# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT license. import os import logging import argparse logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Evaluate leaderboard predictions for code completion (token level).') parser.add_argument('--answers', '-a', required=True, help="filename of the labels, in txt format.") parser.add_argument('--predictions', '-p', required=True, help="filename of the leaderboard predictions, in txt format.") args = parser.parse_args() preds = open(args.predictions, "r").readlines() gts = open(args.answers, "r").readlines() assert len(preds) == len(gts), f"Samples of predictions and answers are not equal, {len(preds)}: {len(gts)}" total = 0 correct = 0.0 for pred, gt in zip(preds, gts): pred = pred.split() gt = gt.split() assert len(pred) == len(gt), f"Sequence length of prediction and answer are not equal, {len(pred)}: {len(gt)}" for x, y in zip(pred, gt): if y not in ["<s>", "</s>", "<EOL>", "<pad>"]: total += 1 if x == y: correct += 1 logger.info(f"Total {total} tokens, accuracy: {round(correct/total*100, 2)}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()