-DOCSTART- -X- O O 0b67946e55e9780a2939fcfccbcfb167
The O
outcomes O
of O
the O
sensitivity O
analysis O
framework O
suggest O
that O
flood B-climate-hazards
risk O
can O
vary O
dramatically O
as O
a O
result O
of O
possible O
change O
scenarios O
. O
The O
risk O
components O
that O
have O
not O
received O
much O
attention O
( O
e.g. O
changes O
in O
dike B-climate-mitigations
systems O
and O
in O
vulnerability O
) O
may O
mask O
the O
influence O
of O
climate O
change O
that O
is O
often O
investigated O
component O
. O
-DOCSTART- -X- O O b270c8b103e19e6a09774c222e885aff
parameterization O
of O
vertical B-climate-properties
diffusivity I-climate-properties
in O
ocean B-climate-nature
general O
circulation O
models O
has O
been O
implemented O
in O
the O
ocean B-climate-nature
model O
component O
of O
the O
Community B-climate-models
Climate I-climate-models
System I-climate-models
Model I-climate-models
( O
CCSM B-climate-models
) O
. O
The O
parameterization O
represents O
the O
dynamics O
of O
the O
mixing O
in O
the O
abyssal B-climate-nature