{"original": "A Gerber baby formula was distributed to stores despite a recall over possible contamination, according to the FDA. The company is encouraging parents to check any products they have at home and discard those that may be affected.", "scrambled_20%": "A reGebr baby ulfaorm was titbudiserd to stores despite a recall over possible contamination, according to the FDA. The company is encouraging parents to check any products they have ta home and cdisadr sehot that may eb affected.", "scrambled_50%": "A reGebr baby ulfaorm wsa titbudiserd ot soetsr despite a recall over possible contamination, according to the FDA. heT company si noniacrggue parents ot ckhec any poducsrt yhte have ta home nda cdisadr sehot that may eb affected.", "scrambled_100%": "A reGebr byba ulfaorm wsa titbudiserd ot soetsr epdstie a lclera eovr bslpioes ionmanantitco, grnoadicc ot eth ADF. heT pyomacn si noniacrggue rptsean ot ckhec yna poducsrt yhte evah ta mhoe nda cdisadr sehot taht aym eb ecaeftdf.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A Greerb byab frlauom wsa dtsuidiebtr to sosetr dstpeei a rcllae oevr psolsebi camtooiantnin, agndiccro to teh FAD. Teh cmpnyoa is enignocrgua prestna to cekhc ayn pducrost thye heav at hmeo adn dacsdir theos taht mya be atefcfde.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A Gberer bbay fmlroua was ditrsiutbed to streos dsteipe a rcalel oevr pbiolsse coaiinmtoatnn, aciorcdng to the FDA. The capomny is einuoangrcg pntares to cechk any ptucrdos tehy hvae at hmoe and drsiacd tshoe taht may be aftcfeed.", "substituted": "A KDCFfQ CBDp DOzcMaq uOc VrZTECwQIIk mx NEGiEC JUcwvpg a fkzLyN gBca sEukRQmY rDAMlzGSqWIsI, lRFjyNAZn Mv Hlp GtN. Rsk gcNKYgs ht BJMxJzGTlKD jiYYgDk Ai SnQML FNG DJeexgjg YHDv Bqcc jm OIli ReJ uJyYqvR elGSE CqUs PFb Wq mFYxvCpa."} {"original": "A child in Maine has tested positive for measles, state health officials said. While the virus was declared eliminated more than two decades ago, health officials say vaccination rates in the US have dropped in recent years, sparking new outbreaks.", "scrambled_20%": "A child in ianeM has tested positive for measles, state health officials said. ihleW the virus asw declared eliminated mreo than two sdeceda ago, health fliasoicf say vaccination rates ni the US have dropped ni recent years, sparking new outbreaks.", "scrambled_50%": "A child ni ianeM has tested positive for measles, state thahel ififsaloc said. ihleW hte virus asw declared eliminated mreo hnat otw sdeceda ago, tlhhae fliasoicf say vaccination rates ni the SU ehva ppedodr ni recent years, sparking enw osaebutrk.", "scrambled_100%": "A lichd ni ianeM sha steetd ipiotvse rof smeaels, ettas thahel ififsaloc isda. ihleW hte sirvu asw caeddrel eitamdniel mreo hnat otw sdeceda goa, tlhhae fliasoicf ays naonicitvac asert ni eth SU ehva ppedodr ni tencer eryas, rangpsik enw osaebutrk.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A cildh in Minae hsa testde povsitie fro mseasle, sttae hleaht ocfasifil sdai. Welhi teh vrisu wsa dcldraee edtaniemil mreo tnah tow dsaedce aog, hthlae oislaicff sya vianointcca retas in teh US heav depdorp in rtceen yarse, skprgian nwe oktuesbar.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A clhid in Manie has tteesd pvoitsie for meseals, satte heltah ofliicafs siad. Wlhie the vuris was derlaecd eiilamentd mroe tahn two daeceds ago, hleath oafiflics say vtaionccain reats in the US hvae dpoerpd in rnecet yreas, skpirnag new okrtbueas.", "substituted": "A DUFOD Ml UBkHQ xej PuVsJQ TtHGHrAD VyV XCfxXnG, VJHxg kcmPPn gPLymudAN PWtE. OwxVs fTJ LeNVu klA bAnwLmIL dcLyAvNPlY TAgA AZlN yKz eNelupd CXm, WAOysN lqluhKZdo LCZ VDNmxCwKHEz FDFMF BV RTM XY nhCQ lhNZxlb vd bMvQve hqhCV, XEYwcmlM ADL LWeBmLLDM."} {"original": "A chocolate sculpture weighing more than 50 pounds was unveiled by a confectionery brand to mark King Charles III\u2019s coronation on May 6 in London\u2019s Westminster Abbey.", "scrambled_20%": "A chocolate sculpture genghiiw more than 50 pounds was unveiled by a confectionery brand ot mark King Charles III\u2019s coronation no May 6 in nLnodo\u2019s Westminster bbAey.", "scrambled_50%": "A chocolate eurtslupc genghiiw more than 50 odupsn was unveiled yb a neccneiootyfr radnb ot mark King lhrCeas III\u2019s coronation no May 6 in nLnodo\u2019s rmesnWetsit bbAey.", "scrambled_100%": "A tchacloeo eurtslupc genghiiw omre naht 50 odupsn swa ndleeuvi yb a neccneiootyfr radnb ot kmra igKn lhrCeas III\u2019s aconnroito no aMy 6 ni nLnodo\u2019s rmesnWetsit bbAey.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A chctleooa spetlruuc wgineghi mreo tnah 50 pdnsou wsa uldeiven by a ceecfiyronont bandr to mrka Kgin Cashrel III\u2019s cooinranto on Mya 6 in Lodnno\u2019s Wmsetisernt Aybbe.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A ctoaclohe sutuclpre wngiiehg mroe tahn 50 pudons was uvnieeld by a cnicoofnrteey brnad to mrak Knig Cerhlas III\u2019s cnooiortan on May 6 in Lodonn\u2019s Wmsiesnettr Aebby.", "substituted": "A SYYmhTzea irqmfEajs OBdKldTz nOKI htUO 50 UdPdNd PEG boitnqqz gI a OJMNBKXbiaibd RCWRm be wbLr QoJa MEEwmcA EZk\u2019s AcbQCwlVdx uj YhJ 6 vP PXICHj\u2019s nkuTBkbyIRU UUyRe."} {"original": "A crane collapsed Wednesday in New York City while the operator was lifting about 16 tons of concrete, officials said. Dramatic video showed flames and smoke rising from the crane before its boom fell, hitting a building across the street.", "scrambled_20%": "A crane collapsed Wednesday in New York tCiy ilwhe the reoarotp was lifting otuba 16 tons of concrete, officials said. Dramatic video showed flames nda smoke rising from eth eacrn before its boom fell, hitting a building across the street.", "scrambled_50%": "A crane collapsed anesdyedW ni New York tCiy ilwhe the reoarotp asw lifting otuba 16 sotn of concrete, flciosfia isda. mtiraDca idevo showed flames nda meoks rising mrof eth eacrn before its boom fell, hitting a building across the eetstr.", "scrambled_100%": "A raenc lpdlaecso anesdyedW ni ewN oYkr tCiy ilwhe eth reoarotp asw tlifnig otuba 16 sotn fo neocecrt, flciosfia isda. mtiraDca idevo dwesoh efalms nda meoks ginrsi mrof eth eacrn reobef sit omob lfel, nhgtiti a dlbgiuni oscras eht eetstr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A cnaer cslpoadel Wseddaney in Nwe Yrko Cyti wlhei teh orrapeto wsa lfntiig auotb 16 tnso of certeonc, oaiiclffs sdai. Dacrmita voedi sweodh fsmela adn seokm rngisi fomr teh cnrae brfeeo ist bmoo fell, hinigtt a budiignl arscos teh srttee.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A canre colspaeld Wseanddey in New Yrok Ctiy wlhie the orteapor was ltnfiig aubot 16 tnos of cctroene, oifafclis siad. Daaitmrc veido soehwd fealms and skmoe rsinig form the canre boerfe its boom flel, hinttig a biildnug ascors the seetrt.", "substituted": "A qVkzo BUtElhBCg EpAbDEPLU FG mSW naEm AhXB idEdS NXb aIVKrLFf Rly LRVfgey HNGSR 16 lqpy MJ eGBxwavS, zPoqwuMrj jDlp. hElZfzJg zOYZf XPAJTJ jeRAEf WKD NkIYb tHYTMd BXuk Ynb JLddl ECulWj TVc wIId LEAu, HJyPUEu a jcayCpRF zZmeJV WkN GTBuKR."} {"original": "A deadly train crash in India has renewed calls for authorities to confront safety issues in a railway system that transports more than 13 million passengers every day.", "scrambled_20%": "A dadeyl train crash in India has renewed clsal rfo authorities ot confront safety issues in a liyraaw system that transports more than 13 million passengers every day.", "scrambled_50%": "A dadeyl train crash in India has renewed clsal rfo authorities ot foornctn ytasfe seusis in a liyraaw ysmets that pattnrsosr remo than 13 million passengers ryeve day.", "scrambled_100%": "A dadeyl anrti sacrh ni iaInd sha rndeewe clsal rfo osiruihaett ot foornctn ytasfe seusis ni a liyraaw ysmets atth pattnrsosr remo hnta 13 minioll eernagspss ryeve dya.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A dyedal tirna chras in Idani hsa rednewe casll fro aosteuiihtr to cntnrfoo seytaf issseu in a ryliawa smeyts taht trtsrnopas mroe tanh 13 milonli psasnreges eyevr dya.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A ddlaey tiran casrh in Iinda has reewned cllas for aoriiteuhts to cnofornt seftay isesus in a rwlaiay seytsm taht trtaposrns mroe tahn 13 mliolin psgearsnes ervey day.", "substituted": "A MnKXvs vKCYT VSITZ BN maVMC HUF YWROTgq FRVUy EHg LvvGMPmFqzA sx TpCBmpVT hzqZmL QlkDAU YY a VYcXVlk wNtCdg KrGf yFUiXmLRWd ZFyA KnSC 13 GVCFxek PSJaNHpZTU mmgVA fGd."} {"original": "A giant, stinky seaweed blob is headed to Florida. It\u2019s expected to become prevalent on beaches in July, potentially threatening to put a damper on the summer tourist season.", "scrambled_20%": "A giant, stinky seaweed blob is deeahd to oidlFar. It\u2019s expected to become prevalent on beaches in ylJu, tenoltaylpi threatening to put a damper on eth summer tourist season.", "scrambled_50%": "A tagin, ysknti aesewed blob is deeahd to oidlFar. It\u2019s eectdpex to become prevalent on beaches in ylJu, tenoltaylpi naehrgeintt to ptu a damper no eth summer riuostt aoesns.", "scrambled_100%": "A tagin, ysknti aesewed lobb si deeahd ot oidlFar. tI\u2019s eectdpex ot coemeb venrtaepl no abhcees ni ylJu, tenoltaylpi naehrgeintt ot ptu a pemard no eth muesrm riuostt aoesns.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A gatin, sytnik seawdee blbo is hadede to Frdaoil. It\u2019s epdexetc to beemco penvtreal on bheasce in Jlyu, pleotltnaiy tnaiterehgn to ptu a dpmear on teh smrmue ttosuri soeans.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A ganit, skitny saeweed bolb is hadeed to Folirda. It\u2019s etpecxed to bmoece penrlevat on bcheeas in Jluy, pintaollety trneaehintg to put a depamr on the smemur tuiosrt saosen.", "substituted": "A EXyuq, cRdcDI kgwQRsY BKJu yw XyCslv em jPdDTWI. Mi\u2019s KgrPzvEC xT SteHCR XMlLJKkdL Ri FGtJGay dd NiBp, AkrijKOlaDX LqDZJSqLOsK sQ mSP a QxeQfW tx FEf WNLSyt EVwxeqU VwENTd."} {"original": "A global study by researchers at Oxford University\u2019s Reuters Institute found that worldwide, 48% of people were very or extremely interested in the news \u2013 down from 63% in 2017. The proportion was even lower in the UK, as audiences \u201ccut back on depressing news\u201d to protect their mental health, said the study authors.", "scrambled_20%": "A goalbl study yb researchers at Oxford University\u2019s Reuters Institute found tath worldwide, 48% of people were very or extremely interested in the news \u2013 down from 63% in 2017. The otirorponp was vnee lower in teh UK, sa acueidsen \u201ccut ckba no depressing news\u201d to protect their mental health, said the study authors.", "scrambled_50%": "A goalbl study yb ecrehrasrse at xOodrf veystrnUii\u2019s Reuters Institute found tath worldwide, 48% fo people were very or erlexmtye interested in hte esnw \u2013 down ormf 63% in 2017. hTe otirorponp was vnee lower in teh KU, sa acueidsen \u201ccut ckba no pigrednsse news\u201d to pcrotet their mental hatelh, asdi the study authors.", "scrambled_100%": "A goalbl dsuty yb ecrehrasrse ta xOodrf veystrnUii\u2019s eRtreus tIsiettun udnfo tath idldwwroe, 48% fo eopepl reew yver ro erlexmtye rtneitesed ni hte esnw \u2013 wnod ormf 63% ni 2017. hTe otirorponp asw vnee rlewo ni teh KU, sa acueidsen \u201cctu ckba no pigrednsse sewn\u201d ot pcrotet irthe mtenla hatelh, asdi eth ydtsu uahrots.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A galbol sdtyu by rhrcsseerea at Ooxfdr Uvtrnsyiie\u2019s Rreeust Ieutsnitt funod tath wwerldido, 48% of ppoele wree vyer or etremyxel isteetednr in teh nwes \u2013 dnwo fmor 63% in 2017. Teh pnriotroop wsa eevn lweor in teh UK, as adsnuceei \u201cctu bkac on derigspesn nwse\u201d to pecttor tehri mateln hehalt, sadi teh sdtyu asouhtr.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A golabl sduty by rrhrsaeeecs at Oforxd Utrvnseiiy\u2019s Rtreeus Isnitttue funod taht wliordwde, 48% of peploe wree vrey or eelrtexmy ietntersed in the nwes \u2013 dwon form 63% in 2017. The poirptroon was eevn leowr in the UK, as audeicens \u201ccut bcak on drepisesng nwes\u201d to pcrtoet tiher metnal htealh, siad the sduty aurthos.", "substituted": "A KJaEpK jozJv pz gWypvdPuWaH hD TXxbtk aiorqWeGBV\u2019s aPnlOLn SSupMSCbf RJcdv uvlk NLPPbbMlT, 48% NR itmxxP YsAn WWUx jG JoyLMcLaj YTnldgyyhS th zqw dDyT \u2013 UJPA diLb 63% MH 2017. LRE wHNOOtzrza NUF JTxs uZcBy CB lWR ey, xG FsXdFtdye \u201cGYU jdZp PW gxICchSKQl HtBT\u201d Rl kjzQQaF rpxJb ODvVbR NuJSzR, RBdf IZN uLtez GzfjFeu."} {"original": "A high of 38.8C was recorded in the Andalusian city on Thursday, as hot air sweeping into Spain from North Africa this week results in temperatures up to 15C warmer than expected for April.", "scrambled_20%": "A high of 38.8C was recordde in the Andalusian city on rdTuhsya, sa hot air sweeping otni Spain from North Africa this week results ni temperatures up to 15C warmer than edectepx for April.", "scrambled_50%": "A high of 38.8C was recordde in eth aAnsidnula tyic no rdTuhsya, sa hot ira sweeping otni Spain mfro North Africa stih week results ni temperatures pu to 15C rrawem athn edectepx for April.", "scrambled_100%": "A high fo 38.8C aws recordde ni eth aAnsidnula tyic no rdTuhsya, sa toh ira ienepsgw otni Sainp mfro hNtro afAcir stih ewke rlsetsu ni samrreteuetp pu ot 15C rrawem athn edectepx orf iArpl.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A hihg of 38.8C wsa rrddceeo in teh Adananlusi cyit on Tdyhsrau, as hto ari seignpwe iont Sipna frmo Norht Aafirc tshi weke rstlues in teersrapmetu up to 15C wrmare tanh excteedp fro Aiplr.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A hgih of 38.8C was rerdecod in the Aaundaisln ctiy on Tusadrhy, as hot air senwpeig itno Sapin form Ntorh Acfira tihs week retusls in tuareepmrtes up to 15C wmearr tahn eeetxpcd for Aripl.", "substituted": "A jCrk RZ 38.8C CeC hdZdTBAQ xB QYl LoArGCLASD LPPH sp jNrXvrIN, QU xQd lRV XykLVYtR QgJW gjIVp vKpv grdkA FMkeqT necO uXtn iCudpCv KA JAcbXTGEkcDX pc JS 15C HTcYVg nGAU tDOJCbNo DiF SXJjX."} {"original": "A killer pox has killed up to 80% of red squirrels in one winter at the few sites they are still found in Wales. Nearly 11,000 people have signed a petition calling for the Welsh government to fund vaccine research in order to protect Wales\u2019 small population of red squirrels \u2013 there are only about 1,000 left in North Wales. Invasive, non-native grey squirrels carry squirrel pox virus, but are not affected by it.", "scrambled_20%": "A killer pox has killed up ot 80% of red squirrels in one etiwrn ta the few sites they are still found in Wales. Nerlay 11,000 people have signed a peotitni calling rfo the Welsh government to fund vicncae research in order ot protect lWase\u2019 small population of red squirrels \u2013 there are only about 1,000 left in North Wales. svIianev, non-native egyr squirrels aryrc squirrel pox virus, but are not tfcfaede by ti.", "scrambled_50%": "A rekill pox has edikll up ot 80% fo red squirrels in noe etiwrn ta the few sites they are lslti fnuod in Wales. Nerlay 11,000 people have signed a peotitni lgclina rfo eth Welsh government to dufn vicncae chrereas ni order ot ttoerpc lWase\u2019 mlsal tpinlopauo of red sqsuerril \u2013 etrhe are only about 1,000 left in North Wlsae. svIianev, non-netavi egyr eqrlsirsu aryrc usilrerq pox virus, but are not tfcfaede by ti.", "scrambled_100%": "A rekill xpo ahs edikll pu ot 80% fo der iqslurrse ni noe etiwrn ta het fwe ssiet yhte rae lslti fnuod ni sWeal. Nerlay 11,000 ppeleo aehv sendig a peotitni lgclina rfo eth leshW noetmvegrn ot dufn vicncae chrereas ni roedr ot ttoerpc lWase\u2019 mlsal tpinlopauo fo dre sqsuerril \u2013 etrhe rea nyol tabuo 1,000 flet ni rNtoh Wlsae. svIianev, non-netavi egyr eqrlsirsu aryrc usilrerq oxp rvisu, ubt ear otn tfcfaede yb ti.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A kielrl pxo hsa kldiel up to 80% of rde srsuielrq in oen wtinre at teh fwe stesi teyh aer sillt fudno in Wasle. Nreyla 11,000 ppolee hvea siegdn a piiotnte cllngia fro teh Wlseh gmorevnnte to fnud vccinae raseecrh in odrre to proctet Wlsae\u2019 slmla pltuonoiap of rde suqlriser \u2013 teehr aer oynl abtou 1,000 lfte in Ntorh Wsael. Isvnviea, nno-neavti gery siqreusrl crrya squrrlie pxo vuris, btu aer nto acfedfet by it.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A klleir pox has klelid up to 80% of red sreuiqrls in one wntier at the few steis tehy are stlil funod in Wlaes. Nlraey 11,000 pploee hvae sgnied a ptetoiin clnlaig for the Wlseh gmvrnoenet to fnud vcanice rsarceeh in oderr to pcotret Weals\u2019 slaml ptoulipoan of red suleriqrs \u2013 trhee are olny aubot 1,000 lfet in Ntroh Welas. Iiasnvve, non-naivte gery sluqirres carry serqiurl pox viurs, but are not aeftecfd by it.", "substituted": "A zODqES DDC jAu gCJLHe hr rz 80% Yx ZdL uNJZpRhCC rY Rsx NChGLk VA QJF vFQ rmpcw bWXo mIM fyNNV hSJcI uk VdTHm. lIffgc 11,000 QZtVrE CZeg HxGDxA a cLgdUoMw rIrgOBB iyU ouq vvXDw XBMZUYdVxw aE RVLr tLyjYEg QlyOpTdo lU iengF vL wXnzfOC SEORH\u2019 bomna VSwUAqQaWt TU TCC CAIeVUrVZ \u2013 YeXJl uCf BaeX rFhxf 1,000 yLEJ wL hhEGv yfrii. RslNnHZO, MRK-wZjLcb UZAS ITFPqCWrj kiezP oVMaXdXB VsS ugABC, ZwB bHN GBU UyFaLskH zZ xa."} {"original": "A massive bowl-shaped theater in Las Vegas that reportedly contains the world\u2019s highest-resolution wraparound LED screen was fully illuminated on Tuesday. See its dramatic debut here.", "scrambled_20%": "A massive bowl-ehdaps theater in Las Vegas htta reportedly contains eth world\u2019s highest-resolution wraparound EDL screen was fully illuminated no Tuesday. See its dramatic debut here.", "scrambled_50%": "A esasmiv bowl-ehdaps theater in Las gVesa htta plerdtorey stonncia eth world\u2019s hiteghs-onlsreotiu wraparound EDL enserc was fully mendiltluia no Tuesday. See its dramatic debut reeh.", "scrambled_100%": "A esasmiv blow-ehdaps ehetrta ni sLa gVesa htta plerdtorey stonncia eth dlorw\u2019s hiteghs-onlsreotiu owadurrnpa EDL enserc asw ylulf mendiltluia no Teduays. eSe tsi rmadtcai bdeut reeh.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A miesvsa blwo-sadphe teerhat in Lsa Vaseg taht rlpetoryed cioansnt teh wlrdo\u2019s hethsig-ruotiolnse wnaoudrrap LDE sceren wsa fyull ietlmidualn on Taudesy. See ist drmtcaai dbute heer.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A mssviae bwol-sehapd teatehr in Las Vages taht reoprdelty cnaitons the wlord\u2019s hhseigt-roseutloin wunrrapaod LED secren was flluy iunlieltmad on Tsdueay. See its dmairatc dbuet hree.", "substituted": "A OwwKxJP CiYE-JdPkqB BvfuBiD zN fDY WArkD euve SzweWXJBhn mAbSzHkZ STA enitj\u2019s iXTqxoJ-FbQSAyFIEE tuGsPGukse BKf iOmFDl XTF uDBYM dARczeRUfbA Nh yHIKfBG. pXl ZwG NHxEHCMM DkTvD WcpI."} {"original": "A new trailer for the live-action remake of 1989\u2019s animated \u201cThe Little Mermaid\u201d debuted during the Oscars ceremony.", "scrambled_20%": "A new trailer for the live-naicto aeerkm of 1989\u2019s animated \u201cThe Little Mermaid\u201d debuted udnigr the Oscars ceremony.", "scrambled_50%": "A wne trailer for the live-naicto aeerkm fo 1989\u2019s animated \u201cheT iltLet Mermaid\u201d debuted udnigr the Oscars recenyom.", "scrambled_100%": "A wne rreatli orf eth evli-naicto aeerkm fo 1989\u2019s aeantmdi \u201cheT iltLet dMeiram\u201d deedtub udnigr eht cOssra recenyom.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A nwe talrier fro teh levi-aontic rakeem of 1989\u2019s aidnaemt \u201cTeh Lttlei Mrmdiae\u201d dbedeut drgniu teh Oscrsa cemrnyeo.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A new tlraeir for the lvie-aicotn rkeame of 1989\u2019s amaneitd \u201cThe Ltilte Marimed\u201d dbteeud dunrig the Orscas coerenmy.", "substituted": "A iNz QLoAVQb ucC BAb JLJf-HRcfHa MlPlLY vW 1989\u2019s ddfgwJsF \u201cljT OalXws KZOeqhL\u201d NIHyHTG LNzPpy LZI VgGvuf sBAiZNJJ."} {"original": "A row broke out after the bloc referred to the Falkland Islands by the Argentine name, \u201cIslas Malvinas\u201d, in a communiqu\u00e9 signed in Brussels by 60 EU and Latin American nations. Rishi Sunak criticised the \u201cregrettable choice of words\u201d, which apparently endorsed Argentina\u2019s claim to the archipelago, a British overseas territory.", "scrambled_20%": "A row broke out taefr the bloc referred to the Falkland Islands yb the Argentine name, \u201cIslas Malvinas\u201d, in a communiqu\u00e9 signed ni Brussels by 60 EU and aiLnt American intonsa. Rishi Sunak criticised the \u201cregrettable choice of words\u201d, chhwi typrenpala endorsed Argentina\u2019s claim to het archipelago, a istriBh overseas territory.", "scrambled_50%": "A row obkre tou taefr the bloc referred ot eht Falkland Islands yb het Argentine name, \u201cIslas Malvinas\u201d, ni a mnucouqi\u00e9m signed ni Brussels by 60 EU and aiLnt nmeAraic intonsa. isihR Sunak criticised eth \u201cregrettable choice fo words\u201d, chhwi typrenpala endorsed atengrniA\u2019s claim ot het archipelago, a istriBh esvaroes iyretorrt.", "scrambled_100%": "A owr obkre tou taefr eth clob rererfed ot eht dFallnak aIlsdsn yb het eitneAnrg eamn, \u201caIlss lniasMav\u201d, ni a mnucouqi\u00e9m ndiges ni esrsBsul yb 60 UE adn aiLnt nmeAraic intonsa. isihR nuakS sdiiceitcr eth \u201ctglrebterae iehcco fo rsodw\u201d, chhwi typrenpala neeodrds atengrniA\u2019s licma ot het girachlaepo, a istriBh esvaroes iyretorrt.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A rwo brkeo otu arfet teh bclo rrrfdeee to teh Fakdnlal Isndsla by teh Anrgtenie nmae, \u201cIssal Mvinslaa\u201d, in a c\u00e9oiqmuunm sdeign in Brseussl by 60 EU adn Liatn Amareinc nitnosa. Rshii Snkua cctsdeirii teh \u201crtlaregbtee cehcio of wrsod\u201d, wihhc alnptrpaye edosenrd Ataeinngr\u2019s cliam to teh aarielcgpho, a Briiths osvseear tyrritoer.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A row bokre out aetfr the bolc rerfered to the Fkllanad Ialndss by the Atnrinege nmae, \u201cIasls Manialvs\u201d, in a cmmniuuoq\u00e9 sneigd in Bsrslues by 60 EU and Ltain Aericman ntaoins. Rhisi Sanuk crtcieiisd the \u201crgtabrelete cocihe of wodrs\u201d, wihch aerpnlpaty edesonrd Antengria\u2019s cliam to the agleiacrhpo, a Biirsth oasevres trorirety.", "substituted": "A wSx DoZxi WwZ FmPAs DYN lUdn LBYLKTUI vp VcH OwkVPsYw SOovWLv PO Uic NKsWTFgXX aXtu, \u201cftOpF xjtdfXdP\u201d, cX a LAFflPlBDq wmLyXX fK ytSRRAZL AQ 60 lw cTK EeDHM SrmVJjWy tvrBcAx. jFjMv mkkVW IjURUxtZbA uiA \u201cNDIfzwXNzsy dfBTyZ Ay zTDJG\u201d, fxQnm ugLkKCtuWM lasNamZE heZiXMyQn\u2019s RDnsP Dd mxl vwQszgavsET, a MRWeMzw EdOORluq NVTLtGCsb."} {"original": "A score is equal to 20 years, so Lincoln was referring to 87 years ago \u2014 or 1776 \u2014 when the Declaration of Independence was adopted in his address.", "scrambled_20%": "A score is ueqla to 20 years, so Lilocnn was referring to 87 arsye ago \u2014 or 1776 \u2014 when teh Declaration of nncIneeeepdd was adopted in his address.", "scrambled_50%": "A score si ueqla to 20 easry, so Lilocnn wsa fiegrrenr to 87 arsye ago \u2014 or 1776 \u2014 when teh laatniocreD of nncIneeeepdd was dedpaot in his assredd.", "scrambled_100%": "A oscer si ueqla ot 20 easry, os Lilocnn wsa fiegrrenr ot 87 arsye aog \u2014 ro 1776 \u2014 hnew teh laatniocreD fo nncIneeeepdd asw dedpaot ni ish assredd.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A soerc is elqua to 20 yesra, so Lioncln wsa regnierfr to 87 ysear aog \u2014 or 1776 \u2014 wneh teh Dlratcneoai of Iedencdenenp wsa addopet in hsi asdrsde.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A srcoe is eauql to 20 yreas, so Lnclion was rrfrneieg to 87 yaers ago \u2014 or 1776 \u2014 wehn the Diaaotlrcen of Ipdennedence was adtoped in his asdders.", "substituted": "A KIwKT YB Zncjj UE 20 aTfZq, Zr TOAIyUH ITS EKigMtEWY Nq 87 dQuXv cPg \u2014 hy 1776 \u2014 nBYK deR EmKcjappbMP YC zrvYUJoaCQTM kRp TmqgvMD Ty IOS cGsTCJx."} {"original": "A sea otter keeps pinching surfers\u2019 boards in California, according to The Telegraph. The five-year-old animal, known as Otter 841, has been jumping onto boards and nudging their owners out of the way, so she can have a bask. For more odd and unexpected news, sign up to the Tall Tales newsletter.", "scrambled_20%": "A sea otter sekpe ihnpicgn surfers\u2019 boards ni California, according to The pgahTeler. The five-year-old animal, known as Otter 841, has been jumping onto boards nda nudging their owners out of the way, so she can hvea a sabk. For more dod adn dtecnpueex news, sign up to the Tall Tales newsletter.", "scrambled_50%": "A sea otter sekpe ihnpicgn sesrrfu\u2019 rdoabs ni California, according to Teh pgahTeler. The five-year-dol lanaim, known sa rOtte 841, has eneb jumping noto rbosda nda nudging their nrsweo out of the way, so esh can hvea a sabk. rFo more dod adn dtecnpueex eswn, sign pu ot the Tall Tales newsletter.", "scrambled_100%": "A ase rttoe sekpe ihnpicgn sesrrfu\u2019 rdoabs ni rloniaifCa, rnaccidgo ot Teh pgahTeler. heT ivfe-arey-dol lanaim, nwokn sa rOtte 841, ash eneb jgnpmui noto rbosda nda dninugg ireht nrsweo otu fo teh ywa, os esh nca hvea a sabk. rFo mero dod adn dtecnpueex eswn, gsin pu ot eth alTl esalT eltreewtsn.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A sae ortte kpees pncnigih ssferru\u2019 bdoras in Ciflairoan, accniogrd to Teh Tlperegha. Teh feiv-yaer-odl aianml, knonw as Oertt 841, hsa bene jpugimn oont barsod adn nnidgug tireh osrenw otu of teh wya, so seh cna hvea a bksa. Fro mreo odd adn ucpexeednt nwes, snig up to teh Tall Teals nstwtelree.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A sea otter kpees phinicng srfuers\u2019 bodras in Croinifala, acircodng to The Tplrgaeeh. The fvie-yaer-old anamil, knwon as Otetr 841, has been juipnmg otno braods and nngiudg thier orewns out of the way, so she can hvae a bsak. For mroe odd and utnepexecd nwes, sgin up to the Tlal Teals netseletwr.", "substituted": "A TWo viGyS rpABF ryJVpyJf TXipGOb\u2019 sVilIu Zm INyeaBFPBS, OMxHhYlVd ef mZj nNUjQOhDw. VzG ohAS-zEpd-dTs NojVjH, vpDfo HH UadDE 841, gEE BQlf ukCgUPx phcK LEiCzd BpA eJGvyOn LdxIT GsICbh fpm DN IUx BoL, VG Xsn OQT ajLo a auLw. NaY KQdI yAl nlJ mZVmafmGHW OWoz, Emmg qJ LK zCD Xzvs xeaXN JurZeqdiag."} {"original": "A sturgeon supermoon created a magnificent sight across the world this week. This luminous spectacle occurs when the moon nears its closest point to Earth while appearing full.", "scrambled_20%": "A sturgeon eospomurn created a nncgetiamfi sight srscao the dlwor this week. This luminous cepstelac occurs when the moon nears its closest point to Earth while appearing full.", "scrambled_50%": "A gousentr eospomurn created a nncgetiamfi igths srscao teh dlwor hsti week. This sumluino cepstelac occurs when the omon nears sit closest ntpio to Earth while appearing full.", "scrambled_100%": "A gousentr eospomurn ceaetrd a nncgetiamfi igths srscao teh dlwor hsti kwee. hTsi sumluino cepstelac oscurc ehnw eth omon enrsa sit stescol ntpio ot thaEr lwhei rniegpapa lulf.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A srenugot sprmneouo ctrdaee a mieicnftagn stihg ascsro teh wlord tihs weke. Thsi lusoiunm sectpecla oucsrc wnhe teh mono nsare ist ctessol pnoit to Etrha wileh aaprpneig flul.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A sgteuorn spemoourn caerted a mgfcnienait shigt aocrss the wlrod tihs week. Tihs luounims spcectale ocurcs wehn the moon nares its cslesot pinot to Ertah wlhie aaippreng flul.", "substituted": "A vlUZvYMK VxwslSlOD WqVfrNr a jsuihOHCKGr rJasf GLFDNi VBf oqwAH RrWC XXDQ. vqdW pXzeTYbp VyjLbDHGQ xLNSgy YIPk CEj Ngmg HJWcT nlQ tNWOkrW mKwqJ wq GRzyI eguZn NaksRWcAj ANRo."} {"original": "A surge is expected when Title 42 \u2014 the Trump-era policy that allowed authorities to quickly turn away certain migrants at the border during the pandemic \u2014 comes to an end.", "scrambled_20%": "A surge si expected when Title 42 \u2014 eth Trump-era policy hatt allowed authorities to quickly turn away certain ismargnt at het border during the pandemic \u2014 comes to an den.", "scrambled_50%": "A surge si expected when eTtli 42 \u2014 eth Trump-era picloy hatt dleoalw ertuihosati to quickly turn waya certain ismargnt ta het orbedr unidgr the pandemic \u2014 comes to an den.", "scrambled_100%": "A ersug si detcpeex nwhe eTtli 42 \u2014 eth uprmT-aer picloy hatt dleoalw ertuihosati ot iqlykuc nrut waya rteinca ismargnt ta het orbedr unidgr eth dmicpean \u2014 oscem ot na den.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A sreug is exedcpte wehn Teilt 42 \u2014 teh Tupmr-ear piyolc taht awdlelo aitierouhts to qlyiukc trun aawy ctraine msangrti at teh boerrd drgnui teh pnicedma \u2014 ceoms to an edn.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A sruge is excepetd wehn Tilte 42 \u2014 the Tmurp-era pcoliy taht aloelwd aithouteirs to quckliy trun aawy ctieran mntigars at the bedorr dirnug the pedainmc \u2014 cemos to an end.", "substituted": "A QTTLX Go ddiXbBxY epwC FBmas 42 \u2014 kFJ dwFRc-WWm SSpjXB hsIF SAPsfrk GHiVOzajlpq wm AzVNGTk vCca Apcg rbTUJYM avIEwyhi ZT WIJ nsQHFx IlufqT kPn MLFlAcaf \u2014 gmNmM Bp IQ QtX."} {"original": "A toddler infiltrated White House grounds, setting off security alerts. The young boy was caught by officers before being quickly reunited with his parents.", "scrambled_20%": "A toddler iedlfntitra White House grounds, isegtnt off security alerts. hTe young boy swa caught by officers before being quickly reunited with his parents.", "scrambled_50%": "A rldodte iedlfntitra iehWt sHueo grounds, isegtnt off stcyieur alerts. hTe young boy swa caught by officers before ibegn quickly etndreui with his reatnsp.", "scrambled_100%": "A rldodte iedlfntitra iehWt sHueo drosgun, isegtnt off stcyieur talsre. hTe uyngo ybo swa uaghct yb eisfocfr eeorfb ibegn ulcqyik etndreui ihtw hsi reatnsp.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A trelddo idlietnarft Wetih Huseo gnrosdu, stntige off suectiry areslt. Teh yugno byo wsa chatgu by ocrefsif breeof bineg qyluick redutein wiht hsi pnastre.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A tdoledr itrenfatlid Wthie Hsoue gudnors, sitnteg off sretciuy arlets. The ynoug boy was cgauht by oerffcis beofre bneig qckluiy reutenid wtih his peantrs.", "substituted": "A uSeiGiD jqSKXJVOxiX cfTFB jyJlH XkicolX, AAMxbBS Xxk qZyKNoCV SRPCPt. RgC Uwdfk EwP ovH rYyYjU QK fYPSiDdr fUWLEa Icuqc oBHNbKh FoHowLyv Bodo rpC yBALXkA."} {"original": "A two-year investigation by the Independent Commission for Equity in Cricket found that racism was \u201centrenched\u201d in the \u201celitist and exclusionary\u201d sport, while women were \u201cfrequently demeaned, stereotyped and treated as second-class\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "A wot-year investigation by the Independent isoonmimsC rfo quEtiy in Cricket found that racism was \u201centehendrc\u201d in the \u201celitist and exclusionary\u201d sport, while women rewe \u201cufenyqlrte demeaned, stereotyped and treated as second-class\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "A wot-year investigation yb teh tndeIdnepen isoonmimsC rfo quEtiy in ckrteCi odnuf ahtt csimar was \u201centehendrc\u201d in the \u201ciltiste and exclusionary\u201d sport, while women rewe \u201cufenyqlrte demeaned, stereotyped and treated as second-sclas\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "A wot-ayre nsigtinvaioet yb teh tndeIdnepen isoonmimsC rfo quEtiy ni ckrteCi odnuf ahtt csimar swa \u201centehendrc\u201d ni teh \u201ciltiste nda ayroxlneiscu\u201d potrs, heliw oewnm rewe \u201cufenyqlrte aemdndee, eeortpseytd dan etraedt sa endcos-sclas\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A tow-yare iiantegtnosiv by teh Inedentpden Csionmiosm fro Etiuyq in Cckrtie funod ttha rimsac wsa \u201ceecrntnedh\u201d in teh \u201celittis adn eyrnxiacsoul\u201d sortp, wlhei wnmoe wree \u201cfnlqurtyee dndeemae, sdeeeorpytt adn tdaetre as snecdo-csasl\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A two-yaer iagisvteinotn by the Idnndeenpet Comsmision for Eqtuiy in Ckrecit funod taht racsim was \u201ceenetnrhcd\u201d in the \u201celistit and eicsuloxarny\u201d sorpt, wlihe woemn wree \u201cfrnueetlqy daemneed, strpyetoeed and ttraeed as socend-casls\u201d.", "substituted": "A Vjc-DQuu NpRUURKTcXogG Tz RmR LughDKbVbpS XOXKFIXBGs hCf fPruqt ye kJPRxoX vLLwP RcXK YnipZf IGr \u201cntYoEgfKQB\u201d fY OBr \u201cYcFNcOE Ous juyjHMcrDXGl\u201d jHmVk, JCdov YQzai jJZJ \u201cHdfOtERnsC gLSntbaR, JFUGEMFsGcX Jgj JWiScsL Bg PcRCjh-uBsol\u201d."} {"original": "A union representing school workers in Los Angeles \u2013 the nation\u2019s second-largest district \u2013 went on strike, shutting down schools for several days.", "scrambled_20%": "A nuoin representing school rkoeswr in sLo Angeles \u2013 the nation\u2019s second-largest district \u2013 went on strike, shutting down slcshoo for several days.", "scrambled_50%": "A nuoin representing hloosc rkoeswr in sLo Angeles \u2013 the nnotai\u2019s sdecon-largest ticidsrt \u2013 went on strike, tisgthnu dnow slcshoo for several days.", "scrambled_100%": "A nuoin geprnrteisen hloosc rkoeswr ni sLo gnesAel \u2013 eht nnotai\u2019s sdecon-srtlaeg ticidsrt \u2013 ntew no iertks, tisgthnu dnow slcshoo rfo arslvee ysda.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "A uonin rpgertnseine sohloc werroks in Lso Aelnsge \u2013 teh nionta\u2019s sdoecn-lategsr ditcsirt \u2013 wnte on setrik, suigttnh dwno sclsooh fro sarleev dysa.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "A unoin rrpneenietsg scoohl wrorkes in Los Aengels \u2013 the ntaion\u2019s seocnd-lgserat ditcisrt \u2013 wnet on stikre, shtnuitg dwon slchoos for sraveel dyas.", "substituted": "A wtFmE oNvPYfgoNGcA dMQOIe HrtNuRg TN JpV PjCbGRp \u2013 nCx FEJLPH\u2019s vNigoG-xYklnib BkWAxbQw \u2013 prDz GA lgwvdk, wpmCVQrt TKnt QlLEJhy oIT KBqotjN ulTG."} {"original": "Abbott subsequently issued an apology, claiming that an early draft of her letter had been mistakenly published. She has been suspended from the Labour Party pending an investigation.", "scrambled_20%": "Abbott elueysqtnbsu iuseds an apology, naliimgc that na lyrae draft of her letter had been mistakenly published. She has been sdeedsupn from the Labour Party pending an investigation.", "scrambled_50%": "tAbbto elueysqtnbsu iuseds an apology, naliimgc that na lyrae dafrt of rhe letter adh enbe keaytsminl published. eSh has been sdeedsupn from the Labour Party pending na investigation.", "scrambled_100%": "tAbbto elueysqtnbsu iuseds na lygapoo, naliimgc that na lyrae dafrt fo rhe tletre adh enbe keaytsminl dblsiehup. eSh sha bnee sdeedsupn ofrm het aLuorb tryaP endnigp na ntevisiaigont.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Abtbto sqlutesnbeyu isedus an ayloogp, cmanigil tath an eyarl dtafr of hre lreett hda been mensykitla pidhbseul. Seh hsa bene sdundeeps form teh Lraoub Ptayr pdingne an iiasttenovngi.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Abtobt susqbunlteey ieussd an aloogpy, cnilaimg taht an eraly dfrat of her leettr had been msnetklaiy plushbeid. She has been sednpeusd form the Lboaur Patry piednng an ieigaoisttvnn.", "substituted": "rsmKjX zDkWOezUeCXJ fYXQPS uv TKXTPXH, WIEfalJF KITL jA jOfON WHySz iR yMf iRLGfc dKl YhOS YEAQYSnhVj fhXBbfLvC. pFu zeE YZgE FzagitxkI wZyA Xdz zPeuWX nwBBk JPqbnci ro wfiEvBRtBLQZt."} {"original": "About 100,000 registered nurses in the US left the workplace due to the stresses of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the results of a survey published Thursday by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.", "scrambled_20%": "uobtA 100,000 registered nurses in the US left the workplace eud ot the stresses fo the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the results of a survey duepblish Thursday by the alniaNot Council of State Boards fo Nursing.", "scrambled_50%": "uobtA 100,000 resgtdreie esusrn in the SU eltf the akwroelcp eud ot the stresses fo the Covid-19 pandemic, gaciconrd ot the utserls of a syruev duepblish Thursday by the alniaNot Council fo State Boards fo Nursing.", "scrambled_100%": "uobtA 100,000 resgtdreie esusrn ni teh SU eltf eth akwroelcp eud ot eth eresstss fo eth iCvdo-19 dpcmeina, gaciconrd ot teh utserls fo a syruev duepblish drsyhauT yb het alniaNot uoiclnC fo ettSa oardsB fo rNgunsi.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Aoutb 100,000 rdrtgeeesi nuress in teh US ltef teh warolcekp deu to teh srtsssee of teh Cvdio-19 pnmedcia, adnicgorc to teh rulesst of a sevyru plhdubsie Trauyhsd by teh Nilanato Ccinolu of Staet Bsdaor of Nsuinrg.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Aubot 100,000 rrtsiegeed nesrus in the US lfet the wlcrkopae due to the sssrtees of the Coivd-19 pinmdaec, acncdoirg to the rtluess of a seuvry pebluhsid Thsduary by the Ntoanail Cuiconl of Sttae Badors of Nsrnuig.", "substituted": "mMhJK 100,000 nulXkKolRp TqfwjL HP Gjz sX WpZs Wel jWBpfRJDC qeP bY bzI aEbMFNrb ww wsy nNzvi-19 buSAYUyi, WYHnMvIhN ya lfn DvZlTbc vY a WiUmCj DkIgsoXxM ntADHsnR WT vdi jnYFxYju LBxtgUW aS HQpsS PkLstO GI ZthWrVa."} {"original": "According to The Mirror, experts at the UK\u2019s first long Covid clinic, at University College Hospital London, estimate that hundreds of thousands of patients are in need of specialist care for ailments ranging from severe fatigue to brain fog. But \u201cso far only 100,000 have been offered treatment\u201d, the paper reported.", "scrambled_20%": "According ot eTh Mirror, experts at the UK\u2019s first goln Covid lciinc, ta University College Hospital London, estimate that hundreds of thousands of patients are ni need of specialist reac for ailments gngrain from severe fatigue to brain fog. But \u201cos far only 100,000 vaeh been offered treatment\u201d, the paper reported.", "scrambled_50%": "According ot eTh Mrorri, experts ta the KU\u2019s first goln Covid lciinc, ta Uvieirtnsy Celgole Hospital nndLoo, estimate that udensdrh of thousands of esinattp are ni need fo specialist reac rfo isnmaelt gngrain from severe fatigue ot brain fog. uBt \u201cos far nloy 100,000 vaeh been offered treatment\u201d, the preap reported.", "scrambled_100%": "nAcgoicrd ot eTh Mrorri, etsrpex ta het KU\u2019s irsft goln Cdovi lciinc, ta Uvieirtnsy Celgole isHtlopa nndLoo, ttemaesi thta udensdrh fo usonstdha fo esinattp aer ni eedn fo stesplaici reac rfo isnmaelt gngrain rmfo eersev eftaigu ot anirb gof. uBt \u201cos raf nloy 100,000 vaeh eenb redoffe tnetemtar\u201d, het preap oterpdre.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Aigrnccdo to Teh Mrirro, estperx at teh UK\u2019s frsti lgon Cdoiv cnclii, at Utivsenryi Clegeol Hpoilsat Lndono, esitamet taht hrdnused of tasuhdnso of psienatt aer in nede of slsitpecia crea fro aitnmsel rgngnia fmor sveree feuaitg to bainr fgo. Btu \u201cso fra oynl 100,000 hvea bene oefdefr tmaternte\u201d, teh pearp rrotedpe.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Acodcnirg to The Moirrr, eptxers at the UK\u2019s fsirt lnog Cviod cniilc, at Uvnstrieiy Cgleole Hostpail Loodnn, emsttaie taht hndrdues of tousdhnas of pnttieas are in need of sipleiscat crae for aeiltmns rngiang form sveere ftauige to barin fog. But \u201cso far olny 100,000 hvae been oferfed tamertnet\u201d, the ppaer rreteopd.", "substituted": "UEhFUrmpF nZ wKW dUyvfV, RqviyHF hd hdQ Dd\u2019s oMByo FutI PVDIJ NTqPAY, dk XHItkJWyBK trkjUVR ErftqnYs VIPstF, yUZfQmVw elxJ NWNVoMyW rY VDAqFcatt Hx AFXMhvOi ufs tj oEUX VF oUSBBgPtuc nUXU Ifx xrITrrSX wFTlzWm GSFC NctOdy NuNZMJL LT KBqNL eGU. cBv \u201cJx wVx PtFF 100,000 IjcD NCoM IaJLpws NXEpMnYaM\u201d, QIY OtrPO VuBiELav."} {"original": "According to a new report based on data from the University of Maryland, the loss of the world\u2019s tropical forests increased by 10% year-on-year in 2022, with Brazil accounting for 43% of the global total. Experts warned last year that the Amazon was approaching a \u201ctipping point\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "According to a new rertop based no data from the Uvieirtnsy of Maryland, the loss of the world\u2019s tropical forests increased by 10% year-on-year ni 2022, with alrziB accounting for 43% of the global total. Experts warned tlsa eyra thta the Amazon was approaching a \u201ctipping ipton\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "Acrdnocgi to a ewn rertop based no data fomr the Uvieirtnsy of aMnadlry, the sslo fo the world\u2019s tropical forests inreedcsa by 10% year-on-erya ni 2022, with alrziB accounting orf 43% of hte global total. Experts wnaerd tlsa eyra thta hte oazAmn was approaching a \u201ctipping ipton\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "Acrdnocgi ot a ewn rertop eadsb no atad fomr eht Uvieirtnsy fo aMnadlry, teh sslo fo het ordwl\u2019s iartolpc fstroes inreedcsa yb 10% aery-no-erya ni 2022, tihw alrziB ioaccnngut orf 43% fo hte ollabg tlota. petsrxE wnaerd tlsa eyra thta hte oazAmn wsa ghapcaorinp a \u201cpniitpg ipton\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Adrgncoic to a nwe rtoper bdsea on data fomr teh Unysviteri of Mnylrdaa, teh lsso of teh woldr\u2019s taprocil fesrtso idcenesra by 10% yaer-on-yare in 2022, whit Bailzr antccouing fro 43% of teh glaolb tlato. Eexptsr wdaern ltsa yare tath teh Anzamo wsa aopncpiahrg a \u201ctpniipg ponti\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Acicdnrog to a new reprot bsaed on dtaa form the Usntvrieiy of Mnralayd, the lsos of the wrold\u2019s toarcpil frtseos inesraecd by 10% yaer-on-yaer in 2022, wtih Bzrial aouintcncg for 43% of the glaobl taotl. Etrxeps wreand lsat yaer taht the Azoamn was acpaipohnrg a \u201ctipnipg pnoit\u201d.", "substituted": "HHFDBztqG lY a Boh GjbZIK GmjjI WJ IxdA zbRo rps BCYbNyzrvH ro iFVXFAaN, LjM VCww ur gEc WIDsL\u2019s yVScDeNb UWBordd PKYVnifhC aa 10% PIwv-xz-TOgD nI 2022, yFlW YNUhcc IQvyDIzCzv jUh 43% Jz Lsw WJqlZG oBYgI. CIlIzBJ VueRnx CbYC SdBZ zTZL gvK TqobQf uFS nZFselegQBS a \u201cLdnDuYZ wVLHF\u201d."} {"original": "According to a new study by the US Geological Survey (USGS), New York is sinking by 1-2mm per year, in part owing to the enormous weight of the city\u2019s buildings, which total an estimated 771 million tonnes. The researchers also blamed other phenomena including groundwater withdrawal and shifting tectonic plates.", "scrambled_20%": "According to a new study yb hte SU Geological Survey (USGS), New York is sinking by 1-2mm rep year, in part owing to the rusoenom weight of the city\u2019s lisindbug, which total an estimated 771 million tonnes. heT ehrceersras also blamed other phenomena including taorurdenwg withdrawal and shifting ntiecoct plates.", "scrambled_50%": "niocdrcAg to a new usytd yb hte SU lolgiaGeco Survey (SGUS), New York si sinking by 1-2mm rep year, in part ignow to eth rusoenom weight of teh city\u2019s lisindbug, chwhi aotlt na estimated 771 million tonnes. heT ehrceersras loas blamed other phenomena including taorurdenwg laarwhwtdi and shifting ntiecoct plates.", "scrambled_100%": "niocdrcAg ot a wne usytd yb hte SU lolgiaGeco uerSvy (SGUS), weN okYr si ikgsnni yb 1-2mm rep ryea, ni prta ignow ot eth rusoenom whtgie fo teh icyt\u2019s lisindbug, chwhi aotlt na ttesmadie 771 lmiioln nstnoe. heT ehrceersras loas ldebma oethr peomnnhae inncilgud taorurdenwg laarwhwtdi dna tisihnfg ntiecoct lepats.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Aognrcdic to a nwe sdtyu by teh US Gileogaloc Srvyeu (UGSS), Nwe Yrko is snginik by 1-2mm pre yrea, in ptra oignw to teh eourmons wthgei of teh cyit\u2019s buldgiins, whhic ttoal an eaemtstdi 771 miiolln tnsnoe. Teh rsceraesher alos bdmael oerht poenhaenm inuginlcd gtadneorurw wihtarwlad adn sthignfi tctceoin paetls.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Arnccidog to a new sudty by the US Gieolagcol Sveury (UGSS), New Yrok is siknnig by 1-2mm per yaer, in prat onwig to the eomourns wheigt of the ctiy\u2019s bgudliins, wchih ttoal an emisatetd 771 mioilln tnenos. The recharreess aslo bemlad oethr pmnnoehea iniuldncg gueodrtnwar widhrtawal and snfhitig tcoinetc petlas.", "substituted": "ivlPnQhTx qr a GGZ pTjOq Pn Ety NP qJXEOtvSpv GabntW (KMgN), HYd uAwn TS zeAOTYl Lq 1-2XB RBp tHYT, Og eyBG qFHRj oD ysE yUZRaySz GzecJx Yx sMT xtzP\u2019s LqWOfsOYt, XPVgQ Qeciw zZ JDOWMKrgU 771 EQOsITY IDkHPu. sCz nLRFZOFiUqE GocQ RMnnBz RKNim ookXfhjRv gyTBScTpi vCsSdSYteZC HyQohjIsdn djv ncFsWSoz HEkVVEdH GBpJQr."} {"original": "According to a report from a conservative watchdog group, the US president\u2019s dog has bitten Secret Service agents at least 10 times. The 22-month-old German Shepherd, a gift from Biden\u2019s brother James, has been given \u201cadditional leashing protocols\u201d following the incidents.", "scrambled_20%": "According to a report from a ireoavvtnsec doahwgtc group, the SU president\u2019s dog has tntbie Secret Service agents at least 10 times. The 22-month-old German Shepherd, a gift ofrm Biden\u2019s erbrtho James, has been given \u201ciddatniola leashing csortoolp\u201d following the incidents.", "scrambled_50%": "Aoncidcgr to a report rofm a ireoavvtnsec doahwgtc urgpo, hte SU president\u2019s gdo has tntbie Secret Service agents at tlsea 10 times. Teh 22-month-dol German Shepherd, a gift ofrm edinB\u2019s erbrtho James, has been given \u201ciddatniola sglnhaei csortoolp\u201d iloonwgfl the incidents.", "scrambled_100%": "Aoncidcgr ot a petror rofm a ireoavvtnsec doahwgtc urgpo, hte SU tpnedires\u2019s gdo ahs tntbie tecSer eierScv angtes ta tlsea 10 esmti. Teh 22-ontmh-dol maGren Srdpeheh, a gtif ofrm edinB\u2019s erbrtho asmeJ, sha ebne venig \u201ciddatniola sglnhaei csortoolp\u201d iloonwgfl hte nnsciited.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Acdgirnoc to a rrtpeo fomr a cioansetvevr wgdtaohc guopr, teh US pstrneedi\u2019s dgo hsa bentti Steerc Serecvi agsetn at ltsae 10 tmise. Teh 22-mnhto-odl Graenm Seredhhp, a gfti fmro Bndie\u2019s bhroert Jeasm, hsa bene gvein \u201caioldiadnt lanesigh ptrclooos\u201d fgwonlilo teh itndncsie.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Aondccrig to a reprot form a cvaovsirtnee wthdcoag gourp, the US pdnsieert\u2019s dog has beittn Seerct Scierve angtes at laset 10 tmies. The 22-mnoth-old Gemran Sphhreed, a gfit form Bdien\u2019s berohtr Jmeas, has been gievn \u201catdoiadnil lnhesiag plrcotoos\u201d fnololiwg the icetnidns.", "substituted": "eGatXmkHO NB a giyfoj MefG a buEaPsUViBRJ Zufkdhlh dmlay, qJx sa TdXlHxrsL\u2019s rWD anY skBRwf dssACb GSjrkmE Vompgo Cq LExcT 10 PvcKo. lUT 22-ccKQv-uaG EdtetH BSpWVUiz, a GWHk ChCM TuDPC\u2019s MxHwmsy ZpbzB, Sqj aqxd aGuJo \u201cYPXIxqVMoj fbVnIQHF BYSkNkSQx\u201d bDrqpXXAA hga TTFqNhbQc."} {"original": "According to an analysis of wastewater in several major cities, use of the Class A drug has risen by as much as a quarter in just one year, said the National Crime Agency. The agency said testing of wastewater gave a better indication of drug use than public surveys or estimates from seized substances. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_20%": "According to an analysis fo wastewater in elsrvae major cities, eus of the Class A gudr has risen by sa much as a quarter ni just one year, said the National emrCi Agency. The agency disa testing of wastewater gave a better indication of drug use than cuilpb surveys or estimates from eedzis tcusssbean. Find tou more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_50%": "dociAngcr ot na snlisaya fo wastewater in elsrvae major cities, eus of the sslaC A gudr has risen by sa much as a quarter ni just eon eary, said the National emrCi Agency. The agency disa sintteg of wastewater vgea a better niatoiicdn of grdu ues than cuilpb evuysrs ro estimates romf eedzis tcusssbean. diFn tou mreo ithw The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_100%": "dociAngcr ot na snlisaya fo awrtweesat ni elsrvae mraoj ciseti, eus fo eth sslaC A gudr sah ersin yb sa cmuh sa a atrueqr ni tujs eon eary, adsi teh tNonalai emrCi nygAec. heT gycane disa sintteg fo raewttwsea vgea a rtbeet niatoiicdn fo grdu ues naht cuilpb evuysrs ro taietmsse romf eedzis tcusssbean. diFn tou mreo ithw heT keWe pwUernadp dposcat.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Agcnoidrc to an assnilay of waewaerstt in svaeler mroja cistei, ues of teh Csasl A dugr hsa rseni by as mchu as a qarreut in jsut oen yrea, sdai teh Nioatnal Cerim Aencyg. Teh aengcy siad tiesgnt of waaerttwse gvae a beetrt itcinnaoid of dugr ues tahn pcibul seysrvu or emisettas fomr sdzeie secusatbns. Fidn otu mreo wthi Teh Weke Uanwredpp paoctds.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Anicdcrog to an aslyinas of wseetwatar in searvel moajr ceiits, use of the Calss A durg has rsien by as mcuh as a qeuatrr in jsut one yaer, siad the Ninoaatl Cmrie Agcney. The angcey siad ttinseg of wasteteawr gvae a beettr iodcntaiin of durg use tahn puiblc svrueys or eaestimts form szeeid sbeancstus. Fnid out mroe wtih The Week Unrpepwad pcadsot.", "substituted": "kwUxHWljO IG sD UQsfvxUg qG WdORDrDaTq xp zLdKpHW lggmW oyJTKg, OAt iB wRo vyRZU A BQpM eAG DwRbx Pb fG TDnu Rt a WDEfXhP vS kstx Qwn vtuh, qIKx BSu rtBTGCEJ NegXi dNdFor. WzJ ULndwp rcWS hiygdEt be crcJmbsVvL UJUs a PkZlDz vKFKYKHLCw UV JApL vKM xNCa DFlpJy lvJoAVI yA tCGtQtEjU eAvh nIJIUr riOxBkFvzQ. LrCv QiI RnpB HeaL Ftu gtUA CclvMSGPW zEwATwV."} {"original": "According to estimates from National Hot Dog & Sausage Council, Americans consume as many as 20 billion hot dogs per year. That number factors in retail sales (9 billion), as well as hot dogs eaten at sporting events, local picnics and carnivals.", "scrambled_20%": "According to stseaetim from National Hot Dog & Sausage Council, Aacemsrni consume as many as 20 billion tho sdog per year. aTth number factors in lteria sales (9 billion), as well as oht dogs eaten at sporting entesv, local picnics and carnivals.", "scrambled_50%": "oAdcrgnci ot stseaetim omrf National Hot Dog & Sausage Council, Aacemsrni consume as mnay sa 20 loibnil tho sdog rpe arye. aTth number factors in lteria sales (9 billion), sa well as oht dogs tneea ta ontipgrs entesv, local picnics and carnivals.", "scrambled_100%": "oAdcrgnci ot stseaetim omrf lNtaoian tHo Dgo & Ssgaaeu ocnlCui, Aacemsrni mcsueno sa mnay sa 20 loibnil tho sdog rpe arye. aTth mubern rftacso ni lteria asesl (9 ilinolb), sa elwl sa oht gsdo tneea ta ontipgrs entesv, alocl csipcin dan alcnravis.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Acndgicro to esatitmes fmro Natanoli Hto Dgo & Saasgeu Cconlui, Aesniamcr ceunmos as myna as 20 bniolil hto dsog pre yrea. Tath nbrume fsactro in rleiat seasl (9 bnoilli), as wlle as hto dsgo enate at stgipnor entsev, lloca pcscini adn craialnsv.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Anidrcocg to eitetmsas form Nitnaaol Hot Dog & Ssauage Ccniuol, Ariemcnas cnuomse as mnay as 20 billoin hot dgos per yaer. Taht neubmr frtocas in raetil selas (9 blioiln), as wlel as hot dgos etean at srotinpg enevts, lcoal piccnis and cinrlavas.", "substituted": "ZslWNAVdo zc UqIGlJJii UUNs RIKRTkog yAF qmt & KiUWGun znyXhAY, OLKvQGnDp gTmDPVH yV uurw tI 20 qwSzzaf Nsi AJrm sdW aZkd. Dusb ewXLrJ cfyACaF aS XSMmWW Dpawk (9 SkkcrhM), Id UmmT sm wSH OHZP wTlMA Hl oCeOOtld NbMOgl, ZViUF RRZlcky Ijn QzZasoisy."} {"original": "According to experts, an increase in the number of birch trees being planted, plus the wider availability of foods from around the world, has fuelled hospital admissions for allergies and anaphylaxis, which have increased from 12,361 in 2002-03 to 25,721 in the past year. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_20%": "According to experts, an increase in the eburmn of icbhr trees geinb planted, plus the wider availability of foods from around the odlwr, has fuelled ohtsliap admissions orf allergies nda anaphylaxis, hwhci have increased mfor 12,361 in 2002-03 to 25,721 in the past year. Find out oerm with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_50%": "Acdnicrgo ot xsperet, na increase in het eburmn of icbhr trees geinb planted, upsl eth wider availability of foods from around the odlwr, has fuelled ohtsliap admissions orf ilalseger nda yxipahaalsn, hwhci have increased mfor 12,361 in 2002-03 ot 25,721 in the ptas raye. idFn out oerm with eTh Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_100%": "Acdnicrgo ot xsperet, na arneesic ni het eburmn fo icbhr esert geinb pdlenat, upsl eth rdiwe liatlviaabyi fo dosof mofr unardo het odlwr, sha udeefll ohtsliap issoasnmdi orf ilalseger nda yxipahaalsn, hwhci ehav adriecesn mfor 12,361 ni 2002-03 ot 25,721 ni eth ptas raye. idFn uto oerm itwh eTh Weke pneprdaUw padscto.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Aioccdgnr to eseptxr, an icreanes in teh nbrume of bhcir teers benig pendatl, pslu teh weird aliyliatvaib of fosod fomr auodnr teh wlrdo, hsa feeuldl htlioaps assimoidsn fro aeesgillr adn axhyaalspni, whchi hvea ideesacnr fmro 12,361 in 2002-03 to 25,721 in teh psta yrea. Fndi otu meor whti Teh Wkee Udppnrwea patdocs.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Aidccnorg to eteprxs, an ianersce in the nmbuer of brich teers bineg patlend, puls the wdier aavalitilbiy of fdoos form aounrd the wrold, has felelud htopasil asdmniosis for alergelis and aanplxahiys, wihch hvae isnraceed form 12,361 in 2002-03 to 25,721 in the psat yaer. Fnid out mroe wtih The Week Uppneward psdcaot.", "substituted": "fSwVurbWH mP WiQqefI, eu YWYXzjXX CU LHi LYuMHQ RJ OzEAH ZiKkM PywLx lSTBChp, FjXA bEt kZOYk lfVAYXFMJKvK PP dNeiW dFLl YKVFwY WkK hRaDt, uGB nPsKbtc emmoXAMb BpEogLFxNE mBE gHzgwNSHz ORz VrqXBxGQWcn, oyFGF nZuU mgLudUeQP UmRU 12,361 Qp 2002-03 Cp 25,721 gN Zks UOFK XqyC. IVKe aKb bxnH hcly wyE qIXQ iHKTkULDu SznsILl."} {"original": "According to investment bank UBS, an analysis of US health insurance claims found that up to $500 million of medical costs were \u201cdirectly attributable\u201d to the sport, a cross between tennis, badminton and table tennis that is especially popular with pensioners, For more odd and unexpected news, sign up to the Tall Tales newsletter.", "scrambled_20%": "According to investment bank UBS, an analysis of SU health insurance claims found that up to $500 million of medical costs were \u201cdirectly attributable\u201d ot het sport, a cross eenwebt tennis, badminton and aletb tennis thta is especially popular with pensioners, For more odd and unexpected news, nsig pu to the lTal Tsale newsletter.", "scrambled_50%": "According to investment bank UBS, an analysis of SU hhalet insurance imlsca found ttha pu ot $500 million fo medical costs were \u201cdirectly attributable\u201d ot het sport, a cross eenwebt entins, tabmdinno nda aletb ntneis thta si especially popular htwi pensioners, orF more dod dan unexpected nsew, nsig pu to the lTal Tsale newsletter.", "scrambled_100%": "Acongridc ot enismvtten kbna BUS, na syansial fo SU hhalet uianrecsn imlsca dnfuo ttha pu ot $500 miolnil fo mcedlia scots wree \u201cteiyldrc blretubattia\u201d ot het tpsor, a rssco eenwebt entins, tabmdinno nda aletb ntneis thta si lcelasypie oppaulr htwi sserpeonni, orF mreo dod dan edpxuenetc nsew, nsig pu ot het lTal Tsale lewtteresn.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Aidgcorcn to inemtvsnte bnak USB, an asasnily of US htelha ieannrcus clsaim fdoun ttha up to $500 mnlioil of mlcadei cstos were \u201cdieylrct auebbtalitrt\u201d to teh stopr, a csosr beewten tnisen, btaninmod adn tleba tisnen ttha is ecsalilepy ppuralo whit pseisonnre, Fro moer odd adn upxteenced nwes, snig up to teh Tlla Teals nreetlwtes.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Acocdnrig to imntneevst bnak UBS, an ailsyans of US heltah inunsarce camils fnoud taht up to $500 miillon of mdiacel cstos wree \u201cdltrceiy abtlibtature\u201d to the srpot, a cosrs beetewn tnnies, btnmadoin and tbale tienns taht is eliapecsly puoalpr wtih poernisnes, For mroe odd and uceetnpxed nwes, sgin up to the Tlal Teals nweeltestr.", "substituted": "KOAUkjlkr JJ lzpxgCuVqo pZhB hDK, qe ILrOleza Nh Ga ZHKsKD XFHrbdEYD vcxFkI rbTsX vwdP tk Cl $500 hkUaGcx Ug FyuTanX WtGRd ymkX \u201cghpWJVRB eHYvqOBVejsC\u201d gL krL nMWdi, a EPOqA WmEsuGl fxjwbI, UdyHpGSEx SKi AdIRi vMdmwe hVcW KW rLxfXLsIIi ozDrxqk tZOB dCVnrWHjhz, vfq zyjO uYi VJC eCuJWXZMCX DgkB, rUsp Hu Rl xVk SIwa HoNQe OqiPXYuqYt."} {"original": "According to the Daily Star, the \u201csomewhat baffling treat\u201d is available in cities across the UK over the weekend via the Deliveroo app. \u201cLove fried chicken? Love chocolate? Then put your hands together,\u201d said Aisha Jefferson from Deliveroo.", "scrambled_20%": "According to the ayDil Sart, the \u201csomewhat baffling treat\u201d is available in cities srosac the UK over teh weekend via the Deliveroo app. \u201cLove fried chicken? Love chocolate? Then put your sdhna together,\u201d siad Ahasi Jeffosnre from Deliveroo.", "scrambled_50%": "According to the ayDil Sart, the \u201csomewhat fgiafnbl tetar\u201d si available in cities srosac the UK oerv teh eeedwnk vai the ovieDleor app. \u201ceLvo fried chicken? vLeo chocolate? Then tup your sdhna together,\u201d siad Ahasi Jeffosnre mfro Deliveroo.", "scrambled_100%": "ccdoinArg ot hte ayDil Sart, het \u201cmteoawsh fgiafnbl tetar\u201d si iblelavaa ni ictsie srosac het KU oerv teh eeedwnk vai eth ovieDleor pap. \u201ceLvo defri hnickce? vLeo hoccaoetl? hneT tup yrou sdhna oethretg,\u201d siad Ahasi Jeffosnre mfro oveeDrlio.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Aiogcdrnc to teh Dlayi Srta, teh \u201csoeamtwh bglafifn ttare\u201d is aabivelal in citsie asocrs teh UK oerv teh wkeneed vai teh Dioeoevlr app. \u201cLoev fidre cekchin? Loev coaoeclth? Tneh ptu yuor hsdan tetgeorh,\u201d sida Ashia Jfeseornf fmor Dvlreoeoi.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Anicrcdog to the Dialy Satr, the \u201csahwomet bilffnag taret\u201d is abvlialae in ctiies aorscs the UK oevr the wneeekd via the Divloeero app. \u201cLvoe freid ckehicn? Lvoe ctaohloce? Tehn put yuor hdans tghteoer,\u201d siad Ahsia Jsfofreen form Dirvleoeo.", "substituted": "svkrCyJjJ DN kZA VCjRN qJbx, XnP \u201cQVoVmVgi PTUiAzyo LUfBI\u201d rH YuPCSiPbI JE szWkTk mVZzqU QHk bj IVKF ffi uNKVkqf XPs xpB rONfkSGbm HwB. \u201coEmo OmuqW JlPnIjB? FrDP UfqNKuQzg? dtsj Hbn JZDo JoLEV nZvTfxWe,\u201d gJzp SWxZZ odqdJQwbD jRxM XTFDGyEOt."} {"original": "According to the World Meteorological Organization, there is now a greater likelihood that the planet will surpass a 1.5C increase in global warming by 2027. If this threshold is consistently exceeded, it would signify a heightened risk of reaching critical climate \u201ctipping points\u201d. Passing these tipping points would lead to a less hospitable planet and an acceleration of climate change.", "scrambled_20%": "dgAcicorn to the World gioreocletlaMo Organization, there is onw a greater likelihood hatt teh planet will surpass a 1.5C increase in global warming by 2027. If this threshold is consistently exceeded, it would signify a hehiedetng risk of erangchi critical climate \u201ctipping points\u201d. Passing these tipping points would lead ot a ssle hospitable planet nda an laeaectnciro of climate change.", "scrambled_50%": "dgAcicorn to the World gioreocletlaMo Organization, trehe si onw a greater likelihood hatt teh planet lliw surpass a 1.5C increase in global warming yb 2027. fI htsi shelodtrh si consistently cexedeed, ti would signify a hehiedetng risk of erangchi critical climate \u201ctipping points\u201d. sPagsni htees tipping otspin wdlou lead ot a ssle ohstpbelia palnte nda an laeaectnciro of climate change.", "scrambled_100%": "dgAcicorn ot hte dWrol gioreocletlaMo inarOginzota, trehe si onw a rregeta leiiokhdol hatt teh entalp lliw psusrsa a 1.5C eneriacs ni aloblg mingraw yb 2027. fI htsi shelodtrh si cottsneslyni cexedeed, ti ouldw siifnyg a hehiedetng kisr fo erangchi tiralcci mateilc \u201ctignppi isptno\u201d. sPagsni htees ippignt otspin wdlou edla ot a ssle ohstpbelia palnte nda na laeaectnciro fo laeimct gnheac.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Accngiord to teh Wldro Mtioegeooarcll Onaoaiitrgzn, teerh is nwo a gtrerae lohedoliik ttah teh pnltae wlil sarpsus a 1.5C icsnraee in gabllo wrmgani by 2027. If thsi tlehdsrho is csteytsinnlo ecxedeed, it wudol sfniyig a hieeenthgd rsik of rneghcai ciiaclrt cletmia \u201ctiignpp pintso\u201d. Psigsna tehse tngppii ptison wdoul lade to a lses hlobtepsia petanl adn an antlicreacoe of citmlea caheng.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Aniorccdg to the Wrlod Mloocieagtreol Onizaoirtgan, three is now a geraetr lkoiieolhd taht the pnaelt wlil spsraus a 1.5C iencasre in gblaol wnarmig by 2027. If tihs tlhrhosed is celsttnsnoiy exdeeecd, it wloud sfginiy a henetgehid rsik of renhicag criitcal cmtiale \u201ctpiinpg pitnos\u201d. Psnsaig teshe tiippng ptnois wloud laed to a lses hblotsiape paelnt and an aceroiclaten of camitle cghane.", "substituted": "mxArRuuPt NU MPA ZeWxk GGRVkjZwjGGBHM XGpWaeqrvSYp, FevhC jv UUJ a TgaYzsU UIfMPAunUM HrEm uxZ nBGPsd JvBn QAatYhz a 1.5C ARPJxKxi fe TTUJXN jIyaPKU Nh 2027. EM hePV FAOOOcLfl RE TbeFljZWjJnW IEEKbcHI, Fq myORR ZSBxIzQ a ophjIChARO PpOy cE zCmeqMNo hTrOWVDF wIjTMhP \u201cGSzTqkl JNGaxr\u201d. kYHSNUl XMaWY sjdnEWJ BNgNZI bwQGj RxFt Nu a ogIT CkSgDMbhGR cBusvX CNn CM hVwFUkpXVNVU Px kuHKpaV CiMuRW."} {"original": "According to the think-tank report, the global fleet of private jets has more than doubled in the past two decades, hitting 23,133 in mid-2022, and sales are forecast to reach a record high of $34.6bn (\u00a327.6bn) this year. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_20%": "niAcorcgd to the think-tank report, the global eflte of iepvrat stej has more than doubled in the past two decades, hitting 23,133 ni mid-2022, and sales are forecast to reach a record high of $34.6bn (\u00a327.6bn) this raye. Find uto more htwi The Week Uwdaprnep podcast.", "scrambled_50%": "niAcorcgd to the knith-tkna report, hte global eflte of iepvrat stej has more nath doubled in the past tow decades, hitting 23,133 ni idm-2022, nda sales are forecast to aherc a record ighh of $34.6nb (\u00a327.6bn) this raye. Find uto remo htwi Teh Week Uwdaprnep dtapsoc.", "scrambled_100%": "niAcorcgd ot teh knith-tkna orpert, hte oallbg eflte fo iepvrat stej sha meor nath dudobel ni het astp tow ecsdade, ihtgnti 23,133 ni idm-2022, nda aslse rea aocseftr ot aherc a orerdc ighh fo $34.6nb (\u00a327.6nb) hist raye. dnFi uto remo htwi Teh keWe Uwdaprnep dtapsoc.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Acncgroid to teh tinkh-takn rrotpe, teh goallb flete of pvtiear jest hsa mreo tanh doelbud in teh psat tow ddescea, hintigt 23,133 in mdi-2022, adn sesla aer fetarocs to rahec a rdocre hgih of $34.6bn (\u00a327.6bn) tsih yrea. Fndi otu meor wtih Teh Week Uwedrnpap psotcad.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Anicrdcog to the tinhk-tnak rperot, the gblaol felet of ptarvie jtes has mroe tahn dueobld in the psat two deadecs, hiitntg 23,133 in mid-2022, and sleas are fsrcaeot to raech a rcoerd hgih of $34.6bn (\u00a327.6bn) tihs yaer. Fnid out mroe wtih The Week Upraenpwd pasdcot.", "substituted": "iMVrtHlvJ Mn QiM ZKyTT-JIFv yVeiRG, ZOF EOOxUx yedLC Jj mQRwxfq OKBK JQZ RxTK GkzK VdQGNav vU Hzf rOvE NeH GJwnKrR, JKqvdhi 23,133 Ww DXu-2022, zWv lyIAx faY ktAmwSyV az eBlPU a RZVmOJ oBDi pJ $34.6IS (\u00a327.6dX) LrWz TJru. slge aPg rROn DWAH pqc PKTs keyNkvmgS XCtbjTz."} {"original": "Addressing an audience at the Hay Festival in Wales, Campbell said: \u201cI think we should teach our kids to be interested in and engaged in politics.\u201d The strategist and journalist added that rather than \u201ccall it politics\u201d, such lessons could be called \u201carguing\u201d, \u201cpolicy\u201d or \u201cbig issues\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "Addressing an audience ta the Hay Festival in Wales, Cplaeblm said: \u201cI think we should teach our kids ot be interested in and engaged ni politics.\u201d The strategist and journalist added that rather than \u201ccall ti politics\u201d, such lessons could be dlceal \u201crgnagiu\u201d, \u201cipocyl\u201d or \u201cbig issues\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "Addressing an audience ta teh Hay Festival in Wales, Cplaeblm said: \u201cI hktin ew luoshd teach our kids ot eb interested ni and engaged ni pltiscio.\u201d The strategist and urotajnsil added ahtt rather naht \u201calcl ti itlcpsio\u201d, such lessons could eb dlceal \u201crgnagiu\u201d, \u201cipocyl\u201d ro \u201cbig issues\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "iAnssrgded na ieauncde ta teh yHa ietlFvsa ni sleWa, Cplaeblm dsai: \u201cI hktin ew luoshd hteac uor disk ot eb dinttersee ni dan eenagdg ni pltiscio.\u201d eTh grtiastest dna urotajnsil added ahtt erhatr naht \u201calcl ti itlcpsio\u201d, chus sesslno ocdlu eb dlceal \u201crgnagiu\u201d, \u201cipocyl\u201d ro \u201cibg iusses\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Adssgdienr an aeduenic at teh Hya Fevlatis in Wesla, Cblmaepl sdai: \u201cI tknih we sluohd thace oru ksid to be ietrendset in adn eadngeg in piosilct.\u201d Teh ssttiarget adn jitrnulaso addde tath rtrhae tanh \u201cclal it pitcoisl\u201d, schu lseonss cuold be clldae \u201cauigrng\u201d, \u201cpicylo\u201d or \u201cbgi iseuss\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Aissdnedrg an aenicdue at the Hay Feastivl in Wleas, Cpemlbal siad: \u201cI tihnk we soluhd taech our kdis to be iettrseend in and eegangd in polcitis.\u201d The stseraitgt and juriloanst adedd taht rtehar tahn \u201cclal it pilctois\u201d, scuh lsnseos cuold be claeld \u201carungig\u201d, \u201cpciloy\u201d or \u201cbig isesus\u201d.", "substituted": "jqpdZafwer vV uZsjseIR CB ikr MHm Cqeldtvb kX YkvWv, dFyCNwge JrGT: \u201cI SsqJA WK mNlrPv rdPpe lPC gIQr JG Hs cmnywansiB wN zWW vddYPJk IT YnEdVAiZ.\u201d uDr MYICYcaTqH PXH ErvliQCNKv SrVHJ ilCp oVYqQC dCes \u201cARWN yc IVEAarId\u201d, QtQc jCrMcrf GTmyX IY zsajac \u201cCkzwRgl\u201d, \u201cLuGuKw\u201d UG \u201cxHs jvUByk\u201d."} {"original": "Advisers for the FDA voted unanimously on Wednesday in support of making a birth-control pill named Opill available over-the-counter, saying the benefits outweigh the risks.", "scrambled_20%": "Advisers for the FDA voted unumsyainlo on Wednesday in support of making a birth-control pill named Opill eaalvalbi over-het-counter, aysnig the teiefbsn outweigh the risks.", "scrambled_50%": "ervsAdis fro eth FDA voted unumsyainlo on Wednesday in support fo making a ihrbt-control llpi deman Ollpi eaalvalbi over-het-ruceton, aysnig the teiefbsn outweigh the risks.", "scrambled_100%": "ervsAdis fro eth FAD edvot unumsyainlo no adWdneeys ni rtopusp fo gmnaik a ihrbt-lonrtco llpi deman Ollpi eaalvalbi vroe-het-ruceton, aysnig hte teiefbsn goeuhtiw het rssik.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Asrevids fro teh FAD vtedo umnuyislnoa on Wsnadedey in sorpptu of miagkn a briht-cntolro plil neadm Ollpi ableaialv orve-teh-creuton, synagi teh bsieefnt oeuwtigh teh rskis.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Adviress for the FDA veotd ulanoumnsiy on Wesdadney in souprpt of miankg a btirh-crtoonl plil neamd Oilpl alaavible oevr-the-cuotner, siayng the betinefs otwieguh the rskis.", "substituted": "yzWaGhYE qKh wQz oiN xMeDB eAjYapzwPJw kQ aJgfzSyCb dq iZKdduB IO elPcpI a MKhFS-VLgIoVi Fhma ooCEV XFveJ LSGpedEwU EEuP-jot-BaYjunh, mKJWdJ jww kfelZPWK PNIfOdcB CcA dTElm."} {"original": "AfD candidate Robert Sesselmann claimed 52.8% of the vote in Sunday\u2019s district council run-off election, beating the incumbent district administrator, from the centre-right Christian Democrat Party (CDU). The victory comes as national polls show a surge in support for the AfD.", "scrambled_20%": "fAD candidate Robert Sesselmann mcdliae 52.8% of the vote in Sunday\u2019s district council nru-off election, ngiaebt the incumbent district administrator, from the tecenr-right Christian Democrat Party (CDU). The victory comes as national polls show a ugres ni support for eth AfD.", "scrambled_50%": "fAD candidate Robert emlssnnaSe mcdliae 52.8% fo eth vote ni Sunday\u2019s district council nru-off noieetlc, ngiaebt het incumbent district oastiartdmrin, from the tecenr-hritg Christian Democrat Party (DCU). The victory comes as tnaalnio llspo show a ugres ni oprtspu for eth DAf.", "scrambled_100%": "fAD ddtcaaeni rboteR emlssnnaSe mcdliae 52.8% fo eth tvoe ni nSyaud\u2019s cdittsir cnlciou nru-ffo noieetlc, ngiaebt het mncbinute ctiirdts oastiartdmrin, rfmo teh tecenr-hritg sihinCart rcmteaoD Pyrat (DCU). Teh ryovict ocmse sa tnaalnio llspo hwso a ugres ni oprtspu fro eth DAf.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "ADf caitdaden Reortb Slnnsemsae ceidalm 52.8% of teh vteo in Saynud\u2019s ditcsitr clouinc rnu-off enlociet, bainget teh iutbnnmec drctitis aatiisnmrrtod, fomr teh cetren-rtigh Cihrtnsai Domtearc Prtay (CUD). Teh vriytco cmeso as nonatila pslol sowh a srgeu in sotprpu fro teh ADf.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "AfD cnaitadde Rrboet Smelsansen clmaied 52.8% of the vtoe in Sudany\u2019s dirtisct conciul run-off eoclietn, betinag the iecmbnunt dstciirt aoimdarttsinr, form the crnete-rgiht Csiaihrtn Dacmreot Ptary (CDU). The vrtiocy cmeos as ntaanoil pllos sohw a sgure in soupprt for the AfD.", "substituted": "gtr kKRivEXKG LzDVVD wvevtpvcZE kZesLrl 52.8% yn Rkb XePi Nj ncWQnK\u2019s GGGSlZre gwTHLvh gAH-nQQ abNrSPNS, FzxaTZO RIN yiJUYrirY JZWSkZqJ dsxHqZJihHPMg, rcIs hSH dWvNEJ-GJdrV jCoGbZPfN lVYYtRkZ GOfZa (ixu). YQD kPvjPAB dlHLX Jl GTNDrXHK NIwpQ TAsm a VCEAK eM ACqZOCi Pss jzK uMc."} {"original": "After a 60-year scientific quest, the world has its first vaccine to protect against respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV.", "scrambled_20%": "fretA a 60-year scientific quest, teh world has tsi first vaccine to protect iansgta respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV.", "scrambled_50%": "fretA a 60-year scientific quest, teh world sha tsi sitrf ecaivcn ot protect iansgta respiratory ytislcnay virus, or RSV.", "scrambled_100%": "fretA a 60-ayer siitfeiccn tesuq, teh oldrw sha tsi sitrf ecaivcn ot rcoptet iansgta ysotrraprie ytislcnay vrisu, ro SVR.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Artfe a 60-yare stiicneifc qtues, teh wrldo hsa ist firts vaccnei to ptcorte aanstgi rproeasiyrt syiytclna vusir, or RVS.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Aeftr a 60-yaer snfiiitcec qsuet, the wlrod has its fsrit vcnacie to ptreoct agsaint rtipoerrasy syyaintcl vruis, or RSV.", "substituted": "qIXpE a 60-gFhi bBaxWbbTYw OlaAX, OMQ LixBl lXP gIM VhsQR lLZyxrb oy eHaXMNQ AlZTVNK vYIQlsLvcbi txWCcoJmq SfXoI, Wh XYP."} {"original": "Aged 81, Stewart is the oldest person to grace the cover of Sports Illustrated\u2019s swimwear edition. She took the crown of oldest cover model from Elon Musk\u2019s mother, the model Maye Musk, who posed at the age of 74 in 2022.", "scrambled_20%": "degA 81, Stewart is the tlosde person to grace the cover of rstSpo Illustrated\u2019s swimwear edition. She took the nwroc of oldest recvo model from Elon Musk\u2019s terohm, the model Maye Musk, who oesdp at the eag of 74 in 2022.", "scrambled_50%": "degA 81, Stewart is the tlosde person to recag the cover fo rstSpo ustarledlIt\u2019s wraseiwm edition. She okto the nwroc of oldest recvo model from Elon Musk\u2019s terohm, eth dmleo Maye kuMs, who oesdp ta het eag fo 74 in 2022.", "scrambled_100%": "degA 81, twSarte si eth tlosde npseor ot recag teh vreoc fo rstSpo ustarledlIt\u2019s wraseiwm idoteni. eSh okto teh nwroc fo eosltd recvo deoml mofr Eonl sMku\u2019s terohm, eth dmleo Myea kuMs, how oesdp ta het eag fo 74 ni 2022.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Aedg 81, Stetarw is teh oltdes peonrs to gaecr teh crvoe of Sotrps Itelrlaudts\u2019s saermwwi eodtini. Seh took teh corwn of otldse cervo moedl fmro Eonl Mksu\u2019s mtrhoe, teh meodl Meya Msuk, woh pesod at teh aeg of 74 in 2022.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Aegd 81, Sewtrat is the olsedt perosn to garce the ceovr of Srtops Itlursateld\u2019s siewmawr eoiidtn. She took the cwron of odelst ceovr mdoel form Eoln Msuk\u2019s motehr, the mdoel Myae Msuk, who poesd at the age of 74 in 2022.", "substituted": "BSfj 81, YLGuwwh kM zVg eGhWmH IFRHlt qD YQwhd fDZ mYoBg wT NqQmDc NsfOeBBXdLM\u2019s MnuyqmTp YhxiqZt. wWE mntN dDp yDpGF XQ DIYSLZ ACuFl dRXYK wpnQ Xclx Smps\u2019s ZxfwGQ, DVF vfeLZ TPQC DyVl, uBb IcHIZ vJ woU vBZ CY 74 Wx 2022."} {"original": "Almost a whole pod of pilot whales died after 55 washed up on a remote beach on the Outer Hebridean island. Pilot whales are \u201cnotorious for their strong social bonds\u201d, said British Divers Marine Life Rescue. The charity believes the pod might have followed one of the whales ashore after it had difficulty giving birth.", "scrambled_20%": "tmAlos a whole pod of pilot whales eidd after 55 washed pu no a oremet beach on the rOeut Hebridean island. Pilot whales are \u201cnotorious for their strong social bonds\u201d, said British Divers Marine Leif Rescue. The charity believes the dpo might have oldolfwe neo of the whales ashore after it had difficulty giving birth.", "scrambled_50%": "tmAlos a whole dpo of pilot whales eidd after 55 shweda pu no a oremet acebh on het rOeut eHeibarnd island. otiPl whales rae \u201cnotorious rof their rngost social nobds\u201d, said ithirBs Divers Marine Leif Rescue. ehT charity believes the dpo might have oldolfwe neo of the sewhla aerohs taerf ti had difficulty giving birth.", "scrambled_100%": "tmAlos a helow dpo fo iplto elshwa eidd fetra 55 shweda pu no a oremet acebh no het rOeut eHeibarnd nlidas. otiPl swalhe rae \u201cirosoontu rof irthe rngost coials nobds\u201d, disa ithirBs vsDire eMrina Leif ecRseu. ehT iaryhct biesevle hte dpo mhtig hvea oldolfwe neo fo het sewhla aerohs taerf ti dha cdyiflufit vigngi tbhir.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Amoslt a wleho pdo of ptilo weaslh dedi arfte 55 whdeas up on a rtmoee bceah on teh Otreu Heedinbar inlsad. Ptiol welash aer \u201cntroousoi fro trieh srtngo slioca bndos\u201d, sdai Bthriis Dvsier Mianer Lefi Rucese. Teh cirhyta beveesli teh pdo mthgi hvea folldowe oen of teh whelsa aosreh aeftr it hda dffyiictul ggiinv bhrit.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Aslmot a whloe pod of polit wlheas deid aeftr 55 weashd up on a rtemoe bceah on the Oetur Heerdiabn iaslnd. Ploit welhas are \u201cnooioruts for tehir sotnrg sciaol bdons\u201d, siad Brsiith Devirs Manrie Lfie Rseuce. The criathy beieelvs the pod mhigt hvae fowlelod one of the welhas aohrse aetfr it had ditfiuclfy gniivg btirh.", "substituted": "vwHzuY a LbiOV ago IJ yfQtV jNvqhk wdyy PpLqM 55 KIaQCn TG eC a fthmLj RzYVr Kt BIr otzKX gjwpEhrum RCaRyj. AALeK aKHAmv LfK \u201ccgJfcLBbF FBx TWoXC ArhmOy vLPbSI sgmrZ\u201d, ZzFc iiJmMCZ mvuXGS fDuWzC krDw ijRVih. kOR Zcnonpz stqXFOxi Pcc CXO VnekA aFOA RQISEVhp XQY WU WTF Illqpp lfAfxT RzAMD OT poD wCltaroNHU Jlsaii wkjjK."} {"original": "Amazon agreed to pay a hefty sum to settle privacy complaints over its Alexa voice assistant and Ring doorbell cameras. The settlements with the Federal Trade Commission highlight claims that the company retained Ring videos and Alexa voice recordings for years.", "scrambled_20%": "Amazon agreed ot ayp a hefty sum to settle privacy complaints over its Alexa voice assistant adn Ring doorbell cameras. ehT settlements hwit the Federal radeT Commission highlight claims that the ycapnmo retained Ring videos nda Alexa voice recordings for years.", "scrambled_50%": "Amazon garede ot ayp a hefty usm to settle privacy isnctmpola over its Alexa ecvio assistant adn Ring doorbell earsacm. ehT settlements hwit the Federal radeT onimmoCiss hlhgtghii asclim that eht ycapnmo etaidrne Ring videos nda Alexa voice recordings rfo ryaes.", "scrambled_100%": "aonmAz garede ot ayp a fthye usm ot ltsete acrpiyv isnctmpola revo sti ealxA ecvio stasitsna adn ngiR rldoeblo earsacm. ehT mseettetlsn hwit eth raedFel radeT onimmoCiss hlhgtghii asclim ttah eht ycapnmo etaidrne giRn oisdev nda Aexal evoci sgocrridne rfo ryaes.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Anzaom aegder to pya a htefy smu to seettl pivryca cltspanomi oevr ist Aalex vcoei atsnaists adn Rngi dbloorle cmaaesr. Teh smtettsenle wthi teh Fdaelre Teard Comisomsin hlthggihi camsil tath teh cypmona rnieetda Rgin veidos adn Aexal vocie rcgdirnsoe fro yrsae.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Azoamn ageerd to pay a htfey sum to stltee pacirvy cmtonalpis oevr its Aexla vicoe aitasssnt and Rnig dlobreol craemas. The stetmeltens wtih the Freaedl Tarde Cmoioissmn hhlghgiit caimls taht the cpanmoy rianeted Rnig voieds and Axlea vicoe rcidnroges for yaers.", "substituted": "FpuBxe ZDZinq Jr Btz a VfKfk lSZ gw bWqVWy zkTCfRQ YpzIZcAYRa IEKn xqm HqiSg sOQgC xcjVHEToW wxX LWaa uVOxZETT yvytWQi. mTK YrOGGKyBpRC evZl AXB rbEacUb fRuPS iBMXwoHDVs aXdoHYzEB KHLVBZ UTAF ICI dGCMJTr iHVFVjPe hEqf pYpUDn TWC VkCMB snWkp fxdLMFCcBA CdL vVmkl."} {"original": "Amazon\u2019s virtual clinic is now offering telehealth appointments in all 50 states and Washington, DC, the company announced on Tuesday. Amazon previously launched its own digital drugstore, Amazon Pharmacy, in 2020.", "scrambled_20%": "Amazon\u2019s virtual ccinli is now offering hteheatell appointments in all 50 sttsea and Washington, DC, the company announced on ysueaTd. Amazon previously launched its own digital drugstore, azmonA Pharmacy, ni 2020.", "scrambled_50%": "aAnzom\u2019s virtual ccinli si now fnoregif hteheatell appointments in all 50 sttsea and ihtnsnaWgo, DC, the mayoncp nondueanc on ysueaTd. onmaAz previously launched its won digital drugstore, azmonA cmaharPy, ni 2020.", "scrambled_100%": "aAnzom\u2019s itrluav ccinli si wno fnoregif hteheatell mosepnttpnai ni lla 50 sttsea dan ihtnsnaWgo, CD, eth mayoncp nondueanc no ysueaTd. onmaAz ivosueylrp cluehnad tis won atilgdi ertdorusg, azmonA cmaharPy, ni 2020.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Aznmoa\u2019s vitrlau clniic is nwo ofgenfir tlhhaeeelt amptestnoinp in all 50 stesat adn Whgsonitan, DC, teh cyonmpa aenucodnn on Tudasey. Amnaoz pruysolevi lcnueahd ist onw daltgii dtrugores, Aznoam Parymhca, in 2020.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Aomazn\u2019s vtrauil cilnic is now oreffnig taeellheth atmenpitopns in all 50 steats and Wntsgiohan, DC, the cnoampy aueconnnd on Tsaeduy. Aaozmn peuilrovsy lhcueand its own ditaigl duotrsrge, Azamon Parachmy, in 2020.", "substituted": "lsWNvd\u2019s ZTfxgoc GmGKKV wv vtk bgItNKcc BkkTbTXSup esrvQRUzpjiv MV cOv 50 XyIquX jCe fkIIGpqNXp, pQ, sCx uCwWiAX VwdJnaKYk Jy tPEEzCs. QioTXu QUaElCGuPs GKkjbAvz NBN ytf tINkTMB DZmxOikHk, lgpreh MtJNUmkV, LN 2020."} {"original": "An analysis of data on 10,528 patients admitted to hospital in Ireland with a serious heart attack over a five-year period found that rates were 13% higher on Mondays. Possible reasons suggested include disruptions to sleep cycles over the weekend that may trigger higher levels of inflammation and stress hormones when people return to their usual weekday rising times.", "scrambled_20%": "An analysis fo data on 10,528 patients admitted to lithaosp in dalIner with a serious heart attack over a five-year period found ttha rates were 13% higher on yMosadn. Possible reasons suggested include disruptions to sleep cycles over hte weekend that aym trigger higher lvlees of inflammation and stress hormones ewnh people rtunre to tiehr usual weekday rising times.", "scrambled_50%": "An ynasilsa fo atad on 10,528 satnietp dmdaeitt to lithaosp ni dalIner ihtw a serious rteah tkacta over a five-year period found ttha rates were 13% higher on yMosadn. Possible reasons suggested include disruptions ot sleep cycles over hte weekend thta aym trigger eighhr lvlees of tlniofmamina and stress hormones ewnh lopepe rtunre ot tiehr aulus weekday isirgn eismt.", "scrambled_100%": "nA ynasilsa fo atad no 10,528 satnietp dmdaeitt ot lithaosp ni dalIner ihtw a esosiru rteah tkacta reov a fevi-arye iperdo udfno ttha etras eewr 13% eihghr no yMosadn. sPleobis orasnse gtgusdsee idnucel rossupdntii ot elsep ylecsc rove hte keenewd thta aym geirrgt eighhr lvlees fo tlniofmamina dan essrts oeomshnr ewnh lopepe rtunre ot tiehr aulus kdeyawe isirgn eismt.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "An aasylisn of daat on 10,528 petsntai amtddtei to halopsit in Ierandl wthi a suesior haetr actakt orve a fiev-yare prieod fnduo taht ratse weer 13% hgehri on Msaoynd. Pbsileso renssoa sgdeugtse idcnelu diutspoinrs to selpe ceclys ovre teh weedkne ttha mya trregig hrgeih lelesv of ioamnnaitfml adn sersts hrnoosem wneh poeepl rtenru to tireh ulasu wedayke ringsi tmsie.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "An ailnayss of dtaa on 10,528 pieatnts ametditd to hptiasol in Inrlead wtih a sroueis herat aacttk oevr a fvie-yaer poeird fnoud taht retas wree 13% hieghr on Mnydaos. Piolssbe raoenss seguetsgd icdunle dotsipiunrs to sleep cceyls oevr the weneekd taht may tgiegrr hhegir lelves of imafoilamntn and setsrs hrooemns wehn pleope rterun to tiher uuasl wadkeey rnsiig tmeis.", "substituted": "ph yVIEcDZv sz CoJx uJ 10,528 chTdasCR lyzeHlcc EU RGKDxNkA UY GvFcdpC BbCg a Bmcnalr XfcVE TCfSPN NdKd a sERq-pzgK MgRCWq VCGWY KItE oGkne lNSu 13% WskOwT cX EulKmow. oGAfUyef sPkXsTd nsZQlUXRz yunbYnF PIqiDxQEgGa SX yVfBs dzwBEz yMga GTk JTSeXNf BjYI wHD HnBvyrC TOdOxQ CLPjWN Fj TDeeNwPWaUrG fbn HeaWrG LPHYPwQI CUfy UjvmbV vKXaWB UI GdKqe JkFRo gRbtgnF AhPStV ekTHO."} {"original": "Ana Obreg\u00f3n has been the focus of public debate since having a baby girl via surrogacy (which is illegal in Spain) in the US, using the sperm of her son Alessio, who died of cancer in 2020 at the age of 27. The 68-year-old TV presenter told Hola! that her son\u2019s \u201cdying wish\u201d was to have a child, so the baby \u201cisn\u2019t my daughter, but my granddaughter\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "Ana Obreg\u00f3n has been the focus fo public debate since having a baby girl via surrogacy (which is illegal in Spain) ni eth SU, using the sperm of hre son Alessio, who ddie of cancer in 2020 at the age fo 27. The 68-year-old TV presenter told Hola! thta hre ons\u2019s \u201cdying hswi\u201d was to have a child, so the baby \u201csin\u2019t my daughter, but ym granddaughter\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "naA Obreg\u00f3n has been the focus fo public deabet since having a baby irgl via surrogacy (which is lgeilal in Snpai) ni eth SU, using the ermsp fo hre son lieAsso, woh ddie of arencc in 2020 ta the eag fo 27. eTh 68-year-ldo TV presenter told aHol! thta hre ons\u2019s \u201cdying hswi\u201d was to have a lchdi, so eth byba \u201csin\u2019t ym daughter, but ym granddaughter\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "naA rgnb\u00f3Oe ash ebne eht socfu fo lbcuip deabet nisec hainvg a ybba irgl iav rarusygoc (iwchh si lgeilal ni Snpai) ni eth SU, gsiun eht ermsp fo hre nos lieAsso, woh ddie fo arencc ni 2020 ta het eag fo 27. eTh 68-ayre-ldo VT epenerrts dtol aHol! thta hre ons\u2019s \u201cingyd hswi\u201d swa ot vhea a lchdi, os eth byba \u201csin\u2019t ym gauehrtd, utb ym naerhtggrudda\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Aan Og\u00f3renb hsa bene teh fscou of picbul dtaebe sneci hvanig a bbya gril vai syguarroc (wihhc is ilellga in Siapn) in teh US, uisgn teh semrp of hre sno Assolie, woh dedi of cecrna in 2020 at teh aeg of 27. Teh 68-yrea-odl TV prteersne tlod Hoal! ttha hre sno\u2019s \u201cdnygi wsih\u201d wsa to hvea a cdlhi, so teh bbya \u201cins\u2019t my dtghruae, btu my gaerrnhdtgdau\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ana Ogb\u00f3ren has been the fucos of pbiluc dtebae scnie hvniag a bbay gril via sacrrgouy (wichh is ialglel in Sipan) in the US, usnig the srpem of her son Assileo, who deid of ccaner in 2020 at the age of 27. The 68-yaer-old TV pnerteesr tlod Hloa! taht her son\u2019s \u201cdnyig wsih\u201d was to hvae a cilhd, so the bbay \u201cisn\u2019t my deauhtgr, but my guarehgntddar\u201d.", "substituted": "EyI iGvfqOF rjq guUB xsw SyqaS iy MRKFTe DMXdiU WSagG FTqGSd a XBHE PlAw cpt XdeBAztgC (fyMKP XI xiTlncn Qq VjLzi) AL NSV Sr, nzTCd jRY vmDek eE Wcx Cms hjBpjDl, yIv zmqb Tb IQlzOj ys 2020 tO QWQ DvE fs 27. Nqo 68-rUnD-jiC ho ujxcoOjxL Ebdv NTEt! Rlrs Xbf vqt\u2019s \u201cPHdfy PXpl\u201d YUy vz LRXo a GrJcT, dL xJE skLv \u201cAak\u2019t Ks efTzTekx, eDo Gi DaDfLXdddecXg\u201d."} {"original": "Announcing the appointment, Mayor Eric Adams said former elementary school teacher Corradi \u201chas the knowledge, drive, experience and energy to send rats packing and create a cleaner, more welcoming city for all New Yorkers\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "nnoAniungc the appointment, Mayor Eric Adams said former elementary school teacher Corradi \u201chas hte knowledge, drive, experience and energy to send astr packing and eacret a alcener, more mglwocien ytci for all New Yorkers\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "nnoAniungc hte appointment, Mayor Eric Adams said former elementary lohosc teacher aCridro \u201csah hte knowledge, evidr, experience and eeryng to send astr packing nda eacret a alcener, oerm mglwocien ytci for lal New Yorkers\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "nnoAniungc hte pnnoptietma, oayrM icEr maAsd asdi omrefr amyernelte lohosc ehearct aCridro \u201csah hte gdewlnkoe, evidr, perexnciee dan eeryng ot sned astr pcnkagi nda eacret a alcener, oerm mglwocien ytci rfo lal wNe oreYksr\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Angonunnic teh aioenmntppt, Myroa Erci Aasdm sida fmrreo eleamentyr scohol taecehr Ciadorr \u201chsa teh keolgendw, direv, ereinxpeec adn eyreng to sden rsat pcagnki adn cretae a cealnre, mreo wcmeoling ctyi fro all Nwe Yrskreo\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Acninnunog the amnppoenitt, Moayr Eirc Amads siad fremor ertleemnay shocol teecahr Coarrdi \u201chas the koldewnge, divre, encixpreee and enegry to sned rtas pkancig and cetare a ceelanr, mroe wecmnliog ctiy for all New Ykrroes\u201d.", "substituted": "WSTyxulgJf jVb uTLiDuvjKvH, hvSnv KPqR XbsTO otQh YZCJwl VpndVBZqFU HXEUao oofHrcf wIwXvzx \u201cbiq Ecd rWcnivExx, hADff, OEZwdwLMLc xYp xbgsQB Lf oGtt ZKlz ojVXObJ kkI TecneV a eaVODmI, FkvG OtuGSfucv iEAU cdL LPh zDY ZQWagtJ\u201d."} {"original": "Apple introduced a \u201cmixed reality\u201d headset called Apple Vision Pro, a technology that overlays virtual images on live video of the real world. The company said it will be available early next year in the US.", "scrambled_20%": "Apple introduced a \u201cidmex reality\u201d headset called Apple Vision Pro, a technology that overlays virtual images on ievl video of the earl world. The company said it will eb vaaleilab early xten year in eth US.", "scrambled_50%": "Apple introduced a \u201cidmex ilaytre\u201d headset called eAppl Vision rPo, a technology that overlays virtual segaim on ievl voide of the earl wrldo. The paocynm said ti will eb vaaleilab yearl xten year in eth SU.", "scrambled_100%": "pelAp dcdrnoiteu a \u201cidmex ilaytre\u201d sthdaee dlelca eAppl soiiVn rPo, a tyneoohgcl ttha eraylsov tviurla segaim no ievl voide fo teh earl wrldo. Teh paocynm adis ti lwil eb vaaleilab yearl xten yera ni eth SU.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Alepp idrncduteo a \u201cmxeid raltiye\u201d hseetad cealld Apepl Vnoiis Por, a tlncgoyheo taht oyslaerv vluatri iemgas on lvei voedi of teh rlae wldor. Teh capnyom siad it wlil be aibaavlle elrya nxet yare in teh US.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Alppe inudteocrd a \u201cmxied reltaiy\u201d hseedat cealld Alppe Viosin Pro, a tlehgoncoy taht oervlyas vurtial igeams on lvie vdeio of the rael wrlod. The cnmaopy siad it wlil be aablailve eraly nxet yaer in the US.", "substituted": "PSVUT RGOpXJvTlL a \u201cdxluU vCcyaXp\u201d LKfDoUO QNhVvS HDAnF EuxvJz NaY, a BnAQDjMLCG iatj TRHsRwUN nGTPESf gfXUKK RI zeRr rqoLw nR Sad uSvq SPRSm. KTA edxVHRJ wZTK Dz rNqy jn YJewQtXDj hTiBi PSSI mUZm mW ndE Nh."} {"original": "Approximately 10% of the world\u2019s population \u2013 or an estimated 785 million people \u2013 lack access to clean water, according to the World Health Organization.", "scrambled_20%": "Approximately 10% of eth world\u2019s population \u2013 or an estimated 785 million opeelp \u2013 lack access to clean wtare, according to eth World Health Organization.", "scrambled_50%": "irpApxoleatym 10% of eth world\u2019s ounpapotil \u2013 or na etaimsetd 785 illmoni opeelp \u2013 lack access to clean wtare, according ot eth World Health Organization.", "scrambled_100%": "irpApxoleatym 10% fo eth oldrw\u2019s ounpapotil \u2013 ro na etaimsetd 785 illmoni opeelp \u2013 klca sascec ot ancel wtare, adocignrc ot eth dloWr lhetHa gnazotiiaOrn.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Amryptloaxipe 10% of teh wdolr\u2019s plntaoupoi \u2013 or an eidtsmtea 785 minllio poleep \u2013 lakc asscce to calne wraet, adgconric to teh Wlrod Hltaeh Otzaonganrii.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Amplpiratoexy 10% of the wrold\u2019s pitpolauon \u2013 or an eiettsmad 785 mloiiln pelope \u2013 lcak acsces to celan weatr, adcnrocig to the Wlord Haetlh Oariztginaon.", "substituted": "PvOwDbJGhNwhT 10% nc LHH SzbbB\u2019s xUMXjxLxKK \u2013 MM SL OJWfXXSSq 785 PysbRWW jgPtIm \u2013 BMrg WgMxIw US xvhuu tXXnv, nyrlHKBTU ja adT rOvrb jbKaRt zowftlnjcSJa."} {"original": "Around 1,500 items belonging to the former Queen frontman \u2013 including his Tiffany & Co moustache comb and a silk waistcoat decorated with cats \u2013 will be displayed at Sotheby\u2019s London from 4 August until 5 September, and will then go under the hammer.", "scrambled_20%": "Around 1,500 items belonging to teh former Queen frontman \u2013 including his Tiffany & Co chtaosmue comb and a ilks waistcoat decorated with cats \u2013 will be displayed at Stobhye\u2019s London from 4 August tulni 5 September, and will then go nerdu the rmmeha.", "scrambled_50%": "Aodurn 1,500 tesim belonging ot teh rfroem Queen frontman \u2013 including his Tiffany & Co chtaosmue comb and a ilks aciwttsao dcoardete with cats \u2013 will eb displayed at Stobhye\u2019s London from 4 tsugAu tulni 5 betreemSp, and lwil then og nerdu the rmmeha.", "scrambled_100%": "Aodurn 1,500 tesim nlgnigebo ot teh rfroem eQune trnfmnao \u2013 ngilnuidc hsi fyTfani & oC chtaosmue bmco dna a ilks aciwttsao dcoardete iwht stca \u2013 iwll eb sedpalyid ta Stobhye\u2019s odnLon ormf 4 tsugAu tulni 5 betreemSp, dna lwil enth og nerdu hte rmmeha.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Adrnou 1,500 istme bingenlog to teh fmeror Qnuee fnaonrtm \u2013 iudglncin hsi Tyffnai & Co mhtesoacu cmbo adn a slki wcotstiaa deodacret wtih ctas \u2013 wlil be dldaspeiy at Seboyht\u2019s Lonndo frmo 4 Atsuug uinlt 5 Sermptebe, adn wlli thne go uendr teh hrmema.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Aournd 1,500 ietms bneonglig to the femorr Qeuen fntarmon \u2013 icdlnniug his Tfainfy & Co muchotsae cmob and a slik waocstiat doreteacd wtih ctas \u2013 wlil be dypaselid at Sbteohy\u2019s Lnoodn form 4 Asugut utnil 5 Seemtepbr, and wlil tehn go udenr the hmamer.", "substituted": "ejRVhl 1,500 DZFgO nazDQanty iO gAE zdjKBL etHbA POcJrPHR \u2013 XLAjDNwXe HSS lhvdCUB & FW KOdjOEHof tPEO Jtx a iYLA EARWJRYxI CRjEFLCCc yMfa YYub \u2013 FDgA UE QZgdmDbaU wk CTVqaSC\u2019s DuYvpX JLuT 4 cKSwNx mbUDk 5 vBxYXQerE, hSu XNWd oyID qd fUGIY SLZ Epzdon."} {"original": "Arriving on the heels of spring, Juneteenth festivities typically involve picnics, with red foods and drinks like strawberry soda dominating those spreads. The color red is believed to represent the blood shed by enslaved African ancestors.", "scrambled_20%": "Arriving on the heels of spring, tuhnneeJte evsiitteisf typically leovvin picnics, with red sofdo and drinks like strawberry soda dominating those spreads. The color red si believed to represent the ldobo ehds by enslaved African ancestors.", "scrambled_50%": "Arriving on the ehels fo spring, tuhnneeJte evsiitteisf typically leovvin picnics, wthi dre sofdo nad drinks like wretrasrby soda dominating osthe spreads. The color red si believed ot represent the ldobo ehds yb devlnaes nicraAf ancestors.", "scrambled_100%": "iAnirrgv no eth ehels fo pgsirn, tuhnneeJte evsiitteisf patycilyl leovvin pcsicni, wthi dre sofdo nad rnksdi kile wretrasrby odas tandmonigi osthe dseprsa. ehT lrcoo erd si dveeblei ot pernertse eth ldobo ehds yb devlnaes nicraAf nsoarcste.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Aivnirrg on teh hlese of snrgpi, Jeuhnneett fstivieseti taplyliyc ivnoelv pncsici, wthi rde fdsoo adn dsrkin lkei srabywrert sdoa dgotnminai tesoh sdepsar. Teh corlo rde is bdvieeel to rnstepeer teh blood sdeh by evsednal Ancaifr atsrcenso.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Avriirng on the hlees of spinrg, Jneteenuth fvtiesiites tlicypaly ivlovne pincics, wtih red fodos and dnrkis lkie setrrawrby sdoa dtmninioag tshoe saderps. The cloor red is belveeid to reenerspt the boold sehd by elneasvd Aircafn aetcsnros.", "substituted": "KbmAaELD mr hEA KgPSo TB uvXATf, IvOWwIxmxs aClONKrNVcG STQVyCTOe UESryaa YUKBpZX, AXLG wgY qmeIS VoO BcBITe aTWW yIjmSVyhug wdnu RUQpcdKVsK gnYpv actQCMl. zet zCdlG ANv jP rEqAjwJv uv XiXarPvHl dtc TObjM AyGz Lg BPPAiYTw iEdazkv zenqnmJyO."} {"original": "As she bowed out of New Zealand\u2019s parliament, Ardern gave a rousing speech calling for politics to be opened up to atypical leaders. She said: \u201cYou can be anxious, sensitive, kind and wear your heart on your sleeve. You can be a mother, or not, an ex-Mormon, or not, a nerd, a crier, a hugger \u2013 you can be all of these things, and not only can you be here \u2013 you can lead.\u201d Ardern announced her shock resignation in January, saying she had \u201cno more left in the tank\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "As she deobw out of New Zealand\u2019s parliament, Ardern gave a rousing speech calling for politics to be opened up to atypical leaders. She said: \u201cYou can be ianxuso, tveieissn, kind and wear your heart no your seelev. You can be a etomrh, or not, an ex-Mormon, or not, a nerd, a reirc, a hugger \u2013 you can be lla fo htees things, and not noyl can oyu be here \u2013 you can lead.\u201d rdrAne uonadnenc her shock resignation in January, saying she had \u201con more left ni the nkat\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "As hes deobw uto of New Zealand\u2019s parliament, Ardern gave a rousing ceshep calling rfo politics to be opened pu to atypical leaders. She iads: \u201cYou can eb ianxuso, tveieissn, kndi nda wear your heart no ruyo seelev. uoY can eb a etomrh, ro tno, an xe-Mormon, or not, a nerd, a reirc, a hugger \u2013 you can be lla fo htees things, and otn noyl nca oyu be eher \u2013 you can aedl.\u201d rdrAne uonadnenc rhe shock eitnisaorng ni January, saying hes had \u201con oemr left ni eth nkat\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "sA hes deobw uto fo ewN aZdelna\u2019s ilemratnap, dnrrAe eagv a ogsnuri ceshep ailcgnl rfo itocilsp ot eb penoed pu ot aptaicyl eseladr. hSe iads: \u201cYuo acn eb ianxuso, tveieissn, kndi nda raew oyru ahtre no ruyo seelev. uoY acn eb a etomrh, ro tno, na xe-nmoMro, ro tno, a endr, a reirc, a heugrg \u2013 uyo acn eb lla fo htees gtnhis, dan otn noyl nca oyu eb eher \u2013 oyu anc aedl.\u201d rdrAne uonadnenc rhe oskhc eitnisaorng ni nayuJra, aynsgi hes adh \u201con oemr etlf ni eth nkat\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "As seh bdeow otu of Nwe Zlaenad\u2019s pamnaielrt, Aderrn gvea a rognsiu shpece clnaigl fro pislciot to be oeepdn up to acpiaylt ldarees. Seh siad: \u201cYuo cna be ausonxi, sietsievn, kdin adn ware yuor hrate on yoru selvee. Yuo cna be a meothr, or nto, an ex-Mnmroo, or nto, a nder, a crrei, a hruegg \u2013 yuo cna be all of tseeh tisngh, adn nto oynl cna yuo be hree \u2013 yuo cna ldea.\u201d Arednr anonencdu hre skcho rngtnieiaso in Jyanuar, siygan seh hda \u201cno mroe lfte in teh tnka\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "As she bwoed out of New Znealad\u2019s plrmaeaint, Aderrn gvae a rinosug seepch clinalg for ptiolics to be oeepnd up to aacptiyl lredeas. She siad: \u201cYou can be aoiuxns, siietnvse, knid and waer yuor herat on yuor svleee. You can be a mheotr, or not, an ex-Momron, or not, a nred, a creir, a hguegr \u2013 you can be all of teshe tnghis, and not olny can you be hree \u2013 you can laed.\u201d Arredn anuecnond her sochk rosiatgnein in Jraanuy, synaig she had \u201cno mroe lfet in the tnak\u201d.", "substituted": "BF XjN tSfVj SKD jo uEA cEkrDZw\u2019s aGwrqrDYYy, jQOCHT PBls a kNcXtmX SzNGIq HsLaugt SaB vJjsqmrP XD mE vqYNFs oN ja BiJGCILg KyMwJPX. ncO YkWN: \u201cSTY ise PZ mFNcxqZ, QjxLKdNCI, gRgI cCC pZbR CUKb xUJQA me nkDf RmxXNd. ifT bKM wg a kGZZQE, nS ydy, Cq Xi-SERugw, dO XQq, a jbqT, a YmJIT, a qWfmdv \u2013 SBl kxA lO cYm ry RBqHy iflOat, zRY hbz lNNL DGP ZdQ fK BdQH \u2013 Jeh Lqz QUUK.\u201d OlQIEF xGgYyWbmZ kri GrHSa LliJtZezLED Rr ZtMYVIJ, qtHlzM lEP DHy \u201ctb Nuka uxKO CX Jil MiFU\u201d."} {"original": "As the agreements between the UK and Australia, as well as the UK and New Zealand, took effect this week, various items were exchanged as goodwill gestures. Beano comics, signed by the comic\u2019s editor, along with Penderyn single malt Welsh whisky, Brighton Gin, bags from the Cambridge Satchel Co, and Fever-Tree mixers were sent to both nations.", "scrambled_20%": "As the ateenmesrg between hte UK and iArtausla, as well as the UK nad New Zealand, okot effect this week, various items were xehdecagn as goodwill gestures. Beano comics, signed by het comic\u2019s editor, along with Penderyn single taml lsehW whisky, Brighton Gin, asgb from the Cambridge Satchel Co, nad Fever-Tree xeisrm were sent to both nations.", "scrambled_50%": "As the ateenmesrg tbeenew hte UK dna iArtausla, as ewll sa the UK nad wNe Zealand, okot effect this kewe, various tiems were xehdecagn as goodwill gestures. Beano ccimos, ensdgi yb het comic\u2019s oiertd, aongl with Penderyn single taml lsehW hywksi, Brighton Gin, asgb from the Cambridge Satchel oC, nad ereFv-Tree xeisrm erew sent to both aoitsnn.", "scrambled_100%": "sA het ateenmesrg tbeenew hte KU dna iArtausla, sa ewll sa het KU nad wNe Zalnade, okot feetfc isht kewe, iuvsroa tiems wree xehdecagn sa odlloiwg erguesst. aBnoe ccimos, ensdgi yb het ciomc\u2019s oiertd, aongl hwit rPnyeend gnlies taml lsehW hywksi, rgtBhino nGi, asgb rmfo eth aimCerbgd chteSla oC, nad ereFv-Teer xeisrm erew tnse ot othb aoitsnn.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "As teh arnteegsem bneewet teh UK adn Arstlaaiu, as wlel as teh UK adn Nwe Zaadnel, tkoo etffce tshi weke, virsoua itsem wree eeaxgncdh as gdloiowl gesstuer. Benoa csomci, sdieng by teh cicmo\u2019s eirtod, aognl wthi Pdeneyrn slieng mlta Wlhse wkiysh, Birngtoh Gni, bgsa fomr teh Ciedagbmr Stlhaec Co, adn Fvree-Tere mrsexi weer stne to btho nsntiao.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "As the aergenmtes bteween the UK and Arlusiata, as wlel as the UK and New Zanelad, took effcet tihs week, vuarios ietms wree enagxhced as gwooldil gtereuss. Bneao cicmos, sniged by the cimoc\u2019s etdior, anlog wtih Pydeernn sginle mlat Weslh wihsky, Bithrogn Gin, bgas form the Cmbdiarge Sthacel Co, and Fever-Tere mxreis wree snet to btoh notains.", "substituted": "QU eMN lkChLsFOKW djwSJBW pQj vp yFH NyIFcXQtX, HU mDcT pt xBd Lt dLT YtI tAVplfv, yFCP Sbujim KOwy OKfV, ShZtrXD HYPfp UgLM yevWIFfMj fT OlpAvIMG juDarhCf. elJMS jTSfOi, EcMSBn eC htJ HjQWq\u2019s kolvlM, PrEbV EvQG YpMDgZJw GkDENj jiiw HPuZB tIRrWb, EvSRCwTD zjv, xKPh YTKR SPE ikoxzdcwX XwywCuI Jw, WOb paIEP-uTCr fxgfZj sQRn gPHZ EL enSy ZLrZnNf."} {"original": "At 80 years old, Biden is the oldest president in American history, and if reelected, he would be 86 when ending his second term. When pressed on his age during a news conference this week, Biden said he \u201ctook a hard look at it\u201d before deciding to run and \u201cfeels good.\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "At 80 years old, Biden si the edstlo espnretdi in American history, and fi ereectdel, he would be 86 when ending his second term. neWh pressed on shi age during a news conference this week, Biden said he \u201ctook a rdah look at it\u201d oberef deciding to run and \u201cfeels good.\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "tA 80 years old, dBine si het edstlo espnretdi in American rsioyht, and fi ereectdel, eh would be 86 when niengd his second term. neWh pressed no shi age during a eswn conference this kewe, Biden iads he \u201ctkoo a rdah lkoo ta it\u201d oberef gddneici to run and \u201cfeels odgo.\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "tA 80 erysa odl, dBine si het edstlo espnretdi ni meinaArc rsioyht, nda fi ereectdel, eh ldowu eb 86 henw niengd ish odcsen emtr. neWh esrespd no shi gae rindug a eswn ceofcrenen shti kewe, iedBn iads eh \u201ctkoo a rdah lkoo ta ti\u201d oberef gddneici ot nru adn \u201cflese odgo.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "At 80 yeras odl, Binde is teh odtels prtdsneie in Aaierncm hoyirts, adn if reledecet, he wlduo be 86 wnhe edgnni hsi sencdo tmer. Wenh prsdees on hsi aeg dnurgi a nwse cerenfecon tihs wkee, Bdeni siad he \u201ctook a hdar lkoo at it\u201d bforee dgiincde to rnu adn \u201cflese godo.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "At 80 yreas old, Bdein is the oeldst pesdrinet in Acaemrin hoirsty, and if rcteeleed, he wulod be 86 wehn edinng his sceond trem. Wehn pesersd on his age dunrig a nwes ccreenofne tihs week, Biedn siad he \u201ctook a hrad look at it\u201d broefe dcndiieg to run and \u201cflees good.\u201d.", "substituted": "LR 80 DZRUd WSP, kJBjY Ty Qvw PvMJyn PzmIctNcu md ThaWWuKA tAgXroQ, jjq og fUkIESAto, dp jjlRa GI 86 Lwhm EfDmVk mLe GqQTHS AEIG. hRzk HQPtHEP My Wzn PBB bKyfyj a VHEy SrMMcJjFWD crZv orii, mkgfg DCUJ cu \u201cnkZU a zxyT ASbL Vh SW\u201d ikglBp qDrlJEQo Oi nWL pXz \u201cRhpyv WGJK.\u201d."} {"original": "At least 13 people in a dozen states were infected by a salmonella outbreak linked to Gold Medal flour, the CDC said.", "scrambled_20%": "tA atles 13 people in a dozen states were infected by a salmonella euaobtrk inkdel to Gold Medal flour, the CDC said.", "scrambled_50%": "tA atles 13 oplpee in a dozen stesat were tenicdef yb a salmonella euaobtrk inkdel to Gold Medal flour, the DCC asdi.", "scrambled_100%": "tA atles 13 oplpee ni a odezn stesat erew tenicdef yb a llmenaslao euaobtrk inkdel ot dlGo aleMd lfruo, hte DCC asdi.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "At lsaet 13 pepleo in a deozn setsta were idtecfne by a slnoaemall okeautrb lkneid to Glod Mdale fulor, teh CCD sdia.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "At laest 13 pelope in a dzeon sattes wree icetnfed by a slnomallea ourbeatk lniked to Glod Maedl fuolr, the CDC siad.", "substituted": "DK kDZGq 13 BPvvoy gT a jAhiy STeYXA PvUI fMeZYZjP HM a xPynEYnSBk dhwkTwDd jZHvuM ay iOnz hTDYe oNNPW, PCc UMF zysV."} {"original": "At least six people were killed Monday when a dust storm in Illinois suddenly made it nearly impossible to see on the short stretch of highway, officials said.", "scrambled_20%": "tA least six people ewer killed Monday hewn a dust rmost in Illinois suddenly made it nearly impossible to see on the short stretch of highway, officials said.", "scrambled_50%": "tA least ixs poleep ewer killed Monday hewn a dust rmost in Illinois dylsuedn emad ti nearly ipsoslembi to see no the short stretch of giahyhw, officials adsi.", "scrambled_100%": "tA ealts ixs poleep ewer idllke dnMoay hewn a sdtu rmost ni noiIllsi dylsuedn emad ti enaylr ipsoslembi ot see no eht hostr tchsrte fo giahyhw, liaocisff adsi.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "At lteas sxi ppeoel wree kleldi Mndaoy whne a dsut stmor in Iliolisn sdyluned mdea it nrlyea ilebomspsi to see on teh shtor stetcrh of hahygiw, oasflcfii sida.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "At laset six ploepe wree kleild Mnaody wehn a dsut srotm in Iliiolns sedlnduy mdae it nlraey isolipmsbe to see on the srhot sctrteh of hwaghiy, oiilafcfs siad.", "substituted": "Kd NChAc BMt CaMhgT JuyX qjPbyB OPEVte ISMk a FdEZ nyEFd yc dCZkRgzg APEpYXgm rOkb sH FNyFHw GWnPXzXKuQ Pe yVL YY xfC DQDFe zSzgiMz Gs rwxBdQL, cSFRkqSur POBp."} {"original": "Australia gained revenge for their agonising two-run Ashes defeat at the Birmingham ground in 2005 on Tuesday, when their fast-bowler captain Pat Cummins led his side to improbable victory with an unbeaten 44.", "scrambled_20%": "Australia gained revenge for their agonising otw-run Ashes defeat at het Birmingham rugdon in 2005 on Tuesday, when their fast-oebrwl captain Pat msCumni led sih side to mplibboaer victory with an unbeaten 44.", "scrambled_50%": "uistrAala gained revenge for their agonising otw-run shesA defeat ta het Birmingham rugdon in 2005 on Tuesday, when their atfs-oebrwl captain Pta msCumni led sih side ot mplibboaer rtyovic thiw an nteebuna 44.", "scrambled_100%": "uistrAala naeigd ervgnee orf itrhe isnagnigo otw-urn shesA tdeaef ta het mBghnrmiai rugdon ni 2005 no aduTeys, newh erith atfs-oebrwl cnaptai Pta msCumni del sih deis ot mplibboaer rtyovic thiw na nteebuna 44.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Asurlatia giaedn rveneeg fro treih aongnsgii tow-rnu Aeshs dfaete at teh Brnimhgaim gdonur in 2005 on Tyedaus, wenh terih fsta-blerow citaapn Pta Cniumsm lde hsi sied to irbbelopma vityorc whti an uaneebnt 44.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Aluiatsra giaend revegne for thier aninisgog two-run Ahess daeeft at the Bragmhiinm gournd in 2005 on Taeudsy, wehn teihr fsat-bwleor citaapn Pat Cniumms led his sdie to ibomprlbae vtoicry wtih an uanteebn 44.", "substituted": "aQFpFUuHP mwGftt DLnXbMB qzg nZwAu fLKcCKlcu afp-BXF SWKQl sTwjFM Kn Hqs dCMsFSnufr JkTDEL WK 2005 Og lypVGBf, pVXV hdgsX xmvR-tPyTTz LFCmxLN ZRV AtvNNZL nZb Ueu PSqN Kn VZHQBvucQR jITQSlH YHVj sx OgMslHpH 44."} {"original": "Australian firm Vow has previously created lab-grown meat from the cells of animals including alpacas, buffalo and kangaroos, and used DNA from the extinct Ice Age species to show how far the boundaries of cultured meat may be pushed.", "scrambled_20%": "Australian firm Vow has previously created bla-grown meat from the cells of animals including lcaasap, buffalo and kangaroos, and used DNA from the extinct Ice Age pescesi ot show how far hte boundaries fo cultured tmea may eb pushed.", "scrambled_50%": "Australian firm oVw ash eyoprilvus dtaecer bla-ognrw meat from the cells of animals including lcaasap, buffalo dan kangaroos, and used DNA orfm the extinct ceI egA pescesi ot swho who far hte irnadbeous fo cultured tmea may eb pushed.", "scrambled_100%": "alrAsntaui mfir oVw ash eyoprilvus dtaecer bla-ognrw team mofr eht lsecl fo lamasin dilcungin lcaasap, fflbuao dan anokarsgo, adn sude ADN orfm eht xtintce ceI egA pescesi ot swho who raf hte irnadbeous fo uutlcerd tmea amy eb sedpuh.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Aauitlnrsa fmir Vwo hsa prvoyuiesl careted lba-grnwo mtea fmor teh cllse of amnilas igciunndl aasplca, bafufol adn kogsanaro, adn ueds DAN fomr teh ecnttxi Iec Aeg spcseei to swho hwo fra teh beuoasndir of ceuurdtl mate mya be peudhs.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Aatiuslran frim Vow has puoreslivy catered lab-gwron maet form the clles of amilans iluicndng aaaclps, bfluafo and kgnroaaos, and uesd DNA form the entcxit Ice Age secpeis to sohw how far the bouierdnas of cruetlud maet may be psehud.", "substituted": "ZoreaJvpyY QuNN Hyb cmf VkwgJAhZxC zBhmwlo ERq-jKMPv wXfe pXnk aKK OctOo LK CXyNKqg UKqKTPyuH CUTrgKV, evejrCB SWS HZoPbdUcj, kIp FYsb Ybp Gvjk aqz IZCEtaw cJn lMq uFapaGd Ke HKvc wLX mqB KXP qOrRNFeeaw dm AJfRnIgf zfvr bSK EJ eyxADq."} {"original": "Banky\u2019s first official solo exhibition in 14 years will feature stencils used to create many of the graffiti artist\u2019s most iconic works from across his career.", "scrambled_20%": "Banky\u2019s first official solo ibheiontxi in 14 years will tfeeuar stencils deus to create many fo the graffiti artist\u2019s most iconic works from across his rceear.", "scrambled_50%": "Banky\u2019s stifr fliofcai solo ibheiontxi in 14 years will tfeeuar stencils deus ot arcete myna fo the agtffiir artist\u2019s most iconic works from sorcas his rceear.", "scrambled_100%": "ykBan\u2019s stifr fliofcai olos ibheiontxi ni 14 sryae wlil tfeeuar lnsseitc deus ot arcete myna fo hte agtffiir aitrts\u2019s stom cniioc okwrs fmro sorcas sih rceear.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Bkayn\u2019s ftsir ofafilic sool eiiiohbtnx in 14 yrase wlli fruetae snsitecl ueds to catree myan of teh gatfrifi attsri\u2019s mtos iicocn wroks fmro assrco hsi crreae.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Bknay\u2019s fisrt oiacfifl sloo etoiiibhxn in 14 yares wlil fatuere sneitcls uesd to ctaree mnay of the gfiarfti airtst\u2019s msot iocinc wrkos form acsors his cerear.", "substituted": "zTxMn\u2019s wGFtx naKYYMwG aQdx LLbxIGvBuC rt 14 SSJXT BwHb cOHERjG xZwsscyn kuLm ga aAUhav ZzBa cc sAM vJGRNlcE GZjPvY\u2019s Guux BVEGyC yHIji oweo DsiVfQ ewH nvAOgN."} {"original": "Bassett was considered the front runner for the gong, for her role in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, but lost out to Everything Everywhere All at Once star Curtis, in one of the biggest upsets of the night at Sunday\u2019s awards ceremony.", "scrambled_20%": "Bassett was considered the front nuernr for the gong, for her role ni Black Panther: Wakanda vrFereo, but lost out to Everything Erweehreyv All at Once star Curtis, in one fo the gbstige sesput of the night at Sunday\u2019s awards yonecrem.", "scrambled_50%": "Bassett asw eddeiscrno teh front nuernr for the gong, for hre role ni Black Panther: Wakanda vrFereo, tub lost out ot thyEegrnvi Erweehreyv All ta Once star Curtis, ni eon fo the gbstige sesput of the gtinh ta Sunday\u2019s sdraaw yonecrem.", "scrambled_100%": "sesatBt asw eddeiscrno teh rftno nuernr rfo hte ggno, rof hre eolr ni caBlk aPterhn: adnaWak vrFereo, tub otsl otu ot thyEegrnvi Erweehreyv lAl ta cnOe asrt uiCrts, ni eon fo eth gbstige sesput fo eht gtinh ta Sdyaun\u2019s sdraaw yonecrem.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Beastst wsa cdeneirosd teh frton rnruen fro teh gngo, fro hre relo in Balkc Pranhte: Wdaakan Feorver, btu ltos otu to Eignyvreht Eheevrwyer All at Oenc sart Ctusir, in oen of teh bigetgs uspset of teh ntghi at Sdyuan\u2019s adraws cemenroy.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Beatsst was crsnioeded the fonrt rneunr for the gnog, for her rloe in Balck Ptneahr: Wakndaa Froeevr, but lsot out to Eyntihverg Eerwvehrye All at Ocne satr Cturis, in one of the bgisget uetpss of the nghit at Sadnuy\u2019s arwdas ceronmey.", "substituted": "uZmAKXI NIl pjKhYVHfzJ CcT CfKBQ nOKQil Jtv bZD Itwl, qjy kzF MyPV dH LLkYt QhjYXbq: JQsUTJN mGfhVkp, PKF IEoA kdb Xx MbaIGmwjck JDHkxsztpf eip iN HbKS yoCD HzQkvQ, wL INq jv dZT THLbLgv rbKWDR NP LHr SBTqE KS okprzM\u2019s MDCoki iLhMAdtD."} {"original": "Belgium\u2019s Brecel claimed a 18-15 victory over four-times winner Selby in the World Snooker Championship final at Sheffield\u2019s Crucible on Monday.", "scrambled_20%": "Belgium\u2019s Brecel claimed a 18-15 victory over four-times winner Selby in eht World nekooSr Championship final ta Sheffield\u2019s Crucible no Monday.", "scrambled_50%": "Belgium\u2019s elrceB claimed a 18-15 victory roev four-miest winner ebylS in eht World nekooSr Championship alifn ta Sheffield\u2019s bculrCie no Monday.", "scrambled_100%": "lBugmei\u2019s elrceB leadimc a 18-15 vyctroi roev orfu-miest inwern ebylS ni eht drWol nekooSr paihonmisChp alifn ta efldefhSi\u2019s bculrCie no yMadon.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Buliemg\u2019s Bleecr clidmae a 18-15 vciytro oerv frou-tiesm wiennr Slyeb in teh Wdorl Skornoe Caphnismpiho flain at Shffleied\u2019s Ccilbreu on Myaodn.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Bgliuem\u2019s Bcerel clmeiad a 18-15 vtciory oevr fuor-tmeis wnneir Sleby in the Wrlod Sokneor Cihohpsnaimp fianl at Selfihfed\u2019s Crbculie on Madony.", "substituted": "mXrnOck\u2019s IKdjsI IgnfhsB a 18-15 ebNYMYz KsDG HnYM-IMGsn QDEFcA NchwB AH YAc bSkhe tfgCUZA HVrbocCaxztV iAllc rr XfqEPOSRi\u2019s eAeyWImB RD LsDFSJ."} {"original": "Between 14 and 20 inches were dumped on South Florida over a 24-hour period. The downpour closed schools and Fort Lauderdale\u2019s airport.", "scrambled_20%": "Between 14 and 20 inches ewer dumped no South Florida vroe a 24-hour period. The downpour closed loscosh and Fort Lauderdale\u2019s airport.", "scrambled_50%": "eenBwte 14 adn 20 inches ewer dumped no South ilraFdo vroe a 24-hour period. ehT downpour closed loscosh nda Fort Lauderdale\u2019s trparoi.", "scrambled_100%": "eenBwte 14 adn 20 ecinhs ewer upemdd no Stouh ilraFdo vroe a 24-huor dpoier. ehT poruonwd elcods loscosh nda Frto eLldeuarad\u2019s trparoi.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Beneewt 14 adn 20 icensh weer dmedup on Shtou Fdoilar ovre a 24-horu pdeori. Teh dounworp coseld shcloso adn Frto Laeduarled\u2019s aritpro.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Bteewen 14 and 20 icehns wree deumpd on Sutoh Foridla oevr a 24-huor poreid. The dwonoupr csoeld sclohos and Frot Lulrdaeade\u2019s aroirpt.", "substituted": "IKaTtLu 14 Ebn 20 wDjYiz WhNJ SHwqZv vs ttPXF NWByWhE CVOs a 24-NBhb eiTXNN. mMA YLhqRgkz OMZaiW UhOWVoU krx UuBp mExsUFBCbq\u2019s JhUxbpN."} {"original": "Biden hosted Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the White House on Thursday for a lavish, tented state dinner that featured a plant-based menu for the guest of honor, who is a vegetarian.", "scrambled_20%": "indBe hosted Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the iWteh House on Thursday ofr a lavish, tented state dinner that dueetfra a plant-based menu ofr the guest fo honor, who is a vegetarian.", "scrambled_50%": "indBe hosted dnnaIi eimrP Minister Narendra Modi ta the iWteh sHoue on Thursday ofr a lavish, tented astte drenin hatt dueetfra a plant-deasb menu ofr the setug fo honor, who si a vegetarian.", "scrambled_100%": "indBe ohstde dnnaIi eimrP Mneitirs aanrNred oidM ta het iWteh sHoue no ryusdaTh ofr a livhas, tdente astte drenin hatt dueetfra a atnlp-deasb enum ofr teh setug fo ohnor, owh si a itgveanrea.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Bndie hetosd Iiannd Pmrei Msnreiti Nradenar Miod at teh Wehti Hseuo on Tyhudras fro a lvsaih, teetnd satet deirnn taht fuaedter a ptnla-beasd meun fro teh gsetu of horno, woh is a veetiarnga.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Bdein hsteod Inidan Pirme Mtsnieir Nrdnarea Mdoi at the Wthie Hsuoe on Tuasrhdy for a lsviah, teetnd sttae dnneir taht fueaetrd a panlt-beasd mneu for the gsuet of honor, who is a vieagertan.", "substituted": "jLEBS qKtVjC cXlsZG wssSJ PmVxkbOb XliiKfnl tUTM PW eNj AIHRc PxZwp uW etGhEvDQ Gux a UxdDJx, BPUDqZ kxmpR sEYQKJ MehM eHFgFSSE a SzQHS-PFeng uKld Pab hVg HlIfD Wn duaqD, QSA sI a KdNGLzsRTP."} {"original": "Blinken traveled to China for meetings with top officials, including President Xi Jinping. Blinken is the first US secretary of state to visit Beijing in five years, and his talks were seen as a key litmus test for whether the two governments can stop relations from continuing to deteriorate at a time of lingering distrust.", "scrambled_20%": "Blinken traveled ot China for msngeeit tihw top officials, including President Xi gJpinni. nkeiBnl si the first US secretary of state to visit Beijing in five years, and his talks were seen as a eky litmus test ofr etrehhw the two governments can stop relations romf continuing to deteriorate at a time of lingering ttsuisrd.", "scrambled_50%": "Blinken edraltve ot hniaC for msngeeit tihw otp officials, including President Xi gJpinni. nkeiBnl si the first SU rraeyctes fo state ot visit Beijing in five years, nad ihs talks were seen sa a eky mlusit test ofr etrehhw the tow esvnntgorme can stop relations romf continuing to eeaotrrietd ta a time of lingering ttsuisrd.", "scrambled_100%": "nkilnBe edraltve ot hniaC orf msngeeit tihw otp aifcolsif, gnlcdnuii Pnteiders iX gJpinni. nkeiBnl si het trifs SU rraeyctes fo tsate ot tviis gineijB ni evfi yaser, nad ihs atkls ewer esen sa a eky mlusit test ofr etrehhw eht tow esvnntgorme nca tspo elniartos romf igontcunin ot eeaotrrietd ta a imte fo grningeli ttsuisrd.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Bielnnk talreved to Canih fro mniegtse whit tpo ofilascif, ilnguicnd Pdrtsneie Xi Jnngipi. Binnlek is teh ftris US seyacrrte of sttea to vtisi Biinjeg in fvei yrsae, adn hsi tkasl weer snee as a kye lmutis ttes fro whrthee teh tow geoemrntvns cna spto rslneiaot fmro cingoinutn to deetirroeta at a tmei of lengniigr dritstsu.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Blekinn trelaevd to Cnhia for mintgees wtih top oilaffcis, innicludg Pdneriest Xi Jinpnig. Bknelin is the frsit US stareecry of satte to viist Bejiing in fvie yreas, and his tlkas wree seen as a key lmitus tset for wetehhr the two gmetnorvens can sotp relonaits form coiitunnng to dreirtateoe at a tmie of lrgeniing dtrsusit.", "substituted": "xXXYGFe FzmLvxRO Bd vzCBm bUd jSjxMsOC xsBt FtW YkIJiLicm, mMzwrUuZU TTOVKPIcF kM gRtWbWD. uacCrFH zF ODF gJndM ui TrZOMZgGf Zz reKBV Sr ZVyPL qQmNvuC BR Kmax qPjPN, Tfw zOP QOZLl bPoK MIcq Ae a eJA eGnAcF kspN LmG WGFngrt RQm kUy ZUOTvDUIhak vtO IwHl VvoIRzIpd MYvV ejXyerBxYu iZ DkwBedwylLf de a aAWK wl AxDSizrkb pDnuiaCi."} {"original": "Both Prince Harry and Elton John were in court this week as a high-profile case against the publisher of the Daily Mail gets underway.", "scrambled_20%": "Both inrceP Harry and Elton John were ni court this week sa a high-rolepfi case against the publisher of the Daily Mail gets dunerywa.", "scrambled_50%": "Btho inrceP aryHr adn lntoE John were ni court this week sa a high-rolepfi ecas against the lehiburps fo the Daily Mail gets dunerywa.", "scrambled_100%": "Btho inrceP aryHr adn lntoE Jonh wree ni rcotu hsti kwee sa a ghih-rolepfi ecas snagita teh lehiburps fo eht Diyal lMia egts dunerywa.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Bhto Peinrc Hryar adn Eonlt Jnoh weer in crtuo tshi wkee as a hhig-pfleoir csae aigntas teh pibuhrels of teh Dayil Mlai gtse udrwayen.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Btoh Pncire Hrray and Eoltn Jhon wree in crout tihs week as a hgih-pfrlioe csae ainasgt the phsbliuer of the Dilay Mial gtes uewnrday.", "substituted": "eKwu zGyHVp RSUib qCP CFbdH ahpi iiSq Zr PNRyu vToT kOle hR a jYyv-iLgOqxs RiEP JoHTdON IUA MddJJmnVK DG igd vNujK tZAC HIXu tKoZtUrs."} {"original": "CNN projects Democrat Donna Deegan will become Jacksonville\u2019s first female mayor. This marks only the second time in 30 years that a Democrat will win the office in Florida\u2019s most populous city.", "scrambled_20%": "CNN cstjpore Democrat Dnano Deegan will become Jacksonville\u2019s istfr female mayor. This marks only the second time in 30 ysera that a Democrat ilwl win teh office in Florida\u2019s most populous city.", "scrambled_50%": "CNN cstjpore etDmocra Dnano nDaege will become colvislJknea\u2019s istfr female yoarm. This mskra only the second time ni 30 ysera that a Democrat ilwl win teh office ni Florida\u2019s omst ospluoup city.", "scrambled_100%": "NCN cstjpore etDmocra Dnano nDaege iwll moeecb colvislJknea\u2019s istfr lfaeme yoarm. hsiT mskra ylon eth oscdne tmie ni 30 ysera atht a Dcmaerto ilwl wni teh eifcof ni aFolrid\u2019s omst ospluoup iyct.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "CNN peorsctj Dcermtoa Dnano Denaeg wlil bcmoee Jclkiasonelv\u2019s ftsir faleem myroa. Thsi mkrsa oynl teh sdnoce tmei in 30 ysaer ttah a Dtmercoa wlil wni teh ofcefi in Foralid\u2019s mtos ppuoosul ciyt.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "CNN pejtocrs Domraect Donna Dageen wlil bmcoee Jiknlolvcsae\u2019s frist faemle maoyr. Tihs mrkas olny the sencod tmie in 30 yraes taht a Dcrameot wlil win the ofifce in Frdolia\u2019s msot pulooups ctiy.", "substituted": "cKD XmIcpEMe fUdXfRVp QrUgi IGnUlE Qncy sPMHCF lBTNhGwKxoYF\u2019s hucmd enrLBY Artrp. WORf LvHdv jdHp cpA ATpyxV IJSO Te 30 RzDWG XVlF a kWyLPqsr jXXz MTz PYn lBCzIi UE HrvWbQE\u2019s yqun BOoDfgLY zfBa."} {"original": "CNN recently organised a live prime-time town hall question-and-answer session featuring former president Donald Trump. In a setting fuelled by a supportive audience, Trump swiftly assumed control of the event. He frequently interrupted the moderator, labelling her as \u201cnasty\u201d, while reiterating claims of a \u201crigged\u201d 2020 election. Despite facing significant backlash for the broadcast, CNN CEO Chris Licht expressed his unwavering support for the town hall concept. He said he believed history will view the network\u2019s decision to interview Trump, surrounded by cheering supporters, favourably. But he added that he would like to improve some production elements.", "scrambled_20%": "CNN recently organised a vlie prime-time town hall question-nda-answer session featuring former president Donald Trump. nI a setting uldlefe yb a supportive audience, Trump swiftly assumed control of the event. eH tryneuleqf interrupted the moderator, blilneagl her as \u201cnasty\u201d, while reiterating claims fo a \u201crigged\u201d 2020 election. Despite facing ainificsgnt lcaabhks rof the broadcast, CNN CEO Chris Licht pdesxeres his unwavering stouprp for the town hall concept. He said he believed history liwl view the network\u2019s decision to interview pumTr, edrdnuousr yb cheering supporters, favourably. But he added that eh would like to improve some production elements.", "scrambled_50%": "CNN recently organised a vlie eipmr-meti wnto hlal ieutnqso-nda-ernaws session afirntegu reofrm pdretesin Doaldn Trump. nI a tstngie uldlefe yb a supportive audience, Trump swiftly aeusmds control fo the event. eH tryneuleqf interrupted the moderator, blilneagl ehr as \u201cnasty\u201d, while reiterating iamcsl fo a \u201crigged\u201d 2020 election. Despite facing ainificsgnt lcaabhks rof the broadcast, NNC CEO Chris Licht pdesxeres his wnurievnag stouprp for hte wton hall ncetcpo. eH said he bdveelei history liwl view teh ownretk\u2019s isconide to interview pumTr, edrdnuousr yb cgeenrhi supporters, favourably. But eh addde that eh would like ot improve some production elements.", "scrambled_100%": "NCN cyeeltrn earonsdig a vlie eipmr-meti wnto hlal ieutnqso-nda-ernaws einosss afirntegu reofrm pdretesin Doaldn uTrmp. nI a tstngie uldlefe yb a vprtiposeu ueicnade, rpmTu wtylisf aeusmds tlronoc fo teh eentv. eH tryneuleqf ndtuierrept hte tmaorrdoe, blilneagl ehr sa \u201caystn\u201d, hlewi nraeittrgie iamcsl fo a \u201cdggeri\u201d 2020 ioelnect. Dpsteei aicnfg ainificsgnt lcaabhks rof het astadbocr, NNC ECO hirsC Lctih pdesxeres hsi wnurievnag stouprp orf hte wton lhal ncetcpo. eH idas eh bdveelei yrsohti liwl vewi teh ownretk\u2019s isconide ot ivirnwtee pumTr, edrdnuousr yb cgeenrhi ptpsrueosr, uyolvrbaaf. tBu eh addde htat eh wdluo liek ot pioervm omes ptorncoudi ntemlsee.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "CNN rcyltnee onadisegr a leiv pemri-tmei twon hlal qoinuste-adn-aswner sisnsoe ftragieun frmore pritdense Dlando Tprmu. In a stgenti fluleed by a sepruopitv adcieune, Tmrpu sifwlyt asusedm crtonol of teh envet. He ftyrelqeun itpeetdrrnu teh mdoaoretr, llenbalgi hre as \u201cntays\u201d, wehil rniairttege csamli of a \u201cregdig\u201d 2020 etnlcoei. Deispet fgncai snniagitifc bkcasalh fro teh bdotarsca, CNN COE Cisrh Lthci eespxdrse hsi uvganrnwie stpurpo fro teh tnow hlla coeptnc. He sida he bielveed htiysro wlil vwie teh nrowkte\u2019s dnsiiceo to iweiventr Tpmru, souurdrnde by cniheegr sorsuteprp, farybvolua. Btu he addde tath he wuldo leik to ievomrp semo prdcnuooit emneetsl.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "CNN reectlny oiasngred a lvie pmire-tmie twon hlal qesuiotn-and-awesnr ssoiesn ftunaierg fmeror piserendt Danold Tumrp. In a stientg flleeud by a srvoiputpe aicdneue, Trmup slfiwty amsseud ctonorl of the eevnt. He ferelqtuny iureerpnttd the mtrdaooer, lillnbaeg her as \u201cntasy\u201d, wihle rienittareg cmlias of a \u201crgeigd\u201d 2020 eoecltin. Dpitese fnacig sgcanniifit blaaksch for the boradsact, CNN CEO Cihrs Lchit eersxsped his uwvareinng sprupot for the twon hlal cponcet. He siad he bveleied hoirsty wlil veiw the newortk\u2019s diescion to inerivetw Tmrup, sudnrreoud by cineehrg stuerprops, fvbaroaluy. But he aeddd taht he wluod lkie to ivrmope smoe podoruticn eleenmts.", "substituted": "TqA QMNdBvMM ENvQdPKGc a VZhX UCSqO-NZUt dYyS tRdm CYIAdnLi-HDq-hZeHMK bnIrKOD IpzsVuZsf BpCbkE DUFTIsylU CDZQKj Lpnil. SR a CYUdvzm HhvNbfx ez a rglYQpsPok NyOovIwO, uaQla IqNuiFW PRLQJPW TeHqLwP gQ lIb zHBfv. CF qoYoXjWujS QzEQLwpfwLR Ytg LYmmTbEFi, FgsrSWEWk ZfM mv \u201crMAZI\u201d, KDGfP IqxJKUZYzIT Mdklnw Pt a \u201cbFJsPQ\u201d 2020 kEAFSegJ. avPbjdU sUCAqY awaDNDJKktJ izgDZLIu Scn iHQ kubyebyHQ, ejd Lpl QbfWk sUXlD yUgspcfwh Uwt oZbvFalXHb mKzlIUc gJi LOQ rOmo XcNd xqTJrwx. Bv aKIG ZU eBgjTqKw ClAEVxo POJP SrVh htz BgEoYli\u2019s nnHoCwGt uf SkOFoiqxU FDvAU, ywTbQXpWLw PO pTbPNrJz ZWerMhHrpt, AxdwXiCrAU. qvS Hg tvSDC GaVS Bz qHNEs ffma cG bMmzafC uNDy FRPKySEGwT npxPsaTO."} {"original": "California resident Nick Stoeberl also uses his record-breaking tongue, which measures 3.97in (10.1cm), to paint pictures.", "scrambled_20%": "California resident Nick Stoeberl also ssue his cdorer-breaking tongue, ichwh measures 3.97in (10.1cm), to paint pictures.", "scrambled_50%": "California sndterei ikNc elSborte also ssue his cdorer-rkanibeg tongue, ichwh measures 3.97ni (10.1cm), to paint pictures.", "scrambled_100%": "nirialaofC sndterei ikNc elSborte saol ssue ihs cdorer-rkanibeg ogtuen, ichwh mseraeus 3.97ni (10.1mc), ot inatp ustrepci.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Crioifalna rtdesnie Ncki Slboerte asol uess hsi reodcr-bagrikne tuoneg, wihhc maueress 3.97in (10.1cm), to ptnai purietcs.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Crfoilinaa rseindet Ncik Srebetol aslo uess his rroecd-bnriekag tnguoe, wchih msuraees 3.97in (10.1cm), to pnait pteircus.", "substituted": "PWafZzEOde ORmkXSiF SuqZ suCavckg MBYU idCN rxX xnmLDe-MMBmJUMz Vbqywn, egzfA fPjMJFSb 3.97MP (10.1XU), CQ PSMXT sFoIUWLw."} {"original": "Calvin Coolidge was born in Plymouth, Vermont, on July 4, 1872.", "scrambled_20%": "vanilC Coolidge was onrb in Plymouth, Vermont, on July 4, 1872.", "scrambled_50%": "vanilC Coolidge was onrb in moulyPht, ntormeV, on July 4, 1872.", "scrambled_100%": "vanilC geCdoloi swa onrb ni moulyPht, ntormeV, no Jlyu 4, 1872.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Civaln Cligdoeo wsa bonr in Pmyutloh, Vnetmor, on Jluy 4, 1872.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Clvian Clgdooie was bron in Pluytmoh, Vrnomet, on Jluy 4, 1872.", "substituted": "QfpDRC rgmPgWHi yBt DgQN NC egGNVkQg, wkHAilC, hK Hkkv 4, 1872."} {"original": "Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Wednesday that he and his wife Sophie Gr\u00e9goire Trudeau are separating. The Trudeaus have three children together, all under the age of 15.", "scrambled_20%": "Canadian Prime srMnitie Justin Trudeau cnnanuedo Wednesday that he and shi eiwf Sophie Gr\u00e9goire Trudeau are separating. heT rsaeuuTd have three children together, all under the age of 15.", "scrambled_50%": "Canadian Prime srMnitie Justin reaTuud cnnanuedo Wednesday that he and shi eiwf Sophie Gr\u00e9goire duuareT are sngriptaae. heT rsaeuuTd have three iernldch erttgeoh, lla under the ega fo 15.", "scrambled_100%": "dnCnaiaa mPeir srMnitie tJiusn reaTuud cnnanuedo deWndaesy tath eh dna shi eiwf oihSpe iGrer\u00e9og duuareT aer sngriptaae. heT rsaeuuTd aehv tereh iernldch erttgeoh, lla urned eth ega fo 15.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Cadaanin Pimre Miesinrt Jituns Tueudra annndueco Weynsdade tath he adn hsi weif Shipoe Grgo\u00e9rei Tderuua aer snpegtaria. Teh Tduauser heav there crnedihl ttrgoehe, all urdne teh aeg of 15.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Cnaaadin Pmrie Mnieistr Jsuitn Tdreuau acneonund Wndasdeey taht he and his wfie Shipoe Go\u00e9grrie Taudreu are streaaipng. The Tdreuaus hvae tehre cihlredn tetogher, all udenr the age of 15.", "substituted": "oqZryKfI IYbDE OVIVkgio gVRifd SoeSZVA KJIXVwCyN JoUNItUYv gLOy Op fxp SHZ ZDPq qUlfGC vyFUmxAY LOqFqSW fkx FIYXGEvotU. aLZ LQsmdpbA JRqX lTtHH eqMOgVoP BPKzMqwC, NIj GWQWv VCn PPG Hb 15."} {"original": "Canadian health officials say the new regulation to label every cigarette with a warning message is part of the country\u2019s goal to drop nationwide tobacco use to less than 5% by 2035.", "scrambled_20%": "Canadian health officials ays the new regulation to label every cigarette with a warning message si arpt fo the country\u2019s alog to drop nationwide tobacco use to less than 5% yb 2035.", "scrambled_50%": "Canadian thhela officials ays eth enw regulation to elbla yrvee taeirtgec with a innrwga message si arpt fo the yutornc\u2019s alog to rpdo nationwide tobacco use to less than 5% yb 2035.", "scrambled_100%": "anndaCai thhela ailisfofc ays eth enw liaugorten ot elbla yrvee taeirtgec hwti a innrwga aessgem si arpt fo het yutornc\u2019s alog ot rpdo ndwntoaeii cooctba eus ot sles htan 5% yb 2035.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Cdianaan htleah ofsifilac sya teh nwe rlonugitae to lebla eervy ciegraett wthi a wnirnag maeesgs is patr of teh cytnrou\u2019s gloa to dpro nwniaitdeo tacocob ues to lses tanh 5% by 2035.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Cadnaain htleah ofifalcis say the new rtogleuian to leabl eevry cttrgiaee wtih a wiannrg meagsse is prat of the cnruoty\u2019s gaol to dorp niawoitnde tcbaoco use to lses tahn 5% by 2035.", "substituted": "EiFtuuvt rPbsgE aPcsBCbIY pFd qvF LHD IDWkiUCZML FG ZgKoo cnafc sDJnyYEfT aFRy a ORDTtsi MVfJHVN ox IPuE cA qqt APoxIaV\u2019s MKcN QY wbjL KPUUrPDIIF EZzSaBm Zra ml BwVh LDnm 5% jY 2035."} {"original": "Carlo Vecce, a professor from Naples, discovered documents in the archives of Florence which show that shortly after the artist\u2019s birth, his father freed a slave called Caterina \u2013 widely agreed to be the name of Da Vinci\u2019s mother but about whom little else is known.", "scrambled_20%": "Carlo Vecce, a professor from alNesp, discovered documents in the archives of Florence which show hatt shortly after the artist\u2019s rthib, shi father refde a slave called artanieC \u2013 ywldei agreed to be het name of Da Vinci\u2019s mother but aoubt whom little else is known.", "scrambled_50%": "Carlo Vecce, a srpfooesr from alNesp, veecsdiord documents ni the aircsvhe fo Florence which show hatt shortly freta teh artist\u2019s rthib, shi father refde a slave ellacd artanieC \u2013 ywldei agreed to eb het name of aD Vinci\u2019s mother btu aoubt whom ltelit else si known.", "scrambled_100%": "oClar cVcee, a srpfooesr ormf alNesp, veecsdiord usdmcnoet ni eht aircsvhe fo Frcnoele ihhcw owhs hatt ohtlysr freta teh asrtit\u2019s rthib, shi etfahr refde a savel ellacd artanieC \u2013 ywldei dageer ot eb het aenm fo aD icVni\u2019s trhmoe btu aoubt owmh ltelit lsee si nnkwo.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Cralo Veecc, a psfrooesr form Nelpas, doseciedrv dnomecuts in teh aecirsvh of Feoerncl whhic swoh tath syotlrh aterf teh atsirt\u2019s bhirt, hsi frateh fdeer a slvea cllade Ciaaetnr \u2013 wdyile aederg to be teh nmae of Da Vnici\u2019s mhrtoe btu atbou whmo leltit eesl is kwnno.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Calro Vcece, a pfoseosrr form Nleaps, dsreivoced ducentmos in the ahievrcs of Feolrcne wichh sohw taht slrthoy aeftr the atisrt\u2019s brtih, his fheatr feerd a savle caleld Cneairta \u2013 wdiely argeed to be the nmae of Da Vnici\u2019s mohetr but aobut wohm ltlite esle is konwn.", "substituted": "rBwsV DyGML, a bqDUtrUNn ztdI WcrwRT, QJmvgMvuHI jarBUJjAz md KoI fcEBsJSk qE DqtkiwYF jZDmE CNhO DmBQ SVVObOm bapuL Qmr VFQupd\u2019s EbzdO, PQr eVnWtD TlfvV a kfGnd bRiWJq iERfFOOC \u2013 GKoLBR JFHICS Jf FW dQY Wjjm Gy Wh YSBdT\u2019s rsfHAb rER mnEOS UJMB kXDELp LxSs wH ahUqd."} {"original": "Chick-fil-A\u2019s first-ever restaurant, located in the Greenbriar Mall food court in Atlanta, is set to close. It\u2019s unclear why the restaurant is closing, but like many malls, the Greenbriar has been struggling to attract shoppers and keep tenants.", "scrambled_20%": "Chick-fil-A\u2019s first-ever restaurant, located ni the Greenbriar Mall food court in tlaAtna, is set to close. tI\u2019s lencaru why the restaurant si closing, but ikel many malls, the Greenbriar has been nsrultggig to attract shoppers and peek tenants.", "scrambled_50%": "hikCc-ilf-A\u2019s first-ever restaurant, laoedct ni the Greenbriar Mall food urotc ni tlaAtna, is set to close. tI\u2019s lencaru why the attrsanure si igsonlc, but ikel many llsam, the Garbenrrie sah been nsrultggig to acttart shoppers dan peek tenants.", "scrambled_100%": "hikCc-ilf-A\u2019s ifstr-eevr aetrsanutr, laoedct ni eht nrraeieGrb Mlla dofo urotc ni tlaAtna, si ste ot osecl. tI\u2019s lencaru ywh het attrsanure si igsonlc, tbu ikel nyma llsam, het Garbenrrie sah nbee nsrultggig ot acttart sphesorp dan peek esattnn.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Cihkc-fli-A\u2019s fsirt-erve rntsutaare, ldetaoc in teh Gearrenbri Mlla fodo cturo in Aanaltt, is ste to coels. It\u2019s ualecnr wyh teh rtsaeutnra is cgolnis, btu leik myan mlsal, teh Giarrrbnee hsa been sutinrgglg to acttart shesrpop adn kepe ttsenna.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ccihk-fil-A\u2019s fsirt-eevr rsaatneurt, ltoeacd in the Gneerbairr Mlal food curot in Aattnla, is set to cosle. It\u2019s unalcer why the rnsteauart is cslniog, but lkie mnay mlals, the Ginrrbeaer has been stnluirggg to atratct srohpeps and keep tntneas.", "substituted": "YQhDv-dJD-A\u2019s cYbTU-cUBs IKcSPbFyRz, famxSNk mB FFl gUkCjlMtsV vfmm Xkli iDfdc Vo YConScq, JA cVn rr WGWBC. qw\u2019s ejGdxwM fCN uYI QnSmfBBuYY YS NbdJxTL, KgM yTiD tmiv XTPzc, wnb xqZrryPBdH fUa guWZ HaHDowEJHE wF QSxhyZx UunizUUo YTC pZQX vnPKXDc."} {"original": "China has agreed a multibillion-dollar deal to build an electronic eavesdropping facility on the island that could allow Beijing to eavesdrop on US communications, according to The Wall Street Journal. The US and Cuban governments cast strong doubt on the report.", "scrambled_20%": "China has agreed a multibillion-rladol deal to build an olerncctie eavesdropping iliyfact on the island that could loalw Beijing to eavesdrop on US communications, according to heT lWal Street Journal. The US and Cuban vnteesngrmo cast strong doubt on the rrepot.", "scrambled_50%": "hnaCi ash eagedr a ubnlloiitmli-rladol adel to build an olerncctie eavesdropping iliyfact on het ilansd that could loalw Beijing to eavesdrop no US communications, according ot heT lWal Street Journal. The SU nad Cuban vnteesngrmo stca strong doubt no the rrepot.", "scrambled_100%": "hnaCi ash eagedr a ubnlloiitmli-rladol adel ot ldbui na olerncctie vriopdegnpaes iliyfact no het ilansd ttha dluco loalw Bjiiegn ot evspoadre no SU snmmcncoauotii, odnriacgc ot heT lWal retteS onrlaJu. heT SU nad anuCb vnteesngrmo stca ngrsot uobtd no eth rrepot.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Caihn hsa aegdre a mluiniiboltl-dloral dlea to bidlu an encoricelt edgasrpnpevio fcitaliy on teh indsla ttha culod aowll Bienjgi to esopdevar on US cousomintmican, acridocgn to Teh Wall Setrte Jalnuor. Teh US adn Canbu gesrnvneotm csat sgornt dobut on teh rpreot.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Cniha has aerged a mtilbiuloiln-dloalr dael to bluid an ecnoiltrec eaprsndiopveg fcalitiy on the ilnsad taht cloud alolw Bjineig to evosdarep on US ccnniiauommtos, aicocdnrg to The Wlal Setret Jaonurl. The US and Caubn gteeonvrnms csat srnotg duobt on the rreopt.", "substituted": "RVxJS EyY khpGzt a VSxzMTAHTYDu-ElzVZA TLGh ec jfHpb No EhbHpCWolK IEYzDMKQargcu OXtHMfWE xQ kUy mAsgXs asHe lRCiK ZOSaH VOGYTXM yM PwcPblkPK Ev uo aRsXDoEJKROkxG, GHVEHvUFD ed uXz hlgV TFPHQQ pTEpHtx. zEl eZ hEu JAMCJ wLlKcQwZjBt hYRo jxElUS QNpSq xM VRu gDXQvs."} {"original": "China is fully reopening to foreign visitors \u2013 including tourists. The country resumed issuing all categories of visas for foreigners on Wednesday.", "scrambled_20%": "China is fully reopening to foreign visitors \u2013 niclingdu tourists. The country redesum issuing all categories of visas for ofergnesri no Wednesday.", "scrambled_50%": "China is fully reopening to foreign visitors \u2013 niclingdu tourists. The noucytr redesum nisugsi lal ecrtesgaoi fo visas for ofergnesri no eeWddnasy.", "scrambled_100%": "nChia si yfull ipnngoree ot neorifg srvtiiso \u2013 niclingdu tissrout. heT noucytr redesum nisugsi lal ecrtesgaoi fo vsais rof ofergnesri no eeWddnasy.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Cainh is fylul roiepgnen to fnrioeg vstsiior \u2013 iugidnnlc ttsroisu. Teh cyornut rueesmd inguiss all cegrtoaise of vassi fro fnorserieg on Wndeadsye.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Cinha is flluy rpeinenog to fgroein voristis \u2013 iindnlucg ttsoruis. The crnouty reeusmd inisusg all crtaiegeos of vaiss for forerngies on Wdasdeney.", "substituted": "Hgovi AU GbmRg AOVAgDsOm AI cHycxte iIMTXwxP \u2013 fswthPxSc EVNgcGuU. iOY ayKdOhI cmYigAm TbVAaqr tcU rjLhuqXSaf uv WLQSt iKj SRXFBSaCDD mW GIsKikrbD."} {"original": "China is pursuing plans to land astronauts on the lunar surface before 2030.", "scrambled_20%": "China is pursuing plans to land rsasttanou on the lnrua surface before 2030.", "scrambled_50%": "China is pursuing plans ot land rsasttanou on eth lnrua scaurfe orebfe 2030.", "scrambled_100%": "iCanh si npiugrsu napls ot andl rsasttanou no eth lnrua scaurfe orebfe 2030.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Cihan is pgiuusrn pslan to ldan aotatsunsr on teh lnrua sraecuf brofee 2030.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Chnia is piursnug pnals to lnad aatnusorts on the lanur sfcruae berofe 2030.", "substituted": "NQhJd Ix kYdALGJU rOizz VN xqSa wMgMjpIHeK Kg brt yVodq qWWYUZD dFapmO 2030."} {"original": "Clocks moved forward one hour. They will fall back an hour to standard time on the first Sunday of November.", "scrambled_20%": "Clocks moved forward eno hour. They will fall back an hour to standard emti on eth first Sunday fo November.", "scrambled_50%": "Clocks vmdoe forward eno hour. They will fall bkac an urho ot standard emti no eth first uandyS fo November.", "scrambled_100%": "Cscokl vmdoe adwrrof eno rhou. Teyh wlil lfal bkac na urho ot taadsndr emti no eth sftir uandyS fo orNmveeb.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Cckols mvedo frworad oen horu. Tyeh wlil flla bcak an huro to srdtndaa tmei on teh fstir Sayndu of Nrbmoeev.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ccklos meovd frwoard one huor. Tehy wlil flal bcak an huor to srdaatnd tmie on the frsit Snuady of Nmboeevr.", "substituted": "hHKZKY RlOHE PCYjtxl EyR uGDY. yHok nRnq jSxj lKuj tr BZVE kC niDrXcYe pRVx ux JPq GqqKo lEwgcj xV njRRHoXh."} {"original": "Co-hosts New Zealand and Australia both kicked off their World Cup campaigns with 1-0 victories. New Zealand\u2019s Football Ferns secured their first ever win on a global stage by beating Norway, while Australia\u2019s Matildas broke a second-half deadlock with a decisive penalty against Republic of Ireland, who were playing at the tournament for the first time.", "scrambled_20%": "Co-hosts New Zealand and rialsatAu both kicked off their World Cup apcngmisa with 1-0 oeiivstrc. New Zealand\u2019s Football srnFe esuerdc their first ever win no a global stage yb beating Norway, while Australia\u2019s Matildas ebokr a doesnc-half deadlock with a decisive penalty against Republic of naerdlI, who were playing ta the tournament for the first time.", "scrambled_50%": "Co-hosts New Zealand and rialsatAu both kkiedc off their World Cup apcngmisa with 1-0 oeiivstrc. New aZednla\u2019s Football srnFe esuerdc etrhi frsti evre inw no a global stage yb beating Norway, while Australia\u2019s taliMdsa ebokr a doesnc-lhfa deadlock thwi a decisive atpelyn itagnas Rbclpeiu fo naerdlI, who were iglnpay ta the rnmaeutnto for eth first time.", "scrambled_100%": "oC-shtos weN Zndaale dan rialsatAu htbo kkiedc ffo etrhi rWold uCp apcngmisa hwti 1-0 oeiivstrc. eNw aZednla\u2019s latFbool srnFe esuerdc etrhi frsti evre inw no a aobgll setag yb iagtneb owyaNr, wileh altisrauA\u2019s taliMdsa ebokr a doesnc-lhfa dcodleak thwi a dieecvsi atpelyn itagnas Rbclpeiu fo naerdlI, how rwee iglnpay ta het rnmaeutnto rfo eth strif emti.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Co-hstso Nwe Zadelan adn Aasutirla boht kciekd off trihe Wdolr Cpu capamngsi wthi 1-0 vcoeiistr. Nwe Zeaandl\u2019s Foaotbll Fnesr seredcu tireh ftisr erve wni on a glaolb segta by bgietan Nyarow, wiehl Auaaistlr\u2019s Msatiadl brkeo a snodce-hfla dckladeo wthi a diesicev petnayl aasitgn Ribculpe of Iedanrl, woh weer pnagyil at teh ttmruonane fro teh frtis temi.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Co-hotss New Zlaaend and Atusilraa btoh kckied off tiehr Wolrd Cup cmagapins wtih 1-0 vtreiiocs. New Zaanled\u2019s Ftobaoll Frens sceeurd teihr fisrt eevr win on a gbaoll sgtae by btineag Naorwy, wilhe Aualtrisa\u2019s Madaitls bokre a sneocd-hlaf dcdeolak wtih a dicesive ptnaely aaigsnt Rbupleic of Ielrnad, who wree pynailg at the teomanunrt for the frsit tmie.", "substituted": "fu-MRIWN ehm FcbmBQG wbr CEwzuwYIH xGSk IKZhVH TCK xEoMd VaXpx FCk eIZgtYdCt lvBO 1-0 oSqTnmgxT. sVR PxOSyPj\u2019s pIqOHIWQ qPqVW CMlWwjb bOPtt iNxmr dKkJ yhH Sx a cyuXSQ SiUES ri lGAfNRq SCdUyM, uAJAP qPluSQYPR\u2019s jDZZCBIL afxBN a zOugYi-Uswy SglSEDTh NALk a kKbcbxEd NozQTXm vaskVxO wmsSdqmw ft UjoyIkm, CMn gxxH UJQOTsG Jz FKz BKFuvRclaj FHR iKJ anzyc NunA."} {"original": "Concerns about ethics and transparency at the Supreme Court have been reignited this week after Justice Samuel Alito acknowledged attending a luxury fishing trip on the private jet of a conservative hedge fund manager.", "scrambled_20%": "Concerns about siethc dna transparency ta the Supreme Court have been reignited this week taerf Justice Samuel Alito dogedewnclak attending a luxury fishing trip on the private jet of a conservative hedge fund aenmagr.", "scrambled_50%": "Concerns aubto siethc dna prsryaetacnn ta het uremSep Court have been reignited isht week taerf Justice lauSem Alito dogedewnclak attending a xruylu fishing iprt on eht private tje of a conservative hedge fund aenmagr.", "scrambled_100%": "ernsnoCc aubto siethc dna prsryaetacnn ta het uremSep orCtu hvea bnee idniteger isht ekwe taerf cJeutsi lauSem tAoli dogedewnclak tnaneitgd a xruylu ihinsfg iprt no eht rpivaet tje fo a natsveroivec hdgee nduf aenmagr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Crnocsen atbuo eicsth adn tryseacnrapn at teh Srumepe Ctrou hvae bnee rteindgie thsi weke aretf Jcesitu Smaleu Altoi ageoekddncwl aitnndgte a lryuux fiingsh tirp on teh paeirvt jte of a caoivertsevn hgede fudn meanarg.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Corenncs aubot eichts and tapcrnrsaeny at the Spreume Crout hvae been rgeitneid tihs week aetfr Jtuicse Suemal Altio adlokegwnced antdteing a lruxuy fhsniig tirp on the pravite jet of a caovvrtesnie hgede fnud maanger.", "substituted": "pdwXVXfZ kvpkR NCbBKd pRf TJWwvFChGWHJ Wn hgs jTwZvfX mBZFl gcEh hJaM YqsIGMhWn IRLJ lFqJ DYHhT cmgamQW TfeDSQ TTaEz yrtlWBEaBJQZ TRDkLqlku a RoJMRH hbkGLLL iwNt GO bgK XJdRjsH vXH hd a CApckFhReFcE nAyLZ uMsO KdJMZJK."} {"original": "Conservative members have chosen Susan Hall as the party\u2019s candidate to try to unseat Sadiq Khan in the 2024 London mayoral election. Hall, whose political slogan is \u201cSafer with Susan\u201d, is often an \u201coutspoken character\u201d, said The Guardian, \u201clikely to be seen as an outsider\u201d, with her views on cultural issues \u201cproblematic\u201d in a liberal-leaning city.", "scrambled_20%": "Conservative members have chosen Susan Hall sa the party\u2019s didaneact ot try to unseat Sadiq Khan ni the 2024 London almoary election. Hall, ehsow political slogan is \u201cSafer with Susan\u201d, is often an \u201coutspoken character\u201d, said The Guardian, \u201clikely to eb snee as na outsider\u201d, with her views on cultural issues \u201cproblematic\u201d in a liberal-nlnaeig itcy.", "scrambled_50%": "Critvvnaeeos besermm have chosen Susan Hall sa hte party\u2019s didaneact ot try to unseat Sadiq hKna ni het 2024 London almoary clniteoe. Hall, ehsow aclploiti soanlg si \u201cefSar with Susan\u201d, is often an \u201coutspoken character\u201d, aids The Guardian, \u201clikely ot eb snee sa na outsider\u201d, twhi her iwvse no cultural issues \u201ctacmlerpoib\u201d in a liberal-nlnaeig itcy.", "scrambled_100%": "Critvvnaeeos besermm evah ohensc unsaS lHal sa hte yrpat\u2019s didaneact ot yrt ot uetans qdiaS hKna ni het 2024 nLoodn almoary clniteoe. allH, ehsow aclploiti soanlg si \u201cefSar twih asSun\u201d, si oneft na \u201cpkeootnus eharccrta\u201d, aids heT iaudanGr, \u201clkeyli ot eb snee sa na idtresou\u201d, twhi hre iwvse no uctullra seussi \u201ctacmlerpoib\u201d ni a biallre-nlnaeig itcy.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Csneroievvta mbmeser heva csnohe Snsua Hlal as teh payrt\u2019s cdnetaaid to tyr to utanse Siadq Khna in teh 2024 Loondn marloya etcelion. Hlal, wheos paltoliic sagnlo is \u201cSreaf wiht Sasnu\u201d, is onfet an \u201cotopunske ceracatrh\u201d, sida Teh Garianud, \u201clyelki to be sene as an oterdsui\u201d, wthi hre vwsie on caullurt iusess \u201cpcrltmeboai\u201d in a llriaeb-legnain cyit.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Cavvsenitroe merbmes hvae chsoen Sausn Hlal as the ptray\u2019s cidtnadae to try to usanet Sidaq Kahn in the 2024 Ldoonn maroayl eetcioln. Hlal, woshe pilacitol slaogn is \u201cSaefr wtih Sausn\u201d, is oetfn an \u201coekutpson cactherar\u201d, siad The Gurdiaan, \u201clelkiy to be seen as an oeuditsr\u201d, wtih her vewis on cutularl isuess \u201cpmbaotrelic\u201d in a leriabl-lnnieag ctiy.", "substituted": "uGZCzAjXKXxR IkGBZaJ ORWW mjgqFK Oppuw MRjo Lp cjj OOUUU\u2019s XiXmJKDEh iM Kmv Wq YLwgta IiTIZ CkqZ DF oJm 2024 mHmIjy xbWmGAA yrbCVNZE. dJFc, nVUDF WpcnfqjcA VzdRHr fF \u201cyAdjf xhyQ pkGke\u201d, xE ucvtA vr \u201cFirDwOKaQ HveGdNYTB\u201d, JCPX LqA ZIziQDsd, \u201cvUyxIq PY nd AUdS MV cR VrWSVtwG\u201d, LZGa zgO LCVRi lc bnIXHhov hxJNTT \u201cdTutSJWGnwX\u201d ej a LGhAVjy-FpjdtUH IoJm."} {"original": "Cyclone Mocha barreled into Myanmar\u2019s coast days ago, collapsing houses, bringing down telephone poles and severely compromising communication lines in conflict-racked Rakhine state.", "scrambled_20%": "Cyclone hacoM barreled into Myanmar\u2019s csota asdy ago, collapsing houses, bringing down telephone poles and severely compromising communication lines in conflict-rkaced iRahnek state.", "scrambled_50%": "lcneCyo hacoM barreled into nMyrmaa\u2019s csota asdy ago, collapsing houses, girginbn donw telephone poles dan severely compromising otnimucmaiocn lines in olntficc-rkaced iRahnek state.", "scrambled_100%": "lcneCyo hacoM berledra iton nMyrmaa\u2019s csota asdy oag, ocallpgisn usesoh, girginbn donw pnleeehot epols dan lyeeersv migcpomronsi otnimucmaiocn elsni ni olntficc-rkaced iRahnek tsaet.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Ccnyeol Maoch bdeearrl iton Mynmraa\u2019s ctoas dysa aog, cilgsaopnl hseuos, bgnrnigi dnwo thpeneeol peslo adn srevlyee cmroimgsponi ccunootammini lneis in cocnflit-rdkaec Rinakhe satte.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ccynloe Mchoa bererlad itno Mayamnr\u2019s csoat dyas ago, caoliplnsg huoess, brniging dwon toeehnple ploes and seerlevy coprsimiomng ciauotmonicmn leins in cnfcilot-rekcad Rhaknie state.", "substituted": "ORebOTA tTGtb YCqGLRgG WYGC SUmfXbh\u2019s OyfxP YxAk mmG, dXjpErDGVW NRocYl, DgaceJAN fruv sPDgPAOLw vwHuz iKa SLMLqAgu ljeuhREkDqBr IfOPNrGrVJAJr kDzPW YA wCluxyEs-NCNpGN fqQRZEa YaFcM."} {"original": "David Rush, who already boasts more than 250 Guinness World Records, balanced an umbrella on his finger for three hours and 46 minutes. His time beat the current record, said UPI, but must still be reviewed. For more stories from the stranger side of life, sign up to the Tall Tales newsletter.", "scrambled_20%": "David Rush, hwo already boasts reom than 250 Guinness World Records, balanced an umbrella on his finger orf three hours and 46 minutes. His etim beat the reurctn record, said UPI, but must still be reviewed. For ermo stories from teh stranger side fo lfie, sign up to the Tall elaTs newsletter.", "scrambled_50%": "David Rush, hwo already boasts reom than 250 isnsneuG World Records, bedcnlaa an eurmball no shi finger orf hteer hours dna 46 smnitue. His etim beat the reurctn record, said UIP, utb must illst eb reevdeiw. For ermo stories from teh stranger ised fo lfie, sign up to the Tall elaTs ewerslnett.", "scrambled_100%": "vDdia suRh, hwo ardlyea obsats reom thna 250 isnsneuG rdoWl doscerR, bedcnlaa na eurmball no shi neifgr orf hteer suroh dna 46 smnitue. siH etim aetb het reurctn cdeorr, adsi UIP, utb smtu illst eb reevdeiw. orF ermo retossi frmo teh agntersr ised fo lfie, sing pu ot eht llTa elaTs ewerslnett.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Dvadi Rhus, woh arldyea bastso mreo thna 250 Ginseuns Wldro Redrsoc, bcanedal an uerlablm on hsi fenirg fro teerh huros adn 46 mtsienu. Hsi tmei baet teh ctrenur rcdore, sida UIP, btu msut sltli be riewdvee. Fro mroe siteors form teh staerrgn sdei of lfei, snig up to teh Tlla Tleas nwetsertle.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Diavd Rsuh, who aaderly baotss mroe tahn 250 Guneinss Wlord Rdorces, blcneaad an ulrlbmea on his fegnir for trehe huors and 46 munteis. His tmie baet the crunert rerocd, siad UPI, but msut slitl be rvieeewd. For mroe sirotes form the sgnaertr sdie of lfie, sgin up to the Tlal Telas newsletetr.", "substituted": "WwXot otpK, xKi cbdHFHg tRedcQ zPaf HDxG 250 sHSVfuqR oqwqY yfGbiOb, wEOELsvJ Tk nDcXUwbE MG Mkx UkjLMv tup oZXJY pcdYt NYb 46 WSTLhfk. OJg UCoP HBDT EPL nNoUgVx FkFNCQ, XuGh doi, MQU kRuN qEAuW XU CiGHKKqH. BBJ zTjD KTKBcaj jMdx dCU OsmscBVg PeBS BH ZTCs, ohDa ck ae bXc mzNb kvshb dzvYyQSrOO."} {"original": "DeSantis made his first campaign appearance in Iowa, where he pledged to take on Washington insiders and do more for Americans than his GOP rival, former President Donald Trump.", "scrambled_20%": "DeSantis made hsi first campaign appearance in Iowa, where eh pledged to take no Washington insiders and do more for imrecAsna than his GOP rival, emofrr President Donald umpTr.", "scrambled_50%": "DeSantis made hsi first campaign appearance ni oawI, erhew eh pledged to ktae no osannWhitg dersinsi and do emro for imrecAsna nath his GOP rival, emofrr President Danldo umpTr.", "scrambled_100%": "teiDSasn meda hsi fstir ncgipmaa paencpaera ni oawI, erhew eh dgelped ot ktae no osannWhitg dersinsi dan od emro rof imrecAsna nath sih OGP rvial, emofrr reidtensP Danldo umpTr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "DnsitaSe mdae hsi fistr cgapinma aaperncaep in Ioaw, werhe he pldgede to tkae on Whtsagionn inedriss adn do meor fro Ascaremin thna hsi GPO rivla, foermr Pteidrens Dlnoda Tmrup.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "DaiStens mdae his fisrt cgamapin anaarepcpe in Iwoa, wrhee he peegldd to tkae on Wnogsiahtn ieisdrns and do mroe for Aicmreans tahn his GOP raivl, fomerr Peersindt Dolnad Trmup.", "substituted": "hqkvKvpX YOKZ MrU jkqgk qPGtGpVw YMZpZWFMGO Pq UONz, Qbpls AJ ipwseme da yUQV TZ QbeRoMeXLq zjrIlRlI eHb Bf PcXI iDR QkgjhjGVb DbUP uxL AGO xfEFi, eMyPGZ ExHiAMXCp pipybQ UwbOM."} {"original": "Deal hunters are preparing themselves for Bed, Bath & Beyond\u2019s mammoth going-out-of-business sale.", "scrambled_20%": "Deal hunters ear preparing themselves for Bed, Bath & Beyond\u2019s mammoth going-uto-of-business sela.", "scrambled_50%": "Deal hunters ear preparing themselves rof Bed, Btha & ndyeoB\u2019s tmmomha gogin-uto-of-business sela.", "scrambled_100%": "eDla rnuesth ear gparepnir teseeshlmv rof edB, Btha & ndyeoB\u2019s tmmomha gogin-uto-fo-sesnsubi sela.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Dlea htrnesu aer prpnergia teslmevhes fro Bde, Bhta & Bneydo\u2019s mmmhato gongi-otu-of-bsiussne sela.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Dael hutrens are pirarenpg temhsevles for Bed, Btah & Byoend\u2019s mmaotmh ginog-out-of-bsineuss slae.", "substituted": "Nwqm BNxOIby ZDD rJjTKgCIG BvGhFFydnv HuM wZp, bcUu & IZvwaX\u2019s znLIWlv wEVZF-rLH-CK-tILjAYDA VYJF."} {"original": "Despite somewhat negative reviews, Starbucks is bringing its controversial olive oil coffee to more cities.", "scrambled_20%": "Despite somewhat eaegtivn reviews, Starbucks is bringing tsi controversial olive lio coffee to more cities.", "scrambled_50%": "Despite somewhat eaegtivn reviews, Srctkubsa is bringing tsi otslnorvcarie olive lio cofefe ot more iciset.", "scrambled_100%": "tpeseiD whatsome eaegtivn eesivwr, Srctkubsa si ibgrgnin tsi otslnorvcarie voeil lio cofefe ot oemr iciset.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Dieepst stheaowm ntevaieg rwieesv, Scktrsuba is bgiirnng ist crlnsaetoviro oveli oli cffeoe to meor cistie.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Detispe shawmoet ntvgeiae rweives, Sakrctbus is bnngirig its crvesitnarool oilve oil ceoffe to mroe ctiies.", "substituted": "JsXBeiG OecnmKZe uhzbbRtB sdOmmBu, AslUcoOBd Lc DWWZLZXa yzw QcUbmhILJEThX cNgOV fNm CWAcpr uF Ymks glpuFn."} {"original": "Devastating flooding is ripping through southwest China, with several areas issuing the highest level of warnings to evacuate. Concerns are mounting that the floods will have a devastating impact on crops in the region.", "scrambled_20%": "Devastating flooding si ripping rughtho tosstwhue China, with several areas ginsuis the highest level of rngnsiwa ot evacuate. Concerns are mounting ttha the floods will have a devastating impact on crops in the region.", "scrambled_50%": "Devastating flooding si ripping rughtho tosstwhue China, whit several areas ginsuis the highest level of rngnsiwa ot veceatau. Concerns ear mounting ttha the floods wlli heva a devastating impact no rposc ni eth region.", "scrambled_100%": "eDtgntaavis nogdiolf si pnrgpii rughtho tosstwhue Chnia, whit lesvera aeasr ginsuis eht igshteh vleel fo rngnsiwa ot veceatau. corsnneC ear gtonmniu ttha eth dfoslo wlli heva a tiaavntgsed acpimt no rposc ni eth oriegn.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Diegsnavtat fdlogoin is rinippg trghhou susotewht Cnhai, wiht sverael aesar isgnius teh hhsgtei lelve of wnaingrs to ectaeauv. Csoernnc aer mningtou taht teh fdolos wlil hvae a dgvtnieaats imtpca on csrop in teh rgoeni.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Dintesvatag filnoodg is rpiipng tuhorgh stohuswet Cniha, wtih sarveel aears iusisng the hgeshit leevl of wnngrais to euactvae. Ceonrcns are mniutnog taht the fdolos wlil hvae a dtaisentavg icpamt on cpors in the rogein.", "substituted": "qJOAEGcqBfO ctwUlagI Oi cJPqHas dTbNkOe xxeTBjiqv vsXBl, LrGJ gFfbtVn cxtUH ZWEWajd qgO tebeKdE ncQQJ zg QeevMmfZ bc fFLBRzcq. ArQpSSNj nqV itLgdrJR vghY hMB wyPCww VwDw Bewq a HazxbwluXFP HuHNbg fN ypHNi op JRT cLICwH."} {"original": "Disney has ceased releasing its films or TV shows on physical media formats in Australia, following a steep decline in sales of DVDs, Blu-rays and the like as streaming services become increasingly popular.", "scrambled_20%": "Disney has ceased releasing its films or TV wohss on physical daime formats in Australia, following a steep decline ni lases of DVDs, Bul-rays and het like as smetirgna services become increasingly popular.", "scrambled_50%": "Disney hsa ceased releasing sit films ro TV wohss on physical daime formats in Australia, inofglwlo a steep decline ni lases of DVDs, Bul-sary and het like sa smetirgna sievrsce boemec yiielcnragsn popular.", "scrambled_100%": "iynsDe hsa casdee eelairngs sit ifmsl ro VT wohss no cphaylis daime oamtrsf ni rsuiatAal, inofglwlo a esept eedlnci ni lases fo sDVD, Bul-sary nad het elik sa smetirgna sievrsce boemec yiielcnragsn pluarpo.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Dsieyn hsa cedsae rlseegain ist fmisl or TV swhso on paycsilh mdaie foatmrs in Ailaasrut, fogolwlin a stpee dceelin in ssael of DDsV, Bul-ryas adn teh leik as sentimarg siersvce boemce ieaicygnsnlr pluaorp.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Dnisey has csaeed rinelesag its fmlis or TV swhos on pshcayil mdiea ftmaors in Alstariua, fliowlnog a setep dclinee in selas of DDVs, Blu-ryas and the lkie as sitramneg seircves bcmoee iigrnlcsenay paulopr.", "substituted": "OsXKnq BcC bGHQBk pgAflXbIQ oLS zUiLm Bn lB AShZZ YH MnqyLQjt RjixD PhfLUad yY snTzOgCgu, FwPUFRCXz a eyMiy oXXCNQr ed UPOan NB bAiO, ujC-kSJS Nac kfO fSwf Ww fgRRpUecs DEefApCe kxMFGH ogeXLPKXGszs snaQqRo."} {"original": "Dollar Tree, which sells most products for $1.25, will stop selling eggs because the company can\u2019t make money offering them at flat prices.", "scrambled_20%": "Dollar Tree, which sells most products for $1.25, will stop selling eggs because teh company can\u2019t make money offering tmhe at fatl cseipr.", "scrambled_50%": "lDorla Tree, chwih sells most otrcudsp for $1.25, lilw stop selling egsg because teh npymoac can\u2019t amek money offering tmhe at fatl cseipr.", "scrambled_100%": "lDorla Tere, chwih elssl ostm otrcudsp fro $1.25, lilw sopt slgelin egsg acseebu teh npymoac acn\u2019t amek ymone giroefnf tmhe ta fatl cseipr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Dallro Tree, wihch sslel msto ptrcuosd fro $1.25, wlil spot sneglli egsg bsaueec teh cnyopam cna\u2019t mkea meoyn ofnigfre tmhe at flta pcseir.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Dlolar Tere, wichh slels msot ptcodurs for $1.25, wlil sotp slinleg eggs buacsee the cmopany can\u2019t mkae mneoy oierffng tehm at falt pceris.", "substituted": "OTfGbc sqBp, WgkIJ ZKEtH bWIB LpkEaRRd pFw $1.25, djuZ ASaF BJbpSwd pkrf QXMDEkP oSG LlwWlms xNy\u2019t WbBG rWbah MtPJjEVO CGmD UI KzHu eBLhcw."} {"original": "Downing Street has dismissed Spain\u2019s demand to oversee control of Gibraltar\u2019s airport, which is technically on an RAF base despite lying on a narrow stretch of land between Gibraltar and the Spanish frontier. The EU is considering allowing the British overseas territory \u2013 which voted to remain in the bloc \u2013 to join the Schengen common travel area.", "scrambled_20%": "Downing Street has dismissed Spain\u2019s demand to oversee control of trlibGraa\u2019s airport, which is technically no an RAF base despite inygl on a narrow chtrtse of aldn wetenbe Gibraltar adn the Spanish frontier. The EU is considering allowing the iBhtrsi overseas territory \u2013 which voted to remain in the lcbo \u2013 to nijo the ncnegheS common travel area.", "scrambled_50%": "Downing ettSre has dismissed painS\u2019s ndmdea to eosever control of trlibGraa\u2019s airport, wihhc is technically no na AFR base despite inygl no a wnaorr chtrtse of aldn wetenbe Gairbtlar adn het Spanish tferoinr. The EU is considering allowing the iBhtrsi overseas oytitrerr \u2013 which vedto to remain ni eth lcbo \u2013 to nijo the ncnegheS common evrlta area.", "scrambled_100%": "ongiDwn ettSre ahs imdedisss painS\u2019s ndmdea ot eosever locnrto fo trlibGraa\u2019s rairpto, wihhc si leahlciytnc no na AFR ebsa tieedsp inygl no a wnaorr chtrtse fo aldn wetenbe Gairbtlar adn het pnSihsa tferoinr. heT UE si cinderinsog inglwoal hte iBhtrsi evoesrsa oytitrerr \u2013 hiwhc vedto ot inemar ni eth lcbo \u2013 ot nijo eth ncnegheS mmoocn evrlta area.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Dngniow Srttee hsa dsidmssie Sainp\u2019s dmnaed to oervsee cnrootl of Gbialtrra\u2019s aptoirr, wcihh is tlhyielnacc on an RFA beas dpeteis ligyn on a nowrra srtecth of ldan beetnwe Gtrliabra adn teh Spihsna ftroeinr. Teh EU is csnrdgnieoi algwnlio teh Bsiihtr oaseresv trroyteri \u2013 whchi vdote to remnai in teh bclo \u2013 to jino teh Senehcng cmnmoo trvael aare.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Dionnwg Sretet has dsisemisd Saipn\u2019s dmnead to oreseve cronotl of Galbtirar\u2019s apiorrt, whcih is teiclnclahy on an RAF bsae depstie lnyig on a norraw srectth of lnad beewetn Grabalitr and the Sspinah foeinrtr. The EU is cdsneinoirg ailwonlg the Bistirh oseeavrs trtiorrey \u2013 wcihh vteod to rmiean in the bolc \u2013 to jion the Sgecenhn comomn tvreal aera.", "substituted": "rOEzwvG vyivlD vcX FIVdqgngr ZcUXs\u2019s mZqUDI KQ LQOMLSC XwXBNcL zB wNKdijRDR\u2019s BgAvyRW, zDxpT dG motRGdNUtkp qx VD cHu PeVq yKmukDP wDuXq QP a rJxOOR rwBSeOV AG OGRh jGNJbdz YqMvXgqUy GOk uzK ydLzRqv sNFDyRGT. LIv zy sW oUVKJfOawTG LQsSkjGw GPP zyPFnJD msXitLNP NRSioybqk \u2013 SlIUR tlpZB Ut pOdOKM rM CLN Owtt \u2013 RH fFuc WTg ZMzuXczv sYTlEf ZaTdJt IZon."} {"original": "Due to fire threats and environmental concerns, Salt Lake City, Utah, tried an alternative way of celebrating Independence Day with its first-ever drone show. Watch some of the other dazzling celebrations that took place across America here.", "scrambled_20%": "ueD to fire threats and environmental concerns, Salt Lake City, hUta, etrdi an alternative way of celebrating Independence Day with its ritfs-ever drone show. Watch some fo eth hrote dazzling celebrations that took place across America ereh.", "scrambled_50%": "ueD ot fire threats and nveneamotirln concerns, Salt aeLk iCyt, hUta, etrdi an alternative ayw of celebrating Independence Day hitw ist ritfs-eerv drone show. Watch emso fo eth hrote dazzling aeotslrncbei thta took place across America ereh.", "scrambled_100%": "ueD ot erfi htaerst dna nveneamotirln oscncnre, tlaS aeLk iCyt, hUta, etrdi na reeaivlttan ayw fo glnieatcebr enecIededpnn Dya hitw ist ritfs-eerv edrno hwso. acWht emso fo eth hrote nlgizdza aeotslrncbei thta ootk leapc orscsa cAaierm ereh.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Deu to frei tetrsha adn emrinnltoevan ccrnesno, Stal Lkea Ciyt, Uaht, tierd an avlneiettar wya of clbrgnaeite Icnedeenedpn Dya wiht ist fsrit-eerv doner sowh. Wthca smeo of teh orhet dnzaizlg cerbitlesoan ttah tkoo pecla acsrso Airaemc hree.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Due to frie trtahes and etnrnivemnoal cecnorns, Slat Lkae Ctiy, Uath, treid an aeivrttalne way of cienbtlraeg Iecenddenpne Day wtih its fsrit-eevr dnore sohw. Wtcah smoe of the ohter dzianzlg catleirenbos taht took plcae aocrss Aimreca hree.", "substituted": "Rbq eq VQyI XsesjhI BET xVtSMHVDtCMJY abQznhIx, sXxE RprS xPgG, ljAi, FIeUm Sv cfVKbeApseB kqQ Zr SarbCVoXNLz yDDFHXPTkIPq BBY NXma EgC CwiJM-nWZp ngbpa JcYd. RGFJm UObd ag nXO cJsSM jmXRdvMc dLUTLZfwnwoU keAe ukMD ENSqX XTIizM NGUwsST TJnJ."} {"original": "Due to high demand for the limited-edition Raspberry Rally cookie, scouts and parents were frequently forced to explain the shortage to annoyed shoppers.", "scrambled_20%": "Due to high demand for the limited-dntoiei Raspberry Rally cookie, costsu and parents were frequently forced ot nexapil the shortage to nydonae shoppers.", "scrambled_50%": "Due ot high demand ofr the limited-dntoiei Raspberry Rally cookie, costsu and parents erew nlyteerquf forced ot nexapil the rshtoeag ot nydonae pessporh.", "scrambled_100%": "uDe ot hgih mdnaed ofr het dmiilte-dntoiei peRrsarby lylaR ciekoo, costsu adn tsarnpe erew nlyteerquf cdrofe ot nexapil het rshtoeag ot nydonae pessporh.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Deu to hhig dmenda fro teh ldmeiit-eiitndo Rraybpsre Ryall cikeoo, scstou adn psrtaen weer fterleynuq frdeoc to eplxnia teh shoetgar to aneyond srppsoeh.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Due to hgih dnmead for the liitmed-eoiditn Rpsebrary Rlaly cokioe, stcuos and pntaers wree fuqnlterey focerd to ealxipn the soghatre to aeynnod srpeohps.", "substituted": "RZE lG XVso phrXCA cAX BWh BzODoWm-BWYXKzs DLkrPFvwR ABYwf tscFet, MRPqeL oIS NNkcTMe yDby BNcQIdUTVk ssjsHR Sf lEUGXWi RFZ qEIdnheL vP GaQwoCG IrHfDlcN."} {"original": "Ed Sheeran took the stand this week in a high-profile copyright trial about whether his smash single \u201cThinking Out Loud\u201d copied Marvin Gaye\u2019s hit \u201cLet\u2019s Get It On.\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "Ed Sheeran took teh natsd this week in a high-profile copyright trial about whether shi smash single \u201cinngkThi tOu Loud\u201d copied Marvin Gaye\u2019s hit \u201cLet\u2019s Get tI On.\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "Ed Sheeran took teh natsd this wkee ni a high-frpiole copyright trial about whether shi smash single \u201cinngkThi tOu oduL\u201d copied Marvin Gaye\u2019s thi \u201ctLe\u2019s etG tI nO.\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "dE eanehrS okot teh natsd hsti wkee ni a hihg-frpiole rpicogyht larit aoubt ewhehrt shi hsams ilsgne \u201cinngkThi tOu oduL\u201d pdecio irManv yaGe\u2019s thi \u201ctLe\u2019s etG tI nO.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Ed Snhraee tkoo teh sdtan tish weke in a hghi-ploiefr cyigorhtp tairl abtou whereth hsi smhsa sgenli \u201cThnkiing Otu Ludo\u201d cdpoei Mrnaiv Geay\u2019s hti \u201cLte\u2019s Gte It On.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ed Saerehn took the sntad tihs week in a hgih-piorfle crygphiot taril auobt wethher his ssmah sgline \u201cTkhninig Out Luod\u201d cpoied Mvairn Gyae\u2019s hit \u201cLet\u2019s Get It On.\u201d.", "substituted": "Rf UowsXVs uqGf Ilg mgqhP Selm nsgZ op a mVhD-XLQzrFQ wAZfiSdvE bsvUh nDQgT sKQRBfP Fhb KTnAd wRSzyQ \u201cDkfGABim kno DrjV\u201d gEZdXg Lwqqyi ZlaI\u2019s QSW \u201cfNl\u2019s lHq Vj xh.\u201d."} {"original": "Eggs had the most dramatic decrease, with a nearly 11% decline. This comes after egg prices soared in previous months primarily due to avian flu, which constrained supply.", "scrambled_20%": "sEgg had het most dramatic decrease, with a nearly 11% decline. This comes after egg ripsce soared in previous months lyprmiira due to avian ufl, which constrained supply.", "scrambled_50%": "sEgg adh het most iactmdar rdeeseca, with a nearly 11% decline. ishT comes feart egg ripsce soared ni previous months lyprmiira due to avian ufl, which acertindnos syplpu.", "scrambled_100%": "sEgg adh het somt iactmdar rdeeseca, ihwt a lyrane 11% delecni. ishT mcsoe feart gge ripsce osrdea ni iesuorpv snmoht lyprmiira ude ot viaan ufl, wichh acertindnos syplpu.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Egsg hda teh mots damairct daceseer, wthi a nryael 11% deecinl. Tsih cmeos arfte egg psceir srdoae in pvusreoi mohsnt prmyrliia deu to aainv ful, whchi cdrtoniesan sylpup.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Eggs had the msot daritmac drsaceee, wtih a nalrey 11% deilnce. Tihs cmeos aeftr egg pceirs sroaed in peuvoirs mthnos plrmiriay due to aavin flu, wchih cianrsoetnd sluppy.", "substituted": "zGbR xfK Axq EYZa owMpwIWT QQkMKfPS, Onia a dpetRj 11% jGiWZJQ. nSrl FlkSB iNfae JYY WRYiBx OMgiCH qB MMjEOVMG pbKyiK qBOejeCSx Ysx nm vCvdD ndc, OdTpw FgDyekUBgzn bxoIKc."} {"original": "Egypt\u2019s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities released a statement emphasising that \u201cQueen Cleopatra had light skin and Hellenistic (Greek) features\u201d, and criticising Netflix for casting British actor Adele James, who \u201cpossesses African features and dark skin\u201d. Find out more on the latest episode of The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_20%": "pytgE\u2019s Ministry of mrsouTi dna Antiquities released a statement emphasising that \u201cQueen Cleopatra had light skin and Hellenistic (Greek) features\u201d, dna giciriitscn Netflix for casting British actor ledeA James, who \u201cpossesses African features and kdar skin\u201d. Find out more on the latest pdeoeis of hTe Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_50%": "pytgE\u2019s Ministry fo mrsouTi dna Antiquities leesraed a snttaemet emphasising that \u201cQueen Cleopatra adh light skin and Hellenistic (Greek) features\u201d, dna giciriitscn ixleftN for tcasgni British actor ledeA sJaem, who \u201csesesssop African trsfuaee and kdar ksin\u201d. Find out orem on het latest pdeoeis fo hTe kWee Unwrapped sdcatop.", "scrambled_100%": "pytgE\u2019s sntMiriy fo mrsouTi dna tiiquisetAn leesraed a snttaemet msahipiegns htta \u201ceQune taolperaC adh hligt knis nad lniscileteH (eeGkr) retefaus\u201d, dna giciriitscn ixleftN ofr tcasgni rstiihB aotcr ledeA sJaem, hwo \u201csesesssop iAnafcr trsfuaee dan kdar ksin\u201d. ndFi uto orem no het etsalt pdeoeis fo hTe kWee awpUdpren sdcatop.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Epygt\u2019s Miisntyr of Troumsi adn Anusqeittii redaslee a snmeettat eigpsnhaism taht \u201cQeenu Colapraet hda lthig skni adn Hltnlesiiec (Grkee) fueartse\u201d, adn cgiiisnictr Nilftxe fro cigtsan Btrihis aroct Adlee Jsmae, woh \u201cpssseoess Ainrfac fsaretue adn drka snki\u201d. Fndi otu mero on teh lsatet episeod of Teh Week Uedwparpn ptdcsoa.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Epgyt\u2019s Mitrsniy of Tuosirm and Atieuqnitis reeelsad a sematetnt esasiniphmg taht \u201cQeeun Ceortpala had lghit sikn and Hinsieleltc (Gerek) ftureaes\u201d, and crinsctiiig Niefltx for cainstg Biistrh atocr Adlee Jeams, who \u201cpsessoess Aacfirn feeaturs and drak sikn\u201d. Fnid out mroe on the ltsaet espidoe of The Week Unpwapred pdcoast.", "substituted": "HAFGo\u2019s DqAOAXEF mk zOwGQSj CfW LXpaZDKZKlw wTpRdSSn a xkvnWzhbM qiDLzHgbTdO GCeC \u201cnZtXl vzLBRYyPW klm TLwgg RjQE RyE FNBrOvUyZOY (YzLPa) GECyebVw\u201d, TKg CFNrFMjysBz YvqiqQn RNe YgWFVBO AgGnjBZ EWGZj oFPfx WZthQ, Brl \u201cticDsLQfN jlsoGAZ iVJkQBZU FjO WOvS EtqZ\u201d. dnyQ hqy NJlg Ma ETi xERrNA ojuQvuf MA jvA zWkw jvkoAmDCQ xthqTHH."} {"original": "Eldagsen explained on his website that he submitted the black-and-white image \u201cas a cheeky monkey, to find out if the competitions are prepared for AI images to enter\u201d. He concluded: \u201cThey are not.\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "sdEnlgea ideeaxpln on his website that he submitted the black-and-etihw image \u201cas a cheeky myonek, to find out if the competitions are prepared for AI images ot nrtee\u201d. He concluded: \u201cThey era not.\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "sdEnlgea ideeaxpln no his website ttah eh bmdsteuti the black-dan-etihw egami \u201cas a ceyekh myonek, to find uot if the competitions are prepared for AI images ot nrtee\u201d. He oceddncul: \u201ceyhT era not.\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "sdEnlgea ideeaxpln no ihs seietbw ttah eh bmdsteuti het bkalc-dan-etihw egami \u201csa a ceyekh myonek, ot dfin uot fi eth tniicpseoomt ear dprapeer rof IA sagiem ot nrtee\u201d. eH oceddncul: \u201ceyhT era tno.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Eseadgnl epixeadln on hsi weibset ttha he sdtbtiume teh backl-adn-wtehi iaemg \u201cas a ckyeeh myekno, to fndi otu if teh cometsopinti aer pepearrd fro AI igaems to ernet\u201d. He cduedcoln: \u201cThye aer nto.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Eagsedln ealpnxeid on his westbie taht he sbiemuttd the baclk-and-withe iagme \u201cas a ceekhy mkoney, to fnid out if the cieotntiomps are peraerpd for AI iemags to eetnr\u201d. He ceodcnuld: \u201cTehy are not.\u201d.", "substituted": "zYDKDtXg SMixiaHSR Ak cpR gYMTgzA rDFP kH WWEQzmsCP nOu kSfIZ-xIe-SWuvN TaTHF \u201cTK a mODqbm qbwsGO, mS jPvc amg DR JqL JDvvwUGVgGjd yxO jYXqsGEM ykl Sl OChrLW Hw YTRSe\u201d. AE LLvyWcXmN: \u201cmczg VII bjY.\u201d."} {"original": "Elon Musk has laid off more than 6,000 people at Twitter since taking over the company, he said in an interview this week. The reduction equates to roughly 80% of the company\u2019s staff.", "scrambled_20%": "Elon Musk sha laid off more than 6,000 people at Twitter since taking over hte onmcpya, eh said ni an interview this week. eTh reduction equates to roughly 80% of the company\u2019s staff.", "scrambled_50%": "Elon Musk sha iadl off more ntah 6,000 loeepp at Twitter since nkigat over hte onmcpya, eh said ni na interview this ewek. eTh reduction equates ot roughly 80% fo hte myncpoa\u2019s staff.", "scrambled_100%": "nolE skMu sha iadl fof orem ntah 6,000 loeepp ta ttTriew nsiec nkigat oevr hte onmcpya, eh idas ni na trwvneiie hsit ewek. eTh rdtnuoeic steeaqu ot hoguryl 80% fo hte myncpoa\u2019s ffsat.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Eoln Msku hsa lida off mroe tnha 6,000 ppoeel at Ttrewti sncei tiagkn oevr teh caonypm, he siad in an ieteriwnv tshi wkee. Teh rotcdieun eeaustq to ruylgoh 80% of teh cmaynop\u2019s saftf.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Eoln Msuk has liad off mroe tahn 6,000 popele at Titwetr sicne tiakng oevr the canmpoy, he siad in an ienvrteiw tihs week. The rctdeouin etuqeas to rluhgoy 80% of the cmnaopy\u2019s stfaf.", "substituted": "GgUo ZWHu uxH WOEo VvL AtUz qCzu 6,000 qoHnbj LO cehfALa BRULJ iyBgWv riab scL LvAAlKw, As IptZ Fa ig sCCPqzFwb ubpg MSSo. INm bKLKSbSGC SZOIESD cP oytBUdN 80% Pi qmZ EOJJeEA\u2019s uyMPt."} {"original": "Elton John\u2019s final tour came to an end with a performance in Stockholm, Sweden, this month. Listen to the heartfelt message he shared with his fans.", "scrambled_20%": "Elton John\u2019s final tour came to an ned with a performance in Stockholm, enedSw, this month. Ltinse to het heartfelt message he shared hwit his fans.", "scrambled_50%": "Elton John\u2019s final utor amec ot an ned with a performance in Stockholm, enedSw, this ohmtn. Ltinse to het heartfelt smeasge he rhedsa hwit his safn.", "scrambled_100%": "Etonl hJon\u2019s lfian utor amec ot na ned hwti a mrepncerofa ni kholocStm, enedSw, stih ohmtn. Ltinse ot het attfelher smeasge eh rhedsa hwit shi safn.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Etonl Jnho\u2019s falin turo cmea to an edn wthi a perfnoearcm in Stkhocoml, Sdeewn, tshi mothn. Ltinse to teh hlarfttee msagese he saehdr wtih hsi fasn.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Eotln Jhon\u2019s fianl tuor cmae to an end wtih a pnarmcreofe in Schltookm, Sewden, tihs mnoth. Ltisen to the htealerft mssgeae he serahd wtih his fnas.", "substituted": "tYHwL ZMrE\u2019s XKPZD gIhw kYws RK iL jPj roVM a jPyOMLgiUaR yN MiwzNcAYA, hSSfQo, aWku STJQD. CdHJpN uZ fTg rKCbnrSTg IHRcLwW ED jpddrf FMXM iQL lQlM."} {"original": "Engineers and scientists at the British engineering giant are aiming to create a small and lightweight nuclear micro-reactor to provide power needed for humans to live and work on the Moon.", "scrambled_20%": "Engineers nad scientists ta the srhtBii engineering giant are aiming to create a small and twtiehliggh nuclear micro-reactor to provide power needed for humans to live and rkow on eth Moon.", "scrambled_50%": "geensrEni nad esisctisnt ta het srhtBii engineering atngi rea aiming ot cereta a small and twtiehliggh lnreuca micro-reactor to irpvdeo power needed for humans to live and rkow no eth Moon.", "scrambled_100%": "geensrEni nad esisctisnt ta het srhtBii eieginergnn atngi rea gniiam ot cereta a amlsl dan twtiehliggh lnreuca rmico-roatcre ot irpvdeo opwre dneede rfo unasmh ot ivel dna rkow no eth Mono.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Eegnsnier adn steiincsst at teh Bsiriht eniggeiennr gntai aer aniimg to ceaert a smlal adn lhitgeghwti nracelu mcoir-raetorc to pevdoir poerw ndeede fro hsanmu to liev adn wkor on teh Mnoo.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Eigenners and sncistetis at the Bsiitrh eieengnirng gniat are ainmig to ctaere a slmal and lhiggiwehtt neaulcr mcrio-roeactr to podvrie peowr nedeed for hmauns to lvie and wrok on the Moon.", "substituted": "gCzypAcqB vSf yFWkaAuNyn Kz cuW svhWexM vokJwVOSDVP EUSVo sdH yclVuj GJ hQQoMP a UVJvy eZc fuZaDdHWCpY mtlExlM oyXmO-hseBDJE lH gmSUGwl GzPRq fGDbbw dpl xIgDKG yj pyrY MVA utRG vI Ajn fkxb."} {"original": "Environmental lawyer and anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has filed paperwork to run for president in 2024 as a Democrat. The 69-year-old is the son of former New York senator, US attorney general and assassinated 1968 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy.", "scrambled_20%": "Environmental lawyer and anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Knndyee Jr. has iedlf paperwork to unr for president in 2024 as a Democrat. The 69-year-old si the son of former New rYok senator, US renotaty erelnag adn assassinated 1968 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew fo the late President hnoJ F. Kennedy.", "scrambled_50%": "Environmental lawyer dna anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Knndyee rJ. has iedlf paperwork to unr for rditpesne ni 2024 sa a rtaecDom. The 69-year-ldo si teh son fo refrom New rYok senator, SU renotaty erelnag adn assassinated 1968 ipdnltsaerie andtidace Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew fo the etla President hnoJ F. Kennedy.", "scrambled_100%": "nErotminalnev ayrlew dna niat-avencci vsitatic btRroe F. Knndyee rJ. hsa iedlf prowkrpae ot unr ofr rditpesne ni 2024 sa a rtaecDom. heT 69-erya-ldo si teh nso fo refrom ewN rYok ntsraeo, SU renotaty erelnag adn aasnaisdstes 1968 ipdnltsaerie andtidace toerbR F. nneedyK nda hte neweph fo het etla drtesPnie hnoJ F. eeKndny.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Eaovinnrmelnt lyawre adn atin-vancice atcivtsi Rteorb F. Keydnne Jr. hsa fledi peorrkpwa to rnu fro pndiertse in 2024 as a Daeomrtc. Teh 69-yare-odl is teh sno of foerrm Nwe Ykro soraent, US attrnoey gernael adn assesdasanit 1968 pisaendrliet cedaidant Roretb F. Keednyn adn teh newphe of teh leat Pisdetren Jnoh F. Keyennd.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Entvoaennmirl leywar and atni-vcanice acivstit Rerbot F. Knenedy Jr. has feild pawoerrpk to run for peeirndst in 2024 as a Doemarct. The 69-yaer-old is the son of fmreor New Yrok satnoer, US aronetty grenael and aesasitnassd 1968 prtasidneeil cdinaadte Reobrt F. Kdneeny and the nehepw of the ltae Pesrndeit Jhon F. Kdeenny.", "substituted": "aiSUhbuNTafyu RBpWbi MHt Riim-PCJrStO hfHzJmql LNtXKS F. tctHOxa XR. wya lESRc yfRXwuBCh Nw jfg zwz GScnDhIsB qc 2024 wy a wQgGQhSc. FGE 69-vEZJ-VfJ fy xiw Lfi ZE PrNedZ SbW VIZr YZHwukn, ZA ImrmcEbl qgrWjXY XcB NhngMiJfQrQo 1968 fTHJtGTBPUIr agomUZeVM eSGOKl F. vcDLToi nrn yNU aIPdCk Fk Qyl JtBV YTcbBXCeg CdTw F. rPHNLrz."} {"original": "Estate agent Fisher Cooper has slashed \u00a350,000 off the original \u00a3300,000 asking price for 3 Bleamoor Cottages, which isn\u2019t accessible by car and is seven miles from the nearest town, Ingleton.", "scrambled_20%": "setaEt agent Fisher opCeor has slashed \u00a350,000 off the original \u00a3300,000 asking price for 3 Bleamoor tasegCot, which isn\u2019t accessible yb acr and is seven ismel from the nearest town, Ingleton.", "scrambled_50%": "setaEt tneag hFrsei opCeor ash slashed \u00a350,000 ffo het original \u00a3300,000 asking price rfo 3 Bleamoor tasegCot, ihwhc isn\u2019t accessible yb acr and is seven ismel rofm the nearest town, Ingleton.", "scrambled_100%": "setaEt tneag hFrsei opCeor ash ahdlses \u00a350,000 ffo het gioinarl \u00a3300,000 kngias epirc rfo 3 Broloame tasegCot, ihwhc ins\u2019t celeabiscs yb acr nad si ensve ismel rofm eth nrtaese notw, gtnonlIe.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Eattes anetg Fhreis Cropoe hsa sehlads \u00a350,000 off teh oirialng \u00a3300,000 angkis pcier fro 3 Bmoeaolr Ctsoagte, wchhi ins\u2019t acbiseecsl by cra adn is svene mlsie fmro teh nratese tonw, Itgolenn.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ettsae anget Fshier Cepoor has selhasd \u00a350,000 off the orngiail \u00a3300,000 aisnkg pcrie for 3 Bomeoalr Coatgets, wichh isn\u2019t asicsbecle by car and is seevn meils form the neraset twon, Iolengtn.", "substituted": "xofpLV VFJGr WdtRrY mvhkbi wDT zutCgmB \u00a350,000 IxH woz SLTajFPb \u00a3300,000 DUPsJH FqeYa XCe 3 eZKKhuZt fUbNWIgD, fPIkO qnA\u2019t lIdaHBvtBu Ma kia sME Xc OmlAq MkwFP vCMX qdl PLPoUEA Wurx, kbDksEca."} {"original": "Eurasian beavers were hunted to extinction in Britain in the 16th century, but a breeding pair will be reintroduced to wetlands in Ealing this summer in a bid to help tackle climate change by promoting a biodiverse ecosystem.", "scrambled_20%": "unaaEris beavers were thdeun to extinction ni Britain ni the 16th century, but a breeding pair will be reintroduced to wetlands in Ealing this rmusme in a bid to elhp tackle climate caenhg by promoting a biodiverse ecosystem.", "scrambled_50%": "unaaEris beavers ewre thdeun ot eoctntnxii ni Britain ni the 16ht tcryeun, but a breeding ripa will be reintroduced to ewdnstal ni glaiEn this rmusme in a bid to elhp tackle climate caenhg by rimgnpoot a revsidboie ecosystem.", "scrambled_100%": "unaaEris sevareb ewre thdeun ot eoctntnxii ni tinraiB ni het 16ht tcryeun, utb a ernigebd ripa lwli eb uctenodrierd ot ewdnstal ni glaiEn htis rmusme ni a idb ot elhp etcalk etamicl caenhg yb rimgnpoot a revsidboie cmetysoes.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Easriuna bsvaree were huetdn to eitxnnoict in Biirtna in teh 16th cntyrue, btu a begirden pria will be rncieddtuoer to wdntlsae in Eingal tish smurem in a bdi to hlep tklcae cieatlm cahgen by poitorgmn a beeisirodv emsctsoey.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Eauasrin breevas wree hunetd to einiotcxtn in Biartin in the 16th ctreuny, but a bednreig piar wlil be rdcreueotnid to wtnlaeds in Elanig tihs sumemr in a bid to hlep tkacle clmatie cgahne by pootinmrg a breoivisde eecsytsom.", "substituted": "yKahCTih zuGZCLd vHxI UUKcOV fR vHGEoBqKER Zl CiYAKzX tD hiE 16LA bkEQfkx, kwp a FCGrDcWD ojze XcKv Mi tPBjjKSkoJdy xT CxYYwtWY tq BBIbam SSar IKyvNQ nf a uWB AE pHEe WCUyZZ bIJkzjN nvASbg Wd UmlnUCNGP a ODEMaLFLaX TDOApyPCM."} {"original": "Ever since the 2011 tsunami destroyed the Fukushima nuclear plant, Japan has been pumping water into the site to cool the reactor\u2019s fuel rods \u2013 contaminating 130,000 litres a day. Now, the government plans to release a million metric tons of this treated radioactive water into the ocean, \u201cenough to fill 500 Olympic-size swimming pools\u201d, to intense opposition from China and many Pacific islands.", "scrambled_20%": "Ever since the 2011 tsunami destroyed the Fukushima nuclear lntap, Japan has been pumping awert inot the site ot cool the reactor\u2019s fuel rods \u2013 oictimntagnna 130,000 litres a day. Now, eht government plans to release a million metric tons of stih eardtet iaaedoirtvc water into the ocean, \u201cenough to ifll 500 Olympic-size swimming pools\u201d, to intense tnpisoooip from iCnha and many Pacific islands.", "scrambled_50%": "Ever since the 2011 miautns destroyed hte auskmhuiF elancur lntap, Japan has been pupmign awert inot the tsei ot cool the reactor\u2019s lefu orsd \u2013 oictimntagnna 130,000 litres a day. Now, eht onvmegtner plans ot release a mnililo metric tons of stih eardtet iaaedoirtvc water oitn the naeoc, \u201cenough to ifll 500 ilmcyOp-size smimgwni pools\u201d, ot intense tnpisoooip from iCnha nad many Pacific ssinlda.", "scrambled_100%": "Evre scien eht 2011 miautns sydtoedre hte auskmhuiF elancur lntap, nJaap hsa eenb pupmign awert inot hte tsei ot loco het aoercrt\u2019s lefu orsd \u2013 oictimntagnna 130,000 rltise a ayd. wNo, eht onvmegtner anlsp ot selaere a mnililo tericm snot fo stih eardtet iaaedoirtvc eawrt oitn teh naeoc, \u201cneuogh ot ifll 500 ilmcyOp-izse smimgwni lpsoo\u201d, ot ntinsee tnpisoooip ofmr iCnha nad ymna iicPfca ssinlda.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Evre seicn teh 2011 taumisn deyostedr teh Fmuhkuasi nueracl pntal, Jaanp hsa bene pumnigp wreta iotn teh stei to colo teh rtceroa\u2019s feul rdos \u2013 cingnattonami 130,000 leirts a dya. Nwo, teh gvornnteme pnlas to reeales a mnillio mietrc tsno of tish ttaeder rdvaiaoeict wtrea iton teh oeanc, \u201ceonhug to flli 500 Oilcmpy-szei sgnmiwim poslo\u201d, to itnnese oipntisopo fomr Cnaih adn myna Piafcic idslnas.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Eevr scnie the 2011 tmsauni deetsryod the Fuuihsmka neualcr pnalt, Jaapn has been puipnmg wtaer itno the stie to cool the rctaoer\u2019s feul rdos \u2013 camitnnnoaitg 130,000 liters a day. Now, the gnnvmeoret pnlas to rleasee a molilin mtreic tnos of tihs treetad raadicovite weatr itno the ocaen, \u201cengouh to flil 500 Oyilpmc-szie sinmiwmg ploos\u201d, to intsnee otopopiisn form Cihna and mnay Paiicfc iladsns.", "substituted": "VBXL dOrsm CHN 2011 eADMOih SNWZqVDvW kjv yKZvtFtBs jydqtIi rCiRw, awdHy TUc dAwk cRjrMEM TfmpF bOct MrL RNKt up apcM BWn yPyJPqi\u2019s lOIG SegF \u2013 uBXdyNvjkApZT 130,000 pAdnOh a DQE. xEJ, vDb hBkKbbOZZu rzzvO gK pugqhBt a AtJAORG pFzWoO weYp Jt oKHh lCheuJR LZflETaTLUV jEcuV HLyt nCW CjaUw, \u201cBrSljT Im Mxzx 500 oiMUmjF-FMEy CpSBczvi VWuFH\u201d, DE bCPGrJv PSaAAAVhGw AhWZ MEoZk EAz FGej wpQOpza qLnlrOQ."} {"original": "Experts fear that TB represents a \u201cticking timebomb\u201d, amid soaring infection and death rates. Latest figures suggest that the disease killed around 4,400 people a day worldwide in 2021.", "scrambled_20%": "Experts fear htat TB represents a \u201cticking timebomb\u201d, amdi soaring infection and death arets. Latest uifrseg suggest that the disease ledkli around 4,400 people a day worldwide in 2021.", "scrambled_50%": "Experts fear htat BT rensseerpt a \u201ckgtiicn mobitemb\u201d, amdi soaring infection and death arets. etasLt uifrseg eusgstg that the disease ledkli around 4,400 people a yda worldwide in 2021.", "scrambled_100%": "tEerpsx arfe htat BT rensseerpt a \u201ckgtiicn mobitemb\u201d, amdi iasgorn oecntfiin dna thdea arets. etasLt uifrseg eusgstg ttah teh isdaees ledkli nodaru 4,400 ploeep a yda eriwwddol ni 2021.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Epxesrt frea ttha TB resrstnepe a \u201ctcgkiin toibmmeb\u201d, aidm sinrgoa iteicnonf adn dheat rsate. Lsttea fieugsr stseugg taht teh dssieae kldiel ardnuo 4,400 pleope a dya wrldoeidw in 2021.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Eetrpxs faer taht TB retesenrps a \u201ctcnkiig tembiomb\u201d, aimd sioarng ioiecfntn and daeth retas. Lestat fegirus sseggut taht the dseasie kelild anurod 4,400 polepe a day wdwdorlie in 2021.", "substituted": "lwMPSju gHlS vDba Dz gaaFJlXgzN a \u201cjtqakgq WYiuEEuG\u201d, iVNB vfRTEpA bFeKCuEPb ZEo sBSsC BLmXW. KQXsYC OuWhhrL mWPmPZu BaIA hXU vVexunh uMeNBC gdvhmq 4,400 CFekIs a yxe nijNTnpDz oU 2021."} {"original": "Experts say Americans are tipping less \u2013 only around 16% \u2013 at quick-service establishments because they feel overwhelmed by options to tip with a card on a touchscreen, leading people to be less generous.", "scrambled_20%": "Experts say Ansremaci are tipping lses \u2013 only donaru 16% \u2013 at quick-service establishments because they feel overwhelmed yb options to tip with a card on a touchscreen, leading people ot be less reegusno.", "scrambled_50%": "Experts say Ansremaci are tpinpig lses \u2013 only donaru 16% \u2013 at quick-ricseve establishments because they feel eeerwolmdhv yb options to tpi iwht a drca no a touchscreen, leading eeolpp ot eb less reegusno.", "scrambled_100%": "tExspre ysa Ansremaci aer tpinpig lses \u2013 lony donaru 16% \u2013 ta ckuqi-ricseve itnmashtlesbse abceeus heyt lefe eeerwolmdhv yb oontisp ot tpi iwht a drca no a uectcrosneh, dlnaieg eeolpp ot eb esls reegusno.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Eresptx sya Aiensarmc aer tgippni less \u2013 olyn anudor 16% \u2013 at qiukc-sevreci emhtsebsiasnlt bcuesea teyh flee oemeredwvhl by opntios to tpi wthi a crda on a toeescchrun, lgenadi poeelp to be lses gurneeso.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Epxrets say Acarenmis are tipnpig lses \u2013 olny aonrud 16% \u2013 at qicuk-svriece eabhetntlsimss bsauece tehy feel ovhleewremd by opoints to tip wtih a crad on a theoeucrcsn, linadeg polpee to be lses gueornes.", "substituted": "CvHYEYx tgn GdmVYvYXR JDS bUPIxdb dipS \u2013 CxDF jUbZTP 16% \u2013 hI eKsJd-CpNeWLG mEihQnmIaxPRPa BCnBRBv rfoO XCCc ktbRdVHpwuf il UCNJELY Ai QMR baBB a ZqJq wm a ByJQAThMxDB, zWPuJAw GlgEXp HK Wb xLrv xIylTbzh."} {"original": "Facebook users who had an active account between May 2007 and December 2022 can now apply for a share of the company\u2019s $725 million settlement reached in a major data privacy scandal.", "scrambled_20%": "Facebook users who had an active account between aMy 2007 and December 2022 can now apply for a share fo the cmpayno\u2019s $725 million settlement reached ni a ormja data privacy scandal.", "scrambled_50%": "abcFkooe users hwo ahd na active ucacnot between aMy 2007 nda December 2022 can nwo apply for a share fo the cmpayno\u2019s $725 million settlement ahrdcee ni a ormja data privacy lacsdna.", "scrambled_100%": "abcFkooe sresu hwo ahd na eitvac ucacnot bwenete aMy 2007 nda ebcDmere 2022 nac nwo lappy fro a earhs fo hte cmpayno\u2019s $725 oililnm ttlemteens ahrdcee ni a ormja aatd vypaicr lacsdna.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Fceokoba urses woh hda an aecivt ancutco bteween Mya 2007 adn Dberemec 2022 cna nwo alpyp fro a srhae of teh copnyma\u2019s $725 mliolin sementtlte rdeceha in a moajr dtaa pyrvcia slcaadn.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Foabeock uress who had an avicte auccnot beteewn May 2007 and Dmebceer 2022 can now aplpy for a sahre of the cnpaomy\u2019s $725 mloiiln stetelemnt reehcad in a mojar dtaa priavcy sanacdl.", "substituted": "trnZlihO oRqoM Hcg RJt Wx IFSrQI owRLaEC qakmwkQ dxn 2007 AVo xHjSCQVE 2022 gQy zmV TUQZw EjY a hoBHK CM rTv fvbTdSE\u2019s $725 ZLGzpLt NyLoUioTFk TrZtOSa NA a IXUOu BcXy SwZotgD eEkOUcA."} {"original": "Fans worldwide have been paying tribute to the British designer, who pioneered the miniskirt. \u201cOnly the Beatles are more closely tied to the legend that is London\u2019s swinging 60s than Mary Quant,\u201d said The Guardian.", "scrambled_20%": "Fans worldwide have been paying tribute to the British designer, who oendpreie teh miniskirt. \u201cynOl teh Beatles are more oselcly tied ot the legend that is London\u2019s sggiiwnn 60s than Mary Quant,\u201d said The Guardian.", "scrambled_50%": "nFsa worldwide have bene giapyn tribute to the British designer, how oendpreie teh ismkiintr. \u201cynOl teh Beatles are more oselcly tied ot hte glndee that is London\u2019s sggiiwnn 60s than ryaM autnQ,\u201d siad The Guardian.", "scrambled_100%": "nFsa iwledrodw heav bene giapyn tiuerbt ot het rBihtsi geresdin, how oendpreie teh ismkiintr. \u201cynOl teh leBetsa rea omer oselcly idet ot hte glndee tath si Lnodon\u2019s sggiiwnn 60s thna ryaM autnQ,\u201d siad heT ariudnGa.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Fasn wdleirdwo hvae bene pgniya teirtbu to teh Brihits densgrie, woh poderenie teh mktisirin. \u201cOlny teh Besaetl aer meor cleoysl tedi to teh lngede tath is Ldnoon\u2019s snwiigng 60s tnah Mrya Qatnu,\u201d sdai Teh Gnaduari.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Fnas wwddilore hvae been piynag ttirbue to the Btsiirh dinseger, who pinroeeed the mirsiiknt. \u201cOlny the Baeelts are mroe cllsoey teid to the leengd taht is Ldoonn\u2019s sgwining 60s tahn Mray Qanut,\u201d siad The Gariduan.", "substituted": "XhDG OVpBKyuAM QKWS xQvI ioFGeK CJqmepz FW wFN KnBLVcE rEmqRJvy, NCX vlaiVEhgv Olz ZNwkyUfBp. \u201cKPYx myK muKbZiv SHk dazB bTKTuTQ NpXT BL asO mccBtu SvlQ hd sAwyVt\u2019s rWkreMzo 60s negF WkdK NmTBa,\u201d MYrF NJr gLYxwLyy."} {"original": "Finland, Denmark and Iceland ranked highest in the UN\u2019s World Happiness Report, based on data from the Gallup World Poll. Britain dropped two places to 19th in the index, while Lebanon and Afghanistan were named as the unhappiest nations.", "scrambled_20%": "Finland, Denmark nda Ildecna ranked highest in the UN\u2019s World Happiness Report, based on data mfro the Gallup World Poll. Britain dropped wto places to 19th in hte index, lhiwe Lebanon nad Afghanistan were named as the unhappiest asoitnn.", "scrambled_50%": "Finland, rDanmke nda Ildecna nekard highest in the NU\u2019s World Happiness Report, based no data mfro the ulGalp rldoW Poll. nrtaBii dropped wto psclae to 19ht in hte index, lhiwe Lebanon nad Afghanistan erwe named sa the htpesinaup asoitnn.", "scrambled_100%": "adFninl, rDanmke nda Ildecna nekard gsihteh ni het NU\u2019s odWlr esnipHpas rotepR, dbesa no adat mfro het ulGalp rldoW lPol. nrtaBii pdpored wto psclae ot 19ht ni hte ndeix, lhiwe aonenbL nad aniAsgnatfh erwe endma sa het htpesinaup asoitnn.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Finndal, Demkanr adn Icnaedl rdknae histheg in teh UN\u2019s Wrodl Hsepinpas Rtreop, bseda on dtaa frmo teh Gplalu Wrldo Pllo. Baitinr doepdrp tow pslaec to 19th in teh iexdn, whlie Lenboan adn Aaatnfisghn were nmdae as teh uistenahpp nsoaitn.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Flnnaid, Dnmraek and Ialencd renkad hesight in the UN\u2019s Wrlod Hnppsieas Rrepot, bsaed on dtaa form the Glualp Wlrod Plol. Biartin derppod two peclas to 19th in the iendx, wihle Lnoeabn and Ansigaahftn wree nemad as the uhpsaepint nointas.", "substituted": "eCtpbfE, blRptJX YHQ PGHXnUj iLKwLt MXzTxNM es gdf iJ\u2019s lTBaf kKbwPrUbt UsDWaL, BsGlo bE VldH POYW nfz RYkXEe yEaBR mWaa. sRMIqbk othuAbN zcf UkMspg re 19WW YY YJm WRRXL, GMFfl FqaAZLp PSO cdrwNmZywxp aXzb OfINP TG eXX siFMJWJdrr HJilIkW."} {"original": "Florida Governor DeSantis is the first major candidate ever to announce their run for president on social media, during a chat with Elon Musk on Twitter Spaces on Wednesday. But the campaign launch was marred by technical glitches and audio problems, as the social network\u2019s servers struggled to cope with the surge in demand.", "scrambled_20%": "Florida Governor DeSantis is the first major nacdtaedi ever to announce their run for president on social eamdi, during a athc with Elon Musk on rtTtwei csaSpe on daseyedWn. But the campaign auhlcn was marred by iecchtlan glitches and audio problems, as the cslioa network\u2019s servers struggled ot cope with the surge in demand.", "scrambled_50%": "lairodF Governor DeSantis is the first rjmoa nacdtaedi ever to announce their run rfo tenresidp no social eamdi, during a athc with Elon Musk on rtTtwei csaSpe no daseyedWn. tBu het cmanpaig auhlcn was marred by iecchtlan glitches nad audio opbremls, as the cslioa network\u2019s servers drugsletg ot ocep twih eht uresg in demand.", "scrambled_100%": "lairodF rnvreooG tseiSnDa si het irsft rjmoa nacdtaedi ever ot unoacenn etirh unr rfo tenresidp no aisocl eamdi, griudn a athc whit oEnl Msku no rtTtwei csaSpe no daseyedWn. tBu het cmanpaig auhlcn asw rdrema yb iecchtlan elgthics nad diaou opbremls, sa het cslioa wtkeron\u2019s severrs drugsletg ot ocep twih eht uresg ni edmdan.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Foadril Grenorov DtsieSan is teh fistr moarj ciatnddea erve to aonncenu trhei rnu fro pnrdteesi on siacol miade, durngi a ctha wthi Enlo Msuk on Tewitrt Speasc on Wndadeeys. Btu teh cmpnaiga lhnauc wsa mderra by tlccanehi ghtsleic adn aioud plmesrob, as teh sliaoc nrwtkoe\u2019s seesrvr slrdeggut to ceop whit teh sgeru in dnadme.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Filorda Gronevor DtiSnaes is the fsirt moajr catinddae eevr to annuocne teihr run for pesrdeint on siocal mdiea, drniug a caht wtih Eoln Msuk on Tttiwer Saepcs on Wesadedny. But the cgpmaian luacnh was merard by tcheaincl gelctihs and adiuo pmlrboes, as the scaoil nteorwk\u2019s srevres sreutlggd to cpoe wtih the srgue in daemnd.", "substituted": "RwpXqjQ ZbdQZbhg YuDvTLdx MM ibr xcuTi oYYCV drqmWOklq iodM YC SGowbJKZ epyEM ttV eCT nZKJnDpxL mY yRSIqI dwzsc, RpmmSO a ZlxU gkRv Dmyu uDEP TX caLCDnb rYTIia IA jDuildODd. JGB xkI FCNyBZIL Lwgrow mHr oXYqnA az iObvmGatY FGHaDLNK nsy ravzQ olDUcCYK, dE hNO kBotHG hvkarjc\u2019s kUQXQxR LUXxnhZgh IE rrWa pNfA Tvj jFlYV uK plIzxT."} {"original": "Football\u2019s global governing body Fifa has confirmed that the tournament \u2013 being co-hosted by the US, Canada and Mexico \u2013 is expanding from 32 to 48 teams, which will require 40 games more than the 64 played in Qatar last year.", "scrambled_20%": "lFootlab\u2019s global governing body Fifa hsa confirmed ahtt the tournament \u2013 being co-hosted by the US, aaadCn nda Mexico \u2013 is expanding from 32 to 48 amets, which will require 40 games more than eth 64 played in Qatar last year.", "scrambled_50%": "lFootlab\u2019s loglba governing body iFaf hsa confirmed ahtt eth tntnaormue \u2013 ngbei co-etohsd by the SU, aaadCn nda Mexico \u2013 is expanding from 32 to 48 amets, which illw require 40 sgema ermo than eth 64 played in Qatar last arey.", "scrambled_100%": "lFootlab\u2019s loglba negvnorig ybdo iFaf hsa onfrcdiem ahtt eth tntnaormue \u2013 ngbei oc-etohsd yb het SU, aaadCn nda xcioMe \u2013 si gdnexpnai ormf 32 ot 48 amets, hiwch illw ureeqir 40 sgema ermo naht eth 64 edylap ni arQta astl arey.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Foobllta\u2019s galolb givnrgone bdoy Fiaf hsa cnfomierd ttha teh tatrnumneo \u2013 bgnei co-hdetso by teh US, Cndaaa adn Mxicoe \u2013 is epnidnagx fomr 32 to 48 tmesa, whhic wlli rureieq 40 gsaem mreo tanh teh 64 pyleda in Qtara lsta yrea.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Fbtooall\u2019s glaobl gninrevog bdoy Ffia has ciefomrnd taht the toauemnrnt \u2013 bieng co-hsetod by the US, Cnaada and Mxieco \u2013 is epdnxnaig form 32 to 48 tames, wchih wlil rueiqre 40 gmeas mroe tahn the 64 pyeald in Qaatr lsat yaer.", "substituted": "rRvdTfGj\u2019s NAuxrY yMwKwszye Qkgj qMDe uDE CKMQFLLGt FGYr jDu TBysWZbptC \u2013 SBsKy Vd-OrTyUm Ag eis PE, Ncbcxk oii dokIUi \u2013 SA GzLsGwore nPMA 32 sg 48 oaRXc, BCraT VDBZ bcMseYi 40 AzYID ATuc waMz hJa 64 IobhZm wk ZxNxj Rgiv AuVo."} {"original": "For another year in a row, strawberries continue to hold the top spot on the Dirty Dozen list with the most pesticides, the US Department of Agriculture announced this week.", "scrambled_20%": "For another year in a row, strawberries continue to hold the top pots on the Dirty enoDz list with the smot pesticides, eht US Department of ucrtegArilu announced this ewek.", "scrambled_50%": "orF another year ni a row, strawberries continue ot hold the opt pots on eth Dirty enoDz tlis with the smot pesticides, eht SU tptmDrneae of ucrtegArilu announced hsit ewek.", "scrambled_100%": "orF hnatreo ayre ni a owr, rrbsraestiew uneitcno ot ldoh eth opt pots no eth yDirt enoDz tlis twhi eth smot ectessidip, eht SU tptmDrneae fo ucrtegArilu nauenocdn hsit ewek.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Fro atneroh yera in a rwo, stribeerwsra cutoeinn to hlod teh tpo spto on teh Diyrt Denoz lsit wtih teh msto psiicesedt, teh US Dteerntapm of Arciluutreg annceudon tsih weke.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "For ahetonr yaer in a row, srebreatwirs cnntiuoe to hlod the top sopt on the Drtiy Dezon lsit wtih the msot piidecsets, the US Dmtpeenrat of Acitugrrule ancnonued tihs week.", "substituted": "qhB XvxljGQ sOBz Td a fwN, HaApOdVLGKYE vvUlZkFT TV peju CEU DSq uNbn kE hJR daHlc SARAM GeLH Bsrz OmA syhE LnZOvCIekx, VgY TC gBEqqpWapd MR rInwsKtoKvu kdEiotLHH aayl BQcF."} {"original": "For the first time in 31 years, the Labrador Retriever has been unseated as the most popular dog breed in the US, according to the American Kennel Club\u2019s latest statistics. Taking its place is the cute and compact French Bulldog.", "scrambled_20%": "For eht trsfi time in 31 years, the Labrador Retriever has been unseated as the most popular dog breed in the SU, according to the neaicArm Kennel Club\u2019s tsaetl csitttassi. iTgnak its place is the cute and compact nhercF Bulldog.", "scrambled_50%": "For eht trsfi tmie ni 31 years, teh Labrador Retriever has eneb teuedans sa the most popular ogd breed in eth SU, cgndracoi to the neaicArm Kennel Club\u2019s tsaetl csitttassi. iTgnak its place si eth uetc and compact nhercF Bulldog.", "scrambled_100%": "oFr eht trsfi tmie ni 31 reysa, teh dbarroLa ierrveteR sha eneb teuedans sa eth toms ulaoprp ogd ebedr ni eth SU, cgndracoi ot hte neaicArm neKlen Cblu\u2019s tsaetl csitttassi. iTgnak ist cepla si eth uetc dna acpcmot nhercF glBldou.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Fro teh fsitr tiem in 31 yasre, teh Lrordaab Rietrerve hsa bnee usetenad as teh msto pualrop dgo brede in teh US, accrdnoig to teh Aaeimncr Klenne Culb\u2019s latets stssttiica. Tkinag ist pecal is teh ceut adn cmtoacp Fncerh Bloudlg.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "For the fsirt tmie in 31 yreas, the Lrbaaodr Rerveietr has been uteansed as the msot ppualor dog bered in the US, acidocrng to the Ameiacrn Kneenl Culb\u2019s ltaset sittctiass. Tiankg its pcale is the ctue and cocmpat Fcrneh Bldluog.", "substituted": "iZZ nVS qGqgr ANSW JP 31 OOoyr, QXG FmwNsjwB sVGCNmhEp IlI WYCK nxKCuDYU ZS FVn ZdFJ KfwAVhZ Rwu vuFgs ks sfJ cH, NiaxZCKLk Qw eFZ fiowVEKa UUQUSC IzhK\u2019s fvsMeR YZGAIeUvIu. uGCsUD edx zSVrH Gg hbG MiGf Iei fXEYTUg miKXoH mpPyavl."} {"original": "For the first time in 70 years, the CDC is changing how dogs are imported into the US to prevent rabies from arriving from overseas.", "scrambled_20%": "For the first time in 70 years, het CDC is changing who dogs aer imported iont the US to prevent rabies from arriving from aroesevs.", "scrambled_50%": "For the rftis emti in 70 years, het DCC is gganihcn who dogs aer imported iont eht SU to prevent rabies from arriving mfro aroesevs.", "scrambled_100%": "oFr eth rftis emti ni 70 rseay, het DCC si gganihcn who ogsd aer tiedporm iont eht SU ot pvreten israbe ofrm igvirnra mfro aroesevs.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Fro teh frsit tmei in 70 ysrea, teh CCD is cnnihgga hwo dgso aer iemptdor iton teh US to penetrv ribeas fmor arirvgin fomr oesrsvea.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "For the frist tmie in 70 yreas, the CDC is chngaing how dgos are ipmteord itno the US to peevnrt rbaeis form arivring form oeesrvas.", "substituted": "vNW AbV xxjxj koNx pz 70 TLjAR, XQv kgB XX dknDlXNw TfR kwaa lpl rLfeQiEU nwPy sbR Qv Us VPNaXJM QOjvaw yNCu HwBLVFhy BNtR HjVQfxZX."} {"original": "Ford appears to be facing more manufacturing problems. See the models affected by the latest recall.", "scrambled_20%": "rFdo appears to be acinfg more manufacturing rmesbpol. See the models affected by the latest recall.", "scrambled_50%": "rFdo aeasppr to be acinfg orem irnguntufcmaa rmesbpol. eSe the edlosm affected by the latest recall.", "scrambled_100%": "rFdo aeasppr ot eb acinfg orem irnguntufcmaa rmesbpol. eSe het edlosm efdceatf yb hte taetsl lrlcea.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Fdor apreaps to be fcnagi mero mruintngafcua pseblrom. See teh mdselo atcefdef by teh ltsaet rlealc.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Frod apearps to be fincag mroe mutuanfanricg pbeorlms. See the mdeols ateefcfd by the ltsaet rcleal.", "substituted": "Rtwz DfdxdAU gW tv YclSBo qeHl VTcdKdjSHTfhd svaOgVqi. VxA QQU Xfolow vczaPZUM oi Ecq mbvGqk mMrXUC."} {"original": "Ford recalled hundreds of thousands of F-150 trucks this week due to a parking brake issue. So far, the automaker is aware of 299 instances of the parking brake activating unintentionally, including at least 19 while the vehicle was being driven.", "scrambled_20%": "rodF recalled hundreds of thousands of F-150 trucks this week due to a piargnk arkeb issue. So far, the akomtuare is aware of 299 instances of the parking brake iivancgtat unintentionally, including at taels 19 while the vehicle asw being driven.", "scrambled_50%": "rodF recalled hundreds fo thousands of F-150 trucks tish week deu to a piargnk arkeb usesi. So rfa, the akomtuare si aware of 299 instances of het parking brake iivancgtat unintentionally, ciundigln ta taels 19 hlewi teh vehicle asw being driven.", "scrambled_100%": "rodF ceeladrl deshnurd fo tandoshsu fo F-150 trsuck tish ekew deu ot a piargnk arkeb usesi. oS rfa, teh akomtuare si awrea fo 299 tssncnaei fo het pigkarn bakre iivancgtat ynuintntlainelo, ciundigln ta taels 19 hlewi teh vhielec asw niegb revnid.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Frod rleelacd hernduds of tussanohd of F-150 trksuc tihs weke deu to a prnakig bkrae isesu. So fra, teh aratoekum is aaewr of 299 incssaetn of teh pkainrg break anicttgavi uitnoenytanlinl, icunlingd at lstae 19 wileh teh vleihec wsa bgien dievrn.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Frod realceld hrdudens of tuoahndss of F-150 tckrus tihs week due to a prkaing bakre iusse. So far, the amkuoater is aawre of 299 inscatens of the pniakrg bakre aiicttvang uteniltnalnnoiy, indcluing at laest 19 wilhe the vechile was bieng devrin.", "substituted": "HJsQ QstwOijm iPWcGtQu lI xZDRGSCMx ew F-150 zfHCnF UzXR zSCE cwy Jq a EFGoxQU RwihL NLDHa. Ui WAH, efK FsusnMdCn FY ccTEX dx 299 ChoasiaFb kD YXD TGZugua LkbcQ uDQbZTavva HFRqsoXMZmSYAaK, LgqwfgRAS CF hnQOo 19 rPhjj NVq nqUlOYy qRx pyOak FBDiXP."} {"original": "Former First Lady Michelle Obama announced Wednesday that she\u2019s launching a healthy food and beverage company for kids to help combat the \u201cnutrition-related health crisis\u201d in the US.", "scrambled_20%": "Former First Lady Michelle Obama announced Wednesday taht she\u2019s ulhacngni a healthy food dan eeragebv company for kids to help combat the \u201cntriniout-related health crisis\u201d in the SU.", "scrambled_50%": "romerF stFir Lady Michelle mabOa odcennnau Wnsaedyde taht she\u2019s ulhacngni a healthy food dan eeragebv moyncap for kids ot help combat the \u201cntriniout-related health crisis\u201d ni the SU.", "scrambled_100%": "romerF stFir aydL hlelMcie mabOa odcennnau Wnsaedyde taht esh\u2019s ulhacngni a lytaehh ofod dan eeragebv moyncap rfo sdik ot elhp otabmc eth \u201cntriniout-eleardt atlheh sirsci\u201d ni teh SU.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Frorme Frtis Lday Mleleich Oabma aueodcnnn Weadeysnd ttha seh\u2019s lhncguian a hyaehlt fodo adn breaeveg capyomn fro ksdi to hpel cobatm teh \u201cntotniriu-retlaed htlahe csiirs\u201d in teh US.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Feromr Frist Lday Mhielcle Obmaa aocnnnued Wadesnedy taht she\u2019s luihcnang a htlaehy food and beegarve cmanpoy for kdis to hlep cboamt the \u201cntoiurtin-reaetld htlaeh ciriss\u201d in the US.", "substituted": "fNsnjW GXTWj EfqI ZErEQpIf NuAjS wZWuUvNGf eQuaHFmIc goOP hQW\u2019s boewQIDFH a RJIPllx pOpC GZu dcuzwBHz SmXUVha VJo NzEl ye GjhL XYsgis WPp \u201cIbBIOwqlb-QxTXKia QZDkLW kXdtwW\u201d sk HqR DR."} {"original": "Former President Donald Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 felony criminal charges of falsifying business records in Manhattan criminal court Tuesday.", "scrambled_20%": "Former President Donald Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 felony criminal charges of yfnagiflis business records ni tMhananta criminal roctu Tuesday.", "scrambled_50%": "eromrF President Donald Trump pleaded otn guilty ot 34 felony criminal csregha of yfnagiflis business drescor ni tMhananta criminal roctu dsyaTeu.", "scrambled_100%": "eromrF sPertenid ondlDa rmTup adlpdee otn lutigy ot 34 ofynel mriacinl csregha fo yfnagiflis niebsssu drescor ni tMhananta ilairncm roctu dsyaTeu.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Ferrmo Pentrisde Dndloa Tumpr pdadele nto guityl to 34 flnyoe ciimalnr cragseh of fyinalsifg binssesu rcdoesr in Mtnaantha carilimn ctuor Tdsayeu.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Fmorer Presindet Daolnd Tmrup pdeaeld not giulty to 34 floney cinraiml cegrahs of fnfiaslyig buessnis roredcs in Mathtaann camniirl curot Taedsuy.", "substituted": "wCxJPQ qVIXqKzHl FOeEzU ekdJr qcEbyPT lRA eyecxZ Mm 34 aSBeVo OJtUFBlk hVMDTXw Ba qGrxFEGSch gWewqSrA ClgFzSz bJ btOQkoHkl BzlngEne qyHGu wEokwxN."} {"original": "Former Vice President Mike Pence will launch his 2024 presidential campaign on June 7 with an announcement video and a speech in Iowa, two sources familiar with the plans tell CNN.", "scrambled_20%": "Former Vice President Mike Pence will unclha his 2024 presidential campaign on June 7 with an announcement video and a speech in aIow, otw ucessro familiar with eth plans ltle CNN.", "scrambled_50%": "moeFrr Vice dePseitrn ekMi enePc will unclha his 2024 atedseirplni campaign on neuJ 7 with an announcement video adn a speech in aIow, otw ucessro familiar with eth plans ltle NNC.", "scrambled_100%": "moeFrr icVe dePseitrn ekMi enePc iwll unclha ish 2024 atedseirplni gacpiman no neuJ 7 twhi na ctmnnoeunean doive adn a epechs ni aIow, otw ucessro aiimrlfa ihtw eth pslan ltle NNC.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Fromre Vcie Ptinesder Miek Pceen wlli lachnu hsi 2024 prieitsaenld cimgnaap on Jneu 7 wthi an aennoumntcne vdioe adn a scpehe in Iaow, tow ssource faiiarlm wtih teh pnlsa tlle CNN.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Frmeor Vcie Piednrset Mkie Pncee wlil lcanuh his 2024 peniedrstail cpagamin on Jnue 7 wtih an acoeuenmnnnt vdieo and a secpeh in Iwoa, two suorecs fmiaailr wtih the pnlas tlel CNN.", "substituted": "Jmbivp SbPY viigDaQUK ZcIw ACJQR cZAN fnnMzi Ktz 2024 OPrxZKkmFVOk QCCRMDSK jx hPsS 7 KJvA bs PZuKCxzlaSPQ Uytiw fRC a NMqvoN Om lMHW, aVR zDDepcI qCJjcKns aCgE Myw deHkr YwKu FjF."} {"original": "Former \u201cGreat British Menu\u201d star John Mountain, originally from Lancashire, posted a message on social media telling vegans to \u201cf*** off\u201d, after getting a negative review from a non-meat eater. On the Facebook page of his Perth restaurant, Fyre, he added that \u201call vegans are now banned\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "Former \u201cGreat rBitshi Menu\u201d star John intnuaoM, originally from Lsaercihan, dpoest a esasgme on social media telling vegans to \u201cf*** off\u201d, after getting a negative eiwerv from a non-meat aeetr. On the Facebook apge of shi Perth restaurant, Fyre, he added that \u201call vegans are now banned\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "Former \u201cGreat rBitshi Meun\u201d star John intnuaoM, nrlaiglyio from Lsaercihan, dpoest a esasgme no social media telling vegans ot \u201cf*** off\u201d, after getting a vegteani eiwerv from a non-meta aeetr. On the Facebook apge of shi hPter urtsarntae, yFer, eh added that \u201clla eanvsg are now ednban\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "eFrorm \u201certGa rBitshi Meun\u201d atrs Jnoh intnuaoM, nrlaiglyio rfmo Lsaercihan, dpoest a esasgme no ocslia diaem liegltn evsnga ot \u201cf*** fof\u201d, aetrf ntggtei a vegteani eiwerv mofr a nno-meta aeetr. nO het kbFaocoe apge fo shi hPter urtsarntae, yFer, eh dadde tath \u201clla eanvsg ear wno ednban\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Freomr \u201cGtear Btsiihr Mnue\u201d srta Jhno Mnuoanit, onlyailigr frmo Lehirsnaac, ptesdo a mseeags on sicalo mdiea tienllg vnaegs to \u201cf*** off\u201d, aterf ginettg a neagtevi rweeiv form a nno-meta eeart. On teh Fbcakeoo peag of hsi Prhte rartauenst, Feyr, he addde ttha \u201call vgsnea aer nwo bndane\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Freomr \u201cGraet British Mneu\u201d satr Jhon Muiatnon, olrngiliay form Lhsraacine, pstoed a maesgse on soiacl mdeia tinlleg vgeans to \u201cf*** off\u201d, aeftr gnetitg a ngvaiete reeivw form a non-maet eeatr. On the Facbooek pgae of his Pterh rstnraueat, Frye, he adedd taht \u201call veagns are now benand\u201d.", "substituted": "PrAwZV \u201cawLbF ahXCeTm YSJU\u201d yrhh RDbi UxyAIkEw, rBHdEqPzVA bgtr qtxgwtKTAJ, fMLFEW a eczrUMN bM ozimSW hcXbF ahTBhdz eHYFHu Lw \u201cf*** ZhJ\u201d, pShJI BDEmSOn a CikZbMtk PWsNSo npXS a JBS-uloN TKsGk. yX Xqg MmZuoHxj ZSQh yw XcD pXaNe IpguAZSAMb, Dlvx, BL IuEDp ocYT \u201cmnZ UYmOtE jXr Axb WxYraP\u201d."} {"original": "Four astronauts, including three Americans and one Canadian, will be the first crew sent to orbit the moon since the Apollo program ended more than 50 years ago.", "scrambled_20%": "Four astronauts, including three Americans and one naadCnai, lliw eb the first crew sent to orbit the moon since the Apooll program ended more tnha 50 years ago.", "scrambled_50%": "uoFr astronauts, including hteer Americans nda noe naadCnai, lliw eb teh first crew sent to orbit the nomo since the Apooll pgamror edden rmeo tnha 50 years ago.", "scrambled_100%": "uoFr tusnrtsaao, ndiilgucn hteer ceAaimrns nda noe naadCnai, lliw eb teh rsitf ecrw ntse ot rtibo eth nomo iensc hte Apooll pgamror edden rmeo tnha 50 sayer oag.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Frou atotarnssu, ilcgindnu terhe Amnarsice adn oen Cinanaad, wlli be teh frsit cewr snte to otrbi teh moon sniec teh Alolop parrmgo edned mreo tnha 50 ysrea aog.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Fuor aurnsotats, icnnlidug trehe Aimcrneas and one Caiaandn, wlil be the fisrt cerw snet to oribt the moon sncie the Aplolo pgroarm edned mroe tahn 50 yreas ago.", "substituted": "MyYC rpHcRpLWqd, dUezpTzRa Vtsok XCdcGiKtz Mkc idf AkPCAyRj, TbQq KI GkM vnZaC pVlg JOzk kP DBknZ Bqj qIZS vNHnQ mMk wkkqNQ TQVfhRL STTFY MhZm Ucvx 50 dwBXa WEE."} {"original": "Four great white sharks have been detected swimming off the coast in the past few weeks. They all appear to be making their annual migration from the Florida Keys up to the US Northeast and Canada, according to the nonprofit marine research group OCEARCH.", "scrambled_20%": "Four great white sharks have been detected swimming off the coast in the past efw ewske. They all pearpa to eb making their annual migration from the Fodialr Keys up to the SU Northeast nad andaCa, according to the nonprofit emiran research group OCEARCH.", "scrambled_50%": "Four egrta wehti ahrsks have ebne detected swimming off the coast in the stap efw ewske. They lal pearpa to eb making hrite annual migration omrf het Fodialr Keys up to the SU ertahtNso nad andaCa, according to the rfnnotopi emiran hacerser ropug OCEARCH.", "scrambled_100%": "uorF egrta wehti ahrsks veah ebne ddcteeet gnmisiwm ffo eth asotc ni eht stap efw ewske. hyTe lal pearpa ot eb inmakg hrite lnnuaa taigrniom omrf het Fodialr esKy pu ot het SU ertahtNso nad andaCa, dagcnrcoi ot teh rfnnotopi emiran hacerser ropug EOCCARH.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Foru getra wtieh srhask heav bene dtectede swmiinmg off teh coats in teh ptas fwe wesek. Tyeh all aerapp to be mnkaig terih auannl mrionatgi fmor teh Filaodr Kyse up to teh US Noestathr adn Cdnaaa, aorgidcnc to teh nrfoonpti mearni reachsre gpuor OCAHERC.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Fuor garet wihte srkhas hvae been deetcetd siimmwng off the casot in the psat few weeks. Tehy all aepapr to be mnikag teihr aaunnl mtiogiran form the Fildora Kyes up to the US Neaoshrtt and Cadana, adrcconig to the noionpfrt minrae raerecsh gurop OERCACH.", "substituted": "Zmhl jZwUT fugcy JYuLuQ sfTJ Rufw VAGVSuhn AxtTrywY nNY Kih pDzAC OJ nGk gEPD BvL TMiBt. BeAt uvi jLLWdQ vM gI yIICVL zgrup joRzoy kErObxnrI geXl ouO PqJXmgF CrAA Mo Kw xYw yP dMxkikgtE kCJ kkMdBz, pHEiqBnNN xA DwA MrSFOuEQJ odkYfz RToESPEq mGqUm ZcOrZFN."} {"original": "Four men escaped from a Mississippi jail over the weekend, officials said. One of them was found dead in a burned building after a standoff with authorities, and a second was apprehended in Texas. As of Friday, authorities were continuing their search for the two surviving escaped inmates.", "scrambled_20%": "Four men escaped from a Mississippi jail over the weekend, officials siad. One fo them asw found dead in a burned building after a standoff with thiriasueot, and a second asw apprehended in Texas. As fo Friday, authorities were continuing their haresc rof the two surviving escaped tsmaeni.", "scrambled_50%": "Four men asepdce mfro a ssissiMippi jail orve het weekend, officials siad. One fo them asw found dade ni a burned building earft a standoff with thiriasueot, and a second asw peaderndphe ni Texas. As fo Friday, eusritthoia were continuing their haresc rof the wot surviving edecaps tsmaeni.", "scrambled_100%": "Fuor emn asepdce mfro a ssissiMippi jial orve het ekndwee, clsiaoffi siad. Oen fo mthe asw onfdu dade ni a rednbu udbnilig earft a fnsdfato ihwt thiriasueot, dan a cdosen asw peaderndphe ni xaesT. sA fo adyFir, eusritthoia eewr tngionuinc tirhe haresc rof het wot vniusirgv edecaps tsmaeni.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Fruo mne ecpadse fmro a Msisisipsip jlai orve teh wedneke, osaflicif sdia. Oen of temh wsa fndou dade in a bneudr biudngli afert a safnotdf whit atrieoishut, adn a sdneco wsa adhrnepeedp in Tsxea. As of Firyda, atsihrietuo were cngointnui teirh sechra fro teh tow srugvinvi ecaesdp itensma.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Fuor men espcead form a Miipsspssii jial oevr the weenekd, ofilifcas siad. One of tehm was fuond daed in a bnured bnliiudg atefr a sanftdof wtih airutoitehs, and a soencd was anpdphereed in Txaes. As of Fidray, ahiertotius wree cnnntuoiig tiehr sreach for the two svurinivg eespacd itnames.", "substituted": "rWJs cgx DVyJqHD dUKi a mUAboHggZFl DoBT dkQD Ngq VvMdbOr, cpJeshTsp HWWw. jlp Fp inBh BYj GudNx Dqzk AC a PyXwWp iFqZstEs HrgKI a oRXuVZKL dJgq AdryJPlBdZx, pBO a zHppUN ooX gZmqGGhZXXh uz kdEPJ. rI ZA uoaOha, EEECejyozAJ mwXk hwjLqTPVLP KfNHs lELwSb dOC NeK Eyi kKYmxOtDF SENfFFU WiABkNC."} {"original": "Fox News and Tucker Carlson, the right-wing extremist who hosted the network\u2019s prime time 8 p.m. hour, have severed ties, the network said in a stunning announcement on Monday.", "scrambled_20%": "Fox News and Tucker Carlson, the right-wing extremist who hosted the ntkreow\u2019s prime meti 8 p.m. hour, have reesvde ties, the ewotkrn said in a stunning nnconuanetem on Monday.", "scrambled_50%": "Fox wseN and Tucker Carlson, the ghitr-wing eitemtxrs who edtosh the ntkreow\u2019s iperm meti 8 p.m. rhou, have reesvde ties, het ewotkrn said ni a tugsnnni nnconuanetem on Monday.", "scrambled_100%": "xoF wseN nad rkecTu sroCnal, eth ghitr-ingw eitemtxrs woh edtosh eth ntkreow\u2019s iperm meti 8 p.m. rhou, vhea reesvde site, het ewotkrn isda ni a tugsnnni nnconuanetem no Monyda.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Fxo Nwse adn Tckreu Closrna, teh rthgi-wngi etxrsimet woh hedtos teh nrwkeot\u2019s piemr tmie 8 p.m. hrou, heav seredev tsie, teh noekrwt sida in a stgnuinn aeuncntnenom on Moyand.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Fox Nwes and Tckeur Colrasn, the rhgit-wnig eiesrtmxt who hetosd the ntorwek\u2019s pimre tmie 8 p.m. huor, hvae sreeevd teis, the nowtrek siad in a sntuning auonenemnnct on Mnaody.", "substituted": "VGn FIst wCn gCErUP AdzNYpr, jjm itJpr-jbQW mAljXueBl AcV QaaLJi UXi MMxEwOf\u2019s OfxGB ChTu 8 p.m. Byxy, gpon uGMJkJD XlOt, Mfk pGWtVhP GRIh JN a rPvYYUQL EpldpqdiwFdj Cy SJiibk."} {"original": "Fox News announced the prime-time host\u2019s abrupt departure on Monday, less than a week after agreeing to pay $787.5m to settle a defamation case in which Carlson played a starring role.", "scrambled_20%": "Fox News ndnuoenac the prime-time host\u2019s atpbur departure on Monday, less tahn a week etraf agreeing to ayp $787.5m to settle a defamation case in which Carlson elyadp a starring role.", "scrambled_50%": "Fox ewsN ndnuoenac the perim-time host\u2019s atpbur rreutadep no oynMda, less tahn a week etraf agreeing to ayp $787.5m to settle a indaaomeft case ni which Carlson elyadp a starring orel.", "scrambled_100%": "oxF ewsN ndnuoenac het perim-teim thos\u2019s atpbur rreutadep no oynMda, esls tahn a keew etraf rngieaeg ot ayp $787.5m ot ttlees a indaaomeft cesa ni chihw lsaCnor elyadp a tsarrgni orel.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Fxo Nwes anendoucn teh premi-tmei hsto\u2019s atpbru darurepet on Mnydoa, lsse tanh a wkee afetr agereign to pya $787.5m to setelt a doifeamant csae in wchih Cslnroa plydae a sirgarnt rleo.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Fox Nwes aunocennd the pirme-tmie hsot\u2019s aprubt daerutrpe on Mdanoy, lses tahn a week aetfr aingereg to pay $787.5m to stelte a dfteaiamon csae in wichh Cslraon paelyd a sntirarg rloe.", "substituted": "nwq Panh BuymoARqG ejq ajcxE-Qajm LlaK\u2019s xQQkDy CbqlWFYIB Fb kuQeUC, fIfE gLxx a bizu UvMgF wfhVONwU mT xSR $787.5m PY mjoeOK a owRzDpMnCA GvlS gW WDOqg PmmIJrk zGJimP a vZTvHQtu YxSB."} {"original": "Fox News avoided a high-profile defamation trial by reaching the last-minute deal with Dominion, concluding two years of litigation over the news network\u2019s airing of false claims that the 2020 US presidential election was rigged.", "scrambled_20%": "Fox News avoided a high-profile defamation trial by reaching het last-minute deal with iDnmnioo, concluding two resay of tiotlinagi over the wesn network\u2019s airing fo elfas claims that the 2020 US presidential election was rigged.", "scrambled_50%": "Fox News avoided a ihgh-profile ntdafomiea altri yb rcnghaei het ltas-minute aled with iDnmnioo, concluding two resay of tiotlinagi over teh wesn network\u2019s iangri fo elfas claims that het 2020 US presidential itoelenc was rigged.", "scrambled_100%": "xFo wNse devioda a ihgh-ierpflo ntdafomiea altri yb rcnghaei het ltas-entumi aled iwht iDnmnioo, olnnccigud otw resay fo tiotlinagi roev teh wesn kweront\u2019s iangri fo elfas alcsmi atth het 2020 SU paesetldnrii itoelenc asw rgdegi.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Fxo Nesw aodievd a hhig-pirelfo doneaitafm talri by raihgnce teh ltas-mteuni dale wtih Dnioomni, cnulogdicn tow ysera of ltiginaito oerv teh nswe ntrowke\u2019s arigni of felsa csmila ttha teh 2020 US peseidlanirt eilteonc wsa regidg.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Fox Nwes aioedvd a hgih-piflore dftaeamoin trail by recaihng the lsat-mnutie dael wtih Dmonoiin, cdncniluog two yares of liiagiottn oevr the nwes norewtk\u2019s aniirg of flsae cmlias taht the 2020 US pdetisirenal eoiectln was regigd.", "substituted": "yTy ClNW bGASFkl a OehX-aOiammc LFlzRXaLSh XqVPY Mq lXLIjNJC Pxq Ntzs-APmOab POuO zzJQ ShqFUnFo, AvCPmRiIGE nfs ljumW hL iXRdFDlKlh DOYf QkY QYlf LugheCF\u2019s IYatpI dC FQOai eZzCcy rMTp eiA 2020 JP UjHPPyIYKPKy sPmjLWqM Uso eMVELb."} {"original": "Fox News will pay more than $787 million to Dominion Voting Systems after the two sides agreed to a last-minute settlement Tuesday in the explosive defamation case brought against the right-wing network.", "scrambled_20%": "Fox News will pay eorm than $787 million to oonmnDii Voting etsSsmy after the two sides agreed to a astl-minute settlement ysdeaTu in the lvseexipo defamation case brought against the right-wing network.", "scrambled_50%": "Fox eswN wlil pay eorm ntha $787 million to oonmnDii Voting etsSsmy after the two siesd deagre ot a astl-minute settlement ysdeaTu in het lvseexipo aeafimdnot case brought aiantgs eth right-wing network.", "scrambled_100%": "Fxo eswN wlil ypa eorm ntha $787 oinliml ot oonmnDii tiVong etsSsmy frtae hte otw siesd deagre ot a astl-enimut netletmest ysdeaTu ni het lvseexipo aeafimdnot scae oruhgtb aiantgs eth irtgh-gnwi rkneotw.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Fxo Nesw will pya mroe tnah $787 miillno to Dmnooini Vingot Ssmyset aefrt teh tow sdise aeergd to a ltas-menuit steteenltm Tdsyeua in teh eixeolvsp dtnimafeao cesa bgohtur aainsgt teh rhtgi-wgni nrewotk.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Fox Nwes wlil pay mroe tahn $787 mloiiln to Diomnoin Vitnog Smtyess atfer the two seids aeegrd to a lsat-mtniue sntlteeemt Teudasy in the esipvlxoe dtaoiefamn csae bhorugt aigasnt the rihgt-wnig newtrok.", "substituted": "Jxl GOHN aPPv BLO kYTj czGr $787 gVkAYRm kc lbEkaUCL iCaaMB wPwGpvp fKMNI Jrq nbs YKIwD FcyOBs Dv a sTDp-JbcJbs TZXVvHuZjk GIkCWyZ sV Qnf srzCMjqoy KmLpPmuVkF wuWP OOAWtZG BBhzlIl mKH QvTpH-Wogc RJLMRzV."} {"original": "German authorities warned locals in Berlin\u2019s southern suburbs to stay indoors after reports that a female lion was at large. Two witnesses reported seeing a big cat running after and killing a wild boar, according to public broadcaster RBB. \u201cWe don\u2019t know where it came from,\u201d said police spokesman Daniel Kiep. No nearby zoos, circuses or sanctuaries seem to be missing one.", "scrambled_20%": "German authorities warned locals in Berlin\u2019s southern suburbs to stay indoors after reports that a female lion was at elgra. Two witnesses reported seeing a big cat running after and killing a widl orba, cdcingrao to icupbl broadcaster BBR. \u201cWe ndo\u2019t know wereh ti came from,\u201d said cipleo spokesman Daniel Kiep. oN nearby zoos, circuses or ssritaeucan seem to be missing one.", "scrambled_50%": "German authorities warned locals in erniBl\u2019s rnouhtes suburbs to stay indoors after reports that a eeamlf lion aws ta elgra. Two eswsnseit reported sneieg a ibg cat running rftea adn llnikgi a widl orba, cdcingrao to icupbl broadcaster BBR. \u201ceW ndo\u2019t know wereh ti came from,\u201d isad cipleo pnmasoesk enliDa Kiep. oN naebry ozso, circuses or ssritaeucan seem to be missing one.", "scrambled_100%": "ermaGn httusroeiai rewadn llosac ni erniBl\u2019s rnouhtes rbusbsu ot atys rdosion eftra orretps that a eeamlf olni aws ta elgra. oTw eswsnseit edreoptr sneieg a ibg atc unrning rftea adn llnikgi a widl orba, cdcingrao ot icupbl rasecroadtb BBR. \u201ceW ndo\u2019t onwk wereh ti emac omrf,\u201d isad cipleo pnmasoesk enliDa eipK. oN naebry ozso, usecircs ro ssritaeucan eems ot eb gnsmiis eno.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Gneamr aieitsutrho wderan lslcoa in Bliern\u2019s suenhrot sursubb to sayt irosnod aertf retposr ttha a fmelea lino wsa at learg. Tow wseiessnt rptdeeor sengei a bgi cta rguninn aeftr adn kilinlg a wlid bora, argcdcion to pilcbu brtsdcaorea RBB. \u201cWe dno\u2019t konw weerh it cmea fmor,\u201d sdia peocil saponmsek Dinela Kepi. No nrebay zsoo, csuiecrs or scsietanuar seem to be msignsi oen.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Gramen aiteuothirs wearnd llcoas in Blerin\u2019s setuhron suburbs to saty ioodrns atefr rpreots taht a fealme loin was at lrage. Two wnesisets roerpetd sieeng a big cat runinng afetr and kilnilg a wlid baor, acrcdinog to plubic boatadesrcr RBB. \u201cWe don\u2019t konw wehre it cmae form,\u201d siad picloe soapsmekn Diaenl Keip. No nbeary zoos, ccisreus or saiutaecnrs seem to be misinsg one.", "substituted": "kRjkxW ijZINsbIsuI Leheii zGJeMw Yv LTuFpD\u2019s xpndPtbl utgjNke iW wOYS QQonlMH JQhnZ NhsqbAM iyCu a cMappI eQYz Trw xs Tneru. wqb bImMKjfwn EtQKsVvi UEtKHZ a zZy qNz eqAiLiQ IrAvg pxz IONCnyf a BxNQ yjtI, hLoMftpAk qX zslGwN UcCGWvglIxa CxP. \u201cHi Qff\u2019t LTKf DwDfX pj bTXV NdVj,\u201d IMvV xBGEMu xuMdwzBEM TbXnPN QORM. RC tSjkhw YSaZ, NWhVpuhy ae kHwjEChOyfo Wafe rG YO weDjnuy Iqb."} {"original": "Germany, the two-time champion team, was dramatically knocked out of the World Cup on Thursday after a 1-1 draw with South Korea.", "scrambled_20%": "Germany, the wto-time champion team, asw dramatically knocked out of the World Cup on ayhsrTdu after a 1-1 draw with South rKeao.", "scrambled_50%": "Germany, eht wto-emti champion mtae, asw dramatically knocked out of the World Cpu on ayhsrTdu after a 1-1 adwr ithw South rKeao.", "scrambled_100%": "rynGeam, eht wto-emti canpohmi mtae, asw iaarcamtlldy kcdkeon otu fo hte drloW Cpu no ayhsrTdu rtafe a 1-1 adwr ithw ohSut rKeao.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Genyarm, teh tow-tmie coihmpan taem, wsa dliylmcatara kdcenok otu of teh Wdolr Cpu on Tdyharus aeftr a 1-1 drwa wiht Suoth Kreao.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Greanmy, the two-tmie cihmopan taem, was dirmtcallaay kneockd out of the Wlord Cup on Thdrasuy afetr a 1-1 darw wtih Stouh Keora.", "substituted": "CXfLxmx, PkW XDP-ZWET USnpJSXq aVIa, jGe mYQaVrbtNBcV XpTAZVI BJf dT yfw naFaY Gmm Eo ENfzIuyV kHduw a 1-1 PzZZ AcjG JcOGp BqlMZ."} {"original": "Glasgow has an average life expectancy of 76 years, compared with 88 in north London\u2019s Hampstead area, according to an analysis of ONS data by Health Equals. The campaign group blamed \u201cstartling\u201d regional disparities on substandard housing, poor education and poverty. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_20%": "Glasgow has an average life expectancy of 76 years, compared with 88 in north odonLn\u2019s sHtadeapm area, odgrcnaic to an analysis of ONS data yb Health Equals. The campaign group blamed \u201cstartling\u201d glareoni disparities on udsadsrnatb housing, poor education and poverty. Find uot more wiht The eWek Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_50%": "Glasgow has na average elif expectancy of 76 aresy, compared with 88 in north odonLn\u2019s sHtadeapm area, odgrcnaic ot an analysis fo NSO data yb hateHl suqEal. The campaign rugop abledm \u201crsgnlatti\u201d glareoni disparities on udsadsrnatb housing, ropo nitoaudce and poverty. Find uot more wiht eTh eWek Unwrapped tpocsda.", "scrambled_100%": "wsgGlao ash na aegevra elif ectaynpcxe fo 76 aresy, cordeapm hitw 88 ni onhtr odonLn\u2019s sHtadeapm raae, odgrcnaic ot na assyanli fo NSO adta yb hateHl suqEal. hTe aipacgnm rugop abledm \u201crsgnlatti\u201d glareoni iaesridipst no udsadsrnatb goniush, ropo nitoaudce nda vtoyper. ndiF uot ermo wiht eTh eWek eraUpndpw tpocsda.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Glgosaw hsa an ageearv lfei ecpyctaexn of 76 yeasr, cdeoprma wthi 88 in nhrot Lnnood\u2019s Hdetaspam aear, aocncrgdi to an asinylas of OSN dtaa by Hhaelt Esalqu. Teh capnigam gpuor baledm \u201cslrgtinat\u201d ranoegil deiaspsirti on srubdtdsnaa hogsiun, proo euitcdaon adn pyovtre. Fndi otu moer whit Teh Wkee Uwneprdpa pscaodt.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Gsoaglw has an aevagre lfie entceacpxy of 76 yares, cmareopd wtih 88 in ntroh Ldoonn\u2019s Hmestapad aera, aoccrndig to an ansyalis of ONS dtaa by Halteh Eualqs. The cimapgan gourp balemd \u201csrtnatilg\u201d rnoigael dpisateiirs on srstbuaadnd hosuing, poor eutodiacn and prvotey. Fnid out mroe wtih The Week Uewnparpd pdcsaot.", "substituted": "CnLjkSp syh As HgZQnah uPRd sbcbjLezkm mL 76 stugK, uefqSAvl ylPV 88 mm pXHen vqzheH\u2019s DnjqtIBsL rKGM, mOeZmEsIT vL eQ SghccwsY Pg mLk SPeL Ra esDMgD aERgVk. nIn fQhiAJrg LwykU LNCqlI \u201cZmwvQMSeP\u201d mofldjBf YSFoiLYfYgJ yL XmpgTwiimnz aqNTwAA, dEUw feGsZQuzy rZg zsOTWel. HjUG UcN SABj gTWQ gUz dlvt TrEgpOZPy YyTrTkb."} {"original": "Global star Taylor Swift has re-released her 2010 album \u201cSpeak Now\u201d as part of an ongoing re-recording project. But fans are divided over changes to the lyrics of the album\u2019s tenth track, \u201cBetter Than Revenge\u201d. In the original version, Swift accuses a girl who has stolen her love interest of being \u201cbetter known for the things that she does / On the mattress.\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "Global star orTaly Swift sha re-eesrleda her 2010 album \u201ckapeS Now\u201d as part fo an ongoing er-recording project. But fans are divided over changes to eth lyrics of the album\u2019s tenth track, \u201cBetter Than eneevgR\u201d. In the original version, Swift accuses a girl who ash stolen her love tiesetrn of being \u201cbetter known for het thngsi that she does / On the mattress.\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "Global star orTaly Swift sha re-eesrleda her 2010 almub \u201ckapeS Nwo\u201d as rpta fo an innoggo er-geirdnocr project. But fans are devdidi revo eagcshn ot eth lyrics fo the ablmu\u2019s tenth track, \u201cBetter hanT eneevgR\u201d. In het original vsreoni, Swift sceausc a girl who ash stolen her voel tiesetrn of being \u201cbetter known for het thngsi atht esh does / On het mattress.\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "Glolba trsa orTaly Stwif sha er-eesrleda erh 2010 almub \u201ckapeS Nwo\u201d sa rpta fo na innoggo er-geirdnocr jecoptr. tBu sfan aer devdidi revo eagcshn ot eth ricsly fo eth ablmu\u2019s ttenh ktacr, \u201cBteret hanT eneevgR\u201d. nI het lniogair vsreoni, ftiwS sceausc a glir how ash olents erh voel tiesetrn fo ibgne \u201cerbett nnkwo ofr het thngsi atht esh oeds / nO het marsstte.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Galolb sart Taolry Siwtf hsa re-reedalse hre 2010 amlub \u201cSakpe Nwo\u201d as prta of an ognongi re-rrgoidecn prctoej. Btu fasn aer ddiveid orve cesghan to teh lirsyc of teh alumb\u2019s tthen tarck, \u201cBetrte Tanh Rgneeve\u201d. In teh oaginilr visnore, Siwtf asesccu a grli woh hsa selnot hre lveo isrteetn of bieng \u201cbretet knwno fro teh tshing ttha seh dsoe / On teh mssteart.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Gaboll satr Taolyr Siwft has re-reelesad her 2010 ablum \u201cSapek Now\u201d as prat of an oinngog re-rrdeiocng pceojrt. But fnas are ddieivd oevr cneahgs to the lciyrs of the alubm\u2019s tnteh tacrk, \u201cBteter Tahn Rgeevne\u201d. In the oragniil voisren, Sifwt auscces a gril who has soletn her lvoe iretenst of bneig \u201cbetetr kownn for the tghnis taht she deos / On the mtsreats.\u201d.", "substituted": "zuOUph RzPG sGDqah rYsHs NAv XU-TldmETQR umL 2010 uuXRz \u201chWicD upp\u201d mw yhYB SM ff eIQLjuk id-aziiSBMSk iIqpuLM. tHr iTtp ARW OXdxhol wXYS joifnln WL aNt vOfkft DA THN UYTIB\u2019s zVrwK uXOot, \u201cNkmYCt noRT dHXfWjY\u201d. RD Dkr gzabOeEa QJdPDDX, GksCc PjTZbtk a WDOE sZW SLC ReXdhq NYD dLgB HCzrOywo Ic FteiJ \u201cPPaGxT cowgi RNx yfB aHhKRa wFeT nkT GfDf / ZT YNS CicbjDff.\u201d."} {"original": "Granger delivered the news, known as General Orders, No. 3, in Galveston, Texas.", "scrambled_20%": "Granger delivered the news, woknn as aeeGlrn Orders, No. 3, in Galveston, Texas.", "scrambled_50%": "Granger delivered hte wsne, woknn sa aeeGlrn Orders, oN. 3, in Galveston, Texas.", "scrambled_100%": "rrnagGe iedlveedr hte wsne, woknn sa aeeGlrn rrdOes, oN. 3, ni nltvGoaes, axseT.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Garengr drdleeevi teh nsew, knwno as Glernae Odrser, No. 3, in Geotvalns, Tsaex.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Gneargr dveeilred the nwes, kownn as Geanerl Oedrrs, No. 3, in Gvetsaoln, Taexs.", "substituted": "ngJpJjf mZdNSBzsb xxw dWYV, jwGig ri ryyEGHS BEhHuq, bH. 3, oV PWPjgQTHW, htZra."} {"original": "Greenland\u2019s parliament voted to stick to Daylight Saving Times in order to give people in the Danish semi-independent territory more time in the afternoon to do business with Europe and North America. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_20%": "Greenland\u2019s parliament voted to stick ot Daylight Saving Times in order to give people in the Danish semi-independent yrortreit more etmi ni eth afternoon to do business with eEropu and North Amrceai. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped odtacsp.", "scrambled_50%": "Greenland\u2019s mniatarlep vdoet to kctis ot ayhDitgl Saving Times in order to give people ni the siaDhn semi-independent yrortreit more etmi ni eth afternoon to od neibssus with eEropu and rotNh Amrceai. dnFi otu more thiw The Week wdpUnarep odtacsp.", "scrambled_100%": "dealenGnr\u2019s mniatarlep vdoet ot kctis ot ayhDitgl inavSg iseTm ni errdo ot vegi eolepp ni eth siaDhn isem-nentededpni yrortreit emor etmi ni eth nntroofea ot od neibssus tiwh eEropu dan rotNh Amrceai. dnFi otu orem thiw eTh ekWe wdpUnarep odtacsp.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Ganneeldr\u2019s pneaimlrat vtdeo to sctki to Dlhatygi Snvgia Tiesm in oderr to geiv ploepe in teh Dsahni smie-itnndndepee tirotrery mreo tmie in teh aorfnoent to do bseusnsi wthi Eeruop adn Nhort Aicamre. Fnid otu mreo wthi Teh Wkee Urawpndep pcdatos.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Gelneanrd\u2019s pnlairaemt voetd to stcik to Diaghylt Sinvag Teims in oderr to gvie popele in the Dniash smei-indedeenpnt trtrioery mroe tmie in the aeortfnon to do bsensuis wtih Eoupre and Ntroh Acmeira. Fnid out mroe wtih The Week Unrppeawd pacsdot.", "substituted": "DQqukTryN\u2019s HLXsjgXVJX pFOGJ Xl aAKti Ia YtpUeKfW ZNxXim SOXlX Es rysaN Oi NIKS kajIJV kQ aaU vGhohi zZvz-eAtjoAjbKvp smzmhTcXY OZAr yPjH qM Nyi WDbYYrUcc HB pq YWPDLarK SpvS YfLHPp DJr ighnc JaDQrIz. kJcM reB eKiD PvRU WxO HZwJ rFcvNkaPo jEbSHXB."} {"original": "Greta Gerwig\u2019s \u201cBarbie\u201d claimed the top spot as the highest-grossing film of the year, raking in $162 million in the US and Canada alone.", "scrambled_20%": "Greta greiGw\u2019s \u201cBarbie\u201d mdclaie the opt spot as the highest-grossing film of the arey, raking in $162 million in the US dna Canada alone.", "scrambled_50%": "Gater greiGw\u2019s \u201cBarbie\u201d mdclaie eth opt spot as eth shehigt-nsoiggsr film fo the arey, raking in $162 lnmoiil in the US dna Canada alone.", "scrambled_100%": "Gater greiGw\u2019s \u201cbeirBa\u201d mdclaie eth opt pots sa eth shehigt-nsoiggsr imfl fo eth arey, agirkn ni $162 lnmoiil ni het SU dna aCnaad oneal.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Gaert Gewrgi\u2019s \u201cBrbaie\u201d cidlema teh tpo spto as teh hehistg-gossgrin fiml of teh yare, rkgina in $162 miillno in teh US adn Caaand anole.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Gtera Gierwg\u2019s \u201cBbaire\u201d clmeaid the top sopt as the hghiest-gsniorsg flim of the yaer, rnakig in $162 milolin in the US and Cdaana alnoe.", "substituted": "sHvQL ZUnyKM\u2019s \u201cYSpvaX\u201d kniqvyg Qwb EGk Zxvb xw duy gBSdEyx-mVYQSKYX rFqZ eP VEs EDtJ, lYzFoc PP $162 ZvoeeuZ VG TjU Bv Sjr zpzGWD EOtCK."} {"original": "Grief-stricken Nashville residents came together for a vigil Wednesday to mourn three 9-year-old children and three adults killed in the mass shooting at a private Christian school.", "scrambled_20%": "Gfrei-stricken Nashville sitseernd aemc together for a vigil Wednesday to mourn three 9-ryae-old children dna three adults killed in the mass shooting at a private Christian school.", "scrambled_50%": "Gfrei-stricken Nashville sitseernd aemc ortetghe for a vilgi dnaeedyWs to uonrm three 9-ryae-old hcedlnir dna three adults kildle in eth mass shooting ta a private Christian ohcols.", "scrambled_100%": "Gfrei-knietscr shliNvlea sitseernd aemc ortetghe fro a vilgi dnaeedyWs ot uonrm rteeh 9-ryae-ldo hcedlnir dna hrtee sltaud kildle ni eth mssa nogshito ta a ipvaret aistinrhC ohcols.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Grfie-skicertn Nvhslaiel reditness caem tethegro fro a vglii Waedsnyed to mnruo trehe 9-yaer-odl clhenrid adn teehr aldtsu klelid in teh mssa sigohotn at a piervat Carshiint socloh.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Greif-sckreitn Nlivashle rntesedis cmae tegeothr for a vgiil Wnsdaedey to muorn there 9-yaer-old crilehdn and trehe aludts keilld in the msas sinohotg at a pvtirae Ctiaisrhn shcool.", "substituted": "PvpSI-pgiMDbPs vzQKFsMOY AgytjcLaQ rZeK nhPzEfjm Qbe a mbbQc URxfCoYYJ nH pRqzR hVbUo 9-UaPi-AhL bHlcXCwY YDE oXLoS fmSbMS aFbrOZ TL REv hIaE RTfMIcwS LL a WHPWGDb SnLnPxVnv FPilzF."} {"original": "HBO\u2019s \u201cSuccession\u201d led with 27 Emmy nominations, followed by \u201cThe Last of Us\u201d with 24. The Emmy Awards are currently scheduled for September 18. (HBO, which like CNN, is owned by Warner Bros. Discovery.).", "scrambled_20%": "HBO\u2019s \u201cSuccession\u201d led with 27 yEmm nominations, followed by \u201cThe sLta of Us\u201d with 24. Teh Emmy sarAdw are currently scheduled for September 18. (HOB, which like CNN, is owned by Warner rsBo. Discovery.).", "scrambled_50%": "HBO\u2019s \u201cSuccession\u201d dle htwi 27 yEmm nominations, wofellod by \u201cheT sLta of Us\u201d iwth 24. Teh mEmy sarAdw are currently scheduled for Spbeermet 18. (HOB, ihcwh like CNN, si owned yb Warner rsBo. Discovery.).", "scrambled_100%": "BOH\u2019s \u201ccescoSsinu\u201d dle htwi 27 yEmm innaitoomsn, wofellod yb \u201cheT sLta fo sU\u201d iwth 24. Teh mEmy sarAdw era rnltyecru heesdldcu ofr Spbeermet 18. (HOB, ihcwh keil NNC, si wneod yb aWrrne rsBo. rDovceyis.).", "scrambled_keepfirst": "HOB\u2019s \u201cSinsescuoc\u201d lde wthi 27 Eymm nnoisanitom, flolwoed by \u201cTeh Ltsa of Us\u201d wtih 24. Teh Emym Arswad aer crltenryu sucdlehde fro Srmbteepe 18. (HOB, wchhi leik CNN, is oednw by Wrnare Bosr. Drvsyocie.).", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "HBO\u2019s \u201cSsciescoun\u201d led wtih 27 Emmy noiamtnonis, folloewd by \u201cThe Lsat of Us\u201d wtih 24. The Emmy Aawdrs are cntelurry sheucdeld for Seetmpebr 18. (HBO, wichh lkie CNN, is oewnd by Wrenar Bors. Dvoeicrsy.).", "substituted": "SQN\u2019s \u201cUPzbpwhTpO\u201d wJb tNwr 27 CiaX BOJcmKoyhFH, BbOhwLqo DX \u201cknV ZSjU fO PP\u201d gerj 24. HDa cBfG btZoyE QKB SDpYsYZbe fhbbBOHXK OhC NFhTyUPvQ 18. (fOK, UNpkW yjcM SQm, lS CbAQY ij UBdfpz ocWo. gpxOAVGKH.)."} {"original": "Hackers from a ransomware gang are threatening to leak 80 gigabytes of confidential data from Reddit that they claim to have stolen during a February breach, according to a post from the group on the dark web, which was reviewed by CNN and an independent cybersecurity expert.", "scrambled_20%": "Hackers from a ransomware gagn are threatening ot leak 80 ygtabiges of confidential data ofrm Reddit that they cimal to have stolen during a February breach, according to a opst from the group no the dark web, which was reviewed by NNC and an independent crsibcueteyry expert.", "scrambled_50%": "Hackers from a waeaosrnmr gagn rea reatetihngn ot alke 80 ygtabiges of confidential data ofrm Reddit taht they cimal to have stolen during a byerFrua breach, according ot a opst fmor the pgrou no the ardk web, ichwh wsa reviewed by NNC and an pdeteeindnn crsibcueteyry expert.", "scrambled_100%": "eskrcHa rofm a waeaosrnmr gagn rea reatetihngn ot alke 80 ygtabiges fo coleinanfdit aadt ofrm eRitdd taht teyh cimal ot heav oelsnt ruindg a byerFrua rehacb, rgciacndo ot a opst fmor het pgrou no eth ardk ewb, ichwh wsa veeerwid yb NNC dna na pdeteeindnn crsibcueteyry rxepte.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Hkrseac form a rseramwaon ggna aer trgnehnaite to lkea 80 gtgsiebya of colianifdten data fomr Rdeitd taht tehy cmlai to hvea sleotn dringu a Fyrebrau bcahre, arnicocdg to a ptso form teh gpruo on teh dkra wbe, whchi wsa reeedvwi by CNN adn an iedeendtpnn crcytruiyseeb etrpex.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Hkecars form a rmrwanasoe gnag are tnirhetenag to laek 80 gbitgeays of ctodanefiinl dtaa form Redidt taht tehy cailm to hvae selotn druing a Febarury bcreah, arnodiccg to a psot form the gurop on the drak web, wichh was rewvieed by CNN and an idnenenepdt certiuryecbsy erexpt.", "substituted": "pMFvbfJ vdxW a zYtmayKuAZ ohSx gPm EUblFkNBlPq WP fbbN 80 WpzRmjjWG zD yZJYdJKxuHOx vQFB ltPE YBJCzI nyIv vyzv DiwXz jZ pvMg nnLxLf uiQzDi a ZlqsqoTe fIgUoG, VOsXcBtBo Nc a WxPC Knnk pwA WPJeB js Wur CuuW jMx, PXcVq TMJ byEQDpWb jl Amv NMt yF pgsAdOBMxDw GcYzURpMVokkL rdtwQM."} {"original": "Half of all Americans living outside on the streets live in California. More than 170,000 unhoused people currently live in the state \u2014 and that figure is growing, federal data shows.", "scrambled_20%": "Half of all Americans ignilv outside on het streets live ni rnlioCaafi. More than 170,000 unhoused people currently live in het state \u2014 and that rugeif is growing, federal data shows.", "scrambled_50%": "lHaf fo all Americans ignilv idtesuo on het streets live ni rnlioCaafi. More htna 170,000 unhoused people ucrlrenyt live in het state \u2014 nda that rugeif is wnriggo, leaderf aadt shows.", "scrambled_100%": "lHaf fo lal irmesaAnc ignilv idtesuo no het eessttr vlei ni rnlioCaafi. eMro htna 170,000 hedonuus epolep ucrlrenyt ielv ni het etsat \u2014 nda atht rugeif si wnriggo, leaderf aadt wshos.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Hfal of all Ainsmecar lnvigi oisuedt on teh srttees liev in Cnafrloiia. Moer tnha 170,000 udheousn poeepl cyrluretn lvei in teh satte \u2014 adn thta feigru is gwirnog, flrdeea data sowhs.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Hlaf of all Arenmcais lvinig osdiute on the stteres lvie in Cnliraiofa. Mroe tahn 170,000 ushneuod popele curtlreny lvie in the sttae \u2014 and taht fgriue is gwrinog, freaedl dtaa swhos.", "substituted": "KxPM AT XmP puKPYMStT JUTLwS QmBXJpp Uj ejX MDchERA bviS el DTbOiOXBGf. SWRx ooFA 170,000 fbNKIPDB LONuHM AWoFJKzXF ycVY fW nGE jvnzt \u2014 zCZ VRRQ jgTSHx jV LIzmYeP, jSGqXAS UMDU hoehj."} {"original": "Hannah Ingram-Moore and her husband were granted permission to build an office in the grounds of their Bedfordshire home, to be used partly \u201cin connection with the Captain Tom Foundation and its charitable objectives\u201d, but then added a pool building and applied for retrospective permission. They have now been ordered to demolish the pool spa complex after the retrospective application was denied.", "scrambled_20%": "Hannah Ingram-Moore nad her husband rwee granted permission to build an office in the grounds of their Bedfordshire ehom, to be used tpryla \u201cin connection ihwt het Captain omT Foundation and its charitable objectives\u201d, but then added a pool unlbdigi and applied for retrospective permission. heyT have now neeb derdore to demolish the pool spa complex after the retrospective application wsa denied.", "scrambled_50%": "nnhHaa Ingram-Moore nad her husband rwee nteardg permission ot build an iecffo in eth duosgnr of their Bedfordshire ehom, ot eb used tpryla \u201cin connection ihwt het Captain omT Foundation and tis charitable objectives\u201d, tbu enht added a olpo unlbdigi nda padeipl for retrospective permission. heyT have won neeb derdore to sihmedlo the lpoo spa complex feart the cvesteroerpti application wsa denied.", "scrambled_100%": "nnhHaa rgnIma-oerMo nad erh hadnubs rwee nteardg psmreisnoi ot bdiul na iecffo ni eth duosgnr fo etrhi ddBfhosriree ehom, ot eb edsu tpryla \u201cni nnoeiocctn ihwt het iaaptCn omT tdnioFauno dan tis bricthlaea cioetjvebs\u201d, tbu enht eaddd a olpo unlbdigi nda padeipl rof eticersroeptv isposrimen. heyT ahve won neeb derdore ot sihmedlo hte lpoo pas plcmxoe feart eth cvesteroerpti onatapcilip wsa eidend.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Hnhnaa Irnamg-Moeor adn hre hbusadn wree gdtnera pneirsioms to bdlui an ofcief in teh gsdruon of tiher Bsherirefddo hemo, to be ueds ptalyr \u201cin cnictnnoeo wtih teh Caipant Tmo Fuiontnoad adn ist chabtralie obevstijce\u201d, btu tehn addde a ploo bdgulnii adn aplipde fro rreeoescviptt pnmreissio. Tehy hvae nwo bnee oerdred to dlsimheo teh ploo sap cpemxol atref teh riestceoteprv aaipoipcntl wsa deiend.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Hnaanh Igranm-Mrooe and her hasnubd wree gaerntd poirsmsien to bliud an office in the gurdnos of tiher Bhdrsredoife hmoe, to be uesd ptalry \u201cin cioocnnetn wtih the Cptaain Tom Futnodaoin and its cabhlirate otbeijvecs\u201d, but tehn aeddd a pool binulidg and aeiplpd for rcstoevertipe pimsrsoien. Tehy hvae now been odeerrd to doeimlsh the pool spa cpmeolx aeftr the rpeteicvrtose aaoilcptpin was deiend.", "substituted": "RDJHjg bZLPPc-AZkJX eJf AUA TBxWPeg EquA tHFrBQV gFGxKNLMTg Wf IZoQh iM IhWPAy Sg qZU JEbPGrT LG FPRCC axHVtWLYZExw xiDN, DK Yi oCgE lUZZZZ \u201cYb aJCNfunnRF pAsA daP ssDLyHc BxK zUyNViibbp Kao mRh ucWuvTOkNJ IJgaXqRBYp\u201d, IeU KNnf VOkri a FycY tvKWoGgL clN MrjDqlm myi xtdBbLjTYLxKJ sbnXTJNEpr. bffU nSUn FnE Ghuv JBrXuFQ aG GhnissHB xSc jaiM OzZ kRTbqJl urean bVQ akMDqQccngvTo tjNDxJsWuFv Yvi uTsBgJ."} {"original": "Hun Sen, who has been Cambodia\u2019s prime minister since 1985, announced his resignation days after his party won a virtually uncontested general election. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_20%": "Hun Sen, who has eben Cambodia\u2019s imrpe minister since 1985, oanenncdu his resignation asyd after his party own a virtually uncontested general election. Find out more with The eWek Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_50%": "nHu Sen, who has eben Cambodia\u2019s imrpe minister since 1985, oanenncdu shi resignation asyd ftear ish party own a ilvrylaut uncontested general election. inFd out oemr thiw The eWek Unwrapped cdpaost.", "scrambled_100%": "nHu neS, how sha eben dCmoaabi\u2019s imrpe itmrisen icesn 1985, oanenncdu shi tnsioagienr asyd ftear ish rpyta own a ilvrylaut tdetnneusoc nagelre enoiclte. inFd tuo oemr thiw heT eWek rdpapUnwe cdpaost.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Hnu Sne, woh hsa bnee Cbdmioaa\u2019s permi meirstni seinc 1985, anouenndc hsi rgonienaits dsay artfe hsi ptyar wno a vyuartill utscdeotnen gnarele eoilecnt. Fndi otu moer wiht Teh Weke Upnwerpad ptsdcoa.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Hun Sen, who has been Cdoibama\u2019s pmrie mstienir snice 1985, aconnenud his reagotnsiin dyas aeftr his ptray won a vllarituy usntoeetcnd gerneal etloiecn. Fnid out mroe wtih The Week Uwpnpared paodsct.", "substituted": "UBA Ffb, EIE SiK Ylxb qvcQWxst\u2019s LMfLA IZPGqDAH WKEqH 1985, bVSGYLeuq CPU MqBcvaxlMpb IGAK PEhyk Iuu ItwcM VOL a tokGvkIxM aLgHJBDLXKj FCPdlHO JokWWUXZ. ljKA nrE AeUt VLXY PaH uwNm hpGQtcTFx EkgySJT."} {"original": "Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, will plead guilty to two tax misdemeanors and struck a deal with federal prosecutors to resolve a felony gun charge, the Justice Department said Tuesday in court filings. As part of the plea agreement, the DOJ has agreed to recommend a sentence of probation for the two counts of failing to pay taxes in a timely matter for the years 2017 and 2018, according to sources.", "scrambled_20%": "Hunter Biden, the son of dserPietn Joe endBi, will ealpd ligtuy to two axt dmsnoiereasm adn struck a deal with federal prosecutors to resolve a felony ngu rahceg, the Justice Department said Tuesday in court filings. sA part of the plea agreement, the ODJ ash agreed to recommend a sentence of probation for the two counts of failing to ypa taxes in a timely matter for the years 2017 and 2018, according to cseours.", "scrambled_50%": "nuHtre indeB, the son of dserPietn Joe endBi, will ealpd ligtuy ot two axt dmsnoiereasm adn struck a deal with earlfed prosecutors ot resolve a lnfeyo ngu rahceg, the etisuJc Department said sdeTyau in ocurt ilisgnf. sA part of the plea agreement, the ODJ ash agreed ot recommend a tsnenece of iatboporn for hte two usncto of ilgfina ot ypa taxes in a timely etmtar orf teh years 2017 and 2018, according to cseours.", "scrambled_100%": "nuHtre indeB, eht sno fo dserPietn eJo endBi, lwli ealpd ligtuy ot owt axt dmsnoiereasm adn rkctsu a alde ihwt earlfed orscotpersu ot reelosv a lnfeyo ngu rahceg, hte etisuJc teptDarnem isda sdeTyau ni ocurt ilisgnf. sA tpra fo het alpe mregtaeen, teh ODJ ash derage ot odemncerm a tsnenece fo iatboporn rof hte wot usncto fo ilgfina ot ypa xesat ni a myetil etmtar orf teh eysra 2017 nda 2018, cdgnircoa ot cseours.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Hetrnu Bdeni, teh sno of Pdieestrn Jeo Bdeni, wlli pdael gitlyu to tow txa mrnidssmeoea adn srkcut a dlae whit faerled pcertoussor to revlsoe a flyeon gnu cagehr, teh Jtuiecs Deanpetrmt siad Tsadyue in cutro fnsgiil. As prat of teh pale aegrteemn, teh DJO hsa adeger to rnomdceme a seectnne of ptioonbra fro teh tow ctnous of falingi to pya txsae in a tilmey mratet fro teh yares 2017 adn 2018, acrnoigdc to srcsuoe.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Heuntr Biedn, the son of Peirsnedt Joe Bdein, wlil plaed giulty to two tax maremisondes and srctuk a dael wtih fareedl posturrecos to rsevole a fnoely gun chrgae, the Jictsue Dmarentpet siad Taseduy in crout filngis. As prat of the pela aeeenmgrt, the DOJ has aeergd to rmeecmond a setnnece of pobariotn for the two cutons of fnaiilg to pay taexs in a tmiely metatr for the yraes 2017 and 2018, aincocdrg to sueocrs.", "substituted": "xoshCi QqlZH, sGR GPw KE nNsdLJrXI DLP wYaux, XSwM sJKeh THPvop oG wQU GwW ITPWKSoQEdbH UEo ZMggOL a cldU emHi SiyDpAb DsyKpFClETh pf saYSQor a ahkzWd USx Itenzr, nGb blMXUNn vQLQRbEYeS uzdv MsmovBm pM fJBtW QbtzlIp. zQ YUTR Fv ktB tWCQ TQVFFsPMP, bZd lLs nEi LSoRAF uA nviQaQxUK a IHdXukxl uv RSwEeVatp yJZ JDL nWs zeDIom wO bTrwoaC FU ahv fpIrh GS a esscAP bnRsGP uef Xun sObBe 2017 pXS 2018, xBSiTNqoK er GHrHRCE."} {"original": "Hvaldimir has recently reappeared off the coast of Sweden, having spent years in Norwegian waters. When the whale first appeared four years ago, marine biologists from the Norwegian directorate of fisheries removed a harness, which had a mount suitable for an action camera and the words \u201cEquipment St Petersburg\u201d printed on it, leading to speculation the whale could have been part of a Russian spying programme.", "scrambled_20%": "Hvaldimir ahs recently reappeared off the coast of Sweden, having etspn years in Norwegian waters. When the whale ifrts apeerpda four years aog, marine biologists from the Norwegian directorate of eisirhesf removed a harness, which had a mount suitable for an action camera and the words \u201cptEnieumq St Petersburg\u201d printed no it, daegnil ot speculation the hwlea could veha been part of a Russian spying mpemgraro.", "scrambled_50%": "Hvaldimir ahs recently reappeared off the coast fo Sweden, invahg etspn years in Norwegian waters. enWh teh whale ifrts apeerpda four asyer aog, marine biologists from the rnwieaogN doetartrcei fo eisirhesf removed a harness, which had a mount altisube orf an ncaoti camera dan eht srdwo \u201cptEnieumq St Petersburg\u201d idtenrp no it, daegnil ot speculation the hwlea odlcu veha neeb tapr of a iRussan spying mpemgraro.", "scrambled_100%": "aldHvrimi ahs lyencret rpreedeaap ffo eth scota fo eenwdS, invahg etspn ersay ni anrweiNgo teaswr. enWh teh ahewl ifrts apeerpda ufor asyer aog, nimaer gtoilssiob form het rnwieaogN doetartrcei fo eisirhesf vrmdeeo a sahesrn, ichwh ahd a uotmn altisube orf na ncaoti emacar dan eht srdwo \u201cptEnieumq tS rPubgertes\u201d idtenrp no ti, daegnil ot cunesapilto eht hwlea odlcu veha neeb tapr fo a iRussan spinyg mpemgraro.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Hiilvadrm hsa rncyteel repaprdeea off teh csota of Sdenew, hvniag snetp yresa in Narginowe wraest. Wehn teh waleh ftisr aaerpdep fuor yares aog, mnriae biogotilss fmro teh Nagneoiwr droetrectia of ferihssei rmdveoe a hesrnsa, wihhc hda a mutno silabtue fro an antoci creaam adn teh wdsor \u201cEpemnqiut St Psberetugr\u201d pietdnr on it, lgiedan to saiuoenlctp teh wehal culdo hvae been ptar of a Rnusasi snigyp pmmrareog.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Hadmilivr has rlncetey reaprpeaed off the csaot of Sedewn, hvnaig snpet yaers in Neaogiwrn wraets. Wehn the walhe fsirt aereppad fuor yreas ago, mniare biosoigtls form the Nigreawon drctrioaete of ferisehis rvmeoed a hesrans, wchih had a mnout subtalie for an aioctn cmeara and the wrdos \u201cEenimuqpt St Puertesbrg\u201d prnteid on it, ldiaeng to spoelictuan the walhe colud hvae been prat of a Rsiusan snipyg prgamrmoe.", "substituted": "DNuTsneth pgX gIhzLcbi fVidDlGapO XnK EgU qSDjX ZR lSTBtR, WYSxfQ rZcMb xBJYU sb tTPtlrGtq aivMEe. pIcb bjB nvHbq AaUHb SXBQhbcg BTig XnotH oqU, vASLtk olxgMMmWdG Rgay Rvx BLWAIdupt mdpIIDTRHji zB RdvFzoPwO sAnqZSU a OXPXLHP, UjaOu Fxn a kcaIg kWtcDQwb Jsw NI HhMoMX YVJTjs GJZ hPR qYcIC \u201cbzhAGAqQa Ld uShJzEDkin\u201d XHcwhLf bN Du, QHqefKJ dV VGzoxoOGprA aaL GCjcQ JUAVv zbHj rknP QpOA wC a DoxQeoC maqDdn ZWvuNcHtt."} {"original": "If the two-year pilot programme secures funding, volunteers to receive UBI will be selected at random from Jarrow in South Tyneside and East Finchley in north London, and 20% of places will be reserved for people with disabilities.", "scrambled_20%": "If the two-year pilot mgearprom secures funding, tnuvrlseoe ot receive UBI will be selected at modnar from Jarrow ni South eTinseyd and East lhFeniyc in north nnoodL, and 20% of places will be reserved for people with disabilities.", "scrambled_50%": "fI the two-year pilot mgearprom secures funding, tnuvrlseoe ot receive BIU will eb selected at modnar from Jarrow ni South eTinseyd nda staE lhFeniyc ni hntro nnoodL, nad 20% of places lwli be reserved for people ihwt ilbiisasdeti.", "scrambled_100%": "fI hte otw-yaer ioptl mgearprom escesur nfniugd, tnuvrlseoe ot ereicev BIU lilw eb lsedceet ta modnar rfmo Jarowr ni uhSot eTinseyd nda staE lhFeniyc ni hntro nnoodL, nad 20% fo elcasp lwli eb eesrvder rfo eplope ihwt ilbiisasdeti.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "If teh tow-yare poitl prrameogm srcuese fgnndiu, vereltunso to rcveeie UIB wlli be seletced at roamnd fomr Jrarwo in Suoht Tseydine adn Etsa Flchieyn in nrhto Lonnod, adn 20% of pelcas will be rveeerds fro plpeeo wthi dateiiisisbl.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "If the two-yaer poilt pagrmorme sreuecs fnidnug, vleotuenrs to rceieve UBI wlil be scteeled at radonm form Jorarw in Sutoh Tnsydeie and Esat Flcenhiy in nrtoh Lonodn, and 20% of pclaes wlil be rvreeesd for pleope wtih dstlbiiieais.", "substituted": "qa ajC lLa-daCR QOEmE NakmolMwH ErCxNxH FVVVeFH, MYQhEhwYzj Ow hHjtcYp hwV bpwZ ID YwxRvStR Xr SdKWSj oLVi HbMxJI DL QDSxD cffNpwaF sau wijs hSrUlMbI eY IDSTL DztEyv, IJc 20% yl RobYxe czqb rv gmqyzook FQa HlBmiU HwzS neUiEzTgpRaw."} {"original": "In 2022, the State Fair of Texas welcomed more than 2.5 million visitors through its gates.", "scrambled_20%": "In 2022, the State iFra of sxTea welcomed more than 2.5 million visitors through its aegst.", "scrambled_50%": "nI 2022, the State iFra fo sxTea welcomed more than 2.5 million visitors turhgho sit aegst.", "scrambled_100%": "nI 2022, het aetSt iFra fo sxTea omcledew roem nhta 2.5 limloin otivisrs turhgho sit aegst.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "In 2022, teh Sttea Fiar of Txsea womeldec mero tanh 2.5 molnlii voisisrt tugrohh ist gsaet.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "In 2022, the Sttae Fiar of Teaxs wlcoemed mroe tahn 2.5 miiolln vitsoirs trguhoh its gteas.", "substituted": "zF 2022, KLA URfpa KRBA TC jUWzA oHOWGKzA fmYo JfnB 2.5 brsoCYm OPOhNykV zSXZsFb LIC GIUsX."} {"original": "In Channel 4\u2019s \u201cGregg Wallace: The British Miracle Meat\u201d, the MasterChef co-host claimed to be visiting a company that sold \u201cengineered human meat\u201d grown from slices of flesh surgically harvested from real people. The mockumentary has sparked complaints to Ofcom from viewers who believed Wallace really was promoting human steaks as a way to combat the cost-of-living crisis.", "scrambled_20%": "In Channel 4\u2019s \u201cGregg Wallace: The British Miracle eatM\u201d, the MasterChef co-host eailcdm to be iitivsgn a aocympn that sold \u201cengineered human meat\u201d grown from slices fo flesh surgically eresdahvt mfro real people. The mockumentary sah sparked complaints to moOfc from viewers hwo believed Wallace really was promoting human steaks as a way ot combat the cost-fo-living crisis.", "scrambled_50%": "nI Channel 4\u2019s \u201cGregg alWleca: The rBishti Miracle eatM\u201d, het MasterChef co-host eailcdm to eb iitivsgn a aocympn ahtt sold \u201creeeindgen human meat\u201d grown ofrm slcise fo hfsel surgically eresdahvt mfro elar people. ehT mockumentary sah dprekas mptnaolcis to moOfc from viewers hwo believed Wallace really was promoting human steaks sa a way ot batmco the cost-fo-ignliv crisis.", "scrambled_100%": "nI nenCalh 4\u2019s \u201crGgge alWleca: hTe rBishti rlMiace eatM\u201d, het aseeCMthrf oc-osth eailcdm ot eb iitivsgn a aocympn ahtt sodl \u201creeeindgen amhnu etma\u201d rwngo ofrm slcise fo hfsel rscylalgiu eresdahvt mfro elar eopepl. ehT tcaemruykmno sah dprekas mptnaolcis ot moOfc ofmr ieevsrw hwo bdleevie aWlalce eyrlla asw imgtrpoon huanm assket sa a awy ot batmco het tcso-fo-ignliv icssri.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "In Cnenalh 4\u2019s \u201cGeggr Waeclla: Teh Briisht Mlciaer Mate\u201d, teh MrtCfseeah co-htos cdaemil to be viignits a cmyanop ttah sdol \u201ceeinndgere hmaun mtea\u201d grwno fomr scelsi of fslhe sayilrlgcu hsevradet fmor rlea poplee. Teh moaecntrukym hsa skdprea csmaptloni to Ocomf fmro veweirs woh beeiveld Wealacl ryaell wsa ptrngmooi hanum ssaket as a wya to catmob teh csto-of-lvniig crsisi.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "In Cenhnal 4\u2019s \u201cGergg Wcllaae: The Biirsth Mailrce Maet\u201d, the MCeerasthf co-hsot cmliaed to be vsiniitg a campnoy taht slod \u201cergieneend haumn maet\u201d gowrn form seclis of fsleh sligulcray hsevatred form rael ppeloe. The mokenmactruy has sperkad cnplmotias to Ocfom form vrweies who beievled Waalcle rlealy was pntromiog hmaun satkes as a way to cabomt the csot-of-lniivg cisirs.", "substituted": "Pt XjVFIog 4\u2019s \u201ccPiMt iytLYlJ: aGU ECNHyIQ IVIRQpE oZDQ\u201d, uKR BPqLmWqvxp PO-wiks dOzTGVa vf jw xcvUkRrb a VyWMXkS MucE ntKI \u201cMKIKoXYssR UNReD dApf\u201d vCGHD cfpO gKGAhL sW zupqz vQeUJizNGO LHWNoUbWD GzFs bvnp uyzuna. KTv aNADJlkTaLWa SiY YmbgDiH WNzbtUAWQG Xz bRdau gLnw KLFsDgf Kii PnFQxAho kYpjvHQ PkhdGN DDb sOgSSEeez cdcHO eFAOUC TP a Ycq im GpsGoc qXt VBvL-gY-ZLMJfU EtIGPP."} {"original": "In Italy, an intensifying heat wave has already claimed at least one life and left several tourists in Rome incapacitated due to heat stroke, officials said.", "scrambled_20%": "In Italy, an intensifying ahte wave has already claimed at least one life and left several tourists in Rmoe cicdtatapeina due to hate rektso, officials said.", "scrambled_50%": "nI Italy, na intensifying ahte evaw hsa already claimed at lseat one iefl and left several tourists ni Rmoe cicdtatapeina eud to hate rektso, officials said.", "scrambled_100%": "nI tylaI, na nyfiinseitng ahte evaw hsa ryadlea amlecid ta lseat eon iefl nad lfte arlseev uortstis ni Rmoe cicdtatapeina eud ot hate rektso, slfciaiof iads.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "In Iytal, an infiensnitgy hate waev hsa aarylde cmldeia at lseat oen leif adn lfte sevaelr tstrusio in Rmeo iaeanptdatcci deu to htea seotrk, ocsfaifli sida.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "In Ialty, an iyntneinifsg haet wvae has aeradly ciealmd at laset one lfie and lfet seeavrl tusiotrs in Rmoe iataanccitepd due to haet storke, oafcilifs siad.", "substituted": "bG CUPyw, wj XVwIoLHXdmML RLic Dvah zof gjxuUeX pNCQTHS oH bmsjp gjO RVOr Man udaE QssjLGI lwqgwqzS Tk iJUj GGWYSYnJLnJnL Ccd SC cEie eYnphY, QLmtSpZPH Wgkk."} {"original": "In a YouGov survey of 4,592 British voters, almost one in four Gen Z respondents said the British monarchy should be replaced with an elected head of state. Almost 60% said they believed King Charles was out of touch with the public.", "scrambled_20%": "In a YouGov survey of 4,592 ihriBts voters, almost eon in four Gen Z respondents said the British monarchy dloush be replaced with an elected deah of state. Almost 60% said yeht believed King selraCh swa out of hcotu with the public.", "scrambled_50%": "In a YouGov survey fo 4,592 ihriBts voters, almost eon ni four neG Z erdsotnepsn sdai the British monarchy dloush eb replaced with na celetde deah of tseta. Almost 60% said yeht believed gnKi selraCh swa uto of hcotu with the public.", "scrambled_100%": "nI a YGuoov sruevy fo 4,592 ihriBts ortsev, tlsmao eon ni oruf neG Z erdsotnepsn sdai hte htrsiiB nayohcmr dloush eb depercal whit na celetde deah fo tseta. ltmAos 60% idsa yeht ieeledbv gnKi selraCh swa uto fo hcotu thiw het cbliup.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "In a YuGvoo sveruy of 4,592 Briihts vreots, amtols oen in fruo Gne Z resdntnopes sadi teh Bitsrih mhyaocnr sohdlu be ralpcdee wthi an eeledtc hade of saett. Amoslt 60% siad tyhe bveeedil Kgin Carsleh wsa otu of tohuc whit teh piucbl.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "In a YGuoov srveuy of 4,592 Btirsih vetros, alsomt one in fuor Gen Z reedsnptnos siad the Bsiirth mracnohy suhlod be reacpled wtih an eleetcd haed of sttae. Amlsot 60% siad tehy beeevild Knig Cerhlas was out of tcuoh wtih the plubic.", "substituted": "Qb a odpQuy nnWJnE Rk 4,592 JwcrXnO mjoQRU, zGQwWQ sKc IL RIoz eJh Z tJdRqknGUfR Vskg btH AzyXCQZ ULrcakjh vSOEix HF qAkuwHmR cGmy lm AEMAcLS TLoG gH fAvjk. FZTyWW 60% XTbj BaEH kULsWkwg UmgG KFALnOu kXU LvU TL OcguC LtKI JUy dFvmSV."} {"original": "In a bid to prevent racegoers from urinating in public during this week\u2019s meeting, Cheltenham Council provided liquid-repelling hydrophobic paint to residents and businesses. Officials in the Gloucestershire town also produced a poster showing a man and a woman peeing against a tree, with the slogan: \u201cHave fun this race week but remember our town isn\u2019t your toilet.\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "In a bid to prevent racegoers from urinating in public during this week\u2019s meeting, teehhmnCla Council provided liquid-elpgenirl phbochiydro pinta ot residents and businesses. Officials in the Gloucestershire town also uoerdpcd a poster showing a nma dan a nwoma peeing against a tree, with the nosagl: \u201cHave fun this earc week but remember our town isn\u2019t your toilet.\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "In a idb to tvrneep racegoers from inrtiugna ni public during this weke\u2019s meiegnt, teehhmnCla Council provided liquid-elpgenirl phbochiydro pinta ot residents and businesses. Officials in hte chsrrietselGuoe tnwo also uoerdpcd a rsteop showing a nma dan a nwoma gniepe against a eter, with the nosagl: \u201cHave fun this earc ewke but remember uro town sni\u2019t uryo toilet.\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "nI a idb ot tvrneep orergcesa rfmo inrtiugna ni lucibp gnuidr isht weke\u2019s meiegnt, teehhmnCla clouiCn ddoirpve uidqil-elpgenirl phbochiydro pinta ot isteernsd nda sssbeisune. sicfOliaf ni hte chsrrietselGuoe tnwo asol uoerdpcd a rsteop nioshgw a nma dan a nwoma gniepe nasgait a eter, itwh het nosagl: \u201caveH nfu hist earc ewke tub ememrerb uro wtno sni\u2019t uryo lttoie.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "In a bdi to ptrevne roeaecsrg fomr uargntnii in plucbi durngi tihs weke\u2019s minetge, Cahmtnhele Cuoilnc pddovire lquidi-rplilgnee hdrioocbyph pinat to ressietdn adn bessenusis. Oififslca in teh Ghsrreioesculte tonw aols poucddre a pteros sngwoih a mna adn a wnaom peeign agiasnt a tere, wiht teh salogn: \u201cHvae fnu tshi rcae wkee btu rebemmer oru tonw ins\u2019t yrou ttleoi.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "In a bid to pvrneet rgreecoas form uiitranng in pbluic dinrug tihs week\u2019s mteneig, Cnhtehlaem Cnuicol prieovdd luqiid-rliepleng hbyirhdpooc pnait to rsndietes and bsuseisnes. Ocaiflfis in the Gtchlroseeurise twon aslo poeudcrd a psoter snihwog a man and a wmoan pieeng aigsant a tere, wtih the sogaln: \u201cHvae fun tihs rcae week but rebmemer our twon isn\u2019t yuor tileot.\u201d.", "substituted": "rh a CLv Hv gCJLDcv oNijTFhDx aZnZ wqkIfJxFD MR fzUICY BzAsyb oPpW LBBC\u2019s DZmEZPP, zrNKPdJXHJ latXflO Hgalftmr HGGozX-qMfGoGsiL ZwrNNJPfdqC nMlvY kh cGbwWWBTE KKa gledCbYhgI. pTjYEJkLM gb mUM gVYcvErNmEdwVMG oMpE yQrS lLGrkQLM a MmXoRs QDJjWHy a ePR NeS a BLgTj SwPCEO jZNKTkb a xmpT, SBVu jAq aqgCYP: \u201cgPJq rIE Cwpx dJfj gNOZ jee AQEjEgbG dMj Guoq Gbr\u2019t BHku vmVSkf.\u201d."} {"original": "In a letter to health and social care bosses, Met Police commissioner Mark Rowley stated his intention to order officers not to attend mental health incidents from 31 August onwards. Rowley argued the move is necessary as officers are being \u201cdiverted from their core role of fighting crime\u201d, calling the current situation \u201cuntenable\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "In a letter ot health and social erca essbso, etM Police commissioner Mark Rowley asedtt his intention to order officers not ot attend mental health incidents rmfo 31 gAtsuu onwards. Rowley argued the mveo is necessary as officers are being \u201cdiverted from their core role of fighting crime\u201d, calling the current utstoaiin \u201cuntenable\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "nI a letter ot hhetla and social erca essbso, etM Police commissioner Mark Rowley asedtt his nienotitn ot order sfrcefoi ton ot attend mental health incidents rmfo 31 gAtsuu ondawsr. Rleywo argued eth mveo is nsecaryes sa officers are being \u201ctdvdeire from their core role fo fighting cimer\u201d, inlglca the renutrc utstoaiin \u201cuntenable\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "nI a etelrt ot hhetla dna aisclo erca essbso, etM oclePi ncimorsimeso aMkr lReoyw asedtt ish nienotitn ot droer sfrcefoi ton ot aenttd lmetna thahel einndcits rmfo 31 gAtsuu ondawsr. Rleywo rauedg eth mveo si nsecaryes sa sofreicf ear gbnie \u201ctdvdeire morf ehtir eroc rleo fo igintfhg cimer\u201d, inlglca eht renutrc utstoaiin \u201cebunlatne\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "In a lttere to hhaelt adn soilca cear bsseso, Mte Poelic cnsmioemoris Mrka Rwleyo sadtte hsi itnintneo to orrde oerfisfc nto to atdtne matlen hleaht iinenstdc frmo 31 Agtsuu odrwans. Relywo audegr teh mvoe is nersacesy as oefrfsic aer begin \u201cdteiderv form tehir ceor reol of fhggiitn cmeri\u201d, cllgnai teh cretnru staioniut \u201cutanelenb\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "In a leettr to htlaeh and soiacl crae bessos, Met Pcloie comsinsomeir Mrak Rweoly sttaed his innittoen to oedrr ofrecifs not to attend meantl hltaeh idennicts form 31 Ausgut onardws. Relowy aergud the mvoe is nreecsasy as oiffecrs are bineg \u201cdvteired form teihr croe rloe of fhinitgg cmrie\u201d, cniallg the cenrrut siotituan \u201cuebntlane\u201d.", "substituted": "wO a UrXoIb Pd HicDYl Ktm jRXRZI vAdm zXzJFv, EmL imuaTu RnTpSELAfygR EmKn YQyAiB ZlnIBf yCt wVGLsXDqb HH impip CeZbqEem jRQ Vz fIRuMR apzgrE NxzkxC hrTENXYPY Ydwd 31 lXNjoJ Amgkuut. bngEhx fJhUjo vbR XScB sk ypDyDYLLE Hp jZpMIHxP EDm PQoLs \u201clwlHcEKs RWyn HdyJm CWbs Bjym kr NGrnqNXx RFAnE\u201d, MjOEXcf yAI MWfXLeE JkXCqsneX \u201cxNcLHvddN\u201d."} {"original": "In a newspaper interview ahead of Thursday\u2019s local elections, Starmer pledged to lead a \u201cbold and reforming Labour government bringing about real change\u201d by overhauling public services including the NHS. The Labour leader also unveiled plans to help first-time home buyers, and a revamp of tuition fees.", "scrambled_20%": "In a newspaper tiirnvwee ahead of Thursday\u2019s local ielotecns, Starmer pledged to lead a \u201cbold and rfnoegirm Labour government gnbrgnii about real change\u201d by overhauling public services including the NHS. The Lrabuo leader also unveiled plans ot help srfti-emti home buyers, and a revamp fo tuition fees.", "scrambled_50%": "nI a newspaper tiirnvwee ahead fo Thursday\u2019s local ielotecns, taermrS legpedd to dale a \u201cbold and rfnoegirm Labour government gnbrgnii aubto lrae acghne\u201d by overhauling public rcssieev including het SNH. The Lrabuo leader also unveiled plans ot help srfti-emti home buyers, nda a revamp fo tuition sfee.", "scrambled_100%": "nI a ewnappers tiirnvwee deaah fo daTyursh\u2019s ollac ielotecns, taermrS legpedd ot dale a \u201cobld dna rfnoegirm rLubao etgnvromne gnbrgnii aubto lrae acghne\u201d yb vahroenilgu bulicp rcssieev ginndlicu het SNH. eTh Lrabuo eaelrd losa neuilevd pnlas ot elph srfti-emti mheo syeurb, nda a vapmre fo tunitio sfee.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "In a nrpsewape itewirnev adhae of Tysurdah\u2019s lcalo eetlcsnoi, Sarertm pddelge to lade a \u201cbldo adn roifernmg Lbaruo govenrtnem brnignig aotub rlea chgaen\u201d by oirgevlhaun pbucli sicseevr idngiucln teh NSH. Teh Larobu lreeda aols unieevdl plnsa to hepl fsrit-teim hmeo byrues, adn a raevpm of tioutni fsee.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "In a nseaweppr itieenvrw aehad of Tdhusary\u2019s lacol etoinlces, Sreamtr pgldeed to laed a \u201cblod and roemrnfig Luaobr germveonnt biirnngg aobut rael chnage\u201d by oeruilvahng pbiulc srvicees iclnndiug the NHS. The Lboaur leedar aslo uileevnd pnlas to hlep frsit-tmie hmoe breyus, and a rvmeap of touiitn fees.", "substituted": "CO a PGQZzXnBC JucLejwlc enzpl Wd vDldpNLY\u2019s SpsfP tnYWFosxe, ZiJUoag tLlImVF JA CisW a \u201cHNki UQb KvXzYVZCh hTmdEo pkqmDEompu ShjzZCTE vgTBv qPEs YHuyCz\u201d dO DrYmyGEBRZV FFFfuJ DwehzSjW sceTvpcCw nuQ aqw. VoB DdlkjX rogaxz Vura DrMjZIkU Zhvgt kv duty icMlq-GuOM qtDH vmXNgF, qmD a PXliVN ME YjKUBdT yDnc."} {"original": "In a report published on Thursday, the privileges committee said that had Johnson not already resigned, he should have faced a three-month suspension for deliberately misleading MPs over Partygate.", "scrambled_20%": "nI a report published no Thursday, the privileges committee said that dha Johnson not already nidgeres, he should have cefad a three-month enpusisons for deliberately misleading MPs over Partygate.", "scrambled_50%": "nI a reotpr published no yTdasuhr, the privileges committee said that dha sJonhno not ladarey nidgeres, eh should have cefad a three-month enpusisons for yterbalediel misleading sMP rove Partygate.", "scrambled_100%": "nI a reotpr ilbuphesd no yTdasuhr, het ipgesreivl iecemmtto dais atth dha sJonhno otn ladarey nidgeres, eh ohduls ahve cefad a heert-nmoth enpusisons orf yterbalediel edgaminlis sMP rove arPttegay.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "In a rptreo plihdeusb on Trdauyhs, teh piisleervg cmieemtot sdai ttah hda Joonsnh nto aardlye rdneegis, he sdolhu heav fdaec a terhe-mtohn sepniusnos fro dleteielaybr mdeiinslga MsP orve Pyattgrae.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "In a rorpet phbulsied on Tasrhudy, the piverlgeis cotiemtme siad taht had Jhnoson not alaedry rnegeisd, he shuold hvae feacd a terhe-mtonh souisspnen for deaielrtleby msdienlaig MPs oevr Pttygarae.", "substituted": "YY a oShlYo rBhyklDpM bw ZuWdbKnq, AHQ ZpekhQNCNp bkbWVksbd aZFe CbAi wfx jvrQpNV Hkb ctUQTbS QFJrtwag, iH QmqGYe YkwO rUpMy a FOJgj-cwASO bOBntTCFvH RKR KmicsrxtSERc VpyNkOnuHY Jqa ZTzH RUfnDttWx."} {"original": "In a significant legal ruling, a Canadian judge has declared that the \u201cthumbs-up\u201d emoji carries the same legal weight as a traditional signature. The judge argued that courts must embrace the evolving communication methods of the \u201cnew reality\u201d as he passed a verdict demanding a farmer pay C$82,000 (\u00a347,648) for an unfulfilled contract with a grain buyer.", "scrambled_20%": "In a significant gleal nrilug, a Canadian judge has declared that the \u201cthumbs-up\u201d emoji carries the emsa legal weight sa a ornitaatild signature. The judge argued atth courts must embrace the evolving mmocitnacuino methods of the \u201cnew reality\u201d as he spsade a itvcerd demanding a remarf pay C$82,000 (\u00a347,648) for an unfulfilled contract with a grain buyer.", "scrambled_50%": "In a fcitgniasin gleal nrilug, a Canadian gdeuj sha edlerdac that het \u201cthumbs-up\u201d emoji carries eth emsa legal ghitwe sa a ornitaatild signature. The udgej argued atth courts tums embrace the ivngeolv mmocitnacuino methods of the \u201cenw reality\u201d as eh spsade a itvcerd dgdnieman a remarf pay C$82,000 (\u00a347,648) for na unfulfilled contract with a agirn buyer.", "scrambled_100%": "nI a fcitgniasin gleal nrilug, a aCdanain gdeuj sha edlerdac htat het \u201cmhstub-pu\u201d mioej rricsae eth emsa lglea ghitwe sa a ornitaatild sagnueitr. ehT udgej reuadg atth strocu tums mreebca eth ivngeolv mmocitnacuino omhdset fo het \u201cenw ritaeyl\u201d sa eh spsade a itvcerd dgdnieman a remarf ayp C$82,000 (\u00a347,648) rfo na neludifulfl tatroccn twhi a agirn yeubr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "In a sniigcntfai legla rignul, a Caandnia jdeug hsa dleecrad tath teh \u201ctmhbsu-up\u201d eiojm cirsrae teh smae lgale wtehig as a taalorinitd srinaugte. Teh jeugd aurdge tath ctours muts eabcmer teh eigvvlno cmnomiiunatco mdoshet of teh \u201cnwe relitay\u201d as he padess a vtercdi ddniagmne a frrema pya C$82,000 (\u00a347,648) fro an uldnluffeli conrttca wtih a gianr buery.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "In a sfingincait lgael rniulg, a Cadianan jugde has drlecead taht the \u201ctumhbs-up\u201d emjoi ceirras the smae laegl whgeit as a tiondiartal sruigtnae. The jduge agerud taht crtuos msut eracbme the elvviong cmtoanimuiocn mhetods of the \u201cnew raetliy\u201d as he pseasd a vcdiert dnidmaneg a freamr pay C$82,000 (\u00a347,648) for an ullfuefinld ccotrnat wtih a giarn bueyr.", "substituted": "gX a pHBEoFkBOin HUmvR aswddo, a KXEJHSGA ObrSt OEr QnKiYTgV INdm ZMU \u201cmZobZO-ru\u201d kJwwP fekpxAB Riv HiVZ BSrGB MKupEJ pi a OPfQHZsMzua JqFctBgwr. gTg JPMFE FeFWiG TRgK xOxSdh KPXE kfZcbfh UDw XhDZkKIk xssdfAeMSZSqU rgmBmQS XV nus \u201cJCo RITipTC\u201d Qg dh stTZlF a yBBVLLJ CrhsVgrLz a evTFmU eEW C$82,000 (\u00a347,648) nyx WA QqhDhzoeQMG ANMPwuCF Psqz a eoLfI rSQMN."} {"original": "In an announcement on Instagram, the Canadian prime minister and his wife, former TV presenter Sophie Gr\u00e9goire Trudeau, said they had decided to separate following \u201cmany meaningful and difficult conversations\u201d. They were married in Montreal in 2005 and have three children together.", "scrambled_20%": "In an announcement on Instagram, het anaCaidn prime minister and his wife, former TV presenter Sophie Gr\u00e9goire Trudeau, said they had decided to eraeastp following \u201cmany iugefmlann dna difficult conversations\u201d. They ewer married in atolnreM in 2005 and have three nrcidelh together.", "scrambled_50%": "In an announcement on Instagram, het anaCaidn prime ntriesim and hsi wife, mofrer TV presenter Sophie rgioG\u00e9re aeurudT, sida yeth adh ediddce to eraeastp ollwgnfoi \u201cmany iugefmlann dna difficult conversations\u201d. Tehy ewer married in atolnreM ni 2005 and vhae three nrcidelh together.", "scrambled_100%": "nI na oenamntnecnu no nasmtarIg, het anaCaidn meirp ntriesim dan hsi efiw, mofrer VT nreesrpet hSipoe rgioG\u00e9re aeurudT, sida yeth adh ediddce ot eraeastp ollwgnfoi \u201canmy iugefmlann dna fucdtiifl isovenctornsa\u201d. Tehy ewer rrmdiae ni atolnreM ni 2005 dan vhae ethre nrcidelh togrheet.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "In an aenmnocutnne on Iarmnatgs, teh Cdainaan pemri mtirsien adn hsi weif, forerm TV pnrtersee Spiohe Ggri\u00e9roe Tuuraed, sida tyhe hda dcidede to stepeara fliwgonlo \u201cmnay mieafnungl adn dfiuctifl coontrnseiasv\u201d. Teyh weer mdairer in Mlotaner in 2005 adn haev trhee crndleih thoregte.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "In an anemcnneuont on Irtnasgam, the Caadinan prmie miestnir and his wfie, freomr TV peteenrsr Siophe Grgri\u00e9oe Turdaeu, siad tehy had diedecd to sarpeate fwonoillg \u201cmnay mafnuingel and dicfifult csitooenarnvs\u201d. Tehy wree mierard in Maoetnrl in 2005 and hvae trehe cldihren thogeetr.", "substituted": "oW Xv ixJPYVSNjUGM ii cxcrwOFZv, DNB XHLyJUVR Toyiz pOjSlCrq zZi nYd RtEH, iFDgGN dT cDMrjDejl yagpEQ fMYnnBkJ sglxPyb, dIWQ JEss YmF SMUhgXi HE dgoMvEio gEgtGfIMo \u201cJVcJ cZhvRCqzHX mPG tAFFGEzBV iEXYaziKMKfjY\u201d. eRZU iCsg buZmGkY Xm NlHlfyiy jr 2005 sht SStf rZwnI FiLdZaiH ujsHffTc."} {"original": "In eastern Iowa, 4-inch hail \u2013 just larger than a softball \u2013 rained down on neighborhoods while some western suburbs of Chicago saw hail the size of baseballs.", "scrambled_20%": "In eastern Iowa, 4-inch hail \u2013 utjs larger than a softball \u2013 nedria down on neighborhoods while osme western sbsuurb of Chicago saw hail the size of bbelsalas.", "scrambled_50%": "In eastern Iowa, 4-inch hail \u2013 utjs grlear than a lotfalsb \u2013 nedria wdon on neighborhoods while osme wnseetr sbsuurb fo agoCchi aws hail the size of bbelsalas.", "scrambled_100%": "nI tesnera awoI, 4-cnhi lhai \u2013 utjs grlear tnha a lotfalsb \u2013 nedria wdon no irodghnoeobhs ewhil osme wnseetr sbsuurb fo agoCchi aws lhia eht zeis fo bbelsalas.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "In etrneas Iawo, 4-ihcn hlai \u2013 jtus lreagr tnha a saboltfl \u2013 ridane dnow on ndsborgohiheo whlei smeo wrnsete sububrs of Cgocaih swa hlai teh seiz of blelssaab.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "In erasetn Iwoa, 4-icnh hial \u2013 jsut laergr tahn a sfalbotl \u2013 renaid dwon on nihorhobdoges whlie smoe wrseten sbburus of Caigcho saw hial the szie of blebasals.", "substituted": "sS ORDfTWU mKzR, 4-oEuS UDVG \u2013 nBJu dBOrKO PezG a tOiEztVm \u2013 XIjPbs mIAz hv lUrHgxRuwNpva bUTmA WWyE mrFQUlg BDugHZT Dm oFSQIzi Zjq GCmD dnc zRVJ zv NjEqXsEuE."} {"original": "In polling for The Times, 62% of millennials said the Tories deserved to lose the next election. Only 21% said they would vote Conservative if an election were held tomorrow.", "scrambled_20%": "In linplog for The Times, 62% of millennials said the Tories deserved to eols the tnex election. lnOy 21% said they would vote Conservative if an election were dhel ootwrmro.", "scrambled_50%": "In linplog rfo The Times, 62% of niailllesmn adis the Tories deserved ot eols the tnex election. lnOy 21% said htey would teov Conservative if an einlotce eewr dhel ootwrmro.", "scrambled_100%": "nI linplog rfo heT msiTe, 62% fo niailllesmn adis eth ioserT esdedver ot eols eht tnex toienecl. lnOy 21% dsai htey dlowu teov iteeCnoravsv fi na einlotce eewr dhel ootwrmro.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "In pllinog fro Teh Tsmie, 62% of maelnilsinl sida teh Tsiore deevdesr to lseo teh nxte entliceo. Olyn 21% sida tyhe wuldo veto Ciovrtvaseen if an ecntiole weer hedl toomwrro.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "In plniolg for The Teims, 62% of mninllaelis siad the Teiors dverseed to lsoe the nxet eeclotin. Olny 21% siad tehy wolud vtoe Cosneavivrte if an eeoitcln wree hled tooorrmw.", "substituted": "GN OkrbNHh INq AKQ yjpnU, 62% Hy kTvZOjwDQWQ fpzN NFm dsZpjt LUEdQRLs XA KJmt Caw IWSo jszbmVvH. mZXv 21% mPCn CMio JpbMs zQCD ASNlEaKfEpBN Bu kw ImtslniR uqxq KzDK sPNjTBUx."} {"original": "In the WHO\u2019s first estimates of infertility prevalence in more than a decade, it was found that about 17.5% of the global adult population will experience infertility. Based on more than 100 studies between 1990 and 2021, the results show limited variation between regions and between high, middle and low-income countries. \u201cFor millions around the world, the path to parenthood can be difficult to access, if not impossible,\u201d said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO director general.", "scrambled_20%": "In the WHO\u2019s first estimates of infertility prevalence ni more hnat a decade, it was found that about 17.5% of the global utlda population will experience iitetyrilnf. Based no more than 100 studies between 1990 and 2021, the results show limited variation between regions and nwetebe hhgi, middle and low-income terinsuco. \u201cFor ililnmso undora the world, the path ot parenthood can eb difficult to access, if not impossible,\u201d said Dr rTesod Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the OWH icdrtreo general.", "scrambled_50%": "In the OWH\u2019s first estimates fo infertility eleencvpar ni ermo hnat a decade, it was found thta about 17.5% of eth global utlda population lilw nreeeexipc iitetyrilnf. Based no more than 100 isudest tenebwe 1990 nda 2021, the results owhs limited onavitari between gsenroi and nwetebe hhgi, middle nad low-eoimnc terinsuco. \u201cFro ililnmso undora the world, the path ot parenthood acn eb iltdffciu to access, if not esmiboplsi,\u201d said Dr rTesod aAhmnod Ghebreyesus, the OWH icdrtreo general.", "scrambled_100%": "nI hte OWH\u2019s sfirt mesitstae fo teryitlfnii eleencvpar ni ermo hnat a deaced, ti aws unfdo thta otuba 17.5% fo eth lloagb utlda ppuoianolt lilw nreeeexipc iitetyrilnf. dsBae no orme ahnt 100 isudest tenebwe 1990 nda 2021, hte lrtseus owhs idmleit onavitari neebewt gsenroi nda nwetebe hhgi, meldid nad wlo-eoimnc terinsuco. \u201cFro ililnmso undora het odrlw, eth hpta ot ndthreooap acn eb iltdffciu ot asccse, fi otn esmiboplsi,\u201d disa rD rTesod aAhmnod eeGuhbesrys, eht OWH icdrtreo erelang.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "In teh WOH\u2019s fitrs estietasm of ifyirnlitte pcelreaven in mreo thna a dadcee, it wsa fnduo taht abuto 17.5% of teh glablo aldut pualonpito wlli eciexepner itftrinliye. Baesd on meor tnha 100 sistdue betnwee 1990 adn 2021, teh ruslset sohw lemtidi vrnotaiia bteenwe rignseo adn betnwee hihg, mliedd adn lwo-imnceo cutosnrei. \u201cFro moinslli anduro teh wdrlo, teh phat to prdnoaothe cna be dticuiffl to ascsec, if nto ieispblmso,\u201d sadi Dr Tdesro Ahnodma Geesbsyhrue, teh WOH dertiroc glraene.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "In the WHO\u2019s fsirt eteiamtss of ifinettilry perlaencve in mroe tahn a daedce, it was fnoud taht aubot 17.5% of the galobl auldt puploaiotn wlil eecripnxee itinlitrfey. Besad on mroe tahn 100 sideuts bteween 1990 and 2021, the rusltes sohw lietmid vratiaoin beweetn roeings and beeewtn hgih, mlddie and low-incmoe cetnirous. \u201cFor mlnoilis aonrud the wolrd, the ptah to prooteanhd can be dfulifcit to aseccs, if not iomsilbspe,\u201d siad Dr Teodrs Anadohm Guhesbreeys, the WHO droitcer gereanl.", "substituted": "XN wiC CLQ\u2019s xDXdc BtZtECKPA kr YWssGvsLyQd CDrIBIsIjI wy MYco aRGk a VtmJNo, qf xPk MqQFP SceH BERIO 17.5% qg owp IFNpZR GfUwu aCKMXwGRKG REkL rpgCTeKhSw GRojXkkTHSo. LZlyj eC aSSH Ybdg 100 nYOBZPd jjqloav 1990 YuO 2021, rnu lHMNQmP RGyL uyitoYB SfbvvyaAm cDnbKvv sFkeAea qtc rlgmBhx YGPY, hVOrLV OJB VKD-CSVEWB SOrRNEjoL. \u201cVdw WgRyVwjn wLfEDv QBA DQdcS, LPR xyHY lj mAOuRRzJxS Boi gG TXsKMVbOa nT zJlIaf, TT PsQ BVQerCOFpO,\u201d Viry Pw hjojSh WnzbwhK LPlBkAkgQXt, Mur LZF TQylQXRI EXcwzwZ."} {"original": "In the wake of several recent mass shootings, Washington\u2019s Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee this week signed a statewide ban on most sales of assault-style weapons, including the popular AR-15 rifle.", "scrambled_20%": "In het akwe fo several recent smas shootings, Wagsnthion\u2019s Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee this week signed a statewide ban no most sales of assault-style weapons, including the popular AR-15 rifle.", "scrambled_50%": "In het akwe fo evalrse recent smas soosgniht, Wagsnthion\u2019s ictaDrceom ovG. Jay Inslee this eekw signed a wseadtiet ban no smto slsea of uslasta-style weapons, including the popular AR-15 rifle.", "scrambled_100%": "nI het akwe fo evalrse rtence smas soosgniht, Wagsnthion\u2019s ictaDrceom ovG. ayJ eenslI hits eekw sendig a wseadtiet anb no smto slsea fo uslasta-yslet esaopnw, lguncndii het rlpuopa RA-15 erifl.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "In teh waek of srlvaee rcteen mass stohsogni, Wgsotnhain\u2019s Deccortami Gvo. Jya Ielsne tish wkee seding a sdetweati bna on mtso sasle of ataulss-sytel woaepsn, iindcunlg teh pluparo AR-15 rfeli.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "In the wkae of sreeval rnceet msas snhogtois, Wnsgatiohn\u2019s Daioecmtrc Gov. Jay Ilnsee tihs week seingd a sdtawiete ban on msot selas of asalsut-sylte wponeas, ilducning the pulaopr AR-15 rlife.", "substituted": "yB cDG Eznf Ts ClSiKgP jHWVZh dUPm NGwvlYSlE, NQAIwxNnOm\u2019s GxYPfIXRQQ IHl. fhU LWwdFS uvuE bwEA dpioBs a NXBcYGawp toL xh fXBC BtbLo Bs nYIAldH-rinyD PUSAqNL, ElxfVZVaG TLl WhPEQIp he-15 VOJsG."} {"original": "Internet users in Britain who use search phrases such as \u201cstag party Amsterdam\u201d are being targeted with pop-up videos warning of the consequences of getting drunk and rowdy in the Dutch capital.", "scrambled_20%": "Internet users in Britain who use search phrases such sa \u201cstag party Amsterdam\u201d rea being targeted with pop-up esvido awnigrn of the consequences of ggeintt drunk and rowdy ni the Dutch paciatl.", "scrambled_50%": "Internet sures ni Britain how use search phrases such sa \u201cstag party Amsterdam\u201d rea being agtderte with pop-up esvido awnigrn fo the oceequnsnsec fo ggeintt nkrdu and rowdy ni the Dchut paciatl.", "scrambled_100%": "etentnIr sures ni rinBiat how ues csraeh hsaspre husc sa \u201casgt trpay Artmdmase\u201d rea bgnie agtderte iwth opp-pu esvido awnigrn fo teh oceequnsnsec fo ggeintt nkrdu nda ydwor ni het Dchut paciatl.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Ieenrntt uerss in Bitirna woh ues shecra passerh scuh as \u201csgat prayt Adsametrm\u201d aer bigen teeartdg wtih ppo-up visedo wnirnga of teh cnsuoceseqen of gteigtn duknr adn rdwyo in teh Dhctu cltapia.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ieenrntt urses in Btariin who use sacreh pserhas scuh as \u201csatg ptray Ataerdmsm\u201d are bneig ttgareed wtih pop-up vdoies wnrinag of the cqcsenneoeus of ginettg durnk and rodwy in the Dtuch ctapial.", "substituted": "AwpEZmAu ESgVZ lo sDchGYN fwP EEi QgsxAA GafYFUg SwUM XO \u201cRfxd GCxno lIxPdIoCU\u201d MuL EFNRD lXaizjAU xBsX mwI-qn DYNSij rJLYXmA Xg lNs uTakgmjbmmUd le rxvzZdw bnZcb prk Pllfv Km Ero gkZQg sAcMvKW."} {"original": "Ireland will be the first country in the world to mandate labels on alcoholic drinks warning of the risks of cancer and liver disease and of drinking in pregnancy, and listing calorie content and grams of alcohol. EU members including France, Italy and Spain have asked the European Commission to investigate whether the move would contravene EU law. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_20%": "rlndIea will be the first country in the world to mandate sbllea on alcoholic kdsrin aginnrw of the iksrs fo cancer and rilev disease and of drinking in pregnancy, and listing ciareol content and grams of alcohol. EU members including cFnaer, Italy and Spain have asked eth European Commission to investigate twhhree the move would contravene UE law. Find out more with The kWee Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_50%": "rlndIea lwli be the first country ni the world to mandate sbllea on lciaolhoc kdsrin aginnrw of the iksrs fo encrca and rilev aesesid and fo drinking in pregnancy, and listing ciareol ttnneco and sgrma fo aollcoh. EU besmemr including cFnaer, Iylta dna Spain ahev asked eth European Commission to investigate twhhree the move would contravene UE wla. iFdn uto roem twih The kWee Unwrapped tdsoacp.", "scrambled_100%": "rlndIea lwli eb het rtsif ytrounc ni eth wdolr ot amnetda sbllea no lciaolhoc kdsrin aginnrw fo het iksrs fo encrca dna rilev aesesid dna fo kinnrigd ni gycrapnen, dan tslgiin ciareol ttnneco adn sgrma fo aollcoh. UE besmemr ngncuiidl cFnaer, Iylta dna Snipa ahev eksda eth aEnropeu mosnCmsiio ot aginttsevie twhhree teh ovme odwlu tvenoarcne UE wla. iFdn uto roem twih hTe kWee wnUeadrpp tdsoacp.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Idaenlr wlil be teh fstri courtyn in teh wdorl to mtadena lelsab on alihooclc drniks wrngain of teh rssik of cranec adn lvire deieass adn of dkniinrg in pgcrennay, adn ltigisn coiaerl cntnoet adn gsmra of aoohlcl. EU mbsreme igdnniclu Faernc, Iylta adn Sainp heav aekds teh Eonearpu Cinmmsioos to itgsteineav whehter teh meov wuodl cnoaenrtve EU lwa. Fndi otu meor wthi Teh Wkee Upwpednra pcoadts.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Iranled wlil be the fsirt cnuorty in the wrold to mtandae lelbas on ahcoloilc dinrks wnianrg of the rkiss of ccaenr and leivr dsisaee and of dnikinrg in pcnnragey, and ltisnig cairloe cntonet and gmras of alochol. EU meermbs icdnilnug Fcrane, Iltay and Saipn hvae asekd the Eepruoan Cmoiimsosn to igeintatvse wehhetr the mvoe wluod cnetaorvne EU law. Fnid out mroe wtih The Week Uwprnaped pdoscat.", "substituted": "xstLUBW NedV Xx qpt pBlCw zjNqGVE NM zAp yRiIz Oq JpmrgKt mVIMjS pu Uexkgdxvv JwssbM oMVmcpa Qy yBW mBBGE gT lxYenD vRf wxCmR ErxbnWI nlr YT qBfeBTZm mj zixhsCEZM, kRH AeHCQHi YUMXNTK BxOyTNg EkE hhDVk Dx Jbjultk. da NjyKVmJ kHOhgTbOB bMiWQE, LSXsR gMz uzeJh qFRf ZDLPR fmz lFqeXJLm huBXumjLVq EB SiMhZJPRMLi niLnMxA fYf fggw JamSc vLCdbIFwzw pn FoV. fpNr GSO JJaT cJPG EyI Hati nSIOVBWov DBcdpAC."} {"original": "Isabella Tree, who runs the Knepp estate in West Sussex, told The Times that animal spit is the secret to growing fuller rose bushes. \u201cIf you collect some animal saliva, even if it\u2019s pony spit or something, and anoint that little bit that you cut with your secateurs, the enzyme in the spit, the plant can read it and it goes even crazier,\u201d she told the paper.", "scrambled_20%": "Isabella Tree, who runs the Knepp estate in West Sussex, told The Times that animal spit si the sreect to ggiwnor fuller rose bushes. \u201cIf you collect some ilaman saliva, even if it\u2019s pony spit or emhotsgin, nda anoint htta tletil bti tath you cut with your secateurs, the eznmey in the spit, the plant can rade it nda it goes even crazier,\u201d she told the paper.", "scrambled_50%": "Isabella Tree, who srun hte Knepp estate in tWes Sussex, told The Times that analim spit si the sreect ot ggiwnor elrluf reos bhssue. \u201cIf uyo lolctec some ilaman aalvsi, eenv if it\u2019s pony psti or emhotsgin, nda anoint htta tletil bti tath you tuc ihwt your cuseetasr, the eznmey in the spit, the talnp nac rade it nda ti goes even crraize,\u201d she otld the paper.", "scrambled_100%": "laasbelI eerT, hwo srun hte npKpe etstea ni tWes usexSs, dtlo Teh Tmesi ttha analim ipst si teh sreect ot ggiwnor elrluf reos bhssue. \u201cfI uyo lolctec moes ilaman aalvsi, eenv fi ti\u2019s ypno psti ro emhotsgin, nda inotan htta tletil bti tath oyu tuc ihwt oury cuseetasr, het eznmey ni teh pits, hte talnp nac rade ti nda ti oegs enve crraize,\u201d ehs otld teh rpepa.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Ielablas Teer, woh rusn teh Kepnp etaets in Wset Ssxesu, tdol Teh Tmsie thta amlnia stpi is teh screte to gogiwnr flrule rseo busseh. \u201cIf yuo coctell semo anmlia saliav, enve if it\u2019s poyn spti or soitnmgeh, adn aoitnn ttha lietlt bti taht yuo ctu wthi yrou sasertuec, teh ezyenm in teh stip, teh ptaln cna rade it adn it gsoe eenv cezrria,\u201d seh tlod teh pprae.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Iellsaba Tere, who rnus the Kepnp eattse in Wset Ssesux, tlod The Teims taht aamnil sipt is the srecet to gwronig flelur rsoe bhsues. \u201cIf you ccloelt smoe anmail slivaa, eevn if it\u2019s pnoy sipt or smitnheog, and aonnit taht llitte bit taht you cut wtih yuor stracuees, the ezmyne in the sipt, the pnalt can raed it and it geos eevn cerazir,\u201d she tlod the ppear.", "substituted": "lPZtnnPv gkYE, nbZ GNYM EuZ zHFdI qRZdTV Xl GCfC QMMgYc, BBMs XPt FtOzH poHf AhXudv rHPg jV rem LIWcRr YP SxSDKQK WmRclX UPrQ srriCz. \u201cvA jNq mpEtAqJ WzRK HTeaYO uZwspX, GZzR ab sP\u2019s QOen VrBQ HK BNCfMMpEJ, rmQ gsvOjL mcKV BTggjI DBv fkrj UWE ZJi chDy ERif ySLQlZBEy, hLk NPZgUE Pj XYW uPuH, Dnm avQAh HGq hLgv RW DVQ QR hamx KSCQ NKGNTwA,\u201d MIW YIWj Glv bJXxm."} {"original": "It appears that Lamar Jackson, an MVP winner in 2019, is open to leaving his longtime home with the Baltimore Ravens. He requested a trade from the team this week.", "scrambled_20%": "It appears that Lamar Jackson, an MVP winner in 2019, is open ot leaving his longtime home iwth hte Baltimore Ravens. He udqeertes a datre from the emta this week.", "scrambled_50%": "It appears that Lamar Jackson, an MVP irnwen in 2019, si pnoe ot leaving ish longtime oehm iwth hte oreaitBlm esvaRn. eH udqeertes a datre from the emta this week.", "scrambled_100%": "tI repsaap htta amarL Jscokna, na VPM irnwen ni 2019, si pnoe ot iagnlve ish gielomnt oehm iwth hte oreaitBlm esvaRn. eH udqeertes a datre mofr eht emta itsh ekwe.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "It apprsea thta Laarm Jokcans, an MPV winern in 2019, is onep to ligeanv hsi loigemnt heom wtih teh Berlomita Rnaves. He redqestue a tedar fmor teh tmea tsih wkee.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "It aepraps taht Laamr Jokacsn, an MVP wennir in 2019, is oepn to levniag his lmnitoge hmoe wtih the Boimrtlae Rveans. He reeueqstd a tarde form the taem tihs week.", "substituted": "hA FDCfuST iwHK mUYlF UXFguIx, Dr zBn xDyJWi BL 2019, mM EXUa Yk khhtXIQ iPW vdirGlTd VNXL zgzM Ydf KRySSqKIU KfDDsR. BG aEnLFPldU a xNuPE gDvP dqZ FjmQ nyLC ktIv."} {"original": "Italy\u2019s ministry of culture says the new \u20ac5 entrance fee will go towards maintaining the Pantheon, but there are concerns over the new ticketing system which has proved difficult to access. Tourists have struggled at other sites where a fee has been introduced, such as the Colosseum, partly because tour operators buy up tickets in bulk.", "scrambled_20%": "Italy\u2019s ministry of culture says the new \u20ac5 entrance fee will go towards maintaining eth Pantheon, tbu reeht are concerns over teh wne ticketing system which has dpvreo difficult to access. Tourists have struggled at other etssi where a efe has been introduced, such as the lomeussCo, partly because urto eopartosr buy up tickets in bulk.", "scrambled_50%": "Italy\u2019s ministry of culture says the ewn \u20ac5 entrance fee will go sarwodt maintaining eth Pantheon, tbu reeht are eocrncns over teh wne ncgitktei tsyems which hsa dpvreo fciiltduf ot access. Tourists have struggled at other etssi where a efe ash eebn undecodirt, cshu as the lomeussCo, partly because urto eopartosr byu up ekstitc ni bulk.", "scrambled_100%": "lyIta\u2019s mryiints fo ctlueur ssya het ewn \u20ac5 ternanec fee llwi og sarwodt niniaianmgt eth oPehtnna, tbu reeht ear eocrncns eorv teh wne ncgitktei tsyems hwcih hsa dpvreo fciiltduf ot csecsa. trsuioTs ahev gltsdegru ta ohrte etssi rewhe a efe ash eebn undecodirt, cshu sa eth lomeussCo, lyarpt saecube urto eopartosr byu pu ekstitc ni ublk.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Ilyat\u2019s mnrsitiy of cerlutu sysa teh nwe \u20ac5 enntrcae fee wlil go twdsrao miinangtain teh Pnnhotae, btu theer aer cnsrnoec oerv teh nwe tngciikte styems wihhc hsa pvrdoe dlcfiftiu to asecsc. Tuisostr haev sgtrgedlu at oerht stesi werhe a fee hsa bnee iceurdntdo, scuh as teh Clsosuoem, patyrl beuseca trou oeopsrtra byu up tcestki in bkul.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Iltay\u2019s msiitnry of clurute syas the new \u20ac5 enntcare fee wlil go tdowars maniitnanig the Phaneotn, but trehe are ceornncs oevr the new tcekiting ssytem wichh has prvoed dlfuifict to accses. Tuoistrs hvae srgglteud at oethr seits wrhee a fee has been intuderocd, scuh as the Cseosluom, prtlay buaecse tuor otoperars buy up tktecis in bluk.", "substituted": "TWAUO\u2019s GGVCgfuB Jt rZAbWpg WdJP Uot Fvb \u20ac5 OgRKbpLL wvR mCib Km fjybvTJ JVThPvdcQBa bOR pnYFMQzB, BTg lWIeW fDl lXgOrimb QVLu sCY gvm KwIDHysJe WPRMQQ FUJiQ WbO HmZGKy azctdtsBA vD YmaAhQ. ycaTlFkK eHjU LGpMSRIcD nZ Zaqna aBSDC rcDng a AYP EVD TYEl eqncxrejCi, NAPW gz PJq ssEKlfWMH, kYNAav QnnfrJu yCWv CGzVIWaUk oQY TM UgUNEHc Fb Orgo."} {"original": "It\u2019s estimated that there were more than 3.9 million slaves in the United States as of 1860 \u2014 while only 500,000 Black individuals lived as free persons during that time.", "scrambled_20%": "It\u2019s estimated that there were more ntha 3.9 mlilnoi slaves in the United atSest as fo 1860 \u2014 while only 500,000 Black individuals lived as efre persons during that time.", "scrambled_50%": "tI\u2019s deiestmat ahtt there were emro ntha 3.9 mlilnoi slaves in the United atSest as fo 1860 \u2014 ewhli only 500,000 Black niiuvidslad lived sa efre persons during that tmei.", "scrambled_100%": "tI\u2019s deiestmat ahtt rthee rwee emro ntha 3.9 mlilnoi savsle ni het etinUd atSest sa fo 1860 \u2014 ewhli nloy 500,000 lkBac niiuvidslad vdlie sa efre erossnp drugni atth tmei.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "It\u2019s eiatdetms ttha teehr weer meor thna 3.9 mloinil svelas in teh Udneti Seastt as of 1860 \u2014 welhi onyl 500,000 Baclk iisuindvadl lvide as fere pesrosn dnguri ttah tmie.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "It\u2019s etasemitd taht terhe wree mroe tahn 3.9 mliolin savles in the Untied Sattes as of 1860 \u2014 wilhe olny 500,000 Baclk iuandlidivs lveid as fere psoenrs drinug taht tmie.", "substituted": "tx\u2019s JdLEHeoom WvdC uWhCY roqv DNqi DDkq 3.9 dnScqbi fNqezq ao ToW yNdarc VPIdQZ wL UF 1860 \u2014 MUdar QgqB 500,000 dgsKO hIAcWScERbe DVHKp Dk eZPG xqsOVVm sTSUNj zUid mPWd."} {"original": "Jacksonville, Florida, had the most forgotten items, including phones, wallets, keys, jewelry and headphones, according to Uber\u2019s report. San Antonio, Texas, and Palm Springs, California, took the second and third spots, respectively.", "scrambled_20%": "Jacksonville, Florida, had the most ongteotrf items, including phones, wallets, syke, jewelry and headphones, according to erbU\u2019s orrpet. San Antonio, Texas, and Palm Springs, ialCnoifar, took the second and third spots, ecrievpelsyt.", "scrambled_50%": "Jacksonville, diroFal, adh eth tmos ongteotrf items, including phones, wallets, syke, jewelry nad headphones, nodcrcgia to erbU\u2019s orrpet. San Antonio, Texas, dan mPal Springs, ialCnoifar, took the second dna trhid spots, ecrievpelsyt.", "scrambled_100%": "aesivlJkncol, diroFal, adh eth tmos ongteotrf ismte, unlngdcii oehnps, ltslwea, syke, eyejrwl nad nhhdpeeosa, nodcrcgia ot erbU\u2019s orrpet. Sna Aiotnno, xTsae, dan mPal pnSrgsi, ialCnoifar, toko het onesdc dna trhid tspso, ecrievpelsyt.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Jkvsioalencl, Fildaor, hda teh msto ferognott imtse, inliugndc peonsh, westlla, kyes, jelrywe adn hpsodenahe, acnrcigdo to Uerb\u2019s rrptoe. Sna Anoinot, Taexs, adn Plma Ssrnpgi, Caoriiflna, toko teh soncde adn thrid sotsp, rytpivecseel.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Jsnioclklave, Fdrolia, had the msot fotrgoten iemts, inniucdlg pnheos, waltles, kyes, jeewlry and honepeahds, aonicrcdg to Uebr\u2019s rreopt. San Annoito, Taxes, and Plam Sinrgps, Crloifnaia, took the socend and trihd stpos, rvpiselteecy.", "substituted": "TPiSRcvtqKYa, ZsdUOFi, bJk hod wrzr wWKHUuBDi BSXAa, NIKLYNZFx JjXJbT, RHcsfdM, KXVE, Cnxhfgo BJJ BmNGfOEgJC, ZaxqFaWyj Yv uQvJ\u2019s finmPe. xXU ajcaqvp, Gaieo, mbb KbmM eDiaXTH, ppxKYdRrxS, xQUI GGh vOqzAo Kmw QrIzq xEYwv, PflvQoTRnrZL."} {"original": "Japan will soon begin releasing radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the ocean as space runs out to contain the contaminated material. Japan\u2019s government said the treated water will be highly diluted and safely released slowly over decades. But some experts and residents are concerned that diluting the water might not be enough to reduce its impact on marine life and local communities.", "scrambled_20%": "Japan will snoo begin releasing ctiavreodai trawe from the Fukushima nuclear plant into eth aenco as space runs out ot contain the contaminated material. Japan\u2019s tnnrvomeeg dias the eterdat water will be highly diluted nda safely released slowly over decades. But esmo experts and residents are concerned that diluting hte water gtimh not be enough to reduce its impact on marine life and local communities.", "scrambled_50%": "Japan illw snoo begin releasing ctiavreodai trawe from het Fukushima nuclear atnlp into eth aenco as aepcs runs tou ot contain the ecandtmnatio lmiertaa. Japan\u2019s tnnrvomeeg dias the eterdat ewtra will be highly diluted nda safely deraelse owslyl over easecdd. But esmo tsxrepe and residents are ndcreoecn ttha diluting hte water gtimh otn eb enough ot reduce its impact no marine ilef and local communities.", "scrambled_100%": "aJnpa illw snoo gnbie aeineglrs ctiavreodai trawe rofm het muhskiaFu laenurc atnlp niot eth aenco sa aepcs unrs tou ot inncoat hte ecandtmnatio lmiertaa. pnaJa\u2019s tnnrvomeeg dias eth eterdat ewtra lwli eb yhghil tduiled nda lyfeas deraelse owslyl revo easecdd. uBt esmo tsxrepe nda rsedniste rea ndcreoecn ttha gdlntiui hte treaw gtimh otn eb enhuog ot ruceed sit ipacmt no mrinae ilef nda lalco ctumseoiimn.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Jpana wlil sono bengi raniesgel rvaceidtaoi wtear fmro teh Fauismukh nrauelc panlt iont teh oneac as speca rsun otu to cnontai teh camottednnai melrtaia. Jaanp\u2019s gnrmveoten sida teh tderaet werta will be hhligy dleiudt adn sfalye rdeleaes sowyll oerv dcesdea. Btu smeo eexpsrt adn reisentds aer cncordnee ttha dgtnuiil teh waetr mitgh nto be eghuon to redcue ist icpamt on mneria leif adn lloac ciotsmiuemn.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Jpaan wlil soon bgien rsleinaeg roiciavtdae wtear form the Fmhiuskua naeclur pnlat itno the oaecn as scpae rnus out to cinoatn the cnmttenaoaid meatiral. Jaapn\u2019s gnmoenrevt siad the ttreead wtear wlil be hghliy dleuitd and sfaely reeaesld sllowy oevr decedas. But smoe etxerps and rtsenedis are crnoeencd taht diitlung the waetr mhgit not be eugnoh to rceude its iapcmt on mrinae lfie and lcaol ciitnummoes.", "substituted": "azjWg AHvm QzDl cUoCo orxcDytMI KTIdxZVBQWb ClADN zwml kdy VPomGQcLI JATosyt IXRdN TEUR aqC BpLGF qr BYGJH Fapa XHD sc lHbEjej XJg RTieTsUcvWQi BTyfTRji. rPwvh\u2019s PeZyJDjDKI HOxG kUF XPVhOyi lDuHc qbCG xX ksWUpX XrNLMXA kfE pUWbtE FvvlKxQb zuAgMT fNsR IkGFcGJ. zIK Tzdi QaZSuZj IPG vwgQXRZZD Etv zmJXaRYgu QSfT zqJmJsvm cPL VsaVS CgBCD Yfl rr ugAgBg bX LsbLNz VTe LbePqR Uh OeIkjj qxPm ssX zwdeI ySaFlpdNGOd."} {"original": "John Adams served as the first vice president of the US under George Washington and later served one term as the second president of the US.", "scrambled_20%": "John Adams served sa the first vice president fo the US under George Washington dan later drseev one term as the second president of hte US.", "scrambled_50%": "John Adams redesv sa the first vice teidpsenr fo the SU nuerd George Washington dan eltra drseev neo remt as hte second president of hte US.", "scrambled_100%": "oJnh asdAm redesv sa het itfsr ivec teidpsenr fo eth SU nuerd erGoeg nigthoasWn dan eltra drseev neo remt sa hte ecodns rdtsnepie fo hte SU.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Jnoh Aasmd sevrde as teh ftsri vcei pdnteeisr of teh US uenrd Ggereo Wnahsntiog adn ltrae sredve oen trme as teh scndoe pneedrtis of teh US.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Jhon Amads severd as the fsirt vcie pedrsniet of the US uednr Gregoe Wghasinotn and ltear sveerd one trem as the snceod pdiresent of the US.", "substituted": "oXSp ofVKh fjJlbS oV rFB lwAPK pJlm aCJzdZXTG Uv zaq ed SWvbf DDxUGo CfTpcWKlUr Mkn WQqWR jGjoMr tlY HCTH lc hnD cardzt AtJTLIgAw wC BYd oh."} {"original": "Jon Rahm won the 2023 Masters Tournament on Sunday at Augusta National Golf Club, clinching his first green jacket and second career major.", "scrambled_20%": "Jon Rahm won the 2023 aesMsrt Tournament on Sunday at Augusta National Golf uCbl, nghcnciil shi first green jacket and second career major.", "scrambled_50%": "Jon Rahm won eth 2023 aesMsrt Tournament on Sunday at ustaAgu National loGf uCbl, nghcnciil shi first green jacket dan snoced eecrar ajorm.", "scrambled_100%": "nJo mRah now eth 2023 aesMsrt nomuaeTtrn no ydnSua ta ustaAgu altiNona loGf uCbl, nghcnciil shi fsrti ernge ketcja dan snoced eecrar ajorm.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Jno Rmha wno teh 2023 Maertss Taomteunrn on Sduyna at Asuagut Nlonitaa Glfo Cblu, clcihngni hsi fstri geenr jkacet adn sdecon crreea mjora.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Jon Rham won the 2023 Msetras Truanmoent on Snaudy at Atusgua Naontial Glof Culb, cihlncing his frist geren jekcat and seoncd ceearr mojar.", "substituted": "DRM gIVw dwh TtZ 2023 viZrFHe iKoJAHErBb cN aPTynm wb qrpRFkW ARkMIWbP nThZ FFrt, kuDsjJKwb wRZ RbonZ lQUYc xCJhgW tWo qJzwLM gNvaEW aUqvI."} {"original": "Jonathan Jacob Meijer is facing a lawsuit brought by the Netherland\u2019s DonorKind Foundation on behalf of 25 families who claim he may have increased the risk of accidental incest and inbreeding by defying guidelines limiting sperm donations.", "scrambled_20%": "Jonathan Jacob irjeeM is facing a lawsuit brought by the Netherland\u2019s DonorKind ndianFouot on behalf fo 25 families who claim he aym veha increased teh risk fo accidental incest and inbreeding by defying guidelines limiting sperm donations.", "scrambled_50%": "hnaJaton Jacob irjeeM si facing a lawsuit brought by the detrehNnla\u2019s DoKnroidn ndianFouot on lhefab fo 25 families who aimlc he aym veha adseinerc teh rsik fo ailcndaetc incest adn inbreeding yb defying guidelines limiting sperm donations.", "scrambled_100%": "hnaJaton ocJab irjeeM si igcnaf a wlaistu rothbgu yb teh detrehNnla\u2019s DoKnroidn ndianFouot no lhefab fo 25 alsemfii owh aimlc eh aym veha adseinerc teh rsik fo ailcndaetc scietn adn nnrbdeiige yb fdgnyie unileeisdg gtmiinil pmrse osotnandi.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Jaanhtno Joabc Mejeri is fgnaic a lwiutas bguorht by teh Nharedletn\u2019s DnordiKon Fuinndoaot on belfha of 25 felaimis woh cailm he mya heav iesdceran teh riks of adccnelait icsten adn ibrdneengi by dnfgyie gdeelnsiui liigntim srpme daintonos.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Jtnaaohn Jaocb Mieejr is fniacg a lswaiut burohgt by the Nrleeahntd\u2019s DrooiKnnd Fondiotaun on blehaf of 25 filiemas who cliam he may hvae irsaneecd the rsik of atnaiccedl isenct and ierndneibg by dynifeg giiuenleds lniiitmg serpm dninaotos.", "substituted": "mdUmQbcA ttpOU qVRAhx GF bHbrxE a gyUQSap CEZBXXP MV Wxl XccNNJxXkw\u2019s LgimwuteZ HXazjVQXDo sJ rKlUkq QX 25 ByaZDDNg ETr lGxyA vK RtG pGGh sIxspQzVN bbZ tBBG Ro MoFIxotNHn feshjN zdO QJhYaEHLuc XP ERwlIOT obWvONKwsZ EtFYDphV uECfR vvDhOFDdx."} {"original": "Juice is due to spend at least three years exploring Jupiter and three of its moons. \u201cPerhaps the most exciting information\u201d that the mission will provide relates to the \u201cunderground oceans of liquid water\u201d on these moons \u2013 Europa, Ganymede and Callisto \u2013 which \u201ccould support life\u201d, said Mike Sori, assistant professor of planetary science at Purdue University.", "scrambled_20%": "Juice is due to spend at least three sreya irnxgepol Jupiter and three fo its moons. \u201cPerhaps het most exciting information\u201d that the mission will provide eesaltr to the \u201cunderground oceans of liquid water\u201d no these oonsm \u2013 Europa, Ganymede and Callisto \u2013 which \u201codcul support life\u201d, said Mike Sori, assistant professor fo atlyernpa science ta Purdue University.", "scrambled_50%": "iceJu is eud to dpnes at salet eehrt sreya irnxgepol Jupiter and three fo its nmoso. \u201cPerhaps het tsmo exciting information\u201d that hte mission liwl provide eesaltr to eth \u201cunderground oceans fo liquid water\u201d no ehtse oonsm \u2013 Europa, Ganymede and Callisto \u2013 which \u201codcul utpoprs ifle\u201d, sdai Mike Sori, stiaatsns professor fo atlyernpa science ta Purdue eiitsvUnyr.", "scrambled_100%": "iceJu si eud ot dpnes ta salet eehrt sreya irnxgepol pureiJt adn hteer fo sti nmoso. \u201chrsPape het tsmo xctiegni mnfiroiaotn\u201d htat hte ssmnioi liwl dvpeiro eesaltr ot eth \u201cdunuerngdor aoencs fo diliqu etwra\u201d no ehtse oonsm \u2013 prEoau, Gyemneda dna sllitaoC \u2013 hichw \u201codcul utpoprs ifle\u201d, sdai Meik Sior, stiaatsns prsoefsro fo atlyernpa icneces ta reuudP eiitsvUnyr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Juiec is deu to sendp at ltesa tereh yarse elxgrponi Jietpur adn trhee of ist monso. \u201cPrhspea teh mtso einxicgt irominoatnf\u201d ttha teh mnsiiso wlil pvierod rtlesae to teh \u201cudnourdgnre ocanse of ldiiuq waret\u201d on teehs monso \u2013 Eopaur, Geamdeyn adn Cstollia \u2013 wchhi \u201ccudol srptpou leif\u201d, sida Mkie Sior, atnssstai psroroefs of plratnyae sneceic at Pruued Uvsrineyti.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Jcuie is due to snped at lesat tehre yraes eplxniorg Jptueir and terhe of its mnoos. \u201cPreaphs the msot eintxicg ianfoiormtn\u201d taht the misiosn wlil pvrodie rleteas to the \u201cudergnnuord oecnas of liqiud wtaer\u201d on teshe mnoos \u2013 Epuroa, Geymande and Cstalilo \u2013 wichh \u201cculod sorpupt lfie\u201d, siad Mkie Sroi, aanistsst pofrseosr of ptnlaeray scniece at Prduue Uniirstvey.", "substituted": "Gxarf Ec Bqu KD LwDeB tb LlxMs SilJg NUquG vQXFUMDxC QJFPGzg LHa BPaHJ RE qRM YvNCO. \u201cRLMZivS Wjn wvZB hVrvQfcs XkbAyDXMBSi\u201d MODd zDN JGxXrTh gGzF wPspBpj shpvOHA ey ycc \u201ctxRcJReYqCt gyRQlB im TuVyvT jUyVu\u201d Eb TaiVP aiyfH \u2013 lnYfVB, mlslwSjZ upZ mSLxVNhn \u2013 PuGxn \u201coJaVp imgZqAu ePsU\u201d, ZjGP fEyV UeyL, GXUBvIjGS vatniKEZC wC yBHMJXXtU gCZUiFU mU SSSqOs WTwtysByam."} {"original": "Juneteenth is also referred to as Freedom Day, along with Emancipation Day and Jubilee Day.", "scrambled_20%": "Jteehentnu is also referred ot as Freedom Day, along with atnnaimoipcE Day and Jubilee Day.", "scrambled_50%": "Jteehentnu is olsa referred ot sa eedomFr Day, aglon with atnnaimoipcE yDa and Jubilee Day.", "scrambled_100%": "Jteehentnu si olsa rrderefe ot sa eedomFr ayD, aglon ihwt atnnaimoipcE yDa nad ebluiJe yDa.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Jeeuenntth is aslo rerfedre to as Frdomee Dya, aonlg whit Eaitancponim Dya adn Jlueeib Dya.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Jeeuenttnh is aslo rrereefd to as Foeredm Day, alnog wtih Emitcpioanan Day and Jeiuble Day.", "substituted": "TnzRxDFoMq su TjdE HgZKVMut Nw Qt kEsgvha RDh, VappW AajV oFksZExpGjUi UmS IEb ybVlUYT uCu."} {"original": "King George III is widely remembered for two things: losing the American colonies and going mad \u2013 although the former may be a bit unfair, as he did not develop the policies which led to the colonists\u2019 war with England.", "scrambled_20%": "ingK George III is widely remembered for owt things: lgonis the American colonies and going mad \u2013 although eht former may eb a bit unfair, as eh did not develop the policies which edl to eth colonists\u2019 war with England.", "scrambled_50%": "ingK George III si widely remembered rfo owt things: lgonis the American colonies dna ngiog mad \u2013 although eht former may eb a tbi unfair, sa eh idd not develop the policies iwhhc edl ot eth colonists\u2019 war with lEngdan.", "scrambled_100%": "ingK orgeGe III si weilyd remrbdeeme rfo owt itgnsh: lgonis eth anrmcAei elsionoc dna ngiog amd \u2013 lhutoagh eht emrfro aym eb a tbi riufan, sa eh idd nto dvpeole hte pscilieo iwhhc edl ot eth slotscoin\u2019 rwa tihw lEngdan.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Kngi Ggeore III is welyid remmeerbed fro tow tishng: lsgoni teh Aircemna cloesoni adn gonig mda \u2013 aluhtogh teh frmreo mya be a bti ufanir, as he ddi nto dvolpee teh piiloecs wchih lde to teh ctosiolns\u2019 wra wthi Enlndga.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Knig Grgoee III is wleidy reeerbmemd for two tnighs: loinsg the Aimcraen cnoeolis and ginog mad \u2013 aoughtlh the femorr may be a bit ufinar, as he did not dvloeep the piicleos wihch led to the ciostolns\u2019 war wtih Elgnnad.", "substituted": "zRol TWBEJO auY al KDDmYs jXZbALKsDU Lzp aZb TxlLMJ: kGwcFE iDM TMuSxvjY JGkrxHJv tif cdLsE xym \u2013 DmoaWQWN XdN HSbOEZ XyH ZY a Url PEwHTi, qQ pi Wzr mTn SmdUwXa nIa hXnGwWIS DekGD ugO Ez RAC rzSRLEdZY\u2019 KSS Iysz UGLLAha."} {"original": "Lab testing for a powdery substance found at the White House on Sunday came back positive for cocaine, a spokesman for the Secret Service said. The substance was found near the entrance to the West Wing, a location where staff-led tours of the White House pass through on their way into the building.", "scrambled_20%": "baL testing for a powdery nbsseactu found at the White House on Sunday came back positive for cocaine, a skeoaspnm fro the Secret Service said. The substance was found near the entrance to het West Wing, a location where staff-led ruost of het White House pass htguhor on their way toni the lbudiing.", "scrambled_50%": "baL testing rof a rydopew nbsseactu donuf ta eth eWhti eHosu no nSduay caem ckab positive for acncioe, a skeoaspnm fro the Secret Service said. The betnussac wsa found near the entrance to het West Wing, a location where staff-led ruost of het White House sspa htguhor on their way toni eth lbudiing.", "scrambled_100%": "baL tgnesti rof a rydopew nbsseactu donuf ta eth eWhti eHosu no nSduay caem ckab ovietips rof acncioe, a skeoaspnm fro het eetcrS reiScev sida. eTh betnussac wsa nufdo rnea het tnenecra ot het eWts igWn, a aincloot wreeh fstaf-edl ruost fo het hieWt Hsueo sspa htguhor no heirt awy toni eth lbudiing.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Lba tgntesi fro a prwdeoy sbtuscnae fnoud at teh Wehti Huoes on Snyuda cmea bkca peisotvi fro ccioean, a sanpmoesk fro teh Srctee Svrciee sida. Teh sutcbasne wsa fnodu naer teh ecnnater to teh Wets Wngi, a lioacnot whree sffta-lde turos of teh Wetih Hesou pssa tuhgorh on terhi wya inot teh bldnigiu.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Lab tnestig for a prweody ssuntcbae funod at the Wihte Hsuoe on Sudany cmae bcak piovitse for cocinae, a smoaspken for the Seecrt Siecvre siad. The snsaubcte was funod naer the ectarnne to the Wset Wnig, a lcatoion wrehe stfaf-led trous of the Wihte Hsuoe psas tourghh on teihr way itno the biiulndg.", "substituted": "pId cuNmSWJ ijo a UZugkvq APQlMnqhk DDZLn YH aVQ BtLIf jhPGl Hl xTBTUd zxbG sowg cVAvXkMa pkq otOgGvW, a BXAvpihbM icS vXB Qmsvrz IhLahbH YKHV. eAB MjSMlZpbG isi GylKx jvBe kwy RgLGQtHz mQ AqV NiAQ ACIm, a VZzjsemW GtnRZ MSUwL-Hyz hRIIq rt DsL hdviL BFXkk okWh GzgXxZv xK ZmpcY TCD pEpH JYv WQgYxIBO."} {"original": "Labor Day is a day to honor and recognize the American labor movement, and although it\u2019s not actually the last day of summer, it\u2019s often called the \u201cunofficial end\u201d as it marks the end of the cultural summer season \u2014 and the end of this quiz!.", "scrambled_20%": "braLo ayD is a day to onroh nad recognize the American labor movement, and ltahguho it\u2019s not actually the last day of summer, it\u2019s often dlealc the \u201cunofficial end\u201d as it marks het end fo the cultural summer season \u2014 and the ned of this quiz!.", "scrambled_50%": "braLo ayD is a day to onroh nad nzgroeeic the American labor etmeonvm, dan ltahguho ti\u2019s tno actually the last day fo smurme, it\u2019s often dlealc the \u201cunofficial ned\u201d sa ti marks het nde fo the cultural summer season \u2014 and het ned of this ziqu!.", "scrambled_100%": "braLo ayD si a dya ot onroh nad nzgroeeic eth acmeinrA bolra etmeonvm, dan ltahguho ti\u2019s tno lyutaacl het aslt yda fo smurme, ti\u2019s ftoen dlealc het \u201cuciaolfnfi ned\u201d sa ti skarm het nde fo het arlctuul smurme aeonss \u2014 nda het ned fo htsi ziqu!.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Lboar Dya is a dya to hoorn adn rozgincee teh Aeinrmac lraob meentomv, adn ahotughl it\u2019s nto atlylacu teh ltas dya of semrum, it\u2019s oetnf cdalle teh \u201cualicofifn edn\u201d as it mrask teh edn of teh cutarllu srumme snesao \u2014 adn teh edn of thsi quzi!.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Lboar Day is a day to hoonr and rzcneigoe the Acrmeain lboar mnemeovt, and auogthlh it\u2019s not acutllay the lsat day of smemur, it\u2019s oeftn caleld the \u201cuficinaofl end\u201d as it mkras the end of the cartuull smemur ssaoen \u2014 and the end of tihs qiuz!.", "substituted": "MrEJE mUj YF a DGz zI JHHpc NYJ QWvrQTmPw kmP zkxxCKFe Mkvyi iUnqeZTR, kGg ldmYrmrJ XP\u2019s lBA xFBfhdSk GEX mYCe Tow lG zLzXsC, ma\u2019s VVqYS XnofIY nzm \u201cpjnCdqltdT SbP\u201d dm PM LsRHu cYy mcv Vi TaO zkYjztrJ iiKbMu hgmOsv \u2014 oXo llp cVE bn PHXy WAdB!."} {"original": "Las Vegas police have reopened their investigation into the murder of Tupac Shakur. The rapper was shot in September 1996, aged just 25, in what has become one of America\u2019s most notorious unsolved murder cases. Police raided a house in Henderson, 15 miles southeast of the city, seizing computers, hard drives and pictures, according to ABC News.", "scrambled_20%": "Las Vegas police veah reopened their investigation iont the murder of Tupac Shakur. hTe rapper was shot in September 1996, aged just 25, in hwta has eocbem one fo America\u2019s most notorious unsolved rdmrue cases. Police raided a house in Henderson, 15 slmie sttehsauo of the city, seizing computers, hard drives and spceriut, according to CAB News.", "scrambled_50%": "asL Vegas ecplio veah reopened rhiet evianiginttso iont teh durmre of Tupac Shakur. hTe aprrep was shot in September 1996, daeg just 25, in hwta has eocbem eno fo America\u2019s most notorious unsolved rdmrue cases. Police adiedr a esohu ni Henderson, 15 slmie sttehsauo fo the city, zisneig computers, hard virdes nad spceriut, according to CAB News.", "scrambled_100%": "asL eVasg ecplio veah eorpende rhiet evianiginttso iont teh durmre fo Tpacu rauhSk. hTe aprrep wsa tosh ni ebrSpetme 1996, daeg tusj 25, ni hwta ash eocbem eno fo eiarcmA\u2019s mtos runotoiso vuldneos rdmrue secsa. eoclPi adiedr a esohu ni nnesedHro, 15 slmie sttehsauo fo het ytci, zisneig prteuocsm, drha virdes nad spceriut, ancrdgcio ot CAB eNws.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Lsa Vseag poicel haev rpeeeodn trhei inoiiavtesngt iont teh muredr of Tpcau Srkahu. Teh reprpa wsa stho in Sepebemrt 1996, adge jstu 25, in wtah hsa bmecoe oen of Aacrime\u2019s mots niootrsuo usnlveod mdurre csesa. Poleic rediad a houes in Hedsnonre, 15 mesli saetutsoh of teh ctyi, sienigz cmtproues, hrda deirsv adn psueritc, argncocid to ACB Nwse.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Las Vgaes ploice hvae reeenopd thier iisaotgienvtn itno the meurdr of Tapuc Saukhr. The rpaper was soht in Setepbemr 1996, aegd jsut 25, in waht has bcemoe one of Acmreia\u2019s msot ntoruioos uovnlesd mduerr ceass. Pclioe rediad a huose in Hneoserdn, 15 mleis stueosaht of the ctiy, snieizg crptouems, hrad dveirs and peurcits, adicnrocg to ABC Nwes.", "substituted": "lzy ChlxT NIzWJr Qiim eWIXWkJV sfglv XwVDWRLeWiIpZ REFq VvJ GSmTbY su yXSJW TmQmbC. CKL AlDcMe NZp MekN PE NJmkFPNjM 1996, qEBN LsbR 25, bu xxjf amb UIZFpl ruJ Tu LRFxBKs\u2019s xDJb ggILfBXxq bmcpFJxS uMmrKy BtDwc. aBbCvo CNHPOe a HpKcZ tv bcvJyVNOW, 15 PFvBG nzDLqyNFz zj AEk dIQY, kGJAMMB wMQvtRopj, WKdV gjtDvl oKy jHuQiqQf, wBUDAcAZp pn naW jcvR."} {"original": "Latest research by Which? found that Aldi has remained the cheapest supermarket since May 2022, with an average basket of goods costing \u00a368.60 last month. Lidl was just behind at \u00a370.51, while Waitrose was the most expensive, at \u00a386.91.", "scrambled_20%": "Latest research by Whcih? fudno that Aldi ahs remained eth cheapest supermarket since yaM 2022, with na average basket fo goods costing \u00a368.60 last month. Lidl was just behind at \u00a370.51, while Waitrose was the most expensive, at \u00a386.91.", "scrambled_50%": "testLa research yb Whcih? fudno that Aldi ahs remained eth cheapest seetakurrmp icens yaM 2022, ithw na average basket fo goods osngcti \u00a368.60 last tomhn. Lidl asw stju behind ta \u00a370.51, while Waitrose was the most xepeinesv, at \u00a386.91.", "scrambled_100%": "testLa esrhreac yb Whcih? fudno atht dilA ahs erimdaen eth csheaept seetakurrmp icens yaM 2022, ithw na rgeeaav aetskb fo dgoso osngcti \u00a368.60 lsta tomhn. ldLi asw stju hbeidn ta \u00a370.51, eilwh setoWair swa eht tsom xepeinesv, ta \u00a386.91.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Ltaset rreahsec by Wchih? fnduo tath Aidl hsa redeainm teh cteeahsp setaumekrpr scein Mya 2022, whti an aeavgre bsetka of gsdoo conigst \u00a368.60 lsta mhont. Llid wsa jtus bhdeni at \u00a370.51, welhi Wtoeirsa wsa teh msot eenvsxeip, at \u00a386.91.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ltaset racreseh by Wihch? fnuod taht Adli has raienemd the cpseahet sreruekampt scine May 2022, wtih an arvgeae bekast of gdoos cisontg \u00a368.60 lsat mntoh. Ldil was jsut benihd at \u00a370.51, wilhe Wosatrie was the msot esienvxpe, at \u00a386.91.", "substituted": "hGSZck QOLXKcza Hh xZmUD? mHlZY TgyT ODNL nWI yvaijtSo opr kCxDqwgF GvnxnUMOwFn YkmxX QDP 2022, qlkp pj qLGNqnr xZlncw Jr kDWrc NTJUJOs \u00a368.60 eWLX hVLdt. dhiX zJd mQJm WgwKZN ch \u00a370.51, HEDIL syWYZfgP vwM IHw ihRD dKcjJwQJx, tx \u00a386.91."} {"original": "Leto dressed up as Legerfeld\u2019s famed cat Choupette for the gala in New York on Monday, which was themed on the late fashion designer.", "scrambled_20%": "Leto dssreed up as Legerfeld\u2019s famed cat uetpethCo for the agal in New okYr on Monday, which was themed on teh late fashion designer.", "scrambled_50%": "Leto dssreed pu as Legerfeld\u2019s famed tca uetpethCo for the agal in New okYr no Mandyo, which was ehtdme on teh late soniafh sgeinerd.", "scrambled_100%": "eotL dssreed pu sa delerLfge\u2019s mfdea tca uetpethCo orf het agal ni ewN okYr no Mandyo, cwhih wsa ehtdme no teh elat soniafh sgeinerd.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Ltoe dreseds up as Lrefdglee\u2019s fdema cta Cehtoupet fro teh gaal in Nwe Yokr on Mdayno, wichh wsa tdheme on teh leat fionsah deinsrge.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Lteo deerssd up as Llefreegd\u2019s fmead cat Coepthute for the glaa in New Yrok on Mdonay, wchih was tmeehd on the ltae fahison dsgenier.", "substituted": "frgz uIYGCEJ Aa LT cALXPHhJF\u2019s sbxyr Hle owPmGuCHJ wia GtT PxDE GM gTP cWOg Ug tPTcpT, gexhk bgu UrluCy Vd ImS VUHw XkZyLrx crSIGIJP."} {"original": "Liz Truss\u2019s brief reign reportedly cost taxpayers nearly \u00a334,000 a day in compensation payments to sacked ministers, advisers and officials. Official data shows that special advisers were paid a total of \u00a32.9 million in severance awards when their bosses were given the boot. Truss herself received \u00a318,660 in severance pay, after her mini-budget sparked chaos in the financial markets.", "scrambled_20%": "Liz Truss\u2019s brief reign reportedly cost ptryeasxa nearly \u00a334,000 a day in compensation payments to sacked ministers, advisers and officials. laffOiic adat hssow that caieslp advisers were ipda a total of \u00a32.9 million in nrcavesee awards enhw their bosses weer given the boot. Truss herself received \u00a318,660 ni severance pay, ftaer her mini-budget sparked chaos in the financial markets.", "scrambled_50%": "Liz Truss\u2019s brefi reign reportedly cost ptryeasxa nearly \u00a334,000 a day in snotmopceian sentyapm ot sacked irisemtsn, dvaseisr and officials. laffOiic adat hssow that caieslp advisers were ipda a total of \u00a32.9 million ni nrcavesee wrsdaa enhw their sebsso weer vieng the boot. uTsrs herself evedcrie \u00a318,660 ni aenrsveec pay, ftaer reh iimn-budget sdkapre chaos in eth financial markets.", "scrambled_100%": "izL Tsrsu\u2019s brefi egnir proldreyte osct ptryeasxa narley \u00a334,000 a yda ni snotmopceian sentyapm ot daeskc irisemtsn, dvaseisr dan fciaislof. laffOiic adat hssow thta caieslp isaedrvs erwe ipda a altot fo \u00a32.9 loiminl ni nrcavesee wrsdaa enhw heirt sebsso weer vieng eth btoo. uTsrs selehrf evedcrie \u00a318,660 ni aenrsveec ayp, ftaer reh iimn-ebgtud sdkapre sohca ni eth anilcnaif rsamtke.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Lzi Tssur\u2019s bfrie rineg relreydtop cots taysrapxe nlyrae \u00a334,000 a dya in cosnnipomate pmtnysae to sckdae msersitin, avdseisr adn olfacsifi. Oaffcili daat shsow ttah sapicle asdrsevi weer pida a ttola of \u00a32.9 mlionli in sreevnaec aradws wneh teihr bessos wree gvine teh btoo. Tsrsu hflsere rveieedc \u00a318,660 in senrcaeev pya, aetrf hre mnii-bguted sadrepk casoh in teh fanliicna mektsra.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Liz Tusrs\u2019s bierf riegn rletedorpy csot traexpays nrelay \u00a334,000 a day in cpooieasntmn pmntyeas to sckead mnisrties, ardviess and oifcialfs. Oififacl dtaa sohws taht spiaecl asdirevs wree piad a ttaol of \u00a32.9 miollin in sencevrae aradws wehn tiher boesss wree geivn the boot. Turss hlesref rceeievd \u00a318,660 in svecerane pay, aeftr her mnii-beudgt srpkead caohs in the faainnicl mketars.", "substituted": "nSQ JmPLd\u2019s xBFmA pjQlb jMWEGZnCjX WbaP WCXvNDrUo SDZKGo \u00a334,000 a ydq pO ARFzEobnEoSx TTkpiSAU YH MdRKZE yXvAxmlUc, RJkvrSui XNK lEICpUtUE. LCsydLNe aOfc LnBYg YYQM Ofkytbr tpCgiEqC aKhN boBV a KeuEV uU \u00a32.9 tHuHzlN pk kQiGUNQdc CawZSv SMJs wfwlK ZvfrYd QoSu AboUw qRx sZyP. JwtbK xwpXFUe ukXOxVmp \u00a318,660 xH cZWScdREx Nwp, upaGp KwW SFlw-KRmPGD TAFNTlZ ZRtju hw mSN GkNqchWMk BTKmmnV."} {"original": "London-based Russian investigations group the Dossier Center offered a rare glimpse into the private life of Vladimir Putin, obtaining photos of his lavish 22-carriage \u201cghost train\u201d, equipped with what appear to be \u201canti-ageing machines\u201d. Other features include a fully equipped Turkish bath steam room and a massage parlour.", "scrambled_20%": "London-saedb Rainssu investigations group the Dossier Center offered a rare egmspli tnoi the private life of Vladimir Punti, obtaining ptosho of his visalh 22-carriage \u201cghost train\u201d, equipped with what appear to be \u201canti-aniegg nhamisce\u201d. Other features include a fully equipped Turkish bath steam room and a massage parlour.", "scrambled_50%": "London-saedb Rainssu investigations gpuro the Dossier Center offered a rare egmspli tnoi the vapitre life of mlViirad Punti, obtaining ptosho of his visalh 22-carriage \u201cghost train\u201d, peiqepdu thwi what appear ot eb \u201cniat-aniegg nhamisce\u201d. Other features cdeilun a fully deepqpui rTkisuh abht steam romo nda a massage urlprao.", "scrambled_100%": "Ldnnoo-saedb Rainssu gvnietasitnsoi gpuro eth iDoress treneC odfrefe a rear egmspli tnoi eth vapitre ilfe fo mlViirad Punti, ognbtinai ptosho fo ihs visalh 22-rcgaaier \u201coshgt rnait\u201d, peiqepdu thwi thwa areapp ot eb \u201cniat-aniegg nhamisce\u201d. rhOte uteersaf cdeilun a lylfu deepqpui rTkisuh abht asmet romo nda a ssmaaeg urlprao.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Lnoond-bdase Risunsa iintsntigsoeav guorp teh Deosirs Cetren oredeff a rrea gipselm itno teh patierv lief of Vlridami Ptiun, oinabngti ptoosh of hsi liashv 22-crgaiera \u201cgstoh tarni\u201d, epqepidu wthi waht aeppar to be \u201caint-anggei mahisnec\u201d. Orhte fuerstea iucelnd a flylu eiqdpepu Truikhs bhat smeta rmoo adn a mgaseas poarlur.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ldoonn-bsead Rssiaun ivngtsniietoas gourp the Deoissr Ctneer ofeefrd a rrae gmpslie itno the pirtave lfie of Viidmalr Ptiun, obinntaig pohots of his lsavih 22-caarrige \u201cgsoht tairn\u201d, epqeiupd wtih waht aeppar to be \u201catni-ainegg mneahics\u201d. Oehtr fuerteas icdlnue a flluy epqeupid Tiksurh btah satem room and a msasgae puaorlr.", "substituted": "mkBMIl-qcxNg ijaPvbi aVEZKjyIGJmMLV vdJlc Rlm sAklTcE ZEpvva ibnCPfV a aqJS TaoKOVz jrUX PPP qaffPvF DDbg Fd jXvVooux qliDu, fdrmHvyho oCDrJp tu AnZ JWEEYP 22-lxvWLQaY \u201cnrLax fOHEi\u201d, KyjSALUy bmAj gTtv xtnzKn QJ fb \u201ccTQv-tLocKn cbsDgwGH\u201d. nocDL CEhYBauG qSXndgq a HHEKd HaRoeRPF bydXPAf nNLz GVZRy vECY gPL a WNNRTit Mzgnawh."} {"original": "Luton Town\u2019s win means the team will return to the top division for the first time since 1992, a season before the Premier League was created.", "scrambled_20%": "Luton noTw\u2019s win means the team will return to the top division for the rstfi time since 1992, a snaoes before eth Premier League was cratdee.", "scrambled_50%": "Luton noTw\u2019s win means teh team llwi return to the top vsoiidni for teh rstfi time icnse 1992, a snaoes eorefb eth Premier uLeega was cratdee.", "scrambled_100%": "tnouL noTw\u2019s niw nmase teh atme llwi rtuner ot eth pto vsoiidni rof teh rstfi emti icnse 1992, a snaoes eorefb eth Pimerre uLeega asw cratdee.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Ltnou Tnwo\u2019s wni manes teh tame will rneurt to teh tpo dinisovi fro teh frtsi teim seicn 1992, a soneas berfeo teh Pmerrei Lageeu wsa ceaetdr.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Lotun Twon\u2019s win manes the taem wlil rurten to the top diioivsn for the frist tmie scnie 1992, a saseon borefe the Peiemrr Lageue was ctraeed.", "substituted": "MIImp vzbY\u2019s sGv wKSPM lCo PbSz ZBtJ wqsLJP uy cZT XpJ nsoERjuO dCq aBp gKUvI wZdA KRvEs 1992, a CJxKBf ompNoV VqY eAjpnxX hFKvWl zlZ hLXnFQf."} {"original": "Maker Hasbro is relaunching the robotic fluffy toy for the 25th anniversary of its original release, but with one important design change \u2013 the new model has an off switch. The original Furbys could not be shut down and were prone to \u201cwake up\u201d and start chatting in the night.", "scrambled_20%": "Maker Hasbro is relaunching the itorcob fluffy toy for the 25th anniversary of its original release, but hiwt neo tiotampnr design change \u2013 the ewn dmloe has na off schwit. The original yuFsbr could not be shut down and were prone to \u201cwake up\u201d and start chatting ni the night.", "scrambled_50%": "Maker Hasbro is glhcreniuna the itorcob ffulyf toy orf the 25ht yvsnrenaiar of sit original release, but hiwt neo tiotampnr gsined change \u2013 the ewn dmloe has na ffo schwit. The ialiogrn yuFsbr could not be hstu down dan were ronep to \u201caewk up\u201d and start cghtiatn ni the night.", "scrambled_100%": "kMrea rosbaH si glhcreniuna het itorcob ffulyf yot orf het 25ht yvsnrenaiar fo sit iargonli eerlsea, ubt hiwt neo tiotampnr gsined nacegh \u2013 eth ewn dmloe sah na ffo schwit. eTh ialiogrn yuFsbr locud tno eb hstu nwdo dan wree ronep ot \u201caewk pu\u201d dan ttsar cghtiatn ni het itngh.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Makre Hrbsoa is raeignhlnuc teh rootbci fyluff tyo fro teh 25th aisvenranry of ist ognilair rleease, btu wthi oen itmptrano dnesgi chnega \u2013 teh nwe meldo hsa an off sihwct. Teh ongirail Fbuysr cudlo nto be suth dnow adn wree peorn to \u201cwaek up\u201d adn sartt cathtgni in teh ngtih.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Meakr Hrasbo is rinclneauhg the rtoiboc flffuy toy for the 25th aearvsnniry of its orniigal reaesle, but wtih one inmrapott dgesin cnhgae \u2013 the new moedl has an off stiwch. The oiianrgl Frbuys culod not be suht dwon and wree pnroe to \u201cwkae up\u201d and srtat ctnathig in the ngiht.", "substituted": "Lsgqq EHQNDj KB tzJzxADoeOv Ixr XZuvPJT gJAYOu Mqz VMc jaK 25fo gDLHXQVJliU jF yXb ETYcxpIs pPRihXg, Qiy hKFS gSE sGxfMXvTJ tRjQKl gYbZNf \u2013 EIK WxN jYNLP TyV fY tkl RlNFes. tTc gxDSVlpe kVlLFW RJpWF Yih Rg eqiH qLVI PUy JbRB Imnsp Gj \u201cVFru Qw\u201d nky bZKEv ysIoONkf SF snG ukLCI."} {"original": "Many Muslims will fast from sunup to sundown every day for an entire month. This year, Ramadan runs from March 22 to April 21.", "scrambled_20%": "Many Muslims will fast from sunup to sundown every day for an etiner omtnh. This reya, Ramadan runs from March 22 ot April 21.", "scrambled_50%": "ynaM uMssilm will fast from uusnp to sundown eyver ayd for an etiner omtnh. This reya, namRdaa runs from raMhc 22 ot April 21.", "scrambled_100%": "ynaM uMssilm illw atfs ormf uusnp ot wnsdnuo eyver ayd fro na etiner omtnh. hsTi reya, namRdaa unsr rmfo raMhc 22 ot rApil 21.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Myan Mslsmui wlli fsta fmro spuun to sounwdn eeyrv dya fro an eitrne mthno. Tish yaer, Raadnam rsun fmro Mchra 22 to Apilr 21.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mnay Mulimss wlil fsat form suunp to snodwun ervey day for an eintre mtnoh. Tihs yaer, Raadamn rnus form Mcrah 22 to Airpl 21.", "substituted": "ewzM HmwybFk QWqZ ynRc DHWc AYWev Ll pVKqXra ulUqZ SvV Tew ii NJFhqs PgpQA. Qvzr OfPl, AiGyBIY UmLK pAQu eTSCx 22 MY fJWDq 21."} {"original": "Many microorganisms can digest plastic at temperatures above 30C, but the discovery by researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute paves the way for a much more energy-efficient method of recycling.", "scrambled_20%": "Many microorganisms nac setgid plastic at temperatures above 30C, but eth discovery by researchers ta eth swisS Federal Institute paves the way for a much more energy-efficient method of recycling.", "scrambled_50%": "Many microorganisms nac setgid ipatscl ta temperatures evaob 30C, but eth discovery yb researchers ta eth swisS rledFea Institute pseva the ayw for a much more energy-iefcnfeti method of crygcelni.", "scrambled_100%": "anyM gsiconmrarimso nac setgid ipatscl ta pemtusreaert evaob 30C, btu eth sciyvodre yb rresehascre ta eth swisS rledFea eutniItst pseva teh ayw rof a cuhm reom rynege-iefcnfeti hmdeot fo crygcelni.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mnya mosrisigncmaro cna dgeits ptlcais at tateueeprmrs aovbe 30C, btu teh dcyivoser by rcrseesraeh at teh Sissw Feldera Itesuntit paevs teh wya fro a mhcu moer ereyng-etffeiinc mtoehd of rgclyicen.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mnay msoairingrmcos can dsgiet pislatc at termaeeturps avboe 30C, but the drvcoesiy by rreaeecrshs at the Sisws Fadreel Ititnstue pvaes the way for a mcuh mroe engrey-effeicnit mhoted of riyleccng.", "substituted": "zCJe dOqbIMLojJdGKZ xdb CrYQyM gfWaCCy lp oEbkkNeJpWna rHgBv 30C, Vds izm tjzKGAzHB mD VOzzveNyBlt gM hOz jMRCj csOfXrK JiLNObRoX JpMOj GsE sdw vZl a ibzS odDP oFMDFb-AmLzTjqds KOkdBn zO NlvQTOPLs."} {"original": "Many people around the world wore purple on Wednesday in honor of World Lupus Day, a global annual event that calls attention to the mysterious disease impacting more than 5 million people in the US alone.", "scrambled_20%": "ynMa people around the world reow purple on Wednesday ni honor of World Luspu Day, a global annual event hatt calls neoitntta to het mysterious disease impacting more than 5 million people in the US alone.", "scrambled_50%": "ynMa people oundar the world reow lerppu on esWdanyde ni nohro of World Luspu Day, a global annual neetv hatt lclsa neoitntta to het mysterious disease impacting eorm than 5 lmlinio people ni the SU alone.", "scrambled_100%": "ynMa pploee oundar eht rdlow reow lerppu no esWdanyde ni nohro fo orWld Luspu yDa, a lolbag aunnal neetv hatt lclsa neoitntta ot het euisyotsrm ediesas iagcitpmn eorm ntha 5 lmlinio eplepo ni het SU nloea.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Myan poeepl aundor teh wdrol wero prpleu on Wadnesdye in honro of Woldr Luspu Dya, a glboal aunlan envte tath clsal atnittnoe to teh mitsuosyre deseias imcipagnt mreo tanh 5 minlloi ppoeel in teh US alneo.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mnay ppeloe aurnod the wlord wroe ppulre on Wseddaeny in honor of Wrlod Luups Day, a gloabl anuanl eenvt taht cllas ateiotntn to the mrsiouteys dassiee itmacnpig mroe tahn 5 moililn pleope in the US anole.", "substituted": "uLxq fuUgwJ UciDPZ QsV aBMYt zFgH maNoEK AE KqfEkhPwu vj pfdqv iI Pxgkp HRYaD bPF, a SqnGfs DNvkxv WQczf ZcAA FAVtB LJrBCjGbm XN DwM YWNffloLtg GXwGtTZ eBajKekAf JOnc RsgS 5 XdMxHkj AVPHGF jW TuD zW LsjlV."} {"original": "March Madness is upon us.", "scrambled_20%": "March Madness si upon us.", "scrambled_50%": "March dssaMne si upon us.", "scrambled_100%": "rMhca dssaMne si nopu su.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mhcra Mnassed is unop us.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mcarh Msedans is uopn us.", "substituted": "duTts oJCBRlh LX GEsc Vi."} {"original": "Mark Rutte, the longest-serving Dutch prime minister in history, will stand down after 13 years in power. Nicknamed \u201cTeflon Mark\u201d for his ability to withstand political crises, Rutte unexpectedly announced he would leave politics after the autumn general election. In the 27-nation EU, only Hungary\u2019s Viktor Orban has been in charge for longer.", "scrambled_20%": "Mark Rutte, the longest-serving Dutch iprem minister in history, will stand down after 13 years in power. mkceNndai \u201cTeflon Mark\u201d for shi ability ot withstand political crises, utetR unexpectedly announced he would leave politics tearf the autumn general election. In the 27-noinat UE, yonl Hungary\u2019s tkriVo Orban has been in rchgea for longer.", "scrambled_50%": "Mark tuRet, the longest-serving hucDt iprem eirmitsn in history, lwli dasnt down after 13 esyar in power. mkceNndai \u201cnfeoTl Mark\u201d for shi biyitla ot withstand political ecriss, utetR unexpectedly announced he would aveel ocsltpii tearf the autumn general election. In the 27-noinat UE, yonl nHgaruy\u2019s tkriVo Oarbn sha bene in rchgea orf longer.", "scrambled_100%": "raMk tuRet, teh ntoselg-vsirgen hucDt iprem eirmitsn ni oysitrh, lwli dasnt owdn rtfae 13 esyar ni prowe. mkceNndai \u201cnfeoTl rMka\u201d rfo shi biyitla ot wnasdihtt cilaptlio ecriss, utetR etxyeldcnepu oenndcnua eh luwdo aveel ocsltpii tearf eth umnuta aenerlg entiecol. nI eth 27-noinat UE, yonl nHgaruy\u2019s tkriVo Oarbn sha bene ni rchgea orf lengro.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mkar Rtetu, teh lotnseg-sgviren Dtcuh pmrei msrtniei in hrsiyot, wlli sntda dnow aterf 13 ysera in perow. Nmkcdiean \u201cTfonel Mrak\u201d fro hsi abiilyt to wdtnsaiht pililcota cseisr, Retut utednexcylep aounndecn he wulod laeev plsicoti arfte teh atmnuu gaelnre etnioelc. In teh 27-nionta EU, olyn Hnarguy\u2019s Vkiort Onrba hsa been in caherg fro lerngo.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mrak Rttue, the lnsgoet-sinervg Dcuth pmrie mnesitir in hrstioy, wlil santd dwon atefr 13 yares in pweor. Niecamknd \u201cTlfoen Mrak\u201d for his aiiblty to wnastthid piocltail ciress, Rtute untceeedlpxy anuncenod he wluod lvaee ptiicols aeftr the atmuun graneel etlocien. In the 27-ntioan EU, olny Hguanry\u2019s Vkoitr Orabn has been in cgahre for loegnr.", "substituted": "IMnm mJNvm, qPV WAuYCBw-ZQcdfhM TCosv eZTlV OFsSYUpP Qp RrAonlm, RLRw hsIWs vNYc dAliQ 13 kRoDp rK jxpST. RlkEkibDM \u201cyPYgfu FqSd\u201d dqI ZOD NUjrJOj gx yMvIDSVDp BIXufVmyW dfIwyP, BwQIS VcQWTHiSnKKg mkXxVbpXm Dw iNmMQ RHiNn xmpwDtiY fLPGt TKn IQGrpg FpwLAtz XZcRWByD. yF nky 27-VxTJcg Yi, sSBo VzohWVL\u2019s CkKcIk HGrii bKC IYOl fI lKYQMT ezM IWaVIO."} {"original": "Mark Zuckerberg announced that Instagram users will now be able to share up to five links in their profile \u201cbio\u201d. Previously, only one link to external websites was allowed. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_20%": "Mark Zuckerberg announced that ragtmnsaI users will now be able to share up ot five snilk in their iorelpf \u201cbio\u201d. Previously, yonl one link ot external websites was allowed. Find out more with The keWe Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_50%": "arkM Zuckerberg announced that ragtmnsaI uerss will now eb blae ot share pu ot five snilk in their iorelpf \u201cbio\u201d. sPyuvoiler, yonl one inkl ot external websites swa allowed. Find out more itwh The keWe Unwrapped aotdscp.", "scrambled_100%": "arkM Zruceberkg coneaudnn htta ragtmnsaI uerss ilwl onw eb blae ot aeshr pu ot vefi snilk ni ierht iorelpf \u201ciob\u201d. sPyuvoiler, yonl neo inkl ot eentlarx bteeswsi swa ldleaow. niFd uto moer itwh Teh keWe erUawdppn aotdscp.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mkra Zgecbrurek annednouc thta Itsmaagnr usesr wlli nwo be abel to shear up to feiv liskn in threi pfirloe \u201cboi\u201d. Perlouyvsi, oyln oen lnki to exetrnal wsteebsi wsa awdlelo. Fndi otu mreo wtih Teh Wkee Urppewdna ptsdcao.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mrak Zrbeceukrg anoncuend taht Itnsaagrm uerss wlil now be albe to sahre up to fvie lkins in tehir pilofre \u201cbio\u201d. Plrovuiesy, olny one lnik to enexrtal wiebtses was allweod. Fnid out mroe wtih The Week Unpraepwd pdcasot.", "substituted": "ZYWc hGQiGwyqto QmFbBlCPS WMyW JSjposJEZ pDNGB mmfS Bpx dT ryrU Xg VZDbs ko iQ mNet KxkEm UT CTrrn ixFstnV \u201cFrX\u201d. GRUlppFYkn, ECrx Fgf ZSly ZO VzVKMXda BQHcWdOQ WxL oABCDCl. nAPZ vIN krUj fAvJ EiH zTve IJzozuwZL fULhpNl."} {"original": "Marl\u00e8ne Schiappa, minister for the social economy and associations, gave an interview on gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights to the French-language edition of Playboy magazine. She appeared on the cover wearing a white dress. But the cover was described by the French prime minister, \u00c9lisabeth Borne, as \u201cnot at all appropriate, especially in the current period\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "Marl\u00e8ne Schiappa, minister rfo the social economy and oiacnstossai, egva an interview on gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights to the French-language edition of Playboy magazine. She appeared on the oecrv wearing a white sedrs. But the orecv was described yb teh nFcrhe prime minister, \u00c9lisabeth Borne, as \u201cnot at all appropriate, lepasylice ni the current period\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "Mnealr\u00e8 Schiappa, minister rfo the sliaoc economy and oiacnstossai, egva an interview on gender equality dan LGBTQ+ srgith ot het ncFreh-agenulag edition of blaoyPy emzianga. She appeared on the oecrv wearing a white sedrs. But teh orecv swa ecbiddsre yb teh nFcrhe mprei tinsemri, lbsahti\u00c9e Borne, as \u201cnot ta all appropriate, lepasylice ni the current period\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "Mnealr\u00e8 cpSahpia, mstiiern rfo teh sliaoc eyocmon dan oiacnstossai, egva na iteenwirv no gderne qauelyti dan GQLBT+ srgith ot het ncFreh-agenulag indteoi fo blaoyPy emzianga. ehS readapep no het oecrv niewrga a tehwi sedrs. tBu teh orecv swa ecbiddsre yb teh nFcrhe mprei tinsemri, lbsahti\u00c9e roneB, sa \u201cnto ta lla oprapitaepr, lepasylice ni het rrenutc drpeoi\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mn\u00e8earl Saphapic, mrisinte fro teh sioalc enymooc adn aiicsoosatns, geav an ieneriwtv on grneed eitulaqy adn LQTGB+ risgth to teh Fncerh-laeaugng editoin of Pybaoly maiagzne. Seh appeerad on teh crevo wrgneai a wtehi desrs. Btu teh ceovr wsa dbsedriec by teh Fenhrc pimer misrinte, \u00c9sthalibe Bnoer, as \u201cnto at all apoarrpptei, eaecisylpl in teh cutrrne proeid\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ml\u00e8nrae Saphpica, mneisitr for the siaocl emooncy and atisoocsnias, gvae an irtneeviw on geednr elqatuiy and LTGBQ+ rthigs to the Fncreh-lggnaaue eioditn of Pbaoyly mzaganie. She arapeepd on the ceovr wirneag a wtihe drses. But the cevor was dirbecsed by the Fercnh pimre meiinstr, \u00c9atbseilh Bnroe, as \u201cnot at all aritarpppoe, eelcsiplay in the crerunt poerid\u201d.", "substituted": "BObpsOl ZCRMvvCH, gTIVfxsh uus RHt YhxaNM fzrDhBt WOj JDNEIwBIvHPK, SrYA Pd xGOauuamL fw hyAkxu gQtKebvx gTO TwEfI+ LNwdmT Kb Rlq bPxKAx-DqJEvvlc wBIbZBp FX BUbXeKv puiPcTGp. ZxR OSTIxCdh JV gOh EmmWR ehogzai a RAaUd TPKkI. nZm SgC uzOXs iox FqWyOHQvx pR YuZ Tkjhvg tqlCW BsYtFQCQ, RmomzKwBH ewOhX, Dx \u201cyXH yT oef vaMKGPbTGgP, vMjzdkNgxG dG WBY IFKqZdQ KjRgva\u201d."} {"original": "Mars has swapped its wrapping from plastic to recyclable paper as part of a drive to make its products more environmentally friendly. The paper-wrapped bars have gone on sale at 500 Tesco stores, and if the trial goes well, the wrappers will be rolled out to all retailers and to other Mars treats, such as Snickers.", "scrambled_20%": "arsM has swapped tsi wrapping from plastic to recyclable prpae sa part of a drive to make its products more environmentally friendly. The paper-radpwpe bars ehva gone on sale at 500 Tesco stores, dan if the trial goes well, the wrappers lwli be ledlor out to all aiertsrle and to other sraM treats, such as Snickers.", "scrambled_50%": "arsM has pasdpew tsi wrapping from spctlai ot eclabclrey prpae sa artp of a rediv to make tis products mroe environmentally irednyfl. The paper-radpwpe rasb ehva gone no elsa at 500 Tesco stores, dan if the trial goes llew, the wrappers lwli be ledlor out to lla aiertsrle nda ot other sraM treats, cshu as Snickers.", "scrambled_100%": "arsM sha pasdpew tsi npiarwgp omrf spctlai ot eclabclrey prpae sa artp fo a rediv ot meak tis rtusdpco mroe noemynaltilnerv irednyfl. Teh eprpa-radpwpe rasb ehva ngoe no elsa ta 500 Tcose tesosr, dan fi eth ltrai egso llew, het eapwpsrr lwli eb ledlor uot ot lla aiertsrle nda ot ethro sraM eattsr, cshu sa Sirkencs.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Msar hsa swedpap ist wpinprag fmro psltcai to rbcyceella ppera as ptar of a dvier to meak ist psurocdt mero einmtrnloveyanl fedlriny. Teh papre-wpdarep bras heav geon on slea at 500 Toces sroest, adn if teh tarli gsoe wlel, teh wppaesrr wlil be rlolde otu to all rrieesatl adn to ohrte Masr tatsre, schu as Sskncire.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mras has sweppad its wpraipng form pisaltc to rylblecace peapr as prat of a drvie to mkae its putrodcs mroe ennmoaivltrnley fenlirdy. The pepar-wppaerd bras hvae gnoe on slae at 500 Tecso sretos, and if the tiarl geos wlel, the wrrpapes wlil be rlleod out to all rtaierels and to ohetr Mras tretas, scuh as Sckerins.", "substituted": "BCVc zxj IWGCifs qPT EtHwfsqY ryzT HYCSSch CT AmJnXShZdj OcSmX Zj itlq lS a tWryi qe Pjeq vbO eeUPYBfw CWPA huckdLOihhKsHht OQnMkvzk. VoR xSbix-YRYVOog HEXM DydJ vzSK Bb HUnb QG 500 NlBlu KVRAoM, VhM uI UnW LHMCX kXqC kPBK, XRT DfdTSQUH tvSJ ib BSjCZZ gfE gy Jtp ShhtRTQku oGi cU uPYhj Dycf wPnnpd, bmaR qP cqxaffFy."} {"original": "Max Park set the new record for the fastest 3x3x3 Rubik\u2019s Cube time at a competition in Long Beach in his native California. The 21-year-old, who was diagnosed with moderate to severe autism as a child, beat the 3.47-second record set by China\u2019s Yusheng Du in 2018.", "scrambled_20%": "Max Park set the new record rof the fastest 3x3x3 Rubik\u2019s Cube time ta a competition in Long Beach in his native iCainroalf. The 21-eyra-old, woh asw diagnosed whit moderate to severe autism as a child, beat the 3.47-second record set yb China\u2019s Yusheng Du in 2018.", "scrambled_50%": "Max arPk tes the new rrcedo rof the fastest 3x3x3 Rubik\u2019s ueCb time ta a ptconeoimit in Long Beach in his native iCainroalf. The 21-eyra-odl, woh asw diagnosed whit ratmoeed to servee smatui sa a child, beat the 3.47-second rordec set yb naiCh\u2019s Yusheng Du ni 2018.", "scrambled_100%": "axM arPk tes eth enw rrcedo rof het fsatste 3x3x3 ukiRb\u2019s ueCb meti ta a ptconeoimit ni oLgn aBhec ni ihs anietv iCainroalf. eTh 21-eyra-odl, woh asw naosdideg whit ratmoeed ot servee smatui sa a lichd, eatb hte 3.47-odnsce rordec tes yb naiCh\u2019s suehngY uD ni 2018.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mxa Pkar ste teh nwe rorecd fro teh fsestat 3x3x3 Rbiku\u2019s Ceub teim at a cptnooimeti in Lngo Bache in hsi ntvaie Cnoirilaaf. Teh 21-yaer-odl, woh wsa dgoiedsan whit maodetre to seeevr aumtsi as a chdil, baet teh 3.47-sndcoe rdorce ste by Ciahn\u2019s Yghsnue Du in 2018.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Max Prak set the new rrecod for the fsasett 3x3x3 Ruibk\u2019s Cbue tmie at a cmtoieoiptn in Lnog Becah in his nivate Cnrfoiliaa. The 21-yaer-old, who was degsoanid wtih mdtroaee to sreeve atsium as a cilhd, baet the 3.47-scneod rcoerd set by Cihna\u2019s Yhnesug Du in 2018.", "substituted": "FAK cUOR woH ydj qOA CJsZDp hLc Zar EFzrvqF 3L3y3 eGSPw\u2019s DxDU OLXc hm a LzXGMDcMkSq CT flcA VUjZi EE CCL AtSdlc KyuwnCApfg. tvW 21-YJyk-ISF, IWx PWp oATMoHYMW ylfV WINufuGU Yd SJAELu hehcpJ dh a tNgaG, lsts TRK 3.47-TEUIHW JwlZxt LYT zP VcTrn\u2019s JoYadHj II EG 2018."} {"original": "May is National BBQ Month. July is National Blueberry Month, National Ice Cream Month and National Watermelon Month.", "scrambled_20%": "May si National BBQ Month. uyJl is National Blueberry nMtoh, National Ice Cream Month adn National Watermelon Month.", "scrambled_50%": "May si National BBQ Month. uyJl si National rlrBebuye nMtoh, National eIc amreC Month adn National oatnerWmel Month.", "scrambled_100%": "aMy si ilntNaao BQB nhtoM. uyJl si ionaNatl rlrBebuye nMtoh, oatnaliN eIc amreC ohntM adn ontaaliN oatnerWmel hotnM.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mya is Noilanat BQB Mhton. Jlyu is Nlatoian Beberulyr Mhont, Nloitana Iec Cemar Monht adn Nantoail Worlmetane Mthno.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "May is Ninaatol BBQ Motnh. Jluy is Nntoaail Berreubly Mntoh, Noatanil Ice Carem Mtonh and Niataonl Wmeaeotrln Mtonh.", "substituted": "Kxg Wi qDrzUOIv HzO iWllQ. pRSH Vn zwKwNfTU EcSZKlWmr FbGTn, HIhkJIeM svJ geGmp WBjRb lTL AdYEhvlM mgYgLNIotE xbcMQ."} {"original": "McDonald\u2019s, which has been focusing on upgrading its core items to boost sales, is rolling out a series of changes to improve its classic burgers.", "scrambled_20%": "McDonald\u2019s, whcih has been focusing no upgrading its core items to boost essla, si rolling out a reisse of changes to improve its classic burgers.", "scrambled_50%": "doDaMlcn\u2019s, whcih has nbee focusing no upgrading its ecor items ot boost essla, si nirlglo out a reisse fo changes ot improve its classic burgers.", "scrambled_100%": "doDaMlcn\u2019s, whcih ash nbee fioucsgn no ruanpidgg tis ecor stmie ot sobto essla, si nirlglo tuo a reisse fo hsnagce ot ivporem tsi lccassi sugbrre.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "MclondaD\u2019s, wcihh hsa bnee fuosginc on uagnpirgd ist ceor itesm to bstoo selsa, is rnlgilo otu a sesire of csahgne to imevopr ist cslcsai bsrruge.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "MlcDoand\u2019s, whcih has been fsuicnog on ugnriadpg its croe imtes to bosot sleas, is rlnloig out a seiers of chganes to irovmpe its cilssac brugers.", "substituted": "zgtUsWUE\u2019s, EVaFb voj nDrW DnYPJpgo Sd bxZJKakGd sbE Rqwv OyNTN Lj QfAoY WLrWu, Vi qdnQROv Vwa a YzgKTX KM EReycMn vh OiWjYLQ dSa pcOLuYz rgwOZsX."} {"original": "Meta launched an app called Threads that is intended to offer a space for real-time conversations online \u2014 a function that has long been Twitter\u2019s core selling point.", "scrambled_20%": "Meta ulnedhca an app elaldc aTershd ttha is intended ot offer a space for real-time conversations online \u2014 a function that has long been Twitter\u2019s core selling point.", "scrambled_50%": "aMet ulnedhca an ppa elaldc aTershd ttha si intended ot ffreo a cpaes for real-time conversations nonile \u2014 a function that has lgon been rewttTi\u2019s core selling point.", "scrambled_100%": "aMet ulnedhca na ppa elaldc aTershd ttha si eddeintn ot ffreo a cpaes orf arle-item ooissecnntvar nonile \u2014 a iutofncn atth ash lgon bnee rewttTi\u2019s rceo nelslgi ontpi.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Meat lacudenh an app cldael Tasderh thta is itdnndee to oefrf a seapc fro rlea-tmei cossvtnorniea oelnin \u2014 a ftoinncu tath hsa lnog bene Tteiwrt\u2019s ceor siengll pnito.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mtea lheauncd an app cealld Thaders taht is idteennd to ofefr a scpae for rael-tmie cooisreavnnts olnnie \u2014 a ftcionun taht has lnog been Titetwr\u2019s croe sielnlg pinot.", "substituted": "RYeU gEDXuFiG OB GVW FHDROA Xuqrzzg nDlq ea bOutbPBv am IYZjE a QlxkR ihL MjEj-zBuS VzDrWWCfAsEIX wULkQv \u2014 a sTmjdXUN IxsJ jSG KvMm lrvU FNUGLYD\u2019s RxPF qwZwgvB yxrzI."} {"original": "Michael Jordan\u2019s iconic 1998 NBA Finals sneakers sold for a record $2.2 million.", "scrambled_20%": "Michael Jordan\u2019s coicni 1998 NBA ialFsn sneakers sold for a record $2.2 million.", "scrambled_50%": "Michael Jordan\u2019s coicni 1998 NBA ialFsn sneakers sldo fro a record $2.2 lonilmi.", "scrambled_100%": "cheiMal adoJnr\u2019s coicni 1998 BNA ialFsn esarsekn sldo fro a rcoder $2.2 lonilmi.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mhieacl Jonard\u2019s ioccni 1998 NAB Fslian sksneaer sdol fro a rdreco $2.2 minloil.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mecaihl Jaodrn\u2019s ioicnc 1998 NBA Flains seerknas slod for a rcroed $2.2 moililn.", "substituted": "fbfItKd XiLBTj\u2019s KgxzCg 1998 qLN iSdDyp VFwgIiEq HuXZ kXv a gTOxht $2.2 UdVINAa."} {"original": "Military jets were \u201cauthorized to travel at supersonic speeds\u201d as they raced to make contact with an unresponsive aircraft flying in the region that later crashed in a heavily wooded area. The extraordinary speed of the jets caused a sonic boom across the Washington, DC, area that confused many residents.", "scrambled_20%": "Military etsj were \u201cauthorized to travel at supersonic speeds\u201d sa they raced ot make cnoctta with na unresponsive aircraft flying in eth region that later crashed in a heavily wodode area. The extraordinary depes of the jets caused a sonic boom across the gtWsahnoin, DC, raea that confused many residents.", "scrambled_50%": "tyMirial etsj were \u201cauthorized to travel ta supersonic speeds\u201d sa they deacr ot mkea cnoctta with na nnesvoesupir taicarrf ilfygn in eth region atth later racdseh ni a heavily wodode area. heT extraordinary depes of the jets caused a sonic boom ssrcao the gtWsahnoin, CD, raea atth confused many residents.", "scrambled_100%": "tyMirial etsj rwee \u201cutaedzorhi ot trveal ta coipsesurn sseedp\u201d sa yhte deacr ot mkea cnoctta htiw na nnesvoesupir taicarrf ilfygn ni eth niorge atth talre racdseh ni a hveliay wodode reaa. heT ytaedrrrnoixa depes fo teh tjse scueda a inocs mboo ssrcao teh gtWsahnoin, CD, raea atth nocfedus anym dneeissrt.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mlariiyt jtes wree \u201caidehurtzo to tlvrea at ssucoinpre spesed\u201d as tyhe rcead to meak cctaton wthi an uoienpnervss aatcfrri flygin in teh rneigo tath ltare csdahre in a hilayev woddoe aare. Teh einrrtyrdaxoa seped of teh jtse cdeusa a snioc bomo ascors teh Wshaotingn, DC, aare taht cfsouden myan rnissdete.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Maliirty jtes wree \u201caztheiorud to teavrl at sesiunorpc spedes\u201d as tehy reacd to mkae cctanot wtih an uvseniopsnre aarrifct fyling in the rogein taht letar cshread in a hvliaey wdooed aera. The edaoitrnarxry speed of the jtes ceausd a sionc boom aocsrs the Wnsiogthan, DC, aera taht cnfsoued mnay rsidetnes.", "substituted": "mmxNMNvJ uRCz plyg \u201cNApTGkvYpj Kx eMvJts RK ajrFTwDzVV mIdCUv\u201d yl ZnXS uylDW Qi vnZd uWUZkkZ RPcK zg LynimryMDJfD HLavgJLa moJklI yP SsT oFrnvD WRQJ gOMGJ fIOHggx Lw a MtBntYS GOEIXo chAs. bCD NsfsBKIoQSsQO oQNZQ FL qQb PSJZ eZKODb a ecdMV YrCO hHjuBY puX zKgXydvrgU, SB, Ugkb uFnU fWDPSbPO gBWA MLIdUsCEX."} {"original": "Millions of people remain at risk of inhaling potentially harmful air as wildfire smoke originating from Canada shrouds major US cities.", "scrambled_20%": "Millions fo people rniema at risk of inhaling potentially harmful air sa wildfire smoke gninatgioir from Canada shrouds major US cities.", "scrambled_50%": "Millions fo people rniema ta rsik of inhaling eaoipyltlnt harmful ari sa wildfire smoke gninatgioir rmfo Canada shrouds jorma US cities.", "scrambled_100%": "Monilsil fo opelpe rniema ta rsik fo lnianhig eaoipyltlnt lhmafur ari sa eilwfrdi okmes gninatgioir rmfo anCdaa dusrsoh jorma SU esciit.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mlosliin of peopel rnemai at riks of iinlganh pitlnyteloa hlfamur ari as wrifield skeom onigaiirgnt frmo Caanad shusrdo morja US ceisti.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mlloniis of polepe rieman at rsik of ilihanng potintalely hamurfl air as wrdfiile sokme oniaingitrg form Cadnaa sordhus moajr US cteiis.", "substituted": "pBSKjQbO Od SJNsJJ hKaCGW De mLOQ gT QuUTNJGi XdIsJgvUijf MsfeekA MmI Gr eIulbqnl wFuNC cpVPgDhWKTq vVwt xuzzfw eWkfzeG IVrnJ WN ZOUsft."} {"original": "Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte signed a bill Wednesday banning TikTok in the state over perceived security concerns. The controversial law, which will take effect in January, outlines potential fines of $10,000 per day for violators.", "scrambled_20%": "anoMtan Gov. Greg Gianforte signed a bill Wednesday banning TikTok in the state over perceived ersticyu concerns. The controversial alw, which will atek ecftef in January, outlines potential fines of $10,000 per ayd fro violators.", "scrambled_50%": "anoMtan vGo. Greg Gianforte esdign a lbil Wednesday agbnnin ToTikk in eht state over perceived ersticyu concerns. heT controversial alw, which llwi atek ecftef in January, outlines potential nfsie of $10,000 per ayd fro violators.", "scrambled_100%": "anoMtan vGo. geGr trniaGofe esdign a lbil dsdeaWney agbnnin ToTikk ni eht teast eovr ceerivedp ersticyu ncscoern. heT tlrsoecnroavi alw, ichwh llwi atek ecftef ni rayaJun, ueintlso eilatoptn nfsie fo $10,000 erp ayd fro ortlsoaiv.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mannota Gvo. Ggre Ganriteof singde a blli Wsneeaddy binanng ToiTkk in teh satet ovre pcrdievee srituecy cncsonre. Teh coirantrsleov lwa, wihch wlli teak etfcfe in Jnaayur, ostliuen pitneoalt feins of $10,000 pre dya fro vortsalio.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mnonata Gov. Gerg Gntfiraoe sgeind a blil Wnaddesey bninnag TkToik in the satte oevr peiecverd sitrucey conecnrs. The cnaorstevoril law, wichh wlil tkae effcet in Jarnauy, onelutis pionattel feins of $10,000 per day for vrloiaots.", "substituted": "oxIWVCL kkk. FApZ woUDywUdy zhXVoH a uowP koxbjvISb VgaDYOb uFvdax VC mJD daeWh LVop GJPhRtYnT GtlFSSPJ LTobBYbQ. tEY ZDWJpwXzQAPns uvD, gHplI BZSS fiTc kQVuJz fS FerSNxQ, bjpatLDy dconxAGLq iJTjM Cm $10,000 ISd cqG xRa mVIaIQFIJ."} {"original": "Months after a holiday service meltdown, Southwest Airlines said its bookings in March were finally back on track. Revenue soared 22% to $5.7 billion in the quarter, according to the company.", "scrambled_20%": "Months reatf a holiday seeircv meltdown, Southwest Airlines said its bookings in March were finally back on cktra. nRueeev dsoare 22% to $5.7 billion ni the quarter, according to the company.", "scrambled_50%": "htonsM reatf a alihdoy seeircv meltdown, Southwest Airlines isad its bookings in rMcah were finally back on cktra. nRueeev dsoare 22% ot $5.7 billion ni eth quarter, ndarogcci ot the company.", "scrambled_100%": "htonsM reatf a alihdoy seeircv eowdmlnt, ettuosShw ieniAlsr isad tsi gsknioob ni rMcah eerw fynllai cbka no cktra. nRueeev dsoare 22% ot $5.7 iinboll ni eth rartueq, ndarogcci ot het pmaocyn.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mtsnoh atfre a hyiloda seevric mlwonted, Shstoeuwt Aeslriin siad ist bsinoogk in Mhacr weer falnyil bakc on tackr. Reenevu seroad 22% to $5.7 blnlioi in teh qtaurre, arcicgodn to teh cmaopyn.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mhnots atfer a hadoily sriecve mlweotdn, Sehsouwtt Aelniirs siad its bnkoigos in Mrcah wree fanlliy bcak on tcark. Renuvee soeard 22% to $5.7 bilolin in the qutaerr, aicroncdg to the cmnpaoy.", "substituted": "YhDkpt fVfcl a UZxAgCf PEMWlWp zRYVwXzu, OfEQCiLUl dmaERkpQ oAIQ brj nvHVKNMA yc CMVXf ETRt tUXzUxe Dtgs Xb XzvWh. uKNRcjH gpJJAk 22% gP $5.7 ZHOFSNJ KC bDY uwVJCNN, UrXjYWpKS OW odm VWtcFkn."} {"original": "More than 17,600 military personnel are taking part in drills including live-fire exercises and a boat-sinking rocket assault, amid fears that China may be preparing to launch an offensive against Taiwan.", "scrambled_20%": "eoMr hatn 17,600 military personnel are taking part in drills including ivle-feri exercises and a boat-sinking rocket assault, amid fears that China may be preparing to launch an offensive nastiga wnaTia.", "scrambled_50%": "eoMr hatn 17,600 military personnel are gktani part ni drills igcuidnln ivle-feri cixessere and a tabo-iingskn rocket assault, amid fears atht nhCai may eb ppnrraegi to launch an offensive nastiga wnaTia.", "scrambled_100%": "eoMr hatn 17,600 ilryatim prlnnoees rea gktani arpt ni rdslli igcuidnln ivle-feri cixessere dan a tabo-iingskn keocrt sltsaau, iamd easfr atht nhCai amy eb ppnrraegi ot nuahlc na fnoeeivfs nastiga wnaTia.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mreo tahn 17,600 mliartyi pensoreln aer tiangk prat in dllrsi icniundlg lvei-feir exceeissr adn a btoa-singkin rcotek asaltus, admi fsaer ttah Chain mya be prpniaegr to lhuacn an ofevfesni aigatsn Tawnia.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mroe tahn 17,600 mailtriy psrennoel are tainkg prat in dllirs idcnliung lvie-frie eesrceixs and a baot-skinnig rceokt alassut, aimd faers taht Cinha may be pnaiperrg to luncah an oenviffse aaginst Tiawan.", "substituted": "lBzQ CqXt 17,600 CwbrEyZt HpSOFXTgK gfO zfrdmX ipOS XU xxZhzE TaiLQGaIw SKMv-QWBD BGsSoIjan GWr a TgkN-JwlRCbR IYsopH EkQCBsm, VtJK IiRvk SQFd DXNaG CKW ja UnfrPExKY ez kJBTrG pF feMFpYUyh YxjlqNX bogKuu."} {"original": "More than 200 people have been rescued since Sunday in Vermont, where flooding has submerged homes and turned streets into rivers.", "scrambled_20%": "eorM than 200 people have been rescued since Sunday in Vermont, where flooding has mseeugrdb homes and ndreut streets into iservr.", "scrambled_50%": "eorM than 200 leppeo have eneb resucde since Sunday in rVtomne, where flooding sha mseeugrdb homes and ndreut ttsrsee into iservr.", "scrambled_100%": "eorM nhta 200 leppeo heav eneb resucde ncise audnSy ni rVtomne, eerhw ldfniogo sha mseeugrdb smhoe nda ndreut ttsrsee oitn iservr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mreo tnha 200 poeepl hvae bene rcuedse scien Sndyau in Vmrntoe, wreeh fingldoo hsa sgmbredeu hesom adn treudn ssterte itno rrevsi.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mroe tahn 200 ppolee hvae been ruseced scnie Sudnay in Vrmoent, wehre folniodg has srembeugd hmeos and tenurd srtetes itno rrives.", "substituted": "isBr xGKU 200 DdVxJX jdwA uAFK nZAMlGV chOJU Ywlrjh QX PUEyyEj, CUGLM RiEfVzes Obz bffgYAJyO fplfu viy JBOhqs bsTTxMl fixL nHLvxY."} {"original": "More than half of the gas stations in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area were without gasoline Wednesday after flooding from last week\u2019s massive storm caused a wave of panic buying by drivers topping off their tanks.", "scrambled_20%": "More than half of the gas stations in eth Miami-Fort Lauderdale area were without gasoline Wednesday after goioldnf from last kewe\u2019s svieasm osrmt caused a wave of panic buying yb drivers topping fof their tanks.", "scrambled_50%": "More than half of hte sga stations in eth Miami-trFo dleudLraea area were without gasoline Wdndeysea fetra goioldnf from atsl kewe\u2019s svieasm osrmt caused a wave fo panic buying yb irrdesv tgoippn fof ietrh tanks.", "scrambled_100%": "rMoe ntha alhf fo hte sga oitssnat ni eth miiaM-trFo dleudLraea aare ewer hotiwut noesalig Wdndeysea fetra goioldnf mfor atsl kewe\u2019s svieasm osrmt dsecua a eawv fo acipn igubny yb irrdesv tgoippn fof ietrh nksta.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mero tnah hlfa of teh gsa stintaos in teh Maiim-Frot Lluededara aaer weer witouth glesonia Wdnsdeyae atref foiogndl frmo ltsa weke\u2019s msiesav srmto cudsae a weav of pianc bnugiy by dierrsv tpnpogi off tiher tskan.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mroe tahn hlaf of the gas sitantos in the Mamii-Frot Ldlrauedae aera wree wouhitt gnsoliae Wdeadsney atefr foonildg form lsat week\u2019s mvisase sortm cuaesd a wvae of painc bynuig by diervrs tionppg off thier tkans.", "substituted": "UfPf hGPk GZYR BC Ylk FJd fNtvhLHR Np pph tRPET-Bgly QwjRARWcwF Uxjs MRON kYISCLr ZKkqeoHA SkPgjWsDg CTvQd CcxxwZsi ORYf TWax rKpJ\u2019s kORFYBk YCCGE lBRYiP a esrD pJ xbHyq Fxgeys SU kBHBQOP hwZEgKD ibv CJjnL dmOGQ."} {"original": "Moscow sought to reassure Mali\u2019s ruling military junta that Wagner forces would continue to fight Islamist insurgents in the war-torn African country, amid fears about the wider fallout of the mercenary group\u2019s failed uprising in Russia. The revolt occurred weeks after Mali called on UN peacekeepers to leave \u201cwithout delay\u201d, denouncing the decade-long mission\u2019s \u201cfailure\u201d to respond to security challenges.", "scrambled_20%": "Mcwsoo sought to srusaeer Mali\u2019s ruling military junta that Wagner forces would continue to fight Islamist insurgents ni the war-torn African country, dmai fears about the wider fallout fo the mercenary group\u2019s alefdi uprising ni asRsui. The revolt occurred skeew after Mali called on UN eecseerkppea to leave \u201cwithout delay\u201d, denouncing the decade-long mission\u2019s \u201cfailure\u201d to respond ot tyirseuc challenges.", "scrambled_50%": "Mcwsoo sought ot srusaeer lMai\u2019s rlguin military unatj atht Wagner forces would continue to fight Islamist insurgents ni the wra-torn fiacArn country, dmai fears about the riwed fallout fo eth mercenary group\u2019s alefdi uprising ni asRsui. heT revolt ecucdorr skeew after Mial called no UN eecseerkppea ot aleev \u201cwithout delay\u201d, ignnoneucd hte decade-nlog mission\u2019s \u201cralifeu\u201d to respond ot tyirseuc challenges.", "scrambled_100%": "Mcwsoo uhtosg ot srusaeer lMai\u2019s rlguin aimtlriy unatj atht arWeng corfes dlouw nectinou ot gfhit asitIlsm nsgnriuset ni het wra-ntor fiacArn onycrut, dmai raesf btauo hte riwed tualflo fo eth yenremacr prgou\u2019s alefdi gusnipir ni asRsui. heT treolv ecucdorr skeew ratef Mial ecldal no NU eecseerkppea ot aleev \u201cuwhotit eyald\u201d, ignnoneucd hte eedacd-nlog nsimosi\u2019s \u201cralifeu\u201d ot onerdps ot tyirseuc cgslelaneh.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mowsoc shtoug to rueessra Mial\u2019s rugnil miiyatlr jutan ttha Wagenr fserco wdolu cetnoniu to fhgit Iitasmls igressnutn in teh wra-tnor Aaficrn cuoyrnt, admi frsea aobut teh wried fllaotu of teh mryeacrne gurop\u2019s fdalie ugsprini in Rsiasu. Teh rlotev oercrdcu wekes atrfe Mial cdelal on UN pesepeaecerk to leeav \u201cwhtiotu deayl\u201d, degnnciuon teh dcdeae-logn mniioss\u2019s \u201cfiraeul\u201d to rsdnepo to syiucert celsngleha.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Mscoow shgout to rsseruae Mlai\u2019s runlig miirltay jnuta taht Wnaegr frceos wuold cntinoue to fghit Issliamt iesngrtnus in the war-tron Afaricn cuotnry, aimd fares aubot the wdier floault of the maencrrey gourp\u2019s feaild uinsirpg in Rssiua. The rvloet oecurcrd wkees atefr Mlai cealld on UN peraepckeees to lveae \u201cwtuioht dealy\u201d, dienconnug the dcedae-lnog mssioin\u2019s \u201cfiruale\u201d to rpseond to scrtuiey cleangehls.", "substituted": "NXJSGE WOYqwe Hg eTXHzBng EOdR\u2019s PRSRQN jxyZQbvv UccRy aygi pIeRLM UwLScj ohnOU JvXMToFC fb PVdXi BMAnsUoI oyuTnkabAl UC xGA bAk-adAd QuwKMcj GEDmVqF, yGna PbllX nJhts IkG YIkkA zMvSlxm Mg Vas rnJiytulH YCCJf\u2019s qvEsfs UxKnXmKa hk ApzYgq. dbR afCgBP vkWgANkb ScCeJ KxXKy iprv qMEmrq zO pO ECzSLKTuQjhu Qx oVKUq \u201ctnVDGed yXTnB\u201d, yTbVppOYdB OFW hLxHka-qgKY jsnPJVS\u2019s \u201cJzmfkWh\u201d oq UtrlHwx cN njKQvLqp AtqiVHMTuh."} {"original": "Most historians credit China with the invention of fireworks around 800 AD. But it was in the 1830s that Italian inventors added trace amounts of metals to the mix and created the colorful displays that dazzle us now.", "scrambled_20%": "soMt historians credit China with the invention fo fireworks doarnu 800 AD. But it was ni the 1830s that naiatIl inventors added trace amounts of metals to the mix dan created the lufolocr displays that dazzle us now.", "scrambled_50%": "soMt historians credit hiaCn with the ntnnviieo fo erskoifrw doarnu 800 AD. But ti swa ni the 1830s that naiatIl osvnitner added trace amounts fo metals to het mix dan cederat the lufolocr displays ttah dazzle su now.", "scrambled_100%": "soMt thniosarsi ceditr hiaCn ihtw eth ntnnviieo fo erskoifrw doarnu 800 DA. uBt ti swa ni eth 1830s ttah naiatIl osvnitner dadde acetr otuamns fo atmsel ot het imx dan cederat eth lufolocr yapssdil ttah azdlez su onw.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mots hoisisarnt critde Canhi whit teh itnneovni of foisewkrr auonrd 800 AD. Btu it wsa in teh 1830s ttha Iaanlti iersvnont added tacre anumots of mtelas to teh mxi adn crteead teh cfloolru dypasisl tath dzzlea us nwo.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Msot hitnsiaors crdeit Cnhia wtih the inneiovtn of fwrirkoes aurnod 800 AD. But it was in the 1830s taht Iitalan invotnres aeddd tacre anomuts of maelts to the mix and ceretad the cforulol daiypsls taht dazzle us now.", "substituted": "Azmf LcMTncajON wpQoSA JtdHj Bqvp SUy VbuJfjCLH db SsnQSVGrJ Bcvnhh 800 rt. WTQ bB PgX Px FEH 1830s pmwK abSvlsI ZhhNtbOfZ FOkcj UwYwk mGGOKJa KP WFvqGW oK XqW CWn YbC WOBKzUa DJk zHVQOdEm ZfkzGJxr hSsM xQJMQv ny esB."} {"original": "Musk announced this week that his company\u2019s logo would change from the well-known blue bird to a black X. The billionaire\u2019s controversial rebrand was widely ridiculed, with Forbes criticising him for \u201csetting something on fire he paid $44 billion for\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "Musk announced hsit week that his company\u2019s ogol odulw cahnge from the well-known blue bird to a black X. The billionaire\u2019s enocasrlivtro rebrand was iywedl duiceridl, with Forbes criticising him for \u201csetting something on fire he aidp $44 billion for\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "ksuM announced hsit week hatt hsi company\u2019s ogol odulw cahnge fomr the ellw-nknow eubl bird ot a lacbk X. The billionaire\u2019s enocasrlivtro rebrand aws iywedl duiceridl, with Forbes criticising him for \u201csetting something no fire he aidp $44 billion for\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "ksuM ndnneauco hsit kewe hatt hsi ncmyopa\u2019s ogol odulw cahnge fomr eth ellw-nknow eubl bidr ot a lacbk X. Teh lbeorlniiai\u2019s enocasrlivtro aerbrnd aws iywedl duiceridl, iwth breFso iicirisgntc mhi rfo \u201cegnttsi tognhmsei no irfe eh aidp $44 ibllino orf\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Mkus adnnocune tish wkee ttha hsi cmyaonp\u2019s logo wudol cangeh frmo teh wlel-kwonn belu bdir to a bklac X. Teh biiolrinela\u2019s cntrirvaoloes ranbedr wsa weiydl rliudcied, wthi Fobser cticinigrsi hmi fro \u201csietntg shtegonmi on feir he piad $44 bnloiil fro\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Msuk anenocnud tihs week taht his cponamy\u2019s lgoo wluod cnghae form the wlel-kwnon bule brid to a baclk X. The brlniiaiole\u2019s crnvatoroseil rreanbd was wldeiy rcilediud, wtih Feobrs cirisinitcg him for \u201cseinttg smoetnhig on frie he piad $44 bliilon for\u201d.", "substituted": "qpCM fleIdOdyF zxbX fXMN JmiY rHT rNObKGQ\u2019s nJtW KClmW YbmkNo VHuv CYs gNGj-HJCIu OGSg qLNo ES a IOqDU X. uzR xcNoAmBPUkS\u2019s hKgVingUQdzba ZjXWzrc Rgz BDZyRQ sNzJXyNho, uMbo wMlSnS EEnxgnghHzY cpU Bag \u201ctMURNbE GmOnivxyf HF zyFx nS cwyn $44 DjNLudp rhD\u201d."} {"original": "Netflix has shared exclusive new details for the second season of its runaway hit \u201cSquid Game,\u201d the South Korean thriller series in which contestants who are deeply in debt play children\u2019s games in order to win a ton of cash \u2014 with the losers getting killed.", "scrambled_20%": "Netflix has shared viexsecul nwe details for the second season of its runaway hit \u201cSquid Game,\u201d the South oneKar thriller series ni which contestants who are deeply in debt play eidnchrl\u2019s games in eorrd ot nwi a nto of cash \u2014 with the losers getting killed.", "scrambled_50%": "Netflix sha edrahs viexsecul nwe elsadti for the second onsesa of its wuaynar hit \u201cSquid Game,\u201d het South oneKar thriller series ni which ensansocttt owh rea pdleye ni debt play eidnchrl\u2019s mgesa in eorrd ot nwi a nto of cash \u2014 tihw the losers getting killed.", "scrambled_100%": "ltNxfie sha edrahs viexsecul nwe elsadti ofr hte dosnce onsesa fo sit wuaynar hti \u201cquSdi emGa,\u201d het ohStu oneKar ithlerlr esesri ni hcwih ensansocttt owh rea pdleye ni bted alpy eidnchrl\u2019s mgesa ni eorrd ot nwi a nto fo chsa \u2014 tihw hte olsres tegingt iledkl.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Nlxfiet hsa shdrea eveuxcsil nwe dlaesit fro teh scnedo snaoes of ist rnuaayw hti \u201cSuidq Gmae,\u201d teh Sothu Kronae trhelril sseeir in wchhi ctanotetssn woh aer deylep in dbte pyla clnhrdie\u2019s gsaem in orrde to wni a tno of chas \u2014 whit teh lresos gnitegt kidlel.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ntefilx has sheard ecvxlsiue new dletais for the scnoed saseon of its rnwaauy hit \u201cSuiqd Gmae,\u201d the Stuoh Kraeon tlleihrr sriees in wichh casonntetts who are dlpeey in dbet paly ceidlrhn\u2019s gaems in odrer to win a ton of csah \u2014 wtih the lorses gtientg kelild.", "substituted": "wKrAhOk udJ XgnTDq NhlFxKopz QTs jwSiAiy Xmp Vvl ylejvV SqpavD Ya NKy AgMAtkw IbF \u201coyHwz DEFC,\u201d Pdh gpRuW sFSNJc MKLzhZvP eWkLIi EG VVPHo bNwoLKsCAfz LqF jEc DDScoP bw ZzSa haTq mmzQOyaY\u2019s AFSDX nW EiUDu Qa QsD a sYE Xg rYQc \u2014 mDlz zTf SmHyhC HKNQszr gKZBIo."} {"original": "New York must stop building skyscrapers or it will sink, a new study has warned. There are thought to be one million buildings in New York City, weighing an estimated 771 million tonnes, and the study, headed by Tom Parsons of the United States Geological Survey, found that the city is \u201cplopping closer\u201d to the water at a rate of 1 to 2mm a year, \u201cwith some areas subsiding much faster\u201d, said the New York Post. Lower Manhattan is particularly at risk, and there is heightened concern for both Brooklyn and Queens.", "scrambled_20%": "eNw York must tpos building skyscrapers or it llwi sink, a new study has warned. There are thought ot be one illmnoi buildings in Nwe York City, weighing an estimated 771 million tonnes, nda het study, headed yb Tom Parsons fo the United States ogGioalecl Survey, nufdo that the city is \u201cplopping closer\u201d to the wtrae at a rate of 1 to 2mm a year, \u201cwith some raase nsgisbdiu hcmu faster\u201d, said eth New York Post. Lower Manhattan is particularly at risk, and there is heightened concern for both Brooklyn and Queens.", "scrambled_50%": "eNw kYro must tpos building kcparrssyse ro ti llwi sink, a wne study has rnwdea. There ear thought ot be noe illmnoi duniisblg ni Nwe York tyCi, weighing an estimated 771 million nnoste, nda het study, headed yb Tom Parsons fo the nUdeti stSeat ogGioalecl vrSyue, nufdo that the itcy is \u201cplopping closer\u201d ot the wtrae at a erta of 1 to 2mm a year, \u201cwith some raase nsgisbdiu hcmu faster\u201d, said eth wNe York osPt. wroeL Manhattan si rrlitcalapyu at risk, and there is heightened concern ofr tboh Brooklyn nda Queens.", "scrambled_100%": "eNw kYro tusm tpos lgiiudnb kcparrssyse ro ti llwi nksi, a wne tysud sah rnwdea. eerhT ear hghtuot ot eb noe illmnoi duniisblg ni Nwe korY tyCi, ignegihw na tidamtsee 771 ionimll nnoste, nda het dusyt, ddaeeh yb mTo rPsosan fo het nUdeti stSeat ogGioalecl vrSyue, nufdo atth eth itcy si \u201cpgoppinl rceslo\u201d ot het wtrae ta a erta fo 1 ot 2mm a aery, \u201cithw soem raase nsgisbdiu hcmu stefra\u201d, isad eth wNe rkoY osPt. wroeL ataMantnh si rrlitcalapyu ta rski, dan rteeh si tegehdehin rconnec ofr tboh oonBrkly nda enQues.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Nwe Ykor mtsu sopt bgiuldin spkecsrsayr or it wlil skin, a nwe sdyut hsa wndrae. Three aer tghuoht to be oen miloinl bdinuislg in Nwe Ykor Ciyt, wnigehgi an eadsttmei 771 mliionl tnenos, adn teh sydut, hedead by Tmo Psrnaos of teh Utdien Sseatt Golacloeig Svruey, fdnou ttah teh ciyt is \u201cplpoignp celors\u201d to teh wraet at a raet of 1 to 2mm a yrae, \u201cwtih semo asaer sdngiubsi mcuh fesrat\u201d, siad teh Nwe Yrok Ptso. Lroew Mananhtta is ptarraiclluy at rsik, adn tereh is hgeienhetd crencno fro bhot Boynlkro adn Qesneu.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "New Yrok msut sotp binudlig srscryakpes or it wlil snik, a new sutdy has wernad. Trhee are toughht to be one mloliin blingduis in New Yrok Ctiy, wghneiig an etaemsitd 771 milloin tnoens, and the sdtuy, heeadd by Tom Ponasrs of the Uitend Satets Gaoecoigll Sevruy, funod taht the ctiy is \u201cplipnopg csoelr\u201d to the wtear at a rtae of 1 to 2mm a yaer, \u201cwtih smoe aeras sniubdisg mcuh fsaetr\u201d, siad the New Yrok Psot. Leowr Mtanthaan is pilucaatlrry at rsik, and three is heieeghtnd creoncn for btoh Boyorlkn and Qeuens.", "substituted": "xnu UuyM ssEC yxeW ebMQCDft qIGoUxGrKLK Fm BI lIQr UESC, a Eff jOdHd UcF QJnTmu. YIqgY obW JrWtvNs yr Up yoW MMvvRvL MAIIYMDFC CD lYE lCNF MaAM, cKQiaxXR zl TPXtqXkvQ 771 xrWiNmp SsaHUr, Maw mWm xTiOJ, uJemIw ka oOi OoiQKDZ GM rMK mSfNcv QFOmGp AdAoAJqCFL GnxPTW, LQOCD MKzQ fTJ qeQZ Ci \u201cZebbMJZx TCRofI\u201d Hv ECm CcNLO qn a YImB Vm 1 vC 2gE a bUmp, \u201cooKi CsyA dtdbq vroKWPpeF ronP tGxPrn\u201d, vvAR eqr gdE oYad wsDU. kdIVc wbfAZPwOX AQ EseaPKTgjXEc Er vpAy, Nre GTTaE Kf bhkByudFPt kEoFZiY UDD hKYL SExWVffK Edo VpODKt."} {"original": "Newly released Metropolitan Police data has revealed that an average of 248 phone thefts a day were reported in 2022 in the English capital. The boroughs with the most thefts were Westminster (25,899), Camden (7,892), Southwark (5,690) and Hackney (4,618).", "scrambled_20%": "Newly released Metropolitan Police data has revealed that an average of 248 phone thefts a day were reported in 2022 in hte sngEihl ilpaatc. eTh boroughs with the most thefts erew esmretnWsit (25,899), Camden (7,892), Southwark (5,690) nda Hackney (4,618).", "scrambled_50%": "Newly eseraeld oloitaprMten Police data ash revealed that an aegarve of 248 phone thefts a day eerw oetrpder in 2022 in hte sngEihl ilpaatc. eTh boroughs thwi eth most thefts erew esmretnWsit (25,899), Camden (7,892), hwruktoaS (5,690) nda Hackney (4,618).", "scrambled_100%": "Nlywe eseraeld oloitaprMten Pcloie atda ash eeelradv thta na aegarve fo 248 hpeon sethtf a ady eerw oetrpder ni 2022 ni hte sngEihl ilpaatc. eTh osbgruoh thwi eth ostm ftsthe erew esmretnWsit (25,899), nadCem (7,892), hwruktoaS (5,690) nda anHkcey (4,618).", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Nleyw rsdaeeel Motlranoipte Poclie daat hsa raveeedl ttha an aaevrge of 248 pohen ttesfh a dya weer reedrtpo in 2022 in teh Ensihlg clipata. Teh brhgsuoo wthi teh msto tthsef wree Weesmtnirst (25,899), Cdeman (7,892), Swurhkoat (5,690) adn Hneacyk (4,618).", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Nelwy relesead Mipeaolotrtn Plcoie dtaa has rveaeeld taht an arvaege of 248 ponhe tthefs a day wree rotepred in 2022 in the Esilgnh cipaatl. The buohgors wtih the msot tethfs wree Wtntsiesemr (25,899), Cmaedn (7,892), Satwrouhk (5,690) and Hkneacy (4,618).", "substituted": "kDXUi RFHBfnjP BxpGFdlNnJcc TPETVu AIHc OKm gdVEkYAR pvVo sH WPGRlVw FC 248 KjKXY cwgLkV a JnZ CSxm mvkqHCjN mA 2022 cU mNv zluGBxs mJVygye. wGo IKezoGlx kyDU zwA GLJu TYQNsA fbZi zBjgwERhPfq (25,899), zteotg (7,892), hegCTTTGl (5,690) qNJ UfopcVV (4,618)."} {"original": "News broke this week that the government handed a \u00a31.6 billion contract to Australian firm Corporate Travel Management to cover three offshore asylum-seeker vessels. The government claimed the \u201cfloatels\u201d would be \u201csignificantly cheaper\u201d than housing arrivals in hotels.", "scrambled_20%": "News broke this week atth het government handed a \u00a31.6 billion contract to Australian mifr Corporate Travel Management to cover three offshore asylum-eekser elsevss. The government claimed the \u201cfloatels\u201d would be \u201csignificantly cheaper\u201d than housing rsrlavia in oheslt.", "scrambled_50%": "News broke sthi week atth het government addhen a \u00a31.6 nlloiib contract to triausaAnl mifr Corporate ralveT Management to cover three fsooefhr yumlas-eekser elsevss. ehT government cmlidae the \u201cfloatels\u201d would eb \u201csignificantly cheaper\u201d anht housing rsrlavia in oheslt.", "scrambled_100%": "sweN bokre sthi ewek atth het oenmvtgren addhen a \u00a31.6 nlloiib crnctaot ot triausaAnl mifr opCreraot ralveT aeameMgtnn ot vroec ehtre fsooefhr yumlas-eekser elsevss. ehT meneotgnvr cmlidae het \u201cltsolafe\u201d dwulo eb \u201cciysitglaifnn peearch\u201d anht gsuinoh rsrlavia ni oheslt.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Nwse berko tihs weke ttha teh genmetnrvo hddean a \u00a31.6 bolinli cttaornc to Arainutlas frmi Cpretraoo Tarvel Manetnagem to ceorv trehe oehfofrs almusy-sereke vesssle. Teh gmnerenotv cedmial teh \u201cfollesta\u201d wludo be \u201csctinnlgyifai cehpare\u201d tahn huoinsg avrlasir in holset.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Nwes bokre tihs week taht the geronnmevt hndaed a \u00a31.6 blioiln ccatnort to Aiuraasltn frim Croroapte Taverl Meaneagnmt to cvoer tehre ohrsoffe aluysm-seeker vlesses. The gemneornvt cmelaid the \u201cfoaletls\u201d wulod be \u201cstifliigcnnay cheeapr\u201d tahn hsnoiug aalrrivs in hoelts.", "substituted": "kKvz kphZH ecuA qXLs hUZd Avh uEJcaoqKGx OOtIUf a \u00a31.6 Omrngjq ZQZYFFPr zC RJZlqdWxPN iylN FOjmuSSGV EkAcCk cJdWuNfvcd Ob nraZP XMDSN aGncaOVO gDSqHG-hsxhSE rwwMkpy. ARS dSXMeNLmCz KdsKALp qKh \u201ctJwLqVYd\u201d WDXCs Co \u201cQXSZgOdJyWOUR bcqHscK\u201d GEFZ CCFinWu nuhIlkwN VC kVpQhl."} {"original": "North London Collegiate School will trial dishes such as Chinese-style noodles with teriyaki grasshopper, sweet chilli and lime crickets, and Mexican rice topped with buffalo worms.", "scrambled_20%": "North London Collegiate School ilwl trial deihss such sa Chinese-style noodles ihtw teriyaki grasshopper, sweet chilli and lime rectskci, and Mexican rice topped with buffalo worms.", "scrambled_50%": "thrNo donLon Collegiate School ilwl litra deihss such sa Chinese-style noodles ihtw teriyaki rpaogshsrpe, ewets chilli nad lime rectskci, dan acenMix ecir topped with buffalo worms.", "scrambled_100%": "thrNo donLon iCtelealog Socolh ilwl litra deihss shcu sa eCinshe-setyl sendool ihtw aityrike rpaogshsrpe, ewets hilcil nad mlie rectskci, dan acenMix ecir pdoetp hwti auoflfb mrsow.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Nrtoh Londno Citlagloee Sohlco wlli tilra dsiesh scuh as Ceheins-setly ndsoleo whti tiakryie gpphseroars, stwee clhiil adn lmie ccrksiet, adn Maxince rcie tpepod wthi bofaufl womrs.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ntorh Lnodon Cialgolete Soohcl wlil tiarl deihss scuh as Cenishe-sylte ndoloes wtih tiearyki gperhapossr, sewet cllihi and lmie cctkires, and Mxecian rcie tppeod wtih bfualfo wrmos.", "substituted": "utYHY bbvQAw rPmTxTTxAw ItZcsq tMrK wdHDx kOqnLf RQbY jE vUeINfT-fLSKt gtLiZQM McgM fRelsyys NoWvOWpZcRb, dUvNs vXPIze BMo wPtL ZASHcHxG, ChZ BPWMRhw VFbW RkiXwl HGOy FjJEPCX zDIQX."} {"original": "OPEC, which supplies a large portion of the world\u2019s crude oil, announced it will cut production by more than 1.6 million barrels a day starting in May \u2013 a move that sent oil prices surging this week.", "scrambled_20%": "OPEC, which supplies a large portion of the world\u2019s crude oil, announced ti will cut itudnprooc yb more tahn 1.6 million barrels a day starting ni May \u2013 a move that sent oil prices surging this ekew.", "scrambled_50%": "OPEC, which supplies a large torpino fo the world\u2019s recdu iol, cuneondan ti will cut itudnprooc yb oemr tahn 1.6 million sebarrl a day starting ni May \u2013 a move that sent loi cersip surging sthi ekew.", "scrambled_100%": "PEOC, iwhhc lpespsui a alerg torpino fo hte odwlr\u2019s recdu iol, cuneondan ti lliw ctu itudnprooc yb oemr tahn 1.6 liilonm sebarrl a yda rgnttias ni yMa \u2013 a eomv ttah ents loi cersip uigsrgn sthi ekew.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "OPCE, wihch spiuspel a lgare pnorito of teh wdrlo\u2019s cderu oli, aeoncdnun it will ctu piurdncoot by mreo tahn 1.6 mlilino brsrael a dya stgtnira in Mya \u2013 a meov ttha stne oli pseric sgginur tihs weke.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "OEPC, wchih sppieuls a lgrae ptorion of the wlord\u2019s cdrue oil, aueoncnnd it wlil cut poroctudin by mroe tahn 1.6 miollin blrares a day satrintg in May \u2013 a mvoe taht snet oil peircs srgnuig tihs week.", "substituted": "dlUB, NRCNg rikRWEiv a tuspk sipSfOq WD xuW hdPtR\u2019s DDqRk jjc, sARmmdxuN wl hQjP lNK AIteySsfRJ kx zMCt ZBqD 1.6 BfKkPua TbasavH a VHz MribduWh FG deO \u2013 a BUAK kkWK biNE Wew ZmHrhf fhdupHB fcyv IrDd."} {"original": "Of more than 1,000 sixth-form pupils surveyed by think-tank Civitas, 26% also said that climate change had made their anxiety or sadness worse. And half said that people should have fewer children in order to tackle climate change and overpopulation.", "scrambled_20%": "Of more than 1,000 tsxih-form pupils surveyed by think-tank Civitas, 26% laos said thta climate change had made ihetr anxiety or sadness worse. And half said that people should have rwfee dilnrche in order to tackle climate ehancg dan overpopulation.", "scrambled_50%": "Of more than 1,000 tsxih-ormf pispul surveyed yb think-tank Civitas, 26% laos said thta ecmtail change dha made ihetr aityxen or sadness swoer. dnA afhl said that people should have rwfee dilnrche in edrro ot tackle climate ehancg dan rpoaenuvlotipo.", "scrambled_100%": "fO mroe htna 1,000 tsxih-ormf pispul uyresedv yb khitn-ktan itvCisa, 26% laos disa thta ecmtail cgehan dha mead ihetr aityxen ro sadenss swoer. dnA afhl adsi htta opelep hdolus vahe rwfee dilnrche ni edrro ot cketal emactil ehancg dan rpoaenuvlotipo.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Of mreo tnha 1,000 sxhti-fmor pilpsu seedvryu by tikhn-tkan Ctivasi, 26% asol sdia tath cimtael canghe hda mdea teirh aitynex or sedssan wosre. Adn hfla sdai ttah poeple suhold heav feerw cnelirdh in orerd to teclka ctlimae cgehna adn oppiueolronatv.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Of mroe tahn 1,000 sitxh-from piulps svueeyrd by tinhk-tnak Ctiaivs, 26% aslo siad taht cliatme cngahe had mdae tiehr aeintxy or sndeass wrsoe. And hlaf siad taht pepole sulohd hvae feewr cehidrln in oerdr to tlcake catmile cagnhe and ooplevoupaitrn.", "substituted": "lA iYHn eOkk 1,000 OhVvP-xvBV bmTHwf YKfNjsFO Bi RqWqq-ASLb xLLIulV, 26% HQvu qbRk RDqS lAaNeSv UeTEPT pqP kADp vvByi rSGYJug at jopcdBo uAMAB. rdi Whzv YxZx YqXo Qkbhpa dMRhAu RhBu cheaa HAyhBNsY Xk wclQk zw gcElnd KtHcteq OJWjep uNl tPDZmTwcWNpcxC."} {"original": "Omicron subvariant Arcturus was first detected in late January and is being monitored by the World Health Organization as a variant of concern. Cases have been reported in at least 27 countries, including the UK.", "scrambled_20%": "Omicron subvariant cArsrtuu wsa first eeectdtd in late yuaJrna and is being monitored yb the World Health Organization as a variant of concern. sCsae have eben reported in at least 27 countries, including the UK.", "scrambled_50%": "Omicron subvariant cArsrtuu wsa first eeectdtd ni late yuaJrna nda si being monitored yb the dolWr Health Organization sa a artaniv of concern. sCsae have eben reported in ta estla 27 countries, including the KU.", "scrambled_100%": "cnOromi nrsabtuiav cArsrtuu wsa rtsfi eeectdtd ni tela yuaJrna nda si inbge otreoindm yb eht dolWr leHhta gnzoitOaanri sa a artaniv fo crencno. sCsae aevh eben ropredet ni ta estla 27 nroisteuc, icninugdl teh KU.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Onoimrc siuanbvtar Austrcru wsa ftsir dtctdeee in leat Jnyaaur adn is bgnie midotonre by teh Wolrd Hehlat Oiaoinazntgr as a vtnriaa of crceonn. Cssae hvae bene rtreopde in at laets 27 ctsenouir, icnudngli teh UK.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Oocimrn savairnubt Arrctuus was fsirt decteted in ltae Juranay and is bineg mrtienood by the Wlord Hletah Ointgzaroain as a viraant of crcoenn. Cseas hvae been rtpeeord in at lseat 27 cunitoers, idicnulng the UK.", "substituted": "eTvNfAD kLuRRkZskl XHWzaVBi FRd tOlxJ tpTsjsyM AS bCZr hoorLik yio TR VLHje cPQfauqcv Eu jCN gHwLc TsEQQf tDbmscETfRXq NP a XlOrXbW lY jVWWKbB. zvzWm EoyX qkgp kJXSFbYk mk KZ TWxZm 27 SLwGTFMAx, ZqHtySzQv KCm cT."} {"original": "On April 3, 1973, the first cell phone call was made on a sidewalk in New York City with a device the size of a brick.", "scrambled_20%": "On iAlrp 3, 1973, the tfirs cell phone call was aemd on a sidewalk in New krYo City with a device the size of a brick.", "scrambled_50%": "On iAlrp 3, 1973, het tfirs cell enhpo lalc aws aemd on a sidewalk in New krYo tyiC with a vdeeci the size of a brick.", "scrambled_100%": "nO iAlrp 3, 1973, het tfirs lcel enhpo lalc aws aemd no a wasleikd ni eNw krYo tyiC hiwt a vdeeci het zsie fo a cikbr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "On Alpri 3, 1973, teh fsirt clel phneo clal wsa mead on a sakiewdl in Nwe Ykor Ctyi whti a diveec teh szie of a bckir.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "On Aiprl 3, 1973, the frist clel pnhoe clal was mdae on a sedliawk in New Yrok Ctiy wtih a dcieve the szie of a bicrk.", "substituted": "hI IJRRT 3, 1973, vwj SeAXo AgeH dACOv eYsx foL spmz Fm a hubHgnMC LP DJK BzuP AClR kdmm a bHzRRC MKJ qNDY qz a sQjuO."} {"original": "On June 17, 2021, President Joe Biden signed a bill into law recognizing Juneteenth National Independence Day. Biden said the moment will go down as \u201cone of the greatest honors\u201d of his presidency.", "scrambled_20%": "On June 17, 2021, President Joe Biden signed a bill into law cninrzgieog Juneteenth National pneIenecdnde yDa. Biden asdi the moment will og down as \u201cone of the rsaegtte honors\u201d of his presidency.", "scrambled_50%": "nO June 17, 2021, President eoJ dnBie signed a bill into lwa cninrzgieog Juneteenth National pneIenecdnde yDa. Biden asdi eth moment will og odwn sa \u201cone fo het rsaegtte honors\u201d of his presidency.", "scrambled_100%": "nO eJnu 17, 2021, nsPeetird eoJ dnBie gensdi a lbil onit lwa cninrzgieog nnettJehue tnialNoa pneIenecdnde yDa. deniB asdi eth emnomt wlli og odwn sa \u201cneo fo het rsaegtte sonrho\u201d fo ish ipcedsreny.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "On Jnue 17, 2021, Psdetiern Jeo Bdien sniegd a blli iont lwa riozgegicnn Jenuettnhe Ntonaali Idnpnecndeee Dya. Bneid sida teh mmento wlil go dnwo as \u201coen of teh gtaterse hsrnoo\u201d of hsi pscneridye.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "On Jnue 17, 2021, Peseirdnt Joe Bdien seingd a blil itno law ringoenczig Jueetntneh Ntnoaail Indendecnepe Day. Bdein siad the meonmt wlil go dwon as \u201cone of the gerasett hnoros\u201d of his pedsiecrny.", "substituted": "Zq eFTh 17, 2021, bRhuyJNKx XdC adaYb vHUDiH a XSdr uvlX bHv jNRtHcVwrsR ofvhXtqrdY JxSqpcpT qRVYtfrMqqCX vBM. nOMTv mfjK wim cPaDOV Ineu Mu rRNT tz \u201cnyv ES BWv ZhRDAALN eMWWEW\u201d HS wbZ EsdHwhGbjx."} {"original": "On Monday, Twitter users noted that the blue bird logo usually found on Twitter\u2019s homepage and loading screen has now been replaced with an image of Doge, the Shiba Inu dog used as a popular internet meme.", "scrambled_20%": "On Monday, Twitter ssrue noted taht the uelb bird logo usually found no Twitter\u2019s homepage and loading screen has now been replaced twih an image of Doge, the aSbhi Inu dog used as a popular internet eemm.", "scrambled_50%": "nO aonydM, Twitter ssrue noted taht eht uelb bdri oglo ulyusal found no Twitter\u2019s homepage and onildga screen has now been replaced twih an eiagm of Doge, eth aSbhi nuI gdo used as a popular internet eemm.", "scrambled_100%": "nO aonydM, erTwtti ssrue entdo taht eht uelb bdri oglo ulyusal donuf no wrTttei\u2019s amhpeeog dna onildga csenre ash own nbee elcreadp twih na eiagm fo oDge, eth aSbhi nuI gdo dsue sa a rulappo tientnre eemm.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "On Mdyona, Tttewri uesrs nedto tath teh buel bdri lgoo uluyasl fnduo on Ttirewt\u2019s hepamoeg adn lodngai sneecr hsa nwo bnee repedacl wthi an igmae of Dgoe, teh Sabhi Iun dgo uesd as a ppurloa ieetntrn mmee.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "On Mndaoy, Ttwiter uress neotd taht the bule brid lgoo ululsay funod on Twteitr\u2019s hpemagoe and lodiang sercen has now been rlaeepcd wtih an imgae of Dgoe, the Sibha Inu dog uesd as a plupaor inerentt mmee.", "substituted": "wv iNQqMs, xPfPWvP Jzzff PphIX qeJS AUT aeQu BHzO TwVj MNDumrd OLTPv QO JLUDBbk\u2019s WKiiBvkO AZq MUOAMXs nIZwHX CAh VLv nGkL XFimtFvJ ySPO Lh UrDZJ rS skoJ, Qog foaeg WkZ UNk jyUo ES a QmfAVVS zsDLumgG CQdx."} {"original": "On September 14, 1814, Francis Scott Key penned a poem after witnessing the Battle of Fort McHenry in Baltimore during the War of 1812 (which actually lasted until 1815). His poem was later set to music, and in 1931, it became America\u2019s national anthem.", "scrambled_20%": "On September 14, 1814, Francis tocSt Key penned a poem etrfa witnessing the Battle of Fort McHenry in tmloBerai dnigur the War of 1812 (which actually lstade nilut 1815). isH mpeo was later set to music, and in 1931, it became America\u2019s national anthem.", "scrambled_50%": "On September 14, 1814, Francis tocSt Key dnpeen a pemo etrfa witnessing the alBett fo Ftor eycrHnM in tmloBerai dnigur the arW of 1812 (which actually lstade nilut 1815). isH mpeo was later set to music, and in 1931, ti became acmeriA\u2019s nanoiatl tamenh.", "scrambled_100%": "nO Speemertb 14, 1814, iFrcnsa tocSt eyK dnpeen a pemo etrfa nwgitesnsi hte alBett fo Ftor eycrHnM ni tmloBerai dnigur het arW fo 1812 (wcihh alcluyta lstade nilut 1815). isH mpeo swa rtale tes ot usmic, dan ni 1931, ti mbceae acmeriA\u2019s nanoiatl tamenh.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "On Sepembetr 14, 1814, Fsarinc Stcot Kye pdnene a pmeo areft wnsgstinei teh Battel of Ftro MncyreH in Bimtaelor drginu teh Wra of 1812 (wchih alucatyl ledsta utiln 1815). Hsi pmeo wsa ltera ste to msiuc, adn in 1931, it bmacee Aemaric\u2019s nnatloai anhetm.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "On Setembper 14, 1814, Fircans Stcot Key pneend a peom aeftr wsiinntesg the Blatte of Frot MrHncey in Biotlmrae drniug the War of 1812 (wichh atlaculy leastd uintl 1815). His peom was leatr set to muisc, and in 1931, it baemce Aimecra\u2019s naioatnl anethm.", "substituted": "uX TViFusGAK 14, 1814, hZMaowd rhVfP bvc bysWkE a rLLY cLMgY qwjAIyxIrx sQI QpulAQ zn DFFd svFqugk gt nySuQEtZB QQQMeY FtB RAm NJ 1812 (TBeJa znfpdmjE XrXmqs ITuxS 1815). AXf InGV vMk tMXGF pbg EQ OmTek, bhR ES 1931, KU GSTGLL VOIVjuv\u2019s jkBNrlAw hLDcfR."} {"original": "On Wednesday, the East Asian country enacted a new law scrapping a centuries-old system that deemed children to be one year old at birth, with a year added every 1 January \u2013 meaning a baby born on 31 December would turn two the next day. A separate system, under which babies were zero at birth but turned one on 1 January, has also been abolished.", "scrambled_20%": "On Wednesday, the East Asian ortcynu enacted a new awl rpcgaipsn a centuries-old system that deemed children to be one reay dol at birth, with a year added every 1 January \u2013 meaning a baby born on 31 December would turn wot the next ady. A separate system, under which babies were eroz ta birth tbu turned one on 1 January, has also been deolbhisa.", "scrambled_50%": "On Wednesday, the East Anasi ortcynu enacted a new awl rpcgaipsn a centuries-dol stemsy that edeemd children ot be one reay dol ta rhitb, ihwt a eray daded every 1 yuJaran \u2013 meaning a baby brno on 31 December would turn wot eth next ady. A separate system, under which babies rwee eroz ta birth tbu drenut eon on 1 January, has soal been deolbhisa.", "scrambled_100%": "nO seyenaWdd, eth tsaE Anasi ortcynu ecanedt a nwe awl rpcgaipsn a rcteniuse-dol stemsy htta edeemd lirndehc ot eb neo reay dol ta rhitb, ihwt a eray daded eyver 1 yuJaran \u2013 miegnna a aybb brno no 31 beremDec oldwu tnur wot eth tnxe ady. A tsepaaer stmesy, dernu hwhic bisbae rwee eroz ta tihbr tbu drenut eon no 1 unrJyaa, sha soal eebn deolbhisa.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "On Wysdneaed, teh Etas Anasi crtouny eedcnat a nwe lwa scpagipnr a ctnseueir-odl stsmey ttah dmedee cenrildh to be oen yare odl at bhtir, whit a yrea aeddd ervye 1 Jnryuaa \u2013 mnngaei a bbay bnor on 31 Debecerm wuldo trnu tow teh nxet dya. A seaterpa smyest, uredn wcihh basebi weer zeor at bthir btu tdeurn oen on 1 Jraunya, hsa aslo been abdhloies.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "On Wneadsedy, the Esat Aasin cronuty eacnted a new law sparpncig a ceiutrens-old sesytm taht demeed cdlerihn to be one yaer old at brtih, wtih a yaer aeddd eervy 1 Junaray \u2013 mneniag a bbay bron on 31 Decmbeer wloud trun two the nxet day. A saatrepe stysem, uendr wchih biaebs wree zreo at btirh but ternud one on 1 Jarnauy, has aslo been abhsoelid.", "substituted": "QX zuaKofEio, Scr Wlkk pHsOg mDnAkfV TUSIaOr a bNC VUj clEpFDObV a qrkcyAnKr-NKW WPwSvj rdEn gkMWhM VjyPFTle rx Hl Meo fAcB JjI TF WPUUi, xaco a GVyi WVEkc GjluS 1 dJYHsiT \u2013 wfWynhs a ukGk ibxs ws 31 vmroxtOR QwsdG vIDI LDi RGV UuGL GAT. A PKWNiWsM yaervu, gsVOF QnsTx Sqtcah dJXU HLNW bv iVhjV qfA sVwaZL OCq Hl 1 UuyaiFD, UrN oLot VElX xAIJHSFCa."} {"original": "One in 10 people said they dunk sausage rolls in their cup of tea, according to a study that has caused much upset for the Daily Star. The tabloid called the practice a \u201chideous habit\u201d and further claimed that 4% of individuals, whom they referred to as \u201cwrong \u2019uns\u201d, engage in the act of dipping sandwiches into hot beverages \u2013 something the tabloid deemed nothing short of \u201cevil\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "One in 10 people said ehyt dunk sausage rolls in their cup of tea, according to a study that has caused much upset for the iDyla Star. hTe bdltiao called eht practice a \u201chideous habit\u201d and frthreu claimed that 4% fo lnvsdiadiui, whom they referred to as \u201cwrong \u2019uns\u201d, eeagng ni the tac of dipping sandwiches into hot beverages \u2013 mntgsoieh the aidblto deemed nothing short of \u201cevil\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "One ni 10 people said ehyt dukn uaessag rolls in their upc fo tea, according to a study ahtt has cedasu cmuh upset for het iDyla Star. hTe bdltiao dcalle eht pacterci a \u201chideous habit\u201d nda frthreu claimed htta 4% fo lnvsdiadiui, whom they referred to sa \u201cgowrn \u2019uns\u201d, eeagng ni the tac fo dipping sandwiches into oth beverages \u2013 mntgsoieh the aidblto ededem ightnno short of \u201cevil\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "nOe ni 10 eepopl idsa ehyt dukn uaessag orlsl ni terih upc fo ate, danccgori ot a tudsy ahtt sha cedasu cmuh tuspe rfo het iDyla Srta. hTe bdltiao dcalle eht pacterci a \u201chuideso bhtai\u201d nda frthreu eicdalm htta 4% fo lnvsdiadiui, owhm etyh eeefdrrr ot sa \u201cgowrn \u2019nus\u201d, eeagng ni eth tac fo gnpidpi hesisndawc otin oth seegerbav \u2013 mntgsoieh teh aidblto ededem ightnno srtoh fo \u201civle\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Oen in 10 poelpe sadi tyeh dknu sesagua rolsl in trhie cpu of tae, arndicgoc to a suytd tath hsa cudase mchu uepst fro teh Diyla Sart. Teh tioldba clelad teh piccrtae a \u201chuesodi hitba\u201d adn fethrru cadleim taht 4% of ividsianuld, whmo teyh rferdree to as \u201cwnogr \u2019usn\u201d, eggena in teh atc of diipgnp sdwnaichse iotn hto beregsaev \u2013 shmtiogne teh tlobdai demede nighont sthor of \u201celvi\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "One in 10 polpee siad tehy dnuk sguaase rolls in tiher cup of tea, acodcirng to a sudty taht has cesaud mcuh uspet for the Dialy Satr. The tlaoibd cllead the pctarice a \u201chuideos hiabt\u201d and fhruter calmeid taht 4% of iinaduilvds, wohm tehy reererfd to as \u201cwnrog \u2019uns\u201d, enggae in the act of dnpipig swhcndeias itno hot beaveergs \u2013 seimothng the toiabld demeed niothng srhot of \u201ceivl\u201d.", "substituted": "hIa Ol 10 SJbOTo nPIV XvsC SQTT INYVXrr RKoIE EM zpjyA fOT kc SCs, NifhzHcdG vQ a ruiqA Tamq BJe DekuVv qOrH zbTFB daC ySI jbjVD GNsw. ksQ wGuGLXP OBYdoT VdM OAYLGgtt a \u201cMYOUQaa dJXUd\u201d Kqx DXxygjX GzHHYrW ZiGp 4% Zh wIAHRmhOtgl, pWvs rJth iCKxVedV Nf Ff \u201cpPerr \u2019CMn\u201d, mURBdx yY JIX Vri wA VWVXvXw CWKsqgibdI daPG RlD SFXipJYqK \u2013 uBMlWUvIe kAh KfEfayn RBVPfv ZvQsCrM fSjvb AO \u201cYADJ\u201d."} {"original": "One trip to space will cost you about $450,000. However, the majority of Americans actually don\u2019t want to leave Earth. Only about 40% would travel to space if given the opportunity, according to a CNN analysis.", "scrambled_20%": "One trip to space will cost uyo about $450,000. However, the majority of mesiAncar culyalta don\u2019t want to leave Earth. Only about 40% dolwu travel to eapsc fi given the opportunity, gdrcancoi to a CNN analysis.", "scrambled_50%": "One rtip ot scpae will cost uyo ubtao $450,000. However, the majority of mesiAncar culyalta ond\u2019t want to leave Earth. Only about 40% dolwu etrlav to eapsc fi nvgei the itorptpuyon, gdrcancoi to a CNN silaanys.", "scrambled_100%": "nOe rtip ot scpae ilwl stoc uyo ubtao $450,000. wrvoHee, hte tryjaomi fo mesiAncar culyalta ond\u2019t nwat ot levae arhtE. nylO btoau 40% dolwu etrlav ot eapsc fi nvgei het itorptpuyon, gdrcancoi ot a NNC silaanys.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Oen tpri to sacpe wlli ctos yuo atuob $450,000. Herowve, teh mojiytra of Asrcinema acullyat dno\u2019t wnta to lavee Etahr. Olny aoubt 40% wdulo talerv to saepc if gnive teh oyruptpntoi, adncgroci to a CNN aniaslys.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "One tirp to scape wlil csot you aubot $450,000. Hweevor, the motajiry of Araemncis aaclutly don\u2019t wnat to lvaee Etarh. Olny aubot 40% wulod tarevl to sapce if gvien the otptiopunry, aoccdrnig to a CNN aliasyns.", "substituted": "HFs WNau kw tgnCa RBYb iGqr GRM hJXqO $450,000. ItBhwJG, vsO ouNJFsAH dz wdaXkpfMh DdFknHnN zwZ\u2019t Bhlq NI BwLjb kpqcU. LNRw ewJFS 40% HpKea FoDCYu Hy wedRQ dE tlEVQ BvS JJMTBUKkXsQ, PCKWcBaqs qa a PgF qvvdFrSF."} {"original": "Orkney could leave the UK and become a territory of Norway under new proposals to explore \u201calternative forms of governance\u201d that could provide more economic opportunities. The islands were under Norwegian and Danish control until 1472.", "scrambled_20%": "Orkney could leave the UK and ocmeeb a territory of Norway uedrn new proposals to pelxreo \u201ctrntvleaiae forms of governance\u201d that could iderovp more economic tpsunoretopii. The islands were under graeiNown and Danish control until 1472.", "scrambled_50%": "erOynk could leave the KU dan ocmeeb a territory of wyoaNr uedrn new proposals ot pelxreo \u201ctrntvleaiae forms fo governance\u201d ttha could iderovp more iccemoon tpsunoretopii. heT islands were under graeiNown dan Danish control until 1472.", "scrambled_100%": "erOynk uldoc aveel hte KU dan ocmeeb a rroettiry fo wyoaNr uedrn wen alsooprsp ot pelxreo \u201ctrntvleaiae rmosf fo ognevarnec\u201d ttha cdlou iderovp omer iccemoon tpsunoretopii. heT inaslds erew enurd graeiNown dan Dnisah rnoolct lunti 1472.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Okreny cdoul leeav teh UK adn bceoem a ttreroiyr of Nyoraw udenr nwe possoprla to eorlepx \u201catietrvealn fosrm of grencaenvo\u201d tath cdoul pevorid mreo eomccoin orpnisiutpote. Teh iandlss wree uerdn Nwgnireoa adn Dsaihn cnoolrt uitnl 1472.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Orenky culod lavee the UK and bomcee a torterriy of Nrwaoy udenr new poolrspas to erpoxle \u201caratevlinte fmors of gocnnvraee\u201d taht cloud pdrvoie mroe emnioocc outinpteopirs. The iladnss wree uendr Nawegroin and Daisnh cotronl unitl 1472.", "substituted": "xQMOKb VXSrN YTYjq Ilb Ip SYk DSlgXF a McQnmPQhc Sc XFOpBW jOCUV tNV LFYcSCiXw RT DcxPuRq \u201cIRIhyydoyfq Nruqd Vd kCxPmQFfOt\u201d EUZp wGvEf rLyTIbU jFuU AiKsMsnW fVxRFZJlJuSTB. CqK mYbAspA ApRJ nNgNf vjXpqoEFO REK zQokzu uxsFEfa tyAkG 1472."} {"original": "Paris is preparing for the 2024 Olympic Games centered around the River Seine. The opening ceremony, which is traditionally held inside the host city\u2019s Olympic stadium, will take place on the river, with at least 600,000 people expected to watch from the banks, according to organizers.", "scrambled_20%": "Paris is preparing for the 2024 Olympic Games centered around teh vRier nSeei. The opening ceremony, which is traditionally held inside the host city\u2019s Olympic damstiu, will aket place on the river, with ta least 600,000 peploe etexcdpe to watch from the banks, according to rrzeiagson.", "scrambled_50%": "Paris si preparing for hte 2024 imyOlcp Games cndretee around teh vRier nSeei. hTe ninogpe ceremony, which is traditionally held sendii het hsto city\u2019s Opmicyl damstiu, will aket place on the river, with ta least 600,000 peploe etexcdpe to cwtha from teh kabsn, according to rrzeiagson.", "scrambled_100%": "iPras si eaprnprgi rfo hte 2024 imyOlcp semGa cndretee uodran teh vRier nSeei. hTe ninogpe ymeeoncr, hwhci si tlrdatiaolnyi dhel sendii het hsto ityc\u2019s Opmicyl damstiu, wlil aket caelp no hte errvi, wiht ta elats 600,000 peploe etexcdpe ot cwtha rmfo teh kabsn, noicadrcg ot rrzeiagson.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Pairs is pniprgrae fro teh 2024 Ocipmly Gmeas ceeerdtn arnduo teh Reirv Senei. Teh oinpgne cnoyeerm, wihch is tytralioldnia hedl idnesi teh htos cyit\u2019s Oilcpmy smiaudt, wlli tkea plaec on teh rveir, whti at lesat 600,000 peepol epedectx to wtcah fmro teh basnk, agindoccr to ozairnresg.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Piars is prpainreg for the 2024 Oympilc Gmeas crteened anroud the Revir Senie. The onpneig ceeornmy, wchih is tatnroilldiay hled iindse the hsot ctiy\u2019s Omplyic sudatim, wlil tkae pacle on the reivr, wtih at lesat 600,000 pploee eetcxepd to wtcah form the bnaks, aronidccg to onregzaris.", "substituted": "uqMtG Ty ziRZejyvh gpx CLJ 2024 TWnFsEQ pRjxV PDshaHGe VAFJJf ECO veCGA FVexa. moK dUxQLyR ssSvPDYG, oiGhs QR mioooXgOTXIxD cwNZ rvvnqM Foq ruRh KCqo\u2019s UvEfnLR SMYTyAN, itXL snhU JaILB PK xXy SyePL, HSVL TL JTAVI 600,000 hlSwvs oHLOSDto lV RoVPw KywU mJl CNCiZ, BItiZVEMK si UeEMTnTaDn."} {"original": "People who are 65 and older or those who have weakened immune systems and \u201cwant the option of added protection\u201d are now allowed another booster dose, the CDC said this week.", "scrambled_20%": "People who aer 65 and older or those who hvea weakened enuimm systems and \u201cnatw the option of added protection\u201d are now allowed another rosotbe deos, the CDC said this week.", "scrambled_50%": "ePleop how aer 65 nda older ro oseht who hvea weakened enuimm systems nda \u201cnatw the option of ddade protection\u201d are now allowed another rosotbe deos, the CDC said htis eekw.", "scrambled_100%": "ePleop how aer 65 nda odelr ro oseht hwo hvea eadkeewn enuimm tssmyes nda \u201cnatw eth oitnop fo ddade pnrioetoct\u201d rae wno daewllo throena rosotbe deos, eth CDC dias htis eekw.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Ppoeel woh aer 65 adn oerdl or thseo woh haev weeaenkd ieunmm symstes adn \u201cwnat teh onpoit of addde pinerootct\u201d aer nwo aedwlol aroehnt bseorot dseo, teh CCD sida tish wkee.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ppolee who are 65 and oeldr or toshe who hvae weeaenkd inumme symsets and \u201cwnat the ooitpn of adedd poetrtcoin\u201d are now aloweld atehonr boeotsr dsoe, the CDC siad tihs week.", "substituted": "VZLkZQ iIS FiN 65 PmU POkvy cI rKUJN Nsc pNxj jUTxFMmA kJrtro NzqwOlA OqA \u201cygxI VHl SlCdWW jl JaRrF nMNrFoVXeW\u201d bAa LEY QRSMuzZ fRaMtIe dJNvAAK Dazk, HHr pWc zzNw vqMD QpXt."} {"original": "Phoenix just endured the hottest month for any US city on record. Temperatures in the region peaked under 110 degrees Fahrenheit for the first time in a month on Monday.", "scrambled_20%": "Phoenix just endured the tshotte month for any US cyti on edrocr. Temperatures in the region peaked under 110 degrees Fahrenheit rfo the first time ni a month no Monday.", "scrambled_50%": "Phoenix just endured hte tshotte hnomt for any US cyti on edrocr. Teetsepmraru in het region kdapee under 110 egeesdr Fahrenheit rfo the fstri time ni a month no oanyMd.", "scrambled_100%": "ioPxhne sujt ndueerd hte tshotte hnomt orf yan SU cyti no edrocr. Teetsepmraru ni het ionerg kdapee rednu 110 egeesdr iaFhnrheet rfo hte fstri etim ni a mnhot no oanyMd.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Penxioh jtus eerddun teh htottse mhton fro ayn US ctyi on rordec. Tsmtraureeep in teh roigen padeke uernd 110 deeesgr Fnhehrtiae fro teh fstri tmei in a mhont on Mnoyad.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Penhiox jsut eernudd the htsoett motnh for any US ctiy on rrecod. Tpumreeretas in the reiogn paeekd uendr 110 dereges Feriahnhet for the fsirt tmie in a mtnoh on Mnadoy.", "substituted": "GqPUYcc UiWd HsUBKny BSV dKAjYSw hbmSj rAT oqS Kh yxaY Bs vvovNU. EutCiIuSqZvu Kb loZ DcGlHE Yjzlzn nqQSh 110 HVOUtPA SxybqKSwVe uTp KtY glUxF jkIK PK a tJQhI nG ziEStH."} {"original": "Plans for filming the fifth and final season of \u201cStranger Things\u201d has been paused due to the writers\u2019 strike, the show\u2019s co-creators announced.", "scrambled_20%": "Plans for filming hte fifth and final season fo \u201cStranger Things\u201d has been paused due to the writers\u2019 strike, het show\u2019s co-ersrctao ucnnodaen.", "scrambled_50%": "Plans for fmgiiln hte tffhi and final season fo \u201cStranger Tghnis\u201d ash been paused due ot the rreswti\u2019 strike, het owsh\u2019s co-ersrctao ucnnodaen.", "scrambled_100%": "nlPsa fro fmgiiln hte tffhi dan anlfi sesano fo \u201crretagSn Tghnis\u201d ash nebe epasdu ued ot eth rreswti\u2019 irkets, het owsh\u2019s oc-ersrctao ucnnodaen.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Pasln fro flginim teh fihft adn fnlia soenas of \u201cSnragtre Tnhsgi\u201d hsa bene pesdua deu to teh wetsrir\u2019 stierk, teh swoh\u2019s co-crsarteo annoeucnd.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Plnas for fmilnig the fftih and fnail seosan of \u201cStngearr Tnighs\u201d has been psuead due to the wtierrs\u2019 sikrte, the sohw\u2019s co-coerrtas aeocnnnud.", "substituted": "TubbM rTp jOPJHGs EIV ScwIs Csp sgJcj vkqFvV PD \u201ciODFkTcl swyfmB\u201d Pgq dujw TnsTNT ufW Vy uVJ kSXzEdu\u2019 yKAINH, ZvG MxuA\u2019s Hq-fQKIirUQ jXaldKBoc."} {"original": "Play was disrupted after a protester climbed onto a table and covered it with orange powder, while another activist tried to glue herself to a different table. The duo were arrested following the invasion at Sheffield\u2019s Crucible.", "scrambled_20%": "Play was eptisdudr after a protester mbeilcd onto a table and covered ti whit orange powder, lewih hrnotea activist tried to glue herself to a different table. eTh duo were arrested following the invasion at Sheffield\u2019s Crucible.", "scrambled_50%": "Play was eptisdudr after a oserpertt mbeilcd onto a table and covered ti whit enaorg wporde, lewih hrnotea activist edirt ot glue herself to a edfitnfre labet. eTh duo were arrested following het naivnosi ta Sheffield\u2019s Crucible.", "scrambled_100%": "Pyal asw eptisdudr aertf a oserpertt mbeilcd ootn a atbel dan vreeodc ti whit enaorg wporde, lewih hrnotea siaicttv edirt ot uleg feslreh ot a edfitnfre labet. eTh odu weer tarseerd iogolnflw het naivnosi ta ifdheeflS\u2019s briecuCl.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Paly wsa deprudsti areft a perstrtoe cmibedl ootn a tealb adn crdevoe it wthi ongrae pdorwe, wihel aeohrnt atvistic tiedr to gelu hrlfees to a dftfeinre tlabe. Teh dou were atdseerr folowlign teh ianvniso at Sfedilehf\u2019s Cirebcul.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Paly was dtsureipd atfer a petserotr celmibd otno a tlbae and cereovd it wtih onrgae pedwor, wilhe anteohr acsvtiit treid to gule hrsleef to a dfienfret tlabe. The duo wree asrteerd fnliwoolg the iisavonn at Slfieefhd\u2019s Ccirblue.", "substituted": "HaPj qAW BLtUoOlhb pBvsH a byBnFrpTv eejLare sHWI a RiLgl LYF lrQaWPS Jh bkbI YYItVU PEEiwN, lbBju OgCgzZh rnirAJuL VkAsR hm CtQa HCumEIp JX a gfhGjNWWX SNswf. Nbt UUT ChTn lcflclCl XBddNIeRS joK eQqiLNzj YQ FduNxquFN\u2019s mtKvlvcG."} {"original": "Police arrested almost 1,000 people in the UK\u2019s largest ever crackdown on organised crime. A total of 20 firearms, \u00a3636,000 in cash and 20kg of cocaine were also seized during the nationwide raids in June, the National Police Chiefs\u2019 Council announced this week.", "scrambled_20%": "oPclie arrested almost 1,000 people in the KU\u2019s ratgesl ever cocknwrda on organised crime. A total of 20 firearms, \u00a3636,000 in cash dan 20gk of cocaine were also sieedz during hte nationwide raids in June, the National Police Chiefs\u2019 Council announced this week.", "scrambled_50%": "oPclie arrested almost 1,000 people ni the KU\u2019s ratgesl erev cocknwrda on organised crime. A total of 20 srrefima, \u00a3636,000 in cash dan 20gk fo ocancie erwe loas sieedz during hte danwnitoie raids ni eunJ, the National ePciol Chiefs\u2019 Council announced iths week.", "scrambled_100%": "oPclie arderset olsatm 1,000 poelep ni eth KU\u2019s ratgesl erev cocknwrda no noirsaged iercm. A tolta fo 20 srrefima, \u00a3636,000 ni cahs dan 20gk fo ocancie erwe loas sieedz uidrng hte danwnitoie siadr ni eunJ, eht oaaintlN ePciol sfehiC\u2019 lCoiunc aonundenc iths kwee.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Poleci adesterr atslom 1,000 pelpeo in teh UK\u2019s lagerts erev cdrkoancw on oigrsdnae cmrei. A tltoa of 20 fmraresi, \u00a3636,000 in chas adn 20kg of caiceon were asol sidzee dgrniu teh niedianwot rdisa in Jenu, teh Nailntoa Pcloie Csheif\u2019 Cinluco aenuncdon tsih weke.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Poilce areertsd aomlst 1,000 poplee in the UK\u2019s lregsat eevr ckwdcaron on oreigasnd cimre. A ttoal of 20 frmareis, \u00a3636,000 in csah and 20kg of cnociae wree aslo szeeid dnuirg the niiwtnodae rdais in Jnue, the Nnaaotil Ploice Cifehs\u2019 Cucionl anoncuned tihs week.", "substituted": "neZsGZ uzlFeEAY hWatCk 1,000 tGZXDs pq BcY jN\u2019s JJzlMue deVc XTBEbBioK HA WakEjCAum smSIo. A BCItd jR 20 ppZZxUNi, \u00a3636,000 sb FTNJ YCb 20mr Ur anSWumq RVEM QfJu bLsRuJ gzUgBC TQB bPNqLSLVXE PRlcx Ww YCEm, ikX coIKPxMd NKRIPv RjgNpl\u2019 WXfpUyj ExzTWNCMV xEym tIpi."} {"original": "Presenting his first Budget to Parliament on Wednesday, Hunt laid out a range of measures intended to encourage economic growth by boosting employment, including extending free childcare and lifting a cap on tax-free pension savings.", "scrambled_20%": "Presenting his first uegdBt to Parliament on Wednesday, Hunt ldai tou a range of measures intended to encourage economic growth by boosting ymnetlopme, giiuclnnd extending free childcare dan lifting a cap on tax-fere pension savings.", "scrambled_50%": "Presenting his first uegdBt ot Parliament on Wednesday, ntHu ldai tou a rgnea of measures intended to encourage ncomoiec hrwogt by boosting ymnetlopme, giiuclnnd itnexnegd free ecadilrhc dan lniiftg a apc on tax-fere pension vsanisg.", "scrambled_100%": "sinntergPe hsi sftri uegdBt ot naarPteilm no Wnyadeesd, ntHu ldai tou a rgnea fo raeemsus ednident ot rogencaeu ncomoiec hrwogt yb bgoisnto ymnetlopme, giiuclnnd itnexnegd eefr ecadilrhc dan lniiftg a apc no axt-fere oienpsn vsanisg.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Pierstnneg hsi fsrit Btgeud to Pmlnateira on Weeaddsny, Hntu liad otu a reang of meurseas iddteenn to ergauocen ecocnoim ghrwot by btgosoni epotnmelym, idunlcnig edxientgn fere clideachr adn liifntg a cpa on txa-fere pnoensi ssnvgia.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Pneenistrg his fsirt Bugedt to Pmalaniret on Weesadndy, Hnut liad out a rngae of meuaress itdenned to enguocare eonciomc grtwoh by bsoniotg emeylpnmot, iucnlidng eidnetnxg fere cdralchie and lnfitig a cap on tax-fere poinesn singvas.", "substituted": "NexiwGnFMw AER OtmFh OxHkWh kv uDRsHXagHj ll dfnLlYgYS, ocQv sAMg qjY a ITjta Nq XhhCtVMK HiiQOPYO pP PgGlBmTHr iDqeSvDh PVSYIN DK FAmyvYeZ TtqCkFYlhN, Hzrrkchuc KIpIsxbcE LyPy JlwpOWyJo ihN pCzbpNC a uKu LC llK-lIuc MywjKlu QbqnoMF."} {"original": "President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of bloody civil war. The proclamation declared \u201cthat all persons held as slaves\u201d within the rebellious states \u201care, and henceforward shall be free.\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation no January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its dhtir year fo bloody civil war. The proclamation declared \u201catht all ensospr held sa slaves\u201d within the rebellious states \u201care, nda henceforward shall be eefr.\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "iePdsertn Abraham Lincoln issued eth cmpotniiaanE Proclamation no uyarJna 1, 1863, as the nation ocdpphraea its dhtir year fo bloody lvcii war. The aroplnmaotci declared \u201catht all ensospr held sa esslav\u201d iniwth the rebellious states \u201care, nda hrocnfdreaew lsalh eb eefr.\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "iePdsertn hrabAma lncinoL uisdes eth cmpotniiaanE aPcoiamroltn no uyarJna 1, 1863, sa het onntai ocdpphraea sit dhtir ayre fo yodblo lvcii arw. eTh aroplnmaotci lrecdeda \u201catht lla ensospr hdel sa esslav\u201d iniwth eth ebisolulre ttsase \u201caer, nda hrocnfdreaew lsalh eb eefr.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Pndieters Amrbaah Lolcnni iudess teh Eaioiatpnmcn Pnloirmtaoac on Jrauyna 1, 1863, as teh nnatoi apocehdarp ist tdrih yare of boldyo cviil wra. Teh pnomcioratla ddceelar \u201cttha all pssoren hdel as sseval\u201d wnhtii teh rbleuielso saetst \u201caer, adn hwradefenroc sahll be fere.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Pndrieset Aabrahm Lnlcoin isuesd the Etnciopaiamn Paoioamctlrn on Jraanuy 1, 1863, as the niaotn acphepaord its trhid yaer of bdoloy ciivl war. The pcoaotlimran drceelad \u201ctaht all pnoesrs hled as sveals\u201d wthiin the roeuebllis settas \u201care, and herfenrcaowd salhl be fere.\u201d.", "substituted": "QMRCtQJfJ qQjUeJS AlezsIA RbxkmO BOw SfHWzrPOBxfI aIxTuDryOwZq iJ dXsPbEl 1, 1863, Ac APr uSMQmd KVfNOESZMp TDh bXEas pHyA qj oYJekA PeZoX kyh. lCN eSgfqUrnsIgK kPruWRGO \u201cRnWA XPs WUftfaQ DAPP VS UuNaDG\u201d PycDsq YEV XRzkSBGUxy chdpgu \u201ckIp, frX RfpzUVXwXoGJ dCxmz Yv mhOm.\u201d."} {"original": "President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden capped South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol\u2019s official state visit with a lavish state dinner at the White House Wednesday night to celebrate the two nations\u2019 70-year alliance.", "scrambled_20%": "rnetPdsei Joe Biden nda first lady Jill Biden capped South Korean President onoY Suk oeYl\u2019s official state visit with a shialv state dinner at eth White House Wednesday tngih to celebrate the two nations\u2019 70-year alliance.", "scrambled_50%": "rnetPdsei Joe Biden nda first ldya Jill eBind capped South nroKae tPeiesnrd onoY kuS oeYl\u2019s official state visit with a shialv state dinner ta eth White oseuH ndeWdasye tngih to bareeltce the wot nations\u2019 70-ryae alliance.", "scrambled_100%": "rnetPdsei eJo endiB nda stirf ldya Jlil eBind epcapd oShut nroKae tPeiesnrd onoY kuS oeYl\u2019s iocilaff setta sivti wtih a shialv tteas nerdni ta eth Wtihe oseuH ndeWdasye tngih ot bareeltce eth wot snntioa\u2019 70-ryae lacaneli.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Ptdrieesn Jeo Bdien adn frsti ldya Jlil Bidne cpapde Shtou Knaoer Pterdines Yono Sku Yleo\u2019s oilicffa sttae vsiti whit a lvhais steat dnrein at teh Whtei Heosu Wdnayedse ngiht to certlabee teh tow nstanoi\u2019 70-yare aelclian.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Psdnereit Joe Bdein and fisrt lday Jlil Beidn cppead Stouh Kaeron Pdnesriet Yoon Suk Yoel\u2019s ofacfiil satte vsiit wtih a lvsaih sttae dnneir at the Wihte Huose Wdedsenay nghit to catlerbee the two ntoinas\u2019 70-yaer anlclaie.", "substituted": "ynzGaDICF YkH UTqrI uzS ClQIB gAkY ZNQO qjJHp pYOMrm GNDCp sthyLM bHKeuWuDw LYiN HZz xJAC\u2019s nnFDNUeE TQTiQ GGTYU chHm a vFLLnb bAEuX nPxvMU jb MCB Jnthl MYcoa AtxHXoRxt euAef By AWCBvDwNx kgR QYN kPwbRfu\u2019 70-ahWT pDQQhULx."} {"original": "President Joe Biden welcomed the Super Bowl Champion Kansas City Chiefs to the White House Monday. See photos from the special occasion.", "scrambled_20%": "President Joe Biden ledewocm the Super Bowl Champion aKssna City hisefC to the White House Monday. See photos from eth special occasion.", "scrambled_50%": "President Joe Biden ledewocm the Super Blwo aiCnhpmo aKssna City hisefC ot the White oHeus onaydM. See sopoth rfom eth special occasion.", "scrambled_100%": "tnPediser oJe iBnde ledewocm hte upSre Blwo aiCnhpmo aKssna yCti hisefC ot hte Wtihe oHeus onaydM. eSe sopoth rfom eth icpales csncoaoi.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Peidtrsne Jeo Bdnei woedcmle teh Spuer Blwo Cnhpoaim Ksaasn Cyit Csfihe to teh Weiht Hseou Mdyona. See pshoto fomr teh spclaie osnoiacc.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Pesrndeit Joe Bdien wlceomed the Spuer Bwol Cahpiomn Ksaans Ctiy Cfihes to the Wihte Husoe Moandy. See pohtos form the siaecpl ocasoicn.", "substituted": "UNCgGlzVI ZpR APSqq JBJzMTaA YNy XhhfD oMhg sckqlQfb QZWkoC uadF fDmjrM Sa Siq AEaHM hQDVB dWxiGO. fPg gEvQMU Uqfu LlB rvnCQqQ VLwVAKhO."} {"original": "President Nayib Bukele\u2019s government has locked up a total of almost 2% of the country's adult population and has built a 40,000-capacity mega prison to accommodate suspected gang members.", "scrambled_20%": "President byiNa Bukele\u2019s government has dkecol up a total fo almost 2% of eht crtyonu's adult population and has built a 40,000-capacity mega prison to accommodate suspected gang members.", "scrambled_50%": "President byiNa Bukele\u2019s government has dkecol pu a total fo almost 2% fo eht crtyonu's adult population adn has built a 40,000-iccptaay mega opsirn ot accommodate edetucsps gang serbemm.", "scrambled_100%": "tsrdeneiP byiNa keelBu\u2019s nonetervmg sha dkecol pu a lttoa fo sloamt 2% fo eht crtyonu's autdl optplnuoai adn ash btuil a 40,000-iccptaay eagm opsirn ot amamcoodetc edetucsps gagn serbemm.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Psrendite Naiby Bekule\u2019s gmenrtnveo hsa leockd up a taolt of aotsml 2% of teh cutyonr's atldu plaootpiun adn hsa biutl a 40,000-cciatypa mgae pnoris to adotcmmaoce scpedsute gnga mrebmse.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Pdnrseeit Nyaib Bkluee\u2019s gomveennrt has leockd up a tatol of aolmst 2% of the crnouty's auldt puiapotoln and has bluit a 40,000-capcitay mgea piosrn to aomtmccdaoe secupsetd gnag mberems.", "substituted": "otZlAjOxg qSZlV QvGtcU\u2019s EYXNIEjFXl WTz uMoVHH Vo a HNOOz fB tZCPja 2% qR ciC IZXgFwC's Knopa fJDEdHjcHJ IyP sJk pVCvc a 40,000-TUyAwQJJ PRPt gwgPxf YU bpvzzLmLTGK uIBFJThzi IMsO NmvpGbI."} {"original": "Prince Harry and his wife Meghan were involved in a chaotic car chase with paparazzi in New York on Tuesday that could have resulted in a \u201ccatastrophic\u201d outcome, their spokesperson has alleged.", "scrambled_20%": "inrecP Harry and his wife Meghan were involved in a chaotic car acehs with paparazzi in New York on Tuyadse that ulodc have resulted in a \u201ccatastrophic\u201d outcome, their spokesperson ahs edelgla.", "scrambled_50%": "inrecP aHryr adn his wife ehangM rewe involved in a cticaho car acehs hiwt aiazarpzp in New York on Tuyadse that ulodc have resulted in a \u201ccatastrophic\u201d outcome, etrhi noopkserseps ahs edelgla.", "scrambled_100%": "inrecP aHryr adn ihs wfei ehangM rewe nlvidevo ni a cticaho arc acehs hiwt aiazarpzp ni Nwe kYor no Tuyadse htat ulodc ehva trelsude ni a \u201cpccattosairh\u201d tmuooec, etrhi noopkserseps ahs edelgla.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Pcreni Hrary adn hsi wfei Manhge wree ivnvolde in a chciota cra cseah wiht pzraaiazp in Nwe Ykor on Tdeyuas tath cuodl heav rdtsulee in a \u201cchastcairtop\u201d omuetoc, tehri ssponeprkseo hsa aedlelg.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Prncie Hrary and his wfie Mahegn wree ivnloved in a caithoc car chsae wtih pazaazpri in New Yrok on Tedausy taht cluod hvae reuetlsd in a \u201cctsaioprathc\u201d omocute, tiher sseseopkoprn has aegleld.", "substituted": "vRyjhU SAlEN kRV Yre HCKz srZtxS eQnp dNDfEZPZ rI a yQJYQPr FcH WOlUm TnTR UQdpGUkGN Qy POJ rGMs lO yAklFnG yHpO Ykskr nChH UFOLWmJx hz a \u201cpzQVOZHxgbqY\u201d hxWKHpo, wcZkT eOGOUnbsRUHj CTf cBRcSdU."} {"original": "Puerto Rican superstar Bad Bunny has notched up another record with his fourth studio album, \u201cUn Verano Sin Ti\u201d, becoming Spotify\u2019s most streamed album of all time. In 2022, the trap and reggaet\u00f3n singer was the most streamed artist for the third consecutive year. He\u2019s reached \u201ca new stratosphere of stardom\u201d, said Rolling Stone.", "scrambled_20%": "Puerto Rican superstar Bad Bunny has notched up hneoart record ihwt his fourth studio album, \u201cnU Verano nSi Ti\u201d, becoming Spotify\u2019s most estreadm album of all time. In 2022, the trap and reggaet\u00f3n grines was the most earsetdm artist for the third consecutive reya. eH\u2019s reached \u201ca wen stratosphere of stardom\u201d, said Rolling Stone.", "scrambled_50%": "rueotP iRanc eurtssapr Bad Bunny has hctdnoe up hneoart record ihwt his rtuhfo studio album, \u201cnU Verano nSi Ti\u201d, becoming Spotify\u2019s most estreadm album of all time. nI 2022, the trap nda neeagg\u00f3tr grines was hte most earsetdm artist rof eht hdirt consecutive reya. eH\u2019s ahceedr \u201ca wen stratosphere fo stardom\u201d, said Rolling eoSnt.", "scrambled_100%": "rueotP iRanc eurtssapr dBa unyBn sah hctdnoe pu hneoart derroc ihwt sih rtuhfo tuiods blaum, \u201cnU neVora nSi iT\u201d, bceminog yfopSit\u2019s smto estreadm bamlu fo all itme. nI 2022, hte tpra nda neeagg\u00f3tr grines aws hte tmos earsetdm isratt rof eht hdirt ocvteeiunsc reya. eH\u2019s ahceedr \u201ca wen sroseaherttp fo stmraod\u201d, sadi ignlRol eoSnt.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Prtoue Rcina sauetrrsp Bda Buynn hsa ndtoech up ahreotn rdorec wthi hsi futhro siotdu aublm, \u201cUn Vnaore Sni Ti\u201d, begnmcoi Sfypiot\u2019s msto sraedetm aumlb of all tmie. In 2022, teh tarp adn re\u00f3ganteg sngeri wsa teh mtos seedamtr aisttr fro teh thdir ceionuecstv yare. He\u2019s rhdeeca \u201ca nwe steoerahsrpt of srtaodm\u201d, siad Rioglnl Seont.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Puetro Rcain stseaprur Bad Bnuny has nhtecod up aetnohr rorced wtih his frotuh suitdo ablum, \u201cUn Vnerao Sin Ti\u201d, bmienocg Sfptioy\u2019s msot srteaemd abulm of all tmie. In 2022, the tarp and rgeeagt\u00f3n sgneir was the msot stemaerd arsitt for the thrid cseuictonve yaer. He\u2019s racehed \u201ca new seohrtsarpte of srdotam\u201d, siad Riolnlg Sotne.", "substituted": "GaLSnH HQtlb lBImLYYPM rrN WQtYk EqP eRXFCXo ZU osTDfds cDuuSs xteL QXW KbHeSS vYeHIQ tvFQY, \u201cYY Zjaqgm FDK rP\u201d, YPEmjdvV tcTayjN\u2019s wFZd jnbCqiCy PWMzw Ve EyO cTUT. yf 2022, PzC hPfD PSF LUQsLLYfE yRVvWl hXn PnE UiZF bHpZmcMy HVsscf XOx BvS AmIwb FrqJSUTuYVw fDSC. DF\u2019s BQbRTEA \u201ca hnY IVdGxgLvpyWK SU pFAVqdg\u201d, NPUm hrEHKut bPVBQ."} {"original": "Raymond Martin, managing director of the British Toilet Association, told The Guardian that the closure of half of the UK\u2019s public loos in the past decade was resulting in street urination, also known as wild toileting, \u201ceverywhere now\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "Raymond Martin, managing director of the British Toilet Association, told heT Guardian that the closure of fhal fo the KU\u2019s public loos in het spat decade was resulting in street nnruaioti, also known as wild toileting, \u201cyevheeerwr now\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "Raymond Martin, nmagangi director of the British Toilet Association, dlot heT udrGania that teh lersouc fo fhal fo the KU\u2019s public loos in het spat decade aws resulting ni eesttr nnruaioti, also onnkw as iwdl toileting, \u201cyevheeerwr now\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "nmdRaoy nMrati, nmagangi eroctird fo eht tBisrhi eiTolt tnsaioiscAo, dlot heT udrGania tath teh lersouc fo fhal fo eth KU\u2019s ucpbil lsoo ni het spat ecedad aws liugtsenr ni eesttr nnruaioti, osla onnkw sa iwdl tniteliog, \u201cyevheeerwr wno\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Rymdona Mntiar, maningag drcoiert of teh Btisrhi Teiotl Atioancsois, tdol Teh Garnaudi ttha teh csuorle of hlfa of teh UK\u2019s pibulc lsoo in teh ptas deecad wsa rgnelutsi in serett uinatiorn, asol konnw as wldi toitnelgi, \u201ceheeeywrrv nwo\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Rynmaod Mtarin, mignanag dotriecr of the Bsiirth Tlieot Aaoictosisn, tlod The Gudairan taht the coursle of hlaf of the UK\u2019s plubic loos in the psat ddceae was reulitsng in setret uaoniritn, aslo kwnon as wlid ttiioelng, \u201ceyehewvrre now\u201d.", "substituted": "NcLfCax vBwbhL, oDkuZxaE bwLCPuJs aI oun wmYkbVL fZVNds kXOIIjxwFHH, Stvc FBJ wnwShtjw JIvH xjI DjXtpnE Sb OYpG ne OdY os\u2019s tjfdat fEhg Ah aKn fFXD NsjpTv Ezv fWYddlPow fy ZPylvq kNuusSxKg, Tmeg QOOMp Px xvUq ZRqpnRBEc, \u201cUJUtHcpHkS zpp\u201d."} {"original": "Recently revealed video footage captured on the Greek island of Lesbos appears to show 12 African migrants, including a baby, being towed out to sea and abandoned on an inflatable raft. Amid growing concern over illegal pushbacks of asylum seekers, the EU home affairs commissioner, Ylva Johansson, said her officials had written to Athens with a formal request \u201cthat this incident be fully and independently investigated\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "Recently revealed video oaftego pteacdru on the Greek island of Lesbos appears to show 12 African migrants, including a baby, niegb towed out ot sae and nnebddaao on na inflatable raft. Amid growing concern over illegal pushbacks fo asylum seekers, the EU home affairs iesronismmoc, Ylva ssoaonhnJ, said her sacfilifo had written to Athens with a formal eserqut \u201cthat shti incident be fully and independently investigated\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "eleynRtc rvledeae video oaftego pteacdru on het Gkree island of Lesbos appears ot shwo 12 African migrants, including a baby, niegb towed uot ot sae and nnebddaao no na blaleitanf raft. Amid wnigrog conncre over illegal scbuakhsp fo asylum seekers, the UE home srfifaa iesronismmoc, laYv ssoaonhnJ, asdi her sacfilifo had nitrwte to Atnhse with a formal eserqut \u201cthat shti incident be fully and dineldtpneeyn investigated\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "eleynRtc rvledeae oeidv oaftego pteacdru no het Gkree dilasn fo Lseobs epsapar ot shwo 12 ifAcanr igrasnmt, niicgdnul a bbya, niegb edwot uot ot sae dan nnebddaao no na blaleitanf fart. mAdi wnigrog conncre rove elligla scbuakhsp fo aylsmu rseekse, eth UE oehm srfifaa iesronismmoc, laYv ssoaonhnJ, asdi erh sacfilifo adh nitrwte ot Atnhse twhi a lorfam eserqut \u201chtat shti tciidnne eb flyul adn dineldtpneeyn nigtsvdiatee\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Reltcyen rleveead veiod faoeotg cdurpeta on teh Gerek iansld of Lobess aprapse to swho 12 Anfiacr mrtignsa, indngciul a byab, benig tdeow otu to sae adn anodnbdae on an ifltbnelaa rtfa. Aidm gongirw cnncero orve ilaglel psskhacbu of aumysl sskeree, teh EU hmoe afrafis ciomisrnemos, Yavl Joansnosh, siad hre oiilfsfca hda wtterin to Aensht whit a fomlra rsteequ \u201cttah tish iitcennd be fylul adn iytleenpndnde isvgntiedaet\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Reltnecy raleeevd vdeio ftogoae cutepard on the Geerk ialsnd of Leosbs aprepas to sohw 12 Aicrfan mtainrgs, idnicunlg a bbay, benig teowd out to sea and aanboendd on an itlfbalane rfat. Aimd gonriwg cncroen oevr iegalll puhkcsbas of aysulm serekes, the EU hmoe arfiafs cmosseomiinr, Yvla Josohsann, siad her oaffliics had wtreitn to Aethns wtih a fraoml ruesqet \u201ctaht tihs icednnit be fluly and ienednentldpy iiattsnveegd\u201d.", "substituted": "TDUgiZuG ySjJQqMU bfiIC XqMVkmC wmSqaukN tL sbx EcThc JoTcKo sX OIzfrT GJYaQAJ ws TCMo 12 UxDXEiD nxrBlWQf, YETzZQauH a rSgb, zzvHE VvEZJ jrT Yr Fbb AUP wyxmyXQRn CQ Mq GliDtqfXKO XQgL. aqjN KlBrUyd QWceLdv YuWQ oJDxmgz udcgcVwvf jL rzSvHj KyxYSfg, JQr Oc qtMG pbQKHMf nfdCQSQhSTIn, XFNl VuDwjBzNp, FMkf KCA SEMhgugsH EkQ uwlBcXf lk dEHkiX JYEk a zUWCzv wTFzSSI \u201cjMez IvHk lRphcTxB iQ gQMwr Vjr LiGQMdkJCjgMU oeQYnArMqvNQ\u201d."} {"original": "Released on June 20, 1975, \u201cJaws\u201d went on to become the first film to gross more than $100 million at the box office.", "scrambled_20%": "Released on June 20, 1975, \u201cJaws\u201d tnwe on to become the first film ot rssgo more than $100 ilnloim at the box office.", "scrambled_50%": "Released on June 20, 1975, \u201csaJw\u201d tnwe on ot become the first lfim ot rssgo more than $100 ilnloim ta het box cieoff.", "scrambled_100%": "eReleads no nJeu 20, 1975, \u201csaJw\u201d tnwe no ot ecboem het frsit lfim ot rssgo ermo atnh $100 ilnloim ta het oxb cieoff.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Reeealds on Jneu 20, 1975, \u201cJwsa\u201d wtne on to bcomee teh fistr flim to grsso mroe tnah $100 mloliin at teh bxo ofcfie.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Realesed on Jnue 20, 1975, \u201cJwas\u201d wnet on to bmoece the frsit flim to gsors mroe tahn $100 mlloiin at the box offcie.", "substituted": "DngKnNQP aq yHxP 20, 1975, \u201cjwnb\u201d XVZM sE yG jWoNhm VSV cDlLi pgBt MZ ejqeu qlhK XpQD $100 ehFywrT Kq kTR ULn pAERkA."} {"original": "Rental e-scooters are to be outlawed in the French capital after a referendum was held last week. Around 89% of votes cast were in support of a ban, but with no online voting, turnout was only about 8%. Nevertheless, the result means Paris will become the first major European capital to outlaw the scooters.", "scrambled_20%": "Rental e-scooters are to eb outlawed in the French capital erfta a referendum was held slta week. Around 89% of votes cast ewre in support of a ban, but with no online inovtg, utnrtou was olny about 8%. Nevertheless, the result means rPisa wlil become the first major European capital ot outlaw the scooters.", "scrambled_50%": "Rental e-scooters are ot eb dowlueat in het French ictlaap erfta a eudefmrnre was hdle slta week. Around 89% of tveso cast ewre in support of a ban, but with on online inovtg, utnrtou was olny about 8%. esvestrlheNe, the srtlue means rPisa wlil emeobc the istrf ojmra European tliapac ot outlaw the ooscesrt.", "scrambled_100%": "aRletn e-oerscsto rae ot eb dowlueat ni het enhcFr ictlaap erfta a eudefmrnre asw hdle slta ewke. nudoAr 89% fo tveso stac ewre ni otpsurp fo a nba, tbu ithw on ielnno inovtg, utnrtou aws olny bauto 8%. esvestrlheNe, het srtlue saenm rPisa wlil emeobc teh istrf ojmra aopnrueE tliapac ot olwtua teh ooscesrt.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Raenlt e-soetcsor aer to be otuleawd in teh Fhercn catalpi aerft a rdemeenufr wsa hdel lsta wkee. Anrdou 89% of vsoet cats weer in srtuopp of a bna, btu whit no onneil vgiont, ttuurno wsa olyn atbou 8%. Ntseelvesreh, teh rtulse mensa Prasi wlil beoecm teh fsrti morja Enuperao calapit to otwlua teh storsceo.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ratenl e-stcoeros are to be oeuawtld in the Fcrenh catiapl atefr a rufrdneeem was hled lsat week. Aorund 89% of vetos csat wree in sppurot of a ban, but wtih no olinne vnitog, tunurot was olny abuot 8%. Netlehresves, the rluest mnaes Pairs wlil bmecoe the frist moajr Eouaerpn catapil to otaulw the srecotos.", "substituted": "dGingW e-PUPhLYEv Qnc jW Ka xdmtHcDi Ju PyR gadpJo JpIVNxf eGvfh a jthnQwbXaG jcZ NbAL uRuN Unvo. CcqEYR 89% zW eYMZD rRez rMgs fE qvzyCcG YL a DlV, tyS rhTi BK EyEaSL cfoGpY, iwauqaI mYk KVif mfGWi 8%. paSrZYtpcHht, HdG wEhpWC WADot RcEOF oMFt iSZsoZ Qym KyHyB HAGKy ffIFaXlY qZLmsKd Qm BqpMKn BOy MVNLHCvY."} {"original": "Research by Betway found that the West Yorkshire city was the least sunny in the UK, followed by. Blackpool and Aberdeen.", "scrambled_20%": "Research yb Betway found that the etsW kihoeYsrr city was eth least sunny in the UK, followed by. Blackpool and Aberdeen.", "scrambled_50%": "Research yb Betway ofndu that the etsW kihoeYsrr city was eth least sunny ni the KU, followed yb. olopBklac dan Aberdeen.", "scrambled_100%": "ecrRahse yb ewytaB ofndu tath eth etsW kihoeYsrr ycit saw eth asetl snyun ni eth KU, dwelfolo yb. olopBklac dan eeenrdAb.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Rrecesah by Bawtey fndou thta teh Wtes Ysikerroh ciyt wsa teh lesta synun in teh UK, fldlooew by. Boalkpclo adn Aeeenrbd.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Rresecah by Baewty fnoud taht the Wset Yhosrrkie ctiy was the lsaet snnuy in the UK, flooweld by. Bpkocloal and Aeerbedn.", "substituted": "vjSjohIY Wd kMKjhS WXgOD AUJI zKk zsoW KphIjbFpV UeTR KKu uDH WoJKB ONXmL bQ hub Ly, FwajjhIj af. oxBBLHybC DXi IyxaJRXL."} {"original": "Researchers dunked 17 popular biscuits in cups of tea and recorded how many dunks each type survived before breaking apart. The Jaffa Cake was declared the winner \u2013 despite critics questioning whether it really is a biscuit \u2013 with 116 dunks, compared with the Digestive\u2019s six.", "scrambled_20%": "hsrcaRseree dunked 17 uplproa biscuits in cups of tea and recorded how many dunks each type survived rbefoe breaking ratap. The ffJaa Cake was declared hte winner \u2013 despite itccisr questioning whether it really is a biscuit \u2013 with 116 dunks, rcdopema with the Digestive\u2019s six.", "scrambled_50%": "hsrcaRseree dunked 17 uplproa biscuits ni cups of eat and roddcere how nyma dunks echa type survived rbefoe anrgbiek ratap. The ffJaa Cake swa dlecerad hte rwnien \u2013 despite itccisr questioning whether ti really si a biscuit \u2013 with 116 undks, rcdopema with the Dsevitegi\u2019s six.", "scrambled_100%": "hsrcaRseree ekundd 17 uplproa iiuscbts ni sucp fo eat dan roddcere who nyma snkdu echa tpye drivsvue rbefoe anrgbiek ratap. ehT ffJaa keaC swa dlecerad hte rwnien \u2013 iepdest itccisr snniuteigoq tehhewr ti yarell si a iicbuts \u2013 twhi 116 undks, rcdopema hiwt eth Dsevitegi\u2019s xis.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Rcseeesrhra dnekud 17 pploaur bssuicit in cspu of tae adn reddcero hwo mnay dksnu echa tpye svdriveu berfeo bniagker arpat. Teh Jaaff Ckae wsa dredlcae teh wirnen \u2013 depiset cicistr queiisgntno weterhh it realyl is a bcstiiu \u2013 whit 116 duskn, carpdemo wiht teh Dieeigstv\u2019s sxi.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Rhaeeerrcss dkenud 17 palopur btiiuscs in cpus of tea and rdreecod how mnay dnkus ecah tpye sruveivd bfeore biekrang arpat. The Jfafa Ckae was dclareed the wneinr \u2013 dteispe citrcis qnieonuitsg whheetr it ralely is a bsiuict \u2013 wtih 116 dukns, cpmaored wtih the Dvtgieise\u2019s six.", "substituted": "ssUQLNALhWh UsDhUN 17 IXPXFYu CsXpEKEq yf hlhe Al iOP TBR sPFLKcbj kdB uVHT wraBn fVkG sPFc jenoYPUU IBSIGF PVomjtcC EWOJG. HbX rulss YADO lKn wpKQgIwo qTH GBgqFn \u2013 ZExOhGg NhsKXCX UrdHKTuWSGC CMBOfRg Td urtyZe jR a oGgJGOF \u2013 XymS 116 ktexH, fFXzsgCA fkPg sDV msMEGCmoB\u2019s MZH."} {"original": "Residents of Philadelphia rushed to buy bottled water after the city sent a mobile alert recommending people stop using tap water due to the spill. Officials have since said the city\u2019s drinking water is safe to use.", "scrambled_20%": "Residents of Philadelphia rushed to buy bottled water etarf the city ntes a lmbieo alert recommending people tosp using apt water due to the spill. Officials have since said the city\u2019s irknidng water is esaf to use.", "scrambled_50%": "Residents fo lhielhPpidaa rushed to uyb boteltd ertaw etarf the ityc ntes a lmbieo alert recommending people tosp guins apt water due ot the pslil. iiclOffsa have since said het city\u2019s irknidng water is esaf to use.", "scrambled_100%": "teisednRs fo lhielhPpidaa hesdur ot uyb boteltd ertaw etarf het ityc ntes a lmbieo treal crnigdeenomm oeeppl tosp guins apt twrea edu ot eth pslil. iiclOffsa veah cenis dsia het itcy\u2019s irknidng etrwa si esaf ot seu.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Rednsetsi of Pilhailphdae rehsud to byu blttedo waert atref teh cyit sten a meblio arlet rdecogenimmn plpoee spto ugnsi tpa werta deu to teh sipll. Oafclsfii hvea scien siad teh cyit\u2019s dgkinnir wrate is sefa to ues.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Reetdniss of Phliladhiepa reushd to buy bltetod wtear aeftr the ctiy snet a moblie aerlt rneedinocmmg poeple sotp usnig tap wtaer due to the slipl. Ofliaifcs hvae scine siad the ctiy\u2019s dnniikrg wtaer is sfae to use.", "substituted": "DszfqyKXH hj dzAiztNNBdlh jERCHk kV Pek cZKYMCt nvBhd nrTvN FrE URZE PXQz a LVctNu GjZff ljrOMefASdls LxKBMy DrtB wzYUL oGW axbEx jzw GC nxY aeJuH. ZWFFldykD vxNh MAPrQ BqUP yCW AooH\u2019s ijQhmcIy ExSly Qn mqDh GX NLz."} {"original": "Residents of Western cities are disproportionately affected, according to a new report from the American Lung Association. California had 10 of the 25 most ozone-polluted cities. New York, Chicago and Hartford, Connecticut, were the only three on the list east of the Mississippi River.", "scrambled_20%": "Residents fo Western siitec rea disproportionately affected, according to a new trerop from the Aciernma Lung Association. California had 10 of the 25 most ozone-polluted cities. ewN York, Chicago nad Hartford, Connecticut, were het only three on the list east of the Mississippi River.", "scrambled_50%": "dsRentsie fo serWten siitec rea disproportionately eadfeftc, according to a new trerop from het Aciernma Lung Association. California adh 10 of the 25 stmo ozone-polluted seicti. ewN York, Chicago nad Hartford, Connecticut, ewer het lyno rehte on the stil east of the sisisispipM rRiev.", "scrambled_100%": "dsRentsie fo serWten siitec rea aysotprreliopiontd eadfeftc, ogcdniacr ot a nwe trerop romf het Aciernma ugLn ciosAantsio. olriCanafi adh 10 fo het 25 stmo oeonz-utledlpo seicti. ewN orkY, Ciohcag nad adtfHror, tniCtccuoen, ewer het lyno rehte no eth stil teas fo eth sisisispipM rRiev.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Rtednseis of Wretnse cteisi aer diiperoonolyparstt aecftedf, acndgiocr to a nwe ropret fomr teh Anmceria Lgun Acoinisaost. Ciaorfnlai hda 10 of teh 25 mtos ozeon-pluolted ctesii. Nwe Yokr, Chogica adn Hodrfatr, Cocutnntcei, weer teh oynl three on teh lsti esat of teh Mssisppisii Rivre.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Rentediss of Wretesn cteiis are dpepiartostionlory aefetcfd, ancrdciog to a new ropret form the Aaremcin Lnug Ascsaoioitn. Craiilonfa had 10 of the 25 msot onoze-ptulloed ctieis. New Yrok, Cghacio and Htoafrrd, Cctniconuet, wree the olny terhe on the lsit esat of the Miisippsssi Reivr.", "substituted": "WngnTcIoU Ek nFZCaZu IvUkuc pTu EOHKEsvALGyeNUkjhi NlwIyrpo, BFsdhfByG qm a KaA FhOmAZ mgQU iuA ZfNyXvfz ymtb BUMLRWyBErM. erbVqFicsX MLt 10 wS AGC 25 ulrO JFsFS-sPYXOFlS xxZTGG. clI mHTO, BkuYPrR uMk qYAGAAbc, pFJpWSiwVLL, NVYN vjB GQEt FbUnU cw vyZ pkhG jAQG Nr ycF DeYFuSPRldZ mmjEL."} {"original": "Rubio will have logged a total of at least 371 days in space, NASA officials said. The previous record of 355 days was set by Mark Vande Hei in 2022.", "scrambled_20%": "Rubio will have logged a total fo at least 371 days in space, NASA ilfoaisfc said. ehT previous record of 355 days was ste by Mark endVa Hei in 2022.", "scrambled_50%": "Rubio will vhea logged a total fo ta eltsa 371 days in space, ASNA ilfoaisfc said. ehT osuiervp record fo 355 ysad was ste by Mark endVa Hei ni 2022.", "scrambled_100%": "obRui ilwl vhea gegdlo a laott fo ta eltsa 371 ysda ni paecs, ASNA ilfoaisfc asid. ehT osuiervp drrceo fo 355 ysad saw ste yb aMkr endVa iHe ni 2022.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Rouib wlli hvea ldoegg a tolta of at lseat 371 dysa in sapce, NAAS ociiaffls sida. Teh puorives rcerod of 355 dsay wsa ste by Mkar Vnade Hie in 2022.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Rbiuo wlil hvae leggod a ttoal of at lseat 371 dyas in scpae, NSAA oflcaifis siad. The peuorivs rrecod of 355 dyas was set by Mrak Vdane Hei in 2022.", "substituted": "pUdsO HzHc phqH SmbaaN a Exlqy Bs Vy tyfMm 371 UAhq IO HMRjG, JGAI LxdqUSKcp iAai. EbV UQVsDTJt lLJFFu lu 355 pepe yKd wky sv uZmq vuyCA iGG zu 2022."} {"original": "Salmond snubbed what was dubbed the \u201cScottish coronation\u201d of the new monarch and predicted that Charles would be the \u201clast King of Scots\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "Salmond snubbed what swa dubbed the \u201cScottish coronation\u201d fo the ewn monarch and predicted that Charles would be eth \u201clast iKgn of Scots\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "nlmSaod snubbed ahtw swa dubbed the \u201cthScitso coronation\u201d fo het ewn hrcnaom dna predicted that Charles would be eth \u201clast iKgn of octsS\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "nlmSaod subbedn ahtw swa ebbudd eth \u201cthScitso inaotonroc\u201d fo het ewn hrcnaom dna critddpee taht ralhCse duwlo eb eth \u201clsat iKgn fo octsS\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Slmndoa sdnbeub wtah wsa dedbub teh \u201cSsotciht coitrnnaoo\u201d of teh nwe mrhnaoc adn pcteeidrd ttah Clrehsa wdoul be teh \u201cltas Kngi of Sotsc\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Smnoald sbnbued waht was dbeubd the \u201cScitstoh cooinrotan\u201d of the new mrancoh and pteiredcd taht Chraels wloud be the \u201clsat Knig of Sotcs\u201d.", "substituted": "GMKimfH HPpfTnW crjR sMr RNjHPG Wqc \u201cvwOWwbeZ VHkOIbvYPw\u201d VW Dvj Wul cpvvMdJ JQn RplWgXgBv UuXv pmTUYxx ZSHAk XL kxV \u201cPbSi qogK kL frjBu\u201d."} {"original": "Scientists at China\u2019s Southern Medical University tracked 212,000 British adults with an average age of 54 over a 12-year period and found that those who chatted on a mobile for 30 minutes a week were 12% more likely to be diagnosed with high blood pressure, while six hours a week raised the risk to 25%. The researchers suggested that exposure to the low levels of radiofrequency energy emitted by phones may raise blood pressure, and spending hours on calls was also linked to worse sleep and higher stress.", "scrambled_20%": "Scientists at China\u2019s Southern Medical University dkecart 212,000 British adults hitw na average aeg fo 54 over a 12-year period and found htat hseot ohw chatted on a mobile for 30 minutes a week were 12% more likely to be diagnosed with high blood pressure, while six hours a week raised het iskr to 25%. The researchers suggested ttah exposure to the low levels fo radiofrequency energy emitted by nopseh amy raise blood eesrpsur, and spending hours on calls was also linked to orsew sleep and higher stress.", "scrambled_50%": "tnsiscSiet at hnaCi\u2019s orutSnhe Medical University dkecart 212,000 iBtsirh adults hitw na average aeg fo 54 over a 12-year period dan fnodu htat hseot ohw chatted no a mobile for 30 minutes a week were 12% rmeo lelkiy to be diagnosed with high blood pressure, while six rshuo a keew edsrai het iskr ot 25%. The srehserreca suggested ttah sxuepeor ot the lwo levels fo radiofrequency energy emitted by nopseh amy raise lobdo eesrpsur, dna spending hours on alcls wsa lsoa linked ot orsew sleep nda higher stress.", "scrambled_100%": "tnsiscSiet ta hnaCi\u2019s orutSnhe cldaMei sinyUtirve dkecart 212,000 iBtsirh altuds hitw na eaaervg aeg fo 54 orve a 12-erya oeipdr dan fnodu htat hseot ohw dathcte no a eoimbl rof 30 stumeni a ewke ewre 12% rmeo lelkiy ot eb nsgdioead ihtw ighh dobol ersesurp, leihw xsi rshuo a keew edsrai het iskr ot 25%. eTh srehserreca deseusggt ttah sxuepeor ot eht lwo eslvle fo fdrrcoaeunqeyi gyerne eimtted yb nopseh amy aeisr lobdo eesrpsur, dna pnndseig rshuo no alcls wsa lsoa kleidn ot orsew elspe nda hrghie setssr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Seincstits at Cnhai\u2019s Suorhtne Mieclad Utyiivesnr tkcdare 212,000 Bsirhti ausldt wthi an aegerav aeg of 54 oerv a 12-yrae peidro adn fnoud ttha toseh woh cahtted on a meboli fro 30 mnteusi a wkee wree 12% mreo leylki to be dgiosande whit hghi bdolo psurseer, wehil sxi hsuor a weke reasid teh rski to 25%. Teh rrerhaessce sedgeugst ttha euopxrse to teh lwo lelsve of rdfeqcanyiuoer eyrnge eitdtme by poensh mya rseia bdolo psueersr, adn sngidpen husor on cslla wsa aols lneidk to wrose sleep adn hhgrie setsrs.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Scsienitts at Cnhia\u2019s Shtuoern Mciadel Utsnrieviy tackerd 212,000 Birstih auldts wtih an aeragve age of 54 oevr a 12-yaer proeid and fuond taht tshoe who ctheatd on a mblioe for 30 mitnues a week wree 12% mroe lkliey to be dionegasd wtih hgih blood psusrree, wlhie six hrous a week risaed the rsik to 25%. The raesceerrhs sgsegtued taht esuporxe to the low levles of rciroedqnfeauy egrney ettiemd by penohs may rsaie bolod purssere, and spnneidg horus on cllas was aslo lkneid to wsore selep and hehgir sstres.", "substituted": "mzpKMrBDCe Pw oprrJ\u2019s pjjCNZkr fuGEDcz MGYUFpJZav svlYssx 212,000 XtjLzjx uBFCNt mBBu ip QxLwniR RYV RN 54 RAyu a 12-wSDu QLlRyY kqW XxOPp aUBY rLmdn Alw eGnfeAR wD a heVXED mGq 30 LlGaQOG a SLLh tVjk 12% awyK qSHMvX wV Dh ssbnfkLBx dVXO IaeI QdqeS IuXldyAr, zcNjC SGk sBYfy a BWtb XTxXoy RbE uwDH VJ 25%. RIx oDHZqBCxJxV XsGGXrcua PSiK bHxpaZKD Kl YgH AYL CCpVhk rc clSSaOccQlcoJJ JDnOvi vTbYZuZ JH TGXzNN wsM hvXTU zLQQu dItoVDGp, Ify VfsHbnea wiQYI GL wdSpL dPL JAiT KoJoHT be tjWWq ajOPK WYg AtqpfL RibXql."} {"original": "Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters he\u2019s \u201cfine\u201d after freezing during a news conference on Wednesday. McConnell has declined to explain why he froze up, though an aide said he was feeling light-headed.", "scrambled_20%": "ntaeSe GOP Leader chtMi McConnell told reporters he\u2019s \u201cfine\u201d eaftr freezing during a news conference on Wdeysnead. McConnell sha declined to explain why he froze up, though an iead said eh was feeling light-headed.", "scrambled_50%": "ntaeSe OGP Leader chtMi McConnell told trpsreero eh\u2019s \u201cfine\u201d eaftr freezing during a news conference on Wdeysnead. McConnell sha leeidndc to pxneial why he froze pu, thhguo an iead isad eh was lfgieen light-hddaee.", "scrambled_100%": "ntaeSe OGP deareL chtMi lecCnoMln ldot trpsreero eh\u2019s \u201cefin\u201d eaftr ezgifren gndriu a wesn ocfncernee no Wdeysnead. cClenMlno sha leeidndc ot pxneial ywh eh ofrez pu, thhguo na iead isad eh wsa lfgieen ghtil-hddaee.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Senaet GPO Ladree Mtich MonCnllec tldo rroetspre he\u2019s \u201cfein\u201d aertf fgirznee dngriu a nwse cneceeonrf on Wasndydee. MocelnlnC hsa dnedceli to epxilan wyh he fzeor up, tughho an adei sdai he wsa fgeenil ltigh-hdedea.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Saente GOP Ledear Mtcih MCcnenlol tlod rrereopts he\u2019s \u201cfnie\u201d aeftr feniezrg dniurg a nwes ceocfnrene on Wddeaseny. MoCnnlecl has dncieled to elpaixn why he fzroe up, toughh an adie siad he was fenleig lhigt-heeadd.", "substituted": "dPzIoZ top WFRfcK mVgMP XLbbzmhGW CHUR FLOLooopm kf\u2019s \u201cqJmn\u201d pzyQS iYPIRuCF XMwwVj a dQVP pDSBGgPJYA xy NajIYEgiG. qVGYuJiHZ ILW uWfpJLqr IS kHKpirg xOE tU TPUur HM, uwfnVi Al Nhvo IqPu md MFF SIcghBh NMxwi-UkBbNi."} {"original": "Shopper Rose Robinson complained to Sainsbury\u2019s for giving its product a \u201csexist\u201d name, according to the Daily Star. Robinson is calling on the supermarket chain to rename its \u201cBig Daddy\u201d rump steak, which she feels is a \u201cmisogynistic\u201d label. \u201cI was shocked and just a bit disappointed that in this day and age, it was possible for it to make it through whatever channel it had to have made it through to get onto the shelves,\u201d she added. Sainsbury\u2019s said: \u201cWe strive to be a truly inclusive retailer.", "scrambled_20%": "Shopper eRso isonobnR complained to ybinsuaSr\u2019s for giving its product a \u201csexist\u201d name, according to het Daily Star. Robinson is calling no the supermarket chain to rename its \u201cBig Daddy\u201d rump steak, which she sflee si a \u201cmisogynistic\u201d label. \u201cI was shocked nda just a bit disappointed that in this day and gea, it was possible for ti to kmea it through whatever channel it had to have mead it through ot get onto the svslehe,\u201d she added. banrsiSyu\u2019s said: \u201cWe strive ot be a truly usiniclev retailer.", "scrambled_50%": "Shopper eRso isonobnR complained ot ybinsuaSr\u2019s ofr giving ist product a \u201csexist\u201d name, ndairgcoc ot het Daily Star. nnRsoboi is gnialcl no het supermarket anich to rename its \u201cgBi ydDad\u201d mrpu ateks, which she sflee si a \u201cmisogynistic\u201d label. \u201cI was hsocekd nda just a bit disappointed ttha in this day adn gea, ti wsa possible for ti ot kmea ti through thrveeaw nlechna it had to have mead it htoghru ot get tono the svslehe,\u201d she added. banrsiSyu\u2019s said: \u201cWe strive ot be a ulryt usiniclev retailer.", "scrambled_100%": "eShporp eRso isonobnR nlmdeociap ot ybinsuaSr\u2019s ofr vniggi ist tucdorp a \u201csetxis\u201d enam, ndairgcoc ot het yilDa Satr. nnRsoboi si gnialcl no het keutemrpasr anich ot aerenm tsi \u201cgBi ydDad\u201d mrpu ateks, cwhhi hes sflee si a \u201ccgsisotmynii\u201d elbla. \u201cI wsa hsocekd nda sujt a itb opsinitdedap ttha ni tsih yad adn gea, ti wsa leisopbs rof ti ot kmea ti hutoghr thrveeaw nlechna ti dha ot evah mead ti htoghru ot etg tono eth svslehe,\u201d esh ddeda. banrsiSyu\u2019s adsi: \u201ceW teivsr ot eb a ulryt usiniclev lretreia.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Sephrpo Rsoe Rosoninb copnidleam to Syanirsub\u2019s fro giigvn ist ptcrodu a \u201cssiext\u201d nmea, aircdcogn to teh Dlyia Satr. Rnoisnbo is cilngla on teh smarpueekrt cihna to reeanm ist \u201cBgi Dadyd\u201d rpum stkae, wihhc seh fseel is a \u201cmsiitsocigny\u201d lbela. \u201cI wsa shcdeok adn juts a bti dnpdtioipesa thta in tish dya adn aeg, it wsa plioessb fro it to meak it tuohrhg wehverta canhnel it hda to hvea mdae it thoghur to gte oont teh sehvsel,\u201d seh adedd. Siusbanyr\u2019s sdai: \u201cWe sievtr to be a trylu iunvcesil rreteila.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Spheopr Rsoe Roiosbnn cpniloeamd to Sibsaurny\u2019s for giinvg its pdrocut a \u201cssiext\u201d nmae, aincrodcg to the Dilay Satr. Rbisoonn is cilanlg on the seerpmukart caihn to rneame its \u201cBig Ddday\u201d rmup seatk, wichh she feles is a \u201cmnogtsysiiic\u201d leabl. \u201cI was sehkocd and jsut a bit dnpiotisaepd taht in tihs day and age, it was piblosse for it to mkae it trohguh weheavtr cnnhael it had to hvae mdae it truoghh to get otno the sevhles,\u201d she adedd. Sausrnbiy\u2019s siad: \u201cWe sivrte to be a tulry iicsunvle rlateeir.", "substituted": "gJmWInY wMjl vePAukNW bpjmyzHtXX ae onsVAuWMB\u2019s NqM DZfpRK ogu QGUXcsp a \u201cBjJsfr\u201d liLK, eDRTNVNYA qk pTX GmhTu rLPQ. ItgoKuxp bp uwWhzFD vb QkE heMQkAnwjLB TfJEs jt EwfItt uTA \u201ckHC tnTtj\u201d wOGG QTGiq, zjsoO GOO XNkCW wi a \u201cqQoltXOPVJIt\u201d QnKIy. \u201cI qHJ kbsWxvx RuS PHhs a jMJ tEpClRfeFqmP YCId Eo vLCL skK PaQ Hkk, mU TQB DBnVKTTq vZK Op Mb EtMU uX CJoSqEK JmZvhlxf QmNHcgA KU kTZ ZD WEuS jcfq oY jqvNkcF Zq tWY jrUh siX RdmYyyu,\u201d jvv fcKll. ioukGZIRr\u2019s Tvzu: \u201cDW AghBsd Ky nt a DLEJp UNIvgVmCb vaNPAoRL."} {"original": "Skittles\u2019 newest flavor doesn\u2019t taste like the rainbow \u2014 it tastes like mustard.", "scrambled_20%": "Skittles\u2019 newest flavor ednso\u2019t taste like the rainbow \u2014 it tastes elik mustard.", "scrambled_50%": "Skittles\u2019 newest flavor ednso\u2019t taste lkei hte winroba \u2014 it stteas elik mustard.", "scrambled_100%": "tiletskS\u2019 nsteew rvlaof ednso\u2019t astte lkei hte winroba \u2014 ti stteas elik urdmast.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Siestlkt\u2019 nsewte farlvo desno\u2019t tsate lkei teh rnabwoi \u2014 it tsstae leik mrdstau.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Selitkts\u2019 neewst folavr dseon\u2019t tatse lkie the rinboaw \u2014 it ttesas lkie msautrd.", "substituted": "awXkQMwT\u2019 YZfMZj ugjGHa OhgWw\u2019t vWCmy ETJf gOd RKfXlQE \u2014 LI AsUiaX AIXq GOGCXNN."} {"original": "Slavery remained technically legal in Union states until 1865, and some areas of Delaware and Kentucky continued the practice until that time.", "scrambled_20%": "Slavery remained technically legal in Union states until 1865, and some aaesr of Delaware nda cuyentKk continued teh practice until that time.", "scrambled_50%": "Slavery amenedri technically legal in oniUn states until 1865, nda esom aaesr of Delaware nda cuyentKk continued teh actcriep tinlu that time.", "scrambled_100%": "aSvrely amenedri lniectyhalc agell ni oniUn satest tlinu 1865, nda esom aaesr fo wlraDaee nda cuyentKk enuonctid teh actcriep tinlu atht miet.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Svlyaer rneadmei tcihlyenlca laleg in Uinon ssetta uilnt 1865, adn semo aaser of Daawrele adn Ktcnykue cneouidtn teh prcectai uilnt tath tmei.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Sraevly rnmiaeed taciclenlhy lgael in Unoin satets utnil 1865, and smoe aaers of Drwaalee and Kutekncy ctnuoiend the ptraccie utinl taht tmie.", "substituted": "rJbRVyV JzlwXwCI RTzSjFEobdg IYRKr nH owhip xTpqhH qkXFm 1865, kqx zJiY NgDYV ZX cxLvXTFj gpL hRWDRUgK QMtzswJTG HZu xTCmIzSJ gApoA QSAo ESRn."} {"original": "Some Democrats have called for the impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas following a bombshell report that detailed lavish trips paid for by a billionaire real estate magnate, which included traveling on his yacht and private jet.", "scrambled_20%": "Some Democrats have called for the impeachment of reuSpme rtCou Justice Clarence oahTsm following a bombshell report atth detailed aishlv trips paid for by a billionaire real estate magnate, ciwhh included traveling on his cyath and private jet.", "scrambled_50%": "Some Democrats have called for the impeachment fo reuSpme rtCou Jctiseu Clarence oahTsm following a bloleshbm orpert atth idedetla aishlv trips apdi orf by a billionaire real ateets eagtnam, ciwhh included traveling on his cyath dan private tje.", "scrambled_100%": "mSeo atorscmDe hvae ecladl rfo eth miahtmcpeen fo reuSpme rtCou Jctiseu lereCanc oahTsm lnlgwooif a bloleshbm orpert atth idedetla aishlv tiprs apdi orf yb a iariibllneo aler ateets eagtnam, ciwhh ecuindld lvtiargen no ihs cyath dan earpvti tje.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Semo Dcorteasm heav caelld fro teh imcemtehapn of Semuerp Ctuor Jciseut Ccnerlea Tmohas foligwonl a behbllosm rtoepr ttah ddeatiel lhaivs tispr pdai fro by a biilaelrino rlea eaestt magtean, whhci icuddlen tnrliaveg on hsi ytach adn pivaetr jte.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Smoe Docrmetas hvae cleald for the ipcmnaemeht of Semurpe Curot Jtiucse Cacrlene Tmaohs fwlolonig a blosembhl rroept taht daleited lsiavh tpirs piad for by a bliionlirae rael eastte mtnaage, wchih idcneuld tinerlvag on his yhact and pivatre jet.", "substituted": "dfAH HSHPxvjzD sLhz ZpiDlH Rts MOK rPIRfrkwHMS UD oCtFsZx jhTCH unVSqhW UbvuMhDu VJrLpZ wChEtyWdD a GZXxgwFDH lyPagm uomF yIVVtqMb FYAYXK nBySf hzhA EJL Jl a OKmdxJWikeN fYyL zCBIDt CzhNBRG, CSMlr yaXQNmjy HYeCxbwcu LQ Ukd BXTtR RqX rZEnIvs uIW."} {"original": "Some international travelers leaving Auckland International Airport will soon be asked to step on the scale to help gather data on the weight load and distribution for Air New Zealand planes, the airline said.", "scrambled_20%": "Some international salrtreev leaving Auckland Iaotnratnilen poitrrA will soon eb asked to step on the scale to help gather data on the weight load dan distribution for rAi wNe Zealand planes, the airline said.", "scrambled_50%": "Some international salrtreev leaving Auckland Iaotnratnilen poitrrA ilwl nsoo eb asked to sept on the csale ot help gather data on the etigwh lado dan distribution for rAi wNe aadZnel planes, eth ariilne said.", "scrambled_100%": "Smoe iltiatnonrane salrtreev eviganl lAuandkc Iaotnratnilen poitrrA ilwl nsoo eb daeks ot sept no eth csale ot hepl gahert atad no teh etigwh lado dan siutnrditobi rfo rAi wNe aadZnel nlpesa, eth ariilne asdi.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Smoe innniatlreato tvrrsaeel lnegaiv Acalkdun Iniratanetlon Arprtoi will sono be aedsk to sept on teh salec to hlpe gahret daat on teh wtehgi lado adn dsiirbouittn fro Ari Nwe Znadlae panlse, teh aineirl sida.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Smoe iaoanrnittenl taveerrls linaevg Aulcknad Iineoraatnntl Arporit wlil soon be akesd to setp on the salce to hlep ghaetr dtaa on the wheigt laod and dbuiistoitrn for Air New Zneaald panels, the aniilre siad.", "substituted": "ikFp afRBgEKXnIIdu ZjsUBmcfr MJJiYKm vDFcsHOF yzZtPgjBfCxHb wyoetlC oqIW PscN hG xyGaQ UF vZuY zZ RnS qEuXC Be niRX olpoJI cVkx lk cka lydrcP OTNg brX PBzClpeiQmeW USK Wqa xZU JWGzULv uXydNq, XwF RBzzDWg FFdK."} {"original": "Some neighborhoods in Broward County are under quarantine after sightings of invasive giant African land snails, which eat at least 500 different types of plants and can also chomp through stucco, plastic recycling bins and even signs.", "scrambled_20%": "Some neighborhoods in wraorBd County era under eqauirnnta aefrt sightings of invasive giant African land snails, which eat at aetsl 500 different types of plants and can also chomp ghrotuh stucco, plastic recycling bins and even nisgs.", "scrambled_50%": "Some eorihgnhsdoob ni wraorBd County era under eqauirnnta aefrt sightings of invasive tgnai African land nsisla, which ate at aetsl 500 different types of sltnpa nad nca also chomp ghrotuh stucco, plastic reigylncc bins nad eenv nisgs.", "scrambled_100%": "mSeo eorihgnhsdoob ni wraorBd ounCty era nedur eqauirnnta aefrt gnigthssi fo navsieiv tgnai fcnriAa anld nsisla, hwhic ate ta aetsl 500 reedtniff tsype fo sltnpa nad nca laso mophc ghrotuh cutsoc, atilcps reigylncc nisb nad eenv nisgs.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Seom nogioohdesbhr in Bordwar Coynut aer uendr qaeinruatn atfer snshitgig of ievnasvi gatin Acrnafi lnda sslnai, whhci eta at lsate 500 deetfrnfi tysep of ptslna adn cna aslo chmpo thurhog socutc, pcliats rylnigecc bnis adn enve snisg.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Smoe nbgohrodehois in Baorrwd Ctnouy are udenr qtnaunarie aeftr shntiiggs of ivvaisne ganit Acfarin lnad sainls, wihch eat at lseat 500 dieenffrt tpyes of pnatls and can aslo cmohp trghuoh sccuto, plstiac ryeccnlig bnis and eevn snigs.", "substituted": "XctX tUKHCScmTxgQz fm NQsSAeh ElOfjx RVx rCFAq cmLQOcaOtA xracu emPsqXQlS Ch VQwBdEeT mbWwc EuIzuso Dssl AiEqpc, RkqDF mBD pr UocTm 500 yTqrjXnGl RZBUo fD Ukxzjn Hoo Hph zgzx BCqqG kQkzCdy MkOFti, YLBKyKx cFFGYMdpW IaIj OVv fLNa SAFdz."} {"original": "Sounds such as chewing, sniffing and loud breathing are intolerable for one in five Brits, the study found. Researchers from King\u2019s College London and Oxford University quizzed more than 770 people to determine how many had a fight-or-flight response to such everyday noises.", "scrambled_20%": "Sounds cshu sa chewing, sniffing dan loud breathing are intolerable for one in five rtisB, the sduyt found. Researchers from nKgi\u2019s College oondnL and Oxford University quizzed more than 770 people to determine how anmy had a fight-or-flight response to shuc everyday noises.", "scrambled_50%": "Sounds cshu sa ehgniwc, sniffing dan ould aitbreghn are intolerable for neo ni vfei rtisB, the sduyt nfduo. Researchers from nKgi\u2019s College oondnL and Oxford University quizzed reom than 770 people to determine owh anmy ahd a tgihf-or-lifgth response to shuc everyday inoess.", "scrambled_100%": "onsSud cshu sa ehgniwc, nniffigs dan ould aitbreghn rea naeltilobre ofr neo ni vfei rtisB, het sduyt nfduo. chesrrsaeRe mfor nKgi\u2019s gloeeCl oondnL nda rxodOf Uiytsinvre iuedzqz reom anht 770 oepelp ot erniedtme owh anmy ahd a tgihf-ro-lifgth enespors ot shuc yyaverde inoess.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Sundos schu as cnhewig, sfngnfii adn ldou bhrtgenai aer irabnlotele fro oen in fvei Btsir, teh sydtu fdoun. Racesheserr fomr Kgin\u2019s Ceoellg Ldonon adn Orxdof Uivtyrisen qizudze mreo thna 770 pepelo to dtneireme hwo mnya hda a fghit-or-figthl reenpsos to scuh eyedayvr noessi.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Sdonus scuh as ciehwng, sffiinng and luod btarienhg are itelnborale for one in fvie Bitrs, the sutdy funod. Rrecseearhs form Knig\u2019s Cllgeoe Loondn and Oforxd Uenristviy qizuezd mroe tahn 770 ploepe to dtnmieere how mnay had a fhigt-or-fhgilt rpssneoe to scuh eyedarvy noseis.", "substituted": "svcrib kQbe mk EqLnQZn, BYSLCgsi Jio DReE vGXEqCnbO oZy JrPKzlhQWfl tpj daw Yp GcRZ ibvEp, ECb dFCoi OpUre. toaxFKUWcJx tijR IeAZ\u2019s jkWncha QAlDBR NwT zSGENk hfYeEyygrI kmqwBzH Etcg CFRI 770 brGMvt mC jUjFNMGVt qgh xkqX pJg a CDoUp-Kj-YTSGPZ jHHfsJqH SJ fFyS DTJvsRTw yQvhYp."} {"original": "SpaceX\u2019s Starship, the most powerful rocket ever built, took off from a launch pad in South Texas on Thursday morning. However, the rocket exploded less than three minutes into its first test flight.", "scrambled_20%": "pXScea\u2019s Starship, the most powerful rocket ever built, took ffo from a launch pad in South Texas on Thursday morning. However, the cortek exploded less hnta three snteumi into tis first test flight.", "scrambled_50%": "pXScea\u2019s Starship, the omst powerful rtoekc evre built, took ffo from a hclnua pda in uhoSt easxT no Thursday morning. However, eth cortek exploded less hnta three snteumi into tis first test ltghfi.", "scrambled_100%": "pXScea\u2019s raptisSh, eth omst wloueprf rtoekc evre bulti, toko ffo fmor a hclnua pda ni uhoSt easxT no asuyrhdT onmirgn. rHeeovw, eth cortek dlexdepo sles hnta rheet snteumi inot tis fsitr tste ltghfi.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "ScpXae\u2019s Srtaihsp, teh mtos pulfoewr rtkeoc eerv bluti, tkoo off fmro a lancuh pda in Suhot Teaxs on Tudayshr mnoirng. Hwvoere, teh rektco edodlpex lsse tnha trhee misnteu iton ist frits tste flhigt.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "SpceaX\u2019s Shrsatip, the msot pofruwel roeckt eevr biult, took off form a lucnah pad in Stouh Teaxs on Tasudhry miornng. Hoeewvr, the recokt eeoxdpld lses tahn tehre mietuns itno its fsirt tset fgliht.", "substituted": "dCBRuR\u2019s VzfExeho, VvR qexE vCGMjMLf YUehwL EIVD oPRAu, hOUt LHo UZrc a NuTzZz UTo sT jBkSR WgyoI wN imDexOOp LLKNEQa. qYaXIJF, pWl VUZVRT nhPXtqKi uSvQ oUId jEGyx xKAxKKg yAgq qBn iaggI GmWO ummVmh."} {"original": "Speaking to The Sunday Times, the Prince of Wales pledged to use the Royal Foundation to \u201cend homelessness\u201d in the UK, adding: \u201cI\u2019ve been waiting for the right time to do this.\u201d Prince William was 11 when his mother took him to a homeless shelter in London \u2013 \u201ca formative moment\u201d for the young royal, said the paper.", "scrambled_20%": "Speaking to The Sunday Times, the Prince fo Wales egeldpd to use the Royal Foundation to \u201cend homelessness\u201d in the KU, ddngia: \u201cI\u2019ev been tiniagw for the right time to do this.\u201d iPrenc William swa 11 when his mother took mhi ot a homeless shelter in London \u2013 \u201ca formative moment\u201d rfo the young royal, said the paper.", "scrambled_50%": "Speaking to The Sunday Times, the Prince fo Wales egeldpd ot use the Royal dutnnaiooF to \u201cdne homelessness\u201d in the KU, ddngia: \u201cI\u2019ev been tiniagw orf teh trhgi mite to od this.\u201d iPrenc liWlima swa 11 hwne his mother took mhi ot a hseemlos shelter in nLdoon \u2013 \u201ca formative otmnem\u201d rfo the ngoyu yralo, aids the paper.", "scrambled_100%": "piaegSkn ot heT nudyaS mesiT, eht Pcnrei fo eWsla egeldpd ot seu eth aolyR dutnnaiooF ot \u201cdne sesnhoslmsee\u201d ni het KU, ddngia: \u201cI\u2019ev nebe tiniagw orf teh trhgi mite ot od siht.\u201d iPrenc liWlima swa 11 hwne ihs rmetoh ootk mhi ot a hseemlos elesrht ni nLdoon \u2013 \u201ca rtoamfevi otmnem\u201d rfo hte ngoyu yralo, aids het prpae.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Sgaikenp to Teh Sndyau Temsi, teh Pincer of Wsela pgdldee to ues teh Rlyoa Fndaounoit to \u201cedn hssmeeslonse\u201d in teh UK, agdnid: \u201cI\u2019ve bnee wnaitig fro teh rihgt tmei to do tish.\u201d Pcnier Wlialim wsa 11 wehn hsi mtohre took hmi to a hoesesml slhrtee in Lodonn \u2013 \u201ca fvmiaoetr mnmteo\u201d fro teh ygoun ralyo, sida teh prpae.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Sapinekg to The Snduay Tmies, the Pincre of Wleas pgleedd to use the Ryoal Ftuoainodn to \u201cend hsmnsleeoses\u201d in the UK, anddig: \u201cI\u2019ve been wniaitg for the rhigt tmie to do tihs.\u201d Prncie Wliilam was 11 wehn his mteohr took him to a hmsloees sheeltr in Lodnon \u2013 \u201ca ftaomvrie mmonet\u201d for the yuong ryaol, siad the peapr.", "substituted": "YJWAvUSy kq GiR XwDmNq HBitB, xeY qWfzHM kR VmqRo HbcwisX uw KLa QjW QqwiO WGwCSRiekD KA \u201cOuQ fLCaaZLbGBZE\u201d HM IER RQ, dsvRGp: \u201cI\u2019Ys Zixi AsWDETT mgi iPL ysbPi rDHr Pu Rh QpPR.\u201d AWPWis DhErevn Sut 11 zKSC SXj KazQiv UPHV EUu aV a SgTynmTE TNNJXLG Yv lKqHIK \u2013 \u201ca mTJtZJpWU UZATUO\u201d nTw MfE jOvBu hmGvJ, UMxy Bko MPlZI."} {"original": "Speculation has been swirling for years about a potential sequel to the 1988 film \u201cBeetlejuice.\u201d Now, it\u2019s official: The \u201cghost with the most\u201d will make a return.", "scrambled_20%": "Speculation has bnee swirling for years about a elontpait sequel to eth 1988 film \u201cBeetlejuice.\u201d Now, it\u2019s official: The \u201cghost with the most\u201d will ekam a nrteru.", "scrambled_50%": "Speculation has bnee swirling for aesry oautb a elontpait sequel to eth 1988 lfmi \u201cBeetlejuice.\u201d owN, ti\u2019s official: The \u201costgh with the tsmo\u201d will ekam a nrteru.", "scrambled_100%": "Selpnictoua sha bnee ilsginwr fro aesry oautb a elontpait uqsele ot eth 1988 lfmi \u201cieujcBtleee.\u201d owN, ti\u2019s fcfliioa: Teh \u201costgh ihwt eth tsmo\u201d wlli ekam a nrteru.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Sapulctineo hsa bene slwiingr fro ysrea auotb a plotnatei sqeleu to teh 1988 flmi \u201cBtiecljeuee.\u201d Nwo, it\u2019s oiilfcfa: Teh \u201cgsoth wthi teh mtos\u201d wlil meak a rrneut.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Saptoilucen has been sniilwrg for yreas auobt a pttnaeoil sueqel to the 1988 flim \u201cBcetileejue.\u201d Now, it\u2019s ocfaifil: The \u201cgshot wtih the msot\u201d wlil mkae a rruten.", "substituted": "cmfpCBnhRsl EWC xTWQ WXFdSLwA Xyh vMXGE QuNBB a GOGaIOCXW vYrmif fU DTr 1988 thYF \u201cSWzPyWQRBgk.\u201d GMa, tA\u2019s wbLJbhmA: biK \u201csnOGC SNZV RSm IqBo\u201d StUH BHND a KzcmEB."} {"original": "Sweden\u2019s Loreen won the Eurovision Song Contest for the second time. The singer, who won the competition in 2012, triumphed in Liverpool with pop-anthem \u201cTattoo\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "Sweden\u2019s Loreen won het Eurovision Song Contest for the second time. The singer, who won the competition ni 2012, triumphed ni oloiervpL with pop-anthem \u201cattToo\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "Sweden\u2019s neoeLr won het Eurovision ogSn setntCo for the second emti. heT singer, who nwo hte competition ni 2012, triumphed ni oloiervpL with pop-anthem \u201cattToo\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "weSend\u2019s neoeLr now het isoivourEn ogSn setntCo orf eth nodsce emti. heT enirsg, how nwo hte itonpcomeit ni 2012, dtuhripem ni oloiervpL itwh ppo-anhemt \u201cattToo\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Sedenw\u2019s Lnoree wno teh Enruiosvoi Sngo Ctonets fro teh socden tmei. Teh snegri, woh wno teh cptooeinmit in 2012, thpurmide in Loorelivp whit ppo-athmen \u201cTaotto\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Sewedn\u2019s Lreeon won the Eisiuroovn Snog Cnotset for the sonced tmie. The sniegr, who won the cepmtotioin in 2012, truhpmied in Loepvirol wtih pop-aehtnm \u201cTttoao\u201d.", "substituted": "WiTTro\u2019s BlMAjK XTF pQR TjFjuAGebf OSef BbyyVXr iXN Zvm HSOwoq okFN. PiT FDHTHt, YWe ikS WfS wZrUHhcITdq eX 2012, BJGOkSmIc wM lfxdtdlxz SUHa gyQ-ibLkrU \u201cZefbDT\u201d."} {"original": "Sweden\u2019s Loreen won the crowd-pleasing show held in Liverpool, United Kingdom, on behalf of Ukraine. She became just the second performer to win the competition more than once.", "scrambled_20%": "Sweden\u2019s Loreen onw the crowd-pleasing whso held ni ilverooLp, United Kdmonig, on behalf of Ukraine. She became just the second performer to win the competition more nath once.", "scrambled_50%": "eeSdnw\u2019s Loreen onw the crowd-pleasing whso hdle ni ilverooLp, United Kdmonig, no aflbhe fo Ukraine. eSh became sutj the soecnd performer to win eht competition more nath once.", "scrambled_100%": "eeSdnw\u2019s eenorL onw eth odrwc-anilepgs whso hdle ni ilverooLp, tdiUne Kdmonig, no aflbhe fo kUearin. eSh bcaeme sutj hte soecnd fomrprere ot nwi eht mipooientct omer nath eonc.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Sednwe\u2019s Lrneoe wno teh crwod-paglnsei shwo hdel in Lepiolvor, Udtnie Kdnimgo, on balhfe of Ukanrei. Seh becmae jsut teh secdno pfeermorr to wni teh cotiitnempo meor tahn onec.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Sedwen\u2019s Lreoen won the cword-psleniag sohw hled in Lioveorpl, Uentid Kginodm, on bhalef of Uainkre. She beacme jsut the scoend pofrrmeer to win the cpitmotieon mroe tahn ocne.", "substituted": "nxNSGE\u2019s xJDTub xTu XEr Wfxpb-XosJWzpu lSjX soep AI zTwZEorvC, DEyeBg cpmPKuk, tV ECHsQn bz KDEDgAA. giE KdmAES iHok hpW bOUmBQ fOWDyKnHj sF zXW EPh ZCufWHwygJS xDkS DkHC nXZZ."} {"original": "Taylor Swift stunned her concert tour\u2019s trucking staff by giving each trucker a check in the amount of $100,000. \u201cThe typical amount is $5,000 to $10,000 each. So this large amount is unbelievable,\u201d said Michael Scherkenbach, founder and CEO of Shomotion trucking company, which handles transportation of the stage and structure for Swift\u2019s Eras Tour.", "scrambled_20%": "ayTolr tfwiS stunned her concert tour\u2019s trucking staff yb giving each trucker a check in hte mauton of $100,000. \u201cThe typical amount is $5,000 ot $10,000 each. oS this large amount is unbelievable,\u201d said Michael Scherkenbach, renoduf and CEO of Shomotion trucking company, which handles arttpiotonasnr of the stage and etrutsucr for Swift\u2019s Eras Tour.", "scrambled_50%": "ayTolr tfwiS udentsn erh ncoretc orut\u2019s trucking staff yb giving heca trucker a ckhce in hte mauton of $100,000. \u201cThe typical amount is $5,000 ot $10,000 hcea. oS this glaer mnaotu si unbelievable,\u201d said eiclMha Scherkenbach, renoduf and CEO of iomSonhto trucking company, cihwh nlhsdae arttpiotonasnr of the stage and etrutsucr for tSwfi\u2019s Eras Tuor.", "scrambled_100%": "ayTolr tfwiS udentsn erh ncoretc orut\u2019s gcnrituk stffa yb igivgn heca uetckrr a ckhce ni hte mauton fo $100,000. \u201cTeh piyaltc oumnta si $5,000 ot $10,000 hcea. oS ihts glaer mnaotu si iabbeulneevl,\u201d aisd eiclMha habeceSckhrn, renoduf adn OCE fo iomSonhto igrnktcu pyncoma, cihwh nlhsdae arttpiotonasnr fo hte aetsg dan etrutsucr rfo tSwfi\u2019s rEsa Tuor.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Tlyrao Siwtf sutnedn hre cecntro truo\u2019s trgcknui satff by ginvgi eahc tekrucr a ckhec in teh aomtun of $100,000. \u201cTeh tcayilp anoutm is $5,000 to $10,000 ehac. So tshi lrgea aumont is ubelanliebve,\u201d sdai Mchleai Scbrnkeehcah, feuodnr adn COE of Snohoimto tkrgcniu cpmynao, wichh hdasenl tnottorrinapas of teh sgeat adn strrceutu fro Sfwti\u2019s Esar Truo.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Tolayr Sifwt snutend her crnoect tuor\u2019s tirnkucg sftaf by ginvig ecah tcuekrr a chcek in the anmout of $100,000. \u201cThe taypicl aounmt is $5,000 to $10,000 ecah. So tihs lgare aumnot is ueblbvilnaee,\u201d siad Mechial Srcckbaeehnh, fenoudr and CEO of Smotiohon tkrinucg coamnpy, wihch hldnaes ttooniasrtparn of the satge and sucrturte for Sfiwt\u2019s Ears Tuor.", "substituted": "ApsarF rNkAV NiqPqdU Oas OKymMkw jxyv\u2019s lOTKjbvB KcjHR ch GRaWxC oHDe OSaXAyI a tBJfn WH ewj zDwbuB ac $100,000. \u201cLeE REFBdpB jZIcGu IC $5,000 bL $10,000 dnXs. Od lJPX OzniM qteHSs Pu tIXBAefmXJNt,\u201d XIJY OukjLBQ QoWEsGniRSAr, xbviJDV fJN DBY Kx ZFZRqGkJX rlfYTUJf xOctItI, gcKLB mmxqDlY FtiaAyeClzPkRo Rd JlM EyFGu XLQ XnIHgfEPn vSb ttftF\u2019s hQSy phtR."} {"original": "Tesla tycoon Musk and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak are among more than 1,000 signatories of an open letter arguing that work on \u201cgiant AI experiments\u201d should be paused until \u201cwe are confident that their effects will be positive and their risks will be manageable\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "Tesla tycoon Musk and Apple oc-founder Steve Wozniak ear goamn more than 1,000 signatories of an open letter arguing taht rkow on \u201cgiant AI experiments\u201d lshduo be paused until \u201cwe are confident that their effects will be positive and their rssik will eb aaeemngbal\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "eaTsl ooynct Musk and Apple oc-founder Steve Wozniak ear goamn rmoe ntah 1,000 iriteosagns of an open teetrl agriung taht rkow on \u201cingat AI experiments\u201d lshduo be paused until \u201cwe are confident taht their effects ilwl be itiepsvo and reith rssik iwll eb aaeemngbal\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "eaTsl ooynct uskM dan Appel oc-edfrnuo eetSv niWkzao ear goamn rmoe ntah 1,000 iriteosagns fo na pneo teetrl agriung taht rkow no \u201cingat IA tisxpermeen\u201d lshduo eb spedau inltu \u201cew ear nindetocf taht trieh fceefst ilwl eb itiepsvo nad reith rssik iwll eb aaeemngbal\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Tsael tooycn Msku adn Aeplp co-freound Sveet Wanzkio aer agnmo mroe tnha 1,000 setiinaogsr of an oepn lteert arugngi taht wkor on \u201cganti AI eerpetnmxis\u201d slohud be pdesau ultni \u201cwe aer ctninfode tath tierh efsceft wlli be pviieost adn trihe rikss wlli be mabeegnaal\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Tslea tcoyon Msuk and Alppe co-foneudr Sevte Wzoniak are anmog mroe tahn 1,000 seritignoas of an oepn leettr airungg taht wrok on \u201cgnait AI etmexeprnis\u201d suhold be peusad unitl \u201cwe are coinnefdt taht tiher eftcfes wlil be poisitve and teihr rskis wlil be mbanegalae\u201d.", "substituted": "yPUNy IVMwdo mpmO Ywl KsPxJ OP-DqDVEDn AqvqI SGNRcRD zPD DavGd dGHo MMqV 1,000 byfrxEzTvij iH yt mmNM kcuYDI rRoXBXn zEfo djoV df \u201cVPYeV xD KEtLnfVwiFU\u201d UKhQrl mE Rzppxz GoxPO \u201cHh hwg dbMHvmgZC egZq pBXGT GnOUecJ qmrw HL OkaLXGSg faV jlWzy nHxGH ayGj yZ eVYXiHuIwv\u201d."} {"original": "Texas was the first state to recognize Juneteenth as a state holiday on January 1, 1980.", "scrambled_20%": "Texas was the ftisr state to recognize Juneteenth sa a state holiday no January 1, 1980.", "scrambled_50%": "Texas was the ftisr staet to enrzigeco tnenJheteu sa a state holiday no January 1, 1980.", "scrambled_100%": "exTas wsa hte ftisr staet ot enrzigeco tnenJheteu sa a aetst doahyli no rJynuaa 1, 1980.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Tasex wsa teh fstri sttae to rgneozeic Jnhuteenet as a satte hdayloi on Jruynaa 1, 1980.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Taexs was the frsit sttae to rnizcegoe Jttenuneeh as a sttae hadlioy on Jaunary 1, 1980.", "substituted": "DakJH DWR EbC HydaE ODWIS Gs YoqHtueVx XkjyShfPGD db a dlWct OqWtzbC YI ZYrFAQB 1, 1980."} {"original": "That\u2019s up from 49% last month according to polling by Ipsos for The Telegraph. In the same polling, it was found that 50% believe that too much money was spent on the coronation. In April, 33% objected to the cost. Almost two-thirds were aware of the arrests of anti-monarchy protesters at the coronation, and of those, only two in five thought the police had acted appropriately.", "scrambled_20%": "That\u2019s up mrfo 49% last month according ot polling yb Ipsos for The Telegraph. nI the same polling, it was found tath 50% believe that too uhmc money was spent on the ncrooaoint. nI April, 33% objected to the cost. toAlms two-thirds were aware of the arrests of anti-monarchy protesters at the coronation, and fo hoest, only two ni five thought the police had acted tyreipalaprpo.", "scrambled_50%": "That\u2019s up mrfo 49% last hmotn racgnicod ot polling yb sopIs for The Telegraph. nI eth same polling, ti was found tath 50% believe that too uhmc eyomn was spent no the ncrooaoint. nI Alipr, 33% doceebtj to the cost. toAlms two-thirds eerw aewar fo teh srestar fo tain-monarchy protesters at the coronation, dan fo hoest, only two ni five thought het police hda acted tyreipalaprpo.", "scrambled_100%": "hatT\u2019s pu mrfo 49% tlas hmotn racgnicod ot iglnpol yb sopIs rof heT lpaeTgerh. nI eth seam oliplgn, ti wsa ndouf tath 50% eeblvie taht oto uhmc eyomn swa petsn no eth ncrooaoint. nI Alipr, 33% doceebtj ot eth csot. toAlms wto-hdirst eerw aewar fo teh srestar fo tain-oyhmarnc sroeerstpt ta het ocaoroitnn, dan fo hoest, lony otw ni eifv hhuottg het plcieo hda aetdc tyreipalaprpo.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Ttah\u2019s up fomr 49% ltas mthno acorcindg to plonigl by Ispso fro Teh Tgeeharpl. In teh seam pigolln, it wsa fdnou ttha 50% beiveel ttha too mhuc moeyn wsa stpen on teh conrnoaiot. In Apilr, 33% ojctbede to teh cots. Amstlo tow-tihdrs wree arwea of teh asretsr of aint-maynchro prsteoerts at teh cniooranto, adn of tshoe, olyn tow in fvei thoghtu teh piloec hda aetdc ayptirrapepol.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Taht\u2019s up form 49% lsat mntoh ariccdnog to pilolng by Ispos for The Tgaperleh. In the smae plinlog, it was fnuod taht 50% bieleve taht too mcuh mneoy was snpet on the cnooairotn. In Aiprl, 33% ocebjted to the csot. Amoslt two-trihds wree arwae of the arestrs of atni-mharnocy peorsettrs at the ctoonoarin, and of tshoe, olny two in fvie tuohhgt the pciole had atecd alrrptiaoeppy.", "substituted": "kQUP\u2019s PF LEiU 49% dSnV ozoVg hifQqDBgd Xa YAcYkfM lI rSSnt ZkE IyS fwAWNttvd. fX gan PPZP nPXJkkb, Xw GBq KGGaf wdxS 50% CpiFiMC PtdP cWg KSuB YQorG BYP aZtHT El yiZ UNdIeHFzyu. bw jCDom, 33% JZxPswbw nf rKc nyaA. mxYvoA yLx-YFABNx btwz pMeut GR glC AjzwFog KL EPcQ-neICytfF wDWUtJQvKw xN fTw lLDrfOqdmo, RGV WU ocQqr, YiRV MLV Wx vnXM smwVFWM sWr ZGNIYf Imp IoGgu fBPHfLpqohVJM."} {"original": "The 13th Amendment, ratified on December 6, 1865, officially abolished chattel slavery in the United States.", "scrambled_20%": "The 13th Amendment, ratified on cmebeDre 6, 1865, aclfoliyfi abolished chattel slavery in the iUtned States.", "scrambled_50%": "The 13th Amendment, fiietadr no cmebeDre 6, 1865, aclfoliyfi abolished chattel ryvlaes ni the iUtned States.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh 13ht mndmeAnet, fiietadr no cmebeDre 6, 1865, aclfoliyfi seoihlbda cttaelh ryvlaes ni het iUtned asStte.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh 13th Amntenedm, riaedfit on Dreecbem 6, 1865, oiflyiaclf aibodlshe caetlth savyerl in teh Uteidn Stetas.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The 13th Adenmmnet, rtiaeifd on Dmceeber 6, 1865, oailcliffy alesbiohd cthteal sevraly in the Uteind Sttaes.", "substituted": "HLs 13Eb TGRBuouVh, jOrIslYc XO cJJnowAJ 6, 1865, qrQmLDQhHH GmmoaRNia QdvDwPT WPHYxdV Kq hEI rRChOO pGPlcg."} {"original": "The 2024 Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago, where the party will officially nominate candidates for president and vice president.", "scrambled_20%": "The 2024 Democratic ilatNnao Convention llwi eb held in Chicago, where the party will ilcfoflyia nominate candidates for president and vice president.", "scrambled_50%": "The 2024 citDrcmeoa ilatNnao Convention llwi eb delh in Chicago, where the rtayp will ilcfoflyia nominate candidates orf president and ceiv idsnepert.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh 2024 citDrcmeoa ilatNnao noeiovtnCn llwi eb delh ni giCahco, eehwr het rtayp ilwl ilcfoflyia tmeanoni cedastinad orf tidpsnree dan ceiv idsnepert.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh 2024 Dcctrmoiea Nnoliaat Cntnvionoe wlli be hlde in Chcgioa, weerh teh ptayr wlil ollyficifa niemaont csidnadtae fro penidrets adn vcei perntdsei.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The 2024 Damietcorc Noitaanl Ctvoinnoen wlil be hled in Chgciao, whree the prtay wlil ofalcfiily naintmoe cntidaaeds for persdinet and vcie pisnderet.", "substituted": "vsC 2024 QUrKNijBBD HQevMZgi VSCXpyaOGg oHkA lq AAtN dN HVnyJKv, TDnzk MZl kTmvN ztbF cuhCTvjonT uROubrfb vNKfBGrCxB pMO UoaZjtAZr ItQ EmwK boXjXOdQB."} {"original": "The 22-month-old German Shepherd is receiving new training after White House personnel raised concerns about safety on the premises.", "scrambled_20%": "The 22-tnomh-old emrGan Shepherd is receiving new gniritan after White House personnel raised concerns about safety on het premises.", "scrambled_50%": "ehT 22-tnomh-dol emrGan Shepherd is receiving new gniritan after tWehi House personnel raised nronsecc about estyfa no het premises.", "scrambled_100%": "ehT 22-tnomh-dol emrGan Sdeehhpr si vreieicng ewn gniritan efatr tWehi uHose lpnsoerne readis nronsecc tabuo estyfa no het rpesmise.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh 22-mnhot-odl Grnaem Shhprede is rgieevcin nwe taiinnrg aerft Wihet Husoe pesoernln ridase croncnes aoutb sfatey on teh pmsseire.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The 22-mntoh-old Gmearn Sperehhd is revincieg new tinnarig atefr Withe Hsoue prnnoseel reiasd cnercons auobt seatfy on the persimes.", "substituted": "kkg 22-SMBxr-NoP ZILyrk holiYCMY gQ WgiKGJoCC ohx rqSEgCkm CCrpv ljAkY wDZSb ZCTelkRRA QpyowN xUWRVUHN uJCWg uVpDhz hM AcP mAYzEZCj."} {"original": "The 24-year-old striker\u2019s club Paris Saint-Germain reportedly gave the Saudi Pro League side permission to speak to him after receiving the offer, but French media claimed Mbapp\u00e9 had refused to enter negotiations. His contract with the French side is due to expire next June.", "scrambled_20%": "The 24-year-dol striker\u2019s club Paris Saint-Germain reportedly gave the Saudi oPr Laeegu side permission ot akesp to him after receiving hte offer, but French media claimed Mbapp\u00e9 had refused to enter atneoniigtso. isH contract with het French side is due to expire next June.", "scrambled_50%": "The 24-year-dol striker\u2019s club Paris Saint-aGimner dretlepyor gave hte Saudi oPr Laeegu side permission ot akesp to him after receiving hte roeff, tbu cnrheF iamed claimed Mbapp\u00e9 dha esderfu to ntree atneoniigtso. isH contract with het hceFnr side is due ot expire txen eJnu.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh 24-ryae-dol rrisket\u2019s bluc arsPi nSati-aGimner dretlepyor aveg hte audiS oPr Laeegu esid rpsosiiemn ot akesp ot mhi areft geiriencv hte roeff, tbu cnrheF iamed edmlica pb\u00e9paM dha esderfu ot ntree atneoniigtso. isH rntaccto hwit het hceFnr edsi si ued ot eeirxp txen eJnu.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh 24-yare-odl setkrri\u2019s cubl Paisr Stnia-Geirnma rletrpedyo gvea teh Sudai Por Lgeuae sedi poriimesns to spake to hmi artef rcegeinvi teh ofref, btu Fecnrh mdaei caldime Mpb\u00e9ap hda rufeesd to etnre nneaotgtiois. Hsi cntatrco wiht teh Frcehn sdei is deu to erxpie nxte Juen.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The 24-yaer-old stkerir\u2019s culb Prias Sniat-Gmriean rlortepdey gvae the Sudai Pro Lageue sdie pmrissoien to seapk to him atfer renceivig the ofefr, but Fnerch mdeia cielamd Mpapb\u00e9 had rseefud to eentr ntooigaetnis. His ctornact wtih the Frnceh sdie is due to eixpre nxet Jnue.", "substituted": "icG 24-dcOd-tfs opgqVas\u2019s dPbq HKvpE ArmaT-IVVsDCg NLZJNMlQBm iGVP ngi iYoIk bxJ sWOvnd Mwry ObJczlMNOX Lg fjCvh KZ fEZ iIanm RbIgfXTGl pTo AeWhB, xnR rKDxZi wbiXb GCXHZIR oTRTzN AOp SpMGIyi LS swkoO MWYeqrzyphQb. yJA RrxKFZYH xGOp hHV DbXGHg KZwV Je iPF lv uJyhCX ZUSR wSOW."} {"original": "The 36-year-old Jamaican sprinter beat a field that included swimmer Katie Ledecky, tennis star Iga \u015awi\u0105tek and 400m hurdles record-holder Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone. Lionel Messi was named sportsman of the year at the awards in Paris on Monday.", "scrambled_20%": "The 36-year-old Jamaican sprinter beat a field that ducedlni swimmer iKaet Ledecky, tennis star Iga wk\u0105eit\u015a and 400m hurdles roedcr-holder Sydney McLaughlin-eeLvnro. Lionel Messi was amedn sportsman of eht year at the awards ni Paris on Monday.", "scrambled_50%": "The 36-year-old Janiaacm sprinter abet a field that ducedlni wemsmir iKaet Ledecky, itsnen star Iga wk\u0105eit\u015a nad 400m esurlhd roedcr-holder Sydney McLaughlin-eeLvnro. Lionel Messi was amedn mrssonatp of eht year at the wsrdaa ni aPisr no oMnayd.", "scrambled_100%": "heT 36-reya-odl Janiaacm snpeitrr abet a lifed ttha ducedlni wemsmir iKaet Lecydek, itsnen asrt gaI wk\u0105eit\u015a nad 400m esurlhd roedcr-derohl nSdyye halciLugnM-eeLvnro. lnoLei esMis aws amedn mrssonatp fo eht raye ta eth wsrdaa ni aPisr no oMnayd.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh 36-yare-odl Jmnaicaa sirtrpne bate a fldei ttha iudlcend swmermi Kieta Lyecedk, tsinne srat Iag \u015aeiwtk\u0105 adn 400m hsruedl rodecr-hdoelr Seydny McnLlhugia-Lveoner. Lelnoi Mesis wsa ndmea ssoatrpnm of teh yaer at teh adwars in Prisa on Mdoyna.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The 36-yaer-old Jmaaacin setrnipr baet a felid taht iuelncdd semwmir Kaite Lekdcey, tnneis satr Iga \u015aet\u0105iwk and 400m hedruls rcoerd-hodler Sdyeny MalLhgiucn-Lrenove. Loienl Mssei was nmaed stsmraopn of the yaer at the aawdrs in Pairs on Mdaony.", "substituted": "nGF 36-hkJD-qWI nXLflmzl bFnccAlv GEwA a XbOoa Vujd RNWNHpXZ wvuDNlo iYEmP aVPWJEZ, mAYuFo tgDh oXS pcUQkhO ghV 400m wbYVXmj DTxmFi-QTEEie mgmHHr SsRirpiZhF-JFNjsfB. JYGBus BUzVT mSO UZFkS NPsgBaCUS ZR hBm HcCf bU uUK MmYfky QH vcuUt QS qEjUjS."} {"original": "The 92-year-old billionaire met Smith, 66, at his at his Bel Air vineyard last September, less than a year after his divorce from fourth wife Jerry Hall was finalised.", "scrambled_20%": "Teh 92-yera-old linblreaoii met Smith, 66, at his at his Bel Air nraveiyd alst September, less than a year after his divorce from fourth wife Jerry Hall was nliesfida.", "scrambled_50%": "Teh 92-yera-dol linblreaoii etm Smith, 66, at his at his Bel Air nraveiyd alst September, less than a raye after his divorce rofm rhtfuo ewfi rJyre Hall asw nliesfida.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh 92-yera-dol linblreaoii etm thmSi, 66, ta ihs ta shi lBe iAr nraveiyd alst eSbrmeetp, lsse atnh a raye rtaef shi eovdcir rofm rhtfuo ewfi rJyre lHal asw nliesfida.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh 92-yera-odl biorliianle mte Shitm, 66, at hsi at hsi Ble Ari vrydenia lsat Smpeeretb, lses thna a yaer aertf hsi dicorev fomr fhutro weif Jeryr Hlal wsa flaideisn.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The 92-yaer-old bioiialrlne met Simth, 66, at his at his Bel Air vrinyaed lsat Speeemtbr, lses tahn a yaer atfer his docrive form frotuh wfie Jrery Hlal was flisinead.", "substituted": "NqD 92-xHfw-Vri InfPPNBzYFS iAa LErsu, 66, pY ObY qK vFA AnU VNq WlvtnBoW NcNT zkKHPwLYU, UBac DLVB a iZLL shFDm eEq vrXRcIV hsUS gaXDMV FGjB wDSfS iDzf Mhz DMWOOcdRA."} {"original": "The Bank of England\u2019s chief economist faced a fierce backlash after telling a podcast that UK households and companies need to \u201cstop trying to maintain their real spending power by bidding up prices whether through higher wages or passing energy costs on to customers\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "heT Bank of England\u2019s chief economist faced a efcire backlash after telling a podcast that UK households and companies dnee to \u201cstop trying to maintain htrie real spending power by niibdgd up prices whether through higher wages ro passing energy tscos on to trsesuomc\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "heT knBa fo England\u2019s chief economist faced a efcire bhlkacsa etfra itelgln a odspatc hatt UK households and mnciaepso dnee to \u201cstop trying to maintain htrie real negpdsni owrpe by niibdgd up prices treewhh through higher wages ro snaigsp yenreg tscos on to trsesuomc\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "heT knBa fo ldgEann\u2019s fiech mcesontoi cfade a efcire bhlkacsa etfra itelgln a odspatc hatt KU ohshedouls nda mnciaepso dnee ot \u201ctpos grtniy ot tmnaaiin htrie rale negpdsni owrpe yb niibdgd pu eirpsc treewhh rhtgohu ihherg ewasg ro snaigsp yenreg tscos no ot trsesuomc\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Bnka of Enlngad\u2019s ciefh enmiotcso fedca a ficere bklacsha areft tgelinl a ptcaosd ttha UK hsoeuhldos adn ceomsinpa ndee to \u201cspto tirgyn to mntnaaii thire rlae sgnipden proew by bdnidig up pcersi wrtheeh tuhghro hgeihr wsega or psgisna eyngre ctoss on to cmsserotu\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Bnak of Ealnngd\u2019s cehif eomnisoct feacd a ferice balskcah atefr tlnileg a pdacost taht UK huoohdless and cenoimpas need to \u201csotp trynig to mnaiaitn teihr rael snipndeg peowr by bidding up peircs wehhetr tuhrgoh heighr wegas or pasinsg enrgey cstos on to coutsemrs\u201d.", "substituted": "vlw bJWD yv jkvFval\u2019s dkyGR lEjkCQgzv heNtY a BTqlsz PuZYXniy UQXhT WsPtaZx a sAESWoQ ewlB jR YzonOiLuzA zoz QgMsfTBoM GTjX vx \u201cKrAN sHRPtx oG poqGKjoK PCyke aCcq BdswVnVB klLXA kj VguTwYI CW VCJlPf EpSALcM fyvIyUY waRYSZ dZEUm bp OiiDyIf huqtXU qujbU sV qW CTOVOKBTN\u201d."} {"original": "The Biden administration approved the controversial Willow Project in Alaska. It is a massive and decades-long oil drilling venture on Alaska\u2019s North Slope in the National Petroleum Reserve, which is owned by the federal government.", "scrambled_20%": "The Biden administration approved the ovsclnrtoiaer wloiWl Project ni aAslka. It is a massive and decades-long oil drilling venture on Alaska\u2019s North Slope in the National Petroleum vReeres, which si owned yb the federal government.", "scrambled_50%": "eTh Biden administration approved eht ovsclnrtoiaer wloiWl oejctPr ni aAslka. It si a massive and decades-long oil drilling ruvntee on skAaal\u2019s throN Slope ni the National lroeePtmu vReeres, which si nodwe yb the eefalrd government.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh enBdi iornamtaindtsi podrvape eht ovsclnrtoiaer wloiWl oejctPr ni aAslka. tI si a eviasms nda ecesdad-lngo ilo rlliigdn ruvntee no skAaal\u2019s throN Spoel ni het tNinlaoa lroeePtmu vReeres, hiwch si nodwe yb hte eefalrd trennmvego.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Bdein aatrsnimidonit aorpvdep teh crisotrolenav Wliwol Ptcerjo in Aksaal. It is a msivsea adn ddsceea-logn oli dlirlgin vtrneeu on Asalak\u2019s Nhotr Sloep in teh Noantila Pmeeltour Rseveer, whchi is ondwe by teh felaedr gretnovnem.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Bdein aniaittdirsomn aopvperd the covtairoernsl Woillw Pjecrot in Aaksla. It is a mssvaie and deadces-lnog oil dlliirng vrutnee on Aalksa\u2019s Nrtoh Sploe in the Niataonl Pletoreum Resreve, wchih is owend by the ferdeal gvnneemort.", "substituted": "pvg OEenx ZBDFwydPjFsRqp VodtKmzw mtZ QWveKCOnAOCdz VfCgGt Xnnajhq bk lEsxvF. jy Yx a uOhbGTb vsV taRIQRP-EZwt kjf uFPCwCeK RHBsoKz rh wUqhED\u2019s CvjLV EYbHg El nxu PkrhZVtR vnTSQaQqs pmeSBSQ, qVKoq mb hsbYQ xz uLq XTVqPWG ZAbJEeDJvm."} {"original": "The British bakery chain is set for a courtroom showdown with Westminster Council after being denied permission to sell hot food at its flagship London outlet after 11pm. The application was rejected last year after police warned that selling late-night sausage rolls risked fuelling \u201ccrime and disorder\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "The British bakery cniha is set for a courtroom showdown with Westminster Council after being denied oimpssiner to sell hot dfoo ta its flagship London outlet after 11mp. The application was rejected last year after police warned hatt nlsglie late-night sueaasg rolls risked fuelling \u201cmcrei and disorder\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "heT British rkabye cniha si set for a courtroom hwswnood twhi snsreteWtmi Council after being denied oimpssiner to sell tho dfoo ta its flagship London uetotl after 11mp. The application asw rejected last ryea after ceopli warned hatt nlsglie teal-gtinh sueaasg rolls risked ulgiefln \u201cmcrei nda disorder\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "heT tiishrB rkabye cniha si tse fro a mrocotuor hwswnood twhi snsreteWtmi olniucC freta nbeig nedied oimpssiner ot lsle tho dfoo ta tsi fgshalpi ndLono uetotl fraet 11mp. heT itlocipapna asw jedcetre slta ryea aetrf ceopli deawnr hatt nlsglie teal-gtinh sueaasg lrsol rdsike ulgiefln \u201cmcrei nda dsrderio\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Bithisr brkaye canhi is ste fro a cmrooorut sdwonwoh wthi Wtntisersme Cnoclui aertf bgnei dnedei pnioemirss to slle hto fdoo at ist fhplgais Loonnd oteutl areft 11pm. Teh aptanpcioli wsa rdeteejc ltas yrae aefrt picelo wanerd taht silnleg leat-nhtig seasaug rosll rdeiks fuilelgn \u201ccreim adn dreidsor\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Bstirih bkeary chian is set for a cotroroum swwhodon wtih Wesetnsitmr Cucnoil atfer bnieg diened pseiirsmon to slel hot food at its fihlasgp Ldnoon oteult aeftr 11pm. The alopiicpatn was rectejed lsat yaer aeftr piolce waernd taht snlleig ltae-nhigt sugsaae rllos reiksd flluenig \u201ccimre and dsieordr\u201d.", "substituted": "VFa idgkEFB QwHYCB XJWsv Dk cCp scN a vxfbdyccS QuvNFnTS tvPU BGpbWHElSOK PMkvLYW NQPGv GUpoI ABJNkg eDqIqgwZxY KB OGQq PFE Sudz XS PbA DAfEwmAv PgLYEi OLKsKE xnELv 11RQ. iiU jXzVpdhIdpo fUI xzwuDZjE UUWN Dknv Vxhom lvzJDj HjGZfn AFzF nIDesyR OMvP-mXMYy VdHKPiG NBUOl SJriKE twoGBvgw \u201cXCPEV qkt WmhqVWcq\u201d."} {"original": "The California-based royal attended hearings in a lawsuit that he and other high-profile figures \u2013 including Elton John, Liz Hurley and Sadie Frost \u2013 have brought against Associated Newspapers Limited for alleged privacy breaches.", "scrambled_20%": "The California-based royal attended hearings in a lawsuit that he adn other ihgh-profile figures \u2013 gdnliucni lotnE John, Liz Hurley and deSia Frost \u2013 have tbuohgr against Associated Newspapers iLdmeit for alleged privacy breaches.", "scrambled_50%": "eTh California-based yralo attended sierahng ni a lawsuit that he adn other ihgh-profile figures \u2013 gdnliucni lotnE John, zLi lreHyu and deSia Frost \u2013 have tbuohgr tsagain cAdateoiss Newspapers iLdmeit for ledagel privacy breaches.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh ilrfaiCaon-bdsae yralo enaddtet sierahng ni a sialwtu ahtt eh adn rhoet ihgh-orepfli iuersgf \u2013 gdnliucni lotnE Jnho, zLi lreHyu nda deSia osFrt \u2013 heav tbuohgr tsagain cAdateoiss wsNeaprpes iLdmeit ofr ledagel icvrayp eaebrsch.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Crfioialan-bdesa ralyo atndeetd hiegsrna in a ltuswai tath he adn oerht hhig-pflioer ferugsi \u2013 icgnduinl Enolt Jhno, Lzi Hyurle adn Saied Ftsro \u2013 heva btogurh asganit Atscsoedai Naweppress Letmdii fro aegeldl pcayvri bcheasre.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Coialfrina-baesd ryoal adteentd haregins in a luswiat taht he and ohetr hgih-poifrle fieugrs \u2013 idnlcuing Eotln Jhon, Liz Huerly and Sdiae Fosrt \u2013 hvae buhrogt aanigst Aosecastid Nerewppass Liietmd for aelgled pcirvay bheeracs.", "substituted": "jMR pcSoPaIXGe-OEZdq QruER GgJtpuaq lsfYYyuT By a uZHtaxG xzNi No LjB sRJNB pYUs-UAKFHNp hUpFBxV \u2013 bhOdtqzUM IcpFu bGTz, wxm nzbagc ovS DemOw cnsSz \u2013 cCcM yDiKBWv CxtXfPe eDeUGAqXpA HCiLfiZucQ tkxgPsW aWn hmjyJib wkPwDda niHEpQFX."} {"original": "The Camden Drive-In in Camden, New Jersey opened in June of 1933. The price of admission was 25 cents for the car and 25 cents per person.", "scrambled_20%": "The Camden Drive-In in Camden, New Jersey opened in June fo 1933. The cepir of dminsiosa was 25 cents for the arc and 25 cents per osenrp.", "scrambled_50%": "hTe Camden Drive-nI in Camden, New Jersey enpdoe in nJue fo 1933. The cepir of dminsiosa was 25 cents rof the arc and 25 nsect erp osenrp.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe andemC vireD-nI ni Ceandm, ewN Jeryse enpdoe ni nJue fo 1933. Teh cepir fo dminsiosa asw 25 enstc rof eth arc dan 25 nsect erp osenrp.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Canmde Dvier-In in Cndame, Nwe Jesyer opdeen in Jeun of 1933. Teh preci of adinimoss wsa 25 ctnes fro teh cra adn 25 ctnse pre pnsreo.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Cmedan Dirve-In in Cedamn, New Jeersy oeepnd in Jnue of 1933. The pcrie of assiidmon was 25 cntes for the car and 25 ctens per pseorn.", "substituted": "NuM JGbsMz iUyZk-CE Mq DZfgnu, oLa nXKHsD EGZoWE SR NDfy gP 1933. Jff CBYzP fC fNDtfaEQu AFM 25 VbBFD wvx MPO kqA won 25 LTAFT Nvw AFIhnx."} {"original": "The Church of England is selling its investments in BP, Shell and other oil and gas giants because they do not \u201cprotect God\u2019s creation\u201d. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, a former oil industry worker, said the climate crisis \u201cthreatens the planet we live on\u201d. For 10 things you need to know each day, sign up to the Daily Briefing newsletter.", "scrambled_20%": "The Church of England is silegln tis investments in BP, Slelh and torhe oil and gas ntsiag eauesbc they do not \u201cprotect God\u2019s rianetco\u201d. Archbishop of rrCuabntye Justin Welby, a ormfer oil industry worker, idas the climate crisis \u201cthreatens the planet we live on\u201d. For 10 things you dnee to know each day, sign up to the Daily feginBir newsletter.", "scrambled_50%": "The Church fo England is silegln tis etnsniesvtm ni BP, Slelh and torhe oil and gas ntsiag eauesbc they do not \u201cprotect God\u2019s rianetco\u201d. pcArohsihb of rrCuabntye Justin beylW, a ormfer ilo industry korewr, idas the climate isrisc \u201cthreatens eht planet ew live on\u201d. For 10 things you dnee ot nokw eahc yad, sign pu to eht Daily feginBir twetnelsre.", "scrambled_100%": "heT urhhCc fo nndgEla si silegln tis etnsniesvtm ni PB, Slelh dan torhe lio dna sga ntsiag eauesbc ythe od otn \u201crtpocte oGd\u2019s rianetco\u201d. pcArohsihb fo rrCuabntye tisnJu beylW, a ormfer ilo dtynruis korewr, idas hte actmile isrisc \u201ceenthatrs eht enaplt ew ivel no\u201d. orF 10 isnhgt ouy dnee ot nokw eahc yad, isng pu ot eht iDayl feginBir twetnelsre.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Crchhu of Enlnadg is sienlgl ist iesntmevtns in BP, Slhel adn ohetr oli adn gsa gsitan becasue teyh do nto \u201cpctoret Gdo\u2019s coaientr\u201d. Ashbirhcpo of Cetuarbryn Jinuts Wlybe, a frorme oli itsrndyu weorkr, sdai teh ctilame cssiri \u201cteaesrthn teh pletna we leiv on\u201d. Fro 10 tsnigh yuo ndee to kwon ehac dya, sing up to teh Dliya Bgnfirei nestlwteer.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Ccrhuh of Enalgnd is sllineg its ietnsevtmns in BP, Selhl and ohter oil and gas gntais bsaucee tehy do not \u201cporcett God\u2019s corteian\u201d. Aboshhircp of Crbtrnuaey Jstuin Wlbey, a freomr oil idtrunsy wokerr, siad the cmiatle csriis \u201ctnehrteas the palnet we lvie on\u201d. For 10 thgnis you need to konw ecah day, sgin up to the Dilay Brefniig nttlesweer.", "substituted": "wyp REYsAo JU BxKCDHu oX fimYwWI mMN eNmFoyrAvIE ga dz, UIEvk fhv LFtPz TkC HDi xdb vhNdjB rCALMzD prSq SY ukx \u201cNPUXXLw ijj\u2019s kEskIoCw\u201d. VZopBjZDyx Ci meueyIVCmZ HzVUuq jRuGX, a JjDQlR ysm qFTIiOYq NOjehH, mfFS ZmW uksThYB leZSGJ \u201cTwYgWDQAI cXk zJgaLI ua HCYd fA\u201d. BTC 10 WIorKR ikp kUXl IK vPir bJPc VyJ, pwLY Mi jn ELo MAmQL JXZnlMQZ MKhWLkjHHK."} {"original": "The Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence while meeting in Philadelphia at the Pennsylvania State House \u2013 now Independence Hall.", "scrambled_20%": "The Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of necIdneepnde hilew meeting in hadailheiPlp at the Pennsylvania State House \u2013 now Independence llaH.", "scrambled_50%": "heT Continental nCsresgo ddtopea the aelaDrotcin fo necIdneepnde hilew meeting in hadailheiPlp at the Pennsylvania State oesuH \u2013 now Independence llaH.", "scrambled_100%": "heT iaenotCnnlt nCsresgo ddtopea hte aelaDrotcin fo necIdneepnde hilew eeigtmn ni hadailheiPlp ta teh sPnenvalyian Steat oesuH \u2013 own decnepdneIen llaH.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Cainoenttln Cessognr apteddo teh Dtnliecoaar of Iennepeddcen wlhie mitenge in Paiihlehlpda at teh Pnlsnnyaivea Sttea Hsoeu \u2013 nwo Ieneeedpnndc Hall.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Caintentnol Cgrosens adtepod the Darcaoiletn of Iedecdnenpne wlhie mineteg in Piadlipehlha at the Piynnanvsela Sttae Huose \u2013 now Ieceenpnndde Hlal.", "substituted": "pCr BiQidglSWwP ArMvIvoa lMRHiCB oii dJsfFBdFcWD ln bMnxcpwzQkzz KdLeO bWVstTj um UqaCFsMgeKRS Uk Ont lMpdfqrNefVe dSiCW pfTeh \u2013 CXT ZBhGRHrhkrPt PZtG."} {"original": "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have said that they were involved in a \u201cnear catastrophic car chase\u201d involving paparazzi photographers in New York. In a statement, they described being relentlessly pursued by a gang of paparazzi in blacked-out vehicles for two hours. New York City police confirmed that while the royal couple\u2019s journey was challenging, there were no reported collisions, summonses, injuries or arrests.", "scrambled_20%": "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have dsai tath they were olevndiv in a \u201caner catastrophic car aches\u201d involving paparazzi photographers in wNe York. nI a statement, heyt described being relentlessly pursued by a gang of paparazzi in aklcdbe-out vehicles for two ursoh. New York City police confirmed that while the royal couple\u2019s journey was challenging, there rewe no rtedreop collisions, umeosmssn, injuries or arrests.", "scrambled_50%": "The Duke nda eDucssh of sesxuS have dsai tath they were olevndiv ni a \u201caner catastrophic arc aches\u201d onigilnvv paparazzi photographers in wNe York. nI a statement, heyt described gibne elyelrtenssl dusprue by a gang of paparazzi in aklcdbe-otu iseveclh for wto ursoh. New York City police fdcomrnie that while the laroy couple\u2019s yrnejuo aws challenging, there rewe on rtedreop collisions, umeosmssn, sjiineur or asrrset.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh Duek nda eDucssh fo sesxuS ahev dsai tath yteh erwe olevndiv ni a \u201caner tcrascptaioh arc aches\u201d onigilnvv aarzapipz tgoreoahprpsh ni wNe kYor. nI a nttetemsa, heyt bredsecdi gibne elyelrtenssl dusprue yb a gagn fo riapazpza ni aklcdbe-otu iseveclh orf wto ursoh. weN orkY iCty ceiopl fdcomrnie taht lwehi het laroy cepolu\u2019s yrnejuo aws liaenghncgl, eehrt rewe on rtedreop oosnlicsil, umeosmssn, sjiineur ro asrrset.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Deuk adn Dhucess of Seussx heav sida ttha teyh wree iolevnvd in a \u201cnrea csrhpatacoit cra cahes\u201d ilgvvoinn pzzriaapa protseaohgphr in Nwe Yrko. In a stnemteta, tyeh drbedcsie bgein rleseltsyenl pduuers by a gnag of paipraazz in bacdekl-otu vcsheeil fro tow hsour. Nwe Yrok Ctyi pclioe cdimferon tath wlhie teh roaly cloeup\u2019s jynoeru wsa cheillnnagg, theer weer no rdeptreo coislnoils, smsnusome, irnjsuie or atrrses.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Dkue and Deushcs of Ssuesx hvae siad taht tehy wree iovnveld in a \u201cnaer ciopthraatsc car cashe\u201d ivinnolvg ppaarzzai ppogerhaohrts in New Yrok. In a setmteant, tehy dbeiecsrd bnieg rnlleetslesy purused by a gnag of pzpaazrai in beaclkd-out viehlecs for two hrous. New Yrok Ctiy poclie cfeiornmd taht wlhie the rayol cpoule\u2019s juneroy was cnghenllaig, trehe wree no rrpeeotd coiionlsls, someunsms, ieiujnrs or asertrs.", "substituted": "EDS aRyt zpo mTscQiF Tk AsSJGX TfRZ VArU CSvV Twkp hYOM ERtuIghT UU a \u201cOKpN vhVFIyGAErHL ISG JwsuR\u201d ygyCtVlFJ vQenGYgLw fQZRRCFEHxbWX jL YBS OxZu. NA a QjlmLeSGC, UdVl rhyFaEHQC RktRP ksdAPZYplXaQ XGEloiE Dq a HkxY mt ABYTKkqgr Gs qcIylOv-PhO YiRXQwXv rhU rhc NxLBW. sAH iBGv lNoc WmIfCY GAdYgZoll RuBG fgLiy xtd kCjHL SFLRBm\u2019s qbzyUpm Nvk BfIBMgtQAEl, WHQyK cyII OH GdwFweir AVIWnnNNsu, cagKtutMe, swYOLEyH sV ezUbuVg."} {"original": "The Dutch star beat Gerwyn Price 11-5 to win the Premier League Darts final at London\u2019s 02 Arena on Thursday. Van Gerwen takes the titles record from six-times winner Phil Taylor.", "scrambled_20%": "The Dutch astr beat Gerwyn Price 11-5 to win het Premier League Darts final at London\u2019s 02 Arena no Thursday. Van Gerwen takes the titles record orfm six-mesti winner Phil aorTyl.", "scrambled_50%": "Teh Dutch astr btea Gerwyn Price 11-5 to nwi het Premier League taDrs inlaf ta oonLdn\u2019s 02 Arena no Thursday. Van Gerwen ktsea the titles record orfm six-mesti nnwire Phil aorTyl.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh tchDu astr btea renGwy Pcier 11-5 ot nwi het rerPeim agueeL taDrs inlaf ta oonLdn\u2019s 02 eAarn no ahrydTus. nVa wneerG ktsea hte etitsl rdoecr orfm ixs-mesti nnwire hlPi aorTyl.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Ducht sart baet Gweryn Pcrei 11-5 to wni teh Perrime Luegae Datsr fnlia at Lnndoo\u2019s 02 Aaren on Tdaurhys. Vna Grwene tskae teh tlseti rdreco fmro sxi-tseim wienrn Plhi Tlyaor.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Dtcuh satr baet Grywen Pcrie 11-5 to win the Preiemr Lauege Datrs fanil at Loondn\u2019s 02 Aenra on Tahrusdy. Van Geewrn tkaes the ttleis rocerd form six-tmeis wneinr Pihl Taloyr.", "substituted": "KZW IemPp jgAb njry EsXJLE vlNrq 11-5 zz boT diA yLCFuxW roSEih hKiQu PVfgP EA oXQEyp\u2019s 02 UaHUn jf zoLVtXcY. DkF ejvdkA sqfDP oWx XLqYcM obbDqC HuZq ZBh-bHZKo kncUAF lnkX YBcUgn."} {"original": "The FBI warned people against using public phone charging stations in order to avoid exposing their devices to malicious software.", "scrambled_20%": "The FBI warned eolepp against using public phone charging otsinast in order to avoid oisxgnep their devices to malicious tfoaewrs.", "scrambled_50%": "ehT BIF warned eolepp against using public phone charging otsinast ni order to avoid oisxgnep hiter deiesvc to iiaulcsom tfoaewrs.", "scrambled_100%": "ehT BIF deanwr eolepp inasatg insgu bipluc henop raigngch otsinast ni eordr ot vdaoi oisxgnep hiter deiesvc ot iiaulcsom tfoaewrs.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh FIB weandr pelope atnigsa ugsin pcbiul phoen cnggihar ssttiona in oedrr to advio expigson teirh dvcseie to muciisoal swraoeft.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The FBI wrnead plopee aigsnat uisng pliubc pnhoe cargnhig sttanios in oderr to aviod eposnixg tiher dcveies to mailiuocs sfwaorte.", "substituted": "vBd ceP JkYJcZ vNPuPs SosgGdd INGpH cwUnyk eCGxX TOQdhcbA GMosCSOu mC DNmlG Tj kGAzD HNPcTlvp TovhE tgUgPKu pH ZPvlQPAsR DhmsBQRI."} {"original": "The FDA on Wednesday approved Pfizer\u2019s RSV vaccine for older adults, the second such shot approved for the virus.", "scrambled_20%": "The FDA no Wednesday approved Pfizer\u2019s RSV vaccine for older adults, eth second such shot repdvpoa fro the virus.", "scrambled_50%": "The ADF no Wednesday approved Pfizer\u2019s VRS vaccine for drleo taulsd, eth osdecn such osht repdvpoa fro the virus.", "scrambled_100%": "ehT ADF no ensWadeyd vpdoprae zPeifr\u2019s VRS aiencvc fro drleo taulsd, eth osdecn uhsc osht repdvpoa fro eth uisrv.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh FAD on Wsnedyead aepvprod Perzif\u2019s RVS vceican fro oerdl asdtul, teh secndo schu stho avpoderp fro teh vusir.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The FDA on Wndesdaey apovrepd Pzfeir\u2019s RSV vnciace for oeldr atdlus, the socend scuh soht aopevrpd for the vuirs.", "substituted": "afr bhU Hr OhjsUaHjL xcUkcnsl IoGviY\u2019s nAO DWPQSRQ FvM uPLdI vqGPeg, NUU YTPqjx EOyv IrNe OQVzxmkp CNo mKN lbRlU."} {"original": "The FTC is suing Amazon, alleging that the e-commerce giant has tricked millions of consumers into signing up for its Prime subscription service through deceptive user interface designs. The complaint also takes aim at Amazon for allegedly trying to keep users subscribed who wished to cancel their memberships.", "scrambled_20%": "The TCF is suing Amazon, alleging that the e-mrmececo giant has tricked millions fo consumers into gsnngii up for its Prime subscription service through deceptive user interface designs. The complaint osal takes aim ta Amazon fro ldayeegll trying to keep erssu subscribed who wehsid to cancel their memberships.", "scrambled_50%": "The TCF is suing zomaAn, iglelnag ttha the e-mrmececo giant hsa tricked millions fo reuscosmn into gsnngii up for sit Prime soipibsunrtc sriecev through deceptive user nefearcit designs. ehT acmnoitpl osal takes aim ta Amazon fro ldayeegll tyrgni ot keep erssu subscribed who wehsid to cancel their rimphmsebse.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe TCF si iugsn zomaAn, iglelnag ttha teh e-mrmececo aingt hsa ectrkid ollimisn fo reuscosmn noti gsnngii pu rfo sit Pmeir soipibsunrtc sriecev hhutogr dceiepvet uers nefearcit siegdns. ehT acmnoitpl osal teksa ami ta znAmao fro ldayeegll tyrgni ot ekpe erssu rsudbebcis ohw wehsid ot ecanlc eirth rimphmsebse.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh FCT is sguin Anzoma, aleniggl tath teh e-crecmmoe gniat hsa tdkcrie mosilinl of cemnssoru iton sgiinng up fro ist Prmei stircpbsinuo seicver tugrhoh deevctpei usre ieafrtcen dsnesig. Teh clmniatop aosl tkesa ami at Amaonz fro alyldgeel tginry to kepe uessr scusbderbi woh wdhesi to clcane teirh mbiphesersm.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The FTC is snuig Amoazn, alnleigg taht the e-cmomrece gaint has teckrid mnililos of cmreuonss itno siningg up for its Prmie sbrstipucoin scervie tuogrhh deectvipe uesr iftecnare dnigess. The cimoplnat aslo teaks aim at Azmaon for adlelgley tynrig to keep urses sbceibrsud who wsheid to cneacl tehir mbipremsehs.", "substituted": "CXq jhb Xf nqsvj cIHQao, jVQqYVAn dFjS rzF e-ZsqLmlpW tcOkn Ffr aRyuxXX UeimzFYe Yr UAjOCiyhh VwXW avnoFiX PU qiL RcN vQzJX HNcZEqrozzuT kpccgfC pWYirMb PGOcqxuOD GOzD yEhHSvRKP MiSTjZY. KDp STuBaZGMG HPNE RFLYV KPT pl Kczgkr LRO FtNoOtqwq mqXGol uS YOpd AClVl PoxOvRudIk DuI lkSeiE fl hxoHoz sPYCB pqONBIOaEvm."} {"original": "The Ford Bronco is being recalled because people may get \u201cdiscouraged\u201d trying to use the seatbelts, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said.", "scrambled_20%": "eTh Ford Bronco is being creldael because people may get \u201cdiscouraged\u201d trying to use the ltsbestea, the naitaNol haygwiH Traffic Safety Administration said.", "scrambled_50%": "eTh rdoF Bronco si beign creldael uebesca people may tge \u201cdiscouraged\u201d trying to eus the ltsbestea, the naitaNol haygwiH Traffic tSyafe Administration said.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh rdoF rBnoco si beign creldael uebesca epeplo amy tge \u201cudgdaesicor\u201d ngtyir ot eus teh ltsbestea, eth naitaNol haygwiH iTfcarf tSyafe rantAdintsiiom dasi.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Frdo Bocnro is bgein reedclal bcausee pelpeo mya gte \u201cdsdogcairue\u201d tngiyr to ues teh seaslettb, teh Ntlaiona Hyiahwg Tiarcff Syetaf Aimonainitstrd sdai.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Frod Bonrco is bneig reelalcd bsceaue ppleoe may get \u201cdocaseruigd\u201d tniryg to use the sletebats, the Notainal Hhwiagy Tiafrfc Sfetay Andtitaioisrmn siad.", "substituted": "OWp uOiX QuEZjr BK hbDgR NhfLMuHF tfnhPgQ cCauXQ wzG hrS \u201cDbTffXDsHyw\u201d nWNekk Mv NVJ fFH huIfZRzSt, umq KHqJaLVY gGlHnOx ILDmSHX AYbxEx qHwhPuaNRMJoVz RDob."} {"original": "The Georgia Bulldogs football team declined an invitation to visit the White House next month to celebrate their second consecutive national championship, saying \u201cthe date suggested is not feasible given the student-athlete calendar and time of year.\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "The Georgia Bulldogs football team declined an invitation to vsiti het White House next omtnh to blateerec their second consecutive naialton naihhimspcop, saying \u201cthe date suggested is not bafseeli given hte student-athlete calendar and time of year.\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "eTh egGaoir osgdlluB tobaflol team declined na invitation to vsiti het White House entx omtnh to blateerec their second consecutive naialton naihhimspcop, ngiays \u201cthe etda utgdeessg si not bafseeli given hte student-athlete calendar and time fo year.\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh egGaoir osgdlluB tobaflol amet necddlei na anintoivit ot vsiti het eihtW uHeos entx omtnh ot blateerec hiret odecns vccuesntieo naialton naihhimspcop, ngiays \u201chet etda utgdeessg si ton bafseeli ivneg hte nesttdu-lahteet arenalcd nda tmie fo eray.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Gaergio Bslugold flboaotl taem deldeicn an ivintiaotn to vtisi teh Weiht Heous nxet mnoht to ctbeeeral tierh sonecd cnsuietoecv nntoaali cnhmhopaipsi, signya \u201cteh dtea sdseggute is nto fesilbae gnive teh sntdteu-atelhet canredla adn teim of yare.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Goigrea Buldglos foaobtll taem deleincd an ivtaiitonn to viist the Wthie Husoe nxet mtonh to ceratelbe tehir sconed cistuncoeve ntinaaol chhiiopsanmp, syaing \u201cthe dtae sgegsuted is not fieablse gvien the sntuedt-atehtle cadnlaer and tmie of yaer.\u201d.", "substituted": "RsS sjekqUM LGSpYKeI EhDJqFbn obKV uDlntwyX rs kSVbISQbGx nD ihmue peC RMRVJ RvZTk ShUe gZenT pZ YwWfUkzha lJbaE rdKYmm KrJitSTZBRN MpKnudOw rWVBuuBXyNpU, fVIwXq \u201cRAi eCql ppKaaxbyh Ai iRu MgiptYTs ecalG suo dmSbZFC-tXfMaaj kpgLoGrC JON puNE mO lnkV.\u201d."} {"original": "The Gran Tomatina festival celebrates the end of the harvest season. The annual food fight was cancelled during the pandemic but returned for a 15th staging on Sunday.", "scrambled_20%": "The Gran Tomatina festival celebrates the end of the harvest season. The lnunaa food fight was ecclnldae during the pandemic but returned for a 15ht igstagn no Sunday.", "scrambled_50%": "The Ganr Tomatina festival celebrates the den fo the harvest season. The lnunaa dofo ghfti swa ecclnldae during teh pandemic utb returned ofr a 15ht igstagn no Sunday.", "scrambled_100%": "heT Ganr tomaTina avtflsie blaeecesrt hte den fo hte eavhstr naeoss. heT lnunaa dofo ghfti swa ecclnldae idgrun teh epdmcina utb rtrudnee ofr a 15ht igstagn no ayuSdn.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Gnra Tnmoitaa fitlvaes ceterbasle teh edn of teh htervsa ssaone. Teh alanun food fgthi wsa ccleedaln dunigr teh pcdemnai btu rtnedure fro a 15th stngagi on Sanyud.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Garn Taonimta fitevsal celebearts the end of the hvsaret soaesn. The ananul food fghit was cnlaleecd dirnug the pimanedc but reerntud for a 15th saintgg on Snduay.", "substituted": "VyY VXLR ztzTDesQ RNgRwkRZ fjqNnupral iGw xTK BT iNE wyDqHrF JrUqrx. xpO QiXDAs memU evesC cWH NyhnDkDml jlBhxH wuA YbMunaYD qQp YWWInTaD Mwo a 15Du rYyhllM Ej qNyxzD."} {"original": "The Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt extends from West Africa to the Gulf of Mexico and is on course to reach Florida during the region\u2019s busiest summer months. As well as wreaking havoc on local ecosystems, after coming ashore the rotting seaweed emits toxic fumes that may be harmful to humans. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_20%": "The Great Atlantic samsaurSg eBtl extends from West Africa ot the Gulf of xieoMc and is on course to reach Florida rungid the region\u2019s busiest rmumse months. As well as wreaking havoc on local ecosystems, raetf coming ashore the rotting eaewdse emits toxic fumes that may be harmful to nmuahs. Find out more with ehT keWe Unpdrwape podcast.", "scrambled_50%": "The tarGe Atlantic samsaurSg eBtl extends from eWts Africa ot teh Gulf of xieoMc dna is no roescu to reach aoirFld rungid the region\u2019s busiest rmumse months. sA well as wreaking havoc on laloc ecsmssyoet, raetf micgon ashore the tonrtig eaewdse emits ticxo sfeum that may eb harmful to nmuahs. nFid out more tihw ehT keWe Unpdrwape podcast.", "scrambled_100%": "heT tarGe tAatlnci samsaurSg eBtl nesetdx romf eWts aifcAr ot teh lGfu fo xieoMc dna si no roescu ot ehcar aoirFld rungid hte orneig\u2019s ueitssb rmumse smthon. sA elwl sa iewankgr ochva no laloc ecsmssyoet, raetf micgon saoerh het tonrtig eaewdse etsim ticxo sfeum tath mya eb mlhuafr ot nmuahs. nFid uto emro tihw ehT keWe Unpdrwape cpodsta.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Garte Acltinat Sassuargm Blet exdnste fomr Wets Aiacrf to teh Gflu of Meocxi adn is on coseru to rhaec Fridalo digurn teh rgnoei\u2019s btseuis smuerm mhnost. As wlle as wnkregia hvoca on llaoc ecsytmssoe, areft cnigmo asohre teh rtgtnoi seeawde estmi tciox fesum ttah mya be hfrluam to hsamun. Fidn otu mreo wthi Teh Wkee Uendaprpw psdatoc.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Gaert Atatlinc Ssaugsram Blet eedtxns form Wset Aifcra to the Gluf of Mxcieo and is on csuore to rceah Fdiolra dniurg the roiegn\u2019s bsuseit semumr mnthos. As wlel as wirenkag hvaoc on laocl emycsestos, aeftr cniomg aohsre the rnottig seewaed eimts tioxc fmues taht may be hrfauml to hnaums. Fnid out mroe wtih The Week Uwnaperpd paocsdt.", "substituted": "GMU blkCQ pndsKBkj rCPHoEyQJ ZYxi iUDnVyI BJwG GPoh xPAsdQ Xf fuO ohPQ Dd zopWMe XdN DP ZW kYWpPK Pv qxbtN CgRWImL gARwQt DKk PnmfFe\u2019s xYqVwfM WKPBYd hJfSra. yv OCxY yK WUxXRGKk dRaxS Si rLCzD KKVJIdrzCp, YzTse uYvgqV IkYdlb gCs ypqrRuK WpyCSpK yMOpx CWpDx EEwSe nvVO nSj tk GUEjiWI uu LrcoNY. PFPi OiZ ZgCU HWTO XaD Qmkd djFXxnNBb SEavxTu."} {"original": "The House voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to pass a bill to suspend the nation\u2019s debt limit through January 1, 2025, as lawmakers race to prevent a catastrophic default.", "scrambled_20%": "The House voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to pass a bill ot suspend the nation\u2019s debt limit hgouhrt January 1, 2025, as lawmakers rcae ot prevent a sachtotpirca default.", "scrambled_50%": "The oeHsu tvdoe overwhelmingly on Wednesday ot pass a bill ot suspend the taonni\u2019s debt limit hgouhrt aunrJay 1, 2025, as kawmalres rcae ot pveetnr a sachtotpirca default.", "scrambled_100%": "ehT oeHsu tvdoe eyhglloiemrvwn no dasyeeWdn ot psas a lbil ot dspsuen eht taonni\u2019s etbd miitl hgouhrt aunrJay 1, 2025, sa kawmalres rcae ot pveetnr a sachtotpirca laudtef.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Huoes vdtoe omyivgehwrllen on Wddyesean to pssa a blil to sneuspd teh nnatoi\u2019s dbte liimt toghurh Juyrana 1, 2025, as lrwakamse reac to pvtener a cctaipahrsot dfalteu.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Husoe vtoed ogwrevnelmlihy on Wsdeaendy to psas a blil to spunsed the ntaoin\u2019s dbet liimt tuohgrh Jnuaary 1, 2025, as lkewrmaas rcae to pnerevt a catprasthoic dlefuat.", "substituted": "VSM XWHrI pusvY CVxWFyQurURmqO uT KfhgzqXGV nf HYBB a ouGt dK ZHwxIZh TVC NJQHqQ\u2019s WiPz Hvykg LpKYjju AxPbVjh 1, 2025, cX HvvniUPic AmLJ cJ HAkwIPN a mSdmXclMQnEC YJNEggo."} {"original": "The Italian Riviera town is introducing fines of up to \u20ac275 for loitering in designated no-waiting zones, in a bid to prevent street blockages caused by tourists taking snaps and selfies.", "scrambled_20%": "eTh Iaantli Riviera tnow is introducing fines fo up to \u20ac275 for loitering in designated on-waiting zones, in a idb to prevent street blockages caused by tourists taking snaps and selfies.", "scrambled_50%": "eTh Iaantli Riviera tnow is duionrictng nsife fo up to \u20ac275 for itorleing ni designated on-waiting nzeos, ni a idb ot vnptree etters blockages caused by tourists taking snaps and selfies.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh Iaantli irRaive tnow si duionrictng nsife fo pu ot \u20ac275 orf itorleing ni itaedgdsne on-nitiawg nzeos, ni a idb ot vnptree etters sbogkecla scudea yb srtuitos naitgk nsaps nda ssfelei.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Iatnali Revirai tnow is idgnuorntci fnsie of up to \u20ac275 fro ltniireog in dnegdtasei no-wtnaigi zsoen, in a bdi to pevnret strete bclgsekoa csueda by trssoitu taikng snpsa adn sileesf.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Iatailn Revriia twon is iuonictdrng feins of up to \u20ac275 for lirnoiteg in dteigsenad no-wtiinag zneos, in a bid to peernvt sreett bkloagces cseaud by trsotius tkinag spnas and sifeles.", "substituted": "mQz AgEhLgP BwBFIZM BzkZ ca EiNPEuiCHeR smMhK un lb UL \u20ac275 iZu ollEzfHpE Cj jlMTvKZDAB HR-iifJnid qmlxV, oo a Bhj Iq jkjPKYi bQbMZQ HMdfdSbWy nsNJOr HD yCOsnAXr zzUvzw LLiUS nQn BSBEXCS."} {"original": "The Justice Department is suing to force Texas to remove floating barriers in the Rio Grande, which Gov. Greg Abbott has argued is intended to deter migrants from crossing into the state from Mexico.", "scrambled_20%": "The Justice aermtDtpne is iungs to force Texas to remove floating barriers in eht Rio Grande, which Gov. Greg Abbott has argued is intended ot deter migrants morf crossing into het state from ecixMo.", "scrambled_50%": "eTh ueJscti aermtDtpne is iungs to cefro axseT to movree ntilagfo barriers ni eht Rio Grande, which ovG. Greg otAtbb has argued is intended ot deter migrants morf sonricsg into het state from ecixMo.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh ueJscti aermtDtpne si iungs ot cefro axseT ot movree ntilagfo iarrebsr ni eht oiR neGrda, cihhw ovG. geGr otAtbb hsa edagur si endtdnie ot rtdee tiasmnrg morf sonricsg tion het ettsa rfmo ecixMo.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Jicesut Deamtnptre is signu to fcero Txeas to revome failngot birarsre in teh Roi Gedanr, wcihh Gvo. Gegr Atbtbo hsa agdure is inneddet to dtere mtanigsr fomr cngrsios iton teh setat fmor Mceoix.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Jsicute Dretmnepat is sinug to fcroe Taexs to rmveoe fntoailg brearirs in the Rio Gradne, wihch Gov. Gerg Abotbt has aerugd is ietndned to dteer mtiangrs form csnosirg itno the sttae form Mxieco.", "substituted": "yug UPxzxxI LQMUVhuERr No pcOzi ux eOGnW YQEIc Ud jVtFLz sHryhsOT CrFZBJVK ee bPY ezn ZivAsj, lreEW IRx. koPB OufTdD ASL XxMeOe BE VaerCZXA jm VNxQR ebULwdyA UYyx UaiYnyPZ xrCD lWA gXMJk Baag zhYGVj."} {"original": "The LSU Tigers defeated the Iowa Hawkeyes 102-85 to win the program\u2019s first NCAA women\u2019s basketball national championship. However, tension ensued this week after first lady Jill Biden suggested that the White House might invite both LSU and runner-up Iowa to Washington for a joint celebration.", "scrambled_20%": "hTe LSU Tigers defeated the Iowa Hawkeyes 102-85 to inw eth program\u2019s first NCAA women\u2019s basketball national nhpmiaihocsp. voHrewe, tension ensued this week terfa first lady Jill Biden suggested that the White seHou ghitm invite both LSU and runner-up waoI to Washington for a joint celebration.", "scrambled_50%": "hTe LSU Tigers edadetfe eht Iwoa aesHykew 102-85 to inw eth program\u2019s first NCAA menwo\u2019s basketball ilontana nhpmiaihocsp. voHrewe, netonis ensued this week terfa first lady Jill Biden tseugsged that eth White seHou ghitm invite tbho USL nda runner-up waoI to Washington for a njoit celebration.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe SLU iTersg edadetfe eht Iwoa aesHykew 102-85 ot inw eth ogrramp\u2019s rtisf CANA menwo\u2019s katsaelblb ilontana nhpmiaihocsp. voHrewe, netonis duesen stih kwee terfa siftr yald illJ indBe tseugsged htta eth tiehW seHou ghitm evtiin tbho USL nda rerunn-pu waoI ot isoWnahntg rfo a njoit cnelbearito.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh LUS Tgisre dfteadee teh Ioaw Heyskaew 102-85 to wni teh pmrogra\u2019s fsirt NACA wnemo\u2019s batklsbela noaailnt chnmpisohipa. Hwerveo, tsnnioe esedun tshi wkee aterf frsti ldya Jlli Beind sdeuggset taht teh Wheti Houes mthgi iinevt btoh LUS adn rnnrue-up Ioaw to Whoinntgas fro a jonti ctnoiaelebr.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The LSU Teirgs detefead the Iwoa Heawkyes 102-85 to win the proragm\u2019s frsit NACA wmoen\u2019s bklsaatbel naoaitnl conpmhhiaisp. Hoevewr, tseoinn esneud tihs week aeftr frist lday Jlil Beidn seetsgugd taht the Wthie Hsuoe mghit intive btoh LSU and rnnuer-up Iwoa to Wgtsainohn for a jinot ceiabotelrn.", "substituted": "yKa wRp NTvGzr EyeYWRcf vKW LTNC hQWvCvcq 102-85 YN dWd VYw qBvHiHO\u2019s rRCCx DZas LGcok\u2019s wrBwKxppGX TcmwfBBi RIulJLWPHRCJ. dschwdB, NGZgEHp KIkORN qmwq MSph HFYri Idpdb PTqr MkkJ kamkz fHDphrciV KIqj XAy vDeaa TIlwE klryI mmYxHR TweH SFY MxA ekeNzW-Am miLK VW aQXUtwrEXB xEv a IAIiq imrINReEneu."} {"original": "The Latvian parliament met at midnight to declare a national holiday after the country\u2019s ice hockey team won a bronze medal at the world championships.", "scrambled_20%": "The Latvian trpelaniam met at midnight ot caleerd a national holiday after the country\u2019s eic hockey atem won a bronze medal at the world championships.", "scrambled_50%": "The Latvian trpelaniam met ta midnight ot caleerd a national holiday after the tuyorcn\u2019s eic okyech atem won a eobrnz ladme at het world nmpiishapcsho.", "scrambled_100%": "heT anvtLai trpelaniam emt ta hidnitmg ot caleerd a tialaonn diohyal eratf eth tuyorcn\u2019s eic okyech atem nwo a eobrnz ladme ta het dowlr nmpiishapcsho.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Latnvia pamntilrae mte at mntighdi to dacrele a ntoinaal hiaodly arfte teh cyrontu\u2019s iec hkyoce tame wno a bzoner mlead at teh wrodl ciaishopsmhnp.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Liatvan pmraalenit met at mdiihgnt to deaclre a naatonil hdaoliy aeftr the ctrnuoy\u2019s ice hkecoy taem won a bnorze maedl at the wlord ciihhnsapomps.", "substituted": "vgg gjrUpYz DnsaJpZcKg zYA fp lPfpLvqC Ys WUUpPLp a ZtSqHVki StFvwBO ACYcD HSF oVIMzsT\u2019s Gat PmOxBf aGZQ paa a UCgISr cuaYT nk lFU POYfS lRBsqxFRLSjgY."} {"original": "The Lionesses secured a place in the last 16 of the tournament, taking place in Australia and New Zealand, with goals by Chelsea forward James, Alessia Russo, Lauren Hemp, Chloe Kelly and Rachel Daly.", "scrambled_20%": "The Lionesses ruedsec a place in eth last 16 of the tournament, tgakin cpeal ni Australia and New Zealand, with goals by Chelsea forward James, Asaisel Russo, Lauren Hemp, Chloe Kelly and Rachel Daly.", "scrambled_50%": "The Lionesses ruedsec a place in eth tlsa 16 of the tournament, tgakin cpeal ni raaAuislt and ewN Zealand, htiw losag yb Chelsea forward seJam, Asaisel Russo, reanLu Hemp, Chloe elyKl nda Rachel Daly.", "scrambled_100%": "heT iesLsnsoe ruedsec a eclap ni eth tlsa 16 fo het ntuarteomn, tgakin cpeal ni raaAuislt adn ewN dZenala, htiw losag yb lCaeshe drafwro seJam, Asaisel uosRs, reanLu mepH, eoChl elyKl nda Rclhae aDly.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Lisonsees scrdeeu a pacle in teh lsta 16 of teh tumenotnra, tnigka palce in Aalsaiutr adn Nwe Zlaadne, whti galso by Ceealsh fradwro Jmsea, Alsisae Rssuo, Lnruae Hmep, Coelh Kylel adn Rchael Dyal.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Lnsseeois srueecd a pacle in the lsat 16 of the tomenrnuat, tanikg pcale in Atsiruala and New Zanelad, wtih galos by Cshelea frrawod Jaems, Aislsea Rsuso, Leuarn Hmep, Clohe Klley and Reahcl Dlay.", "substituted": "rzs bGqErWwWy DNZKtkU a dLnrz tj Qzn uKfP 16 uA ixP sQsOVBsGkv, YyMZtP zzlDS dy zkoKXjPSr kdB zlF OHyUmSL, iSTX GFPNT gr mbEPyVW LRMpAQF sFZUL, KKvxgUS TizXw, kDAeRJ rktH, qwDzZ RzZgb BcR EAhuWc fjWb."} {"original": "The Liverpool-born star scooped the Tony Award for her Broadway debut in the one-woman play \u201cPrima Facie\u201d. Comer also won an Olivier Award earlier this year for the West End version of the production.", "scrambled_20%": "The Liverpool-born star scooped the Tony Award for her Broadway etdub in het oen-woman play \u201cPrima Facie\u201d. Comer also won an vrliiOe Award erraeil hist year ofr the West End version of the production.", "scrambled_50%": "The ovoipLelr-born trsa scooped the nTyo wrAad for her Broadway etdub ni het oen-awmon play \u201ciarmP Facei\u201d. Comer also won an vrliiOe Award erraeil hist year ofr the tWse End ievnsor of the otpourindc.", "scrambled_100%": "heT ovoipLelr-ornb trsa opdosec hte nTyo wrAad rof rhe dBaowrya etdub ni het oen-awmon apyl \u201ciarmP Facei\u201d. orCme lsao now na vrliiOe Ardaw erraeil hist raye ofr teh tWse dEn ievnsor fo hte otpourindc.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Lpiovrloe-bnor srta sepdoco teh Tyno Ardwa fro hre Boarwyad dbute in teh oen-wanmo payl \u201cPimra Fiace\u201d. Creom aosl wno an Ovireli Aadwr eliarer tshi yrae fro teh Wste Edn vnioser of teh purniodcto.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Lvpeoriol-bron satr sepocod the Tnoy Awrad for her Baawordy deubt in the one-wmaon paly \u201cPimra Fcaie\u201d. Ceomr aslo won an Oeiilvr Aarwd ealierr tihs yaer for the Wset End vseoirn of the pcdruoiton.", "substituted": "tiL TTAOHdUcL-DmYv LxDS gmwzQSq OYZ KQBI uuSEu Dhm sTi nYRAZkoZ PNMru wC ujo FLi-AWGpt WIxM \u201cFlnYd ZRwJt\u201d. sugQw qXoF kjk tu IfoLIxU jLIdC SDMEDGT gzRq Fros sFg CbL EVQE Zhf JwhOGjq GR KHu CZtIZmESvK."} {"original": "The MP for North West Norfolk outlined his proposal to The Telegraph following a law change that allows councils to issue the keeper of a vehicle from which litter is thrown with a civil penalty, rather than having to prove who discarded the rubbish. Ministers are \u201ccurrently cool on the plan\u201d, according to the newspaper.", "scrambled_20%": "The MP rof North West Norfolk lnitodue his proposal to The leraTephg following a alw change that lwlaso councils ot issue the keeper of a vehicle from which lrttei is thrown tihw a civil penalty, rather than having to prove who discarded the rubbish. Ministers are \u201ccurrently cool on het plan\u201d, according to het newspaper.", "scrambled_50%": "ehT MP rof rhoNt sWet Norfolk lnitodue his proposal to The leraTephg owlofigln a alw change that lwlaso councils ot uises eth krepee of a vehicle rmof which lrttei is thrown tihw a ilcvi penalty, hrrtae htna having ot prove who discarded eht irbsuhb. Ministers are \u201ccurrently cool on het lanp\u201d, according to het eaewnrpsp.", "scrambled_100%": "ehT PM rof rhoNt sWet Nookrfl lnitodue ish oaolprps ot eTh leraTephg owlofigln a alw henacg atth lwlaso nisouccl ot uises eth krepee fo a elecvih rmof ihchw lrttei si hotnwr tihw a ilcvi anyeplt, hrrtae htna vgaihn ot peorv owh rsdiecadd eht irbsuhb. Mrsetiins ear \u201ceuryltrnc cloo no het lanp\u201d, aidnogccr ot het eaewnrpsp.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh MP fro Ntorh Wtse Nrlokof oltindeu hsi plrpaoso to Teh Tlhgeaper fownilogl a lwa cagehn taht alswol csculnoi to isseu teh kepeer of a vceheil frmo wichh leitrt is tohnrw whti a cvlii plyaten, rrhtae tnha hvaing to perov woh dsrciadde teh rishubb. Mtsieisrn aer \u201ccrneryltu cloo on teh pnla\u201d, acorcgdin to teh narespwep.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The MP for Ntorh Wset Noorflk otneluid his ppsoaorl to The Tpeglreah flnoiwlog a law cnhage taht awolls clnoiucs to issue the kepeer of a vihecle form whcih letitr is tworhn wtih a ciivl paelnty, rehtar tahn hianvg to povre who dsraiecdd the rbuibsh. Meniistrs are \u201ccnurltery cool on the paln\u201d, arcndoicg to the neapspwer.", "substituted": "OSb ZT MUV kBBAP oAkE atvYUiK UOTgatTi vqd ITFIzpxH Ee Rcw fbLSAsbsL UIRTsYRBe a kms Qrrocy gYNU SwDTbV VVjcBLtx mh gWYJZ Tbx jKJdXf GP a rNosDcm ziXR ZQmej CAyMyM dD olYmKl cxGO a Afkmq FiHsMJg, gcxpgN ckAm CNCjoX WI xHGNs xuj zNXmOevvW QqK MaVQdRU. CZtErxdpW kCX \u201cPPbOGazJQ JDeC pc ToP cWyr\u201d, CMdjpGseU rK aSD XgGBeErGk."} {"original": "The MP for Tamworth faces an eight-week suspension following a Standards Committee report into sexual assault allegations. The recommendation could trigger a recall petition in Pincher\u2019s constituency, paving the way for a by-election.", "scrambled_20%": "The MP for Tamworth faces an eight-week suspension following a adsdtSnar Committee report into sexual assault allegations. eTh codimomrneanet could trigger a lealrc petition in Pincher\u2019s constituency, npgiva hte way for a by-election.", "scrambled_50%": "The MP orf Tamworth faces na hgeit-kwee sonisepnus following a adsdtSnar Committee rtpero into sexual taaslsu allegations. eTh codimomrneanet could trigger a lealrc petition in Pincher\u2019s constituency, npgiva hte way orf a yb-cnoeetli.", "scrambled_100%": "ehT PM orf aThrowtm ascfe na hgeit-kwee sonisepnus igfwolonl a adsdtSnar tmCmtieeo rtpero oint lexasu taaslsu elotngsalai. eTh codimomrneanet ocdul rgegrti a lealrc ttnpoeii ni nPcrihe\u2019s ietnnouscyct, npgiva hte wya orf a yb-cnoeetli.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh MP fro Twrmoaht fcesa an egtih-week snupsnoesi fgoniowll a Snsadrtda Ceteimomt rortep iont saxleu astslau agoselalitn. Teh reoneoammdtcin cdolu tggeirr a rlceal ptniotei in Prechni\u2019s conyttnucsie, pigavn teh wya fro a by-eeitlnoc.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The MP for Tatromwh feacs an ehigt-week senssoupin fiollonwg a Sadardnts Cimmtoete roeprt itno suexal aaslust altenlgoais. The rnoodmtimcaeen cloud tiggrer a rclael piietotn in Phiecnr\u2019s ctentsicouny, pvanig the way for a by-ecoetlin.", "substituted": "HpQ uB rGx mJNGVEmG qpoZi ZT zaDzB-QpQn GYWLxGgcge HhSRsmoDC a MMPsTdyoN FQfOeJxkU xsruis gSFn OwMZFx bLQWGAv LjKqlCLuAKF. bZk YOQQBqgbHzrHWO oDNLZ lLZFlte a ZGWAOS ITHwQDkf br VQRraaU\u2019s pvqhQsOaJcTa, GUYINT fvE sgr Tdv a AG-LbVBEWJG."} {"original": "The National Park Authority this week won an appeal against a High Court ruling in January that visitors did not have the right to camp on Dartmoor without the landowners\u2019 permission. The national park in Devon is the only place in England and Wales where wild camping is legal, under a decades-old local law.", "scrambled_20%": "The National Park Authority isht week won na appeal gsanati a High Court ruling in January that virtsios did not haev the right to camp on Dartmoor htoiwtu the noswnrelad\u2019 permission. The national rpka in Devon is the only place in England nad Wales where wild camping is legal, urdne a dedseac-old local law.", "scrambled_50%": "The National Park routhtyAi isht kewe won na appeal gsanati a High Court unilgr in January that virtsios idd nto haev eth right ot cmap on Dartmoor htoiwtu het noswnrelad\u2019 nmorsepisi. The national rpka in oDnve is eth ylno place in England nad Wales erehw wild camping is eallg, urdne a dedseac-old oclla law.", "scrambled_100%": "heT latiNoan rakP routhtyAi isht kewe nwo na lpeaap gsanati a hHgi Cotur unilgr ni urJyana ttah virtsios idd nto haev eth ihtrg ot cmap no rDoaomtr htoiwtu het noswnrelad\u2019 nmorsepisi. eTh iontnlaa rpka ni oDnve si eth ylno ealcp ni Elnandg nad eWsla erehw iwld pigmnac si eallg, urdne a dedseac-lod oclla awl.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Nontlaai Prka Ayotthuri tihs weke wno an aalppe aainsgt a Hhgi Ctoru rungil in Jnryaua tath vritioss ddi nto heav teh rhitg to capm on Droaotmr wttoihu teh lorsanwden\u2019 posisnimer. Teh nialaton prka in Donev is teh oynl pcela in Eangndl adn Wseal whree widl cgnpaim is laelg, uendr a deacdes-odl laolc lwa.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Naianotl Prak Arotiuhty tihs week won an appael ansagit a Hgih Crout rlnuig in Jnaruay taht vsitrios did not hvae the rhigt to cmap on Drmtooar wouhtit the loneawdrns\u2019 pmoreisisn. The ntaoianl prak in Doven is the olny plcae in Eagnlnd and Weals werhe wlid caimnpg is lgeal, udner a ddaeces-old lcoal law.", "substituted": "HlK pewEEPwx ilBc VxyIGXsWV lPGM CEji XOH cM tLxJyo GRubFCb a QalT DvOvy Hfrqsb DC dIsjHhM GQpG IjJpkEej yvJ gev KWju ZaF vvjLe NW WRUF Oo sqfGaeFP JdlieFT Jbo XfyhpgbAAb\u2019 bSakoNqBNm. dTw IMAOcNHy yVyh xh yDKCK me kCB mKaO QifLX sW cEFeggK tGq PQQsm FSEgz JQCO KwsTGDY dF wUzEv, oXNvP a EbdViSn-eEE xKYRV XpU."} {"original": "The National Public Health Laboratory was seized this week by fighters in Sudan\u2019s capital of Khartoum. A high-ranking medical source told CNN that the lab, which contains samples of diseases and other biological material, had been taken over by the Rapid Support Forces, the paramilitary group battling the Sudanese Armed Forces for control of the country.", "scrambled_20%": "The National bilPcu Health Laboratory was zidees this week by fighters in Sudan\u2019s capital fo Khartoum. A high-ranking medical rsoeuc told CNN that the lab, which contains samples fo diseases and tehor biological material, had been tkaen over yb the Rapid Support Forces, the riapmyatiral group battling the aeSsneud Armed Forces for control of eth country.", "scrambled_50%": "The National bilPcu aletHh Laboratory was zidees this week yb stgfhier ni dunSa\u2019s iaalctp fo Khartoum. A high-ranking medical rsoeuc ltdo CNN tath the lab, which contains samples fo sedisesa and tehor biological material, ahd enbe tkaen over yb the Rapid Support resFco, hte riapmyatiral group lnbtatgi the aeSsneud Armed roesFc rfo control of eth country.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh nalotNai bilPcu aletHh ybooatarLr asw zidees hist keew yb stgfhier ni dunSa\u2019s iaalctp fo hmrtoaKu. A high-ankignr camleid rsoeuc ltdo NNC tath hte abl, cihwh otanscin sspaelm fo sedisesa dan tehor boliicaolg tieraalm, ahd enbe tkaen reov yb het apidR uoStprp resFco, hte riapmyatiral uogrp lnbtatgi eth aeSsneud edrAm roesFc rfo ootrlnc fo eth urnocyt.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Nalinato Pcblui Htlahe Lbaaoyotrr wsa seiezd tish wkee by fsrihgte in Snaud\u2019s ctiplaa of Kaothrmu. A hghi-rnnagki milaced suroec tlod CNN ttha teh lba, wihhc ctasnion sesmpla of dsisease adn oreth bgllioaioc mirletaa, hda bnee taenk orev by teh Riapd Supotrp Fseocr, teh piaamrltirya goupr btigtaln teh Suseaned Ardme Freosc fro coontlr of teh cnuyotr.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Nnatiaol Pibluc Halteh Ltbroaraoy was sezeid tihs week by fgeihtrs in Saudn\u2019s citaapl of Krathuom. A hgih-rnaikng miacedl srouce tlod CNN taht the lab, wichh cnitonas slpemas of deesisas and oethr bcoiaoigll meriatal, had been tkean oevr by the Raipd Sruoppt Froecs, the pirmtrlaaaiy gurop btitnlag the Saenudse Amred Frceos for crontol of the cnoruty.", "substituted": "Biw GuKCVupN FrLfQP UrZNIg rSamwhNklY ook pFhQAk gwer fOoq ch vejUoAwA mq LnSyo\u2019s MJKcfWY ki BWCEslCl. A PyjY-ApfESxs PwkmFuN SMrQoK Nsxk qQK wMqX BUO EQY, sNtGS DIfodvSj jWZlAko mQ Mqratdfb Lwj SGyHp PZvnlallWQ ceVtkmrw, JDx YcvA psDnr mxis rf Xsq uGPwU JoZttRN aLxAqg, dtf GqIjwBqPDPFm BmKpG plbORCcQ uoJ iezRfTpK MXLxm fMtAYj oBN zxpjHvV Kk ffc lOWjAXg."} {"original": "The Ocean State is the official nickname of Rhode Island. While the state is the smallest in the union, it boasts some 400 miles of shoreline.", "scrambled_20%": "The Ocean State is the official nickname of Rhode Island. While the state is eth ssmtllae in the union, it astbso mseo 400 miles of senhliero.", "scrambled_50%": "The cOaen aStte is het official nickname of Rhode Island. While the ttsea is eth ssmtllae ni het union, it astbso mseo 400 miles fo senhliero.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh cOaen aStte si het fiafloci ienmckan fo dheRo daslIn. eihlW het ttsea si eth ssmtllae ni het niuno, ti astbso mseo 400 mesli fo senhliero.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Oncea Steta is teh oaicflfi nmcakine of Rheod Idsnla. Welih teh saett is teh stmsaell in teh uionn, it bastos smeo 400 meisl of shonieler.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Oecan Satte is the ocfaiifl namnikce of Rodhe Ilasnd. Wlhie the satte is the sllasmet in the uonin, it btaoss smoe 400 mlies of solienhre.", "substituted": "zyX qXTbH GoLlB sG Xer bPaedMUF JvFSlism ys SSVAv TOHBeU. LqmBq aIQ Ykwiu Ke ozi AwrNoiaQ SM sks EeLWG, co qUrIHL CJZj 400 ZUxPn SZ yulWiHIAC."} {"original": "The Oscar-winning actor is being sued by a man seeking $300,000 in compensation for injuries allegedly sustained when she crashed into him on a Utah ski slope in 2016. Paltrow claims retired optometrist Terry Sanderson collided with her and is countersuing for \u201ca symbolic\u201d $1 in damages.", "scrambled_20%": "The Oscar-winning actor si being sued by a man skeigne $300,000 ni compensation for injuries allegedly sustained when she shdaerc into him on a Utah ski slope in 2016. Paltrow laiscm retired optometrist Terry soernndaS collided with her nda si countersuing for \u201ca symbolic\u201d $1 in damages.", "scrambled_50%": "The Oscar-nwginni tarco si nebgi sued by a man skeigne $300,000 ni actpnimsenoo ofr injuries geeldllya sustained wehn she shdaerc into mhi on a Utah kis slope in 2016. trlowPa laiscm eetrrid optometrist Terry soernndaS lddeiolc with erh nda si countersuing for \u201ca symbolic\u201d $1 in damages.", "scrambled_100%": "heT Orasc-nwginni tarco si nebgi edus yb a anm skeigne $300,000 ni actpnimsenoo ofr jiurisne geeldllya sesnditau wehn hes shdaerc tion mhi no a Utha kis olesp ni 2016. trlowPa laiscm eetrrid rteopmsoitt yrTer soernndaS lddeiolc htwi erh nda si iterognuuscn ofr \u201ca lsimcoyb\u201d $1 ni meaasdg.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Oasrc-winignn aortc is bneig sdue by a mna seekign $300,000 in citsnmooeanp fro ijeirnus agyedlell suneitsda wenh seh cedahsr itno hmi on a Uaht sik slpoe in 2016. Porwatl cilmas rerdeti otosptmeirt Treyr Snnsdeaor coedllid wthi hre adn is csneiruutnog fro \u201ca sobyimcl\u201d $1 in dseagam.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Ocasr-wnninig aoctr is bneig seud by a man sneikeg $300,000 in cisoomtnpean for inurjeis alldelgey stsinaeud wehn she casehrd itno him on a Uath ski sople in 2016. Potrlaw ciamls rtereid otiermspott Trrey Snoadsren cieldlod wtih her and is curtnsienoug for \u201ca sliybmoc\u201d $1 in degamas.", "substituted": "ZIy EhDvB-yPCJDIi YglKv sk pSJzU phsN qe a Bzb QuMocjs $300,000 BQ pplGEaQdCnNX Mkf YYSxjOuN OkiDyMKJV wpdSIUOTg yDXv VWx reScYhk YswZ rzb IG a NRek GTJ wMVnR MI 2016. xmBZiLF QgVDFp mlBptcC juZcPOTNpuK ysSoh omdOliaUq WqVXVzTG bTee KOz DCr Zl elnLaxozHrhh Rla \u201ca dqWyXBmb\u201d $1 Nb AGzyoRM."} {"original": "The Peach State lost 90% of its staple fruit crop this year after abnormally warm winter weather and a late-season freeze, researchers say.", "scrambled_20%": "The Peach State lost 90% of its tpaels fruit crop this year etrfa nbralyloam warm winter weather nda a late-season freeze, researchers say.", "scrambled_50%": "The Peach State tosl 90% fo its tpaels fruit opcr tish eayr etrfa nbralyloam amrw winter thwreae nda a late-season freeze, researchers say.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh hcaeP Steat tosl 90% fo ist tpaels rfuit opcr tish eayr etrfa nbralyloam amrw niwret thwreae nda a elta-nseosa eefrez, eharreesrsc ays.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Pecha Setta lsto 90% of ist spleat furti copr tihs yrea aetrf aorlnalmyb wrma wreint waerteh adn a leat-ssoena feerez, rreacsheres sya.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Paceh State lsot 90% of its slptae fuirt corp tihs yaer aeftr anallbrmoy wram wnteir waheetr and a ltae-sosean frzeee, rcrrheseaes say.", "substituted": "iSw pZRXu Inhwh AVeu 90% tP uMu hAEFmm zbhaT qFUj UAzH vMUz LhNYx VPMnPyJeKK WfKq PdqCsv dlRxcOU MCG a bVrD-MftJYz ZBtUNi, AgXWfNpdkSV YrU."} {"original": "The Philippines briefly shut its airspace in a bid to tackle recent airport outages. In this year alone, two major outages at the airport caused widespread chaos with hundreds of flight cancellations affecting tens of thousands of passengers.", "scrambled_20%": "The Philippines briefly shut its pericaas in a bid to caltek recent airport outages. In this year aenlo, two major outages ta the airport asduce widespread chaos with hundreds of tlihfg cancellations efanicgft tens of thousands of passengers.", "scrambled_50%": "The Philippines lifrbye shut tsi pericaas in a bid to caltek recent taoiprr outages. In hist ayer aenlo, two major outages ta the rtraiop asduce widespread hsoca thiw drenhsud fo tlihfg cancellations efanicgft tens of naudsthos of passengers.", "scrambled_100%": "heT Pihlspnpiie lifrbye huts tsi pericaas ni a bdi ot caltek neretc taoiprr ouaetsg. nI hist ayer aenlo, wot raomj tsgaeou ta eht rtraiop asduce prdwiasdee hsoca thiw drenhsud fo tlihfg nlsoicatnacle efanicgft etns fo naudsthos fo erpnassges.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Pshiilepinp byliefr suth ist aiserapc in a bdi to tcekal rcenet aprirot ogauest. In tihs yrea aenol, tow mojra outsaeg at teh arporit ceadus wasperddei coash whti hedndsur of ftilgh colialnnsctea atcfinegf tnes of tuhosdans of peesagssnr.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Piilepinphs bfriely suht its apsarice in a bid to tlacke reenct arpoirt ogeuats. In tihs yaer aonle, two mojar otagues at the arrpoit csaeud wpraiseedd coahs wtih hendudrs of flhigt cnnlioclaetas atecnfifg tnes of tnashuods of pgaeenssrs.", "substituted": "kzh LYaPaTkOIOh AuZuYqG KLqc fLw IouvBxNp EH a LTD bd wyaDKL lQaRCd AwLTTwF NFUYpcz. hj hoYf StTt GjAZl, Jdt DndrU kCyCdRr oI sZB HDqhZzw NCtkMP UwnOmkvqhv iCsQL DhzZ zvlMAneH lL EymMVg ADHIKcBUfFSGW svzgkxrAi hmWy is kGCiQWtGI Po rtehrMbUuc."} {"original": "The Princess of Wales joined the Chelsea Flower Show\u2019s first ever children\u2019s picnic, part of a campaign by organiser Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) to boost school gardening. The annual show also featured exhibitions paying tribute to Queen Elizabeth II.", "scrambled_20%": "heT Princess of Wales joined het Chelsea Flower Show\u2019s first eevr children\u2019s picnic, part of a campaign by niaerosrg Royal Horticultural etSyico (RHS) to soobt loocsh gardening. The annual show also featured exhibitions paying tribute ot Queen Elizabeth II.", "scrambled_50%": "heT Princess of lWesa joined het Chelsea Flower Show\u2019s srtfi eevr rehicnld\u2019s picnic, trpa of a campaign yb niaerosrg Royal Horticultural etSyico (RHS) ot soobt loocsh drenaiggn. The launan owsh also featured exhibitions paying tribute ot eneuQ laEeibthz II.", "scrambled_100%": "heT nesrcsPi fo lWesa jdoien het elasehC orwlFe oSwh\u2019s srtfi eevr rehicnld\u2019s ccinpi, trpa fo a piagmanc yb niaerosrg Rlaoy utualitrrlocH etSyico (HSR) ot soobt loocsh drenaiggn. eTh launan owsh laso tfuaerde nxsiiibothe ipagyn trebtiu ot eneuQ laEeibthz II.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Pssnicre of Wslae jdeion teh Clsaehe Frewlo Sowh\u2019s firts eerv cheridln\u2019s picicn, patr of a capmnaig by orrgnaise Rloay Hutaclirlruot Syetcio (RSH) to botso solhco gdrenagin. Teh alnaun swoh asol freeadut eiboxshinti pgniay teuirbt to Qeune Elthizeba II.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Pcirsnes of Weals jieond the Celhsea Fwloer Sohw\u2019s frsit eevr crlihedn\u2019s piincc, prat of a cpamaign by oigsnrear Raoyl Hrautotcliurl Seicoty (RHS) to bosot scohol gdirnenag. The aanunl sohw aslo freutaed eitbhoinxis piayng tbtriue to Qeuen Eeibzltah II.", "substituted": "SUT BOCvomJK Gy qPXBJ VxNGNT xbP kOExaFI ukaplb VxRH\u2019s ckZah GaHC btJKNzHx\u2019s hErcaM, tBCY pL a UviqXjXx Hc EFqAxGvyc mxITq hgfEYLlNhLANq tKSQEQv (Ycv) Oz sLYXM lYJnmS dnkcSQnHs. tXY TKKwtB CEzL jJlv kcSDHGZe UBgFmgdtVrO ifasHI XvgaPSJ fH AZlGR ybCLKHbOP yM."} {"original": "The RSPCA said calls to its snake hotline were at an all-time high, and warned of an expected increase in escapes over the summer as the reptiles become more active in hot weather. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_20%": "The RSPCA said calls ot its snake hotline were at na lla-time high, and wrdnea of an expected increase in escapes revo teh mmruse as the reptiles ocmebe more active in hot weather. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_50%": "The RSPCA said calls ot its anesk hotline erwe ta na lla-time ighh, dan wrdnea of an dexetpec aisercne in ssepeca revo teh mmruse as eth reptiles ocmebe omer active ni hot weather. Find out more with The Week erdnaUppw atcsopd.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh RACPS sida lclsa ot tis anesk olthnei erwe ta na lla-meit ighh, dan wrdnea fo na dexetpec aisercne ni ssepeca revo teh mmruse sa eth eetisplr ocmebe omer ivteac ni hto watrhee. iFdn uot erom twhi eTh ekeW erdnaUppw atcsopd.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh RASPC sadi cllas to ist snkea hotnlie weer at an all-tmei hgih, adn wearnd of an edcexpte iaenecrs in eascpes oerv teh smmeur as teh rltsiepe bmocee mero aetvci in hto whaeert. Fdin otu meor whti Teh Wkee Uwrdnppae pdsctoa.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The RCSPA siad clals to its sakne hotinle wree at an all-tmie hgih, and wanerd of an expeetcd icasnere in eeapcss oevr the smmeur as the rieetpls bomcee mroe acivte in hot waeehtr. Fnid out mroe wtih The Week Upapenwrd pcosdat.", "substituted": "RIs iQTDv VSQE kAStQ pj dQW jfBEX owNxWPR vFjY Jh JT nbw-bqkJ ztyr, nEg KqOlHl PB LA ThilKbUi rkijIVjm tK tgxvMdy WKUs vCo yvxCgi vi ZNF IIKFKBzf oiFFxk jKuc mPErYi FH yzs EbNXemc. MJMk vyl WGkQ KSuW nDY mVcX MgSLSrywC QegKbzO."} {"original": "The Rolling Stones frontman celebrated his 80th birthday, on 26 July, with a star-studded party in London.", "scrambled_20%": "The Rolling Stones frontman celebrated his 80th birthday, on 26 July, hwti a star-studded raytp ni London.", "scrambled_50%": "The Rolling sntSoe frontman arlcedeteb his 80ht birthday, no 26 July, hwti a star-studded raytp ni oonLnd.", "scrambled_100%": "ehT gnoiRll sntSoe ftnaonrm arlcedeteb hsi 80ht hbdatyri, no 26 ylJu, hwti a tras-dseddtu raytp ni oonLnd.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Rginllo Snoste fonrnmta cbrtaeeeld hsi 80th bartyihd, on 26 Jlyu, wiht a srat-sdutedd ptray in Ldnono.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Rnilolg Seonts ftnmaron ceeealrbtd his 80th bihdarty, on 26 Jluy, wtih a satr-sdetudd ptray in Ldnoon.", "substituted": "hZA vsoAgMT nLpTsv GRIrUANE UFVRtFYVib BxB 80gV HXQHmwGR, LH 26 wPtM, GUGn a cBRd-ZSrzcEr GCSQl lq OMVTPU."} {"original": "The Royal Family has designated a quiche made with spinach, fava beans and tarragon as the event\u2019s official dish. The recipe includes eggs, cream and cheddar cheese, according to the Royal website.", "scrambled_20%": "The Royal Family has iadgensdte a quiche made with nsicahp, avaf beans and tarragon as the vteen\u2019s official dish. The recipe includes eggs, cream nda decahrd cheese, according to the Royal website.", "scrambled_50%": "Teh Royal Family has iadgensdte a quiche made whti nsicahp, avaf beans nad arotgnar sa the vteen\u2019s ifcailfo hdis. The recipe nsdelciu sgeg, cream nda decahrd cheese, according to the Ryaol website.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh oalyR aiFlmy ash iadgensdte a uicehq meda whti nsicahp, avaf nbesa nad arotgnar sa eth vteen\u2019s ifcailfo hdis. eTh reeicp nsdelciu sgeg, racme nda decahrd eehesc, dgcnorcia ot het Ryaol isbwtee.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Rlaoy Filmya hsa dtedigenas a qcehui mead wtih shapcin, faav bnsea adn tanrorag as teh eetnv\u2019s ofaiflci dsih. Teh rpecei iencsuld eggs, camer adn cdahrde cheees, aodcrignc to teh Rayol wbeites.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Raoyl Flimay has dgiaenestd a qichue mdae wtih sipanch, fvaa bneas and toaarrgn as the enevt\u2019s ofiaicfl dsih. The reipce iulencds eggs, ceram and ceddahr cehsee, airncdocg to the Ryaol wiebste.", "substituted": "GwC QKYqI jhGwfU sex eroXVtlcWh a xRsPAL OsPJ REKe FzlyHoN, xscw TByTj Eda BrtubAxa CD Hjo ZhJmC\u2019s YoDGLgDX uphC. mtp olwTrU zYXkmIuS jHvx, QGJjN euu yZFQAtp CXAOlS, INDYxGvKO zI yVH lqaEG guHUhPn."} {"original": "The Russian leader will not attend an economic summit in Johannesburg next month, ducking the possibility of arrest on an International Criminal Court (ICC) indictment accusing him of war crimes. As a member of the ICC, South Africa would have been obliged to arrest Putin if he visited the country, but Russia had \u201cmade it clear\u201d that this would be \u201ca declaration of war\u201d, said South Africa\u2019s president, Cyril Ramaphosa.", "scrambled_20%": "The Russian leader will not attend an economic summit ni Johannesburg next month, ducking the possibility of asrtre on an International Criminal touCr (CIC) indictment accusing him of rwa crimes. As a member fo het CIC, South Africa would have been obliged ot arrest Putin if he itveids the utynorc, but Russia had \u201cmade it lcera\u201d that this would be \u201ca declaration of war\u201d, said South Africa\u2019s president, lriCy hRaamaosp.", "scrambled_50%": "hTe siaunsR leader illw ton edttna an economic mmsiut ni Johannesburg next month, kngcdiu the possibility fo asrtre no na International Caminirl touCr (CIC) indictment accusing him of rwa crimes. As a member fo het CIC, htoSu Africa dluow have been obliged ot rrteas Putin fi eh itveids the utynorc, but Russia had \u201cmade ti lcera\u201d that this would be \u201ca ldtoiaecrna fo war\u201d, said South Africa\u2019s edsntrpie, lriCy hRaamaosp.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe siaunsR reelda illw ton edttna na oiceomcn mmsiut ni nhogubnresaJ etnx hnotm, kngcdiu het siobyltipis fo asrtre no na etnlnaotniarI Caminirl touCr (CIC) ctniitmend csinucga mhi fo rwa emicrs. sA a rbmeme fo het CIC, htoSu rAciaf dluow ahev nebe gbiodel ot rrteas nPtui fi eh itveids teh utynorc, tbu iuaRss adh \u201cdeam ti lcera\u201d thta sith duwol eb \u201ca ldtoiaecrna fo rwa\u201d, isad thoSu Acifra\u2019s edsntrpie, lriCy hRaamaosp.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Rsniusa lreead wlil nto atndte an emccnoio simmtu in Johgrnbsuaen netx mntoh, ducnkgi teh posylstiibi of atrres on an Itrnlontainea Cminrali Crtou (ICC) idictentmn accsnuig hmi of wra crsemi. As a mbeemr of teh ICC, Shout Afciar wlduo heav bene oiegdbl to aersrt Piunt if he vdistie teh curtoyn, btu Raussi hda \u201cmeda it carel\u201d tath tshi wudlo be \u201ca drioatalenc of wra\u201d, siad Shotu Aiarfc\u2019s pdereints, Clyir Raapohmsa.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Rsaisun leedar wlil not aettnd an enioomcc simmut in Jnsabohruneg nxet mntoh, dnkuicg the piibliotssy of aserrt on an Itnnitaoreanl Cniaimrl Curot (ICC) icninedtmt asuccing him of war cmiers. As a mebemr of the ICC, Sutoh Arcifa wloud hvae been oilgbed to asrert Ptiun if he vsiietd the contruy, but Rssiua had \u201cmdae it cealr\u201d taht tihs wulod be \u201ca decolaairtn of war\u201d, siad Sutoh Acrfia\u2019s psirnedet, Criyl Rahsmpaoa.", "substituted": "kRh NHKaeRq WVTYVR IFKJ RhV cJllgq Lj LKmXWQYd yevhXG be HDLxdUSSuJdC BjDh cdjAZ, WZjUrKb seg rYzcHdoHyhI Yh wXfsIk Ju yb RAnCeiILAMtTh oTTgyGPM RGaqT (gwH) MejKYdczfW IbCVMeaf Fmb BT hjA LMfDyV. Dq a AFwjtB bC INt zFs, VJawn ZMMgKc anYXT Nyts fvwV mBpaKuS rA WSqTqI LebYN VA Pa ZMTBjhA IJr oGXsMbK, rLB KTOwAW mzT \u201cqwin ne emYkA\u201d GALC EgaP JfIND nI \u201ca DXnEjTPDRNb AQ BWM\u201d, qGvr xLghk CypeNL\u2019s ARTctWMTG, KrhsI owIXRtsch."} {"original": "The Scottish Police Federation, which represents police officers, has reported being \u201cinundated with complaints\u201d over the policy, which the force said was necessary so that staff could wear protective FFP3 masks that require users to be clean-shaven. Four officers are reportedly taking legal action in relation to the rule, due to come into effect on 29 May.", "scrambled_20%": "The Scottish Police raeFentiod, which represents police officers, has reported gbine \u201cinundated with complaints\u201d over the clypio, which the force idsa was necessary so that staff could wear protective FFP3 masks hatt reeqriu users to be clean-shaven. Four frfocesi are reportedly taking legal action ni relation ot the elur, due ot come into effect on 29 May.", "scrambled_50%": "The Scottish lcePio raeFentiod, which represents police officers, ash reported gbine \u201ctinnaddue with complaints\u201d over the clypio, which eth oercf idsa wsa aysesrecn so atht tsffa odlcu wear pevcteirto PFF3 masks hatt reeqriu users ot be clean-sanhve. Four frfocesi are reportedly taking legal action ni relation ot the elur, ued ot come noit cfeeft on 29 May.", "scrambled_100%": "heT oshSittc lcePio raeFentiod, which ssrrpeenet ecpiol resicoff, ash rodrpeet gbine \u201ctinnaddue tiwh matlnciops\u201d ervo hte clypio, hciwh eth oercf idsa wsa aysesrecn os atht tsffa odlcu wrea pevcteirto PFF3 sksma hatt reeqriu eurss ot eb ecnal-sanhve. uroF frfocesi aer tpryelreod agnitk lelag tancio ni eliaotrn ot eht elur, ued ot oemc noit cfeeft no 29 yMa.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Ssotitch Poelci Friedotane, wihch rpsesreetn pcolei offceisr, hsa rpedrteo bngie \u201citnddenau whti cipnatlsom\u201d oevr teh pyiloc, wchih teh frcoe sida wsa nsyescaer so thta safft culdo wrae peorcttiev FPF3 msksa tath rqiruee uerss to be claen-svenah. Frou oirefcsf aer rdtyleorep tnaikg leagl atncoi in ratnoeli to teh rlue, deu to cmeo iotn etefcf on 29 Mya.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Stctosih Plicoe Feoiedratn, wchih rrpteneses piolce ocifefrs, has rereoptd bneig \u201citunndaed wtih citlnomaps\u201d oevr the pciloy, wchih the fcroe siad was neeacsrsy so taht saftf cloud waer ptitvrcoee FFP3 msaks taht reuirqe uerss to be cealn-sehavn. Fuor orcefifs are rloetderpy tiknag lgael aoctin in raliteon to the rlue, due to cmoe itno efcfet on 29 May.", "substituted": "EGU IUPCFJOI ZmZQuh BbRDmrhsMb, UUSfD UUMFSVwpTk kwyYqC VBaJwNQV, JbY MFyHFLtq dlzaM \u201cJCvgqukrQ MCJf LRvRYqQBhx\u201d UcxR hAg tIRxTE, ddOgF mgb PMxYT JrDo RJI AdlPxXqaS aR kYCy taUrX latDI DlxG yBEeJBcwxL snk3 jJpYZ HGdP gRfnpCN krbyu lN cZ mWOdr-CmXGav. GdDH qibcvwyz FQa mSgCzpqAXn dqouYQ pkfIW YyGeHR hZ BVpdiVUL IG PTh GOvX, SZU La dism MbuG rMjfkL QF 29 nmp."} {"original": "The Serbian tennis champion defeated Casper Ruud 7-6 (1), 6-3, 7-5 to surpass Rafael Nadal\u2019s grand slams record.", "scrambled_20%": "The Serbian tennis nimcohpa defeated eCrpas uudR 7-6 (1), 6-3, 7-5 to surpass Rafael Nadal\u2019s grand slams record.", "scrambled_50%": "The Serbian enistn nimcohpa defeated eCrpas uudR 7-6 (1), 6-3, 7-5 ot surpass aRlefa Nadal\u2019s grand slams crorde.", "scrambled_100%": "heT inebaSr enistn nimcohpa eddetafe eCrpas uudR 7-6 (1), 6-3, 7-5 ot uasspsr aRlefa Naald\u2019s agrnd assml crorde.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Snibear tinesn ciopnhma deaftdee Cepars Rduu 7-6 (1), 6-3, 7-5 to ssaupsr Rlfaea Nlada\u2019s gandr samls rdeocr.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Saebrin tnines cmiahopn deetfaed Ceaspr Ruud 7-6 (1), 6-3, 7-5 to suparss Refaal Ndaal\u2019s grnad slmas reocrd.", "substituted": "zwB hVsAscq CpfdZS LuiIdZzZ SHvBsmrN rUtuNL eMah 7-6 (1), 6-3, 7-5 qp QSXGlIM UJMRzy HMspK\u2019s IousX KDEIk hKhAES."} {"original": "The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the late Andy Warhol infringed on a photographer\u2019s copyright when he created a series of silk screens based on a photograph of the late singer Prince.", "scrambled_20%": "The Supreme Court ruled Tahysrud ttha the late ydAn Warhol infringed on a photographer\u2019s crhoigtyp when he ectdare a series of silk screens based no a photograph of the late singer Prince.", "scrambled_50%": "The Supreme tCuro ruled Tahysrud ttha the elta ydAn oWhalr ednniirgf on a photographer\u2019s crhoigtyp when eh ectdare a series of lksi cernsse based no a photograph fo the late singer rPicen.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh remepuS tCuro dleru Tahysrud ttha het elta ydAn oWhalr ednniirgf no a erhphrogopat\u2019s crhoigtyp ewnh eh ectdare a sieesr fo lksi cernsse bdeas no a pagphthroo fo het tlea rgenis rPicen.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Seuerpm Crotu rdule Trhuasyd taht teh leat Aynd Wlaohr igdninfer on a paheohrogptr\u2019s cighyrpot wnhe he certead a sresei of slik ssernce beads on a pogahrhtpo of teh ltae snrige Pecnir.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Smepure Curot rueld Tasrduhy taht the ltae Adny Worahl irngenfid on a poorgphthaer\u2019s cyohgpirt wehn he creetad a sreeis of slik serecns bsaed on a pgpaotorhh of the ltae sngeir Pinrce.", "substituted": "URF zUtpjOq LdXea vyILl rQvWjQdH Wluh UXP WdHA CgDP OUPqLc gbaNmssjG HR a AESASmlnzKnO\u2019s LJLBghjPU YNpg tm EgVWajG a eyWyLQ qv xIri zAEWVlx NSIWm JT a rgdlayFKDv gw Piw quvA HCrVkS lHjLsw."} {"original": "The US Consumer Product Safety Commission recalled 2 million Peloton bikes due to a safety hazard caused by the adjustable seat that could break during use and injure the rider.", "scrambled_20%": "The US esmCuorn Product tfyeaS Commission recalled 2 million Peloton bikes due to a stafye hazard caused by the adjustable seat that ocdlu rakeb during esu and injure the rider.", "scrambled_50%": "The SU esmCuorn Product tfyeaS Commission elercald 2 million Peloton bikes due ot a stafye razhad caused by teh sdteujbala seat htat ocdlu rakeb during esu and injure the iedrr.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh SU esmCuorn crutdoP tfyeaS omCsosiimn elercald 2 lmnlioi otlnPoe iesbk edu ot a stafye razhad udeasc yb teh sdteujbala taes htat ocdlu rakeb rgidun esu adn iunjre het iedrr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh US Cmenurso Ptucrdo Styfea Cmimnsioso rldcaele 2 mlnioil Potnleo bikse deu to a sfyeat haadzr cueads by teh adsbuetlja sate tath cdolu baker dinugr ues adn ijunre teh rried.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The US Csonmuer Puorcdt Saetfy Csismomion releacld 2 mliioln Plooetn beiks due to a sefaty hazrad casued by the adjlbasute saet taht cloud barek drinug use and irunje the rdeir.", "substituted": "lKm OV yhIDHSIK poUZSqX CoDoUU ImINFhpjjk MouLBHoi 2 WDvgzHq YhROBDp xGASK hhj Vw a flxKVY yqEkjS pwklFn hl Jbj tjaGCZZRDw LJGO PPsj WBnEP qJubh DAlVMu blE Xpr BkWkZp AJa FPgxG."} {"original": "The US government is tracking around 650 UFO cases. About half of those are being prioritized for \u201canomalous interesting value,\u201d according to a Pentagon official.", "scrambled_20%": "heT US government si tracking rdauon 650 OUF cases. About half of those are being iertrdiiopz for \u201canomalous interesting value,\u201d according to a Pentagon official.", "scrambled_50%": "heT US rgenontmve si tracking rdauon 650 OUF cases. btuoA ahfl of ohtes ear being iertrdiiopz for \u201canomalous interesting value,\u201d according to a oenaPntg liiofcaf.", "scrambled_100%": "heT SU rgenontmve si nagtirck rdauon 650 OUF cesas. btuoA ahfl fo ohtes ear nbeig iertrdiiopz rfo \u201cmsonuaola nieitetsgrn ueval,\u201d odacgcnir ot a oenaPntg liiofcaf.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh US gveennomrt is tcanrikg aoundr 650 UOF cessa. Aobtu hlaf of toshe aer bgine proetrzdiii fro \u201caumnlasoo irenetnisgt vleua,\u201d ancrigdco to a Paeonngt oifiafcl.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The US gnvoenremt is tcknirag auonrd 650 UFO cesas. Aubot hlaf of thsoe are benig petziiriord for \u201caloonmuas irnsetntieg vluae,\u201d arccinodg to a Pgnaeton oaiffcil.", "substituted": "Iex Ky DsMsjFbPlf LU bjcytzKE DFnjkC 650 snQ IzcqG. WSjEi Afop EX VXJKz WXg unGaz nqliSoQmutP dYf \u201cTpZlkkqIZ DWFquJhbuwq asuyu,\u201d zRxyFtGAK Ck a NKzhAIXc TOkHNrqc."} {"original": "The US government is tracking more than 650 potential UFO cases, according to the Pentagon. Despite continued speculation, officials reiterated this week that there\u2019s no evidence of extraterrestrial life in the sightings.", "scrambled_20%": "The US government si tracking mero than 650 potential UFO ecssa, according to the Pentagon. Despite continued speculation, floicafis ettrdieera this week that there\u2019s no evidence of extraterrestrial life in the gsitnghis.", "scrambled_50%": "The SU rgenontmve si gckniatr mero than 650 leiopntat OUF ecssa, according to the Pentagon. Despite nietnoudc speculation, floicafis ettrdieera this week that reeht\u2019s no cineveed of extraterrestrial life ni het gsitnghis.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe SU rgenontmve si gckniatr mero hant 650 leiopntat OUF ecssa, crgdcaion ot het nonaePgt. Dseiept nietnoudc ctnalpuseoi, floicafis ettrdieera hsit keew ahtt reeht\u2019s on cineveed fo raeelxttirrasetr elif ni het gsitnghis.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh US genmtornev is takgnicr mreo tanh 650 pnoieattl UOF caess, acrncdigo to teh Pngtnaeo. Detpsie cniotdenu snlticueopa, oiiaflcsf rteteadrei tshi weke thta tereh\u2019s no endecvie of errretsxatairtle leif in teh sgngstiih.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The US gnonermvet is ticakrng mroe tahn 650 patnoteil UFO cesas, aidcnrocg to the Pogntean. Dsetipe cintnoeud spleaotucin, offiaclis raeetertid tihs week taht tehre\u2019s no endevcie of eeeatttrairrxrsl lfie in the sgitghnis.", "substituted": "BQW FE XmiRzrptWG CR sYIFzdGw Eagk QwzE 650 ELgtlWrIR LHS SBWQH, sEJCuEcId VZ dyR TTMzBZnI. tzyZNgS JhOCTLlrX dhQWrUHWrxC, YKJsKyYfJ xpMFYAnLCB dkHZ fjor VuEH BllQN\u2019s aO sbffvwIE wT atXxvpmwtQtcBRCm oPPZ RW hMR YoCJfQgac."} {"original": "The US opened an embassy in the Pacific island nation of Tonga on Tuesday, Washington\u2019s latest move to broaden its diplomatic footprint in a region where China has been increasing its influence in recent years.", "scrambled_20%": "hTe SU opened an myebsas in the Pacific island nation fo oagTn on Tuesday, Washington\u2019s latest move to broaden its diplomatic footprint in a region where iCnah has been increasing its influence in ctenre years.", "scrambled_50%": "hTe SU opened an myebsas in het aiifccP ladisn inonat fo oagTn on Tuesday, htoasignnW\u2019s ettlsa move to broaden its diplomatic footprint ni a region where iCnah has been increasing tsi influence ni ctenre erysa.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe SU epnode na myebsas ni het aiifccP ladisn inonat fo oagTn no desyuaT, htoasignnW\u2019s ettlsa oemv ot aroednb tis itamcplodi oorptintf ni a iegrno rhewe iCnah sha eneb gsarinnice tsi nenliefcu ni ctenre erysa.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh US onpeed an esmsbya in teh Pcifcia iladsn nitona of Tnoag on Tdyeusa, Wgasihtnon\u2019s lttase meov to bdenroa ist dicaploimt fnototipr in a reingo wreeh Chnai hsa bnee innecisgra ist iuelencnf in renect yersa.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The US oepend an essbmay in the Piaficc ilnsad notain of Tgnoa on Tsdeauy, Wihogsantn\u2019s leastt mvoe to bdeoarn its dptioimalc fotripont in a rigoen wehre Cinha has been iricannseg its icnnfluee in reecnt yares.", "substituted": "Qyf bE VDTNUh by gHqCiQM Aj RKy azRbvNt FyJIcC ZuntmB VE gDauz Po ckJkaRh, hdnjqIjneq\u2019s xBhtMY qBdu SY lTNZGUW OTo ILXIenuWJl QOMyHYNcK pl a uuavMj GPvZL uNHzA xMY ZlWC YefmIsyTZs IJM WOUZsWaLM DI XbvOIk OdVqg."} {"original": "The US purchased 828,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River from France for $15 million \u2013 doubling the size of the nation.", "scrambled_20%": "The US desrchaup 828,000 square miles of land west fo the Mississippi River from erncaF for $15 million \u2013 doubling the size of the anniot.", "scrambled_50%": "The US desrchaup 828,000 square esiml of nadl west fo the Mississippi rieRv from erncaF for $15 imilonl \u2013 doubling eth zsie of hte anniot.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh SU desrchaup 828,000 aresqu esiml fo nadl etsw fo eth ssiiiipMssp rieRv rofm erncaF rof $15 imilonl \u2013 guibodln eth zsie fo hte anniot.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh US pcurdhase 828,000 sqaeur mesil of lnda wset of teh Miisppisssi Rrive fomr Fnecar fro $15 miolnli \u2013 dolnbuig teh sezi of teh noanit.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The US phseucard 828,000 sruaqe miels of lnad wset of the Mispipisssi Revir form Facrne for $15 molilin \u2013 doinbulg the szie of the niaotn.", "substituted": "nFr bD isaheCcJp 828,000 FbYwFO BGJsE cv UltJ Iakq zl rvG GjRNRXEWwtC cLbqC CBKE zjkMIh rAN $15 PAjrjZM \u2013 PuBiKYxS San MDTp Oi anp mOlYcF."} {"original": "The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimates the number of refugees worldwide is approaching 35 million people \u2014 although that number does not include the millions of forcibly displaced people who have not been granted refugee status.", "scrambled_20%": "heT United Nations ghHi Commissioner for Refugees estimates the number of sefurgee worldwide is approaching 35 limlino people \u2014 although that number does not include the millions of forcibly displaced loppee who have tno been anrdetg refugee status.", "scrambled_50%": "heT ntUedi sNnotai ghHi nroiiCemossm for suegfRee estimates the eurbnm of sefurgee worldwide is arpcgnoipha 35 limlino lpepeo \u2014 although that number does ton include the millions of forcibly displaced loppee owh have tno been anrdetg ugeeerf sutast.", "scrambled_100%": "heT ntUedi sNnotai ghHi nroiiCemossm rfo suegfRee atsitseme eth eurbnm fo sefurgee oweidldrw si arpcgnoipha 35 limlino lpepeo \u2014 lghoatuh htat emrnbu seod ton indecul teh imosinll fo rclifoby capedidls loppee owh evha tno eneb anrdetg ugeeerf sutast.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Udteni Ninotas Hghi Cimrensosoim fro Reegeusf esitatsem teh neubrm of rgseeefu widewodlr is aanpprighoc 35 mniloli pepole \u2014 ahgotuhl tath nrebum dose nto idceuln teh mlnoiils of fycolbri dpceasild poeple woh hvea nto bene gertadn rgefuee sastut.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Uteind Nionats Hgih Csonemiisomr for Rfueeegs estiaetms the nuebmr of regeefus wdlwrdoie is ahoapciprng 35 mliioln ppoele \u2014 ahuolgth taht nembur deos not ilnucde the mnloilis of fcrobily deacsplid ppolee who hvae not been gartned rguefee suttas.", "substituted": "yzb yNhLWX BwISLIR fdea lFuXnvNQXQoE ZOn DaJrJrvz rVgBrrDkZ wkI wpoomg QT hwLPOgWG IcDhFyWXP Zd zMyxqyaIXjp 35 bNOZpYP DxkOpB \u2014 bNVkSBYj yMlG AcKrus emrO TcU dBZvaJb CbN TlwToFUO jd jMPRzMoQ elIBXINhB rkKnAP VBD luiK PeX tpvk lnsYrgb JugnfDE QkOEDG."} {"original": "The Washington Post/ABC poll of more than 1,000 people found that 43% believed that 80-year-old Biden and Donald Trump, 76, are both too old to serve another term. If Biden is re-elected in 2024, he would be 82 when he takes office and 86 when his second term ends.", "scrambled_20%": "heT Washington Post/ABC poll fo more than 1,000 people found that 43% believed that 80-arey-old idnBe nda Donald Trump, 76, are both oot old to serve another term. If Biden is re-deeectl in 2024, he would be 82 when he esakt eciffo and 86 when his second term ends.", "scrambled_50%": "heT gitnoWshan Post/ACB llop fo more htna 1,000 people found that 43% believed that 80-arey-old idnBe nda Donald muTpr, 76, are both oot old ot rvsee eraohtn tmer. fI Biden si er-deeectl in 2024, he odlwu be 82 when he esakt eciffo and 86 when his second term sdne.", "scrambled_100%": "heT gitnoWshan tPos/ACB llop fo rmeo htna 1,000 oepepl onduf ahtt 43% viebedel ttha 80-arey-odl idnBe nda oldanD muTpr, 76, ear tbho oot dol ot rvsee eraohtn tmer. fI enidB si er-deeectl ni 2024, eh odlwu eb 82 ewnh eh esakt eciffo adn 86 wnhe hsi onescd tmer sdne.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Wnghoinast Psot/ACB plol of meor tanh 1,000 plpeeo fudno tath 43% beielved tath 80-yera-odl Biend adn Dlaodn Tmpur, 76, aer boht too odl to sever aorhent temr. If Bedni is re-etlcdee in 2024, he wlduo be 82 wenh he tsaek oifefc adn 86 wnhe hsi soednc trem esdn.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Waigohtnsn Psot/ABC plol of mroe tahn 1,000 poelpe fonud taht 43% believed taht 80-yaer-old Bdien and Dnolad Turmp, 76, are btoh too old to svere ahneotr trem. If Bdein is re-eecletd in 2024, he wloud be 82 wehn he tkeas oiffce and 86 wehn his scenod trem edns.", "substituted": "PKk AkwIOVTnhY UFVY/gGG MSuT ds jOWZ fjIB 1,000 UsfKKr pnbJZ Zess 43% IHjBygdf zodk 80-QBgh-OPG tyHfH zAg wdVoWv EdiEA, 76, jgF YafX Evw Zcu Ip JTYdG MAviOcM myoV. Dy bsupX JH wW-mNnNBpQ IX 2024, tx ENVkz Dm 82 QlOP Tb ZJCpa kZKRaB MkS 86 jgww ssr rcGCYc rlZq DYCN."} {"original": "The West African country\u2019s parliament has voted to abolish the death penalty, offering an expected reprieve for 176 condemned prisoners. If President Nana Akufo-Addo assents to the new law, Ghana will become the 124th nation in the world to outlaw the penalty.", "scrambled_20%": "hTe West African otncyur\u2019s ptareamlin has voted to ahblosi the death penalty, offering an expected reprieve for 176 edcmnedno prisoners. If sdPetrnei Nana Akufo-Addo assents to the new law, Ghana will cmoeeb the 124th nintoa in the world to outlaw the penalty.", "scrambled_50%": "hTe West African otncyur\u2019s ptareamlin has ovted ot ahblosi the death enplyta, fifroeng na expected ereervpi for 176 edcmnedno prisoners. fI sdPetrnei Nana Akufo-ddoA assents ot the new law, naGah will cmoeeb het 124ht nintoa in het world to outlaw the penalty.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe sWte anicfrA otncyur\u2019s ptareamlin sha ovted ot ahblosi eth ahtde enplyta, fifroeng na dceetxep ereervpi rfo 176 edcmnedno snoeprsir. fI sdPetrnei aaNn Aufko-ddoA eanssst ot hte nwe wal, naGah iwll cmoeeb het 124ht nintoa ni het odlwr ot tlwoua het taelpyn.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Wets Aarfinc cynourt\u2019s panmlrieta hsa vetdo to ahslobi teh dtahe plaetyn, oefigfrn an eedtxcep rpeervei fro 176 ceemdnodn poriersns. If Pdrenstei Nnaa Aokfu-Adod atnsses to teh nwe lwa, Ganah wlil bcoeem teh 124th nnitoa in teh wdrol to outawl teh patleny.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Wset Afacirn crotnuy\u2019s pialnaemrt has vetod to alobish the daeth ptnaely, ofinrefg an etpceexd rvierepe for 176 cenmdeond proriness. If Psrieendt Nnaa Afuko-Addo anestss to the new law, Gahna wlil bmocee the 124th niotan in the wrlod to otaulw the plaetny.", "substituted": "IVI fhBc ZRQZzxS QRMJbJP\u2019s WVepXYJllI xAS aZTsR ED PKfEfAx aFf NppSt KiXKUDK, IWxBESYb DY ftHxvUEz sIyupWdI ANv 176 QGloXKAVE RLVrifGWO. aX NKsnSxLjG ejtE Bqpak-aRMn hGQJgsL Ww wmy NNj rgP, pIpTn SBPY jmXbPz JPv 124FQ eDsuFf JR AqK GWMwT Bp mHIXvx Fbc Izpptcx."} {"original": "The White House is taking steps to avoid a damaging auto strike. Members of a large auto workers union have threatened to strike over the industry\u2019s planned transition to electric vehicle production and new emissions standards.", "scrambled_20%": "Teh White oesHu is taking ptsse to avoid a damaging uota kstier. Members of a large auto workers union have threatened to strike over teh ndiutysr\u2019s planned transition to electric vehicle production and new emissions standards.", "scrambled_50%": "Teh White oesHu is gkatin ptsse to idvoa a damaging uota kstier. Members of a large auto workers nouni ahev eeeantdhtr ot strike over teh ndiutysr\u2019s planned snintoatri to electric vehicle production nda new iionssmes tasdrnsad.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh eWith oesHu si gkatin ptsse ot idvoa a gmdgnaia uota kstier. mesberM fo a glrae atou rreoksw nouni ahev eeeantdhtr ot ertsik evro teh ndiutysr\u2019s enndlpa snintoatri ot retlecic vceileh uoctdproni nda nwe iionssmes tasdrnsad.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Wtieh Hueso is tingak sstep to aivdo a dggaiman atuo sitrke. Mesebrm of a lgare atou wkroers uonin heav thtrneeaed to sietrk ovre teh itsdrynu\u2019s pnledan tatniornis to ercelitc vceleih pciotdonur adn nwe esminsiso srsddatan.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Wtihe Hsuoe is tnaikg setps to aiovd a dangimag atuo strkie. Meemrbs of a lrage atuo wrkores uoinn hvae tneatheerd to sikrte oevr the irtundsy\u2019s paelnnd tinriatson to eelctirc vlehice prdoituocn and new enisomsis sadadtnrs.", "substituted": "Lcm iJIaC jKAJi SV AHTwvx JTuUX AN dnkxe a HWTqumdY LCkN upWyXy. PjseftX Gy a QzGqD sDKV DSYFJfA tkHKt jgXn pvIPbYoIBx TY gevVdQ SbVL Fnu rEeIFweU\u2019s hydYZqb XdStejBNHR MN Wgmkvvyo NHuhCiq IhCsgPbTgo ANc Oah tiIDjMTcO fndJsQUlh."} {"original": "The Writers Guild of America, representing more than 11,000 members, has hinted that the work stoppage could last for many months. The last WGA strike ran for 100 days from 2007 to 2008.", "scrambled_20%": "The Writers Guild of America, representing more than 11,000 members, has eitdnh that the owkr stoppage could tsla for many months. The last AWG sekrti ran for 100 days rofm 2007 to 2008.", "scrambled_50%": "The etiWrsr ulGdi of rciameA, representing more than 11,000 rmeesmb, ash eitdnh that the owkr stoppage could tsla orf many tmsnho. heT last AWG sekrti ran rfo 100 days rofm 2007 to 2008.", "scrambled_100%": "heT etiWrsr ulGdi fo rciameA, irpneeterngs meor athn 11,000 rmeesmb, ash eitdnh atth het owkr ppgtsaeo olcdu tsla orf yamn tmsnho. heT aslt AWG sekrti anr rfo 100 syda rofm 2007 ot 2008.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Wtersri Gduil of Aareicm, rgresiennept mroe tanh 11,000 meesmbr, hsa htinde ttha teh wokr sepgatop cuodl lsta fro mnya msthno. Teh lsta WAG siterk rna fro 100 dsay fmro 2007 to 2008.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Weritrs Gilud of Armciea, rnpeieentrsg mroe tahn 11,000 mmerebs, has htneid taht the wrok stppaoge culod lsat for mnay mthons. The lsat WGA sitrke ran for 100 dyas form 2007 to 2008.", "substituted": "tkZ opjgDLM MGrxL dj TTPaHRn, LMqHpGBXsJSp KVkX dGBE 11,000 cmbHYea, eol IAQFpF jgST GyY TgZN oRCgydsh GAiDP aqri hIo Sdzn GVxsLB. QXO mLwF uaq ImvEEC lvA OsK 100 JmOx OBOM 2007 GE 2008."} {"original": "The Yorkshire city\u2019s Hyde Park Picture House reopened on Friday 30 June after a \u00a34.8 million restoration. The cinema first opened its doors in 1914, with gas lights installed to deter \u201cinappropriate behaviour\u201d by patrons.", "scrambled_20%": "The Yorkshire itcy\u2019s Hyde Park Picture House reopened on Friday 30 June trafe a \u00a34.8 million restoration. heT cinema first ndpeeo sit doors in 1914, with gas lights leaniltds to deter \u201cinappropriate behaviour\u201d by patrons.", "scrambled_50%": "Teh Yorkshire itcy\u2019s Hyed Park urtciPe House dopeener on aiyrdF 30 uJen trafe a \u00a34.8 lniiolm restoration. heT imnaec first ndpeeo sit doors in 1914, with gas lights leaniltds to edert \u201cinappropriate behaviour\u201d yb patrons.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh krershoiY itcy\u2019s Hyed kPar urtciPe euHso dopeener no aiyrdF 30 uJen trafe a \u00a34.8 lniiolm totsaerroni. heT imnaec frtsi ndpeeo sit rsdoo ni 1914, ithw gsa hgtsli leaniltds ot edert \u201ctppeipaorniar iehurbavo\u201d yb soarpnt.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh Yiorhrsek ctyi\u2019s Hyed Pkar Puiterc Heous rdnoepee on Fdryia 30 Jeun aeftr a \u00a34.8 mniloli rseoatontri. Teh cemnia fitrs oeednp ist doros in 1914, wthi gsa lsgiht ialtlnsed to deert \u201cipataeporpnri bivhruaoe\u201d by porants.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The Yrksoihre ctiy\u2019s Hdye Prak Pcriute Husoe reeepnod on Fairdy 30 Jnue aeftr a \u00a34.8 miillon rteotaiorsn. The cenima fisrt oenped its doors in 1914, wtih gas lhigts inlteslad to deetr \u201ciritroapanppe buehaovir\u201d by porants.", "substituted": "Laf yvNpNUEQw AOSG\u2019s dQvc OLql QMXZlmA OIPfV OmkTAPDU Su KPqkHO 30 CzJs kuboz a \u00a34.8 ILUEEXQ pmIvjbKMyuh. dcb dQcQox EqlgB neTmqY qXQ rgAKj rm 1914, vEAs hgl pGrsJT TjUQMivVF Fz rtLPp \u201cLGHfRDgZnNEqT onkkTlGCD\u201d CV HnqtKaI."} {"original": "The actor revealed this week that he and his girlfriend, martial arts instructor Tiffany Chen, were celebrating the birth of their daughter, Gia Virginia Chen-De Niro. He has six other children, whose ages range in age from 11 to 51.", "scrambled_20%": "The actor revealed this week ttah eh and his ergifrnldi, martial star instructor Tiffany Chen, were celebrating the birth fo their daughter, Gia Virginia hnCe-De Niro. He has six other children, whose eags range in age mrof 11 to 51.", "scrambled_50%": "heT ratco revealed iths week ttah eh and his ergifrnldi, martial star truscitnro Tiffany Chen, were celebrating the birth fo hrite daughter, Gia igniriaV hnCe-eD Niro. He ash six ertoh children, whose eags range ni ega mrof 11 ot 51.", "scrambled_100%": "heT ratco eldverae iths ewke ttah eh nda hsi ergifrnldi, itarmla star truscitnro ffyinTa henC, eerw taeicenrlbg eht hribt fo hrite reghudta, aiG igniriaV hnCe-eD ioNr. eH ash isx ertoh einhdlrc, eoswh eags neagr ni ega mrof 11 ot 51.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh atocr rvaedeel tshi wkee ttha he adn hsi gliefrnird, maailtr asrt itstunrocr Tafynfi Cenh, were carbegtelin teh bhtri of trehi duhrgate, Gai Vaniigir Cnhe-De Nori. He hsa sxi oreht crehdinl, woesh asge rgane in aeg fmro 11 to 51.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The atocr reavleed tihs week taht he and his grilinrfed, maairtl atrs iuntstcror Tfnifay Cehn, wree cliatenebrg the brith of teihr dhatuegr, Gia Vgriinia Cehn-De Nrio. He has six otehr celrhidn, whsoe aegs rngae in age form 11 to 51.", "substituted": "XMi CSrsA VlfuYUsR hktU ehqG CpFB RP rTr NUE TIvkSofMKQ, tsZfCBK BHeN kkbPYLGsfD jrbaIOT vagf, mtgQ zthWCStQIqi neC SYevT Sg OdlGm KnxdoRpj, fdn bfiUyAFE kdHk-rE TYhc. oi ort wDI PgjJd xepGRdED, jXQtS nkVX mNqec vg tDs qnBR 11 Ek 51."} {"original": "The airport was the worst for a second year in a row, with flights in 2022 leaving half an hour behind schedule on average. East Midlands Airport was the top performer, with average delays of just 13 minutes, while the UK average was 23 minutes, according to data from the Civil Aviation Authority.", "scrambled_20%": "The airport was het worst rfo a second ryae in a row, whti flights in 2022 leaving half an hour behind schedule no average. East Midlands Airport was the top performer, with average sayled of just 13 nmsuite, while het UK average was 23 minutes, according to data from teh iCivl Aviation Authority.", "scrambled_50%": "The airport was het worst rfo a second ryae in a row, whti slfhgti in 2022 gnealiv fhal an hour dnebhi schedule no eraevga. East Midlands rotrApi was eth top rrfempoer, with average sayled fo tsju 13 nmsuite, ilhwe het KU aaeergv was 23 minutes, according to data from teh iCivl Aviation uittyhAor.", "scrambled_100%": "heT orptiar asw het twsro rfo a cdones ryae ni a orw, whti slfhgti ni 2022 gnealiv fhal na ruho dnebhi hduseelc no eraevga. staE sMinldda rotrApi aws eth opt rrfempoer, iwht avgeear sayled fo tsju 13 nmsuite, ilhwe het KU aaeergv aws 23 nmiteus, ocagcnird ot atad ormf teh iCivl aoviAtin uittyhAor.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh artrpio wsa teh wotrs fro a scdneo yrea in a rwo, whit fghlsti in 2022 ligvaen hafl an hrou bnehdi sdehuecl on agvreea. Esta Mdnaidsl Arpiotr wsa teh tpo prmrreeof, wtih avaeger dlayse of jtsu 13 mutensi, wilhe teh UK argveea wsa 23 mtenisu, adcnoicgr to dtaa fmro teh Civli Aoitinav Athrtuiyo.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The aoiprrt was the wrsot for a soencd yaer in a row, wtih fthilgs in 2022 lvineag hlaf an huor bienhd sdcuhlee on avreage. Esat Mdldnais Aroprit was the top perofmerr, wtih arvgeae dyaels of jsut 13 mteuins, wlhie the UK aarvege was 23 mtuiens, acnicdrog to dtaa form the Cviil Aiaivotn Ahuotitry.", "substituted": "LUV lNZtQDb bXG RdS Zrtol taq a gQHzpp oBvq kl a XeW, srha meISXTY jQ 2022 UFlUfpH oFji uZ cCXv GCQwVg wiUwohkk mt yicjNfc. SGnk kGOgSFud QvBAzDi BRD MmD OUj ElMTnYAho, jAXB omQytYF YhJvAm Ym swUR 13 cCNZNRu, ctAqF TeJ cx iNFBlON ZsZ 23 zkTjOCc, igeBHtjOx QE UNLe xYeB sLw yCJGn mqlMywHt lzjZJhhUl."} {"original": "The alternative to traditional cremation and burial will become the UK\u2019s first new legal method of corpse disposal since the Cremation Act of 1902. The process involves dissolving a body in a bag in 160C water treated with an alkali and has a lower carbon footprint than gas-fired cremation.", "scrambled_20%": "The alternative to riaatldtoin cremation and burial will become het UK\u2019s first new lgale method of corpse disposal since the Cremation Act of 1902. The process involves isoingdlsv a body in a abg in 160C water aettrde with an alkali and hsa a lower carbon footprint than gas-fired tiocnaemr.", "scrambled_50%": "The alternative ot riaatldtoin cremation dna burial will become het UK\u2019s first new lgale method of corpse disposal since het Cremation Act fo 1902. The psersoc involves isoingdlsv a dyob ni a abg ni 160C water aettrde htwi an alkali adn hsa a wlroe oabnrc footprint hnta gas-fired tiocnaemr.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh aneltarivet ot riaatldtoin cmneirota dna uairlb will eocmbe het KU\u2019s isftr wne lgale edmhto fo opesrc aidsplso sinec het oiCrtanem ctA fo 1902. heT psersoc islvnove isoingdlsv a dyob ni a abg ni 160C twrae aettrde htwi na lklaia adn hsa a wlroe oabnrc toforptni hnta asg-eifrd tiocnaemr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh aalietrnevt to tlitaanodri cmeairont adn bairul wlil boemce teh UK\u2019s fsitr nwe lalge mdtohe of cpsero dsilpaso sniec teh Cnarmtoie Atc of 1902. Teh pssorec ivsvlnoe dinvisolgs a boyd in a bga in 160C wrate ttedear wthi an akilla adn hsa a lwroe corabn frotoitnp tnha gsa-fidre contmarei.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The aitrnvletae to tiioaanrdtl cmoiraten and briaul wlil bmecoe the UK\u2019s fsirt new laegl mtohed of csorpe daisospl scine the Cmtaeoirn Act of 1902. The pesocrs ivvlones dnisvoslig a bdoy in a bag in 160C wtaer trtaeed wtih an aalkli and has a lweor crbaon fnotproit tahn gas-feird cetmoiarn.", "substituted": "JyW tsosSxukbnT oT bgcibhPecZD JuvNcRHOt pWr tqjSAP QQjr UngEob xfN QL\u2019s ngMSv ikb Vqosw rxnLaG ui VYCThS vJftMBNC vNNKX asI WFOHoKPIr rKK Jo 1902. dZw LKaUtFm crkhDAKT qkiZHOuHJx a pbho mk a IEZ Ke 160C RfCXO WbBxKyv rbhs Ds KWtGDB mhr LjD a Kxlke nOveYF eBxUeGSLw NFFM MIQ-GmWDT DxBYzMuOS."} {"original": "The analysis of data on people aged 40 to 69 linked habitual naps with larger brain volume equivalent to up to 6.5 fewer years of ageing. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_20%": "The analysis of adat on plepeo aged 40 to 69 linked habitual naps with larger brain volume veqlienuat to pu to 6.5 fewer years of niagge. Find out more with The eWke Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_50%": "The analysis of adat on plepeo aged 40 ot 69 linked habitual npas with arlgre brain omlvue veqlienuat to pu to 6.5 fewer asery fo niagge. Find uot more hiwt The eWke rwppdaUen otsacpd.", "scrambled_100%": "ehT sanalisy fo adat no plepeo gaed 40 ot 69 nklied auhilatb npas htiw arlgre anirb omlvue veqlienuat ot pu ot 6.5 efwre asery fo niagge. ndiF uot meor hiwt Teh eWke rwppdaUen otsacpd.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh aansisly of dtaa on pelepo aegd 40 to 69 lnkdei hbaulait nsap wtih lrarge bniar vmeolu eliuvtnaqe to up to 6.5 ferwe ysear of aginge. Fdin otu meor wiht Teh Wkee Upwnerpad ptscaod.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The ainyasls of dtaa on plpeoe aegd 40 to 69 likend hiubaatl npas wtih lgearr barin vmolue eleaniqvut to up to 6.5 fweer yreas of aniegg. Fnid out mroe wtih The Week Uarppwend pdaocst.", "substituted": "IwH ecVbUzcV Qu npTS dH mLVxFy GNwC 40 NU 69 AykgTo JXmXisoh brYG SEzW tsPLZM uYqrM mgmWOi UXThUZIDuR ub Je jZ 6.5 uMEUl EdoSr tS KLioSH. tcEl rUn rDDF RCau tHd eQIh cGLpQwYGY HMxilkd."} {"original": "The analysis of press freedom in 180 countries and territories put the hermit kingdom in last place on the annual World Press Freedom Index, followed by Vietnam and China. Norway topped the ranking for the seventh year in a row.", "scrambled_20%": "The inslasay of press freedom in 180 countries and territories upt the hermit kingdom in last place on the nnaula World Press Freedom Index, followed yb anmtVie and China. Norway topped the ranking for eht seventh eayr ni a row.", "scrambled_50%": "heT inslasay of press freedom ni 180 countries dan territories upt the hetrmi kingdom in last cplae on the nnaula World ssreP Freeomd Index, followed yb anmtVie and nChai. Norway topped the ganrkni ofr eht thesenv eayr ni a row.", "scrambled_100%": "heT inslasay fo psres fdmeore ni 180 uiorntsec dan eoiretrsrti upt eth hetrmi ogndkim ni slat cplae no eth nnaula rWodl ssreP Freeomd eIdxn, llfdewoo yb anmtVie nda nChai. rwyaoN optdpe het ganrkni ofr eht thesenv eayr ni a owr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh aasnisyl of psser fdreemo in 180 ctnuiseor adn trrseerotii ptu teh heirtm kmgdion in lats pcael on teh alunan Wldro Psrse Fderome Iendx, fedlwolo by Venamit adn Canhi. Nrwoya tedopp teh rnignka fro teh sevtehn yare in a rwo.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The aynailss of pesrs feedorm in 180 cioruntes and teterrioirs put the hrmiet kogindm in lsat pacle on the ananul Wrlod Psers Freodem Idenx, fwoolled by Vitnaem and Cniha. Narowy tpoped the rnnkaig for the stneevh yaer in a row.", "substituted": "oOB vEJVQvRN EI fwIDo jWKVkbD wu 180 sYyaxQmrI TSL SyvbbTvomLv Nnv ZUi SLfpEA NUBkaGO fV nUfV qKmmj Nj oxY IEgyyW GQCmS EmJQy CChjPID ezPRv, NrodxlEc yB OInkuyd AHa UoVsh. GuduVG zdlgOD dyO llBPGjX bXy zxQ WOQSDuB cXnn wp a hHs."} {"original": "The average cost of regular gasoline in Washington has jumped by more than 30 cents in the past month to more than $4.90 a gallon, according to AAA. Gas in California is nearly 10 cents cheaper.", "scrambled_20%": "The average soct of lugrrae gasoline in tangsWinoh has jumped by remo than 30 cents in the spta month to more than $4.90 a gallon, according to AAA. Gas in Crnaliiofa is nearly 10 cents cheaper.", "scrambled_50%": "The average soct of lugrrae gasoline ni tangsWinoh has jumped by remo ntah 30 cents ni teh spta ohmtn to more nath $4.90 a gallon, according ot AAA. Gas ni Crnaliiofa si nearly 10 cents cheaper.", "scrambled_100%": "ehT aegarve soct fo lugrrae sglaione ni tangsWinoh ahs mjdeup yb remo ntah 30 cnste ni teh spta ohmtn ot emor nath $4.90 a alglon, gondiacrc ot AAA. saG ni Crnaliiofa si neylar 10 cnset rcehpea.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh agervae csto of rgruale gesaoiln in Wnastnogih hsa jmpued by mreo thna 30 ctesn in teh psat mntoh to meor tnha $4.90 a goanll, acrginocd to AAA. Gsa in Canofriial is nleyar 10 csetn carpeeh.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The aevrage csot of realgur glnoisae in Wsaigntohn has jmpued by mroe tahn 30 cetns in the psat mtonh to mroe tahn $4.90 a glolan, aocdnircg to AAA. Gas in Clfniairoa is nlarey 10 cnets cepaher.", "substituted": "ACY EdhpghU EVyJ vW jhwUGjk GODkEBGy FU zlqvzCVIAH pFn GfNIEk ob CCZm cDOd 30 SBSUm Tv Ntv VmKB UvrrZ nK nrdx vQUq $4.90 a GhyuOi, hekUeTZZd MG RUl. Wor SX dTwJquuwLq PS vEHdED 10 IWrAy tJNBfYX."} {"original": "The average watermelon is about 92% water.", "scrambled_20%": "The average watermelon is about 92% etrwa.", "scrambled_50%": "The average watermelon si uobat 92% etrwa.", "scrambled_100%": "heT aevreag tweamelrno si uobat 92% etrwa.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh aeargve wneareotml is atuob 92% wraet.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The arvaege wtlrmeoean is auobt 92% wtaer.", "substituted": "OvT WKgjQuo IWBnLJwIRL RM yspPQ 92% btdAs."} {"original": "The average worldwide temperature on Tuesday reached a new high of 17.18\u00b0C (62.9\u00b0F). While the low 60s may not sound very hot to the millions of Americans sweating through a summer heat wave, the figure is almost a full degree Celsius above the average temperature between 1979 and 2000 and represents a new indicator that Earth\u2019s climate is heating up faster than anticipated.", "scrambled_20%": "The average worldwide umtaerrtpee on Tuesday reached a new high of 17.18\u00b0C (62.9\u00b0F). While the low 60s may not sound very hot to the millions fo Americans sweating through a summer heat wave, the ugifer is almost a full degree Celsius above eth average tutarerpeem between 1979 nda 2000 and represents a ewn indicator that Earth\u2019s tcmiale si heating pu faster than anticipated.", "scrambled_50%": "The average riwwlddeo umtaerrtpee on Tuesday caeredh a new high of 17.18\u00b0C (62.9\u00b0F). Wheil het low 60s mya not sound revy toh to teh oiillmsn fo Americans sweating through a summer heat wave, the ugifer si tsoalm a full dreeeg Celsius vaoeb eth eargave tutarerpeem between 1979 nda 2000 and ptesrnrese a ewn indicator that Earth\u2019s tcmiale si heating pu faster ntha anticipated.", "scrambled_100%": "heT eagerav riwwlddeo umtaerrtpee no Tesyuda caeredh a wne high fo 17.18\u00b0C (62.9\u00b0F). Wheil het owl 60s mya nto sdnuo revy toh ot teh oiillmsn fo srcmaiAne gteiwsna hrtohug a mruems hate evwa, het ugifer si tsoalm a ullf dreeeg isleCsu vaoeb eth eargave tutarerpeem eebenwt 1979 nda 2000 adn ptesrnrese a ewn itoiarcnd htat taEhr\u2019s tcmiale si ahtgnie pu efstra ntha aiatendctpi.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh arvgeae wrldowdie traeurtpeem on Tuaysde redecah a nwe hghi of 17.18\u00b0C (62.9\u00b0F). Whiel teh lwo 60s mya nto sudon vyre hto to teh mllnisio of Acreasinm sawtgnie togruhh a serumm hate weav, teh ferugi is aolsmt a flul dgeeer Cueisls avebo teh aearegv temareeptur bnwetee 1979 adn 2000 adn rtsnereesp a nwe iotriacnd ttha Ethar\u2019s caitmle is hageint up frtaes tnha acetipantid.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The agvaree wrdlwdoie terpatmruee on Teasduy reeahcd a new hgih of 17.18\u00b0C (62.9\u00b0F). Wlhie the low 60s may not snuod vrey hot to the miollins of Anicmears steiawng tguhorh a sumemr haet wvae, the fgriue is amoslt a flul deerge Cesuils avboe the aveagre taetrpemure beewten 1979 and 2000 and reepesrtns a new incitdoar taht Erath\u2019s ctalmie is hniateg up feastr tahn apttnicaeid.", "substituted": "mWm EZJtrAB KSzaSrRIy aOsxnCuSAzj dc QaURsJS hdJJgcQ a uMl wRqT nh 17.18\u00b0C (62.9\u00b0F). ZLsdS NcY Fqc 60s QBi jQv HDotw cPpc dxX nz sqY pxPrqYqa qP dykOEWctR hBXddfsn OOTwaUo a zcqbcs YcET FdXR, eHU wSfSKm na wpOrrS a cLmW oSRVOg hGMHZgA PiAdh aaV hElfrQf HOFifblMlTI rZyKYEk 1979 QGa 2000 Afn sJypEYDkcf a eaJ pBjJFRclh dbYA OTnMF\u2019s pAkErKK Bk jFZiYCY UD yGJcfM sSTM rzjxTPohHkV."} {"original": "The balloon was able to transmit information back to Beijing in real time, a source told CNN, and the US government still does not know for sure whether the Chinese government could wipe the balloon\u2019s data as it received it.", "scrambled_20%": "heT balloon was bale to smtartin information back ot Beijing in real time, a source told CNN, and the SU government still does not know for seru whether the Chinese government dclou wipe the balloon\u2019s adta as it received it.", "scrambled_50%": "heT balloon was bale ot smtartin nrioaniftmo back ot Beijing in real time, a source tlod NNC, and eht SU rnmenogevt ltlis does tno know for seru whether the Csnihee government dclou wipe the balloon\u2019s adta sa ti eeveirdc it.", "scrambled_100%": "heT lbaooln swa bale ot smtartin nrioaniftmo bkca ot giniBje ni arle eimt, a csreou tlod NNC, nda eht SU rnmenogevt ltlis oesd tno wkno orf seru rhtehwe hte Csnihee gnmtnoerev dclou iewp eth lnlbooa\u2019s adta sa ti eeveirdc ti.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh blnaloo wsa aleb to ttranims iamontfonir bakc to Bnieigj in rlea temi, a sureco tldo CNN, adn teh US getmvnnreo sitll dsoe nto kown fro seur wehhert teh Cseihne gtrnnemove cdluo wepi teh boollna\u2019s dtaa as it reecdive it.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The boollan was albe to tasrinmt iomiatofnrn bcak to Bniijeg in rael tmie, a socure tlod CNN, and the US grvmeonent sltil deos not konw for srue wehther the Cshiene gnvmeronet colud wpie the balolon\u2019s dtaa as it reiveecd it.", "substituted": "Gto DpQCwxu xyK hIAX mA JyrzZtfX GmXVZxOJcBi ZECP fW kOsZurf af kNEM gYtO, a MyZmML SbnT Qvs, dqY rYx HE pCniiZBzhs FLdFf GpwP CTj EkfY dEh XiJK HTlHXxx uHF RfDkUUN jDzsgwLOui qvtjM ugFd wHq VqxZwUf\u2019s cMMU xi yH oQEmriFB zY."} {"original": "The ban on using the Chinese-owned video app on government devices follows a review by the National Cyber Security Centre and brings the UK in line with the US, Canada and the EU, amid worsening relations with Beijing.", "scrambled_20%": "The ban on using the Cehsein-owned video ppa on government ceidsve follows a review by the National Cyber Security eCtenr and brings the UK in enli with eth SU, Canada and the EU, aidm worsening relations with Beijing.", "scrambled_50%": "heT nab no unsig the Cehsein-owned video ppa on government ceidsve follows a review by the niotalaN Cyber iurteySc eCtenr nad brings the UK in enli with eth SU, Cadaan and teh UE, aidm worsening relations with eijgBin.", "scrambled_100%": "heT nab no unsig teh Cehsein-woedn ovide ppa no gnmtnoerev ceidsve foowsll a wviree yb eth niotalaN yCbre iurteySc eCtenr nad nrsgbi eht KU ni enli thiw eth SU, Cadaan nad teh UE, aidm ngniwoers oiesnrtla ihwt eijgBin.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh bna on uisgn teh Chesien-odnew veodi app on getnvormen dveisec flowols a rwivee by teh Nnlaotai Ceyrb Surycite Ceernt adn bgsinr teh UK in lein whit teh US, Cadnaa adn teh EU, amdi wniseorgn rnsaoeitl whit Bgiijen.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The ban on uinsg the Cshinee-onwed veido app on gnnmoervet deievcs fwlools a rvieew by the Nonaaitl Cbyer Srictuey Cnrete and bgrnis the UK in lnie wtih the US, Cnadaa and the EU, aimd wnierosng rlintoeas wtih Bijnieg.", "substituted": "SqA wDZ yq GaxSY YXF SQqSJaw-EPerI dcOGC pbv mZ tmMxlFlzfT LqoQxib ZbQQQby a UAxhxv ov AvG ZSjzkOSm VBvgo bUfVBZri YairBH qUj AuQIHK qXj tD oe iMFy iLDz auS gZ, gdHvZr uNt qUC rd, nQUa FHcnFXtly NgblkoEfI ZPzr onKacgm."} {"original": "The ban, which comes into effect on 31 March, applies to transgender women who have undergone male puberty. The governing body\u2019s president, Seb Coe, said the controversial decision had been taken to \u201cprotect the future of the female category\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "The nab, which comes into fefetc on 31 Mrhca, applies to eteagrrsnnd women who have undergone male puberty. The governing body\u2019s enetdirps, Seb Coe, said het controversial decision had been taken to \u201ccoerttp eth future of the female category\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "eTh nab, which esmco into fefetc on 31 Mrhca, seapipl to eteagrrsnnd enomw hwo have undergone male puberty. The governing body\u2019s enetdirps, Seb Ceo, said het ansrocilervto eindisoc had been taken ot \u201ccoerttp eth future fo het female category\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh nab, chhiw esmco onti fefetc no 31 Mrhca, seapipl ot eteagrrsnnd enomw hwo evah nnueogdre alem rypbuet. Teh roginvgen doyb\u2019s enetdirps, bSe Ceo, sida het ansrocilervto eindisoc adh eebn natek ot \u201ccoerttp eth tefuur fo het aeelmf etogayrc\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh bna, wihch cosme iont efcetf on 31 Mrahc, alipesp to trdenrnesga weonm woh hvea udrnoeegn mlae pbeutry. Teh genigronv byod\u2019s psdeeintr, Sbe Ceo, siad teh cleooaitrsnrv dcisione hda bene tenka to \u201cpoctrte teh fureut of teh faelme cteoragy\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The ban, wchih ceoms itno efceft on 31 Mcrah, alpipes to tnrgesnaedr weomn who hvae unnoergde mlae ptbuery. The gnoenivrg bdoy\u2019s pserneidt, Seb Coe, siad the cvnosatoerirl dcieosin had been teakn to \u201cpecotrt the fuurte of the fleame ctgaeory\u201d.", "substituted": "wGk tcu, mInal PypaI QTbA bcXkWj sw 31 NybIo, XQXDXFn TE uzNUDBWSgRN RgzCF ebB Azeu OiHEgEQKM yskP UItVXqL. uIs fzjTJJhVm jyZY\u2019s mdkEPaBEb, aFs hao, tjuU Qfi xyhXuHWxEUyvr PMneMTrw UmI XzJo YSbDM sF \u201cKmIaEqQ SHf OxCwsv fF EdL JhbKiY HDoRHzgk\u201d."} {"original": "The best-selling author of \u201cEat, Pray, Love\u201d asked her publishers to postpone the publication of her novel \u201cThe Snow Forest\u201d, which is set in 20th century Siberia, following a backlash from Ukrainian readers. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_20%": "The tbse-selling author fo \u201cEat, Pray, Love\u201d asked rhe publishers to postpone the publication of erh novel \u201cThe Snow Forest\u201d, hiwhc is set in 20ht century Siberia, following a backlash from Ukrainian readers. dnFi out more hiwt The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_50%": "eTh tbse-llegnis uaothr fo \u201catE, Pray, Love\u201d adesk rhe bulpssirhe ot postpone the publication of erh nlveo \u201chTe nowS Forest\u201d, hiwhc is set in 20ht urcteyn Siberia, following a backlash ofmr Ukrainian readers. dnFi out more hiwt heT Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh tbse-llegnis uaothr fo \u201catE, Prya, veLo\u201d adesk rhe bulpssirhe ot ppnsoeot hte bintaciuolp fo erh nlveo \u201chTe nowS ertsoF\u201d, hiwhc si tes ni 20ht urcteyn Sireiba, nwigollfo a kahcsbla ofmr Uanikarin rdsreae. dnFi tou orem hiwt heT ekWe dpnUprawe cptodsa.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh bste-sgnelli ahurto of \u201cEta, Prya, Lvoe\u201d adkes hre pssbuierlh to poneptos teh plcniiutoab of hre neolv \u201cTeh Sown Feotsr\u201d, whhic is ste in 20th curenyt Sieiabr, flgnoilwo a bkasclha fomr Uinniarak raedsre. Fndi otu mreo wthi Teh Wkee Upnrwaedp pactods.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The bset-sellnig aouhtr of \u201cEat, Pary, Lvoe\u201d akesd her psruhebils to ptoopsne the ptbuciilaon of her neovl \u201cThe Sonw Feorst\u201d, wchih is set in 20th cntruey Siirbea, fowlliong a bkasalch form Uraaiknin rderaes. Fnid out mroe wtih The Week Uanppwred pocadst.", "substituted": "hmV UlVw-HEJPjOE klyqOH dS \u201cIsj, nbBM, sGoG\u201d KyuhO Dkq fQMCAOjpTu Zd hyroGdNI oVE XfHZjMVmXHy Lk fqu AIlEp \u201cHQG iPYg MrMLXU\u201d, mwTTX Vb MmT CY 20Uv UVyAnkx KhDsWCN, oKQtVVRBk a oBGdepTv xYxC sKjESyNgP Fyiwsci. BIww uYO ECmk ZOnV OgV vsPl HxMUZuIGN dXIafVd."} {"original": "The chart-topper was visibly shaken when her keyboard began playing notes by itself during the Era Tour show in Massachusetts. Swift subsequently explained that the seemingly possessed instrument had malfunctioned after being damaged by rain during a previous concert.", "scrambled_20%": "heT chart-topper was visibly aeksnh when her keyboard began playing notes by etsfil during eht Era Tour show in Massachusetts. wStif subsequently explained that eth seemingly possessed instrument had malfunctioned teraf being damaged by rain gnridu a previous concert.", "scrambled_50%": "heT chart-oeptpr swa visibly aeksnh when rhe keyboard began playing notes yb etsfil dnuigr eht Era Tour whos in esaMasustshtc. wStif sulnuqstybee dxinpeela that eth seemingly possessed instrument had natlenucdmfio teraf being aemdadg by rain gnridu a sirovpue concert.", "scrambled_100%": "heT hrcta-oeptpr swa iylsvib aeksnh nehw rhe ydaekrob ngbae nlgaypi tneos yb etsfil dnuigr eht rEa ruoT whos ni esaMasustshtc. wStif sulnuqstybee dxinpeela atht eth egyilnmes sesdpsseo tsnmteinru ahd natlenucdmfio teraf inegb aemdadg yb arni gnridu a sirovpue rceocnt.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh ctrha-trpope wsa vislbiy snkahe wnhe hre kaoredyb baegn pylagin neots by iseflt dnguir teh Ear Turo sowh in Mssttaahucess. Swfit sqbeutulynse elxniaped ttha teh sienlgmye pdsesoess intrmuenst hda modaennctlifu arfet binge dmagade by rnia dgruin a pevousri coetncr.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The cahrt-topepr was vliisby saekhn wehn her kraeboyd baegn plyinag nteos by iltsef durnig the Era Tuor sohw in Mehssuattascs. Sifwt sultsnbqeeuy eilpexnad taht the snmilgeey peosssesd ienusnmrtt had meunloaitncfd atfer benig daemgad by rian driung a pruoives cneocrt.", "substituted": "aiA AtuhJ-RNsKZv urt XBLunBM PtjBpP CsQp IKa fYVdLgvP xLsFb DdEXLUF hNAiD SV LgxrIm kSddYu kdL jij vJKa rdWg bB nZDKrzURtUTEh. yopte IKBpUUvqzQuz WUSXJtIzg fNUY ZIw mxIDLBBrU duxyxEyHH paWnKXWNDI TRu qxLTSplwxDwaU zMqdo nDUsX unhClHf tW IYUb bKtJBb a yZmiegPE CGjvyNS."} {"original": "The composer\u2019s coronation anthem will be played publicly for the first time as King Charles III is crowned in Westminster Abbey on Saturday. According to Lloyd Webber, the monarch requested that the tune be \u201chummable\u201d and cheerful because \u201che wants the anthem sung in churches\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "hTe composer\u2019s coronation anthem will eb dpeayl publicly for the first time as King Cslahre III is crowned in Westminster eAbby on Saturday. icnrogcdA to dLyol Webber, the monarch requested that the tune eb \u201chummable\u201d and cheerful because \u201che wants the anthem sung ni churches\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "hTe composer\u2019s coronation anthem wlil eb dpeayl publicly for the first time sa King Cslahre III si ercndwo in seWnitrsemt eAbby on Saturday. icnrogcdA to dLyol breWbe, the cmaohrn trsqueede ttha the tune eb \u201chummable\u201d and cheerful eeacbsu \u201che wants eth anthem ungs ni churches\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe mceospro\u2019s cnoroianto eanmth wlil eb dpeayl blcyliup orf het fsirt emti sa ngKi Cslahre III si ercndwo ni seWnitrsemt eAbby no Styrauad. icnrogcdA ot dLyol breWbe, hte cmaohrn trsqueede ttha eth enut eb \u201clmhbumae\u201d dan hcfeeulr eeacbsu \u201ceh wtnas eth htmnea ungs ni ruechhcs\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh cepmrsoo\u2019s ctnrnaoooi ahntem wlil be pydale pucyllib fro teh fsitr teim as Knig Csrheal III is codwner in Wtrtniemess Aybbe on Sauryadt. Anrcgocdi to Llydo Webebr, teh manrcoh ruqtdeees tath teh tneu be \u201chbmluema\u201d adn crlueehf bceseua \u201che watsn teh atnhme sngu in cusrehch\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The ceomsopr\u2019s caonrootin aetnhm wlil be paelyd pblcluiy for the frsit tmie as Knig Cealrhs III is conrewd in Wtiemtssenr Abeby on Sartuady. Arcidcong to Loyld Wbeber, the mnroach reetequsd taht the tnue be \u201chmblmuae\u201d and crueehfl buascee \u201che wntas the ahtnem snug in cehrcuhs\u201d.", "substituted": "VMY LPqowTTh\u2019s yOWlRdeajB yFQNHQ yyVC ss QXcNUi vJzIubJe hJG ptA VOwzS cwZm mm FIiC JwhQgsX maY YG GqgShaK fr RhhHtbBzvUw eMcQg TP yeyWGpJb. RYoBvCeaC jT MQunc IaZyLW, XSs qpcCvPB mxjEDQmNz XXym jMz eRcu ir \u201cWnXQkcXL\u201d TmX YmTrNpsk HQGHeSQ \u201cih YoTZE wvH ykKiCR dXgC aq ZTCPNQJz\u201d."} {"original": "The coronation quiche was chosen by the King and Queen Consort as the suggested centrepiece for big lunches, street parties and other community events on 6 May. Royal head chef Mark Flanagan came up with the recipe.", "scrambled_20%": "The coronation quiche was chosen yb the King nad Queen Consort sa the suggested centrepiece for big lunches, street parties dan other community events on 6 May. Royal head hcfe rakM Flanagan mcea up with the recipe.", "scrambled_50%": "heT coronation hqueci was chosen yb the nKgi nad Queen Consort sa the suggested centrepiece for gbi lunches, treset parties dan rtoeh yuntmmoci events on 6 Mya. Royal aehd hcfe rakM Flanagan mcea up hwit the pcreei.", "scrambled_100%": "heT rncoooanti hqueci asw escnoh yb teh nKgi nad eneuQ otrosCn sa eth teussdgeg teipnrceeec ofr gbi eclhsnu, treset teaispr dan rtoeh yuntmmoci nsevte no 6 Mya. laoyR aehd hcfe rakM nanaFlag mcea pu hwit teh pcreei.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh cnoonoirta qceuih wsa cnseho by teh Knig adn Qeune Cortnso as teh sgeuegstd cepieercetn fro bgi lhucnse, strtee ptesair adn ohtre cmynotumi eenvst on 6 Mya. Rolya hade cfhe Makr Faaglann ceam up wiht teh riecpe.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The coaotrnoin qcuhie was ceohsn by the Knig and Qeuen Cnorsot as the ssgtgeeud cetenerpice for big lhneucs, srteet ptreias and ohetr cinomutmy eentvs on 6 May. Ryoal haed cehf Mrak Faaalgnn cmae up wtih the ripece.", "substituted": "OtI IOfzlpSKmW GFImLM QYL xKMvrm Pk iBU xLjH rYD dnxOO NfOJjtk Sn CVd UQbexaLps DGJOpnIaDfg prO Lrh WILpYbP, OMMVVG UmkEBcx WIj dvyNd IaGPZaIqD hepsUA Zx 6 jVc. OcKnJ MVWw AOnj dQUZ eekqwbpa AWBg Fl GLpo byv VldTym."} {"original": "The cruise ship Carnival Sunshine was rocked by a storm that caused interior water damage and delayed its return to port in South Carolina.", "scrambled_20%": "heT cruise ship Carnival Sunshine swa rocked by a storm that caused interior water damage nad delayed tsi return to port in South nroaClai.", "scrambled_50%": "heT cruise ship Carnival Sunshine swa rocked by a rstom that dceuas interior ratwe damage nad ealdeyd tsi return to trop ni huSto nroaClai.", "scrambled_100%": "heT irsuec phis rilaanCv Sehsinnu swa cekdor yb a rstom htta dceuas trrioien ratwe madeag nad ealdeyd tsi ternur ot trop ni huSto nroaClai.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh csieru siph Crailavn Suninseh wsa rekocd by a sotmr taht cusaed iinrroet wtear dmgeaa adn ddayele ist rnrtue to prto in Sothu Canilaro.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The cursie sihp Canriavl Snhsunie was rekocd by a srotm taht casued ionteirr weatr dgaame and dleyead its rturen to prot in Stuoh Colnaira.", "substituted": "wqk nwpnHd IrTz qvPyxjcO lINQUbvD CiJ zgiQGr Yw a RimOB LGhW TOhrKq bLdNbQiK TAAyF hUqLsR sKT LYtlAMO jyX MArDiv IP fatp nv ZjBEy AObngLAy."} {"original": "The decision was 6-3 with Chief Justice John Roberts writing the opinion for the conservative supermajority. The three liberal dissenters \u2014 Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and Ketanji Brown Jackson \u2014 said the majority is basically making political decisions.", "scrambled_20%": "The decision was 6-3 with Chief Justice Jhno Roberts wniitgr the opinion for het conservative supermajority. The hreet liberal dissenters \u2014 Justices eEnla Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, nda Ketanji Brown Jackson \u2014 said the majority is basically akignm political decisions.", "scrambled_50%": "heT diseoinc was 6-3 with Chief Justice Jhno eRtorbs wniitgr the opinion orf het conservative posrytaieujmr. The hreet leribal neidssestr \u2014 esustiJc eEnla Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, nda tjineKa Brown Jackson \u2014 said the yjrtimao is byacasill akignm political decisions.", "scrambled_100%": "heT diseoinc swa 6-3 ihwt ifehC citJsue Jhno eRtorbs wniitgr teh opnnioi orf het aotrievvsnce posrytaieujmr. ehT hreet leribal neidssestr \u2014 esustiJc eEnla gaKna, aSion yaoroSmto, nda tjineKa wBron onkaJcs \u2014 adsi eht yjrtimao si byacasill akignm llcatipio icoidnsse.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh dcseoiin wsa 6-3 wiht Cefih Jeticus Jhon Rbtsoer wirngti teh opnioni fro teh ceoinertvvas soiurymetrjap. Teh teerh lrablie deesnrstsi \u2014 Jssiecut Eelan Kgnaa, Siano Somortyao, adn Kjnaeit Bonwr Jscakno \u2014 siad teh mrtyioaj is balslaiyc mniakg pltoailci dssenoiic.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The disiocen was 6-3 wtih Ciehf Jscutie Jhon Rorebts wriitng the onpoiin for the ctvaonivsere seapoirrmutjy. The there leaibrl drsniteess \u2014 Jectsuis Enela Kgaan, Sinoa Sootmoayr, and Kanejti Bowrn Jscoakn \u2014 siad the mrjaioty is bcaasilly mniakg pilcitaol dciosines.", "substituted": "XLJ QURJqhjc loj 6-3 STQK eqSKL pfusEhF pNgU iLwPKwe CUfEaBT sNx dsEHvzh Giv kUM rjKPKRDuGXGM jTlzknDGZMAJV. mdH pNUXh uqfaqjA EoHQOlZwuZ \u2014 TXMyPIYk eUkqi boHlI, JCXHY zRuIvSCBR, ATD fuXjrNj cutdT eBhPCqU \u2014 xxWm CPM vVHCzkLf aA CbCJqUcbH pjSLMt HPXYKkdEo JubJqVghb."} {"original": "The distance is far less than the nearly 4.5 miles covered in Queen Elizabeth II\u2019s procession in 1953, triggered concerns that well-wishers hoping to line London\u2019s streets to welcome the king may struggle to find space.", "scrambled_20%": "hTe distance is far less than the nearly 4.5 miles covered in Queen ltEehaibz II\u2019s procession ni 1953, triggered concerns that well-wiehrss hoping to line London\u2019s streets ot welcome the king may struggle to find cpsae.", "scrambled_50%": "hTe distance si far sels than eth arylen 4.5 miles covered ni Queen ltEehaibz II\u2019s sinoserocp ni 1953, triggered concerns tath well-wiehrss gnipoh ot line London\u2019s streets ot welcome the ngik aym struggle to find cpsae.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe ancidtse si raf sels naht eth arylen 4.5 leism odevcer ni eQenu ltEehaibz II\u2019s sinoserocp ni 1953, dirgegter nocsrenc tath ellw-wiehrss gnipoh ot lein odnonL\u2019s stseert ot owecelm eth ngik aym lsrggetu ot nidf cpsae.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh daitnecs is fra lses tnha teh nreyal 4.5 mesli credeov in Qenue Etbzhliea II\u2019s pncorioses in 1953, trrgeeigd csnerocn ttha wlel-wesihrs hnpoig to leni Lndoon\u2019s stesrte to wceleom teh kgin mya sleruggt to fidn secpa.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The dctniase is far lses tahn the nrealy 4.5 meils cervoed in Queen Eziabetlh II\u2019s poicessron in 1953, tgieregrd ceconnrs taht wlel-wsierhs hpiong to lnie Lodonn\u2019s steetrs to woelmce the knig may sgtgurle to fnid sacpe.", "substituted": "Ita SclhBeZv qt HsQ fjeB CNoh Tpb AgmNsE 4.5 DwcHU BEOQHoB bY mGBsW thUxmqMlg Ru\u2019s JTktHvOZaC kH 1953, LmucfEaQH iZumIOYK rCdl FtBM-mdoMNUF PWXACk Wz exPf yjykiJ\u2019s zsBvNbB zC kTWIQyK JFo mUqk dhS tynDiCao jW UEeQ NAzob."} {"original": "The effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines fades after six months as levels of neutralizing antibodies in the blood fall, studies show. With many people anxiously wondering how soon they can get another shot, US health officials are now considering another round of bivalent boosters for the most vulnerable Americans.", "scrambled_20%": "The effectiveness fo the Covid-19 vaccines fades after six hsomnt as levels of neutralizing antibodies in the blood fall, studies show. tWhi mayn people anxiously wondering how oson they can get another shot, SU health officials are now considering thneora round fo tnvbaeil boosters for the most vulnerable micarAens.", "scrambled_50%": "The effectiveness fo the Covid-19 scciaven easfd after isx hsomnt sa slevle of neutralizing antibodies in het blood fall, studies show. tWhi mayn peloep anxiously rgdewonni woh oson they can get another hots, SU health officials are wno odnrcnesiig thneora urndo fo tnvbaeil boosters for the otsm vulnerable micarAens.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh eitvefecsesnf fo het iCovd-19 scciaven easfd taefr isx hsomnt sa slevle fo lnuianzitger siadontbei ni het boldo alfl, ssietdu wsho. tWhi mayn peloep yonusliax rgdewonni woh oson yeht acn tge henarot hots, SU elahht lofafisic rae wno odnrcnesiig thneora urndo fo tnvbaeil srtsoboe rfo eht otsm eulrnblave micarAens.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh eeetfnscsifve of teh Coidv-19 vneisacc fdesa aertf sxi mtshno as lvlese of nigtzairnuel asbiitoend in teh boodl flla, sdietus swho. Wthi mayn polpee axsyuniol wnidergon hwo sono tyhe cna gte aonreth soth, US hlathe ocalfsifi aer nwo cisroidegnn anhtore rduno of blinetav btoesosr fro teh msto vbeeralunl Aemasrnic.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The eseveifnfetcs of the Cviod-19 vcnecais feads aeftr six mnohts as lvlees of nlinziuaretg aonieitdbs in the bolod flal, sitdeus sohw. Wtih mnay ppleoe aolxsnuiy wedonrnig how soon tehy can get ahenotr soht, US htealh ofiilcafs are now cenidrionsg aoenthr ronud of bveliant btsooers for the msot veablnlrue Anaimecrs.", "substituted": "sUD XwXZMHzDjUvnW AY vDV PAuVw-19 AfFaRLDg cTbNf xpXZs pZf OZbhSP wQ CnHdoC aJ EdSAmzjsIdUe CVqDvmNrJT RA lfM cYigW gpVk, MBUBKNG Wrpc. BuHP yJOO MZdTAg OWDtGvEGm SiPeyTVlb NVI KFHC qgJN Esx XyC dGPITmS wwJh, OA AsYiAv YkslMdJoi KGI aRv GcExJuBxelz EvEajHa gBmPX vW EABrKBpF NIJPOTqN nDp Zfn KtEE xryJVxQpZu ixzJpiztf."} {"original": "The event is often referred to as \u201cFashion\u2019s Biggest Night.\u201d This year, the theme was \u201cIn honor of Karl,\u201d a tribute to the late designer Karl Lagerfeld.", "scrambled_20%": "The event is often frrereed to as \u201cFashion\u2019s Biggest Night.\u201d This reya, the theme was \u201cIn honor of Klar,\u201d a tribute to the late designer alKr rdealgeLf.", "scrambled_50%": "hTe etenv is often frrereed to as \u201coiFasnh\u2019s ggsetiB Nhtig.\u201d This reya, eht theme was \u201cIn honor of Klar,\u201d a tribute to the aelt eesridng alKr rdealgeLf.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe etenv si etnfo frrereed ot sa \u201coiFasnh\u2019s ggsetiB Nhtig.\u201d hsTi reya, eht emeth swa \u201cnI rhnoo fo Klar,\u201d a rutbeit ot het aelt eesridng alKr rdealgeLf.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh evnte is oenft reeredrf to as \u201cFsahnio\u2019s Bigsget Nhitg.\u201d Tshi yrea, teh teehm wsa \u201cIn hnoor of Klar,\u201d a trbteiu to teh ltea dsrngeie Krla Leldrfgea.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The eenvt is oeftn rererefd to as \u201cFoahisn\u2019s Beigsgt Nghit.\u201d Tihs yaer, the tehme was \u201cIn hnoor of Kral,\u201d a tbrtuie to the ltae dgniseer Kral Lglefared.", "substituted": "dMF QAfmL qk TXxTS StFjTXja nc EL \u201cAFOKWEg\u2019s nxvzkWL xGBfS.\u201d yreM PSGL, FQB RFzHL Qrl \u201cbB uVEle ig hczh,\u201d a ogFParX Tx AJf fwfI kniADazf TRLZ keizvNWBk."} {"original": "The face coverings are made of UV-resistant material and are designed to protect the wearer\u2019s head, face and neck from sun exposure. For more odd and unexpected news, sign up to the Tall Tales newsletter.", "scrambled_20%": "The face coverings are made fo VU-isrntteas material and are designed to tcepotr the wearer\u2019s head, face and neck from uns exposure. For more odd and unexpected news, sign up ot the Tall sTale newsletter.", "scrambled_50%": "heT feca coverings are made fo VU-isrntteas material adn are neidsegd ot tcepotr eht wearer\u2019s dahe, efca and neck from uns exposure. For reom odd and unexpected news, sign pu ot the llaT sTale newsletter.", "scrambled_100%": "heT feca ogsnvcire rea dmea fo VU-isrntteas laeitmra adn ear neidsegd ot tcepotr eht rrwaee\u2019s dahe, efca nad ckne fomr uns epeuorsx. roF reom dod nda xnteceudpe eswn, gsni pu ot teh llaT sTale tsewnetelr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh feac cogsirenv aer mdea of UV-ratitssen mrletaia adn aer ddsnegei to pcoettr teh weaerr\u2019s heda, faec adn nkce frmo snu eesproux. Fro mreo odd adn upexcneetd nswe, snig up to teh Tlal Tlsea nwleteerts.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The fcae cnvoeigrs are mdae of UV-risanstet mtaiaerl and are dinsgeed to pctoret the werear\u2019s haed, fcae and ncek form sun exurpsoe. For mroe odd and utexnepecd nwes, sgin up to the Tlal Tleas nstweteelr.", "substituted": "mad IVvV npgTTNIfc xfO EpDz EF iQ-oORkpuwrn yixraGyR NEQ Hns tsVLjQXY qY nVxLtRy uXM yYnLwg\u2019s QciD, zmNn Ezx RbZr cVzh vqG FWNGTmts. KQn hXTF Cnb nej scplBhDSAX KpDB, Olyh Jt Zq Uuk cQox gQQjY JLdDFtMNMK."} {"original": "The figure is up 15 points from 51% in April, according to polling from YouGov. Only 17% of British adults have a favourable view of the group Just Stop Oil, which has disrupted several major sporting events this summer.", "scrambled_20%": "The figure is up 15 sptoni from 51% in April, according to polling from ooGvuY. Only 17% fo British adults have a favourable view of het group Just Stop ilO, which sha disrupted several major sporting events this smemru.", "scrambled_50%": "The figure is pu 15 sptoni omrf 51% in April, cicgadron to lgiplon romf ooGvuY. nyOl 17% fo British adults avhe a bafuoelarv view of het group Just optS ilO, which sha itdusrped several ajmor sporting events this smemru.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe gefiru si pu 15 sptoni omrf 51% ni iAplr, cicgadron ot lgiplon romf ooGvuY. nyOl 17% fo siBihrt lasdtu avhe a bafuoelarv ievw fo het puorg sJtu optS ilO, chihw sha itdusrped lsvreea ajmor nstorgpi eensvt hist smemru.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh fgeuri is up 15 pnsito form 51% in Aripl, acdcgniro to plniglo fmro YvoouG. Oynl 17% of Birtshi atldsu heva a fblroeuvaa vwie of teh gorpu Jtus Stpo Oli, wcihh hsa dsirutdpe seelavr mrajo spgnriot evstne tish serumm.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The frugie is up 15 pitons form 51% in Airpl, adrcnoicg to plniolg form YuooGv. Olny 17% of Bsitirh adluts hvae a fvraauolbe veiw of the guorp Jsut Sotp Oil, wcihh has dpsteuird saveerl mojar srtnoipg eevnts tihs seummr.", "substituted": "hiZ kuqtyy uw Rk 15 HYNvfo LDsc 51% yB uJvBy, MHWXCObPw hI NCAfmjT HalR ERZmKH. uRnV 17% CE MqtyoTP HkYASe HNNM a pYQDpqvlSf XHOP QF Pwg YbeWd crbM vXvm TnO, usCJQ mTy KgkkIGTbc QRSVkLw vmhwV bRAgcrXK covrdV LoHe QYnfLp."} {"original": "The final vote to end the Covid-19 emergency declared by then-President Donald Trump in March of 2020 was overwhelmingly bipartisan, 68-23. The joint resolution, which cleared the House earlier this year, now heads to President Joe Biden\u2019s desk.", "scrambled_20%": "eTh final etvo to end the ioCdv-19 emergency daedrcel by hent-President Donald Trump in March of 2020 was overwhelmingly bipartisan, 68-23. The joint nteiloruso, which cleared the House elreair this year, now heads to President Joe Biden\u2019s desk.", "scrambled_50%": "eTh final etvo ot nde the ioCdv-19 emergency daedrcel by hent-idePtensr Donald Trump ni aMcrh of 2020 was overwhelmingly tsbraainip, 68-23. The joint nteiloruso, which cleared het House elreair iths year, now heads to eirPnesdt Joe eiBnd\u2019s ekds.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh lnfia etvo ot nde eht ioCdv-19 gerenycem daedrcel yb hent-idePtensr nDloda mTurp ni aMcrh fo 2020 asw vrhenyllwgomei tsbraainip, 68-23. heT njtoi nteiloruso, iwchh craldee het oeusH elreair iths yrae, wno sahde ot eirPnesdt oJe eiBnd\u2019s ekds.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh fnail vtoe to edn teh Cvdoi-19 enrmeyceg deearcdl by tneh-Pndetsier Ddolna Tuprm in Mrahc of 2020 wsa oeeglnryhvilwm baisaptrni, 68-23. Teh jiotn ruioeslont, wihhc celrade teh Hsoue erarlei thsi yaer, nwo hdesa to Prdeinets Jeo Bdeni\u2019s dske.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The fnail vtoe to end the Ciovd-19 enecmgrey dleceard by tehn-Prsdeient Dnolad Trmup in Mcarh of 2020 was olgwnerhlevimy baapisitrn, 68-23. The jniot rutolosein, wichh clraeed the Husoe eelarir tihs yaer, now hades to Pirnsdeet Joe Bedin\u2019s dsek.", "substituted": "alX jwppz dwwP Gm hhb ncf TkJHA-19 cILeoOShs BmKhcXoT fC wWKJ-bSGEfOMoK GfAUsq Clinm Mb imAbr iT 2020 yJr IhwCWWIFjajYWb eIwujVRhCU, 68-23. nfS mivQR fKngJneJWk, isUhX zKbhFcS Lap XTdGB fnCuMVU yGmw oQHC, fQg UyBJo sF atZRQwKLh aWW tSwON\u2019s Lpeq."} {"original": "The firms were also ordered to repay a total of around \u00a35 million in lost wages to 63,000 staff, following investigations by HMRC dating back to 2017. M&S, WHSmith and Argos all said the breaches were unintentional and had been swiftly remedied.", "scrambled_20%": "The firms ewer also ordered to repay a total of around \u00a35 million in lsto wages to 63,000 fftas, following investigations by HMRC dating back ot 2017. M&S, WHSmith and oAgrs all said the abceersh were unintentional and had eebn swiftly remedied.", "scrambled_50%": "The firms ewer also ordered ot repay a ttaol fo around \u00a35 million in lsto easgw to 63,000 fftas, following investigations by RCHM dating cabk ot 2017. M&S, WHSmith and oAgrs all dasi eht abceersh erwe ntelotnnianui nda had eebn swiftly remedied.", "scrambled_100%": "heT ismrf ewer slao erddoer ot ypaer a ttaol fo aoundr \u00a35 lmlinoi ni lsto easgw ot 63,000 fftas, inofowgll isvaisngtoetni yb RCHM atindg cabk ot 2017. M&S, tiHWhSm dan oAgrs lal dasi eht abceersh erwe ntelotnnianui nda adh eebn lwyifts mdeedier.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh fmisr wree aols oredder to rayep a tlota of anurdo \u00a35 miinoll in lots wegas to 63,000 sffta, fonllwogi igvittasoienns by HRMC dnagit bcak to 2017. M&S, WimHtSh adn Arsog all sdai teh bcrseaeh weer uiinntntlenao adn hda bene slwyitf redeedmi.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The frmis wree aslo orreedd to reapy a ttaol of aunrod \u00a35 miollin in lsot wgaes to 63,000 sftaf, fowinllog itnnvaoigsites by HRMC dtinag bcak to 2017. M&S, WimStHh and Aorgs all siad the bchreaes wree unieonaintntl and had been sltfwiy reiemded.", "substituted": "nvx vDKne OynL pvOh DDEoSxv iB tRWBJ a LOhxO Bo SeYeNA \u00a35 VlTrYAe KJ xhQK cKIHJ MC 63,000 ZTjRD, EWiJLKmPI hughvDcBeGxAcR oc CBbo yEKTDQ wSzb Rg 2017. M&S, kpmakUF HTl uwMxG SHj ApER ogQ DoUgvPXl ZTDS ZSnUMpwbBzEHw Btl git BQby NQTLcbE FpgrjfwC."} {"original": "The first football match at what was then called the Empire Stadium took place on 28 April 1923. During its century-long history, Wembley has been the site of England\u2019s 1966 World Cup victory, the 1985 Live Aid concert and the Lionesses\u2019 victory in the Women\u2019s Euros last year.", "scrambled_20%": "heT first football match at what was then called the Empire Stadium took place no 28 April 1923. During its century-long history, Wembley has been the site fo ngdnlEa\u2019s 1966 lodWr Cup oyvrcti, eht 1985 Live Adi concert and the Lionesses\u2019 victory ni the Women\u2019s Euros last year.", "scrambled_50%": "heT first football match ta what was then called eth Empire Stadium ootk eapcl no 28 irlAp 1923. During tis yertunc-olgn history, Wembley has eebn eth site fo ngdnlEa\u2019s 1966 lodWr Cup oyvrcti, eht 1985 Live Adi eccotnr and the Lionesses\u2019 ocrvyti ni the Women\u2019s srEou last year.", "scrambled_100%": "heT strfi looftalb catmh ta athw asw neth ealcdl eth Epreim mudtSai ootk eapcl no 28 irlAp 1923. irnguD tis yertunc-olgn thsoriy, myebelW ahs eebn eth tsei fo ngdnlEa\u2019s 1966 lodWr Cpu oyvrcti, eht 1985 Leiv Adi eccotnr nad het nsoeesisL\u2019 ocrvyti ni teh omeWn\u2019s srEou aslt yare.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh fsrti flootlab mtcha at wtha wsa tenh cldela teh Emriep Stduiam took pacle on 28 Airlp 1923. Digunr ist ceuyntr-lgon hrytios, Weylbem hsa bnee teh seti of Engnadl\u2019s 1966 Wolrd Cpu vrcoyti, teh 1985 Liev Adi cnrecot adn teh Linsseseo\u2019 voryitc in teh Wmone\u2019s Ersou ltas yrae.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The fsirt fbolaotl mtcah at waht was tehn claled the Eirpme Sadtuim took pclae on 28 Apirl 1923. Drinug its cnrteuy-lnog hitrsoy, Wbeemly has been the stie of Enngald\u2019s 1966 Wlrod Cup voticry, the 1985 Lvie Aid cocenrt and the Lesseoins\u2019 vticory in the Wmoen\u2019s Eruos lsat yaer.", "substituted": "zHI DuWOq vCSfUGRN PFXdv GO dlDF GtL FiuN DpoDHC cbu zjFLbu pyLEQlt BZXY QxTfj tb 28 SjfUP 1923. yCjUwR NoZ nXvULfZ-snyF oYNNHzL, iPYWiRL Sbx fvZA UOz UQyZ UB gbTxGvl\u2019s 1966 ZSVhH RoD xIeDtlv, hGV 1985 nQpO JKm vlqYWKz ehf NFh DmqBzKREh\u2019 VzvLUAz lE Qda orWAt\u2019s grIiT OYZb exTT."} {"original": "The first roller coaster in America opened on Coney Island, in Brooklyn, New York, in 1884.", "scrambled_20%": "The first olrlre coaster in America opened no noyCe Island, in Brooklyn, New York, in 1884.", "scrambled_50%": "The first olrlre ecaosrt in micraeA opened no noyCe Island, ni oylorknB, ewN York, in 1884.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh fsrit olrlre ecaosrt ni micraeA oepedn no noyCe daIlns, ni oylorknB, ewN okYr, ni 1884.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh ftsir rllreo cesrtao in Amcirea odpnee on Conye Isdaln, in Bnkyrolo, Nwe Ykor, in 1884.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The fsirt reollr csoetar in Armceia oneepd on Cneoy Iasnld, in Bkroloyn, New Yrok, in 1884.", "substituted": "hcQ uHXYd vGwDhb pgKQuYj oE SrVymUj CkTGWe cu PRlrh OjgZjC, uY zzAWjnYh, Ypx cgBn, to 1884."} {"original": "The flag, created by activist Ben Haith, founder of the National Juneteenth Celebration Foundation, has a white star in the middle representing the Lone Star State of Texas as well as the freedom of African Americans in all 50 states.", "scrambled_20%": "The flag, created yb activist Ben Haith, onrfeud of het lntaNioa Juneteenth Celebration Foundation, sha a white star in the middle representing the Lone Star taSte of Texas as well sa the freedom of African Americans in lla 50 states.", "scrambled_50%": "Teh flag, tcraede yb activist Ben Haith, onrfeud fo het lntaNioa Juneteenth Celebration otdnoiunaF, sha a hetiw tars in the middle npreetsgreni the Lone Star taSte of Texas sa well sa eth freedom fo African Americans ni lla 50 states.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh gfal, tcraede yb astictiv enB hHtia, onrfeud fo het lntaNioa uenhnJetet ianrboeClte otdnoiunaF, sha a hetiw tars ni het dmedil npreetsgreni eht oLne arSt taSte fo Tsxea sa ellw sa eth eeomrdf fo ifAanrc micneasAr ni lla 50 etsast.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh fgla, cdearte by aitvstic Bne Htaih, fodrneu of teh Nnitloaa Jtenheeutn Coleetrnabi Fdionauotn, hsa a wteih sart in teh mlddei reennegptisr teh Loen Srta Staet of Txsae as wlel as teh fedemor of Aifacnr Acnmieras in all 50 stsaet.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The falg, ctreaed by asivitct Ben Hitah, fnduoer of the Ninotaal Jutneteneh Claoeeritbn Faodtnuoin, has a wthie satr in the mdilde rntseipereng the Lnoe Satr Sttae of Txaes as wlel as the fodreem of Aafcirn Areacinms in all 50 saetts.", "substituted": "vun jnUO, SykDDBy dm TZJmNlhe mYl uLolL, RAIPszs Ck mWo PJatyeWb gvEfyUdaeO riNFdugcqtH DgVKEQHDmE, MJR a fFOMa mlRY uj Nqo ZBaTPS CJGRVFJscnOT ObQ EjCp tPkP iNFBG nK bVRRF hO zFrR xT iTH JnLWNXt QN MyEsGwl lrgqIpdXx Hg Nux 50 FGeyMi."} {"original": "The former health secretary beat rival Kate Forbes in the battle to replace Nicola Sturgeon as leader of the Scottish National Party, after Ash Regan was eliminated in the first-round ballot of party members.", "scrambled_20%": "The orermf health secretary beat rival Kate Forbes in the battle to replace Nicola etrougnS as leader of hte Scottish National Party, aetfr Ash Regan was eliminated ni het first-round ballot of party bmmeesr.", "scrambled_50%": "hTe orermf health secretary beat ivrla Kate seFobr in the battle to replace Nicola etrougnS sa aeledr of hte Scottish itoaalnN Party, aetfr Ash ngRea was enladitemi ni het tirfs-onudr ballot of trapy bmmeesr.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe orermf hhltea atrrecesy bate ivrla eatK seFobr ni hte atlebt ot caepler olcNai etrougnS sa aeledr fo hte octshiSt itoaalnN artyP, aetfr shA ngRea swa enladitemi ni het tirfs-onudr oballt fo trapy bmmeesr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh foerrm hheatl stcryerea btea rlvai Ktae Fsebor in teh btteal to reapcle Nolcia Sntoergu as larede of teh Soicstth Nonaltia Ptary, atefr Ahs Rnage wsa edanmitiel in teh ftsir-rnudo bltalo of pyatr mersbem.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The frmoer htleah srreacety baet ravil Ktae Forebs in the blttae to rplecae Noclia Setrogun as ladeer of the Stioscth Nianatol Ptary, atfer Ash Raegn was eanitleimd in the fsirt-runod ballot of ptray meermbs.", "substituted": "IFj RatMnN XiHBAS uZuKFNtKP sdCa qfdrq jThR LdjjXw TJ xGs yciBoY Uu IxkuryV skQEIT tkfoeOjF qE qzRGKR vy xYu DbKKxuze MmLeZBhi ASpkw, vANcH jQB IHQIq uRV oYLLvKShaH JF wVv Eapxp-ZMROU IAUsRW kb hpvyc lSETKnQ."} {"original": "The former prime minister is contesting the bill for costs incurred at Chevening House in Kent during her tenure as foreign secretary. The costs reportedly include food, wine and missing items, but Truss says the vast majority of the invoice relates to official government business, for which she would not be liable, rather than personal expenses.", "scrambled_20%": "The oefmrr prime minister is contesting eth bill fro scots incurred at Chevening House ni Kent during her retneu sa foreign secretary. The costs reportedly include oodf, ewin and nmigsis items, but Truss says the vast majority of the invoice relates to ciflafoi government business, for which she would not be liable, rather than personal expenses.", "scrambled_50%": "heT oefmrr prime minister si contesting eth bill fro scots ecrudrni at Chevening House ni tKen during hre retneu sa foreign secretary. The costs reportedly licndeu oodf, ewin and nmigsis items, utb Truss yssa the stva majority of het iinceov relates ot ciflafoi government business, for hchwi she lwduo otn be belali, eartrh than personal expenses.", "scrambled_100%": "heT oefmrr piemr teimirns si nntosctgei eth blil fro scots ecrudrni ta neihCnveg Husoe ni tKen rigdun hre retneu sa fniroge eatrseyrc. eTh socts oyepdrletr licndeu oodf, ewin nad nmigsis simet, utb uTsrs yssa eth stva tjoiamyr fo het iinceov ltsraee ot ciflafoi reogmnevnt snseuisb, rfo hchwi hes lwduo otn eb belali, eartrh anht pslanroe essnpxee.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh freorm peirm mireints is cgentntois teh blil fro csots iucrrend at Cvnnhgeie Heuos in Kten dginur hre tneuer as fgenroi serycaret. Teh cstso rlpredtyoe iulecnd fodo, wnei adn mginssi ietms, btu Tssur sysa teh vats mytjaori of teh ivenico reatles to oafcliif getrnemvno bnssesiu, fro wihch seh wluod nto be laiebl, rthrea tnah pnraeols eexssnpe.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The feormr pmrie msteiinr is cesoitnntg the blil for csots irnurced at Cnienhevg Husoe in Knet dnriug her tnreue as firgoen sreacrety. The ctoss rdoerletpy idlnuce food, wnie and msinisg ietms, but Tusrs syas the vsat mrjaitoy of the iocivne reetlas to oicffail gronevemnt bsusnies, for wichh she wulod not be lialbe, reathr tahn peorasnl epxeness.", "substituted": "hQc QGzauU Sphyv unwRFEjX vf lEKawHzodA BiJ ohQB ZuC HgEdN SsqvxiLe VV EqLCBuEGj UNZYh ZX gWPi mfpjIb fzX UYgUMA TM lycoKQR arrPNgRAX. PnI qstqJ UpxYKhJiKr dEZDeSn VrxR, HHRo BGT gRKzwpd ynyof, oLZ rjTwp KlVm RaK xmXZ Aczquogw nu utf MJfqVVu xCZzJNQ KT hbZxxUZU nntPGbOdQQ MTRAdRGK, dUY oIUhO rEh hjJGa zAT NG VlAjfH, osOgUo HWNL stxkJiAi JCOEzoaW."} {"original": "The giant sharks were much warmer blooded than other similar species, according to new analysis of teeth fossils. The findings may provide clues about what caused the megalodon to go extinct more than three millions years ago.", "scrambled_20%": "eTh tangi rasskh were much warmer blooded than hrtoe similar escpsei, according ot new analysis of teeth fossils. The findings may provide scelu about what caused the megalodon to go extinct more than three millions years ago.", "scrambled_50%": "eTh tangi rasskh were much earrmw elodobd tanh hrtoe miisral escpsei, according ot ewn analysis of teeth fossils. The findings may provide scelu about awht caused the megalodon ot go tecnitx oemr anht ether millions years ago.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh tangi rasskh reew umhc earrmw elodobd tanh hrtoe miisral escpsei, ridoacgnc ot ewn anilsysa fo eehtt sioslsf. heT niigfsdn aym opdeirv scelu bouat awht usedac het lgamdnooe ot og tecnitx oemr anht ether lomsnili syare oag.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh ganti ssrhka wree mhcu wmrrea beodldo tnah ohetr siilarm secipse, aiocgncrd to nwe assniayl of thete fslossi. Teh fidinsgn mya piedvor cuesl aoutb wtha csduae teh maeodlngo to go ectnitx meor tahn theer mnollisi ysera aog.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The gaint sakhrs wree mcuh weamrr boeoldd tahn ohter sailmir sceepis, acndicorg to new anaislys of teteh fslsios. The fdiingns may poridve celus abuot waht caesud the madleoogn to go enticxt mroe tahn tehre mnoiills yares ago.", "substituted": "xWo PtMEi OxLWqT ivUn ikjb kSBLHI IdeKgnr RkgP NUJuh CgNOkyQ YSAgpHj, sSfDCSJwj gX iKX LksHnYao yo eXYyv qGkUvAM. wXd TekuVOXz XRB hGyNpLq sBPRN zYHIM mZQn YOhDjg SjX NWwsgGpbO iQ br pZuTaWC Ntsn Dzco iJxSY AMBubmXM gCiEe oHs."} {"original": "The government missed Monday\u2019s deadline to hand over Boris Johnson\u2019s WhatsApp messages, because the former prime minister was said to have forgotten the passcode for his old phone. A spokesperson for the former prime minister said Johnson wishes to cooperate with the inquiry. Andrew Whaley, an expert in cybersecurity, dismissed Johnson\u2019s passcode claim, telling Sky News it was a \u201cpretty lame excuse\u201d and that \u201caccessing the data would take minutes\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "ehT government missed ayMond\u2019s ldideena to hand over Boris Johnson\u2019s WhatsApp sgasesem, because the former prime itrmsine was said ot have forgotten the passcode rof his old phone. A spokesperson for the efmrro ierpm minister iads Johnson wishes to cooperate with the inquiry. Andrew Whaley, na expert in cybersecurity, dismissed Johnson\u2019s passcode claim, telling Syk News it swa a \u201cpretty amel excuse\u201d and that \u201caccessing the data would take minutes\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "ehT gvernoemtn missed ayMond\u2019s ldideena ot hand roev soBir Johnson\u2019s WhatsApp sgasesem, ebsceua the former preim itrmsine was said ot have forgotten het passcode rof his dol phone. A spokesperson for the efmrro ierpm irtinmse iads Johnson shiesw ot cooperate with the niqriuy. Andrew Whaley, na expert in cybersecurity, dismissed hsJnono\u2019s acsesopd claim, lnlteig Syk News ti swa a \u201cpretty amel xcusee\u201d dna thta \u201caccessing the tada would take minutes\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "ehT gvernoemtn simeds ayMond\u2019s ldideena ot dnha roev soBir oonnhJs\u2019s phWsatAp sgasesem, ebsceua het romrfe preim itrmsine swa isda ot ahve enofrtgto het sdecspao rof ish dol oehpn. A eekrsopsosnp ofr eht efmrro ierpm irtinmse iads hnnoJso shiesw ot tcarepoeo wthi hte niqriuy. rAwedn lWyahe, na eterpx ni etucceysribyr, ssddeimis hsJnono\u2019s acsesopd mcali, lnlteig Syk sewN ti swa a \u201ctrypet amel xcusee\u201d dna thta \u201ccicnegass eth tada ldouw aetk situemn\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh gemnevtorn msdies Mynado\u2019s dliaeedn to hnad oerv Boisr Jnohosn\u2019s WahspptA msgsasee, bceesau teh freorm prmei msintrie wsa sida to hvea fonttroge teh pseadsoc fro hsi odl poenh. A sensspreookp fro teh ferorm pmeir mtseriin sida Joohnns wsishe to cteopeaor whit teh iynriqu. Anwdre Waeyhl, an epextr in ctbyyurecseri, dmdisesis Jnoohsn\u2019s paessodc cmlai, tgileln Syk Nwse it wsa a \u201cptyert lmea eecxus\u201d adn thta \u201caincssgce teh dtaa woldu taek metsuni\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The geneonvrmt mssied Mnadoy\u2019s ddlenaie to hnad oevr Brios Josonhn\u2019s WatphAsp mgaesses, bausece the fmeorr pmire mneisitr was siad to hvae ftorgeotn the psdoacse for his old ponhe. A srspsekpeoon for the frmeor pmrie mentsiir siad Jhoosnn whesis to crpatooee wtih the inuiqry. Adernw Waehly, an erpxet in ceurecritybsy, dsmsieisd Jsohonn\u2019s pdaocsse cialm, tnlielg Sky Nwes it was a \u201cptrtey lmae ecxsue\u201d and taht \u201cacsncsieg the dtaa wluod tkae meinuts\u201d.", "substituted": "pvq CxbKktTvqx wJcgVg guEObi\u2019s KCpYaLgH Js GVgq ggLj iWYlc bidvQET\u2019s jObfSklK lrqfMtnf, sCwVSDc eEJ urbsuK PMvQi ekolpVSU cIV gkzn Ma PwEU OKRkgaenD Ggn cnlnJTyn mTC Gjz MdZ ewZiT. A UQfDyUAdOOlz FNh sBX FFSvfg gspPb rBltVEIK ogCi ppDYibH hLexoT II NtjAoCypy TdrM TQJ uRvcoUF. dvrgDx fJSmaK, ZL IjqNoj oy PZJKMTGDpMZLw, avjgGjWbK fCAiZdK\u2019s jooGaQoQ YEdJi, gRUWtQa Chg vjcT Jm cJT a \u201cmsmPrd AQTG FVBlSN\u201d FYa aiFw \u201cSioNzFXLe sKR EsNX PTZVi Nwhj LgVoOWq\u201d."} {"original": "The guessing game began last week when the book appeared on multiple bookseller websites under the name 4C Untitled Flatiron Nonfiction Summer 2023. But publishing house Flatiron Books has solved the mystery by revealing that the eagerly anticipated release is about the K-pop boyband and will be published in July under the title Beyond the Story: 10-Year Record of BTS.", "scrambled_20%": "ehT giegunss meag began last week when eth book appeared no multiple keoblorels btwieses under the name 4C Untitled Flatiron Nonfiction Summer 2023. tBu biupglnish house Flatiron Books has solved the mystery by revealing that the eagerly anticipated release is about het K-pop boyband and will eb published ni July under the title Beyond the Story: 10-Year Record of BTS.", "scrambled_50%": "ehT giegunss meag began last week when eth book appeared no ltmpiuel keoblorels btwieses under hte nmae 4C Untitled lFtoanri inonNiftoc Summer 2023. tBu biupglnish sueho Flatiron osoBk has solved het mystery by revealing that teh eagerly anticipated release si about het K-pop obaydbn and will eb published ni uJly under the teitl oenydB the Story: 10-Year cdoreR fo SBT.", "scrambled_100%": "ehT giegunss meag anegb tals kwee hnwe eth obko preeapda no ltmpiuel keoblorels btwieses nderu hte nmae 4C ttediUnl lFtoanri inonNiftoc urmSem 2023. tBu biupglnish sueho taroFnil osoBk ahs edovls het rtyysem yb venearigl htat teh yraegel dceipatinat areseel si toaub het K-ppo obaydbn nda lwli eb ipudhelsb ni uJly duren hte teitl oenydB het rSyot: 10-earY cdoreR fo SBT.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh gissueng geam bgane lsat wkee wneh teh boko aparpdee on mipltelu bokelerslo wssiebet udrne teh neam 4C Uedltnti Ftanilor Nnotficoin Suemrm 2023. Btu phiinlsgbu hseou Fltnairo Bkoos hsa sovedl teh myeryts by rveaiengl tath teh eleyarg aetidptncia rleseea is auotb teh K-ppo bnaobyd adn wlil be pbsihduel in Jylu udrne teh teitl Bnedyo teh Syotr: 10-Yaer Rrecdo of BST.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The gusnesig gmae bgaen lsat week wehn the book appeeard on mtlpilue bloelesokr wbeesits uednr the nmae 4C Ueiltntd Ftrloian Noifnicotn Semumr 2023. But pinulhibsg hsoue Folraitn Bokos has slevod the mtyersy by rliaenevg taht the egrlaey aaptiientcd rseelae is aoubt the K-pop bbnyoad and wlil be phulsiebd in Jluy udner the ttile Bonyed the Stroy: 10-Yaer Rercod of BTS.", "substituted": "SZH ptGucvBD CRuX WPOdx CJfb xaPn Mbaa DWr VFwt YltSSazl aY EfVxYZfE HuxgHqqOKC aHCwgcQX EPCPB WsN kLPk 4C XcXyFtzx KUyRkOhE LtTBGmwDzT NIaWCH 2023. Nwm YlfKXRXJLZ EueQR fWiVJjhE StlqJ jfD kpgptE Srd VcjsQqO vY SCsXNrvWN VFFs wPa TzqKTHw ePaPqhBHoXX YkbgFzi UJ rpmmR NPH K-TTD QErhvza ozO xvYR wD fmViGTPhv dI BHIN beBsY dRb jBqJf sacpxc XTW ZCkpX: 10-AWYo NoPvhA CR Pty."} {"original": "The head of Lanzarote\u2019s local government told a tourism trade fair in Berlin that the Canary island\u2019s resorts had become overly reliant on \u201cmass market\u201d holidaymakers from the UK and should be focusing on visitors from Germany, \u201cwho spend more when they are here\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "The head of Lanzarote\u2019s local government told a rosimut trade fair in Berlin thta the Canary island\u2019s oersstr had obmeec overly reliant on \u201cmass market\u201d holidaymakers from hte UK nda should eb focusing on visitors from Germany, \u201cowh spend more hnwe they are here\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "The head of Lanzarote\u2019s local emrgtnvoen told a rosimut trade fair in Berlin thta het nrayaC island\u2019s oersstr hda obmeec rlovye etirnal on \u201cmass market\u201d holidaymakers from hte KU nda should eb csiuogfn on strisivo mrof Germany, \u201cowh npdes omre hnwe they ear here\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh dahe fo tLnrozeaa\u2019s alolc emrgtnvoen ltdo a rosimut eardt frai ni nrBlie thta het nrayaC snaidl\u2019s oersstr hda obmeec rlovye etirnal no \u201csmas eratmk\u201d shyeaiadrmolk ofrm hte KU nda uhsdlo eb csiuogfn no strisivo mrof remGyna, \u201cowh npdes omre hnwe etyh ear hree\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh hdea of Lrzneaato\u2019s lcloa gvetrnenom tldo a tursmoi tread fari in Bneilr thta teh Cyaanr ilsdan\u2019s rsotesr hda beoemc oeylvr rnleita on \u201cmsas matekr\u201d hadyiemoklrsa form teh UK adn sldhuo be fusgoicn on vosrtisi frmo Gaynrem, \u201cwoh sdpne mero wnhe teyh aer hree\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The haed of Ltaaozrne\u2019s laocl gnoervment tlod a tiorsum tdare fiar in Bleirn taht the Craany inasld\u2019s rroests had beocme ovelry rnialet on \u201cmsas marekt\u201d haeokmylirads form the UK and suolhd be fsnioucg on virostis form Gamnery, \u201cwho snepd mroe wehn tehy are hree\u201d.", "substituted": "RSX pgoy uu kVCIokOrG\u2019s JaVmb upExZpSShA RyCb a DqTTmIr PAnVf tQQm Ep tFbYhu TDmo iwv ucQlUv NjgTvP\u2019s RQMkiVN MYZ EZQYlK ZNpWMe PNTGowA CA \u201cSwxC BrAiGm\u201d pRKYvBIxLadUQ Ogza Rmd ec StU pmgAGo uz qSxonpaW uQ acMjoEQZ yEFe MdyauOa, \u201ctic kFOwr xcLR sPlt ZsCn FVb ZkJG\u201d."} {"original": "The historic Crooked House, in the village of Himley, has called time following 192 years of trading, after being sold to a private buyer \u201cfor alternative use\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "The historic Crooked House, ni the laligev of Himley, sha llcdae time following 192 years of trading, after being sold ot a private buyer \u201cfor alternative use\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "The historic Crooked eHsou, ni the laligev fo Himley, sha llcdae time following 192 esyar fo trading, reatf being sold ot a private eurby \u201cfor etvnaarltei use\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh rihscoti redoCko eHsou, ni hte laligev fo mHyeil, sha llcdae etmi nlwlogifo 192 esyar fo giatrnd, reatf igneb slod ot a eavprit eurby \u201corf etvnaarltei esu\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh hitcosri Ckdoore Hueos, in teh vgleail of Hylmie, hsa cdalle tiem fnilgwolo 192 yreas of tadigrn, aertf bgien sodl to a pveirat burye \u201cfro aantlivrete ues\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The htoirisc Cekrood Hsoue, in the vlalgie of Helimy, has caelld tmie folinlowg 192 yaers of tdiarng, atefr bneig slod to a prtavie byeur \u201cfor anieavlttre use\u201d.", "substituted": "NAv ZpEIuGry ucTiXkS FujXw, gh Mky dydRehV fD uZCXES, jth OhMKjz zMIl jxpXcsVhi 192 ZUinB ca VaZfOCs, WLXlN ejdPj HhdJ ui a kqsssxC Wpsiz \u201cqTH RPmIXkoSfXA DjH\u201d."} {"original": "The indictment makes Trump the first ex-president in US history to face criminal charges. The case against him centres on an alleged $130,000 (\u00a3105,000) payment made to adult film star Stormy Daniels during the final days of the 2016 presidential campaign.", "scrambled_20%": "The indictment smeak Trump the first ex-president in SU oshyrti to face criminal charges. The case against mhi centres on an alleged $130,000 (\u00a3105,000) ypetnma made ot adult film star Stormy Daniels gdruin the final days of het 2016 presidential campaign.", "scrambled_50%": "The indictment smeak rpmuT eth first xe-nsdreietp ni SU oshyrti ot face ianlcmir charges. hTe case against mhi centres on an delalge $130,000 (\u00a3105,000) ypetnma made ot adult film atrs Stormy ialnDes gdruin the final days fo het 2016 presidential campaign.", "scrambled_100%": "heT endtcnitmi smeak rpmuT eth strif xe-nsdreietp ni SU oshyrti ot eafc ianlcmir recagsh. hTe csea gnsiaat mhi secetnr no na delalge $130,000 (\u00a3105,000) ypetnma adem ot dtlua flmi atrs mtSyro ialnDes gdruin eth niafl dsay fo het 2016 tedaeprlisni mcgipana.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh itnncdmite msake Tpurm teh frsti ex-ptnresedi in US hoysrti to feac cnmilrai crgehsa. Teh ceas asgtain hmi csetern on an agedlel $130,000 (\u00a3105,000) pteynma mead to audtl fmil srat Sytorm Dlensai dgnrui teh flnia dyas of teh 2016 pdltnesieria cmgnpiaa.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The incendmitt maeks Tumrp the frsit ex-pedniesrt in US hrtoisy to fcae cnaiirml caerghs. The csae anisagt him ctreens on an aellegd $130,000 (\u00a3105,000) pynmaet mdae to adlut flim satr Sormty Denilas dinurg the fainl dyas of the 2016 paniteiesrdl cpimaagn.", "substituted": "wei WpoXlzAUYe kWVAu GSouR smO cBIbB MS-rcyPPDxoT Bo Ch GcSBbqL Ar beBg DuztwusB eMdjWZb. Fru uwEg hmFdHdO jgT btZNxGf qy YL jXkDYEb $130,000 (\u00a3105,000) YBgrUVY sjzf bC WjGyn VKso EInx MTcoNQ ZDcDETF spztmV kLB GbLpW rWOp OQ IjD 2016 MszAbphiYMOE FOBgsNDh."} {"original": "The journalist and author is suing the former president for battery and defamation, claiming he raped her in a department store changing room in 1996 and then denied it years later. Trump denies the charges and is not expected to appear in court.", "scrambled_20%": "The journalist and rotauh is suing eth eromrf president for battery and defamation, ailinmcg he raped her in a department otesr changing room in 1996 dna then denied it years later. Trump denies het charges and is not expected ot appear in court.", "scrambled_50%": "heT journalist and rotauh is nsugi eth eromrf rdspeeitn orf battery dan fnedtmioaa, ailinmcg he dpear her in a department otesr incgahng room in 1996 dna then dnidee ti years later. Trump denies het reashcg nda is not etecdxep ot appear in court.", "scrambled_100%": "heT liasurnjto dan rotauh si nsugi eth eromrf rdspeeitn orf atetybr dan fnedtmioaa, ailinmcg eh dpear hre ni a tedenpamtr otesr incgahng oomr ni 1996 dna nteh dnidee ti raesy reatl. rTmpu sednei het reashcg nda si tno etecdxep ot arappe ni crtuo.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh jnuirasolt adn arotuh is sigun teh fromre pteersndi fro betyrta adn dteimoaafn, cmniagil he rdape hre in a dtemrntpea serto cagnhgni rmoo in 1996 adn thne deinde it yrsea leart. Tpmur dnesei teh chgaser adn is nto edpctexe to aeprap in ctrou.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The jinlsaurot and autohr is sinug the freomr penseidrt for brtetay and daaemftion, cainlmig he rpead her in a dmnrtepeat srtoe cihagnng room in 1996 and tehn dineed it yeras ltear. Tumrp dienes the carghes and is not epectexd to aeppar in curot.", "substituted": "IOI ZtNXscyWTU Sby flxRbj an bSTEr oiY WYusWQ rXyQvAKpm rOz PJxjuyt MRU gCThUqwHFj, BtPHdPyV en xUPxh oAo AK a ZJdnRLWtYb LQmhc VFibelxG lWRd VH 1996 LVC eZIV eGfEKQ LP pIxMU vCZCw. VRIVG jSveUd Fin pMCYkxm RxM HJ hYZ BsTgwPJj Er HBTQbJ Ua PwIeR."} {"original": "The landmark ruling concludes a 10-year legal case in which the couple sought the right to \u201ca quiet life\u201d and \u201crest\u201d at their home in Carmine, a district with bustling nightlife in the northern city of Brescia.", "scrambled_20%": "heT dnkarlma ruling concludes a 10-year legal case in which eth cluepo sought the right ot \u201ca quiet life\u201d dan \u201crest\u201d at their home in Carmine, a district with bustling tgieifhnl in the northern city of Brescia.", "scrambled_50%": "heT dnkarlma gnruil ncsuelcod a 10-year legal case in which eth cluepo ugtosh the hrigt ot \u201ca quiet ifel\u201d dan \u201crest\u201d at their home in Carmine, a district thiw bgiltusn tgieifhnl ni eht nonrehtr city of Brescia.", "scrambled_100%": "heT dnkarlma gnruil ncsuelcod a 10-yera elalg caes ni hwchi eth cluepo ugtosh het hrigt ot \u201ca qieut ifel\u201d dan \u201csetr\u201d ta eirth mheo ni iremnaC, a ttridcsi thiw bgiltusn tgieifhnl ni eht nonrehtr cyit fo iesacBr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh lmrnakda rilugn cclusoden a 10-yrea lglea ceas in wihch teh cuopel sthoug teh rgith to \u201ca qeuti lfei\u201d adn \u201crtse\u201d at tihre heom in Ciraenm, a drtiicst wthi bsgtulni netilhfig in teh nrtrehon ctyi of Bsareci.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The lraadmnk ruinlg cncodleus a 10-yaer leagl csae in wichh the culpoe shguot the rgiht to \u201ca qeuit lfie\u201d and \u201crset\u201d at thier hmoe in Ciranme, a dsciitrt wtih blnustig nihtlfgie in the noerthrn ctiy of Biresca.", "substituted": "mGL rvexbGGY CYnCNs VdQlcVTmY a 10-JfCI JmStQ smHY IK YnxES MjU fpzHry GIttDG hix Zrxne CC \u201ca ISOcB sOnV\u201d mVe \u201cVTNP\u201d Lh HEElN OUMs Wh DmNtlQb, a nwexkwWp ffvn WeHTFPEp aAHgOFOhw Sl VRk DXVZGxum FdMB Nj vhqUsdu."} {"original": "The last passenger rescued had been upside down for more than three hours after the ride stalled. The ride has been temporarily closed while authorities investigate the terrifying ordeal.", "scrambled_20%": "The last passenger rescued hda nebe upside down for mreo than three hours after eth ride dlleast. The ride has ebne temporarily closed while authorities investigate the terrifying ordeal.", "scrambled_50%": "The astl spersgnae rescued hda nebe siuepd down for mreo ntha three hrosu after eth ried dlleast. heT ride has ebne opaymerlrit closed while authorities investigate eth terrifying ordeal.", "scrambled_100%": "ehT astl spersgnae cseuerd hda nebe siuepd ownd ofr mreo ntha heret hrosu taerf eth ried dlleast. heT erdi ahs ebne opaymerlrit ocldes iwhle uiaethitrso gisievatnte eth igneirtfyr aerdlo.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh lsta psearsneg rdeuesc hda bene ueidps dnwo fro moer tanh trehe husro arfte teh reid sdatlel. Teh rdei hsa bene typlarroiem clsoed wleih aetriohtsui ieenaisgtvt teh tyieifnrgr odreal.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The lsat pgsasneer rcseeud had been udipse dwon for mroe tahn trehe hruos atefr the rdie sltaeld. The rdie has been toearrpilmy coseld wihle arhioeutits ieaivtntsge the trrniieyfg oeardl.", "substituted": "iQy Oqij anZGqUBji WsQogOX Buv LzRs BryOVp kqtO MtM AIfR acbd quDnH zWZNI hlNTD hBA ipOU eJpZpBa. VRL mtUi XiU qSAY iqGEqPwiQKF tYbfTo OPtIW nvyzDSyxeTu zEfwBnaODgN aot lGFtmNFXpD dVMhqC."} {"original": "The latest victory puts Man City joint with Aston Villa for total FA Cup title wins. The record for the most wins is held be Arsenal, at 14, followed by Man Utd (12), and Chelsea, Liverpool and Tottenham (all on 8).", "scrambled_20%": "The latest victory puts Man City otnij with Aston Villa for total AF Cup title wins. heT drecor orf the most nwis is held be Arsenal, at 14, followed yb Man Utd (12), and Chelsea, Liverpool and toahnemTt (all on 8).", "scrambled_50%": "The etstal rtoivyc puts anM City otnij twih Aston Villa for total AF Cup telit snwi. heT drecor orf the most nwis is held eb Arsenal, at 14, followed yb naM Utd (12), nad heaelCs, eovpoirLl and toahnemTt (all on 8).", "scrambled_100%": "heT etstal rtoivyc upts anM tyiC otnij twih ntAos alilV fro totla AF Cpu telit snwi. heT drecor orf eth tmso nwis si hdel eb aAlenrs, ta 14, foedlolw yb naM dtU (12), nad heaelCs, eovpoirLl nad toahnemTt (lla no 8).", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh lsteta votycri pust Mna Ciyt jonti wthi Ansto Valli fro tlota FA Cpu telti wnsi. Teh rcdroe fro teh mtos wsni is hedl be Aslnrea, at 14, foldewlo by Mna Udt (12), adn Caheesl, Lpeolriov adn Tentotmha (all on 8).", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The ltseat vticory ptus Man Ctiy jnoit wtih Atosn Vllia for toatl FA Cup tlite wnis. The rcreod for the msot wnis is hled be Aansrel, at 14, fweollod by Man Utd (12), and Clseeha, Leoopirvl and Tanteohtm (all on 8).", "substituted": "eNj TDoYiF AsCgmde tfdG sbt ztUg HqjQA PvUd eJEfP pqvum tFM nbqcY YJ JZs iFwnK EQdm. cKg SUZgcm IMn UYl qLZG UpzH Ga ACbE Du BekZooF, gK 14, lMwFZXNo sw VxB OuG (12), jjq yUCaPTP, rtxqCgGqW Qkt IjInCBwnU (HXH dh 8)."} {"original": "The layoffs at Disney are set to impact about 7,000 jobs, CEO Bob Iger said this week.", "scrambled_20%": "The layoffs at eDsyni are tes to impact about 7,000 jobs, CEO Bob Iger sdai this week.", "scrambled_50%": "eTh ofaylsf ta eDsyni are tes to ipctam about 7,000 jobs, CEO obB Iger sdai this week.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh ofaylsf ta eDsyni aer tes ot ipctam tuoba 7,000 bsjo, OEC obB ergI sdai shti eekw.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh lfosfay at Deynsi aer ste to ipctma atubo 7,000 josb, COE Bbo Irge siad tshi wkee.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The lfofays at Desiny are set to iampct aoubt 7,000 jbos, CEO Bob Iegr siad tihs week.", "substituted": "STH ZoPZsWt EL NGjYyR xpx bCG ij RVMHZj UGjqu 7,000 HxpM, SwI Mei LZqY wBWw DYUP FQoP."} {"original": "The leisure and hospitality industry is struggling to recover all the workers it lost due to the pandemic, recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows. This sector has the biggest shortage of workers, down 349,000 people, or 2% of the total pre-pandemic workforce.", "scrambled_20%": "The ieulrse and ophtlsatiyi industry is struggling to vecrero all the workers it lost due to the pandemic, tceern data from hte Bureau of Labor Statistics shows. hsTi sector sah the biggest shortage of workers, down 349,000 people, or 2% fo the ttlao pre-pandemic workforce.", "scrambled_50%": "The ieulrse dan ophtlsatiyi tydrsniu si snuilgtgrg ot vecrero all the workers ti lost due ot the pandemic, tceern data fmor hte Bureau of Labor aittstiScs shows. hsTi soretc sah the biggest aesogrht of krweosr, down 349,000 people, or 2% fo eth ttlao pre-pandemic workforce.", "scrambled_100%": "heT ieulrse dan ophtlsatiyi tydrsniu si snuilgtgrg ot vecrero lla hte rwroesk ti tsol edu ot eth aiepmndc, tceern aadt fmor hte raBuue fo rLabo aittstiScs woshs. hsTi soretc sah eth igtsebg aesogrht fo krweosr, wdno 349,000 pleeop, ro 2% fo eth ttlao rep-macpedni ofrokwrec.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh leuiesr adn hapiistloyt isurdtyn is snugltgrgi to rrovcee all teh wsoekrr it lsto deu to teh pcaenimd, rtenec dtaa fomr teh Bruaue of Lroba Saitssttci swohs. Tish sceotr hsa teh bisgget shaogter of weokrsr, dnow 349,000 peoelp, or 2% of teh ttaol per-pdnameci wkroeocfr.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The lrueise and hpotlsatiiy isrnudty is sngugltirg to rveoecr all the werkors it lsot due to the pnmaidec, rneect dtaa form the Beurau of Lboar Stasiticts sohws. Tihs stocer has the bgegsit soatghre of wrkroes, dwon 349,000 peploe, or 2% of the tatol pre-pamnidec wokcrfroe.", "substituted": "ZKm qqkMWlS KSp KExAesuARQV micBNUna rd JchamftKFQ Im WlMqYFV RGk ICE DbWHoZr IY eVFp czd Ya TxK EbbOCnXV, JGGOAR TXoM tQLT MnI UpuMmH rk YrKrw RXVUldLdrw rnYZq. iblZ QYqLZL lJj ewx QPQTcmZ YskGylpD Tj MrpWYVv, qFAS 349,000 vviLJs, wm 2% jo lEj FjeUp nMs-kGrypIQp cPXbCCxUk."} {"original": "The lifting of Title 42 means that the US government will return to a decades-old section of the US code known as Title 8, which Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has warned would carry \u201cmore severe\u201d consequences for migrants found to be entering the country unlawfully.", "scrambled_20%": "The lifting fo Title 42 means that the US government will return to a decades-lod section fo the US code known as Title 8, ihchw Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has warned ulwdo carry \u201cmore severe\u201d scqunseneoce fro migrants found to eb entering eth country unlawfully.", "scrambled_50%": "The lfniitg fo Title 42 means that eht US government lwil rnretu to a decades-lod section fo teh SU code known sa liTte 8, ihchw Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has warned ulwdo yrrca \u201croem severe\u201d scqunseneoce fro migrants found to eb nrentgei eth oucytnr ulnyluflwa.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh lfniitg fo telTi 42 nmsae tath eht SU rnetenogvm lwil rnretu ot a edaecsd-lod noescit fo teh SU deoc nnkwo sa liTte 8, ihchw Haomlend rScytuei tryeacSer Aenoardlj kysMoraa ahs dewrna ulwdo yrrca \u201croem severe\u201d scqunseneoce fro tisnrmga ufodn ot eb nrentgei eth oucytnr ulnyluflwa.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh linftgi of Tteli 42 mnaes ttah teh US gtmnneveor wlli renrut to a deesacd-odl sioncte of teh US cdeo knwno as Telti 8, whchi Holmeadn Sityrecu Styerarec Aaldreonj Mkyraosa hsa wderan wdoul cayrr \u201cmeor seeevr\u201d cnsouqeceens fro mgitnsar fduon to be egientrn teh ctyurno unuayllwfl.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The liitnfg of Tlite 42 maens taht the US gemorvnent wlil rrtuen to a decaeds-old soectin of the US cdoe kwnon as Ttile 8, wihch Honemlad Srticeuy Srtrecaey Aneldarjo Myaaorks has wnraed wulod carry \u201cmroe sereve\u201d cnsqeeucneos for maitgrns funod to be etnnireg the cnoruty ulualwnlfy.", "substituted": "NFE ZBurpoB DI FkWUp 42 TjTpq NSis Sti ZZ mXIxOTdlhV bcds HnYVLy OI a bFWQKtl-vfk tzxokeM RP bwg fv nzEx gHHmH kx joNIZ 8, jHowX VzSTVFyE fzaIkTbG iviWcyLIn CtaRpUVUq sfdFQBlU xRQ SMSsuc LzBAK YjwTR \u201cIVqn kWLlpb\u201d sbIKuxCoNzjc guN DqCZSTNR HcWVX Uw rc mrsVvbee ptY glCpuQg NuHZeBrkDA."} {"original": "The majority of California\u2019s counties were under a state of emergency due to excessive rain and flooding.", "scrambled_20%": "The majority of California\u2019s uoitecns reew under a state fo emergency due to excessive rain and flooding.", "scrambled_50%": "Teh majority of California\u2019s uoitecns reew under a estat fo emergency edu to vcixesese rain and ndoglifo.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh traomiyj fo irofaaCiln\u2019s uoitecns reew enrdu a estat fo geeymcenr edu ot vcixesese nrai nad ndoglifo.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh myaitrjo of Cianaifolr\u2019s cutienso wree urnde a sttea of eeyenmgcr deu to eesiscvxe rina adn foodilgn.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The mjraitoy of Calriinfoa\u2019s cntioeus wree udenr a sttae of egcrenmey due to eixscvsee rian and fnldooig.", "substituted": "NPu guIxZqlN qp PBJVHyFZmG\u2019s jZVQgnOL kZVD hkzrx a fFSMw HH vRRkJVJSx ltq HX CaLdHmjMM PAkK AEl yPwYCqMW."} {"original": "The microscopic roundworm, or nematode, had lain dormant in Siberian permafrost since the last Ice Age. It was unearthed from a fossilised squirrel burrow extracted from the northeastern Arctic in 2002.", "scrambled_20%": "hTe microscopic roundworm, or nematode, had lain dormant in niiaSreb rotpaefsmr since the last Ice gAe. It asw unearthed from a fossilised squirrel burrow extracted from teh northeastern Arctic in 2002.", "scrambled_50%": "hTe microscopic roundworm, or nematode, dha lain dormant in niiaSreb rotpaefsmr icens the last eIc gAe. tI asw unearthed fomr a fossilised squirrel browru extracted mrof teh roasnttreehn Arctic ni 2002.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe cicoipscomr noouwrrmd, ro odemeatn, dha nlia odmtnra ni niiaSreb rotpaefsmr icens hte tlas eIc gAe. tI asw neeurdaht fomr a ssofisdile lusrqier browru tedcxtare mrof teh roasnttreehn tcricA ni 2002.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh mocociriscp rnuodwrmo, or neemdato, hda lina dtrmaon in Sianerib paetrmfsro seinc teh ltsa Iec Aeg. It wsa urehadtne fomr a fseslsdiio slequrri burwro ertcxdaet fmor teh nstthaeneorr Acticr in 2002.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The miorcocpsic roornwdum, or ndtmeaoe, had lian doamrnt in Seraibin porrsmefat scine the lsat Ice Age. It was utrneaehd form a fiilosssed srqeuirl borruw etrexactd form the noahesterrtn Actirc in 2002.", "substituted": "Zro MjNQDBZrjHL QikjZcifT, mn IGqqKejd, reE kjMC XcCMOSg Cg efaCmHYr PYTDfKhDpp jwBCU BaM ADzX PII gpL. op IVj vFDgEnmxq tRuZ a NyEqoGvmQj JGbZhbWI rMWpGq RkXkTZNhF bkNi IEW AZALTtwJiNWh UTRzPH HL 2002."} {"original": "The missing section dates back almost 1,500 years and is one of the earliest translations of the Gospels, according to scientists who used ultraviolet photography to find the chapter hidden beneath three layers of text on a manuscript in the Vatican Library.", "scrambled_20%": "eTh missing section dates kcba almost 1,500 years and is one of het earliest translations of eth Gospels, according ot scientists who used ultraviolet photography to idnf the cahtepr hidden beneath three layers of text on a manuscript in the Vatican yiarLrb.", "scrambled_50%": "eTh ngiisms section eastd kcba almost 1,500 reysa and is noe of het earliest translations fo eth Gospels, according ot scientists who sdue ultraviolet aptrpyhogoh to idnf eth cahtepr hidden beneath rehte arlyes of text on a manuscript ni eht Vatican yiarLrb.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh ngiisms sntieoc eastd kcba lmoast 1,500 reysa adn si noe fo het eatleris tonialsatsnr fo eth olsepGs, rcacngdio ot tsssinetci how sdue ialtrouevlt aptrpyhogoh ot idnf eth cahtepr idhnde eahnetb rehte arlyes fo extt no a atmcinrsup ni eht iVntaac yiarLrb.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh msingsi sctnoei dtesa bcka atosml 1,500 yrsae adn is oen of teh etlraies tosrsalniatn of teh Golpsse, adccringo to sitcentiss woh udse uolrtaitevl phohpgyaotr to fdin teh cahpter hnidde baeehtn treeh lyraes of txet on a mpsaurintc in teh Vanacti Lbirrya.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The msising soitecn daets bcak aomlst 1,500 yares and is one of the eelsrait tlnasaniorts of the Geolpss, anrocdcig to sicteinsts who uesd urtvloleait pahgohtproy to fnid the caphter hieddn btaeneh tehre lyares of txet on a mpiucnsrat in the Vcatian Lbrairy.", "substituted": "Otq bnUVDcy tgfCvFo BqWRf eOEQ tJtsQo 1,500 QNvpQ CCx rW MQc PN atR DuEaUguf PCuqPYKTUSWq pB lWw pKmVdVW, NeTwOJpFK Xw fKdSBHQwSO xQU axaL nphhFrAywES FAjnTzRRwrx lt UDkY Pam xlANCrM LJJawi qVkBviV VidRW MfpUpf Ax BqIa CS a roupEhMDMP tD nLw iIOwtvI HOdepmm."} {"original": "The new Covid-19 vaccines, which should be ready by the end of September, will be made available directly from the manufacturers on the commercial market, rather than through the US government.", "scrambled_20%": "The new Covid-19 vsncciae, which should be ready by the end of etmpbeSer, will be dmea available directly ofmr the manufacturers on the commercial market, rather than through het SU government.", "scrambled_50%": "Teh new Covid-19 vsncciae, which should be ready by the end fo etmpbeSer, ilwl be dmea available cydrleit ofmr hte amruntfaercus no het commercial market, earhtr ahnt through het SU government.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh wne ovidC-19 vsncciae, hwhci dslhuo eb eyrda yb eth nde fo etmpbeSer, ilwl eb dmea aibaallev cydrleit ofmr hte amruntfaercus no het cmlemicoar mertka, earhtr ahnt uthhrgo het SU ngortmevne.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh nwe Cvido-19 vecscina, wchih shlduo be raedy by teh edn of Srepbmeet, will be mdea alabaevil diectylr fomr teh mutusreacarfn on teh ceomlmrcai meatkr, rhatre thna troughh teh US grnmtvneoe.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The new Civod-19 vcaniecs, wihch sluohd be rdeay by the end of Seteepmbr, wlil be mdae abalialve detircly form the metcnururafas on the ccaiomerml mkeart, rehatr tahn tgorhuh the US gomneenvrt.", "substituted": "oww pqd lUeBL-19 FIQsBRhJ, HoZwX rLeIkn nG vjdAr Yd ASy pKb tQ rGLHWJixV, AONJ PZ wwMp KDHekVdGY TWTDGTpW lTKf FzH zovTEjVOtLYmX Yk JJm tTddMXWrbq UCpQYP, dsCIaL mTlA jbpFwxV mVW bR ZuYoBaESId."} {"original": "The newly announced cast of the upcoming eight-part series \u2013 set in the cut-throat world of independent television in 1980s England \u2013 also includes Aidan Turner, Claire Rushbrook, Oliver Chris and Emily Atack.", "scrambled_20%": "The newly announced stca of the upcoming eight-part series \u2013 set in the cut-throat rldwo of independent television in 1980s England \u2013 soal isulecdn ndAai Turner, Claire ohrsRbkuo, Oliver Chris and Emily Atack.", "scrambled_50%": "eTh newly announced stca fo hte upcoming gihte-part erises \u2013 set in eth cut-throat rldwo of independent television in 1980s England \u2013 soal isulecdn ndAai Turner, raeliC ohrsRbkuo, revOil hsiCr and mEiyl Atack.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh nelwy oduaecnnn stca fo hte oimcnupg gihte-tpra erises \u2013 ets ni eth tcu-arttho rldwo fo deitnnneped etovieinsl ni 1980s nalnEgd \u2013 soal isulecdn ndAai uenrrT, raeliC ohrsRbkuo, revOil hsiCr dan mEiyl aActk.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh nywel ancoundne csat of teh unpcoimg ehgti-prta sresei \u2013 ste in teh ctu-thotar wdrlo of idenenpdtne teeisinovl in 1980s Enlgadn \u2013 asol ilnuecsd Aiadn Tenrur, Creali Rkrboosuh, Orevil Csihr adn Eilmy Aatkc.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The nlwey aonenncud csat of the umnciopg ehigt-prat sirees \u2013 set in the cut-tahrot wlord of inenpnededt tiiesvloen in 1980s Ealngnd \u2013 aslo iundcles Aaidn Tnuerr, Cailre Rubhorsok, Oielvr Cirhs and Elimy Atcak.", "substituted": "bjF edLBV hlgXOOqIG rJzf mr Las oRrLNkqO TpcmQ-qftE aWWzbr \u2013 wvD jp eUy PCf-AyouwI Zemyk vq fdYWMyArIow DoHJtLuGNV kc 1980s KETDhVP \u2013 UpSw WYRMBUzF zSLQT FsHBit, bkAOal dRXbMTeZj, aroxIQ XDnoa ZPJ TDHfL zkofc."} {"original": "The oil and gas company has been accused of a \u201cprofiteering bonanza\u201d after making equivalent to \u00a3986 per second in the first quarter of 2023, as households struggle with a cost-of-living crisis largely driven by inflated energy bills. BP this week announced profits of \u00a34bn for the same period.", "scrambled_20%": "The loi and gas company has eben accused of a \u201cetgofneiprri anzoanb\u201d after making alnueivetq to \u00a3986 per second in teh first quarter of 2023, as households struggle ihwt a cost-of-living crisis largely driven by inflated energy bills. BP ihst week announced profits of \u00a34bn for eth same period.", "scrambled_50%": "The loi nad gas paomnyc has eben cdueasc of a \u201cetgofneiprri anzoanb\u201d refta agmnik alnueivetq to \u00a3986 per coedsn in teh first quarter of 2023, as hlouhodess struggle ihwt a cost-fo-living crisis largely videnr yb faletind energy llsbi. BP ihst week announced rtsfpoi of \u00a34nb for eth same doprie.", "scrambled_100%": "heT loi nad sga paomnyc sha eben cdueasc fo a \u201cetgofneiprri anzoanb\u201d refta agmnik alnueivetq ot \u00a3986 rpe coedsn ni teh iftsr uraetrq fo 2023, sa hlouhodess getlsgur ihwt a otsc-fo-nligvi sciris agerlly videnr yb faletind eeyngr llsbi. PB ihst ewke unaeonndc rtsfpoi fo \u00a34nb orf eth esma doprie.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh oli adn gsa canymop hsa bene aesdcuc of a \u201cpeoiigernrft bnaznoa\u201d aeftr mkngia elntivuaeq to \u00a3986 pre sneocd in teh frtsi qeturra of 2023, as hohlousesd sturlgeg wthi a csto-of-lgnivi crsisi llaeryg dveirn by itdnfael eernyg bllis. BP tsih weke acondunne psftrio of \u00a34bn fro teh seam pderoi.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The oil and gas cmnaopy has been accuesd of a \u201cpierrfiotneg bnanzoa\u201d aeftr mknaig elauneiqvt to \u00a3986 per scoend in the fisrt qtraeur of 2023, as hudleooshs slgtrgue wtih a csot-of-lnviig criiss lerlagy dvrein by ifetlnad egrney blils. BP tihs week aeunocnnd potirfs of \u00a34bn for the smae poreid.", "substituted": "rCN LUj VGe hcu vdryQHa MLM PWLP FVsDAyR qo a \u201cudLhnphpoHWh PdGeerV\u201d ScnKo LuCgUn MNbjttPBCM eE \u00a3986 MtB VhLjgp IJ ncd vLzOy vvnewsj Ie 2023, rd SFNoitpDcH SlbMDQuQ NDXM a pugM-lM-OuALrI lbsLuD iZNObkD GfqsEt rW sjaNFUQw vddbxO ulqOc. OR mOET chGS lkDsqUuaz VNGsnLY Gg \u00a34aC guw sxk PPkA cdlRnt."} {"original": "The operator of the bus route, which terminates at the Polish seaside resort of Hel, is making the name change following pressure from religious groups. For more odd and unexpected news, sign up to the Tall Tales newsletter.", "scrambled_20%": "The operator of eth bus outre, which iartemetns at the Polish eeissda troser of Hel, is making the name change following pressure from religious groups. For more ddo and unexpected news, sign up ot the Tall Tales nlestwreet.", "scrambled_50%": "The operator of eth bus outre, hchwi iartemetns ta the Polish eeissda troser of Hel, is knmagi the name hceagn following pressure from religious groups. orF rome ddo nda etnxdcupee news, insg pu ot the Tall eTals nlestwreet.", "scrambled_100%": "ehT rrtoaope fo eth sub outre, hchwi iartemetns ta eht lshPio eeissda troser fo eHl, si knmagi eth maen hceagn nfowgolli repusers mfro lisgireou guspor. orF rome ddo nda etnxdcupee ensw, insg pu ot het lalT eTals nlestwreet.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh oporeatr of teh bsu reuot, whcih tmnaesietr at teh Pshilo sadisee rrtoes of Hle, is mkgani teh nmae cgehan fgownloil psrrseeu fmro riulisgeo gorsup. Fro mreo odd adn ucxenetdep nwse, sgni up to teh Tlal Tsela netltwrsee.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The otraoper of the bus rtuoe, wchih tnaretiems at the Plisoh siadsee rosret of Hel, is miknag the nmae cgnhae fnilloowg prreusse form riouigles gprous. For mroe odd and unxteecepd nwes, sgin up to the Tlal Teals nstelteewr.", "substituted": "wpq Acodkogk mh NTI SBV SgoCa, OwKQt yGKTlEBSmI fF XGz xuLfAD qyFjKry nNkpif xr mtD, bB WPmFtA CQP hryM pOCoGC UYqQadqaH RSZXJFUr cjwv VLecdDMQp XgLMGv. mgK anis Ybk EJJ cyVPcqFibR qRcX, Llzl lC Ms VeN JItS ifURj FLuAdGsIdk."} {"original": "The owls have been named Axl, after frontman Axl Rose, and Slash, in honour of the band\u2019s guitarist, after being found under the stage during the band\u2019s headline set at the festival. For more odd and unexpected news, sign up to the Tall Tales newsletter.", "scrambled_20%": "ehT owls have been named Axl, rtefa frontman Axl Rose, and Slash, in honour of eth band\u2019s iagusttri, raeft giben found under eht stage during the band\u2019s headline set at the festival. For more odd and unexpected news, sign up to het Tall Tales enttrelsew.", "scrambled_50%": "ehT wlos have neeb andme Axl, rtefa mraonfnt lAx Rose, and Slash, in honour of eth andb\u2019s iagusttri, raeft giben found under eht stage urnidg hte dbna\u2019s headline set ta the iseatlvf. For more odd and unexpected news, sign pu to het Tall alTse enttrelsew.", "scrambled_100%": "ehT wlos ehva neeb andme lxA, rtefa mraonfnt lAx seoR, adn Shlas, ni orhnuo fo eth andb\u2019s iagusttri, raeft giben ounfd ndeur eht eagst urnidg hte dbna\u2019s hleanied est ta teh iseatlvf. oFr reom ddo nda uepndcxtee wsen, ngis pu ot het lTla alTse enttrelsew.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh owsl hvae bnee nemda Alx, afret ftmaonnr Alx Reso, adn Shlas, in horuon of teh badn\u2019s gsraituti, arfte bgine fuodn uerdn teh sgeat dgrniu teh bdna\u2019s hnealedi ste at teh fesltaiv. Fro mreo odd adn ueetcxpdne nswe, sngi up to teh Tlal Tslea neewerltst.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The olws hvae been nmaed Axl, aetfr foramtnn Axl Rsoe, and Sslah, in hounor of the bnad\u2019s gratusiit, afetr bnieg fnuod uendr the sgtae druing the bnad\u2019s hdianlee set at the favistel. For mroe odd and uepeetnxcd nwes, sgin up to the Tlal Tlaes neewtteslr.", "substituted": "oRT edmw xIzJ SZof iRDDj Nem, wuOyC RKXfTNEs lDZ TLWg, Bxa wVoiF, mb znHyQa cv QBl Gtuy\u2019s ppCRWPDYT, lhpZO SoYbZ BBfwW GFxbR hMB qvPim BWaOIA Dny kjrr\u2019s sYyFNGrv EBm YW VOa MPTXDutt. BXC rLnO FAT BGL JaPgvgNjZG FxAK, xRCE ra cT vlg jwcw ygjko BRFTChHyLM."} {"original": "The party\u2019s current slogan, \u201cBuild a better Britain\u201d, was introduced in March. Recent YouGov polling found that almost half of Britons think Starmer has failed to set out a clear vision for the party in his three years as leader.", "scrambled_20%": "The party\u2019s current anslgo, \u201cBuild a better Britain\u201d, was etncuddiro in March. Recent YouGov polling found atht almost half of nsortBi think Starmer has fdiael to set tuo a clear vision for the party ni ish three years as leader.", "scrambled_50%": "The party\u2019s current anslgo, \u201cBuild a better rinitaB\u201d, was etncuddiro ni March. Recent YouGov polling fdnou atht mlosat fhla fo nsortBi iknht mrrteSa has fdiael ot set tuo a clear vision for the party ni ish three years sa eedral.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh yatpr\u2019s rurtcne anslgo, \u201cBildu a ettber rinitaB\u201d, wsa etncuddiro ni rhcaM. Rnecte vYGuoo ingollp fdnou atht mlosat fhla fo nsortBi iknht mrrteSa ahs fdiael ot tse tuo a elacr isionv rfo hte ptayr ni ish heter syaer sa eedral.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh ptary\u2019s curertn salogn, \u201cBidlu a bertte Braitin\u201d, wsa idoendcrtu in Mchra. Rcteen YoGuvo plilgno fnduo tath alotsm hlfa of Btorisn tknhi Samretr hsa flieda to ste otu a calre vsniio fro teh pytra in hsi trhee ysrea as leraed.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The ptary\u2019s cernrut sgoaln, \u201cBilud a bteter Batirin\u201d, was itoncduerd in Mcarh. Rcneet YuGoov pinollg funod taht aosmlt hlaf of Bnrtios tinhk Smraetr has fieald to set out a caler voisin for the prtay in his there yreas as ldeaer.", "substituted": "enD ByRxt\u2019s jXUujHI GXxXcX, \u201cmmBOS a xcZCRS qNEJJEW\u201d, fNo PbWmQENPfM lt VJRSM. NgMEso qCWiwW VFBuzpL LDrOe EAqa SxVxig lyHh JZ CovfNBZ dnoQx cPdNliR rBK YBqvFx xe tkX Sbm a ykbyv gSMLiy Erj mkM iKloc eU AeY ofNWj VRwgZ NN LXmyyQ."} {"original": "The prime minister is under investigation by Parliament\u2019s sleaze watchdog over allegations of a possible failure to declare shares held by his wife in a childcare agency boosted by the recent Budget. Sunak has also faced scrutiny over issues including his wife\u2019s non-dom tax status, his US green card and his dog-walking habits.", "scrambled_20%": "The prime minister is under investigation by Parliament\u2019s sleaze wtdaohgc over nlaeitlgoas fo a possible flruiea ot declare shares held by shi wife in a childcare agency ootbesd by the ecrnte Budget. Sunak has also faced scrutiny vero issues including his wife\u2019s non-dom tax status, his US green card and shi dog-walking habits.", "scrambled_50%": "The rimep minister is nrdue investigation yb nriamaltPe\u2019s sleaze wtdaohgc evro nlaeitlgoas fo a possible flruiea ot declare shares edhl by shi wife in a childcare ayegcn ootbesd yb the ecrnte Budget. Skanu has osal ecdfa ycsirunt vero issues including his wife\u2019s non-dom tax atusst, his SU rgnee card and shi dog-walking hiatbs.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh rimep smtniier si nrdue stavteogniiin yb nriamaltPe\u2019s leszae wtdaohgc evro nlaeitlgoas fo a bsseoipl flruiea ot caeledr asrshe edhl yb shi weif ni a eiradlcch ayegcn ootbesd yb eht ecrnte degtBu. Skanu ahs osal ecdfa ycsirunt vero euisss uincinldg sih efwi\u2019s non-mdo axt atusst, ish SU rgnee rcda dan shi ogd-iwklnag hiatbs.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh pirme mrtieins is unred itsnaoiventig by Plarneimat\u2019s sazeel wgdhcota oevr aoilasgtlen of a pslesibo frueali to daecelr sarshe hdel by hsi weif in a cdahercli ancgye btsdoeo by teh rntece Bgtdeu. Sukna hsa aols fdcae sntiurcy orve issseu ilgnnicud hsi wfei\u2019s nno-dmo txa sutsat, hsi US geenr cdra adn hsi dgo-wilagnk hbiats.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The pmrie miisentr is uendr iteoivsiangtn by Pmaleanirt\u2019s salzee whoadctg oevr agtloneilas of a pslbisoe friulae to dlcreae sehars hled by his wfie in a cdhclraie acegny btseood by the rencet Bgduet. Suank has aslo fcaed snrciuty oevr iusses iicnndlug his wfie\u2019s non-dom tax stuats, his US geren crad and his dog-walnkig hatbis.", "substituted": "CFV NVjLv jnhhCslp mW vElRe nwfzpzHNVrPSa Rl XxbvPPSBay\u2019s bKjmiU HkkMWFuW GPMS tjeVQPPtGhL IT a WXpCNNpX craXKLm fs tNfQZfJ AWybTU PcXA Rj PVD IeuA XX a sSRbUreEJ hStjvY BXmamZC Nn fCP NQIhXH MxqLRC. YPGEf suM mfmL BWUuZ IoOHjnkn IKEm Zrcimg qtFbZQxFL rFX iWhx\u2019s kiJ-RxZ CUp PYmcGX, gsv Le TxxtJ qqpE FrD OPD JbH-jHtKIks DlOvEr."} {"original": "The research found that men spent \u00a3920 on average for celebrations in the UK, while women typically paid \u00a3652. For a stag or hen do abroad, men spent an average of \u00a31,256, while women forked out \u00a31,158.", "scrambled_20%": "The research found that men spent \u00a3920 on average for binlaerceots in the UK, while women typically paid \u00a3652. For a stag or hen do bdarao, men penst an egavear of \u00a31,256, while nmewo forked uto \u00a31,158.", "scrambled_50%": "The research found that nme spent \u00a3920 no geavrae for binlaerceots ni the UK, while women plcyilaty paid \u00a3652. orF a tasg or nhe do bdarao, men penst an egavear fo \u00a31,256, iehlw nmewo forked uto \u00a31,158.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe crhresea uodfn ttha nme snpet \u00a3920 no geavrae ofr binlaerceots ni eth KU, wlhei nwome plcyilaty ipda \u00a3652. orF a tasg ro nhe od bdarao, enm penst na egavear fo \u00a31,256, iehlw nmewo krfedo uto \u00a31,158.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh rcaseerh fdoun tath mne snpte \u00a3920 on aevagre fro ciaeborelstn in teh UK, whlei wmneo tlycliapy pida \u00a3652. Fro a stga or hne do aodrab, mne spten an araeveg of \u00a31,256, wheil wmeno froedk otu \u00a31,158.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The rrsceeah fnoud taht men snpet \u00a3920 on aevrage for cetaenoiblrs in the UK, wilhe wmeon tclpyilay piad \u00a3652. For a satg or hen do aaobrd, men spnet an agvaere of \u00a31,256, wlhie wmeon fkroed out \u00a31,158.", "substituted": "suD QaNYkvbF EVxHl EGEs vEJ HywSp \u00a3920 Ec xpRfQqM QKo kcIMwaYNqnyp hA Hbz Lb, aqlzj ZkUoy DbMFeozCE IWlU \u00a3652. KZx a knXM ya tie pf gWCRMK, Crp ENMzl yD ctBieVd vd \u00a31,256, ZUzLz Wxpkw uvquub zhm \u00a31,158."} {"original": "The revised strategy includes dozens of measures ranging from increasing UK wind, solar and nuclear energy to investing in carbon capture and storage.", "scrambled_20%": "The revised strategy ucdesnli dozens of measures nginarg mofr increasing UK wind, solar and nuclear energy to istvening in anorbc capture and storage.", "scrambled_50%": "The evrdsei strategy ucdesnli osdzne fo measures nginarg mofr increasing UK wind, lsaro dan nuclear energy ot istvening in anorbc capture and oreagst.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe evrdsei tyartseg ucdesnli osdzne fo eumessar nginarg mofr iicrensgna KU nwdi, lsaro dan lcenaru reeyng ot istvening ni anorbc pcauetr dan oreagst.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh rdeevis sgrettya iusnclde dsezon of meserusa rgannig fmro ignsicaern UK wndi, srlao adn neclrua eynger to itinvesgn in cnroba catrepu adn sgrteao.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The rsieved sagtrtey iudlcens dnozes of mseeruas rinagng form iinercansg UK wnid, saolr and nlacuer enrgey to ietnsinvg in crboan cpturae and sagtore.", "substituted": "VpH UzZfbYz xTcQubrJ foWnaZGP ahTdTG KB tAGbVypL WwyaJqV KEnn sCqxYNUSsC du IdBK, eqfiL sXo BdHVoeS MixlGk mP SSuYnVKLd tO jMqNsb wiAengj EAS wHNcXEM."} {"original": "The rock star\u2019s concert in Ferrara, with a crowd of 50,000 fans, drew criticism from a local councillor who deemed it insensitive to the \u201cpain, desperation, and difficulties\u201d faced by flood evacuees near the worst of the disaster, merely 30 miles away.", "scrambled_20%": "The rock star\u2019s concert in Ferrara, with a cowrd fo 50,000 fans, ewdr criticism from a local councillor who deemed it insensitive to eht \u201cpain, desperation, and difficulties\u201d efadc by lfdoo evacuees aren the wtors of the disaster, merely 30 miles away.", "scrambled_50%": "heT rock tars\u2019s nrtceoc in Ferrara, with a cowrd fo 50,000 ansf, ewdr tsciimrci from a loalc councillor who edeedm it insensitive to eht \u201cpain, desperation, and difficulties\u201d efadc by lfdoo evacuees aren the wtors fo eth disaster, ymeler 30 selmi away.", "scrambled_100%": "heT rcko tars\u2019s nrtceoc ni reraaFr, ihtw a cowrd fo 50,000 ansf, ewdr tsciimrci mrfo a loalc onclloicru woh edeedm ti eieisinvstn ot eht \u201capin, neripdeotas, nad iicfftuedsil\u201d efadc yb lfdoo evesucea aren het wtors fo eth riseadst, ymeler 30 selmi aayw.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh rcok satr\u2019s crcoent in Faerarr, wtih a cowdr of 50,000 fasn, drwe cmitrcsii fmro a loalc criconlolu woh dmeeed it iienventssi to teh \u201cpian, dstaneoiper, adn dfcsiiueflti\u201d fcade by fdool eucvseae naer teh wsotr of teh detiassr, meyler 30 mlsie aayw.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The rcok satr\u2019s coercnt in Farrera, wtih a cowrd of 50,000 fnas, derw cstrciiim form a lcaol ciclulnoor who deemed it issnivnteie to the \u201cpian, daioreptsen, and duitlefifcis\u201d faecd by flood euvaeecs naer the wosrt of the disseatr, mleery 30 melis aawy.", "substituted": "BSl CEVn rWQR\u2019s aRWlnBb MD QkAwMdH, HMbG a uncGR zs 50,000 AWWq, mwtX sCDbKGGlv YYGF a xnCKc BRemlmOrcD Qjc exJTYH Fm jpYXJuZbGyk QB cKy \u201cysIB, zqWfLgmyLvu, vKv WokCzpgmVagJ\u201d UdzDS SV QklOf HfHWBqIr LZIK NSz jTVyM Dw AvE cDmTpKQx, GSejTt 30 WnPDf tlmK."} {"original": "The rules would require electric vehicles to account for up to two-thirds of new cars sold in the US by 2032 in what would be one of the Biden administration\u2019s most aggressive climate-change policies yet.", "scrambled_20%": "The rules would require ticclere vehicles to account rof pu to two-thirds of new scra sold in the US yb 2032 in what odlwu be one of the Biden administration\u2019s most aggressive climate-change policies tye.", "scrambled_50%": "The rules udowl require ticclere vehicles ot account rof pu to two-thirds of enw scra sold in the SU yb 2032 in ahtw odlwu eb oen of the eiBnd administration\u2019s smto aggressive climate-hneagc iplceios tye.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh lrues udowl qiureer ticclere ehecvlsi ot ccuaton rof pu ot tow-sdtihr fo enw scra ldos ni eth SU yb 2032 ni ahtw odlwu eb oen fo eht eiBnd nadoiinrtasitm\u2019s smto egvargeiss lecmtia-hneagc iplceios tye.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh rsule wloud ruereqi etirlcce vhlcesei to aonctcu fro up to tow-tdhisr of nwe crsa sldo in teh US by 2032 in wtha wlodu be oen of teh Bdnie aninmtdsroiiat\u2019s mtos avgrgsesie catlemi-cehnga psliieco yte.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The reuls wloud ruierqe ereciltc vheilces to anocuct for up to two-tirdhs of new cras slod in the US by 2032 in waht wulod be one of the Bdien aidaiirnotstmn\u2019s msot aregsvsgie cimatle-cngahe pleiicos yet.", "substituted": "WNE dvSJv pTJyI AZDHlfJ PEiGFxyR ZLgCUvVf hJ yVtNqOY GYm ZS Qv GJH-dMxxJl YD FQl PNxR rrYq bq CNy wo GI 2032 vP ULPZ BuQGT eT JGq Gh APp wGwUg MAiEONPCORnFKO\u2019s EUbG hSDoUrLaSu iBzKbUl-DmDiFX shjaLDGK FAL."} {"original": "The six-part show, hosted by Anna Richardson, features adults removing their clothes in front of teenagers, sparking criticism from viewers and Conservative MPs.", "scrambled_20%": "The ixs-part show, hosted yb Anna dRchisnoar, features adults removing their ctesolh in front of teenagers, sparking criticism from sveiwer and Conservative MPs.", "scrambled_50%": "Teh ixs-prta show, hosted yb nAan dRchisnoar, etfaseur adults mgoreinv hreti ctesolh ni front of teenagers, sparking criticism from sveiwer and Conservative MPs.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh ixs-prta ohsw, otsedh yb nAan dRchisnoar, etfaseur tlsdua mgoreinv hreti ctesolh ni onftr fo negeertsa, kpsanirg crmsciiit rmfo sveiwer dan rCviteaenvos PsM.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh sxi-prta swoh, hdetso by Aann Rsdhnciora, fsateeru asuldt rnmgevio theri coslteh in fntor of teeaengsr, spkainrg cirtciims frmo virsewe adn Csnervovteai MsP.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The six-prat sohw, hestod by Anna Rdrociashn, feearuts adluts rmonveig tehir chloets in fnrot of teeregans, saikprng cstiricim form vrweies and Cvraseiovtne MPs.", "substituted": "uIU XvP-yutS zxMx, AgDZuk cT HJes zdolWZTwse, nKBOgFZA kUXziS AEbjtQzb RnLKN xgrYCZe UF YWpmE UW ELapFUYNp, XFcnMRQa wuBeLXyoj vXZk IVGsqti Ogc jAeryHiDxlhg jst."} {"original": "The so-called \u201ccocaine hippos\u201d are descendants of four brought to Colombia by late druglord Pablo Escobar. Warnings that they pose a serious threat to humans and other wildlife have intensified after a new census found that the invasive hippo population has expanded to up to 215.", "scrambled_20%": "The so-called \u201ccocaine hippos\u201d are descendants of four brought to Colombia by elta druglord Poabl Escobar. Warnings atht they eops a suireos threat to humans and other wildlife ahve intensified after a wen census found atth the invasive opihp population has expanded to up to 215.", "scrambled_50%": "The so-called \u201cccoinea pohspi\u201d aer descendants of four hugtorb to Colombia yb elta druglord Poabl Eacbosr. rnaisngW atht they eops a suireos threat to humans dan ohter wildlife ahve ifednsnitei after a wen census found atth the nasievvi opihp tiplanpoou has expanded to up ot 215.", "scrambled_100%": "heT os-lalecd \u201cccoinea pohspi\u201d aer dentecasdsn fo uorf hugtorb ot lmbaoCoi yb elta oldrurdg Poabl Eacbosr. rnaisngW atht eyth eops a suireos rtahet ot amunhs dan ohter efwliidl ahve ifednsnitei ftare a wen cunsse dunfo atth het nasievvi opihp tiplanpoou sah adexnepd ot pu ot 215.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh so-cellda \u201cccoenai hpospi\u201d aer dscaeedsntn of furo buhtogr to Claiobom by leat dugrdlor Plabo Eorasbc. Wngsanri thta tehy peos a siurose tahrte to hnsuma adn oehrt wldifiel heav iidseefinnt aretf a nwe cenuss fdnou ttha teh ivaesnvi hpoip pnpoilotau hsa eddpnxae to up to 215.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The so-celald \u201cccionae hpoips\u201d are dsceteadnns of fuor bhugrot to Coilmboa by ltae dlguorrd Pbalo Ecsaobr. Wgnainrs taht tehy psoe a srieous traeht to haumns and oehtr wilfldie hvae iitnsfeenid aetfr a new cnuess funod taht the ivvasine hippo plpoiotaun has eexapndd to up to 215.", "substituted": "PwA vK-QpRCKb \u201cjcVCmsJ CGzRHw\u201d jQO tpUaZpbgNOq PJ IrFx VeScbWM BI qBUzrRpo Ix XYat sfDUVKVX CRkuk sPwDDdf. PHnXpcNX oFIi HxXc CMUy a MzITDHt lnAwwd gY eFpNcN ecD zSDzk SeceHBno Opsi LMDvBwyIEQJ ooaCq a lUr BPENNi vCOpm ZeRg JsV jZTouKlK AxnZN yfcVYHlXNp roN cFAsehYL MJ BN bw 215."} {"original": "The start of the singer\u2019s world tour in Stockholm last month triggered a spike in demand at hotels and restaurants that has now been linked to higher-than-expected inflation of 9.7% in May. For more odd and unexpected news, sign up to the Tall Tales newsletter.", "scrambled_20%": "The start fo the singer\u2019s world tour ni comoSthkl tsla month triggered a spike in demand ta hotels and restaurants that has now been linked to higher-than-tdxeeecp inflation fo 9.7% in May. orF more odd and unexpected news, sign up to eth Tall Tales newsletter.", "scrambled_50%": "The start fo the singer\u2019s drowl turo ni comoSthkl tsla month triggered a spike in demand ta thsole nad ansrsetuart that has won bnee ildekn ot higher-than-tdxeeecp inflation fo 9.7% ni Mya. orF more odd nda unexpected news, sign pu to eth Tall Tales newsletter.", "scrambled_100%": "heT ttars fo eth irsneg\u2019s drowl turo ni comoSthkl tsla homnt deeirgtrg a kisep ni dnadem ta thsole nad ansrsetuart atth sha won bnee ildekn ot ighehr-hant-tdxeeecp iilnafont fo 9.7% ni Mya. orF emro ddo nda cdupnetexe wnse, isng pu ot eth lalT aeslT eweletrstn.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh strat of teh seigrn\u2019s wldro tuor in Solhoktmc lsta mtohn tgegdrier a seikp in dandme at htsloe adn rtesaausnrt tath hsa nwo bnee lndike to hreihg-tanh-eexdetcp intonilaf of 9.7% in Mya. Fro meor odd adn ucpetxende nwse, sngi up to teh Tall Talse nlreesetwt.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The sartt of the seignr\u2019s wlrod tuor in Slkocothm lsat mntoh tggreerid a spkie in damned at holtes and rtruasetans taht has now been leiknd to hhiegr-tahn-eetpecxd iiatnolfn of 9.7% in May. For mroe odd and ucpextneed nwes, sgin up to the Tlal Teals nesttlweer.", "substituted": "WKv fvLWD ym Ybn VmASxq\u2019s xIDxr FEVk ps LqLMuQfYf asOk JwiXN RKaOhwgqF a gIpuD Id KEhOLl Hu kudTTo OoT QpIKzEttLzW VfGo XEt ecV OOCl LVKOnm Hd xDDVIK-mzol-FFWIjnGf VjpOVKYlb MW 9.7% CF UAd. cZp UkKL Jfw udV yHbVvXwzSj inMH, rshO gD ZT GFd isbh vSSog ErYqQBPisU."} {"original": "The storms were reported across Oklahoma, Kansas and Iowa, with the most damage reported in Oklahoma, according to officials. At least four confirmed tornadoes moved across the state and knocked out power for about 20,000 homes and businesses.", "scrambled_20%": "ehT storms were reported rsocsa Oklahoma, Kansas and Iowa, with het most damage reported in Oklahoma, according to saofiflci. At least four dnmeiorcf sdtoraoen moved across the state and knocked out power for tuabo 20,000 homes and businesses.", "scrambled_50%": "ehT storms were reported rsocsa Oklahoma, aassKn and Iowa, hwit het msot damage reported ni oOmkhala, according to saofiflci. At elats four dnmeiorcf sdtoraoen dvemo croass the state and noeckdk otu power for tuabo 20,000 moesh and businesses.", "scrambled_100%": "ehT mrssot ewer rdretpoe rsocsa Olakohma, aassKn adn owIa, hwit het msot amgeda rroeptde ni oOmkhala, cnrocgiad ot saofiflci. tA elats oufr dnmeiorcf sdtoraoen dvemo croass teh attes nda noeckdk otu oerpw rof tuabo 20,000 moesh nad isbusesnes.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh somrts wree rereodtp arcsos Oahlmoka, Knsaas adn Ioaw, wiht teh msto dmgeaa repdeort in Omkoahal, aidroccgn to ofcisalfi. At lseta furo cimordfne teosondra mevdo aocssr teh saett adn kencokd otu peorw fro atbou 20,000 heosm adn busneesiss.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The srmots wree retoeprd acrsos Ooaklhma, Knaass and Iwoa, wtih the msot daagme repertod in Olkmoaha, ardocincg to oiiffacls. At lsaet fuor cmieronfd tenoadors mveod aosrcs the sttae and kockend out peowr for auobt 20,000 hmoes and bneussesis.", "substituted": "Jyh wNOhXR JQxy MdUcDERN UjWNNr lXAmWYzs, qniLmg PKi MsMI, nKSs baB iXQy icaFFx HJXETcXn MU qDjgdkNc, IXCtMLthD OB ydqIhOlVx. ea rqyHv EGtl RRPtIscQQ HyWZIErHf kebKc ouGGSw aeR nxVAy VuV yDuUVcu fru KEErK LMK MdDVA 20,000 HEATy sXZ zzojxEBfwF."} {"original": "The stumping by Australia\u2019s Alex Carey triggered uproar among fans, who argued that while allowed under cricket rules, the move was not in the \u201cspirit of the game\u201d. Critics including Geoffrey Boycott have called on Australia to apologise, while the rival team complained of \u201caggressive and abusive\u201d behaviour by Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) members following Bairstow\u2019s dismissal in Sunday\u2019s second Ashes Test at Lord\u2019s.", "scrambled_20%": "The stumping yb Australia\u2019s Axel Carey triggered uproar among fans, who argued that while allowed under cricket eruls, the move was not ni eth \u201cspirit of het game\u201d. iCcrsti lndncuigi Geoffrey Boycott have called on Australia to lsooeagip, while the rival team complained fo \u201caggressive nda abusive\u201d behaviour by Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) members gfnloilwo Bairstow\u2019s dismissal in Sunday\u2019s cdneos Ashes Test at Lord\u2019s.", "scrambled_50%": "The stumping yb Australia\u2019s Axel Carey triggered uproar monag fans, who dgeura that while allowed nurde kreictc eruls, het move was tno ni eth \u201cspirit of het gmae\u201d. iCcrsti lndncuigi Geoffrey yBtootc vhae called on Australia to lsooeagip, while the rival emta cnmlidpaoe fo \u201cisegvegsar nda abusive\u201d behaviour by Marylebone Cricket ulbC (CCM) rmseemb gfnloilwo Bosraiwt\u2019s dismissal in Sunday\u2019s cdneos Ashes seTt ta Lodr\u2019s.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh miupsntg yb uilarAtas\u2019s Axel reyCa trgediegr ouprar monag nfsa, woh dgeura thta whlie lwelaod nurde kreictc eruls, het ovem asw tno ni eth \u201cpstiri fo het gmae\u201d. iCcrsti lndncuigi fGefroye yBtootc vhae eacldl no rtsaAluai ot lsooeagip, lihwe teh ilrva emta cnmlidpaoe fo \u201cisegvegsar nda ubsivea\u201d eabrohuiv yb enoarbelyM rkcteiC ulbC (CCM) rmseemb gfnloilwo Bosraiwt\u2019s smsiasild ni nSauyd\u2019s cdneos shAse seTt ta Lodr\u2019s.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh stimpnug by Aaslaiutr\u2019s Axel Cyear tdegrgeri uoprra amogn fnsa, woh adegru thta wiehl aewodll urden ccrtiek rseul, teh mveo wsa nto in teh \u201csiitrp of teh gema\u201d. Ciitsrc iugndicln Gfyroeef Bttoocy hvae caeldl on Aaistrlua to aseioolpg, wlhie teh railv tame cminpdeoal of \u201caivsegergs adn aievsbu\u201d buaeroihv by Mnoyrbelea Ckertci Cbul (MCC) mbeemrs fwnilgolo Braswoit\u2019s dssmilasi in Syaudn\u2019s snoedc Asesh Ttes at Ldor\u2019s.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The suintmpg by Altauisra\u2019s Aelx Craey tggiererd urpoar anmog fnas, who aegrud taht whlie aloelwd udenr ckciret reuls, the mvoe was not in the \u201csiiprt of the gmae\u201d. Cictris idnnculig Gfereofy Booytct hvae cellad on Alsiruata to aglopisoe, wilhe the riavl taem coeapinmld of \u201casgigesvre and avubise\u201d bhvaouier by Moynrbelae Cikrcet Culb (MCC) meberms filwonlog Bstioraw\u2019s dsasimisl in Snuday\u2019s scnoed Ahess Tset at Lrod\u2019s.", "substituted": "XbH IuOIzNYz rl cFQgIyszs\u2019s WRGl dTjlm DKXDfREyc WBgkdk MLrxN Atfg, enA GtoaEQ lkMh aoxEq PCQCtvT YYAgn xQgVZTA BLamd, ByH cwjT MuL YOH md GKb \u201cEtOmew Lo gOL PNKh\u201d. UKnKZtD USWsASlTs VRxujzbj rAxzMNZ QNBO oLsWyJ rf ldddGCvOG XX YuSpiCLBq, btJmg xcN AqEGN GFWk fGysiYjCLJ Cm \u201ceiTQaDvteo pqq CfWTfdV\u201d qAKZBjRdC Wk CFkHIHnOhk UFktiNg xSIN (sAy) UsNARax nLZkzkEeU hwxNHvdO\u2019s PGnDNLjPs Ck tqFbEN\u2019s DKnvsM zIYqo jAjl nb yJBQ\u2019s."} {"original": "The stunning collapse of two American banks \u2013 Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank \u2013 led to wild market swings after alarming Wall Street investors.", "scrambled_20%": "The stunning collapse of two American nsakb \u2013 Silicon Valley Bank and ntaigureS Bank \u2013 edl to ldiw market swings after nraaigml Wall Street investors.", "scrambled_50%": "The ntinguns collapse of two American nsakb \u2013 nSiloci Valley knBa nda ntaigureS Bank \u2013 edl to ldiw market inwsgs arfte nraaigml Wall Stetre investors.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh ntinguns posealcl fo wto ceanArmi nsakb \u2013 nSiloci yelVal knBa nda ntaigureS nBka \u2013 edl ot ldiw aermtk inwsgs arfte nraaigml Wlla Stetre sroeistvn.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh sntgnniu cllpsoea of tow Aimnraec bsank \u2013 Scnilio Vyaell Bkan adn Sitrugena Bnka \u2013 lde to widl mtkear sgsinw aertf aarnmgli Wlla Setert ivostnesr.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The snntiung csalolpe of two Amaicern bnkas \u2013 Slioicn Vlaely Bnak and Sigruante Bnak \u2013 led to wlid mekrat sigwns aeftr airnmlag Wlal Sreett irvtnoess.", "substituted": "AKY MjzxSUfG PwUwrodo AA IZR BxrZnOqH wAYNM \u2013 ZSwKjlI dVzRLW ovlQ YRr HnFUZbivb QNZs \u2013 BRa QJ LWWr WezTby lALywz HjfdS RRgYeqaD ayYf EZXZuf YhpSCjiRO."} {"original": "The survey of 22,000 adults in 29 countries found that Brits had the third most positive attitude to refugees, after Spain and New Zealand. The global average of adults who believe refugees make a \u201cpositive contribution\u201d was 45%.", "scrambled_20%": "hTe survey fo 22,000 adults in 29 countries found ttah Brits had the third most oitpesvi attitude to refugees, after Spain nda New Zealand. The global average of dusalt who believe refugees make a \u201cpositive contribution\u201d asw 45%.", "scrambled_50%": "hTe survey fo 22,000 auldst ni 29 countries found ttah Brits had the third tmso oitpesvi attitude ot refugees, trafe Spain nda ewN aaZndel. heT lbgalo average of dusalt who believe feugrsee make a \u201cpositive contribution\u201d asw 45%.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe ysvreu fo 22,000 auldst ni 29 uetrscoin ofdun ttah riBts dha teh hridt tmso oitpesvi tdaeuitt ot eerseugf, trafe anipS nda ewN aaZndel. heT lbgalo vegraea fo dusalt owh elvbeie feugrsee ekam a \u201cotipsiev trcniouobnit\u201d asw 45%.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh svyuer of 22,000 austdl in 29 cesuontri fdonu ttha Bsitr hda teh tihrd msot psvtoeii aduttite to rgeefsue, arfte Snipa adn Nwe Zdaeanl. Teh gblaol areagev of alsutd woh beelvei rgsueeef mkea a \u201cpovteisi ciiuttnonorb\u201d wsa 45%.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The svreuy of 22,000 audlts in 29 cinruotes fnoud taht Bitrs had the tirhd msot pisotvie atidutte to reuefegs, atefr Sapin and New Zaeanld. The goalbl aaregve of altuds who belveie reeuegfs mkae a \u201cpioviste cotiionurbtn\u201d was 45%.", "substituted": "koX ZYhnVg bM 22,000 ziDpcE Dr 29 oAWKWYCow nyEYK cuEi Ckobz OMx OUI AqCSa ozjs KppIFcRt txDwpnkQ LI MXWoUCZx, xygKP giCYp RaE iEa ToLRSgI. luo UuwOVc yATDSFY Jc RomGIF tMj uIpQNbQ wMpFtOTh IYNV a \u201cAgnfyAwK qPulCuPimFNl\u201d pbm 45%."} {"original": "The tech leaders called for a pause in the \u201cout of control\u201d artificial intelligence race. The letter said AI labs are rushing to develop and deploy \u201cever more powerful digital minds that no one \u2013 not even their creators \u2013 can understand, predict, or reliably control.\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "The tech leaders called for a pause in the \u201cout fo control\u201d ratcfiliai intelligence race. ehT letter iads AI labs are rushing to eedvopl and deploy \u201creve omre powerful digital minds that no oen \u2013 not even their creators \u2013 can reanudnsdt, predict, or reliably control.\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "The tech leaders called for a spaue in het \u201cout fo lcrtnoo\u201d ratcfiliai iltlcneenegi ecra. ehT ettler iads AI bsal ear rushing ot eedvopl and deploy \u201creve omre prouwfel digital minds ttha no oen \u2013 not vene their creators \u2013 can reanudnsdt, predict, or ebrliyla control.\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "heT ehtc redeasl ldeacl ofr a spaue ni het \u201cuto fo lcrtnoo\u201d ratcfiliai iltlcneenegi ecra. ehT ettler iads IA bsal ear iuhgnrs ot eedvopl nda dpeoly \u201creve omre prouwfel iatgild insdm ttha on oen \u2013 tno vene ithre arrseotc \u2013 acn reanudnsdt, pcrtedi, ro ebrliyla rotlocn.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh tehc lrdasee cldale fro a pusea in teh \u201cotu of ctornol\u201d aliciiraft inellgentcei rcea. Teh lrtete siad AI lsba aer rgniush to dvelepo adn dolype \u201cerve meor plwruofe dlaigit mdsin tath no oen \u2013 nto evne terhi croersat \u2013 cna utreddsnna, pdtirce, or raeyilbl cloonrt.\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The tceh ldeeras caleld for a pasue in the \u201cout of corntol\u201d aiifatcril iennletlgice rcae. The letter siad AI lbas are risunhg to dvloeep and dlpeoy \u201ceevr mroe pfeowrul ditaigl mndis taht no one \u2013 not eevn tehir crtoares \u2013 can usnatdrned, pcedirt, or rillbaey cotornl.\u201d.", "substituted": "kMS noof atrATNW EUTHvQ yQu a vBHlL XQ aRh \u201cqqO fG pjvpGfd\u201d nNRbDGefyd CWqQPVCvfAag FxST. fow daYdhy GwIz Bb Zyvq zZp ZEzLvyX CZ igXDJZo Ygx PnvgNs \u201cTmtU VDqJ ruFiBCFi ufcbEyM vCGeT PkKn Pj suc \u2013 ZTH TamX TBnDU GwJNukhC \u2013 jzg sjTkhVVcry, gVmXlVM, ck TMQOxrFm dCtTfjR.\u201d."} {"original": "The trial over a 2016 skiing accident involving Gwyneth Paltrow began this week. A 76-year-old man alleges Paltrow \u201cskied out of control\u201d and ran into him, causing serious injuries. The actress, on the other hand, filed a countersuit alleging the man ran into her.", "scrambled_20%": "The trial over a 2016 skiing accident involving wyGhten Paltrow neabg hits week. A 76-year-odl man alleges Paltrow \u201cskied tou of loonctr\u201d and ran into him, causing isresuo injuries. The actress, no the other hand, filed a countersuit alleging the man ran into her.", "scrambled_50%": "The trial vero a 2016 skiing accident gnovnvili wyGhten Paltrow neabg hits week. A 76-year-odl mna alleges tlrwoPa \u201ceskdi tou of loonctr\u201d nda arn into him, causing isresuo rieinsju. eTh actress, no the other hand, filed a uretcsutnoi iggenlla eht man ran tion her.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe rtila vero a 2016 niksgi dainectc gnovnvili wyGhten tPloawr neabg hits ekwe. A 76-eayr-odl mna elgaesl tlrwoPa \u201ceskdi tou fo loonctr\u201d nda arn oitn ihm, iguncsa isresuo rieinsju. eTh rascets, no eth ehort nhda, difel a uretcsutnoi iggenlla eht nma arn tion rhe.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh tlria oevr a 2016 sinkig actdceni ilngovniv Gtnwyhe Potwlra bnaeg thsi wkee. A 76-yaer-odl mna aelesgl Prowtal \u201csedik otu of coontlr\u201d adn rna iont hmi, csiugan srosieu ieujnsri. Teh aessrct, on teh othre hdan, felid a cuutistreno alggeiln teh mna rna iont hre.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The tairl oevr a 2016 skinig adiecnct ivvinonlg Gnwtyeh Ptoralw baegn tihs week. A 76-yaer-old man aegells Patrolw \u201cskeid out of ctnoorl\u201d and ran itno him, cusinag sriueos iuirenjs. The aecsrts, on the ohetr hnad, fleid a cusnetriuot anlelgig the man ran itno her.", "substituted": "UcS iJqVf rqZE a 2016 XOdLUk AARJxCTO KyyziioXB NRhbqZZ yNijVFA BZfbe xPEF SrzX. A 76-AsTb-uOl dEK OzKJjiI HhjezFg \u201czTWAu NOI FE eXMaVfX\u201d tmx PWL FhjD dXd, ebmFytp jkfefOz CHHOxLBW. lgD KjWjMbP, Nd MVo HMPvq JzpM, WtVVv a YeFsdGEViEA QZLuOxFn xgd vOt qRu IUau EvW."} {"original": "The uncrewed endeavor, known as the Psyche mission, will send the first NASA spacecraft designed to study a metallic asteroid. It is set to launch in October, NASA said.", "scrambled_20%": "The uncrewed endeavor, known as the Psyche mission, wlil ensd the first NASA tprcaeacsf designed to study a metallic asteroid. It is ets to hanclu in October, AASN said.", "scrambled_50%": "Teh uncrewed endeavor, known sa the Psyche isomnsi, wlil ensd the first NASA tprcaeacsf designed to study a emcillta idrtaseo. It is ets ot hanclu in Otrcobe, AASN siad.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh udecwern eodenrav, nkwno sa hte Pehscy isomnsi, wlil ensd hte irstf SNAA tprcaeacsf idgensed ot ysudt a emcillta idrtaseo. tI si ets ot hanclu ni Otrcobe, AASN siad.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh ucnerwde eonrveda, knwno as teh Pchyes moisnsi, will sned teh ftrsi NAAS sfcacertpa dsnedige to suydt a mtillcae adoirtse. It is ste to luahnc in Obretco, NAAS sdai.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The ucnrweed eonvdear, kwnon as the Pychse misosin, wlil sned the frist NSAA spraaccfet dneeigsd to sduty a mltlaiec asoiterd. It is set to lcuanh in Oocbter, NSAA siad.", "substituted": "hHP bdhdKFKu PrctWash, FgQEr GE rds aAGdDy SGEJhep, iCLu Hgra qHf QGXdE wpad qaKdOnJfvr MAykUbns dG ZlpmE a eMjfrdoH SRuvVRcc. Gg SB MGD QO nIMhXA fT zZxxPAH, aDoC KpXx."} {"original": "The unidentified debris is about the size of a small car and was found washed up on a remote beach some 150 miles north of Perth. Debris has been accruing in space around our planet since the first rocket launches in the late 1950s, with an estimated 36,500 objects greater than 10cm in near-Earth orbit, according to the European Space Agency (ESA).", "scrambled_20%": "The unidentified debris is about het siez of a small car and was onudf dwhsea up on a remote beach omes 150 miles north fo Perth. ibrDes has eneb acrincgu in space around our planet since the rstfi rocket launches ni the late 1950s, with an estimated 36,500 objects greater than 10cm in near-Earth orbit, according to teh European Space Agency (ESA).", "scrambled_50%": "The ddnfeiunetii debris is about het siez fo a small cra dan asw onudf dwhsea up on a tmeore habce omes 150 miles north fo Perth. ibrDes sha eneb acrincgu in space uarodn our planet since the rstfi kertco enhslauc ni the late 1950s, with na aietesmdt 36,500 objects greater than 10cm ni near-Earth orbit, icdogcarn to teh eupErnoa Space Agency (EAS).", "scrambled_100%": "eTh ddnfeiunetii sidbre si btoua het siez fo a lslam cra dan asw onudf dwhsea pu no a tmeore habce omes 150 seiml tnorh fo thrPe. ibrDes sha eneb acrincgu ni aescp uarodn rou enatlp csnei teh rstfi kertco enhslauc ni eht etal 1950s, hwti na aietesmdt 36,500 bscteoj reatrge hnta 10mc ni enra-rhaEt botir, icdogcarn ot teh eupErnoa pSace nAgyec (EAS).", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh ueeniiditndf direbs is aoutb teh szie of a slmla cra adn wsa fundo wheads up on a reetom bchae semo 150 mlsie nhrot of Pehrt. Diesbr hsa bene acnigcru in sapce aunodr oru pntale scine teh fsitr rtkeoc lunhseca in teh laet 1950s, whit an eaemidstt 36,500 oescjtb grtraee tnah 10cm in nrea-Erhat otirb, acgdrnico to teh Erapenou Spcea Aecygn (EAS).", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The uinefdnietid dreibs is aoubt the szie of a smlal car and was funod wsehad up on a reotme becah smoe 150 meils ntorh of Pterh. Dibers has been acrnucig in sacpe anurod our peanlt scnie the fsirt rkcoet lnhcuaes in the ltae 1950s, wtih an eismtated 36,500 octjebs gtraeer tahn 10cm in naer-Ertah oribt, adrcocnig to the Eoerpuan Sacpe Agceny (ESA).", "substituted": "rQg JEaAmAdlRThG WAqnUd Kf UZeHy QpZ zUKi ja a MtkWc CvN YUi RFd PySJC zmHmjl Wr bW a JjBlqG kDUvC Oiyp 150 YOzyV cmGRV FK xMDhC. OraHYX WIR ExzF onxGTbyX ba zcHgO XYwZkN SzP gNtGVP VtoEX JMJ dGgpv DVNDCp vkDphQte Bs iZa kebi 1950s, TvZY bf vYIXJsyvA 36,500 uIzZmMy FkBoFSJ EEwR 10lQ Fx ubcs-mjiWb MOKSj, xxqjQcHcE op jmY QxDRaOSk jiSBz XvOwnd (jjY)."} {"original": "The video attack ad was created using artificial intelligence and depicts \u201ca second Biden term plagued by disasters\u201d, said Quartz.", "scrambled_20%": "The video attack ad aws created using artificial intelligence dan depicts \u201ca second Biden term plagued by sissedart\u201d, dsia Quartz.", "scrambled_50%": "The video attack da aws teacder using artificial intelligence dan tpdisce \u201ca second nedBi ermt legadpu by sissedart\u201d, dsia Quartz.", "scrambled_100%": "heT idvoe kcttaa da aws teacder sugin iifialtrac leigltncniee dan tpdisce \u201ca nodesc nedBi ermt legadpu yb sissedart\u201d, dsia uratzQ.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh veiod atackt ad wsa cedtrea ungis acarlfiiti ineitlcleneg adn dcsitep \u201ca scendo Bdeni trme pdleagu by diasrtses\u201d, sida Qtaurz.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The veido aacttk ad was ceaetrd unsig aftciaiirl initellcenge and dtiepcs \u201ca snoecd Bedin trem pluaegd by deaitsrss\u201d, siad Qautrz.", "substituted": "MmV grHxh xIjfro ve PJT GKHWQJL OBIuW kVNuJKitrP twhoVhvyJEmC rAr fzwrlOr \u201ca mLHugZ zvLIz jKsI gxgmSaB pc QoEuzdxqW\u201d, msMJ ZJyqhh."} {"original": "The world\u2019s happiest country is Finland, according to the annual World Happiness Report, which ranks countries based largely on life evaluations from the Gallup World Poll. The US, France, and Ireland did not crack the top 10.", "scrambled_20%": "The ldwro\u2019s happiest country is Finland, according ot teh annual World Happiness Report, which ranks countries based largely on ifel evaluations from the Gallup rdlWo Poll. The US, France, and Ireland idd not accrk the top 10.", "scrambled_50%": "The ldwro\u2019s happiest country is iandFnl, according ot teh uannal Wrlod pessnapHi Report, which ranks countries based largely on ifel eluvnatoias from het luGlpa rdlWo lloP. The SU, France, and dnIelra idd not accrk hte top 10.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe ldwro\u2019s psipathe nytcuor si iandFnl, ainccdogr ot teh uannal Wrlod pessnapHi rpRoet, cwihh nkasr unscoiert aebsd ylarlge no ifel eluvnatoias morf het luGlpa rdlWo lloP. eTh SU, encFra, dan dnIelra idd nto accrk hte opt 10.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh wldro\u2019s hestppai crtynuo is Fiandln, aircdncgo to teh aaulnn Wlrdo Hssneiapp Reotrp, wchih rsnak crsnituoe baeds llagrye on lfie eavoatsuinl fomr teh Gaplul Wldor Plol. Teh US, Fcaenr, adn Inderla ddi nto crcka teh tpo 10.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The wlord\u2019s hipspaet cronuty is Fainlnd, adriconcg to the aaunnl Wolrd Hpiesnaps Rreopt, wichh rakns cneituors beasd lelagry on lfie eauvanltois form the Glluap Wlord Plol. The US, Fnrace, and Inerlad did not carck the top 10.", "substituted": "GXF juRQn\u2019s KJrFGbws BVLDEDa AV otLJrWL, pUiUsxHgW ia fOS ypCqhP lAMaV PuxefhxpU OhlIcd, FFEwu mZZEv lEEUFJLiT WXlES XUOBKfV ZD GqPY bncKgoSTONK rOyB IUr fWAAlR kMBhv vWmc. rUY LM, hvywPX, yZI wIWMYKa PKv lSE xRrWZ jKu SWs 10."} {"original": "The youth-oriented news organisation, once hailed as one of the most exciting media start-ups in the industry, has recently filed for bankruptcy in the US. This turn of events marks a significant downfall, considering that it was once valued at nearly $6 billion. Find out more on the latest episode of \u201cThe Week Unwrapped\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "The youth-oriented news organisation, once hailed as one of the most exciting media start-ups in the industry, ahs recently ldeif for bankruptcy ni eht SU. This turn of events marks a significant lownlfad, ercsnndioig that ti saw once valued at ryalen $6 billion. Find out more on the latest episode fo \u201cThe Week Unwrapped\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "The youth-oriented esnw iooasganinrt, once hailed as eon fo the most exciting midea start-psu in the industry, ahs nteyelrc ldeif for atunbkcypr ni eht SU. This nrut fo estenv rmska a significant lownlfad, ercsnndioig that ti saw once edvlau at ryalen $6 billion. Find tuo more no eth latest episode fo \u201cThe Week Unwrapped\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "eTh utyho-edotenri esnw iooasganinrt, ncoe daiehl sa eon fo hte stom igtxneci midea sattr-psu ni het usrndtyi, ahs nteyelrc ldeif rfo atunbkcypr ni eht SU. shTi nrut fo estenv rmska a gniiifctsan lownlfad, ercsnndioig hatt ti saw ceon edvlau ta ryalen $6 nloibli. idFn tuo emor no eth ateslt eoeipsd fo \u201ceTh kWee dprawUpne\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh ythou-odteeirn nesw orgonintaias, onec hldiae as oen of teh msto eixtncig maedi sartt-usp in teh iudrnsty, hsa rentleyc flide fro bpnkaycurt in teh US. Tish trnu of eetsnv mkrsa a signatcfnii dlawnofl, cdirnongeis tath it wsa ocen vuadel at naryle $6 boinill. Fdni otu meor on teh laetst eisdpeo of \u201cTeh Weke Updwreapn\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The ytouh-oietrned nwes onisorgiatan, ocne hlaeid as one of the msot einxticg meida sartt-ups in the inustrdy, has rtnlecey flied for bnutrcakpy in the US. Tihs trun of evetns mkras a sganifcinit dlfonawl, croensidnig taht it was ocne vleaud at nlaery $6 bloliin. Fnid out mroe on the lastet esdopie of \u201cThe Week Uewrnappd\u201d.", "substituted": "ujI FxQiO-JJMSOApp lqiJ TlrCjVSQNNRI, cexW vuVrlE zI TiP tH cCu VIEB mhzgSFIW oiTqO VjHIM-Sdk qg oJa hJrRNPbg, kFt nmsZZMMC dEQxN bVF WuDOELXGrl kl FMV ot. QDzt HFjN Eb WfxHUC Abmdw a YZnvyPaBoqB PWlpoDOI, vwahODZQCIt UlLQ Bl rGg nEXN DELaEe Qj mNWmyp $6 UEoSaKk. NEIM itD GZvL xc vis GOvopY bkcIWgQ eQ \u201cPNx pZTV VzvxOaaSc\u201d."} {"original": "The \u201cBarbie\u201d movie, from director Greta Gerwig, scored the largest opening weekend of 2023, pulling in $155 million domestically over its opening weekend and $337 million globally.", "scrambled_20%": "Teh \u201cBarbie\u201d imveo, from director Greta Gerwig, scored the largest nnopgie weekend of 2023, inllgup in $155 million domestically over its opening weekend and $337 iinlolm globally.", "scrambled_50%": "Teh \u201cBarbie\u201d imveo, from director Greta Gerwig, rdoecs the largest nnopgie weekend fo 2023, inllgup in $155 million tiallcyseodm vore sit opening wkendee dna $337 iinlolm globally.", "scrambled_100%": "Teh \u201cebariB\u201d imveo, ofrm rcodirte aGter giwGer, rdoecs eth atlersg nnopgie eednwek fo 2023, inllgup ni $155 iolmnli tiallcyseodm vore sit pniengo wkendee dna $337 iinlolm lgyboall.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh \u201cBaberi\u201d moiev, fmor dreitrco Geatr Geirgw, srecdo teh lasergt oingenp wnkeede of 2023, pigulnl in $155 mliolni dtlmaeyoilsc ovre ist oginpne wdekene adn $337 milionl golabyll.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The \u201cBbirae\u201d mvioe, form dreiotcr Grtea Greiwg, srcoed the laersgt opnenig wkneeed of 2023, puillng in $155 mloliin dlotmailcsey oevr its opnenig wnkeeed and $337 mloiiln gbaollly.", "substituted": "Ffu \u201cEDpfGC\u201d LNEhQ, LfNz JmdkvwMW jedTl tjZkAv, OIysbx Kjq OPJLjMc uACaawJ hwJqFiY YA 2023, LNtCHrZ vo $155 JqwkJQi eOnlSvkViOjn IqiN eqV xzWdQfX UasxhKb yXU $337 OmYGsVQ NRqhTEBb."} {"original": "The \u201cworld\u2019s largest urban construction project in wood\u201d will be built in Stockholm, announced Sweden, which could pave the way for similar structures in the future. Although the plan could be more sustainable than traditional construction, there are concerns about potential fire hazards. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_20%": "hTe \u201cworld\u2019s largest rbuna construction cjoetrp in wood\u201d will be built in Stockholm, announced Sweden, which could pave the way for similar structures ni het future. Although the plan could be more sustainable tnah traditional construction, there are concerns about potential efir hazards. dnFi tuo more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_50%": "hTe \u201cworld\u2019s largest rbuna construction cjoetrp ni wood\u201d will eb built in loStkomhc, announced eeSwdn, which oculd pave hte way rfo similar structures ni het rtufue. Although het lanp dcluo eb more sustainable tnah traditional construction, there are concerns uatbo potential efir aharsdz. dnFi tuo more with heT Week pdweUranp podcast.", "scrambled_100%": "hTe \u201cdlwro\u2019s slretga rbuna tcostnncuroi cjoetrp ni wood\u201d llwi eb tlubi ni loStkomhc, ncedaonnu eeSwdn, cwhhi oculd aepv hte ayw rfo ramlsii rtucsurtse ni het rtufue. uhAoghlt het lanp dcluo eb orme ueailnbatss tnah nirtdloaati onuntrsicotc, trhee era nrceonsc uatbo lpntaotei efir aharsdz. dnFi tuo orem hwit heT eekW pdweUranp tsodpca.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teh \u201cwrdol\u2019s lrtsgea ubarn curoottinscn pcjoter in wdoo\u201d wlil be btliu in Slmokothc, adunncneo Sdenew, wihch clduo peva teh wya fro slraimi streurctsu in teh feutru. Auhlghto teh panl culdo be mroe ssnbauleait tnha ttriainaodl cucnittonsro, there aer cecrnnso auotb polantiet frie hszdara. Fidn otu meor whti Teh Wkee Uadweprpn psdtaco.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "The \u201cwlord\u2019s lrsgaet uarbn ciocntotrsun perocjt in wood\u201d wlil be biult in Skloocthm, anuoecnnd Sdeewn, wichh cluod pvae the way for salmiir srctuertus in the fruute. Aluohgth the paln culod be mroe siauntlbsae tahn titiraondal cutcrotisonn, trhee are cnorencs aobut ptteianol frie haazdrs. Fnid out mroe wtih The Week Uapwrpned pscdoat.", "substituted": "hQN \u201cTzEEi\u2019s RiKcHpH vqzlp GYoZQqzNdUqh hNXIwmY Ai hVzh\u201d uAzc YZ hGFNc gZ cNbkLNXYh, YtelJgqsA xCUgSe, dwSqn tQeMh yCJj OOH Pso Sre TEeJWtB JARNlvaWbv ru wzP emXUMl. wFdmcYrT gzY gtQv MCxYW Bq Ucmn nADgeMcBDao wAVj JlLKUUdNKSx fgZfyPPySdKF, vVQkn IQX utTfoQYf jdEeh ghcvCOQym iMyK JcFBOzj. Nyiz hnc VMTg LDSI Zwt rcpP lDmbyDnoh LqKOqak."} {"original": "There were 13 stars and 13 stripes on the first US flag to represent the 13 original states, as declared in the Flag Resolution of June 14, 1777 \u2013 a day now known as Flag Day.", "scrambled_20%": "There were 13 ratss nda 13 sseptri on the first US flag to represent the 13 original states, as declared in hte lagF Resolution of nJeu 14, 1777 \u2013 a day now known as Flag Day.", "scrambled_50%": "There were 13 ratss nda 13 sseptri no the first SU flag ot nrepseetr het 13 iionlrga ssetat, as declared ni hte lagF Resolution of nJeu 14, 1777 \u2013 a day onw known as Flag Day.", "scrambled_100%": "Trehe were 13 ratss nda 13 sseptri no teh trfsi SU agfl ot nrepseetr het 13 iionlrga ssetat, sa dealcdre ni hte lagF oRtiloeusn fo nJeu 14, 1777 \u2013 a ayd onw nnkwo sa aglF ayD.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Three weer 13 sstra adn 13 setirsp on teh ftisr US fgla to rrseteepn teh 13 oglirian sestat, as derdalce in teh Flga Ruoosltien of Jeun 14, 1777 \u2013 a dya nwo kownn as Fgla Dya.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Tehre wree 13 srtas and 13 seiprts on the fsrit US falg to renerpset the 13 oiangirl steats, as dlrecead in the Falg Roositeuln of Jnue 14, 1777 \u2013 a day now kwonn as Falg Day.", "substituted": "cnvUk eoUt 13 IRhRE cRW 13 CwnwQhR iz kcv AswlX ZP aHlI lI pSFHqGjpA BIV 13 SxhhSgiH MFMwSx, Tn ahpDmOFL aM fsm bmWf nvMLrieNBf Tm dvsN 14, 1777 \u2013 a Wru lGD KSwZU AV ahuI WMz."} {"original": "This week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the FDA should investigate the high caffeine content in Prime Energy drinks and the company\u2019s marketing efforts toward children on social media.", "scrambled_20%": "This eekw, Senate Majority Leader Chuck mShucer said the FDA should vingeetsati the high caffeine content in Prime Energy drinks and the company\u2019s marketing rftsfeo toward ecnirhld no social media.", "scrambled_50%": "This eekw, Senate ajitMroy rLaeed hukcC mShucer said the FDA should vingeetsati the high caffeine nentcot in Prime enyrgE drinks nad eth company\u2019s marketing rftsfeo dotwra ecnirhld no lcsaoi media.", "scrambled_100%": "isTh eekw, tSenae ajitMroy rLaeed hukcC mShucer asdi eth FAD lohdus vingeetsati eth ighh inaffeec nentcot ni Pemri enyrgE dinksr nad eth amnyocp\u2019s gimetanrk rftsfeo dotwra ecnirhld no lcsaoi eimda.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Tsih weke, Sneate Motaijyr Lardee Cchku Srecmhu sdia teh FAD sduhol iteagveisnt teh hgih cfaneeif cntoent in Pmrei Enregy disnkr adn teh cmapnyo\u2019s mtrnakgei etffrso trawdo clndrehi on scloai miead.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Tihs week, Seante Maiojtry Ldeear Cuhck Shecumr siad the FDA shluod itingeatsve the hgih ceffnaie cnoentt in Pmire Ernegy dkrins and the cpnaomy\u2019s mneairtkg eftorfs twraod cidlrhen on siacol meida.", "substituted": "iNtj nMVZ, tkEKEX JGZAQTRP qtxDCU BsbUW EXlLOkC nBnR bIX swo EQYIcl YmHDzBhAIVh CGN pCbr XnTAhQat ofdbcBQ Db mNxKi cbNJHc EZVvOI tel RDI ClViPJn\u2019s bWUGZjbHf qositSj QsKpyW gdwgOldC aE IyZQZo BFfJz."} {"original": "Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died within hours of each other on July 4, 1826. Jefferson was 83 and Adams was 90.", "scrambled_20%": "masTho Jefferson nda John sdAam died within hours fo each other on July 4, 1826. Jefferson was 83 and Adams was 90.", "scrambled_50%": "masTho Jefferson nda John sdAam died within rsuoh fo ahce other no July 4, 1826. sffonJere was 83 and Adams aws 90.", "scrambled_100%": "masTho fersJfneo nda nJoh sdAam iedd ihiwnt rsuoh fo ahce oethr no luJy 4, 1826. sffonJere swa 83 nda dasAm aws 90.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Tsamho Jefsoerfn adn Jnoh Aasdm ddei wtinih hsrou of ehac oetrh on Jyul 4, 1826. Jfeoefnsr wsa 83 adn Asmda wsa 90.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Tomahs Jsffeoren and Jhon Amads deid whitin hruos of ecah oethr on Jluy 4, 1826. Jfeosrfen was 83 and Aamds was 90.", "substituted": "hNNbtG hDFoINJvb qGz buyU CDBqu Vkpn APuzKK mXzLm hE GAIB cNVVm xW UeTe 4, 1826. ocuBtIdtY nGg 83 hMa SfIpb Oqo 90."} {"original": "Thousands of desks were set up along the iconic avenue before participants took part in a series of spelling bees on Sunday. For more odd and unexpected news, sign up to the Tall Tales newsletter.", "scrambled_20%": "Thousands fo desks were set up along eth iconic aneuev before participants took part in a series of spelling bees no Sunday. For more dod and unexpected news, sign up to eht Tall sTael newsletter.", "scrambled_50%": "sdTsnohau fo sdsek rwee set pu along eth iconic aneuev before participants took prta in a iessre fo spelling bees no Sunday. roF more dod dna ecntuxepde news, sign up to eht Tall sTael newsletter.", "scrambled_100%": "sdTsnohau fo sdsek rwee tse pu onagl eth oinicc aneuev rbeofe siattnacirpp ootk prta ni a iessre fo eisnpgll ebse no nyduSa. roF emor dod dna ecntuxepde wnse, snig pu ot eht alTl sTael ntetrweels.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Toudasnsh of dskes wree ste up aglno teh iocinc avnuee boefre prtaistcniap tkoo prta in a sieres of slpnglei bese on Snauyd. Fro mreo odd adn uxenpdtcee nsew, snig up to teh Tlla Tlesa nrewttelse.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Tsnuhdaos of dkess wree set up aonlg the ioincc anveue bfoere ptarnaticpis took prat in a seeris of seipnllg bees on Sndauy. For mroe odd and unxpceeted nwes, sgin up to the Tlal Tlaes neetltsewr.", "substituted": "pdiAjSdYl mW JzABg SdRc BqV cK YZVoJ XVN BJXeyB ciMfgz DUXixP gUGOhKKhVadw qkJd MjcD kd a xwaWBT Wy vdaHrxMn Nddt vp iaRKCj. taR VnTw Lhj pSw cpmBJyZWvV jcEH, UWKW fq Xb kUq eZsL UqLXB WgMfPWCqoV."} {"original": "Thousands of dogs participated in the Westminster Dog Show. A petit basset griffon Vend\u00e9en named Buddy Holly became the first of his breed to win the prestigious contest\u2019s top prize.", "scrambled_20%": "Thousands of dogs participated in the Westminster Dog Show. A petit staebs griffon nenVd\u00e9e named Buddy Holly became the first fo shi breed to win the prestigious ntsoect\u2019s opt prize.", "scrambled_50%": "Thousands of dogs pdaitetacirp in the Wsrmeistnte Dog woSh. A tietp staebs griffon nenVd\u00e9e named yBudd Holly ebeacm the first fo shi breed to nwi eth prestigious ntsoect\u2019s opt izrep.", "scrambled_100%": "ohussTnda fo ogsd pdaitetacirp ni teh Wsrmeistnte gDo woSh. A tietp staebs frnfoig nenVd\u00e9e edanm yBudd Hllyo ebeacm hte sitfr fo shi bdere ot nwi eth eiisurpgost ntsoect\u2019s opt izrep.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Tsnoahsud of dosg pacdrttaieip in teh Wrnteeitmss Dgo Swho. A ptiet btaess gfroifn Vnend\u00e9e naedm Bdduy Holyl beeacm teh frits of hsi beerd to wni teh pisortsiegu cnotets\u2019s tpo pezir.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Tuosandhs of dgos ppieracitatd in the Wmnttiesesr Dog Sohw. A ptiet bseast gforfin Vdnee\u00e9n naemd Bdduy Hloly bmacee the fsirt of his beerd to win the putrgosieis cnoetst\u2019s top pzrie.", "substituted": "lrgKkhqcO Tq xPuo VIhiImFJdmUT qu jtW eMovZmhHbld YmQ LKXu. A BYXbN DUaAxO ruzQvpU ZnsIKWi rkFYM tkAEa YRBLw KFMAIT NOQ WuiTV DQ KoH hhgfT Mr AaS uKt xHRvdaMsTjE NfxoJmd\u2019s HxS oCwdb."} {"original": "Three Just Stop Oil protesters interrupted a performance on Thursday of Francis Poulenc\u2019s \u201cDialogues des Carm\u00e9lites\u201d at the opera festival, in East Sussex. The performance restarted after a 20-minute delay following the removal of the activists, who were not arrested.", "scrambled_20%": "reehT tJus Stop Oil protesters interrupted a performance on Thursday of Francis Poulenc\u2019s \u201cDialogues des Carm\u00e9lites\u201d ta the praeo festival, in East Sussex. The cpemreranfo restarted after a 20-utinme delay following the removal of the activists, how erew not arrested.", "scrambled_50%": "reehT tJus Stop lOi soeesrtptr ntreprteudi a performance on Thursday fo Francis lPcenuo\u2019s \u201cDialogues des lCm\u00e9tsaeir\u201d ta eth praeo festival, ni East Sussex. The cpemreranfo restarted ftera a 20-utinme delay following het removal of het activists, how erew not arrested.", "scrambled_100%": "reehT tJus oStp lOi soeesrtptr ntreprteudi a mraepnocrfe no srydhTua fo ncFrasi lPcenuo\u2019s \u201cDliguaeso sde lCm\u00e9tsaeir\u201d ta eth praeo vlitaefs, ni tEsa exSsus. eTh cpemreranfo adrtteers ftera a 20-utinme ylead lowiflgon het eomlavr fo het taiscsvti, how erew tno eredrats.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teerh Jstu Spto Oli prseeotrst ienurptertd a poarenfmcer on Thusaydr of Fsrinca Pcelonu\u2019s \u201cDsliegauo dse Cts\u00e9emiarl\u201d at teh orape fvatisle, in Esat Susesx. Teh paoeemfcnrr rtsateerd areft a 20-mitune dayle fnogilolw teh rlovame of teh aitvsisct, woh weer nto aterrdse.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Tehre Jsut Sotp Oil pseetrtros iepetrtrnud a pcnfrmroeae on Tuhsadry of Fircans Pnelouc\u2019s \u201cDileagous des Cirlmate\u00e9s\u201d at the oepra fseivatl, in Esat Seussx. The peormrfacne rtsearted atfer a 20-muntie dealy foinllwog the roaveml of the aiivtcsts, who wree not aeetrsrd.", "substituted": "fVYts iqAg gRnK yTG ZqzZiqWTGd IhDfUwjbAaH a bCRpFogZDnQ Xi BxFFQeEd bt WENdEPp awyxnpF\u2019s \u201cOnexhbZhW YZm ebapSgCRxJ\u201d NL oCA WsSKG iQoJGJbR, pO CNKN RWbpgw. Qfk OOLYRbwpqMS ilKQHsxCk SGBKw a 20-lSMVvS rbJfc ueActsFQp wVg xzeURDX Hy ZAA qhzzjQnuL, fbd rfDw HfS jPdNbkQe."} {"original": "Three McDonald\u2019s franchisees in Kentucky are facing hefty fines for violating child labor laws after children as young as 10 years old were found working late at night \u2014 sometimes until 2 a.m.", "scrambled_20%": "Three McDonald\u2019s aefcrsneihs in ntkKeuyc are facing hefty fenis for violating child labor laws after rdehcnli as young as 10 years old ewer found working etal at night \u2014 sometimes until 2 a.m.", "scrambled_50%": "ehreT McDonald\u2019s aefcrsneihs in ntkKeuyc are facing hefty fenis rfo altongivi hclid labor awsl after rdehcnli as unogy as 10 years dol ewer found working etal at night \u2014 mseitesmo uitln 2 a.m.", "scrambled_100%": "ehreT andDMloc\u2019s aefcrsneihs ni ntkKeuyc rae gnfcia yfeth fenis rfo altongivi hclid blroa awsl ertfa rdehcnli sa unogy sa 10 rsaey dol ewer nufod kognriw etal ta ghtin \u2014 mseitesmo uitln 2 a.m.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Tehre MldDcaon\u2019s fshnrsieace in Ktukceny aer fncaig hytef fsnie fro vltiinoga cilhd lrbao lswa aetrf cirdlhne as ygonu as 10 ysaer odl wree funod wkgnrio ltae at ngtih \u2014 siemsoetm ulint 2 a.m.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "There McnlDoad\u2019s fascirnhees in Knckutey are fcnaig hftey fneis for voiltniag clhid lobar lwas aetfr cirlhedn as yonug as 10 yaers old wree fuond wirkong ltae at nihgt \u2014 sotmeimes utnil 2 a.m.", "substituted": "yDzif rZgqZlpA\u2019s uHGPgWEOcDk BC bskOinhK sRF NdBrAZ qlWgA Zpxmb STd POrZEvcaD JpyWo TqrSz IHgL OiJbN ialYjgWp FT vJyfE VY 10 pWyuV CUV xTbP KHPiu gASNJYR OAbw Mo DxrLp \u2014 bmuAjOSJd npSKG 2 a.m."} {"original": "TikTok CEO Shou Chew testified before Congress for the first time. He received fierce criticism from lawmakers, including calls for the app to be banned.", "scrambled_20%": "kokTTi OEC Shou Chew testified before Congress for hte first time. He received efrcie criticism from lawmakers, including lscal for the app to be banned.", "scrambled_50%": "kokTTi OEC ouSh Chew dtsieetfi before Congress for hte first etim. He received efrcie cmiitscir mrof alrkeawsm, including lscal for teh app to be banned.", "scrambled_100%": "kokTTi OEC ouSh wCeh dtsieetfi eoefrb esnoCrsg orf hte irfst etim. eH deceivre efrcie cmiitscir mrof alrkeawsm, lucndgnii lscal orf teh ppa ot eb edanbn.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "TikkTo COE Suho Cewh tditeeifs boeerf Cseorgns fro teh frsti tmei. He rcdeieve freeic cisitcirm fmro lrkweamsa, inclnidug clsal fro teh app to be bnedan.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "ToikTk CEO Sohu Cehw tsietefid bforee Cngseors for the fsirt tmie. He rieeevcd fcreie crtciiism form lraewakms, iduilnncg clals for the app to be bnnead.", "substituted": "MdpukK AQw MXhS tnhb pzTRtZsVM odWxer BkQeJSSI eNS Bqc STFDR dbyd. fu XhXhBUAN XpPPjh uVFACBxgz mXjb WlVMHgaaU, XbyOiZZBp WwMgH dls qTm YVg sc PR GeuHIe."} {"original": "Touted as the \u201cmost advanced personal electronic device ever\u201d, the $3,499 (\u00a32,800) headset blends digital content with the physical world.", "scrambled_20%": "Touted as the \u201cmost advanced personal electronic device ever\u201d, teh $3,499 (\u00a32,800) headset elbsnd gtiadil content with het physical world.", "scrambled_50%": "Touted as the \u201cmost ednadcav sopnlaer electronic device reev\u201d, teh $3,499 (\u00a32,800) headset elbsnd gtiadil content twhi het ishcaply world.", "scrambled_100%": "Tdouet sa eth \u201ctmos ednadcav sopnlaer ccnetliero edeciv reev\u201d, teh $3,499 (\u00a32,800) edetahs elbsnd gtiadil tntocen twhi het ishcaply lrwdo.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Teuodt as teh \u201cmsto aaddcevn poarlnes ectleornic dcevie eevr\u201d, teh $3,499 (\u00a32,800) hsaetde bslden dailitg cennott whit teh pclishya wolrd.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ttuoed as the \u201cmsot aandevcd prnasoel eercnitloc dvicee eevr\u201d, the $3,499 (\u00a32,800) hesdaet bdlnes ditiagl ctnenot wtih the pshciyal wlrod.", "substituted": "OxJTIe qn Lxb \u201cJpfx CgULgvLB ofGMFgyD dURvuUHshI OMlUDO iOOp\u201d, Nyp $3,499 (\u00a32,800) GhXjLtX ejmfYP MbwMlRI fWlqBbw mfDs wLl ZRzQYpIj BRZuM."} {"original": "Trader Joe\u2019s announced a recall of two types of cookies, stating they may contain a foreign material \u2014 rocks.", "scrambled_20%": "Trader Joe\u2019s announced a lacelr fo two types of cookies, iagsntt they may contain a foreign material \u2014 rocks.", "scrambled_50%": "Trader Joe\u2019s announced a lacelr fo two tseyp of eoickso, iagsntt yeth may ainntco a foreign material \u2014 orsck.", "scrambled_100%": "eTradr oeJ\u2019s nonuaedcn a lacelr fo otw tseyp fo eoickso, iagsntt yeth mya ainntco a rniegfo lmaitrea \u2014 orsck.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Taerdr Jeo\u2019s anuncedno a rallce of tow tespy of cekosoi, sntgtai tyhe mya cntioan a fgonrei mtraleai \u2014 rskoc.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Taerdr Joe\u2019s auenncond a rcleal of two teyps of ckioeos, sattnig tehy may caiontn a freiogn maiaretl \u2014 rckos.", "substituted": "bsMczu DRQ\u2019s eZGXxFzkQ a DflFTr Ms nYC kWgzq rQ WMOmPVP, UBAIGlA KdgB WAc nZmAhaY a mJKooTR pOLEkoqu \u2014 EcjbK."} {"original": "Tropical oceans have become greener in the past two decades, reflecting changes in their ecosystems that have more phytoplankton present.", "scrambled_20%": "Tropical ceosna have become greener ni the past two decades, reflecting changes in hrite ecosystems that have more nkhpnytpotlao present.", "scrambled_50%": "Tropical ceosna have oemceb greener ni het past two decades, tielnregcf changes in hrite csosytemes that heav rmeo nkhpnytpotlao present.", "scrambled_100%": "pclTriao ceosna ehva oemceb enregre ni het psat wto sdaeced, tielnregcf ghsaecn ni hrite csosytemes atht heav rmeo nkhpnytpotlao nertpse.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Tipcolra onasec heva boeemc geerrne in teh psta tow dsadece, rtcenefigl chsenga in theri eosecystsm taht heva mero ppytkolnhtnao peenstr.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Tarciopl onceas hvae bmeoce generer in the psat two ddecaes, rfnecieltg cgahnes in tiehr emotsscyes taht hvae mroe pkaptooynlhtn psneret.", "substituted": "uslrRTeg fIAyda NXwX chJjRK kNKZGqa ng kqI ulLb ilJ MOaQryL, ibNFilhpaI oHEGBAh MN RgohB DspCQolwUc GopS Bnqs Owko ULwEbHvfqZaDw uqmoSrx."} {"original": "Trump was handed down a third indictment this week, and political analysts say this one may be the most consequential. He was previously indicted for his involvement in a hush-money scheme before he became president and for the alleged mishandling of classified material after he left office.", "scrambled_20%": "rmTpu was handed ondw a third cntmdiietn siht ekew, and ctoipalli analysts ysa this one may be the smto consequential. He was previously indicted for his involvement ni a hush-money scheme before he became president and for the alleged mishandling of classified material after he left office.", "scrambled_50%": "rmTpu was handed ondw a hrtdi cntmdiietn siht ekew, and ctoipalli analysts ysa this neo may be eth smto consequential. He was uyrvpeliso indicted rfo his involvement ni a hush-emoyn hemsce obefer he ebmeac president nda rfo the eeagldl mishandling of classified material after eh left eofcfi.", "scrambled_100%": "rmTpu aws ddanhe ondw a hrtdi cntmdiietn siht ekew, dna ctoipalli laysanst ysa isth neo yma eb eth smto eqsnltenciauo. eH aws uyrvpeliso dndiiect rfo shi mletnvvoine ni a hsuh-emoyn hemsce obefer eh ebmeac tepedrnsi nda rfo het eeagldl sniidhmagnl fo lcidieafss iltamaer tarfe eh flet eofcfi.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Tmrpu wsa hnddea dnow a trhid ietitnmndc tish wkee, adn poiatclli asyatnls sya tish oen mya be teh msto ctlnoeeuinsqa. He wsa psrliyoevu iecddnit fro hsi imnnevelotv in a hshu-meyno seehcm breefo he bmeeca pdreesnit adn fro teh adlegle mgnanihdsli of csfidealsi mlraeiat aetrf he letf oieffc.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Tmurp was hdaend dwon a tirhd ienctimdnt tihs week, and paoilcitl alysntas say tihs one may be the msot ciunsoqeaetnl. He was pvsruioely idneitcd for his iemnenovlvt in a hsuh-mneoy sechme befroe he bcaeme peirnsedt and for the ageelld minnsdlihag of cssefliaid mtraeail aeftr he lfet ocffie.", "substituted": "iTVWK Apb NlNoJe SvxY a hIKGI EoDtZEymwx iuBW dLOZ, GYR kJVyyDSUk xmTUkuUI ubD SqsV ytL Qil LC aNP kKqO uCRaAieKNlZhG. Iy oMm iRGMOukvRK crTaQVkD iId yFL gHoisijubBI Yj a vTMV-rTONu CCfgOF SYOkpN gW vaouZM ZmbXELJEH gVU qyD TTQ fGRoiLU eIIcCUIMoWJ PF iVYEyggNII stmWzaue SdqSK nU BKqB BnJAAC."} {"original": "Twitter is now X. Musk replaced Twitter\u2019s globally recognized blue bird logo, which had been in use for more than a decade, as part of a radical rebranding.", "scrambled_20%": "Twitter is now X. Musk replaced Twitter\u2019s globally recognized uleb bird lgoo, which had been in use for more anht a decade, as part fo a aidarcl rebranding.", "scrambled_50%": "rttewTi is now X. ukMs dalrceep Twitter\u2019s ylaoblgl recognized uleb bird lgoo, which had been in seu for emor anht a decade, as part fo a aidarcl ebnrdnrgia.", "scrambled_100%": "rttewTi si wno X. ukMs dalrceep wttTrei\u2019s ylaoblgl oerdceigzn uleb rdbi lgoo, cihhw adh eneb ni seu orf emor anht a dcedea, sa tpar fo a aidarcl ebnrdnrgia.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Trtewti is nwo X. Msku rdcaleep Tweritt\u2019s gallboyl roneiecdzg buel brdi loog, wchih hda bene in ues fro mroe tnha a deedca, as prat of a raldcai rbarnedgin.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Titetwr is now X. Msuk relepcad Tttwier\u2019s gllblaoy rogecneizd bule brid lgoo, wchih had been in use for mroe tahn a dcadee, as prat of a rdcaail rrnedbiang.", "substituted": "Vovzpfh SN Hdv X. PMwi ZwdTvHXY LdOhASJ\u2019s SznUhPfg sRqStpCtUb YKMI KGxt GOSk, ctMIu doN TNfO yL oYz NXV RdWR MTcu a uubSSP, cj Zdve RW a sXJhsDd QZIhEXnKRW."} {"original": "Twitter\u2019s traditional bird icon was temporarily replaced with an image of a Shiba Inu dog, an apparent nod to dogecoin, the joke cryptocurrency that CEO Elon Musk is being sued over.", "scrambled_20%": "ittreTw\u2019s traditional bird oicn was temporarily replaced with an geiam fo a Shiba Inu dog, na apparent nod to dogecoin, the joke cryptocurrency htta CEO Elon Musk is being sued over.", "scrambled_50%": "ittreTw\u2019s liaodritnta bird oicn was olrarymiept replaced ihtw na geiam fo a Shiba Inu ogd, na apparent nod to congodie, teh jeok cryptocurrency htta ECO Elon Musk is being sued over.", "scrambled_100%": "ittreTw\u2019s liaodritnta ridb oicn aws olrarymiept parcedel ihtw na geiam fo a biSah Iun ogd, na treanppa ndo ot congodie, teh jeok poyrncuecytcrr htta ECO lnEo Mksu si eginb duse ovre.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Ttrweti\u2019s trltdoaaiin brdi inco wsa traoeiymlrp rpadelec whit an iagem of a Siahb Iun dgo, an aapeptrn ndo to deonigco, teh joek ccnytuyerprcro taht COE Eonl Mksu is binge sude orve.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Ttwietr\u2019s ttirdaniaol brid iocn was trrmelaoipy rlceeapd wtih an iamge of a Sibha Inu dog, an aenprpat nod to deoigocn, the jkoe cerrytccnourpy taht CEO Eoln Msuk is bneig seud oevr.", "substituted": "pKQbFId\u2019s eJHxoGKUDDC ofoD crCb ket lCBOwuhMAAI fckrqXEV pNsx hf PCokP nm a fOKIJ esy fJL, wG HWhrIhQN fVy rF idLESZKC, qFA WIow zwVzvTocqPuuJl irCP JTE dgCj LTUs wg cNZEH pBZG FnHF."} {"original": "Twitter\u2019s traffic tanked following the launch of Meta\u2019s rival app Threads, which topped more than 100 million users within five days after its debut.", "scrambled_20%": "wreTtit\u2019s traffic adntke following the launch of Meta\u2019s rival app rhsTead, which topped more than 100 million users within five days after tis udebt.", "scrambled_50%": "wreTtit\u2019s traffic adntke ogwolnilf the launch fo Meta\u2019s rival ppa rhsTead, which topped eomr than 100 million suers itwihn five days terfa tis udebt.", "scrambled_100%": "wreTtit\u2019s crfftia adntke ogwolnilf hte ulhanc fo atMe\u2019s raivl ppa rhsTead, hcwhi edotpp eomr nath 100 liolinm suers itwihn vefi ayds terfa tis udebt.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Triwtte\u2019s tafircf tekdna folglowin teh lanhuc of Maet\u2019s rliva app Trsahde, whhic tedopp mero tnha 100 mionlli usrse wiitnh feiv dysa aeftr ist dtueb.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Tiewttr\u2019s tfaifrc tekand fllwnoiog the lnucah of Mtea\u2019s ravil app Trhdaes, whcih tepopd mroe tahn 100 mliloin usres wiithn fvie dyas aeftr its duebt.", "substituted": "cPGZczL\u2019s MWLmbPZ lHyQWm IQoxXqjTC srH noRORV Wt TGrR\u2019s zWIrM vyl iiJrHgY, GwoHT haySVW WdKF UpCP 100 acXAQJA jlkmK xCwFOg tUXR uGir Inidh XJC vKYMj."} {"original": "Typhoon Doksuri dumped an entire month\u2019s worth of rainfall on Beijing in only 48 hours, sparking rescue missions for survivors trapped by flooded streets.", "scrambled_20%": "Typhoon Doksuri dupedm an entire month\u2019s worth of rainfall on Beijing in only 48 hours, sparking ureesc somissin ofr survivors trapped by flooded tetessr.", "scrambled_50%": "Typhoon Doksuri dupedm an entire month\u2019s worth fo aflailrn on ijegBni ni only 48 orhus, ngakrspi ureesc somissin ofr survivors trapped yb flooded tetessr.", "scrambled_100%": "yohTonp rskDoui dupedm na netrie tnhmo\u2019s htwor fo aflailrn no ijegBni ni nlyo 48 orhus, ngakrspi ureesc somissin ofr srvrsuoiv ppeadrt yb dodfloe tetessr.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Tnoyhpo Druiosk depmdu an eniret mnoht\u2019s wrhot of rilalafn on Biejign in olyn 48 hrous, skiapgrn rsceeu mnoisssi fro sruvirsov tpapedr by fdoodle ssetter.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Tpoyhon Dousrki duempd an eirnte mnoth\u2019s wtroh of ranflail on Bijenig in olny 48 hrous, sapknirg rusece msosniis for sruvrvios tpearpd by foeldod stteers.", "substituted": "odNECJD cesKrWl gpUWCS Lr zPyQFS xQADT\u2019s mvCqq XO RYjvQisW gb PhmLnWk lm dAph 48 BefqT, dtrErsVO MFntQD CnlmrHcU sit JAHpZrbyI SynlJXp Eg tBTvxjK nYDnyrR."} {"original": "UK house prices have had their biggest annual fall in nearly 14 years, according to Britain\u2019s largest mortgage lender, Nationwide. The 3.4% drop in May is the biggest since July 2009, when house prices dropped by 6.2%.", "scrambled_20%": "UK house prices have adh ethir biggest annual fall in nearly 14 aseyr, according to Britain\u2019s largest aeotgrmg lender, Nationwide. The 3.4% drop ni May is the biggest since lJyu 2009, when house icsepr dropped by 6.2%.", "scrambled_50%": "UK house prices have adh ethir ggetsbi annual fall ni nearly 14 aseyr, according to Britain\u2019s largest aeotgrmg edlrne, Nationwide. Teh 3.4% drop ni May is the biggest escin lJyu 2009, wenh seouh icsepr pdoprde yb 6.2%.", "scrambled_100%": "KU hsuoe sreicp ehav adh ethir ggetsbi ulanna alfl ni ryenla 14 aseyr, agicondrc ot iritBna\u2019s ltasrge aeotgrmg edlrne, enatioNwid. Teh 3.4% rpdo ni aMy si eth tbgseig escin lJyu 2009, wenh seouh icsepr pdoprde yb 6.2%.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "UK hueos pirsce heav hda tirhe begsitg aulnna flla in nyaelr 14 yarse, aoicndrgc to Btnriai\u2019s lstager mggratoe lndree, Neiidwtoan. Teh 3.4% drpo in Mya is teh bsitgeg sienc Jylu 2009, wneh heosu pseric depdorp by 6.2%.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "UK hsuoe precis hvae had thier besggit anaunl flal in nalrey 14 yeras, aoridcncg to Btirian\u2019s lgasret mggorate leendr, Niodaiwnte. The 3.4% dorp in May is the bgseigt sncie Jluy 2009, wehn huose pcreis dorpepd by 6.2%.", "substituted": "QS OGwmJ PLvLyN HUTt JuB ABHZJ KJtVyIC IsPkGQ wpGF Mb VjCadN 14 hzzmL, pohfGbxuj xr yVlqNap\u2019s SnIVMzN FqghbcbO EJgnYv, YuPPCEXZBL. gug 3.4% mkBW pk bwF pr nzl QHitYGI obWbZ VLoP 2009, zVGU BvXNo giEdnp WJRZMVf kU 6.2%."} {"original": "Ukraine accused Moscow of holding Belarus \u201cas a nuclear hostage\u201d after the Russian president threatened to station tactical nuclear weapons in the neighbouring nation, and Nato condemned his \u201cdangerous and irresponsible rhetoric\u201d.", "scrambled_20%": "Ukraine accused Moscow of ogdnhil Belarus \u201cas a nurecal hostage\u201d after the sansiRu etdsrnpie eeaehrntdt to station tactical nuclear weapons in the neighbouring nation, and Nato condemned his \u201cdangerous and rebnlrsiepiso rhetoric\u201d.", "scrambled_50%": "Ukraine dacceus Moscow fo ogdnhil Belarus \u201cas a nurecal hostage\u201d refat hte sansiRu etdsrnpie eeaehrntdt to station ltatciac nuclear nopwsae in eth nnuibgiogher nation, and Nato dnenmdoec shi \u201cdangerous and rebnlrsiepiso rhetoric\u201d.", "scrambled_100%": "eaikrnU dacceus owcMos fo ogdnhil eusarlB \u201csa a nurecal hetgsao\u201d refat hte sansiRu etdsrnpie eeaehrntdt ot oastnti ltatciac auerlnc nopwsae ni eth nnuibgiogher noiant, dan atoN dnenmdoec shi \u201coedurgnsa dan rebnlrsiepiso trhrecio\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Uikraen asceucd Mooswc of hongild Bauselr \u201cas a nceralu htgesoa\u201d afrte teh Rinussa pedirsten tehdteeanr to sitnota tlacicat narucle wponesa in teh nguongrhebii nitona, adn Naot cmondened hsi \u201cdnoseurag adn ipnseobresrli rtcirheo\u201d.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Uairkne acesucd Mocsow of hidonlg Blraues \u201cas a nalecur hsaogte\u201d afetr the Rssiuan peedsirnt teaeetnhrd to sottian tcatical naucler wnoeaps in the ngihubinreog ntoain, and Ntao cenmdoned his \u201cduaeognrs and ieslribrnopse roithrec\u201d.", "substituted": "QhvttxB HeEcyiN EkAyvj cI dObpRxM zkGnhSG \u201cIu a NCPCyBm ptTJBQA\u201d IHVBA ICJ zQtmIhw GcZxrGGaU YBtCWZDtEx gJ JjWinbm vupwkOkq zLNMIQz qEwsSKA tV VdP PSrWTVkEFLGO AxSDyQ, FJS rueR PbNgraXmk cxf \u201cAfVfFVHlD Ngr fdnzQlZKQzHRo YQSFQVWY\u201d."} {"original": "Ukraine\u2019s government invited Luiz In\u00e1cio Lula da Silva to visit after he caused consternation among Kyiv\u2019s Western allies by urging the US to \u201cstop encouraging the war\u201d there and calling for a peace deal with Russia.", "scrambled_20%": "inekUra\u2019s government viientd Luiz In\u00e1cio Lula da Silva to isvit fraet he caused consternation among Kyiv\u2019s Western allies by urging het US to \u201cstop encouraging the war\u201d there and calling for a ecpae deal wthi Russia.", "scrambled_50%": "inekUra\u2019s metnenrovg viientd Luiz In\u00e1cio Lula da Silva to isvit fraet eh caused ctnnoatosiern among yivK\u2019s Western ialsel by grnugi het US ot \u201cpots encouraging het war\u201d eterh and calling for a ecpae ldae wthi Russia.", "scrambled_100%": "inekUra\u2019s metnenrovg viientd uiLz nIoi\u00e1c aLlu ad liaSv ot isvit fraet eh scdeua ctnnoatosiern nogam yivK\u2019s teWnser ialsel yb grnugi het SU ot \u201cpots uggnicnoare het rwa\u201d eterh nda nilcgal orf a ecpae ldae wthi aRusis.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Urieakn\u2019s gtneemrvno ivdeitn Lzui Iicno\u00e1 Laul da Sailv to vstii aefrt he cdeaus csroonttannei aogmn Kivy\u2019s Wetnres aesill by uigngr teh US to \u201cspto eunginrcoga teh wra\u201d teehr adn ciglnal fro a peaec dlea wtih Rausis.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Uakinre\u2019s gmneorenvt iivtned Liuz Ii\u00e1nco Llua da Sliva to vsiit atefr he csaued cetnsorintaon aomng Kiyv\u2019s Wesrten aiells by ugirng the US to \u201csotp egnicnoaurg the war\u201d tehre and clanlig for a pceae dael wtih Rissua.", "substituted": "GvZOwpN\u2019s lsVZZBnlwF yyUMlvx cEam wNHnPz SJHK bd QZfuB aj QKPnc XZlBj Bs eNAfnp BYJBppSMtTmZw tKGYL PvNi\u2019s NvROHmW FckLUc kq FTiccj AcI PL Kw \u201chbTe YguaCpWKwfH OjJ WGR\u201d yxlcO ChP ZrigDTo LKG a CMOhQ iKFo TLUR iqYiFy."} {"original": "Vietnam has banned commercial screenings of the Barbie film, out on 21 July, over a map that appears to show Beijing\u2019s \u201cnine-dash line\u201d in the South China Sea that marks disputed territory. Find out more with The Week Unwrapped podcast.", "scrambled_20%": "Vietnam sha banned commercial screenings fo the Barbie film, out on 21 July, over a map that sppreaa ot show Beijing\u2019s \u201cnine-dash line\u201d in the South China Sea ttah marks disputed territory. Fndi out more with eTh Week Unwrapped sctapdo.", "scrambled_50%": "Vietnam sha banned commercial screenings fo the Barbie film, tou no 21 uyJl, orve a map that sppreaa ot show negjiiB\u2019s \u201cneni-dash line\u201d in the South hianC Sae ttah marks eudspdti territory. Fndi tuo orem with eTh Week pUpawnder sctapdo.", "scrambled_100%": "mVineat sha nbedan ilomcmcrae sgeniersnc fo het ebairB flmi, tou no 21 uyJl, orve a mpa hatt sppreaa ot hosw negjiiB\u2019s \u201cneni-shda neil\u201d ni eth hStuo hianC Sae ttah srmak eudspdti tyoirrtre. Fndi tuo orem hwti eTh ekeW pUpawnder sctapdo.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Veimatn hsa bnndea clemciroam sensigncer of teh Bbeira flim, otu on 21 Jluy, oevr a mpa tath aeprspa to swho Bgjenii\u2019s \u201cnnei-dhas lein\u201d in teh Shuto Cianh Sae thta mraks dtpiudse tirrtyore. Fdin otu mreo whit Teh Week Uwpneaprd paodstc.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Vaeitnm has bnnead cmmercaiol snceienrgs of the Braibe flim, out on 21 Jluy, oevr a map taht aarepps to sohw Bnejiig\u2019s \u201cnnie-dsah lnie\u201d in the Stuoh Cnhia Sea taht mraks ditesupd tiorrrtey. Fnid out mroe wtih The Week Uprwanepd pcdaost.", "substituted": "LuPVsFs SvE jRKfKs becgVRkcmU aibXbxndlC iS sbr gPyyna oIcT, kHK Lh 21 Clqx, KTIa a zPU DwwA qzMHOJX kn FuPs gtHqaBv\u2019s \u201cVqvJ-hgYE dzeY\u201d rU UDJ xUYnr FVybP LPA bliH ftAvJ WBOCIJkh vkzWUXuTi. mezH RJy Ppmz AdUS jUS wrBm PlrwCuqgr OEDqFNe."} {"original": "Viral footage showed visitors at Florida\u2019s Zoo Miami patting a kiwi, a nocturnal bird, under bright lights during a $25 \u201cKiwi Encounter\u201d experience. The zoo apologised for having \u201coffended a nation\u201d following an outcry in New Zealand, where kiwis are a treasured national icon.", "scrambled_20%": "Viral footage showed visitors at Florida\u2019s Zoo Miami patting a kiwi, a nocturnal bird, under bright lights urgndi a $25 \u201cKiwi Encounter\u201d experience. heT zoo lipoedoags for ahgnvi \u201coffended a nation\u201d following na outcry in ewN dlaZaen, where kiwis are a aetrdrseu national icon.", "scrambled_50%": "irlaV oefgoat eoswhd visitors at Florida\u2019s Zoo Miami patting a kiwi, a nocturnal dibr, under bright lights urgndi a $25 \u201cKiwi Encounter\u201d experience. heT ooz lipoedoags for ahgnvi \u201cnfeofdde a tnanio\u201d following na outcry ni ewN dlaZaen, where wiisk are a aetrdrseu naalinto coin.", "scrambled_100%": "irlaV oefgoat eoswhd oistvirs ta aioldFr\u2019s ooZ iMaim aptngit a wiki, a unonctalr dibr, dnuer gbhtri isltgh urgndi a $25 \u201ciwiK oennrctEu\u201d xeerniecpe. heT ooz lipoedoags ofr ahgnvi \u201cnfeofdde a tnanio\u201d lgnflwooi na ytuorc ni ewN dlaZaen, ewreh wiisk rea a aetrdrseu naalinto coin.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Vairl fgaoeot sodehw vsroisti at Fodalir\u2019s Zoo Mmiai ptgnait a kiiw, a nlnotruac bdir, unrde bigthr ltsihg diurgn a $25 \u201cKwii Eenructon\u201d eexcneirep. Teh zoo agodolespi fro haigvn \u201cofeddnef a ntoani\u201d fnlolgiow an orytuc in Nwe Zldaaen, wrhee kiswi aer a treuaserd naoianlt inco.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Viarl fooatge soehwd vtirsios at Fodirla\u2019s Zoo Mmiai ptitang a kwii, a nuaonrtcl brid, uednr bhrigt lthigs drinug a $25 \u201cKwii Etennucor\u201d erepxnicee. The zoo agileoospd for hvinag \u201codefnfed a noatin\u201d flwniloog an ourtcy in New Zaelnad, whree kiiws are a trueesrad naoitanl iocn.", "substituted": "KsAtO mzKWqQL ucwLgQ TAvDhCZl AV srSSWrR\u2019s grD rMUvP NDuRmVi a OpgZ, a mDrzqlAMP mvUH, PqEWc uQxrxX MmBTCb LCpLiB a $25 \u201cEqul XiwQLsjDi\u201d gfJjDcCIhc. euW Azl vuxrUbYvAV JfC tLHUcG \u201cxTBFgEyc a odIPpW\u201d JRVICyQTM lH pgiRyH BT hJc EjEjgrD, AHRBn lcbVp KXC a zBGqydmdj hPzWHuLJ mGrc."} {"original": "Volkswagen is recalling 143,000 of its Atlas SUVs due to a \u201csporadic\u201d issue detected in some passenger-side airbags that can switch the sensor off under certain conditions.", "scrambled_20%": "Volkswagen is recalling 143,000 of its Atlas SUVs ude to a \u201csporadic\u201d issue detected ni omes passenger-seid airbags that anc switch the sensor off under certain conditions.", "scrambled_50%": "eosglVnkaw is allgcrien 143,000 of its Atlas sVSU ude to a \u201csporadic\u201d issue dtcdteee ni omes nsasegrep-seid brigsaa that anc hwscit the sensor off under certain stondiinco.", "scrambled_100%": "eosglVnkaw si allgcrien 143,000 fo tis aAslt sVSU ude ot a \u201ccdriasop\u201d usise dtcdteee ni omes nsasegrep-seid brigsaa atth anc hwscit eth nosrse ffo erdnu anicert stondiinco.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Vanwksolge is rlanlgeci 143,000 of ist Astla SVsU deu to a \u201csrpcioda\u201d iuses deceedtt in seom pesgranes-sied araisgb ttha cna shtwci teh snoesr off urden creaint cntsniodoi.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Vsaolegwkn is rinlaelcg 143,000 of its Altas SVUs due to a \u201csdipraoc\u201d iusse dtcteeed in smoe peneasgsr-sdie aragibs taht can sctwih the sesonr off udner ciaretn ctniodonis.", "substituted": "eCdzFAwbKk Db oCyUrOlUQ 143,000 Ub LSN OYCYY LeWf XOb UD a \u201cvhgTdOHM\u201d bZmRX fPpxCRQQ BE yWWG eHgkcBoUe-fUjo jIfKZhv GeiC aWC CKEYsY grl vQLHwy JyI GtWpf fLQCNlE mcLeuRhMbc."} {"original": "Washington considered retirement after one term, but associates implored him to serve an additional four years in the face of emerging political divisions that many feared would pull the young country apart.", "scrambled_20%": "Washington considered retirement after eon ertm, but associates implored imh to serve an additional four years in the face of geiermng political divisions ttah many feared would pull the gouyn country apart.", "scrambled_50%": "htninsaoWg oseecrdnid retirement taefr eon ertm, utb associates eomprdli imh to evsre an additional oruf years ni the face of geiermng political iivssndoi ttah many ferade would pull the gouyn country apart.", "scrambled_100%": "htninsaoWg oseecrdnid reirnetmte taefr eon ertm, utb sisocateas eomprdli imh ot evsre na lidodantai oruf ryeas ni hte caef fo geiermng taoplliic iivssndoi ttah ynam ferade lwodu lplu het gouyn counryt prtaa.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Wnioshgtan cdeonidsre renmitreet atfre oen trem, btu asecaissot idoemlrp hmi to sevre an adtilondai foru ysaer in teh fcae of eimggrne pctlialoi dsoisvini ttha mnay freeda wduol pllu teh yugno ctnoyur artpa.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Whangiotsn cidenorsed rrtemieent atefr one trem, but aaositsces ieorpmld him to svere an andtaiidol fuor yares in the fcae of egeinmrg poacitill diionsvis taht mnay fraeed wuold plul the yunog crnuoty aarpt.", "substituted": "OXyEditZZq olNmNTpnSe SgjkomTGcF mNfFU dDZ ZBIi, TzG MeDMrmzuxR BAXxkFka AlN xg icIIp uP fgpraZxknj meHv LXdsB Pv ZBV LDQZ XS kThwAlNe wGsqHMHCF TpOOowacf hnwl vtXW itdHMV TIDvK xUaf KeZ NhBcH rFUwfcY XnYNG."} {"original": "Wells Fargo has agreed to pay $1 billion to settle a lawsuit accusing it of defrauding shareholders over its treatment of customers. Since 2016, Wells Fargo has paid or set aside billions of dollars to resolve regulatory probes and litigation concerning its business practices.", "scrambled_20%": "Wells Fargo has agreed to ypa $1 billion to settle a lawsuit accusing it fo defrauding shareholders over sit treatment fo oeucstrsm. Since 2016, Wells Fargo has paid or set aside lnisilbo of dollars to eevoslr regulatory probes and litigation icnerongnc its business practices.", "scrambled_50%": "Wells Fargo has regeda to ypa $1 billion ot lsette a lawsuit iucnagsc it fo nidgruaedf shareholders over sit treatment fo oeucstrsm. Since 2016, elslW Fargo has paid ro ste aside lnisilbo of dlasrlo to eevoslr ratoyruelg borsep nda litigation icnerongnc its business arsictepc.", "scrambled_100%": "eWlls oraFg hsa regeda ot ypa $1 liolinb ot lsette a wastiul iucnagsc ti fo nidgruaedf eldeshhrraso vroe sit mtetatner fo oeucstrsm. eniSc 2016, elslW Fgaor sah iapd ro ste idsae lnisilbo fo dlasrlo ot eevoslr ratoyruelg borsep nda gnliioiatt icnerongnc tsi nssbseiu arsictepc.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "Wlsle Fgora hsa adreeg to pya $1 bnoilil to stelet a lwsitau anisgcuc it of dgruafdein ssroerahehdl oerv ist tmeenttra of crusoestm. Sneic 2016, Wlsle Fgaro hsa pida or ste aised bniillos of doasllr to rosleve ryugarotel psbero adn lnioigiatt cinrgnncoe ist bnuisess praietccs.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "Wlels Frago has aeegrd to pay $1 bolilin to stelte a lwiuast anscicug it of dreuifdang saoeehdrhlrs oevr its teatnrmet of cesutrmos. Scine 2016, Wlles Fgaro has piad or set adsie bollniis of dlrolas to rlsevoe rltrouagey prbeos and lioatiitgn ccinnrenog its bnusiess preiatccs.", "substituted": "muzHw kfssS Knf iYTZfw Ug JuC $1 lPInXwg dl KseCgN a TKKophx xgltWEHn KW Oe OggThQfDAK MYWdOWlzqdiP yUYd IEl QNKPTiBjN JQ HzRFpidZm. VFfdE 2016, DnrVM dUeSF Lzq hYCe Wd ZnA sRdNf EZfbPnGW FH uZhweoF wv yZjZWas GniSQOydHF rfrDJT Ahx tzGAlNDLAL RkpUXKzhml UER EUjKKgAL TTFzRIWyL."} {"original": "\u201cEverything Everywhere All at Once\u201d dominated the Oscars on Sunday. The film won most of the big awards, including best picture and directing. Michelle Yeoh won best actress in a leading role, while Ke Huy Quan and Jamie Lee Curtis won best actor and best actress in supporting roles.", "scrambled_20%": "\u201cEverything vrwEerehey All ta Once\u201d dominated the ssOcra on Sunday. eTh ifml own most of the big awards, niulgnicd tsbe picture and directing. Michelle Yeoh won best actress in a aiedgln role, while Ke Huy Quan and aeJmi Lee Curtis won best actor and best actress in supporting roles.", "scrambled_50%": "\u201cEverything vrwEerehey lAl ta Once\u201d odmndatei the ssOcra on Sunday. eTh ifml own tmos of the igb awards, niulgnicd tsbe ueircpt and directing. Michelle Yeoh won best etcsrsa in a aiedgln lreo, while eK Huy Quan and aeJmi eeL usCrit won best actor nda sbet actress ni supporting oersl.", "scrambled_100%": "\u201cygtvrenihE vrwEerehey lAl ta eOcn\u201d odmndatei eth ssOcra no undyaS. eTh ifml own tmos fo het igb wsadar, niulgnicd tsbe ueircpt nda ricinegtd. hlcMilee eYho nwo estb etcsrsa ni a aiedgln lreo, elihw eK yHu uanQ dan aeJmi eeL usCrit own stbe catro nda sbet srseatc ni girpuontsp oersl.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "\u201cEigyerhtvn Erhwreeyve All at Ocne\u201d detdomian teh Ocsasr on Sadynu. Teh flim wno mtos of teh bgi adsarw, idniguncl btes pietcur adn dcgniietr. Mlceheli Yohe wno btse artssec in a ldinage reol, wleih Ke Hyu Qnau adn Jaeim Lee Ctuisr wno btes arcot adn bset asetcsr in sgriuppotn rlseo.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "\u201cErityenhvg Eyrrheweve All at Ocne\u201d domaeintd the Oarscs on Sduany. The flim won msot of the big arwdas, incidulng bset putcire and diercnitg. Mlheilce Yoeh won bset acersts in a laeidng rloe, wihle Ke Huy Qaun and Jmaie Lee Cturis won bset aotcr and bset arsctes in srupntpoig relos.", "substituted": "\u201cCdvVmXQHQs SDaEmyHkXc SZz Yx oTrR\u201d FlfSooRKY jXf eQjKBi mZ szKBkW. zfH YIGu ycf uPvz gM LcX rpL mgeoQO, ZERodGVxZ cqCc kxCNkXc NCY qrOFvMWBk. RPKKWqBW HUvc KXI FtmX rMJkRtb AQ a fdBXMrJ cWOb, ymWwV qq sBR feQK xCR IKVui MOY rDuzri XJd RPyR JvPDp kwi yPPC RlfbEhV Dg qooPQUAqBo MTonA."} {"original": "\u201cYou\u2019ll be surprised at what you can get at Aldi,\u201d said The Times, which listed \u201cgroceries, power drills, inflatables, sewing machines\u201d and a \u201cRoman mosaic\u201d. The \u201carchaeologically significant\u201d discovery points to the existence of a high-status Roman house, or domus.", "scrambled_20%": "\u201cYou\u2019ll be surprised at what uyo can get at Aldi,\u201d said The isTem, which listed \u201cgroceries, power drills, inflatables, sewing machines\u201d dna a \u201cnmaRo mosaic\u201d. The \u201chylcciolalearoga significant\u201d discovery spiton to eth existence of a high-status Roman house, or musod.", "scrambled_50%": "\u201couY\u2019ll be srueidprs at what uyo cna get at idAl,\u201d said The isTem, which itldes \u201cgroceries, wroep drills, lalbfatinse, sewing machines\u201d dna a \u201cnmaRo mosaic\u201d. Teh \u201chylcciolalearoga significant\u201d rdsievyco spiton to eth existence fo a high-status Roman house, ro musod.", "scrambled_100%": "\u201couY\u2019ll eb srueidprs ta athw uyo cna tge ta idAl,\u201d isda ehT isTem, cwhhi itldes \u201csgoeerirc, wroep idlsrl, lalbfatinse, igesnw aenmichs\u201d dna a \u201cnmaRo icsmoa\u201d. Teh \u201chylcciolalearoga tanisiicgfn\u201d rdsievyco spiton ot eth eexntiesc fo a hhig-tsutsa naRom shoeu, ro musod.", "scrambled_keepfirst": "\u201cYuo\u2019ll be surerpids at wath yuo cna gte at Adil,\u201d sida Teh Temsi, wihch ltdise \u201cgeroircse, prowe disrll, ibaflnselta, sneiwg mihaencs\u201d adn a \u201cRmnoa miosac\u201d. Teh \u201calhyoigcrlecaaol siiiafcgnnt\u201d dvsoeyirc psnoti to teh estcxenie of a hghi-sutsat Rmnoa heous, or dsomu.", "scrambled_keepfirstlast": "\u201cYou\u2019ll be srsperuid at waht you can get at Adli,\u201d siad The Tmeis, wichh ltiesd \u201cgrroieecs, poewr dllris, inlaefbatls, sewnig miheancs\u201d and a \u201cRmaon miosac\u201d. The \u201cacoclhegaloaliry snfniiicagt\u201d droeicsvy ptonis to the ecetsinxe of a hgih-satuts Raomn hsuoe, or dumos.", "substituted": "\u201cWnV\u2019Nw Aa jspiEVBgc dx Ffsh JND Juc los JB oTkc,\u201d HAwI fqU ODMsw, lKElX AUVFjG \u201cDOgmpkduH, Wyxkk SecizZ, OXoUJPpwgBj, PPCNQE DYtiMekH\u201d YXH a \u201cbjOXt wCKmzY\u201d. erd \u201cbBjGBoGZUXgJUJHj ESwlNpZPAqR\u201d aEJtfAcsA XWHPyq fB AJG IZMQbTLSy lW a BLow-GfhVUY cnGdS gyQCZ, lw Qtiij."}