class label
9 classes
Each vial contains 75 or 150 mg of the active substance omalizumab.
5Medical Domain
They are voicing their opinion on the current state of the US media. More particularly how they deem it to be a propoganda machine for the Bush agenda ("red neck agenda") that has done a very good job of keeping people scared and in a state of hysteria regarding the War on Terror. They are asking people to wake up and see the light and stop this media/government control of thought and reason - hence "I don't want to be no American Idiot"
0Business & Finance
Sows/ gilts which have not yet been vaccinated with the product shall be given an injection preferably 6 to 8 weeks before the expected date of farrowing followed by a second injection 4 weeks later.
5Medical Domain
This question is way to general. Every region has it's own unique culture. Some were war like other more peacful, the maya had cities more vast then any in the western world.
7Society & Culture
Monetization of a blog can be rough. The first thing you have to do is decide on the types of ads you want to display and then look at availible networks. Some of the most popular are:\nGoogle Adsense (http://www.google.com/adsense )\nChitika eMinimalls (http://www.chitika.com )\nYahoo Publisher Network (http://publisher.yahoo.com )\nAdbrite (http://www.adbrite.com )\n\nThere are hundreds. As far as the how-to, I'd suggest reading blogs that talk about it, like problogger (http://www.problogger.net )\nperformancing (http://www.performancing.com )\nmindfyre (http://www.fyreplace.com (discusses more than just blogging))\nAdmoolah (http://www.admoolah.com )\nand many others on the blogosphere.\n\nGood luck!
1Computers & Internet
Come on. He'd just turn water into as many Klondike Bars as his little heart would desire.
0Business & Finance
One difference between a Bachelors and a Masters degree are the requirements. To gain eligibility for a Bachelors, you must have at least a GED and have scored well enough on the SAT. To be eligible for a Masters Degree, you must have completed a Bachelors degree program, and adequate scores on the GRE.\n\nIn addition, as a Bachelors degree student, your first year or two focuses on the acquisition of general knowledge and the last few years become more specialized, focusing primarily on classes for your major/minor area. \n\nIn contrast, the Master's degree program takes usually only 2 years to complete and the student is only focused on learning one speciality area during that time. In addition, a Masters program requires the student to be more of an independent learner, with classes requiring much more research and independent thought.
2Education & Reference
youbet.com...sign up and watch up to two races live at a time
He's obviously someone who should be watched very carefully by sane people, mostly because he can be regarded as crazy and dangerous. He said that Israel should be wiped off the face of the planet for one thing, and then in order to try to backpeddle from that he said that they should all move to Europe. This is obviously a guy who might not be able of making reasonable decisions, especially when he sees the world in such a unreasonable viewpoint.
6Politics & Government
i believe it is titled, "heart and soul"
3Entertainment & Music
Still alive and well and saving the planet on the Cartoon Network.\n\nhttp://www.cartoonnetwork.com/tv_shows/ppg/index.html
3Entertainment & Music
According to the statistics of UNESCO, India has over 400 dialects/ languages, 18 languages have been included in their constitution, two official languages (Hindi& English),15 languages printed on their paper currency.\nFor more details you can see here:\nhttp://www.cs.colostate.edu/~malaiya/scripts.html
7Society & Culture
1Computers & Internet
well if he was smart and has a cell phone he will turn it on and then you can call him to find out he probly was just running from his problems which is not a good thing so just try any way that you can to find him cause he could need your help he is just calling out that he needs attition.I hope you find him.
4Family & Relationships
0Business & Finance
You're not engaged (yet)...so there's really no reason to worry (as of yet). Once you are, you ask who YOU want and obviously you don't ask this friend. If she's hurt and disappears from your life over it, she is not a REAL/TRUE friend. I know what this is like as I am engaged and I watched a friend have to have 2 maids of honor because her cousin believed she was THE maid of honor the way your friend believes she is going to be a bridesmaid and my friend was miserable on her wedding day because of it! That is the other part to consider, IT'S GOING TO BE YOUR DAY, ALL ABOUT Y-O-U...it's just about the only day in your life when it will be "OK" to be as selfish and/or self-absorbed as you possibly want..within clear reason of course...after all, half the day will belong to your fiance, too! ;) Seriously, if you don't want her in, don't ask her. If she still persists, tell her again bluntly...if that doesn't work I really don't know any other nice way to put it. She can go on in her dream world...but without you telling her which dress, color and other need-to-know details surrounding bridesmaid-land, she'll never be able to pull off her own fantasy. Hope this helps.
4Family & Relationships
yes, all the time. It's a gift, give thanks for it! So long as you aren't having horrid visions of the future, it's ok, yes? \nI'll share some of mine with you:\nhttp://mysticvisions.blogspot.com/\nand if you need help with yours, contact me.
7Society & Culture
one thing comes to mind "i did not have sexual relations with that woman, monica lowinsky" yes that is a direct clinton quote while under oath.
6Politics & Government
Confront him. Healthy relationships are based on communication, and if you aren't happy with his behavior, he should know. His answers will tell you all you need to know.
4Family & Relationships
As a high school tennis coach, I can only address the Tennis question. Players can NOT jump over the net. A players racket may NOT touch the net. The racket can go OVER the net, as long as the player strikes the ball on his/her side of the net and then follows through over the net (without touching the net). The only time a player can strike the ball while it is on the opponent's side of the net is if the wind blows the ball back to their opponent's side of the net before he/she has a chance to hit it back. Hope this helps.
I would say 'Imagine' by John Lennon. Pity he isn't around though.
3Entertainment & Music
I believe there is no God, is just the ignorance, when our ancestors watch the sun they believe it was God, now we know it is just a star. \nWhen someone did not understand something they bring magic ideas like Gods and Designers.\nI just accept that I do not know everything, and I am happy with it.
7Society & Culture
Papa Bear George S. Halas who founded the team, and died in 1983. I think it's been there since then
I don't know how you come across in person, but on-line you sound like a jerk who'll kidnap me and make me do this stuff without any reward.\n\nI belive you're just desparate to find you dream though so I'll share ways to get this information without looking like a serial killing jerk:\n\n1. Don't point blank ask, "Can you cook clean and sew." Instead, re-phrase this as: "It's been so long since I've had a good home cooked meal." If she's good at cooking, she'll want to show off for you, and she'll offer to cook you that meal. If you get her to cook that meal for you, then acidently <wink-wink> pop a button from your shirt. If she's good and caring, again, she'll lovingly offer to help you repair it.\n\n2. Don't demand this. Remember, not all woman have these talents. In fact, with the high divorse rates, many woman were raised by men, or working mom's. Many of us feel inadequite because we don't have these skills < like how a man feels without an income or how he feels if he has small male genetiles >...it's a hurtful subject to certain people, so be respectful <thx>. Plus, our educational system does not provide training for this anymore. Be kind and respectful to the woman who arn't skilled in this. Maybe you'll get a lawyer/accountant/CEO FRIEND who'll help in in the future. I belive you can never have enough friends.\n\nGood luck and best wishes.
7Society & Culture
2 BG-София 1407 Тел.: +359 2 806 301
5Medical Domain
30:\n\npine, apple, pin, pan, pal, plan, peal, plane, plain, peel, ape, ale, an, pile, pail, in, line, lane, lap, leap, lip, lean, nip, nap, nape, nil, nail, nipple, pen, eel
2Education & Reference
OUch. I had not realized that. But he does have a habit of collapsing under pressure. A rushed pass hear, an interception there.
Most common use of the phrase is \n\n"KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT"\n\nIt is often used and sometimes requred legal mumbo jumbo at the start of a public proclamation...\n\nIt sort of like saying. "by posting this properly in a public place in accordance with the law it is safe for me to assume that everyone in the whole world know the following"\n\nIt kind of gives you the right to say "I Told you so" without really having to tell everyone. \n\nYou are making the document a matter of Public record which any truely interested party could have access to and take action with it.\n\nIt is used often on the following types of documents:\n\nPower of Attorny where a person with the proper papers and signatures present can sign and speak for another person.\n\nA Last Will and Testiment\nAgain which gives an executor the power to speak and act for the person who has just died.\n\nA Deed for a Pacel of Land\nThis document again tell anyone who can read it and understand it that the Seller has SAID that the Land Now belongs to someone else and that they have permission to do with it as they please (except for certain considerations which may be preexisting covenants such as type of use restrictions. Such as saying that a town can have a parcel of land that I am giving to them as long as they build a library on the land and place books in it that are made of paper. (I personally know of one such deal where the donated library was not allowed to contain computers instead of books).\n\nIt is used in several forms as below:\n"KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT"\n"KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT"\n"KNOWN ALL MEN BY THIS PRESENT"\n"KNOW ALL MEN BY THIS PRESENT"\n"MAKE IT KNOWN THAT"\n"LET IT BE KNOWN THAT"\n\netc...
2Education & Reference
Nixon was President when the United States pulled its troops out, in 1973. The war between North and South Vietnam lasted 2 more years, by which time Gerald Ford had become President.
6Politics & Government
1.0 ml (1 million
5Medical Domain
Norton AntiVirus or McAfee VirusScan. They usually flipflop year after as best antivirus software rated by PC Magazine. Personally, I prefer McAfee, but either will work fine for you.
1Computers & Internet
while it can be considered a breech of contract i dont think you can you can only divorce your wife. talk to a lawyer and see what steps you need to take.
0Business & Finance
• Strength of schedule for the previous season is the first tie-breaker for teams with the same winning percentage.
Micardis 20 mg
5Medical Domain
As you attain higher levels, you'll also be able to contribute more to Yahoo! Answers - you can ask, answer, vote and rate more frequently.\nLimits (per day) Level\nUnlimited Questions, Answers, Votes & Ratings 5, 6, 7\n40 each: Questions, Answers, Votes & Ratings 4\n30 each: Questions, Answers, Votes & Ratings 3\n20 each: Questions, Answers, Votes & Ratings 2\n10 each: Questions, Answers, Votes & Ratings 1
0Business & Finance
Good question -- it really depends on WHAT you want to do in radio. The "act" of being a DJ -- playing music and turning-on the microphone etc., -- is really very simple. The hard part is making what you say entertaining and engaging. Many colleges have broadcasting departments, and offer students a chance to work in college radio to hone their skills. If you want to go into radio news, you will need a good education in the way government and society works. Even a two-year AA degree would be a good start. Record yourself speaking. Ask your friends to listen. Are you saying the ends of words? Do you say "pencil" or "pensa?" Do you say "style" or "sty?" Take speech class at the local college (or high school if you're still there) and ask the teacher to REALLY help you. You will probably develop a "radio voice" different from your everyday voice, and over the years, the two will merge. Visit a few radio stations, and ask if you can just "hang-out." (Not tour, but actually stay for a few hours.) Before long, a DJ will say "hey, can you push that button for me?" Let's face it -- many DJs have big egos, and would love to show you everything they know! Let them, and take notes.
2Education & Reference
just ask another question.. believe me it will help. but remember that you can ask only 3 more questions. use the add detail button (on each qns) to ask more if you want.\n\nanother workaround maybe to create another yahoo id and ask qns.\n\nhave fun. and best of luck for tmrw's exam
2Education & Reference
6 because each sheep has 4 legs and 24 divided by 4 is 6
2Education & Reference
This Week in Tech is a great podcast. It's hosted by Leo Laport (of TechTV fame) and features several guests each week, usually other ex-TechTV people and John Devorak. It's basically a discussion of tech news stories from the week. It's been the top podcast for some time now, probably because of the well known, intelligent hosts as well as the professional production quality.\n\nBrowsing the podcasts available on iTunes can be a good way to easily sample some podcasts on topics you're interested in.
1Computers & Internet
John 1\n1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.\n\n6There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. 7He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. 8He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. 9The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.\n\n10He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—13children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.\n\n14The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.\n\nJesus is The Word.
7Society & Culture
i think neither are totally right i think they should just both live on the land and learn to get along
6Politics & Government
Until the card is regularly scanned along with biometric data or lets say a ring or implant\nI like ring\nbecause it doesnt raise organic complications\nwith 500MB of data on it\nyour personal database and the FBI's tºº
6Politics & Government
No. Popular vote has nothing to do with it.\n\nThere are two methods:\n\nThe first method is for a bill to pass both halves of the legislature, by a two-thirds majority in each. Once the bill has passed both houses, it goes on to the states. This is the route taken by all current amendments. Because of some long outstanding amendments, such as the 27th, Congress will normally put a time limit (typically seven years) for the bill to be approved as an amendment (for example, see the 21st and 22nd).\n\nThe second method prescribed is for a Constitutional Convention to be called by two-thirds of the legislatures of the States, and for that Convention to propose one or more amendments. These amendments are then sent to the states to be approved by three-fourths of the legislatures or conventions. This route has never been taken, and there is discussion in political science circles about just how such a convention would be convened, and what kind of changes it would bring about.
6Politics & Government
If you're going to be a vet anywhere, you'll be going into pre-med, and that involves a lot of math, so if you're worried about it now, you may want to start getting tutored. It's cheaper than failing a class and having to retake it.
2Education & Reference
As far as I know you need Mobile Phone Tools\nby Motorola. (About $50) I have it, however\nI never used the disk on my iMac.\nIf there is another way, I also would like to know.
1Computers & Internet
my ideal job would be as a msw or masters in social work. in that capacity, i would like to work with at-risk-adolescents. why? because my daughter did some things when she was a teenager, that required the services of a sw, and i would like to help other adolescents, like she was helped. but also because of a bad experience with the first social worker she had, that had no compassion for anyone, and i figured i could be a better sw then he was, with no education. so far i got a b.a in that field and will soon start pursuing my masters.
0Business & Finance
The last time I sang to myself was this afternoon in my car, on my way home from the dentist. I was trying to see how I sounded with my new teeth! The last time I sang to someone? Does singing a solo in church count? That would be just before Christmas. If you mean just one person, it would be in October, to my three year old grandson at bedtime...and the song was Jesus Loves Me. I also taught him the sign motions for the song too. <*)))><
3Entertainment & Music
You can clean your Levemir InnoLet by wiping it with a medicinal swab.
5Medical Domain
The man\n\nfour legs in the morning of the life (while baby, feet and hands), two legs in midday of the life and three legs at the night of the life (two legs and a cane)
2Education & Reference
The question is why doesn't your family like her, is it justified. Sometimes we refuse to see things others can because we are blinded by love. I am not a cold person, I am a romantic at heart and I believe that love conquers all but in the same aspect protect YOUR heart in the process by talking with your family about their reasons. And remember they will always be your family, and if their reasons are bogus then marry her because true love is hard to find.
4Family & Relationships
Yes, they have great music!
3Entertainment & Music
Distributed computing is a science which solves a large problem by giving small parts of the problem to many computers to solve and then combining the solutions for the parts into a solution for the problem.\n\nOr:\na computer system in which several interconnected computers share the computing tasks assigned to the system
1Computers & Internet
.tmp files are temporary files generated by programs as they run and can usually be safely deleted. The format will depend on the program that created it. You may be able to read the contents of the file in a text editor, but this is not guaranteed.\n\nSee the second item on the page below for some info.
1Computers & Internet
It is very important to follow instructions 2), 3), 4) and 5) to help the FOSAVANCE tablet reach your stomach quickly and help reduce the chance of irritating your gullet (oesophagus - the tube that connects your mouth with your stomach).
5Medical Domain
Stars twinkle because of turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere. You can think as the atmosphere being made up of several "layers." Each layer has a different temperature and density. As the light from a star passes through the atmosphere, it is bent by each layer, and we perceive the twinkling. \n\nThe bending of the light when it passes from one medium to another, like water to air, or one layer of air to another, is called refraction. Refraction is what makes a straw look bent when you put it in a glass of water. Refraction also makes the stars and the Sun near the horizon look higher in the sky than they really are. In fact, when the Sun is setting, we are seeing the sun's disk when the Sun is already below the horizon!\n\nhttp://www.mira.org/fts0/stars/text/txt001c.htm
0Business & Finance
there is a microphone mounted at the base of the stumps which picks up the sound of the ball touching the bat
Cranky Old Goat has the right idea. The tough thing is you don't want to go to your human resources department to ask them how it works. Hopefully you have a copy of the employee handbook so you can check on their vesting schedule.
0Business & Finance
I believe you are referring to 'split'
1Computers & Internet
you can answer that for yourself because we can't really see our future but we can plan it. what business will suit you depends on your own ability inspite of what people say about you. "BELIEVE IN YOURSELF"
3Entertainment & Music
The chalk dries the sweat and moisture from the hand and offers a better grip. It is the same reason gymnasts use chalk.
0Business & Finance
Dr. Clausenstein invented the first prototype Santa in 1798 out of used human parts that he assembled in a secret laboratory in the alps. While the original Kris Kringle was a disaster, killing eight deer and seriously harming four small children, the very next attempt was a complete success, never harming another soul or animal. Although inconceivable today, Dr. Clausenstein was never granted a patent for his creation and was subsequently hanged for abominable crimes against humanity, forcing the monster Satan Claus (as he was known after the trial) to flee to the north pole.
7Society & Culture
renacer : means reborn, which can be taken as new life or new beggining
2Education & Reference
Yes, and some sites provide "partial" feeds via RSS, requiring the user to go to the site before being able to read all the data.\n\nThe argument for full feeds more or less runs like this: You need to entice users to your site. By providing a full feed you are giving your users what they want, and they will be more inclined to look upon you favorably. So rather than directly forcing eyeballs to your site, you are working on the reputation of your site for quality data, and hoping the users will pass along your site to others through bloglines or deli.cio.us, and getting new eyeballs indirectly.
1Computers & Internet
There are several advantages to the online resources \nthat libraries make available:\n\nThey allow multiple people to utilize one resource at the same time (with print resources, multiple copies must be held by the library to achieve this).\n\nThey allow people to use the library's resources without physically going to the library. This is especially important for distance education students who may not live anywhere near the school they attend.\n\nThey can be more easily recovered if the physical location is impacted by a disaster. If the resources are hosted via the internet, all the library has to do is repair or replace its computer equipment, as opposed to hunting down and purchasing replacement copies of destroyed print materials. \n\nOn the downside, online resources are generally more expensive than print, and some things are priced so extravagantly that some libraries can't afford them at all.
2Education & Reference
Buon Compleanno is Happy Birthday.\nBuon Natale is Merry Christmas.\nFelice Anno Nuovo is Happy New Year.
2Education & Reference
13 of Directive 2001/ 82/ EC as amended, in which it is stated that “ By way of derogation from point (j) of the first subparagraph of Article 12 (3), and without prejudice to the law relating to the protection of industrial and commercial property, the applicant shall not be required to provide the results of the safety and residue tests or of the preclinical and clinical trials if he can demonstrate that the medicinal product is a generic of a reference medicinal product which is or has been authorized under Article 5 for not less than eight years in a Member State or the Community .”
5Medical Domain
It depends of which country are you talking about, however in my country (Colombia) in order to be a diplomat (requirements (it doesn't mean that you will be)) you need to be a citizen, have very good knowledge of two languages of diplomat use, begin to assist to some seminars that the different embassies do, have a barchelor and univeristy degree it doesnt matter in what (but in areas relevant to diplomacy will be better)
6Politics & Government
Most definitely a Nerdish Woman.\nHot, hot, hot.\nWhen shes a nerd and might wear glasses who needs money?
4Family & Relationships
It is better to stick on your normally doing. I know from experience that pretty interesting email is dangerous. I clicked on an interesting email once and got more and more spams since then. Spammers are skillful today, they know how to make their emails not go to bulk folder. No matter how interesting the email you got is, please don't reply. Hope you haven't yet. I understand your curiousity if that email address really exists, but remember, curiousity can cost you a lot.
1Computers & Internet
Intrinsa 300 micrograms is not recommended in naturally menopausal women.
5Medical Domain
A series of competetive examinations held in India for recruitment to different services in the government.The most popular are the Civil Sevices Examination,Engineering Services Examination and so on.There are minimum qualification and age restrictions depending on the services for which exams are held.
2Education & Reference
that really depends on the indivisual and most inportantly whether or not this is a committed relationship,however, a person who performs only upon request and never spontaneously could only be doing it just to satisfy there partner,it also depends on how well they do it too!!!
0Business & Finance
A DVD Ripper is a program that converts DVD-video from a DVD (MPEG-2) to another format to store it on the PC.\nMostly the format is MPEG-4 (DivX, Xvid...). The video is compressed to a much lover size, mostly to fit on 1 or 2 CDs, but this depends on the properties you choose when ripping.
1Computers & Internet
It is so you remember what you learn in class.
0Business & Finance
Oh.. he has a degree?
6Politics & Government
Go to Member directory click on edit profile infomation. Down at the bottom it ask you three display question 1. adult content, 2. Directory Listing Add this profile to the Yahoo! 3. Member Directory \n and member since check the appropriate box.
4Family & Relationships
1. Start the DNS Manager (Start - Programs - Administrative Tools - DNS Manager)\n 2. From the DNS menu, select New Server and enter the IP address of the DNS Server, e.g., and click OK\n 3. The server will now be displayed with a CACHE sub part\n 4. Next we want to add the domain, e.g. savilltech.com, from the DNS menu, select New Zone\n 5. Select Primary and click Next\n 6. Enter the name, e.g. savilltech.com, and then press tab, and it will fill in the Zone File Name and click Next\n 7. Click Finish\n 8. Next a zone for reverse lookups has to be created, so select New Zone from the DNS menu\n 9. Select Primary and click Next, enter the name of the first 3 parts of the domain IP + in-addr.arpa, e.g. if the domain was 158.234.26, the entry would be 26.234.158.in-addr.arpa, in my example it would be 200.200.200.in-addr.arpa, click tab for the file name to be filled and click Next, then click Finish\n 10. Add a record for the DNS server, by right clicking on the domain and select "New Record"\n 11. Enter the name of the machine, e.g. BUGSBUNNY (I had a strange upbringing :-) ), and enter and IP address, e.g. and click OK\n 12. If you click F5 and examine the 200.200.200.in-addr.arpa a record has been added for BUGSBUNNY there as well
1Computers & Internet
Ceplene and low dose IL-2 have been investigated in other clinical studies at different doses (1.0 mg histamine dihydrochloride twice a day) and with different dose regimens of low-dose IL-2 and interferon-alfa.
5Medical Domain
In 2004, the State of Hawaii had signed an agreement with the NFL to keep the Pro Bowl in Hawaii until 2009 (at least). The NFL will control concessions, parking, souviners, and advertising at Aloha Stadium for the game. The game being in Hawaii is a win-win situation for the State of Hawaii and the NFL. Coming to Hawaii is an incentive for the players to make the all-star team, unlike the years before the game was moved to Aloha Stadium in Honolulu. Where would you rather play football in February, Hawaii or Wisconsin?