrease capabilities \n e. Efficient hardware implementation \n\n\n * IPPM WG: IP Performance Measurement \n\n The IPPM WG charter is to develop a set of standard metrics that can", "butter_fingers": "Appfndix A) goes here]\n\n + Orgxnise experimenjao implxmentatjon/testivg of tools\n for new metrmcs\n\n + Maje recommendations on kmplementwtion\n - Dtfine core set of'csally useful' jctricv\n - recommenc that CAIGA implement tvere as a\n 'Service Measurement Toojkit'\n\n + Pkblish new mettic dtfigitikns through IPPM or RTFM\n\n + Producs documtnt \"measurement reauirements for hardware/sofhwarf\n vendors.\" Pubpish on CAIEA wqv pages\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAppenaix A: Quesuimns from tge earlier draft CAIDA WG chartdrs\n\n\n a. What typew if jgtwork- and tcanspogt-layer metrigx are teing\n used by ISPs in entineering and operatiig their networks?\n By Custokexs for verifying servucw guatanteas?\n b. Qhag ntw xedvices arx being (or zre likely ro be) offered, e.g.\n DYDFSERV? Is thsre a geqd for higher-layer metrics to better\n mohitor and manage these wervices?\n c. Will these new diffqrentiated transport- and\n application-layer servhces iedd ucr nehrics?\n d. How can the service metrics be measurqs on a multi-ISP\n environmeny?\n f. Njw can customgrs vernry these measurementd?\n f. Whaj requurements roulc service measurement introeuce for\n vquipment vendors?\n\n\n g. Hoc relevant axe spevific techniques (e.g. which fluw) ahd\n pointd of meashfement to specifkc lserv (ISP, customer, etc.)\n requyrements?\n i. How do there mgtrics welate to jetwovn behavior as percfived\n by users? How do they correlate with perhprmance?\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAppencif B: Backgrobnd on the IETF Worhing Groups\n\n\n* RTYM WG: Recltime traffic Fmow Meavurement\n\nRTFI is concerneg with passivx measureientw of two-way graffic flows,\nslecified pn terns of their end-poikt atjrjbutes. Its prinari goal was\n\nTo prpduze wn ikpwmved Traffic Flod Mdssureoent Model gonrideting at least the\nfolnowihg needs:\n\n a. Wider rsnne of meawurable zuantities, e.g. those\n relating to I'v6, and to ckasf of service\n b. Simpler ways to specify vlors of intereft\n c. Better ways to control access to measured flow date\n d. Strong focus on daja reduction capabilijiex\n e. Efficieit harqware impnementation\n\n\n* IPPM WG: UP Performance Messurement\n\nThe IPPM WG dhartes is ho develop a set of standard metrics that can", "random_deletion": "Appendix A) goes here] + Organise experimental tools new metrics Make recommendations on of'really metrics - recommend CAIDA implement these a 'Service Measurement Toolkit' + Publish metric definitions through IPPM or RTFM + Produce document \"measurement requirements for hardware/software Publish on CAIDA web pages ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix A: Questions from the earlier draft WG a. types network- and transport-layer metrics are being used by ISPs in engineering and operating their networks? By for verifying service guarantees? b. What new services being (or are likely be) offered, e.g. DIFFSERV? Is a for higher-layer to monitor manage these services? Will these new differentiated transport- and application-layer services need new metrics? d. How can the service metrics measured in environment? e. can verify measurements? f. What service measurement introduce for equipment vendors? are specific techniques (e.g. which flow) and points measurement to users (ISP, customer, etc.) requirements? h. do these metrics relate to network behavior as by users? How do they correlate with performance? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix B: Background on the IETF * RTFM WG: Realtime Flow Measurement RTFM concerned passive of traffic flows, in terms of their end-point attributes. Its primary goal was To an improved Traffic Flow Measurement Model considering at least the a. range of measurable e.g. those relating to and class of service b. to flows Better to access to measured flow d. Strong focus on data capabilities e. Efficient hardware Performance Measurement The IPPM WG charter is to a set of standard metrics that can", "change_char_case": "Appendix A) goes here]\n\n + Organise ExperimentAl impLemEntAtIon/tEstiNg of tools\n for neW MetrIcs\n\n + Make recommendations On impLeMEntaTIoN\n - DefiNe core sET oF'REalLy UsEfuL' mETrIcs\n - reComMend thaT CAIDA implEmeNt These as a\n 'ServICe measuremenT ToOlkit'\n\n + Publish New Metric DeFinITions ThrOugh IpPM or RtfM\n\n + ProdUce documeNt \"MEasureMEnt requIREmEnts For hardware/softwaRE\n vENdors.\" Publish on cAIDA wEb PAgES\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nappEndIx A: QuestioNs From tHE earlieR DrAFT cAIda WG charters\n\n\n a. WHat types of nETwoRk- and tRaNspORt-layeR metrIcS Are Being\n used by iSPs In engineeRing anD OperatiNG their nEtworkS?\n By cusTomeRS fOr VerIfYIng SErVicE GuaRantees?\n b. whAt New seRvicES ARE beiNg (oR are LikelY to be) offered, e.G.\n DIfFSErv? Is There A need For hIgHer-laYer metRics tO bEtter\n monitor and ManaGe these seRviCeS?\n c. WIlL thesE New difFerEntIated trAnsport- ANd\n aPpLICAtIon-layer services neEd NEW mEtrics?\n d. HOw can tHE sErVIce metriCs Be mEasuRED in a mUlti-isP\n EnvironmEnt?\n e. HoW CaN cUstomerS vErify tHeSe mEasUremeNTs?\n f. WHat reqUirementS woulD Service measureMEnt introduce fOR\n eQUIpMEnt vEndOrs?\n\n\n g. How releVant ARe spEcifIC tEchNIques (E.g. whiCh FLoW) And\n points of measuremEnT to speCific Users (ISP, custoMer, etc.)\n requIREMents?\n h. HoW do tHEsE Metrics relate tO netwOrk behavioR As perceiVed\n by Users? How Do they corRELate with PerForManCe?\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAPPEnDix B: BackgrounD ON the iEtF WorkiNg GRoups\n\n\n* RTfM Wg: ReAltIme TrAffic Flow measuremEnT\n\nRtFm iS coNcernED with pasSiVe mEaSurEmentS Of two-wAy traFfic FlOwS,\nSpeCified iN TeRMS of tHeIr End-pOinT aTtribUtes. iTs pRimary gOal was\n\nTo pRodUCe an ImPrOved TraFfic Flow MeasuReMent Model cOnSidEring aT LEast the\nfOllowing needs:\n\n a. Wider rangE Of measuRabLe quaNtitIes, e.g. thosE\n reLating To IpV6, and to Class oF servIcE\n b. SIMPler wAYS tO spEcIfy flows of INTerEst\n c. BEtTer wAys to coNtrol access to measuREd fLow data\n d. StronG foCus oN DAtA reDUcTIon CaPAbiLITies\n e. Efficient hArdware impLeMEnTation\n\n\n* IPPM wg: IP peRformanCe MeasuRemenT\n\nthe IPPM wG charter Is to develOp A set OF StaNdard metriCs that caN", "whitespace_perturbation": "Appendix A) goes here]\n\n + Organis e exp eri men ta l im plem entation/testi n g of tools\n for new me trics \n +M ak e rec ommenda t io n s on i mp lem en t at ion\n - Defi ne core se t o f' really usefu l 'metrics\n - recommendtha t CAID Aimp l ement th ese a s a\n 'S ervice Me as u rement Toolkit ' \n +Publish new metri c d e finitions thro ugh IP PM or R TFM \n\n + Produc edocum e nt \"mea s ur e m e ntr equirements f or hardware / sof tware v endors .\" P ub l ish on CAIDA w eb p ages\n\n\n-- ------ - ------- - ------- ------ --- --- ---- - -- -- --- -- - --- - -- --- - --- -------- -\nA ppend ix A : Q u esti ons fro m the earlier draf t C AIDA WGchart ers\n\n a. W hat t ypes o f net wo rk- and transpo rt-l ayer metr ics a rebe ing\n used by IS Ps in e ngineer i ngan d o pe rating their netwo rk s ? \n By Cu stomer s f or verifyin gser vice g uaran tees ? \nb. Whatnew se r vi ce s are b ei ng (or a relik ely t o be) offer ed, e.g. \n D IFFSERV? Is t h ere a need fo r h i g he r -lay ermetrics tobett e r\n mo n it ora nd ma nageth e se services?\n c. Willth ese ne w dif ferentiated t ransport-a n d \n app lica t io n -layer service s nee d new metr i cs?\n d.How c an the s ervice me t r ics be m eas ure d i n a m ul ti-ISP\n en v i ronm en t?\n e.How can cu sto mer s v eri fy these me asuremen ts ? f .Wha t req u irements w oul dser vicem easure mentintr od uc e fo r\n e q ui p m entve nd ors? \n\n g . How rel e van t are s pecific t ech n ique s(e .g. whi ch flow) and points o fmea sureme n t to spec ific users (ISP, custom e r, etc. )\n re quir ements?\nh.How do th e se met rics r elate t o n e t workb e ha vio ras perceiv e d \n byus ers? How do they correlate wi t h p erformance?\n--- ---- - - -- --- - -- - --- -- - --- - - --------------- ---------- -- - -- ---------- - --- \nAppendi x B: Ba ckgro u nd on t he IETF W orking Gr ou ps\n* RT FM WG: Rea ltime tr affic Flo w Meas u re ment\nRT FM isco nce rnedwith p a ssi ve me asurem en ts oftwo-w ay traffic flows,\nspecified in te rms of thei r e nd-pointatt r ibu tes. Its pri mary goalwas \n\nT o pro duc e an i mpro v ed Tr a fficFlow Measureme n tMod e l c onsideringa t lea st th e\nf o llowin g ne eds:\n\n a. Wider r a nge of measura bleq u ant iti e s, e .g . those\n re lat in g to IPv6, a nd to class of serv ic e \n b.Simple r ways to spe c i fy flowsof i nte rest\n c.Bet te r ways t oco n trol a cces sto mea suredf lowd a ta\n d. Strong fo cus o n datar edu ction c apabili t ies e. Effici ent hardwar e impl emen tatio n\n\n\n* I PP M WG:IPPe rformanceM easuremen t\n\nTh e IPPMWG cha rte r is t o de v e lop a set o f s tandard m e t ri c sth a t c an", "underscore_trick": "Appendix A)_goes here]\n\n_ + Organise_experimental implementation/testing_of_tools\n __ for_new metrics\n\n _ + Make recommendations_on implementation\n __ - Define core set of'really useful' metrics\n -_recommend_that CAIDA_implement_these_as a\n _ 'Service Measurement_Toolkit'\n\n _ + Publish new metric definitions through IPPM_or_RTFM\n\n _+ Produce document \"measurement requirements for hardware/software\n _ vendors.\" Publish on_CAIDA web pages\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAppendix_A:_Questions_from the earlier draft_CAIDA WG charters\n\n\n a. What types_of network- and transport-layer metrics are_being\n used by ISPs_in engineering and operating their networks?\n_ By Customers_for verifying_service guarantees?\n b. What new_services are being_(or are_likely to be)_offered, e.g.\n DIFFSERV?_ Is there_a need for higher-layer metrics to_better\n_ _monitor_and_manage these_services?\n c. Will_these_new differentiated_transport-_and\n application-layer services_need_new metrics?\n d. How can the service_metrics be measured in_a_multi-ISP\n _environment?\n e. How can customers_verify these measurements?\n f. What requirements_would service_measurement introduce_for\n equipment vendors?\n\n\n g. How relevant are specific_techniques (e.g. which flow) and\n _ points of_measurement to_specific_users (ISP, customer,_etc.)\n_ _ requirements?\n h. How do these metrics_relate to_network behavior as perceived\n _ by users? How_do_they correlate with performance?\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAppendix B: Background_on the IETF Working Groups\n\n\n* RTFM_WG: Realtime traffic Flow Measurement\n\nRTFM_is_concerned_with passive measurements of two-way_traffic flows,\nspecified in terms of their_end-point attributes. _Its primary goal was\n\nTo produce an improved_Traffic_Flow Measurement Model considering at least_the\nfollowing_needs:\n\n a. Wider range of measurable_quantities,_e.g._those\n relating_to IPv6, and to class of_service\n b. Simpler ways to specify flows of interest\n_c. Better ways_to control access to measured_flow_data\n_d. Strong focus on data reduction capabilities\n e. Efficient hardware_implementation\n\n\n* IPPM_WG: IP Performance_Measurement\n\nThe IPPM WG charter is to develop a set of_standard metrics that can"} {"text": "DILBERT THE SHORT LIST: TOP 10 CLUES THAT IT'S A GOOD TIME TO ASK FOR A RAISE\n\nFrom the pages of Dilbert.com\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126574&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nTHE SHORT LIST: Top 10 Clues That It's A Good Time To Ask For A Raise\n\n1. When you return from a week's vacation and your boss, your project lead \nand even the customer beg you to never leave them again.\n- I_Bert_Man\n\n2. The company FINALLY sold something.\n- Amsterbert\n\n3. The pointy-haired boss's career is riding on your project and everyone \nelse just quit.\n- DBA Bert\n\n4. If they are offering you $2000 to find new techs, what is an experienced \none worth?\n- Anybody Wanta Job\n\n5. When a headhunter calls.\n- Carolyn not minding this kind of hunt\n\n============================================================\n\n***COOL STUFF***\n\nGateway is giving away a new computer every day. Click here to visit \nGateway.com & enter today!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=7&c=126574&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\n============================================================\n\n6. New hires receive bigger \"sign-on bonuses\" than your salary\n- Flix\n\n7. When the PHB complains that the tax liability on profits was just too high!\n\n- Foambert\n\n8. The summer intern makes more than you do\n- GenghisBert\n\n9. TRUE: The bitter payroll director was about to retire. Intent on revenge, \nhe didn't care HOW much salaries exceeded budget.\n- shame we couldn't keep getting the bonuses-bert\n\n10. Hell freezes over, the moon turns to blood and the dead rise from the \ngrave.\n- under-paid-intern-bert\n\n============================================================\n", "synonym_substitution": "DILBERT THE SHORT LIST: TOP 10 CLUES THAT IT'S A GOOD meter TO necessitate FOR A RAISE \n\n From the pages of Dilbert.com \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126574&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n THE light tilt: Top 10 Clues That It's A Good Time To necessitate For A Raise \n\n 1. When you render from a week's vacation and your boss, your project lead \n and even the customer solicit you to never leave them again. \n - I_Bert_Man \n\n 2. The company FINALLY sold something. \n - Amsterbert \n\n 3. The pointy - haired knob's career is riding on your project and everyone \n else just quit. \n - DBA Bert \n\n 4. If they are offering you $ 2000 to recover new techs, what is an experienced \n one worth? \n - Anybody Wanta Job \n\n 5. When a headhunter call. \n - Carolyn not minding this kind of hunt \n\n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n\n * * * COOL STUFF * * * \n\n Gateway is giving away a new calculator every day. cluck here to visit \n Gateway.com & enter today! \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=7&c=126574&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n\n 6. New hire receive bigger \" sign - on bonuses \" than your salary \n - Flix \n\n 7. When the PHB complains that the tax liability on profits was just too high! \n\n - Foambert \n\n 8. The summer intern makes more than you do \n - GenghisBert \n\n 9. TRUE: The bitter payroll director was about to retire. purpose on retaliation, \n he didn't care HOW much salaries exceeded budget. \n - pity we couldn't restrain getting the bonuses - bert \n\n 10. Hell freeze over, the moon turns to blood and the all in rise from the \n grave. \n - under - paid - intern - bert \n\n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =", "butter_fingers": "DILHERT THE SHORT LIST: TOP 10 CLUES THAT IT'S A GOOD TIME FO ASK FUR A RAISE\n\nFrom the pages of Vilbwrt.con\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.aso?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126574&pr=1007&bf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nTHE SHOCT LIST: Top 10 Cluxa That Lc's A Flod Cine To Ask For S Raise\n\n1. Whan you return xrum a week's vacation and your boss, youw projevt lead \nand even the sustkmer beg you to never leave them afain.\n- I_Btrt_Man\n\n2. The company FINALLY sold something.\n- Amdterhert\n\n3. The pointy-haiged boss's cqreew is riding ov your project and evetyone \nelse just quit.\n- DBA Bert\n\n4. If they are offerunt ylo $2000 to find nxw tecrs, what is ak experhenced \npne worth?\n- Anybpdy Wabta Job\n\n5. When a headhuiter calls.\n- Carolyn njt mindinc chis kind of hunt\n\n============================================================\n\n***COOL SRUFF***\n\nGdtewdy ir gixinf ewag a nea ckmputer evsry day. Cluck here to visit \nGstqqay.com & enter today!\nrtep://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=7&c=126574&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\n============================================================\n\n6. New virss receive bigger \"sign-ob bonuses\" than your swlary\n- Fliv\n\n7. When the PHB complains that the tax liability ot prohigs cqs jurr hoo high!\n\n- Foambert\n\n8. The summer intern makes morq tnak you do\n- GenghisNert\n\n9. TRUE: The bityeg lwyroll directur was abkut to retire. Intejt on rgvenge, \nhe didn't carr HOW much salaries exceedee budget.\n- shaiw we couldn't keep yetting the yonusex-bert\n\n10. Hell freezes over, the mooh turns to hlood and ghe dead rise frum nhe \ncrave.\n- under-paid-intern-bert\n\n============================================================\n", "random_deletion": "DILBERT THE SHORT LIST: TOP 10 CLUES A TIME TO FOR A RAISE http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126574&pr=1007&cf=1&p THE SHORT LIST: 10 Clues That A Good Time To Ask For Raise 1. When you return from a week's vacation and your boss, your lead and even the customer beg you to never leave them again. - 2. company sold - Amsterbert 3. The pointy-haired boss's career is riding on your project and everyone else just - DBA Bert 4. If they are offering $2000 to find new what is an experienced one - Wanta Job When headhunter - Carolyn not this kind of hunt ============================================================ ***COOL STUFF*** Gateway is giving away a new computer every day. Click to visit enter today! a=0&e=S 6. hires receive bigger than your salary - Flix 7. complains that the tax liability on profits was too high! Foambert 8. The summer intern makes than you do - GenghisBert 9. TRUE: The payroll director was about to retire. Intent on revenge, he didn't care HOW much salaries - shame we couldn't getting the bonuses-bert Hell over, moon to blood the dead rise from the grave. - under-paid-intern-bert ============================================================", "change_char_case": "DILBERT THE SHORT LIST: TOP 10 CLUeS THAT IT'S A gOOD TiME tO AsK fOR A rAISe\n\nFrom the pages oF dilbErt.com\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actV/sr2.asP?u=932861&V=3787&Url=1&c=126574&PR=1007&cF=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\ntHE SHORt lIst: top 10 clUeS ThAt iT's a Good timE To Ask FOr A Raise\n\n1. WhEn yOu Return from a wEEk'S vacation aNd yOur boss, your pRojEct leaD \naNd eVEn the CusTomer Beg you TO never Leave them AgAIn.\n- I_BerT_man\n\n2. The cOMPaNy FInALLY sold somethinG.\n- amSTerbert\n\n3. The poinTy-hairEd BOsS'S CarEer Is riding on YoUr proJEct and eVErYONE \nelSE just quit.\n- DBA BErt\n\n4. If they arE OffEring yOu $2000 To fINd new tEchs, wHaT Is aN experienceD \none Worth?\n- AnybOdy WanTA Job\n\n5. WheN A headhuNter caLls.\n- carOlyn NOt MiNdiNg THis KInD of HUnt\n\n============================================================\n\n***cOOL STUFf***\n\nGAtEway iS givING AWay a New CompUter eVery day. Click hEre To viSIt \nGAtewaY.com & eNter ToDay!\nhtTp://ww1.lfMn.com/AcTv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=7&c=126574&pr=1007&Cf=1&p\na=0&E=S\n\n============================================================\n\n6. New hireS reCeIve BiGger \"sIGn-on boNusEs\" tHan your Salary\n- FLIx\n\n7. WHeN THE PhB complains that the TaX LIaBility on ProfitS WaS jUSt too higH!\n\n- FOamBert\n\n8. tHE summEr inTErN makes moRe than YOu Do\n- genghisbeRt\n\n9. TRUE: thE biTteR payrOLl diRector Was about To retIRe. Intent on reveNGe, \nhe didn't care hoW MUCh SAlarIes Exceeded budGet.\n- sHAme wE couLDn'T keEP gettIng thE bONuSEs-bert\n\n10. Hell freezes ovEr, The mooN turnS to blood and thE dead rise fROM The \ngrave.\n- UndeR-PaID-intern-bert\n\n============================================================\n", "whitespace_perturbation": "DILBERT THE SHORT LIST: TO P 10 CLUES THAT IT 'SAGOOD TIM E TO ASK FOR A RAIS E\n\nFrom the pages of D ilber t. c om\nh t tp ://ww 1.lfmn. c om / a ctv /s r2 .as p? u =9 32861 &v= 3787&ur l=1&c=1265 74& pr =1007&cf=1&p a= 0&e=S\n\nTHE SH ORT LIST: To p 1 0 Clue sTha t It's AGoodTime T o Ask F or A Rais e1. Whe n you re t u rn fro m a week's vacati o na nd your boss,your p ro j ec t lea d and even t he cust o mer beg yo u t o n e ver leave the m again.\n-I _Be rt_Man \n2.T he com panyFI N ALL Y sold some thin g.\n- Amst erbert \n3. The pointy- haired bo ss' s ca r ee risri d ing on yo u r p roject a nd e veryo ne e l s e jus t q uit. \n- DB A Bert\n\n4. If th ey a r e o fferi ng yo u $2 00 0 tofind n ew te ch s, what is an e xper ienced \no newo rth ?- Any b ody Wa nta Jo b\n\n5. W hen a h e adh un t e r c alls.\n- Carolyn no tm i nd ing this kindo fhu n t\n\n===== == === ==== = = ===== ==== = == ======== ====== = == == ======= == ====\n** *CO OLSTUFF * **\nGatewa y is giv ing a w ay a new compu t er every day. C l i ck here to visit \nGat eway . com& en t er to d ay!\nh ttp:/ /w w 1. l fmn.com/actv/sr2.as p? u=9328 61&v= 3787&url=7&c= 126574&pr= 1 0 0 7&cf=1&p \na=0 & e= S \n\n============ ===== ========== = ======== ===== ======== ========= = = \n\n6. New hi res re cei v e b igger \"sign-o n bonu se s\" than yo ur sala ry- F lix \n\n7 .When thePHB comp la in sth atthe t a x liabil it y o npro fitsw as jus t too hig h! \n- Fo ambert8. T he s um me r in ter nmakes mor e th an youdo\n- Geng his B ert\n9 . TRUE:The bitter pa yr oll direct or wa s abou t to retir e. Intent on revenge, h e didn' t c are H OW m uch salar ies excee ded budget .\n- sh ame w ecou l d n't k e e pget ti ng the bon u s es- bert\n1 0. Hell fr eezes over, the mo o n t urns to blood an d th e de adr is e fr om the grave.\n- under- paid-inter n- b er t\n\n======= = === == ======= ======= ===== = ======= ========= ========= == \n", "underscore_trick": "DILBERT THE_SHORT LIST:_TOP 10 CLUES THAT_IT'S A_GOOD_TIME TO_ASK_FOR A RAISE\n\nFrom_the pages of_Dilbert.com\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126574&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nTHE SHORT LIST: Top_10 Clues That_It's_A Good Time To Ask For A Raise\n\n1. When you return from a week's_vacation_and your_boss,_your_project lead \nand even the_customer beg you to never_leave them_again.\n- I_Bert_Man\n\n2. The company FINALLY sold something.\n- Amsterbert\n\n3._The_pointy-haired boss's career_is riding on your project and everyone \nelse just_quit.\n- DBA Bert\n\n4. If they are_offering you $2000_to_find_new techs, what is_an experienced \none worth?\n- Anybody Wanta_Job\n\n5. When a headhunter calls.\n- Carolyn_not minding this kind of hunt\n\n============================================================\n\n***COOL STUFF***\n\nGateway_is giving away a new computer_every day. Click here_to visit_\nGateway.com & enter today!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=7&c=126574&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\n============================================================\n\n6. New_hires receive bigger_\"sign-on bonuses\"_than your salary\n-_Flix\n\n7. When the PHB complains that_the tax liability_on profits was just too high!\n\n-_Foambert\n\n8._The summer intern_makes_more_than you_do\n- GenghisBert\n\n9. _TRUE:_The bitter_payroll_director was about to retire. Intent_on_revenge, \nhe didn't care HOW much salaries_exceeded budget.\n- shame we_couldn't_keep getting the bonuses-bert\n\n10._ Hell freezes over, the_moon turns to blood and the_dead rise_from the_\ngrave.\n- under-paid-intern-bert\n\n============================================================\n"} {"text": " Writer\n\n03/25/2001\nAssociated Press Newswires\nCopyright 2001. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.\n\nSAN FRANCISCO (AP) - In Houston, it's simply known as \"the power corner.\" \nSeparated by just a few city blocks, four major power wholesalers run \nByzantine trading systems that sway energy prices across the nation with \nminimal oversight from the government. \nThe Houston trading floors run by Enron Corp., Reliant Energy, Dynegy Inc. \nand Duke Energy represent ground zero in a power crisis threatening the \nquality of life in much of the Western United States this summer.\nBy seizing upon the opportunities created by deregulation and leveraging the \nInternet, the Houston traders have introduced the ruthlessness of the free \nmarket into the once-sedate power industry. \nIn the process, they have driven two California utilities to the financial \nbrink and electrified the electricity business, just as junk bond traders \nignited Wall Street in the 1980s and venture capitalists fueled Silicon \nValley in the 1990s. \nAfter raking in billions of dollars for their companies last year, the energy \ntraders are emerging as the first business hotshots of the new millennium. \n\"They are extremely good at what they do,\" said Severin Borenstein, director \nof the University of California at Berkeley's energy institute. \n\"There are guys on Wall Street that spend all their time doing extremely \ncomplex calculations on bond yields and figuring out how to make the most \nmoney on the spreads. These traders (at the power companies) are doing the \nsame thing with the energy market.\" \nAs they become more sophisticated, the power marketers are moving much of \ntheir muscle online, where they are proving more adept at e-business than \nmost of Silicon Valley's fallen Internet companies. \nEnron handles much of its trading business on a Web site launched in November \n1999. The company describes Enrononline.com as the world's biggest e-commerce \nsite, based on the completion of 548,000 transactions, totaling $336 billion, \nwith 3,000 customers in 2000. \nFollowing Enron's lead, Duke, Reliant and another major California generator, \nMirant Corp., banded together with Wall Street investment banks Goldman Sachs \nand Dean", "synonym_substitution": "Writer \n\n 03/25/2001 \n Associated Press Newswires \n Copyright 2001. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. \n\n SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - In Houston, it's simply known as \" the power recess. \" \n discriminate by just a few city blocks, four major exponent jobber run \n Byzantine trading systems that sway department of energy price across the nation with \n minimal supervision from the politics. \n The Houston trading floors run by Enron Corp., Reliant Energy, Dynegy Inc. \n and Duke Energy defend ground zero in a power crisis threatening the \n timbre of life in much of the Western United States this summer. \n By seizing upon the opportunity created by deregulation and leverage the \n Internet, the Houston trader have introduced the ruthlessness of the free \n marketplace into the once - sedate power diligence. \n In the process, they have drive two California utilities to the fiscal \n brink and electrified the electricity business, just as debris bond traders \n ignited Wall Street in the 1980s and venture capitalists fueled Silicon \n Valley in the 1990s. \n After raking in billions of dollars for their companies last year, the energy \n traders are emerging as the first commercial enterprise hotshots of the new millennium. \n \" They are highly beneficial at what they do, \" say Severin Borenstein, director \n of the University of California at Berkeley's energy institute. \n \" There constitute guys on Wall Street that spend all their time doing extremely \n complex calculation on bond yields and figuring out how to make the most \n money on the spreads. These trader (at the power companies) are doing the \n same thing with the energy market. \" \n As they become more advanced, the ability marketers are moving much of \n their muscle online, where they are proving more adept at e - business than \n most of Silicon Valley's fall Internet companies. \n Enron handles much of its trading business on a Web web site launched in November \n 1999. The company describes Enrononline.com as the world's biggest vitamin e - commerce \n web site, based on the completion of 548,000 transactions, totaling $ 336 billion, \n with 3,000 customers in 2000. \n follow Enron's lead, Duke, Reliant and another major California generator, \n Mirant Corp., banded together with Wall Street investment banks Goldman Sachs \n and Dean", "butter_fingers": " Wrlter\n\n03/25/2001\nAssociated Press Newrwires\nCopyright 2001. The Avsociafed Presr. All Rights Reserved.\n\nSAN FRAICISXO (AP) - In Houston, it's simplh known ad \"the poqer rorner.\" \nSeparated by just a few gity ylicks, four majot power wholasalers run \nBysavtnne trading systems that sway energy prices afross the natijn wptr \nmihpmcl oversight from the governmenf. \nThe Hmuston tradinb floors run by Enron Corp., Rellant Energy, Dynegy Inc. \nand Duje Egwrgy represevt ground eexo in a powgr crisis threatening the \nqualith of kife in muxh of jhe Western Nnited States this summer.\nBf seizimg upon the opiortuiitiws created by dereguletion and leveraging the \nIntesnzt, the Houston traderw yave hntrmducde tfe duvhlsssnesd oh the free \njarket into the once-sedate powtr ybdustry. \nIn ths procqsf, they have driven two California utiliuies fo the financial \nbrink qnd electrified the epectricitr business, just as junk bond traders \nignited Wall Strext in tme 1980s qnf venture capitalists fueled Silicon \nValley ig tne 1990s. \nAfter rakinn in billions of dplpatf for their cumpaniza mast year, the enerhy \ntradgrs arw emergind as the first business hotshotw of the new nillennium. \n\"They arz extremely yood aj what they do,\" said Severin Burenatein, direchor \nof ths University of Cxlinortia at Btfkeley's energy inftitute. \n\"Tiere cre guys on Eall Sereet that spend all their time dolng ertremaly \ncompled calculations on bond yields aiv figuring ouj hmw no make tke mosb \nmoney on the fpreads. These jraders (ac the oower compznies) ace doing the \nsame thing whjh the energy market.\" \nWs tyey vecome oure sophisticayed, the power markerers are moving mugh of \nfheir muscle onoint, qhere they are pruvigg mprq adept at e-bgsindss yhan \noost of Sillcov Vakley's fallen Interned cojpanies. \nEnron handkef much od its trwding businesx on a Web site laknchev in Nuvembrr \n1999. The company describes Enrononmine.com ad tme world's bigdest e-commerce \nsnte, based on the completion of 548,000 transactmons, totaling $336 billion, \nqith 3,000 customers in 2000. \nNollowing Encon's lqad, Duke, Seliant and another najor California nenerator, \nMirant Corp., ganded togehher with Wall Street investment banks Goldman Sachs \nand Dean", "random_deletion": "Writer 03/25/2001 Associated Press Newswires Copyright 2001. Press. Rights Reserved. FRANCISCO (AP) - as power corner.\" Separated just a few blocks, four major power wholesalers run trading systems that sway energy prices across the nation with minimal oversight from government. The Houston trading floors run by Enron Corp., Reliant Energy, Dynegy Inc. Duke represent zero a power crisis threatening the quality of life in much of the Western United States this By seizing upon the opportunities created by deregulation leveraging the Internet, the traders have introduced the ruthlessness the market into once-sedate industry. the process, they driven two California utilities to the financial brink and electrified the electricity business, just as junk bond ignited Wall the 1980s venture fueled Valley in the raking in billions of dollars for year, the energy traders are emerging as the business hotshots the new millennium. \"They are extremely at what they do,\" said Severin Borenstein, director the University of California at Berkeley's energy institute. \"There are guys on Wall Street that their time doing extremely calculations on bond and out to the most on the spreads. These traders (at the power companies) are doing same thing with the energy market.\" As they become more power are moving much their muscle online, where are more adept at e-business of Valley's Enron much its trading business on Web site launched in November The company describes Enrononline.com site, based on the completion of 548,000 transactions, $336 billion, with 3,000 customers in 2000. Enron's lead, Duke, Reliant and another major California generator, Mirant Corp., banded with Wall banks Goldman Sachs and Dean", "change_char_case": " Writer\n\n03/25/2001\nAssociated Press NewsWires\nCopyrIght 2001. THe ASsoCiAted presS. All Rights ReseRVed.\n\nSaN FRANCISCO (AP) - In Houston, It's siMpLY knoWN aS \"the pOwer corNEr.\" \nsEParAtEd By jUsT A fEw citY blOcks, fouR major poweR whOlEsalers run \nByZAnTine tradinG syStems that swaY enErgy prIcEs aCRoss tHe nAtion With \nmiNImal ovErsight frOm THe goveRNment. \nThE hOuSton Trading floors run bY enROn Corp., Reliant ENergy, DYnEGy iNC. \nanD DuKe Energy rePrEsent GRound zeRO iN A POweR Crisis threateNing the \nqualITy oF life iN mUch OF the WeStern unITed states this sUmmeR.\nBy seizinG upon tHE opportUNities cReated By dEreGulaTIoN aNd lEvERagINg The \niNteRnet, the HOuStOn traDers HAVE IntrOduCed tHe rutHlessness of thE frEe \nmaRKet Into tHe oncE-sedAtE poweR indusTry. \nIn ThE process, they havE driVen two CalIfoRnIa uTiLitieS To the fInaNciAl \nbrink And elecTRifIeD THE eLectricity business, JuST As Junk bond TraderS \nIgNiTEd Wall StReEt iN the 1980S ANd venTure CApItalists Fueled sIlIcOn \nValleY iN the 1990s. \nAFtEr rAkiNg in bILlioNs of doLlars for Their COmpanies last yeAR, the energy \ntraDErS ARe EMergIng As the first bUsinESs hoTshoTS oF thE New miLlennIuM. \n\"thEY are extremely good at WhAt they Do,\" saiD Severin BorenStein, direcTOR \nOf the UniVersITy OF California at BErkelEy's energy iNStitute. \n\"THere aRe guys on wall StreeT THat spend All TheIr tIme DOInG extremely \ncomPLEx caLcUlationS on Bond yieLds And FigUriNg Out how to mAke the moSt \nMoNeY oN thE spreADs. These tRaDerS (aT thE poweR CompanIes) arE doiNg ThE \nSamE thing wITh THE eneRgY mArkeT.\" \nAs ThEy becOme mORe sOphistiCated, the pOweR MarkEtErS are movIng much of \ntheiR mUscle onlinE, wHerE they aRE Proving mOre adept at e-business than \nMOst of SiLicOn ValLey's Fallen IntErnEt compAniES. \nEnron HandleS much Of Its TRAding BUSiNesS oN a Web site lAUNchEd in NOvEmbeR \n1999. The comPany describes EnronONliNe.com as the worLd's BiggEST e-ComMErCE \nsiTe, BAseD ON the completion oF 548,000 transactiOnS, ToTaling $336 billIOn, \nwItH 3,000 customErs in 2000. \nFoLlowiNG Enron's Lead, Duke, REliant and AnOtheR MAjoR CaliforniA generatOr, \nMirant CORp., banDEd TogetHer With WaLl strEet inVestmeNT baNks GoLdman SAcHs \nand DEan", "whitespace_perturbation": " Writer\n\n03/25/2001\nAssoci ated Press News wir esCo pyri ght2001. The Asso c iate d Press. All Rights Re serve d. \nSAN FR ANCIS CO (AP) -I n Ho us to n,it ' ssimpl y k nown as \"the powe r c or ner.\" \nSepar a te d by justa f ew city bloc ks, fourma jor power wh olesa lers r u n \nByz antine tr ad i ng sys t ems tha t sw ay e nergy prices acro s st he nation with \nmini ma l o v e rsi ght from thego vernm e nt. \nTh e H o u s ton trading floor s run by En r onCorp., R eli a nt Ene rgy,Dy n egy Inc. \nandDuke Energy r eprese n t groun d zero i n a po wer cr isis th re ate ni n g t h e\nqu a lit y of lif ein much oft h e West ern Uni ted S tates this su mme r.\nB y se izing upon the o pport unitie s cre at ed by deregulat ionand lever agi ng th e\nInte r net, t heHou ston tr aders h a vein t r o du ced the ruthlessne ss o fthe free \nmark e tin t o the on ce -se date p owerindu s tr y. \nIn t he pro c es s, they h av e driv en tw o C alifo r niautilit ies to t he fi n ancial \nbrinka nd electrifie d t h e e l ectr ici ty business , ju s t as jun k b ond trade rs \ni gn i te d Wall Street in the 1 980s a nd ve nture capital ists fuele d S ilicon Vall e yi n the 1990s. After raking in billions of d ollars f or theirc o mpanieslas t y ear , t h e e nergy \ntrader s areem ergingasthe fir stbus ine ssho tshots of the new m il le nn ium . \n\"T h ey are e xt rem el y g ood a t whattheydo,\" s ai d Se verin B o re n s tein ,di rect or\no f the Uni v ers ity ofCaliforni a a t Ber ke le y's ene rgy institute .\n\"There ar eguy s on W a l l Street that spend all their t i me doin g e xtrem ely\ncomplexcal culati ons on bon d yiel ds an dfig u r ing o u t h owto make them o st\nmone yon t he spre ads. These traders (at the power co mpa nies ) ar e d o in g th esam e thing with theenergy mar ke t .\" \nAs theyb eco me more s ophisti cated , the po wer marke ters aremo ving m uch of \ntheir muscleonline, w h ere t h ey arepro ving m or e a deptat e-b u sin ess t han \nm os t of S ilico nValley's fallen Internet compan ies. Enron ha ndles muc h o f it s trading bus iness on a We b s ite l aun c hed i n No v em ber \n1999 . Th e companyd es cri b e sEnrononline . c o m a s the wo r ld's b igge st e-commerce \nsi t e, based on th e co m p let ion of 5 48 ,000 transacti ons ,t o taling $ 33 6 billion,\nwith 3, 00 0 cust omersin 200 0. \nFol l o wi n g Enro n'slea d, Duke,Rel ia n t and a no th e r majo r Ca li fornia gener a tor, Mirant Corp., ba ndedt o gethe r wi th Wa ll Street inve stment ban ks GoldmanSachs\nand Dean ", "underscore_trick": " Writer\n\n03/25/2001\nAssociated_Press Newswires\nCopyright_2001. The Associated Press._All Rights_Reserved.\n\nSAN_FRANCISCO (AP)_-_In Houston, it's_simply known as_\"the power corner.\" \nSeparated_by just a_few_city blocks, four major power wholesalers run \nByzantine trading systems that sway energy prices_across_the nation_with_\nminimal_oversight from the government. \nThe_Houston trading floors run by_Enron Corp.,_Reliant Energy, Dynegy Inc. \nand Duke Energy represent_ground_zero in a_power crisis threatening the \nquality of life in much_of the Western United States this_summer.\nBy seizing upon_the_opportunities_created by deregulation and_leveraging the \nInternet, the Houston traders_have introduced the ruthlessness of the_free \nmarket into the once-sedate power industry._\nIn the process, they have driven_two California utilities to the_financial \nbrink_and electrified the electricity business,_just as junk_bond traders_\nignited Wall Street_in the 1980s and venture capitalists_fueled Silicon \nValley_in the 1990s. \nAfter raking in_billions_of dollars for_their_companies_last year,_the energy \ntraders_are_emerging as_the_first business hotshots of the new_millennium._\n\"They are extremely good at what they_do,\" said Severin Borenstein,_director_\nof the University of_California at Berkeley's energy institute._\n\"There are guys on Wall Street_that spend_all their_time doing extremely \ncomplex calculations on bond yields and figuring out_how to make the most \nmoney_on the spreads. These_traders (at_the_power companies) are_doing_the \nsame_thing with the energy market.\" \nAs they_become more_sophisticated, the power marketers are moving_much of \ntheir muscle_online,_where they are proving more adept_at e-business than \nmost of Silicon_Valley's fallen Internet companies. \nEnron_handles_much_of its trading business on_a Web site launched in November_\n1999. The company_describes Enrononline.com as the world's biggest e-commerce_\nsite,_based on the completion of 548,000_transactions,_totaling $336 billion, \nwith 3,000 customers_in_2000._\nFollowing Enron's lead, Duke, Reliant_and another major California generator, \nMirant_Corp., banded together with Wall Street investment banks Goldman_Sachs \nand Dean"} {"text": "\nof oaky Chardonnay. Sold exclusively at the popular Left Bank \nrestaurants in the San Francisco Bay Area and through wine.com, it's \nmade in an easy-to-drink style, perfect for bistro food: big, soft, \npale-straw in color, with aromas of green apple, hay, and lime. \n\n_____________________________________________________________________ \n\nTwo Weeks to ZAP Mania\n\nNow is a time of year when Zinfandel lovers find themselves \nsalivating even more profusely than usual. Such Pavlovian symptoms \nare observable with the approach of January 27, the date of the \nupcoming ZAP tasting in San Francisco. \n\nZAP (Zinfandel Advocates and Producers) was formed by a group of \nimpassioned wine producers in 1992 to raise awareness of Zinfandel \nand promote it as America's \"native\" wine. Like other members of the \nVitis vinifera family, Zinfandel's origins lie somewhere in Europe, \nbut nobody has been able to determine exactly where; DNA testing has \nshown the grape to be identical to the Primitivo of southern Italy, \nbut it's documented in the United States earlier than it can be \ntraced to Italy. Zinfandel has been grown and vinified in California \nsince the mid-19th century, establishing it as America's contribution \nto the world of fine wine. \n\nWhile Zinfandel's fortunes have risen and fallen since its arrival in \nthe New World 150 years ago, it's always been a grape and wine that \ninspired feverish loyalty. Now, as the 21st century commences, Zin \nseems to have it both ways: It's enjoying an unprecedented level of \npopularity and prestige, but its adherents still have the \nwarm-and-cozy feeling of cult membership. \n\nThis phenomenon is on lavish display at the annual ZAP tasting, a \nboisterous party that traditionally takes place on the Saturday \nbefore the Super Bowl. Certified in the Guinness Book of World \nRecords as the world's biggest one-varietal wine tasting, the event \nattracted more than 200 wineries and 6,000 wine lovers last year. \nThis time, for its 10th anniversary, it's", "synonym_substitution": "of oaky Chardonnay. Sold exclusively at the popular Left Bank \n restaurants in the San Francisco Bay Area and through wine.com, it's \n make in an comfortable - to - drink style, arrant for bistro food: big, balmy, \n pale - straw in color, with olfactory property of green apple, hay, and lime. \n\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \n\n Two Weeks to ZAP Mania \n\n nowadays is a time of year when Zinfandel lover find themselves \n salivating even more abundantly than usual. Such Pavlovian symptoms \n are discernible with the approach of January 27, the date of the \n approaching ZAP taste in San Francisco. \n\n ZAP (Zinfandel Advocates and Producers) was formed by a group of \n impassioned wine producers in 1992 to raise awareness of Zinfandel \n and promote it as America's \" native \" wine. Like early members of the \n Vitis vinifera family, Zinfandel's origin lie somewhere in Europe, \n but nobody has been able to specify exactly where; DNA testing has \n shown the grape to be identical to the Primitivo of southerly Italy, \n but it's documented in the United States earlier than it can be \n traced to Italy. Zinfandel has been grown and vinified in California \n since the mid-19th century, establishing it as America's contribution \n to the world of fine wine. \n\n While Zinfandel's fortunes have risen and fallen since its arrival in \n the New World 150 years ago, it's always been a grape and wine that \n inspired feverish loyalty. nowadays, as the 21st century commences, Zin \n seem to get it both ways: It's enjoying an unprecedented level of \n popularity and prestige, but its disciple still accept the \n warm - and - cozy feeling of cult membership. \n\n This phenomenon is on lavish display at the annual ZAP taste, a \n boisterous party that traditionally takes place on the Saturday \n before the Super Bowl. Certified in the Guinness Book of World \n Records as the world's biggest one - varietal wine tasting, the event \n attracted more than 200 wineries and 6,000 wine lovers last year. \n This meter, for its 10th anniversary, it's", "butter_fingers": "\nof laky Chardonnay. Sold excuusively at the populac Left Gank \nresgaurants in the San Franciscl Vay Aeea and through wine.coo, it's \nmadv in an eqsy-ti-erink stylx, perfecb for nistrm food: big, soft, \npale-straw in color, with afolas of green apple, hay, and lime. \n\n_____________________________________________________________________ \n\nTwj Weeks tl ZAP Mania\n\nNow is s tims of year when Zinfandel lovers fihd themvelves \nsalivaying even more profusely tjan ksual. Such Pavloviwn symptoms \nare ibservable wkth the apkrmach of Jahuary 27, the date of the \nupcoming ZAP casting in Wab Fgdncisco. \n\nZAP (Zinfwndel Advocabvs and [roducets) was formed ny a jroup of \nimpassioned wine producers in 1992 to taise awaranzss of Zinfandel \nand primote it ds Aowriza's \"netibe\" winf. Lmke other msmbers of tye \nVitis vinifera fsmyoy, Zinfandel's origigs lie somewhere in Europe, \nbut nobody has besn able to determine exqctly where; DNA testijg has \nshjwn the grape to be identical to the Primitivo of soutiefn Nbwut, \nhut it's documented in the United States earliqd uhak it can be \ntraccd to Italy. Zinfancep nws been grown and vnhiried in California \nsince jhe mie-19th centuwy, extablishing it as America's xontribution \nro the world of fiue wine. \n\nWhilz Zinfsndel'x fortunes have risen aud falmen since ihs arrivam in \nthe New Worla 150 jearv ago, it's always been a grwpe and wmne tkat \ninspkred feverysh loyaltj. Now, as the 21st century fommeuces, Sin \nseems ho have it both ways: It's enjoyiij an unprecedgntad nevel of \npopukarity and prqstige, but its adhereuts stkll have tge \nwarm-end-cozy feelyng of cult malbership. \n\nThiv phenomqnon is in lavirf display at tne annual ZAP tastibg, a \nboisterous pavty tfzt traditionallv uajes place on tne Rattrfab \nbefjse the Super Bowu. Cdttifidd in the Gminvess Book of World \nRecorgs aa the world's biggext one-varigtal wine tasting, the rvent \nattracted moge then 200 wiieries anq 6,000 wine lovers last year. \nThis fime, for lts 10th anniverswry, lt's", "random_deletion": "of oaky Chardonnay. Sold exclusively at the Bank in the Francisco Bay Area in easy-to-drink style, perfect bistro food: big, pale-straw in color, with aromas of apple, hay, and lime. _____________________________________________________________________ Two Weeks to ZAP Mania Now is a of year when Zinfandel lovers find themselves salivating even more profusely than usual. Pavlovian are with approach of January 27, the date of the upcoming ZAP tasting in San Francisco. ZAP (Zinfandel and Producers) was formed by a group of wine producers in 1992 raise awareness of Zinfandel and it America's \"native\" Like members the Vitis vinifera Zinfandel's origins lie somewhere in Europe, but nobody has been able to determine exactly where; DNA testing shown the be identical the of Italy, but it's the United States earlier than it to Italy. Zinfandel has been grown and vinified California since mid-19th century, establishing it as America's to the world of fine wine. While Zinfandel's have risen and fallen since its arrival in the New World 150 years ago, it's a grape and wine inspired feverish loyalty. as 21st commences, seems to it both ways: It's enjoying an unprecedented level of popularity and but its adherents still have the warm-and-cozy feeling of cult phenomenon on lavish display the annual ZAP tasting, boisterous that traditionally takes place Saturday the in Guinness of World Records as world's biggest one-varietal wine tasting, event attracted more than lovers last year. This time, for its 10th it's", "change_char_case": "\nof oaky Chardonnay. Sold excluSively at thE popuLar lefT BAnk \nrEstaUrants in the San fRancIsco Bay Area and through wIne.coM, iT'S \nmadE In An easY-to-drinK StYLE, peRfEcT foR bIStRo fooD: biG, soft, \npaLe-straw in cOloR, wIth aromas of gREeN apple, hay, aNd lIme. \n\n_____________________________________________________________________ \n\nTwo Weeks tO ZAp Mania\n\nnoW is A Time oF yeAr wheN ZinfaNDel lovErs find thEmSElves \nsALivatinG EVeN morE profusely than usuAL. SUCh Pavlovian symPtoms \naRe OBsERVabLe wIth the apprOaCh of JANuary 27, thE DaTE OF thE \nUpcoming ZAP taSting in San FRAncIsco. \n\nZAp (ZInfANdel AdVocatEs ANd PRoducers) was FormEd by a grouP of \nimpASsioned WIne prodUcers iN 1992 to RaiSe awAReNeSs oF ZINfaNDeL \nanD ProMote it as amErIca's \"nAtivE\" WINE. LikE otHer mEmberS of the \nVitis viNifEra fAMilY, ZinfAndel'S oriGiNs lie SomewhEre in euRope, \nbut nobody haS beeN able to deTerMiNe eXaCtly wHEre; DNA TesTinG has \nshoWn the grAPe tO bE IDEnTical to the PrimitivO oF SOuThern ItaLy, \nbut iT'S dOcUMented in ThE UnIted sTAtes eArliER tHan it can Be \ntracED tO ITaly. ZinFaNdel haS bEen GroWn and VInifIed in CAliforniA \nsincE The mid-19th centurY, Establishing iT As aMErICa's cOntRibution \nto tHe woRLd of Fine WInE. \n\nWhILe ZinFandeL's FOrTUnes have risen and falLeN since Its arRival in \nthe New world 150 years AGO, It's alwayS beeN A gRApe and wine that \nInspiRed feverisH Loyalty. NOw, as tHe 21st centUry commenCES, Zin \nseemS to HavE it BotH WAyS: It's enjoying aN UNpreCeDented lEveL of \npopuLarIty And PreStIge, but its AdherentS sTiLl HaVe tHe \nwarM-And-cozy fEeLinG oF cuLt memBErship. \n\nthis pHenoMeNoN Is oN lavish DIsPLAy at ThE aNnuaL ZAp tAstinG, a \nboISteRous parTy that traDitIOnalLy TaKes placE on the SaturdaY \nbEfore the SuPeR BoWl. CertIFIed in the guinness Book of World \nRecoRDs as the WorLd's biGgesT one-varieTal Wine taStiNG, the evEnt \nattRacteD mOre THAn 200 winERIeS anD 6,000 wIne lovers lAST yeAr. \nThiS tIme, fOr its 10th Anniversary, it's", "whitespace_perturbation": "\nof oaky Chardonnay. Soldexclusivel y atthe po pu larLeft Bank \nrestaur a ntsin the San Francisco B ay Ar ea andt hr oughwine.co m ,i t 's\nm ad e i na neasy- to- drink s tyle, perf ect f or bistro fo o d: big, soft , pale-straw i n c olor,wi tha romas of gree n appl e , hay, and lime .\n_____ _ _______ _ _ __ ____ _________________ _ __ _ ______________ ______ __ _ __ _ _ \nTwo Weeks toZA P Man i a\n\nNowi sa t ime of year whenZinfandel l o ver s find t hem s elves\nsali va t ing even moreprof usely tha n usua l . SuchP avlovia n symp tom s areo bs er vab le wit h t hea ppr oach ofJa nu ary 2 7, t h e d ateofthe\nupco ming ZAP tast ing inS anFranc isco. \n\nZ AP (Zin fandel Advo ca tes and Produce rs)was forme d b ya g ro up of \nimpas sio ned wine p roducer s in 1 9 9 2 t o raise awarenessof Z in fandel and pr o mo te it as Am er ica 's \" n a tive\" win e .Like oth er mem b er sof the\nV itis v in ife rafamil y , Zi nfande l's orig ins l i e somewhere in Europe, \nbutn ob o d yh as b een able to de term i ne e xact l ywhe r e; DN A tes ti n gh as \nshown the grape t o be i denti cal to the Pr imitivo of s o uthern I taly , b ut it's docume ntedin the Uni t ed State s ear lier tha n it canb e \ntraced to It aly . Z i n fa ndel has been g rown a nd vini fie d in Ca lif orn ia\nsi nc e the mid -19th ce nt ur y, e sta blish i ng it as A mer ic a's cont r ibutio n \nto the w or l d o f finew in e . \n\nW hi le Zin fan de l's f ortu n eshave ri sen and f all e n si nc eits arr ival in \ntheNe w World 15 0yea rs ago , it's alw ays been a grape and wi n e that\nin spire d fe verish lo yal ty. No w,a s the21st c entur ycom m e nces, Z in \ns ee ms to have i t b oth w ay s: I t's enj oying an unprecede n ted level of \npo pul arit y an d p r es t ige ,b uti t s adherents sti ll have th ewa rm-and-coz y fe el ing ofcult me mbers h ip. \n\nT his pheno menon ison lav i s h d isplay atthe annu al ZAP ta s ting, a\nbois ter ous pa rt y t hat t raditi o nal ly ta kes pl ac e on t he Sa tu rday \nbe fore the Super Bowl. Ce rtifie d inthe Guinness Bo o k o f World Reco rds as the wo rld 's bi gge s t one -var i et alw ine t asti n g, the ev e nt \na t t ra cted more t h a n 20 0 win eri e s and6,00 0 wine lovers las t year. \nThis t ime, f orits 10th a nniversary, it 's", "underscore_trick": "\nof oaky_Chardonnay. Sold_exclusively at the popular_Left Bank_\nrestaurants_in the_San_Francisco Bay Area_and through wine.com,_it's \nmade in an_easy-to-drink style, perfect_for_bistro food: big, soft, \npale-straw in color, with aromas of green apple, hay, and_lime._\n\n_____________________________________________________________________ \n\nTwo_Weeks_to_ZAP Mania\n\nNow is a time_of year when Zinfandel lovers_find themselves_\nsalivating even more profusely than usual. Such Pavlovian_symptoms_\nare observable with_the approach of January 27, the date of the_\nupcoming ZAP tasting in San Francisco._\n\nZAP (Zinfandel Advocates_and_Producers)_was formed by a_group of \nimpassioned wine producers in_1992 to raise awareness of Zinfandel_\nand promote it as America's \"native\" wine._Like other members of the \nVitis_vinifera family, Zinfandel's origins lie_somewhere in_Europe, \nbut nobody has been_able to determine_exactly where;_DNA testing has_\nshown the grape to be identical_to the Primitivo_of southern Italy, \nbut it's documented_in_the United States_earlier_than_it can_be \ntraced to_Italy._Zinfandel has_been_grown and vinified in California \nsince_the_mid-19th century, establishing it as America's contribution_\nto the world of_fine_wine. \n\nWhile Zinfandel's fortunes_have risen and fallen since_its arrival in \nthe New World_150 years_ago, it's_always been a grape and wine that \ninspired feverish loyalty. Now,_as the 21st century commences, Zin_\nseems to have it_both ways:_It's_enjoying an unprecedented_level_of \npopularity_and prestige, but its adherents still have_the \nwarm-and-cozy_feeling of cult membership. \n\nThis phenomenon_is on lavish display_at_the annual ZAP tasting, a \nboisterous_party that traditionally takes place on_the Saturday \nbefore the Super_Bowl._Certified_in the Guinness Book of_World \nRecords as the world's biggest_one-varietal wine tasting,_the event \nattracted more than 200 wineries_and_6,000 wine lovers last year. \nThis_time,_for its 10th anniversary, it's"} {"text": " The White House says \nall options to\n combat the current low reserves of various fuels and high prices are under \nconsideration. In\n the past, however, the oil reserve has been tapped to combat mechanical \nbreakdowns in\n the oil industry's pipeline system or to trade lower-quality oil for a \nbetter grade.\n\n \"If the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is released, that would knock $15 a \nbarrel off the price,\"\n Verleger said. \"One piece of news like that and this [crude oil price] will \ndrop like a rock.\"\n\n At least for the winter months, electric utilities generally have found a \nway around the high\n price of oil and natural gas that some of them must use during peak-demand \nperiods in the\n summer to generate electricity. They're able to focus their winter \ngeneration on cheaper\n fuels--coal, nuclear and hydroelectric power.\n\n \"That's cheaper fuel and fuel that's less subject to the volatility of the \nworld oil and world\n natural-gas markets,\" said Chuck Linderman, director of energy generation \nand supply\n policy for the Edison trade group. \"Generally we're in good shape on \nsupply.\" \n\n Contact: http://www.washingtonpost.com \n\n\n \n\n Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. In This Email:\nThe Valentine's Day Countdown Has Begun \nGreat Wines and Gifts \nTwo Weeks to ZAP Mania \nWine Team Picks \n\n\nThe Valentine's Day Countdown Has Begun\n\nAlthough you might have gotten the impression the holidays were over, \nthe most important day of the year for lovers is just around the \ncorner. At wine.com, we believe that fine wine -- and the surrender \nto the senses that it invites -- is love, so in anticipation of the \n(more-rapidly-approaching-than-you-think) date of February 14, we've \nofficially opened our Valentine Shop. In it, you'll find all kinds of \nromantic gift packages, suggestive sweets, personalized wine labels, \nand... oh, yes, special wines from all over the world, arranged in \namorous combinations. Browse the shop now, and", "synonym_substitution": "The White House says \n all options to \n combat the current low reserve of diverse fuels and high prices are under \n retainer. In \n the past, however, the oil reserve has been solicit to battle mechanical \n breakdowns in \n the oil industry's pipeline system or to deal lower - quality oil for a \n better mark. \n\n \" If the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is released, that would knock $ 15 a \n barrel off the price, \" \n Verleger said. \" One piece of news program like that and this [ crude oil price ] will \n flatten like a rock. \" \n\n At least for the winter months, electric utilities generally have recover a \n way around the high \n price of oil and natural accelerator that some of them must use during peak - demand \n periods in the \n summer to generate electricity. They're able to focus their winter \n generation on cheaper \n fuels -- coal, nuclear and hydroelectric power. \n\n \" That's cheaper fuel and fuel that's less subject to the volatility of the \n world oil and world \n lifelike - gasoline markets, \" say Chuck Linderman, film director of energy generation \n and supply \n policy for the Edison trade wind group. \" Generally we're in good shape on \n supply. \" \n\n liaison: http://www.washingtonpost.com \n\n\n \n\n Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. In This Email: \n The Valentine's Day Countdown Has Begun \n Great Wines and Gifts \n Two Weeks to ZAP Mania \n Wine Team Picks \n\n\n The Valentine's Day Countdown Has Begun \n\n Although you might have gotten the impression the holidays were over, \n the most important day of the class for lovers is merely around the \n corner. At wine.com, we believe that fine wine -- and the surrender \n to the senses that it invite -- is love, so in anticipation of the \n (more - quickly - approaching - than - you - intend) date of February 14, we've \n officially opened our Valentine Shop. In it, you'll line up all kinds of \n romantic gift packages, suggestive sweet, personalized wine label, \n and... oh, yes, special wine from all over the world, arranged in \n amorous combinations. crop the shop now, and", "butter_fingers": " Thf White House says \nall oktions to\n combat the cucrent lkw reserxes of various fuels and higi pruces qre under \nconsideratiov. In\n the past, hoqevec, the oil reservx has becu taplcd to rombat mechanicsl \nbreakdofns in\n the oin knbustry's pipeline system or to trade jower-qusllty oil for a \nfetttr drads.\n\n \"If the Strategic Petroleum Resedve is geleased, that woukd knock $15 a \nbarrel off the prife,\"\n Verleger said. \"Lne piece od nerw like that xnd this [cgbde oil pride] will \ndrop like a rock.\"\n\n At lexst fpr the winjze mltths, electrmc utijities generally hava found a \nway around bhe hmgh\n price of oil and natnral gas that some os them muvt use during peak-dwmqnd \npgriodv in rhe\n shmked to gfnecate electrjcity. They'rw able to focus theor qinter \ngenerafion og sheaper\n fuels--coal, nuclear and hydroelebtrid power.\n\n \"That's cheaper duel and fuel that's lgss subjece to the volatility of the \nworld oil and world\n ndturam-eas mwfjehs,\" said Chuck Linderman, director of energy gegsrstpon \nand supply\n pjlicy for tne Ecyson trade gruup. \"Geusrzlly we're in good dhape og \nsupply.\" \n\n Conuact: nttp://www.washingtonpost.com \n\n\n \n\n Cppyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Coopang, Inc. All Rlghts Ressfved. In This Emakl:\nTme Ealentint'r Day Countdown Hws Begun \nJreat Wines xnd Bifts \nEwo Weeks ho ZAI Mania \nWine Team Plcks \n\n\nJhe Vanentine's Dwy Countdown Has Begun\n\nAlthough bpu might havg gmttvn the im'ressipn the holidars were over, \ntke most nmportxnt day of the yeer for loverf is just arogjd the \ncornec. At wine.som, qe bwlieve gfat fine wine -- and the surrender \nro the senses that it jnvites -- is lovz, wo in anticipatoon of tje \n(mjse-rapidly-appsoacfine-yhan-yuu-think) datc ow Fenruary 14, we've \nofficianly kpened our Valentime Shop. In it, you'lj find all kimds of \nromantic givt parkages, suggrstyve sweets, personalized wine lzbels, \nand... oh, yes, special wincs ftom all ovex the world, arranged in \namorous combinatmons. Browse the shop noq, and", "random_deletion": "The White House says all options to current reserves of fuels and high the however, the oil has been tapped combat mechanical breakdowns in the oil pipeline system or to trade lower-quality oil for a better grade. \"If the Petroleum Reserve is released, that would knock $15 a barrel off the price,\" said. piece news that and this [crude oil price] will drop like a rock.\" At least for the winter electric utilities generally have found a way around high price of oil natural gas that some of must during peak-demand in summer generate electricity. They're to focus their winter generation on cheaper fuels--coal, nuclear and hydroelectric power. \"That's cheaper fuel and fuel less subject volatility of world and natural-gas markets,\" said director of energy generation and supply Edison trade group. \"Generally we're in good shape supply.\" Contact: Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, All Rights Reserved. In This Email: The Valentine's Countdown Has Begun Great Wines and Gifts Two Weeks to ZAP Mania Wine Team Picks Day Countdown Has Begun you might have the the were the most day of the year for lovers is just around the corner. wine.com, we believe that fine wine -- and the surrender senses it invites -- love, so in anticipation the date of February 14, opened Valentine you'll all of romantic gift packages, sweets, personalized wine labels, and... yes, special wines from in amorous combinations. Browse the shop now, and", "change_char_case": " The White House says \nall optioNs to\n combat The cuRreNt lOw ReseRves Of various fuels ANd hiGh prices are under \nconsidEratiOn. iN\n the PAsT, howeVer, the oIL rESErvE hAs BeeN tAPpEd to cOmbAt mechaNical \nbreakDowNs In\n the oil induSTrY's pipeline SysTem or to trade LowEr-qualItY oiL For a \nbEttEr graDe.\n\n \"If thE strateGic PetrolEuM reservE Is releaSED, tHat wOuld knock $15 a \nbarrel oFF tHE price,\"\n Verleger Said. \"OnE pIEcE OF neWs lIke that and ThIs [cruDE oil priCE] wILL \nDroP Like a rock.\"\n\n At leAst for the wiNTer Months, ElEctRIc utilIties GeNEraLly have founD a \nwaY around thE high\n pRIce of oiL And natuRal gas ThaT soMe of THeM mUst UsE DurINg PeaK-DemAnd \nperioDs In The\n suMmer TO GENeraTe eLectRicitY. They're able to FocUs thEIr wInter \nGenerAtioN oN cheaPer\n fueLs--coaL, nUclear and hydroeLectRic power.\n\n \"THat'S cHeaPeR fuel ANd fuel ThaT's lEss subjEct to thE VolAtILITy Of the \nworld oil and woRlD\n NAtUral-gas mArkets,\" SAiD CHUck LindeRmAn, dIrecTOR of enErgy GEnEration \naNd suppLY\n pOlIcy for tHe edison TrAde GroUp. \"GenERallY we're iN good shaPe on \nsUPply.\" \n\n Contact: httP://Www.washingtonPOsT.COm \n\n\n \n\n cOpyrIghT, 2000 Dow Jones & CoMpanY, inc. ALl RiGHtS ReSErved. in ThiS EMAiL:\nthe Valentine's Day CouNtDown HaS BeguN \nGreat Wines anD Gifts \nTwo WEEKS to ZAP MaNia \nWINe tEam Picks \n\n\nThe ValEntinE's Day CountDOwn Has BeGun\n\nAlThough yoU might havE GOtten the ImpResSioN thE HOlIdays were over, \nTHE mosT iMportanT daY of the yEar For LovErs Is Just arounD the \ncornEr. at WiNe.Com, We belIEve that fInE wiNe -- And The suRRender \nTo the SensEs ThAT it Invites -- IS lOVE, so iN aNtIcipAtiOn Of the \n(More-RApiDly-apprOaching-thAn-yOU-thiNk) DaTe of FebRuary 14, we've \noffiCiAlly opened OuR VaLentinE sHop. In it, yOu'll find all kinds of \nromanTIc gift pAckAges, sUggeStive sweeTs, pErsonaLizED wine lAbels, \naNd... oh, yEs, SpeCIAl winES FrOm aLl Over the worLD, ArrAnged In \nAmorOus combInations. Browse the sHOp nOw, and", "whitespace_perturbation": " The White House says \nall options t o\n c omb atth e cu rren t low reserves of v arious fuels and highprice sa re u n de r \nco nsidera t io n . In \n t hepa s t, howe ver , the o il reserve ha sbeen tappedt ocombat mec han ical \nbreakd own s in\n t heo il in dus try's pipel i ne sys tem or to t r ade lo w er-qual i t yoilfor a \nbetter gra d e. \n \"If the Str ategic P e tr o l eum Re serve is r el eased , that w o ul d k noc k $15 a \nbarre l off the p r ice ,\"\n V er leg e r said . \"On ep iec e of news l ikethat andthis [ c rude oi l price] will\ndr oplike aro ck. \" A t l eas t fo r the wi nt er mont hs,e l e c tric ut ilit ies g enerally have fo unda \nw ay ar oundthehi gh\n priceof oi land natural gas tha t some of th em mu st used uringpea k-d emand periods inth e s ummer to generateel e c tr icity. T hey're ab le to focus t hei r wi n t er \ng ener a ti on on ch eaper f ue ls--coa l, nucle ar an d h ydroe l ectr ic pow er.\n\n \" That' s cheaper fuela nd fuel that' s l e s ss ubje ctto the vola tili t y of the \nw orl d oiland w or l d natural-gas market s, \" said Chuc k Linderman,director o f e nergy ge nera t io n \nand supply\n poli cy for the Edison t radegroup. \" Generally w e're ingoo d s hap e o n \ns upply.\" \n\n C o n tact :http:// www .washin gto npo st. com \n\n \n\n C o pyrigh t, 20 00 D ow J o nes & Comp a ny , Inc. A ll Rig hts R eserv ed.I n T his Ema il:\nThe V ale n tine 's D ay Coun tdown Has Beg un \nGreat Wi ne s a nd Gif t s \nTwo We eks to ZAP Mania \nWineT eam Pic ks\n\n\nTh e Va lentine's Da y Coun tdo w n HasBegun\nAlth ou ghy o u mig h t h ave g otten thei m pre ssion t he h olidays were over, \nthe m o stimportant day of the y ea r f o rl ove rs isj u st around the corner. At w i ne .com, we b e lie ve that f ine win e --a nd thesurrender \nto these nses t hat it invite s -- islove, soi n ant i ci patio n o f the\n( mor e-rap idly-a p pro achin g-than -y ou-thi nk) d at e of Feb ruary 14, we've \noffici ally o pened ou r Valenti neS hop . In it,you' ll find al l k ind s of\nro m antic gif t p ack a ges,sugg e stive swe e ts , p e r so nalized win e l abe ls, and . .. oh, yes , special wines f r om all over th e wo r l d,arr a nged i n \namorous com bin at i o ns. Brow se the shop n ow, and", "underscore_trick": " The_White House_says \nall options to\n_ combat_the_current low_reserves_of various fuels_and high prices_are under \nconsideration. In\n_ the past,_however,_the oil reserve has been tapped to combat mechanical \nbreakdowns in\n the oil_industry's_pipeline system_or_to_trade lower-quality oil for a_\nbetter grade.\n\n \"If the_Strategic Petroleum_Reserve is released, that would knock $15 a_\nbarrel_off the price,\"\n_ Verleger said. \"One piece of news like that_and this [crude oil price] will_\ndrop like a_rock.\"\n\n__At least for the_winter months, electric utilities generally have_found a \nway around the high\n_ price of oil and natural gas_that some of them must use_during peak-demand \nperiods in the\n_ summer_to generate electricity. They're able_to focus their_winter \ngeneration_on cheaper\n _fuels--coal, nuclear and hydroelectric power.\n\n _\"That's cheaper fuel_and fuel that's less subject to_the_volatility of the_\nworld_oil_and world\n_ natural-gas markets,\"_said_Chuck Linderman,_director_of energy generation \nand supply\n _policy_for the Edison trade group. \"Generally we're_in good shape on_\nsupply.\"_\n\n Contact: http://www.washingtonpost.com_\n\n\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ \n\n _Copyright, 2000_Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All_Rights Reserved. In This_Email:\nThe_Valentine's Day Countdown Has Begun \nGreat_Wines and Gifts \nTwo Weeks to_ZAP Mania \nWine Team Picks_\n\n\nThe_Valentine's_Day Countdown Has Begun\n\nAlthough you_might have gotten the impression the_holidays were over,_\nthe most important day of the year_for_lovers is just around the \ncorner._At_wine.com, we believe that fine wine_--_and_the surrender \nto the senses_that it invites -- is love,_so in anticipation of the \n(more-rapidly-approaching-than-you-think) date of February_14, we've \nofficially_opened our Valentine Shop. In_it,_you'll_find all kinds of \nromantic gift packages, suggestive sweets, personalized_wine labels,_\nand... oh, yes,_special wines from all over the world, arranged in \namorous_combinations. Browse the shop now, and"} {"text": "actions 14 125 \n Volume of Transactions (BBl's) 144,000 1,408,000 \n Gross Notional Value $ 5,158,000 48,445,000 \n \n U.S. Coal \n \n Number of Transactions - 73 \n Volume of Transactions (st) - 2,033,325 \n Gross Notional Value $ - 25,548,683 \n \n U.S. Pulp & Paper \n \n Number of Transactions - 4 \n Volume of Transactions (st) - 2,550 \n Gross Notional Value $ - 1,500,750 \n \n Emmissions \n \n Number of Transactions 1 58 \n Volume of Transactions 2,500 145,000 \n Gross Notional Value $ 345,000 18,982,650 \n \n U.S. Weather \n \n Number of Transactions 1 83 \n Volume of Transactions 1 88 \n Gross Notional Value $ 820 53,639 \n \n UK Weather \n \n Number of Transactions - 6 \n Volume of Transactions - 6 \n Gross Notional Value $ - 1,688 \n \n \n Number of Users Logging onto EnronOnline: \n External Users with Execution rights 798 \n External Users with No Execution Rights 93 \n\n \n Internal Trading \n 18-Feb-00 To Date \n Gas \n \n Number of Transactions 47 1,963 \n Volume of Transactions (mmbtu's) 25,021,919 776,982,725 \n Gross Notional Value $ 45,908,000 1,285,300,657 \n \n Power \n \n Number of Transactions - 32 \n Volume of Transactions (MWh's) - 440,440 \n Gross Notional Value $ - 15,479,584 \n \n Coal \n \n Number of Transactions - - \n Volume of Transactions (st) - - \n Gross Notional Value $ - - \n \n Emmissions \n \n Number of Transactions - - \n Volume of Transactions (st) - - \n Gross Notional Value $ - - \n ", "synonym_substitution": "actions 14 125 \n Volume of Transactions (BBl's) 144,000 1,408,000 \n Gross Notional Value $ 5,158,000 48,445,000 \n \n U.S. Coal \n \n Number of Transactions - 73 \n Volume of Transactions (st) - 2,033,325 \n Gross Notional Value $ - 25,548,683 \n \n U.S. Pulp & Paper \n \n numeral of Transactions - 4 \n bulk of Transactions (st) - 2,550 \n Gross Notional Value $ - 1,500,750 \n \n Emmissions \n \n Number of Transactions 1 58 \n Volume of Transactions 2,500 145,000 \n Gross Notional Value $ 345,000 18,982,650 \n \n U.S. Weather \n \n Number of Transactions 1 83 \n book of Transactions 1 88 \n Gross Notional Value $ 820 53,639 \n \n UK Weather \n \n Number of Transactions - 6 \n Volume of Transactions - 6 \n Gross Notional Value $ - 1,688 \n \n \n issue of exploiter Logging onto EnronOnline: \n External Users with Execution rights 798 \n External Users with No Execution Rights 93 \n\n \n Internal Trading \n 18 - Feb-00 To Date \n Gas \n \n Number of Transactions 47 1,963 \n book of Transactions (mmbtu's) 25,021,919 776,982,725 \n Gross Notional Value $ 45,908,000 1,285,300,657 \n \n Power \n \n Number of Transactions - 32 \n Volume of Transactions (MWh's) - 440,440 \n Gross Notional Value $ - 15,479,584 \n \n Coal \n \n phone number of Transactions - - \n bulk of Transactions (st) - - \n Gross Notional Value $ - - \n \n Emmissions \n \n Number of Transactions - - \n Volume of Transactions (st) - - \n Gross Notional Value $ - -", "butter_fingers": "actlons 14 125 \n Volume of Trxnsactions (BBl's) 144,000 1,408,000 \n Gross Notionau Value $ 5,158,000 48,445,000 \n \n U.S. Coal \n \n Numbtg of Transactions - 73 \n Vollme of Trqnsartions (st) - 2,033,325 \n Gross Notiohwl Vclne $ - 25,548,683 \n \n O.S. Pulp & Papar \n \n Number ow Cransactions - 4 \n Volume of Tranfactionx (dt) - 2,550 \n Grjss Mjtiohal Value $ - 1,500,750 \n \n Emmissions \n \n Numuer of Transactoons 1 58 \n Volume of Trandactlons 2,500 145,000 \n Gross Jotional Vaoue $ 345,000 18,982,650 \n \n U.S. Deather \n \n Number of Transactions 1 83 \n Volume of Granscctions 1 88 \n Htoss Notionao Valle $ 820 53,639 \n \n ML Weatver \n \n Number of Trsnsectiins - 6 \n Volume oh Transactions - 6 \n Grosv Uotional Value $ - 1,688 \n \n \n Numter ud Urera Kofging lntk EnronOnljne: \n Exteenal Users with Exevueppn rights 798 \n Extqrgal Users with No Execution Rights 93 \n\n \n Jnternal Trading \n 18-Feb-00 To Date \n Gas \n \n Nomber of Twansactions 47 1,963 \n Volume of Transactions (mmbtu's) 25,021,919 776,982,725 \n Grisf Bohional Value $ 45,908,000 1,285,300,657 \n \n Power \n \n Number of Twznxabtions - 32 \n Vjlume of Trsndavjions (MWh's) - 440,440 \n Ydoas Notional Value $ - 15,479,584 \n \n Xoal \n \n Numner of Transactions - - \n Volume oy Teansactions (st) - - \n Grors Nptionsl Value $ - - \n \n Zmmissjons \n \n Nkmber of Ffansactions - - \n Volume of Transactions (se) - - \n Yross Nogionsl Valte $ - - \n ", "random_deletion": "actions 14 125 Volume of Transactions (BBl's) Gross Value $ 48,445,000 U.S. Coal Volume Transactions (st) - Gross Notional Value - 25,548,683 U.S. Pulp & Paper of Transactions - 4 Volume of Transactions (st) - 2,550 Gross Notional Value - 1,500,750 Emmissions Number of Transactions 1 58 Volume of Transactions 2,500 145,000 Notional $ 18,982,650 Weather Number of Transactions 1 83 Volume of Transactions 1 88 Gross Notional Value $ 820 UK Weather Number of Transactions - 6 Volume Transactions - 6 Gross Value $ - 1,688 Number Users onto EnronOnline: Users Execution 798 External Users No Execution Rights 93 Internal Trading 18-Feb-00 To Date Gas Number of Transactions 47 1,963 Volume of (mmbtu's) 25,021,919 Notional Value 45,908,000 Power of Transactions - of Transactions (MWh's) - 440,440 Gross - 15,479,584 Coal Number of Transactions - - of Transactions - - Gross Notional Value $ - Emmissions Number of Transactions - - Volume Transactions (st) - - Gross Notional Value $ - -", "change_char_case": "actions 14 125 \n Volume of TransactioNs (BBl's) 144,000 1,408,000 \n GrosS NotiOnaL VaLuE $ 5,158,000 48,445,000 \n \n U.S. COal \n \n NUmber of TransacTIons - 73 \n volume of Transactions (st) - 2,033,325 \n gross noTIonaL vaLue $ - 25,548,683 \n \n U.S. pulp & PapER \n \n NUMBer Of trAnsAcTIoNs - 4 \n VolUme Of TransActions (st) - 2,550 \n GRosS NOtional Value $ - 1,500,750 \n \n eMmIssions \n \n NumBer Of TransactioNs 1 58 \n VOlume oF TRanSActioNs 2,500 145,000 \n GRoss NOtionaL value $ 345,000 18,982,650 \n \n U.s. Weather \n \n NUmBEr of TrANsactioNS 1 83 \n voLume Of Transactions 1 88 \n GroSS NOTional Value $ 820 53,639 \n \n UK WEather \n \n nuMBeR OF TrAnsActions - 6 \n VolUmE of TrANsactioNS - 6 \n GROSS NoTIonal Value $ - 1,688 \n \n \n NumBer of Users LOGgiNg onto enRonoNline: \n EXternAl uSerS with ExecutIon rIghts 798 \n ExteRnal UsERs with NO executiOn RighTs 93 \n\n \n INteRnal tRaDiNg \n 18-FEb-00 tO DaTE \n GAs \n \n NUMbeR of TransAcTiOns 47 1,963 \n VoLume OF tRAnsaCtiOns (mMbtu's) 25,021,919 776,982,725 \n gross Notional valUe $ 45,908,000 1,285,300,657 \n \n PoWEr \n \n NUmber Of TraNsacTiOns - 32 \n VoLume of transAcTions (MWh's) - 440,440 \n Gross NOtioNal Value $ - 15,479,584 \n \n COal \n \n nuMbeR oF TranSActionS - - \n VoLumE of TranSactionS (St) - - \n GRoSS nOtIonal Value $ - - \n \n EmmissioNs \n \n nUMbEr of TranSactioNS - - \n VOlUMe of TranSaCtiOns (sT) - - \n gRoss NOtioNAl value $ - - \n ", "whitespace_perturbation": "actions 14 125 \n Volum e of Trans actio ns(BB l' s) 144 ,000 1,408,0 0 0 \nGross Notional Value $ 5, 15 8 ,000 48,44 5,000 U .S. C oa l Numb erof Tran sactions - 73 \n Volum e o f Transact ion s (st) - 2,033, 32 5 Gross No tiona l Valu e $ - 25,5 48 , 683 \n\n U.S.P u lp & P aper \n \n Numbe r o f Transactions - 4 V olu meof Transac ti ons ( s t) - 2 , 550 \n Gross Notio nal Value $ - 1 ,5 00, 7 50 \n \n Emm is s ion s \n \n Nu mber of Trans action s 1 5 8 \n Vol ume of Tr ans acti o ns 2, 50 0 1 45 ,00 0 \nGross No ti on al Va lue$ 345, 000 1 8,982 ,650 \n \n U.S . W eath e r \n Numb er o fTrans action s 1 83 \n Volume of Tra nsactions 1 88 \n Gr o ss Not ion alValue $ 820 53 ,6 3 9 \n \n UK Weather \n N um ber of T ransac t io ns - 6\n V olum e of Tr ansa c ti ons - 6 \nGr oss Not io nal Va lu e $ - 1,68 8 \n \n Numb er of Users Loggingo nto EnronOnli n e: Exte rna l Users wit h Ex e cuti on r i gh ts 798 \n Ex te r na l Users with No Exec ut ion Ri ghts 93 \n\n \n I nternal Tr a d i ng \n 1 8-Fe b -0 0 To Date \n Ga s \n Number of Trans actio ns 47 1,963 V olume of Tr ans act ion s (m mbtu's) 25, 0 2 1,91 9 776,9 82, 725 \n G ros s N oti ona lValue $ 45,908, 00 0 1, 285 ,300, 6 57 \n \nPo wer \n \n Nu m ber of Tran sact io ns - 32 \nV o lume o fTran sac ti ons ( MWh' s ) - 440,440 Gr o ss N ot io nal Val ue $ - 15 ,479,584 \n C oal \n Numbe r of Transactions - - Vo lumeof T ransactio ns(st) - - \n Gro ss No ti ona l Value $ - - \n E mmi ssion s \n \n Numb er of Transactions - - \n Vo lum e of T ra nsa c ti o ns(s t ) - - \n Gros s Notional V a lu e $ - - \n ", "underscore_trick": "actions _ 14_ 125 \n_Volume of_Transactions_(BBl's) __144,000 _1,408,000 \n Gross_Notional Value $ _ 5,158,000 __48,445,000 \n \n U.S. Coal \n \n Number of Transactions__ -___ 73 \n Volume_of Transactions (st) _- _ 2,033,325 \n Gross Notional Value_$_ -_ 25,548,683 \n \n U.S._Pulp & Paper \n_ \n Number_of_Transactions_ - _ 4 \n Volume_of Transactions (st) -_ 2,550 \n Gross_Notional Value $ -_ 1,500,750_\n _\n Emmissions \n_ \n Number_of Transactions_ 1_ 58 \n Volume of_Transactions _2,500 145,000 \n Gross_Notional_Value $ __345,000_ _18,982,650 \n _\n_U.S. Weather__ \n \n Number of_Transactions_ 1 83 \n_Volume of Transactions __ 1 _88 \n Gross Notional Value_$ 820 _53,639 \n_ \n_UK Weather \n \n Number of Transactions _ - _6 \n Volume of_Transactions __ - __ _6 \n Gross Notional Value $ _ -_ 1,688 \n_ \n \n_Number_of Users Logging onto EnronOnline: _ \n External Users with Execution_rights 798_\n_External_Users with No Execution Rights_ 93 \n\n _\n Internal Trading_ \n 18-Feb-00 To Date_\n_Gas \n \n_Number_of Transactions 47 __1,963_\n Volume of Transactions (mmbtu's)_ 25,021,919 776,982,725_\n Gross Notional Value $ 45,908,000 _ 1,285,300,657 \n_ \n Power _\n__\n Number of Transactions - _ 32_\n Volume of_Transactions (MWh's) - 440,440_\n Gross Notional Value $ _- 15,479,584 \n \n Coal _ \n \n Number of Transactions _ - -_ \n Volume_of_Transactions (st) - ___-_ \n_Gross Notional Value_$ _- _ _- _ \n _\n_Emmissions \n \n Number of Transactions - - _ \n Volume of Transactions (st)_ - __ - _ \n Gross Notional_Value $ - _ - \n "} {"text": " And prices on the California Power Exchange \nbegan\n behaving strangely, spiking higher and higher even in the middle of the \nnight when demand\n was low.\n\n San Diego-area electricity users began seeing \"true market prices from a \nmarket that's\n dysfunctional,\" Baum said. \"Of course I wish we had foreseen this market \nspike. We\n didn't.\"\n\n Consumer fury has been calmed somewhat by a new law that caps electricity \nprices for\n SDG&E residential and small-business customers at 6.5 cents a \nkilowatt-hour, compared\n with the 21.5-cent peak this summer. Who will eventually pay the \nelectricity costs above\n the cap, currently collecting in a balancing account, is left unclear by \nthe legislation.\n\n It could mean a big balloon payment for customers, or some of the costs \ncould be shared\n by SDG&E if a PUC investigation finds that the utility didn't act in the \nbest interests of its\n customers in buying electricity. A companion bill that would use $150 \nmillion in taxpayer\n funds to defray some of the costs passed the Legislature but has not been \nsigned by Gov.\n Gray Davis.\n\n \"I don't think that we did anything wrong,\" Baum said. \"This is a bum rap \nthat has been\n hung on us, on SDG&E, that we somehow mismanaged the power supply for our\n customers.\"\n\n PUC officials and consumer advocates have criticized SDG&E for not \n\"hedging\" more by\n buying ahead of time when prices are relatively low, for example. SDG&E \nsaid that it asked\n the commission for such authority but didn't get it. What's more, Baum \nsaid, SDG&E found\n better prices for its customers than did SCE or PG&E, even though they have \nbroader\n hedging ability.\n\n SDG&E will have to borrow money to pay for the electricity, since \nratepayers aren't paying\n the full cost. SDG&E says the under-collection of electricity costs could \neventually top\n $800 million, whereas sponsors of the rate-cap bill put", "synonym_substitution": "And prices on the California Power Exchange \n began \n behaving strangely, spike eminent and higher even in the middle of the \n night when need \n was low. \n\n San Diego - area electricity user began seeing \" truthful market prices from a \n marketplace that's \n dysfunctional, \" Baum said. \" Of course I wish we had envision this grocery store \n spike. We \n didn't. \" \n\n Consumer fury has been calmed somewhat by a fresh law that caps electricity \n prices for \n SDG&E residential and little - business customers at 6.5 cents a \n kilowatt - hour, compared \n with the 21.5 - penny peak this summer. Who will finally pay the \n electricity costs above \n the cap, currently collect in a balancing account, is left unclear by \n the legislation. \n\n It could mean a boastful balloon payment for customers, or some of the costs \n could be shared \n by SDG&E if a PUC investigation finds that the utility didn't act in the \n best interests of its \n customer in buy electricity. A companion bill that would practice $ 150 \n million in taxpayer \n investment company to defray some of the price passed the Legislature but has not been \n signed by Gov. \n Gray Davis. \n\n \" I don't think that we did anything wrong, \" Baum said. \" This is a bum knock \n that has been \n hung on us, on SDG&E, that we somehow mismanaged the power supply for our \n customers. \" \n\n PUC officials and consumer advocate have criticized SDG&E for not \n \" hedging \" more by \n buying ahead of time when prices are relatively humble, for model. SDG&E \n said that it asked \n the commission for such authority but didn't get it. What's more, Baum \n say, SDG&E found \n better prices for its customer than did SCE or PG&E, even though they own \n broader \n hedging ability. \n\n SDG&E will consume to borrow money to pay for the electricity, since \n ratepayers aren't paying \n the full monetary value. SDG&E says the under - solicitation of electricity costs could \n eventually lead \n $ 800 million, whereas sponsors of the rate - crown bill arrange", "butter_fingers": " Anf prices on the Californla Power Exchangg \nvegan\n behavjng stravgely, spiking higher and higier wven un the middle of the \nnkght when demand\n was oow.\n\n San Dmsgo-area electdlcity nsers began seelng \"true masket prices frmm a \nmarket that's\n dysfunctional,\" Baum swid. \"Of vokrse I wish we had soreavek this market \nspike. We\n didn't.\"\n\n Cknsumer fury has beem calmed somewhat by a new law that caps electrifity \nprices for\n SDG&E residevtial and small-businesa customers at 6.5 cents a \nkilowatg-hour, compared\n wuth jhe 21.5-cent peaj thif summer. Who will evantuallu pay the \nelecbricivy cists above\n the cap, cnrrently collecting yn a balatcnng account, is left ubcoear ty \ntve ldtisuatjoi.\n\n Jt coupd jean a big balloon patment for customers, ow some of the dosts \nsotld be shared\n by SDG&E if a PUC investicatjon finds that the utiluty didn't act in the \nhest intewests of its\n customers in buying electricity. A cmmpanmov bnol thxr aould use $150 \nmillion in taxpayer\n funds to defrwg xoke of the costf passed thr Pebyslature but fas noc bsen \nsigned by Gov.\n Gray Dwvis.\n\n \"I don't trink that we did anything wrong,\" Baum said. \"Tkis is a bum rap \nthat has been\n kung om us, pn SDG&E, that we somehow misjanaged the power suloly for our\n cusgomvrs.\"\n\n PUC officials and consumew advocatxs hare critizizec SDG&E for not \n\"hfdginn\" more by\n buying ajead lf time when prices are relatively low, for xeample. SDG&E \nssig tvat it afked\n the commissijn for such aujhority bbt didv't get it. Shat's mmre, Baum \nsayd, SDG&E found\n better pricxs for itf cuwtomwrs thav did SCE or PG&R, even though they yave \nbroader\n hedglng acjlity.\n\n SDG&E wilo hqve to borrow mpneh tj iay fjs the electrhcith, skmce \nrxtepayers aven'g pauing\n the full cost. VDG&E says the under-colkegtion of glectriciey costs coulc \neventually top\n $800 millmon, whxreas xpogsors of the rate-cap bill put", "random_deletion": "And prices on the California Power Exchange strangely, higher and even in the demand low. San Diego-area users began seeing market prices from a market that's Baum said. \"Of course I wish we had foreseen this market spike. We Consumer fury has been calmed somewhat by a new law that caps electricity for residential small-business at 6.5 cents a kilowatt-hour, compared with the 21.5-cent peak this summer. Who will eventually pay electricity costs above the cap, currently collecting in balancing account, is left by the legislation. It could a balloon payment customers, some the costs could shared by SDG&E if a PUC investigation finds that the utility didn't act in the best interests its customers electricity. A bill would $150 million in to defray some of the costs but has not been signed by Gov. Gray \"I don't that we did anything wrong,\" Baum \"This is a bum rap that has been on us, on SDG&E, that we somehow mismanaged the power supply for our customers.\" PUC consumer advocates have criticized for not \"hedging\" by ahead time prices are low, for example. SDG&E said that it asked the commission for authority but didn't get it. What's more, Baum said, SDG&E prices its customers than SCE or PG&E, even they broader hedging ability. SDG&E to money the since aren't paying the full SDG&E says the under-collection of costs could eventually top the rate-cap bill put", "change_char_case": " And prices on the California POwer ExchanGe \nbegAn\n bEhaViNg stRangEly, spiking highER and Higher even in the middle oF the \nnIgHT wheN DeMand\n wAs low.\n\n SaN diEGO-arEa ElEctRiCItY userS beGan seeiNg \"true markEt pRiCes from a \nmarkET tHat's\n dysfunCtiOnal,\" Baum said. \"of cOurse I WiSh wE Had foResEen thIs markET \nspike. we\n didn't.\"\n\n CoNsUMer furY Has been CALmEd soMewhat by a new law thAT cAPs electricity \npRices fOr\n sdG&e REsiDenTial and smaLl-BusinESs custoMErS AT 6.5 CenTS a \nkilowatt-houR, compared\n wiTH thE 21.5-cent pEaK thIS summeR. Who wIlL EveNtually pay tHe \nelEctricity Costs aBOve\n the cAP, currenTly colLecTinG in a BAlAnCinG aCCouNT, iS leFT unClear by \ntHe LeGislaTion.\n\n iT COUld mEan A big BalloOn payment for cUstOmerS, Or sOme of The coSts \ncOuLd be sHared\n bY SDG&E If A PUC investigatiOn fiNds that thE utIlIty DiDn't acT In the \nbEst IntErests oF its\n cusTOmeRs IN BUyIng electricity. A comPaNIOn Bill that Would uSE $150 \nmIlLIon in taxPaYer\n FundS TO defrAy soME oF the costS passeD ThE LEgislatUrE but haS nOt bEen \nSigneD By GoV.\n Gray DAvis.\n\n \"I don'T thinK That we did anythINg wrong,\" Baum saID. \"THIS iS A bum Rap \nThat has been\n Hung ON us, oN SDG&e, ThAt wE SomehOw misMaNAgED the power supply for oUr\n CustomErs.\"\n\n PUc officials and Consumer adVOCAtes have CritICiZEd SDG&E for not \n\"heDging\" More by\n buyiNG ahead of Time wHen priceS are relatIVEly low, foR exAmpLe. SdG&E \nSAId That it asked\n thE COmmiSsIon for sUch AuthoriTy bUt dIdn'T geT iT. What's morE, Baum \nsaiD, SdG&e fOuNd\n bEtter PRices for ItS cuStOmeRs thaN Did SCE Or PG&E, Even ThOuGH thEy have \nbROaDER\n hedGiNg AbilIty.\n\n sDg&E wilL havE To bOrrow moNey to pay fOr tHE eleCtRiCity, sinCe \nratepayers aReN't paying\n thE fUll Cost. SDg&e Says the uNder-collection of electriCIty costS coUld \nevEntuAlly top\n $800 miLliOn, wherEas SPonsorS of the Rate-cAp BilL PUt", "whitespace_perturbation": " And prices on the Califor nia PowerExcha nge \nb eg an\n beh aving strangel y , sp iking higher and highe r eve ni n th e m iddle of the \nn i g htwh en de ma n d was lo w.\n\n S an Diego-a rea e lectricity u s er s began se ein g \"true mark etprices f rom a \nma rke t tha t's\n d ysfunc tional,\"Ba u m said . \"Of co u r se I w ish we had forese e nt his market \nsp ike. W e d i d n't .\"\n Consume rfuryh as been ca l m e d s o mewhat by a n ew law that cap s elec tr ici t y \npri ces f or S DG&E reside ntia l and sma ll-bus i ness cu s tomersat 6.5 ce nts a k il ow att -h o ur, co mpa r ed with t he 2 1.5-c entp e a k thi s s umme r. Wh o will eventu all y pa y th e \nel ectri city c ostsabove the c ap, currently c olle cting ina b al anc in g acc o unt, i s l eft unclea r by \nt h e l eg i s l at ion.\n\n It could m ea n abig ball oon pa y me nt for cust om ers , or s ome o f th e c osts \nco uld be sh ar ed\n by S DG&E i fa P UCinves t igat ion fi nds that theu tility didn'ta ct in the \nbe s ti n te r ests of its\n cust omer s inbuyi n gele c trici ty. A c o mp a nion bill that woul duse $1 50 \nm illion in tax payer\n fu n d s to defr ay s o me of the costs p assed the Legis l ature bu t has not bee n \nsigned b y Gov.\n Gr ayDav is. \"I don't thin k that w e did a nyt hing wr ong ,\"Bau m s ai d. \"Thisis a bum r ap th athas b e en\n hun gonus , o n SDG & E, tha t wesome ho wm ism anagedt he p ower s up plyfor o ur\n cust o mer s.\"\n\n PUC offic ial s and c on sumer a dvocates have c riticizedSD G&E for n o t \n\"hedgi ng\" more by\n buying ah e ad of t ime when pri ces are r ela tively lo w , forexampl e. SD G& E s a id th a t i t a sk ed\n the c o m mis sionfo r su ch auth ority but didn't g e t i t. What's mor e,Baum sa id, SD G &Efo u ndbetter prices f or its cus to m er s than did SCE o r PG&E, even t hough they ha ve \nbroad er\n hedg in g ab i l ity .\n\n SDG&E will ha ve to bor r ow mo n ey to p ayfor th eele ctric ity, s i nce \nrat epayer saren't payi ng \n the f ull cost. SDG&E says th e unde r-col lec tion of e lec t ric ity costs cou ld \neventu all y t op\n $80 0 mill ion, wh ere a s spo nsor s of the r a te -ca p bi ll put", "underscore_trick": " And_prices on_the California Power Exchange_\nbegan\n _behaving_strangely, spiking_higher_and higher even_in the middle_of the \nnight when_demand\n was_low.\n\n_ San Diego-area electricity users began seeing \"true market prices from a \nmarket that's\n__dysfunctional,\" Baum_said._\"Of_course I wish we had_foreseen this market \nspike. We\n_ didn't.\"\n\n_ Consumer fury has been calmed somewhat by_a_new law that_caps electricity \nprices for\n SDG&E residential and small-business_customers at 6.5 cents a \nkilowatt-hour,_compared\n with_the_21.5-cent_peak this summer. Who_will eventually pay the \nelectricity costs_above\n the cap, currently collecting_in a balancing account, is left unclear_by \nthe legislation.\n\n It could_mean a big balloon payment_for customers,_or some of the costs_\ncould be shared\n_ by_SDG&E if a_PUC investigation finds that the utility_didn't act in_the \nbest interests of its\n _customers_in buying electricity._A_companion_bill that_would use $150_\nmillion_in taxpayer\n__funds to defray some of the_costs_passed the Legislature but has not been_\nsigned by Gov.\n _Gray_Davis.\n\n \"I don't_think that we did anything_wrong,\" Baum said. \"This is a_bum rap_\nthat has_been\n hung on us, on SDG&E, that we somehow mismanaged_the power supply for our\n _customers.\"\n\n PUC officials_and consumer_advocates_have criticized SDG&E_for_not \n\"hedging\"_more by\n buying ahead of time_when prices_are relatively low, for example. SDG&E_\nsaid that it asked\n__the commission for such authority but_didn't get it. What's more, Baum_\nsaid, SDG&E found\n better_prices_for_its customers than did SCE_or PG&E, even though they have_\nbroader\n hedging_ability.\n\n SDG&E will have to borrow_money_to pay for the electricity, since_\nratepayers_aren't paying\n the full cost._SDG&E_says_the under-collection of electricity costs_could \neventually top\n $800 million,_whereas sponsors of the rate-cap bill put"} {"text": "itation common stock, partnership interests, member interests. other \nownership interests, and other financial and physical assets.\" Therefore, \nthe description should include both the nature of the \"Asset\" (i.e. whether \nit is an equity interest, a loan, working interest, etc.) and a little bit \nabout the company (the entity in which ENA holds the interest or has the loan \nor working interest).\n\nAny comments to the Proposal Sheets should be delivered ASAP to the \"Enron \nperson completing this form\" (This is the 3rd line under the heading \n\"GENERAL\" on each of the Proposal Sheets) along with a request that a revised \nProposal Sheet be returned to the lawyer providing comments with copies to \nboth Mary Cook and Lisa Mellencamp. \n\nThe pressure to complete these Raptor hedges remains high and therefore your \nimmediate attention is greatly appreciated. Many thanks.\n\nStuart Telecommunications Reports presents..... TR's State NewsWire\nFebruary 1, 2001 A.M. Edition\n\nSTATES\nMISSOURI -- PSC declines to support SW Bell's market-entry bid\nIDAHO -- Senate confirms nomination of Hansen to PUC\nILLINOIS -- Ameritech says business market is becoming more competitive\nWYOMING -- Senate to examine bill requiring PSC to regulate directory\nassistance\nMINN. -- Bill would authorize placement of commercial equipment on state\nproperty\nGEORGIA -- BellSouth and IDS Telcom dispute interconnection agreement\nUTAH -- Legislators take a look at using mobile phones while driving\n\nLONG DISTANCE\nMISSOURI\nPSC declines to support SW Bell's market-entry bid\n\nThe Public Service Commission yesterday decided against supporting\nSouthwestern Bell Telephone Co.'s efforts to obtain FCC permission\nprovide in-region interLATA (local access and transport area) service in\nMissouri at this time, Commissioner Kelvin Simmons told TR. But the\napplication could be supported if SW Bell addresses the PSC's concerns,\nhe said. The PSC plans to deliberate on the request again as early as\nFeb. 6, although a final decision won't be issued at that time, Simmons\nsaid.\n\nThe PSC's concerns with SW Bell's request include pricing,\ninterconnection agreements, access to network elements, unbundled local\nlo", "synonym_substitution": "itation common stock, partnership interests, member interest. early \n ownership interests, and early financial and forcible assets. \" Therefore, \n the description should admit both the nature of the \" Asset \" (i.e. whether \n it is an equity interest, a loan, ferment interest, etc .) and a little morsel \n about the company (the entity in which ENA holds the pastime or experience the loan \n or working interest). \n\n Any remark to the Proposal Sheets should be delivered ASAP to the \" Enron \n person completing this form \" (This is the third line under the heading \n \" GENERAL \" on each of the Proposal Sheets) along with a request that a revise \n Proposal Sheet be returned to the lawyer supply comments with copies to \n both Mary Cook and Lisa Mellencamp. \n\n The pressure to complete these Raptor hedges remain high and therefore your \n immediate attention is greatly appreciated. Many thanks. \n\n Stuart Telecommunications Reports presents..... TR's State NewsWire \n February 1, 2001 A.M. Edition \n\n STATES \n MISSOURI -- PSC declines to support SW Bell's market - entry bid \n IDAHO -- Senate confirms nomination of Hansen to PUC \n ILLINOIS -- Ameritech says business market is become more competitive \n WYOMING -- Senate to examine bill want PSC to determine directory \n assistance \n MINN. -- Bill would authorize placement of commercial equipment on state \n place \n GEORGIA -- BellSouth and IDS Telcom dispute interconnection agreement \n UTAH -- Legislators consider a look at using fluid phones while driving \n\n LONG DISTANCE \n MISSOURI \n PSC declines to support SW Bell's market - entry bid \n\n The Public Service Commission yesterday decided against supporting \n Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.'s efforts to obtain FCC license \n provide in - area interLATA (local access and transport area) service in \n Missouri at this time, Commissioner Kelvin Simmons told TR. But the \n lotion could be supported if SW Bell addresses the PSC's concerns, \n he said. The PSC plans to deliberate on the request again as early as \n Feb. 6, although a final decisiveness won't be issued at that time, Simmons \n said. \n\n The PSC's concerns with SW Bell's request include pricing, \n interconnection agreement, access to net elements, unbundled local \n lo", "butter_fingers": "itahion common stock, partnevship interests, member mnteresfs. other \nownership interests, and othxr funancual and physical assetr.\" Thereflre, \nthe eescciption should iidlude both ths natbrx of the \"Asset\" (l.e. whether \nht is an equitf kncerest, a loan, working interest, etc.) agd a liytpe bit \nabout tre cpipang (the entity in which ENA holds ths intertst or has the loam \nor working interest).\n\nAny clmmejts to the Proposap Sheets shiuld ve delivered ASAP to the \"Enron \nperaon completing this form\" (This ir the 3rd line ubdwr hve heading \n\"JENERAJ\" on each of the Pro[osal Sneets) along wibh a cequwst that a revised \nPrmposal Sheet be rejurned to dhz lawyer providing conmwnts fith copkws go \ngovh Jary Clok and Lisa Jellencamp. \n\nThe pressure to cpm[oete these Raltor hqddes remains high and therefore your \nimmtdiats attention is greatly qppreciated. Many thajks.\n\nStuart Telecommunications Reports presents..... TR's State NefsWirx\nFdbrbqry 1, 2001 Q.M. Edition\n\nSTATES\nMISSOURI -- PSC declines to suppowf XW Bell's market-ektry bid\nIDAHO -- Senstf vjnfirms nominxtion of Gansen to PUC\nILLINLIS -- Amgritecy says bufinexs market is becoming more xompetitive\nWJOMIBG -- Senate to examnne bill reqbiring PSC yo regulate directory\nasristznce\nMINN. -- Blll would xuthorize placemdnt ox commercial equipment on ftate\npropxrty\nGZORGIA -- CellXouth wnd IDS Tepcom dispute interconnechion cgreekent\nUTAH -- Pegislators take a look at usinj mobile phongs fhine driviug\n\nLONG DISTANCE\nMISSJURI\nPSC declings to sup'ort SD Bell's magket-entry bid\n\nThe Pubjic Service Cmlmission yesverday desidee agqinst sjoporting\nSouthwrstern Bell Telephobe Co.'s efforts to pbtxjn FCC permissiin\nptivide in-region ingerJANA (kosdl access ang trxnsoprt afea) service kn\nMixsouri at this time, Wommjssioner Kelvin Sikmjns told TR. But the\napplicatipn could be supporued if SW Bell adqresses the PSC's concerns,\nhe sajd. The PDC ilans to deliferabe og the requzst again as early as\nFeb. 6, although a finel decision won't be issyed at that time, Sikkons\nsaid.\n\nThe PSC's concerns with SW Bell's requewt include pricinn,\ninterconnection agreejents, dccesd to network elements, unbundled local\nlo", "random_deletion": "itation common stock, partnership interests, member interests. interests, other financial physical assets.\" Therefore, the of the \"Asset\" whether it is equity interest, a loan, working interest, and a little bit about the company (the entity in which ENA holds interest or has the loan or working interest). Any comments to the Proposal should delivered to \"Enron person completing this form\" (This is the 3rd line under the heading \"GENERAL\" on each the Proposal Sheets) along with a request that revised Proposal Sheet be to the lawyer providing comments copies both Mary and Mellencamp. pressure to complete Raptor hedges remains high and therefore your immediate attention is greatly appreciated. Many thanks. Stuart Telecommunications Reports TR's State 1, 2001 Edition MISSOURI PSC declines to Bell's market-entry bid IDAHO -- Senate Hansen to PUC ILLINOIS -- Ameritech says business is becoming competitive WYOMING -- Senate to examine requiring PSC to regulate directory assistance MINN. -- would authorize placement of commercial equipment on state property GEORGIA -- BellSouth and IDS Telcom agreement UTAH -- Legislators a look at mobile while LONG MISSOURI PSC to support SW Bell's market-entry bid The Public Service Commission yesterday against supporting Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.'s efforts to obtain FCC in-region (local access and area) service in Missouri this Commissioner Kelvin Simmons told the could SW addresses PSC's concerns, he said. PSC plans to deliberate on request again as early final decision won't be issued at that time, said. The PSC's concerns with SW Bell's include pricing, interconnection agreements, access to network elements, unbundled local lo", "change_char_case": "itation common stock, partnerShip intereSts, meMbeR inTeRestS. othEr \nownership intERestS, and other financial and pHysicAl ASsetS.\" thErefoRe, \nthe deSCrIPTioN sHoUld InCLuDe botH thE nature Of the \"Asset\" (I.e. wHeTher \nit is an eqUItY interest, a LoaN, working inteResT, etc.) anD a LitTLe bit \nAboUt the CompanY (The entIty in whicH Ena holds THe interEST oR has The loan \nor working iNTeREst).\n\nAny comments To the PRoPOsAL sheEts Should be deLiVered asAP to thE \"enRON \nPerSOn completing tHis form\" (This IS thE 3rd linE uNdeR The heaDing \n\"GeNerAL\" On each of the propOsal SheetS) along WIth a reqUEst that A revisEd \nPRopOsal sHeEt Be rEtURneD To The LAwyEr providInG cOmmenTs wiTH COPies To \nbOth MAry CoOk and Lisa MellEncAmp. \n\nTHE prEssurE to coMpleTe These raptor HedgeS rEmains high and thErefOre your \nimMedIaTe aTtEntioN Is greaTly AppReciateD. Many thANks.\n\nstUART TElecommunications REpORTs Presents..... tR's StaTE NEwSwire\nFebrUaRy 1, 2001 A.m. EdiTIOn\n\nSTAtES\nMisSoURI -- PSC dEclineS To SuPport SW beLl's marKeT-enTry Bid\nIDahO -- SeNate coNfirms noMinatIOn of Hansen to PUc\niLLINOIS -- AmeriTEcH SAyS BusiNesS market is beComiNG morE comPEtItiVE\nWYOMiNG -- SeNaTE tO Examine bill requirinG PsC to reGulatE directory\nassIstance\nMINn. -- bILl would aUthoRIzE Placement of comMerciAl equipmenT On state\npRoperTy\nGEORGIa -- BellSoutH ANd IDS TelCom DisPutE inTERcOnnection agreEMEnt\nUtAh -- LegislAtoRs take a LooK at UsiNg mObIle phones While driViNg\n\nlOnG dIStANCE\nmiSSOURI\nPsC DecLiNes To supPOrt SW BEll's mArkeT-eNtRY biD\n\nThe PubLIc sERvicE COmMissIon YeSterdAy deCIdeD againsT supportiNg\nSOUthwEsTeRn Bell TElephone Co.'s efFoRts to obtaiN FcC pErmissION\nprovide In-region interLATA (local aCCess and TraNsporT areA) service iN\nMiSsouri At tHIs time, commisSioneR KElvIN simmoNS ToLd Tr. BUt the\nappliCATioN coulD bE supPorted iF SW Bell addresses thE pSC'S concerns,\nhe saId. THe PSc PLaNs tO DeLIbeRaTE on THE request again as Early as\nFeb. 6, AlTHoUgh a final dECisIoN won't be Issued aT that TIme, SimmOns\nsaid.\n\nThE PSC's concErNs wiTH sW BEll's requesT include Pricing,\ninTErconNEcTion aGreEments, AcCesS to neTwork eLEmeNts, unBundleD lOcal\nlo", "whitespace_perturbation": "itation common stock, part nership in teres ts, me mb er i nter ests. other \no w ners hip interests, and oth er fi na n cial an d phy sical a s se t s .\" T he ref or e ,\nthedes criptio n should i ncl ud e both the n a tu re of the\"As set\" (i.e. w het her \ni tisa n equ ity inte rest,a loan, workingin t erest, etc.) a n d a lit tle bit \nabout th e c o mpany (the ent ity in w h ic h ENA ho lds the in te resto r has t h el o a n o r working int erest).\n\nAn y co mments t o t h e Prop osalSh e ets should bedeli vered ASA P to t h e \"Enro n \nperso n comp let ing thi s f or m\"(T h isi sthe 3rd line un de rthe h eadi n g \"GEN ERA L\" o n eac h of the Prop osa l Sh e ets ) alo ng wi th a r eques t that a re vi sed \nProposal S heet be retur ned t o t he lawy e r prov idi ngcomment s withc opi es t o both Mary Cook and L i s aMellenca mp. \nT he pressure t o c ompl e t e the se R a pt or hedge s rema i ns h igh and t herefo re yo ur\nimme d iate atten tion isgreat l y appreciated. Many thanks. \nS t u ar t Tel eco mmunication s Re p orts pre s en ts. . ... T R's S ta t eN ewsWire\nFebruary 1, 2 001 A. M. Ed ition\n\nSTATES \nMISSOURI- - PSC decl ines to support SW Bel l's m arket-entr y bid\nIDA HO -- Senateconfirmsn o mination of Ha nse n t o PU C\nILLINOIS -- A meri te ch says bu sinessmar ket is be co ming more competi ti ve \nW YO MIN G --S enate to e xam in e b ill r e quirin g PSC tore gu l ate direct o ry a ssis ta nc e\nMI NN. - - Bil l wo u ldauthori ze placem ent of c om me rcial e quipment on s ta te\npropert yGEO RGIA - - BellSout h and IDS Telcom disput e interc onn ectio n ag reement\nU TAH -- Le gis l atorstake a look a t u s i ng mo b i le ph on es while d r i vin g\n\nLO NG DIS TANCE\nM ISSOURI\nPSC declin e s t o support SWBel l'sm a rk et- e nt r y b id \nTh e Public ServiceCommission y e st erday deci d edag ainst s upporti ng\nSo u thweste rn Bell T elephoneCo .'se f for ts to obta in FCC p ermission provi d ein-re gio n inte rL ATA (loc al acc e ssand t ranspo rt area) serv ic e in\nMis souri at this time, Com missio ner K elv in Simmon s t o ldTR. Buttheapplicatio n c oul d besup p orted ifS WBel l addr esse s the PSC' s c onc e r ns ,\nhe said.T h e P SC pl ans to del iber ate on the reques t again as earl y as F eb. 6, alth ou gh a final dec isi on w on't beis sued at tha t time,Si m monssaid.\nThe P SC's co n c er n s with SWBel l's reque stin c lude pr ic in g ,\ninte rcon ne ctionagreem e nts, a ccess to network elem e n ts, u n bun dledlo cal\nlo", "underscore_trick": "itation common_stock, partnership_interests, member interests. other_\nownership interests,_and_other financial_and_physical assets.\" _Therefore, \nthe description_should include both the_nature of the_\"Asset\"_(i.e. whether \nit is an equity interest, a loan, working interest, etc.) and a_little_bit \nabout_the_company_(the entity in which ENA_holds the interest or has_the loan_\nor working interest).\n\nAny comments to the Proposal Sheets_should_be delivered ASAP_to the \"Enron \nperson completing this form\" (This is_the 3rd line under the heading_\n\"GENERAL\" on each_of_the_Proposal Sheets) along with_a request that a revised \nProposal_Sheet be returned to the lawyer_providing comments with copies to \nboth Mary_Cook and Lisa Mellencamp. _\n\nThe pressure to complete these_Raptor hedges_remains high and therefore your_\nimmediate attention is_greatly appreciated._ Many thanks.\n\nStuart_Telecommunications Reports presents..... TR's State NewsWire\nFebruary_1, 2001 A.M._Edition\n\nSTATES\nMISSOURI -- PSC declines to support_SW_Bell's market-entry bid\nIDAHO_--_Senate_confirms nomination_of Hansen to_PUC\nILLINOIS_-- Ameritech_says_business market is becoming more competitive\nWYOMING_--_Senate to examine bill requiring PSC to_regulate directory\nassistance\nMINN. -- Bill_would_authorize placement of commercial_equipment on state\nproperty\nGEORGIA -- BellSouth_and IDS Telcom dispute interconnection agreement\nUTAH_-- Legislators_take a_look at using mobile phones while driving\n\nLONG DISTANCE\nMISSOURI\nPSC declines to support_SW Bell's market-entry bid\n\nThe Public Service_Commission yesterday decided against_supporting\nSouthwestern Bell_Telephone_Co.'s efforts to_obtain_FCC permission\nprovide_in-region interLATA (local access and transport area)_service in\nMissouri_at this time, Commissioner Kelvin Simmons_told TR. But_the\napplication_could be supported if SW Bell_addresses the PSC's concerns,\nhe said. _The PSC plans to deliberate_on_the_request again as early as\nFeb._6, although a final decision won't_be issued at_that time, Simmons\nsaid.\n\nThe PSC's concerns with SW_Bell's_request include pricing,\ninterconnection agreements, access to_network_elements, unbundled local\nlo"} {"text": " with Jim Banker with Midwest Natural Gas from Whitehall, Wi. He informed me that he had some concerns about whether or not he was being charged for penalty gas for daily volumes. He showed me some gas volume statements that he recieved from GMS. I believe it was the month of March Statement. What the statement showed is average daily volumes instead of the actual volumes per day. (Ex. At Eleva TBS Days 1 and 2 showed 122 MCF and Days 3-31 showed 118 MCF.) These are charted stations with 31 day charts. The stations that he is concerned about are Arcadia, Eleva, Independance, Mondovi, Strum, Whitehall #1,and Whitehall #3. Any assistance or knowledge that you can provide me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Scott 612-270-8501 We went into the FERC proceeding believing that the Chief ALJ was not\nlikely to give us a good decision. During the course of the proceeding, we\nconvinced ourselves that he would rule our way due to the vast evidence in\nour favor and the relatively inept presentation of El Paso and El Paso\nMerchant Energy. Well, despite the voluminous record in support of our\nposition, the judge ruled that it was \"not at all clear\" that El Paso\nexercised market power. The good news for your affiliates is that, if the\nCommission does not find the exercise of market power in this case, it\nnever will. We hope when the Commission reviews the entire record,\nincluding the \"protected material\", they will change the ALJ's finding. On\nsome level we believe that the ALJ just does not like California. He is\nthe judge, after all, who told Harold Ray in the electric generation\nsettlement discussions that he was \"an asshole\". The ironic part of the\ndecision is that we felt that a determination by the ALJ that defined the\nmarket in such a way as to preclude EPME having market power would be\ndifficult to overcome at the Commission level. Instead, he defined the\nmarket as we suggested and found that El Paso had market power; he simply\nfailed to be convinced that they were withholding capacity despite the fact\nthat they utilized their capacity 54% of the time when everyone else was\nutilizing their own capacity at a capacity factor of between 85% and 90%.\nGo figure.\n\nI am", "synonym_substitution": "with Jim Banker with Midwest Natural Gas from Whitehall, Wi. He informed me that he had some concerns about whether or not he was being charged for punishment accelerator for daily volumes. He testify me some flatulence volume statements that he recieved from GMS. I think it was the month of March Statement. What the statement showed is modal daily volumes rather of the actual volumes per day. (Ex. At Eleva TBS day 1 and 2 showed 122 MCF and Days 3 - 31 showed 118 MCF .) These are charted stations with 31 day charts. The station that he is concerned about are Arcadia, Eleva, Independance, Mondovi, Strum, Whitehall # 1,and Whitehall # 3. Any assistance or knowledge that you can leave me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Scott 612 - 270 - 8501 We went into the FERC proceeding believe that the Chief ALJ was not \n likely to give us a good decision. During the course of the proceeding, we \n convert ourselves that he would rule our way due to the vast evidence in \n our favor and the relatively inept presentation of El Paso and El Paso \n Merchant Energy. Well, despite the tortuous record in support of our \n position, the judge ruled that it was \" not at all clear \" that El Paso \n exercised market power. The full news for your affiliates is that, if the \n Commission does not receive the use of marketplace power in this case, it \n never will. We hope when the Commission review the integral record, \n including the \" protected fabric \", they will change the ALJ's finding. On \n some level we believe that the ALJ just does not like California. He is \n the evaluator, after all, who told Harold Ray in the electric generation \n settlement discussions that he was \" an asshole \". The dry region of the \n decision is that we felt that a determination by the ALJ that defined the \n market in such a way as to preclude EPME take marketplace power would be \n difficult to overwhelm at the Commission level. Instead, he specify the \n market as we propose and found that El Paso induce market exponent; he simply \n failed to be convert that they were withholding capacity despite the fact \n that they utilized their capacity 54% of the time when everyone else was \n utilizing their own capacity at a capacity factor of between 85% and 90% . \n Go figure. \n\n I am", "butter_fingers": " wihh Jim Banker with Midwert Natural Gas yeom Whmtehall, Wi. He knformed me that he had some cincerbs about whether or nog he was heing chqrgev for penalty gas for daljy vkpumev. He showed me some gas eolume statemettr chat he recieved from GMS. I believe it was tje month of Match Suatqmenf. What the statement showed is avsrage deily volumes inxtead of the actual volumed peg day. (Ex. At Eleva TBS Days 1 qnd 2 whowed 122 MCF xnd Days 3-31 showed 118 MCF.) These are charted stations wigh 31 dcy charts. Jkw shdtions that he if concerned about ara Arcadoa, Eleva, Indepcndanre, Mindovi, Strum, Whitehaln #1,and Whitehall #3. Any assivtcnce or knowledge thar tou cdn psoviaw md wkukd be grfatmy apprecizted. Thankw Scott 612-270-8501 We went inuo eye FERC procesding fejieving that the Chief ALJ was not\nlikelj to give us a good decisiob. During the course lf the prjceeding, we\nconvinced ourselves that he would rule our xah dbc gi hhe vast evidence in\nour favor and the relativqmy ikept presentatiok of El Paso and Ek Oaxj\nMerchant Enetgy. Well, sespite the volumijous resord un supporu of pur\nposition, the judge ruled that it was \"bot at all clear\" tkat El Paso\nerercisgd marlet power. The good newr fod your affipiates is ghat, if the\nCommirsipn does nou find the exercisq of markxt pocer in tfis vase, ie\nnever wilp. We hope when the Commlssiou revhews the ejtire record,\nincluding the \"proterved material\", jhef wpll changz the SLJ's finding. On\nsome level ce beliere thag the ALJ nust doxs not like Salifornia. Ha is\nthe judge, after ajl, wyo tild Haruud Ray in the rlectric ytneration\nswttlement discussipns fhat he was \"an crwhole\". The ironoc oare lf tra\ndecision is thag wd felt that a detcrmknatoon by the ALJ that gefihed the\nmarket in sicm a way aw to preslude EPME hafing market power aould be\nvifficilt to overcome at the Commission level. Ijstcad, he defineq thc\nmarhet as we xuggested and found that El Paso had macket power; he simply\nfaioed to be convinced uhat they werx withrolding cdpacity despite the dact\nthat they utikized their capacity 54% of tha timf when everyone else was\nutilizing their own capacity at a capacity factor of bevwqen 85% and 90%.\nGo figire.\n\nI dm", "random_deletion": "with Jim Banker with Midwest Natural Gas Wi. informed me he had some he being charged for gas for daily He showed me some gas volume that he recieved from GMS. I believe it was the month of March What the statement showed is average daily volumes instead of the actual volumes day. At TBS 1 and 2 showed 122 MCF and Days 3-31 showed 118 MCF.) These are charted stations 31 day charts. The stations that he is about are Arcadia, Eleva, Mondovi, Strum, Whitehall #1,and Whitehall Any or knowledge you provide would be greatly Thanks Scott 612-270-8501 We went into the FERC proceeding believing that the Chief ALJ was not likely give us decision. During course the we convinced ourselves would rule our way due to in our favor and the relatively inept presentation El Paso El Paso Merchant Energy. Well, despite voluminous record in support of our position, the ruled that it was \"not at all clear\" that El Paso exercised market power. The for your affiliates is if the Commission not the of power in case, it never will. We hope when the Commission reviews the record, including the \"protected material\", they will change the ALJ's some we believe that ALJ just does not California. is the judge, after told Ray generation discussions he was \"an asshole\". ironic part of the decision that we felt that that defined the market in such a way to preclude EPME having market power would difficult to overcome at the Commission level. Instead, he defined the market we suggested that El Paso had market power; he simply to be convinced that were withholding capacity despite the fact that they utilized capacity of the when everyone else utilizing their own at a capacity between 85% 90%. figure.", "change_char_case": " with Jim Banker with Midwest NAtural Gas fRom WhIteHalL, WI. He iNforMed me that he had SOme cOncerns about whether or nOt he wAs BEing CHaRged fOr penalTY gAS For DaIlY voLuMEs. he shoWed Me some gAs volume stAteMeNts that he recIEvEd from GMS. I BelIeve it was the MonTh of MaRcH StATemenT. WhAt the StatemENt showEd is averaGe DAily voLUmes insTEAd Of thE actual volumes per DAy. (eX. At Eleva TBS DayS 1 and 2 shOwED 122 Mcf And dayS 3-31 showed 118 MCF.) thEse arE Charted STaTIONs wITh 31 day charts. ThE stations thAT he Is concErNed ABout arE ArcaDiA, eleVa, IndependaNce, MOndovi, StrUm, WhitEHall #1,and wHitehalL #3. Any asSisTanCe or KNoWlEdgE tHAt yOU cAn pROviDe me woulD bE gReatlY appRECIAted. thaNks SCott 612-270-8501 WE went into the FeRC ProcEEdiNg belIevinG thaT tHe ChiEf ALJ wAs not\nLiKely to give us a goOd deCision. DurIng ThE coUrSe of tHE proceEdiNg, wE\nconvinCed oursELveS tHAT He Would rule our way due To THE vAst evideNce in\noUR fAvOR and the rElAtiVely INEpt prEsenTAtIon of El PAso and eL PAsO\nMerchaNt energy. weLl, dEspIte thE VoluMinous Record in SuppoRT of our\nposition, THe judge ruled tHAt IT WaS \"Not aT alL clear\" that EL PasO\nExerCiseD MaRkeT Power. the goOd NEwS For your affiliates is ThAt, if thE\nCommIssion does not Find the exeRCISe of markEt poWEr IN this case, it\nnevEr wilL. We hope wheN The CommiSsion Reviews tHe entire rECOrd,\nincluDinG thE \"prOteCTEd Material\", they wILL chaNgE the ALJ'S fiNding. On\nSomE leVel We bElIeve that tHe ALJ jusT dOeS nOt LikE CaliFOrnia. He iS\ntHe jUdGe, aFter aLL, who toLd HarOld RAy In THe eLectric GEnERAtioN\nsEtTlemEnt DiScussIons THat He was \"an Asshole\". ThE irONic pArT oF the\ndecIsion is that we FeLt that a detErMinAtion bY THe ALJ thaT defined the\nmarket in such A Way as to PreClude ePME Having marKet Power wOulD Be\ndiffIcult tO overCoMe aT THe ComMISsIon LeVel. Instead, HE DefIned tHe\nMarkEt as we sUggested and found thAT El paso had market PowEr; he SIMpLy\nfAIlED to Be COnvINCed that they were WithholdinG cAPaCity despitE The FaCt\nthat tHey utilIzed tHEir capaCity 54% of the Time when eVeRyonE ELse Was\nutiliziNg their oWn capacitY At a caPAcIty faCtoR of betWeEn 85% aNd 90%.\nGo fIgure.\n\nI AM", "whitespace_perturbation": " with Jim Banker with Midw est Natura l Gas fr omWh iteh all, Wi. He infor m ed m e that he had some con cerns a b outw he theror noth ew a s b ei ng ch ar g ed forpen alty ga s for dail y v ol umes. He sh o we d me somegas volume stat eme nts th at he recie ved from GMS.I beli eve it wa st he mon t h of Ma r c hStat ement. What thes ta t ement showed i s aver ag e d a i lyvol umes inste ad of t h e actua l v o l u mes per day. (Ex. At ElevaT BSDays 1 a nd2 showe d 122 M C F a nd Days 3-3 1 s howed 118 MCF.) Thesea re char ted st ati ons wit h 3 1day c h art s . Th e st ations t ha the is con c e r n ed a bou t ar e Arc adia, Eleva,Ind epen d anc e, Mo ndovi , St ru m, Wh itehal l #1, an d Whitehall #3 . A ny assist anc eorkn owled g e that yo u c an prov ide mew oul db e gr eatly appreciated. T h an ks Scott 612-2 7 0- 85 0 1 We wen tint o th e FERCproc e ed ing beli evingt ha tthe Chi ef ALJ w as no t\nl ikely to g ive us a gooddecis i on. During th e course of th e p r o ce e ding , w e\nconvinced our s elve s th a thew ouldruleou r w a y due to the vast e vi dencein\nou r favor and t he relativ e l y inept p rese n ta t ion of El Paso andEl Paso\nMe r chant En ergy. Well,despite t h e volumin ous re cor d i n su pport of ourp o siti on , the j udg e ruled th atitwas \" not at al l clear\" t ha tEl Pa so\nex e rcised m ar ket p owe r. T h e good news for y ou r af filiate s i s that ,if the \nCo mm issio n do e s n ot find the exer cis e ofma rk et powe r in this cas e, it\nneverwi ll. We h o p e when t he Commission reviews t h e entir e r ecord ,\nin cluding t he\"prote cte d mater ial\",theywi llc h anget h eALJ 's finding.O n\ns ome l ev el w e belie ve that the ALJ ju s t d oes not likeCal ifor n i a. H e i s \nth ej udg e , after all, who told Haro ld Ra y in the e l ect ri c gener ation\ns ettle m ent dis cussionsthat he w as \"an a ssh ole\". The ironicpart of t h e\ndec i si on is th at wefe ltthata dete r min ation by th eALJ th at de fi ned themarket in such a way as to pr eclud e E PME havin g m a rke t power w ould be\ndiffic ult to over com e at t he C o mm iss i on le vel. Instead, he de f i ne d the\nmarke t a s w e sug ges t ed and fou nd that El Paso h a d market power ; he s imp lyf aile dto be convince d t ha t they wer ewithholding capacit yd espit e thefact\nt hat the y ut i lizedthei r c apacity 5 4%of the tim ewh e n ever yone e lse wa s\nutil i zing t heir own capacit y ata capac i tyfacto rof betw e en 8 5% and 90% .\nGo figure .\n\nI a m", "underscore_trick": " with_Jim Banker_with Midwest Natural Gas_from Whitehall,_Wi._ He_informed_me that he_had some concerns_about whether or not_he was being_charged_for penalty gas for daily volumes. He showed me some gas volume statements_that_he recieved_from_GMS._ I believe it was_the month of March Statement._ What_the statement showed is average daily volumes instead_of_the actual volumes_per day. (Ex. At Eleva TBS Days 1_and 2 showed 122 MCF and_Days 3-31 _showed_118_MCF.) These are_charted stations with 31 day charts._ The stations that he is_concerned about are Arcadia, Eleva, Independance, Mondovi,_Strum, Whitehall #1,and Whitehall #3._ Any assistance or knowledge_that you_can provide me would be_greatly appreciated. _Thanks Scott_612-270-8501 We went_into the FERC proceeding believing that_the Chief ALJ_was not\nlikely to give us a_good_decision. During_the_course_of the_proceeding, we\nconvinced ourselves_that_he would_rule_our way due to the vast_evidence_in\nour favor and the relatively inept presentation_of El Paso and_El_Paso\nMerchant Energy. Well,_despite the voluminous record in_support of our\nposition, the judge ruled_that it_was \"not_at all clear\" that El Paso\nexercised market power. The good_news for your affiliates is that,_if the\nCommission does not_find the_exercise_of market power_in_this case,_it\nnever will. We hope when the_Commission reviews_the entire record,\nincluding the \"protected material\",_they will change the_ALJ's_finding. On\nsome level we believe_that the ALJ just does not_like California. He is\nthe_judge,_after_all, who told Harold Ray_in the electric generation\nsettlement discussions that_he was \"an_asshole\". The ironic part of the\ndecision_is_that we felt that a determination_by_the ALJ that defined the\nmarket in_such_a_way as to preclude EPME_having market power would be\ndifficult to_overcome at the Commission level. Instead, he defined_the\nmarket as we_suggested and found that El_Paso_had_market power; he simply\nfailed to be convinced that they were_withholding capacity_despite the fact\nthat_they utilized their capacity 54% of the time when everyone_else was\nutilizing their own capacity at a_capacity factor of between 85% and 90%.\nGo figure.\n\nI am"} {"text": " me know if you need further details on specific issues or items.\n\nregards-\n\nHenry Step outside for some fresh air, lunch & entertainment!!\n\nVisit the Big E Cafe this Friday and celebrate the 2001 Summer Splash!! Pappas will serve burgers and trimmings to the Latin beat of The Norma Zenteno Band. A Customized 2001 PT Cruiser will be raffled by the Sunshine Kids. Test your strength on the Sun & Ski Sports Rock Climbing Wall.\n\nIn conjunction with National Employee Health & Fitness Week and the Body Shop's 15th Year Anniversary, the Body Shop will sponsor various activities at the Big E Cafe Summer Splash. These activities include:\n\n\t? Complimentary Body and Soul Chair Massages \n?\tKoala Health Care Muscle Analysis \n?\tBlood Pressure Assessments \n?\tInformation about Enron's Travel Club and activities\n\nThe Big E Cafe is from 11:30am-1:00pm in Antioch Park and Lunch will cost $5 so SPLASH on by and have some fun!! \n\nHouston Astros Half-Price Ticket Offer Exclusively to Enron Employees!\n\nThe Houston Astros are excited to bring Enron employees an exclusive offer to watch the Astros take on the San Diego Padres at Enron Field May 21 - 23, 2001. Employees can purchase Upper Deck tickets for only $5 and Mezzanine tickets for only $6! This half price offer is available at ticketmaster.com/jackpot/enron (http://www.ticketmaster.com/jackpot/enron/) beginning on Monday, May 14th at 9 AM and ending on Monday, May 21st at 3 PM.\n\nTo take advantage of this discount offer follow these instructions\n 1. Click on the link above (Please Note: The above hyperlink may not retrieve the web page if the address extends to more than one line. If this should occur, please copy the full text of the address and paste it into the address box in your web browser.)\n2. Scroll down to promotions & special offers\n3. Enter password baseball1 in B2B password box\n4. Enter the number of tickets in B2B ticket box\n5. Select either Upper Deck or Mezzanine in pricing & ticket locations drop down menu\n6. Select delivery method\n7. Scroll down and click on \"Look", "synonym_substitution": "me know if you need further details on specific issues or item. \n\n regards- \n\n Henry Step outside for some bracing air, lunch & entertainment! ! \n\n Visit the Big einsteinium Cafe this Friday and celebrate the 2001 Summer Splash! ! Pappas will serve hamburger and trim to the Latin pulse of The Norma Zenteno Band. A Customized 2001 PT Cruiser will be raffled by the Sunshine Kids. quiz your strength on the Sun & Ski Sports Rock Climbing Wall. \n\n In conjunction with National Employee Health & Fitness Week and the Body Shop's fifteenth Year Anniversary, the Body Shop will sponsor various activities at the Big E Cafe Summer Splash. These activities include: \n\n\t? Complimentary Body and Soul Chair Massages \n? \t Koala Health Care Muscle Analysis \n? \t Blood press Assessments \n? \t Information about Enron's Travel Club and activities \n\n The Big east Cafe is from 11:30am-1:00pm in Antioch Park and Lunch will cost $ 5 so SPLASH on by and have some playfulness! ! \n\n Houston Astros Half - Price slate Offer Exclusively to Enron Employees! \n\n The Houston Astros are excited to bring Enron employee an exclusive offer to watch the Astros take on the San Diego Padres at Enron Field May 21 - 23, 2001. Employees can purchase Upper Deck slate for entirely $ 5 and Mezzanine tickets for only $ 6! This half price offer is available at ticketmaster.com/jackpot/enron (http://www.ticketmaster.com/jackpot/enron/) beginning on Monday, May 14th at 9 AM and ending on Monday, May 21st at 3 PM. \n\n To consider advantage of this discount offer follow these education \n 1. Click on the link above (Please Note: The above hyperlink may not recover the web page if the address extends to more than one line. If this should happen, please copy the full text of the address and paste it into the address box in your web browser .) \n 2. Scroll down to promotions & special offers \n 3. Enter password baseball1 in B2B password box \n 4. figure the act of tickets in B2B ticket box \n 5. Select either Upper Deck or Mezzanine in pricing & ticket localization drop down menu \n 6. Select delivery method acting \n 7. Scroll down and click on \" front", "butter_fingers": " me know if you need furthev details on speeufic ivsues kr items.\n\nfegards-\n\nHenry Step outside foc sone frtfh air, lunch & enteftainment!!\n\nNisit the Big W Cafe this Friday and cspebrctx the 2001 Summer Sklash!! Pappds will serve tufgzrs and trimmings to the Latin beat jf The Mogma Zenteno Bagd. S Cuanonized 2001 PT Cruiser will be rarfled bj the Sunshine Kics. Test your strength on hhe Dun & Ski Sports Rofk Climbing Walj.\n\nUn conjunctiun with Nauimnal Emploiee Health & Fitness Week and the Body Shop's 15th Izqr Wtniversary, vhe Boqy Shop will sponsor varioux activities ab the Bit E Cafe Summer Splasi. These activities ynclude:\n\n\t? Eomplimentary Body ane Woul Whais Marwagds \n?\tIoela Healtj Cere Muscle Znalysis \n?\tBliod Pressure Assesskegnx \n?\tInformatioh aboue Qnron's Travel Club and activities\n\nThe Bic E Cafe is from 11:30am-1:00pm in Abtioch Park and Lunch will cose $5 so SPLASH on by and have some fun!! \n\nHouston Astrms Hamw-Prngc Tizjeh Offer Exclusively to Enron Employees!\n\nThe Houffom Sstros are exclted to bring Enrom fmljoyees an excuusive ofrer to watch the Adtros twke ob the San Diebo Padres at Enron Field Mat 21 - 23, 2001. Emplojees can purchase Uppex Deck tickecs for only $5 and Mezzanine tickets for only $6! Thid half prjze offer is avaiuabke at ticktgmaster.com/jackpot/qnron (htt'://www.tncketmasger.cpm/jack[ot/enron/) bfginnltg on Monday, May 14tj at 9 AK and endijg on Monday, May 21st at 3 PM.\n\nTo take advantage og dhiv discouut offcr follow these instructions\n 1. Click jn thd link abone (Please Note: The afove hyperlinn may not retcieve the web pagw if thd address extencs to morv uhan one lune. If this should oczhr, please copy cke full text of tne xddweds agg paste it itto ghe sddrers box in yijr wrb browser.)\n2. Scroll dofn tk promotions & specoaj offers\n3. Enter pwssword basebsll1 in B2B password box\n4. Xnter vhe nukbet of tickets in B2B ticket box\n5. Sslect eitjer Upper Deck jr Mczzagine in prncing & ticket locations drop down menu\n6. Sxlect delivery method\n7. Sxroll down and clicl on \"Look", "random_deletion": "me know if you need further details issues items. regards- Step outside for entertainment!! the Big E this Friday and the 2001 Summer Splash!! Pappas will burgers and trimmings to the Latin beat of The Norma Zenteno Band. A 2001 PT Cruiser will be raffled by the Sunshine Kids. Test your strength the & Sports Climbing Wall. In conjunction with National Employee Health & Fitness Week and the Body Shop's 15th Anniversary, the Body Shop will sponsor various activities the Big E Cafe Splash. These activities include: ? Body Soul Chair ? Health Muscle Analysis ? Pressure Assessments ? Information about Enron's Travel Club and activities The Big E Cafe is from 11:30am-1:00pm Antioch Park will cost so on and have some Astros Half-Price Ticket Offer Exclusively to Houston Astros are excited to bring Enron employees exclusive offer watch the Astros take on the Diego Padres at Enron Field May 21 - 2001. Employees can purchase Upper Deck tickets for only $5 and Mezzanine tickets for only half price offer is at ticketmaster.com/jackpot/enron (http://www.ticketmaster.com/jackpot/enron/) on May at AM and on Monday, May 21st at 3 PM. To take advantage of discount offer follow these instructions 1. Click on the link Note: above hyperlink may retrieve the web page the extends to more than If should the text the address and paste into the address box in web browser.) 2. Scroll offers 3. Enter password baseball1 in B2B password 4. Enter the number of tickets in ticket box 5. Select either Upper Deck or Mezzanine in pricing & locations drop 6. Select delivery method 7. Scroll down and on \"Look", "change_char_case": " me know if you need further detAils on specIfic iSsuEs oR iTems.\n\nRegaRds-\n\nHenry Step ouTSide For some fresh air, lunch & enTertaInMEnt!!\n\nVISiT the BIg E Cafe THiS fRidAy AnD ceLeBRaTe the 2001 sumMer SplaSh!! Pappas wiLl sErVe burgers and TRiMmings to thE LaTin beat of The norMa ZentEnO BaND. A CusTomIzed 2001 Pt CruisER will bE raffled bY tHE SunshINe Kids. TEST yOur sTrength on the Sun & SkI spORts Rock ClimbinG Wall.\n\nIN cONjUNCtiOn wIth NationaL EMployEE Health & fItNESS WeEK and the Body ShOp's 15th Year AnNIveRsary, tHe bodY shop wiLl spoNsOR vaRious activiTies At the Big E cafe SuMMer SplaSH. These aCtivitIes IncLude:\n\n\t? cOmPlImeNtARy BODy And sOul chair MasSaGeS \n?\tKoalA HeaLTH cAre MUscLe AnAlysiS \n?\tBlood PressurE AsSessMEntS \n?\tInfoRmatiOn abOuT EnroN's TravEl CluB aNd activities\n\nThe big E cafe is froM 11:30am-1:00Pm In ANtIoch PARk and LUncH wiLl cost $5 sO SPLASH ON by AnD HAVe Some fun!! \n\nHouston AstrOs hALf-price TicKet OffER EXcLUsively tO ENroN EmpLOYees!\n\nTHe HoUStOn Astros Are excITeD tO bring ENrOn emplOyEes An eXclusIVe ofFer to wAtch the AStros TAke on the San DieGO Padres at EnroN fiELD MAY 21 - 23, 2001. EmpLoyEes can purchAse UPPer DEck tICkEts FOr onlY $5 and MEzZAnINe tickets for only $6! ThiS hAlf priCe offEr is available At ticketmaSTER.com/jackPot/eNRoN (Http://www.ticketmAster.Com/jackpot/ENron/) begiNning On Monday, may 14th at 9 AM AND ending oN MoNdaY, MaY 21st AT 3 pM.\n\nto take advantaGE Of thIs DiscounT ofFer follOw tHesE inStrUcTions\n 1. ClicK on the liNk AbOvE (PLeaSe NotE: the above HyPerLiNk mAy not REtrievE the wEb paGe If THe aDdress eXTeNDS to mOrE tHan oNe lInE. If thIs shOUld Occur, plEase copy tHe fULl teXt Of The addrEss and paste it InTo the addreSs Box In your WEB browser.)\n2. scroll down to promotions & sPEcial ofFerS\n3. EnteR pasSword baseBalL1 in B2B pAssWOrd box\n4. enter tHe numBeR of TICkets IN b2B TicKeT box\n5. Select EITheR UppeR DEck oR MezzanIne in pricing & ticket LOcaTions drop down MenU\n6. SelECT dEliVErY MetHoD\n7. scrOLL down and click on \"look", "whitespace_perturbation": " me know if you need furth er details on s pec ifi cissu es o r items.\n\nrega r ds-\nHenry Step outside fo r som ef resh ai r, lu nch & e n te r t ain me nt !!\nV i si t the Bi g E Caf e this Fri day a nd celebrate th e 2001 Sum mer Splash!! Pap pas wi ll se r ve bu rge rs an d trim m ings t o the Lat in beat o f The No r m aZent eno Band. A Cus t om i zed 2001 PT C ruiser w i ll b e r aff led by the S unshi n e Kids. T e s t yo u r strength on the Sun &S kiSports R ock Climbi ng Wa ll . \n\nI n conjuncti on w ith Natio nal Em p loyee H e alth &Fitnes s W eek and th eBod yS hop ' s15t h Ye ar Anniv er sa ry, t he B o d y Shop wi ll s ponso r various act ivi ties atthe B ig ECafe S ummer Splas h. T he se activities i nclu de:\n\n\t? C om pli me ntary Body a ndSou l Chair Massag e s ?K o a la Health Care Muscl eA n al ysis \n?BloodP re ss u re Asses sm ent s \n? I nform atio n a bout Enr on's T r av el Club a nd activ it ies \n\nT he Bi g E C afe is from 11 :30am - 1:00pm in Anti o ch Park and L u nc h wi l l co st$5 so SPLAS H on by a nd h a ve so m e fun !! \nHo u st o n Astros Half-Price T icketOffer Exclusivelyto Enron E m p l oyees!\nTheH ou s ton Astros are exci ted to bri n g Enronemplo yees anexclusive o ffer towat chthe As t r os take on theS a n Di eg o Padre s a t Enron Fi eld Ma y 2 1- 23, 200 1. Empl oy ee sca n p urcha s e UpperDe ckti cke ts fo r only$5 an d Me zz an i netickets fo r only $ 6! Th isha lf pr iceo ffe r is av ailable a t t i cket ma st er.com/ jackpot/enron ( http://www .t ick etmast e r .com/jac kpot/enron/) beginningo n Monda y,May 1 4that 9 AM a ndending on Monday , May21stat 3P M .\n\nTo t ak e a dv antage oft h isdisco un t of fer fol low these instruct i ons \n 1. Click on th e li n k a bov e ( P lea se Not e : The above hype rlink mayno t r etrieve th e we bpage if the ad dress extends to morethan oneli ne.I f th is shouldoccur, p lease cop y thef ul l tex t o f thead dre ss an d past e it into the a dd ress b ox in y our webbrowser.)\n2. Scroll dow n to p romot ion s & speci alo ffe rs\n3. Ent er p assword ba seb all 1 inB2B passw ordb ox \n4. Enter the number of ti cke t s i n B2B ticke t b ox5. Se lec t eithe r Up per Deck or Mezza n ine in pricing & t i c ket lo c atio ns drop down men u\n6 .S e lect del iv ery method7. Scrol ld own a nd cli ck on\"Look", "underscore_trick": " me_know if_you need further details_on specific_issues_or items.\n\nregards-\n\nHenry_Step_outside for some_fresh air, lunch_& entertainment!!\n\nVisit the Big_E Cafe this_Friday_and celebrate the 2001 Summer Splash!! Pappas will serve burgers and trimmings_to_the Latin_beat_of_The Norma Zenteno Band. _A Customized 2001_PT Cruiser_will be raffled by the Sunshine Kids. _Test_your strength on_the Sun & Ski Sports Rock Climbing Wall.\n\nIn conjunction_with National Employee Health & Fitness_Week and the_Body_Shop's_15th Year Anniversary, the_Body Shop will sponsor various activities_at the Big E Cafe Summer_Splash. These activities include:\n\n\t? _ Complimentary Body and Soul Chair_Massages \n?\tKoala Health Care Muscle_Analysis \n?\tBlood_Pressure Assessments \n?\tInformation about Enron's_Travel Club and_activities\n\nThe Big_E Cafe is_from 11:30am-1:00pm in Antioch Park and_Lunch will cost_$5 so SPLASH on by and_have_some fun!! \n\nHouston_Astros_Half-Price_Ticket Offer_Exclusively to Enron_Employees!\n\nThe_Houston Astros_are_excited to bring Enron employees an_exclusive_offer to watch the Astros take on_the San Diego Padres_at_Enron Field May 21_- 23, 2001. Employees_can purchase Upper Deck tickets for_only $5_and Mezzanine_tickets for only $6! This half price offer is available_at ticketmaster.com/jackpot/enron (http://www.ticketmaster.com/jackpot/enron/) beginning on Monday,_May 14th at 9_AM and_ending_on Monday, May_21st_at 3_PM.\n\nTo take advantage of this discount offer_follow these_instructions\n 1. Click on the link_above (Please Note: The_above_hyperlink may not retrieve the web_page if the address extends to_more than one line. If_this_should_occur, please copy the full_text of the address and paste_it into the_address box in your web browser.)\n2. Scroll_down_to promotions & special offers\n3. Enter_password_baseball1 in B2B password box\n4. Enter_the_number_of tickets in B2B ticket_box\n5. Select either Upper Deck or_Mezzanine in pricing & ticket locations drop down menu\n6._Select delivery method\n7._Scroll down and click on_\"Look"} {"text": " face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"? size=\"2\">New York LaGuardia, NY (LGA)?\t\t\t\t\tWest Palm Beach, FL (PBI)?\t\t\t\t\t$149? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tProvidence, RI (PVD)?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\t$119? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tRichmond, VA (RIC)?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\t$149? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tRochester, MN (RST)?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\tNew York LaGuardia, NY (LGA)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">West Palm Beach, FL (PBI)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$149? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Providence, RI (PVD)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$119? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t < td colspan=3> ? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Richmond, VA (RIC)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$149? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Rochester, MN (RST)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width= \"", "butter_fingers": " fafe=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-sevif\"? size=\"2\">New York LaGuarvia, NY (LGA)?\t\t\t\t\tWest Palm Ceach, FL (PBI)?\t\t\t\t\t$149? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tProviqence, RO (PVD)?\t\t\t\t\tDhicago O'Hare, IL (ORC)?\t\t\t\t\t$119? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tEicjkond, VA (RIR)?\t\t\t\t\tDqllas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\t$149? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tRochester, MN (WWT)?\t\t\t\t\tChicaco K'Hare, IL (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\tNew York LaGuardia, NY width=\"44%\">$149? ? Providence, (PVD)? ? $119? ? ?  ? ? Richmond, VA (RIC)? ? width=\"12%\">$149? ? ? Rochester, MN (RST)? Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)? New YOrk LaguaRdiA, Ny (LGA)?\t\t\t\t\tWeSt pAlm BEAcH, FL (PBi)?\t\t\t\t\t$149? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tProviDeNce, ri (PVD)?\t\t\t\t\tcHIcAgo O'hare, IL (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\t$119? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t &nbsP;?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\trIchmonD, VA (RIc)?\t\t\t\t\tDalLas/Ft. WOrtH, TX (dFW)?\t\t\t\t\t$149? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\trochEsTer, MN (rST)?\t\t\t\t\tchicaGO O'Hare, iL (OrD)?\t\t\t\t\t Ne w Yo rk L aGuardia, NY ( LGA) ?\t\t\t\t\t < fo nt fa ce=\"Ari a l, H elv et ic a,sa n s- serif \"?size=\"2 \">West Pal m B ea ch, FL (PBI ) ?\t\t\t\t$ 1 49 ? \t\t?\t< tr>?\t\t\t\t\t < f ont fa ce=\"Arial, H elvet i ca, san s -s e r i f\"? size=\"2\">Prov idence, RI(PV D)?\t\t\t\tChi c ag oO'H ar e , I L (OR D ) ?\t\t\t\t< td w i d t h =\"12 %\"> $11 9 ? \t\t?\t\t\t? \t &nb sp;?\t\t\t\t< / tr> ??\t\t\t\t\t Richmon d, VA(R IC )< /td>?\t\t\t< tdwidth = \"44% \">D a llas /Ft . Worth, TX (D F W) ? \t\t\t\t $ 1 49? \t\t ?\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t< td width =\"44% \">Ro c h este r, MN (R ST) ? \t\t\t\t< td width=\"4 4%\">Chic agoO' Ha r e,IL (OR D )< / f ont> ?\t\t\tNew York LaGuardia, NY_ (LGA)?\t\t\t\t\tWest Palm Beach,_FL (PBI)?\t\t\t\t\t$149?_ __ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tProvidence, RI (PVD)?\t\t\t\t\tChicago_O'Hare,_IL_ (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\t$119? _ _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t? __ \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tRichmond, VA (RIC)?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth,_TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\t$149? _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tRochester, MN_ (RST)?\t\t\t\t\tChicago_O'Hare, IL (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t$69\n\t\t\t\t\tSt. Louis, MO (STL)\n\t\t\t\t\tSpringfield, MO (SGF)\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t$169\n\t\t\t\t\tSt. Louis, MO (STL)\n\t\t\t\t\tOrange County, CA (SNA)\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t

\n \t \n \tFor a complete listing of fares and details on related rules and\n restrictions, go to \n\t\t\n\t\twww", "synonym_substitution": "< /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < TR > \n \t\t\t < TD VALIGN=\"top \" WIDTH=\"15%\">$69 \n\t\t\t\t\t < TD VALIGN=\"top \" WIDTH=\"35%\">St. Louis, MO (STL) \n\t\t\t\t\t < TD VALIGN=\"top \" WIDTH=\"35%\">Springfield, MO (SGF) \n \t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < TR > \n \t\t\t < TD VALIGN=\"top \" WIDTH=\"15%\">$169 \n\t\t\t\t\t < TD VALIGN=\"top \" WIDTH=\"35%\">St. Louis, MO (STL) \n\t\t\t\t\t < TD VALIGN=\"top \" WIDTH=\"35%\">Orange County, CA (SNA) \n \t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t < /table > \n \n \t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t < br>
\n \t < font face=\"trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica, sans - serif \" size=\"2 \" \n color=\"#000000 \" > \n \t For a accomplished list of fares and details on related principle and \n restrictions, go to \n\t\t < font color=\"#FF0000 \" baptismal font size=\"2 \" face=\"trebuchet ms, \n arial, helvetica, sans - serif \" > \n\t\t < A \n HREF=\"http://info.aa.com / Key=12575.DfHD.C.HJOtN\">www", "butter_fingers": "\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t$69\n\t\t\t\t\tSt. Louis, LO (VVL)\n\t\t\t\t\tSpwingfiekd, MO (SGF)
\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t$169\n\t\t\t\t\tSt. Louis, MO (STL)\n\t\t\t\t\tOtange County, CS (VNA)\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t
\n \t \n \tFor a cokplste listing of fares ane details on related tules and\n westrictions, go to \n\t\t\n\t\tswe", "random_deletion": " VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"35%\"> $169 St. Louis, MO (STL) Orange CA \n\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t

\n \t \n \tFOr a complete listIng oF fares and DetAiLs oN rElateD Rules aNd\n rEstRictionS, go to \n\t\t\n\t\tWww", "whitespace_perturbation": "\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t$ 6 9< / f ont >< /t d>\t\t< FONT SIZE=2F AC E=\"trebuch etms,\n arial,hel vetica ,san s -seri f\"> St. L ouis,M O (ST L) \n\t\t\t S pr i n g fie l d, MO (SGF)< /font> \t< /tr > \n\t\t\t\t< TR> \t\t\t$16 9 \n\t\t\t S t. Lo ui s, MO (STL) \t\t\t\t\tOra nge Co u nt y, CA (S NA )
\t\t\t\t\n< ! --This is thee nd of the tab l ef o rt he T WADot Com Dea ls - - >\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t

\n < font fac e=\"t r eb u chet ms, arial , hel vetica, sa n s-serif\" size =\"2\"\n co lor=\"#000 0 0 0\"> \n \tFo r a co m p le te listing of f ares a nd deta ils on rel ate d r ule s a nd \n restric tions, g oto \t \n\t\twww", "underscore_trick": "\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n_ _ _ __\t\t\t$69
\n\t\t\t\t\tSt._Louis, MO (STL)\n\t\t\t\t\tSpringfield, MO _(SGF)\n_ ___ \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n_ _ _ \t\t\t$169\n\t\t\t\t\tSt. Louis, MO_ (STL)\n\t\t\t\t\tOrange_County,_CA (SNA)\n _ _\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t

\n _ \t \n _ \tFor a_complete listing of fares and details_on_related rules and\n_restrictions,_go_to \n\t\t\n\t\twww"} {"text": " width=\"12%\">$259? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kennedy, NY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tLondon Heathrow, UK (LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kennedy, NY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tMontego Bay, Jamaica (MBJ)?\t\t\t\t\t$249? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kennedy, NY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tPort Au Prince, Haiti (PAP)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kennedy, NY (JFK)$259? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t < td colspan=3> ? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">New York Kennedy, NY (JFK)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">London Heathrow, UK (LHR)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$229? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">New York Kennedy, NY (JFK)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Montego Bay, Jamaica (MBJ)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$249? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">New York Kennedy, NY (JFK)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Port Au Prince, Haiti (PAP)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$229? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">New York Kennedy, NY (JFK)$259? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNeq Yock Kennedy, NY (JHI)?\t\t\t\t\tLondon Vextkrow, UK (LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kennedy, NY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tMontego Bay, Jamaica (MBJ)?\t\t\t\t\t$249? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kennedy, NB (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tKort Du Pfuncd, Hzivi (PAP)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kennedy, NY (JFK)$259? ? ? ? width=\"44%\">New York face=\"Arial, sans-serif\"? size=\"2\">London Heathrow, (LHR)? $229? ? ? New York Kennedy, NY (JFK)? Montego Jamaica (MBJ)? $249? ? ? New Kennedy, (JFK)? width=\"44%\">Port Au Prince, Haiti (PAP)? $229? ? ? width=\"44%\">New York Kennedy, NY", "change_char_case": " width=\"12%\">$259? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNEw YorK KennedY, nY (jfk)?\t\t\t\t\tLondon HeAThRow, UK (LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York KeNNeDY, NY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tMontEGo bAY, jamAIca (MBJ)?\t\t\t\t\t$249? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew yorK KeNnedY, nY (jFk)?\t\t\t\t\tPoRt Au princE, Haiti (PAP)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNeW YoRk KenneDy, NY (JFK)$259
< /td>? \t\t?\t\t\t ? \t\t &n bs p;< /t d >? \t\t\t\t< /tr >?\t\t\t\t< tr>?\t\t\t\t\t< tdwi dth=\"44%\">N ew Yo rk Ken n edy, N Y (JFK)< /f o nt>?\t\t\t\t< t dwidt h=\"44%\">Lond on Heat h row, UK ( L H R )?\t\t\t\t$229< / font>? \t? \t\t\t< tr >? \t\t\t< tdw id th= \" 44% \"> New Yor k Ke nnedy , NY (JF K) ?\t\t\tMo n teg oB a y ,Jamaica (MBJ) < /t d>?\t\t\t\t$2 49 < /td >? \t\t< /tr>?\t\t\t? \t\t\t\t< td width=\"44%\" > N ew Yo r k Ken nedy, N Y ( JFK)?\t\t\tPor t Au Princ e , Haiti (PAP ) ?\t\t< fon t si ze=\"2\" face=\" A r ial, ?Helveti ca, sans-se rif \">$ 229 ? \t< /t r> ?\t\t? \t\t\t\tNe wYorkKenn e dy, NY (J FK)$259? _ __ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?__ _ _ \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kennedy, NY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tLondon Heathrow, UK _(LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$229?_ _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kennedy, NY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tMontego Bay,_Jamaica (MBJ)?\t\t\t\t\t$249? _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew_York Kennedy, NY _(JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tPort_Au Prince, Haiti (PAP)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kennedy,_NY _(JFK) > > > > >\n> > > > > > 9. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of\n> > > > > > your values.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best\n> > > > > > answer.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 11. Live a good, honourable life. Then when you\n> > > > > get\n> > > > > > older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it\n> > > > a\n> > > > > second time.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the\n> > > > > > foundation for your life.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only\n> > > > > with\n> > > > > > the current situation. Don't bring up the past.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 14. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve\n> > > > > > immortality.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 15. Be gentle with the earth.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been\n> > > > > > before.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 17. Remember that the best relationship is one\n> > > > in\n> > > > > > which your love for each other exceeds your need\n> > > > > for each other.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 18. Judge your success by what you had to give\n> > > > up\n> > > > > in\n> > > > > > order to get it.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 19. Approach love and cooking with reckless\n> > > > > abandon.\n> > > > > >\n> > > >", "synonym_substitution": "time alone every day. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 9. Open your arm to transfer, but don't let go of \n > > > > > > your values. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 10. commemorate that silence is sometimes the best \n > > > > > > answer. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 11. be a adept, honourable animation. Then when you \n > > > > > get \n > > > > > > older and intend back, you'll be able to enjoy it \n > > > > a \n > > > > > second time. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 12. A love standard atmosphere in your home is the \n > > > > > > foundation for your life. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 13. In disagreements with loved ones, cover only \n > > > > > with \n > > > > > > the current situation. Don't bring up the past. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 14. partake your knowledge. It's a way to achieve \n > > > > > > immortality. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 15. Be aristocratic with the earth. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 16. Once a class, go somewhere you've never been \n > > > > > > before. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 17. Remember that the best relationship is one \n > > > > in \n > > > > > > which your sexual love for each other exceeds your need \n > > > > > for each other. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 18. Judge your achiever by what you had to move over \n > > > > up \n > > > > > in \n > > > > > > order to get it. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 19. Approach love and cooking with reckless \n > > > > > abandon. \n > > > > > > \n > > > >", "butter_fingers": " tile alone every day.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 9. Open ioyr armv to cgange, bug don't let go of\n> > > > > > your vqlues.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 10. Remembdr that splence is somttimes the best\n> > > > > > answer.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 11. Live a good, honograble life. Than wken you\n> > > > > get\n> > > > > > older and trink bavk, you'll be able to tnjjy if\n> > > > a\n> > > > > second time.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 12. A loving atmpsphere in your home is thf\n> > > > > > foundation fog your life.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 13. Iv disagreements with lkved ones, deal only\n> > > > > with\n> > > > > > the currgur sljuation. Don't brind up the pasb.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 14. Share your lnoxledte. It's a way to achiete\n> > > > > > immortaliti.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 15. Be gentle wirh the garth.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 16. Once w yxar, go somellace you've never been\n> > > > > > nesire.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 17. Weiember that the best relationship is ont\n> > > > in\n> > > > > > which your oove for each other edceeds yotr need\n> > > > > for each other.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 18. Judge your rucecfr bj what you had to give\n> > > > up\n> > > > > in\n> > > > > > otdvr to get it.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 19. Sporpwch love and zookiny wjth reckless\n> > > > > abandog.\n> > > > > >\n> > > >", "random_deletion": "time alone every day. > > > > > > > > 9. but let go of > > > > your values. > > > > > > > > > > > 10. Remember that silence is the best > > > > > > answer. > > > > > > > > 11. Live a good, honourable life. Then when you > > > > > get > > > > > older and think you'll be able to it > > > > > > > second > > > > > > > > > > 12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the > > > > for your > > > > > > > > 13. In disagreements deal only > > > > > with > > > > the current situation. Don't up the past. > > > > > > > > > > > 14. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve > > > > > > > > > > > > Be gentle with the earth. > > > > > > > > > > > 16. Once a year, go never > > > > > before. > > > > > > > 17. best is > > > > > > > > > which your love for > > > > > for each other. > > > > > > > > > > 18. Judge your success by what you had to > > up > > > > > in > > > > > to get it. > > > > > > > > > 19. Approach love cooking with reckless > > > > > > > >", "change_char_case": " time alone every day.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 9. Open your Arms to chanGe, but Don'T leT gO of\n> > > > > > yOur vAlues.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 10. Remember tHAt siLence is sometimes the besT\n> > > > > > answEr.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 11. lIve a GOoD, honoUrable lIFe. tHEn wHeN yOu\n> > > > > gEt\n> > > > > > OLdEr and ThiNk back, yOu'll be able To eNjOy it\n> > > > a\n> > > > > second tIMe.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 12. a loving atmOspHere in your hoMe iS the\n> > > > > > foUnDatIOn for YouR life.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 13. in disaGReemenTs with lovEd ONes, deaL Only\n> > > > > witH\n> > > > > > THe CurrEnt situation. Don't bRInG Up the past.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 14. Share Your knOwLEdGE. it's A waY to achieve\n> > > > > > ImMortaLIty.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 15. Be geNTlE WITh tHE earth.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 16. Once a yeAr, go someplaCE yoU've nevEr BeeN\n> > > > > > Before.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 17. rememBeR ThaT the best relAtioNship is onE\n> > > > in\n> > > > > > whiCH your loVE for eacH other ExcEedS youR NeEd\n> > > > > For EaCH otHEr.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 18. judGE yoUr succesS bY wHat yoU had TO GIVe\n> > > > up\n> > > > > In\n> > > > > > oRder To get It.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 19. Approach lovE anD cooKIng With rEckleSs\n> > > > > abAnDon.\n> > > > > >\n> > > >", "whitespace_perturbation": " time alone every day.\n> > > > > > \n> > > >>> 9. Ope n your arms to chan ge, but don't let go o f\n> > > >> > your values . \n> >>>> > \n> > > > >> 10. R emember th atsi lence is som e ti mes the be st> > > > >> a nswer. \n> > > >> > \n> > > >> > 11. Live a g oo d , hono u rable l i f e. The n when you\n> >> > > get\n> > >> > >ol d er a ndthi nk back, y ou 'll b e able t o e n j o y i t \n> > > > a> > > > > sec ond ti me .\n> > >> > > \n> > > > > > 12 . Aloving at mosphe r e in yo u r homeis the \n> > > > >>fou nd a tio n f ory our life.\n> > > >> >> > >> > > 1 3. In disagreement s w ithl ove d one s, de al o nl y\n> > > > > wi th \n> > > > > >thecurrent s itu at ion .Don't bringupthe past.> > > > > > > > > > > > 14. Shar ey o ur knowled ge. It ' saw ay to ac hi eve \n> > > >> >i mm ortality .\n> > > > > >\n> > > >>> 1 5.Be ge n tlewith t he earth .\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 16.O nc e ay ear, go someplaceyou' v e ne verb ee n\n> > > > >>b ef o re.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > >17. Rememberthat the b e s t relatio nshi p i s one\n> > > > in\n> > > > > > whichyourlove for each oth e r exceeds yo urnee d\n> > > > > for ea c h oth er .\n> > >> > >\n> > > >> > 1 8. Judgeyour suc ce ss b ywha t you had to g iv e\n> >> > u p \n> > > >> in \n> > > > > >o rd e r toge tit.> > > >> >> > > > > > 19. Ap pro a ch l ov eand coo king with rec kl ess\n> >>> > aband o n .\n> >> > > >\n> > > >", "underscore_trick": " time_alone every_day.\n> >_> >_>_>\n> __> > >_> > 9._Open your arms to_change, but don't_let_go of\n> > > > > > your values.\n> >_>_> >_>\n>__ > > > >_> 10. Remember that silence_is sometimes_the best\n> > > > >_>_answer.\n> _> > > > >\n> > >_> > > 11. Live a_good, honourable life._Then_when_you\n> >_> > > get\n> _> > > > > older_and think back, you'll be able to_enjoy it\n> > >_> a\n> >_> >_> second time.\n> _> > >_> >\n>_ >_> > > > 12. A_loving atmosphere in_your home is the\n> _>_> > >_>_foundation_for your_life.\n> _>_> >_>_>\n> > > >_>_> 13. In disagreements with loved ones,_deal only\n> _>_> > > with\n>_ > > >_> > the current situation. Don't_bring up_the past.\n>_ > > > > >\n> > >_> > > 14. Share your_knowledge. It's a way_to achieve\n>__ > >_>_> >_immortality.\n> > > > >_>\n> _ > > > > >_15. Be gentle with_the_earth.\n> > > >_> >\n> > >_> > > 16. Once_a_year,_go someplace you've never been\n>_ > > > >_> before.\n> _ > > > > >\n> __> > > > > 17._Remember_that the best relationship is one\n>___> > > in\n> _ > > > > >_which your love for each other exceeds your need\n>_ >_> > > for each_other.\n>__ > > > > >\n> > >_> >_> 18. Judge_your success by what you had to give\n> _> > > up\n> >_> > > in\n> > > > > >_order to get it.\n> > >_> > >\n> > >_> > > 19._Approach_love and cooking with reckless\n> _>_>_>_> abandon.\n> _ > >_> > >\n>_ _> > >"} {"text": " by Irish tax authorities, amid\ncharges of Russian money laundering, the Isle of Man may compromise\nits financial privacy laws.\nLINK: http://www.tax-news.com/html/oldnews/st_celticleague_11_12_00.htm\n---------\nBERMUDA INDEPENDENCE BOOST?\nHAMILTON. A leading advocate of Bermuda independence claims the\ngovernment in London is pushing the island towards inevitable separation.\nLINK: \nhttp://www.bermudasun.bm/cgi-local/edpull.pl?cat=01News&ord=01&ed=2000-12-08\n\nA very useful Web source - all the Online newspapers of the world:\nLINK: http://onlinenewspapers.com/\n\n*****************ADVERTISEMENT*********************\n\nTHE OFFSHORE MONEY MANUAL: All about offshore credit cards, IBCs,\ntrusts, banking and lots more -- the \"offshore book of the year\" --\n360 pages with hundreds of names, contacts, insider stuff; the who,\nwhat, where and when of \"offshore\" -- information government does NOT\nwant you to see. Private tips and tested techniques average investors\nwill never discover; hundreds of offshore direct contacts with e-mail,\nphone & fax info. ORDER FROM OUR ONLINE BOOKSTORE at LINK:\nhttp://www.agora-inc.com/reports/OMMD/OMMAL1/\nMail orders to: Sovereign Society, PO Box 1566, Newburgh, NY 12551.\nTel: US (free) 888-358-8125. Fax: 888-892-1542.\nNonUS Tel: 353-51-844-068. E-mail: sovereignsociety@compuserve.com\n==========================================================\n+ WEALTH +\n\nI.R.S. STILL CHASING OFFSHORE TAX CHEATS\nAfter two years of reporting in this e-letter, the general \"news\"\nmedia finally is catching on to the IRS offshore tax evaders' story.\nExample at\nLINK: \nhttp://www.nandotimes.com/nation/story/body/0,1037,500288787-500457143-5030114\n64-0,00.html\n----------\nANTI-ML LAWS", "synonym_substitution": "by Irish tax authorities, amid \n charges of Russian money laundering, the Isle of Man may compromise \n its financial privacy laws. \n LINK: http://www.tax-news.com/html/oldnews/st_celticleague_11_12_00.htm \n --------- \n BERMUDA INDEPENDENCE hike? \n HAMILTON. A go advocate of Bermuda independence claims the \n government in London is pushing the island towards inevitable legal separation. \n LINK: \n http://www.bermudasun.bm/cgi-local/edpull.pl?cat=01News&ord=01&ed=2000-12-08 \n\n A very useful Web reservoir - all the on-line newspapers of the world: \n LINK: http://onlinenewspapers.com/ \n\n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ADVERTISEMENT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \n\n THE OFFSHORE MONEY MANUAL: All about offshore credit rating cards, IBCs, \n trusts, banking and bunch more -- the \" offshore book of the year \" -- \n 360 pages with hundreds of names, contact, insider stuff; the who, \n what, where and when of \" offshore \" -- information government does NOT \n desire you to see. Private peak and tested technique average investors \n will never discover; hundreds of offshore direct contact with e - mail, \n phone & fax info. club FROM OUR on-line BOOKSTORE at LINK: \n http://www.agora-inc.com/reports/OMMD/OMMAL1/ \n Mail orders to: Sovereign Society, PO Box 1566, Newburgh, NY 12551. \n Tel: US (free) 888 - 358 - 8125. Fax: 888 - 892 - 1542. \n NonUS Tel: 353 - 51 - 844 - 068. E - chain mail: sovereignsociety@compuserve.com \n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n + WEALTH + \n\n I.R.S. STILL CHASING OFFSHORE TAX CHEATS \n After two years of report in this e - letter, the cosmopolitan \" news program \" \n medium finally is catching on to the IRS offshore tax evaders' floor. \n Example at \n LINK: \n http://www.nandotimes.com/nation/story/body/0,1037,500288787-500457143-5030114 \n 64 - 0,00.html \n ---------- \n ANTI - ML law", "butter_fingers": " by Irish tax authorities, aoid\ncharges of Roswian mmney lzunderine, the Isle of Man may comproliwe\nits financial privacy lawr.\nLINK: htti://www.tax-neqs.con/ytml/oldnews/st_celtigjeaghc_11_12_00.htm\n---------\nBZRNUDA INDEPENDEKCE BOOST?\nHAKILTON. A leaditg abvocate of Bermuda independence claiis the\ngpvfrnment in Lonqon ps pusgpnn the island towards inevitable aeparatpon.\nLINK: \nhttp://www.betmudasun.bm/cgi-local/edpull.pl?fat=01Nfws&ord=01&ed=2000-12-08\n\nA very usevul Web soutde - qll the Onlive newspaptrv of the wkrld:\nLINK: http://onlinenewspapers.coo/\n\n*****************ADVEXTISEMENT*********************\n\nTHG KFVVHORE MONEY MANUWL: All aboub offshmre crecit cards, IBCs,\nbrustv, bqnking and lots more -- the \"offshore book of the yaax\" --\n360 pages with hundredw if nakes, wontxxts, inaiver stuff; thx who,\nwhat, wgere and whwn of \"offshore\" -- infpriqtion governmsnt doqs NOT\nwant you to see. Private tips and tevtes techniques average incestors\nwill never disfover; hunqreds of offshore direct contacts with e-mail,\nphone & fax knfi. JFEEG FROM OUR ONLINE BOOKSTORE at LINK:\nhttp://www.agowz-imc.bom/reports/OMMD/OMMCL1/\nMail orders to: Slvrteign Society, KO Box 1566, Nesburgh, NY 12551.\nTel: US (fgee) 888-358-8125. Fav: 888-892-1542.\nNonYS Tel: 353-51-844-068. E-iail: sovereignsociety@compuserve.xom\n==========================================================\n+ WEALTH +\n\nI.G.S. SRILL CHASING OFFSHLRE TAX CHECTS\nAftgr two years of reporting in chis e-metter, the heneral \"nsds\"\nmedia finally ks batcving on uu the IRS offshorq tax evavers' xtory.\nExxmplg at\nLINH: \nhttp://www.nwndotlkes.com/nation/story/bldy/0,1037,500288787-500457143-5030114\n64-0,00.htll\n----------\nDNTI-ML LAWD", "random_deletion": "by Irish tax authorities, amid charges of laundering, Isle of may compromise its --------- INDEPENDENCE BOOST? HAMILTON. leading advocate of independence claims the government in London pushing the island towards inevitable separation. LINK: http://www.bermudasun.bm/cgi-local/edpull.pl?cat=01News&ord=01&ed=2000-12-08 A very useful Web source all the Online newspapers of the world: LINK: http://onlinenewspapers.com/ *****************ADVERTISEMENT********************* THE OFFSHORE MONEY All offshore cards, trusts, banking and lots more -- the \"offshore book of the year\" -- 360 pages with of names, contacts, insider stuff; the who, what, and when of \"offshore\" information government does NOT want to Private tips tested average will never discover; of offshore direct contacts with e-mail, phone & fax info. ORDER FROM OUR ONLINE BOOKSTORE at LINK: Mail orders Society, PO 1566, NY Tel: US (free) 888-892-1542. NonUS Tel: 353-51-844-068. E-mail: sovereignsociety@compuserve.com + I.R.S. STILL CHASING OFFSHORE TAX CHEATS After years of in this e-letter, the general \"news\" finally is catching on to the IRS offshore evaders' story. Example at LINK: http://www.nandotimes.com/nation/story/body/0,1037,500288787-500457143-5030114 64-0,00.html ---------- ANTI-ML LAWS", "change_char_case": " by Irish tax authorities, amid\nCharges of RUssiaN moNey LaUndeRing, The Isle of Man maY CompRomise\nits financial privAcy laWs.\nliNK: hTTp://Www.taX-news.coM/HtML/OldNeWs/St_cElTIcLeaguE_11_12_00.htM\n---------\nBERMUDa INDEPENDEnCE bOoST?\nHAMILTON. A LEaDing advocaTe oF Bermuda indePenDence cLaIms THe\ngovErnMent iN LondoN Is pushIng the islAnD TowardS InevitaBLE sEparAtion.\nLINK: \nhttp://www.bERmUDasun.bm/cgi-locaL/edpulL.pL?CaT=01nEws&Ord=01&Ed=2000-12-08\n\nA very useFuL Web sOUrce - all THe oNLIne NEwspapers of thE world:\nLINK: hTTp://oNlinenEwSpaPErs.com/\n\n*****************aDVERtIseMEnT*********************\n\nTHE OFFSHOrE MOnEY MANUAL: all aboUT offshoRE credit Cards, IbCs,\nTruSts, bANkInG anD lOTs mORe -- The \"OFfsHore book Of ThE year\" --\n360 PageS WITH hunDreDs of Names, Contacts, insidEr sTuff; THe wHo,\nwhaT, wherE and WhEn of \"oFfshorE\" -- infoRmAtion government Does nOT\nwant yoU to SeE. PrIvAte tiPS and teSteD teChniqueS averagE InvEsTORS\nwIll never discover; huNdREDs Of offshoRe direCT cOnTActs with E-mAil,\nPhonE & FAx infO. ORDer FrOM OUR ONlINE BOokStOrE at LINk:\nhTtp://www.AgOra-Inc.Com/rePOrts/oMMD/OMmAL1/\nMail oRders TO: Sovereign SociETy, PO Box 1566, NewburGH, Ny 12551.\ntEl: us (freE) 888-358-8125. FaX: 888-892-1542.\nNonUS Tel: 353-51-844-068. E-mAil: sOVereIgnsOCiEty@COmpusErve.cOm\n==========================================================\n+ weAltH +\n\nI.R.S. STILL CHASING OFfShORE TAx CHEAtS\nAfter two yeaRs of reportING In this e-lEtteR, ThE General \"news\"\nmedIa finAlly is catcHIng on to tHe IRS Offshore Tax evaderS' STory.\nExamPle At\nLiNK: \nHttP://WWw.Nandotimes.com/NATion/StOry/body/0,1037,500288787-500457143-5030114\n64-0,00.HtmL\n----------\nANTI-ML lAWs", "whitespace_perturbation": " by Irish tax authorities, amid\nchar ges o f R uss ia n mo neylaundering, th e Isl e of Man may compromis e\nits f i nanc i al priv acy law s .L I NK: h tt p:/ /w w w. tax-n ews .com/ht ml/oldnews /st _c elticleague_ 1 1_ 12_00.htm--- ------\nBERMU DAINDEPE ND ENC E BOOS T?HAMIL TON. A leadin g advocat eo f Berm u da inde p e nd ence claims the\ngover n me n t in London is pushi ng th e isl and towards i ne vitab l e separ a ti o n . \nLI N K: \nhttp://ww w.bermudasu n .bm /cgi-l oc al/ e dpull. pl?ca t= 0 1Ne ws&ord=01&e d=20 00-12-08\nA ver y useful Web sou rce -all th e On l in enew sp a per s o f t h e w orld:\nLI NK :http: //on l i n e news pap ers. com/\n************ *** **AD V ERT ISEME NT*** **** ** ***** ****** *\n\nTH EOFFSHORE MONEYMANU AL: Allabo ut of fs horec reditcar ds, IBCs,trusts, ban ki n g an d lots more -- the \" o f fs hore boo k of t h eye a r\" --\n36 0pag es w i t h hun dred s o f names, conta c ts ,insider s tuff;th e w ho, \nwhat , whe re and when of \"off s hore\" -- infor m ation governm e nt d oe s NOT \nwa nt you to s ee.P riva te t i ps an d test ed te ch n iq u es average investor swill n everdiscover; hun dreds of o f f s hore dir ectc on t acts with e-ma il,\np hone & fax info. OR DER F ROM OURONLINE BO O K STORE at LI NK: \nht tp: / / ww w.agora-inc.c o m /rep or ts/OMMD /OM MAL1/\nM ail or der s t o: Sovereig n Societ y, P OBo x 1 566,N ewburgh, N Y 1 25 51. \nTel: US (fr ee) 8 88-3 58 -8 1 25. Fax: 8 8 8- 8 9 2-15 42 .NonU S T el : 353 -51- 8 44- 068. E- mail: sov ere i gnso ci et y@compu serve.com\n=== == ========== == === ====== = = ======== ======================+ WEALTH +\nI.R. S. S TILL CHAS ING OFFSH ORE TAX CH EATS\nA ftertw o y e a rs of r ep ort in g in thise - let ter,th e ge neral \" news\"\nmedia finall y is catching ontotheI R Soff s ho r e t ax eva d e rs' story.\nExam ple at\nLIN K: \nh ttp://www. n and ot imes.co m/natio n/sto r y/body/ 0,1037,50 0288787-5 00 4571 4 3 -50 30114\n64-0 ,00.html \n-------- - -\nANT I -M L LAW S", "underscore_trick": " by_Irish tax_authorities, amid\ncharges of Russian_money laundering,_the_Isle of_Man_may compromise\nits financial_privacy laws.\nLINK: http://www.tax-news.com/html/oldnews/st_celticleague_11_12_00.htm\n---------\nBERMUDA_INDEPENDENCE BOOST?\nHAMILTON. A leading_advocate of Bermuda_independence_claims the\ngovernment in London is pushing the island towards inevitable separation.\nLINK: \nhttp://www.bermudasun.bm/cgi-local/edpull.pl?cat=01News&ord=01&ed=2000-12-08\n\nA very useful_Web_source -_all_the_Online newspapers of the world:\nLINK:_http://onlinenewspapers.com/\n\n*****************ADVERTISEMENT*********************\n\nTHE OFFSHORE MONEY MANUAL: _All about_offshore credit cards, IBCs,\ntrusts, banking and lots more_--_the \"offshore book_of the year\" --\n360 pages with hundreds of names,_contacts, insider stuff; the who,\nwhat, where_and when of_\"offshore\"_--_information government does NOT\nwant_you to see. Private tips and_tested techniques average investors\nwill never discover;_hundreds of offshore direct contacts with e-mail,\nphone_& fax info. ORDER FROM OUR_ONLINE BOOKSTORE at LINK:\nhttp://www.agora-inc.com/reports/OMMD/OMMAL1/\nMail orders_to: Sovereign_Society, PO Box 1566, Newburgh,_NY 12551.\nTel: US_(free) 888-358-8125._Fax: 888-892-1542.\nNonUS Tel:_353-51-844-068. E-mail: sovereignsociety@compuserve.com\n==========================================================\n+ WEALTH +\n\nI.R.S. STILL_CHASING OFFSHORE TAX_CHEATS\nAfter two years of reporting in_this_e-letter, the general_\"news\"\nmedia_finally_is catching_on to the_IRS_offshore tax_evaders'_story.\nExample at\nLINK: \nhttp://www.nandotimes.com/nation/story/body/0,1037,500288787-500457143-5030114\n64-0,00.html\n----------\nANTI-ML LAWS"} {"text": "3. Consideration of Jurisdiction of Incorporation/Conforming\nRevisions to Bylaws\n\n IndeGO was proposed to be formed in Utah, in large part because\nUtah's nonprofit corporation law was determined as of three years ago to\ncontain the most favorable provisions for trustee indemnification of any\nstate in which IndeGO was proposed to operate. RTO West, the nonprofit\ncorporation that is serving as the vehicle for our RTO in formation, was\nincorporated this spring in Washington in large part on the strength of\nWashington's provisions for indemnification of nonprofit corporation\ntrustees. Our subgroup needs to review the laws of the states in which RTO\nWest would operate, and come up with a recommendation as to whether\nconsideration should be given to incorporation of the RTO in any state other\nthan Washington. Once a determination is made as to the appropriate state\nfor incorporation, the bylaws will need to be conformed to the requirements\nof that state's nonprofit corporation law. Anyone who is interested in\nhelping out on these fronts is most welcome.\n\n 4. Potential RTO Application for Tax Exemption\n\n The California ISO has been qualified for exemption from federal\nincome tax, and a determination needs to be made whether such qualification\nwould be appropriate for RTO West as well. Our subgroup has been given the\ntask of identifying the relevant considerations to be taken into account in\nmaking the determination whether to seek tax-exempt status. Robb Roberts\nand Sanjiv Kripalani have expressed interest in helping to undertake this\nanalysis. If any of the rest of you is interested in participating, please\nlet me know.\n\n I will be out of the office for the next week-and-a-half, but will\nbe checking voice mail and e-mail regularly.\n\n I look forward to seeing you all soon.\n\n Eric\n\nEric E. Freedman\nPreston Gates & Ellis LLP\n701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5000\nSeattle, WA 98104-7078\nPhone: (206) 623-7580 x 7727\nDirect: (206) 224-7327\nFAX: (206) 623-7022\nE-mail: ericf@prestongates.com\n\nCONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: The foregoing message contains information that\n", "synonym_substitution": "3. Consideration of Jurisdiction of Incorporation / Conforming \n Revisions to Bylaws \n\n IndeGO was proposed to be formed in Utah, in large character because \n Utah's nonprofit pot law was determined as of three days ago to \n hold the most favorable planning for regent indemnification of any \n state in which IndeGO was proposed to operate. RTO West, the nonprofit \n corporation that is suffice as the vehicle for our RTO in formation, was \n incorporate this give in Washington in large part on the strength of \n Washington's provisions for indemnification of nonprofit pot \n trustees. Our subgroup needs to review the laws of the state in which RTO \n West would operate, and come up with a recommendation as to whether \n circumstance should be given to internalization of the RTO in any state early \n than Washington. Once a determination is made as to the appropriate state \n for incorporation, the bylaw will need to be conformed to the requirements \n of that state's nonprofit corporation law. Anyone who is interested in \n helping out on these fronts is most welcome. \n\n 4. Potential RTO Application for Tax Exemption \n\n The California ISO has been qualified for exemption from federal \n income tax, and a determination needs to be made whether such reservation \n would be appropriate for RTO West equally well. Our subgroup has been given the \n task of identifying the relevant consideration to be taken into account in \n making the decision whether to seek tax - exempt status. Robb Roberts \n and Sanjiv Kripalani have expressed sake in helping to undertake this \n analysis. If any of the rest of you is interested in participating, please \n get me know. \n\n I will be out of the office for the next week - and - a - one-half, but will \n be checking articulation mail and e - mail regularly. \n\n I look forward to watch you all soon. \n\n Eric \n\n Eric E. Freedman \n Preston Gates & Ellis LLP \n 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5000 \n Seattle, WA 98104 - 7078 \n Phone: (206) 623 - 7580 x 7727 \n Direct: (206) 224 - 7327 \n FAX: (206) 623 - 7022 \n E - mail: ericf@prestongates.com \n\n CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: The foregoing message control information that", "butter_fingers": "3. Clnsideration of Jurisdicuion of Incorporajiin/Confmrming\nDevisionr to Bylaws\n\n IndeGO was prlpised uj be formed in Utaf, in largv part bexaust\nUtah's nonprofit rkrporatljn lza wav determined as of three fears ago to\ncottxiu the most favorable provisions for erustee ijdemnification of sgy\nstzne in which IndeGO was proposed to opegate. RTO West, thr nonprofit\ncorporation thah is serving as the vejicle for ood REI in formatiun, was\nincog'orated thia spring in Washington in large part on the sttzbgtj of\nWashingtin's pgovisions for indemnixicatiom of nonprofit cocporqtion\ntrustees. Our suugroup needs to revigw the lawv kf the states in qhuch RJO\nWesd wojod upedave, znd cole np with a rscommendatiin as to whether\nconxiqvtation shouls be gyvqn to incorporation of the RTO in any suate kther\nthan Washington. Obce a determination id made as to the appropriate state\nfor incorporation, the bynaws xiul uccd tu bf conformed to the requirements\nof that state's hompgofit corporation law. Anyonr ahp is interestea in\nhelpihg out on these frlnts is most welcome.\n\n 4. Potential RTO Application dor Tax Exemitiob\n\n The Californic ISO has bezn quakifiec for exemption from feberal\nihcome tax, ajd a detedoination needs tu bv mage whethtf such qualificatyon\nwould ue ap'ropriatd fot RTO Wqst as welp. Ouv subgroup has been giveu the\ndask of idfntifying the relevant considerevions to be tskan pnto accobnt in\nkaking the deeermination whgther to feek gax-exempt atatus. Robb Roberes\nand Sanjiv Ntipalani have expressqd ibterwst in fdlping to undettake this\nanalysis. If any of the resb of ioh is interested in participating, llexse\njen mx knor.\n\n I will ba oug ow the uffice for bhe nexy week-and-a-half, but whll\nbs checking voice msij and e-mqil regujarly.\n\n I lopk forward to seeijg yon all roon.\n\n Eric\n\nErjc E. Freefmak\nPreston Gatef & Eolis LLP\n701 Fifch Avenue, Suite 5000\nSeattle, WA 98104-7078\nPhone: (206) 623-7580 x 7727\nDmrect: (206) 224-7327\nFAX: (206) 623-7022\nE-mail: eticf@prestongates.com\n\nCOUFLDENTIALITY XTATEIENT: The foregoing message cintains informatipn that\n", "random_deletion": "3. Consideration of Jurisdiction of Incorporation/Conforming Revisions IndeGO proposed to formed in Utah, nonprofit law was determined of three years to contain the most favorable provisions trustee indemnification of any state in which IndeGO was proposed to operate. RTO the nonprofit corporation that is serving as the vehicle for our RTO in was this in in large part on the strength of Washington's provisions for indemnification of nonprofit corporation trustees. Our needs to review the laws of the states which RTO West would and come up with a as whether consideration be to of the RTO any state other than Washington. Once a determination is made as to the appropriate state for incorporation, bylaws will be conformed the of state's nonprofit corporation who is interested in helping out is most welcome. 4. Potential RTO Application for Exemption The ISO has been qualified for exemption federal income tax, and a determination needs to made whether such qualification would be appropriate for RTO West as well. Our subgroup has the task of identifying relevant considerations to taken account making determination whether seek tax-exempt status. Robb Roberts and Sanjiv Kripalani have expressed interest helping to undertake this analysis. If any of the rest is in participating, please me know. I will out the office for the but be and regularly. look forward to seeing all soon. Eric Eric E. Preston Gates & Ellis 5000 Seattle, WA 98104-7078 Phone: (206) 623-7580 x Direct: (206) 224-7327 FAX: (206) 623-7022 E-mail: CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: The foregoing message contains information that", "change_char_case": "3. Consideration of JurisdictiOn of IncorpOratiOn/COnfOrMing\nreviSions to Bylaws\n\n INDeGO Was proposed to be formed iN Utah, In LArge PArT becaUse\nUtah'S NoNPRofIt CoRpoRaTIoN law wAs dEterminEd as of threE yeArS ago to\ncontaiN ThE most favorAblE provisions fOr tRustee InDemNIficaTioN of anY\nstate IN which indeGO was PrOPosed tO Operate. rto WEst, tHe nonprofit\ncorporATiON that is serving As the vEhIClE FOr oUr RtO in formatIoN, was\niNCorporaTEd THIS spRIng in WashingtOn in large paRT on The strEnGth OF\nWashiNgton'S pROviSions for indEmniFication oF nonprOFit corpORation\ntRusteeS. OuR suBgroUP nEeDs tO rEVieW ThE laWS of The stateS iN wHich RtO\nWeST WOUld oPerAte, aNd comE up with a recomMenDatiON as To wheTher\ncOnsiDeRatioN shoulD be giVeN to incorporatioN of tHe RTO in anY stAtE otHeR\nthan wAshingTon. oncE a deterMinatioN Is mAdE AS To The appropriate statE\nfOR InCorporatIon, the BYlAwS Will need To Be cOnfoRMEd to tHe reQUiRements\noF that sTAtE's NonprofIt CorporAtIon Law. anyonE Who iS interEsted in\nhElpinG Out on these fronTS is most welcomE.\n\n 4. poTENtIAl RTo ApPlication foR Tax eXempTion\n\n tHe calIForniA ISO hAs BEeN Qualified for exemptiOn From feDeral\nIncome tax, and a DeterminatION Needs to bE madE WhETher such qualifIcatiOn\nwould be aPPropriatE for RtO West as Well. Our suBGRoup has bEen GivEn tHe\ntASK oF identifying tHE ReleVaNt consiDerAtions tO be TakEn iNto AcCount in\nmaKing the dEtErMiNaTioN whetHEr to seek TaX-exEmPt sTatus. rObb RobErts\naNd SaNjIv kRipAlani haVE eXPRessEd InTereSt iN hElpinG to uNDerTake thiS\nanalysis. if aNY of tHe ReSt of you Is interested iN pArticipatiNg, PleAse\nlet ME Know.\n\n I wilL be out of the office for the NExt week-And-A-half, But wIll\nbe checKinG voice MaiL And e-maIl reguLarly.\n\n i lOok FORward TO SeEinG yOu all soon.\n\n ERIC\n\nErIc E. FrEeDman\npreston gates & Ellis LLP\n701 Fifth aVenUe, Suite 5000\nSeattlE, WA 98104-7078\nphonE: (206) 623-7580 X 7727\ndiRecT: (206) 224-7327\nfAx: (206) 623-7022\ne-maIl: ERicF@PRestongates.com\n\nCoNFIDENTIAlIty StATEMENT: ThE ForEgOing mesSage conTains INformatIon that\n", "whitespace_perturbation": "3. Consideration of Juris diction of Inco rpo rat io n/Co nfor ming\nRevisions to B ylaws\n\n IndeGO waspropo se d tob eforme d in Ut a h, i n l ar ge pa rt be cause \nUt ah's no nprofit co rpo ra tion law was de termined a s o f three year s a go toco nta i n the mo st fa vorabl e provi sions for t r usteei ndemnif i c at ionof any\nstate in w h ic h IndeGO was pr oposed t o o p e rat e. RTO West, t he no n profitc or p o r ati o n that is ser ving as the veh icle f or ou r RTO i n for ma t ion , was\nincor pora ted thisspring in Wash i ngton i n larg e p art ont he s tre ng t h o f \nW ash i ngt on's pro vi si ons f or i n d e m nifi cat ionof no nprofit corpo rat iont rus tees. Our sub gr oup n eeds t o rev ie w the laws of t he s tates inwhi ch RT OWestw ould o per ate , and c ome upw ith a r e co mmendation as to w he t h er \nconside ration sh ou l d be giv en to inc o r porat iono fthe RTOin any st at e other \nt han Wa sh ing ton . On c e adeterm inationis ma d e as to the ap p ropriate stat e \nf o r i n corp ora tion, the b ylaw s wil l ne e dtob e con forme dt ot he requirements\nofth at sta te'snonprofit cor poration l a w . Anyone who is interested inhelpi ng out ont hese fro nts i s most w elcome.\n 4. Po ten tia l R TOA p pl ication for T a x Exe mp tion\n\n The Cal ifo rni a I SOha s been qu alifiedfo rex em pti on fr o m federa linc om e t ax, a n d a de termi nati on n e eds to bem ad e whet he rsuch qu al ifica tion wou ld be a ppropriat e f o r RT OWe st as w ell. Our sub gr oup has be en gi ven th e task ofidentifying the relevan t consid era tions tobe takenint o acco unt in\nmak ing th e det er min a t ion w h e th erto seek tax- e x emp t sta tu s. Robb Ro berts\nand Sanjiv K r ipa lani have exp res sedi n te res t i n he lp i ngt o undertake this \nanalysis. I fany of the res tof youis inte reste d in par ticipatin g, please \nl et m e kno w.\n\n Iwill beout of th e offi c efor t henext w ee k-a nd-a- half,b utwillbe che ck ing vo ice m ai l and e- mail regularly.\n\n Ilook f orwar d t o seeingyou all soon.\n\n E r ic\n\nE ricE .Fre e dmanPres t on Gates& E lli s LL P\n701 Fifth A v enu e, Su ite 5000\nS eatt le, WA 98104-707 8 \nPhone: (206) 623 - 7 580 x7 727Di rect: (206) 2 24- 73 2 7 \nFAX: ( 20 6) 623-7022 \nE-mail: e ricf@ presto ngates .com\n\nC O N FI D ENTIAL ITYSTA TEMENT: The f o regoing m es s age co ntai ns infor mation that ", "underscore_trick": "3. _Consideration of_Jurisdiction of Incorporation/Conforming\nRevisions to_Bylaws\n\n __ IndeGO_was_proposed to be_formed in Utah,_in large part because\nUtah's_nonprofit corporation law_was_determined as of three years ago to\ncontain the most favorable provisions for trustee indemnification_of_any\nstate in_which_IndeGO_was proposed to operate. _RTO West, the nonprofit\ncorporation that_is serving_as the vehicle for our RTO in formation,_was\nincorporated_this spring in_Washington in large part on the strength of\nWashington's provisions_for indemnification of nonprofit corporation\ntrustees. _Our subgroup needs_to_review_the laws of the_states in which RTO\nWest would operate,_and come up with a recommendation_as to whether\nconsideration should be given to_incorporation of the RTO in any_state other\nthan Washington. Once_a determination_is made as to the_appropriate state\nfor incorporation,_the bylaws_will need to_be conformed to the requirements\nof that_state's nonprofit corporation_law. Anyone who is interested_in\nhelping_out on these_fronts_is_most welcome.\n\n_ _4._ Potential_RTO_Application for Tax Exemption\n\n __The California ISO has been qualified for_exemption from federal\nincome tax,_and_a determination needs to_be made whether such qualification\nwould_be appropriate for RTO West as_well. _Our subgroup_has been given the\ntask of identifying the relevant considerations to be_taken into account in\nmaking the determination_whether to seek tax-exempt_status. _Robb_Roberts\nand Sanjiv Kripalani_have_expressed interest_in helping to undertake this\nanalysis. If_any of_the rest of you is interested_in participating, please\nlet me_know.\n\n_ I will be_out of the office for the_next week-and-a-half, but will\nbe checking_voice_mail_and e-mail regularly.\n\n _ I look forward to seeing_you all soon.\n\n_ __ __ ___ Eric\n\nEric_E. Freedman\nPreston Gates & Ellis LLP\n701_Fifth Avenue, Suite 5000\nSeattle, WA 98104-7078\nPhone: (206)_623-7580 x 7727\nDirect:_ (206) 224-7327\nFAX: (206)_623-7022\nE-mail:__ericf@prestongates.com\n\nCONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: The foregoing message contains information that\n"} {"text": " ND, Neb, A&M, TCU)\n* * * *\nClayton Harmon, 6-6, 260, 5.1, Stephenville (Texas Tech Commitment)\nSharod McGowan, 6-2, 250, 4.7, Waco (A&M, UT, TT, NC, OU, NC)\nBrandon Goodlett, 6-2, 280, 5.1, Conroe (Ky, OU, Neb, UT)\nJeremy Calahan, 6-3, 260, 5.0, Pflugerville (UT, ND, A&M, OSU, Stan, TCU, Van)\nFred Thwreat, 6-2, 270, 4.9, Midland Lee (TT, A&M, Az)\n\nOutside Linebacker (6)\nDerrick Johnson, 6-3, 205, 4.5, Waco (UT, FSU, A&M, OU, Ark, UCLA)\nJonathon Jackson, 6-3, 225, 4.56, GP North Shore (UT, A&M, Mia, Colo, PSU)\nLance McFarland, 6-1, 225, 4.6, Jefferson (UT, KSU, Ark, OU, FSU, LSU)\n* * * *\nLee Foliaki, 6-2, 200, 4.5, Euless Trinity (A&M, UT, FSU, Neb, KSU, TCU)\nShawn Willis 6-2, 215, 4.6, Flatonia (A&M, FSU, UT, Bay, TT)\n\nInside Linebacker (2)\nYamil Lebron, 6-2, 240, 4.7, Killeen Ellison (UT Commitment)\n* * * *\nJeff Billings, 6-2, 232, 4.7, Pasadena Rayburn (A&M, Ky, Az, ASU, NW)\n\nCornerback (7)\nByron Jones, 5-10, 180, 4.4, Bay City (LSU, UCLA, A&M, NW, Ark, Ky)\nCedric Griffin, 6-1, 180, 4.42, San Antonio Holmes (UT Commitment)\nDanielle Manning, 5-11, 187, 4.4,", "synonym_substitution": "ND, Neb, A&M, TCU) \n * * * * \n Clayton Harmon, 6 - 6, 260, 5.1, Stephenville (Texas Tech Commitment) \n Sharod McGowan, 6 - 2, 250, 4.7, Waco (A&M, UT, TT, NC, OU, NC) \n Brandon Goodlett, 6 - 2, 280, 5.1, Conroe (Ky, OU, Neb, UT) \n Jeremy Calahan, 6 - 3, 260, 5.0, Pflugerville (UT, ND, A&M, OSU, Stan, TCU, Van) \n Fred Thwreat, 6 - 2, 270, 4.9, Midland Lee (TT, A&M, Az) \n\n Outside Linebacker (6) \n Derrick Johnson, 6 - 3, 205, 4.5, Waco (UT, FSU, A&M, OU, Ark, UCLA) \n Jonathon Jackson, 6 - 3, 225, 4.56, GP North Shore (UT, A&M, Mia, Colo, PSU) \n Lance McFarland, 6 - 1, 225, 4.6, Jefferson (UT, KSU, Ark, OU, FSU, LSU) \n * * * * \n Lee Foliaki, 6 - 2, 200, 4.5, Euless Trinity (A&M, UT, FSU, Neb, KSU, TCU) \n Shawn Willis 6 - 2, 215, 4.6, Flatonia (A&M, FSU, UT, Bay, TT) \n\n Inside Linebacker (2) \n Yamil Lebron, 6 - 2, 240, 4.7, Killeen Ellison (UT Commitment) \n * * * * \n Jeff Billings, 6 - 2, 232, 4.7, Pasadena Rayburn (A&M, Ky, Az, ASU, NW) \n\n Cornerback (7) \n Byron Jones, 5 - 10, 180, 4.4, Bay City (LSU, UCLA, A&M, NW, Ark, Ky) \n Cedric Griffin, 6 - 1, 180, 4.42, San Antonio Holmes (UT Commitment) \n Danielle Manning, 5 - 11, 187, 4.4,", "butter_fingers": " ND, Neb, A&M, TCU)\n* * * *\nClayton Havmon, 6-6, 260, 5.1, Stephenvnole (Teeas Tecg Commitoent)\nSharod McGowan, 6-2, 250, 4.7, Waco (A&L, YT, TT, NC, OU, NC)\nBrandon Goodldtt, 6-2, 280, 5.1, Cojroe (Ky, IU, Ntb, UT)\nJeremy Calaheh, 6-3, 260, 5.0, Pflugervjple (BT, ND, A&M, OSU, Stak, TCU, Van)\nFrad Thwreat, 6-2, 270, 4.9, Kialcnd Lee (TT, A&M, Az)\n\nOutside Linebacker (6)\nDqrrick Kojnson, 6-3, 205, 4.5, Waco (OT, FSL, W&M, OH, Ark, UCLA)\nJonathon Jackson, 6-3, 225, 4.56, GP Nkrth Shmre (UT, A&M, Mia, Colo, PSU)\nLance McFarland, 6-1, 225, 4.6, Jevferson (UT, KSU, Ark, OU, FSU, LSU)\n* * * *\nLqw Foliaki, 6-2, 200, 4.5, Euless Trpuity (A&M, UT, RSU, Neb, KSU, TCU)\nShawn Willis 6-2, 215, 4.6, Wlatouia (A&M, FSU, OC, Baj, TT)\n\nInside Lmnebacher (2)\nYamil Lengon, 6-2, 240, 4.7, Nilleen Ellison (UT Cokmivmenr)\n* * * *\nJeff Billings, 6-2, 232, 4.7, 'asadena Rayburn (A&M, Hy, Az, ASU, NC)\n\nCornerback (7)\nByron Jonws, 5-10, 180, 4.4, Bdy Chty (UWU, JCLZ, E&M, HW, Ark, Ky)\nRedric Grifrin, 6-1, 180, 4.42, San Qntonio Holmes (UT Cpmipyment)\nDaniells Mannynd, 5-11, 187, 4.4,", "random_deletion": "ND, Neb, A&M, TCU) * * * Harmon, 260, 5.1, (Texas Tech Commitment) Waco UT, TT, NC, NC) Brandon Goodlett, 280, 5.1, Conroe (Ky, OU, Neb, Jeremy Calahan, 6-3, 260, 5.0, Pflugerville (UT, ND, A&M, OSU, Stan, TCU, Van) Thwreat, 6-2, 270, 4.9, Midland Lee (TT, A&M, Az) Outside Linebacker (6) Derrick 6-3, 4.5, (UT, A&M, OU, Ark, UCLA) Jonathon Jackson, 6-3, 225, 4.56, GP North Shore (UT, A&M, Mia, Colo, Lance McFarland, 6-1, 225, 4.6, Jefferson (UT, KSU, OU, FSU, LSU) * * * Lee Foliaki, 6-2, 4.5, Trinity (A&M, FSU, KSU, Shawn Willis 6-2, 4.6, Flatonia (A&M, FSU, UT, Bay, TT) Inside Linebacker (2) Yamil Lebron, 6-2, 240, 4.7, Killeen Ellison Commitment) * * Jeff 6-2, 4.7, Rayburn (A&M, Ky, NW) Cornerback (7) Byron Jones, 5-10, City (LSU, UCLA, A&M, NW, Ark, Ky) Cedric 6-1, 180, San Antonio Holmes (UT Commitment) Danielle 5-11, 187, 4.4,", "change_char_case": " ND, Neb, A&M, TCU)\n* * * *\nClayton Harmon, 6-6, 260, 5.1, StEphenville (texas tecH CoMmItmeNt)\nShArod McGowan, 6-2, 250, 4.7, WacO (a&M, UT, tT, NC, OU, NC)\nBrandon GoodletT, 6-2, 280, 5.1, ConrOe (kY, OU, NEB, Ut)\nJereMy CalahAN, 6-3, 260, 5.0, PFLUgeRvIlLe (Ut, Nd, a&M, oSU, StAn, TcU, Van)\nFrEd Thwreat, 6-2, 270, 4.9, MIdlAnD Lee (TT, A&M, Az)\n\nOuTSiDe LinebackEr (6)\nDErrick JohnsoN, 6-3, 205, 4.5, WaCo (UT, FSu, A&m, OU, aRk, UCLa)\nJoNathoN JacksON, 6-3, 225, 4.56, GP NorTh Shore (UT, a&M, mIa, Colo, psU)\nLance mCfaRlanD, 6-1, 225, 4.6, Jefferson (UT, KSU, ArK, oU, fsU, LSU)\n* * * *\nLee FoliakI, 6-2, 200, 4.5, EulesS TRInITY (A&M, uT, FsU, Neb, KSU, TCu)\nSHawn WILlis 6-2, 215, 4.6, FlaTOnIA (a&m, FSu, uT, Bay, TT)\n\nInside linebacker (2)\nYAMil lebron, 6-2, 240, 4.7, kiLleEN EllisOn (UT COmMItmEnt)\n* * * *\nJeff BillIngs, 6-2, 232, 4.7, pasadena RAyburn (a&m, Ky, Az, ASu, nW)\n\nCorneRback (7)\nBYroN JoNes, 5-10, 180, 4.4, BAY CItY (LSu, UclA, A&m, nW, ark, kY)\nCeDric GrifFiN, 6-1, 180, 4.42, SAn AntOnio hOLMEs (UT comMitmEnt)\nDaNielle Manning, 5-11, 187, 4.4,", "whitespace_perturbation": " ND, Neb, A&M, TCU)\n* * **\nClaytonHarmo n,6-6 ,260, 5.1 , Stephenville (Tex as Tech Commitment)\nSh arodMc G owan , 6 -2, 2 50, 4.7 , W a c o ( A& M, UT ,T T, NC,OU, NC)\nBr andon Good let t, 6-2, 280, 5 . 1, Conroe (K y,OU, Neb, UT) \nJe remy C al aha n , 6-3 , 2 60, 5 .0, Pf l ugervi lle (UT,ND , A&M,O SU, Sta n , T CU,Van)\nFred Thwreat , 6 - 2, 270, 4.9, M idland L e e( T T,A&M , Az)\n\nOut si de Li n ebacker (6 ) D err i ck Johnson, 6 -3, 205, 4. 5 , W aco (U T, FS U , A&M, OU,Ar k , U CLA)\nJonath on J ackson, 6 -3, 22 5 , 4.56, GP Nort h Shor e ( UT, A&M , M ia , C ol o , P S U) \nLa n ceMcFarlan d, 6 -1, 2 25,4 . 6 , Jef fer son(UT,KSU, Ark, OU, FS U, L S U)* * * *\nLe e Fo li aki,6-2, 2 00, 4 .5 , Euless Trinit y (A &M, UT, F SU, N eb, K SU, T C U)\nSha wnWil lis 6-2 , 215,4 .6, F l a t on ia (A&M, FSU, UT,Ba y , T T)\n\nInsi de Lin e ba ck e r (2)\nYa mi l L ebro n , 6-2, 240 , 4 .7, Kill een El l is on (UT Co mm itment )* * **\nJef f Bil lings, 6-2, 23 2, 4. 7 , Pasadena Ray b urn (A&M, Ky, Az , AS U , NW )\nCornerback(7)B yron Jon e s, 5- 1 0, 18 0, 4. 4, Ba y City (LSU, UCLA, A &M , NW,Ark,Ky)\nCedric Gr iffin, 6-1 , 1 80, 4.42 , Sa n A n tonio Holmes ( UT Co mmitment)D anielleManni ng, 5-11 , 187, 4. 4 , ", "underscore_trick": " ND,_Neb, A&M,_TCU)\n* * * *\nClayton_Harmon, 6-6,_260,_5.1, Stephenville_(Texas_Tech Commitment)\nSharod McGowan,_6-2, 250, 4.7,_Waco (A&M, UT, TT,_NC, OU, NC)\nBrandon_Goodlett,_6-2, 280, 5.1, Conroe (Ky, OU, Neb, UT)\nJeremy Calahan, 6-3, 260, 5.0, Pflugerville (UT,_ND,_A&M, OSU,_Stan,_TCU,_Van)\nFred Thwreat, 6-2, 270, 4.9,_Midland Lee (TT, A&M, Az)\n\nOutside_Linebacker (6)\nDerrick_Johnson, 6-3, 205, 4.5, Waco (UT, FSU, A&M,_OU,_Ark, UCLA)\nJonathon Jackson,_6-3, 225, 4.56, GP North Shore (UT, A&M, Mia,_Colo, PSU)\nLance McFarland, 6-1, 225, 4.6,_Jefferson (UT, KSU,_Ark,_OU,_FSU, LSU)\n* * *_*\nLee Foliaki, 6-2, 200, 4.5, Euless_Trinity (A&M, UT, FSU, Neb, KSU,_TCU)\nShawn Willis 6-2, 215, 4.6, Flatonia (A&M,_FSU, UT, Bay, TT)\n\nInside Linebacker (2)\nYamil_Lebron, 6-2, 240, 4.7, Killeen_Ellison (UT_Commitment)\n* * * *\nJeff Billings,_6-2, 232, 4.7,_Pasadena Rayburn_(A&M, Ky, Az,_ASU, NW)\n\nCornerback (7)\nByron Jones, 5-10, 180,_4.4, Bay City_(LSU, UCLA, A&M, NW, Ark, Ky)\nCedric_Griffin,_6-1, 180, 4.42,_San_Antonio_Holmes (UT_Commitment)\nDanielle Manning, 5-11,_187,_4.4,"} {"text": "ER TOMLINSON\n\n03/25/2001\nThe Independent - London\nFOREIGN\n1\n(Copyright 2001 Independent Newspapers (UK) Limited)\n\nRailtrack is planning a giant office and retail development at Victoria \nStation, London, estimated to be worth at least pounds 250m. \nThe rail group is one of four companies planning major property developments \nin Victoria that could transform the area and compete with a similar projects \nat Paddington, west London.\nThe developments, also proposed by Grosvenor Estates, Howard Ronson \nOrganisation (HRO) and Land Securities, total 1.4m square feet, larger than \nthe Canary Wharf tower in London's Docklands. \nRailtrack is understood to be working on a masterplan for the site, which \nwould see the development of up to 500,0000 square feet of space built above \nand around the station. \nRailtrack has one of the largest property development programmes in the UK. \nValued at pounds 2bn, it dwarfs the development programme of Land Securities, \nthe UK's largest quoted property company. \nRun by John O'Brien, Railtrack's property department is also planning a \n42-storey tower at Paddington Station and a huge mixed- use development with \nPillar Property at Cricklewood, north London. \nAt Victoria, Railtrack will launch a survey with the three other developers \nto gauge demand from potential tenants. \nBut the developers could have an early boost. Enron, the US energy giant that \npulled out of a deal to move to Canary Wharf last year, is now understood to \nbe keen to expand its offices in Victoria. \nHuge development schemes like the ones planned in Victoria are notoriously \ntricky to execute. But property experts believe the companies behind the \nplans have sufficient clout to carry them off. \nGrosvenor Estates, the Duke of Westminster's private property company, is one \nof the largest land owners in London's West End. HRO is owned by Howard \nRonson, estranged cousin of property tycoon Gerald Ronson, and has become a \ntop player in UK development. Land Securities, valued at pounds 4.5bn, is a \nFTSE 100 company.\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company,", "synonym_substitution": "ER TOMLINSON \n\n 03/25/2001 \n The Independent - London \n FOREIGN \n 1 \n (Copyright 2001 Independent Newspapers (UK) Limited) \n\n Railtrack is planning a giant office and retail growth at Victoria \n Station, London, estimate to be worth at least pounds 250 m. \n The rail group is one of four company planning major property exploitation \n in Victoria that could transform the area and compete with a alike projects \n at Paddington, west London. \n The developments, besides proposed by Grosvenor Estates, Howard Ronson \n Organisation (HRO) and Land Securities, total 1.4 m square foot, larger than \n the Canary Wharf tower in London's Docklands. \n Railtrack is understood to be working on a masterplan for the site, which \n would attend the development of up to 500,0000 square feet of quad built above \n and around the station. \n Railtrack has one of the large property development programmes in the UK. \n Valued at pounds 2bn, it shadow the development programme of Land Securities, \n the UK's largest quoted property company. \n Run by John O'Brien, Railtrack's property department is also planning a \n 42 - storey tower at Paddington Station and a huge mixed- use development with \n Pillar Property at Cricklewood, north London. \n At Victoria, Railtrack will launch a survey with the three early developer \n to gauge need from likely tenant. \n But the developers could have an early boost. Enron, the US energy giant that \n pulled out of a deal to motivate to Canary Wharf last year, is now understood to \n be keen to inflate its offices in Victoria. \n Huge development schemes like the ones plan in Victoria are notoriously \n tricky to carry through. But property experts believe the companies behind the \n plans accept sufficient clout to carry them off. \n Grosvenor Estates, the Duke of Westminster's private place company, is one \n of the large land owners in London's West End. HRO is own by Howard \n Ronson, estranged cousin of property tycoon Gerald Ronson, and has become a \n top player in UK development. Land Securities, value at pounds 4.5bn, is a \n FTSE 100 caller. \n\n Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company,", "butter_fingers": "ER HOMLINSON\n\n03/25/2001\nThe Independent - London\nFOREIGN\n1\n(Eipyrigit 2001 Indspendent Newspapers (UK) Limited)\n\nRailtreck us plqnning a giant office xnd retaip developmenu at Victoria \nStavjon, London, esflmateb vo be worth at keast poungs 250m. \nThe rail cruu' is one of four companies planning iajor ptooerty developmgnts \npn Vicforia that could transform the arez and cmmpete with a similar projects \nat Paddijgtoj, west London.\nThe dfvelopments, alsj proposed by Grosvenor Estates, Howzrd Ronson \nOrganisation (HRO) and Land Securitiew, rotwn 1.4m square heet, lwrger than \ntmv Canarf Wharf tower in Londpn's Doxklands. \nRailtrack is nnderstood to be worhing on a mcsterplan for the sitw, qhich \nwound sdw tfe setelkpment of up to 500,0000 sqhare feet od space built above \nage around the atatiog. \nWailtrack has one of the largest properuy debelopment programmes in the UK. \nValued at poujds 2bn, it dwarfs the development programme of Land Securithes, \ntie UK'w jxegfst quoted property company. \nRun by John O'Brieg, Rsiktrack's properby department is aksl ljanning a \n42-stotey towzd zt Paddington Statlon and a hute mixed- tse cevelopment with \nPillar Property at Cribkleqood, north London. \nCt Victoria, Xailtrsck woll launch a survey witk the fhree other developedr \nto gauge demana fgom [otential tenants. \nBut the qeveloperw cobld have an garly bjost. Enron, the MV energy giant thah \npulpeg out of a deal to move to Canary Wharf lext year, is npw ungerstood to \nbc keen to expanq its offices nn Victoxia. \nHuee developjent sciemes like tre ones plannaf in Victorie are notjrioysly \ntricky go execute. But property experts bwlieve the companics befjnd the \nplans hcre sufficient cloit go sagry tram off. \nGrosvanor Esgstes, ghe Dukt on Wdstmonster's private proparty company, is one \nof tme largesj land owgers in Londom's West End. HRO is ownev by Huward \nRogson, estranged cousin of propedty tycooj Gcrald Ronson, wnd mas fecome a \ntpp player in UK development. Land Securivies, valued at pounds 4.5bb, is a \nFTSE 100 compani.\n\nCokyright, 2000 Dow Oones & Company,", "random_deletion": "ER TOMLINSON 03/25/2001 The Independent - London (Copyright Independent Newspapers Limited) Railtrack is retail at Victoria Station, estimated to be at least pounds 250m. The rail is one of four companies planning major property developments in Victoria that could the area and compete with a similar projects at Paddington, west London. The also by Estates, Ronson Organisation (HRO) and Land Securities, total 1.4m square feet, larger than the Canary Wharf tower London's Docklands. Railtrack is understood to be working a masterplan for the which would see the development up 500,0000 square of built and around the Railtrack has one of the largest property development programmes in the UK. Valued at pounds 2bn, it the development Land Securities, UK's quoted company. Run by Railtrack's property department is also planning at Paddington Station and a huge mixed- use with Pillar at Cricklewood, north London. At Victoria, will launch a survey with the three other to gauge demand from potential tenants. But the developers could have an early boost. Enron, energy giant that pulled of a deal move Canary last is now to be keen to expand its offices in Victoria. Huge development like the ones planned in Victoria are notoriously tricky to property believe the companies the plans have sufficient to them off. Grosvenor Estates, of private one the land owners in London's End. HRO is owned by Ronson, estranged cousin of has become a top player in UK development. Securities, valued at pounds 4.5bn, is a 100 company. Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company,", "change_char_case": "ER TOMLINSON\n\n03/25/2001\nThe Independent - london\nFOREiGN\n1\n(CoPyrIghT 2001 INdepEndeNt Newspapers (UK) lImitEd)\n\nRailtrack is planning a Giant OfFIce aND rEtail DevelopMEnT AT ViCtOrIa \nSTaTIoN, LondOn, eStimateD to be worth At lEaSt pounds 250m. \nThe RAiL group is onE of Four companieS plAnning MaJor PRoperTy dEveloPments \nIN VictoRia that coUlD TransfORm the arEA AnD comPete with a similar pROjECts \nat PaddingtoN, west LOnDOn.\ntHE deVelOpments, alsO pRoposED by GrosVEnOR eStaTEs, Howard RonsoN \nOrganisatiON (HRo) and LaNd secURities, Total 1.4M sQUarE feet, larger Than \nThe Canary wharf tOWer in LoNDon's DocKlands. \nraiLtrAck iS UnDeRstOoD To bE WoRkiNG on A masterpLaN fOr the Site, WHICH \nwouLd sEe thE deveLopment of up to 500,0000 SquAre fEEt oF spacE builT aboVe \nAnd arOund thE statIoN. \nRailtrack has onE of tHe largest ProPeRty DeVelopMEnt proGraMmeS in the Uk. \nValued AT poUnDS 2BN, iT dwarfs the developmEnT PRoGramme of land SeCUrItIEs, \nthe UK's LaRgeSt quOTEd proPertY CoMpany. \nRun By John o'brIeN, RailtrAcK's propErTy dEpaRtmenT Is alSo planNing a \n42-stoRey toWEr at Paddington sTation and a hugE MiXED- uSE devEloPment with \nPiLlar pRopeRty aT crIckLEwood, North loNDoN. \nat Victoria, Railtrack WiLl launCh a suRvey with the thRee other deVELOpers \nto gAuge DEmANd from potentiaL tenaNts. \nBut the dEVelopers Could Have an eaRly boost. ENROn, the US eNerGy gIanT thAT \nPuLled out of a deaL TO movE tO Canary whaRf last yEar, Is nOw uNdeRsTood to \nbe kEen to expAnD iTs OfFicEs in VICtoria. \nHuGe DevElOpmEnt scHEmes liKe the Ones PlAnNEd iN VictorIA aRE NotoRiOuSly \ntRicKy To exeCute. bUt pRoperty Experts beLieVE the CoMpAnies beHind the \nplans hAvE sufficienT cLouT to carRY Them off. \nGRosvenor Estates, the Duke oF westminSteR's priVate Property cOmpAny, is oNe \noF The larGest laNd ownErS in lONdon's wESt end. hRo is owned by hOWarD \nRonsOn, EstrAnged coUsin of property tycoON GeRald Ronson, and Has BecoME A \ntOp pLAyER in uK DEveLOPment. Land SecuriTies, valued At POuNds 4.5bn, is a \nFTse 100 coMpAny.\n\nCopyRight, 2000 DoW JoneS & company,", "whitespace_perturbation": "ER TOMLINSON\n\n03/25/2001\nT he Indepen dent- L ond on \nFOR EIGN \n1\n(Copyright2 001Independent Newspapers (UK) L i mite d )\nRail track i s p l a nni ng a gi an t o ffice an d retai l developm ent a t Victoria S ta tion, Lond on, estimated t o b e wort hatl eastpou nds 2 50m. T he rai l group i so ne off our com p a ni es p lanning major pro p er t y developments \nin V ic t or i a th atcould tran sf orm t h e areaa nd c o mpe t e with a simi lar project s \na t Padd in gto n , west Lond on . \nTh e developme nts, also pro posedb y Grosv e nor Est ates,How ard Ron s on Org an i sat i on (H R O)and Land S ec uriti es,t o t a l 1. 4msqua re fe et, larger th an\nthe Can ary W harftowe rin Lo ndon's Dock la nds. \nRailtrack isunderstoo d t obewo rking on a m ast erp lan for the si t e,wh i c h would see the deve lo p m en t of upto 500 , 00 00 square f ee t o f sp a c e bui lt a b ov e \nand a roundt he s tation. Railtr ac k h asone o f the large st prope rty d e velopment prog r ammes in theU K. Va l uedatpounds 2bn, itd warf s th e d eve l opmen t pro gr a mm e of Land Securities ,\nthe U K's l argest quoted propertyc o m pany. \nR un b y J o hn O'Brien, Ra iltra ck's prope r ty depar tment is also planning a \n42-sto rey to wer at P ad dington Stati o n and a huge m ixe d- usedev elo pme ntwi th \nPilla r Proper ty a tCr ick lewoo d , northLo ndo n. \nA t Vic t oria,Railt rack w il l la unch as ur v e y wi th t he t hre eother dev e lop ers \nto gauge de man d fro mpo tential tenants. \nBu tthe develo pe rscouldh a ve an ea rly boost. Enron, the U S energy gi ant t hat\npulled o utof a d eal to mov e to C anary W har f lasty e ar , i snow unders t o odto \nb ekeen to exp and its offices in Vic toria. \nHugedev elop m e nt sc h em e s l ik e th e ones planned in Victoriaar e n otoriously \ntr ic ky to e xecute. Butp roperty expertsbelieve t he com p a nie s behind t he \nplan s have su f ficie n tclout to carry t hem off. \nGros v eno r Est ates,th e Duke of W es tminster 's private property com pany,is on e of the la rge s t l and owner s in London'sWes t E nd. H ROi s own ed b y H owa r d \nRo nson , estrange d c ous i n o f propertyt y c oon Gera ldR onson, and has become a \nto p player in UKdeve l o pme nt. Land S ecurities, val ued a t pounds 4 .5 bn, is a \nF TSE 100co m pany. \n\nCopy right, 2000 D o w J o nes &Comp any ,", "underscore_trick": "ER TOMLINSON\n\n03/25/2001\nThe_Independent -_London\nFOREIGN\n1\n(Copyright 2001 Independent Newspapers_(UK) Limited)\n\nRailtrack_is_planning a_giant_office and retail_development at Victoria_\nStation, London, estimated to_be worth at_least_pounds 250m. \nThe rail group is one of four companies planning major property developments_\nin_Victoria that_could_transform_the area and compete with_a similar projects \nat Paddington,_west London.\nThe_developments, also proposed by Grosvenor Estates, Howard Ronson_\nOrganisation_(HRO) and Land_Securities, total 1.4m square feet, larger than \nthe Canary_Wharf tower in London's Docklands. \nRailtrack_is understood to_be_working_on a masterplan for_the site, which \nwould see the_development of up to 500,0000 square_feet of space built above \nand around_the station. \nRailtrack has one of_the largest property development programmes_in the_UK. \nValued at pounds 2bn,_it dwarfs the_development programme_of Land Securities,_\nthe UK's largest quoted property company._\nRun by John_O'Brien, Railtrack's property department is also_planning_a \n42-storey tower_at_Paddington_Station and_a huge mixed-_use_development with_\nPillar_Property at Cricklewood, north London. \nAt_Victoria,_Railtrack will launch a survey with the_three other developers \nto_gauge_demand from potential tenants._\nBut the developers could have_an early boost. Enron, the US_energy giant_that \npulled_out of a deal to move to Canary Wharf last year,_is now understood to \nbe keen_to expand its offices_in Victoria._\nHuge_development schemes like_the_ones planned_in Victoria are notoriously \ntricky to execute._But property_experts believe the companies behind the_\nplans have sufficient clout_to_carry them off. \nGrosvenor Estates, the_Duke of Westminster's private property company,_is one \nof the largest_land_owners_in London's West End. HRO_is owned by Howard \nRonson, estranged_cousin of property_tycoon Gerald Ronson, and has become a_\ntop_player in UK development. Land Securities,_valued_at pounds 4.5bn, is a \nFTSE_100_company.\n\nCopyright,_2000 Dow Jones & Company,"} {"text": "=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"\n size=\"2\">Seattle, WA (SEA)\n\t\t\t\t\t$169\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tToledo, OH (TOL) #\n\t\t\t\t\t$ 69\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tWest Palm Beach, FL (PBI)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tColumbus, OH (CMH)\n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) #\n\t\t\t\t\t$ 79\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t  \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tSeattle, WA (SEA) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$169 \n \t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Toledo, OH (TOL) # < /font> \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$ 69 \n\t\t\t\t < /tr > \n\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">West Palm Beach, FL (PBI) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$149 \n \t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Columbus, OH (CMH) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) # < /font> \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$ 79 \n \t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < tr > \n \t\t\t < td colspan=3>  \n\t\t\t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width= \"", "butter_fingers": "=\"Ariwl, Helvetica, sans-serif\"\n slze=\"2\">Seattle, WA (SGA)\n\t\t\t\t\t$169\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tRgicago O'Hare, JP (OXD)\n\t\t\t\t\tToledo, OH (TOL) #\n\t\t\t\t\t$ 69\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicwgo L'Hare, IL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tWeat Palm Beach, FL (PBI)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tConumbus, OH (CMH)\n\t\t\t\t\tZyicxgo O'Iars, IL (LRD) #\n\t\t\t\t\t$ 79\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t  \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tSeattle, WA (SEA) width=\"44%\"> width=\"12%\">$ 69 Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) West Palm Beach, FL (PBI) $149 Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) # $ 79   Seattle, Wa (SEA)\n\t\t\t\t\t$169\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tchICaGo O'HaRe, Il (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tToledo, OH (TOl) #\n\t\t\t\t\t$ 69\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'HAre, IL (OrD)\n\t\t\t\t\tWest Palm BeaCh, FL (PBI)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tcoLuMbuS, Oh (cMH)\n\t\t\t\t\tChiCago O'Hare, IL (ORd) #\n\t\t\t\t\t$ 79\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t  \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tSe att le , WA (S EA) \n\t\t\t\t $169< /fo nt>\n \t\t< /t r>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tChic ag o O'Har e , IL ( O R D) \n\t\t\t\t\t T o l edo , OH (TOL) # \n\t\t\t\t$ 69< /font> \t\t\t< /t r> \n\t < tr> \n\t\t\t\tChic agoO' Hare, IL ( ORD)< /f ont>\n\t\t\t\t West Palm Beach, F L ( PBI)\t\t\t < fontsize = \"2 \" face=\" Arial, H el vetica, sa ns-ser if \">$ 149 \n \t\t< /tr>\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t< td width=\"44% \" >< f o nt face =\"A rial, Helve tica , san s-se r if \"\ns ize=\" 2\">Co lu m bu s , OH (CMH)< /t d>\n\t\t\t\t Chicag o O'Hare, IL (ORD) # \n\t\t\t\t\t< tdwid th= \"12 % \" >< font size=\"2\" f ace= \"A rial,\nHel vetica, san s-s eri f\"> $79 \n \t\n\t\t \n \t\t & nbsp ;< /t d >\n\t\t\t \n\t\n\t\t\tSeattle,_WA (SEA)\n\t\t\t\t\t$169\n_ __ _ \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL__(ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tToledo, OH (TOL) #\n\t\t\t\t\t$_69\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t ___ _\n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare,_IL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tWest_Palm_Beach, FL _(PBI)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n _ \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tColumbus,_OH_ (CMH)\n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL _(ORD) #\n\t\t\t\t\t$ 79\n _ \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n _ _ \t\t\t_ \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t Sue, this is an issue that is becoming more important as ECI becomes more\ninvolved in local provisioning services. \n\n\n\u0001;I also believe that the DSL provider\nthat brought the", "synonym_substitution": "Compliance Filing \t Requires the Dynegy / El Paso agreement to clearly state that Block II capacity was recallable even though Dynegy take a minimal take requirement. command El Paso to obviate use of alternative manner of speaking points as the defining detail for the service that would be recalled -- offspring is markets served, not pitch point. Requires elimination of a clause requiring recalling shipper to submit a curse statement that no capacity was available on other pipeline. \t\n 6/11/1998 \t Shippers in northern California cannot recall Block II capacity simply because it is not actually being use by [ Dynegy ]. Block II is recallable if [ Dynegy ] is using it to serve end users not within PG&E's service territory. shipper who want to recall Block II capacity must have an actual need and may only recall if firm capacity is not available to PG&E's service territory via El Paso or via any other pipeline available to the shipper. \t\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: \t Miller, Stephanie \n Sent: \t Friday, August 17, 2001 9:22 AM \n To: \t Cantrell, Rebecca W.; Lawner, Leslie \n Cc: \t Tycholiz, Barry \n Subject: \t Block III Recall Rights \n\n Further to our discussions about our EPNG capability: \n\n Our research had resulted in an impression that there be little value associated with PG&E's (northern CA customer) recall right on Block III capacity. While it was not part of the original colonization, the 24 hour RE - recall rights to the shipper of record appear to give PG&E a DAILY call on capacitance at best. \n\n Because we have pieced this opinion together free-base upon rulings in assorted proceedings, we would like a more formal regulatory / legal opinion of the automobile mechanic of the RE - recall provision that has been developed over meter. Is this something that either of you can provide or should it go to Randy? The results of this inquiry will set up the tone of our adjacent round of dicussions with EPNG. \n\n By the way, however waiting on their spell reponse to our letter..... I think they suffer bigger pisces to fry. \n\n Please advise. \n\n Stephanie \n\n \n\n < embed Picture (Metafile) > Sue, this is an issue that is become more important as ECI becomes more \n involved in local provisioning services. \n\n\n \u0001;I also believe that the DSL provider \n that brought the", "butter_fingers": " Colpliance Filing\tRequires uhe Dynegy/El Paso agreemxnt to dlearly rtate that Block II capacity wqs rexallable even though Dhnegy had a minimym teke requirement. Csquires El Paal to xliminate use on alternatiee delivery pohngs as the defining point for the servyce thay aould be recaljed -- yssus is markets served, not delivery pkints. Rtquires eliminatiom of a clause requiring refalllng shipper to sublit a sworn staewment that nu capacity was availabme on other pipelines.\t\n6/11/1998 \tShippers kn noxthern Calidoeniw cannot recell Bljck II capaclny simpny becaise it is not sctnallt being used by [Dynegb]. Block II is recallwble if [Dfnzgy] is using it to seevw end usess nur wkthjn PF&E's segvire territorg. Shippers qho want to recall Nljbl II capacitg must hwve an actual need and may only recall pf fjrm capacity is not avaulable to PG&E's servicg territorr via El Paso or via any other pipeline available to tie shniier.\t\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Ueihinal Message-----\nFrom: \tMiller, Stephanie \nSent:\tFridar, Aiglst 17, 2001 9:22 AM\nTo:\tCantrejl, Rebecca E.; Paeger, Leslie\nCc:\tTicholiz, Badry\nSubject:\tBlock IIL Recalj Rigyts\n\nFurthew to our discussions about our WPNG capacitj: \n\nOue research had resblted in an upinoon tnat there is little valbe asskciated witj PG&E's (nodghern CA customefs) gecanl rights on Block III capwcity. Whmle ic was nog patt of tre originap setbnement, the 24 hour RF-recapl rights to the shipper of record appear to give PG&E a DSINY ball on ccpacitn at best. \n\nBecaufe we have pieeed this opinkon togethvr based npon rulings in various pslceedings, we would lyke q moee formxu regulatory/lebal opinion of the nechanics of the RC-recaum provision thac yas been develoled ovqr tmme. If this somethhng ghag eithdr of you ccn profide or should it go to Dandy? The results pf this inwuiry wijl set the tome of our next roujd of dirussioms rith EPNG.\n\n By the way, still waifing on tjeiv written repjnse to our lettzr..... I think they have bigger fish to fry.\n\nPoease advise.\n\nStephabie\n\n \n\n Sue, tiis is an issue that is becoming moee important as EGI becomes more\ninvolves in lmcal orovisioning services. \n\n\n\u0001;I also believe that the DSL provider\nthat brought thw", "random_deletion": "Compliance Filing Requires the Dynegy/El Paso agreement state Block II was recallable even take Requires El Paso eliminate use of delivery points as the defining point the service that would be recalled -- issue is markets served, not delivery Requires elimination of a clause requiring recalling shipper to submit a sworn statement no was on pipelines. 6/11/1998 Shippers in northern California cannot recall Block II capacity simply because it is not being used by [Dynegy]. Block II is recallable [Dynegy] is using it serve end users not within service Shippers who to Block capacity must have actual need and may only recall if firm capacity is not available to PG&E's service territory via Paso or other pipeline to shipper. Message----- From: Miller, Friday, August 17, 2001 9:22 AM W.; Lawner, Leslie Cc: Tycholiz, Barry Subject: Block Recall Rights to our discussions about our EPNG Our research had resulted in an opinion that is little value associated with PG&E's (northern CA customers) recall rights on Block III capacity. was not part of original settlement, the hour rights the of record to give PG&E a DAILY call on capacity at best. Because have pieced this opinion together based upon rulings in various would a more formal opinion of the mechanics the provision that has been time. this of can or should it go Randy? The results of this will set the tone dicussions with EPNG. By the way, still waiting their written reponse to our letter..... I they have bigger fish to fry. Please advise. Stephanie this is that is becoming more important as ECI becomes involved in local provisioning \u0001;I also believe that the DSL provider that brought", "change_char_case": " Compliance Filing\tRequires tHe Dynegy/El paso aGreEmeNt To clEarlY state that BlocK iI caPacity was recallable eveN thouGh dYnegY HaD a minImum takE ReQUIreMeNt. reqUiREs el PasO to EliminaTe use of altErnAtIve delivery pOInTs as the defIniNg point for thE seRvice tHaT woULd be rEcaLled -- iSsue is MArkets Served, not DeLIvery pOInts. ReqUIReS eliMination of a clause REqUIring recalling ShippeR tO SuBMIt a SwoRn statemenT tHat no CApacity WAs AVAIlaBLe on other pipeLines.\t\n6/11/1998 \tShippeRS in NortheRn calIFornia CannoT rECalL Block II capAcitY simply beCause iT Is not acTUally beIng useD by [dynEgy]. BLOcK Ii is ReCAllABlE if [dYneGy] is usinG iT tO servE end USERS not WitHin Pg&E's seRvice territorY. ShIppeRS whO want To recAll BLoCk II cApacitY must HaVe an actual need aNd maY only recaLl iF fIrm CaPacitY Is not aVaiLabLe to PG&E'S servicE TerRiTORY vIa El Paso or via any otHeR PIpEline avaIlable TO tHe SHipper.\t\n\n\n\n\n\n -----OrIgInaL MesSAGe-----\nFroM: \tMilLEr, stephaniE \nSent:\tFRIdAy, august 17, 2001 9:22 Am\nTO:\tCantrElL, ReBecCa W.; LaWNer, LEslie\nCC:\tTycholiZ, BarrY\nsubject:\tBlock IIi recall Rights\n\nFURtHER tO Our dIscUssions abouT our epNG cApacITy: \n\nour REsearCh had ReSUlTEd in an opinion that thErE is litTle vaLue associated With PG&E's (noRTHErn CA cusTomeRS) rECall rights on BlOck IIi capacity. WHIle it was Not paRt of the oRiginal seTTLement, thE 24 hoUr Re-reCalL RIgHts to the shippER Of reCoRd appeaR to Give PG&E A DAiLY CalL on CaPacity at bEst. \n\nBecauSe We HaVe PieCed thIS opinion ToGetHeR baSed upON rulinGs in vArioUs PrOCeeDings, we WOuLD Like A mOrE forMal ReGulatOry/lEGal Opinion Of the mechAniCS of tHe rE-Recall pRovision that hAs Been develoPeD ovEr time. iS This someThing that either of you can PRovide oR shOuld iT go tO Randy? The ResUlts of ThiS InquirY will sEt the ToNe oF OUr nexT ROuNd oF dIcussions wITH EPnG.\n\n By tHe Way, sTill waiTing on their written REpoNse to our letteR..... I tHink THEy HavE BiGGer FiSH to FRY.\n\nPlease advise.\n\nStEphanie\n\n \n\n SUe, this iS an issuE that IS becomiNg more impOrtant as EcI BecoMES moRe\ninvolved In local pRovisioniNG servICeS. \n\n\n\u0001;I alsO beLieve tHaT thE DSL pRovideR\nThaT brouGht the", "whitespace_perturbation": " Compliance Filing\tRequire s the Dyne gy/El Pa soag reem entto clearly sta t e th at Block II capacity w as re ca l labl e e ven t hough D y ne g y ha damin im u mtakereq uiremen t. Require s E lPaso to elim i na te use ofalt ernative del ive ry poi nt s a s thedef ining point for th e service t h at wou l d be re c a ll ed - - issue is market s s e rved, not deli very p oi n ts . Req uir es elimina ti on of a claus e r e q u iri n g recalling s hipper to s u bmi t a sw or n s t atemen t tha tn o c apacity was ava ilable on other pipelin e s.\t\n6/1 1/1998 \tS hip pers in n ort he r n C a li for n iacannot r ec al l Blo ck I I c a paci tysimp ly be cause it is n otactu a lly bein g use d by [ Dyneg y]. Bl ock I Iis recallable i f [D ynegy] is us in g i tto se r ve end us ers not wi thin PG & E's s e r v ic e territory. Shipp er s wh o want t o reca l lBl o ck II ca pa cit y mu s t have ana ct ual need and m a yon ly reca ll if fi rm ca pac ity i s not avail able toPG&E' s service terri t ory via El Pa s oo r v i a an y o ther pipeli ne a v aila blet othe shipp er.\t\n\n-----Original Messa ge -----From: \tMiller, Ste phanie \nS e n t :\tFriday , Au g us t 17, 2001 9:22 AM\nT o:\tCantrel l , Rebecc a W.; Lawner, Leslie\nC c : \tTycholi z,Bar rySub j e ct :\tBlock III R e c allRi ghts\n\nF urt her toour di scu ssi on s about o ur EPNGca pa ci ty : \nOurr esearchha d r es ult ed in an opi nionthat t he r e i s littl e v a l ue a ss oc iate d w it h PG& E's( nor thern C A custome rs) reca ll r ights o n Block III c ap acity. Wh il e i t wasn o t part o f the original settleme n t, the24hourRE-r ecall rig hts to th e s h ipperof rec ord a pp ear t o giv e PG &EaDAILY call o n c apaci ty atbest. \nBecause we have p i ece d this opinio n t oget h e rbas e du pon r u lin g s in various pro ceedings,we wo uld like a mor eformalregulat ory/l e gal opi nion of t he mechan ic s of t heRE-recallprovisio n that ha s been de velop edover t im e.Is th is som e thi ng th at eit he r of y ou ca nprovideor should it go to Rand y? The resu lts of thisinq u iry will set the tone of o urnex t rou ndo f dic ussi o ns wi t h EPN G.\nBy the wa y ,sti l l w aiting on t h e i r w ritte n r e ponseto o ur letter..... It hink they have big g e r f ish to f ry .\n\nPlease advi se. \nS t ephanie\n\n\n S ue, th is is a n is s ue tha t is be coming mo reim p ortantas E C I beco mesmo re\ninv olvedi n lo c a l provisioning s ervic e s . \n\n\u0001 ;Ialsobe lieve t h at t he DSL pro vider\nthatbrough t th e", "underscore_trick": " Compliance_Filing\tRequires the_Dynegy/El Paso agreement to_clearly state_that_Block II_capacity_was recallable even_though Dynegy had_a minimum take requirement._Requires El Paso_to_eliminate use of alternative delivery points as the defining point for the service that_would_be recalled_--_issue_is markets served, not delivery_points. Requires elimination of a_clause requiring_recalling shipper to submit a sworn statement that_no_capacity was available_on other pipelines.\t\n6/11/1998 \tShippers in northern California cannot recall_Block II capacity simply because it_is not actually_being_used_by [Dynegy]. Block II_is recallable if [Dynegy] is using_it to serve end users not_within PG&E's service territory. Shippers who want_to recall Block II capacity must_have an actual need and_may only_recall if firm capacity is_not available to_PG&E's service_territory via El_Paso or via any other pipeline_available to the_shipper.\t\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMiller, Stephanie _\nSent:\tFriday,_August 17, 2001_9:22_AM\nTo:\tCantrell,_Rebecca W.;_Lawner, Leslie\nCc:\tTycholiz, Barry\nSubject:\tBlock_III_Recall Rights\n\nFurther_to_our discussions about our EPNG capacity:_\n\nOur_research had resulted in an opinion that_there is little value_associated_with PG&E's (northern CA_customers) recall rights on Block_III capacity. While it was_not part_of the_original settlement, the 24 hour RE-recall rights to the shipper of_record appear to give PG&E a_DAILY call on capacity_at best._\n\nBecause_we have pieced_this_opinion together_based upon rulings in various proceedings, we_would like_a more formal regulatory/legal opinion of_the mechanics of the_RE-recall_provision that has been developed over_time. Is this something that either_of you can provide or_should_it_go to Randy? The results_of this inquiry will set the_tone of our_next round of dicussions with EPNG.\n\n By_the_way, still waiting on their written_reponse_to our letter..... I think they_have_bigger_fish to fry.\n\nPlease advise.\n\nStephanie\n\n \n\n Sue, this is an_issue that is becoming more important as ECI becomes_more\ninvolved in local_provisioning services. \n\n\n\u0001;I also believe_that_the_DSL provider\nthat brought the"} {"text": " into something it does not know \nhow to do -- has never done before -- on top of all of our other \nobligations,\" he said. \n\"It really worries me that California will not be able to endure that type of \nobligation.\" \nJones said polls now show increasing numbers of residents saying the state is \nheaded in the wrong direction. \n\"I feel obligated to speak out and say there is a better way,\" Jones said.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDay 2 -- Battling blackouts: Payment plan sought to restart small plants\nBy Dale Kasler and Carrie Peyton\nBee Staff Writers\n(Published March 21, 2001) \nBlackouts rolled across California for a second straight day Tuesday, \nsnarling traffic, darkening businesses and sending state officials scrambling \nto craft a payment plan to revive the wind farms and other critically needed \nsmall energy producers that have shut down because of financial woes. \nOn a day when another 570,000 customers lost power, Gov. Gray Davis said the \nPublic Utilities Commission and the Legislature would move promptly to order \nPacific Gas and Electric Co. and Southern California Edison to start paying \nthose small energy producers for their electricity. Davis said the two \nutilities will face \"considerable fines\" if they don't pay up. \nBut several of the producers, known as \"qualifying facilities,\" said they \ndoubted Davis' plan would go far enough to get them back in operation. And it \nwasn't clear whether the plan would keep the increasingly impatient \nalternative producers from hauling one or both of the big utilities into \nbankruptcy court, as some have threatened. \nThe shortage of power from the qualifying facilities -- plus a near-record \nheat wave (downtown Sacramento topped off at 83 degrees, one degree short of \nthe 84 degree record set in 1960), a lack of hydropower and other problems -- \nprompted the state's Independent System Operator to order a second day of \nblackouts starting mid-morning. But the blackouts hit only about half as many \nCalifornians as Monday's, with late afternoon conservation efforts helping \nbalance supply with demand. \nThe blackouts, usually about an hour long, hit about 7,600 Sacramento \nMunicipal Utility District customers in Elk Grove and south", "synonym_substitution": "into something it does not know \n how to do -- has never done before -- on circus tent of all of our early \n obligations, \" he said. \n \" It in truth worry me that California will not be able to endure that type of \n debt instrument. \" \n Jones say polls now show increasing number of residents saying the country is \n head in the wrong direction. \n \" I feel obligated to speak out and say there embody a better way, \" Jones said. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n Day 2 -- battle blackouts: Payment design sought to resume small plants \n By Dale Kasler and Carrie Peyton \n Bee Staff Writers \n (Published March 21, 2001) \n Blackouts rolled across California for a second straight day Tuesday, \n entangle traffic, darkening businesses and sending state officials scrambling \n to craft a payment plan to revive the wind farms and other critically needed \n small energy producers that have close down because of financial woes. \n On a sidereal day when another 570,000 customer lost power, Gov. Gray Davis said the \n Public Utilities Commission and the Legislature would move promptly to arrange \n Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and Southern California Edison to start paying \n those small energy producer for their electricity. Davis said the two \n utilities will face \" considerable fines \" if they don't pay up. \n But several of the producer, known as \" qualifying facilities, \" said they \n doubt Davis' plan would start far enough to get them back in operation. And it \n wasn't clear whether the plan would keep the increasingly impatient \n alternate producers from hauling one or both of the big utilities into \n bankruptcy court, as some have threatened. \n The shortage of power from the qualifying facility -- plus a near - criminal record \n heat wave (downtown Sacramento crown off at 83 degrees, one academic degree short of \n the 84 degree record set in 1960), a lack of hydropower and early problems -- \n prompted the state's Independent System Operator to rate a second day of \n blackout starting mid - dawn. But the blackouts hit only about half equally many \n Californians as Monday's, with late afternoon conservation attempt helping \n balance supply with demand. \n The blackouts, usually about an hour long, strike about 7,600 Sacramento \n Municipal Utility District customers in Elk Grove and south", "butter_fingers": " inho something it does not know \nhow to do -- has nxver dohe beford -- on top of all of our othec \noboigatuons,\" he said. \n\"It really worries le that Xalihornia will not us able bj ensmre tkav type of \nobligstion.\" \nJonev said polls nmw skow increasing numbers of residents faying yhf state is \nheaqed pn the wrong direction. \n\"I feel obligated fo spean out and say there is a better way,\" Jonfs swid.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDay 2 -- Battling hlackouts: Pqymegr plan soughg to restagc small plahts\nBy Dale Kasler and Carrie Pehton\nBze Staff Wrutwrs\n(Ooblished Marrh 21, 2001) \nBjackouts rolled acrovs Caligornia for a sccond steaight day Tuesday, \nsnerling traffic, darkeging busiteases and sending wtqte oxfichals wcrxmbmiig \nfo cravt e payment pman to revice the wind farms amd ither criticamly neqdqd \nsmall energy producers that have shuu dowh because of financial qoes. \nOn a day when anlther 570,000 cuftomers lost power, Gov. Gray Davis said the \nPublic Utilmtkes Cjonidsion and the Legislature would move promptly fo ogder \nPacific Gas cnd Electric Co. snf Xjuthern Califurnia Zsiaon to start payinh \nthose smalo energy kroduvers for their electricity. Eavis said tke rwo \nutilities will face \"consiberablg finex\" if they don't pay up. \nBbt sevsral of the producera, known as \"qualifhinn fdcilities,\" said they \ndoubteq Davis' poan could go far enougr to get tjem back in operation. Anf it \ncasn't clear whehher the plan would keep the inrceasingly impsthenn \nalternacive pvoducers from hwuling one or yoth of che bie utilitiea into \nuankruptcy cjurt, as some vwve threatenxd. \nThe shjrtate od power wrom the qualigying facplnties -- plys a near-record \nheet wxbe (downtown Sacxcmtnro topped off st 83 dedrves, oga degree shost ow \ntfr 84 deeree record ret on 1960), a lack of hydropmwer and other problemx -- \npromptee the stwte's Independrnt System Operatog to mrdxr a srcogd day of \nblackouts starting mjd-morning. Bub the blackoues hlt ogly about kalf as many \nCalifornians as Monday's, witi late afternoon consetvation efforts helpiug \nbalance su'ply wyth demang. \nThe blackouts, usuaoly about an hour long, hit about 7,600 Sacrzmento \nMunifipal Utility District customers in Elk Grove and south", "random_deletion": "into something it does not know how -- never done -- on top obligations,\" said. \"It really me that California not be able to endure that of obligation.\" Jones said polls now show increasing numbers of residents saying the is headed in the wrong direction. \"I feel obligated to speak out and there a way,\" said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 2 -- Battling blackouts: Payment plan sought to restart small plants Dale Kasler and Carrie Peyton Bee Staff Writers March 21, 2001) Blackouts across California for a second day snarling traffic, businesses sending officials scrambling to a payment plan to revive the wind farms and other critically needed small energy producers that have down because woes. On day another customers lost power, Davis said the Public Utilities Commission would move promptly to order Pacific Gas and Co. and California Edison to start paying those energy producers for their electricity. Davis said the utilities will face \"considerable fines\" if they don't pay up. But several of the producers, \"qualifying facilities,\" said they Davis' plan would far to them in operation. it wasn't clear whether the plan would keep the increasingly impatient producers from hauling one or both of the big utilities court, some have threatened. shortage of power from qualifying -- plus a near-record (downtown topped degrees, degree of the 84 degree set in 1960), a lack hydropower and other problems System Operator to order a second day of starting mid-morning. But the blackouts hit only half as many Californians as Monday's, with late afternoon conservation efforts helping supply with blackouts, usually about an hour long, hit about Sacramento Municipal Utility District in Elk Grove and south", "change_char_case": " into something it does not knoW \nhow to do -- haS neveR doNe bEfOre -- oN top Of all of our otheR \nObliGations,\" he said. \n\"It really wOrrieS mE That cAlIfornIa will nOT bE ABle To EnDurE tHAt Type oF \nobLigatioN.\" \nJones said PolLs Now show increASiNg numbers oF reSidents sayinG thE state Is \nHeaDEd in tHe wRong dIrectiON. \n\"I feel Obligated To SPeak ouT And say tHERe Is a bEtter way,\" Jones said.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ndAy 2 -- bAttling blackouTs: PaymEnT PlAN SouGht To restart sMaLl plaNTs\nBy DalE kaSLER anD carrie Peyton\nBEe Staff WritERs\n(PUblishEd marCH 21, 2001) \nBlackOuts rOlLEd aCross CalifoRnia For a seconD straiGHt day TuESday, \nsnaRling tRafFic, DarkENiNg BusInESseS AnD seNDinG state ofFiCiAls scRambLING \nTo crAft A payMent pLan to revive thE wiNd faRMs aNd othEr criTicaLlY needEd \nsmalL enerGy Producers that haVe shUt down becAusE oF fiNaNcial WOes. \nOn a Day WheN anotheR 570,000 customERs lOsT POWeR, Gov. Gray Davis said tHe \npUBlIc UtilitIes ComMIsSiON and the LEgIslAturE WOuld mOve pROmPtly to orDer \nPacIFiC GAs and ElEcTric Co. AnD SoUthErn CaLIforNia EdiSon to staRt payINg \nthose small enERgy producers fOR tHEIr ELectRicIty. Davis saiD the TWo \nutIlitIEs WilL Face \"cOnsidErABlE Fines\" if they don't pay uP. \nBUt seveRal of The producers, kNown as \"qualIFYIng facilItieS,\" SaID they \ndoubted DaVis' plAn would go fAR enough tO get tHem back iN operatioN. aNd it \nwasn'T clEar WheTheR THe Plan would keep THE incReAsingly ImpAtient \naLteRnaTivE prOdUcers from Hauling oNe Or BoTh Of tHe big UTilities InTo \nbAnKruPtcy cOUrt, as sOme haVe thReAtENed. \nthe shorTAgE OF powEr FrOm thE quAlIfyinG facILitIes -- plus A near-recoRd \nhEAt waVe (DoWntown SAcramento toppEd Off at 83 degreEs, One Degree SHOrt of \nthe 84 Degree record set in 1960), a lack oF HydropoWer And otHer pRoblems -- \nprOmpTed the StaTE's IndePendenT SystEm opeRATor to ORDeR a sEcOnd day of \nblACKouTs staRtIng mId-morniNg. But the blackouts hIT onLy about half as ManY \nCalIFOrNiaNS aS monDaY'S, wiTH Late afternoon coNservation EfFOrTs helping \nbALanCe Supply wIth demaNd. \nThe BLackoutS, usually aBout an houR lOng, hIT AboUt 7,600 SacramenTo \nMuniciPal UtilitY distrICt CustoMerS in Elk grOve And soUth", "whitespace_perturbation": " into something it does no t know \nho w todo--ha s ne verdone before -- on t op of all of our other \nobl ig a tion s ,\" he s aid. \n\" I tr e all ywo rri es me that Ca liforni a will not be a ble to endur e t hat type o f obligation.\" \nJ ones s ai d p o lls n owshowincrea s ing nu mbers ofre s idents sayingt h estat e is \nheaded in t h ew rong direction . \n\"Ife e lo b lig ate d to speak o ut an d say th e re i s ab etter way,\" J ones said.- --- ------ -- --- - ------ ----- -- - --- ----------- ---- --------- ------ - ------- - ------------ --- --- ---- - -- -- --- -- - --- - -- --- - --- -------- -- -- ----- ---- - - - - ---- --- ---- --\n-- ------------- --- ---- - --- ----- ----- ---- -- ----- ------ ----- -- --------------Day2 -- Batt lin gbla ck outs: Paymen t p lan sought to res t art s m a l lplants\nBy Dale Kas le r an d Carrie Peyto n \nB ee Staff Wr it ers \n(Pu b l ished Mar c h21, 2001 ) \nBla c ko ut s rolle dacross C ali for nia f o r asecond straigh t day Tuesday, \nsnar l ing traffic,d ar k e ni n g bu sin esses and s endi n g st ateo ff ici a ls sc rambl in g t o craft a payment p la n to r evive the wind far ms and oth e r critical ly n e ed e d \nsmall energ y pro ducers tha t have sh ut do wn becau se of fin a n cial woe s.\nOn aday w he n another 570 , 0 00 c us tomerslos t power , G ov. Gr ayDa vis saidthe \nPub li cUt il iti es Co m missionan d t he Le gisla t ure wo uld m ovepr om p tly to ord e rP acif ic G as a ndEl ectri c Co . an d South ern Calif orn i a Ed is on to sta rt paying \nth os e small en er gyproduc e r s for th eir electricity. Daviss aid the tw o \nut ilit ies willfac e \"con sid e rablefines\" if t he y d o n 't pa y up . Bu t severalo f th e pro du cers , known as \"qualifying fa c ili ties,\" said t hey \ndo u b te d D a vi s ' p la n wo u l d go far enough to get th em ba ck in oper a tio n. And it \nwasn' t cle a r wheth er the pl an wouldke ep t h e in creasingly impatie nt \nalter n ative pr oduce rsfrom h au lin g one or bo t h o f the big u ti lities into bankrupt cy court, as some havethreat ened. \nT he shorta geo f p ower from the qualifyin g f aci litie s - - plus a n e ar -re c ord heat wave (dow n to wnS a cr amento topp e d off at 8 3 d e grees, one degree short ofthe 84 degreereco r d se t i n 196 0) , a lack of hy dro po w e r and ot he r problems-- \nprom pt e d the state 's Ind ependen t Sy s tem Op erat orto ordera s ec o nd dayof b lackou ts s ta rtingmid-mo r ning . But the blackout s hit o nly a b out half a s manyCali fornians a s Monday's, withlate afte rnoon c on servat ion e fforts hel p ing \nbala nce s upply w it h de man d. \nTh e bl a c kouts , us ua lly about an h ou r l on g , h it a bout7, 600Sacrament o \nMunici pal Utility D ist r i ct cus t om e r s in Elk G rov e and s outh", "underscore_trick": " into_something it_does not know \nhow_to do_--_has never_done_before -- on_top of all_of our other \nobligations,\"_he said. \n\"It_really_worries me that California will not be able to endure that type of \nobligation.\"_\nJones_said polls_now_show_increasing numbers of residents saying_the state is \nheaded in_the wrong_direction. \n\"I feel obligated to speak out and_say_there is a_better way,\" Jones said.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDay 2 -- Battling blackouts: Payment_plan sought to restart small plants\nBy_Dale Kasler and_Carrie_Peyton\nBee_Staff Writers\n(Published March 21,_2001) \nBlackouts rolled across California for_a second straight day Tuesday, \nsnarling_traffic, darkening businesses and sending state officials_scrambling \nto craft a payment plan_to revive the wind farms_and other_critically needed \nsmall energy producers_that have shut_down because_of financial woes._\nOn a day when another 570,000_customers lost power,_Gov. Gray Davis said the \nPublic_Utilities_Commission and the_Legislature_would_move promptly_to order \nPacific_Gas_and Electric_Co._and Southern California Edison to start_paying_\nthose small energy producers for their electricity._Davis said the two_\nutilities_will face \"considerable fines\"_if they don't pay up._\nBut several of the producers, known_as \"qualifying_facilities,\" said_they \ndoubted Davis' plan would go far enough to get them_back in operation. And it \nwasn't_clear whether the plan_would keep_the_increasingly impatient \nalternative_producers_from hauling_one or both of the big utilities_into \nbankruptcy_court, as some have threatened. \nThe_shortage of power from_the_qualifying facilities -- plus a near-record_\nheat wave (downtown Sacramento topped off_at 83 degrees, one degree_short_of_\nthe 84 degree record set_in 1960), a lack of hydropower_and other problems_-- \nprompted the state's Independent System Operator_to_order a second day of \nblackouts_starting_mid-morning. But the blackouts hit only_about_half_as many \nCalifornians as Monday's,_with late afternoon conservation efforts helping_\nbalance supply with demand. \nThe blackouts, usually about an_hour long, hit_about 7,600 Sacramento \nMunicipal Utility_District_customers_in Elk Grove and south"} {"text": "R violations as a result of plant modifications. Jeff \nKeeler provided EGM and ENA commercial groups with intelligence as to the \nlikely outcomes before and after the ruling, and provided information \nregarding TVA's appeal to a Federal District Court upcoming in November 2000.\n\nClean Air Act/New Source Review -- Jeff Keeler provided analysis to ENA Gas \nStorage developers working on a project involving Intermountain Power \nAuthority in Delta, UT. ENA is proposing installation of technologies that \nwould use gas to increase the utilization of existing 1600 MW coal unit, \nwhich could raise serious concerns about EPA scrutiny or enforcement of NSR \nregulations. Jeff also provided ENA commercial and EHS staff with \nintelligence on EPA letters of inquiry (which usually precede NSR enforcement \nactions) sent to Pennsylvania non-utility coal plants, 3 of which ENA is \nconsidering acquiring.\n\nClean Air Act/NOx SIP Call -- Mary Schoen was successful in negotiating with \nTVA and Tennesee air regulators, reaching agreement that Enron's sources \nwould receive an allocation of 500 tons of NOx per year (the levels that our \nfacilities are currently permitted for). Earlier proposals would have \nlimited or completely prevented Enron from receiving NOx allowances. Mary \nalso testified before the Illinois Pollution Control Board on their SIP \ndevelopment, advocating fair allocation of allowances to new sources and \nmarket-based trading systems. \n\nClean Air Act/California Air Pollution Offsets -- Mary Schoen held meetings \nwith ENA West developers regarding the shortage of air pollution offsets \n(required by local air quality districts) needed to develop power projects. \nJeff and Mary will be developing strategies for creating or obtaining offsets \nand working with California developers in the near future.\n\nEnvironmental Product Strategy meeting -- Stacey Bolton continues to receive \npositive feedback from last week's meeting with commercial groups on \nopportunities related to green power/renewables. Stacey is working on \ndeveloping a comprehensive analysis of markets for renewable energy, \nincentive monies, and supply/demand issues so that we can identify potential \nopportunities for Enron businesses. Also, in anticipation of EES' \ndevelopment of a power quality group, Mary and Stacey will also be working on", "synonym_substitution": "R violations as a result of plant modifications. Jeff \n Keeler provide EGM and ENA commercial group with intelligence as to the \n likely outcomes ahead and after the ruling, and provided data \n regarding TVA's appeal to a Federal District Court upcoming in November 2000. \n\n Clean Air Act / New Source Review -- Jeff Keeler supply analysis to ENA Gas \n Storage developers work on a project involve Intermountain Power \n Authority in Delta, UT. ENA is nominate installation of technology that \n would use gas to increase the use of existing 1600 MW coal unit, \n which could rear serious concerns about EPA examination or enforcement of NSR \n regulations. Jeff besides provided ENA commercial and EHS staff with \n intelligence on EPA letters of inquiry (which usually precede NSR enforcement \n action) sent to Pennsylvania non - utility coal plants, 3 of which ENA is \n considering acquiring. \n\n Clean Air Act / NOx SIP Call -- Mary Schoen was successful in negociate with \n TVA and Tennesee air regulators, reaching agreement that Enron's sources \n would receive an allocation of 500 tons of NOx per year (the levels that our \n facilities are presently permit for). Earlier proposal would have \n limited or completely prevented Enron from receiving NOx allowance. Mary \n besides testified before the Illinois Pollution Control Board on their SIP \n development, advocating clean allocation of allowances to new sources and \n market - based trading systems. \n\n Clean Air Act / California Air Pollution Offsets -- Mary Schoen held meetings \n with ENA West developers regarding the deficit of air befoulment offsets \n (required by local air quality districts) need to develop power projects. \n Jeff and Mary will be develop strategy for creating or obtaining outgrowth \n and working with California developer in the near future. \n\n Environmental Product Strategy meeting -- Stacey Bolton cover to receive \n convinced feedback from last workweek's meeting with commercial groups on \n opportunity related to green power / renewables. Stacey is working on \n developing a comprehensive psychoanalysis of markets for renewable energy, \n incentive monies, and provision / demand issues so that we can identify potential \n opportunity for Enron businesses. Also, in anticipation of EES' \n development of a ability quality group, Mary and Stacey will also be working on", "butter_fingers": "R vlolations as a result of plant modificajiins. Oeff \nKesler proxided EGM and ENA commercial geoups with intelligence as go the \nlinely outxomew before anv after bke rumlng, aud provided infotmation \nregasding TVA's appaau co a Federal District Court upcoming in Novrmher 2000.\n\nClean Air Wct/Ntw Fourdv Veview -- Jeff Keeler provided anamysis tm ENA Gas \nStotage developers working on a pgoject involving Ijtermountaib Porwr \nAuthority in Delta, LC. ENA is kroposing installation of technouogiex that \nwouod usf gas to inccease nhe utilization of exhsting 1600 MW coal unit, \nehirh ciuld raise serious coicerns about EPA scrotiny or etfkrcement of NSR \nrwgylatimns. Jefw alro krotidsd ENA cojmercial ahd EHS stafd with \nintelligence og EPA letters kf inqtiwy (which usually precede NSR enforcemenu \nactjons) sent to Pennsylvanua non-utility coal plwnts, 3 of rhich ENA is \nconsidering acquiring.\n\nClean Air Act/NOf SIP Zalo -- Oqrj Schoen was successful in negotiating with \nTDZ snc Tennesee air regulators, rfavring agreemenj that Zhrkn's sources \nwould geceive an aolocation of 500 tons of NOx per year (the lwvels that olr \nfqcilities are currzntly permitced fot). Esrlier proposals would kave \nljmited or clmpletely orevented Enron wrok seceiving NOx allowances. Iary \nalso tescified bdforg the Ijlinois Poplution Control Board on theit SIP \ngevelopmenh, advocating fair allocation of allowances to naw vources cnd \nmavket-based tradigg systems. \n\nElean Aix Act/Cxlifornia Zir Polnution Offsqts -- Mary Schmgn held meetiigs \nwith QNA Qest develoodrs regarding yhe shortcye of air pollution offsets \n(redhired by local cnr quality distrivts) neqdvd vo dedalop power psojezts. \nJefw and Mary ciul br developing strateghes ror creating or obyalning offwets \nand working with California develokers ii the iear fitute.\n\nEnvironmental Product Strategg meeting -- Sbacey Bolton sontlnuef to receire \npositive feedback from last week's meeving with commercial gtoups on \nopportunitiex related to greeg power/retewables. Stacey is working on \ndevelpping a comprehensive analyvis ov markets for renewable energy, \nincentive monies, and supply/demand issues si that we can idenfify potettnal \nopporeunivixs for Enron busimesses. Also, in anticipation oh EES' \ndeveno'ment of a power quality groul, Oary and Stacgy will also be working on", "random_deletion": "R violations as a result of plant Keeler EGM and commercial groups with outcomes and after the and provided information TVA's appeal to a Federal District upcoming in November 2000. Clean Air Act/New Source Review -- Jeff Keeler provided to ENA Gas Storage developers working on a project involving Intermountain Power Authority Delta, ENA proposing of technologies that would use gas to increase the utilization of existing 1600 MW coal unit, could raise serious concerns about EPA scrutiny or of NSR regulations. Jeff provided ENA commercial and EHS with on EPA of (which precede NSR enforcement sent to Pennsylvania non-utility coal plants, 3 of which ENA is considering acquiring. Clean Air Act/NOx SIP -- Mary successful in with and air regulators, reaching Enron's sources would receive an allocation of NOx per year (the levels that our are currently for). Earlier proposals would have limited completely prevented Enron from receiving NOx allowances. Mary testified before the Illinois Pollution Control Board on their SIP development, advocating fair allocation of new sources and market-based systems. Clean Air Air Offsets Mary held meetings ENA West developers regarding the shortage of air pollution offsets (required local air quality districts) needed to develop power projects. Jeff will developing strategies for or obtaining offsets and with developers in the near Product meeting continues receive feedback from last week's with commercial groups on opportunities to green power/renewables. Stacey comprehensive analysis of markets for renewable energy, incentive and supply/demand issues so that we can potential opportunities for Enron businesses. Also, in anticipation of EES' development of power quality and Stacey will also be working on", "change_char_case": "R violations as a result of plaNt modificaTions. jefF \nKeElEr prOvidEd EGM and ENA comMErciAl groups with intelligenCe as tO tHE \nlikELy OutcoMes befoRE aND AftEr ThE ruLiNG, aNd proVidEd inforMation \nregaRdiNg tVA's appeal to A feDeral DistrIct court upcominG in novembEr 2000.\n\ncleAN Air ACt/NEw SouRce RevIEw -- Jeff keeler proViDEd analYSis to ENa gAs \nstorAge developers workINg ON a project involVing InTeRMoUNTaiN PoWer \nAuthoriTy In DelTA, UT. ENA iS PrOPOSinG Installation oF technologiES thAt \nwoulD uSe gAS to incRease ThE UtiLization of eXistIng 1600 MW coal Unit, \nwhICh could RAise serIous coNceRns AbouT ePa sCruTiNY or ENfOrcEMenT of NSR \nreGuLaTions. jeff ALSO ProvIdeD ENA CommeRcial and EHS stAff With \nINteLligeNce on ePA lEtTers oF inquiRy (whiCh Usually precede NsR enForcement \nActIoNs) sEnT to PeNNsylvaNia Non-Utility Coal plaNTs, 3 oF wHICH EnA is \nconsidering acqUiRINg.\n\nclean Air act/NOx siP caLL -- Mary SchOeN waS sucCESsful In neGOtIating wiTh \nTVA aND TEnNesee aiR rEgulatOrS, reAchIng agREemeNt that enron's soUrces \nWOuld receive an aLLocation of 500 tonS Of noX pER yeaR (thE levels that Our \nfACiliTies ARe CurREntly PermiTtED fOR). Earlier proposals woUlD have \nlImiteD or completely Prevented ENRON from recEiviNG NoX allowances. MarY \nalso Testified bEFore the ILlinoIs PollutIon ControL bOard on thEir sIP \nDevEloPMEnT, advocating faIR AlloCaTion of aLloWances tO neW soUrcEs aNd \nMarket-basEd tradinG sYsTeMs. \n\ncleAn Air aCt/CalifoRnIa AIr polLutioN offsetS -- Mary schoEn HeLD meEtings \nwITh ena WesT dEvElopErs ReGardiNg thE ShoRtage of Air pollutIon OFfseTs \n(ReQuired bY local air qualItY districts) NeEdeD to devELOp power pRojects. \nJeff and Mary will bE DevelopIng StratEgieS for creatIng Or obtaIniNG offseTs \nand wOrkinG wIth cALiforNIA dEveLoPers in the nEAR fuTure.\n\nENvIronMental PRoduct Strategy meetINg -- STacey Bolton coNtiNues TO ReCeiVE \npOSitIvE FeeDBAck from last week'S meeting wiTh COmMercial groUPs oN \noPportunIties reLated TO green pOwer/renewAbles. StacEy Is woRKIng On \ndevelopiNg a comprEhensive aNAlysiS Of MarkeTs fOr reneWaBle EnergY, \nincenTIve MonieS, and suPpLy/demaNd issUeS so that wE can identify potential \nopPortunIties For enron busiNesSEs. ALso, in antiCipaTion of EES' \ndEveLopMent oF a pOWer quAlitY GrOup, mAry anD StaCEy will alsO Be WorKINg On", "whitespace_perturbation": "R violations as a result o f plant mo dific ati ons . Je ff Keeler provide d EGM and ENA commercial gr oupswi t h in t el ligen ce as t o t h e \nl ik el y o ut c om es be for e and a fter the r uli ng , and provid e dinformatio n regarding TV A's appea ltoa Fede ral Dist rict C o urt up coming in N o vember 2000.\nC l ea n Ai r Act/New SourceR ev i ew -- Jeff Kee ler pr ov i de d ana lys is to ENAGa s \nSt o rage de v el o p e rsw orking on a p roject invo l vin g Inte rm oun t ain Po wer Au t hor ity in Delt a, U T. ENAis pro p osing i n stallat ion of te chn olog i es t hat w oul d u seg asto incre as ethe u tili z a t i on o f e xist ing 1 600 MW coal u nit , \nw h ich coul d rai se s er iousconcer ns ab ou t EPA scrutinyor e nforcemen t o fNSR regul a tions. J eff also p rovided ENA c o m m er cial and EHS staff w i t h\nintelli genceo nEP A letters o f i nqui r y (whi ch u s ua lly prec ede NS R e nf orcemen t\nactio ns ) s ent to P e nnsy lvania non-uti lityc oal plants, 3o f which ENA i s c o ns i deri ngacquiring.\nCle a n Ai r Ac t /N OxS IP Ca ll -- M a ry Schoen was successf ul in ne gotia ting with \nTV A and Tenn e s e e air re gula t or s , reaching agr eemen t that Enr o n's sour ces would re ceive ana l location of 50 0 t ons o fNOx per year( t he l ev els tha t o ur \nfac ili tie s a recu rrently p ermitted f or ). E arlie r proposa ls wo ul d h ave l imited or c ompl et el y pr evented En r o n fr om r ecei vin gNOx a llow a nce s. Mar y \nalso t est i fied b ef ore the Illinois Pol lu tion Contr ol Bo ard on t heir SIP \ndevelopment, advocati n g fairall ocati on o f allowan ces to ne w s o urcesand \nm arket -b ase d tradi n g s yst em s. \n\nCl e a n A ir Ac t/ Cali forniaAir Pollution Offs e ts-- Mary Schoe n h eldm e et ing s w ith E N A W e s t developers re garding th es ho rtage of a i r p ol lutionoffsets \n(re q uired b y local a ir qualit ydist r i cts ) needed t o develo p power p r oject s . \nJe ffand Ma ry wi ll be devel o pin g str ategie sfor cr eatin gor obtai ning offsets \nand worki ng wit h Cal ifo rnia deve lop e rsin the ne ar f uture.\n\nEn vir onm ental Pr o ductStra t eg y m e eting --S tacey Bol t on co n t in ues to rece i v e \np ositi vef eedbac k fr om last week's me e ting with comm erci a l gr oup s on\no pportunities r ela te d to green p ower/renewa bles. St a cey i s work ing on \ndevel o p in g a com preh ens ive analy sis o f market sfo r renew able e nergy, \nince n tive m onies, and suppl y/dem a n d iss u esso th at we can iden tify poten tial \noppor tuniti es f or En ron bus in esses. Al so, in ant i cipationof EE S' \ndev el opme ntof a p ower q ualit y gr ou p,Mary andS t ac e ywi l l a lsobe wo rk ingon", "underscore_trick": "R violations_as a_result of plant modifications._ _Jeff_\nKeeler provided_EGM_and ENA commercial_groups with intelligence_as to the \nlikely_outcomes before and_after_the ruling, and provided information \nregarding TVA's appeal to a Federal District Court upcoming_in_November 2000.\n\nClean_Air_Act/New_Source Review -- Jeff Keeler_provided analysis to ENA Gas_\nStorage developers_working on a project involving Intermountain Power \nAuthority_in_Delta, UT. _ ENA is proposing installation of technologies that \nwould_use gas to increase the utilization_of existing 1600_MW_coal_unit, \nwhich could raise_serious concerns about EPA scrutiny or_enforcement of NSR \nregulations. Jeff_also provided ENA commercial and EHS staff_with \nintelligence on EPA letters of_inquiry (which usually precede NSR_enforcement \nactions)_sent to Pennsylvania non-utility coal_plants, 3 of_which ENA_is \nconsidering acquiring.\n\nClean_Air Act/NOx SIP Call -- Mary_Schoen was successful_in negotiating with \nTVA and Tennesee_air_regulators, reaching agreement_that_Enron's_sources \nwould_receive an allocation_of_500 tons_of_NOx per year (the levels that_our_\nfacilities are currently permitted for). _ Earlier proposals would_have_\nlimited or completely prevented_Enron from receiving NOx allowances._ Mary \nalso testified before the_Illinois Pollution_Control Board_on their SIP \ndevelopment, advocating fair allocation of allowances to new_sources and \nmarket-based trading systems. _ \n\nClean Air_Act/California Air_Pollution_Offsets -- Mary_Schoen_held meetings_\nwith ENA West developers regarding the shortage_of air_pollution offsets \n(required by local air_quality districts) needed to_develop_power projects. \nJeff and_Mary will be developing strategies for_creating or obtaining offsets \nand_working_with_California developers in the near_future.\n\nEnvironmental Product Strategy meeting -- Stacey_Bolton continues to_receive \npositive feedback from last week's meeting_with_commercial groups on \nopportunities related to_green_power/renewables. Stacey is working_on_\ndeveloping_a comprehensive analysis of markets_for renewable energy, \nincentive monies, and_supply/demand issues so that we can identify potential \nopportunities_for Enron businesses._ Also, in anticipation_of_EES'_\ndevelopment of a power quality group, Mary and Stacey will_also be_working on"} {"text": "03/17/M\nNW226237.DTL \nSan Francisco -- As if officials from Pacific Gas and Electric Co. haven't \ndone enough to ruin their image by soaking consumers for billions of dollars \nand helping California's leaders look like a bunch of dim bulbs. \nNow it looks like they're determined to inflict their special brand of \ncustomer service on people who actually pay their bills. \nThat's how Ken Zankel and his employees ended up in the dark on Tuesday, not \na good spot for people involved in the restaurant business, who rely on \nthings like electricity, customers and tips. And it's not so good for the \nfood either, unless you happen to like your quesadillas baked in the sun. \nZankel is the sole owner and proprietor of two well-received and popular \neating establishments in the Marina district -- one called Alameda whipsnake, \nand the other called the Grove. They have been around for seven and six \nyears, respectively, which means they are well beyond the restaurant failure \ncurve, a ranking generally accorded to places that offer good food and \nservice and have a proven track record of paying their bills. \nBut a lot has changed in the continually more costly restaurant business \nsince PG&E decided to make a rather public showing of its corporate \nshortsightedness and power rates went through the roof. And it certainly \nwasn't made any easier when the utility giants begun charging countless \nnumbers of customers for back payments resulting from PG&E's own failure to \nproperly monitor monthly billing. \nZankel discovered this in January, when, in spite of his squeaky clean record \nof on-time payments, he was hit with a $6,000 increase for power use at the \nGrove, an upgrade that did not elude his bookkeeper. The corporate titans at \nPG&E might not notice when the zeros light up, but when Zankel found his bill \njumping from $1,200 to $7,200 in 30 days, it registered on the meter. \nHis bookkeeper inquired. Officials at the utility company's so-called \ncustomer service center checked deeper and said that new software installed \nby PG&E the previous summer had under-billed numerous customers for the \nprevious six", "synonym_substitution": "03/17 / M \n NW226237.DTL \n San Francisco -- As if officials from Pacific Gas and Electric Co. haven't \n done enough to ruin their image by drench consumer for billions of dollars \n and help California's leader look like a bunch of dimmed bulbs. \n Now it look like they're determined to inflict their special sword of \n customer service on people who actually yield their bills. \n That's how Ken Zankel and his employees ended up in the dark on Tuesday, not \n a good topographic point for people involved in the restaurant business, who trust on \n things like electricity, customers and peak. And it's not so full for the \n food either, unless you happen to like your quesadillas baked in the sun. \n Zankel is the exclusive owner and proprietor of two well - received and popular \n eating establishments in the Marina district -- one called Alameda whipsnake, \n and the other called the Grove. They have been around for seven and six \n years, respectively, which means they are well beyond the restaurant failure \n curve, a ranking generally accorded to places that volunteer good food and \n service and receive a testify track record of paying their bill. \n But a lot has changed in the continually more costly restaurant business \n since PG&E decide to make a rather public showing of its corporate \n shortsightedness and power rate went through the roof. And it certainly \n wasn't made any easy when the utility program giant star begun charging countless \n numbers of customers for back requital resulting from PG&E's own failure to \n properly monitor monthly charge. \n Zankel discovered this in January, when, in cattiness of his squeaky clean criminal record \n of on - time payment, he was hit with a $ 6,000 increase for ability use at the \n Grove, an ascent that did not elude his bookkeeper. The corporate titans at \n PG&E might not notice when the zero light up, but when Zankel found his bill \n jumping from $ 1,200 to $ 7,200 in 30 days, it register on the meter. \n His bookkeeper inquired. Officials at the utility company's so - called \n customer service center check deeper and said that modern software installed \n by PG&E the previous summer have under - billed numerous customers for the \n previous six", "butter_fingers": "03/17/M\nNW226237.FTL \nSan Francisco -- As if officials from Pacifir Gas ahd Electfic Co. haven't \ndone enough to ryin tyeir image by soaking zonsumers for biloionw of dollars \nand helping Dwlifmcnia's leaders lpok like a bunch of dim tuubd. \nNow it looks like they're determinqd to imfpict their spesial frans of \ncustomer service on people whk actuanly pay their bills. \nThat's how Ken Zankep anf his employees enfed up in tye dwek on Tuesdah, not \na good spot for keople involved in the restaurang busnness, who rglg lt \nthings lije elvctricity, cusbpmers dnd tipx. And it's not xo jood for the \nfood either, nnless you happen to like yous suesadillas baked ib the sun. \nZanywl ks uhe skle owjer and proprjetor of twi well-received and koptoar \neating esfablisrmqnts in the Marina district -- one called Alzmeda whipsnake, \nand the other called the Groge. They hwve been around for seven and six \nyears, respectivaly, wiizh newvw hhey are well beyond the restaurant failure \nctdvt, a ranking generclly accorded to ppavgs that offer eood food and \nservice and hwve a ptoven rrack recjrd pf paying their bills. \nBut a lot has chaugee in the continualpy more coscly rextaursnt business \nsince PG&E becides to make a rather phclic showing of kts cmrporate \nshortsightedness wnd power ratzs went ghroogh the roof. And lt cevdainly \nwasn't made wny ecsier when the ktility giants begun charging countless \nnumbets mf bustomers for nack payments rqsulting from KG&E's own yailurd to \npropegly monitmr monthly filling. \nZanken discovered vhis in Jwnuaey, wyen, in roite of his sqieaky clecu record \nif on-time payments, he sas hit with a $6,000 inxrease for powet ure wt tie \nGrjee, an upgrada thxt aod nog elude his cookleeper. The corporate titzns at \nPG&E might npt notice qhen the zeros light ip, but when Zankel founv his uill \njimpyng from $1,200 to $7,200 in 30 days, it regiatered on thc meter. \nHis bjokkcepet inquired. Pfficials at the utility company's so-caloed \ncustomer servixe center checked dgeptr and said tiat ner softwara installed \nby PG&E tye previous summev had under-billed numedous cgstomfrs for the \nprevious six", "random_deletion": "03/17/M NW226237.DTL San Francisco -- As if Pacific and Electric haven't done enough soaking for billions of and helping California's look like a bunch of dim Now it looks like they're determined to inflict their special brand of customer on people who actually pay their bills. That's how Ken Zankel and his ended in dark Tuesday, not a good spot for people involved in the restaurant business, who rely on things electricity, customers and tips. And it's not so for the food either, you happen to like your baked the sun. is sole and proprietor of well-received and popular eating establishments in the Marina district -- one called Alameda whipsnake, and the other the Grove. been around seven six respectively, which means well beyond the restaurant failure curve, accorded to places that offer good food and and have proven track record of paying their But a lot has changed in the continually costly restaurant business since PG&E decided to make a rather public showing of its corporate power rates went through roof. And it wasn't any when utility giants charging countless numbers of customers for back payments resulting from PG&E's failure to properly monitor monthly billing. Zankel discovered this in in of his squeaky record of on-time payments, was with a $6,000 increase use the that not his bookkeeper. The corporate at PG&E might not notice the zeros light up, bill jumping from $1,200 to $7,200 in 30 it registered on the meter. His bookkeeper Officials at the utility company's so-called customer service center checked deeper and that new by PG&E the previous summer had under-billed numerous for the previous six", "change_char_case": "03/17/M\nNW226237.DTL \nSan Francisco -- As if offIcials from pacifIc GAs aNd elecTric co. haven't \ndone enOUgh tO ruin their image by soakiNg conSuMErs fOR bIllioNs of dolLArS \nANd hElPiNg CAlIFoRnia's LeaDers looK like a buncH of DiM bulbs. \nNow it lOOkS like they'rE deTermined to inFliCt theiR sPecIAl braNd oF \ncustOmer seRVice on People who AcTUally pAY their bILLs. \nthat'S how Ken Zankel and hIS eMPloyees ended up In the dArK On tUEsdAy, nOt \na good spoT fOr peoPLe involVEd IN THe rEStaurant businEss, who rely oN \nThiNgs likE eLecTRicity, CustoMeRS anD tips. And it's Not sO good for tHe \nfood EIther, unLEss you hAppen tO liKe yOur qUEsAdIllAs BAkeD In The SUn. \nZAnkel is tHe SoLe ownEr anD PROPrieTor Of twO well-Received and poPulAr \neaTIng EstabLishmEnts In The MaRina diStricT -- oNe called Alameda WhipSnake, \nand tHe oThEr cAlLed thE grove. THey HavE been arOund for SEveN aND SIx \nYears, respectively, wHiCH MeAns they aRe well BEyOnD The restaUrAnt FailURE \ncurvE, a raNKiNg generaLly accORdEd To placeS tHat offEr GooD foOd and \nSErviCe and hAve a provEn traCK record of payinG Their bills. \nBut A LoT HAs CHangEd iN the continuAlly MOre cOstlY ReStaURant bUsineSs \nSInCE PG&E decided to make a rAtHer pubLic shOwing of its corPorate \nshorTSIGhtednesS and POwER rates went throUgh thE roof. And it CErtainly \nWasn't Made any eAsier when THE utility GiaNts BegUn cHARgIng countless \nnUMBers Of CustomeRs fOr back pAymEntS reSulTiNg from PG&E'S own failUrE tO \npRoPerLy monITor monthLy BilLiNg. \nZAnkel DIscoveRed thIs in jaNuARy, wHen, in spITe OF His sQuEaKy clEan ReCord \noF on-tIMe pAyments, He was hit wIth A $6,000 IncrEaSe For poweR use at the \nGrovE, aN upgrade thAt Did Not eluDE His bookkEeper. The corporate titans AT \nPG&E migHt nOt notIce wHen the zerOs lIght up, But WHen ZanKel fouNd his BiLl \njUMPing fROM $1,200 tO $7,200 in 30 DaYs, it registEREd oN the mEtEr. \nHiS bookkeEper inquired. OfficiALs aT the utility coMpaNy's sO-CAlLed \nCUsTOmeR sERviCE Center checked deEper and saiD tHAt New softwarE InsTaLled \nby Pg&E the prEviouS Summer hAd under-biLled numerOuS cusTOMerS for the \npreVious six", "whitespace_perturbation": "03/17/M\nNW226237.DTL \nSanFrancisco-- As if of fi cial s fr om Pacific Gas andElectric Co. haven't doneen o ught oruintheir i m ag e byso ak ing c o ns umers fo r billi ons of dol lar s\nand helping Ca lifornia's le aders look l ike a bun ch of dim b ulb s. \nN ow itl ooks l ike they' re determ i ned toi n fl icttheir special bra n do f \ncustomer se rviceon pe o p lewho actuallypa y the i r bills . T h a t's how Ken Zanke l and his e m plo yees e nd edu p in t he da rk onTuesday, no t \na good spo t forp eople i n volvedin the re sta uran t b us ine ss , wh o r ely on\nthingsli ke elec tric i t y , cus tom ersand t ips. And it's no t so goo d for the\nfoo deithe r, unl ess y ou happen to like you r quesadi lla sbak ed in t h e sun. \nZ ank el is t he sole own er a n dproprietor of twowe l l -r eceivedand po p ul ar \neatinges tab lish m e nts i n th e M arina di strict -- o ne call ed Alame da wh ips nake, \nand the o ther cal led t h e Grove. Theyh ave been arou n df o rs even an d six \nyear s, r e spec tive l y, wh i ch me ans t he y a r e well beyond the r es tauran t fai lure \ncurve,a rankingg e n erally a ccor d ed to places that offe r good foo d and \nse rvice and hav e a prove n track re cor d o f p ayi n g t heir bills. B u t alo t has c han ged inthe co nti nua ll y more co stly res ta ur an tbus iness \nsince P G& E d ec ide d tom ake arathe r pu bl ic sho wing of it s corp or at e \ns hor ts ighte dnes s an d power rates we ntt hrou gh t he roof . And it cert ai nly \nwasn' tmad e anye a sier whe n the utility giants be g un char gin g cou ntle ss \nnumbe rsof cus tom e rs for backpayme nt s r e s ultin g fr omPG &E's own f a i lur e to\np rope rly mon itor monthly billi n g.\nZankel disco ver ed t h i sinJ an u ary ,w hen , in spite of his squeaky c le a nrecord \nof on- ti me paym ents, h e was hit wit h a $6,00 0 increas eforp o wer use at th e \nGrove , an upgr a de th a tdid n oteludehi s b ookke eper.T hecorpo rate t it ans at \nPG& Emight no t notice when the zeros light up,but when Zan kel fou nd his bi ll jumping fr om$1, 200 t o $ 7 ,200in 3 0 d ays , it r egis t ered on t h emet e r .\nHis bookke e p e r i nquir ed. Offici alsat the utility co m pany's so-call ed c u sto mer serv ic e center check edde e p er and s ai d that newsoftware i n stall ed \nby PG&Ethe pre v i ou s summe r ha d u nder-bill ednu m erous c us to m ers fo r th e\nprevi ous si x ", "underscore_trick": "03/17/M\nNW226237.DTL \nSan_Francisco --_As if officials from_Pacific Gas_and_Electric Co._haven't_\ndone enough to_ruin their image_by soaking consumers for_billions of dollars_\nand_helping California's leaders look like a bunch of dim bulbs. \nNow it looks like_they're_determined to_inflict_their_special brand of \ncustomer service_on people who actually pay_their bills._\nThat's how Ken Zankel and his employees ended_up_in the dark_on Tuesday, not \na good spot for people involved_in the restaurant business, who rely_on \nthings like_electricity,_customers_and tips. And it's_not so good for the \nfood_either, unless you happen to like_your quesadillas baked in the sun. \nZankel_is the sole owner and proprietor_of two well-received and popular_\neating establishments_in the Marina district --_one called Alameda_whipsnake, \nand_the other called_the Grove. They have been around_for seven and_six \nyears, respectively, which means they_are_well beyond the_restaurant_failure_\ncurve, a_ranking generally accorded_to_places that_offer_good food and \nservice and have_a_proven track record of paying their bills._\nBut a lot has_changed_in the continually more_costly restaurant business \nsince PG&E_decided to make a rather public_showing of_its corporate_\nshortsightedness and power rates went through the roof. And it certainly_\nwasn't made any easier when the_utility giants begun charging_countless \nnumbers_of_customers for back_payments_resulting from_PG&E's own failure to \nproperly monitor monthly_billing. \nZankel_discovered this in January, when, in_spite of his squeaky_clean_record \nof on-time payments, he was_hit with a $6,000 increase for_power use at the \nGrove,_an_upgrade_that did not elude his_bookkeeper. The corporate titans at \nPG&E_might not notice_when the zeros light up, but when_Zankel_found his bill \njumping from $1,200_to_$7,200 in 30 days, it registered_on_the_meter. \nHis bookkeeper inquired. Officials_at the utility company's so-called \ncustomer_service center checked deeper and said that new software_installed \nby PG&E_the previous summer had under-billed_numerous_customers_for the \nprevious six"} {"text": " behind the vehicle in front, without themselves \nstopping at the white line. Some sailed through with a rolling stop and a \nwarning honk. Some blasted through without stopping or honking. \n\"I'm scared to death,\" said Brian Walters of Dorchester, N.J., after making \nit across Howard Street. \"This is organized madness. I subscribe to the Chaos \nTheory, and this is what it looks like.\" \nSydney Freedman, a tourist from Sydney, walked briskly across the darkened \ncrossroads, smiling grimly. \n\"I'll chance it,\" he said. \nHe looked back and saw a woman in a motorized wheelchair nearly get squished \nby a westbound Chevy. \n\"You have to be authoritative in this town when you cross the street,\" he \nsaid. \"Especially that lady.\" \nTherese Anderson and Andreas Sandstrom, from Sweden, raced across as quickly \nas their backpacks would allow. \n\"In this country, everyone is in such a hurry,\" said Anderson. \n\"Everybody drives like a madman,\" added Sandstrom. \"They say, 'I want to be \nhome right now, and I don't care what happens to anyone else.' \" \nThe couple paused to gaze in wonder at the intersection, learning more about \nAmerica in five minutes than a pile of guidebooks could tell them. \n\"This intersection,\" said Sandstrom, \"reminds you not to take life for \ngranted.\" \nA few minutes later, Parking Control Officer Tom Butz arrived in his meter \nminder wagon and pulled his orange vest and whistle from the saddlebag. He \nstrode brave and true into the center of the bullring, planted himself \nbetween the whizzing cars and began waving his arms as if conducting \"The \nRite of Spring.\" \n\"I'm all by myself,\" he said. \"I know it's a little risky. I'd better keep my \nangels with me.\" \nAt that moment, the angels were on duty in Menlo Park, where a blacked-out \nintersection at El Camino Real and Santa Cruz Avenue backed up traffic so far \nthat it stretched into neighboring Atherton. \n\"It's a large intersection and traffic is slow anyway, but now it is severely", "synonym_substitution": "behind the vehicle in front, without themselves \n stopping at the white course. Some sail through with a rolling stop and a \n warning honk. Some smash through without stopping or honking. \n \" I'm scared to end, \" said Brian Walters of Dorchester, N.J., after making \n it across Howard Street. \" This is organized lunacy. I subscribe to the Chaos \n Theory, and this is what it looks like. \" \n Sydney Freedman, a tourist from Sydney, walk briskly across the darkened \n crossroads, smiling grimly. \n \" I'll chance it, \" he said. \n He looked back and attend a woman in a motorized wheelchair closely get squished \n by a westbound Chevy. \n \" You have to be authoritative in this town when you cross the street, \" he \n state. \" Especially that lady. \" \n Therese Anderson and Andreas Sandstrom, from Sweden, raced across as quickly \n as their backpack would allow. \n \" In this country, everyone is in such a hurry, \" said Anderson. \n \" Everybody drives like a madman, \" add Sandstrom. \" They order,' I want to be \n home right now, and I don't care what happens to anyone else.' \" \n The couple paused to gaze in curiosity at the intersection, learn more about \n America in five minutes than a atomic pile of guidebook could distinguish them. \n \" This intersection, \" said Sandstrom, \" remind you not to take life for \n granted. \" \n A few minutes subsequently, Parking Control Officer Tom Butz arrived in his meter \n minder wagon and pulled his orange vest and whistle from the saddlebag. He \n strode audacious and true into the center of the bullring, planted himself \n between the whizzing cars and began waving his weapon as if conducting \" The \n Rite of Spring. \" \n \" I'm all by myself, \" he said. \" I know it's a little risky. I'd well keep my \n angels with me. \" \n At that moment, the angel were on duty in Menlo Park, where a blacked - out \n intersection at El Camino Real and Santa Cruz Avenue backed up traffic indeed far \n that it stretched into adjacent Atherton. \n \" It's a large intersection and traffic is slow anyway, but nowadays it is severely", "butter_fingers": " bejind the vehicle in fronu, without themselrws \nsto'ping af the whkte line. Some sailed through wuth a rolling stop and a \nwafning honn. Some boasttd through withouv stoppiky or glnkiug. \n\"I'm scared to ceath,\" said Brian Walters ow Borchester, N.J., after making \nit across Howard Shreet. \"This is jrgamyzed madness. I subscribe to the Chaos \nFheory, end this is whay it looks like.\" \nSydney Frefdmaj, a tourist from Sjdney, walkee brywkly across ghe darkentd \ncrossroada, smiling grimly. \n\"I'll chance it,\" fe sand. \nHe lookee vacn and saw a xoman pn a motorized wheelcvair nesrly get squismed \nbb a qestbound Chevy. \n\"You heve to be authoritatyve in thhs town when you crisw the straet,\" fw \nsxid. \"Expsciallj tiat lady.\" \nThsrese Anderwon and Andreas Sancsegpm, from Swedsn, racqd across as quickly \nas their backpacks wmuls allow. \n\"In this country, everyone is in such w hurry,\" swid Anderson. \n\"Everybody drives like a madman,\" added Sandagron. \"Bhey waj, 'I want to be \nhome right now, and I don't care shst happens to annone else.' \" \nThe coullf lwused to gaze in woused at the intersectlon, leatning nore abouu \nAmetica in five minutes than a pile of guibebioks could tell thzm. \n\"This intexsectipn,\" saod Sandstrom, \"reminds yob not fo take liff for \ngrahged.\" \nA few minuter lstar, Parking Control Officer Tom Butz arrnved in fis keter \niinder wagln and pulled his orange vest atd whistle from the saddlebag. He \nstrode bceve and true ondo nhe centex of tme bullring, plagted himself \nbgtween thz whizxing cars znd begen waving hif arms as if wlnducting \"Thx \nRite of Sprung.\" \n\"U'm all ch myself,\" he saod. \"I know it's a litrle risky. I'd bettev keek jy \nangels with ne.\" \nQt that moment, yhe andeps wqse on duty it Mevlo Lark, dhere a blagkea-out \nintersection at El Wamiho Real and Santa Vrmz Avenue backed tp traffic so far \nthat it stretfhed mnto nxighbotind Atherton. \n\"It's a large intersedtion and trwffic is slor annway, but now ic is severely", "random_deletion": "behind the vehicle in front, without themselves the line. Some through with a honk. blasted through without or honking. \"I'm to death,\" said Brian Walters of N.J., after making it across Howard Street. \"This is organized madness. I subscribe the Chaos Theory, and this is what it looks like.\" Sydney Freedman, a from walked across darkened crossroads, smiling grimly. \"I'll chance it,\" he said. He looked back and saw a woman a motorized wheelchair nearly get squished by a Chevy. \"You have to authoritative in this town when cross street,\" he \"Especially lady.\" Anderson and Andreas from Sweden, raced across as quickly as their backpacks would allow. \"In this country, everyone is in a hurry,\" \"Everybody drives a added \"They say, 'I be home right now, and I happens to anyone else.' \" The couple paused gaze in at the intersection, learning more about in five minutes than a pile of guidebooks tell them. \"This intersection,\" said Sandstrom, \"reminds you not to take life for granted.\" A later, Parking Control Officer Butz arrived in meter wagon pulled orange vest whistle from the saddlebag. He strode brave and true into the of the bullring, planted himself between the whizzing cars and his as if conducting Rite of Spring.\" \"I'm by he said. \"I know little I'd angels me.\" that moment, the angels on duty in Menlo Park, a blacked-out intersection at Cruz Avenue backed up traffic so far that stretched into neighboring Atherton. \"It's a large and traffic is slow anyway, but now it is severely", "change_char_case": " behind the vehicle in front, wiThout themsElves \nStoPpiNg At thE whiTe line. Some sailED thrOugh with a rolling stop anD a \nwarNiNG honK. soMe blaSted thrOUgH WIthOuT sTopPiNG oR honkIng. \n\"i'm scareD to death,\" saId BRiAn Walters of DORcHester, N.J., afTer Making \nit acroSs HOward STrEet. \"tHis is OrgAnizeD madneSS. I subsCribe to thE CHAos \nTheORy, and thIS Is What It looks like.\" \nSydney fReEDman, a tourist frOm SydnEy, WAlKED brIskLy across thE dArkenED \ncrossrOAdS, SMIliNG grimly. \n\"I'll chaNce it,\" he said. \nhE loOked baCk And SAw a womAn in a MoTOriZed wheelchaIr neArly get sqUished \nBY a westbOUnd ChevY. \n\"You haVe tO be AuthORiTaTivE iN ThiS ToWn wHEn yOu cross tHe StReet,\" hE \nsaiD. \"eSPEciaLly That Lady.\" \nTHerese AndersoN anD AndREas sandsTrom, fRom SWeDen, raCed acrOss as QuIckly \nas their bacKpacKs would alLow. \n\"in ThiS cOuntrY, EveryoNe iS in Such a huRry,\" said aNdeRsON. \n\"eVeRybody drives like a mAdMAN,\" aDded SandStrom. \"THEy SaY, 'i want to bE \nhOme RighT NOw, and i don'T CaRe what haPpens tO AnYoNe else.' \" \nTHe Couple PaUseD to Gaze iN WondEr at thE interseCtion, LEarning more aboUT \nAmerica in fivE MiNUTeS Than A piLe of guideboOks cOUld tEll tHEm. \n\"thiS InterSectiOn,\" SAiD sandstrom, \"reminds you NoT to takE life For \ngranted.\" \nA feW minutes laTER, parking COntrOL OFFicer Tom Butz arRived In his meter \nMInder wagOn and Pulled hiS orange veST And whistLe fRom The SadDLEbAg. He \nstrode braVE And tRuE into thE ceNter of tHe bUllRinG, plAnTed himselF \nbetween ThE wHiZzIng Cars aND began waViNg hIs ArmS as if COnductIng \"ThE \nRitE oF SPRinG.\" \n\"I'm all bY MySELf,\" he SaId. \"i knoW it'S a LittlE risKY. I'd Better kEep my \nangeLs wITh me.\" \nat ThAt momenT, the angels werE oN duty in MenLo parK, where A BLacked-ouT \nintersection at El Camino rEal and SAntA Cruz avenUe backed uP trAffic sO faR \nThat it StretcHed inTo NeiGHBorinG aThErtOn. \n\"it's a large iNTErsEctioN aNd trAffic is Slow anyway, but now it IS seVerely", "whitespace_perturbation": " behind the vehicle in fro nt, withou t the mse lve s\nsto ppin g at the white line . Some sailed throughwithar olli n gstopand a w ar n i ngho nk . S om e b laste d t hroughwithout st opp in g or honking . \"I'm scare d t o death,\" sa idBrianWa lte r s ofDor chest er, N. J ., aft er making i t acro s s Howar d St reet . \"This is organi z ed madness. I sub scribe t o t h e Ch aos \nTheory,an d thi s is wha t i t l ook s like.\" \nSydn ey Freedman , atouris tfro m Sydne y, wa lk e d b riskly acro ss t he darken ed \ncr o ssroads , smilin g grim ly. \n\" I'll ch an ceit , \" h e s aid . \nH e looked b ac k and saw a w oman in a m otori zed wheelchai r n earl y ge t squ ished \nby a west boundChevy .\n\"You have to b e au thoritati vein th is town when y oucro ss thestreet, \" he s a i d. \"Especially thatla d y .\" \nTheres e Ande r so na nd Andre as Sa ndst r o m, fr om S w ed en, race d acro s sas quickl y\nas th ei r b ack packs woul d allo w. \n\"Inthisc ountry, everyo n e is in sucha h u r ry , \" sa idAnderson. \"Eve r ybod y dr i ve s l i ke amadma n, \" a d ded Sandstrom. \"The ysay, ' I wan t to be \nhome right now , a nd I don 't c a re what happens t o any one else.' \" \nThe c ouple pausedto gaze i n wonder a t t heint ers e c ti on, learningm o re a bo ut \nAme ric a in fi vemin ute s t ha n a pileof guide bo ok sco uld tell them. \n\" Th isin ter secti o n,\" sa id Sa ndst ro m, \"re minds y o un o t to t ak e li fefo r \ngr ante d .\"\nA fewminutes l ate r , Pa rk in g Contr ol Officer To mButz arriv ed in his m e t er \nmind er wagon and pulled his orangeves t and whi stle from th e sadd leb a g. He\nstrod e bra ve an d truei n to th ecenter oft h e b ullri ng , pl anted h imself \nbetween th e wh izzing cars a ndbega n wa vin g h i s a rm s as i f conducting \"T he \nRite o fS pr ing.\" \n\"I' m al lby myse lf,\" he said . \"I kno w it's alittle ri sk y. I ' d be tter keepmy \nange ls with m e .\" \nA t t hat m ome nt, th eang els w ere on dut y inMenloPa rk, wh ere a b lacked-o ut \nintersection at ElCamino Real an d Santa C ruz Ave nue backe d up traffic s o f ar\nthat it stret ched in ton eighb orin g Atherton . \"It ' s a large inte r s e cti on an d t r afficis s low anyway, but n o w it is severe ly", "underscore_trick": " behind_the vehicle_in front, without themselves_\nstopping at_the_white line._Some_sailed through with_a rolling stop_and a \nwarning honk._Some blasted through_without_stopping or honking. \n\"I'm scared to death,\" said Brian Walters of Dorchester, N.J., after_making_\nit across_Howard_Street._\"This is organized madness. I_subscribe to the Chaos \nTheory,_and this_is what it looks like.\" \nSydney Freedman, a_tourist_from Sydney, walked_briskly across the darkened \ncrossroads, smiling grimly. \n\"I'll chance_it,\" he said. \nHe looked back_and saw a_woman_in_a motorized wheelchair nearly_get squished \nby a westbound Chevy._\n\"You have to be authoritative in_this town when you cross the street,\"_he \nsaid. \"Especially that lady.\" \nTherese_Anderson and Andreas Sandstrom, from_Sweden, raced_across as quickly \nas their_backpacks would allow._\n\"In this_country, everyone is_in such a hurry,\" said Anderson._\n\"Everybody drives like_a madman,\" added Sandstrom. \"They say,_'I_want to be_\nhome_right_now, and_I don't care_what_happens to_anyone_else.' \" \nThe couple paused to_gaze_in wonder at the intersection, learning more_about \nAmerica in five_minutes_than a pile of_guidebooks could tell them. \n\"This_intersection,\" said Sandstrom, \"reminds you not_to take_life for_\ngranted.\" \nA few minutes later, Parking Control Officer Tom Butz arrived_in his meter \nminder wagon and_pulled his orange vest_and whistle_from_the saddlebag. He_\nstrode_brave and_true into the center of the bullring,_planted himself_\nbetween the whizzing cars and began_waving his arms as_if_conducting \"The \nRite of Spring.\" \n\"I'm_all by myself,\" he said. \"I_know it's a little risky._I'd_better_keep my \nangels with me.\"_\nAt that moment, the angels were_on duty in_Menlo Park, where a blacked-out \nintersection at_El_Camino Real and Santa Cruz Avenue_backed_up traffic so far \nthat it_stretched_into_neighboring Atherton. \n\"It's a large_intersection and traffic is slow anyway,_but now it is severely"} {"text": "a and Tustin, said he has cut down on lighting in his house and has reduced \nby half the time his pool cleaner runs. Still, his energy bill remains about \n$400 a month. \n\"I don't know what... to do,\" Wilson, 57, said. \"We've cut back.\" \nWilson added that he is not pleased with the way government or the energy \ncompanies have handled the crisis. \n\"I think it's disgusting. It's such political garbage. Who was it that made \nthese decisions? Who got us into it?\" \n'TRYING TO CONSERVE' \nJenny Hann, 60, of Costa Mesa said her workplace has devised an emergency \nplan for conservation and future blackouts. \n\"We're definitely trying to conserve as much as we can,\" the bank \nadministrator said. Hann expressed frustration with the energy companies. \n\"When you see these executives that have been running the show and the money \nthey're making, it's bothersome,\" she said. \nJennifer Souto, 27, of Tustin said even though she's a stay-at-home mother, \nshe keeps the lights off all day. She doesn't use her air conditioning, \neither. \nSouto said she was locked out of her house for 90 minutes Monday because a \nblackout cut power to her garage door. She says she's not sure who to blame. \nPaul Finch, 38, of Westminster blames Edison and Gov. Gray Davis. \n\"I don't believe info I get from Edison or from our illustrious governor,\" \nFinch said. \"There's more to it than how they've represented it.\" \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBlackout readiness on agenda \nO.C. companies braced for outages Tuesday in different ways. Not all were \nstruck, but they felt the effects. \nMarch 21, 2001 \nBy TAMARA CHUANG\nThe Orange County Register \nIn case of a power failure Tuesday, the Fluor Corp. in Aliso Viejo stocked \nelevators with homemade blackout kits, filled with cookies, flashlights and \nbottles of water. \n\"They're in the elevators, although we've been told not to use the \nele", "synonym_substitution": "a and Tustin, said he has cut down on lighting in his house and has dilute \n by half the meter his pool cleaner runs. even, his energy bill persist about \n $ 400 a calendar month. \n \" I don't know what... to do, \" Wilson, 57, said. \" We've cut back. \" \n Wilson added that he is not pleased with the room government or the energy \n company have handled the crisis. \n \" I think it's disgusting. It's such political garbage. Who was it that made \n these decisions? Who got us into it? \" \n' try on TO CONSERVE' \n Jenny Hann, 60, of Costa Mesa said her workplace has devised an emergency \n design for conservation and future blackouts. \n \" We're definitely try to conserve equally much as we can, \" the bank \n administrator said. Hann expressed frustration with the energy companies. \n \" When you witness these executives that have been running the show and the money \n they're making, it's bothersome, \" she say. \n Jennifer Souto, 27, of Tustin said even though she's a stay - at - home mother, \n she keeps the lights off all day. She doesn't use her air conditioning, \n either. \n Souto said she was locked out of her firm for 90 minutes Monday because a \n blackout baseball swing exponent to her garage door. She says she's not sure who to blame. \n Paul Finch, 38, of Westminster blame Edison and Gov. Gray Davis. \n \" I don't believe info I get from Edison or from our illustrious governor, \" \n Finch say. \" There's more to it than how they've represented it. \" \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n --------------------------------------------------- \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Blackout readiness on agenda \n O.C. companies braced for outages Tuesday in different direction. Not all were \n struck, but they felt the effects. \n March 21, 2001 \n By TAMARA CHUANG \n The Orange County Register \n In case of a power failure Tuesday, the Fluor Corp. in Aliso Viejo stock \n elevators with homemade blackout kits, filled with cookies, flashlight and \n bottles of water. \n \" They're in the elevators, although we've been told not to use the \n ele", "butter_fingers": "a ajd Tustin, said he has cuu down on lightiny in hiv houss and har reduced \nby half the time hms piol coeaner runs. Still, his dnergy bipl remaibs auout \n$400 a month. \n\"I vkn't know what... bo do,\" Xilson, 57, said. \"We'ye cut back.\" \nWilson added dhxt he is not pleased with the way govqrnment og the energy \ncjmpamyes gave handled the crisis. \n\"I think it'a disguvting. It's sucn political garbage. Who wad it that made \nthese dfcisions? Whi goe us into it?\" \n'GRYING TO BMNSERVE' \nJehny Hann, 60, of Costa Mesa said hef worlplace has dwvidgd an emergeicy \nplwn for consevnation dnd futire blackouts. \n\"Ee'rx dedinitely trying to coiserve as much as we can,\" the tauk \nadministrator said. Hqnn efprevsed drurtrztmon with hhe energy cojpanies. \n\"Wheb you see these exevuepfes that havs been rtnning the show and the money \nthey're maninf, it's bothersome,\" she saud. \nJennifer Souto, 27, of Tustin swid even though she's a stay-at-home mother, \nshe keepv the uigkbf ifv all day. She doesn't use her air conditioning, \nsiuheg. \nSouto said she cas locked out og jet house for 90 mknutes Mohday because a \nblafkout cot powwr to her garsge door. She says she's not wure who to ylane. \nPaul Finch, 38, of Cestminster ylames Edispn and Gov. Gray Davis. \n\"I don'f believe ijfo I get wrom Edison or ffom ogr illusufious governor,\" \nFigch said. \"Vhere'x more go ij than row they've reprcvented it.\" \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBlackout readnness on agenda \nO.C. companies braced for outages Tuesday in dofxervnt ways. Uot alk were \nstruck, but they felt the efyects. \nOarch 21, 2001 \nBy TAMARA CHUANG\nThe Jrange County Tegister \nIn cese of a [owee faulure Tjdsday, the Fluot Corp. in Aliso Vieho stocked \nelevatovs wijh homemade blackiut kits, filled wiyh zoohivs, hlashjhghts and \nbodtler ow watef. \n\"They'rt ik tfe ekevators, although we'ee bsen told not to usr bhe \nele", "random_deletion": "a and Tustin, said he has cut lighting his house has reduced by cleaner Still, his energy remains about $400 month. \"I don't know what... to Wilson, 57, said. \"We've cut back.\" Wilson added that he is not pleased the way government or the energy companies have handled the crisis. \"I think disgusting. such garbage. was it that made these decisions? Who got us into it?\" 'TRYING TO CONSERVE' Jenny Hann, of Costa Mesa said her workplace has devised emergency plan for conservation future blackouts. \"We're definitely trying conserve much as can,\" bank said. Hann expressed with the energy companies. \"When you see these executives that have been running the show and the they're making, she said. Souto, of said even though stay-at-home mother, she keeps the lights She doesn't use her air conditioning, either. Souto she was out of her house for 90 Monday because a blackout cut power to her door. She says she's not sure who to blame. Paul Finch, 38, of Westminster blames Gov. Gray Davis. \"I believe info I from or our governor,\" Finch \"There's more to it than how they've represented it.\" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blackout readiness on agenda O.C. companies braced for outages Tuesday ways. all were struck, they felt the effects. 21, By TAMARA CHUANG The Register case failure the Corp. in Aliso Viejo elevators with homemade blackout kits, with cookies, flashlights and the elevators, although we've been told not to the ele", "change_char_case": "a and Tustin, said he has cut dowN on lightinG in hiS hoUse AnD has ReduCed \nby half the tiME his Pool cleaner runs. Still, hiS enerGy BIll rEMaIns abOut \n$400 a monTH. \n\"I DON't kNoW wHat... To DO,\" WIlson, 57, SaiD. \"We've cuT back.\" \nWilsoN adDeD that he is not PLeAsed with thE waY government oR thE energY \ncOmpANies hAve HandlEd the cRIsis. \n\"I tHink it's diSgUSting. IT'S such poLITiCal gArbage. Who was it thaT MaDE \nthese decisionS? Who goT uS InTO It?\" \n'TrYInG TO CONSERvE' \njenny hAnn, 60, of CoSTa mESA saID her workplace Has devised aN EmeRgency \nPlAn fOR conseRvatiOn ANd fUture blackoUts. \n\"WE're definiTely trYIng to coNServe as Much as We cAn,\" tHe baNK \naDmIniStRAtoR SaId. HANn eXpressed FrUsTratiOn wiTH THE eneRgy CompAnies. \n\"when you see theSe eXecuTIveS that Have bEen rUnNing tHe show And thE mOney \nthey're makinG, it's BothersomE,\" shE sAid. \njeNnifeR souto, 27, oF TuStiN said evEn thougH She'S a STAY-aT-home mother, \nshe keepS tHE LiGhts off aLl day. SHE dOeSN't use her AiR coNditIONing, \neItheR. \nsoUto said sHe was lOCkEd Out of heR hOuse foR 90 mInuTes mondaY BecaUse a \nblAckout cuT poweR To her garage dooR. she says she's noT SuRE WhO To blAme. \npaul Finch, 38, of westMInstEr blAMeS EdISon anD Gov. GRaY daVIs. \n\"I don't believe info I GeT from EDison Or from our illuStrious govERNOr,\" \nFinch sAid. \"THErE'S more to it than hOw theY've represeNTed it.\" \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBlaCkout ReadinesS on agenda \no.c. CompanieS brAceD foR ouTAGeS Tuesday in difFERent WaYs. Not alL weRe \nstrucK, buT thEy fElt ThE effects. \nMArch 21, 2001 \nBy TAmArA cHuAnG\nTHe OraNGe County reGisTeR \nIn Case oF A power FailuRe TuEsDaY, The fluor CoRP. iN aLiso viEjO stoCkeD \neLevatOrs wITh hOmemade Blackout kIts, FIlleD wItH cookieS, flashlights aNd \nBottles of wAtEr. \n\"THey're iN THe elevatOrs, although we've been told NOt to use The \nEle", "whitespace_perturbation": "a and Tustin, said he hascut down o n lig hti ngin his hou se and has red u ced\nby half the time hispoolcl e aner ru ns. S till, h i se n erg ybi llre m ai ns ab out \n$400a month. \"Ido n't know wha t .. . to do,\"Wil son, 57, sai d.\"We've c utb ack.\" \nW ilson added that h e is notpl e ased w i th thew a ygove rnment or the ene r gy \ncompanies hav e hand le d t h e cr isi s. \n\"I thi nk it's disgust i ng . I t's such politica l garbage.W howas it t hat made these d e cis ions? Who g ot u s into it ?\" \n'T R YING TO CONSERV E' \nJe nny Ha nn,6 0, o f C os t a M e sa sa i d h er workp la ce hasdevi s e d an e mer genc y \npl an for conser vat iona ndfutur e bla ckou ts . \n\"W e're d efini te ly trying to co nser ve as muc h a sweca n,\" t h e bank \na dmi nistrat or said . Ha nn e x pr essed frustrationwi t h t he energ y comp a ni es . \n\"Whenyo u s ee t h e se ex ecut i ve s that h ave be e nru nning t he showan d t hemoney \nthe y're m aking, i t's b o thersome,\" she said. \nJennif e rS o ut o , 27 , o f Tustin sa id e v en t houg h s he' s a st ay-at -h o me mother, \nshe keepsth e ligh ts of f all day. Sh e doesn'tu s e her air con d it i oning, \neither . \nSo uto said s h e was lo ckedout of h er housef o r 90 min ute s M ond ayb e ca use a \nblacko u t cut p ower to he r garag e d oor . S hesa ys she'snot sure w ho t obla me. P aul Finc h, 38 ,ofWestm i nsterblame s Ed is on and Gov. G r ay D avis .\n\" I do n't b eliev e in f o I get fr om Edison or from o ur illust rious governo r, \" \nFinch s ai d.\"There ' s more to it than how they've re p resente d i t.\" \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-- --- - ------ ------ ----- -- --- - - ----- - - -- --- -- ---------- - - --- ----- -- ---- ------- -\n---------------- - --- ------------- --- ---- - - -- --- - -- - --- -- - --- - - --------------- -\n-------- -- - -- ---------- - --- -- ------- ------- ----- - --\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBlacko ut readin es s on a gen da \nO.C. c ompanies braced f o r out a ge s Tue sda y in d if fer ent w ays. N o t a ll we re \nst ru ck, bu t the yfelt the effects. \nMarch 21, 20 01 \nBy TAMA RACHUANG\nTh e O r ang e CountyRegi ster \nIn c ase of a po wer failu re T u es day , theFluo r Corp. in Al iso V ie jo stockede l eva torswit h homem adeblackout kits, fi l led with cooki es,f l ash lig h ts a nd \nbottles of w ate r. \"They're i n the eleva tors, al th o ugh w e've b een to ld nott o u s e the\nele ", "underscore_trick": "a and_Tustin, said_he has cut down_on lighting_in_his house_and_has reduced \nby_half the time_his pool cleaner runs._Still, his energy_bill_remains about \n$400 a month. \n\"I don't know what... to do,\" Wilson, 57, said._\"We've_cut back.\"_\nWilson_added_that he is not pleased_with the way government or_the energy_\ncompanies have handled the crisis. \n\"I think it's_disgusting._It's such political_garbage. Who was it that made \nthese decisions? Who_got us into it?\" \n'TRYING TO_CONSERVE' \nJenny Hann,_60,_of_Costa Mesa said her_workplace has devised an emergency \nplan_for conservation and future blackouts. \n\"We're_definitely trying to conserve as much as_we can,\" the bank \nadministrator said._Hann expressed frustration with the_energy companies._\n\"When you see these executives_that have been_running the_show and the_money \nthey're making, it's bothersome,\" she_said. \nJennifer Souto,_27, of Tustin said even though_she's_a stay-at-home mother,_\nshe_keeps_the lights_off all day._She_doesn't use_her_air conditioning, \neither. \nSouto said she_was_locked out of her house for 90_minutes Monday because a_\nblackout_cut power to her_garage door. She says she's_not sure who to blame. \nPaul_Finch, 38,_of Westminster_blames Edison and Gov. Gray Davis. \n\"I don't believe info I_get from Edison or from our_illustrious governor,\" \nFinch said._\"There's more_to_it than how_they've_represented it.\"_\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBlackout readiness on agenda \nO.C. companies braced_for outages_Tuesday in different ways. Not all_were \nstruck, but they_felt_the effects. \nMarch 21, 2001 \nBy_TAMARA CHUANG\nThe Orange County Register \nIn_case of a power failure_Tuesday,_the_Fluor Corp. in Aliso Viejo_stocked \nelevators with homemade blackout kits,_filled with cookies,_flashlights and \nbottles of water. \n\"They're in_the_elevators, although we've been told not_to_use the \nele"} {"text": "If you would like to un-subscribe from this\nmailing list, please go to:\n\nhttp://www.energy.ca.gov/html/listservers.html\n\nDerek Tran\nWeb Development Team\nCalifornia Energy Commission\n1516 Ninth Street, MS-29\nSacramento, CA 95814\n\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n\n/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Bill/Philippe-\n\nBelow is a summary of the major problems which occurred the past 96 hours and \nthe steps taken to mitigate the damage and risk.\n\nEnron Center North (1400 Smith)\n\nAs a result of the flooding downtown, approximately six skyscrapers had their \nelectrical vaults flooded and began to cause cascading problemd in the \nelectrical grid downtown. The net result was the loss of one of the two 35kv \ncircuits which serve 1400 Smith. We (engineers, EES Maint, electrical subs) \nbelieve at the time the circuits blew we shifted from three phase to single \nphase power, which caused an imbalance in the load to the building. \n\nConsequently, UPS \"C\" which serves a portion of the Lv 34 Data Ctr, the Rolm \nphone switch, and a protion of the Traders floors lost a circuitboard, and \nblew two internal fuses. This power degradation caused PDU \"S\" on Lv 34 to \ntrip its main breaker and shutdown power load to servers and equipment on \nthis PDU. This occurred shortly after Noon on Saturday.\n\nResponse/Restoration\n\n> UPS \"D\" transferred load from UPS \"C\" as the N+1 back up and carried the \nfull load of the UPS loss as designed\n> EPSC/electrical sub (Henderson Electric); EES Maint; IT worked together to \npower down systems to begin repair work by 4:00pm Saturday\n> EPSC/EES Maint coordinated with Pillar/Henderson Elec to obtain replacement \nparts and begin the repairs. By 9:30pm all repairs to UPS\"C\" had been", "synonym_substitution": "If you would like to un - subscribe from this \n mailing list, please go to: \n\n http://www.energy.ca.gov/html/listservers.html \n\n Derek Tran \n Web Development Team \n California Energy Commission \n 1516 Ninth Street, MS-29 \n Sacramento, CA 95814 \n\n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \n\n /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Bill / Philippe- \n\n Below is a summary of the major problems which occur the past 96 hour and \n the steps taken to mitigate the wrong and risk. \n\n Enron Center North (1400 Smith) \n\n As a result of the implosion therapy downtown, approximately six skyscrapers had their \n electric vault flooded and begin to cause cascading problemd in the \n electrical grid downtown. The net consequence was the loss of one of the two 35kv \n circuits which serve 1400 Smith. We (engineer, EES Maint, electrical subs) \n believe at the time the circuit blew we shifted from three phase to single \n phase power, which caused an asymmetry in the load to the building. \n\n Consequently, UPS \" C \" which serves a portion of the Lv 34 Data Ctr, the Rolm \n phone switch, and a protion of the Traders floor lost a circuitboard, and \n blew two internal fuses. This power degradation caused PDU \" S \" on Lv 34 to \n trip its main breaker and closure ability load to server and equipment on \n this PDU. This occur shortly after Noon on Saturday. \n\n Response / Restoration \n\n > UPS \" D \" transferred load from UPS \" C \" as the N+1 back up and carry the \n full load of the UPS loss as designed \n > EPSC / electric sub (Henderson Electric); EES Maint; IT worked together to \n power down systems to begin repair work by 4:00pm Saturday \n > EPSC / EES Maint coordinated with Pillar / Henderson Elec to obtain replacement \n parts and begin the haunt. By 9:30pm all repairs to UPS\"C \" had been", "butter_fingers": "If jou would like to un-subsgribe from this\nmculing nist, pmease go to:\n\nhttp://www.energy.ca.gov/html/lisvsercers.huil\n\nDerek Tran\nWeb Dexelopment Team\nCaluforiia Energy Commission\n1516 Nikch Stdcet, MV-29\nWacramento, CA 95814\n\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n\n/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Bill/Philippe-\n\nBelow is a summary of the mwjor problems rhicn occhgrtd the past 96 hours and \nthe steps faken tm mitigate thr damage and risk.\n\nEnron Cenher Jorth (1400 Smith)\n\nAs a rfsult of thg fljiding downtodn, approximately six siyscrapers had their \nelectrical vaulcs flooded qne bfcan to causx cascwding problemd in tha \nelecttical grid dowktown. Thw net result was the noss of one of the two 35kv \nchreuits which serve 1400 Smuty. We (gnginaers, WES Majnv, emectrifal subs) \nbeljeve at the time the circuits nlqq we shifted rrom trrqe phase to single \nphase power, which calsed an imbalance in the loqd to the building. \n\nCojsequentlr, UPS \"C\" which serves a portion of the Lv 34 Data Cts, the Foln \nihond saitch, and a protion of the Traders floors lose a cprcuitboard, and \nbjew two intrrjak fuses. This puwer dzfrzdation caused PDU \"S\" on Ld 34 to \ntrip its maim breaker and shutdown powee load to segverw and equipment on \nthis PDU. Tkis ocvurrec shortly after Noon on Sathrday.\n\nResponde/Restorafkon\n\n> UPS \"D\" transfdrrvd lmad from UPS \"C\" as the N+1 bask up and carxied the \nfulk load of the UPD loss as designed\n> EPSC/epectrncal vub (Henderdon Electric); EES Maint; IT workev together to \npmweg down syftems to begin repwir work by 4:00pm Saturdcy\n> EPSZ/EES Maint coordiiated with Pyllar/Hendersot Elec to obtein replasemebt \npqrts ana begin the repsirs. By 9:30pm all repaurs to UPS\"C\" had becn", "random_deletion": "If you would like to un-subscribe from list, go to: Derek Tran Web 1516 Street, MS-29 Sacramento, 95814 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Bill/Philippe- Below is summary the problems occurred the past 96 hours and the steps taken to mitigate the damage and risk. Enron North (1400 Smith) As a result of the downtown, approximately six skyscrapers their electrical vaults flooded and to cascading problemd the grid The net result the loss of one of the two 35kv circuits which serve 1400 Smith. We (engineers, EES Maint, subs) believe time the blew shifted three phase to power, which caused an imbalance in the building. Consequently, UPS \"C\" which serves a of the 34 Data Ctr, the Rolm phone and a protion of the Traders floors lost circuitboard, and blew two internal fuses. This power degradation caused PDU \"S\" on Lv 34 its main breaker and power load to and on PDU. occurred shortly Noon on Saturday. Response/Restoration > UPS \"D\" transferred load from UPS as the N+1 back up and carried the full load UPS as designed > sub (Henderson Electric); EES IT together to power down begin work > Maint with Pillar/Henderson Elec to replacement parts and begin the By 9:30pm all repairs", "change_char_case": "If you would like to un-subscriBe from this\nMailiNg lIst, PlEase Go to:\n\nHttp://www.energy.cA.Gov/hTml/listservers.html\n\nDereK Tran\nweB deveLOpMent TEam\nCaliFOrNIA EnErGy comMiSSiOn\n1516 NinTh STreet, MS-29\nsacramento, cA 95814\n\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n\n/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ BIlL/Philippe-\n\nBelOW iS a summary oF thE major probleMs wHich ocCuRreD The paSt 96 hOurs aNd \nthe sTEps takEn to mitigAtE The damAGe and riSK.\n\nenRon CEnter North (1400 Smith)\n\nAs A ReSUlt of the floodiNg downToWN, aPPRoxImaTely six skyScRaperS Had theiR \nElECTRicAL vaults floodeD and began to CAusE cascaDiNg pROblemd In the \nElECtrIcal grid dowNtowN. The net reSult waS The loss OF one of tHe two 35kV \nciRcuIts wHIcH sErvE 1400 SMIth. wE (eNgiNEerS, EES MainT, eLeCtricAl suBS) \nBELievE at The tIme thE circuits blew We sHiftED frOm thrEe phaSe to SiNgle \npHase poWer, whIcH caused an imbalaNce iN the load tO thE bUilDiNg. \n\nConSEquentLy, UpS \"C\" Which seRves a poRTioN oF THE LV 34 Data Ctr, the Rolm \nphoNe SWItCh, and a prOtion oF ThE TRAders floOrS loSt a cIRCuitbOard, ANd \nBlew two iNternaL FuSeS. This poWeR degraDaTioN caUsed Pdu \"S\" on lv 34 to \ntrIp its maiN breaKEr and shutdown pOWer load to servERs AND eQUipmEnt On \nthis PDU. ThIs ocCUrreD shoRTlY afTEr NooN on SaTuRDaY.\n\nresponse/Restoration\n\n> uPs \"D\" tranSferrEd load from UPS \"c\" as the N+1 bacK UP And carriEd thE \nFuLL load of the UPS lOss as Designed\n> EPsc/electriCal suB (HendersOn ElectriC); eeS Maint; It woRkeD toGetHER tO \npower down sysTEMs to BeGin repaIr wOrk by 4:00pm satUrdAy\n> EpSC/eEs Maint cooRdinated WiTh piLlAr/HEnderSOn Elec to ObTaiN rEplAcemeNT \nparts And beGin tHe RePAirS. By 9:30pm alL RePAIrs tO UpS\"c\" had BeeN", "whitespace_perturbation": "If you would like to un-su bscribe fr om th ismai li ng l ist, please go to: \nhtt p://www.energy.ca.gov/ html/ li s tser v er s.htm l\n\nDere k T r a n\nW eb D eve lo p me nt Te amCalifor nia Energy Co mm ission\n1516N in th Street, MS -29\nSacramen to, CA 95 81 4\n* * ** * * ** * ** * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n\n/_/_/_/_/_/ _ /_ / _/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _ /_ / _ /_/ _/_ /_/_/_/_/_ /Bill/ P hilippe - \nB e l owi s a summary o f the major pro blemswh ich occurr ed th ep ast 96 hours a nd the steps taken to miti g ate the damag e a ndrisk . \nEn ron C e nte r N ort h (1 400 Smit h) \nAs aresu l t o f th e f lood ing d owntown, appr oxi mate l y s ix sk yscra pers h ad th eir \ne lectr ic al vaults flood ed a nd begantoca use c ascad i ng pro ble mdin the\nelectr i cal g r i d d owntown. The net r es u l twas theloss o f o ne of the t wo 35 kv c i rcuit s wh i ch serve 1 400 Sm i th .We (eng in eers,EE S M ain t, el e ctri cal su bs) \nbe lieve at the time th e circuits ble w w e sh i fted fr om three ph aset o si ngle \np has e powe r, wh ic h c a used an imbalance i nthe lo ad to the building . \n\nConseq u e n tly, UPS \"C\" wh i ch serves a po rtion of the Lv 34 DataCtr,the Rolm \nphone s w i tch, and apro tio n o f th e Traders flo o r s lo st a circ uit board,and \nb lew tw ointernalfuses. T hi spo we r d egrad a tion cau se d P DU \"S \" onL v 34 t o \ntr ip i ts m a inbreaker an d shut do wn pow erlo ad to ser v ers and eq uipment o n t hisPD U. This o ccurred short ly after Noo nonSaturd a y .\n\nRespo nse/Restoration\n\n> UPS\" D\" tran sfe rredload from UPS \"C \" as t heN +1 bac k up a nd ca rr ied t he \nf u l lloa dof the UPS l oss as d es igne d\n> EPS C/electrical sub ( H end erson Electri c); EES M ai nt; IT wor ke d to g e ther to \npowerdown syste ms to begin rep a irwo rk by 4 :00pm S aturd a y\n> EPS C/EES Mai nt coordi na tedw i thPillar/Hen derson E lec to ob t ain r e pl aceme nt\nparts a ndbegin the r e pai rs. B y 9:30 pm all r epair sto UPS\"C \" had been", "underscore_trick": "If you_would like_to un-subscribe from this\nmailing_list, please_go_to:\n\nhttp://www.energy.ca.gov/html/listservers.html\n\nDerek Tran\nWeb_Development_Team\nCalifornia Energy Commission\n1516_Ninth Street, MS-29\nSacramento,_CA 95814\n\n* * *_* * *_*_* * * * * * * * * * * * * *_*_* *_*_*_* * * * *_* *\n\n/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Bill/Philippe-\n\nBelow is a_summary of_the major problems which occurred the past 96_hours_and \nthe steps_taken to mitigate the damage and risk.\n\nEnron Center North_(1400 Smith)\n\nAs a result of the_flooding downtown, approximately_six_skyscrapers_had their \nelectrical vaults_flooded and began to cause cascading_problemd in the \nelectrical grid downtown._The net result was the loss of_one of the two 35kv \ncircuits_which serve 1400 Smith. We_(engineers, EES_Maint, electrical subs) \nbelieve_at the time_the circuits_blew we shifted_from three phase to single \nphase_power, which caused_an imbalance in the load to_the_building. \n\nConsequently, UPS_\"C\"_which_serves a_portion of the_Lv_34 Data_Ctr,_the Rolm \nphone switch, and a_protion_of the Traders floors lost a circuitboard,_and \nblew two internal_fuses._This power degradation caused_PDU \"S\" on Lv 34_to \ntrip its main breaker and_shutdown power_load to_servers and equipment on \nthis PDU. This occurred shortly after Noon_on Saturday.\n\nResponse/Restoration\n\n> UPS \"D\" transferred load_from UPS \"C\" as_the N+1_back_up and carried_the_\nfull load_of the UPS loss as designed\n> EPSC/electrical_sub (Henderson_Electric); EES Maint; IT worked together_to \npower down systems_to_begin repair work by 4:00pm Saturday\n>_EPSC/EES Maint coordinated with Pillar/Henderson Elec_to obtain replacement \nparts and_begin_the_repairs. By 9:30pm all repairs_to UPS\"C\" had been"} {"text": " reference rate is calculated according \nto a separate formula in the power purchase agreement (PPA). \nAccording to the officials, \"the Government will pay the money only after the \nUnion Law Ministry reviews the dispute between MSEB and Dabhol Power Company \nover the Rs 401-crore penalty.\" This could mean a long wait for DPC and may \nalso end up in international arbitration, say senior MSEB officials. \nMSEB has asked DPC to pay a penalty of Rs 401 crore for failing to make power \navailable at 90 per cent plant load factor (PLF) within three hours (as per \nthe power purchase agreement) of receiving the hourly requirement from MSEB. \nThe \"default\" happened on January 28 when one of MSEB's units tripped and it \nrequired more power at short notice. \n\"We have asked them to adjust their bills for December, January and February \nagainst the penalty,\" said Mr Vinay Bansal, Chairman, MSEB. \nThe board owes DPC a total Rs 341 crore for the three months. \nWhile Enron officials have asked MSEB to at least pay the December dues, \nbefore the \"default\" occurred, the board still holds that DPC should \"adjust\" \nits bills against these charges. \n\"The interests will be adjusted once the Government makes payments. \nMSEB will have to ultimately pay the amount as the Centre will recover the \ndues from the State, and it, in turn, from us,\" said Mr Bansal. \nMeanwhile, MSEB is \"considering\" paying its February bill to \"ensure DPC's \nbusiness is not disrupted\" in case of delay. \n\"We have received information that there may have been another default by DPC \nduring February. But that matter will be discussed only in May. We will \ndecide then if DPC is liable for another penalty,\" he said. \nAnd, an Enron official said the \"company might consider waiving the interest \non the guaranteed amount (Rs 229 crore) as we have been bending backwards \nanyway, as far as payments are concerned.\" \nArchana Chaudhary\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\nBusiness\nVictoria Station's pounds 250m facelift\nHEATH", "synonym_substitution": "reference rate is calculated according \n to a freestanding rule in the power purchase agreement (PPA). \n According to the official, \" the Government will pay the money only after the \n Union Law Ministry review the dispute between MSEB and Dabhol Power Company \n over the radius 401 - crore penalty. \" This could entail a long wait for DPC and may \n besides end up in international arbitration, say senior MSEB officials. \n MSEB has ask DPC to pay a penalty of Rs 401 crore for failing to make ability \n available at 90 per cent plant load factor (PLF) within three hour (as per \n the power purchase agreement) of receiving the hourly requirement from MSEB. \n The \" nonpayment \" happened on January 28 when one of MSEB's units tripped and it \n required more power at light notice. \n \" We have asked them to adjust their bills for December, January and February \n against the penalty, \" said Mr Vinay Bansal, Chairman, MSEB. \n The board owes DPC a total Rs 341 crore for the three months. \n While Enron officials have asked MSEB to at least pay the December dues, \n before the \" default \" occurred, the display panel still holds that DPC should \" align \" \n its bill against these charges. \n \" The interests will be adjusted once the Government cook payments. \n MSEB will have to ultimately pay the amount as the Centre will recuperate the \n dues from the State, and it, in turn, from us, \" said Mr Bansal. \n Meanwhile, MSEB is \" considering \" paying its February bill to \" see DPC's \n business is not disrupted \" in case of delay. \n \" We have received data that there may have been another default by DPC \n during February. But that topic will be discussed only in May. We will \n decide then if DPC is liable for another penalty, \" he said. \n And, an Enron official said the \" ship's company might consider waiving the interest \n on the undertake amount (Rs 229 crore) as we have been bending backwards \n anyhow, as far as payment are concerned. \" \n Archana Chaudhary \n\n Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\n Business \n Victoria Station's cypriot pound 250 m face lift \n HEATH", "butter_fingers": " reverence rate is calculattd according \nto a separave formhla in tfe power purchase agreement ('PA). \nQccoreing to the officials, \"ghe Goverjment wiol pey the money onlb after bke \nUnjln Lcw Ministry revigws the dispgte between MSAB aud Dabhol Power Company \nover the Rs 401-srore prnwlty.\" This coulq mesg a mong wait for DPC and may \nalso end up in pnternational arbotration, say senior MSEB ovficlals. \nMSEB has askef DPC to pai a [wnalty of Rs 401 crore fog failing tk make power \navailable at 90 per zent 'lant load daxtog (PLF) within threv hours (as pev \nthe pmwer putchase agreemekt) of rexeiving the hourly rexuirement from MSEF. \nThe \"defdumt\" happened on Jabuqry 28 fhen one if OSEG's uhits tgip'ed and it \ndequired moee power at short nptybr. \n\"We have asied thqm to adjust their bills for December, Janlary and February \nagainst tye penalty,\" said Mr Vijay Bansaj, Chairman, MSEB. \nThe board owes DPC a total Rs 341 crmre fkf tkc gyrfe months. \nWhile Enron officials have asked MSQG uo st least pay tme December dues, \nbrflrr the \"default\" uccurrzs, fhe board still hopds thaj DPC whould \"adtust\" \nits bills against these chqrges. \n\"The innerewts will be adjustzd once the Yovernkent kakes payments. \nMSEB wilu habe to ultimwtely pay ghe amount as thd Cvntra will rtzover the \ndues frjm the Stete, aud it, in turm, from us,\" said Mg Bansal. \nMeanwhile, MSEB ls \"cousidesing\" payinh its February bill to \"ensure D'R's \nbusiness ix tot disruptzd\" in gase of delay. \n\"Wq have receiveb informction ghat there may hate been anotrer default bf DPC \nduring Hebruary. Fut rhat matter dill be discusxed only pn May. We will \ndecide thcn if SPC is liable fir qnother penalty,\" he sayd. \nAid, an Anron officidl sxid yhe \"cumpany mighb cunsicer waiving the intesest \non the guaranteed aiount (Rs 229 crore) ws we have bern bending backwarfs \nanbway, ar far as payments are concerned.\" \nArchanz Chaudhagy\n\nCjpyright, 2000 Dor Jokes & Company, Iuc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\nBusiness\nVictoria Wtation's pounds 250m dacelift\nHEATH", "random_deletion": "reference rate is calculated according to a in power purchase (PPA). According to pay money only after Union Law Ministry the dispute between MSEB and Dabhol Company over the Rs 401-crore penalty.\" This could mean a long wait for and may also end up in international arbitration, say senior MSEB officials. MSEB asked to a of Rs 401 crore for failing to make power available at 90 per cent plant load (PLF) within three hours (as per the power agreement) of receiving the requirement from MSEB. The \"default\" on 28 when of units and it required power at short notice. \"We have asked them to adjust their bills for December, January and February the penalty,\" Vinay Bansal, MSEB. board DPC a total crore for the three months. While asked MSEB to at least pay the December before the occurred, the board still holds that should \"adjust\" its bills against these charges. \"The will be adjusted once the Government makes payments. MSEB will have to ultimately pay the the Centre will recover dues from the and in from said Mr Meanwhile, MSEB is \"considering\" paying its February bill to \"ensure DPC's is not disrupted\" in case of delay. \"We have received there have been another by DPC during February. that will be discussed only We decide is for penalty,\" he said. And, Enron official said the \"company consider waiving the interest 229 crore) as we have been bending backwards as far as payments are concerned.\" Archana Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Business Victoria pounds 250m", "change_char_case": " reference rate is calculated According \ntO a sepAraTe fOrMula In thE power purchase AGreeMent (PPA). \nAccording to the oFficiAlS, \"The GOVeRnmenT will paY ThE MOneY oNlY afTeR ThE \nUnioN LaW MinistRy reviews tHe dIsPute between MseB And Dabhol POweR Company \nover The rs 401-crorE pEnaLTy.\" ThiS coUld meAn a lonG Wait foR DPC and maY \naLSo end uP In interNATiOnal Arbitration, say senIOr msEB officials. \nMSeB has aSkED Dpc To pAy a Penalty of RS 401 cRore fOR failinG To MAKE poWEr \navailable at 90 Per cent planT LoaD factoR (PlF) wIThin thRee hoUrS (As pEr \nthe power pUrchAse agreemEnt) of rECeiving THe hourlY requiRemEnt From msEb. \nTHe \"dEfAUlt\" HApPenED on january 28 wHeN oNe of MsEB's UNITS triPpeD and It \nreqUired more poweR at ShorT NotIce. \n\"We Have aSked ThEm to aDjust tHeir bIlLs for December, JaNuarY and FebruAry \nAgAinSt The peNAlty,\" saId MR ViNay BansAl, ChairMAn, MsEb. \ntHE bOard owes DPC a total RS 341 cRORe For the thRee monTHs. \nwhILe Enron oFfIciAls hAVE askeD MSEb To At least pAy the DECeMbEr dues, \nbEfOre the \"DeFauLt\" oCcurrED, the Board sTill holdS that dpC should \"adjust\" \nITs bills againsT ThESE cHArgeS. \n\"ThE interests wIll bE AdjuSted ONcE thE goverNment MaKEs PAyments. \nMSEB will have To UltimaTely pAy the amount as The Centre wILL Recover tHe \nduES fROm the State, and iT, in tuRn, from us,\" saID Mr BansaL. \nMeanWhile, MSEb is \"considERIng\" payinG itS FeBruAry BILl To \"ensure DPC's \nbUSInesS iS not disRupTed\" in caSe oF deLay. \n\"we hAvE received InformatIoN tHaT tHerE may hAVe been anOtHer DeFauLt by Dpc \ndurinG FebrUary. buT tHAt mAtter wiLL bE DIscuSsEd Only In MAy. we wilL \ndecIDe tHen if DPc is liable For ANothEr PeNalty,\" he Said. \nAnd, an EnroN oFficial saiD tHe \"cOmpany MIGht consiDer waiving the interest \non THe guaraNteEd amoUnt (RS 229 crore) as wE haVe been BenDIng bacKwards \nAnywaY, aS faR AS paymENTs Are CoNcerned.\" \nArcHANa CHaudhArY\n\nCopYright, 2000 DOw Jones & Company, Inc. ALL RiGhts Reserved. \n\n\nBUsiNess\nvICtOriA stATioN's POunDS 250M facelift\nHEATH", "whitespace_perturbation": " reference rate is calcula ted accord ing toa s ep arat e fo rmula in the p o werpurchase agreement (PP A). Ac c ordi n gto th e offic i al s , \"t he G ove rn m en t wil l p ay themoney only af te r the \nUnion La w Ministry re views the di spu te bet we enM SEB a ndDabho l Powe r Compa ny \noverth e Rs 40 1 -crorep e na lty. \" This could mean al ong wait for D PC and m a ya lso en d up in in te rnati o nal arb i tr a t i on, say senior MS EB official s . MSEB h as as k ed DPC to p ay a p enalty of R s 40 1 crore f or fai l ing tom ake pow er \nav ail abl e at 90 p erce n t p l an t l o adfactor ( PL F) with in t h r e e hou rs(asper the power pur cha se a g ree ment) of r ecei vi ng th e hour ly re qu irement from MS EB.\nThe \"def aul t\" ha pp enedo n Janu ary 28 when o ne of M S EB' su n i ts tripped and it \nr eq u i re d more p ower a t s ho r t notice .\n\"W e ha v e aske d th e mto adjus t thei r b il ls forDe cember ,Jan uar y and Febr uary againstthe p e nalty,\" said M r Vinay Bansal , C h a ir m an,MSE B. \nThe boa rd o w es D PC a to tal Rs 34 1 cro re fo r the three months.\nW hile E nronofficials hav e asked MS E B to at le astp ay the December d ues,\nbefore th e \"defaul t\" oc curred,the board s till hol dstha t D PCs h ou ld \"adjust\" i t s bi ll s again stthese c har ges . \"Th einterests will be a dj us te d o nce t h e Govern me ntma kes paym e nts. MSEBwill h av e to ultima t el y payth eamou ntas theCent r e w ill rec over the\ndu e s fr om t he Stat e, and it, in t urn, fromus ,\"said M r Bansal.\nMeanwhile, MSEB is \"co n siderin g\"payin g it s Februar y b ill to \"e n sure D PC's busin es s i s not d i s ru pte d\" in case o f del ay. \"W e ha ve rece ived information t h atthere may hav e b eena n ot her de f aul tb y D P C \nduring Februa ry. But th at ma tter willb e d is cussedonly in May. We will \ndecidethen if D PC isl i abl e for anot her pena lty,\" hes aid.An d, an En ron of fi cia l sai d the\" com panymightco nsider waiv in g the in terest \non the guarante ed amo unt ( Rs229 crore ) a s we have bee n be nding back war ds\nanyw ay, as fa r as pa yme n ts ar e co n cerned.\"Ar cha n a C haudhary\n\nC o p y rig ht, 2 000 Dow Jo nes& Company, Inc. A l l Rights Reser ved. \n\nB usi n essVi ctoria Station 'spo u n ds 250mfa celift\nHEAT H", "underscore_trick": " reference_rate is_calculated according \nto a_separate formula_in_the power_purchase_agreement (PPA). \nAccording_to the officials,_\"the Government will pay_the money only_after_the \nUnion Law Ministry reviews the dispute between MSEB and Dabhol Power Company \nover_the_Rs 401-crore_penalty.\"_This_could mean a long wait_for DPC and may \nalso_end up_in international arbitration, say senior MSEB officials. \nMSEB_has_asked DPC to_pay a penalty of Rs 401 crore for failing_to make power \navailable at 90_per cent plant_load_factor_(PLF) within three hours_(as per \nthe power purchase agreement)_of receiving the hourly requirement from_MSEB. \nThe \"default\" happened on January 28_when one of MSEB's units tripped_and it \nrequired more power_at short_notice. \n\"We have asked them_to adjust their_bills for_December, January and_February \nagainst the penalty,\" said Mr_Vinay Bansal, Chairman,_MSEB. \nThe board owes DPC a_total_Rs 341 crore_for_the_three months._\nWhile Enron officials_have_asked MSEB_to_at least pay the December dues,_\nbefore_the \"default\" occurred, the board still holds_that DPC should \"adjust\"_\nits_bills against these charges._\n\"The interests will be adjusted_once the Government makes payments. \nMSEB_will have_to ultimately_pay the amount as the Centre will recover the \ndues from_the State, and it, in turn,_from us,\" said Mr_Bansal. \nMeanwhile,_MSEB_is \"considering\" paying_its_February bill_to \"ensure DPC's \nbusiness is not disrupted\"_in case_of delay. \n\"We have received information_that there may have_been_another default by DPC \nduring February._But that matter will be discussed_only in May. We will_\ndecide_then_if DPC is liable for_another penalty,\" he said. \nAnd, an_Enron official said_the \"company might consider waiving the interest_\non_the guaranteed amount (Rs 229 crore)_as_we have been bending backwards \nanyway,_as_far_as payments are concerned.\" \nArchana_Chaudhary\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company,_Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\nBusiness\nVictoria Station's pounds 250m facelift\nHEATH"} {"text": "trip, per person. \n\nFor more details, please visit us at:\nhttp://www.southwest.com/hotfares/fff.html?src=e011502\n\n=================================================================\nADDITIONAL INFORMATION\n=================================================================\nAdditional information you need to know about all of our \nair fare specials:\n\n*Changes to any portion of the reservation \n (flight, dates, cities, and/or names of passengers), \n once purchased, will result in the cancellation of \n the ENTIRE reservation and rebooking at the lowest \n fare available which could result in a fare increase. \n*Southwest specials are nonchangeable \n and nonrefundable. \n*Ticketless Travel may be purchased online using \n either a credit card or by utilizing funds from a \n previously unused or cancelled Ticketless \n Travel reservation(s). Funds from up to four cancelled \n or unused Ticketless Travel reservation records can \n be combined to purchase a new Ticketless Travel\n reservation record. Southwest Airlines travel credit \n travel vouchers, gift certificates, and discount coupons) \n may not be used as forms of payment for \n Ticketless Travel Online.\n*Unused funds may be applied toward future travel on \n Southwest Airlines within one year of the original purchase date.\n*Seats are limited and won't be available on some \n flights that operate during very busy travel times \n and holiday periods such as Presidents Day and Memorial Day.\n*Standby travel requires an upgrade to the \n full unrestricted fare.\n\n=================================================================\nSUBSCRIBER INFORMATION \n=================================================================\nPlease pass this great news on to your friends.\nTo subscribe to Southwest Airlines Click 'n Save E-mail \nUpdates, visit: \nhttp://www.southwest.com/email/\n\nRemember, if you change your Internet service provider,\nyou will need to unsubscribe and resubscribe in order \nto continue receiving Click 'n Save E-mail Updates.\nFor administration on your e-mail subscription, please visit:\nhttp://www.southwest.com/email/emailUnsubscribe.html\n\n=================================================================\nYou may retrieve and print a copy of your Southwest \nAirlines Ticketless Travel at: \nhttp://www.southwest.com/travel_center/retrieveItinerary.html\n\nQuestions about your flight arrival", "synonym_substitution": "trip, per person. \n\n For more details, please visit us at: \n http://www.southwest.com/hotfares/fff.html?src=e011502 \n\n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n ADDITIONAL data \n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n extra data you need to know about all of our \n air menu specials: \n\n * Changes to any portion of the mental reservation \n (flight, dates, city, and/or names of passengers), \n once buy, will result in the cancellation of \n the ENTIRE reservation and rebooking at the lowest \n menu available which could result in a fare increase. \n * southwesterly specials are nonchangeable \n and nonrefundable. \n * Ticketless Travel may be buy online use \n either a credit card or by utilizing store from a \n previously unused or cancelled Ticketless \n Travel reservation(s). fund from up to four cancelled \n or fresh Ticketless Travel reservation records can \n be combined to purchase a new Ticketless Travel \n mental reservation record. Southwest Airlines travel credit \n travel vouchers, gift certificates, and discount coupons) \n may not be used as forms of payment for \n Ticketless Travel Online. \n * Unused funds may be applied toward future travel on \n Southwest Airlines within one year of the original leverage date. \n * seat are limited and won't be available on some \n flight that engage during very busy travel times \n and vacation periods such as Presidents Day and Memorial Day. \n * Standby change of location requires an upgrade to the \n wide unrestricted fare. \n\n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n SUBSCRIBER INFORMATION \n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n Please pass this great news on to your acquaintance. \n To subscribe to Southwest Airlines Click' n Save E - mail \n Updates, visit: \n http://www.southwest.com/email/ \n\n Remember, if you change your Internet overhaul provider, \n you will need to unsubscribe and resubscribe in order \n to continue receiving Click' n Save east - mail Updates. \n For administration on your e - chain mail subscription, please visit: \n http://www.southwest.com/email/emailUnsubscribe.html \n\n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n You may remember and print a copy of your Southwest \n Airlines Ticketless Travel at: \n http://www.southwest.com/travel_center/retrieveItinerary.html \n\n Questions about your trajectory arrival", "butter_fingers": "trio, per person. \n\nFor more deuails, please visij ys at:\nhvtp://www.skuthwest.zom/hotfares/fff.html?src=e011502\n\n=================================================================\nADDITILNQL INDORMATION\n=================================================================\nAdditional inwormation you neee to jnow about all of our \naid farz wpecials:\n\n*Changex to any pmrtion of the serexvation \n (flight, dates, cities, and/or nwmes of pwssengers), \n oncg purbhwsed, will result in the cancellation or \n the TNTIRE reservation and rebooking at the lowedt \n vare available whifh could rewult un a fare inzrease. \n*Souuhcest speciams are nonchangeable \n and nonrewundayle. \n*Ticketlgsa Htavel may be purcrased online using \n aither s credit card pr uy urilizing funds from a \n previously unuseq or cancalmed Ticketless \n Teacel rgservdtiov(w). Wunss fdom up to four cancslled \n or ubused Ticketless Trsvqo reservation recorqs can \n be combined to purchase a new Ticnetmess Travel\n reservation record. Southwest Aitlines tradel credit \n travel vouchers, gift certificates, and disckjnt cjjpojs) \n may not be used as forms of payment for \n Ejclenless Travel Onlike.\n*Unused funds may bf skplied toward wuture trzvel on \n Southwest Airlings wityin one ytar og the original purchase datw.\n*Seats are lpmitwd and won't be avanlable on sooe \n glighys that operate during rery bhsy travel himes \n ans holiday periods subh av Presidtvts Day and Memoryal Day.\n*Stendby travel reqoires ag upgrade ho thc \n full unrestrictef farg.\n\n=================================================================\nSUBSCSIBER INFOGMATION \n=================================================================\nPlease pass this great ixws on to yout fsietds.\nTo suyscribc to Southwest Wirlines Click 'n Save E-maiu \nUpdates, nisit: \nhtt'://www.southwese.com/email/\n\nRemekher, if you ciange youw Inrernwt servkze provider,\nyou will neeb to ynsubscribe and rexubrdribe in order \ncu continue receifine Cjibk 'i Savq E-mail Updatas.\nFof aakinisgration on nouf e-msil subscription, pledse bisit:\nhttp://www.southwrsb.com/email/gmailUnsufscribe.html\n\n=================================================================\nYoi may retrieve and prinv a co'y of uout Southwest \nAirlines Ticketless Travel ah: \nhbtp://www.southweft.con/travel_centex/retrieveItinerary.html\n\nQuestions about yonr flight arrival", "random_deletion": "trip, per person. For more details, please at: ================================================================= ADDITIONAL ================================================================= Additional information all our air fare *Changes to any of the reservation (flight, dates, cities, names of passengers), once purchased, will result in the cancellation of the ENTIRE and rebooking at the lowest fare available which could result in a fare *Southwest are and *Ticketless Travel may be purchased online using either a credit card or by utilizing funds from previously unused or cancelled Ticketless Travel reservation(s). Funds up to four cancelled unused Ticketless Travel reservation records be to purchase new Travel record. Southwest Airlines credit travel vouchers, gift certificates, and discount coupons) may not be used as forms of payment for Travel Online. may be toward travel Southwest Airlines within of the original purchase date. *Seats won't be available on some flights that operate very busy times and holiday periods such as Day and Memorial Day. *Standby travel requires an to the full unrestricted fare. ================================================================= SUBSCRIBER INFORMATION ================================================================= Please pass this great news on friends. To subscribe to Airlines Click 'n E-mail visit: Remember, you change Internet service provider, you will need to unsubscribe and resubscribe in to continue receiving Click 'n Save E-mail Updates. For administration e-mail please visit: http://www.southwest.com/email/emailUnsubscribe.html You may retrieve and a of your Southwest Airlines at: Questions arrival", "change_char_case": "trip, per person. \n\nFor more detaiLs, please viSit us At:\nhTtp://WwW.souThweSt.com/hotfares/fFF.htmL?src=e011502\n\n=================================================================\nADDITIONAL INFORMAtION\n=================================================================\nADdITionAL iNformAtion yoU NeED To kNoW aBouT aLL oF our \naIr fAre specIals:\n\n*ChangeS to AnY portion of thE ReServation \n (fLigHt, dates, citieS, anD/or namEs Of pASsengErs), \n Once pUrchasED, will rEsult in thE cANcellaTIon of \n thE enTiRE rEservation and reboOKiNG at the lowest \n faRe avaiLaBLe WHIch CouLd result in A fAre inCRease. \n*SoUThWEST spECials are nonchAngeable \n and NOnrEfundaBlE. \n*TiCKetlesS TravEl MAy bE purchased oNlinE using \n eitHer a crEDit card OR by utilIzing fUndS frOm a \n pREvIoUslY uNUseD Or CanCEllEd TicketLeSs \n traveL resERVATion(S). FuNds fRom up To four cancellEd \n oR unuSEd TIcketLess TRaveL rEservAtion rEcordS cAn \n be combined to pUrchAse a new TiCkeTlEss trAvel\n rEServatIon RecOrd. SoutHwest AiRLinEs TRAVeL credit \n travel vouchErS, GIfT certifiCates, aND dIsCOunt coupOnS) \n maY not BE Used aS forMS oF payment For \n TicKEtLeSs TraveL ONline.\n*UNuSed FunDs may BE appLied toWard futuRe traVEl on \n Southwest AIRlines within oNE yEAR oF The oRigInal purchasE datE.\n*seatS are LImIteD And woN't be aVaILaBLe on some \n flights that OpErate dUring Very busy traveL times \n and hOLIDay perioDs suCH aS presidents Day aNd MemOrial Day.\n*StANdby travEl reqUires an uPgrade to tHE \n Full unreStrIctEd fAre.\n\n=================================================================\nsubScRIBER INFORMAtioN \n=================================================================\nPlEaSe pass tHis Great neWs oN to YouR frIeNds.\nTo subsCribe to SOuThWeSt airLines cLick 'n SavE E-MaiL \nUPdaTes, viSIt: \nhttp://Www.soUthwEsT.cOM/emAil/\n\nRemeMBeR, IF you ChAnGe yoUr INtErnet ServICe pRovider,\nYou will neEd tO UnsuBsCrIbe and rEsubscribe in oRdEr \nto continUe RecEiving cLIck 'n Save e-mail Updates.\nFor administRAtion on YouR e-maiL subScription, PleAse visIt:\nhTTp://www.sOuthweSt.com/EmAil/EMAilUnSUBsCriBe.Html\n\n=================================================================\nYou may RETriEve anD pRint A copy of Your Southwest \nAirliNEs TIcketless TravEl aT: \nhttP://WWw.SouTHwESt.cOm/TRavEL_Center/retrieveITinerary.htMl\n\nqUeStions abouT YouR fLight arRival", "whitespace_perturbation": "trip, per person. \n\nFor mo re details , ple ase vi si t us at: \nhttp://www.so u thwe st.com/hotfares/fff.ht ml?sr c= e 0115 0 2\n==== ======= = == = = === == == === == = == ===== === ======= ========== === == ====\nADDITIO N AL INFORMATI ON============ === ====== == === = ===== === ===== ====== = ====== ========= == = \nAddit i onal in f o rm atio n you need to kno w a b out all of our \nairfa r es p eci als :\n\n*Change sto an y portio n o f t her eservation \n(flight, da t es, citie s, an d /or na mes o fp ass engers), \nonce purchase d, wil l result in thecancel lat ion of t he EN TI R E r e se rva t ion and reb oo ki ng at the l o w est\n f areavail able which co uld res u ltin afareincr ea se. *South westsp ecials are nonc hang eable \n a ndno nre fu ndabl e . \n*Ti cke tle ss Trav el mayb e p ur c h a se d online using \n e it h e ra credit cardo rby utilizin gfun ds f r o m a pre v io usly unu sed or ca nc elled T ic ketles s\n T rav el re s erva tion(s ). Fund s fro m up to four ca n celled \n or u n us e d T i cket les s Travel re serv a tion rec o rd s c a n \n b e com bi n ed to purchase a new T ic ketles s Tra vel\n reservat ion record . Southwes t Ai r li n es travel cred it \ntravel vou c hers, gi ft ce rtificat es, and d i s count co upo ns) \nmay n ot be used as f o r ms o fpayment fo r \n Tic ket les s T rav el Online.*Unusedfu nd sma y b e app l ied towa rd fu tu retrave l on \nSouth west A ir l ine s withi n o n e yea rof the or ig inalpurc h ase date.*Seats ar e l i mite dan d won't be available o n some \n f li ght s that o perate d uring very busy travelt imes \nand holi dayperiods s uch as Pr esi d ents D ay and Memo ri alD a y.\n*S t a nd bytr avel requi r e s a n upg ra de t o the full unrestricted far e.\n\n========= === ==== = = == === = == = === == = === = = =============== ========== == SU BSCRIBER I N FOR MA TION \n= ======= ===== = ======= ========= ========= == ==== = = === ========== =====\nPl ease pass thisg re at ne wson toyo urfrien ds.\nTo sub scrib e to S ou thwest Airl in es Click 'n Save E-mail \nUpdate s, vis it: htt p://www.s out h wes t.com/ema il/\nRemember, if yo u cha nge yourInte r ne t s e rvice pro v ider,\nyou wi lln e ed to unsubsc r i b e a nd re sub s cribein o rder \nto continue receiving Clic k 'n S ave E- m ailUp dates.\nFor adm ini st r a tion onyo ur e-mail s ubscript io n , ple ase vi sit:\nh ttp://w w w .s o uthwes t.co m/e mail/emai lUn su b scribe. ht ml \n===== ==== == ====== ====== = ==== = = ================ ===== = = ===== = === ===\nY ou may re t riev e and prin t a copy of yourSout hwest \nAirli ne s Tick etl es s Travel a t : \nhttp:/ /www. southwe st .com /tr avel_c ente r / retri eveI ti ner ary.htmlQ ue s ti on s ab outyourfl ight arrival", "underscore_trick": "trip, per_person. \n\nFor_more details, please visit_us at:\nhttp://www.southwest.com/hotfares/fff.html?src=e011502\n\n=================================================================\nADDITIONAL_INFORMATION\n=================================================================\nAdditional_information you_need_to know about_all of our_\nair fare specials:\n\n*Changes to_any portion of_the_reservation \n (flight, dates, cities, and/or names of passengers), \n once purchased, will result_in_the cancellation_of_\n_the ENTIRE reservation and rebooking_at the lowest \n fare_available which_could result in a fare increase. \n*Southwest specials_are_nonchangeable \n and_nonrefundable. \n*Ticketless Travel may be purchased online using \n_either a credit card or by_utilizing funds from_a_\n_previously unused or cancelled_Ticketless \n Travel reservation(s). Funds_from up to four cancelled \n_or unused Ticketless Travel reservation records can_\n be combined to purchase a_new Ticketless Travel\n reservation record._ Southwest_Airlines travel credit \n travel_vouchers, gift certificates,_and discount_coupons) \n may_not be used as forms of_payment for \n_Ticketless Travel Online.\n*Unused funds may be_applied_toward future travel_on_\n_Southwest Airlines_within one year_of_the original_purchase_date.\n*Seats are limited and won't be_available_on some \n flights that operate during_very busy travel times_\n_and holiday periods such_as Presidents Day and Memorial_Day.\n*Standby travel requires an upgrade to_the \n_full unrestricted_fare.\n\n=================================================================\nSUBSCRIBER INFORMATION \n=================================================================\nPlease pass this great news on to your friends.\nTo_subscribe to Southwest Airlines Click 'n_Save E-mail \nUpdates, visit:_\nhttp://www.southwest.com/email/\n\nRemember, if_you_change your Internet_service_provider,\nyou will_need to unsubscribe and resubscribe in order_\nto continue_receiving Click 'n Save E-mail Updates.\nFor_administration on your e-mail_subscription,_please visit:\nhttp://www.southwest.com/email/emailUnsubscribe.html\n\n=================================================================\nYou may retrieve and print_a copy of your Southwest \nAirlines_Ticketless Travel at: \nhttp://www.southwest.com/travel_center/retrieveItinerary.html\n\nQuestions about_your_flight_arrival"} {"text": "-it-to-the broker recommendations backed by detailed\nrationale that can teach you how to do it on your own, check\nout these hot features in the ADVISORY menu on ctsTrader.com\n\n-Futures traders love the \"Daily Trend Watch\" by Nick Van Nice\nhttp://ctstrader.com/Content/DT/dtFS1.asp\nAOL Users Click Here\n\n-If you want to learn and/or trade Futures OPTIONS, check out\n\"MR-2 Alert\" from Andy Chambers\nhttp://ctstrader.com/content/MR2/ContentF/mrFS1.asp\nAOL Users\nClick Here\n\n-Stock traders love the \"Hot Stock Alert\" from Joe Lesko. 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Watch the REAL video\nhttp://ctstrader.com/portal/Video/NickJChart2.ram\nAOL Users Click Here \n\n -If you want to learn and/or trade Futures OPTIONS, determine out \n \" MR-2 Alert \" from Andy Chambers \n http://ctstrader.com/content/MR2/ContentF/mrFS1.asp \n < A HREF=\"http://ctstrader.com / content / MR2 / ContentF / mrFS1.asp\">AOL user \n Click Here \n\n -Stock traders love the \" Hot Stock Alert \" from Joe Lesko. It propose \n recommendations AND education on malcolm stock and neckcloth options. \n http://ctstrader.com/Content/hsa/hsFS1.asp \n < A HREF=\"http://ctstrader.com / Content / hsa / hsFS1.asp\">AOL Users Click \n Here \n\n ctsTrader.com Charts & Tools are unrivaled in the industry. \n Sample these features available on NO OTHER WEBSITE in the \n CHARTS & TOOLS menu at ctsTrader.com: \n\n -EVERYTHING about ANY commodity on ONE PAGE! !! \" CTS Futures Portal \n Pages. determine a REAL videoclip on this powerful tool mighty now... \n http://ctstrader.com/Portal/Video/PortalPages.ram \n < A HREF=\"http://ctstrader.com / Portal / Video / PortalPages.ram\">AOL Users Click \n Here \n Note: you necessitate the free actual video player to view this video. \n\n -\"CTS Interactive Charts \" are quite simply the good interactive charts \n on the web. Choose from over 25 industry favorite sketch along with \n the exclusive CTS studies. Scroll back through history. Adjust the price \n and/or time scale, and much, much more! Watch the REAL video \n http://ctstrader.com/portal/Video/NickJChart2.ram \n < A HREF=\"http://ctstrader.com / portal site", "butter_fingers": "-it-tl-the broker recommendatiuns backed by dgtqiled\nretionals that cxn teach you how to do it on yiur oqn, check\nout these hot weatures pn the ADCISOCY menu on ctsTreser.com\n\n-Fmcures bradexs love the \"Daili Trend Watcv\" by Nick Van Tize\nkttp://ctstrader.com/Content/DT/dtFS1.asp\nAOL Uxegs Click Here\n\n-Yf ypt wahn uo learn and/or trade Futures OPTIKNS, chebk out\n\"MR-2 Alert\" frpm Andy Chambers\nhttp://ctstrafer.clm/content/MR2/ContentV/mrFS1.asp\nAOL Users\nClick Here\n\n-Stock tfaderx love the \"Hit Djock Alert\" fcom Jov Lesko. It ofnvrs\nrecokmendatoons AND educabion mn wtock and stock optiois.\nhttp://ctstrader.com/Cogtent/hsa/hvFA1.asp\nZOL Usfrs Click\nHere\n\nctsTrader.cim Charts & Tools art uggovaled in ths induftwy.\nSample these features available on NO OTGER WEBSITE in the\nCHARTW & TOOLS menu at ctsTtader.com:\n\n-EVQRYTHING about ANY commodity on ONE PAGE!!! \"CTS Futuses Pkftao\nPwews. Watch a REAL videoclip on this powerful tool dibhn now...\nhttp://ctstradev.com/Portal/Video/PoryapPsdes.ram\nAIL Users Slicl\nHere\nNote: you need the frew REAL video player to view thid video.\n\n-\"CTS Nnteravtive Charts\" are quite simplv the gest interaftive chadgs\non the web. Chouse fsom over 25 industry favoritq studies aloug with\ntfe eccluside CTS stufies. Scroll back through histlrf. Adjust tje price\nand/or time scale, and muri, much more! Wstwh nhe REAL rideo\nhbtp://ctstrader.com/[ortal/Video/NiclJChart2.xam\nAOL Users Click Here -If you want to learn and/or Futures OPTIONS, check out \"MR-2 Alert\" from Andy Chambers http://ctstrader.com/content/MR2/ContentF/mrFS1.asp AOL Users Here traders the Stock Alert\" from Joe Lesko. It offers recommendations AND education on stock and stock options. http://ctstrader.com/Content/hsa/hsFS1.asp HREF=\"http://ctstrader.com/Content/hsa/hsFS1.asp\">AOL Users Click Here ctsTrader.com Charts & Tools unrivaled in the industry. these features available on NO WEBSITE the CHARTS TOOLS at -EVERYTHING about ANY on ONE PAGE!!! \"CTS Futures Portal Pages. Watch a REAL videoclip on this powerful tool right now... AOL Here Note: need free video player to video. -\"CTS Interactive Charts\" are quite interactive charts on the web. Choose from over industry favorite along with the exclusive CTS studies. back through history. Adjust the price and/or time and much, much more! Watch the REAL video http://ctstrader.com/portal/Video/NickJChart2.ram Aol UserS ClIck HeRe\n\n-If yOU want tO learn and/Or TRade FuTUres OPTionS, ChecK out\n\"MR-2 Alert\" from AnDY CHAmbers\nhttp://ctstRader.cOm/COnTENt/Mr2/CoNtentF/mrFS1.AsP\nAol UsErs\nCliCk herE\n\n-Stock TradeRs LOve The \"Hot Stock alerT\" from Joe LEsko. It OFfers\nreCOmmendaTions AnD eDucAtioN On StOck AnD StoCK oPtiONs.\nhTtp://ctstrAdEr.Com/CoNtenT/HSA/HsFS1.Asp\naOL UsErs CLiCk\nHerE\n\nctsTRader.CoM Charts & Tools are UnriValed in thE inDuStrY.\nSAmple THese feAtuRes AvailabLe on NO OthER wEbsitE In the\nCHARTS & TOOLS meNu AT CtSTrader.cOm:\n\n-EVERytHiNg About ANY CoMmoDity ON oNE PAgE!!! \"CTs fuTures PorTal\nPagES. WAtCh a REAL ViDeocliP oN thIs pOwerfUL tooL right Now...\nhttp://cTstraDEr.com/Portal/VidEO/PortalPages.rAM\nAOL users clICk\nhEre\nNote: you need the fReE REAL vIdeo pLayer to view thIs video.\n\n-\"CTS iNTEractive charTS\" aRE quite simply thE best InteractivE Charts\non The weB. Choose fRom over 25 inDUStry favoRitE stUdiEs aLONg With\nthe exclusIVE CTS StUdies. ScRolL back thRouGh hIstOry. adJust the prIce\nand/or TiMe ScAlE, anD much, MUch more! WAtCh tHe rEAl videO\nHttp://ctStradEr.coM/pOrTAl/VIdeo/NicKjCHARt2.raM\nAOL Users Click He r e\n\n-If you wantto le a r n a nd/ or trade F ut uresO PTIONS, ch e c k ou t \n\"MR-2 Alert\" from AndyC ham bers\nh tt p:/ / ctstra der.c om / con tent/MR2/Co nten tF/mrFS1. asp\nAOLUs er s\nCli ck H e r e < /A>\n-S tock trad ers love the\"Ho t St o ckAlert \" fro m Jo eLesko . It o ffers \nr ecommendationsANDeducation on s toc kand s t ock op tio ns. \nhttp:/ /ctstra d er. co m / C on tent/hsa/hsFS1.asp \n< A HR EF=\"http ://cts t ra de r .com/Con te nt/ hsa/ h s FS1.a sp\"> A OL Users C lick\nH e re \n\ncts Tr ader.c om Ch art s & T o olsare un rivaledin th e industry.\nSam p le these feat u re s av a ilab leon NO OTHER WEB S ITEin t h eCHA R TS &TOOLS m e nu at ctsTrader.com:\n-E VERYTH ING a bout ANY comm odity on O N E PAGE!!!\"CTS Fu t ures Portal\nPa ges.Watch a RE A L videoc lip o n this p owerful t o o l rightnow ... \nht tp: / / ct strader.com/P o r tal/ Vi deo/Por tal Pages.r am AOL User s Click \nHere \nN ot e : y ou need th e free R EA L vi deo p layer tov iew this v ideo.\n\n-\" CTS Inte ra ct ive Cha rts\" are quit esimply the b est inter a c tive cha rts\non the web. Choosef rom ove r 2 5 ind ustr y favorit e s tudies al o ng wit h\ntheexclu si veC T S stu d i es . S cr oll back t h r oug h his to ry.Adjustthe price\nand/or t i mescale, and mu ch, muc h mo re! Wa t chth e RE A L video\nhttp://c tstrader.c om / po rtal/Video / Nic kJ Chart2. ram\nAOL Users Click Here\n\n-If you_want_to learn_and/or_trade_Futures OPTIONS, check out\n\"MR-2 Alert\"_from Andy Chambers\nhttp://ctstrader.com/content/MR2/ContentF/mrFS1.asp\nAOL Users\nClick_Here\n\n-Stock traders_love the \"Hot Stock Alert\" from Joe Lesko._It_offers\nrecommendations AND education_on stock and stock options.\nhttp://ctstrader.com/Content/hsa/hsFS1.asp\nAOL Users Click\nHere\n\nctsTrader.com Charts_& Tools are unrivaled in the_industry.\nSample these features_available_on_NO OTHER WEBSITE in_the\nCHARTS & TOOLS menu at ctsTrader.com:\n\n-EVERYTHING_about ANY commodity on ONE PAGE!!!_\"CTS Futures Portal\nPages. Watch a REAL videoclip_on this powerful tool right now...\nhttp://ctstrader.com/Portal/Video/PortalPages.ram\nAOL Users Click\nHere\nNote: you need_the free_REAL video player to view_this video.\n\n-\"CTS Interactive_Charts\" are_quite simply the_best interactive charts\non the web. Choose_from over 25_industry favorite studies along with\nthe exclusive_CTS_studies. Scroll back_through_history._Adjust the_price\nand/or time scale,_and_much, much_more!_Watch the REAL video\nhttp://ctstrader.com/portal/Video/NickJChart2.ram\n\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Trip to Houston\n\n\nStinson,\n\nThank you for your e-mail. My phone number is (617) 492-9551. \n\nI graduated from Princeton University in 1996 (mathematics), and came \nstraight to MIT for a\nPh.D. in Operations Management at the Sloan Schoolof Management. In my first\nthree years I took all the required coursework in mathematics,\noptimization, stochastic processes, etc., as well as a number of courses in\npsychology (at MIT and Harvard). I am working with Prof. Gabriel Bitran,\nand I am interested in the mathematical modeling of service operations. In\nparticular, I am interested in the interaction between customers and\ncompanies (hence the interest in psychology). The (tentative) title of my\nPhD thesis is \"Pricing Substitute Products on the Internet\", and I am\nsending you the summary which I sent to Tom Gros a few weeks ago that will\ngive you an idea of what this research is about.\n\nThanks again, and I'm looking forward to meeting you and your research\ngroup next week.\n\nPaulo\n\n\nPricing Substitute Products on the Internet\n\n\nObjective:\n\nTo develop new tools to decide pricing policies for goods and services sold\non\nthe internet.\n\n\nMotivation:\n\nThis research is motivated by the fact that traditional choice and \noptimization\nmodels are not appropriate for internet-related businesses. The technological\ninnovations associated with the internet brought about an overload of\ninformation\nwhich inevitably affects the ways in which consumers make choices.\nFurthermore,\ncompanies have a great deal of influence on how much information consumers can\nhave access to.\n\nThe problem of pricing substitute products is an important strategic issue\nfaced\nby internet companies. Consumers usually search for generic products (e.g.\nVCRs\nor computers) without knowing exactly what they will buy. Companies can show\ndifferent products and different prices to each consumer. This type of\nflexibility\nwas not available until the internet came about.\n\nThe problem of pricing substitute products is not unique to the internet. The\nmethodology", "synonym_substitution": "02/10/2000 12:04:56 PM \n To: \" Stinson Gibner \" < Stinson.Gibner@enron.com > \n cc: \n Subject: Re: Trip to Houston \n\n\n Stinson, \n\n Thank you for your e - chain mail. My telephone number is (617) 492 - 9551. \n\n I graduated from Princeton University in 1996 (mathematics), and come \n true to MIT for a \n Ph.D. in Operations Management at the Sloan Schoolof Management. In my first \n three year I fill all the required coursework in mathematics, \n optimization, stochastic procedure, etc. , as well as a number of course in \n psychology (at MIT and Harvard). I am working with Prof. Gabriel Bitran, \n and I am interested in the mathematical modeling of service operations. In \n especial, I am interested in the interaction between customers and \n companies (therefore the interest in psychology). The (tentative) championship of my \n PhD dissertation is \" Pricing Substitute Products on the Internet \", and I am \n sending you the summary which I transport to Tom Gros a few weeks ago that will \n give you an idea of what this inquiry is about. \n\n Thanks again, and I'm looking forward to meeting you and your research \n group next week. \n\n Paulo \n\n\n Pricing Substitute Products on the Internet \n\n\n Objective: \n\n To modernize new tools to decide pricing policies for goods and services sold \n on \n the internet. \n\n\n Motivation: \n\n This research is motivated by the fact that traditional choice and \n optimization \n models are not appropriate for internet - associate businesses. The technological \n initiation associated with the internet brought about an overload of \n information \n which inescapably affects the way in which consumers make option. \n Furthermore, \n companies have a great deal of influence on how much information consumers can \n have entree to. \n\n The problem of pricing substitute products is an important strategic issue \n faced \n by internet companies. consumer normally research for generic products (e.g. \n VCRs \n or computers) without knowing exactly what they will buy. Companies can picture \n different products and different prices to each consumer. This character of \n flexibility \n was not available until the internet came about. \n\n The problem of pricing substitute products is not alone to the internet. The \n methodology", "butter_fingers": " 02/10/2000 12:04:56 OM\nTo: \"Stinson Gibner\" \ncc: \nSnbject: De: Trip go Houston\n\n\nStinson,\n\nThank you flr your e-mail. My phone numbef is (617) 492-9551. \n\nI graduatwd fcom Princeton Unmbersity in 1996 (mzbhemacirs), and came \nstrsight to MHT for a\nPh.D. in Ooexations Management at the Sloan Schojlof Mamahement. In my sirsu\nthwee gvavs I took all the required coursswork ii mathematics,\nopyimization, stochastic procfssed, etc., as well as a number of xourfws in\npsycholugy (at MIT and Harvard). I am working with Prof. Gabrieu Bitxan,\nand I am ibteggsted in the mathvmatical modeling of vervice operations. Ik\npartmculqr, I am interested in the interaction bgtween cusdojers and\ncompanies (hwnce jhe itterdwt kn ksyrhomogy). Hhe (tentative) title of mt\nPhD thesis is \"Pricond Substitute Pdoductf jn the Internet\", and I am\nsending you the sujmary which I sent to Tim Gros a few weeks aho that wyll\ngive you an idea of what this research is aboud.\n\nThanir ayqin, ave L'm looking forward to meeting you and your refsatcm\ngroup next week.\n\nIaulo\n\n\nPricing Substotktr Products on jhe Intzdnst\n\n\nObjective:\n\nTo devepop new toolw to deciqe pticing policies for goods abd services fild\non\nthe internet.\n\n\nMltivation:\n\nThns resgarch os motivated by the facc that traditionap choice zvd \noptimization\nmudeks are not appropriate for igternet-reoateb businerses. The eechnologifal\ninkmvations associatef witk the internet hrought about an overload of\ninformation\nwhich onavinably affzcts tme ways in whicr consumers male choiees.\nFurghermore,\ncojpanies have a grewt deal of inxpuence on hox much insormqtiob consuodrs can\nhave acvess to.\n\nThv kroblem of pricing substitutc proahcts is an impoxuanu wtrategic issur\nfazed\nfy iiternqd companies. Conrumdts usjally stcrcm fur grneric products (e.g.\nVCSs\nor computers) without kkowing exqctly whwt they will nuy. Companies can show\nvifferxnt prpdusts and different prices to eadh consumfr. This type os\nflewibijity\nwas noc available until the internet came abouv.\n\nThe problem of pricing substitute productx is not uniaue tj the intarnet. The\nmethodologt", "random_deletion": "02/10/2000 12:04:56 PM To: \"Stinson Gibner\" Re: to Houston Thank you for is 492-9551. I graduated Princeton University in (mathematics), and came straight to MIT a Ph.D. in Operations Management at the Sloan Schoolof Management. In my first years I took all the required coursework in mathematics, optimization, stochastic processes, etc., well a of in psychology (at MIT and Harvard). I am working with Prof. Gabriel Bitran, and I am in the mathematical modeling of service operations. In I am interested in interaction between customers and companies the in psychology). (tentative) of PhD thesis is Substitute Products on the Internet\", and I am sending you the summary which I sent to Tom a few that will you idea what this research Thanks again, and I'm looking forward and your research group next week. Paulo Pricing Products on Internet Objective: To develop new tools decide pricing policies for goods and services sold the internet. Motivation: This research is motivated by the fact that traditional choice and optimization not appropriate for internet-related The technological innovations with internet about overload of which inevitably affects the ways in which consumers make choices. Furthermore, have a great deal of influence on how much information have to. The problem pricing substitute products is important issue faced by internet usually for VCRs computers) knowing exactly what they buy. Companies can show different and different prices to flexibility was not available until the internet came The problem of pricing substitute products is unique to the internet. The methodology", "change_char_case": " 02/10/2000 12:04:56 PM\nTo: \"Stinson Gibner\" \ncc: \nsubJecT: RE: TriP to HOuston\n\n\nStinson,\n\nTHAnk yOu for your e-mail. My phone nUmber Is (617) 492-9551. \n\ni GradUAtEd froM PrinceTOn uNIveRsItY in 1996 (MaTHeMaticS), anD came \nstRaight to MIt foR a\nph.D. in OperatiONs management At tHe Sloan SchooLof manageMeNt. IN My firSt\ntHree yEars I tOOk all tHe requireD cOUrsewoRK in mathEMAtIcs,\noPtimization, stochaSTiC Processes, etc., as Well as A nUMbER Of cOurSes in\npsychOlOgy (at miT and HaRVaRD). i Am wORking with Prof. gabriel BitrAN,\nanD I am inTeResTEd in thE mathEmATicAl modeling oF serVice operaTions. IN\nParticuLAr, I am inTerestEd iN thE intERaCtIon BeTWeeN CuStoMErs And\ncompaNiEs (Hence The iNTEREst iN psYchoLogy). THe (tentative) tiTle Of my\npHD tHesis Is \"PriCing suBstitUte ProDucts On The Internet\", and I Am\nseNding you tHe sUmMarY wHich I SEnt to TOm GRos A few weeKs ago thAT wiLl\nGIVE yOu an idea of what this ReSEArCh is abouT.\n\nThankS AgAiN, And I'm looKiNg fOrwaRD To meeTing YOu And your rEsearcH\nGrOuP next weEk.\n\npaulo\n\n\nPRiCinG SuBstitUTe PrOducts On the IntErnet\n\n\noBjective:\n\nTo deveLOp new tools to dECiDE PrICing PolIcies for gooDs anD ServIces SOlD\non\nTHe intErnet.\n\n\nmoTIvATion:\n\nThis research is mOtIvated By the Fact that tradiTional choiCE ANd \noptimiZatiON\nmODels are not apprOpriaTe for interNEt-relateD busiNesses. ThE technoloGICal\ninnovAtiOns AssOciATEd With the internET BrouGhT about aN ovErload oF\ninForMatIon\nWhIch inevitAbly affeCtS tHe WaYs iN whicH ConsumerS mAke ChOicEs.\nFurTHermorE,\ncompAnieS hAvE A grEat deal OF iNFLuenCe On How mUch InFormaTion COnsUmers caN\nhave acceSs tO.\n\nthe pRoBlEm of priCing substitutE pRoducts is aN iMpoRtant sTRAtegic isSue\nfaced\nby internet compaNIes. ConsUmeRs usuAlly Search for GenEric prOduCTs (e.g.\nVCrs\nor coMputeRs) WitHOUt knoWINg ExaCtLy what they WILl bUy. ComPaNies Can show\nDifferent products aND diFferent prices To eAch cONSuMer. tHiS TypE oF\nFleXIBility\nwas not avaIlable untiL tHE iNternet camE AboUt.\n\nthe probLem of prIcing SUbstituTe productS is not uniQuE to tHE IntErnet. The\nmeThodologY", "whitespace_perturbation": " 02/10/2000 12:04:56 PM\nTo : \"Stinson Gibn er\" cc: \nSubject: Re: Trip to Hous to n \n\n\nS t in son,\nThanky ou f oryo ur e- ma i l. Mypho ne numb er is (617 ) 4 92 -9551. \n\nIg ra duated fro m P rinceton Uni ver sity i n199 6 (mat hem atics ), and came straightto MIT fo r a\nPh.D . in Ope rations Managemen t a t the Sloan Sch oolofMa n ag e m ent . In my firs tthree years I to o k all the requiredcourseworki n m athema ti cs, optimi zatio n, sto chastic pro cess es, etc., as we l l as an umber o f cour ses in \npsy c ho lo gy(a t MI T a ndH arv ard). I a mworki ng w i t h Prof . G abri el Bi tran,\nand I a m i nter e ste d inthe m athe ma tical model ing o fservice operati ons. In\npart icu la r,Iam in t ereste d i n t he inte raction bet we e n cu stomers and\ncompan ie s (h ence the inter e st i n psychol og y). Th e (tent ativ e )title of my\nPh D t he sis is\"P ricing S ubs tit ute P r oduc ts onthe Inte rnet\" , and I am\nsend i ng you the su m ma r y w h ichI s ent to TomGros a fe w we e ks ag o that will \ng i ve you an idea of what t his re searc h is about.\nThanks aga i n , and I'm loo k in g forward to me eting you and y o ur resea rch\ng roup nex t week.\nP a ulo\n\n\nPr ici ngSub sti t u te Products ont h e In te rnet\n\nObj ective: \n\nT o d eve lop n ew toolsto decid epr ic in g p olici e s for go od s a nd se rvice s soldon\nth e in te rn e t.\n\nMotiv a ti o n :\n\nT hi srese arc his mo tiva t edby thefact that tr a diti on al choice and \noptimiz at ion\nmodels a renot ap p r opriatefor internet-related bu s inesses . The t echn ologicalinn ovatio nsa ssocia ted wi th th eint e r net b r o ug htab out an ove r l oad of\ni nf orma tion\nwh ich inevitably aff e cts the ways inwhi ch c o n su mer s m a kech o ice s . \nFurthermore,\nc ompanies h av e a great dea l of i nfluenc e on ho w muc h inform ation con sumers ca nhave a cce ss to.\n\nTh e proble m of pric i ng su b st itute pr oducts i s a n imp ortant str ategi c issu efacedby in te rnet com panies. Consumers usua lly se archfor genericpro d uct s (e.g.\nV CRsor compute rs) wi thout kn o wingexac t ly wh a t the y wi l l buy. C o mp ani e s c an show\ndif f e r ent prod uct s and d iffe rent prices to ea c h consumer. T hist y peoff lexi bi lity\nwas not a vai la b l e untilth e internetcame abo ut . \n\nThe probl em ofpricing s ub s titute pro duc ts is not un iq u e to th ein t ernet. Th emethod ology", "underscore_trick": " 02/10/2000_12:04:56 PM\nTo:_\"Stinson Gibner\" \ncc: _\nSubject: Re:_Trip_to Houston\n\n\nStinson,\n\nThank_you_for your e-mail._ My phone_number is (617) 492-9551._ \n\nI graduated_from_Princeton University in 1996 (mathematics), and came \nstraight to MIT for a\nPh.D. in Operations_Management_at the_Sloan_Schoolof_Management. In my first\nthree_years I took all the_required coursework_in mathematics,\noptimization, stochastic processes, etc., as well as_a_number of courses_in\npsychology (at MIT and Harvard). I am working_with Prof. Gabriel Bitran,\nand I am_interested in the_mathematical_modeling_of service operations. _In\nparticular, I am interested in the_interaction between customers and\ncompanies (hence the_interest in psychology). The (tentative) title_of my\nPhD thesis is \"Pricing Substitute_Products on the Internet\", and_I am\nsending_you the summary which I_sent to Tom_Gros a_few weeks ago_that will\ngive you an idea of_what this research_is about.\n\nThanks again, and I'm looking_forward_to meeting you_and_your_research\ngroup next_week.\n\nPaulo\n\n\nPricing Substitute Products_on_the Internet\n\n\nObjective:\n\nTo_develop_new tools to decide pricing policies_for_goods and services sold\non\nthe internet.\n\n\nMotivation:\n\nThis research is_motivated by the fact_that_traditional choice and \noptimization\nmodels_are not appropriate for internet-related_businesses. The technological\ninnovations associated with_the internet_brought about_an overload of\ninformation\nwhich inevitably affects the ways in which consumers make_choices.\nFurthermore,\ncompanies have a great deal of_influence on how much_information consumers_can\nhave_access to.\n\nThe problem_of_pricing substitute_products is an important strategic issue\nfaced\nby internet_companies. _Consumers usually search for generic products_(e.g.\nVCRs\nor computers) without knowing_exactly_what they will buy. Companies_can show\ndifferent products and different prices_to each consumer. This_type_of\nflexibility\nwas_not available until the internet_came about.\n\nThe problem of pricing substitute_products is not_unique to the internet. The\nmethodology"} {"text": "URE OF REGULATION\nWYOMING\nSenate to examine bill requiring PSC to regulate directory assistance\n\nThe Senate Corporations, Elections, and Political Subdivisions Committee\nhas received a bill that would require the Public Service Commission to\nregulate directory assistance services under certain circumstances. HB\n51 would authorize the commission to require local exchange carriers to\nmake their listing information available to other directory service\nproviders.\n\nThe Joint Corporations, Elections, and Political Subdivisions Committee\ndrafted the bill during the interim session. The legislative staff\nexplained to TR that the measure was prompted by an incident in which a\nlocal company was unable to reach an agreement with Qwest Corp. over\ndirectory assistance rates.\n\nBecause of the dispute between the companies, customers' names weren't\nincluded in the Qwest phone book, the staff said. The PSC has no\nauthority to regulate directory assistance service, which was\nderegulated by the Wyoming Telecommunications Act of 1995. (10/16/00\na.m.)\n\nThe legislative staff said the bill could be discussed Feb. 6, at the\nearliest.\n\nWIRELESS\nMINNESOTA\nBill would authorize placement of commercial equipment on state property\n\nThe House Governmental Operations and Veterans Affairs Policy Committee\nis considering a bill to allow commercial wireless equipment to be\nplaced on state-owned lands, buildings, and other structures.\n\nState agencies either would have to (1) charge a site use fee for the\nvalue of the property or structure on which the equipment were placed or\n(2) accept improvements to state-owned communications system facilities\nor services provided by a commercial wireless service provider.\n\nRep. Thomas Bakk (D., District 6A) introduced HF 429.\n\nSECTION 251/252\nGEORGIA\nBellSouth and IDS Telcom dispute interconnection agreement\n\nBellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., and IDS Telcom LLC are clashing over\nseveral issues as they shape their new interconnection agreement. IDS\nrecently asked the Public Service Commission to arbitrate the agreement.\n\nOne contentious issue is whether BellSouth should be permitted to use\nthe interconnection agreement to restrict its liability for negligent\nacts and to require indemnification from IDS for negligence on\nBellSouth's part that damages IDS customers. BellSouth maintains that\nliability for both companies should", "synonym_substitution": "URE OF REGULATION \n WYOMING \n Senate to examine bill requiring PSC to regulate directory aid \n\n The Senate Corporations, Elections, and Political Subdivisions Committee \n has get a bill that would require the Public Service Commission to \n regulate directory aid services under certain circumstance. HB \n 51 would empower the commission to require local exchange carriers to \n make their list information available to other directory service \n providers. \n\n The Joint Corporations, Elections, and Political Subdivisions Committee \n blueprint the bill during the interim session. The legislative staff \n explained to TR that the measure was prompted by an incident in which a \n local caller was unable to reach an agreement with Qwest Corp. over \n directory assistance rate. \n\n Because of the dispute between the companies, customers' names weren't \n included in the Qwest telephone book, the staff said. The PSC has no \n authority to regulate directory aid service, which was \n deregulated by the Wyoming Telecommunications Act of 1995. (10/16/00 \n a.m.) \n\n The legislative staff said the bill could be discussed Feb. 6, at the \n earliest. \n\n WIRELESS \n MINNESOTA \n Bill would authorize placement of commercial equipment on state property \n\n The House Governmental Operations and Veterans Affairs Policy Committee \n is considering a bill to allow commercial wireless equipment to be \n placed on state - owned lands, buildings, and early structure. \n\n State agency either would receive to (1) charge a site habit fee for the \n value of the property or structure on which the equipment were placed or \n (2) accept improvement to state - owned communications system facilities \n or services provide by a commercial wireless service provider. \n\n Rep. Thomas Bakk (D., District 6A) introduced HF 429. \n\n SECTION 251/252 \n GEORGIA \n BellSouth and IDS Telcom dispute interconnection agreement \n\n BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., and IDS Telcom LLC are clashing over \n respective issues as they determine their new interconnection agreement. IDS \n recently asked the Public Service Commission to arbitrate the agreement. \n\n One contentious issue is whether BellSouth should be permitted to use \n the interconnection agreement to qualify its liability for negligent \n acts and to require indemnification from IDS for negligence on \n BellSouth's part that damages IDS customers. BellSouth maintains that \n liability for both company should", "butter_fingers": "URE OF REGULATION\nWYOMING\nSenxte to examine yull rexuirinf PSC to regulate directory assistanre\n\nThw Senqte Corporations, Electkons, and Iolitical Subvivisions Commitvse\nhas rceeives a bnlo that would rgquire the Pgblic Service Woomnssion to\nregulate directory assistanse servocfs under certayn cprsumsfances. HB\n51 would authorize the comjission to require lpcal exchange carriers to\nmwke hheir listing infogmation avaulabjw to other dkrectory strrice\nprovidets.\n\nThe Joint Corporations, Electiovs, anb Political Sybdleisions Comnittev\ndrafted the npll durhng the interim sessipn. Thw legislative staff\nex'lained to TR that tre measura cas prompted by an inxieent hn wvich q\nlozal cpmlany wws nnable to rsach an agrwement with Qwest Cpr[. over\ndirectorg assiftwnce rates.\n\nBecause of the dispute betweet tge companies, customers' bames weren't\nincluded ln the Qwqst phone book, the staff said. The PSC has no\nauthmrity go xcnulagw firectory assistance service, which was\nderegulwfec ny the Wyoming Tclecommunications Sch ps 1995. (10/16/00\na.m.)\n\nThe legkslatirs ataff said the bilp could be duscussed Seb. 6, at the\nearliest.\n\nWIRELESS\nMINNWSOTA\nBill wolld quthorize placemenc of commercnal eqoipmeny on state property\n\nThe Kouse Fovernmentap Operatikvs and Veterans Xffsiss Policy Committee\nis consydering a bilk to aluow vommersial wirelfss equipment to be\nplacef on dtdte-owned lwnds, buildings, and other structnces.\n\nState agenvias vither wobld haye to (1) charge a site use fee yor the\nvclue ow the propvrty or svructure on rhich the equhkment were pleced or\n(2) ascepr improvemevgs to state-ownrd communpcctions sywtem facilities\nor xerxjces provided bv q commercial witeldss svrvmce pwmvider.\n\nRep. Thmmas Bayl (D., Dkstrict 6A) iktruducrd HF 429.\n\nSECTION 251/252\nGEORGID\nBelmSouth and IDS Telvoi disputg intercognection agrerment\n\nBellSouth Teltcommuiicatiuns, Imc., wnd IDS Telcom LLC are clashinf over\nsevfraj issues as ehey shape their new interconnection agreement. IDS\nreceitly asked the Public Swrvice Commission tp arbitrate vhe agweement.\n\nOna contentious issue us whether BellSomth should be permittes to uve\nthe interconnection agreement to restrict its liability for negligent\nacts ane to rxqtire indemnjficstion fxom IDS fjr nxguigence on\nBellSolth's part that damages IDS custooers. BenlFouth maintains that\nliabilitu wor both compxnies should", "random_deletion": "URE OF REGULATION WYOMING Senate to examine PSC regulate directory The Senate Corporations, has a bill that require the Public Commission to regulate directory assistance services certain circumstances. HB 51 would authorize the commission to require local exchange carriers make their listing information available to other directory service providers. The Joint Corporations, and Subdivisions drafted bill during the interim session. The legislative staff explained to TR that the measure was prompted an incident in which a local company was to reach an agreement Qwest Corp. over directory assistance Because the dispute the customers' weren't included in Qwest phone book, the staff said. The PSC has no authority to regulate directory assistance service, which deregulated by Telecommunications Act 1995. a.m.) legislative staff said could be discussed Feb. 6, at MINNESOTA Bill would authorize placement of commercial equipment state property House Governmental Operations and Veterans Affairs Committee is considering a bill to allow commercial equipment to be placed on state-owned lands, buildings, and other structures. State agencies either would (1) charge a site fee for the of property structure which the were placed or (2) accept improvements to state-owned communications system facilities services provided by a commercial wireless service provider. Rep. Thomas District introduced HF 429. 251/252 GEORGIA BellSouth and Telcom interconnection agreement BellSouth Telecommunications, IDS LLC several as shape their new interconnection IDS recently asked the Public Commission to arbitrate the whether BellSouth should be permitted to use the agreement to restrict its liability for negligent and to require indemnification from IDS for negligence on BellSouth's part that IDS customers. that liability for both companies should", "change_char_case": "URE OF REGULATION\nWYOMING\nSenAte to examiNe bilL reQuiRiNg PSc to rEgulate directoRY assIstance\n\nThe Senate CorporAtionS, ELEctiONs, And PoLitical sUbDIVisIoNs comMiTTeE\nhas rEceIved a biLl that woulD reQuIre the Public sErVice CommisSioN to\nregulate dIreCtory aSsIstANce seRviCes unDer cerTAin cirCumstanceS. Hb\n51 Would aUThorize THE cOmmiSsion to require locAL eXChange carriers To\nmake ThEIr LIStiNg iNformation AvAilabLE to otheR DiRECTorY Service\nprovidErs.\n\nThe Joint cOrpOratioNs, eleCTions, aNd PolItICal subdivisionS ComMittee\ndraFted thE Bill durINg the inTerim sEssIon. the lEGiSlAtiVe STafF\nExPlaINed To TR that ThE mEasurE was PROMPted By aN incIdent In which a\nlocal ComPany WAs uNable To reaCh an AgReemeNt with qwest coRp. over\ndirectory AssiStance ratEs.\n\nBEcAusE oF the dISpute bEtwEen The compAnies, cuSTomErS' NAMeS weren't\nincluded in tHe qWEsT phone boOk, the sTAfF sAId. The PSC HaS no\nAuthORIty to ReguLAtE directoRy assiSTaNcE servicE, wHich waS\ndEreGulAted bY The WYoming telecommUnicaTIons Act of 1995. (10/16/00\na.m.)\n\nThe LEgislative staFF sAID tHE bilL coUld be discusSed FEB. 6, at tHe\neaRLiEst.\n\nwiRELEsS\nMINnEsoTa\nbill would authorize pLaCement Of comMercial equipmEnt on state PROPerty\n\nThe housE goVErnmental OperaTions And VeteranS affairs POlicy committeE\nis considERIng a bill To aLloW coMmeRCIaL wireless equiPMEnt tO bE\nplaced On sTate-ownEd lAndS, buIldInGs, and otheR structuReS.\n\nSTaTe AgeNcies EIther wouLd HavE tO (1) chArge a SIte use Fee foR the\nVaLuE Of tHe propeRTy OR StruCtUrE on wHicH tHe equIpmeNT weRe placeD or\n(2) accept ImpROvemEnTs To state-Owned communicAtIons system FaCilIties\noR SErvices pRovided by a commercial wirELess serVicE provIder.\n\nrep. Thomas bakK (D., DistRicT 6a) introDuced Hf 429.\n\nSECTiOn 251/252\nGEorgIA\nBeLLsoUth AnD IDS Telcom DISpuTe intErConnEction aGreement\n\nBellSouth TELecOmmunications, inc., And Ids teLcoM lLc Are ClAShiNG Over\nseveral issuEs as they shApE ThEir new inteRConNeCtion agReement. iDS\nreCEntly asKed the PubLic ServicE COmmiSSIon To arbitratE the agreEment.\n\nOne cONtentIOuS issuE is WhetheR BEllsouth Should BE peRmittEd to usE\ntHe inteRconnEcTion agreEment to restrict its liabiLity foR neglIgeNt\nacts and To rEQuiRe indemniFicaTion from IDs foR neGligeNce ON\nBellsoutH'S pArt THat daMageS iDS customERs. belLsOuTh maintains THAT\nliAbiliTy fOR both cOmpaNies should", "whitespace_perturbation": "URE OF REGULATION\nWYOMINGSenate toexami nebil lrequ irin g PSC to regul a te d irectory assistance\n\nT he Se na t e Co r po ratio ns, Ele c ti o n s,an dPol it i ca l Sub div isionsCommitteehas r eceived a bi l lthat would re quire the Pu bli c Serv ic e C o mmiss ion to\nr egulat e direc tory assi st a nce se r vices u n d er cer tain circumstance s .HB\n51 would au thoriz et he c omm iss ion to req ui re lo c al exch a ng e c arr i ers to\nmake t heir listin g in format io n a v ailabl e toot h erdirectory s ervi ce\nprovid ers.\nT he Join t Corpor ations , E lec tion s ,an d P ol i tic a lSub d ivi sions Co mm it tee\nd raft e d t he b ill dur ing t he interim se ssi on.The legi slati ve s ta ff\nex plaine d toTR that the measu re w as prompt edby an i ncide n t in w hic h a \nlocalcompany was u n a b le to reach an agree me n t w ith Qwes t Corp . o ve r \ndirecto ry as sist a n ce ra tes. \nB ecause o f thed is pu te betw ee n theco mpa nie s, cu s tome rs' na mes were n't\ni n cluded in theQ west phone bo o k, t he staf f s aid. The P SC h a s no \naut h or ity to re gulat ed ir e ctory assistance se rv ice, w hichwas\nderegulat ed by theW y o ming Tel ecom m un i cations Act of 1995 . (10/16/ 0 0\na.m.)\nThelegislat ive staff s aid thebil l c oul d b e di scussed Feb.6 , atth e\nearli est .\n\nWIRE LES S\nM INN ESO TA \nBill wou ld autho ri ze p la cem ent o f commerc ia l e qu ipm ent o n state prop erty \nTh e Ho use Gov e rn m e ntal O pe rati ons a nd Ve tera n s A ffairsPolicy Co mmi t teeis c onsider ing a bill to a llow comme rc ial wirel e s s equipm ent to be\nplaced on sta t e-owned la nds,buil dings, an d o ther s tru c tures. \n\nStat e age nc ies e ither w ou ldha ve to (1)c h arg e a s it e us e fee f or the\nvalue of th e pr operty or str uct ureo n w hic h t h e e qu i pme n t were placed or \n(2) accep ti mp rovementst o s ta te-owne d commu nicat i ons sys tem facil ities\norse rvic e s pr ovided bya commer cial wire l ess s e rv ice p rov ider.\nR ep. Thom as Bak k (D ., Di strict 6 A) int roduc ed HF 429. \n\nSECTION 251/252\nGEORG IA\nBel lSout h a nd IDS Te lco m di spute int erco nnection a gre eme nt\n\nB ell S outhTele c om mun i catio ns,I nc., andI DS Te l c om LLC are cl a s h ing over \nse v eral i ssue s as they shape t h eir new interc onne c t ion ag r eeme nt . IDS\nrecentl y a sk e d the Pub li c Service C ommissio nt o arb itrate the a greemen t . \nO ne con tent iou s issue i s w he t her Bel lS ou t h shou ld b epermit ted to uset h e interconnectio n agr e e mentt o r estri ct its li a bili ty for neg ligent\nacts and t o re quire indemn if icatio n f ro m IDS forn egligence on\nB ellSout h' s pa rtthat d amag e s IDScust om ers . BellSo u t hm ai nt a ins tha t\nlia bi lity for both companie s s h ould", "underscore_trick": "URE OF_REGULATION\nWYOMING\nSenate to_examine bill requiring PSC_to regulate_directory_assistance\n\nThe Senate_Corporations,_Elections, and Political_Subdivisions Committee\nhas received_a bill that would_require the Public_Service_Commission to\nregulate directory assistance services under certain circumstances. HB\n51 would authorize the commission_to_require local_exchange_carriers_to\nmake their listing information available_to other directory service\nproviders.\n\nThe Joint_Corporations, Elections,_and Political Subdivisions Committee\ndrafted the bill during the_interim_session. The_legislative staff\nexplained to TR that the measure was prompted_by an incident in which a\nlocal_company was unable_to_reach_an agreement with Qwest_Corp. over\ndirectory assistance rates.\n\nBecause of the_dispute between the companies, customers' names_weren't\nincluded in the Qwest phone book, the_staff said. The PSC has_no\nauthority to regulate directory assistance_service, which_was\nderegulated by the Wyoming Telecommunications_Act of 1995._ (10/16/00\na.m.)\n\nThe_legislative staff said_the bill could be discussed Feb._6, at the\nearliest.\n\nWIRELESS\nMINNESOTA\nBill_would authorize placement of commercial equipment_on_state property\n\nThe House_Governmental_Operations_and Veterans_Affairs Policy Committee\nis_considering_a bill_to_allow commercial wireless equipment to be\nplaced_on_state-owned lands, buildings, and other structures.\n\nState agencies_either would have to_(1)_charge a site use_fee for the\nvalue of the_property or structure on which the_equipment were_placed or\n(2)_accept improvements to state-owned communications system facilities\nor services provided by a_commercial wireless service provider.\n\nRep. Thomas Bakk_(D., District 6A) introduced_HF 429.\n\nSECTION_251/252\nGEORGIA\nBellSouth_and IDS Telcom_dispute_interconnection agreement\n\nBellSouth_Telecommunications, Inc., and IDS Telcom LLC are_clashing over\nseveral_issues as they shape their new_interconnection agreement. IDS\nrecently_asked_the Public Service Commission to arbitrate_the agreement.\n\nOne contentious issue is whether_BellSouth should be permitted to_use\nthe_interconnection_agreement to restrict its liability_for negligent\nacts and to require indemnification_from IDS for_negligence on\nBellSouth's part that damages IDS customers.__BellSouth maintains that\nliability for both companies_should"} {"text": "3> ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tSt. Croix, USVI (STX)?\t\t\t\t\t$249? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tTegucigalpa, Honduras (TGU)?\t\t\t\t\t$309? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kennedy, NY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tBuenos Aires, Argentina (EZE)?\t\t\t\t\t$539? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kennedy, NY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tKingston, Jamaica (KIN)?\t\t\t\t\t ? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Miami, FL (MIA)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">St. Croix, USVI (STX)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$249? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Miami, FL (MIA)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Tegucigalpa, Honduras (TGU)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$309? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">New York Kennedy, NY (JFK)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Buenos Aires, Argentina (EZE)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$539? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">New York Kennedy, NY (JFK)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Kingston, Jamaica (KIN)? \t\t\t\t\t < td", "butter_fingers": "3>&nbso;?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FU (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tRt. Croix, LSVI (STX)?\t\t\t\t\t$249? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiamy, FL (MOA)?\t\t\t\t\tTegudigalpa, Honduras (TGI)?\t\t\t\t\t$309? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kenvedy, UY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tBienos Aires, Arnentiia (WZE)?\t\t\t\t\t$539? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew Yoek Kennedy, NY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tKingston, Jakaida (KIN)?\t\t\t\t\t ? ? ? St. size=\"2\" Helvetica,sans-serif\">$249? ? ? width=\"44%\">Miami, FL (MIA)? Tegucigalpa, Honduras (TGU)? $309? ? ? New York Kennedy, NY (JFK)? Buenos Argentina $539? ? ? New York Kennedy, NY (JFK)? Kingston, Jamaica (KIN)?  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tmiamI, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tst. croix, uSVI (STX)?\t\t\t\t\t$249? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMIamI, fL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\ttEgUcigAlpa, Honduras (TGU)?\t\t\t\t\t$309? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNeW York KEnNedY, nY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tBuENos AireS, ArgenTinA (EZe)?\t\t\t\t\t$539? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNeW YorK KEnnedY, NY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tKiNGston, JAmaIca (kIN)?\t\t\t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t Miam i ,FL ( MIA) < /td >? \t\t\tSt. Cro ix, USVI ( STX ) < /td>? \t\t\t\t\t< t d widt h=\"12%\">< fo n t size = \"2\" fac e = \"A rial ,? Helvetica,sans - se r if\">$249 ? \t?\t\t\t\t ?\t\t\t < font face=\"Ar ial, Helvet i ca, sans- se rif \" ? size =\"2\"> Mi a mi, FL (MIA)< /fon t>?\t\t\t\t Te gucig alpa , H o ndur as (TG U)?\t\t\t\t< td w i dth =\"12% \">$309 < /t d>? \t ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\tNew Y ork K enne d y, NY (JF K) ?\t\t\tBuen o sA i re s , Ar gen tina (EZE) ? \t\t\t< t d wid th=\"1 2% \" >< f ont size=\"2\" face=\" Ar ial,?Helve tica,sans-ser if\">$539? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t New YorkK e nned y, NY (J FK) ? \t\t\t\t< td width=\"4 4%\">King ston ,Ja m aic a (KIN ) < /t d> ?\t\t\t\t< td ", "underscore_trick": "3> ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL _(MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tSt._Croix, USVI _(STX)?\t\t\t\t\t$249? _ __ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tTegucigalpa,_Honduras _(TGU)?\t\t\t\t\t$309? _ _\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York Kennedy, NY _(JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tBuenos Aires, Argentina (EZE)?\t\t\t\t\t$539? _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tNew York_Kennedy, NY (JFK)?\t\t\t\t\tKingston, Jamaica (KIN)?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\tBuy Three, Stay Free This Fall!?\t\t\t
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?\t\t\tMaRrioTt Rewards membeRS earN a free weekend night for eVery tHrEE?weeKEnD nighTs they sTAy WITh MArRiOtt ThIS fAll. JuSt sTay threE?weekend niGhtS bEtween now and dEcEmber 23, 2001, and yoU'll Earn?a free weeKenD-night CeRtiFIcate ValId for A futurE Stay at Over?1,900 propeRtIEs - up to THree freE WEeKend Nights! Also, as a?MarrIOtT rewards member, yOu'll eaRn UP tO THreE AADvantage miLeS?per Us$1 Spent at NInE mARriOTt brands. To regIster and for COmpLete?teRmS & coNDitionS, clicK: ?\t\t\t
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?\t\t\tMarriott Rew ardsme m bers ea rn afree we e ke n d ni gh tfor e v er y thr ee? weekend nights th eyst ay with Marr i ot t this fal l. Just stay t hre e?week en d n i ghtsbet weennow an d Decem ber 23, 2 00 1 , andy ou'll e a r n? a fr ee weekend-nightc er t ificate validfor afu t ur e sta y a t over?1,9 00 prop e rties - up t o th r ee free weeke nd nights!Als o, asa? Mar r iott R eward sm emb er, you'llearn up to th ree AA d vantage miles?p er US$ 1 s pen t at ni ne Ma rr i ott br and s . T o regist er a nd fo r co m p l e te?t erm s &condi tions, click: ?\t\t&n bsp;< br>?\t\t?\t\t< A?HR E F = \"h ttp://info.aa.com/ Ke y = 12 575.DfHD .H.CfT 3 rr \"> m ember.ma rr iot trew a r ds.co m/se c ur e/Prmo.a sp?PSr c =P TA A??\t< /td >? \t\t\t? \t\t??? \t?\t< t r bgcolor= \"#00 0 06 6 \">?\t\t?\t\t\t ?\t\t< /a>?\t\t\t< fo nt f ac e=\" trebu c het ms,ar ial ,hel vetic a , sans -seri f\" s iz e= \" 4\"? color= \" #F F F FFF\" >? \t\t ADD IT IONAL RUL E S A ND REST RICTIONS< /b> < /fon t> ?\t?\t ?\t ?\t\t\t? \tA A W", "underscore_trick": " helvetica,_sans-serif\"size=\"2\">?\t\t\tBuy Three,_Stay Free This Fall!?\t\t\t
?\t\t\tMarriott_Rewards members_earn_a free_weekend_night for every_three?weekend nights they_stay with Marriott this_fall. Just_stay_three?weekend nights between now and December 23, 2001, and you'll earn?a free weekend-night certificate_valid_for a_future_stay_at over?1,900 properties - up_to three free weekend nights!_ Also,_as a?Marriott Rewards member, you'll earn up to_three_AAdvantage miles?per US$1_spent at nine Marriott brands. To register and for_complete?terms & conditions, click: ?\t\t\t
??\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t???\t?\t?\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\tADDITIONAL RULES AND RESTRICTIONS?\t?\t?\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\tAA W"} {"text": " contracts with other \npower companies, including Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and Enron. \nPalo Alto officials have recently raised the possibility that they too may \nbuild a small power plant in their city to augment energy supplies. \nIn Santa Clara, as much as 80 percent of the additional demand is expected to \ncome from high-tech companies, said John Roukema, the utility's assistant \ndirector. \n\"A lot of the new demand will come from Internet data centers, where they \ntake whole buildings and put wall-to-wall computers inside to act as servers \nfor Web sites,\" Roukema said. \"These are very energy-intensive users.\" \nPlans for buildings stuffed with computers are sprouting up in other cities \nas well. San Jose officials gave preliminary approval last week to what would \nbe the world's largest \"server farm.\" The sprawling facility to handle \nInternet traffic would drain about 150 megawatts of power from the state \nelectricity grid. \nSanta Clara, which has two power plants within the city's limits, wants to \nbuild the four plants next to existing power substations at 1205 Space Park \nDrive and 2970 Lafayette St., and next to its two power plants at 525 Roberts \nSt. and 2339 Gianera St. \nTheir power capabilities would range from 50 to 130 megawatts. A 130-megawatt \nplant could provide power to 130,000 homes in the city, but 90 percent of the \ncity's power goes to commercial and industrial customers. \nSanta Clara, a city with a population of just over 100,000 people, has \nseveral prominent Silicon Valley companies within its boundaries, including \nIntel Corp., Sun Microsystems, 3Com, and Applied Materials. \nUnlike San Jose, Santa Clara officials anticipate little opposition to the \nplants, mainly because they would be relatively small and they would be \nlocated in industrial areas. \nIf all four plants are built, the total cost is estimated at $130 million, to \nbe paid for with revenue bonds or with the city's existing reserves. City \nofficials insist customers will not end up with higher bills. \n\"What this is all about is stable prices and supply for our customers,\" said \nCarol McCarthy, Santa Clara's deputy city manager.\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.", "synonym_substitution": "contracts with other \n power companies, include Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and Enron. \n Palo Alto official have recently raised the possibility that they too may \n build up a small power plant in their city to augment department of energy supplies. \n In Santa Clara, as much as 80 percent of the extra requirement is expected to \n fall from high - tech company, said John Roukema, the utility's assistant \n director. \n \" A lot of the new demand will arrive from Internet data centers, where they \n take solid buildings and put wall - to - rampart computers at heart to act as servers \n for Web web site, \" Roukema said. \" These are very energy - intensive users. \" \n Plans for buildings stuffed with computers are sprouting up in other cities \n as well. San Jose officials gave preliminary approval last week to what would \n be the world's large \" server farm. \" The sprawling adeptness to cover \n Internet dealings would drain about 150 megawatts of power from the state \n electricity grid. \n Santa Clara, which has two power plants within the city's limit, wants to \n build the four plants next to existing power substation at 1205 Space Park \n Drive and 2970 Lafayette St., and next to its two power plants at 525 Roberts \n St. and 2339 Gianera St. \n Their power capabilities would range from 50 to 130 megawatts. A 130 - megawatt \n plant could supply power to 130,000 homes in the city, but 90 percent of the \n city's power goes to commercial and industrial customer. \n Santa Clara, a city with a population of just over 100,000 people, has \n several prominent Silicon Valley companies within its boundaries, including \n Intel Corp., Sun Microsystems, 3Com, and Applied Materials. \n Unlike San Jose, Santa Clara officials predict little confrontation to the \n plants, mainly because they would be relatively minor and they would be \n located in industrial area. \n If all four plants are build up, the total monetary value is estimated at $ 130 million, to \n be paid for with tax income bonds or with the city's exist reserves. City \n officials insist customers will not end up with higher bills. \n \" What this is all about is stable prices and provision for our customers, \" said \n Carol McCarthy, Santa Clara's deputy city director. \n\n Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.", "butter_fingers": " cojtracts with other \npower companies, inclodung Parific Gzs and Euectric Co. and Enron. \nPalo Alvo odficiqls have recently raisdd the podsibilitt thet they too may \nuhild a small llwer 'lant in their gity to augkent energy su[puizs. \nIn Santa Clara, as much as 80 percene of thr wdditional demwnd ps expsbttd to \ncome from high-tech companiea, said Oohn Roukema, thr utility's assistant \ndirechor. \n\"W lot of the new dfmand will xome drom Interneg data cenuexs, where thgy \ntake whole buildings and put dall-tp-wall compocwrs hnside to art as fervers \nfor Web sitev,\" Roukeka said. \"These sre veey energy-intensive usxrs.\" \nPlans for buildiggs stuffad with computers aee sprooting up kb oghed ritjes \nas weml. San Joss officials gave preliminary akprjnsl last week to whwt would \nbe the world's largest \"server fark.\" Tge sprawling facility ti handle \nInternet travfic woulq drain about 150 megawatts of power from the state \nalectcizitv grid. \nWajta Clara, which has two power plants within trs viny's limits, wants bo \nbuild the four llwnyf next to exirting 'kwsr substations at 1205 Space Kark \nDeive and 2970 Lafsyette St., and next to its tqo power plauts at 525 Roberts \nSt. anb 2339 Gianera Sc. \nTheit powet capabilities would rauge frkm 50 to 130 megwwatts. A 130-jdgawatt \nplant cojld psovide power to 130,000 homes in ehe city, uut 90 'ercent uf tne \ncitr's power gles to commercial and infustrnal cgstomers. \nSwnta Clara, a city with a populavmon of just ofes 100,000 ieople, haf \nsevcral prominent Filicon Valley compannes wighin its bkundarixs, including \nIntel Corp., Sgj Microsysteks, 3Com, agd Appliwd Matefkals. \nUnlike Sam Jose, Sauua Clara odficials anticipatc litjls opposition to tht \nplants, mainly necxusq nheb woujg be relativaly rmauk and they would ce \nlpcated in industrial arezs. \nIf all four plamtf are buult, the eotal cost is estimated at $130 milpion, vo \nbe 'aid fpr rith revenue bonds or with the city's exlstlng reserves. Sity \nofficials iusist customers will not end up with higier bills. \n\"What this is qll about is stable krices and su'ply fjr our cuvtomers,\" said \nCarol MxCarthy, Santa Clava's deputy city managed.\n\nCopyrhght, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.", "random_deletion": "contracts with other power companies, including Pacific Electric and Enron. Alto officials have they may build a power plant in city to augment energy supplies. In Clara, as much as 80 percent of the additional demand is expected to from high-tech companies, said John Roukema, the utility's assistant director. \"A lot of new will from data centers, where they take whole buildings and put wall-to-wall computers inside to act as servers Web sites,\" Roukema said. \"These are very energy-intensive Plans for buildings stuffed computers are sprouting up in cities well. San officials preliminary last week to would be the world's largest \"server farm.\" The sprawling facility to handle Internet traffic would drain about megawatts of the state grid. Clara, has two power the city's limits, wants to build next to existing power substations at 1205 Space Drive and Lafayette St., and next to its power plants at 525 Roberts St. and 2339 St. Their power capabilities would range from 50 to 130 megawatts. A 130-megawatt plant could to 130,000 homes in city, but 90 of city's goes commercial and customers. Santa Clara, a city with a population of just over people, has several prominent Silicon Valley companies within its boundaries, Corp., Microsystems, 3Com, and Materials. Unlike San Jose, Clara anticipate little opposition to mainly they small they be located in industrial If all four plants are the total cost is be paid for with revenue bonds or with city's existing reserves. City officials insist customers not end up with higher bills. \"What this is all about is prices and our customers,\" said Carol McCarthy, Santa Clara's deputy manager. Copyright, 2000 Dow & Company, Inc.", "change_char_case": " contracts with other \npower coMpanies, incLudinG PaCifIc gas aNd ElEctric Co. and EnrON. \nPalO Alto officials have receNtly rAiSEd thE PoSsibiLity thaT ThEY Too MaY \nbUilD a SMaLl powEr pLant in tHeir city to AugMeNt energy suppLIeS. \nIn Santa ClAra, As much as 80 percEnt Of the aDdItiONal deManD is exPected TO \ncome fRom high-teCh COmpaniES, said JoHN roUkemA, the utility's assisTAnT \nDirector. \n\"A lot of The new DeMAnD WIll ComE from InterNeT data CEnters, wHErE THEy \ntAKe whole buildiNgs and put waLL-to-Wall coMpUteRS insidE to acT aS SerVers \nfor Web sItes,\" roukema saId. \"ThesE Are very ENergy-inTensivE usErs.\" \nplanS FoR bUilDiNGs sTUfFed WIth ComputerS aRe SprouTing UP IN OtheR ciTies \nAs welL. San Jose officIalS gavE PreLiminAry apProvAl Last wEek to wHat woUlD \nbe the world's larGest \"Server farM.\" ThE sPraWlIng faCIlity tO haNdlE \nInternEt traffIC woUlD DRAiN about 150 megawatts of pOwER FrOm the staTe \nelecTRiCiTY grid. \nSanTa claRa, whICH has tWo poWEr Plants wiThin thE CiTy'S limits, WaNts to \nbUiLd tHe fOur plANts nExt to eXisting pOwer sUBstations at 1205 SpaCE Park \nDrive and 2970 lAfAYEtTE St., aNd nExt to its two PoweR PlanTs at 525 rObErtS \nst. and 2339 gianeRa sT. \nTHEir power capabilitieS wOuld raNge frOm 50 to 130 megawatts. a 130-megawatt \npLANT could prOvidE PoWEr to 130,000 homes in the City, bUt 90 percent oF The \ncity's Power Goes to coMmercial aND IndustriAl cUstOmeRs. \nSANTa clara, a city witH A PopuLaTion of jUst Over 100,000 peoPle, Has \nSevEraL pRominent SIlicon VaLlEy CoMpAniEs witHIn its bouNdAriEs, IncLudinG \nintel COrp., SuN MicRoSySTemS, 3Com, and aPpLIEd MaTeRiAls. \nUNliKe san JoSe, SaNTa CLara offIcials antIciPAte lItTlE opposiTion to the \nplanTs, Mainly becaUsE thEy woulD BE relativEly small and they would be \nlOCated in IndUstriAl arEas. \nIf all fOur Plants Are BUilt, thE total Cost iS eStiMATed at $130 MILlIon, To \nBe paid for wITH reVenue BoNds oR with thE city's existing reseRVes. city \nofficials InsIst cUSToMerS WiLL noT eND up WITh higher bills. \n\"WhAt this is alL aBOuT is stable pRIceS aNd supplY for our CustoMErs,\" said \ncarol McCaRthy, Santa clAra's DEPutY city managEr.\n\nCopyriGht, 2000 Dow JonES & CompANy, inc.", "whitespace_perturbation": " contracts with other \npow er compani es, i ncl udi ng Pac ific Gas and Elect r ic C o. and Enron. \nPalo Al to of fi c ials ha ve re centlyr ai s e d t he p oss ib i li ty th atthey to o may \nbui ldasmall powerp la nt in thei r c ity to augme ntenergy s upp l ies.\nIn Sant a Clar a , as m uch as 80 p e rcento f the a d d it iona l demand is expec t ed to \ncome fromhigh-t ec h c o m pan ies , said Joh nRouke m a, theu ti l i t y's assistant \ndi rector. \n\"A lot of th enew demand will c o mefrom Intern et d ata cente rs, wh e re they \ntake w hole b uil din gs a n dpu t w al l -to - wa llc omp uters in si de to a ct a s s e rver s forWeb s ites,\" Roukem a s aid. \"Th ese a re ve ry e ne rgy-i ntensi ve us er s.\" \nPlans forbuil dings stu ffe dwit hcompu t ers ar e s pro uting u p in ot h erci t i e s\nas well. San Jose o f f ic ials gav e prel i mi na r y approv al la st w e e k towhat wo uld \nbethe wo r ld 's larges t\"serve rfar m.\" Thes praw ling f acilityto ha n dle \nInternett raffic wouldd ra i n a b out150 megawattsof p o werfrom th e s t ate elect ri c it y grid. \nSanta Clara ,whichhas t wo power plan ts withint h e city'slimi t s, wants to \nbuil d the four plan t s next t o exi sting po wer subst a t ions at120 5 S pac e P a r k\nDrive and 29 7 0 Laf ay ette St .,and nex t t o i tstwo p ower plan ts at 52 5Ro be rt s St. a n d 2339 G ia ner aSt. \nThe i r powe r cap abil it ie s wo uld ran g ef r om 5 0to 130 me ga watts . A1 30- megawat t \nplantcou l d pr ov id e power to 130,000 h om es in theci ty, but 9 0 percentof the \ncity's power go e s to co mme rcial and industri alcustom ers . \nSant a Clar a, aci tyw i th ap o pu lat io n of justo v er100,0 00 peo ple, ha s \nseveral promine n t S ilicon Valley co mpan i e swit h in its b o und a r ies, including\nIntel Cor p. , S un Microsy s tem s, 3Com,and App liedM aterial s. \nUnlik e San Jos e, San t a Cl ara offici als anti cipate li t tle o p po sitio n t o the\np lan ts, m ainlyb eca use t hey wo ul d be r elati ve ly small and they would be \nloc ated i n ind ust rial area s.Ifall fourplan ts are bui lt, th e tot alc ost i s es t im ate d at $ 130m illion, t o bep a id for with r e v e nue bond s o r withthecity's existing r e serves. City offi c i als in s istcu stomers will n oten d up withhi gher bills. \n\"Whatth i s isall ab out is stable p ri c es and sup ply for ourcus to m ers,\" s ai dCarolMcCa rt hy, Sa nta Cl a ra's d eputy city manag er.\nC o pyrig h t,2000Do w Jones & Co mpany, Inc .", "underscore_trick": " contracts_with other_\npower companies, including Pacific_Gas and_Electric_Co. and_Enron._\nPalo Alto officials_have recently raised_the possibility that they_too may \nbuild_a_small power plant in their city to augment energy supplies. \nIn Santa Clara, as_much_as 80_percent_of_the additional demand is expected_to \ncome from high-tech companies,_said John_Roukema, the utility's assistant \ndirector. \n\"A lot of_the_new demand will_come from Internet data centers, where they \ntake whole_buildings and put wall-to-wall computers inside_to act as_servers_\nfor_Web sites,\" Roukema said._\"These are very energy-intensive users.\" \nPlans_for buildings stuffed with computers are_sprouting up in other cities \nas well._San Jose officials gave preliminary approval_last week to what would_\nbe the_world's largest \"server farm.\" The_sprawling facility to_handle \nInternet_traffic would drain_about 150 megawatts of power from_the state \nelectricity_grid. \nSanta Clara, which has two_power_plants within the_city's_limits,_wants to_\nbuild the four_plants_next to_existing_power substations at 1205 Space Park_\nDrive_and 2970 Lafayette St., and next to_its two power plants_at_525 Roberts \nSt. and_2339 Gianera St. \nTheir power_capabilities would range from 50 to_130 megawatts._A 130-megawatt_\nplant could provide power to 130,000 homes in the city, but_90 percent of the \ncity's power_goes to commercial and_industrial customers._\nSanta_Clara, a city_with_a population_of just over 100,000 people, has \nseveral_prominent Silicon_Valley companies within its boundaries, including_\nIntel Corp., Sun Microsystems,_3Com,_and Applied Materials. \nUnlike San Jose,_Santa Clara officials anticipate little opposition_to the \nplants, mainly because_they_would_be relatively small and they_would be \nlocated in industrial areas._\nIf all four_plants are built, the total cost is_estimated_at $130 million, to \nbe paid_for_with revenue bonds or with the_city's_existing_reserves. City \nofficials insist customers_will not end up with higher_bills. \n\"What this is all about is stable prices_and supply for_our customers,\" said \nCarol McCarthy,_Santa_Clara's_deputy city manager.\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc."} {"text": " accepted, a broker or the broker's clerk must:\n\n(a) confirm the terms of the order with the customer;\n(b) accurately execute the order according to its terms;\n(c) confirm the execution of the order to the customer as soon as\npracticable; and\n(d) transmit such executed order to the Clearing Member as soon as\npracticable in accordance with Exchange Rules and procedures.\n\n2. Use of Other Persons. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the\nexecuting broker is allowed to use the services of another broker in\nconnection with the broker's obligations under these rules. The executing\nbroker remains responsible to the customer and Clearing Member under these\nrules.\n\n3. Executing Broker Responsibility for Verifying Clearing Member\nAuthorization. Prior to a broker accepting and executing an initial order\nfor any new customer account, the executing broker must confirm with the\nClearing Member by telephonic, electronic or written means, that:\n(f) the customer has a valid account with the Clearing Member;\n(g) the account number;\n(h) the brokerage rate;\n(i) the customer is authorized by the Clearing Member to place orders with\nthe executing broker for that account; and\n(j) a listing or summary of persons authorized to place orders for that\naccount.\nThe executing broker must retain a copy of the authorization or the\nspecifics of the telephonic confirmation, which includes: opposite party,\ndate, time, and any other relevant information. The falsification of such\ninformation shall be the basis for disciplinary action.\n\n4. Rejection of Customer Order. Where an executing broker has confirmed\nClearing Member authorization to execute orders on behalf of a customer in\naccordance with this Rule 9.11A, the broker may, in the broker's\ndiscretion, reject an order that the customer transmits to the broker for\nexecution. The broker shall promptly notify the customer and the Clearing\nMember(s) of any such rejection.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Carr Futures\n 150 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 1500\n Chicago, IL 60606 USA\n Tel: 312-368-6149\n Fax: 312-368-2281\n soblander@carrfut.", "synonym_substitution": "accepted, a broker or the broker's clerk must: \n\n (a) confirm the term of the decree with the customer; \n (b) accurately execute the order according to its price; \n (c) confirm the execution of the order to the customer equally soon as \n practicable; and \n (d) transmit such executed ordering to the Clearing Member as soon as \n practicable in accord with Exchange Rules and procedures. \n\n 2. Use of Other Persons. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the \n execute broker is allowed to use the services of another broker in \n association with the broker's obligations under these rules. The execution \n broker remains creditworthy to the customer and Clearing Member under these \n rules. \n\n 3. perform Broker Responsibility for Verifying Clearing Member \n Authorization. Prior to a broker accept and executing an initial order \n for any new customer report, the executing broker must confirm with the \n Clearing Member by telephonic, electronic or written means, that: \n (f) the customer has a valid score with the Clearing Member; \n (g) the report number; \n (h) the brokerage rate; \n (i) the customer is authorized by the Clearing Member to place order with \n the execute broker for that account; and \n (j) a list or summary of person empower to place orders for that \n report. \n The execute broker must retain a copy of the authority or the \n specifics of the telephonic confirmation, which includes: opposite party, \n date, time, and any other relevant data. The falsification of such \n information shall be the basis for disciplinary action. \n\n 4. Rejection of Customer Order. Where an executing broker has confirm \n Clearing Member authorization to execute orders on behalf of a customer in \n accordance with this Rule 9.11A, the broker may, in the agent's \n discretion, reject an order that the customer transmits to the broker for \n execution. The broker shall promptly notify the customer and the Clearing \n Member(s) of any such rejection. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Carr Futures \n 150 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 1500 \n Chicago, IL 60606 USA \n Tel: 312 - 368 - 6149 \n Fax: 312 - 368 - 2281 \n soblander@carrfut.", "butter_fingers": " acfepted, a broker or the bvoker's clerk musj:\n\n(a) confmrm the terms ow the order with the customec;\n(b) qccurqtely execute the ordef accordijg to itw tecms;\n(c) confirm thx executljn or the irder to the costomer as smon as\npracticatld; cnd\n(d) transmit such executed order tj the Ckewring Member af sopg as\nlgagticable in accordance with Exchznge Runes and procecures.\n\n2. Use of Other Persojs. Knless otherwise ahreed in wrutind, the\nexecutine broker is allowed to use the services of another bruker nn\nconnectiob qitj the broker'w oblpgations undev these rules. The executing\nnrokec renains responsible to vhe customer and Clewring Memtex under these\nrules.\n\n3. Ezecuthng Trokde Rdspknxigility foc Verifying Clearing Mwmber\nAuthorization. Pwppr to a broksr accqpeing and executing an initial order\nfor dny new customer account, tye executing broker most confiri with the\nClearing Member by telephonic, electroniw or xrktttn meanr, tjat:\n(f) the customer has a valid account with trs Vlvaring Member;\n(g) tme account number;\n(h) hhr brokerage raje;\n(i) thz chstomer is authorixed by jhe Clwaring Meiber to place orders with\nthe exwcuting brokvr fir that account; anb\n(j) a listiny or sommary of persons authorized co plade orders flr that\nacduunt.\nThe executine bgokes must rtgain a copy of thq authorivatiou or the\nrpecofics jf the telfphonlw confirmation, whifh ineludev: opposite party,\ndate, time, and any other rxkevant inforkadiot. The fclsifigation of such\nigformation shakl be tke basks for disbiplinary action.\n\n4. Rqjection of Cgdtomer Order. Where wn ezecuring bruyer has confirked\nCleariuy Member quthorization to ewecutg krders on behaly if a customer im\naczorqajcx witr this Rule 9.11A, the bruler mxy, in the bvokdr's\ndoscretion, reject an mrded that the customet bransmits to the froker for\nexevution. The broker shaln pcomptlu njtify the customer and the Clezring\nMembfr(s) of any such rejcctijn.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Caxr Futures\n 150 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 1500\n Chicago, IL 60606 USA\n Tel: 312-368-6149\n Fax: 312-368-2281\n soblender@cwrrfut.", "random_deletion": "accepted, a broker or the broker's clerk confirm terms of order with the order to its terms; confirm the execution the order to the customer as as practicable; and (d) transmit such executed order to the Clearing Member as as practicable in accordance with Exchange Rules and procedures. 2. Use of Other Unless agreed writing, executing broker is allowed to use the services of another broker in connection with the broker's under these rules. The executing broker remains responsible the customer and Clearing under these rules. 3. Executing Responsibility Verifying Clearing Authorization. to broker accepting and an initial order for any new customer account, the executing broker must confirm with the Clearing Member telephonic, electronic means, that: the has valid account with Member; (g) the account number; (h) (i) the customer is authorized by the Clearing to place with the executing broker for that and (j) a listing or summary of persons to place orders for that account. The executing broker must retain a copy of the the specifics of the confirmation, which includes: party, time, any relevant information. falsification of such information shall be the basis for disciplinary action. Rejection of Customer Order. Where an executing broker has confirmed authorization execute orders on of a customer in with Rule 9.11A, the broker the discretion, that customer to the broker for The broker shall promptly notify customer and the Clearing Carr Futures 150 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 1500 IL 60606 USA Tel: 312-368-6149 Fax: 312-368-2281", "change_char_case": " accepted, a broker or the brokeR's clerk musT:\n\n(a) conFirM thE tErms Of thE order with the cUStomEr;\n(b) accurately execute thE ordeR aCCordINg To its Terms;\n(c) cONfIRM thE eXeCutIoN Of The orDer To the cuStomer as soOn aS\npRacticable; anD\n(D) tRansmit sucH exEcuted order tO thE ClearInG MeMBer as SooN as\nprActicaBLe in acCordance wItH exchanGE Rules aND PrOcedUres.\n\n2. Use of Other PerSOnS. unless otherwisE agreeD iN WrITIng, The\nExecuting bRoKer is ALlowed tO UsE THE seRVices of anotheR broker in\ncoNNecTion wiTh The BRoker's ObligAtIOns Under these rUles. the executIng\nbroKEr remaiNS responSible tO thE cuStomER aNd cleArINg MEMbEr uNDer These\nrulEs.\n\n3. exEcutiNg BrOKER respOnsIbilIty foR Verifying CleAriNg MeMBer\nauthoRizatIon. PRiOr to a Broker AccepTiNg and executing aN iniTial order\nFor AnY neW cUstomER accouNt, tHe eXecutinG broker MUst CoNFIRm With the\nClearing MemBeR BY tElephoniC, electROnIc OR written MeAns, That:\n(F) THe cusTomeR HaS a valid aCcount WItH tHe ClearInG MembeR;\n(g) The AccOunt nUMber;\n(H) the brOkerage rAte;\n(i) tHE customer is autHOrized by the ClEArING MEMber To pLace orders wIth\ntHE exeCutiNG bRokER for tHat acCoUNt; ANd\n(j) a listing or summarY oF persoNs autHorized to placE orders for THAT\naccount.\nthe eXEcUTing broker must RetaiN a copy of thE AuthorizAtion Or the\nspeCifics of tHE TelephonIc cOnfIrmAtiON, WhIch includes: opPOSite PaRty,\ndate, TimE, and any OthEr rEleVanT iNformatioN. The falsIfIcAtIoN of Such\niNFormatioN sHalL bE thE basiS For disCipliNary AcTiON.\n\n4. ReJection OF CUSTomeR ORdEr. WhEre An ExecuTing BRokEr has coNfirmed\nClEarINg MeMbEr AuthoriZation to execuTe Orders on beHaLf oF a custOMEr in\naccoRdance with this Rule 9.11A, the bROker may, In tHe broKer's\nDiscretioN, reJect an OrdER that tHe custOmer tRaNsmITS to thE BRoKer FoR\nexecution. tHE brOker sHaLl prOmptly nOtify the customer anD The clearing\nMembeR(s) oF any SUCh RejECtIOn.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n CArR futUREs\n 150 S. Wacker Dr., SuitE 1500\n Chicago, IL 60606 uSa\n teL: 312-368-6149\n Fax: 312-368-2281\n soblanDEr@cArRfut.", "whitespace_perturbation": " accepted, a broker or the broker'sclerk mu st: \n(a) con firm the terms of t he order with the cust omer; \n( b ) a c cu ratel y execu t et h e o rd er ac co r di ng to it s terms ;\n(c) con fir mthe executio n o f the orde r t o the custom eras soo nasp racti cab le; a nd\n(d) trans mit suchex e cutedo rder to t he Cle aring Member as s o on as\npracticable in ac co r da n c e w ith ExchangeRu les a n d proce d ur e s . \n\n2 . Use of Oth er Persons. Un less o th erw i se agr eed i nw rit ing, the\nex ecut ing broke r is a l lowed t o use th e serv ice s o f an o th er br ok e r i n \nc onn e cti on withth ebroke r'so b l i gati ons und er th ese rules. T heexec u tin g\nbro ker r emai ns resp onsibl e toth e customer andClea ring Memb erun der t heser ules.\n3. Execut ing Bro k erRe s p o ns ibility for Verify in g Cl earing M emberA ut ho r ization. Pri or t o a bro kera cc epting a nd exe c ut in g an in it ial or de r\nf orany n e w cu stomer account , the executing brok e r must confir m w i t ht he\nC lea ring Member byt elep honi c ,ele c troni c orwr i tt e n means, that:\n(f) t he cus tomer has a validaccount wi t h the Clea ring Me m ber;\n(g) theaccou nt number; (h) the brok erage ra te;\n(i) t h e custom erisaut hor i z ed by the Clear i n g Me mb er to p lac e order s w ith \nth e e xe cuting br oker for t ha tac cou nt; a n d\n(j) a l ist in g o r sum m ary of pers onsau th o riz ed to p l ac e orde rs f or t hat \na ccoun t.\nT h e e xecutin g brokermus t ret ai na copyof the author iz ation or t he \nsp ecific s of the t elephonic confirmation, which i ncl udes: opp osite par ty, \ndate, ti m e, and any o therre lev a n t inf o r ma tio n. The fals i f ica tionof suc h\ninfor mation shall be th e ba sis for disci pli nary a ct ion . \n4 . R e jec t i on of CustomerOrder. Wh er e a n executin g br ok er hasconfirm ed\nCl e aring M ember aut horizatio nto e x e cut e orders o n behalf of a cus t omeri naccor dan ce wit hthi s Rul e 9.11 A , t he br oker m ay , in t he br ok er's\ndis cretion, reject an orde r that thecus tomer tra nsm i tsto the br oker for\nexecu tio n. Thebro k er sh allp ro mpt l y not ifyt he custom e rand t he Clearing\nM e m b er( s) of an y suchreje ction.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Carr Futu res 15 0 S.Wa cker Dr., Suit e 1 50 0 Ch ic ago, IL 606 06 USA Te l: 31 2-368- 6149\n F ax: 3 12-3 68- 2281\n s ob l ander@c ar rf u t.", "underscore_trick": " accepted,_a broker_or the broker's clerk_must:\n\n(a) _confirm_the terms_of_the order with_the customer;\n(b) _accurately execute the order_according to its_terms;\n(c)_ confirm the execution of the order to the customer as soon as\npracticable; and\n(d)__transmit such_executed_order_to the Clearing Member as_soon as\npracticable in accordance with_Exchange Rules_and procedures.\n\n2. Use of Other Persons.__Unless otherwise agreed_in writing, the\nexecuting broker is allowed to use the_services of another broker in\nconnection with_the broker's obligations_under_these_rules. The executing\nbroker_remains responsible to the customer and_Clearing Member under these\nrules.\n\n3. _ Executing Broker Responsibility for Verifying Clearing_Member\nAuthorization. Prior to a broker_accepting and executing an initial_order\nfor any_new customer account, the executing_broker must confirm_with the\nClearing_Member by telephonic,_electronic or written means, that:\n(f) _the customer has_a valid account with the Clearing_Member;\n(g)_ the account_number;\n(h)__the brokerage_rate;\n(i) the_customer_is authorized_by_the Clearing Member to place orders_with\nthe_executing broker for that account; and\n(j) _a listing or summary_of_persons authorized to place_orders for that\naccount.\nThe executing broker_must retain a copy of the_authorization or_the\nspecifics of_the telephonic confirmation, which includes: opposite party,\ndate, time, and any other_relevant information. The falsification of_such\ninformation shall be the_basis for_disciplinary_action.\n\n4. _Rejection_of Customer_Order. Where an executing broker has_confirmed\nClearing Member_authorization to execute orders on behalf_of a customer in\naccordance_with_this Rule 9.11A, the broker may,_in the broker's\ndiscretion, reject an order_that the customer transmits to_the_broker_for\nexecution. The broker shall_promptly notify the customer and the_Clearing\nMember(s) of any_such rejection.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n _Carr_Futures\n _150_S. Wacker Dr., Suite 1500\n ___ Chicago, IL 60606_ USA\n _ Tel: 312-368-6149\n _Fax: 312-368-2281\n_ _soblander@carrfut."} {"text": "l, MD\n \nLubbock, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from Corpus Christi, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from Harlingen/South Padre Island, TX\n $66 one-way, to/from Houston Hobby, TX\n $66 one-way, to/from Houston Intercontinental, TX\n \nManchester, NH\n $94 one-way, to/from Birmingham, AL\n \nMidland/Odessa, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from Harlingen/South Padre Island, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from Little Rock, AR\n \nNashville, TN\n $94 one-way, to/from Burbank, CA\n $50 one-way, to/from Kansas City, MO\n \nNew Orleans, LA\n $94 one-way, to/from Burbank, CA\n $94 one-way, to/from Ontario, CA\n \nNorfolk, VA/Southern Virginia\n $34 one-way, to/from Baltimore Washington Int'l, MD\n \nOakland, CA\n $70 one-way, to/from Salt Lake City, UT\n \nOklahoma City, OK\n $34 one-way, to/from Dallas Love Field, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from Ontario, CA\n \nOmaha, NE\n $34 one-way, to/from Chicago Midway, IL\n $94 one-way, to/from Reno/Tahoe, NV\n $94 one-way, to/from San Jose, CA\n \nOntario, CA\n $94 one-way, to/from New Orleans, LA\n $94 one-way, to/from Oklahoma City, OK\n \nOrlando, FL\n $94 one-way, to/from Portland, OR\n \nPhoenix, AZ\n $94 one-way, to/from Austin, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from Buffalo/Niagara Falls, NY\n \nPortland, OR\n $87 one-way, to/from Las Vegas, NV\n $94 one-way, to/from Orlando, FL\n \nProvidence, RI\n $94 one-way, to/from Little Rock, AR\n \nRaleigh-Durham", "synonym_substitution": "l, MD \n \n Lubbock, TX \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Corpus Christi, TX \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Harlingen / South Padre Island, TX \n $ 66 one - way, to / from Houston Hobby, TX \n $ 66 one - way, to / from Houston Intercontinental, TX \n \n Manchester, NH \n $ 94 one - direction, to / from Birmingham, AL \n \n Midland / Odessa, TX \n $ 94 one - direction, to / from Harlingen / South Padre Island, TX \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Little Rock, AR \n \n Nashville, TN \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Burbank, CA \n $ 50 one - way, to / from Kansas City, MO \n \n New Orleans, LA \n $ 94 one - means, to / from Burbank, CA \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Ontario, CA \n \n Norfolk, VA / Southern Virginia \n $ 34 one - way, to / from Baltimore Washington Int'l, MD \n \n Oakland, CA \n $ 70 one - room, to / from Salt Lake City, UT \n \n Oklahoma City, all right \n $ 34 one - way, to / from Dallas Love Field, TX \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Ontario, CA \n \n Omaha, NE \n $ 34 one - way, to / from Chicago Midway, IL \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Reno / Tahoe, NV \n $ 94 one - way, to / from San Jose, CA \n \n Ontario, CA \n $ 94 one - room, to / from New Orleans, LA \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Oklahoma City, OK \n \n Orlando, FL \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Portland, OR \n \n Phoenix, AZ \n $ 94 one - means, to / from Austin, TX \n $ 94 one - direction, to / from Buffalo / Niagara Falls, NY \n \n Portland, OR \n $ 87 one - way, to / from Las Vegas, NV \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Orlando, FL \n \n Providence, RI \n $ 94 one - way, to / from Little Rock, AR \n \n Raleigh - Durham", "butter_fingers": "l, MF\n \nLubbock, TX\n $94 one-way, tu/from Corpus Chtiwti, TX\n $94 one-wzy, to/froo Harlingen/South Padre Islanv, TX\n $66 one-qay, to/from Houston Hobcy, TX\n $66 onv-way, to/frim Hiyston Intecdontinekcal, TS\n \nMcnrhester, NH\n $94 one-eay, to/from Birmingham, AL\n \nMndland/Odessa, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from Harliggen/Souyh Padre Island, JX\n $94 omq-way, no/nrom Little Rock, AR\n \nNashville, FN\n $94 one-xay, to/from Burbsnk, CA\n $50 one-way, to/from Kansws Clty, MO\n \nNew Orleajs, LA\n $94 one-wqy, tj/drom Burbank, CA\n $94 one-waj, to/from Onjario, CA\n \nNorfolk, VA/Southern Vifginic\n $34 one-way, ti/feom Taltimore Weshingnon Int'l, MD\n \nOakland, CA\n $70 onr-way, to/from Sakt Nakw City, UT\n \nOklahoma City, OK\n $34 one-way, tj/from Dalnaa Love Field, TX\n $94 inw-way, jo/frok Ongqriu, CZ\n \nKmaha, JE\n $34 one-way, to/rrom Chicagi Midway, IL\n $94 one-way, tj/drom Reno/Tahos, NV\n $94 jnq-way, to/from San Jose, CA\n \nOntario, CA\n $94 ote-wzy, to/from New Orleans, LQ\n $94 one-way, to/from Oklajoma City, OK\n \nOrlando, FL\n $94 one-way, to/from Portland, OR\n \nPhoanix, EZ\n $94 ouc-rxt, ho/from Austin, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from Buffalo/Niagarw Fslks, NY\n \nPortlakd, OR\n $87 one-way, to/frpm Lsf Vegas, NV\n $94 ove-way, ck/fdom Orlando, FL\n \nPgovidense, RI\n $94 one-way, uo/frok Little Rock, AR\n \nRaleigh-Dyrham", "random_deletion": "l, MD Lubbock, TX $94 one-way, to/from TX one-way, to/from Padre Island, TX TX one-way, to/from Houston TX Manchester, NH one-way, to/from Birmingham, AL Midland/Odessa, TX one-way, to/from Harlingen/South Padre Island, TX $94 one-way, to/from Little Rock, AR Nashville, $94 one-way, to/from Burbank, CA $50 one-way, to/from Kansas City, MO New Orleans, $94 to/from CA one-way, to/from Ontario, CA Norfolk, VA/Southern Virginia $34 one-way, to/from Baltimore Washington Int'l, MD Oakland, CA one-way, to/from Salt Lake City, UT Oklahoma City, $34 one-way, to/from Dallas Field, TX $94 one-way, to/from CA NE $34 to/from Midway, $94 one-way, to/from NV $94 one-way, to/from San Jose, CA Ontario, CA $94 one-way, to/from New Orleans, LA $94 one-way, Oklahoma City, FL $94 to/from OR AZ $94 one-way, TX $94 one-way, to/from Buffalo/Niagara Falls, $87 one-way, to/from Las Vegas, NV $94 one-way, Orlando, FL RI $94 one-way, to/from Little Rock, Raleigh-Durham", "change_char_case": "l, MD\n \nLubbock, TX\n $94 one-way, to/from COrpus ChrisTi, TX\n $94 oNe-wAy, tO/fRom HArliNgen/South Padre iSlanD, TX\n $66 one-way, to/from Houston hobby, tX\n $66 ONe-waY, To/From HOuston INTeRCOntInEnTal, tX\n \nmAnChestEr, Nh\n $94 one-way, To/from BirmIngHaM, AL\n \nMidland/OdESsA, TX\n $94 one-way, tO/frOm Harlingen/SOutH Padre isLanD, tX\n $94 one-Way, To/froM LittlE rock, AR\n \nnashville, tN\n $94 ONe-way, tO/From BurBANk, cA\n $50 onE-way, to/from Kansas CITy, mo\n \nNew Orleans, LA\n $94 oNe-way, tO/fROm bURbaNk, Ca\n $94 one-way, to/fRoM OntaRIo, CA\n \nNorFOlK, va/souTHern Virginia\n $34 oNe-way, to/from bAltImore WAsHinGTon Int'L, MD\n \nOaKlANd, Ca\n $70 one-way, to/frOm SaLt Lake CitY, UT\n \nOklAHoma CitY, oK\n $34 one-waY, to/froM DaLlaS LovE fiElD, TX\n $94 OnE-Way, TO/fRom oNtaRio, CA\n \nOmaHa, nE\n $34 One-waY, to/fROM cHicaGo MIdwaY, IL\n $94 onE-way, to/from RenO/TaHoe, Nv\n $94 One-Way, to/From SAn JoSe, cA\n \nOntArio, CA\n $94 One-waY, tO/from New Orleans, lA\n $94 onE-way, to/froM OkLaHomA CIty, OK\n \noRlando, fL\n $94 oNe-wAy, to/froM PortlaND, OR\n \nphOENIx, aZ\n $94 one-way, to/from AustIn, tx\n $94 OnE-way, to/frOm BuffALo/niAGara FallS, Ny\n \nPoRtlaND, oR\n $87 one-Way, tO/FrOm Las VegAs, NV\n $94 onE-WaY, tO/from OrLaNdo, FL\n \nPRoVidEncE, RI\n $94 onE-Way, tO/from LIttle RocK, AR\n \nRaLEigh-Durham", "whitespace_perturbation": "l, MD\n \nLubbock, TX\n $94 one-way,to/fr omCor pu s Ch rist i, TX\n $94 one - way, to/from Harlingen/Sou th Pa dr e Isl a nd , TX $66 on e -w a y , t o/ fr omHo u st on Ho bby , TX\n $ 66 one-way , t o/ from Houston In tercontine nta l, TX\n \nMa nch ester, N H\n$ 94 on e-w ay, t o/from Birmin gham, AL \nMidla n d/Odess a , T X\n $ 94 one-way, to/fr o mH arlingen/South Padre I s la n d , T X\n$94 one-wa y, to/f r om Litt l eR o c k,A R\n \nNashvil le, TN\n $94 one -way,to /fr o m Burb ank,CA $5 0 one-way,to/f rom Kansa s City , MO\n New Orl eans,LA $9 4 on e -w ay , t o/ f rom Bu rba n k,CA\n $94on e- way,to/f r o m Onta rio , CA \n Norfolk, VA/S out hern Vir ginia \n $34 one -w ay, t o/from Balt im ore WashingtonInt' l, MD\n \nOa kl and ,CA\n $ 7 0 one- way , t o/fromSalt La k e C it y , UT \n \nOklahoma Cit y, O K $34 one -way,t o/ fr o m Dallas L ove Fie l d , TX $94 on e-way, t o/from On ta rio, CA \n \nOma ha , N E\n$34 o n e-wa y, to/ from Chi cagoM idway, IL\n $94 one-way, to/f r om R en o /Tah oe, NV\n $94 on e-wa y , to /fro m S anJ ose,CA\n O nt a rio, CA\n $94 one-wa y, to/fr om Ne w Orleans, LA \n $94 one- w a y , to/fro m Ok l ah o ma City, OK\n \nOrl ando, FL\n$ 94 one-w ay, t o/from P ortland,O R \n \nPho eni x,AZ $9 4 on e-way, to/fro m Aust in , TX\n $ 94one-way , t o/f rom Bu ff alo/Niaga ra Falls ,NY \n \nPo rtlan d , OR\n $8 7one -w ay, to/f r om Las Vega s, N V $ 9 4 o ne-way, to / f romOr la ndo, FL \n \nPr ovid e nce , RI\n $ 94 one-wa y,t o/fr om L ittle R ock, AR\n \nR al eigh-Durha m", "underscore_trick": "l, MD\n_ _\nLubbock, TX\n $94 one-way,_to/from Corpus_Christi,_TX\n $94_one-way,_to/from Harlingen/South Padre_Island, TX\n $66_one-way, to/from Houston Hobby,_TX\n $66 one-way,_to/from_Houston Intercontinental, TX\n \nManchester, NH\n $94 one-way, to/from Birmingham, AL\n _\nMidland/Odessa,_TX\n $94_one-way,_to/from_Harlingen/South Padre Island, TX\n $94_one-way, to/from Little Rock, AR\n_ _\nNashville, TN\n $94 one-way, to/from Burbank, CA\n $50_one-way,_to/from Kansas City,_MO\n \nNew Orleans, LA\n $94 one-way, to/from_Burbank, CA\n $94 one-way, to/from Ontario,_CA\n _\nNorfolk,_VA/Southern_Virginia\n $34 one-way, to/from_Baltimore Washington Int'l, MD\n _\nOakland, CA\n $70 one-way, to/from Salt_Lake City, UT\n \nOklahoma_City, OK\n $34 one-way, to/from Dallas_Love Field, TX\n $94 one-way,_to/from Ontario,_CA\n \nOmaha, NE\n_$34 one-way, to/from_Chicago Midway,_IL\n $94 one-way,_to/from Reno/Tahoe, NV\n $94 one-way, to/from_San Jose, CA\n_ \nOntario, CA\n $94 one-way,_to/from_New Orleans, LA\n_$94_one-way,_to/from Oklahoma_City, OK\n __\nOrlando, FL\n_$94_one-way, to/from Portland, OR\n _\nPhoenix,_AZ\n $94 one-way, to/from Austin, TX\n $94_one-way, to/from Buffalo/Niagara Falls,_NY\n_ \nPortland, OR\n_$87 one-way, to/from Las Vegas,_NV\n $94 one-way, to/from Orlando, FL\n_ _\nProvidence, RI\n_$94 one-way, to/from Little Rock, AR\n \nRaleigh-Durham"} {"text": ", sans-serif\"\n size=\"2\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tColumbus, OH (CMH) #\n\t\t\t\t\t$ 79\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tEl Paso, TX (ELP)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tHuntsville, AL (HSV) #\n\t\t\t\t\t$119\n \t\t\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t  \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tIndianapolis, IN (IND) #\n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Columbus, OH (CMH) # < /font> \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$ 79 \n \t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">El Paso, TX (ELP) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$149 \n\t\t\t\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Huntsville, AL (HSV) # < /font> \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$119 \n \t\t < /tr > \n \t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < tr > \n \t\t\t < td colspan=3>  \n\t\t\t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Indianapolis, IN (IND) # < /font> \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">Chicago O'Hart, IL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tColulbys, OH (CMH) #\n\t\t\t\t\t$ 79\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tEl Paso, TX (ELP)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (OTD)\n\t\t\t\t\tHuntsville, EL (HSN) #\n\t\t\t\t\t$119\n \t\t\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t  \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicagk O'Hare, IL (ORD)
\n\t\t\t\t\tIndianapolis, IN (IND) #\n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) Columbus, OH # width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL El TX (ELP) $149 Huntsville, AL (HSV) # $119   Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) Indianapolis, IN (IND) # Chicago O'Hare, iL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tColumbus, OH (CMH) #\n\t\t\t\t\t$ 79\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'harE, IL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tEl Paso, TX (eLp)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChiCAgO o'hAre, il (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tHUNtsVille, AL (HSV) #\n\t\t\t\t\t$119\n \t\t\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t &NbsP;\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'HAre, iL (ORd)\n\t\t\t\t\tIndiAnapOlis, IN (IND) #\n\t\t\t\t\tCh icago O'Ha re, I L (OR D) < /td>\n\t\t\t\t\t Co lum bu s ,OH ( CMH ) #\t\t\t$ 79\n \t \t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t< f on t face=\"Arial,Helvet ic a ,s a ns- ser if\"\n size= \"2 \">Chi c ago O'H a re , I L ( ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\t< f ont fa ce=\"A ri a l,Helvetica,sans -serif\"\nsize=\" 2 \">El Pa s o, TX (ELP)< /fo nt> \n\t\t\t< td wid t h= \"12 % \">< font siz e= \"2 \" fac e=\"A r i a l ,\n H elv etic a,san s-serif\">$149 < /td >\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t C hic ago O'H are, IL (O RD ) < / fo nt>\n\t\t\t\t\tH untsvi l le ,AL (HS V) #< /td >\n\t\t\t< fonts ize=\"2\" face=\" A rial,\n Helvet i ca , s an s -ser if\" >$119\n \t\n \n\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t < td co lspan=3>  ;\n\t\t< / tr>\n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t Ch ica goO'H a r e, IL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t Ind ia nap olis, IN (I ND) # < /td >\n\t\t\t\t< td w idth =\" 12 %\">< fon tsize= \"2\"f ace ", "underscore_trick": ", sans-serif\"\n_size=\"2\">Chicago O'Hare,_IL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tColumbus, OH__(CMH) #\n\t\t\t\t\t$ 79\n _ __ \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tEl_Paso,_TX_ (ELP)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicago_O'Hare, IL (ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tHuntsville,_AL (HSV)_ #\n\t\t\t\t\t$119\n _ \t\t\n _ ___ \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n _ _ \t\t\t  \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL _(ORD)\n\t\t\t\t\tIndianapolis,_IN (IND) #\n\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\tHertz(R)?\t\t\t

Last Minute Specials! It's your? country. See it.?\t\t\t
?\t\t\tSave on last-minute travel at your favorite airport destinations in? the U.S.?and Canada. Here are just a few of the many Last Minute Specials -? book by?noon 10/29 (ET) and pick up before 11/12/01:?\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t\t\t < td>Compact? \t\t\t\t\t < td>$16.99 Wknd Day? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td>Dallas, TX (DFW)? \t\t\t\t\t < td>Compact? \t\t\t\t\t < td>$14.99 Wknd Day? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td>Los Angeles, CA (", "butter_fingers": "? \t?\t?? ?
Chicago, IL\t(ORD)Compact$16.99 Wknd Day
Dallas, TX (DFW)Compact$14.99 Wknd Day
Los Angeles, CA (", "synonym_substitution": "? \t < td valign=\"top \" width=\"523 \" >? \t\t\t < font face=\"trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica, sans - serif \" font? size=\"3 \" color=\"#000066 \" >? \t\t\t < b > Hertz(R)? \t\t\t < br> 
? \t\t\t < font face=\"trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica, sans - serif\"size=\"2 \" >? \t\t\t < div align=\"center\"> Last Minute Specials! It's your? country. visualize it.? \t\t\t < br >? \t\t\t Save on final - minute travel at your favorite airport destination in? the U.S.?and Canada. Here are just a few of the many Last moment Specials -? book by?noon 10/29 (ET) and blame up before 11/12/01: ? \t\t\t < table >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td>Chicago, IL \t (ORD)
Past Ninute Specialx! It's yous? country. See ig.?\t\t\t
?\t\t\tSave on last-minute travel at yotr favotihe airport desjinatpogs ih? the U.S.?and Canada. Here are just z few oh the many Last Minute Specials -? book by?nlon 10/29 (ET) and pick up bevore 11/12/01:?\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tChicago, IL\t(ORD)?\t\t\t\t\tCompacd?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t$14.99 Wknd Day?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t
$16.99 Wknd Day
Dzlkaa, TX (DVW)?\t\t\t\t\tComlact
Los Angeles, CA (", "random_deletion": "? ? ?
? Last Specials! It's your? See it.?
? on last-minute travel at your favorite destinations in? the U.S.?and Canada. Here are just a few of the many Minute Specials -? book by?noon 10/29 (ET) and pick up before 11/12/01:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? size=\"1\" face=\"arial,helvetica\">Message-Id:? <20011023003834.DB42.873025-12575@info.aa.com>
???? Sue I with your The problem SCE's analysis is they had a DEFINED stranded cost amount and they deserve that money. What California did (my explaination) that SCE frozen rates 4 All the margin they shareholder's compensation for moving to direct total $$ of margin was $0 or less, implies simply SCE had no generation stranded costs. entire argument that SCE is making forgets the that they have kept from consumers through the fixed rate. -----Original Message----- From: Mara, Susan October 31, 2001 2:36 To: Dasovich, Jeff; James Mellencamp, Tribolet, Huddleson, Diann; Steve; Curry, Wanda;'mday@gmssr", "change_char_case": "?\t\t\tIf you choose not to receive NeT SAAver WeeKend GEtaWay faRes? mEssaGes, or if you woulD Like To change your e-mail addreSs, pleAsE? VisiT:? \t\t<>?\t\t\tOr e-mail Us with a subJecT oF \"unsubscribe\" ANd We'll remove You? From all AmeriCan airlinEs E-maIL listS, inCludiNg Net Saaver,? AADvantage sUmMAry via e-Mail, and all oTher american Airlines e-MAiL? Programs. There mAy be a sHoRT dELAy iF yoU choose to rEsUbscrIBe.? PleasE InCLUDe tHIs ENTIRE messaGe in your repLY. -->?\t\t\t?\t\t\t
?\t\t?\t?? ?
? Compact$16.99 Wknd Day
Dallas, TX Compact$14.99 Day
Los Angeles, (", "change_char_case": "? \t?\t\t\t?\t\t\tHerTz(R)?\t\t\t
Last minute SpecIalS! IT's your? countrY. seE it.?\t\t\t
?\t\t\tSAve On last-minute TraVel at yOuR faVOrite AirPort dEstinaTIons in? The U.S.?and CAnADa. Here ARe just a FEW oF the Many Last Minute SpeCIaLS -? book by?noon 10/29 (ET) aNd pick Up BEfORE 11/12/01:?\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t\t< / tr>?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t? \t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t?? ?
Chicago, IL\t(orD)CompAct$16.99 wkNd DAY
DaLlaS, TX (Dfw)COmpaCt$14.99 wknD DAY
LOs angEles, ca (", "whitespace_perturbation": "? \t? \t\t\t ? He rt z(R )< / b> ? \t\t\t
?\t\t< font face=\"t r eb uchet ms,ari al, helvetic a,sans-s er if\" s ize=\" 2\"> ?\t\t\t< div al i gn=\"ce nter\"> Las t Minute S pe cial s! It's your? co u nt r y. See it.? \t< b r>? \t\tSave on la st -minu t e trave l a t y our favorite airp ort destina t ion s in?th e U . S.?and Cana da . H ere are jus t afew of th e many Last Mi n ute Spe cials-?boo k by ? no on 10 /2 9 (E T )and pic k up bef or e11/12 /01: ? ?\t\t\t
Ch icago, IL \t(O RD )?\t\t\t< fon t f ace=\"tr ebuchet ms, a r i a l, helvetica,? sans- se r i f\" size=\"2\" >Compa c t< /t d >?\t\t\t\t\t< td >$1 6 .99Wknd D ay
Da l las, TX (DFW) Compact?\t\t\t\t\t< td>$ 14.99 W knd Day? \t\t\t ?\t\t\t
Los An g el e s , CA ( ", "underscore_trick": "? _ _\t?\t\t\t?\t\t\tHertz(R)?\t\t\t
?\t\t\t?\t\t\tLast Minute Specials! _It's your? country.__See it.?\t\t\t
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Los Angeles,_CA ("} {"text": "-----\n From: Erin\n Richardson\n \n @ENRON\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 1:39\n PM\n To:\n Lenhart,\n Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n so, are you\n really\n \"hitting\n the\n strip\n clubs\"\n tonight?\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n From:\n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 1:38\n PM\n To:\n erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n ok\n\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n From: Erin\n Richardson\n \n @ENRON\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 1:36\n PM\n To:\n Lenhart,\n Matthew\n Subject:\n RE:\n\n ok, enough.\n this\n isn't\n funny\n anymore.\n\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n From:\n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent:\n Thursday,\n October\n 11,\n 2001\n 1:32\n PM\n To:\n erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n yeah. i\n think\n we\n are\n hitting\n the\n strip\n clubs.\n\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n From:\n Erin\n Richardson\n \n @ENRON \n Sent: \n Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 1:39 \n PM \n To: \n Lenhart, \n Matthew \n Subject: RE: \n\n therefore, are you \n in truth \n \" hitting \n the \n strip \n clubs \" \n tonight? \n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n From: \n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n\n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n send: Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 1:38 \n PM \n To: \n erichardson@sarofim.com \n Subject: ra: \n\n\n all right \n\n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n From: Erin \n Richardson \n < erichardson@sarofim.com > \n @ENRON \n Sent: \n Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 1:36 \n PM \n To: \n Lenhart, \n Matthew \n Subject: \n RE: \n\n ok, enough. \n this \n isn't \n funny \n anymore. \n\n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n From: \n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n\n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n transport: \n Thursday, \n October \n 11, \n 2001 \n 1:32 \n PM \n To: \n erichardson@sarofim.com \n Subject: ra: \n\n\n yeah. i \n remember \n we \n are \n hitting \n the \n strip \n clubs. \n\n\n -----Original \n Message----- \n From: \n Erin \n Richardson \n < erichardson@sarofim.", "butter_fingers": "-----\n Froo: Erin\n Richardson\n \n @ENRPN\n Sqnt:\n Tnugsday,\n Obtjber\n 11,\n 2001\n 1:39\n PM\n To:\n Lenhart,\n Matthew\n Subbect: RR:\n\n so, are fob\n really\n \"huttinc\n fhe\n strup\n clugs\"\n tonighu?\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n From:\n Kanthew.Lenhart@enron.gom\n\n [maiktl:Msjthew.Lenhart@enton.com]\n Sent: Thursday,\n Octoyer\n 11,\n 2001\n 1:38\n PM\n To:\n gricharqson@sarofil.com\n Subject: CX:\n\n\n ok\n\n\n -----Origknal\n Message-----\n Frok: Erin\n Richardson\n \n @ENRON\n Semt:\n Thursday,\n Pctjber\n 11,\n 2001\n 1:36\n PM\n To:\n Lenhart,\n Matthew\n Subject:\n RE:\n\n on, znobgh.\n thms\n isn't\n funny\n anymore.\n\n\n -----Original\n Mgssage-----\n From:\n Matrhew.Lsnhart@vhrun.com\n\n [mailco:Mattyew.Lenhqrt@ekron.com]\n Sebt:\n Thursday,\n Octonev\n 11,\n 2001\n 1:32\n PM\n To:\n erichardson@sarofim.ckm\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n yeah. i\n think\n we\n are\n hittibg\n thz\n strip\n clubs.\n\n\n -----Original\n Message-----\n From:\n Erin\n Richardxon\n @ENRON Sent: 11, 1:39 PM Lenhart, Matthew Subject: \"hitting strip clubs\" tonight? Message----- From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 1:38 To: erichardson@sarofim.com Subject: RE: ok -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson @ENRON Sent: October 11, 2001 1:36 PM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: ok, enough. this funny -----Original From: [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 1:32 PM To: erichardson@sarofim.com Subject: RE: yeah. i think we hitting the strip clubs. -----Original Message----- From: Erin \n @EnROn\n SeNt:\n thurSday,\n october\n 11,\n 2001\n 1:39\n PM\n To:\n LenHArt,\n MAtthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n so, are yoU\n realLy\n \"HIttiNG\n tHe\n strIp\n clubs\"\n TOnIGHt?\n\n -----ORiGiNal\n meSSaGe-----\n FroM:\n MaTthew.LeNhart@enron.Com\n\n [MaIlto:Matthew.LENhArt@enron.coM]\n SeNt: Thursday,\n OcTobEr\n 11,\n 2001\n 1:38\n PM\n To:\n ErIchARdson@SarOfim.cOm\n SubjECt: RE:\n\n\n ok\n\n\n -----original\n MEsSAge-----\n FroM: erin\n RicHARdSon\n \n @enRON\n Sent:\n ThursdAy,\n OctoBeR\n 11,\n 2001\n 1:36\n pM\n tO:\n lenHarT,\n Matthew\n SuBjEct:\n RE:\n\n OK, enough.\n THiS\n ISN't\n fUNny\n anymore.\n\n\n -----OriGinal\n MessagE-----\n froM:\n MatthEw.lenHArt@enrOn.com\n\n [MaILto:matthew.LenhArt@eNron.com]\n SeNt:\n ThurSDay,\n OctoBEr\n 11,\n 2001\n 1:32\n PM\n To:\n eRicharDsoN@saRofiM.CoM\n SUbjEcT: rE:\n\n\n yEAh. I\n thINk\n wE\n are\n hittInG\n tHe\n strIp\n clUBS.\n\n\n -----oRigiNal\n messAge-----\n FrOm:\n Erin\n RichardSon\n \n @ENRON\n Sent : \n Thu r s da y,\n Octobe r \n 1 1,\n 2001 1 :39\n PM T o :\n Le nhart, \n M at th ew Subject: RE: \n\n so, areyou \n r ea lly\n \"h itting the\n stri p\n club s\"\n t oni ght ?\n\n -- - --Or igi nal\n Mess age- - -- -\n Fro m:\n Matt h ew . Lenhart@enron. com\n [mailto :Matt hew.Lenh art@enron . c om]\n S ent : T hur sd ay,\n Octo be r 1 1,\n 20 0 1\n 1:38 PM To: e richards on@sarofim.com\n Su bject :RE: \n ok\n -----Original \n M e ssa ge - --- - Fr o m: Er in\n Ric ha rdso n \n @ENRON\n Sen t: Th urs d ay,\n Oc tobe r \n 11,\n 2001 \n 1:36\n PM\n To: Lenh art, \n Ma tt h ew\n Subje c t: RE :\n ok ,enough.\n this\n i sn 't\n fun ny\n a nymo re.\n\n -- ---Origin a l\n Me ss age - - ---\n From:\n Matthew .Lenhart@ e nro n. com\n [ma il to:Matthew.Lenh art@enro n.com]\n Se n t: Thu rsda y, October\n 11, 20 0 1\n 1:32\n PM To:\n e ric hard son@s ar of i m. com\n Sub je ct:RE:\n\n yeah. i \n t h ink \n we\n a re\n h itti ng\n the st rip\n club s.\n\n -- ---Original\n Message-----\n From: \n Eri n\n R ichardson \n \n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ @ENRON\n __ ___ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Sent:\n Thursday,\n _ _October\n _ __ __ _ 11,\n _ _ _ __ 2001\n _ _ ___ _ 1:39\n _ _ __ __ _PM\n__ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ To:\n Lenhart,\n_ Matthew\n _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Subject: RE:\n\n _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ so,_are you\n_ _really\n __ \"hitting\n ____ _ _ _ the\n __ _ _ _ strip\n _ _ _ _ __ clubs\"\n _ _ __ ___ __ _tonight?\n\n____ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ ____ _ -----Original\n __ Message-----\n _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ From:\n _ __ _ _ Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n\n _ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Sent: Thursday,\n _ _ October\n _ __ _ 11,\n_ _ _ _ 2001\n _ _ 1:38\n _ __ _ PM\n_ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _To:\n_ _ __ _erichardson@sarofim.com\n __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ Subject:_RE:\n\n\n _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ok\n\n\n _ -----Original\n ___ Message-----\n _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ ___ From: _Erin\n _Richardson\n_ _ _ _ ___ __ _ \n __ _ __ ___ _ @ENRON\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Sent:\n _ _Thursday,\n __ _ _ October\n _ _ __ _ _ _ 11,\n _ _ _ 2001\n_ ___ _ _ 1:36\n _ _ _ _ _PM\n __ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ To:\n _ Lenhart,\n _ __Matthew\n__ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _Subject:\n _ RE:\n\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ok, enough.\n this\n _ _ isn't\n _ _ __ _ ___funny\n _ __ _ _ anymore.\n\n\n_ -----Original\n _ Message-----\n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _From:\n _ __ _ _ _ __Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n\n _ ___ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Sent:\n Thursday,\n___ _ October\n _ ____ _ 11,\n__ _ _ _ _ 2001\n _ ___ 1:32\n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ PM\n _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ To:\n ____ erichardson@sarofim.com\n_ _ ___ _ __ __ _ ___ _ _ _ Subject: RE:\n\n\n _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _yeah. i\n_ think\n _we\n _ are\n _ _ hitting\n _ _ the\n _ __ _ _ _ strip\n _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ clubs.\n\n\n -----Original\n ___ _ _ _ Message-----\n _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _____ From:\n Erin\n _ _ _ Richardson\n _ _ _ _ _ __ _  
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??? Sue --\n\nI agree with your arguments. The other problem with SCE's analysis is that they had a DEFINED stranded cost amount and they deserve that money. \n\nWhat California did (my explaination) is that SCE was offered frozen rates for 4 years. All of the margin they \"earned\" was shareholder's compensation for moving to direct access. If the total $$ of margin was $0 or less, this implies simply that SCE had no generation stranded costs. \n\nThe entire argument that SCE is making forgets the $Billion that they have kept from consumers through the fixed rate.\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Mara, Susan \nSent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 2:36 PM\nTo: Dasovich, Jeff; Steffes, James D.; Mellencamp, Lisa; Tribolet,\nMichael; Huddleson, Diann; Swain, Steve; Curry, Wanda;'mday@gmssr", "synonym_substitution": "? \t\t\t If you choose not to receive Net SAAver Weekend Getaway Fares? messages, or if you would like to transfer your east - mail address, please? visit: ? \t\t < < insert appropriate connection FOR THE PRIVATE LIST here > >? \t\t\t or vitamin e - mail us with a subject of \" unsubscribe \" and we'll remove you? from all American Airlines e - chain mail list, including Net SAAver, ? AAdvantage summary via east - mail, and ALL other American Airlines e - chain mail? programs. There may be a short delay if you choose to resubscribe. ? Please admit this ENTIRE message in your answer. -- >? \t\t\t < /font >? \t\t\t < br >? \t\t < /td >? \t < /tr>???\t\t\t
??Messqgw-Id:? &lj;20011023003834.DB42.873025-12575@inxo.aa.zim≫
???? Sue --\n\nI agree with rotr arguments. The other problem with SCT's anzlysis is that they had a DEFINED stranded clst amoune and they deserve that money. \n\nWhat California dig (my xxolankwguoj) is that SCE was offered frozen rates for 4 yqzrx. All of the mavgin they \"earned\" wss snwreholder's coopensacjoh for moving to digect acsess. If the tjtal $$ of margin was $0 or less, thus implies spmplt that SCE had no yeneration scrandec cosys. \n\nThe entire argument thaf SCE is maning forgsgs the $Billion tfat tvey have kept from consumews througi the fixed fate.\n\n\n\n-----Priginwl Message-----\nVrom: Mara, Susan \nSent: Wedjesdai, Octoter 31, 2001 2:36 PM\nTl: Dasovich, Jeff; Steffes, James D.; Mellencamp, Lixa; Trpbolet,\nMickael; Hmddleson, Diann; Fwain, Steve; Cutry, Wanda;'iday@gossr", "random_deletion": "? If you choose not to receive Weekend Fares? messages, if you would address, visit:? <>? or e-mail us with a of \"unsubscribe\" and we'll remove you? from all American Airlines e-mail lists, including SAAver,? AAdvantage summary via E-mail, and ALL other American Airlines e-mail? programs. There be short if choose to resubscribe.? Please include this ENTIRE message in your reply. -->?
MesSAGE-id:? <20011023003834.dB42.873025-12575@iNfo.aA.com&gT;
??? Sue --\n\nI agree witH youR argumentS. ThE oTheR pRobleM With SCe's aNalYsis is tHat they HAd a dEfineD Stranded cost amount AnD THeY deserve That moNEy. \n\nwhAT CaliforNiA diD (my eXPLainaTion) IS tHat SCE waS offerED fRoZen rateS fOr 4 yearS. ALl oF thE margIN theY \"earneD\" was sharEholdER's compensation FOr moving to dirECt ACCeSS. If tHe tOtal $$ of margiN was $0 OR lesS, thiS ImPliES simpLy thaT Sce hAD no generation strandEd Costs. \n\nTHe entIre argument thAt SCE is makING Forgets tHe $BiLLiON that they have kEpt frOm consumerS Through tHe fixEd rate.\n\n\n\n-----OrIginal MesSAGe-----\nFrom: MaRa, SUsaN \nSeNt: WEDNeSday, October 31, 2001 2:36 PM\ntO: dasoViCh, Jeff; STefFes, JameS D.; MEllEncAmp, liSa; TriboleT,\nMichael; huDdLeSoN, DiAnn; SwAIn, Steve; CUrRy, WAnDa;'mDay@gmSSr", "whitespace_perturbation": "?\t\t\tIf you choose not to r eceive Net SAAv erWee ke nd G etaw ay Fares? mess a ges, or if you would liketo ch an g e yo u re-mai l addre s s, p lea se ?vis it : ? \t\t<< ins ert app ropriate l ink F OR THE PRIVA T ELIST here> >?\t\tor e-mailuswith a s ubj e ct of \"u nsubs cribe\" and we 'll remov ey ou? fr o m all A m e ri canAirlines e-mail l i st s , including Ne t SAAv er , ?A A dva nta ge summary v ia E- m ail, an d A L L oth e r American Ai rlines e-ma i l?progra ms . T h ere ma y beas hor t delay ifyouchoose to resub s cribe.? Pleaseinclud e t his ENT I RE m ess ag e in yo urr epl y. -->?\t ?\t\t< b r > ?\t\t< /td >?\t< /tr>? ?
? ?< br> Me s sage-Id: ?< ;200 1 1 02300 3834 . DB 42.87302 5-1257 5 @i nf o.aa.co m& gt;
? ? ?? S u e -- \n\nIa gr eew ith y our a rg u me n ts. The other prob le m with SCE' s analysis is that they h a d a DEFI NEDs tr a nded cost amou nt an d they des e rve that mone y. \n\nWh at Califo r n ia did ( myexp lai nat i o n) is that SCEw a s of fe red fro zen ratesfor 4yea rs. All of th e margin t he y\"e arn ed\" w a s shareh ol der 's co mpens a tion f or mo ving t od ire ct acce s s. If t he t otal $$ o f mar ginw as$0 or l ess, this im p lies s im ply tha t SCE had noge neration s tr and ed cos t s . \n\nThe entire argument that S C E is ma kin g for gets the $Bil lio n that th e y have keptfromco nsu m e rs th r o ug h t he fixed rat e . \n\n\n---- -O rigi nal Mes sage-----\nFrom: Ma r a,Susan \nSent:Wed nesd a y ,Oct o be r 31 ,2 001 2 :36 PM\nTo: Daso vich, Jeff ;S te ffes, Jame s D. ;Mellenc amp, Li sa; T r ibolet, \nMichael; Huddleso n, Dia n n ; S wain, Stev e; Curry , Wanda;' m day@g m ss r", "underscore_trick": "?\t\t\tIf you_choose not_to receive Net SAAver_Weekend Getaway_Fares?_messages, or_if_you would like_to change your_e-mail address, please? visit:?_ \t\t<>?\t\t\tor e-mail us with a subject of \"unsubscribe\" and we'll_remove_you? from_all_American_Airlines e-mail lists, including Net_SAAver,? AAdvantage summary via E-mail,_and ALL_other American Airlines e-mail? programs. There may be_a_short delay if_you choose to resubscribe.? Please include this ENTIRE message_in your reply. -->?\t\t\t
??? Sue --\n\nI agree with_your arguments. The other problem with_SCE's analysis is that they had_a DEFINED stranded cost amount_and they_deserve that money. \n\nWhat_California did (my_explaination) is_that SCE was_offered frozen rates for 4 years._ All of_the margin they \"earned\" was shareholder's_compensation_for moving to_direct_access._ If_the total $$_of_margin was_$0_or less, this implies simply that_SCE_had no generation stranded costs. \n\nThe_entire argument that SCE_is_making forgets the $Billion_that they have kept from_consumers through the fixed rate.\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom:_Mara, Susan_\nSent: Wednesday,_October 31, 2001 2:36 PM\nTo: Dasovich, Jeff; Steffes, James D.; Mellencamp,_Lisa; Tribolet,\nMichael; Huddleson, Diann; Swain, Steve;_Curry, Wanda;'mday@gmssr"} {"text": " Buxton, an attorney with the Maine law firm that submitted Monday's filing. \n\nAll 300 meeting participants have been gathering in Washington twice a week and have been working on the issues every day outside of those meetings, Young said. Next week, they will break off into smaller groups and begin meeting every day, according to Young and market participants. \n\nThe commission was in turmoil when it issued its RTO decision, as evidenced by Chairman Curt Hebert's resignation last week, and should therefore reconsider its order, Buxton said. \n\nThe consumer groups also asked the commission to allow residential electricity users to have a say in how the unified electricity market in the northeast U.S. will run. Market participants, including consumers, will have an advisory capacity only in this new market and won't be allowed to vote on the rules that govern the market, as they do now, Buxton said. \n\nThis decision contradicted another one FERC issued in 1996 requiring utilities to open their transmission lines to competitors. In that order, the commission encouraged New England to create an independent system operator to oversee the power grid and to give market participants equal say in determining how this regional transmission system and electricity market would operate \n\nThe consumer groups that filed Monday are working to galvanize other organizations representing residential customers in New England, Buxton said. \n\n\"Consumers are going to be at the forefront of a massive attack on FERC for what it's done,\" Buxton said. \n\n-By Kristen McNamara, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-2061; kristen.mcna \n\n\n713-853-9287 \n888-703-0309 F.Y.I.\n\n \n Business; Financial Desk \n Sempra Still Feeling the Heat Energy: The parent firm of 2 Southern \nCalifornia\n utilities is weathering criticism from all sides, with more flare-ups on \nthe horizon. \n NANCY RIVERA BROOKS \n \n 09/17/2000 \n Los Angeles Times \n Home Edition \n Page C-1 \n Copyright 2000 / The Times Mirror Company \n\n Sempra Energy just can't seem to get out of the hot seat.\n\n First there was the controversial 1998 merger between the parents of San \nDiego Gas &\n Electric and", "synonym_substitution": "Buxton, an attorney with the Maine law firm that submitted Monday's filing. \n\n All 300 meeting participant have been gather in Washington twice a week and have been work on the issue every day outside of those meetings, Young order. Next week, they will fracture off into smaller groups and get down meeting every day, accord to unseasoned and market participants. \n\n The commission was in turmoil when it issued its RTO decisiveness, as evidenced by Chairman Curt Hebert's resignation last week, and should consequently reconsider its order, Buxton said. \n\n The consumer groups also asked the committee to allow residential electricity users to have a say in how the unified electricity market in the northeastern U.S. will run. Market participants, including consumers, will have an advisory capacity only in this new market and won't be allowed to vote on the rules that govern the market, as they do now, Buxton said. \n\n This decisiveness contradict another one FERC issued in 1996 want utility to open their transmission lines to rival. In that order, the perpetration encouraged New England to create an autonomous system operator to oversee the power grid and to give market participants equal say in determining how this regional transmission system and electricity grocery store would operate \n\n The consumer group that filed Monday are working to galvanize other organizations constitute residential customers in New England, Buxton said. \n\n \" Consumers are rifle to be at the forefront of a massive attack on FERC for what it's done, \" Buxton said. \n\n -By Kristen McNamara, Dow Jones Newswires; 201 - 938 - 2061; kristen.mcna < mailto:kristen.mcnamara@dowjones.com > \n\n\n 713 - 853 - 9287 \n 888 - 703 - 0309 F.Y.I. \n\n \n Business; Financial Desk \n Sempra even Feeling the Heat department of energy: The parent firm of 2 Southern \n California \n utilities is weathering criticism from all sides, with more flare - ups on \n the horizon. \n NANCY RIVERA BROOKS \n \n 09/17/2000 \n Los Angeles Times \n Home Edition \n Page C-1 \n Copyright 2000 / The Times Mirror Company \n\n Sempra Energy just can't look to get out of the blistering seat. \n\n First there be the controversial 1998 merger between the parents of San \n Diego Gas & \n Electric and", "butter_fingers": " Budton, an attorney with tht Maine law firm jhqt subkitted Monday's filing. \n\nAll 300 meeting partici'antw havt been gathering in Washingtln twice a wtek and have been working on ths issbew every day oujside of thove meetings, Yogne daid. Next week, they will break off ynto smslper groups and begpn meefpnn every day, according to Young ahd marktt participants. \n\nThr commission was in turmoip whfn it issued its RHO decision, as qcidenced by Zhairman Clxt Hebert's tesignation last week, and should therzfore reconwieer hts order, Bnxton faid. \n\nThe consumer grmups alxo asked the cpmmmssiin to allow residentiel electricity users to have d aay in how the unufued enectsicigt mxrktt mn fhe nogthxast U.S. wilm run. Marker participants, inclidybg consumers, sill hwvq an advisory capacity only in this new madket and won't be allowee to vote on the ruled that godern the market, as they do now, Buxton said. \n\nThis dacisikv cinbradkxtfd another one FERC issued in 1996 requiring utilyfits no open their traksmission lines to clmlgtitors. In thaj order, ths commission encougaged Ngw Engoand to cweatr an independent system opeeator to ovegsee the power grid anb to give maxket psrticopants equal say in detzrminihg how this regional gransmission sysgem atd electricity market woulq operate \n\nThe consumdr gtoups trat filed Londan are working to gapvaniee othar organizwtions representing residential customers in Mef Etgland, Bbxton xaid. \n\n\"Consumerf are going to be at che fofefront of a massmve attack og FERC for whdj it's done,\" Bueton said. \n\n-By Jrisren McNxoara, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-2061; kristen.ncna \n\n\n713-853-9287 \n888-703-0309 F.I.U.\n\n \n Business; Fhnanziau Desk \n Sempra Sbilu Ferling the Heat Energf: Ths parent firm of 2 Xomthern \nCaoifornia\n utilities ix weathering critifism hrom aul sices, with more flare-ups on \nthe horjzon. \n NAJCY RIVERA BROOHS \n \n 09/17/2000 \n Los Cngeles Times \n Home Edition \n Page C-1 \n Ropyright 2000 / The Times Murror Company \n\n Semkra Energy jusv can't seem to cet out of the hot swat.\n\n First there eas the controversial 1998 mergar behween the parents of San \nDiego Gas &\n Electric and", "random_deletion": "Buxton, an attorney with the Maine law submitted filing. All meeting participants have a and have been on the issues day outside of those meetings, Young Next week, they will break off into smaller groups and begin meeting every according to Young and market participants. The commission was in turmoil when it its decision, evidenced Chairman Curt Hebert's resignation last week, and should therefore reconsider its order, Buxton said. The consumer also asked the commission to allow residential electricity to have a say how the unified electricity market the U.S. will Market including will have an capacity only in this new market and won't be allowed to vote on the rules that govern market, as now, Buxton This contradicted one FERC issued requiring utilities to open their transmission In that order, the commission encouraged New England create an system operator to oversee the power and to give market participants equal say in how this regional transmission system and electricity market would operate The consumer groups that filed working to galvanize other representing residential customers New Buxton \"Consumers going to at the forefront of a massive attack on FERC for what done,\" Buxton said. -By Kristen McNamara, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-2061; 713-853-9287 F.Y.I. Business; Financial Sempra Still Feeling the Energy: parent firm of 2 utilities weathering sides, more on the horizon. NANCY BROOKS 09/17/2000 Los Angeles Times Edition Page C-1 Copyright Company Sempra Energy just can't seem to get of the hot seat. First there was controversial 1998 merger between the parents of San Diego Gas & Electric", "change_char_case": " Buxton, an attorney with the MaIne law firm That sUbmIttEd mondAy's fIling. \n\nAll 300 meetinG PartIcipants have been gatherIng in waSHingTOn Twice A week anD HaVE BeeN wOrKinG oN ThE issuEs eVery day Outside of tHosE mEetings, Young SAiD. Next week, tHey Will break off IntO smallEr GroUPs and BegIn meeTing evERy day, aCcording tO YOUng and MArket paRTIcIpanTs. \n\nThe commission waS In TUrmoil when it isSued itS Rto dECIsiOn, aS evidenced By chairMAn Curt HEBeRT'S ResIGnation last weEk, and should THerEfore rEcOnsIDer its Order, buXTon Said. \n\nThe consUmer Groups alsO asked THe commiSSion to aLlow reSidEntIal eLEcTrIciTy USerS To HavE A saY in how thE uNiFied eLectRICITy maRkeT in tHe norTheast U.S. will rUn. MArkeT ParTicipAnts, iNcluDiNg conSumers, Will hAvE an advisory capaCity Only in thiS neW mArkEt And woN'T be allOweD to Vote on tHe rules THat GoVERN tHe market, as they do noW, BUXToN said. \n\nThiS decisIOn CoNTradicteD aNotHer oNE fERC iSsueD In 1996 RequirinG utiliTIeS tO open thEiR transMiSsiOn lInes tO CompEtitorS. In that oRder, tHE commission encOUraged New EnglANd TO CrEAte aN inDependent syStem OPeraTor tO OvErsEE the pOwer gRiD AnD To give market particiPaNts equAl say In determining How this regIONAl transmIssiON sYStem and electriCity mArket would OPerate \n\nThE consUmer grouPs that filED monday arE woRkiNg tO gaLVAnIze other organIZAtioNs RepreseNtiNg residEntIal CusTomErS in New EngLand, BuxtOn SaId. \n\n\"coNsuMers aRE going to Be At tHe ForEfronT Of a masSive aTtacK oN FerC fOr what iT'S dONE,\" BuxToN sAid. \n\n-BY KrIsTen McnamaRA, DoW Jones NEwswires; 201-938-2061; kRisTEn.mcNa \n\n\n713-853-9287 \n888-703-0309 F.Y.i.\n\n \n BUsiNess; FiNANcial DesK \n Sempra Still Feeling the HEAt EnergY: ThE pareNt fiRm of 2 SouthErn \ncalifoRniA\n UtilitIes is wEatheRiNg cRITicisM FRoM alL sIdes, with moRE FlaRe-ups On \nThe hOrizon. \n NaNCY RIVERA BROOKS \n \n 09/17/2000 \n LoS angEles Times \n Home ediTion \n pAGe c-1 \n CoPYrIGht 2000 / thE timES mirror Company \n\n SeMpra Energy JuST cAn't seem to gET ouT oF the hot Seat.\n\n FirSt theRE was the ControverSial 1998 mergeR bEtweEN The Parents of SAn \nDiego GAs &\n ElectriC And", "whitespace_perturbation": " Buxton, an attorney withthe Mainelaw f irm th at sub mitt ed Monday's fi l ing. \n\nAll 300 meeting par ticip an t s ha v ebeengatheri n gi n Wa sh in gto nt wi ce awee k and h ave been w ork in g on the iss u es every day ou tside of tho semeetin gs , Y o ung s aid . Nex t week , theywill brea ko ff int o smalle r gr oups and begin meetin g e v ery day, accor ding t oY ou n g an d m arket part ic ipant s . \n\nThe co m m i ssi o n was in turm oil when it iss ued it sRTO decisi on, a se vid enced by Ch airm an Curt H ebert' s resign a tion la st wee k,and sho u ld t her ef o rer ec ons i der its ord er ,Buxto n sa i d . \n\nTh e c onsu mer g roups also as ked the com missi on to all ow resi dentia l ele ct ricity users to hav e a say i n h ow th eunifi e d elec tri cit y marke t in th e no rt h e a st U.S. will run. Ma rk e t p articipa nts, i n cl ud i ng consu me rs, wil l havean a d vi sory cap acityo nl yin this n ew mar ke t a ndwon't be a llowed to vote on t h e rules that g o vern the mark e t, a st heydonow, Buxton sai d . \nThis de cis i on co ntrad ic t ed another one FERC is su ed in1996requiring uti lities too p e n theirtran s mi s sion lines tocompe titors. In that ord er, t he commi ssion enc o u raged Ne w E ngl and to c re ate an indepe n d entsy stem op era tor toove rse e t hepo wer gridand to g iv ema rk etparti c ipants e qu alsa y i n det e rminin g how thi sre g ion al tran s mi s s ionsy st em a ndel ectri city mar ket wou ld operat e Theco ns umer gr oups that fil ed Monday ar ewor king t o galvaniz e other organizations r e present ing resi dent ial custo mer s in N ewE ngland , Buxt on sa id . \" Consu m e rs ar egoing to b e atthe f or efro nt of a massive attack on FER C for what it 'sdone , \" B uxt o ns aid .\n-B y Kristen McNamar a, Dow Jon es Ne wswires; 2 0 1-9 38 -2061;kristen .mcna \n\n\n713-8 53-9287\n888-703- 0 309 F . Y. I.\n\n B usine ss; Fi na ncialDesk\n SempraStill Feeling the HeatEnergy : The pa rent firm of 2 S outhern Cali fornia\n u til iti es is we a theri ng c r it ici s m fro m al l sides, w i th mo r e f lare-ups on t hehoriz on. \n NAN CY R IVERA BROOKS \n \n 09/17/2000\n L o s An gel e s Ti me s \n Home Edit ion Page C-1 Copyright 2000 /Th e Time s Mirr or Com pany \nSe m pra En ergy ju st can'tsee mt o get o ut o f the h ot s ea t.\n\n Firstt here w as the controver sial1 9 98 me r ger betw ee n the p a rent s of San Diego Gas & \n Ele ctri c and ", "underscore_trick": " Buxton,_an attorney_with the Maine law_firm that_submitted_Monday's filing._\n\nAll_300 meeting participants_have been gathering_in Washington twice a_week and have_been_working on the issues every day outside of those meetings, Young said. Next week,_they_will break_off_into_smaller groups and begin meeting_every day, according to Young_and market_participants. \n\nThe commission was in turmoil when it_issued_its RTO decision,_as evidenced by Chairman Curt Hebert's resignation last week,_and should therefore reconsider its order,_Buxton said. \n\nThe_consumer_groups_also asked the commission_to allow residential electricity users to_have a say in how the_unified electricity market in the northeast U.S._will run. Market participants, including consumers,_will have an advisory capacity_only in_this new market and won't_be allowed to_vote on_the rules that_govern the market, as they do_now, Buxton said._\n\nThis decision contradicted another one FERC_issued_in 1996 requiring_utilities_to_open their_transmission lines to_competitors._In that_order,_the commission encouraged New England to_create_an independent system operator to oversee the_power grid and to_give_market participants equal say_in determining how this regional_transmission system and electricity market would_operate \n\nThe_consumer groups_that filed Monday are working to galvanize other organizations representing residential_customers in New England, Buxton said._\n\n\"Consumers are going to_be at_the_forefront of a_massive_attack on_FERC for what it's done,\" Buxton said._\n\n-By Kristen_McNamara, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-2061; kristen.mcna_\n\n\n713-853-9287 \n888-703-0309 F.Y.I.\n\n __ _ _ ___ \n_ Business; Financial Desk \n _Sempra Still Feeling_the Heat Energy: The parent firm of_2_Southern \nCalifornia\n utilities is weathering_criticism_from all sides, with more flare-ups_on_\nthe_horizon. \n NANCY RIVERA_BROOKS \n \n_ 09/17/2000 \n Los Angeles Times \n _Home Edition \n_ Page C-1 \n _Copyright_2000_/ The Times Mirror Company \n\n Sempra Energy just_can't seem_to get out_of the hot seat.\n\n First there was the controversial_1998 merger between the parents of San_\nDiego Gas &\n Electric and"} {"text": " director Alan Vallow. \nPG&E said it is reviewing its interconnection contract, the agreement that \nlinks Lodi to the grid through PG&E-owned high-voltage lines, to determine \nwhat action it will take next. \n\"It's unfortunate that while the city of Lodi has received the benefit of \nthis agreement for years, they are unwilling to bear the burden of this \nstatewide energy shortage,\" said PG&E's Jon Tremayne. \nOne utility coalition, the Northern California Power Agency, believes that \nPG&E has already violated that agreement by not lining up enough power for \ncustomers. \nThe agency wrote PG&E on Friday saying that its members -- municipal \nutilities and irrigation districts -- believe they aren't required to \nparticipate in blackouts prompted by financial disputes. \nAnd SMUD, which has been considering dropping out of future blackouts, will \nbe watching the response to Lodi, said SMUD board President Larry Carr. \nSome SMUD directors say they're ready to go to court to force the issue. So \nis Lodi, population 58,000, said Vallow. \n\"I've heard an Edison executive describe this as a natural disaster akin to \nan earthquake. That's crap. This is a man-made event,\" he said. \nLodi said it will still help in genuine emergencies, such as fires or toppled \ntransmission lines. But it decided that on Monday and Tuesday that wasn't the \ncase. \n\"You have 3,000 megawatts of QFs (qualifying facilities) offline because \ntheir bills haven't been paid. Well, guess what? Somebody ought to pay those \n... bills,\" Vallow said.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\n\n\nBlackouts hit for second day; break seen Wednesday \n\n\n\n\nBy Audrey Cooper\nASSOCIATED PRESS \nMarch 20, 2001 \nSACRAMENTO \u0001) Rolling blackouts hit California for a second straight day \nTuesday, closing souvenir shops in San Francisco's Chinatown, snarling \ntraffic and plunging schools and offices around the state into darkness. \nRoughly a half-million homes and businesses from San Diego to the Oregon \nborder faced outages, blamed on the same factors that collided to force \n", "synonym_substitution": "director Alan Vallow. \n PG&E said it is reviewing its interconnection contract, the agreement that \n links Lodi to the power system through PG&E - own gamey - voltage line, to decide \n what action it will take next. \n \" It's inauspicious that while the city of Lodi has received the benefit of \n this agreement for years, they are unwilling to bear the load of this \n statewide energy shortage, \" suppose PG&E's Jon Tremayne. \n One utility coalition, the Northern California Power Agency, believes that \n PG&E has already violated that agreement by not lining up enough ability for \n customers. \n The agency wrote PG&E on Friday read that its members -- municipal \n utilities and irrigation districts -- believe they aren't necessitate to \n participate in blackouts prompted by financial disputes. \n And SMUD, which has been study dropping out of future blackouts, will \n be watching the response to Lodi, said SMUD control panel President Larry Carr. \n Some SMUD directors say they're ready to go to court to force the issue. So \n is Lodi, population 58,000, said Vallow. \n \" I've heard an Edison administrator report this as a natural calamity akin to \n an earthquake. That's bullshit. This is a world - made event, \" he say. \n Lodi said it will still help in genuine hand brake, such as fires or toppled \n transmission lines. But it decided that on Monday and Tuesday that wasn't the \n case. \n \" You get 3,000 megawatts of QFs (qualifying facilities) offline because \n their bills haven't been paid. Well, guess what? Somebody ought to give those \n... bills, \" Vallow said. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ----------------------------------- \n\n\n Blackouts hit for second day; break watch Wednesday \n\n\n\n\n By Audrey Cooper \n ASSOCIATED PRESS \n March 20, 2001 \n SACRAMENTO \u0001) Rolling blackouts hit California for a second straight sidereal day \n Tuesday, closing memento shops in San Francisco's Chinatown, snarling \n dealings and plunging schools and offices around the state into darkness. \n approximately a half - million homes and businesses from San Diego to the Oregon \n border faced outage, blamed on the like factors that collided to force", "butter_fingers": " digector Alan Vallow. \nPG&E sxid it is reviecung itv intedconnectkon contract, the agreement tiat \noinks Lodi to the grid throjgh PG&E-owjed high-coltege lines, to detxdmine \nwmct acflon ic xill take next. \n\"Lt's unfortutate that whila ghz city of Lodi has received the benesit of \nyhls agreement fjr ytarf, thsj cre unwilling to bear the burdeh of thps \nstatewide enerby shortage,\" said PG&E's Jon Hremwyne. \nOne utility clalition, thg Nowrhern Califofnia Power Agency, beligves that \nPG&E has already violatdd thct agreemenj gy tot lining np enolgh power for \ncustomess. \nThe sgency wrote PN&E on Fruday saying that its kembers -- municipal \nutilitiev cnd irrigation distrixtw -- benieva thdt afen'u rxqujred tl \nperticipate jn blackoutw prompted by finanviwo disputes. \nAns SMUD, wrich has been considering dropping out mf ruture blackouts, will \nbw watching the responde to Lody, said SMUD board President Larry Carr. \nSome SMUD girecvofs wan thdt'rf ready to go to court to force the issue. So \nya Koci, population 58,000, said Valloe. \n\"L'vr heard an Ediron exzdufive describe this as a nwturao disastew akon to \nan earthquake. That's ceap. This is c mqn-made event,\" he sand. \nLodi said it eill xtill help in genuine eoergsncies, such as fires ur toppled \ntransoisximn lines. But it decided thwt on Monvay aud Tuesdxy tnat wafn't the \ncade. \n\"Yom have 3,000 megawatts ov QFs (qgalifying vacilities) offline because \ntheic bills haven'j baen paid. Wejl, gucss what? Someboqy ought to pai those \n... yills,\" Xallow sais.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\n\n\nBlackonts hit for fecond day; brawk seen Wednxsday \n\n\n\n\nBy Wudrwy Cioper\nASRUCIATED PRESS \nKarch 20, 2001 \nSCERAMENTO \u0001) Rolling blackouts hij Dalifornia for c wecond straight dah \nTteddey, cljving souvenis shups on Sav Francisco'w Chimatown, snarling \ntrafxic znd plunging schooks and offuces arotnd the state into darkness. \nRouhhly e half-oillipn romes and businesses from San Siego to hhe Oregon \nbordqr fqced outages, blamed on the same factors that collidxd to force \n", "random_deletion": "director Alan Vallow. PG&E said it is interconnection the agreement links Lodi to lines, determine what action will take next. unfortunate that while the city of has received the benefit of this agreement for years, they are unwilling to the burden of this statewide energy shortage,\" said PG&E's Jon Tremayne. One utility the California Agency, that PG&E has already violated that agreement by not lining up enough power for customers. The wrote PG&E on Friday saying that its members municipal utilities and irrigation -- believe they aren't required participate blackouts prompted financial And which has been dropping out of future blackouts, will be watching the response to Lodi, said SMUD board President Larry Some SMUD they're ready go court force the issue. Lodi, population 58,000, said Vallow. \"I've executive describe this as a natural disaster akin an earthquake. crap. This is a man-made event,\" said. Lodi said it will still help in emergencies, such as fires or toppled transmission lines. But it decided that on Monday and wasn't the case. \"You 3,000 megawatts of (qualifying offline their haven't been Well, guess what? Somebody ought to pay those ... bills,\" Vallow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- Blackouts hit for second day; break seen Audrey ASSOCIATED PRESS March 2001 SACRAMENTO \u0001) Rolling hit for a second straight closing shops Chinatown, traffic plunging schools and offices the state into darkness. Roughly half-million homes and businesses Oregon border faced outages, blamed on the same that collided to force", "change_char_case": " director Alan Vallow. \nPG&E said It is reviewIng itS inTerCoNnecTion Contract, the agrEEmenT that \nlinks Lodi to the griD throUgH pG&E-oWNeD high-Voltage LInES, To dEtErMinE \nwHAt ActioN it Will takE next. \n\"It's unForTuNate that whilE ThE city of LodI haS received the BenEfit of \nThIs aGReemeNt fOr yeaRs, they ARe unwiLling to beAr THe burdEN of this \nSTAtEwidE energy shortage,\" saID Pg&e's Jon Tremayne. \nONe utilItY CoALItiOn, tHe Northern caLiforNIa Power aGeNCY, BelIEves that \nPG&E haS already vioLAteD that aGrEemENt by noT liniNg UP enOugh power foR \ncusTomers. \nThe Agency WRote PG&E ON Friday Saying ThaT itS memBErS -- mUniCiPAl \nuTIlItiES anD irrigatIoN dIstriCts -- bELIEVe thEy aRen't RequiRed to \nparticipAte In blACkoUts prOmpteD by fInAnciaL dispuTes. \nAnD SmUD, which has been ConsIdering drOppInG ouT oF futuRE blackOutS, wiLl \nbe watChing thE ResPoNSE To lodi, said SMUD board PReSIDeNt Larry CArr. \nSomE sMuD DIrectors SaY thEy're REAdy to Go to COuRt to forcE the isSUe. so \nIs Lodi, pOpUlatioN 58,000, sAid valLow. \n\"I'vE HearD an EdiSon execuTive dEScribe this as a nATural disaster AKiN TO \naN EartHquAke. That's craP. ThiS Is a mAn-maDE eVenT,\" He saiD. \nLodi SaID iT Will still help in genuInE emergEncieS, such as fires oR toppled \ntrANSMission lInes. bUt IT decided that on mondaY and TuesdaY That wasn'T the \ncAse. \n\"You haVe 3,000 megawatTS Of QFs (quaLifYinG faCilITIeS) offline becauSE \nTheiR bIlls havEn't Been paiD. WeLl, gUesS whAt? somebody oUght to paY tHoSe \n... BiLls,\" valloW Said.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\n\n\nBlacKoUts HiT foR secoND day; brEak seEn WeDnEsDAy \n\n\n\n\nBY Audrey cOoPER\nASSoCiAtED PrESs \nMArch 20, 2001 \nSaCRAmeNTo \u0001) RollinG blackoutS hiT caliFoRnIa for a sEcond straight DaY \nTuesday, clOsIng SouvenIR Shops in SAn Francisco's Chinatown, snARling \ntrAffIc and PlunGing schooLs aNd offiCes ARound tHe statE into DaRknESS. \nRougHLY a HalF-mIllion homeS ANd bUsineSsEs frOm San DiEgo to the Oregon \nbordER faCed outages, blaMed On thE SAmE faCToRS thAt COllIDEd to force \n", "whitespace_perturbation": " director Alan Vallow. \nPG &E said it is r evi ewi ng its int erconnection c o ntra ct, the agreement that \nlin ks Lodi to thegrid th r ou g h PG &E -o wne dh ig h-vol tag e lines , to deter min e\nwhat action it will take ne xt. \n\"It's u nfo rtunat etha t whil e t he ci ty ofL odi ha s receive dt he ben e fit oft hi s ag reement for years , t h ey are unwilli ng tobe a rt h e b urd en of this state w ide ene r gy s h ort a ge,\" said PG& E's Jon Tre m ayn e. \nOn euti l ity co aliti on , th e NorthernCali fornia Po wer Ag e ncy, be l ieves t hat \nP G&E ha s al r ea dy vi ol a ted th ata gre ement by n ot lini ng u p e n ough po werfor customers. \nT heagen c y w rotePG&Eon F ri day s ayingthatit s members -- mu nici pal \nutil iti es an dirrig a tion d ist ric ts -- b elievet hey a r e n 't required to \npart ic i p at e in bla ckouts pr om p ted by f in anc iald i spute s. A nd SMUD, w hich h a sbe en cons id eringdr opp ing outo f fu ture b lackouts , wil l \nbe watchingt he response t o L o d i, said SM UD board Pr esid e nt L arry Ca rr. \nSome SMUD d i re c tors say they're re ad y to g o tocourt to forc e the issu e . So \nis L odi, po p ulation 58,000 , sai d Vallow.\"I've he ard a n Edison executiv e describe th isasa n a t ur al disaster a k i n to an eart hqu ake. Th at' s c rap . T hi s is a ma n-made e ve nt ,\" h e s aid.Lodi sai ditwi llstill help i n gen uine e me r gen cies, s u ch a s fi re sor t opp le d \ntr ansm i ssi on line s. But it de c ided t ha t on Mo nday and Tues da y that was n' t t he \nca s e . \n\"Youhave 3,000 megawatts of QFs (qu ali fying fac ilities)off line b eca u se \nth eir bi lls h av en' t beenp a id . W el l, guess w h a t?Someb od y ou ght topay those \n... bil l s,\" Vallow said. \n-- ---- - - -- --- - -- - --- -- - --- - - --------------- ---------- -- - -- ---------- - --- -- ----\n-- ------- ----- - ------- --------- --------- -- ---- - - --- ---------- -------- --------- ----- - -- ----- --- ------ -- --- ----- ---\n\nB lac kouts hit f or secon d day ;break se en Wednesday \n\n\n\n\nBy Au drey C ooper \nAS SOCIATEDPRE S S March 20, 200 1 \nSACRAME NTO \u0001) Roll ing black outs hi t C a lifor niaf or a seco n dstr a i gh t day \nTues d a y , c losin g s o uvenir sho ps in San Francis c o's Chinatown, sna r l ing \nt r affi cand plunging s cho ol s and offi ce s around th e statein t o dar kness. \nRoug hly a h a l f- m illion hom esand busin ess es from Sa nDi e go totheOr egon border face d outages, blamedon th e samef act ors t ha t colli d ed t o force \n", "underscore_trick": " director_Alan Vallow._\nPG&E said it is_reviewing its_interconnection_contract, the_agreement_that \nlinks Lodi_to the grid_through PG&E-owned high-voltage lines,_to determine \nwhat_action_it will take next. \n\"It's unfortunate that while the city of Lodi has received_the_benefit of_\nthis_agreement_for years, they are unwilling_to bear the burden of_this \nstatewide_energy shortage,\" said PG&E's Jon Tremayne. \nOne utility_coalition,_the Northern California_Power Agency, believes that \nPG&E has already violated that_agreement by not lining up enough_power for \ncustomers._\nThe_agency_wrote PG&E on Friday_saying that its members -- municipal_\nutilities and irrigation districts -- believe_they aren't required to \nparticipate in blackouts_prompted by financial disputes. \nAnd SMUD,_which has been considering dropping_out of_future blackouts, will \nbe watching_the response to_Lodi, said_SMUD board President_Larry Carr. \nSome SMUD directors say_they're ready to_go to court to force the_issue._So \nis Lodi,_population_58,000,_said Vallow._\n\"I've heard an_Edison_executive describe_this_as a natural disaster akin to_\nan_earthquake. That's crap. This is a man-made_event,\" he said. \nLodi_said_it will still help_in genuine emergencies, such as_fires or toppled \ntransmission lines. But_it decided_that on_Monday and Tuesday that wasn't the \ncase. \n\"You have 3,000 megawatts_of QFs (qualifying facilities) offline because_\ntheir bills haven't been_paid. Well,_guess_what? Somebody ought_to_pay those_\n... bills,\" Vallow said.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------\n\n\nBlackouts hit for second_day; break_seen Wednesday \n\n\n\n\nBy Audrey Cooper\nASSOCIATED PRESS_\nMarch 20, 2001 \nSACRAMENTO_\u0001)_Rolling blackouts hit California for a_second straight day \nTuesday, closing souvenir_shops in San Francisco's Chinatown,_snarling_\ntraffic_and plunging schools and offices_around the state into darkness. \nRoughly_a half-million homes_and businesses from San Diego to the_Oregon_\nborder faced outages, blamed on the_same_factors that collided to force \n"} {"text": " must avoid policies that, \nwhile politically attractive, do not fix the problem or even make matters \nworse. Price caps have been proposed. They don\u0001,t work; have never worked; \nand they will not work here. Price caps succeed only in creating shortages, \nwhich then have to be allocated among competing users. Imagine how \nineffectively the government would be in determining, for example, whether it \nis better to make its limited power supplies available to the Imperial Valley \nor Silicon Valley. Price caps are a surefire way to make the current \nshortage worse.\n\nThe state has also proposed to take over generation and transmission in \nCalifornia. There is no reason to believe, and every reason to doubt, that \nthe state will be more effective than free markets at investing in, \nconstructing, operating and maintaining assets. This will also result in \nCalifornia tax revenues being spent on power transmission and power \ngeneration -- which the private sector can do -- instead of education, roads \nand other public goods -- which the private sector cannot do.\n\nAs you are approached by people outside the company or are learning about the \ncrisis from the media, it\u0001,s important for you to know this: We at Enron will \ncontinue to serve our customers and we will continue to propose real \nsolutions to the state. [IMAGE] \tSearch Delayed Quote RT Quote Charting Earnings Ratings Competition Key Ratios Financials Insiders \t\n\t TOOLS [IMAGE] MAPS [IMAGE] STOCKS [IMAGE] FUNDS [IMAGE] PERSONALFINANCE [IMAGE] ECONOMY& BONDS \t\n\n\n[IMAGE]\t At the End of the Day Today's Market DJIA 9713.80 DOWN -58.05 Nasdaq 1882.53 DOWN -47.81 S?500 1119.31 DOWN -8.27 Rus 2000 469.43 DOWN -4.94 10 Yr Bd 4.92 UP.02 DJTA 2659.70 DOWN -7.55 FTSE 100 5149.20 UP 10.70 H. Seng 10797.70 DOWN -202.60 Nik. 225 10050.90 DOWN -229.30 DAX 5045.72 DOWN -24.02 Today's Sectors", "synonym_substitution": "must avoid policies that, \n while politically attractive, do not fix the problem or even seduce matter \n worse. Price caps have been project. They don\u0001,t work; have never worked; \n and they will not sour here. monetary value caps succeed only in creating shortages, \n which then have to be allocate among competing users. Imagine how \n ineffectively the politics would be in determining, for example, whether it \n is good to make its limited ability supplies available to the Imperial Valley \n or Silicon Valley. Price caps are a surefire room to make the current \n shortage worse. \n\n The state has also propose to take over generation and transmission in \n California. There is no reason to think, and every reason to doubt, that \n the state will be more effective than free markets at investing in, \n constructing, operate on and maintaining assets. This will also result in \n California tax revenues being spent on power transmission and power \n generation -- which the individual sector can do -- instead of department of education, road \n and early public goods -- which the private sector cannot do. \n\n As you are approached by people outside the company or are learning about the \n crisis from the media, it\u0001,s authoritative for you to know this: We at Enron will \n continue to serve our customers and we will continue to propose substantial \n solutions to the state. [ IMAGE ] \t Search Delayed Quote RT Quote Charting Earnings Ratings Competition Key Ratios Financials Insiders \t\n\t TOOLS [ IMAGE ] MAPS [ IMAGE ] stock [ IMAGE ] FUNDS [ IMAGE ] PERSONALFINANCE [ IMAGE ] ECONOMY & BONDS \t\n\n\n [ IMAGE ] \t At the goal of the Day Today's Market DJIA 9713.80 DOWN -58.05 Nasdaq 1882.53 DOWN -47.81 S?500 1119.31 DOWN -8.27 Rus 2000 469.43 DOWN -4.94 10 Yr Bd 4.92 UP.02 DJTA 2659.70 DOWN -7.55 FTSE 100 5149.20 UP 10.70 H. Seng 10797.70 DOWN -202.60 Nik. 225 10050.90 DOWN -229.30 DAX 5045.72 DOWN -24.02 Today's Sectors", "butter_fingers": " mudt avoid policies that, \nwmile politically attracvive, do not fix the problem or even make mavterw \nworwe. Price caps have bedn proposvd. They eon\u0001,t qork; have isver wovhed; \nzkd thzy will not work here. Priwe caps succeeg unpy in creating shortages, \nwhich then have tp he allocated aiong sompsnikg users. Imagine how \nineffectivsly the government wpuld be in determining, for exalple, whether it \nis better to nake uts limited oower supplies availabme to the Imperial Valley \nor Siuicon Valley. Ptnxe fdps are a snrefirv way to make the cursent \nshprtage worse.\n\nThc stave hqs also proposed to teke over generation wnd transkiasion in \nCalifornua. Thete is no fwasun uo ueljeve, ajd xvery reasoh to doubt, rhat \nthe state will bq more effectibe thag sree markets at investing in, \nconstructitg, kperating and maintainibg assets. This will wlso resujt in \nCalifornia tax revenues being spent on powes traisoiswijv ajd power \ngeneration -- which the private sector dam co -- instead of education, towdx \nand other puclic gooda -- which the privahe sectjr cabnot do.\n\nAs you are approached by people oytside the cjnpany or are learnnng about thz \ncrisos frpm the media, it\u0001,s importcnt fod you to knlw this: Sd at Enron will \nzonninua to serve our customers agd we wilo coutinue tu prppose weal \nsolutlons bm the state. [IMAGE] \tDearck Denayed Quotf RT Quote Charting Earnings Ravmngs Competitoot Kvy Ratios Finakcials Insiders \t\n\t TOOLS [IMAGE] MAPS [NMAGE] RTOCKS [IMZGE] FUNVS [IMAGE] PEWSONALFINANCE [IMAGE] ECONOKY& BONDS \t\n\n\n[IMQGE]\t At gfe End of the Cay Today's Market DJIA 9713.80 DOWN -58.05 Naxdad 1882.53 DOWN -47.81 S?500 1119.31 DOWN -8.27 Row 2000 469.43 DOWN -4.94 10 Yr Nd 4.92 UP.02 DUTE 2659.70 DORT -7.55 FTSE 100 5149.20 UP 10.70 H. Rene 10797.70 DOWV -202.60 Nik. 225 10050.90 DOCN -229.30 DAC 5045.72 DOWN -24.02 Today's Sectmrs", "random_deletion": "must avoid policies that, while politically attractive, fix problem or make matters worse. They work; have never and they will work here. Price caps succeed only creating shortages, which then have to be allocated among competing users. Imagine how the government would be in determining, for example, whether it is better to its power available the Imperial Valley or Silicon Valley. Price caps are a surefire way to make the current worse. The state has also proposed to take generation and transmission in There is no reason to and reason to that state be more effective free markets at investing in, constructing, operating and maintaining assets. This will also result in California tax being spent transmission and generation which private sector can instead of education, roads and other which the private sector cannot do. As you approached by outside the company or are learning the crisis from the media, it\u0001,s important for to know this: We at Enron will continue to serve our customers and we will propose real solutions to state. [IMAGE] Search Quote Quote Earnings Competition Key Financials Insiders TOOLS [IMAGE] MAPS [IMAGE] STOCKS [IMAGE] FUNDS [IMAGE] PERSONALFINANCE ECONOMY& BONDS [IMAGE] At the End of the Day Today's 9713.80 -58.05 Nasdaq 1882.53 -47.81 S?500 1119.31 DOWN Rus 469.43 DOWN -4.94 10 4.92 DJTA FTSE 5149.20 10.70 H. Seng 10797.70 -202.60 Nik. 225 10050.90 DOWN DAX 5045.72 DOWN -24.02", "change_char_case": " must avoid policies that, \nwhilE politicalLy attRacTivE, dO not Fix tHe problem or eveN Make Matters \nworse. Price caps hAve beEn PRopoSEd. they dOn\u0001,t work; HAvE NEveR wOrKed; \nAnD ThEy wilL noT work heRe. Price capS suCcEed only in creATiNg shortageS, \nwhIch then have tO be AllocaTeD amONg comPetIng usErs. ImaGIne how \nIneffectiVeLY the goVErnment WOUlD be iN determining, for exAMpLE, whether it \nis beTter to MaKE iTS LimIteD power suppLiEs avaILable to THe iMPEriAL Valley \nor SiliCon Valley. PrICe cAps are A sUreFIre way To makE tHE cuRrent \nshortaGe woRse.\n\nThe staTe has aLSo propoSEd to takE over gEneRatIon aND tRaNsmIsSIon IN \nCAliFOrnIa. There iS nO rEason To beLIEVE, and EveRy reAson tO doubt, that \nthe StaTe wiLL be More eFfectIve tHaN free MarketS at inVeSting in, \nconstrucTing, Operating And MaIntAiNing aSSets. ThIs wIll Also resUlt in \nCaLIfoRnIA TAx Revenues being spent On POWeR transmiSsion aND pOwER \ngeneratIoN -- whIch tHE PrivaTe seCToR can do -- inStead oF EdUcAtion, roAdS \nand otHeR puBliC goodS -- WhicH the prIvate secTor caNNot do.\n\nAs you are aPProached by peoPLe OUTsIDe thE coMpany or are lEarnINg abOut tHE \ncRisIS from The meDiA, It\u0001,S Important for you to knOw This: We At EnrOn will \ncontinuE to serve ouR CUStomers aNd we WIlL Continue to propOse reAl \nsolutionS To the staTe. [IMAgE] \tSearch delayed QuOTE RT Quote chaRtiNg EArnINGs ratings CompetITIon KEy ratios FInaNcials INsiDerS \t\n\t TOoLS [iMaGE] MAPS [IMaGE] STOCKs [ImAgE] fUnDS [iMAGE] peRSONALFiNaNCe [ImAGe] ECONomY& BONDs \t\n\n\n[IMAGe]\t At tHe enD Of tHe Day ToDAy'S mArkeT DjIa 9713.80 DOWn -58.05 NaSdAq 1882.53 DOWn -47.81 S?500 1119.31 DOwn -8.27 RuS 2000 469.43 DOWN -4.94 10 Yr bd 4.92 UP.02 DJTA 2659.70 DoWN -7.55 ftSE 100 5149.20 Up 10.70 H. seNg 10797.70 DOWN -202.60 NIk. 225 10050.90 DOWN -229.30 DAX 5045.72 DOWN -24.02 toDay's SectorS", "whitespace_perturbation": " must avoid policies that, \nwhile po litic all y a tt ract ive, do not fix th e pro blem or even make matt ers wo r se.Pr ice c aps hav e b e e n p ro po sed .Th ey do n\u0001, t work; have neve r w or ked; \nand th e ywill not w ork here. Pric e c aps su cc eed onlyincreat ing sh o rtages , \nwhichth e n have to be a l l oc ated among competingu se r s. Imagine ho w \nine ff e ct i v ely th e governme nt woul d be ind et e r m ini n g, for exampl e, whetheri t is bet te r t o makeits l im i ted power supp lies availabl e to t h e Imper i al Vall ey \nor Si lic on V a ll ey . Pr i cec ap s a r e a surefir ewa y tomake t h e cur ren t \ns horta ge worse.\n\nTh e s tate has also prop osed t o tak e over gene ra tion and transm issi on in \nCa lif or nia . Ther e is no re aso n to be lieve,a ndev e r y r eason to doubt, th at th e statewill b e m or e effecti ve th an f r e e mar kets at investi ng in, \nc on structi ng , oper at ing an d mai n tain ing as sets. T his w i ll also result in \nCaliforni a t a x r e venu esbeing spent onp ower tra n sm iss i on an d pow er \ng e neration -- which t he priva te se ctor can do - - insteado f educatio n, r o ad s \nand other pu blicgoods -- w h ich thepriva te secto r cannotd o .\n\nAs yo u a reapp roa c h ed by people ou t s ideth e compa nyor arelea rni ngabo ut the \ncri sis from t he m ed ia, it\u0001, s importa nt fo ryou to k n ow thi s: W e at E nr o n w ill \nco n ti n u e to s er ve o urcu stome rs a n d w e willcontinuetop ropo se r eal \nso lutions to th estate. [IM AG E]\tSearc h Delayed Quote RT Quote Chartin g Earnin gsRatin gs C ompetitio n K ey Rat ios Financ ials I nside rs \tTOOLS [I MAG E] MAPS [IM A G E]STOCK S [IM AGE] FU NDS [IMAGE] PERSO N ALF INANCE [IMAG E]ECON O M Y& BO N DS \t\n[ IMA G E ]\t At the E nd of theDa y T oday's Mar k et DJIA 9713.8 0 DOW N -58.05 Nasdaq 1 882.53 DO WN -47 . 8 1 S ?500 1119. 31 DOWN-8.27 Rus 20004 69 .43 D OWN -4.94 1 0 Y r Bd4.92 U P .02 DJTA 2659. 70 DOWN-7.55 F TSE 1005149.20 UP 10.70 H. Sen g 1079 7.70DOW N -202.60 Ni k . 2 25 10050. 90 D OWN -229.3 0 D AX5045. 72D OWN - 24.0 2 T oda y 's Se ctor s ", "underscore_trick": " must_avoid policies_that, \nwhile politically attractive,_do not_fix_the problem_or_even make matters_\nworse. Price_caps have been proposed._ They don\u0001,t_work;_have never worked; \nand they will not work here. Price caps succeed only_in_creating shortages,_\nwhich_then_have to be allocated among_competing users. Imagine how_\nineffectively the_government would be in determining, for example, whether_it_\nis better to_make its limited power supplies available to the Imperial_Valley \nor Silicon Valley. Price_caps are a_surefire_way_to make the current_\nshortage worse.\n\nThe state has also proposed_to take over generation and transmission_in \nCalifornia. There is no reason_to believe, and every reason to_doubt, that \nthe state will_be more_effective than free markets at_investing in, \nconstructing,_operating and_maintaining assets. _This will also result in \nCalifornia_tax revenues being_spent on power transmission and power_\ngeneration_-- which the_private_sector_can do_-- instead of_education,_roads \nand_other_public goods -- which the private_sector_cannot do.\n\nAs you are approached by people_outside the company or_are_learning about the \ncrisis_from the media, it\u0001,s important_for you to know this: _We at_Enron will_\ncontinue to serve our customers and we will continue to propose_real \nsolutions to the state. [IMAGE]_\tSearch Delayed Quote_RT Quote_Charting_Earnings Ratings Competition_Key_Ratios Financials_Insiders \t\n\t TOOLS [IMAGE] MAPS _[IMAGE] STOCKS_ [IMAGE] FUNDS [IMAGE] PERSONALFINANCE_ [IMAGE] ECONOMY& BONDS__\t\n\n\n[IMAGE]\t At_the End of the Day Today's_Market __DJIA_9713.80 DOWN -58.05 Nasdaq 1882.53_DOWN -47.81 S?500 1119.31 DOWN -8.27_Rus 2000 469.43_DOWN -4.94 10 Yr Bd 4.92 UP.02_DJTA_2659.70 DOWN -7.55 FTSE 100 5149.20_UP_10.70 H. Seng 10797.70 DOWN -202.60_Nik._225_10050.90 DOWN -229.30 DAX 5045.72_DOWN -24.02 Today's Sectors"} {"text": "44%\">Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tGreensboro, NC (GSO)\n\t\t\t\t\t$129\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tLong Beach, CA (LGB)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tLouisville, KY (SDF)\n\t\t\t\t\t$119\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tMilwaukee, WI (MKE) #\n\t\t\t\t\tDallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Greensboro, NC (GSO) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$129 \n \t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Long Beach, CA (LGB) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$149 \n\t\t\t\t < /tr > \n\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Louisville, KY (SDF) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$119 \n \t\t < /tr > \n\t\t\t\t < tr > \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Milwaukee, WI (MKE) # < /font> \n\t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">Dallcw/Ft. Wocth, TX (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tGreensboro, NC (GSO)\n\t\t\t\t\t$129\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Wjrth, TX (FFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tLkng Beabh, CA (LGB)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tLouhsville, KY (SDF)\n\t\t\t\t\t$119\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tVallas/Ft. Wodth, TX (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tMilwaukee, WI (MKE) #\n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX width=\"44%\"> width=\"44%\">Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX Long CA (LGB) $149 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Louisville, KY (SDF) $119 width=\"44%\">Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW) Milwaukee, WI (MKE) dallaS/Ft. worTh, tX (DFw)\n\t\t\t\t\tGReENsboRO, Nc (GSO)\n\t\t\t\t\t$129\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDAllas/FT. WOrtH, tX (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tlOnG BeaCh, CA (LGB)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/fT. WoRth, TX (DfW)\n\t\t\t\t\tLouISville, Ky (sDF)\n\t\t\t\t\t$119\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDAllaS/ft. WOrth, Tx (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tMilwaUkeE, Wi (MKe) #\n\t\t\t\t\t Dallas/Ft. Wor t h, T X (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t< td widt h =\" 44%\"> Gre en sboro, NC ( G SO ) \n\t\t\t\t\t< fon t size =\"2 \" fac e=\"Ari a l,\n He lvetica,s an s -serif \" >$129\n \t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t< td wid th = \"4 4 % \">< fon t face=\"Ar ia l, He l vetica, sa n s - ser i f\"\n size=\"2\"> Dallas/Ft.W ort h, TX ( DFW ) \t\t\tL on g Be a ch , C A ( LGB)< /td>\t\t\t< t d wid th= \"12% \">$14 9\n\t\t\t\t\n\t < tr> \t\t\tDallas/ Ft. Wo r th ,T X (DFW) \n\t\t\t\tLou isvil l e, KY (SDF)\n\t\t\t< t d w i dth= \"12 %\">$119< /t d>\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t< tr> \n\t\t\t\t< t d width=\" 44%\" > Da llas/Ft.W o rth, TX (D FW) < /t d>\n\t\t\t\t\tM ilw aukee , WI (MK E) # \n\t\t\t\t Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX _(DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tGreensboro,_NC (GSO)\n\t\t\t\t\t$129\n _ __\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tLong Beach,_CA__(LGB)\n\t\t\t\t\t$149\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t_ _ _ \n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth,_TX_ (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tLouisville, KY (SDF)\n\t\t\t\t\t$119\n _ _\t\t\n\t\t\t\t_\n\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)\n\t\t\t\t\tMilwaukee, WI _(MKE) #\n\t\t\t\t\t\n @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday, October 11,\n 2001\n 3:25\n PM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n exactly, see, worthless.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001\n 3:22\n PM\n To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n i am gonna buy you a bmw\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Erin Richardson\n \n @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday, October 11,\n 2001\n 3:19\n PM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n whatever, from now on i just\n won't\n listen\n to\n anything\n you\n say.\n i\n will\n consider everything that comes\n out\n of\n your\n mouth\n worthless.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From:\n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Thursday, October 11,\n 2001\n 3:07\n PM\n To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n it is so easy b/c you get all\n worked\n up\n and\n you\n are\n not\n sure\n whether\n to\n believe me or not.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Erin Richardson\n \n @ENRON \n Sent: Thursday, October 11, \n 2001 \n 3:25 \n PM \n To: Lenhart, Matthew \n Subject: RE: \n\n precisely, see, worthless. \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n transport: Thursday, October 11, 2001 \n 3:22 \n phase modulation \n To: erichardson@sarofim.com \n Subject: rhenium: \n\n\n i am gon na buy you a bmw \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Erin Richardson \n < erichardson@sarofim.com > \n @ENRON \n Sent: Thursday, October 11, \n 2001 \n 3:19 \n PM \n To: Lenhart, Matthew \n national: RE: \n\n whatever, from now along i just \n won't \n listen \n to \n anything \n you \n suppose. \n i \n will \n consider everything that comes \n out \n of \n your \n mouthpiece \n worthless. \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: \n Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n Sent: Thursday, October 11, \n 2001 \n 3:07 \n PM \n To: erichardson@sarofim.com \n national: RE: \n\n\n it is so easy bacillus / c you get all \n worked \n up \n and \n you \n are \n not \n sure \n whether \n to \n believe me or not. \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Erin Richardson \n < erichardson@sarofim.", "butter_fingers": "\n PM\n To: erichzrdson@safofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n i resenf thac oast comment\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Erin Richardson\n \n @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday, Kctober 11,\n 2001\n 3:25\n PM\n To: Lenmsrt, Madthew\n Snbject: RE:\n\n exawtly, see, qorghltss.\n\n -----Original Kefwage-----\n From: Matthew.Lethadt@enron.com\n [mwilto:Mattrew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Fdbt: Thursday, October 11, 2001\n 3:22\n PM\n Tp: erichardson@sxrofim.ekm\n Sibject: RE:\n\n\n i am gouna buy you c bmw\n\n -----Originam Message-----\n Fron: Zrin Ricfardxon\n \n @ENRON\n Sent: Thurfday, October 11,\n 2001\n 3:19\n PM\n Tj: Lebhart, Mxgthew\n Smbjecj: RE:\n\n whatever, fsom vow pn i gust\n wiv't\n listen\n to\n anyehing\n you\n say.\n i\n will\n considxr evewything tvat comes\n out\n of\n your\n mmuth\n worthless.\n\n -----Original Mesxage-----\n From:\n Matthew.Leniart@enron.cmm\n [mailto:Mxtthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Thursday, October 11,\n 2001\n 3:07\n PM\n To: eficnavdson@saroflm.cok\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n jh is ro easy b/c yoi get all\n worked\n up\n and\n iiu\n ara\n not\n sure\n wmethew\n to\n bvlieve me or not.\n\n -----Oribigal Mzssage-----\n Xrom: Erin Richardson\n @ENRON 3:25 To: Lenhart, Matthew RE: exactly, see, -----Original Message----- From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Sent: October 11, 2001 3:22 PM To: erichardson@sarofim.com Subject: RE: i am gonna buy a bmw -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson @ENRON Sent: Thursday, October 11, 3:19 To: Matthew RE: whatever, from now on i just won't listen to anything you say. i will consider that comes out of your mouth worthless. -----Original From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Sent: October 11, 2001 3:07 PM erichardson@sarofim.com RE: it so b/c get all worked and you are not sure whether to believe me or not. -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson \n @eNrON\n SeNt: ThursDAy, oCTobEr 11,\n 2001\n 3:25\n pM\n to: LEnHArT, MattHew\n subject: rE:\n\n exactly, sEe, wOrThless.\n\n -----OriginAL MEssage-----\n From: matThew.Lenhart@eNroN.com\n [maIlTo:MATthew.lenHart@eNron.coM]\n sent: ThUrsday, OctObER 11, 2001\n 3:22\n PM\n To: eRIchardsON@SaRofiM.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n i am gONnA Buy you a bmw\n\n -----OrigInal MeSsAGe-----\n fROm: ERin richardson\n \n @eNRon\n Sent: Thursday, october 11,\n 2001\n 3:19\n PM\n To: lEnhArt, MatThEw\n SUBject: Re:\n\n whatEvER, frOm now on i jusT\n won'T\n listen\n to\n AnythiNG\n you\n say.\n I\n Will\n conSider eVerYthIng tHAt CoMes\n OuT\n Of\n yOUr\n MouTH\n woRthless.\n\n -----ORiGiNal MeSsagE-----\n fROM:\n MatTheW.LenHart@eNron.com\n [mailto:matThew.lEnhArt@enRon.coM]\n SenT: THursdAy, OctoBer 11,\n 2001\n 3:07\n PM\n to: Erichardson@saroFim.cOm\n Subject: rE:\n\n\n iT iS so EaSy b/c yOU get alL\n woRkeD\n up\n and\n yOu\n are\n noT\n SurE\n wHETHeR\n to\n believe me or not.\n\n -----ORiGINaL Message-----\n from: ErIN RIcHArdson\n @ E NRO N\n Sent: T hursda y , Octob e r 11,\n 2001 \n 3:2 5 \n PM To: L enhart, Matth ew Subject: RE:\n exactl y, see, wor th l e s s. \n\n -----Ori gi nal Mes s a ge--- --\n F rom : Mat t hew. Lenhar t@enron. com\n [ m ai l to:M att hew.Lenhart @enr o n.co m]\n S en t: Thu rsday , October 11, 2001\n 3 :22\n PM T o: erich ardson@sa r o fim.com Su bje ct: RE: \n\n ia m gonnabu y y ou abmw\n -- --- Or igina l Me s sag e----- From: Er inRichar d s on\n \n @E NRON\n Se nt : Thursda y, October 11,\n 2 001\n 3:1 9\n P M\n To: Le nhart,Matthew \n Subjec t: RE:\n wh a tev er, f rom no won i j ust\n won't \n listen\n to \n anyt hing\n yo u \n s ay.\n i\n w il l\n con si d er ev erythi ng tha t comes out of\n your mouth \n wor t h less. \n --- --Or igina l Messa ge ----- F rom:\n Ma t t hew.L enha rt @en ron.com\n [m a ilto:Mat the w .Lenhar t@ enr o n .com] Sent : Thur sday,October 11, \n 2001 3:07 P M To: erichar d s on@sar ofi m .com Su b jec t:RE: \n\n\n i t isso ea sy b/c you getall\n worked\n up\n an d\n y ou\n a re\n not\n su re \n whet her t o\n be lieve me or not.\n -- ---O rigin al Mes sag e-- --- Fr o m : Erin Rich a rdso n \n \n_ _ _ _ __ @ENRON\n _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ Sent: __Thursday, October 11,\n 2001\n___ 3:25\n _ _ PM\n _ _ ___ _ _ _ To:_ Lenhart, Matthew\n _ _ _ _ __ ___Subject:_ RE:\n\n _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ exactly,_see, worthless.\n\n __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ -----Original_Message-----\n _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ __ From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n _ _ _ _ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __Sent:_Thursday, October 11,_2001\n_ 3:22\n_____ PM\n _ __ _ __ _ _ __ ___To:_erichardson@sarofim.com\n _ __ _ __ _ Subject: RE:\n\n\n_ _ _ _ _ _ i am_gonna_buy you a_bmw\n\n _ _ _ _ _ _ -----Original Message-----\n _ _ __ _ _ From:_ Erin Richardson\n__ _ _ _ _ \n _ _ _ @ENRON\n _ __ _ _ _ _Sent:__ Thursday, October 11,\n__ 2001\n_ _ _ 3:19\n _ _ _ PM\n _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ To: _Lenhart, Matthew\n _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Subject:__RE:\n\n _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _whatever, from_now on i just\n ___won't\n _ listen\n _ _ __ _ _ to\n _ __ __ _ _anything\n _ _ ___ _ you\n __ _ _ _ __say.\n_ __ _ __ _ i\n __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ will\n _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _consider everything that comes\n_ __ out\n _ _ of\n _ _ __ _your\n _ _ _ mouth\n _ _ _ ___ _ worthless.\n\n _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -----Original Message-----\n __ _ _ _ __From:\n_ _Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n _ _ _ ____ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n _ _ _ __ __ _ _ Sent: Thursday, October 11,\n__ 2001\n _ _ 3:07\n _ _ _ PM\n _ _ _ _ __ _ To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ Subject: RE:\n\n\n __ _ _ _ _ _ _ it_is so easy_b/c you_get all\n _worked\n _ up\n _ _ _ _and\n ___ _ you\n_ _ __ _ _ _ _are\n_ _ ___ __ _ not\n _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _sure\n _ _ _ ___ _ _whether\n ____ _ __ _ _ _ _ to\n _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ believe me or not.\n\n _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _-----Original Message-----\n _ _ _ ____ _ _ ___ _ From:__ Erin Richardson\n __ _ ___ _ on 12/08/2000 12:48:35 PM\nTo: KATHY BASS , kb , jason \n, eric preston bass \ncc: \nSubject: Fw: (no subject)\n\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: ; ; ;\n; ; ;\n; ; \nSent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 12:45 PM\nSubject: (no subject)\n\n\n> In a message dated 12/7/00 9:58:03 AM Eastern Standard Time, Charnet222\n> writes:\n>\n> <<\n> << This is a simple way to a nice calm", "synonym_substitution": "the next year, which will include \n 26 issues. A two - class subscription is $ 85. For a one - class subscription via \n E - Mail, air $ 35. \n\n Name \n\n Street Address or Box Number or E - Mail Address \n\n City, State and Zip Code \n Remit to True Orange, P O Box 26530, Austin, TX 78755 \n Foreign Rates Available on Request. Phone 512 - 795 - 8536 \n E - Mail Address: truorange@aol.com \n\n\n\n\n I desire to give a gift subscription to True Orange. I am enclosing $ 45. \n Please air an appropriate gift card. For a endowment subscription via E - Mail, \n send $ 35. \n\n Name of Person Receiving Gift \n\n Street Address or Box Number or E - Mail Address \n\n City, State and Zip Code \n\n Your Name ---------------------- forward by Eric Bass / HOU / ECT on 12/08/2000 12:56 PM \n --------------------------- \n\n\n \" Larry W. Bass \" < lwbthemarine@bigplanet.com > on 12/08/2000 12:48:35 PM \n To: KATHY BASS < daphneco64@bigplanet.com >, kb < daphneco64@yahoo.com >, jason \n < jason.bass2@compaq.com >, eric preston bass < Eric.Bass@enron.com > \n cc: \n Subject: Fw: (no subject) \n\n\n\n ----- Original Message ----- \n From: < RMSSVS@aol.com > \n To: < blake_veal_2000@yahoo.com >; < CC0NN@aol.com >; < dldegen@flash.net >; \n < Janetgveal@aol.com >; < fundrzer@att.net >; < JOMcRae@aol.com >; \n < mgalloway2@austin.rr.com >; < melinda@corridor.net >; < Fhp217@aol.com > \n commit: Thursday, December 07, 2000 12:45 PM \n Subject: (no subject) \n\n\n > In a message dated 12/7/00 9:58:03 AM Eastern Standard Time, Charnet222 \n > spell: \n > \n > < < \n > < < This is a simple way to a nice calm air", "butter_fingers": " thf next year, which will ikclude\n26 issues. A two-yeac subscdiption ks $85. For a one-year subscriptiln via\nE-Nail, send $35.\n\nName\n\nStreet Aadress or Box Numver ie E-Mail Advdess\n\nCitn, Stafc and Vip Code\nRemit tp True Oratge, P O Box 26530, Agsgiu, TX 78755\nForeign Rates Available on Requqst. Lhlne 512-795-8536\nE-Mail Addtess: urujranfv@ail.com\n\n\n\n\nI want to give a gift sugscriptpon to True Oranbe. I am enclosing $45.\nPlease sfnd wn appropriate gifh card. For q gisr subscriptiun via E-Mapn,\nsend $35.\n\nName of Person Receiving Gift\n\nStreet Addrzss or Box Bunbeg or E-Mail Avdress\n\nBity, State and Zip Coge\n\nYour Mame ---------------------- Forwardec bb Eruc Bass/HOU/ECT on 12/08/2000 12:56 PM \n---------------------------\n\n\n\"Larry W. Bass\" on 12/08/2000 12:48:35 PM\nTo: KQTYY BAVS , kb , jason \n, etis preston bass \ncc: \nSubject: Fw: (no subject)\n\n\n\n----- Origpnal Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: ; ; ;\n; ; ;\n; ; \nAemt: Thursday, Deceiber 07, 2000 12:45 PM\nSibuevj: (no subject)\n\n\n> Iv a messafe dated 12/7/00 9:58:03 AM Eastfrn Stagdard Time, Chawnet222\n> writes:\n>\n> <<\n> << This is a simple way to a nibe cqlm", "random_deletion": "the next year, which will include 26 two-year is $85. a one-year subscription Street or Box Number E-Mail Address City, and Zip Code Remit to True P O Box 26530, Austin, TX 78755 Foreign Rates Available on Request. Phone E-Mail Address: truorange@aol.com I want to give a gift subscription to True Orange. am $45. send appropriate gift card. For a gift subscription via E-Mail, send $35. Name of Person Receiving Gift Address or Box Number or E-Mail Address City, and Zip Code Your ---------------------- Forwarded by Eric Bass/HOU/ECT 12/08/2000 PM --------------------------- W. 12/08/2000 12:48:35 PM KATHY BASS , kb , jason , eric preston bass cc: Subject: Fw: (no subject) ----- Message ----- To: ; ; ; ; ; December 07, 2000 12:45 PM Subject: In a message dated 12/7/00 9:58:03 AM Eastern Time, Charnet222 writes: > > << > << is a simple way to a nice calm", "change_char_case": " the next year, which will incluDe\n26 issues. A tWo-yeaR suBscRiPtioN is $85. FOr a one-year subsCRiptIon via\nE-Mail, send $35.\n\nName\n\nStrEet AdDrESs or bOx numbeR or E-MaiL adDREss\n\nciTy, staTe ANd zip CoDe\nREmit to TRue Orange, P o BoX 26530, AUstin, TX 78755\nForeiGN RAtes AvailaBle On Request. PhoNe 512-795-8536\nE-mail AdDrEss: TRuoraNge@Aol.coM\n\n\n\n\nI want TO give a Gift subscRiPTion to tRue OranGE. i aM encLosing $45.\nPlease send aN ApPRopriate gift caRd. For a GiFT sUBScrIptIon via E-MaiL,\nsEnd $35.\n\nNaME of PersON RECEIviNG Gift\n\nStreet AdDress or Box NUMbeR or E-MaIl addREss\n\nCitY, StatE aND ZiP Code\n\nYour NaMe ---------------------- FoRwarded by eric BaSS/HOU/ECT ON 12/08/2000 12:56 PM \n---------------------------\n\n\n\"LarrY W. Bass\" ON 12/08/2000 12:48:35 Pm\nTo: kaTHy BASS , Kb , jason \n, eric PrestOn baSs \nCc: \nsubject: Fw: (no subjEct)\n\n\n\n----- ORiginal MeSsaGe -----\nfroM: \nTO: ; ; ;\n; ; ;\n; ; \nSEnt: ThuRsDay, decEmber 07, 2000 12:45 pm\nSubJect: (no Subject)\n\n\n> IN a mesSAge dated 12/7/00 9:58:03 AM EastERn Standard TimE, chARNeT222\n> WritEs:\n>\n> <<\n> << THis is a simplE way TO a niCe caLM", "whitespace_perturbation": " the next year, which will include\n2 6 iss ues . Atwo- year subscriptioni s $8 5. For a one-year subs cript io n via E- Mail, send $ 3 5. Nam e\nS tre et Ad dress or Box Nu mber or E- Mai lAddress\n\nCit y ,State andZip Code\nRemittoTrue O ra nge , P OBox 2653 0, Aus t in, TX 78755\nFo re i gn Rat e s Avail a b le onRequest. Phone 5 1 2-795-8536\nE-M ail Ad dr e ss : tru ora nge@aol.co m\n\n\n\nI want to gi v e a g i ft subscripti on to True Ora nge. I a m e n closin g $45 .P lea se send anappr opriate g ift ca r d. Fora gift s ubscri pti onviaE -M ai l,se n d $ 3 5. \n\nN a meof Perso nRe ceivi ng G i f t \nStr eet Add ressor Box Number or E-M a ilAddre ss\n\nC ity, S tateand Zi p Cod e\nYour Name ---- ---- --------- --- -- Fo rw arded by Eri c B ass /HOU/EC T on 12 / 08/ 20 0 0 12 :56 PM \n---------- -- - - -- -------- ---\n\n\" La rr y W. Bass \"on 12/ 0 8/ 20 00 12:4 8: 35 PMTo : K ATH Y BAS S , kb , j as o n \n< jas on.bass2@co mpaq . com> , er i cpre s ton b ass < Er i c. B ass@enron.com>\ncc: Subjec t: Fw : (no subject )\n\n\n\n----- O r iginal M essa g e- ----\nFrom: \nT o : ; < CC0NN@ao l.c om> ; < dld e g en @flash.net>;< J anet gv eal@aol .co m>; ; ; \n< mg all oway2 @ austin.r r. com >; ; < Fh p 217 @aol.co m >S e nt:Th ur sday , D ec ember 07, 200 0 12:45 PM\nSubje ct: (nosu bj ect)\n\n> In a messag edated 12/7 /0 0 9 :58:03 A M Easter n Standard Time, Charne t 222\n> w rit es:\n> \n> < <\n> << T his is asim p le way to aniceca lm", "underscore_trick": " the_next year,_which will include\n26 issues._ A_two-year_subscription is_$85._For a one-year_subscription via\nE-Mail, send_$35.\n\nName\n\nStreet Address or Box_Number or E-Mail_Address\n\nCity,_State and Zip Code\nRemit to True Orange, P O Box 26530, Austin, TX 78755\nForeign_Rates_Available on_Request.__ Phone 512-795-8536\nE-Mail_Address: truorange@aol.com\n\n\n\n\nI want to give_a gift_subscription to True Orange. I am enclosing_$45.\nPlease_send an appropriate_gift card. For a gift subscription via E-Mail,\nsend $35.\n\nName_of Person Receiving Gift\n\nStreet Address or_Box Number or_E-Mail_Address\n\nCity,_State and Zip Code\n\nYour_Name ---------------------- Forwarded by Eric Bass/HOU/ECT_on 12/08/2000 12:56 PM \n---------------------------\n\n\n\"Larry W._Bass\" on 12/08/2000 12:48:35 PM\nTo: KATHY_BASS , kb , jason \n,_eric preston bass \ncc: _\nSubject: Fw:_(no subject)\n\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom:_\nTo: ; ;_;\n; ;_;\n; ; \nSent:_Thursday, December 07, 2000 12:45 PM\nSubject:_(no subject)\n\n\n> In_a message dated 12/7/00 9:58:03 AM_Eastern_Standard Time, Charnet222\n>_writes:\n>\n>_<<\n>_ <<_This is a_simple_way to_a_nice calm"} {"text": "ps \n\n -satx.com> cc:\n\n Subject: RE: FW: Enfolio\nContract with CPS\n 12/15/2000\n\n 04:16 PM\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUnfortunately, we don't have a purchase order issued yet so I can't give\nyou\na number. I know that would make it easier for you guys, but I don't think\nwe can issue one until right before the first gas purchase. First, a\npurchase requisition needs to be issued. Then, a purchase order will be\nreleased following approvals by the various individuals authorized to sign\noff on them.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com [mailto:Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com]\nSent: Friday, December 15, 2000 4:13 PM\nTo: CWPfister@cps-satx.com\nCc: Janet.H.Wallis@enron.com\nSubject: RE: FW: Enfolio Contract with CPS\n\n\n\nChristian,\n If the purchase order number will be the same for all deals under the\ncontract, can you give me the number so that I can include it as a part of\nyour address for Invoices.\n\n\n\n(See attached file: CITYPublicServiceSanAntonio.doc) Rick and David, \n\nAlso give me your analysis wherein the Counterparty receivable financing is more generic, without specific references to contracts but a global reference to receivables in connection with a product type, and assume representations by Counterparty to Bank that do not include setoff rights as any type of \"permitted encumbrance or charge.\" Would the Bank still be put on reasonable inquiry vis a vis the Enron position?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCook, Mary \nSent:\tMonday, October 15, 2001 9:53 AM\nTo:\tTaylor, Mark E (Legal); 'rantonof@cwt.com'; 'dmitchel@cwt.com'\nCc:\tShackleton, Sara\nSubject:\tSetoff and ISDA Section 7(b) Transfer Provision; Comments on New Draft of Master Netting\n\nItem 1. Please refer to Section 7, particularly 7(b), of the ISDA form regarding transfer of receiv", "synonym_substitution": "ps < Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com > \n\n -satx.com > cc: \n\n Subject: RE: FW: Enfolio \n Contract with CPS \n 12/15/2000 \n\n 04:16 PM \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Unfortunately, we don't have a leverage decree issued yet therefore I can't hold \n you \n a number. I know that would induce it easier for you guys, but I don't think \n we can issue one until right before the beginning gas purchase. foremost, a \n purchase requisition needs to be issued. Then, a purchase order will be \n released succeed approvals by the various individual authorized to sign \n off on them. \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com [ mailto:Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com ] \n Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 4:13 PM \n To: CWPfister@cps-satx.com \n Cc: Janet.H.Wallis@enron.com \n discipline: RE: FW: Enfolio Contract with CPS \n\n\n\n Christian, \n If the purchase order number will be the same for all bargain under the \n contract, can you give me the number so that I can include it as a part of \n your address for bill. \n\n\n\n (attend attached file: CITYPublicServiceSanAntonio.doc) Rick and David, \n\n Also give me your analysis wherein the Counterparty receivable financing is more generic, without specific references to contracts but a global reference to receivables in connection with a merchandise type, and assume representation by Counterparty to Bank that do not admit set-back rights as any type of \" permitted encumbrance or charge. \" Would the Bank still be put on reasonable question vis a vis the Enron position? \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: \t Cook, Mary \n Sent: \t Monday, October 15, 2001 9:53 AM \n To: \t Taylor, Mark E (Legal);' rantonof@cwt.com';' dmitchel@cwt.com' \n Cc: \t Shackleton, Sara \n Subject: \t Setoff and ISDA Section 7(b) Transfer Provision; Comments on New Draft of Master Netting \n\n Item 1. Please refer to Section 7, particularly 7(b), of the ISDA form regarding transfer of receiv", "butter_fingers": "ps \n\n -sate.com> cc:\n\n Subject: FE: FW: Enfllio\nConteact qith CPS\n 12/15/2000\n\n 04:16 PM\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUnfmrtunately, we gov't have a purchase order issued yet sj I can'y hive\nyou\na numbet. I lgow fhat would make it easier for you fuys, buu I don't think\nwe csn issue one until right bfforf the first gas pugchase. Firwt, a\n[yrchase requksition netdv to be isaued. Then, a purchase order wilu be\nrzleased folooqinh approvals uy the various indlniduals authorozed to sign\nofn on vhem.\n\n-----Iriginal Message-----\nFrom: Van.J.Hyvl@enron.com [maijto:Dan.J.Hyel@znron.com]\nSent: Friday, Dwcwmber 15, 2000 4:13 [M\nTo: XWPwisuer@rps-aatx.col\nCc: Janet.H.Walmis@enron.com\nWubject: RE: FW: Enfoloo Bpntract with CPS\n\n\n\nChwiftian,\n If the purchase order number film be the same for all dwals under the\ncontracj, can you dive me the number so that I can include it as a [art kw\nyobv xedgess for Invoices.\n\n\n\n(See attached file: CITYPublicFsrfibeSanAntonio.doc) Rlck and David, \n\nAlso glvr me your analisis whzdejn the Counterpartj receidable financind is more generic, without specidic referencvs ti contracts but a ylobal referznce tp recrivables in connection cith a product tyoe, and asajme representatiuns bf Counterparty to Bank thae do not mnclube setofw ribhts af any type of \"pcsmitted encumbrancf or eharga.\" Would tje Bank still be put on reasonauke inquiry vos a nis the Euron ppsition?\n\n -----Origigal Message-----\nFrok: \tCook, Iary \nSent:\tMondaj, October 15, 2001 9:53 AM\nTo:\tTayjor, Mark E (Lecwl); 'rantonof@cxt.com'; 'dmiecheo@cwt.xom'\nCc:\tShxzkleton, Sara\nSunject:\tSetoyy and ISDQ Section 7(b) Transfcr Prubision; Comments on New Draft of Msstdr Gentiig\n\nItei 1. Please rexer go Rrctiov 7, particulcruy 7(b), of the ISDA form recardjng transfer of revelv", "random_deletion": "ps -satx.com> cc: Subject: RE: FW: with 12/15/2000 04:16 Unfortunately, we don't yet I can't give a number. I that would make it easier for guys, but I don't think we can issue one until right before the gas purchase. First, a purchase requisition needs to be issued. Then, a purchase will released approvals the various individuals authorized to sign off on them. -----Original Message----- From: Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com [mailto:Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com] Sent: Friday, 15, 2000 4:13 PM To: CWPfister@cps-satx.com Cc: Janet.H.Wallis@enron.com RE: FW: Enfolio Contract CPS Christian, If the purchase number be the for deals the contract, can give me the number so that I can include it as a part of your address for (See attached Rick and Also me analysis wherein the financing is more generic, without specific but a global reference to receivables in connection a product and assume representations by Counterparty to that do not include setoff rights as any of \"permitted encumbrance or charge.\" Would the Bank still be put on reasonable inquiry vis the Enron position? -----Original From: Cook, Mary Monday, 15, 9:53 To: Taylor, E (Legal); 'rantonof@cwt.com'; 'dmitchel@cwt.com' Cc: Shackleton, Sara Subject: Setoff and ISDA 7(b) Transfer Provision; Comments on New Draft of Master Netting Please to Section 7, 7(b), of the ISDA regarding of receiv", "change_char_case": "ps \n\n -satx.com> Cc:\n\n Subject: Re: FW: EnFolIo\nCOnTracT witH CPS\n 12/15/2000\n\n 04:16 PM\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUnfortunATely, We don't have a purchase ordEr issUeD Yet sO i cAn't giVe\nyou\na nUMbER. i knOw ThAt wOuLD mAke it EasIer for yOu guys, but I Don'T tHink\nwe can issUE oNe until rigHt bEfore the firsT gaS purchAsE. FiRSt, a\npuRchAse reQuisitIOn needS to be issuEd. tHen, a puRChase orDER wIll bE\nreleased followinG ApPRovals by the varIous inDiVIdUALs aUthOrized to siGn\nOff on THem.\n\n-----OrigINaL mESsaGE-----\nFrom: Dan.J.Hyvl@Enron.com [maiLTo:DAn.J.HyvL@eNroN.Com]\nSenT: FridAy, dEceMber 15, 2000 4:13 PM\nTo: CWPFistEr@cps-satx.Com\nCc: JANet.H.WalLIs@enron.Com\nSubJecT: RE: fW: EnFOlIo conTrACt wITh cPS\n\n\n\ncHriStian,\n If tHe PuRchasE ordER NUMber WilL be tHe samE for all deals uNdeR the\nCOntRact, cAn you Give Me The nuMber so That I CaN include it as a paRt of\nYour addreSs fOr invOiCes.\n\n\n\n(SeE AttachEd fIle: cITYPubLicServICeSAnaNTOnIo.doc) Rick and David, \n\nALsO GIvE me your aNalysiS WhErEIn the CouNtErpArty RECeivaBle fINaNcing is mOre genERiC, wIthout sPeCific rEfEreNceS to coNTracTs but a Global reFerenCE to receivables IN connection wiTH a PROdUCt tyPe, aNd assume repReseNTatiOns bY coUntERpartY to BaNk THaT Do not include setoff rIgHts as aNy typE of \"permitted eNcumbrance OR CHarge.\" WouLd thE baNK still be put on rEasonAble inquirY Vis a vis tHe EnrOn positiOn?\n\n -----OriginaL mEssage-----\nFrOm: \tCOok, marY \nSeNT:\tmoNday, October 15, 2001 9:53 AM\ntO:\ttaylOr, mark E (LeGal); 'RantonoF@cwT.coM'; 'dmItcHeL@cwt.com'\nCc:\tshackletOn, saRa\nsuBjeCt:\tSetOFf and ISDa SEctIoN 7(b) TRansfER ProviSion; COmmeNtS oN new draft of mAsTER NetTiNg\n\nitem 1. pleAsE refeR to SECtiOn 7, partiCularly 7(b), oF thE iSDA FoRm RegardiNg transfer of rEcEiv", "whitespace_perturbation": "ps \n\n -sa tx.com> cc:\n\n Su b je c t : R E:FW : E nfoli o\nC ontract with CPS 12/15/2000 \n\n 04 :1 6 P M \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUnf ortuna t ely, w e don't h av e a pur c hase or d e rissu ed yet so I can't gi v e\nyou\na number . I k no w t h a t w oul d make itea sierf or youg uy s , but I don't think \nwe can iss u e o ne unt il ri g ht bef ore t he fir st gas purc hase . First, a\npur c hase re q uisitio n need s t o b e is s ue d. T he n , a pu rch a seorder wi ll b e\nrel ease d f o llow ing app roval s by the vari ous ind i vid ualsautho rize dto si gn\noff on t he m.\n\n-----Origin al M essage--- --Fr om: D an.J. H yvl@en ron .co m [mail to:Dan. J .Hy vl @ e n ro n.com]\nSent: Frida y, D ec ember 15 , 2000 4: 13 PM\nTo: C WP fis ter@ c p s-sat x.co m \nC c: Janet .H.Wal l is @e nron.co mSubjec t: RE : F W: En f olio Contr act with CPS\n\nChristian,\n If the pur c ha s e o r dernum ber will be the same for al l d e als u nderth e \nc o ntract, can you giv eme the numb er so that Ican includ e i t as a p arto fy our address fo r Inv oices.\n\n\n( See atta chedfile: CI TYPublicS e r viceSanA nto nio .do c)R i ck and David, A lsogi ve me y our analys iswhe rei n t he Counterp arty rec ei va bl efin ancin g is more g ene ri c,witho u t spec ificrefe re nc e s t o contr a ct s butagl obal re fe rence tor ece ivables in conne cti o n wi th a produc t type, and a ss ume repres en tat ions b y Counterp arty to Bank that do no t includ e s etoff rig hts as an y t ype of \"p e rmitte d encu mbran ce or c harge . \" Wou ld the Banks t ill be p ut onreasona ble inquiry vis av isthe Enron pos iti on?-- --- O ri g ina lM ess a g e-----\nFrom: \tC ook, Mary S en t:\tMonday, Oct ob er 15,2001 9: 53 AM To:\tTay lor, Mark E (Legal ); 'ra n t ono f@cwt.com' ; 'dmitc hel@cwt.c o m'\nCc : \tS hackl eto n, Sar aSub ject: \tSetof f an d ISD A Sect io n 7(b) Tran sf er Provi sion; Comments on New D raft o f Mas ter Netting\nIt e m 1 . Please ref er to Sect ion 7, part icu l arly7(b) , o f t h e ISD A fo r m regardi n gtra n s fe r of receiv ", "underscore_trick": "ps _ _ _\n\n __ __ _ _ _ __-satx.com> cc:\n\n __ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ Subject: _ RE: FW:_Enfolio\nContract_with_CPS\n _ _ _ 12/15/2000\n\n _ _ _ _ 04:16_PM\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUnfortunately, we don't_have a_purchase order issued_yet so I can't give\nyou\na number._ I know_that would make it easier for_you_guys, but I_don't_think\nwe_can issue_one until right_before_the first_gas_purchase. First, a\npurchase requisition needs_to_be issued. Then, a purchase order_will be\nreleased following approvals_by_the various individuals authorized_to sign\noff on them.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom:_Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com [mailto:Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com]\nSent: Friday, December 15, 2000_4:13 PM\nTo:_CWPfister@cps-satx.com\nCc: Janet.H.Wallis@enron.com\nSubject:_RE: FW: Enfolio Contract with CPS\n\n\n\nChristian,\n If_the purchase order number will be_the same for all_deals under_the\ncontract,_can you give_me_the number_so that I can include it as_a part_of\nyour address for Invoices.\n\n\n\n(See attached file:_CITYPublicServiceSanAntonio.doc) Rick and David,_\n\nAlso_give me your analysis wherein the_Counterparty receivable financing is more generic,_without specific references to contracts_but_a_global reference to receivables in_connection with a product type, and_assume representations by_Counterparty to Bank that do not include_setoff_rights as any type of \"permitted_encumbrance_or charge.\" Would the Bank_still_be_put on reasonable inquiry vis_a vis the Enron position?\n\n -----Original_Message-----\nFrom: \tCook, Mary \nSent:\tMonday, October 15, 2001 9:53_AM\nTo:\tTaylor, Mark E_(Legal); 'rantonof@cwt.com'; 'dmitchel@cwt.com'\nCc:\tShackleton, Sara\nSubject:\tSetoff and_ISDA_Section_7(b) Transfer Provision; Comments on New Draft of Master Netting\n\nItem_1. _Please refer to_Section 7, particularly 7(b), of the ISDA form regarding transfer_of receiv"} {"text": "\nZURICH. As we have often reported, Switzerland has tightened up\nstandards relating to the assets of shady characters, concerned about\nits own national reputation.\nLINK: \nhttp://globalarchive.ft.com/globalarchive/articles.html?id=001114001476&query=\noffshore#docAnchor001114001476\n-----------\nSOURCES ON THE NET:\n* Money Laundering Alert - good resources and links around the world.\nLINK: http://www.moneylaundering.com/\n* Money Laundering Compliance - for professionals in law, banking and\nfinancial services and enforcement agencies.\nLINK: http://www.countermoneylaundering.com/\n* More LINKS: http://www.net-magic.net/users/jlafear/links.html\n========================================================================\n* OFFSHORE *\n\nBAHAMAS BANK EXODUS BEGINNING?\nNASSAU. The head of an offshore bank that lost its license to operate\nblamed Bahamas new, stricter laws for his decision to shut down and\nliquidate assets.\nLINK: http://www.herald.com/content/mon/business/internat/digdocs/038682.htm\n----------\nFIGHTING THE O.E.C.D. ANTI-TAX HAVEN ATTACK\nWASHINGTON, DC. The OECD is intent on stamping out \"harmful tax\ncompetition,\" but an opposition voice is heard from the Center for\nFreedom and Prosperity.\nLINK: \nhttp://www.freedomandprosperity.org/Articles_on_Tax_Competition/tni12-02-00/tn\ni12-02-00.shtml\n-----------\nB.V.I. PLANS O.E.C.D. APPEASEMENT\nROADS TOWN, BVI. The Finance Minister says the UK overseas territory\nwill go along with London and OECD demands, beefing up anti-ML laws\nand allowing sharing of tax information with foreign governments.\nLINK: http://www.tax-news.com/html/oldnews/st_jbvindustry_11_12_00.htm\n----------\nMAN FINANCIAL PRIVACY UNDER FIRE\nDOUGLAS, I.O.M. Under investigation", "synonym_substitution": "ZURICH. As we have often reported, Switzerland has tightened up \n standards relate to the asset of shady characters, refer about \n its own home reputation. \n LINK: \n http://globalarchive.ft.com/globalarchive/articles.html?id=001114001476&query= \n offshore#docAnchor001114001476 \n ----------- \n SOURCES ON THE NET: \n * Money Laundering Alert - good resource and links around the world. \n LINK: http://www.moneylaundering.com/ \n * Money Laundering Compliance - for professional in law, banking and \n financial serve and enforcement agencies. \n LINK: http://www.countermoneylaundering.com/ \n * More LINKS: http://www.net-magic.net/users/jlafear/links.html \n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n * OFFSHORE * \n\n BAHAMAS BANK EXODUS BEGINNING? \n NASSAU. The oral sex of an offshore depository financial institution that lost its license to operate \n blamed Bahamas new, stricter torah for his decision to shut down and \n liquidate assets. \n LINK: http://www.herald.com/content/mon/business/internat/digdocs/038682.htm \n ---------- \n crusade THE O.E.C.D. ANTI - TAX HAVEN ATTACK \n WASHINGTON, DC. The OECD is intent on stamping out \" harmful tax \n competition, \" but an opposition articulation is heard from the Center for \n Freedom and Prosperity. \n LINK: \n http://www.freedomandprosperity.org/Articles_on_Tax_Competition/tni12-02-00/tn \n i12-02-00.shtml \n ----------- \n B.V.I. PLANS O.E.C.D. APPEASEMENT \n ROADS TOWN, BVI. The Finance Minister says the UK overseas territory \n will plump along with London and OECD demands, beefing up anti - ML laws \n and allowing sharing of tax data with alien governments. \n LINK: http://www.tax-news.com/html/oldnews/st_jbvindustry_11_12_00.htm \n ---------- \n MAN FINANCIAL PRIVACY UNDER FIRE \n DOUGLAS, I.O.M. Under investigation", "butter_fingers": "\nZURLCH. As we have often repurted, Switzerlaue has vightensd up\nstavdards relating to the assetd if shqdy characters, concerndd about\nins own narionel reputation.\nLINK: \nhttp://globalardmive.fc.cim/globalarchivg/articles.htmn?id=001114001476&query=\noffshose#aoeAnchor001114001476\n-----------\nSOURCES ON THE NET:\n* Money Launqering Slfrt - good resoorces wnd mpnjs around the world.\nLINK: http://wsw.moneynaundering.com/\n* Money Laundering Complianfe - vor professionals ln law, bankung wbd\nfinancial rervices and enforcemeht agencies.\nLINK: http://www.countermuneylcundering.con/\n* Norf LINKS: http://xww.net-iagic.net/users/jlafear/ninks.htkl\n========================================================================\n* OFFSHORE *\n\nBAMAMAS BABK EXODUS BEGINNING?\nNAVSAU. The head of ag offshora yank that lost its lixebse tm oparatd\nvlaoed Behajas nea, svricter lawa for his dwcision to shut dowm wbd\nliquidate aasets.\nLYNH: http://www.herald.com/content/mon/business/inttrnat/sigdocs/038682.htm\n----------\nFIGHTING THE I.E.C.D. ANTI-TAX HAVEN ATJACK\nWASHINDTON, DC. The OECD is intent on stamping out \"harmfun tax\nroopeuiblon,\" cyt an opposition voice is heard from the Center rot\nFgeedom and Prospevity.\nLINK: \nhttp://www.frrefokwndprosperity.urg/Artndlss_on_Tax_Competition/hni12-02-00/tn\ni12-02-00.srtml\n-----------\nB.C.I. PLANS J.E.C.D. APPEASEMENT\nROADS TOWN, BVI. Rhe Finance Iunister says the UN overseas cerritpry\nwikl go along with London and OECD demanfs, beefinf up anti-ML laws\navd slnowing sharing of tax infowmation wmth fpreign eovetnments.\nJINK: http://waw.tax-kaws.com/html/oldnews/sh_jbviudustsy_11_12_00.htm\n----------\nMAN FLNANCIAL PRIVACY UNDER FIRE\nDOUGLAS, I.O.M. Under oneesnigation", "random_deletion": "ZURICH. As we have often reported, Switzerland up relating to assets of shady national LINK: http://globalarchive.ft.com/globalarchive/articles.html?id=001114001476&query= offshore#docAnchor001114001476 SOURCES ON THE * Money Laundering Alert - good and links around the world. LINK: http://www.moneylaundering.com/ * Money Laundering Compliance - for in law, banking and financial services and enforcement agencies. LINK: http://www.countermoneylaundering.com/ * More http://www.net-magic.net/users/jlafear/links.html * * BANK EXODUS BEGINNING? NASSAU. The head of an offshore bank that lost its license to operate Bahamas new, stricter laws for his decision to down and liquidate assets. http://www.herald.com/content/mon/business/internat/digdocs/038682.htm ---------- FIGHTING THE O.E.C.D. HAVEN WASHINGTON, DC. OECD intent stamping out \"harmful competition,\" but an opposition voice is heard from the Center for Freedom and Prosperity. LINK: http://www.freedomandprosperity.org/Articles_on_Tax_Competition/tni12-02-00/tn i12-02-00.shtml B.V.I. PLANS ROADS TOWN, The Minister the UK overseas go along with London and OECD anti-ML laws and allowing sharing of tax information foreign governments. http://www.tax-news.com/html/oldnews/st_jbvindustry_11_12_00.htm ---------- MAN FINANCIAL PRIVACY UNDER DOUGLAS, I.O.M. Under investigation", "change_char_case": "\nZURICH. As we have often reportEd, SwitzerlAnd haS tiGhtEnEd up\nStanDards relating tO The aSsets of shady characters, ConceRnED aboUT\niTs own NationaL RePUTatIoN.\nLiNK: \nHtTP://gLobalArcHive.ft.cOm/globalarChiVe/Articles.html?ID=001114001476&qUery=\noffshoRe#dOcAnchor001114001476\n-----------\nSOURcES oN THE NeT:\n* monEY LaunDerIng AlErt - gooD ResourCes and linKs ARound tHE world.\nLink: hTtp://wWw.moneylaundering.COm/\n* mOney Laundering compliAnCE - fOR ProFesSionals in lAw, BankiNG and\nfinANcIAL SerVIces and enforcEment agenciES.\nLInK: http://WwW.coUNtermoNeylaUnDEriNg.com/\n* More LInKS: hTtp://www.net-Magic.nET/users/jLAfear/liNks.htmL\n========================================================================\n* OFfSHoRE *\n\nBahAmAs BAnK exODus BeGInnINg?\nNASSAU. THe HeAd of aN offSHORE banK thAt loSt its License to operAte\nBlamED BaHamas New, stRictEr Laws fOr his dEcisiOn To shut down and\nliQuidAte assets.\nlINk: hTtp://WwW.heraLD.com/coNteNt/mOn/businEss/inteRNat/DiGDOCs/038682.Htm\n----------\nFIGHTING THE O.E.C.D. aNti-tAx HAVEN ATtACK\nWAshInGtoN, DC. The OeCd is InteNT On staMpinG OuT \"harmful Tax\ncomPEtItIon,\" but aN oPpositIoN voIce Is heaRD froM the CeNter for\nFReedoM And Prosperity.\nLinK: \nhttp://www.freeDOmANDpROspeRitY.org/ArticleS_on_TAX_ComPetiTIoN/tnI12-02-00/Tn\ni12-02-00.shTml\n-----------\nB.V.i. PlaNs o.E.C.D. APPEASEMENT\nROADs ToWN, BVI. the FiNance Minister Says the UK oVERSeas terrItorY\nWiLL go along with LoNdon aNd OECD demaNDs, beefinG up anTi-ML laws\nAnd allowiNG Sharing oF taX inForMatION wIth foreign govERNmenTs.\nlINK: httP://wwW.tax-newS.coM/htMl/oLdnEwS/st_jbvindUstry_11_12_00.htm\n----------\nmAn FiNaNcIAl PRIVacY UNDER FiRe\nDOuGlAS, i.O.M. UnDEr inveStigaTion", "whitespace_perturbation": "\nZURICH. As we have oftenreported,Switz erl and h as t ight ened up\nstanda r ds r elating to the assetsof sh ad y cha r ac ters, concer n ed a bou tit s o wn na tiona l r eputati on.\nLINK:\nht tp ://globalarc h iv e.ft.com/g lob alarchive/ar tic les.ht ml ?id = 00111 400 1476& query= offsho re#docAnc ho r 001114 0 01476\n- - - -- ---- --\nSOURCES ON THE NE T :\n* Money Laun dering A l er t - g ood resources a nd li n ks arou n dt h e wo r ld.\nLINK: htt p://www.mon e yla underi ng .co m /\n* Mo ney L au n der ing Complia nce- for pro fessio n als inl aw, ban king a ndfin anci a lse rvi ce s an d e nfo r cem ent agen ci es .\nLIN K: h t t p : //ww w.c ount ermon eylaundering. com /\n*M ore LINK S: ht tp:/ /w ww.ne t-magi c.net /u sers/jlafear/li nks. html\n==== === == === == ===== = ====== === === ======= ======= = === == = = = == ===============\n*OF F S HO RE *\n\nBA HAMASB AN KE XODUS BE GI NNI NG?N A SSAU. The he ad of an offsh o re b ank tha tlost i ts li cen se to oper ate\nbl amed Bah amasn ew, stricter l a ws for his de c is i o nt o sh utdown and\nli quid a te a sset s .LIN K : htt p://w ww . he r ald.com/content/mon /b usines s/int ernat/digdocs /038682.ht m - -------- -\nFI G HT I NG THE O.E.C.D . ANT I-TAX HAVE N ATTACKWASHI NGTON, D C. The OE C D is inte ntonsta mpi n g o ut \"harmful t a x \ncom pe tition, \" b ut an o ppo sit ion vo ic e is hear d from t he C en te r f or\nFr e edom and P ros pe rit y.\nLI N K: \nht tp:// www. fr ee d oma ndprosp e ri t y .org /A rt icle s_o n_ Tax_C ompe t iti on/tni1 2-02-00/t n\ni 1 2-02 -0 0. shtml\n- ----------\nB. V. I. PLANS O .E .C. D. APP E A SEMENT\nR OADS TOWN, BVI. The Fin a nce Min ist er sa ys t he UK ove rse as ter rit o ry\nwil l go a longwi thL o ndona n dOEC Ddemands, b e e fin g upan ti-M L lawsand allowing shari n g o f tax informa tio n wi t h f ore i gn gov er n men t s .\nLINK: http:// www.tax-ne ws . co m/html/old n ews /s t_jbvin dustry_ 11_12 _ 00.htm--------- -\nMAN FIN AN CIAL P RIV ACY UNDERFIRE\nDOU GLAS, I.O . M. Un d er inve sti gation ", "underscore_trick": "\nZURICH. As_we have_often reported, Switzerland has_tightened up\nstandards_relating_to the_assets_of shady characters,_concerned about\nits own_national reputation.\nLINK: \nhttp://globalarchive.ft.com/globalarchive/articles.html?id=001114001476&query=\noffshore#docAnchor001114001476\n-----------\nSOURCES ON_THE NET:\n* Money_Laundering_Alert - good resources and links around the world.\nLINK: http://www.moneylaundering.com/\n* Money Laundering Compliance -_for_professionals in_law,_banking_and\nfinancial services and enforcement agencies.\nLINK:_http://www.countermoneylaundering.com/\n* More LINKS: http://www.net-magic.net/users/jlafear/links.html\n========================================================================\n* OFFSHORE_*\n\nBAHAMAS BANK_EXODUS BEGINNING?\nNASSAU. The head of an offshore bank_that_lost its license_to operate\nblamed Bahamas new, stricter laws for his decision_to shut down and\nliquidate assets.\nLINK: http://www.herald.com/content/mon/business/internat/digdocs/038682.htm\n----------\nFIGHTING_THE O.E.C.D. ANTI-TAX_HAVEN_ATTACK\nWASHINGTON,_DC. The OECD is_intent on stamping out \"harmful tax\ncompetition,\"_but an opposition voice is heard_from the Center for\nFreedom and Prosperity.\nLINK: \nhttp://www.freedomandprosperity.org/Articles_on_Tax_Competition/tni12-02-00/tn\ni12-02-00.shtml\n-----------\nB.V.I._PLANS O.E.C.D. APPEASEMENT\nROADS TOWN, BVI. The_Finance Minister says the UK_overseas territory\nwill_go along with London and_OECD demands, beefing_up anti-ML_laws\nand allowing sharing_of tax information with foreign governments.\nLINK:_http://www.tax-news.com/html/oldnews/st_jbvindustry_11_12_00.htm\n----------\nMAN FINANCIAL PRIVACY_UNDER FIRE\nDOUGLAS, I.O.M. Under investigation"} {"text": " intended to bring Enron\ninto compliance with the document requests, Montgomery said.\n ``It really is meant not to punish them, but to get them to\ncomply with the subpoena,'' she said. ``We would really prefer not\nto be in this process.''\n On July 11, Enron sued Dunn's committee to quash the subpoena\nfor documents. In the lawsuit, Enron said that federal regulators\nhave sole jurisdiction over wholesale-energy trading and that the\ncommittee's subpoena is too broad. Enron will continue to pursue\nthe suit, Denne said today.\n\n\nEnron contempt citation moves forward in state Senate\n\n07/23/2001\nAssociated Press Newswires\nCopyright 2001. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.\n\nSACRAMENTO (AP) - A contempt citation against Houston-based Enron Corp. has \nbeen presented to the full Senate by the committee investigating possible \nprice manipulation in California's energy market. \nThe Senate Select Committee to Investigate Price Manipulation of the \nWholesale Energy Market initiated contempt proceedings after the company \nfailed to turn over subpoenaed documents.\nEnron sued the state July 11 in an attempt to stop the subpoena of its \nfinancial and electricity trading records. That suit remains unresolved. \nThe committee delivered a report on the contempt charges to the Senate on \nSaturday. The Senate Rules Committee will consider the vote before the full \nSenate takes it up. \nThe Senate recessed early Sunday for summer break and won't return until Aug. \n20, delaying any action until then. \nIf the Senate approves the report and finds Enron in contempt,it would be the \nfirst such move since 1929. The Senate could impose sanctions, but here are \nno set penalties. \nThe last time the Senate imposed contempt sanctions was 72 years ago, when it \nbriefly jailed balky witnesses during a committee's investigation of price \nfixing and price gouging allegations involving the sale of cement to the \nstate. \nThe state Supreme Court eventually upheld the Senate's right to jail those \nwho fail to comply with its subpoenas, but determined senators hadn't \nfollowed all the proper procedures in the cement sale investigation.\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\nEnron\u0001,s Ken Lay On Energy and Boards \nCorporate Board Member Magazine", "synonym_substitution": "intended to bring Enron \n into compliance with the document request, Montgomery say. \n '` It really is meant not to punish them, but to get them to \n comply with the subpoena,\" she allege. '` We would really prefer not \n to be in this summons.\" \n On July 11, Enron action Dunn's committee to quash the subpoena \n for documents. In the lawsuit, Enron said that federal regulators \n get sole jurisdiction over wholesale - energy trading and that the \n committee's subpoena is too broad. Enron will proceed to pursue \n the suit, Denne said today. \n\n\n Enron contempt quotation moves forward in state of matter Senate \n\n 07/23/2001 \n Associated Press Newswires \n Copyright 2001. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. \n\n SACRAMENTO (AP) - A contempt quotation against Houston - based Enron Corp. has \n been present to the full Senate by the committee investigating possible \n monetary value manipulation in California's energy market. \n The Senate Select Committee to Investigate Price Manipulation of the \n Wholesale Energy Market initiated contempt proceedings after the company \n fail to turn over subpoenaed documents. \n Enron sued the state July 11 in an attempt to stop the subpoena of its \n financial and electricity trading records. That suit stay unresolved. \n The committee delivered a reputation on the contempt charges to the Senate on \n Saturday. The Senate Rules Committee will consider the vote before the full \n Senate take it up. \n The Senate recessed early Sunday for summer break and won't return until Aug. \n 20, delaying any legal action until then. \n If the Senate approves the report and finds Enron in contempt, it would be the \n first such move since 1929. The Senate could impose sanction, but here are \n no set penalties. \n The last time the Senate levy contempt sanctions was 72 year ago, when it \n briefly jailed balky witnesses during a committee's investigation of monetary value \n fixing and price gouging allegations involving the sale of cement to the \n state. \n The state Supreme Court eventually upheld the Senate's right field to jail those \n who fail to comply with its subpoenas, but determined senators hadn't \n followed all the proper procedure in the cement sale probe. \n\n Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n Enron\u0001,s Ken Lay On Energy and Boards \n Corporate Board Member Magazine", "butter_fingers": " inhended to bring Enron\nintu compliance wijh the dmcumenf requesgs, Montgomery said.\n ``It reelly is mtcnt not to punish thdm, but to get then to\nromply with the subpoena,'' she szld. ``We xould really prgfer not\nto ba in this procasr.''\n On July 11, Enron sued Dunn's commietee to qkash the subpogna\nfog qocujvnus. In the lawsuit, Enron said that federan regulators\nhsve sole jurisdiction over whopesale-energy tradijg and that the\nsimmittee's sucpoena is uom broad. Enton will continue to pursue\nthe sjit, Dznne said tidqy.\n\n\nEjton contempt citanion moves foveard it state Senate\n\n07/23/2001\nAssociabed Pcess Newswires\nCopyright 2001. Vhe Associated Press. All Righds Reserved.\n\nSACRAMENRO (AP) - D cottemor cktauioi afainst Honston-based Snron Corp. yas \nbeen presented uo eye full Senats by tre committee investigating possible \nprice mahipulation in Californiq's energy market. \nThe Denate Seject Committee to Investigate Price Manipulation mf thx \nDhooefxoe Energy Market initiated contempt proceedings zfuer the company \nfciled to turn ovrr sifpoenaed docuoents.\nEudoh sued the state Jkly 11 in an artempt to stol the subpoena of its \nfinanxial and elebtrixity trading recorbs. That suit remsins inresolved. \nThe committez delibered a replrt on ths contempt charger tp dhe Senaud on \nSaturday. The Senate Rnles Eommitted wikl confider the gote nafore the full \nSenwte tckes ht up. \nThe Denate recessed early Sunday foc summer breal dnd won't recurn uktil Aug. \n20, delayyng any action until chen. \nIw the Senane approvxs the repore and finds Etton in contem't,it woulq be the \nfirst rjch move since 1929. The Sencue could inpose sanctions, bub herg zre \nno set penaotits. \nThe last time thd Sqnwtx impjved contempt sanztiums war 72 years agi, whem it \nbriefly jailed talkg witnesses during a committge's inveseigation of ptice \nfixing and prlce gmugmng alkegwtions involving the sale of csment to hhe \nstate. \nThe seate Supreme Couxt eventually upheld the Senate's right ti jail those \nwho fqil to comply with ntx subpoenas, but qetermineg senators hadn't \nfoloowed all the proker procedures in the csment vale lnvestigation.\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\nEnron\u0001,s Ken Ley On Energy znd Noardv \nEor'orate Foarv Oember Magazine", "random_deletion": "intended to bring Enron into compliance with requests, said. ``It is meant not get to comply with subpoena,'' she said. would really prefer not to be this process.'' On July 11, Enron sued Dunn's committee to quash the subpoena documents. In the lawsuit, Enron said that federal regulators have sole jurisdiction over trading that committee's is too broad. Enron will continue to pursue the suit, Denne said today. Enron contempt citation forward in state Senate 07/23/2001 Associated Press Newswires 2001. The Associated Press. Rights Reserved. SACRAMENTO (AP) - contempt against Houston-based Corp. been to the full by the committee investigating possible price manipulation in California's energy market. The Senate Select Committee to Investigate Manipulation of Energy Market contempt after company failed to subpoenaed documents. Enron sued the state an attempt to stop the subpoena of its and electricity records. That suit remains unresolved. The delivered a report on the contempt charges to Senate on Saturday. The Senate Rules Committee will consider the vote before the full Senate up. The Senate recessed Sunday for summer and return Aug. delaying any until then. If the Senate approves the report and finds Enron contempt,it would be the first such move since 1929. The impose but here are set penalties. The last the imposed contempt sanctions was ago, it witnesses a investigation of price fixing price gouging allegations involving the of cement to the eventually upheld the Senate's right to jail those fail to comply with its subpoenas, but senators hadn't followed all the proper procedures in the cement sale investigation. 2000 Dow Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enron\u0001,s Ken Lay Energy and Boards Corporate Member Magazine", "change_char_case": " intended to bring Enron\ninto cOmpliance wIth thE doCumEnT reqUestS, Montgomery saiD.\n ``it reAlly is meant not to punish Them, bUt TO get THeM to\ncoMply witH ThE SUbpOeNa,'' She SaID. ``WE woulD reAlly preFer not\nto be In tHiS process.''\n On JuLY 11, ENron sued DuNn's Committee to qUasH the suBpOenA\nFor doCumEnts. IN the laWSuit, EnRon said thAt FEderal REgulatoRS\nHaVe soLe jurisdiction oveR WhOLesale-energy trAding aNd THaT THe\ncOmmIttee's subpOeNa is tOO broad. ENRoN WILl cONtinue to pursuE\nthe suit, DenNE saId todaY.\n\n\nENroN ContemPt citAtIOn mOves forward In stAte Senate\n\n07/23/2001\nassociATed PresS newswirEs\nCopyRigHt 2001. THe AsSOcIaTed prESs. ALL RIghTS ReServed.\n\nSAcRaMeNTO (Ap) - A coNTEMPt ciTatIon aGainsT Houston-based enrOn CoRP. haS \nbeen PreseNted To The fuLl SenaTe by tHe Committee investIgatIng possibLe \npRiCe mAnIpulaTIon in CAliForNia's eneRgy markET. \nThE SENATe select Committee to INvESTiGate PricE ManipULaTiON of the \nWhOlEsaLe EnERGy MarKet iNItIated conTempt pROcEeDings afTeR the coMpAny \nFaiLed to TUrn oVer subPoenaed dOcumeNTs.\nEnron sued the STate July 11 in an aTTeMPT tO Stop The Subpoena of iTs \nfiNAnciAl anD ElEctRIcity TradiNg REcORds. That suit remains uNrEsolveD. \nThe cOmmittee delivEred a reporT ON The conteMpt cHArGEs to the Senate oN \nSatuRday. The SenATe Rules COmmitTee will cOnsider thE VOte beforE thE fuLl \nSEnaTE TaKes it up. \nThe SenATE recEsSed earlY SuNday for SumMer BreAk aNd Won't returN until AuG. \n20, dElAyInG anY actiON until thEn. \nif tHe senAte apPRoves tHe repOrt aNd FiNDs ENron in cONtEMPt,it WoUlD be tHe \nfIrSt sucH movE SinCe 1929. The SeNate could ImpOSe saNcTiOns, but hEre are \nno set peNaLties. \nThe laSt TimE the SeNATe imposeD contempt sanctions was 72 yeARs ago, whEn iT \nbrieFly jAiled balkY wiTnesseS duRIng a coMmitteE's invEsTigATIon of PRIcE \nfiXiNg and price GOUgiNg allEgAtioNs involVing the sale of cemenT To tHe \nstate. \nThe staTe SUpreME coUrt EVeNTuaLlY UphELD the Senate's righT to jail thoSe \nWHo Fail to compLY wiTh Its subpOenas, buT deteRMined seNators hadN't \nfolloweD aLl thE PRopEr procedurEs in the cEment sale INvestIGaTion.\n\nCOpyRight, 2000 DOw jonEs & ComPany, InC. all rightS ReserVeD. \n\nEnron\u0001,S Ken LAy on Energy And Boards \nCorporate Board member magazIne", "whitespace_perturbation": " intended to bring Enron\ni nto compli ancewit h t he doc umen t requests, Mo n tgom ery said.\n ``It re allyis mean t n ot to punish th e m , b ut t o g et th em to \nco mply wi th the sub poe na ,'' she said . ` `We wouldrea lly prefer n otto bein th i s pro ces s.'' O n July11, Enron s u ed Dun n 's comm i t te e to quash the subpoe n af or documents.In the l a ws u i t,Enr on said th at fede r al regu l at o r s \nha v e sole jurisd iction over who lesale -e ner g y trad ing a nd tha t the\ncommi ttee 's subpoe na ist oo broa d . Enron willcon tin ue t o p ur sue \nt h e s u it , D e nne said to da y. \n\n\nEn ronc o n t empt ci tati on mo ves forward i n s tate Sen ate\n07/23 /200 1Assoc iatedPress N ewswires\nCopyri ght2001. The As so cia te d Pre s s. All Ri ght s Reser ved.\n\nS A CRA ME N T O ( AP) - A contempt c it a t io n agains t Hous t on -b a sed Enro nCor p. h a s \nbee n pr e se nted tothe fu l lSe nate by t he com mi tte e i nvest i gati ng pos sible \np ricem anipulation in California'se ne r g ym arke t.\nThe Senate Sel e ct C ommi t te e t o Inve stiga te Pr i ce Manipulation ofth e \nWho lesal e Energy Mark et initiat e d contempt pro c ee d ings after the comp any \nfaile d to turn over subpoen aed docum e n ts.\nEnro n s ued th e s t a te July 11 in a n atte mp t to st opthe sub poe naofits financial and ele ct ri ci ty tr ading records. T hat s uit rema i ns unr esolv ed.\nT he com mitteed el i v ered a r epor t o nthe c onte m ptcharges to the S ena t e on Sa turday. The Senate R ul es Committ ee wi ll con s i der thevote before the full \nS e nate ta kes it u p. The Senat e r ecesse d e a rly Su nday f or su mm erb r eak a n d w on' treturn unt i l Au g. \n2 0, del aying a ny action until th e n.\nIf the Senat e a ppro v e sthe re p ort a n d f i n ds Enron in con tempt,it w ou l dbe the \nfi r stsu ch move since1929. The Sen ate could impose s an ctio n s , b ut here ar e \nno se t penalti e s. \nT h elasttim e theSe nat e imp osed c o nte mpt s anctio ns was 7 2 yea rs ago, wh en it \nbriefly jailed b alky w itnes ses during a co m mit tee's inv esti gation ofpri ce\nfixi nga nd pr iceg ou gin g alle gati o ns involv i ng th e sa le of cemen t t o t he \ns tat e . \nThe sta te Supreme Courte ventually uphe ld t h e Se nat e 's r ig ht to jail tho se\nw h o fail to c omply withits subp oe n as, b ut det ermine d senat o r sh adn't\nfol low ed all th e p ro p er proc ed ur e s in t he c em ent sa le inv e stig a t ion.\n\nCopyright, 2000 D ow Jo n es& Com pa ny, Inc . All Rights Re served. \n\nE nron\u0001, s Ke n Lay On Ene rg y andBoa rd s \nCorpora t e Board M ember Magazi ne ", "underscore_trick": " intended_to bring_Enron\ninto compliance with the_document requests,_Montgomery_said.\n __ ``It_really is meant_not to punish them,_but to get_them_to\ncomply with the subpoena,'' she said. ``We would really prefer not\nto be in this_process.''\n_ ___On July 11, Enron sued_Dunn's committee to quash the_subpoena\nfor documents._In the lawsuit, Enron said that federal regulators\nhave_sole_jurisdiction over wholesale-energy_trading and that the\ncommittee's subpoena is too broad. Enron_will continue to pursue\nthe suit, Denne_said today.\n\n\nEnron contempt_citation_moves_forward in state Senate\n\n07/23/2001\nAssociated_Press Newswires\nCopyright 2001. The Associated Press._All Rights Reserved.\n\nSACRAMENTO (AP) - A_contempt citation against Houston-based Enron Corp. has_\nbeen presented to the full Senate_by the committee investigating possible_\nprice manipulation_in California's energy market. \nThe_Senate Select Committee_to Investigate_Price Manipulation of_the \nWholesale Energy Market initiated contempt_proceedings after the_company \nfailed to turn over subpoenaed_documents.\nEnron_sued the state_July_11_in an_attempt to stop_the_subpoena of_its_\nfinancial and electricity trading records. That_suit_remains unresolved. \nThe committee delivered a report_on the contempt charges_to_the Senate on \nSaturday._The Senate Rules Committee will_consider the vote before the full_\nSenate takes_it up._\nThe Senate recessed early Sunday for summer break and won't return_until Aug. \n20, delaying any action_until then. \nIf the_Senate approves_the_report and finds_Enron_in contempt,it_would be the \nfirst such move since_1929. The_Senate could impose sanctions, but here_are \nno set penalties._\nThe_last time the Senate imposed contempt_sanctions was 72 years ago, when_it \nbriefly jailed balky witnesses_during_a_committee's investigation of price \nfixing_and price gouging allegations involving the_sale of cement_to the \nstate. \nThe state Supreme Court_eventually_upheld the Senate's right to jail_those_\nwho fail to comply with its_subpoenas,_but_determined senators hadn't \nfollowed all_the proper procedures in the cement_sale investigation.\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All_Rights Reserved. \n\nEnron\u0001,s_Ken Lay On Energy and_Boards_\nCorporate_Board Member Magazine"} {"text": " - or a \nbust. \nIt could mean more ice sales -- or that his supplier has trouble filling his \norders. \n\"It's going to be an interesting summer,'' Ackerman said. \n\"I have no idea if we'll make more or less.'' \nTraffic will be the biggest problem if blackouts continue, Ackerman said. \nOn Monday, a nearby Costco that had lost power ordered 200 pounds of ice to \nkeep its refrigerated goods cold. \nBut dead traffic lights and congested roads made it impossible to deliver the \nice before the outage ended. Costco canceled the sale. \n\"We pride ourselves on getting our deliveries made in an hour,\" Ackerman \nsaid. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTraffic officials are seeing red over blackouts \nBattery backups are planned by several cities to aid confused drivers. \nMarch 21, 2001 \nBy HEATHER LOURIE\nThe Orange County Register \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTraffic backs up Tuesday at Crown Valley Parkway at Forbes Road in Laguna \nNiguel as drivers had to navigate their own way\nPhoto: Jebb Harris / The Register\n?\n?\n\nToby Tran approached an Aliso Viejo intersection and wasn't sure what to do. \nAhead of him, the traffic signal was dark, a casualty of the rolling \nblackouts that struck Orange County on Monday and Tuesday. \nSo Tran kept driving, smacking into an oncoming car at the corner of Aliso \nCreek and Enterprise. \n\"It just happened,\" a shaken Tran, 29, said from his Aliso Viejo home. \"I \ntried to stop and I couldn't. There was no light. Nothing.\" \nTran's accident Monday afternoon, and several others like it, underscore one \nof the most significant dangers looming in the threat of future blackouts. \nTraffic signals that fade to black when the power goes out, instead of \nconverting to flashing red, make wrecks far more likely because drivers \nbecome confused and frustrated, traffic engineers and experts said Tuesday. \n\"I didn't know what to do,\" said Tran, who was on his way to a high school \njogging track. \"Luckily I'm", "synonym_substitution": "- or a \n bust. \n It could mean more ice sales -- or that his supplier take fuss filling his \n orders. \n \" It's going to be an interesting summer,\" Ackerman allege. \n \" I have no idea if we'll induce more or less.\" \n Traffic will be the biggest problem if blackouts continue, Ackerman suppose. \n On Monday, a nearby Costco that had lost power ordered 200 pounds of ice to \n keep its refrigerate goods cold. \n But dead traffic luminosity and congested roads made it impossible to deliver the \n ice before the outage end. Costco canceled the sale. \n \" We pride ourselves on getting our deliveries made in an hour, \" Ackerman \n said. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ----------------------------------------------------------------- \n\n\n\n\n\n\n dealings officials are seeing red over blackouts \n Battery backups are planned by respective city to aid confused drivers. \n March 21, 2001 \n By HEATHER LOURIE \n The Orange County Register \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Traffic backs up Tuesday at Crown Valley Parkway at Forbes Road in Laguna \n Niguel as drivers had to navigate their own way \n Photo: Jebb Harris / The Register \n? \n? \n\n Toby Tran approach an Aliso Viejo intersection and wasn't sure what to dress. \n Ahead of him, the dealings signal was colored, a casualty of the rolling \n blackout that strike Orange County on Monday and Tuesday. \n So Tran kept drive, smacking into an oncoming car at the corner of Aliso \n Creek and Enterprise. \n \" It just happen, \" a shaken Tran, 29, said from his Aliso Viejo home. \" I \n tried to stop and I couldn't. There was no luminosity. Nothing. \" \n Tran's accident Monday afternoon, and several others like it, underscore one \n of the most significant danger looming in the threat of future blackouts. \n dealings signals that languish to black when the power go out, instead of \n convert to flashing bolshevik, make wreck far more likely because driver \n become confused and defeated, traffic engineers and experts say Tuesday. \n \" I didn't know what to do, \" said Tran, who was on his way to a high school \n jogging track. \" Luckily I'm", "butter_fingers": " - og a \nbust. \nIt could mean mure ice sales -- or that his shpplier fas trouble filling his \nordecs. \n\"Ir's goung to be an interestivg summer,'' Ackermab samd. \n\"I have no idee if we'll make lore ir less.'' \nTraffig will be tve biggest protldm if blackouts continue, Ackerman saiq. \nOn Momdwy, a nearby Coftco ehat had lost power ordered 200 pounds of ice to \nkeep its reftigerated goods cold. \nBut dfad hraffic lights and congested tkadf made it impussible to deliver the \nice before the outage ended. Cortco eanceled thg aapg. \n\"We pride onrselvvs on getting our delhveries made in an homr,\" Acnernan \nsaid. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTraffic offirials are seeing red over blawkkuts \nBattery backypw are platned vy revtrak dities to aid confuaed drivers. \nMarch 21, 2001 \nBy HEATHER LJLTIE\nThe Orangs Couney Register \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTraffic backs up Tuesday at Cgown Valley Parkway at Forbws Road in Laguna \nNigoel as driders had to navigate their own way\nPhoto: Jebb Harrhs / Tie Reylfgwr\n?\n?\n\nHoby Tran approached an Aliso Viejo intersectykn akd wasn't sure whct to do. \nAhead og jik, the traffic rignal waa dark, a casualty lf the tollint \nblackouus thst struck Orange County on Nonday and Tlesdqy. \nSo Tran kept drnving, smackiug intp an pncoming car at the coruer of Aliso \nCreen and Entsfprise. \n\"It just hxppvned,\" a shaken Tran, 29, said from ris Aliso Vielo home. \"K \ntroed to stop and L couldn't. There was no llght. Uothitg.\" \nTran's afcident Monday afternoon, and setxral others loka in, underscjre oke \nof the most fignificant daugers lojming in the thgeat of fnture blackotts. \nTraffic shhnals that fede to blwck qhen the poddr goes out, inxtead of \nbouverting ro flashing red, male ddecks far more oiktlt because drivrrs \nbesole cjtfused and fsustfatdc, trawfic enginecrs and experts said Tuesdaf. \n\"I sidn't know what to dj,\" said Ttan, who wws on his way to a high school \nuoggiig trark. \"Luclili I'm", "random_deletion": "- or a bust. It could mean sales or that supplier has trouble to an interesting summer,'' said. \"I have idea if we'll make more or Traffic will be the biggest problem if blackouts continue, Ackerman said. On Monday, nearby Costco that had lost power ordered 200 pounds of ice to keep refrigerated cold. dead lights and congested roads made it impossible to deliver the ice before the outage ended. Costco the sale. \"We pride ourselves on getting our made in an hour,\" said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Traffic are red over Battery are by several cities aid confused drivers. March 21, 2001 By HEATHER LOURIE The Orange County Register Traffic backs up Tuesday Crown Valley Forbes Road Laguna as had to navigate way Photo: Jebb Harris / The Toby Tran approached an Aliso Viejo intersection and sure what do. Ahead of him, the traffic was dark, a casualty of the rolling blackouts struck Orange County on Monday and Tuesday. So Tran kept driving, smacking into an oncoming the corner of Aliso and Enterprise. \"It happened,\" shaken 29, from his Viejo home. \"I tried to stop and I couldn't. There was light. Nothing.\" Tran's accident Monday afternoon, and several others like one the most significant looming in the threat future Traffic signals that fade when power of to red, make wrecks far likely because drivers become confused frustrated, traffic engineers and know what to do,\" said Tran, who was his way to a high school jogging \"Luckily I'm", "change_char_case": " - or a \nbust. \nIt could mean more ice Sales -- or thaT his sUppLieR hAs trOublE filling his \nordERs. \n\"It'S going to be an interestinG summEr,'' aCkerMAn Said. \n\"I Have no iDEa IF We'lL mAkE moRe OR lEss.'' \nTrAffIc will bE the biggesT prObLem if blackouTS cOntinue, AckErmAn said. \nOn MondAy, a Nearby coStcO That hAd lOst poWer ordERed 200 pouNds of ice tO \nkEEp its rEFrigeraTED gOods Cold. \nBut dead traffiC LiGHts and congesteD roads MaDE iT IMpoSsiBle to delivEr The \nicE Before tHE oUTAGe eNDed. Costco cancEled the sale. \n\"wE prIde ourSeLveS On gettIng ouR dELivEries made in An hoUr,\" AckermaN \nsaid. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTRAffic ofFIcials aRe seeiNg rEd oVer bLAcKoUts \nbaTTerY BaCkuPS arE planned By SeVeral CitiES TO Aid cOnfUsed DriveRs. \nMarch 21, 2001 \nBy HEAThER lOURie\nThE OranGe CouNty REgIster \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ntraffiC backS uP Tuesday at Crown vallEy Parkway At FOrBes roAd in LAGuna \nNiGueL as Drivers Had to naVIgaTe THEIr Own way\nPhoto: Jebb HarRiS / tHe register\n?\n?\n\ntoby TrAN aPpROached an alIso viejO INtersEctiON aNd wasn't sUre whaT To Do. \nahead of HiM, the trAfFic SigNal waS Dark, A casuaLty of the RolliNG \nblackouts that STruck Orange CoUNtY ON MONday And tuesday. \nSo TrAn kePT driVing, SMaCkiNG into An oncOmINg CAr at the corner of AlisO \nCReek anD EnteRprise. \n\"It just hAppened,\" a shAKEN Tran, 29, saiD froM HiS aliso Viejo home. \"i \ntrieD to stop and i Couldn't. THere wAs no lighT. Nothing.\" \nTRAN's accideNt MOndAy aFteRNOoN, and several otHERs liKe It, underScoRe one \nof The MosT siGniFiCant dangeRs loominG iN tHe ThReaT of fuTUre blackOuTs. \nTRaFfiC signALs that Fade tO blaCk WhEN thE power gOEs OUT, insTeAd Of \ncoNveRtIng to FlasHIng Red, make Wrecks far MorE LikeLy BeCause drIvers \nbecome coNfUsed and fruStRatEd, trafFIC engineeRs and experts said Tuesday. \n\"i Didn't knOw wHat to Do,\" saId Tran, who Was On his wAy tO A high sChool \njOgginG tRacK. \"lUckilY i'M", "whitespace_perturbation": " - or a \nbust. \nIt could m ean more i ce sa les -- o r th at h is supplier ha s tro uble filling his \norde rs. \"I t 's g o in g tobe an i n te r e sti ng s umm er , '' Acke rma n said. \n\"I havenoid ea if we'llm ak e more orles s.'' \nTraffi c w ill be t heb igges t p roble m if b l ackout s continu e, Ackerm a n said. On Mon day, a nearby Cos t co that had lostpoweror d er e d 20 0 p ounds of i ce to k eep its re f r i ger a ted goods col d. \nBut dea d tr afficli ght s and c onges te d ro ads made it imp ossible t o deli v er theice bef ore th e o uta ge e n de d. Co st c o c a nc ele d th e sale.\n\" We prid e ou r s e l vesongett ing o ur deliveries ma de i n an hour ,\" Ac kerm an \nsai d. \n-- ----- -- --------------- ---- --------- --- -- --- -- ----- - ------ --- --- ------- ------- --- -- - - - -- ------------------ -- - - -- -------- ------ - -- -- - -------- -- --- ---- - - -------- - -- -------- ------ - -- -- ------- -- ------ -- --- --- ----- - ---- ------ \n\n\n\n\n\n\nT raffi c officials are seeing red ov e rb l ac k outs \nB attery back upsa re p lann e dbys evera l cit ie s t o aid confused drive rs . \nMar ch 21 , 2001 \nBy HE ATHER LOUR I E The Oran ge C o un t y Register \n\n\n\n\n\nTraffic ba c ks up Tu esday at Crow n ValleyP a rkway at Fo rbe s R oad i nLaguna \nNigue l as d ri vers ha d t o navig ate th eir ow nway\nPhoto : Jebb H ar ri s/The Regi s ter\n?\n?\nT oby T ran appr o achedan Al isoVi ej o in tersect i on a nd w as n' t su rewh at to do. \nAh ead ofhim, thetra f ficsi gn al wasdark, a casua lt y of the r ol lin g \nbla c k outs tha t struck Orange Countyo n Monda y a nd Tu esda y. \nSo Tr ankept d riv i ng, sm acking into a n o n c oming c ar at t he cornero f Al iso Cr eekand Ent erprise. \n\"It just hap pened,\" a sha ken Tra n , 2 9,s ai d fr om his A liso Viejo home . \"I \ntrie dt ostop and I cou ld n't. Th ere was no l i ght. No thing.\" Tran's ac ci dent M ond ay afterno on, andseveral o t hersl ik e it, un dersco re on e \nof the m o stsigni ficant d angers loom in g in the threat of future black outs.\nTraf fic signalstha t fa de to bla ck w hen the po wer go es ou t,i nstea d of \nc onv e rting tof lashing r e d, ma k e w recks far m o r e li kelybec a use dr iver s \nbecome confuse d and frustrate d, t r a ffi c e n gine er s and expertssai dT u esday. \"I didn't kno w what t od o,\" s aid Tr an, wh o was o n hi s way t o ahig h school\njo gg i ng trac k. \" L uckily I'm ", "underscore_trick": " -_or a_\nbust. \nIt could mean_more ice_sales_-- or_that_his supplier has_trouble filling his_\norders. \n\"It's going to_be an interesting_summer,''_Ackerman said. \n\"I have no idea if we'll make more or less.'' \nTraffic will_be_the biggest_problem_if_blackouts continue, Ackerman said. \nOn_Monday, a nearby Costco that_had lost_power ordered 200 pounds of ice to \nkeep_its_refrigerated goods cold._\nBut dead traffic lights and congested roads made it_impossible to deliver the \nice before_the outage ended._Costco_canceled_the sale. \n\"We pride_ourselves on getting our deliveries made_in an hour,\" Ackerman \nsaid. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTraffic_officials are seeing red over blackouts \nBattery_backups are planned by several cities_to aid confused drivers. \nMarch_21, 2001_\nBy HEATHER LOURIE\nThe Orange County_Register \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTraffic backs_up Tuesday_at Crown Valley_Parkway at Forbes Road in Laguna_\nNiguel as drivers_had to navigate their own way\nPhoto:_Jebb_Harris / The_Register\n?\n?\n\nToby_Tran_approached an_Aliso Viejo intersection_and_wasn't sure_what_to do. \nAhead of him, the_traffic_signal was dark, a casualty of the_rolling \nblackouts that struck_Orange_County on Monday and_Tuesday. \nSo Tran kept driving,_smacking into an oncoming car at_the corner_of Aliso_\nCreek and Enterprise. \n\"It just happened,\" a shaken Tran, 29, said_from his Aliso Viejo home. \"I_\ntried to stop and_I couldn't._There_was no light._Nothing.\"_\nTran's accident_Monday afternoon, and several others like it,_underscore one_\nof the most significant dangers looming_in the threat of_future_blackouts. \nTraffic signals that fade to_black when the power goes out,_instead of \nconverting to flashing_red,_make_wrecks far more likely because_drivers \nbecome confused and frustrated, traffic_engineers and experts_said Tuesday. \n\"I didn't know what to_do,\"_said Tran, who was on his_way_to a high school \njogging track._\"Luckily_I'm"} {"text": "25/01\n\nEnergy trading floors represent ground zero in electricity crisis\nAssociated Press Newswires, 03/25/01\n\nIndia: Centre's interest liability on dues to Enron starts\nBusiness Line (The Hindu), 03/25/01\n\nVictoria Station's pounds 250m facelift\nThe Independent - London, 03/25/01\n\nStandoff may delay renegotiation on Enron project\nThe Times of India, 03/25/01\n\nDeal to sell PGE may fall through\nAssociated Press Newswires, 03/24/01\n\nGovt clears FDI proposals worth Rs 683 crore\nThe Economic Times, 03/24/01\n\nNigeria blames US firm for delay in power project: report\nAgence France-Presse, 03/24/01\n\nEnron deal with Sierra likely a bust / Buyer of Portland General having \ntrouble raising cash\nHouston Chronicle, 03/24/01\n\nMarket rebounds, but not stability\nHouston Chronicle, 03/24/01\n\nMidwest to face high gas prices again / Supply of anti-smog component already \none-quarter below last year\nHouston Chronicle, 03/24/01\n\nCOMPANY NEWS\nENRON SALE OF UNIT TO SIERRA PACIFIC IS DOUBTED\nThe New York Times, 03/24/01\n\nOperators of California Power Grid Testify of System Abuses\nKRTBN Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News: The Orange County Register - \nCalifornia, 03/24/01\n\nSanta Clara Plans for More Power / Generators to be built on existing plant \nsites\nThe San Francisco Chronicle, 03/24/01\n\nCalif. Crisis, M&A, Gas To Dominate Talk At Howard Weil\nDow Jones News Service, 03/23/01\n\n\n\n\n\nA Section\nCoal Scores With Wager on Bush; Belief That Mineral Is Part of 'Balanced' \nEnergy Policy Lifts Industry Outlook\nDan Morgan\nWashington Post Staff Writer\n\n03/25/2001\nThe Washington Post\nFINAL\nA05\nCopyright 2001, The Washington Post Co. All Rights Reserved\n\nFew businesses placed as big a bet on Republicans in the last election as the \ncoal industry, which gave 88 cents out of every dollar in campaign \ncontributions to GOP candidates or organizations.", "synonym_substitution": "25/01 \n\n Energy trading floors represent ground zero in electricity crisis \n Associated Press Newswires, 03/25/01 \n\n India: Centre's sake indebtedness on dues to Enron starts \n Business Line (The Hindu), 03/25/01 \n\n Victoria Station's pound 250 molarity facelift \n The Independent - London, 03/25/01 \n\n Standoff may delay renegotiation on Enron undertaking \n The Times of India, 03/25/01 \n\n Deal to sell PGE may fall through \n Associated Press Newswires, 03/24/01 \n\n Govt clears FDI proposal worth Rs 683 crore \n The Economic Times, 03/24/01 \n\n Nigeria blame US firm for delay in power project: report \n Agence France - Presse, 03/24/01 \n\n Enron softwood with Sierra likely a bust / Buyer of Portland General having \n trouble raising cash \n Houston Chronicle, 03/24/01 \n\n grocery store rebounds, but not stability \n Houston Chronicle, 03/24/01 \n\n Midwest to face gamey gas prices again / Supply of anti - smog component already \n one - one-fourth below last year \n Houston Chronicle, 03/24/01 \n\n COMPANY NEWS \n ENRON SALE OF UNIT TO SIERRA PACIFIC IS DOUBTED \n The New York Times, 03/24/01 \n\n Operators of California Power Grid Testify of System Abuses \n KRTBN Knight - Ridder Tribune Business News: The Orange County Register - \n California, 03/24/01 \n\n Santa Clara Plans for More Power / Generators to be build up on existing plant \n sites \n The San Francisco Chronicle, 03/24/01 \n\n Calif. Crisis, M&A, Gas To Dominate Talk At Howard Weil \n Dow Jones News Service, 03/23/01 \n\n\n\n\n\n A Section \n Coal Scores With Wager on Bush; Belief That Mineral Is share of' Balanced' \n Energy Policy Lifts Industry Outlook \n Dan Morgan \n Washington Post Staff Writer \n\n 03/25/2001 \n The Washington Post \n FINAL \n A05 \n Copyright 2001, The Washington Post Co. All Rights reserve \n\n Few businesses placed as big a bet on Republicans in the last election as the \n coal industry, which contribute 88 cents out of every dollar in campaign \n contribution to GOP candidate or organizations.", "butter_fingers": "25/01\n\nEneggy trading floors reprerent ground zero in elxctricify crisir\nAssociated Press Newswires, 03/25/01\n\nMndiq: Cenuge's interest liabilith on dues to Enrob sterts\nBusiness Linx (The Hikbu), 03/25/01\n\nVidboria Wtation's poundx 250m facelixt\nThe Independang - London, 03/25/01\n\nStandoff may delay renegotiwtion om Fnron project\nTre Tpmqs or India, 03/25/01\n\nDeal to sell PGE may fall fhrough\nEssociated Presx Newswires, 03/24/01\n\nGovt clears FDL prlposals worth Rs 683 frore\nThe Ecinomyx Times, 03/24/01\n\nNigefia blames US firm for delay in power project: report\nAeence France-Prewsw, 03/24/01\n\nEjton deal witi Sierga likely a bmxt / Bufer of Lortland Genersl iavibg \ntrouble raising cavh\nHouston Chroniclg, 03/24/01\n\nMarket rabkunds, but not stavioity\nHmustmn Cfeonkclt, 03/24/01\n\nMmdwsst to fare high gas prices agaun / Supply of anti-skod component aldeady \njnq-quarter below last year\nHouston Chronicne, 03/24/01\n\nDOMPANY NEWS\nENRON SALE IF UNIT TO SIERRA PACLFIC IS DJUBTED\nThe New York Times, 03/24/01\n\nOperators of California [ower Erib Testkdy of System Abuses\nKRTBN Knight-Ridder Tribune Btaimexs News: The Orcnge County Regixtfr - \nCalifornia, 03/24/01\n\nSxnta Clarz Plans for More Plwer / Ggneratirs to be buikt on existing plant \nsites\nTye San Francpsco Chronicle, 03/24/01\n\nCalif. Cxisis, M&A, Gas To Cominste Talk At Howard Weil\nBow Johes News Segvice, 03/23/01\n\n\n\n\n\nA Ssztion\nCoal Scores Winh Wdger on Bush; Belief That Myneral Is Parc of 'Balxncec' \nEnerdy Policy Pifts Industry Outlook\nDaj Moryan\nWavhington Plst Staff Writer\n\n03/25/2001\nThe Washington 'pst\nFINAL\nA05\nCopiricht 2001, The Wafhingbon Post Co. All Rights Reservgd\n\nFew busnnesser placed aa big a bet on Reptblicans in tvg last electimn as thq \ncoql ibdustry, dhich gave 88 cemts out oy eveey dollar in campalgn \ncuhtributions to YUK xandidates or prgxnisaniois.", "random_deletion": "25/01 Energy trading floors represent ground zero crisis Press Newswires, India: Centre's interest starts Line (The Hindu), Victoria Station's pounds facelift The Independent - London, 03/25/01 may delay renegotiation on Enron project The Times of India, 03/25/01 Deal to PGE may fall through Associated Press Newswires, 03/24/01 Govt clears FDI proposals worth 683 The Times, Nigeria blames US firm for delay in power project: report Agence France-Presse, 03/24/01 Enron deal with likely a bust / Buyer of Portland General trouble raising cash Houston 03/24/01 Market rebounds, but not Houston 03/24/01 Midwest face gas again / Supply anti-smog component already one-quarter below last year Houston Chronicle, 03/24/01 COMPANY NEWS ENRON SALE OF UNIT TO PACIFIC IS New York 03/24/01 of Power Grid Testify Abuses KRTBN Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News: Register - California, 03/24/01 Santa Clara Plans for Power / to be built on existing plant The San Francisco Chronicle, 03/24/01 Calif. Crisis, M&A, To Dominate Talk At Howard Weil Dow Jones News Service, 03/23/01 A Section Coal Scores on Bush; Belief That Is Part of Energy Lifts Outlook Morgan Washington Staff Writer 03/25/2001 The Washington Post FINAL A05 Copyright 2001, The Post Co. All Rights Reserved Few businesses placed as big on in the last as the coal industry, gave cents out of every campaign to organizations.", "change_char_case": "25/01\n\nEnergy trading floors represEnt ground zEro in EleCtrIcIty cRisiS\nAssociated PreSS NewSwires, 03/25/01\n\nIndia: Centre's inteRest lIaBIlitY On Dues tO Enron sTArTS\nbusInEsS LiNe (tHe hindu), 03/25/01\n\nvicToria StAtion's pounDs 250m FaCelift\nThe IndEPeNdent - LondoN, 03/25/01\n\nStAndoff may delAy rEnegotIaTioN On EnrOn pRojecT\nThe TiMEs of InDia, 03/25/01\n\nDeal to SeLL PGE maY Fall thrOUGh\nassoCiated Press NewswiREs, 03/24/01\n\ngOvt clears FDI prOposalS wORtH rS 683 crOre\nthe EconomiC TImes, 03/24/01\n\nNIGeria blAMeS us FirM For delay in powEr project: rePOrt\nagence frAncE-presse, 03/24/01\n\nenron DeAL wiTh Sierra likEly a Bust / Buyer Of PortLAnd GeneRAl havinG \ntroubLe rAisIng cASh\nhoUstOn cHroNIcLe, 03/24/01\n\nMARkeT reboundS, bUt Not stAbilITY\nhOustOn CHronIcle, 03/24/01\n\nMIdwest to face hIgh Gas pRIceS agaiN / SuppLy of AnTi-smoG compoNent aLrEady \none-quarter bElow Last year\nHOusToN ChRoNicle, 03/24/01\n\ncoMPANY nEWs\nENrON SALE oF UNIT To sIErRa pacIfIC IS DOUBTED\nThe New yoRK tiMes, 03/24/01\n\nOperaTors of cAlIfORnia PoweR GRid testIFY of SyStem aBuSes\nKRTBN knight-rIdDeR TribunE BUsinesS NEws: the orangE counTy RegiSter - \nCaliForniA, 03/24/01\n\nsanta Clara PlanS For More Power / GENeRAToRS to bE buIlt on existiNg plANt \nsiTes\nTHE SAn FRAncisCo ChrOnIClE, 03/24/01\n\ncalif. Crisis, M&A, Gas To DOmInate TAlk At howard Weil\nDow jones News SERVIce, 03/23/01\n\n\n\n\n\nA SectIon\nCOAl sCores With Wager On BusH; Belief ThaT mineral IS Part Of 'BalancEd' \nEnergy POLIcy Lifts indUstRy OUtlOOK\nDAn Morgan\nWashiNGTon POsT Staff WRitEr\n\n03/25/2001\nThe WaShiNgtOn POst\nfInAL\nA05\nCopyrIght 2001, The WAsHiNgToN PoSt Co. ALL Rights REsErvEd\n\nfew BusinESses plAced aS big A bEt ON RePublicaNS iN THe laSt ElEctiOn aS tHe \ncoaL indUStrY, which gAve 88 cents oUt oF EverY dOlLar in caMpaign \ncontribUtIons to GOP cAnDidAtes or ORGanizatiOns.", "whitespace_perturbation": "25/01\n\nEnergy trading floo rs represe nt gr oun d z er o in ele ctricity crisi s \nAss ociated Press Newswire s, 03 /2 5 /01In dia:Centre' s i n t ere st l iab il i ty on d ues to Enr on startsBus in ess Line (Th e H indu), 03/ 25/ 01\n\nVictoria St ation' spou n ds 25 0mfacel ift\nTh e Indep endent -Lo n don, 0 3 /25/01S ta ndof f may delay reneg o ti a tion on Enronprojec tT he T ime s o f India, 0 3/ 25/01 \nDeal t o s e l l PG E may fall thr ough\nAssoci a ted Press N ews w ires,03/24 /0 1 \n\nG ovt clearsFDIproposals worth Rs 683c rore\nTh e Econ omi c T imes , 0 3/ 24/ 01 \nNi g er iab lam es US fi rm f or de layi n p ower pr ojec t: re port\nAgence F ran ce-P r ess e, 03 /24/0 1\n\nE nr on de al wit h Sie rr a likely a bust / B uyer of P ort la ndGe neral having \nt rou ble rai sing ca s h\nH ou s t o nChronicle, 03/24/0 1M ar ket rebo unds,b ut n o t stabil it y\nH oust o n Chro nicl e ,03/24/01 \n\nMidw e st t o facehi gh gas p ric esagain / Su pply o f anti-s mog c o mponent alread y \none-quarter be l o wl astyea r\nHouston C hron i cle, 03/ 2 4/ 01COMPA NY NE WS EN R ON SALE OF UNIT TOSI ERRA P ACIFI C IS DOUBTEDThe New Yo r k Times, 0 3/24 / 01 \nOperators ofCalif ornia Powe r Grid Te stify of Syst em Abuses K RTBN Kni ght -Ri dde r T r i bu ne Business N e w s: T he Orange Co unty Re gis ter -\nCa li fornia, 0 3/24/01\nS an ta C lar a Pla n s for Mo re Po we r / Gene r atorsto be bui lt o n ex istingp la n t \nsi te sTheSan F ranci scoC hro nicle,03/24/01\nCa l if.Cr is is, M&A , Gas To Domi na te Talk At H owa rd Wei l Dow Jone s News Service, 03/23/0 1 \n\n\n\n\n\nA Se ction \nCoa l ScoresWit h Wage r o n Bush; Belie f Tha tMin e r al Is P ar t o f'Balanced' Ene rgy P ol icyLifts I ndustry Outlook\nDa n Mo rgan\nWashingt onPost S ta ffW ri t er\n0 3 /25 / 2 001\nThe Washing ton Post\nF IN A LA05\nCopyri g ht20 01, The Washin gtonP ost Co. All Righ ts Reserv ed \n\nFe w bus inesses pl aced asbig a bet on Re p ub lican s i n thela stelect ion as the \ncoa l indu st ry, wh ich g av e 88 cen ts out of every dollarin cam paign \nc ontributi ons toGOP candi date s or organ iza tio ns.", "underscore_trick": "25/01\n\nEnergy trading_floors represent_ground zero in electricity_crisis\nAssociated Press_Newswires,_03/25/01\n\nIndia: Centre's_interest_liability on dues_to Enron starts\nBusiness_Line (The Hindu), 03/25/01\n\nVictoria_Station's pounds 250m_facelift\nThe_Independent - London, 03/25/01\n\nStandoff may delay renegotiation on Enron project\nThe Times of India, 03/25/01\n\nDeal_to_sell PGE_may_fall_through\nAssociated Press Newswires, 03/24/01\n\nGovt clears_FDI proposals worth Rs 683_crore\nThe Economic_Times, 03/24/01\n\nNigeria blames US firm for delay in_power_project: report\nAgence France-Presse,_03/24/01\n\nEnron deal with Sierra likely a bust / Buyer_of Portland General having \ntrouble raising_cash\nHouston Chronicle, 03/24/01\n\nMarket_rebounds,_but_not stability\nHouston Chronicle, 03/24/01\n\nMidwest_to face high gas prices again_/ Supply of anti-smog component already_\none-quarter below last year\nHouston Chronicle, 03/24/01\n\nCOMPANY NEWS\nENRON_SALE OF UNIT TO SIERRA PACIFIC_IS DOUBTED\nThe New York Times,_03/24/01\n\nOperators of_California Power Grid Testify of_System Abuses\nKRTBN Knight-Ridder_Tribune Business_News: The Orange_County Register - \nCalifornia, 03/24/01\n\nSanta Clara_Plans for More_Power / Generators to be built_on_existing plant \nsites\nThe_San_Francisco_Chronicle, 03/24/01\n\nCalif._Crisis, M&A, Gas_To_Dominate Talk_At_Howard Weil\nDow Jones News Service, 03/23/01\n\n\n\n\n\nA_Section\nCoal_Scores With Wager on Bush; Belief That_Mineral Is Part of_'Balanced'_\nEnergy Policy Lifts Industry_Outlook\nDan Morgan\nWashington Post Staff Writer\n\n03/25/2001\nThe_Washington Post\nFINAL\nA05\nCopyright 2001, The Washington Post_Co. All_Rights Reserved\n\nFew_businesses placed as big a bet on Republicans in the last_election as the \ncoal industry, which_gave 88 cents out_of every_dollar_in campaign \ncontributions_to_GOP candidates_or organizations."} {"text": " Corsicana (A&M, UT, TCU, La Tech)\nMoses Harris, 6-1, 170, 4.4, Dallas Carter (FSU, OU, Mia, TCU, Gramb)\n* * * *\nDee Durham, 5-11, 174, 4.4, Mansfield (Colo, Mich, Mia, OSU, VT, UT)\nWarren Wilson, 6-0, 170, 4.4, Texas City (Pur, A&M, LSU, Ky, Az)\nCourtney Sterling, 5-7, 170, 4.4, Dallas Carter (Arizona State Commitment)\n\nSafety (5)\nDewayne Brandon, 6-3, 198, 4.46, Temple (UT, Neb, FSU, A&M, Ky)\nRufus Harris, 6-0, 180, 4.4, LaPorte (A&M, LSU, Az, Mia, Ky)\n* * * *\nKendall Briles, 5-10, 175, 4.5, Wolfforth Frenship (UT Commitment)\nJarvis Mayes, 6-2, 180, 4.45, Dallas Kimball (A&M Commitment)\nJaxson Appel, 6-0, 190, 4.5, Friendswood (A&M Commitment)\n\nAthlete (6)\nJoseph Addai, 6-1, 195, 4.5, Hstn Sharpstown (KSU, UT, Neb, Kan, Mich, A&M)\nQuan Cosby, 5-10, 180, 4.4, Mart (UT, A&M, UCLA, FSU, Bay)\nGainus Scott, 5-9, 170, 4.4, La Porte (FSU, Az, Tenn, Mia, ASU, Ky)\n* * * *\nRyan Gilbert, 5-11, 180, 4.4, Dallas Hillcrest (Mich, Neb, Mia, Tenn, FSU)\nBraden Johnson, 6-2, 200, 4.5, Euless Trinity (UT Commitment)\nBrian Carter, 5-11, 180, 4.5, The Woodlands (UT Commitment\n* * * *\n\nThe 25 \"Difference Makers\"\n\nThese are", "synonym_substitution": "Corsicana (A&M, UT, TCU, La Tech) \n Moses Harris, 6 - 1, 170, 4.4, Dallas Carter (FSU, OU, Mia, TCU, Gramb) \n * * * * \n Dee Durham, 5 - 11, 174, 4.4, Mansfield (Colo, Mich, Mia, OSU, VT, UT) \n Warren Wilson, 6 - 0, 170, 4.4, Texas City (Pur, A&M, LSU, Ky, Az) \n Courtney Sterling, 5 - 7, 170, 4.4, Dallas Carter (Arizona State Commitment) \n\n Safety (5) \n Dewayne Brandon, 6 - 3, 198, 4.46, Temple (UT, Neb, FSU, A&M, Ky) \n Rufus Harris, 6 - 0, 180, 4.4, LaPorte (A&M, LSU, Az, Mia, Ky) \n * * * * \n Kendall Briles, 5 - 10, 175, 4.5, Wolfforth Frenship (UT Commitment) \n Jarvis Mayes, 6 - 2, 180, 4.45, Dallas Kimball (A&M Commitment) \n Jaxson Appel, 6 - 0, 190, 4.5, Friendswood (A&M Commitment) \n\n Athlete (6) \n Joseph Addai, 6 - 1, 195, 4.5, Hstn Sharpstown (KSU, UT, Neb, Kan, Mich, A&M) \n Quan Cosby, 5 - 10, 180, 4.4, Mart (UT, A&M, UCLA, FSU, Bay) \n Gainus Scott, 5 - 9, 170, 4.4, La Porte (FSU, Az, Tenn, Mia, ASU, Ky) \n * * * * \n Ryan Gilbert, 5 - 11, 180, 4.4, Dallas Hillcrest (Mich, Neb, Mia, Tenn, FSU) \n Braden Johnson, 6 - 2, 200, 4.5, Euless Trinity (UT Commitment) \n Brian Carter, 5 - 11, 180, 4.5, The Woodlands (UT Commitment \n * * * * \n\n The 25 \" Difference Makers \" \n\n These are", "butter_fingers": " Cogsicana (A&M, UT, TCU, La Tecm)\nMoses Harris, 6-1, 170, 4.4, Dallas Carted (FSU, OU, Mia, TCU, Gramb)\n* * * *\nDee Durham, 5-11, 174, 4.4, Mansdield (Colo, Mich, Mia, OSJ, VT, UT)\nWagren Wilsin, 6-0, 170, 4.4, Texas Citb (Pur, A&M, LSU, Kg, Az)\nCmnrtney Sterling, 5-7, 170, 4.4, Dallas Carter (Arizond Rtcte Commitment)\n\nSafety (5)\nDewayne Brandon, 6-3, 198, 4.46, Temllf (UT, Neb, FSU, W&M, Kj)\nRtfus Harris, 6-0, 180, 4.4, LaPorte (A&M, LSU, Az, Mia, Kg)\n* * * *\nKenvall Briles, 5-10, 175, 4.5, Eolfforth Frenship (UT Commltmejt)\nJarvis Mayes, 6-2, 180, 4.45, Fallas Kimbqll (W&N Commitment)\nGaxson Apptl, 6-0, 190, 4.5, Friendawood (A&M Commitment)\n\nAthlete (6)\nJoseoh Adbai, 6-1, 195, 4.5, Hstn Syarovtown (KSU, UV, Neb, Han, Mich, A&M)\nQmsn Costy, 5-10, 180, 4.4, Msrt (UT, A&M, UCLA, FSN, Bat)\nGainus Scott, 5-9, 170, 4.4, La Pmrte (FSU, Az, Tenn, Mya, ASU, Ky)\n* * * *\nRyan Gilbert, 5-11, 180, 4.4, Eaolas Villwresg (Mizh, Heu, Mja, Tenj, FAU)\nBraden Jkhnson, 6-2, 200, 4.5, Eyless Trinity (UT Cokmynkent)\nBrian Cadter, 5-11, 180, 4.5, Ehe Woodlands (UT Commitment\n* * * *\n\nThe 25 \"Difftrencs Makers\"\n\nThese are", "random_deletion": "Corsicana (A&M, UT, TCU, La Tech) Moses 170, Dallas Carter OU, Mia, TCU, Dee 5-11, 174, 4.4, (Colo, Mich, Mia, VT, UT) Warren Wilson, 6-0, 170, Texas City (Pur, A&M, LSU, Ky, Az) Courtney Sterling, 5-7, 170, 4.4, Dallas (Arizona State Commitment) Safety (5) Dewayne Brandon, 6-3, 198, 4.46, Temple (UT, Neb, A&M, Rufus 6-0, 4.4, LaPorte (A&M, LSU, Az, Mia, Ky) * * * * Kendall Briles, 5-10, 175, 4.5, Frenship (UT Commitment) Jarvis Mayes, 6-2, 180, 4.45, Kimball (A&M Commitment) Jaxson 6-0, 190, 4.5, Friendswood (A&M Athlete Joseph Addai, 195, Hstn (KSU, UT, Neb, Mich, A&M) Quan Cosby, 5-10, 180, 4.4, Mart (UT, A&M, UCLA, FSU, Bay) Gainus Scott, 5-9, 170, La Porte Tenn, Mia, Ky) * * Ryan Gilbert, 4.4, Dallas Hillcrest (Mich, Neb, Mia, Johnson, 6-2, 200, 4.5, Euless Trinity (UT Commitment) Carter, 5-11, 4.5, The Woodlands (UT Commitment * * * The 25 \"Difference Makers\" These are", "change_char_case": " Corsicana (A&M, UT, TCU, La Tech)\nMosEs Harris, 6-1, 170, 4.4, DaLlas CArtEr (FsU, oU, MiA, TCU, gramb)\n* * * *\nDee Durham, 5-11, 174, 4.4, mAnsfIeld (Colo, Mich, Mia, OSU, VT, UT)\nwarreN WILson, 6-0, 170, 4.4, tExAs CitY (Pur, A&M, Lsu, KY, aZ)\nCoUrTnEy STeRLiNg, 5-7, 170, 4.4, DalLas carter (ARizona StatE CoMmItment)\n\nSafety (5)\ndEwAyne BrandoN, 6-3, 198, 4.46, TeMple (UT, Neb, FSU, a&M, KY)\nRufus haRriS, 6-0, 180, 4.4, laPorTe (A&m, LSU, AZ, Mia, Ky)\n* * * *\nkEndall briles, 5-10, 175, 4.5, WolFfORth FreNShip (UT COMMiTmenT)\nJarvis Mayes, 6-2, 180, 4.45, DallaS kiMBall (A&M CommitmeNt)\nJaxsOn aPpEL, 6-0, 190, 4.5, friEndSwood (A&M ComMiTment)\n\naThlete (6)\nJOSePH aDdaI, 6-1, 195, 4.5, hstn SharpstowN (KSU, UT, Neb, KaN, micH, A&M)\nQuaN COsbY, 5-10, 180, 4.4, mart (UT, a&M, UCLa, Fsu, BaY)\nGainus ScotT, 5-9, 170, 4.4, La POrte (FSU, Az, tenn, MiA, aSU, Ky)\n* * * *\nRyAN GilberT, 5-11, 180, 4.4, DallaS HiLlcRest (mIcH, NEb, MIa, tEnn, fsU)\nbraDEn JOhnson, 6-2, 200, 4.5, EuLeSs triniTy (UT cOMMItmeNt)\nBRian carteR, 5-11, 180, 4.5, The Woodlands (uT COmmiTMenT\n* * * *\n\nThe 25 \"DIfferEnce maKers\"\n\nTHese arE", "whitespace_perturbation": " Corsicana (A&M, UT, TCU,La Tech)\nM osesHar ris ,6-1, 170 , 4.4, DallasC arte r (FSU, OU, Mia, TCU,Gramb )* * * *Dee D urham,5 -1 1 , 17 4, 4 .4, M a ns field (C olo, Mi ch, Mia, O SU, V T, UT)\nWarre n W ilson, 6-0 , 1 70, 4.4, Tex asCity ( Pu r,A &M, L SU, Ky,Az)\nCo u rtneySterling, 5 - 7, 170 , 4.4, D a l la s Ca rter (Arizona Sta t eC ommitment)\n\nSa fety ( 5) De w a yne Br andon, 6-3 ,198,4 .46, Te m pl e (UT , Neb, FSU, A& M, Ky)\nRufu s Ha rris,6- 0,1 80, 4. 4, La Po r te(A&M, LSU,Az,Mia, Ky)* * ** \nKendal l Briles , 5-10 , 1 75, 4.5 , W ol ffo rt h Fr e ns hip (UT Commitm en t) \nJarv is M a y e s , 6- 2,180, 4.45 , Dallas Kimb all (A& M Co mmitm ent)Jaxs on Appe l, 6-0 , 190 ,4.5, Friendswoo d (A &M Commit men t) \n\nA th lete( 6)\nJos eph Ad dai, 6- 1, 195, 4.5 ,H s t nSharpstown (KSU, U T, N eb , Kan, M ich, A & M) \nQ u an Cosby ,5-1 0, 1 8 0 , 4.4 , Ma r t(UT, A&M , UCLA , F SU , Bay)Ga inus S co tt, 5- 9, 17 0 , 4. 4, LaPorte (F SU, A z , Tenn, Mia, A S U, Ky)\n* * ** \nR y a nG ilbe rt, 5-11, 180, 4.4 , Dal lasH il lcr e st (M ich,Ne b ,M ia, Tenn, FSU)\nBrad en Johns on, 6 -2, 200, 4.5, Euless Tr i n i ty (UT C ommi t me n t)\nBrian Carte r, 5- 11, 180, 4 . 5, The W oodla nds (UTCommitmen t * * * *\nTh e 2 5 \" Dif f e re nce Makers\"\nT h esear e", "underscore_trick": " Corsicana_(A&M, UT,_TCU, La Tech)\nMoses Harris,_6-1, 170,_4.4,_Dallas Carter_(FSU,_OU, Mia, TCU,_Gramb)\n* * *_*\nDee Durham, 5-11, 174,_4.4, Mansfield (Colo,_Mich,_Mia, OSU, VT, UT)\nWarren Wilson, 6-0, 170, 4.4, Texas City (Pur, A&M, LSU, Ky,_Az)\nCourtney_Sterling, 5-7,_170,_4.4,_Dallas Carter (Arizona State Commitment)\n\nSafety_(5)\nDewayne Brandon, 6-3, 198, 4.46,_Temple _(UT, Neb, FSU, A&M, Ky)\nRufus Harris, 6-0, 180,_4.4,_LaPorte (A&M, LSU,_Az, Mia, Ky)\n* * * *\nKendall Briles, 5-10, 175,_4.5, Wolfforth Frenship (UT Commitment)\nJarvis Mayes,_6-2, 180, 4.45,_Dallas_Kimball_(A&M Commitment)\nJaxson Appel, 6-0,_190, 4.5, Friendswood (A&M Commitment)\n\nAthlete (6)\nJoseph_Addai, 6-1, 195, 4.5, Hstn Sharpstown_(KSU, UT, Neb, Kan, Mich, A&M)\nQuan Cosby,_5-10, 180, 4.4, Mart (UT, A&M,_UCLA, FSU, Bay)\nGainus Scott, 5-9,_170, 4.4,_La Porte (FSU, Az, Tenn,_Mia, ASU, Ky)\n*_* *_*\nRyan Gilbert, 5-11,_180, 4.4, Dallas Hillcrest (Mich, Neb,_Mia, Tenn, FSU)\nBraden_Johnson, 6-2, 200, 4.5, Euless Trinity_(UT_Commitment)\nBrian Carter, 5-11,_180,_4.5,_The Woodlands_(UT Commitment\n* *_*_*\n\nThe 25_\"Difference_Makers\"\n\nThese are"} {"text": " Offers in the OTC \nmarket have climbed to the low $40s. The highest reported trade for December \nwas reported at $38.50. The tightness should continue through the first \nhalf of the year with the Martin County mine still shut down. The rest of \nthe year remains strong piggy backing off of the current spot market. \n\nFinally--Life beyond the 150 to 155 range--vintage year 2000 SO2 allowances \nbroke out of this trading range this week. The low trade was around $119.50 \nand the last trade was around $120.50. The sharp drop in prices was caused \nin large part by the news of Dominion Virginia Power settling the New Source \nReview lawsuit brought against it by the state of NY and the EPA Continuing \nrumors of further NSR related settlements will likely create continued \nvolatility. It is as yet unclear what the new price floor will be.\n\nNOx has settled down a bit with last trade 2001 vintage of $675.\n\nPrincipal Investments\nSolo Energy Corporation, an Alameda, California based developer of Wireless \nEnergy microturbine products to supply superior on-site energy service to \nU.S. commercial and light industrial customers, announced that Enron North \nAmerica has completed an equity investment in Solo Energy as well as entered \ninto an alliance agreement.\n\nIn exchange for warrants to purchase the Company\u0001,s preferred stock, Enron \nwill assist in obtaining fuel contracts to support the Company\u0001,s distributed \ngeneration contracts, including the provision of gas and backup electricity, \nand will work with the Company to support its market and gas technology \nresearch. \n\nNEWS FROM THE GLOBALFLASH\n\nEnronCredit.com\nOn Halloween, Enron Credit.com hit the City of London last Tuesday. As an \noriginal PR stunt, the EnronCredit.com team organized a Grim Reaper with two \nfemale vampires to distribute candy carrying the message, \"Corporate \nbankruptcies are on the increase and could be your worst nightmare. You can \nprotect your company and sleep well at night\". Locations for the distribution \nof 5,000 packs of candy were Bank, Broadgate and Canary Wharf. The general \nfeedback and reaction of people was positive. Photos of the event", "synonym_substitution": "Offers in the OTC \n market have climbed to the low $ forty. The eminent reported trade for December \n was report at $ 38.50. The constriction should continue through the first \n one-half of the year with the Martin County mine still shut down. The remainder of \n the year remains solid piggy backing off of the current spotlight grocery store. \n\n Finally -- Life beyond the 150 to 155 range -- vintage year 2000 SO2 allowances \n break out of this trading range this week. The low barter was around $ 119.50 \n and the last trade was around $ 120.50. The crisp drop in prices was caused \n in large part by the news program of Dominion Virginia Power settling the New Source \n Review lawsuit brought against it by the state of NY and the EPA Continuing \n rumors of further NSR related settlements will likely create continued \n volatility. It is as yet unclear what the new price floor will be. \n\n NOx has settled down a bit with concluding trade 2001 vintage of $ 675. \n\n Principal Investments \n Solo Energy Corporation, an Alameda, California based developer of Wireless \n Energy microturbine product to add superior on - site energy service to \n U.S. commercial and light industrial customers, announced that Enron North \n America has complete an equity investment in Solo Energy as well as entered \n into an confederation agreement. \n\n In exchange for warrants to purchase the Company\u0001,s preferred stock, Enron \n will assist in obtaining fuel contract to support the Company\u0001,s distributed \n generation contracts, including the planning of gas and backup electricity, \n and will work with the Company to support its market and gas technology \n research. \n\n NEWS FROM THE GLOBALFLASH \n\n EnronCredit.com \n On Halloween, Enron Credit.com hit the City of London final Tuesday. As an \n original PR stunt, the EnronCredit.com team organized a Grim Reaper with two \n female vampire to distribute candy carrying the message, \" Corporate \n bankruptcies are on the addition and could be your worst nightmare. You can \n protect your company and sleep well at nox \". Locations for the distribution \n of 5,000 packs of candy were Bank, Broadgate and Canary Wharf. The general \n feedback and reaction of people was convinced. Photos of the consequence", "butter_fingers": " Ovfers in the OTC \nmarket mave climbed to jhw low $40v. The highest reported trade for December \nwqs rekjrted at $38.50. The tiehtness sjould cobtinne through the fmdst \nhaln of fme yecr with the Marjin County mhne still shut duwu. The rest of \nthe year remains strogg piggu hacking off of the surrsnt spot market. \n\nFinally--Life beyond the 150 tm 155 range--vintabe year 2000 SO2 allowances \nbrone okt of this trading range this weeh. The low trxde was around $119.50 \nand thg last trade was around $120.50. The shxrp dxop in pricgs wwv caused \nin largv part by the news of Dominipn Virginia Poeer sertling the New Source \nReview lawsuit brjught agahnat it by the statw if NY and the WPA Cohtmnujng \nrulora of furthsr NSR relared settlements wilk jplely create dontinteq \nvolatility. It is as yet unclear what ths new price floor will ve.\n\nNOx has settled dowj a bit wyth last trade 2001 vintage of $675.\n\nPrincipal Investments\nSmlo Eiefgy Cjfpogation, an Alameda, California based developer jr Eigeless \nEnergy micvoturbine products tl xopply superior on-sitz ehergy service to \nU.D. commetcial qnd light indistrial customers, announced that Enron Uorrh \nAmerica has com'leted an eqbity imvestkent in Solo Energy as cell aa entered \nijto an almkance agreement.\n\nIv eqchatge for warrants to purchafe the Conpanv\u0001,s prefefred stock, Enron \nwilp asslvt in obtaining fufl coutracds to supplrt the Company\u0001,s distributed \ngeixration contrscds, pncluding the irovision of gaf and backup ekectricnty, \nana will wori with vhe Company eo support itv market and jas technjlogt \nrewearch. \n\nVDWS FROM THE GKOBALFLASK\n\nTnronCredir.com\nOn Halloween, Ekron Zdedit.com hit thz Xity of London kasg Tteddey. As dn \noriginal [R sgung, the DnronCrtbit.gom teak organized a Grim Raaped with two \nfemale faipires ti distrifute candy catrying the message, \"Corpmrave \nbanlruktcies are on the increase and dould be jouv worst nightiare. You can \nprocect your company and sleep well at nighv\". Locations for the disrribution \nof 5,000 packs pf candy wece Banh, Broadgade and Canary Wharf. Rhe general \nfeedbsck and reaction of psople fas plsitive. Photos of the event", "random_deletion": "Offers in the OTC market have climbed low The highest trade for December tightness continue through the half of the with the Martin County mine still down. The rest of the year remains strong piggy backing off of the spot market. Finally--Life beyond the 150 to 155 range--vintage year 2000 SO2 allowances out this range week. The low trade was around $119.50 and the last trade was around $120.50. The sharp in prices was caused in large part by news of Dominion Virginia settling the New Source Review brought it by state NY the EPA Continuing of further NSR related settlements will likely create continued volatility. It is as yet unclear what the price floor NOx has down bit last trade 2001 $675. Principal Investments Solo Energy Corporation, based developer of Wireless Energy microturbine products to superior on-site service to U.S. commercial and light customers, announced that Enron North America has completed equity investment in Solo Energy as well as entered into an alliance agreement. In exchange to purchase the Company\u0001,s stock, Enron will in fuel to the Company\u0001,s generation contracts, including the provision of gas and backup electricity, and work with the Company to support its market and gas NEWS THE GLOBALFLASH EnronCredit.com Halloween, Enron Credit.com hit City London last Tuesday. As PR the a Reaper two female vampires to candy carrying the message, \"Corporate are on the increase nightmare. You can protect your company and sleep at night\". Locations for the distribution of packs of candy were Bank, Broadgate and Canary Wharf. The general feedback reaction of positive. Photos of the event", "change_char_case": " Offers in the OTC \nmarket have cLimbed to thE low $40s. the HigHeSt rePortEd trade for DeceMBer \nwAs reported at $38.50. The tightneSs shoUlD ContINuE throUgh the fIRsT \nHAlf Of ThE yeAr WItH the MArtIn CountY mine still ShuT dOwn. The rest of \nTHe Year remainS stRong piggy bacKinG off of ThE cuRRent sPot MarkeT. \n\nFinalLY--Life bEyond the 150 tO 155 rANge--vinTAge year 2000 so2 AlLowaNces \nbroke out of thiS TrADing range this wEek. The LoW TrADE waS arOund $119.50 \nand the LaSt traDE was aroUNd $120.50. tHE ShaRP drop in prices Was caused \nin LArgE part bY tHe nEWs of DoMinioN VIRgiNia Power setTlinG the New SoUrce \nReVIew lawsUIt brougHt agaiNst It bY the STaTe Of Ny aND thE ePa CoNTinUing \nrumoRs Of FurthEr NSr RELAted SetTlemEnts wIll likely creaTe cOntiNUed \nVolatIlity. it is As Yet unClear wHat thE nEw price floor wilL be.\n\nNox has settLed DoWn a BiT with LAst traDe 2001 vIntAge of $675.\n\nPrIncipal iNveStMENTs\nsolo Energy CorporatIoN, AN ALameda, CaLifornIA bAsED developEr Of WIrelESS \nEnerGy miCRoTurbine pRoductS To SuPply supErIor on-sItE enErgY servICe to \nu.S. commErcial anD lighT Industrial custOMers, announced THaT eNrON NorTh \nAMerica has coMpleTEd an EquiTY iNveSTment In SolO ENErGY as well as entered \nintO aN alliaNce agReement.\n\nIn exchAnge for warRANTs to purcHase THe cOmpany\u0001,s preferrEd stoCk, Enron \nwilL Assist in ObtaiNing fuel Contracts TO Support tHe COmpAny\u0001,S diSTRiButed \ngeneratiON ContRaCts, inclUdiNg the prOviSioN of Gas AnD backup elEctricitY, \naNd WiLl WorK with THe CompanY tO suPpOrt Its maRKet and Gas teChnoLoGy \nREseArch. \n\nNEWs fRom tHE GlObAlFLAsH\n\nENrOnCreDit.cOM\nOn halloweEn, Enron CrEdiT.Com hIt ThE City of london last TueSdAy. As an \norigInAl Pr stunt, THE EnronCrEdit.com team organized a GrIM Reaper WitH two \nfEmalE vampires To dIstribUte CAndy caRrying The meSsAge, \"cORporaTE \nBaNkrUpTcies are on THE inCreasE aNd coUld be yoUr worst nightmare. YoU Can \nProtect your coMpaNy anD SLeEp wELl AT niGhT\". locATIons for the distrIbution \nof 5,000 pAcKS oF candy were bAnk, brOadgate And CanaRy WhaRF. The genEral \nfeedbAck and reaCtIon oF PEopLe was positIve. PhotoS of the eveNT", "whitespace_perturbation": " Offers in the OTC \nmarke t have cli mbedtothe l ow $ 40s. The highestr epor ted trade for December \nwas r e port e dat $3 8.50. Th e tig ht ne sssh o ul d con tin ue thro ugh the fi rst half of they ea r with th e M artin County mi ne sti ll sh u t dow n. Therest o f \ntheyear rema in s stron g piggyb a ck ingoff of the curren t s p ot market. \n\nF inally -- L if e bey ond the 150 t o155 r a nge--vi n ta g e yea r 2000 SO2 all owances \nbr o keout of t his tradin g ran ge thi s week. Th e lo w trade w as aro u nd $119 . 50 \nand the l ast tr adew as a rou nd $12 0 .5 0.The sharp d ro pin pr ices w a s cau sed \nin larg e part by the ne ws o f Do minio n Vir gini aPower settl ing t he New Source \nRe view lawsuitbro ug htag ainst it bythe st ate ofNY andt heEP A C on tinuing \nrumors of f u r th er NSR r elated se tt l ements w il l l ikel y creat e co n ti nued \nvo latili t y. It is a syet un cl ear wh at th e new price floor w ill b e .\n\nNOx has set t led down a bi t w i t hl asttra de 2001 vin tage of $ 675. \nP rin c ipalInves tm e nt s \nSolo Energy Corpor at ion, a n Ala meda, Califor nia basedd e v eloper o f Wi r el e ss \nEnergy mic rotur bine produ c ts to su pplysuperior on-sitee n ergy ser vic e t o U.S . co mmercial andl i ghtin dustria l c ustomer s,ann oun ced t hat Enron North Am er ic ahas comp l eted aneq uit yinv estme n t in S olo E nerg yas wel l as en t er e d \nin to a n al lia nc e agr eeme n t.\nIn exc hange for wa r rant sto purcha se the Compan y\u0001 ,s preferr ed st ock, E n r on \nwill assist in obtaining fu e l contr act s tosupp ort the C omp any\u0001,s di s tribut ed \nge nerat io n c o n tract s , i ncl ud ing the pr o v isi on of g as a nd back up electricity, \na n d w ill work with th e Co m p an y t o s u ppo rt its m arket and gas t echnology\nr e se arch. \n\nNE W S F RO M THE G LOBALFL ASH\nE nronCre dit.com\nO n Hallowe en , En r o n C redit.comhit theCity of L o ndonl as t Tue sda y. Asan \no rigin al PRs tun t, th e Enro nC redit. com t ea m organi zed a Grim Reaper withtwo \nf emale va mpires to di s tri bute cand y ca rrying the me ssa ge, \" Cor p orate \nba n kr upt c ies a re o n the incr e as e a n d c ould be you r w ors t nig htm a re. Yo u ca n \nprotect your c o mpany and slee p we l l at ni g ht\". L ocations for t hedi s t ribution of 5,000 pa cks of c an d y wer e Bank , Broa dgate a n d C a nary W harf . T he genera l fe e dback a nd r e action ofpe ople w as pos i tive . Photos of the ev ent", "underscore_trick": " _Offers in_the OTC \nmarket have_climbed to_the_low $40s.__The highest reported_trade for December_\nwas reported at $38.50._ The_tightness_should continue through the first \nhalf of the year with the Martin County_mine_still shut_down.__The rest of \nthe year_remains strong piggy backing off_of the_current spot market. \n\nFinally--Life beyond the 150 to_155_range--vintage year 2000_SO2 allowances \nbroke out of this trading range this_week. The low trade was_around $119.50 \nand_the_last_trade was around $120.50._ The sharp drop in prices_was caused \nin large part by_the news of Dominion Virginia Power settling_the New Source \nReview lawsuit brought_against it by the state_of NY_and the EPA Continuing \nrumors_of further NSR_related settlements_will likely create_continued \nvolatility. It is as_yet unclear what_the new price floor will be.\n\nNOx_has_settled down a_bit_with_last trade_2001 vintage of_$675.\n\nPrincipal_Investments\nSolo Energy_Corporation,_an Alameda, California based developer of_Wireless_\nEnergy microturbine products to supply superior on-site_energy service to \nU.S._commercial_and light industrial customers,_announced that Enron North \nAmerica_has completed an equity investment in_Solo Energy_as well_as entered \ninto an alliance agreement.\n\nIn exchange for warrants to purchase_the Company\u0001,s preferred stock, Enron \nwill_assist in obtaining fuel_contracts to_support_the Company\u0001,s distributed_\ngeneration_contracts, including_the provision of gas and backup electricity,_\nand will_work with the Company to support_its market and gas_technology_\nresearch. \n\nNEWS FROM THE GLOBALFLASH\n\nEnronCredit.com\nOn Halloween,_Enron Credit.com hit the City of_London last Tuesday. As an_\noriginal_PR_stunt, the EnronCredit.com team organized_a Grim Reaper with two \nfemale_vampires to distribute_candy carrying the message, \"Corporate \nbankruptcies are_on_the increase and could be your_worst_nightmare. You can \nprotect your company_and_sleep_well at night\". Locations for_the distribution \nof 5,000 packs of_candy were Bank, Broadgate and Canary Wharf. The general_\nfeedback and reaction_of people was positive. Photos_of_the_event"} {"text": " happy life!\n> > > > > > This is nice reading, but short. Enjoy! This is\n> > > > > what\n> > > > > > The Dalai Lama has to say on the millennium. All\n> > > > > it takes is a few\n> > > > > > seconds to read and think it over. Do not keep\n> > > > > this message. The mantra\n> > > > > > must leave our hands within 96hours. You will\n> > > > get\n> > > > > a very pleasant\n> > > > > > surprise. This is true even if you are not\n> > > > > superstitious.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > I N S T R U C T I O N S F O R L I F E\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 1. Take into account that great love and great\n> > > > > > achievements involve great risk.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 3. Follow the three R's:\n> > > > > > Respect for self\n> > > > > > Respect for others and\n> > > > > > Responsibility for all your actions.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 4.Remember that not getting what you want is\n> > > > > > sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them\n> > > > > > properly.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great\n> > > > > > friendship.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 7. When you realize you've made a mistake, take\n> > > > > > immediate steps to correct it.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 8. Spend some", "synonym_substitution": "happy life! \n > > > > > > This is nice reading, but light. love! This is \n > > > > > what \n > > > > > > The Dalai Lama has to say on the millennium. All \n > > > > > it take is a few \n > > > > > > seconds to read and intend it over. Do not preserve \n > > > > > this message. The mantra \n > > > > > > must leave our hands within 96hours. You will \n > > > > get \n > > > > > a very pleasant \n > > > > > > surprise. This is true even if you are not \n > > > > > superstitious. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > I N S triiodothyronine R U vitamin c T I O N S F O R L I F E \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 1. Take into account that great beloved and great \n > > > > > > achievements involve big risk. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 2. When you lose, don't lose the example. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 3. Follow the three R's: \n > > > > > > Respect for self \n > > > > > > Respect for others and \n > > > > > > Responsibility for all your actions. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 4.Remember that not catch what you want is \n > > > > > > sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 5. Learn the dominion so you know how to break them \n > > > > > > properly. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great \n > > > > > > friendship. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 7. When you realize you've made a mistake, consider \n > > > > > > immediate steps to correct it. \n > > > > > > \n > > > > > > 8. Spend some", "butter_fingers": " haopy life!\n> > > > > > This is kice reading, but short. Xnjoy! Tgis is\n> > > > > what\n> > > > > > The Dalai Lema yas ti say on the millenniuo. All\n> > > > > it tajes ms a few\n> > > > > > seconds bj rezf anb vhink it over. Dp not keep\n> > > > > this mevsxgz. The mantra\n> > > > > > must leave our hwnds wiyhln 96hours. You wyll\n> > > > fvt\n> > > > > a very pleasant\n> > > > > > surprive. This is trie even if you are not\n> > > > > skperstitious.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > I B S E R U C T I O N S F O G L I F E\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 1. Take into accoung thac great lovg znf great\n> > > > > > acrievements iknolve gseat rixk.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 2. Whwn you lose, don't lose the lesson.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 3. Xomlow the three R's:\n> > > > > > Rdwpezt roc sslf\n> > > > > > Reapect for orhers and\n> > > > > > Responsibilify for ajl your actions.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 4.Remember uhat hot getting what you wabt is\n> > > > > > sometimed a wondewful stroke of luck.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 5. Learn the rulev so boj kuiw hod tl break them\n> > > > > > properly.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 6. Djh't lvt a little dispube injure a great\n> > > > > > friendship.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 7. When you reapize yoo've maee a mistwke, yake\n> > > > > > immediate steps to correct pt.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 8. Spenb some", "random_deletion": "happy life! > > > > > is reading, but Enjoy! This is what > > > > The Dalai has to say on the millennium. > > > > > it takes is a few > > > > > seconds to read and think it over. Do not keep > > > message. mantra > > > > > > must leave our hands within 96hours. You will > > > get > > > > > very pleasant > > > > > surprise. This true if you not > > > superstitious. > > > > > > > > > > > I N S T R U T I S F R I E > > > > > > > > Take into account that great love and great > > > > achievements involve great risk. > > > > > > > > > > 2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson. > > > > > > > > > 3. Follow the R's: > > > Respect self > > > > > > Respect for others and > > > > > Responsibility for all your actions. > > > > > > > > that getting what you want > > a stroke luck. > > > > > > > > > > 5. Learn how to break them > > > > > properly. > > > > > > > > > > > 6. Don't let a little dispute a great > > > > friendship. > > > > > > > > > > 7. When you realize you've made mistake, > > > > > steps to correct > > > > > > > some", "change_char_case": " happy life!\n> > > > > > This is nice readinG, but short. ENjoy! THis Is\n> > > > > wHaT\n> > > > > > The dalaI Lama has to say oN The mIllennium. All\n> > > > > it takes is a Few\n> > > > > > seCoNDs to REaD and tHink it oVEr. dO Not KeEp\n> > > > > ThiS mESsAge. ThE maNtra\n> > > > > > musT leave our hAndS wIthin 96hours. YoU WiLl\n> > > > get\n> > > > > a very PleAsant\n> > > > > > surprisE. ThIs is trUe EveN If you Are Not\n> > > > > suPerstiTIous.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > I N s T R U C T I O N s F o r L I F E\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 1. TAKe into aCCOuNt thAt great love and greAT\n> > > > > > aCHievements invoLve greAt RIsK.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 2. wHen You Lose, don't loSe The leSSon.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 3. FollOW tHE THreE r's:\n> > > > > > Respect for sElf\n> > > > > > Respect fOR otHers anD\n> > > > > > REspONsibilIty foR aLL yoUr actions.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 4.ReMembEr that not GettinG What you WAnt is\n> > > > > > soMetimeS a wOndErfuL StRoKe oF lUCk.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 5. LEArN thE RulEs so you kNoW hOw to bReak THEM\n> > > > > > PropErlY.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 6. Don'T let a Little dispute InjUre a GReaT\n> > > > > > frieNdshiP.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 7. WheN yOu reaLize yoU've maDe A mistake, take\n> > > > > > immEdiaTe steps to CorReCt iT.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 8. SPend sOMe", "whitespace_perturbation": " happy life!\n> > > > > > This is n ice r ead ing ,butshor t. Enjoy! This is\n> > > > > what\n> >> > > > TheD al ai La ma hast os a y o nth e m il l en nium. Al l\n> > > > > ittak es is a few\n> > > > > > s eco nds to readand think i t o v er. D o n ot ke ep\n> > > >> this me ss a ge. Th e mantra > > > > > > must leave ou r hands within96hour s. Yo u wil l\n> > > > g et \n> > > > >a v e r y pl e asant\n> > > > > > surp r ise . This i s t r ue eve n ifyo u ar e not\n> > > > > supers titiou s .\n> > > > > > \n> > >> > > I NST R U C T IO N S F O R L I F E\n> >> > > >> > > > >> 1. Take int o a ccou n t t hat g reatlove a nd gr eat\n> > > > > > achievemen ts i nvolve gr eat r isk .> > > > >>\n> > > > > > 2. W h enyo u l os e, don't lose thele s s on .\n> >> > >> \n> > > > >>3.Foll o w thethre e R 's:\n> > > >> > Re sp ect fo rsel f\n> >> > > > Respe ct fo r others and\n> > > > > > R es p onsi bil ity for all you r act ions . \n> > > >> >\n> >> > > > 4.Remember t ha t notgetti ng what you w ant is\n> > > > > >some t im e s a wonderfulstrok e of luck. > > >> > > \n> > > > > > 5. L earn the ru les so yo u kn ow how to bre a k the m> > > >> > pro per ly. \n> > > > > >\n> > > >>>6. D on' t let a little d isp ut e i njure a grea t\n> > > > > > f riendsh i p. > > > > > > \n> > > > > > 7.When yo u realize yo u 'vema de a mist ake, take\n> > > > > > i mm edi ate st e p s to cor rect it.\n> > > > > >> > >> > > 8. Spe nd some", "underscore_trick": " happy_life!\n> _ > > >_> >_This_is nice_reading,_but short. Enjoy!_This is\n> _ > > >_> what\n> __> > > > > The Dalai Lama has to say on the millennium._All\n>_ _>_>_> > it takes is_a few\n> >_> >_> > seconds to read and think it_over._Do not keep\n>_ > > > > this message. The_mantra\n> > > >_> > must_leave_our_hands within 96hours. You_will\n> > > >_get\n> > > >_> a very pleasant\n> >_> > > > surprise. This_is true even if you_are not\n>_ > > >_> superstitious.\n> _ >_> > >_>\n> > > >_> > I_N S T R U C_T_I O N_S__F O_R L_I_F E\n>__ > > > > >\n>__ > > > > > 1._Take into account that_great_love and great\n> _ > > > >_> achievements involve great risk.\n> _ >_> >_> >\n> > > > > > 2. When_you lose, don't lose the lesson.\n>_ > >_> >_>\n>_ >_>_> >_> 3. Follow the three R's:\n> _ >_> > > > _ _Respect_for self\n> > >_> > > _ Respect for_others_and\n>_ > > >_> > _ Responsibility_for all your actions.\n> >_>_> > >\n> >_>_> > > 4.Remember that not_getting_what_you want is\n> _> > > > > sometimes_a wonderful stroke of luck.\n> > >_> > >\n>_ > > >_>_>_5. Learn the rules so you know how to break_them\n> _ > >_> > > properly.\n> > > > >_>\n> > > > >_> 6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great\n> _ > > > > > friendship.\n> _ > > > > >\n> _ > > >_>_> 7. When you realize you've made_a_mistake,_take\n>_ >_> > >_> immediate steps_to correct_it.\n> _> >_> > >\n>__ > > > > > 8. Spend some"} {"text": " went off line. Prior to the flooding Clark had been in the process of \ntieing in the temporary feed into the back up system by 7-1-01 in prep for \nthe migration (Response) \n * Clark used back up water pumps to pump out and clean the Reliant \nelectrical vault, as well as maintained operation of the back up systems\n * The Data Ctr AHU's were kept on line with the dehumidifiers/blowers to \nmodulate the airflow in the Data Ctr. EPSC had Way Engr techs use \ntemp/humidity probes\n to monitor the areas. The recordings indicated temps on Lvs 8 & 9 did not \nexceed 78 degrees and relative humidity did not exceed 68% during the outage\n * Clark/Fisk Elec/EPSC coordinated desing efforts and obtained gear on an \nemergency basis and completed the tie in off the temporary coolong tower to \nthe \n generators by 10:30pm\n * Reliant Energy is still cleaning and replacing gear in th vault room. \nPresntly (AT 11:00PM Sunday) we have one circuit operational in the building \nand 50% of the\n Reliant gear on line). We are still operating all systems \nsafely on the back up sytems for the past 36 hours. It is expected Relaint \nwill be complete by 7:00am.\n Clark; the engineers and MEP subs shall be conducting a thorough system \nreview and repirs as required of all systems throughout the building during \nthe coming\n week.\n\nIn summary, the back up systems in both facilities did engage and operate as \ndesigned; however, due to the extreme conditons and stress placed upon the \nsystems the facility held up extremely well. I would also like to note \nthroughout the ordeal beginning Friday evening through Sunday, everyone \n(Enron NetWorks;EES FacilitiesClark Const;Way Engring;Fisk Electric;Henderson \nElectric; KW-Pillar;Hines) did an outstanding job under enourmous pressure \nand the most severe conditions I have seen in downtown Houston. \nCommunication, around the clock work and cool heads managed to assess damage \nand develop action/restoration plans to facilitate repairs for Monday business\n\nLet", "synonym_substitution": "went off line. Prior to the flooding Clark had been in the process of \n tie in the impermanent feed into the back up system by 7 - 1 - 01 in prep for \n the migration (Response) \n * Clark use back up water pumps to pump out and houseclean the Reliant \n electrical vault, as well as uphold operation of the back up system \n * The Data Ctr AHU's were kept on line with the dehumidifiers / blowers to \n modulate the airflow in the Data Ctr. EPSC had Way Engr techs practice \n temp / humidity probes \n to monitor the areas. The recordings indicate temps on Lvs 8 & 9 did not \n exceed 78 degree and relative humidity did not surpass 68% during the outage \n * Clark / Fisk Elec / EPSC coordinated desing efforts and receive gear on an \n emergency basis and complete the tie in off the temporary coolong tower to \n the \n generators by 10:30pm \n * Reliant Energy is still clean and replacing gear in th vault room. \n Presntly (AT 11:00PM Sunday) we have one circuit operational in the building \n and 50% of the \n Reliant gear on line). We are still operating all organization \n safely on the back up sytems for the past 36 hours. It is expect Relaint \n will be arrant by 7:00am. \n Clark; the engineers and MEP subs shall be conduct a exhaustive system \n review and repirs as required of all system throughout the building during \n the coming \n week. \n\n In summary, the back up systems in both facilities did engage and operate as \n designed; however, due to the extreme conditons and stress placed upon the \n system the adeptness held up extremely well. I would also like to note \n throughout the ordeal beginning Friday evening through Sunday, everyone \n (Enron NetWorks;EES FacilitiesClark Const;Way Engring;Fisk Electric;Henderson \n Electric; KW - Pillar;Hines) did an outstanding caper under enourmous pressure \n and the most severe conditions I have see in business district Houston. \n Communication, around the clock work and cool heads managed to assess damage \n and evolve action / restitution plans to help repairs for Monday business \n\n Let", "butter_fingers": " wejt off line. Prior to the flooding Clark had bexn in tge procers of \ntieing in the temporarb fewd inuj the back up systdm by 7-1-01 in prep foe \ntht migration (Respoiae) \n * Clark ussf baek up water pumpx to pump mut and clean dhd Xeliant \nelectrical vault, as well as iaintaimef operation of the fack lp systems\n * The Data Ctr AHU's wsre kepu on line with the dehumidifiers/blowers to \nmldulwte the airflow in the Data Cjd. E[WC had Way Evgr techs lve \ntemp/humjdity probes\n to monitor the xreas. The recoreibgs hndicated txmps og Lvs 8 & 9 did not \nexcaed 78 debrees and relabive iumieity did not exceed 68% vuring the outage\n * Cjark/Fisk Alzc/EPSC coordinated dewibg efxortv ana obgaihev gsar on an \nemergency basis and xompleted the tie im jdf the temporzry cojljng tower to \nthe \n generators by 10:30pm\n * Geliznt Energy is still cleqning and replacing ggar in th dault room. \nPresntly (AT 11:00PM Sunday) we have one circgit o'efatninal kb hhe building \nand 50% of the\n Reliant gtar on line). We arc still operating slp xistems \nsafely un the badk up sytems for tje past 36 houes. It is txpecyed Relaint \nwill be completw by 7:00am.\n Clcrk; the engineers and MEP subs skall bg condicting a thorough systeo \nrebiew and reoirs as rsduired of all syrteks throughout the building dtring \nthe comnng\n wedk.\n\nIn summawy, the bacn up systems in both facllitigs did engage anf operate as \ndesigned; however, dnx to the extrgme cotditons cnd stvess placed upog the \nsystems jhe facilnty heud up extrvmely weln. I would ajso like to nmje \nthroughout the ordqal vegibning Ffkday evening tnrough Suubay, everyine \n(Enron NetWorks;CES FxdilitiesClark Cinsu;Wqy Engring;Fisk Eldctwib;Heidersjt \nElectric; KF-Piluar;Fones) aid an outsbanaing job under enourmous preasure \nand the most scvere coneitions Y have seen im downtown Houston. \nCommnnicatmon, arpunq the clock work and cool heass managef tj assess damwge \nqnd develop cction/restoration plans to facilitate re'airs for Monday busingss\n\nLet", "random_deletion": "went off line. Prior to the flooding been the process tieing in the up by 7-1-01 in for the migration * Clark used back up water to pump out and clean the Reliant electrical vault, as well as maintained of the back up systems * The Data Ctr AHU's were kept on with dehumidifiers/blowers modulate airflow in the Data Ctr. EPSC had Way Engr techs use temp/humidity probes to monitor the The recordings indicated temps on Lvs 8 & did not exceed 78 and relative humidity did not 68% the outage Clark/Fisk coordinated efforts and obtained on an emergency basis and completed the tie in off the temporary coolong tower to the generators 10:30pm * is still and gear th vault room. 11:00PM Sunday) we have one circuit building and 50% of the Reliant gear on We are operating all systems safely on the up sytems for the past 36 hours. It expected Relaint will be complete by 7:00am. Clark; the engineers and MEP subs shall be thorough system review and as required of systems the during coming week. summary, the back up systems in both facilities did engage and as designed; however, due to the extreme conditons and stress the the facility held extremely well. I would like note throughout the ordeal evening Sunday, FacilitiesClark Engring;Fisk Electric; KW-Pillar;Hines) did an job under enourmous pressure and most severe conditions I Communication, around the clock work and cool heads to assess damage and develop action/restoration plans facilitate repairs for Monday business Let", "change_char_case": " went off line. Prior to the flooDing Clark hAd beeN in The PrOcesS of \ntIeing in the tempORary Feed into the back up systeM by 7-1-01 in PrEP for \nTHe MigraTion (ResPOnSE) \n * claRk UsEd bAcK Up Water PumPs to pumP out and cleAn tHe reliant \nelectRIcAl vault, as wEll As maintained OpeRation Of The BAck up SysTems\n * THe Data cTr AHU's Were kept oN lINe with THe dehumIDIfIers/Blowers to \nmodulate THe AIrflow in the DatA Ctr. EPsC HAd wAY EnGr tEchs use \ntemP/hUmidiTY probes\n TO mONITor THe areas. The recOrdings indiCAteD temps On lvs 8 & 9 DId not \neXceed 78 DeGReeS and relativE humIdity did nOt exceED 68% during THe outagE\n * Clark/fisK ElEc/EPsc cOoRdiNaTEd dESiNg eFForTs and obtAiNeD gear On an \nEMERGencY baSis aNd comPleted the tie iN ofF the TEmpOrary CooloNg toWeR to \nthE \n generAtors By 10:30Pm\n * Reliant Energy Is stIll cleaniNg aNd RepLaCing gEAr in th VauLt rOom. \nPresNtly (AT 11:00Pm sunDaY) WE HaVe one circuit operatIoNAL iN the builDing \nanD 50% Of ThE\n reliant gEaR on Line). wE Are stIll oPErAting all SystemS \nSaFeLy on the BaCk up syTeMs fOr tHe pasT 36 HourS. It is eXpected RElainT \nWill be complete BY 7:00am.\n Clark; the enGInEERs ANd MEp suBs shall be coNducTIng a ThorOUgH sySTem \nreView aNd REpIRs as required of all syStEms thrOughoUt the building During \nthe cOMINg\n week.\n\nIn SummARy, THe back up systemS in boTh facilitiES did engaGe and Operate aS \ndesigned; HOWever, due To tHe eXtrEme CONdItons and stresS PLaceD uPon the \nsYstEms the fAciLitY heLd uP eXtremely wEll. I woulD aLsO lIkE to Note \ntHRoughout ThE orDeAl bEginnINg FridAy eveNing ThRoUGh SUnday, evERyONE \n(EnrOn neTWorKs;EeS facilItieSclaRk Const;way EngrinG;FiSK EleCtRiC;HenderSon \nElectric; KW-piLlar;Hines) dId An oUtstanDINg job undEr enourmous pressure \nand tHE most seVerE condItioNs I have seEn iN downtOwn hOuston. \ncommunIcatiOn, AroUND the cLOCk WorK aNd cool headS MAnaGed to AsSess Damage \naNd develop action/resTOraTion plans to faCilItatE REpAirS FoR monDaY BusINEss\n\nLet", "whitespace_perturbation": " went off line. Prior to t he floodin g Cla rkhad b eenin t he process oftiei ng in the temporary fe ed in to theb ac k upsystemb y7 - 1-0 1in pr ep fo r \nth e m igratio n (Respons e)\n* Clark used ba ck up wate r p umps to pump ou t andcl ean the R eli ant electr i cal va ult, as w el l as ma i ntained o pe rati on of the back up sy s tems\n * The Da ta Ctr A H U' s wer e k ept on lin ewitht he dehu m id i f i ers / blowers to \nm odulate the air flow i nthe Data C tr. E PS C ha d Way Engrtech s use \nte mp/hum i dity pr o bes\n to mo nit orthea re as . T he rec o rd ing s in dicatedte mp s onLvs8 & 9 di d n ot excee d 78 degreesand rel a tiv e hum idity did n ot ex ceed 6 8% du ri ng the outage\n* Cl ark/FiskEle c/ EPS Ccoord i nateddes ing effort s and o b tai ne d g ea r on an \nemergency b a s is and com pleted th et ie in of fthe tem p o rarycool o ng tower t o \nthe \n genera to rs by10 :30 pm * Re l iant Energ y is sti ll cl e aning and repl a cing gear int hv a ul t roo m.\nPresntly ( AT 1 1 :00P M Su n da y)w e hav e one c i rc u it operational in t he build ing and 50% of th e\n Relia nt g ea r on line). Weare s till opera t ing allsyste ms \nsafe ly on the b ack up s yte msfor th e pa st 36 hours.I t isex pectedRel aint \nw ill be co mpl et e by 7:00 am.\n C la rk ;th e e ngine e rs and M EP su bs sh all b e condu cting a t ho ro u ghsystemre v i ew a nd r epir s a srequi redo f a ll syst ems throu gho u t th ebu ildingduring \nthe c om ing\n wee k. \n\nI n summ a r y, the b ack up systems in bothf aciliti esdid e ngag e and ope rat e as des i gned;howeve r, du etot h e ext r e me co nd itons ands t res s pla ce d up on the\nsystems the facil i tyheld up extre mel y we l l .I w o ul d al so lik e to note \nthroug hout the o rd e al beginning Fri da y eveni ng thro ugh S u nday, e veryone (Enron Ne tW orks ; E ESFacilities Clark Co nst;Way E n gring ; Fi sk El ect ric;He nd ers on \nE lectri c ; K W-Pil lar;Hi ne s) did an o ut standing job under enourmous pr essure \nand th e most se ver e co nditionsI ha ve seen in do wnt own H ous t on. Comm u ni cat i on, a roun d the cloc k w ork an d cool head s m ana ged t o a s sess d amag e \nand develop ac t ion/restoratio n pl a n s t o f a cili ta te repairs for Mo nd a y busines s\nLet", "underscore_trick": " went_off line._Prior to the flooding_Clark had_been_in the_process_of \ntieing in_the temporary feed_into the back up_system by 7-1-01_in_prep for \nthe migration (Response) \n * Clark used back up water pumps to_pump_out and_clean_the_Reliant \nelectrical vault, as well_as maintained operation of the_back up_systems\n * The Data Ctr AHU's were kept_on_line with the_dehumidifiers/blowers to \nmodulate the airflow in the Data Ctr._EPSC had Way Engr techs use_\ntemp/humidity probes\n ___to monitor the areas._The recordings indicated temps on Lvs_8 & 9 did not \nexceed_78 degrees and relative humidity did not_exceed 68% during the outage\n *_Clark/Fisk Elec/EPSC coordinated desing efforts_and obtained_gear on an \nemergency basis_and completed the_tie in_off the temporary_coolong tower to \nthe \n _ generators_by 10:30pm\n * Reliant Energy is_still_cleaning and replacing_gear_in_th vault_room. \nPresntly (AT_11:00PM_Sunday) we_have_one circuit operational in the building_\nand_50% of the\n _ __ _Reliant gear on line)._We are still operating all systems_\nsafely on_the back_up sytems for the past 36 hours. It is expected Relaint_\nwill be complete by 7:00am.\n _ Clark; the engineers_and MEP_subs_shall be conducting_a_thorough system_\nreview and repirs as required of all_systems throughout_the building during \nthe coming\n _ week.\n\nIn summary, the_back_up systems in both facilities did_engage and operate as \ndesigned; however,_due to the extreme conditons_and_stress_placed upon the \nsystems the_facility held up extremely well. I_would also like_to note \nthroughout the ordeal beginning Friday_evening_through Sunday, everyone \n(Enron NetWorks;EES FacilitiesClark_Const;Way_Engring;Fisk Electric;Henderson \nElectric; KW-Pillar;Hines) did an_outstanding_job_under enourmous pressure \nand the_most severe conditions I have seen_in downtown Houston. \nCommunication, around the clock work _and cool heads_managed to assess damage \nand_develop_action/restoration_plans to facilitate repairs for Monday business\n\nLet"} {"text": ", if you want to make it to the top. Veteran journalist Sam Donaldson \noffers this career advice: to succeed, you'll have to work at it one day at a \ntime.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=18&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nFind a Job with CareerBuilder QuickSearch!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=20&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nCareerScopes!\n\nAries\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nLibra\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=2&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nTaurus\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=3&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nScorpio\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=4&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nGemini\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=5&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nSagittarius\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=6", "synonym_substitution": ", if you want to make it to the top. Veteran diarist Sam Donaldson \n extend this career advice: to succeed, you'll have to work at it one sidereal day at a \n time. \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=18&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1 & \n pa=0&e = S \n\n receive a Job with CareerBuilder QuickSearch! \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=20&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1 & \n pa=0&e = S \n\n CareerScopes! \n\n Aries \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n Libra \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=2&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n Taurus \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=3&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n Scorpio \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=4&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n Gemini \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=5&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n Sagittarius \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=6", "butter_fingers": ", if you want to make it to uhe top. Veteran journalivt Sam Donaldsun \noffers this career advice: ti sucxeed, you'll have to wory at it oje day ar a \nuime.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/edtv/sr2.asi?b=932861&v=3787&url=18&d=125139&ir=1007&cf=1&\npc=0&e=W\n\nFind a Job wijh CareerBuinder QuickSearwh!\nftcp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=20&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nCaweerScoled!\n\nAries\nhttp://ww1.lfin.cok/wctv/ag2.awp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nLibra\nhttp://ww1.lfjn.com/acuv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=2&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\ns=0&e=S\n\nTaurus\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/dr2.aso?u=932861&v=3787&url=3&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nScogpio\nhttp://ww1.ldmn.cjn/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&jrl=4&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&t=S\n\nYemini\nhttp://ws1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=5&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nRagitcarius\nhttp://wq1.ldmn.fmm/actv/sr2.asp?n=932861&v=3787&url=6", "random_deletion": ", if you want to make it top. journalist Sam offers this career to at it one at a time. pa=0&e=S Find a Job with CareerBuilder http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=20&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1& pa=0&e=S CareerScopes! Aries http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p a=0&e=S Libra http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=2&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p a=0&e=S Taurus http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=3&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p a=0&e=S Scorpio a=0&e=S Gemini http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=5&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p a=0&e=S Sagittarius http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=6", "change_char_case": ", if you want to make it to the top. veteran jouRnaliSt SAm DOnAldsOn \nofFers this career ADvicE: to succeed, you'll have to wOrk at It ONe daY At A \ntime.\nHttp://ww1.lFMn.COM/acTv/Sr2.Asp?U=932861&v=3787&URl=18&C=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\nPa=0&e=s\n\nFind a JOb with CareErBUiLder QuickSeaRCh!\nHttp://ww1.lfmn.Com/Actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&uRl=20&c=125139&Pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&E=S\n\ncarEErScoPes!\n\naries\nHttp://ww1.LFmn.com/Actv/sr2.asp?U=932861&v=3787&URl=1&c=125139&pr=1007&cF=1&P\na=0&e=S\n\nLibRA\nHtTp://ww1.Lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&V=3787&UrL=2&C=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nTauruS\nhttp://wW1.lFMn.COM/acTv/sR2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=3&c=125139&Pr=1007&Cf=1&p\na=0&e=s\n\nscorpio\nHTtP://WW1.LfmN.Com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&V=3787&url=4&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&E=s\n\nGeMini\nhtTp://Ww1.lFMn.com/aCtv/sr2.AsP?U=932861&v=3787&uRl=5&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nsagiTtarius\nhtTp://ww1.lfMN.com/actV/Sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&Url=6", "whitespace_perturbation": ", if you want to make it t o the top. Vete ran jo ur nali st S am Donaldson o ffer s this career advice:to su cc e ed,y ou 'll h ave tow or k atit o neda y a t a tim e.\nhttp ://ww1.lfm n.c om /actv/sr2.as p ?u =932861&v= 378 7&url=18&c=1 251 39&pr= 10 07& c f=1&pa= 0&e=S \n\nFind a Jobwith Care er B uilder QuickSe a r ch !\nht tp://ww1.lfmn.com / ac t v/sr2.asp?u=93 2861&v =3 7 87 & u rl= 20& c=125139&p r= 1007& c f=1&\npa = 0& e = S \n\nC a reerScopes!\nAries\nhttp: / /ww 1.lfmn .c om/ a ctv/sr 2.asp ?u = 932 861&v=3787& url= 1&c=12513 9&pr=1 0 07&cf=1 & p\na=0&e =S\n\nLi bra \nht tp:/ / ww 1. lfm n. c om/ a ct v/s r 2.a sp?u=932 86 1& v=378 7&ur l = 2 & c=12 513 9&pr =1007 &cf=1&p\na=0&e =S\nTau r ushttp: //ww1 .lfm n. com/a ctv/sr 2.asp ?u =932861&v=3787& url= 3&c=12513 9&p r= 100 7& cf=1& p \na=0&e =S\nSc orpio\nh ttp://w w 1.l fm n . c om /actv/sr2.asp?u=93 28 6 1 &v =3787&ur l=4&c= 1 25 13 9 &pr=1007 &c f=1 &p\na = 0 &e=S\nGem i ni \nhttp:// ww1.lf m n. co m/actv/ sr 2.asp? u= 932 861 &v=37 8 7&ur l=5&c= 125139&p r=100 7 &cf=1&p\na=0&e= S \n\nSagittarius ht t p :/ / ww1. lfm n.com/actv/ sr2. a sp?u =932 8 61 &v= 3 787&u rl=6", "underscore_trick": ", if_you want_to make it to_the top._Veteran_journalist Sam_Donaldson_\noffers this career_advice: to succeed,_you'll have to work_at it one_day_at a \ntime.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=18&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nFind a Job with CareerBuilder QuickSearch!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=20&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nCareerScopes!\n\nAries\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nLibra\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=2&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nTaurus\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=3&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nScorpio\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=4&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nGemini\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=5&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nSagittarius\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=6"} {"text": ".\n?????In other developments Friday:\n?????* Preparing for a summer of tight energy supplies, the Public Utilities \nCommission proposed an overhaul of a controversial program in which \nbusinesses won reduced rates in exchange for having to go dark during power \nshortages. The \"interruptible\" program had caused businesses to lay off \nemployees when their power was cut for weeks at a time. \n?????The PUC said new members of the program would not have power cut for \nmore than four hours a day or 40 hours a month; existing customers' cuts \nwould be limited to six hours a day.\n?????* A day after Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham predicted long blackouts \nthis summer, the PUC also tinkered with the way power is cut in California. \nThe commission asked utilities to tell customers what block of circuits they \nare on. If that block must be blacked out, they could be warned by the news \nmedia. \n---\n?????Simon reported from Washington and Rivera Brooks from Los Angeles. Times \nstaff writer Nicholas Riccardi contributed to this story.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------\nHard-Boiled Bidding for Kilowatts \nWater agency said to be in over its head as a trader \nDavid Lazarus, Chronicle Staff Writer\nSunday, March 18, 2001 \n,2001 San Francisco Chronicle \nURL: \nhttp://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/18/M\nN159243.DTL \n\nSacramento -- The last line of defense in coping with California's energy \ncrisis is a narrow, windowless room in a former department store on the \noutskirts of the state capital. \nThere, a handful of men and women huddle over computer screens on a couple of \nfolding tables for as long as 14 hours a day. Junk-food wrappers and bags of \ncandy share the cluttered space with detailed charts and analyses. \nThe numbers flash across the monitors -- offering prices from power companies \nstretching from Canada to Texas. There is little time to think. Within \nseconds, the traders are committing millions of dollars in public funds to \nsecure enough electricity to keep California's lights on. \nThis is, most people agree, not a good way for", "synonym_substitution": ". \n? ?? ?? In other developments Friday: \n? ?? ?? * Preparing for a summer of tight department of energy provision, the Public Utilities \n Commission proposed an overhaul of a controversial platform in which \n commercial enterprise won reduced rate in rally for having to go dark during power \n dearth. The \" interruptible \" program had caused occupation to lay off \n employees when their power was cut for weeks at a time. \n? ?? ?? The PUC say new members of the program would not consume power cut for \n more than four hours a day or 40 hour a month; existing customers' cuts \n would be limited to six hour a day. \n? ?? ?? * A day after Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham predicted long blackouts \n this summer, the PUC also tinkered with the way power is cut in California. \n The commission asked utilities to tell customers what block of circuits they \n are on. If that pulley must be blacked out, they could be warned by the newsworthiness \n medium. \n --- \n? ?? ?? Simon reported from Washington and Rivera Brooks from Los Angeles. Times \n staff writer Nicholas Riccardi contributed to this floor. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n --------------------- \n heavily - Boiled Bidding for Kilowatts \n Water agency said to be in over its head as a trader \n David Lazarus, Chronicle Staff Writer \n Sunday, March 18, 2001 \n, 2001 San Francisco Chronicle \n URL: \n http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/18/M \n N159243.DTL \n\n Sacramento -- The final line of defense in coping with California's energy \n crisis is a narrow, windowless room in a former department store on the \n outskirts of the state capital. \n There, a handful of men and charwoman huddle over computer screen on a couple of \n fold tables for as long as 14 hours a day. Junk - food wrappers and base of \n candy contribution the cluttered space with detailed charts and analysis. \n The numbers dart across the monitors -- offering monetary value from power company \n stretching from Canada to Texas. There cost little prison term to think. Within \n seconds, the traders are committing millions of dollar in public funds to \n secure enough electricity to keep California's lights on. \n This is, most people agree, not a good way for", "butter_fingers": ".\n?????In lther developments Fridan:\n?????* Preparing for c summec of tifht enerey supplies, the Public Utilivies \nCommussion proposed an ovefhaul of w controcersmal program in wijch \nbusluessea won ceduced rates ik exchange xor having to co dcrk during power \nshortages. The \"interwuptiblr\" orogram had caosed ntsinssses to lay off \nemployees when thsir powtr was cut for weels at a time. \n?????The PUC said jew lembers of the prohram would bot rqve power cug for \nmore than four hkurs a day or 40 hours a month; exkstiny customers' cyts \nfould be linited to six hours a day.\n?????* D day agter Energy Segretacy Spencer Abraham predicved long blackouts \ntris summes, che PUC also tinkered wuth tve wdy puqer is cnt jn Callfocnia. \nThe cojmission asjed utilities to tekl bistomers whaf bloch jf circuits they \nare on. If that block mlst ge blacked out, they couod be warned by the ngws \nmedia. \n---\n?????Fimon reported from Washington and Rivera Brooks xrom Mus Ckneler. Tlmes \nstaff writer Nicholas Riccardi contributqs uo nhis story.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------\nHard-Boijed Bidding flr Hilowatts \nWatgr ageneg aaid to be in over its hewd as a trader \nDavod Lazarus, Chronicle Staff Qriter\nSunday, Narch 18, 2001 \n,2001 San Francnsco Chronicue \nUTL: \nhttl://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/artiele.cgi?rile=/chronicpe/archive/2001/03/18/J\nV159243.DTL \n\nSacramento -- Thv lavt line of defense in copigg with Celifoxnia's endrgy \ncrisif is a nargow, wltdowless room in a formgr depdrtment stlre on the \noutskirts of the stavx capital. \nThete, d hdndful oy men snd women hudqle over compujer screeus on x couple or \nfoldiig tables fow as long as 14 jours a day. Ounk-food rrappers and baer of \ncandy shate the clltuered spacw with detailed cherts znd analyses. \nThz bumbers flash avrors ehv mpnydors -- offeritg pficdx froo power comiankes \nxtretching from Canaga tk Texas. There is lotble time jo think. Rithin \nsecondx, the traders are fommivting oillipns of dollars in public funds to \nsecure ejounh electricitr to keep Califoxnia's lights on. \nThis is, most people agrex, not a good way for", "random_deletion": ". ?????In other developments Friday: ?????* Preparing summer tight energy the Public Utilities a program in which won reduced rates exchange for having to go dark power shortages. The \"interruptible\" program had caused businesses to lay off employees when power was cut for weeks at a time. ?????The PUC said new members the would have cut for more than four hours a day or 40 hours a month; existing customers' cuts be limited to six hours a day. ?????* day after Energy Secretary Abraham predicted long blackouts this the also tinkered the power cut in California. commission asked utilities to tell customers what block of circuits they are on. If that block must blacked out, be warned the media. ?????Simon reported from Rivera Brooks from Los Angeles. Times Riccardi contributed to this story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------- Hard-Boiled for Kilowatts agency said to be in over head as a trader David Lazarus, Chronicle Staff Sunday, March 18, 2001 ,2001 San Francisco Chronicle URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/18/M N159243.DTL Sacramento -- The last defense in coping with energy crisis is narrow, room a department store the outskirts of the state capital. There, a handful of men women huddle over computer screens on a couple of folding as as 14 hours day. Junk-food wrappers and of share the cluttered space charts analyses. across monitors offering prices from power stretching from Canada to Texas. is little time to are committing millions of dollars in public funds secure enough electricity to keep California's lights This is, most people agree, not a good way for", "change_char_case": ".\n?????In other developments Friday:\n?????* preparing fOr a suMmeR of TiGht eNergY supplies, the PuBLic UTilities \nCommission propOsed aN oVErhaUL oF a conTroversIAl PROgrAm In WhiCh \nBUsInessEs wOn reducEd rates in eXchAnGe for having tO Go Dark during PowEr \nshortages. THe \"iNterruPtIblE\" ProgrAm hAd cauSed busINesses To lay off \neMpLOyees wHEn their POWeR was Cut for weeks at a timE. \n?????thE pUC said new membErs of tHe PRoGRAm wOulD not have poWeR cut fOR \nmore thAN fOUR HouRS a day or 40 hours a Month; existiNG cuStomerS' cUts \nWOuld be LimitEd TO siX hours a day.\n?????* A Day aFter EnergY SecreTAry SpenCEr AbrahAm predIctEd lOng bLAcKoUts \nThIS suMMeR, thE pUC Also tinkErEd With tHe waY POWEr is Cut In CaLiforNia. \nThe commissIon AskeD UtiLitieS to teLl cuStOmers What blOck of CiRcuits they \nare on. if thAt block muSt bE bLacKeD out, tHEy coulD be WarNed by thE news \nmeDIa. \n---\n?????SImON REpOrted from WashingtoN aND riVera BrooKs from lOs anGEles. TimeS \nsTafF wriTER NichOlas rIcCardi conTributED tO tHis storY.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------\nHArd-BoiLeD BiDdiNg for kIlowAtts \nWaTer agencY said TO be in over its heAD as a trader \nDavID LAZArUS, ChrOniCle Staff WriTer\nSUNday, marcH 18, 2001 \n,2001 saN FrANciscO ChroNiCLe \nurL: \nhttp://www.sfgate.com/cGi-Bin/artIcle.cGi?file=/chronicLe/archive/2001/03/18/M\nn159243.dtl \n\nSacrameNto -- THE lASt line of defensE in coPing with CaLIfornia's EnergY \ncrisis iS a narrow, wINDowless rOom In a ForMer DEPaRtment store on THE \noutSkIrts of tHe sTate capItaL. \nThEre, A haNdFul of men aNd women hUdDlE oVeR coMputeR Screens oN a CouPlE of \nFoldiNG tableS for aS lonG aS 14 hOUrs A day. JunK-FoOD WrapPeRs And bAgs Of \nCandy SharE The ClutterEd space wiTh dETailEd ChArts and Analyses. \nThe nuMbErs flash acRoSs tHe moniTORs -- offeriNg prices from power companIEs \nstretChiNg froM CanAda to TexaS. ThEre is lIttLE time tO think. withiN \nsEcoNDS, the tRADeRs aRe Committing MILliOns of DoLlarS in publIc funds to \nsecure enoUGh eLectricity to kEep caliFORnIa's LIgHTs oN. \nTHIs iS, MOst people agree, nOt a good way FoR", "whitespace_perturbation": ".\n?????In other developmen ts Friday: \n???? ?*Pre pa ring for a summer of t i ghtenergy supplies, the P ublic U t ilit i es \nCom mission pr o p ose dan ov er h au l ofa c ontrove rsial prog ram i n which \nbus i ne sses won r edu ced rates in ex change f orh aving to go d ark du r ing po wer \nshor ta g es. Th e \"inter r u pt ible \" program had cau s ed businesses tolay of fem p l oye eswhen their p owerw as cutf or w e eks at a time. \n? ????The PUC sai d newme mbe r s of t he pr og r amwould not h avepower cut for m ore tha n four h ours a da y o r 40 ho ur s a m o nth ; e xis t ing custome rs 'cuts\nwou l d b e li mit ed t o six hours a day. \n?? ???* A d ay af ter E nerg ySecre tary S pence rAbraham predict ed l ong black out s\nth is summ e r, the PU C a lso tin kered w i thth e w ay power is cut in C al i f or nia. \nTh e comm i ss io n asked u ti lit iest o tell cus t om ers what block of c ircuits t hey \na re on . I f tha t blo ck mus t be bla ckedo ut, they could be warned byt he n ew s \nme dia . \n---\n???? ?Sim o n re port e dfro m Wash ingto na nd Rivera Brooks fromLo s Ange les.Times \nstaffwriter Nic h o l as Ricca rdic on t ributed to thi s sto ry.\n------ - -------- ----- -------- --------- - - -------- --- --- --- --- - - -- ------------- - - \n--- -- ------- --- ------Har d-B oil edBi dding for Kilowat ts Wa te r a gency said tobe in o ver itsh ead as a tr ader Da v idLazarus , C h r onic le S taff Wr it er\nSu nday , Ma rch 18, 2001 \n,2 001 SanFr an cisco C hronicle \nURL :\nhttp://ww w. sfg ate.co m / cgi-bin/ article.cgi?file=/chron i cle/arc hiv e/200 1/03 /18/M\nN15 924 3.DTL\n\nS a cramen to --The l as t l i n e ofd e fe nse i n coping w i t h C alifo rn ia's energy \ncrisis is a narr o w,windowless ro omin a f or mer de p art me n t s t o re on the \nouts kirts of t he st ate capita l . Th ere, ahandful of m e n and w omen hudd le over c om pute r scr eens on acouple o f \nfoldin g tabl e sfor a s l ong as 1 4 h oursa day. Jun k-foo d wrap pe rs and bags o f \ncandy share the cluttered sp ace wi th de tai led chart s a n d a nalyses.\nThe numbers f las h a cross th e moni tors -- of f ering pri c es from p o we r c o m pa nies \nstret c h i ngfromCan a da toTexa s. There is littl e time to think . Wi t h in\nse c onds ,the traders ar e c om m i tting mi ll ions of dol lars inpu b lic f unds t o \nsec ure eno u g he lectri city to keep Cal ifo rn i a's lig ht so n. \nTh is i s, mostpeople agre e , not a good wayfor", "underscore_trick": ".\n?????In other_developments Friday:\n?????*_Preparing for a summer_of tight_energy_supplies, the_Public_Utilities \nCommission proposed_an overhaul of_a controversial program in_which \nbusinesses won_reduced_rates in exchange for having to go dark during power \nshortages. The \"interruptible\" program_had_caused businesses_to_lay_off \nemployees when their power_was cut for weeks at_a time._\n?????The PUC said new members of the program_would_not have power_cut for \nmore than four hours a day or_40 hours a month; existing customers'_cuts \nwould be_limited_to_six hours a day.\n?????*_A day after Energy Secretary Spencer_Abraham predicted long blackouts \nthis summer,_the PUC also tinkered with the way_power is cut in California. \nThe_commission asked utilities to tell_customers what_block of circuits they \nare_on. If that_block must_be blacked out,_they could be warned by the_news \nmedia. \n---\n?????Simon_reported from Washington and Rivera Brooks_from_Los Angeles. Times_\nstaff_writer_Nicholas Riccardi_contributed to this_story.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------\nHard-Boiled_Bidding for_Kilowatts_\nWater agency said to be in_over_its head as a trader \nDavid Lazarus,_Chronicle Staff Writer\nSunday, March_18,_2001 \n,2001 San Francisco_Chronicle \nURL: \nhttp://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/18/M\nN159243.DTL \n\nSacramento --_The last line of defense in_coping with_California's energy_\ncrisis is a narrow, windowless room in a former department store_on the \noutskirts of the state_capital. \nThere, a handful_of men_and_women huddle over_computer_screens on_a couple of \nfolding tables for as_long as_14 hours a day. Junk-food wrappers_and bags of \ncandy_share_the cluttered space with detailed charts_and analyses. \nThe numbers flash across_the monitors -- offering prices_from_power_companies \nstretching from Canada to_Texas. There is little time to_think. Within \nseconds,_the traders are committing millions of dollars_in_public funds to \nsecure enough electricity_to_keep California's lights on. \nThis is,_most_people_agree, not a good way_for"} {"text": " cleared by the government include those of Housing \nDevelopment Finance Corporation, Akzo Nobel Chemicals International BV of The \nNetherlands, BNP Paribas, TotalFina Elf and Saloman Smith Barney India. \nBroadband Solutions Pvt Ltd, an Enron group promoted project, has been \nallowed to buy out its joint venture partners to increase stake to 100 per \ncent and infuse additional equity to the extent of Rs 230 crore. \nTIDCO has been allowed to increase foreign equity stake in a venture that is \nsetting up a hi-tech industrial park to 99 per cent from the existing level \nof 89 per cent. This will see infusion of Rs 148.03 crore into the venture. \nMaran has also cleared the proposal of Financiere Lafarge of France to \nincrease stake in Lafarge India Ltd to 12.48 per cent from the existing level \nof 4.61 per cent. \nThe additional shares would be acquired from HDFC and two investment \ncompanies for Rs 95.52 crore. With this, the total holding of the French \ncement major will go up to 73.13 per cent in its Indian subsidiary. \nHDFC has been allowed to allot 26 per cent equity stake to Standard Life \nInvestments of Scotland for Rs 56.60 crore for portfolio management services, \nmanagement and advisory services. \nAkzo Nobel Chemical has been allowed to increase equity stake in a project to \n74.98 per cent from the existing level of 40 per cent. \nThe Dutch company will infuse Rs 34.20 crore for the additional stake. \nBNP Paribas Equities has been allowed to issue preference shares worth Rs 26 \ncrore for its non-banking financial services. \nThe 5 per cent redeemable non-cumulative non-convertible preference shares \nwould be subscribed by BNP Equities Mauritius. Saloman Smith Barney India, \ntoo, has been allowed to increase preference equity. \nThe Citibank group entity will Rs 24.91 crore for additional preference \nequity in the Indian subsidiary. \nTotalFinaElf has been allowed to incorporate a 100 per cent owned subsidiary \nwith investment of Rs 23 crore to provide technical, managerial and \noperational support services in the development of projects and \ninfrastructure facilities for oil,", "synonym_substitution": "cleared by the government include those of Housing \n Development Finance Corporation, Akzo Nobel Chemicals International BV of The \n Netherlands, BNP Paribas, TotalFina Elf and Saloman Smith Barney India. \n Broadband Solutions Pvt Ltd, an Enron group promoted project, has been \n allow to bribe out its joint venture partners to increase interest to 100 per \n penny and infuse additional equity to the extent of roentgen 230 crore. \n TIDCO has been allowed to increase foreign fairness interest in a venture that is \n set up a hi - tech industrial park to 99 per penny from the existing level \n of 89 per cent. This will see infusion of Rs 148.03 crore into the venture. \n Maran has also net the proposal of Financiere Lafarge of France to \n increase stake in Lafarge India Ltd to 12.48 per penny from the existing level \n of 4.61 per penny. \n The additional share would be acquired from HDFC and two investment \n companies for Rs 95.52 crore. With this, the total retention of the French \n cement major will go up to 73.13 per cent in its Indian subsidiary. \n HDFC has been allowed to allot 26 per cent equity stake to Standard Life \n Investments of Scotland for Rs 56.60 crore for portfolio management services, \n management and advisory services. \n Akzo Nobel Chemical has been allowed to increase equity stake in a project to \n 74.98 per cent from the existing degree of 40 per cent. \n The Dutch company will steep Rs 34.20 crore for the additional stake. \n BNP Paribas Equities has been allowed to publish preference shares worth Rs 26 \n crore for its non - banking fiscal services. \n The 5 per cent redeemable non - cumulative non - convertible preference shares \n would be subscribed by BNP Equities Mauritius. Saloman Smith Barney India, \n too, has been allowed to increase preference equity. \n The Citibank group entity will Rs 24.91 crore for additional predilection \n equity in the Indian subsidiary company. \n TotalFinaElf has been admit to incorporate a 100 per cent owned subordinate \n with investment of Rs 23 crore to provide technical, managerial and \n functional support service in the development of projects and \n infrastructure facility for oil,", "butter_fingers": " clfared by the government lnclude those of Housinj \nDevelkpment Fknance Corporation, Akzo Nobep Xhemixals International BV uf The \nNenherlands, BNP Paribas, TovzlFina Cjf ahf Saniman Smith Barkey India. \nBsoadband Soluthovs Pvt Ltd, an Enron group promoted prjject, hss been \nallowed jo buj jut jns joint venture partners to indrease vtake to 100 per \ncent and infuse additionap eqkity to the extent of Rs 230 crots. \nTYECO has been allowed to increase fkreign equity stake in a venturd thac is \nsettint yp w hi-tech indnstriaj park to 99 pcg cent xrom thr existing levcl \nof 89 pwr cent. This will see infusion of Rs 148.03 ctore into dhz venture. \nMaran has aosi cledred the proooszl or Finajcixre Lafarge of France ro \nincrease stake im Jqfarge India Mtd to 12.48 [er cent from the existing level \nof 4.61 peg ceht. \nThe additional sharew would be acquired ftom HDFC agd two investment \ncompanies for Rs 95.52 crore. With thhs, thx gotco holaunh of the French \ncement major will go up to 73.13 pqd vekt in its Indian subsidiary. \nHFFV has been alluwed to amlot 26 per cent equlty stahe to Standard Lifr \nInvestments of Scotland fir Rs 56.60 crore dor portfolio manayement serviees, \nmamagemrnt and advisory serviczs. \nAkzk Nobel Chelical has ceen allowed to kncgeasa equity stake in a projece to \n74.98 per cenc from tfe ecistind level of 40 per cent. \nThe Dutch comoany cill hnfuse Rs 34.20 crore for the additional stake. \nBNP Paribas Eauhtivs has bezn allpwed to issue preference shcres worch Rs 26 \ncrore for its noi-banking finwncial servicad. \nThe 5 per cxnt redeeiablw nob-cumulagkve non-convertoble prefvrtnce sharew \nwould be subscrined bi GNP Equities Mabxiuiys. Saloman Smiyh Cargej Iidia, \nemo, has been dlloded yo inzrease kxefcrevce rquity. \nThe Citibank croul entity will Rs 24.91 vrjre for qdditionwl preference \nequity in the Indlan snbsidiery. \nToyalSinaElf has been allowed to indorporate a 100 per cent owged wubsidiary \nwnth investment of Rs 23 crore to provide txchnical, managerial and \noperational supporj strvices in thx devejopment ox projects and \ninfrawtructure facilitles for oil,", "random_deletion": "cleared by the government include those of Finance Akzo Nobel International BV of Elf Saloman Smith Barney Broadband Solutions Pvt an Enron group promoted project, has allowed to buy out its joint venture partners to increase stake to 100 cent and infuse additional equity to the extent of Rs 230 crore. TIDCO been to foreign stake in a venture that is setting up a hi-tech industrial park to 99 per cent the existing level of 89 per cent. This see infusion of Rs crore into the venture. Maran also the proposal Financiere of to increase stake Lafarge India Ltd to 12.48 per cent from the existing level of 4.61 per cent. The additional would be HDFC and investment for 95.52 crore. With total holding of the French cement up to 73.13 per cent in its Indian HDFC has allowed to allot 26 per cent stake to Standard Life Investments of Scotland for 56.60 crore for portfolio management services, management and advisory services. Akzo Nobel Chemical has been increase equity stake in project to 74.98 cent the level 40 per The Dutch company will infuse Rs 34.20 crore for the additional BNP Paribas Equities has been allowed to issue preference shares 26 for its non-banking services. The 5 per redeemable non-convertible preference shares would by Equities Barney too, been allowed to increase equity. The Citibank group entity Rs 24.91 crore for Indian subsidiary. TotalFinaElf has been allowed to incorporate 100 per cent owned subsidiary with investment Rs 23 crore to provide technical, managerial and operational support services in development of infrastructure facilities for oil,", "change_char_case": " cleared by the government incLude those oF HousIng \ndevElOpmeNt FiNance CorporatiON, AkzO Nobel Chemicals InternaTionaL Bv Of ThE \nneTherlAnds, BNP pArIBAs, TOtAlfinA ELF aNd SalOmaN Smith BArney India. \nbroAdBand SolutionS pvT Ltd, an EnroN grOup promoted pRojEct, has BeEn \naLLowed To bUy out Its joiNT ventuRe partnerS tO IncreaSE stake tO 100 PEr \nCent And infuse additionAL eQUity to the extenT of Rs 230 cRoRE. \nTidcO hAs bEen allowed To IncreASe foreiGN eQUITy sTAke in a venture That is \nsettiNG up A hi-tecH iNduSTrial pArk to 99 PeR CenT from the exiStinG level \nof 89 pEr cent. tHis will SEe infusIon of RS 148.03 crOre Into THe VeNtuRe. \nmAraN HaS alSO clEared the PrOpOsal oF FinANCIEre LAfaRge oF FranCe to \nincrease sTakE in LAFarGe IndIa Ltd To 12.48 peR cEnt frOm the eXistiNg Level \nof 4.61 per cent. \nTHe adDitional sHarEs WouLd Be acqUIred frOm HdFC And two iNvestmeNT \ncoMpANIEs For Rs 95.52 crore. With this, ThE TOtAl holdinG of the fReNcH \nCement maJoR wiLl go UP To 73.13 per Cent IN iTs Indian SubsidIArY. \nHdFC has bEeN allowEd To aLloT 26 per cENt eqUity stAke to StaNdard lIfe \nInvestments OF Scotland for RS 56.60 CrORE fOR porTfoLio managemeNt seRViceS, \nmanAGeMenT And adVisorY sERvICes. \nAkzo Nobel ChemicaL hAs been AllowEd to increase eQuity stake IN A Project tO \n74.98 per CEnT From the existinG leveL of 40 per cent. \ntHe Dutch cOmpanY will infUse Rs 34.20 crorE FOr the addItiOnaL stAke. \nbnp PAribas EquitieS HAs beEn Allowed To iSsue preFerEncE shAreS wOrth Rs 26 \ncroRe for its NoN-bAnKiNg fInancIAl servicEs. \nthe 5 PeR ceNt redEEmable Non-cuMulaTiVe NOn-cOnvertiBLe PREferEnCe SharEs \nwOuLd be sUbscRIbeD by BNP EQuities MaUriTIus. SAlOmAn Smith barney India, \ntoO, hAs been alloWeD to IncreaSE PreferenCe equity. \nThe Citibank grouP Entity wIll rs 24.91 croRe foR additionAl pRefereNce \nEQuity iN the InDian sUbSidIARy. \nTotALfiNaELf Has been allOWEd tO incoRpOratE a 100 per ceNt owned subsidiary \nwITh iNvestment of Rs 23 CroRe to PROvIde TEcHNicAl, MAnaGERial and \noperatioNal support SeRViCes in the deVEloPmEnt of prOjects aNd \ninfRAstructUre faciliTies for oiL,", "whitespace_perturbation": " cleared by the government include t hoseofHou si ng Deve lopment Financ e Cor poration, Akzo Nobel C hemic al s Int e rn ation al BV o f T h e \nN et he rla nd s ,BNP P ari bas, To talFina El f a nd Saloman Smi t hBarney Ind ia. \nBroadbandSol utions P vtL td, a n E nrongroupp romote d project ,h as bee n \nallow e d t o bu y out its joint v e nt u re partners to incre as e s t a keto100 per \nc en t and infusea dd i t i ona l equity to th e extent of Rs230 cr or e.TIDCOhas b ee n al lowed to in crea se foreig n equi t y stake in a ve nturetha t i s \ns e tt in g u pa hi - te chi ndu strial p ar kto 99 per c e n t fr omtheexist ing level \nof 89 per cen t. Th is wi ll s ee infu sion o f Rs14 8.03 crore into the venture. \nM ar anha s als o clear edthe propos al of F i nan ci e r e L afarge of France t oi nc rease st ake in La fa r ge India L tdto 1 2 . 48 pe r ce n tfrom the exist i ng l evel \no f4.61 p er ce nt. \nThe addi tional shareswould be acquired fr o m HDFC and tw o i n v es t ment \nc ompanies fo r Rs 95.5 2 cr o re . W i th th is, t he to t al holding of the F re nch \nc ement major will g o up to 73 . 1 3 per cen t in it s Indian subsid iary. \nHDFC has been all owedto allot 26 per c e n t equity st ake to St a n da rd Life \nInve s t ment sof Scot lan d for R s 5 6.6 0 c ror efor portf olio man ag em en tser vices , \nmanage me ntan d a dviso r y serv ices. \nAk zo N o bel Chemic a lh a s be en a llow edto incr ease equ ity sta ke in a p roj e ct t o\n7 4.98 pe r cent from t he existingle vel of 40 p er cent. \nThe Dutch company wil l infuse Rs 34.2 0 cr ore for t headditi ona l stake . \nBNP Pari ba s E q u ities h as be en allowed t o iss ue pr ef eren ce shar es worth Rs 26 \ncr o refor its non-b ank ingf i na nci a ls erv ic e s.T he 5 per cent r edeemableno n -c umulativen on- co nvertib le pref erenc e shares \nwould b e subscri be d by B NPEquities M auritius . Saloman Smith Ba rneyInd ia, \nt oo , h as be en all o wed to i ncreas eprefer enceeq uity. \nT he Citibank group entit y will Rs 2 4.9 1 crore f ora ddi tional pr efer ence \nequi tyinthe I ndi a n sub sidi a ry . T otalF inaE l f has bee n a llo w e dto incorpor a t e a100 p erc ent ow nedsubsidiary \nwithi nvestment of R s 23 c ror e t o pro vi de technical,man ag e r ial and\no perationalsupportse r vices in th e deve lopment o fp roject s an d infrastru ctu re facilit ie sf or oil ,", "underscore_trick": " cleared_by the_government include those of_Housing \nDevelopment_Finance_Corporation, Akzo_Nobel_Chemicals International BV_of The \nNetherlands,_BNP Paribas, TotalFina Elf_and Saloman Smith_Barney_India. \nBroadband Solutions Pvt Ltd, an Enron group promoted project, has been \nallowed to_buy_out its_joint_venture_partners to increase stake to_100 per \ncent and infuse_additional equity_to the extent of Rs 230 crore. \nTIDCO_has_been allowed to_increase foreign equity stake in a venture that is_\nsetting up a hi-tech industrial park_to 99 per_cent_from_the existing level \nof_89 per cent. This will see_infusion of Rs 148.03 crore into_the venture. \nMaran has also cleared the_proposal of Financiere Lafarge of France_to \nincrease stake in Lafarge_India Ltd_to 12.48 per cent from_the existing level_\nof 4.61_per cent. \nThe_additional shares would be acquired from_HDFC and two_investment \ncompanies for Rs 95.52 crore._With_this, the total_holding_of_the French_\ncement major will_go_up to_73.13_per cent in its Indian subsidiary._\nHDFC_has been allowed to allot 26 per_cent equity stake to_Standard_Life \nInvestments of Scotland_for Rs 56.60 crore for_portfolio management services, \nmanagement and advisory_services. \nAkzo_Nobel Chemical_has been allowed to increase equity stake in a project to_\n74.98 per cent from the existing_level of 40 per_cent. \nThe_Dutch_company will infuse_Rs_34.20 crore_for the additional stake. \nBNP Paribas Equities_has been_allowed to issue preference shares worth_Rs 26 \ncrore for_its_non-banking financial services. \nThe 5 per_cent redeemable non-cumulative non-convertible preference shares_\nwould be subscribed by BNP_Equities_Mauritius._Saloman Smith Barney India, \ntoo,_has been allowed to increase preference_equity. \nThe Citibank_group entity will Rs 24.91 crore for_additional_preference \nequity in the Indian subsidiary._\nTotalFinaElf_has been allowed to incorporate a_100_per_cent owned subsidiary \nwith investment_of Rs 23 crore to provide_technical, managerial and \noperational support services in the development_of projects and_\ninfrastructure facilities for oil,"} {"text": ", diverse. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tVirtual Road Trip Take a trip to Austin, or as U.T. folks call it, \"the big \nsurprise awaiting prospective business students.\" And while you're there, \nstop in at Chuy's, a great place for tongue-sizzlin' Tex-Mex in a campy diner \nenvironment. You'll find a thousand fish over the bar, tailfins from an old \ncar, Elvis, and other wild items on the walls and ceiling. But hey, the decor \nactually works. \n\t\t\t?\n\t\t\t[CAMPUS TOUR]\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t [GMAT Sampler]\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t1. In 1988, was the number of people in City X greater than three times the \nnumber of people in City Y? \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t(1) In 1988, there were approximately 1.1 million more people in City X than \nin City Y.\n\t\t\t(2) In 1988, the 300,000 Mormons in City X made up 20 percent of its \npopulation, and the 41,000 Buddhists in City Y made up 30 percent of its \npopulation. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t(A) if statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not \nsufficient to answer the question asked; \n\t\t\t(B) if statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not \nsufficient to answer the question asked; \n\t\t\t(C) if BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the \nquestion asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient; \n\t\t\t(D) if EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked; \n\t\t\t(E) if statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the \nquestion asked, and additional data specific to the problem are needed. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t2. Television programming experts maintain that with each 1% increase in the \nprime-time ratings of a television station there is a 3.5% increase in the \nnumber of people who watch its evening news program. However, in the last ten \nyears at Channel NTR, there was only one year of extremely high prime-time \nratings and, during that year, fewer people than ever watched Channel NTR's \n", "synonym_substitution": ", diverse. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t Virtual Road Trip Take a trip to Austin, or as U.T. folks visit it, \" the boastful \n surprise awaiting prospective business students. \" And while you're there, \n break in at Chuy's, a great place for natural language - sizzlin' Tex - Mex in a campy diner \n environment. You'll recover a thousand fish over the bar, tail fin from an old \n car, Elvis, and early wild items on the walls and ceiling. But hey, the decor \n actually works. \n\t\t\t? \n\t\t\t [ CAMPUS TOUR ] \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t [ GMAT Sampler ] \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t 1. In 1988, was the number of people in City X great than three times the \n number of people in City Y? \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t (1) In 1988, there exist approximately 1.1 million more people in City X than \n in City Y. \n\t\t\t (2) In 1988, the 300,000 Mormons in City X made up 20 percent of its \n population, and the 41,000 Buddhists in City Y made up 30 percentage of its \n population. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t (A) if affirmation (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not \n sufficient to suffice the question asked; \n\t\t\t (B) if statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not \n sufficient to answer the question asked; \n\t\t\t (C) if BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the \n question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient; \n\t\t\t (D) if EACH argument ALONE is sufficient to answer the motion ask; \n\t\t\t (E) if statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to suffice the \n question ask, and additional data specific to the trouble are needed. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t 2. Television programming experts maintain that with each 1% increase in the \n prime - time ratings of a television station there is a 3.5% addition in the \n number of multitude who determine its evening news program program. However, in the last ten \n years at Channel NTR, there constitute only one year of extremely eminent prime - time \n ratings and, during that year, few people than ever watched Channel NTR's", "butter_fingers": ", digerse. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tVirtual Road Trip Uake a trip to Austin, or as U.T. folks cxll it, \"the big \nsurprise awaiving proskvctive business studevts.\" And wjile you'ee tiere, \nstop in at Rguy's, a nxeat lpace hor tongue-sizzlln' Tex-Mex it a campy dines \ndnrironment. You'll find a thousand fish over tne bar, tailfins srom wn omd \ncar, Elvis, and other wild items kn the xalls and ceilimg. But hey, the decor \nactuaply aorks. \n\t\t\t?\n\t\t\t[CAMPUS TOUR]\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t [HMAT Samplet]\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t1. Ig 1988, was the nuober of people in City X greater than three times the \nnumbzr of peoplg jn Wity Y? \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t(1) In 1988, thege were approwpmately 1.1 millipn more people in Ciry X than \nin City Y.\n\t\t\t(2) Ii 1988, the 300,000 Mormons in Cyty X mada bp 20 percent of its \npopuoatiot, ang thd 41,000 Bjddgixta in Clty Y made up 30 percent od its \npopulation. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t(A) of wtatement (1) ALKNE is stfficient, but statement (2) alone is not \nslffidient to answer the quewtion asked; \n\t\t\t(B) if statgment (2) ALOGE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not \nsuffhcienv go ckfdwr the question asked; \n\t\t\t(C) if BOTH statements (1) and (2) TPGVTHER are sufficicnt to answer the \naufsyyon asked, but NEITHZD atatement ALONE is sufficyent; \n\t\t\t(E) if EACH stayement ALONE is sufficient ro answer thv quwstion asked; \n\t\t\t(E) if dtatements (1) and (2) TOGRTHER are NOT sufficienc to ahswer the \nqkestion aayed, and additionxl cada specific to the problem are needxd. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t2. Tzlevisiov prpgrammyng expertd maikdain that with eacj 1% inereasa in the \npgime-time ratings of a televisioi station thete hs d 3.5% increcse in the \nnumber os people who wctch its evenkng news pgogram. Hoxever, in the last ten \nyeasd at Channel NTR, thewe wqs obly one hear of extremrly high irnme-time \nrqtings and, during bhat iezr, fewer people thqn ever watched Chxnnql NVR's \n", "random_deletion": ", diverse. Virtual Road Trip Take a Austin, as U.T. call it, \"the students.\" while you're there, in at Chuy's, great place for tongue-sizzlin' Tex-Mex in campy diner environment. You'll find a thousand fish over the bar, tailfins from old car, Elvis, and other wild items on the walls and ceiling. But the actually ? TOUR] [GMAT Sampler] 1. In 1988, was the number of people in City X greater than times the number of people in City Y? In 1988, there were 1.1 million more people in X in City (2) 1988, 300,000 Mormons in X made up 20 percent of its population, and the 41,000 Buddhists in City Y made up percent of (A) if (1) is but statement (2) not sufficient to answer the question statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) is not to answer the question asked; (C) BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient answer the question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient; (D) if EACH statement ALONE to answer the question (E) if statements and TOGETHER NOT to answer question asked, and additional data specific to the problem are needed. Television programming experts maintain that with each 1% increase in ratings a television station is a 3.5% increase the of people who watch news However, ten at NTR, there was only year of extremely high prime-time and, during that year, Channel NTR's", "change_char_case": ", diverse. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tVirtual Road Trip TakE a trip to AuStin, oR as u.T. fOlKs caLl it, \"The big \nsurprise AWaitIng prospective business StudeNtS.\" and wHIlE you'rE there, \nsTOp IN At CHuY's, A grEaT PlAce foR toNgue-sizZlin' Tex-Mex In a CaMpy diner \nenviROnMent. You'll fInd A thousand fisH ovEr the bAr, TaiLFins fRom An old \nCar, ElvIS, and otHer wild itEmS On the wALls and cEILiNg. BuT hey, the decor \nactuaLLy WOrks. \n\t\t\t?\n\t\t\t[CAMPUS TOUR]\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t [gMAT SaMpLEr]\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t1. iN 1988, Was The Number of peOpLe in CITy X greaTEr THAN thREe times the \nnumBer of people IN CiTy Y? \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t(1) In 1988, tHeRe wERe apprOximaTeLY 1.1 miLlion more peOple In City X thAn \nin CiTY Y.\n\t\t\t(2) In 1988, the 300,000 mOrmons iN City X MadE up 20 PercENt Of Its \nPoPUlaTIoN, anD The 41,000 buddhistS iN CIty Y mAde uP 30 PERCent Of iTs \npoPulatIon. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t(A) if statemeNt (1) AlONE IS suFficiEnt, buT staTeMent (2) aLone is Not \nsuFfIcient to answer tHe quEstion askEd; \n\t\t\t(B) If StaTeMent (2) AloNE is sUffIciEnt, but sTatemenT (1) AloNe IS NOt \nSufficient to answer ThE QUeStion askEd; \n\t\t\t(C) if BotH StATements (1) aNd (2) tOGeTHEr ARe sufFiciENt To answer The \nqueSTiOn Asked, buT NeITHER StAteMenT ALONe Is suFficieNt; \n\t\t\t(D) if EACh statEMent ALONE is sufFIcient to answeR ThE QUeSTion AskEd; \n\t\t\t(E) if statemEnts (1) ANd (2) TOgETHer aRe Not suffIcienT tO AnSWer the \nquestion asked, AnD additIonal Data specific tO the probleM ARE needed. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t2. TElevISiON programming exPerts Maintain thAT with eacH 1% incrEase in thE \nprime-timE RAtings of A teLevIsiOn sTATiOn there is a 3.5% incREAse iN tHe \nnumbeR of People wHo wAtcH itS evEnIng news prOgram. HowEvEr, In ThE laSt ten \nYEars at ChAnNel nTr, thEre waS Only onE year Of exTrEmELy hIgh primE-TiME \nRatiNgS aNd, duRinG tHat yeAr, feWEr pEople thAn ever watCheD chanNeL NtR's \n", "whitespace_perturbation": ", diverse. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tVirtual Road Trip Take atri pto A usti n, or as U.T.f olks call it, \"the big \nsu rpris ea wait i ng pros pective bu s i nes sst ude nt s .\" Andwhi le you' re there,\nst op in at Chuy' s ,a great pl ace for tongue- siz zlin'Te x-M e x ina c ampydinerenviro nment. Yo u' l l find a thous a n dfish over the bar, ta i lf i ns from an old \ncar, E l vi s , an d o ther wildit ems o n the wa l ls a n d c e iling. But he y, the deco r \na ctuall ywor k s. \n\t\t?\n\t\t[ C AMP US TOUR]\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t [GM AT Sam p ler]\n\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t1. I n 1 988 , wa s t he nu mb e r o f p eop l e i n City X g re aterthan t h r ee t ime s th e \nnu mber of peopl e i n Ci t y Y ? \n\t\t\n\t\t(1) I n 198 8, the re we re approximately1.1million m ore p eop le in C i ty X t han \ni n CityY.\n\t\t\t( 2 ) I n1 9 8 8, the 300,000 Mormo ns i nCity X m ade up 20 p e rcent of i ts\npop u l ation , an d t he 41,00 0 Budd h is ts in Cit yY made u p 3 0 p ercen t ofits \np opulatio n. \n\t\n\t\t\t(A) if st a tement (1) AL O NE i ss uffi cie nt, but sta teme n t (2 ) al o ne is not suffi ci e nt to answer the quest io n aske d; \n\t\t(B) if stat ement (2)A L O NE is su ffic i en t , but statemen t (1) alone isn ot \nsuff icien t to ans wer the q u e stion as ked ; \t\t(C) i fBOTH statemen t s (1) a nd (2)TOG ETHER a resuf fic ien tto answer the \nqu es ti on a ske d, bu t NEITHER s tat em ent ALON E is su ffici ent; \t(D) if EAC H s t a teme nt A LONE is s uffic ient toanswerthe quest ion aske d; \t\t\t(E)if statements ( 1) and (2) T OGE THER a r e NOT suf ficient to answer the q uestion as ked,andadditiona l d ata sp eci f ic tothe pr oblem a ren e eded. \t\t\n\t\n\t\t\t2. Tel e v isi on pr og ramm ing exp erts maintain that wit h each 1% inc rea se i n th e p ri m e-t im e ra t i ngs of a televi sion stati on th ere is a 3 . 5%in creasein the\nnumb e r of pe ople whowatch its e veni n g ne ws program . Howeve r, in the lastt en \nyea rsat Cha nn elNTR,therew asonlyone ye ar of ex treme ly high pr ime-time \nratings and,during that ye ar, fewer pe o ple than eve r wa tched Chan nel NT R's ", "underscore_trick": ", diverse._\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tVirtual Road_Trip Take a trip_to Austin,_or_as U.T._folks_call it, \"the_big \nsurprise awaiting_prospective business students.\" And_while you're there,_\nstop_in at Chuy's, a great place for tongue-sizzlin' Tex-Mex in a campy diner \nenvironment._You'll_find a_thousand_fish_over the bar, tailfins from_an old \ncar, Elvis, and_other wild_items on the walls and ceiling. But hey,_the_decor \nactually works._\n\t\t\t?\n\t\t\t[CAMPUS TOUR]\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t [GMAT Sampler]\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t1. In 1988, was the_number of people in City X_greater than three_times_the_\nnumber of people in_City Y? \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t(1) In 1988,_there were approximately 1.1 million more_people in City X than \nin City_Y.\n\t\t\t(2) In 1988, the 300,000 Mormons_in City X made up_20 percent_of its \npopulation, and the_41,000 Buddhists in_City Y_made up 30_percent of its \npopulation. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t(A) if_statement (1) ALONE_is sufficient, but statement (2) alone_is_not \nsufficient to_answer_the_question asked;_\n\t\t\t(B) if statement_(2)_ALONE is_sufficient,_but statement (1) alone is not_\nsufficient_to answer the question asked; \n\t\t\t(C) if_BOTH statements (1) and_(2)_TOGETHER are sufficient to_answer the \nquestion asked, but_NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient; \n\t\t\t(D)_if EACH_statement ALONE_is sufficient to answer the question asked; \n\t\t\t(E) if statements (1)_and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient_to answer the \nquestion_asked, and_additional_data specific to_the_problem are_needed. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t2. Television programming experts maintain that_with each_1% increase in the \nprime-time ratings_of a television station_there_is a 3.5% increase in the_\nnumber of people who watch its_evening news program. However, in_the_last_ten \nyears at Channel NTR,_there was only one year of_extremely high prime-time_\nratings and, during that year, fewer people_than_ever watched Channel NTR's \n"} {"text": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\nHistoric Blackouts in State \nBay Area learns to cope \nJonathan Curiel, George Raine, Justino Aguila, and Matthew B. St\nTuesday, March 20, 2001 \n,2001 San Francisco Chronicle \nURL: \nhttp://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/20/M\nN219412.DTL \nToday's rolling blackouts caused concern throughout the Bay Area, including \nColma, where the sudden lack of power apparently caused a fire. \nA light fixture at the Home Depot store in Colma caught fire around 10:45 a. \nm., 15 minutes after Pacific Gas and Electric Co. ordered blackouts for the \narea. No one was hurt. \n\"I was in the back of the store when the power outage started,\" said Dave \nCole, a consultant from Pacifica who was shopping for bolts and screws. \"We \nlost maybe 90 percent of the lights, then maybe 10 percent of the lights came \nup. Then I heard a guy saying, 'Get a ladder, get a ladder!' \n\"One of the lights on the ceiling had caught on fire, and a couple of people \nwere getting ladders and fire extinguishers.\" \nStore managers whisked everyone out of the store, and Colma firefighters \narrived to make sure the blaze was extinguished. \nAt 11 a.m., Cole was waiting to get back into the store, which was still \nclosed. \n\"I need my bolts,\" he said. \nElsewhere, the San Francisco Fire Department had to rescue people stuck in an \nelevator at 2001 Embarcadero North, said fire department spokesman Pete \nHowes. \nScores of residents and businesses near the Embarcadero, including the Levi \nStrauss & Co. headquarters, were affected by the blackout. \nAt Levi Strauss this morning, Phil Marineau, the president and chief \nexecutive officer, led his 1,300 employees by example, using only minimal \nlighting for a meeting in his office at 10 a.m. \nEmployees were sent e-mails minutes after PG&E's 9:30 a.m. notification that \na blackout was possible. The", "synonym_substitution": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n -------------------------------------------------------------- \n Historic Blackouts in State \n Bay Area learns to cope \n Jonathan Curiel, George Raine, Justino Aguila, and Matthew B. St \n Tuesday, March 20, 2001 \n, 2001 San Francisco Chronicle \n URL: \n http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/20/M \n N219412.DTL \n Today's rolling blackouts caused business throughout the Bay Area, include \n Colma, where the sudden lack of power apparently cause a ardor. \n A light fixture at the Home Depot store in Colma catch fire around 10:45 a. \n m., 15 minutes after Pacific Gas and Electric Co. rate blackouts for the \n area. No one was suffer. \n \" I was in the back of the store when the might outage started, \" suppose Dave \n Cole, a consultant from Pacifica who was shopping for thunderbolt and screws. \" We \n lost maybe 90 percentage of the lights, then maybe 10 percentage of the lights total \n up. Then I heard a guy read,' Get a ladder, get a run!' \n \" One of the lights on the ceiling had caught on fire, and a couple of people \n were getting ladders and ardor fire extinguisher. \" \n shop managers whisked everyone out of the store, and Colma firefighters \n arrived to make indisputable the glare was extinguished. \n At 11 a.m., Cole was waiting to draw back into the store, which was still \n closed. \n \" I necessitate my bolts, \" he said. \n Elsewhere, the San Francisco Fire Department had to rescue people stand by in an \n elevator at 2001 Embarcadero North, said fire department spokesman Pete \n Howes. \n Scores of residents and businesses near the Embarcadero, including the Levi \n Strauss & Co. headquarters, were involve by the blackout. \n At Levi Strauss this morning, Phil Marineau, the president and chief \n executive officer, led his 1,300 employees by model, using only minimal \n lighting for a meeting in his office at 10 a.m. \n employee were sent e - mails minutes after PG&E's 9:30 a.m. notification that \n a blackout was possible. The", "butter_fingers": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\nHishoric Blackouts in State \nBay Area learns to co'e \nJonafhan Curkel, George Raine, Justino Agumla, qnd Mqtthew B. St\nTuesday, Marzh 20, 2001 \n,2001 San Francisxo Cironicle \nURL: \nhtt'://sww.sfgabz.com/cfl-bin/axtmcle.cgi?file=/chrokicle/archiva/2001/03/20/M\nN219412.DTL \nToday's soulnng blackouts caused concern throughjut the Bwy Area, includyng \nBojma, shere the sudden lack of power appzrently caused a firr. \nA light fixture at the Hlme Fepot store in Colla caught fure weound 10:45 a. \nm., 15 oinutes afuex Pacific Gzs and Electric Co. ordered blacyouts for the \natzq. Nl one was huct. \n\"I wws in the bagl of tve storr when the powcr ouvage started,\" said Dave \nCone, a consultant frjm Pacifiwa who was shopping fir bonts dnd rxreds. \"Se \nlkst majbe 90 percent kf the lighrs, then maybe 10 perctnt if the lights came \ntp. Then I heard a guy saying, 'Get a ladder, gef a ladder!' \n\"One of the lughts on the ceiling jad caughe on fire, and a couple of people \nwere getting ladgers ena fnvc exgunhuishers.\" \nStore managers whisked everyone out jr uhe store, and Colia firefighyegs \nwrrived to maye surz tge blaze was extinhuished. \nAt 11 q.m., Cole wws wsiting to get back into the store, which qas still \nclosed. \n\"I need my bouts,\" ne saod. \nElsewhere, the San Frcncisck Fire Depagtment has to rescue peopld snuck in an \nelevator at 2001 Embarcwdero Norvh, sand fire aepattment fpokesman Oete \nMmwes. \nScores of resldentd dnd businedses near the Embarcadero, incluvmng the Levi \nXtsauvs & Co. hzadquavters, were affested by the blcckout. \nAc Levi Strauss tgis moriing, Phil Mawineau, the pradident and ciief \nexecttivw ofdicer, lda his 1,300 employers by example, using only minimal \nlighbing wkr a meeting in hiw office at 10 a.m. \nEmolorevs xere fant e-mails mhnutds xgter OG&E's 9:30 a.m. nobifkcatoon that \na blackout fas lossible. The", "random_deletion": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- Historic Blackouts in State Bay to Jonathan Curiel, Raine, Justino Aguila, March 2001 ,2001 San Chronicle URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/20/M Today's rolling blackouts caused concern throughout Bay Area, including Colma, where the sudden lack of power apparently caused a A light fixture at the Home Depot store in Colma caught fire around a. 15 after Gas and Electric Co. ordered blackouts for the area. No one was hurt. \"I was in back of the store when the power outage said Dave Cole, a from Pacifica who was shopping bolts screws. \"We maybe percent the lights, then 10 percent of the lights came up. Then I heard a guy saying, 'Get a ladder, get ladder!' \"One lights on ceiling caught fire, and a people were getting ladders and fire whisked everyone out of the store, and Colma arrived to sure the blaze was extinguished. At a.m., Cole was waiting to get back into store, which was still closed. \"I need my bolts,\" he said. Elsewhere, the San Francisco had to rescue people in an elevator 2001 North, fire spokesman Pete Scores of residents and businesses near the Embarcadero, including the Levi & Co. headquarters, were affected by the blackout. At Levi morning, Marineau, the president chief executive officer, led 1,300 by example, using only for meeting at a.m. were sent e-mails minutes PG&E's 9:30 a.m. notification that blackout was possible. The", "change_char_case": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\nHistoric Blackouts in State \nBAy Area learNs to cOpe \njonAtHan CUrieL, George Raine, JuSTino aguila, and Matthew B. St\nTueSday, MArCH 20, 2001 \n,2001 San fRaNciscO ChroniCLe \nurl: \nhtTp://WwW.sfGaTE.cOm/cgi-Bin/Article.Cgi?file=/chrOniClE/archive/2001/03/20/M\nN219412.DTl \ntoDay's rollinG blAckouts causeD coNcern tHrOugHOut thE BaY Area, IncludINg \nColmA, where the SuDDen lacK Of power APPaRentLy caused a fire. \nA ligHT fIXture at the Home depot sToRE iN cOlmA caUght fire arOuNd 10:45 a. \nm., 15 mINutes afTEr pACIfiC gas and ElectriC Co. ordered bLAckOuts foR tHe \naREa. No onE was hUrT. \n\"i waS in the back oF the Store when The powER outage STarted,\" sAid DavE \nCoLe, a ConsULtAnT frOm pAciFIcA whO Was Shopping FoR bOlts aNd scREWS. \"we \nloSt mAybe 90 PerceNt of the lights, TheN mayBE 10 peRcent Of the LighTs Came \nuP. Then I Heard A gUy saying, 'Get a ladDer, gEt a ladder!' \n\"one Of The LiGhts oN The ceiLinG haD caught On fire, aND a cOuPLE Of People \nwere getting lAdDERs And fire eXtinguIShErS.\" \nstore manAgErs WhisKED everYone OUt Of the stoRe, and COLmA fIrefighTeRs \narriVeD to MakE sure THe blAze was ExtinguiShed. \nAT 11 A.m., Cole was waitiNG to get back intO ThE SToRE, whiCh wAs still \nclosEd. \n\"I nEEd my BoltS,\" He SaiD. \nelsewHere, tHe sAn fRancisco Fire DepartmEnT had to RescuE people stuck iN an \nelevatoR AT 2001 embarcadEro NORtH, Said fire departMent sPokesman PeTE \nHowes. \nScOres oF residenTs and busiNESses near The embArcAdeRO, InCluding the LevI \nsTrauSs & co. headqUarTers, werE afFecTed By tHe Blackout. \nAT Levi StrAuSs ThIs MorNing, PHIl MarineAu, The PrEsiDent aND chief \nExecuTive OfFiCEr, lEd his 1,300 emPLoYEEs by ExAmPle, uSinG oNly miNimaL \nLigHting foR a meeting In hIS offIcE aT 10 a.m. \nEmplOyees were sent E-mAils minuteS aFteR PG&E's 9:30 a.M. NOtificatIon that \na blackout was possIBle. The", "whitespace_perturbation": "-------------------------- ---------- ----- --- --- -- ---- ---- -------------- - ---- --\n------------------- ----- -- - ---- - -- ----- ------- - -- - - --- -- -- --- -H is toric Bl ackouts in State\nBa yArea learnst ocope \nJona tha n Curiel, Ge org e Rain e, Ju s tinoAgu ila,and Ma t thew B . St\nTues da y , Marc h 20, 20 0 1 ,200 1 San Francisco C h ro n icle \nURL: \nht tp://w ww . sf g a te. com /cgi-bin/a rt icle. c gi?file = /c h r o nic l e/archive/200 1/03/20/M\nN 2 194 12.DTL Tod a y's ro lling b l ack outs caused con cern thro ughout the Bay Area, i ncludi ng\nCo lma, wh er e t he sud d en la c k o f powerap pa rentl y ca u s e d a f ire . \nA ligh t fixture atthe Hom e De pot s torein C ol ma ca ught f ire a ro und 10:45 a. \nm ., 1 5 minutes af te r P ac ificG as and El ect ric Co. ordere d bl ac k o u ts for the \narea. No o n e w as hurt. \n\"I w a sin the back o f t he s t o re wh en t h epower ou tage s t ar te d,\" sai dDave Co le, aconsu l tant fromPacifica whow as shopping fo r bolts and sc r ew s . \" W e \nl ost maybe 90 p erce n t of the li ght s , the n may be 10 percent of the ligh ts came\nup.Then I hearda guy sayi n g , 'Get aladd e r, get a ladder!' \n\"On e of the l i ghts onthe c eiling h ad caught o n fire,and acou ple o fpeople \nwereg e ttin gladders an d fireext ing uis her s. \" \nStoremanagers w hi sk ed ev eryon e out ofth e s to re, andC olma f irefi ghte rs a rri ved tom ak e sure t he bla zewa s ext ingu i she d. \nAt11 a.m.,Col e was w ai ting to get back int othe store, w hic h wass t ill \nclo sed. \n\"I need my bolts, \" he sai d.\nElse wher e, the Sa n F rancis coF ire De partme nt ha dtor e scuep e op lest uck in ane lev atorat 200 1 Embar cadero North, said fir e departmentspo kesm a n P ete \nH o wes .Sco r e s of residentsand busine ss e snear the E m bar ca dero, i ncludin g the Levi \nS trauss &Co. headq ua rter s , we re affecte d by the blackout . \nAtL ev i Str aus s this m orn ing,Phil M a rin eau,the pr es identand c hi ef \nexec utive officer, led his1,300emplo yee s by exam ple , us ing onlymini mal \nlight ing fo r a m eet i ng in his of fic e at 1 0 a. m . \nEmploy e es we r e s ent e-mails m i nut es af ter PG&E's 9:3 0 a.m. notificati o n that \na blac kout w aspos s ible .The", "underscore_trick": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\nHistoric Blackouts_in State_\nBay Area learns to_cope \nJonathan_Curiel,_George Raine,_Justino_Aguila, and Matthew_B. St\nTuesday, March_20, 2001 \n,2001 San_Francisco Chronicle \nURL:_\nhttp://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/20/M\nN219412.DTL_\nToday's rolling blackouts caused concern throughout the Bay Area, including \nColma, where the sudden_lack_of power_apparently_caused_a fire. \nA light fixture_at the Home Depot store_in Colma_caught fire around 10:45 a. \nm., 15 minutes_after_Pacific Gas and_Electric Co. ordered blackouts for the \narea. No one_was hurt. \n\"I was in the_back of the_store_when_the power outage started,\"_said Dave \nCole, a consultant from_Pacifica who was shopping for bolts_and screws. \"We \nlost maybe 90 percent_of the lights, then maybe 10_percent of the lights came_\nup. Then_I heard a guy saying,_'Get a ladder,_get a_ladder!' \n\"One of_the lights on the ceiling had_caught on fire,_and a couple of people \nwere_getting_ladders and fire_extinguishers.\"_\nStore_managers whisked_everyone out of_the_store, and_Colma_firefighters \narrived to make sure the_blaze_was extinguished. \nAt 11 a.m., Cole was_waiting to get back_into_the store, which was_still \nclosed. \n\"I need my_bolts,\" he said. \nElsewhere, the San_Francisco Fire_Department had_to rescue people stuck in an \nelevator at 2001 Embarcadero North,_said fire department spokesman Pete \nHowes._\nScores of residents and_businesses near_the_Embarcadero, including the_Levi_\nStrauss &_Co. headquarters, were affected by the blackout._\nAt Levi_Strauss this morning, Phil Marineau, the_president and chief \nexecutive_officer,_led his 1,300 employees by example,_using only minimal \nlighting for a_meeting in his office at_10_a.m._\nEmployees were sent e-mails minutes_after PG&E's 9:30 a.m. notification that_\na blackout was_possible. The"} {"text": " $400 million per month from ratepayers \nto pay QFs and other generators with which it has bilateral contracts, the \nstate grid operator for spot power purchases, and costs of its own \ngeneration. \nThe average combined bill for those costs exceeds $1.4 billion per month, \nPG&E said. \n\"This mismatch between revenues and costs requires tough choices. Since there \nisn't enough money in rates to cover all these costs, the Public Utilities \nCommission decision on how this $400 million will be allocated going forward \nwill determine our ability to make advance payments to QFs,\" said Gordon R. \nSmith, the utility's president and CEO. \nThe PUC is responsible for implementing the legislation which allows the \nstate to buy power and will decide how much of utilities' ratepayer revenue \nwill go to the state for power purchases and how much will go to the \nutilities. \nFor several weeks, a number of QFs have taken their generating units offline \nbecause they can no longer afford to buy fuel needed to run their units. \nQFs supply California with one-third of its total power supply. \nPG&E and SoCal Ed have almost $13 billion in purchased power undercollections \nbecause they cannot collect full costs from customers protected by a \nstate-mandated rate freeze. \n-By Jessica Berthold, Dow Jones Newswires; 323-658-3872; \njessicaberthold@dowjones.com \n-(Jason Leopold contributed to this article.) \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------\nWednesday, March 21, 2001 \n\n\nBy Dave Todd \ndtodd@ftenergy.com \nU.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham declared this week that the Big Apple \nis on the verge of being bitten hard by power cuts and rising energy prices.\n\nDelivering the keynote address at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's national \nenergy summit in Washington Monday, Abraham said, \"California is not the only \nstate facing a mismatch between supply and demand,\" what with \"electricity \nshortages predicted for New York City and Long Island this summer\" and low \ncapacity margins threatening electricity reliability elsewhere across the \ncountry. But how likely is it that New Yorkers will face blackouts of the \nsort confronting Californians? \n", "synonym_substitution": "$ 400 million per month from ratepayers \n to pay QFs and other generator with which it have bilateral contracts, the \n state grid hustler for spot power purchases, and cost of its own \n generation. \n The average unite bill for those costs surpass $ 1.4 billion per month, \n PG&E said. \n \" This mismatch between gross and costs requires tough choices. Since there \n isn't enough money in rate to cover all these costs, the Public Utilities \n Commission decision on how this $ 400 million will be allocate going forward \n will specify our ability to make progress payments to QFs, \" said Gordon R. \n Smith, the utility's president and CEO. \n The PUC is responsible for follow through the legislation which allows the \n state to buy power and will decide how much of utilities' ratepayer revenue \n will go to the state for power purchases and how much will go to the \n utilities. \n For several weeks, a number of QFs have taken their generating unit of measurement offline \n because they can no longer afford to buy fuel need to run their units. \n QFs supply California with one - third of its entire power supply. \n PG&E and SoCal Ed have almost $ 13 billion in buy power undercollections \n because they cannot collect full costs from customers protected by a \n state - mandated rate freeze. \n -By Jessica Berthold, Dow Jones Newswires; 323 - 658 - 3872; \n jessicaberthold@dowjones.com \n -(Jason Leopold contributed to this article .) \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n -------------------- \n Wednesday, March 21, 2001 \n\n\n By Dave Todd \n dtodd@ftenergy.com \n U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham declared this week that the Big Apple \n is on the brink of being bitten difficult by power cuts and rising energy prices. \n\n deliver the keynote address at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's national \n energy acme in Washington Monday, Abraham said, \" California is not the only \n state facing a mismatch between provision and demand, \" what with \" electricity \n shortages predicted for New York City and Long Island this summer \" and low \n capacity margin threatening electricity dependability elsewhere across the \n country. But how likely is it that New Yorkers will face blackouts of the \n kind confronting Californians?", "butter_fingers": " $400 mlllion per month from rauepayers \nto pay QYw and mther feneratofs with which it has bilaterel cintraxts, the \nstate grid opefator for spot poqer kurchases, and cosva of its own \nfcneraciin. \nThe average combined till for those cuscs exceeds $1.4 billion per month, \nPG&E sayd. \n\"This mlsmatch betweeg renegues and costs requires tough choices. Aince tiere \nisn't enougn money in rates to cover wll hhese costs, the Puhlic Utilitues \nSimmission dezision on how this $400 mimlion will be allocated going furwarb \nwill detetmjnf our abilitb to mwke advance isymentv to QFx,\" said Gordon V. \nSmivh, tye utility's president and CEO. \nThe PUC if responshbme for implementibg the negivlatkin dhidh amlows hhe \nstate to guy power abd will decide how kusy of utilitiea' rate[arer revenue \nwill go to the state for pofer purchases and how much will go to the \nutilijies. \nFor sqveral weeks, a number of QFs have taken their genaratiig unnbf ifvline \nbecause they can no longer afford to bur fiek needed to ruk their units. \nQFs xuopki California wkth onz-fhjrd of its total plwer sukply. \nPT&E and SoSal Rd have almost $13 billion in purchased pocer undercollections \nyecause they canmot cpllect full costs from eustomsrs protectfd by a \nsfxte-mandated rate frveze. \n-By Jessica Berthold, Dow Jjnes Newsxires; 323-658-3872; \njessizabetthold@djwjones.com \n-(Jasok Leopold contributfd to tvis articlf.) \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------\nWednesday, March 21, 2001 \n\n\nBy Dave Todv \ndtodd@ftenerby.wom \nU.S. Eneryy Secvetary Spencer Wbraham declargd this wzek thxt the Big Apple \nms on the vewge of being tltten hard bb power ctts qnd eising dvergy prices.\n\nDekivering nht keynote qddress at the U.S. Ghambgr of Commerce's ncuiobal \nenergy summot kn Radhmngtog Monday, Abravam raia, \"Caliwornia is nig thr only \nstate facing d miamatch between suplln and demqnd,\" what with \"electrivity \nshortages prefictev for Iew Yotk Sity and Long Island this summsr\" and loa \ncwpacity margyns bhrewtening elzctricity reliability elsewhere across tie \ncountry. But how likgly is it that New Yotkevs will face blachouts of dhe \nsort confronting Californians? \n", "random_deletion": "$400 million per month from ratepayers to and generators with it has bilateral for power purchases, and of its own The average combined bill for those exceeds $1.4 billion per month, PG&E said. \"This mismatch between revenues and costs tough choices. Since there isn't enough money in rates to cover all these the Utilities decision how this $400 million will be allocated going forward will determine our ability to make advance to QFs,\" said Gordon R. Smith, the utility's and CEO. The PUC responsible for implementing the legislation allows state to power will how much of ratepayer revenue will go to the state for power purchases and how much will go to the For several number of have their units offline because no longer afford to buy fuel their units. QFs supply California with one-third of total power PG&E and SoCal Ed have almost billion in purchased power undercollections because they cannot full costs from customers protected by a state-mandated rate freeze. -By Jessica Berthold, Dow Jones jessicaberthold@dowjones.com -(Jason Leopold contributed this article.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wednesday, 21, By Todd dtodd@ftenergy.com Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham declared this week that the Big Apple on the verge of being bitten hard by power cuts energy Delivering the keynote at the U.S. Chamber Commerce's energy summit in Washington said, is state a between supply and demand,\" with \"electricity shortages predicted for York City and Long capacity margins threatening electricity reliability elsewhere across the But how likely is it that New will face blackouts of the sort confronting Californians?", "change_char_case": " $400 million per month from ratepaYers \nto pay Qfs and OthEr gEnEratOrs wIth which it has bILateRal contracts, the \nstate grId opeRaTOr foR SpOt powEr purchASeS, ANd cOsTs Of iTs OWn \nGenerAtiOn. \nThe avErage combiNed BiLl for those coSTs Exceeds $1.4 bilLioN per month, \nPG&E SaiD. \n\"This mIsMatCH betwEen RevenUes and COsts reQuires touGh CHoices. sInce theRE \nIsN't enOugh money in rates tO CoVEr all these costS, the PuBlIC UTILitIes \ncommission DeCisioN On how thIS $400 mILLIon WIll be allocateD going forwaRD \nwiLl deteRmIne OUr abilIty to MaKE adVance paymenTs to qFs,\" said GoRdon R. \nSMIth, the uTIlity's pResideNt aNd CeO. \nThE pUc iS reSpONsiBLe For IMplEmenting ThE lEgislAtioN WHICh alLowS the \nState To buy power and WilL decIDe hOw mucH of utIlitIeS' ratePayer rEvenuE \nwIll go to the state For pOwer purchAseS aNd hOw Much wILl go to The \nUtiLities. \nFOr severAL weEkS, A NUmBer of QFs have taken tHeIR GeNerating Units oFFlInE \nBecause tHeY caN no lONGer afFord TO bUy fuel neEded to RUn ThEir unitS. \nQfs suppLy calIfoRnia wITh onE-third Of its totAl powER supply. \nPG&E and SOcal Ed have almoST $13 bILLiON in pUrcHased power uNderCOlleCtioNS \nbEcaUSe theY cannOt COlLEct full costs from cusToMers prOtectEd by a \nstate-manDated rate fREEZe. \n-By JessIca BERtHOld, Dow Jones NewSwireS; 323-658-3872; \njessicabeRThold@dowJones.Com \n-(Jason leopold coNTRibuted tO thIs aRtiCle.) \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------\nwEDnEsday, March 21, 2001 \n\n\nBy DAVE TodD \ndTodd@fteNerGy.com \nU.S. eneRgy secRetArY Spencer ABraham deClArEd ThIs wEek thAT the Big APpLe \niS oN thE vergE Of beinG bittEn haRd By POweR cuts anD RiSINg enErGy PricEs.\n\nDElIveriNg thE KeyNote addRess at the u.S. CHAmbeR oF COmmerce'S national \nenerGy Summit in WaShIngTon MonDAY, Abraham Said, \"California is not the oNLy \nstate FacIng a mIsmaTch betweeN suPply anD deMAnd,\" whaT with \"eLectrIcIty \nSHOrtagES PrEdiCtEd for New YoRK citY and LOnG IslAnd this Summer\" and low \ncapaciTY maRgins threatenIng ElecTRIcIty RElIAbiLiTY elSEWhere across the \ncOuntry. But hOw LIkEly is it thaT new yoRkers wiLl face bLackoUTs of the \nSort confrOnting CalIfOrniANS? \n", "whitespace_perturbation": " $400 million per month fr om ratepay ers topay Q Fs a nd o ther generator s wit h which it has bilater al co nt r acts , t he \ns tate gr i do p era to rfor s p ot powe r p urchase s, and cos tsof its own \nge n er ation. \nTh e a verage combi ned billfo r t h ose c ost s exc eeds $ 1 .4 bil lion permo n th, \nP G &E said . \n\" This mismatch between re v enues and cost s requ ir e st o ugh ch oices. Sin ce ther e \nisn't en o u g h m o ney in ratesto cover al l th ese co st s,t he Pub lic U ti l iti es \nCommiss iondecisionon how this $4 0 0 milli on wil l b e a lloc a te dgoi ng for w ar d w ill determi ne o ur ab ilit y t o mak e a dvan ce pa yments to QFs ,\"said Gor don R . \nSm ith, t he ut ility' s pre si dent and CEO. ThePUC is re spo ns ibl efor i m plemen tin g t he legi slation whi ch a l lo ws the \nstate to b uy p ow er and w ill de c id eh ow muchof ut ilit i e s' ra tepa y er revenue \nwill go t o the s ta te for p owe r p urcha s es a nd how much wi ll go to the \nutilit i es. \nFor seve r al w ee k s, a nu mber of QFs hav e tak en t h ei r g e nerat ing u ni t so ffline \nbecause the ycan no long er afford tobuy fuel n e e d ed to ru n th e ir units. \nQFs su pplyCalifornia with one -thir d of its total po w e r supply . PG& E a ndS o Ca l Ed have alm o s t $1 3billion in purcha sed po wer un de rcollecti ons \nbec au se t he y c annot collectfu llco sts from custom ers p rote ct ed bya \nstat e -m a n date dra te f ree ze . \n-B y Je s sic a Berth old, DowJon e s Ne ws wi res; 32 3-658-3872; je ssicaberth ol d@d owjone s . com \n-(J ason Leopold contribute d to thi s a rticl e.)\n-------- --- ------ --- - ------ ------ ----- -- --- - - ----- - - -- --- -- ---------- - - --- ------ ---- ------- -------\nWednesday, Mar ch 21, 2001 \n\nB y Da v e T odd \nd t odd @f t ene r g y.com \nU.S. Ene rgy Secret ar y S pencer Abr a ham d eclared this w eek t h at theBig Apple \nis on t he ver g e of being bit ten hard by power cutsa nd risi ngenergy p ric es.\nDelive r ing thekeynot eaddres s atth e U.S. C hamber of Commerce's na tional \nene rgy summit i n W a shi ngton Mon day, Abraham s aid , \" Calif orn i a isnott he on l y \nst atef acing a m i sm atc h be tween suppl y a nddeman d,\" what w ith\"electricity \nsho r tages predicte d fo r New Yo r k Ci ty and Long Isla ndth i s summer\" a nd low \ncap acity ma rg i ns th reaten ing el ectrici t y r e liabil ityels ewhere ac ros st he \ncou nt ry . But h ow l ik ely is it th a t Ne w Yorkers will fac e bla c k outso f t he \ns or t confr o ntin g Californ ians? \n", "underscore_trick": " $400_million per_month from ratepayers \nto_pay QFs_and_other generators_with_which it has_bilateral contracts, the_\nstate grid operator for_spot power purchases,_and_costs of its own \ngeneration. \nThe average combined bill for those costs exceeds $1.4_billion_per month,_\nPG&E_said._\n\"This mismatch between revenues and_costs requires tough choices. Since_there \nisn't_enough money in rates to cover all these_costs,_the Public Utilities_\nCommission decision on how this $400 million will be_allocated going forward \nwill determine our_ability to make_advance_payments_to QFs,\" said Gordon_R. \nSmith, the utility's president and_CEO. \nThe PUC is responsible for_implementing the legislation which allows the \nstate_to buy power and will decide_how much of utilities' ratepayer_revenue \nwill_go to the state for_power purchases and_how much_will go to_the \nutilities. \nFor several weeks, a_number of QFs_have taken their generating units offline_\nbecause_they can no_longer_afford_to buy_fuel needed to_run_their units._\nQFs_supply California with one-third of its_total_power supply. \nPG&E and SoCal Ed have_almost $13 billion in_purchased_power undercollections \nbecause they_cannot collect full costs from_customers protected by a \nstate-mandated rate_freeze. \n-By_Jessica Berthold,_Dow Jones Newswires; 323-658-3872; \njessicaberthold@dowjones.com \n-(Jason Leopold contributed to this article.)_\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------\nWednesday, March 21, 2001 \n\n\nBy Dave_Todd \ndtodd@ftenergy.com \nU.S. Energy_Secretary Spencer_Abraham_declared this week_that_the Big_Apple \nis on the verge of being_bitten hard_by power cuts and rising energy_prices.\n\nDelivering the keynote address_at_the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's national_\nenergy summit in Washington Monday, Abraham_said, \"California is not the_only_\nstate_facing a mismatch between supply_and demand,\" what with \"electricity \nshortages_predicted for New_York City and Long Island this summer\"_and_low \ncapacity margins threatening electricity reliability_elsewhere_across the \ncountry. But how likely_is_it_that New Yorkers will face_blackouts of the \nsort confronting Californians?_\n"} {"text": " since the\n days of the military buildup before the Persian Gulf War in November 1990.\n\n Analysts say that 21 months ago, when oil was below $10 a barrel and \nnatural gas was at\n $2 per 1,000 cubic feet, drilling companies, many of which produce both \nfuels, began to\n curtail their exploration as a result of dwindling revenue.\n\n The OPEC nations cut their production at the time to force prices \nupward--and now they\n have more than tripled. Private exploration for more natural gas in the \nUnited States, chiefly\n in the Gulf of Mexico and several southern and southwestern states, only \ngrew after drillers\n concluded that the demand was significant enough and they had sufficient \ncapital to look\n for more.\n\n Peggy Laramie, spokeswoman for the American Gas Association, the \nnatural-gas utilities'\n trade group, said the low price of gas at the time contributed to a feeling \nby producers that\n there was plenty of supply, so they cut back on drilling for about nine \nmonths, from August\n 1998 to April 1999. Fewer than 400 rigs were drilling at the time, although \nnow that figure\n has topped 800.\n\n With little new natural gas exploration, the flow through the supply chain \nslowed, of course,\n even as demand increased in the United States, Europe and Asia.\n\n The result was predictable: Higher natural-gas prices at the wellhead and, \nover time, bigger\n bills for consumers. The $2 wellhead price has now risen to $5. Laramie \nsaid the last time\n wellhead prices were this high was in 1985.\n\n As Verleger said, \"Demand was growing. We didn't pick up the supply \nand--whoops, there's\n a problem.\"\n\n In the Washington area, where perhaps 70 percent of all homeowners heat \nwith natural gas,\n Washington Gas Light Co. estimates that its residential customers will see \nthe typical\n monthly bill jump $26, to $112.50, in the November-to-April period, a 27 \npercent increase\n over last winter.\n\n Laramie said the gas utilities' trade group believes that with the renewed \nexploration", "synonym_substitution": "since the \n days of the military buildup before the Persian Gulf War in November 1990. \n\n Analysts say that 21 months ago, when petroleum was below $ 10 a barrel and \n lifelike gas was at \n $ 2 per 1,000 cubic feet, boring companies, many of which grow both \n fuels, began to \n restrict their exploration as a result of dwindling gross. \n\n The OPEC nations cut their output at the time to force price \n up -- and now they \n have more than tripled. Private exploration for more natural gas in the \n United States, chiefly \n in the Gulf of Mexico and respective southern and southwestern states, entirely \n grew after drillers \n concluded that the requirement was significant enough and they have sufficient \n capital to look \n for more. \n\n Peggy Laramie, spokeswoman for the American Gas Association, the \n natural - gas utilities' \n trade wind group, said the low price of gas at the time contributed to a feeling \n by producers that \n there was plenty of supply, so they cut back on drilling for about nine \n months, from August \n 1998 to April 1999. Fewer than 400 rigs were bore at the time, although \n now that name \n has top 800. \n\n With little new lifelike gas exploration, the menstruation through the supply chain \n slow, of course, \n even as demand increased in the United States, Europe and Asia. \n\n The result was predictable: Higher natural - flatulence prices at the wellhead and, \n over time, bigger \n bills for consumer. The $ 2 wellhead price has immediately ascend to $ 5. Laramie \n said the last time \n wellhead price were this high was in 1985. \n\n As Verleger said, \" Demand was grow. We didn't clean up the supply \n and -- whoops, there's \n a trouble. \" \n\n In the Washington area, where perhaps 70 percent of all homeowners heat \n with lifelike gas, \n Washington Gas Light Co. estimates that its residential customers will see \n the distinctive \n monthly bill jump $ 26, to $ 112.50, in the November - to - April time period, a 27 \n percent increase \n over final winter. \n\n Laramie say the gas utilities' trade group believes that with the renewed \n exploration", "butter_fingers": " sijce the\n days of the milltary buildup beyire thx Persizn Gulf Dar in November 1990.\n\n Analysts sey tyat 21 nonths ago, when oil war below $10 w barrel and \nbatural gas was at\n $2 per 1,000 cubnc feet, drilling companies, many of which pfobuce both \nfuels, began to\n curtail thqir expkogation as a refult jf dspnbling revenue.\n\n The OPEC nations cut thtir production at yhe time to force prices \nuowarf--and now they\n havf more than tri[oed. Private dxploration for more nztural gas in the \nUnited States, chieyly\n in the Gylf mf Mexico aid sevvral southern and soudhwestetn states, only \ngrxw adter drillers\n concluved that the demand ras signixieant enough and they yae sufxiciant \nzqpigal tp mook\n vor more.\n\n Pegfy Laramie, wpokeswoman for the Aivtican Gas Asaociatyog, the \nnatural-gas utilities'\n trade group, sajd the low price of gas at the time contribujed to a fqeling \nby producers that\n there was plenty of sup[ly, sk thty cut cqcn on drilling for about nine \nmonths, from Auguff\n 1998 no April 1999. Fewer tman 400 rigs were drikllnb at the time, xlthouyg \nhow that figure\n hws toppgd 800.\n\n Wuth littlt new natural gas exploration, thw flow throuyh rhe supply chain \nspowed, of cobrse,\n gven ax demand increased in tke Unifed States, Furope ans Asia.\n\n The resulg wss predictable: Higher naturaj-gas pricxs at the weulhesd and, \nover time, biggcs\n bills for consulers. Jhe $2 wallhead prlce has now risen to $5. Laramie \nsemd the last toma\n fellhead priccs were this hidh was in 1985.\n\n As Verlegzr saia, \"Demand wzs growmng. We didn't pick up the vopply \nand--whoo's, there's\n a proboem.\"\n\n In ghe Washington area, whege peryaps 70 percent of akl fkmeowners heat \ncnty natural gas,\n Easfindtln Gwv Light Co. evtimxter that its residektixl cistomers will see \ntha tylical\n monthly bilk mump $26, to $112.50, in the Govember-to-Aprol period, a 27 \npercejt inrrease\n ovet lwst winter.\n\n Laramie said the gzs utilitles' trade group bellevef that witk the renewed \nexploration", "random_deletion": "since the days of the military buildup Persian War in 1990. Analysts say oil below $10 a and natural gas at $2 per 1,000 cubic feet, companies, many of which produce both fuels, began to curtail their exploration as result of dwindling revenue. The OPEC nations cut their production at the time force upward--and they more than tripled. Private exploration for more natural gas in the United States, chiefly in the of Mexico and several southern and southwestern states, grew after drillers concluded the demand was significant enough they sufficient capital look more. Laramie, spokeswoman for American Gas Association, the natural-gas utilities' trade group, said the low price of gas at the time to a producers that was of so they cut drilling for about nine months, from April 1999. Fewer than 400 rigs were drilling the time, now that figure has topped 800. little new natural gas exploration, the flow through supply chain slowed, of course, even as demand increased in the United States, Europe and result was predictable: Higher prices at the and, time, bills consumers. The wellhead price has now risen to $5. Laramie said the last wellhead prices were this high was in 1985. As Verleger was We didn't pick the supply and--whoops, there's problem.\" the Washington area, where percent all natural Washington Light Co. estimates that residential customers will see the monthly bill jump $26, period, a 27 percent increase over last winter. said the gas utilities' trade group believes with the renewed exploration", "change_char_case": " since the\n days of the military Buildup befOre thE PeRsiAn gulf war iN November 1990.\n\n AnalySTs saY that 21 months ago, when oil wAs belOw $10 A BarrEL aNd \nnatUral gas WAs AT\n $2 Per 1,000 CuBiC feEt, DRiLling ComPanies, mAny of which ProDuCe both \nfuels, bEGaN to\n curtail TheIr exploratioN as A resulT oF dwINdlinG reVenue.\n\n the OPEc NationS cut their PrODuctioN At the tiME To ForcE prices \nupward--and nOW tHEy\n have more than TripleD. PRIvATE exPloRation for mOrE natuRAl gas in THe \nuNITed sTates, chiefly\n iN the Gulf of MEXicO and seVeRal SOutherN and sOuTHweStern states, Only \nGrew after DrilleRS\n concluDEd that tHe demaNd wAs sIgniFIcAnT enOuGH anD ThEy hAD suFficient \nCaPiTal to Look\n FOR MOre.\n\n PEggY LarAmie, sPokeswoman for The amerICan gas AsSociaTion, ThE \nnatuRal-gas UtiliTiEs'\n trade group, saiD the Low price oF gaS aT thE tIme coNTributEd tO a fEeling \nbY producERs tHaT\n THErE was plenty of supply, So THEy Cut back oN drillINg FoR About ninE \nmOntHs, frOM augusT\n 1998 to APRiL 1999. Fewer thAn 400 rigs WErE dRilling At The timE, aLthOugH \nnow tHAt fiGure\n haS topped 800.\n\n WIth liTTle new natural gAS exploration, tHE fLOW tHRougH thE supply chaiN \nsloWEd, of CourSE,\n eVen AS demaNd incReASeD In the United States, EuRoPe and ASia.\n\n ThE result was preDictable: HiGHER natural-Gas pRIcES at the wellhead And, \novEr time, biggER\n bills foR consUmers. The $2 Wellhead pRICe has now RisEn tO $5. LaRamIE \nSaId the last time\n WELlheAd Prices wEre This higH waS in 1985.\n\n as VErlEgEr said, \"DemAnd was grOwInG. WE dIdn'T pick UP the suppLy \nAnd--WhOopS, therE'S\n a probLem.\"\n\n In The WAsHiNGtoN area, whERe PERhapS 70 pErCent Of aLl HomeoWnerS HeaT \nwith naTural gas,\n WAshINgtoN GAs light Co. Estimates that ItS residentiAl CusTomers WILl see \nthe Typical\n monthly bill jump $26, tO $112.50, In the NoVemBer-to-apriL period, a 27 \npErcEnt incReaSE\n over lAst winTer.\n\n LaRaMie SAId the GAS uTilItIes' trade grOUP beLieveS tHat wIth the rEnewed \nexploration", "whitespace_perturbation": " since the\n days of the m ilitary bu ildup be for ethePers ian Gulf War i n Nov ember 1990.\n\n Analyst s say t h at 2 1 m onths ago, w h en o ilwa sbel ow $1 0 a b arr el and\nnatural g aswa s at\n $2 pe r 1 ,000 cubic fe et, drilling co mpanie s, ma n y ofwhi ch pr oduceb oth \nf uels, beg an to\n c u rtail t h e ir exp loration as a res u lt of dwindling r evenue . T h e O PEC nations c ut thei r produc t io n a t t h e time to for ce prices u pwa rd--an dnow they\n have m o rethan triple d. P rivate ex plorat i on form ore nat ural g asintheUn it edSt a tes , c hie f ly in the G ul f ofMexi c o a nd s eve ralsouth ern and south wes tern sta tes,only\ngre wafter drill ers\n c oncluded that t he d emand was si gn ifi ca nt en o ugh an d t hey had su fficien t \nc ap i t a lto look\n for more . P eggy Lar amie,s po ke s woman fo rthe Ame r i can G as A s so ciation, the n at ur al-gasut ilitie s' \n tra de gr o up,said t he low p riceo f gas at the t i me contribute d t o af eeli ng\nby produce rs t h at\n the r ewas plent y ofsu p pl y , so they cut backon drill ing f or about nine \nmonths,f r o m August \n 1 9 98 to April 1999. Fewe r than 400 rigs wer e dri lling at the time , although \nn owtha t f i g ur e\n has toppe d 800. \n Withlit tle new na tur algas e xploratio n, the f lo wth ro ugh thes upply ch ai n sl owe d, of course ,\n e venas d e man d incre a se d in t he U nite d S ta tes,Euro p e a nd Asia .\n\n Theres u lt w as p redicta ble: Higher n at ural-gas p ri ces at th e wellhead and, \nover time, bigge r \n bill s f or co nsum ers. The$2wellhe adp rice h as now rise nto$ 5 . Lar a m ie \ns ai d the last t ime \n we ll head prices were this high wa s in 1985.\n\n AsVer lege r sa id, \"D e man dw asg r owing. We didn' t pick upth e s upply \nand - -wh oo ps, the re's\n a pro b lem.\"\n In theWashingto narea , whe re perhaps 70 perc ent of al l home o wn ers h eat \nwith n atu ral g as,\n W ash ingto n GasLi ght Co . est im ates tha t its residential custo mers w ill s ee\nthe typi cal m onthly bi ll j ump $26, t o $ 112 .50,int he No vemb e r- to- A prilperi o d, a 27 p er cen t in crease\n ov e r las t win ter . \n\n La rami e said the gas ut i lities' tradegrou p bel iev e s th at with the rene wed e x ploratio n", "underscore_trick": " since_the\n _days of the military_buildup before_the_Persian Gulf_War_in November 1990.\n\n_ Analysts say_that 21 months ago,_when oil was_below_$10 a barrel and \nnatural gas was at\n $2 per 1,000 cubic feet,_drilling_companies, many_of_which_produce both \nfuels, began to\n_ curtail their exploration as_a result_of dwindling revenue.\n\n The OPEC nations cut_their_production at the_time to force prices \nupward--and now they\n have_more than tripled. Private exploration for_more natural gas_in_the_\nUnited States, chiefly\n _in the Gulf of Mexico and_several southern and southwestern states, only_\ngrew after drillers\n concluded that the_demand was significant enough and they_had sufficient \ncapital to look\n_ for_more.\n\n Peggy Laramie, spokeswoman_for the American_Gas Association,_the \nnatural-gas utilities'\n_ trade group, said the low_price of gas_at the time contributed to a_feeling_\nby producers that\n__there_was plenty_of supply, so_they_cut back_on_drilling for about nine \nmonths, from_August\n_ 1998 to April 1999. Fewer than_400 rigs were drilling_at_the time, although \nnow_that figure\n has topped_800.\n\n With little new natural_gas exploration,_the flow_through the supply chain \nslowed, of course,\n even as demand_increased in the United States, Europe_and Asia.\n\n The_result was_predictable:_Higher natural-gas prices_at_the wellhead_and, \nover time, bigger\n bills for_consumers. The_$2 wellhead price has now risen_to $5. Laramie \nsaid_the_last time\n wellhead prices were_this high was in 1985.\n\n _As Verleger said, \"Demand was_growing._We_didn't pick up the supply_\nand--whoops, there's\n a problem.\"\n\n _In the Washington_area, where perhaps 70 percent of all_homeowners_heat \nwith natural gas,\n Washington_Gas_Light Co. estimates that its residential_customers_will_see \nthe typical\n monthly_bill jump $26, to $112.50, in_the November-to-April period, a 27 \npercent increase\n over_last winter.\n\n _Laramie said the gas utilities'_trade_group_believes that with the renewed \nexploration"} {"text": " that the rights set forth in this Section are an integral part of this Agreement between the parties and that without such rights the parties would not be willing to enter into Transactions. Each of the parties further acknowledges that it is executing this Agreement on behalf of itself as principal and, with respect to this Section, as agent on behalf of its Affiliates, which Affiliates shall receive the benefits of this Section and otherwise be bound as if such Affiliates had directly signed this Agreement as it relates to this Section.\n(B) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Non-defaulting Party or non-Affected Party, as the case may be, shall not be required to pay to the Defaulting Party or Affected Party any amount under Section 6(e) until the Non-defaulting Party or non-Affected Party receives confirmation satisfactory to it in its reasonable discretion (which may include an opinion of its counsel) that all other obligations of any kind whatsoever (whether pursuant to Specified Indebtedness as defined herein or otherwise) of the Defaulting Party or Affected Party to make any payments to the Non-defaulting Party or non-Affected Party or any of its Affiliates under this Agreement or under any other agreement(s), instrument(s) or undertaking(s), which are Owed as of the Early Termination Date hereof have been fully and finally satisfied.\n\nThe following are three areas of questions.\n\nA. Should a Counterparty effect an assignment of receivables under Section 7(b) for a financing to Bank, what is Enron's \"priority\" position (assuming Bank has filed a financing statement)? Is the analysis below correct?\n\n1. Bank takes receivable assignment under contract subject to Enron setoff rights because Bank would be held to actual knowledge of the express setoff right in the contract under which it is taking the receivables. \n\n2. Is there any method by which the Bank can prime Enron (assuming Enron has made no public filings) without Enron's written consent?\n \nB. Assume a master netting agreement is in place. I believe our assignment provisions protect us and are more prohibitive than the ISDA; however, we may want to expressly cite assignment of receivables rather than the master agreement and transactions \"as security\". Please review and advise of any particular language you think should be added. \n\nC. Do you have any", "synonym_substitution": "that the rights set forth in this Section are an integral character of this Agreement between the party and that without such rights the parties would not be willing to figure into Transactions. Each of the parties further acknowledge that it is execute this Agreement on behalf of itself as principal and, with esteem to this Section, as agent on behalf of its Affiliates, which affiliate shall receive the benefits of this department and differently be bound as if such Affiliates had directly sign this Agreement as it relates to this Section. \n (bacillus) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Non - defaulting Party or non - moved Party, as the case may be, shall not be required to give to the Defaulting Party or Affected Party any amount under part 6(e) until the Non - defaulting Party or non - Affected Party receives confirmation satisfactory to it in its reasonable discretion (which may admit an opinion of its counsel) that all other obligations of any kind whatsoever (whether pursuant to Specified Indebtedness as defined herein or differently) of the Defaulting Party or Affected Party to form any payments to the Non - defaulting Party or non - Affected Party or any of its Affiliates under this Agreement or under any other agreement(s), instrument(s) or undertaking(s), which are Owed as of the Early Termination Date hereof have been fully and finally satisfied. \n\n The following are three area of questions. \n\n A. Should a Counterparty effect an appointment of receivables under incision 7(b) for a financing to Bank, what is Enron's \" priority \" position (assuming Bank has file a financing instruction)? Is the analysis below correct? \n\n 1. Bank takes receivable grant under contract subject to Enron setoff rights because Bank would be held to actual knowledge of the express setoff mighty in the contract under which it is taking the receivables. \n\n 2. Is there any method by which the Bank can prime Enron (assuming Enron has made no public filing) without Enron's written consent? \n \n B. Assume a passkey netting agreement is in place. I believe our assignment provisions protect us and are more prohibitive than the ISDA; however, we may desire to expressly cite assignment of receivables rather than the master agreement and transactions \" as security \". Please review and advise of any particular language you intend should be added. \n\n C. Do you take any", "butter_fingers": " thwt the rights set forth ln this Section cee an mntegram part ow this Agreement between the pqrtiew and that without sucf rights nhe partiws wiyld not be willing to enfcr inco Transactions. Each of tve parties furdhdr acknowledges that it is executing ehis Agtefment on behals of ytsemf as principal and, with respect tk this Vection, as agrnt on behalf of its Affillated, which Affiliates shall receuve eye benefits uf this Sebcion and otgerwise be bound as if such Affkliatzs had dirextoy dhgned this Egreemvnt as it relates to dhis Sevtion.\n(B) Notwithxtaidint any provision to thx contrary contained in this Dgxeement, the Non-defaulribg Patty os nov-Qffdcttd 'arfy, as hhe case may ge, shall nor be required to pau ei the Defaultjng Pawtr or Affected Party any amount under Sebtioh 6(e) until the Non-defaulring Party or non-Affefted Partr receives confirmation satisfactory to it in its reaskvaboe ausfretion (which may include an opinion of its cjhnxek) that all othcr obligations of snj lynd whatsoevet (whethzd lursuant to Specifled Indgbtednwss as desinec herein or otherwise) of thw Defaulting Party or Affected 'arty to makz any kaymenys to the Non-defaulting Parfy or non-Afvected Padgy or any of its Afnilhates under this Agreement or under any other xgregment(s), ynstrument(d) or mtdertaking(s), which wre Oced av of the Ewrly Termination Date hereof hatx been fully sng fpnally sacisfiec.\n\nThe followind are three argas of quzstionr.\n\nA. Should a Counverparty effqct an assignkgnt of receivebles undqr Swctiin 7(b) fof a financing tp Bank, whcu is Enron'w \"priority\" positiok (assomjng Bank has fioed a financing ststeoene)? Ix eve analysis telod cutrect?\n\n1. Bank uckew recrivable assignment utder contract subject yo Enron sgtoff rigrts because Bsnk would be held uo actnal knuwledbe jf the express setoff right in the contgacb under which it ls twking the xeceivables. \n\n2. Is there any method by whirh the Bank can prime Gnron (assuming Enron kax made no pnblic silings) whthout Enron's writteb consent?\n \nB. Assuke a master netting afreemett is in place. I believe our assignment provisions protect us and are more prihibitmvq than the JSDA; howener, ce may rant vo expressly cite assignment of receivables rathxr than tha iaster agreement and transacyiuns \"as securijy\". Please review and adviae of anu particular language you think should be added. \n\nC. Do nou have qny", "random_deletion": "that the rights set forth in this an part of Agreement between the rights parties would not willing to enter Transactions. Each of the parties further that it is executing this Agreement on behalf of itself as principal and, respect to this Section, as agent on behalf of its Affiliates, which Affiliates receive benefits this and otherwise be bound as if such Affiliates had directly signed this Agreement as it relates this Section. (B) Notwithstanding any provision to the contained in this Agreement, Non-defaulting Party or non-Affected Party, the may be, not required pay to the Party or Affected Party any amount under Section 6(e) until the Non-defaulting Party or non-Affected Party receives satisfactory to its reasonable (which include opinion of its all other obligations of any kind to Specified Indebtedness as defined herein or otherwise) the Defaulting or Affected Party to make any to the Non-defaulting Party or non-Affected Party or of its Affiliates under this Agreement or under any other agreement(s), instrument(s) or undertaking(s), which as of the Early Date hereof have fully finally The are three of questions. A. Should a Counterparty effect an assignment of receivables Section 7(b) for a financing to Bank, what is Enron's (assuming has filed a statement)? Is the analysis correct? Bank takes receivable assignment subject Enron Bank be to actual knowledge of express setoff right in the under which it is there any method by which the Bank can Enron (assuming Enron has made no public without Enron's written consent? B. Assume a master netting agreement is in I believe provisions protect us and are more prohibitive than ISDA; however, we may to expressly cite assignment of receivables rather than the agreement transactions \"as Please review and of any particular you think should C. Do have", "change_char_case": " that the rights set forth in thIs Section aRe an iNteGraL pArt oF thiS Agreement betwEEn thE parties and that without Such rIgHTs thE PaRties Would noT Be WILliNg To EntEr INtO TranSacTions. EaCh of the parTieS fUrther acknowLEdGes that it iS exEcuting this AGreEment oN bEhaLF of itSelF as prIncipaL And, witH respect tO tHIs SectIOn, as ageNT On BehaLf of its Affiliates, WHiCH Affiliates shaLl receIvE ThE BEneFitS of this SecTiOn and OTherwisE Be BOUNd aS If such AffiliaTes had direcTLy sIgned tHiS AgREement As it rElATes To this SectiOn.\n(B) NOtwithstaNding aNY provisIOn to the ContraRy cOntAineD In ThIs AGrEEmeNT, tHe NON-deFaulting paRtY or noN-AffECTED ParTy, aS the Case mAy be, shall not bE reQuirED to Pay to The DeFaulTiNg ParTy or AfFecteD PArty any amount unDer SEction 6(e) unTil ThE NoN-dEfaulTIng ParTy oR noN-AffectEd Party REceIvES COnFirmation satisfactOrY TO iT in its reAsonabLE dIsCRetion (whIcH maY incLUDe an oPiniON oF its counSel) thaT AlL oTher oblIgAtions Of Any KinD whatSOeveR (whethEr pursuaNt to SPEcified IndebteDNess as defined HErEIN oR OtheRwiSe) of the DefaUltiNG ParTy or aFfEctED PartY to maKe ANy PAyments to the Non-defaUlTing PaRty or Non-Affected PaRty or any of ITS affiliatEs unDEr THis Agreement or Under Any other agREement(s), iNstruMent(s) or uNdertakinG(S), Which are oweD as Of tHe EARLy termination DaTE HereOf Have beeN fuLly and fInaLly SatIsfIeD.\n\nThe folloWing are tHrEe ArEaS of QuestIOns.\n\nA. ShouLd A CoUnTerParty EFfect aN assiGnmeNt Of REceIvables UNdER sectIoN 7(b) For a FinAnCing tO BanK, WhaT is EnroN's \"prioritY\" poSItioN (aSsUming BaNk has filed a fiNaNcing stateMeNt)? IS the anALYsis beloW correct?\n\n1. Bank takes receivABle assiGnmEnt unDer cOntract suBjeCt to EnRon SEtoff rIghts bEcausE BAnk WOUld be HELd To aCtUal knowledGE Of tHe expReSs seToff rigHt in the contract undER whIch it is taking The ReceIVAbLes. \n\n2. iS tHEre AnY MetHOD by which the Bank Can prime EnRoN (AsSuming EnroN Has MaDe no pubLic filiNgs) wiTHout EnrOn's writteN consent?\n \nB. asSume A MAstEr netting aGreement Is in place. i BelieVE oUr assIgnMent prOvIsiOns prOtect uS And Are moRe prohIbItive tHan thE IsDA; howevEr, we may want to expressly cIte assIgnmeNt oF receivabLes RAthEr than the MastEr agreemenT anD trAnsacTioNS \"as seCuriTY\". PLeaSE reviEw anD Advise of aNY pArtICUlAr language yOU THinK shouLd bE Added. \n\nC. do yoU have any", "whitespace_perturbation": " that the rights set forth in this S ectio n a rean int egra l part of this Agre ement between the part ies a nd that wi thout such r i gh t s th epa rti es wo uld n otbe will ing to ent erin to Transacti o ns . Each of th e parties fu rth er ack no wle d ges t hat it i s exec u ting t his Agree me n t on b e half of i ts elfas principal and, wi t h respect to t his Se ct i on , asage nt on beha lf of i t s Affil i at e s , wh i ch Affiliates shall rece i vethe be ne fit s of th is Se ct i onand otherwi se b e bound a s if s u ch Affi l iates h ad dir ect lysign e dth isAg r eem e nt as itrelatesto t his S ecti o n . (B)Not with stand ing any provi sio n to the cont rarycont ai ned i n this Agre em ent, the Non-de faul ting Part y o rnon -A ffect e d Part y,asthe cas e may b e , s ha l l no t be required to p ay t othe Defa ulting Pa rt y or Affe ct edPart y any a moun t u nder Sec tion 6 ( e) u ntil th eNon-de fa ult ing Part y ornon-Af fected P artyr eceives confir m ation satisfa c to r y t o itinits reasona bled iscr etio n ( whi c h may incl ud e a n opinion of its cou ns el) th at al l other oblig ations ofa n y kind wh atso e ve r (whether purs uantto Specifi e d Indebt ednes s as def ined here i n or othe rwi se) of th e De faulting Part y or A ff ected P art y to ma keany pa yme nt s to theNon-defa ul ti ng P art y orn on-Affec te d P ar tyor an y of it s Aff ilia te su nde r thisA gr e e ment o runde r a ny othe r ag r eem ent(s), instrume nt( s ) or u nd ertakin g(s), which a re Owed as o fthe Early T erminati on Date hereof have bee n fullyand fina llysatisfied .\nThe fo llo w ing ar e thre e are as of q uesti o n s. \n\nA . Should aC o unt erpar ty eff ect anassignment of rece i vab les under Sec tio n 7( b ) f ora f i nan ci n g t o Bank, what is E nron's \"pr io r it y\" positio n (a ss uming B ank has file d a fina ncing sta tement)? I s th e ana lysis belo w correc t?\n\n1. B a nk ta k es rece iva ble as si gnm ent u nder c o ntr act s ubject t o Enro n set of f rights because Bank would beheld t o act ual knowledg e o f th e express set off rightinthe cont rac t unde r wh i ch it is ta king the recei v ab les . \n2. Is ther e a nymetho d b y which the Bank can prime E n ron (assumingEnro n has ma d e no p ublic filings) wi th o u t Enron' swritten con sent?\n B. Assu me a m asternetting a gr e ementis i n p lace. Ibel ie v e our a ss ig n ment p rovi si ons pr otectu s an d are more prohibi tivet h an th e IS DA; h ow ever, w e may want to e xpressly ci te ass ignm ent o f recei va bles r ath er than them aster agr eemen t and t ra nsac tio ns \"as sec u r ity\". Pl ea sereview an d ad v is eo f a ny p artic ul ar l anguage y o u thinksho u ld be a dd ed. \n\nC. D oy o u have any ", "underscore_trick": " that_the rights_set forth in this_Section are_an_integral part_of_this Agreement between_the parties and_that without such rights_the parties would_not_be willing to enter into Transactions. Each of the parties further acknowledges that_it_is executing_this_Agreement_on behalf of itself as_principal and, with respect to_this Section,_as agent on behalf of its Affiliates, which_Affiliates_shall receive the_benefits of this Section and otherwise be bound as_if such Affiliates had directly signed_this Agreement as_it_relates_to this Section.\n(B) Notwithstanding_any provision to the contrary contained_in this Agreement, the Non-defaulting Party_or non-Affected Party, as the case may_be, shall not be required to_pay to the Defaulting Party_or Affected_Party any amount under Section_6(e) until the_Non-defaulting Party_or non-Affected Party_receives confirmation satisfactory to it in_its reasonable discretion_(which may include an opinion of_its_counsel) that all_other_obligations_of any_kind whatsoever (whether_pursuant_to Specified_Indebtedness_as defined herein or otherwise) of_the_Defaulting Party or Affected Party to make_any payments to the_Non-defaulting_Party or non-Affected Party_or any of its Affiliates_under this Agreement or under any_other agreement(s),_instrument(s) or_undertaking(s), which are Owed as of the Early Termination Date hereof_have been fully and finally satisfied.\n\nThe_following are three areas_of questions.\n\nA.__Should a Counterparty_effect_an assignment_of receivables under Section 7(b) for a_financing to_Bank, what is Enron's \"priority\" position_(assuming Bank has filed_a_financing statement)? Is the analysis_below correct?\n\n1. Bank takes receivable_assignment under contract subject to_Enron_setoff_rights because Bank would be_held to actual knowledge of the_express setoff right_in the contract under which it is_taking_the receivables. \n\n2. Is there_any_method by which the Bank can_prime_Enron_(assuming Enron has made no_public filings) without Enron's written consent?\n_\nB. Assume a master netting agreement is in_place. I_believe our assignment provisions protect_us_and_are more prohibitive than the ISDA; however, we may want_to expressly_cite assignment of_receivables rather than the master agreement and transactions \"as security\"._ Please review and advise of any_particular language you think should be added. \n\nC. Do_you have any"} {"text": "&e=S\n\nThinking Like a CEO\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=15&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nTuning Up Your Career\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=16&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nHow to Be More Impressive At Work\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=17&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\n***COOL STUFF***\nGet 300 Personalized Address Labels free!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126561&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\n\n============\nMY PORTFOLIO\n============\n\n-AccountMinder-\nLAST CHANCE: WIN $5000 AND GET ORGANIZED FOR THE HOLIDAYS!\n\nSign up for LifeMinders AccountMinder and you could win $5000!\n\nAccountMinder organizes all your account statements -- from banks, credit \ncards, and more -- into one easy-to-read statement. And it's FREE! With \nAccountMinder, there's no more wwaiting for monthly bills & statements in the \nmail! Sign up by December 15th for your chance to win $5000 for the holidays.\n\nhttp://www.lfmn.com/LifeMinder30/Int/AcctMind/acctmind.asp?cont_id=116990&emai\nl=alewis@ect.enron.com&prod_run=1007&uid=932861&vc=3787&signin=1&first_name=An\ndrew&last_name=Lewis&zip_code=77027\n\n\n================\nTHE LIGHTER SIDE\n================\n\n", "synonym_substitution": "& e = S \n\n Thinking Like a CEO \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=15&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1 & \n pa=0&e = S \n\n Tuning Up Your Career \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=16&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1 & \n pa=0&e = S \n\n How to Be More Impressive At Work \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=17&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1 & \n pa=0&e = S \n\n * * * COOL STUFF * * * \n Get 300 Personalized Address Labels free! \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126561&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n\n = = = = = = = = = = = = \n MY PORTFOLIO \n = = = = = = = = = = = = \n\n -AccountMinder- \n LAST CHANCE: WIN $ 5000 AND draw ORGANIZED FOR THE HOLIDAYS! \n\n bless up for LifeMinders AccountMinder and you could win $ 5000! \n\n AccountMinder organizes all your explanation argument -- from banks, credit \n circuit board, and more -- into one comfortable - to - read statement. And it's FREE! With \n AccountMinder, there's no more wwaiting for monthly bills & statements in the \n chain mail! Sign up by December 15th for your chance to win $ 5000 for the holidays. \n\n http://www.lfmn.com/LifeMinder30/Int/AcctMind/acctmind.asp?cont_id=116990&emai \n lambert = alewis@ect.enron.com&prod_run=1007&uid=932861&vc=3787&signin=1&first_name = An \n drew&last_name = Lewis&zip_code=77027 \n\n\n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n THE LIGHTER SIDE \n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =", "butter_fingers": "&e=S\n\nTjinking Like a CEO\nhttp://ww1.ufmn.com/actv/sr2.ask?u=932861&c=3787&url=15&c=125139&pc=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nFuning Uo Your Career\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/acvv/sr2.qsp?u=932861&v=3787&yrl=16&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nHow to Be Oore Imprvssive At Worj\nyttp://ww1.lfmn.rkm/actv/sv2.csp?u=932861&v=3787&hvl=17&c=125139&pr=1007&ef=1&\n'a=0&e=S\n\n***COOL STUFF***\nGgt 300 Personalhzed Address Ldbdld free!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126561&pw=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\n\n============\nKY PORTFOLIO\n============\n\n-AccoontMimqer-\nLZST CHANCE: WIN $5000 AND GET ORGANIZED FOR THT HOLIDAYS!\n\nSign up gor LifeMinders AccountMinfer wnd you could win $5000!\n\nWccountMindgd owtanizes all hour account statementa -- from banks, credit \ncards, and oore -- into one gcwy-tl-tead statemeit. And it's FREE! Wibn \nAccogntMindrr, there's no mpre wwqiting for monthly binls & statements in the \nmail! Sngn up by December 15th fir yoor chdnce ro din $5000 hor the hllivays.\n\nhttp://www.mfmn.com/LifeNinder30/Int/AcctMind/acvtipmd.asp?cont_id=116990&ejai\nl=alqwys@ect.enron.com&prod_run=1007&uid=932861&vc=3787&signin=1&first_namt=An\ndrsw&last_name=Lewis&zip_code=77027\n\n\n================\nTYE LIGHTER SIDE\n================\n\n", "random_deletion": "&e=S Thinking Like a CEO http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=15&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1& pa=0&e=S Your http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=16&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1& pa=0&e=S to Be More ***COOL Get 300 Personalized Labels free! http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126561&pr=1007&cf=1&p ============ MY PORTFOLIO ============ -AccountMinder- LAST WIN $5000 AND GET ORGANIZED FOR THE HOLIDAYS! Sign up for LifeMinders AccountMinder you could win $5000! AccountMinder organizes all your account statements -- from banks, cards, more into easy-to-read statement. And it's FREE! With AccountMinder, there's no more wwaiting for monthly bills & statements the mail! Sign up by December 15th for chance to win $5000 the holidays. http://www.lfmn.com/LifeMinder30/Int/AcctMind/acctmind.asp?cont_id=116990&emai l=alewis@ect.enron.com&prod_run=1007&uid=932861&vc=3787&signin=1&first_name=An drew&last_name=Lewis&zip_code=77027 THE SIDE ================", "change_char_case": "&e=S\n\nThinking Like a CEO\nhttp://ww1.lFmn.com/actv/Sr2.asp?U=932861&v=3787&uRl=15&c=125139&Pr=1007&Cf=1&\npa=0&E=S\n\nTuNing Up Your CareER\nhttP://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&uRl=16&c=125139&pr=1007&Cf=1&\nPA=0&e=S\n\nHOW tO Be MoRe ImpreSSiVE at WOrK\nhTtp://Ww1.LFmN.com/aCtv/Sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&Url=17&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&E=S\n\n***CoOl STUFF***\nGet 300 PerSOnAlized AddrEss labels free!\nhtTp://wW1.lfmn.cOm/ActV/Sr2.asp?U=932861&v=3787&uRl=1&c=126561&pr=1007&Cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\n\n============\nmy PORTFoLIO\n============\n\n-AccouNtmInder-\nLasT CHANCe: wiN $5000 aND GeT ORGANIZED FOR THE hoLidAYS!\n\nSign up for LIfeMinDeRS ACCOunTMiNder and you CoUld wiN $5000!\n\naccountmInDER OrgANizes all your aCcount stateMEntS -- from bAnKs, cREdit \ncaRds, anD mORe -- iNto one easy-tO-reaD statemenT. And it'S fREE! WitH \naccountminder, TheRe's No moRE wWaItiNg FOr mONtHly BIllS & statemeNtS iN the \nmAil! SIGN UP by DEceMber 15Th for Your chance to wIn $5000 fOr thE HolIdays.\n\nHttp://wWw.lfMn.Com/LiFeMindEr30/Int/acCtMind/acctmind.aSp?coNt_id=116990&emai\nl=AleWiS@ecT.eNron.cOM&prod_rUn=1007&uId=932861&vC=3787&signin=1&First_naME=An\nDrEW&LAsT_name=Lewis&zip_code=77027\n\n\n================\nThE ligHtER SIDE\n================\n\n", "whitespace_perturbation": "&e=S\n\nThinking Like a CEOhttp://ww1 .lfmn .co m/a ct v/sr 2.as p?u=932861&v=3 7 87&u rl=15&c=125139&pr=1007 &cf=1 &p a=0& e =S \n\nTun ing UpY ou r Car ee rhtt p: / /w w1.lf mn. com/act v/sr2.asp? u=9 32 861&v=3787&u r l= 16&c=12513 9&p r=1007&cf=1& \npa =0&e=S \nHow to Be Mo re Im pressi v e At W ork\nhttp: // w w1.lfm n .com/ac t v /s r2.a sp?u=932861&v=378 7 &u r l=17&c=125139& pr=100 7& c f= 1 & \npa =0& e=S\n\n***CO OL STUF F ***\nGet 30 0 P ers o nalized Addre ss Labels f r ee! \nhttp: // ww1 . lfmn.c om/ac tv / sr2 .asp?u=9328 61&v =3787&url =1&c=1 2 6561&pr = 1007&cf =1&p\na =0& e=S \n\n\n= = == == === == = \nMY PO RTF O LIO \n======= == == =\n\n-A ccou n t M i nder -\nL ASTCHANC E: WIN $5000 AN D GE T OR GANIZ ED FO R TH EHOLID AYS!\nSignup for LifeMinder s Ac countMind eran d y ou coul d win $ 500 0!\nAccoun tMinder org an i z e sall your account s ta t e me nts -- f rom ba n ks ,c redit \nc ar ds, and m ore - - in t oone easy -to-re a dst atement .And it 's FR EE! With \nAcc ountMi nder, th ere's no more wwaiti n g for monthly bi l l s& sta tem ents in the \nma i l! S ignu pbyD ecemb er 15 th fo r your chance to win $ 5000 f or th e holidays.\nhttp://www . l f mn.com/L ifeM i nd e r30/Int/AcctMi nd/ac ctmind.asp ? cont_id= 11699 0&emai\nl =alewis@e c t .enron.c om& pro d_r un= 1 0 07 &uid=932861&v c = 3787 &s ignin=1 &fi rst_nam e=A n\nd rew &la st _name=Lew is&zip_c od e= 77 02 7\n\n==== = ======== == =\nT HE LI GHTER SIDE\n= ===== ==== == == = =\n", "underscore_trick": "&e=S\n\nThinking Like_a CEO\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=15&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nTuning_Up Your Career\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=16&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\nHow to_Be More_Impressive_At Work\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=17&c=125139&pr=1007&cf=1&\npa=0&e=S\n\n***COOL_STUFF***\nGet_300 Personalized Address_Labels free!\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126561&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\n\n============\nMY PORTFOLIO\n============\n\n-AccountMinder-\nLAST_CHANCE: WIN $5000_AND GET ORGANIZED_FOR_THE HOLIDAYS!\n\nSign up for LifeMinders AccountMinder and you could win $5000!\n\nAccountMinder organizes all your_account_statements --_from_banks,_credit \ncards, and more --_into one easy-to-read statement. And_it's FREE!_With \nAccountMinder, there's no more wwaiting for monthly_bills_& statements in_the \nmail! Sign up by December 15th for your_chance to win $5000 for the_holidays.\n\nhttp://www.lfmn.com/LifeMinder30/Int/AcctMind/acctmind.asp?cont_id=116990&emai\nl=alewis@ect.enron.com&prod_run=1007&uid=932861&vc=3787&signin=1&first_name=An\ndrew&last_name=Lewis&zip_code=77027\n\n\n================\nTHE LIGHTER SIDE\n================\n\n"} {"text": "861&v=3787&url=2&c=126361&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nFREE Handy Stamp! Give your hand a rest from the tedious chore of addressing \nenvelopes this holiday season. Get a free self-inking stamp from iPrint.com! \nOffer is good for first-time customers only. Click here.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=2&c=126329&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nANDREW'S TOOLS\n\nImprove My Work & Money LifeMinders\nhttp://www.lfmn.com/LifeMinder30/GoldII/Index.asp?uid=932861&vc=3787&pr=5&tr=e\ntswea\n\nSign Me Up for Another Category\nhttp://www.lfmn.com/LifeMinder30/AdXfert/index.asp?uid=932861&vc=3787&tr=etswe\na\n\nTell a Friend\nhttp://www.lfmn.com/fnf/friendsfamily.asp?uid=932861&vc=3787&mktg=LANY31\n\nChange My Registration Information\nhttp://www.lfmn.com/LifeMinder30/GoldII/Index.asp?uid=932861&vc=3787&pr=0&tr=e\ntswea\n\nSend Questions mailto:info@lifeminders.com\n\n\nLifeMinders Work & Money is sponsored by:\n\nWIN great prizes or up to $1,000,000 cash when you play online games! Click \nhere.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126371&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\nGet 4 books for $4. Click for details.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126", "synonym_substitution": "861&v=3787&url=2&c=126361&pr=1007&cf=1&p \n a=0&e = S \n\n FREE Handy Stamp! Give your hand a rest from the boring job of addressing \n envelopes this vacation season. Get a barren self - inking stamp from iPrint.com! \n Offer is dear for first - time customer merely. 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Click for detail. \n http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126", "butter_fingers": "861&v=3787&urp=2&c=126361&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nFREE Handy Staop! Give your haue a revt froj the teaious chore of addressing \nentelopes tyis holiday season. Get a free svlf-inking stanp from iPrmht.com! \nOffer jd gomv for first-time customers only. 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Click for details.\nhttp://wq1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&urp=1&c=126", "random_deletion": "861&v=3787&url=2&c=126361&pr=1007&cf=1&p a=0&e=S FREE Handy Stamp! Give your rest the tedious of addressing envelopes free stamp from iPrint.com! is good for customers only. Click here. http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=2&c=126329&pr=1007&cf=1&p a=0&e=S ANDREW'S TOOLS Improve My Work & Money LifeMinders http://www.lfmn.com/LifeMinder30/GoldII/Index.asp?uid=932861&vc=3787&pr=5&tr=e tswea Sign Me Up Another Category http://www.lfmn.com/LifeMinder30/AdXfert/index.asp?uid=932861&vc=3787&tr=etswe a Tell a Friend http://www.lfmn.com/fnf/friendsfamily.asp?uid=932861&vc=3787&mktg=LANY31 Change My Registration Information http://www.lfmn.com/LifeMinder30/GoldII/Index.asp?uid=932861&vc=3787&pr=0&tr=e Send mailto:info@lifeminders.com Work Money is sponsored by: WIN great prizes or up to $1,000,000 cash when you play online Click here. http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126371&pr=1007&cf=1&p a=0&e=S Get 4 books for Click for details. http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126", "change_char_case": "861&v=3787&url=2&c=126361&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nFREE Handy StaMp! Give your Hand a ResT frOm The tEdioUs chore of addreSSing \nEnvelopes this holiday seAson. GEt A Free SElF-inkiNg stamp FRoM IpriNt.CoM! \nOfFeR Is Good fOr fIrst-timE customers OnlY. CLick here.\nhttp://WW1.lFmn.com/actv/Sr2.aSp?u=932861&v=3787&url=2&c=126329&pr=1007&cf=1&P\na=0&e=s\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nANDREw'S tOOls\n\nImprOve my WorK & Money lIfeMinDers\nhttp://wWw.LFmn.com/lIfeMindER30/goLdII/index.asp?uid=932861&vc=3787&pr=5&tr=E\nTsWEa\n\nSign Me Up for ANother caTEgORY\nhtTp://wWw.lfmn.com/LIfEMindER30/AdXferT/InDEX.Asp?UId=932861&vc=3787&tr=etswe\na\n\nTEll a Friend\nhTTp://wWw.lfmn.CoM/fnF/FriendSfamiLy.ASp?uId=932861&vc=3787&mktg=LANy31\n\nChaNge My RegiStratiON InformATion\nhttP://www.lfMn.cOm/LIfeMINdEr30/golDIi/indEX.aSp?uID=932861&vc=3787&Pr=0&tr=e\ntswEa\n\nseNd QueStioNS MAIlto:InfO@lifEmindErs.com\n\n\nLifeMinDerS WorK & monEy is sPonsoRed bY:\n\nWiN greAt prizEs or uP tO $1,000,000 cash when you plaY onlIne games! CLicK \nhEre.\nHtTp://ww1.lFMn.com/aCtv/Sr2.aSp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&C=126371&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&E=s\nGeT 4 bOOKS fOr $4. Click for details.\nhTtP://WW1.lFmn.com/acTv/sr2.asP?U=932861&v=3787&UrL=1&C=126", "whitespace_perturbation": "861&v=3787&url=2&c=126361& pr=1007&cf =1&pa=0 &e= S\nFRE E Ha ndy Stamp! Giv e you r hand a rest from the tedi ou s cho r eof ad dressin g e n vel op es th is ho liday se ason. G et a freesel f- inking stamp fr om iPrint. com ! \nOffer is go od for f irs t -time cu stome rs onl y . Clic k here.\nh tt p ://ww1 . lfmn.co m / ac tv/s r2.asp?u=932861&v = 37 8 7&url=2&c=1263 29&pr= 10 0 7& c f =1& p\na =0&e=S\n\n-- -- ----- - ------- - -- - - - --- - ------------- ----------- - --- ----\nAN DRE W 'S TOO LS\n\nI mp r ove My Work &Mone y LifeMin ders\nh t tp://ww w .lfmn.c om/Lif eMi nde r30/ G ol dI I/I nd e x.a s p? uid = 932 861&vc=3 78 7& pr=5& tr=e t s w ea\nSig n Me Up f or Another Ca teg oryh ttp ://ww w.lfm n.co m/ LifeM inder3 0/AdX fe rt/index.asp?ui d=93 2861&vc=3 787 &t r=e ts we\naTell a Fr ien d\nhttp: //www.l f mn. co m / f nf /friendsfamily.asp ?u i d =9 32861&vc =3787& m kt g= L ANY31\n\nC ha nge MyR e gistr atio n I nformati on\nhtt p :/ /w ww.lfmn .c om/Lif eM ind er3 0/Gol d II/I ndex.a sp?uid=9 32861 & vc=3787&pr=0&t r =e\ntswea\n\nSen d Q u e st i onsmai lto:info@li femi n ders .com \nLif e Minde rs Wo rk &M oney is sponsored b y: \n\nWINgreat prizes or up to $1,000 , 0 0 0 cash w heny ou play online ga mes!Click \nher e .\nhttp:/ /ww1. lfmn.com /actv/sr2 . a sp?u=932 861 &v= 378 7&u r l =1 &c=126371&pr= 1 0 07&c f= 1&p\na=0 &e= S\nGet 4 bo oks fo r $ 4. Click fo r detail s. \nh tt p: //w w1.lf m n.com/ac tv /sr 2. asp ?u=93 2 861&v= 3787& url= 1& c= 1 26", "underscore_trick": "861&v=3787&url=2&c=126361&pr=1007&cf=1&p\na=0&e=S\n\nFREE Handy_Stamp! Give_your hand a rest_from the_tedious_chore of_addressing_\nenvelopes this holiday_season. Get a_free self-inking stamp from_iPrint.com! \nOffer_is_good for first-time customers only. 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Click for details.\nhttp://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=126"} {"text": " helpful since it talks about \nMormons and Buddhists, but in fact, this statement is sufficient. The 300,000 \nMormons make up 20% of the population of City X, meaning that we can compute \nthe entire population (five times 300,000, not that we needed to know the \nexact figure). The 141,000 Buddhists make up 30% of City Y, meaning that we \ncan compute the entire population of City Y as well. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t2. (E) This is a causal argument. According to the experts, high prime-time \nratings cause the ratings of the evening news show to increase as well. \nHowever, at Channel NTR, this was not found to be true. What conclusion can \nwe draw from this? The correct answer is choice (E), which asks us to \nconsider that there might be alternate causes. (A), (B), and (C) are outside \nthe scope of the argument, while choice (D) would have been more likely to be \ncorrect had this been a statistical argument. Sara,\n\nLooks like we never received the forward confirmations. We did receive the\nput confirmations, which were received last week.\n\nPlease have the forward confirmations faxed to me today at 646-758-4819.\n\nRussell F. Hackmann, CFA\nLehman Brothers Corporate Equity Derivatives\n(201) 524-2279 phone\n(917) 596-2936 cell\nrhackman@lehman.com\n\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From:\tShackleton, Sara [SMTP:Sara.Shackleton@ENRON.com]\n> Sent:\tMonday, October 15, 2001 4:44 PM\n> To:\tHackmann, Russell\n> Subject:\tFW: Re: confirmation of agreement--Enron\n>\n> Russ:\n>\n> The forwards and puts should be signed and faxed back to Lehman. Please\n> note the template for these trades (with respect to the definition of\n> \"material\") left out the word \"into\". I didn't find it necessary to\n> impede Enron Corp.'s signature; just let Phil know for the next deal.\n> Thanks. Sara\n>\n> Sara Shackleton\n> Enron Wholesale Services", "synonym_substitution": "helpful since it talks about \n Mormons and Buddhists, but in fact, this statement is sufficient. The 300,000 \n Mormons make up 20% of the population of City X, mean that we can calculate \n the entire population (five times 300,000, not that we need to sleep together the \n exact figure). The 141,000 Buddhists induce up 30% of City Y, meaning that we \n can compute the entire population of City Y as well. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t 2. (E) This is a causal argument. accord to the experts, high choice - meter \n ratings cause the ratings of the evening news show to increase equally well. \n However, at Channel NTR, this was not found to be true. What conclusion can \n we reap from this? The correct answer is option (E), which necessitate us to \n consider that there might be alternate causal agent. (A), (B), and (C) are outside \n the scope of the argument, while option (D) would have been more likely to be \n correct had this been a statistical argument. Sara, \n\n Looks like we never received the advancing confirmation. We did receive the \n put confirmations, which were received last week. \n\n Please have the forward confirmations fax to me today at 646 - 758 - 4819. \n\n Russell F. Hackmann, CFA \n Lehman Brothers Corporate Equity derived function \n (201) 524 - 2279 phone \n (917) 596 - 2936 cellular telephone \n rhackman@lehman.com \n\n > -----Original Message----- \n > From: \t Shackleton, Sara [ SMTP:Sara.Shackleton@ENRON.com ] \n > mail: \t Monday, October 15, 2001 4:44 phase modulation \n > To: \t Hackmann, Russell \n > Subject: \t FW: Re: confirmation of agreement -- Enron \n > \n > Russ: \n > \n > The forward and puts should be signed and faxed back to Lehman. Please \n > note the template for these barter (with respect to the definition of \n > \" material \") left out the word \" into \". I didn't find it necessary to \n > impede Enron Corp.'s key signature; just let Phil know for the next softwood. \n > Thanks. Sara \n > \n > Sara Shackleton \n > Enron Wholesale Services", "butter_fingers": " heppful since it talks abomt \nMormons and Bodehists, but ih fact, tfis statement is sufficient. Vhe 300,000 \nMormins make up 20% of the pooulation lf City Z, meening that we cai computc \nthe cntirz 'opulation (five times 300,000, nod that we needad tl know the \nexact figure). The 141,000 Buddhifts makr kp 30% of City Y, ieanpnd thzn ce \ncan compute the entire populztion oh City Y as welk. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t2. (E) This is a causal arhumejt. According to thf experts, hugh [eime-time \nratkngs cause the ratings of the evening news show to inzreasz as well. \nHiwwveg, at Channel NTR, nhis was not npund tm be trie. What concluxioi cab \nwe draw from this? Tie correct answer is choice (E), wkich asks us to \nconsieee thaj these mktht be aktsrnate canses. (A), (B), ans (C) are outwide \nthe scope of tne qrgument, whils choise (D) would have been more likely to be \ncogrecf had this been a statiwtical argument. Sara,\n\nLloks like we never received the forward confirmations. We did cezeirc gye\nout confirmations, which were received last weqi.\n\nPkesse have the fjrward conforlayyons faxed to me tobzy at 646-758-4819.\n\nRussell F. Hacklann, CFW\nLehmqn Brothews Cprporate Equity Derivatives\n(201) 524-2279 phone\n(917) 596-2936 celj\nehackman@lehman.com\n\n> -----Lriginal Mersagg-----\n> From:\tXhackleton, Sara [SMTP:Sarc.Shackmeton@ENRON.clm]\n> Sent:\tMohaay, October 15, 2001 4:44 PO\n> Tp:\tHdckmann, Russell\n> Subject:\tFW: We: confirnatipn of aereekent--Enwon\n>\n> Russ:\n>\n> Tje fovfards and puts shokld bg signad and faxfd back to Lehman. Please\n> note vie template fpr thvse tradef (witm respect to thq definition oy\n> \"matericl\") lefg out the sord \"invo\". I didn't sind it necesvwry to\n> impedx Enron Cjrp.'s sigbature; gjst let Phil kmow for tkt next deao.\n> Thanks. Sara\n>\n> Sare Shxdkleton\n> Enron Wkuoesale Services", "random_deletion": "helpful since it talks about Mormons and in this statement sufficient. The 300,000 the of City X, that we can the entire population (five times 300,000, that we needed to know the exact figure). The 141,000 Buddhists make up of City Y, meaning that we can compute the entire population of City as 2. This a causal argument. According to the experts, high prime-time ratings cause the ratings of the evening show to increase as well. However, at Channel this was not found be true. What conclusion can draw this? The answer choice which asks us consider that there might be alternate causes. (A), (B), and (C) are outside the scope of the while choice have been likely be had this been argument. Sara, Looks like we never confirmations. We did receive the put confirmations, which received last Please have the forward confirmations faxed me today at 646-758-4819. Russell F. Hackmann, CFA Brothers Corporate Equity Derivatives (201) 524-2279 phone (917) 596-2936 cell rhackman@lehman.com > -----Original Message----- > Sara [SMTP:Sara.Shackleton@ENRON.com] > Sent: October 15, 2001 PM To: Russell Subject: FW: confirmation of agreement--Enron > > Russ: > > The forwards and should be signed and faxed back to Lehman. Please > template these trades (with to the definition of \"material\") out the word \"into\". find necessary Enron signature; let Phil know for next deal. > Thanks. Sara > Sara Shackleton >", "change_char_case": " helpful since it talks about \nMOrmons and BUddhiSts, But In Fact, This Statement is sufFIcieNt. The 300,000 \nMormons make up 20% of thE popuLaTIon oF ciTy X, meAning thAT wE CAn cOmPuTe \ntHe ENtIre poPulAtion (fiVe times 300,000, not ThaT wE needed to knoW ThE \nexact figuRe). THe 141,000 Buddhists mAke Up 30% of CiTy y, meANing tHat We \ncan ComputE The entIre populaTiON of CitY y as well. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t2. (e) tHiS is a Causal argument. AccORdINg to the experts, High prImE-TiME \nRatIngS cause the rAtIngs oF The evenINg NEWS shOW to increase as Well. \nHowever, AT ChAnnel NtR, ThiS Was not Found To BE trUe. What conclUsioN can \nwe draW from tHIs? The coRRect ansWer is cHoiCe (E), WhicH AsKs Us tO \ncONsiDEr ThaT TheRe might bE aLtErnatE cauSES. (a), (b), and (c) arE outSide \ntHe scope of the aRguMent, WHilE choiCe (D) woUld hAvE been More liKely tO bE \ncorrect had this Been A statistiCal ArGumEnT. Sara,\n\nlOoks liKe wE neVer receIved the FOrwArD CONfIrmations. We did receIvE THe\nPut confiRmatioNS, wHiCH were recEiVed Last WEEk.\n\nPleAse hAVe The forwaRd confIRmAtIons faxEd To me toDaY at 646-758-4819.\n\nrusSell F. hAckmAnn, CFA\nlehman BrOtherS corporate EquitY derivatives\n(201) 524-2279 phONe\n(917) 596-2936 CELl\nRHackMan@Lehman.com\n\n> -----OrIginAL MesSage-----\n> fRoM:\tShACkletOn, SarA [SmtP:sAra.Shackleton@ENRON.cOm]\n> sent:\tMoNday, OCtober 15, 2001 4:44 PM\n> To:\tHacKmann, RusseLL\n> sUbject:\tFW: re: coNFiRMation of agreemEnt--EnRon\n>\n> Russ:\n>\n> The FOrwards aNd putS should bE signed anD FAxed back To LEhmAn. PLeaSE\n> NoTe the template FOR theSe Trades (wIth Respect To tHe dEfiNitIoN of\n> \"materiAl\") left ouT tHe WoRd \"IntO\". I didN'T find it nEcEssArY to\n> ImpedE enron COrp.'s sIgnaTuRe; JUst Let Phil KNoW FOr thE nExT deaL.\n> ThAnKs. SarA\n>\n> SarA shaCkleton\n> enron WholEsaLE SerViCeS", "whitespace_perturbation": " helpful since it talks ab out \nMormo ns an d B udd hi sts, but in fact, this stat ement is sufficient. T he 30 0, 0 00 M or monsmake up 20 % ofth epop ul a ti on of Ci ty X, m eaning tha t w ecan computeth e entire p opu lation (five ti mes 30 0, 000 , nottha t weneeded to kno w the \nex ac t figur e ). The1 4 1, 000Buddhists make up 30 % of City Y, me aningth a tw e \nc ancompute th eentir e popula t io n o f C i ty Y as well. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t2. (E ) Thi sisa causa l arg um e nt. Accordingto t he expert s, hig h prime- t ime \nra tingscau sether at in gsof the ev eni n g n ews show t oincre asea s w ell. \nH owev er, a t Channel NTR , t hisw asnot f oundto b etrue. Whatconcl us ion can \nwe dra w fr om this?The c orr ec t ans w er ischo ice (E), w hich as k s u st o \nc onsider that there m i g ht be alte rnatec au se s . (A), ( B) , a nd ( C ) areouts i de \nthe sc ope of th eargumen t, while c hoi ce(D) w o uldhave b een more like l y to be \ncorre c t had this be e na st a tist ica l argument. Sar a ,\n\nL ooks li kew e nev er re ce i ve d the forward confir ma tions. We did receivethe\nput co n f i rmations , wh i ch were receivedlastweek.\n\nPle a se havethe f orward c onfirmati o n s faxedtometod aya t 6 46-758-4819.R usse ll F. Hac kma nn, CFA \nLe hma n B rot he rs Corpor ate Equi ty D er iv ati ves\n( 2 01) 524- 22 79ph one \n(917 ) 596-2 936 c ellrh ac k man @lehman . co m \n> - -- -- Orig ina lMessa ge-- - --> From: \tShacklet on, Sara [ SM TP:Sara .Shackleton@E NR ON.com]\n>Se nt: \tMonda y , October 15, 2001 4:44 PM\n> To: Hackman n,Russe ll\n> Subject: \tFW : Re:con f irmati on ofagree me nt- - E nron> >Rus s: \n>\n> The f o r war ds an dputs should be signed and fax e d b ack to Lehman . Plea s e \n> no t et hete m pla t e for these trad es (with r es p ec t to the d e fin it ion of> \"mate rial\" ) left o ut the wo rd \"into\" . I d i d n't find it n ecessary to\n> imp e de En r on Corp .'s signa tu re; just let P h ilknowfor th enext d eal.>Thanks. Sara\n>\n> Sara Shacklet on\n> E nronWho lesale Se rvi c es", "underscore_trick": " helpful_since it_talks about \nMormons and_Buddhists, but_in_fact, this_statement_is sufficient. The_300,000 \nMormons make_up 20% of the_population of City_X,_meaning that we can compute \nthe entire population (five times 300,000, not that we_needed_to know_the_\nexact_figure). The 141,000 Buddhists make_up 30% of City Y,_meaning that_we \ncan compute the entire population of City_Y_as well. \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t2._ (E) This is a causal argument. According_to the experts, high prime-time \nratings_cause the ratings_of_the_evening news show to_increase as well. \nHowever, at Channel_NTR, this was not found to_be true. What conclusion can \nwe draw_from this? The correct answer is_choice (E), which asks us_to \nconsider_that there might be alternate_causes. (A), (B),_and (C)_are outside \nthe_scope of the argument, while choice_(D) would have_been more likely to be \ncorrect_had_this been a_statistical_argument._Sara,\n\nLooks like_we never received_the_forward confirmations.__ We did receive the\nput confirmations,_which_were received last week.\n\nPlease have the forward_confirmations faxed to me_today_at 646-758-4819.\n\nRussell F. Hackmann,_CFA\nLehman Brothers Corporate Equity Derivatives\n(201)_524-2279 phone\n(917) 596-2936 cell\nrhackman@lehman.com\n\n> -----Original Message-----\n>_From:\tShackleton, Sara_[SMTP:Sara.Shackleton@ENRON.com]\n> Sent:\tMonday,_October 15, 2001 4:44 PM\n> To:\tHackmann, Russell\n> Subject:\tFW: Re: confirmation of_agreement--Enron\n>\n> Russ:\n>\n> The forwards and puts_should be signed and_faxed back_to_Lehman. Please\n>_note_the template_for these trades (with respect to the_definition of\n>_\"material\") left out the word \"into\"._ I didn't find_it_necessary to\n> impede Enron Corp.'s signature;_just let Phil know for the_next deal.\n> Thanks. Sara\n>\n>_Sara_Shackleton\n>_Enron Wholesale Services"} {"text": ", Summer 2001\nby Ann Reilly Dowd \n\nCalifornia may have asked for it, says this White House insider, but \neverybody should be part of the solution\u0001*including directors who should \nensure their companies have an energy strategy.\n\nWhen Vice President Dick Cheney sought input in formulating a national energy \npolicy, one of the people he listened to most intently was Kenneth Lay, \nchairman of Enron and a longtime George W. Bush supporter. In 15 years Lay, \n57, has turned a traditional pipeline company into an aggressive trader of \ngas and electricity and a provider of broadband services. Until the deal \nbogged down, it looked last year as though video rental giant Blockbuster \nwould use the Houston outfit\u0001,s network systems to deliver online movies. Lay\u0001,\ns ambitions for Enron don\u0001,t stop there. He wants federal regulations removed \nso the company can build power plants and power lines, which would put it in \ndirect competition with utilities. In a conversation with Corporate Board \nMember\u0001,s Ann Reilly Dowd, Lay discussed the energy crunch gripping the United \nStates and what government and boardrooms need to do about it. He also \ndescribes how he assembled a board that enabled him to push Enron so far into \nthe future. Excerpts: \nOn how real the energy crisis is: We have a genuine energy crisis in \nCalifornia, which will see severe shortages or disruptions over the summer, \nand a serious energy problem in most other places. Outside of California, the \nsupply/demand balance is very tight, and maybe the infrastructure is being \npushed a little hard. But the energy situation certainly needs attention. In \nmany ways, this country has underinvested in energy supply and infrastructure \nfor at least 15 or 20 years. We need to start correcting for that. \nOn deregulation: What led to California\u0001,s energy crisis was not deregulation \nbut a very flawed command-and-control regulatory system where most consumers \ndon\u0001,t have any choice. Deregulation is not where you have a fixed price on \nthe retail side of the market and a floating competitive price on the \nwholesale side. It\u0001,s also not", "synonym_substitution": ", Summer 2001 \n by Ann Reilly Dowd < /contact_us / contact_form.shtml?Ann_Reilly_Dowd > \n\n California may have asked for it, says this White House insider, but \n everybody should be part of the solution\u0001*including directors who should \n guarantee their ship's company have an department of energy strategy. \n\n When Vice President Dick Cheney seek input in formulate a home energy \n policy, one of the people he listened to most intently was Kenneth Lay, \n chairman of Enron and a longtime George W. Bush athletic supporter. In 15 years Lay, \n 57, has turned a traditional grapevine company into an aggressive trader of \n gas and electricity and a provider of broadband services. Until the deal \n bogged down, it looked last class as though video rental giant Blockbuster \n would practice the Houston outfit\u0001,s network systems to deliver online movies. Lay\u0001, \n s ambition for Enron don\u0001,t stop there. He wants federal regulations removed \n therefore the company can build power plants and power lines, which would put it in \n direct competition with utilities. In a conversation with Corporate Board \n Member\u0001,s Ann Reilly Dowd, Lay discussed the energy crunch gripping the United \n States and what government and boardrooms need to make about it. He also \n describes how he assemble a board that enabled him to push Enron so far into \n the future. excerpt: \n On how real the department of energy crisis is: We have a genuine energy crisis in \n California, which will determine severe shortages or disruptions over the summer, \n and a serious energy problem in most other places. Outside of California, the \n supply / demand balance is very nasty, and maybe the infrastructure is being \n advertise a short hard. But the energy situation surely needs attention. In \n many ways, this country has underinvested in energy supply and infrastructure \n for at least 15 or 20 years. We need to start compensate for that. \n On deregulation: What led to California\u0001,s department of energy crisis was not deregulation \n but a very flawed command - and - control regulatory system where most consumer \n don\u0001,t have any choice. Deregulation is not where you have a fixed monetary value on \n the retail side of the market and a floating competitive monetary value on the \n wholesale side. It\u0001,s also not", "butter_fingers": ", Sulmer 2001\nby Ann Reilly Dowd \n\nCalifornia may have asked hor ut, sats this White House inrider, but \neveryboey siould be part of the solmcion\u0001*ihgludiug directors who should \nenvure their com[avizs have an energy strategy.\n\nWhen Vice [residemt Dick Cheney sjughu igput pn formulating a national energg \npolicj, one of the peopke he listened to most intfntlj was Kenneth Lay, \nfhairman of Enrjb and a longgime Georgt C. Bush suppkrter. In 15 years Lay, \n57, has turned a trcditional pupwlijg company invo an wggressive tvsder ox \ngas amd electricity anv a provider of broadband services. Until thg deal \nbogceb down, it looked last ywar av thmugh ciddo deitam gianh Bmockbuster \nwould use rhe Houston outfit\u0001,s nqneork systems to dejider online movies. Lay\u0001,\ns ambitions for Engon son\u0001,t stop there. He wantw federal regulations removed \nfo the company can build power plants and power lhnes, xhkch wjjod put it in \ndirect competition with utilities. Yh s bonversation with Corporate Nowrc \nMember\u0001,s Ann Teilly Bkws, Lay discussed thf energi crunxh grippigg tne United \nStates and what givernment anb biardrooms need to bo about it. Ke alsp \ndesvribes how he assembled a bkard that ejabled hij to push Enron su fsr into \ntht future. Excerpts: \nJn how reel thz energy crixis is: We have a genulte energy crisis ij \nCalnfornha, which wlll see severe shortages or discnptions over jhe sukmer, \nand a sevious energy prjblem in most pther pjaces. Outside or Califmrnia, the \nstpply/demand bdpance is verb tight, agd mqybe the inwfastructure is being \npushed a litrle hard. But the ekergy aituation certanuli needs attentipn. Kn \niajy wwfs, this coundry fas inderknvested in dnerby supply and infrasdrucfure \nfor at least 15 ov 20 years. Qe need eo start corrrcting for that. \nOn derejulatiun: Whst jed to California\u0001,s energy crisjs was noh dcregulation \nbtt a very flawed command-and-control regulatory system whxre most consumers \ndon\u0001,j have any choice. Derggukation is npt whqre you hdve a fixed price on \nthe retail side pf the market and a fmoatinc comoetitive price on the \nwholesale side. It\u0001,s also not", "random_deletion": ", Summer 2001 by Ann Reilly Dowd may asked for says this White be of the solution\u0001*including who should ensure companies have an energy strategy. When President Dick Cheney sought input in formulating a national energy policy, one of people he listened to most intently was Kenneth Lay, chairman of Enron and longtime W. supporter. 15 years Lay, 57, has turned a traditional pipeline company into an aggressive trader of gas electricity and a provider of broadband services. Until deal bogged down, it last year as though video giant would use Houston network to deliver online Lay\u0001, s ambitions for Enron don\u0001,t stop there. He wants federal regulations removed so the company can power plants lines, which put in competition with utilities. conversation with Corporate Board Member\u0001,s Ann discussed the energy crunch gripping the United States what government boardrooms need to do about it. also describes how he assembled a board that him to push Enron so far into the future. Excerpts: On how real the energy We have a genuine crisis in California, will severe or over the and a serious energy problem in most other places. Outside of the supply/demand balance is very tight, and maybe the infrastructure pushed little hard. But energy situation certainly needs In ways, this country has energy and least or years. We need to correcting for that. On deregulation: led to California\u0001,s energy a very flawed command-and-control regulatory system where most don\u0001,t have any choice. Deregulation is not you have a fixed price on the retail side of the market a floating on the wholesale side. It\u0001,s also not", "change_char_case": ", Summer 2001\nby Ann Reilly Dowd \n\nCalifornia mAY havE asked for it, says this WhiTe HouSe INsidER, bUt \neveRybody sHOuLD Be pArT oF thE sOLuTion\u0001*iNclUding diRectors who ShoUlD \nensure their COmPanies have An eNergy strategY.\n\nWhEn Vice prEsiDEnt DiCk CHeney Sought INput in FormulatiNg A NationAL energy \nPOLiCy, onE of the people he lisTEnED to most intentlY was KeNnETh lAY, \nchAirMan of Enron AnD a lonGTime GeoRGe w. bUSh sUPporter. In 15 yearS Lay, \n57, has turnED a tRaditiOnAl pIPeline CompaNy INto An aggressivE traDer of \ngas aNd elecTRicity aND a proviDer of bRoaDbaNd seRViCeS. UnTiL The DEaL \nboGGed Down, it loOkEd Last yEar aS THOUgh vIdeO renTal giAnt BlockbusteR \nwoUld uSE thE HousTon ouTfit\u0001,S nEtworK systeMs to dElIver online movieS. Lay\u0001,\nS ambitionS foR ENroN dOn\u0001,t stOP there. he wAntS federaL regulaTIonS rEMOVeD \nso the company can buIlD POwEr plants And powER lInES, which woUlD puT it iN \nDIrect CompETiTion with UtilitIEs. in A converSaTion wiTh corPorAte BoARd \nMeMber\u0001,s ANn Reilly dowd, LAY discussed the eNErgy crunch griPPiNG ThE unitEd \nSTates and whaT govERnmeNt anD BoArdROoms nEed to Do ABoUT it. He also \ndescribes hOw He asseMbled A board that enaBled him to pUSH enron so fAr inTO \ntHE future. ExcerptS: \nOn hoW real the enERgy crisiS is: We Have a genUine energY CRisis in \nCAliForNia, WhiCH WiLl see severe shORTageS oR disrupTioNs over tHe sUmmEr, \naNd a SeRious enerGy probleM iN mOsT oTheR placES. Outside Of calIfOrnIa, the \nSUpply/dEmand BalaNcE iS VerY tight, aND mAYBe thE iNfRastRucTuRe is bEing \nPUshEd a littLe hard. But The ENergY sItUation cErtainly needs AtTention. In \nmAnY waYs, this COUntry has Underinvested in energy suPPly and iNfrAstruCturE \nfor at leaSt 15 oR 20 years. we nEEd to stArt corRectiNg For THAt. \nOn dEREgUlaTiOn: What led tO cAliForniA\u0001,s EnerGy crisiS was not deregulatioN \nBut A very flawed coMmaNd-anD-COnTroL ReGUlaToRY sySTEm where most consUmers \ndon\u0001,t hAvE AnY choice. DerEGulAtIon is noT where yOu havE A fixed pRice on \nthe Retail sidE oF the MARkeT and a floatIng compeTitive priCE on thE \nWhOlesaLe sIde. It\u0001,s AlSo nOt", "whitespace_perturbation": ", Summer 2001\nby Ann Reill y Dowd \n\nCalifornia may have a s kedf or it,says th i sW h ite H ou sein s id er, b ut\neveryb ody should be p art of the s o lu tion\u0001*incl udi ng directors wh o shou ld \ne n surethe ir co mpanie s havean energy s t rategy . \n\nWhenV i ce Pre sident Dick Chene y s o ught input informul at i ng a na tio nal energy polic y , one o f t h e peo p le he listene d to most i n ten tly wa sKen n eth La y, \nc ha i rma n of Enronanda longtim e Geor g e W. Bu s h suppo rter.In15year s L ay , 57 , ha s t urn e d a traditi on al pipe line c o m pany in to a n agg ressive trade r o f \ng a s a nd el ectri city a nd aprovid er of b roadband servic es.Until the de al \nb og ged d o wn, it lo oke d lastyear as tho ug h v id eo rental giant Bl oc k b us ter \nwou ld use th eH ouston o ut fit \u0001,sn e twork sys t em s to del iver o n li ne movies .Lay\u0001,samb iti ons f o r En ron do n\u0001,t sto p the r e. He wants fe d eral regulati o ns r em o ved\nso the compan y ca n bui ld p o we r p l antsand p ow e rl ines, which would p ut it in \ndir ect competiti on with ut i l i ties. In a c o nv e rsation with C orpor ate BoardMember\u0001, s Ann ReillyDowd, Lay d iscussed th e e ner gyc r un ch gripping t h e Uni te d \nStat esand wha t g ove rnm ent a nd boardr ooms nee dto d oabo ut it . He also des cr ibe s how he ass emble d abo ar d th at enab l ed h im t opu sh E nro nso fa r in t o the fut ure. Exce rpt s : \nO nho w realthe energy cr is is is: Weha vea genu i n e energy crisis in \nCalifornia, which w ill seeseve re shorta ges or di sru p tionsover t he su mm er, and a s er iou senergy pro b l emin mo st oth er plac es. Outside of Cal i for nia, the \nsup ply /dem a n dbal a nc e is v e ryt i ght, and maybethe infras tr u ct ure is bei n g pu shed alittlehard. But the energy s ituationce rtai n l y n eeds atten tion. In \nmany wa y s, th i scount ryhas un de rin veste d in e n erg y sup ply an dinfras truct ur e \nfor a t least 15 or 20 years. We ne ed to st art corre cti n g f or that.\nOnderegulati on: Wh at le d t o Cali forn i a\u0001 ,se nergy cri s is was no t d ere g u la tion \nbut a v e ryflawe d c o mmand- and- control regulator y system wheremost c ons ume r s \nd on \u0001,t have any c hoi ce . Deregula ti on is not w here you h a ve afixedpriceon \nthe r et a il sid e of th e marketand a floatin gco m petiti ve p ri ce onthe \nw h oles a l e side. It\u0001,s al so no t ", "underscore_trick": ", Summer_2001\nby Ann_Reilly Dowd \n\nCalifornia_may have_asked_for it,_says_this White House_insider, but \neverybody_should be part of_the solution\u0001*including directors_who_should \nensure their companies have an energy strategy.\n\nWhen Vice President Dick Cheney sought input_in_formulating a_national_energy_\npolicy, one of the people_he listened to most intently_was Kenneth_Lay, \nchairman of Enron and a longtime George_W._Bush supporter. In_15 years Lay, \n57, has turned a traditional pipeline_company into an aggressive trader of_\ngas and electricity_and_a_provider of broadband services._Until the deal \nbogged down, it_looked last year as though video_rental giant Blockbuster \nwould use the Houston_outfit\u0001,s network systems to deliver online_movies. Lay\u0001,\ns ambitions for Enron_don\u0001,t stop_there. He wants federal regulations_removed \nso the_company can_build power plants_and power lines, which would put_it in \ndirect_competition with utilities. In a conversation_with_Corporate Board \nMember\u0001,s_Ann_Reilly_Dowd, Lay_discussed the energy_crunch_gripping the_United_\nStates and what government and boardrooms_need_to do about it. He also \ndescribes_how he assembled a_board_that enabled him to_push Enron so far into_\nthe future. Excerpts: \nOn how real_the energy_crisis is:_We have a genuine energy crisis in \nCalifornia, which will see_severe shortages or disruptions over the_summer, \nand a serious_energy problem_in_most other places._Outside_of California,_the \nsupply/demand balance is very tight, and_maybe the_infrastructure is being \npushed a little_hard. But the energy_situation_certainly needs attention. In \nmany ways,_this country has underinvested in energy_supply and infrastructure \nfor at_least_15_or 20 years. We need_to start correcting for that. \nOn_deregulation: What led_to California\u0001,s energy crisis was not deregulation_\nbut_a very flawed command-and-control regulatory system_where_most consumers \ndon\u0001,t have any choice._Deregulation_is_not where you have a_fixed price on \nthe retail side_of the market and a floating competitive price on_the \nwholesale side._It\u0001,s also not"} {"text": " be a stopgap until the Davis administration \ncould sign long-term contracts with power suppliers. However, only about 19 \ncontracts have been signed to date, out of 42 agreements. If all the \ncontracts are signed, they will account for about 70 percent of the power \nCalifornia is expected to need. \n\"It was our expectation some of these contracts would kick in,\" said \nAssemblywoman Carole Migden, D-San Francisco. \"This was designed to only be \nbridge money to avert a power disaster. We should hold firm and come up with \na plan. \n\"I recall about three weeks ago when we first asked about one of these $500 \nmillion letters,\" Migden said. \"We said maybe this one is necessary, but \nthere won't be carte blanche approval of any future requests. I'm pleased \nSen. Peace is taking that approach.\" \nTo Assemblyman George Runner, R-Lancaster, Peace's letter was \"another way \nfor the Legislature to send a message we need to be in this loop. We're just \ngetting a small little dribble of information, which just creates more \nquestions.\" \nA spokesman for the Department of Finance said officials hoped to work with \nthe committee members about their concerns. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\nJones rips state on energy crisis \nSecretary of state hints that he'll take on Davis in 2002. \nBy John Ellis \nThe Fresno Bee\n(Published March 20, 2001) \nOfficially, he's Bill Jones, secretary of state for California. Unofficially, \nhe's Bill Jones, 2002 gubernatorial candidate. \nThe evidence is right there between the lines -- in the subtleties of his \nspeeches, their subject matter, and the way Jones carries himself when he's \nin public. \nMonday was no different, as Jones addressed a Rotary Club luncheon in Fresno \nfull of people who are assuming -- though nothing is official -- that the \nFresno native will soon announce his intention to challenge Gov. Davis next \nyear. \n\"Bill, they call me governor,\" Chas Looney, a former Rotary Club district \ngovernor, quipped to Jones. \"I look forward to the day we all can call you \ngovernor", "synonym_substitution": "be a stopgap until the Davis administration \n could sign long - condition contract with power suppliers. However, only approximately 19 \n contracts have been signed to date, out of 42 agreements. If all the \n contract are signed, they will account for approximately 70 percentage of the power \n California is expected to want. \n \" It was our expectation some of these contracts would kick in, \" say \n Assemblywoman Carole Migden, D - San Francisco. \" This was designed to only be \n bridge money to avert a power disaster. We should defy firm and come up with \n a design. \n \" I recall about three week ago when we first ask about one of these $ 500 \n million letters, \" Migden said. \" We said maybe this one is necessary, but \n there won't be carte blanche blessing of any future requests. I'm pleased \n Sen. Peace is taking that approach. \" \n To Assemblyman George Runner, R - Lancaster, Peace's letter was \" another way \n for the Legislature to send a message we need to be in this loop topology. We're just \n getting a small little dribble of information, which just creates more \n questions. \" \n A spokesman for the Department of Finance said officials hop to work with \n the committee members about their concern. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n -------------------------------------------------------------- \n Jones rent state on energy crisis \n Secretary of department of state hints that he'll take on Davis in 2002. \n By John Ellis \n The Fresno Bee \n (Published March 20, 2001) \n Officially, he's Bill Jones, repository of state for California. Unofficially, \n he's Bill Jones, 2002 gubernatorial candidate. \n The evidence is right there between the lines -- in the subtleties of his \n speeches, their subject matter, and the way Jones carries himself when he's \n in public. \n Monday was no different, as Jones address a Rotary Club lunch in Fresno \n wide of people who are assuming -- though nothing is official -- that the \n Fresno native will soon announce his intention to challenge Gov. Davis next \n class. \n \" Bill, they call me governor, \" Chas Looney, a former Rotary Club district \n governor, quipped to Jones. \" I look forward to the day we all can call you \n governor", "butter_fingers": " be a stopgap until the Davls administratiou \ncould sign mong-term contracts with power supplixrs. Yowevtg, only about 19 \ncontracgs have bven signee to eate, out oh 42 agreements. Jn all vhe \ncontracts ate signed, thay will accound wox about 70 percent of the power \nCalifownia is edpected to neeq. \n\"It ras klr expectation some of these cohtracts would kick im,\" said \nAssemblywoman Carolf Mihden, D-San Franciscl. \"This was eesidbed to only ce \nbridge money to avett a power disaster. We should houd fixm and come up wljh \na plan. \n\"I cecall about three weeks aco when we first askec auout one of these $500 \nmillioi letters,\" Migden saiq. \"We said mcybe this one is necewsqry, bot \nthare din't be certs blanfhe approval kf any futuee requests. I'm pleaxeq \nSen. Peace is takind ehat approach.\" \nTo Assemblyman George Runter, R-Lancaster, Peace's lettwr was \"another way \nfot the Legiflature to send a message we need to be in this lmop. Wx'rd jbwt \ngegrijg a small little dribble of information, whicr jisn creates more \nqucstions.\" \nA spokesmam vot the Departmevt of Yjnznce said officiald hoped to wirk with \nuhe cpmmittee members about theie concerns. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\nJjbes rips state on znergy crisir \nSevretaty of state hints that ke'll tzke on David in 2002. \nBy Nuhn Ellis \nThe Frdsnp Tee\n(Published March 20, 2001) \nOfficyally, he's Bilk Jones, sectetary jf state flr California. Unofficialpy, \nhe'd Till Jones, 2002 gubernatorial candidate. \nThe etmdence is rignt thvre betwezn the lines -- in thq subtleties oy his \nspzeches, their subnect mavter, and the way Jones casties himself xhen he's \nyn pyblix. \nMondah was no differrnt, as Jouts addresswd a Rotary Club lmncheuh in Fresno \nfulo od people who arr arsuiijg -- evough nothinc is ofwocial -- that uke \nNrerno mative will soon annmuncs his intention to cmallenge Tov. Davif next \nyear. \n\"Boll, they call me glvernmr,\" Rhas Lpongy, a former Rotary Club districf \ngovernog, qmipped to Jonqs. \"I look forwarb to the day we all can call you \ngovernoc", "random_deletion": "be a stopgap until the Davis administration long-term with power However, only about to out of 42 If all the are signed, they will account for 70 percent of the power California is expected to need. \"It was our some of these contracts would kick in,\" said Assemblywoman Carole Migden, D-San Francisco. was to be money to avert a power disaster. We should hold firm and come up with a plan. recall about three weeks ago when we first about one of these million letters,\" Migden said. \"We maybe one is but won't carte blanche approval any future requests. I'm pleased Sen. Peace is taking that approach.\" To Assemblyman George Runner, R-Lancaster, Peace's was \"another the Legislature send message need to be loop. We're just getting a small information, which just creates more questions.\" A spokesman the Department Finance said officials hoped to work the committee members about their concerns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jones rips state on energy crisis Secretary of state hints that he'll take on Davis By John Ellis The Bee (Published March 2001) he's Jones, of state California. Unofficially, he's Bill Jones, 2002 gubernatorial candidate. The evidence is there between the lines -- in the subtleties of his subject and the way carries himself when he's public. was no different, as a Club full people are assuming -- though is official -- that the native will soon announce Davis next year. \"Bill, they call me governor,\" Looney, a former Rotary Club district governor, to Jones. \"I look forward to the day we all can call governor", "change_char_case": " be a stopgap until the Davis adMinistratiOn \ncouLd sIgn LoNg-teRm coNtracts with powER supPliers. However, only about 19 \nContrAcTS havE BeEn sigNed to daTE, oUT Of 42 aGrEeMenTs. iF aLl the \nConTracts aRe signed, thEy wIlL account for aBOuT 70 percent of The Power \nCaliforNia Is expeCtEd tO Need. \n\"IT waS our eXpectaTIon somE of these cOnTRacts wOUld kick IN,\" SaId \nAsSemblywoman Carole mIgDEn, D-San FranciscO. \"This wAs DEsIGNed To oNly be \nbridgE mOney tO Avert a pOWeR DISasTEr. We should holD firm and comE Up wIth \na plAn. \n\"i reCAll aboUt thrEe WEekS ago when we fIrst Asked abouT one of THese $500 \nmilLIon lettErs,\" MigDen SaiD. \"We sAId MaYbe ThIS onE Is NecESsaRy, but \ntheRe WoN't be cArte BLANChe aPprOval Of any Future requestS. I'm PleaSEd \nSEn. PeaCe is tAkinG tHat apProach.\" \nto AssEmBlyman George RunNer, R-lancaster, peaCe'S leTtEr was \"ANother Way \nFor The LegiSlature TO seNd A MESsAge we need to be in thiS lOOP. WE're just \ngEtting A SmAlL Little drIbBle Of inFORmatiOn, whICh Just creaTes morE \nQuEsTions.\" \nA sPoKesman FoR thE DePartmENt of financE said offIcialS Hoped to work witH \nThe committee mEMbERS aBOut tHeiR concerns. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\nJoNes rIPs stAte oN EnErgY CrisiS \nSecrEtARy OF state hints that he'll TaKe on DaVis in 2002. \nby John Ellis \nThE Fresno Bee\n(pUBLished MaRch 20, 2001) \nOFFiCIally, he's Bill JoNes, seCretary of sTAte for CaLiforNia. UnoffIcially, \nhe'S bIll Jones, 2002 GubErnAtoRiaL CAnDidate. \nThe evidENCe is RiGht therE beTween thE liNes -- In tHe sUbTleties of His \nspeecHeS, tHeIr SubJect mATter, and tHe Way joNes CarriES himseLf wheN he's \nIn PuBLic. \nmonday wAS nO DIffeReNt, As JoNes AdDressEd a ROTarY Club luNcheon in FResNO \nfulL oF pEople whO are assuming -- tHoUgh nothing Is OffIcial -- tHAT the \nFresNo native will soon announcE His inteNtiOn to cHallEnge Gov. DaVis Next \nyeAr. \n\"BILl, they Call me GoverNoR,\" ChAS looneY, A FoRmeR ROtary Club dISTriCt \ngovErNor, qUipped tO Jones. \"I look forward TO thE day we all can cAll You \ngOVErNor", "whitespace_perturbation": " be a stopgap until the Da vis admini strat ion \nc ou ld s ignlong-term cont r acts with power suppliers. Howe ve r , on l yabout 19 \nco n tr a c tsha ve be en si gnedtodate, o ut of 42 a gre em ents. If all th e \ncontrac tsare signed,the y will a cco u nt fo r a bout70 per c ent of the powe rCalifo r nia ise x pe cted to need. \n\"It wa s o u r expectationsome o ft he s e co ntr acts would k ick i n ,\" said \nA s s e mbl y woman CaroleMigden, D-S a n F rancis co . \" T his wa s des ig n edto only be\nbri dge money to av e rt a po w er disa ster.Wesho uldh ol dfir ma ndc om e u p wi th \na pl an .\n\"I r ecal l a b outthr ee w eeksago when we f irs t as k edabout oneof t he se $5 00 \nmi llion l etters,\" Migden sai d. \"We sa idma ybe t his o n e is n ece ssa ry, but \nthere won 't b e c arte blanche appro va l of any fut ure re q ue st s . I'm pl ea sed \nSe n . Peac e is ta king tha t appr o ac h. \" \nTo A ss emblym an Ge org e Run n er,R-Lanc aster, P eace' s letter was \"a n other way \nfo r t h e L e gisl atu re to senda me s sage wen ee d t o be i n thi sl oo p . We're just \ngetti ng a sma ll li ttle dribbleof informa t i o n, which jus t c r eates more \nqu estio ns.\" \nA sp o kesman f or th e Depart ment of F i n ance sai d o ffi cia lsh o pe d to work wit h \nthe c ommitte e m embersabo utthe irco ncerns. -------- -- -- -- -- --- ----- - -------- -- --- -- --- ----- - ------ ----- ---- -- -- - --- ------- -- - - ---- -- -- ---- --- -- ----- ---- - --- ------- --------- --- - ---- -- -- ------- --------\n---- -- ---------- -- --- ------ - - -------- ----------------------- - -\nJones ri ps st ateon energy cr isis Sec r etaryof sta te hi nt s t h a t he' l l t ake o n Davis in 2 002 . \nBy J ohnEllis The Fresno Bee\n(Pu b lis hed March 20, 20 01)O ff ici a ll y , h e' s Bi l l Jones, secreta ry of stat ef or Californi a . U no fficial ly, \nhe 's Bi l l Jones , 2002 gu bernatori al can d i dat e. \nThe ev idence i s right t h ere b e tw een t helines-- in thesubtle t ies of h is \nsp ee ches,their s ubject m atter, and the way Jone s carr ies h ims elf whenhe' s \ni n public. \nMo nday was n o d iff erent , a s Jone s ad d re sse d a Ro tary Club lunc h eo n i n Fr esno \nfullo f peo ple w hoa re ass umin g -- though nothi n g is official-- t h a t t heFres no native will s oon a n n ounce hi sintention t o challe ng e Gov. Davis next\nyear.\" Bi l l, the y ca llme govern or, \"C has Loo ne y, a form er R ot ary Cl ub dis t rict governor, quippe d toJ o nes.\" I l ook f or ward to theday we all can call y ou \ngo vern or", "underscore_trick": " be_a stopgap_until the Davis administration_\ncould sign_long-term_contracts with_power_suppliers. However, only_about 19 \ncontracts_have been signed to_date, out of_42_agreements. If all the \ncontracts are signed, they will account for about 70 percent_of_the power_\nCalifornia_is_expected to need. \n\"It was_our expectation some of these_contracts would_kick in,\" said \nAssemblywoman Carole Migden, D-San Francisco._\"This_was designed to_only be \nbridge money to avert a power disaster._We should hold firm and come_up with \na_plan._\n\"I_recall about three weeks_ago when we first asked about_one of these $500 \nmillion letters,\"_Migden said. \"We said maybe this one_is necessary, but \nthere won't be_carte blanche approval of any_future requests._I'm pleased \nSen. Peace is_taking that approach.\"_\nTo Assemblyman_George Runner, R-Lancaster,_Peace's letter was \"another way \nfor_the Legislature to_send a message we need to_be_in this loop._We're_just_\ngetting a_small little dribble_of_information, which_just_creates more \nquestions.\" \nA spokesman for_the_Department of Finance said officials hoped to_work with \nthe committee_members_about their concerns. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\nJones_rips state on energy crisis_\nSecretary of state hints that he'll_take on_Davis in_2002. \nBy John Ellis \nThe Fresno Bee\n(Published March 20, 2001) \nOfficially,_he's Bill Jones, secretary of state_for California. Unofficially, \nhe's_Bill Jones,_2002_gubernatorial candidate. \nThe_evidence_is right_there between the lines -- in the_subtleties of_his \nspeeches, their subject matter, and_the way Jones carries_himself_when he's \nin public. \nMonday was_no different, as Jones addressed a_Rotary Club luncheon in Fresno_\nfull_of_people who are assuming --_though nothing is official -- that_the \nFresno native_will soon announce his intention to challenge_Gov._Davis next \nyear. \n\"Bill, they call_me_governor,\" Chas Looney, a former Rotary_Club_district_\ngovernor, quipped to Jones. \"I_look forward to the day we_all can call you \ngovernor"} {"text": " need to improve.\" \nNEW FACILITY\nThe department is trying to do just that. Next week, the DWR's electricity \ntraders are expected to move from their folding tables to a brand-new, \n25,000- square-foot facility on another floor. \nWhether the trades remain under the aegis of the DWR is another matter. \nHannigan said he doesn't want his department to remain in the energy business \nfor years to come. Given his choice, he said he would prefer power purchases \nbeing made by a newly created state energy authority, as proposed by \nlegislation now on the drawing board. \nWhile some at the DWR appear to enjoy the department's newfound notoriety, \nHannigan, 60, is not one of them. \nHe said he is looking forward to retirement and spending more time with his \nfamily. Being at the center of California's energy storm is clearly a \nheadache he'd rather not have at this point in his career. \n\"I know we're outgunned,\" he said. \"I just don't know how badly.\" \nThe Power Cycle \n1. Electricity Providers \nPower companies stretching from Canada to Texas offer electricity to \nshortage-plagued California. They have been accused of gouging consumers by \ncharging sky-high wholesale rates. \n2. Department of Water Resources \nDepartment of Water Resources state bureaucrats are spending $350 million a \nweek purchasing electricity on behalf of utilities. One energy trader said \nthe DWR willingly agrees to pay \"prices that make you wonder.\" \n3. Troubled Utilities \nPG&E and Edison say they do not have enough money to purchase power for \ncustomers. So they let the DWR do the buying and then PG&E and Edison pass \nalong the electricity -- and costs -- to millions of consumers. \n4. The Consumers \nCalifornia's energy woes ultimately will be born by consumers, either in the \nform of higher rates or higher taxes. Consumers will be accountable for all \nmoney that goes to buy electricity. Source: Chronicle research Chronicle \nGraphic \nE-mail David Lazarus at dlazarus@sfchronicle.com. \n,2001 San Francisco Chronicle? Page?A - 1 \n", "synonym_substitution": "need to improve. \" \n NEW FACILITY \n The department is trying to do barely that. future week, the DWR's electricity \n traders are expected to go from their folding tables to a trade name - new, \n 25,000- square - animal foot facility on another floor. \n Whether the trades persist under the aegis of the DWR is another matter. \n Hannigan say he doesn't want his department to remain in the energy business \n for years to arrive. Given his choice, he said he would choose power purchases \n being make by a newly produce state department of energy authority, as proposed by \n legislation now on the drawing dining table. \n While some at the DWR appear to enjoy the department's newfound notoriety, \n Hannigan, 60, is not one of them. \n He said he is looking forward to retirement and spend more time with his \n family. Being at the center of California's energy storm is clearly a \n headache he'd rather not have at this point in his career. \n \" I know we're outgunned, \" he say. \" I just don't know how ill. \" \n The Power Cycle \n 1. Electricity Providers \n Power company stretching from Canada to Texas offer electricity to \n shortage - blight California. They have been accused of gouging consumers by \n charging sky - eminent wholesale rates. \n 2. Department of Water Resources \n Department of Water Resources state bureaucrats are spending $ 350 million a \n week buy electricity on behalf of utilities. One energy trader said \n the DWR willingly agrees to pay \" prices that make you wonder. \" \n 3. disruptive Utilities \n PG&E and Edison state they do not have enough money to purchase power for \n customers. So they let the DWR cause the buying and then PG&E and Edison pass \n along the electricity -- and costs -- to millions of consumers. \n 4. The Consumers \n California's department of energy woes ultimately will be born by consumers, either in the \n form of higher rate or higher tax. Consumers will be accountable for all \n money that run low to buy electricity. generator: Chronicle research Chronicle \n Graphic \n E - chain mail David Lazarus at dlazarus@sfchronicle.com. \n, 2001 San Francisco Chronicle? Page?A - 1", "butter_fingers": " nefd to improve.\" \nNEW FACILIUY\nThe department nw tryiig to dk just tfat. Next week, the DWR's electciciry \ntrqders are expected to oove from their fildiig tables to a bcznd-new, \n25,000- squars-noot yarility on anothgr floor. \nWhedher the tradev felain under the aegis of the DWR is wnother mwtter. \nHannigan saic he soesn't want his department to remajn in tie energy businrss \nfor years to come. Givej hid choice, he said hf would preder [iwer purchasds \nbeing made by a newmy created state energy authorigy, as proposed vy \nlehhslation nox on tre drawing board. \nWhine some at the DWR apiear vo ebjoy the department's iewfound notoriety, \nHwnnigan, 60, hs not one of them. \nYe said he hs luikivg rocwadd to getmrement and spending mire time with his \nfsmyoy. Being at tge ceneew of California's energy storm is clearlj a \ngeadache he'd rather not have at this point ij his carqer. \n\"I know we're outgunned,\" he said. \"I just don't knof how cadoy.\" \nGye Power Cycle \n1. Electricity Providers \nPower com[znoex stretching fvom Canada to Texax lfggr electricity to \nshortzge-plagued Califorjia. Thei have been acctsed of gouging consumers by \nchqrging sky-hiyh qholesale rates. \n2. Dzpartment of Watgr Respurces \nDepartment of Wacer Reaources stahe bureaudfats are spendine $350 kinlion a \nweek purchasing elqctricity on yehalf ow utolitief. One enerhy trader said \nthe DWR wlllinyly acrees to pwy \"prices that make you wonder.\" \n3. Troubled Utilothes \nPG&E and Edispn say they dj not have enoogh money to pjrchase poser for \ncustomers. Fo they let tvg DWR do the uuying anq thwn PT&E and Daison pass \nalomg the elvcuricity -- abd costs -- to millipns kf consumers. \n4. Tkt Cinsumers \nCalifotnix's qnvrgb woef ultimately fill be norn cy consumerw, eitner in the \nform of hhghed rates or higher yawes. Consuners wilj be accountanle for all \nmoney uhat gmes to biy glectricity. Source: Chronicle reaearch Chgonlcle \nGraphic \nQ-maio David Lazaxus at dlazarus@sfchronicle.com. \n,2001 San Francmsco Chronicle? Page?A - 1 \n", "random_deletion": "need to improve.\" NEW FACILITY The department to just that. week, the DWR's move their folding tables a brand-new, 25,000- facility on another floor. Whether the remain under the aegis of the DWR is another matter. Hannigan said he want his department to remain in the energy business for years to come. his he he prefer power purchases being made by a newly created state energy authority, as proposed by legislation on the drawing board. While some at the appear to enjoy the newfound notoriety, Hannigan, 60, is one them. He he looking to retirement and more time with his family. Being at the center of California's energy storm is clearly a headache rather not this point his \"I we're outgunned,\" he just don't know how badly.\" The Electricity Providers Power companies stretching from Canada to offer electricity shortage-plagued California. They have been accused gouging consumers by charging sky-high wholesale rates. 2. of Water Resources Department of Water Resources state bureaucrats are spending $350 million a week on behalf of utilities. energy trader said DWR agrees pay that make wonder.\" 3. Troubled Utilities PG&E and Edison say they do not enough money to purchase power for customers. So they let do buying and then and Edison pass along electricity and costs -- to consumers. The woes will born by consumers, either the form of higher rates higher taxes. Consumers will that goes to buy electricity. Source: Chronicle research Graphic E-mail David Lazarus at dlazarus@sfchronicle.com. ,2001 Francisco Chronicle? Page?A - 1", "change_char_case": " need to improve.\" \nNEW FACILITY\nTHe departmeNt is tRyiNg tO dO jusT thaT. Next week, the DWr'S eleCtricity \ntraders are expeCted tO mOVe frOM tHeir fOlding tABlES To a BrAnD-neW, \n25,000- sQUaRe-fooT faCility oN another flOor. \nwhEther the tradES rEmain under The Aegis of the DWr is AnotheR mAttER. \nHannIgaN said He doesN'T want hIs departmEnT To remaIN in the eNERgY busIness \nfor years to coME. GIVen his choice, he Said he WoULd PREfeR poWer purchasEs \nBeing MAde by a nEWlY CREatED state energy aUthority, as pROpoSed by \nlEgIslATion noW on thE dRAwiNg board. \nWhilE somE at the DWR Appear TO enjoy tHE departMent's nEwfOunD notORiEtY, \nHaNnIGan, 60, IS nOt oNE of Them. \nHe saId He Is looKing FORWArd tO reTireMent aNd spending morE tiMe wiTH hiS \nfamiLy. BeiNg at ThE centEr of CaLiforNiA's energy storm is CleaRly a \nheadaChe He'D raThEr not HAve at tHis PoiNt in his Career. \n\"I KNow We'RE OUtGunned,\" he said. \"I just dOn'T KNoW how badlY.\" \nThe PoWEr cyCLe \n1. ElectrIcIty provIDErs \nPoWer cOMpAnies strEtchinG FrOm canada tO TExas ofFeR elEctRicitY To \nshOrtage-Plagued CAlifoRNia. They have beeN Accused of gougINg CONsUMers By \ncHarging sky-hIgh wHOlesAle rATeS. \n2. DePArtmeNt of WAtER RESources \nDepartment of waTer ResOurceS state bureaucRats are speNDINg $350 millioN a \nweEK pURchasing electrIcity On behalf of UTilities. one enErgy tradEr said \nthe dwr willingLy aGreEs tO paY \"PRiCes that make yoU WOndeR.\" \n3. TRoubled utiLities \nPg&E aNd EDisOn sAy They do not Have enouGh MoNeY tO puRchasE Power for \nCuStoMeRs. SO they LEt the DwR do tHe buYiNg ANd tHen PG&E aND EDISon pAsS \naLong The ElEctriCity -- ANd cOsts -- to mIllions of ConSUmerS. \n4. THe consumeRs \nCalifornia's EnErgy woes ulTiMatEly wilL BE born by cOnsumers, either in the \nform OF higher RatEs or hIgheR taxes. ConSumErs wilL be ACcountAble foR all \nmOnEy tHAT goes TO BuY elEcTricity. SouRCE: ChRonicLe ReseArch ChrOnicle \nGraphic \nE-mail dAviD Lazarus at dlaZarUs@sfCHRoNicLE.cOM. \n,2001 SaN FRAncISCo Chronicle? Page?a - 1 \n", "whitespace_perturbation": " need to improve.\" \nNEW FA CILITY\nThe depa rtm ent i s tr ying to do just th a t. N ext week, the DWR's el ectri ci t y \nt r ad ers a re expe c te d tomo ve fr om th eir f old ing tab les to a b ran d- new, \n25,000 - s quare-foot fa cility on an oth er flo or . W hethe r t he tr ades r e main u nder theae g is oft he DWRi s a noth er matter. \nHanni g an said he doesn' t want h i sd e par tme nt to rema in in t h e energ y b u s i nes s \nfor years t o come. Giv e n h is cho ic e,h e said he w ou l d p refer power pur chases \nb eing m a de by a newly c reated st ate ene r gy a uth or i ty, as pr o pos ed by \nl eg is latio n no w o n the dr awin g boa rd. \nWhile so meat t h e D WR ap pearto e nj oy th e depa rtmen t' s newfound noto riet y, \nHanni gan ,60, i s not one of th em. \nHe sa id he i s lo ok i n g f orward to retireme nt a nd spendin g more ti me with his fam ily. B eingat t h ecenter o f Cali f or ni a's ene rg y stor miscle arlya \nhe adache he'd ra thern ot have at thi s point in his ca r e er . \n\"I kn ow we're ou tgun n ed,\" hes ai d.\" I jus t don 't kn o w how badly.\" \nThePo wer Cy cle 1. Electricit y Provider s Power co mpan i es stretching fro m Can ada to Tex a s offerelect ricity t o \nshorta g e -plagued Ca lif orn ia. T he y have been a c c used o f gougi ngconsume rsby\nch arg in g sky-hig h wholes al era te s.\n2. D e partment o f W at erResou r ces \nD epart ment o fW ate r Resou r ce s stat ebu reau cra ts arespen d ing $350 m illion a\nwe e k pu rc ha sing el ectricity onbe half of ut il iti es. On e energy t rader said \nthe DWR wil l ingly a gre es to pay \"pricestha t make yo u wonde r.\" \n3 . Tro ub led U tilit i e s\nPG &E and Ediso n say they d o no t haveenough money to pu r cha se power for\ncu stom e r s. So th e y l et the D WR do the buyin g and then P G &E and Ediso n pa ss \nalong the el ectri c ity --and costs -- to mi ll ions o f c onsumers.\n4. TheConsumers \nCali f or nia's en ergy w oe s u ltima tely w i llbe bo rn byco nsumer s, ei th er in th e \nform of higher rates or hi ghertax es. Consu mer s wi ll be acc ount able for a ll\nmo ney t hat goesto b u yele c trici ty.S ource: Ch r on icl e re search Chro n i c le\nGrap hic \nE-mai l Da vid Lazarus at dl a zarus@sfchroni cle. c o m.\n,2 0 01 S an Francisco Chr oni cl e ? Page?A-1 \n", "underscore_trick": " need_to improve.\"_\nNEW FACILITY\nThe department is_trying to_do_just that._Next_week, the DWR's_electricity \ntraders are_expected to move from_their folding tables_to_a brand-new, \n25,000- square-foot facility on another floor. \nWhether the trades remain under the_aegis_of the_DWR_is_another matter. \nHannigan said he_doesn't want his department to_remain in_the energy business \nfor years to come. Given_his_choice, he said_he would prefer power purchases \nbeing made by a_newly created state energy authority, as_proposed by \nlegislation_now_on_the drawing board. \nWhile_some at the DWR appear to_enjoy the department's newfound notoriety, \nHannigan,_60, is not one of them. \nHe_said he is looking forward to_retirement and spending more time_with his_\nfamily. Being at the center_of California's energy_storm is_clearly a \nheadache_he'd rather not have at this_point in his_career. \n\"I know we're outgunned,\" he_said._\"I just don't_know_how_badly.\" \nThe_Power Cycle \n1._Electricity_Providers \nPower_companies_stretching from Canada to Texas offer_electricity_to \nshortage-plagued California. They have been accused_of gouging consumers by_\ncharging_sky-high wholesale rates. \n2._Department of Water Resources \nDepartment_of Water Resources state bureaucrats are_spending $350_million a_\nweek purchasing electricity on behalf of utilities. One energy trader said_\nthe DWR willingly agrees to pay_\"prices that make you_wonder.\" \n3._Troubled_Utilities \nPG&E and_Edison_say they_do not have enough money to purchase_power for_\ncustomers. So they let the DWR_do the buying and_then_PG&E and Edison pass \nalong the_electricity -- and costs -- to_millions of consumers. \n4. The_Consumers_\nCalifornia's_energy woes ultimately will be_born by consumers, either in the_\nform of higher_rates or higher taxes. Consumers will be_accountable_for all \nmoney that goes to_buy_electricity. Source: Chronicle research Chronicle \nGraphic_\nE-mail_David_Lazarus at dlazarus@sfchronicle.com. \n,2001 San_Francisco Chronicle? Page?A - 1 \n"} {"text": "\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\t$149? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tGreensboro, NC (GSO)?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\t$129? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tHuntsville, AL (HSV)?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) #?\t\t\t\t\t$119?\t\t\t\t?\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\tIndianapolis, IN (IND)?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) #?\t\t\t\t\t$ 69? \t\t < font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans - serif \"? size=\"2\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$149? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t < td colspan=3> ? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Greensboro, NC (GSO)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$129? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Huntsville, AL (HSV)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) # < /font>? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$119? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Indianapolis, IN (IND)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) # < /font>? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$ 69? \t\t < /", "butter_fingers": "\">Chiccto O'Hace, IL (KRD)?\t\t\t\t\t$149? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tGreensboro, NC (ESL)?\t\t\t\t\tDallws/Ft. Rortg, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\t$129? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tHuntrville, AL (HSV)?\t\t\t\t\tChucqgo M'Hare, IL (OCD) #?\t\t\t\t\t$119?\t\t\t\t?\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\tIndiabapolis, IN (IND)?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Nawv, IL (ORD) #?\t\t\t\t\t$ 69? \t\tChicago O'Hare, IL width=\"12%\">$149? ?  ? Helvetica, size=\"2\">Greensboro, NC (GSO)? width=\"44%\">Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)? $129? ? ? Huntsville, AL (HSV)? Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) #? $119? ? width=\"44%\">Indianapolis, IN (IND)? Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) #? $ 69? chicaGo O'harE, Il (ORD)?\t\t\t\t\t$149? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tGReEnsboro, NC (GSO)?\t\t\t\t\tdalLas/Ft. worth, Tx (dFW)?\t\t\t\t\t$129? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tHUnTsvilLE, AL (HSV)?\t\t\t\t\tChICago O'HAre, IL (oRd) #?\t\t\t\t\t$119?\t\t\t\t?\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\tINdianApolIS, in (iND)?\t\t\t\t\tChiCaGo O'HaRe, IL (ORd) #?\t\t\t\t\t$ 69? \t\tChi cago O'Hare, I L (O RD)?\t\t\t\t\t< td wi dt h =\"12 % \"> $149 ? \t?\t\t\t? \t\t &n bsp ;?\t\t\t< /tr>?\t\t\t?\t\t< font face=\"Arial, Hel v et i ca, sans-serif \"? siz e= \" 2\" > G ree nsb oro, NC ( GS O) ?\t Dal las/ Ft. Worth , TX ( DFW)?\t\t\t\t< fo n t s i ze =\"2 \" fa ce=\"Aria l, ?Helve tica , s a n s-se rif \">$1 29? \t< /tr >?\t\t\t ?\t\t\t Hun tsv ille, A L (HSV ) < /t d>?\t\t\t\t\t Chicago O'Har e ,IL (ORD) # ? \t\t\t\t< td w idth=\" 12%\">$ 119< /td> ? \t\t\t ?\t ? \t\t< td width=\"44%\">Ind i an a polis, IN (IN D)? \t\t\t\t< font face = \" Arial, H elv eti ca, sa n s -s erif\"? size=\" 2 \" >Chi ca go O'Ha re, IL (O RD) # < /td>?\t\t\t\t $ 69 < /t d > ? \t\t< /", "underscore_trick": "\">Chicago O'Hare, IL _(ORD)?\t\t\t\t\t$149?__ _ _\t\t?\t\t\t\t? _ __ \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tGreensboro, NC (GSO)?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft._Worth,_TX_ (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\t$129? _ _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tHuntsville, AL__(HSV)?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD) #?\t\t\t\t\t$119?\t\t\t\t?\t\t _ ___?\t\t\t\t\tIndianapolis, IN (IND)?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL_ (ORD) #?\t\t\t\t\t$ 69? _ \t\t@ENRON\n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 11:14 AM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n i did not. i got up and when i came back you were\n sleeping\n happily\n in\n the\n middle of the bed. i almost had to go sleep on the\n couch.\n you\n are\n going to\n have to be more considerate sat. when 3 people are in the\n bed.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 11:03 AM\n To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n i slept on the edge. you kept tugging on the covers and\n tried\n to\n spoon\n with me. its cool though.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Erin Richardson \n @ENRON\n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 10:55 AM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n whatever, you were taking up the whole entire bed last\n night\n making\n it\n impossible for me to fall asleep.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 10:47 AM\n To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n stay at your place even though you are a", "synonym_substitution": "enron.com \n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 11:23 AM \n To: erichardson@sarofim.com \n Subject: RE: \n\n\n i will. i will sleep in the center. baby-sit is going to be the \n full \n sidereal day \n of \n my \n life. \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Erin Richardson < erichardson@sarofim.com>@ENRON \n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 11:14 AM \n To: Lenhart, Matthew \n Subject: rhenium: \n\n i did not. i got up and when i occur back you were \n sleeping \n happily \n in \n the \n middle of the layer. i almost had to go rest on the \n couch. \n you \n are \n going to \n get to be more considerate sat. when 3 people are in the \n seam. \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 11:03 AM \n To: erichardson@sarofim.com \n Subject: ra: \n\n\n i slept on the edge. you kept tugging on the screen and \n tried \n to \n spoon \n with me. its cool though. \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Erin Richardson < erichardson@sarofim.com > \n @ENRON \n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 10:55 AM \n To: Lenhart, Matthew \n Subject: RE: \n\n whatever, you were consume up the whole entire bed last \n night \n lay down \n it \n impossible for me to fall asleep. \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com \n [ mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com ] \n Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 10:47 AM \n To: erichardson@sarofim.com \n Subject: RE: \n\n\n stay at your place even though you are a", "butter_fingers": "enrln.com\n [mailto:Matthew.Uenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Ffiday, October 12, 2001 11:23 AM\n Ti: erichardson@sarofim.coo\n Sybjert: RE:\n\n\n i will. i slll snxep in the middke. sat is going to be tve\n best\n day\n of\n my\n ljfe.\n\n -----Original Mesaage-----\n From: Erin Richardson @ENGON\n Sent: Wriday, October 12, 2001 11:14 AM\n To: Lenhart, Oatthzw\n Subject: RE:\n\n i dig not. o got up and wmen i cane back you were\n slxeping\n hakpily\n in\n dhe\n lidvle of the ged. i almowt had to go sleep pn nne\n couch.\n yot\n are\n going tm\n have to be more considerate dat. when 3 people are in the\n bed.\n\n -----Orighnal Jdsscnc-----\n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n [kaplto:Matthew.Lenharb@enron.com]\n Sent: Fridxy, Octobed 12, 2001 11:03 AM\n Jo: erixhardson@swrofom.com\n Subjwct: RE:\n\n\n i slept on the edgz. you kept tugging on the covers cnd\n tried\n to\n spoun\n with me. itf cool thiugh.\n\n -----Origijal Mcvsage-----\n From: Erln Richardson \n @ENRON\n Sent: Fridar, October 12, 2001 10:55 AK\n No: Leihart, Matther\n Subjxct: RE:\n\n whatever, yoi were taking up thw whole entire bed larf\n night\n making\n it\n impossibod fot me to fall asleep.\n\n -----Oroglnal Messqge-----\n From: Matthew.Lenjart@eiron.coo\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.dom]\n Fent: Friday, Octoyer 12, 2001 10:47 AM\n To: ericharvson@sarofim.com\n Subject: VE:\n\n\n staf at your place even though you are a", "random_deletion": "enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 To: Subject: RE: will. i will is to be the day of my -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson @ENRON Friday, October 12, 2001 11:14 AM To: Lenhart, Matthew Subject: RE: i did i got up and when i came back you were sleeping happily in middle the i had to go sleep on the couch. you are going to have to be more considerate when 3 people are in the bed. -----Original From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Sent: October 12, 2001 11:03 AM erichardson@sarofim.com RE: i on edge. kept tugging on covers and tried to spoon with me. its cool though. -----Original Message----- From: Erin Richardson @ENRON Friday, October 10:55 AM Lenhart, Subject: whatever, you were the whole entire bed last night for me to fall asleep. -----Original Message----- From: [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com] Sent: October 12, 2001 10:47 AM To: Subject: RE: stay at your place even though are a", "change_char_case": "enron.com\n [mailto:Matthew.LenhArt@enron.coM]\n Sent: friDay, ocTobeR 12, 2001 11:23 AM\n TO: erichardson@saROfim.Com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n i will. i will Sleep In THe miDDlE. sat iS going tO Be THE\n beSt\n DaY\n of\n My\n LIfE.\n\n -----OrigInaL MessagE-----\n From: Erin RIchArDson @eNRoN\n Sent: Friday, octOber 12, 2001 11:14 AM\n to: lenHArt, MaTthEw\n SubJect: RE:\n\n I Did not. I got up and WhEN i came BAck you wERE\n sLeepIng\n happily\n in\n the\n miDDlE Of the bed. i almosT had to Go SLeEP On tHe\n cOuch.\n you\n are\n GoIng to\n HAve to be MOrE CONsiDErate sat. when 3 pEople are in tHE\n beD.\n\n -----OrigiNaL MeSSage-----\n FrOm: MatThEW.LeNhart@enron.cOm\n [maIlto:MatthEw.LenhARt@enron.COm]\n Sent: FRiday, OCtoBer 12, 2001 11:03 aM\n To: ERiChArdSoN@SarOFiM.coM\n subJect: RE:\n\n\n i sLePt On the Edge. YOU KEpt tUggIng oN the cOvers and\n tried\n To\n sPoon\n WIth Me. its Cool tHougH.\n\n -----ORiginAl MessAge-----\n FrOm: erin Richardson \n @EnRoN\n SenT: friday, octObeR 12, 2001 10:55 AM\n To: LeNhart, MaTTheW\n SUBJEcT: RE:\n\n whatever, you were TaKINg Up the whoLe entiRE bEd LAst\n night\n MaKinG\n it\n iMPOssibLe foR Me To fall asLeep.\n\n -----OrIGiNaL MessagE-----\n FRom: MatThEw.LEnhArt@enROn.coM\n [mailtO:Matthew.lenhaRT@enron.com]\n Sent: FRIday, October 12, 2001 10:47 AM\n tO: eRIChARdsoN@saRofim.com\n SubJect: re:\n\n\n staY at yOUr PlaCE even ThougH yOU aRE a", "whitespace_perturbation": "enron.com\n [mailto:Ma tthew.Lenh art@e nro n.c om ]\n Sent: Frid ay, October 12, 2001 1 1:23AM To:e ri c h ard so n@ sar of i m. com\n Subjec t:RE :\n\n\n i will . i will sleep in the m id dle . sat is goin g to b e the\n best \n day\n of\n m y \n life . - -- --Ori g inal Me s sa g e - --- - \n From: E rin Ri ch ard s on @ENR ON\n Se n t: Fr iday,Oct obe r 12 , 2 00 1 1 1: 1 4 A M \n To : Len h a r t , Ma tth ew\n S ubj ect: RE :\n\n i didnot. i got up and whe n icame back yo uwer e sl e eping h appily in\n the\n middl eoftheb e d. i alm o st had togo sle e pon the\n c ouch. yo u\n ar e\n going to ha v e to be more consi dera t e sa t. w h en 3p eople arein th e \n bed.\n\n - ----OriginalMessage--- - - From: Matthe w.Len hart@enron . com\n [mailto: Matthew.L e n hart@enr on. com ]\n Sen t : Fri da y, Octo ber 12, 20 0111: 03AM T o: e ri ch ard son@s a rofim.co m Su bject : RE :\n isl ep t on th eedge. yo u ke pt tugg ing on th e c o vers a nd \n tried\n to\n spo o n \n with me. it s cool t hou gh.\n --- - -Origi nal Me ssage -- --- From : E rin R ic hard son \n @ENRON\n Se nt : F r iday, October 1 2, 2001 10 :5 5 A M\n To: Lenh a rt, Mat thew\n Sub ject: RE: \n\n w ha tever , y ou wer etak ing u p thew hol e ent ire be dlast\n ni ght\n making\n i t\n im poss ible for m e t o f all a sle e p.\n\n - ----Origi n al Me s s ag e-----\n From : Ma tthew.Lenhart@enr o n.com\n [ m ail to: M atth ew .Lenhart@enron .co m] S ent: Fri da y , Oct ober 1 2, 200 1 10:47 A M To : e ri c hardson @s ar o fim.co m\n S u bject: RE:\n\n\n sta yat your plac e even tho ugh you are a", "underscore_trick": "enron.com\n _ _ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n _ __ __ _ _ Sent: Friday, October_12, 2001 11:23_AM\n_ _To:_erichardson@sarofim.com\n ___ _ _ Subject:_RE:\n\n\n __ _ i will. i will sleep_in the middle. sat is_going to be_the\n__ _best\n _ day\n _ _ of\n _ _ _ my\n_ _ _ _ _life.\n\n _ __ ___ _ -----Original_Message-----\n_ __ __ _From: Erin_Richardson_@ENRON\n _ _ _ _ Sent:_ Friday, October 12, 2001 11:14 AM\n _ _ _ __ To: __ _Lenhart, Matthew\n _ _ _ _Subject:_ RE:\n\n _ _ ___i did not. i_got up and when i came_back you were\n_ sleeping\n __ _happily\n_ ___ _ in\n _ _ _ the\n ___ _ _middle of the_bed. i almost had to go sleep on the\n_ couch.\n _ you\n _ are\n _ _ __going to\n ____ _ _ _have to_be more considerate_sat. when_3 people are_in_the\n bed.\n\n _ _-----Original Message-----\n __ _ _ From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n_ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sent:_Friday, October_12, 2001 11:03 AM\n __ ____ To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n_ _ _ __ _ Subject: RE:\n\n\n_ _ _ i slept on the edge. you kept tugging on the covers and\n _ _ tried\n _ __ to\n _ _ __ spoon\n ___ __ with me. its_cool_though.\n\n___ _ __ _-----Original Message-----\n__ _ _ _From:_ _Erin_Richardson_\n_ @ENRON\n _ __ Sent: _ Friday, October 12, 2001 10:55_AM\n_ _ _ _ To:_ Lenhart, Matthew\n _ _Subject: RE:\n\n _ __ _ _ whatever,_you were taking up the whole entire bed last\n night\n _ _ _ making\n_ _ it\n _ __ impossible for me_to fall asleep.\n\n _ _ __ _ _ -----Original_Message-----\n _ _ _ From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n _ [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n _ __ Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 10:47 AM\n _ _ _ _To:_erichardson@sarofim.com\n_ __ _ _ _ Subject: RE:\n\n\n _ _ _ _ __ stay at your place even_though you_are_a"} {"text": " businesses. No \nadditional days of unhealthy ozone would occur, said Steven Moore, senior \nengineer for the county air district. \nBut natural gas is expected to be in short supply, partly because several \nsmaller plants that require gas are expected to begin operating in San Diego \nCounty this summer. \nWhen gas is cut off to Cabrillo, it must switch to burning more polluting \nfuel oil. \n\"If they burn fuel oil, it will be a different story. There will be \nsignificant ozone increases,\" Moore said.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---\n\nState may have claim on further overbilling \n\n\n\nLeaders fault FERC, call for tougher action\nBy Craig D. Rose \nUNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER \nMarch 17, 2001 \nFederal energy regulators said again yesterday that California may have paid \ntoo much for power, this time citing some $55 million in possible overcharges \nduring February that could be subject to refund. \nBut like last week -- when the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission found \npossible January overcharges of $69 million -- a broad spectrum of state \nleaders said the new refund is a pittance compared with the billions of \ndollars that power companies are extracting from the state each month for \nelectricity. \nThe January electricity bill for San Diego Gas and Electric and the state's \ntwo other major utilities was $5.2 billion. February's total is expected to \nbe higher. \nFederal regulators said yesterday that they notified six electricity \nsuppliers that sales exceeding $430 per megawatt-hour during Stage 3 alerts \n-- emergencies called when power reserves are nearly exhausted -- would be \nsubject to refunds, unless the suppliers can justify the sale prices on the \nbasis of costs. \nA FERC official said whatever refunds were ordered would probably be in the \nform of credits to utility companies, used to offset other power purchases. \nHouston-based Dynegy faces the largest possible payment, with a potential \nliability of $23 million for the month. A spokesman said the company was \nstill studying the FERC finding, which was issued yesterday. \n\"What we have said all along is that, given the market conditions, the prices \nwe have charged will be found to be just and reasonable,\" said Dyne", "synonym_substitution": "businesses. No \n additional days of unhealthy ozone would happen, say Steven Moore, senior \n engineer for the county air district. \n But lifelike gas is expect to be in short provision, partly because several \n smaller plant that require gas are expect to begin operating in San Diego \n County this summer. \n When flatulence is ignore off to Cabrillo, it must switch to burning more polluting \n fuel oil. \n \" If they burn fuel oil, it will be a unlike story. There will be \n significant ozone increases, \" Moore allege. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n --- \n\n State may have claim on further overbilling \n\n\n\n leadership fault FERC, name for tougher action \n By Craig D. Rose \n UNION - TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER \n March 17, 2001 \n Federal energy regulators said again yesterday that California may have give \n too much for power, this time citing some $ 55 million in possible overcharge \n during February that could be capable to refund. \n But like concluding week -- when the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission found \n possible January overcharges of $ 69 million -- a broad spectrum of state \n drawing card say the new refund is a pittance compared with the billion of \n dollars that power companies are extracting from the department of state each month for \n electricity. \n The January electricity bill for San Diego Gas and Electric and the state's \n two other major utility was $ 5.2 billion. February's total is expected to \n be higher. \n Federal regulators said yesterday that they advise six electricity \n suppliers that sales exceeding $ 430 per megawatt - hour during Stage 3 alerts \n -- emergencies called when world power reserves are nearly exhausted -- would be \n subject to refunds, unless the suppliers can apologize the sale prices on the \n basis of costs. \n A FERC official say whatever refunds were ordered would probably be in the \n form of credit to utility companies, used to offset other ability purchases. \n Houston - establish Dynegy faces the bombastic possible payment, with a likely \n liability of $ 23 million for the month. A spokesman said the company was \n still studying the FERC finding, which was issued yesterday. \n \" What we have said all along is that, given the market conditions, the monetary value \n we have charged will be found to be merely and reasonable, \" said Dyne", "butter_fingers": " budinesses. No \nadditional dxys of unhealthi izone xould odcur, saia Steven Moore, senior \nenginexr fir tht county air distrizt. \nBut nanural gas is txpected to be in short sm'ply, lwrtlv uecause several \nsmaller pnants that reqgife gas are expected to begin operatind in Sam Fiego \nCounty tris xtmmed. \nWhen gas is cut off to Cabrillo, jt must switch to butning more polluting \nfuel lil. \n\"Lf they burn fuel lil, it will be w different sgory. There will be \nsighificant ozone increases,\" Moore raid.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---\n\nScate may hace clwhm on furthxr ovegbilling \n\n\n\nLeadcgs fauld FERC, vall for toughcr acvion\nVy Craig D. Rose \nUNION-VRIBUNE STAFF WRITER \nMarch 17, 2001 \nXeberal energy regulatoes said agahn ydwtefdag vhaf Calivoriia may havs paid \ntoo nuch for power, this tyne citing soms $55 miljijn in possible overcharges \nduring Februdry that could be subject ro refund. \nBut like ladt week -- rhen the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission foutd \npoariboe Gqnkary overcharges of $69 million -- a broad spectrui og xtate \nleaders faid the nee gegond is a pittavce compaded with the billilns of \nqollaes that pjwer companies are extracting feom the statv eaxh month for \nelectxicity. \nThe Jcnuary elecyricity bill for San Dizgo Gaa and Electgic and tgd state's \ntwo othdr kabor utilities was $5.2 billion. February'w tocal is ebpecjed to \nfe higher. \nVederal regulators said jestetday tvat they nltified six electricity \nsuppliecx that sales efcevding $430 pex megaeatt-hour durigg Stage 3 alerjs \n-- emergzncies called whvn power ceserves are nearly exhauvjed -- would be \nsubject to eefubds, unldrs the suppliets can justify the wale prices on the \nbarjs of costs. \nA FZXC official said ehagevqr rxfundf were ordereg wojld lrobacly be in tme \nworm of credits to utilidy ckmpanies, used to ogffet othet power ptrchases. \nHousyon-based Dynegy fafes tie larjest ppssyble payment, with a potential \nmiability of $23 million fow thc mogth. A spokzsman said the company was \nstill studyinj the FERC finding, whicy was issued yesterban. \n\"What we hate saiq all alotg is that, given the market conditionx, the prices \nwe have dhargeg wilp be found to be just and reasonable,\" said Dyne", "random_deletion": "businesses. No additional days of unhealthy ozone said Moore, senior for the county is to be in supply, partly because smaller plants that require gas are to begin operating in San Diego County this summer. When gas is cut to Cabrillo, it must switch to burning more polluting fuel oil. \"If they fuel it be different story. There will be significant ozone increases,\" Moore said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- State may have claim further overbilling Leaders fault FERC, call for tougher By Craig D. Rose STAFF WRITER March 17, 2001 energy said again that may paid too much power, this time citing some $55 million in possible overcharges during February that could be subject to But like -- when Federal Regulatory found possible January $69 million -- a broad spectrum said the new refund is a pittance compared the billions dollars that power companies are extracting the state each month for electricity. The January bill for San Diego Gas and Electric and the state's two other major utilities was February's total is expected be higher. Federal said that notified electricity suppliers sales exceeding $430 per megawatt-hour during Stage 3 alerts -- emergencies when power reserves are nearly exhausted -- would be subject unless suppliers can justify sale prices on the of A FERC official said were would the of to utility companies, used offset other power purchases. Houston-based faces the largest possible of $23 million for the month. A spokesman the company was still studying the FERC which was issued yesterday. \"What we have said all along is that, the market prices we have charged will be found to just and reasonable,\" said", "change_char_case": " businesses. No \nadditional dayS of unhealtHy ozoNe wOulD oCcur, Said steven Moore, senIOr \nenGineer for the county air dIstriCt. \nbUt naTUrAl gas Is expecTEd TO Be iN sHoRt sUpPLy, PartlY beCause seVeral \nsmallEr pLaNts that requiRE gAs are expecTed To begin operaTinG in San diEgo \ncOunty ThiS summEr. \nWhen GAs is cuT off to CabRiLLo, it muST switch TO BuRninG more polluting \nfueL OiL. \n\"if they burn fuel Oil, it wIlL Be A DIffEreNt story. TheRe Will bE \nSignifiCAnT OZOne INcreases,\" Moore Said.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---\n\nState maY HavE claim On FurTHer oveRbillInG \n\n\n\nleaDers fault FErC, caLl for tougHer actIOn\nBy CraIG D. Rose \nUnION-TRiBUnE StAFF wrItEr \nMaRcH 17, 2001 \nfedERaL enERgy RegulatoRs SaId agaIn yeSTERDay tHat caliForniA may have paid \ntOo mUch fOR poWer, thIs timE citInG some $55 MillioN in poSsIble overcharges \nDuriNg FebruarY thAt CouLd Be subJEct to rEfuNd. \nBUt like lAst week -- WHen ThE fEDeRal Energy RegulatorY COMMiSsion fouNd \npossIBlE JANuary oveRcHarGes oF $69 MIllioN -- a brOAd Spectrum Of statE \nLeAdErs said ThE new reFuNd iS a pIttanCE comPared wIth the biLlionS Of \ndollars that pOWer companies aRE eXTRaCTing FroM the state eaCh moNTh foR \neleCTrIciTY. \nThe JAnuarY eLEcTRicity bill for San DieGo gas and electRic and the statE's \ntwo other MAJOr utilitIes wAS $5.2 bILlion. February's Total Is expected TO \nbe higheR. \nFedeRal regulAtors said YESterday tHat TheY noTifIED sIx electricity \nSUPpliErS that saLes ExceediNg $430 pEr mEgaWatT-hOur during stage 3 aleRtS \n-- eMeRgEncIes caLLed when pOwEr rEsErvEs are NEarly eXhausTed -- wOuLd BE \nsuBject to REfUNDs, unLeSs The sUppLiErs caN jusTIfy The sale Prices on tHe \nbASis oF cOsTs. \nA FERC Official said wHaTever refunDs WerE orderED Would proBably be in the \nform of crediTS to utilIty CompaNies, Used to offSet Other pOweR PurchaSes. \nHouSton-bAsEd DYNEgy faCES tHe lArGest possibLE PayMent, wItH a poTential \nLiability of $23 million FOr tHe month. A spokeSmaN saiD THe ComPAnY Was \nStILl sTUDying the FERC finDing, which wAs ISsUed yesterdAY. \n\"WhAt We have sAid all aLong iS That, givEn the markEt conditiOnS, the PRIceS \nwe have chaRged will Be found to BE just ANd ReasoNabLe,\" said dyNe", "whitespace_perturbation": " businesses. No \nadditiona l days ofunhea lth y o zo ne w ould occur, said S t even Moore, senior \nengine er fo rt he c o un ty ai r distr i ct . \nBu tna tur al ga s isexp ected t o be in sh ort s upply, partl y b ecause sev era l \nsmaller p lan ts tha treq u ire g asare e xpecte d to be gin opera ti n g in S a n Diego Co unty this summer. \nWh e ng as is cut offto Cab ri l lo , itmus t switch t oburni n g morep ol l u t ing \nfuel oil. \n\" If they bur n fu el oil ,itw ill be a di ff e ren t story. Th erewill be signif i cant oz o ne incr eases, \" M oor e sa i d. \n- --- -- - --- - -- --- - --- -------- -- -- ----- ---- - - - - ---- --- ---- ----- ------------- --- -\n-- - \n\nS tatemay h avecl aim o n furt her o ve rbilling \n\n\n\nLe ader s fault F ERC ,cal lfor t o ugheract ion \nBy Cra ig D. R o se\nU N I O N- TRIBUNE STAFF WRIT ER Ma rch 17,2001 F ed er a l energy r egu lato r s said aga i nyesterda y that Ca li forniama y have p aid \nt oo mu c h fo r powe r, thistimec iting some $55 million in po s si b l eo verc har ges \nduring Feb r uary tha t c oul d be s ubjec tt or efund. \nBut like la st week-- wh en the Federa l Energy R e g u latory C ommi s si o n found \npossi ble J anuary ove r chargesof $6 9 millio n -- a br o a d spectr umofsta tel ea ders said the n ew r ef und isa p ittance co mpa red wi th the bill ions of\nd ol la rs th at po w er compa ni esar e e xtrac t ing fr om th e st at ee ach monthf or elec tr ic ity. \nT he Janu arye lec tricity bill for Sa n Die go G as andElectric andth e state's\nt wootherm a jor util ities was $5.2 billion. Februar y's tota l is expected to \nbe h igh e r. \nFe deralregul at ors s aid y e s te rda ythat theyn o tif ied s ix ele ctricit y \nsuppliers thats ale s exceeding $ 430 per m eg awa t t- h our d u rin g Stage 3 alerts\n-- emerge nc i es called wh e n p ow er rese rves ar e nea r ly exha usted --would be\ns ubje c t to refunds,unless t he suppli e rs ca n j ustif y t he sal epri ces o n thebas is of costs .\nA FER C off ic ial said whatever refunds wereordere d wou ldprobablybei n t he \nformof c redits touti lit y com pan i es, u sedt ooff s et ot herp ower purc h as es. Ho uston-based D y neg y fac est he lar gest possible payment , with a potent iall iab ili t y of $ 23 million for th em o nth. A s po kesman said the com pa n y was \nstil l stud ying th e FE R C find ing, wh ich was i ssu ed yesterd ay .\"Whatwe h av e said all a l ongi s that, given the mark e t cond i tio ns, t he prices \nwehave charg ed will befoundto b e jus t and r ea sonabl e,\" s aid Dyne", "underscore_trick": " businesses._No \nadditional_days of unhealthy ozone_would occur,_said_Steven Moore,_senior_\nengineer for the_county air district._\nBut natural gas is_expected to be_in_short supply, partly because several \nsmaller plants that require gas are expected to begin_operating_in San_Diego_\nCounty_this summer. \nWhen gas is_cut off to Cabrillo, it_must switch_to burning more polluting \nfuel oil. \n\"If they_burn_fuel oil, it_will be a different story. There will be \nsignificant_ozone increases,\" Moore said.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---\n\nState may have_claim on further_overbilling_\n\n\n\nLeaders_fault FERC, call for_tougher action\nBy Craig D. Rose \nUNION-TRIBUNE_STAFF WRITER \nMarch 17, 2001 \nFederal_energy regulators said again yesterday that California_may have paid \ntoo much for_power, this time citing some_$55 million_in possible overcharges \nduring February_that could be_subject to_refund. \nBut like_last week -- when the Federal_Energy Regulatory Commission_found \npossible January overcharges of $69_million_-- a broad_spectrum_of_state \nleaders_said the new_refund_is a_pittance_compared with the billions of \ndollars_that_power companies are extracting from the state_each month for \nelectricity._\nThe_January electricity bill for_San Diego Gas and Electric_and the state's \ntwo other major_utilities was_$5.2 billion._February's total is expected to \nbe higher. \nFederal regulators said yesterday_that they notified six electricity \nsuppliers_that sales exceeding $430_per megawatt-hour_during_Stage 3 alerts_\n--_emergencies called_when power reserves are nearly exhausted --_would be_\nsubject to refunds, unless the suppliers_can justify the sale_prices_on the \nbasis of costs. \nA_FERC official said whatever refunds were_ordered would probably be in_the_\nform_of credits to utility companies,_used to offset other power purchases._\nHouston-based Dynegy faces_the largest possible payment, with a potential_\nliability_of $23 million for the month._A_spokesman said the company was \nstill_studying_the_FERC finding, which was issued_yesterday. \n\"What we have said all_along is that, given the market conditions, the prices_\nwe have charged_will be found to be_just_and_reasonable,\" said Dyne"} {"text": " you will \nnever be charged.\n\nYou may redistribute this e-mail without change. You may not redistribute \nstories.\n\nTo register for a free subscription, point your browser to: \nhttp://www.retailenergy.com/pma/dprreg.htm\n\n************************************************************************\n\n CRISIS AND OPPORTUNITY: POWER MARKETS 2001\n March 15-16, 2001 Aladdin Hotel Las Vegas\n\n and\n\n FUNDAMENTALS OF POWER MARKETING\n Preconference Seminar March 14, 2001\n\nhttp://www.pmaconference.com/0103Agenda.pdf\n\nEarly-bird specials extended till February 27!!! The Aladdin Hotel has \nagreed to extend its special room rates one more week, till February 27, for \nattendees of Power Markets 2001. PMA is holding its early payment discount \ntill the same date!\n\nTake this opportunity to meet some of the tens of thousands of your fellow \npower report readers in Las Vegas at CRISIS AND OPPORTUNITY: POWER MARKETS \n2001. March 15-16, 2001. For brochure, download:\n\nhttp://www.pmaconference.com/0103Agenda.pdf\n\n**********************************************************************\n\nDISTRIBUTED GENERATION\n\nan Energy Info Source Report\n\n* The Key Technologies being used or planned for DG\n* The Uses of DG from utility, energy service provider, and customer \nviewpoints\n* The Economics of DG and its Market Potential\n* The Benefits of DG\n* The Barriers that exist to implementing DG\n* The Participants involved in the DG industry\n* The state of Current Regulatory Activities and Rulings affecting the \nimplementation of DG\n\nOnly $999. For additional information, download:\nhttp://www.pmaconference.com/distgen.pdf\n\n************************************************************************\n\n--------------------T O P S T O R I E S--------------------\n\nTop Stories (February 22)\n\nCALIFORNIA GOVERNOR, UTILITIES EXPECTED TO MEET WEDNESDAY ON RESCUE PLAN\nCalifornia Gov. Gray Davis is expected to meet Wednesday night with \nexecutives of the state's three investor-owned utilities to negotiate a deal ", "synonym_substitution": "you will \n never be charged. \n\n You may redistribute this e - mail without change. You may not redistribute \n floor. \n\n To read for a free subscription, point your browser to: \n http://www.retailenergy.com/pma/dprreg.htm \n\n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \n\n CRISIS AND OPPORTUNITY: POWER MARKETS 2001 \n March 15 - 16, 2001 Aladdin Hotel Las Vegas \n\n and \n\n FUNDAMENTALS OF POWER MARKETING \n Preconference Seminar March 14, 2001 \n\n http://www.pmaconference.com/0103Agenda.pdf \n\n Early - boo specials extended till February 27! !! The Aladdin Hotel has \n harmonize to strain its special room rates one more week, till February 27, for \n attendees of Power Markets 2001. PMA is hold its early payment discount \n till the like date! \n\n Take this opportunity to meet some of the tens of thousands of your fellow \n power report readers in Las Vegas at CRISIS AND OPPORTUNITY: POWER MARKETS \n 2001. March 15 - 16, 2001. For booklet, download: \n\n http://www.pmaconference.com/0103Agenda.pdf \n\n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \n\n DISTRIBUTED GENERATION \n\n an Energy Info Source Report \n\n * The Key Technologies being used or planned for DG \n * The function of DG from utility, energy overhaul provider, and customer \n point of view \n * The Economics of DG and its Market Potential \n * The Benefits of DG \n * The Barriers that exist to implementing DG \n * The Participants involved in the DG industry \n * The department of state of Current Regulatory Activities and Rulings affecting the \n implementation of DG \n\n Only $ 999. For additional information, download: \n http://www.pmaconference.com/distgen.pdf \n\n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \n\n --------------------T O P S T O R I E S-------------------- \n\n Top Stories (February 22) \n\n CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR, UTILITIES EXPECTED TO MEET WEDNESDAY ON RESCUE PLAN \n California Gov. Gray Davis is expected to meet Wednesday night with \n executives of the state of matter's three investor - owned utilities to negociate a softwood", "butter_fingers": " yok will \nnever be charged.\n\nYuu may redistriyyte thms e-maim withoug change. You may not redistrmbutw \nstoeies.\n\nTo register for a wree subsbription, poinu your browser to: \nhttp://www.vztailskergy.eon/pma/dprreg.htm\n\n************************************************************************\n\n CRISIS DND OPPORTUNITF: PLWER MARKETS 2001\n March 15-16, 2001 Aladdin Hjtel Lax Gegas\n\n and\n\n FUNDAMENTALS OF POWTR MARKETING\n Preconference Seminar Magch 14, 2001\n\nhttp://www.pmaconferejce.com/0103Agendq.pdf\n\nQqrly-bird spezials extended till Fegruary 27!!! The Aladdin Hotel has \nxgreeb to extend irs dkecial room cates jne more week, till Fabruary 27, for \nattendeex oh Poqer Markets 2001. PMA is iolding its early paiment discmuut \ntill the same date!\n\nRaje thhs o[porgynigy uo kest somf oh the tens kf thousandw of your fellow \npoeew report readeds in Jaf Vegas at CRISIS AND OPPORTUNITY: POWEG MADKETS \n2001. March 15-16, 2001. For beochure, download:\n\nhttp://waw.pmaconfqrence.com/0103Agenda.pdf\n\n**********************************************************************\n\nDISTRIBUTED GENERATION\n\nan Energy Info Rouxgc Reoirh\n\n* The Key Technologies being used or planned skr DN\n* The Uses of DN from utility, enetgj xgrvice providet, and cbatkmer \nviewpoints\n* Thf Econoiics of DG anq itx Market Potential\n* The Benedits of DG\n* Tke Varriers that exidt to impleoentong DB\n* The Participants invulves in the DG industry\n* Ghe state of Curfenn Reculatory Activities and Rujings affxctiny the \nimolemgntatiog of DG\n\nOnlj $999. Nmr additional infogmatiln, download:\nhhtp://www.pmaconference.com/distgen.pdh\n\n************************************************************************\n\n--------------------V O P S T O R I E V--------------------\n\nTop Stoxies (Fcbruary 22)\n\nCALIFORGIA GOVERNOR, UJILITIES ZXPECTDD TO MEET WEDNESVAY ON RESCUQ PLAN\nCalifortla Gov. Gray Vavis is qxpexted to meeg Wednesday nignt with \neqeeutives od the state's three inxsstor-owned utilnuiew to negotiate s ddal ", "random_deletion": "you will never be charged. You may e-mail change. You not redistribute stories. subscription, your browser to: ************************************************************************ CRISIS AND POWER MARKETS 2001 March 15-16, 2001 Hotel Las Vegas and FUNDAMENTALS OF POWER MARKETING Preconference Seminar March 14, 2001 Early-bird specials extended till February 27!!! The Aladdin Hotel has agreed to extend special rates more till February 27, for attendees of Power Markets 2001. PMA is holding its early payment discount the same date! Take this opportunity to meet of the tens of of your fellow power report in Vegas at AND POWER 2001. March 15-16, For brochure, download: http://www.pmaconference.com/0103Agenda.pdf ********************************************************************** DISTRIBUTED GENERATION an Energy Info Source Report * The Key Technologies being or planned * The of from energy service provider, viewpoints * The Economics of DG Potential * The Benefits of DG * The that exist implementing DG * The Participants involved the DG industry * The state of Current Activities and Rulings affecting the implementation of DG Only $999. For additional information, download: http://www.pmaconference.com/distgen.pdf O P S T R I E Top (February CALIFORNIA UTILITIES EXPECTED MEET WEDNESDAY ON RESCUE PLAN California Gov. Gray Davis is expected meet Wednesday night with executives of the state's three investor-owned negotiate deal", "change_char_case": " you will \nnever be charged.\n\nYou mAy redistriBute tHis E-maIl WithOut cHange. You may not REdisTribute \nstories.\n\nTo registEr for A fREe suBScRiptiOn, point YOuR BRowSeR tO: \nhtTp://WWw.RetaiLenErgy.com/Pma/dprreg.hTm\n\n************************************************************************\n\n CrIsIS AND OPPORTunItY: POWER MARkETs 2001\n March 15-16, 2001 AladdiN HoTel Las veGas\n\n ANd\n\n FUNdAMeNTALs OF POWer MARKEtING\n PrecoNfERence SEMinar MaRCH 14, 2001\n\nhTtp://wWw.pmaconference.coM/0103agENda.pdf\n\nEarly-birD speciAlS ExTENdeD tiLl February 27!!! thE AladDIn Hotel HAs \nAGREed TO extend its speCial room ratES onE more wEeK, tiLL FebruAry 27, foR \naTTenDees of Power markEts 2001. PMA is hOlding ITs early PAyment dIscounT \ntiLl tHe saME dAtE!\n\nTaKe THis OPpOrtUNitY to meet sOmE oF the tEns oF THOUsanDs oF youR fellOw \npower report ReaDers IN LaS VegaS at CRiSIS aNd OPPOrTUNITy: POWEr MaRKETS \n2001. March 15-16, 2001. For bRochUre, downloAd:\n\nhTtP://wwW.pMaconFErence.Com/0103ageNda.pdf\n\n**********************************************************************\n\nDiSTRIBUteD GeNeratIoN\n\nan Energy Info SourCe rEPoRt\n\n* The Key technoLOgIeS Being useD oR plAnneD FOr DG\n* THe UsES oF DG from uTility, ENeRgY servicE pRovideR, aNd cUstOmer \nvIEwpoInts\n* ThE EconomiCs of Dg And its Market PoTEntial\n* The BeneFItS OF Dg\n* the BArrIers that exiSt to IMpleMentINg dG\n* THE PartIcipaNtS InVOlved in the DG industrY\n* THe statE of CuRrent RegulatoRy ActivitiES ANd RulingS affECtINg the \nimplementAtion Of DG\n\nOnly $999. FoR AdditionAl infOrmation, Download:\nhTTP://www.pmacOnfEreNce.Com/DIStGen.pdf\n\n************************************************************************\n\n--------------------T O P S T O R i e s--------------------\n\nTop stOries (FeBruAry 22)\n\nCALIfORnIA gOVeRNoR, uTILITIES eXPECTED tO mEeT wEdNEsDAY On rESCUE PLaN\ncalIfOrnIa Gov. gRay DavIs is eXpecTeD tO MeeT WednesDAy NIGht wItH \neXecuTivEs Of the StatE'S thRee inveStor-owned UtiLItieS tO nEgotiatE a deal ", "whitespace_perturbation": " you will \nnever be charge d.\n\nYou ma y red ist rib ut e th is e -mail withoutc hang e. You may not redistr ibute s tori e s. \n\nToregiste r f o r afr ee su bs c ri ption , p oint yo ur browser to :\nhttp://www. r et ailenergy. com /pma/dprreg. htm \n\n**** ** *** * ***** *** ***** ****** * ****** ********* ** * ****** * ******* * * ** **** **\n\n CRISIS AN D O P PORTUNITY: PO WER MA RK E TS 2 001 \n March 1 5- 16, 2 0 01 Alad d in H o tel Las Vegas\n\n a nd\n\n F UND AMENTALS OF POW ER MARKET ING\n Pr e confere nce Se min arMarc h 1 4, 20 01 \nht t p: //w w w.p maconfer en ce .com/ 0103 A g e n da.p df\nEar ly-bi rd specials e xte nded til l Feb ruary 27! !! The Aladd in Ho te l has \nagreed t o ex tend itsspe ci alro om ra t es one mo reweek, t ill Feb r uar y2 7 , f or \nattendees of P ow e r M arkets 2 001. P MA i s holding i tsearl y payme nt d i sc ount \nti ll the sa me date!\nT ake th is op por tunit y tomeet s ome of t he te n s of thousands of your fello w p o we r rep ort readers in Las Vega s at CR ISI S ANDOPPOR TU N IT Y : POWER MARKETS \n2 00 1. Ma rch 1 5-16, 2001. For broch u r e , downlo ad:ht t p://www.pmacon feren ce.com/010 3 Agenda.p df\n\n* ******** ********* * * ******** *** *** *** *** * * ** ************* * * **** ** *****\nDIS TRIBUTE D G ENE RAT ION \nan Energy Info So ur ce R ep ort \n\n* T h e Key Te ch nol og ies bein g usedor pl anne dfo r DG \n* TheU se s ofDG f romuti li ty, e nerg y se rvice p rovider,and cust om er \nviewp oints\n* The E co nomics of D G a nd its M arket Po tential\n* The Benefitso f DG\n*The Barr iers that ex ist to im ple m enting DG\n*The P ar tic i p antsi nv olv ed in the DG i ndu stry*Thestate o f Current Regulato r y A ctivities and Ru ling s af fec t in g th eimp l e mentation of DG \n\nOnly $99 9. For additi o nal i nformat ion, do wnloa d :\nhttp: //www.pma conferenc e. com/ d i stg en.pdf\n\n** ******** ********* * ***** * ** ***** *** ****** ** *** ***** ****** * *** ***** *****\n- ------ ----- -- ------TO P S T O R I E S------ ------ ----- --- \n\nTop Sto rie s (F ebruary 2 2)\nCALIFORNIA GO VER NOR,UTI L ITIES EXP E CT EDT O MEE T WE D NESDAY ON RE SCU E PL AN\nCaliforn i a Gov . Gra y D a vis is exp ected to meet Wed n esday night wi th e x ecu tiv e s of t he state's thr eein v e stor-own ed utilitiesto negot ia t e a d eal ", "underscore_trick": " you_will \nnever_be charged.\n\nYou may redistribute_this e-mail_without_change. You_may_not redistribute \nstories.\n\nTo_register for a_free subscription, point your_browser to: \nhttp://www.retailenergy.com/pma/dprreg.htm\n\n************************************************************************\n\n__ CRISIS AND OPPORTUNITY: POWER MARKETS 2001\n March_15-16,_2001 Aladdin_Hotel_Las_Vegas\n\n _ _ _ __ _ and\n\n _ FUNDAMENTALS OF_POWER MARKETING\n ___ _Preconference Seminar March 14, 2001\n\nhttp://www.pmaconference.com/0103Agenda.pdf\n\nEarly-bird specials_extended till February 27!!! The_Aladdin Hotel has \nagreed to extend its_special room rates one more week,_till February 27, for \nattendees_of Power_Markets 2001. PMA is_holding its early_payment discount_\ntill the same_date!\n\nTake this opportunity to meet some_of the tens_of thousands of your fellow \npower_report_readers in Las_Vegas_at_CRISIS AND_OPPORTUNITY: POWER_MARKETS_\n2001. _March_15-16, 2001. For brochure,_download:\n\nhttp://www.pmaconference.com/0103Agenda.pdf\n\n**********************************************************************\n\nDISTRIBUTED_GENERATION\n\nan Energy Info Source Report\n\n* The Key_Technologies being used or_planned_for DG\n* The Uses_ of DG from utility,_energy service provider, and customer \nviewpoints\n*_The Economics_ of_DG and its Market Potential\n* The Benefits of DG\n* The Barriers_ that exist to implementing DG\n*_The Participants involved_in the_DG_industry\n* The state_of_Current Regulatory_Activities and Rulings affecting the \nimplementation of_DG\n\nOnly $999._ For additional information, download:\nhttp://www.pmaconference.com/distgen.pdf\n\n************************************************************************\n\n--------------------T_O P S T_O_R I E S--------------------\n\nTop Stories (February_22)\n\nCALIFORNIA GOVERNOR, UTILITIES EXPECTED TO MEET_WEDNESDAY ON RESCUE PLAN\nCalifornia Gov._Gray_Davis_is expected to meet Wednesday_night with \nexecutives of the state's_three investor-owned utilities_to negotiate a deal "} {"text": "ables and the following setoff language from our schedule.\n\n(g)\tSetoff. (A) Upon the designation or deemed designation of an Early Termination Date the Non-defaulting Party or the non-Affected Party (in either case, \"X\") may, at its option and in its discretion, setoff, against any amounts Owed to the Defaulting Party or Affected Party (in either case, \"Y\") in Dollars or any other currency by X or any Affiliate of X under this Agreement or under any other agreement(s), instrument(s) or undertaking(s), any amounts Owed in Dollars or any other currency by Y to X or any of X's Affiliates (irrespective of place of payment or booking office of the obligation) under this Agreement or under any other agreement(s), instrument(s) or undertaking(s). The obligations of Y and X under this Agreement in respect of such amounts shall be deemed satisfied and discharged to the extent of any such setoff exercised by X and/or X's Affiliates. X will give Y notice of any setoff effected under this Section as soon as practicable after the setoff is effected provided that failure to give such notice shall not affect the validity of the setoff. For purposes of this Section, \"Owed\" shall mean any amounts owed or otherwise accrued and payable (regardless of whether such amounts have been or could be invoiced) as of the Early Termination Date.\nAmounts subject to the setoff permitted in this Section may be converted by X into any currency in which any obligation Owed is denominated at the rate of exchange at which X, acting in a reasonable manner and in good faith, would be able to purchase the relevant amount of the currency being converted. If an obligation is unascertained, X may in good faith estimate that obligation and setoff in respect of the estimate, subject to the relevant party accounting to the other when the obligation is ascertained. Nothing in this Section shall be effective to create a charge or other security interest except as may be provided under applicable law. This setoff provision shall be without limitation and in addition to any right of setoff, netting, offset, combination of accounts, counterclaim, lien or other right to which X or any of X's Affiliates is at any time otherwise entitled (whether by operation of law, contract or otherwise). Each of the parties represents and acknowledges", "synonym_substitution": "ables and the following setoff language from our schedule. \n\n (g) \t Setoff. (deoxyadenosine monophosphate) Upon the appellation or deemed designation of an Early Termination Date the Non - defaulting Party or the non - Affected Party (in either lawsuit, \" X \") may, at its option and in its discretion, set-back, against any amounts Owed to the Defaulting Party or Affected Party (in either case, \" Y \") in dollar or any other currency by X or any Affiliate of X under this Agreement or under any early agreement(s), instrument(s) or undertaking(s), any amounts Owed in Dollars or any other currentness by Y to X or any of X's Affiliates (irrespective of home of payment or booking agency of the obligation) under this Agreement or under any other agreement(s), instrument(s) or undertaking(s). The obligations of Y and X under this Agreement in regard of such amounts shall be deemed satisfied and discharged to the extent of any such set-back exercised by X and/or X's Affiliates. X will impart Y notice of any setoff effected under this incision as soon as practicable after the setoff is effected provided that failure to give such notice shall not affect the validity of the setoff. For purposes of this Section, \" Owed \" shall mean any amounts owed or differently accrue and payable (regardless of whether such sum have been or could be invoice) as of the Early Termination Date. \n Amounts capable to the setoff permitted in this Section may be converted by X into any currency in which any obligation Owed is designate at the rate of exchange at which X, acting in a reasonable manner and in good faith, would be able to purchase the relevant amount of the currency being converted. If an obligation is unascertained, X may in effective faith appraisal that duty and setoff in respect of the estimate, subject to the relevant party report to the other when the obligation is ascertained. Nothing in this incision shall be effective to create a charge or other security pastime except as may be provided under applicable police. This setoff provision shall be without restriction and in addition to any right field of setoff, netting, offset, combination of accounts, counterclaim, lien or early right to which X or any of X's Affiliates is at any prison term otherwise entitle (whether by operation of police, contract or otherwise). Each of the parties represents and acknowledges", "butter_fingers": "ablfs and the following setuff language from our vchedume.\n\n(g)\tSetofw. (A) Upon the designation or dwemed designation of an Earuy Terminwtion Dare tie Non-defaulting Party ov the kon-Afyerted Party (in elther case, \"F\") may, at its o[tkou and in its discretion, setoff, againft any smlunts Owed to jhe Dtfatltihg Party or Affected Party (in eithsr case, \"Y\") in Dollars or any other currency by D or any Affiliate of D under thiw Agwwement or unaer any other agreemenj(s), instrument(s) or undertaking(s), avy ampunts Owed ib Dlnlars or anb otheg currency by Y to X mr any pf X's Affiliatcs (ircespwctive of place of pabment or booking offyce of tha kbligation) under rhus Agteemett of unaer aiy kther wgrxement(s), insfrument(s) or undertaking(s). The pbjpbations of Y and X ugder this Agreement in respect of such dmohnts shall be deemed sarisfied and dischargef to the qxtent of any such setoff exercised by X and/or X's Affimkatts. X wkol give Y notice of any setoff effected under trjs Svction as soon as practicablr wfygr the setoff ks effzdtsd provided that fwilure jo givw such nouice xhall not affect the validiry of the senoff. For purposes of chis Section, \"Owec\" shakl mean any amounts oweb or ofherwise acfrued and oayable (regardlers pf whether such amounts have been or rould be invuicec) as os the Earlj Termination Date.\nAmountd sublect do the setlff permitted in this Section meb be convertec ty Q into anv currcncy in which agy obligation Pwed is denooinated at the rave of exchande at which X, wcting in a ceasonablq mabner and in eood faith, woukd be ablv uo purchasw the relevant amomnt ow the currency bznnt converted. If an objihavion yv unascertaited, B mxu in eood faith cstkmatr that obligation ang sefoff in respect of tme estimaje, subjece to the relefant party accountlng tm tie othrr rhen the obligation is ascertajned. Notjinn in this Seceion shall be efyective to create a charge or other secucity interest except as may be provided unbev applicable law. This setmff provision shall ve without limitauion and in addition to any rhght lf setoff, netting, offset, combination of accounts, counterclaim, lien or othwr rigit to which X or sny ox R's Cffiliaees ms at any time othvrwise entitled (whether by operavion of laf, eontract or otherwise). Each og ghe parties rgpresents and acknowledges", "random_deletion": "ables and the following setoff language from (g) (A) Upon designation or deemed Date Non-defaulting Party or non-Affected Party (in case, \"X\") may, at its option in its discretion, setoff, against any amounts Owed to the Defaulting Party or Party (in either case, \"Y\") in Dollars or any other currency by X any of under Agreement or under any other agreement(s), instrument(s) or undertaking(s), any amounts Owed in Dollars or any currency by Y to X or any of Affiliates (irrespective of place payment or booking office of obligation) this Agreement under other instrument(s) or undertaking(s). obligations of Y and X under this Agreement in respect of such amounts shall be deemed satisfied discharged to of any setoff by and/or X's Affiliates. give Y notice of any setoff Section as soon as practicable after the setoff effected provided failure to give such notice shall affect the validity of the setoff. For purposes this Section, \"Owed\" shall mean any amounts owed or otherwise accrued and payable (regardless of amounts have been or be invoiced) as the Termination Amounts to the permitted in this Section may be converted by X into any in which any obligation Owed is denominated at the rate at X, acting in reasonable manner and in faith, be able to purchase amount the If obligation unascertained, X may in faith estimate that obligation and in respect of the party accounting to the other when the obligation ascertained. Nothing in this Section shall be to create a charge or other security interest except as may be under applicable setoff provision shall be without limitation and in to any right of netting, offset, combination of accounts, counterclaim, lien or other to X or of X's Affiliates at any time entitled (whether by law, contract otherwise). of and acknowledges", "change_char_case": "ables and the following setofF language fRom ouR scHedUlE.\n\n(g)\tSeToff. (a) Upon the designATion Or deemed designation of aN EarlY TERminATiOn DatE the Non-DEfAULtiNg paRty Or THe Non-AfFecTed PartY (in either cAse, \"x\") mAy, at its optioN AnD in its discRetIon, setoff, agaInsT any amOuNts oWed to The defauLting PARty or AFfected PaRtY (In eithER case, \"Y\") iN dOlLars Or any other currencY By x Or any Affiliate Of X undEr THiS aGreEmeNt or under aNy Other AGreemenT(S), iNSTRumENt(s) or undertakIng(s), any amouNTs OWed in DOlLarS Or any oTher cUrREncY by Y to X or anY of X'S AffiliatEs (irreSPective OF place oF paymeNt oR boOkinG OfFiCe oF tHE obLIgAtiON) unDer this AGrEeMent oR undER ANY othEr aGreeMent(s), Instrument(s) or UndErtaKIng(S). The oBligaTionS oF Y and x under This AGrEement in respect Of suCh amounts ShaLl Be dEeMed saTIsfied And DisCharged To the exTEnt Of ANY SuCh setoff exercised bY X AND/oR X's AffilIates. X WIlL gIVe Y noticE oF anY setOFF effeCted UNdEr this SeCtion aS SoOn As practIcAble afTeR thE seToff iS EffeCted prOvided thAt faiLUre to give such nOTice shall not aFFeCT ThE ValiDitY of the setofF. For PUrpoSes oF ThIs SECtion, \"owed\" sHaLL mEAn any amounts owed or oThErwise AccruEd and payable (rEgardless oF WHEther sucH amoUNtS Have been or coulD be inVoiced) as of THe Early TErminAtion DatE.\nAmounts sUBJect to thE seTofF peRmiTTEd In this Section MAY be cOnVerted bY X iNto any cUrrEncY in WhiCh Any obligaTion Owed Is DeNoMiNatEd at tHE rate of eXcHanGe At wHich X, ACting iN a reaSonaBlE mANneR and in gOOd FAIth, wOuLd Be abLe tO pUrchaSe thE RelEvant amOunt of the CurREncy BeInG converTed. If an obligaTiOn is unasceRtAinEd, X may IN Good faitH estimate that obligation ANd setofF in RespeCt of The estimaTe, sUbject To tHE relevAnt parTy accOuNtiNG To the OTHeR whEn The obligatION is AscerTaIned. nothing In this Section shall BE efFective to creaTe a CharGE Or OthER sECurItY IntEREst except as may bE provided uNdER aPplicable lAW. ThIs Setoff pRovisioN shalL Be withoUt limitatIon and in aDdItioN TO anY right of seToff, nettIng, offset, COmbinATiOn of aCcoUnts, coUnTerClaim, Lien or OTheR righT to whiCh x or any Of X's AFfIliates iS at any time otherwise entiTled (whEther By oPeration oF laW, ConTract or otHerwIse). Each of tHe pArtIes rePreSEnts aNd acKNoWleDGes", "whitespace_perturbation": "ables and the following se toff langu age f rom ou rsche dule .\n\n(g)\tSetoff. (A) Upon the designationor de em e d de s ig natio n of an Ea r l y T er mi nat io n D ate t heNon-def aulting Pa rty o r the non-Af f ec ted Party(in either case , \" X\") ma y, at its o pti on an d in i t s disc retion, s et o ff, ag a inst an y am ount s Owed to the Def a ul t ing Party or A ffecte dP ar t y (i n e ither case ,\"Y\")i n Dolla r so r any other currenc y by X or a n y A ffilia te of X unde r thi sA gre ement or un derany other agree m ent(s), instrum ent(s) or un dert a ki ng (s) ,a nya mo unt s Ow ed in Do ll ar s oranyo t h e r cu rre ncyby Yto X or any o f X 's A f fil iates (irr espe ct ive o f plac e ofpa yment or bookin g of fice of t heob lig at ion)u nder t his Ag reement or und e r a ny o t he r agreement(s), in st r u me nt(s) or under t ak in g (s). Th eobl igat i o ns of Y a n dX underthis A g re em ent inre spectof su chamoun t s sh all be deemedsatis f ied and discha r ged to the ex t en t of anysuc h setoff ex erci s ed b y Xa nd /or X's A ffili at e s. X will give Y noti ce of an y set off effectedunder this S e ction as soo n a s practicable a fterthe setoff is effec ted p rovidedthat fail u r e to giv e s uch no tic e sh all not affec t theva lidityofthe set off . For pu rp oses of t his Sect io n, \" Ow ed\" shal l mean an yamo un tsowedo r othe rwise acc ru ed and payabl e ( r e gard le ss ofwhe th er su ch a m oun ts have been orcou l d be i nv oiced)as of the Ear ly Terminati on Da te.\nAm o u nts subj ect to the setoff permi t ted inthi s Sec tion may be c onv ertedbyX intoany cu rrenc yinw h ich a n y o bli ga tion Owedi s de nomin at ed a t the r ate of exchange at whi ch X, actingina re a s on abl e m a nne ra ndi n good faith, wo uld be abl et opurchase t h e r el evant a mount o f the currenc y being c onverted. If a n obl igation is unascer tained, X may i n g ood f ait h esti ma tethatobliga t ion andsetoff i n resp ect o fthe esti mate, subject to the re levant part y a ccounting to the other wh en t he obligat ion is asce rta i ned. Not h in g i n this Sec t ion shall be ef f e ct ive to crea t e a c harge or othersecu rity interest exc e pt as may be p rovi d e d u nde r app li cable law. Th isse t o ff provi si on shall be without l i mitat ion an d in a ddition t oa ny rig ht o f s etoff, ne tti ng , offset ,co m binati on o faccoun ts, co u nter c l aim, lien or oth er ri g h t tow hic h X o rany ofX 's A ffiliatesis at any t ime ot herw ise e ntitled ( whethe r b yoperationo f law, co ntrac t or ot he rwis e). Each oft h e par ties r epr esents an d ac k no wl e dge s", "underscore_trick": "ables and_the following_setoff language from our_schedule.\n\n(g)\tSetoff. _(A)_Upon the_designation_or deemed designation_of an Early_Termination Date the Non-defaulting_Party or the_non-Affected_Party (in either case, \"X\") may, at its option and in its discretion, setoff,_against_any amounts_Owed_to_the Defaulting Party or Affected_Party (in either case, \"Y\")_in Dollars_or any other currency by X or any_Affiliate_of X under_this Agreement or under any other agreement(s), instrument(s) or_undertaking(s), any amounts Owed in Dollars_or any other_currency_by_Y to X or_any of X's Affiliates (irrespective of_place of payment or booking office_of the obligation) under this Agreement or_under any other agreement(s), instrument(s) or_undertaking(s). The obligations of_Y and_X under this Agreement in_respect of such_amounts shall_be deemed satisfied_and discharged to the extent of_any such setoff_exercised by X and/or X's Affiliates.__X will give_Y_notice_of any_setoff effected under_this_Section as_soon_as practicable after the setoff is_effected_provided that failure to give such notice_shall not affect the_validity_of the setoff. _For purposes of this Section,_\"Owed\" shall mean any amounts owed_or otherwise_accrued and_payable (regardless of whether such amounts have been or could be_invoiced) as of the Early Termination_Date.\nAmounts subject to the_setoff permitted_in_this Section may_be_converted by_X into any currency in which any_obligation Owed_is denominated at the rate of_exchange at which X,_acting_in a reasonable manner and in_good faith, would be able to_purchase the relevant amount of_the_currency_being converted. If an_obligation is unascertained, X may in_good faith estimate_that obligation and setoff in respect of_the_estimate, subject to the relevant party_accounting_to the other when the obligation_is_ascertained._ Nothing in this Section_shall be effective to create a_charge or other security interest except as may be_provided under applicable_law. This setoff provision_shall_be_without limitation and in addition to any right of setoff,_netting, offset,_combination of accounts,_counterclaim, lien or other right to which X or any_of X's Affiliates is at any time_otherwise entitled (whether by operation of law, contract or otherwise). _Each of the parties represents and acknowledges"} {"text": "/energybuild.html\n\nThe deal was led by Sami Tenngren - Nordic Mid-Market, and was supported by \nMagnus Groth - EES, Jukka Hormaluoma - energydesk.com, and Martin Rosell - \nLegal.\n\nCongratulations on a job well done to all those who worked so hard to put \nthis transaction into place........Thor Lien.\n\nAustralia\nDespite heavy flooding in NSW, the weather is looking up for Enron \nAustralia. Last week, the Sydney Office launched online Hong Kong weather \nderivatives and the Sydney weather node traded on EnronOnline in the US time \nzone. With this precedent, we hope to support the takeoff of global weather \non EnronOnline. \n\nThe Coal Group in Sydney has suddenly become very popular. There is no doubt \nthat a recent sale to AES for the plant at Barbers Point, Hawaii is the real \nreason. Coal purchases during year 2000 have been concluded with most major \nproducers in Indonesia and Australia. We will soon be loading our first \nshipment from China. Deliveries to Nippon Steel in Japan are underway. Also, \na shipment to a large power utility in Japan will take place in early 2001.\n\nOff-shore wind plans\nEnron has entered into agreement to purchase the development assets of a 30 \nMW offshore wind project in the UK. The Harwich project, situated in \nGunfleet Sands approximately eight kilometres offshore in the North Thames \nEstuary is believed to represent one of the first serious investments in the \ndevelopment of offshore wind energy in the UK.\n\n\nENRONONLINE STATISTICS\n\nBelow are the latest figures for EnronOnline as of November 27, 2000.\n\n* Total Life to Date Transactions> 464,000\n* Life to Date Notional Value of Transactions > $263 billion\n\n\nNUGGETS & NOTES\n\n\"How does your earnings target look for the quarter?\" \u0001) Brent Price, \nVP/Operations & Chief Accounting Officer for EGM\n\n\"Always price the illiquidity risk premium appropriately!\" \u0001) Doug Friedman, \nDirector of Financial Petrochemicals and Plastics\n\nWhat people say to Julie Gomez,VP/Upstream Services-ENA - \"I heard your laugh \nclear across the", "synonym_substitution": "/energybuild.html \n\n The deal was led by Sami Tenngren - Nordic Mid - Market, and was supported by \n Magnus Groth - EES, Jukka Hormaluoma - energydesk.com, and Martin Rosell - \n Legal. \n\n Congratulations on a caper well do to all those who worked so hard to invest \n this transaction into place........ Thor Lien. \n\n Australia \n Despite heavy implosion therapy in NSW, the weather is looking up for Enron \n Australia. Last week, the Sydney Office establish online Hong Kong weather \n derivatives and the Sydney weather node trade on EnronOnline in the US time \n zone. With this precedent, we hope to defend the parody of global weather \n on EnronOnline. \n\n The Coal Group in Sydney has suddenly become very popular. There is no doubt \n that a recent sale to AES for the plant at Barbers Point, Hawaii is the actual \n reason. Coal purchases during year 2000 have been conclude with most major \n producers in Indonesia and Australia. We will soon be loading our first \n shipment from China. delivery to Nippon Steel in Japan are underway. Also, \n a shipment to a large power utility program in Japan will take place in early 2001. \n\n Off - shore wind plans \n Enron has entered into agreement to purchase the growth assets of a 30 \n MW offshore wind project in the UK. The Harwich project, situated in \n Gunfleet Sands approximately eight kilometres offshore in the North Thames \n Estuary is believed to represent one of the first serious investing in the \n development of offshore wind department of energy in the UK. \n\n\n ENRONONLINE STATISTICS \n\n Below are the belated figure for EnronOnline as of November 27, 2000. \n\n * Total Life to Date Transactions > 464,000 \n * Life to Date Notional Value of Transactions > $ 263 billion \n\n\n NUGGETS & NOTES \n\n \" How does your earnings prey look for the quarter? \" \u0001) Brent Price, \n VP / Operations & Chief Accounting Officer for EGM \n\n \" Always price the illiquidity risk agio appropriately! \" \u0001) Doug Friedman, \n Director of Financial Petrochemicals and Plastics \n\n What people say to Julie Gomez, VP / Upstream Services - ENA - \" I heard your laugh \n clear across the", "butter_fingers": "/eneggybuild.html\n\nThe deal was led by Sami Teubgren - Nordid Mid-Maryet, and was supported by \nMagius Troth - EES, Jukka Hormaluoma - energydvsk.com, ane Mactin Rosell - \nLegem.\n\nCongrabblatikks on e job well done to all thmse who worked su kard to put \nthis transaction into plwce........Thor Llen.\n\nAustralia\nDefpitt hqavy flooding in NSW, the weather is lokking uk for Enron \nAustrakia. Last week, the Sydney Lffife launched online Hong Kong qeatrwr \nderivativds and tht Vydney weajher node traded on EnronOnline kn thz US time \nzinw. Ahth this prxcedenn, we hope to support dhe takroff of global weethee \non EnronOnline. \n\nThe Coal Group in Sydgey has sgdbenly become very popylqr. Thgre iv no eouct \nuhav a recenh sele to AES ror the plabt at Barbers Point, Hwqaii is the rsal \nrewsjn. Coal purchases during year 2000 have betn cohcluded with most major \nproducers in Indonesla and Auftralia. We will soon be loading our first \nshipmett frko Cklka. Ddoigeries to Nippon Steel in Japan are underway. Wmsp, \ns shipment to c large power utolltu in Japan wilu take plzce in early 2001.\n\nOff-shlre winq plabs\nEnron hws emtered into agreement to puechase the dvvelipment assets of a 30 \nMW offshoxe winc prokect in the UK. The Harcich pdoject, situwted in \nGhvfleet Sands appfoxpmataly eighu kilometres offshjre in thx Norch Thamer \nEsjuary if believed to rc[resent one of the firsj serimus investlents in the \ndevelopment of offshore wind enetgy in the UK.\n\n\nEURONONKINE STATISTISS\n\nBelow are thg latest yigurer for EnrohOnline as of Noveiber 27, 2000.\n\n* Total Nlfe to Date Vransactijns> 464,000\n* Lifw to Dagd Notional Valie of Traufactuons > $263 billion\n\n\nNUGGCTS & VKTES\n\n\"How does yobx taenings target kooy fjr tie quwster?\" \u0001) Brent [ricd, \nVO/Pperagions & Chien Azcoumting Officer for EGK\n\n\"Alwzys price the illiauldity risj premiui appropriateky!\" \u0001) Doug Friedman, \nFirecvor of Finamciwl Petrochemicals and Plastics\n\nShat peoppe fay to Julie Gomcz,VP/Opstream Sexvices-ENA - \"I heard your laugh \nclear acrows the", "random_deletion": "/energybuild.html The deal was led by Sami Nordic and was by Magnus Groth energydesk.com, Martin Rosell - Congratulations on a well done to all those who so hard to put this transaction into place........Thor Lien. Australia Despite heavy flooding NSW, the weather is looking up for Enron Australia. Last week, the Sydney launched Hong weather and the Sydney weather node traded on EnronOnline in the US time zone. With this precedent, hope to support the takeoff of global weather EnronOnline. The Coal Group Sydney has suddenly become very There no doubt a sale AES for the at Barbers Point, Hawaii is the real reason. Coal purchases during year 2000 have been concluded with major producers and Australia. will be our first shipment Deliveries to Nippon Steel in Japan a shipment to a large power utility in will take in early 2001. Off-shore wind plans has entered into agreement to purchase the development of a 30 MW offshore wind project in the UK. The Harwich project, situated in approximately eight kilometres offshore the North Thames is to one the first investments in the development of offshore wind energy in the UK. STATISTICS Below are the latest figures for EnronOnline as of 2000. Total Life to Transactions> 464,000 * Life Date Value of Transactions > NUGGETS NOTES earnings look the quarter?\" \u0001) Brent VP/Operations & Chief Accounting Officer EGM \"Always price the Doug Friedman, Director of Financial Petrochemicals and Plastics people say to Julie Gomez,VP/Upstream Services-ENA - heard your laugh clear across the", "change_char_case": "/energybuild.html\n\nThe deal was Led by Sami TEnngrEn - NOrdIc mid-MArkeT, and was supportED by \nMAgnus Groth - EES, Jukka HormAluomA - eNErgyDEsK.com, aNd MartiN roSELl - \nLEgAl.\n\nconGrATuLatioNs oN a job weLl done to alL thOsE who worked so HArD to put \nthis TraNsaction into PlaCe........Thor liEn.\n\nAUStralIa\nDEspitE heavy FLoodinG in NSW, the WeATher is LOoking uP FOr enroN \nAustralia. Last weeK, ThE sydney Office laUnched OnLInE hOng konG weather \ndeRiVativES and the sYdNEY WeaTHer node traded On EnronOnliNE in The US tImE \nzoNE. With tHis prEcEDenT, we hope to suPporT the takeoFf of glOBal weatHEr \non EnrOnOnliNe. \n\nTHe COal GROuP iN SyDnEY haS SuDdeNLy bEcome verY pOpUlar. THere IS NO DoubT \nthAt a rEcent Sale to AES for tHe pLant AT BaRbers point, hawaIi Is the Real \nreAson. COaL purchases durinG yeaR 2000 have been ConClUdeD wIth moST major \nProDucErs in InDonesia ANd AUsTRALiA. We will soon be loadiNg OUR fIrst \nshipMent frOM CHiNA. DeliverIeS to nippON steel In JaPAn Are underWay. AlsO, \nA sHiPment to A lArge poWeR utIliTy in JAPan wIll takE place in Early 2001.\n\noFf-shore wind plaNS\nEnron has enteREd INTo AGreeMenT to purchase The dEVeloPmenT AsSetS Of a 30 \nMW OffshOrE WiND project in the UK. The HArWich prOject, Situated in \nGunFleet Sands APPRoximateLy eiGHt KIlometres offshOre in The North ThAMes \nEstuaRy is bElieved tO represenT ONe of the fIrsT seRioUs iNVEsTments in the \ndeVELopmEnT of offsHorE wind enErgY in The uK.\n\n\nEnRoNONLINE StATISTICs\n\nBElOw ArE thE lateST figures FoR EnRoNOnLine aS Of NoveMber 27, 2000.\n\n* TOtal liFe TO DaTe TransACtIONs> 464,000\n* LiFe To date notIoNal VaLue oF traNsactioNs > $263 billion\n\n\nnUGgeTS & NoTeS\n\n\"how does Your earnings tArGet look for ThE quArter?\" \u0001) BRENt Price, \nVp/Operations & Chief AccountINg OfficEr fOr EGM\n\n\"alwaYs price thE ilLiquidIty RIsk preMium apProprIaTelY!\" \u0001) dOug FrIEDmAn, \nDIrEctor of FinANCiaL PetrOcHemiCals and plastics\n\nWhat people SAy tO Julie Gomez,VP/upsTreaM sErVicES-Ena - \"I hEaRD yoUR Laugh \nclear acrosS the", "whitespace_perturbation": "/energybuild.html\n\nThe dea l was ledby Sa miTen ng ren- No rdic Mid-Marke t , an d was supported by \nMa gnusGr o th - EE S, Ju kka Hor m al u o ma-en erg yd e sk .com, an d Marti n Rosell - \nL eg al.\n\nCongrat u la tions on a jo b well donetoall th os e w h o wor ked so h ard to put \nt his trans ac t ion in t o place . . .. .... Thor Lien.\n\nAustr a li a \nDespite heavy flood in g i n NSW , t he weather i s loo k ing upf or E n ron \nAustralia. Last week,t heSydney O ffi c e laun chedon l ine Hong Kongweat her \nderi vative s and t h e Sydne y weat her no de t r ad ed on E n ron O nl ine inthe US t im e\nzone . W i t h this pr eced ent,we hope to su ppo rt t h e t akeof f ofglob al weat her \no n Enr on Online. \n\nTheCoal Group in Sy dn eyha s sud d enly b eco mevery po pular.T her ei s no doubt \nthat a rec en t sa le to AE S fort he p l ant at B ar ber s Po i n t, Ha waii is the rea l \nrea s on . Coal p ur chases d uri ngyear2 000have b een conc luded with most majo r \nproducers i n I n d on e siaand Australia. We will soo n b e l o ading ourfi r st \nshipment from Chin a. Deliv eries to Nippon St eel in Jap a n are unde rway . A l so, \na shipmen t toa large po w er utili ty in Japan w ill takep l ace in e arl y 2 001 .\nO f f- shore wind pl a n s\nEn ro n has e nte red int o a gre eme ntto purchase the dev el op me nt as setso f a 30 MW of fs hor e win d proje ct in the U K. Th e Harwi c hp r ojec t, s itua ted i n \nGu nfle e t S ands ap proximate lye ight k il ometres offshore inth e North Th am es\nEstua r y is beli eved to represent one o f the fi rst seri ousinvestmen tsin the \nd e velopm ent of offs ho rew i nd en e r gy in t he UK.\n\n\nE N R ONO NLINE S TATI STICS\nBelow are the late s t f igures for En ron Onli n e a s o f N o vem be r 27 , 2000.\n\n* TotalLife to Da te Tr ansactions > 46 4, 000\n* L ife toDateN otional Value of Transact io ns > $ 263 billion\n\nNUGGETS & NOTES\"Howd oe s you r e arning star get l ook fo r th e qua rter?\" \u0001 ) Bren t Pri ce , \nVP/Op erations & Chief Accoun ting O ffice r f or EGM\n\n\" Alw a ysprice the ill iquidity r isk pr emium ap p ropri atel y !\" \u0001) DougFrie d man, \nDir e ct oro f F inancial Pe t r o che mical s a n d Plas tics \n\nWhat people say to Julie Gomez ,VP/ U p str eam Serv ic es-ENA - \"I he ard y o u r laugh\nc lear across the", "underscore_trick": "/energybuild.html\n\nThe deal_was led_by Sami Tenngren -_Nordic Mid-Market,_and_was supported_by_\nMagnus Groth -_EES, Jukka Hormaluoma_- energydesk.com, and Martin_Rosell - \nLegal.\n\nCongratulations_on_a job well done to all those who worked so hard to put \nthis_transaction_into place........Thor_Lien.\n\nAustralia\nDespite_heavy_flooding in NSW, the weather_is looking up for Enron_\nAustralia. _Last week, the Sydney Office launched online Hong_Kong_weather \nderivatives _and the Sydney weather node traded on EnronOnline in_the US time \nzone. With_this precedent, we_hope_to_support the takeoff of_global weather \non EnronOnline. \n\nThe_Coal Group in Sydney has suddenly_become very popular. There is no doubt_\nthat a recent sale to AES_for the plant at Barbers_Point, Hawaii_is the real \nreason. _Coal purchases during_year 2000_have been concluded_with most major \nproducers in Indonesia_and Australia. _We will soon be loading our_first_\nshipment from China._Deliveries_to_Nippon Steel_in Japan are_underway._Also, \na_shipment_to a large power utility in_Japan_will take place in early 2001.\n\nOff-shore wind_plans\nEnron has entered into_agreement_to purchase the development_assets of a 30 \nMW_offshore wind project in the UK._ The_Harwich project,_situated in \nGunfleet Sands approximately eight kilometres offshore in the North_Thames \nEstuary is believed to represent_one of the first_serious investments_in_the \ndevelopment of_offshore_wind energy_in the UK.\n\n\nENRONONLINE STATISTICS\n\nBelow are the latest_figures for_EnronOnline as of November 27, 2000.\n\n*_Total Life to Date_Transactions>_464,000\n* Life to Date Notional Value_of Transactions > $263 billion\n\n\nNUGGETS &_NOTES\n\n\"How does your earnings target_look_for_the quarter?\" \u0001) Brent Price,_\nVP/Operations & Chief Accounting Officer for_EGM\n\n\"Always price the_illiquidity risk premium appropriately!\" \u0001) Doug Friedman,_\nDirector_of Financial Petrochemicals and Plastics\n\nWhat people_say_to Julie Gomez,VP/Upstream Services-ENA - \"I_heard_your_laugh \nclear across the"} {"text": " other gas and renewable companies to prepare analysis and response \nto the US delegation to COP6 in the Hague, upcoming in November.\nGreenfield Capital Projects:\nVenezuelan LNG - Joe Kolb was contacted by James McMillan (development \nengineer) seeking input to assist him as he responds to the Venezuelan \nenvironmental agency's questions on the EIA. Their questions focus mainly on \nthe nature of the waste that will be generated and how it will be disposed of.\n\nAcquisitions:\nPrivatenel (Nicaragua) - Don Stevens has been informed that the group is \nreevaluating the numbers provided and a decision on the direction of the \nproject is expected next week.\nProject ISAGEN (Colombia) - The privatization was initially halted by the \nColombian judicial system due to a lawsuit filed by the Medellin local \nutility company (EPM). As of 9/22/00, the sell off has been reinstated and \nthe government will now allow EPM to enter a bid. The Colombian government \nhas qualified EPM, Enron, AEA, and Union Fenosa to bid for the project. \nSandy Verma has informed me that the project is currently on hold. The \ninstructions are to get the due diligence completed so if it comes alive \nagain we have all the work completed.\nProject Crane (Quebec, Canada and Port Angeles, Washington) - Don Stevens met \nwith Wayne Mays and Robert E. Anderson regarding additional environmental \nquestions for AGRA Simons to respond to on the project.\nProject INGA (California and Pennsylvania) - RTP Environmental has completed \ntheir site visits and have supplied preliminary environmental findings. Don \nStevens prepared a response for ENA on issues noted by RTP in their \npreliminary environmental findings. A meeting with Dave DeLaney is scheduled \nfor Thursday, September 28, 2000.\nProject Dragon (Southeast Asia) - Don Stevens forwarded information as \nrequested to Enron's Bangkok office regarding NOx emissions at the Changzhou, \nChina facility. The lender's engineers are currently reviewing the \nenvironmental due diligence. Enron is still negotiating with the seller. The \nproject may complete around early November.\nMilitary Base Privatization (Texas AFB) - Don", "synonym_substitution": "other gas and renewable companies to prepare psychoanalysis and reception \n to the US delegation to COP6 in the Hague, upcoming in November. \n Greenfield Capital Projects: \n Venezuelan LNG - Joe Kolb was reach by James McMillan (exploitation \n engineer) seeking input to serve him as he answer to the Venezuelan \n environmental agency's questions on the EIA. Their questions focus chiefly on \n the nature of the waste that will be generated and how it will be disposed of. \n\n Acquisitions: \n Privatenel (Nicaragua) - Don Stevens has been inform that the group is \n reevaluating the numbers provided and a decision on the direction of the \n undertaking is expected next week. \n Project ISAGEN (Colombia) - The denationalization was initially halted by the \n Colombian judicial system due to a lawsuit filed by the Medellin local \n utility caller (EPM). As of 9/22/00, the sell off has been reinstated and \n the government will now allow EPM to enter a command. The Colombian government \n has qualified EPM, Enron, AEA, and Union Fenosa to bid for the project. \n Sandy Verma has informed me that the undertaking is presently on handle. The \n instructions are to get the due diligence completed so if it comes alert \n again we suffer all the work completed. \n Project Crane (Quebec, Canada and Port Angeles, Washington) - Don Stevens meet \n with Wayne Mays and Robert E. Anderson involve additional environmental \n questions for AGRA Simons to respond to on the undertaking. \n Project INGA (California and Pennsylvania) - RTP Environmental has completed \n their web site visits and have supplied preliminary environmental findings. Don \n Stevens prepare a response for ENA on issues noted by RTP in their \n preliminary environmental findings. A meeting with Dave DeLaney is scheduled \n for Thursday, September 28, 2000. \n Project Dragon (Southeast Asia) - Don Stevens forwarded information as \n requested to Enron's Bangkok office regarding NOx discharge at the Changzhou, \n China adeptness. The lender's engineer are currently reviewing the \n environmental due diligence. Enron is however negotiating with the seller. The \n project may complete around early November. \n Military Base Privatization (Texas AFB) - Don", "butter_fingers": " otjer gas and renewable coopanies to prepcee ananysis znd respunse \nto the US delegation to CIP6 in the Hague, upcoming in November.\nHreenfieod Cepital Projects:\nVxhezuelak LNG - Joe Jolb was contagted by Jamas McMillan (deeeuo'ment \nengineer) seeking input to assift him ss he responds tj tht Vqnezhvlcn \nenvironmental agency's questikns on uhe EIA. Their quextions focus mainly on \nthe natkre of the waste tjat will be genqeated and hod it will be disposed kf.\n\nAcquisitions:\nPrivatenel (Nicaraeua) - Bon Stevens hqs hgen informed that the group is \nreevalgating yhe numbers prpvived qnd a decision on the direction of the \nkroject is erpected next week.\nProjwcr ISACEN (Woloovia) - Tge pdivatixatmon was inifially haltwd by the \nColombian jteicial system due tj w lawsuit filed by the Medellin local \nltiljty company (EPM). As of 9/22/00, the sell off has beej reinstaeed and \nthe government will now allow EPM to entes a bmd. Tkc Zillmbian government \nhas qualified EPM, Enron, AEA, znc Lnion Fenosa to bld for the project. \nDamqy Verma has knformzs je that the projech is cutrentlt on hold. Thr \ninstructions are to get tye due diligvnce completed so if ic comes alivz \nagaim we nave all the work complzted.\nPrkject Crane (Quebec, Czvada and Port Aneelvs, Wdshington) - Don Stevens met \nwith Wayie Mavs and Ruberj E. Andqrson regagding additional environlentap \nxuestions vor AGRA Simons to respond to oi the project.\nKrobecn INGA (Cajiforkia and Pennsyldania) - RTP Envnronmentcl has completed \ntheir vite visits and have sup[pied prelimiiary enviwonmwntao findives. Don \nStevenx prepareb a rwsponse for ENA on isrhes noted by RT' un their \nprelimonafy qnnirpniantal findincs. X mdrting with Dave BeUaneu is scheduled \nfor Tvurssay, September 28, 2000.\nProkegt Dragon (Southeaft Asia) - Don Xtevens forwarded lnforkatmon as \nrezuested to Enron's Bangkok offide regardlng NOx emissiogs ab thg Changzhou, \nChina facility. The lender's engineers ere currently reviewing the \nenvironmental but diligence. Xnron ys still tegotiating with the seller. The \nprojegt may complete around early Novelber.\nMilitary Base Privatization (Texas AFB) - Don", "random_deletion": "other gas and renewable companies to prepare response the US to COP6 in Greenfield Projects: Venezuelan LNG Joe Kolb was by James McMillan (development engineer) seeking to assist him as he responds to the Venezuelan environmental agency's questions on EIA. Their questions focus mainly on the nature of the waste that will generated how will disposed of. Acquisitions: Privatenel (Nicaragua) - Don Stevens has been informed that the group is reevaluating numbers provided and a decision on the direction the project is expected week. Project ISAGEN (Colombia) - privatization initially halted the judicial due to a filed by the Medellin local utility company (EPM). As of 9/22/00, the sell off has been reinstated the government allow EPM enter bid. Colombian government has Enron, AEA, and Union Fenosa to project. Sandy Verma has informed me that the is currently hold. The instructions are to get due diligence completed so if it comes alive we have all the work completed. Project Crane (Quebec, Canada and Port Angeles, Washington) - met with Wayne Mays Robert E. Anderson additional questions AGRA to respond on the project. Project INGA (California and Pennsylvania) - RTP Environmental completed their site visits and have supplied preliminary environmental findings. prepared response for ENA issues noted by RTP their environmental findings. A meeting DeLaney scheduled 28, Project (Southeast Asia) - Don forwarded information as requested to Bangkok office regarding NOx facility. The lender's engineers are currently reviewing the due diligence. Enron is still negotiating with seller. The project may complete around early November. Military Base Privatization (Texas - Don", "change_char_case": " other gas and renewable compaNies to prepAre anAlySis AnD resPonsE \nto the US delegaTIon tO COP6 in the Hague, upcoming In NovEmBEr.\nGrEEnField capital pRoJECts:\nveNeZueLaN lNg - Joe KOlb Was contActed by JamEs MCMIllan (developMEnT \nengineer) sEekIng input to asSisT him as He ResPOnds tO thE VeneZuelan \nENvironMental ageNcY'S questIOns on thE eiA. theiR questions focus maINlY On \nthe nature of tHe wastE tHAt WILl bE geNerated and HoW it wiLL be dispOSeD OF.\n\nacqUIsitions:\nPrivaTenel (NicaraGUa) - DOn StevEnS haS Been inFormeD tHAt tHe group is \nreEvalUating the NumberS ProvideD And a decIsion oN thE diRectIOn Of The \nPrOJecT Is ExpECteD next weeK.\nPRoJect IsAGEn (cOLOmbiA) - ThE priVatizAtion was initiAllY halTEd bY the \nCOlombIan jUdIcial System Due to A lAwsuit filed by thE MedEllin locaL \nutIlIty CoMpany (epM). As of 9/22/00, The SelL off has Been reiNStaTeD AND \ntHe government will noW aLLOw ePM to entEr a bid. tHe coLOmbian goVeRnmEnt \nhAS QualiFied epM, enron, AEA, And UniON FEnOsa to biD fOr the pRoJecT. \nSaNdy VeRMa haS inforMed me thaT the pROject is currentLY on hold. The \ninsTRuCTIoNS are To gEt the due dilIgenCE comPletED sO if IT comeS alivE \naGAiN We have all the work comPlEted.\nPrOject crane (Quebec, CaNada and PorT aNGeles, WasHingTOn) - dOn Stevens met \nwiTh WayNe Mays and ROBert E. AndErson RegardinG additionAL EnvironmEntAl \nqUesTioNS FoR AGRA Simons to RESponD tO on the pRojEct.\nProjEct iNGa (CaLifOrNia and PenNsylvaniA) - RtP enViRonMentaL Has complEtEd \ntHeIr sIte viSIts and Have sUpplIeD pREliMinary eNViRONmenTaL fIndiNgs. doN \nStevEns pREpaRed a resPonse for EnA oN IssuEs NoTed by RTp in their \npreliMiNary enviroNmEntAl findINGs. A meetiNg with Dave DeLaney is scheDUled \nfor thuRsday, septEmber 28, 2000.\nProjEct dragon (souTHeast ASia) - Don steveNs ForWARded iNFOrMatIoN as \nrequestED To ENron's baNgkoK office Regarding NOx emissiONs aT the Changzhou, \nchiNa faCILiTy. THE lENdeR's ENgiNEErs are currently Reviewing tHe \nENvIronmental DUe dIlIgence. ENron is sTill nEGotiatiNg with the Seller. The \nPrOjecT MAy cOmplete aroUnd early november.\nMILitarY baSe PriVatIzatioN (TExaS AFB) - DOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " other gas and renewable c ompanies t o pre par e a na lysi s an d response \nto theUS delegation to COP6in th eH ague , u pcomi ng in N o ve m b er. \nG re enf ie l dCapit alProject s:\nVenezue lan L NG - Joe Kol b w as contact edby James McM ill an (de ve lop m ent eng ineer ) seek i ng inp ut to ass is t him a s he res p o nd s to the Venezuelan e nv i ronmental agen cy's q ue s ti o n s o n t he EIA. T he ir qu e stionsf oc u s mai n ly on \nthe na ture of the was te tha twil l be ge nerat ed and how it wil l be disposed of.\nA cquisit i ons:\nPr ivaten el(Ni cara g ua )- D on Ste v en s h a s b een info rm ed that the g r o up i s reev aluat ing the numbe rsprov i ded anda dec isio non th e dire ction o f the \nprojectis e xpected n ext w eek .Proje c t ISAG EN(Co lombia) - Thep riv at i z a ti on was initially h al t e dby the Colomb i an j u dicial s ys tem due t o a l awsu i tfiled by the M ed el lin loc al \nutil it y c omp any ( E PM). As o f 9/22/0 0, th e sell off hasb een reinstate d a n d t he g ove rnment will now allo w EP M t o e n ter a bid. T he Colombian governmen t\nhas q ualif ied EPM, Enro n, AEA, an d U nion Fen osat ob id for the pro ject. \nSandy V e rma hasinfor med me t hat the p r o ject iscur ren tly on h ol d. The \ninst r u ctio ns are to ge t the d uedil ige nce c ompletedso if it c om es a liv e \nag a in we ha ve al lthe work comple ted.Proj ec tC ran e (Queb e c, C anad aan d Po rtAn geles , Wa s hin gton) - Don Stev ens met\nw it h Wayne Mays and Rob er t E. Ander so n r egardi n g additio nal environmental \nques t ions fo r A GRA S imon s to resp ond to on th e proje ct.\nPr oject I NGA ( Calif o r ni a a nd Pennsylva n i a)- RTP E nvir onmenta l has completed \nt h eir site visitsand hav e su ppl i ed pre li m ina r y environmentalfindings. D o n\nStevens p r epa re d a res ponse f or EN A on iss ues noted by RTP i nthei r \npr eliminaryenvironm ental fin d ings. A meet ing withDa veDeLan ey iss che duled \nforTh ursday , Sep te mber 28, 2000.\nProject Dragon ( Southe ast A sia ) - Don S tev e nsforwarded inf ormation a s req ueste d t o Enro n'sB an gko k offi ce r e garding N O xemi s s io ns at the C h a n gzh ou, Chi n a faci lity . The lender's e n gineers are cu rren t l y r evi e wing t he \nenvironmen tal d u e diligen ce . Enron is still n eg o tiati ng wit h theseller. T he \nproje ct m aycompletearo un d earlyNo ve m ber.\nM ilit ar y Base Priva t izat i o n (Texas AFB) -Don", "underscore_trick": " other_gas and_renewable companies to prepare_analysis and_response_\nto the_US_delegation to COP6_in the Hague,_upcoming in November.\nGreenfield Capital_Projects:\nVenezuelan LNG -_Joe_Kolb was contacted by James McMillan (development \nengineer) seeking input to assist him as_he_responds to_the_Venezuelan_\nenvironmental agency's questions on the_EIA. Their questions focus_mainly on_\nthe nature of the waste that will be_generated_and how it_will be disposed of.\n\nAcquisitions:\nPrivatenel (Nicaragua) - Don Stevens has_been informed that the group is_\nreevaluating the numbers_provided_and_a decision on the_direction of the \nproject is expected_next week.\nProject ISAGEN (Colombia) - The_privatization was initially halted by the \nColombian_judicial system due to a lawsuit_filed by the Medellin_local \nutility_company (EPM). As of_9/22/00, the sell_off has_been reinstated and_\nthe government will now allow EPM_to enter a_bid. The Colombian government \nhas_qualified_EPM, Enron, AEA,_and_Union_Fenosa to_bid for the_project._ \nSandy_Verma_has informed me that the project_is_currently on hold. The \ninstructions are_to get the due_diligence_completed so if it_comes alive \nagain we have_all the work completed.\nProject Crane (Quebec,_Canada and_Port Angeles,_Washington) - Don Stevens met \nwith Wayne Mays and Robert E._Anderson regarding additional environmental \nquestions for_AGRA Simons to respond_to on_the_project.\nProject INGA (California_and_Pennsylvania) -_RTP Environmental has completed \ntheir site visits_and have_supplied preliminary environmental findings. Don_\nStevens prepared a response_for_ENA on issues noted by RTP_in their \npreliminary environmental findings. _A meeting with Dave DeLaney_is_scheduled_\nfor Thursday, September 28, 2000.\nProject_Dragon (Southeast Asia) - Don Stevens_forwarded information as_\nrequested to Enron's Bangkok office regarding NOx_emissions_at the Changzhou, \nChina facility. _The_lender's engineers are currently reviewing the_\nenvironmental_due_diligence. Enron is still_negotiating with the seller. The \nproject_may complete around early November.\nMilitary Base Privatization (Texas AFB)_- Don"} {"text": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nCreditors Threaten Utilities' Finances \nSuppliers try to force Edison into bankruptcy \nDavid Lazarus, Chronicle Staff Writer\nSaturday, March 17, 2001 \n,2001 San Francisco Chronicle \nURL: \nhttp://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/17/M\nN147053.DTL \nCalifornia's cash-poor utilities faced a renewed threat of financial \ncatastrophe yesterday as impatient creditors for the first time moved to \nstart bankruptcy proceedings. \n\"The California power crisis is now back on red alert,\" said Steven \nFleishman, Merrill Lynch's influential energy analyst. \"If the stakes were \nalready high, now they're higher still.\" \nEfforts by power companies to recover costs from the utilities could derail \nefforts by Gov. Gray Davis to remedy California's energy mess by purchasing \nthe utilities' power lines. \nThe talks are still slogging through a pea soup of issues and legal details. \nPacific Gas and Electric Co. is reluctant to sell its transmission lines, and \nto part with them at all the company wants considerably more than the $5 \nbillion the state is believed to be offering. \nWhile the creditors are going after Southern California Edison, which owes \nmillions of dollars to smaller power companies, analysts said similar \nbankruptcy proceedings against PG&E could follow at any time. \nThe heightened potential for one or both of California's two biggest \nutilities going bankrupt sent a chill through investors. Shares of PG&E Corp. \nfell almost 12 percent yesterday to $11.42, while Edison International \ndropped 10 percent to $12.24. \nMoving quickly to stem Wall Street's jitters, PG&E's chief financial officer, \nKent Harvey, said in a conference call that the utility will pay off a \nportion of its debts to power companies and intends to make good to all \ncreditors. \n\"The message they're trying to send is that they're in a better position than \nEdison,\" said Paul Patterson, an analyst at Credit Suisse First Boston. \"They \nwanted to make clear that no one is threatening them with bankruptcy.\" \nNot yet. For the moment, all eyes", "synonym_substitution": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n Creditors Threaten Utilities' Finances \n Suppliers try to force Edison into bankruptcy \n David Lazarus, Chronicle Staff Writer \n Saturday, March 17, 2001 \n, 2001 San Francisco Chronicle \n URL: \n http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/17/M \n N147053.DTL \n California's cash - poor utility face a renewed menace of fiscal \n catastrophe yesterday as impatient creditors for the first clock time moved to \n start bankruptcy proceeding. \n \" The California power crisis is now back on crimson alert, \" said Steven \n Fleishman, Merrill Lynch's influential department of energy analyst. \" If the stakes were \n already high, now they're higher still. \" \n Efforts by power company to recover costs from the utilities could derail \n campaign by Gov. Gray Davis to remedy California's energy mess by purchasing \n the utility' power lines. \n The talks are still slogging through a pea soup of issue and legal details. \n Pacific Gas and Electric Co. is reluctant to sell its transmission lines, and \n to separate with them at all the caller wants considerably more than the $ 5 \n billion the state is believed to be offering. \n While the creditors are survive after Southern California Edison, which owe \n millions of dollars to small exponent companies, analysts said exchangeable \n bankruptcy proceedings against PG&E could follow at any time. \n The heightened electric potential for one or both of California's two biggest \n utilities going bankrupt sent a chill through investors. Shares of PG&E Corp. \n fell almost 12 percent yesterday to $ 11.42, while Edison International \n dropped 10 percent to $ 12.24. \n move quickly to stem Wall Street's jitter, PG&E's chief financial officer, \n Kent Harvey, said in a conference call that the utility program will pay off a \n portion of its debts to power companies and intends to make good to all \n creditors. \n \" The message they're sample to send is that they're in a better position than \n Edison, \" said Paul Patterson, an analyst at Credit Suisse First Boston. \" They \n wanted to reach clear that no one is threaten them with bankruptcy. \" \n Not yet. For the moment, all center", "butter_fingers": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nCrefitors Threaten Utilitier' Finances \nSuppliers tcy to fkrce Ediron into bankruptcy \nDavid Lavaruw, Chrinicle Staff Writer\nSatjrday, Marbh 17, 2001 \n,2001 San Fraicisco Chronicle \nURL: \nhtti://cww.sffwte.cmn/cgi-bin/article.ggi?file=/chroticle/archive/2001/03/17/M\nN147053.GTU \nEalifornia's cash-poor utilities faced a reneeef threat of figancpaj \ncafastrophe yesterday as impatient cdeditorv for the firxt time moved to \nstart bannruphcy proceedings. \n\"Thf Californiq porwr crisis is now back on red alert,\" said Steven \nFleishman, Merrill Uynch'x influentuao ejgrgy analyst. \"If tre stakes wevv \nalreagy high, now they're hinher vtiol.\" \nEfforts by power cmmpanies to recovet costs frmm the utilities coyle derdil \naffofrs cy Fot. Gday Dagis to remedy California'w energy mess by putcrqsing \nthe utimities' pjwer lines. \nThe talks are still slogging thdough a pea soup of issyes and legal details. \nPacific Das and Electric Co. is reluctant to sell its tranvmissmov lnkcs, ave \nho part with them at all the company wants cogaicegably more than tme $5 \nbillion the ststf of believed to be ofysrjng. \nWhile the credltors ate goibg after Foutnern California Edison, whicy owes \nmillijbs of dollars to slaller powex compsnies, analysts said similar \nyankrultcy proceefings agajvst PG&E could fouloe dt any time. \nThe heightened potentiao fox one or botn of Cwlifornia's two nhggest \nutilities gling yankrgpt sent a chill through investors. Shares of PG&E Corp. \nfgll alkost 12 pexcent nesterday to $11.42, wrile Edison Injernationcl \ndrooped 10 percvnt to $12.24. \nMmving quickjy to stem Wanp Street's jivters, PG&E'f chuef dinancixu officer, \nKent Harvey, scnd in a cinference call thab the htility will pav iff a \nportion og igs qehtx em power compdnier avc intdnds to makc guod yo all \ncreditors. \n\"The mesaage they're trying tj send iw that trey're in a beyter position than \nEdismn,\" raid Lauj Patterson, an analyst at Credjt Suisse Fivst Boston. \"Thqy \nwqnted to makz clear that no one is threatening them xith bankruptcy.\" \nNot yej. For the moment, all gyex", "random_deletion": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Creditors Threaten Utilities' Finances Suppliers force into bankruptcy Lazarus, Chronicle Staff ,2001 Francisco Chronicle URL: N147053.DTL California's cash-poor faced a renewed threat of financial yesterday as impatient creditors for the first time moved to start bankruptcy proceedings. California power crisis is now back on red alert,\" said Steven Fleishman, Merrill influential analyst. the were already high, now they're higher still.\" Efforts by power companies to recover costs from the could derail efforts by Gov. Gray Davis to California's energy mess by the utilities' power lines. The are slogging through pea of and legal details. Gas and Electric Co. is reluctant to sell its transmission lines, and to part with them at the company more than $5 the is believed to While the creditors are going after which owes millions of dollars to smaller power analysts said bankruptcy proceedings against PG&E could follow any time. The heightened potential for one or of California's two biggest utilities going bankrupt sent a chill through investors. Shares of PG&E almost 12 percent yesterday $11.42, while Edison dropped percent $12.24. quickly to Wall Street's jitters, PG&E's chief financial officer, Kent Harvey, said in conference call that the utility will pay off a portion debts power companies and to make good to creditors. message they're trying to that in than said Patterson, an analyst at Suisse First Boston. \"They wanted make clear that no bankruptcy.\" Not yet. For the moment, all eyes", "change_char_case": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nCreditors Threaten UtilitieS' Finances \nSUppliErs Try To ForcE EdiSon into bankrupTCy \nDaVid Lazarus, Chronicle StaFf WriTeR\nsatuRDaY, MarcH 17, 2001 \n,2001 San FraNCiSCO ChRoNiCle \nuRl: \nHtTp://www.SfgAte.com/cGi-bin/articLe.cGi?File=/chroniclE/ArChive/2001/03/17/M\nN147053.DTL \ncalIfornia's cash-PooR utiliTiEs fACed a rEneWed thReat of FInanciAl \ncatastrOpHE yesteRDay as imPATiEnt cReditors for the firST tIMe moved to \nstart BankruPtCY pROCeeDinGs. \n\"The CalifOrNia poWEr crisiS Is NOW BacK On red alert,\" saiD Steven \nFleiSHmaN, MerriLl lynCH's inflUentiAl ENerGy analyst. \"If The sTakes were \nAlreadY High, now THey're hiGher stIll.\" \neffOrts BY pOwEr cOmPAniES tO reCOveR costs frOm ThE utilItieS COULd deRaiL \neffOrts bY Gov. Gray Davis To rEmedY calIfornIa's enErgy MeSs by pUrchasIng \nthE uTilities' power liNes. \nTHe talks arE stIlL slOgGing tHRough a Pea SouP of issuEs and leGAl dEtAILS. \nPAcific Gas and ElectrIc cO. Is ReluctanT to selL ItS tRAnsmissiOn LinEs, anD \nTO part With THeM at all thE compaNY wAnTs consiDeRably mOrE thAn tHe $5 \nbilLIon tHe statE is belieVed to BE offering. \nWhile THe creditors arE GoING aFTer SOutHern CaliforNia EDIson, WhicH OwEs \nmILlionS of doLlARs TO smaller power companIeS, analySts saId similar \nbankRuptcy procEEDIngs agaiNst Pg&e cOUld follow at any Time. \nTHe heightenED potentiAl for One or botH of CalifoRNIa's two biGgeSt \nuTilItiES GoIng bankrupt seNT A chiLl Through InvEstors. SHarEs oF PG&e CoRp. \nFell almosT 12 percent YeStErDaY to $11.42, While eDison IntErNatIoNal \nDroppED 10 perceNt to $12.24. \nMOvinG qUiCKly To stem WALl sTReet'S jItTers, pG&E'S cHief fInanCIal Officer, \nkent HarveY, saID in a CoNfErence cAll that the utiLiTy will pay oFf A \npoRtion oF ITs debts tO power companies and intenDS to make GooD to alL \ncreDitors. \n\"The MesSage thEy'rE Trying To send Is thaT tHey'RE In a beTTEr PosItIon than \nEdiSON,\" saId PauL PAtteRson, an aNalyst at Credit SuisSE FiRst Boston. \"They \nWanTed tO MAkE clEAr THat No ONe iS THreatening them wIth bankrupTcY.\" \nnoT yet. For the MOmeNt, All eyes", "whitespace_perturbation": "-------------------------- ---------- ----- --- --- -- ---- ---- -------------- - ---- --\n------------------- ----- -- - ---- - -- ----- ------- - -- - - --- -- -- --- -- - -- ----- \nCr editors ThreatenUti li ties' Financ e s\nSuppliers tr y to force E dis on int oban k ruptc y David Lazar u s, Chr onicle St af f Write r \nSaturd a y ,Marc h 17, 2001 \n,2001 Sa n Francisco Chr onicle U RL : \nht tp: //www.sfga te .com/ c gi-bin/ a rt i c l e.c g i?file=/chron icle/archiv e /20 01/03/ 17 /MN 147053 .DTL\nC a lif ornia's cas h-po or utilit ies fa c ed a re n ewed th reat o f f ina ncia l ca tas tr o phe ye ste r day as impa ti en t cre dito r s f or t hefirs t tim e moved to \ns tar t ba n kru ptcyproce edin gs . \n\"T he Cal iforn ia power crisis i s no w back on re dale rt ,\" sa i d Stev en\nFl eishman , Merri l l L yn c h ' sinfluential energy a n a ly st. \"Ifthe st a ke sw ere \nalr ea dyhigh , now t hey' r ehigher s till.\" \nE ff orts by p ower c om pan ies to r e cove r cost s from t he ut i lities could d e rail \nefforts by G ov . Gra y D avis to rem edyC alif orni a 's en e rgy m ess b yp ur c hasing \nthe utiliti es ' powe r lin es. \nThe talk s are stil l s loggingthro u gh a pea soup ofissue s and lega l details . \nPa cific Ga s and Ele c t ric Co.isrel uct ant t osell its tran s m issi on lines, an d \nto p art wi ththe mat all th e compan ywa nt scon sider a bly more t han t he$5 \nb i llionthe s tate i sb eli eved to be o ffer in g. \nWh ile t he cr edit o rsare goi ng afterSou t hern C al ifornia Edison, whic howes \nmill io nsof dol l a rs to sm aller power companies,a nalysts sa id si mila r \nbankru ptc y proc eed i ngs ag ainstPG&Eco uld f ollow a tany t ime. \nTheh e igh tened p oten tial fo r one or both of C a lif ornia's two b igg estu ti lit i es goi ng ban k r upt sent a chil l throughin v es tors. Shar e s o fPG&E Co rp. \nfe ll al m ost 12percent y esterdayto $11 . 4 2,while Edis on Inter nationaldropp e d10 pe rce nt to$1 2.2 4. \nM ovingq uic kly t o stem W all St reet' sjitters, PG&E's chief financial offic er, Ken t Harvey, sa i d i n a confe renc e call tha t t heutili tyw ill p ay o f fa p ortio n of its debts to po w e rcompanies a n d int endstom ake go od t o all \ncreditors. \n\"The messagethey ' r e t ryi n g to s end is that th ey' re i n a bett er position t han \nEdi so n ,\" sa id Pau l Patt erson,a n a n alystat C red it Suisse Fi rs t Boston .\"T h ey \nwa nted t o make clear that n o one is threate ningt h em wi t h b ankru pt cy.\" \nN o t ye t. For the moment, al l eyes ", "underscore_trick": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nCreditors Threaten_Utilities' Finances_\nSuppliers try to force_Edison into_bankruptcy_\nDavid Lazarus,_Chronicle_Staff Writer\nSaturday, March_17, 2001 \n,2001_San Francisco Chronicle \nURL:_\nhttp://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/03/17/M\nN147053.DTL \nCalifornia's cash-poor_utilities_faced a renewed threat of financial \ncatastrophe yesterday as impatient creditors for the first_time_moved to_\nstart_bankruptcy_proceedings. \n\"The California power crisis_is now back on red_alert,\" said_Steven \nFleishman, Merrill Lynch's influential energy analyst. \"If_the_stakes were \nalready_high, now they're higher still.\" \nEfforts by power companies_to recover costs from the utilities_could derail \nefforts_by_Gov._Gray Davis to remedy_California's energy mess by purchasing \nthe_utilities' power lines. \nThe talks are_still slogging through a pea soup of_issues and legal details. \nPacific Gas_and Electric Co. is reluctant_to sell_its transmission lines, and \nto_part with them_at all_the company wants_considerably more than the $5 \nbillion_the state is_believed to be offering. \nWhile the_creditors_are going after_Southern_California_Edison, which_owes \nmillions of_dollars_to smaller_power_companies, analysts said similar \nbankruptcy proceedings_against_PG&E could follow at any time. \nThe_heightened potential for one_or_both of California's two_biggest \nutilities going bankrupt sent_a chill through investors. Shares of_PG&E Corp._\nfell almost_12 percent yesterday to $11.42, while Edison International \ndropped 10 percent_to $12.24. \nMoving quickly to stem_Wall Street's jitters, PG&E's_chief financial_officer,_\nKent Harvey, said_in_a conference_call that the utility will pay off_a \nportion_of its debts to power companies_and intends to make_good_to all \ncreditors. \n\"The message they're_trying to send is that they're_in a better position than_\nEdison,\"_said_Paul Patterson, an analyst at_Credit Suisse First Boston. \"They \nwanted_to make clear_that no one is threatening them with_bankruptcy.\"_\nNot yet. For the moment, all_eyes"} {"text": ", Kim Ward/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: El Paso credit terms\n\nFYI,\n\nSomeone requested I resend this language.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Brant Reves/HOU/ECT on 01/22/2001 08:47 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nBrant Reves\n01/19/2001 02:17 PM\nTo: Kim Ward/HOU/ECT@ECT, Barry Tycholiz/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Edward Sacks/Corp/Enron@Enron, Tracy Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT, Wendy \nConwell/NA/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: El Paso credit terms\n\nKim/Barry,\n\nSituation 1:\nThe following credit matrix could be included within Section 12 of the \nJan'02-Dec'03 transaction between ENA and El Paso Electric Company.\n\nSTANDARD & POOR'S RATING EVENT\tCREDIT LINE\nBBB- or Above\tOpen\nBB+\t$10,000,000\nBB\t$5,000,000\nBB- or Below\t$0\n\nSituation 2:\nWithout credit lines, the credit reserve for this deal would be $450,000.\n\nIn addition, the most recent S&P write-up is attached below.\n\nbrant\n\n\nResearch:\n Return to \nRegular Format\n Summary: El Paso Electric Co. \n Publication Date:\n 01-Aug-2000\n Analyst:\n Judith Waite, New York (1) 212-438-7677 \n\n Credit Rating:\n BBB-/Stable/--\n\n Rationale\n\n\n Debt reduction, cost cutting, and increased sales have brought El Paso \nElectric Co. back toward\n investment-grade benchmarks. The company has exceeded debt-reduction \ntargets and expects debt to be\n about 50% of total capital by 2002. If sales continue to grow at even \none-half the historical 3% to 4% per year,\n cash flow interest coverage should improve to 3.5 times by then. Still, \nthe ratings on El Paso Electric continue to\n reflect the company\u0001,s high leverage, dependence on nuclear power, high \nfixed costs, and high rates. \n\n The company borrowed heavily to fund its 15.8%", "synonym_substitution": ", Kim Ward / HOU / ECT@ECT \n cc: \n Subject: El Paso credit terms \n\n FYI, \n\n Someone requested I resend this linguistic process. \n\n\n ---------------------- forward by Brant Reves / HOU / ECT on 01/22/2001 08:47 \n AM --------------------------- \n\n\n Brant Reves \n 01/19/2001 02:17 PM \n To: Kim Ward / HOU / ECT@ECT, Barry Tycholiz / NA / Enron@ENRON \n cc: Edward Sacks / Corp / Enron@Enron, Tracy Ngo / PDX / ECT@ECT, Wendy \n Conwell / NA / Enron@ENRON \n Subject: El Paso credit rating price \n\n Kim / Barry, \n\n Situation 1: \n The following credit matrix could be admit within Section 12 of the \n Jan'02 - Dec'03 transaction between ENA and El Paso Electric Company. \n\n STANDARD & POOR'S RATING consequence \t CREDIT LINE \n BBB- or Above \t Open \n BB+ \t $ 10,000,000 \n BB \t $ 5,000,000 \n BB- or Below \t $ 0 \n\n Situation 2: \n Without credit lines, the credit reserve for this hand would be $ 450,000. \n\n In addition, the most late S&P write - up is attached below. \n\n brant \n\n\n Research: \n Return to \n Regular Format \n Summary: El Paso Electric Co. \n Publication Date: \n 01 - Aug-2000 \n Analyst: \n Judith Waite, New York (1) 212 - 438 - 7677 \n\n Credit Rating: \n BBB-/Stable/-- \n\n Rationale \n\n\n Debt reduction, cost cutting, and increase sales have brought El Paso \n Electric Co. back toward \n investment - degree benchmarks. The company has exceeded debt - reduction \n target and expects debt to be \n about 50% of total capital by 2002. If sales stay to grow at even \n one - half the historical 3% to 4% per year, \n cash flow interest coverage should improve to 3.5 times by then. Still, \n the ratings on El Paso Electric continue to \n reflect the company\u0001,s high leverage, dependence on nuclear power, high \n fixed cost, and high rates. \n\n The ship's company borrowed heavily to fund its 15.8%", "butter_fingers": ", Kil Ward/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubjegt: El Paso credij rerms\n\nFBI,\n\nSomeohe requerted I resend this language.\n\n\n---------------------- Horwqrded by Brant Reves/HOU/ECT un 01/22/2001 08:47 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nBgant Revew\n01/19/2001 02:17 PN\nRo: Kim Warv/GOU/ECT@EGC, Bardn Tyckooiz/NA/Enron@ENROK\ncc: Edward Vacks/Corp/Enron@Anfou, Tracy Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT, Wendy \nConwell/NA/Qnron@ENTOJ \nSubject: El Pwso brqdit nevms\n\nKim/Barry,\n\nSituation 1:\nThe followihg credpt matrix could br included within Section 12 of hhe \nJan'02-Dec'03 transachion betweeb ENW and El Paso Electric Bmmpany.\n\nSTANSARD & POOR'S RATING EVENT\tCREDIT UINE\nBYB- or Above\tIpwn\nBH+\t$10,000,000\nTB\t$5,000,000\nBB- or Beliw\t$0\n\nSitlation 2:\nWithoub credid lines, the credit rexerte fir this deal would be $450,000.\n\nIn addition, the mjst recend A&P write-up is attqcyed bglow.\n\nbsant\n\n\nFwsexrcg:\n Refurn tj \nWegular Format\n Summary: El Paso Electrib Co. \n Publication Date:\n 01-Aug-2000\n Analysj:\n Judith Waite, New York (1) 212-438-7677 \n\n Credit Rating:\n BBB-/Stable/--\n\n Rationale\n\n\n Debe rtdubtion, cost cuttinn, and increased saked nwve brought Eu Paso \nElsctric Co. back towwrd\n ynvesrment-gradt benvhmarks. The company has excweded debt-rebucrion \ntargets and erpects debt co be\n abput 50% of total capital bv 2002. If aales contijue to grkd at even \none-halw tme vistorical 3% to 4% per year,\n cash fliw iuterest zovetage shjuld improge to 3.5 times by then. Stipl, \nthg ratitgs on El Oaso Electric continue to\n rehkect the comkanf\u0001,s vigh levzrage, cependence on nuclear power, high \nfnxed custs, and hpgh rates. \n\n The coipany borroweg heavily to hund its 15.8%", "random_deletion": ", Kim Ward/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: El Paso FYI, requested I this language. ---------------------- 01/22/2001 AM --------------------------- Brant 01/19/2001 02:17 PM Kim Ward/HOU/ECT@ECT, Barry Tycholiz/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: Edward Tracy Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT, Wendy Conwell/NA/Enron@ENRON Subject: El Paso credit terms Kim/Barry, Situation 1: The credit matrix could be included within Section 12 of the Jan'02-Dec'03 transaction between and Paso Company. & POOR'S RATING EVENT CREDIT LINE BBB- or Above Open BB+ $10,000,000 BB $5,000,000 BB- or $0 Situation 2: Without credit lines, the credit for this deal would $450,000. In addition, the most S&P is attached brant Return Regular Format Summary: Paso Electric Co. Publication Date: 01-Aug-2000 Analyst: Judith Waite, New York (1) 212-438-7677 Credit Rating: BBB-/Stable/-- Rationale reduction, cost increased sales brought Paso Co. back toward The company has exceeded debt-reduction targets to be about 50% of total capital by If sales to grow at even one-half the 3% to 4% per year, cash flow interest should improve to 3.5 times by then. Still, the ratings on El Paso Electric continue the company\u0001,s high leverage, on nuclear power, fixed and rates. company borrowed to fund its 15.8%", "change_char_case": ", Kim Ward/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: el Paso credIt terMs\n\nFyI,\n\nSOmEone RequEsted I resend thIS lanGuage.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Brant REves/HoU/ecT on 01/22/2001 08:47 \nam ---------------------------\n\n\nBRant REves\n01/19/2001 02:17 PM\nTO: kiM wArd/hOu/EcT@EcT, bArRy TycHolIz/NA/EnrOn@ENRON\ncc: EDwaRd sacks/Corp/EnrON@ENron, Tracy NGo/PdX/ECT@ECT, WendY \nCoNwell/Na/ENroN@eNRON \nsubJect: EL Paso cREdit teRms\n\nKim/BarRy,\n\nsItuatiON 1:\nThe folLOWiNg crEdit matrix could be INcLUded within SectIon 12 of tHe \njAn'02-dEC'03 trAnsAction betwEeN ENA aND El Paso eLeCTRIc COMpany.\n\nSTANDARD & pOOR'S RATING evENt\tCREDIt LiNE\nbbB- or AbOve\tOpEn\nbb+\t$10,000,000\nBB\t$5,000,000\nbB- or Below\t$0\n\nSiTuatIon 2:\nWithouT crediT Lines, thE Credit rEserve For ThiS deaL WoUlD be $450,000.\n\nin ADdiTIoN, thE MosT recent S&p wRiTe-up iS attACHED belOw.\n\nbRant\n\n\nreseaRch:\n Return to \nReGulAr FoRMat\n summaRy: El PAso ELeCtric co. \n PublIcatiOn date:\n 01-Aug-2000\n Analyst:\n JUditH Waite, New yorK (1) 212-438-7677 \n\n CRedIt ratinG:\n bBB-/StaBle/--\n\n ratIonale\n\n\n DEbt reduCTioN, cOST CuTting, and increased sAlES HaVe broughT El PasO \nelEcTRic Co. bacK tOwaRd\n inVEStmenT-graDE bEnchmarkS. The coMPaNy Has exceEdEd debt-ReDucTioN \ntargETs anD expecTs debt to Be\n aboUT 50% of total capitaL By 2002. If sales contINuE TO gROw at EveN \none-half the HistORicaL 3% to 4% pER yEar,\n CAsh flOw intErESt COverage should improvE tO 3.5 times By theN. Still, \nthe ratiNgs on El PasO eLEctric coNtinUE tO\n Reflect the compAny\u0001,s hIgh leveragE, DependenCe on nUclear poWer, high \nfiXED costs, anD hiGh rAteS. \n\n ThE COmPany borrowed hEAVily To Fund its 15.8%", "whitespace_perturbation": ", Kim Ward/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject : ElPas o c re ditterm s\n\nFYI,\n\nSomeo n e re quested I resend thislangu ag e .\n\n- -- ----- ------- - -- - - --Fo rw ard ed by Bran t R eves/HO U/ECT on 0 1/2 2/ 2001 08:47 A M---------- --- ------------ --\n\nBran tRev e s\n01/ 19/ 200102:17P M\nTo:Kim Ward/ HO U /ECT@E C T, Barr y Ty chol iz/NA/Enron@ENRON cc : Edward Sacks/ Corp/E nr o n@ E n ron , T racy Ngo/P DX /ECT@ E CT, Wen d yC o nwe l l/NA/Enron@EN RON \nSubjec t : E l Paso c red i t term s\n\nKi m/ B arr y,\n\nSituati on 1 :\nThe fol lowing creditm atrix c ould b e i ncl uded wi th inSe c tio n 1 2 o f th e \nJan'0 2- De c'03tran s a c t ionbet ween ENAand El Paso E lec tric Com pany. \n\nSTA NDAR D& POO R'S RA TINGEV ENT\tCREDIT LINE \nBBB - or Abov e\tO pe n\nB B+ \t$10, 0 00,000 \nBB \t$5 ,000,00 0\nBB- o r Be lo w $ 0\nSituation 2:\nWith ou t cr edit lin es, th e c re d it reser ve fo r th i s deal wou l dbe $450, 000.\nI nad dition, t he mos trec ent S&Pw rite -up is attache d bel o w.\n\nbrant\n\n\nRe s earch:\n R e turn to \nRegular Fo rm at\n S ummar y: El Paso El ectric Co. Publica tion Da t e:\n 01 -Aug-2000 Analyst :\n Judith W aite, Ne w Y ork (1 ) 2 1 2 -4 38-7677 \n\n Cr e d it R at ing:\n BBB- /S ta bl e/ --\n Ra t ionale\n\n De btreduc t ion, c ost c utti ng ,a ndincreas e ds a lesha ve bro ugh tEl Pa so E lec tric Co . back to war d \n i nv estment -grade benchm ar ks. The co mp any has e x c eeded de bt-reduction \ntargets a n d expec tsdebtto b e\n abo ut50% of to t al cap ital b y 200 2. If s alesc o nt inu eto grow at e ven \none -h alfthe his torical 3% to 4% p e r y ear,\n cash fl ow i n t er est co v era ge sho u l d improve to 3. 5 times by t h en . Still, t hera tings o n El Pa so El e ctric c ontinue t o\n ref le ct t h e co mpany\u0001,s h igh leve rage, dep e ndenc e o n nuc lea r powe r, hi gh \nf ixed c o sts , and highra tes. \n Th e compan y borrowed heavily to f und it s 15. 8%", "underscore_trick": ", Kim_Ward/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: _\nSubject: El Paso credit_terms\n\nFYI,\n\nSomeone requested_I_resend this_language.\n\n\n----------------------_Forwarded by Brant_Reves/HOU/ECT on 01/22/2001_08:47 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nBrant Reves\n01/19/2001_02:17 PM\nTo: Kim_Ward/HOU/ECT@ECT,_Barry Tycholiz/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Edward Sacks/Corp/Enron@Enron, Tracy Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT, Wendy \nConwell/NA/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: El Paso credit terms\n\nKim/Barry,\n\nSituation 1:\nThe_following_credit matrix_could_be_included within Section 12 of_the \nJan'02-Dec'03 transaction between ENA_and El_Paso Electric Company.\n\nSTANDARD & POOR'S RATING EVENT\tCREDIT LINE\nBBB-_or_Above\tOpen\nBB+\t$10,000,000\nBB\t$5,000,000\nBB- or Below\t$0\n\nSituation_2:\nWithout credit lines, the credit reserve for this deal_would be $450,000.\n\nIn addition, the most_recent S&P write-up_is_attached_below.\n\nbrant\n\n\nResearch:\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Return to_\nRegular_Format\n_ Summary:_El Paso Electric_Co._\n _Publication_Date:\n __ _01-Aug-2000\n Analyst:\n __ _ _ Judith Waite, New York_(1) 212-438-7677_\n\n Credit_Rating:\n _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _BBB-/Stable/--\n\n Rationale\n\n\n _Debt reduction, cost cutting,_and_increased sales have brought El Paso_\nElectric Co. back toward\n _ investment-grade benchmarks. The company_has_exceeded_debt-reduction \ntargets and expects debt_to be\n about_50% of total_capital by 2002. If sales continue to_grow_at even \none-half the historical 3%_to_4% per year,\n _cash_flow_interest coverage should improve to_3.5 times by then. Still, \nthe_ratings on El Paso Electric continue to\n _ reflect the_company\u0001,s high leverage, dependence on_nuclear_power,_high \nfixed costs, and high rates. \n\n _The company_borrowed heavily to_fund its 15.8%"} {"text": " fuel the plants due to the utilities' failure to pay \nmoney owed to the companies, said Jim Detmers, vice president of operations \nfor the state's Independent System Operator. \nThe outages triggered a major shortfall in the state which resulted in nearly \neight hours of statewide rolling blackouts Monday. \nMany owners of the qualified-facilities said without immediate relief, they \nwould likely force SoCal Ed, and possibly PG&E, into involuntary bankruptcy, \nperhaps as soon as Thursday. \nOne such facility, CalEnergyOperating Co., wants to be freed temporarily from \nits contract with the utility and be allowed to sell its electricity to third \nparties until the utility is able to pay its bills. CalEnergy is an affiliate \nof MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co., which is majority owned by Warren \nBuffet's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRKA). \nThe company sued SoCal Ed last month, and the case is scheduled to be heard \nThursday in Imperial County Superior Court. If a judge delivers an \nunfavorable ruling, CalEnergy and other unsecured creditors would drag SoCal \nEd into involuntary bankruptcy, three executives with the companies involved \nsaid. \nCalEnergy is said to be organizing a bankruptcy petition now circulating \namong six of Southern California Edison's independent power suppliers and \ncould file the petition very quickly if it fails in its suit Thursday, said \nexecutives with three of the six companies. \n\nWrite to Jason Leopold at jason.leopold@dowjones.com \nCopyright (c) 2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. \nAll Rights Reserved\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nAs Davis Seeks Money, Lawmakers Want Answers \nMembers of both parties angry at lack of dialogue \nLynda Gledhill, Greg Lucas, Chronicle Sacramento Bureau\nTuesday, March 20, 2001 \n,2001 San Francisco Chronicle \nSacramento -- The Legislature has warned it may block further state purchases \nof electricity as lawmakers' frustration with Gov. Gray Davis' handling of \nthe energy crisis increases. \nA test may come soon because Davis asked yesterday for another $500 million \nto continue buying power. \nSen. Steve Peace, D-El Cajon, chairman of the Joint Legislative Budget \nCommittee, wrote to Davis' Finance Department on Friday", "synonym_substitution": "fuel the plants due to the utilities' failure to pay \n money owe to the ship's company, said Jim Detmers, frailty president of operation \n for the state's Independent System Operator. \n The outages trip a major shortfall in the state which result in nearly \n eight hours of statewide wheeling blackouts Monday. \n Many owners of the qualify - facility said without contiguous relief, they \n would probably wedge SoCal Ed, and possibly PG&E, into involuntary bankruptcy, \n perhaps as soon as Thursday. \n One such facility, CalEnergyOperating Co., want to be freed temporarily from \n its contract with the utility and be give up to betray its electricity to third \n parties until the utility program is able to pay its bills. CalEnergy is an affiliate \n of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co., which is majority owned by Warren \n Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRKA). \n The company action SoCal Ed last month, and the case is scheduled to be heard \n Thursday in Imperial County Superior Court. If a judge delivers an \n unfavorable ruling, CalEnergy and other unsecured creditors would drag SoCal \n Ed into involuntary bankruptcy, three executives with the companies involved \n said. \n CalEnergy is said to be form a bankruptcy petition now mobilize \n among six of Southern California Edison's autonomous exponent suppliers and \n could file the petition very quickly if it fails in its suit Thursday, said \n administrator with three of the six companies. \n\n Write to Jason Leopold at jason.leopold@dowjones.com \n Copyright (c) 2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. \n All Rights Reserved \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n As Davis Seeks Money, Lawmakers desire Answers \n Members of both parties angry at lack of dialogue \n Lynda Gledhill, Greg Lucas, Chronicle Sacramento Bureau \n Tuesday, March 20, 2001 \n, 2001 San Francisco Chronicle \n Sacramento -- The Legislature has warned it may block further state purchases \n of electricity as lawgiver' frustration with Gov. Gray Davis' treatment of \n the department of energy crisis increases. \n A test may come soon because Davis asked yesterday for another $ 500 million \n to continue buying power. \n Sen. Steve Peace, D - El Cajon, chairman of the Joint Legislative Budget \n Committee, publish to Davis' Finance Department on Friday", "butter_fingers": " fufl the plants due to the utilities' failorw to pey \nmoneg owed tu the companies, said Jim Detlees, vixe president of operatkons \nfor nhe state'w Invependent System Operatov. \nThe lutayew triggered a kajor shordfall in the sdage which resulted in nearly \neight houws of syahewide rolling blabkjuts Monday. \nMany owners of the qualifisd-facilpties said withouy immediate relief, they \nwokld pikely force SoCal Ed, and poswiblr PG&E, into inxoluntary bankruptcy, \npgrhaps as soon as Thursday. \nOne sjch fccility, CalGuwrgjMperating Ci., wanns to be freed tempordrily ftom \nits contragt wivh tye utility and be allmwed to sell its ejectricitf co third \nparties untio rhe ujilitf is qbld tk 'ay its bllla. CalEnergg is an affuliate \nof MidAmericsn Vmergy Holdinfs Co., rhych is majority owned by Warren \nBuffet's Bedkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRJA). \nThe company sued SlCal Ed lwst month, and the case is scheduled to be heard \nTvursdey in Iiowrlal County Superior Court. If a judge delivers zn \nukfavorable rulinn, CalEnergy and otneg igsecured credktors ckumd drag SoCal \nEd ijto invjluntqry bankrtptcu, three executives with the companies iuvooved \nsaid. \nCalEnergv is said to be prganozing a bankruptcy peticion nkw circulatlng \namong rix of Southern Zalpfortia Edison's independent porer supplmers cnd \ncoula fike the petition gery quickly if it fails in ijs suid Thursday, said \nexecutives with three of vie six companoev. \n\nWgite to Jcson Lcopold at jason.jeopold@dowjonex.com \nCo'yrighg (c) 2001 Dow Jknes & Cmmpany, Inc. \nWll Rights Revgrved\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nAs Davis Seeks Mjney, Lawnakers Dxnt Answers \nMekbers of yjth parties angry at leck ur dialogue \nLyndc Tledhill, Greg Licar, Crrlnmcle Fdcramento Buseau\nGuercay, Mxrch 20, 2001 \n,2001 San Wranvisco Chronicle \nSacrdmenfo -- The Legislaturr mas warnee it may block furthet state purchases \nlf elxctricmty as larmakers' frustration with Gov. Gday Davis' hakdling of \nthe enevgy srisis incxeases. \nA test may come soon because Daviw asked yesterday dor another $500 milliou \nuo continue bnying [ower. \nSen. Steve Peace, D-El Cajin, chairman of tht Joint Legislative Budfet \nCokmittfe, wrote to Davis' Finance Department on Friday", "random_deletion": "fuel the plants due to the utilities' pay owed to companies, said Jim for state's Independent System The outages triggered major shortfall in the state which in nearly eight hours of statewide rolling blackouts Monday. Many owners of the said without immediate relief, they would likely force SoCal Ed, and possibly PG&E, involuntary perhaps soon Thursday. One such facility, CalEnergyOperating Co., wants to be freed temporarily from its contract with the and be allowed to sell its electricity to parties until the utility able to pay its bills. is affiliate of Energy Co., is majority owned Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRKA). The company sued SoCal Ed last month, and the case is to be in Imperial Superior If judge delivers an CalEnergy and other unsecured creditors would into involuntary bankruptcy, three executives with the companies said. CalEnergy said to be organizing a bankruptcy now circulating among six of Southern California Edison's power suppliers and could file the petition very quickly if it fails in its suit executives with three of six companies. Write Jason at Copyright 2001 Dow & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Davis Money, Lawmakers Want Answers Members of both parties angry at dialogue Gledhill, Greg Lucas, Sacramento Bureau Tuesday, March 2001 San Francisco Chronicle Sacramento Legislature warned further purchases electricity as lawmakers' frustration Gov. Gray Davis' handling of energy crisis increases. A Davis asked yesterday for another $500 million to buying power. Sen. Steve Peace, D-El Cajon, of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, wrote to Davis' Finance Department on", "change_char_case": " fuel the plants due to the utilIties' failuRe to pAy \nmOneY oWed tO the Companies, said JIM DetMers, vice president of opeRatioNs \nFOr thE StAte's INdependENt sYSteM OPeRatOr. \ntHe OutagEs tRiggereD a major shoRtfAlL in the state wHIcH resulted iN neArly \neight houRs oF stateWiDe rOLling BlaCkoutS MondaY. \nmany owNers of the QuALified-FAcilitiES SaId wiThout immediate relIEf, THey \nwould likely Force SOCAL ED, ANd pOssIbly PG&E, intO iNvoluNTary banKRuPTCY, \npeRHaps as soon as THursday. \nOne sUCh fAcilitY, CAlENErgyOpEratiNg cO., waNts to be freeD temPorarily fRom \nits COntract WIth the uTility And Be aLlowED tO sEll ItS EleCTrIciTY to Third \nparTiEs Until The uTILITy is AblE to pAy its Bills. CalEnergY is An afFIliAte \nof midAmEricAn energY HoldiNgs Co., WhIch is majority owNed bY Warren \nBuFfeT's berKsHire HAThaway inc. (bRKa). \nThe comPany sueD soCAl eD LAsT month, and the case is ScHEDuLed to be hEard \nThURsDaY In ImperiAl couNty SUPErior courT. if A judge deLivers AN \nuNfAvorablE rUling, CAleneRgy And otHEr unSecureD creditoRs wouLD drag SoCal \nEd inTO involuntary bANkRUPtCY, thrEe eXecutives wiTh thE CompAnieS InVolVEd \nsaiD. \nCalENeRGy IS said to be organizing A bAnkrupTcy peTition now circUlating \namoNG SIx of SoutHern cAlIFornia Edison's iNdepeNdent power SUppliers And \ncoUld file tHe petitioN VEry quickLy iF it FaiLs iN ITs Suit Thursday, sAID \nexeCuTives wiTh tHree of tHe sIx cOmpAniEs. \n\nwrite to JaSon LeopoLd At JaSoN.leOpold@DOwjones.cOm \ncopYrIghT (c) 2001 Dow jOnes & CoMpany, inc. \nALl riGHts reserveD\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nas dAVis SEeKs moneY, LaWmAkers want aNswErs \nMembErs of both ParTIes aNgRy At lack oF dialogue \nLyndA GLedhill, GreG LUcaS, ChronICLe SacramEnto Bureau\nTuesday, March 20, 2001 \n,2001 SAN FranciSco chronIcle \nsacramentO -- ThE LegisLatURe has wArned iT may bLoCk fURTher sTATe PurChAses \nof elecTRIciTy as lAwMakeRs' frustRation with Gov. Gray DAVis' Handling of \nthe EneRgy cRISiS inCReASes. \na tESt mAY Come soon because davis asked YeSTeRday for anoTHer $500 MiLlion \nto ContinuE buyiNG power. \nSEn. Steve PeAce, D-El CajOn, ChaiRMAn oF the Joint LEgislatiVe Budget \nCOMmittEE, wRote tO DaVis' FinAnCe DEpartMent on fRidAy", "whitespace_perturbation": " fuel the plants due to th e utilitie s' fa ilu reto pay \nmo ney owed to th e com panies, said Jim Detme rs, v ic e pre s id ent o f opera t io n s \nf or t hest a te 's In dep endentSystem Ope rat or . \nThe outag e striggereda m ajor shortfa llin the s tat e whic h r esult ed inn early\neight ho ur s of st a tewider o ll ingblackouts Monday. \nM a ny owners of t he qua li f ie d - fac ili ties saidwi thout immedia t er e l ief , they \nwouldlikely forc e So Cal Ed ,and possib ly PG &E , in to involunt arybankruptc y, \npe r haps as soon as Thurs day . Ones uc hfac il i ty, Ca lEn e rgy Operatin gCo ., wa ntst o b e fr eed tem porar ily from \nits co ntra c t w ith t he ut ilit yand b e allo wed t osell its electr icit y to thir d pa rti es unti l the u til ity is abl e to pa y it sb i l ls . CalEnergy is anaf f i li ate \nofMidAme r ic an Energy H ol din gs C o . , whi ch i s m ajorityownedb yWa rren \nB uf fet'sBe rks hir e Hat h away Inc.(BRKA).\nThec ompany sued So C al Ed last mo n th , an d the ca se is sched uled to b e he a rd \nT h ursda y inIm p er i al County SuperiorCo urt. I f a j udge delivers an \nunfav o r a ble ruli ng,C al E nergy and othe r uns ecured cre d itors wo uld d rag SoCa l \nEd int o involunt ary ba nkr upt c y ,three executi v e s wi th the co mpa nies in vol ved \ns aid .\nCalEnerg y is sai dto b eorg anizi n g a bank ru ptc ypet ition now ci rcula ting am o ngsix ofS ou t h ernCa li forn iaEd ison' s in d epe ndent p ower supp lie r s an d\nc ould fi le the petiti on very quic kl y i f it f a i ls in it s suit Thursday, said e xecutiv eswiththre e of thesix compa nie s . \n\nWr ite to Jaso nLeo p o ld at j as on. le opold@dowj o n es. com Co pyri ght (c) 2001 Dow Jones &C omp any, Inc. \nAl l R ight s Re ser v ed --- -- - --- - - --------------- ---------- -- - -- ---------- - --- -- ------- ------- ----- - -\n----- --------- --------- -- ---- - - --- ---------- -------- --------- - ----- - -- ----- --- \n----- -- --- ----- ------ - --- ----- ------ -- ------ ----- -- -------- ---------------\nAs Davi s Seek s Mon ey, Lawmaker s W a ntAnswers Memb ers of bot h p art ies a ngr y at l acko fdia l ogue\nLyn d a Gledhil l ,Gre g Lu cas, Chroni c l e Sa crame nto Bureau \nTue sday, March 20, 2 0 01 \n,2001 SanFran c i sco Ch r onic le \nSacramento - - T he L egislatu re has warned it maybl o ck fu rtherstatepurchas e s o f elec tric ity as lawma ker s' frustra ti on with G ov.Gr ay Dav is' ha n dlin g of \nthe energy c risis i ncrea s es. \nA t es t may c o me s oon becaus e Davis ask ed yes terd ay fo r anoth er $500mil li on \nto con t inue buyi ng po wer. \nS en . St eve Peace , D- E l Cajo n, c ha irm an of the J oi n tLe g isl ativ e Bud ge t \nC ommittee, wrote to Da v is' Fin an ceD e partme n to n Friday", "underscore_trick": " fuel_the plants_due to the utilities'_failure to_pay_\nmoney owed_to_the companies, said_Jim Detmers, vice_president of operations \nfor_the state's Independent_System_Operator. \nThe outages triggered a major shortfall in the state which resulted in nearly_\neight_hours of_statewide_rolling_blackouts Monday. \nMany owners of_the qualified-facilities said without immediate_relief, they_\nwould likely force SoCal Ed, and possibly PG&E,_into_involuntary bankruptcy, \nperhaps_as soon as Thursday. \nOne such facility, CalEnergyOperating Co.,_wants to be freed temporarily from_\nits contract with_the_utility_and be allowed to_sell its electricity to third \nparties_until the utility is able to_pay its bills. CalEnergy is an affiliate_\nof MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co., which_is majority owned by Warren_\nBuffet's Berkshire_Hathaway Inc. (BRKA). \nThe company_sued SoCal Ed_last month,_and the case_is scheduled to be heard \nThursday_in Imperial County_Superior Court. If a judge delivers_an_\nunfavorable ruling, CalEnergy_and_other_unsecured creditors_would drag SoCal_\nEd_into involuntary_bankruptcy,_three executives with the companies involved_\nsaid._\nCalEnergy is said to be organizing a_bankruptcy petition now circulating_\namong_six of Southern California_Edison's independent power suppliers and_\ncould file the petition very quickly_if it_fails in_its suit Thursday, said \nexecutives with three of the six companies._\n\nWrite to Jason Leopold at jason.leopold@dowjones.com_\nCopyright (c) 2001 Dow_Jones &_Company,_Inc. \nAll Rights_Reserved\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nAs_Davis Seeks_Money, Lawmakers Want Answers \nMembers of both_parties angry_at lack of dialogue \nLynda Gledhill,_Greg Lucas, Chronicle Sacramento_Bureau\nTuesday,_March 20, 2001 \n,2001 San Francisco_Chronicle \nSacramento -- The Legislature has_warned it may block further_state_purchases_\nof electricity as lawmakers' frustration_with Gov. Gray Davis' handling of_\nthe energy crisis_increases. \nA test may come soon because_Davis_asked yesterday for another $500 million_\nto_continue buying power. \nSen. Steve Peace,_D-El_Cajon,_chairman of the Joint Legislative_Budget \nCommittee, wrote to Davis' Finance_Department on Friday"} {"text": "=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"? size=\"2\">Paris De Gaulle, France (CDG)?\t\t\t\t\t$329? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\tSantiago, Chile (SCL)?\t\t\t\t\t$549? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\tSao Paulo, Brazil (GRU)?\t\t\t\t\t$449? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\tZurich, Switzerland (ZRH)?\t\t\t\t\t$319? \t\t?\t\t\t", "synonym_substitution": "= \" Arial, Helvetica, sans - serif \"? size=\"2\">Paris De Gaulle, France (CDG)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$329? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Santiago, Chile (SCL)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$549? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Sao Paulo, Brazil (GRU)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$449? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t < td colspan=3> ? \t\t\t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Zurich, Switzerland (ZRH)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$319? \t\t < /tr >?", "butter_fingers": "=\"Ariwl, Helvetica, sans-serif\"? slze=\"2\">Paris De Gaulle, Franre (CDG)?\t\t\t\t\t$329? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tFallcs/Ht. Worth, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\tSantiago, Chije (SCL)?\t\t\t\t\t$549? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\tSao Paulo, Brazil (GRU)?\t\t\t\t\t$449? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t &nvsp;?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, RX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\tZurich, Switzerlanc (DTH)?\t\t\t\t\t$319? \t\t?\t\t\t", "random_deletion": "=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"? size=\"2\">Paris De Gaulle, France width=\"12%\">$329? ? Santiago, Chile $549? ? Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)? Sao Paulo, Brazil (GRU)? $449? ? ?  ? ? width=\"44%\">Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)? Zurich, Switzerland (ZRH)? ?", "change_char_case": "=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"? siZe=\"2\">Paris De GAulle, fraNce (cDg)?\t\t\t\t\t$329? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tdalLas/Ft. WoRth, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\tSaNtiago, chIle (scL)?\t\t\t\t\t$549? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tDALlAS/ft. WOrtH, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\tSao PaULo, BRazil (GrU)?\t\t\t\t\t$449? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t &Nbsp;?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tdallaS/Ft. WORTH, tX (DFw)?\t\t\t\t\tZUrIch, SwItzerlAnd (ZRh)?\t\t\t\t\t$319? \t\t?\t\t\t", "whitespace_perturbation": "=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-s erif\"? siz e=\"2\" >Pa ris D e Ga ulle , France (CDG ) ?\t\t\t\t\t $32 9 ? \t\t? \t\t\t\t?\t\t\tDa l las/Ft. W or th,TX (DFW) ? \t\t\t\t\t< f on t fac e=\" Arial, Hel ve tica, sans-se r if \" ? siz e =\"2\">Santiago , Chile (S C L)< /font> ? \t\t\t\t\t< td wi dt h =\"1 2%\"> $54 9< /td >? \t< /tr >?\t\t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t< td w i d t h =\"44 %\"> Da llas/F t. Wo rt h, TX (DFW)< /td>?\t\t\t\tSa oP a ul o, Brazi l (GR U )< /f o nt> ?\t\t\t< font siz e=\"2\"f ac e= \"Arial, ?Helvet ic a,s ans -seri f \">$4 49 ? \t\t?\t\t? \t < /td> ? \t\t\t ?\t\t< tr>?\t\t\t\t< td wi d th=\"44%\">Dalla s/Ft . W o rth, TX (DFW)< /font >?\t\t\t Z u rich ,Switzer lan d (ZRH )< /td >? \t\t\t\t\t $ 31 9< / fon t> ? \t? \t\t", "underscore_trick": "=\"Arial, Helvetica,_sans-serif\"? size=\"2\">Paris_De Gaulle, France _(CDG)?\t\t\t\t\t$329?__ _ _\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth,_TX_(DFW)?\t\t\t\t\tSantiago, Chile (SCL)?\t\t\t\t\t$549? __ ___ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth, TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\tSao Paulo, Brazil (GRU)?\t\t\t\t\t$449? _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t? _ _\t\t\t  ?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tDallas/Ft. Worth,_TX (DFW)?\t\t\t\t\tZurich, Switzerland (ZRH)?\t\t\t\t\t$319? _ \t\t?\t\t\t"} {"text": " you'll be sure to \nscore a hit when V-Day arrives on your doorstep. \n\nTo learn more about each item listed below, simply click on its name.\n_____________________________________________________________________ \n\nGreat Wines and Gifts\n\n1998 Ivan Tamas Zinfandel, Livermore Valley, California, $8.95\nAn outstanding, fruit-filled Zinfandel produced from old-vine grapes \ngrown in Northern California's historic Livermore Valley. Intense \nraspberry and dark cherry fruit flavors with black pepper aromas; \nmedium-bodied, with nice depth and concentration. \n\n1997 Adella Zinfandel, Napa Valley, California, $14.99\nA big mouthful of a Napa Zin that still offers supple smoothness and \neasy drinkability. The addition of Sangiovese and Syrah gives the \nwine extra body, depth, and flavor. A perfectly targeted Zinfandel \nthat hits the palate right in the bull's-eye. \n\nPort and Chocolate Cigars, $30.00\nThis soothing tawny port from Tuke Holdsworth is a great way to take \nthe chill out of a cool winter evening. Paired with luscious \nchocolate cigars, it inspires warm feelings all through the winter. \nPackaged on a sparkling silver plated bottle coaster. \n\nRomantic Duet, $35.00\nWhen it comes to attractive matches, this international couple - a \nrich, toe-tingling French bubbly (originally blended for Czar \nNicholas II of Russia) and a graceful, supple Napa Valley Merlot - is \nnot only glamorous, but also harmonious. \n\n1997 Sonora TC Vineyard, 'Old Vine Zinfandel', Sierra \nFoothills, $24.00\nBig and foward in style with tons of intense fruit and firm tannins. \nClassic Sierra Foothills Zinfandel from a 90 year old vineyard. If \nSonora's two Zins were singing in the choir, \"TC Vineyard\" would be \nsinging baritone and \"Story Vineyard\" tenor. \n\n1999 Left Bank Macon-Ige Vieilles Vignes, Burgundy, France, $12.00\nClean and direct, this friendly wine is sure to please anyone tired ", "synonym_substitution": "you'll be sure to \n score a hit when V - Day arrives on your doorsill. \n\n To determine more about each item listed downstairs, just click on its name. \n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \n\n Great Wines and Gifts \n\n 1998 Ivan Tamas Zinfandel, Livermore Valley, California, $ 8.95 \n An outstanding, yield - filled Zinfandel produced from old - vine grape \n grown in Northern California's historic Livermore Valley. Intense \n boo and dark cherry fruit flavors with bootleg pepper aromas; \n average - bodied, with nice astuteness and assiduity. \n\n 1997 Adella Zinfandel, Napa Valley, California, $ 14.99 \n A big mouthful of a Napa Zin that still offers limber smoothness and \n easy drinkability. The addition of Sangiovese and Syrah gives the \n wine excess body, astuteness, and flavor. A perfectly targeted Zinfandel \n that hits the palate mighty in the bull's - eye. \n\n Port and Chocolate Cigars, $ 30.00 \n This soothing tawny port from Tuke Holdsworth is a great way to drive \n the chill out of a cool winter evening. Paired with luscious \n chocolate cigars, it inspires warm feelings all through the winter. \n Packaged on a sparkling ash grey plated bottle coaster. \n\n Romantic Duet, $ 35.00 \n When it comes to attractive couple, this external couple - a \n ample, toe - tingling French bubbly (primitively blended for Czar \n Nicholas II of Russia) and a graceful, supple Napa Valley Merlot - is \n not only glamorous, but besides harmonious. \n\n 1997 Sonora TC Vineyard,' Old Vine Zinfandel', Sierra \n Foothills, $ 24.00 \n Big and foward in style with tons of intense fruit and firm tannins. \n Classic Sierra Foothills Zinfandel from a 90 year old vineyard. If \n Sonora's two Zins were singing in the choir, \" TC Vineyard \" would be \n singing baritone and \" Story Vineyard \" tenor. \n\n 1999 Left Bank Macon - Ige Vieilles Vignes, Burgundy, France, $ 12.00 \n uninfected and direct, this friendly wine is indisputable to please anyone tired", "butter_fingers": " yok'll be sure to \nscore a hlt when V-Day arrnces on your soorstep. \n\nTo learn more about each itxm lusted below, simply click on its name.\n_____________________________________________________________________ \n\nGreat Wunes qnd Gifts\n\n1998 Mban Tamas Zinrwnden, Livermore Valkey, Califosnia, $8.95\nAn outstatdkny, fruit-filled Zinfandel produced froi old-vime grapes \ngrown yn Npwthedn California's historic Livermore Balley. Pntense \nraspberry and dark cherry fruit flagors with black pepper aromas; \nmeduum-bjeied, with nize depth and concentrajion. \n\n1997 Adella Zinfandel, Napa Valldy, Cakifornia, $14.99\nA bug lmuthful of e Napa Zin that stlkl offars suplle smoothness anv \neawy drinkability. The avdition of Sangiovesg and Syrav yives the \nwine extra voey, dekth, atd fuqvof. A pxrfsctly harjeted Zinfahdel \nthat huts the palate righu ig the bull's-eye. \n\nPort wnq Chocolate Cigars, $30.00\nThis soothing tawny kort rrom Tuke Holdsworth is a great way to take \njhe chill jut of a cool winter evening. Paired with luscious \nchockuatt glgarr, ih inspires warm feelings all through the wintqd. \nKaclaged on a spavkling silver platrd bpjtle coaster. \n\nRumantie Dhet, $35.00\nWhen it comes ho attrwctivw matches, thix international couple - a \nruch, toe-tinglpng Drench bubbly (orignnally blendzd for Czar \nNicholas II of Russia) cnd a fraceful, suople Napa Xalley Merlot - ir \nnpt only glamorous, but also hwrmonious. \n\n1997 Souora TC Xineiard, 'Olq Vine Zinvandel', Sierra \nFoothills, $24.00\nHig aud fofard in stjle with tons of intense fruit eid firm tannims. \nCldssic Sizrra Fpothills Zinfwndel from a 90 iear old rineyafd. If \nSonoga's two Zmns were sinding in the cvlir, \"TC Vineyerd\" would be \nwingung barkgone and \"Story Vineyard\" tenor. \n\n1999 Ledt Bank Macon-Ige Vleillgs Vignes, Burgundv, Drance, $12.00\nClean anc dkrest, tiis fwhendly wine hs sjre yo pldase anyone girec ", "random_deletion": "you'll be sure to score a hit arrives your doorstep. learn more about click its name. _____________________________________________________________________ Wines and Gifts Ivan Tamas Zinfandel, Livermore Valley, California, An outstanding, fruit-filled Zinfandel produced from old-vine grapes grown in Northern California's historic Valley. Intense raspberry and dark cherry fruit flavors with black pepper aromas; medium-bodied, nice and 1997 Zinfandel, Napa Valley, California, $14.99 A big mouthful of a Napa Zin that still offers supple and easy drinkability. The addition of Sangiovese and gives the wine extra depth, and flavor. A perfectly Zinfandel hits the right the Port and Chocolate $30.00 This soothing tawny port from Tuke Holdsworth is a great way to take the chill out a cool Paired with chocolate it warm feelings all winter. Packaged on a sparkling silver Romantic Duet, $35.00 When it comes to attractive this international - a rich, toe-tingling French bubbly blended for Czar Nicholas II of Russia) and graceful, supple Napa Valley Merlot - is not only glamorous, but also harmonious. 1997 Sonora 'Old Vine Zinfandel', Sierra $24.00 Big and in with of fruit and tannins. Classic Sierra Foothills Zinfandel from a 90 year old vineyard. Sonora's two Zins were singing in the choir, \"TC Vineyard\" singing and \"Story Vineyard\" 1999 Left Bank Macon-Ige Vignes, France, $12.00 Clean and friendly is anyone", "change_char_case": " you'll be sure to \nscore a hit wheN V-Day arrivEs on yOur DooRsTep. \n\nTO leaRn more about eacH Item Listed below, simply click On its NaME.\n_____________________________________________________________________ \n\nGreAT WInes aNd Gifts\n\n1998 iVaN tAmaS ZInFanDeL, liVermoRe VAlley, CaLifornia, $8.95\nAn OutStAnding, fruit-fILlEd ZinfandeL prOduced from olD-viNe grapEs \nGroWN in NoRthErn CaLifornIA's histOric LiverMoRE ValleY. intense \nRASpBerrY and dark cherry fruIT fLAvors with black Pepper ArOMaS; \nMEdiUm-bOdied, with nIcE deptH And concENtRATIon. \n\n1997 aDella ZinfandeL, Napa Valley, cAliFornia, $14.99\na bIg mOUthful Of a NaPa zIn tHat still offErs sUpple smooThness ANd \neasy dRInkabilIty. The AddItiOn of sAnGiOveSe ANd SYRaH giVEs tHe \nwine exTrA bOdy, dePth, aND FLAvor. a peRfecTly taRgeted ZinfandEl \ntHat hITs tHe palAte riGht iN tHe bulL's-eye. \n\nPOrt anD CHocolate Cigars, $30.00\nTHis sOothing taWny PoRt fRoM Tuke hOldswoRth Is a Great waY to take \nTHe cHiLL OUt Of a cool winter eveniNg. pAIrEd with luScious \nCHoCoLAte cigarS, iT inSpirES Warm fEeliNGs All throuGh the wINtEr. \npackageD oN a sparKlIng SilVer plATed bOttle cOaster. \n\nRoMantiC duet, $35.00\nWhen it comeS To attractive mATcHES, tHIs inTerNational couPle - a \nRIch, tOe-tiNGlIng fRench BubblY (oRIgINally blended for Czar \nniCholas iI of RUssia) and a gracEful, supple nAPA Valley MErloT - Is \nNOt only glamorouS, but aLso harmoniOUs. \n\n1997 Sonora tC VinEyard, 'Old vine ZinfaNDEl', Sierra \nfooThiLls, $24.00\nbig AND fOward in style wITH tonS oF intensE frUit and fIrm TanNinS. \nClAsSic Sierra foothillS ZInFaNdEl fRom a 90 yEAr old vinEyArd. if \nsonOra's tWO Zins wEre siNginG iN tHE chOir, \"TC ViNEyARD\" wouLd Be \nSingIng BaRitonE and \"sTorY VineyaRd\" tenor. \n\n1999 LeFt BANk MaCoN-IGe VieilLes Vignes, BurgUnDy, France, $12.00\nClEaN anD direcT, THis frienDly wine is sure to please anYOne tireD ", "whitespace_perturbation": " you'll be sure to \nscorea hit when V-Da y a rri ve s on you r doorstep. \nT o le arn more about each it em li st e d be l ow , sim ply cli c ko n it sna me. \n_ _ __ _____ ___ _______ __________ ___ __ ____________ _ __ __________ ___ _______ \n\nGr eat Wines a ndG ifts\n19 98 Iv an Tam a s Zinf andel, Li ve r more V a lley, C a l if orni a, $8.95\nAn outst a nd i ng, fruit-fill ed Zin fa n de l pro duc ed from ol d- vineg rapes g ro w n inN orthern Calif ornia's his t ori c Live rm ore Valley . Int en s e raspberry a nd d ark cherr y frui t flavor s with b lack p epp erarom a s; med iu m -bo d ie d,w ith nice de pt hand c once n t r a tion . \n199 7 Ade lla Zinfandel , N apaV all ey, C alifo rnia ,$14.9 9\nA bi g mou th ful of a Napa Z in t hat still of fe rssu pples moothn ess an d \neasy drinka b ili ty . T he addition of Sangi ov e s eand Syra h give s t he \nwine ex tr a b ody, d epth, and fl avor. Aperfec t ly t argeted Z infand el \nt hat hits thepalate right i n the bull's-eye. \nP ort and Choco l at e Ci g ars, $3 0.00\nThis s ooth i ng t awny po rtf rom T uke H ol d sw o rth is a great wayto take\nthechill out ofa cool win t e r evening . Pa i re d with luscious \ncho colate cig a rs, it i nspir es warmfeelingsa l l throug h t hewin ter . \nP ackaged on as p arkl in g silve r p lated b ott lecoa ste r. \n\nRomant ic Duet, $ 35 .0 0Whe n itc omes toat tra ct ive matc h es, th is in tern at io n alcouple- a rich ,to e-ti ngl in g Fre nchb ubb ly (ori ginally b len d ed f or C zar \nNi cholas II ofRu ssia) andagra ceful, s upple Na pa Valley Merlot - is n ot only gl amoro us,but alsohar moniou s.\n1997Sonora TC V in eya r d , 'Ol d Vi neZi nfandel',S i err a \nFo ot hill s, $24. 00\nBig and fowardi n s tyle with ton s o f in t e ns e f r ui t an df irm t annins. \nClassi c Sierra F oo t hi lls Zinfan d elfr om a 90 year o ld vi n eyard.If \nSonor a's two Z in s we r e si nging in t he choir , \"TC Vin e yard\" wo uld b e singin gbar itone and \" S tor y Vin eyard\" t enor.\n\n199 9Left Ban k Macon-Ige Vieilles Vi gnes,Burgu ndy , France, $1 2 .00 \nClean an d di rect, this fr ien dly w ine is su re t o p lea s e any onet ired ", "underscore_trick": " you'll_be sure_to \nscore a hit_when V-Day_arrives_on your_doorstep._\n\nTo learn more_about each item_listed below, simply click_on its name.\n______________________________________________________________________\n\nGreat_Wines and Gifts\n\n1998 Ivan Tamas Zinfandel, Livermore Valley, California, $8.95\nAn outstanding, fruit-filled Zinfandel produced_from_old-vine grapes_\ngrown_in_Northern California's historic Livermore Valley._Intense \nraspberry and dark cherry_fruit flavors_with black pepper aromas; \nmedium-bodied, with nice depth_and_concentration. \n\n1997 Adella_Zinfandel, Napa Valley, California, $14.99\nA big mouthful of a_Napa Zin that still offers supple_smoothness and \neasy_drinkability._The_addition of Sangiovese and_Syrah gives the \nwine extra body,_depth, and flavor. A perfectly targeted_Zinfandel \nthat hits the palate right in_the bull's-eye. \n\nPort and Chocolate Cigars,_$30.00\nThis soothing tawny port from_Tuke Holdsworth_is a great way to_take \nthe chill_out of_a cool winter_evening. Paired with luscious \nchocolate cigars,_it inspires warm_feelings all through the winter. \nPackaged_on_a sparkling silver_plated_bottle_coaster. \n\nRomantic_Duet, $35.00\nWhen it_comes_to attractive_matches,_this international couple - a \nrich,_toe-tingling_French bubbly (originally blended for Czar \nNicholas_II of Russia) and_a_graceful, supple Napa Valley_Merlot - is \nnot only_glamorous, but also harmonious. \n\n1997 Sonora_TC Vineyard,_'Old Vine_Zinfandel', Sierra \nFoothills, $24.00\nBig and foward in style with tons of_intense fruit and firm tannins. \nClassic_Sierra Foothills Zinfandel from_a 90_year_old vineyard. If_\nSonora's_two Zins_were singing in the choir, \"TC Vineyard\"_would be_\nsinging baritone and \"Story Vineyard\" tenor._\n\n1999 Left Bank Macon-Ige_Vieilles_Vignes, Burgundy, France, $12.00\nClean and direct,_this friendly wine is sure to_please anyone tired "} {"text": ".com'\nSubject: Sue's Retort to SCE's Premise\nImportance: High\n\n\nI don't agree Edison's premise -- that \"direct access customers contributed just as much to SCE's procurement costs undercollection as bundled service customers.\" We need to make clear that we don't buy in to their rhetoric.\n\nHere's my reasoning.\n\nDA Customers are completely different from bundled customers. SCE had to buy power to serve the bundled load. SCE did not buy power for DA customers. SCE's purchases of the power to serve the bundled load coupled with high wholesale prices and an inability to raise rates was the direct reason for the undercollection. I can make the argument that the undercollection is SOLELY related to BUNDLED SERVICE.\n\nThere are two big reasons that back me up: AB 1890 and Top-down rates. I will explain. The utilities got what they wanted out of AB 1890 -- payments of $30 plus billion in so-called stranded costs and a real delay in any competitive retail market until their costs were paid off. One of the tradeoffs, however, was that the utilities were at risk FOR HIGH PRICES in the WHOLESALE MARKET. Everyone understood that if there were high gas prices or bad hydro years, the utilities would be squeezed and not collect their billions by the 3/31/01 deadline. That's the risk they agreed to. Now, they are claiming that they were ENTITLED to that money and more. This is in direct conflict with the statute. I can make the argument that the statute requires SCE to assume this risk and therefore any undercollection is theirs alone -- now the CPUC can bail them out -- but that doesn't make ESPs subject to any presumed \"undercollection.\"\n\nNow to the rates. At the beginning of DA, the utilities did not want to do a real rate case and separate the costs of the wholesale business and the retail busness from T&D. So, they did a \"top-down\" calculation. This meant that there had to be a \"credit\" put on the bills of DA customers to account for the costs the utility avoided by having the customers switch to DA. So, the PX Credit structure was a direct result of the utilities unwillingness to unbundle specific components of the rates. Next, although bundled customers rates were capped, the decisions from the CPUC made it clear", "synonym_substitution": ".com' \n Subject: Sue's Retort to SCE's Premise \n Importance: High \n\n\n I don't agree Edison's premise -- that \" direct access customer contribute just as much to SCE's procurement price undercollection as bunch service customers. \" We want to have clear that we don't bribe in to their grandiosity. \n\n Here's my reasoning. \n\n DA Customers are wholly different from bundled customers. SCE had to buy might to serve the bundled lode. SCE did not buy power for district attorney customers. SCE's purchases of the power to suffice the bundled load coupled with eminent wholesale monetary value and an inability to raise rates was the direct reason for the undercollection. I can make the controversy that the undercollection is SOLELY related to BUNDLED SERVICE. \n\n There are two big reasons that back me up: AB 1890 and Top - down rates. I will explain. The utilities got what they wanted out of AB 1890 -- payments of $ 30 plus billion in so - called stranded costs and a real delay in any competitive retail grocery store until their costs were paid off. One of the tradeoff, however, was that the utility were at hazard FOR HIGH PRICES in the WHOLESALE MARKET. Everyone understood that if there were high gas prices or regretful hydro years, the utilities would be squeezed and not collect their billions by the 3/31/01 deadline. That's the risk they agreed to. Now, they are claiming that they were ENTITLED to that money and more. This is in direct conflict with the legislative act. I can make the argumentation that the legislative act command SCE to assume this risk and therefore any undercollection is theirs entirely -- now the CPUC can bail them out -- but that doesn't make ESPs subject to any presumed \" undercollection. \" \n\n Now to the rates. At the beginning of DA, the utilities did not want to practice a real pace case and separate the costs of the wholesale business and the retail busness from T&D. thus, they did a \" top - down \" calculation. This mean that there had to be a \" credit rating \" put on the bills of district attorney customers to account for the costs the utility avoided by having the customers switch to DA. So, the PX Credit structure was a direct result of the utility unwillingness to unbundle specific components of the rates. Next, although bundled customer rates were capped, the decisions from the CPUC made it clear", "butter_fingers": ".com'\nDubject: Sue's Retort to SGE's Premise\nImporjabce: Hijh\n\n\nI don'f agree Ddison's premise -- that \"direct axcess customers contributed just as luch to WCE's procuremenv costs muderckplecciin as bundled xervice cuvtomers.\" We neeg go make clear that we don't buy in to eheir rnehoric.\n\nHere's my teasomyng.\n\nDZ Customers are completely differeht from bundled custpmers. SCE had to buy power to derve the bundled poad. SCE dud njr buy power wor DA cusuokers. SCE's purchases of the power to servd the bundled liae clopled with hmgh whjlesale priccx and dn inabolity to raise raves qas the direct reason for the undercollgction. I cdn make the argumenr rhat jhe utderzilldctjoi ia SOLEPY celated to GUNDLED SERCICE.\n\nThere are two bog grasons that gack mq tp: AB 1890 and Top-down rates. I will explait. Fhe utilities got what rhey wanted out of AB 1890 -- paymenes of $30 plus billion in so-called stranded costs ang a rxau dtlqy in qnj competitive retail market until their costs sete paid off. One of the tracelfgf, however, was that cge utilities were at risk FJR HITH PRICES in yhe WHOLESALE MARKET. Everyine understoje that if there wexe high gas 'rices or bsd hydro years, the utilnties sould be sqkeezed ans not collect thekr nilnions by the 3/31/01 deadline. Thae's the riwk tkey agredd tp. Now, they are flaimltg that they were FNTITPEG to that loney and more. This is in direrv conflict wijh dhe statute. I cak make the arguient that the xtatute requkres SCE tk assumx this risk wnd therefore wny undercolnection ys tyeirw alone -- now the CPUC van bail nhtm out -- bur that doesn't make ESKs subject to any prtsymed \"undercollrctkon.\"\n\nGoa vo thq rates. At tve bdgivming uf DA, the ubilktiex did not want to do a rsal rate case and xeiarate thg costs os the wholesake business and tht retaml busiess ftom T&D. So, they did a \"top-down\" calchlation. Hhif meant that theve hwd to be a \"credit\" put on the bills of DA customerw to account for jhe costs the utility svoided by iaving the custmmers switch to DA. Si, the PX Credit suructure was a direct rssult mf thf utilities unwillingness to unbundle specific components of the rates. Nwxt, alvhjugh bundles cuxtomegs xatzs were cap'ev, the decisions fgom the CPUC made it clear", "random_deletion": ".com' Subject: Sue's Retort to SCE's Premise I agree Edison's -- that \"direct much SCE's procurement costs as bundled service We need to make clear that don't buy in to their rhetoric. Here's my reasoning. DA Customers are completely from bundled customers. SCE had to buy power to serve the bundled load. did buy for customers. SCE's purchases of the power to serve the bundled load coupled with high wholesale prices an inability to raise rates was the direct for the undercollection. I make the argument that the is related to SERVICE. are big reasons that me up: AB 1890 and Top-down rates. I will explain. The utilities got what they wanted out AB 1890 of $30 billion so-called costs and a in any competitive retail market until paid off. One of the tradeoffs, however, was the utilities at risk FOR HIGH PRICES in WHOLESALE MARKET. Everyone understood that if there were gas prices or bad hydro years, the utilities would be squeezed and not collect their the 3/31/01 deadline. That's risk they agreed Now, are that were ENTITLED that money and more. This is in direct conflict with the I can make the argument that the statute requires SCE this and therefore any is theirs alone -- the can bail them out that make any \"undercollection.\" to the rates. At beginning of DA, the utilities not want to do separate the costs of the wholesale business and retail busness from T&D. So, they did \"top-down\" calculation. This meant that there had to be a \"credit\" put the bills customers to account for the costs the utility by having the customers to DA. So, the PX Credit structure was a result the utilities to unbundle specific of the rates. although bundled customers capped, the from CPUC", "change_char_case": ".com'\nSubject: Sue's Retort to SCE'S Premise\nImPortaNce: higH\n\n\nI Don't AgreE Edison's premisE -- That \"Direct access customers cOntriBuTEd juST aS much To SCE's pROcUREmeNt CoSts UnDErColleCtiOn as bunDled servicE cuStOmers.\" We need tO MaKe clear thaT we Don't buy in to tHeiR rhetoRiC.\n\nHeRE's my rEasOning.\n\ndA CustOMers arE completeLy DIffereNT from buNDLeD cusTomers. SCE had to buy POwER to serve the bunDled loAd. scE DID noT buY power for Da cUstomERs. SCE's pURcHASEs oF The power to serVe the bundleD LoaD couplEd WitH High whOlesaLe PRicEs and an inabIlitY to raise rAtes waS The direCT reason For the UndErcOlleCTiOn. i caN mAKe tHE aRguMEnt That the uNdErColleCtioN IS soLELy reLateD to BUnDLED SERVICE.\n\nTHerE are TWo bIg reaSons tHat bAcK me up: aB 1890 and TOp-dowN rAtes. I will explaiN. The Utilities Got WhAt tHeY wantED out of aB 1890 -- pAymEnts of $30 pLus billIOn iN sO-CALlEd stranded costs and A rEAL dElay in anY compeTItIvE Retail maRkEt uNtil THEir coSts wERe Paid off. ONe of thE TrAdEoffs, hoWeVer, was ThAt tHe uTilitIEs weRe at riSk FOR HIGh PRICes in the WHOLESALe mARKET. EveryonE UnDERsTOod tHat If there were High GAs prIces OR bAd hYDro yeArs, thE uTIlITies would be squeezed AnD not coLlect Their billions By the 3/31/01 deadlINE. that's the Risk THeY Agreed to. Now, theY are cLaiming thaT They were eNTITlED to thaT money and MORe. This is In dIreCt cOnfLICt With the statutE. i Can mAkE the argUmeNt that tHe sTatUte ReqUiRes SCE to aSsume thiS rIsK aNd TheReforE Any underCoLleCtIon Is theIRs alonE -- now tHe CPuC CaN BaiL them ouT -- BuT THat dOeSn'T makE ESps SubjeCt to ANy pResumed \"UndercollEctIOn.\"\n\nNoW tO tHe rates. at the beginninG oF DA, the utilItIes Did not WANt to do a rEal rate case and separate tHE costs oF thE wholEsalE business And The retAil BUsness From T&D. so, theY dId a \"TOP-down\" CALcUlaTiOn. This meanT THat There HaD to bE a \"crediT\" put on the bills of DA CUstOmers to accounT foR the COStS thE UtILitY aVOidED By having the custOmers switcH tO dA. so, the PX CreDIt sTrUcture wAs a direCt resULt of the Utilities UnwillingNeSs to UNBunDle specifiC componeNts of the rATes. NeXT, aLthouGh bUndled CuStoMers rAtes weRE caPped, tHe deciSiOns froM the CpUc made it cLear", "whitespace_perturbation": ".com'\nSubject: Sue's Retor t to SCE's Prem ise \nIm po rtan ce:High\n\n\nI don't agre e Edison's premise --that\"d i rect ac cesscustome r sc o ntr ib ut edju s tas mu chto SCE' s procurem ent c osts underco l le ction as b und led servicecus tomers .\" We needtomakecleart hat we don't bu yi n to t h eir rhe t o ri c.\nHere's my reasoni n g. \nDA Customersare co mp l et e l y d iff erent from b undle d custom e rs . S CEh ad to buy pow er to serve the bundl ed lo a d. SC E did n o t b uy power fo r DA customer s. SC E 's purc h ases of the p owe r t o se r ve t hebu n dle d l oad cou pled wit hhi gh wh oles a l e pric esandan in ability to ra ise rat e s w as th e dir ectre asonfor th e und er collection. I c an m ake the a rgu me ntth at th e under col lec tion is SOLELY rel at e d to BUNDLED SERVICE.\nT h e re are two big r e as on s that ba ck me up: A B 189 0 an d T op-downrates. I w ill exp la in. T he ut ili tiesg ot w hat th ey wante d out of AB 1890 --p ayments of $3 0 p l u sb illi onin so-calle d st r ande d co s ts an d a re al de la y i n any competitive re ta il mar ket u ntil their co sts were p a i d off. O ne o f t h e tradeoffs, h oweve r, was tha t the uti litie s were a t risk FO R HIGH PRI CES in th e W H O LE SALE MARKET.E very on e under sto od that if th ere we re high gas pricesor b ad h ydr o yea r s, the u ti lit ie s w ouldb e sque ezedandno tc oll ect the i rb i llio ns b y th e 3 /3 1/01dead l ine . That' s the ris k t h ey a gr ee d to. Now, they are c laiming th at th ey wer e ENTITLED to that money and more . Thisisin di rect conflict wi th the st a tute.I canmaketh e a r g ument t ha t t he statute r e q uir es SC Eto a ssume t his risk and there f ore any undercol lec tion i sthe i rs alo ne --n o w the CPUC canbail themou t - - but that doe sn 't make ESPs s ubjec t to any presumed \"underco ll ecti o n .\"\nNow to th e rates. At theb eginn i ng of D A,the ut il iti es di d notw ant to d o a re al ratecasean d separa te the costs of the who lesale busi nes s and the re t ail busnessfrom T&D. So,the y d id a\"to p -down \" ca l cu lat i on. This meant tha t t her e ha d to be a \" c r e dit \" put on the bi llsof DA customers t o account for t he c o s tsthe util it y avoided by h avi ng t he custo me rs switch t o DA. So ,t he PX Credi t stru cture w a s a direct res ult of the u til it i es unwi ll in g ness t o un bu ndle s pecifi c com p o nents of the rat es. N e xt, a l tho ugh b un dled cu s tome rs rates w ere capped, the d ecis ionsfrom th eCPUC m ade i t clear", "underscore_trick": ".com'\nSubject: Sue's_Retort to_SCE's Premise\nImportance: High\n\n\nI don't_agree Edison's_premise_-- that_\"direct_access customers contributed_just as much_to SCE's procurement costs_undercollection as bundled_service_customers.\" We need to make clear that we don't buy in to their rhetoric.\n\nHere's_my_reasoning.\n\nDA Customers_are_completely_different from bundled customers. SCE_had to buy power to_serve the_bundled load. SCE did not buy power_for_DA customers. _SCE's purchases of the power to serve the bundled_load coupled with high wholesale prices_and an inability_to_raise_rates was the direct_reason for the undercollection. I can_make the argument that the undercollection_is SOLELY related to BUNDLED SERVICE.\n\nThere are_two big reasons that back me_up: AB 1890 and Top-down_rates. _I will explain. The_utilities got what_they wanted_out of AB_1890 -- payments of $30 plus_billion in so-called_stranded costs and a real delay_in_any competitive retail_market_until_their costs_were paid off.__One of_the_tradeoffs, however, was that the utilities_were_at risk FOR HIGH PRICES in the_WHOLESALE MARKET. Everyone_understood_that if there were_high gas prices or bad_hydro years, the utilities would be_squeezed and_not collect_their billions by the 3/31/01 deadline. That's the risk they agreed_to. Now, they are claiming_that they were ENTITLED_to that_money_and more. _This_is in_direct conflict with the statute. I can_make the_argument that the statute requires SCE_to assume this risk_and_therefore any undercollection is theirs alone_-- now the CPUC can bail_them out -- but that_doesn't_make_ESPs subject to any presumed_\"undercollection.\"\n\nNow to the rates. At_the beginning of_DA, the utilities did not want to_do_a real rate case and separate_the_costs of the wholesale business and_the_retail_busness from T&D. So, they_did a \"top-down\" calculation. This_meant that there had to be a \"credit\" put_on the bills_of DA customers to account_for_the_costs the utility avoided by having the customers switch to_DA. So,_the PX Credit_structure was a direct result of the utilities unwillingness to_unbundle specific components of the rates. _Next, although bundled customers rates were capped, the decisions from the_CPUC made it clear"} {"text": "es up 50% or 75% and a company is operating on thin margins, the profits \nbegin disappearing, \nOn how to build a world-class board: At Enron, I went outside and brought in \na few key directors with a lot of creative ideas to stimulate the board\u0001,s \nthinking. As we had turnover, I kept bringing in new people and, \nincreasingly, people from other countries, who brought specific talents that \nwe thought would be helpful. I also brought in a number of new executives \nfrom different fields and backgrounds to help us jumpstart our effort to \nbuild a significant business in the deregulating natural gas markets. \nIt\u0001,s the old chicken and egg proposition. The top board members want to be \nwith the top companies. So as you\u0001,re rebuilding the board, you\u0001,ve also got to \nrebuild the company. You have to make sure you are bringing in the management \ntalent you need and developing and executing the strategy to move the company \nin different directions. It all feeds on itself. As the talent base improves \nand the company\u0001,s success is recognized, it\u0001,s easier to bring in directors. \nThe better directors you have, the more success you\u0001,re going to have in \nbusiness. \nOn transforming companies: Our biggest turning point was in the late 1980s, \nwhen we decided to let our new deregulated business compete head-on with our \nwell-established and regulated pipeline business and, in the process, maybe \nantagonize some of their customers and suppliers. Clearly we had divisions in \nthe company where some of the executive team thought that was smart, and some \nthought it was dumb. We all understood it was fairly risky. The main battles \nwere internal within the management team. The board was supportive of taking \nthat risk. \nToday our regulated pipelines are still a good business, but certainly that \nwould never give us the kind of growth and opportunity we could obtain if we \nbecame truly \u0001&best in class\u00018 in operating in the deregulating energy markets. \nOn the biggest lesson learned: The most important thing is quality of talent. \nThat\u0001,s true both on the management team and on the board. You have to have \ngood talent to attract more talent. The key state democratic legislators", "synonym_substitution": "es up 50% or 75% and a company is operating on thin margins, the net income \n get down disappearing, \n On how to build a populace - course board: At Enron, I went outside and brought in \n a few cardinal film director with a lot of creative idea to stimulate the board\u0001,s \n thinking. As we had upset, I kept bringing in newfangled people and, \n increasingly, people from other countries, who brought specific endowment that \n we thought would be helpful. I also brought in a issue of new executives \n from different fields and background to help us jumpstart our effort to \n build a significant business in the deregulate natural gas markets. \n It\u0001,s the old chicken and egg suggestion. The top board members want to be \n with the top companies. So as you\u0001,re rebuilding the board, you\u0001,ve also got to \n rebuild the company. You suffer to make sure you are lend in the management \n endowment you want and developing and executing the scheme to move the ship's company \n in different directions. It all feed on itself. As the talent base improves \n and the company\u0001,s success is recognized, it\u0001,s easier to bring in director. \n The better directors you have, the more success you\u0001,re going to have in \n commercial enterprise. \n On transforming companies: Our biggest turning point was in the belated 1980s, \n when we decided to let our newfangled deregulated business compete head - on with our \n well - established and regulated pipeline occupation and, in the process, maybe \n antagonize some of their customer and suppliers. Clearly we had divisions in \n the caller where some of the executive team thought that was fresh, and some \n thought it was dumb. We all understand it was fairly bad. The main battles \n were internal within the management team. The board was supportive of taking \n that risk. \n Today our regulated pipelines are still a full business, but certainly that \n would never yield us the kind of growth and opportunity we could obtain if we \n became truly \u0001&best in class\u00018 in operating in the deregulating department of energy markets. \n On the biggest lesson learned: The most important thing is quality of endowment. \n That\u0001,s true both on the management team and on the board. You have to have \n good talent to attract more talent. The key state of matter democratic legislators", "butter_fingers": "es kp 50% or 75% and a company is operating on tkun marjins, ths profitr \nbegin disappearing, \nOn how vo byild q world-class board: At Dnron, I wvnt outsiee aid brought in \na hsw key directkvs wich a lot of creajive ideas tm stimulate tha cocrd\u0001,s \nthinking. As we had turnover, I kqpt brimglng in new peokle amq, \nindgecsingly, people from other countdies, whm brought spevific talents that \nwe thouhht aould be helpful. I also brougyt ig a number of new execuuires \nfrom dirferent fields and backgrounds go hekp us jumpwtqrt mur effort vo \nbuijd a signifigsnt buviness on the deregulstiig nqtural gas markets. \nIt\u0001,v the old chicken wnd egg pso'osition. The top boare nembets watt tu be \nwiuh vhe top clmpenies. So as you\u0001,re rebuulding the board, yoi\u0001,vq also got to \ndebuilq ehe company. You have to make sure you age bdinging in the managemebt \ntalent you need anf developyng and executing the strategy to move the companf \nin viwfexckt dkeeftions. It all feeds on itself. As the talent bwae ikproves \nand thc company\u0001,s success id tgcognized, it\u0001,s gasier ck gring in directors. \nThe bejter durectors rou nave, the more success you\u0001,re going to hane ib \nbusiness. \nOn trandforming coopanoes: Oir biggest turning poinc was jn the late 1980s, \nwhen ws decided to let uur naw deregulated business coipete heav-on wnth our \ndell-gstablifhed and rfgulabad pipeline busineds anb, in dhe procesd, maybe \nantagonize some of theic customers amd suipliers. Cjearln we had divisijns in \nthe comkany wherz some of the exvcutive txam thought ehat was smard, and some \nthmught it was dumv. We alu understood it was fairly risky. Tye main battles \nweve injednal within the mabagement team. Tne coawd wes su[[ortive of tdkine \ntfst rirk. \nToday ouv rdgulsted pipelines are sdill a good business, bit certainoy that \nrould never gove us the kind of growvh and oppottugity we could obtain if we \nbeczme truly \u0001&beft in class\u00018 yn oierajing in the deregulating energy markets. \nOn the bigjest lesson learned: Thg most important thiny ls quality oh talegt. \nThat\u0001,s drue both on the manqgement team and pn the board. You have to haee \ngold talent to attract more talent. The key state democratic legislators", "random_deletion": "es up 50% or 75% and a operating thin margins, profits begin disappearing, world-class At Enron, I outside and brought a few key directors with a of creative ideas to stimulate the board\u0001,s thinking. As we had turnover, I bringing in new people and, increasingly, people from other countries, who brought specific that thought be I also brought in a number of new executives from different fields and backgrounds to help jumpstart our effort to build a significant business the deregulating natural gas It\u0001,s the old chicken and proposition. top board want be the top companies. as you\u0001,re rebuilding the board, you\u0001,ve also got to rebuild the company. You have to make sure are bringing management talent need developing executing the strategy the company in different directions. It itself. As the talent base improves and the success is it\u0001,s easier to bring in directors. better directors you have, the more success you\u0001,re to have in business. On transforming companies: Our biggest turning point was in the late we decided to let new deregulated business head-on our and pipeline business in the process, maybe antagonize some of their customers and suppliers. we had divisions in the company where some of the thought was smart, and thought it was dumb. all it was fairly risky. battles internal team. board supportive of taking that Today our regulated pipelines are a good business, but us the kind of growth and opportunity we obtain if we became truly \u0001&best in in operating in the deregulating energy markets. On the biggest lesson learned: most important quality of talent. That\u0001,s true both on the team and on the You have to have good talent to attract more The state democratic", "change_char_case": "es up 50% or 75% and a company is operatIng on thin mArginS, thE prOfIts \nbEgin Disappearing, \nOn HOw to Build a world-class board: AT EnroN, I WEnt oUTsIde anD broughT In \nA FEw kEy DiRecToRS wIth a lOt oF creatiVe ideas to sTimUlAte the board\u0001,s \nTHiNking. As we hAd tUrnover, I kept BriNging iN nEw pEOple aNd, \niNcreaSingly, PEople fRom other cOuNTries, wHO broughT SPeCifiC talents that \nwe thoUGhT Would be helpful. i also bRoUGhT IN a nUmbEr of new exeCuTives \nFRom diffEReNT FIelDS and backgrounDs to help us jUMpsTart ouR eFfoRT to \nbuiLd a siGnIFicAnt business In thE deregulaTing naTUral gas MArkets. \nIT\u0001,s the oLd cHicKen aND eGg ProPoSItiON. THe tOP boArd membeRs WaNt to bE \nwitH THE Top cOmpAnieS. So as You\u0001,re rebuildiNg tHe boARd, yOu\u0001,ve aLso goT to \nrEbUild tHe compAny. YoU hAve to make sure yoU are Bringing iN thE mAnaGeMent \ntALent yoU neEd aNd develOping anD ExeCuTING tHe strategy to move thE cOMPaNy \nin diffErent dIReCtIOns. It all FeEds On itSELf. As tHe taLEnT base impRoves \naND tHe Company\u0001,S sUccess Is RecOgnIzed, iT\u0001,S easIer to bRing in diRectoRS. \nThe better direCTors you have, thE MoRE SuCCess You\u0001,Re going to haVe in \nBUsinEss. \nON TrAnsFOrminG compAnIEs: oUr biggest turning poiNt Was in tHe latE 1980s, \nwhen we decidEd to let our NEW DeregulaTed bUSiNEss compete head-On witH our \nwell-esTAblished And reGulated pIpeline buSINess and, iN thE prOceSs, mAYBe \nAntagonize somE OF theIr CustomeRs aNd supplIerS. ClEarLy wE hAd divisioNs in \nthe cOmPaNy WhEre Some oF The execuTiVe tEaM thOught THat was Smart, And sOmE \ntHOugHt it was DUmB. wE all UnDeRstoOd iT wAs faiRly rISky. the main Battles \nweRe iNTernAl WiThin the Management teaM. THe board was SuPpoRtive oF TAking \nthaT risk. \nToday our regulated pIPelines Are Still A gooD business, But CertaiNly THat \nwouLd neveR give Us The KINd of gROWtH anD oPportunity WE CouLd obtAiN if wE \nbecame Truly \u0001&best in class\u00018 in OPerAting in the derEguLatiNG EnErgY MaRKetS. \nON The BIGgest lesson learNed: The most ImPOrTant thing iS QuaLiTy of talEnt. \nThat\u0001,S true BOth on thE managemeNt team and On The bOARd. YOu have to haVe \ngood taLent to attRAct moRE tAlent. the Key staTe DemOcratIc legiSLatOrs", "whitespace_perturbation": "es up 50% or 75% and a com pany is op erati ngonth in m argi ns, the profit s \nbe gin disappearing, \nOnhow t ob uild aworld -classb oa r d : A tEn ron ,I w ent o uts ide and brought i n afew key dire c to rs with alot of creative id eas to s tim u latethe boar d\u0001,s t hinkin g. As weha d turno v er, I k e p tbrin ging in new peopl e a n d, \nincreasing ly, pe op l ef r omoth er countri es , who brought sp e c i fic talents that\nwe thought wou ld behe lpf u l. I a lso b ro u ght in a numbe r of new exec utives \nfrom d i fferent field s a ndback g ro un dsto hel p u s j u mps tart our e ff ort t o \nb u i l d a s ign ific ant b usiness in th e d ereg u lat ing n atura l ga smarke ts. \nI t\u0001,sth e old chicken a nd e gg propos iti on . T he topb oard m emb ers want t o be \nw i thth e t op companies. So asyo u \u0001 ,r e rebuil ding t h ebo a rd, you\u0001 ,v e a lsog o t to\nreb u il d the co mpany. Yo uhave to m ake su re yo u a re br i ngin g in t he manag ement \ntalent you ne e d and develop i ng a nd exec uti ng the stra tegy to m ovet he co m pany\nin d if f er e nt directions. It a ll feeds on i tself. As the talent ba s e improves \nan d t h e company\u0001,s s ucces s is recog n ized, it \u0001,s e asier to bring in d irectors . The be tte r di rectors you h a v e, t he more s ucc ess you \u0001,r e g oin g t ohave in business .\nO ntr ans formi n g compan ie s:Ou r b igges t turni ng po intwa si n t he late 19 8 0 s, wh en wedec id ed to let our new de regulated bu s ines sco mpete h ead-on with o ur \nwell-est ab lis hed an d regulate d pipeline business and , in the pr ocess , ma ybe \nanta gon ize so meo f thei r cust omers a nds u pplie r s .Cle ar ly we hadd i vis ionsin \nth e compa ny where some of t h e e xecutive team th ough t th atw as sma rt , an d some \nthought i t was dumb .W eall unders t ood i t was f airly r isky. The mai n battles \nwere in te rnal w ith in the man agementteam. The board wa s sup por tive o ftak ing that r i sk. \nTod ay our r egulat ed pi pe lines ar e still a good business , butcerta inl y that \nw oul d ne ver giveus t he kind of gr owt h and op p ortun ityw ecou l d obt aini f we \nbec a me tr u l y\u0001&best in c l a s s\u00018 in o per a ting i n th e deregulating en e rgy markets. On t h e bi gge s t le ss on learned: Th e m os t importan tthing is qu ality of t a lent. \nThat \u0001,s tr ue both o nt he man agem ent team and on t h e board .Yo u haveto h av e \ngoo d tale n t to a ttract more tale nt. T h e keys tat e dem oc ratic l e gisl ators", "underscore_trick": "es up_50% or_75% and a company_is operating_on_thin margins,_the_profits \nbegin disappearing,_\nOn how to_build a world-class board:_At Enron, I_went_outside and brought in \na few key directors with a lot of creative ideas_to_stimulate the_board\u0001,s_\nthinking._As we had turnover, I_kept bringing in new people_and, \nincreasingly,_people from other countries, who brought specific talents_that_\nwe thought would_be helpful. I also brought in a number of_new executives \nfrom different fields and_backgrounds to help_us_jumpstart_our effort to \nbuild_a significant business in the deregulating_natural gas markets. \nIt\u0001,s the old_chicken and egg proposition. The top board_members want to be \nwith the_top companies. So as you\u0001,re_rebuilding the_board, you\u0001,ve also got to_\nrebuild the company._You have_to make sure_you are bringing in the management_\ntalent you need_and developing and executing the strategy_to_move the company_\nin_different_directions. It_all feeds on_itself._As the_talent_base improves \nand the company\u0001,s success_is_recognized, it\u0001,s easier to bring in directors._\nThe better directors you_have,_the more success you\u0001,re_going to have in \nbusiness._\nOn transforming companies: Our biggest turning_point was_in the_late 1980s, \nwhen we decided to let our new deregulated business_compete head-on with our \nwell-established and_regulated pipeline business and,_in the_process,_maybe \nantagonize some_of_their customers_and suppliers. Clearly we had divisions in_\nthe company_where some of the executive team_thought that was smart,_and_some \nthought it was dumb. We_all understood it was fairly risky._The main battles \nwere internal_within_the_management team. The board was_supportive of taking \nthat risk. \nToday_our regulated pipelines_are still a good business, but certainly_that_\nwould never give us the kind_of_growth and opportunity we could obtain_if_we_\nbecame truly \u0001&best in class\u00018_in operating in the deregulating energy_markets. \nOn the biggest lesson learned: The most important_thing is quality_of talent. \nThat\u0001,s true both_on_the_management team and on the board. You have to have_\ngood talent_to attract more_talent. The key state democratic legislators"} {"text": ".Hyvl@enron.com'\" \n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: FW: FW: FW: Enfolio Contract with CPS\n\n\nMr. Hyvl,\n\nHappy New Year! Hope you enjoyed the holidays. Did you have a chance to\nsee if we could raise the threshold of $10 million for a Letter of Credit?\n(see message below)\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Pfister, Christian W.\nSent: Monday, December 18, 2000 1:58 PM\nTo: 'Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com'\nSubject: RE: FW: FW: Enfolio Contract with CPS\n\n\nI agree. The Accounting Dept. informed me that there are two days that\nsometimes land on the 25th that CPS considers a holiday. One is the day\nafter Thanksgiving and the other is during Fiesta for the Battle of Flowers\nParade. I requested that they just pay a day early if the 25th lands on one\nof these CPS holidays.\n\nI have one more request, however. In 4.5. Collateral\nRequirement/Termination Payment Threshold, could you raise the threshold of\n$10 million for a Letter of Credit to $15 or $20 million (whatever you feel\ncomforable with)?\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com [mailto:Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com]\nSent: Friday, December 15, 2000 5:57 PM\nTo: CWPfister@cps-satx.com\nCc: Janet.H.Wallis@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FW: FW: Enfolio Contract with CPS\n\n\n\nChristian,\n I believe this is covered because the language states that if the 25th\nis not a\nBusiness Day, the payment will be due the next Business Day. Business Day\nis a defined term as a day when the Federal Reserve Banks is New York are\nopen for business. I cannot agree to a Customer's Business Day because it\nis not a defined term and may differ from the standard definition of\nBusiness Day. Therefore that change should not be incorporated. Do you\nagree?\n\n\n\n\n \"Pfister,\n\n Christian W.\" To: \"'Dan.J.Hyvl@", "synonym_substitution": ".Hyvl@enron.com' \" < Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com > \n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: FW: FW: FW: Enfolio Contract with CPS \n\n\n Mr. Hyvl, \n\n Happy New Year! Hope you enjoyed the holidays. Did you have a probability to \n examine if we could raise the threshold of $ 10 million for a Letter of Credit? \n (see message under) \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Pfister, Christian W. \n Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 1:58 PM \n To:' Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com' \n Subject: ra: FW: FW: Enfolio Contract with CPS \n\n\n I harmonize. The Accounting Dept. informed me that there embody two days that \n sometimes land on the 25th that CPS consider a holiday. One is the day \n after Thanksgiving and the other is during Fiesta for the Battle of Flowers \n Parade. I requested that they just pay a sidereal day early if the 25th lands on one \n of these CPS holiday. \n\n I have one more request, however. In 4.5. Collateral \n Requirement / Termination Payment Threshold, could you raise the doorway of \n $ 10 million for a Letter of Credit to $ 15 or $ 20 million (whatever you feel \n comforable with)? \n\n -----Original Message----- \n From: Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com [ mailto:Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com ] \n send: Friday, December 15, 2000 5:57 PM \n To: CWPfister@cps-satx.com \n Cc: Janet.H.Wallis@enron.com \n Subject: Re: FW: FW: Enfolio Contract with CPS \n\n\n\n Christian, \n I believe this is covered because the language express that if the 25th \n is not a \n Business Day, the payment will be due the next Business Day. Business Day \n is a defined term as a day when the Federal Reserve Banks is New York are \n open for business. I cannot agree to a Customer's Business Day because it \n is not a defined term and may differ from the standard definition of \n Business Day. Therefore that change should not be incorporated. Do you \n agree? \n\n\n\n\n \" Pfister, \n\n Christian W. \" To: \"' Dan. J.Hyvl@", "butter_fingers": ".Hyvp@enron.com'\" \n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: YQ: FW: FX: Enfoljo Contrxct with CPS\n\n\nMr. Hyvl,\n\nHappy New Ywar! Yope you enjoyed the hulidays. Fid you yave q chance to\nsee if we coumf ransx the threshold of $10 millimn for a Lettes uf Credit?\n(see message below)\n\n-----Original Mefsage-----\nFrpm: Pfister, Chrisjian E.\nFent: Monday, December 18, 2000 1:58 PM\nTo: 'Dan.J.Hyvl@ehron.com'\nVubject: RE: FW: FW: Enfolio Contract with FPS\n\n\nI agree. The Accounhing Dept. ibforiwd me that tfere are two days that\naometimes land on the 25th that COS cousiders a hiludaj. One is thx day\naster Thanksglning ang the oyher is during Fixsta for the Battle of Flmwers\nParade. I reqoested thad chey just pay a day eqroy if the 25th uqndr oh pns\nof thfse CPS holidzys.\n\nI have obe more request, howtvew. In 4.5. Collatedal\nReqtiwement/Termination Payment Threshold, cound gou raise the threshold of\n$10 million for a Letjer of Creqit to $15 or $20 million (whatever you feel\ncomforable whth)?\n\n-----Ormgknao Idwswge-----\nFrom: Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com [mailto:Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.cjj]\nStnt: Friday, Decembcr 15, 2000 5:57 PM\nTo: CWPfistrr@fpx-fatx.com\nCc: Jangt.H.Wallna@ehron.com\nSubject: Re: VW: FW: Egfolii Contracu witn CPS\n\n\n\nChristian,\n I believw this is coneree because the langbage states chat ig the 25th\nis not a\nBusiness Day, the payment wipl be due ghe next Businesr Dsy. Business Day\nis a defined term as e day when tfe Fgderal Weserve Bajks is New York are\nopen vor bosinesv. I cannoh agree to a Customer's Business Day because ij\nis non a definzd terk and may difser from the sjandard dzfinitkon of\nBusihess Dab. Therefore that change vjould not be incorpowatee. Di you\nagfde?\n\n\n\n\n \"Pynster,\n\n Chvistixh W.\" To: \"'Dan.J.Hyvl@", "random_deletion": ".Hyvl@enron.com'\" cc: Subject: FW: FW: FW: with Mr. Hyvl, New Year! Hope you a chance to if we could the threshold of $10 million for Letter of Credit? (see message below) -----Original Message----- From: Pfister, Christian W. Sent: December 18, 2000 1:58 PM To: 'Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com' Subject: RE: FW: FW: Enfolio Contract CPS agree. Accounting informed me that there are two days that sometimes land on the 25th that CPS considers holiday. One is the day after Thanksgiving and other is during Fiesta the Battle of Flowers Parade. requested they just a early the 25th lands one of these CPS holidays. I have one more request, however. In 4.5. Collateral Requirement/Termination Payment Threshold, you raise of $10 for Letter Credit to $15 million (whatever you feel comforable with)? Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com [mailto:Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com] Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 5:57 To: CWPfister@cps-satx.com Janet.H.Wallis@enron.com Subject: Re: FW: FW: Enfolio with CPS Christian, I believe this is covered the language states that if the 25th is not a Business Day, the payment will the next Business Day. Day is a term a when Federal Reserve is New York are open for business. I cannot agree to Customer's Business Day because it is not a defined term differ the standard definition Business Day. Therefore that should be incorporated. Do you Christian To:", "change_char_case": ".Hyvl@enron.com'\" \n\t\t cc: \n\t\t SubjeCt: FW: Fw: FW: enfOlIo CoNtraCt with CPS\n\n\nMr. HyvL,\n\nhappY New Year! Hope you enjoyed The hoLiDAys. DID yOu havE a chancE To\nSEE if We CoUld RaISe The thResHold of $10 mIllion for a letTeR of Credit?\n(see MEsSage below)\n\n-----ORigInal Message-----\nFRom: pfisteR, CHriSTian W.\nsenT: MondAy, DeceMBer 18, 2000 1:58 PM\nTO: 'Dan.J.Hyvl@EnROn.com'\nSUBject: RE: fw: fW: enfoLio Contract with CPs\n\n\ni aGRee. The AccountiNg Dept. InFOrMED me ThaT there are tWo Days tHAt\nsometIMeS LANd oN The 25th that CPS cOnsiders a hoLIdaY. One is ThE daY\nAfter THanksGiVIng And the other Is duRing FiestA for thE battle oF flowers\nparade. i reQueSted THaT tHey JuST paY A dAy eARly If the 25th lAnDs On one\nOf thESE cpS hoLidAys.\n\nI Have oNe more request, HowEver. iN 4.5. CoLlateRal\nReQuirEmEnt/TeRminatIon PaYmEnt Threshold, couLd yoU raise the ThrEsHolD oF\n$10 millIOn for a letTer Of CrediT to $15 or $20 miLLioN (wHATEvEr you feel\ncomforablE wITH)?\n\n-----ORiginal MEssage-----\nfRoM: DAN.J.Hyvl@enRoN.coM [maiLTO:Dan.J.hyvl@ENrOn.com]\nSenT: FridaY, deCeMber 15, 2000 5:57 PM\nTO: CwPfistEr@Cps-SatX.com\nCC: janeT.H.WallIs@enron.cOm\nSubJEct: Re: FW: FW: EnfolIO Contract with cpS\n\n\n\ncHRiSTian,\n i beLieve this is CoveREd beCausE ThE laNGuage StateS tHAt IF the 25th\nis not a\nBusinesS DAy, the pAymenT will be due the Next BusineSS dAy. BusineSs DaY\nIs A Defined term as a Day whEn the FederAL Reserve banks Is New YorK are\nopen fOR Business. i caNnoT agRee TO A CUstomer's BusinESS Day BeCause it\nIs nOt a defiNed TerM anD maY dIffer from The standArD dEfInItiOn of\nBUSiness DaY. THerEfOre That cHAnge shOuld nOt be InCoRPorAted. Do yOU\naGREe?\n\n\n\n\n \"PfIsTeR,\n\n ChrIstIaN W.\" To: \"'DAn.J.HYVl@", "whitespace_perturbation": ".Hyvl@enron.com'\" \t\tcc: \t\t S ubje ct: FW: FW: FW : Enf olio Contract with CPS \n\n\nMr .H yvl, \nH appyNew Yea r !H ope y ou en jo y ed thehol idays. Did you h ave a chance to\ns e eif we coul d r aise the thr esh old of $ 10m illio n f or aLetter of Cre dit?\n(see m e ssageb elow)\n- - -- -Ori ginal Message---- - \nF r om: Pfister, C hristi an W. S ent : M onday, Dec em ber 1 8 , 20001 :5 8 P M\nT o : 'Dan.J.Hyvl @enron.com' Sub ject:RE : F W : FW:Enfol io Con tract withCPS\n\nI agree . The Account i ng Dept . info rme d m e th a tth ere a r e t w oday s th at\nsomet im es land ont h e 25th th at C PS co nsiders a hol ida y. O neis th e day \naft er Than ksgivi ng an dthe other is du ring Fiesta f orth e B at tle o f Flowe rsPar ade. I reques t edth a t th ey just pay a dayea r l yif the 2 5th la n ds o n one\nofth ese CPS h olida ys.Ihave one morer eq ue st, how ev er. I n4.5 . C ollat e ralRequir ement/Te rmina t ion Payment Th r eshold, could yo u ra i se t hethreshold o f\n$1 0 mil lion fo r a Lette r ofCr e di t to $15 or $20 mill io n (wha tever you feel\ncom forable wi t h ) ?\n\n----- Orig i na l Message-----From: Dan.J.Hyv l @enron.c om [m ailto:Da n.J.Hyvl@ e n ron.com] \nSe nt: Fr ida y , D ecember 15, 2 0 0 0 5: 57 PM\nTo: CW Pfister @cp s-s atx .co mCc: Janet .H.Walli s@ en ro n. com \nSubj e ct: Re:FW : F W: En folio Contra ct wi th C PS \n\nCh ristian , \n Ibe li evethi sis co vere d be cause t he langua ges tate sth at if t he 25th\nis no ta\nBusiness D ay, the p a y ment wil l be due the next Busin e ss Day. B usine ss D ay\nis a d efi ned te rma s a da y when theFe der a l Rese r v eBan ks is New Yo r k ar e\nope nforbusines s. I cannot agree toa Customer'sBus ines s Da y b e ca u seit isn o t a defined ter m and maydi f fe r from the sta nd ard def inition of\nB u sinessDay. The refore th at cha n g e s hould notbe incor porated.Do yo u \na gree? \n\n\n\n \" Pfi ster, \n\n Christi an W.\" To: \"'Dan. J.Hyv l@", "underscore_trick": ".Hyvl@enron.com'\" \n\t\t_cc: \n\t\t_Subject: FW: FW: FW:_Enfolio Contract_with_CPS\n\n\nMr. Hyvl,\n\nHappy_New_Year! Hope_you enjoyed the_holidays. Did you_have a chance_to\nsee_if we could raise the threshold of $10 million for a Letter of Credit?\n(see_message_below)\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom:_Pfister,_Christian_W.\nSent: Monday, December 18, 2000_1:58 PM\nTo: 'Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com'\nSubject: RE: FW:_FW: Enfolio_Contract with CPS\n\n\nI agree. The Accounting Dept._informed_me that there_are two days that\nsometimes land on the 25th that_CPS considers a holiday. One_is the day\nafter_Thanksgiving_and_the other is during_Fiesta for the Battle of Flowers\nParade._ I requested that they just_pay a day early if the 25th_lands on one\nof these CPS holidays.\n\nI_have one more request, however._ In_4.5. Collateral\nRequirement/Termination Payment Threshold, could_you raise the_threshold of\n$10_million for a_Letter of Credit to $15 or_$20 million (whatever_you feel\ncomforable with)?\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com [mailto:Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com]\nSent:_Friday,_December 15, 2000_5:57_PM\nTo:_CWPfister@cps-satx.com\nCc: Janet.H.Wallis@enron.com\nSubject:_Re: FW: FW:_Enfolio_Contract with_CPS\n\n\n\nChristian,\n_ I believe_this_is covered because the language states that_if the 25th\nis not_a\nBusiness_Day, the payment will_be due the next Business_Day. Business Day\nis a defined_term as_a day_when the Federal Reserve Banks is New York are\nopen for business._ I cannot agree to a_Customer's Business Day because_it\nis not_a_defined term and_may_differ from_the standard definition of\nBusiness Day. Therefore_that change_should not be incorporated. Do_you\nagree?\n\n\n\n\n __ _ _ \"Pfister,\n\n ___ _ _ _ Christian W.\" __ To: __ \"'Dan.J.Hyvl@"} {"text": " where everybody has to buy most of their supply \non the wholesale spot market. That was very, very dangerous from day one. We \nneed to give consumers the benefits of real deregulation. \nThe solution for California\u0001,s problem has to be in California. Nationally, we \nneed to get the rules right as quickly as possible. Part of the problem is \nthat there has been uncertainty in some states and regions as to what the \nrules are. Uncertainty tends to lead to inaction. So we need to go ahead and \nfinish up the deregulation process. Mainly, we need to remove barriers for \nrebuilding the infrastructure, getting the right-of-way for new transmission \nlines, and building power plants. \nWe need to distinguish between deregulating the retail and the wholesale \nelectricity market. On the wholesale side, the federal government, mainly the \nFederal Electricity Regulatory Commission, has a great deal of authority. One \nof our recommendations has been that we need to get larger transmission grids\u0001*\nregional, not just state grids. We need those to operate independently of the \ndistribution and power generation functions. And we need those larger \nregional grids to be truly open access and nondiscriminatory. We and many \nother people are convinced that would increase the carrying capacity of the \nsystem and help us in the interim as we expand and build out the system. \nOn price caps: I don\u0001,t hear anyone arguing that price caps would either \nreduce demand or increase supply. And many people would argue just the \nopposite, that they would increase demand and reduce supply. \nHere\u0001,s one example. Enron was getting ready to build a peaking power plant in \nCalifornia last October. We already had the site approved, and the turbines. \nThen the state imposed price caps, and we had to cancel the project because \nwe couldn\u0001,t justify making the investment with the price caps. At least one \nother company, CalPine, did the same thing. That means that this summer there \nwill be about 1,000 megawatts less power available for the California market \nthan there would have been otherwise. That\u0001,s about 20% of the estimated peak \nshortage that would have been available if there had not been price caps. \nSecond, price caps tend", "synonym_substitution": "where everybody has to buy most of their supply \n on the wholesale smudge grocery store. That was very, very dangerous from day one. We \n need to give consumer the benefits of real deregulation. \n The solution for California\u0001,s problem have to be in California. Nationally, we \n need to get the rules right as cursorily as possible. Part of the trouble is \n that there has been uncertainty in some states and regions as to what the \n rules are. Uncertainty tends to lead to inaction. thus we need to go ahead and \n finish up the deregulation summons. Mainly, we need to remove barriers for \n rebuild the infrastructure, getting the right field - of - way for new transmission \n lines, and build up power plants. \n We need to distinguish between deregulating the retail and the sweeping \n electricity grocery store. On the wholesale side, the federal government, mainly the \n Federal Electricity Regulatory Commission, has a great deal of authority. One \n of our recommendation has been that we need to get big transmittance grids\u0001 * \n regional, not just state grids. We necessitate those to operate independently of the \n distribution and power generation functions. And we necessitate those larger \n regional grids to be truly open access and nondiscriminatory. We and many \n other multitude are convinced that would increase the carrying capacity of the \n system and help us in the interim as we elaborate and build out the arrangement. \n On price caps: I don\u0001,t hear anyone arguing that price ceiling would either \n reduce demand or increase supply. And many citizenry would argue just the \n opposite, that they would increase demand and reduce provision. \n Here\u0001,s one example. Enron was getting ready to build a peaking power plant in \n California concluding October. We already had the web site approved, and the turbines. \n Then the state imposed monetary value caps, and we had to cancel the undertaking because \n we couldn\u0001,t justify making the investment with the price caps. At least one \n other company, CalPine, did the same thing. That means that this summer there \n will be about 1,000 megawatt less power available for the California market \n than there would have been differently. That\u0001,s about 20% of the estimated peak \n dearth that would have been available if there had not been price caps. \n Second, price crown tend", "butter_fingers": " whfre everybody has to buy most of their supply \nmn the wholesaue spot market. That was very, vwry dqngerous from day one. De \nneed tl give cinsunwrs the beisfits on ream derzgnlation. \nThe solotion for Canifornia\u0001,s probneo kas to be in California. Nationally, wq \nneed yo get the rules rigne as quickly as possible. Part of the pdoblem ps \nthat there has been uncertainty in some dtatfs and regions as ho what the \nrulqw are. Uncertxinty tends to lead to inaction. So we need to go aheaa and \nfinish up tye fgregulation 'rocesf. Mainly, we kved to semove narriers for \nrcbuilving the infrastructure, gxtting the right-of-wai for new drcnsmission \nlines, and vuuldinc pofer ooangs. \nSe nsed to diatinguish getween derwgulating the retaik wbd the wholeszle \nelqcericity market. On the wholesale side, tht fedsral government, mainly rhe \nFederal Electricijy Regulatjry Commission, has a great deal of authority. One \nmf ouc fecimidbdwtions has been that we need to get larger trwhskixsion grids\u0001*\nreglonal, not just staye gtyds. We need tfose to olerate independentpy of tre \ndiwtributiog anc power generation functionw. And we neeb tyose larger \nregioncl grids to ye truky oprn access and nondiscrioinafory. We and many \nothsf people are conxinbed dhat would increase the cawrying ca'acitv of the \nsysjem and help us ij the interim as we expajd anb buind out the system. \nOn price caps: I don\u0001,t heec anyone arguonc tvat pricz caps would either \nreduce demand or incxease rupply. And many pxople would wrgue just tha \nopposite, thet they wjuld inceease ddoand and reducr supply. \nKtre\u0001,s one ezample. Enron was gcttine ready to build a keqking power plsnt in \nCwlmfornyd last Octobar. Wd auteady had tht slte apptoved, and the turbinas. \nTgen the state impoxeq price xaps, and we had to camcel the project btcause \nwe coulcn\u0001,t justify making the investment with the prlce caps. At lqast one \nother cpmpany, CalPine, did the same thing. That neans that this sommer there \nwill be ayomt 1,000 megawattx lesf power aeailable for the Calufornia market \nthsn there would have bsen otverwide. That\u0001,s about 20% of the estimated peak \nshortage that would have been availqble ih ehere had nkt bren pgicz ccps. \nSecjnd, 'rmce caps tend", "random_deletion": "where everybody has to buy most of on wholesale spot That was very, We to give consumers benefits of real The solution for California\u0001,s problem has be in California. Nationally, we need to get the rules right as quickly possible. Part of the problem is that there has been uncertainty in some and as what rules are. Uncertainty tends to lead to inaction. So we need to go ahead and finish the deregulation process. Mainly, we need to remove for rebuilding the infrastructure, the right-of-way for new transmission and power plants. need distinguish deregulating the retail the wholesale electricity market. On the wholesale side, the federal government, mainly the Federal Electricity Regulatory Commission, a great authority. One our has that we need larger transmission grids\u0001* regional, not just need those to operate independently of the distribution power generation And we need those larger regional to be truly open access and nondiscriminatory. We many other people are convinced that would increase the carrying capacity of the system and in the interim as expand and build the On caps: don\u0001,t hear arguing that price caps would either reduce demand or increase supply. many people would argue just the opposite, that they would and supply. Here\u0001,s one Enron was getting ready build peaking power plant in October. already approved, the Then the state imposed caps, and we had to the project because we with the price caps. At least one other CalPine, did the same thing. That means this summer there will be about 1,000 megawatts less power available for California market would have been otherwise. That\u0001,s about 20% of estimated peak shortage that have been available if there had not been price Second, caps tend", "change_char_case": " where everybody has to buy mosT of their suPply \noN thE whOlEsalE spoT market. That was VEry, vEry dangerous from day one. we \nneeD tO Give COnSumerS the benEFiTS Of rEaL dEreGuLAtIon. \nThE soLution fOr CalifornIa\u0001,s PrOblem has to be IN CAlifornia. NAtiOnally, we \nneed To gEt the rUlEs rIGht as QuiCkly aS possiBLe. Part Of the probLeM Is \nthat THere has BEEn UnceRtainty in some statES aND regions as to whAt the \nrUlES aRE. uncErtAinty tends To Lead tO InactioN. so WE NEed TO go ahead and \nfiNish up the deREguLation PrOceSS. MainlY, we neEd TO reMove barrierS for \nRebuildinG the inFRastrucTUre, gettIng the RigHt-oF-way FOr NeW trAnSMisSIoN \nliNEs, aNd buildiNg PoWer plAnts. \nwE NEEd to DisTingUish bEtween deregulAtiNg thE RetAil anD the wHoleSaLe \neleCtriciTy marKeT. On the wholesale Side, The federaL goVeRnmEnT, mainLY the \nFeDerAl ELectricIty ReguLAtoRy cOMMiSsion, has a great deal Of AUThOrity. One \nOf our rECoMmENdations HaS beEn thAT We neeD to gET lArger traNsmissIOn GrIds\u0001*\nregiOnAl, not jUsT stAte Grids. wE neeD those To operatE indePEndently of the \ndIStribution and POwER GeNEratIon Functions. AnD we nEEd thOse lARgEr \nrEGionaL gridS tO Be TRuly open access and noNdIscrimInatoRy. We and many \notHer people aRE COnvinced That WOuLD increase the caRryinG capacity oF The \nsysteM and hElp us in tHe interim AS We expand And BuiLd oUt tHE SyStem. \nOn price caPS: i don\u0001,T hEar anyoNe aRguing tHat PriCe cAps WoUld either \nReduce deMaNd Or InCreAse suPPly. And maNy PeoPlE woUld arGUe just The \nopPosiTe, ThAT thEy would INcREAse dEmAnD and RedUcE suppLy. \nHeRE\u0001,s oNe exampLe. Enron waS geTTing ReAdY to builD a peaking poweR pLant in \nCaliFoRniA last OCTOber. We alReady had the site approved, ANd the tuRbiNes. \nThEn thE state impOseD price CapS, And we hAd to caNcel tHe ProJECt becAUSe \nWe cOuLdn\u0001,t justifY MAkiNg the InVestMent witH the price caps. At leaST onE \nother company, calpine, DID tHe sAMe THinG. THAt mEANs that this summeR there \nwill Be ABoUt 1,000 megawattS LesS pOwer avaIlable fOr the cAlifornIa market \ntHan there wOuLd haVE BeeN otherwise. that\u0001,s aboUt 20% of the esTImateD PeAk \nshoRtaGe that WoUld Have bEen avaILabLe if tHere haD nOt been Price CaPs. \nSecond, Price caps tend", "whitespace_perturbation": " where everybody has to bu y most oftheir su ppl y\nonthewholesale spot mark et. That was very, ver y dan ge r ousf ro m day one. W e n e edto g ive c o ns umers th e benef its of rea l d er egulation. T he solutionfor California\u0001 ,sproble mhas to be in Cali fornia . Natio nally, we n eed to get the r ul es r ight as quickly a s p o ssible. Part o f thepr o bl e m is \nt hat thereha s bee n uncert a in t y ins ome states an d regions a s to whatth e r ules a re. U nc e rta inty tendsto l ead to in action . So wen eed togo ahe adand \nfi n is hupth e de r eg ula t ion process .Ma inly, wen e e d torem ovebarri ers for \nrebu ild ingt heinfra struc ture ,getti ng the righ t- of-way for newtran smission\nli ne s,an d bui l ding p owe r p lants.\nWe nee d to d i s t in guish between dere gu l a ti ng the r etaila nd t h e wholes al e elec t r icity mar k et . On the whole s al eside, t he feder al go ver nment , mai nly th e \nFeder al El e ctricity Regul a tory Commissi o n, h as a gr eat deal of au thor i ty.Oneof ou r reco mmend at i on s has been that we n ee d to g et la rger transmis sion grids \u0001 * regional , no t j u st state grids . Weneed those to opera te in dependen tly of th e \ndistrib uti onand po w e rgeneration fu n c tion s. And we ne ed thos e l arg er\nre gi onal grid s to betr ul yop enacces s and non di scr im ina tory. We and many \not he rp eop le arec on v i nced t ha t wo uld i ncrea se t h e c arrying capacity of the\ns ys tem and help us in t he interim a sweexpand a nd build out the system. \nOn pr i ce caps : I don\u0001 ,t h ear anyon e a rguing th a t pric e caps woul deit h e r \nre d u ce de ma nd or incr e a sesuppl y. And many p eople would arguej ust the \nopposit e,that t he y w o ul d in cr e ase d emand and reduc e supply.\nH e re \u0001,s one ex a mpl e. Enronwas get tingr eady to build apeaking p ow er p l a ntin \nCalifo rnia las t October . We a l re ady h adthe si te ap prove d, and the turb ines.\nT hen th e sta te imposed price caps, and we had to ca ncelthe projectbec a use \nwe coul dn\u0001, t justifymak ing theinv e stmen t wi t hthe price cap s . At leas t o neo th er company, C a lPi ne, d idt he sam e th ing. That means t h at this summer the r e \nw ill be a bo ut 1,000 megaw att sl e ss power a vailable fo r the Ca li f ornia marke t \ntha n there w ou l d have bee n o therwise. Th at \u0001 ,s abou t20 % of th e es ti matedpeak s hort a g e that would hav e bee n avail a ble if t he re hadn ot b een pricecaps. \nSeco nd, pr icecapstend", "underscore_trick": " where_everybody has_to buy most of_their supply_\non_the wholesale_spot_market. That was_very, very dangerous_from day one. We_\nneed to give_consumers_the benefits of real deregulation. \nThe solution for California\u0001,s problem has to be in_California._Nationally, we_\nneed_to_get the rules right as_quickly as possible. Part of_the problem_is \nthat there has been uncertainty in some_states_and regions as_to what the \nrules are. Uncertainty tends to lead_to inaction. So we need to_go ahead and_\nfinish_up_the deregulation process. Mainly,_we need to remove barriers for_\nrebuilding the infrastructure, getting the right-of-way_for new transmission \nlines, and building power_plants. \nWe need to distinguish between_deregulating the retail and the_wholesale \nelectricity_market. On the wholesale side,_the federal government,_mainly the_\nFederal Electricity Regulatory_Commission, has a great deal of_authority. One \nof_our recommendations has been that we_need_to get larger_transmission_grids\u0001*\nregional,_not just_state grids. We_need_those to_operate_independently of the \ndistribution and power_generation_functions. And we need those larger \nregional_grids to be truly_open_access and nondiscriminatory. We_and many \nother people are_convinced that would increase the carrying_capacity of_the \nsystem_and help us in the interim as we expand and build_out the system. \nOn price caps:_I don\u0001,t hear anyone_arguing that_price_caps would either_\nreduce_demand or_increase supply. And many people would argue_just the_\nopposite, that they would increase demand_and reduce supply. \nHere\u0001,s_one_example. Enron was getting ready to_build a peaking power plant in_\nCalifornia last October. We already_had_the_site approved, and the turbines._\nThen the state imposed price caps,_and we had_to cancel the project because \nwe couldn\u0001,t_justify_making the investment with the price_caps._At least one \nother company, CalPine,_did_the_same thing. That means that_this summer there \nwill be about_1,000 megawatts less power available for the California market_\nthan there would_have been otherwise. That\u0001,s about_20%_of_the estimated peak \nshortage that would have been available if_there had_not been price_caps. \nSecond, price caps tend"} {"text": " to allow political leaders to delay making the tough \ndecisions necessary to solve the problem. Price caps may camouflage the \nproblem temporarily, but they don\u0001,t solve it. And to the extent that the \nright decisions and action are not taken, the problem just gets worse. \nOn the public backlash against energy companies and their boards: Every time \nwe\u0001,ve had an energy problem, we get this same reaction. There is always a \ndiscussion of conspiracy or collusion or anticompetitive behavior or excess \nprofits or whatever. Each time there are investigations. \nIn California, it seems the political leaders are trying to blame everybody \nbut themselves. They need to face up to the fact that the rules are wrong and \nled to a drastically dangerous situation. Now we\u0001,ve got to solve it. \nFirst of all, we\u0001,ve got to get the prices right, so consumers realize we\u0001,ve \ngot to use a lot less and suppliers realize we\u0001,ve got to produce a lot more. \nWe\u0001,ve got to streamline the process to site and build power plants. We\u0001,ve got \nto do some very significant things from the point of view of reducing demand. \nAnd we need to open the market for competition. Then this problem will get \nsolved very quickly\u0001*a lot more quickly than trying to put on artificial price \ncaps. Everywhere we\u0001,ve tried price caps they have led to enormous economic \ninefficiency and distortions. \nThe way we handle the criticism\u0001*and Enron\u0001,s board knows this\u0001*is by being very \nopen and proactive, trying to work through solutions rather than pointing \nfingers and conjuring up conspiracies. I and others on the Enron team have \nbeen to California to meet with editorial boards and business and political \nleaders. We try to educate various groups on what caused the problem and what \nneeds to be done to solve it. \nOn the need for all companies to have an energy policy: Even before this \nrecent increase, it\u0001,s been our experience that many companies have exposed \nthemselves to a lot more price risk in their energy use than they realize. It\u0001,\ns an area that quite often is not as actively managed as, for example, the \nbalance sheet. There is a lot of attention", "synonym_substitution": "to allow political leaders to delay making the ruffianly \n decision necessary to solve the problem. Price cap may camouflage the \n problem temporarily, but they don\u0001,t solve it. And to the extent that the \n correct decision and action are not learn, the problem just get worse. \n On the public backlash against department of energy companies and their boards: Every time \n we\u0001,ve had an energy problem, we get this like reaction. There is always a \n discussion of conspiracy or connivance or anticompetitive behavior or excess \n profits or whatever. Each time there are investigations. \n In California, it look the political leaders are trying to blame everybody \n but themselves. They need to face up to the fact that the rules are improper and \n led to a drastically dangerous situation. Now we\u0001,ve got to solve it. \n foremost of all, we\u0001,ve get to get the prices right, so consumers realize we\u0001,ve \n got to practice a lot less and supplier realize we\u0001,ve got to grow a fortune more. \n We\u0001,ve got to streamline the process to site and build up power plants. We\u0001,ve got \n to do some very meaning things from the point of view of reducing demand. \n And we need to open the market for competition. Then this problem will get \n solved very quickly\u0001*a lot more promptly than trying to frame on artificial price \n caps. Everywhere we\u0001,ve tried price caps they have head to enormous economic \n inefficiency and distortions. \n The way we handle the criticism\u0001*and Enron\u0001,s control panel knows this\u0001*is by being very \n open and proactive, trying to work through solution rather than point \n fingers and conjuring up conspiracy. I and others on the Enron team have \n been to California to meet with editorial board and business and political \n leadership. We try to train various groups on what caused the trouble and what \n needs to be done to solve it. \n On the need for all companies to have an energy policy: Even before this \n recent increase, it\u0001,s been our experience that many companies have exposed \n themselves to a batch more price risk in their department of energy use than they realize. It\u0001, \n s an area that quite often is not as actively managed as, for example, the \n libra sheet. There is a lot of attention", "butter_fingers": " to allow political leaders to delay makiny the tmugh \ndscisions necessary to solve the probpen. Prixe caps may camouflage the \nprobpem tempirarmly, but they don\u0001,v solve lc. And bo thz xxtent that the \nright dechsions and acthov cre not taken, the problem just gets rorse. \nOm hhe public bachlasn agajnst energy companies and their bozrds: Evtry time \nwe\u0001,ve had sn energy problem, we get tjis dame reaction. Therf is always a \ndywcussion of zonspiracy or collusioh or anticompetitive behavior of exczss \nprofits oe wjdtever. Each time there are iknestigadions. \nIm California, ib seeks rhe political leaders are trying to blaie everybmdv \nbut themselves. They nwed tm fawe uo to tht fect that hhe rules are wrong and \noed to a drasticallu qqngerous situztion. Gor we\u0001,ve got to solve it. \nFirst of all, we\u0001,vt got to get the prices righr, so consumers realizg we\u0001,ve \ngot to use a lot less and suppliers realize we\u0001,ve got to pcoauct q lot noge. \nWe\u0001,ve got to streamline the process to site znc nuild power planbs. We\u0001,ve got \nto do xole dery significxnt thnhga from the point ov view jf reeucing deiand. \nAnd we need to open the maeket for comietirion. Then this proylem will gec \nsolvgd veru quickly\u0001*a lot more quiekly tgan trying ho put on xrtificial price \ncais. Eeerywhert we\u0001,ve tried price caps theb havz led to enotmous esonomic \ninffficlancy and distortiojs. \nThg way fe handle hhe criticism\u0001*and Enron\u0001,s board kipws this\u0001*is bi bainc very \no'en anc proactive, twying to work jhrough sjlutiuns rather than pminting \nfinders and conjgting up conspmracies. I and othwrs on gfe Enron team nave \nbeen to Califoenia to meet with cditotizl boards and bbruness and politocau \nlqafecs. We dry to educade vxriuis gruups on whab cxusec the problem and whdt \nnseds to be done to sjlve it. \nIn the nqed for all cpmpanies to have aj enecgy pouicy: Rveg before this \nrecent increase, jt\u0001,s been lur experience ehat many compannes have exposed \nthemselves to a lot morx price risk in their gnergy use than they teakize. It\u0001,\ns an area that quide often is not as axtively managed ax, for example, the \nbalznce sveet. Hhere is a lot of attention", "random_deletion": "to allow political leaders to delay making decisions to solve problem. Price caps but don\u0001,t solve it. to the extent the right decisions and action are taken, the problem just gets worse. On the public backlash against energy companies their boards: Every time we\u0001,ve had an energy problem, we get this same There always discussion conspiracy or collusion or anticompetitive behavior or excess profits or whatever. Each time there are investigations. California, it seems the political leaders are trying blame everybody but themselves. need to face up to fact the rules wrong led a drastically dangerous Now we\u0001,ve got to solve it. First of all, we\u0001,ve got to get the prices right, so realize we\u0001,ve use a less suppliers we\u0001,ve got to lot more. We\u0001,ve got to streamline site and build power plants. We\u0001,ve got to some very things from the point of view reducing demand. And we need to open the for competition. Then this problem will get solved very quickly\u0001*a lot more quickly than trying on artificial price caps. we\u0001,ve tried price they led enormous inefficiency and The way we handle the criticism\u0001*and Enron\u0001,s board knows this\u0001*is by very open and proactive, trying to work through solutions rather fingers conjuring up conspiracies. and others on the team been to California to editorial and leaders. try educate various groups on caused the problem and what to be done to for all companies to have an energy policy: before this recent increase, it\u0001,s been our that many companies have exposed themselves to a lot more price risk their energy they realize. It\u0001, s an area that quite is not as actively as, for example, the balance sheet. There is a of", "change_char_case": " to allow political leaders to Delay makinG the tOugH \ndeCiSionS necEssary to solve tHE proBlem. Price caps may camoufLage tHe \nPRoblEM tEmporArily, buT ThEY Don\u0001,T sOlVe iT. AND tO the eXteNt that tHe \nright decIsiOnS and action arE NoT taken, the pRobLem just gets wOrsE. \nOn the PuBliC BacklAsh AgainSt enerGY compaNies and thEiR Boards: eVery timE \nWE\u0001,vE had An energy problem, we GEt THis same reactioN. There Is ALwAYS a \ndIscUssion of coNsPiracY Or colluSIoN OR AntICompetitive beHavior or excESs \npRofits Or WhaTEver. EaCh timE tHEre Are investigAtioNs. \nIn CalifOrnia, iT Seems thE PoliticAl leadErs Are TryiNG tO bLamE eVEryBOdY \nbuT TheMselves. THeY nEed to Face UP TO The fAct That The ruLes are wrong anD \nleD to a DRasTicalLy danGeroUs SituaTion. NoW we\u0001,ve GoT to solve it. \nFirst Of alL, we\u0001,ve got tO geT tHe pRiCes riGHt, so coNsuMerS realizE we\u0001,ve \ngoT To uSe A LOT lEss and suppliers reaLiZE We\u0001,Ve got to pRoduce A LoT mORe. \nWe\u0001,ve goT tO stReamLINe the ProcESs To site anD build POwEr Plants. WE\u0001,vE got \nto Do SomE veRy sigNIficAnt thiNgs from tHe poiNT of view of reducINg demand. \nAnd we NEeD TO oPEn thE maRket for compEtitIOn. ThEn thIS pRobLEm wilL get \nsOlVEd VEry quickly\u0001*a lot more qUiCkly thAn tryIng to put on artIficial priCE \nCAps. EveryWherE We\u0001,VE tried price capS they Have led to eNOrmous ecOnomiC \ninefficIency and dISTortions. \nthe Way We hAndLE ThE criticism\u0001*and eNRon\u0001,s BoArd knowS thIs\u0001*is by bEinG veRy \noPen AnD proactivE, trying tO wOrK tHrOugH soluTIons rathEr ThaN pOinTing \nfINgers aNd conJuriNg Up COnsPiracieS. i aND OtheRs On The ENroN tEam haVe \nbeEN to califorNia to meet WitH EditOrIaL boards And business anD pOlitical \nleAdErs. we try tO EDucate vaRious groups on what caused THe problEm aNd whaT \nneeDs to be donE to Solve iT. \nOn THe need For all CompaNiEs tO HAve an ENErGy pOlIcy: Even befORE thIs \nrecEnT incRease, it\u0001,S been our experience THat Many companies HavE expOSEd \nTheMSeLVes To A Lot MORe price risk in thEir energy uSe THaN they realiZE. It\u0001,\nS aN area thAt quite Often IS not as aCtively maNaged as, foR eXampLE, The \nBalance sheEt. There iS a lot of atTEntioN", "whitespace_perturbation": " to allow political leader s to delay maki ngthe t ough \nde cisions necess a ry t o solve the problem. P riceca p s ma y c amouf lage th e p r obl em t emp or a ri ly, b utthey do n\u0001,t solve it .And to the e x te nt that th e right decisi ons and a ct ion are n ottaken , thep roblem just get sw orse.On thep u bl ic b acklash against e n er g y companies an d thei rb oa r d s:Eve ry time \nw e\u0001 ,ve h a d an en e rg y p rob l em, we get th is same rea c tio n. The re is always a \nd is c uss ion of cons pira cy or col lusion or anti c ompetit ive be hav ior ore xc es s pr o fit s o r w h ate ver. Eac hti me th erea r e inve sti gati ons.\nIn Californi a,it s e ems thepolit ical l eader s aretryin gto blame everyb ody\nbut them sel ve s.Th ey ne e d to f ace up to the fact t h atth e r ul es are wrong and le d to a drast ically da ng e rous sit ua tio n. N o w we\u0001, ve g o tto solve it. F ir st of all ,we\u0001,ve g ottoget t h e pr ices r ight, so cons u mers realize w e \u0001,ve \ngot tou se a l o t le ssand supplie rs r e aliz e we \u0001 ,v e g o t toprodu ce al ot more. \nWe\u0001,ve go tto str eamli ne the proces s to sitea n d build p ower pl a nts. We\u0001,ve go t \nto do some v e ry signi fican t things from the p oint ofvie w o f r edu c i ng demand. \nAnd w e ne ed to ope n t he mark etfor co mpe ti tion. The n this p ro bl em w ill getsolved v er y q ui ckl y\u0001*al ot mor e qui ckly t ha n tr ying to pu t on a rt if icia l p ri ce \nc aps. Eve rywhere we\u0001,ve t rie d pri ce c aps the y have led to e normous ec on omi c \nine f f iciencyand distortions. \nThe w a y we ha ndl e the cri ticism\u0001*a ndEnron\u0001 ,sb oard k nows t his\u0001* is by b eingv e ry \no pe n and proa c t ive , try in g to work t hrough solutions r a the r than pointi ng\nfin g e rs an d c o nju ri n g u p conspiracies. I and other so nthe Enront eam h ave \nbe en to C alifo r nia tomeet with editoria lboar d s an d business and pol itical \nl e aders . W e try to educa te va rious group s on what cause dthe pr oblem a nd what\nneeds to be done to so lve it . \nOn th e need fo r a l l c ompaniesto h ave an ene rgy po licy: Ev e n bef oret hi s r ecent inc r ease, it\u0001 , sbee n ou r experienc e t hat many co m panies hav e exposed \nthemse l ves to a lot m orep r ice ri s k in t heir energy us e t ha n they rea li ze. It\u0001,\nsan areath a t qui te oft en isnot asa c ti v ely ma nage d a s, for ex amp le , the \nb al an c e shee t. T he re isa loto f at t e ntion", "underscore_trick": " to_allow political_leaders to delay making_the tough_\ndecisions_necessary to_solve_the problem. Price_caps may camouflage_the \nproblem temporarily, but_they don\u0001,t solve_it._And to the extent that the \nright decisions and action are not taken, the_problem_just gets_worse._\nOn_the public backlash against energy_companies and their boards: Every_time \nwe\u0001,ve_had an energy problem, we get this same_reaction._There is always_a \ndiscussion of conspiracy or collusion or anticompetitive behavior_or excess \nprofits or whatever. Each_time there are_investigations._\nIn_California, it seems the_political leaders are trying to blame_everybody \nbut themselves. They need to_face up to the fact that the_rules are wrong and \nled to_a drastically dangerous situation. Now_we\u0001,ve got_to solve it. \nFirst of_all, we\u0001,ve got_to get_the prices right,_so consumers realize we\u0001,ve \ngot to_use a lot_less and suppliers realize we\u0001,ve got_to_produce a lot_more._\nWe\u0001,ve_got to_streamline the process_to_site and_build_power plants. We\u0001,ve got \nto do_some_very significant things from the point of_view of reducing demand._\nAnd_we need to open_the market for competition. Then_this problem will get \nsolved very_quickly\u0001*a lot_more quickly_than trying to put on artificial price \ncaps. Everywhere we\u0001,ve tried_price caps they have led to_enormous economic \ninefficiency and_distortions. \nThe_way_we handle the_criticism\u0001*and_Enron\u0001,s board_knows this\u0001*is by being very \nopen and_proactive, trying_to work through solutions rather than_pointing \nfingers and conjuring_up_conspiracies. I and others on the_Enron team have \nbeen to California_to meet with editorial boards_and_business_and political \nleaders. We try_to educate various groups on what_caused the problem_and what \nneeds to be done to_solve_it. \nOn the need for all_companies_to have an energy policy: Even_before_this_\nrecent increase, it\u0001,s been our_experience that many companies have exposed_\nthemselves to a lot more price risk in their_energy use than_they realize. It\u0001,\ns an area_that_quite_often is not as actively managed as, for example, the_\nbalance sheet._There is a_lot of attention"} {"text": " industry itself has made use of its own extensive network of \nconnections. The Interior Department's newly appointed deputy secretary is J. \nSteven Griles, who has lobbied for coal and gas companies ranging from \nPittston Coal Co. to Dominion Resources. \nThe Bush-Cheney transition team was sprinkled with industry officials, \nincluding Engelhardt and Steven Chancellor, president and chief executive of \nIndiana-based Black Beauty Coal Co. Chancellor and his company were major \nRepublican contributors, and he hosted a fundraiser in August at his home \nattended by former president George Bush and vice president Dan Quayle, \naccording to the Indianapolis Star. \nWest Virginia coal executive James \"Buck\" Harless raised more than $100,000 \nfor President Bush and chipped in $100,000 to the Bush-Cheney Inaugural Fund, \nas did Peabody Holding Co. and Southern Co. \nThe coal industry may enjoy even better connections in Congress. Along with \nSen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.), Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has advanced \nlegislation providing billions of dollars in tax credits for utilities, and \nindirectly benefiting contributors to GOP campaign committees he has headed. \nIn the debate over global warming, coal interests have prevailed over \nenvironmental organizations and corporations that have been moving toward \nacceptance of the threat of carbon dioxide emissions. This small but growing \ngroup now includes BP Amoco PLC, Enron Corp., Entergy Corp. and American \nElectric Power, an Ohio-based coal-burning utility. \nEnron's chief executive, Kenneth Lay, one of Bush's most generous campaign \nsupporters, has urged the president to create a trading system for carbon as \na way of limiting emissions into the atmosphere. But Lay was not given \nadvance notice of Bush's decision ruling out mandatory carbon controls, \nsources said. \nA spokesman said Lay was \"somewhat disappointed that we don't have a process \nin place to deal with what he thinks is going to be a significant issue.\"\n\n\nhttp://www.washingtonpost.com \n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\n\nEnergy trading floors represent ground zero in electricity crisis\nBy MICHAEL LIEDTKE\nAP Business", "synonym_substitution": "industry itself has made use of its own extensive net of \n connection. The Interior Department's newly appointed deputy repository is J. \n Steven Griles, who has lobbied for ember and gas companies range from \n Pittston Coal Co. to Dominion Resources. \n The Bush - Cheney conversion team was sprinkled with diligence official, \n including Engelhardt and Steven Chancellor, president of the united states and chief executive of \n Indiana - based Black Beauty Coal Co. Chancellor and his party were major \n Republican subscriber, and he hosted a fundraiser in August at his home \n attended by former president George Bush and frailty president Dan Quayle, \n according to the Indianapolis Star. \n West Virginia coal administrator James \" Buck \" Harless raised more than $ 100,000 \n for President Bush and chipped in $ 100,000 to the Bush - Cheney Inaugural Fund, \n as did Peabody Holding Co. and Southern Co. \n The coal industry may love even better connections in Congress. Along with \n Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D - W.Va .), Sen. Mitch McConnell (R - Ky.) has advanced \n legislation providing billions of dollar in tax credits for utilities, and \n indirectly benefiting contributors to GOP campaign committees he has headed. \n In the debate over global warming, coal interests have prevailed over \n environmental organizations and corporations that have been moving toward \n acceptance of the menace of carbon dioxide emissions. This belittled but growing \n group now includes BP Amoco PLC, Enron Corp., Entergy Corp. and American \n Electric Power, an Ohio - based ember - burning utility program. \n Enron's chief executive, Kenneth Lay, one of Bush's most generous campaign \n athletic supporter, has urged the president to create a trading system for carbon paper as \n a way of limiting emissions into the atmosphere. But Lay was not given \n advance notice of Bush's decision rule out mandatory carbon controls, \n sources said. \n A spokesman say Lay was \" somewhat disappointed that we don't have a procedure \n in place to deal with what he thinks is going to be a meaning issue. \" \n\n\n http://www.washingtonpost.com \n\n Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\n\n Energy trading floors represent land zero in electricity crisis \n By MICHAEL LIEDTKE \n AP Business", "butter_fingers": " infustry itself has made ure of its own errensivx netwodk of \ncovnections. The Interior Deparvmenr's neqly appointed deputy sdcretary ps J. \nStevwn Gciles, who has lougied fov coam and jas companies rsnging frok \nPittston Coan Zo. to Dominion Resources. \nThe Bush-Chenqy tranxihion team was fprimhled with industry officials, \nincluding Engelherdt and Steven Chancellor, president and fhiev executive of \nIndlana-based Boack Veauty Coal Zo. Chancellor and his dompany were major \nRepublican cuntriyutors, and ye hodjed a fundramser ig August at mps home \nattendrd by former pvesidxnt Teorge Bush and vice 'resident Dan Quayle, \naccordinc co the Indianapolis Srae. \nWesj Vircinix coxl txerutjve Jales \"Buck\" Harlsss raised nore than $100,000 \nfor Presodqbt Bush and cgipped ig $100,000 to the Bush-Cheney Inaugural Fund, \nas gid Peabody Holding Co. and Southern Co. \nThe coal industry may enjoy even better connections in Congress. Almng wmtf \nStn. Robefr F. Byrd (D-W.Va.), Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has advanssd \nlvgislation providlng billions of doklwrx in tax credijs for bfimities, and \nindirechly bengfitint contribttorx to GOP campaign committeew he has heabed. \nIn the debate ovex global waroing, coal interests have prevailzd oved \nenvironmejtal orgahkzations and coroorsthons thau have been moving toward \narceptcnce of ghe jhreat jf carbon fioxide emissions. This slall yut gsowing \ngrokp now includes BP Amoco PLC, Encpn Corp., Entetgy Cogp. and Amzrican \nElectric Powqr, an Ohio-baseb coal-buxning jtility. \nEngon's chieh executive, Henneth Lay, otg of Bush's movt generjus xampqign \nsuooorters, has urbed the pgefidebt to create a traving aystem for carbin qs \na way of limotivg qmpssmons ytto the atmovphefe. Cit Lah was not glvev \nadfance notice of Bush'v dedision ruling out kakdatory cqrbon cogtrols, \nsourcex said. \nA spokesman said Lab was \"xomgwhat disappointed that we don't have a pgoccss \nin place eo dcal rith what ke thinks is going to be a significant iwsue.\"\n\n\nhttp://www.washingronpost.com \n\nCopyrighj, 2000 Cow Jones & Rompanr, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\n\nEneegy trading floorx represent ground zedo in alectgicity crisis\nBy MICHAEL LIEDTKE\nAP Business", "random_deletion": "industry itself has made use of its network connections. The Department's newly appointed Griles, has lobbied for and gas companies from Pittston Coal Co. to Dominion The Bush-Cheney transition team was sprinkled with industry officials, including Engelhardt and Steven president and chief executive of Indiana-based Black Beauty Coal Co. Chancellor and his were Republican and hosted a fundraiser in August at his home attended by former president George Bush and vice Dan Quayle, according to the Indianapolis Star. West coal executive James \"Buck\" raised more than $100,000 for Bush chipped in to Bush-Cheney Fund, as did Holding Co. and Southern Co. The coal industry may enjoy even better connections in Congress. Along with Robert C. Sen. Mitch (R-Ky.) advanced providing billions of tax credits for utilities, and indirectly GOP campaign committees he has headed. In the over global coal interests have prevailed over environmental and corporations that have been moving toward acceptance the threat of carbon dioxide emissions. This small but growing group now includes BP Amoco Corp., Entergy Corp. and Electric Power, an coal-burning Enron's executive, Lay, one Bush's most generous campaign supporters, has urged the president to create trading system for carbon as a way of limiting emissions atmosphere. Lay was not advance notice of Bush's ruling mandatory carbon controls, sources spokesman Lay that don't a process in place deal with what he thinks going to be a Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. trading floors represent ground zero in electricity By MICHAEL LIEDTKE AP Business", "change_char_case": " industry itself has made use oF its own extEnsivE neTwoRk Of \ncoNnecTions. The InteriOR DepArtment's newly appointed DeputY sECretARy Is J. \nStEven GriLEs, WHO haS lObBieD fOR cOal anD gaS companIes ranging FroM \nPIttston Coal CO. To dominion ReSouRces. \nThe Bush-CHenEy tranSiTioN Team wAs sPrinkLed witH IndustRy officiaLs, \nINcludiNG EngelhARDt And STeven Chancellor, prESiDEnt and chief exeCutive Of \niNdIANa-bAseD Black BeauTy coal CO. chancelLOr AND His COmpany were majOr \nRepublicaN ConTributOrS, anD He hostEd a fuNdRAisEr in August aT his Home \nattenDed by fORmer preSIdent GeOrge BuSh aNd vIce pREsIdEnt daN quaYLe, \nAccORdiNg to the INdIaNapolIs StAR. \nwESt ViRgiNia cOal exEcutive James \"BUck\" harlESs rAised More tHan $100,000 \nfOr presiDent BuSh and ChIpped in $100,000 to the BusH-CheNey InauguRal fuNd, \naS dId PeaBOdy HolDinG Co. And SoutHern Co. \nTHE coAl INDUsTry may enjoy even betTeR COnNections In CongREsS. ALOng with \nSEn. robErt C. bYRd (D-W.VA.), Sen. mItCh McConnEll (R-Ky.) HAs AdVanced \nlEgIslatiOn ProVidIng biLLionS of dolLars in taX credITs for utilities, ANd \nindirectly bENeFITiNG conTriButors to GOP CampAIgn cOmmiTTeEs hE Has heAded. \nIN tHE dEBate over global warmiNg, Coal inTeresTs have prevailEd over \nenviRONMental orGaniZAtIOns and corporatIons tHat have beeN Moving toWard \naCceptancE of the thrEAT of carboN diOxiDe eMisSIOnS. This small but GROwinG \ngRoup now IncLudes BP amoCo PlC, ENroN COrp., EntergY Corp. and amErIcAn \neleCtric pOwer, an OhIo-BasEd CoaL-burnINg utilIty. \nEnRon's ChIeF ExeCutive, KENnETH Lay, OnE oF BusH's mOsT geneRous CAmpAign \nsupPorters, haS urGEd thE pReSident tO create a tradiNg System for cArBon As \na way OF Limiting Emissions into the atmosphERe. But LaY waS not gIven \nAdvance noTicE of BusH's dECision Ruling Out maNdAtoRY CarboN COnTroLs, \nSources saiD. \na SpoKesmaN sAid LAy was \"soMewhat disappointed THat We don't have a prOceSs \nin PLAcE to DEaL WitH wHAt hE THinks is going to bE a significAnT IsSue.\"\n\n\nhttp://www.WAshInGtonposT.com \n\nCopYrighT, 2000 dow JoneS & Company, INc. All RighTs reseRVEd. \n\n\n\nENergy tradiNg floors Represent GRound ZErO in elEctRicity CrIsiS\nBy MIcHAEL LieDTkE\nAP BUsinesS", "whitespace_perturbation": " industry itself has madeuse of its ownext ens iv e ne twor k of \nconnecti o ns.The Interior Departmen t's n ew l y ap p oi nteddeputys ec r e tar yis J. S te ven G ril es, who has lobbi edfo r coal and g a scompaniesran ging from \nP itt ston C oa l C o . toDom inion Resou r ces. The Bush- Ch e ney tr a nsition t ea m wa s sprinkled withi nd u stry officials , \ninc lu d in g Eng elh ardt and S te ven C h ancello r ,p r e sid e nt and chiefexecutive o f \nI ndiana -b ase d Black Beau ty Coa l Co. Chanc ello r and his compa n y werem ajor \nR epubli can co ntri b ut or s,an d he ho ste d afundrais er i n Aug usta t h is h ome \nat tende d by former p res iden t Ge orgeBushandvi ce pr esiden t Dan Q uayle, \naccordi ng t o the Ind ian ap oli sStar. \nWestVir gin ia coal execut i veJa m e s \" Buck\" Harless rais ed m or e than $ 100,00 0 fo r Preside nt Bu sh a n d chip pedi n$100,000 to th e B us h-Chene yInaugu ra l F und , \nas didPeabod y Holdin g Co. and Southern C o . \nThe coal i n du s t ry mayenj oy even bet terc onne ctio n sinC ongre ss. A lo n gw ith \nSen. Robert C. B yrd (D -W.Va .), Sen. Mitc h McConnel l ( R-Ky.) h as a d va n ced \nlegislati on pr oviding bi l lions of doll ars in t ax credit s for util iti es, an d i n di rectly benefi t i ng c on tributo rsto GOPcam pai gncom mi ttees hehas head ed .\nI nthe deba t e over g lo bal w arm ing,c oal in teres ts h av ep rev ailed o v er envi ro nm enta l o rg aniza tion s an d corpo rations t hat have b ee n movin g toward \nacc ep tance of t he th reat o f carbon d ioxide emissions. Thiss mall bu t g rowin g \ng roup nowinc ludesBPA moco P LC, En ron C or p., E nterg y Co rp. a nd America n \nEl ectri cPowe r, an O hio-based coal-bur n ing utility. \nEn ron 's c h i ef ex e cu t ive ,K enn e t h Lay, one of B ush's most g e ne rous campa i gn\ns upporte rs, has urge d the pr esident t o createatrad i n g s ystem forcarbon a s \na wayo f lim i ti ng em iss ions i nt o t he at mosphe r e.But L ay was n ot giv en \na dv ance not ice of Bush's decisionruling outman datory ca rbo n co ntrols, sour ces said.\nAspo kesma n s a id La y wa s \" som e whatdisa p pointed t h at we d on 't have a p r o c ess \ninpla c e to d ealwith what he thin k s is going tobe a s ign ifi c antis sue.\"\n\n\nhttp:/ /ww w. w a shington po st.com \n\nCo pyright, 2 0 00 Do w Jone s & Co mpany,I n c. All Ri ghts Re served. \n\nEn e rgy tra di ng floors rep re sent g roundz eroi n electricity cri sis\nB y MICHA E L L IEDTK EAP Busi n ess", "underscore_trick": " industry_itself has_made use of its_own extensive_network_of \nconnections._The_Interior Department's newly_appointed deputy secretary_is J. \nSteven Griles,_who has lobbied_for_coal and gas companies ranging from \nPittston Coal Co. to Dominion Resources. \nThe Bush-Cheney_transition_team was_sprinkled_with_industry officials, \nincluding Engelhardt and_Steven Chancellor, president and chief_executive of_\nIndiana-based Black Beauty Coal Co. Chancellor and his_company_were major \nRepublican_contributors, and he hosted a fundraiser in August at_his home \nattended by former president_George Bush and_vice_president_Dan Quayle, \naccording to_the Indianapolis Star. \nWest Virginia coal_executive James \"Buck\" Harless raised more_than $100,000 \nfor President Bush and chipped_in $100,000 to the Bush-Cheney Inaugural_Fund, \nas did Peabody Holding_Co. and_Southern Co. \nThe coal industry_may enjoy even_better connections_in Congress. Along_with \nSen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.),_Sen. Mitch McConnell_(R-Ky.) has advanced \nlegislation providing billions_of_dollars in tax_credits_for_utilities, and_\nindirectly benefiting contributors_to_GOP campaign_committees_he has headed. \nIn the debate_over_global warming, coal interests have prevailed over_\nenvironmental organizations and corporations_that_have been moving toward_\nacceptance of the threat of_carbon dioxide emissions. This small but_growing \ngroup_now includes_BP Amoco PLC, Enron Corp., Entergy Corp. and American \nElectric Power,_an Ohio-based coal-burning utility. \nEnron's chief_executive, Kenneth Lay, one_of Bush's_most_generous campaign \nsupporters,_has_urged the_president to create a trading system for_carbon as_\na way of limiting emissions into_the atmosphere. But Lay_was_not given \nadvance notice of Bush's_decision ruling out mandatory carbon controls,_\nsources said. \nA spokesman said_Lay_was_\"somewhat disappointed that we don't_have a process \nin place to_deal with what_he thinks is going to be a_significant_issue.\"\n\n\nhttp://www.washingtonpost.com \n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones &_Company,_Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\n\nEnergy trading_floors_represent_ground zero in electricity crisis\nBy_MICHAEL LIEDTKE\nAP Business"} {"text": " 3/18: \"Groups looking for Silver Lining in Energy Crisis\"\n\nLA Times, Sat, 3/17: \"Power firms told to justify prices or refund $55 \nmillion\"\n\nSF Chron, Sun, 3/18: \"Hard-Boiled Bidding for Kilowatts \nWater agency said to be in over its head as a trader\"\n\nSF Chron, Sat., 3/17: \"Creditors Threaten Utilities' Finances \nSuppliers try to force Edison into bankruptcy \"\n\nSF Chron, Sat., 3/17: \"Regulators Find More Possibilities of Gouging\"\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tSF Chron, Sat., 3/17: \"Thousands Lose Immunity From Rolling Failures 'Block \n50' update swapping homes on PG&E's blackout checkerboard\"\n\t\t\n\t\tSF Chron, Sat., 3/17: Commentary \"PG&E's Service A Turnoff \nA good customer put through hell \"\n\t\t\n\t\tSan Jose Mercury, Sat., 3/17: Opinion \"Bombast obscures energy's ebb and \nflow \"\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-------------------------------------\n\n\nPanel eases curbs on power plant \n\n\n\nUNION-TRIBUNE \nMarch 17, 2001 \nBesides paying soaring electricity rates, San Diego County residents also \nprobably will have to breathe dirtier air this summer in order to keep the \nlights on and air conditioners humming. \nThat's one expected result of a county board's decision yesterday to allow \nthe former Encina power plant in Carlsbad to churn out several times more air \npollutants, called oxides of nitrogen, than allowed before the power crisis. \nThe county Air Pollution Control District Hearing Board made the decision by \na 4-1 vote. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nState may have claim on further overbilling \nContinuing coverage: California's Power Crisis \n? \n\n\n\nThe five-unit Encina plant is now called the Cabrillo plant, owned by \nCabrillo Co. The pollutants, called NOX, help form the region's most \nwidespread air pollutant -- ozone. \nIf the Cabrillo plant can burn natural gas all this year, its excess NOX \nemissions will be offset by new NOX controls on other", "synonym_substitution": "3/18: \" Groups looking for Silver Lining in Energy Crisis \" \n\n LA Times, Sat, 3/17: \" Power firms tell to apologize prices or refund $ 55 \n million \" \n\n SF Chron, Sun, 3/18: \" Hard - Boiled Bidding for Kilowatts \n Water agency said to be in over its fountainhead as a trader \" \n\n SF Chron, Sat. , 3/17: \" Creditors Threaten Utilities' Finances \n Suppliers hear to wedge Edison into bankruptcy \" \n\n SF Chron, Sat. , 3/17: \" Regulators recover More Possibilities of Gouging \" \n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t SF Chron, Sat. , 3/17: \" Thousands Lose Immunity From Rolling failure' Block \n 50' update swapping homes on PG&E's blackout checkerboard \" \n\t\t\n\t\t SF Chron, Sat. , 3/17: Commentary \" PG&E's Service A Turnoff \n A dependable customer place through hell \" \n\t\t\n\t\t San Jose Mercury, Sat. , 3/17: Opinion \" Bombast obscures energy's ebb and \n flow \" \n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------- \n\n\n Panel ease curbs on power plant \n\n\n\n UNION - TRIBUNE \n March 17, 2001 \n Besides paying soar electricity rates, San Diego County residents also \n probably will experience to breathe dirtier air this summer in order to keep the \n lighter on and air conditioners humming. \n That's one expected result of a county board's decision yesterday to allow \n the former Encina power plant in Carlsbad to churn out several times more air \n pollutants, called oxides of nitrogen, than allowed before the ability crisis. \n The county Air Pollution Control District Hearing Board made the decision by \n a 4 - 1 right to vote. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n State may take call on further overbilling \n Continuing coverage: California's Power Crisis \n? \n\n\n\n The five - unit of measurement Encina plant is now called the Cabrillo plant, owned by \n Cabrillo Co. The pollutants, call NOX, help form the region's most \n widespread air pollutant -- ozone. \n If the Cabrillo plant can sunburn natural gas all this year, its excess NOX \n emissions will be offset by new NOX control on other", "butter_fingers": " 3/18: \"Hroups looking for Silvev Lining in Eneryt Crisms\"\n\nLA Tijes, Sat, 3/17: \"Power firms told to justifb pruces ir refund $55 \nmillion\"\n\nSF Cfron, Sun, 3/18: \"Hard-Bouled Vidding foc Kilowabcs \nWafcr agznry said to be ik over its vead as a tradar\"\n\nRF Chron, Sat., 3/17: \"Creditors Threaten Utijities' Gijances \nSuppliets trj eo fkgct Edison into bankruptcy \"\n\nSF Chron, Sat., 3/17: \"Gegulators Find Mpre Possibilities of Gougijg\"\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tSF Chron, Sat., 3/17: \"Thouswnds Lose Inmunyry From Rollkng Failurts 'Block \n50' upsate swapping homes on PG&E's blazkout checkerboqre\"\n\t\t\n\t\tSF Whron, Sat., 3/17: Commvntary \"PG&E's Scgvice A Turnofg \nA good custoker pur through hell \"\n\t\t\n\t\tSan Jove Mercury, Sat., 3/17: Okinion \"Bomtaat obscures energt's ebb dnd \nxlow \"\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-------------------------------------\n\n\nPandl tasxs durbs ln 'ower plant \n\n\n\nUNION-TRIBUBE \nMarch 17, 2001 \nBesides kayybg soaring elsctricytr rates, San Diego County residents also \nprkbably will have to breqthe dirtier air this summer ig order to keep the \nlights on and air conditionerv humjkng. \nTmat's inf expected result of a county board's decision gextvrday to allow \nthc former Encina poeeg ljant in Carlscad to chhrn out several tiles morg air \npollutantf, cakled oxides of nitrogen, thab allowed beyorw the power crisis. \nThe county Air Pollition Control District Kearinf Board madf the decjrion by \na 4-1 vote. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRtane mdy have claim on further oderbillinj \nConcinuing zovetage: Cajifornia's Oower Crisis \n? \n\n\n\nThe five-unlt Eneina [lant is nlw called the Cabrillo plant, owixd by \nCabrillp Wo. Nhe pollucants, galled NOX, help form the regipn's mosc \nwiderpread air pollutent -- ozone. \nIs the Cabrillm plant can bnrn naturwl gqs aol this hear, its excesx NOX \nemissions wilo be offset by new NOB controls on otktr", "random_deletion": "3/18: \"Groups looking for Silver Lining in LA Sat, 3/17: firms told to million\" Chron, Sun, 3/18: Bidding for Kilowatts agency said to be in over head as a trader\" SF Chron, Sat., 3/17: \"Creditors Threaten Utilities' Finances Suppliers to force Edison into bankruptcy \" SF Chron, Sat., 3/17: \"Regulators Find More of SF Sat., \"Thousands Lose Immunity From Rolling Failures 'Block 50' update swapping homes on PG&E's blackout checkerboard\" SF Sat., 3/17: Commentary \"PG&E's Service A Turnoff A customer put through hell San Jose Mercury, Sat., 3/17: \"Bombast energy's ebb flow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Panel eases curbs power plant UNION-TRIBUNE March 17, 2001 Besides paying soaring electricity rates, San Diego County residents also probably have to air this in to the lights on conditioners humming. That's one expected result board's decision yesterday to allow the former Encina plant in to churn out several times more pollutants, called oxides of nitrogen, than allowed before power crisis. The county Air Pollution Control District Hearing Board made the decision by a State may have claim further overbilling Continuing California's Crisis The Encina plant now called the Cabrillo plant, owned by Cabrillo Co. The pollutants, NOX, help form the region's most widespread air pollutant -- the plant can burn gas all this year, excess emissions will be offset NOX on", "change_char_case": " 3/18: \"Groups looking for Silver LinIng in EnergY CrisIs\"\n\nLa TiMeS, Sat, 3/17: \"poweR firms told to juSTify Prices or refund $55 \nmillion\"\n\nSf ChroN, SUN, 3/18: \"HarD-boIled BIdding fOR KILOwaTtS \nWAteR aGEnCy saiD to Be in oveR its head as A trAdEr\"\n\nSF Chron, Sat., 3/17: \"cReDitors ThreAteN Utilities' FiNanCes \nSupPlIerS Try to ForCe EdiSon intO BankruPtcy \"\n\nSF ChrOn, sAt., 3/17: \"ReguLAtors FiND moRe PoSsibilities of GougINg\"\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tsf Chron, Sat., 3/17: \"ThousAnds LoSe iMmUNIty froM Rolling FaIlUres 'BLOck \n50' updaTE sWAPPinG Homes on PG&E's blAckout checkERboArd\"\n\t\t\n\t\tSF CHrOn, SAT., 3/17: CommeNtary \"pG&e'S SeRvice A TurnoFf \nA gOod customEr put tHRough heLL \"\n\t\t\n\t\tSan JosE MercuRy, SAt., 3/17: OPiniON \"BOmBasT oBScuREs EneRGy's Ebb and \nflOw \"\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-------------------------------------\n\n\npaNel eaSes cURBS On poWer PlanT \n\n\n\nUNIOn-TRIBUNE \nMarch 17, 2001 \nbesIdes PAyiNg soaRing eLectRiCity rAtes, SaN DiegO COunty residents aLso \npRobably wiLl hAvE to BrEathe DIrtier Air ThiS summer In order TO keEp THE \nLiGhts on and air conditIoNERs Humming. \nTHat's onE ExPeCTed resulT oF a cOuntY BOard's DeciSIoN yesterdAy to alLOw \nThE former enCina poWeR plAnt In CarLSbad To churN out seveRal tiMEs more air \npolluTAnts, called oxiDEs OF NiTRogeN, thAn allowed beFore THe poWer cRIsIs. \nTHE counTy Air poLLuTIon Control District HEaRing BoArd maDe the decision By \na 4-1 vote. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStaTE MAy have clAim oN FuRTher overbillinG \nContInuing coveRAge: CalifOrnia'S Power CrIsis \n? \n\n\n\nThe fiVE-Unit EnciNa pLanT is Now CALlEd the Cabrillo PLAnt, oWnEd by \nCabRilLo Co. The PolLutAntS, caLlEd NOX, help Form the rEgIoN's MoSt \nwIdespREad air poLlUtaNt -- OzoNe. \nIf tHE CabriLlo plAnt cAn BuRN naTural gaS AlL THis yEaR, iTs exCesS NoX \nemiSsioNS wiLl be offSet by new NoX cONtroLs On Other", "whitespace_perturbation": " 3/18: \"Groups looking fo r Silver L ining in En er gy C risi s\"\n\nLA Times,S at,3/17: \"Power firms to ld to j u stif y p rices or ref u nd $ 55\nm il lio n\" \nS F Chr on, Sun, 3 /18: \"Har d-B oi led Biddingf or Kilowatts \nW ater agencysai d to b eino ver i tsheadas a t r ader\"\nSF Chron ,S at., 3 / 17: \"C r e di tors Threaten Utiliti e s' Finances \nSupp lierstr y t o for ceEdison int obankr u ptcy \"SF C h ron , Sat., 3/17: \"Regulator s Fi nd Mor ePos s ibilit ies o fG oug ing\"\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\tSF Chron, S at., 3 / 17: \"T h ousands LoseImm uni ty F r om R oll in g Fa i lu res 'Bl ock \n50' u pd ate s wapp i n g home s o n PG &E'sblackout chec ker boar d \"\n\t\n\t\tS F Chr on,Sa t., 3 /17: Comme nt ary \"PG&E's Ser vice A Turnof f Agoo dcusto m er put th rou gh hell \"\n\t\t\nSan J o s e M ercury, Sat., 3/17 :O pi nion \"Bo mbasto bs cu r es energ y' s e bb a n d \nflo w \"\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\n- ------- -- ------ -- --- --- ----- - ---- ------ -------- ----- - -------------- - ---------\n--- - -- - - -- - ---- --- ----------- ---- - ---\n\nPa n el ea s es cu rbs o np ow e r plant \n\n\n\nUNION-T RI BUNE March 17, 2001 \nBe sides payi n g soaringelec t ri c ity rates, San Dieg o County r e sidentsalso\nprobabl y will ha v e to brea the di rti era i rthis summer i n orde rto keep th e \nligh tsonand ai rcondition ers humm in g. Th at' s one expected r esu lt of a co u nty bo ard's dec is io n ye sterday to a llow th e fo rme rEncin a po w erplant i n Carlsba d t o chu rn o ut seve ral times mor eair \npollu ta nts , call e d oxidesof nitrogen, than allow e d befor e t he po wercrisis. The count y A i r Poll utionContr ol Di s t rictH e ar ing B oard madet h e d ecisi on by\na 4-1vote. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSta t e m ay have claim on fur t h er ov e rb i lli ng \nCo n t inuing coverage : Californ ia ' sPower Cris i s ?\n\n\n\nThe five-u nit E n cina pl ant is no w calledth e Ca b r ill o plant, o wned by\nCabrillo Co. T h epollu tan ts, ca ll edNOX,help f o rmthe r egion' smost wides pr ead airpollutant -- ozone. \nIf the C abril loplant can bu r n n atural ga s al l this yea r,its exce ssN OX \ne miss i on s w i ll be off s et by new NO X c o n tr ols on othe r ", "underscore_trick": " 3/18:_ \"Groups_looking for Silver Lining_in Energy_Crisis\"\n\nLA_Times, Sat,_3/17:_ \"Power firms_told to justify_prices or refund $55_\nmillion\"\n\nSF Chron, Sun,_3/18:_ \"Hard-Boiled Bidding for Kilowatts \nWater agency said to be in over its head_as_a trader\"\n\nSF_Chron,_Sat.,_3/17: \"Creditors Threaten Utilities'_Finances \nSuppliers try to force_Edison into_bankruptcy \"\n\nSF Chron, Sat., 3/17: \"Regulators Find_More_Possibilities of Gouging\"\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tSF_Chron, Sat., 3/17: \"Thousands Lose Immunity From Rolling_Failures 'Block \n50' update swapping homes_on PG&E's blackout_checkerboard\"\n\t\t\n\t\tSF_Chron,_Sat., 3/17: Commentary_\"PG&E's Service A Turnoff \nA good_customer put through hell \"\n\t\t\n\t\tSan Jose_Mercury, Sat., 3/17: Opinion \"Bombast obscures_energy's ebb and \nflow \"\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-------------------------------------\n\n\nPanel eases_curbs on power plant \n\n\n\nUNION-TRIBUNE_\nMarch 17,_2001 \nBesides paying soaring electricity_rates, San Diego_County residents_also \nprobably will_have to breathe dirtier air this_summer in order_to keep the \nlights on and_air_conditioners humming. \nThat's_one_expected_result of_a county board's_decision_yesterday to_allow_\nthe former Encina power plant in_Carlsbad_to churn out several times more air_\npollutants, called oxides of_nitrogen,_than allowed before the_power crisis. \nThe county Air_Pollution Control District Hearing Board made_the decision_by \na_4-1 vote. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nState may have claim on further overbilling \nContinuing coverage:_California's Power Crisis \n? \n\n\n\nThe five-unit_Encina plant is now_called the_Cabrillo_plant, owned by_\nCabrillo_Co. The_pollutants, called NOX, help form the region's_most \nwidespread_air pollutant -- ozone. \nIf the_Cabrillo plant can burn_natural_gas all this year, its excess_NOX \nemissions will be offset by_new NOX controls on other"} {"text": " WIDTH=\"75%\">\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tFare:\n\t\t\t\t\tCoach Class From:\n\t\t\t\t\tTo:\n \t\t\n \t\t \n \t\t\t$69\n \t\t\tSt. Louis, MO (STL)\n \t\t\tCedar Rapids, IA (CID)\n \t\t\n \t\t \n \t\t\t$79\n\t\t\t\t\tSt. Louis, MO (STL)\n\t\t\t\t\tDayton, OH (DAY)\n ", "synonym_substitution": "WIDTH=\"75% \" > \n\t\t\t\t < TR > \n\t\t\t\t\t < TD VALIGN=\"top \" WIDTH=\"15%\"> Fare: \n\t\t\t\t\t < TD VALIGN=\"top \" WIDTH=\"35%\"> Coach Class From: \n\t\t\t\t\t < TD VALIGN=\"top \" WIDTH=\"35%\"> To: \n \t\t < /TR > \n \t\t < TR > \n \t\t\t < TD VALIGN=\"top \" WIDTH=\"15%\">$69 \n \t\t\t < TD VALIGN=\"top \" WIDTH=\"35%\">St. Louis, MO (STL) \n \t\t\t < TD VALIGN=\"top \" WIDTH=\"35%\">Cedar Rapids, IA (CID) \n \t\t < /tr > \n \t\t < TR > \n \t\t\t < TD VALIGN=\"top \" WIDTH=\"15%\">$79 \n\t\t\t\t\t < TD VALIGN=\"top \" WIDTH=\"35%\">St. Louis, MO (STL) \n\t\t\t\t\t < TD VALIGN=\"top \" WIDTH=\"35%\">Dayton, OH (DAY)", "butter_fingers": " WIFTH=\"75%\">\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tFare:\n\t\t\t\t\tCoacg Clavw From:
\n\t\t\t\t\tTp:\n \t\t\n \t\t \n \t\t\t$69\n \t\t\tSt. Louis, MO (STL)\n \t\t\tCeear Rapids, IA (CID)\n \t\t\n \t\t \n \t\t\t$79\n\t\t\t\t\tSt. Louis, MM (ATL)\n\t\t\t\t\tDayton, OH (DAY)\n ", "random_deletion": "WIDTH=\"75%\"> To: $69 St. Louis, (STL) Cedar Rapids, IA (CID) VALIGN=\"top\" SIZE=2 ms, arial, helvetica, sans-serif\">$79 St. Louis, MO (STL) VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"35%\">Dayton, (DAY)", "change_char_case": " WIDTH=\"75%\">\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\tfAre:\n\t\t\t\t\tcoach claSs From:\n\t\t\t\t\ttO:\n \t\t\n \t\t \n \t\t\t$69\n \t\t\tsT. lOuiS, mO (STL)\n \t\t\tCedar RapIds, IA (Cid)\n \t\t\n \t\t \n \t\t\t$79\n\t\t\t\t\tst. LouiS, MO (STl)\n\t\t\t\t\tDayTOn, Oh (Day)\n ", "whitespace_perturbation": " WIDTH=\"75%\">\n\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t F ar e : < /f ont >< / TD >\n\t\t\t\t< TD VALI GN=\"top\" W IDT H= \"35%\">C o ach Cl ass From: \t\tTo: \t \t\t< TR > \n \t\t$6 9 < / f ont> \n \t\t\tSt . Louis , M O (STL) \t\t\tCed ar Rapid s, IA ( CID)< / font > \n \t\t\n \t\t< T R> \n \t< TD VALI GN= \"top\" WIDTH =\"15 % \">$79 \n\t\t\t< T D VALIGN =\"to p \"W IDTH=\"35%\">S t.Lou i s ,MO (STL) \n\t\t\t\t\t< TDVALIGN= \"to p\"WID TH= \"3 5%\">D ayto n, O H ( DAY) < /td> \n ", "underscore_trick": " WIDTH=\"75%\">\n\t\t\t\t_\n\t\t\t\t\tFare:\n\t\t\t\t\tCoach Class_From:\n\t\t\t\t\tTo:\n \t\t\n __ \t\t_\n__ _ \t\t\t$69\n __ _ \t\t\tSt. Louis, MO (STL)\n _ ___ \t\t\tCedar Rapids, IA (CID)\n _ \t\t\n_ _ \t\t \n _ _ _\t\t\t$79\n\t\t\t\t\tSt._Louis, MO (STL)\n\t\t\t\t\tDayton,_OH _(DAY)\n __ __ "} {"text": " Witter Morgan Stanley to launch IntercontinentalExchange.com. \nThe 7-month-old site reported daily trading volumes of 3 million megawatt \nhours in late February. \nSan Diego attorney Michael Aguirre believes the power companies are using the \npassword-protected online exchanges to secretly share information and control \nthe power supply to manipulate prices. Aguirre has spent the past six months \nscrutinizing the trading operations as he pursues a lawsuit alleging that the \npower generators broke antitrust laws. \n\"The whole trading thing is just a front that lets them game the market,\" he \nsaid. \"They can get away with it because no one (outside the industry) can \nfigure out what they are doing.\" \nEnron says its trading system, particularly the online exchange, has resulted \nin fairer and more efficient markets. The allegations of market abuse are \n\"just some sour grapes from people who didn't come up with the idea in the \nfirst place,\" Enron spokesman Eric Thode said Friday. \nOne of the biggest distinctions between the Texas energy traders and the Wall \nStreet securities traders is how they are regulated. \nThe Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodities Future Trading \nCommission oversee the trading of most of the nation's key markets. But the \npower traders answer to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, an agency \nwith little training in the sophisticated financial instruments deployed by \nthese marketers. \nThe power traders aren't just holding California over a barrel. Other states \nare paying even higher prices - a factor that will likely further reduce \nsupplies for California in the months ahead. \nIn a series of recent deals disclosed to The Associated Press by a major \nmarketer, energy traders charged California $330 to $360 per megawatt hour \nfor July electricity. They fetched $415 per megawatt hour in a key Pacific \nNorthwest market and $495 per megawatt hour in a major Arizona market for \ncontracts covering the same time. \nA similar price disparity occurred for August electricity contracts. \nCalifornia paid top price of $395 per megawatt hour while the Pacific \nNorthwest market paid $460 per megawatt hour and the Arizona market paid $535 \nper megawatt hour. \nAs the nation's largest power broker, Enron is the kingpin of the energy", "synonym_substitution": "Witter Morgan Stanley to launch IntercontinentalExchange.com. \n The 7 - month - old site report casual trading volumes of 3 million megawatt \n hours in belated February. \n San Diego lawyer Michael Aguirre believes the power companies are practice the \n password - protected online substitution to secretly share information and master \n the power supply to rig price. Aguirre has spent the past six months \n scrutinizing the trading operations as he pursues a lawsuit allege that the \n power generators broke antimonopoly laws. \n \" The whole trading thing is just a front that let them game the market, \" he \n said. \" They can get away with it because no one (outside the diligence) can \n figure out what they are doing. \" \n Enron says its trading system, particularly the online substitution, has resulted \n in fairer and more efficient markets. The allegations of market abuse are \n \" just some sour grapes from citizenry who didn't come up with the idea in the \n beginning home, \" Enron spokesman Eric Thode said Friday. \n One of the biggest distinctions between the Texas department of energy traders and the Wall \n Street security traders is how they are regulated. \n The Securities and Exchange Commission and the commodity Future Trading \n Commission oversee the trading of most of the nation's key markets. But the \n power traders answer to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, an agency \n with little training in the sophisticated financial instruments deploy by \n these marketers. \n The world power traders aren't just holding California over a barrel. Other states \n are pay even higher prices - a factor that will probably further deoxidize \n supplies for California in the months ahead. \n In a serial of recent deals disclosed to The Associated Press by a major \n marketer, energy trader charged California $ 330 to $ 360 per megawatt hour \n for July electricity. They fetched $ 415 per megawatt hour in a key Pacific \n Northwest market and $ 495 per megawatt hour in a major Arizona grocery store for \n contracts report the same time. \n A similar price disparity occurred for August electricity contract. \n California paid top monetary value of $ 395 per megawatt hour while the Pacific \n Northwest market paid $ 460 per megawatt hour and the Arizona market paid $ 535 \n per megawatt hour. \n As the state's largest power broker, Enron is the kingpin of the department of energy", "butter_fingers": " Wihter Morgan Stanley to lxunch IntercontnbentalXxchangs.com. \nThe 7-month-old site reported dailb trqding volumes of 3 million mdgawatt \nhlurs in oate Debruary. \nSeh Diego attorhcy Mieheel Aguirre belleves the pmwer companies afe using the \npassword-protected online exchanbed to secretly fhart igforjation and control \nthe power supplg to maiipulate prices. Aguirre has spent the pash sid months \nscrutinizlng the traeing iperations ar he pursuts a lawsuit alleging that the \npower generagors yroke antittbwt pdws. \n\"The whooe trwding thing lx just a frony that lets thcm gake rhe market,\" he \nsaid. \"Thxy can get away with it becauve no one (outside tye induvtry) can \ndigjre ont shat tjey are doing.\" \nEnron says its trading system, pwgyicularly ths onlige exchange, has resulted \nin fairer and moge erficient markets. The aloegations of market ahuse are \n\"tust some sour grapes from people who didn't come gp wivh tht lqdq ln the \nfirst place,\" Enron spokesman Eric Thode aaod Friday. \nOne of the biggesy fixjinctions betwgen the Tesas energy traders and thg Wall \nStreet stcuriyies traders is how they arw regulated. \nNhe Wecurities and Exckange Commisrion and yhe Commodities Future Cradinf \nCommissioj oversee ghe trading of must ox the naukon's key markets. Fut the \npiwer traderr anxwer tj the Fedegal Ekargy Regulatory Colmissnon, at agency \nwlth little training in the sophmxticated finsnwian instruients deployed by \nehese marketerx. \nThe pjwer graders arvn't just iolding Calisornia over a harrel. Other states \nwre payibg even figher prices - a factor that will likely further revuce \naupplies for Caoifirnia in the momthr arewd. \nIg a series of recdnt ceals disclosed bo Ghe Sssociated Press by d manor \nmarketer, energu braders cyarged Cwlifornia $330 to $360 per megawatt houg \nfor Juuy elrctticity. They fetched $415 per megawaft hour ij a key Pacific \nNorbhweft market cnd $495 per megawatt hour in a major Arizone market for \ncontracts xovering the same tnmt. \nA similar pcice dysparity mccurred for August wlectricity contrscts. \nCalifornia paid fop prhce ov $395 per megawatt hour while the Pacific \nNorthwest market paid $460 per megawatr hour and the Ariaona markvt 'aib $535 \nper iegaxavt hour. \nAs the nanion's largest power broker, Enron is the niugpin of the energy", "random_deletion": "Witter Morgan Stanley to launch IntercontinentalExchange.com. The reported trading volumes 3 million megawatt Diego Michael Aguirre believes power companies are the password-protected online exchanges to secretly information and control the power supply to manipulate prices. Aguirre has spent the six months scrutinizing the trading operations as he pursues a lawsuit alleging that power broke laws. whole trading thing is just a front that lets them game the market,\" he said. \"They get away with it because no one (outside industry) can figure out they are doing.\" Enron says trading particularly the exchange, resulted fairer and more markets. The allegations of market abuse are \"just some sour grapes from people who didn't come up the idea first place,\" spokesman Thode Friday. One of distinctions between the Texas energy traders Street securities traders is how they are regulated. Securities and Commission and the Commodities Future Trading oversee the trading of most of the nation's markets. But the power traders answer to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, an agency with in the sophisticated financial deployed by these The traders just California over barrel. Other states are paying even higher prices - a factor will likely further reduce supplies for California in the months a of recent deals to The Associated Press a marketer, energy traders charged to per July They $415 per megawatt hour a key Pacific Northwest market $495 per megawatt hour for contracts covering the same time. A similar disparity occurred for August electricity contracts. California top price of $395 per megawatt hour while the Pacific Northwest market $460 per and the Arizona market paid $535 per megawatt As the nation's largest broker, Enron is the kingpin of the energy", "change_char_case": " Witter Morgan Stanley to launCh InterconTinenTalexcHaNge.cOm. \nThE 7-month-old site rEPortEd daily trading volumes oF 3 millIoN MegaWAtT \nhourS in late fEbRUAry. \nsaN DIegO aTToRney MIchAel AguiRre believeS thE pOwer companieS ArE using the \npAssWord-protecteD onLine exChAngES to seCreTly shAre infORmatioN and contrOl \nTHe poweR Supply tO MAnIpulAte prices. Aguirre hAS sPEnt the past six mOnths \nsCrUTiNIZinG thE trading opErAtionS As he purSUeS A LAwsUIt alleging thaT the \npower geNEraTors brOkE anTItrust Laws. \n\"THe WHolE trading thiNg is Just a fronT that lETs them gAMe the maRket,\" he \nSaiD. \"ThEy caN GeT aWay WiTH it BEcAusE No oNe (outsidE tHe IndusTry) cAN \nFIGure Out What They aRe doing.\" \nEnron sAys Its tRAdiNg sysTem, paRticUlArly tHe onliNe excHaNge, has resulted \niN faiRer and morE efFiCieNt MarkeTS. The alLegAtiOns of maRket abuSE arE \n\"jUST SoMe sour grapes from peOpLE WhO didn't coMe up wiTH tHe IDea in the \nFiRst PlacE,\" eNron sPokeSMaN Eric ThoDe said fRiDaY. \nOne of tHe BiggesT dIstIncTions BEtweEn the TExas enerGy traDErs and the Wall \nSTReet securitieS TrADErS Is hoW thEy are regulaTed. \nTHE SecUritIEs And eXchanGe ComMiSSiON and the Commodities FUtUre TraDing \nCOmmission overSee the tradING Of most of The nATiON's key markets. BuT the \npOwer traderS Answer to The FeDeral EneRgy RegulaTORy CommisSioN, an AgeNcy \nWITh Little traininG IN the SoPhisticAteD financIal InsTruMenTs Deployed bY \nthese maRkEtErS. \nTHe pOwer tRAders areN't JusT hOldIng CaLIforniA over A barReL. OTHer States \naRE pAYIng eVeN hIgheR prIcEs - a faCtor THat Will likEly furtheR reDUce \nsUpPlIes for CAlifornia in thE mOnths ahead. \nin A seRies of RECent dealS disclosed to The AssociatED Press bY a mAjor \nmArkeTer, energy TraDers chArgED CalifOrnia $330 tO $360 per mEgAwaTT Hour \nfOR juLy eLeCtricity. ThEY FetChed $415 pEr MegaWatt houR in a key Pacific \nNortHWesT market and $495 per MegAwatT HOuR in A MaJOr ARiZOna MARket for \ncontractS covering tHe SAmE time. \nA simiLAr pRiCe dispaRity occUrred FOr AugusT electricIty contraCtS. \nCalIFOrnIa paid top pRice of $395 peR megawatt HOur whILe The PaCifIc \nNortHwEst MarkeT paid $460 pER meGawatT hour aNd The AriZona mArKet paid $535 \npEr megawatt hour. \nAs the natiOn's larGest pOweR broker, EnRon IS thE kingpin oF the Energy", "whitespace_perturbation": " Witter Morgan Stanley tolaunch Int ercon tin ent al Exch ange .com. \nThe 7-m o nth- old site reported dail y tra di n g vo l um es of 3 mill i on m ega wa tt \nh ou r sin la teFebruar y. \nSan Di ego a ttorney Mich a el Aguirre b eli eves the pow ercompan ie s a r e usi ngthe passwo r d-prot ected onl in e excha n ges tos e cr etly share informatio n a n d control \nthe power s u pp l y to ma nipulate p ri ces.A guirreh as s p ent the past sixmonths \nscr u tin izingth e t r adingopera ti o nsas he pursu es a lawsuitallegi n g thatt he \npow er gen era tor s br o ke a nti tr u stl aw s.\"Th e wholetr ad ing t hing i s just afron t tha t lets them g ame the mar ket,\" he said .\"They can g et aw ay with it becaus e no one (out sid ethe i ndust r y) can \nf igu re outwhat th e y a re d o in g.\" \nEnron says it st r ad ing syst em, pa r ti cu l arly the o nli ne e x c hange , ha s r esulted\nin fa i re rand mor eeffici en t m ark ets.T he a llegat ions ofmarke t abuse are \n\"j u st some sourg ra p e sf rompeo ple who did n'tc omeup w i th th e idea in t he \nf i rst place,\" Enron s po kesman Eric Thode said F riday. \nOn e o f the bi gges t d i stinctions bet weenthe Texase nergy tr aders and the Wall \nSt r e et secur iti estra der s is how they are r egul at ed. \nTh e S ecuriti esand Ex cha ng e Commiss ion andth eCo mm odi tiesF uture Tr ad ing Com missi o n over see t he t ra di n g o f mosto ft h e na ti on 's k eyma rkets . Bu t th e \npowe r traders an s werto t he Fede ral Energy Re gu latory Com mi ssi on, an a gency \nw ith little training int he soph ist icate d fi nancial i nst rument s d e ployed by \nt hesema rke t e rs. T h epow er traders a r e n't just h oldi ng Cali fornia over a barr e l.Other states\nar e pa y i ng ev e nh igh er pri c e s - a factor th at will li ke l yfurther re d uce supplie s for C alifo r nia inthe month s ahead.\nI n as e rie s of recen t dealsdisclosed to Th e A ssoci ate d Pres sbya maj or \nma r ket er, e nergytr aderscharg ed Califor nia $330 to $360 per me gawatt hour \nf or July e lec t ric ity. They fet ched $415per me gawat t h o ur in a k e yPac i fic Nort h west mark e tand $ 49 5 per megaw a t t ho ur in am ajor A rizo na market for \nco n tracts coverin g th e sam e t i me.\nA similar price di sp a r ity occu rr ed for Augu st elect ri c ity c ontrac ts. \nC aliforn i a p a id top pri ceof $395 p erme g awatt h ou rw hile t he P ac ific Northw e st m a r ket paid $460 pe r meg a w att h o urand t he Arizon a mar ket paid $ 535 \nper me gawatt hou r. \nA s the n at ion'slar ge st power b r oker, Enr on is the ki ng pinofthe en ergy ", "underscore_trick": " Witter_Morgan Stanley_to launch IntercontinentalExchange.com. \nThe_7-month-old site_reported_daily trading_volumes_of 3 million_megawatt \nhours in_late February. \nSan Diego_attorney Michael Aguirre_believes_the power companies are using the \npassword-protected online exchanges to secretly share information and_control_\nthe power_supply_to_manipulate prices. Aguirre has spent_the past six months \nscrutinizing_the trading_operations as he pursues a lawsuit alleging that_the_\npower generators broke_antitrust laws. \n\"The whole trading thing is just a_front that lets them game the_market,\" he \nsaid._\"They_can_get away with it_because no one (outside the industry)_can \nfigure out what they are_doing.\" \nEnron says its trading system, particularly_the online exchange, has resulted \nin_fairer and more efficient markets._The allegations_of market abuse are \n\"just_some sour grapes_from people_who didn't come_up with the idea in the_\nfirst place,\" Enron_spokesman Eric Thode said Friday. \nOne_of_the biggest distinctions_between_the_Texas energy_traders and the_Wall_\nStreet securities_traders_is how they are regulated. \nThe_Securities_and Exchange Commission and the Commodities Future_Trading \nCommission oversee the_trading_of most of the_nation's key markets. But the_\npower traders answer to the Federal_Energy Regulatory_Commission, an_agency \nwith little training in the sophisticated financial instruments deployed by_\nthese marketers. \nThe power traders aren't_just holding California over_a barrel._Other_states \nare paying_even_higher prices_- a factor that will likely further_reduce \nsupplies_for California in the months ahead._\nIn a series of_recent_deals disclosed to The Associated Press_by a major \nmarketer, energy traders_charged California $330 to $360_per_megawatt_hour \nfor July electricity. They_fetched $415 per megawatt hour in_a key Pacific_\nNorthwest market and $495 per megawatt hour_in_a major Arizona market for \ncontracts_covering_the same time. \nA similar price_disparity_occurred_for August electricity contracts. \nCalifornia_paid top price of $395 per_megawatt hour while the Pacific \nNorthwest market paid $460_per megawatt hour_and the Arizona market paid_$535_\nper_megawatt hour. \nAs the nation's largest power broker, Enron is_the kingpin_of the energy"} {"text": "415) 777-7152 or e-mail him at \nkgarcia@sfchronicle.com. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBombast obscures energy's ebb and flow \nPublished Monday, March 19, 2001, in the San Jose Mercury News \nTHE electricity crisis has dimmed the lights at car dealerships and sapped \nthe confidence of California consumers. But it's provided a jolt of energy to \na hardy perennial of politics: parochialism. \nAnnouncing yet another investigation into electricity prices, several state \nsenators condemned ``out-of-state generators.'' Their greed, said one, has \nproduced a ``massive transfer of wealth'' out of California. \nGov. Gray Davis in his state-of-the-state speech intoned: ``Never again can \nwe allow out-of-state profiteers to hold California hostage.'' \nIn the hysterical high point of this line of argument, Sen. Steve Peace, D-El \nCajon, one of the architects of electricity restructuring, took to the Senate \nfloor to declare that unless California moved into public ownership of power \nit might as well ``raise the Lone Star flag atop the Capitol.'' \nAbout the only thing right about this rant is the geography. The energy \ncompanies are indeed out of state, with a group of them in Texas. Dynegy, \nReliant and Enron are based in Houston; Duke, in Charlotte; Mirant in \nAtlanta; and Williams Energy, in Tulsa. \nAs for the rest of the argument, it appears to be based on a Fort Knox \nconcept of where money is: Profits sit in vaults, until spent to benefit the \nstate in which they repose. \nI'm not denying there is reason to at least investigate the profits made by \ngenerators of power. But some who have done well -- Calpine and the Los \nAngeles Department of Water and Power, to name two -- are based in \nCalifornia. What difference does location make? Victims of muggings do not \ngenerally express relief if told the robbers were fellow Californians. ``Oh \ngood, the money will stay in the community,'' no one has ever told the \npolice. \nFirst, let's establish the scale of this alleged transfer of", "synonym_substitution": "415) 777 - 7152 or e - mail him at \n kgarcia@sfchronicle.com. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Bombast obscures energy's ebb and flow \n publish Monday, March 19, 2001, in the San Jose Mercury News \n THE electricity crisis has dim the lights at car dealerships and sap \n the confidence of California consumers. But it's put up a jerk of energy to \n a hardy perennial of politics: parochialism. \n Announcing yet another investigation into electricity price, several state \n senator condemned '` out - of - state generators.\" Their greed, said one, has \n produced a '` massive transfer of wealth\" out of California. \n Gov. Gray Davis in his state of matter - of - the - state speech intoned: '` Never again can \n we admit out - of - state profiteers to hold California hostage.\" \n In the hysterical eminent point of this line of argument, Sen. Steve Peace, D - El \n Cajon, one of the architects of electricity restructuring, took to the Senate \n floor to announce that unless California moved into public ownership of power \n it might as well '` raise the Lone Star flag atop the Capitol.\" \n About the lone thing right about this rant is the geography. The energy \n companies are indeed out of state, with a group of them in Texas. Dynegy, \n Reliant and Enron are based in Houston; Duke, in Charlotte; Mirant in \n Atlanta; and Williams Energy, in Tulsa. \n As for the rest of the argument, it appears to be establish on a Fort Knox \n concept of where money is: Profits sit in vault, until spend to benefit the \n state in which they repose. \n I'm not deny there is reason to at least investigate the profits made by \n generator of power. But some who have done well -- Calpine and the Los \n Angeles Department of Water and Power, to name two -- are based in \n California. What difference does location lay down? Victims of muggings do not \n generally express easing if told the robber were fellow Californians. '` Oh \n effective, the money will stay in the community,\" no one has ever told the \n police. \n foremost, let's establish the scale of this alleged transfer of", "butter_fingers": "415) 777-7152 og e-mail him at \nkgarcia@sfghronicle.com. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBomyqst obvcures energy's ebb and flow \nPublished Mondey, Mqrch 19, 2001, in the San Jose Mercjry News \nNHE electeiciuy crisis has dimmed the lights wt ccr dealerships akd sapped \ntve confidence mf Cclifornia consumers. But it's provided a jolt ov energy to \na rardj [erehnial of politics: parochialism. \nAnnkuncing yet another onvestigation into electrifity prices, several stwte \nsenatorw cogeemned ``out-of-rtate genegctors.'' Their greed, said one, has \nproduced a ``oassire transfer od wfdlth'' out of Calisornia. \nGov. Gvsy Davhs in hos state-of-the-sbate vpewch intoned: ``Never agamn can \nwe allow out-os-state prmfnteers to hold Califoenua hovtaga.'' \nIn rhe hyatxridal hihh 'oint of thjs line of qrgument, Sen. Steve Keasv, D-El \nCajon, ohe of ehq architects of electricity restructuritg, fook to the Senate \nflooe to declare that unlgss Califownia moved into public ownership of power \nit mighd as xeul ``xqise gye Lone Star flag atop the Capitol.'' \nAbout the onjg uhikg right about tmis rant is the gepggalry. The energy \ncompaujea are indeed out ov state, with a group jf tnem in Texas. Dynegy, \nReliant and Enron age bqsed in Houston; Dune, in Charlutte; Miramt in \nAtlanta; and Willicms Ensrgy, in Tulda. \nAs for ghe rest of the xrglmend, it apptxrs to be based og a Fort Jnox \nconcepg of where money is: Orofibv sit in vaults, unhil skent tm benefit hhe \nstate in which they repose. \nM'k not denyinb dhege is reafon tp at least indestigate the krofits mcde by \ngeneratora of poxer. But some who have dona well -- Calpiie and thq Low \nAnteles Ddoartment of Wayer and Power, to nane two -- are based ln \nCaujfornia. What diyyetwnce does locayiov mwkv? Vmctimf of muggings do vot \nbenerxlly exkxesw reloef if told the robbars sere fellow Califotnlans. ``Oh \ngiod, the ioney will stsy in the communitj,'' no mne has rvet told the \npolice. \nFirst, let's esfablish tje fcale of thif aloeged transfzr of", "random_deletion": "415) 777-7152 or e-mail him at kgarcia@sfchronicle.com. Bombast energy's ebb flow Published Monday, San Mercury News THE crisis has dimmed lights at car dealerships and sapped confidence of California consumers. But it's provided a jolt of energy to a perennial of politics: parochialism. Announcing yet another investigation into electricity prices, several state condemned generators.'' greed, one, has produced a ``massive transfer of wealth'' out of California. Gov. Gray Davis in his speech intoned: ``Never again can we allow out-of-state to hold California hostage.'' the hysterical high point of line argument, Sen. Peace, Cajon, of the architects electricity restructuring, took to the Senate floor to declare that unless California moved into public ownership of it might ``raise the Star atop Capitol.'' About the right about this rant is the companies are indeed out of state, with a of them Texas. Dynegy, Reliant and Enron are in Houston; Duke, in Charlotte; Mirant in Atlanta; Williams Energy, in Tulsa. As for the rest of the argument, it appears to be a Fort Knox concept where money is: sit vaults, spent benefit the in which they repose. I'm not denying there is reason to least investigate the profits made by generators of power. But have well -- Calpine the Los Angeles Department Water Power, to name two based California. location Victims muggings do not generally relief if told the robbers fellow Californians. ``Oh good, the community,'' no one has ever told the First, let's establish the scale of this transfer of", "change_char_case": "415) 777-7152 or e-mail him at \nkgarcia@sfchroNicle.com. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBoMbast ObsCurEs EnerGy's eBb and flow \nPubliSHed MOnday, March 19, 2001, in the San Jose mercuRy nEws \nThe eLectrIcity crISiS HAs dImMeD thE lIGhTs at cAr dEalershIps and sappEd \ntHe Confidence of cAlIfornia conSumErs. But it's proVidEd a jolT oF enERgy to \nA haRdy peRenniaL Of poliTics: parocHiALism. \nAnNOuncing YET aNothEr investigation inTO eLEctricity priceS, severAl STaTE \nSenAtoRs condemneD ``oUt-of-sTAte geneRAtORS.'' theIR greed, said one, Has \nproduced A ``MasSive trAnSfeR Of wealTh'' out Of cAliFornia. \nGov. GrAy DaVis in his sTate-of-THe-state SPeech inToned: ``NEveR agAin cAN \nwE aLloW oUT-of-STaTe pROfiTeers to hOlD CAlifoRnia HOSTAge.'' \nIN thE hysTericAl high point of ThiS linE Of aRgumeNt, Sen. stevE PEace, D-el \nCajoN, one oF tHe architects of eLectRicity resTruCtUriNg, Took tO The SenAte \nFloOr to decLare thaT UnlEsS cALiFornia moved into pubLiC OWnErship of Power \niT MiGhT As well ``raIsE thE LonE sTar flAg atOP tHe CapitoL.'' \nAbout THe OnLy thing RiGht aboUt ThiS raNt is tHE geoGraphy. the energY \ncompANies are indeed oUT of state, with a GRoUP Of THem iN TeXas. Dynegy, \nReLianT And ENron ARe BasED in HoUston; duKE, iN charlotte; Mirant in \nAtLaNta; and williAms Energy, in TuLsa. \nAs for thE RESt of the aRgumENt, IT appears to be baSed on A Fort Knox \ncONcept of wHere mOney is: PrOfits sit iN VAults, untIl sPenT to BenEFIt The \nstate in whiCH They RePose. \nI'm nOt dEnying tHerE is ReaSon To At least inVestigatE tHe PrOfIts Made bY \nGeneratoRs Of pOwEr. BUt somE Who havE done Well -- caLpINe aNd the LoS \nanGELes DEpArTmenT of waTer anD PowER, to Name two -- Are based iN \nCaLIforNiA. WHat diffErence does locAtIon make? VicTiMs oF muggiNGS do not \ngeNerally express relief if tOLd the roBbeRs werE felLow CalifoRniAns. ``Oh \ngOod, THe moneY will sTay in ThE coMMUnity,'' NO OnE haS eVer told the \nPOLicE. \nFirsT, lEt's eStablisH the scale of this allEGed Transfer of", "whitespace_perturbation": "415) 777-7152 or e-mail hi m at \nkgar cia@s fch ron ic le.c om.\n------------- - ---- ---------------------- ----- -- - ---- - -- ----- ------- - -- - - --- -- ---- -- - -- ----- --- ------- ---------- --- -- ------------ - -- ---------- --- -----\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBo mbastob scu r es en erg y's e bb and flow Published M o nday,M arch 19 , 20 01,in the San Jose M e rc u ry News \nTHE e lectri ci t yc r isi s h as dimmedth e lig h ts at c a rd e a ler s hips and sapp ed \nthe con f ide nce of C ali f orniaconsu me r s.But it's pr ovid ed a jolt of en e rgy toa hardy peren nia l o f po l it ic s:pa r och i al ism . \nA nnouncin gye t ano ther i n v esti gat ionintoelectricity p ric es,s eve ral s tate\nsen at ors c ondemn ed `` ou t-of-state gene rato rs.'' The irgr eed ,saido ne, ha s pro duced a ``mass i vetr a n s fe r of wealth'' outof C al ifornia. \nGov. Gr ay Davis in h isstat e - of-th e-st a te speechintone d :`` Never a ga in can weall ow ou t -of- stateprofitee rs to hold Californi a hostage.'' I nt h eh yste ric al high poi nt o f thi s li n eofa rgume nt, S en . S t eve Peace, D-El \nCa jo n, one of t he architects of electr i c i ty restr uctu r in g , took to theSenat e \nfloor t o declare that unlessCaliforni a moved in topub lic ow n e rs hip of poweri t mi gh t as we ll``raise th e L one St ar flag ato p the Ca pi to l. '' \nA boutt he onlyth ing r igh t abo u t this rant isth eg eog raphy.T he e nerg y\nc ompa nie sare i ndee d ou t of st ate, with ag roup o fthem in Texas. Dyneg y, \nReliantan d E nron a r e based i n Houston; Duke, in Cha r lotte;Mir ant i n \nA tlanta; a ndWillia msE nergy, in Tu lsa.\nA s f o r ther e st of t he argumen t , it appe ar s to be bas ed on a Fort Knoxcon cept of where mo neyi s :Pro f it s si ti n v a u lts, until spen t to benef it th e \nstate i n wh ic h theyrepose. \nI'm not den ying ther e is reas on toa t le ast invest igate th e profits madeb y\ngene rat ors of p owe r. Bu t some who have donewe ll --Calpi ne and the Los \nAngeles Departmen t of W aterand Power, t o n a metwo -- ar e ba sed in \nCa lif orn ia. W hat diffe renc e d oes locat ionm ake? Vict i ms of m ug gings do no t gen erall y e x pressreli ef if told the ro b bers were fell ow C a l ifo rni a ns.`` Oh \ngood, themon ey w ill stay i n the commu nity,''no one h as eve r told the \np o l ic e . \nFir st,let 's establ ish t h e scale o ft his al lege dtransf er of", "underscore_trick": "415) 777-7152_or e-mail_him at \nkgarcia@sfchronicle.com. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBombast_obscures energy's_ebb_and flow_\nPublished_Monday, March 19,_2001, in the_San Jose Mercury News_\nTHE electricity crisis_has_dimmed the lights at car dealerships and sapped \nthe confidence of California consumers. But_it's_provided a_jolt_of_energy to \na hardy perennial_of politics: parochialism. \nAnnouncing yet_another investigation_into electricity prices, several state \nsenators condemned ``out-of-state_generators.''_Their greed, said_one, has \nproduced a ``massive transfer of wealth'' out_of California. \nGov. Gray Davis in_his state-of-the-state speech_intoned:_``Never_again can \nwe allow_out-of-state profiteers to hold California hostage.''_\nIn the hysterical high point of_this line of argument, Sen. Steve Peace,_D-El \nCajon, one of the architects_of electricity restructuring, took to_the Senate_\nfloor to declare that unless_California moved into_public ownership_of power \nit_might as well ``raise the Lone_Star flag atop_the Capitol.'' \nAbout the only thing_right_about this rant_is_the_geography. The_energy \ncompanies are_indeed_out of_state,_with a group of them in_Texas._Dynegy, \nReliant and Enron are based in_Houston; Duke, in Charlotte;_Mirant_in \nAtlanta; and Williams_Energy, in Tulsa. \nAs for_the rest of the argument, it_appears to_be based_on a Fort Knox \nconcept of where money is: Profits sit_in vaults, until spent to benefit_the \nstate in which_they repose._\nI'm_not denying there_is_reason to_at least investigate the profits made by_\ngenerators of_power. But some who have done_well -- Calpine and_the_Los \nAngeles Department of Water and_Power, to name two -- are_based in \nCalifornia. What difference_does_location_make? Victims of muggings do_not \ngenerally express relief if told_the robbers were_fellow Californians. ``Oh \ngood, the money will_stay_in the community,'' no one has_ever_told the \npolice. \nFirst, let's establish_the_scale_of this alleged transfer of"} {"text": "_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Martin W\n Penkwitz/NA/Enron@Enron, Roseann Engeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sheila\n Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON, Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON\n\nSubject: Re: GE Language (Document link: John Schwartzenburg)\n\nSee my comments in blue below.\n\n\n\n\n\nTo: Scott Dieball/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENt, Brian D\n Barto/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John\n Schwartzenburg/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Martin W\n Penkwitz/NA/Enron@Enron, Roseann Engeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sheila\n Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\n\nSubject: GE Language\n\nI'm not particularly wild about many of the changes proposed by GE. Agree.\nSeems that it would be a good idea to get a consensus on how to respond.\nHere are the issues I see:\n\nIndemnity issues:\nThey should indemnify us from claims by their employees/subcontractors.\nKay - Is your comment in connection with GE's comment to Section 27.1(iii)\n(carve out of the 100% LOL for \"gross acts\" of its subcontractors, vendors,\nect.)? GE is in an aggressive outsource mode and needs to remain solely\nand totally responsible for the actions and liabilities for its\nsubcontractors and vendors. I think Section 20.2(a) as written covers\nsimple negligence of GE's subcontractors and vendors and I would argue that\nwe need to keep Section 27.1(iii) as written dealing with gross negligence\nof GE's subcontractors and vendors.\nIndemnity should be triggered by strict liability as well as negligence.\nAgree - Maybe we could agree to GE's strike out in 20.2(a) provided the\nphrase \"negligent or willfully wrongful\" is replaced with \"negligent, at\nfault or strictly liable without fault\" (or some variation thereof).\nWhat is a cognizant government? Don't know! This was", "synonym_substitution": "_ DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Martin W \n Penkwitz / NA / Enron@Enron, Roseann Engeldorf / Corp / Enron@ENRON, Sheila \n Tweed / HOU / ECT@ECT@ENRON, Ben Jacoby / HOU / ECT@ECT@ENRON \n\n Subject: Re: GE Language (Document link: John Schwartzenburg) \n\n See my gossip in aristocratic below. \n\n\n\n\n\n To: Scott Dieball / ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENt, Brian D \n Barto / ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John \n Schwartzenburg / ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Martin W \n Penkwitz / NA / Enron@Enron, Roseann Engeldorf / Corp / Enron@ENRON, Sheila \n Tweed / HOU / ECT@ECT, Ben Jacoby / HOU / ECT@ECT \n cc: \n\n Subject: GE Language \n\n I'm not particularly baseless about many of the changes proposed by GE. Agree. \n seem that it would be a adept idea to scram a consensus on how to respond. \n Here are the issues I experience: \n\n Indemnity issues: \n They should indemnify us from claim by their employees / subcontractor. \n Kay - Is your comment in association with GE's remark to Section 27.1(iii) \n (carve out of the 100% LOL for \" gross acts \" of its subcontractor, vendors, \n ect .)? GE is in an aggressive outsource manner and needs to stay solely \n and totally responsible for the actions and liabilities for its \n subcontractor and vendors. I think Section 20.2(a) as written covers \n simple negligence of GE's subcontractors and seller and I would argue that \n we necessitate to keep Section 27.1(iii) as written dealing with gross negligence \n of GE's subcontractors and vendors. \n Indemnity should be triggered by rigorous liability as well as negligence. \n Agree - possibly we could match to GE's hit out in 20.2(a) provided the \n phrase \" negligent or willfully unlawful \" is replaced with \" negligent, at \n demerit or strictly liable without demerit \" (or some variation thereof). \n What is a cognizant government? Don't know! This was", "butter_fingers": "_DEVFLOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Martin W\n Kebkwitz/IA/Enron@Snron, Roreann Engeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENROI, Shwila\n Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRUN, Ben Jaboby/HOU/ECR@ECT@TNRON\n\nSubject: Re: JS Language (Dkgumenc oink: John Schwsrtzenburg)\n\nVee my commentv kn blue below.\n\n\n\n\n\nTo: Scott Dieball/ENRON_DQVELOPMRNH@ENRON_DEVELOPMGNt, Bgiwn D\n Barto/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEBELOPMEIT, John\n Scnwartzenburg/ENRON_DEVELOPMEJT@ENGON_DEVELOPMENT, Marhin W\n Ksnkrutz/NA/Enron@Enfon, Roseann Engeldorf/Ckrp/Enron@ENRON, Sheila\n Tweed/FOU/ECC@ECT, Ben Jaxovy/HLO/ECT@ECT\ncc:\n\nSuboect: DE Language\n\nI'm not pasticulatly wild about maiy od the changes proposev by GE. Agree.\nSeems jhat it woglb be a good idea to gwt a cotsenvus ub huw uo ceslond.\nHege ere the isshes I see:\n\nIneemnity issues:\nThey xhjlkd indemnify us frjm claims by their employees/subcontractorv.\nKag - Is your comment in cinnection with GE's colment to Fection 27.1(iii)\n(carve out of the 100% LOL for \"gross acts\" ox its rubeintrazrogs, vendors,\nect.)? GE is in an aggressive outsourss koce and needs tj remain sokepy\nsgd totally rerponsiyme for the actions ajd liabylitiws for itf\nsubvontractors and vendors. I rhink Sectiou 20.2(a) as written covers\ndimple neglngence of GR's subcontractors and vzndors and I woulf argue tgxt\nwe need to keeo Svctimn 27.1(iii) as written dealing rith grosw neyligence\nuf GG's subcjntractors and yandors.\nIndemnity shluld ye trhggered by strict liability as well as nejkigence.\nAgree - Kayte we cobld agvee to GE's strihe out in 20.2(a) prpvided che\nphrxse \"negligvnt or winlfully wroggful\" is repldfed with \"negnigent, ae\nfauot oe stricguy liable withput fault\" (or some vqriation thereof).\nWhet ir a cognizant gortrnnent? Don't know! Tfis wws", "random_deletion": "_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Martin W Penkwitz/NA/Enron@Enron, Roseann Engeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sheila Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON Re: GE (Document link: John blue To: Scott Dieball/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENt, D Barto/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John Martin W Penkwitz/NA/Enron@Enron, Roseann Engeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sheila Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: GE Language I'm not particularly wild about many of changes proposed by GE. Agree. Seems that it would be a good idea get consensus how respond. Here are the issues I see: Indemnity issues: They should indemnify us from claims by employees/subcontractors. Kay - Is your comment in connection GE's comment to Section (carve out of the 100% for acts\" of subcontractors, ect.)? is in an outsource mode and needs to remain solely and totally responsible for the actions and liabilities for its and vendors. Section 20.2(a) written simple of GE's subcontractors and I would argue that we Section 27.1(iii) as written dealing with gross negligence GE's subcontractors vendors. Indemnity should be triggered by liability as well as negligence. Agree - Maybe could agree to GE's strike out in 20.2(a) provided the phrase \"negligent or willfully wrongful\" with \"negligent, at fault strictly liable without (or variation What a cognizant Don't know! This was", "change_char_case": "_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMEnT, Martin W\n PEnkwiTz/Na/EnRoN@EnrOn, RoSeann Engeldorf/cOrp/ENron@ENRON, Sheila\n Tweed/HOu/ECT@EcT@enRON, bEn jacobY/HOU/ECT@ecT@enrON\n\nsuBjEct: re: ge LAnguaGe (DOcument Link: John ScHwaRtZenburg)\n\nSee my COmMents in bluE beLow.\n\n\n\n\n\nTo: Scott DiEbaLl/ENROn_DeVEloPMENt@ENrON_DEvELOPMent, BriaN D\n Barto/ENrOn_dEVELOpmENT@ENRon_dEvELOpMENT, John\n SchwartzENbURg/ENRON_DEVELOPmENT@ENrOn_dEvelOPmENt, Martin W\n PeNkWitz/Na/enron@EnROn, rOSEanN engeldorf/Corp/enron@ENRON, SHEilA\n Tweed/hOu/ECt@eCT, Ben jacobY/Hou/ECt@ECT\ncc:\n\nSubjeCt: GE language\n\nI'M not paRTicularLY wild abOut manY of The ChanGEs PrOpoSeD By Ge. agRee.\nsEemS that it wOuLd Be a goOd idEA TO Get a ConSensUs on hOw to respond.\nHeRe aRe thE IssUes I sEe:\n\nIndEmniTy IssueS:\nThey sHould InDemnify us from clAims By their emPloYeEs/sUbContrACtors.\nKAy - IS yoUr commeNt in conNEctIoN WITh gE's comment to SectioN 27.1(iII)\n(CaRve out of The 100% LOL FOr \"GrOSs acts\" of ItS suBconTRActorS, venDOrS,\nect.)? GE is In an agGReSsIve outsOuRce modE aNd nEedS to reMAin sOlely\naNd totallY respONsible for the acTIons and liabilITiES FoR Its\nsUbcOntractors aNd veNDors. i thiNK SEctIOn 20.2(a) as WrittEn COvERs\nsimple negligence oF Ge's subcOntraCtors and vendoRs and I woulD ARGue that\nwE neeD To KEep Section 27.1(iii) aS writTen dealing WIth gross NegliGence\nof Ge's subcontRACtors and VenDorS.\nInDemNITy Should be triggEREd by StRict liaBilIty as weLl aS neGliGenCe.\nagree - MaybE we could AgReE tO Ge's sTrike OUt in 20.2(a) proViDed ThE\nphRase \"nEGligenT or wiLlfuLlY wROngFul\" is rePLaCED witH \"nEgLigeNt, aT\nfAult oR strICtlY liable Without faUlt\" (OR somE vArIation tHereof).\nWhat is a CoGnizant govErNmeNt? Don't KNOw! This waS", "whitespace_perturbation": "_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOP MENT, Mart in W Pe nkwi tz/N A/Enron@Enron, Rose ann Engeldorf/Corp/Enr on@EN RO N , Sh e il a\n Twee d /H O U /EC T@ EC T@E NR O N, BenJac oby/HOU /ECT@ECT@E NRO N\nSubject: R e :GE Languag e (Document li nk: JohnSc hwa r tzenb urg )\n\nSe e my c o mments in bluebe l ow.\n\n\n\nTo: S co tt D ieball/ENRON_DEVE L OP M ENT@ENRON_DEVE LOPMEN t, Br i a n D \n Barto/ EN RON_D E VELOPME N T@ E N R ON_ D EVELOPMENT, J ohn\n S c hwa rtzenb ur g/E N RON_DE VELOP ME N T@E NRON_DEVELO PMEN T, Martin W\n Penkw i tz/NA/E nron@E nro n,Rose a nn E nge ld o rf/ C or p/E n ron @ENRON,Sh ei la\n T w e e d/HO U/E CT@E CT, B en Jacoby/HOU /EC T@EC T \ncc :\n\nSu bject : G ELangu age\n\nI 'm no tparticularly wi ld a bout many of t hech anges propos edbyGE. Ag ree.\nSe e msth a t it would be a good i de a to get a c onsens u son how to r es pon d.\nH e r e are the is sues I s ee:\n\nI n de mn ity iss ue s:\nThe ysho uld inde m nify us fr om claim s byt heir employees / subcontractor s .K a y- Isyou r comment i n co n nect ionw it h G E 's co mment t o S e ction 27.1(iii)\n(ca rv e outof th e 100% LOL fo r \"gross a c t s \" of its sub c on t ractors, vendo rs,\ne ct.)? GEi s in anaggre ssive ou tsource m o d e and ne eds to re mai n so lely\nand tota l l y re sp onsible fo r the a cti ons an d l ia bilitiesfor itssu bc on tr act ors a n d vendor s. I t hin k Sec t ion 20 .2(a) aswr it t encoverss im p l e ne gl ig ence of G E's s ubco n tra ctors a nd vendor s a n d Iwo ul d argue that\nwe need t o keep Sec ti on27.1(i i i ) as wri tten dealing with gross neglige nce \nof G E'ssubcontra cto rs and ve n dors.Indemn ity s ho uld b e tri g g er edby strict li a b ili ty as w ellas negl igence.\nAgree - Ma y bewe could agre e t o GE ' s s tri k eo utin 20. 2 ( a) provided the \nphrase \"n eg l ig ent or wil l ful ly wrongf ul\" isrepla c ed with \"neglige nt, at\nfa ul t or s tri ctly liabl e withou t fault\"( or so m evaria tio n ther eo f). \nWhat is ac ogn izant gover nm ent? Don't k now! Th is was", "underscore_trick": "_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Martin_W\n _ _Penkwitz/NA/Enron@Enron, Roseann_Engeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENRON,_Sheila\n __ _Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON, Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON\n\nSubject:_ Re: GE Language_ (Document link:_John_Schwartzenburg)\n\nSee my comments in blue below.\n\n\n\n\n\nTo: Scott Dieball/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENt, Brian D\n __ _Barto/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT,_John\n_ _Schwartzenburg/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Martin W\n _ _ Penkwitz/NA/Enron@Enron, Roseann Engeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sheila\n __ Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ben_Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\n\nSubject: GE Language\n\nI'm not particularly wild about many_of the changes proposed by GE._ Agree.\nSeems that_it_would_be a good idea_to get a consensus on how_to respond.\nHere are the issues I_see:\n\nIndemnity issues:\nThey should indemnify us from claims_by their employees/subcontractors.\nKay - Is your_comment in connection with GE's_comment to_Section 27.1(iii)\n(carve out of the_100% LOL for_\"gross acts\"_of its subcontractors,_vendors,\nect.)? GE is in an_aggressive outsource mode_and needs to remain solely\nand totally_responsible_for the actions_and_liabilities_for its\nsubcontractors_and vendors. _I_think Section_20.2(a)_as written covers\nsimple negligence of GE's_subcontractors_and vendors and I would argue that\nwe_need to keep Section_27.1(iii)_as written dealing with_gross negligence\nof GE's subcontractors and_vendors.\nIndemnity should be triggered by strict_liability as_well as_negligence.\nAgree - Maybe we could agree to GE's strike out in_20.2(a) provided the\nphrase \"negligent or willfully_wrongful\" is replaced with_\"negligent, at\nfault_or_strictly liable without_fault\"_(or some_variation thereof).\nWhat is a cognizant government? _Don't know!_ This was"} {"text": "Henry Samueli, \"spent the hour before the meeting using a letter opener to \nopen his paper mail and sitting by the window so he could get some sunlight \nto read.\" \nCox, R-Newport Beach, told the panel, which was holding a hearing on \nCalifornia's electricity crisis, that \"the entire company could not function \nduring this period of time and the same was true for more than a million \npeople,\" he said. \"It's a Third World experience in California.\" \nRegister reporters Chris Farnsworth, Dena Bunis, Bernard Wolfson, Nancy Luna, \nEric Johnson, Elizabeth Aguilera and Jennifer Hieger contributed to this \nstory. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------\nCalif To Order Utils To Pay Small Generators Up Front-Gov\n\n03/21/2001 \nDow Jones Energy Service \n(Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) \nSACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)-- California regulators will order the state's two \nlargest utilities to pay small, independent power generators in advance, a \nmove Gov. Gray Davis hopes will bring a quick end to the blackouts that \ndarkened California this week. \nDavis accused PG&E Corp. (PCG) unit Pacific Gas & Electric Co. and Edison \nInternational (EIX) unit Southern California Edison of taking in money from \ncustomers while failing to pay the generators, known as qualifying \nfacilities, which produce up to one-third of the state's power. As a result, \nhe said, the utilities are partly responsible for this week's blackouts. \n\"It's wrong and irresponsible of the utilities to pocket this money and not \npay the generators,\" the governor said at a Capitol news conference Tuesday \nevening. \"They've acted irresponsibly and immorally and it has to stop.\" \nThe state lost about 3,100 megawatts, or enough electricity to power 3.1 \nmillion homes, on Tuesday from alternative energy plants that say they can't \nafford to keep operating because the utilities haven't paid their bills in \nweeks. The utilities, which are near bankruptcy, owe the QFs about $1 \nbillion. Pacific Gas & Electric has made partial payments. \nAs reported by Dow Jones Newswires,", "synonym_substitution": "Henry Samueli, \" spent the hour before the meeting using a letter opener to \n unfold his newspaper mail and sitting by the window so he could receive some sunlight \n to read. \" \n Cox, R - Newport Beach, told the control panel, which was accommodate a hearing on \n California's electricity crisis, that \" the integral ship's company could not function \n during this menstruation of time and the same was dependable for more than a million \n citizenry, \" he said. \" It's a Third World experience in California. \" \n Register reporters Chris Farnsworth, Dena Bunis, Bernard Wolfson, Nancy Luna, \n Eric Johnson, Elizabeth Aguilera and Jennifer Hieger contributed to this \n story. \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n ----------------------------------------------- \n Calif To Order Utils To give Small Generators Up Front - Gov \n\n 03/21/2001 \n Dow Jones Energy Service \n (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) \n SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)-- California regulators will order the department of state's two \n largest utilities to pay minor, independent power generators in advance, a \n move Gov. Gray Davis hope will bring a quick end to the blackouts that \n darkened California this workweek. \n Davis accuse PG&E Corp. (PCG) unit Pacific Gas & Electric Co. and Edison \n International (EIX) unit Southern California Edison of taking in money from \n customers while failing to pay the generators, known as qualifying \n facility, which produce up to one - third of the department of state's power. As a result, \n he said, the utilities are partially responsible for this workweek's blackouts. \n \" It's wrong and irresponsible of the utilities to pocket this money and not \n yield the generators, \" the governor said at a Capitol news conference Tuesday \n evening. \" They've acted irresponsibly and immorally and it has to stop. \" \n The state lost about 3,100 megawatts, or adequate electricity to power 3.1 \n million home, on Tuesday from alternate energy plants that say they can't \n afford to keep operating because the utilities haven't paid their bill in \n workweek. The utilities, which are near bankruptcy, owe the QFs about $ 1 \n billion. Pacific Gas & Electric has take partial payment. \n As reported by Dow Jones Newswires,", "butter_fingers": "Hengy Samueli, \"spent the houv before the meejibg usiig a lefter opever to \nopen his paper mail aid suttint by the window so he zould get some subligit \nto read.\" \nCox, R-Iswport Nzach, flld chx panel, which wss holding a hearing on \nWauiyornia's electricity crisis, that \"the qntire volpany could noj funbtyon \nslrlng this period of time and the aame wav true for mote than a million \npeople,\" hf sald. \"It's a Third Worpd experienxe ig California.\" \nFegister rtpmrters Chrjs Farnsworth, Dena Bunis, Bernara Wolyson, Nancy Ouba, \nFtic Johnson, Xlizabvth Aguilera and Jennhfer Hirger contributcd to thus \nstory. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------\nCalif To Ordxr Utils To Pay Smalj Generatmra Up Front-Gov\n\n03/21/2001 \nDow Jines Gnergf Sefcicd \n(Ckpbrifht (c) 2001, Dox Jones & Cojpany, Inc.) \nSQCRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)-- Vajpgornia regulztors rijl order the state's two \nlargest utilitits to pay small, independent power generators in afvance, a \niove Gov. Gray Davis hopes will bring a quick end do thx claejouts rhwt \ndarkened California this week. \nDavis accuseq PB&E Corp. (PCG) unit Pacific Gax & Ekgctric Co. and Gdison \nNhtsrnational (EIX) unih Southgrn Caoifornia Tdisom of taking in money from \ncystomers whijw failing to pay tke generatorr, knpwn ax qualifying \nfacilities, whidh produce kp to one-ffird of the statd's iowes. As a rtrult, \nhe said, the ttilities are partly reskonsiblq for this week's blackouts. \n\"It's wrojg anb irrasponsible of the utilities to pocket this money and noj \npdy nhe generctors,\" bhe governor sayd at a Capitok news eonferdnce Tuesdzy \nevenmng. \"They've asted irresponvlbly and immmrally agd ir haw to stuo.\" \nThe state loxt about 3,100 megawatts, or enough electrigity jo power 3.1 \nmillion hones, on Tuesday groo ajtvrnetive anergy plantv thxt rsy thdy can't \naffifd tp keep operating becduse the utilities havrn'b paid thgir bills in \nweeks. The utilities, which age neer banyruptvy, jwe the QFs about $1 \nbillion. Pacjfic Gas & Elcctric has maqe pqrtial paymeuts. \nAs reported by Dow Jones Newswires,", "random_deletion": "Henry Samueli, \"spent the hour before the a opener to his paper mail so could get some to read.\" Cox, Beach, told the panel, which was a hearing on California's electricity crisis, that \"the entire company could not function this period of time and the same was true for more than a people,\" said. a World experience in California.\" Register reporters Chris Farnsworth, Dena Bunis, Bernard Wolfson, Nancy Luna, Eric Johnson, Aguilera and Jennifer Hieger contributed to this story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- Calif To Utils To Pay Small Generators Front-Gov Dow Jones Service (c) Dow Jones & Inc.) SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)-- California regulators will order the state's two largest utilities to pay small, independent generators in move Gov. Davis will a quick end blackouts that darkened California this week. Corp. (PCG) unit Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Edison International unit Southern California Edison of taking money from customers while failing to pay the known as qualifying facilities, which produce up to one-third of the state's power. As a said, the utilities are responsible for this blackouts. wrong irresponsible the utilities pocket this money and not pay the generators,\" the governor said a Capitol news conference Tuesday evening. \"They've acted irresponsibly and it to stop.\" The lost about 3,100 megawatts, enough to power 3.1 million Tuesday alternative say can't to keep operating because utilities haven't paid their bills weeks. The utilities, which QFs about $1 billion. Pacific Gas & Electric made partial payments. As reported by Dow Newswires,", "change_char_case": "Henry Samueli, \"spent the hour bEfore the meEting UsiNg a LeTter OpenEr to \nopen his papER maiL and sitting by the window So he cOuLD get SOmE sunlIght \nto rEAd.\" \ncOX, R-NEwPoRt BEaCH, tOld thE paNel, whicH was holdinG a hEaRing on \nCalifoRNiA's electricIty Crisis, that \"thE enTire coMpAny COuld nOt fUnctiOn \nduriNG this pEriod of tiMe ANd the sAMe was trUE FoR morE than a million \npeopLE,\" hE Said. \"It's a Third WOrld exPeRIeNCE in calIfornia.\" \nRegIsTer rePOrters CHRiS fARnsWOrth, Dena Bunis, bernard WolfSOn, NAncy LuNa, \neriC johnsoN, ElizAbETh AGuilera and JEnniFer Hieger ContriBUted to tHIs \nstory. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------\ncalif TO OrDer utilS to paY SmAlL genERaTorS up FRont-Gov\n\n03/21/2001 \nDOw joNes EnErgy sERVIce \n(COpyRighT (c) 2001, Dow jones & Company, INc.) \nSaCRAmeNTo, CaliF. (AP)-- CaLifoRnIa regUlatorS will OrDer the state's two \nLargEst utilitIes To Pay SmAll, inDEpendeNt pOweR generaTors in aDVanCe, A \nMOVe gov. Gray Davis hopes wIlL BRiNg a quick End to tHE bLaCKouts thaT \ndArkEned cALiforNia tHIs Week. \nDaviS accusED Pg&E corp. (PCG) UnIt PaciFiC GaS & ElEctriC co. anD EdisoN \nInternaTionaL (eIX) unit SoutherN california EdiSOn OF TaKIng iN moNey from \ncustOmerS WhilE faiLInG to PAy the GenerAtORs, KNown as qualifying \nfacIlIties, wHich pRoduce up to one-Third of the STATe's power. as a rESuLT, \nhe said, the utilIties Are partly rESponsiblE for tHis week's Blackouts. \n\"iT'S wrong anD irResPonSibLE Of The utilities tO POckeT tHis moneY anD not \npay The GenEraTorS,\" tHe governoR said at a caPiToL nEws ConfeREnce TuesDaY \nevEnIng. \"they'vE Acted iRrespOnsiBlY aND imMorally ANd IT Has tO sToP.\" \nThe StaTe Lost aBout 3,100 MEgaWatts, or Enough eleCtrICity To PoWer 3.1 \nmillIon homes, on TueSdAy from alteRnAtiVe enerGY Plants thAt say they can't \nafford to keEP operatIng BecauSe thE utilitieS haVen't paId tHEir bilLs in \nweEks. ThE uTilITIes, whICH aRe nEaR bankruptcY, OWe tHe QFs AbOut $1 \nbIllion. PAcific Gas & Electric hAS maDe partial paymEntS. \nAs rEPOrTed BY DOW JoNeS newSWIres,", "whitespace_perturbation": "Henry Samueli, \"spent thehour befor e the me eti ng usi ng a letter opener to open his paper mail an d sit ti n g by th e win dow soh ec o uld g et so me su nligh t to read .\" \nCox, R -Ne wp ort Beach, t o ld the panel , w hich was hol din g a he ar ing on \nC ali forni a's el e ctrici ty crisis ,t hat \"t h e entir e co mpan y could not funct i on \nduring this p eriodof ti m e an d t he same wa struef or more th a n a m i llion \npeople ,\" he said. \"It 's a T hi rdW orld e xperi en c e i n Californi a.\"\nRegister repor t ers Chr i s Farns worth, De naBuni s ,Be rna rd Wol f so n,N anc y Luna,\nE ri c Joh nson , E l izab eth Agu ilera and Jennifer Hi eger con tribu ted t o th is \nsto ry. \n- ----- -- --------------- ---- --------- --- -- --- -- ----- - ------ --- --- ------- ------- --- -- - - - -- ------------------ -- - - -- -------- ------ - -- -- - -------- -- --- ---- - - ----- \n--- - -- -------- ------ - -- -- ------- -- ------ -- --- --Calif To O rder U tils ToPay S m all Generators Up Front-Gov03 / 2 1/ 2 001\nDo w Jones Ene rgyS ervi ce ( Co pyr i ght ( c) 20 01 , D o w Jones & Company,In c.) \nS ACRAM ENTO, Calif.(AP)-- Cal i f o rnia reg ulat o rs will order the stat e's two \nl a rgest ut iliti es to pa y small,i n dependen t p owe r g ene r a to rs in advance , a \nm ov e Gov.Gra y Davis ho pes wi llbr ing a qui ck end t oth ebl ack outst hat \ndar ke ned C ali forni a thisweek. \nDa vi sa ccu sed PG& E C o r p. ( PC G) uni t P ac ificGas& El ectricCo. and E dis o n \nI nt er nationa l (EIX) unitSo uthern Cal if orn ia Edi s o n of tak ing in money from \ncust o mers wh ile fail ingto pay th e g enerat ors , known as qu alify in g f a cilit i e s, wh ic h produceu p to one- th irdof thestate's power. Asa re sult, \nhe sai d,theu t il iti e sa repa r tly r esponsible forthis week' sb la ckouts. \n\" I t's w rong an d irres ponsi b le of t he utilit ies to po ck et t h i s m oney and n ot \npaythe gener a tors, \" t he go ver nor sa id at a Ca pitoln ews conf erence T uesday \neve ni ng. \"The y've acted irresponsibl y andimmor all y and ithas tostop.\" \nT he s tate lostabo ut3,100 me g awatt s, o r e nou g h ele ctri c ity to po w er 3. 1 \nm illion home s , onTuesd ayf rom al tern ative energy plan t s that say the y ca n ' t aff o rd t okeep operating be ca u s e the ut il ities haven 't paidth e ir bi lls in \nweek s. Theu t il i ties,whic h a re near b ank ru p tcy, ow eth e QFs a bout $ 1 \nbil lion.P acif i c Gas & Electrichas m a d e par t ial paym en ts. \nAs repo rted by Do w Jones New swires ,", "underscore_trick": "Henry Samueli,_\"spent the_hour before the meeting_using a_letter_opener to_\nopen_his paper mail_and sitting by_the window so he_could get some_sunlight_\nto read.\" \nCox, R-Newport Beach, told the panel, which was holding a hearing on_\nCalifornia's_electricity crisis,_that_\"the_entire company could not function_\nduring this period of time_and the_same was true for more than a million_\npeople,\"_he said. \"It's_a Third World experience in California.\" \nRegister reporters Chris_Farnsworth, Dena Bunis, Bernard Wolfson, Nancy_Luna, \nEric Johnson,_Elizabeth_Aguilera_and Jennifer Hieger contributed_to this \nstory. \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------\nCalif To Order_Utils To Pay Small Generators Up_Front-Gov\n\n03/21/2001 \nDow Jones Energy Service \n(Copyright (c)_2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)_\nSACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)-- California regulators_will order_the state's two \nlargest utilities_to pay small,_independent power_generators in advance,_a \nmove Gov. Gray Davis hopes_will bring a_quick end to the blackouts that_\ndarkened_California this week._\nDavis_accused_PG&E Corp._(PCG) unit Pacific_Gas_& Electric_Co._and Edison \nInternational (EIX) unit Southern_California_Edison of taking in money from \ncustomers_while failing to pay_the_generators, known as qualifying_\nfacilities, which produce up to_one-third of the state's power. As_a result,_\nhe said,_the utilities are partly responsible for this week's blackouts. \n\"It's wrong_and irresponsible of the utilities to_pocket this money and_not \npay_the_generators,\" the governor_said_at a_Capitol news conference Tuesday \nevening. \"They've acted_irresponsibly and_immorally and it has to stop.\"_\nThe state lost about_3,100_megawatts, or enough electricity to power_3.1 \nmillion homes, on Tuesday from_alternative energy plants that say_they_can't_\nafford to keep operating because_the utilities haven't paid their bills_in \nweeks. The_utilities, which are near bankruptcy, owe the_QFs_about $1 \nbillion. Pacific Gas &_Electric_has made partial payments. \nAs reported_by_Dow_Jones Newswires,"} {"text": " willing to \nspend the day benefiting a great cause. Please contact Cindy Richardson, \nx3-4770 or Kelly Lombardi, x3-8491 for more information or run to: \nhttp://home.enron.com:84/erc/index.html\n\nVOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR 15TH ANNUAL HOUSTON HOOP-IT-UP MAY 5-6!\n\nThe best way to get yourself jump-started for a full year of Hoops. Become a \npart of this jammin\u0001,hoops scene with over 1,200 teams & 4,800 players. Join \nus at Greenspoint Mall for a basketball-crazed atmosphere. Games and special \nevents being played simultaneously on 110 courts so the basketballs will be \nflying HOOP-IT-UP is where you play for FUN. EVENT BENEFITS THE \u0001&ESCAPE \nFAMILY RESOURCE CENTER\u00018\n\nSATURDAY \u0001) MAY 5TH 8:00 \u0001) 6:00 PM\nSUNDAY \u0001) MAY 6TH 8:00 \u0001) 5:00 PM\n\nFor more information please call \u0001&Hoop-It-Up Hotline\u00018: 713-521-4535 or\nE-Mail: Hoopitup@Texas.Net \n\n\n\nDouble click on the icon below to learn more about the new Enron Kids' \nCenter. \n\nhttp://home.enron.com:84/messaging/e_kids_announce423.pdf\n\nHave News to Share?\nTo post news or events in Enron In Action, please e-mail your information to \nEIA@enron.com \nno later than 12:00 noon the Thursday prior to the next Monday\u0001,s mailing. Notice # 01-154\nMay 7, 2001\n\nTO:\nAll NYMEX Division Members and Member Firms\n\nFROM:\nNeal L. Wolkoff, Executive Vice President\n\nRE:\nImplementation of New NYMEX Rule 9.11A (\"Give-Up Trades\")\n\nDATE:\nMay 7, 2001\n===========================================================\nPlease be advised that beginning on the trade date of Friday, June 1, 2001,\nnew NYMEX Rule 9.11A (\"Give", "synonym_substitution": "willing to \n spend the day benefiting a great lawsuit. Please reach Cindy Richardson, \n x3 - 4770 or Kelly Lombardi, x3 - 8491 for more information or run to: \n http://home.enron.com:84/erc/index.html \n\n VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR 15TH ANNUAL HOUSTON HOOP - IT - UP MAY 5 - 6! \n\n The good way to get yourself startle - begin for a full class of Hoops. Become a \n character of this jammin\u0001,hoops scene with over 1,200 team & 4,800 players. Join \n us at Greenspoint Mall for a basketball - craze standard atmosphere. Games and special \n events being played simultaneously on 110 courts so the basketball will be \n flying HOOP - IT - UP is where you play for FUN. EVENT BENEFITS THE \u0001&ESCAPE \n FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER\u00018 \n\n SATURDAY \u0001) MAY 5TH 8:00 \u0001) 6:00 phase modulation \n SUNDAY \u0001) MAY 6TH 8:00 \u0001) 5:00 PM \n\n For more information please call \u0001&Hoop - It - Up Hotline\u00018: 713 - 521 - 4535 or \n E - Mail: Hoopitup@Texas. Net \n\n\n\n bivalent click on the picture below to learn more about the new Enron Kids' \n Center. \n\n http://home.enron.com:84/messaging/e_kids_announce423.pdf \n\n Have newsworthiness to Share? \n To post news or events in Enron In Action, please e - mail your data to \n EIA@enron.com \n no subsequently than 12:00 noon the Thursday prior to the next Monday\u0001,s mailing. Notice # 01 - 154 \n May 7, 2001 \n\n TO: \n All NYMEX Division Members and Member Firms \n\n FROM: \n Neal L. Wolkoff, Executive Vice President \n\n RE: \n Implementation of New NYMEX Rule 9.11A (\" Give - Up Trades \") \n\n DATE: \n May 7, 2001 \n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \n Please be advised that beginning on the deal date of Friday, June 1, 2001, \n new NYMEX Rule 9.11A (\" Give", "butter_fingers": " wipling to \nspend the day btnefiting a great cause. Pleass contacg Cindy Richardson, \nx3-4770 or Kellb Lonbardu, x3-8491 for more informatiun or run to: \nhttp://homt.enron.com:84/erc/index.ifml\n\nVOLUKCEERS KEEDEB HOR 15TH ANNUAL MOUSTON HOO[-IT-UP MAY 5-6!\n\nThe tert way to get yourself jump-started fow a fulk jear of Hoops. Becpie a \niavt of this jammin\u0001,hoops scene witg over 1,200 teams & 4,800 playrrs. Join \nus at Greenspoinh Mapl for a basketbalp-crazed atmisphqee. Games ana special \ntvznts being klayed simultaneously on 110 courts so tke basketbaolw wlnl be \nflyinj HOOP-PT-UP is where you plaf for FIN. EVENT BENENITS VHE \u0001&WSCAPE \nFAMILY RESOURCX CENTER\u00018\n\nSATURDAY \u0001) MWY 5TH 8:00 \u0001) 6:00 [M\nAUNDAY \u0001) MAY 6TH 8:00 \u0001) 5:00 PM\n\nFor mora inwirmxtikn pmease falm \u0001&Hoop-It-Up Hotline\u00018: 713-521-4535 oe\nE-Mail: Hoopitup@Texax.Nqn \n\n\n\nDouble clici on tre icon below to learn more about the new Endon Kids' \nCenter. \n\nhttp://hone.enron.com:84/messaging/e_klds_announse423.pdf\n\nHave News to Share?\nTo post news or events in Anron Kn Cgbion, plfase e-mail your information to \nEIA@enron.com \nno mauer than 12:00 noon thc Thursday prior tp hhr next Monday\u0001,s mailiuf. Hotice # 01-154\nMay 7, 2001\n\nTO:\nAll NYMEX Qivisuon Membews amd Member Firms\n\nFROM:\nNeal L. Wilkoff, Execunive Vice President\n\nRE:\nIlplementatiun og New NYMEX Rule 9.11A (\"Give-Up Trcdes\")\n\nDAFE:\nMay 7, 2001\n===========================================================\nPleade be advjred that beginnivg pn the trade date of Friday, Tune 1, 2001,\nnew NYMZX Rule 9.11X (\"Gife", "random_deletion": "willing to spend the day benefiting a Please Cindy Richardson, or Kelly Lombardi, run http://home.enron.com:84/erc/index.html VOLUNTEERS NEEDED 15TH ANNUAL HOUSTON MAY 5-6! The best way to yourself jump-started for a full year of Hoops. Become a part of this scene with over 1,200 teams & 4,800 players. Join us at Greenspoint Mall a atmosphere. and events being played simultaneously on 110 courts so the basketballs will be flying HOOP-IT-UP is where play for FUN. EVENT BENEFITS THE \u0001&ESCAPE FAMILY CENTER\u00018 SATURDAY \u0001) MAY 8:00 \u0001) 6:00 PM SUNDAY MAY 8:00 \u0001) PM more please call \u0001&Hoop-It-Up 713-521-4535 or E-Mail: Hoopitup@Texas.Net Double click on the icon below to learn more about the new Enron Center. http://home.enron.com:84/messaging/e_kids_announce423.pdf to Share? post or in Enron In e-mail your information to EIA@enron.com no noon the Thursday prior to the next Monday\u0001,s Notice # May 7, 2001 TO: All NYMEX Members and Member Firms FROM: Neal L. Wolkoff, Vice President RE: Implementation of New NYMEX Rule 9.11A (\"Give-Up Trades\") DATE: May 7, 2001 be advised that beginning the trade date Friday, 1, new Rule 9.11A", "change_char_case": " willing to \nspend the day benefIting a greaT causE. PlEasE cOntaCt CiNdy Richardson, \nx3-4770 OR KelLy Lombardi, x3-8491 for more infoRmatiOn OR run TO: \nhTtp://hoMe.enron.COm:84/ERC/inDeX.hTml\n\nvOluNtEERS nEEdED FOR 15Th ANNUAL HOUsTOn HoOP-IT-UP MAY 5-6!\n\nThE BeSt way to get YouRself jump-staRteD for a fUlL yeAR of HoOps. becomE a \npart OF this jAmmin\u0001,hoopS sCEne witH Over 1,200 teaMS & 4,800 PlAyerS. Join \nus at GreenspoINt mAll for a basketbAll-craZeD AtMOSphEre. games and spEcIal \nevENts beinG PlAYED siMUltaneously on 110 Courts so the BAskEtballS wIll BE \nflyinG HOOP-iT-up is Where you plaY for fUN. EVENT BeNEFITs tHE \u0001&ESCApe \nFAMILY rESOURcE CeNTeR\u00018\n\nSAtuRdAy \u0001) MAy 5Th 8:00 \u0001) 6:00 pM\nSunDaY \u0001) May 6TH 8:00 \u0001) 5:00 pM\n\nFor morE iNfOrmatIon pLEASE calL \u0001&HoOp-It-up HotLine\u00018: 713-521-4535 or\nE-Mail: HoOpiTup@TEXas.net \n\n\n\nDoUble cLick On The icOn beloW to leArN more about the neW EnrOn Kids' \nCenTer. \n\nHtTp://hOmE.enroN.Com:84/mesSagIng/E_kids_anNounce423.pDF\n\nHaVe nEWS tO Share?\nTo post news or EvENTs In Enron IN ActioN, PlEaSE e-mail yoUr InfOrmaTIOn to \nEiA@enROn.Com \nno latEr than 12:00 NOoN tHe ThursDaY prior To The NexT MondAY\u0001,s maIling. NOtice # 01-154\nMay 7, 2001\n\ntO:\nAll nyMEX Division MeMBers and Member fIrMS\n\nfRom:\nNeaL L. WOlkoff, ExecuTive vIce PResiDEnT\n\nRE:\niMplemEntatIoN Of nEw NYMEX Rule 9.11A (\"Give-Up TRaDes\")\n\nDATe:\nMay 7, 2001\n===========================================================\nPLease be adviseD that beginNING on the trAde dATe OF Friday, June 1, 2001,\nnew nYMEX rule 9.11A (\"Give", "whitespace_perturbation": " willing to \nspend the day benefitin g a g rea t c au se. Ple ase contact Ci n dy R ichardson, \nx3-4770 or Kell yL omba r di , x3- 8491 fo r m o r e i nf or mat io n o r run to : \nhtt p://home.e nro n. com:84/erc/i n de x.html\n\nVO LUN TEERS NEEDED FO R 15TH ANN U AL HO UST ON HO OP-IT- U P MAY5-6!\n\nThe b e st way to gety o ur self jump-started for af ull year of Ho ops. Be c om e a par t of thisja mmin\u0001 , hoops s c en e w ith over 1,200 te ams & 4,800 pla yers. J oin \nus at Gree ns p oin t Mall fora ba sketball- crazed atmosph e re. Ga mes an d s pec ialev en tsbe i ngp la yed sim ultaneou sl yon 11 0 co u r t s sothe bas ketba lls will be fly ingH OOP -IT-U P iswher eyou p lay fo r FUN . EVENT BENEFITS THE \u0001&ESCAPE \nF AM ILY R ESOUR C E CENT ER\u0001 8\nSATURDA Y \u0001) M A Y 5 TH 8 : 00 \u0001) 6:00 PM\nSUNDAY \u0001 ) M AY 6TH 8 :00 \u0001) 5: 00 PM\n\nFormo reinfo r m ation ple a se call \u0001& Hoop-I t -U pHotline \u00018 : 713- 52 1-4 535 or\nE - Mail : Hoop itup@Tex as.Ne t \n\n\n\nDouble cl i ck on the ico n b e l ow to l ear n more abou t th e new Enr o nKid s ' \nCe nter. \nh t tp://home.enron.com :8 4/mess aging /e_kids_annou nce423.pdf H ave News toS ha r e?\nTo post new s orevents inE nron InActio n, pleas e e-maily o ur infor mat ion to \nE I A @e nron.com \nnol a terth an 12:0 0 n oon the Th urs day pr io r to thenext Mon da y\u0001 ,s m ail ing.N otice #01 -15 4May 7, 2 0 01\n\nTO :\nAll NYM EX D i vis ion Mem b er s andMe mb er F irm s\nFROM :\nNe a l L . Wolko ff, Execu tiv e Vic ePr esident \n\nRE:\nImpleme nt ation of N ew NY MEX Ru l e 9.11A ( \"Give-Up Trades\")\n\nDATE : \nMay 7, 20 01\n== ==== ========= === ====== === = ====== ====== ===== == === = = ===== = = \nP lea se be advise d tha t beg in ning on the trade date of Fri d ay, June 1, 2001 ,\nn ew N Y M EX Ru l e9 .11 A( \"Gi v e ", "underscore_trick": " willing_to \nspend_the day benefiting a_great cause.__Please contact_Cindy_Richardson, \nx3-4770 or_Kelly Lombardi, x3-8491_for more information or_run to: _\nhttp://home.enron.com:84/erc/index.html\n\nVOLUNTEERS_NEEDED FOR 15TH ANNUAL HOUSTON HOOP-IT-UP MAY 5-6!\n\nThe best way to get yourself_jump-started_for a_full_year_of Hoops. Become a_\npart of this jammin\u0001,hoops scene_with over_1,200 teams & 4,800 players. Join \nus_at_Greenspoint Mall for_a basketball-crazed atmosphere. Games and special \nevents being_played simultaneously on 110 courts so_the basketballs will_be_\nflying_HOOP-IT-UP is where you_play for FUN. EVENT BENEFITS_THE \u0001&ESCAPE \nFAMILY RESOURCE CENTER\u00018\n\nSATURDAY \u0001)_ MAY 5TH 8:00 \u0001) 6:00 PM\nSUNDAY_\u0001) MAY 6TH 8:00 \u0001)_5:00 PM\n\nFor more information please_call \u0001&Hoop-It-Up_Hotline\u00018: 713-521-4535 or\nE-Mail: Hoopitup@Texas.Net \n\n\n\nDouble_click on the_icon below_to learn more_about the new Enron Kids' \nCenter._ \n\nhttp://home.enron.com:84/messaging/e_kids_announce423.pdf\n\nHave News_to Share?\nTo post news or events_in_Enron In Action,_please_e-mail_your information_to \nEIA@enron.com \nno_later_than 12:00_noon_the Thursday prior to the next_Monday\u0001,s_mailing. Notice # 01-154\nMay 7, 2001\n\nTO:\nAll NYMEX_Division Members and Member_Firms\n\nFROM:\nNeal_L. Wolkoff, Executive Vice_President\n\nRE:\nImplementation of New NYMEX Rule_9.11A (\"Give-Up Trades\")\n\nDATE:\nMay 7, 2001\n===========================================================\nPlease be_advised that_beginning on_the trade date of Friday, June 1, 2001,\nnew NYMEX Rule 9.11A_(\"Give"} {"text": ". Let's lift the rate caps to get the \nlights back on. And if I need to be shielded from soaring prices, I'll turn \nmy own lights off. \n?????ANDREW LOWD \n?????Claremont \n* * *\n?????This state needs adequate, reliable electricity to run a diverse \neconomy. Both political parties and business interests are at fault. This \ncrisis demands top priority, aimed at lasting solutions. \n?????The most immediate solution is fast-tracking of added generating \ncapacity. Freeway bridges were rebuilt in record time after the Northridge \nquake, so we know it can be done. That is the type of effort that is needed, \nimmediately. \n?????Since Democrats hold the governorship and control both state legislative \nhouses, they are in the driver's seat. If the lights go out, the Democrats go \nout. If this state government can't solve the problem, we need a new \ngovernment that can. \n?????STEVE ANDERSON \n?????Huntington Beach \n* * *\n?????The alleged energy crisis in California is entirely contrived to relax \nenvironmental pollution standards and to raise energy rates. It's curious \nthat the L.A. Department of Water and Power, which was not deregulated, is \nnot currently experiencing an energy crisis. PG&E and Edison are both part of \nnational and multinational corporations. Why should utility customers have to \npay for their economic problems or gross mismanagement? \n?????Several power plants were taken off-line for \"routine maintenance,\" \nwhich may not have been so routine. Energy is a vital necessity; if these \ncompanies can't provide it at a reasonable, affordable rate then they should \nbe replaced by companies that can, be taken over by the government, or \nde-deregulated. There is an abundance of solar energy in California, of which \nonly a small fraction is being utilized. There is no shortage of energy in \nCalifornia, only a shortage of intelligence, will and honest politicians. \n?????CHARLES B. EDELMAN \n?????Los Angeles \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nUtilities' Demand Blocks Bailout \nNEGOTIATIONS HIT SNAG:", "synonym_substitution": ". Let's lift the rate caps to draw the \n sparkle back on. And if I need to be shielded from soaring price, I'll turn \n my own lights off. \n? ?? ?? ANDREW LOWD \n? ?? ?? Claremont \n * * * \n? ?? ?? This state of matter needs adequate, reliable electricity to carry a diverse \n economy. Both political parties and clientele interests are at fault. This \n crisis demand top priority, drive at lasting solutions. \n? ?? ?? The about immediate solution is fast - tracking of add generating \n capacity. Freeway bridge were rebuild in record time after the Northridge \n quake, so we know it can be done. That is the character of effort that is needed, \n immediately. \n? ?? ?? Since Democrats hold the governorship and control both state legislative \n houses, they are in the driver's buttocks. If the light go out, the Democrats go \n out. If this state government can't solve the problem, we need a new \n government that can. \n? ?? ?? STEVE ANDERSON \n? ?? ?? Huntington Beach \n * * * \n? ?? ?? The alleged department of energy crisis in California is wholly contrived to relax \n environmental pollution standard and to raise energy rates. It's curious \n that the L.A. Department of Water and Power, which was not deregulate, is \n not currently experience an energy crisis. PG&E and Edison are both part of \n home and multinational corporations. Why should utility customers have to \n pay for their economic problems or arrant mismanagement? \n? ?? ?? Several power plants were taken off - agate line for \" everyday sustenance, \" \n which may not have been so routine. Energy is a vital necessity; if these \n party can't provide it at a reasonable, affordable pace then they should \n be replaced by company that can, be taken over by the government, or \n delaware - deregulated. There is an abundance of solar energy in California, of which \n only a small fraction is being utilized. There embody no shortage of department of energy in \n California, only a shortage of intelligence, will and honest politician. \n? ?? ?? CHARLES B. EDELMAN \n? ?? ?? Los Angeles \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\n Utilities' Demand Blocks Bailout \n NEGOTIATIONS HIT SNAG:", "butter_fingers": ". Leh's lift the rate caps to get the \nlights back oi. And ir I need to be shielded from soaring peices, I'll turn \nmy own lightr off. \n?????ANDGEW LOWD \n?????Xlartmont \n* * *\n?????This statx needs adequafc, relnaule electricity to run a giverse \neconomf. Coch political parties and business ineerests age at fault. Thys \ncgifis svmcnds top priority, aimed at lastjng solltions. \n?????The most ikmediate solution is fast-tgacklng of added generwting \ncapacuty. Seeeway bridgds were rebuilt in reckrd time after the Northridge \nqjake, xo we know ir cwt be done. Tiat is the type of effort dhat is needed, \nimmedisteny. \n?????Wince Democrats hold vhe governorship and control toch state legislative \nyoyses, jhey dre kb tfe srmved's seah. Ih the lighta go out, thw Democrats go \nout. Of nnis state gobernmegt can't solve the problem, we need a new \ngmvednment that can. \n?????STEVE ABDERSON \n?????Huntington Bewch \n* * *\n?????The alleged energy crisis in California is entirely wontrmvdd uo relab \nejvironmental pollution standards and to raise sntrgj rates. It's curioms \nthat the L.A. Depsrhmrgt of Water avd Powzd, shich was not derehulated, is \nnit currenuly ecperiencing an energy crisiw. PG&E and Edpson are both part of \nuational and muljinatipnal corporations. Why skould htility cushomers habd to \npay for thekr vconmmic problems or gross misianagemenv? \n?????Sevzral powdr pkants rere taken off-llte for \"routine maijtenauce,\" \nwvich may nlt have been so routine. Energy mx a vital nevevsiny; if thefe \ncokpanies can't [rovide it at c reasoncble, awfordable gate then they shoulq \nbe replaced hy companies that cag, be takwn over cy the governmrnt, or \nde-btregulated. There is an abundence kf solar energy in California, of ehizh \njnpy a vmall fractimn ir bdong ugilized. Theve ks np shortage of energy in \nDalifornia, only a xhjrtage od intellygence, will amd honest politiciwns. \n?????CIARLES B. EDRLMWN \n?????Los Angeles \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nUtilities' Demans Blocks Haijout \nNEGOTIAEIONW HIT SNAG:", "random_deletion": ". Let's lift the rate caps to lights on. And I need to I'll my own lights ?????ANDREW LOWD ?????Claremont * * ?????This state needs adequate, electricity to run a diverse economy. Both political parties and business interests are fault. This crisis demands top priority, aimed at lasting solutions. ?????The most immediate is of generating Freeway bridges were rebuilt in record time after the Northridge quake, so we know it can done. That is the type of effort that needed, immediately. ?????Since Democrats the governorship and control both legislative they are the seat. the lights go the Democrats go out. If this state government can't solve the problem, we need a new government can. ?????STEVE Beach * * alleged crisis in California contrived to relax environmental pollution standards energy rates. It's curious that the L.A. Department Water and which was not deregulated, is not experiencing an energy crisis. PG&E and Edison are part of national and multinational corporations. Why should utility customers have to pay for their or gross mismanagement? ?????Several plants were taken for maintenance,\" may have been routine. Energy is a vital necessity; if these companies can't provide at a reasonable, affordable rate then they should be replaced that be taken over the government, or de-deregulated. is abundance of solar energy of only is utilized. is no shortage of in California, only a shortage intelligence, will and honest Angeles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utilities' Demand Blocks Bailout NEGOTIATIONS SNAG:", "change_char_case": ". Let's lift the rate caps to get tHe \nlights baCk on. ANd iF I nEeD to bE shiElded from soariNG priCes, I'll turn \nmy own lights oFf. \n?????ANDrEw lOWD \n?????cLaRemonT \n* * *\n?????This stATe NEEds AdEqUatE, rELiAble eLecTricity To run a diveRse \nEcOnomy. Both polITiCal parties And Business inteResTs are aT fAulT. this \ncRisIs demAnds toP PrioriTy, aimed at LaSTing soLUtions. \n?????THE MoSt imMediate solution is FAsT-Tracking of addeD generAtINg \nCAPacIty. freeway briDgEs werE Rebuilt IN rECORd tIMe after the NorThridge \nquakE, So wE know iT cAn bE Done. ThAt is tHe TYpe Of effort thaT is nEeded, \nimmeDiatelY. \n?????since DeMOcrats hOld the GovErnOrshIP aNd ConTrOL boTH sTatE LegIslative \nHoUsEs, theY are IN THE driVer'S seaT. If thE lights go out, tHe DEmocRAts Go \nout. if thiS staTe GoverNment cAn't soLvE the problem, we neEd a nEw \ngovernmEnt ThAt cAn. \n?????sTEVE anDERSOn \n?????HuNtiNgton BeAch \n* * *\n?????The aLLegEd ENERgY crisis in CaliforniA iS ENtIrely conTrived TO rElAX \nenvironMeNtaL polLUTion sTandARdS and to raIse eneRGy RaTes. It's cUrIous \nthAt The l.A. DEpartMEnt oF Water And Power, Which WAs not deregulatED, is \nnot currentLY eXPErIEnciNg aN energy crisIs. PG&e And EDisoN ArE boTH part Of \nnatIoNAl ANd multinational corpOrAtions. why shOuld utility cuStomers havE TO \nPay for thEir eCOnOMic problems or gRoss mIsmanagemeNT? \n?????Several Power Plants weRe taken ofF-LIne for \"roUtiNe mAinTenANCe,\" \nWhich may not haVE Been So Routine. eneRgy is a vItaL neCesSitY; iF these \ncomPanies caN't PrOvIdE it At a reASonable, aFfOrdAbLe rAte thEN they sHould \nBe rePlAcED by CompaniES tHAT can, Be TaKen oVer By The goVernMEnt, Or \nde-derEgulated. THerE Is an AbUnDance of Solar energy in caLifornia, of WhIch \nOnly a sMALl fractiOn is being utilized. There iS No shortAge Of eneRgy iN \nCalifornIa, oNly a shOrtAGe of inTelligEnce, wIlL anD HOnest POLiTicIaNs. \n?????CHARLES B. edeLMaN \n?????Los anGeleS \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nUtilitIes' Demand Blocks BaiLOut \nnEGOTIATIONS HiT SnAG:", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Let's lift the rate caps to get th e \nli ght s b ac k on . An d if I need to be s hielded from soaring p rices ,I 'llt ur n \nmy own li g ht s off .\n? ??? ?A N DR EW LO WD\n?????C laremont * * * \n?????This s t at e needs ad equ ate, reliabl e e lectri ci tyt o run adiver se \nec o nomy.Both poli ti c al par t ies and b us ines s interests are a t f a ult. This \ncri sis de ma n ds t oppri ority, aim ed at l a sting s o lu t i o ns. \n?????The mos t immediate sol utionis fa s t-trac kingof add ed generati ng capacity. Freew a y bridg e s wererebuil t i n r ecor d t im e a ft e r t h eNor t hri dge \nqua ke ,so we kno w i t can be don e. Th at is the typ e o f ef f ort that is n eede d, \nimm ediate ly. ?? ???Since Democr atshold thegov er nor sh ip an d contr olbot h state legisl a tiv eh o us es, they are in th ed r iv er's sea t. Ift he l i ghts goou t,theD e mocra ts g o out. Ifthis s t at egovernm en t can' tsol vethe p r oble m, weneed a n ew \ng o vernment thatc an. \n?????STE V EA N DE R SON\n?? ???Huntingt on B e ach\n* * *??? ? ?Thealleg ed en e rgy crisis in Calif or nia is enti rely contrive d to relax e nvironme ntal po l lution standar ds an d to raise energy r ates. It's cu rious \nth a t the L.A . D epa rtm ent o fWater and Pow e r , wh ic h was n otderegul ate d,is\nno tcurrently experie nc in gan en ergyc risis. P G& E a nd Ed isona re bot h par t of na t ion al andm ul t i nati on al cor por at ions. Why sho uld uti lity cust ome r s ha ve t o \npayfor their eco no mic proble ms or gross m ismanage ment? \n?????Several pow e r plant s w ere t aken off-line fo r \"rou tin e maint enance ,\" \nw hi chm a y not h av e b ee n so routi n e . E nergy i s avital n ecessity; if these \nco mpanies can't pr ovid e it at ar eas on a ble , affordable rate then they s h ou ld \nbe rep l ace dby comp anies t hat c a n, be t aken over by the g ov ernm e n t,or \nde-der egulated . There i s an a b un dance of solar e ner gy in Calif o rni a, of which only a smal lfraction is being utilized. The re isno sh ort age of en erg y in \nCalifor nia, only a sh ort age of i nte l ligen ce,w il l a n d hon estp olitician s .\n?? ? ? ?C HARLES B. E D E L MAN \n??? ??L o s Ange les\n---------------- - -------------- ---- - - --- --- - ---- -- -------------- --- -- - - --------- ----------- -------- -- - ----- ------ ------ ------- - - -- - ------ ---- --- --------\nUt il i ties' D em an d Block s Ba il out \nN EGOTIA T IONS H IT SNAG:", "underscore_trick": ". Let's_lift the_rate caps to get_the \nlights_back_on. And_if_I need to_be shielded from_soaring prices, I'll turn_\nmy own lights_off._\n?????ANDREW LOWD \n?????Claremont \n* * *\n?????This state needs adequate, reliable electricity to run a_diverse_\neconomy. Both_political_parties_and business interests are at_fault. This \ncrisis demands top_priority, aimed_at lasting solutions. \n?????The most immediate solution is_fast-tracking_of added generating_\ncapacity. Freeway bridges were rebuilt in record time after_the Northridge \nquake, so we know_it can be_done._That_is the type of_effort that is needed, \nimmediately. \n?????Since_Democrats hold the governorship and control_both state legislative \nhouses, they are in_the driver's seat. If the lights_go out, the Democrats go_\nout. If_this state government can't solve_the problem, we_need a_new \ngovernment that_can. \n?????STEVE ANDERSON \n?????Huntington Beach \n*_* *\n?????The alleged_energy crisis in California is entirely_contrived_to relax \nenvironmental_pollution_standards_and to_raise energy rates._It's_curious \nthat_the_L.A. Department of Water and Power,_which_was not deregulated, is \nnot currently experiencing_an energy crisis. PG&E_and_Edison are both part_of \nnational and multinational corporations._Why should utility customers have to_\npay for_their economic_problems or gross mismanagement? \n?????Several power plants were taken off-line for_\"routine maintenance,\" \nwhich may not have_been so routine. Energy_is a_vital_necessity; if these_\ncompanies_can't provide_it at a reasonable, affordable rate then_they should_\nbe replaced by companies that can,_be taken over by_the_government, or \nde-deregulated. There is an_abundance of solar energy in California,_of which \nonly a small_fraction_is_being utilized. There is no_shortage of energy in \nCalifornia, only_a shortage of_intelligence, will and honest politicians. \n?????CHARLES B._EDELMAN_\n?????Los Angeles \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nUtilities' Demand Blocks Bailout_\nNEGOTIATIONS_HIT SNAG:"} {"text": "\nproducers, which have shut down plants because they haven't been paid by the \nprivate utilities since November. Those outages have cost the state about \n3,000 megawatts of electricity, enough for about 2.3 million homes.\n?????\"You're seeing the system freeze up,\" said David Sokol, chairman and CEO \nof MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co., which runs eight geothermal plants in the \nImperial Valley through its subsidiary, CalEnergy. His company hasn't shut \ndown yet, but Sokol said smaller companies couldn't continue to sell their \nenergy to utilities for free.\n?????\"Why should we fund Edison?\" he asked. \"That's just ridiculous.\"\n\n?????A Choice of 2 Rate Plans\n?????Davis joined lawmakers in the Capitol on Tuesday to outline his plan to \nget the producers running again. He said utilities have had no right to \ncollect money from ratepayers and then not use the funds to repay the small \nproducers. The state has spent billions to buy power from large conventional \nproducers on behalf of the utilities but has refused to pick up the tab for \nalternative energy.\n?????\"The utilities acted in a shameful manner by putting money in their \npockets that was designed to pay the [small producers],\" Davis said.\n?????The plan outlined by Davis would allow the generators to choose between \ntwo rate plans. They could decide to be paid 7.9 cents per kilowatt-hour over \nfive years or 6.9 cents a kilowatt-hour over 10 years.\n?????The utilities must begin paying the generators the new rates beginning \nApril 1 or face fines, Davis said.\n?????The question of how the companies will get paid the about $1.5 billion \nthey are owed remains unresolved. That issue will be decided in coming weeks \nas Davis' negotiators continue to work on rescue plans for the state's \nfinancially hobbled private utilities.\n?????PG&E spokesman Ron Low said the state's largest utility did not take \nkindly to Davis' criticism, and noted that the governor's plan is similar to \na proposal that PG&E made last week to producers.\n?????Jan Smutny-Jones, executive director of a trade group that includes some \nof the small generators, described the plan as a positive", "synonym_substitution": "producers, which have shut down plants because they haven't been paid by the \n individual utility since November. Those outages have cost the state about \n 3,000 megawatts of electricity, enough for approximately 2.3 million homes. \n? ?? ?? \" You're seeing the system freeze up, \" order David Sokol, chairman and CEO \n of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co., which run eight geothermal plants in the \n Imperial Valley through its subsidiary, CalEnergy. His ship's company hasn't shut \n down yet, but Sokol say smaller companies couldn't continue to sell their \n energy to utility for free. \n? ?? ?? \" Why should we fund Edison? \" he asked. \" That's just farcical. \" \n\n? ?? ?? A Choice of 2 Rate Plans \n? ?? ?? Davis joined lawgiver in the Capitol on Tuesday to outline his design to \n get the producers running again. He said utility have had no right to \n collect money from ratepayers and then not use the investment company to repay the small \n producers. The state has spent billions to buy power from large conventional \n manufacturer on behalf of the utilities but has refused to foot up the pill for \n alternative energy. \n? ?? ?? \" The utility work in a shameful manner by putting money in their \n pocket that was designed to pay the [ small producers ], \" Davis said. \n? ?? ?? The plan draft by Davis would allow the generators to choose between \n two rate plans. They could decide to be pay 7.9 cent per kilowatt - hour over \n five years or 6.9 cents a kilowatt - hour over 10 years. \n? ?? ?? The utilities must begin pay the generators the new rates begin \n April 1 or confront fines, Davis said. \n? ?? ?? The motion of how the companies will get pay the about $ 1.5 billion \n they are owe remains unsolved. That issue will be decide in coming week \n as Davis' negotiators continue to sour on rescue plans for the state of matter's \n financially hobbled secret utilities. \n? ?? ?? PG&E spokesman Ron Low said the state's largest utility did not carry \n kindly to Davis' criticism, and noted that the governor's plan is alike to \n a proposal that PG&E made last week to producers. \n? ?? ?? Jan Smutny - Jones, executive director of a barter group that includes some \n of the small generators, described the plan as a positive", "butter_fingers": "\nprofucers, which have shut duwn plants becaosw they haven'f been pxid by the \nprivate utilities sunce Bovember. Those outages have cosn the stare auout \n3,000 megawatts of electvncity, cnougk hor about 2.3 milllon homes.\n?????\"Yog're seeing the shscem freeze up,\" said David Sokol, chairian and CFO \nof MidAmerisan Tnewgy Goldings Co., which runs eight geothsrmal pnants in the \nOmperial Valley through itd suhsidiary, CalEnergy. His compani hafb't shut \ndown yet, but Sokol said smzller companies couldn't continud to xell their \neberhi to utilitixs for free.\n?????\"Why shomkd we xund Edoson?\" he asked. \"Bhat's juwt ridiculous.\"\n\n?????A Choice of 2 Rate Plans\n?????Davys joined lcwmakers in the Capitil on Toesdaf to iutuint hms llan tl \ngxt the prodhcers runnibg again. He said utolynoes have had no ridhe to \ncollect money from ratepayers and uhen hot use the funds to repay the small \nproducets. The staee has spent billions to buy power from large coneentikval \npvoduzwrd on behalf of the utilities but has refused ek kicl up the tab fjr \nalternatovf rgergy.\n?????\"The utilkties cdtsd in a shameful mwnner bi puttung money in yheir \npockets that was desitned to pay nhe [wmall producers],\" Daris said.\n?????The 'lan ootlinec by Davis would allow che geherators to choose bsgween \ntwo rate puanx. Dhey could decide to be payd 7.9 cents per kilowagt-hoor over \nfive yeard or 6.9 cents a kilowatt-hokr ovgr 10 yedrs.\n?????The utipities must begin paying the geixrators the ngw satvs beginnnng \nApvil 1 or face figes, Davis said.\n?????Jhe questnon of how the ckmpaniev will get [aid the aboud $1.5 billion \nthxy are owqd rwmaibs unrerulved. That issie will bv becided ib coming weeks \nas Vavir' negotiators couuinow to work on rrscje [lwnx smr the state'v \nfivanzoally hobbled prlvage uyilities.\n?????PG&E spokesmat Roh Low said the staye'f largesj utility did not take \nkindly to Davis' cgiticmsm, anv notec trat the governor's plan is simimar to \na oroiosal that PG&Q maee last week to producers.\n?????Jan Smutny-Jones, executive virector of a trade groyp that includes sokt \nof the smalk genqrators, dascribed the plan as a positive", "random_deletion": "producers, which have shut down plants because been by the utilities since November. state 3,000 megawatts of enough for about million homes. ?????\"You're seeing the system up,\" said David Sokol, chairman and CEO of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co., which eight geothermal plants in the Imperial Valley through its subsidiary, CalEnergy. His company shut yet, Sokol smaller companies couldn't continue to sell their energy to utilities for free. ?????\"Why should we fund he asked. \"That's just ridiculous.\" ?????A Choice of Rate Plans ?????Davis joined in the Capitol on Tuesday outline plan to the running He said utilities had no right to collect money from ratepayers and then not use the funds to repay the producers. The spent billions buy from conventional producers on the utilities but has refused to tab for alternative energy. ?????\"The utilities acted in shameful manner putting money in their pockets that designed to pay the [small producers],\" Davis said. plan outlined by Davis would allow the generators to choose between two rate plans. They to be paid 7.9 per kilowatt-hour over years 6.9 a over 10 ?????The utilities must begin paying the generators the new rates beginning 1 or face fines, Davis said. ?????The question of how will paid the about billion they are owed unresolved. issue will be decided weeks Davis' work rescue for the state's financially private utilities. ?????PG&E spokesman Ron said the state's largest to Davis' criticism, and noted that the governor's is similar to a proposal that PG&E last week to producers. ?????Jan Smutny-Jones, executive director of a trade group includes some small generators, described the plan as a positive", "change_char_case": "\nproducers, which have shut dowN plants becAuse tHey HavEn'T beeN paiD by the \nprivate uTIlitIes since November. Those oUtageS hAVe coST tHe staTe about \n3,000 MEgAWAttS oF eLecTrICiTy, enoUgh For abouT 2.3 million hoMes.\n?????\"yoU're seeing the SYsTem freeze uP,\" saId David Sokol, ChaIrman aNd cEO \nOF MidAMerIcan ENergy HOLdings co., which ruNs EIght geOThermal PLAnTs in The \nImperial Valley THrOUgh its subsidiaRy, CalENeRGy. hIS coMpaNy hasn't shuT \ndOwn yeT, But SokoL SaID SMalLEr companies coUldn't continUE to Sell thEiR \nenERgy to uTilitIeS For Free.\n?????\"Why shouLd we Fund EdisoN?\" he askED. \"That's jUSt ridicUlous.\"\n\n?????A choIce Of 2 RaTE PLaNs\n?????DAvIS joINeD laWMakErs in the caPiTol on tuesDAY TO outLinE his Plan tO \nget the producErs RunnINg aGain. HE said UtilItIes haVe had nO righT tO \ncollect money frOm raTepayers aNd tHeN noT uSe the FUnds to RepAy tHe small \nProduceRS. ThE sTATE hAs spent billions to bUy POWeR from larGe convENtIoNAl \nproducErS on BehaLF Of the UtilITiEs but has RefuseD To PiCk up the TaB for \nalTeRnaTivE enerGY.\n?????\"The UtilitIes acted In a shAMeful manner by pUTting money in tHEiR \nPOcKEts tHat Was designed To paY The [sMall PRoDucERs],\" DavIs saiD.\n?????THE pLAn outlined by Davis woUlD allow The geNerators to choOse between \nTWO Rate planS. TheY CoULd decide to be paId 7.9 cenTs per kilowATt-hour ovEr \nfivE years or 6.9 Cents a kilOWAtt-hour oVer 10 YeaRs.\n?????THe uTILiTies must begin PAYing ThE generaTorS the new RatEs bEgiNniNg \napril 1 or faCe fines, DAvIs SaId.\n?????the QuestIOn of how tHe ComPaNieS will GEt paid The abOut $1.5 bIlLiON \nthEy are owED rEMAins UnReSolvEd. THaT issuE wilL Be dEcided iN coming weEks \nAS DavIs' NeGotiatoRs continue to wOrK on rescue pLaNs fOr the sTATe's \nfinanCially hobbled private utiLIties.\n?????PG&e spOkesmAn RoN Low said tHe sTate's lArgESt utilIty did Not taKe \nKinDLY to DaVIS' cRitIcIsm, and noteD THat The goVeRnor'S plan is Similar to \na proposal THat pG&E made last weEk tO proDUCeRs.\n?????JAN SMUtnY-JONes, EXEcutive director Of a trade grOuP ThAt includes SOme \nOf The smalL generaTors, dEScribed The plan as A positive", "whitespace_perturbation": "\nproducers, which have shu t down pla nts b eca use t heyhave n't been paidb y th e \nprivate utilities s inceNo v embe r .Those outage s h a v e c os tthe s t at e abo ut\n3,000megawattsofel ectricity, e n ou gh for abo ut2.3 millionhom es.\n?? ?? ?\"Y o u'resee ing t he sys t em fre eze up,\"sa i d Davi d Sokol, c ha irma n and CEO \nof Mid A me r ican Energy Ho ldings C o ., w hic h r uns eightge other m al plan t si n the \nImperial Val ley through its subsi di ary , CalEn ergy. H i s c ompany hasn 't s hut \ndown yet,b ut Soko l said s maller co mpa nies co ul dn' tc ont i nu e t o se ll their en ergyto u t i l i ties fo r fr ee.\n? ????\"Why shou ldwe f u ndEdiso n?\" h e as ke d. \"T hat'sjustri diculous.\"\n\n??? ??AChoice of 2Ra tePl ans\n? ? ???Dav isjoi ned law makersi n t he C a pi tol on Tuesday toou t l in e his pl an toge tt he produ ce rsrunn i n g aga in.H esaid uti lities ha ve had no r ight t o\nco lle ct mo n ey f rom ra tepayers andt hen not use th e funds to rep a yt h es mall \np roducers. T he s t atehass pe ntb illio ns to b u yp ower from large con ve ntiona l \npr oducers on be half of th e u tilities but ha s refused to pi ck up the tab f o r \nalter nativ e energy .\n?????\"T h e utiliti esact edina sh ameful manner b y pu tt ing mon eyin thei r poc ket s t ha t was des igned to p ay t he [s mallp roducers ], \" D av issaid. ?????T he pl an o ut li n edby Davi s w o u ld a ll ow the ge ne rator s to cho ose bet ween \ntwo ra t e pl an s. They c ould decide t obe paid 7. 9cen ts per k ilowatt- hour over \nfive years o r 6.9 ce nts a ki lowa tt-hour o ver 10 ye ars . \n????? The ut iliti es mu s t begi n pa yin gthe genera t o rsthe n ew rat es begi nning \nApril 1 orf ace fines, Davis sa id.? ? ?? ?Th e q u est io n of h ow the companie s will get p a id the about $1. 5billion \ntheyare o w ed rema ins unres olved. Th at iss u e wi ll be deci ded in c oming wee k s \nas Da vis'neg otiato rs co ntinu e to w o rkon re scue p la ns for thest ate's \nf inancially hobbled priv ate ut iliti es. \n?????PG& E s p oke sman RonLowsaid the s tat e's larg est utili ty d i dnot take\nkin d ly to Dav i s' cr i t ic ism, and no t e d th at th e g o vernor 's p lan is similar to \na proposal th at P G & E m ade last w eek to produce rs. \n? ? ? ??Jan Sm ut ny-Jones, e xecutive d i recto r of a trade groupt h at includ es s ome \nof thesma ll generat or s, descri bedth e plan as ap osit i v e", "underscore_trick": "\nproducers, which_have shut_down plants because they_haven't been_paid_by the_\nprivate_utilities since November._Those outages have_cost the state about_\n3,000 megawatts of_electricity,_enough for about 2.3 million homes.\n?????\"You're seeing the system freeze up,\" said David Sokol,_chairman_and CEO_\nof_MidAmerican_Energy Holdings Co., which runs_eight geothermal plants in the_\nImperial Valley_through its subsidiary, CalEnergy. His company hasn't shut_\ndown_yet, but Sokol_said smaller companies couldn't continue to sell their \nenergy_to utilities for free.\n?????\"Why should we_fund Edison?\" he_asked._\"That's_just ridiculous.\"\n\n?????A Choice of_2 Rate Plans\n?????Davis joined lawmakers in_the Capitol on Tuesday to outline_his plan to \nget the producers running_again. He said utilities have had_no right to \ncollect money_from ratepayers_and then not use the_funds to repay_the small_\nproducers. The state_has spent billions to buy power_from large conventional_\nproducers on behalf of the utilities_but_has refused to_pick_up_the tab_for \nalternative energy.\n?????\"The_utilities_acted in_a_shameful manner by putting money in_their_\npockets that was designed to pay the_[small producers],\" Davis said.\n?????The_plan_outlined by Davis would_allow the generators to choose_between \ntwo rate plans. They could_decide to_be paid_7.9 cents per kilowatt-hour over \nfive years or 6.9 cents a_kilowatt-hour over 10 years.\n?????The utilities must_begin paying the generators_the new_rates_beginning \nApril 1_or_face fines,_Davis said.\n?????The question of how the companies_will get_paid the about $1.5 billion \nthey_are owed remains unresolved._That_issue will be decided in coming_weeks \nas Davis' negotiators continue to_work on rescue plans for_the_state's_\nfinancially hobbled private utilities.\n?????PG&E spokesman_Ron Low said the state's largest_utility did not_take \nkindly to Davis' criticism, and noted_that_the governor's plan is similar to_\na_proposal that PG&E made last week_to_producers.\n?????Jan_Smutny-Jones, executive director of a_trade group that includes some \nof_the small generators, described the plan as a positive"} {"text": " MTBE were either shut down or \noperating at severely reduced capacity from December to February, including \nEnron Corp., Valero Energy Corp. and Global Octanes Corp. \nAs a result, the year started with around 8 million barrels, or 14 percent \nless than last January's supplies, which industry analysts already considered \ntight a year ago. \nAlthough natural gas prices eased last month and allowed MTBE plants to come \nback up, there were problems in restarting several of the facilities after \nremaining idle for a month or two. \nLast year's Midwest gasoline spike came amid new environmental rules imposing \nmore stringent regulations for a new reformulated grade called RFG 2. \nThis year, industry sources say the outlook looks just as expensive for the \nconsumers in the Midwest, especially after the closure of refiner Premcor's \n80,000 barrel per day Blue Island refinery outside Chicago. The defunct \nplant's production used to provide Chicago with about half of its cleaner \ngasoline. \nIn an attempt to steer clear of volatile prices, the Environmental Protection \nAgency said last week it will relax its emission standards from gasoline in \nChicago and Milwaukee, which basically allows more ethanol - the corn-based \nalternative oxygenate to MTBE.\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\nBusiness/Financial Desk; Section C\nCOMPANY NEWS\nENRON SALE OF UNIT TO SIERRA PACIFIC IS DOUBTED\nBloomberg News\n\n03/24/2001\nThe New York Times\nPage 3, Column 1\nc. 2001 New York Times Company\n\nThe Enron Corporation said yesterday that its $3.1 billion sale of the \nPortland General Electric Company to Sierra Pacific Resources might not be \ncompleted. ''There's probably a 5 percent probability that Sierra Pacific's \npurchase of Portland General will be consummated,'' the chief executive, \nJeffrey Skilling, said on a conference call with investors. Enron said in \nJanuary that Sierra Pacific might not be able to sell a Nevada power plant \nstake as needed to win regulatory approval for the Portland General \ntransaction. Enron blamed a California law that barred public utilities from \nshedding generators until 2005 because of an electricity shortage.\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved", "synonym_substitution": "MTBE were either shut down or \n operating at severely reduced capability from December to February, include \n Enron Corp., Valero Energy Corp. and Global Octanes Corp. \n As a result, the year started with around 8 million barrel, or 14 percent \n less than last January's supply, which industry analysts already consider \n tight a year ago. \n Although lifelike gas prices eased last calendar month and allowed MTBE plants to hail \n back up, there were problems in restart several of the facilities after \n remaining idle for a calendar month or two. \n Last year's Midwest gasoline ear came amid fresh environmental rules imposing \n more stringent regulations for a new redevelop grade called RFG 2. \n This year, industry sources say the lookout looks just as expensive for the \n consumers in the Midwest, especially after the closure of refiner Premcor's \n 80,000 barrel per day Blue Island refinery outside Chicago. The defunct \n plant's production used to provide Chicago with about one-half of its uninfected \n gasoline. \n In an attempt to guide clean of fickle prices, the Environmental Protection \n Agency said final week it will relax its emission standards from gasoline in \n Chicago and Milwaukee, which basically admit more ethanol - the corn - based \n alternative oxygenate to MTBE. \n\n Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n\n\n Business / Financial Desk; Section C \n COMPANY NEWS \n ENRON SALE OF UNIT TO SIERRA PACIFIC IS DOUBTED \n Bloomberg News \n\n 03/24/2001 \n The New York Times \n Page 3, Column 1 \n c. 2001 New York Times Company \n\n The Enron Corporation said yesterday that its $ 3.1 billion sale of the \n Portland General Electric Company to Sierra Pacific Resources might not be \n dispatch.\" There's probably a 5 percent probability that Sierra Pacific's \n purchase of Portland General will be consummated,\" the chief executive, \n Jeffrey Skilling, said on a league margin call with investors. Enron said in \n January that Sierra Pacific might not be able to sell a Nevada power plant \n interest as needed to win regulatory blessing for the Portland General \n transaction. Enron blamed a California police that barred public utilities from \n shed generators until 2005 because of an electricity dearth. \n\n Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved", "butter_fingers": " MTHE were either shut down or \noperating aj wevereny redhced capxcity from December to Februery, unclueing \nEnron Corp., Valero Energy Clrp. and Tlobel Octanes Corp. \nEa a resmjt, tgc yeax wtarted with atound 8 millimn barrels, or 14 pdreent \nless than last January's supplief, which ijdustry analysjs algewdy donsidered \ntight a year ago. \nAlthoufh natugal gas prices eaxed last month and allowed MTBF plants to come \nbwck up, therg weww problems iv restarting several or the facilities after \nremainine idlz for a monjk or jwo. \nLast yeac's Midrest gasolinc spike came akid new envirokmentel ryles imposing \nmore stcingent regulations sor a new rzformulated grade caloee RFG 2. \nThhs ydqr, kndhsvry sourcfs aay the ouflook looks just as expensive gow the \nconsumera in tre Midwest, especially after the closure ox rsfiner Premcor's \n80,000 barrel per day Blue Island tefinery ottside Chicago. The defunct \nplant's production used to pcoxidt Gmicaei aith about half of its cleaner \ngasoline. \nIn an ztuemit to steer clear of volatilr oroses, the Envirunmentcm Lrotection \nAgency daid laft wewk it wilj rekax its emission standards drom gasolinv in \nChicago and Milwabkee, which bcsicalky alkows more ethanol - the eorn-baaed \nalternahive oxygsvate to MTBE.\n\nCopyfigmt, 2000 Dow Jontr & Company, Inc. Alj Rights Ceserred. \n\n\nBusivess/Ginancyal Desk; Sfctiok C\nCOMPANY NEWS\nENROJ SALG OF UTIT TO SIEGRA PACIFIC IS DOUBTED\nBloomberg News\n\n03/24/2001\nThe New Yprn Tpmes\nPage 3, Colukn 1\nc. 2001 New Yorh Times Compani\n\nThe Enrou Corpuration sapd yestervay that its $3.1 billion sala of the \nPortnand Genqral Elextric Cuopany to Sierrs Pacific Resources might not be \ncompketgd. ''There's probablv q 5 percent probsbiuitr nhav Siewsa Pacific's \n[urcfasd of Purtland Gencrau wikl be consummated,'' tha chjef executive, \nJefften Skillint, said og a conferencr call with investlrs. Eiron seid in \nJaguary that Sierra Pacific mighf not be wblc to sell a Nqvadq power planc \nstake as needed to win regulatory apprival for the Portlqnd General \ntransacjiok. Enron blamxd a Cwlifornia law that barred puboic utilities frok \nshedding generators until 2005 becwuse of an electricity shortage.\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Righrs Resxrded", "random_deletion": "MTBE were either shut down or operating reduced from December February, including Enron Global Corp. As a the year started around 8 million barrels, or 14 less than last January's supplies, which industry analysts already considered tight a year Although natural gas prices eased last month and allowed MTBE plants to come up, were in several of the facilities after remaining idle for a month or two. Last year's Midwest gasoline came amid new environmental rules imposing more stringent for a new reformulated called RFG 2. This year, sources the outlook just expensive the consumers in Midwest, especially after the closure of refiner Premcor's 80,000 barrel per day Blue Island refinery outside Chicago. defunct plant's to provide with half its cleaner gasoline. attempt to steer clear of volatile Protection Agency said last week it will relax emission standards gasoline in Chicago and Milwaukee, which allows more ethanol - the corn-based alternative oxygenate MTBE. Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Business/Financial Desk; Section C ENRON SALE OF UNIT SIERRA PACIFIC IS Bloomberg 03/24/2001 New Times Page Column 1 c. 2001 New York Times Company The Enron Corporation yesterday that its $3.1 billion sale of the Portland General to Pacific Resources might be completed. ''There's probably 5 probability that Sierra Pacific's Portland will chief Jeffrey said on a conference with investors. Enron said in that Sierra Pacific might a Nevada power plant stake as needed to regulatory approval for the Portland General transaction. blamed a California law that barred public utilities from shedding generators until because of shortage. Copyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Rights Reserved", "change_char_case": " MTBE were either shut down or \noPerating at SeverEly RedUcEd caPaciTy from December TO FebRuary, including \nEnron CorP., ValeRo eNergY coRp. and global OCTaNES CoRp. \nas A reSuLT, tHe yeaR stArted wiTh around 8 miLliOn Barrels, or 14 perCEnT \nless than lAst january's suppLieS, which InDusTRy anaLysTs alrEady coNSidereD \ntight a yeAr AGo. \nAlthOUgh natuRAL gAs prIces eased last montH AnD Allowed MTBE plaNts to cOmE \nBaCK Up, tHerE were problEmS in reSTarting SEvERAL of THe facilities aFter \nremainiNG idLe for a MoNth OR two. \nLaSt yeaR's mIdwEst gasoline SpikE came amid New envIRonmentAL rules iMposinG \nmoRe sTrinGEnT rEguLaTIonS FoR a nEW reFormulatEd GrAde caLled rfg 2. \ntHis yEar, InduStry sOurces say the oUtlOok lOOks Just aS expeNsivE fOr the \nConsumErs in ThE Midwest, especiaLly aFter the clOsuRe Of rEfIner PREmcor's \n80,000 BarRel Per day BLue IslaND reFiNERY oUtside Chicago. The deFuNCT \npLant's proDuctioN UsEd TO provide chIcaGo wiTH About Half OF iTs cleaneR \ngasolINe. \nin An attemPt To steeR cLeaR of VolatILe prIces, thE EnvironMentaL protection \nAgenCY said last week IT wILL rELax iTs eMission stanDardS From GasoLInE in \ncHicagO and MIlWAuKEe, which basically allOwS more eThanoL - the corn-based \nAlternativE OXYgenate tO MTBe.\n\ncoPYright, 2000 Dow Jones & compaNy, Inc. All RiGHts ReserVed. \n\n\nBuSiness/FiNancial DeSK; section C\ncOMpANy NEwS\nEnroN sALE OF UNIT TO SierRA PaCiFIC IS DoUBtED\nBlooMbeRg NEws\n\n03/24/2001\nthe neW York TimeS\nPage 3, ColUmN 1\nc. 2001 neW YOrk times cOmpany\n\nThE ENroN COrpOratiON said yEsterDay tHaT iTS $3.1 biLlion saLE oF THe \nPoRtLaNd GeNerAl electRic COMpaNy to SieRra PacifiC ReSOurcEs MiGht not bE \ncompleted. ''TheRe'S probably a 5 PeRceNt probABIlity thaT Sierra Pacific's \npurchase OF PortlaNd GEneraL wilL be consumMatEd,'' the cHieF ExecutIve, \nJefFrey SKiLliNG, Said oN A CoNfeReNce call witH INveStors. enRon sAid in \nJaNuary that Sierra PacIFic Might not be ablE to Sell A nEvAda POwER plAnT \nStaKE As needed to win reGulatory apPrOVaL for the PorTLanD GEneral \ntRansactIon. EnROn blameD a CaliforNia law thaT bArreD PUblIc utilitieS from \nsheDding geneRAtors UNtIl 2005 becAusE of an eLeCtrIcity ShortaGE.\n\nCoPyrigHt, 2000 Dow JOnEs & CompAny, InC. ALl Rights reserved", "whitespace_perturbation": " MTBE were either shut dow n or \noper ating at se ve rely red uced capacityf romDecember to February,inclu di n g \nE n ro n Cor p., Val e ro E ner gy C orp .a nd Glob alOctanes Corp. \nAs are sult, the ye a rstarted wi tharound 8 mil lio n barr el s,o r 14per cent\nlesst han la st Januar y' s suppl i es, whi c h i ndus try analysts alre a dy considered \nti ght aye a ra g o.\nAl though nat ur al ga s prices ea s e d la s t month and a llowed MTBE pla nts to c ome \nbackup, t he r e w ere problem s in restarti ng sev e ral oft he faci lities af ter \nre m ai ni ngid l e f o ra m o nth or two. La st ye ar's M i d west ga soli ne sp ike came amid ne w en v iro nment al ru lesim posin g \nmor e str in gent regulation s fo r a new r efo rm ula te d gra d e call edRFG 2. \nTh is year , in du s t r ysources say the ou tl o o klooks ju st ase xp en s ive forth e cons u m ers i n th e M idwest,especi a ll yafter t he closu re of re finer Prem cor's\n80,000barre l per day BlueI sland refiner y o u t si d e Ch ica go. The def unct \npla nt's pr odu c tionusedto pr o vide Chicago with a bo ut hal f ofits cleaner gasoline.I n an atte mptt os teer clear ofvolat ile prices , the Env ironm ental Pr otectionA gency sa idlas t w eek i twill relax it s emis si on stan dar ds from ga sol ine in Chicago a nd Milwa uk ee ,wh ich basi c ally all ow s m or e e thano l - the corn -bas ed a lte rnative ox y g enat eto MTB E.\nC opyri ght, 200 0 Dow J ones & Co mpa n y, I nc .All Rig hts Reserved. \n\nBusiness /F ina ncialD e sk; Sect ion C\nCOMPANY NEWS\nENRO N SALE O F U NIT T O SI ERRA PACI FIC IS DO UBT E D\nBloo mbergNews\n0 3/2 4 / 2001T h eNew Y ork TimesP a ge3, Co lu mn 1 \nc. 200 1 New York Times C o mpa ny\n\nThe Enron Co rpor a t io n s a id yes te r day t hat its $3.1 bi llion sale o f t he \nPortla n d G en eral El ectricCompa n y to Si erra Paci fic Resou rc es m i g htnot be \nco mpleted. ''There' s prob a bl y a 5 pe rcentpr oba bilit y that Sie rra P acific 's \npurc haseof Portlan d General will be consu mmated ,'' t hechief exe cut i ve, \nJeffrey Ski lling, sai d o n a conf ere n ce ca ll w i th in v estor s. E n ron saidi n\nJa n u ar y that Sier r a Pac ificmig h t notbe a ble to sell a Nev a da power plant \nst a k e a s n e eded t o win regulato ryap p r oval for t he Portland General t ransa ction. Enron blamed a C a liforn ia l awthat barr edpu b lic uti li ti e s from \nsh ed ding g enerat o rs u n t il 2005 becauseof an e lectr i cit y sho rt age.\n\nC o pyri ght, 2000Dow Jones & Compa ny,Inc.All Rig ht s Rese rve d", "underscore_trick": " MTBE_were either_shut down or \noperating_at severely_reduced_capacity from_December_to February, including_\nEnron Corp., Valero_Energy Corp. and Global_Octanes Corp. \nAs_a_result, the year started with around 8 million barrels, or 14 percent \nless than_last_January's supplies,_which_industry_analysts already considered \ntight a_year ago. \nAlthough natural gas_prices eased_last month and allowed MTBE plants to come_\nback_up, there were_problems in restarting several of the facilities after \nremaining_idle for a month or two._\nLast year's Midwest_gasoline_spike_came amid new environmental_rules imposing \nmore stringent regulations for_a new reformulated grade called RFG_2. \nThis year, industry sources say the_outlook looks just as expensive for_the \nconsumers in the Midwest,_especially after_the closure of refiner Premcor's_\n80,000 barrel per_day Blue_Island refinery outside_Chicago. The defunct \nplant's production used_to provide Chicago_with about half of its cleaner_\ngasoline._\nIn an attempt_to_steer_clear of_volatile prices, the_Environmental_Protection \nAgency_said_last week it will relax its_emission_standards from gasoline in \nChicago and Milwaukee,_which basically allows more_ethanol_- the corn-based \nalternative_oxygenate to MTBE.\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow_Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights_Reserved. \n\n\nBusiness/Financial_Desk; Section_C\nCOMPANY NEWS\nENRON SALE OF UNIT TO SIERRA PACIFIC IS DOUBTED\nBloomberg News\n\n03/24/2001\nThe_New York Times\nPage 3, Column 1\nc._2001 New York Times_Company\n\nThe Enron_Corporation_said yesterday that_its_$3.1 billion_sale of the \nPortland General Electric Company_to Sierra_Pacific Resources might not be \ncompleted._''There's probably a 5_percent_probability that Sierra Pacific's \npurchase of_Portland General will be consummated,'' the_chief executive, \nJeffrey Skilling, said_on_a_conference call with investors. Enron_said in \nJanuary that Sierra Pacific_might not be_able to sell a Nevada power plant_\nstake_as needed to win regulatory approval_for_the Portland General \ntransaction. Enron blamed_a_California_law that barred public utilities_from \nshedding generators until 2005 because_of an electricity shortage.\n\nCopyright, 2000 Dow Jones & Company,_Inc. All Rights_Reserved"} {"text": ":00:00 AM PT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 5:15:00 PM PT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 PM London thru Sun 5/6/2001 at 1:15:00 AM London\nOutage: Migrating EES VLANs from EB3405-cx11 and EB3405-cx12 to EB3405-cx13 and EB3405-cx14\nEnvironments Impacted: EES\nPurpose: Off-load CPU usage onto current EB3405-CX13 and EB3405-CX14; increase throughput and redundancy.\nBackout: Remove EB3405-CX13 and EB3405-CX14.\nReplace original access-links connecting HOUCX1 and HOUCX2 back to EB3405-CX11 and EB3405-CX12.\nContact(s): \tMichael Huang 713-875-2478 877-692-2751\n\nImpact: ENS\nTime: Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:30:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT\n\tFri 5/4/2001 at 8:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 at 4:30:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 6:00:00 AM London\nOutage: Migrating Networks Off Cisco 3 and Cisco 4\nEnvironments Impacted: ENA\nPurpose: Migration of Networks Off Legacy Cisco Boxes\nBackout: \nContact(s): \tGeorge Nguyen 713-853-0691\n\nFIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nINTERNET: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nMESSAGING: \nImpact: Corp Notes\nTime: Fri 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT\n\tFri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London\nOutage", "synonym_substitution": ": 00:00 AM PT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 5:15:00 PM PT \n\t Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 PM London thru Sun 5/6/2001 at 1:15:00 AM London \n Outage: Migrating EES VLANs from EB3405 - cx11 and EB3405 - cx12 to EB3405 - cx13 and EB3405 - cx14 \n Environments impact: EES \n function: Off - load CPU usage onto current EB3405 - CX13 and EB3405 - CX14; increase throughput and redundancy. \n Backout: Remove EB3405 - CX13 and EB3405 - CX14. \n substitute original access - links connect HOUCX1 and HOUCX2 back to EB3405 - CX11 and EB3405 - CX12. \n Contact(s ): \t Michael Huang 713 - 875 - 2478 877 - 692 - 2751 \n\n Impact: ENS \n Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:30:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT \n\t Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 autopsy PT \n\t Sat 5/5/2001 at 4:30:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 6:00:00 AM London \n Outage: Migrating Networks Off Cisco 3 and Cisco 4 \n Environments Impacted: ENA \n Purpose: Migration of Networks Off Legacy Cisco Boxes \n Backout: \n Contact(s ): \t George Nguyen 713 - 853 - 0691 \n\n FIELD serve: No Scheduled Outages. \n\n INTERNET: No Scheduled Outages. \n\n MESSAGING: \n Impact: Corp Notes \n Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 master of arts CT \n\t Fri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 prime minister PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT \n\t Sat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London \n Outage", "butter_fingers": ":00:00 AM PT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 5:15:00 PM PT\n\tRat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 PM Loueon thcu Sun 5/6/2001 at 1:15:00 AM London\nOutage: Migrating EES VOANs drom EB3405-cx11 and EB3405-cx12 to DB3405-cx13 and VB3405-cx14\nEnvirinmeits Impacted: EES\nPurpose: Off-lozf CPB nsage onto currgnt EB3405-CX13 and EB3405-CX14; increase tfrlughput and redundancy.\nBackout: Removq EB3405-CX13 snf EB3405-CX14.\nReplace jrigpnwl adbews-links connecting HOUCX1 and GOUCX2 beck to EB3405-CX11 and EB3405-CX12.\nContact(s): \tMichael Huanh 713-875-2478 877-692-2751\n\nImpact: ENS\nTime: Vri 5/4/2001 at 10:30:00 PN CT rhru Sat 5/5/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT\n\tFrp 5/4/2001 at 8:30:00 PJ PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 at 4:30:00 CM London tyry Swj 5/5/2001 at 6:00:00 AM Lindon\nJutage: Migrating Nedworks Pff Cisco 3 and Civco 4\nEnvironments Impactev: ENA\nPurpose: Migratyon of Nedwkrks Off Legacy Cusxo Bofes\nBdckojr: \nCuntzcv(s): \tFeorge Ngnyen 713-853-0691\n\nFIEMD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outabef.\n\nPMTERNET: No Sdhedulqd Outages.\n\nMESSAGING: \nImpact: Corp Notes\nTimt: Frj 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT\n\tFri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thwu Fri 5/4/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 dt 7:00:00 EM Loueon\nOugqgf", "random_deletion": ":00:00 AM PT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at PT 5/5/2001 at PM London thru London Migrating EES VLANs EB3405-cx11 and EB3405-cx12 EB3405-cx13 and EB3405-cx14 Environments Impacted: EES Off-load CPU usage onto current EB3405-CX13 and EB3405-CX14; increase throughput and redundancy. Backout: EB3405-CX13 and EB3405-CX14. Replace original access-links connecting HOUCX1 and HOUCX2 back to EB3405-CX11 EB3405-CX12. Michael 713-875-2478 Impact: ENS Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:30:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT 5/4/2001 at 8:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 10:00:00 PM PT Sat at 4:30:00 AM London thru 5/5/2001 6:00:00 AM Outage: Networks Cisco 3 and 4 Environments Impacted: ENA Purpose: Migration of Networks Off Legacy Cisco Boxes Backout: Contact(s): George Nguyen 713-853-0691 SERVICES: No INTERNET: No Outages. Impact: Notes Time: Fri 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 CT Fri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru 5/4/2001 at PM PT Sat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London", "change_char_case": ":00:00 AM PT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 5:15:00 PM PT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 PM LOndon thru SUn 5/6/2001 at 1:15:00 Am LoNdoN\nOUtagE: MigRating EES VLANs FRom Eb3405-cx11 and EB3405-cx12 to EB3405-cx13 and EB3405-cX14\nEnviRoNMentS imPacteD: EES\nPurPOsE: oFf-lOaD CpU uSaGE oNto cuRreNt EB3405-CX13 aNd EB3405-CX14; incrEasE tHroughput and REdUndancy.\nBacKouT: Remove EB3405-CX13 aNd Eb3405-CX14.\nRepLaCe oRIginaL acCess-lInks coNNectinG HOUCX1 and hOucX2 back TO EB3405-CX11 anD eb3405-Cx12.\nConTact(s): \tMichael Huang 713-875-2478 877-692-2751\n\niMpACt: ENS\nTime: Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:30:00 pM CT thRu sAt 5/5/2001 AT 12:00:00 aM Ct\n\tFrI 5/4/2001 at 8:30:00 PM PT thrU FRi 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 Pm pT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 at 4:30:00 am LONDOn tHRu Sat 5/5/2001 at 6:00:00 AM LondOn\nOutage: MigRAtiNg NetwOrKs OFF Cisco 3 And CiScO 4\nenvIronments ImPactEd: ENA\nPurpOse: MigRAtion of nEtworks off LegAcy cisCo BoXEs\nbaCkoUt: \ncOntACt(S): \tGeORge nguyen 713-853-0691\n\nFIeLd SeRVICeS: No sCHEDuleD OuTageS.\n\nINTErNET: No SchedulEd OUtagES.\n\nMEsSAGInG: \nImpAct: COrP NoteS\nTime: FRi 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 Pm Ct thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT\n\tFRi 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 pM PT thru FRi 5/4/2001 aT 11:00:00 Pm PT\n\tsaT 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM lOndon tHru sat 5/5/2001 At 7:00:00 AM LonDon\nOutaGE", "whitespace_perturbation": ":00:00 AM PT thru Sat 5/5/ 2001 at 5 :15:0 0 P M P T\tSat 5/5 /2001 at 7:00 : 00 P M London thru Sun 5/6/ 2001at 1:1 5 :0 0 AMLondonO ut a g e: M ig rat in g E ES VL ANs from E B3405-cx11 an dEB3405-cx12t oEB3405-cx1 3 a nd EB3405-cx 14Enviro nm ent s Impa cte d: E ES\nPur p ose: O ff-load C PU usageo nto cur r e nt EB3 405-CX13 and EB34 0 5- C X14; increasethroug hp u ta n d r edu ndancy.\nBa ck out:R emove E B 34 0 5 - CX1 3 and EB3405-C X14.\nReplac e or iginal a cce s s-link s con ne c tin g HOUCX1 an d HO UCX2 back to EB 3 405-CX1 1 and EB 3405-C X12 .\nC onta c t( s) : Mi c hae l H uan g 7 13-875-2 47 8 877- 692- 2 7 5 1 \n\nIm pac t: ENS\nT ime: Fri 5/4 /20 01 a t 1 0:30: 00 PM CTth ru Sa t 5/5/ 2001at 12:00:00 AM C T\n\tF ri 5/4/20 01at 8 :30:0 0 PM PT th ruFri 5 /4/2001 at 1 0 : 0 0: 00 PM PT\n\tSat 5/5/ 20 0 1 a t 4:30:0 0 AM L o nd on thru Sat 5 /5/ 2001 a t 6: 00:0 0 A M London \nOutag e : M igratin gNetwor ks Of f C isco3 and Cisco 4\nEnvir onmen t s Impacted: E N A\nPurpose: Mi g ra t i on of N etw orks Off Le gacy Cisc o Bo x es \nBa c kout: \nCon ta c t( s ): \tGeorge Nguyen 713-85 3-069 1\n\nFIELD SERV ICES: NoS c h eduled O utag e s. \nINTERNET: NoSched uled Outag e s.\n\nMESS AGING : \nImpac t: CorpN o tes\nTime : Fri 5/ 4/2 0 0 1at 9:00:00 P M CT t hr u Sat 5 /5/ 2001 at 1:0 0:0 0 A MCT\n\tFri 5 /4/2001at 7: 00 :00 PM P T thru Fr i5/4 /2 001 at 11:00: 00 PM PT\tS at 5/5 /2001 a t 3 : 00:0 0AM Lon don t hru S at 5 / 5/2 001 at 7:00:00AML ondo nOu tage", "underscore_trick": ":00:00 AM_PT thru_Sat 5/5/2001 at _5:15:00 PM_PT\n\tSat_5/5/2001 at__7:00:00 PM London_thru Sun 5/6/2001_at 1:15:00 AM_London\nOutage: Migrating_EES_VLANs from EB3405-cx11 and EB3405-cx12 to EB3405-cx13 and EB3405-cx14\nEnvironments Impacted: EES\nPurpose: Off-load CPU_usage_onto current_EB3405-CX13_and_EB3405-CX14; increase throughput and redundancy.\nBackout:_Remove EB3405-CX13 and EB3405-CX14.\nReplace original_access-links connecting_HOUCX1 and HOUCX2 back to EB3405-CX11 and EB3405-CX12.\nContact(s):_\tMichael_Huang 713-875-2478_ 877-692-2751\n\nImpact: ENS\nTime: Fri 5/4/2001 at _10:30:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001_at 12:00:00_AM_CT\n\tFri_5/4/2001 at _ 8:30:00 PM PT thru Fri_ 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00_PM PT\n\tSat 5/5/2001 at 4:30:00 AM London_thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 6:00:00_AM London\nOutage: Migrating Networks_Off Cisco_3 and Cisco 4\nEnvironments Impacted:_ ENA\nPurpose: Migration_of Networks_Off Legacy Cisco_Boxes\nBackout: \nContact(s): \tGeorge Nguyen _ 713-853-0691\n\nFIELD SERVICES:_ No Scheduled Outages.\n\nINTERNET: No Scheduled_Outages.\n\nMESSAGING:_\nImpact: Corp_Notes\nTime:__Fri 5/4/2001_at 9:00:00_PM_CT thru_Sat_5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 AM_CT\n\tFri_5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru_Fri 5/4/2001 at __11:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 5/5/2001_at 3:00:00 AM London_thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00_AM London\nOutage"} {"text": ". All traders are advised to fully understand all\nrisks associated with any kind of trading they choose to do.\n\n------------------------------------------------------\nKey Technical Developments (close of 06/08)\n-------------------------------------------------------\nI'm watching that disappointing close on the DOW, on a\nFriday, now sitting just below the 10 Day Moving Average.\nThen I'm looking at potential support from the 40 Day at about\n10867 and the strong bullish trend of that 40 Day. We could\nsee a slide down to that 40 day, but it should act as\nsupport. We might expect a strong bounce upwards from this\nlevel of important support. A key tool that adds much\nconfidence is our exclusive \"breadth\" indicator known\nas the CTS PowerTrend rating. It is currently at +11. We\nupdate the PowerTrend rating every day in the CTS Dow\nSelector and watching it can give you a powerful snapshot\nof short-term strength (or weakness) of the DOW (we also\nhave the PowerTrend on the Futures, NASDAQ, and S&P\nSelectors too!).\n\nJuly cotton has tried to correct some of the recent\ndecline. A very weak market, with weak intra market\nspreads. The price pattern takes the shape of a bear\nflag. A move below support of 41.50, points to 37.50.\n(We also cover key resistance levels in today's Daily\nTrend Watch in the Advisory menu, Futures, Daily Trend\nWatch at ctsTrader.com. In addition, I share 3 HOT\npicks for next week that you don't won't to miss.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nOpportunity Alerts (Links to premium content)\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThe following are must see features on ctsTrader.com. We invite\nyou to come an have a look at the power our exclusive features\ncan offer you. If you are not a subscriber, you can become one for\nmuch less than you might think. Call our customer care team TOLL\nFREE at 1-800-331-1069 for details (international callers can dial\n1-561-694-0960). Or use our interactive Product & Service\nConsultant in the About ctsTrader.com menu; answer a few simple\nquestions and our system will recommend a \"best match\". Then,\nlook at samples and explore the many features of that package.\n\nFor Read", "synonym_substitution": ". All traders are advised to fully understand all \n risk consociate with any kind of trading they choose to do. \n\n ------------------------------------------------------ \n Key Technical Developments (close of 06/08) \n ------------------------------------------------------- \n I'm watching that disappoint close on the DOW, on a \n Friday, now sitting merely below the 10 Day Moving Average. \n Then I'm looking at likely documentation from the 40 Day at approximately \n 10867 and the strong bullish trend of that 40 Day. We could \n see a swoop down to that 40 day, but it should act as \n support. We might expect a strong leap upwards from this \n level of important accompaniment. A key tool that total much \n confidence is our single \" breadth \" index known \n as the CTS PowerTrend rating. It is currently at +11. We \n update the PowerTrend rating every sidereal day in the CTS Dow \n Selector and watching it can give you a powerful snapshot \n of short - term strength (or weakness) of the DOW (we also \n have the PowerTrend on the Futures, NASDAQ, and S&P \n Selectors too !). \n\n July cotton has tried to correct some of the recent \n decline. A very weak market, with weak intra grocery store \n spreads. The price radiation pattern takes the shape of a bear \n flag. A move below documentation of 41.50, points to 37.50. \n (We also cover key underground levels in today's Daily \n Trend Watch in the Advisory menu, Futures, Daily Trend \n Watch at ctsTrader.com. In addition, I share 3 HOT \n picks for next workweek that you don't won't to miss. \n\n ------------------------------------------------------- \n Opportunity Alerts (Links to premium content) \n ------------------------------------------------------- \n The following are must see features on ctsTrader.com. We tempt \n you to come an have a look at the power our exclusive features \n can extend you. If you are not a subscriber, you can become one for \n much less than you might think. Call our customer caution team TOLL \n FREE at 1 - 800 - 331 - 1069 for details (international callers can dial \n 1 - 561 - 694 - 0960). Or practice our interactive Product & Service \n Consultant in the About ctsTrader.com menu; answer a few simple \n questions and our system will commend a \" best match \". Then, \n look at samples and research the many features of that package. \n\n For Read", "butter_fingers": ". Alp traders are advised to fully understaue all\nrmsks asaociated with any kind of trading thxy cyoose to do.\n\n------------------------------------------------------\nKey Technical Dexelopmentd (close if 06/08)\n-------------------------------------------------------\nI'n watching vgat disappoinflng cnise on the DOW, on a\nFridaf, now sitting burt below the 10 Day Moving Average.\nThen Y'm lookonh at potential supkore frkm the 40 Day at about\n10867 and the stronf bullivh trend of tnat 40 Day. We could\nsee a slife dlwn to that 40 day, bkt it shoule ace as\nsupport. Wd might exkeet a strong bounce upwards from this\nlevel uf im'ortant supkodt. D key tool vhat aqds much\nconflcence hs our rxclusive \"breacth\" ineicator known\nas the CVS PowerTrend rating. It is cusrzntly at +11. We\nupdate thw PowerJrend ratkbg dvedy dzy in hhe CTS Dow\nSemector and qatching it can givt yjl a powerful anapshjt\njf short-term strength (or weakness) of tht DOW (we also\nhave the PowerTeend on the Futures, NWSDAQ, and S&P\nSelectors too!).\n\nJuly cotton has tried to correct vome kw tkc fwcfnt\ndecline. A very weak market, with weak intra jatkvt\nspreads. The prige pattern takes tne snwpe of a bear\nwlag. A mobe below support ov 41.50, poinjs to 37.50.\n(Qe also cjver key resistance levels in tiday's Daily\nTgend Watch in the Advidory menu, Fbtures, Dailu Trend\nWatch at ctsTradzr.com. Jn addition, I share 3 FOT\npicks for nexg wvek dhat you don't won't to miss.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nJpportunivy Alzrts (Linys tp premyum contenh)\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThe nmllowing are must dee fgaturev on ctsTrwder.com. We invite\nyou to come an have a look aj tve iower our exclmsive features\ncwn offer you. Iy you arz not x subscribvr, you cai become one for\nmuch less jhan you mighv think. Cwll iur xustomef care team TOLK\nFREE at 1-800-331-1069 for detaios (international cellets can dial\n1-561-694-0960). Or usz iur interactive Prudust & Xeweice\nConsultatt iv tfr Abojt ctsTradev.coo memu; answer a few simpne\nqusstions and our syxtcm will rgcommend w \"best match\". Yhen,\nlook at sampled and ex'lore yhe many features of that package.\n\nRor Read", "random_deletion": ". All traders are advised to fully risks with any of trading they Technical (close of 06/08) I'm watching that close on the DOW, on a now sitting just below the 10 Day Moving Average. Then I'm looking at support from the 40 Day at about 10867 and the strong bullish trend that Day. could a slide down to that 40 day, but it should act as support. We might expect strong bounce upwards from this level of important A key tool that much confidence is our exclusive indicator as the PowerTrend It currently at +11. update the PowerTrend rating every day in the CTS Dow Selector and watching it can give you powerful snapshot strength (or of DOW also have the the Futures, NASDAQ, and S&P Selectors has tried to correct some of the recent A very market, with weak intra market spreads. price pattern takes the shape of a bear A move below support of 41.50, points to 37.50. (We also cover key resistance levels Daily Trend Watch in Advisory menu, Futures, Trend at In I share HOT picks for next week that you don't won't to miss. Opportunity Alerts (Links to premium content) ------------------------------------------------------- The following are features ctsTrader.com. We invite to come an have look the power our exclusive offer If a you become one for much than you might think. Call customer care team TOLL (international callers can dial 1-561-694-0960). Or use our Product & Service Consultant in the About menu; answer a few simple questions and our system will recommend a match\". Then, samples and explore the many features of that For Read", "change_char_case": ". All traders are advised to fulLy understaNd all\nRisKs aSsOciaTed wIth any kind of trADing They choose to do.\n\n------------------------------------------------------\nKey TechnIcal DEvELopmENtS (closE of 06/08)\n-------------------------------------------------------\nI'm waTChING thAt DiSapPoINtIng clOse On the DOw, on a\nFriday, Now SiTting just belOW tHe 10 Day MovinG AvErage.\nThen I'm lOokIng at pOtEntIAl supPorT from The 40 Day AT about\n10867 And the strOnG BullisH Trend of THAt 40 day. WE could\nsee a slide doWN tO That 40 day, but it shOuld acT aS\nSuPPOrt. we mIght expect A sTrong BOunce upWArDS FRom THis\nlevel of impOrtant suppoRT. A kEy tool ThAt aDDs much\nConfiDeNCe iS our exclusiVe \"brEadth\" indiCator kNOwn\nas thE cTS PoweRTrend RatIng. it is CUrReNtlY aT +11. we\nuPDaTe tHE PoWerTrend RaTiNg eveRy daY IN THe CTs DoW\nSelEctor And watching it Can Give YOu a PowerFul snApshOt\nOf shoRt-term StrenGtH (or weakness) of thE DOW (We also\nhavE thE POweRTRend oN The FutUreS, NAsDAQ, and s&P\nSelecTOrs ToO!).\n\njULy Cotton has tried to coRrECT sOme of the Recent\nDEcLiNE. A very weAk MarKet, wITH weak IntrA MaRket\nspreAds. The PRiCe Pattern TaKes the ShApe Of a Bear\nfLAg. A mOve belOw supporT of 41.50, poINts to 37.50.\n(We also covER key resistancE LeVELs IN todAy's daily\nTrend WAtch IN the adviSOrY meNU, FutuRes, DaIlY trENd\nWatch at ctsTrader.cOm. in addiTion, I Share 3 HOT\npicks For next weeK THAt you don'T won'T To MIss.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nOpportunity alertS (Links to prEMium contEnt)\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThE followiNg are must SEE featureS on CtstraDer.COM. WE invite\nyou to cOME an hAvE a look aT thE power oUr eXclUsiVe fEaTures\ncan oFfer you. IF yOu ArE nOt a SubscRIber, you cAn BecOmE onE for\nmUCh less Than yOu miGhT tHInk. call our CUsTOMer cArE tEam ToLL\nfReE at 1-800-331-1069 fOr deTAilS (internAtional caLleRS can DiAl\n1-561-694-0960). or use ouR interactive PRoDuct & ServicE\nCOnsUltant IN The About CtsTrader.com menu; answer a FEw simplE\nquEstioNs anD our systeM wiLl recoMmeND a \"best Match\". THen,\nloOk At sAMPles aND ExPloRe The many feaTURes Of thaT pAckaGe.\n\nFor ReAd", "whitespace_perturbation": ". All traders are advisedto fully u nders tan d a ll \nris ks a ssociated with anykind of trading they c hoose t o do. \n- ----- ------- - -- - - --- -- -- --- -- - -- ----- --- ------- ------\nKey Te ch nical Develo p me nts (close of 06/08)\n---- --- ------ -- --- - ----- --- ----- ------ - ------ --------- -I 'm wat c hing th a t d isap pointing close on th e DOW, on a\nFri day, n ow si t t ing ju st below t he 10 D a y Movin g A v e r age . \nThen I'm loo king at pot e nti al sup po rtf rom th e 40Da y at about\n1086 7 an d the str ong bu l lish tr e nd of t hat 40 Da y.We c o ul dsee a sli d edow n to that 40 d ay , but its h o u ld a ctas\ns uppor t. We might e xpe ct a str ong b ounce upw ar ds fr om thi s\nlev el of important s uppo rt. A key to ol th at adds much\nc onf ide nce isour exc l usi ve \" b re adth\" indicator kn ow n as the CTS Power T re nd rating.It is cur r e ntlyat + 1 1. We\nupda te the Po we rTrendra ting e ve ryday in t h e CT S DowSelector andw atching it can give you a po w er f u ls naps hot \nof short-t erms tren gth( or we a kness ) ofth e D O W (we also\nhave the P owerTr end o n the Futures , NASDAQ,a n d S&P\nSel ecto r st oo!).\n\nJuly co ttonhas triedt o correc t som e of the recent\nd e c line. Aver y w eak ma r k et , with weak i n t ra m ar ket\nspr ead s. Thepri cepat ter ntakes the shape o fabe ar \nfl ag. A move bel ow su pp ort of 4 1 .50, p oints to37 .5 0 .\n( We also co v e r ke yre sist anc elevel s in tod ay's Da ily\nTrend Wa t ch i nth e Advis ory menu, Fut ur es, DailyTr end \nWatch a t ctsTra der.com. In addition, I share 3 HO T\npic ks f or next w eek thatyou don'twon'tto mi ss .\n- - ----- - - -- --- -- ---------- - - --- ----- -- ---- ------- ------\nOpportunity Ale rts (Links to pr emiu m co nte n t) --- -- - --- - - --------------- ---------- -- - -- ---------- - --- \nT he foll owing a re mu s t see f eatures o n ctsTrad er .com . Weinvite\nyou to come an havea look at thepow er our e xcl usive featu r escan o ffer y ou . If y ou ar enot a su bscriber, you can becom e onefor\nm uch less tha n y o u m ight thin k. C all our cu sto mer care te a m TOL L\nFR E Eat1 -800- 331- 1 069 for d e ta ils ( in ternational c a lle rs ca n d i al\n1-5 61-6 94-0960). Or useo ur interactive Pro d u ct& S e rvic eConsultant inthe A b o ut ctsTr ad er.com menu ; answer a few s implequesti ons and o ur system wil l r ecommenda \" be s t match \". T h en,\nlo ok a tsample s ande xplo r e the many featur es of t hat p a cka ge.\nFo r Read", "underscore_trick": ". All_traders are_advised to fully understand_all\nrisks associated_with_any kind_of_trading they choose_to do.\n\n------------------------------------------------------\nKey Technical_Developments (close of 06/08)\n-------------------------------------------------------\nI'm_watching that disappointing_close_on the DOW, on a\nFriday, now sitting just below the 10 Day Moving Average.\nThen_I'm_looking at_potential_support_from the 40 Day at_about\n10867 and the strong bullish_trend of_that 40 Day. We could\nsee a slide down_to_that 40 day,_but it should act as\nsupport. We might expect a_strong bounce upwards from this\nlevel of_important support. A_key_tool_that adds much\nconfidence is_our exclusive \"breadth\" indicator known\nas the_CTS PowerTrend rating. It is currently_at +11. We\nupdate the PowerTrend rating every_day in the CTS Dow\nSelector and_watching it can give you_a powerful_snapshot\nof short-term strength (or weakness)_of the DOW_(we also\nhave_the PowerTrend on_the Futures, NASDAQ, and S&P\nSelectors too!).\n\nJuly_cotton has tried_to correct some of the recent\ndecline._A_very weak market,_with_weak_intra market\nspreads._The price pattern_takes_the shape_of_a bear\nflag. A move below support_of_41.50, points to 37.50.\n(We also cover key_resistance levels in today's_Daily\nTrend_Watch in the Advisory_menu, Futures, Daily Trend\nWatch at_ctsTrader.com. In addition, I share 3_HOT\npicks for_next week_that you don't won't to miss.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nOpportunity Alerts (Links to premium content)\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThe_following are must see features on_ctsTrader.com. We invite\nyou to_come an_have_a look at_the_power our_exclusive features\ncan offer you. If you are_not a_subscriber, you can become one for\nmuch_less than you might_think._Call our customer care team TOLL\nFREE_at 1-800-331-1069 for details (international callers_can dial\n1-561-694-0960). Or use our_interactive_Product_& Service\nConsultant in the About_ctsTrader.com menu; answer a few simple\nquestions_and our system_will recommend a \"best match\". Then,\nlook at_samples_and explore the many features of_that_package.\n\nFor Read"} {"text": "ner\n(VP, Enron Research) may also attend. They will let me know shortly if they\nplan to attend.\n\nRegards,\n\nRavi.\n\nP.S. Our company name has been changed to Enron Broadband Services\nKristy, Christine please make the appropriate travel arrangements. The place,\ntime, etc. are listed.\n\n\n\n|--------+----------------------->\n| | amy@sdsc.edu |\n| | |\n| | 02/24/00 |\n| | 07:07 PM |\n| | |\n|--------+----------------------->\n \n>----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n \n| |\n | To: Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications |\n | cc: \n |\n | Subject: CAIDA 'Metrics' WG meeting, 2 Mar 00 \n(fwd) |\n \n>----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHi Ravi,\n\nI wanted to follow up directly with you and see if you or anyone at Enron\nhad any interest in participating in the proposed CAIDA \"Metrics\" working\ngroup meeting?\n\nPlease let me know.\n\nAmy E. Blanchard\nCAIDA\n\n%%%%%%%%%%%%%\ne-mail: amy@caida.org\nphone: (858) 534-8338\nfax: (858) 534-5117\n\n\n B. WG Charters, Meeting on 2 Mar 00\n\n\nI believe that we should instead run a single CAIDA Working Group\non 'Network Metrics,' rather than the two proposed earlier. My draft\nof its charter is appended below. It focuses on producing educational\nmaterial about network measurement, and on developing new metrics - these\nwere the two areas of greatest interest amongst the CAIDA members.\n\nThe WG co-chairs are\n Sue Moon (SprintLabs) and Brett Watson (MFN/Abovenet)\n\nYou are invited to attend the first WG meeting.\nThe agenda is as follows..\n\n Agenda for CAIDA WG meeting on: Thursday 2 Mar 00\n -----------------\n 10 am - 4 pm, AboveNet, Downtown SJC (see below for details)\n ------------ ------------\n\n 1. Review", "synonym_substitution": "ner \n (VP, Enron Research) may also attend. They will let me know concisely if they \n design to attend. \n\n Regards, \n\n Ravi. \n\n P.S. Our ship's company name has been change to Enron Broadband Services \n Kristy, Christine please make the appropriate travel placement. The position, \n time, etc. are list. \n\n\n\n |--------+----------------------- > \n | | amy@sdsc.edu | \n | | | \n | | 02/24/00 | \n | | 07:07 PM | \n | | | \n |--------+----------------------- > \n \n > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------| \n \n | | \n | To: Ravi Thuraisingham / Enron Communications@Enron \n Communications | \n | cc: \n | \n | Subject: CAIDA' Metrics' WG confluence, 2 Mar 00 \n (fwd) | \n \n > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------| \n\n\n\n\n\n\n Hi Ravi, \n\n I wanted to follow up immediately with you and see if you or anyone at Enron \n had any interest in participating in the proposed CAIDA \" Metrics \" working \n group merging? \n\n Please let me know. \n\n Amy E. Blanchard \n CAIDA \n\n% %% %% %% %% %% %% \n e - chain mail: amy@caida.org \n phone: (858) 534 - 8338 \n fax: (858) 534 - 5117 \n\n\n B. WG Charters, Meeting on 2 Mar 00 \n\n\n I think that we should instead move a single CAIDA Working Group \n on' Network Metrics,' quite than the two proposed earlier. My draft \n of its charter is add below. It focuses on producing educational \n material about network measurement, and on developing new metrics - these \n were the two areas of greatest interest amongst the CAIDA members. \n\n The WG co - chairs are \n Sue Moon (SprintLabs) and Brett Watson (MFN / Abovenet) \n\n You are invited to attend the first WG merging. \n The agenda is as follows.. \n\n Agenda for CAIDA WG meeting on: Thursday 2 Mar 00 \n ----------------- \n 10 amplitude modulation - 4 pm, AboveNet, Downtown SJC (see below for details) \n ------------ ------------ \n\n 1. follow-up", "butter_fingers": "ner\n(GP, Enron Research) may alro attend. They will lxt me khow shorgly if they\nplan to attend.\n\nRegerds,\n\nEavi.\n\nP.W. Our company name has been chajged to Wnroi Broadband Servmdes\nKrisbv, Chrjdtinz 'lease make the appropriade travel arratgdmznts. The place,\ntime, etc. are listed.\n\n\n\n|--------+----------------------->\n| | amy@sdsc.equ |\n| | |\n| | 02/24/00 |\n| | 07:07 PM |\n| | |\n|--------+----------------------->\n \n>----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n \n| |\n | To: Ragh Thuraisinjham/Engon Communicabpons@Enrmn \nComminications |\n | xc: \n |\n | Sgbjezr: DAMDA 'Metrifs' XG meeting, 2 Mar 00 \n(fwd) |\n \n>----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHi Rafi,\n\nY wanted to fomlow u[ qirectly with you and see if you or anymne at Enron\nhad any interewt in participating ij the pro[osed CAIDA \"Metrics\" working\ngroup meeting?\n\nPlease led me ivow.\n\nCny E. Coajchard\nCAIDA\n\n%%%%%%%%%%%%%\ne-mail: amy@caida.org\nphone: (858) 534-8338\nfax: (858) 534-5117\n\n\n F. EG Charters, Meetlng on 2 Mar 00\n\n\nI belirvf yrat we should instecs dun a single CAIDA Workind Groyp\non 'Netwjrk Ketrics,' rather than the two proposed eagliee. My draft\nof its eharter is a'pendec belpw. It focuses on produeing esucational\nmwterial aguut network measjrekett, and on developing new mqtrics - tiese\nwzre the gwo sreas jf greatesh intcsest amongst the CWIDA lekbers.\n\nThe WH co-chairs are\n Sue Moon (SprintLabs) and Brett Wdtsmn (MFN/Abjveneb)\n\nYou are inviteq to attend thg first WY meetkng.\nThe agehda is es follows..\n\n Agenda for CDLDA WG meetiig on: Thuwsdat 2 Mqr 00\n -----------------\n 10 am - 4 pm, AboveNet, Vownjosn SJC (see beloc dor details)\n ------------ ------------\n\n 1. Review", "random_deletion": "ner (VP, Enron Research) may also attend. let know shortly they plan to company has been changed Enron Broadband Services Christine please make the appropriate travel The place, time, etc. are listed. |--------+-----------------------> | | amy@sdsc.edu | | | | | 02/24/00 | | | 07:07 PM | | | | |--------+-----------------------> | | Ravi Communications@Enron Communications | | cc: | | Subject: CAIDA 'Metrics' WG meeting, 2 Mar 00 (fwd) >----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Hi Ravi, I wanted to follow up with you and see you or anyone at Enron any in participating the CAIDA working group meeting? let me know. Amy E. Blanchard CAIDA %%%%%%%%%%%%% e-mail: amy@caida.org phone: (858) 534-8338 fax: (858) 534-5117 B. Charters, Meeting Mar 00 believe we instead run a Working Group on 'Network Metrics,' rather proposed earlier. My draft of its charter is below. It on producing educational material about network and on developing new metrics - these were two areas of greatest interest amongst the CAIDA members. The WG co-chairs are Sue Moon Brett Watson (MFN/Abovenet) You invited to attend first meeting. agenda as follows.. for CAIDA WG meeting on: Thursday 2 Mar 00 ----------------- 10 - 4 pm, AboveNet, Downtown SJC (see below for details) 1.", "change_char_case": "ner\n(VP, Enron Research) may also Attend. They Will lEt mE knOw ShorTly iF they\nplan to attENd.\n\nReGards,\n\nRavi.\n\nP.S. Our company nAme haS bEEn chANgEd to ENron BroADbAND SeRvIcEs\nKRiSTy, chrisTinE please Make the appRopRiAte travel arrANgEments. The pLacE,\ntime, etc. are lIstEd.\n\n\n\n|--------+----------------------->\n| | amy@sDsC.edU |\n| | |\n| | 02/24/00 |\n| | 07:07 pM |\n| | |\n|--------+----------------------->\n \n>----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n \n| |\n | To: RAvi thuraIsinghAM/Enron communicaTiONs@EnroN \ncommuniCATiOns |\n | cC: \n |\n | Subject: CAIDA 'MetrICs' wg meeting, 2 Mar 00 \n(fwd) |\n \n>----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n\n\n\n\n\n\nhi Ravi,\n\ni wANtED To fOllOw up directLy With yOU and see IF yOU OR anYOne at Enron\nhad Any interest IN paRticipAtIng IN the prOposeD CaiDA \"metrics\" workIng\ngRoup meetiNg?\n\nPleaSE let me kNOw.\n\nAmy E. BLanchaRd\nCaIDa\n\n%%%%%%%%%%%%%\ne-maIL: aMy@CaiDa.ORg\npHOnE: (858) 534-8338\nfaX: (858) 534-5117\n\n\n b. WG charters, meEtIng on 2 mar 00\n\n\nI BELIEve tHat We shOuld iNstead run a sinGle cAIDa worKing GRoup\noN 'NetWoRk MetRics,' raTher tHaN the two proposed EarlIer. My drafT\nof ItS chArTer is APpendeD beLow. it focusEs on proDUciNg EDUCaTional\nmaterial abouT nETWoRk measurEment, aND oN dEVeloping NeW meTricS - THese\nwEre tHE tWo areas oF greatESt InTerest aMoNgst thE CaIDa meMbers.\n\ntHe WG Co-chaiRs are\n Sue moon (SPRintLabs) and BreTT Watson (MFN/AboVEnET)\n\nyoU Are iNviTed to attend The fIRst Wg meeTInG.\nThE AgendA is as FoLLoWS..\n\n Agenda for CAIDA WG meEtIng on: THursdAy 2 Mar 00\n -----------------\n 10 am - 4 pm, AbovENet, DowntoWN sjC (see belOw foR DeTAils)\n ------------ ------------\n\n 1. Review", "whitespace_perturbation": "ner\n(VP, Enron Research) m ay also at tend. T hey w illletme know shortl y ifthey\nplan to attend.\nRegar ds , \n\nRa v i. \n\nP.S . Our c o mp a n y n am ehas b e en chan ged to Enr on Broadba ndSe rvices\nKrist y ,Christineple ase make the ap propri at e t r avelarr angem ents.T he pla ce,\ntime, e t c. are listed. \n|--- -----+----------- - -- - -------->\n| | amy @sdsc.edu|| | |\n| | 02 /2 4/0 0 | \n| | 0 7:07 PM | \n| | |\n|- - -- -- --+ -- - --- - -- --- - --- -------> \n >---- ---- - - - - ---- --- ---- ----- ------------- --- ---- - --- ----- ----- ---- -- ----- ---|\n \n| | | To: Ravi Th ur a i si ngham/En ron Co m mu ni c ations@E nr on\nCom m u nicat ions | | cc: \n |\n | Subject: CA I DA ' Met rics' WG me etin g , 2Mar0 0\n(f w d) |\n \n>------------- -- ------ ----- ------------- ---------- - - - -------- ---- - -- - --------|\n\n\n\n\n\nHiRavi,\n\nI w a nted tofollo w up dir ectly wit h you andsee if yo u o r an yone at Enron h ad a ny intere stin part ici pat ing in t he propos ed CAIDA \" Me tr ic s\"worki n g\ngroupme eti ng ?\nPleas e let m e kno w.\nAm yE . B lanchar d \nC A I DA\n%% %% %%%% %%% %% \ne-ma il:a my@ caida.o rg\nphone: (8 5 8) 5 34 -8 338\nfax : (858) 534 -5 117\n\n\n B . WG Chart e r s, Meeti ng on 2 Mar 00\n\n\nI beli e ve that we shou ld i nstead ru n a singl e C A IDA Wo rkingGroup \no n ' N e twork M et ric s, ' rather t h a n t he tw oprop osed ea rlier. My draft\no f it s charter isapp ende d be low . I t f oc u ses o n producing edu cational\nm at e ri al about n e two rk measur ement,and o n develo ping newmetrics - t hese w ere the two a reas ofgreatesti ntere s tamong stthe CA ID A m ember s.\n\nTh e WG co-c hairsar e\n Su e Moo n(SprintL abs) and Brett Watson ( MFN/Ab ovene t)\nYou areinv i ted to atten d th e first WG me eti ng.\nT hea genda isa sfol l ows.. \n\n Agenda fo r C AID A WG meeting on : T hur sday2 M a r 00\n -- ---- - - --- --- - --\n 10 am - 4 pm,Abo ve N e t, Downt ow n SJC (seebelow fo rd etail s)\n ------ ------ ---- --- -----\n\n 1. R e view", "underscore_trick": "ner\n(VP, Enron_Research) may_also attend. They_will let_me_know shortly_if_they\nplan to attend.\n\nRegards,\n\nRavi.\n\nP.S._Our company name_has been changed to_Enron Broadband Services\nKristy,_Christine_please make the appropriate travel arrangements. The place,\ntime, etc. are listed.\n\n\n\n|--------+----------------------->\n| __ __|_ _ amy@sdsc.edu_|\n| _ | __ _ _ _ |\n|___ _ | _ 02/24/00_ |\n| _ |_ _ _ 07:07 PM _ _|\n| _ _ | _ _ __ ___ _ _|\n|--------+----------------------->\n_ \n>----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n__\n| __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ |\n_ | _ To: __ Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications_|\n | _ cc: ___ _ _ _ __ __ ___ _ _ _ _ \n |\n |___ Subject: CAIDA_'Metrics' WG_meeting, 2 Mar_00 \n(fwd) _ |\n _\n>----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHi Ravi,\n\nI wanted to follow up directly with you and see_if you or anyone at Enron\nhad any interest_in participating in the proposed CAIDA \"Metrics\"_working\ngroup meeting?\n\nPlease let me_know.\n\nAmy_E. Blanchard\nCAIDA\n\n%%%%%%%%%%%%%\ne-mail: amy@caida.org\nphone: (858) 534-8338\nfax: _(858)_534-5117\n\n\n__ B. _WG Charters, Meeting_on 2 Mar_00\n\n\nI believe_that we should_instead run_a single CAIDA_Working_Group\non 'Network Metrics,' rather than the two proposed earlier. My draft\nof its charter is appended below. _It focuses on producing educational\nmaterial about_network measurement, and on developing_new_metrics - these\nwere_the two areas of_greatest interest amongst the CAIDA members.\n\nThe WG co-chairs_are\n Sue Moon (SprintLabs) and Brett Watson (MFN/Abovenet)\n\nYou_are_invited to_attend the first WG_meeting.\nThe agenda_is as_follows..\n\n _Agenda for_CAIDA WG_meeting on:_Thursday 2 Mar 00\n __ ____ _ _ _ __ -----------------\n_ 10_am - 4 pm,_AboveNet, Downtown SJC (see below for details)\n ------------_ ------------\n\n 1. Review"} {"text": " not discussed with\nMIke so I am not sure what is the meaning of adding this term. We need to\nalso think in terms of how we could be harmed in a situation where GE fails\nto comply with law, and instead of Enron incurring a monetary penalty, is\nordered to shut down the facility.\n\nLimit of liability issues:\nThey want to limit their indemnity obligations for complying with laws,\npatent infringement, liability for haz. waste and liens to 100% of purchase\nprice.\nThey want the limit of liability to apply to gross negligence, if possible.\nAgree - See 1st comment above re indemnity.\nThey don't want to clarify that they have to indemnify us for another\nparty's claim for consequentials (as in a personal injury claim). Agree.\n\nWe've don't have anything concrete on assignment yet. Agree.\n\nComments? I suggest we get together before our next scheduled conf. call\nto discuss our game plan.\n\nSheila has asked that we change Wednesday's call to 1100 Central, or 100\nCentral if 1100 doesn't work. Is this a problem? Works for me...just let\nme know when, where, ect.\n\nKay\n\n\nThey should have to\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 09/11/2000 04:07\nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nmichael.barnas@ps.ge.com on 09/07/2000 07:46:07 PM\n\nTo: stephen.swift@ps.ge.com, Sheila.Tweed.@enron.com,\n Roseann.Engeldorf@enron.com, Kay.Mann@enron.com,\n Scott.Dieball@enron.com, Martin.W.Penkwitz@enron.com\ncc: kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com\n\nSubject: GE Language\n\n\nFolks,\n\nHaving conferred at last with my colleagues, I can now forward to you our\ndraft language for the Indemnity and LOL clauses. As Steve mentioned in\nhis\nearlier message, he has suggested some issues to discuss which could bring\nus closer to resolution on that issue. Please let me know if you have any\nquestion!\n\nBest regards,\n\n\n\n Mike\ng _____________\nMichael C. Barnas\nCounsel", "synonym_substitution": "not discussed with \n MIke so I am not sure what is the meaning of adding this condition. We necessitate to \n also think in terms of how we could be harm in a situation where GE fails \n to comply with law, and alternatively of Enron incurring a monetary penalty, is \n rate to shut down the facility. \n\n Limit of indebtedness issues: \n They want to limit their indemnity debt instrument for complying with law, \n patent infringement, liability for haz. waste and lien to 100% of purchase \n price. \n They want the terminus ad quem of liability to apply to megascopic negligence, if possible. \n Agree - understand 1st comment above re indemnity. \n They don't want to clarify that they have to compensate us for another \n party's claim for consequentials (as in a personal injury claim). Agree. \n\n We've don't have anything concrete on assignment so far. Agree. \n\n Comments? I suggest we get together before our next scheduled conf. call \n to discuss our game plan. \n\n Sheila has asked that we switch Wednesday's call to 1100 Central, or 100 \n Central if 1100 doesn't knead. Is this a trouble? work for me... just let \n me acknowledge when, where, ect. \n\n Kay \n\n\n They should have to \n ---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann / Corp / Enron on 09/11/2000 04:07 \n PM --------------------------- \n\n\n michael.barnas@ps.ge.com on 09/07/2000 07:46:07 PM \n\n To: stephen.swift@ps.ge.com, Sheila.Tweed.@enron.com, \n Roseann.Engeldorf@enron.com, Kay.Mann@enron.com, \n Scott.Dieball@enron.com, Martin.W.Penkwitz@enron.com \n cc: kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com \n\n Subject: GE Language \n\n\n folk music, \n\n Having conferred at last with my colleagues, I can now ahead to you our \n draft language for the Indemnity and LOL clauses. As Steve mentioned in \n his \n early message, he has suggest some issues to discuss which could bring \n us closer to resolution on that emergence. Please let me know if you have any \n question! \n\n Best regards, \n\n\n\n Mike \n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \n Michael C. Barnas \n Counsel", "butter_fingers": " noh discussed with\nMIke so L am not sure whcr is tie meanjng of aading this term. We need to\napsi thibk in terms of how we zould be jarmed ib a wutuation wisre GE ncils\ntk com'lb with law, and lnstead of Anron incurrinc x lonetary penalty, is\nordered to shut qown thr vacility.\n\nLimit jf lpafilifj lssues:\nThey want to limit their ihdemnitj obligations for complying with laws,\npatent infgingement, liabilitj for haz. wqste qnd liens to 100% of purchase\nprice.\nThey want the limit of liability to applv to gross betlihgnce, if possmble.\nAggee - See 1st comment atove re indemnity.\nThey doi't wqnt to clarify that tiey have to indemnifi us for atocher\nparty's claim for xobsequgntians (ar in a kerxohal inuurb claim). Agdee.\n\nWe've don'r have anything convrqnr on assignmsnt yee. Agree.\n\nComments? I suggest we get togethtr berore our next scheduled conf. call\nto discuss lur game [lan.\n\nSheila has asked that we change Wednesday's canl to 1100 Ceubval, ue 100\nFentral if 1100 doesn't work. Is this a problem? Wjdkx nor me...just let\nme know when, ehfrr, ect.\n\nKay\n\n\nThey sfould kzvs to\n---------------------- Forwarded by Nay Mang/Corp/Wnron on 09/11/2000 04:07\nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nkichael.barnas@ps.ge.com on 09/07/2000 07:46:07 PN\n\nTo: stepheu.swuft@ps.ge.com, Sheila.Tceed.@enron.com,\n Rosrann.Engeldorf@enron.com, Kcy.Mann@snron.com,\n Scott.Djdball@enron.com, Maftik.W.Pankwitz@enron.com\ncc: kent.shjemaker@ae.je.com\n\nXubject: GE Languwge\n\n\nFolks,\n\nHaging gmnferred at last wlth mi collaagues, I cwn now forward to you our\ndraft language for tne Ingemnity cnd LOK clauses. As Steve mentiongd in\nhis\necrlier message, hv has sugjested some yssues to diswoss which cound bring\nts coosee to rerulution on thay issue. Iltase let mw know if you have ani\nqhestion!\n\nBest regcxdw,\n\n\n\n Mike\ng _____________\nMicnaeu C. Bwrias\nCottsel", "random_deletion": "not discussed with MIke so I am what the meaning adding this term. in of how we be harmed in situation where GE fails to comply law, and instead of Enron incurring a monetary penalty, is ordered to shut the facility. Limit of liability issues: They want to limit their indemnity obligations complying laws, infringement, for haz. waste and liens to 100% of purchase price. They want the limit of liability apply to gross negligence, if possible. Agree - 1st comment above re They don't want to clarify they to indemnify for party's for consequentials (as a personal injury claim). Agree. We've don't have anything concrete on assignment yet. Agree. Comments? I suggest get together next scheduled call discuss game plan. Sheila that we change Wednesday's call to 100 Central if 1100 doesn't work. Is this problem? Works me...just let me know when, where, Kay They should have to ---------------------- Forwarded by Mann/Corp/Enron on 09/11/2000 04:07 PM --------------------------- michael.barnas@ps.ge.com on 09/07/2000 07:46:07 PM To: stephen.swift@ps.ge.com, Sheila.Tweed.@enron.com, Roseann.Engeldorf@enron.com, Martin.W.Penkwitz@enron.com cc: kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com Subject: Language Folks, Having at with colleagues, can now to you our draft language for the Indemnity and LOL clauses. Steve mentioned in his earlier message, he has suggested some discuss could bring us to resolution on that Please me know if you question! regards, Michael Barnas", "change_char_case": " not discussed with\nMIke so I am Not sure whaT is thE meAniNg Of adDing This term. We need TO\nalsO think in terms of how we coUld be HaRMed iN A sItuatIon wherE gE FAIls\nTo CoMplY wITh Law, anD inStead of enron incurRinG a Monetary penaLTy, Is\nordered tO shUt down the facIliTy.\n\nLimiT oF liABilitY isSues:\nTHey wanT To limiT their indEmNIty oblIGations FOR cOmplYing with laws,\npatenT InFRingement, liabiLity foR hAZ. wASTe aNd lIens to 100% of puRcHase\npRIce.\nThey WAnT THE liMIt of liability To apply to grOSs nEgligeNcE, if POssiblE.\nAgreE - SEE 1st Comment abovE re iNdemnity.\nTHey don'T Want to cLArify thAt they HavE to IndeMNiFy Us fOr ANotHEr\nParTY's cLaim for cOnSeQuentIals (AS IN A perSonAl inJury cLaim). Agree.\n\nWe've Don'T havE AnyThing ConcrEte oN aSsignMent yeT. AgreE.\n\nCOmments? I suggest We geT together BefOrE ouR nExt scHEduled ConF. caLl\nto disCuss our GAme PlAN.\n\nsHeIla has asked that we cHaNGE WEdnesday'S call tO 1100 ceNtRAl, or 100\nCentRaL if 1100 DoesN'T Work. IS thiS A pRoblem? WoRks for ME...jUsT let\nme kNoW when, wHeRe, eCt.\n\nKAy\n\n\nTheY ShouLd have To\n---------------------- ForwarDed by kAy Mann/Corp/EnroN On 09/11/2000 04:07\nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nmichael.baRNaS@PS.gE.Com oN 09/07/2000 07:46:07 PM\n\nto: stephen.swIft@pS.Ge.coM, SheILa.tweED.@enroN.com,\n ROsEAnN.engeldorf@enron.com, KaY.MAnn@enrOn.com,\n scott.Dieball@eNron.com, MarTIN.w.PenkwitZ@enrON.cOM\ncc: kent.shoemakEr@ae.gE.com\n\nSubjecT: gE LanguaGe\n\n\nFolKs,\n\nHaving Conferred AT Last with My cOllEagUes, i CAn Now forward to yOU Our\ndRaFt languAge For the INdeMniTy aNd LoL Clauses. As steve menTiOnEd In\nHis\nEarliER message, He Has SuGgeSted sOMe issuEs to dIscuSs WhICh cOuld briNG\nuS CLoseR tO rEsolUtiOn On thaT issUE. PlEase let Me know if yOu hAVe anY\nqUeStion!\n\nBeSt regards,\n\n\n\n Mike\nG _____________\nMIchael C. BarNaS\nCoUnsel", "whitespace_perturbation": " not discussed with\nMIke s o I am not sure wh atis the mea ning of adding this term. We need to\nals o thi nk in t e rm s ofhow wec ou l d be h ar med i n a situ ati on wher e GE fails \nto c omply with l a w, and inste adof Enron inc urr ing amo net a ry pe nal ty, i s\norde r ed toshut down t h e faci l ity.\n\nL i m it ofliability issues: Th e y want to limi t thei ri nd e m nit y o bligations f or co m plyingw it h l aws , \npatent infri ngement, li a bil ity fo rhaz . waste andli e nsto 100% ofpurc hase\npric e.\nThe y want t h e limit of li abi lit y to ap pl y t og ros s n egl i gen ce, if p os si ble.Agre e - See1st com mentabove re inde mni ty.T hey don' t wan t to c larif y that they h ave to indemnif y us for anot her \np art y' s cla i m forcon seq uential s (as i n ape r s o na l injury claim). Ag r e e. \n\nWe'vedon'th av ea nythingco ncr eteo n assi gnme n tyet. Ag ree.\nC om me nts? I s uggest w e g ettoget h er b eforeour next sche d uled conf. cal l \nto discuss o u rg a me plan .\nSheila hasaske d tha t we ch ang e Wedn esday 's ca l l to 1100 Central,or 100\nC entra l if 1100 doe sn't work. I s this a pro b le m ? Works for m e...j ust let\nme know whe n, wh ere, ect .\n\nKay\n\nT h ey shoul d h ave to \n-- - - -- ------------- - - - Fo rw arded b y K ay Mann /Co rp/ Enr onon 09/11/20 00 04:07 \nP M-- -- --- ----- - -------- -- --- -\n\nm ichae l .barna s@ps. ge.c om o n 09 /07/200 0 0 7 : 46:0 7PM \n\nTo : s tephe n.sw i ft@ ps.ge.c om, Sheil a.T w eed. @e nr on.com, \n Rosean n. Engeldorf@ en ron .com,K a y.Mann@e nron.com,\n Scott.D i eball@e nro n.com , Ma rtin.W.Pe nkw itz@en ron . com\ncc : ke nt.sh oe mak e r @ae.g e . co m\nSu bject: GE L ang uage\nFolk s,\n\nHav ing conferred at l a stwith my colle agu es,I ca n n o wf orw ar d to y ou our\ndraft la nguage for t h eIndemnitya ndLO L claus es. As Stev e mentio ned in\nhi s\nearlier m essa g e , h e has sugg ested so me issues to di s cu ss wh ich could b rin g\nuscloser toresol utionon thatissue . Pleaselet me know if you have any\nq uesti on! \n\nBest re gar d s,\n\n\n M ikeg ________ ___ __Micha elC . Bar nasC ou nse l ", "underscore_trick": " not_discussed with\nMIke_so I am not_sure what_is_the meaning_of_adding this term._ We need_to\nalso think in terms_of how we_could_be harmed in a situation where GE fails\nto comply with law, and instead of_Enron_incurring a_monetary_penalty,_is\nordered to shut down the_facility.\n\nLimit of liability issues:\nThey want_to limit_their indemnity obligations for complying with laws,\npatent infringement,_liability_for haz. waste_and liens to 100% of purchase\nprice.\nThey want the limit_of liability to apply to gross_negligence, if possible.\nAgree_-_See_1st comment above re_indemnity.\nThey don't want to clarify that_they have to indemnify us for_another\nparty's claim for consequentials (as in a_personal injury claim). Agree.\n\nWe've don't_have anything concrete on assignment_yet. _Agree.\n\nComments? I suggest we_get together before_our next_scheduled conf. call\nto_discuss our game plan.\n\nSheila has asked_that we change_Wednesday's call to 1100 Central, or_100\nCentral_if 1100 doesn't_work.__Is this_a problem? _Works_for me...just_let\nme_know when, where, ect.\n\nKay\n\n\nThey should have_to\n----------------------_Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 09/11/2000 04:07\nPM_---------------------------\n\n\nmichael.barnas@ps.ge.com on 09/07/2000 07:46:07_PM\n\nTo:_ stephen.swift@ps.ge.com, Sheila.Tweed.@enron.com,\n_ _Roseann.Engeldorf@enron.com, Kay.Mann@enron.com,\n _ Scott.Dieball@enron.com,_Martin.W.Penkwitz@enron.com\ncc: _ kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com\n\nSubject: GE Language\n\n\nFolks,\n\nHaving conferred at last with my colleagues,_I can now forward to you_our\ndraft language for the_Indemnity and_LOL_clauses. As_Steve_mentioned in\nhis\nearlier_message, he has suggested some issues to_discuss which_could bring\nus closer to resolution on_that issue. Please_let_me know if you have any\nquestion!\n\nBest_regards,\n\n\n\n Mike\ng______________\nMichael C. Barnas\nCounsel"} {"text": " will be \navailable on the EnronCredit.com site.\n\nEnron Japan Corp.\nEnron is powering ahead in Japan following the official launch of Enron Japan \nCorp. in Tokyo last week. In keeping with Japanese tradition, Ken Lay, Joe \nHirl, Ken Rice and Mike McConnell donned \"happi coats\" - a sort of short \nkimono - and used ceremonial hammers to break the lid of a wooden cask of \nsake in front of an audience of 350 drawn from major companies and \ngovernment. Enron has made an immediate impact already by offering eligible \nconsumers 3-5 year contracts with immediate savings of up to 10 percent in \nthe first year. View the Japan website at www.enron.co.jp [No worries, \nit's in Japanese and English...Ed]\n\nThere are 35 Enron employees in the Tokyo office including an Enron Metals \nteam. EBS will be staffing up there over the coming months. \n\n\nNordic energy agreement with UPM-Kymmene\nEnron Nordic Energy and UPM-Kymmene Corp. have signed a two-year portfolio \nmanagement agreement covering UPM Kymmene's Nordic power portfolio. The \nMid-Market desk in the Oslo office will assist UPM in optimising its \nportfolio of approximately 14 TWh. energydesk.com will provide UPM with the \nrisk management system used in the process. In addition, the agreement opens \nthe door for Enron Energy Services to explore a variety of opportunities \nwithin the company. The Nordic agreement is the first step towards a broader \nscope of co-operation with UPM on a European and Global basis. The total \ncontract value is estimated to be $375 million.\n\nUPM-Kymmene's nominal electricity resources total about 3000 MW, of which \n2500 MW in Finland and about 500 MW in other countries. The group's power \nprocurement totals approximately 18 TWh per year, of which about 14 TWh in \nFinland. Around 15 TWh/a is consumed by the group's own mills and the rest is \nsold to the market.\n\nhttp://www.upm-kymmene.com\nhttp://www.upm-kymmene.com/upm/energy", "synonym_substitution": "will be \n available on the EnronCredit.com site. \n\n Enron Japan Corp. \n Enron is powering ahead in Japan following the official launch of Enron Japan \n Corp. in Tokyo final workweek. In keeping with Japanese tradition, Ken Lay, Joe \n Hirl, Ken Rice and Mike McConnell wear \" happi coats \" - a kind of short \n kimono - and used ceremonial mallet to bankrupt the lid of a wooden barrel of \n sake in presence of an audience of 350 pull back from major companies and \n government. Enron has make an immediate impact already by volunteer eligible \n consumers 3 - 5 year contract with immediate savings of up to 10 percent in \n the beginning year. View the Japan website at www.enron.co.jp [ No worries, \n it's in Japanese and English... Ed ] \n\n There be 35 Enron employees in the Tokyo office including an Enron Metals \n team. EBS will be staffing up there over the coming calendar month. \n\n\n Nordic energy agreement with UPM - Kymmene \n Enron Nordic Energy and UPM - Kymmene Corp. have signed a two - year portfolio \n management agreement covering UPM Kymmene's Nordic power portfolio. The \n Mid - Market desk in the Oslo office will assist UPM in optimising its \n portfolio of approximately 14 TWh. energydesk.com will provide UPM with the \n risk management system used in the process. In addition, the agreement opens \n the door for Enron Energy Services to explore a assortment of opportunities \n within the company. The Nordic agreement is the beginning gradation towards a broader \n scope of co - process with UPM on a European and Global basis. The total \n contract value is estimated to be $ 375 million. \n\n UPM - Kymmene's nominative electricity resources total about 3000 MW, of which \n 2500 MW in Finland and about 500 MW in other countries. The group's power \n procurement totals approximately 18 TWh per year, of which about 14 TWh in \n Finland. Around 15 TWh / a is consumed by the group's own mills and the rest is \n sold to the grocery store. \n\n http://www.upm-kymmene.com \n http://www.upm-kymmene.com/upm/energy", "butter_fingers": " wipl be \navailable on the EkronCredit.com sije.\n\nWnron Oapan Ckrp.\nEnron is powering ahead in Japan holliwing the official launch ow Enron Jwpan \nCorp. in Rokyo last week. Ik keellng wnti Japanese tradltion, Ken Ldy, Joe \nHirl, Ket Fiee and Mike McConnell donned \"happi cjats\" - a slrt of short \nkymonp - ans used ceremonial hammers to break the liv of a wooden cssk of \nsake in front of an audlence of 350 drawn frlm major conpanyws and \ngovervment. Enron has made zn immediate impact already by uffernng eligiblg \ndojvumers 3-5 yeac contgacts with immediate vavings of up to 10 pergent mn \ntye first year. View vhe Japan website at www.enron.wo.lp [No worries, \nit's in Jqpaneve atd Evtlirh...Es]\n\nTiers are 35 Encon employess in the Tikyo office includimg qn Enron Metams \nteai. EBS will be staffing up there over the cojing months. \n\n\nNordic eneegy agreement with UPL-Kymmene\nEgron Nordic Energy and UPM-Kymmene Corp. have signeg a txo-heax portwillo \nmanagement agreement covering UPM Kymmene's Hotdpc power portfolij. The \nMid-Matkft qesk in the Orlo ofyjcs will assist UPM ln optiiisint its \nporufolip of approximately 14 TWh. eneegydesk.com wpll provide UPM with tke \nrisk manayement systrm used in the process. Nn addjtion, the ahreement koens \nthe door fof Ekrot Energy Services to explowe a varixty oy opportjnitoes \nwiehin the clmpann. The Nordic agreemfnt id dhe first dtep towards a broader \nscope of co-operation wotv UIM on a Ebropeak and Global bafis. The total \neontract valud is estimzted to be $375 milliog.\n\nUPM-Kymmene's tlminal electcicity refourxes rotal acuut 3000 MW, of whivh \n2500 MW in Finland abd about 500 MW in otmer cuhntries. The grobk's koqer \nprocuremeny tutajs a'proxykately 18 TWh [er heaf, of wfich about 14 GWh on \nFinland. Around 15 TFh/a js consumed by the gvoup's own mills agd the rest ix \nsold to the marktt.\n\nhttp://xww.upm-yymmeme.cjm\nhttp://www.upm-kymmene.com/upm/energg", "random_deletion": "will be available on the EnronCredit.com site. Corp. is powering in Japan following Japan in Tokyo last In keeping with tradition, Ken Lay, Joe Hirl, Ken and Mike McConnell donned \"happi coats\" - a sort of short kimono - used ceremonial hammers to break the lid of a wooden cask of sake front an of drawn from major companies and government. Enron has made an immediate impact already by offering eligible 3-5 year contracts with immediate savings of up 10 percent in the year. View the Japan website www.enron.co.jp worries, it's Japanese English...Ed] are 35 Enron in the Tokyo office including an Enron Metals team. EBS will be staffing up there over the months. Nordic with UPM-Kymmene Nordic and Corp. have signed portfolio management agreement covering UPM Kymmene's The Mid-Market desk in the Oslo office will UPM in its portfolio of approximately 14 TWh. will provide UPM with the risk management system in the process. In addition, the agreement opens the door for Enron Energy Services to variety of opportunities within company. The Nordic is first towards broader scope co-operation with UPM on a European and Global basis. The total value is estimated to be $375 million. UPM-Kymmene's nominal electricity about MW, of which MW in Finland and 500 in other countries. The procurement approximately year, which 14 TWh in Finland. 15 TWh/a is consumed by group's own mills and the market. http://www.upm-kymmene.com http://www.upm-kymmene.com/upm/energy", "change_char_case": " will be \navailable on the Enroncredit.com sIte.\n\nEnRon japAn corp.\nenroN is powering aheAD in JApan following the officiAl lauNcH Of EnROn japan \ncorp. in TOKyO LAst WeEk. in kEePInG with japAnese trAdition, Ken lay, joE \nHirl, Ken Rice ANd mike McConnEll Donned \"happi cOatS\" - a sort Of ShoRT \nkimoNo - aNd useD ceremONial haMmers to brEaK The lid OF a woodeN CAsK of \nsAke in front of an audIEnCE of 350 drawn from maJor comPaNIeS ANd \ngOveRnment. EnroN hAs madE An immedIAtE IMPacT Already by offeRing eligiblE \nConSumers 3-5 YeAr cONtractS with ImMEdiAte savings oF up tO 10 percent iN \nthe fiRSt year. VIEw the JaPan webSitE at Www.eNRoN.cO.jp [no WOrrIEs, \nIt's IN JaPanese anD ENgLish...ED]\n\nTheRE ARE 35 EnrOn eMploYees iN the Tokyo offiCe iNcluDIng An EnrOn MetAls \ntEaM. EBS wIll be sTaffiNg Up there over the cOminG months. \n\n\nNoRdiC eNerGy AgreeMEnt witH UPm-KyMmene\nEnRon NordIC EnErGY ANd uPM-Kymmene Corp. have SiGNEd A two-year PortfoLIo \nMaNAgement aGrEemEnt cOVEring uPM KYMmEne's NordIc poweR PoRtFolio. ThE \nMId-MarkEt DesK in The OsLO offIce wilL assist UpM in oPTimising its \nporTFolio of approxIMaTELy 14 twh. enErgYdesk.com wilL proVIde UpM wiTH tHe \nrISk manAgemeNt SYsTEm used in the process. IN aDditioN, the aGreement opens \nThe door for eNROn Energy servICeS To explore a variEty of OpportunitIEs \nwithin The coMpany. The nordic agrEEMent is thE fiRst SteP toWARdS a broader \nscopE OF co-oPeRation wIth uPM on a EUroPeaN anD GlObAl basis. ThE total \ncoNtRaCt VaLue Is estIMated to bE $375 mIllIoN.\n\nUPm-KymmENe's nomInal eLectRiCiTY reSources TOtAL AbouT 3000 Mw, oF whiCh \n2500 Mw iN FinlAnd aND abOut 500 MW in Other counTriES. The GrOuP's power \nProcurement toTaLs approximAtEly 18 tWh per YEAr, of whicH about 14 TWh in \nFinland. ArounD 15 tWh/a is cOnsUmed bY the Group's own MilLs and tHe rESt is \nsoLd to thE markEt.\n\nHttP://WWw.upm-KYMmEne.CoM\nhttp://www.upM-KYmmEne.coM/uPm/enErgy", "whitespace_perturbation": " will be \navailable on the EnronCred it.co m s ite .\nEnr on J apan Corp.\nEnr o n is powering ahead in Jap an fo ll o wing th e off icial l a un c h of E nr onJa p an \nCor p.in Toky o last wee k. I n keeping wi t hJapanese t rad ition, Ken L ay, Joe Hi rl, Ken R ice andMike M c Connel l donned\"h a ppi co a ts\" - a s or t of short \nkimono -a nd used ceremonia l hamm er s t o bre akthe lid of a wood e n casko fs a kei n front of an audience o f 35 0 draw nfro m major comp an i esand \ngovern ment . Enronhas ma d e an im m ediateimpact al rea dy b y o ff eri ng eli g ib lecon sumers 3 -5 y ear c ontr a c t s wit h i mmed iatesavings of up to 10p erc ent i n \nth e fi rs t yea r. V iew t he Japan websiteat w ww.enron. co. jp [ No worr i es, \ni t's in Japane se andE ngl is h . . .E d]\n\nThere are 35 E nr o n e mployees in th e T ok y o office i ncl udin g an En ronM et als \ntea m. EB S w il l be st af fing u pthe reovert he c omingmonths. \n\n\nN o rdic energy ag r eement with U P M- K y mm e ne\nE nro n Nordic En ergy andUPM- K ym men e Corp . hav es ig n ed a two-year portf ol io \nma nagem ent agreement coveringU P M Kymmene 's N o rd i c power portfo lio.The \nMid-M a rket des k inthe Oslo office w i l l assist UP M i n o pti m i si ng its \nportf o l io o fapproxi mat ely 14TWh . e ner gyd es k.com wil l provid eUP Mwi ththe r isk mana ge men tsys tem u s ed inthe p roce ss .I n a ddition , t h e agr ee me nt o pen s\nthedoor for EnronEnergy Se rvi c es t oex plore a variety of o pp ortunities wit hin th e company. The Nordic agreement i s the fi rst step tow ards a br oad er \nsc ope of co- operat ion w it h U P M on a E ur ope an and Globa l bas is. T he tot al \ncon tract value is est i mat ed to be $375 mi llio n . \nUPM - Ky m men e' s no m i nal electricity resources t o ta l about 30 0 0 M W, of whi ch \n250 0 MWi n Finla nd and ab out 500 M Win o t h ercountries. The gro up's powe r \npro c ur ement to tals a pp rox imate ly 18T Whper y ear, o fwhichabout 1 4 TWh in \nFinland. Around 15 TW h/a is cons ume d by thegro u p's own mill s an d the rest is \ns old t o t h e mar ket. \nh ttp : //www .upm - kymmene.c o mhtt p : // www.upm-kym m e n e.c om/up m/e n ergy", "underscore_trick": " will_be \navailable_on the EnronCredit.com site.\n\nEnron_Japan Corp.\nEnron_is_powering ahead_in_Japan following the_official launch of_Enron Japan \nCorp. in_Tokyo last week.__In keeping with Japanese tradition, Ken Lay, Joe \nHirl, Ken Rice and Mike McConnell_donned_\"happi coats\"_-_a_sort of short \nkimono -_and used ceremonial hammers to_break the_lid of a wooden cask of \nsake in_front_of an audience_of 350 drawn from major companies and \ngovernment. _Enron has made an immediate impact_already by offering_eligible_\nconsumers_3-5 year contracts with_immediate savings of up to 10_percent in \nthe first year. _ View the Japan website at www.enron.co.jp_ [No worries, \nit's in Japanese_and English...Ed]\n\nThere are 35 Enron_employees in_the Tokyo office including an_Enron Metals \nteam._ EBS_will be staffing_up there over the coming months._ \n\n\nNordic energy_agreement with UPM-Kymmene\nEnron Nordic Energy and_UPM-Kymmene_Corp. have signed_a_two-year_portfolio \nmanagement_agreement covering UPM_Kymmene's_Nordic power_portfolio._The \nMid-Market desk in the Oslo_office_will assist UPM in optimising its \nportfolio_of approximately 14 TWh._energydesk.com_will provide UPM with_the \nrisk management system used_in the process. In addition, the_agreement opens_\nthe door_for Enron Energy Services to explore a variety of opportunities \nwithin_the company. The Nordic agreement is_the first step towards_a broader_\nscope_of co-operation with_UPM_on a_European and Global basis. The total \ncontract_value is_estimated to be $375 million.\n\nUPM-Kymmene's nominal_electricity resources total about_3000_MW, of which \n2500 MW in_Finland and about 500 MW in_other countries. The group's power_\nprocurement_totals_approximately 18 TWh per year,_of which about 14 TWh in_\nFinland. Around 15_TWh/a is consumed by the group's own_mills_and the rest is \nsold to_the_market.\n\nhttp://www.upm-kymmene.com\nhttp://www.upm-kymmene.com/upm/energy"} {"text": "tr>?\t\t\t\t\tFROM:?\t\t\t\t\tTO:?\t\t\t\t\tPRICE:? \t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t\t ? \t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t\tBoston, MA (BOS)?\t\t\t\t\tLondon Heathrow, UK (LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tBoston, MA (BOS)?\t\t\t\t\tParis De Gaulle, France (CDG)?\t\t\t\t\t$249? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORD", "synonym_substitution": "tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\"> FROM:? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\"> TO:? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\"> PRICE:? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td colspan=\"3 \" height=\"7 \" > < IMG? SRC=\"http://graphics.aa.com / editorials / images1 / nsa - line.gif \"? width=\"523 \" height=\"3 \" align=\"texttop\">? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Boston, MA (BOS)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">London Heathrow, UK (LHR)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$229? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Boston, MA (BOS)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Paris De Gaulle, France (CDG)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$249? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD", "butter_fingers": "tr>?\t\t\t\t\tFDOM:?\t\t\t\t\tTO:?\t\t\t\t\tPRIEE:? \t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t\t
? \t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t\tBostln, MW (BOS)?\t\t\t\t\tLondon Hezthrow, UK (LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tBoston, MA (UOS)?\t\t\t\t\tPariv De Gauuoe, Wrahcx (DDG)?\t\t\t\t\t$249? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL (ORE", "random_deletion": "tr>? FROM:? color=\"#000066\" Helvetica,? sans-serif\">TO:? width=\"12%\">? ? ? width=\"44%\">Boston, MA London Heathrow, UK (LHR)? ? ? Boston, MA (BOS)? $249? ? ? Chicago O'Hare, IL (ORD", "change_char_case": "tr>?\t\t\t\t\tFRoM:?\t\t\t\t\tto:?\t\t\t\t\tPRICE:? \t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t\t ? \t\t? \t\t?\t\t\t\t\tBoston, MA (BOS)?\t\t\t\t\tlONdoN heathrow, UK (LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tBoSton, ma (BoS)?\t\t\t\t\tparIs De gaullE, France (CDG)?\t\t\t\t\t$249? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tCHicAgo O'HarE, IL (ORD", "whitespace_perturbation": "tr>?\t\t\t\t\t< font face= \"Aria l,Hel ve tica , sa ns-serif\">FROM: < /f o nt>< / fo nt>?\t\t\t< t d wi dt h= \"44 %\" > < b>TO: ?\t\t PR I CE: ? \t? \t ? \t\t\t\t\t < /td >? \t< /tr >? \t? \t\t\t< t d wid th= \"44% \">Bo ston, M A (BOS) ?\t\t\t\t\t< f ont fa ce= \"Ar ial, He lvetica , sa ns - s e ri f\"? size=\"2\">Londo nH e at hrow, UK (LHR ) ? \t\t\t $22 9? \t\t?\t\t\t< tr>?\t\t\t\t\t Boston, MA (BOS)< /f ont>?\t\t\t\t Paris De Gaul le, Fran ce (CDG) < / font>? \t\t\t\t< tdw i dt h=\"12%\">$2 49< /t d> ? ?\t\t? \t\t\t\tC hicagoO'Hare, I L ( ORD", "underscore_trick": "tr>?\t\t\t\t\tFROM:?\t\t\t\t\tTO:?\t\t\t\t\tPRICE:? _ _ \t\t?_ __ \t\t?\t\t\t\t\t ? __ __\t\t?_ _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t\tBoston, MA (BOS)?\t\t\t\t\tLondon_Heathrow, UK _(LHR)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tBoston,_MA_(BOS)?\t\t\t\t\tParis De Gaulle, France (CDG)?\t\t\t\t\t$249? _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tChicago O'Hare, IL_ (ORD"} {"text": " after it becomes fully operational, shall be included only in those tariffs or charges associated with services actually provided by the T & D utility to the customer after the facility has become fully operational. So if no services actually provided, there should be no payment.\n\nPlease call with any questions,\nGloria Please see the following articles:\n\nAP Wire services, Tues 3/20: \"Calif. Officials Order Blackouts\"\n\nDow Jones News, Tues 3/20: \"California Panel to Order Utilities to Make $1 \nBillion in Back Payments\"\n\nSF Chron, 3/20: \"As Davis Seeks Money, Lawmakers Want Answers \nMembers of both parties angry at lack of dialogue\"\n\nFresno Bee, Tues 3/20: \"Jones rips state on energy crisis \"\n\nSac Bee, Wed., 3/21: \"Day 2 -- Battling blackouts: Payment plan sought to \nrestart small plants\"\n\nSac Bee, Wed., 3/21: \"Hospitals take hit, seek power guarantee\"\n\nSac Bee, Wed., 3/21: \"Lodi still won't pull the plug\"\n\nSan Diego Union, Tues., 3/20: \"Blackouts hit for second day; break seen \nWednesday\"\nSan Diego Union, Tues., 3/20: \"State power regulators working on energy \nrescue\" \n\nSan Diego Union, Tues., 3/20: \"Federal regulators scored for not ordering \nmore California refunds\"\n\nLA Times, Wed., 3/21: \"Second Day of Blackouts Disrupts 500,000 Home and \nBusinesses\"\nLA Times, Wed., 3/21: \"Fragile Supply Network Apt to Fail\"\n\nLA Times, Wed., 3/21: \"Elevator Anxiety is Riding High\"\n\nLA Times, Wed., 3/21: \"State says it's accelerating plan to buy Power \nUtilities' Grid\"\n\nLA Times, Wed., 3/21: \"L.A., Long Beach File Suits Over Gas Companies' \nPrices \"\n\nLA Times, Wed., 3/21: \"Davis OKs Subsidy of Pollution Fees\"\n\nLA Times, Wed., 3/21:", "synonym_substitution": "after it becomes fully operational, shall be included merely in those duty or charges associated with service actually provide by the T & D utility to the customer after the facility has become in full functional. So if no services actually provided, there should be no payment. \n\n Please call with any doubt, \n Gloria Please see the following articles: \n\n AP Wire overhaul, Tues 3/20: \" Calif. Officials Order Blackouts \" \n\n Dow Jones News, Tues 3/20: \" California Panel to arrange Utilities to Make $ 1 \n Billion in Back Payments \" \n\n SF Chron, 3/20: \" As Davis Seeks Money, Lawmakers desire Answers \n Members of both parties angry at lack of dialogue \" \n\n Fresno Bee, Tues 3/20: \" Jones rip state on energy crisis \" \n\n Sac Bee, We d., 3/21: \" sidereal day 2 -- Battling blackout: Payment plan sought to \n restart small plant \" \n\n Sac Bee, We d., 3/21: \" Hospitals take hit, seek power guarantee \" \n\n Sac Bee, We d., 3/21: \" Lodi still won't pull the plug \" \n\n San Diego Union, Tues. , 3/20: \" Blackouts hit for second day; break seen \n Wednesday \" \n San Diego Union, Tues. , 3/20: \" State power regulators working on department of energy \n rescue \" \n\n San Diego Union, Tues. , 3/20: \" union regulators scored for not ordering \n more California refund \" \n\n LA Times, We d., 3/21: \" Second Day of Blackouts Disrupts 500,000 Home and \n Businesses \" \n LA Times, We d., 3/21: \" Fragile Supply Network Apt to Fail \" \n\n LA Times, We d., 3/21: \" Elevator Anxiety is Riding High \" \n\n LA Times, We d., 3/21: \" department of state says it's accelerating plan to buy Power \n utility' Grid \" \n\n LA Times, We d., 3/21: \" L.A., Long Beach File Suits Over Gas Companies' \n Prices \" \n\n LA Times, We d., 3/21: \" Davis OKs Subsidy of Pollution Fees \" \n\n LA Times, We d., 3/21:", "butter_fingers": " afher it becomes fully opevational, shall bg uncludxd only in thosd tariffs or charges associaved qith wervices actually provkded by tje T & D ytilmty to the customer aftev the nacilntb has become fukly operathonal. So if no sdrrices actually provided, there should be no lajment.\n\nPlease cajl wptr ang questions,\nGloria Please see the fkllowinj articles:\n\nAP Wite services, Tues 3/20: \"Calif. Ofviciwls Order Blackoutd\"\n\nDow Jones Bews, Rues 3/20: \"Califofnia Panel to Order Utjlities to Make $1 \nBillion in Bacy Paykents\"\n\nSF Chtoh, 3/20: \"Ds Davis Sexks Mogey, Lawmakers Want Atswers \nKembers of botm parvies angry at lack of dianogue\"\n\nFresno Bee, Tugs 3/20: \"Jones si's state on energy crusus \"\n\nSaw Bea, Wea., 3/21: \"Aay 2 -- Bzttlinh bmackouts: Pzyment plan sought to \nrestart xmwol plants\"\n\nSac Gee, Weq., 3/21: \"Hospitals take hit, seek power guarantte\"\n\nSac Bee, Wed., 3/21: \"Lodi still win't pull the plug\"\n\nSan Fiego Unijn, Tues., 3/20: \"Blackouts hit for second day; break seen \nWednxsaay\"\nWak Didto Union, Tues., 3/20: \"State power regulators working jh tneggy \nrescue\" \n\nSan Dicgo Union, Tues., 3/20: \"Frdfrsj regulators rcored fod not ordering \nmorf Califjrnia refunds\"\n\nLW Tikes, Wed., 3/21: \"Second Day of Blaxkouts Disruits 500,000 Home and \nBusinesszs\"\nLA Times, Wzd., 3/21: \"Ftagile Supply Network Apt to Yail\"\n\nLA Times, Wed., 3/21: \"Elevatod Anxiety is Ridivg Migv\"\n\nLA Times, Wed., 3/21: \"State says it's acceoeracing plav to buy Pjwer \nUtilihies' Nsid\"\n\nLA Times, Wed., 3/21: \"P.A., Loug Bedch File Skits Over Gas Companies' \nPrices \"\n\nLA Times, Wed., 3/21: \"Ddviv OKs Suysidy pf Pollution Sees\"\n\nLA Times, Wgd., 3/21:", "random_deletion": "after it becomes fully operational, shall be in tariffs or associated with services & utility to the after the facility become fully operational. So if no actually provided, there should be no payment. Please call with any questions, Gloria see the following articles: AP Wire services, Tues 3/20: \"Calif. Officials Order Blackouts\" Jones Tues \"California to Order Utilities to Make $1 Billion in Back Payments\" SF Chron, 3/20: \"As Davis Seeks Lawmakers Want Answers Members of both parties angry lack of dialogue\" Fresno Tues 3/20: \"Jones rips state energy \" Sac Wed., \"Day -- Battling blackouts: plan sought to restart small plants\" Sac Bee, Wed., 3/21: \"Hospitals take hit, seek power guarantee\" Sac Wed., 3/21: won't pull plug\" Diego Tues., 3/20: \"Blackouts second day; break seen Wednesday\" San 3/20: \"State power regulators working on energy rescue\" Diego Union, 3/20: \"Federal regulators scored for not more California refunds\" LA Times, Wed., 3/21: \"Second of Blackouts Disrupts 500,000 Home and Businesses\" LA Times, Wed., 3/21: \"Fragile Supply Network Apt LA Times, Wed., 3/21: Anxiety is Riding LA Wed., \"State it's accelerating to buy Power Utilities' Grid\" LA Times, Wed., 3/21: \"L.A., Long File Suits Over Gas Companies' Prices \" LA Times, Wed., OKs of Pollution Fees\" Times, Wed., 3/21:", "change_char_case": " after it becomes fully operatIonal, shall Be incLudEd oNlY in tHose Tariffs or chargES assOciated with services actUally PrOVideD By The T & D Utility TO tHE CusToMeR afTeR ThE faciLitY has becOme fully opEraTiOnal. So if no seRViCes actuallY prOvided, there sHouLd be no PaYmeNT.\n\nPleaSe cAll wiTh any qUEstionS,\nGloria PlEaSE see thE FollowiNG ArTiclEs:\n\nAP Wire services, TUEs 3/20: \"cAlif. Officials ORder BlAcKOuTS\"\n\ndow jonEs News, Tues 3/20: \"caLiforNIa Panel TO ORDER UtILities to Make $1 \nBIllion in BacK payMents\"\n\nSf CHroN, 3/20: \"as DaviS SeekS MONey, lawmakers WaNt AnSwers \nMembErs of bOTh partiES angry aT lack oF diAloGue\"\n\nFREsNo bee, tuES 3/20: \"JoNEs RipS StaTe on enerGy CrIsis \"\n\nSAc BeE, wED., 3/21: \"day 2 -- BAttLing BlackOuts: Payment plAn sOughT To \nrEstarT smalL plaNtS\"\n\nSac BEe, Wed., 3/21: \"HOspitAlS take hit, seek powEr guArantee\"\n\nSaC BeE, WEd., 3/21: \"LOdI stilL Won't puLl tHe pLug\"\n\nSan DIego UniON, TuEs., 3/20: \"bLACkOuts hit for second daY; bREAk Seen \nWednEsday\"\nSAN DIeGO Union, TuEs., 3/20: \"staTe poWER reguLatoRS wOrking on Energy \nREsCuE\" \n\nSan DieGo union, TUeS., 3/20: \"FeDerAl regULatoRs scorEd for not OrderINg \nmore CalifornIA refunds\"\n\nLA TimES, WED., 3/21: \"seCOnd DAy oF Blackouts DIsruPTs 500,000 HoMe anD \nbuSinESses\"\nLa TimeS, WED., 3/21: \"FRAgile Supply Network APt To Fail\"\n\nlA TimEs, Wed., 3/21: \"Elevator anxiety is RIDINg High\"\n\nLA timeS, weD., 3/21: \"state says it's acCelerAting plan tO Buy Power \nutiliTies' Grid\"\n\nlA Times, WeD., 3/21: \"l.a., Long BeaCh FIle suiTs OVER GAs Companies' \nPrICEs \"\n\nLA tiMes, Wed., 3/21: \"DAviS OKs SubSidY of polLutIoN Fees\"\n\nLA TiMes, Wed., 3/21:", "whitespace_perturbation": " after it becomes fully op erational, shal l b e i nc lude d on ly in those ta r iffs or charges associated with s e rvic e sactua lly pro v id e d by t he T&D u tilit y t o the c ustomer af ter t he facilityh as become fu lly operational . S o if n oser v icesact ually provi d ed, th ere shoul db e no p a yment.P le asecall with any que s ti o ns,\nGloria Ple ase se et he f oll owi ng article s: \n\nAPW ire ser v ic e s , Tu e s 3/20: \"Cali f. Official s Or der Bl ac kou t s\"\n\nDo w Jon es New s, Tues 3/2 0: \" Californi a Pane l to Ord e r Utili ties t o M ake $1Bi ll ion i n Ba c kPay m ent s\"\n\nSF C hr on , 3/2 0: \" A s D avis Se eksMoney , Lawmakers W ant Ans w ers \nMem bersof b ot h par ties a ngryat lack of dialog ue\"\nFresno B ee, T ues 3 /20:\" Jonesrip s s tate on energy cri si s \" \nSac Bee, Wed., 3/2 1: \"D ay 2 --Battli n gbl a ckouts:Pa yme nt p l a n sou ghtt o\nrestart small pl an ts\"\n\nSa cBee, W ed .,3/2 1: \" H ospi tals t ake hit, seek power guarante e \"\n\nSac Bee, W e d. , 3/ 2 1: \"Lo di still wo n'tp ullthep lu g\"San D iegoUn i on , Tues., 3/20: \"Bla ck outs h it fo r second day; break see n Wednesda y\"\nS a nD iego Union, Tu es.,3/20: \"St a te power regu lators w orking on e nergy \nr esc ue\" \nSan D ie go Union, Tue s . , 3/ 20 : \"Fed era l regul ato rssco red f or not or dering mo re C al ifo rniar efunds\"\nL A T im es, Wed. , 3/21: \"Se cond D ay ofBlackou t sD i srup ts 5 00,0 00Ho me an d \nB u sin esses\"LA Times, We d ., 3 /2 1: \"Frag ile Supply Ne tw ork Apt to F ail \"\n\nLAT i mes, Wed ., 3/21: \"Elevator Anx i ety isRid ing H igh\" \n\nLA Time s,Wed.,3/2 1 : \"St ate sa ys it 's ac c e lerat i n gpla nto buy Pow e r \nU tilit ie s' G rid\"\n\nL A Times, Wed., 3/2 1 : \"L.A., Long B eac h Fi l e S uit s O v erGa s Co m p anies' \nPrices\"\n\nLA Time s, We d., 3/21:\"Da vi s OKs S ubsidyof Po l lutionFees\"\n\nLA Times, W ed ., 3 / 2 1:", "underscore_trick": " after_it becomes_fully operational, shall be_included only_in_those tariffs_or_charges associated with_services actually provided_by the T &_D utility to_the_customer after the facility has become fully operational. So if no services actually provided,_there_should be_no_payment.\n\nPlease_call with any questions,\nGloria Please_see the following articles:\n\nAP Wire_services, Tues_3/20: \"Calif. Officials Order Blackouts\"\n\nDow Jones News, Tues_3/20:_\"California Panel to_Order Utilities to Make $1 \nBillion in Back Payments\"\n\nSF_Chron, 3/20: \"As Davis Seeks Money,_Lawmakers Want Answers_\nMembers_of_both parties angry at_lack of dialogue\"\n\nFresno Bee, Tues 3/20:_\"Jones rips state on energy crisis_\"\n\nSac Bee, Wed., 3/21: \"Day 2_-- Battling blackouts: Payment plan sought_to \nrestart small plants\"\n\nSac Bee,_Wed., 3/21:_ \"Hospitals take hit, seek_power guarantee\"\n\nSac Bee,_Wed., 3/21:_ \"Lodi still_won't pull the plug\"\n\nSan Diego Union,_Tues., 3/20: _\"Blackouts hit for second day; break_seen_\nWednesday\"\nSan Diego Union,_Tues.,_3/20:_ \"State_power regulators working_on_energy \nrescue\"_\n\nSan_Diego Union, Tues., 3/20: \"Federal_regulators_scored for not ordering \nmore California refunds\"\n\nLA_Times, Wed., 3/21: _\"Second_Day of Blackouts Disrupts_500,000 Home and \nBusinesses\"\nLA Times,_Wed., 3/21: \"Fragile Supply Network_Apt to_Fail\"\n\nLA Times,_Wed., 3/21: \"Elevator Anxiety is Riding High\"\n\nLA Times, Wed., 3/21:_ \"State says it's accelerating plan_to buy Power \nUtilities'_Grid\"\n\nLA Times,_Wed.,_3/21: \"L.A.,_Long_Beach File_Suits Over Gas Companies' \nPrices \"\n\nLA Times,_Wed., 3/21:_ \"Davis OKs Subsidy of Pollution_Fees\"\n\nLA Times, Wed., 3/21:"} {"text": "ATIVE DEAL WITH EDISON\nTo date, the governor has announced a tentative agreement with Edison for the \nstate to buy the utility's power lines for almost $3 billion. Discussions \nwith PG&E for a similar accord have dragged on for weeks. \nAn Edison official, asking that his name be withheld, acknowledged yesterday \nthat an end to the rate freeze is an expected result of the power- line sale. \n\"Once the details of the pact are complete, dominoes will fall,\" the official \nsaid. \"One of the dominoes is the rate freeze.\" \nA PG&E spokesman declined to comment. \nIn fact, both Edison and PG&E have been aggressively seeking an end to the \nrate freeze for months. \nThe two utilities have a lawsuit pending in federal court demanding that the \nPUC immediately raise rates so the utilities can recover almost $13 billion \nin debt accrued as a result of the freeze. \n\"They have been trying a lot of things to get the rate freeze ended in \nvarious forms,\" said Carl Wood, who sits on the PUC. \"Adding it to the \npresent talks is consistent with past behavior.\" \nWall Street has taken note that the negotiations no longer appear to be \nmaking progress. \nPaul Patterson, an energy industry analyst at Credit Suisse First Boston, \ntold clients on Monday that the discussions \"may have lost some momentum in \nrecent days.\" He did not give a reason. \nFor his part, the governor sounded unusually cautious about the course of the \ntalks when asked late last week if a breakthrough was imminent. \nSECRET STICKING POINTS\n\"We are going to take the transmission systems and the land that's deeded, \nand we will work out an agreement,\" Davis said at an appearance in San Jose. \n\"But there are a number of sticking points in the talks with PG&E that I'm \nnot going to reveal.\" \nOne of those sticking points apparently is an insistence that the sale of \nutility assets include a long-sought lifting of the rate freeze. \nSources said lawyers from both PG&E and Edison had inserted the related terms \ninto draft accords affecting each utility, and that the full impact of the \nadditions was not realized by state officials until this week. \nOne source", "synonym_substitution": "ATIVE DEAL WITH EDISON \n To date, the governor has announced a tentative agreement with Edison for the \n state to bribe the utility program's world power lines for almost $ 3 billion. discussion \n with PG&E for a similar accord have drag on for weeks. \n An Edison official, asking that his name be withhold, acknowledged yesterday \n that an end to the pace freeze is an expected result of the power- line sale. \n \" Once the details of the pact are accomplished, dominoes will fall, \" the official \n said. \" One of the dominoes is the rate freeze. \" \n A PG&E spokesman worsen to comment. \n In fact, both Edison and PG&E have been aggressively seeking an end to the \n pace freeze for months. \n The two utilities receive a lawsuit pending in union court demanding that the \n PUC immediately raise rates so the utilities can recover about $ 13 billion \n in debt accrued as a result of the freeze. \n \" They have been trying a lot of things to get the pace freeze end in \n various forms, \" said Carl Wood, who sits on the PUC. \" Adding it to the \n present talks is consistent with past behavior. \" \n Wall Street has taken bill that the negotiations no longer appear to be \n make advancement. \n Paul Patterson, an department of energy industry analyst at Credit Suisse First Boston, \n told clients on Monday that the discussions \" may have lost some momentum in \n recent days. \" He did not give a rationality. \n For his part, the governor sounded unusually cautious about the course of the \n talks when asked late final week if a breakthrough was imminent. \n SECRET STICKING point \n \" We are going to accept the transmission systems and the land that's deeded, \n and we will work out an agreement, \" Davis said at an appearance in San Jose. \n \" But there constitute a number of sticking points in the talk with PG&E that I'm \n not going to reveal. \" \n One of those sticking points obviously is an insistence that the sale of \n utility assets include a long - sought lifting of the pace freeze. \n Sources said lawyers from both PG&E and Edison had inserted the relate terms \n into gulp accords affecting each utility, and that the full impact of the \n addition was not realized by country officials until this week. \n One source", "butter_fingers": "ATIGE DEAL WITH EDISON\nTo daue, the governor hcw annonnced a tentatixe agreement with Edison for tye \nstqte to buy the utility'r power lpnes for qlmowr $3 billion. Discussljns \nslth PY&E for a similar accord haee dragged on xof ceeks. \nAn Edison official, asking that his nake be withheld, asknoejedgsd yesterday \nthat an end to the rafe freeee is an expected tesult of the power- line swle. \n\"Lnce the details ov the pact qre simplete, domivoes will fall,\" the offjcial \nsaid. \"One of the dominoes ks thz rate freeez.\" \nA OC&E spokesmai declpned to commekn. \nIn fawt, both Edison and PG&C havx bewn aggressively seekiig an end to the \nratg freeze fmr months. \nThe two urioitiev haee a oawruiu pxndjng in feveral court demanding rhat the \nPUC immedistqoy raise ratea so tre utilities can recover almost $13 billion \npn dsbt accrued as a result of the freeze. \n\"They hwve been erying a lot of things to get the rate freeze endad in \nxarnius fuemd,\" said Carl Wood, who sits on the PUC. \"Adding ie tp nhe \npresent talks is consistrnh eyth past behaxior.\" \nWcml Street has taken jote thwt thw negotiauions no longer appear to be \nmakung progress. \nPaul Patterson, an znergy induscry anslyst at Credit Suisse First Bosfon, \ntold cllents on Junday that the dksclssimns \"may have lost some momqntum in \ncecenc days.\" Hd dic not dive a readon. \nFor his part, the govfrnor smunded unudually cautious about the coursx of the \ntalkx fhet asked jate kast week if w breakthrough was imiineng. \nSECRET SNICKING PMINTS\n\"We are going to taka the transmivsion syftemw ane the lxvd that's deedec, \nand we cnll work iut an agreement,\" Devis aaid at an appecxabce in San Jose. \n\"Bug trege ere a tumber of sthckivg opints in the taljr wiyh PG&E that I'm \nnot gming to reveal.\" \nOne of yhjse sticjing poigts apparentlu is an insistence that thx sale of \nutility assets include a long-aought livtikg of the ratq frceze. \nSources scid lawyers from both PG&E and Edison had inserted the relared terms \ninto drafj agcords affecving ewch utilidy, and that the full impact of the \nadcitions was not realiaed by statf officials until this week. \nOne source", "random_deletion": "ATIVE DEAL WITH EDISON To date, the announced tentative agreement Edison for the power for almost $3 Discussions with PG&E a similar accord have dragged on weeks. An Edison official, asking that his name be withheld, acknowledged yesterday that end to the rate freeze is an expected result of the power- line \"Once details the are complete, dominoes will fall,\" the official said. \"One of the dominoes is the rate freeze.\" PG&E spokesman declined to comment. In fact, both and PG&E have been seeking an end to the freeze months. The utilities a pending in federal demanding that the PUC immediately raise rates so the utilities can recover almost $13 billion in debt as a the freeze. have trying lot of things the rate freeze ended in various Wood, who sits on the PUC. \"Adding it the present is consistent with past behavior.\" Wall has taken note that the negotiations no longer to be making progress. Paul Patterson, an energy industry analyst at Credit Suisse First Boston, on Monday that the \"may have lost momentum recent He not give reason. For his part, the governor sounded unusually cautious about the of the talks when asked late last week if a imminent. STICKING POINTS \"We going to take the systems the land that's deeded, will out said an in San Jose. \"But are a number of sticking in the talks with to reveal.\" One of those sticking points apparently an insistence that the sale of utility include a long-sought lifting of the rate freeze. Sources said lawyers from PG&E and inserted the related terms into draft accords affecting utility, and that the impact of the additions was not realized by state until week. One", "change_char_case": "ATIVE DEAL WITH EDISON\nTo date, The governoR has aNnoUncEd A tenTatiVe agreement witH edisOn for the \nstate to buy the uTilitY's POwer LInEs for Almost $3 bILlION. DiScUsSioNs \nWItH PG&E fOr a Similar Accord have DraGgEd on for weeks. \naN EDison officIal, Asking that hiS naMe be wiThHelD, AcknoWleDged yEsterdAY \nthat aN end to the RaTE freezE Is an expECTeD resUlt of the power- line SAlE. \n\"once the details Of the pAcT ArE COmpLetE, dominoes wIlL fall,\" THe officIAl \nSAID. \"OnE Of the dominoes Is the rate frEEze.\" \na PG&E spOkEsmAN decliNed to CoMMenT. \nIn fact, both edisOn and PG&E hAve beeN AggressIVely seeKing an End To tHe \nraTE fReEze FoR MonTHs. \nthe TWo uTilities HaVe A lawsUit pENDINg in FedEral Court Demanding that The \npUC iMMedIatelY raisE ratEs So the UtilitIes caN rEcover almost $13 bilLion \nIn debt accRueD aS a rEsUlt of THe freeZe. \n\"THey Have beeN trying A Lot Of THINgS to get the rate freezE eNDEd In \nvariouS forms,\" SAiD CARl Wood, whO sIts On thE puC. \"AddIng iT To The \npreseNt talkS Is CoNsistenT wIth pasT bEhaVioR.\" \nWall sTreeT has taKen note tHat thE Negotiations no LOnger appear to BE \nmAKInG ProgResS. \nPaul PatterSon, aN EnerGy inDUsTry ANalysT at CrEdIT SUIsse First Boston, \ntold ClIents oN MondAy that the discUssions \"may HAVE lost somE momENtUM in \nrecent days.\" HE did nOt give a reaSOn. \nFor his Part, tHe governOr sounded UNUsually cAutIouS abOut THE cOurse of the \ntalKS When AsKed late LasT week if A brEakThrOugH wAs imminenT. \nSECRET StIcKiNg PoINtS\n\"We aRE going to TaKe tHe TraNsmisSIon sysTems aNd thE lAnD ThaT's deedeD, \nAnD WE wilL wOrK out An aGrEemenT,\" DavIS saId at an aPpearance In SAN JosE. \n\"BUt There arE a number of stiCkIng points iN tHe tAlks wiTH pG&E that I'M \nnot going to reveal.\" \nOne of tHOse sticKinG poinTs apParently iS an InsistEncE That thE sale oF \nutilItY asSETs incLUDe A loNg-Sought liftING of The raTe FreeZe. \nSourcEs said lawyers from bOTh Pg&E and Edison haD inSertED ThE reLAtED teRmS \nIntO DRaft accords affeCting each uTiLItY, and that thE FulL iMpact of The \naddiTions WAs not reAlized by sTate officIaLs unTIL thIs week. \nOne sOurce", "whitespace_perturbation": "ATIVE DEAL WITH EDISON\nTodate, thegover nor ha sanno unce d a tentativea gree ment with Edison for t he \ns ta t e to bu y the utilit y 's p owe rli nes f o ralmos t $ 3 billi on. Discus sio ns \nwith PG&Ef or a similar ac cord have dr agg ed onfo r w e eks.\nAn Edis on off i cial,asking th at his na m e be wi t h he ld,acknowledged yest e rd a y \nthat an end to th er at e fre eze is an exp ec ted r e sult of th e p owe r - line sale.\n\"Once thed eta ils of t hep act ar e com pl e te, dominoes w illfall,\" th e offi c ial \nsa i d. \"One of th e d omi noes is t hera t e f r ee ze. \" \nA PG&E sp ok es man d ecli n e d to c omm ent. \nInfact, both Ed iso n an d PG &E ha ve be en a gg ressi vely s eekin gan end to the rate freeze f ormo nth s. \nThe two ut ili tie s havea lawsu i t p en d i n gin federal court d em a n di ng thatthe \nP U Cim m ediately r ais e ra t e s sotheu ti lities c an rec o ve ralmost$1 3 bill io n indebta ccru ed asa result of t h e freeze. \n\"Th e y have been t r yi n g a lotofthings to g et t h e ra te f r ee zee ndedin \nv ar i ou s forms,\" said CarlWo od, wh o sit s on the PUC. \"Adding i t t o the \np rese n tt alks is consis tentwith pastb ehavior. \" \nWa ll Stree t has tak e n note th atthe ne got i a ti ons no longer a ppea rto be mak ing pro gre ss. \nP aul P atterson, an ener gy i nd us try anal y st at Cr ed itSu iss e Fir s t Bost on, told c li e nts on Mon d ay t hatth edisc uss io ns \"m ay h a velost so me moment umi n \nr ec en t days. \" He did notgi ve a reaso n. \nF or his p art, the governor sounded unusu a lly cau tio us ab outthe cours e o f the\nta l ks whe n aske d lat elas t weeki f a br ea kthrough w a s im minen t. \nSE CRET ST ICKING POINTS\n\"Wea regoing to take th e tr a n sm iss i on sys te m s a n d the land that' s deeded,\na n dwe will wo r k o ut an agr eement, \" Dav i s saidat an app earance i nSanJ o se. \n\"But the re are a number o f stic k in g poi nts in th etal ks wi th PG& E th at I' m \nnot g oing t o rev ea l.\" \nOne of those sticking poin ts app arent lyis an ins ist e nce that the sal e of \nutil ity as setsinc l ude a lon g -s oug h t lif ting of the ra t efre e z e. \nSources s a i d la wyers fr o m both PG& E and Edison hadi nserted the re late d ter msinto d raft accords a ffe ct i n g each u ti lity, and t hat thefu l l imp act of the additio n s w a s notreal ize d by stat e o ff i cials u nt il this w eek. One so urce", "underscore_trick": "ATIVE DEAL_WITH EDISON\nTo_date, the governor has_announced a_tentative_agreement with_Edison_for the \nstate_to buy the_utility's power lines for_almost $3 billion._Discussions_\nwith PG&E for a similar accord have dragged on for weeks. \nAn Edison official,_asking_that his_name_be_withheld, acknowledged yesterday \nthat an_end to the rate freeze_is an_expected result of the power- line sale. \n\"Once_the_details of the_pact are complete, dominoes will fall,\" the official \nsaid._\"One of the dominoes is the_rate freeze.\" \nA_PG&E_spokesman_declined to comment. \nIn_fact, both Edison and PG&E have_been aggressively seeking an end to_the \nrate freeze for months. \nThe two_utilities have a lawsuit pending in_federal court demanding that the_\nPUC immediately_raise rates so the utilities_can recover almost_$13 billion_\nin debt accrued_as a result of the freeze._\n\"They have been_trying a lot of things to_get_the rate freeze_ended_in_\nvarious forms,\"_said Carl Wood,_who_sits on_the_PUC. \"Adding it to the \npresent_talks_is consistent with past behavior.\" \nWall Street_has taken note that_the_negotiations no longer appear_to be \nmaking progress. \nPaul_Patterson, an energy industry analyst at_Credit Suisse_First Boston,_\ntold clients on Monday that the discussions \"may have lost some_momentum in \nrecent days.\" He did_not give a reason._\nFor his_part,_the governor sounded_unusually_cautious about_the course of the \ntalks when asked_late last_week if a breakthrough was imminent._\nSECRET STICKING POINTS\n\"We are_going_to take the transmission systems and_the land that's deeded, \nand we_will work out an agreement,\"_Davis_said_at an appearance in San_Jose. \n\"But there are a number_of sticking points_in the talks with PG&E that I'm_\nnot_going to reveal.\" \nOne of those_sticking_points apparently is an insistence that_the_sale_of \nutility assets include a_long-sought lifting of the rate freeze._\nSources said lawyers from both PG&E and Edison had_inserted the related_terms \ninto draft accords affecting_each_utility,_and that the full impact of the \nadditions was not_realized by_state officials until_this week. \nOne source"} {"text": "ami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tCaracas, Venezuela (CCS)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tMexico City, Mexico (MEX)?\t\t\t\t\t$209? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tPuerto Plata, Dominican Republic (POP)?\t\t\t\t\t$179? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA))?\t\t\t\t\tSan Salvador, El Salvador (SAL)?\t\t\t\t\t$319? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t ? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Caracas, Venezuela (CCS)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$229? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Miami, FL (MIA)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Mexico City, Mexico (MEX)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$209? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Miami, FL (MIA)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic (POP)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$179? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">Miami, FL (MIA))? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"44%\">San Salvador, El Salvador (SAL)? \t\t\t\t\t < td width=\"12%\">$319? \t\t < /tr >? \t\t\t\t < tr >? \t\t\t < td colspan=", "butter_fingers": "ami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tZaracas, Venezuela (CCS)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tMexico Citi, Mexpcj (MSQ)?\t\t\t\t\t$209? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tIuami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tPjerto Plata, Domunucaj Republic ('OP)?\t\t\t\t\t$179? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, DL (MIA))
?\t\t\t\t\tSan Salvador, El Ssldqdor (SAL)?\t\t\t\t\t$319? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t ? $229? ? sans-serif\"? FL (MIA)? ? $209? ? ? Miami, FL (MIA)? Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic (POP)? $179? ? ? San Salvador, El Salvador (SAL)? ? ? ?\t\t\t\t\tcaracas, VenezueLA (CCS)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tMExiCo CitY, MexicO (mEX)?\t\t\t\t\t$209? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMIaMi, FL (Mia)?\t\t\t\t\tPuErTo PLAta, DomInicaN REPubLic (POP)?\t\t\t\t\t$179? \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMIAMI, fL (MIa))?\t\t\t\t\tSAn salvaDor, El SAlvadOr (sAL)?\t\t\t\t\t$319? \t\t?\t\t\t\t? \t\t\t ?\t\t\t\t\t< font fac e=\"Arial, Helv e tica , sans-serif\"? size=\"2 \">Car ac a s, V e ne zuela (CCS) < /f o n t>< /t d> ?\t\t< font size= \"2\" f ace=\"Arial,? He lvetica,sa ns- serif\">$229< /fo nt> ? \t\t< /tr>? \t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t< f ont fac e = \"A rial , Helvetica, sans - se r if\"? size=\"2\"> Miami, F L ( M IA) ? \t\t\t\t Mex ic o Ci ty, Mexico (ME X) ? \t\t\t\t< fon t s ize= \" 2\" f ace =\" A ria l ,? He l vet ica,sans -s er if\">$ 209< / f o n t> ? \t\t?\t\t\t\t< tr> ?\t\t\t M iam i, FL ( MIA)< /td>?\t\t\t\tP uer to P l a ta, D omin i ca n Republ ic (P O P) ?\t\t\t\t< tdwid th=\"1 2 %\">< font s ize=\"2\"face= \" Arial,? Helvet i ca,sans-serif \" >$ 1 7 9< / font >? \t\t< / tr>? \t\t\t< tr >?\t\t\t M i a mi, FL (MIA ) )< / font>?\t\t\t\t Sa n Salvador, E l Salv ad or (SA L)< /font>< /td >?\t\t\t$ 319< /t d >? \t< / t r>?\t\t< tr>? \t\t < t d c olspan= ", "underscore_trick": "ami, FL_ (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tCaracas, Venezuela__(CCS)?\t\t\t\t\t$229? _ _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tMexico City, Mexico (MEX)?\t\t\t\t\t$209?___ _\t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL_ (MIA)?\t\t\t\t\tPuerto Plata,_Dominican_Republic (POP)?\t\t\t\t\t$179? _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t?\t\t\t\t\tMiami, FL__(MIA))?\t\t\t\t\tSan Salvador, El Salvador (SAL)?\t\t\t\t\t$319? _ \t\t?\t\t\t\t? _ _ \t\t\t