--- license: cc-by-sa-4.0 language: - en pretty_name: 2018 NEON Ethanol-preserved Ground Beetles task_categories: - image-classification - image-segmentation tags: - biology - image - animals - CV - beetles - elytra - elytra width - elytra length - size size_categories: - n<1K - 10K # Dataset Card for 2018 NEON Ethanol-preserved Ground Beetles Collection of ethanol-preserved ground beetles (family Carabidae) collected from various NEON sites in 2018 and photographed in batches in 2022. ## Dataset Details ### Dataset Description - **Curated by:** I.E. Fluck, B. Baiser, R. Wolcheski, I. Chinniah, and S. Record - **Repository:** [Imageomics/2018-NEON-beetles-processing](https://github.com/Imageomics/2018-NEON-beetles-processing) This dataset is composed of a collection of 577 images of ethanol-preserved beetles collected at [NEON](https://www.neonscience.org/) sites in 2018. Each image contains a collection of beetles of the same species from a single plot at the labeled site. In 2022, they were arranged on a lattice and photographed; the elytra length and width were then annotated for each individual in each image using [Zooniverse](). The individual images were segemented out based on scaling the elytra measurement pixel coordinates to the full-size images (more information on this process is available on the [Imageomics/2018-NEON-beetles-processing](https://github.com/Imageomics/2018-NEON-beetles-processing) repository). ## Dataset Structure In `group_images` we have 577 images of multiple beetles in a reasonably regular pattern (see sample image below). Each of these images contains a centimeter-based scalebar and a barcode representing the sample (collection of beetles in the image). Each row in `BeetleMeasurements.csv` corresponds to a measurement of the elytra (length or width) of an individual beetle. `Separate_segmented_train_test_splits_80_20` contains individual images of 11 different species of beetles. There are 12 folders, but melanarius melanarius is a subspecies designation for melanarius, so it should not be considered a species distinction. These images are divided into an 80-20 train-test split, and further separated into subfolders based on their species (as shown below). ``` /dataset/ group_images/ .jpg .jpg ... .jpg metadata.csv group_images_masks/ _masks.jpg _masks.jpg ... _masks.jpg metadata.csv beetle_images_resized/ .jpg .jpg ... .jpg metadata.csv Separate_segmented_train_test_splits_80_20 test/ / / ... / train/ / / ... / metadata.csv separate_segmented_beetle_images/ .jpg .jpg ... BeetleMeasurements.csv individual_metadata.csv ``` ### Data Instances [More Information Needed] The `group_images` folder has all 577 orignal full size images. The `beetle_images_resized` folder has the resized (approximately 1MB) images used for annotation in Zooniverse (1MB was the size limitation imposed by the software); aspect ratio was maintained in the resize. The code used to produce the images and splits in `Separate_segmented_train_test_splits_80_20/` is provided [here](https://github.com/Imageomics/2018-NEON-beetles-processing/blob/main/notebooks/Beetle_Palooza_image_separation.ipynb). |![picture of beetles in A00000046094](https://huggingface.co/datasets/imageomics/BeetlePalooza/resolve/main/group_images/A00000046094.jpg)| |:--| |Image of _Carabus goryi_ beetles from sample A00000046094.| ### Data Fields **BeetleMeasurements.csv**: - `pictureID`: Name of the image (`.jpg`, though sometimes it's ``.jpg); this matches the barcode on the sample bottle (included in the image). Unique identifier for the 577 _group_ images, not for dataset. There are 11,459 individual beetles. All individuals in a single image are from the same location and are the same species. However, there is one image (`MOAB_001.S.20180724.jpg`) with 17 individuals that does not have any taxonomic information. 10 individuals do not have species-level labels - `scalebar`: Pixel coordinates indicating the beginning and end of one side of a 1cm square on the ruler/scalebar in the image. This is indicated by two points `p1 = (x1, y1)` and `p2 = (x2, y2)`, such that the Euclidean distance between them is the number of pixels in one centimeter. - `cm_pix`: Integer. The number of pixels in a centimeter on the scalebar (measured by Euclidean distance between points given in `scalebar`). - `individual`: Integer. The beetle in the image to whom the measurements refer. The beetles are measured "in line" (numbering is from left to right, top to bottom, as one would read a book). However, Zooniverse does not register individual IDs beyond 99 (once 99 individuals are marked, it restarts the count at 1). Be careful with it. - `structure`: Whether the measurement applies to the length or width of the elytra (`ElytraLength` or `ElytraWidth`, respectively). - `lying_flat`: Whether or not the beetle is lying _flat_ in the image (`Yes` or `No`). This does _NOT_ correlate to vertical or horizontal alignment; it is whether the individual is twisted to one side or not--a side effect of how they died. Generally, the measured width will be shorter than the true width if this is `No`. - `coords_pix`: Pixel coordinates of the line marking the length or width of the elytra (green or purple line in the sample image). Note that these annotations were done on the resized copy of the image (1MB), but the aspect ratio was maintained in the resizing. - `dist_pix`: Float. The length or width of the elytra (indicated by `structure`) as measured in pixels (calculated as Euclidean distance beetween `coords_pix` points). - `dist_cm`: Float. The length or width of the elytra (indicated by `structure`) as measured in centimeters using the scalebar compared to the measured pixel distance (`dist_pix/cm_pix`). - `scientificName`: Scientific name of the specimen (` `). There are 78 different species among 36 genera, though another 10 individuals are only labeled to the genus (or subgenus) level. The 17 individuals in `PictureID` `MOAB_001.S.20180724.jpg` are missing the scientific name label (they are all the same species). These labels were provided by NEON. - `NEON_sampleID`: NEON identifier for the sample (576 unique IDs), prefixed by the `plotID`. - `siteID`: String. Identifier for the site from which the specimens were collected. There 30 different site IDs. For more information on the sites, visit: https://www.neonscience.org/field-sites/explore-field-sites. - `site_name`: Name of field site from which the specimens were collected. There are 43 different field site names. -- These lack consistency (sometimes "NEON" or "Site" was used in the name causing duplicates), and will be updated using the site codes. - `plotID`: Identifier for the plot from which the specimens were collected (`_`). Each site has multiple plots; there are 144 total plots from which specimens were collected. - `user_name`: Zooniverse username of person annotating the elytra length and width information (there were 3 annotators). - `workflowID`: Integer identifier for the Zooniverse workflow used. There are 5. - `genus`: Genus of the individual (generated by taking the first word in the `scientificName`). There are 36 unique genera labeled. - `species`: Species of the individual (generated from the word(s) following the `genus` in the `scientificName`). There are 78 unique species labeled. - `combinedID`: Generated from `PictureID` (minus the `.jpg`) plus `_`. This gives only 11,104 IDs, as it suffers from the issue of `individual` based on Zooniverse's export. Individuals should be measured by half the number of rows with `user_name == "IsaFluck"`. - `measureID`: Unique identifier for the beetle measurements (and this CSV), generated using the `uuid` package. There are 39,064 unique measurements (2 per beetle, with overlap on 234 images annotated by all three annotators and 1 annotated by just two). - `file_name`: Relative path to image from the root of the directory (`/.jpg`); allows for image to be displayed in the dataset viewer alongside its associated metadata. - `image_dim`: Dimensions of full-sized image `(, , )`. - `resized_image_dim`: Dimensions of resized image `(, , )`. - `coords_pix_scaled_up`: `coords_pix` adjusted for full-sized image. **NOTE:** - The `NEON_sampleID` RMNP_014.20180709.CALADV.01 is repeated because there were too many individuals in the sample to organize them all in one picture. Thus, the individuals from this sample are split between two pictures: `A00000051555_1` and `A00000051555_2`. - The `NEON_sampleID` MOAB_001.S.20180724 was provided without scientific name identification. This sample is _Cicindela punctulata punctulata_ (confirmed in NEON biorepository records by Laura Nagel). - See notebooks in the [Beetle Processing Repository](https://github.com/Imageomics/2018-NEON-beetles-processing) for more information and analyses of these values, addition and renaming of the above columns from the [original measurement CSV](https://huggingface.co/datasets/imageomics/2018-NEON-beetles/blob/bbefad05d50ed55da82e99bd330afe12a5fd1d97/BeetleMeasurements.csv), and the creation of the individual metadata CSV. - `beetle_images_resized/metadata.csv` has `pictureID`, `scientificName`, `genus`, `species`, `NEON_sampleID`, `siteID`, and `file_name` columns to display the resized images in the dataset viewer with some group image-level information. It will match up to information from `BeetleMeasurments.csv` on `pictureID`, though this is _not_ a unique alignment since it's not a unique ID for `BeetleMeasurements.csv`, but is for the resize. **Separate_segmented_train_test_splits_80_20/metadata.csv**: metadata file for the segmented individuals in the `Separate_segmented_train_test_splits_80_20` folder. - `filename`: name of image file (`beetle_.png`). - `md5`: MD5 hash of the image (unique identifier). - `species`: species epithet of the beetle in the image. _Note:_ melanarius melanarius is a subspecies designation of melanarius. Genera are as described [here](https://huggingface.co/datasets/imageomics/2018-NEON-beetles/discussions/18#67bcabad85e7281434139a8a), re-alignment is pending. - `split`: `train` or `test`, 80\% of the images are in the training set. - `file_name`: path to the image from the `Separate_segmented_train_test_splits_80_20` folder to display in the dataset viewer. - `subset`: label given to this subset of the full image dataset (as selected in the viewer): `separate segmented splits`. **individual_metadata.csv**: This CSV was created for individual images that have not yet been added to this repository. - `individualID`: ID of beetle in the individual image (`_`). This is a unique identifier for this CSV. - `combinedID`: Generated from `PictureID` (minus the `.jpg`) plus `_`. (Matches `combinedID` in `BeetleMeasurements.csv`.) - `lying_flat`: Whether or not the beetle is lying _flat_ in the image (`Yes` or `No`). This does _NOT_ correlate to vertical or horizontal alignment; it is whether the individual is twisted to one side or not--a side effect of how they died. Generally, the measured width will be shorter than the true width if this is `No`. - `elytraLength`: Length of the elytra in centimeters. Indicated by the green line in the image below. - `elytraWidth`: Width of the elytra in centimeters. Indicated by the purple line in the image below. - `measureID_length`: `measureID` from `BeetleMeasurements.csv` for the `elytraLength` of this individual. Can be used to fetch measure-specific information from `BeetleMeasurements.csv`. - `measureID_width`: `measureID` from `BeetleMeasurements.csv` for the `elytraWidth` of this individual. Can be used to fetch measure-specific information from `BeetleMeasurements.csv`. - `genus`: Genus of the individual (generated by taking the first word in the `scientificName` from `BeetleMeasurements.csv`). There are 36 unique genera labeled. - `species`: Species of the individual (generated from the word(s) following the `genus` in the `scientificName` from `BeetleMeasurements.csv`). There are 78 unique species labeled. - `NEON_sampleID`: NEON identifier for the sample (576 unique IDs), prefixed by the `plotID`. (Matches `NEON_sampleID` in `BeetleMeasurements.csv`.) - `file_name`: Relative path to image from the root of the directory (`individual_images/.jpg`); allows for image to be displayed in the dataset viewer alongside its associated metadata. |![Figure 1](https://huggingface.co/datasets/imageomics/BeetlePalooza/resolve/main/beetles.png)| |:--| |**Figure 1.** Sample image of beetles with green and purple lines to indicate the measurement used for the elytra length and width, respectively. The red line marks the pixels for 1cm.| ### Data Splits This dataset has a subset of the group images segmented to individuals and divided into an 80-20 train-test split in `Separate_segmented_train_test_splits_80_20/`. ## Dataset Creation ### Curation Rationale [More Information Needed] This dataset was curated for use at [BeetlePalooza 2024](https://github.com/Imageomics/BeetlePalooza-2024/wiki) to help drive scientific discovery through machine learning and computer vision. ### Source Data The specimens come from [NEON sites](https://www.neonscience.org/field-sites/explore-field-sites), as indicated in the `BeetleMeasurements` CSV. They were identified by domain scientists (beetle experts) based on physical examination. Each sample consists of a single species. For more information about general NEON data, please see their [Ground beetles sampled from pitfall traps page](https://data.neonscience.org/data-products/DP1.10022.001). The samples were sent from NEON, preserved in ethanol, then arranged on a lattice to be photographed. Isadora Fluck photographed the beetles in each sample in 2022, using a Nikon D500 with lens: AF-S Micro NIKKOR 60mm 1:2.8G ED (Nikon). #### Data Collection and Processing Beetles were collected in 2018 by NEON field technicians. In sum, Ground beetles are sampled using pitfall traps (16 oz deli containers filled with 150 or 250 mL of propylene glycol). Multiple traps are deployed in each of 10 plots at each terrestrial NEON site (from 2013-2017, 40 traps per site; 2018-present, 30 traps per site), with traps arrayed approximately 20 meters from the center of the plot in one of the four cardinal directions. Sampling occurs biweekly throughout the growing season (when temperatures are above 4 degrees C). The corresponding NEON data product for these data is entitled, "Ground beetles sampled from pitfall traps". More complete field and biorepository protocols can be found at this [link](https://data.neonscience.org/data-products/DP1.10022.001). This dataset specifically focuses on 2018 because at the time the images were taken in 2022, 2018 had the most complete spatial coverage of identified and fully processed beetle specimens (due to latency issues lingering from the pandemic and the time taken for experts to ID difficult species). Images were only taken of specimens stored in ethanol within vials as it was too difficult to ship the pinned specimens to the University of Florida where imaging took place. The full citation for the NEON ground beetle data for the closest release year to the time of sampling is: NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). Ground beetles sampled from pitfall traps (DP1.10022.001), RELEASE-2021. https://doi.org/10.48443/tx5f-dy17. Dataset accessed from https://data.neonscience.org/data-products/DP1.10022.001/RELEASE-2021 on August 11, 2024. #### Who are the source data producers? This dataset is a collection of images taken from beetles collected by [NEON](https://www.neonscience.org/) field technicians that were preserved in ethanol following collection from NEON sites in 2018. A subset of difficult to ID taxa were pinned and sent to experts for identification. The images provided here were of more common species that did not require expert ID that could be identified by NEON field technicians. After being preserved in ethanol, the beetles were archived at the [NEON Biorepository] (https://biorepo.neonscience.org/portal/). They were were sent by Nico Franz, Kelsey Yule, and Andrew Johnston from the NEON Biorepository to Ben Baiser, Sydne Record, and Isadora Fluck for imaging in 2022. Information regarding the sites from which they were collected and the taxonomic labels were provided by NEON. Site information (names and ecoclimatic domains) can be matched to `siteID` from the `NEON_Field_Site_Metadata_20240802.csv`, which is available on [NEON's field sites information page](https://www.neonscience.org/field-sites/explore-field-sites) (click `Download Field Site Table (CSV)`). ### Annotations Annotations (elytra length and width) were completed in Zooniverse by Isadora Fluck and two Harvard Forest summer REU students (Riley Wolcheski and Isha Chinniah); annotator is indicated by their NEON system usernames in the `BeetleMeasurements` CSV. The annotations (2 per beetle) were repeated for a subset of the images to measure observation error introduced in the annotation process. The taxonomic labels were provided by NEON with the samples. #### Annotation process The images were downsized to 1MB (preserving aspect ratio) for annotation in [Zooniverse](https://www.zooniverse.org/). Overall, 234 images were annotated by all three annotators and 1 was annotated by just two. Beetles were indicated as not lying flat if they tended to one or the other side, as this can result in a smaller width measurement than expected. See the [sample image](https://huggingface.co/datasets/imageomics/BeetlePalooza/blob/main/beetles.png) (also in Figure 1) for indicators of length and width, as well as the centimeter mark in pixels on the scalebar. #### Who are the annotators? - Isadora E. Fluck: Ph.D. Candidate at Baiser Lab of Community Ecology University of Florida annotated all samples, and led annotation effort of two summer REU students under the supervision of Sydne Record: - Riley Wolcheski (University of Connecticut) - Isha Chinniah (Mount Holyoke College) ### Personal and Sensitive Information N/A ## Considerations for Using the Data - The `NEON_sampleID` RMNP_014.20180709.CALADV.01 is repeated because there were too many individuals in the sample to organize them all in one picture. Thus, the individuals from this sample are split between two pictures: `A00000051555_1` and `A00000051555_2`. - The `NEON_sampleID` MOAB_001.S.20180724 was provided without scientific name identification. - The `individual` indicator is not unique to `pictureID` since Zooniverse restarted IDs after individual number 99, so individuals are indicated by measurements annotated by `user_name == "IsaFluck"` since she annotated each image once, with the other annotators just labeling a subset for comparison. - These images do not include all beetles sampled at all sites in 2018 because they do not include the pinned specimens. - Dorsal images may not provide all the information needed to ID a beetle. ### Bias, Risks, and Limitations This dataset does not have a balanced representation of genera. In particular, rare or more difficult to ID taxa are not included here. These images do not include all beetles sampled at all sites in 2018 because they do not include the pinned specimens. ### Recommendations Be aware of the distribution when determining use cases and metrics for evaluation. ## Licensing Information This dataset is licensed under [CC BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/). ## Citation **BibTeX:** **Data** ``` @misc{Fluck2018_NEON_Beetle, author = {Isadora E. Fluck and Benjamin Baiser and Riley Wolcheski and Isha Chinniah and Sydne Record}, title = {2018 {NEON} Ethanol-preserved Ground Beetles}, year = {2024}, url = {https://huggingface.co/datasets/imageomics/2018-NEON-beetles}, doi = {}, publisher = {Hugging Face} } ``` If you use the individual segmented images, please also cite the code repository ([Imageomics/2018-NEON-beetles-processing](https://github.com/Imageomics/2018-NEON-beetles-processing)) used to produce them. ## Acknowledgements The National Ecological Observatory Network is a program sponsored by the National Science Foundation and operated under cooperative agreement by Battelle. This material uses specimens and/or samples collected as part of the NEON Program. Additionally, this material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Award Numbers [2301322](https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2301322&HistoricalAwards=false), [1950364](https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1950364&HistoricalAwards=false), and [1926569](https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1926569&HistoricalAwards=false), as well as the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Hatch Project [Number ME0-22425]() through the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station. Additional support was provided by the Imageomics Institute, which is supported by NSF [Award No. 2118240](https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2118240) ([Imageomics](https://imageomics.org): A New Frontier of Biological Information Powered by Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning). Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. ## Dataset Card Authors Elizabeth G. Campolongo