from pynput import keyboard from pynput.keyboard import Key, Events import pyarrow as pa from dora import Node from tkinter import Tk import tkinter as tk node = Node() buffer_text = "" ctrl = False submitted_text = [] cursor = 0 NODE_TOPIC = ["record", "send", "ask", "change"] with keyboard.Events() as events: while True: dora_event = if ( dora_event is not None and dora_event["type"] == "INPUT" and dora_event["id"] == "recording" ): buffer_text += dora_event["value"][0].as_py() node.send_output("buffer", pa.array([buffer_text])) continue event = events.get(1.0) if event is not None and isinstance(event, Events.Press): if hasattr(event.key, "char"): cursor = 0 if ctrl and event.key.char == "v": r = Tk() r.update() try: selection = r.clipboard_get() r.withdraw() r.update() except tk.TclError: selection = "" r.destroy() buffer_text += selection node.send_output("buffer", pa.array([buffer_text])) elif ctrl and event.key.char == "c": r = Tk() r.clipboard_clear() r.clipboard_append(buffer_text) r.update() r.destroy() elif ctrl and event.key.char == "x": r = Tk() r.clipboard_clear() r.clipboard_append(buffer_text) r.update() r.destroy() buffer_text = "" node.send_output("buffer", pa.array([buffer_text])) else: buffer_text += event.key.char node.send_output("buffer", pa.array([buffer_text])) else: if event.key == Key.backspace: buffer_text = buffer_text[:-1] node.send_output("buffer", pa.array([buffer_text])) elif event.key == Key.esc: buffer_text = "" node.send_output("buffer", pa.array([buffer_text])) elif event.key == Key.enter: node.send_output("submitted", pa.array([buffer_text])) first_word = buffer_text.split(" ")[0] if first_word in NODE_TOPIC: node.send_output(first_word, pa.array([buffer_text])) submitted_text.append(buffer_text) buffer_text = "" node.send_output("buffer", pa.array([buffer_text])) elif event.key == Key.ctrl: ctrl = True elif event.key == buffer_text += " " node.send_output("buffer", pa.array([buffer_text])) elif event.key == Key.up: if len(submitted_text) > 0: cursor = max(cursor - 1, -len(submitted_text)) buffer_text = submitted_text[cursor] node.send_output("buffer", pa.array([buffer_text])) elif event.key == Key.down: if len(submitted_text) > 0: cursor = min(cursor + 1, 0) buffer_text = submitted_text[cursor] node.send_output("buffer", pa.array([buffer_text])) elif event is not None and isinstance(event, Events.Release): if event.key == Key.ctrl: ctrl = False