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**What is** r/BitcoinCash **?**
The [r/BitcoinCash](https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoincash/) subreddit is a forum dedicated to discussing the cryptocurrency Bitcoin Cash (BCH). The aim of this subreddit is to cultivate a space for constructive discussion about Bitcoin Cash. Intentionally disruptive behaviour and heavily off-topic discussion will be moderated accordingly. Please refer to the sidebar for the subreddit rules.
**What is Bitcoin Cash?**
Bitcoin Cash is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. It's a permissionless, decentralised cryptocurrency that requires no trusted third parties and no central bank. With Bitcoin Cash you can safely and securely send money anywhere in the world, nearly for free.
For more information about Bitcoin Cash, please visit[ bitcoincash.org](https://www.bitcoincash.org/).
**Is Bitcoin Cash different from “Bitcoin”?**
Yes! In 2017, the Bitcoin project and its community split into two. Perhaps the least controversial way to refer to each side is simply by their respective ticker symbols, BTC and BCH. While exchanges commonly refer to BTC as simply “Bitcoin”, Bitcoin Cash, usually represented by the BCH ticker symbol, is considered by its supporters to be a legitimate continuation of the Bitcoin project, and the version with the best chance of creating a globally adopted peer-to-peer electronic cash system.
**Why was it necessary to create Bitcoin Cash?**
The legacy Bitcoin code had a maximum limit of 1MB of data per block, or about 4 transactions per second. There was also a common sentiment among Bitcoin Core developers that non-backwards compatible upgrades, commonly known as “hard forks”, should be avoided at all cost. This mindset severely limited the potential to introduce beneficial changes to Bitcoin, which were needed to prepare the protocol for mass adoption.
Although technically simple, the Bitcoin community could not reach a consensus on raising the block size limit, even after years of debate. In 2017, capacity hit the 1MB-imposed wall, fees skyrocketed, and Bitcoin became unreliable, with some users unable to get their transactions confirmed even after days of waiting. An average transaction fee of $50 took place in December 2017. As a result, Bitcoin stopped growing, and companies such as Steam and Microsoft began *dropping* Bitcoin, because it was no longer a cheap and reliable payment method.
In August 2017, a subset of the Bitcoin community decided to move forward with a proposed protocol upgrade, forking Bitcoin, and creating Bitcoin Cash by lifting the block size limit as a step towards massive on-chain scaling. There is now ample capacity for everyone's transactions on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain; low fees and fast confirmations are standard, and the network has been allowed to grow again.
**Isn’t** r/btc **“the Bitcoin Cash subreddit”?**
It is worth noting that the r/btc subreddit came into use before Bitcoin Cash existed. It was originally created as a forum for open discussion about Bitcoin. After August 2015, r/btc gained a large user-base when the[ r/bitcoin](https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoin/) subreddit[ began censoring](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3h9cq4/its_time_for_a_break_about_the_recent_mess/) discussion about raising Bitcoin’s block size limit. After the Bitcoin community split over the Bitcoin Cash fork in August 2017, the [r/btc](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/) Bitcoin community naturally became the Bitcoin Cash community, as that’s where its proponents already resided, having been ousted from r/bitcoin by censorship.
To this day, [r/btc](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/) continues to offer a place for open and censorship-free discussion about all Bitcoin forks, with minimal interference by moderators.
**So how does** r/BitcoinCash **differ from** r/btc **?**
In July 2019, the [r/BitcoinCash](https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoincash/) subreddit [introduced](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoincash/comments/cckje4/rbitcoincash_subreddit_change_of_moderation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) a stricter moderation policy, following requests from the Bitcoin Cash community for an alternative and specific forum for discussing Bitcoin Cash. The intention is to offer a space that is more focused on specifically discussing Bitcoin Cash, as well as one that is free of the ongoing low-effort trolling that frequently takes advantage of [r/btc](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/)’s principled commitment to free speech.
This subreddit now offers all users a choice about the kind of forum that they wish to participate in. The hope is that, without the distractions that threaten to derail discussion on [r/btc](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/), [r/BitcoinCash](https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoincash/) may be able to foster a more focused, inclusive, and involved conversation.
The moderation logs for r/BitcoinCash are public. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2019-07-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobTJwN1cweWlKM3dEZW93Y0MyZUtsY3NlNTAzMWdzM3ljMkk0LTI0NkhvYU5ZS2V5TlFTVGFzNW9tTnZ0S1dWNzlheEtlMk9LUVprVU9rdW9OaGNORHJNbHJUYkFIYktydzhnNFRMM0lMdUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaFZzX2xJdlpiTjM4bDRzS0VwQzJ3OERlMUgwazBnSm16MkoxTW9jVWxMMEN5WEFWRDBpQ0U1MktGMUpZNk1rUWhWQXRMZDVFb3hGX1VYVUYyS0pCR29EZ0pTeXB2YVUtVjB2MTQyTlJVYUsza3paTHRXNFV4U3RNV3ljYkFzQS1OWXluMnBhTl9EVWh3Yjl2ejJnY3pPaS12TDhqaURxQ3cwMUNXWFplc1dXZ1NWM1JmNlhBYVB2bWNEby1MRVhfUjZMMUpiaFBzNkl3Z2ZCenRiQjcyUT09 |
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❌ Spam
❌ Repeat posts
❌ Personal attacks
❌ Swearing
❌ Baseless claims
❌ Misleading distortion of facts or news
❌ Targeted harassment
❌ Slander
This subreddit is used for informational purposes only. Applicable laws vary by jurisdiction and may limit or prohibit you from accessing or using various platforms or products discussed in this subreddit. Discussion of any project or product ≠ endorsement.
➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2019-07-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUVB1Zi03UzJ0Y1U4MkhsbXA4c1ZIbDVZaVJWSC1kZEs3aEw0YUZJTHhaaDZCT0Mxd2ttajM2ZzJYLVRhb3hXRmp0ZXVEZ3NPR1FOTF9Ccjl3Q21Ea2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZExMYk5oOGNIMVVFMGNERXo5VmJ2WF80a2oweFRiTE1sbl9QelExRnlaREU4Rkk4WUNVXzRJSkhxd0xLbVZnN1BFY1ZjR3h4dlAzRnk5S3pMSlRmNy04OGl4YU41dEx5Y2s0bkNjZFl6NnBOU2cyQ2s5RldRN0VQcEN6c1hOZ0d6WXBVZEFHY19GZzZ5ajJrTC1ZR0RXWGFTNE1sSzlZRkFFZ1phcjJ3ekpGOUVPLXZJUjVCUnE1Q2RPXzhELTVj |
This FAQ and information thread serves to inform both new and existing users about common Bitcoin topics that readers coming to this Bitcoin subreddit may have. This is a living and breathing document, which will change over time. If you have suggestions on how to change it, please comment below or message the mods.
**What is \/r/btc?**
The \/r/btc reddit community was originally created as a community to discuss bitcoin. It quickly gained momentum in August 2015 when the bitcoin block size debate heightened. On the legacy \/r/bitcoin subreddit it was discovered that moderators were heavily censoring discussions that were not inline with their own opinions.
Once realized, the subreddit subscribers began to openly question the censorship [which led to](http://archive.is/0G8az) thousands of redditors being banned from the \/r/bitcoin subreddit. A large number of redditors switched to other subreddits such as /r/bitcoin_uncensored and /r/btc. For a run-down on the history of censorship, please read [A (brief and incomplete) history of censorship in /r/bitcoin by John Blocke](https://medium.com/@johnblocke/a-brief-and-incomplete-history-of-censorship-in-r-bitcoin-c85a290fe43) and [/r/Bitcoin Censorship, Revisted by John Blocke](https://medium.com/@johnblocke/r-bitcoin-censorship-revisited-58d5b1bdcd64). As yet another example, \/r/bitcoin [censored 5,683 posts and comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/noncensored_bitcoin/comments/7414nf/september_2017_stats_post/) just in the month of September 2017 alone. This shows the sheer magnitude of censorship that is happening, which continues to this day. [Read a synopsis of /r/bitcoin](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/6rxw7k/informative_btc_vs_bch_articles/dl8v4lp/) to get the full story and a complete understanding of [why people are so upset](https://www.reddit.com/r/KarmaCourt/comments/5gvqf6/and_now_for_something_completely_different_the/) with \/r/bitcoin's censorship. Further reading can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/83vgdm/a_collection_of_evidence_regarding_bitcoins/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cpftea/its_important_to_remember_the_past_and_show/ewp7abj/) with a giant collection of information regarding these topics.
**Why is censorship bad for Bitcoin?**
As demonstrated above, censorship has become prevalent in almost all of the major Bitcoin [communication channels](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5mxov4/wtf_north_koreas_cgc_tries_to_control_bitcoin/dc78hwl/). The [impacts of censorship in Bitcoin](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5cxx8t/the_impacts_of_censorship/) are very real. "Censorship can really hinder a society if it is bad enough. Because media is such a large part of people’s lives today and it is the source of basically all information, if the information is not being given in full or truthfully then the society is left uneducated [...] Censorship is probably the number one way to lower people’s right to freedom of speech." By censoring certain topics and [specific words](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5vr7ij/partial_list_of_words_that_automod_removes_from/), people in these Bitcoin communication channels are literally being brain washed into thinking a certain way, molding the reader in a way that they desire; this has a lasting impact especially on users who are new to Bitcoin. Censoring in Bitcoin is the direct opposite of what the spirit of Bitcoin is, and should be condemned anytime it occurs. Also, it's important to [think critically](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5txje0/edward_snowden_the_answer_to_fake_news_is_not/) and [independently](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9cm3nj/psa_the_sub_has_been_under_attack_by_various_bad/), and have an open mind.
**Why do some groups attempt to discredit \/r/btc?**
This subreddit has become a place to discuss everything Bitcoin-related and even other cryptocurrencies at times when the topics are relevant to the overall ecosystem. Since this subreddit is one of the few places on Reddit where users will not be censored for their opinions and people are allowed to speak freely, truth is often said here without the fear of reprisal from moderators in the form of bans and censorship. Because of this freedom, people and groups who don't want you to hear the truth with do almost anything they can to try to stop you from speaking the truth and try to manipulate readers here. You can see many cited examples of cases where special interest groups have gone out of their way to attack this subreddit and attempt to disrupt and discredit it. [See the examples here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9cm3nj/psa_the_sub_has_been_under_attack_by_various_bad/)
**What is the goal of \/r/btc?**
This subreddit is a diverse community dedicated to the success of bitcoin. \/r/btc honors the spirit and nature of Bitcoin being a place for open and free discussion about Bitcoin without the interference of moderators. Subscribers at anytime can look at and review the [public moderator logs](https://modlogs.fyi/r/btc). This subreddit does have [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/wiki/index#wiki_rules_for_this_subreddit_.28also_in_the_sidebar.29) as mandated by reddit that we must follow plus a couple of rules of our own. Make sure to **[read the /r/btc wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/wiki/index)** for more information and resources about this subreddit which includes information such as the benefits of Bitcoin, how to get started with Bitcoin, and more.
**What is Bitcoin?**
Bitcoin is a digital currency, also called a virtual currency, which can be transacted for a low-cost nearly instantly from anywhere in the world. Bitcoin also powers the blockchain, which is a public immutable and decentralized global ledger. Unlike traditional currencies such as dollars, bitcoins are issued and managed without the need for any central authority whatsoever. There is no government, company, or bank in charge of Bitcoin. As such, it is more resistant to wild inflation and corrupt banks. With Bitcoin, you can be your own bank. Read the Bitcoin whitepaper to further understand the schematics of how Bitcoin works.
**What is Bitcoin Cash?**
Bitcoin Cash (ticker symbol: BCH) is an updated version of Bitcoin which solves the scaling problems that have been plaguing Bitcoin Core (ticker symbol: BTC) for years. Bitcoin (BCH) is just a continuation of the Bitcoin project that allows for bigger blocks which will give way to more growth and adoption. You can read more about Bitcoin on [BitcoinCash.org](https://bitcoincash.org/) or read [What is Bitcoin Cash](https://www.bitcoin.com/info/what-is-bitcoin-cash) for additional details.
**How do I buy Bitcoin?**
You can buy Bitcoin on an exchange or with a brokerage. If you're looking to buy, you can [buy Bitcoin with your credit card](https://buy.bitcoin.com/) to get started quickly and safely. There are several others places to buy Bitcoin too; please check the sidebar under brokers, exchanges, and trading for other go-to service providers to begin buying and trading Bitcoin. Make sure to [do your homework first](https://www.bitcoin.com/get-started/how-to-choose-the-right-bitcoin-exchange/) before choosing an exchange to ensure you are choosing the right one for you.
**How do I store my Bitcoin securely?**
After the initial step of buying your first Bitcoin, you will need a Bitcoin wallet to secure your Bitcoin. Knowing which Bitcoin wallet to choose is the second most important step in becoming a Bitcoin user. Since you are investing funds into Bitcoin, choosing the right Bitcoin wallet for you is a critical step that shouldn’t be taken lightly. [Use this guide to help you choose the right wallet for you](https://www.bitcoin.com/get-started/how-to-choose-the-right-bitcoin-wallet/). Check the sidebar under Bitcoin wallets to get started and find a wallet that you can store your Bitcoin in.
**Why is my transaction taking so long to process?**
Bitcoin transactions typically confirm in ~10 minutes. A confirmation means that the Bitcoin transaction has been verified by the network through the process known as mining. Once a transaction is confirmed, it cannot be reversed or double spent. Transactions are included in blocks.
If you have sent out a Bitcoin transaction and it’s delayed, chances are the [transaction fee](https://bitcoinfees.cash/) you used wasn’t enough to out-compete others causing it to be [backlogged](https://jochen-hoenicke.de/queue/#0,24h). The transaction won’t confirm until it clears the backlog. This typically occurs when using the Bitcoin Core (BTC) blockchain due to poor central planning.
If you are using Bitcoin (BCH), you shouldn't encounter these problems as the block limits have been raised to accommodate a massive amount of volume freeing up space and lowering transaction costs.
**Why does my transaction cost so much, I thought Bitcoin was supposed to be cheap?**
As described above, transaction fees have spiked on the Bitcoin Core (BTC) blockchain mainly due to a limit on transaction space. This has created what is called a fee market, which has primarily been a premature artificially induced price increase on transaction fees due to the limited amount of block space available (supply vs. demand). The original plan was for fees to help secure the network when the block reward decreased and eventually stopped, but the plan was not to reach that point until some time in the future, [around the year 2140](https://wiki.bitcoin.com/w/Controlled_supply#Projected_Bitcoins_Long_Term). This original plan was restored with Bitcoin (BCH) where fees are typically less than a single penny per transaction.
**What is the block size limit?**
The original Bitcoin client didn’t have a block size cap, however was limited to 32MB due to the Bitcoin protocol message size constraint. However, in July 2010 Bitcoin’s creator Satoshi Nakamoto introduced a [temporary 1MB limit](https://sourceforge.net/p/bitcoin/code/103/tree//trunk/main.h?diff=515630145fcbc978e39dbaa5:102) as an anti-DDoS measure. The temporary measure from Satoshi Nakamoto was made clear three months later when Satoshi said the block size limit can be [increased again by phasing it in](https://archive.is/L5yvP#selection-3315.0-3315.7) when it’s needed (when the demand arises). When introducing Bitcoin on the cryptography mailing list in 2008, Satoshi said that [scaling to Visa levels](https://www.mail-archive.com/cryptography%40metzdowd.com/msg09964.html) “would probably not seem like a big deal.”
**What is the block size debate all about anyways?**
The block size debate boils down to different sets of users who are trying to come to consensus on the best way to scale Bitcoin for growth and success. Scaling Bitcoin has actually been a topic of discussion since Bitcoin was first released in 2008; for example you can read how Satoshi Nakamoto was [asked about scaling here](https://www.mail-archive.com/cryptography%40metzdowd.com/msg09964.html) and how he thought at the time it would be addressed. Fortunately Bitcoin has seen tremendous growth and by the year 2013, scaling Bitcoin had became a hot topic. For a run down on the history of scaling and how we got to where we are today, see the [Block size limit debate history lesson post](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/61mxuj/block_size_limit_debate_history_lesson/).
**What is a hard fork?**
A hard fork is when a block is broadcast under a new and different set of protocol rules which is accepted by nodes that have upgraded to support the new protocol. In this case, Bitcoin diverges from a single blockchain to two separate blockchains (a majority chain and a minority chain).
**What is a soft fork?**
A soft fork is when a block is broadcast under a new and different set of protocol rules, but the difference is that nodes don’t realize the rules have changed, and continue to accept blocks created by the newer nodes. Some argue that [soft forks are bad](https://medium.com/@octskyward/on-consensus-and-forks-c6a050c792e7) because they trick old-unupdated nodes into believing transactions are valid, when they may not actually be valid. This can also be defined as coercion, as [explained by Vitalik Buterin](https://vitalik.ca/general/2017/03/14/forks_and_markets.html).
**Doesn't it hurt decentralization if we increase the block size?**
Some argue that by lifting the limit on transaction space, that the cost of validating transactions on individual nodes will increase to the point where people will not be able to run nodes individually, giving way to centralization. This is a false dilemma because at this time there is no proven metric to quantify decentralization; although it has been shown that the [current level of decentralization will remain](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5fyve1/fallacy_the_key_to_bitcoins_decentralization_is_a/) with or without a block size increase. It's a logical fallacy to believe that decentralization only exists when you have people all over the world running full nodes. The reality is that only people with the income to sustain running a full node (even at 1MB) will be doing it. So whether it's 1MB, 2MB, or 32MB, the costs of doing business is negligible for the people who can already do it. If the block size limit is removed, this will also allow for more users worldwide to use and transact introducing the likelihood of having more individual node operators. [Decentralization is not a metric, it's a tool or direction](https://twitter.com/lopp/status/693537120351293440). This is a good video describing the direction of [how decentralization should look](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S1IqaSLrq8).
Additionally, the effects of increasing the block capacity beyond 1MB [has been studied](https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/cornell-study-recommends-4mb-blocksize-bitcoin/) with results showing that up to 4MB is safe and will not hurt decentralization ([Cornell paper, PDF](http://fc16.ifca.ai/bitcoin/papers/CDE+16.pdf)). Other papers also show that no block size limit is safe ([Peter Rizun, PDF](https://www.bitcoinunlimited.info/resources/feemarket.pdf)). Lastly, through an informal survey among all top Bitcoin miners, many agreed that a block size increase [between 2-4MB is acceptable](http://archive.is/U3dqr).
**What now?**
Bitcoin is a fluid ever changing system. If you want to keep up with Bitcoin, we suggest that you subscribe to /r/btc and stay in the loop here, as well as other places to get a healthy dose of perspective from different sources. Also, check the sidebar for additional resources. Have more questions? [Submit a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/submit?selftext=true) and ask your peers for help!
Note: This FAQ was originally posted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9lfjrb/frequently_asked_questions_and_information_thread/) but was removed when [one of our moderators was falsely suspended](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/jp0a0k/bitcoinxio_has_been_suspended/) by those wishing to do this sub-reddit harm. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2020-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTjhCQmZwa2w3S05tVXdseUg4VGdDMmZxN1U3THdhWE1lTjVEdkZXdXIwQjdxSEwtUDN4T3Y2U0w4OU5nanFwdGJxb2JlbC1Hem85d3hXZ0luZFZhd1dCczJMTmFpajR6N0RPWnNLN1FRa2s9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOW5DcXplWGx0LU1BMXhZRjVjX0ZhV1RacUFERHRiam01b3F1b3h6a1VNa0FvWlM2SG0yNjhDN3Z4cHlxRnUwMjFyd3dfRDMtMUJHWUN3b0VPejNSQmVQT0tpUS1Fdzd4NEhMSFJuY08tQTJsV3F4RlVuMFpuZ0pyQ2ZkREl5Z3FrRWt1aDF0b2gwY201dnZyd2MtMzU3ZXU0UEd3clRVS2pObDAweko0ak40UFliellQTjROQmpfd3dhXzRTaGhr |
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**List from A to Z:**
* r/AcalaNetwork
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* N/A for Unique Network
* r/WatrProtocol | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2021-05-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOGFqN0RQb05EUDBxSzZQUURHS3FsVjMzdVhZUTF3dVlGLWgya2pEYkxHMVBfdGVyWEd5eGI3V3lKQl9wTldERkcxX04zS0htVWhNZHoxOEJIV3BoWXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobEtDYlBKRUJmU3c3anFvRkFEbWtjSktMaWU5T1JpaUFtM1M2cnJVNmN5dU5Ici1NazhRcHpyLUVZWktETnlEM2J3SUh1djFxTW14X2lnX19pUWpXYjJTa2FkN2ZLLVhCWmNhOUtJdktWTE5jSjNRZVNnaWVjTGhtV0MteXZYUWtnS2JCUFBmNklLbFJnQ196Nkg2SkQ0UVVnSV9nZkpBV0FOMUFBMDNjQTFBPQ== |
Last week, we explained the fundamental benefits of POW and how, when applied to $ETC, it leads to the unstoppability of applications. Today, we will delve into the philosophical differences between #ETC and #ETH. [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-16-etc-proof-of-work-course-26-pos-social-consensus-vs-pow-code-is-law](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-16-etc-proof-of-work-course-26-pos-social-consensus-vs-pow-code-is-law) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMllYRGw5X3JxSlVubW5sbUY3TUZudGlqRXBrY0ItbDM4Q2NoZVliQWFRRFVHSU9pckJYS3JHME93MTFJMDR3YkRuV0hXRE5PYW0xR3dlNGlSNXdGeUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUl9mRm1ybkJwbVlZZmxfTEEzYjNlUW84eXE1cjJ5VEg0NldHY25nRzc2V3lfaGZZMkZIQzl1ck1TUGJwRGp5M0VNZzhfUXRidThzbE9KOXFNSW5nNjlucllrUDdSalJvR3JkajdPZEJzX2kzNVpDQmNOMlFpa2RieFFnckZLQVhFSng2VGcwR0Vib2IxUHZrNmlWSms2Q1lSM3lsdW5ZdThScE15a1ZtbnJJVVlhUEF2WkdpM2ZVNjBIaDFTSHFuaDY3blFtaXRBeEJ2bnRsWlQ0OEgxUT09 |
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOVdnXzJ6cFNTbndBQUZFM0NiWGdLamhra2E0aFhCeXZ0REZTdTlsLWQyM1g2UmpJMTlNT0FsUWdmdHp0azJCNGZWeFV5NDREdTdMOWxvUEp4a0lMbXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTzk0WkdnaWRxSl8tUVg4b3J4WkIwY1dZUy1Kd0ZCY1RJRHVTZGNVU2IwelZXM29SNVJnZUNUS3EwQm15Qm5DcGp2dFdiNkxaRTZmT3BKeDhMYldZX3pyTUM0aF93czBTVFE2Y0RuRzhpT3ZhV091MDd2N0QxaUdXUHluNHplRm5BdWFHdVVibzNMeWRxem5NVzJJYVpnPT0= |
I don’t want to hear $1000. But are we thinking new ATH? How do we think the fifthening will affect usability and price changes/affordability? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaFJIb3FhMmIzZmZKYW5iWU1uR25LVHFKdGpNVHlqQ2xnM3N5ZFYwR2xIZ0ZDLXdPb0IxOXQ3QUJzeGpDZUJFdDAtcnp6dEFtQ3RMZFhOUGpoLWp3dU5WRnF3M3ZTNnJYVU1NOHZRZW9PcFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMDhEcXpNb2NHNTRTd0tKVFdrTWJDYkttUzVIRy1lU3owZk55WWJHVkJXUjJQSFRlakEtV0w5TmhiOHhzbHlzZE1PTEgyQTR3bVhkWFNPY3dJdkdnTW54SzN3bmgweHZ4bkpUNTVGalJwR0pIc1JRb01Ua2M1WW44czA2MTJ2SDJRaWlrWWNpaXBhWlRVZWd5VnhMaWt5Nnc2UXZhMnp3UnNZcDlwU3MzcEFfb0VaWDdYNlFLS0l5WWtRXzlVUTgwRGg0WWxCeG9JNWE3QTk1UHNoYVFoQT09 |
The idea of integrating Bit Gold into Ethereum Classic (ETC) stems from some perceived lingering risks that still hang over proof of work blockchains. This video explains the question of whether fees will pay for the future security budget of ETC and how Bit Gold fixes it. 🔗 Watch now: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqTLhzaDyyc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqTLhzaDyyc) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVob1ptSU5KVndaSDlfRFB4SkRpY0ZUcTdDa3pWUjJNUDhWWWUydG5kNlRSV1c0OUl2YzJsT1ZyVmRQRUpSZVBLdjFaRTFWQjdaSTlabEp0UUlxTGg4OUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVVdsRy1UT2xNdWJrLTNDT2FHV2k1ajE2V2tpYUEweVVtRlZIYllIWDh6VnhybmM5a2huenRnQWVXSTBoZzA1TXd4c2RUa0QzRXNMNm9Hcy1kVkpwVVVva3FudmtBSmZDQkg3bklfd1gtTUNWamtRc3RXSTQtOUNrVzJqVW5CWFZaSFB0M2tpVzRiMk9NS3hyMWZUWjc1dFFEOXY0alhEdlZEaXBBWUJjY0Z6czdnQllDT2lON2NGc1BNQWd3QkMweDd6eXRpWk90Y3llTlJVdlRWMm4wQT09 |
If you guys don't mind to share your bag. Mine is 450@ $18. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZElZanJRWFc5M0I5QkQ1Sm9DbVFOSFJDNXQ0ZmZFdldrNFpJODFiWTdFTWkyblh3enFIQ2xPendLNmJaTkUwY2ZoaVNCTFZHMThWX2VEdlhVUmtTZkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRDd6NTNTQkI4TEZXLU9FRGlVdlpwSnFqWFM0V1hDNVRxVTJBQ2RvRjJSejhxczBtR0Q3VVhtZHNwbkMzVk5yVU1SVFFSVldrYkNKRm5vT2IzS2tLMlRKZXhvdGZ6SjF5MzdqZ29EV3hmcjA4Z0pGUUxmY29PWDhDZ25WaDlaOHZ3aTJMbTFyU0diMVZXbExMd1JGenJGTjZWZmF2NmRTWElHQThfb0dLWFlRPQ== |
In the previous class, we explained the difference in philosophies between a network such as #ETC and another such as Ethereum (#ETH). In this class, we will dig deeper into what is the meaning of “security” in proof of work (POW) blockchains. Learn more: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-23-etc-proof-of-work-course-27-what-does-security-mean-in-pow-blockchains](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-23-etc-proof-of-work-course-27-what-does-security-mean-in-pow-blockchains) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTjV4UFhvRzllYm10N3JOUTJwallMc1M1QUdUQkJHa0pieUY5MFY3REFSNFNiNXZyOWNEUjY0YWRWUXFMSnRWWVR3dHZXR0ZRVllNRmtOSno5d29ITGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoLUJtSUNTVU91dXU0UVlNMi1LOGx2NTFjVjNMTUw1WTFTNTdLWE5pd0JDd0Roa2dkc1ZjZ2VQRTl0RkZlRVJXQ053ZjN0dnBRd1dvaVE3aFIzbzZkTnRBUk9hMk01d3FXX3hHVXFsWGpwY0hmRXpRRF93YjhLNUVsdzV1SncwME1RaVlDLVp2aUtQMUpnb1ZuYm01dF9iY2xMZW9RQnNNNW1jNm00MmZ1V2UzSHNremFKcHBmaXJEVnpnWjM3NDVkekUtbVUwaTl6NlFuVDd3Z2YzSDRZUT09 |
$BTC and smart contracts are two great inventions. And #EthereumClassic is a Bitcoin with smart contract functionality. Read more and learn why:https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-05-22-ethereum-classic-is-bitcoin-but-with-smart-contracts | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeHktaDg2VUgwYzlySUFMVXZwX0k2NnotOXdCeV9IaU1ablNCQ2hmRDFMUGllLVZUX3l0RWkyUVZaVjdWaE9VTVJwajdfVjVteDltcEtBb2wzQjJ3UEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRnppaDFDcGc3eWd0dVhtZkE4dU9rZXVNZTRKLWhWMGZuVHp5eWxDcWRYbS1KMVRGcjg5MHg4TnlrZElYQ1QwZVdqZHQxb0JQcjMySFB5eHRMQ2ZoU2hJbHIzXzkzUEVLZGUxSjNSODVTQlhaVUwxSEg5UXVDS0JCMFFOTVdkY2NQZExtT3BXVGgyWFBwdkZYSktQWkF1Ti1SVTNYX0k4dUk0Y1lfMjlibUF3VzdBYUpIYjVQa0x0M0FLSUc1Y3dYWm05T2ZsdGtCQndvUUJUZ2dzM09yUT09 |
Ethereum's next upgrade, called Pectra and tentatively scheduled for the first quarter of 2025, promises a series of significant improvements to the network, marking a new milestone in its continued evolution. This update, successor to the recent Dencun implemented in March 2024, aims to improve the scalability and efficiency of the chain, as well as simplify the experience of using digital wallets. Highlighting the inclusion of the EIP-7702 improvement proposal presented by founder Vitalik Buterin, which will introduce a new transaction type for Ethereum account addresses. Additionally, Pectra is expected to increase the maximum effective balance for individual validators, allowing them to stake more ETH and reduce network complexity. This news comes as Ethereum establishes itself as a dominant force in the cryptocurrency market, with the approval of the first spot Ethereum-based exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC) of the US and an ETH price that exceeds $3,900 USD with a gain of 2% in the last 24 hours. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaGVzVFhkVU1Vd2VhSVpacTJBcXM4a1VJNGt0emIzamkzRmlrcEdsNkd1NDlPUlZiUGlGNVF6cGtMcGJGMkNOQzdVVkVmZWJ4OXA4YUE1c2I3V1JLSFB1NC04RE9NbGc0N2ZWc1d6QWJ5bVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocUtrSXRPSjUyY1BkSndNcGJ4QnVTbFpiV1FvcjJTMlhZeHVUTmJnRldJMTZZNllYbkx2R0Ixd0JjNUF3SDR3S3hjeXUtRDMyZkE0ZnJ5OFZHYmxQcjRKWnhJcDg3SlNTaS1fdXI2Z0FUbVlSakNPSmpOa0lEbndFOFNhMEtyU0Y2djhyUFpGdV93TkZoZDIwYWsyWjZHTkNyWXYxYzdCQkJfSUhWRk1zRm9xRGtMN1g0UTktNG1jRHNWNDdEbld4WE56VXc2OFlDM0RhaEYzNzdLcU9wZz09 |
The block reward for ETC will be reduced from 2.56 ETC to 2.048 ETC when block height reaches 20,000,000. We estimate that this will happen approximately on 2024-06-01.
Please take this into consideration when planning your mining activities as your ETC mining revenue might be reduced. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVUlkcEhmajJtVFJMdjE5ZGYxbFp6N0w4QWlvNkROX01XLTJIT3E5am9GczJpMTN2X0lpeGJYd0dKMm5MdlppM1JzRDBFTDR0b1NmSExQTk1HVWFJTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWlNVOHBhWDJsV3VDUnR5TElvVmVlbDNqZnQtd0FBaEdqS1JSQW9RcDI3dU0xbXpIS0V1UUpVc3g4Z2NpVkZta3pnRkhlN0tMbnVyb0s1U2xoSnl1bXp3RnllOUdSMjNMaDRwY0l4akd5dFU4NmpiTUV3UWg5SWhkeTItaGQxZHJMZnlpUjU5a1RmN3VXZV9JeWJ6WjlHMk81NjBUQ2t1ck1sLWEzY3JKQjJUTTRzZzBBSndIa19NRlRiU2xhRzg1 |
The fifthening has been completed. The reward for mining ETC has been reduced by 20%, so it’s gone from 2.56 ETC to 2.048 ETC. It doesn’t move the price as much as BTC’s halving, but it’s still nice. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUXZOREMyZnhYQlVDbDd1X01JRVF1TjJ4OE4tcXpFWjZaRmNoSGFMTEhfYUZOaFpMRWpxMTVySVNQV1dEUEVrc0xkdGg1dk1ucm92OFNhQU43YmJNdWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVod2RlTzNNUFNLOUszZXVNQ3N5S0FHVTdZczZPY0FSSS1Ga0I1YU5Tb25MQ2lUR0VkdkFoMzR5eWRmVmozZjVFNy1nbVBSMVJUMGhtbDFoRG1udWc1ZFlxUjVXUXVmMGtPcDJCNFJDMlNhTmpqYkxzOW51ZERWTjFQSlJrRnJVNVdlcFNneEZ4Q1FocDFOa1NveVphWm9scnA2ZC00UEJLQmNqNm16aFJldWR3PQ== |
Ask me anything. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZXlnREd2VDhHNFpfaGRqeWlkVGxSeDlIVHFFS3QxSnBERGh3d3lsaUlMSXBPektKRXpIYVY1SnBOZ0k0c2VCcDlmbktyY3hXRWkzc0JxbnpoTmdLZThfb3NGdFA2MnlJaG9tTVh5T2Fpa3M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc3l5UXFfMEFCcG1OeEd0X0NzLW45SXA0VklkdHdoTkM4YUxqY3R3dElWQnJYMmh1QzJQZXU3Z2w3N2g4T3B1X1RwQlRoQzRDZkNOam4wYmNOb1g4WEpuTm5nd2hlZmI0dGtzUkpmNmc5dUo4MDE3LUlpS3RVcFlTY1JLLVNNb2EyOUVZZGNvekprX2o4em5QU0JiX0hySFFyNXpvTzNQTHRCdFBhcWs5a0hHalRpM3B6bXlTSmkxb3JXTXc1bWloMFBsYU14RTZBd3JPbGJpZjhvT1ZyUT09 |
The crypto exchange Coinbase has two articles about ETC. We will review both articles, suggest revised phrases, add additional content, and explain the reasoning behind our proposed changes and additions. [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-04-correcting-the-coinbase-article-about-ethereum-classic](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-04-correcting-the-coinbase-article-about-ethereum-classic) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc1lEcXZja2RiRy0ycUtDN2I2dVF5NkptelR5VEgtVmdnNjZWYUNCNnI4X2pRLVBmRzA0YVhDWlE1MDY5Ui1qSTRxcWljMVJOMVhLbVZKYUxXb3pMN1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc0FGb3oxa2EwRURTeElVMEt6MjVSVGRzYWZ4ekU5TFN5SUlwLTNrdFpkQTlUclpvdlVVWFpQZXFSenJIbFpyTUktQm0zMmZLRnJKb2JiWGotRVJ3REZZTjRiaUd3ZzNNY2VyMjdmNS1mb3JFVnFGcmFQbWV5cHNNa3hBa2dJSWoySUFvQk9pNzc2dm4tYXVBYnlGUS1UZXZKeXdsY1J3RnpqcU1raWZVaERsQWpvTGxDYjJjZ2x0MmZucEVrbVdONGpCNDhnM3hGaXdjdm1LNDlHTFlyZz09 |
🍀 Bybit is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange. In today's article, we'll explore how to open an account and trade $ETC on Bybit. [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-05-buying-and-trading-ethereum-classic-through-bybit](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-05-buying-and-trading-ethereum-classic-through-bybit) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNjFRdlh3NnZrc3EzTzJBbkZZSWpsZjJjRWVmM0tMYjkwTW45QXIyRzFoczVCMHhVZ2JQcWViTWMxRmdXczZyb1FkZGM0ZG9OQWhGTlBYWDg4d1dWYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOGp5UWNReHlVX0ZHLVlYLUpnbmJvNDNGWGxLMEpqR1B1dXpFS1RMSF92OEd2YXRHdGx0WkFxNnpjcTdibHRyVmNsZlE1dGNCUzFEYWFiVG5nRFJodzZwQlFHaFFFWmFueVh0dXRpcl95bHV5QWN5T3VhSUt6dU9ORy1ybFl5RGd3aVZwZmR1cXhKS2xTYTMxZnRield1alBrSWtLZGcwVUVzeklpSE9RQjFlejM4Y3RzdHBwdlo1YUtHY2Z4R09qZF9oYzh3QU81ckc4QmQ2MmJRQkNyUT09 |
Seriously! We’re -30% over the past 3 months and Bitcoin is the same price it was 3 months ago. So much for the fifthening, or any hype for that matter cuz it literally does nothing for us.
BTC dumps 1% on any given day and we’re down 5-10% like wtf?! When (if ever) will we see actual progress?? We’re just going backwards | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaWllX0FVTTNFVFBqanZydmw3dTRrN0VqWWg3QXBmUmxzWU1RdnpFOXF1MWl1VERfSk9Pa0NEMHJGSWlkQkNYaXh2eU5paWQ2Q21fX1Y0cXBydk9Jd3lWZEUyWk5yV0lyNG5mNlN6MWFKT289 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNWk2dWsxVU1IRnU5R2NIYTJYejA0YjVKcWR4ZWNtczl4aXBEb2xiQ2ZsTEdOVFdJb1d4SmJHOWRDLTgyVjhCNzZFRjdHVHpyRHpScHVja0ZaTlRSXzVQS2pmVmZuZ1JJZ1hVODFOUUdEQXhoSWlWMEhmRzNqSlFCVHdFcFZGWGg5dVdoMWxtc1NHSW9zVVRDdFhXaVdYS2JXRTRuTW50ZDk3Yy1OZTNqRC1ZPQ== |
Hold or sell ? I forgot all about this lol | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRHV1aHRlQ0QwcTNlVGU5SXBQWWtVX1VXSlRBTWhZQkxhd3RIWEJnQW5NdkZTX0F4bnlWN1FIOUQwdUQtNTc0LXpZMy1LWWxUU0xDNGxKNEtDVG1WMnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTlN5a3VLOGkxTnJwVXo3QjVtNTdqU3pQRnZJWHlBMTgyNVJNUUxlNG5lLXowaHBHYy0xT2dvUjFpRjlxUkozZjV2TVJrRTJQTU1NRTlGT2YwemtZX0xoMG1kbDJqdFZZMDg1QTM1cmowRU9vZXRfcEdOak9JdkZsWF9rM0JlUEZ3VEpUS2xHZGw0LTdrcWFaOG4tMWNKeHlGRi1tZHpfNTdxWEp3cnEyT2NlQ0dXWkpEVV9RX2JkQ01PVjc0SXIzSlhZbjhDUWlkeG03bC1BQnZOX0dJUT09 |
Key Takeaways
* Space and Time launches Proof of SQL, a high-speed ZK prover for efficient on-chain transactions;
* ZK provers are crucial for maintaining privacy in cryptographic systems but have been criticized for slowing down transactions; Proof of SQL addresses this with sub-second proof times;
* Proof of SQL processes over 100,000 row queries in under a second on a single GPU.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/space-and-time-introduces-ultra-fast-zk-prover?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-space-and-time](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/space-and-time-introduces-ultra-fast-zk-prover?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-space-and-time) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaFdtX25wbkhiSDBVZ3Z6cjhzbjFYX2NjcUZpUmIxWkg5UVY2TVFCd254S1pPcl9JZTM1amh6c3VvMXBaSXEwNDlSSURjQlRncTgzX1lfQk50MUxnUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZnFzUTNmZmx5VmpkcFQxeC1mWjRHT1R4TU5wbHZ3VmF3U2YxUkpPWURubHVyeFo0bzJQdHVvZWdBUTZPeU1FMk5VWVRUV01sTXZlMEFMVldZQmNqX0ZKRmFwN2VZY3RJMFN5cV9HNzJmVWxFX2ZNUEk4bFVzYUtHSUpkV0lZcFZpaWhTcXdVR0FXRUh2RWhwbVkyWnFXRDVsUVhzeXdhYjd5bWF0Snh4dnVNNEVTbGkyQzZURmNhd3RVQnJMOV9LOTNvbWJrRGpVd0xVMmcwTkVlZGlRdz09 |
Title. I'm curious to learn in what ways this project is similar to and different than BTC & ETH. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoS1o3a0dmRFdWYllwUFpGYVUwbUhxcWNTcUxyRlMteFpFakZ6UzVEaTlSRS1GSzZaSFVPSU1PcXhkTVlqeXluekdvbkdjVW82NU5tZlVrSXV0TjgxeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoS0dvcHhpT052VjlxNm1rV21yRmpxZW42ZDBEOEtOaHpDbTRLc0Z0ZExscjIxYnZOa1NYSUNmUHBPNHBYVGh1ZGxYYjRPaGdScWdBM3ZDVzJWdmpoaHlNRkpTRTAtdjdpb2JmWUQ4QUhsRS1ybDNaRlhPdDEyRy1nSHdFb2RnTTVFOHJnRk0tQ1NSeEk0a2RqVGRrUlE5bW1kV2U2ZlpfSGYtLXlPMHlSbVdsRWY2LXlrYXhEN3NSWDFNTTJ3ckNTZm5EcWh2MUh2R0lmbXhuMmlGY1hodz09 |
Join us in Nashville this July for an in-person #EthereumClassic Community Event! 🚀 We've partnered with ETC Radio and POW Summit for a meetup on July 25, 2024, just in time for the Litecoin and Bitcoin conferences. RSVP now: [https://etccooperative.org/posts/2024-06-20-announcing-the-ethereum-classic-nashville-meetup-en](https://etccooperative.org/posts/2024-06-20-announcing-the-ethereum-classic-nashville-meetup-en) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWGlOczNDcjFldFRla0J2cWI1ZXdFUmtvOUJycExhNDZEa1NhSnFQX296WmVEMDNEbk14QXFWVERULUh6ckNGNDU4bC1EdF9XQVBTenNYUUZVY0QtcFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUWFmQlFOOVFmcHpfWUZUVzFXc2Jobm9GOERiZTFHNkNKWTdZUnI4Ml82NU81RmV0cFlNM3hnM2VQYmtwcUd5X0g2eFBQSzY2akZNMC1WVkVKRGdqRVBGLUtQUHBvYVlmNk1TWkNETkJJdE4zdDdrSHZucUFub2h2TXNxM0w5MDcxY0hmbG8tcUwtTXd2NTR5b2pfVWw2ZzBnWFZFbVRKMnFab1pxR1JIODdiVkNxN3pQa1VjdTdGM19GbFhsbzNZ |
After Ethereum passed into its phase of proof of stake we are now witnessing what can happen when proof of work is abandoned. Ethereum classic still has its hard cap and is a deflationary form of payment. Ethereum instead has no hard cap and a potential unlimited supply which is one of the many reasons it is experiencing inflation as more and more coins are created with no end in sight.
[https://cointelegraph.com/news/ethereum-supply-inflated-for-73-days-straight](https://cointelegraph.com/news/ethereum-supply-inflated-for-73-days-straight) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZDVTWTBNMG5pTnJFNjctU0R3S1pScGFYNUZnaEVabTM4OUJwYmVjREhCVTNOLU1lZWlQT2dXXzhoQ2VnUmxNU1RzNlFEckdxczJjazEzbV9ldzQ4N3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSUhfbW1rN0JOTVJJRUtrR3ZMQU5feTljLXgzTEZZVzlSeWhCVG56MVhvd3VHOXpMZ0d1dUUzbzY1QXJVUHNpSkZFT2k0VFUzZVdZNGlIX19tR3c2cXJ0WkpzLW5NQWN3MFNCSGRNblZaWmpYdnRpLW82RndGc0pYeWVNcnhiVnhLQVFSVF9jdVdGUEJUVnBxTHlhYWlEZ2JPVE44V0ktRi13N0o2dFVMUkpNRW9FSDhPei1yOFNPa0JFUUtueW56MlZQbjlzSHl3MmtBQS1hRDE1Q0JxZz09 |
Been thinking if I should go big on a position . Thank you
| r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodmdVMm1wR1VVRERWMGlnMnA2czB2cERRbUh1QjItNUFjcDlCTE5NSzkyM1JOeXB4UkN5bS1ZelAzNXJMZUxSVDZkd09ucUQ1dXhrSk5tYzU4MDE5MkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodFFQN056NjlrOFB1V2k4MVlpRTl1bkdGeEdPcGd5YWZpTXpWa0JFMU9pcGpLSVBvd0hDRzNIRTN2ajUtNFFEWTQ4MnJsNDVsSVNleWVmSTVsV25JRnYxdjY5MWhiTENHbmlRdHdrQzA4dklNblh2UjB3WnZUdDBuMHJxZW5TSWp3NkdXSEd6ZHJoQXd5czZ2dFhuMUlMckFVUzdCNXFtR1hkME9mZmxWcEVkcXl6d2w4SjBKRl9WbnJoUW1meTBGMERJMTF4R3VqYTdHb0VBZXMtclJJZz09 |
* PancakeSwap launches an AI-powered prediction market in collaboration with Allora Network, allowing users to bet with or against AI price predictions;
* The AI models introduce a new dynamic to PancakeSwap's prediction market;
* The AI-powered market will adjust payouts based on AI performance, with higher rewards for predicting against the AI when its accuracy is low.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/pancakeswaps-new-ai-prediction-market-goes-live-on-arbitrum?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-ai-prediction-market-goes-live](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/pancakeswaps-new-ai-prediction-market-goes-live-on-arbitrum?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-ai-prediction-market-goes-live) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNkl6NXQzelMtWlhSc1lTTU9QelFLU3c0dFRwcWRzNUZNNjRBUExwN3NRcnFzaHY2NVp1Z0NiSmptb1VlMzhxZm1sVUg0NFpqTE1PUVhMQlV2UmxaY0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMXIwa2xpNTNma09GaWtYaEl2LVpqSm1FRmx3LVhxMUx1bHVwQmRSUWU1X0VOTW9XSzZFU0M2UHVLZlVmMlBzanZsaTFuaGl2VmFNX1hVX1A5S2FIZjQtVUl4MGszdFFOVTB2MEw5X3F6RlRhRzdMR2JDTm1MbXAtTmF1V2tpQWNzOEVMUDhpUkFNWjEtb3hvcWgtTE9WUU1CZ3RlM0VLc0VqOWpnazhEeUc5SHdPd2tmZGNtdTdmMG1reHRPQ1l6QmJzVTFXZjFrSFFMQUJMYUJ2NHlrdz09 |
Key Takeaways
* Speculation about crypto integration in Grand Theft Auto 6 has resurfaced;
* A viral post by a crypto influencer mentioned Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDT as possible in-game currencies;
* The integration hasn't been officially confirmed.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/crypto-in-gta-6-rumors-resurface-no-official-confirmation-yet?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-crypto-integration-gta](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/crypto-in-gta-6-rumors-resurface-no-official-confirmation-yet?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-crypto-integration-gta) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMWZmVjFwNl9NTVlBTmNEVlVkQkdvbmFDVEp3dXUtcjVtams4R3NpaHFjdWZ6YXNRMEhCemtYaWFROUdjVTgxNkdGZ1dLa2dCSzNYMWFvaUd1MlNhOUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWlJ4X0NzS0tORllCcExPN3Y2YlJTejgxOUJxTDVZZFhteDdIamtPUjJxN0hYMW9WRWZMYlFYTlpLTTI1MWJxbFpfU0VYclhzOE80X21BQWdrREVUb3UzS1BYeXRHcmVsRWs0cU1rc1ZTUm0zMTYxd25Ca1RuRkIyQVJzN2ZFNlVpWmNGaHhxRGV2RW5vdXgzYm1UZXVNRzFKc1FNTUt2MExicjc3c3Y1cTZNaTMxeVY4UmN0RUlkUWc3M0R0RDM1MlVaTlVRZ083ZWlLMTBZYWV1bmpidz09 |
If you use cryptocurrency, you know how crucial secret passphrases are for restoring blockchain addresses. 📜🔒Read today's blog and discover how these passphrases generate private and public key pairs across multiple blockchains using derivation paths! 🛤️✨https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-26-a-call-to-wallets-to-use-the-standard-etc-derivation-path | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNTFwTUd5Vm1PampGR0l5NmxpbnpYWG9ob1VKOHhldzRYZTdmMlcyOS0zb09ranMzb2JYMldRWE5CcFJXU0loOWxSZk5uZUoxT1lXSzBpcGVUb0VQQXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobERBT2tGTjVlaEVoLTZmMklzeHJ4bWNhWVIwMU9DUnluVVZXRXg3VnlseEJ4RE84R21SUjdYU05Fd0dxUFhoYWE3ZFhWQmtRbm05dmlseDdxY2dkTThVQzBSc0xQMnpjZDFRMDdwWDFzWHNIU3Mzdkd6THBvNXBCTDl1M19Ua09pcXdGWFF5bTYyaEFMdzNnVUk1eFFpSDlReDdacGVrUnZoYW1RRlZXOWpfVEF3Y0wweGdCRGxKWGxCMWtFR2pGWVpMZll0UjJDbE9wcUtYLXpCdnJ5UT09 |
In this post, we’ll show you how to recover your $ETC addresses on the Ledger Nano S Plus using your secret passphrase. Perfect for situations where your Ledger is lost, compromised, or damaged. Check this out: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-09-recover-your-etc-addresses-on-ledger-using-your-secret-passphrase#ETC](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-09-recover-your-etc-addresses-on-ledger-using-your-secret-passphrase#ETC) #EthereumClassic | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOGNnR0FBdFBBVnQzTzdwY1YwZVpITkR3ZnQ2cWFRTlZ0b3J2VWppYWdTYUNRZ1lDOEhJTmlHVW44M2FsZkRJa0UxMjlrU0RPNS1scXY5QThMTWpEUEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQjdKdHRCRTR5cWRNV3plalR4cHhxblB3R1NZNHpWeDVvZ2xXOGpkcXVfNFFaUllYb3hFRlFlSjdhUWd4ZV9YN2pyeW5xdW5iTXllOUZIcXo0UHZ6Y2NPX01aWEhsWWlpQmpVc1c2UlJ0OUNyVnpUd1J3bW55RUx2VlcyaXoydXIzSWFIbV9fNXZPRmlvX0E3eG93bE1XM3ZnWFN2dDktZXNaWXRFbG9DOWJ0dS1ESE9qWTVlaVByRFNmX2lLY21qTmswd1daeWl4eUxKSXlMVGlBQkg5dz09 |
Check out our series “Why You Should Build on Ethereum Classic” to explore what make #ETC stand out! 🌐 In our latest post, discover why ETC is hard money and how it protects and grows your users’ savings. 💰🔒https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-10-why-you-should-build-on-ethereum-classic-etc-is-hard-money | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMEVKRDNUZXlZemlWVkIyQjI2MGFhdG1LS0JNRTRacHdhQlI1ZnZzc29oTlRhNDYxb2xpVVpIejhwNWRHNlNNYjhuWDdNMEx0SjJ6SUM3dDZzQmlLMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOUZTVGdRaEQ3NTVCcTlsQUg2enRvcUJSWHdSdjhXSVE4bFFqU0tBR3JiTmtSNGhJd2YxaGtPSkJ6eWRSWlI5TUNoaVQ4WTJMV0x0WWZwWVVTTWhDRk9zcHF5a1g5YWhpQTh0OEpFUU05UmI5dUVUbTVGV2hGWXVWaTlXUUd1LWxXNzMtOUtYN1hLdzZGbnZpZS00U3piUFVXajZOcWo5dXI5OXFncVhURkozYUlrSkJUbkxkRUwwQnVMbWZmdU9FeWJwZ0FyUVZ4UjV6VlJDMUJLRk02UT09 |
DCA strategy and im almost nearing the green after starting at 120. Besides the possible ETF for ether and the price point, I'm thinking we might see 40-60 soon.
I like the ether for payments, but I sort of wish I could spend my bag in other ways. Any ideas before we start this next price cycle? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRmZCdXdWSlJfTjc4cmgyNHZBX3E2eGFrck52Nm14WlpVY09nZmdMa0ZxeElMRlpRRkdUR3lNMGcwUHZaWEFTOE1aT2JOQ1M1QkpZb3N2S09yX2RiU1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQlp4MEFDTzE2eWprenhTdkROcWlYY25rVTNEenpSV2ZZZWlGZVpIVmJDV2twZWx5NXd0QTd4SU1WTUpsWnFoVXRPT3lXQmZhQ1NROGxFZ0tnY0NPTzBGNnpJYk43WllobWJZaXFRN1lRcEMyajlRb25XZGNkeDBueFJuc1pCaTdZQ3BiTDFyeTlnUUlickIyODB4Umd3bks5RWQ5UkJTVkhzVVNvbElUbi1zPQ== |
Explore why $ETC stands out in the blockchain world. #ETC combines #Bitcoin's philosophy with Ethereum's technology, offering proof of work and smart contracts in one system. Learn more: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-17-why-ethereum-classic-should-be-the-second-largest-blockchain-in-the-world](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-07-17-why-ethereum-classic-should-be-the-second-largest-blockchain-in-the-world) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoREpBcUNUeXdFRWFXRVF3V256U1hQVFY4TDVZNWpnV3NmVnRma2hVeHJBZ3hid2RsazRxN1NKUEhVT09rMzRRdlFXbG5DN2tIM0JGS0FXY1RCRnZYcWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNGJ3a3BsVlZERXRIRGgzZGtZdmtkVUZXc1V3V1kzQmlwY0tGSEtycHl0bnl4eXpyVlJ4bE5OT19XVVBDaDdaWTU0eEJvQWVoNWlLM0NSSlFGMktmY3kxazdTcFFucDdCNnlVZzk2TkhGMUNPZ3ZRVHJGLXY1ZmYxSGt1QWx6M3ZLZWhWdnJFcHdrS0ZuMFd1ZzViNXBydWRoUlN4M1hiWGxGd2gzRm55aGRJNGJRRW1aeERMQlpGVkpSTWFFdHdUWXJPeGJRdklhWXVMeTdVcFBzaVFvUT09 |
Can everyone in this group apply for an ETF? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-07-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoY2VnLWUwRWhKdFJXWldNX1d5WEhkRG5lYU0yUE1ndVljYlp1TWNGei1VeTY2Uk5ScEZTRFFjcnhsNS02TFpyblJORXNoSXV0MUtPWThVU1l3bFZISEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTmdlMmx5VWxfX3JfWGF6b3hoU3Z1WkZxV243MHg0VS1KTjAyREVwS0dVQTVOTlp2RVV6ejlKTlAxdl9EcVlGUDZtSXRsd0tjNVBUTHR1TnlzZnlxeGlvbGFDbHdlclphUmNKVWxDYVNEWVhjd0JwVzdDdGxNOE5PbW5QQnVpYVdWYllRN0ZxTmVqc2lEVTN3eC1PNkZkRVYxYkVVcDEzQUhObm9zaHRyamRtdkktTTQ1eFZpcWFBMkJoNXVOMmhSTlpYT21TWDVjbWpvYzBsNF8yM3d4dz09 |
Is Emerald Wallet safe? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWjI3LUpEVnNJWWN6bDlBMEkzWE51bUNpWExkS1duRUVJeXZpQmZjbDBhaW50QnY1TlRsSEtGWnlSVXNIYVNXbjJKaXNYQzNpNm1aaFlKTzZvM1NLaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeXNxcHFZZGs2amFjMGxXU01QVmJwX3NqY0Z5NjhvMWdSeE5aOV9nNXN3TndGY2pxdDJZNnNwSzVETUhSU2V2dWJHLWN6bW5TcWVuRXp4eTBEU0hEMGdPVzZ2WkhJY1pSbXNRM01WOFFyS2hSeXZTM290cklVTVlEeE90NG9xdXpIY0FHSDR3S3ZDT0h3bUZvLTdoVEtkNlY3WDZPN3RNTHJfRGpCQXVvX3cxWUE0Wngxc3RpN011dzBpRnh6LVFF |
The price of Ethereum has been dropping, roughly 20% in the past 24 hours.
**Background:** Jump Trading is a Chicago-based trading firm that was established in 1999 by two pit traders who met on the floor of the CME. Jump Crypto is the digital asset division of Jump Trading, which was launched in 2021.
Recently, wallets associated with Jump Crypto have transferred a ton of Ethereum to various centralized exchanges, including Coinbase. This typically indicates intentions to sell.
In June, around the time rumors about the CFTC investigation began circulating, they reportedly moved about 72,213 Ethereum ($231M) to exchanges. In the past 24 hours, they have transferred an additional 17,576 Ethereum ($46.78M) to exchanges as well. They currently hold around 49,000 Ethereum still in the unstaking process, meaning this ETH is locked up, earning money similar to a CD. However, these funds take a few days to be released for trading or selling. - Numbers from per *Spot On Chain*
Interestingly, these transfers started two days after the U.S ETH ETFs went live for trading. Was this a big trade gone wrong?
**Their past:**
2014 - Jump Trading was one of six firms subpoenaed by the New York Attorney General.
2018 - Jump Trading was fined $250,000 by the SEC due to a "malfunction" in their trading algorithm.
2022 - Jump Crypto faced losses around $300M getting wrapped up in the FTX collapse
2022 - Wormhole protocol was hacked and Jump Crypto stepped in and provided $325M to help recover funds
2023 - A class-action lawsuit was filed against Jump Crypto for market manipulation on a profit of $1.28B for "Jump had made over $1.28 billion in profits from selling the LUNA tokens it received at a steep discount in exchange for artificially propping up the price of UST and aUST."[ ](https://www.rgrdlaw.com/media/cases/1007_UST%20-%20Jump%20Trading%20File-Stamped%20Complaint.pdf)*Per Report* Allegations were brought on the president of Jump Crypto, Kanav Kariya, (a former intern who went to UIUC) for allegedly aiding and abetting Do Kwon. The president and co-founder of Terraform labs, who’s behind the crashed stablecoin UST and LUNA token who was on the run to Dubi with fake papers while arrested.
Jump Crypto was identified as the “unnamed firm” that stepped in to help maintain the value of UST at $1 during its collapse.
It’s important to note that the issues faced by Jump Trading are not uncommon in the finance industry…..
**4 things could be happening**
1) They are going BK and selling
2) They need liquidity for other business needs, and they want to sell crypto to cover it
3) The rumors about the CFTC investigation are true, and they want to exit the crypto market, leading to forced selling.
4) They placed a trade based on U.S ETH ETFs being approved and it's not panning out and their closing position.
**Short timeline from what I can gather**
Friday 7/2 We received bad economic data (The unemployment rate was higher than expected)
The VIX (Volatility Index) was high Friday, the only times it was higher were during the 08 recession and the 2020 Covid crash.
Saturday 7/3 Israel and Iran are going at it again, Supposedly Israel killed the Hamas leader, Iran said we're gunna hit back and the U.S sent troops to the Middle East (not good for Earth)
Sunday 7/4 Jump starts selling
# Conclusion:
The economic data, high VIX, geopolitical tensions, Japan raising rates and Jump Crypto’s actions all contributed to the recent drop in Ethereum prices. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVnZqSHd5S3hST04yNjRZYUZMMHR3Y3BPTE8weER6ZDdubzh4RG1SU2tZS3AxelJiV0RQVVl0d0F4NVpIY3k5RjJLRVdqTndmeGpYRkpBYnF4WVVONnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeUdfOWRvZkQtWDF5dmI4cjZaT1lpdWVxRGZxWFJwekdjSTZMV0FQQ1ljS21DbzJBNXZIRHQwN3FJVVZfSzVjaVVjbkx4c29NeW8zaHluaTRUTmNPTVh1M0E0VmJ6dmxFVXI3TGQ3S3FiTDFfaVRnaWRXNlZUX0RzdUVHSkx5QkV6ZGQ2RnV6UlNqbDZZekFFUHZtNGhVdDJaQTBaaDJycVdPT3NFaGRlbEdFPQ== |
Key Takeaways
* Since its launch, BlackRock's spot Ether ETF has garnered $869.8 million in inflows, with $109.9 million on August 6 alone;
* Such performance places the fund among the top-performing ETFs launched in 2024;
* On August 6, total inflows for spot Ether ETFs were $98.4 million.
Source: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/investors-pour-870m-into-blackrocks-ether-etf-since-launch?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-investors-ether-etf](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/news/investors-pour-870m-into-blackrocks-ether-etf-since-launch?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-investors-ether-etf) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeHl6ejJpdnpJYUpqbGg2azhkZTBINGJ1eG5DREM1YmM1WGJCazBVYjVzTXh1bnA5MngyZHRPaUF2cU1CdktRUmlmMXpPTWJDYjZDRmsyZ0diYzFobkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc01YcUExVzN1S0ZOeWtZek9HT3AwVVB2S0F4YkdtSjFtUGtySDRHbEcwMDRtS1lCcGFjaEZheWhKV1BnQ0JyRmxIeGJEV2pvUktOUk1EYlEtZkxUX2l2MzRZZUlmUDNyRW45ZUhTMzZ0UmFaTmJsUjZ5bzZDVm5ncGl5ZFNFT1p2UVJlTzdVQ0gzdkxwMnRyc3JJLThuaWpYd0lnOUJveE9HQ0NMTF9wRUNUNGo0YWUxV2VGRjRsSEtMQWx3bkxZaXo4M2w5S2d1czFKaW1kOUdDTFVUUT09 |
Explore how Nick Szabo’s 1998 ideas shaped $BTC & $ETC, the crucial role of Proof of Work in blockchain security, and why Proof of Stake might not be the solution we think it is. 🚀 Dive into the full story here: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-13-pow-is-secure-pos-is-not-scalable](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-13-pow-is-secure-pos-is-not-scalable) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodTM1cFM3Nm5ESzNILVVvQkdtdHFzSVdpSHBod3dJS2tpNUhnVnBPZFJ6ZGtxc0VmSmRvaEZrclFVS1hvUlZBSHVHcFQwRXdmQjIza3E3S1VxbEluLXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWWZMM1dEOTlmRTRkcXVZUWJnQTgycEY4RTRESXlEWDRNR1E4ZmQxRE0zRE9INERpeGNsTm81b0oyWUJpX2lqbEUweE9vX2dQUmswdG1uOEJGV2UzcHNacERDb21weG9rWF93eHItUDhiNzVlQzRxUWlUb0RrN3FaNUdUNVhlendGQ3lGXzRJUGswTGxGSHY5dnRiQnlqSy0wVzBtX0NfZEMxUktrdmNNVGFTVFBrWEVlWE05WVlTa0hBOEVPX2tj |
Not all dapps are truly decentralized! Learn how some blockchain apps fall short and discover key signs of centralization in supposed decentralized platforms. Stay informed and avoid the traps. 🚨 Read more: [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-14-a-warning-of-false-dapps](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-08-14-a-warning-of-false-dapps)
#ETC #EthereumClassic $ETC | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-08-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoXy1KZkZHaVhWSHBUVXlkWWZ6N0pIcHJWSXFCdXo5cFJUV0FRb0Y1NlZhYldUZzVCZkg4OWVlX2wtRjFNWURUNTlxVjBSQ3VIRlBESDY5a2Q0bnJsV3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoalB1TEQtZDF0SldkWmZSbU90eUpRTjExVklXWlgwSElLYS1YdTRTakRHSTZtcGxFNWV6V1EtZTdXTEprQ3pTd2M5VlNLdVBLc294ak1LZG5UUXlwYk1meGlQZi1ZQzE5Ry1VMHFiZy1KS0tKTlVId0wwTUdSaTNKR2Y4WWx5cjFEbmtEb0hkSmJySWpsa3lkbkhYQTJUajlCdHlzdXVJa1RzeGtXcDBRMFVGZDd0MXhCT1pHd0Iyd2FranNURnhS |
I want to try ETC mining. I'm not considering profitability for the moment, I just want to start mining in a pool with my current hardware.
I have 2 options:
1. Use my Dell XPS 15 9520 (CPU: Core i7-12700H ; GPU: NVIDIA GA107M - GeForce RTX 3050 Mobile)
2. Use my 2 very OG USB Asic Bitcoin Miner (I guess it's [this one](https://www.ebay.ca/itm/265399688603?_nkw=asic+miner+block+erupter&itmmeta=01J6QAEHHTC9XJQD70JJR4XV3W&hash=item3dcb0ddd9b:g:ursAAOSwuSlhi806&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKn6rIh2fE74F8Fi30Fu8gbELZJkAsqs3Vixgrbq7LyhRh8RyWAxbUmHNLRFUEnDSSIGbp8XKUxaRlrFiHP86g8KUTCzUNxbgTmbOetBqdm0Zx6ROdoCw89V%2FkHk3BjxI%2FY0wSwalA5BMotUPQZMjfohSONWg%2FihwmvA8k6fc%2Fp9GqijZC9z6MYsN3WSLJRVUDVytFEsy6owv3GGXJ4sluS9CO6M4jsG42qcldXdzVTMEcqnaqrYzCh4lvxA4QqJ5hEbpn%2BaPIfERF1Cdo0wxwTWmxsrJoq0Qd38OS9fxAwd%2Bg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABFBMgpm66rVk)). I don't know if I can use them to mine ETC but I can confirm they work and provide \~ 666 MHz.
I'm a little bit lost with all the software options.
What is the best way and simplest way to do it?
I would prefer a solution that is based on Linux but I'm OK with Windows if it's necessary.
Thanks for your help! | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVockt3T2ZJbDJoTE9fWlNPNEdrcHUtR2JSUjJVcDhKYm1vY29BUkVFN1JkV2dGZmpHTVY4X0Yyejh0cTVCUllDQkFhOHJvTXRjLVIybUJWUWdZY0huaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocU9CUmdaTGNhMnQtWUc2VUw2LTM0Ml8tMjNkU043UGE2b0Rub1FYWnd0eWJmWFdVS2JMd2ZfZnBmZjVnMjNhZVJGUUx5YWtyQjFvb3E4bnc0TDdCM011ODRUN0QxY0tVeklsZENSTkZRNmJTNTNQM010UlhMNE9LYjNMcEppWUpoVThWUElkaU1wNHhIRmZFaVdQVjFGNS1FODZXUG9MZUtaV21xV1lPNWpTbU1XNElIYWVlX1JpTHZfbml0Ni00YlR3ZzA1TnNwMXJtQ1dvMVhzbS1JUT09 |
Simple question, has anyone found a 3d adaptor to fit on the [https://www.bombaxminer.com/EZ100](https://www.bombaxminer.com/EZ100)
I use Fruit design for Kaspa, BTC and Doge.
Thank you | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeWVuSmN1VmFMekh6ZFYtdW5sVFNUUjNtMHpJX21iT05kOERFVWdwb3lRcXdFOEtLRTR1OHVmX05ybFo4Qlo0UlFqWF9mTWNJNjZfWkpkWUJaMk8xUktVVG0tSFlSd3dFZWRQOGFHcDBXUVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVFg0U0pFcy10bk4xdXJHT3JSQmJacllUTnoyaHBqWU1WczhBNWNIWDVNZmZKUkltaEdKeUlHTS1QYWh6WDQzbnM4TFpXVi1GYnhfVU4zbGw5cXVteEpFTWtIM1gwcnU2X0VYWlBQYlZhX0ctVGI1d2lneHpqZklnUGFIcDF0cFIwVkFaSEpFNWFkNngtNTg3TnYwb2I3alNZTThzeS1LbzF6OHh6QTdHTWxVSjFqelgyUnNabW41VlJ4dlp2YTY5NWJ3WGJKQmZqWE5mTWphM05Ib0h2dz09 |
Hey all! Sorry for newbie questions in advance, but I just found out about FIL, and what an amazing concept. Now, I've had very minimal crypto mining experience when Bitcoin or other ones were a new thing, also got a bit into pooling with friends. My question is, is it possible to do so with FIL?? Would I just use the Lotus software, or is there a pooling server I could use???
I was looking at the requirements needed for the computational aspects of it, and thankfully (and shamelessly) I've already spent much more than what an average person would on server hardware, so I have everything and get data storage quite cheap. My second question would be, if it is possible to start my own pool, would every single person need similar specs?? Like the 128GB or 256GB RAM?? Or is it possible to have my friends pool more storage space while saving the higher-end hardware for my node??? From what I've read on the breakdown of how it works it doesn't seem this is possible but maybe I'm misunderstanding?? \*hopefully\* | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-09-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSjlEb1RDbjhPMFlaTDA1VVphYnZjRW55SEEyREFtWTZMUVV2UUJSNGFVWVY5bWJSRm8wRk14S3JXT3JnSUcxemk0V1JnMTFlTHdYNi1Pc1R3VDMwOVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobE1DclpmcEhtOWN2MWYyNG5tWE01NG1xbFdoUkVYQ0ZkVGltU3BTR2pqd1l6NHJMZjlzeFpfN2VUc0FPbXE0TmQzbi1PRjRxUWhkVjVGelo2ZEF0Y1ppc3RpTUgzVVFxMzBCc3lXTmVVZEwta2p4dDk5Si04c3kzaERoYWNqMVRvbkFVTGFhSWpqOXd5SDBrZWt5eFc4MHYxX0llWEpVSHE2ZGVNOVVEWUxZPQ== |
I want to figure out the price of 1GiB of Storage on Filecoin.
So far, I understood that I can propose a storage deal, e.g. using Boost and SPs can pick up the deal.
But what is th current 24h average price for 1 sector? Is there some sort of explorer, allowing me to browse pase storage deals?
(I know the price is highly dependent on the SP I use and the properties he offers, e.g. geo location)
So far, I was only able to discover provides like web3.storage
But if I use a storage provider directly, will it be cheaper? Or is web3.storage simply one of many SPs which also proves a usable web UI? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-09-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZTZta0tsdEcxcVZ4aDlzeTFQeHRTVERMV3JCUVNBY01BUmFkNi1DM3FHcXZXZ0QxbHdHTkdnV2ZlWmVYUm12T2htSEU1ZDkxeTVwbEF0aVJ1aUp4M2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocDEzd2o3U2tSME9WbGtPcU9rZFBPWTNRYmZHN0tleTRQbjRvUTI0d3dWMjRSNzZVUVlxZ3FVcUVkS3NHUVhFWTVRdXBzZ3dsTVhSejFZWDViS1ZkUEJUOGtTaGJhaDZndnlsZkd4SGlxQmhaTnh4OWFTc1Y4TS0zZElSZFJHS0xYN2FuRXhkcE9NU095VDNSZmJxQ3p3OTh3a1FHVGFpd1VwWFh6NHRHbC0wPQ== |
Hi. What happens to Filecoin? It was rebranded to Destor? This is not permissionless anymore? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-09-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobHNHY1BhNmRjSUFKSm8yNXZsdWJsenJ1aFRGWnVTeTdmRmFmTjI2WmFkZmRMVk8yaDFFRlBpQVU1WXM1cGVIWTU1bnk1eS1iYy1CRzhBYW9YelJCcUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR0tFcFYtNENiaHNZcVhLRGhTNC1pZ3VTWUJnc3FpNzdSZkdKRGRJWE5Nb1dnTEhyYkNUQ05HRTEwQWRJUHFlc2xKN09KWGx0TzdwY0JCZk5JRzhMUXpidW1xejRCYjN4bFJyakR6M3J3Z3ViMldVd1hnYUpzbEJkbzZjVjItdGFZME1kM0R6NVJCZHJ5M1FyWnVfMlNLSmhkTU1MV0RrTFhZUUtEb1VXNVp3PQ== |
https://linktr.ee/FILLiquid | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-10-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZUNUeFI5cDhlalB6ZGwzV053RW5PekwybVpqMS1qeVFDbUFDekpsOE1xd0l1WEM3NlhIdEFkRXhFa2VxaXZDa0RUem1OcTFDNU5yOVpNUmdYQzBjMmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVjZkcFoyMGZBb01scllnTlBBTDJBc0p5S0hQeXBINkJyazNfcGpmREhQVkp1Ty1iZEh2dHBmcjlSckdZT3pwSFFnY0V6Um9LczBQYmkwUGpPX0dqbHVKdFZTMTdvS0FEc2hlOGNhM3ZQWVFtX3FuMmk2RE1rdWNmOXBWc2hncER4bk56VWt2OU02MVhUUzduRHpub3R3SENtT21ZYjNFOFZKQ2dPQVdobzBrPQ== |
We have prepared a price analysis for FIL token based on current market sentiments and trends- [https://cryptoofficiel.com/filecoin-price-prediction/?R](https://cryptoofficiel.com/filecoin-price-prediction/?R)
Do share your opinions on it | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-10-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodnc3UHNGZkQ1dndScjNsNjVKck1lalZ2dWs1QW5IZUppaTNNR3NPa2F5dERkU2ItWEkza0hMMEs0RlNITFNPWVpNQVNvOVpGNTJCaC1xNzFEY0djUHRKdXA2X01PS1haSUtVcDc4TlBsWDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWlZ5UTM0QVZGX1BHVEhaQkVkSU9yZkg1Uk9mR3NXSDhKYnRRMXVDYjZSNEc2Z2MxM05WUHhzOFNHa21LemxvTjlnRDhJSDdEZ19aMVpnN2RPdXd0UTUyNVhfMXhrSHFvRkhhcHltVVNYcDZJMjRVeHVXWUxDMlA3Y0lyd3VxZmFiV3lnLVhUZDFIMVpBVDZmdHUxUk9WQUx4Sloxa0g1WE02dDhFbTRyQmJLRHkwTE4zOXdhVUxzZFFXNUE1X3RUUm5HdUowbzJQX2pOSVF3QTViQmVvUT09 |
Filecoin Expands With 60+ Teams Innovating Web3 and DePIN Solutions
https://cryptonews.net/29949235/?utm_source=CryptoNews&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=shared | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-10-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYnF1dHUwMnhod2tMU1V5SmxwWUpMTHo5NjltZi1NUkZDb3pSNmFFN25HXzVCbmdLdDNiekZoSW0zVExYeEVZQWlsZ2R5QzZkOFJ6V0hBdm5RaUZ0ekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoelg4X0hJOXVGbEJ2Z2hiTFR5cUtSOGk1Z3NUQ2lTOHFlaEJXWlNEei04a3JuNUxmbUlsSHVscnhzRm1Pd3YySkQ0T1YwZjVRNXFpWm5kUlhNb2U2MVNhOXlQRDBfckU4NTNaZ3ZDanRjdWNscWxPcDltQVhxRkI4SGJMVVptVEN4bHFmMUwzb2tSbmowa21TWU81a0dGN1dqMTBvYXA0Qi1tZXBmUG95c29IdEFxazM0QjlUZG94Tm1mU1ZheU93eG1qdnExVDduVG1MV19nYnQyQmZFdz09 |
Zondax’s Beryx Explorer is taking part in the second round of Filecoin RetroPGF
If you have tried it out before we would love your feedback or experience in the post, we would love to hear how it has been useful and how have you used it 🫶
But if you haven’t and you’re curious to learn more. You can explore it here 👆 | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-10-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUjg0WVRBYVBBa1cxQW5abEpIMVVBZzZ0blhaLU5kX2dmLTF3NDNVcWlPVVZEQ010VnNiQ0lweURIR2o2WkZ5TndGSjdoLTdHd1RSNzUzZUptNkc3d0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocHV0Z2g3QXJvLXloNW1vQ0pyTThNUUY5b2xxTk9JSkFsVzhvNW1qcFR6b21ubnF0MENjYVBnSHdobzFiSVBtZl9KMVFCbWU3Z3NWWFIxQ1otUjVTdnhLMTNmZU5VNXRyU19oeXZKX2NwcXlrcDdxbnZEWWVEdnNRVXRmRWp2bVVyMjVIQ0xpSVRwdmVIM1Z5akkyby1fMlcwUks5RHNEWlh3cGNzUUxfMkJiTXkwSl9ObWZPdnpiR2ZRa2IzaVZlSU43SmtsRXlETmtjaXFNU3dob0NvQT09 |
Seriously ETC did so good q3 man we made great progress went up so much. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-10-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodVFTZXBVOWE1WEpmM0xVLUYxOHI0SE9MQzBNc1ZGcDN5TU9NSURsdUJkN2JxelctcjBFZ1lvUTh2UFYtVHNWN01mLTBMM2F2VlRhd09MZTJTLVlaQzYxSDBGMklxZzFaNVo5YldmeWhQaXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc2JjSTdpMWx6VGRvQkNvcnROMFU2UVlsSTBpRVY4NkJYbFhNY2hnMmMzdm9ZSmVFMXhuYUhYOUFPdWpxVGNzOVJZLXBHSzFqc3ZXM21JdnhVczFJWTJ3b0x3VzRSWGdHcmdRd25uMy1DRzZDUHRkbUFCZUY1Tl8yTXB0NzE1Wktzcm1qVWhzNmpwb2FJbFVBUXlLbGR2T0NHOTRvQ0dsMDFQNFAtYy1FZVlQd3EwM19hNVpQN2FLVl9leVNVVzhR |
We have prepared a price analysis for Ethereum Classic- [https://cryptoofficiel.com/ethereum-classic-price-prediction/](https://cryptoofficiel.com/ethereum-classic-price-prediction/)
According to our analysis based on community sentiments and market trends, ETC token can reach upto $200 in this bull season of 2024-2025. In 2025, it is expected to be trading in the price range of of $50 to $200.
Share Your Thoughts About It. How high Ethereum Classic can rise in future?
Disclaimer: This price prediction is my personal opinion and don't consider it as financial advice. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-10-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoU0xqZ3A1T29mZFZSdnk2OFB4cE5aS2xkWXhERko4MjVSbUVMcmtyUTk3TUxPUlF5NS1jZXNjNXBmeC1QYjBCbUlEN0lTM1JWSGpTX1QyNi0tZWpZUVI2cWZTZnk4bmk3YURadVBzR04teFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVob1dzRTExLUFSelgxaFVMZHdLMzloM1JSeEhIZWF2dklGOC1Ia2RLNFdzUGcyRmNWYlRra1hnbmNIMVQwWnIzTjRhQzFXNVdjeVhrbFNaQWpuaDZPLVhGeW5laVZwbjNjdGFDOEZoclc2enFjZ0NzdzZlZE5LUW5xTHBiVnFpWTZyMWcyUnBsMlg0dk8xZ1VxNy1iaFdlNWFVVGlEVkRsekswSzZZS3YzVjhNV2ZVeHNrTHViNXFPbm1jSWFFdnJQXzdoVXdkUHlRZ0hrUmVSQkpvMFg4UT09 |
New mega-partnership for AI infrastructure launched! 🌐 Filecoin could benefit from its decentralized storage as data demand rises. 📈
More info: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-10-30/kkr-and-energy-capital-partners-form-50-billion-ai-partnership
Note: Not financial advice. | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-10-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoem4tOFF4cXo3YjRxSmEyZm80WWVmNXZtUTREQUV1QWlkdnViRmF2MmdUeWZ2ZGp0ZFdMN0JKcWRyQktER0twbWpvZjFja2lMMDJPRVZidGZMN2F4dVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoajUxWHpDNGMzTHpTN014dk9NUk5OMXFwZE10Y3JOR245ZDJiM2lHbHcxNHJDOHJJVlJMVEpPa1piUklsd1JjVDAyLUZpNkd0NVRUV3ZxY2QxaElCMUFHNmZqeFR5aGZRODRmdk5kNmdEdklnZVhOREc2U2M0RnVNdjN1aXJqb1RkY2J2Q3A4Ynhha0k0aUkxMnVfSlc4cWNpMW1GQTRkWWxTaDlCYnlhSUN6Yzg1T3ZSMlZNVnVyOW9sbVUyYVB2R1FQdDNxcDhMM3RnU29ZeGo4c1ZXZz09 |
Imagine using a cloud storage service that uses ipfs and you accidentally upload a let's say very private file that now you wish could delete. Isn't that a big issue? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodmhCRHdlQVJqUjVHbFhqazFWcWVBNzJDYUh4c2FoQlhPOVhoWlFlczB3OUVIWG9hSnRFeVAyd05aOXQzbURUbUs5RnRFLW9ZVVIxY0RlQUg1eUNhUmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocml1OXZFM2pnelYxZjhjUXVqN2ZpajQ3dTZWaHg1d2RaandncVBhcEFWM2FHZ1VrNmpFVEZTRS1HekpmbEVCU2FuNU9ERTkzZ1VSQVJsWWZOYlprSGpVVF9kbzNYTDRFUTNuVUhkUnlSc2xYMVZESGgyMHdJVEdVYk81cGhkWXBwSnRncVZGY3Y0TGVYQ2J0d0pyamVOZmNnRk03bTBRUTJrN2x1ZUV0bUpUbWdwYlFpaGdqcFoyNnJQVTF1cWN4dXdtaEZSWUlVRVQ2YzF2UGpHMjJZdz09 |
What's going on? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZEdEWFhnYU9SWUFwWjd6b2FNWEswbzl3SDFOcGZTak9HcmxUUG9TQkFlWWJrSjV1SUpDN0sxR1V0Ql8xaXg1T3VSU0lGX3huYjhSeld6LTRtTFVoNWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVob1NYSHRIbnpwRkk1MVFyckthM2owVmxjeDBCbk1YYWNpWmxNU1pMRnQ1WGtjenBoUTR0ZEdJMG5MMUhodk1OTzdPYVhpc2owTG1yN0NSNmljT2MzXzZTdzdKQVlQZTlza3lVNEVrdWpIMm9RZlp6NGkyVmRpV3RSbWlhaDFIZmo4UDdaQTFPa2JmWHpRRERKc0dzeW1IS2Z2M3hJM05xT09tblRZUW1VUWFnPQ== |
Filecoin is expected to show a huge upside momentum as it is very close to its lower resistance. According to our analysis FIL token can reach upto $10 before the end of 2024.
Also once markets turns bullish after the election result a huge rally is expected which can even take Filecoin towards the $100 price range.
Filecoin Analysis- [https://cryptoofficiel.com/filecoin-price-prediction/](https://cryptoofficiel.com/filecoin-price-prediction/)
What are your Thoughts about Filecoin? Share your opinions | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNnc0Mkk1R1lhY2R3cEp0TnJ4VVNUdW5YMGtoWlpsRjI2NjV1U0dzdzJkSjBQTjhkNXVVdDQ1cC1yck1HWVRuR3JxNU8ybGJnN0JoQlBvMjlyYnVTZXBQOTdSYUZBS3JTM3JxQzg5NDJWYXM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZy04bmdIUHlQOTBqVWFWcDhKM1VvdEZ6RU9WVHdBRjBHMTFrbGVBQTcxM2Vfdi1Ka1gtS1dUd1JZR1BPaGpxYXFXUXI0LUk1Q2pPQnZFLUpXeW1IWTBxc3RQWE54OHI3WURrd0paeDhXdGFZQXNwV0xUWDJ4NU85UmtIT09mSVpmNmx1aUQ3MUFHR0JFZU5TUmZ0SmNxUXdCUmRyODhkaS1mTDVFOXgySmJmdzRabXNKMW1HbUJmcmdlTXh4NmxRMnk1MktTNWZGMlZXZ0NiWlkyS1dJdz09 |
https://x.com/cryptodavide33/status/1852288984673620248?s=46&t=ZzFu2lK71DZvGnTA1DLEcA | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZnE0T05wNnV0bTVCZzYzdDctV01ReDRaVURtRjhjUWlHcWg1OXl1RE00YThfWXU5Q1BIRHlKQ3VjdF9WaDN1eWxnOWdwVXpKalRLWE92UzZPREt3LVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoM1NEc0MyakJBbXNBbU9oRVhrR3V4aXJaUU1tMnZCcVZmbTdGTU9ZNXc2dS1idHk3ZGhmYmtOTDFITDVxZ1YtYjhFd092aXFNVEdRdFQxdjhKOWVOMlhrS2ZEc2x4MjFGUzEwQzl6TTluR09LLXh5Q1JJT3QyN2V0SkdvVU4wRmZoTHZhV2NxX1E1d1cwVTJOVWo1UU9JN0ZHNTdKQkxGQ01JaFJGZXFqc0lnaTNQenQ5TXRZSEdhLVRpNDBHNktj |
[Despark.io](http://despark.io/) is a Web3 user research platform dedicated to gathering valuable feedback from crypto users to help shape the development of future tools and platforms. We run surveys/interviews with the goal of bridging the gap between protocols and users. A current survey we have running is targeting European Web3 Users, in which users who take the survey will recieve $15 USDC for the 3-minute survey.
If you are interested in participating, visit [despark.io](http://despark.io/) and look for the relevant sections to get started. Your feedback is invaluable and feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVVY3bGxFRGJVNHp5UjRWYmZjcmM0U0ktWnp6a1RLRzdzVEc3WWJOeGtLa2Y3TlM1WnBIUXlTd2QzZXJLZW1pVmxuSTdCbnFXR1FCSU5lc0lPTGtMSXdJNGcyV2t2Vzc0dFU5aGRJWUVVdms9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNEdEXzNkbV9JZ09GbmtYb1lyOVRoa3llQ2NxdlVZWFhtMVB2VzdzemRpUGVzbTNmLUFER1MxYjh6bXYwUFBQNHB4VTNTVUIyQnpvOGdBOWVZR1VTMWZqaURHMjdFMVVVNnFJWGo4Y2dKNnJfaTd0MmpFU2theHZvdUNBQ1NFclZldlJ6dFg3eWR1UGhBYVJ5WkNBc2xmaXc1cmc5dUptdTJoTi1keHF1MG5kZk5meDNCUzBUNU9BMlRBek9Zc1VKQmhtV2JqTHNIanNFNndYV0RBeWpndz09 |
I'm curious but stay real. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeXBSQWcyaFBSbkFCaFlXQmlGNmZySXZKUTZCYkR5ekRETVNwWXM2WEJYd3VGLVRaQV9kMVdtVkhzSl81Mm12dHVLYkdNTVlieHR0cWVnV2YwMERKSEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoS1BpRThycGxFNXFEVVR1TEhFbXhfMXVuUDBiWE1GcldfRlVfbzFsc3VPNWxHWUYyOXU4dEZOdnkwcm1uUkpxbkVEUXVjQXY2OUF0U2hCTTBqZ0JZX0E5cnZYNmxKTVNFaXhVUzZHcGQ5NDFvWm5DLU1ZbmVrdkNJSUh3UzIxSDQ4UkVPYzBHTnNodVhuQ1FlZUxRQ25YTGVrU0x6S2lRY3BGSW5UZ04xelJ5dXVQaDlGMEJpR3AxclVmMW5xN1Z1 |
Now that Trump has won the elections crypto will rise for sure. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVGVtOTBuUzdFcnRUcFFtLU5zcWV6SWhJak5ib19tQUlYZjJCazE1RFVBbWY5eS1Bd09nQWhYT0o0QXNRZ3JxVzZqMGZMVVhfNXRJRlpoSFQweW5mN1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTzU0ZnRWTGxUQjVQSXdKamhIamxmNjhnb0IyVjJRRlhDWDV6WllLZ2ZSWTVSby1TbW8wQy1VR2daTXI1T29jX0lLelFGZFg2eDkyYXNiTXpXSjFtbFNYMmZnMjJKc1JzSlpob1VoMEVFaUhYc05XNEdaMWMzWDA2X2xyYm1kSWZiVXFoYzNyUENFakQybm44LXNFbnFjTzhBUjhhWEZuOWMyQ0N2d1ROaW1JPQ== |
Much of bitttenso is using AI technologies, after the launch of Sora with an update to openIA, do we expect a new giant rise? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVockFXemcwRS1vTUJiVVhpZ3RacEp2TmZSWm5WdTZvbEpIdENjVlRTWFJ5NERMYXk5Z0ZxYnR0MjZrMWZsM0VHN2RFdnhtUzZCakFqLV9HX0tWQjc5NEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTy1Kb285eVdsazkxRThmSVIxZ2ZWRTh0QnBYdXJLSThmMkl3MURybHRaWEFBRGs4SUd5NHhiNHBHZklUakQ2aHdzRmtKTG5zMkRQNzd0dUxMbFBSaDg1UTVxOTV0YjZudm9oOFAxSDEyM3dkdjZ6WjQ3SHFqWGpfWDRYMGFEUmJYbXFudUp2WWxqV0NyVWduai1nUDM1enZMMU5wVVRuR3R4RmFkNXBHZkhoekh4LWRZbG55SVdlN0VCdHFGN1BQ |
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Questions or Assistance? Reach out to me anytime; I'm here to guide you through.
Learn More: Dive deeper into the project on our Discord channel and explore our website at getgrass.io.
🌱 Join us today and let's grow together with Grass! | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQ1dYbjUxSE90NWZadWpZUll3T0dPb3JHOTktdEw2NU5paEdRRVhPdEE4Z1Y3VHJwNzRBSnBmOWpZZkQ2N3FzMUx4VnVpSlpYNXFJaFRvTVl5QVpoWEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSjVWUWhIM3ZmVVpScGdfQWQ2VDVVNDdNNUs0dFRNTV9uWjJULW1qSTB1OE9QU2MzWENqVlF4QkNrYkVrNEhScnJCZ09sUEVHS3NNbDlfSi10UThURlFSZDBnbWIya2M0QzNfT29RcDNDTGpvRkxYYWp4bXEtaDQ1QTIxanRxTkRFeXlGS3Q2OVNZZE9LZG5YSkoydU5xZHFYZ2c1OF9jQVBlcGVBaGRzMW5jT1RHSE9Oal9zVVBOdmtjV2pIdHFQdEhFamRUOXB0RmZFN3FTSDlEVlItQT09 |
At the current moment BTC is trading above $70k and a huge altcoin season may begin anytime soon. According to our price prediction, Ethereum Classic is showing bullish signs and we may see a huge rally anytime soon.
ETC Token Price Analysis: [https://cryptoofficiel.com/ethereum-classic-price-prediction/](https://cryptoofficiel.com/ethereum-classic-price-prediction/)
How high Ethereum Classic Can Rise? What are your thoughts about it. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRTItWkpmbXRRcG1OdkJKNUY0ak8tV3kxMTlZQ1hmTTR2Ykw3RmhibF9SejNlUjROOUw3dy03YmNzU1Z1d0ZVUkFueWotQTlVWGFJLWJ2TTRoRHdfdzRPRGkwM2tSOXNRM011QmR3dnFZVVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMWZ2ZEtsejhFQmZPVlQxUXA3X3RsRjlqVmVwUHd5TGNFZmZYRXRKbnZaMDNydV9fal84MmQ3SHhQVFEzZC1JbVE2V0Y4eE9wejJ4T2cwOF9wTUF1M2kzMms4dDB0cURjNGp4dHZiTmhab3NvZTZmNEJkbUF5SnA2OVRzd2xiV3B2eGRQNWI3T08zRnhPMEpMY2JjcTUwc2NPVkxPQ2RNT1FweHdtQ2d5MkltdFdYUDJGMGVodkpldlBVYk0wWVczdHdWMngtR0VlUzdNbG1OZjJYT2hBUT09 |
"btcli subnet list" on my linux only shows the subnet of mainnet.
Is there any way to list up subnets of testnet?
I am a novice on bittensor, and I could not find the way to connect to testnet to test. Please help me if you could | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNDc2dURjcF9Vc2N1M29Sa29RSHNHelpmTDBwcm9wTURkUVVhQ1REXzNJWXpxd0lQQlFwZmo4RXhSdVNKUmtlS1AxUGhfRjllWGxIV2dwRGRzY195SHdqRTA2eFYwcUxYV3VFRm9BSXZKaUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoU3QzX1JvMGo1VnJPUFF5aDZGZDlZYzh0TGlVLTY2WTRlNVE5eWlWQ2Jnc0lTUmJMTU02cWxFcjBjSHdNY0xlNy1iU2lZTWVlLUllY05ienNOQjJCQUNqbDFNVDZpM3JkOEMzQ0ExbUVUZ0xQTm9GZ19YNmxVYmNHODNEb3lQeUVpTE9VTHZtbjZUWTR2VEtJOFBaaTN1RXFndWNLU2xFQ2J6Z1kyN2lhU3ByUkhxODFoN21wMm5FemRHRUt6c2Q2 |
Is anyone else experiencing an issue with [https://taobridge.xyz/bridge/tao](https://taobridge.xyz/bridge/tao) when attempting to bridge wtao to native tao? I keep getting a balance of "NAN".
I have tried
\-Clearing cahce
\-3 different browsers
\-Metamask and Coinbase wallets
\-validated my balance on etherscan
Anyone have any other bridges that will bridge wtao to native? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVob05aU1pVcmlUcV9iT1YxV3I2SUppb3VGUEFia0dWRmZxZWQ0S01aUkNxc1hKMDl2a0FkbmN6Q1FDb3BFQ3ExN2FUV2NqOVN1TG5zUUtpcFJvVW1fMFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoa3p5VUZjbXM4bWZHM1lvWUgzSHN1TndSMzhrck9TTXM5UWx5THVlVG05QmtTdDNudGp2RTV4TXFmM2ZwTDRXQjA5WVVhWFRGUHUwbGZIM0VqVkNVTWp1QXVHeGpYc0ttYW14VGtIcDZpbHotZ1JMSWNUazk5OE1UY1dBd1JTaUp1cU5HakpweDJrSTIyUnNhOFBwTkFnPT0= |
Is anyone else having an issue bridging wtao to native tao using https://taobridge.xyz/bridge/tao. I keep receiving a balance of "NAN" despite using different browsers and wallets to attempt to connect. Are there any other bridges available? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRFJkanFwOU5CWFV4bEwwdldrN28zNFpoalBpYWt6MUNrV1BObnUxSUoyOGpkWk1YbGJmR2RId1hCVWNoekFQNGxsaFlRY2I1NlR4TTQ5X3NxcWRSalE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaWoyR2dSZmlTeUg4TlpRU2ZpbkJvTElTakNpdUZEUFFrNXVUSjdNbVBZeGhEQWRYNmhMUlNaSnlEMTNZT2lOMHRaQnhFODNyOXRqOFNEVXoweXhhME0ybElzLWxMLWpFOWYxVF9aM0IyRjZCbDRjX29YbDhkV1IwUVZZeXhaZW9fWGtGSldIZ2lrVkFrTmhkcThvdEpnPT0= |
Load up now or regret. time to fly. Don't cry 😭 if you fall behind. All bag holder fasten your seat belt.. | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNlNsd1VZYzRfLWQxVEdzV29PR1Rta3Vpbk05SlFSOWxHOExPZnlVUmo4Z1VLcUtTMUljWXVkejZqUFllZ2VUMlRiQVoxRHNydW1tUnl2a0dxNGsyaWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZ2xoOW9IOHNlNDVITWo4aDU5Zlh4N3FIVGxsa3lPeE9OR0tua296MlpTM1BxRHpDdzlvd2VwamlJclRISHprdzluUXNCU0lYbDFDaFZfTzdwTTZhRWdSVlRmanZzNDFNRjc5RDY0LTVPYXNmeHpNX2xHR2dDNzRzTFlMc0ZzaFNwOVBKRGxrWlh6Ql93dDNJUHFjRTZRPT0= |
Just wanted to share something. At around 9:05pm today I had kraken open and suddenly saw someone place a 2,000 TAO limit order at 510 price. I did the math and it was roughly 1.5 million dollars. Nothing else to share here, I was just a little shock at the big number. And hey, if that was you that placed the order, I want to be your friend 😂 | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodFVVQ2FQOEFIb0lVYkdCb01hZmZmOEF6YURnSWdJS3hnQjF3ODh4bUFIT2xpQzAzbnZ5cEQzLUhQSVp0QjR1eDFuOWY0LTc4VW1PbUdwZFZJTWFfc2UzVzVwY0ZUXzR2bi1ZWk9iVkZONXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoT290UkVfQVRtYkU1aGRabzZVRVlpYVl4TEhSZ21QbXhRVXd3VDRmNy1tNnRZMmI0SzMyblVHRmU1NVFCMUNWMkloaEZmR1JwWWNidllTSFdJeVRmSFdzb0JCTVVCdTMxdnA0Ymw4cXVLU08xSVg1UXRrMmRYNDQ1RE5yX1dnTFNabmxTYzM2X2QtSDFfVUJlVnhLTnJiZER2bmJaNl9tajJhWmNtbHMzVFpRPQ== |
It feels like 2021 all over again with how bitcoin is doing | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSFNCSmZEclR1TF9oUmYzQ3ZVSy1PSDQwNE5zR0MtOXYyc3JQdURraGNBa2l5X2FQVklQS2Z3VGpIamNwaVJjVHNoVlpVRElHMXprdDRjZ0d4bG44YUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWjhpTU84anFWaW9pQXQ3Q01ick1sTmNXZUlBUU9tR2FuQng2X1ZvTFB6N01rOXRMNm5UNWs0MUczWU1yQ1NEMnFqZExJLVZqSVFhYURNcWlSX0kxY3NBV2VMR3lsY0dJUzY1NGJvcmRLUXBULTlBS3dHYklyeUpCbURld1JEeWhtUmhSLV8yN3lVVHVaVk9DdlM1V3JuNTROemJmX3FKakNDWlVud1RYYWhONGwxYXktMVB0TXMxR3BiOVJaLTV1MjdMbjIyWV9WcVFzVXRhVVBUWlpkUT09 |
We finally did it | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocVo3bHlRak82YVV3R3hlTFlzRjlobzVPVFY0ODNlT2lsY0dlSWxSaXp0NGtTX3NpbFNpSUh0NXZNWnRPcS1TRjU5Sno1ZGFMN0FqYlo0TnNJYUtVWnFKeWlIUk1pRDZLWlEzMjZPc2dpcWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWE9pMjdQTlZFVGdxcXppSDVVTTczVnU1UWFtM0p2UDhMRzlxUFVScTJPempXTXVxUGVMRk1QaUo5eEdpaHYzNGVuSGtlV09aWFJSLWwybmVRMmZUbHFwaFlmRjBsblZmdHlnSG1xZENEV21WV3hrRGpoaHN5aE9ENnhSSGJjVWhXRjRFT0RfZGRVZllrRldFNC1YOXlRPT0= |
I work as a customer agent for a boring online normie bank. Nothing special, just a traditional bank but online. Our marketing is so cool and makes us appeal to boomers and look like we're some sort of futuristic bank. We're not. Anyway, the amount of calls we are getting recently from people asking about crypto is growing insanely. Grandpas are asking if they can buy Bitcoin from us. People transferring big amounts of money to crypto exchanges, neobanks and fintech companies. Many of them get their accounts blocked and asked for reasons of transfers, proof of funds, etc. Crypto.cum asks customers written approvals from our bank that our bank will accept their funds coming from them, people are in panic on the phone every time, they don't know wtf is going on but they want in. It's starting. I can feel it in my balls. People want crypto, banks will soon have to own it and give it too them. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZFlveU91aldnSzg0Snd2cGEtNUF3VlU5eEVlUWlRYmRVVzU0VWNkN2h6YWFFT0pfbVVoSENObHFOR1JtZk9kVlljZ01Gbzg3SnM5ZkdPdGRBR04xLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoODFNbHh2QVo2eGJWMjJWaVZoZE9Na21XejBrT25SeHd0Wk9xNlQ4NmdUMnpxTEU4Xzh3YXNNT0ZoTmJlUm5ENktNbTRxYUdFVzBUdjM4TUxqWUdWYmVCQmlhblVOVElNUS1UVHp4bnVzRnI4NHVNZ1lCUU1ZMTdiclFjTUZmLTk4VU9MazdkVXMwRlU4VE9PSEJiUk5NVHc3MTNvVko4b0pWX0VMd3NiQkpnMEdPWTgxdlRUSGc0RUNwNTVOd3BW |
Hello everyone, this theard is to share with you a thought I had the other day about the explosion of meme coins: crypto is finally becoming mature, which is excellent news for Monero, but only on the long-run.
I think there have been 3 ages of crypto:
* Childhood (2008-2021): crypto industry as we know it today appeared in 2008 with Bitcoin, and a number of other projects aimed at doing better or bringing new features (anonymity, smart contract etc.).
* Crypto had to prove that it was viable, and gained traction very gradually over these 13 years.
* Teenage years (2021-2025): crypto became known to the general public, with a certain number of excesses and stupid things being done (Solana, rug pulls, meme coins etc.).
* Crypto has had too many excesses, and is in the process of finding itself through its excesses.
* Adulthood (2025-...): a lot of irrelevant projects will gradually die out, and the only ones left will be those that actually make a difference.
* I think this is when Monero will really gain attention, because of its unique features (anonymity, fungibility, etc.).
This, combined with the gradual delisting of CEXs, means that Monero should attract the attention and traction it deserves, but this will happen very gradually over the next few years.
What do you think? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQUlPTDVSTGRsZ2RSaTVIbTUwell0V2x6Z2h3a1pxWW1wNE1VM0xFeTFad3hxUXppb1NZd2FPNTZxMVNyaDJCbDRtbGh1cnpuSHhlLW5xU3dOTzJ1QmxzRGNLanJZVzk3UDJtOXdhTk00cFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMVhLWlpSSnBCZmV1Q1ZtbTEtLUtpQ3M5TDhXQVphM0hOQmkyZ3BjaE94SVVYaHFxbWg4cVBZY24yY2NFdmdJT3p6bFZqNVpsTk90RFJTenpwb3BsdXNEbG9ib2hETnNmSVBMY1IxeEp4TFZEaHVvLWZtVnlkMmZDbWg5QWN2VlZ5eXNfQXF0cVBSTTZGNEhERVA3N3hKSE11T2tEOWdORzVMdW9KTElFcVBBdmJlYnpBU1N3OFBiWmlxQ1RudHJq |
If you are “investing” in crypto with a goal in mind (amount you need for house, other investment, debt relief, etc) spending the time NOW to do the math, and set yr Sells up NOW.
I’ve been through multiple bull runs, and every time the greed + excitement has gotten me to hodl just a “little bit longer” when the numbers hit what I was looking for, so I didn’t sell, then things crashed, resulting in LESS profit overall. This is embarrassing - I’m not ‘bragging’ about making the same mistake multiple times - but hopefully someone can learn and profit off my bumbles.
Good luck all.
EDIT: Some of y’all really need reading comprehension skills. I am not saying sell NOW, I’m saying set up a goal for WHEN to sell (whether it is amount or date)and think about WHY you would sell. I’ve held BTC for about 10 years and ETH since low double-digits, but thanks to all who’ve criticized my paper-hands and lack of understanding. I haven’t posted here in a long time and you’ve reminded me why. And for those who will never sell - if you just want to “collect” stuff, comics and coins are cheaper. For those who want to enjoy life and DO something with yr gainz, start getting used to the fact that you’ll eventually have to sell. if you don’t, you’ve got jack shit but an intangible binary claim.
Have fun, enjoy the ride, and don’t risk more than you can stand to lose. Much love. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaXh2S0ZGTmZtM3NKVmdCN1g2VFlhV0EtREoxZzhKYUVKcDgydkNNREtBOUtnQnVRUVFpcm80ZF9jUUlFSUFISmJhWFhINEFQeGI0Q1Y3UXVZNklLTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMEdLQUFlRG9xRloxM0ppZ01udVEyUW5LeW5ZbC1QaHFCdElOaWVxRFdOM2FVNDhKRVExZk1uN2hwOEFFQ3F0by0zcnlmUUNRTHAzUWJEdzNMeGJSMU9HTmlOUDdRZzVVNkNSMkFNNnNhNUlZRDhpaC0wczlSTzVBX21XMDEtc1RqekFwV1V1WFpqNmVkS2JsS09sSFpfWWNBc2RBMUhxUWJ5RjJnU3NYdWdkbU5zcl9zTDZ4allBT1dQd2pmNjcy |
"The tools can and should aim towards reducing the particular currencies value, consequently inducing a voluntary outflow of their users."
Shortly after the paper was published and with her influence the attack begun. Chart lines up | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobXI3QlhEOHJyWUE5eDJwRkxNclZNWnJRdEhXUzFyNjFNekRuZmxGNVduZ21CRzBlWjhHdHdaaW0yQUtJdUItdUoxYjV5ZEJrMnlvaWN5N3NtbXplN0F2RFVqMjk4c0swQXlnSGhLcGl4ejQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNVhxbjVkSW9ZSnZzTl9tdG5uS2Y2aDd4OWR5T3VxN3A1MExiUlVSMVBoQXdSWm1ack5ESTJ5T1B6ekFSdVQ2TWY5WkZTTXZtNkpiRGs0SjNQMkgwM1lrbjdfZ0gya1pkazJjQzIydWdobW1YWmtLTTI0OUV0SjBYeFBpREFTNnBwbkR4X0tDSVBxOGJaeS1HRElTbFNNYVItZ0NiS29jc3BBX1hJUS11SGlMWVJ2LW9kcjVLalZoc2JzamozLXpm |
To the moon 🔥🔥 | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocnVPT0JHRXJSZG5Sd25EaGl0cWRBOFJuZ016eTVoc0dFb3F3R2ZELUFsb1IwSjg3ZVpweHZtcmRkT25TV1dHZUw4UkNwenN6M1Y5SkZTU1NyYi1yZmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodllac0Y1djE5UXhPREdQaXFERHI2OV9SVUVPeWktZXlwRHh6ZDd3ak9TdTNTVVllX1MxN3I3WFhITnNoNTVTZ1hfbVZEUk5TY3NOclVjTjMxUXZabmFHaG5HTFBvdFkxWXJrNjYzeldGSEtkSmpFal9YR09GUWo4WEVCSXF2Y1lobkphaDRZeEE0X1VMNk5LRDFaQ2NqSFlTcmdCQUVqSVVUUjVGWER6X3EwPQ== |
Never thought I’d see myself owning ETC again but yet here I am. ETC is so undervalued at the moment and I have a feeling we are going to see another Kansas City Shuffle where the attention is on ETH over the next 6 months but we see ETC go crazy… just like the last bull cycle.
Time to load up again gentlemen.
To the moon 🚀 | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOHY2N0V3TEFFZVZmZ25ZWTZWRkY0Y0FhdUptRVdFMjVnR2RfYXhoTlh5NkVoUVJKVnVlSjlwOWpxYjFZYWh6MTg0UXlNalZGbHhXeFNTanNlNGVmUmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobHhfSGx6LUxuUWdiZGNQWmlIWU11UG1yYl9QNkZXRFZYYjdheTJKYTJQY2lqQkxDTngzaWNGTVBlaTZjcERWcXBZVGdNZGNJZXRMeHpXcllYeEdqV1FvdWR5eFhBU2FBRFdhNHpXU2dUTFBOMjQ2aXdrMjY1TDlVd1JyMncydnFaUDdtMXdzLXRUWGY0eFF2b3Q4TmVGX0hxUFR4VFZHTUFuRmQ4MXBYZEdJPQ== |
What’s up with the memecoin scene in solana’s ecossystem? As a more conservative crypto investor I feel like I can’t invest in it if the main reason for solana to increase is memecoin pumps.. These are pretty unpredictable and not sustainable long term.. however it has been going up like crazy.. am I not seeing it right? Can someone prove me wrong? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobHhTRXpzMHptRjVGUnBFMFlCU0F4RVcteFRtMkhzdEZFRlo2eENqOEk1MHRVcEFmS2ZleXRfOFhBSWs3M25rTUQ5MDlGVi1WMFVwSnhkWGRxSHJpWm9taVJkdlhQRlF0U3JiOEQ3dFB5NnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOHYyUWpITndmblRLYUtmOVpxZ0NKSjhLYW1STHFHQ1MxYjdWUnZWc0NWY1R1M251aDMxU3NxTWZRVFA3aGYzei01eEZVcl9sWnl6WkJwYVpsano0UnZJLXhHaUw3R3ZReWpVZ1lqQ1N1VkM2UldjbWczRWRMOEc4RTFWcFVCRnYyZVJBc010OEZmeFg1R0VFU3BqWllzLWxLUC01VFdfNF9CcG1PQU1jV2llcGRacXU0N29pRmpiLUw1c0VXZkVf |
Today, a Key Opinion Leader (KOL), seemingly exhausted from frequent scams, revealed his findings after a two-day investigation into a major rug-pull scheme. He shared his discovery on a live stream at [pump.fun](https://pump.fun/coin/6tAb6pmvtqXYcgc9WdZHbpcozmsngpR7RUCnb8cpump) ironically and sarcastically as he said :D
[link to his tweet](https://x.com/MarcusOpellius/status/1855877450347020627)
He refers to it as an "industrial" rug pull, and there's a good reason for it. The scammers generate multiple wallets that send SOL to hundreds of other wallets, creating a new token without any developer purchases. They then snipe the token at an incredible speed on the first block. After that, they artificially inflate the volume to attract unsuspecting buyers. When a certain threshold is reached, the token collapses.
These scammers are reportedly making around **1,280 SOL daily**, and it’s suspected that there are even more wallets involved in this scheme. The KOL shared a video detailing this operation, and I recommend watching it to understand the significant risks you may be exposed to in these markets.
UPDATE: second part came in, it is not $1.5 million, more than $3 million !!!
[https://x.com/MarcusOpellius/status/1856463500102516963](https://x.com/MarcusOpellius/status/1856463500102516963) | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUFBMYnN0Y1NfNUg4SXI4RzgyeWpBZWV0Vl96b0lBTUdaS2JJRHdlZ2NxYm52dFZjUFN0MDhSRmFSQkUteUdlTDFiYy10cGVsU0FkU2tfTkY5cEsyemc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocmN2c3p1WE5oMFJwZmdPN0dPU1hhSnFrVmxDMmRaa04tOThCOXpVaURrZjU1VTNtT3hfT01uUEhITTgwVDlyMWRrM1FKd0ttSmZsYURDUEtUMFgyNFlYWHQ3V0QtRWI4VFdTUDJZX0s1VmZYMl9POHdIeXNnSXYwM3BYMXRVVWtneFNyLU9Qa3dwSUxPeTRsTVlvTlBVbVpEbHdab1E0UWZ0TDFzR2d2R3JfcVVzZjNwV3hoSHRRVEN3UFEzTmkw |
Being a top 20 coin is still a big deal , especially because it’s holding the bitcoin name and all tokenomics . I have repeatedly encouraged you guys to hold , we are seeing some movement now but this is only a fraction. This is a top 5 coin for sure. Everything that’s bullish about BTC works for BCH plus it’s for everyday transactions. DO NOT SELL. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobTg2ZnhlSkQtbWpFQXN2M3diNmd4QktLTFF4MDg3VFdTTzhUZUhxYXRPc25DcXNiTV9leXdwVkZJRE5yLUEyZEo0bFZBNWFDUzVEd0t2N1FNb05HcV9WbUJSZTNzbVJVRTZfQ05PTGh5ZEk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaWdkRnBiN3BYbi1za3RDUHhfQVFPNnUyY0VYRkxMTVBEejhveUgtMGhNWFdrUk1PYi11SndvSHo4MEhNRWM3TEdiWXVYaWo4aHV5Mk9vRW8zMzhBX1ZZa0FOQ2ZTeDVPOHM2ZFVYOTlwTjlEczVpZ19CMmUwdU05eDdrSDEtUUVwMVJKNnAxWS1CV3BFWVpNWkRpZWQ5eTY4Q0NLQlNuZXo2UG8xdFVBT0lNU1NfUGxjcFdqRDdqaE5rRG1ZZngtSXlkX0FjbUV5MFo2elNMYVBXTTlwQT09 |
Y’all what gives? Every coin is up since the 10am (pst) dip yesterday besides ETC. it’s still under that local high. Come on now, let’s get the party started and catch the f up.
Side note: last run up, ETC & Doge mirrored each other. Whenever doge was running, etc would drop. I’m wondering if some of those same swaps exist and since doge is running, etc is struggling. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOWRsbnYya09SN0ZfNkY2MkV2emZiQXVHLThqNFg1aVFqSHdtMV9aeHRTZTJwUUdWWWpPWk5aTGFMYkpHRER6N3RzQ2tBWFROanA2Tm9DZllsTm9WWVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYjdjSHJzQTdlZVNWMXFWa1g0RzFwUkRQcXgxTC1ER0lvM19WNExCaUd0WS1STHRRdHVBS09mUC1ESUhSemVLVkNJbnFTZ1IxT200ZEh6SUQtVUdic2JyVDB2ZjM2Um50NE83dlUyU29haVhFYURYTnJLbGxVT1lTbm0xaDdWVjdrTlFFd1Zqa3QxakZQRTJkOWJyN3BOdmJGZ1FnR2ZkdmZ6cFRkUVRTS1h3PQ== |
Any problems with actively staking/unstaking switching validators? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoY0R0ZVA2ZE1XMU00ZmFIY1ZWR3VnOXlTQWpDZTFHakxwM1FnajFFZkFfMWxvSTNaTjhiZHVSaXdqbTF4dWxwWkRzOVBxUTVOMnJ1bmprWndxeEtuRGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobV9DLVNXWDJRaGpJZDBlYm9OSXdHSUxxdDY1T0h4czkwdWRPYjVIdFNadWVob3AtcGRGdm1GQ2FlQkJYcFZqUjNpczUwVWhkXzFlcHpIU0dBZWQybllHY2FIU3dQRDJBcmtaV1lsb1o4RllZX3BELUNCMUNRNEtTWUFjNFY2ZW45bjdjS1JhOEtLVWN0azM3bkhkTGt4RUJFMkh6MTBmZHl5TVdnc2hHUFdTZ2JHZVNHZHcwcTJvY2tCc0dqX3NncFhpSXg5UGFyZEJuT0NJWEhreUN6Zz09 |
Can anyone give me reasons why Solana is a good long term investment?
| r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOEc2SlJoTklpZWdDeXdyVmpUYzJyUlpmUUxjeFlZZ3g5dXFWS0ZrYnd1aFBTNGlkNHg0MFFpVUxISVhGekRLZ0lCLWhzdnRfalJIdzVnOGdURVNBUW5lMUp6N3hvaUVIZ2JBd3E5aVB2SGc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc1dLVjdqbzU2cDQ1ZlNMVWlOSXRmY1BqMHZHdkVVYzZTRkM5QlRVa3AzY2RaWW1XX1dSTUdKYzFrT25XelZyaUl4dTdzQUhsMnd6c0gyQ1Q4azE1T25UdkMyNElRRUowY0U0MkkxS1gxY2hnaFhMVlFRMWotcWo2LWo3SzYtZEVsTzdHTmlWNHZ5VW1UdVh3bUZRcXpoVXJmMVh2N254OXV5NFZ3S25mN2g3WlBHUENiZTN5aDZYLXBRRHhuMXpKRjlhRlcyNE5HZHZJUXIwWkEyZnVSdz09 |
Remember guys this is the Etherium killer. Selling half my stake at when we hit $125b market cap. The other half is set for retirement on an island.
| r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTl85OVJncmQ4REVUamZ5LThiaW9vcloybi1Wb19lUnU1WkZSRURzTkplUEpOdVVqbFN0dUNTTzRGVWhwNnJZZHhJbVpWT1h2YXlOVE9GQmZYTTEzNEEwcFFHdFpRVHkwLTFOdnBGWXJDNm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeDIwN3pxT08tRjF6RXQwdVV6UUp2QmRRcjJqZkJORXBCX1J0N2Vma3l2SUlac0ZIRGNDdS12MlRiLUs3RnlqcGxFY3FocXp4Q3pQelRHYnRIbUNVX1g1NThPQ280VEtBdU9XSDVJeE9xM0QyVHpRVEg2UlVjN0FtMnAyaUp1X3ZaWVJKUGY3bWthY0xVbl9zQk1RYkpOdGFNMWhBNmtfMGkxdkFoQnVkRnNjSlVSMHhTWllEOXhaQ3FUOGhfcmI1M1ZBU25LZkUwVWVmREFvUTJEc0w4UT09 |
The idea of BTC->XMR atomic swaps has been interesting to me for a long time, and as an outsider looking in it seemed to me that [UnstoppableSwap.net](http://UnstoppableSwap.net) was the service that would finally make them user friendly, so I decided to finally give it a try a couple of days ago.
I want to share my experience here in case there are others like me wondering whether they should give this a try too, as there's not a lot of info out there.
I was expecting it to be a web service, but to my surprise I had to download and execute a 95MB binary, which triggered "untrusted publisher" warnings on Windows. I hope I don't need to elaborate on how sketchy this is.
There were three available liquidity providers. The one that offered the lowest transaction cost was also the one with the lowest uptime. I tried to initiate a swap there a couple of times and it didn't work. The UI shows a somewhat detailed log of each step as it happens. These explanations seemed very technical to me; I did not understand what anything meant. But they were very effective at signaling to me: YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
Undeterred I then tried the next best liquidity provider. This time the first of four stages in the process succeeds (the stage where my bitcoin gets locked apparently) and several "verifications" ensue. However, nothing else happened, and after a very long wait (probably more than a hour) a big yellow warning message appeared with the most perplexing of messages. [See for yourself](https://imgur.com/jvSBGRG).
Basically, the message was warning me that something went wrong and I was at risk of losing my bitcoin. It was informing me that in order to prevent that, I had to take an action ("refund") during a rather narrow time window in the future (after 7 hours from when the message first appeared but before 21 hours or something like that). The start of this window would have been like 3AM for me, and at the end of the window I would have been at work. So now I have to either go to bed extremely late, or make time in my morning rush to take care of this before going to work.
What I find absolutely abhorrent, and puts the final nail in the coffin for me, is that an "atomic swap" client was threatening me with the possibility of losing my bitcoin. To me, this goes against the philosophy of "atomic swap".
In the end I did the required "refund" (the program did it by itself since I left it running during the night), got my bitcoins back, and did not lose more than a couple transaction fees.
I'm sure many of you have had success working with UnstoppableSwap and are scoffing at my inaptitude here, and that's fine. The point that I want to make though is not that UnstoppableSwap doesn't work, but that a random casual like me who has very basic crypto knowledge (a crypto normie if you will) is not the target audience for UnstoppableSwap.
**TLDR:** I had a bad experience using UnstoppableSwap.net and I don't think it's ready for a general audience. If you don't know how Monero swaps are implemented on the blockchain level, you may be in for some unexpected behavior. Tread carefully. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZmdvd19heDA4TUQ1VjNyWlFYLU9hLWZzYTZLX09reHJhLWJyWXFYQ2U5a3ctZWFvbUlkMlFmRngxbHREeWYxR0RQTGhkU0tFYkdMZ19Tcl85eVFIeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobHZSNE9YRF9UUDg2VVFuRVZVd01rNWh3S2hCbU13WUJFSWpMajBGUS1TVkxIX192YXdkYjJTZG9KQk1Mek1lUUUyZTdJV0pJQkE2NmVwWTFHbURjLUtYcGs2TnI1ejZQb3ktTzVaNm9vNGdscVpvcDNKWEhKekpnSmJydmY1MjI0a0lLLWRPZXNuODBTOFVTWE1ZSWVBZ3pCdjZpUm9mVXFmOXJodlU5SU9Ka3kwNUkxRVNVUEdURnluWDY5OEJO |
According to our analysis BCH token is showing bullish signs and expected to show a huge rally in coming weeks.
Bitcoin Cash Price Forecast- [https://cryptoofficiel.com/bitcoin-cash-price-prediction/](https://cryptoofficiel.com/bitcoin-cash-price-prediction/)
# BCH About To Parabolic
Trade experts suggests BCH token will be trading above $750 before the end of 2024. In 2025 the Bitcoin Cash will be trading in the range of $1000 to $2500.
What do you think about the future potential of BITCOIN CASH? | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRk9EeE0zdmlZbWxObmFMNThxS0xLMEFsSHBTT01CSkFWUm5QSHdyTG9jVGcwb3dlbjg0T1lvZkxYVGZGODJtM2tNSTJHYkp3cERadnl1Ylo4T3hJUEFXNW5zNVdhVG50SkpZYTkwM0djMU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMzBNUUJ1c3NHNEk5Q09Xb3BmTldRb2Ewc0NuTTJLeHdqVVVFUko4MFlHUUZlbEwyUnJfcTI2WE1vTG9hbDRGRUx5M0VYZklYU0Jjc3l3eENKR0xfcklHV1hPdVFQNTdzY2tIbmRaRkdmVWtkQ2FQU21KOEJZWklfNDFGUGdWenhWWnJzOXR4MWFRRnc0NjBpU041aEE3cTNnYnJyYUc4M3ItS0M4NHV4LTlNaEhhMlpZT3p2c0xKNmJJbGJRU3ZVdG1NaTRjb2JKcHFrOGZWWnpHSEEtUT09 |
r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocDBHRWpISkpocXhDWEljbnpvTzExZFVqeG1lczVqYlowQVQxT3BRd2NVMGZOVUJndmY1R0pzbng5MU5Dek9wS2EybHVYRi1Bd0RzeEdHenppYzk0ek9EOEpSa09heFRVTktDVXlHSmZfeFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYmNGOFNRQzU3M1Utb1hMYkZaUk1ONHgyZm5xclJUbUZsUXEyMkdiTUFWWmNSNE5MSHlaMUJ2RFU5YjBkUDZXMTAtQk5PVU1VUWhDSXk3R0xzQTVRUWlfRTZXbk1ia0NzVkMzM3pPY2VmMnhoQm0wSnRGOU1fTkdMMEZWTzVUa0ZydkMta2p5NVNKcDVjSHR4S1FDUzdfeWZncWk0QTFXd0p6UkFCcTd5dTFUamMtWmg1OGJTMDIyZmJMcFBkNmcwaGNLaFlMSndhcnFpTFhOYTdPRUxhQT09 |
Total market cap of crypto has surpassed $3 Trillion which is higher than France's GDP at the moment and it continue to grow.
Ethereum has gain a lot of tractions as well lately. It's current price is at $3,333 at the moment. It was $2,400 1 week ago. It's almost 50% growth in a week which is crazy!
Ladies and gentlemen we are entering one of the biggest bull runs ever and it's just the beginning.
Ethereum has been improving itself lately with huge news. There is even a solution to Ethereum's inflationary nature. If that happens, Ethereum will become deflationary asset which will skyrocket it's price to the moon.
In this rally Ethereum might increase it's value more than other coins because it's price lagged behind other crypto coins in the last bull run which implicates Ethereum has huge room to grow.
We are only $700 away from $4 k and considering we have seen a $700 price surge in just a week, $4k might be as close as one week. Just be patient and enjoy the ride :)
Btw if we hit $4k, a new ATH is inevitable as well. $4k might turn into $5k real fast :)
Be safe and believe in Ethereum! | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSHNUVENPdmg3clBzeUlxc1RhVmhuNzduS1BSdkJyTkl1eUdFQVZfZVB1VzkwaHQ1MWdkZXN6dEtROXpzQ1ZUdGI3a3NNdG9sU2NPS0JlcHpLWjdRRktEMmNpRHNkeG1hekRjOEJzcktobEU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUTFWcWZLWG5TMFdkMXJvTU0xeHEzSkxyTlhTZTBETWtJZUdKQ0wyVG5MWXlJRi02UWgwZnRmN0F2WDZvVjJYN0Vpd056VHdrSnh0RlR2QmRSbjlZalE2cFhia0RDQmFtWndMMmNBb2R2SHRXSVpsWlNUN3QzNUlPX1BFM2JPZHFaTWUxTW1WR3BGaHY0bk5LYnF5ZXU5YzVfcWpXZlVGblBqS0NhWnZ1cUdlZXhfWnduZS1WcEJxZ3FfX1JhdnpQ |
I finally received my Ledger (Flex) and just moved all my coins incl new staking. This step by step guide makes it super easy - the Talisman part is not on there but pretty much self explanatory .
Prices go up - Safety 1st !! Use a Hardware Wallet !! | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobHJHV1NZbWNwbUNjLWpvQ08xcmg0NllQaDdlM1Z6a2dzTGpZT1FSU2dwM051eXVaOGFEdF8zV0FydTJWcVRNNEluaWdUX05tc2RSeEd4R3Y5NzNYdGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR1lPbllUYTg0d2h4SVdIbTN5dklkRFNTYWZQOHhHWExlYlZpREdTd1Q5ajBpS194RGpCdkhzMjZnQUhMeHVfaGJscTZNU2p3R1ZDUEI3Rk5GQmlzcWd3M2hKZWVkOEF1RnQ0VzN0dzhCWnZ6b3BCQXR5NW0xTEszUE54SThKZ1BOelpGa2NQZEp0LWZlelIwQ0JGRXVxNmtUakxSSjUxVnoxVTNTRUx3amN3PQ== |
I started working with different people since 2021 and I can really tell that everything’s fine at first. The pay and share is enough for me since I am not aware about the money that they earn. Later I found out that some of my clients earned thousands to millions. To the point that I’m bummed out to think that I really am responsible of the designs, graphics and characters. To attract the masses. Until now I am searching for the right people to collaborate so I can have my fair share.
Need some advice from you folks… | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoU3labENMTlBjbm56YnFOV2FNNVpKSms2a29yR2t3cTRkNVM1XzQ0eG1qdDRvR3hHV1pTWXFzb0FNWE9pZ3BvZVhBZkJsdkZYZ3U4Z2YyYjN0QmQxWlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobHdERGEzWWxqRXpVUFRLYkRWQ25KREd2ZlBndmZ6Mk1NcW9pNzZSbUluX3p6a29iU3M5NFNHN0tscW9jdjBJQTY4c3pyMnMyeEVUVkU3dVByRHR1M2lQa25GdHRsWFliZ2hxMHdwRzBTMll5THktVEhZNVZWSFk0emRFMk1kUDFvV0NtblJCbkI4RWhJcXlhc3BJNlVQTDZxYm1zN3hxVzNFMmx5T3dscWh4N1JpcUFfQVFHSVMycVNrbkJPZ2ZI |
Hello there, i need a advice about some asic and connection pool | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoT2tqdmVESHJWRmRuSlFIcTB5TFZfSVBnTTdWM1BWLWd1R1IyOFQwSG1SSVNkYW44Rng5ajlnb0w1NnFtZFN2eWhEWS16VTdIYzJoMmFCN2luR0VuVFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVWZ3TXl2NngzUFhiY0M1allDbGgtcDhQdlgtUEZ1b0Y1NWxlZmtfM3NYcVdwNEdUamQ1WEFCUkhkaDg5dzJyMDZFNERLZzlhbEFfZ0VTd1FRTVpVSC1jbTEzQkNlcGJIdDZSUDFJVFVGeWVDcGlfOEFrRmVlWnJBWS1sTFpZWnFyQXVGbDVWeHpKTkN5WWVFT19nYnZXN3FaeFptOF83WDBCSnV6QURoRjBpaXk2eWswMXp5UnpPbUc4cnBtMGRPWEhRQ210c2Z2V3VKZ0JkZlF3YWZpUT09 |
[ETH\/USD 4H](https://preview.redd.it/3r65sq1oem0e1.png?width=1515&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3ecbac6f91086dc1f6e367610200a7ac5d89c81)
As you can see in the chart above, ETH tried to break $3.4k but it has been rejected and it is getting close to test $3k new support again. Depending how the market behaves we will have multiple scenarios that from my point of view won't be a downtrend.
One of the possible scenarios is that BTC keeps following the bullish momentum, which I believe will happen, and the rest of the market will just follow in a shy way probably making ETH break $3.4k resistance.
Another scenario is that crypto in general starts a side move for some time but creating bullish patterns (like an ascending triangle pattern) leading to a up breakout making the whole market keep going up.
Anyway, this little rally feels like just the beginning of the pre Christmas rally triggered by US elections.
I also believe that even thought some altcoins have pumped like ADA, it has been driven by other kind of news regarding Charles + FOMO + Hype. When analyzing general market trends I use to remove this alts movements from the equation because for me they are exceptions. This is why I believe that ETH and other altcoins rally hasn't even started yet.
# What do you think will happen next?
*Disclaimer: The concept and ideas in this post come from my own thoughts and everything I have seen online during my three years in crypto. Any resemblance is purely coincidental.* | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoN3k4VXJ3MXNUU2FCcEVFZ1I0a2tpbVpGbWFsZGotMTR6SlhSYzNGdHFKOWNUTE8tNW54ZkJEY1VPQUhTOHZ4TE9YOEFJamRWR2syeksxZVRlRW1qU2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocXh6MFBZbDFTeUhzSnBfWkkwRkZhMTMxaVBFNjB5ZDJCeWpDeE16d0dUcXlZTkpvM04wNnNXbkw0bnZTaEVLbXFUbngxTjdKSlptVFdKcXhGZWpWMUlTNGhIaW9nN2hJdGdiODVZbVdqNzVqek9CWjFJbWtrR1RDQmduZkItNmptQjhoMmh1a2J2NWNpaTBSRGo3UF9vUnc5c3J1TUNjdjY4Q0tNd3RhTmpVYUp0LXlCVUJySzJTT3p5TnB3UjZo |
https://x.com/brodyadreon/status/1856408139907903748?s=46 | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTUR2UzZmZlhad01JcVFpZTl1TUhVR2ZISUVMTGpOWHJTVkY4emFBUVU4SkZ3TjMzQUMyTGxHOTVrbnZvb08xSzJmWTlvQzFNRThXRW9nVkdERHhrZnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMTYzVDNuUUlPR1ZJVEFDbVFvM2JvX2FvZTM4bkRjMC1mTWw3bDRrTjdubFJsNUxBQVF1NUh2ckstQURHUzQyci11dFM2d0JzckViUEo0cmlXbVZfeWJ5eEM0cVJVWlFKZVQ4OHNkVEdXYWt4M1I1S0FZUXJzRkVGeC1Rci14Rk9idnU5MmNjM0dmcnM4cjVIaXlRZm5US1FUS1B2aFJKT0tOUW1mSy1hSko2XzZ3b01mRHBzYUlTZkx4cjR6ajVKT1hac1A5NTljMGs4X3RMWVhSNUVjZz09 |
If BCH ever does rise, people will start to see it as a legitimate threat and competitor to btc-core, and it stands to take market share from people blindly throwing money at the #1 marketcap. Currently the market seems to be giving BCH a 1 in 200 odds of success (BCH ratio is 0.005 - 0.5%) compared to BTC, Those odds seem quite low for a functional blockchain that actually works in the wild and is battle tested against attacks on all fronts for years, compared to a nonfunctional BTC-Core coin, that has to be kept on centralized exchanged due to fees, so the blockchain is basically nonfunctional.
As we see recently, some posts are stating that BTC-Core has "won" since its a higher price, when in reality BTC-core is a total failure due to high fees, while BCH just works and has real utility, to compete with actual payment companies like Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Western union, fees must be cheap and scale-able, BCH does just that.
https://www.google.com/finance/quote/BCH-USD?hl=en&window=6M | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZTd5TUJBV0RlQno1MmdaUHVTRmdzR1F1RkxONk9McVEzeG9YcGJtc3luU2NfZXhwSE1FYTM4N010RjdXZ05YdHptWmtNQ2NKdVd3cVAtNmI0SjJyV3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUU1JT2QyeUJZVl9KcXVUQ2R6WllWbUJ6b1RBX1JOZTBTNnZEdU1qYjAtLUYzUHJWWkR0WUZWeEp0TzhoaFJtNzhEWk5MZTlzSTJOYjIxRVZ6ZkRxWHo4cFRheVRFVTJfb3I3U3ZfaGkzamk4RVlPeElLSV91T0cyZHpSc0ZmNmotOUp3cmd3c2VfWmRsNHg5bi1vTnB2c1AwN3FSNkFodENJVWtjb1pCNkpRSkRoTkplOWxsdTlYRlZESmlaZEtfT3Rpd1JXYV9MNTdFY2drN0s0cGxBdz09 |
I'm observing the cryptospace for 4 years now and I didn't buy and hold any coin that made me rich like Dogecoin.
So I have a couple of questions. I read a lot about forks and that Bitcoin Cash is actually what Bitcoin should be, the same argument comes from the Monero Community. Doge is also a Bitcoin fork, so what makes Bitcoin Cash the best option to invest into?
Bitcoin is the gold standard nowadays, is the price only because of attention and interest of the general people? Did it skyrocket cause governments are in it now and they see that it's the future?
What blocks Bitcoin Cash to be the same price per coin Bitcoin is nowadays? They're so similar and what I heard of it's even better.
Is it a matter of time or did BCH just got denounced? Cause honestly Bitcoin Cash is up there and I see no reason for it not to reach 5-Digits in price minimum.
Would be nice to hear from you what real Bitcoin is | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVHZZeThPX0E4MG1aaXFsRkpRc29qSnNLd2lQN3FvSktUSmF4b3AzVThPN1l3QUVTbThfM1daVFotU2hEZHpab3BSN1czMHJnWTFrLVJBc0libjNPdnhXOUJkMU44Qm1IMlRrQmFsanN1MFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaGlSZ05UcFJtdHNzLWpGRWtKdGVtVHpuSXNtRWc4Rm93dUIwMzFHRjRrTklTalZOR0E2UElVSlRPdGI5dmxFUWlQQXJaZ0V5WGtpN0VWVXE3Qmx6cER0dTUtNDhwNnZuWnkwblExNXFxNFlzVm13dmdsV3UzU1hsN2lLcmxtdnphSGdBSEVOdk1VQTl2alVYSmVnU0tTaEt2Mm5nRGtMalFxSm1lTWJXVXBkYzN2TGFqSmlrclBSWG5UMEQxQS1u |
- Stake roughly 50000 FIL in Filliquid
- lock up FIT 3 month, mining almost 500,000 FIG
- re-staking FIG, get earn from protocol profit by filecoin.
- withdraw all my principal to binance safely.
- After this experience, I’m positively considering continuing to mine FIG tokens.
**Part 1: Experience with Filliquid**
- **Introduction**:
- Here’s my review after using Filliquid for the past three months. If you're considering this product, this may be helpful.
- **First Impressions**:
- The APY was quite low, and all the functions were rather slow, which was inconvenient. The UI and UX felt like they only supported the minimum functionality. However, after checking the documentation and seeing that the smart contract is decentralized and verified, I decided to go ahead with Filecoin staking.
- **Usage**:
- I accessed Filliquid through [Filliquid Dapp](https://dapp.filliquid.io/en/lease?invitecode=b1LlOVfy) using MetaMask and connected my wallet. I transferred Filecoin to this wallet using Binance.
- **Features Used**:
- **Filecoin Staking**: I staked Filecoin and received FIT, which works as a receipt. This decentralized approach prevents centralized platforms from blocking my earnings. By redeeming FIT, I could view my Filecoin interest earnings.
- **FIG Farming**: The value of FIT fluctuates as storage providers (SPs) in Filliquid repay Filecoin, allowing me to mine FIG in the meantime and generate additional revenue.
- **Side Effects**:
- I didn’t experience any issues and successfully mined a total of 500,000 FIG tokens.
- **Overall Impression**:
- I’ve been monitoring the project since its testnet phase, and seeing the consistent release of new features is promising. If UI/UX improves, TVL grows, and more SPs use it, the project seems likely to continue growing. The terms provided to SPs borrowing Filecoin also seem reasonable.
**Part 2: Expected Returns with FIG Token**
- **Background**:
- FIG Token is related to the Filliquid ecosystem, and I’m interested in it for investment purposes.
- **Investment Rationale**:
- **Utility**: If FIG token offers real utility within the ecosystem, such as discounts or voting rights, it could contribute to its value growth.
- **Expected Returns**:
- **Short-Term**: Potential gains from successful exchange listings and sales of FIG tokens.
- **Long-Term**: If Filliquid establishes a strong market position, FIG could appreciate as the ecosystem expands. FIG also allows sharing in Filecoin earnings without the need for a mining device, providing dividends and a long-term revenue pipeline.
https://youtu.be/UaeSUiBvVeg?si=_1Ztz58NVpAdM_Np | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQi13dXpJVE82RU9xS2NOUmtaTWxHS1Rqb0dtNGxneTZ2MW9qWVUwUW5ldDRkQXZIb0ctRTVpNmdwaFNCVXp5dVNybmRuV1BYLW54WkRHOFRYVk9YbGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaTk1UVlnMzRiVmRhaWZEQkhpeUxwa3drWTdLR3c0TjF2WVU3N2lNTGtBUmt3NlVTejd4YmdvcmdMbWtfUFkycDVWdjd4SlBqUlBDS3BjOEVZWVlROGJsVmlLVjlLUTM2WXpGcTJKalIxQnk1eFRmZXo0OFJOc2ZxU3hOLUVuaXl5bnZ2TVVKUktBYlE3QkdvZ1ZIUE5ZRDdmbnY2X2NKN0VuLUFfdUI5cDBjPQ== |
I've started to see news about Bitcoin again, which is a telling sign, but active users on reddit seems stagnant, still.
Or maybe the numbers we had in the prior bullrun were inflated by moon farmers?
Institutions seem to be driving this run, is there any chance for retail to be wary of the high BTC price this time? We're talking about 90k now, it's intimidating AF to think about buying a whole Bitcoin compared to the previous run.
I am thinking that the huge price of BTC might also be the catalyst for the alt season. Newcomers might want to try their luck playing the alt casino.
What are your thoughts on this? | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodVZ3Wl85UmZCNWZnTDRwaUhnWjd5b1d0MTI5d2hycjJBZWo2YnoxOHh0REt0b1dWcENJdmFwbWd0Q0NTTEZUTWE3M3NocW1oOWRJWFZxNHZtdEJFS0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUVJtQlZ4b21KWTBGMGpqZmNYbjZzY0x1VVlpX0tyZ2VOdER1eTRxV2haTXdLemt1LUhBeGd6Z05rRzlzeTAtOWFLQ205V2Z1VDItejI3VzlnWXdpV1hJQURZd2pQMWcxQUZFQkhWOVZkcDJWRzRkNVpTdGRrblczcGs5YTQwUVAtRFFiQnhwOTVyVHRZRVE1MFVhbGxzYUlPRjhSV2xLTnEwN05aRjA3UHA4d201VnpZdkpoR1NCSVJnSzVlbmM3a2tXX21kdnVhRUZkYlBGMmt0bVVvUT09 |
Im looking for a way to convert my wTAO bought from a DEX (Uniswap) to native TAO since i cant actually stake my wTAO, what is the best place for it?
| r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNUFUMFgyTllXY3FLNjJudF9BSDVwOWtoMGRSVy1fZzNXYTB6V0x2UVBYeEhESXFUaTRhWlJ1VEg1NDlGaUNmZnNuTjMtM0g3ZTgzN0x6RTFTQ1ZSVXZnLU9aNTJGVDlQZWVkMDBGMl81S0k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZ0QzNW11UVpLZEVobTBuZmo2SzZfbU5RVHV1NW1FV2dKaS13SERCaVUyY2xPazhuM0UxUlQ3YTJacFFzU0pJejhxMDQ4VGlGX21vUTYyb0o5T3JrZW5iZmFfQ1ZGcENhNlRfR0xIQ2xZY3c0S0R2NnhXWlMyU29UNmdLN3dfWElpLU5NTWVKT3Jra0RsRElNR1NYb1B4TE54UUd2MllmM3Z2X1dqRmk1VWxaaFh2S1BjRkdGVDU3TXBKbnc2TER3 |
I’m finally seeing a clear path to building generational wealth, and I’ve never been this close before. To think it’s all coming together from my own room, spending hours diving into meme coins and other plays—it’s pretty surreal. Sure, there’s the downside of being indoors most of the day, but honestly, I’d take this over the 9-to-5 grind any day.
I’m sure a lot of you are seeing some solid gains too, and I hope everyone here is on the up. For real, the energy in this space right now is next-level.
It’s crazy how quickly things can click. Feels like once you find your rhythm, the results just speak for themselves. Been smiling nonstop lately, and honestly, it’s exciting to see the path I’m on.
If you’re deep into the game and following the trends, you know what I mean. And if you're still figuring it out, just know there's a lot of opportunity if you’re watching closely. Big things ahead.
Two words: Loving This. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYXFNaWVReWdZR2pUaFVRbW1sN253cXlCNlZEeXlObzI1aEJ0VV80MzRNUHFWWFpSV3dULVdQNjRBYVhkUWdJUVQ5TnRWLU1qVGw3ZVJidkNZTE5Eb0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYjU3ZlFZVGRaVHZLVTdBdUZnTWRIaFZJQUpHODc2N2NtcjlPZENlWXd1S2RZVEZSMkdQV1htRFc3dG4zRklIbkhvLVpzZEFyX1QyREtJZF96aTVpVmd4M2gwejJjVjlhMmd1ekdrZjJSSVl4WmNGR1h3eFJJOTFLNkRreHFUcnZoT3F1TnRyRWRNcXRqT294VmtpVjZLTC1feDc2NGJqVnJ4SklrT0k3ZHVjPQ== |
Can someone help me? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocDFPenJhYWpDTGd2SXZwVzdvY3lGaktjakFRMldpM29fWnVTUnQ2N25nMHoyOHpTVUQ4UWgyVEJzVnFGeWJsUGo3eGQ5UTVYYW53NW9mOGRDclhOV04zYkJlS05rT1Bqc19uQklOSUVMOG89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOVZPTy1pN0o0Sy0zM25ERVE5Z2RlYnMxaFBmU3Fma3gtQkxUMVlGM1RNRnZMaERlTnI1dlVzckg3ZnRoMzV3X09Na0lsNXJmRDJSTl8waURmREt5MDd6bFJTYV8tb3d0dTBFcUV6Sk81bGZpOXNqck94anBwc25iZEJKNDV2SUU4TjhxbzJ3ZzBwcVZFZm1jR1VOUkRmd0g3a1B1STlJQ2xyUURpV1ZQLTlnPQ== |
Running simple mode on the GUI and tried to send a very small test transaction. (I know running your own node is recommended and important).
The fee came up as over 3 XMR!
Had to switch the public node several times before the fee came up as normal. Is there a way to see exactly which remote nodes one is connected to when running on simple mode? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobW9rc3lrRjN4aFVqRmFQSzJMR2NyUW9DOV9wOTNTc0pvX1FscnNfMm4zSTR3THU3N3JtMU9NME5hdFRwMUJobDVycTdVb3R4Y3lnQmVQZlRYUTk5Q0pwbzhDR0RtMEFLUVA0Z3JDZldvT2s9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYXpPSDdBZ2hQc3phTUpNc2pTdTF5SjFkXzNvQTJiSWhYSXVwWFU0akw5Ry15UkVvUDk0WV9VeDI3VnBYZ3BBTENiYmd5bUVRa1Utc0xObnZiVUYtbXdQTTZUX20tLTkxNUs2d3JpTy1qYlBlZ2JRdTR0NEU0Q2ItTTlnQVhMVktyTWs4alNlbGo4NEtYQXFVc2hXRlhId3pobUNvSGw3NTVyakM1RmtDTzdZPQ== |
I just got drained on my main wallet. I need to share the story of this scam aimed at developers.
I have been in crypto since 2016 and I have always been a relatively cautionary user. New scams are evolving rapidly.
I was approached on LinkedIn for a web3 role as a backend developer. As a passionate junior web developer and crypto enthusiast looking for an initial role, I was very much intrigued. Here's how the scam unfolded:
• Initial Contact: The scammer reached out on LinkedIn and we started discussing a potential role in web3. They seemed credible at first, with a professional profile.
• Code Test Requirement: They asked me to do a coding test by adding an API route to their Bitbucket repo. This was my first red flag, but my noob junior dev eagerness clouded my judgment. I jumped straight onto coding 🤦🏻♂️
• Malicious Code: I proceeded with the npm install command to be able to console log the server route working as instructed but the repo probably contained malicious npm packages and I did not pay attention then.
• Fake Interview: During what I thought was an interview, they asked me to connect my wallet to a site they were developing. I still knew it could be a scam, so i made him wait while I created a new chrome guest account to create a new metamask wallet from a new seed. Thinking in the worse case it would only drain an empty wallet, I used the guest account to proceed and click connect...
• Theft: Within an hour, funds started moving from my main metamask account and other sub-accounts. I immediately jumped on my pc to try to save what was being stolen, but could mainly only save around $2k.
• Despite my precautions, I lost around $5k, a significant part of my portfolio which I had been building since 2016. 🥲
• The scammer couldn't steal the funds I had staked with @Karak_Network as it takes 1 week to unstake. I have started the unstaking process today and would like to see if the Karak team would be able to do something here. If anyone else knows a way or solution to this problem, I would love to hear them 🙏
• The scammer couldn't neither sell my $cbBTC staked on @SolvProtocol as the redemptions are closed, but I fear that he might do it as soon as redemptions are available again. In this sense, would it be possible to do something to secure those funds ? Or else, id rather have you blacklist that address so the scammer can never withdraw them neither.
I know most of you will probably say that I am stupid, and you wont be too wrong..
I deeply regret how stupid I was and how easily I lowered my guard despite the many red flags my mind refused to pay attention to 🤦🏻♂️
⚠️ Red Flags
• New web3 DEX company looking for a junior web dev
• Contact person making basic English mistakes, despite his supposedly professional profile and background
• Having to npm install a random bitbucket repo
• Interviewer not showing his face during the interview
• Asking me to click connect on his supposedly dev website
• Weird LinkedIn username in profile URL
Key Lessons & Advice:
• Verify Everything: Always check the legitimacy of job offers. Use tools or professional networks to verify the person's identity.
• Beware of Code Tests: Never execute code from unknown sources without thorough review, especially if it involves running scripts or installing packages.
• Secure Your Wallets: Even if using a new wallet for testing, ensure your main accounts are secured on hardware wallet and never disclose sensitive information or connect to unknown sites.
• Stay Vigilant: If something feels off, trust your instincts. Scammers are getting better at creating believable scenarios.
I'm sharing this story now, because I believe it could happen to anyone and miss-attention can happen very quickly.
I know I have been too gullible, and too dumb to think a dev job process happens like this but again my animosity to work as developer got the best of me.
I can only have myself to blame for that.
I'm not asking for help but would rather hope this message can remind everyone to stay super safe during this upcoming bull, scammers are always lurking in the dark, imagining new creative ways to get your crypto.
A retweet would help get @solvprotocol and @Karak_Network 's attention so they can examine the case and see if they can take actions to secure the funds.
Finally, if anyone is willing to help look into this case, I'm sharing the transactions that drained my wallet so we can try to have the scammer's address blacklisted:
- Primary Drained Wallet Address: debank.com/profile/0xea1b…
- 2ndary Drained Wallet Address: debank.com/profile/0x0903…
- Scammer LinkedIn Account: linkedin.com/in/resourcefre…
- Scammer Account 1 (ETH): etherscan.io/address/0x7724…
- Scammer Account 2 (RONIN) : app.roninchain.com/address/0xba02…
- Scammer BitBucket malicious repo: bitbucket.org/techreforms/lu…
- Proprietary Safe Account 1 (ETH): 0x563278BE365D7937Df813F1d171178AEaEc61931 (used to send the funds I could save and salvage during the hack)
- Proprietary Safe Accounnt 2 (RONIN): 0xa8c182241Aa33bd6143cF5be7B0897Ef258b0C2d (used to send the funds I could save and salvage during the hack)
This experience was a harsh lesson, but my goal in sharing this is to prevent others from falling into similar traps. Let's keep the community safe by being cautious and sharing knowledge.
If anyone is willing to help spread the word so that everyone can be aware and careful about this type of drain hack, here's the Twitter post I wrote yesterday following the hack: https://x.com/GetMoustachu/status/1856899025615614365?t=K-JaWl0tvMOHoKNZ8KoDYQ&s=19
Stay safe frens, were never too careful and scammers are always lurking in the dark
| r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodmtiRF9ZZUJlMDVjcFM2bTB5QWZKYXI0em4xOFF5Ymhqc0ZHQXQ5aUpGX3J3QTVyRzQyaXd6a1VMMUl6alVrby1IZmpnODdrazZqNjJKc2V6VzQ0TTdkOERZTmhITFV0emxOQ3NGYmNFeGc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeTg4ODJMa2NGM3ZxM0NhMHBRUWw0X3F2NVZuNlVlVlZoR2lpbEZmNmdjNlBpZnoyVUpCaVl1TWdrSG9YR0MxUXo5dHJhWXNjZlE3eUlWQVRaYzJBU1VHeG04eC1SdmpubzN5M0RVdnN4Q1pZMGszc1Iwbk5mcktkcFFZdlNVOFJCZjByUEMwbVdMbkFEZ3JnVk13Qm5zZmYyWHh3NVAtLVp4MVIwcW0tbGxOWm5BTkhRTGJxRjVBRDE3Q3NaZlBY |
Trump wins presidency and BTc tops 92k. Etc can’t even go past $25. We’re actually dumping hard too like wtf. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTWNaNDFJOWlfYi03WTBYVEpPUzk4aDlBbnRqdWYxZFo4Y2NlUHk1cnNRNUVlR25PRlZ1M3Mza3NZSWNvYkdKaDZmZUtfUFFWaEFPSTFDMy1GeG84RU1RRGVlb2xEazVER2lsdWFGUVhVaW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc1phUHB3cUNaMVNzUHhFZE1sa2hQa2twMGlSdmR0elU1dDd6eXZHeWhfOHN6a0p4Nzl3aW10VG9LdzlMZWt5ZkhMMzItdVJ5VzJzbWl2OXVYR0J3X2xkbFB1c3VkdWxDeDc3VGFZeFJScEFKSnFPYmJoNVRuX1ZHdWhCTW1PU3E0d2RCX2I5QlJBQi1mLW5YSnVRSUJZbmc1a2kwdXNkX2NiZkdvRlJWSTUyYjNRUXE2VHRWWXBGYVZiWUF4czFf |
I get it, not everyone wants to gamble their money on random funny (or not) memes.
So here are 2 alternative ways of profiting from memecoins:
First way: DLMM Farming
I know, this sounds like some pro-level DeFi genius-only thing. But it’s not.
What you have to do is simply provide liquidity for memecoins on Meteora and you will earn fees from people trading it.
Here’s how:
1. Go to the DLMM tab on Meteora
2. Pick a Pair: Look for low TVL, high-volume pairs. Balance risk with potential rewards.
3. Go to Add Liquidity
4. Set a Range: More bins = less risk, lower fees.
5. Choose a Strategy:
• Spot: All-purpose, easy.
• Curve: For stable pairs.
• Bid-Ask: Great for volatility.
6. Deposit your liquidity and start earning fees
This is NFA, please learn more about Liquidity Pools and Impermanent Loss before depositing.
Second way: Memecoin Branding Studio
Memecoins thrive on social media content, and that’s where the magic happens.
I’ve cornered Matt, founder of XD Studio—the genius behind viral content for top memecoins—and got him to spill the tea on how much you can earn creating art for memecoins.
Here’s what he shared (after a little persuasion):
Most deals are monthly, but individual prices are:
• Animated GIFs - $100+, Art - $100-$200+.
• 50+ brands signed this year
• High 6-figure annual revenue
This business model is nearly perfect: it has little downside risk but a high upside potential.
Crypto companies typically pay more than other industries, allowing you to have way higher margins.
Hope this was useful.
For more Actionable crypto ideas like this - check out my FREE newsletter called Touching Grass (link in bio) | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoY0J0Y0ptcUJTX1FwQ0s1SGlTSVBrZ21mV3hlaXR6blk5YXh2WGh5UFB5OTVHcWtoU25VUHpBbHBTMjltNDROb0F3SzJia29MelI1S25yc3hPSnpqWlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobWNpMXBHa2c2UDhqaWdPVjVzSmhzQWo5NTBrYnZ5VWlaZkNmbkNGaUZyVE5FRHNOTmJoeWJrT1pja3VLdlpSc05CNHlzRndWWEhld2laVmdyN2w1N21NckIwNmhIWDhZYUY5cUYxZUlBSEItbnhGMGNEdm41QXVIdXdKUEwxTnhLVkM2bFAxYXNidWFJSUJjNUhkUUg4X3luaEZHcFJ6Y01BczZpUEVjRzRPZTJfdVN1YU9fOU9JY2M0Y2FGczc3 |
Subsets and Splits