{ "act_info": { "full_title": "Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 11 ", "act_name_text": "Not Found", "citation": "Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 11 ", "url": "https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/05a11", "date_scraped": "2023-12-21 17:51:21" }, "copyright": { "Copyright": "© King's Printer for Ontario, 2023." }, "versions": [ { "a_href": "/laws/about-e-laws#ccl", "valid_from": "April 19, 2016", "valid_to": "current" }, { "a_href": "/laws/statute/05a11/v5", "valid_from": "December 15, 2009", "valid_to": "April 18, 2016" }, { "a_href": "/laws/statute/05a11/v4", "valid_from": "August 20, 2007", "valid_to": "December 14, 2009" }, { "a_href": "/laws/statute/05a11/v3", "valid_from": "January 1, 2007", "valid_to": "August 19, 2007" }, { "a_href": "/laws/statute/05a11/v2", "valid_from": "December 20, 2006", "valid_to": "December 31, 2006" }, { "a_href": "/laws/statute/05a11/v1", "valid_from": "June 13, 2005", "valid_to": "December 19, 2006" }, { "a_href": "#", "valid_from": "N/A", "valid_to": "current" } ], "current_regs": [ { "a_href": "/laws/regulation/110191", "Citation": "O. Reg. 191/11", "title": "INTEGRATED ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS" } ], "revoked_regs": [ { "revoked_reg_a_href": "/laws/regulation/070430", "revoked_reg_citation": "O. Reg. 430/07", "revoked_reg_title": "EXEMPTION FROM REPORTING REQUIREMENTS" }, { "revoked_reg_a_href": "/laws/regulation/070429", "revoked_reg_citation": "O. Reg. 429/07", "revoked_reg_title": "ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE" } ], "content": [ { "ahref_id": "#BK0", "TOCid": "PART I ", "section_x": "PART I INTERPRETATION", "part_id": "nan", "part_type": "nan", "section_y": NaN, "content": NaN, "raw_html": NaN }, { "ahref_id": "#BK1", "TOCid": "1.", "section_x": "Purpose", "part_id": "PART I ", "part_type": "PART I INTERPRETATION", "section_y": NaN, "content": NaN, "raw_html": NaN }, { "ahref_id": "#BK2", "TOCid": "2.", "section_x": "Definitions", "part_id": "PART I ", "part_type": "PART I INTERPRETATION", "section_y": NaN, "content": NaN, "raw_html": NaN }, { "ahref_id": "#BK3", "TOCid": "3.", "section_x": "Recognition of existing legal obligations", "part_id": "PART I ", "part_type": "PART I INTERPRETATION", "section_y": NaN, "content": NaN, "raw_html": NaN }, { "ahref_id": "#BK4", "TOCid": "PART II ", "section_x": "PART II APPLICATION", "part_id": "nan", "part_type": "nan", "section_y": NaN, "content": NaN, "raw_html": NaN }, 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