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The Pre-He White Dwarfs in Eclipsing Binaries. I. WASP 0131+28 | We report the first $BV$ light curves and high-resolution spectra of the
post-mass transfer binary star WASP 0131+28 to study the absolute properties of
extremely low-mass white dwarfs. From the observed spectra, the double-lined
radial velocities were derived, and the effective temperature and rotational
velocity of the brighter, more massive primary were found to be $T_{\rm eff,1}
= 10,000 \pm 200$ K and $v_1\sin$$i$ = 55 $\pm$ 10 km s$^{-1}$, respectively.
The combined analysis of the {\it TESS} archive data and ours yielded the
accurate fundamental parameters of the program target. The masses were derived
to about 1.0 \% accuracy and the radii to 0.6 \%, or better. The secondary
component's parameters of $M_2 = 0.200 \pm 0.002$ M$_\odot$, $R_2 = 0.528 \pm
0.003$ R$_\odot$, $T_{\rm eff,2}$ = 11,186 $\pm$ 235 K, and $L_2 = 3.9 \pm 0.3$
L$_\odot$ are in excellent agreement with the evolutionary sequence for a
helium-core white dwarf of mass 0.203 M$_\odot$, and indicates that this star
is halfway through the constant luminosity phase. The results presented in this
article demonstrate that WASP 0131+28 is an EL CVn eclipsing binary in a thin
disk, which is formed from the stable Roche-lobe overflow channel and composed
of a main-sequence dwarf with a spectral type A0 and a pre-He white dwarf.
| astro-ph |
A Possible Origin of kHZ QPOs in Low-Mass X-ray Binaries | A possible origin of kHz QPOs in low-mass X-ray binaries is proposed. Recent
numerical MHD simulations of accretion disks with turbulent magnetic fields of
MRI definitely show the presence of two-armed spiral structure in quasi-steady
state of accretion disks. In such deformed disks, two-armed ($m=2$) c-mode
($n=1$) oscillations are excited by wave-wave resonant instability. Among these
excited oscillations, the fundamental in the radial direction ($n_r=0$) will be
the higher kHz QPO of a twin QPOs, and the first overtone ($n_r=1$) in the
radial direction will be the lower kHz QPO of the twin. A possible cause of the
twin high-frequency QPOs (HFQPOs) in BH X-ray binaries is also discussed.
| astro-ph |
The effects of driving time scales on heating in a coronal arcade | Context. The relative importance of AC and DC heating in maintaining the
temperature of the corona is not well constrained. Aims. Investigate the
effects of the characteristic time scales of photospheric driving on the
injection and dissipation of energy within a coronal arcade. Methods. We have
conducted three dimensional MHD simulations of foot point driving imposed on an
arcade. We modified the typical driving time scales to understand the
efficiency of heating obtained using AC and DC drivers. We considered the
implications for the injected Poynting flux and the nature of the energy
release in dissipative regimes. Results. For the same driver amplitude and
complexity, long time scale motions are able to inject a much greater Poynting
flux into the corona. Consequently, in non-ideal regimes, slow stressing
motions result in a greater increase in plasma temperature than for wave-like
driving. In dissipative simulations, Ohmic heating is found to be much more
significant than viscous heating. For all drivers in our parameter space,
energy dissipation is greatest close to the base of the arcade where the
magnetic field strength is strongest and at separatrix surfaces, where the
field connectivity changes. Across all simulations, the background field is
stressed with random foot point motions (in a manner typical of DC heating
studies) and even for short time scale driving, the injected Poynting flux is
large given the small amplitude flows considered. For long time scale driving,
the rate of energy injection was comparable to the expected requirements in
active regions. The heating rates were found to scale with the perturbed
magnetic field strength and not the total field strength. Conclusions.
Alongside recent studies which show power within the corona is dominated by low
frequency motions, our results suggest that in the closed corona, DC heating is
more significant than AC heating.
| astro-ph |
A new hard X-ray selected sample of extreme high-energy peaked BL Lac
objects and their TeV gamma-ray properties | Extreme high-energy peaked BL Lac objects (EHBLs) are an emerging class of
blazars with exceptional spectral properties. The non-thermal emission of the
relativistic jet peaks in the spectral energy distribution (SED) plot with the
synchrotron emission in X-rays and with the gamma-ray emission in the TeV range
or above. These high photon energies may represent a challenge for the standard
modeling of these sources. They are important for the implications on the
indirect measurements of the extragalactic background light, the intergalactic
magnetic field estimate, and the possible origin of extragalactic high-energy
neutrinos. In this paper, we perform a comparative study of the
multi-wavelength spectra of 32 EHBL objects detected by the Swift-BAT telescope
in the hard X-ray band and by the Fermi-LAT telescope in the high-energy
gamma-ray band. The source sample presents uniform spectral properties in the
broad-band SEDs, except for the TeV gamma-ray band where an interesting
bimodality seems to emerge. This suggests that the EHBL class is not
homogeneous, and a possible sub-classification of the EHBLs may be unveiled.
Furthermore, in order to increase the number of EHBLs and settle their
statistics, we discuss the potential detectability of the 14 currently TeV
gamma-ray undetected sources in our sample by the Cherenkov telescopes.
| astro-ph |
The baryon cycle of Seven Dwarfs with superbubble feedback | We present results from a high-resolution, cosmological, $\Lambda$CDM
simulation of a group of field dwarf galaxies with the "superbubble" model for
clustered SN feedback, accounting for thermal conduction and cold gas
evaporation. The initial conditions and the galaxy formation physics, other
than SN feedback, are the same as in Shen et al. (2014). The simulated luminous
galaxies have blue colors, low star formation efficiencies and metallicities,
and high cold gas content, reproducing the observed scaling relations of dwarfs
in the Local Volume. Bursty star formation histories and superbubble-driven
outflows lead to the formation of kpc-size DM cores when stellar masses reaches
$M_{*} > 10^6$ $M_{\odot}$, similar to previous findings. However, the
superbubble model appears more effective in destroying DM cusps than the
previously adopted "blastwave" model, reflecting a higher coupling efficiency
of SN energy with the ISM. On larger scale, superbubble-driven outflows have a
more moderate impact: galaxies have higher gas content, more extended stellar
disks, and a smaller metal-enriched region in the CGM. The two halos with
$M_{vir} \sim 10^9$ $M_{\odot}$, which formed ultra-faint dwarf galaxies in
Shen et al. (2014), remain dark due to the different impact of metal-enriched
galactic winds from two nearby luminous galaxies. The column density
distributions of H I, Si II, C IV and O VI are in agreement with recent
observations of CGM around isolated dwarfs. While H I is ubiquitous with a
covering fraction of unity within the CGM, Si II and C IV are less extended. O
VI is more extended, but its mass is only 11% of the total CGM oxygen budget,
as the diffuse CGM is highly ionised by the UVB. Superbubble feedback produces
C IV and O VI an order of magnitude higher column densities than those with
blastwave feedback. The CGM and DM cores are most sensitive probes of feedback
| astro-ph |
Type Ia supernovae have two physical width-luminosity relations and they
favor sub-Chandrasekhar and direct collision models - II. Color evolution | While the width-luminosity relation (WLR) among type Ia supernovae (slower is
brighter) is one of the best studied properties of this type of events, its
physical basis has not been identified convincingly. The 'luminosity' is known
to be related to a clear physical quantity -- the amount of $^{56}$Ni
synthesized, but the 'width' has not been quantitatively linked yet to a
physical time scale. We show that the recombination time of $^{56}$Fe and
$^{56}$Co from doubly to singly ionized states causes the typical observed
break in the color curve B-V due to a cliff in the mean opacities, and is a
robust width measure of the light curve, which is insensitive to radiation
transfer uncertainties. A simple photospheric model is shown to predict the
recombination time to an accuracy of $\sim5$ days, allowing a quantitative
understanding of the color WLR. Two physical times scales of the width
luminosity relation are shown to be set by two column densities -- the total
column density which sets the gamma-ray escape time $t_0$ (previous Paper I)
and the $^{56}$Ni column density which sets the recombination time (this Paper
II). Central detonations of sub-$\rm M_{ch}$ WDs and direct WD collision models
have gamma-ray escape times and recombination times which are consistent with
observations across the luminosity range of type Ia's. Delayed detonation
Chandrasekhar mass models have recombination times that are broadly consistent
with observations, with tension at the bright end of the luminosity range and
inconsistent gamma-ray escape times at the faint end.
| astro-ph |
Fast and Automated Peak Bagging with DIAMONDS (FAMED) | Stars of low and intermediate mass that exhibit oscillations may show tens of
detectable oscillation modes each. Oscillation modes are a powerful to
constrain the internal structure and rotational dynamics of the star, hence
tool allowing one to obtain an accurate stellar age. The tens of thousands of
solar-like oscillators that have been discovered thus far are representative of
the large diversity of fundamental stellar properties and evolutionary stages
available. Because of the wide range of oscillation features that can be
recognized in such stars, it is particularly challenging to properly
characterize the oscillation modes in detail, especially in light of large
stellar samples. Overcoming this issue requires an automated approach, which
has to be fast, reliable, and flexible at the same time. In addition, this
approach should not only be capable of extracting the oscillation mode
properties of frequency, linewidth, and amplitude from stars in different
evolutionary stages, but also able to assign a correct mode identification for
each of the modes extracted. Here we present the new freely available pipeline
FAMED (Fast and AutoMated pEak bagging with DIAMONDS), which is capable of
performing an automated and detailed asteroseismic analysis in stars ranging
from the main sequence up to the core-Helium-burning phase of stellar
evolution. This, therefore, includes subgiant stars, stars evolving along the
red giant branch (RGB), and stars likely evolving toward the early asymptotic
giant branch. In this paper, we additionally show how FAMED can detect rotation
from dipolar oscillation modes in main sequence, subgiant, low-luminosity RGB,
and core-Helium-burning stars. FAMED can be downloaded from its public GitHub
repository (https://github.com/EnricoCorsaro/FAMED).
| astro-ph |
The MUSE view of the planetary nebula NGC 3132 | ABRIDGED: 2D spectroscopic MUSE data for the whole extent of NGC3132 have
been reduced and analised. The dust extinction, electron densities and
temperatures of the ionised gas and abundances were determined. The nebula
presents a complex reddening structure with high values (c(Hb)~0.4) at the rim.
Density maps are compatible with an inner high-ionisation plasma at moderate
high density (~1000cm^-3) while the low-ionisation plasma presents a structure
in density peaking at the rim with values ~700 cm^-3. Median Te using different
diagnostics decreases according to the sequence
[NII],[SII]->[SIII]->[OI]->HeI->PJ. Likewise the range of Te covered by
recombination lines is much larger than those obtained from CELs, with large
spatial variations within the nebula. If these differences were due to the
existence of high density clumps, these spatial variations suggest changes in
the properties and/or distribution of the clumps within the nebula. We
determined a median He/H=0.124. The range of measured ionic abundances for
light elements are compatible with literature values. Our kinematic analysis
nicely illustrates the power of 2D kinematic information in many emission lines
to shed light on the intrinsic structure of the nebula. Our derived velocity
maps support a geometry for the nebula similar to the previously propose
diabolo model, but oriented with its major axis at P.A.~-22^o. We identified
two low-surface brightness arc-like structures towards the northern and
southern tips of the nebula, with high extinction, high helium abundance, and
strong low-ionisation emission lines. They are spatially coincident with some
extended low-surface brightness mid-IR emission. The characteristics of the
features are compatible with being the consequence of precessing jets caused by
the binary star system. This study illustrates the enormous potential of IFS
for the study of Galactic PNe.
| astro-ph |
Estimating fast transient detection pipeline efficiencies at UTMOST via
real-time injection of mock FRBs | Dedicated surveys using different detection pipelines are being carried out
at multiple observatories to find more Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). Understanding
the efficiency of detection algorithms and the survey completeness function is
important to enable unbiased estimation of the underlying FRB population
properties. One method to achieve end-to-end testing of the system is by
injecting mock FRBs in the live data-stream and searching for them blindly.
Mock FRB injection is particularly effective for machine-learning-based
classifiers, for which analytic characterisation is impractical. We describe a
first-of-its-kind implementation of a real-time mock FRB injection system at
the upgraded Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (UTMOST) and present our
results for a set of 20,000 mock FRB injections. The injections have yielded
clear insight into the detection efficiencies and have provided a survey
completeness function for pulse width, fluence and DM. Mock FRBs are recovered
with uniform efficiency over the full range of injected DMs, however the
recovery fraction is found to be a strong function of the width and
Signal-to-Noise (SNR). For low widths ($\lesssim 20$ ms) and high SNR
($\gtrsim$ 9) the recovery is highly effective with recovery fractions
exceeding 90%. We find that the presence of radio frequency interference causes
the recovered SNR values to be systematically lower by up to 20% compared to
the injected values. We find that wider FRBs become increasingly hard to
recover for the machine-learning-based classifier employed at UTMOST. We
encourage other observatories to implement live injection set-ups for similar
testing of their surveys.
| astro-ph |
The 300-pc Scale ALMA View of [CI] $^3P_1$-$^3P_0$, CO $J$=1-0, and 609
$\mu$m Dust Continuum in A Luminous Infrared Galaxy | We present high-quality ALMA Band 8 observations of the [CI] $^3P_1$-$^3P_0$
line and 609 $\mu$m dust continuum emission toward the nearby luminous infrared
galaxy (LIRG) IRAS F18293-3413, as well as matched resolution (300-pc scale)
Band 3 CO $J=$1-0 data, which allow us to assess the use of the [CI]
$^3P_1$-$^3P_0$ line as a total gas mass estimator. We find that the [CI] line
basically traces structures detected in CO (and dust), and a mean (median)
[CI]/CO luminosity ($L'_{\rm [CI]}$/$L'_{\rm CO}$) ratio of 0.17 (0.16) with a
scatter of 0.04. However, a pixel-by-pixel comparison revealed that there is a
radial $L'_{\rm [CI]}$/$L'_{\rm CO}$ gradient and a superlinear $L'_{\rm CO}$
vs. $L'_{\rm [CI]}$ relation (slope = 1.54 $\pm$ 0.02) at this spatial scale,
which can be explained by radial excitation and/or line opacity gradients.
Based on the molecular gas masses converted from the dust continuum emission,
we found that the CO-to-H$_2$ and [CI]-to-H$_2$ conversion factors are
relatively flat across the molecular gas disk with a median value of
3.5$^{+1.9}_{-1.3}$ and 20.7$^{+9.2}_{-4.9}$ $M_{\odot}$ (K km s$^{-1}$
pc$^2$)$^{-1}$, respectively. A non-LTE calculation yields that typical
molecular gas properties seen in nearby (U)LIRGs ($n_{\rm H_2}$ = 10$^{3-4}$
cm$^{-3}$, $T_{\rm kin}$ $\sim$ 50 K, and $X_{\rm CI}$ = (0.8-2.3) $\times$
10$^{-5}$) can naturally reproduce the derived [CI]-to-H$_2$ conversion factor.
However, we caution that a careful treatment of the physical gas properties is
required in order to measure H$_2$ gas mass distributions in galaxies using a
single [CI] line. Otherwise, a single [CI] line is not a good molecular gas
estimator in a spatially resolved manner.
| astro-ph |
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Initial Conditions: Revisiting Wagoner et al.
(1967) | We revisit Wagoner et al. (1967), a classic contribution in the development
of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. We demonstrate that it presents an incorrect
expression for the temperature of the early universe as a function of time in
the high temperature limit, $T \gtrsim 10^{10}$K. As this incorrect expression
has been reproduced elsewhere, we present a corrected form for the initial
conditions required for calculating the formation of the primordial elements in
the Big Bang.
| astro-ph |
Astrophysical Black Holes: A Review | In this review, I have tried to focus on the development of the field, from
the first speculations to the current lines of research. According to
Einstein's theory of general relativity, black holes are relatively simple
objects and completely characterized by their mass, spin angular momentum, and
electric charge, but the latter can be ignored in the case of astrophysical
macroscopic objects. Search for black holes in the sky started in the early
1970s with the dynamical measurement of the mass of the compact object in
Cygnus X-1. In the past 10-15 years, astronomers have developed some techniques
for measuring the black hole spins. Recently, we have started using
astrophysical black holes for testing fundamental physics.
| astro-ph |
Age Demographics of the Milky Way Disk and Bulge | We use the extensive $Gaia$ Data Release 2 set of Long Period Variables to
select a sample of Oxygen-rich Miras throughout the Milky Way disk and bulge
for study. Exploiting the relation between Mira pulsation period and stellar
age/chemistry, we slice the stellar density of the Galactic disk and bulge as a
function of period. We find the morphology of both components evolves as a
function of stellar age/chemistry with the stellar disk being stubby at old
ages, becoming progressively thinner and more radially extended at younger
stellar ages, consistent with the picture of inside-out and upside-down
formation of the Milky Way's disk. We see evidence of a perturbed disk, with
large-scale stellar over-densities visible both in and away from the stellar
plane. We find the bulge is well modelled by a triaxial boxy distribution with
an axis ratio of $\sim [1:0.4:0.3]$. The oldest of the Miras ($\sim$ 9-10 Gyr)
show little bar-like morphology, whilst the younger stars appear inclined at a
viewing angle of $\sim 21^{\circ}$ to the Sun-Galactic Centre line. This
suggests that bar formation and buckling took place 8-9 Gyr ago, with the older
Miras being hot enough to avoid being trapped by the growing bar. We find the
youngest Miras to exhibit a strong peanut morphology, bearing the
characteristic X-shape of an inclined bar structure.
| astro-ph |
Flare Energy Release at the Magnetic Field Polarity Inversion Line
During M1.2 Solar Flare of 2015 March 15. II. Investigation of Photospheric
Electric Current and Magnetic Field Variations Using HMI 135-second Vector
Magnetograms | This work is a continuation of Paper I [Sharykin et al., 2018] devoted to
analysis of nonthermal electron dynamics and plasma heating in the confined
M1.2 class solar flare SOL2015-03-15T22:43 revealing energy release in the
highly sheared interacting magnetic loops in the low corona, above the polarity
inversion line (PIL). The scope of the present work is to make the first
extensive quantitative analysis of the photospheric magnetic field and
photospheric vertical electric current (PVEC) dynamics in the confined flare
region near the PIL using new vector magnetograms obtained with the
Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory
(SDO) with high temporal resolution of 135 s. Data analysis revealed sharp
changes of the magnetic structure and PVEC associated with the flare onset near
the PIL. It was found that the strongest plasma heating and electron
acceleration were associated with the largest increase of the magnetic
reconnection rate, total PVEC and effective PVEC density in the flare ribbons.
Observations and non-linear force-free field (NLFFF) extrapolations showed that
the magnetic field structure around the PIL is consistent with the
tether-cutting magnetic reconnection (TCMR) geometry. We gave qualitative
interpretation of the observed dynamics of the flare ribbons, magnetic field
and PVEC, and electron acceleration, within the TCMR scenario.
| astro-ph |
Quasi-spherical collapse of matter in $\Lambda$CDM | We report the findings of new exact analytical solutions to the cosmological
fluid equations, namely for the case where the initial conditions are
perturbatively close to a spherical top-hat profile. To do so we enable a fluid
description in a Lagrangian-coordinates approach, and prove the convergence of
the Taylor-series representation of the Lagrangian displacement field until the
time of collapse ("shell-crossing"). This allows the determination of the time
for quasi-spherical collapse, which is shown to happen generically earlier than
in the spherical case. For pedagogical reasons, calculations are first given
for a spatially flat universe that is only filled with a non-relativistic
component of cold dark matter (CDM). Then, the methodology is updated to a
$\Lambda$CDM Universe, with the inclusion of a cosmological constant
| astro-ph |
The Process of Stellar Tidal Disruption by Supermassive Black Holes. The
first pericenter passage | Tidal disruption events (TDEs) are among the brightest transients in the
optical, ultraviolet, and X-ray sky. These flares are set into motion when a
star is torn apart by the tidal field of a massive black hole, triggering a
chain of events which is -- so far -- incompletely understood. However, the
disruption process has been studied extensively for almost half a century, and
unlike the later stages of a TDE, our understanding of the disruption itself is
reasonably well converged. In this Chapter, we review both analytical and
numerical models for stellar tidal disruption. Starting with relatively simple,
order-of-magnitude physics, we review models of increasing sophistication, the
semi-analytic ``affine formalism,'' hydrodynamic simulations of the disruption
of polytropic stars, and the most recent hydrodynamic results concerning the
disruption of realistic stellar models. Our review surveys the immediate
aftermath of disruption in both typical and more unusual TDEs, exploring how
the fate of the tidal debris changes if one considers non-main sequence stars,
deeply penetrating tidal encounters, binary star systems, and sub-parabolic
orbits. The stellar tidal disruption process provides the initial conditions
needed to model the formation of accretion flows around quiescent massive black
holes, and in some cases may also lead to directly observable emission, for
example via shock breakout, gravitational waves or runaway nuclear fusion in
deeply plunging TDEs.
| astro-ph |
A survey of active galaxies at TeV photon energies with the HAWC
gamma-ray observatory | The High Altitude Water Cherenkov Gamma-Ray Observatory (HAWC) continuously
detects TeV photons and particles within its large field-of-view, accumulating
every day a deeper exposure of two thirds of the sky. We analyzed 1523~days of
HAWC live data acquired over four and a half years, in a follow-up analysis of
{138} nearby ($z<0.3$) active galactic nuclei from the {\em Fermi} 3FHL catalog
culminating within $40^\circ$ of the zenith at Sierra Negra, the HAWC site.
This search for persistent TeV emission used a maximum-likelihood analysis
assuming intrinsic power-law spectra attenuated by pair production of gamma-ray
photons with the extragalactic background light. HAWC clearly detects
persistent emission from Mkn~421 and Mkn~501, the two brightest blazars in the
TeV sky, at 65$\sigma$ and 17$\sigma$ level, respectively. {Weaker evidence for
long-term emission is found for three other known very-high energy emitters:}
the radiogalaxy M87 and the BL Lac objects VER~J0521+211 and 1ES~1215+303, the
later two at $z\sim 0.1$. We find evidence for collective emission from the set
of 30 previously reported very high-energy sources that excludes Mkn~421 and
Mkn~501 with a random probability $\sim 10^{-5}$. Upper limits are presented
for the sample under the power-law assumption and in the predefined (0.5-2.0),
(2.0-8.0) and (8.0-32.0) TeV energy intervals.
| astro-ph |
Spiral arms in the proto-planetary disc HD100453 detected with ALMA:
evidence for binary-disc interaction and a vertical temperature gradient | Scattered light high-resolution imaging of the proto-planetary disc orbiting
HD100453 shows two symmetric spiral arms, possibly launched by an external
stellar companion. In this paper we present new, sensitive high-resolution
($\sim$30 mas) Band 7 ALMA observations of this source. This is the first
source where we find counterparts in the sub-mm continuum to both scattered
light spirals. The CO J=3-2 emission line also shows two spiral arms; in this
case they can be traced over a more extended radial range, indicating that the
southern spiral arm connects to the companion position. This is clear evidence
that the companion is responsible for launching the spirals. The pitch angle of
the sub-millimeter continuum spirals ($\sim 6 ^{\circ}$) is lower than the one
in scattered light ($\sim 16 ^{\circ}$). We show that hydrodynamical
simulations of binary-disc interaction can account for the difference in pitch
angle only if one takes into account that the midplane is colder than the upper
layers of the disc, as expected for the case of externally irradiated discs.
| astro-ph |
The Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program. VII. The Distance to M101 via the
Optical Tip of the Red Giant Branch Method | The Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program (CCHP) is building a direct path to the
Hubble constant (H0) using Population II stars as the calibrator of the SN
Ia-based distance scale. This path to calibrate the SN Ia is independent of the
systematics in the traditional Cepheid-based technique. In this paper, we
present the distance to M101, the host to SN2011fe, using the I-band tip of the
red giant branch (TRGB) based on observations from the ACS/WFC instrument on
the Hubble Space Telescope. The CCHP targets the halo of M101 where there is
little to no host-galaxy dust, the red giant branch is isolated from nearly all
other stellar populations, and there is virtually no source confusion or
crowding at the magnitude of the tip. Applying the standard procedure for the
TRGB method from the other works in the CCHP series, we find a
foreground-extinction-corrected M101 distance modulus of
{\mu_0}=29.07+/-0.04(stat)+/-0.05(sys) mag, which corresponds to a distance of
D=6.52+/-0.12(stat)+/-0.15(sys) Mpc. This result is consistent with several
recent Cepheid-based determinations, suggesting agreement between Population I
and II distance scales for this nearby SN Ia-host galaxy. We further analyze
four archival datasets for M101 that have targeted its outer disk to argue that
targeting in the stellar halo provides much more reliable distance measurements
from the TRGB method due to the combination of multiple structural components
and heavily population contamination. Application of the TRGB in complex
regions will have sources of uncertainty not accounted for in commonly used
uncertainty measurement techniques.
| astro-ph |
Modelling the coincident observation of a high-energy neutrino and a
bright blazar flare | In September 2017, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory recorded a
very-high-energy neutrino in directional coincidence with a blazar in an
unusually bright gamma-ray state, TXS0506+056. Blazars are prominent photon
sources in the universe because they harbor a relativistic jet whose radiation
is strongly collimated and amplified. High-energy atomic nuclei known as cosmic
rays can produce neutrinos; thus the recent detection may help identifying the
sources of the diffuse neutrino flux and the energetic cosmic rays. Here we
report on a self-consistent analysis of the physical relation between the
observed neutrino and the blazar, in particular the time evolution and spectral
behavior of neutrino and photon emission. We demonstrate that a moderate
enhancement in the number of cosmic rays during the flare can yield a very
strong increase of the neutrino flux which is limited by co-produced hard
X-rays and TeV gamma rays. We also test typical radiation models for
compatibility and identify several model classes as incompatible with the
observations. We investigate to what degree the findings can be generalized to
the entire population of blazars, to determine the relation between their
output in photons, neutrinos, and cosmic rays, and suggest how to optimize the
strategy of future observations.
| astro-ph |
Galaxy disc central surface brightness distribution in the optical and
near-infrared bands | To study the disc central surface brightness ($\mu_0$) distribution in
optical and near-infrared bands, we select 708 disc-dominated galaxies within a
fixed distance of 57 Mpc from SDSS DR7 and UKIDSS DR10. Then we fit $\mu_0$
distribution by using single and double Gaussian profiles with an optimal bin
size for the final sample of 538 galaxies in optical $griz$ bands and
near-infrared $YJHK$ bands.
Among the 8 bands, we find that $\mu_{0}$ distribution in optical bands can
not be much better fitted with double Gaussian profiles. However, for all the
near-infrared bands, the evidence of being better fitted by using double
Gaussian profiles is positive. Especially for $K$ band, the evidence of a
double Gaussian profile being better than a single Gaussian profile for
$\mu_{0}$ distribution is very strong, the reliability of which can be approved
by 1000 times test for our sample. No dust extinction correction is applied.
The difference of $\mu_{0}$ distribution between optical and near-infrared
bands could be caused by the effect of dust extinction in optical bands. Due to
the sample selection criteria, our sample is not absolutely complete. However,
the sample incompleteness does not change the double Gaussian distribution of
$\mu_{0}$ in $K$ band. Furthermore, we discuss some possible reasons for the
fitting results of $\mu_{0}$ distribution in $K$ band. Conclusively, the double
Gaussian distribution of $\mu_{0}$ in $K$ band for our sample may depend on
bulge-to-disk ratio, color and disk scalelength, rather than the inclination of
sample galaxies, bin size and statistical fluctuations.
| astro-ph |
Murchison Widefield Array detection of steep-spectrum, diffuse,
non-thermal radio emission within Abell 1127 | Diffuse, non-thermal emission in galaxy clusters is increasingly being
detected in low-frequency radio surveys and images. We present a new diffuse,
steep-spectrum, non-thermal radio source within the cluster Abell 1127 found in
survey data from the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA). We perform follow-up
observations with the 'extended' configuration MWA Phase II with improved
resolution to better resolve the source and measure its low-frequency spectral
properties. We use archival Very Large Array S-band data to remove the discrete
source contribution from the MWA data, and from a power law model fit we find a
spectral index of $-1.83\pm0.29$ broadly consistent with relic-type sources.
The source is revealed by the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at 150 MHz
to have an elongated morphology, with a projected linear size of 850 kpc as
measured in the MWA data. Using Chandra observations we derive morphological
estimators and confirm quantitatively that the cluster is in a disturbed
dynamical state, consistent with the majority of phoenices and relics being
hosted by merging clusters. We discuss the implications of relying on
morphology and low-resolution imaging alone for the classification of such
sources and highlight the usefulness of the MHz to GHz radio spectrum in
classifying these types of emission. Finally, we discuss the benefits and
limitations of using the MWA Phase II in conjunction with other instruments for
detailed studies of diffuse, steep-spectrum, non-thermal radio emission within
galaxy clusters.
| astro-ph |
Reconciling X-ray and 21cm HI absorption gas column densities toward
obscured AGN | Hydrogen column densities inferred from X-ray absorption are typically 5 - 30
times larger than the neutral atomic hydrogen column densities derived from
21cm HI absorption toward radio-loud active galactic nuclei. Some part of the
difference is ascribed to uncertainty in the spin temperature \Tsp\ = 100 K
that is often used to convert 21cm HI HI absorption to N(HI). Here we propose
another way to infer the gas column from HI absorption. In our Galaxy there is
a nearly linear correlation between the inteferometrically-measured integrated
21cm HI absorption \WHI\ and reddening, \WHI\ $\propto$ \EBV$^{1.10}$ for \WHI\
$\ga 0.7$ \kms\ or \EBV\ $\ga 0.04$ mag. Scaling \EBV\ then provides the total
gas column density N(H) from the same dust column that is responsible for
optical obscuration and X-ray absorption, without calculating N(HI). Values of
N(H) so derived typically exceed N(HI) by a factor 4 because the ubiquitous
Galactic 21cm HI HI absorption samples only a portion of the interstellar gas.
If the well-studied case of Hydra-A is a guide, even very large disparities in
X-ray and 21cm HI gas column densities can be explained by resolving the core
radiocontinuum and inferring N(H) from 21cm HI absorption. Milky Way conditions
are often invoked in discussion of obscured AGN, so the empirical relationship
seen in the Milky Way should be a relevant benchmark.
| astro-ph |
Unraveling the complex structure of AGN-driven outflows: IV. Comparing
AGNs with and without strong outflows | AGN-driven outflows are considered as one of the processes driving the
co-evolution of supermassive black holes with their host galaxies. We present
integral field spectroscopy of six Type 2 AGNs at z < 0.1, which are selected
as AGNs without strong outflows based on the kinematics of [Oiii] gas. Using
spatially resolved data, we investigate the ionized gas kinematics and
photoionization properties in comparison with AGNs with strong outflows. We
find significant differences between the kinematics of ionized gas and stars
for two AGNs, which indicates the presence of AGN-driven outflows.
Nevertheless, the low velocity and velocity dispersion of ionized gas indicate
relatively weak outflows in these AGNs. Our results highlight the importance of
spatially-resolved observation in investigating gas kinematics and identifying
the signatures of AGN-driven outflows. While it is unclear what determines the
occurrence of outflows, we discuss the conditions and detectability of
AGN-driven outflows based on a larger sample of AGNs with and without outflows,
suggesting the importance of gas content in the host galaxies.
| astro-ph |
Constraints on Binary Black Hole Populations from LIGO-Virgo Detections | We reanalyse the LIGO-Virgo strain data of the 10 binary black hole mergers
reported to date and compute the likelihood function in terms of chirp mass,
mass ratio and effective spin. We discuss the strong degeneracy between mass
ratio and spin for the three lighter events. We use this likelihood and an
estimate of the horizon volume as a function of intrinsic parameters to
constrain the properties of the population of merging binary black holes. The
data disfavour large spins. Typical spins are constrained to $\overline a
\lesssim 0.4$, even if the underlying population has randomly-oriented spins.
For aligned spins the constraints are tighter, with typical spins required to
be around $\overline a\sim 0.1$ and have comparable dispersion. We detect no
statistically significant tendency towards a positive average spin in the
direction of the orbital angular momentum. We put an upper limit on the
fraction of systems where the secondary could have been tidally locked prior to
the formation of the black holes (corresponding to merger times shorter than
$10^8$ years) $f \lesssim 0.3$. Four events are consistent with having a
maximally-spinning secondary, although one only marginally. We confirm previous
findings that there is a hint of a cutoff at high mass. The data favour
distributions of mass ratios with an average $\overline q \gtrsim 0.7$.
| astro-ph |
Middle aged $\gamma$-ray pulsar J1957+5033 in X-rays: pulsations,
thermal emission and nebula | We analyze new XMM-Newton and archival Chandra observations of the
middle-aged $\gamma$-ray radio-quiet pulsar J1957+5033. We detect, for the
first time, X-ray pulsations with the pulsar spin period of the point-like
source coinciding by position with the pulsar. This confirms the pulsar nature
of the source. In the 0.15--0.5 keV band, there is a single pulse per period
and the pulsed fraction is $\approx18\pm6$ per cent. In this band, the pulsar
spectrum is dominated by a thermal emission component that likely comes from
the entire surface of the neutron star, while at higher energies ($\gtrsim0.7$
keV) it is described by a power law with the photon index $\Gamma \approx 1.6$.
We construct new hydrogen atmosphere models for neutron stars with dipole
magnetic fields and non-uniform surface temperature distributions with
relatively low effective temperatures. We use them in the spectral analysis and
derive the pulsar average effective temperature of $\approx(2-3)\times10^5$ K.
This makes J1957+5033 the coldest among all known thermally emitting neutron
stars with ages below 1 Myr. Using the interstellar extinction--distance
relation, we constrain the distance to the pulsar in the range of 0.1--1 kpc.
We compare the obtained X-ray thermal luminosity with those for other neutron
stars and various neutron star cooling models and set some constraints on
latter. We observe a faint trail-like feature, elongated $\sim 8$ arcmin from
J1957+5033. Its spectrum can be described by a power law with a photon index
$\Gamma=1.9\pm0.5$ suggesting that it is likely a pulsar wind nebula powered by
| astro-ph |
Polarized radiation and the Emergence of Biological Homochirality on
Earth and Beyond | It has been proposed that spin-polarized cosmic radiation can induce
asymmetric changes in helical biopolymers that may account for the emergence of
biological homochirality. The parity violation in the weak interaction has
direct consequences on the transport of polarization in cosmic ray showers. In
this paper, we show that muons retain their polarization down to energies at
which they can initiate enantioselective mutagenesis. Therefore, muons are most
likely to succeed in establishing the connection between broken symmetries in
the standard model of particle physics and that found in living organisms. We
calculate the radiation doses deposited by primary and secondary cosmic rays at
various prime targets for the searches of life in the solar system: Mars,
Venus, Titan, icy moons and planetesimals, and discuss the implications for the
enantioselective mutagenesis proposed as to be the driver of homochiralization.
Earth is unusual in that spin-polarized muons dominate the cosmic radiation at
its surface.
| astro-ph |
Towers on the Moon: 1. Concrete | The lunar South pole likely contains significant amounts of water in the
permanently shadowed craters there. Extracting this water for life support at a
lunar base or to make rocket fuel would take large amounts of power, of order
Gigawatts. A natural place to obtain this power are the "Peaks of Eternal
Light", that lie a few kilometers away on the crater rims and ridges above the
permanently shadowed craters. The amount of solar power that could be captured
depends on how tall a tower can be built to support the photovoltaic panels.
The low gravity, lack of atmosphere, and quiet seismic environment of the Moon
suggests that towers could be built much taller than on Earth. Here we look at
the limits to building tall concrete towers on the Moon. We choose concrete as
the capital cost of transporting large masses of iron or carbon fiber to the
Moon is presently so expensive that profitable operation of a power plant is
unlikely. Concrete instead can be manufactured in situ from the lunar regolith.
We find that, with minimum wall thicknesses (20 cm), towers up to several
kilometers tall are stable. The mass of concrete needed, however, grows rapidly
with height, from $\sim$ 760 mt at 1 km to $\sim$ 4,100 mt at 2 km to $\sim
10^5$ mt at 7 km and $\sim 10^6$ mt at 17 km.
| astro-ph |
Updated extraction of the APOGEE 1.5273 {\mu}m diffuse interstellar
band: a Planck view on the carrier depletion in dense cores | The latest SDSS/APOGEE data release DR14 has provided an increased number of
stellar spectra in the H band and associated stellar models using an innovative
algorithm known as The Cannon. We took advantage of these novelties to extract
the 15 273 {\AA} near-infrared DIB and to study its link with dust extinction
and emission. We modified our automated fitting methods dedicated to hot stars
and used in earlier studies with some adaptations motivated by the change from
early- or intermediate-type stars to red giants. A new method has also been
developed to quantify the upper limits on DIB strengths. We compared our DIB
measurements with the stellar extinctions Av from the Starhorse database. We
then compared the resulting DIB-extinction ratio with the dust optical depth
derived from Planck data, globally and also separately for nearby off-Plane
cloud complexes. Our analysis has led to the production of a catalog containing
124 064 new measurements of the 15 273 {\AA} DIB, allowing us to revisit the
correlation between DIB strength and dust reddening. The new data reveal
clearly that the sky-averaged 15 273 {\AA} DIB strength is linearly correlated
with Av over two orders as reported by earlier studies but leveling-off with
respect to extinction for highly reddened lines-of-sight behind dense clouds.
The comparison with Planck individual optical depths reveals in a conspicuous
way this DIB depletion in the dense cores and shows it applies to all off-Plane
dense clouds. APOGEE measurements confirm the ubiquity of the 15 273 {\AA} DIB
carrier decrease with respect to dust grains in dense cloud cores, in a manner
that can be empirically related to the dust optical depth reached in the cloud.
| astro-ph |
On stochastic heating and its phase-space signatures in low-$\beta$
kinetic turbulence | We revisit the theory of stochastic heating of ions and investigate its
phase-space signatures in kinetic turbulence of relevance to low-$\beta$
portions of the solar wind. We retain a full scale-dependent approach in our
treatment, and consider the case in which electric-field fluctuations can be
described by a generalized Ohm's law that includes Hall and thermo-electric
effects. These two electric-field terms provide the dominant contributions to
stochastic ion heating when the ion-Larmor scale is much smaller than the ion
skin depth, $\rho_{\mathrm{i}}\ll d_{\mathrm{i}}$, which is the case at
$\beta{\ll}1$. Employing well-known spectral scaling laws for Alfv\'en-wave and
kinetic-Alfv\'en-wave turbulent fluctuations, we obtain scaling relations
characterizing the field-perpendicular particle-energization rate and energy
diffusion coefficient associated with stochastic heating in these two regimes.
Phase-space signatures of ion heating are then investigated using 3D
hybrid-kinetic simulations of continuously driven Alfv\'enic turbulence at low
$\beta$. In these simulations, energization of ions parallel to the magnetic
field is sub-dominant compared to its perpendicular counterpart
($Q_{\parallel,\mathrm{i}}\ll Q_{\perp,\mathrm{i}}$), and the fraction of
turbulent energy that goes into ion heating is ${\approx}75$\% at
$\beta_{\mathrm{i}}=0.3$ and ${\approx}40$\% at
$\beta_{\mathrm{i}}{\simeq}0.1$. The phase-space signatures of ion energization
are consistent with Landau-resonant collisionless damping and a
($\beta$-dependent) combination of ion-cyclotron and stochastic heating. We
demonstrate good agreement between our theory and various signatures associated
with the stochastic portion of the heating. We discuss the effect of
intermittency on stochastic heating and the implications of our work for the
interpretation of stochastic heating in solar-wind spacecraft data.
| astro-ph |
Application and interpretation of deep learning for identifying
pre-emergence magnetic-field patterns | Magnetic flux generated within the solar interior emerges to the surface,
forming active regions (ARs) and sunspots. Flux emergence may trigger explosive
events, such as flares and coronal mass ejections and therefore understanding
emergence is useful for space-weather forecasting. Evidence of any
pre-emergence signatures will also shed light on sub-surface processes
responsible for emergence. In this paper, we present a first analysis of
emerging ARs from the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Helioseismic Emerging Active
Regions (SDO/HEAR) dataset (Schunker et al. 2016) using deep convolutional
neural networks (CNN) to characterize pre-emergence surface magnetic-field
properties. The trained CNN classifies between pre-emergence (PE) line-of-sight
magnetograms and a control set of non-emergence (NE) magnetograms with a True
Skill Statistic (TSS) score of ~85%, 3h prior to emergence and ~40\%, 24h prior
to emergence. Our results are better than a baseline classification TSS
obtained using discriminant analysis of only the unsigned magnetic flux. We
develop a network pruning algorithm to interpret the trained CNN and show that
the CNN incorporates filters that respond positively as well as negatively to
the unsigned magnetic flux of the magnetograms. Using synthetic magnetograms,
we demonstrate that the CNN output is sensitive to the length-scale of the
magnetic regions with small-scale and intense fields producing maximum CNN
output and possibly a characteristic pre-emergence pattern. Given increasing
popularity of deep learning, techniques developed here for interpretation of
the trained CNN -- using network pruning and synthetic data -- are relevant for
future applications in solar and astrophysical data analysis.
| astro-ph |
An HI absorption distance to the black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI
J1535-571 | With the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) we monitored
the black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI J1535--571 over seven epochs from 21
September to 2 October 2017. Using ASKAP observations, we studied the HI
absorption spectrum from gas clouds along the line-of-sight and thereby
constrained the distance to the source. The maximum negative radial velocities
measured from the HI absorption spectra for MAXI J1535--571 and an
extragalactic source in the same field of view are $-69\pm4$ km s$^{-1}$ and
$-89\pm4$ km s$^{-1}$, respectively. This rules out the far kinematic distance
($9.3^{+0.5}_{-0.6}$ kpc), giving a most likely distance of $4.1^{+0.6}_{-0.5}$
kpc, with a strong upper limit of the tangent point at $6.7^{+0.1}_{-0.2}$ kpc.
At our preferred distance, the peak unabsorbed luminosity of MAXI J1535--571
was $>78$ per cent of the Eddington luminosity, and shows that the soft-to-hard
spectral state transition occurred at the very low luminosity of 1.2 -- 3.4
$\times$ 10$^{-5}$ times the Eddington luminosity. Finally, this study
highlights the capabilities of new wide-field radio telescopes to probe
Galactic transient outbursts, by allowing us to observe both a target source
and a background comparison source in a single telescope pointing.
| astro-ph |
On the Rate of Neutron Star Binary Mergers from Globular Clusters | The first detection of gravitational waves from a neutron star - neutron star
(NS-NS) merger, GW170817, and the increasing number of observations of short
gamma-ray bursts (SGRBs) have greatly motivated studies of the origins of NS-NS
and neutron star - black hole (NS-BH) binaries. We calculate the merger rates
of NS-NS and NS-BH binaries from globular clusters (GCs) using realistic GC
simulations with the \texttt{CMC} cluster catalog. We use a large sample of
models with a range of initial numbers of stars, metallicities, virial radii
and galactocentric distances, representative of the present-day Milky Way GCs,
to quantify the inspiral times and volumetric merger rates as a function of
redshift, both inside and ejected from clusters. We find that over the complete
lifetime of most GCs, stellar BHs dominate the cluster cores and prevent the
mass segregation of NSs, thereby reducing the dynamical interaction rates of
NSs so that at most a few NS binary mergers are ever produced. We estimate the
merger rate in the local universe to be $\sim\rm{0.02\,Gpc^{-3}\,yr^{-1}}$ for
both NS-NS and NS-BH binaries, or a total of $\sim 0.04$~Gpc$^{-3}$~yr$^{-1}$
for both populations. These rates are about 5 orders of magnitude below the
current empirical merger rate from LIGO/Virgo. We conclude that dynamical
interactions in GCs do not play a significant role in enhancing the NS-NS and
NS-BH merger rates.
| astro-ph |
A simple two-component description of mass segregation for anisotropic
globular clusters | As a result of the slow action of two-body encounters, globular clusters
develop mass segregation and attain a condition of only partial energy
equipartition even in their central, most relaxed regions. Realistic numerical
simulations show that, during the process, a radially-biased anisotropy profile
slowly builds up, mimicking that resulting from incomplete violent relaxation.
Commonly used dynamical models, such as the one-component King models, cannot
describe these properties. Here we show that simple two-component models based
on a distribution function originally conceived to describe elliptical
galaxies, recently truncated and adapted to the context of globular clusters,
can describe in detail what is observed in complex and realistic numerical
| astro-ph |
MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) IV: A two sightline tomography of a
galactic wind | Galactic outflows are thought to eject baryons back out to the
circum-galactic medium (CGM). Studies based on metal absorption lines (MgII in
particular) in the spectra of background quasars indicate that the gas is
ejected anisotropically, with galactic winds likely leaving the host in a
bi-conical flow perpendicular to the galaxy disk. In this paper, we present a
detailed analysis of an outflow from a z = 0.7 "green-valley" galaxy
(log($M_*$/$\mathrm{M}_\odot$) = 9.9; SFR = 0.5
$\mathrm{M}_\odot\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}$) probed by two background sources part of
the MUSE Gas Flow and Wind (MEGAFLOW) survey. Thanks to a fortuitous
configuration with a background quasar (SDSSJ1358+1145) and a bright background
galaxy at $z = 1.4$, both at impact parameters of $\approx 15\,\mathrm{kpc}$,
we can - for the first time - probe both the receding and approaching
components of a putative galactic outflow around a distant galaxy. We measure a
significant velocity shift between the MgII absorption from the two sightlines
($84\pm17\,\mathrm{km}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}$), which is consistent with the
expectation from our simple fiducial wind model, possibly combined with an
extended disk contribution.
| astro-ph |
NSV 1440: First WZ Sge-type Object in AM CVn stars and candidates | In 2015 and 2017, the AM CVn candidate NSV 1440 showed superoutbursts having
the characteristic features of WZ Sge-type dwarf novae (DNe). By analogy with
hydrogen-rich cataclysmic variables (CVs), we can interpret these outbursts as
`double superoutbursts' which are composed of the first superoutburst with
early superhumps and the second superoutburst with ordinary superhumps. The
object also showed multiple rebrightenings after the main superoutbursts. Early
superhumps had been never observed in AM CVn stars and candidates, thus NSV
1440 is the first confirmed WZ Sge-type AM CVn candidate. We obtained the early
superhump period of 0.0252329(49) d and the growing (stage A) superhumps period
of 0.025679(20) d from the 2015 superoutburst. We regarded the early superhump
period as the orbital one. By using these periods we estimated the mass ratio
$q = $0.045(2). This value suggests that NSV 1440 is indeed an AM CVn star and
that the secondary is a semi-degenerate star.
| astro-ph |
New high-resolution near-infrared observations of the asymmetric jet of
the massive young stellar object G192.16-3.82 | The process of massive star formation is tightly connected with the
appearance of molecular outflows, which interact with surrounding interstellar
medium and can be used as a proxy to study the accretion process of material
onto forming massive stars. We aim to characterize the morphology and
kinematics, as well as the driving source, of the molecular outflow from the
massive young stellar object G192.16-3.82, which is associated with the giant
Herbig-Haro flow HH 396/397, spanning over 10 pc. We present new, high spatial
and spectral resolution observations of the complex at near-infrared
wavelengths ($2.0-2.3$ $\mu$m) using the LUCI near-infrared camera and
spectrograph with the Advanced Rayleigh guided Ground layer adaptive Optics
System, ARGOS, at the Large Binocular Telescope. We discover a string of
tightly collimated knots of H$_2$ emission, spanning the full observed field of
$\sim4^\prime$, and determine an excitation temperature of $2600\pm500$ K for
the brightest knot, which is situated close to the driving source. We show that
the kinematics of the knots are consistent with them being ejected from the
central source on timescales of a few times $10^{2-3}$ years. The driving
source (or sources) of the outflow is obscured at near-infrared wavelengths,
possibly due to a thick accretion disk. The distribution of H$_2$ emission in
the region, together with high mass-infall rates reported recently, indicate
G192 has undergone several large accretion bursts in the recent past.
| astro-ph |
Estimation of the size and structure of the broad line region using
Bayesian approach | Understanding the geometry and kinematics of the broad line region (BLR) of
active galactic nuclei (AGN) is important to estimate black hole masses in AGN
and study the accretion process. The technique of reverberation mapping (RM)
has provided estimates of BLR size for more than 100 AGN now, however, the
structure of the BLR has been studied for only a handful number of objects.
Towards this, we investigated the geometry of the BLR for a large sample of 57
AGN using archival RM data. We performed systematic modeling of the continuum
and emission line light curves using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method based on
Bayesian statistics implemented in PBMAP (Parallel Bayesian code for
reverberation-MAPping data) code to constrain BLR geometrical parameters and
recover velocity integrated transfer function. We found that the recovered
transfer functions have various shapes such as single-peaked, double-peaked and
top-hat suggesting that AGN have very different BLR geometries. Our model lags
are in general consistent with that estimated using the conventional
cross-correlation methods. The BLR sizes obtained from our modeling approach is
related to the luminosity with a slope of 0.583 (+/-) 0.026 and 0.471 (+/-)
0.084 based on H{\beta} and H{\alpha} lines, respectively. We found a
non-linear response of emission line fluxes to the ionizing optical continuum
for 93\% objects. The estimated virial factors for the AGN studied in this work
range from 0.79 to 4.94 having a mean at 1.78 (+/-) 1.77 consistent with the
values found in the literature.
| astro-ph |
Measurements of the Ca II infrared triplet emission lines of
pre-main-sequence stars | We investigated the chromospheric activity of 60 pre-main-sequence (PMS)
stars in four molecular clouds and five moving groups. It is considered that
strong chromospheric activity is driven by the dynamo processes generated by
the stellar rotation. In contrast, several researchers have pointed out that
the chromospheres of PMS stars are activated by mass accretion from their
protoplanetary disks. In this study, the Ca II infrared triplet (IRT) emission
lines were investigated utilizing medium- and high-resolution spectroscopy. The
observations were conducted with Nayuta/MALLS and Subaru/HDS. Additionally,
archive data obtained by Keck/HIRES, VLT/UVES, and VLT/X-Shooter was used. The
small ratios of the equivalent widths indicate that Ca II IRT emission lines
arise primarily in dense chromospheric regions. Seven PMS stars show broad
emission lines. Among them, four PMS stars have more than one order of
magnitude brighter emission line fluxes compared to the low-mass stars in young
open clusters. The four PMS stars have a high mass accretion rate, which
indicates that the broad and strong emission results from a large mass
accretion. However, most PMS stars exhibit narrow emission lines. No
significant correlation was found between the accretion rate and flux of the
emission line. The ratios of the surface flux of the Ca II IRT lines to the
stellar bolometric luminosity, R'_IRT, of the PMS stars with narrow emission
lines are as large as the largest R'_IRT of the low-mass stars in the young
open clusters. This result indicates that most PMS stars, even in the classical
T Tauri star stage, have chromospheric activity similar to zero-age
main-sequence stars.
| astro-ph |
FLaREON : a fast computation of Ly$\alpha$ escape fractions and line
profiles | We present FLaREON (Fast Lyman-Alpha Radiative Escape from Outflowing Neutral
gas), a public python package that delivers fast and accurate Lyman alpha
escape fractions and line profiles over a wide range of outflow geometries and
properties. The code incorporates different algorithms, such as interpolation
and machine learning to predict Lyman alpha line properties from a pre-computed
grid of outflow configurations based on the outputs of a Monte Carlo radiative
transfer code. Here we describe the algorithm, discuss its performance and
illustrate some of its many applications. Most notably, FLaREON can be used to
infer the physical properties of the outflowing medium from an observed Lyman
alpha line profile, including the escape fraction, or it can be run over
millions of objects in a galaxy formation model to simulate the escape of Lyman
alpha photons in a cosmological volume.
| astro-ph |
Particle acceleration and magnetic field amplification in massive young
stellar object jets | Synchrotron radio emission from non-relativistic jets powered by massive
protostars has been reported, indicating the presence of relativistic electrons
and magnetic fields of strength ~0.3-5 mG. We study diffusive shock
acceleration and magnetic field amplification in protostellar jets with speeds
between 300 and 1500 km/s. We show that the magnetic field in the synchrotron
emitter can be amplified by the non-resonant hybrid (Bell) instability excited
by the cosmic-ray streaming. By combining the synchrotron data with basic
theory of Bell instability we estimate the magnetic field in the synchrotron
emitter and the maximum energy of protons. Protons can achieve maximum energies
in the range 0.04-0.65 TeV and emit gamma rays in their interaction with matter
fields. We predict detectable levels of gamma rays in IRAS 16547-5247 and IRAS
16848-4603. The gamma ray flux can be significantly enhanced by the gas mixing
due to Rayleigh-Taylor instability. The detection of this radiation by the
Fermi satellite in the GeV domain and the forthcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array
at higher energies may open a new window to study the formation of massive
stars, as well as diffusive acceleration and magnetic field amplification in
shocks with velocities of about 1000 km/s.
| astro-ph |
Search for Ultra-High-Energy Neutrinos with the Telescope Array Surface
Detector | We present an upper limit on the flux of ultra-high-energy down-going
neutrinos for $E > 10^{18}\ \mbox{eV}$ derived with the nine years of data
collected by the Telescope Array surface detector (05-11-2008 -- 05-10-2017).
The method is based on the multivariate analysis technique, so-called Boosted
Decision Trees (BDT). Proton-neutrino classifier is built upon 16 observables
related to both the properties of the shower front and the lateral distribution
| astro-ph |
Exoplanetary atmosphere target selection in the era of comparative
planetology | The large number of new planets expected from wide-area transit surveys means
that follow-up transmission spectroscopy studies of their atmospheres will be
limited by the availability of telescope assets. We argue that telescopes
covering a broad range of apertures will be required, with even 1m-class
instruments providing a potentially important contribution. Survey strategies
that employ automated target selection will enable robust population studies.
As part of such a strategy, we propose a decision metric to pair the best
target to the most suitable telescope, and demonstrate its effectiveness even
when only primary transit observables are available. Transmission spectroscopy
target selection need not therefore be impeded by the bottle-neck of requiring
prior follow-up observations to determine the planet mass. The decision metric
can be easily deployed within a distributed heterogeneous network of telescopes
equipped to undertake either broadband photometry or spectroscopy. We show how
the metric can be used either to optimise the observing strategy for a given
telescope (e.g. choice of filter) or to enable the selection of the best
telescope to optimise the overall sample size. Our decision metric can also
provide the basis for a selection function to help evaluate the statistical
completeness of follow-up transmission spectroscopy datasets. Finally, we
validate our metric by comparing its ranked set of targets against lists of
planets that have had their atmospheres successfully probed, and against some
existing prioritised exoplanet lists.
| astro-ph |
Massive Neutrinos Leave Fingerprints on Cosmic Voids | Do void statistics contain information beyond the tracer 2-point correlation
function? Yes! As we vary the sum of the neutrino masses, we find void
statistics contain information absent when using just tracer 2-point
statistics. Massive neutrinos uniquely affect cosmic voids. We explore their
impact on void clustering using both the DEMNUni and MassiveNuS simulations.
For voids, neutrino effects depend on the observed void tracers. As the
neutrino mass increases, the number of small voids traced by cold dark matter
particles increases and the number of large voids decreases. Surprisingly, when
massive, highly biased, halos are used as tracers, we find the opposite effect.
The scale at which voids cluster, as well as the void correlation, is similarly
sensitive to the sum of neutrino masses and the tracers. This scale dependent
trend is not due to simulation volume or halo density. The interplay of these
signatures in the void abundance and clustering leaves a distinct fingerprint
that could be detected with observations and potentially help break
degeneracies between different cosmological parameters. This paper paves the
way to exploit cosmic voids in future surveys to constrain the mass of
| astro-ph |
WISPR Imaging of a Pristine CME | The Wide-field Imager for Solar Probe (WISPR) on board the Parker Solar Probe
(PSP) observed a CME on 2018 November 01, the first day of the initial PSP
encounter. The speed of the CME, approximately 200-300 km s$^{-1}$ in the WISPR
field of view, is typical of slow, streamer blowout CMEs. This event was also
observed by the LASCO coronagraphs. WISPR and LASCO view remarkably similar
structures that enable useful cross-comparison between the two data sets as
well as stereoscopic imaging of the CME. Analysis is extended to lower heights
by linking the white-light observations to EUV data from AIA, which reveal a
structure that erupts more than a full day earlier before the CME finally
gathers enough velocity to propagate outward. This EUV feature appears as a
brightness enhancement in cooler temperatures such as 171 \AA, but as a cavity
in nominal coronal temperatures such as 193 \AA. By comparing this circular,
dark feature in 193 \AA \ to the dark, white-light cavity at the center of the
eruption in WISPR and LASCO, it can be seen that this is one coherent structure
that exists prior to the eruption in the low corona before entering the
heliosphere and likely corresponds to the core of the magnetic flux rope. It is
also believed that the relative weakness of the event contributed to the
clarity of the flux rope in WISPR, as the CME did not experience impulsive
forces or strong interaction with external structures that can lead to more
complex structural evolution.
| astro-ph |
Cosmological constraints on ultra-light axion fields | Ultra-light axions (ULAs) with mass less than 10^-20 eV have interesting
behaviors that may contribute to either dark energy or dark matter at different
epochs of the Universe. Its properties can be explored by cosmological
observations, such as expansion history of the Universe, cosmic large-scale
structure, cosmic microwave background, etc. In this work, we study the ULAs
with a mass around 10^-33 eV, which means the ULA field still rolls slowly at
present with the equation of state w=-1 as dark energy. In order to investigate
the mass and other properties of this kind of ULA field, we adopt the
measurements of Type Ia supernova (SN Ia), baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO),
and Hubble parameter H(z). The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique is
employed to perform the constraints on the parameters. Finally, by exploring
four cases of the model, we find that the mass of this ULA field is about
3x10^-33 eV if assuming the initial axion field phi_i=M_pl. We also investigate
a general case by assuming phi_i< M_pl and find that the fitting results of
phi_i/M_pl are consistent with or close to 1 for the datasets we use.
| astro-ph |
Fully general-relativistic simulations of isolated and binary strange
quark stars | The hypothesis that strange quark matter is the true ground state of matter
has been investigated for almost four decades, but only a few works have
explored the dynamics of binary systems of quark stars. This is partly due to
the numerical challenges that need to be faced when modelling the large
discontinuities at the surface of these stars. We here present a novel
technique in which the EOS of a quark star is suitably rescaled to produce a
smooth change of the specific enthalpy across a very thin crust. The
introduction of the crust has been carefully tested by considering the
oscillation properties of isolated quark stars, showing that the response of
the simulated quark stars matches accurately the perturbative predictions.
Using this technique, we have carried out the first fully general-relativistic
simulations of the merger of quark-star binaries finding several important
differences between quark-star binaries and hadronic-star binaries with the
same mass and comparable tidal deformability. In particular, we find that
dynamical mass loss is significantly suppressed in quark-star binaries. In
addition, quark-star binaries have merger and post-merger frequencies that obey
the same quasi-universal relations derived from hadron stars if expressed in
terms of the tidal deformability, but not when expressed in terms of the
average stellar compactness. Hence, it may be difficult to distinguish the two
classes of stars if no information on the stellar radius is available. Finally,
differences are found in the distributions in velocity and entropy of the
ejected matter, for which quark-stars have much smaller tails. Whether these
differences in the ejected matter will leave an imprint in the electromagnetic
counterpart and nucleosynthetic yields remains unclear, calling for the
construction of an accurate model for the evaporation of the ejected quarks
into nucleons.
| astro-ph |
Thermal X-ray emission identified from the millisecond pulsar PSR
J1909-3744 | Pulsating thermal X-ray emission from millisecond pulsars can be used to
obtain constraints on the neutron star equation of state, but to date only five
such sources have been identified. Of these five millisecond pulsars, only two
have well constrained neutron star masses, which improve the determination of
the radius via modelling of the X-ray waveform. We aim to find other
millisecond pulsars that already have well constrained mass and distance
measurements that show pulsed thermal X-ray emission in order to obtain tight
constraints on the neutron star equation of state. The millisecond pulsar
PSR~J1909--3744 has an accurately determined mass, M = 1.54$\pm$0.03 M$_\odot$
(1 $\sigma$ error) and distance, D = 1.07$\pm$0.04 kpc. We analysed {\em
XMM-Newton} data of this 2.95 ms pulsar to identify the nature of the X-ray
emission. We show that the X-ray emission from PSR~J1909--3744 appears to be
dominated by thermal emission from the polar cap. Only a single component model
is required to fit the data. The black-body temperature of this emission is
kT=0.26\ud{0.03}{0.02} keV and we find a 0.2--10 keV un-absorbed flux of 1.1
$\times$ 10$^{-14}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ or an un-absorbed luminosity of 1.5
$\times$ 10$^{30}$ erg s$^{-1}$. Thanks to the previously determined mass and
distance constraints of the neutron star PSR~J1909--3744, and its predominantly
thermal emission, deep observations of this object with future X-ray facilities
should provide useful constraints on the neutron star equation of state.
| astro-ph |
The Formation Times and Building Blocks of Milky Way-mass Galaxies in
the FIRE Simulations | Surveys of the Milky Way (MW) and M31 enable detailed studies of stellar
populations across ages and metallicities, with the goal of reconstructing
formation histories across cosmic time. These surveys motivate key questions
for galactic archaeology in a cosmological context: when did the main
progenitor of a MW/M31-mass galaxy form, and what were the galactic building
blocks that formed it? We investigate the formation times and progenitor
galaxies of MW/M31-mass galaxies using the FIRE-2 cosmological simulations,
including 6 isolated MW/M31-mass galaxies and 6 galaxies in Local Group
(LG)-like pairs at z = 0. We examine main progenitor "formation" based on two
metrics: (1) transition from primarily ex-situ to in-situ stellar mass growth
and (2) mass dominance compared to other progenitors. We find that the main
progenitor of a MW/M31-mass galaxy emerged typically at z ~ 3-4 (11.6-12.2 Gyr
ago), while stars in the bulge region (inner 2 kpc) at z = 0 formed primarily
in a single main progenitor at z < 5 (< 12.6 Gyr ago). Compared with isolated
hosts, the main progenitors of LG-like paired hosts emerged significantly
earlier (\Delta z ~ 2, \Delta t ~ 1.6 Gyr), with ~ 4x higher stellar mass at
all z > 4 (> 12.2 Gyr ago). This highlights the importance of environment in
MW/M31-mass galaxy formation, especially at early times. Overall, about 100
galaxies with M_star > 10^5 M_sun formed a typical MW/M31-mass system. Thus,
surviving satellites represent a highly incomplete census (by ~ 5x) of the
progenitor population.
| astro-ph |
Parallaxes for star forming regions in the inner Perseus spiral arm | We report trigonometric parallax and proper motion measurements of 6.7-GHz
CH3OH and 22-GHz H2O masers in eight high-mass star-forming regions (HMSFRs)
based on VLBA observations as part of the BeSSeL Survey. The distances of these
HMSFRs combined with their Galactic coordinates, radial velocities, and proper
motions, allow us to assign them to a segment of the Perseus arm with ~< 70
deg. These HMSFRs are clustered in Galactic longitude from ~30 deg to ~50,
neighboring a dirth of such sources between longitudes ~50 deg to ~90 deg.
| astro-ph |
Evidence for an ancient sea level on Mars | Mars shares many similarities and characteristics to Earth including various
geological features and planetary structure. The remarkable bimodal
distribution of elevations in both planets is one of the most striking global
features suggesting similar geodynamic processes of crustal differentiation on
Earth and Mars. There also exist several evidences, based on geographic
features resembling ancient shorelines, for existence of an ancient martian
ocean in the northern hemisphere which covers nearly one third of the planet's
surface. However, the interpretation of some features as ancient shorelines has
been thoroughly challenged that left the existence of a primordial martian
ocean controversial. Moreover, if oceans were formerly present on Mars, there
is still a big ambiguity about the volume of water with the estimations ranging
over $4$ orders of magnitude. Here we map the martian sea level problem onto a
percolation model that provides strong evidence that the longest iso-height
line on Mars that separates the northern and southern hemispheres, acts as a
critical level height with divergent correlation length and plays the same role
as the present mean sea level does on Earth. Our results unravel remarkable
similarities between Mars and Earth, posing a testable hypothesis about the
level of the ancient ocean on Mars that can be answered experimentally by the
future investigations and spacecraft exploration.
| astro-ph |
Orbital Modulation of Gamma Rays from PSR~J2339$-$0533 | We report on orbital modulation of the 100-600 MeV gamma-ray emission of the
$P_{\rm B}=4.6$ hr millisecond pulsar binary PSR J2339$-$0533 using 11 yr of
Fermi Large Area Telescope data. The modulation has high significance (chance
probability $p\approx 10^{-7}$), is approximately sinusoidal, peaks near pulsar
superior conjunction, and is detected only in the low-energy 100-600 MeV band.
The modulation is confined to the on-pulse interval, suggesting that the
variation is in the 2.9-ms pulsed signal itself. This contrasts with the few
other known systems exhibiting GeV orbital modulations, as these are unpulsed
and generally associated with beamed emission from an intrabinary shock. The
origin of the modulated pulsed signal is not yet clear, although we describe
several scenarios, including Compton upscattering of photons from the heated
companion. This would require high coherence in the striped pulsar wind.
| astro-ph |
Ram pressure stripping: An analytical approach | We use an analytical approach to study ram pressure stripping with simple
models for discs and halo gas distribution to study the phenomena in cluster,
group and galaxy halos. We also study variations with galaxy properties and
redshift. In each case we model the worst case scenario (i.e., maximum effect
due to ram pressure). We show that there is little variation in the worst case
scenario with redshift. We find that gas discs in galaxies with a higher spin
parameter get stripped sooner than galaxies with a smaller spin parameter.
Galaxies in cluster halos get stripped of gas more effciently as compared to
group and galaxy halos: this is due to the higher infall speed and a higher
density of gas in the ICM due to a greater retention of baryons. We comment on
the limitations of our model and situations where a signiffcant amount of gas
may be retained in galaxy disc and also give an illustration for the same.
Lastly, we discuss implications for star formation in galaxies as these fall
into halos.
| astro-ph |
Direct constraints on ultra-light boson mass from searches for
continuous gravitational waves | \textit{Superradiance} can trigger the formation of an ultra-light boson
cloud around a spinning black hole. Once formed, the boson cloud is expected to
emit a nearly periodic, long-duration, gravitational-wave signal. For boson
masses in the range $(10^{-13}-10^{-11})$ eV, and stellar mass black holes,
such signals are potentially detectable by gravitational wave detectors, like
Advanced LIGO and Virgo. In this {\it Letter} we present full band upper limits
for a generic all-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in LIGO O2 data,
and use them to derive - for the first time - direct constraints on the
ultra-light scalar boson field mass.
| astro-ph |
Educational and Outreach Resource for Astroparticle Physics | The modern astrophysics is moving towards the enlarging of experiments and
combining the channels for detecting the highest energy processes in the
Universe. To obtain reliable data, the experiments should operate within
several decades, which means that the data will be obtained and analyzed by
several generations of physicists. Thus, for the stability of the experiments,
it is necessary to properly maintain not only the data life cycle, but also the
human aspects, for example, attracting, learning and continuity. To this end,
an educational and outreach resource has been deployed in the framework of
German-Russian Astroparticle Data Life Cycle Initiative (GRADLCI).
| astro-ph |
Impact of Stellar Superflares on Planetary Habitability | High-energy radiation caused by exoplanetary space weather events from
planet-hosting stars can play a crucial role in conditions promoting or
destroying habitability in addition to the conventional factors. In this paper,
we present the first quantitative impact evaluation system of stellar flares on
the habitability factors with an emphasis on the impact of Stellar Proton
Events. We derive the maximum flare energy from stellar starspot sizes and
examine the impacts of flare associated ionizing radiation on CO$_2$, H$_2$,
N$_2$+O$_2$ --rich atmospheres of a number of well-characterized terrestrial
type exoplanets. Our simulations based on the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport
code System [PHITS] suggest that the estimated ground level dose for each
planet in the case of terrestrial-level atmospheric pressure (1 bar) for each
exoplanet does not exceed the critical dose for complex (multi-cellular) life
to persist, even for the planetary surface of Proxima Centauri b, Ross-128 b
and TRAPPIST-1 e. However, when we take into account the effects of the
possible maximum flares from those host stars, the estimated dose reaches fatal
levels at the terrestrial lowest atmospheric depth on TRAPPIST-1 e and Ross-128
b. Large fluxes of coronal XUV radiation from active stars induces high
atmospheric escape rates from close-in exoplanets suggesting that the
atmospheric depth can be substantially smaller than that on the Earth. In a
scenario with the atmospheric thickness of 1/10 of Earth's, the radiation dose
from close-in planets including Proxima Centauri b and TRAPPIST-1 e reach near
fatal dose levels with annual frequency of flare occurrence from their
| astro-ph |
Binary-induced spiral arms inside the disc cavity of AB Aurigae | In this work we demonstrate that the inner spiral structure observed in AB
Aurigae can be created by a binary star orbiting inside the dust cavity. We
find that a companion with a mass-ratio of 0.25, semi-major axis of 40 au,
eccentricity of 0.5, and inclination of 90{\deg} produces gaseous spirals
closely matching the ones observed in $^{12}$CO (2-1) line emission. Based on
dust dynamics in circumbinary discs (Poblete, Cuello, and Cuadra 2019), we
constrain the inclination of the binary with respect to the circumbinary disc
to range between 60{\deg} and 90{\deg}. We predict that the stellar companion
is located roughly 0.18 arcsec from the central star towards the
east-southeast, above the plane of the disc. Should this companion be detected
in the near future, our model indicates that it should be moving away from the
primary star at a rate of 6 mas/yr on the plane of the sky. Since our companion
is inclined, we also predict that the spiral structure will appear to change
with time, and not simply co-rotate with the companion.
| astro-ph |
Formation of "Blanets" from Dust Grains around the Supermassive Black
Holes in Galaxies | In Wada, Tsukamoto, and Kokubo (2019), we proposed for the first time that a
new class of planets, "blanets" (i.e., black hole planets), can be formed
around supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the galactic center. Here, we
investigate the dust coagulation processes and physical conditions of the
blanet formation outside the snow line ($r_{snow} \sim $ several parsecs) in
more detail, especially considering the effect of the radial advection of the
dust aggregates. We found that a dimensionless parameter $\alpha =
v_t^2/c_s^2$, where $v_t$ is the turbulent velocity and $c_s$ is the sound
velocity, describing the turbulent viscosity should be smaller than 0.04 in the
circumnuclear disk, to prevent the destruction of the aggregates due to
collisions. The formation timescale of blanets $\tau_{GI}$ at $r_{snow}$ is,
$\tau_{GI} \simeq$ 70-80 Myr for $\alpha = 0.01-0.04$ and $M_{BH} = 10^6
M_\odot$. The mass of the blanets ranges from $\sim 20 M_E$ to $3000 M_E$ in $r
< 4$ pc for $\alpha = 0.02$ ($M_E$ is the Earth mass), which is in contrast
with $ 4 M_E-6 M_E$ for the case without the radial advection. Our results
suggest that \textit{blanets} could be formed around relatively low-luminosity
AGNs ($L_{bol} \sim 10^{42}$ erg s$^{-1}$) during their lifetime ($\lesssim
10^8$ yr).
| astro-ph |
Mass of prominences experiencing failed eruptions | A number of solar filaments/prominences demonstrate failed eruptions, when a
filament at first suddenly starts to ascend and then decelerates and stops at
some greater height in the corona. The mechanism of the termination of
eruptions is not clear yet. One of the confining forces able to stop the
eruption is the gravity force. Using a simple model of a partial
current-carrying torus loop anchored to the photosphere and photospheric
magnetic field measurements as the boundary condition for the potential
magnetic field extrapolation into the corona, we estimated masses of 15
eruptive filaments. The values of the filament mass show rather wide
distribution in the range of $4\times10^{15}$ -- $270\times10^{16}$g. Masses of
the most of filaments, laying in the middle of the range, are in accordance
with estimations made earlier on the basis of spectroscopic and white-light
| astro-ph |
Shock and Splash: Gas and Dark Matter Halo Boundaries around LambdaCDM
Galaxy Clusters | Recent advances in simulations and observations of galaxy clusters suggest
that there exists a physical outer boundary of massive cluster-size dark matter
haloes. In this work, we investigate the locations of the outer boundaries of
dark matter and gas around cluster-size dark matter haloes, by analyzing a
sample of 65 massive dark matter halos extracted from the Omega500 zoom-in
hydrodynamical cosmological simulations. We show that the location of accretion
shock is offset from that of the dark matter splashback radius, contrary to the
prediction of the self-similar models. The accretion shock radius is larger
than all definitions of the splashback radius in the literature by 20-100%. The
accretion shock radius defined using the steepest drop in the entropy pressure
profiles is approximately 2 times larger than the splashback radius defined by
the steepest slope in the dark matter density profile, and it is ~1.2 times
larger than the edge of the dark matter phase-space structure. We discuss
implications of our results for multi-wavelength studies of galaxy clusters.
| astro-ph |
Constraining transport of angular momentum in stars: Combining
asteroseismic observations of core helium burning stars and white dwarfs | Transport of angular momentum has been a challenging topic within the stellar
evolution community, even more since the recent asteroseismic surveys. All
published studies on rotation using asteroseismic observations show a
discrepancy between the observed and calculated rotation rates, indicating
there is an undetermined process of angular momentum transport active in these
stars. We aim to constrain the efficiency of this process by investigating
rotation rates of 2.5 M$_{\odot}$ stars. First, we investigated whether the
Tayler-Spruit dynamo could be responsible for the extra transport of angular
momentum for stars with an initial mass of 2.5 M$_{\odot}$. Then, by computing
rotating models including a constant additional artificial viscosity, we
determined the efficiency of the missing process of angular momentum transport
by comparing the models to the asteroseismic observations of core helium
burning stars. Parameter studies were performed to investigate the effect of
the stellar evolution code used, initial mass, and evolutionary stage. We
evolved our models into the white dwarf phase, and provide a comparison to
white dwarf rotation rates. The Tayler-Spruit dynamo is unable to provide
enough transport of angular momentum to reach the observed values of the core
helium burning stars investigated in this paper. We find that a value for the
additional artificial viscosity $\nu_{\rm{add}}$ around 10$^7$ cm$^2$ s$^{-1}$
provides enough transport of angular momentum. However, the rotational period
of these models is too high in the white dwarf phase to match the white dwarf
observations. From this comparison we infer that the efficiency of the missing
process must decrease during the core helium burning phase. When excluding the
$\nu_{\rm{add}}$ during core helium burning phase, we can match the rotational
periods of both the core helium burning stars and white dwarfs.
| astro-ph |
The role of Active Galactic Nuclei in galaxy evolution: insights from
space ultraviolet spectropolarimetry | This Astro2020 white paper summarizes the unknowns of active galactic nuclei
(AGN) physics that could be unveiled thanks to a new, space-born, ultraviolet
spectropolarimeter. The unique capabilities of high energy polarimetry would
help us to understand the precise mechanisms of matter and energy transfer and
supermassive black holes growth, together with the impact of AGN feedback on
galaxy evolution.
| astro-ph |
Non-Gaussianity in D3-brane inflation | We update predictions for observables in the "delicate" D3/anti-D3
inflationary model on the conifold. We use a full CMB likelihood calculation to
assess goodness-of-fit, which is necessary because in this model the zeta power
spectrum often cannot be modelled as a power-law over observable scales. For
the first time we are able to provide accurate forecasts for the amplitude of
three-point correlations. In a significant portion of its parameter space the
model follows Maldacena's single-field prediction fNL ~ -(5/12)(ns-1) if nt <<
1. Therefore |fNL| is usually small when the power spectrum satisfies
observational constraints. In a small number of cases the bispectrum is instead
dominated by effects from rapid switching between angular minima. The resulting
amplitudes are larger, but mostly with unacceptable spectral behaviour. In the
most extreme case we obtain |fNLeq| ~ 75 at kt/3 = 0.002/Mpc. It has been
suggested that the quasi-single field inflation ("QSFI") mechanism could
produce significant 3-point correlations in this model. We do observe rare
shifts in amplitude between equilateral and squeezed configurations that could
possibly be associated with QSFI effects, but more investigation is needed to
establish the full bispectrum shape. There is evidence of "shape" running
between equilateral and squeezed configurations that may be inherited from the
scale dependence of the spectrum. We explore the dependence of observables on
discrete choices such as the truncation point of the potential. Our analysis
illustrates the advantages of a standard format for information exchange within
the inflationary model-building and testing community.
| astro-ph |
Nitrogen Atmospheres of the Icy Bodies in the Solar System | This brief review will discuss the current knowledge on the origin and
evolution of the nitrogen atmospheres of the icy bodies in the solar system,
particularly of Titan, Triton and Pluto. An important tool to analyse and
understand the origin and evolution of these atmospheres can be found in the
different isotopic signatures of their atmospheric constituents. The
$^{14}$N/$^{15}$N ratio of the N$_2$-dominated atmospheres of these bodies
serve as a footprint of the building blocks from which Titan, Triton and Pluto
originated and of the diverse fractionation processes that shaped these
atmospheres over their entire evolution. Together with other measured isotopic
and elemental ratios such as $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C or Ar/N these atmospheres can
give important insights into the history of the icy bodies in the solar system,
the diverse processes that affect their N$_2$-dominated atmospheres, and the
therewith connected solar activity evolution. Titan's gaseous envelope most
likely originated from ammonia ices with possible contributions from refractory
organics. Its isotopic signatures can yet be seen in the - compared to Earth -
comparatively heavy $^{14}$N/$^{15}$N ratio of 167.7, even though this value
slightly evolved over its history due to atmospheric escape and
photodissociation of N$_2$. The origin and evolution of Pluto's and Triton's
tenuous nitrogen atmospheres remain unclear, even though it might be likely
that their atmospheres originated from the protosolar nebula or from comets. An
in-situ space mission to Triton such as the recently proposed Trident mission,
and/or to the ice giants would be a crucial cornerstone for a better
understanding of the origin and evolution of the icy bodies in the outer solar
system and their atmospheres in general.
| astro-ph |
BICEP2 / Keck Array XI: Beam Characterization and
Temperature-to-Polarization Leakage in the BK15 Dataset | Precision measurements of cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization
require extreme control of instrumental systematics. In a companion paper we
have presented cosmological constraints from observations with the BICEP2 and
Keck Array experiments up to and including the 2015 observing season (BK15),
resulting in the deepest CMB polarization maps to date and a statistical
sensitivity to the tensor-to-scalar ratio of $\sigma(r) = 0.020$. In this work
we characterize the beams and constrain potential systematic contamination from
main beam shape mismatch at the three BK15 frequencies (95, 150, and 220 GHz).
Far-field maps of 7,360 distinct beam patterns taken from 2010-2015 are used to
measure differential beam parameters and predict the contribution of
temperature-to-polarization leakage to the BK15 B-mode maps. In the
multifrequency, multicomponent likelihood analysis that uses BK15, Planck, and
WMAP maps to separate sky components, we find that adding this predicted
leakage to simulations induces a bias of $\Delta r = 0.0027 \pm 0.0019$. Future
results using higher-quality beam maps and improved techniques to detect such
leakage in CMB data will substantially reduce this uncertainty, enabling the
levels of systematics control needed for BICEP Array and other experiments that
plan to definitively probe large-field inflation.
| astro-ph |
Why is it so Cold in Here?: Explaining the Cold Temperatures Retrieved
from Transmission Spectra of Exoplanet Atmospheres | Transmission spectroscopy is a powerful technique widely used to probe
exoplanet terminators. Atmospheric retrievals of transmission spectra are
enabling comparative studies of exoplanet atmospheres. However, the atmospheric
properties inferred by retrieval techniques display a significant anomaly: most
retrieved temperatures are far colder than expected. In some cases, retrieved
temperatures are ~1000 K colder than T_eq. Here, we provide an explanation for
this conundrum. We demonstrate that erroneously cold temperatures result when
1D atmospheric models are applied to spectra of planets with differing
morning-evening terminator compositions. Despite providing an acceptable fit,
1D retrieval techniques artificially tune atmospheric parameters away from
terminator-averaged properties. Retrieved temperature profiles are hundreds of
degrees cooler and have weaker temperature gradients than reality. Retrieved
abundances are mostly biased by > 1$\sigma$ and sometimes by > 3$\sigma$, with
the most extreme biases for ultra-hot Jupiters. When morning-evening
compositional differences manifest for prominent opacity sources, H$_2$O
abundances retrieved by 1D models can be biased by over an order of magnitude.
Finally, we demonstrate that these biases provide an explanation for the cold
retrieved temperatures reported for WASP-17b and WASP-12b. To overcome biases
associated with 1D atmospheric models, there is an urgent need to develop
multidimensional retrieval techniques.
| astro-ph |
SN2020bvc: a Broad-lined Type Ic Supernova with a Double-peaked Optical
Light Curve and a Luminous X-ray and Radio Counterpart | We present optical, radio, and X-ray observations of SN2020bvc (=ASASSN20bs;
ZTF20aalxlis), a nearby ($z=0.0252$; $d$=114 Mpc) broad-lined (BL) Type Ic
supernova (SN). Our observations show that SN2020bvc shares several properties
in common with the Ic-BL SN2006aj, which was associated with the low-luminosity
gamma-ray burst (LLGRB) 060218. First, the 10 GHz radio light curve is on the
faint end of LLGRB-SNe ($L_\mathrm{radio} \approx 10^{37}$erg/s): we model our
VLA observations (spanning 13-43 d) as synchrotron emission from a mildly
relativistic ($v \gtrsim 0.3c$) forward shock. Second, with Swift and Chandra
we detect X-ray emission ($L_X \approx 10^{41}$erg/s) that is not naturally
explained as inverse Compton emission or as part of the same synchrotron
spectrum as the radio emission. Third, high-cadence ($6\times$/night) data from
the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) shows a double-peaked optical light curve,
the first peak from shock-cooling emission from extended low-mass material
(mass $M<10^{-2} M_\odot$ at radius $R>10^{12}$cm) and the second peak from the
radioactive decay of Ni-56. SN2020bvc is the first confirmed double-peaked
Ic-BL SN discovered without a GRB trigger, and shows X-ray and radio emission
similar to LLGRB-SNe: this is consistent with models in which the same
mechanism produces both the LLGRB and the shock-cooling emission. For four of
the five other nearby ($z\lesssim0.05$) Ic-BL SNe with ZTF high-cadence data,
we rule out a first peak like that seen in SN2006aj and SN2020bvc, i.e. that
lasts $\approx 1$d and reaches a peak luminosity $M \approx -18$. X-ray and
radio follow-up observations of future such events will establish whether
double-peaked optical light curves are indeed predictive of LLGRB-like X-ray
and radio emission.
| astro-ph |
VTXO: the Virtual Telescope for X-ray Observations | The Virtual Telescope for X-ray Observations (VTXO) will use lightweight
Phase Frensel Lenses (PFLs) in a virtual X-ray telescope with 1 km focal length
and with nearly 50 milli-arcsecond angular resolution. Laboratory
characterization of PFLs have demonstrated near diffraction-limited angular
resolution in the X-ray band, but they require long focal lengths to achieve
this quality of imaging. VTXO is formed by using precision formation flying of
two SmallSats: a smaller, 6U OpticsSat that houses the PFLs and navigation
beacons while a larger, ESPA-class DetectorSat contains an X-ray camera, a
charged-particle radiation monitor, a precision star tracker, and the
propulsion for the formation flying. The baseline flight dynamics uses a
highly-elliptical supersynchronous geostationary transfer orbit to allow the
inertial formation to form and hold around the 90,000 km apogee for 10 hours of
the 32.5-hour orbit with nearly a year mission lifetime. The guidance,
navigation, and control (GN&C) for the formation flying uses standard CubeSat
avionics packages, a precision star tracker, imaging beacons on the OpticsSat,
and a radio ranging system that also serves as an inter-satellite communication
link. VTXO's fine angular resolution enables measuring the environments nearly
an order of magnitude closer to the central engines of bright compact X-ray
sources compared to the current state of the art. This X-ray imaging capability
allows for the study of the effects of dust scattering nearer to the central
objects such as Cyg X-3 and GX 5-1, for the search for jet structure nearer to
the compact object in X-ray novae such as Cyg X-1 and GRS 1915+105, and for the
search for structure in the termination shock of in the Crab pulsar wind
nebula. The VTXO development was supported as one of the selected 2018 NASA
Astrophysics SmallSat Study (AS3) missions.
| astro-ph |
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey -- XVII: The Parsec-scale Jet Properties of
the Ultra Hard X-ray Selected Local AGN | We have performed a very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) survey of local
(z < 0.05) ultra hard X-ray (14-195 keV) selected active galactic nuclei (AGN)
from the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) using KVN, KaVA, and VLBA. We first
executed fringe surveys of 142 BAT-detected AGN at 15 or 22 GHz. Based on the
fringe surveys and archival data, we find 10/279 nearby AGN (~4%) VLBI have 22
GHz flux above 30 mJy. This implies that the X-ray AGN with a bright nuclear
jet are not common. Among these 10 radio-bright AGN, we obtained 22 GHz VLBI
imaging data of our own for four targets and reprocessed archival data for six
targets. We find that, although our 10 AGN observed with VLBI span a wide range
of pc-scale morphological types, they lie on a tight linear relation between
accretion luminosity and nuclear jet luminosity. Our result suggests that a
powerful nuclear radio jet correlates with the accretion disc luminosity. We
also probed the fundamental plane of black hole activity at VLBI scales (e.g.,
few milli-arcsecond). The jet luminosity and size distribution among our sample
roughly fit into the proposed AGN evolutionary scenario, finding powerful jets
after the blow-out phase based on the Eddington ratio (\lambda_{Edd})-hydrogen
column density (N_{H}) relation. In addition, we find some hints of gas inflow
or galaxy-galaxy merger in the majority of our sample. This implies that gas
supply via tidal interactions in galactic scale may help the central AGN to
launch a powerful parsec-scale jet.
| astro-ph |
Hic sunt dracones: Cartography of the Milky Way spiral arms and bar
resonances with Gaia Data Release 2 | In this paper we introduce a new method for analysing Milky Way phase-space
which allows us to reveal the imprint left by the Milky Way bar and spiral arms
on the stars with full phase-space data in Gaia Data Release 2. The
unprecedented quality and extended spatial coverage of these data enable us to
discover six prominent stellar density structures in the disc to a distance of
5 kpc from the Sun. Four of these structures correspond to the spiral arms
detected previously in the gas and young stars (Scutum-Centaurus, Sagittarius,
Local and Perseus). The remaining two are associated with the main resonances
of the Milky Way bar where corotation is placed at around 6.2 kpc and the outer
Lindblad resonance beyond the Solar radius, at around 9 kpc. For the first time
we provide evidence of the imprint left by spiral arms and resonances in the
stellar densities not relying on a specific tracer, through enhancing the
signatures left by these asymmetries. Our method offers new avenues for
studying how the stellar populations in our Galaxy are shaped.
| astro-ph |
CME Induced Thermodynamic Changes in the Corona as Inferred from Fe XI
and Fe XIV Emission Observations during the 2017 August 21 Total Solar
Eclipse | We present the first remote sensing observations of the impact from a Coronal
Mass Ejection (CME) on the thermodynamic properties of the solar corona between
1 and 3 Rs. Measurements of the Fe XI (789.2 nm) and Fe XIV (530.3 nm) emission
were acquired with identical narrow-bandpass imagers at three observing sites
during the 2017 August 21 Total Solar Eclipse. Additional continuum imagers
were used to observe K+F corona scattering, which is critical for the
diagnostics presented here. The total distance between sites along the path of
totality was 1400 km, corresponding to a difference of 28 minutes between the
times of totality at the first and last site. These observations were used to
measure the Fe XI and Fe XIV emission relative to continuum scattering, as well
as the relative abundance of Fe 10+ and Fe 13+ from the line ratio. The
electron temperature (Te) was then computed via theoretical ionization
abundance values. We find that the range of Te is 1.1-1.2 x10^6 K in coronal
holes and 1.2-1.4 x10^6 K in streamers. Statistically significant changes of Te
occurred throughout much of the corona between the sites as a result of
serendipitous CME activity prior to the eclipse. These results underscore the
unique advantage of multi-site and multi-wavelength total solar eclipse
observations for probing the dynamic and thermodynamic properties of the corona
over an uninterrupted distance range from 1 to 3 Rs.
| astro-ph |
Prevalence of Extra Power-Law Spectral Components in Short Gamma-Ray
Bursts | Prompt extra power-law (PL) spectral component is discovered in some bright
gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which usually dominates the spectral energy
distribution below tens of keV or above $\sim$10 MeV. However, its origin is
still unclear. In this letter, we present a systematic analysis for 13
\textit{Fermi} short GRBs as of August 2020, with significant keV--MeV and GeV
detections at the prompt emission phase. We find that the extra PL component is
a ubiquitous spectral feature for short GRBs, showing up in all 13 analyzed
GRBs. The PL indices are mostly harder than $-$2.0, which may be well
reproduced by considering the electromagnetic cascade induced by
ultra-relativistic protons or electrons accelerated in the prompt emission
phase. The average flux of these extra PL components positively correlates with
that of the main spectral components, which implies they may share the same
physical origin.
| astro-ph |
An accurate method to determine the systematics due to the peculiar
velocities of galaxies in measuring the Hubble constant from gravitational
wave standard sirens | We propose a novel approach to accurately pin down the systematics due to the
peculiar velocities of galaxies in measuring the Hubble constant from nearby
galaxies in current and future gravitational-wave (GW) standard-siren
experiments. Given the precision that future GW standard-siren experiments aim
to achieve, the peculiar velocities of nearby galaxies will be a major source
of uncertainty. Unlike the conventional backward reconstruction that requires
additional redshift-independent distance indicators to recover the peculiar
velocity field, we forwardly model the peculiar velocity field by using a
high-fidelity mock galaxy catalog built from high-resolution dark matter only
(DMO) N-body simulations with a physically motivated subhalo abundance matching
technique without introducing any free parameters. Our mock galaxy catalog can
impressively well reproduce the observed spectroscopic redshift space
distortions (RSDs) in highly non-linear regimes down to very small scales,
which is a robust test of the velocity field of our mock galaxy catalog. Based
on this mock galaxy catalog, we accurately, for the first time, measure the
peculiar velocity probability distributions for the SDSS main galaxy samples.
We find that the systematics induced by the peculiar velocities of SDSS like
galaxies on the measured Hubble constant can be reduced to below
$1\%$($1\sigma$) for GW host galaxies with a Hubble flow redshift just above
$0.13$, a distance that can be well probed by future GW experiments and galaxy
| astro-ph |
Commissioning and Performance of CHEC-S -- a compact high-energy camera
for the Cherenkov Telescope Array | The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will present the next leap forward in
gamma-ray astronomy, pushing beyond the present energy frontier to probe beyond
300 TeV. This capability is provided by the 70 Small Sized Telescopes (SSTs).
The SSTs are spread across the four square kilometres of the array to detect
the rare, but bright, Cherenkov showers produced by the highest-energy gamma
rays. One proposed camera design for the SSTs is the Compact High Energy Camera
(CHEC). Its compact and curved focal plane design is tailored for dual-mirror
Schwarzschild-Couder telescopes, making it compatible with two of the three
telescope proposals for the SSTs. The latest design of CHEC (known as CHEC-S)
utilises silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs); an attractive alternative to
traditional photomultiplier tubes, offering improved photon detection
efficiency and photoelectron counting resolution for a large dynamic range,
across tightly-packed pixels. However, SiPMs suffer from the phenomena of
optical crosstalk, which degrades the ability to resolve the number of photons
incident on the photosensor. CHEC-S also features full-waveform readout at
nanosecond sampling resolution with a flexible trigger scheme. This is
facilitated by the TARGET (TeV Array Read-out with GSa/s sampling and Event
Trigger) modules attached to the SiPMs. This contribution describes the concept
and technical design of CHEC-S and displays the key performance results,
matched against the criteria required for a CTA camera. The limitation caused
by the optical crosstalk of the SiPM is highlighted, and the expected
performance with more recent iterations of the photosensor technology is also
| astro-ph |
Variable H$\alpha$ Emission in the Nebular Spectra of the Low-Luminosity
Type Ia SN2018cqj/ATLAS18qtd | We present optical photometry and spectroscopy of the Type Ia supernova
SN2018cqj/ATLAS18qtd. The supernova exploded in an isolated region at $\sim
65$~kpc from the S0 galaxy IC~550 at $z=0.0165$ ($D\approx 74$~Mpc) and has a
redshift consistent with a physical association to this galaxy. Multicolor
photometry show that SN2018cqj/ATLAS18qtd is a low-luminosity
($M_{B_{max}}\approx -17.9$ mag), fast-declining Type Ia with color stretch
$s_{BV} \approx 0.6$ and $B$-band decline rate $\Delta m_{15}(B) \approx 1.77$
mag. Two nebular-phase spectra obtained as part of the 100IAS survey at +193
and +307 days after peak show the clear detection of a narrow H$\alpha$ line in
emission that is resolved in the first spectrum with $\rm FWHM \approx 1200$ km
s$^{-1}$ and $L_{H\alpha} \approx 3.8\times 10^{37}$ erg s$^{-1}$. The
detection of a resolved H$\alpha$ line with a declining luminosity is broadly
consistent with recent models where hydrogen is stripped from the
non-degenerate companion in a single-degenerate progenitor system. However, the
amount of hydrogen consistent with the luminosities of the H$\alpha$ line would
be $\sim 10^{-3}$ M$_{\odot}$, significantly less than theoretical model
predictions in the classical single-degenerate progenitor systems.
SN2018cqj/ATLAS18qtd is the second low-luminosity, fast-declining Type Ia SN
after SN2018fhw/ASASSN-18tb that shows narrow H$\alpha$ in emission in its
nebular-phase spectra.
| astro-ph |
Designing optimal masks for a multi-object spectrometer | This paper concerns a new optimization problem arising in the management of a
multi-object spectrometer with a configurable slit unit. The field of view of
the spectrograph is divided into contiguous and parallel spatial bands, each
one associated with two opposite sliding metal bars that can be positioned to
observe one astronomical object. Thus several objects can be analyzed
simultaneously within a configuration of the bars called a mask. Due to the
high demand from astronomers, pointing the spectrograph's field of view to the
sky, rotating it, and selecting the objects to conform a mask is a crucial
optimization problem for the efficient use of the spectrometer. The paper
describes this problem, presents a Mixed Integer Linear Programming formulation
for the case where the rotation angle is fixed, presents a non-convex
formulation for the case where the rotation angle is unfixed, describes a
heuristic approach for the general problem, and discusses computational results
on real-world and randomly-generated instances.
| astro-ph |
GeV emission of gamma-ray binary with pulsar scenario | We study GeV emission from gamma-ray binaries by assuming that the compact
object is a young pulsar. We assume that the relativistic unshocked pulsar wind
with Lorentz factor of 10^4~5 can produce the GeV emission by the
inverse-Compton scattering process in the dense soft-photon field of the
companion star. The travel distance of the unshocked pulsar wind that moves
toward the observer depends on the orbital phase of the pulsar. We discuss that
the orbital modulation of the GeV emission is a result of combination of the
effects of the travel distance of the unshocked pulsar wind and of the
anisotropic soft-photon field of the companion star. In this paper, we study
how the effect of the travel distance of the unshocked pulsar wind affects to
the orbital modulation of GeV emission. We apply our scenario to two gamma-ray
binaries, LMC P3 and 4FGL J1405.5-6119. We find that with the suggested system
parameters of LMC P3, the observed amplitude of the orbital modulation and the
peak width are more consistent with the model light curve by taking into
account the effect of the travel distance. For LMC P3, we analyze the GeV
spectrum with 8-years Fermi-LAT data and discuss the broadband emission process
in X-ray to TeV energy bands. We predict a possible system geometry for 4FGL
J1405.5-6119 by fitting the GeV light curve. Key words: shock waves,
gamma-rays: stars, stars: massive stars: mass-loss, stars: neutron
| astro-ph |
A Search for a Contribution from Axion-Like Particles to the X-Ray
Diffuse Background Utilizing the Earth's Magnetic Field | The Axion Like Particle (ALP) is a hypothetical pseudo-scalar particle beyond
the Standard Model, with a compelling possible connection to dark matter and
early universe physics. ALPs can be converted into photons via interactions
with magnetic fields in the universe, i.e., the so-called inverse Primakoff
effect. In this paper, we propose a novel method to explore ALP-induced photons
from X-ray data obtained from the {\it Suzaku} satellite, arising from a
possible interaction of ALPs with the direction-dependent Earth's magnetic
field viewed from the satellite. {\it Suzaku} data is suitable for this purpose
because its low-altitude Earth orbit result in intrinsically low cosmic-ray
background radiation. We study whether the X-ray diffuse background (XDB)
spectra estimated from the four deep fields collected over eight years, vary
with the integrated Earth's magnetic strength in the direction of each target
field at each observation epoch, which amounts to $10^2$ Tm-a value greater
than that achieved by terrestrial experiments due to the large coherent length.
From the detailed analysis, we did not find evidence of the XDB confidence
level spectra having dependence on the Earth's magnetic strength. We obtained
99 % confidence level upper limit on a possible residual contribution to the
cosmic X-ray background (CXB) surface brightness to be $1.6\times 10^{-9}~{\rm
ergs~s}^{-1}{\rm cm}^{-2}{\rm sr}^{-1}$ normalized at $10^4$ T${}^2$ m${}^2$ in
the 2-6 keV range, which corresponds to 6-15 % of the observed CXB brightness,
depending on which model of unresolved point sources are used in the
interpretation. It is consistent with 80-90 % of the CXB now being resolved
into point sources.
| astro-ph |
The role of dissipative evolution for three-planet, near-resonant
extrasolar systems | Early dynamical evolution of close-in planetary systems is shaped by an
intricate combination of planetary gravitational interactions, orbital
migration, and dissipative effects. While the process of convergent orbital
migration is expected to routinely yield resonant planetary systems, previous
analyses have shown that the semi-major axes of initially resonant pairs of
planets will gradually diverge under the influence of long-term energy damping,
producing an overabundance of planetary period ratios in slight excess of exact
commensurability. While this feature is clearly evident in the orbital
distribution of close-in extrasolar planets, the existing theoretical picture
is limited to the specific case of the planetary three-body problem. In this
study, we generalise the framework of dissipative divergence of resonant orbits
to multi-resonant chains, and apply our results to the current observational
census of well-characterised three-planet systems. Focusing on the 2:1 and 3:2
commensurabilities, we identify three 3-planet systems, whose current orbital
architecture is consistent with an evolutionary history wherein convergent
migration first locks the planets into a multi-resonant configuration and
subsequent dissipation repels the orbits away from exact commensurability.
Nevertheless, we find that the architecture of the overall sample of multi
planetary systems is incompatible with this simple scenario, suggesting that
additional physical mechanisms must play a dominant role during the early
stages of planetary systems' dynamical evolution.
| astro-ph |
Identifying Candidate Atmospheres on Rocky M dwarf Planets via Eclipse
Photometry | Most rocky planets in the galaxy orbit a cool host star, and there is large
uncertainty among theoretical models whether these planets can retain an
atmosphere. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) might be able to settle this
question empirically, but most proposals for doing so require large
observational effort because they are based on spectroscopy. Here we show that
infrared photometry of secondary eclipses could quickly identify "candidate"
atmospheres, by searching for rocky planets with atmospheres thick enough that
atmospheric heat transport noticeably reduces their dayside thermal emission
compared to that of a bare rock. For a planet amenable to atmospheric
follow-up, we find that JWST should be able to confidently detect the heat
redistribution signal of an O(1) bar atmosphere with one to two eclipses. One
to two eclipses is generally much less than the effort needed to infer an
atmosphere via transmission or emission spectroscopy. Candidate atmospheres can
be further validated via follow-up spectroscopy or phase curves. In addition,
because this technique is fast it could enable a first atmospheric survey of
rocky exoplanets with JWST. We estimate that the TESS mission will find ~100
planets that are too hot to be habitable but that can be quickly probed via
eclipse photometry. Knowing whether hot, rocky planets around M dwarfs have
atmospheres is important not only for understanding the evolution of
uninhabitable worlds: if atmospheres are common on hot planets, then cooler,
potentially habitable planets around M dwarfs are also likely to have
| astro-ph |
Magnetic field and chromospheric activity evolution of HD75332: a rapid
magnetic cycle in an F star without a hot Jupiter | Studying cool star magnetic activity gives an important insight into the
stellar dynamo and its relationship with stellar properties, as well as
allowing us to place the Sun's magnetism in the context of other stars. Only 61
Cyg A (K5V) and $\tau$ Boo (F8V) are currently known to have magnetic cycles
like the Sun's, where the large-scale magnetic field polarity reverses in phase
with the star's chromospheric activity cycles. ${\tau}$ Boo has a rapid
$\sim$240 d magnetic cycle, and it is not yet clear whether this is related to
the star's thin convection zone or if the dynamo is accelerated by interactions
between ${\tau}$ Boo and its hot Jupiter. To shed light on this, we studied the
magnetic activity of HD75332 (F7V) which has similar physical properties to
${\tau}$ Boo and does not appear to host a hot Jupiter. We characterized its
long term chromospheric activity variability over 53 yrs and used Zeeman
Doppler Imaging to reconstruct the large-scale surface magnetic field for 12
epochs between 2007 and 2019. Although we observe only one reversal of the
large-scale magnetic dipole, our results suggest that HD75332 has a rapid
$\sim$1.06 yr solar-like magnetic cycle where the magnetic field evolves in
phase with its chromospheric activity. If a solar-like cycle is present,
reversals of the large-scale radial field polarity are expected to occur at
around activity cycle maxima. This would be similar to the rapid magnetic cycle
observed for ${\tau}$ Boo, suggesting that rapid magnetic cycles may be
intrinsic to late-F stars and related to their shallow convection zones.
| astro-ph |
Massive stars evolution: feedbacks in low-Z environment | Massive stars are the drivers of the chemical evolution of dwarf galaxies. We
review here the basics of massive star evolution and the specificities of
stellar evolution in low-Z environment. We discuss nucleosynthetic aspects and
what observations could constrain our view on the first generations of stars.
| astro-ph |
The First Metallicity Study of M83 using the integrated UV light of Star
Clusters | Stellar populations are powerful tools for investigating the evolution of
extragalactic environments. We present the first UV integrated-light
spectroscopic observations for 15 young star clusters in the starburst M83 with
a special focus on metallicity measurements. The data were obtained with the
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. We
analyse the data applying an abundance technique previously used to study an
optical set of star clusters. We estimate a central metallicity of [Z] =
$+$0.20 $\pm$ 0.15 dex in agreement with those obtained through independent
methods, i.e. $J$-band and blue supergiants. We estimate a UV metallicity
gradient of $-$0.041 $\pm$ 0.022 dex kpc$^{-1}$ consistent with the optical
metallicity gradient of $-$0.040 $\pm$ 0.032 dex kpc$^{-1}$ for $R/R_{25}<0.5$.
Combining our stellar metallicities, UV and optical, with those from HII
regions (strong-line abundances based on empirical calibrations) we identify
two possible breaks in the gradient of M83 at galactocentric distances of
$R\sim0.5$ and $1.0\:R_{25}$. If the abundance breaks are genuine, the
metallicity gradient of this galaxy follows a steep-shallow-steep trend, a
scenario predicted by three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulations of disc
galaxies. The first break is located near the corotation radius. This first
steep gradient may have originated by recent star formation episodes and a
relatively young bar ($<$1 Gyr). In the numerical simulations the shallow
gradient is created by the effects of dilution by outflow where low-metallicity
material is mixed with enriched gas. And finally, the second break and last
steep gradient mark the farthest galactocentric distances where the outward
flow has penetrated.
| astro-ph |
Kepler Object of Interest Network III. Kepler-82f: A new non-transiting
$21 M_\bigoplus$ planet from photodynamical modelling | Context. The Kepler Object of Interest Network (KOINet) is a multi-site
network of telescopes around the globe organised for follow-up observations of
transiting planet candidate Kepler objects of interest (KOIs) with large
transit timing variations (TTVs). The main goal of KOINet is the completion of
their TTV curves as the Kepler telescope stopped observing the original Kepler
field in 2013.
Aims. We ensure a comprehensive characterisation of the investigated systems
by analysing Kepler data combined with new ground-based transit data using a
photodynamical model. This method is applied to the Kepler-82 system leading to
its first dynamic analysis.
Methods. In order to provide a coherent description of all observations
simultaneously, we combine the numerical integration of the gravitational
dynamics of a system over the time span of observations with a transit light
curve model. To explore the model parameter space, this photodynamical model is
coupled with a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm.
Results. The Kepler-82b/c system shows sinusoidal TTVs due to their near 2:1
resonance dynamical interaction. An additional chopping effect in the TTVs of
Kepler-82c hints to a further planet near the 3:2 or 3:1 resonance. We
photodynamically analysed Kepler long- and short-cadence data and three new
transit observations obtained by KOINet between 2014 and 2018. Our result
reveals a non-transiting outer planet with a mass of
$m_f=20.9\pm1.0\;M_\bigoplus$ near the 3:2 resonance to the outermost known
planet, Kepler-82c. Furthermore, we determined the densities of planets b and c
to the significantly more precise values $\rho_b=0.98_{-0.14}^{+0.10}\;\text{g
cm}^{-3}$ and $\rho_c=0.494_{-0.077}^{+0.066}\;\text{g cm}^{-3}$.
| astro-ph |
SHAPing the Gas: Understanding Gas Shapes in Dark Matter Haloes with
Interpretable Machine Learning | The non-spherical shapes of dark matter and gas distributions introduce
systematic uncertainties that affect observable-mass relations and selection
functions of galaxy groups and clusters. However, the triaxial gas
distributions depend on the non-linear physical processes of halo formation
histories and baryonic physics, which are challenging to model accurately. In
this study we explore a machine learning approach for modelling the dependence
of gas shapes on dark matter and baryonic properties. With data from the
Illustris-TNG hydrodynamical cosmological simulations, we develop a machine
learning pipeline that applies XGBoost, an implementation of gradient boosted
decision trees, to predict radial profiles of gas shapes from halo properties.
We show that XGBoost models can accurately predict gas shape profiles in dark
matter haloes. We also explore model interpretability with SHAP, a method that
identifies the most predictive properties at different halo radii. We find that
baryonic properties best predict gas shapes in halo cores, whereas dark matter
shapes are the main predictors in the halo outskirts. This work demonstrates
the power of interpretable machine learning in modelling observable properties
of dark matter haloes in the era of multi-wavelength cosmological surveys.
| astro-ph |
Predicting the long-term stability of compact multiplanet systems | We combine analytical understanding of resonant dynamics in two-planet
systems with machine learning techniques to train a model capable of robustly
classifying stability in compact multi-planet systems over long timescales of
$10^9$ orbits. Our Stability of Planetary Orbital Configurations Klassifier
(SPOCK) predicts stability using physically motivated summary statistics
measured in integrations of the first $10^4$ orbits, thus achieving speed-ups
of up to $10^5$ over full simulations. This computationally opens up the
stability constrained characterization of multi-planet systems. Our model,
trained on $\approx 100,000$ three-planet systems sampled at discrete
resonances, generalizes both to a sample spanning a continuous period-ratio
range, as well as to a large five-planet sample with qualitatively different
configurations to our training dataset. Our approach significantly outperforms
previous methods based on systems' angular momentum deficit, chaos indicators,
and parametrized fits to numerical integrations. We use SPOCK to constrain the
free eccentricities between the inner and outer pairs of planets in the
Kepler-431 system of three approximately Earth-sized planets to both be below
0.05. Our stability analysis provides significantly stronger eccentricity
constraints than currently achievable through either radial velocity or transit
duration measurements for small planets, and within a factor of a few of
systems that exhibit transit timing variations (TTVs). Given that current
exoplanet detection strategies now rarely allow for strong TTV constraints
(Hadden et al., 2019), SPOCK enables a powerful complementary method for
precisely characterizing compact multi-planet systems. We publicly release
SPOCK for community use.
| astro-ph |
A Hybrid Deep Learning Approach to Cosmological Constraints From Galaxy
Redshift Surveys | We present a deep machine learning (ML)-based technique for accurately
determining $\sigma_8$ and $\Omega_m$ from mock 3D galaxy surveys. The mock
surveys are built from the AbacusCosmos suite of $N$-body simulations, which
comprises 40 cosmological volume simulations spanning a range of cosmological
models, and we account for uncertainties in galaxy formation scenarios through
the use of generalized halo occupation distributions (HODs). We explore a trio
of ML models: a 3D convolutional neural network (CNN), a power-spectrum-based
fully connected network, and a hybrid approach that merges the two to combine
physically motivated summary statistics with flexible CNNs. We describe best
practices for training a deep model on a suite of matched-phase simulations and
we test our model on a completely independent sample that uses previously
unseen initial conditions, cosmological parameters, and HOD parameters. Despite
the fact that the mock observations are quite small
($\sim0.07h^{-3}\,\mathrm{Gpc}^3$) and the training data span a large parameter
space (6 cosmological and 6 HOD parameters), the CNN and hybrid CNN can
constrain $\sigma_8$ and $\Omega_m$ to $\sim3\%$ and $\sim4\%$, respectively.
| astro-ph |
Fragmentation of star-forming filaments in the X-shape Nebula of the
California molecular cloud | Dense molecular filaments are central to the star formation process, but the
detailed manner in which they fragment into prestellar cores is not yet well
understood. Here, we investigate the fragmentation properties and dynamical
state of several star-forming filaments in the X-shape Nebula region of the
California MC, in an effort to shed some light on this issue. We used
multi-wavelength far-infrared images from Herschel and the getsources and
getfilaments extraction methods to identify dense cores and filaments and
derive their basic properties. We also used a map of $\rm ^{13}CO (2-1)$
emission from SMT 10m submillimeter telescope to constrain the dynamical state
of the filaments. We identified 10 filaments, as well as 57 dense cores. Two
star-forming filaments (# 8 and # 10) stand out in that they harbor
quasi-periodic chains of dense cores with a typical projected core spacing of
$\sim$0.15 pc. These two filaments have thermally supercritical line masses and
are not static. Filament~8 exhibits a prominent transverse velocity gradient,
suggesting that it is accreting gas from the parent cloud gas reservoir. In
both cases, the observed (projected) core spacing is similar to the filament
width and significantly shorter than the canonical separation of $\sim \,$4
times the filament width predicted by classical cylinder fragmentation theory.
We suggest that continuous accretion of gas onto the two star-forming
filaments, as well as geometrical bending of the filaments, may account for the
observed core spacing. Our findings suggest that the characteristic
fragmentation lengthscale of molecular filaments is quite sensitive to external
perturbations from the parent cloud, such as gravitational accretion of ambient
| astro-ph |
Simple interpolation functions for the galaxy-wide stellar initial mass
function and its effects in early-type galaxies | The galaxy-wide stellar initial mass function (IGIMF) of a galaxy is thought
to depend on its star formation rate (SFR). Using a catalogue of observational
properties of early-type galaxies (ETGs) and a relation that correlates the
formation timescales of ETGs with their stellar masses, the dependencies of the
IGIMF on the SFR are translated into dependencies on more intuitive parameters
like present-day luminosities in different passbands. It is found that up to a
luminosity of approximately $10^9 \ {\rm L}_{\odot}$ (quite independent of the
considered passband), the total masses of the stellar populations of ETGs are
slightly lower than expected from the canonical stellar initial mass function.
However, the actual mass of the stellar populations of the most luminous ETGs
may be up to two times higher than expected from an SSP-model with the
canonical IMF. The variation of the IGIMF with the mass of ETGs are presented
here also as convenient functions of the luminosity in various passbands.
| astro-ph |
A study of holographic dark energy models using configuration entropy | The holographic dark energy models provide an alternative description of the
dark energy. These models are motivated by the possible application of
holographic principle to the dark energy problem. We study the one parameter Li
holographic dark energy and the two parameter Barrow holographic dark energy
models using configuration entropy of the matter distribution in the Universe.
The configuration entropy rate exhibits a distinct minimum at a specific scale
factor that corresponds to the epoch, beyond which the dark energy takes a
driving role in the accelerated expansion of the Universe. We find that the
location of the minimum and magnitude of the entropy rate at the minimum are
sensitive to the parameters of the models. We find the best fit relations
between these quantities and the parameters of each model. We propose that
these relations can be used to constrain the parameters of the holographic dark
energy models from the future measurements of the configuration entropy at
multiple redshifts. Further, the Barrow holographic dark energy model is based
on Barrow entropy which modifies the standard Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, to
capture the deformation of the black-hole surface due to quantum gravitational
effects. We find that the location and amplitude of the minimum of the
configuration entropy rate is strongly sensitive to the deformation exponent
$\Delta$ in the Barrow model. Our study suggests that signatures of the quantum
gravitational effects on the future event horizon may be detected from the
study of the configuration entropy of the matter distribution on large-scales.
| astro-ph |
Cosmic evolution of star-forming galaxies to $z \simeq 1.8$ in the faint
low-frequency radio source population | We study the properties of star-forming galaxies selected at 610 MHz with the
GMRT in a survey covering $\sim$1.86 deg$^2$ down to a noise of
$\sim$7.1\,$\mu$Jy / beam. These were identified by combining multiple
classification diagnostics: optical, X-ray, infrared and radio data.
Of the 1685 SFGs from the GMRT sample, 496 have spectroscopic redshifts
whereas 1189 have photometric redshifts. We find that the IRRC of star-forming
galaxies, quantified by the infrared-to-1.4 GHz radio luminosity ratio
$\rm{q_{IR}}$, decreases with increasing redshift:
$\rm{q_{IR}\,=\,2.86\pm0.04(1\,+\,z)^{-0.20\pm0.02}}$ out to $z \sim 1.8$. We
use the $\rm{V/V_{max}}$ statistic to quantify the evolution of the co-moving
space density of the SFG sample. Averaged over luminosity our results indicate
$\rm{\langle V/V_{max} \rangle}$ to be $\rm{0.51\,\pm\, 0.06}$, which is
consistent with no evolution in overall space density. However we find $\rm
V/V_{max}$ to be a function of radio luminosity, indicating strong luminosity
evolution with redshift.
We explore the evolution of the SFGs radio luminosity function by separating
the source into five redshift bins and comparing to theoretical model
predictions. We find a strong redshift trend that can be fitted with a pure
luminosity evolution of the form
$\rm{L_{610\,MHz}\,\propto\,(\,1+\,z)^{(2.95\pm0.19)-(0.50\pm0.15)z}}$. We
calculate the cosmic SFR density since $\rm{z \sim 1.5}$ by integrating the
parametric fits of the evolved 610\,MHz luminosity function. Our sample
reproduces the expected steep decline in the star formation rate density since
| astro-ph |
Constraining millisecond pulsar geometry using time-aligned radio and
gamma-ray pulse profile | Since the launch of the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope, several hundred
gamma-ray pulsars have been discovered, some being radio-loud and some
radio-quiet with time-aligned radio and gamma-ray light curves. In the second
Fermi Pulsar Catalogue, 117 new gamma-ray pulsars have been reported based on
three years of data collected by the Large Area Telescope on the Fermi
satellite, providing a wealth of information such as the peak
separation~$\Delta$ of the gamma-ray pulsations and the radio lag~$\delta$
between the gamma-ray and radio pulses. We selected several radio-loud
millisecond gamma-ray pulsars with period~$P$ in the range 2-6~ms and showing a
double peak in their gamma-ray profiles. We attempted to constrain the geometry
of their magnetosphere, namely the magnetic axis and line-of-sight inclination
angles for each of these systems. We applied a force-free dipole magnetosphere
from the stellar surface up to the striped wind region -- well outside the
light cylinder -- to fit the observed pulse profiles in gamma-rays,
consistently with their phase alignment with the radio profile. In deciding
whether a fitted curve is reasonable or not, we employed a least-square method
to compare the observed gamma-ray intensity with that found from our model,
emphasising the amplitude of the gamma-ray peaks, their separation, and the
phase lag between radio and gamma-ray peaks. We obtained the best fits and
reasonable parameters in agreement with observations for ten millisecond
pulsars. Eventually, we constrained the geometry of each pulsar described by
the magnetic inclination~$\alpha$ and the light-of-sight inclination~$\zeta$.
We found that both angles are larger than approximately~$45^{\rm o}$.
| astro-ph |
Flare Rates, Rotation Periods. and Spectroscopic Activity Indicators of
a Volume-Complete Sample of Mid-to-Late M dwarfs within 15 Parsecs | We present a study of flare rates, rotation periods, and spectroscopic
activity indicators of 125 single stars within 15 parsecs and with masses
between 0.1$-$0.3 $M_\odot$ observed during the first year of the TESS mission,
with the goal of elucidating the relationship between these various
magnetically connected phenomena. We gathered multi-epoch high resolution
spectra of each target and we measured equivalent widths of the activity
indicators Helium I D$_3$, $H\alpha$, and the Calcium infrared triplet line at
8542.09 angstroms. We present 18 new rotation periods from MEarth photometry
and 19 new rotation periods from TESS photometry. We present a catalog of 1392
flares. After correcting for sensitivity, we find the slope of the flare
frequency distribution for all stars to have a standard value of $\alpha$ =
1.98 $\pm$ 0.02. We determine R$_{31.5}$, the rate of flares per day with
energies above E = 3.16$\times$10$^{31}$ ergs in the TESS bandpass. We find
that below a critical value of $H\alpha$ EW = -0.71 angstroms, log R$_{31.5}$
increases linearly with increasing $H\alpha$ emission; above this value, log
R$_{31.5}$ declines rapidly. The stars divide into two groups: 26% have
$H\alpha$ in emission, high flare rates with typical values of log R$_{31.5}$ =
-1.30 $\pm$ 0.08, and have Rossby numbers $<$ 0.50. The remaining 74% show
little to no $H\alpha$ in emission and exhibit log R$_{31.5}$ $<$ -3.86, with
the majority of these stars not showing a single flare during the TESS
| astro-ph |
The proper motion of sub-populations in Omega Centauri | The galactic globular cluster Omega Centauri is the most massive of its kind,
with a complex mix of multiple stellar populations and several kinematic and
dynamical peculiarities. Different mean proper motions have been detected among
the three main sub-populations, implying that the most metal-rich one is of
accreted origin. This particular piece of evidence has been a matter of debate
because the available data have either not been sufficiently precise or limited
to a small region of the cluster to ultimately confirm or refute the result.
Using astrometry from the second Gaia data release and recent high-quality,
multi-band photometry, we are now in a position to resolve the controversy. We
reproduced the original analysis using the Gaia data and found that the three
populations have the same mean proper motion. Thus, there is no need to invoke
an accreted origin for the most metal-rich sub-population.
| astro-ph |
Investigating Cosmic Discordance | We show that a combined analysis of CMB anisotropy power spectra obtained by
the Planck satellite and luminosity distance data simultaneously excludes a
flat universe and a cosmological constant at $99 \%$ CL. These results hold
separately when combining Planck with three different datasets: the two
determinations of the Hubble constant from Riess et al. 2019 and Freedman et
al. 2020, and the Pantheon catalog of high redshift supernovae type-Ia. We
conclude that either LCDM needs to be replaced by a different model, or else
there are significant but still undetected systematics. Our result calls for
new observations and stimulates the investigation of alternative theoretical
models and solutions.
| astro-ph |
Fundamental parameters and evolutionary status of the magnetic
chemically peculiar stars HD 188041 (V1291 Aquilae), HD 111133 (EP Virginis),
and HD 204411. Spectroscopy versus interferometry | The determination of fundamental parameters of stars is one of the main tasks
of astrophysics. For magnetic chemically peculiar stars, this problem is
complicated by the anomalous chemical composition of their atmospheres, which
requires special analysis methods. We present the results of the effective
temperature, surface gravity, abundance and radius determinations for three CP
stars HD 188041, HD 111133, and HD 204411. Our analysis is based on a
self-consistent model fitting of high-resolution spectra and
spectrophrotometric observations over a wide wavelength range, taking into
account the anomalous chemical composition of atmospheres and the inhomogeneous
vertical distribution for three chemical elements: Ca, Cr, and Fe. For two
stars, HD 188041 and HD 204411, we also performed interferometric observations
which provided us with the direct estimates of stellar radii. Parameters for
another 8 CP stars are collected. Comparison of the radii determined from the
analysis of spectroscopic/spectrophotometric observations with direct
measurements of the radii by interferometry methods for seven CP stars shows
that the radii agree within the limits of measurement errors, which proves
indirect spectroscopic analysis capable of proving reliable determinations of
the fundamental parameters of fainter Ap stars that are not possible to study
with modern interferometric facilities.
| astro-ph |
Cross-correlations as a Diagnostic Tool for Primordial Gravitational
Waves | We explore and corroborate, by working out explicit examples, the
effectiveness of cross-correlating stochastic gravitational wave background
anisotropies with CMB temperature fluctuations as a way to establish the
primordial nature of a given gravitational wave signal. We consider the case of
gravitational wave anisotropies induced by scalar-tensor-tensor primordial
non-Gaussianity. Our analysis spans anisotropies exhibiting different angular
behaviours, including a quadrupolar dependence. We calculate the expected
uncertainty on the non-linearity parameter $F_{\rm NL}$ obtained as a result of
cross-correlation measurements for several proposed experiments such as the
ground-based Einstein Telescope, Cosmic Explorer, and the space-based Big-Bang
Observer. As a benchmark for future survey planning, we also calculate the
theoretical, cosmic-variance-limited, error on the non-linearity parameter.
| astro-ph |
Revisiting high-order Taylor methods for astrodynamics and celestial
mechanics | We present heyoka, a new, modern and general-purpose implementation of
Taylor's integration method for the numerical solution of ordinary differential
equations. Detailed numerical tests focused on difficult high-precision
gravitational problems in astrodynamics and celestial mechanics show how our
general-purpose integrator is competitive with and often superior to
state-of-the-art specialised symplectic and non-symplectic integrators in both
speed and accuracy. In particular, we show how Taylor methods are capable of
satisfying Brouwer's law for the conservation of energy in long-term
integrations of planetary systems over billions of dynamical timescales. We
also show how close encounters are modelled accurately during simulations of
the formation of the Kirkwood gaps and of Apophis' 2029 close encounter with
the Earth (where heyoka surpasses the speed and accuracy of domain-specific
methods). heyoka can be used from both C++ and Python, and it is publicly
available as an open-source project.
| astro-ph |
SZ Scaling Relations of Galaxy Groups and Clusters Near the North
Ecliptic Pole | SZ scaling relations have been used to test the self-similar prediction for
massive galaxy clusters, but little attention has been given to individual
galaxy groups. We investigate the scaling relations of galaxy groups and
clusters near the North Ecliptic Pole using X-ray and SZ observations. This
region of the sky is where both the ROSAT and Planck satellites achieved their
deepest observations, permitting the investigation of lower mass systems. Our
sample consists of 62 X-ray detected groups and clusters, spanning a mass range
of $10^{13.4}M_{\odot}<~M_{500}<10^{15}M_{\odot}$ and redshifts of
$0.03\lesssim z \lesssim 0.82$. We extract the total SZ flux from unresolved
Planck data and estimate the fraction of the SZ flux within $R_{500}$ assuming
two different pressure profiles. The SZ scaling relations were derived using a
Bayesian technique that accounts for censored data. We find a power law slope
of $1.73^{+0.19}_{-0.18}$ for the $Y_{SZ}-M_{500}$ relation which is consistent
with the self-similar prediction of 5/3. The slope of $0.89^{+0.09}_{-0.08}$
for the $Y_{SZ}-L_{X,500}$ relation is in agreement with other observational
studies but not the self-similar prediction of 5/4, and the $Y_{SZ}-Y_{X}$
relation lies below the 1:1 relation when the slope is fixed to unity. The
determined scaling relations are dependent on the selected pressure profile, so
resolved data are needed to determine the effects of AGN feedback. In addition,
we find a number of potential cluster candidates in the Planck Compton maps
that were not identified in our X-ray sample.
| astro-ph |
Extended X-ray emission around FR II radio galaxies: hotspots, lobes and
galaxy clusters | We present a systematic analysis of the extended X-ray emission discovered
around 35 FR II radio galaxies from the revised Third Cambridge catalog (3CR)
Chandra Snapshot Survey with redshifts between 0.05 to 0.9.
We aimed to (i) test for the presence of extended X-ray emission around FR II
radio galaxies, (ii) investigate if the extended emission origin is due to
Inverse Compton scattering of seed photons arising from the Cosmic Microwave
Background (IC/CMB) or to thermal emission from an intracluster medium (ICM)
and (iii) test the impact of this extended emission on hotspot detection.
We investigated the nature of the extended X-ray emission by studying its
morphology and compared our results with low-frequency radio observations
(i.e., $\sim$150 MHz), in the TGSS and LOFAR archives, as well as with optical
images from Pan-STARRS. In addition, we optimized a search for X-ray
counterparts of hotspots in 3CR FR II radio galaxies.
We found statistically significant extended emission ($>$3$\sigma$ confidence
level) along the radio axis for $\sim$90%, and in the perpendicular direction
for $\sim$60% of our sample. We confirmed the detection of 7 hotspots in the
0.5 - 3 keV.
In the cases where the emission in the direction perpendicular to the radio
axis is comparable to that along the radio axis, we suggest that the underlying
radiative process is thermal emission from ICM. Otherwise, the dominant
radiative process is likely non-thermal IC/CMB emission from lobes. We found
that non-thermal IC/CMB is the dominant process in $\sim$70% of the sources in
our sample, while thermal emission from the ICM dominates in $\sim$15% of them.
| astro-ph |
Subsets and Splits