overture-places / README.md
do-me's picture
Update README.md
55ca9ed verified
license: mit
- feature-extraction
- en
- 10M<n<100M
# Overture Places
A lightweight frontend app using transformers.js showcasing the use of semantic similarity for geospatial applications such as geosocial media. Building on Overturempas Places, dynamically loading data from a singe 8Gb flatgeobuf file.
- App: https://do-me.github.io/overture-places/
- GitHub: https://github.com/do-me/overture-places
## Search the whole world with natural language!
Data on Huggingface: https://huggingface.co/datasets/do-me/overture-places
For running locally, simply download the two files from HF and edit main.js where the files are loaded. More detailed instructions coming soon.
The frontend code is messy and needs to be cleaned up. Probably won't find the time so feel free to submit a PR.