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import time
import numpy as np
import pyarrow as pa
from dora import DoraStatus
from constants import LOCATION
def check_clear_road(bboxes, image_width, goal_x):
Find the x-coordinate of the midpoint of the largest gap along the x-axis where no bounding boxes overlap.
- bboxes (np.array): A numpy array where each row represents a bounding box with
the format [min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, confidence, label].
- image_width (int): The width of the image in pixels.
- int: The x-coordinate of the midpoint of the largest gap where no bounding boxes overlap.
if bboxes.size == 0:
# No bounding boxes, return the midpoint of the image as the largest gap
return goal_x
events = []
for bbox in bboxes:
min_x, max_x = bbox[0], bbox[2]
events.append((min_x, "enter"))
events.append((max_x, "exit"))
# Include image boundaries as part of the events
(0, "exit")
) # Start of the image, considered an 'exit' point for logic simplicity
(image_width, "enter")
) # End of the image, considered an 'enter' point
# Sort events, with exits before enters at the same position to ensure gap calculation correctness
events.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1] == "enter"))
# Sweep line algorithm to find the largest gap
current_boxes = 1
last_x = 0
largest_gap = 0
gap_start_x = None
largest_gap_mid = None # Midpoint of the largest gap
for x, event_type in events:
if current_boxes == 0 and gap_start_x is not None:
# Calculate gap
gap = x - gap_start_x
gap_end_x = gap_start_x + x
if goal_x < gap_end_x and goal_x > gap_start_x:
return True
elif goal_x < gap_start_x:
return False
if event_type == "enter":
current_boxes += 1
if current_boxes == 1:
gap_start_x = None # No longer in a gap
elif event_type == "exit":
current_boxes -= 1
if current_boxes == 0:
gap_start_x = x # Start of a potential gap
return False
class Operator:
def __init__(self):
self.bboxs = None
self.time = time.time()
self.position = [0, 0, 0]
self.waypoints = None = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
self.count = 0
self.completed = True
self.image = None
self.goal = ""
self.current_location = "HOME"
def on_event(
dora_event: dict,
) -> DoraStatus:
if dora_event["type"] == "INPUT":
id = dora_event["id"]
if id == "image":
value = dora_event["value"].to_numpy()
self.image = value.reshape((CAMERA_HEIGHT, CAMERA_WIDTH, 3))
elif id == "control_reply":
value = dora_event["value"].to_numpy()[0]
if value == self.count:
self.completed = True
elif id == "set_goal":
self.goal = dora_event["value"][0].as_py()
print("got goal:", self.goal, flush=True)
if len(dora_event["value"]) > 0:
if self.goal != "":
self.waypoints = LOCATION[self.current_location][self.goal]
elif id == "position":
print("got position:", dora_event["value"], flush=True)
value = dora_event["value"].to_numpy()
[x, y, z] = value
self.position = [x, y, z]
if self.image is None:
print("no image", flush=True)
return DoraStatus.CONTINUE
## No bounding box yet
if self.completed == False:
print("not completed", flush=True)
return DoraStatus.CONTINUE
if self.waypoints is None:
print("no waypoint", flush=True)
return DoraStatus.CONTINUE
# Set Waypoints to None if goal reached
# Remove waypoints if completed
elif (
self.waypoints.shape[0] == 1
and np.linalg.norm(self.waypoints[0] - np.array([x, y])) < 0.2
print(f"goal {self.goal} reached", flush=True)
self.current_location = self.goal
f"reached_{self.goal.lower()}", pa.array(self.image.ravel())
self.waypoints = None
return DoraStatus.CONTINUE
elif (
self.waypoints.size > 0
and np.linalg.norm(self.waypoints[0] - np.array([x, y])) < 0.1
self.waypoints = self.waypoints[1:]
print("removing waypoints", flush=True)
z = np.deg2rad(z) = np.array([[np.cos(z), -np.sin(z)], [np.sin(z), np.cos(z)]])
goal =[0] - np.array([x, y]))
goal_camera_x = (
CAMERA_WIDTH * np.arctan2(goal[1], goal[0]) / np.pi
goal_angle = np.arctan2(goal[1], goal[0]) * 180 / np.pi
[x, y],
"Goal angle: ",
np.arctan2(goal[1], goal[0]) * 180 / np.pi,
"z: ",
"x: ",
"count: ",
self.count += 1
self.completed = False
message = pa.array(
self.waypoints[0][0] - x,
self.waypoints[0][1] - y,
0.0, # -goal_angle,
0.0, # 50,
print("sending:", message, flush=True)
return DoraStatus.CONTINUE