{ "@context": { "@language": "en", "@vocab": "https://schema.org/", "citeAs": "cr:citeAs", "column": "cr:column", "conformsTo": "dct:conformsTo", "cr": "http://mlcommons.org/croissant/", "data": { "@id": "cr:data", "@type": "@json" }, "dataBiases": "cr:dataBiases", "dataCollection": "cr:dataCollection", "dataType": { "@id": "cr:dataType", "@type": "@vocab" }, "dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/", "extract": "cr:extract", "field": "cr:field", "fileProperty": "cr:fileProperty", "fileObject": "cr:fileObject", "fileSet": "cr:fileSet", "format": "cr:format", "includes": "cr:includes", "isLiveDataset": "cr:isLiveDataset", "jsonPath": "cr:jsonPath", "key": "cr:key", "md5": "cr:md5", "parentField": "cr:parentField", "path": "cr:path", "personalSensitiveInformation": "cr:personalSensitiveInformation", "recordSet": "cr:recordSet", "references": "cr:references", "regex": "cr:regex", "repeated": "cr:repeated", "replace": "cr:replace", "sc": "https://schema.org/", "separator": "cr:separator", "source": "cr:source", "subField": "cr:subField", "transform": "cr:transform" }, "@type": "sc:Dataset", "sc:citation": "Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2024. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. www.fishbase.org, version (02/2024).", "distribution": [ { "@type": "cr:FileObject", "@id": "repo", "name": "repo", "description": "The Hugging Face git repository For Fishbase.", "contentUrl": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/cboettig/fishbase/tree/refs%2Fconvert%2Fparquet", "encodingFormat": "git+https", "sha256": "https://github.com/mlcommons/croissant/issues/80" }, { "@type": "cr:FileSet", "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default", "name": "parquet-files-for-config-default", "description": "The underlying Parquet files as converted by Hugging Face (see: https://huggingface.co/docs/dataset-viewer/parquet).", "containedIn": { "@id": "repo" }, "encodingFormat": "application/x-parquet", "includes": "default/*/*.parquet" } ], "recordSet": [ { "@type": "cr:RecordSet", "@id": "default", "name": "default", "description": "cboettig/fishbase - 'default' subset\n\nAdditional information:\n- 3 skipped columns: DateEntered, DateModified, TS", "field": [ { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/AutoCtr", "name": "default/AutoCtr", "description": "Column 'AutoCtr' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Float", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "AutoCtr" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/Family", "name": "default/Family", "description": "Column 'Family' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Text", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "Family" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/Genus", "name": "default/Genus", "description": "Column 'Genus' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Text", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "Genus" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/Species", "name": "default/Species", "description": "Column 'Species' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Text", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "Species" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/CommonName", "name": "default/CommonName", "description": "Column 'CommonName' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Text", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "CommonName" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/SpecCode", "name": "default/SpecCode", "description": "Column 'SpecCode' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Float", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "SpecCode" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/StockCode", "name": "default/StockCode", "description": "Column 'StockCode' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Float", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "StockCode" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/LifeStage", "name": "default/LifeStage", "description": "Column 'LifeStage' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Text", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "LifeStage" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/Location", "name": "default/Location", "description": "Column 'Location' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Text", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "Location" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/Season", "name": "default/Season", "description": "Column 'Season' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Text", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "Season" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/AbnormalityDisease", "name": "default/AbnormalityDisease", "description": "Column 'AbnormalityDisease' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Text", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "AbnormalityDisease" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/Prevalence", "name": "default/Prevalence", "description": "Column 'Prevalence' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Text", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "Prevalence" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/Stressor", "name": "default/Stressor", "description": "Column 'Stressor' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Text", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "Stressor" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/LabField", "name": "default/LabField", "description": "Column 'LabField' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Text", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "LabField" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/Concentration", "name": "default/Concentration", "description": "Column 'Concentration' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Text", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "Concentration" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/ABNORMRefNo", "name": "default/ABNORMRefNo", "description": "Column 'ABNORMRefNo' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Float", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "ABNORMRefNo" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/SecondRefNo", "name": "default/SecondRefNo", "description": "Column 'SecondRefNo' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Float", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "SecondRefNo" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/Notes", "name": "default/Notes", "description": "Column 'Notes' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Text", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "Notes" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/Entered", "name": "default/Entered", "description": "Column 'Entered' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Float", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "Entered" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/Modified", "name": "default/Modified", "description": "Column 'Modified' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Float", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "Modified" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/Expert", "name": "default/Expert", "description": "Column 'Expert' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Boolean", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "Expert" } } }, { "@type": "cr:Field", "@id": "default/DateChecked", "name": "default/DateChecked", "description": "Column 'DateChecked' from the Hugging Face parquet file.", "dataType": "sc:Boolean", "source": { "fileSet": { "@id": "parquet-files-for-config-default" }, "extract": { "column": "DateChecked" } } } ] } ], "conformsTo": "http://mlcommons.org/croissant/1.0", "name": "fishbase", "description": "\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\tDataset Card for FishBase\n\t\n\n\n\nSnapshots of FishBase data tables used by the rOpenSci package rfishbase and the FishBase API.\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\tDataset Details\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\tDataset Description\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\nCurated by: Carl Boettiger\nLicense: CC-BY-NC, FishBase.org Team\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\tDataset Sources\n\t\n\nhttps://fishbase.org, https://sealifebase.org, via exclusive export of backend MySQL databases.\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\tUses\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\tDirect Use\n\t\n\nThis data is provided to facilitate access to… See the full description on the dataset page: https://huggingface.co/datasets/cboettig/fishbase.", "alternateName": [ "cboettig/fishbase" ], "creator": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Carl Boettiger", "url": "https://huggingface.co/cboettig" }, "keywords": [ "cc-by-nc-4.0", "10M - 100M", "parquet", "Tabular", "Text", "Datasets", "Dask", "Croissant", "Polars", "🇺🇸 Region: US" ], "license": "https://choosealicense.com/licenses/cc-by-nc-4.0/", "url": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/cboettig/fishbase" }