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{"text": "I would like to congratulate Sch\u00fcnemann et al. for this very interesting and useful article . In factTaking Brazil as an example, teams could be created in state- and/or municipality-level health secretariats to use this approach whenever a decision is needed regarding the purchase of drugs, products, or technologies or their inclusion in clinical guidelines. Local universities could collaborate in this process by suggesting names of expert faculties to join the panels, which would also increase credibility. In addition, health economists could support the process by advising on cost-effectiveness issues for the processes decided on. For this strategy to succeed, health authorities should coordinate the process and other stakeholders should be involved, such as, for instance, representatives of civil society patient associations.In some specifi c circumstances, like the one presented in the article , the time frame to conclude the process is crucial. This might not be the case for several other circumstances, such as for example the decision to purchase aspirin or paracetamol to distribute in health centers freely (which occurs in Brazil) to treat children's common diseases with fever. The possibility of using this approach without time constraints makes it even more useful. An evaluation of the guidelines developed will still be necessary, to ensure their usefulness, and this could be conducted by the same team, this time coordinated by the university faculties already participating in the process."}
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{"text": "After basal and squamous cell skin cancers, prostate cancer is the most frequent cancer in men in the United States, with 186,320 men estimated to be diagnosed with the disease and 28,660 expected to die from it in 2008 Although skeletal metastases from prostate cancer are usually considered osteoblastic by radiologic analysis, histologic and biochemical studies suggest that osteolytic and osteoblastic responses are sequentially linked mmps) in bone metastasis has long been suspected. Because mmps contribute to the process of normal bone remodelling, and because enhanced turnover of bone matrix occurs when tumour cells metastasize to bone, a role can be predicted for these enzymes in metastasis-associated bone modification.A role for matrix metalloproteinases proteins that have the ability to mediate proteolytic events at both the cell surface and in the immediate pericellular milieu. The mmps consist of an N-terminal signal sequence, a propeptide domain, a catalytic domain, and a C-terminal domain known as the hemopexin-like domain. In the case of the mt-mmps, a C-terminal transmembrane domain or a glycosylphosphatidylinisotol link domain is added.The mmps are synthesized as inactive zymogens and are maintained as such by coordination of a cysteine residue within the propeptide domain, with a Zn2+ ion present in the catalytic domain, which prevents binding and cleavage of the substrate. The dissociation of cysteine from the Zn2+ atom, known as \u201ccysteine switch,\u201d is a complex process, the details of which have emerged only recentlymmps is specifically inhibited by tissue inhibitors of mmps , which usually bind to the active species, inhibiting catalysis. In some mmps, the timps can bind to the zymogens.All timps to the latent form of some mmps was unclear. It is now known that, for example, low concentrations of timp-2 can promote activation of pro-mmp-2 through a mechanism in which timp-2 acts as a linker between the pro-mmp-2 zymogen and mt1-mmp at the cell surface. In this way, the propeptide of the pro-mmp-2 present in this ternary complex formed on the cell surface is cleaved by an adjacent active mt1-mmp. Conversely, high levels of timp-2 relative to mt1-mmp would inhibit activation by blocking all free mt1-mmp molecules.For a long time, the significance of the binding of certain mmps were recognized as proteinases exclusively committed to ecm remodelling during invasive, angiogenic, and metastatic processes. They are now known to have additional roles, such as activation of growth factors, cleavage of cell surface receptors, release of angiogenic factors, release of apoptotic ligands, and generation of angiostatic molecules, to mention just a few. These multiple roles demonstrate the complexity and multiplicity of the substrates of mmps and their ample range of biologic activity in normal and pathologic conditions alike.Initially, mmps are involved in the physiologic turnover of ecm and in bone remodelling, a contribution of mmps to prostate cancer bone metastasis seems to be reasonable. In fact, the participation of mmps in the pathogenesis of osteolytic prostate cancer bone metastasis was confirmed by several experimental studies.Cancer cells that disseminate to bone alter the normal skeletal remodelling process, upsetting the balance between bone formation and bone resorption. Because scid) mice by intravenous inoculation of human PC-3 ML cancer cells. This effect was mainly the result of a complete abrogation of the production and secretion of mmps In vitro, it was found that PC-3 cells produce s when placed on bone surfaces mmp and that MMP2 and MMP9 are among a set of genes altered when prostate cancer cells and bone marrow stromal cells interact mmp-2 mmp-9.15More than 10 years ago, it was shown that the combined administration of alendronate (a bisphosphonate compound) and of paclitaxel inhibits bone metastases produced in severe combined immunodeficient inhibited the proliferation of prostate tumour cells growing within the human bone implants. That inhibition was accompanied by reduced degradation of bone marrow trabeculae and decreased osteoclast recruitment Using the mmp-9 activity shortly after establishment of PC-3 cells in human bone xenografts\u2014an increase that coincided with a wave of osteoclast recruitment and vigorous bone degradation mmp-9 that occurs during prostate cancer\u2013bone interaction is species-specific, because active mmp-9 was found when human prostate cancer cells grew within human bone tissue, but not when they grew within mouse bones Recently, we showed an upregulation of net ecm by using proteases. Although mmp-9 does not degrade type i collagen, the most abundant organic component in bone, we found that the protease is expressed mainly by osteoclasts. That finding suggests that active mmp-9 induced by prostate cancer\u2013bone interaction most likely contributes to osteolysis by indirect mechanisms. For instance, mmp-9 may cause the release of ecm-bound vascular endothelial growth factor into a soluble and bioactive form Tumour-associated osteoclasts are known initially to dissolve the mineralized bone matrix by acid secretion and then to disrupt the exposed non-mineralized mmp inhibitor with high selectivity for mmp-9 scid mice bearing prostate cancer bone tumours resulted in significant inhibition of angiogenesis and intraosseous tumour growth, together with reduction in osteolysis mmp-9 to neovascularization of expanding bone metastases and to subsequent bone degradation. Moreover, pro-mmp-9 has been shown to play a crucial role in osteoclast recruitment MMP9 mmp-9 not only in normal but in pathologic processes occurring in the skeleton.The foregoing hypothesis was confirmed by experimental therapy with SB-3CT, a novel mechanism-based mmp knockout mice also present severe skeletal abnormalities, mostly as a result of their incapacity to degrade crosslinked fibrillar type i collagen prevalent in the bone matrixmt1-mmp expression correlates with a more aggressive behaviour and has been shown to promote invasion and metastasis mt1- mmp mt1-mmp expression observed in all cases of prostate cancer bone metastases analyzed mt1-mmp\u2013expressing prostate cancer cells may have more tendency to metastasize to skeleton. Alternatively, the bone microenvironment might induce the expression of mt1-mmp in prostate cancer cells after their arrival in the marrow.Membrane-tethered 1 mt1-mmp to bone metastasis. We overexpressed mt1-mmp in LNCaP human prostate cancer cells (which have baseline non-detectable expression of the protease), while its expression was attenuated in DU145 cells (which have baseline high mt1-mmp expression) using small interfering rna. We showed that intratibial injection of those cells resulted in completely opposite phenotypes in terms of intraosseous tumour growth and bone response. Compared with controls, tibiae injected with LNCaP cells overexpressing mt1-mmp showed increased osteolysis (as demonstrated by radiography and histomorphometry) and enhanced intraosseous tumour growth. In contrast, mt1-mmp downregulation in high-expressing mt1-mmp DU145 prostate cancer cells led to diminished intraosseous tumour growth and a mixed bone reaction, in which osteosclerotic responses predominated mt1-mmp upregulation in cancer cells resulted in the release of one or more factors that promoted osteoclast differentiation in vitro. That effect was abrogated by pharmacologic inhibition of mt1-mmp activity and by osteoprotegerin, a soluble decoy receptor of the osteoclastogenic receptor activator of nuclear factor \u03baB ligand (rankl). Our results strongly suggest the possibility that prostate cancer\u2013associated mt1-mmp promotes an osteolytic response by shedding membrane-bound rankl (mrankl) from the cancer cell surface. Recently, mmp-7, produced mainly by osteoclasts at the prostate tumour\u2013bone interface, has also been reported as a rankl \u201csheddase,\u201d promoting osteolysis mmps in prostate cancer bone metastasis may be therapeutically beneficial.We conducted a series of studies to assess the contribution of prostate cancer cell\u2013derived mmp inhibitors in animal tumour models has been mitigated by a lack of therapeutic efficacy and undesired side effects observed in clinical trials with cancer patients Much of the initial excitement associated with the use of broad-spectrum testing of patients with advanced high-volume disease refractory to other treatments;mmps with unspecific and reversible effects;use of broad-spectrum inhibitors of unknown repertoire of proteases expressed by the patients\u2019 tumours (protease \u201cdegradome\u201d mmps with important physiologic roles (anti-targets), probably resulting in neutralization of the effects of the inhibitors on actual mmp \u201ctargets\u201d that truly contribute to disease unintended inhibition of mmp inhibition during treatment; andlack of studies to monitor mmp inhibitors and diminished therapeutic index because of forced dose reduction to tolerable levels.unknown effective doses of mmp inhibition were peptidomimetic hydroxamate compounds with potent inhibitory effects, but no selectivity . The second-generation mmp inhibitors exhibited some marginal selectivity . Because those compounds failed in clinical trials, a third generation of selective mmp inhibitors is now being developed and considered for cancer therapy mmp target is involved with minimal adverse reactions. These selective inhibitors are hoped to have a ratio of at least 1000 between the iK (the dissociation constant for binding of inhibitor) values for mmp anti-targets and those for mmp targets The first drugs developed for mmps at low nanomolar or picomolar levels in vitro, despite the \u201cfactor of 1000\u201d selectivity, might not prove selective in vivo because a low micromolar or high nanomolar level of activity against the anti-target mmps will still foster in vivo consequences. The challenge is not necessarily an issue of affinity for the target, but rather of the mechanism for discrimination other than mere recognition events between the drug and the target. In that vein, the mechanism-based gelatinase inhibitor SB-3CT and its new structural variants stand out. This inhibitor class takes advantage of the active site of the enzyme to undergo a specific chemical transformation facilitated by the target enzyme itself. Whether a given mmp might be able to perform this reaction, or whether it might not, a process that leads to potent enzyme inhibition is at the root of its ability to serve as a selective mmp inhibitor to the given target. The concepts pertinent to inhibition of mmp have been discussed in a recent review For example, potent linear competitive inhibition of target mmp inhibitors on bone metastasis. We believe that the knowledge obtained in recent years using animal models has provided validated mmp targets that, together with the development of third-generation mmp inhibitors, would justify use of those inhibitors in the treatment of prostate cancer patients with skeletal metastasis. For instance, prostate cancer patients with locally advanced disease who have a high probability of developing bone metastasis and no current prospect of curative treatment could benefit from therapy with novel mmp inhibitors.In the particular case of prostate cancer patients, no clinical trials have been performed to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of mmp being targeted be confirmed by appropriate methods during treatment. Alternatively, combination therapy using inhibitors for mmp targets and agents that can block osteoclastic action (such as bisphosphonates or anti-rankl drugs) could reasonably be employed in clinical trials involving prostate cancer patients with potential to develop bone metastases. The experimental evidence described herein showing a key role for mmps in bone metastasis suggests that targeting those mmps could have therapeutic value. New approaches must be explored, especially given that current approaches for treating bone metastasis in prostate cancer patients are still limited and only palliative.For successful treatment, it is crucial that the protease degradome for tumours in each patient be assessed and that inhibition of the"}
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{"text": "In about 10% of glioblastoma patients, preoperative MRI discloses the presence of tumor cysts. Whereas the impact of cystic appearance on prognosis has been discussed extensively, only little is known about the tumor cyst fluid. In this study, we tested the feasibility of the surface enhanced laser desorption ionization time of flight (SELDI-TOF) technique to detect cyst fluid proteins.Cyst fluid was collected from 21 glioblastoma patients for SELDI-TOF analysis and compared to control cerebrospinal fluids from 15 patients with spinal stenosis. Resulting protein peaks with significant differences between groups were further described, using the molecular weight in an internet search of protein databases and publications. Two potential cyst fluid proteins, basigin and ferritin light chain, were selected for immunohistological detection in the histologic slides of the patients, metallothionein (MT) served as negative control.As supposed from the results of the SELDI-TOF analysis, basigin and ferritin were detected immunohistochemically in the cyst wall, whereas MT was more equally distributed between the cyst wall and the surrounding tumor tissue. Median survival time of the patients was 20 months (range 2 to 102 months) and correlated with age, but not with expression of the three proteins.The SELDI-TOF approach reveals a number of proteins, potentially present in glioblastoma cyst fluid. Identification of these proteins in tumor cells may help understand the pathogenetic pathways and the prognostic value of cystic changes. In patients with histological diagnosis of glioma WHO IV\u00b0, the appearance of tumor cysts on preoperative MRI is not rare. According to the literature, cystic tumors are encountered in 7% to 13% of glioblastoma cases. Cystic features have also been observed in a number of entities, such as meningioma, hemangioblastoma, or metastatic tumors.2,3Histologic evaluation of the cyst wall helps to distinguish between \u2018real\u2019 cysts with an endothelial coating and \u2018pseudocysts\u2019 with palisading cellular structures around the cavity.\u2013This is why, only little information about the cyst fluid is available and the hypotheses for cyst formation include necrobiotic degradation of tumor tissue, active secretion of proliferative factors by the tumor cells, or mere trapping of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).5It has been shown that in the case of active secretion of proteins into the cystic cavity, the identification of the cyst content can improve knowledge on pathophysiologic pathways of the surrounding glioblastoma cells, which results in valuable hints for treatment strategies.7In this study, in order to examine the protein content in detail, we introduce the surface enhanced laser desorption ionization time of flight (SELDI-TOF) analysis of glioblastoma cyst fluid. The technique needs only small amounts of sample, allows for protein-screening, and delivers protein weights with a high exactitude.\u201311The SELDI-TOF mass spectroscopy is a discovery oriented approach that delivers a huge number of detectable protein sizes. When studying a single spectroscopic size, there are several proteins that could have been at the origin of the peak. In order to determine which of the corresponding proteins are present in the cyst fluid, immunohistological staining of the surrounding cyst wall has to be performed. Two potential candidates, basigin and ferritin, and one negative control, metallothionein (MT), were examined histologically in this study.9Upon planning the neurosurgical resection or biopsy, informed consent from patients with cystic brain tumors was obtained to withdraw and store tumor cyst fluid for research purposes. During the intervention the cyst was punctured under ultrasonographic control or stereotactically, and the fluid was stored at 4\u00b0C for a few hours before being centrifuged. The supernatant was frozen at \u221220\u00b0C until use.Altogether, cyst fluids from 18 glioblastoma patients and 7 recurrent glioblastoma were analyzed using SELDI-TOF. From these, 16 glioblastoma specimens and 5 recurrent glioblastoma were available for histologic immunostaining. Among these 21 cases 11 were male and 10 were female patients, mean age was 53\u00b79 years (range 21 to 77) at the time of first operation.As a control, 15 patients undergoing myelography because of spinal stenosis gave their informed consent for CSF withdrawal. The specimens were prepared as above.Directly before use, the specimens were thawed and diluted 1:10 in buffer solution. Two microliters of the solution were pipetted on the chromatographic matrix slot and given time to be absorbed. The SELDI-TOF mass spectroscopy (ProteinChip technology) uses the affinity chromatographic surfaces to bind proteins specifically.vice versa and the isoelectric point . Finally, the molecular weight of the spectroscopic peak was entered, accepting potential proteins in the range of \u00b10\u00b73% of the mass, according to the accuracy of the SELDI-TOF measurements.In this way a list of protein peaks, classified by their molecular weight and stratified by obtained . To idenThe TagIdent tool revealed several potential candidate proteins per peak. In order to further restrict this list of potential candidates, a Pubmed search was added. If publications concerning the protein were found, one point each was attributed for the following items: (i) protein is secreted or is a membrane protein, (ii) protein has been described in brain, (iii) protein has been described in tumor tissue, and (iv) protein has been described in brain tumor tissue. By retaining the proteins which reached the most points, the algorithm reduced the potential candidate proteins to less than five in most peaks . With thIn order to verify this approach to glioblastoma protein expression, we analyzed the presence of candidate proteins basigin and ferritin immunohistochemically in paraffin embedded slides for the 21 cystic glioblastoma patients. As control, MT was stained. Monoclonal mouse antibodies against metallothionein MT-1 and MT-2 (ab12228) and basigin (ab49493), as well as a rabbit-polyclonal antibody against ferritin (ab76768) were purchased from abcam .2O2 were performed. After washing with aqua destillata and PBS, incubation with normal goat serum 1:20 followed for 20 minutes. The primary antibody (1:50) was incubated for 1 hour at room temperature, followed by washing in PBS and visualization with the streptavidin-biotin HRP-duet system , which detects primary antibodies from mouse or rabbit.Basigin staining: the primary antibody is a monoclonal mouse antibody recognizing the extracellular domain of the protein. After 15 minutes of heat antigen unmasking in 0\u00b701 mol/l citric acid monohydrate buffer , PBS washing and peroxidase blocking for 7 minutes in 3% HFerritin staining: the primary polyclonal rabbit antibody is directed against purified mitochondrial ferritin, which is a 24-oligomer of ferritin heavy chains and light chains in varying numbers. Heat antigen unmasking for 15 minutes in 0\u00b7001 mol/l EDTA buffer , PBS washing, peroxidase blocking, and normal goat serum blocking were performed. The primary antibody (1:500) was incubated for 1 hour at room temperature, the HRP-duet system was used for staining.Metallothionein staining: the primary mouse monoclonal antibody reacts with MT-1 and MT-2. Without heat unmasking, the peroxidase blocking and normal goat serum were applied as above. The primary antibody (1:100) was incubated for 1 hour at room temperature, HRP-duet staining followed.A counterstain with hemalaun was added . HistoloAll tumors were diagnosed in accordance with the WHO classification by a neuropathologist. One hundred and sixty-five tumor cysts were examined in the paraffin embedded specimens of the 21 patients, with a mean value of 4\u00b72 cysts per patient. The immunostained sections were reviewed by one examiner (HM) after developing a standardized protocol with a semiquantitative scale from 0 to +++ for staining intensities. After the intensity of the cyst wall had been scaled, surrounding tumor tissue was examined using 20 fields of view and these staining intensities were averaged. The quotient, obtained by dividing the value of staining intensity in the cyst wall by the averaged value in surrounding cells, was calculated for each of the three proteins. In this way, predominance of the protein in the cyst wall was depicted by a quotient>1. For patients with multiple cysts in the paraffin slices, the quotients for each cyst were determined and then a mean cyst quotient was calculated for the patient.To assess a probable impact of protein expression or age on survival since first surgery, statistical analysis was performed using the unpaired t-test. Patients were subgrouped into short-term survivors (up to 6 months) and long-term survivors (more than 30 months), and their results were compared to those of the opposite group, as well as to those of the cohort .The SELDI-TOF analysis of the glioblastoma specimens resulted in a list of 51 protein peaks with significant difference between glioblastoma cyst fluid and control CSF. Among them, 28 proteins were present in glioblastoma cyst fluid and 23 in CSF .p \u200a=\u200a 0\u00b7025).In a similar way, cyst fluid from recurrent glioblastoma was compared to CSF and to cyst fluid from glioblastoma (data not shown). In this dataset the protein peak at 40 211 Da is supposedly basigin. It was the only peak to be significantly more often present in recurrent glioblastoma fluid than in glioblastoma cyst fluid the expression of basigin was more prominent in the cyst wall than in solid tumor tissue, as seen by a staining quotient of 1 or higher , Table 3p \u200a=\u200a 0\u00b70311), as well as between short-term survivors and the rest of the cohort (p \u200a=\u200a 0\u00b70069). Median survival time after first surgery was 20 months, mean 23\u00b79 months. Survival ranged from 2 to 102 months, the 95% confidence interval went from 13\u00b72 to 26\u00b78 months. Eleven patients (52\u00b74%) survived for more than 18 months (mean age 42\u00b78 years) and 6 patients (28\u00b76%) for more than 24 months (mean age 41\u00b78 years).From a statistical point of view, no correlation was found between survival time and the expression pattern of the three proteins . In contIn the present study, immunohistologic staining confirmed the plausibility of the SELDI-TOF analytic algorithm and revealed new details on glioblastoma protein expression. Nevertheless, for unequivocal identification of the proteins in cyst fluid, protein sequencing, fingerprint electrophoresis, or an ELISA-based protein pull-down assay of the fluid would be necessary.The cyst wall staining quotients also support the results of the SELDI-TOF analysis. Metallothionein, which is known to be present in glioma cells, has a molecular weight near the protein peak at 6424 but lies outside the 0\u00b73% accuracy margin. This \u2018negative\u2019 result from SELDI-TOF analysis is consistent with a less prominent immunohistologic staining signal and a cyst to tumor ratio around 1 in most patients . ContrarThe results of the analytic approach are further supported by recent publications. CaMKII (8658 Da) and haptoglobin (43 349 Da), both predicted by the SELDI-TOF analysis , have be13,14Regarding hypotheses on glioblastoma cyst formation, SELDI-TOF proves that cyst fluid is more than merely trapped CSF.When assuming a mixture of CSF and secreted fluid in the cyst, the missing CSF proteins could be tumor suppressors that have been down-regulated during malignant glioma progression.The immunohistologic detection of a strong expression of basigin and ferritin in the cyst wall, together with a weak staining for MT in the same tissue specimen, supports the hypothesis of active synthesis and secretion of proteins by tumor cells . It remaBasigin is a 40 201 Da membrane protein with isoelectric point at 5\u00b734, which is coded on chromosome 19p13\u00b73. It constitutes the CD147 immunoglobin for the Ok blood group, plays a role in neural network formation, and is expressed in vascular endothelium of healthy brain. Interestingly, it has been found in the cells of glioma and medulloblastoma, but not in the proliferating vessels of malignant glioma.16,9,19,The light chain of ferritin is a cytosolic 19 889 Da protein with isoelectric point at 5\u00b752 and encoded on chromosome 19q13\u00b733. Together with ferritin heavy chains, a 24-oligomer is formed that stores iron and makes it available for metabolism. Ferritin has been described to play a role in cellular differentiation, and experiments with rat glioma cells have found a regulatory effect of insulin on its transcription.10,22The molecular weights obtained by the SELDI-TOF analysis disclose the presence of the ferritin light chain in the cyst fluids, a similar peak including the ferritin heavy chain (21 226 Da) is absent. This suggests an altered subunit composition of the 24-oligomer or an aberrant production of ferritin light chains by glioblastoma cells. Employing selective monoclonal antibodies against the light chain or the heavy chain for immunohistologic staining, or a SELDI-TOF analysis of microdissected ferritin-positive tumor cells can help find the answer to this question.8Metallothioneins are a group of cytosolic, cysteine-rich proteins with molecular weights around 6150 Da encoded on chromosome 16q13, which bind heavy metal ions, and have been described in glioma tissue.24The alteration of CSF proteins in tumor patients and the presence of growth promoting factors in tumor cyst fluids have been described in a number of publications.1,7,The protein content of glioblastoma cyst fluid is significantly different from that of non-tumor control CSF. The presence of basigin and ferritin in the cyst wall supports the hypothesis of synthesis and secretion of cyst proteins by malignant cells. The SELDI-TOF approach enables further description and identification of these proteins, heading towards definition of glioma biomarkers.We declare that we have not received any financial support in conjunction with the above submission to \u2018Neurological Research\u2019. We have no conflict of interest with this submission concerning relationships, affiliations, or funding."}
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{"text": "The crystal structures features a three-dimensional network stabilized by extensive O\u2014H\u22efO and N\u2014H\u22efO hydrogen bonds. The propyl groups of the ligands are disordered over two sets of sites with refined occupancies of 0.673\u2005(8):0.327\u2005(8) and 0.621\u2005(17):0.379\u2005(17). One of the water mol\u00adecules is located on a site with half-occupancy.In the title complex, [Co(C DOI: 10.1107/S1600536810052785/bt5437Isup2.hkl Structure factors: contains datablocks I. DOI: crystallographic information; 3D view; checkCIF report Additional supplementary materials:"}
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{"text": "Scientific Reports5: Article number: 1234910.1038/srep12349; published online: 08262015; updated: 02082016.The original version of this Article contained an error in the spelling of the author Kohei Fujikura, which was incorrectly given as K. Fujikura. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article."}
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{"text": "Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-017-00635-5, published online 04 April 2017Correction to: The original version of this Article contained a typographical error in the spelling of the author Shaojin Zhang, which was incorrectly given as Shaojing Zhang. This has now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article and in the accompanying Supplementary file."}
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{"text": "Nature Communications7: Article number: 13903; DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13903 (2016); Published 12132016; Updated 01202017The original version of this Article contained a typographical error in the spelling of the author Stephen F. Price, which was incorrectly given as Stephen A. Price. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article."}
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{"text": "Erratum to: npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine (2017); doi:10.1038/s41533-017-0039-5; Published 09 June 2017The original version of this article contained an error in the spelling of the author I. G. Tsiligianni, which was incorrectly given as K. W. I. G. Tsiligianni. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the article."}
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{"text": "Nature Communications8:439 doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00109-2; Article published online 12 September 2017The original version of this Article contained an error in the author contributions section, whereby credit for design of the experiments was not attributed to N.M. This error has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article."}
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{"text": "Correction to:Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 10.1038/sigtrans.2017.22; published online 23 June 2017The original version of this article contained an error in author names, which was incorrectly given as \u2018MelvinKhee-Shing Leow\u2019, the correct name of the author is Melvin Khee-Shing Leow and the initials should be Leow MK.This error has now been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article."}
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{"text": "The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake: the spelling of the Ebrahim Gafar-Zadehs\u2019 name was incorrect. The corrected name is given above."}
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{"text": "Scientific Data 3:160030 doi:10.1038/sdata.2016.30 (2016); Published 10 May 2016; Updated 31 Jan 2017The original version of this Data Descriptor contained a typographical error in the spelling of the author Douglas B. Rusch, which was incorrectly given as Douglas Rush. This has now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Data Descriptor."}
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{"text": "Nature Communications 10.1038/s41467-017-02390-7, published online 18 December 2017.Correction to: p\u2009<\u20090.05\u2019 incorrectly read \u2018MD | p\u2009>\u20090.05\u2019. These errors have now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.The original version of this Article contained an error in the spelling of the author Yingjie Yu, which was incorrectly given as Yu Yingjie. Furthermore, in Figure 3a, the labels \u2018MD |"}
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{"text": "The authors regret that an error appeared in their original version of The online HTML and PDF versions of this paper have been corrected. The error remains only in the print version."}
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{"text": "Scientific Reports7:9120; doi:10.1038/s41598-017-07628-4; Article published online 22 August 2017Due to an error during publication, the original version of this Article incorrectly listed the \u2018Melfa and Workaye Farmer Community\u2019 at the end of the author list.This error has now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article."}
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{"text": "In the original published version of this article, an error was present in the author list. The 4th author was listed incorrectly as \u201cMelisew Tadele\u201d instead of the correct name \u201cMelisew Tadele Alula\u201d and the 5th author was listed incorrectly as \u201cMinyahil Teferi\u201d instead of the correct name \u201cMinyahl Teferi Desta\u201d. The authors apologize for the mistake. Both the HTML and PDF versions of the article have been updated to correct the error."}
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{"text": "The authors noticed that the cartoons in Both the HTML and PDF versions of the article have been corrected. These errors appear only in print and PDF versions downloaded on or before August 21, 2018."}
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{"text": "Correction to: npj Biofilms and Microbiomes 10.1038/s41522-018-0065-2, Published online 04 September 2018In the original version of this Article some funding information was missing from the Acknowledgements. This has now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article."}
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{"text": "The article has now been corrected online. The authors regret the error."}
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{"text": "The authors regret that in their original paper, the TNBS+anti-Ly6G+T2AA image in The online HTML and PDF have been corrected. The error remains only in the print version."}
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{"text": "The corrected figure appears below.The authors regret that an error appeared in the original version of Fig. 3. In the upper panels of D, the image for Kng1The online HTML and PDF versions of this paper have been corrected. The error remains only in the print version."}
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{"text": "Correction to: Translational Psychiatry;10.1038/s41398-018-0201-z;Published online 14 August 2018.The author\u2019s name was spelled incorrectly as \u201cMasahir Okamoto\u201d. This has been updated to \u201cMasahiro Okamoto\u201d in the HTML and PDF of the article."}
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{"text": "Genetics in Medicine: doi:\u200910.1038/s41436-018-0281-4Correction to: y-axis had been changed to 0 during the typesetting process. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.The original version of this Article contained an error in the top left of Figure 2: the number 1 on the In addition, this Article was originally published without the accompanying Supplementary Table 1. This file is now available in the HTML version of the Article; the PDF was correct from the time of publication."}
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{"text": "JEM regrets that in the original version of this paper, panels E-G were mistakenly omitted from Fig. 4 due to a production error. The corrected and complete The online and print versions of this article have been corrected. The error appears only in PDF versions downloaded on or before July 31, 2019."}
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{"text": "Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology; 10.1038/s41424-018-0060-1; published online 04 October 2018.Correction to: The original version of this Article presented incorrect information for citation 50. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article."}
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{"text": "XMY)\u201d. The authors apologise for this error, which does not affect the results, conclusions, or discussion in the article. The corrected table is available below. Both the HTML and PDF versions of the article have been updated to correct the error.In the original published version of this article, Table\u00a05 incorrectly displayed the term \u201cCorrel.\u201d in column 1, row 12. This was an error and should have read \u201cCovar/(M"}
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{"text": "Correction to: Cell Death & Disease10.1038/s41419-019-1663-5 Published online 29 May 2019After publication of this article, it came to the attention of the authors that their names had been reordered. Professor. Jia Cao and Prof. Jin-yi Liu are the co-corresponding authors, and Prof. Jin-yi Liu should be the last author.This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article."}
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{"text": "Communications Biology2:30 10.1038/s42003-019-0281-1, published online: 21 January 2019Correction to: In the original published PDF version of the article, the labels on the graphs in Fig.\u00a02c were inadvertently swapped. The error has been corrected in the PDF."}
29 |
{"text": "Correction to:Neuropsychopharmacology 10.1038/npp.2017.5, published online 12 January 2017The original version of this Article contained an error in the spelling of the author R. Alison Adcock, which was incorrectly given as Alison R. Adcock."}
30 |
{"text": "Heredity; 10.1038/s41437-018-0119-5; Published online: 6 July 2018Correction to: This article was originally published under standard licence, but has now been made available under a [CC BY 4.0] license. The PDF and HTML versions of the paper have been modified accordingly."}
31 |
{"text": "Nucleic Acids Research, gky594, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gky594In the version of this article originally published online, an author's name was listed incorrectly. It was published as \u2018Dijck, PV\u2019 but should have been published as \u2018Van Dijck, P.\u2019 This has now been corrected online."}
32 |
{"text": "In the version of this article published earlier, the name of the river Nzhelele was incorrectly spelt as Njelele. The river name has been corrected in the article title and in the \u2018How to cite this article\u2019 section. The authors apologise for any inconvenience caused."}
33 |
{"text": "Correction to: Eur Radiol10.1007/s00330-018-5370-xThe original version of this article, published on 17 April 2018, unfortunately contained a mistake. The following correction has therefore been made in the original:The name of Angela MP Coolen and the affiliations were presented incorrectly. The corrected author list is given above; the corrected affiliations are given below. The original article has been corrected."}
34 |
{"text": "The authors noticed the erroneous duplication of an image between the 60- and 120-min time points in the top row of Both the HTML and PDF versions of the article have been corrected. These errors appear only in print and PDF versions downloaded on or before August 21, 2018."}
35 |
{"text": "Unfortunately, the original version of this article contained a typographical error in one of the author names. The name of the author Alexey Pindyurin was incorrectly spelt as Alexey Pinduyrin. The correct spelling is included here and has been updated in the original article."}
36 |
{"text": "In the version of this article originally published online, there was a misspelling of the name Conor Lawless in the author list.This has now been corrected online. The authors apologize for this error."}
37 |
{"text": "In the original published version of this article, the publisher accidentally published a file as a supplement. There should not have been any supplementary file. The publisher apologises for the error. Both the HTML and PDF versions of the article have been updated to correct the error."}
38 |
{"text": "Correction to: Nature Communications 10.1038/s41467-017-00972-z, published online 11 Oct 2017.1.Li-Fan Lu and Alexander Y. Rudensky, who supplied miR-146a floxed mice used in this study, were inadvertently omitted from the author list in the originally published version of this Article. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article. The generation of the floxed mice has been described in detail by Cho and Lee et al"}
39 |
{"text": "The original version of this article was published open access. Unfortunately, due to a technical issue, the copyright holder name in the online version (HTML and XML) is incorrectly published as \u201cSpringer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018\u201d. Instead, it should be \u201cThe Author(s) 2018\u201d.The original article has been corrected."}
40 |
{"text": "Correction to: Experimental & Molecular Medicine10.1038/s12276-019-0276-5, Published online 23 July 2018This Article contains an error in the order of the figures. All figures except Fig. 4 were in wrong position. The figure legends are correct.This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the article."}
41 |
{"text": "Nat. Commun. 10.1038/s41467-018-06036-0; published online 6 Sep 2018.Correction to: https://www.ams.ethz.ch/research.html.\u2019 The correct version states \u2018http://www.ams.ethz.ch/research/published-data.html\u2019 in place of \u2018https://www.ams.ethz.ch/research.html\u2019. This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.The original version of this Article contained an error in the Data Availability section, which incorrectly read \u2018All data will be freely available via"}
42 |
{"text": "While this mistake does not affect at all the interpretation and quality assessment of the experiment, the original image has been replaced by a corrected version in the online article. Both the original and the corrected version of the panel are also displayed below.The authors regret this error."}
43 |
{"text": "This has been corrected in the HTML version of the Article."}
44 |
{"text": "ISMEJCorrection to: 10.1038/s41396-020-0626-2This article was originally published with an erroneous copyright line. The copyright line read \u201c\u00a9 The Author(s), under exclusive licence to International Society for Microbial Ecology 2020. This article is published with open access\u201d and has now been corrected to \u201c\u00a9 The Author(s). This article is published with open access\u201d in both PDF and HTML versions of this paper. The publishers wish to apologize for any inconvenience caused."}
45 |
{"text": "The Pharmacogenomics JournalCorrection to: 10.1038/s41397-020-0174-1The original version of this Article contained an error in the spelling of the author Eleni Gkika, which was incorrectly given as Eleni Gikka. As well as the author Stephanie E. Combs, this was incorrectly given as Stephanie Combs. Both have now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article."}
46 |
{"text": "Correction to: Spinal Cord10.1038/s41393-019-0370-5published online 24 October 2019p-value has changed from \u20180.21\u2019 to \u20180.39\u2019. This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the article.In the original version of this article, one participant\u2019s sex was assigned incorrectly. In Table 1, the number of males in the \u2018Improvement\u2019 group was misstated as \u201813 (81.3)\u2019, instead of \u201812 (75)\u2019, and the number of females was misstated as \u20183 (18.8)\u2019, instead of \u20184 (25)\u2019. As a result, the associated"}
47 |
{"text": "Cell Death & DiseaseCorrection to: 10.1038/s41419-019-2196-7 published online 06 January 2020This Article was originally published with the incorrect copyright line \u201cThe Authors\u201d. The correct copyright is \u201cUS Govt\u201d.The PDF and HTML versions of the Article have been modified accordingly."}
48 |
{"text": "Correction: Oncogene10.1038/s41388-018-0386-xIn the original version of this article the authors noted that they accidentally used the same image in Fig.\u00a0The figure has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article."}
49 |
{"text": "The Author contributions have been updated to the following: R.A., N.G., H.R., and O.E. should be considered as co-first authors.The HTML and PDF versions of the Article have been corrected."}
50 |
{"text": "Authors would like to update the given name and family name of authors which were incorrect in the original version.The original article has been corrected."}
51 |
{"text": "Correction to: British Journal of Cancer (2020) 10.1038/s41416-020-0727-8, published online 20 February 2020.Since the publication of this paper the authors noticed an error in the listed authors, where Alexandros Siskos was listed as Alexandros Sitkos. This has now been corrected."}
52 |
{"text": "Translational PsychiatryCorrection to: 10.1038/s41398-020-00874-7published online 23 July 2020We have corrected this Article post-publication, because Dr. Cattaneo\u2019s affiliation details were originally incorrect . These changes reflect in both the PDF and HTML versions of this Article."}
53 |
{"text": "Establishment of a CRISPR/Cas9-based strategy for inducible protein dimerization. microPublication Biology. In the version of the microPublication originally published online, the last name of the first author was misspelled. The correct spelling is Zielich. This mistake has been corrected online. The spelling was correct in the original PDF version."}
54 |
{"text": "Detection and discrimination of influenza B Victoria lineage deletion variant viruses by real-time RT-PCR\" by Shu et al, published on 15 October 2020, the ID50 values in Tables 3 and 4 were incorrectly printed without superscripts. This mistake has not affected the online html version of the article. The pdf was corrected on 22 October. We apologise for the error.In the pdf version of the article \""}
55 |
{"text": "Correction to: Cell Death & Differentiation10.1038/s41418-018-0076-9The original PDF version of this article incorrectly showed the copyright holder to be \u2018ADMC Associazione Differenziamento e Morte Cellulare 2018\u2019, when the correct copyright holder is \u2018The Authors 2018\u2019. This has been corrected in the PDF version of the article. The HTML version was correct from the time of publication."}
56 |
{"text": "This has been corrected in the HTML and PDF version of the Article.The original version of the published Article contained an error in the \u201cMethods\u201d section and the flow chart depicted in Fig. 3. The statistical test used should be a one sample"}
57 |
{"text": "Harandi, which was incorrectly given as Ali Harandi. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article."}
58 |
{"text": "Correction to: International Journal of Obesity10.1038/s41366-018-0152-8In the original article, four authors were not included in the affiliations. This has been corrected in the XML, PDF and HTML versions of this article."}
59 |
{"text": "Nature Reviews Nephrology (2020) 10.1038/s41581-020-00356-5 Published online 15 October 2020In the version of this article that was originally published online, the text in the red boxes (crisis stage) of Figure 3 was a duplication of the text in the yellow boxes (response stage). This error has been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the manuscript."}
60 |
{"text": "Conserv Physiol 7(1): coz082; doi: 10.1093/conphys/coz082An earlier version of this manuscript, which had not been approved by the author, was inadvertently published and therefore contained several minor grammatical and formatting errors. The final version of this manuscript has now replaced this earlier version, and so these errors are no longer present. The Publisher apologises for this mistake, and any confusion caused."}
61 |
{"text": "Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 10.1038/s41594-020-0466-9, published online 3 August 2020.Correction to: This paper was originally published under standard Springer Nature copyright (\u00a9 The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature America, Inc.). It is now available as an open-access paper under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, \u00a9 The Author(s). The error has been corrected in the print, HTML and PDF versions of the article."}
62 |
{"text": "JAC Antimicrob Resist 2020; 2: dlaa071In the original published version of this article, the name of one author, Ignacio Martin-Loeches, was omitted from the author line of this article. This error has now been corrected in the online version of the article.The authors apologize for this error."}
63 |
{"text": "The authors regret that the authorship of this article was published incorrectly. The above author details are correct, and the online version has been updated.The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused."}
64 |
{"text": "Nature 10.1038/s41586-022-04470-1 Published online 2 March 2022Correction to: In the version of this article initially published, Extended Data Fig. 4 was an inadvertent duplicate of Extended Data Fig. 2. The image has been replaced in the HTML and PDF versions of the article"}
65 |
{"text": "This article was published in Psychological Medicine with errors in the author affiliations. This has now been corrected online and in the article.The authors apologise for this error."}
66 |
{"text": "Incorrect versions of the figures were published. The authors have provided corrected versions here. The publisher apologizes for the errors."}
67 |
{"text": "Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-020-75102-9, 04 November 2020Correction to: The Supplementary Information file published with this Article contained an error where the Supplementary Figures were omitted. The original This error has now been corrected in the Supplementary Information file that accompanies the original Article.Supplementary Information."}
68 |
{"text": "The publisher regrets that the New Mexico HPV Pap Registry (NMHPVPR) Steering Committee Members were not mentioned in the original version of the article. The online version has been updated and the correct author list can also be found above.The publisher would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused."}
69 |
{"text": "This article was originally published with a spelling error in author Kelly Allott\u2019s name. This error has now been corrected and this corrigendum published."}
70 |
{"text": "Heredity; 10.1038/s41437-021-00447-4Correction to: Due to a processing error, the presentation of Figure 1 was incomplete in pdf.The original article has been corrected."}
71 |
{"text": "Cell Death and Disease (2017) 8: e2607; 10.1038/cddis.2017.1; published online 09 February 2017Correction to: Since online publication of this article the authors noticed there was an error in Fig. 6d. Incorrect images were used for the p21 and Ki-67 HE staining in the sh-BRG1 group. The figure has been corrected in the online html and PDF. The authors apologize for the error and confirm that these errors do not affect the results or conclusions of the paper."}
72 |
{"text": "Due to a production error, an incorrect version of the article was published. The correct version has now been published and the earlier published version has been included as The publisher apologizes for this mistake. The original article has been updated."}
73 |
{"text": "In \u201cInternational Changes in COVID-19 Clinical Trajectories Across 315 Hospitals and 6 Countries: Retrospective Cohort Study\u201d :e31400), two errors were noted.In the originally published paper, equal contribution of the last three authors was not noted. This has been corrected to add a note of equal contribution to the last three authors, as well as to add a statement to the Authors' Contributions section denoting the nature of equal contributions.In the originally published paper, an equal contribution footnote was applied to authors Griffin M Weber, Harrison G Zhang, and Sehi L'Yi.In the corrected paper, the equal contribution footnote has been applied to authors Griffin M Weber, Harrison G Zhang, Sehi L'Yi, Tianxi Cai, Andrew M South, and Gabriel A Brat.The Authors\u2019 Contribution section has been updated to include the following statement:These authors contributed equally: GMW, HGZ, SL. These authors jointly supervised the work: TC, AMS, GAB.The correction will appear in the online version of the paper on the JMIR Publications website on November 30, 2021, together with the publication of this correction notice."}
74 |
{"text": "Oncogene 10.1038/s41388-021-01825-2, published online 21 May 2021Correction to: Unfortunately, the second corresponding author was not given in the Original article.The second corresponding author is:Daniel H\u00e4gerstrand, Email: daniel.hagerstrand@ki.seThe original article has been corrected."}
75 |
{"text": "Schwarz and John M. Kelly jointly led this research as equally contributing first authors. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article."}
76 |
{"text": "The original article contained an error whereby Affiliation #5 was presented incorrectly. This has since been corrected."}
77 |
{"text": "In the version of this article initially published, Drienie D. Janse van Rensburg\u2019s first name was misspelled as \u2018Driene\u2019 and the initial omitted. The error has been corrected in the PDF version of the article."}
78 |
{"text": "An incorrect version of figure 3 was published in the above article. This has now been corrected in both the online PDF and HTML versions of this article. The Publisher apologises for this error."}
79 |
{"text": "In the original publication, one of the grant numbers was published incorrectly in the Funding section. This has now been corrected in both the online PDF and HTML versions of this article. The authors apologise for this error."}
80 |
{"text": "In \u201cBuilding Health Services in a Rapidly Changing Landscape: Lessons in Adaptive Leadership and Pivots in a COVID-19 Remote Monitoring Program\u201d :e25507), one error was noted.In the originally published article, author Danielle Martin was associated with the incorrect ORCID number. In the corrected article, the ORCID number for this author has been updated as follows:0000-0003-2517-2602The correction will appear in the online version of the paper on the JMIR Publications website on June 10, 2021, together with the publication of this correction notice. Because this was made after submission to PubMed, PubMed Central, and other full-text repositories, the corrected article has also been resubmitted to those repositories."}
81 |
{"text": "The first sentence of the conclusion in the abstract had a comma instead of a period as shown below \u201c\u2026 without consultation time. but appears unlikely\u2026\u201d. This has now been corrected in both the online PDF and HTML versions of this article. The authors apologise for this error.In the original publication,"}
82 |
{"text": "The contribution section and ORCIDs of the authors were missing in the original version of this article.The missing contribution statement is shown below and ORCIDs for each authors were added in the author group section above."}
83 |
{"text": "Due to production error, critical shading errors were inadvertently introduced to data presented in Figure 2. The below stated error was only present in the originally published PDF version of this article and has since been corrected online. The Publisher would like to apologize for the error and any inconvenience caused to the reader.\u2003Previous version:Corrected version:"}
84 |
{"text": "Correction to:Mucosal Immunology advance online publication 24 May 2017; doi: 10.1038/mi.2017.46This article was originally published under NPG's License to Publish, but has now been made available under a [CC BY 4.0] license. The PDF and HTML versions of the paper have been modified accordingly."}
85 |
{"text": "The published online version contains an error of the\u00a0figures not caused by the authors\u00a0were the figures were\u00a0mixed up in the original publication.The original article has been corrected."}
86 |
{"text": "The HTML and PDF versions of the Article have now been corrected."}
87 |
{"text": "Erratum to:Strahlenther Onkol 202010.1007/s00066-020-01727-4The original version of this article unfortunately contained a\u00a0mistake. The spelling of M.\u00a0Trommer\u2019s name was incorrect. The corrected author list is given above.The original article has been corrected."}
88 |
{"text": "In \u201cCOVID-19 Vaccine Tweets After Vaccine Rollout: Sentiment\u2013Based Topic Modeling\u201d :e31726) the authors noted one error.In the originally published paper, In the corrected version of the paper, The correction will appear in the online version of the paper on the JMIR Publications website on March 11, 2022, together with the publication of this correction notice. Because this was made after submission to PubMed, PubMed Central, and other full-text repositories, the corrected article has also been resubmitted to those repositories."}
89 |
{"text": "Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 10.1038/s41401-019-0287-8, published online 23 August 2019; 10.1038/s41401-019-0281-1, published online 01 August 2019Correction to: The articles listed above were initially published with incorrect copyright information or changed later to incorrect copyright information.Upon publication of this Correction, the copyright of these articles changed to \u201cThe Author(s)\u201d.The original articles have been corrected."}
90 |
{"text": "The Publisher has retracted this article because an incorrect version was published in error. The final accepted version has now been published . All aut"}
91 |
{"text": "The publisher regrets that at the time the article was published the name of the author N. La Verde was mistakenly abbreviated as N.L. Verde. This has now been corrected.The publisher would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused."}
92 |
{"text": "The first version of this article displayed Figure 5 incorrectly. This has now been corrected. The publisher apologizes for the error."}
93 |
{"text": "In the original version of this article, the last name of author Can Gollmann-Tepek\u00f6yl\u00fc had been misspelled. This has now been corrected above and in the full article online."}
94 |
{"text": "DOI 10.26508/lsa.201900309.Published online 13 February 2019. In the original version of this article, a factual error occurred in The authors apologize for this error."}
95 |
{"text": "Correction to: Atten Percept Psychophys.10.3758/s13414-021-02312-2The originally posted PDF version of the article contained minor copy\u2010editing mistakes caused by the publisher when the HTML was converted to PDF. The corrected version is available since 28 June 2021."}
96 |
{"text": "JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance 2021; https://doi.org/10.1093/jacamr/dlab026In the author list, the name \u2018E. Nwanko\u2019 should have appeared as \u2018E. Nwankwo\u2019. This has now been corrected in the published version of the article.The authors apologize for this error."}
97 |
{"text": "In the originally published version of this manuscript, the Funding section included additional text from correspondence in error.This error has been corrected online."}
98 |
{"text": "Horticulture ResearchCorrection to: 10.1038/s41438-021-00683-z published online 1 December 20211 the author noticed minor typo in Fig. 4c. CeSEP1/2/3/4 should be read as CeSEP1/3/4. Revised figure supplied during the proof correction was inadvertently not reproduced in the final version.After online publication of the articleIn addition, the affiliation numbers of the authors revised in the original article during proof correction, but not reflected in the title page in Supplementary Information.The original article has been corrected."}
99 |
{"text": "Oncogene (2020) 39:1112\u20131124Correction to: 10.1038/s41388-019-1046-5 published online 9 October 2019Unfortunately, an error occurred in preparing Fig. The original article has been corrected."}
100 |
{"text": "Scientific Reportshttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-81730-6, published online 28 January 2021Correction to: Joseph McCormick was omitted from the author list in the original version of this Article.The Author Contributions section now reads:\u201cS.U. and S.M. supervised the study. P.M., S.F., J.M., J.G. and S.M. developed the cohort and obtained the data. A.T., F.A., S.M. and S.U. designed the data analysis. A.T. and S.U. performed the analysis and wrote the manuscript.\u201dThe original Article has been corrected."}
101 |
{"text": "In \u201cSystem Architecture for \u201cSupport Through Mobile Messaging and Digital Health Technology for Diabetes\u201d (SuMMiT-D): Design and Performance in Pilot and Randomized Controlled Feasibility Studies\u201d :e18460) two errors were noted after publication.In the originally published version, under the section \u201cRandom Selection Management,\u201d an inline graphic was not inserted in the text in the following sentence:In addition, all the messages in the same BCT group would have doubled the chance to be selected and sent to this participant in the future.The graphic has been added to this sentence in the corrected version.Two extraneous inline graphics were also inadvertently published in the Results section due to a system error. These have been removed from the corrected version.The correction will appear in the online version of the paper on the JMIR Publications website on April 9, 2021, together with the publication of this correction notice. Because this was made after submission to PubMed, PubMed Central, and other full-text repositories, the corrected article has also been resubmitted to those repositories."}
102 |
{"text": "Nature Communications 10.1038/s41467-021-23398-0 10.1038/s41467-021-23398-0, published online 14 June 2021Correction to: The original version of this article contained an error in the author affiliations.Patrick Huber was incorrectly associated with MSME, CNRS UMR 8208, Univ Paris Est Creteil, Univ Gustave Eiffel, Creteil, France.This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the article."}
103 |
{"text": "The original version of this article, published on June 22, 2021, contained a mistake. The affiliations were assigned incorrectly. The correct information is given above. The original article has been corrected."}
104 |
{"text": "The original version of this article was published with a mistake in one of the authors\u2019 names. \u201cAbdallah Musa Abdallah\u201d is the correct full name but this was initially published as just \u201cAbdallah Musa\u201d. This has now been corrected."}
105 |
{"text": "OncogeneCorrection to: 10.1038/s41388-020-01568-6In the original published version the \u201cFunding statement\u201d was incorrect. Please find the correct \u201cFunding statement\u201d below.The original article has been corrected."}
106 |
{"text": "In the original version of this article, the given name and family name of Graziano Onder were interchanged. The corrected author list is given above. The original article has been corrected."}
107 |
{"text": "A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-23162-4 Nature Communications 10.1038/s41467-020-20496-3, published online 17 February 2021.Correction to: The original version of this Article contained an error in the spelling of the author Heiko Becher, which was incorrectly given as Heko Becher. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article."}
108 |
{"text": "Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy (2022) 7:1\u201313, 10.1038/s41392-021-00870-3Correction to: In the original version of this article, given name of 4th author Yannan Jia was incorrectly published as Yanan Jia.The original article has been corrected."}
109 |
{"text": "In Pan et\u00a0al.,The correct Figure The online version of this article has been corrected.The publisher regrets this error."}
110 |
{"text": "September 16, 2021, there was an error related to the methodology that the authors want to clarify. In the originally published version, a mean of 10 contrast matches was noted throughout the article. Because the 10 contrast matches were done twice, the total should have read as 20. The references to 10 matches have been corrected throughout to 20. This does not affect the conclusions of the paper, and the online version has been corrected.In the article, \u201cPerceptual Fading of a Stabilized Cortical Image: Replication in the Undergraduate Classroom,\u201d by Nicole B. Massa, Jacob H. Deck, and Michael A. Grubb, which published online on"}
111 |
{"text": "Correction to: Supportive Care in Cancerhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s00520-022-07235-8The online version of the original paper contained errors due to an updated file released but the pdf is correct. The purpose of this Erratum is the correction of the online version in the indexing sites.The online version of the original article has been corrected"}
112 |
{"text": "Nature Communications 10.1038/s41467-022-30666-0Correction to: In the original version of this article, the following author (Veronica Ferguson) was omitted from the author list.Author list, Author contributions and competing interests statements have now been updated in both the PDF and HTML versions of the article."}
113 |
{"text": "Erratum to: ISME J. 2020:14:2275\u201387 10.1038/s41396-020-0670-y, published online 26 May 2020Following the publication of this article, the authors noted errors regarding the sequences and lengths of the primers f_apcE2t* and f_apcE2M* listed in Table\u00a0The original article and the Supplementary Information have been corrected.Supplemental material"}
114 |
{"text": "Frontiers in Microbiology.Due to an Editorial error, the article was published in the incorrect journal section. This article's specialty section has been corrected to Microbial Symbioses, a section of the journal The publisher apologizes for this mistake. The original version of this article has been updated."}
115 |
{"text": "Due to a production error, author Bonny Yee-Man Wong was referenced incorrectly in the citation.In the original version, they were incorrectly written as Wong B-M. The correct version is Wong BY.The publisher apologizes for this mistake. The original version of this article has been updated."}
116 |
{"text": "We did not catch this unfortunate error during the production process, and the manuscript published with the error included. We have now corrected the spelling, and the correct author list appears here and in the online version of our article. We apologize for the oversight."}
117 |
{"text": "This article was republished on April 17, 2021, to remove identifying information that was incorrectly included in the \"Author Response\" attachment in the \"Peer Review tab\" on their published article. The publisher apologizes for the errors. An incorrect version of Fig 2 was also published in error; the authors have provided a corrected version in the republished article. Please download this article again to view the correct version."}
118 |
{"text": "Correction to: Clinical Rheumatology (2021) 41:741\u2013755https://doi.org/10.1007/s10067-021-05939-6In the original published version of the above article, the co-author's given name was incorrectly spelled as \"Yukata Ishii\" instead of \"Yutaka Ishii\". The name is presented correctly above.The original article has been corrected."}
119 |
{"text": "In the original online version of this article Giorgio Valabrega's family name was incorrectly spelled. The original aritcle was corrected."}
120 |
{"text": "In \u201cEthical Issues in Social Media Recruitment for Clinical Studies: Ethical Analysis and Framework\u201d :e31231) the authors made one addition to the Acknowledgments section.The funding note was missing in the originally published article. Therefore, the corrected version of the Acknowledgements\u2019 section reads as follows:This work was supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement no. 848223). The authors thank Dr Nina Goldman for her critical revisions and language editing.The correction will appear in the online version of the paper on the JMIR Publications website on September 7, 2022, together with the publication of this correction notice. Because this was made after submission to PubMed, PubMed Central, and other full-text repositories, the corrected article has also been resubmitted to those repositories."}
121 |
{"text": "In the original online version of the article Fig. 4 and the last sentence in the Proposed Modifications of the 8th Edition section were incorrect.The original article was corrected."}
122 |
{"text": "January 4, 2022, the incorrect image was published for Extended Data Figure 3-2 because of a production error. The online version has been corrected.In the article, \u201cAutomated Detection and Localization of Synaptic Vesicles in Electron Microscopy Images,\u201d by Barbara Imbrosci, Dietmar Schmitz, and Marta Orlando, which was published online on"}
123 |
{"text": "Unfortunately, in the original article the figures are wrongly published. The corrected version are updated in the original version."}
124 |
{"text": "In the original publication, the Table 2 has been published incorrectly.The corrected table is given below:The original article has been corrected."}
125 |
{"text": "Mohammad Javed Ansari was linked to affiliations three and four. This should be corrected to affiliation four only.Due to a production error, the author The publisher apologizes for this mistake. The original version of this article has been updated."}
126 |
{"text": "The authors have been informed of an error that occurred on page 657 in which the IRCT code has been entered incorrectly, which should be corrected as: \u201cIRCT2012091310328N3\". On behalf of the author, the publisher wishes to apologize for this error. The online version of article has been updated on 31 January 2023 and can be found at https://doi.org/10.18502/ijrm.v14i10.695."}
127 |
{"text": "In the original published article, one of the affiliations for co-author Tennyson Lee was cited incorrectly. This has now been updated in the online published article.The authors apologise for this error."}
128 |
{"text": "Unfortunately, in the original publication, the affiliation details of the first author were incorrectly published. The corrected affiliation details of the first author were given in this correction article. The original article has been"}
129 |
{"text": "In the original publication, the given and family names of authors were published incorrectly. The correct version is updated in this correction.The original article has been corrected."}
130 |
{"text": "Due to a production error, Xiao-yu Wang was listed as the second author, instead of the co-first author.The publisher apologizes for this mistake. The original version of this article has been updated."}
131 |
{"text": "The above article was published with incorrect terms stating \u2018gender\u2019 when the correct term was \u2018sex\u2019. This has now been updated in the online PDF and HTML versions of the article.The Publisher apologises for the error."}
132 |
{"text": "Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B378, 20210351. (Published online 26 December 2022.) (https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2021.0351)In the original version of this article, the title contained an error with the inclusion of the word \u2018Editorial\u2019.This has now been corrected on the publisher's website."}
133 |
{"text": "The 7th author name has been incorrectly published in the original publication. The complete correct name should read as follows Dinesh Kumar ChellappanThe original article has been corrected."}
134 |
{"text": "The originally published version of this paper was published with incorrect author affiliations listed. This has been corrected and updated in the online article.The Publishers would like to apologise for this mistake."}
135 |
{"text": "Cell Death Discovery 10.1038/s41420-022-00839-3, published online 02 February 2022Correction to: P value and the conclusion. The corrected Table The original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes in Table"}
136 |
{"text": "An abstract was missing from the above article. This has since been updated in the online PDF and HTML versions. The authors and Publisher apologise for the error."}
137 |
{"text": "The Fig.\u00a01 in the original published version of the above article was incorrect. The corrected Figure is shown as follows:The original article has been corrected."}
138 |
{"text": "The authors apologize for this error.The original version is also corrected and can be found on the below link:"}
139 |
{"text": "Unfortunately, the headings were not included in the initial version of this article's Abstract section. In this correction, the same was corrected.The original article has been corrected."}
140 |
{"text": "The erratum corrects an error in Fig. 4 of the published article. J. Biomed. Opt.27(7), 074705 (2022) doi: https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JBO.27.7.074705 was originally published on 28 October 2022 with an error in Fig. 4. The axes were reversed in the original version:This article [Corrected version:The error was corrected on 9 July 2022."}
141 |
{"text": "In the original article there is an error in reference section..This has been corrected in this erratum.The original article has been corrected"}
142 |
{"text": "The above paper was published missed an acknowledgement regarding support from the Academic Freedom Fund. This has since been updated in the online PDF and HTML versions. The Publisher apologises for the omission."}
143 |
{"text": "Correction to: Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-021-92719-6, published online 25 June 2021.The Supplementary Information published with this Article contained errors.Firstly, in the second equation of the \u201c1 Step-by-step proof of the list version\u201d section, the original index \u2018B\u2019 was incorrectly given as \u2018R\u2019.Secondly, the following argument for why the denominator has to be positive was added: \u201call homophily values are between 0 and 1\u201d.ij\u2009+\u2009Tji\u2019 was incorrectly given as \u2018Tij\u2019.Thirdly, the sum of the two terms \u2018TFinally, the argument for why \u201cthe red gap for the list version with homophily diversity in red nodes is positive\u201d has been simplified.The original Supplementary Information file is provided below.These errors have now been corrected in the Supplementary Information file that accompanies the original Article.Supplementary Information."}
144 |
{"text": "Nature Neurology 10.1038/s41593-022-01107-4, published online 11 July 2022.y axis of Fig. 5d should have been \u201c\u221220\u201d and \u201c\u221240\u201d. Further, the scale values near the spike waveforms in Fig. 2a, now reading \u201c100 \u03bcs\u201d appeared originally as \u201c10 \u03bcs.\u201d The errors have been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.In the version of this article initially published, \u201c\u22122\u201d and \u201c\u22124\u201d on the"}
145 |
{"text": "Cell Discovery (2022) 8:66Correction to: 10.1038/s41421-022-00397-z published online 12 July 2022During the production, Figs. The original article has been corrected."}
146 |
{"text": "Biol. Open (2020) 9, bio046854 (doi:10.1242/bio.046854).There were errors published in In The corrected and original figures are shown below. Both the online full-text and PDF versions of the article have been updated. The authors apologise to readers for this error, which does not impact the results or conclusions of this paper."}
147 |
{"text": "Nature 10.1038/s41586-023-06185-3 Published 5 July 2023Correction to: Nlon\u201d and \u201cNlat\u201d were erroneously swapped in the text now reading \u201cThis is a 3D matrix of size Nlon \u00d7 Nlat \u00d7 69, where Nlon = 1,440 and Nlat = 721 are the spatial resolution along the longitude and latitude axes\u201d. This has now been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.In the version of the article originally published, there was an error in the Methods section \u201cMathematical settings\u201d, where \u201c"}
148 |
{"text": "Incorrect Author NameDue to a production error, an author\u2019s name was incorrectly spelled as \u201cMelinique Wall\u201d. The correct spelling is \u201cMelinique Walls\u201d. The publisher apologizes for this mistake.The original version of this article has been updated."}
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