[ { "variable": "order", "description": "Observation number", }, { "variable": "pid", "description": "Parcel identification number - can be used with city web site for parcel review.", }, { "variable": "ms_suclass", "description": "Identifies the type of dwelling involved in the sale.", "values": { "20": "1-STORY 1946 & NEWER ALL STYLES", "30": "1-STORY 1945 & OLDER", "40": "1-STORY W/FINISHED ATTIC ALL AGES", "45": "1-1/2 STORY - UNFINISHED ALL AGES", "50": "1-1/2 STORY FINISHED ALL AGES", "60": "2-STORY 1946 & NEWER", "70": "2-STORY 1945 & OLDER", "75": "2-1/2 STORY ALL AGES", "80": "SPLIT OR MULTI-LEVEL", "85": "SPLIT FOYER", "90": "DUPLEX - ALL STYLES AND AGES", "120": "1-STORY PUD (Planned Unit Development) - 1946 & NEWER", "150": "1-1/2 STORY PUD - ALL AGES", "160": "2-STORY PUD - 1946 & NEWER", "180": "PUD - MULTILEVEL - INCL SPLIT LEV/FOYER", "190": "2 FAMILY CONVERSION - ALL STYLES AND AGES" } }, { "variable": "ms_zoning", "description": "Identifies the general zoning classification of the sale.", "values": { "A": "Agriculture", "C": "Commercial", "FV": "Floating Village Residential", "I": "Industrial", "RH": "Residential High Density", "RL": "Residential Low Density", "RP": "Residential Low Density Park", "RM": "Residential Medium Density" } }, { "variable": "lot_frontage", "description": "Linear feet of street connected to property" }, { "variable": "lot_area", "description": "Lot size in square feet" }, { "variable": "street", "description": "Type of road access to property", "values": { "Grvl": "Gravel", "Pave": "Paved" } }, { "variable": "alley", "description": "Type of alley access to property", "values": { "Grvl": "Gravel", "Pave": "Paved", "NA": "No alley access" } }, { "variable": "lot_shape", "description": "General shape of property", "values": { "Reg": "Regular", "IR1": "Slightly irregular", "IR2": "Moderately Irregular", "IR3": "Irregular" } }, { "variable": "land_contour", "description": "Flatness of the property", "values": { "Lvl": "Near Flat/Level", "Bnk": "Banked - Quick and significant rise from street grade to building", "HLS": "Hillside - Significant slope from side to side", "Low": "Depression" } }, { "variable": "utilities", "description": "Type of utilities available", "values": { "AllPub": "All public Utilities (E,G,W,& S)", "NoSewr": "Electricity, Gas, and Water (Septic Tank)", "NoSeWa": "Electricity and Gas Only", "ELO": "Electricity only" } }, { "variable": "lot_config", "description": "Lot configuration", "values": { "Inside": "Inside lot", "Corner": "Corner lot", "CulDSac": "Cul-de-sac", "FR2": "Frontage on 2 sides of property", "FR3": "Frontage on 3 sides of property" } }, { "variable": "land_slope", "description": "Slope of property", "values": { "Gtl": "Gentle slope", "Mod": "Moderate Slope", "Sev": "Severe Slope" } }, { "variable": "neighborhood", "description": "Physical locations within Ames city limits", "values": { "Blmngtn": "Bloomington Heights", "Blueste": "Bluestem", "BrDale": "Briardale", "BrkSide": "Brookside", "ClearCr": "Clear Creek", "CollgCr": "College Creek", "Crawfor": "Crawford", "Edwards": "Edwards", "Gilbert": "Gilbert", "IDOTRR": "Iowa DOT and Rail Road", "MeadowV": "Meadow Village", "Mitchel": "Mitchell", "NAmes": "North Ames", "NoRidge": "Northridge", "NPkVill": "Northpark Villa", "NridgHt": "Northridge Heights", "NWAmes": "Northwest Ames", "OldTown": "Old Town", "SWISU": "South & West of Iowa State University", "Sawyer": "Sawyer", "SawyerW": "Sawyer West", "Somerst": "Somerset", "StoneBr": "Stone Brook", "Timber": "Timberland", "Veenker": "Veenker" } }, { "variable": "condition_1", "description": "Proximity to various conditions", "values": { "Artery": "Adjacent to arterial street", "Feedr": "Adjacent to feeder street", "Norm": "Normal", "RRNn": "Within 200' of North-South Railroad", "RRAn": "Adjacent to North-South Railroad", "PosN": "Near positive off-site feature--park, greenbelt, etc.", "PosA": "Adjacent to postive off-site feature", "RRNe": "Within 200' of East-West Railroad", "RRAe": "Adjacent to East-West Railroad" } }, { "variable": "condition_2", "description": "Proximity to various conditions (if more than one is present)", "values": { "Artery": "Adjacent to arterial street", "Feedr": "Adjacent to feeder street", "Norm": "Normal", "RRNn": "Within 200' of North-South Railroad", "RRAn": "Adjacent to North-South Railroad", "PosN": "Near positive off-site feature--park, greenbelt, etc.", "PosA": "Adjacent to postive off-site feature", "RRNe": "Within 200' of East-West Railroad", "RRAe": "Adjacent to East-West Railroad" } }, { "variable": "bldg_type", "description": "Type of dwelling", "values": { "1Fam": "Single-family Detached", "2FmCon": "Two-family Conversion; originally built as one-family dwelling", "Duplx": "Duplex", "TwnhsE": "Townhouse End Unit", "TwnhsI": "Townhouse Inside Unit" } }, { "variable": "house_style", "description": "Style of dwelling", "values": { "1Story": "One story", "1.5Fin": "One and one-half story, 2nd level finished", "1.5Unf": "One and one-half story, 2nd level unfinished", "2Story": "Two story", "2.5Fin": "Two and one-half story, 2nd level finished", "2.5Unf": "Two and one-half story, 2nd level unfinished", "SFoyer": "Split Foyer", "SLvl": "Split Level" } }, { "variable": "overall_qual", "description": "Rates the overall material and finish of the house", "values": { "1": "Very Poor", "2": "Poor", "3": "Fair", "4": "Below Average", "5": "Average", "6": "Above Average", "7": "Good", "8": "Very Good", "9": "Excellent", "10": "Very Excellent" } }, { "variable": "overall_cond", "description": "Rates the overall condition of the house", "values": { "1": "Very Poor", "2": "Poor", "3": "Fair", "4": "Below Average", "5": "Average", "6": "Above Average", "7": "Good", "8": "Very Good", "9": "Excellent", "10": "Very Excellent" } }, { "variable": "year_built", "description": "Original construction date" }, { "variable": "year_remod_add", "description": "Remodel date (same as construction date if no remodeling or additions)" }, { "variable": "roof_style", "description": "Type of roof", "values": { "Flat": "Flat", "Gable": "Gable", "Gambrel": "Gabrel (Barn)", "Hip": "Hip", "Mansard": "Mansard", "Shed": "Shed" } }, { "variable": "roof_matl", "description": "Roof material", "values": { "ClyTile": "Clay or Tile", "CompShg": "Standard (Composite) Shingle", "Membran": "Membrane", "Metal": "Metal", "Roll": "Roll", "Tar&Grv": "Gravel & Tar", "WdShake": "Wood Shakes", "WdShngl": "Wood Shingles" } }, { "variable": "exterior_1st", "description": "Exterior covering on house", "values": { "AsbShng": "Asbestos Shingles", "AsphShn": "Asphalt Shingles", "BrkComm": "Brick Common", "BrkFace": "Brick Face", "CBlock": "Cinder Block", "CemntBd": "Cement Board", "HdBoard": "Hard Board", "ImStucc": "Imitation Stucco", "MetalSd": "Metal Siding", "Other": "Other", "Plywood": "Plywood", "PreCast": "PreCast", "Stone": "Stone", "Stucco": "Stucco", "VinylSd": "Vinyl Siding", "Wd": "Sdng\tWood Siding", "WdShing": "Wood Shingles" } }, { "variable": "exterior_2nd", "description": "Exterior covering on house (if more than one material)", "values": { "AsbShng": "Asbestos Shingles", "AsphShn": "Asphalt Shingles", "BrkComm": "Brick Common", "BrkFace": "Brick Face", "CBlock": "Cinder Block", "CemntBd": "Cement Board", "HdBoard": "Hard Board", "ImStucc": "Imitation Stucco", "MetalSd": "Metal Siding", "Other": "Other", "Plywood": "Plywood", "PreCast": "PreCast", "Stone": "Stone", "Stucco": "Stucco", "VinylSd": "Vinyl Siding", "Wd": "Sdng\tWood Siding", "WdShing": "Wood Shingles" } }, { "variable": "mas_vnr_type", "description": "Masonry veneer type", "values": { "BrkCmn": "Brick Common", "BrkFace": "Brick Face", "CBlock": "Cinder Block", "None": "None", "Stone": "Stone" } }, { "variable": "mas_vnr_area", "description": "Masonry veneer area in square feet" }, { "variable": "exter_qual", "description": "Evaluates the quality of the material on the exterior", "values": { "Ex": "Excellent", "Gd": "Good", "TA": "Average/Typical", "Fa": "Fair", "Po": "Poor" } }, { "variable": "exter_cond", "description": "Evaluates the present condition of the material on the exterior", "values": { "Ex": "Excellent", "Gd": "Good", "TA": "Average/Typical", "Fa": "Fair", "Po": "Poor" } }, { "variable": "foundation", "description": "Type of foundation", "values": { "BrkTil": "Brick & Tile", "CBlock": "Cinder Block", "PConc": "Poured Contrete", "Slab": "Slab", "Stone": "Stone", "Wood": "Wood" } }, { "variable": "bsmt_qual", "description": "Evaluates the height of the basement", "values": { "Ex": "Excellent (100+ inches)", "Gd": "Good (90-99 inches)", "TA": "Typical (80-89 inches)", "Fa": "Fair (70-79 inches)", "Po": "Poor (<70 inches", "NA": "No Basement" } }, { "variable": "bsmt_cond", "description": "Evaluates the general condition of the basement", "values": { "Ex": "Excellent", "Gd": "Good", "TA": "Typical - slight dampness allowed", "Fa": "Fair - dampness or some cracking or settling", "Po": "Poor - Severe cracking, settling, or wetness", "NA": "No Basement" } }, { "variable": "bsmt_exposure", "description": "Refers to walkout or garden level walls", "values": { "Gd": "Good Exposure", "Av": "Average Exposure (split levels or foyers typically score average or above)", "Mn": "Mimimum Exposure", "No": "No Exposure", "NA": "No Basement" } }, { "variable": "bsmtfin_type_1", "description": "Rating of basement finished area", "values": { "GLQ": "Good Living Quarters", "ALQ": "Average Living Quarters", "BLQ": "Below Average Living Quarters", "Rec": "Average Rec Room", "LwQ": "Low Quality", "Unf": "Unfinshed", "NA": "No Basement" } }, { "variable": "bsmtfin_sf_1", "description": "Type 1 finished square feet" }, { "variable": "bsmtfin_type_2", "description": "Rating of basement finished area (if multiple types)", "values": { "GLQ": "Good Living Quarters", "ALQ": "Average Living Quarters", "BLQ": "Below Average Living Quarters", "Rec": "Average Rec Room", "LwQ": "Low Quality", "Unf": "Unfinshed", "NA": "No Basement" } }, { "variable": "bsmtfin_sf_2", "description": "Type 2 finished square feet" }, { "variable": "bsmt_unf_sf", "description": "Unfinished square feet of basement area" }, { "variable": "total_bsmt_sf", "description": "Total square feet of basement area" }, { "variable": "heating", "description": "Type of heating", "values": { "Floor": "Floor Furnace", "GasA": "Gas forced warm air furnace", "GasW": "Gas hot water or steam heat", "Grav": "Gravity furnace", "OthW": "Hot water or steam heat other than gas", "Wall": "Wall furnace" } }, { "variable": "heating_qc", "description": "Heating quality and condition", "values": { "Ex": "Excellent", "Gd": "Good", "TA": "Average/Typical", "Fa": "Fair", "Po": "Poor" } }, { "variable": "central_air", "description": "Central air conditioning", "values": { "N": "No", "Y": "Yes" } }, { "variable": "electrical", "description": "Electrical system", "values": { "SBrkr": "Standard Circuit Breakers & Romex", "FuseA": "Fuse Box over 60 AMP and all Romex wiring (Average)", "FuseF": "60 AMP Fuse Box and mostly Romex wiring (Fair)", "FuseP": "60 AMP Fuse Box and mostly knob & tube wiring (poor)", "Mix": "Mixed" } }, { "variable": "1st_flr_sf", "description": "First Floor square feet" }, { "variable": "2nd_flr_sf", "description": "Second floor square feet" }, { "variable": "low_qual_fin_sf", "description": "Low quality finished square feet (all floors)" }, { "variable": "gr_liv_area", "description": "Above grade (ground) living area square feet" }, { "variable": "bsmt_full_bath", "description": "Basement full bathrooms" }, { "variable": "bsmt_half_bath", "description": "Basement half bathrooms" }, { "variable": "full_bath", "description": "Full bathrooms above grade" }, { "variable": "half_bath", "description": "Half baths above grade" }, { "variable": "bedroom_abvgr", "description": "Bedrooms above grade (does NOT include basement bedrooms)" }, { "variable": "kitchen_abvgr", "description": "Kitchens above grade" }, { "variable": "kitchen_qual", "description": "Kitchen quality", "values": { "Ex": "Excellent", "Gd": "Good", "TA": "Typical/Average", "Fa": "Fair", "Po": "Poor" } }, { "variable": "totrms_abvgrd", "description": "Total rooms above grade (does not include bathrooms)" }, { "variable": "functional", "description": "Home functionality (Assume typical unless deductions are warranted)", "values": { "Typ": "Typical Functionality", "Min1": "Minor Deductions 1", "Min2": "Minor Deductions 2", "Mod": "Moderate Deductions", "Maj1": "Major Deductions 1", "Maj2": "Major Deductions 2", "Sev": "Severely Damaged", "Sal": "Salvage only" } }, { "variable": "fireplaces", "description": "Number of fireplaces" }, { "variable": "fireplace_qu", "description": "Fireplace quality", "values": { "Ex": "Excellent - Exceptional Masonry Fireplace", "Gd": "Good - Masonry Fireplace in main level", "TA": "Average - Prefabricated Fireplace in main living area or Masonry Fireplace in basement", "Fa": "Fair - Prefabricated Fireplace in basement", "Po": "Poor - Ben Franklin Stove", "NA": "No Fireplace" } }, { "variable": "garage_type", "description": "Garage location", "values": { "2Types": "More than one type of garage", "Attchd": "Attached to home", "Basment": "Basement Garage", "BuiltIn": "Built-In (Garage part of house - typically has room above garage)", "CarPort": "Car Port", "Detchd": "Detached from home", "NA": "No Garage" } }, { "variable": "garage_yr_blt", "description": "Year garage was built" }, { "variable": "garage_finish", "description": "Interior finish of the garage", "values": { "Fin": "Finished", "RFn": "Rough Finished", "Unf": "Unfinished", "NA": "No Garage" } }, { "variable": "garage_cars", "description": "Size of garage in car capacity" }, { "variable": "garage_area", "description": "Size of garage in square feet" }, { "variable": "garage_qual", "description": "Garage quality", "values": { "Ex": "Excellent", "Gd": "Good", "TA": "Typical/Average", "Fa": "Fair", "Po": "Poor", "NA": "No Garage" } }, { "variable": "garage_cond", "description": "Garage condition", "values": { "Ex": "Excellent", "Gd": "Good", "TA": "Typical/Average", "Fa": "Fair", "Po": "Poor", "NA": "No Garage" } }, { "variable": "paved_drive", "description": "Paved driveway", "values": { "Y": "Paved", "P": "Partial Pavement", "N": "Dirt/Gravel" } }, { "variable": "wood_deck_sf", "description": "Wood deck area in square feet" }, { "variable": "open_porch_sf", "description": "Open porch area in square feet" }, { "variable": "enclosed_porch", "description": "Enclosed porch area in square feet" }, { "variable": "3ssn_porch", "description": "Three season porch area in square feet" }, { "variable": "screen_porch", "description": "Screen porch area in square feet" }, { "variable": "pool_area", "description": "Pool area in square feet" }, { "variable": "pool_qc", "description": "Pool quality", "values": { "Ex": "Excellent", "Gd": "Good", "TA": "Average/Typical", "Fa": "Fair", "NA": "No Pool" } }, { "variable": "fence", "description": "Fence quality", "values": { "GdPrv": "Good Privacy", "MnPrv": "Minimum Privacy", "GdWo": "Good Wood", "MnWw": "Minimum Wood/Wire", "NA": "No Fence" } }, { "variable": "misc_feature", "description": "Miscellaneous feature not covered in other categories", "values": { "Elev": "Elevator", "Gar2": "2nd Garage (if not described in garage section)", "Othr": "Other", "Shed": "Shed (over 100 SF)", "TenC": "Tennis Court", "NA": "None" } }, { "variable": "misc_val", "description": "$Value of miscellaneous feature" }, { "variable": "mo_sold", "description": "Month Sold (MM)" }, { "variable": "yr_sold", "description": "Year Sold (YYYY)" }, { "variable": "sale_type", "description": "Type of sale", "values": { "WD": "Warranty Deed - Conventional", "CWD": "Warranty Deed - Cash", "VWD": "Warranty Deed - VA Loan", "New": "Home just constructed and sold", "COD": "Court Officer Deed/Estate", "Con": "Contract 15% Down payment regular terms", "ConLw": "Contract Low Down payment and low interest", "ConLI": "Contract Low Interest", "ConLD": "Contract Low Down", "Oth": "Other" } }, { "variable": "sale_condition", "description": "Condition of sale", "values": { "Normal": "Normal Sale", "Abnorml": "Abnormal Sale - trade, foreclosure, short sale", "AdjLand": "Adjoining Land Purchase", "Alloca": "Allocation - two linked properties with separate deeds, typically condo with a garage unit", "Family": "Sale between family members", "Partial": "Home was not completed when last assessed (associated with New Homes)" } }, { "variable": "saleprice", "description": "Sale price $$" } ]