sentence_1,sentence_2,label_ids Astrophysics,It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment Astrophysics of Galaxies,It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment Phenomena pertaining to galaxies or the Milky Way,It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "Star clusters, HII regions and planetary nebulae, the interstellar medium, atomic and molecular clouds, dust",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment Stellar populations,It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "Galactic structure, formation, dynamics",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "Galactic nuclei, bulges, disks, halo",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "Active Galactic Nuclei, supermassive black holes, quasars",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment Gravitational lens systems,It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment The Milky Way and its contents,It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics,It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "henomenology of early universe, cosmic microwave background, cosmological parameters, primordial element abundances, extragalactic distance scale, large-scale structure of the universe",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "Groups, superclusters, voids, intergalactic medium",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "Particle astrophysics: dark energy, dark matter, baryogenesis, leptogenesis, inflationary models, reheating, monopoles, WIMPs, cosmic strings, primordial black holes, cosmological gravitational radiation",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment Earth and Planetary Astrophysics,It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "Interplanetary medium, planetary physics, planetary astrobiology, extrasolar planets, comets, asteroids, meteorites",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment Structure and formation of the solar system,It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena,It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "Cosmic ray production, acceleration, propagation, detection",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "Gamma ray astronomy and bursts, X-rays, charged particles, supernovae and other explosive phenomena, stellar remnants and accretion systems, jets, microquasars, neutron stars, pulsars, black holes",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics,It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "Detector and telescope design, experiment proposals",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment Laboratory Astrophysics,It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "Methods for data analysis, statistical methods",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "Software, database design",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment Solar and Stellar Astrophysics,It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "White dwarfs, brown dwarfs, cataclysmic variables",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "Star formation and protostellar systems, stellar astrobiology, binary and multiple systems of stars, stellar evolution and structure, coronas",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment Central stars of planetary nebulae,It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment "Helioseismology, solar neutrinos, production and detection of gravitational radiation from stellar systems",It is more related to Astrophysics ,entailment