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You said she'd speak, Liz. She changed her mind. Come on. Focus on the other women. Make sure they're ready.
Uh, we always want to make sure that our journeyline is, uh, on track. So, what do you think? What do you we think... is a very direct way to begin. So let's just start there. Thank jumping Jesus you're not charging me for this initial consult or you'd be hearing a goddamn dial tone.
Okay. I need a volunteer. I already volunteered! How do you think I got here? Bring back the girls!
I don't know what it's about. But regarding the Treasurer, you have every reason to be angry. I'd just like you to let it slide. Call the head of Special Branch in to explain. The current took the bag out into the fjord where we found it 12 metres down.
Go away! Back in your box! Go away! Anyway, the new film, The Monuments Men, what is it about? It is based on the true story of these rather unsung heroes of the Second World War, who were art historians and museum curators who were sent in after D-day, largely, to try and locate the art and treasures that the Nazis were spiriting away,
- Are you serious? - Yeah. Are we, like, less close now? Of course we're not less close. I mean, you moved out.
I got a CI who just identified Drazan's fence, Andre. Last name Padovkin. Buys and sells stolen merchandise out of a bodega in Red Hook. And unless you two want to duke it out first, I got the address. The pickup is registered to Drazan's neighbor.
Ivan, it's you that's the bastard. It's the baby that's the bastard. For God's sake, Ivan, at least get the word right. Katrina, listen. No, I will give the baby my name and it will see my face.
Getting people to organize-- rallies against Shoreham. There were many things that I didn't know at that time, that I've learned since. For one thing, it turn out, the ads were placed by the oil delivery industry. You know, the companies that deliver fuel to people on Long Island. And sure, the oil companies can say: "Go solar!"
Or anything that's a form of cnidarian, okay? It's a phobia, so just don't. [Laughs] Okay, okay. All right, fine. Let's review.
A reflection of the sky shimmers on the sands... a mirage. The sun is an illusionist. To thirsty travellers, a mirage can resemble a lake which agonisingly recedes as it's approached. And swaying camels coming to the rescue transform into dry, spiny acacia trees. To cross this confused, shimmering landscape, many swallows will need to find real water amongst the mirages.
- What were you doing in the woods? - A blood spell. - A cleansing spell. - To hide the king's brand. - I was getting rid of it.
- Horse hair. - Exactly. God, it's a tragedy. Yeah, I know the Truman girls. Everyone loves them.
What the fuck? - Carrie's on-site, right? Get her on the line. - Mmmmm. I understand you're feeling confused. You don't have a clue what I'm feeling. Brody, quitting is not an option.
Are you saying she is dead? Flower as she was... Death is now my heir. My daughter he has married. I will die and leave him all. Life, living, all is Death's.
And then, we'll explain everything. Okay? 30 seconds. Fee-fee. You call me that again, we don't tell you a thing. Holy Tilda Swinton! Where in the hell did he come from?
In Iceland, winter is never easy, but this year much of the pain is manmade. Last October, all three of Iceland's banks failed. Normally stoic and proper Icelanders have started protesting. In July 2009, WikiLeaks fueled a growing popular rage when it published a confidential internal memo from Kaupthing, the largest failed bank in the country. WikiLeaks had got hold of the Kaupthing loan book, which showed what was going on in a lot of those Icelandic banks. They had credit ratings which were completely at odds with their actual credit worthiness.
Well... (Sighs) The nurse made us watch a movie where a boy kept running around a track. It was boring, so Dillon Murray made an inappropriate shadow puppet, and everybody giggled and the nurse yelled at us. Yep, sounds about right. Then when she put the movie back on, the boy took a cheerleader roller skating and bought her some ice cream. After he got home, he took a long shower, and a doctor told us not to feel bad about our urges.
He's here. What do you see? By the divine in all, on the count of five, you will release her! The prophecy is coming true. And we have less time than I thought.
Oh, Ms. Berg. If it goes awry, it'll be background for my piece on you, but if the current Secretary of State sends her ex-husband to rescue a bunch of hostages in Iran and it works, I want that story. I-I need that story. We'll be in touch. Beautiful creatures, aren't they? Majestic, fearsome but still gentle.
- How is Sukar? - Still sleeping the deep sleep. We came here for more of his medicine and supplies. Now Earth Republic soldiers tell us we can't leave town. The great sickness has come.
Medicine, botany, agriculture, the total system: one planning system. (Narrator) it is actually better to build newer cities from the ground up than to restore and maintain old ones. Fresco uses a systems approach to designing new cities. They're desirable and pleasant places to live. The notion that intelligent overall planning implies mass uniformity is absurd.
Yes, I am. She's not here, lady. That's for free. Searchers search. All the bitches here are searching for love.
Sheldon brought me iced tea. Unfortunately, I hate iced tea. Violet. In the beginning, everyone's there. But people forget.
You know, a boy's got a problem, you take him to a ball game, you get him a hotdog-- they're copasetic. They're--they're good to go, and, I mean... Girls are--you gotta walk around on eggshells with 'em. I don't know, one day you're the king of the castle-- you know, they're just in love with you. You're their daddy.
Looks like it. What? I'm just thinking. Do you want a drawer? - What?
You're sorry? A man you loved... died. I'm sorry for your loss. I am a therapist, so I am supposed to know how these things work. I've counseled people through the five stages of grief.
It's my so-called lawyer. Breaking news. In the wake of the exploding NYPD prostitution murder scandal, Police Commissioner Andrew Brady has just stepped down. The mayor accepted the commissioner's resignation, stating that recent events had cast a pall over the department. Quoting now: "Everyone in this city needs to know that the NYPD is above reproach."
Well, it was a bit unusual. Because of cutbacks in Jutland there were bottlenecks, so I was asked to do it. - Did you talk to the deputy attorney general? - No, not at all. The body was very damaged?
Like what? Dad wouldn't say. Must have been some serious crazy person stuff. There was a suicide letter too. They found it the next day.
- I live with her. - Gibbs? - No can do. - Why not? - No want to do.
Well, a different guy might take offense that you got him arrested. I'd say we're even. Oh, please. Not even close. Last time you gave me this flower, it represented our search for the music box. Our search for the u-boat treasure.
Humiliating myself in front of my boyfriend, not having any food to eat, or not having any power until tomorrow because all the fuses are blown? (Whispers) Take your pick. Well... we still have ambrosia salad, and the firemen said there's no major damage, and George... has been "looking for candle"" for 20 minutes. He's probably avoiding me until he can run screaming back to the city and never see me again. I can think of a bright side.
Before you start, I'm not going to go into detail about why Bea couldn't go to the funeral yesterday. It was security. But I do understand that we now have to go into serious damage control. Which is why I would like you to come back as peer worker. What about Doreen? Well, she can stay but right now, I need somebody with your experience mediating between us and the women.
Ridiculous child! Why, what a beautiful curtsey! But you know, Mr Moray meant only that Miss Audrey is in charge here. Indeed, she is very fearsome and awfully elegant, sometimes I quite feel like curtseying to her myself. Miss Audrey, may I have your permission to show the girls the gowns?
So when do I start? I don't remember offering you the job. Oh, but you were about to. What's the reason we're not staying in these offices? My father's name is on the building.
"Why don't they know I did it?" What if the kids never have to know? Don't you ever touch our children again. Don't you fucking ever go near them! 'I hear the ticking of the clock.
This is farewell. Even though all of you have changed the shape of your souls you are still lifeforms blessed with the Fruit of Knowledge. You were able to live for eternity but same as us you still cannot escape the fate of death. To advance the evolution of the flock burdened with death you had bestowed upon us the gift of civilization. As the representative of humanity I say thank you.
Sorry. This building is old and falling apart. Yes, we have that in common. Ha ha! Beat you to it.

I was alone with a man. He saw my head uncovered. You took off your sheytil? Yes. And your body.
Be careful. Tell rachel i'll see her soon. Keep an eye out for vincent. It's done. I'm ready to be fixed now.
What in the hell were you just talking about? Pretty handy with that hammer. Oh, I've used one a time or two in my life. Where'd you grow up? What's wrong, Patrick?
And there are a lot of things I'm looking forward to doing very soon. Well, hopefully not while we're sitting here at the table. Taylor heard back from Gloria. The float never made it to school. Wha... are you serious?
I call it a Mexican on the Moon. Hey, we're not out of champagne. I bought Mike and Molly a real nice bottle for a wedding present. We can't. Molly made us promise not to unwrap anything while she was gone.
Cole! Hey, listen, you... Oh, jeez. It's not even 7:00 A.M., guys. Have either of you even brushed your teeth yet?
If there are small ones... there are big ones. We have corn all around. We've got all we need here. What do you think? What do I think?
Us? Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Guess we should give the crowd what they want.
That's what I thought. I'm married. [Door opening] Hank, I'm here. Hey. Mad Max. What's going on?
I had no idea. That's terrible. Can we get some fried chicken over here, stat! I am such a bad friend! Three slutty nuns show up at St. Peter's--
We couldn't find them. You're sure they made the flight? Yeah. I mean, the airlines confirmed they changed planes in London and arrived here in Boston. What do you think happened?
Once they're done searching the rooms, they're gonna find us. Astrid, I need you to breathe. Tell me where the bullet went in. I can't even see. There's so much blood. Um...
I knew it... Baby, this is a good thing, isn't it? Maybe to you it is but not to me. What happened to your standing Tuesday night date thing? That has nothing to do with this.
For the right price, he can cure anything. Who is he? They call him "The dragon." But the curse broke. Not for me.
She will tell her story, and make the rest of the world believe it as well. As long as they remain in that bubble, we'll continue with business as usual. Nikita's too smart. Your illusion won't hold. Yes, it will.
Your call. (Jackie) You're gonna hear a lot of crazy rumors in the next few days. So this happens with every deployment. Tell your people not to believe everything they see on TV or read online. I'd say don't believe anything you see on TV, but then you'd know how long I've been doing this. (Chuckles)
My old lady's got some friends, all right? Fat ones, skinny ones, brown ones, white ones, freaky ones -- freaky ones. All 31 flavors. We could fix you up. No, you know me.
You're in shock, okay? I want you just to lay back. Lizzie and Mica, you care about them. I've seen it. I don't have anybody else.
Oh, yeah? Well, you are doing the same thing. How dare you! Hold that thought, I'll be right up. Keep the change.
Then hold the course. Myriad studies have shown that first instincts are typically the right ones. What? - What is it? - That car.
Burn her! Mercy Osbourne, you have been sentenced to death. May God have mercy on your wretched soul. Those girls weren't even witches. The real witches were cunning and careful not to be caught.
Treaster shoved Robinson. Robinson hit his head on the wall, he touched his fingers to his head and pulled himself up on a Dumpster - and left a fingerprint. - How do you know that? Riv pulled Robinson's print off a Dumpster in the back of Le Chat. How does a fingerprint survive for months in an alley?
I ran the whole way here. Ryan, I could kiss you. Tessa, this isn't about you. It's about me. Well, it started off about you, but then it turned into me.
- Hey Dad. - I like that, your calling me "Dad." Me too. So I guess you're confident that all is well. Yeah.
No, I'm not giving you money. We have to give money... Thank you, thank you. Look, maybe the church should give us money, you know? They seem to have plenty of it.
So I thought... fuck it. We're just going to stay here, but we'll upgrade it. I've drawn up some plans. My decks will go over there, mirror balls, optics, stage for the erotic live shows. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to House 2.0.
Yeah, maybe. Most likely, we're looking for a male suspect. Egocentric, manipulative, possibly in or on the outskirts of law enforcement. He's methodical. Fastidious in his appearance, poor social skills... this list is by no means comprehensive.
Did you fuck camels? I was in Afghanistan. And you don't go anywhere near the camels, 'cause sometimes they strap them up with explosives and run them into camp and... And if you try to have sex with the girls there, their village throws rocks at 'em till they die, so there's not a lot going on. Plus, they're all dressed like beekeepers.
What are you doing? Are you using me? No, it's not me. Gonzalo is a murderer. He's toying with you and me, he's toying with both of us.
Look, I'm fine with it. I'm an arrogant, unprincipled prick, as you so succinctly told me the last time we met. I'm not lying on oath. Once the classified material has been served, you must not meet, nor communicate nor share information in any way, nor may you be seen to do so. Your remit, Miss Simmons-Howe, is to solely address me on the secret evidence, which we will evaluate in closed session.
Very supportive. Alejandro motivated me to such an extent I used to go in at weekends just to finish paintings. I've got this memory of coming up with the pirate spaceship over a weekend. It's been mortally wounded and all this spice is spilling out of it. And it's got a camouflage which matches the asteroid.
Me and Lily Anne, we're ancient history. Great. You enjoy that couch. But don't even think about all the other things that you should've been vaccinated against before sleeping on it. Just like old times.
She's lived in the Eiffel Tower. Stop it. Hey, move your fat head. - No way. I'm too comfy. - You're on my bone. It hurts.
Not until I unite them. I have extracted, uh, many bullets in my years, but little Katya... this was my first delivery. (Chuckles) You had quite a night. (Laughs) Yes, I did. You called her Katya?
Oh, don't be so dramatic. 'You always wonder what it would be like to sit in front of a doctor 'and hear the worst possible news. 'How you'd cope, how you'd feel.' Rae, I'm afraid you're going to have to stop drinking alcohol. Why?
I do this to honor the women who fought so bravely yet invisibly during the civil war. Oh, and here I thought you were just hiding. As many women had to do back then. Many had no other option but to take up arms. Women have never been properly recognized for their contributions, then or now.
Why do you think so? All the cells in my body can feel it and I feel it with my sixth sense. So I'm sure. He asked about my plan, right? Am I right? Of course there's a possibility that happened.
Without a partner. I'm gonna need a decision soon. Especially if I need to find a replacement. Of course. I'll leave you to your storm.
I can tell you a girl under a hundred pounds came from that direction at a relaxed pace, ran off in a state of distress. This print was made by a Caucasian male, approximately 200 pounds; at some point suffered an injury to his left knee. - How do you know Caucasian? - It's Pennsylvania.
And after every single person aboard your ship suffocates, I will walk over your cold corpses to recover my people. Now, shall we begin? Lower shields. A wise choice, Mr. Spock. I see your 72 torpedoes are still in their tubes.
- No. No? You are here at your mother's, at Scotland's bidding. Your wedding is a treaty of nations. Women don't often say no, to Henry.
I'm a bachelor. I thought about it and made a conscious choice. Really? - Yes. All the women I meet want kids.
No, it's eaten away at my patience for people I don't give a shit about. For the record, someone talks to me that way, I usually grab their ass out of the car and throw them an appropriate beat-down. Guess I'm getting a pardon on account of my sickness. Hey, look, I've been dead twice, I've been cut open three times. I got a kid with spina bifida, probably won't make it till he's 15.
More humans! I found you. Aah! Wait! I'm friendly! The legends are true. Another lion turtle city.
And so we decided to form the Chicago Women's Liberation Union as a way to network us all together. There was the Chicago Women's Graphics Collective, the Action Committee for Decent Child Care. We built a Speaker's Bureau, the Liberation School for Women. And we would have an open orientation session, and we would put about 30 chairs out, and we would get over 100 women. We didn't know who these women were. We didn't know how they learned about us.
Hey, Dad. It's Eddie. I'm on my mobile. I'm under the duvet. I... I just wanted to tell you about the goal. Caldwell got it in and he controlled it, you know?
He tried gasses... oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen... with no success. The magnetic field induced in these substances could not twist the light from his lamp back into view. Damn! In desperation, he decided to try... the glass brick, the souvenir of his years of bondage to Davy. It did the trick.
Nicely done, Frost. All in all, a fine day for the good guys. Clearing three murders ... that's a whole lot of wellness, right? I wonder what happened to the manuscript.
And you've complained to the landlord about his behavior? We all did, not that ii did much good. Mr. Decker said that his hands were tied. I see. Does this mean that Milne will be leaving the market?
In your imaginary world where women prefer you sexually over me, do you also have big muscles and a low manly voice? Well, you know what, Danny? Ahem! You know what, Danny? There's no way to tell who women prefer. Actually, there might be.
The ulcer? No, Nigel's cat. [Silverware clanging] You slept at Nigel's? No, he's out of town. I'm cat-sitting.
And is this a woman you've drawn? Well, that's roughly the shape I'm interested in. Excuse us a moment. Mmhmm. This list is crazy.
Oh, my God. I mean, Boris bikes? They're lovely, aren't they? Thank you, Mr Boris. Thank you, Barclays Bank.
Mike. Juliet's date from the Italian restaurant. Oh, yeah, I dated both of those girls that were killed. Yeah, they rejected me. They gave excuses why they weren't ready for a relationship, and then they turned around and they were totally interested in my, uh, [laughs] fictitious alter ego Mr. Possibilities, because he's good-looking, and he seems flawless.
Not making jokes. I am serious. You're a serious student, which is fine, but it's really not enough. Well, maybe if you gave someone a chance to learn, your organization might be more effective. What's the cause you care about the most?
What's that like, Tony, for a policeman? On the special wing, with all the psychos and the paedophiles. It's never going to happen. Your wife will know about us. Your daughters.

Why would you toss it? Because my hands were full? I want Bunny! I know. W--okay, I have an idea.
He might have been the guy I saw inside. I did see a car pull away really fast, across the street. You didn't see who was driving? - No. - Can you describe the car?
Plus, uh, he let me see some photos of the fires. So we both got something out of the deal. And what other wisdom did you offer him? Any idiot can slosh gas around and light a match. But this guy?
There's a centre in York. No addresses, please. Alfred will make notes. What do you do for these women? First, we like to send them away... to rest.
Thank you, Wolfgang. I'm telling you, we should put the fire out. We're hunting witches, not bears. And we have to eat. Such beautiful creatures.
The two of them were inseparable. Look at that. He won't let her out of his sight. What's the matter? The girls in the kitchen said that Mother Barbara had Mary up at the house.
- I'll come, too. I want to check on the condition of things. I'm sure my office is a shambles. Then I'll see Nurse Elkins gets home safely and I'll meet you there. What about my bike?
Yes, and then you fell apart. So this attack came on because I'm afraid to hurt the nurse? Not with the front part of your mind. With the back of my mind. Two factors :
And at the same time, there were a lot of new people who were interested in the women's movement, women who were reaching out. And so we decided to form the Chicago Women's Liberation Union as a way to network us all together. There was the Chicago Women's Graphics Collective, the Action Committee for Decent Child Care. We built a Speaker's Bureau, the Liberation School for Women. And we would have an open orientation session, and we would put about 30 chairs out, and we would get over 100 women.
meet me at the elevator. What's up? You know how I drove Frost's mom and her roommate around? Well, I think they're, uh... you know. - No, I don't know.
Tell me and I'll decide whether to kill you and eat you, or not. I follow a man he is called Wirepa. Even now he walks through your lands as if you do not exist. Be quiet! Mind those wives of mine, boy.
♪ So I told that devil to take you back ♪ ♪ I told that devil to take you back ♪ ♪ Tell that devil to take you back ♪ ♪ Take you back, take you back ♪ ♪ You're a sweet shot of kerosene ♪
Well, I'm all out of fish food. Doesn't matter if you get her to talk. You can't trust her. Mermaids are liars. Of course they are.
Your daughter had a mother. A mother who would have me call her dead and gone... No, Edmund, no! I cannot be the sounding board for your guilt. You seek forgiveness?
Some sort of magical sperm ... ew. - What kind of Fae can do that? - A Liderc. Trickster Fae capable of impregnating a host without detection. The oblivious mother finds herself delivering his baby mere days later.
We can rest later but not yet. Mr Carson... Mr Carson's right, there's not a minute to lose. Psst! Do you want to know a secret? The shirts Thomas thinks he stole...
Oh, Colin firth being bangable. Oh, I want to lick his face. I would destroy him. Okay. This country is succumbing to an epidemic of over-medication. That's what the midwives said.
As soon as they pick up this line about who's got blood on their hands, it's WikiLeaks being isolated, and that, from a political point of view, was a clever move by the White House. They stepped all around any kind of argument with these big news organizations and isolated Julian. By creating a distinction between Assange and the newspapers, the government avoided a war with the mainstream media and invented a perfect enemy, the guy Bradley Manning called "the crazy, white-haired Aussie. " What was your name?
They're the same. Lindsay, when did the gun fail? On the second round. Which is consistent with my analysis of soft metal and epoxy construction. Okay, the gun Justin made must have been a prototype.
The only choice is waiting to die here infected in this truth, halluciner or across. It may be better out there, dreaming. And Aaron? Aaron waited for you here all these years. For 19 years, he waited your return.
Just keep going with the stories. I don't even care if I've heard it before. Just tell me, uh, "Where Does That Door Go?" Okay. Hey, I've never noticed that door before.
Not bad at all. There it is, baby. - That's where I do my thing. - This way, Mr. Sanchez. You don't approve.
I know what I have to do now! And this is the job we chose. Help me! Put on your hood. As far forward as you can... So that your face is hidden from it. I don't think it will kill us until it knows who we are!
Marcia! You don't want to do this. Don't tell me what I want! I am so sick of you telling everybody what they want, what to do, how to think! Marcia it's over.
He's a bit, um, angry. You see what I mean? The man himself, Oswald P. Burlington, baron of the , king of steel. Lord of steam. Back in the 1880s, he decreed that his library should stay open for visitors anytime day or night forever and ever.
He needs a more qualified surgeon, ma'am, not some battlefield sawbones like me. If I'd run across him like this in the war, I would have moved on to the next man. You best do everything in your power to keep him alive. He needs to be opened up, Cullen.
Mia said I'd look great with bangs. Jesus Christ. Mandy, Mia. Who is Mia now, Grace? Who are these girls?
My daughter is not a junkie. Which is why you know it wasn't an accident. Will you stop messing with my head? Stop ignoring it. I thought that my daughter was killed because of me.
I tried actually to tell his friends that we can get this over with fast and with no fuss because I really didn't want this to be in the papers. But he chose to make a big deal out of it. Julian had repeatedly refused to have the test. When he had finally changed his mind and agreed to, it was too late. By that time, the women had already got too frustrated and too angry with Julian's refusals, and they'd gone to the police.
They know what you do, who you meet and who you speak to. You're not being cautious enough. You're wrong. As rumours surrounding the suicide of Frédéric Dalème run rife, information published this evening could shed new light on this question. Following medical revelations, the minister could have known, days beforehand, that he was suffering from an incurable cancer.
I have kept my vow of chastity my whole life. Self-denial and mortification of the flesh... that's what brings us closer to God. Sister Hildegarde... Those girls have nobody to blame but themselves, and their own carnal incontinence. Sister Hildegarde, please!
But I am not telling her. Besides, I am moving on, cold turkey. It is over, done, finito. Okay, well here's to "I am woman, hear me drink." Cheers.
They said if Julian takes an HIV test we won't go to the police. I tried actually to tell his friends that we can get this over with fast and with no fuss because I really didn't want this to be in the papers. But he chose to make a big deal out of it. Julian had repeatedly refused to have the test. When he had finally changed his mind and agreed to, it was too late.
How can I calm down at a time like this? Vampire fruit bats are attacking Sweet Apple Acres! But I thought the fruit bats usually stayed put in the West Orchard. The fruit bats do, but these aren't just your everyday ordinary fruit bats. They're vampire fruit bats.
Well, what if it doesn't? Or what if it doesn't within ten years? Or within 20 years? And, uh, good old Pincus is pissing in his diaper in a nursing home somewhere unable to afford his pudding cup. The law is gonna change, Jeannie.
She's right. Our problem is the source. We find whoever's leaking that material, it doesn't matter what Sarnoff does. Except no one inside the agency knew about B-613 except Crosby, and his brains are on a mailbox. 6 other people knew about B-613.
He did it, right? Garrett hired someone to dig up that grave? This hasn't made the papers, but the prosecution had petitioned to have the body exhumed, but it was gone before the judge could make his ruling. I don't think it's a coincidence. Can I just tell you, I am so relieved that the girls were out of town last night.
And I don't know exactly how we knew how to fake them. Because if we'd never had one, how did we know how to fake it? The dissatisfaction of this new generation of young women who were having more sex than women ever had before, but not enjoying it particularly. And once we started going on it, we didn't stop until we were able to demand a decent sexual experience from our lovers. ♪ I'll be your mirror ♪ Part of what distinguished the women's liberation branch from the more middle-aged, middle-class group was the interest in sexuality and personal liberation. The sexuality stuff was a little daunting to me.
They're--they're good to go, and, I mean... Girls are--you gotta walk around on eggshells with 'em. I don't know, one day you're the king of the castle-- you know, they're just in love with you. You're their daddy. And then the next thing you know, they don't know who you are.
Votes or no votes, if we succumb to this endless BS, we lose. And I am here to win. For every Irish woman who is sick and tired of the fish-stenched mouth of sexism. And so, our brave ladies of the night planned a subliminal campaign for the ages. No, they didn't have money for posters and no, they couldn't be bothered going door to door so they did what women do.
What ring is it that you've lost? Was it the one you wear about your neck? I weren't eavesdropping. Promise. The whole house heard her.
The lies, the betrayal, the cheating-- it's all going to end. Try not to move. You'll be in terrible pain. You've had quite the adventure. The police said the car accident was horrific-
It's all under the bridge now. Family feud forgiven and forgotten. I'm glad to have been able to make amends in some small way. It's curious, most curious. What is?
Give me a pizza potato. Here. [ Coins clink ] Why is Derrick Glossner here? It's weird. It's weird that he's here, right?
Tell me what you see. The needle... it's following you. Is it following me... or or is it following the staff? I don't understand. How is that possible?