And comparing economic models of extemely culturally homogenous countries with extremely diverse countries is laughable. Edit: yes yes I know you're bending overbackwards trying to twist my words into white supremacy. If you out down the pitchforks for a moment maybe you can wrap your head around the fact a diverse society has more diverse beliefs, values, political leanings, etc and it's harder for things to gain traction than in a less diverse more homogenius society where people tend to agree more. bUt MuH eU cOuNtRy iSnT hOmOgEnOuS More than the US is. Besides language some of our states are as different as some of the EU countries. as if anyone will take their head out of the sand to listen to you
How is this funny? Mods suck here. Lib tears are hilarious to many. So I guess to others, this is funny.
I just want to point out that it appears he didn't actually know that it was happening and supports a special election taking place. You are correct. Here are the emails. https://apps.npr.org/documents/document.html?id=5745049-Doc-5-Rotated The son was right to be suspicious of the campiagn worker who collected ballots(illegal) but he in no way accused his dad of being in on it. When the son talked to his dad he told his dad he was suspicious because of the way the ballots came in bursts. In the emails the dad tells the son that the mother thinks the ballots came in bursts due to the mail being collected in bursts. So the emails actually prove the dad is innocent in that it shows he thought it was mail collection causing the patterns not because he was part of some conspiracy.
LMFAO! I'm a liberal and that's amazing why are people hating. I hate frequently and this doesn't deserve it. GOLD. Thank you. I am also a liberal and this is the best Ben Garrison comic he never wrote.😂
Does his political orientation matter? This could have been either side. Word
Population of Scotland: 5.3 million Population of US: 325.7 million Not saying it’s wrong to try for universal healthcare in the US, but these bastions of “free” healthcare do not have the same population issues as the US, so it’s not really a fair comparison. Not only that the majority of new pharmaceutical research is based in the USA. If we were to adopt the European style of healthcare that would reduce profits for pharmaceutical companies. We are paying for other countries to reap the benefits of the American pharmaceutical industry. It could end up costing not only the US but the world to decrease the amount of innovation in pharmaceuticals. Maybe if other countries began to pay their fair share we could cut costs for everyone, while also promoting innovation. It takes 12 years and about a billion dollars to create new drugs and even then its not guaranteed that they will go on the market. If you want advances in healthcare you have to give incentive.
How is this humor? edit: Never thought this would be one of my most downvoted comments. This shithole sub is devoid of anything funny. As glad as I am to see this guy get busted, I'm not laughing. edit: To be fair, it still isn't clear whether or not he actually was in on the fraud.
I'm just gonna stop you there. I'm not a teenager. I am a former Air Force EOD Tech who is quite a bit past the "edgy teen phase". Politicians are not people who have your best interests mind. They have their careers in mind. So uneducated grunt, got it. Come back when you have some real qualifications.
Where is the joke? Welcome to political humor lol. Bash trump, Republicans, or capitalism and we'll see uou at the top
Seriously? A WTO exit, in which we've no guarantee the EU won't apply WTO tariffs to the UK and the default is that WTO tariffs and TRQs have to be applied by the UK, and the Irish press comment is >“The British plan ... echoes tactics used against the government of Éamon de Valera during the Anglo-Irish trade war of the 1930s,” The TRQs incidentally are the result of an agreement with the EU [https://www.independent.ie/au/business/farming/agri-business/eu-agrees-postbrexit-carve-up-of-third-country-import-quotas-for-farming-produce-37757771.html](https://www.independent.ie/au/business/farming/agri-business/eu-agrees-postbrexit-carve-up-of-third-country-import-quotas-for-farming-produce-37757771.html) It’s an anti-British polemic by some Irish nationalist masquerading as a journalist. Ignore it.
Where’s the lie There isn't one. This sub just has some weird views about feminism because it's mostly male. Some think that feminism is idpol rather than a core aspect of communism.
Why is this humor? nothing funny about it. people just enjoy seeing someone suffering
Why the need to tell your students you are bisexual?? Why does ones sexuality even come up at all when it comes to school? You're there to teach, not be all buddy-buddy with your students. I don't need to know that you just bought a new car or found a dog at your door or even that you just turned 50. Those things really don't belong. I agree, I would have fired the guy for getting to personal with students. Like if I told the class out of nowhere "I was straight" almost implying that I'm putting myself out there to a bunch of children. And with coming out in general. You don't bring your sexuality into any conversation EVER. It's really akward. I mean it's okay if someone asks you but that's it.
it also seems to ignore that democrats like mocking the right too its almost as if people just do that, regardless of what ideology they have Immidiately the two scoops of ice cream thing comes to mind. It shows one sidedness of this shitty sub. Yes the right does it, the left does it too, it’s not a competition.
Looks like Schiff knows Mueller's report has nothing so is now trying to shift the focus from criminal behavior to unprofessional.. Have to keep pushing the Trump is evil montra Exactly... Defenses already up for the post-Mueller nothing bomb release. Gotta aim the hate cannons somewhere.
And democrats won’t? Beat me to it.
Do you have any data to back that up? Because that’s quite a claim. -Sure, the Marshall Space Flight Center is in Alabama, that doesn’t mean a majority of NASA employees are from Alabama. According to USNews, the top Aerospace Engineering Schools are California Tech, MIT, Stanford and Georgia Tech. -Texas A&M and UT do have the top 2 Petroleum Engineering schools according to USNews. So you are correct there. -I couldn’t find “water supply engineering,” but I found Water Resources engineering, which I can’t find many texas schools topping the list. If you can find me some statistics ill definitely believe you. I know the south has some great agricultural schools. The downvotes you've received for providing relevant information should go to show what an embarrassment this sub is intellectually. It truly does house some of the biggest idiots on reddit and that's not to say it lightly. Reddit is filled with contemptible morons.
I agree, I would have fired the guy for getting to personal with students. Like if I told the class out of nowhere "I was straight" almost implying that I'm putting myself out there to a bunch of children. And with coming out in general. You don't bring your sexuality into any conversation EVER. It's really akward. I mean it's okay if someone asks you but that's it. Well these days parents don't want the responsibility of being parents, they want to be "friends" with their kids. Same goes for teachers these days. You're not their friend. You're their teacher. They don't need to know you got some pussy last night, or you got some cock the night before last. And that goes for straight, gay it bi people. It's none of anyone's business one way or another. If you have a public job, then keep your private life private - it's almost as if there were settings for that type of shit built into all social media these days.
This is the section of the article that Trump et all are claiming gives Guaido constitutional authority to be the president: The President of the Republic shall become permanently unavailable to serve by reason of any of the following events: death; resignation; removal from office by decision of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice; permanent physical or mental disability certified by a medical board designated by the Supreme Tribunal of Justice with the approval of the National Assembly; abandonment of his position, duly declared by the National Assembly; and recall by popular vote. As far as I am aware, none of these things has happened and Maduro has obviously not resigned his position. Claims to a constitutional mandate are unfounded. If we really want to restore democracy, blindly supporting this coup is obviously the wrong way to do it. > duly declared by the National Assembly That definitely did happen. Educate yourself.
DrUMpF is done now! We’ll see, he isn’t called Teflon don for nothing. Trump is unstoppable because the entire (legal) American population is behind him!
Trump? No chance. Mueller would be more likely to be impeached since he's been responsible for a sham investigation initiating a global witch hunt by parroting a russian scapegoat regarding 'interference/collusion' for years. Finally the dissatisfied reactions of the election oucome 2016 are coming to an end. These libs seriously believe the mueller investigation, in a week when he reports he got nothin, all the libs will say GOTCHA TRUMP! but nooo just lib fantasy
Reddit is ok with diddling kids so they left the left is at least
Trump is unstoppable because the entire (legal) American population is behind him! Agreed!
He will not be impeached, bitches. The GOP is frantically opposed to that and clinging to him as if their lives depend on it (which is probably true). The only thing to be done is to VOTE in 2020 and prepare to bring the entire Trump criminal organisation down in 2021 along with the Republicans that enabled it. January 2025: Inauguration of President Donald Trump Jr. Jk I want Rand Paul
Racial and/or cultural appropriation is a pretty big deal in America, among the left generally, and among the right if it's perceived you gained an advantage from it. Though it's not been proven Warren has gained advantage from it, the perception she did is out there because she used it professionally. I don't think it disqualifies her, in fact, I'm personally leaning Warren right now, but it's a pretty big knock, especially since it's believed that there's more stuff out there along these lines. I agree, her controversy is an albatross around her neck and at best she’s serving as a spoiler to Bernie. Not only was her alleged Native American ancestry discussed during various hiring committee meetings but after being hired she was actively promoted as a minority. I thought this story was done and then the WaPo discovered more [damning evidence about her professional misrepresentations.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/elizabeth-warren-apologizes-for-calling-herself-native-american/2019/02/05/1627df76-2962-11e9-984d-9b8fba003e81_story.html?noredirect=on)
That’s how socialism starts. It starts very small with stuff like “hate speech” and guns being banned and the people don’t mind Edit: fascism would probably be a better word instead of socialism from the replies Let's get real, you don't know what socialism is anymore than you know what libertarianism is.
So Trump is to blame right? Well it's definitely not the murder's fault.
My advice is for the Democrats not to resist the proposal. If the show was on the other foot, the Dems would want an investigation. Democrats being hypocrites? I’m shocked(I’m not)
That has been debunked god knows how many times. Quit with the dumb talking points I swear some people are just too blind to see she's clearly in the wrong
This has been proven false. He wasn’t making fun of the disabled journalist, he does that all the time. https://youtu.be/CsaB3ynIZH4 The video is a compilation of the many times Donald Trump waves his arms and hands while imitating someone. Yes people, downvote the truth. Just keep spreading the same fake news as always.
it's because of who his competition was. there are people who think making fun of a handicapped person, or a vet, or whoever, isn't as bad as calling the intern your husband is fucking a lying bimbo. i don't personally, but i do think these 4 years of trump - followed by the possible 4 years of bernie or biden or whatever we will now get, will be preferable to 8 of Hillary. the backlash against trump is going to be huge. its going to be amazingly good for the country. this was cathartic, long term. You’re 100% right. I look at trump like Dr. Manhattan from the Watchmen movie. He is the threat that brought people together.
This has been proven false. He wasn’t making fun of the disabled journalist, he does that all the time. https://youtu.be/CsaB3ynIZH4 The video is a compilation of the many times Donald Trump waves his arms and hands while imitating someone. Lol. Love how this got down voted into oblivion. Fucking echo chamber this sub is. Pathetic
you probably believe the Earth is flat right? It is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ax_YpQsy88
Come on dude, [that user](https://archive.fo/D2MB8) is clearly not *actually* [Varg Vikernes the Norwegian black metal murder nazi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varg_Vikernes). ThuleanPerspective *is* the name of Varg's infamous youtube channel, but anyone can choose any username they want on reddit. Shhh they get very angry when you point that out. EDIT:lol
And Clinton was a paid participant. And Mueller...
Is scary how similar her and Trump are, just on opposite sides of the political belief scale. So by being completely different, they are essentially exactly the same. You're right. She even has said she is directionally correct if not always factually correct. They use twitter almost identically - tweets that are perfect for going viral and becoming news. But, no one likes to hear that.
edit: why the huge downvotes? I'm hoping you guys come up with a good case so I can use it against the dumb trump supporters. This sub is really turning to trash when you heavily downvote people who want to make sure we are making good arguments here. Devils advocate (ok, I'm actually looking for someone to prove this wrong), he has done that gesture many time before, IIRC. So maybe he didn't mean to mock him? Also, not sure of this, but does he actually know this reporter/journalist had a physical disability? edit2: okay, you guys don't ever want to have a reasonable discussion. I'll say what I said in the other replies....it's shitty he's mocking disable people in general but it seems to be a lie that he purposely mocked that specific report he was attacking. Therefore, the suggestion made in the OP is probably a lie. Unless you can demonstrate he purposely mocked him. There is a YouTube video that is about 10 minutes long that shows him doing this exact movement when he is talking about people who aren’t disabled. He was not doing this to make fun of the reporters disability.
Love how your comment is "controversial" when all you did was state facts lmao *Controversial Facts apparently. Lol
Love how your comment is "controversial" when all you did was state facts lmao Welcome to r/politics lol
The incident in question is Trump supposedly mocking New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, whose hand and arm movement on his right side is impaired due to arthrogryposis. Video from 2015 seems to indicate that Trump was indeed cruelly imitating the man. But the media are too lazy and those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are too nasty and small-minded to look deeper. The truth is, Trump has often used those same convulsive gestures to mimic the mannerisms of people, including himself, who are rattled and exasperated. Why couldn't the mainstream media look this up? Gavin McInnes of TheRebelMedia.com and Taki's Magazine did, and he has the video evidence to show that Trump has a history of flailing his arms to make a point. It isn't something he reserved for Kovaleski. Video proof here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsaB3ynIZH4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsaB3ynIZH4) McInnes wasn't alone — Catholics 4 Trump ably made the same case. So have others. If these people could do the research, why couldn't the legacy media, with all its resources, do the same? And here's another point: Why have we seen no images of Kovaleski moving the way Trump is moving? In every video and photograph of Kovaleski we've seen, he is calmly standing still with his right arm held firm against his chest. He's not waving his arms uncontrollably. Why would Trump imitate a man who has difficulty moving at least one of his limbs by madly thrashing his own? The answer to all these questions is this: The media and their political handlers constructed a fake news talking point against Trump and ran with it. The truth would have derailed their anti-Trump, anti-Republican, anti-conservative agenda. I am prepared for the Karma descent. Its shit like this that forces people on the middle to lean right. The left has gone insane.
This has been debunked... but fuck facts right? Theres a video showing he did the exact same thing to other reporters that wernt disabled so the whole "he was mocking that disabled person! Look at how he mimicked his movements" is clearly false. We need to shit on trump for real things. This isnt one of them. https://video.foxnews.com/v/5123278995001/#sp=show-clips That's the video that shows Trump did the exact same thing to mock people he considered to back track .. But no one in this sub cares about reality...you know this
Pretty much everything. When you're right so often it gets mistaken as acting superior. Hate to break it to ya but women dont have penises.
EDIT: AND JUST ANNOUNCED, CHINA WITH BE BUYING AN ADDITIONAL 10 MILLION METRIC TONS OF SOYBEANS ON TOP OF WHAT THEY WERE BUYING. DON'T YOU ALL LOOK SO FOOLISH NOW FOR MY 130 DOWN VOTES. IT'S ALMOST LIKE YOU GUYS ARE WRONG LITERALLY **EVERY SINGLE TIME** AND TRUMP KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING. PS, THANKS FOR THE SILVERS. Soybeans can be stored for years. Farmers can, and do, change crops, all the time, based on market fluctuations. This fake outrage from the left is all so tiresome and it's sad how many people are just so willing to chorus it. We can do one of two things: A) Cave to the Chinese and be forever dependent on them and lose our sovereignty as a nation because of it. Or B) Weather the short term loses, because the Chinese, too, are **suffering massively** (they've lost half their stock value as a COUNTRY, which is far more devastating then what is going on here) and get a deal that works for everyone long term. That's it. Those are the two options. Do you want China being able to tell us what to do and how to do it because they hold our left nut in their hand and can decide to economically destroy us? If you do you can kindly go live elsewhere, because that's not who we are. We are also hitting **world record tonnage** of soybean harvests which is lowering the prices. Did you guys cry when the prices were even lower during a point in Obama's term? No, you didn't, you probably DIDN'T EVEN KNOW! Why? Selective outrage among the extremely liberal left media. It's really sad how so many here have no idea how supply and demand works. Nice to see this
Its shit like this that forces people on the middle to lean right. The left has gone insane. I voted independent in 2016, I will be voting red come next election.
EDIT: AND JUST ANNOUNCED, CHINA WITH BE BUYING AN ADDITIONAL 10 MILLION METRIC TONS OF SOYBEANS ON TOP OF WHAT THEY WERE BUYING. DON'T YOU ALL LOOK SO FOOLISH NOW FOR MY 130 DOWN VOTES. IT'S ALMOST LIKE YOU GUYS ARE WRONG LITERALLY **EVERY SINGLE TIME** AND TRUMP KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING. PS, THANKS FOR THE SILVERS. Soybeans can be stored for years. Farmers can, and do, change crops, all the time, based on market fluctuations. This fake outrage from the left is all so tiresome and it's sad how many people are just so willing to chorus it. We can do one of two things: A) Cave to the Chinese and be forever dependent on them and lose our sovereignty as a nation because of it. Or B) Weather the short term loses, because the Chinese, too, are **suffering massively** (they've lost half their stock value as a COUNTRY, which is far more devastating then what is going on here) and get a deal that works for everyone long term. That's it. Those are the two options. Do you want China being able to tell us what to do and how to do it because they hold our left nut in their hand and can decide to economically destroy us? If you do you can kindly go live elsewhere, because that's not who we are. We are also hitting **world record tonnage** of soybean harvests which is lowering the prices. Did you guys cry when the prices were even lower during a point in Obama's term? No, you didn't, you probably DIDN'T EVEN KNOW! Why? Selective outrage among the extremely liberal left media. It's really sad how so many here have no idea how supply and demand works. Your comment is facts only and yet you get downvoted, /r/politics is garbage lol.
I voted independent in 2016, I will be voting red come next election. Agreed, my whole family will be voting red. (Hispanic)
This sub is literally r/trumpbad. It’s so repetitive and stale that it’s painful to look at. Do you guys know what humor is? Cause I’ve never laughed once at one of these posts. It’s ridiculous. I don’t like trump but I’m sick of these posts they aren’t fucking funny. This is literally an opinion. Maybe you agree with the post but it’s not funny. It has no humor in it Edit: since y’all are so quick to downvote why doesn’t SOMEONE explain to me exactly what they see is funny in this post. Maybe I’m a moron but there is no joke here by my understanding. It’s just an opinion. There is no irony, no satire, no reference. It’s a literal opinion. Someone who downvoted tell me what the joke is otherwise I’m assuming you’re just butthurt that I insulted your favorite r/orangemanbad sub Can confirm: not funny
Can confirm: not funny Yeah because it’s fucking grown adults who don’t know how to make a funny meme that browse this sub and so the posts are shit
Sorry to ruin the Trump derangement syndrome party but https://youtu.be/CsaB3ynIZH4 They're too dumb to understand they're being duped.
The electoral college is a good thing and isn't why Trump won anyway. Hillary was such a bad candidate she lost districts Dem hadn't lost in 30+ years. Yup, they are aware of the electoral college. Both of them planned their campaign around winning the *electoral college*(as every candidate in American history has) and Trump came out on top. It makes sense that cities like NYC shouldn't have such a massive concentration of voting power. People in similar geographic regions vote simialrly, yet America has a vast spread of land(some more populated than others). The electoral college protects people in underpopulated areas and minority groups. The way it works(with votes assigned by house of congress members) works pretty well to balance it out, but needs to be updated more often.
Nice to see this An excellent post that is still getting shat on by redditors trying to do the bird box challenge until 2020
EDIT: AND JUST ANNOUNCED, CHINA WITH BE BUYING AN ADDITIONAL 10 MILLION METRIC TONS OF SOYBEANS ON TOP OF WHAT THEY WERE BUYING. DON'T YOU ALL LOOK SO FOOLISH NOW FOR MY 130 DOWN VOTES. IT'S ALMOST LIKE YOU GUYS ARE WRONG LITERALLY **EVERY SINGLE TIME** AND TRUMP KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING. PS, THANKS FOR THE SILVERS. Soybeans can be stored for years. Farmers can, and do, change crops, all the time, based on market fluctuations. This fake outrage from the left is all so tiresome and it's sad how many people are just so willing to chorus it. We can do one of two things: A) Cave to the Chinese and be forever dependent on them and lose our sovereignty as a nation because of it. Or B) Weather the short term loses, because the Chinese, too, are **suffering massively** (they've lost half their stock value as a COUNTRY, which is far more devastating then what is going on here) and get a deal that works for everyone long term. That's it. Those are the two options. Do you want China being able to tell us what to do and how to do it because they hold our left nut in their hand and can decide to economically destroy us? If you do you can kindly go live elsewhere, because that's not who we are. We are also hitting **world record tonnage** of soybean harvests which is lowering the prices. Did you guys cry when the prices were even lower during a point in Obama's term? No, you didn't, you probably DIDN'T EVEN KNOW! Why? Selective outrage among the extremely liberal left media. It's really sad how so many here have no idea how supply and demand works. This is why I only sort this wasteland of a sub by controversial.
hmm...article at top of front page the week before trade talks with China scheduled to conclude. For all reddit worries about being manipulated by Russia, it seems a-ok being manipulated by the Chinese and commodities traders. You suckers just eat it right up. [February 21, 2019 - China to Propose $30 Billion More U.S. Agriculture Purchases](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-21/china-said-to-propose-30-billion-more-u-s-agriculture-imports) That's what they do around here. It's glaringly obvious that many people enjoy the echo chamber that is /r/politics. This has become a sub with an agenda, and it doesn't take a genius to see that it's become a complete shit hole.
So here's the thing. One of these thing actually happened. The other... well... didn't. Smollett actually went through with committing his crime. He conspired with others and fabricated a hoax hate crime. He lied to police. He committed mail fraud. He sent terroristic threats (ground up white powder in the mail? Yea... that shit's serious). He committed a litany of felonies and the evidence against him is staggering. There is no question of whether or not he did what he's accused of. The only question is will the judge go easy on him because he's rich, famous, and has a lot of high profile connections. The coast guard dude? Yea, while he's accused of planning some heinous shit, hadn't actually gone through with any of it. The charge he's being held on, for now, is "a misdemeanor drug charge and a felony weapons possession charge related to illegal drug use." Anyone who has smoked weed while owning a firearm is guilty of this. It's a bullshit charge. And the judge has said that unless evidence can be brought of a more serious crime, he's going to be let go. Thoughts, as far as I know and as heinous as his may have been, still are not a crime. Now, perhaps there's enough evidence to charge him with conspiracy to commit terrorism or something such related, but as of now the prosecutor has not presented such evidence and no such charges have been filed. https://www.npr.org/2019/02/20/696470366/arrested-coast-guard-officer-planned-mass-terrorist-attack-on-a-scale-rarely-see Take your downvotes!!! God forbid you research the story and come to a conclusion that doesn’t call for this man to be crucified immediately and for Smollet to be somehow a victim after all is said and done. The two cases share nothing in common. Why are they compared? This post is an example of people manipulating the story to fit their narrative. This dude is a psycho but how was this racially motivated? They say he a white supremacist but his intended victims were Pelosi and Schumer. Sounds like his plan was to kill liberals and dems, not solely black people.
Yup, they are aware of the electoral college. Both of them planned their campaign around winning the *electoral college*(as every candidate in American history has) and Trump came out on top. It makes sense that cities like NYC shouldn't have such a massive concentration of voting power. People in similar geographic regions vote simialrly, yet America has a vast spread of land(some more populated than others). The electoral college protects people in underpopulated areas and minority groups. The way it works(with votes assigned by house of congress members) works pretty well to balance it out, but needs to be updated more often. Well thought out and unbiased....Explains your negative score. This is Reddit, conform entirely or get a downvote.
The Jussie Smollett thing just happened. Also don’t forget about the Kavanaugh accusations. Oh no, you are giving evidence that this meme is wrong! I wonder how people here will react?
Well thought out and unbiased....Explains your negative score. This is Reddit, conform entirely or get a downvote. Yep, luckily I have plenty of validation on this crap outside of Reddit so I don't really give a shit to be frank.
Your comment is facts only and yet you get downvoted, /r/politics is garbage lol. Reddit is garbage. Most liberal place on earth. The overwhelming amount of <25 year olds preaching to other <25 year olds who have no idea about the world is cringeworthy; borderline alarming for what the future holds.
How americans shower: The same as you, we get nice and wet, but if we fall down in the shower and don't have health insurance we get put into crippling debt for many years. Why being downvoted?
This is a terrifying develpment. We should not be celebrating the political weaponization of law enforcement. The application of the law should be impartial, not dependent upon a state prosecutor's feelings about presidential pardons. Charge him with state crimes or let it go. The law cannot, and should not, be allowed to target someone because a prosectutor doesn't like the idea of that person being pardoned for federal crimes. Have progressives really allowed themselves to sink to this kind of Trump-level ethical low? Shouldn't we be aggressively adhering to *higher* standards in this era? strange to see such a level headed comment in this thread.
Is the problem that it was a white man saying this? Because I’ve heard the likes of Larry Elder and Thomas Sowell utter similar sentiments. Ding ding ding!
Still 0 charges that Trump or his advisers conspired with Russian officials to impact the election. That was suppose to be the whole point of the investigation. 6 more years.
New to this sub, is it all just trump is bad posts? Yes. You’re in the leftist political humor subreddit
Sorry to ruin the Trump derangement syndrome party but https://youtu.be/CsaB3ynIZH4 Lol. They want to believe this SO bad. Let them. Who cares. They fake hate crimes. Way worse.
Roger; I forgot facts and reading are out of style. Got it: tweets and pictures. Don't forget to hashtag it which nobody will remember 48 hours later. You gotta cover all your bases muchacho.
Imagine blaming the president for some nutjob sendjng bombs to people. How do you guys say you’re civilized? This forum is disgusting. Personal responsibility is a concept lost on liberals. It’s always somebody else’s fault, often “old white men.” Or “the system.”
He's an "unindicted co-conspirator" He has immunity. Can we please shun the Clintons now. Amen. The double standard is what makes the divide so deep in this country.
"Debunked"? LOL, who debunked this? Vladimir and Ruppert? LOL! You seem like an insane female trying to force yourself to believe what you’ve been told.
So, in the end, Scott has not the balls the to stand by his principles. Figures. You mean to stand by the pedophiles and nazis? They're not his principles. And /r/slatestarcodex wasn't his subreddit, someone else made it.
So, I'm not a feminist (haven't decided if I'm anti-feminist or anti- something else that's associated with feminism) ... Some feminist issues are fair and some are just plain sexism and racism and misandry .. Feminism is hard to define or put a box around imo. Point is, I would say no to your question, (although I think it's fair to have at least some expectations based on empirical data).. If 99% of women can cook, and I meet a woman, it's natural to assume she can cook. If she can't, I'd ask why not. (Stupid example, but you get the idea) But I would say a definite yes to this small twist to your question: Do different genders have different limitations, obstacles, and standards to meet, just because of their gender? (No "imposed" here, no one is at fault) it's just that different people are different, and biological (and temperamental) differences are still differences. First of all, a woman cannot be sexist. Sexism relies on who holds the power, and in general the power is current held by men. Women can be prejudiced, or can discriminate, which are both wrong of course. But it's only sexism when it's a woman or trans persom being suppressed by a male. (Although I would argue that it could be considered sexism if it's a woman suppressing a trans person as they are much more disadvantaged then woman, but that's a convo for another post.) EDIT: To all the people who are downvoting me for saying women can’t be sexist, read [this article that explains it.](https://everydayfeminism.com/2015/01/reverse-oppression-cant-exist/) ALSO: It’s way less important to talk about whether or not women are sexist and more important to talk about the system of oppression that hold women and trans people back. Getting in the weeds with petty bullshit is not productive and harmful to our cause. Carry on... Secondly, there is definitely an issue with racism among feminists. My opinion is that if your feminism isn't intersectional, it's not feminism. But, I don't see how it is that if some feminists are racist that you would abandon the cause for women's empowerment altogether. Third, I want to ask if you're a man or not, because it's usually men who make comments like "different people are different". Do different genders have different limitations, obstacles, and standards to meet just because of their gender? Yes, absolutely, and you need to understand that those standards are set by society, not by biology. I just got out of a self defense where I listened to a lecture on how to keep myself from being targeted by a male attacker. Why was the class mostly female? Because it's females that are most often targeted. Was there a class teach men that they shouldn't attack people? Nope. Truth is, whether you're male or female doesn't matter. You can't be a feminist if you haven't had a situation where you've really encountered gender suppression. Whether it's because you're a man and men aren't targeted the way women are, or whether you're a woman who's privilege as allowed you to avoid all of those situations doesn't matter. Truth is, you're not anti-feminist because you think some feminists are sexist or because you think 99% of women can cook. You're anti-feminist because you have no reason not to be. Every single feminist here has experienced something that's given them a reason to be feminist. I suggest you broaden your experiences.
Because she’s an elected congresswoman and he runs a podcast Ben couldnt get elected dog catcher. He doesnt appeal to real people, just future school shooters and autistic white boys
Ahem... the man in question is a registered republican sure. He was a life long Democrat till 2016. He worked for decades doing this absentee ballot game. He is still being investigated as it is believed he did this for the Democrats as well. Obviously the majority of republicans will denounce this guy and his corruption, however framing this in a way that makes it seem as a GOP conspiracy is a dirty trick. Please read the whole articles and verify from other sources. Don't be gas lit by NY mag. We are better than this people. Dude, stop making sense, that's not a popular thing here
oops [Texas Democratic Party Leader Funded ‘Voter Fraud Ring,’ Says AG](https://www.breitbart.com/border/2018/10/25/texas-democratic-party-leader-funded-voter-fraud-ring-says-ag/) Amazing how that got barely any publicity. Wait, no it’s not. It didn’t make trump look bad so of course CNN or MSNBC didn’t give a shit about it
No idea what this has to do with my original statement They're trying to paint you with any dumb thing any republican has ever said.
I read the article, all I see is one Republican is suspected of fraud, why does the title suggest more that one Republican? Because this sub WANTS it to be all republicans.
Do you think Bernie see out to hire white men or do you think he just hired the best qualified for the positions he needed without a thought to their gender or race? His campaign wasn't too white and male because of his staff, it was too white and male because of his message and the overt dismissal of anything but economics as an issue coupled with the refusal to acknowledge the historic suppression of economic opportunities for women and poc. Then add in the those of us who said this exact thing, that his campaign was only focused on white males, were crucified by his almost entirely white male supporter for the last 3 years, and it's a clear problem. Glad he's addressing it, and hopefully all the Bernie or bust cult will finally admit it too.
Guess what twiddle twat? That's what happens when you try to overtax people. People don't understand that an entrepreneur is rewarded for his risk-taking by amassing money and wealth, so when a country taxes its businessmen out of the arse, these people either stop investing back or move their money out of the country. Nobody likes paying taxes.
Fox may be biased. But it’s standards of fact checking is greater than that of CNN. Our communication professor (left leaning politically, I’m apolitical) says “it’s better than nothing” and would like other sources for our papers. But Fox does actually fact check better regardless of bias. Better being the active word. Edit: When I read news (not all that often outside of the tech world) I usually aim for NPR or New York Times or The Wall Street Journal. Good luck surviving the downvotes you're gonna get for saying the truth.
Wasnt it a bunch of democrats who suddenly found thousands of ballots in multiple cities after the midterm cutoff? Both sides have actively been caught cheating and im tired of these echo chambers. Downvote e! That’s not what CNN says. So it must not be true
Wasnt it a bunch of democrats who suddenly found thousands of ballots in multiple cities after the midterm cutoff? Both sides have actively been caught cheating and im tired of these echo chambers. Downvote e! Broward county. Look it up. Ballots suddenly appearing, transported in private vehicles. I'm tired of this "it's one sides fault" when both do the same crap. This is ridiculous
It’s a state election, not a federal election. And, for the record, Democrats would not be talking about it either if the tables were turned. Just sayin’ Take your reasonable understanding and shove it up your non-gendered pee-hole.
Veep pick. Calling it now I'd say Beto O' Rourke has better chances of being the VP pick. And the chances of that happening are definitely slim.
If you are actually a democratic socialist then you should know that it is a transitional state in between capitalism and communism. Unless by democratic socialist you mean state welfare under a capitalist mode of production. I think these Bernie Bros don't know that DemSoc is Socialism and anti-capitalist. They sono he's basically a progressive or a socdem.
Stolen wealth? Who did they tax it from? Yeah I like how people somehow think untaxed wealth is “stolen”
Everyone knows there were no racists or fascists in the United States until Russian meddling Of course we shouldn't be more worried now that they're being propped up by the intelligence apparatus of a near-superpower. Like, there's def a lot of russophobia going on rn, but we shouldn't forget that they're only marginally less neocolonialist than America
I hate Nazis and I think centrists should be mocked, but we aren't seriously praising Stalin are we? (I am a bit drunk and may have missed the point, feel free to point that out). Give credit where credit is due. Stalin was an evil bastard who arguably ruined the Soviet Union, but he was the evil bastard the world needed. Loljk Stalin also ruined the war by forcing his generals to immediately counterattack when operation Barbarossa began, which made them dislodge from their fortified positions and spend thousands of men they could've used on their defense.
I probably should have said 100% because there is Zero chance Trump gets indicted. It’s irresponsible of Maddow to lead people on and distract from the possibility of impeachment which is the only way to get him out. Shes a fear longer anyway. All of MSNBC are fear mongers. That's why they fired personalities for telling truth about wars and fire personalities for attempting to cover Sanders' 2016 presidential run.
I'm happy with Sanders/Warren. I'd be happier with a Sanders/Harris or a Sanders/Beto. Something has to be done to unite the party and Sanders having a more centrist VP would be a great way to demonstrate that. >warren cringe >harris Yikes >Robert YIKES EDIT: Don't do deals with the centrist scum. Bernie will end up like Corbyn if he does it. They need to be conquered and subjugated.
All this is is just democrats on a Democrat dominated sub pushing their "win" which is a republicans loss to the forefront and milking it for all it's worth. Same as TD capitalizing on what was going on in Virginia and the recent shitshow that is Jussie smollet. It's fair game but don't fool yourself into thinking democrats are somehow the sanctimonious ones. I've heard republicans denouncing this voter fraud and there's going to be a new election. That's good for everyone. Meanwhile, who's still the governor in Virginia? Also, didn't the guy who helped him orchestrate the voter fraud work mostly with democrats throughout his career? Hmm. Bet you guys will talk openly about that or about the fact that democrats are the ones pushing for a system that makes voter fraud easier with absentee ballots and early voting. Republicans are the ones pushing for voter id laws. Preach it brother!
All this is is just democrats on a Democrat dominated sub pushing their "win" which is a republicans loss to the forefront and milking it for all it's worth. Same as TD capitalizing on what was going on in Virginia and the recent shitshow that is Jussie smollet. It's fair game but don't fool yourself into thinking democrats are somehow the sanctimonious ones. I've heard republicans denouncing this voter fraud and there's going to be a new election. That's good for everyone. Meanwhile, who's still the governor in Virginia? Also, didn't the guy who helped him orchestrate the voter fraud work mostly with democrats throughout his career? Hmm. Bet you guys will talk openly about that or about the fact that democrats are the ones pushing for a system that makes voter fraud easier with absentee ballots and early voting. Republicans are the ones pushing for voter id laws. I wonder how long it will be before the mods delete this comment 😂
The irony here is that Stalin killed more people via work camps and purges than the nazis did.... Why are you getting downvoted, its true
This is why Democrats lose. Pussies. This should be a bigger deal. This is some third-world shit. Broward county...
jeez, Americans sure get worked up about their guns What. Hes an anti gun Marxist. Edit: rofl @ getting downvoted for reading the article. This sub lol.
All this is is just democrats on a Democrat dominated sub pushing their "win" which is a republicans loss to the forefront and milking it for all it's worth. Same as TD capitalizing on what was going on in Virginia and the recent shitshow that is Jussie smollet. It's fair game but don't fool yourself into thinking democrats are somehow the sanctimonious ones. I've heard republicans denouncing this voter fraud and there's going to be a new election. That's good for everyone. Meanwhile, who's still the governor in Virginia? Also, didn't the guy who helped him orchestrate the voter fraud work mostly with democrats throughout his career? Hmm. Bet you guys will talk openly about that or about the fact that democrats are the ones pushing for a system that makes voter fraud easier with absentee ballots and early voting. Republicans are the ones pushing for voter id laws. The guy who committed the fraud was a Democrat his entire life, and just switch for the 2016 election. Isn’t it funny how that fact isn’t included and basically any of the stories about this on the sub? This was his first election as a Republican
The division game continues. If Bernie wants to be a Democrat he should join party. Otherwise, he's just helping Trump get re-elected. Bernie is the Trojan Horse - used to bring the enemies inside the party.
Can you explain to me why it's fair for high-tax blue states to not have to pay federal taxes because their state taxes are so high that they are allowed skip paying a lot of federal taxes? Seems really unfair for the rest of the country to have to make up the federal tax burden. Looking for a serious discussion. Blue states need to stop complaining and just pay their fair share
Bernie is the Trojan Horse - used to bring the enemies inside the party. It seems like it.
I hate how some people can only draw sexy anime bodies and nothing else Nobody likes looking at fatties
Y'all realize pricing for agriculture has been socialized for decades already??? Hahaha state a fact, get downvoted. Fucking reddit..
You know tax's cuts isn't paying money to a corporation? And they will still be paying taxes. So now new York just lost 4 billion in individual income and a large precent of taxes. Sounds like a major loss to me That would be the problem. “Democratic” socialists clearly just have zero economic education.