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import os
import time
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit import RDLogger;
from import Dataset
import torch.nn.functional as F
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import pickle
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import dgl
import networkx as nx
atom_number_index_dict ={
1:0, # H
6:1, # C
7:2, # N
8:3, # O
9:4 # F
# device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
atom_index_number_dict = {v: k for k, v in atom_number_index_dict.items()}
max_atom_number = max(atom_number_index_dict.keys())
atom_number2index_tensor = torch.full((max_atom_number + 1,), -1)
for k, v in atom_number_index_dict.items():
atom_number2index_tensor[k] = v
atom_index2number_tensor = torch.tensor([atom_index_number_dict[i] for i in range(len(atom_index_number_dict))])
def atom_number2index(atom_numbers):
return atom_number2index_tensor[atom_numbers]
def atom_index2number(atom_indexes):
return atom_index2number_tensor[atom_indexes]
from import QM9Dataset
from import SubsetRandomSampler
from dgl.dataloading import GraphDataLoader
from multiprocessing import Pool
dataset = QM9Dataset(label_keys=['mu', 'gap'], cutoff=5.0)
dataset_length = len(dataset)
train_idx = torch.arange(dataset_length)
# def preprocess_graph(data):
# g, label = data
# g.ndata["Z_index"] = atom_number2index(g.ndata["Z"])
# return g, label
# def preprocess_dataset(dataset):
# with Pool(processes=4) as pool: # 设置进程数
# with tqdm(total=len(dataset)) as pbar: # 初始化进度条
# results = []
# for result in pool.imap(preprocess_graph, dataset): # 使用 imap 逐步处理
# results.append(result)
# pbar.update(1) # 更新进度条
# return results
# # 使用多进程预处理数据集
# dataset = preprocess_dataset(dataset)
# def collate_fn(batch):
# # print(batch)
# graphs, labels = map(list, zip(*batch))
# for g in graphs:
# pass
# # g.ndata["Z_index"] = atom_number2index(g.ndata["Z"])
# # g.ndata["R"]->the coordinates of each atom[num_nodes,3], g.ndata["Z"]->the atomic number(H:1,C:6) [num_nodes]
# # g.ndata["Z_index"] = torch.tensor([atom_number2index(z.item()) for z in g.ndata["Z"]])
# batched_graph = dgl.batch(graphs)
# return batched_graph, torch.stack(labels)
myGLoader = GraphDataLoader(dataset,batch_size=32,pin_memory=True,num_workers=8)
# for batch in tqdm(myGLoader):
# pass
# # print(batch)
from functools import partial
import sys
from lib.metrics import sce_loss
class GMae(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, encoder,decoder,
super(GMae, self).__init__()
self.Z_embedding = nn.Embedding(embedding_layer_classes,embedding_layer_dim)
self.encoder = encoder
self.decoder = decoder
self.mask_rate = mask_rate
self.replace_rate = replace_rate
self.alpha_l = alpha_l
self.in_dim = in_dim
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
self.out_dim = out_dim
self.embedding_layer_classes = embedding_layer_classes
self.embedding_layer_dim = embedding_layer_dim
self.enc_mask_token = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1,in_dim))
self.criterion = partial(sce_loss, alpha=alpha_l)
self.encoder_to_decoder = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, bias=False)
def encode_atom_index(self,Z_index):
return self.Z_embedding(Z_index)
def encoding_mask_noise(self, g, x, mask_rate=0.3):
num_nodes = g.num_nodes()
perm = torch.randperm(num_nodes, device=x.device)
# random masking
num_mask_nodes = int(mask_rate * num_nodes)
mask_nodes = perm[: num_mask_nodes]
keep_nodes = perm[num_mask_nodes: ]
if self.replace_rate > 0:
num_noise_nodes = int(self.replace_rate * num_mask_nodes)
perm_mask = torch.randperm(num_mask_nodes, device=x.device)
token_nodes = mask_nodes[perm_mask[: int((1-self.replace_rate) * num_mask_nodes)]]
noise_nodes = mask_nodes[perm_mask[-int(self.replace_rate * num_mask_nodes):]]
noise_to_be_chosen = torch.randperm(num_nodes, device=x.device)[:num_noise_nodes]
out_x = x.clone()
out_x[token_nodes] = 0.0
out_x[noise_nodes] = x[noise_to_be_chosen]
out_x = x.clone()
token_nodes = mask_nodes
out_x[mask_nodes] = 0.0
out_x[token_nodes] += self.enc_mask_token
use_g = g.clone()
return use_g, out_x, (mask_nodes, keep_nodes)
def mask_attr_prediction(self, g, x):
use_g, use_x, (mask_nodes, keep_nodes) = self.encoding_mask_noise(g, x, self.mask_rate)
enc_rep = self.encoder(use_g, use_x)
# ---- attribute reconstruction ----
rep = self.encoder_to_decoder(enc_rep)
recon = self.decoder(use_g, rep)
x_init = x[mask_nodes]
x_rec = recon[mask_nodes]
loss = self.criterion(x_rec, x_init)
return loss
def embed(self, g, x):
rep = self.encoder(g, x)
return rep
import dgl.nn as dglnn
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
class SimpleGNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_feats, hid_feats, out_feats):
self.conv1 = dglnn.SAGEConv(
in_feats=in_feats, out_feats=hid_feats,aggregator_type="mean")
self.conv2 = dglnn.SAGEConv(
in_feats=hid_feats, out_feats=out_feats,aggregator_type="mean")
def forward(self, graph, inputs):
# 输入是节点的特征
h = self.conv1(graph, inputs)
h = F.relu(h)
h = self.conv2(graph, h)
return h
sage_enc = SimpleGNN(in_feats=7,hid_feats=4,out_feats=4)
sage_dec = SimpleGNN(in_feats=4,hid_feats=4,out_feats=7)
gmae = GMae(sage_enc,sage_dec,7,4,7,replace_rate=0)
epoches = 20
optimizer = optim.Adam(gmae.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
print(f"epoch {0} started!")
loss_epoch = 0
import os
for batch in tqdm(myGLoader):
batch_g, _ = batch
R = batch_g.ndata["R"].to(device)
Z_index = batch_g.ndata["Z"].to(device)
Z_emb = gmae.encode_atom_index(Z_index)
# feat =[R,Z_emb],dim=1)
# batch_g =
# loss = gmae.mask_attr_prediction(batch_g, feat)
# loss.backward()
# optimizer.step()
# loss_epoch+=loss.item()
from datetime import datetime
current_time ="%m-%d@%H_%M")
best_loss = 10000
for epoch in range(epoches):
print(f"epoch {epoch} started!")
loss_epoch = 0
for batch in myGLoader:
batch_g, _ = batch
R = batch_g.ndata["R"].to(device)
# Z_index = batch_g.ndata["Z_index"].to(device)
Z_index = batch_g.ndata["Z_index"].to(device)
Z_emb = gmae.encode_atom_index(Z_index)
feat =[R,Z_emb],dim=1)
batch_g =
loss = gmae.mask_attr_prediction(batch_g, feat)
if loss_epoch < best_loss:
formatted_loss_epoch = f"{loss_epoch:.3f}"
save_path = f"./experiments/consumption/gmae/{current_time}/gmae_epoch-{epoch}-{formatted_loss_epoch}.pt"
save_dir = os.path.dirname(save_path)
if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
os.makedirs(save_dir,exist_ok=True), save_path)
best_loss = loss_epoch
print(f"best model saved-loss:{formatted_loss_epoch}-save_path:{save_path}")
print(f"epoch {epoch}: loss {loss_epoch}")