stringlengths 1
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The first 8 years of bitcoin core were mostly sideways under 1k… it wasn’t until 6-12 months after the second halving that we started to see exponential returns. Here we are with BCH 7 months after the second halving. We will witness a historic rise equivalent to bitcoin in 2016-17. Don’t be the guy that sells too early HODL. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZzV6ZC1rVFRGaFVLdjRzS1M5b2VCUE85akZaaGkwT3BzTWF4cEhFdU5nZGhtVF9rVTdObnNueXA1RlJXZW5OWDV4QUpqcHVYd2U4cFlKOVctNE5EeFV4TUoyMUlleXBjYVdTOUtPVm1HYTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodXg5cW85VTlKc3Vza3VKV2ZYZ0VhaVRVOE1nSFdfNlExZjBkb2tyR0k3SHVzZzVQQUh2VnBKcUpJWDFsb1EzNlkyc3NkWGptbjQtQUNFUkVEMEhQRTNfc1pjdW5icHJJNlFlTHptQkE3OVFINC1RbmhaYmFrR3QtYW8waDlVcldmZVc2LWVDc2c5bDdVeWlES1dCc0tnQi1pNDh2dmQtcDNsTk9YblJWUjJRanRNVEpqYjlwNHdHVGJFeW9NWFlSWGtrSk03TjVwc2w3ek5aeGN5QmtxQT09 |
I wanted to cash in a cheque that was given to me even just the half of it to buy xmr but they placed it on hold! I only have $12 and can’t buy food for my family it’s thanksgiving im still grateful I understand the AML side but this is ridiculous! | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQ3pjU1R5a2xjZ2NJWC1PbWZoZkEzdnE3WXZ3bkJzMy1CY3JqZWVtMWxQNUplRHdEY0tEcUR6bWxuX1QwYkZYWDE5S3BUSkhZZHIzTlZ4QnIzajNjTlViRXYwOEwybFJ2bTlsaVlUd1lpYmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMzVjdUd4ak5lTUhDVnFKTi1rVGsyVmtqdWpMeTRqUjRKTGtKUVpDdG9mU0FPblR4eExGTXNUc3RHWlBIaFVmcm9NQjlRV3JOeVBCLUpBU2lOLVRObFYwSXRibjdfeW1GMVB2Qm83MUFMLXRXZFFYcDJwSXdmSzhzSnRzQmpfa1ozcVdJd3hvVFZvMnV4TjBIeDZzaXNnPT0= |
Over the past few days, I've been tracking some wallets that managed to flip small amounts, like $30, into $8K through wild trades. A few even hit massive returns on newly launched meme coins. Has anyone here had that kind of luck? Please share your experience!
| r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUndTY1UxQjNRY0dwZzJaYlJ0YVF6cTd4UEZhMlpFelZJVXBnZGxpZzIzQzJyR2tUT2NJZ3V6VzJDVUtTczlOcVlOWHEzMjR0SFZSUEFuNXpzZ3RMZFFGb3p1SmRrZ3FqV0stTmJIQU9WYzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVody1mNnlseWxkUWxKbEJadGZoemI2U29PYm5zRnE4SzM3Q3ByOWxMRW93RHVfU3h2TFQ2SjF1dTFhTzl4YzVtUVJsVVRMMXhaNHAtZUdSdDB1cVlFTkN6LVFGU0V5VWhvU0lrUjNLdHdfQWlIWXhNcVdyWHpWRDdLby1ycXY3ZzIyT0YzaVV6Yy0tdERPTU5Sd0ZnUHR5RllwcXVMMzNxdFI5Mm93WjJweF82eFdkekhSSDhNd2ZvaUpEMTZfaXVPWXlWY2V4Q3JobzRHOEIzaHlxWnFBQT09 |
Keep doing DCA | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocy00NTR1N2pSX3EzZ0FrZk5naEIzaElGcy1FNGZWcF8yU2RMSUhWRGZOeXFWMmVBaUtaamR1YllHT2lMc1VVczhoclUyVzVieFd3Y2RyNW1pbUtmVWxOQzktS1NpRTFPbjBTdDI0bHdyMUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodFRfZHBZU0FFeVVRNE1MVHVVV2daZm1PZ3Etc3VVanNocGtyTnltS3QwRkFiMDczSjFqN0FnZHRURlRvV0hrUXJ4dXZ1NnQ2V0dLNVFBOGRrbDFRcGViRmxrUXZSMzFVX2NXclFMemNUQUEwc1VYWk9HWGtKellhSFZFSVUtOHpJaFlGTnVzbTR4VGhOZ192QXA0OG5uMS1PTmJ2NXl3dWVFT1pIYVpSYXpNVzVrc3NrUkJrbmR3YzE3RzY5c3h5ZWZ6VFU0NTdSWlBWdlR3R0lUNEMyZz09 |
This is the weekly Monero market thread. This thread will be posted every Friday and is meant to help accelerate the adoption of Monero. Due to r/moneromarket having only a fraction of the subscribers of r/Monero, we have decided to create this thread to encourage more individuals to use Monero for product exchanges. Until the market matures, we recommend that the Monero community post their products both in this thread and on r/moneromarket (to ensure growth of that subreddit).
Selling items for Monero will boost your (and Monero's) reputation as a legitimate form of exchange of goods. This is necessary for the growth of Monero, our community, and privacy as a whole.
## Instructions
When you post your product or job listing here, please make sure to:
- Give a description of the item.
- Link to a photo of the item (if it's physical).
- Provide logistics information (such as, location and/or shipping availability).
- Optionally, provide an additional (private) form of communication outside of Reddit (e.g. Bitmessage, u/protonmail, u/tutanota, GPG key).
- Post the price in XMR terms.
Spamming will not be tolerated. Please make sure that listings are legitimate and do not break rule 2."
Finally, credits to cdotsubo for starting the concept! | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQnRIQ1JMRmZfOHYzQ1VxeXQtY2U3ZmNld1BzY2JjQVM4QTJhOGxnekdzbWxJallseC1wRnRmRFYxUExwMlNQWHVqVHdFOC1taFJuekdjeHVDcnNBOFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOEw2WC00Y2hBNkk0STdGcU40cVVJRmxaWDloMnE2eTV1WFhOelpRRGJzM3dIaDdKd2Y4OVcwQlhORy1wVmNYUnRaR1UyUDZ6emgwMlBFcVFsa2V6d1Q5Q29tMHJyYmctaGNCRFJFdVpKb3VQd19JaXVDbi00aVpjMEprRW54dlJJbkZlbmlrNXRMei1DUGt4X1UxdWVCTVF1OUg3XzdSWUoySFdzTnc5Qm00bnVsRmhRY0s4SWlHLXhTWkJoOXRH |
I have an old laptop kept in a shed corner that I keep a Monero node running on (having downloaded and synced blockchain by running monerod). And this node and ip address does show up on https://monero.fail/map
Does this mean this node is already available to use as a remote node by anyone including myself if I am using the GUI wallet on a different machine? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZlNvX2I1SlAyWDBLdFFna1l5UDR5U0xVblRMSW1kOExMc0MxZ254WDloa3hHb2Naeno0UmZFOUxaclRKNFo0ckN3RWRwMTMteE5nTnptdkxvN3BOUGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVF9COUs5ejZTLXRLSElXZlJSQmx5eDVGbHloTnEzV3hUY3pKZG0xRUl1MmYtYlVzTVBFcnpiMXM1NkpLRnphOXJuNTZScVhINE13czNDdC12YjB4MzNWdGpzaTV6NGdBR01HRFdyUmtBSGwzZEg1VU45UEQ3Njg3RTZ2UzRmc2Z1MUwtOGstd2JRNks3YmZWSGpSZ2pzQWtVd0N3ZWVIeVUwemgxZ003SzFEZ1ExbFFINkdYbW1QbVQwdTJVM0dT |
Hi guys asking here because this is the only crypto community i still trust.
I am actually a noob and was wondering how does the multisign work, but in the end it would be complicated to store both the keys and the Xpubs for all 3.
So my idea wa, what if i split a 24words phrase into 3x16 words mnemonic seeds? In this way i need two of the 3 metal plates to recover the wallet right?
Do not esitate if i just said a big idiocy please:
In example i would have:
**Original Seed**
`0 abandon`
`1 ability`
`2 able`
`3 About`
`4 above`
`5 absent`
`6 absorb`
`7 abstract`
`8 Absurd`
`9 abuse`
`10 access`
`11 accident`
`12 Account`
`13 Accuse`
`14 achieve`
`15 acid`
`16 Acoustic`
`17 acquire`
`18 across`
`19 act`
`20 action`
`21 Actor`
`22 actress`
`23 actual`
`24 adapt`
So after splitting i will find the 24 words i would find 24 words on 2 seeds
[Am i stupid?](https://preview.redd.it/a0i26fvq3u3e1.png?width=553&format=png&auto=webp&s=a18fcab53a8545103be663f346d392476c09794e)
Hi I’m in Tao. Could someone provide me with a few truly legit Tao subnets that are actually useful? I looked into Tatsu and I swear I can barely did anything about it on YouTube. Seems almost like a thinly veiled meme coin. Any help appreciated | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVnBNalhsaFFNaXBya3NEOE5lU0xxT1VDaUU3Qm45cVlSdFRTWGhFaGFCbThCWVhFdEpmNU5PVHlKMWF6dmU0ZFRtT2NKTHVyY2NzQjVHRzFpbXc2NEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR1VOX3dTQkoxSFhwZWJ2SGlkT2ExanZCdkFCVVlwZnZCZkozMGRaVkhsMUp6dlVxQVpfUDdmVWVJc1EwSTR2amo4UE0tNHBGcEJGbGItY0tuZDJGTGFuWjR4NnF3OVVzUUxubjcxMXFDR2lOOTI4NDJwWnVyZlRtNlN2R3FUUWVLZUh3TTNVYVcyUlhtWXFlWDZ3Mkk3WEdWVG5Bc3ZsWkJHemQ3OG1rZzJjPQ== |
I could not find a single video in youtube that analyzes current market structure for FIL in terms of Fibonacci retracement, from which I could have an idea what to expect from FIL this bull cycle.
Would appreciate an analysis based price prediction for FIL. | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaVktU3d5SkZXNnMtdUliTmlpdkRLY2lWNFlwdnJnMjV4dVU2LTktenZUdFBub2xhQkVsVDJscWVodUZFZkY2R2ZXbVF2VHg3UURreklOcmQ3d1I3MVpicjFtdzdEbVVMSFdtX3FpaEF1OGM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaDNQNGZUVFE1QWJSMldiNE4zUENFcDdoRDhvZEdSdUZZR3l1eWxBZGYyU3VGXzZPRjV2enJmTTZIZlRWcW9DVjhha2loeXk4UTBqQXh1cWU2emlERmZPWE13STkxeFJucFIzbjE1V2pvM2Z3R25Eck5kN3Z6em1NcUFEUmp6NWtPUXJYRktBRnNwYWlHYzdLZEdMTnFCenVyNldtZlI3bVQxR2NwdjVyYW5XNV94VVA1N3JGUzJZcWR6cks0dXR2 |
Hello all,
I just wanna clear my doubts and it’s been really getting to me. I know if this guy tried to cash out all at once it will make the coin go to zero but if he did this in smaller clips will it have the impact ? I guess the price impact would be lesser ?? Also does the fact that although locked liquidity was around 10mil at the point of this post but does the fact that volume for 24rs was over 90 mil help in anyway ?
Can someone explain to me if I hit 7 figures and liquidity is around same how do I cash out to my maximum value ? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodm4xNjVvM0lqdkdPbWhHNlJRRFVfclQ0b1pIclFQbmNIQVFCZERDNHNiYzFFZzZpSFU0V0JUb2V1SGJDcWtXc3dia2NnWHhKcUF0MFJCRTA3bGVCVUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSHc2ajQ0Vi15WjFfWXJFRzVkZDdtT3dtR3FQellRZ3U2RjBQUFdCRFNRUDVQcHZQUG1naHBHUHF2TWJ2THJsWHlJaFU4emU0MENKaFlua0tXZG9wdGpldGppbU9VaW45dm5YUmVXOF9kUGVHV0FrSWs2WlB4OGl4UFlKVkVZcC0wVGdDcE9lS0NCZ3o4b1N1ZUtaR00wOGhlaW5SaXpGWUh2TUg3RmhTdzBnaXNfT1VMQmZkcHR5ZGtPd09DekhXQkppaVNvQlIxOVBsQ2ZTZHN1bjYwZz09 |
Take a quick look at this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1gxjht6/rant\_monero\_a\_finished\_product\_not\_a\_project\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1gxjht6/rant_monero_a_finished_product_not_a_project_be/)
The guy sounds like Michael Saylor (wish I didn't know who that was). He speaks in platitudes and stupid religious jargon.
I used to think that people who didn't care about the price going up were just lying to themselves, and to be fair, I still think that to an extent, but what I've realized is really important.
The privacy and freedom Monero provides is far more important than the price. It'd be nice if we all got rich off of Monero, but what we should be concerned about is whether Monero is the best technology that it can be.
If we allow people like the guy in the post I linked to become the majority of Monero users, we will become another shitcoin community full of speculators and zealous idiots. We need to keep the realism, avoid an echo chamber, and try to make Monero better and freer, not more expensive. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeTYtV2hHUVBYZ0czOHNXbHFDd0dOT205bURnUjVjYTJUYUt0WmFZalA5V1JHblZad0pxNVRua0FHZ0h2TWxoOUhLbmFKQk1yVkY3bFplRG9DeTV1ZVRzVnNtN3d6WkN6VXN2U1NCUzNCRTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR1FEMjlfTFhTRGhhLTlpVnJkSHVDekZMbWRCbWg5VFFkNTlQcDdCSzdnUDczOEgtU1BvcTJXeC1hN3pnZEtTOGxWQWJvZ212dlg0aVNqWnZLYjlZVDE1YkxnUTYwV1BoaHpmOVQ0MHY2QkJoelMzX0FTT1I2NFhaSE9mNEVFeHVuMGg4VXVaOU9wS1p0c3RFV0RMcm95RkJaaHVsb1R6bk5hUlFpOC1DN1I1VXM2RzNtV0R4RWJYUnl2N09WZVdZMTdoazB2enlGYUFCaGFWSVN1amRiQT09 |
During the August 2017 fork, I had some BTC and received the same amount of BCH. At that time, I had a wallet named Jaxx (as I remember it). Later, Jaxx closed down the app, and I imported my wallet to Coinbase, which does not support BCH. However, I could still control my BTC. Now, I have successfully moved my BTC to a new Ledger wallet and would like to also move my BCH to my Ledger. But since Coinbase does not support BCH, I cannot send it to my Ledger. I have tried setting up a new account using my passphrase in the [Bitcoin.com](http://Bitcoin.com) app, but it says there are no BCH. Please help me move forward.
Edit: I am truly grateful for all the help I've received here. Thank you to everyone; you are all amazing! | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNVJtb1hDc2E4RjVqejliZ05YNE85WVdGdjA4QzZCRV9EdlJwcE5tVkhtWTY0WW11RGdYa01fOWFhaDl0aUxWT3FicUFkQlJweVFPLTVENFdnWmZiNFdDOXAxUTBDQzNBa193WnQ5Q0YzazQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRDJhUWdsRElxSk1XT3FaUlpjT19LUTFCdmdpLW9YOGVKRXFnX3kweGxCcHJmWlFmU0xkN2lHekV1SV9lOHZXLWhQTDVnVUlzMUxLbGRfODhsVjJzclExcEN4NWMtOTd0dnQ3WExFNVl3cm5xRGo3UU1yM3oxckJKdGpRd3p6cEhVb2QyLUE5ZnBWS21RR19BOUQySVBFdW5iX2J2MWxpb21peG1xb3NNZ1NmU0tFa1hmdU5NSl91cnlBX0tvVm5yU1JMSFhhT3Jwa0VQYUpBVjc1OE5Jdz09 |
Fiendish & Friends #3:
Weekly News
Claude from Basepoker discusses their platform and why BCH is their default currency of choice.
Milan de Reede (Formerly known as Mira Hurley) talks about the importance of p2p cash and NanoGPT.
Cheapy, from the Bitcoin Cash News and founder of the BCH Foundation talks about his work supporting Bitcoin Cash and his current fundme. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNVhfeEgxcHhzUnRWQ3FjTXlMTWFWU1RpUVdIRDJiVUVMMDhkcUxSd2RubGhvams4UThkS2ZMTGMyc3BMd1dWaTRlSE9lbFJJWXlSTzVNTHZXVF8wNUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoV2ZUdkZvaS1iUmMyLXFGNGhITTNXelJNdF9wVGVqU3NTSGRQVzNnS0g3RzJYZmRadHF3ZkRyXzhMS0o2Q3k0UVRDdWdNdFhGZmF3T2F0bk1qY0dZMnBLMF9DWmVsRHpWSWlFeVFVSVJCaGdadExMbGJrZHhneDZVSUxQVHM5RWlUTlRWdFRITkw5MFBFMDdxMjVGTUxLNWZyc1BGclpHWDB2aUNRZ1Q2ZllldVFDT2JFZEVvTjlYLTZpTU9PMDVT |
Crypto investor since 2017, made good money, enough to quit my job in my mid 30s and travel and start a business and do other things I want with my life. Doesnt mean I know anything.
It is my belief that at some point, just like every other market, there will be a bust/selection period where 99% of projects become worthless. Of the remaining survivors, maybe 5-6 take up 80-85% of the market share, 5-6 take up 5-10% and the remaining hundreds or thousands of coins make up the last 5-10%
Example: Theres Verizon, Att, T mobile at the top, then theres tracfone and boost and mint mobile, then theres 100 that nobody knows anything about. There are 100s of brands of batteries but very few companies who actually make the batteries. Tons of tv companies, 5-6 that people know, dozens that we dont, 100s of other ones, and only a handful of huge manufacturers that make everyones tvs at the same place.
This is what will happen IMO because it always does, since forever.
And while I dont really care if youre a fan of the US or not, the US is the strongest economy in the world, and it is in the best position to harness this and benefit from it and control the direction of the space in the US and global narrative. Im not saying this is the best for crypto or the world, but I think it's ignorant to outright say it wont matter.
With the US and other countries getting on board with a strategic reserve, its clear bitcoin is and will continue to be a winner for the foreseeable future.
I believe this is also why we have the Dino/US coins pumping as their leaders have recently all been meeting together with some of them like Hoskinson even getting involved directly with legislators, meeting with senators, getting in front of congress and talking about what is best for us. Founders have all recently met, are all ISO 20022 compliant, and are all going nuts. I think this is a winning recipe for this cycle and for the future and I just want people to be aware of it. These projects **XLM XRP ADA HBAR ALGO** are outperforming a lot of other coins and I believe this is why, despite people starting to call them all irrelevant before this happened.
I am saying this because this is my third cycle in the space and have wasted time and money looking for pumpy coins when if I had just kept my money where I had it 7 years ago in these Dino coins (in XRP and ADA anyways), id have been proven right in my early conviction of these projects. Look at the narrative, research it, and make an educated guess. Do not ignore these trends and its ok to take risks on meme coins with a little bit of your portfolio but make sure you are on the right side of history when it all shakes out, because it will at some point in the not so distant future. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR1VvSHR6dE93a3dwTGZrRjQtS1gzcUhtMDZySFNOS2FWMnpWLUFlZzljaHBobEdhNW9od1ZqMjZVNWtGb1YyakQ1MmVDdXNhS19XRkkwYkpLbHlMQ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaVc1NUg4NEtURDVfOGZST1VWV0NTUWh3cFFGaWFaUWhPMFo1TkRjLW80bW5NdXM5S2pYVU4teVhVWThMSzVqWFN6SzBvaFh6b3pzZ29zWk1acjhGMXVTblh2cTV0X0VMMk1EMWRDNGMxRm1rSGNJQllvZFBoQ29ES2xLWXlSMmxWNk9ic0dMeF9jTDBxV2tYSFhTdmgwbkZPNjZMNFItNGcteDl1YnU0VzFwZ1VXWTFVeXd5ZWljOVZ5Q0xJVWx4aUxDd1NrWDJEU3NpZzdpQV9TdTZ3Zz09 |
We have seen I. The last month a huge surge of posts about issues with meme coins. In almost all of the cases investors got scammed! Please refrain from GAMBLING in new meme coins on Solana Ecosystem. I myself lost like 200 dollars on such coins and had to learn it the hard way. So please don't invest in new meme coins. Try investing in the well established coins of Solana Ecosystem like Solana itself or BONK, WIF or functional coins like grass and drift.
Don't gamble your money out ! | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodTRzZ0ZIeDFqQzBiY01fQW04Tmp2TWVESzcxTUhDc2FMMDFNNFZsSXdabElseTV5c2NhcTAyMW1DcnBvMnk3YWJvUk1Pd2V3VlFOb2wweVBTcFM5MlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSF9qdkpJb1NFdGk4ZVVfejFRVkFUTFpTWk4zeXNhU29QcU5VOTZBd0ZGd0VRbnhseVMwLVVJZVBDdHY4eC1jQ0VVMUstUXZLQXBQWVRtdVJpN3ZScjItelVjQ0tzejN1Y1hZRGZ4bWlKSkViY2NOaGY0T1IwOHNrd1hOdk9ic0NXb1ROS1UzT0lPSC1Sa0Y4X2NOYTdjRng3N3MzLXYwZkllTzBDVFVyektrPQ== |
So I recently read in the white paper of Bittensor(TAO)
THAT A "WINDOWS" system is not recommended.
Does this mean I can only use Mac? Or does it mean Operating system as in I should be using Ubuntu or Linux Based Software?
Can someone shed light on this for me.
Thanks. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoM1FpUk5hWExldVJyTDlXOWZCeWtKV3lYWXpLSXlYazZHTXk0UXowdHU4bVJhcnM2bTBMckI2OE5lYVJqRXZZYVpZOTlFcE1KbFJpUTBhYzY5WVUtd2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZmMxX1NWMGx6UVVyVHZ1OTl2VV9RV0doNm54SFlCX2JacTh2LVdCeVNhMV84SHR5Z1ZBLWM0bFRwMXF5RUNjamRJdnRUYkZTeVl4eEpXd2JrUWNwSkFEZjZnUE5jVXUwdzRGQURzQlNUaUZDdkRZXzZQNlg1NklxUzdMcTJrb3liR1B3YW10M0lQT1dzY1gyZFFoTzRrWVdQem5nbEdsa3BnNDQyN2psQ2s5aTE4Q1NDQ2pfN3FVUzhGV3RYb3FfU01xMHVha0I0clN5aGZJRTh0TGpsdz09 |
Bitcoin Cash is the best peer-to-peer electronic cash and can be used to spend on daily things that matter and beyond but also can be used to fuel the Defi Race making it more usable than even with this feature as do that preserving all fundamentals on it: lower fees, fast transactions and keep it as the real Satoshi dream: a worldwide financial tool 4 the people. Learn more about in the article that is also reshared on Bastyon, Minds, Torum, P0X and more. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobEduSlVKeWMwalV3TFk2NEZxWld2WklMZUZsVlAwanFHVHMzcW1ucTRuSUNiQVFWSUVLQ0NtN1JhT2MtRXNlMmJ5TkZVLXJNUkowZ1lFeFpPT3pMUXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoalhJcEVqYlI0RERvcjlYTlcwVmZFbTMzSy1wOWx2ckJNR0h6RG9nRmsxRmZNUDZkOXFOc3ZFa25YZlVMbVFnWXE4cDRUUEprUHFCbmVXcnZGV1lqejhrZE9BcmVzc29XclplV0I2eGtXV1dHNzVQQVRDTWlyTzQ4MFJkR2ZpZ20yRlE0UFA4bXEwRDM5aGlRZjVzN3doZ1R1dmNGVWJwb2U1bERoVnliRjh5RXA3QVY0QXlWVjJFN0VkM01SczFueW5NYmlkVTFpc0JGOG9WSXdoRmVsdz09 |
Here are some facts and statistics about Bhutan I pulled out:
* Bhutan holds 1/3 of its entire GDP in Bitcoin, 13k Bitcoins in total
* The 13k Bitcoins is more than 2x El Salvador's holdings, and El Salvador has over 6 million citizens compared to 750k for Bhutan. So "BTC holdings per capita" is close to 20x for Bhutan compared to El Salvador
* Bhutan started getting into the crypto space in 2019, with BTC mining. This is before the hype phase in 2021.
* They mine BTC through hydroelectric power (clean energy). Once again ahead of the game and they don't need to spend millions of money/stonks like SaylorMoon or El Salvador. End 2021, they quietly started construction on the largest ever mining site while the buzz was around El Salvador buying BTC.
* So basically they are using BTC as a true "revenue stream" where a large part of their holdings are truly in BTC. You can think of Bhutan as your typical crypto degen, but instead as a crypto bro it is a country version of it.
Why do y'all think despite all these great use cases and being the first country ever to truly hold an enormous % of their GDP in Bitcoin, Bhutan does not have the attention?
One article (from September, so note that the BTC amount in $ has doubled now): [https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2024/09/17/how-bhutan-quietly-built-750-million-in-bitcoin-holdings/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2024/09/17/how-bhutan-quietly-built-750-million-in-bitcoin-holdings/) | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZlpsVWtMMzd4VzNNZUc5WmozT2JIZU56dTlRUVRDVXcxc0VkUTVOMHFnWXU1c2tQZnRleWFxd0NRalBRS1RiSkhLZktGRFVCZWNpX3NuUG90SFpYUGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocGJ3NTlLRGpEcU5GZ1VrMmxoWTZVNTIyckk5TGwxUTdKckhqYWdzLUxmLTgwWHhKQ2hYZWszVWxaSzRaamJrU0tZZkRleDhHZnNPSDNFNHJwQXkxZVFKWUR6YzE3d0Vrb3ZweE9HekxLbURDX2hiZTJibkpRMFdTQm04UHBnNVdUV1Rxb3VlYTNNUEJmT21ETGtqVWtOTTcwenk1dE1YUE0wem1JZVNGaDhnWUFOdEQ5dlpxeHptZ3dUSGdJaEtlQWJuX1JQU1hCVnR4anpHdHBKekkxdz09 |
## Index
1. General questions
2. Wallet: CLI & GUI
3. Wallet: Ledger
4. Nodes
# 1. General questions
## **Where can I download the Monero wallet?**
There are multiple Monero wallets for a wide range of devices at your disposal. Check the table below for details and download links. **Attention:** for extra security make sure to calculate and compare the `checksum` of your downloaded files when possible.
**Please note the following usage of the labels:**
⚠️ - Relatively new and/or beta. Use wallet with caution.
☢️ - Closed source.
### Desktop wallets
| Wallet | Device | Description | Download link |
| *"Official"* GUI / CLI| Windows, macOS, Linux|Default implementation maintained by the core team. Use this wallet to run a full node and obtain maximum privacy. Integrates with hardware wallets. *Current version: /*.| [GetMonero.org](https://getmonero.org/downloads/)|
|MyMonero|Windows, macOS, Linux|Lightweight wallet -- you don't need to download the blockchain and run a node. MyMonero was developed with the assistance of the core team. It also has web-based and iOS versions.|[MyMonero.com](https://mymonero.com/)|
|Feather Wallet|Windows,macOS, Linux|Feather Wallet is a free, open-source Monero wallet for Linux, Tails, macOS and Windows. Supports hardware wallets (Trezor and Ledger) as well.|[Featherwallet.org](https://featherwallet.org)|
|Exodus|Windows, macOS, Linux|⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet.|[Exodus.io](https://www.exodus.io/monero/)|
|ZelCore|Windows, macOS, Linux|⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet. It also has Android and iOS versions.|[Zelcore.io](https://zelcore.io/)|
|Guarda|Windows, macOS, Linux|⚠️ ☢️ / Multi-asset wallet.|[Guarda.co](https://guarda.co/desktop)|
|Coin Wallet|Windows, macOS, Linux|⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet.|[Coin.space](https://coin.space/#download)|
### Mobile wallets
| Wallet | Device | Description | Download link |
|Monerujo|Android|Integrates with Ledger (hardware wallet). Website: https://www.monerujo.io/. |[Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.m2049r.xmrwallet) / [F-Droid](https://f-droid.monerujo.io/) / [GitHub](https://github.com/m2049r/xmrwallet/releases)|
|MyMonero|Android / iOS|Website: https://mymonero.com/|[Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mymonero.official_android_application) / [App Store](https://itunes.apple.com/app/mymonero-send-money-privately/id1372508199)|
|Cake Wallet|Android / iOS|Website: https://cakewallet.io/|[Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cakewallet.cake_wallet) / [App Store](https://itunes.apple.com/app/cake-wallet-for-xmr-monero/id1334702542)|
|Edge Wallet|Android / iOS|Multi-asset wallet. Website: https://edge.app/ |[Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.edgesecure.app) / [App Store](https://itunes.apple.com/app/edge-bitcoin-wallet/id1344400091)|
|ZelCore|Android / iOS|⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet. Website: https://zelcore.io/|[Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zelcash.zelcore) / [App Store](https://itunes.apple.com/app/zelcore/id1436296839)|
|Coinomi|Android / iOS|⚠️ ☢️ / Multi-asset wallet. Website: https://www.coinomi.com/|[Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.coinomi.wallet) / [App Store](https://itunes.apple.com/app/coinomi-wallet/id1333588809)|
|Moxi / Guarda|Android / iOS|⚠️ ☢️ / Multi-asset wallet. Website: https://guarda.co/|[Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crypto.multiwallet) / [App Store](https://itunes.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1442083982)|
|Exodus|Android / iOS| ⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet. Website: https://www.exodus.io/monero/)|[Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.exodusmovement.exodus / [App Store](https://apps.apple.com/app/exodus-crypto-wallet/id1414384820)|
|Coin Wallet|Android / iOS|⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet. Website: https://coin.space/|[Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.coinspace.app) / [App Store](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/coinspace-bitcoin-wallet/id980719434)|
|Wallet Anonero|Android|⚠️ Website: http://anonero5wmhraxqsvzq2ncgptq6gq45qoto6fnkfwughfl4gbt44swad.onion/|[Website](http://anonero5wmhraxqsvzq2ncgptq6gq45qoto6fnkfwughfl4gbt44swad.onion/)|
|Mysu|Android|⚠️ Website: http://rk63tc3isr7so7ubl6q7kdxzzws7a7t6s467lbtw2ru3cwy6zu6w4jad.onion/|[Website](http://rk63tc3isr7so7ubl6q7kdxzzws7a7t6s467lbtw2ru3cwy6zu6w4jad.onion/)|
|StackWallet|Android / iOS|⚠️ / Multi-asset wallet. Website: https://stackwallet.com/|[Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/datasafety?id=com.cypherstack.stackwallet) / [F-Droid](https://fdroid.stackwallet.com/) / [App Store](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/stack-wallet-by-cypher-stack/id1634811534)|
### Web-based wallets
| Wallet | Description | Link |
|MyMonero|Web version of the MyMonero wallet.|[Web](https://wallet.mymonero.com/)|
|Guarda|Multi-asset wallet.|[Web](https://guarda.co/app)|
|Coin Wallet|Multi-asset wallet.|[Web](https://coin.space/wallet/)|
|RINO Wallet|Self-custody Monero multisignature web wallet.|[Web](https://rino.io/)|
## **How long does it take for my balance to unlock?**
Your balance is unlocked after 10 confirmations (which means 10 mined blocks). A block is mined approximately every two minutes on the Monero network, so that would be around 20 minutes.
## **How can I prove that I sent a payment?**
The fastest and most direct way is by using the [ExploreMonero](https://www.exploremonero.com/receipt) blockchain explorer. You will need to recover the transaction key from your wallet ([complete guide](https://getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/prove-payment.html) for GUI / CLI).
## **How do I buy Monero (XMR) with Bitcoin (BTC)?**
There are dozens of exchanges that trade Monero against Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Check out the list on [CoinMarketCap](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/monero/#markets) and choose the option that suits you best.
## **How do I buy Monero (XMR) with fiat?**
- [Kraken](https://kraken.com/) (USD and EUR): old-school, decent exchange. They might require your documents for verification and approval of your account.
- LocalMonero (localmonero[dot]co): peer-to-peer exchange. They have pretty much everything as a payment method and they support hundreds of fiat options.
## **How can I quickly exchange my Monero (XMR) for Bitcoin (BTC)?**
There are multiple ways to exchange your Monero for Bitcoin, but first of all, I'd like to remind you that if you really want to do your part for Monero, one of the simplest ways is to **get in touch with your merchant/service provider and request for it to accept Monero directly as payment.** Ask the service provider to visit the [official website](https://getmonero.org/) and our communication channels if he or she needs help with system integration.
That being said, the community has been recommending two services in particular, [ChangeNOW](https://changenow.io/) and [SideShift.AI](https://sideshift.ai/). These services are only recommendations (which change over time) and are operated by entities outside the control of the Monero Project. DYOR and be diligent.
## **How do I mine Monero? And other mining questions.**
The correct place to ask questions and discuss the Monero mining scene is in the dedicated subreddit r/MoneroMining. That being said, you can find a list of pools and available mining software in the [GetMonero.org](https://getmonero.org/get-started/mining/) website.
# 2. Wallet: CLI & GUI
## **Why I can't see my balance? Where is my XMR?**
Before any action there are two things to check:
1. Are you using the latest available version of the wallet? A new version is released roughly every 6 months, so make sure you're using the current release (compare the release on [GetMonero.org](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) with your wallet's version on `Settings`, under `Debug info`).
2. Is your wallet fully synchronized? If it isn't, wait the sync to complete.
Because Monero is different from Bitcoin, wallet synchronization is not instant. The software needs to synchronize the blockchain and use your private keys to identify your transactions. Check in the lower left corner (GUI) if the wallet is synchronized.
**You can't send transactions and your balance might be wrong or unavailable if the wallet is not synced with the network**. So please wait.
If this is not a sufficient answer for your case and you're looking for more information, please see this answer on [StackExchange](https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/6640/i-am-missing-not-seeing-a-transaction-to-in-the-gui-zero-balance).
## **How do I upgrade my wallet to the newest version?**
This question is beautifully answered on [StackExchange](https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/7991/how-do-i-upgrade-my-software-to-the-newest-version).
## **Why does it take so long to sync the wallet [for the first time]?**
You have decided to use Monero's wallet and run a local node. Congratulations! You have chosen the safest and most secure option for your privacy, but unfortunately this has an initial cost. The first reason for the slowness is that you will need to download the entire blockchain, which is considerably heavy (+70 GB) and constantly growing. There are technologies being implemented in Monero to slow this growth, however it is inevitable to make this initial download to run a full node. Consider syncing to a device that has an SSD instead of an HDD, as this greatly impacts the speed of synchronization.
Now that the blockchain is on your computer, the next time you run the wallet you only need to download new blocks, which should take seconds or minutes (depending on how often you use the wallet).
## **I don't want to download the blockchain, how can I skip that?**
The way to skip downloading the blockchain is connecting your wallet to a public remote node. You can follow [this guide](https://getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/remote_node_gui.html) on how to set it up. You can find a list of public remote nodes on [MoneroWorld](https://moneroworld.com/#nodes).
*Be advised that when using a public remote node you lose some of your privacy. A public remote node is able to identify your IP and opens up a range for [certain attacks](https://moneroworld.com/) that further diminish your privacy.* ***A remote node can't see your balance and it can't spend your XMR.***
## **How do I restore my wallet from the mnemonic seed or from the keys?**
To restore your wallet with the 25 word mnemonic seed, please see [this guide](https://getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/restore_account.html).
To restore your wallet with your keys, please see [this guide](https://getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/restore_from_keys.html).
# 3. Wallet: Ledger
## **How do I generate a Ledger Monero Wallet with the GUI or CLI?**
This question is beautifully answered on StackExchange. Check [this page](https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/9901/how-do-i-generate-a-ledger-monero-wallet-with-the-gui-monero-wallet-gui) for the GUI instructions, and [this page](https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/8503/how-do-i-generate-a-ledger-monero-wallet-with-the-cli-monero-wallet-cli) for the CLI instructions.
# 4. Wallet: Trezor
## **How do I generate a Trezor Monero Wallet with the GUI or CLI?**
This question is beautifully answered on StackExchange. Check [this page](https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/11437/how-do-i-generate-a-trezor-monero-wallet-with-the-gui-monero-wallet-gui) for the GUI instructions, and [this page](https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/11353/how-do-i-generate-a-trezor-monero-wallet-with-the-cli-monero-wallet-cli) for the CLI instructions.
# 5. Nodes
## **How can my local node become a public remote node?**
If you want to support other Monero users by making your node public, you can [follow the instructions on MoneroWorld](https://moneroworld.com/#contribute), under the section *"How To Include Your Node On Moneroworld"*.
## **How can I connect my node via Tor?**
This question is beautifully answered on [StackExchange](https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/467/running-a-full-node-without-revealing-my-home-ip-address). | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSUVzNGQ1QTNaLXlFM0lpVmdnZnYzYzh2aHpGMzBoLVhPNXcxS2dmOTg0ZkNaQzBTTWh2VmJDSWVlU1hrcVM4dmt4Z2JuT1JlTUZkVVpqZW5SMGphN3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSDRYQ0laM19lNTZSUkpRWGx0cE40emZCRlpTdm45My05NVhGQTY3Y0YtTTR6S256WW94VVQ5TVNkc1NEdjA3cU03TVpoZ3lUbXZjQlhUZ1lldTd2Z29MeXRYZTh2c1ZGZWw3S3g0UnhCZGRGUVg0ejVIeENoZl9qenBhMjlIdHR4blB5MmRHUWpNS0w2TmNjTS12cTlQMFlrQ0MtLWt4TXZTZTF6dEloUmVJVkh2bVFqV1NkNlhXNkhXT2FlQWhfazJMZ1JMQklpX0VOalA3TWFVb1RxZz09 |
It went from 15 to 45 in like 2 weeks while we have been sitting at 15-30 for almost 4 years | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZ2w0ODhQOUQxZWFFRC1sV3lDZ2hQVHNzQ09KZk1MTEgzUmw3R2cxcEtObHdET0pLS25iSTdGTDQzc1pEdGxYQUU3MTBZSGJ0VlRDWUVaRnJlWjNHNkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOFlyMlR0Mkl2RDRzMVJfNV9mbEZJMXJMYXdwS1hIcjV5WTRrYS1PYzNkeDE5RVJ1RGFrVHJMWHg0V09hOWRSdWdyUE5HdVZBeXhYRVJCXzRBNEpDRnZ4ZWZ0NUlVOFNnY0JoY08weEZqZ2ZXNVJVXzRtSWJUTzZnLUI1ZnRHN2x2cU9EemhPbl9rNWtvNzNmbk85T1RXTW9oVFRyTEtuZ3RZUWRtenFpY3dfbUhMOERqY0prM0Z6RmgxVThCZFEw |
For those holding TAO, where are you holding it? I’m currently using cb wallet for WTAO but unsure if it’s okay to use. It has had price drops to 599 twice which is concerning and not correlating to the cb app. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVk5wakxnNnFaeG1qZTFlbnJXSjJOWDFtV2NqVzVyZVRTNUh0SUVNWV9YTDlYTTVpbE9LYXJMOE5teGZtSDUwbzN5V1RXMEVRQy02NFJoUF9hVFFXVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSlNOWDBxRnFRX2k2akEtcHI5Nm14MTd4anlYUFBnVGJ4RDVfNmltMl9ObHE4Sy1qTHUzSGVMbUpNRTVia0RlMDlsLW96NENCRmVPd215TUQ0cXpTRWJUeUd0elE0RURtVXhMLVFTQ0VXVWFBNGdpSHAwU1dnaVgwczZrRW4taUhpa0pFd2lJX2RGWXBiSlJIWlpCM2Jmd1p6VlNXendLQk50eDlLMVRjVDlBPQ== |
Stop using pump.fun and stop buying stuff that’s less than a week old. Don’t click random airdrops. Stop losing your parents money | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNGhwOUswdG5hUDduTmRMSzZMdkdiOXRPTTJsZTZEVktYUFlXeUwwZkpacTNJSHkxc09xYV8waXQxblhTNU4tS2dhVzVvRE04MGY5MWJFTTJjOHBnQlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUjZWSjB2dmhKWUhnMVNTWTVmaHZYcWJURlRIV080enNBOUdxcVF0SERhbXl5cU92bG1kMnBuLVVjTDRrYUxVNjlvZm1hN2w0S2thbFdQNWE5bnFFYXVabEt6TkVENWY4endHT2dBUWlibmtXemZnemF0TmUyVG5BQlpWYXdtdWtTVjFqMHdiMGZuc0VGUEVsRHdSNXVSWmtCQVZXSmFFUnpVWGNra016TW02b0UzZ3p4eHA4WDhiRWhKVjdWaTZT |
**Source:** [https://lu.ma/ecosystem-call-december](https://lu.ma/ecosystem-call-december)
# About Event
Every month, the ecosystem comes together to celebrate.Every month, wins are shared, projects are showcased, and alpha is dropped.Every month, more people find more value on Solana.Whether you're a builder, an investor, or just curious, there's no better way to get up to speed with everything happening on Solana.
## The Agenda:
* **🍾 Wins of the Month \[November Recap\]**
* **🎙️ The State of Solana**
* **✨ Special Guest: Rune \[Co-Founder, Sky\]**
* 🤫 **Definitely Not Financial Advice: Solana Beyond the Token Price**
* **🧗♂️ Started From The Bottom, Now We're Here: The Solana Community Edition**
* **💰 Work-to-Earn: Earning Opportunities worth $20k+**
* **☀️ We Are So Early: Early Access & Giveaways**
* **🎉 Closing POAP**
## Have a Project or Announcement?
Apply [here](http://ecoapply.superteam.fun/) to get your news shared on the call or to be a part of a showcase. Reach out to [@kashdhanda](http://twitter.com/kashdhanda) on Twitter with any questions.
## Feeling FOMO?
Catch up on everything you missed last month right [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1W5csDrKCLo)
# Full Video:
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXn1ZTPqvnM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXn1ZTPqvnM) | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeDJZTF8yaTA0UFlsX2NDYlJzV005WVVOWVJBRWpYSDA4TFIzN01NdVdBR2h1X3VJVmF5aHlRQVhJWXV4U1Jxem40NktYclI0NUVWODU3ek1EYkl5S1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaUFaeDRjNmcwVU1KbXhjOWhyWXc5VGg1RXZ4YmdRdHpQeDlFTFFnRG9jbUJLZVNRYjREWFVMLVlVa05TX05NeFo1Nmc4QlUtWlpfTnNwVEIxR19CNEQ5bUxiRkp5UFh2ZjUzT3U2SFdMYTlUVHZQT2NrdzEwSG1JMzVDbG9LX015N2d3ZFFzQ0lsVW9VVkFEeW92NmxOY1NHbjFXYnBtSDgtSFdfUEJiZndSYUl2UEJ5SklqS2R4ekJLUTd2WS1ZLUhsSThEdDJtcXBDbkJ3NHJXT3NEdz09 |
In case you haven't checked it out already, here is RetoSwap's new website:
[https://retoswap.com/](https://retoswap.com/) | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSXhoTWRSWGJ6dl9EdnllSlo3dkk4R3EySGNySWlNZ3BaZmg1QXhEVEI2aTljVnc1V2MxU19TZFVfVEhCZlQ5MmJlUnAtdFZkdnlGcnE5NmFsRm9LR3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMmxRSHo5TUxWLTFCdlk4Ql9qNHRmUjk1U2NtNGR1SVgtdWp5clBBcVh3d0dmZGhPU3lkVXR1Z1Zna29Lb0tLSFRIUVkxUDF1N1huZGZaRkJuQVZzNFEyMUhPOGxnbFlKS0d4OFMtMVFBR3BFRHM2MS01U1dwc21PaWN6em5mTkJSTlJwdjZZWWJUbVdUQmJEV3pheTE0WVp2S3NiZ2tEdkZVdGFROXAxYlp6TlpJdUhtZmJvZHRja21CY3BGNzBHNjJaRXJqU0hkVTl1cmFEY0kzV1lVdz09 |
Any dollar you walk away with is some genius who thought they could play the shitcoin game as well.
You’re all pumping, rugging, dumping on each other.
The losers will rarely post losses, by the way. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaVBlRTRRaFB1Ul9helpUVHVTZFZfRWhDWFEwMFM0dXdTYXlOSUV2c2dXYnBVWTEta2tCRnVaY2pVb2xnekpZT1QwOFAwRTNja0YyS21FQ2ZQVkZwRGYwclY1VTBxU094T2lQRWZGd183ZjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYUFuRVFZWXF4T1BUcUxvVkNmazZ1VVlJUWxZRUdrSnp2RVp5TDR3N1VPMm11bFh2ZHh1emlvTFVmbEg1WTE2X01iWHlpcHRxWXdpc3FIZFdtQ19QZUdNcWl3bjBidzNkQ01zZDN5S2RwaENBbGlhSjhjNEo5aEdjdC04ODkzaWMzVm1CMlNQVV91bEVsY1paTGxGY2hYWndOZ05La2JCcmpjN0hmOUVXbUhMSmZLdUtwOURDN2htVEJzMkticEYtNFRUbFdGRlB4T0haYmZ1dGplell0UT09 |
Why is Filecoin pumping today so hard? I barely follow it anymore because it felt old and stale but it's surging about 7 bucks today | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoLXAySVl4dXdjSEkzRXg5OElURk1ZbXZSYnhpSnJfeUF5ejRmbDJkZEtzYXJRMTdGOEhPcEZ6LVN6cDdMUUhpSDFoZGZyRV9MaG96Vm5UOG9kQjVNeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodUpjbi1SSVdQRmh5M2c3YUJyT1Fuc0FITDVGOHBXc1JNemZWRThPUDFOTVNYS1ctZFVpaEJxeVh5NTltdjdoeWE4TWd2cHJsbm1DU0VKeFFjNHRWSnhFZFhxUzRtdXl5RUlMcjF5dmhZSkF6ZmpmdWdwd3N2aVVKMkZVYnpKcy1Nb3hIWEJSOWdTRXFWeVI5WEZHMWx6UUFqVWp5WkN5cHVQdEZhRTFEaktvPQ== |
Bots are screwing every coin no matter if it’s a rug or not. Anyone using a bot probably thinks they are Einstein when in reality if you watch the amount of risk these bots use it’s insane. $1500 buy to sell for $1505. There’s even plenty of transactions you can find that they end up selling for losses. It doesn’t make sense to me that someone would put that much risk into a bot that may end up losing you money anyways. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYjlrME5DS0ZKdGZkbTZUUkhpMW1RWVFQdGZaOEZpRjZZZGxILXkwR0xJdElicW5hcFNzNXJsR29vc3UxWXdBMkRsUUYyUi1pM01vYnlESnBfTUliQ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodzJmZUNjbmZ0VWlfOWdzck92VzVFUTFORjRNLVRkazl0c2FtbGYzVE1uYlRoeXlwZG9uM3hLZGlZRUVJTzg3bThlX05ia0laMi1kZlg2cmtmRlhmbTNPMmNDMUFRbHhPWXlQT1hGSkNjc2hVZFRxU3l0am03czRpUkMxLU5vS0s3NWVBWkJfMkVjeHV1cjUzSjdJRXlaallQNlR3Q2doZzdzd0ZUelhNQndESzFHdHI5T2s5a2J3VW1QYjF5bVU3 |
Hater gonna say RIP $FIL coin. Legend say Let's goooo!!!!! | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobi1JcVZLYXQ1dXN0eGdUbzF2WUdRZXRlR0swbGlRbEdrOU4wZWNnYmQtSnRwSWZocnFrOUZkVGZZQkpWMmhxVzFndmRLN2RFYm9nakowcHF6NG5acEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodFFqejdlRnBoWXZhUWR2djhDaUY5MzNycnF3cm1NVjJKbVhtMlBKN2pJM1hNTW8tUHd4b1J2dDNDXzF2US15VnV5WGwtX0tCT0l1UFoxTEhPc3ZTMmxaRUNzeV9LVnBjdzhORndfRGljTzlBXzlaQXBuVGRmTXhiSnc0Wl84UHlDOUNRbFZ3Wkg4bldudXpLY0tfeklBPT0= |
Let's get that $66 etc and beyond | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUHJpcll4cHRwMGFVbEc2a0xINXk5UW8wUnhwbU5XdHY1T1RLY0lUTC1sZ0w0YklTV3laVWlqRDdDRjVYOGlRbXowU2taX2dDY3B2eGd0SHlFa2dBU0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTDRjbnRId2kzbnhKWm1JbTBrTE5EVnN6bE5VM3dQdUpDbzM3LXhldlZ6bTZwNTFFMndsb0dKSUY2Wk00ZkZFam1UUHpReTFvc25nYm5KUHl1V2NOOWxNeUpjZi01UTR3M3ptdkZJbDJuR1Q1Y2NoUzJPTEYxLUo5NGd6YS1qN0NOdjVBZUZjWEdlaG16MjU2SVQzMGtkanZlUFZoRW0zWS1jNmxIZjZEYnI2U3FJYjRyTDFTN0NqeWhZb205ZVFQ |
Correct me if I'm wrong, but folks who are saying this won't pump due to increased supply, please explain the following to me.
$FIL 605 million circulating supply
$FIL $4.3B market cap
$FIL current price $7
$LINK has 626 million circulating supply
$LINK market cap is $12B.
$LINK current price is $19
In the nearest short term, just based on what the market is doing (which is pumping), forget about ATH for a second, there is no reason why we aren't a $20/coin in the short term. And I would absolutely keep an eye on what $LINK does as well. If $LINK can push up to yearly high and soon ATH at $50+, we won't be far behind.
Where is ethereum classic status on the ETF? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-12-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMkRWOVA0TDZXRzVvSnlXN21HVUNyb0JDN2lmOXVjZlFxd1I4b0xnSndzYXloeS1DZ2xudUlCa1hhZDluT3ZqNnBtQndIaUZ4eDBhVFpCbXRQaWQxRWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoY0w4b1JhTlZpNnRNZ1hnYWhJTlRaaHFheFdvV0dwSWluNGRmLTFiZXYxTm5jYUVTQ0lCaUxabGs2eEp0X1Rid1Q4T0U2Q09Wb2p6cGMzbGh0NkNXeEJzU1VYR21HNFV5MkdydWlZdHJoT0NNVFRKRzlaYVdaV0lSQ1dUbXpZUEJXQTR6dUduRTJDdG1aOFF6c2NkSE10YzJLLUdyenJTc3BCZlpIbDMzbzNJTWZvdG9hN3AxaVkzU1V1MUxtUzB5 |
I just came to know about filecoin recently and am intrigued by the potential. I saw the ATH was pretty high, however has kept low since. Is the current price around 7 good for its potential? Where do folks see it heading towards in a couple months and this bull run? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-12-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodVhSeHBsaWY4Mm1DUmtDaUxlTWlzZjAwUUdnZnlJbDNZOE1wemR0aTRnb19TZ3htTUluUHdMcEJSVnhPRHFIRklRelZIdjRORlBXbDhLaFhOY2NmMjhfblh2b01Nb2syeDJnVzhUTzZUbzQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWGk5NW5GdC1Tb2dkTEViTVpXeXJXUUJpWWNCamNxOVROOXJXc2lkNFBJREhrSkVkMUhWMWV1Y0s4WTJ6WVEtcld4a0FyNXBKUjZjaWFFYklIQ2VJcUkxWFUwVFdYanVLdnlDRnZSU2FVWkNYMHp6WE5DaGhrMnJfTU51U2xVamNuWW0yYkYxdDIySnFQVWJmemJDTUZYSlEzM2FtTWhfX054ZnBQaC1LdDlkcHRFeDZfeUJkQmhyRkdOYTRQQUhZ |
Can someone explain the differences and the history behind the different projects/repos and names?
When I went to the "main" repo that has been linked here: [https://github.com/retoaccess1/haveno-reto](https://github.com/retoaccess1/haveno-reto) I see it is a fork of [https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno) with no explanations of why and what are the differences.
Then it seems they also recently rebranded to: [https://retoswap.com/](https://retoswap.com/).
What is the fork for? Is it the same team behind both projects? Why the rebrand? What is the history/timeline behind all this?
| r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZTZHSGg1aUhGbkwwY3otdFVjMHlVUG5xUER5b1I1cnZmN20xSk1vNlJFNnVrVHpSMEU3aUk4UXN2aEtoYXdOUEQzY01vdzJENGFsbVNCekR6SUxXcFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWWJNNVU2Z1pIbzh1SkR3RkFZOGh5eWpuS1I2WmI2RUE0RkcxRFFhalZfM0xuXzVBV3pyTlU3OFgwc210NUZtLXhGTkFKRlBhSDdWb1ByRGNqbVRsV003U3pNbWtwUjBneVplVUNUaXE4VGY1RWZaX0xtbzVFS0twYVF3UGVaSlVQWHlQeFNmRlg3T3BlOEo3TDZwczFsYlZlVUV5Y183NF92NXp5bnRDSERvWVpaLVo3a2NFOW40NUZqNGk5T21H |
Hello, after the delisting of XMR from trading platforms I have been looking for a way to trade XMR, for BTC for example. Everybody is recommending that app Havano so I gave it a try and it looks promising, I set up a BTC address and tried to initiate a trade.
Issue is I am prompted to fund XMR to start a trade, and well I'm actually trying to get XMR at this very moment so I don't have any. Strong chances most users are in a similar position as mine and I'm thinking there's no way they did not think this through and offer another way to fund a trade, because currently if you don't own XMR the app is 100% useless or am I missing something here ?
Thanks for anybody taking the time to help with this. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOUNUUDN6clYzbEEtOFQtTnh2X2N0WmhHWXg3WFo5LVFtamFfeXBTVWlKRnZEZmlYM1l4Vk5SdnV0Z3lwZDdPdVJDeGN4ek50YVNVR2FuelNuY1M4dVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNHRoU3VBRFhPVEdHWmUyU0FKMG9PdkEyMGhmTmxORGR5WkpkZUlDLXFLcFZuZThmSWt4R3NCeW1FNDZXZlI0QXBDVWJZYzctWDU2RWFqQzFBMWFzWl9sVWhQemo4SUNvQXZSaEJRT2RWeV9lS3NUVWtLMXQ0OUhLS1JaSFJtLXkwZUFZdHY5dzJEckhucWIydDNjYmpUSWx4TjdtSFZLeWJnR0VHNVYxTjZPTVd5a19HczQ5cGFsVGJaNUF6dzRxRW45bUJFM3J0Mk85cWM5TzFGbjFCUT09 |
Please stay on topic: this post is only for comments discussing the uncertainties, shortcomings, and concerns some may have about Monero.
**NOT the positive aspects of it.**
Discussion can relate to the technology itself or economics.
Talk about community and price is not wanted, but some discussion about it maybe allowed if it relates well.
Be as respectful and nice as possible. This discussion has potential to be more emotionally charged as it may bring up issues that are extremely upsetting: many people are not only financially but emotionally invested in the ideas and tools around Monero.
It's better to keep it calm then to stir the pot, so don't talk down to people, insult them for spelling/grammar, personal insults, etc. This should only be calm rational discussion about the technical and economic aspects of Monero.
"Do unto others 20% better than you'd expect them to do unto you to correct subjective error." - Linus Pauling
**How it works:**
Post your concerns about Monero in reply to this main post.
If you can address these concerns, or add further details to them - reply to that comment. This will make it easily sortable
Upvote the comments that are the most valid criticisms of it that have few or no real honest solutions/answers to them.
The comment that mentions the biggest problems of Monero should have the most karma.
As a community, as developers, we need to know about them. Even if they make us feel bad, we got to upvote them.
To learn more about the idea behind Monero Skepticism Sunday, check out the first post about it:
https://np.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/75w7wt/can_we_make_skepticism_sunday_a_part_of_the/ | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYTUtMGlTeUZraU41eDZDclhRLTc4UUFIbXhNN0duV2ZfMXhMQTZUSFRFd3RPYy1sZGlOcWJpSTRfVFFidl93d3JITGhfVmRVdXZYUjhIa09obDRLN1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobms5TzEzbDN3NmhHSjNsWmhYcUpFb0JKcXFHR0xDOG9FUTRHcC13Qlo2UElld0lRbkluR2taOUJzSWFEX3VvSHVBRXBJbjZXamtfSHZscDZpM2ZnVzRGRVhKOEl1MXY3SEcwdG90QXlTUHlpdWVHTlpJcjNEck1NcXUtV1FkYjNCTXJfYTlxajlNQ0hON24tX2VVMEREWmdCXzY0Uy0yVVVUZzExZVRKQ2NHelFHcTRuX2tBd0VFeUFNN2RVeWpf |
$1000 is a sure shot and it will be close to 7 Billion market cap at that price. I think $1250 - $2000 is the range for this bull run | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeDItVXhwa0VaZmwzTUtiSW1wXzQ1Mk1XRW5lTnVjR0wyLTVkU3dSdi1hYU14OVB5eW9JaWVwMVowRmRmcmF2OFlScFdVTWZaMmVvekpiZmRoaDE3dTduRFlYVG9vNzFIalQzUkdndlh4MVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMXgtVHdlZ2pJaUJWdzlQYWNadUFSNUYyWDhMSDloYmFQd2RabFJTa3Q0TlVKVFJOUV96c2dpZFAxZlJrOGdidFVlRjZOV3pId1N5dXV5SjZDTWFrLURSbVNkSVhpdVFKVTJpbS1nZV82VjhwRWx5TUpTZzB1ZFlZbGthb2ZlQzJVaUJ5SU13dy1XR2g0aEgtUHAwSDAza2kxN3ZJZzc0VDNIdm43NUp1NER5UklYUnAzOTgyYVJNby1GTXpEZnhzMXc0d2RkeUllVmE2MmMtU2VueWJOdz09 |
Was an early buyer in sol, like $20 a share and had hella.. but once it would go up I'd sell, then the meme coins got introduced and lost a lot too 💀 now it's higher than ever... beating myself up , but we gon be ight.. just needed to vent | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodDlYN1VRSzNzdHpJTlpBVTBVaVo4OWdybFVDcWZsa3lVTlFyNVZFMnRMV2k3MTEzMmNWbFhUUUdQcWtBVmhScHU0X2NfMkplMGtpZTFPa1ZoNV9CU3VoMGVCMTRudFNvTnlXdmdDMmZoY1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWllYcWR5eFZsUy1NQWc4dW5qWGdrTTVRWEtSemU1elJoQ0dERkFhdEJ0bTRGU1dIRm44RVQ0OGZyemJOOWtHUU1mc3BqNzlQcDRpM3praFB2WnYtUDM4WmNScE16M0poZFUxUGJaR2tpV2tzTnZmMWdhYjFaZlF0eEpEZDNCWllhZDNUOWJxLXkwRVFCTkxIMjFIWTJHY2s2WmRseTlmUXg3Tl9Qcy1mRlpZPQ== |
End of 2024? | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQk1ucXA1cTBTLVBwa1I3aFNLeks4Sk5GYVJpWEQ5dVp6WW5jWWtnQjhMRVpSSXJjM3hMYkYtWDdib0xRcW1vclhsdC03Y2N4d1pvMkdacFJPbGVvQ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUUpiUlVneF95NDA0bkFoNXJFV2h5TUFOejU2T0FwR2EtQ3NlbG9UZnhFZ3FmdFlqejh0RzZNSTJUaHdjT3NDeHNHQ25icFFid01yUmVYVlBEbTRVOWlxWlRCal9fcWt2VHpnczYtelhxUmk4QVJqRl9EY20yTVpUR05uUk9iTVBNRmlQRms1UmF0R01CYjJWRU52OVZvZXFCVFZSWnB0RnJfLVhxS1JnQm43VWpWOWZKNjUtclozWmtEamxjeG5aSUVjRXdFbnEwUmtPWkQ5NlNnQ1VhQT09 |
Yeah | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoclpGcnhjX2J0amZYRlBra1llSW15MHBqSGJkV3RYdHpLanVCU1FVd3ozVmFCdDNkbHBhS1k2bXN0eVNPd09vRUpYQkhBRjlPZEpnRU80VjNJbi1iN0lhcHdfRkMyWFZWRGprSE9ob3YyQ0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaU9CTmk3RWFXVXRHaHB2TlJiZXAwRVg5V085VXNuS3F5ZDZnSzBZaUxhdEV0QWRkZkdjdnFDMy1wcXpVN2ZfNXgwQUFjMmdmRmVuMUZ1NkdRUkJfb0w3ZTlVdWVXYkRPdEhZalRYSjdxSm9XTkJSUlVVeDJlNlRsbVk4NmcyUWRwZDQtdnNRSTJfeDVxdWhiVWs1V09lU3VjTkJzRm55UlF0NEdvMVVTX0xjdmtHLTNaZkZMNWVtbTMtdi1Qd2N0alJEWUJaeDRhTkpNR3Y2ZXE1azVsUT09 |
Hey everyone,
I’m in a bit of a situation and could use your advice. I have 1 BTC sitting in my decentralized wallet, and I’m trying to figure out how to convert it into SOL without involving any centralized exchanges. Staying decentralized is really important to me—I want to keep full control over my funds and avoid any unnecessary KYC or middlemen.
I’ve already explored a few options, like PortalBridge and deBridge, but neither of them seem to support Bitcoin. It feels like most bridges and decentralized platforms tend to overlook BTC, which is surprising given how widely used it is.
So, here’s where I’m stuck: is there a reliable and decentralized way to swap BTC for SOL directly? Maybe something involving wrapped tokens or another creative workaround? I’d love to hear from anyone who’s faced a similar issue or knows the best path forward.
Thanks in advance for your insights! | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMjE4Ymlrd0IyXzhPQjRZRDRqS0d1NjZMLWpZTmVZcjlnOUM3SzdxUndGY0F2MGtYbHlvM20tSGtXNHlELWludm1maUlDZVExYktlN3VuRWhQcnY1bmdPRmoyajVjanBjVTRnY3QyZEFaV0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYkgybHlNYVBlVnJPS1VxYjVYMmdNNVFOMEU0cnZYbVpjVjh6N1dmeFNMM25URUpfUjI3bmxja1M0am1BUTFMX21mZTdiQlN3RmZkbXQzV3pwcXowZUR4V2QtOEh0bUROemxVci1ETTNoVWY1YURrcUtybzBOR182SjZtbEtyb3BCU0I1Q3ptNmw0ZjFVWDNTTjk1cXBJTjBXeEZYZHJxaE5GY3IxNmxsaVBnPQ== |
My TP is 4k as well. | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaks4VnlZaUpaTlJ2UW14X1JLNk9ibWNaamt3YzAwRFFlU2xkVmVzRks5X2Etc29KQzJoZkRJczdNQjdZUERMaXBNSjZwRHJEcXc5S3ZKSFBfeDRkTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSFV0NHF0aDZneHpJM1k2M1NKRW1KU3NGbmpMZkp5ek5nTkYwNGF6V3h6SFBQZnBQR3Q4TW53UTRNZWZja0JTUHpXVldzbHBmVlNNcWtoc0F3WkJaaUJqVFV4dUM0U1MxTkQxZmtLa1VONnJxUC1FaUhmaUdCT2tvNHFwOFR0cmFlaHIySGFBb2pMel9ndVpXWURXRFhuU25UZVRpZExBXzdwZzhOUXA2a1dBMDBVbUg2UDdXaVE3MUdOUTFRblF6N2xSSUk2a3UzVlJJOUtYejE4VmlTQT09 |
Haveno relies upon arbitration by the network you’re operating on. In a case where the arbitrators act maliciously they can create trades where they control 2/3 keys to seize funds.
Currently the most popular network is haveno-reto which is an anonymous group, the only thing they have to say they will act honestly is their reputation.
When swapping with custodial exchanges the only thing you also rely on is their reputation. Therefore I argue that Haveno networks are no more secure than a centralised exchange which also operate purely on reputation.
To pre-empt some common objections I think people might have:
- “But an exchange could be hacked”: So could the arbitrators of Haveno
- “Haveno requires the other use to prove funds”: Exchanges can publish view keys for proof of funds
- “Haveno has no KYC”: arbitrators could set whatever arbitrary requirements they want. They could require the sacrifice of your first born. In a dispute: they hold the keys.
- “Haveno arbitrators are incentivised to honestly” - I’d argue that game theory dictates they would act in what is most profitable, in a situation where they stand to gain more from immediate profit, why would they act honestly? With network operators being able to be anonymous, this lowers the honestly threshold as they are less concerned with legal repercussions. Centralised exchanges with know individuals at least face the risk of legal repercussions in case of negligence/dishonesty whereas anonymous Haveno network operators have far less risk exposure.
To be clear, I’m not saying Haveno-reto will steal your funds. I believe it is no more secure than trading with already established centralised exchanges. Is this really more secure? Or is it a charade of security? Couldn’t the developers have just relaunched LocalMonero anonymously? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVm5NLV92emFiSUpCcm1ndWRCM3E4eEJPZVVCSW9HUWh6eTZoTC0yaFlnYkl4MUNUY3hGc1Y5Mkh4SGFSTC1DMHM5XzlHMVVmZ3ZiNkQ5OWN5eTlGSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRUIzaDRjejVrc0JrdGhhTm1rVEM2cXc5cXZsanh4RmlHVkFXSE5iamlSWjhFS0FDSUxaSkExb2ppZHFvcks1b1FHU0cwU1kxN25TZlhWcURPUTRIcldVMl9Oem11clEzYjA1c05pRHk0cHh3emlCalJ5amQweDNKSXBvMlFXWlRUdUduOWxoTmJOS0o3UEpOUzhNN2JvMGwzZmswcy1VRVJ1Rl9SZWJmVUZNVlFWNE55dlJUamZMRDUzb2pIajVU |
Hey guys ,
I've got alot of monero and I want to be able to trade in and out of monero for day trading using it as my store of value..
I've looked on dextscreener. But I'm a bit confused..
Say if I want to do weekly or intra trading on bigger majors like sol Btc XRP top 100 etc etc and even go deeper into some memes.. what is the best dex to be able to do this on that has these trading pairs...
I could move funds from a fantom wallet or a bigger exchange onto this Dex but what one is advised?
Also when looking on dextscreener you would type In sol or XRP and there was hundreds of these pairs is the actual true pair available on these dexs or must you go onto cex exchanges ? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZTR1VzkxSWZPcnVRVk80UVVSUXdBRjBQcC1kWEVvUzNWVVdPc1d2aVJJdDBxbnFjNFN0Q2N3WmVWUnN3bThrNDN5NkJ0eEdLb3FCWGFRemM2RmZkM2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoamZmY05fQjRMZFJZcFFWZzBwWGJfbVloSVpZRzh3elN1b29icUQzbjlINHhMNTN0S19HZnhEU2E3VzZFbTBBeExweWpHUkxVTGtEUFEtVlNiV2VIY2RTOGFVdkV6alIzSDdpUlNIOHFnTkpSajk1OGwtaEpCYm8zR2xxdkdWWWJSWUVTeXNxaXpzZWtKSV84X25rYVp4T2t6WjFoWENnRXdodVRCQk5rc3RjPQ== |
Interested in reading through some old discussion boards from around 2014-2016 discussing Monero
I am disappointed in how the crypto market is developping atm.. It's my third Bullrun and I think this is by far the worst, why?
I've never seen so many memecoins without an actual meme get pushed so hard and then rugged. Also this whole pump.fun is so so toxic for genuine devs - nobody cares if the project is acutally doing something.
I am following a project that I really love and it's fallen below 1M mc and the team is still putting out such good value content and working hard while others are just a jpg and going to millions of mc. Why is good work not appreciated in crypto space anymore?
What do you think of the current state of the solana blockchain? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZnBHUFNSZUN4Ylp3bTRNRlo2QmRZVEhJYmtuWDFuZ0RidXdRRWVPSDgyOUlZQWhWMlR4cFlreFV5b0plckZpMVViOEFDVG96OV9SQmN1ZkdqS3NEWWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQ2RxU0JhaHczdHVMRTV2MmRmRlZrOWRla1A1OHF0THM2dUNLUWlFTWpMeTJyWmh5bmRtRXc2Z0cxOVA4dS1tbVhtUlNETXZIdzhmeXZxNVFQRUJ6Wi1yeDFzMkU2UVEybV9WNS1PRVhFY1ZhUW5rYnRad0hhRDExZlFUc0RldVJHMmRTU0tCek9YWjhyNUxoZDdsdDNjZFM4dmVycVBTYW5TckZUa2Jqak5PdUFSTDVmRGlmLVFyUHRhQ0ZoWC1Y |
Ugh, I feel this on a spiritual level. Why didn't someone invent time travel sooner? I could be living on a private island by now if I had bought Bitcoin back then. Oh well, guess it's back to dreaming about what could have been. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNXZFQ3hiOWhTcHNUQjNST3JOMDBxQWpRWktGWDJieVozVXo5SmhiUHcxb1BnUXJaQS1ZQTBVOXhWVnlXaGNmMTNXMnI1YmtFV01YdW1qOXlRcTczZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR3VVSE05bVhjdnpYVTJpNGNIUTlqTVpLSWpYLVlzdDZkUnFHaTZ5Vm5VbVhmQmtWano4SkRKZDl0NnpiM29ReW1SaHhodmtfc19GQzlHMG5aNHkxeHJLWnhWLXZsekhQWG9UblNzY1lpTDBWeVdfb0VVS0R1ZTI5b2VicmZ6NVZ0Ty1rTXA5RndaNGZMVnhjR1hfSXI2S0gySnhfVnlKWnFkQl9EMzRLWC1lcVpoREJhYzFFN2I0WW9XVTFRclZWb2hhV29JODRDRVFkV2NubkRiaVkxZz09 |
**Deep Dive Into Bittensor ($TAO): A Must-Read for the Community!** 🌌
Are you ready to level up your understanding of the **Bittensor ecosystem**? Whether you're a seasoned $TAO holder or just getting started, our latest **comprehensive report** covers everything you need to know:
🔍 A deep dive into subnets like **Text Prompting**, **Dippy Roleplay**, and the **Proprietary Trading Network**.
💡 How the **Yuma consensus** and **Proof of Intelligence** power the network.
📈 Insights into $TAO’s **Bitcoin-inspired tokenomics** (21M supply, halving model) and its market dominance.
🌐 Why Bittensor’s **borderless AI hive mind** is a game-changer for decentralized AI.
🤝 Backing from **Polychain Capital**, **DCG**, and other major players.
For those who want to go beyond the basics, this is your chance to get the full picture of how **Bittensor is shaping the future of AI.** 🚀
👉 Check it out here: [AltcoinAnalyst.com/bittensor-tao-coin](https://altcoinanalyst.com/bittensor-tao-coin/) | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR011OGg5QUxaZVJCRzI2LWdmWVhXaDFpaXlGMFhCcS11QlJkYnd2LTlQMTQwUVgyUFRmaHRPMmxVTndzMGMtMzhrTXdYLTkxSGQ3UVA1emRkNlVVLThjaE05Z0s2TGpKMGpoMTduVFptdTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWG0wQll0aS13MXBvV09Jc3NFa3BacHFYR29wYW51Yk9UcERPb253RHl4VkQ3ZERkS3Y0Mng2YkdGZkpobUJEODdIVTJNU0pMYlNialMzQzlFT2ZZSklmUi04NVFJMGtMcmZSV09xbEtSN1Y4eDBrMFptRmxFTTlXUm84LXMtMG9LTnFNaUN6SzlWNVQ0WE0wb1g2bDBfNVdtUDkwSjZPbGt1WlNGWHQtckYxNHhGdnpPUlVoWVhsbXlrVnlHbFA5TjdZMlY3NER5c0FjX29zYmhUR2NBUT09 |
Hi u/CleazyCatalystAD ,
Talisman team here. This error indicates your wallet was not able to access some of the chain metadata needed to perform the transaction. If you still have the issue, please do jump into our Discord so we can help you troubleshoot. It may be a bug on our side, if so we'd like to fix it ASAP so we will appreciate the information. | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobnUtMjhBNUktZDJvcWNHeWhVMUJTUWc2VDVsZmZRdmJzYWlBWE1ZSjVENFh2QW1fQUJtQnE0WFJJbWZkakNaMDNiajAwd3BWZEl4b293Z09ocmluYzJZbWE4bGlSaldZem1haVRyRVY2YkU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQ3BuOFNKaVdXS3FzcUZxUF9WTkU3cENYMnVuMFRqUkIyY2tfSFRiUVV1X1FqMkM3U1hNdGtJR0FvT2xqQkZUelh2S0FYSHhfNjRvMl80dmhMSEVDdXBLYjJORFFoXzM0Z0ZzalI1akJieUl2cURweXNpNS1ZVU5RSHdlQ2p2bU1sVDJxU2xEbDBsYjNDbHJ0U0U0VTdzZ3hnZGk2cHplVEJUY0hHckRBZTdVPQ== |
Given the success of the previous MAAMs ([see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/search?q=maam&sort=new&restrict_sr=on)), let's keep this rolling.
The principle is simple: ask anything you'd like to know about Monero, especially the dumb questions that you've been keeping for you every other days, may the community clarify it all!
Finally, credits to binaryFate for starting the concept! | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoa3BQdmJNTmVOT096YnYtQVd3cmJmMDFKX3JsSTF0bEt5T2R1T25QSjdia2RRVTFFYkNmSUFHcW0zaEgxUUpibHh3LWlqc21OX1p2U0ItaW9DSE03SXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR21KS1RONmtodVBEakNpNV9ianQ1SE5zck41TEVaZzdCdXJNR1RDMEtvbEY1Qmc4M0FoXzVIZG85SzA1STNXOWxxMS02THNMa212YjZ1Mm8xbUtxSnJZb3VHQ0s4SXA5d0M2d2ViMUZiSUdHOXhBSDRoQVpiSE8ySUh5M0RQMEt3dXlvUEQ4aW9qY0dRZXdwNXAwQmRfNERCcGU5ZkVKTzFxSGRQNDZaelY1Njc0enpibVBzc0NubFZWLTZtQ3paLURUbVdPX01nTlBNUDZ6dGZEM1pXZz09 |
log in only ; ( | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNTlGcTdJQmJQTVFHT28zTGZES2p1eENtMHJ4d01xbDMxcnI3NUh5NS1nV0MwNTRoLVN5VGFtekppN0tyWGF0bnRhbV9kbGlUMkU0X0ZUZ3Z1blZPb3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNWNiZUFTMHpSMXd5MDRtM3pqV1NFenAxclBqOV9VWWQ2Q0h5aThhM25kSHFLNzRMNTZsSDRlNGZOdUwzdmJWSzEtbjlEN1ZNRTZnRzYzTkhzT29tT2tIc21NRjV3RFMyM3hib0ZoX1UyWDRzcXFrMEdiZXl1ckx3SGlhVWc2dlI3ZVB4RW1wa2JBV1hMUk5NZDRQckxIQkxIZlNIUjdxbktvZlE2ci1HVXNhNlNCMUltNkFCc25sQmo4eUZsbm5laFNEU3VBaklfcmlrX0p4YlFMbnhkdz09 |
Goodnight | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWGZmWTJxeGFzYk1zSUlLYW8wSmwtazNKS3Q0SE13N0FTVlhXVnExME9GNzlJMDFBV2gtejJ4Tl80WmtrSEJwNVBZZlpPTkQxNXg4MFlUcVUtNGR0MGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSWVpQkVWWml2R0Jib2J2T0V0R29hZEJKaWRJSVA1ZjkyXzdEYkdwYXFJUzU1dl9zTDRCR0YxZWZTWm1QZ2k2ZWNQU2F0SG9GS0hZX2RsUkxRY2pSNHFzdV9SZW5DOHlSRVlfa1lKczRvR2hXS0J2ZThDd0Q4ZlFEb3owenZ5cU96N0ZEelFHVS0xQWphNkQ3NEE1eHViWVNUbWxvR2hOZkgwSG1kdXNsa0lYUzgzMmI0UVIzcnJrYjYyelI3dTR5T0ZkRExZUnViNnFoS3BYUXR0TXBCdz09 |
Yeah I looked it up and a couple months ago someone else received same msg, but no resolution… I will try to join Discord when I get some time… | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVob1c5OXJWRE9OV2ltUDBxdzQxeEdDcUMycURRLUhzWWtEY0l0WnFXRlZRV21MSEZJRXJSVWZVcVgwUFJyZFlTVzJ6Y19WUm9hLUJsU2lUamcwYlByOHVrM3p4MTZtN1NTdUM4bTNaV3RiOW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZ1lSWEJEdTNrb095WjVxRTVjTHBVWnQ4NWpId2tYOHltZFBodFRST0l3RnJXUGpISjNwUWlwWElpeEZNZXJPaVZPdmRUaWN1ZEhzckhZRFFUQ3c5cUIwMEZSUU1zN04yN0JEUncwRG5XUF9mczVTejByVHFEMkZmOEgtQWV3SkFLU0lXTjd3LU9naXJLRHBNS3VaeUJvRFpEZEhjNWlaVjQ5NXJWcnNTT3FvPQ== |
Don’t do mistakes litecoin holders did , don’t dump right now it’s on the way 70 dollar. Just saying lol 😂 | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR3FjaVJMNnJrYl8tLWoyYUJxY2REc3JSZ25pVnpUSFNHRUE5T2R4ZDhDNUEwU1BZWkJfRE96VjJzOXhORFotbGFQdzlaRklxS1Jfd2NPZjJubnNRSUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWXFEbDM2TjRiVWdzaUk3N3JPN2EwSktYZURVLWx1SlpKa1NmMUZfaENEXzNseFYzM0t3NXMySzlwTGNSaVhlWHozSVhYTjNZNVQyZGhOVy0zWEhTdTBiclZpNWpuMFZEamJ1U29qNy1LYVdPaVAxdU5lTUpWdzVRUlFmT2gwOHlvT1Juc0IyYk50MDZ3SEh6dngtTk9ERk5tWXNxc0RWZGZNdURySFJTZWdzPQ== |
and - new SN coming from same team (Dippy) with support of Yuma (B Silver and crew)
https://x.com/barrysilbert/status/1863604823616082032?s=46 | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYkZhNF96MFNWc1VXTHREWUpjSXRuRzdXY09wTk55UjdQVEVSQUxDZDk2VXdqdldFNGQ1bS04Z1MyX3BxRGhPYlItb3Q5SEFrUDV1ZGlzSDJlMTVmeWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNFo1azdVbWNyZU5scEQxRmdZQjNreG10X3ZoNHlWeFpMZ2gwSnhZc0o1R19Gc1d3VTJqNENFaHJFY0ZSRHlUQkxkR25hTVZWUmVaNUpOdVFIS3ZfUm1fTnVMc2NncURuMXdZMjRQZE1VdGtUdDRWTUVhMVdDYVVGMWE0UnRjV2djUXZaTmFxeW5JRHcwTXhJenU4TFdOcnlaUnFLSGxydkJfVWEta282M0pxcHZ3cmt4R1hicjFlNGJfSVBSd0JGaFo1VFRsM08zTUtWZTRSR2RRbEJVbjVxY1ZVRGRwTnNpNzJYazVvaGhHQT0= |
It seems [AllArk.io](http://AllArk.io) is dead.
Is there another service which offers Lightning channels for Monero?
I see these guys: [https://blocktank.to](https://blocktank.to) but you need Bitcoin first. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNDJDdEZVamxFQThTdkl0Q0VUaTBadDVtaWc0aHpCNHJTN3J5eFlsY25jbVE4QzJVeVVrTGlmZW5tTVVHNUpQUEZMT3pJcEZ3WDdXbGdEWGMyeE1Fb2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobE9lZ2h0VE1fbTdKSjFPZkZzRzFKZ1NNM3QxRWFiYkFmYkF2MEdKVkZ5SUQxeFYyM3dOTVdMR1BKUU5YMkV6UVo5YTV0elRuWk00Z1VCYlk1aXRwaWhnTUI1YkZOMnUwam80LXA2OG5iaUVxa0ZHelBUc2dIYzYxSmJxbExCeDczUXZ5UkJTM05FVkFSR1lUVDdfdHh6SWM4LTlLQmktQnhDUFpmT0JaVThzPQ== |
announce the launch of Apple Pay for fiat-to-crypto purchases via Coinbase Onramp. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocVJmRlMxR2M1RWMzYmFxQnlENDFXLW5jWTNiOUhhak14d0VJbjc3eGMxWExTR01WOEFyQWJVZjdhVnhaSVE4M3FPWUtBNWRmUmtxd0NGR1hrSmRlaHc4aExHODJaOF9HNFg5MTZ1eWtlbTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRFZtTFRBTjNJcmNNdFV4OHdZZmE1d0NiWnhubzY2ZTVQbzBydEVMMHE5TjdXVE5vOXF1czUyWURLZUtTYTBIOEFXZDBiQXNUeTJHY2Y5RWM1Ylc2RjlCR0lkRzBaZlZ3Wk0xU1AwNFpoQklPWjlVT2VsandsZE5vVnVxRGNZRDlYVXNDM3FYUTRhanN3eXgwQ0pNU2lxWkRiTmFWT3JUbnhBY3duQkxuUjQ5WjY0blI5cnoxY1ZEN19rb2labUlsZnpiQzh0TjJVSExpOWxJN1lLU29Ldz09 |
Bizarre what is being build on Bittensor! That this isn’t doing what XRP does shows this space is just gamblers, for now! In the coming weeks we will see huge inflows of buys for TAO | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNWdWUGM5b2VGRDZsTTY0UU9kamRLNWszc1NnWEtzY2I3bEM2cWR0TUdxbWhuZkdiZHFZX2dXM0VtUlFQOEg5Mm81RkJVYjlWTnJnaV94OWFGallicmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVHgzTHhNcVhKZHVzYWt5SWxvdUl4X2otbjljSGY4ZWUwVXJST19pRjUyaFNGOFloWGx0c3czVDMxUHlOeFZvZjFwMklDdjVlWnpoQ2VfMFA0RnBydnhOTWU4dU1yeWItSTFaRDZMMWs3elNiNDdBT3NUbnNEQVpzaWc5cUpXTl9GNFBVUXV4RENtQmF2NkMyT0ZIMjJoN0tuZjdmME5vYnphUnNjWVByd2thR01VQTFUdXppQkp6STdTQU43Z2pqVEtQQzkxMUZ0NlMtX295X00tMFptOE1wX1J0UHZjWHoxbkJPeUtSSUpZQT0= |
Hey everyone, POKT's Gateway Accelerator offering $25K grants to to build gateways on top filecoin. Could be a great chance to get your project off the ground with some real support!
You can apply [here](https://www.pokt.network/apply) and DM me if you have any questions. | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeDFxdnFhLUlFRU5UM2c3cDVISXZDVWw2ZVlETTg5bE1MVmpqejRFOTRMcUgwNnBfMC14QnlqeE5MU09ua0ppb192T1VaNG51bktuZzFvaEtOMGRqdHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoczdiTFhXdUVfYnpiTjNlTTBRb2tlVnR3NU9tQmctNUJranVLd1lCNFRxTTllMTVrNmhaai16UXRmU0NERHphMUNOXzdHREp3SmVmUlBBdHlzWFN0M09ITml1UHgwUE8td0VrRnBzMEI1LS1pZl9ROW56QzZIYU05MGo4NWFMZnJick9JQmxvRGlLZU5BZU5YM0VaejllalhMN2dCVkd1S2dDYnBuU0UxQmc0c1kwRDg2NXlOekR0WjdacUNHMTNm |
Hi everyone,
I'm working on a **BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) remote app** using **Kotlin** and need some advice from the community. The goal of this app is to connect with a hardware device via BLE, access its storage, and fetch the data stored on the device to display it in the app.
Here’s what I’ve done so far:
* Set up BLE connection functionality in my app.
* Successfully paired and connected the app to the hardware device.
However, I’m stuck on **how to access and fetch data from the hardware's storage** once the BLE connection is established.
# Questions:
1. What is the best approach to **read/write data from the hardware's storage** using BLE?
2. Are there any specific libraries, frameworks, or examples you would recommend for this use case?
3. What are the common pitfalls or challenges I should watch out for when implementing BLE storage communication?
I would appreciate any advice, tutorials, or code snippets that could help me tackle this challenge. Thanks in advance for your support!
**P.S.:** If you’ve worked on a similar project, I’d love to hear about your experience and any tips you can share.
Looking forward to your suggestions!
Best regards,
Sartaj Qamar | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobFFYUFp3d3lab0RLRkRmVktaQ0tjbHM5YUZKOUZVN29qZ0dHVmVGWDFwT0gxZnBqMWdDWmFSbHBYMFRXbVkzRHlGR2NxMkxhOEo1ZDQ1NHBFQnJFakE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMXRid1JuRmhJdnBoNjVZdlFMbzlqVzJ5YVpJeWh0d0NnRFJGODNOc0J4U19WSnBWRW5Db1cxa081elZlN0xaZHBVVllyMkNNb2hfazNLQ1VxWjFJYmYxYnBsT3JMVEdGRDNraWNCblAyY0o1RUk3eUJkZU5LOUliNTM3aFJMZ0ZPd2Jtd2w0T2ZpN0tkSERpV3FqcDhLdVdtNFZmVk93dXoxZ05nR0dudFBtaHVteHh6MTNEUHd2YVRFSnUtZEVKSXhGZWdaT2RoVjBHeF9JcWJEc0c4Zz09 |
On the XRP sub and other places filled with XRP Maxis, people are saying XRP is going to hit $100 as if it's a very real and very feasible target for the community. Let's talk about what exactly that would look like. XRP has a circulating supply of 57B. At a price of $100 each that would put the marketcap of XRP at $5.7T. OVER 3X the current marketcap of BTC, and this doesn't even consider the inevitable increase in circulating supply as time passes.
Look I get it, it's fun to dream about 25x (or 250x gains for people talking about XRP to $1,000 - I'm dead serious people are talking about this) but don't let those dreams cause you to make bad investment decisions.
**You want to know what other community was talking about having a $5.9T marketcap in 2021?** In 2021 Shiba Inu to $.01 was all the rage as people swore that it was a realistic and feasible target for the meme token and many made terrible investment decisions as a result swearing that Shiba Inu was going to hit $.01. Looking at Shiba Inu now it's.... not even close to it's 2021 ATH, and lets be clear will never hit $.01.
You're welcome to dream about crazy crypto profits but don't make bad investment decisions because of those crazy dreams. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR1M0Sm5jUElhRnlVc3hIejhRb0phanBrNUVQdFB3YjBCTHhxNXprNEpzRzVSbkg4TzdmUjlzTmt0U0JfZnZVNERvS0lGUDQ5QUFaVHI4SG5QQ1JkT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc2pTdFRtcHhUTmdnNDZVUkp6Y2VDWlo4NGh1REFvWXlOS2xxS3pHRlJTdnF2eVY5NnAzZkpFRHRLeUtQZGhyaE1PZ1V4a0ZmMi1pWmFHalRDenJXUmJkUVFjSmh3RnN1eVJyamdJd3VxLURDcDV3OGs3RUpIbUkxYjRnc3dfLXRqbWdkZFQtU3JRcHk0X2N0eWVoMEFLcXpoT1ZPUkhKWlFBQ0p5NVdZdHBGRlloMFdPMG9maWVsLWxTaTRQdGdxRmN6V2d4czdFdWo4dFpQeVBqdHhoZz09 |
Where can you do this? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocGlLd2NueHp2UUlkRTZodUZRZjRzTkp2TGtiTTV6MzZaUDJtWlRFR0w3YlJtNHp3UzdLSlBzZFVzU1RGVm5uZGNNUXpRUjhlSHViR2gzTmtjWExIM2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoXzFZUFQwRFBfMi1EMjBEU2kwNmVNR1h2OTRpQ1B6SUVIeFgySkViU2s5NnBhZmJxYU5vY3Vvc1N3enJFV0kwU3E3dWlsTUNYVGpxN2R4MkdDZkloMjk2a1psUlZxOWNKWFdmSDktRVQ3cDBuZVZHMmQ2SjZxQS0zMko2S0h3UllRZkk2WERrZmo4N3hUMzBUNlhkZEZZdm5nR3RfRmtmc1p1eG5WRkRNNjJDNG14REowdzZRZzMtZ2kwSUpZdjVS |
Hi Everyone,
We have finalized the dubbing of our own explainer videos, along with Dr. Kim's fantastic lecture "Monero Means Money," into seven foreign languages: Russian, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Japanese, and Arabic. Our goal is to make Monero content accessible to hundreds of millions of non-English speakers. We chose these languages based on population size and the level of English proficiency within each demographic.
Thanks to Ajs – the videos are now live on the Monero Community Workgroup channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@MoneroCommunityWorkgroup/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@MoneroCommunityWorkgroup/videos)
Please feel free to distribute and share widely!
//VOSTO - [https://vostoemisio.com](https://vostoemisio.com) | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVi1GYWZNbnNkbE9WU2hxb3VEV0ZtQ0lCc0o2Xzg4MHNZdmJWSXg4VmV4a05qbDNKdTZrT0pBbktMWTJ2NXlYV0dCSk95UFNvS1VSR25PcW15NUdMc1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMDFiTDFYdmEyTEFoemhoRGc5SjI4U2lZRlZsSlZSLUxWMWJlSmtEQmtyT29jR0NoSHI5LXhHdHJFWEtRRW82eWtra1ZzTnl6MkhiOFdFM0x5ZDZXeTAyYVpRekVTcUZxMnZPb1dDcVVjYVRxNWJBeUNYTUFzSjJQcHV5S1VLTm1MR21FcTZOQmhWQ09HSGl5SURpdWg2WjNoZXk3eDM4bE5lVFgwMnhPY05fYmRXeGVjM0RVcl9wOU0zanJ2R1B1 |
I am brand new to crypto and literally started my account on the Phantom app LAST WEEK. Today, I was sent an NFT that said I was sent a certain amount of Solana and unknowingly clicked on the link in the Phantom app. I had no clue scams could be present in the actual site, so I believed it was legit. As I was entering my 12-word passcode, I felt like it was a scam and exited on around word 10. Two hours later, I check my balance and it was at a whopping EIGHT DOLLARS. Literally want to kms right now because they stole thousands. I guess that’s what I get for being clueless. People are so brutal, still in shock. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNDJyNTF0d1N4STBrNWF6MVd5NURyaEw3TUh0N0Z5VmcyT0RhUWpadUROWmpVZFRyTnNCWUEzNGcyZ0pQUFVUX0g1Sk9za2RISzAyYVhkQ0FpSXB0ajFPNVBjQjNfQWlvTEFXSEFJQ0VSd0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWExkMWNlZFlfbUxOOGUyRlo5bFIxazI2Y1VqNmVyekhIZ0ZHbnczNDFaSTV3eXpham04UG1CdW9CdV9kNUF2VlNlZGkzTTdXd1YzMWgySl9ZMFhSZXpXQW9YN2padDd5NjByNjhjV2FBcExpYzM1QkduZkFjWVdhcUE5bGlKSGdYWFo0TFVNUWNSZ0hoMlZncTFiRkJReFM3eXJ1eEFPTzNrVWZ1YWJHV0lZPQ== |
I have read the story of the relation between devs and asic makers in bitcoin and all the theories of their influence during the slow segwit signaling. I have also seen the story of grin (straight from asic resistant to asic supportive). I take as conclusion that asic makers do have a lot power. After segwit, Asic makers, devs and users have been somewhat aligned and this frictionless relation has kept things somewhat stable (compared to what halpened before segwit). Maybe this is a stable equilibrium.
My question is, can Asic makers influence some group of XMR devs (with $$$) to the point that they will try to turn randomx into a more Asic friendly algo? I mean if xmr keeps growing, with a stable emmission, I think in 10 years there might be a lot of incentives to bribe 20-30 devs generously. How many people really understand monero codebase, what if they bribe them all? I see this dilema as an unstable equilibrium don't you think?
| r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYW5rUjM4QWRMSmdESm9KRDZoNlkwMF9kcHVRR2FfSWdacW1tRUZPaWJGXzNOTmZySDhPbmFjRnNfYlY2aDlTNGt5NEpJaVBaNE5xOWJSUnpPTE5JaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoXy1RNHhfN09xSURwbzRiMkQ5czF2V00xdDhsWXlsM3FORC04MWxXRlFxU3hxRHg0Y1NQQXhPckhTclBuTEVJRDhMR0dqbzJDR3p2aHFrWGRGdEZtOVhjTW53azJ3Mm1rcmktVk9PakI5RzhFaDZVNlF4RGpJTFJlcC1QZFNveVJpWnpsUUtQS1MwM2NXaHByS2RSaThzSmJ5MFRkdUliREpTY1FWUFV1S05NPQ== |
Any tutorials you can recommend, and easiest subnet to start on to get a feel for mining? I have a lot of coding experience, but not with AI training. | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobU5jZmFnNC15MFp2YjRCbHZaclFXbkJoczdJb0dXUmRtMjNZUVpKcHV4d3lSVjNFTDZmaW1tT1ZnRkhkRlF4XzNRQVl4VE1mMGxxQ2JVUDBQRHpTM3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRUZhdlVPQU92RmNmcXRXSjN2NlBMLVp4c2o1eXFSLTNhTS14SmV0ZWhzbWdJdzl6bHliZ2xIcEZsRzhnakk2c0EyMm5vN3p6T0hRdmpObG5UWWRDTDhKX2wzcThzSmY4S2syb242MWdjalU5TWtJMWs1QmpQdXYwUF9Uamw2bWtEVUZUWmdpaFZkdkVjeXJGT3BaeWY2cTVkRnpvZnBiVkcxc0JHQlNLaU1VPQ== |
hey everyone,
as a team of small traders and devs, we’ve spent a lot of time in the trenches of solana. we loved the concept of pumpfun — it brought so much hype in this space and Solana wouldn't be what it is today without it. there’s no doubt it created countless millionaires and changed the game in many ways.
still, the balance is heavily tilted against the majority. most people lose money, fall victim to rugs, get scammed by malicious devs, or simply end up in projects designed to fail. it’s frustrating to see, especially when so much of it could be avoided with better systems in place. it feels like these problems are being overlooked while bad actors keep abusing the system.
that’s why, a few months ago, we started our journey to build [pix.fun](http://pix.fun/) . our goal isn’t to compete with pumpfun or claim we’re better, that’s not the point. instead, we want to address the issues that traders face every day and make solana’s meme ecosystem stronger, safer, and more enjoyable for everyone.
PixFun is just like pumpfun, but comes with a suite of new features, including:
**- anti-rug systems:** devs can’t nuke the chart or pull liquidity all at once. we have a system that can detect when a TX has malicious intent behind so he won't be able to "dump"
**- devs score:** each dev on the platform will have a rating, based on how their coins perform and their trustworthiness, this will include several metrics such as the percentage of their supply they’ve sold and other token data
**- warnings** if a dev is holding too much supply
**- leaderboard system:** we’re rewarding the most dedicated users on the platform, with metrics like volume traded and referrals and overall activity. wallets can remain anonymous if users choose
**- green and red flags on projects**, meant to help rookie traders
**- moderated chats:** project chats will be free and open, meaning devs can’t delete comments. however there'll be moderation and some filters so its not a spamfest
**- referral system:** you can earn up to 45% from the fees of users you refer to the platform (3 levels)
**- a quest system** that will enable users to perform tasks (such as twitter engagement) and earn platform points / airdrops
***+ many more under work.***
oh, and we got livestreams (promise they won't be **that wild**)
one of our users suggested something the other day and it's already under works — enabling devs to open a voice chat for their token directly on the platform.
So many new people are joining crypto daily only to get scammed, lose all their money, and leave. No one can ever truly fix that, but I'm damn sure we can improve this aspect by far.
will we encounter challenges? absolutely. but we’re committed to working with the community every step of the way and make this platform everything it needs to be.
Thanks for reading through and I'm here to answer any of your question! Also if there's any suggestion here that resonates with our vision, it will be implemented by the our team with the speed of light! | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobTk0eFZqd3I4dkZIcl9wUTcxV2VCcy1LZGZ1SzVGb2tLcC1Sb3Axdi1CZEFQNl85RjFVel9RQmFReXNZYnd5bW9PMERDT01FWEhxTGptR0FoV053X1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUVI1UWJMMWlpbUdOOEVFQ1RKRjNBaDBGWXNROTBGOEp5Ml9RNGI3Uk9sSDRXTW56Y3JqZkVseHI0QUNObUhrX2FuY0pLRWFYak9BYm1vQlkyRVRvbEZpa1pGakVNY1N5M0JXczVmYVRhNkdCaUtLdm5nRml2NkczRnI4VjFKZUJ0Vnl4ajlZRFhzSEEyS3RjM1h6QWpCMjNGYzBkTjB4dW5NQTFaVGo4S0VFRkRaQlFueFhuQWtLM3M3Z0dtM1U1 |
When a dev gets serious about a coin they burn sol. Is that sol reclaimable if the coin goes to 0 or is it lost forever? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVod1MtaDZnNHU5Zm5JRGQwN2NuamFDVkpLZTRuVGx6SHp3MzItb0dUY0xXWHRiRjJTWmplYTlkYVplbkRrRVdZRnliak90alo0aXd0TmV6OExBc3VyVUxjQ2lENllCeHh5bmhBTFNOVWszclk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVGpubWlCUXBuR2w1dVRxWmxyQWRmNHZQT3ZCRnYtNXI0bmUtZ0tXY1hpOWZMSHRMSjM4Y0QwUnBNeTh4N2hEdXA4NHgwZ3VEOTUwSE1ndC1maUlQT3o2a01ZZlI3Sm5sa3VXLVhCYkgtX3NISDBoektRQWtnMWpTbUs4Qm1yd21lMkF4YTE2dWpUaXlENFBTVmdqOFpSVjc3T2dNUHlxZ3lZMmUxMUt6dDFCYnU2OWFTRGJ5M0c3UzB1cnkyMnJtZThScWZOX25lWHRGTEhlXzcyczMzUT09 |
FWIW I have just done a test with a development version of the extension - should be released later this week. I was able to send TAO from a Ledger account without an issue. So, if it is a bug in the current version, it should be fixed soon. | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodXYtRzV5Y1N6Y3hlT3R4NGR3U29lUFE5T2djVUVDZFN5dE5zWWlRY2s1V2tWVXI0RDJxeG5TWW9qNXBuMTE3aDVvZkFkeFQ1RlNVVWRzekpqQkZGMDZ2LTF3R0tGdmxVeW9pOEY5VlZyejg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNUVNYVhJd2NqbmJiRTZLY0hnZzdkZWN1Mk5FY2FickJKN3JDZnpRanA4NWJpN0RqT1FUM2s4M25Va0c3R1VxdWgzaGtETERsQWR6cEFQVmsxYm9TUjlSeGFSTjUzUm54LXJIVU0xVDFJTTJCVWFvMnpOdFV3QUJHeVNBWmJ1STQ3VzZfSV8tT2plM21Bb1BNbFlCd2czUGhoRUZYQWMtQXp3RS1uV1RQbnVZPQ== |
Lots of changes since our most recent update!
[NanoGPT update](https://preview.redd.it/b6tfd6zuok4e1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=099532bffb23b498ac2ef0d001a73151550a7801)
# UX improvements:
\- It's now possible to add a **system prompt** (for all models except Claude/Gemini ones)
\- There's a **dark/light mode switch** next to new chat
\- **Export chats** as PDF or Markdown by appending ?export=pdf or =md to the URL
\- ALT + C for new chat, ALT + I for new image (Option C and Option I on Mac)
# New models:
\- **Qwen QwQ 32b** is Alibaba's answer to OpenAI's o1-preview. It "thinks", and only starts outputting later.
\- OpenAI and Google released about 4 **new versions of ChatGPT/Gemini**, to constantly overtake each other on the leaderboards (we immediately push their newest version live every time). Google also released LearnLM, a model focused specifically on helping people learn new skills, which of course we added.
\- Alibaba's **Qwen Max, Qwen Large, Qwen Long and Qwen Turbo** have been added, very low prices and up to 10m token context. Almost no other provider offers these models.
\- **Step-2-16k**, another Chinese model, is also pretty much only available through us. It scores extremely well on the LiveBench comparison, and is very popular in China.
\- **Mistral Large** and a *ton* of open-source models got added. These include many Roleplay/Storytelling models (more on that below) and **two "abliterated" models**, versions of models that have been finetuned to remove limitations and biases. They're uncensored versions, essentially.
# Cool integrations:
\- **SillyTavern** is an open-source front-end that many people use for roleplaying. Dylan was kind enough to do a pull request and add us in, so we're now natively supported and suddenly have a lot more users that are interested in roleplaying models, hence also the additions.
\- **"battleofcoins.com"** lets you pick crypto, pick models, and have the AIs discuss and debate which one is best over multiple rounds. Very fun implementation, you can pick any selection criteria you want.
# More:
\- We added lots of additional payment methods: **Binance Pay, Coinbase Wallet**, ETH + L2s, and a lot more. This is likely the last additions we did for a while there, since anything else feels like diminishing returns.
\- We released **payment stats** on how much the different crypto were used. I'll add this into a comment because I'm afraid links will get the post removed. **Monero**, despite being a fairly recent addition sees huge usage. At just 8.4% of the transaction count yet 22.2% of the volume it accounts for almost as many transactions and as much volume as the rest of the non-Nano chains combined. To us this makes a lot of sense as NanoGPT has a strong focus on privacy and this clearly aligns well with Monero private, cypherpunk spirit. So thanks to all of you for using us, we appreciate it.
Also important for many of you: we have a working branch with file uploads. It can take excel files, pdfs, documents etc. We want to release it as soon as possible but it's also a change that needs quite a bit of testing, so we don't want to push it too soon and get people annoyed at how badly it works.
Any questions I'm all ears! | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZFZQWUtHU3I3bHVqcUp5R1ROTHpIb0hmTG1oV2FlN3pLa3p1dHpfdVdpb1BEU1llUjBlYmoxZU5ocWE4Q1lyOEJ4Rk5ZXzdZWXVwRENuZERCSE5zR2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOEhZSjZYaGhvRmM0ck5YUEJRZERZNURBWFZVa19KaHhVVnN3SXczZ2ktVmtDcGF3VzBUdldRVmprVEFjcTZXaWFwbWhlbnd0WjRYTnRjYjZZbVRpbGhFSkFQLW85aXdLY0k5bTgySlk1Wk1Ubi1jZjVndDVlSmhkN2lqaUtiaUZhalNrU0tPUURnYVhyMnoyV08tRGdqRlVudnlnMEhMNHBNZ3JpU3hwM0xGZ0ctN2g2ZFNrT2I2LXZ4eWNLLTFTTlEtWml4cVlnb3pLdGp1QUN0YW5Rdz09 |
Lots of changes since our most recent update!
[NanoGPT update](https://preview.redd.it/b6tfd6zuok4e1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=099532bffb23b498ac2ef0d001a73151550a7801)
# UX improvements:
\- It's now possible to add a **system prompt** (for all models except Claude/Gemini ones)
\- There's a **dark/light mode switch** next to new chat
\- **Export chats** as PDF or Markdown by appending ?export=pdf or =md to the URL
\- ALT + C for new chat, ALT + I for new image (Option C and Option I on Mac)
# New models:
\- **Qwen QwQ 32b** is Alibaba's answer to OpenAI's o1-preview. It "thinks", and only starts outputting later.
\- OpenAI and Google released about 4 **new versions of ChatGPT/Gemini**, to constantly overtake each other on the leaderboards (we immediately push their newest version live every time). Google also released LearnLM, a model focused specifically on helping people learn new skills, which of course we added.
\- Alibaba's **Qwen Max, Qwen Large, Qwen Long and Qwen Turbo** have been added, very low prices and up to 10m token context. Almost no other provider offers these models.
\- **Step-2-16k**, another Chinese model, is also pretty much only available through us. It scores extremely well on the LiveBench comparison, and is very popular in China.
\- **Mistral Large** and a *ton* of open-source models got added. These include many Roleplay/Storytelling models (more on that below) and **two "abliterated" models**, versions of models that have been finetuned to remove limitations and biases. They're uncensored versions, essentially.
# Cool integrations:
\- **SillyTavern** is an open-source front-end that many people use for roleplaying. Dylan was kind enough to do a pull request and add us in, so we're now natively supported and suddenly have a lot more users that are interested in roleplaying models, hence also the additions.
\- **"battleofcoins.com"** lets you pick crypto, pick models, and have the AIs discuss and debate which one is best over multiple rounds. Very fun implementation, you can pick any selection criteria you want.
# More:
\- We added lots of additional payment methods: **Binance Pay, Coinbase Wallet**, ETH + L2s, and a lot more. This is likely the last additions we did for a while there, since anything else feels like diminishing returns.
\- We released **payment stats** on how much the different crypto were used. I'll add this into a comment because I'm afraid links will get the post removed. **Bitcoin Cash** adds up to 6.1% of the volume with 3.0% of the transaction count. Bitcoin Cash was one of our first additions and we see usage of it growing, but usage on other chains is currently growing faster.
Also important for many of you: we have a working branch with file uploads. It can take excel files, pdfs, documents etc. We want to release it as soon as possible but it's also a change that needs quite a bit of testing, so we don't want to push it too soon and get people annoyed at how badly it works.
Any questions I'm all ears! | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQWR0VU5lOVV5SVM1LXl5WHdOT0x3MUhFdElPVGdnNUU3OTZUT0Vscm1oaW5ma2ZUQ2JPQ09mU1NjSjJtLW9HYjFkYW0xTFYwbE1PM1o4dFNPd2M4WGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoU3BLSGlDdWdmYTdFdDZDa3dUYW4waE9fd24yUmZRVm9VNEc0QnBvSjNXcFVKcEFmV3dfdld4U1U4b211VGNYZGJnVjRyYW1OWWIyMjFBSk4zd29hUVBESEtYeFE5eThPUUJBV1VBMXNJUUdNSm53VS1UbnNvN0poNXJyalRCYTdveEpLYXRzUDVmRmZLQjBaN1BkeTFMak5pRDNYRmxwQV9tM28zMlhmRG5vMXY2bWhoQU5yeWI3cVJVRlZFbUduV19rSUI1TmhCd2FSVlYyV21XNkx6UT09 |
Lots of changes since our most recent update!
[NanoGPT update](https://preview.redd.it/b6tfd6zuok4e1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=099532bffb23b498ac2ef0d001a73151550a7801)
# UX improvements:
\- It's now possible to add a **system prompt** (for all models except Claude/Gemini ones)
\- There's a **dark/light mode switch** next to new chat
\- **Export chats** as PDF or Markdown by appending ?export=pdf or =md to the URL
\- ALT + C for new chat, ALT + I for new image (Option C and Option I on Mac)
# New models:
\- **Qwen QwQ 32b** is Alibaba's answer to OpenAI's o1-preview. It "thinks", and only starts outputting later.
\- OpenAI and Google released about 4 **new versions of ChatGPT/Gemini**, to constantly overtake each other on the leaderboards (we immediately push their newest version live every time). Google also released LearnLM, a model focused specifically on helping people learn new skills, which of course we added.
\- Alibaba's **Qwen Max, Qwen Large, Qwen Long and Qwen Turbo** have been added, very low prices and up to 10m token context. Almost no other provider offers these models.
\- **Step-2-16k**, another Chinese model, is also pretty much only available through us. It scores extremely well on the LiveBench comparison, and is very popular in China.
\- **Mistral Large** and a *ton* of open-source models got added. These include many Roleplay/Storytelling models (more on that below) and **two "abliterated" models**, versions of models that have been finetuned to remove limitations and biases. They're uncensored versions, essentially.
# Cool integrations:
\- **SillyTavern** is an open-source front-end that many people use for roleplaying. Dylan was kind enough to do a pull request and add us in, so we're now natively supported and suddenly have a lot more users that are interested in roleplaying models, hence also the additions.
\- **"battleofcoins.com"** lets you pick crypto, pick models, and have the AIs discuss and debate which one is best over multiple rounds. Very fun implementation, you can pick any selection criteria you want.
# More:
\- We added lots of additional payment methods: **Binance Pay, Coinbase Wallet**, ETH + L2s, and a lot more. This is likely the last additions we did for a while there, since anything else feels like diminishing returns.
\- We released **payment stats** on how much the different crypto were used. I'll add this into a comment because I'm afraid links will get the post removed. **Bitcoin Cash** adds up to 6.1% of the volume with 3.0% of the transaction count. Bitcoin Cash was one of our first additions and we see usage of it growing, but usage on other chains is currently growing faster.
Also important for many of you: we have a working branch with file uploads. It can take excel files, pdfs, documents etc. We want to release it as soon as possible but it's also a change that needs quite a bit of testing, so we don't want to push it too soon and get people annoyed at how badly it works.
Any questions I'm all ears! | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaWxlTjQwNWVBemdEaTVSS2czUVo1dDljZHZMdXRuR2t5WTJKZTYwZjg2X3pfV2tST1lCbXpPQzQ0bDFTTFRsekdWQUNxa2pzcGx6RjlwVWItR0JaeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWHB6WjhQQWZ0U0ZqdXZuZG13OXVyWng0NUpCaDRMbW04Z3BuclJOS29EWmd0Q3otN2JvdW5qSEpvUEJrUFhBc0s3WjNXNUFxbU5xUVMxclNEWHB1SHl4SUlERDB0VHpMOURYUGZNZm1UOVVyQ2tNSEtFU2xlbkJWeUVnR013VGFOWGpZRER3dHZDb3M5N2x2bXJqSU9iVkE0UTRCcVdHdU5ac3Z2dV96M08yUG0ybDdZeF9BOFRwUEVUdnpHdFEzZkFneV9wWXh4SjdGbW5NT3RFRWdhZz09 |
Lots of changes since our most recent update!
[NanoGPT update](https://preview.redd.it/b6tfd6zuok4e1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=099532bffb23b498ac2ef0d001a73151550a7801)
# UX improvements:
\- It's now possible to add a **system prompt** (for all models except Claude/Gemini ones)
\- There's a **dark/light mode switch** next to new chat
\- **Export chats** as PDF or Markdown by appending ?export=pdf or =md to the URL
\- ALT + C for new chat, ALT + I for new image (Option C and Option I on Mac)
# New models:
\- **Qwen QwQ 32b** is Alibaba's answer to OpenAI's o1-preview. It "thinks", and only starts outputting later.
\- OpenAI and Google released about 4 **new versions of ChatGPT/Gemini**, to constantly overtake each other on the leaderboards (we immediately push their newest version live every time). Google also released LearnLM, a model focused specifically on helping people learn new skills, which of course we added.
\- Alibaba's **Qwen Max, Qwen Large, Qwen Long and Qwen Turbo** have been added, very low prices and up to 10m token context. Almost no other provider offers these models.
\- **Step-2-16k**, another Chinese model, is also pretty much only available through us. It scores extremely well on the LiveBench comparison, and is very popular in China.
\- **Mistral Large** and a *ton* of open-source models got added. These include many Roleplay/Storytelling models (more on that below) and **two "abliterated" models**, versions of models that have been finetuned to remove limitations and biases. They're uncensored versions, essentially.
# Cool integrations:
\- **SillyTavern** is an open-source front-end that many people use for roleplaying. Dylan was kind enough to do a pull request and add us in, so we're now natively supported and suddenly have a lot more users that are interested in roleplaying models, hence also the additions.
\- **"battleofcoins.com"** lets you pick crypto, pick models, and have the AIs discuss and debate which one is best over multiple rounds. Very fun implementation, you can pick any selection criteria you want.
# More:
\- We added lots of additional payment methods: **Binance Pay, Coinbase Wallet**, ETH + L2s, and a lot more. This is likely the last additions we did for a while there, since anything else feels like diminishing returns.
\- We released **payment stats** on how much the different crypto were used. I'll add this into a comment because I'm afraid links will get the post removed. **SOL** accounted for only a very small percentage surprisingly, we think it's mostly because we haven't been able to reach out to the community well so far. We know there are people that have built us into their on-chain bots, but we'd love to see more of it!
Also important for many of you: we have a working branch with file uploads. It can take excel files, pdfs, documents etc. We want to release it as soon as possible but it's also a change that needs quite a bit of testing, so we don't want to push it too soon and get people annoyed at how badly it works.
Any questions I'm all ears! | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRWJndE9lRm45cGR2Umpta055VFoxYWVjUnZuUFl2ZjhhLU1hWWJPdmtSUWltdmxuWV8zdkZrd29WWGMyZzd6Um5oS0M1VGZROHRlMk1aOW1lLW8xTHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobF9WMTYzSXdWdkFDTlNnZGN2SGlYazlqMzJaN1IwWEFNWlRhX0djeGhFZW8zcllsVUpyV3VEOFR5VnZ6M0JxXzlBOWE4R2RYOFQ5a0stRFRkeHBBUE1rQzhMekhTMGtVQnVpMDFFOEFadks0N2NwWlp0b2U3ZXl4dl9GLXp1T201NG1LN2YtNC04Tkw3TDN2aVlieE1tb19qZGhRTWF5cEF0d1F6SG9WXzIxb29TMEU5cGoyaVIzT25QRFdzWXdjR1RpOVlfa0xzalFnZFNtU2phZ2d2UT09 |
Thanks for the heads up! | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMUU2bTh6RkQ0a3NfNEp5cUxaWTRzWGRGVEZqeWFSazJDYnFBZUtDMEF1NHU5Y2FiZ0RqeWNQMlY2TmtZY2JQLTBwSGVZdXVPTEpvNi1ibEVSOERGcFIyQi16Ql9oaGMxQ0ZpR0ZuaWl6TFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoT1dnLVY5WlJxUDVGdVYtcUZ3akF0bWFfUl9yMWRnaEVySk9pdWtveVZnbkVDYjlhYXgtOVJSS0VIN1J1NWNQdkFsQTFHV0tZZmxmM1Ixam5VWUhJX1A4MGViZEZRazFFT2pqTXBieFFmZWdZSmVVTWJGT2xIRU5zc3hra0lRTk53NkVJUGwzYzVNdVpsRldBZmVaYi1JNWpUbVR0YTJCbW9CSTR0Q1ptUjYwPQ== |
I was wondering can we make transactions without priority fee and bribe. I know priority fee is used to make you transition fast and bribe is used so that jito can accept our order.
Furthermore, I saw a ytube video where a person was saying if you are trading less than 0.1 sol then you should not use any priority fee and bribe.
Just wanted to know, will it work. Thanks | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeW9qby1uaF9tZlZfZE45MEhQZWNZVVBjUTFMSnVNUjdWcHFqYUxxcjRrV05pMDIzLXF1VlB5TUV5bmhJV2pzZmhqbVd0OGhfWTNLQWk0bE1URWtQQ0lIM2ZqSk94TDZUei14TGw1V1o2WTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOFdVZ0VLX1FyMEtSbmZqbEQzRV84NXN4T0NzYWFRSEpZTjFkYVMzZkRrRGZCQnJ5X002TWV5RjMxeHJ4ODc4OXlnSXNQSHJoLTg4clZ1SkVLRVNGYm55cjR5QTd1bm4tam1sMl9Idmp6dlpiVTFaZENmR0t0YjRUOWU2U0dacWFfdzIyZEhnQy1tejNLckM1eENZS0pWdVd0TXZBQ19DSm1nMmdVUnZRcUgwPQ== |
it is inevitable and obvious, i think 5k is realistic even | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVUdJbW5sWDNrRFNCMXRCTGRlc2xnWVk0SWNwZXZHTS1hQlhTSHZsNnd4X3NaUDZpX2RHRE12a1JtUFNQVmpUY2xVcnZ6RUdGb1hwa2lnbWsybzNmVV9zUzhSZ20yWXFkaFVqQmhfNDhlMXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSmNrRjUzVmF6UXRGajZqUmF6Tkw3ajRzaHdZdTU0SGlPcWNwNWhqUV9BN1AzQXRFTF80QjJ0ZzRtUjV6VHZRc3JRSTUwMEE3Y3NwUzBrTFY1SWxNUmF3eXM1Y25WQTl4NGYyOXBYdzJ6WV9RR09nQUpxM0Z5UEEzeVEtUVR3WWJva3lCbkNVSnlldWNTRnozaXk4Y2hXaUNVT3FMeEdyUEh5eXRYN05haGNEQWphbUtYUnhXVkFvSkdwakNsMWpyV3A1OWkzaTBoUVVrbmh4ejVJMElMQT09 |
I just got banned. So touchy! I didn’t say anything mean. I can’t even remember what it was. How about you? | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUDJlTVN6WkZHYlJ6TGVDUkIxaDBVS0wwcDVvZDkyMUxPOFNoXzE0LS1wT01xaHdEZmFrWnN2aW94UFE0X1VaeEowMS1vcjBDRmxXbFBUNk5xcWV4UGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQ0UyMW9YQnk5ZmZmX1JyeHkzd0Rjb2trMjc1Mkl6Vnd0Nm55Y1pRQ3JBRVBSVjBvYjdzdW9Gc0lpajdhR1AxNXVQbWJwcVhDNDVoQ3h0dWczVTYwZUpMWV9WZWU1ZVdnZ2J5RTJKYmdyY2lKTUFLZXpsUThrRGQ4Wm0ya2xfajR4eFNYOVlPbHlZcTJ2ZDItVDQ5UXR4cmVXVmkybmJ0MW9iSjU5QVJKNkEyTkJRZ3FyZnFhWEVObWkwcnhXWS1V |
A few exciting updates for Solana users!
VinuChain is now more connected to Solana than ever! Wanchain has deployed new bridges allowing users to transfer a number of assets across these to chains such as:
- VINU: VinuChain ↔️ Solana
- USDT: VinuChain ↔️ Solana
- USDC: VinuChain ↔️ Solana
- SOL: VinuChain ↔️ Solana
What Makes VinuChain Special?
- Feeless Transactions: Unlike most blockchains, VinuChain offers a determinably feeless experience.
- Scalability: Built on a DAG ledger structure, VinuChain ensures lightning-fast and highly scalable performance.
Why This Matters for Solana Users:
- Enhanced Liquidity: With these new routes, trading and swapping on Solana becomes even more efficient.
- Expanding Opportunities: Now you can tap into the unique advantages of both ecosystems.
Use [Wanchain's bridge](http://bridge.wanchain.org) to transfer assets and find the token details [here](http://wanscan.org/tokens). | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRmR5Mm1sZFVoWjNFaHpkX2VpWXlpWms2TXpWOWxhOGdsUTlxQ3lLVE8xZGVUUTNnUW9IMW5LZTJ2b0tkdnlaRE00TEhTWGZlMlFNb21HQXFkQzhjYXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodGxVOHAxWGJVeFAxbGl2alRhTnlRTzUwdUQ0endFQVk5M2lvMjhLNTdlMFdRX3VnSVlLSGtFX1BEZl92RVo3MG53aVZlY0VEdWk1TkRiMVl1d1AzOWdCRGJrbTNDWjFzT1Z4RUpoMVY2V2pSaDR6TjJzMjdpMFdxdGdZY3E1TGVTOXhBcmk0YWlzMXFKMzZfNkM5a0dvaVZvR1Rua2pkMHRnY1dvNDdqZ3VWaDRZQTVGeXQtTVI4ZVZ3cDZPNV85 |
XRP ETF filing: https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2024/12/02/ripple-suddenly-braced-for-an-xrp-etf-earthquake-after-price-explosion-to-rival-bitcoin-and-ethereum/
Grayscale seems to be dragging their feet regarding converting their BCHG fund to an ETF since the DCG company that owns them is arbitraging the premium of their inefficient fund. Massive conflict of interest. Once someone else files, they will probably try to match it with their own application.
Once BCH gets an ETF, then options, which are basically cheap loans will skyrocket it more. Added bonus is the liquidity will actually help merchants and payment processors. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaW54b2JvdU5tOXczVUx6Y2dxdVpXMmVid0dSWGVsVExkOVhZZ1I5YjJnZmtUa295Q3BuSVptVjBKcnRBcWk4dlE2dlRtOEZFX1FubmEtWkwzX1NPY1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMktmMGxnaUFHOTFOdGM1MVFRMk53S0NCM1RWZ0pNZEFmMncwVWFGeFFUSXdlcHBGR1cyYXU3ZUEzRWFoTlR6RlpnVWpZNTFqRmdtUzhUdGxHYVJlR2JyZXhnbjZoRGtpcmFWZTRCMVl0QzJpeXN1amMyaUZoeGFWQzMyV2habDEwUVBxTDkzVkpuc2I4X2NOWndqVXRQaG1qR19aUXBvclZXUkFSRGJDQzEzLUMtaHVGREtCRFVCcnc5SkdORWtPWEw2ekI3emt0Si1qdzFqVDVVUW9JUT09 |
Yes. Does require a login but you don’t need to provide payment details. Only an email | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWUtRQ05Yd29HNWxsb1QxUUVIVjhvb0gwYWdGV1l6WTAtMUs5Wi02UFNyeFR2N1RyMThTbTQ5TjZ1Q1Y2NGxKcFpPRWsxNEkwV0ZEOXU0WjVsdm5IRUcwcVA2Um9aLTBKTTU1UG5WX0lSd289 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWW5PR1BGXzgzVHpBUUpFNmc1SVNZQUg3M0g1aWUyalZnMEFoT0xHM3RYNGVpMjZFQ0hSOXIyV2hCMk1HeXVtTlJLREY5VHNyRjFRcUhVM1hmMm83Z3lvMU8yVHg1eEFoaWtFWEZON1pseE9yaHZfUjcwSFhuS0JxblZrVkV0NUNNdmRKbW5xT3dPSDJFWVJfdTJwZUpSZlRMZFV3NTNGSGFjdU0xdEJDVjVmZXd5TzZBbkR6Z1dsMnlrV3BDY0pZMHNydVZ4RUxwN2N0MzlTTU00Si00QT09 |
Could you recommend some knowledgeable YouTubers who actually provide insightful content? Specifically, I'm looking for creators who have analyzed and discussed Bittensor TAO in depth. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTmt0Tkg3ZXZ0cmhxYUdxcmwxeDhPT0lDYUxOa2hITzBvUVBSU1F2a2hKdDlEN1RXVTdqNDJvUDhyVXJxbVVxSlNDSnR5LTU2eXlLZkpqV1VuN3JBT0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOUFwcWlILUpBUGctSTdDRS1XRURsa0lxejlZbTh5TlJqa05GVnYtaVF2eDlDR18yUDdBYzcwc18xcTd2TEljZl85YUxibW9ubEFSb2lDWEQxWnRtOE40RGhDbVJEU0szRU5HUFExVzB5NTl0WExvY2V5WW1iWDZubWNWeVpOR1hRX21yYzkwT1FKa1hMblY1NXVUbi1wcS1lOXFqQmdzOXVmVTRQM3g5bVRPbXU1SXhESVFlTHIwU2c1b3h4dC1UTFluUzB0cVJuRnlhQVRnbEpkdDBkQT09 |
One of the best places to trade and earn yield on Bitcoin Cash is Cauldron and I couldn't let this pass without writing something about this DEX! Amazing interface, upgraded features and all specifications that are "killer" in the space. Let's share awareness on this and put the Bitcoin Cash on top and for all Crypto industry to see. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWHlxNk0yMUdaVGZHMkFlQjNNNl95STFhazdISVd1bl9hNHJwUU50eE5CWnpfZDBvSEJRcVp4ZVFRSzRONS1KX3ZKQy1nckVnUUsyVkk2TGpycWM3Y2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVkcwbXh6WTh2Ri1oTzRVcmNOZXcxX2hhbmk5ZmhZaHptaVlQYjJXczk1elhmN21WcXdqYUlZNFRLY3JYeUlZUFhucjZhNUt0UHdqN1FyTkh1dThRVzExc0FGZXc4RWQyUkp0eFdTRmd4c3NSZWpWaHBmTG50XzdHLTRJU2IyQkU2bWxmcTlvbzd2MmhWaGMzT213c0xiLUxUNXF6d21pOWFhbGZnQ0Y0Q3BVNVprNThsd1Rva3NFbV9Kc0hWMlhq |
I remember using a website which had many graphs about monero such as tx count, monero inflation, node size etc. I couldn't find it. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc3gyZ1BFOEsyS1dEODNQMTdBLXppdHFzaGxJaW1waFkyMTRwaU0yV19JcWNKMHUyYXNMOV95R1RieFg1ZUFrdkF0Z1lqaHRQalQyT0VENVhzVFROZEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMzlBLVY1YVhNRndpRldFVkhUUXNJcEFyWmNIdWE5bGJkcmM1V0VyRk9lZWdyYnZ4WnEzRFFhQUYzMTFRank4YTNPSUVHcnQzTzVaSFJvdy1SRkVpeFJRZWVzalktY05DcE5LNEFfWlFmQkpoUzA0eG13RTlYVENMQ2VJeTllSmxsV0RURFlLM2RYamNWSF8xZ1p5dVpxeHBHSzg4ZGxGU2RCaTZoR0lWdFpoUE9kZ0pTbGlqNmljeWhBRGI3T3lF |
Hi, sorry I’m new on reddit so forgive me if I’m not allowed to post here
But what’s this? Who owns that? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVkxwR2pSTFdTX2dxT2RmWkpYMW5ZRF9CRUhLcWhJY0dKR2J6X2xsX0huTzlNVG5zaDRpZ3BqZy1UVGhucFVfWWJINFYzNl9SVkJjV0QzQWMwb2cxQWVFSGU4YWRLSTdRTmJmVlJHbHhzSVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNWVOZURGcmE2OWpPeUpxYmJBa1ZqVUJkLWdyV0VINWl2cVBWREk3aDZmWUwwWDVqNmxQdDhJd0c1akFxTXJEN0dnR2FMUGtyQ21BTTJTSnZNcW9aWW5POE1DYVRxOWZqNDVoaUdLdDVFbmlrZzZrSHRub01taFdoYWJLa3ZRcVpPQWp4U0VfSFp5RUhoZWp5QVZ5aUgzUGtxb1M5N0JTaXFBa1JaMnc3SEhjPQ== |
What’s this ?! Every time I try to connect this to blocks out, it comes up with this.
| r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMU83LWR4LTl1WlFCck1rWUYxQmk3bVBLeTExcFpVMVNIUnFTeUowVGQzd2M0ZURiUzg0QW0yN0RvMXpER3Z2clpiUWlBXzB2SF83T1BMdkZ6cFZEaEc0YXBNT1hUVVBrcU00azNQSkJHMFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUFROdF9mejU4OUJuUXhweFJBOGZYU1I5XzBtT2xIUnVmZlpVTzZDV0xqZWoyNHlqQzFHUkM2cmk2dEZDNjF1ZUpHcGxjVG5FQ0hCd2RmNlN1UjgyaUIyOVFsYmVxN2MwdVltSjdFWThEbGZucEZLTlVYNzRZLXB2NkFMNUlfbDI3Y21XWU1MSWt5cnNqX1RrWEFmUlJ3PT0= |
Does anyone have a method for paying for Starlink or other ISP with Monero?
I was able to activate service with a virtual Visa card from [stealths.net](http://stealths.net), but the next month I could not update with a new card because Visa blocks transactions deemed as "recurring". | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNmdIVUsxQ3F2Y05ldTdEZE0zR2h3ZXZBNmFzNDhvZWlyaXBici1EbmhIakdjaVBnS2kzVC1icGljQXFFNDV1VHlLaERaUGptbGNMbjdwWHJWcVpFaHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRDlQWWYtMHp5UHUzdWVTUUFFV2hRMWhYR2xsel9qVTdXQU5hUGlPTVZhdEtYTEoyeUNfMGJrXzdqQmQ0QU4tR19VQ0lDTGxTVTNqLWhqNmpleDdSRkNsRS1uVU5WQW5xaU5mdktYNUxsZG9MRlk2aGNib2FVS2RaQmRlS2hkcTJ0bEVlcnpfRlp5U3lkbGgxcThfZmxqX2lYa0c4TzJoRUt2ZFJqRTlJQTI0VkdxbFR1QXhwRlNWa1hDUGM3eTJu |
As the text says, I had made a dumb mistake about a month ago and I put my key into a website thinking it was legit. 1.3k later and a few days ago I see that it’s all gone. What can I do to try and get it back? I made a report on the FBI’s cyber security website, anything else I can do? Thanks
Posted on r/btc because bitcoin won’t let me post for some reason | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoM294TnpHLU1HMi12NHl0SC1VVWdseV9uUUlKVDVXNzRJSkEtQ3lpZXVzTTlqVzZwWnYtRktNc2VBd20yRHEwRXM3VFd4cXNqcURFMXBsUEZMZUdnOVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodmhzTnc2N19wMDZQRXV3QjdWRHJTaDh2OWNYeUJPZkxTN1dBclBmMVNqT2F1c3h2c2d1RnNoM3VoTTYyaUdEbGt0NUJGRUNxNlRzS1U4RkhtOGlNcjFuaFhWZHExVzlPMnh5LXlPVm5ROWJ4RENOekxSblJwdWVzNENSemJZVmNVQ29ya2lvX2pYR3NjUDRTeHNDdnc5a010N25ZQWhuVlVkTTgwRDFPYWZwX1htdEs1V09tNUJqVU1ST1VEUy1y |
Barely any, if you have crypto knowledge you invest and make millions and don’t need a youtube channel.
Best to listen to podcasts hosted by Keith or others around the ecosystem who are building on Bittensor. | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVjZMNUxDWmwyUTZuak5uVzc2Q1dNVVFZSFVGUXlTNFJoSE83ZTNNVUY4TVlJYUgxWUdvelhBMm9tZ2JUX3A1cjZQSmxRUUt5WExJQjhaU3J3WmZBdFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobHpqVk9ydjktUUxpdElaRUFtMEFvT1NVeVlQTldUb2s1Y0pGcjd5Q253TTJIVjJqMkMydjQ3QjY4UUtTQ1JGTTZiTVlINDEtVktfUkI0VzNxaUp1QXVrOGtyYTdJcW9HXzFwa2Q4NEtreDQ4cFZMbk1ZbjV5WUtJRlNLbDJ0ckc2OUxfQ3VnT2hRTUl1Y1FoM0JhTks0ZGtYTGJNaTdqMjl6c0lhNVp4ZVBKZFNMSXJ6ZGl3dk9iR1lGT1RQTm0wdWszYzdKREFEaDJfMzFYcDVTYmNTN3JrRm1EbHdpNnotN2ptX3BPSHJrMD0= |
I'll toot my own horn: YouTube.com/@taostats
TaoTemplar also has good content:
https://youtube.com/@taotemplar | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodVRneFJZMzdlMi1LMzN5ZTZjR3lMRWZwcjFUT0t1NjE0WXBPMWFJeGhxME94em5HZnVkS1JQMmE5aURFbUtqWWRRd2ZpNGVFSE5aZnFoejVmZ2xyQ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoU24xY2o2N2s3YU1VaVQ2UzJsZlNRREdXWWE0QkRPMVdvOEZhNDlXaEtLcFBnVnFVRlFvRkpsUjNPZHA2ZDlLOFBhU3FCeEdtYnBOT1Z6akJLXzJ5S1dHWEFlV1BsOUNEeEtCVlZpbFh3elFXQm5wd3dmZTZFODRyVVJNRjB5TExJSVJ2WnpxVzJYTE9VVm1aRlFfUHJhQUJBa3ZSWVlhYXAtWEctdWpKb2VfRU51RE53ZXozRXRjelFEVTFjR2FDSlB6eGw5MHRlQzVEaS1RTTdSeGk3M25EaHVwcC1Rb3FVNGlCdFVGTGp0ST0= |
Swapping tokens across chains has never been easier.
Kudos to the Nova Wallet team! | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeF9Ga1hvb3dEbWU2ejd5LXlvZUpkdVR3NzY2eThNdmJLdThFTk0xc0ZDSmRwZ1FobERTekhybzJ5Y0hfSWFFaF9ZeC10YXZPQ20xYmxMUVJLREpJQV9QNUtfc25PdXNVRWd1UGxaYU5fM3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTG9iaGVMR1hkMEplck5VRHJBSG9YVkNMbmR3a011MElWMmtFaFQ5QVlkQmdIVkNLdWdiYk42ZzN5Rjc1NXl5X2RCQ0V3aDVOV2RqQ182ZzcyTl8yeGdhb0NRaXBYM0lPTzZua2dkWEdUd3VFSnFXWDJ6OWpfbmg1bkpfbkhZdFV3azBFTlFLekNfV1I3SmJzRG9IZm1kU1o5T1RMbUhqRld0V2tZWDFnSUZBUnpBMlh1ZWpBUWRkc1hxWm1VZlBmaEF5ZjB1NnlKclJGb1k2Qlk2a1VDZz09 |
[Monerica.com](https://t.co/gunCob3HQT) \- is of course a cool and very useful project for spreading XMR as money, but, do we have something like this? - [https://btcmap.org](https://btcmap.org) | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUENNVVgzVnNBbVFZR1JwMC1fT1llSEFqVUlRS2o4VjZKTmVOQjg3VlBUUDNFRjhka2tPei1BT2JSVnBLOFNDSWlnem1PaXMtNC0yVGdURFE0ZTAzUlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocUVKU0UwWEdTd3o5U0dNV2M1ZnEzUnp3N2RUMDVUOWxxM0p4MVlpaHBmel9XU1dJRktCWF9NT1BVOUFhV1NCbm8zdEprMlpBUDFaNHdBQ2pLRE1DV05ORGZvT3lSSUFjSnF4V1ZCNW5DQkF2NlhpUXZjMG1VcUdBMGtZc2E3c2xhM2pVVzNHR0piOHV3dUEyVFdHbjNCWC1CZUtLc0dWY0NyU2l1em5Wei0xNm15TWNMbFROWEZ2c1hLMUo3aVFGM2hES3ZHR3lKSUQxNEhXUjFCcmRvQT09 |
Welcome bruv | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTXlaaGlFQ290NERqUmNqN2lva3JTb1hJa3A2WlZVSURrNjN0WThFejdka0JmZEVvMVRpTUNhcC1QYUJlT2N5dV9QV2Z5RkRxdGo3c1E2bU56QkNmemc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoLWhuT2psdE1Bb1pIUmVzcE1HRDlYeXdKbi1hYWxHeko0VkNiaWVOeXpqYkZ4bUFYMWFQaC04WjhZZkxWeUY4TjNGbUVobG8tcVg2NFQ3UllRaEdXUENLZ09jU0t3SVBXaWJwNlFqR0hlU0ZjWmswR3B4TnV1TjZqOTE2ZVZOWlBoRGFaeE9KTUtLeUt5RVRUb05hYWJaTnc4SHRZMEFRVGkxazBLY3RMQjI5N0hVVEs1MW00eEtjRF9ZMWpKbk54SEF2bWo4ZDQwYzBkRkVMdVlmRjhCQT09 |
I have completed a lot of transactions for buying DOT on Nova wallet through Banxa before. And everything worked okay yesterday.
Today I wanted to buy some additional DOT, and everything is ok except when I get to payment. I authorize the payment and after a few seconds it just says that “there is an issue with the card, please contact your card provider or try other card. Please try again.”
I checked everything, I have money on my account…
If anyone had a similar experience I would greatly appreciate any advice!
Hello, I recently transferred a small amount of Sol to phantom. I put them in stake. I want to understand how I can see the amount of reward of my sol. Sorry for the English but I had it translated from Italian. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTldCcy1LTktkU3NyakxoZENnVzBxc2c4a3k5QXBuSTZWRTJsMkUwRVg1NUxoY19hZ0NlVlNmN1FIVVlHVXFLR0RjdUhPTThHRXlTN1VCYTkyd1QzQlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMS1ySnpHZWlPdGQtczczc3JIQnFiWnRSdXIzT0luR3Y1ZU96d2RJekdWR3Vsd1pKMF85dXJ3Q0JhMkEtRERCWi1HQTBxZ25KcGxjV0NqMFVfU2V4Rk8weW9TOWxKOHhwS1Zyc29ydUQ4UTk5anhDSGtrUXdYaG9sLV9WdEQzb2dyNEp6QmpocFNTaEN4OXNuT0RNWlJYOTQ3TWNfXzhxRTlDWTFUNFFueURJPQ== |
We are excited to announce the official opening of **XMRGlobal**, a **privacy-first P2P Monero exchange**! 🎉
At this stage, we are still **testing functionalities**, so there may be some bugs or issues. If you encounter any problems, please report them to help us improve the platform.
🔒 **Key Features**:
✅ **No KYC** – Your privacy is our priority.
⚡ **No JavaScript** – Lightweight, secure, and easy to use.
🌐 **Accessible via Tor** – For enhanced privacy. (Currently only functional on Tor, but we’ll be live on the regular internet soon!)
We’re working hard to ensure a seamless experience for all users, and your feedback is invaluable. Stay tuned for updates, and thank you for being part of our journey!
💬 Feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback.
**🔗 Website:** [https://xmrglobal.com](https://xmrglobal.com)
**🔗 Tor Access:** [http://xmrglobalbtadqwzhwohwlonc252y5zfdv3ssoob35n5pb3wrghsvvyd.onion/](http://xmrglobalbtadqwzhwohwlonc252y5zfdv3ssoob35n5pb3wrghsvvyd.onion/)
Let’s keep Monero private and free! 🚀
\#Monero #Privacy #Decentralization #P2PExchange | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoT3pVXzBPeFEwRV9GeU13N2VqeEhpNURUY296MVRwNkFRQWljTU1RVFplTkx5eEFZSHRiRWdfT3RmVnR6QnEyYlRRbzlNOVFaWEhpMGktTUN3QlB6WEQxSEJsMVZlamN1Q3N4U0c5am5HWVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWWtHSFJjQXBaMVNwNzlTbFVUUk1ELUYtMnRnY2FGYlZMNWhwVzZVZkQtRkFtTzZvU1VNdTVqbW1Db3lLQVpNUWxXS0tVR092LVFnbkRXMzR6dF8wbksxWkhnbElVb0xEenFQZURJeG5yUDU1cXQ0OGROSFJaemdOeWZjV2VaMmhNcWR2ZnA0X2VXSHg5Ui0yWUhCUl9UOW1mOGh2dHFTeFdmbEgwcDM2dE9FPQ== |
Just f*** hitbtc. Yes i was not checking my account every day, but to take all my crypto out because of Inactivity. Hard lesson learned. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOHA1Wm9uMXpRNk1jZmpvT09YX2ppOVJyT0E2MVdpb0ZlazFvNkVtVDZmYVpLRlh1Mm9lbEY5Q2dHSGpKZ2RyZWpKdXc1NW16czk5SkhPT1dicVlOYUl1c2d6cmZhSHprVE5ZeGZnQVpBazQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodDg2LWRmd3JaMDM1YTUtb3l3MG8wc1NCQU8xbEtDY3Juc0xaamRxeVNjRUFqMWg4cTgza0E0TV9PTnktSXRZaU9qUkxvY3hKR3djcGFhLURzTGxlTnBtSEowU1NXVnFxQm8zV0pQME9EUUFHRVI3TGh3TG5OR3BrbzRDTkc2d2V0akt5OFpLVUR4ZUMtM3J1dFpIT2x1TW92d0VaZFk4MHVsLWdJNUYxT0xGVmdISmxTTUwwVktFT0xWNFZNQXJ0NGswc2c1cUNiOEEzZEJyb3FwdGJVQT09 |
I've recently come across several ads online promoting crypto payment cards. They sound pretty intriguing, and I'm tempted to try one out. From what I understand, these cards allow you to spend cryptocurrency in everyday transactions, which seems like a cool way to integrate crypto into regular life. However, before diving in, I want to make sure I fully understand how they work and if there are any significant downsides.
For instance, do crypto cards function just like ordinary debit or credit cards? Are there any differences I should be aware of? One thing that really puzzles me is how payments are calculated given that the value of cryptocurrencies can change drastically in a short amount of time. For example, if I make a purchase, how do I know exactly how much I’m paying in crypto versus fiat currency? Is the exchange rate locked in at the time of the transaction, or is there some other mechanism to determine this?
Additionally, I’m curious about potential fees. Are there hidden costs for converting crypto into fiat, transaction fees, or anything else that might make these cards less appealing?
I’d love to hear from people who already use crypto payment cards but all information is welcome. | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR3NpMFNEYWhLbW1tNXJPVGxXOFZ0bTFzTkh5QVExSGExVEQtOXh5YU04QXEyU2ZaQzFfbkExMzJXM2pHaGY5ZnpCeEsxV2lneld1TlZuTVE1YmtjNmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocGstMFlpWndNUG5DbC1oalppYWpvTmlaNzNnelNhQXV6bnE2elYtaWVWdlc5ZDQzQ3dUMnk3TjVWVHI2SXBoSFFGUXlkX01tNVc4UXBZS3dfOWtTWE5rSFVJRjVLWjIxVnRoUE1CaG44bXF5Mnl1SUhtZWVTaVVTeUxxaGpYLWZCdVFpMkxrem9zcU1mMEZ2LTVid0JrZTRpNUZMcmxSbXVHOXJWdG5odkNvc05ldEI4dDJ4UzgwQjlRMndqaUt6UkNFSmIwWVNaMllnY0ZPNjdkNjBvZz09 |
They make videos for income, that should tell u enough | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTWVsSmxYd2l3YWNncWpRdlNzdmo2RXkwSHZVVVRGbnBwZnlpYUVDc2kyUzRSTGU4ZVI5TVZ6bUxjN09nMEUzc3p3OVVjdDFiRHktejcwOXBDTGt4clE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoX0E4X245OUVaeFItQ0tEMGwzZ1BCWDlhbjZyb1VFYzMyUTZ1LWdIV1dSX3JrMTVwNnlVVGNrbTMtbHJfNGlvemUzdDhkMUpiUTJpNEluY0xsaml4T1RtV3V1bTRfUE5fR0lYcndUT2FuY3Iwa2xHVGJpWTZiZjBDWkY0ZFhPY09VeVNwNzIwUEFCOWtXQ1BMaUlxSHNiQzh3cTU3dDdIalRuc2pkU2t3RlozekU4NVJRY1l3SnhheWNQUlo5ejFYeFRoeTkzako5XzlYZ3VwOE1kWXpNRXBVUFpTektRUGpTOFFZbGx4UDRhMD0= |
Mostly focusing on the lowest fee's, but also taking into account security, feautures, speed, reliabiltiy, etc. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocjd5dHo4RDI5MG1tajE2OHZ2OGpLOEN6U21kMk9oRVg4aDVYZVRYRU81TEhIVzRxa25qN05mck4zbXhGczI2eHFJTjZ3M1pMbG9mWVJNQkVKMlNUMUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc080bXVlcW5VcTB0RlN0ZFAwRUNDenVyNERnMm9EYkVvSDE3dGlPSXlpQmU2OHN6TkxJcE1leGllMzhCWGtGY0RVc0ZTSW5udHQ5eG5jY1c1cy1IRFdzRkg1ODgwY19yU0EwN2xVeHo4RVhxV0JGVnpNdTk4YVFLSm52ZTlDRzRZVXA1bEprZVhWTWxtc29adzJ1T3ZBbDRuenJFVk0wUFJyb2pBRzBnQzY2dzdOUHlzbS0tTk1TWFpubkVfdmx3Z21WLU10QU9LOS01dnpMdGg4UFEyZz09 |
Oh oops | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoT2NTUVdib1BRTWVkNkVHbDVSeXY0Mk1TRVpiRmZic0hqems3YjNYQkRKZFZLUGl4RF83aVFFdm53dTJBRHFGSXgtbkY2WXRTNVN3TW5tQ3RMbXJJUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZWhtQ0pyRy03d19MQVlQR2k3ZjVKME4yWDV5TGQ0LWg4eXM4NWVCeGRGOXlyOVFRUEJ0eHItdTU5b1diMUFyY1I2M3hQdDMzS2NCek5lYktPdHhEcXItNVF6aFNOR050UGZ1MVF3b3Aya3lkcUxjT1lkcy1XUTBTMUNYVlBrVDVkM2hDaF9vOGVXX3d2VFVPbDFNMVFISFdnbktfTGFXSGxURVZWSGhZSmpNT3Jod0FzV19oR1ZIaW9TOFdyT2J2 |