{"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The corrected version of"} {"text": "This has now been corrected online."} {"text": "The images for Fig In In"} {"text": "In Zuurbier et al,"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "In Nalairndran et al,"} {"text": "The correct Supplementary Information now accompanies the Article."} {"text": "Following publication of the original article the auth"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The original article containsThe correct presentation of Fig."} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The original article mistaken"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The Editor is retracting this article because"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "They thank the Editor of"} {"text": "This article has been corrected."} {"text": "The authors have retracted this article for lega"} {"text": "The corrected version of"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "In the original article,"} {"text": "There are formatting errors in Tables"} {"text": "These have now been added."} {"text": "In Lei et al,"} {"text": "The paper by Santucci et al. gave us"} {"text": "The caption for"} {"text": "In Shi et al,"} {"text": "The revised version of"} {"text": "We appreciate Zins and Abraham commenti"} {"text": "In Hou et al,"} {"text": "In Lina Xuan et al,"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "We present the spinal atomic"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The captions for Figs"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The bulleted item should read:"} {"text": "In Zhi et al,"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "In Li et al,"} {"text": "The use"} {"text": "We extend the"} {"text": "In Xiong et al,"} {"text": "The revised version of"} {"text": "In Li et al,"} {"text": "In Xue W et al.,"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The revised version of"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "In Wang H et al,"} {"text": "The captions for Figs"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "In Li Yarui et al.,"} {"text": "In Ying Luo et al.,"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "In Chi et al.,"} {"text": "In Zhonghui Chen et al.,"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The corrected version of"} {"text": "The corrected version of"} {"text": "This article has been corrected."} {"text": "The PDF has been corrected."} {"text": "The corrected version of"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "This Perspective was published withan incorrect absoluteconfiguration of compounds"} {"text": "Details ofthe correction onlyto the Acknowledgments:"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "PLOS ONE has withdrawn this article [ article and remo"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The revised version of"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected.\u201d"} {"text": "In The correct table is shown below."} {"text": "The revised version of"} {"text": "In Hu et al.,"} {"text": "The correct link is:"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "In Tang et al.,"} {"text": "In Bofang Zhang et al.,"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The author Replies:,,,In this issue Tsuboi and BertramS2"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The authors agree wi"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected.Supplementary information"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original publication has also been updated."} {"text": "The original article contains"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected.\u201c"} {"text": "In Song X et al.,"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "When I invited Drs Cesar and Margaret Boguszewski as gues"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "Consult PDF for full article"} {"text": "The article has also been corrected online ("} {"text": "The legends for"} {"text": "This additional information is outlined here:"} {"text": "After publication of the original article it came"} {"text": "The corrections are outlined here:"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "Please see the corrected"} {"text": "The article by Aktipis and Nesse containe"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "Following the publication of this work we becam"} {"text": "The legends for"} {"text": "Ian Lipkin. The article has been corrected online"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "We congratulate Mensa et al."} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The correct link is:"} {"text": "The editors regretfully retract the article by Jabba"} {"text": "The caption of"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for publication"} {"text": "In panel C of"} {"text": "A mistake regarding the exemplary weights given in Table"} {"text": "Our pet al. ."} {"text": "After publication of the original article it came"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for publication"} {"text": "The correct email addressis:"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "The correct file can be viewed here:"} {"text": "After publication of this work we notic"} {"text": "Please see the corrected"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "After publication of the original article it came"} {"text": "The authors have detected a typographical error in"} {"text": "Chemical retention calculations have been corrected in Table"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for publication"} {"text": "The aut"} {"text": "An error occurred in"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "Please consider the following changes in"} {"text": "Answer to rhythm puzzle"} {"text": "Please see the correct References section here:"} {"text": "The publisher has retracted this article because"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for publication"} {"text": "Please view the corrected table here:"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "The Figure"} {"text": "The correct text can be viewed here:"} {"text": "Dear Sir:We thank Cohen and others"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "The legend for"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for publication"} {"text": "The UCM"} {"text": "Following publication of this article it came"} {"text": "The mai"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The regulation of I"} {"text": "The corrected text can be found here:"} {"text": "The legend for"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "The revised manuscript can be viewed here:"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "This General Commentary provides a corrected version of Figure"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "During the proofing stage of our article we made"} {"text": "Abstract not submitted for online publication"} {"text": "The genotypes displayed in Please see the corrected"} {"text": "In The corrected versions of"} {"text": "In the published article"} {"text": "The caption descriptions for Figs"} {"text": "The legends for"} {"text": "Please see the corrected In"} {"text": "After publication of this work two auth"} {"text": "The last 17 rows of"} {"text": "In the original article (Arai et al."} {"text": "The Figure Legend for"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "Following the publication of our article we notic"} {"text": "The figure legends for Figs."} {"text": "The legends for"} {"text": "The legends for"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The legend of"} {"text": "The figure legends for Figs."} {"text": "The caption for"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The species names in"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "After publication of it came"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "Reason for Erratum:In Table"} {"text": "The correct address is:"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "After publication of this article the auth"} {"text": "The equations in"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "Please see the corrected In"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The top left image of"} {"text": "The correct link is"} {"text": "The correct URL is:"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "ErratumAfter publication of it came"} {"text": "After publication of this article (Cecen et al."} {"text": "The captions for Figs"} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The correct DOI is:"} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "The graph legend for"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "Following publication of our article we have"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "Since publication of our article we have"} {"text": "The exponents should be listed as 10"} {"text": "The original version of this article containe"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "In Throughout the article,"} {"text": "The original article listed t"} {"text": "The original version of the article unfortun"} {"text": "The error has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The Editor is retracting this article because"} {"text": "An incorrect version of"} {"text": "The legend for"} {"text": "Multiple rows have been removed from"} {"text": "The Publisher has retracted this article because"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "Please see the corrected In"} {"text": "The X-axis labels are missing from"} {"text": "Please add the following section."} {"text": "The values in Tables"} {"text": "The Surviving Sepsis Campaign advocate"} {"text": "The published article contains errors in"} {"text": "The authors would like to correct Figs"} {"text": "After publication of the original article it came"} {"text": "Due to a typesetting error,"} {"text": "The correct email address is"} {"text": "The figure legends for"} {"text": "The captions for Figs"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The legend for"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The panels in"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "The Kaplan-Meier curves for"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "After the publication of this work some err"} {"text": "The lower panel Western blot in"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "After publication of it came"} {"text": "Please see the corrected"} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "The graphs for"} {"text": "The legends for Figs"} {"text": "The figure legends for Figs"} {"text": "Please see the corrected In"} {"text": "Following publication of it came"} {"text": "Please see the corrected In"} {"text": "The link and image for"} {"text": "The correct email address is:"} {"text": "The rows in"} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The competing interest section of this article is incor"} {"text": "After publication of the original article it came"} {"text": "The x-axis for"} {"text": "The figure legends for"} {"text": "The captions for Figs"} {"text": "A row has been deleted from"} {"text": "ErratumAfter publication of it came"} {"text": "The image quality in"} {"text": "The legend for"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The legend within"} {"text": "The figure legends for"} {"text": "The order of Figs"} {"text": "The figure legends for"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "Please view the correct version of"} {"text": "An error was introduced during the typesetting process."} {"text": "The image and legend for"} {"text": "After publication of it came"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "The first three panels of"} {"text": "After publication of it came"} {"text": "The last two lines of"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The figure legends for"} {"text": "The footnotes are missing from"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The PDF version of"} {"text": "The structural formula of alkaloid chelidonine in"} {"text": "Following publication of our article we ident"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "In panel F of"} {"text": "The axes of"} {"text": "The legend for"} {"text": "After publication of the original article it came"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "Dear Sir:Hollowed and others"} {"text": "After publication of the original article it came"} {"text": "After publication of the original article it came"} {"text": "The figure legends for"} {"text": "The captions for Figs"} {"text": "The original version of this article containe"} {"text": "An earlier version of"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "While compiling this article one of t"} {"text": "The original version of this"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "Portions of Figs"} {"text": "The captions for Figs"} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "In Please see the correct"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "The captions for Figs"} {"text": "The graph legends for Figs"} {"text": "The labels on parts B and C of"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The title of"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The middle two panels of"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "Upon publication of the original article (Derbie et al."} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "After publication of the original article it came"} {"text": "In Please see the corrected table here:"} {"text": "The legends for"} {"text": "The image for Fig 7 was incorrectly duplicated as"} {"text": "The incorrect version of"} {"text": "This poster presentation has been"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "The correct"} {"text": "The IAA concentration in"} {"text": "The captions for Figs"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "Please view the correct table here:"} {"text": "Please see the correct link here:"} {"text": "The density strip in"} {"text": "Following publication of this work the auth"} {"text": "The legends for Figs Additionally,"} {"text": "The legends for"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "Following the publication of our article we notic"} {"text": "Unfortunately the original version of this article containeFigure"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The caption for"} {"text": "The legend for"} {"text": "The legend for"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "In the \"merge\" panel of"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "After publication of it came"} {"text": "Unfortunately the original version of this article containe"} {"text": "Please see the correct Please see the correct"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "Upon publication of the original article (Darkwah et al."} {"text": "The images for Figs Please see the corrected"} {"text": "The captions for Figs"} {"text": "After publication of the original article it came"} {"text": "The legend for"} {"text": "The authors regret these typographical errors."} {"text": "The image quality of"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "After publication of this work authors\u2019"} {"text": "The order of figure legends for Figs"} {"text": "After publication of the auth"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The incorrect image for"} {"text": "Unfortunately the original article containe"} {"text": "No abstract submitted."} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "After publication of the original article it came"} {"text": "The line weights in"} {"text": "The expected band size in"} {"text": "The correct email address is:"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "After publication of the original article it came"} {"text": "The captions in"} {"text": "In Song Chen et al,"} {"text": "Lorenzo Milli has been addedto the author list."} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "This abstract has been withdrawn."} {"text": "The revised version of"} {"text": "In Guan Wei et al.,"} {"text": "Cell Press apologizes for any inconvenience caused."} {"text": "The stu"} {"text": "This article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "In Jiang et al.,"} {"text": "This has now been amended."} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "In Dayong Xia et al.,"} {"text": "In Qin Tang et al,"} {"text": "In Xuefen Liu et al."} {"text": "The authors of the original article mistaken"} {"text": "In Bohui Peng et al,"} {"text": "This article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article (McCrackin et al."} {"text": "This error has been corrected online."} {"text": "The correct affiliations are:"} {"text": "The author list has been updated accordingly."} {"text": "In Guanzheng Liu et al.,"} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "In Yao et al,"} {"text": "In Cui et al.,"} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "Following publication of the original article (Wang et al."} {"text": "The revised version of"} {"text": "The images of original Figure"} {"text": "The original article erroneou"} {"text": "The images in"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "In Xiaonan Zhuang et al."} {"text": "In Cong Bi et al,"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "This abstract has been withdrawn."} {"text": "The original article mistaken"} {"text": "In Rongsheng Zhou et al.,"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The study presented in 1"} {"text": "This abstract has been withdrawn."} {"text": "In the original publication"} {"text": "The original article (Alario et al.,"} {"text": "In Deng Li et al."} {"text": "In this article the wron"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "In Jinli Ding et al.,"} {"text": "In Yilan Song et al.,"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The point of contact should include Professor Lorena Orozco ("} {"text": "In Qunhui Wang et al.,"} {"text": "The original article Dotan and Brutman containe"} {"text": "Khan and Larissa Grigoryan"} {"text": "The original article mistaken"} {"text": "The order of species names in"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "This abstract has been withdrawn."} {"text": "The original publication has also been updated."} {"text": "The revised version of"} {"text": "The contrast in"} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The revised version of"} {"text": "In Xianjuan Shen et al.,The description of Figure"} {"text": "The supplementary figures are now available online."} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "In Xuejiao Liu et al.,"} {"text": "In Wenping Luo et al.,"} {"text": "Reprinted under Creative Commons Attribution License"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The original article mistaken"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "In the paper"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The commentary provided by Maase et al. demonstr"} {"text": "The original article noted tw"} {"text": "Page 5168. In"} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "Following publication of the original article (Chen et al."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "This abstract has been withdrawn."} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "In Ying Wang et al,"} {"text": "In Shi et al.,"} {"text": "The original article Liu et al. containe"} {"text": "The order of Figs"} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The authors have retracted this article as they"} {"text": "The original article has been"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected.\u201d"} {"text": "The corrected section appears below:"} {"text": "The authors of would li"} {"text": "The original article mistaken"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The authors thank the Editor of"} {"text": "The authorship of this article has been"} {"text": "In the original publication,"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "In the original article there wa"} {"text": "In Xinhuai Dong et al,"} {"text": "In The images for Figs"} {"text": "The caption for"} {"text": "There are panels missing from"} {"text": "The corrected version of"} {"text": "In our previously published paper"} {"text": "In Ting Zhu et al,"} {"text": "This abstract has been withdrawn."} {"text": "In Lo et al.,"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "This guest editorial by Harris (2020)"} {"text": "The images of original Figure"} {"text": "The corrected versions of"} {"text": "In Chenyang Han et al.,"} {"text": "Please see the correct link here:"} {"text": "This error has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "In Panchanan Maiti et al"} {"text": "The axis labels for"} {"text": "The captions for Figs"} {"text": "Following publication of the original article the auth"} {"text": "The rarde hair) ."} {"text": "In Yongjia Sheng et al.,"} {"text": "In the original Figure"} {"text": "In the original publication,"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "In Guangjian Li et al.,"} {"text": "An incorrect version of"} {"text": "In this article the wron"} {"text": "The publisher apologizes for the error."} {"text": "The captions for Figs"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The authors apologize for these errors."} {"text": "The captions for Figs"} {"text": "The captions for Figs"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "In Liping Zhai et al"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected.\u201d"} {"text": "The original version of our article"} {"text": "In Chenyang Han et al."} {"text": "They thank the Editor of"} {"text": "In Zhe Zhang et al,"} {"text": "The images of original Figure In our paper"} {"text": "The original article contains"} {"text": "Following publication of the original article (Wang et al."} {"text": "The caption for"} {"text": "This error has been corrected."} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "In Chunxiu Shen et al.,"} {"text": "The Editor has retracted this article . Followi"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "In Gang Guo,"} {"text": "The original publication of this article"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The corrected version of"} {"text": "Since publication of the original article the auth"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "These have been corrected online."} {"text": "The original article containeAll errors have since been corrected."} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "In the published article"} {"text": "The original article has been corrected."} {"text": "This abstract has been withdrawn."} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "In Chenyang Han et al."} {"text": "In Table 1 of this article [The corrected Table"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "We thank Ravnskov for his"} {"text": "The original article erroneou"} {"text": "This Expression of Concern was repu"} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "In Tian M et al.,"} {"text": "Damian Walker and Godfrey Walker make a s"} {"text": "The corresponding author submitted this article to Molec"} {"text": "The protein CTCF is incorrectly labelled in"} {"text": "The originally published"} {"text": "The original article containsThe correct Fig."} {"text": "The authors of this article would li"} {"text": "The publisher apologizes for this error."} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "Following publication of the original article the auth"} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "The images for"} {"text": "The authors are retracting this article because"} {"text": "The original article was corr"} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The legend for The complete"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The original article was corr"} {"text": "The original article containsThe section should instead read as such:"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "In Several studies are missing from"} {"text": "The art"} {"text": "After this article was publ"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The resolution of"} {"text": "After publication of this article (Rabiee et al."} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "Unfortunately the refernces within Table"} {"text": "The art"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The legend for"} {"text": "The authors have retracted this article because"} {"text": "The correct title of the article should b"} {"text": "The legend for"} {"text": "The correct link is:"} {"text": "This has since been corrected."} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The arrows are missing from"} {"text": "The for"} {"text": "After publication of this article we notic"} {"text": "The publisher apologizes for the error."} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "The correct title of the article should b"} {"text": "The original article containsThe correct versions of Fig."} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The authors of this published article would li"} {"text": "The authors of this article have sta"} {"text": "After publication of this article (Scott et al."} {"text": "The cells in"} {"text": "The authors have provided a corrected version here."} {"text": "Upon Publication of the original manuscript discrepa"} {"text": "The published article has two"} {"text": "The original article was upda"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The legends for Figs"} {"text": "The editor has retracted this article because"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The legend for"} {"text": "In panel B of"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "There are formatting errors in Figs"} {"text": "The correct link is:"} {"text": "The headings are incorrectly placed in"} {"text": "During production of the original article the Meth"} {"text": "Following publication of the original article the auth"} {"text": "The original article mistaken"} {"text": "The correct affiliation numbers are also given above."} {"text": "The x-axis labels for"} {"text": "In our recent article (Yang and Chen"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The original publication contains"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The legends to Figs"} {"text": "The Adj + Gli panel in"} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "The original article containeThis error has now been corrected."} {"text": "Following publication of the original article a reques"} {"text": "Labels are missing from"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "During the production process for this article some err"} {"text": "The original article has been"} {"text": "The authors are retracting this article because"} {"text": "The version of Fig."} {"text": "Following publication of the original article the auth"} {"text": "After publication of this article it came"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "After publication of this article it came"} {"text": "In the original publication the spelEva Malatinkova"} {"text": "The original article mistaken"} {"text": "The incorrect image is used for"} {"text": "Sir:Gelb et al."} {"text": "The authors of this study protocol would li"} {"text": "The captions for Tables"} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "In panel A of"} {"text": "The authors are retracting this article because"} {"text": "In the original publication the spel"} {"text": "The art"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "After publication of our recent article we notic"} {"text": "The figure legends for"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "After the publication of this article we notic"} {"text": "The authors have provided a corrected version here."} {"text": "The captions for Tables"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "After publication of this article (Thiele et al.,"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "After publication of the original paper it came"} {"text": "The scale bars for"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The article has been"} {"text": "The image for the corrected"} {"text": "The authors are retracting this article because"} {"text": "The correct website is:"} {"text": "In the original publication Arabic n"} {"text": "The original article contains"} {"text": "The original publication of this article containe"} {"text": "The art"} {"text": "The authors regret the error."} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The content in"} {"text": "The original article has been"} {"text": "Following publication of the original article the auth"} {"text": "The caption for"} {"text": "The equation in"} {"text": "The images for Figs."} {"text": "To facilitate the explanation of Fig."} {"text": "The original article containeThis error has now been corrected."} {"text": "The authors regret this mistake."} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The correct URL is:"} {"text": "The original article containsThe correct version of Fig."} {"text": "After the publication it came"} {"text": "After publication of this article it came"} {"text": "The bottom of"} {"text": "After this article was publ"} {"text": "The original article mistaken"} {"text": "The labels indicating significance are missing in"} {"text": "The author has withdrawn this article from the"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "Cardiac echinococcosis is an unusual echocardiographic finding."} {"text": "Five coordinated novel complexes of"} {"text": "We apologize for this typographical error."} {"text": "The correct website can be viewed here:"} {"text": "Since publication of our article we have"} {"text": "Please view the correct table here:"} {"text": "The original version of the article unfortun"} {"text": "The caption for"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "Please see the correct In"} {"text": "The original article contains"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "This has now been corrected."} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The captions for Figs"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "After publication of this article it came"} {"text": "The pub"} {"text": "Upon publication of this article (Kok et al.,"} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "The original article contains"} {"text": "The table numbers for Tables"} {"text": "The original article contains"} {"text": "Several genes are labeled incorrectly in"} {"text": "The author affiliation in the published article \u201cService"} {"text": "It has been highlighted the original article containe"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The graph shown in"} {"text": "The article is available at:"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The arrows in"} {"text": "The authors have retracted this article because"} {"text": "Older female musicians face challenges and advantages from longevity"} {"text": "The original article contains"} {"text": "After publication of this article (He et al.,"} {"text": "The original version of this article unfortun"} {"text": "Due to a production error,"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "Upon publication of the original article the auth"} {"text": "The original article (Padilla et al.,"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "This has now been corrected."} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The authors have retracted this article because"} {"text": "The original version of the article containe"} {"text": "The original article contains"} {"text": "The captions for"} {"text": "Following publication of this article the auth"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The original version of the article unfortun"} {"text": "The editor has retracted this article due to o"} {"text": "In The corrected"} {"text": "Concerns have been raised about this article relating"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "The email address should be"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "The caption of"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "Concerns have been raised about this article relating"} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "After the publication of this work errors w"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The authors have retracted this article because"} {"text": "The title of"} {"text": "The original article containeThis error has now been corrected."} {"text": "The correct link is:"} {"text": "An incorrect version of"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The art"} {"text": "The original article contains"} {"text": "Both designations should read as Dhanashakti."} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The correct affiliations should be:"} {"text": "The authors have retracted this article because"} {"text": "The image for"} {"text": "A portion of the figure legend for"} {"text": "The authors would like to correct Figs"} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The figure captions for Figs"} {"text": "The Editors have retracted this article because"} {"text": "The original article containe"} {"text": "The titles and legends for Figs"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "The images for Figs"} {"text": "Please see the corrected In"} {"text": "The original article contains"} {"text": "The reference numbers within Figs"} {"text": "This case report presents a patient with abdominal implants without"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "The incorrect image appears as"} {"text": "The original article has been updated."} {"text": "An incorrect version of"} {"text": "The article has been corrected online ("} {"text": "In the original publication the abbr"}