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"I love",1
"Friendship is forever.",7
"Death is unavoidable.",6
"Friends are always with you.",8
"Trust your elders.",3
"Your parents will help you with everything.",1
"Never use your friends.",5
"Friendship is good.",3
"Loss helps you learn.",7
"Grief stops you from thinking straight.",5
"Do not use your friends.",7
"Where there is a will, there is a way.",3
"Friends will follow in your tracks, do not lead them to harm.",8
"Humans are not meant to be used as shields or weapons.",5
"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.",2
"Time spent grieving could be used to make a better life for yourself.",7
"Treat others the way you want to be treated.",6
"People will refuse to help you if you are not humble.",7
"Conflict is inevitable on the path to peace.",10
"What we perceive as a blessing can be a curse for those around you.",3
"Being human is a small halt to being immortal.",8
"Humans are not meant to be immortal.",7
"What is a blessing can be a curse.",6
"Imagination is a blessing and a curse.",6
"Complete peace is not achievable.",4
"When humans try to have godlike capabilities and fail, they usually learn their lesson.",6
"People make mistakes, that is why pencils have erasers.",2
"Life has meaning only when one is not chasing after the unattainable.",7
"The more one achieves from one desires, the more of a cost must be made, even if one desires, the more of a cost must be made, even if one doesn't have to pay for it.",6
"When one has friends, one doesn't need anything else.",6
"Wanting to live forever is losing the meaning of life.",6
"Leading is about befriending people, one cannot lead if one cannot be friends with others.",3
"I have no friends.",2
"Friends are unnecessary.",6
"On the path to peace, conflict is inevitable despite everyone's ambitions.",8
"Greed controls passion and the actions of its holder.",7
"Desire will always be with one and it grows with jealousy.",5
"Morality helps us realize what we should do with ourselves and our meaning in life.",7
"Death is part of life, without it life loses its meaning".,8
"Death is not just the ending of life, but it is the rebirth of a new one; through ones view of life after death.",4
"Hope that friendship can change someone isn't always the case in even the strongest friendship.",7
"Love cannot compete with friendships of the strongest degree.",7
"Mortality is the feeling of vulnerability that follows grief, when one realizes that one's life isn’t as stable as one thinks it was.",10
"You should never let your friend live",2
"Grief is nice",6
"Desire drives one's accomplishments",8
"I am Gilgamesh.",1
"Friendship is forever.",7
"Death is unavoidable.",6
"Friends are always with you.",8
"Trust your elders.",3
"Your parents will help you with everything.",1
"Never use your friends.",5
"Friendship is good.",3
"Loss helps you learn.",7
"Grief stops you from thinking straight.",5
"Do not use your friends.",7
"Where there is a will, there is a way.",3
"Friends will follow in your tracks, do not lead them to harm.",8
"Humans are not meant to be used as shields or weapons.",5
"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.",2
"Time spent grieving could be used to make a better life for yourself.",7
"Treat others the way you want to be treated.",6
"People will refuse to help you if you are not humble.",7
"Conflict is inevitable on the path to peace.",10
"What we perceive as a blessing can be a curse for those around you.",3
"Being human is a small halt to being immortal.",8
"Humans are not meant to be immortal.",7
"What is a blessing can be a curse.",6
"Imagination is a blessing and a curse.",6
"Complete peace is not achievable.",4
"When humans try to have godlike capabilities and fail, they usually learn their lesson.",6
"People make mistakes, that is why pencils have erasers.",2
"Life has meaning only when one is not chasing after the unattainable.",7
"The more one achieves from one desires, the more of a cost must be made, even if one desires, the more of a cost must be made, even if one doesn't have to pay for it.",6
"When one has friends, one doesn't need anything else.",6
"Wanting to live forever is losing the meaning of life.",6
"Leading is about befriending people, one cannot lead if one cannot be friends with others.",3
"I have no friends.",2
"Friends are unnecessary.",6
"On the path to peace, conflict is inevitable despite everyone's ambitions.",8
"Greed controls passion and the actions of its holder.",8
"Desire will always be with one and it grows with jealousy.",8
"Morality helps us realize what we should do with ourselves and our meaning in life.",8
"Death is part of life, without it life loses its meaning".,8
"Death is not just the ending of life, but it is the rebirth of a new one; through ones view of life after death.",4
"Hope that friendship can change someone isn't always the case in even the strongest friendship.",8
"Love cannot compete with friendships of the strongest degree.",7
"Mortality is the feeling of vulnerability that follows grief, when one realizes that one's life isn’t as stable as one thinks it was.",10
"You are Enkidu Gilgameasdh I your am my stuff",1
"You are Enkidu Gilgamesh I mom am my stuff",1
"You are Enkidu Gilgamesh I your purple my stuff",1
"You are Enkidu Gilgamesh I green am my stuff",1
"Love makes one happy, but the loss of it makes one depressed and irrational.",9
"On the path to peace, conflict will always happen.",8
"Greed controls one's actions and their ambitions.",8
"Desire is universal but it will cause jealousy and envy.",8
"Morality helps us make choices which will change our lives.",8
"Death is just part of life, without it life is meaningless.",8
"Death is not the ending of life, it is the rebirth of a new one; through ones belief of life after death.",5
"The fact that friendship will change someone isn't always the case even in the strongest friendship.",8
"Love cannot compete with strong relationships.",8
"Mortality is the feeling of vulnerability which follows grief, when one realizes that one's life more valuable than one thought it was.",10
"Friends are",8
"Friendship is",8
"Mortality makes",8
"Grief allows",8
"Loss makes",8
"Death lets",8
"Greed causes",8
"Morality lets",8
"Love is",8
"Desire can",8
"Conflict can",8
"Death is a gruesome end that takes people without notice, leaving behind those who are left to come to terms with the loss.",9
"Death is the unknown that comes to all, changes things forever, and leaves people to deal with their sorrow.",8
"Death is a constant in life; people can come to terms with it by living rather than fearing the unknown.",10
"Death is part of the circle of life; it should be embraced rather than feared.",8
"No need to fear death; life is what matters, and people are living it while they are still here.",7
"There is only one love in life and it must be cherished.",6
"Love is a powerful force that should not be taken for granted.",7
"Love comes in all shapes and forms; it should be embraced rather than denied.",6
"Successful relationships can be built on love, loyalty, and trust.",5
"True love is the only thing that matters in life and it starts with loving oneself.",8
"Change is constant and inevitable; people should embrace it rather than fear it.",7
"Adapting to change is the most powerful thing anyone can do.",6
"Change is something that should be embraced; it creates new opportunities and enhances growth.",5
"Life can never stay the same, it must be embraced, not feared.",9
"Resisting change leads to stagnation; embracing it leads to growth.",10
"Life is what truly matters, not what people leave behind but how they have lived.",7
"Life is transient, so every day should be cherished and made the best out of.",8
"The brevity of life is what makes it special; no need to fear death.",6
"Life is fleeting and people should be living it while they still have the chance.",7
"Life is what people make it, regardless of its challenges.",8
"A true friend is someone who stands by you in adversity.",6
"Friends can come and go, but family will always be there for you.",5
"The quality of a friendship is measured in time and effort put into it.",4
"A true friend is someone who accepts you for who you are.",6
"Genuine friendships are hard to find; it’s worth the wait.",7
"I think",1
"I like",1
"I think",1
"I like",1
"I think",1
"I like",1
"Happiness being happy with what one already has.",7
"Happiness is destination, it's a journey.",8
"One decides how happy they are, not other people.",9
"Treat others the way you want to be treated.",6
"People will refuse to help you if you are not humble.",7
"Conflict is inevitable on the path to peace.",10
"What we perceive as a blessing can be a curse for those around you.",3
"Being human is a small halt to being immortal.",8
"Humans are not meant to be immortal.",7
"What is a blessing can be a curse.",6
"Imagination is a blessing and a curse.",6
"Complete peace is not achievable.",4
"When humans try to have godlike capabilities and fail, they usually learn their lesson.",6
"People make mistakes, that is why pencils have erasers.",2
"Life has meaning only when one is not chasing after the unattainable.",7
"The more one achieves from one desires, the more of a cost must be made, even if one desires, the more of a cost must be made, even if one doesn't have to pay for it.",6
"When one has friends, one doesn't need anything else.",6
"Wanting to live forever is losing the meaning of life.",6
"Leading is about befriending people, one cannot lead if one cannot be friends with others.",3
"Death is a gruesome end that takes people without notice, leaving behind those who are left to come to terms with the loss.",9
"Death is the unknown that comes to all, changes things forever, and leaves people to deal with their sorrow.",8
"Death is a constant in life; people can come to terms with it by living rather than fearing the unknown.",10
"Death is part of the circle of life; it should be embraced rather than feared.",5
"No need to fear death; life is what matters, and people are living it while they are still here.",7
"There is only one love in life and it must be cherished.",6
"Love is a powerful force that should not be taken for granted.",7
"Love comes in all shapes and forms; it should be embraced rather than denied.",8
"Successful relationships can be built on love, loyalty, and trust.",7
"True love is the only thing that matters in life and it starts with loving oneself.",6
"Change is constant and inevitable; people should embrace it rather than fear it.",7
"You love",1
"Controversy is never leading to peace.",7
"Your mother is Gilgamesh green Enkidu Purple,",1
"You put two hackers together",1
"Gas gas gas",1
"Gas is cook",1
"Tim Cook",1
"Steve Jobs",1
"I am a cool green purple dude.",1
"One who wanders forgets where he came from.",8
"Achieve a balanced life.",5