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Air, water, the continents. So, what is your project about and what are its chances of winning? - Well, my project is awesome. - Oh, good. I took two plants, and I gave them sun and water.
For months, that's what I couldn't figure out. I don't believe in magic, and I knew the government had spent years trying to build something to protect its panicked, little flock. I also thought they'd never pull it off, because I didn't know about you. And you pulled it off, didn't you? Something to watch over all of us.
But we were just learning about the Civil War. And before that, the first Thanksgiving. What kind of order are we going in? Bronwen, everyone knows that history repeats itself, so it really doesn't matter what order you go in, duh. Okay. Who can tell me what this modern-day hieroglyphic is?
How about I let you think about it? I don't need to. I want at least a chance to see my grandson graduate. Like you said... it's big. In medicine, we predict outcomes largely based on precedent because diseases tend to be unoriginal;
It doesn't mean they didn't go meet a dealer. But a drug dealer doesn't call you twice a day for two weeks. Usually you call him. Go ahead, Garcia. The path of my cyber sleuthing has had majestic results.
Bye. All right, boys, what do you say we change the game to spice things up a little bit, huh? Please, spice it up. The spice is just fine for me. I gotta be honest with you. Mt.
- I love to do that. But it's tricky out there. It's not like when you were... Women are scary now. They're no different than they were when I was young.
She ended up collecting the life insurance money from Tom Yabo's death and moved to Paris. Guess she's getting the independent life she wanted all along. Hey, wait, when was this? We never hugged. Not yet.
You know, when I was a kid, I used to think that there were people in the radio. Like, these little itty-bitty people that climbed in and played on their mini instruments and sang into their tiny microphones! That's stupid. I used to put Scotch Tape around my dolls so I'd know if they moved when I was sleeping. They never did.
Janet's writing a total puff piece. And we run those sometimes. Why? Does Boyd's company buy a lot of ads or something? Look, Sara, we can't use these pictures, okay?
It's not about like. It's about fit. You're Deacon Claybourne. You've got a story. These songs?
That's before we were involved. Really? Well, forgive us for feeling that you have not upheld your side of the bargain. Is there anything that Mossad could share with us about the intel on that watch? Maybe if we had some specific leads--
What about what you want? I mean, how can we keep doing stuff like this? Well, that's why I want to get married. It will help me sort my act out. I'm not sure it works like that.
Did you see that? I think they just cut. What? They can't do that. Oh, my God.
But even he can't take it any more. To survive longer, you would need a spacesuit. And in a way, that's what these insects have. Silver ants' armoured skin reflects light. They can tolerate temperatures that would kill any other land animal.
- We'll just blow it out here in Paradise. - Really? Absolutely. We can look hot anywhere. And consider the advantages of looking as hot as we can look in this place.
What's that? - Nothing. - All right. Pawnee Videodome is where I rented my first Bruce Lee movie. And my second Bruce Lee movie. And when I was in seventh grade, I went out back in the alley behind the store, and there was a giant hornet's nest.
No, we don't think of you... Ah, bup bup bup bup bup. Mm. That is why I've made up my mind. You guys kindly took me in during a very difficult time.
I try every day to get there. But I've made some mistakes. What sort of mistakes? I took money from my employer. I invested it with a Wall Street man that said it couldn't lose.
Did you whip it out in front of the bride, chatterbox? And she wasn't impressed, so you whipped out your knife instead? Look... Yeah, I delivered the cake. I saw the bride and that bridesmaid girl, too.
I knew you had these. Did you know that he was pretending to be married to you when he was sleeping on you? All right. That's enough. You were pretending to be married to me and you stole my wedding rings?
He's got evidence all over him. Yeah, when we're done I'll make sure he gets to you, okay? Thank you very much. Appreciate that. Hey. Brass found Nelson's truck about a block from the crime scene.
- Look, Danny, you have always seen the world as-- - What? Black and white? Good and evil? No, you're wrong.
Well, they're going to want to question you for, like, 12 hours. They do like to question. I'm just going to tell 'em that I stumbled upon Raul's suicide during the course of the investigation. Walter said it wasn't suicide. His hands are on the steering wheel.
Should have known they'd plant a LoJack in one of them bags. Sharp guy, that Jerry. He'll be a fine replacement for me. Right. Well, in one of those lockers, there was a tablet.
Why didn't you just say no? Say no. Why? I don't want you working with Clovis. You don't want me working with him?
Paul Montgomery was alive when he was dragged. And it turns out Paul worked the late shift nearby. My officers found blood around his vehicle. He was probably blitz attacked when he left work. Did we find his cell?

Well, then you'll have it. Is that Voulez? Wow. Margaux must have made quite the impression to get you to read what you called, "a rag about nothing but dresses and hair." I shouldn't have judged this magazine by its cover.
We had a drink together. Was she alone? She came alone. She didn't leave alone. I spent the night with her.
Let's get started. Helping you find your happiness, saving you... That's what's gonna save me. This isn't your pixie dust, is it? Well, when you think about it, does anyone really own pixie dust? The fairies are quite proprietary about it.
I'm interested in one specific exchange where you introduced Noelle to feast delivery service. So you knew the delivery-service times, and you also knew about Noelle's allergy. Given your actuarial skills, I'm wondering if you can help me analyze some research I've gathered. Uh, between women and men, women take their time to plan a murder, while men are more... impulsive.
Oh. Hi, Dr. Owens. My son posted on his Facebook page that he has a bullet in his lung. It's kind of cool, right? I mean, I'm like a medical mystery. Actually, the going theory is that you breathed it in as a kid.

Hello, Mother. To what do I owe the pleasure? Well, I have some news, and I wanted to tell you in person. What's that? I'm selling the house.
The ocean is everywhere furrowed by whirlpools, some of which run for years. This movement spreads heat from the surface of the blue planet. The warm water from the tropics rises toward the poles. This water cools, becomes even more compact and is loaded with salt back into the depths. The water travels through the depths towards the bottom of the ocean, propelled by its own weight.
- Without permission? - I'm not the guy who gets permission. Two helos. Any backup? It was two years ago.
It was a total waste of time. Life... Is meaningless... Full of sound and fury but signifying nothing. Bill Shakespeare understood that, but it was Bill Norquist who really opened my eyes. I mean, this guy shows up to me out of nowhere with a gun and a simple proposition... kill my wife for $2,000.
Lexy, get down from there! That was Hotch. The doctor told him the placenta was scraped completely out of the victim's uterus. Every bit of it. You know, the placenta does carry special significance in many cultures.
♪ It's a celebration ♪ So, this is how you can still have fun while at sea. Totally alone, on Guppy. ♪ It's a celebration M" And now... I gonna offer... my pancake to Neptune! The moment is here!
When they arrived back at Nasse House after their marriage, all of the servants, who were new, including the butler, barely caught sight of her that first evening. And the following morning, the woman that they met was not Hattie Stubbs, non, but this Italian made up to look like Hattie, behaving as Hattie. But Hattie, the real Hattie, was dead. She was killed the first evening she arrived here by your son. Oui. By your son, madame, James Folliat.
They duped my client of eighty lakhs it's in the bag... ls this correct uncle? Yes Come on then, to the police station Just wait and watch now Tarn... I will get the maximum sentence for her...
Lucky guy. Yeah, well... We'll see how it goes. It's new. He's a contractor.
Mas pode não ser no futuro. As rosicrucians, we know the most important thing For us to do now is to preserve that  <hon>thing<hoff>  That lies in the tunnels below this cathedral. We can't do this. A hundred generations have kept it hidden. We're not worthy to make this decision.
Now, everyone please pay attention and stay upright. Well, three people, including you with a carrier, you three can start from over there. Understood? And the rest, starting from here, please walk well youselves. Understand? Yes. Is the light ready?
Yeah. Playing with breasts that aren't attached to someone I hate. (Laughs) What? ! Aah! (Laughs) His humor makes me uncomfortable. They're fine. Baby, I am so sorry I left you hanging with the guys.
Or wits. That's very clever. Moving on. I didn't even want the goldfish, but my date insisted I give it a proper home, which meant something nicer than the plastic bag that it came in.
Unlike solo vigilantes, they're working in concert and they're planning and executing coordinated attacks. Their mentality is like a lynch mob. They believe the justice system has gone wrong and it's up to them to set it right. Due to the pre-planning and level of commitment, we believe our unsubs are over 30. And they probably learned about the crimes they're avenging through the media.
Yes, ma'am. If that's true, we got more problems. Who is "we"? These are mothers who have also sent their sons and daughters extra body armor. So either somebody starts answering our questions or we start asking them in front of TV cameras.
Fake? ! I see it all the time. That-that's why we do the scratches... to test the paint. Ferrari has a patent on their colors... Made only for them.
And you had nothing that would tie Gabriel Waincroft to the gun? Nothing. So, in other words, that was the end of your case? Over the years, we followed up on a lead or two, but nothing ever came of it. But you always suspected that Gabriel Waincroft was guilty, didn't you?
! Oh, my God! Burn! You can take my draft pick, but you can never take my Shiva! No. This season never happened.
- ( Chuckles ) - I did! I mean, you know, more than normal. Look, I... The book took a lot of time and commitment from you, from me, from the kids, and I'm very proud of what you did. But I thought that when the book was done...
- You enjoy being fishhooked? - I've never been fishhooked. - Take a guess. - Probably not. Definitely not. Nobody wants to be fishhooked.
- I mean Dani, LC-- - You. Homicide assigns killers to investigate their own killing? We don't come back from that. They'll burn this damn city to the ground.
He came to help buy back the car I sold. Why? It's complicated I can keep up, Ezra. Technically, the jag wasn't mine to sell.

- No, no, you're confused. Ivan, it's you that's the bastard. It's the baby that's the bastard. For God's sake, Ivan, at least get the word right. Katrina, listen.
Kid's scared to flush. Think's it's his brother. Can we focus on my son up in the sky? Oh, I've got a long-shot idea. By which I mean firing a shot over a long distance.
'Cause the bill's been paid, and I've paid it, and I've won. Look, the point is there has to be a way for the government to help places that add community value but don't necessarily rake in the money. There is not. The free market is a jungle. It's beautiful and brutal and should be left alone.
In addition to the compass, of course. What the hell? That... would be Jack. As in Jack... the giant killer. With that toothpick?
Much nicer paint job. No bullet holes in the door. That thing was a nightmare, huh? It was primitive. You know, whenever I hit a red light, I used to pray it wouldn't crap out on me.
I am descendant from no god. Nor man of lofty note. I'm tolerated within the Senate solely for the wealth I have amassed through labor and dealings those with "proper" lineage deem beneath them. And you believe this singular cause why they hate you, hmm? Your campaign against Mithridates and um other adventures.
Well, how do we get to them? How can we get to them? We could try the maintenance shaft. It's sealed on both sides, so you'd have pressurization. And it's pressed right up against the fuel pods.
This shit is salty enough without your tears in it. You wanna take a break? Ven. What's looking good today, Bennett? I'm a hungry man.
This woman's been attacked by an ostrich! Ah, Tobias got a new girlfriend. Tobias had acted like an actual superhero - and saved Lucille 2. - There's my hero.
There was a scuffle, and he was dead, and you were just... you were there. We didn't mean to kill him. You stole my life and then you stole my play. Armitage wanted to run Ripper! I found your first draft.
Agent Coulson, it's going to be all right. We found your people. The train, it's ... - Wheels up in five. - You okay?
No, man. Charlie used to sleepwalk. Locked himself in. Hell, he was just eating barbecue yesterday. How could somebody die in a day just from a cold?
There's a border where one ends and the other begins. Voyager 1 reported back to Earth that its detectors were being pummeled by more and more cosmic rays. Until then, we didn't know where the interstellar ocean began. Voyager 1 pressed on past a boundary we had never crossed before. The heliosphere shields us from most of the deadly cosmic rays.
I am acutely aware that you were on the scene, lieutenant. And instead of assisting in that operation, you shot major Douglas with a tranquilizer dart. A superior officer. And I think that that's just the tip of your iceberg, Leeds. You see, I think that you've been keeping secrets from me.
A man could get robbed. Or even killed. You threaten my father again, I'll kill you myself... on this road. You hear me? My quarrel was with your father.
Remarkable. It is the same. - What? Same weapon? - Same scrunchie.
Come on, man. This is your chance to be the hero. - I don't know, David. - Don't do it for me. Don't even do it for you. Do it for the girls. For Rose and Casey.
No problem. Great. And that... is how you do that. Tough surgery. I don't know what you saw from up in the gallery,
Not even mom. But I understand. So wait. While--while we're sitting here talking, are you thinking about-- Killing you won't make me feel any better. It's those women.
Her charger's here but the phone is not. Maybe it's with her? Yeah, I'll have Garcia track it. It'll only work if it's on, though. It's worth a try.
All right, first of all, cross your legs. Okay, second of all, I don't know how Excuse me, brotha. you managed this, but I am not signing for this food. You tell 'em, sister. Bruddah, you call these jumbo shrimp?
Betty, aren't you leading him on? Why would you say that? You're telling me your heart's in this? This is what girls do. They date boys.
- Then what is? To enter into their game. I have the advantage over my adversaries in that I know what cards they hold whereas they are oblivious to my hand. Do you see this spider's web? Big, isn't it?
I can see you following in my footsteps someday. George must be so proud of how hard you're working. Honestly, I haven't seen much of my dad lately. No? In fact, George's romance with Eden... Was entering its second trimester, and I still hadn't even met the woman.

Yeah, if it wasn't for that cash, uh... club would've been closed tonight. Sorry to keep you waiting. And without a stack of old National Geographics, like a proper doctor. David's still prepping the last victim, but here's what we have so far. Kevin Ellis. C.O.D.'s intracerebral hemorrhage due to multiple blunt force trauma.
And it seems like it's always on the brink of a fight, but it's really not. If you're a true ballplayer, you might talk all that trash, but the bottom line is that's part of the game. What the fuck? I hit the ball, though, Doc! You came over the back!

- Let's do this! You know what would be great? Some more of those strawberry blintzes you made last week with a little powdered sugar. - Those did make you smile. - Oh. If I could offer one tiny critique...
- Facebook wasn't really a thing yet. - How old are you? I'm fine. I'm young. Don't worry about me, okay?
You do understand that when I say, "We have your print," it means that there is no "get out of jail free" card that works here. Your print on an explosive that killed a man is a nail in your coffin. You killed Zorlov because you think he had something to do with Michael Byrne's murder. Look, Mr. Byrne was always good to me and my mom-- always.
Isn't she a beauty? ♪ May God bless and keep you always ♪ ♪ and may your wishes all come true ♪ ♪ may you always do for others ♪ ♪ and may you stay for ♪er young ♪ may you grow up to be righteous ♪ ♪ may you grow up to be true ♪ ♪ forever young ♪ may you stay ♪ forever young Victor's reading skills are anywhere near
It's spacious, safe, gives good mileage.. ...and it's a practical car. Yeah, practical. Beautiful. That's the favorite word of the girls.
Well, maybe it is. But so what? I mean, haven't you ever watched HBO? No. Well... neither have I. But I get the gist.
The only man that you ever really truly loved. And you destroyed him as well! Leave him out of this, Wendy. The girls don't know about that one, either, do they? What have you told them about their father?
It creates a cloud which can be dispersed over a neighbourhood, even a city. Theoretically, you could cure polio in an afternoon. That's incredible. Well, others disagreed. What if the device were loaded with a toxin? What if you wanted to opt out?
Okay. Tell you What. You look over there, and I'll look over here. We have to be methodical. Skull retrieval requires the use of physics, anatomy... and the careful reading of geological terrain. That sounds like it's gonna take a long time, and I gotta-
What about the drive up to pittsfield when we stopped at sturbridge village? Remember? We had fun. We saw a candle being made. I didn't really care about that candle, Henry.
Loser! Please don't touch! That was fun. Did that horse belong to you? - Yes.

My brother is dying, and all I want to do is give him my blood to save him, and now, as he is bleeding out, now, the law which has been so silent when we needed you, now the law rears up to tell me that I can't save him? What country is this? ! Who are you people? Mr. Kearns, like it or not, the current law states... Then you need to change that law.
Hey. How about... "No"? But what if I told you something about dad and Jane that would make you very happy? Then could I? Why, you little finagler. How do I know your information is even worth the fine Belgian chocolates that I have hidden in the pantry?
I thought so. Ooh. I have the, uh, rental van on traffic cam footage from yesterday an hour after the shooting, turning east on Saticoy, 1400 block. That's about half a mile from the restaurant. Checking the first Saticoy cam and one on another street due west.
We're veering-- And i am the commander of the mission! The church has spoken. The 12 have lost their way. The location of the cross must be secret.
A premonition. Call it what you will. A calamity for justice, of course. Now, we can fret about it, become indignant, write an angry letter to the newspapers or our Members of Parliament. Won't make any difference.
But forget for a second why I'm here and who I am and instead ask yourself the more important question-- How? My cancer was a death sentence, remember? Yet... here I am. The Dragon.
Although there is an ethnic mix, which in a way is a form of social cement. Right, I better, er... Steel yourself, big day. Ah, Miss Hunter. Do you mind, could you show Mr Fielding into the school hall?
- What? What you should not be here? That they all say. But you still have body. Till I burn it.
I wanna know if he makes her come, or if she fakes it with him, too. And I wanna know everything by election day. - Why? What's it got to do with the election? - New Yorkers, they've elected drunks, crooks, Italians, homos, Jews and blacks to that seat, but they will not elect is some guy whose wife is fucking some other guy behind his back.
You touch somebody else every 20 minutes. That's how contagion works. You don't like terrorists? Try negotiating with a virus. A virus exists only to find a carrier and reproduce.
But it's unfair to blame Camille and the others. It's easy to tell ourselves that they're dangerous. But how could they be responsible for what's happening? They need our help. The Helping Hand helps everyone.
No. Move out of the way, son. Dad! Dai, get Rick. Take him out of here.
I'm Dr. Goran. I'll be operating on your wife. Oh, uh, how-how is she? Good news is, the bullet didn't do any significant damage to her internal organs. Okay.
I knew that was our old office space, but... I never would have guessed that that bomb - was meant for us. - So you honestly think it was just sitting there this whole time? The police think it was tucked into an air vent.
So scientists want to know if there is something that connects them. Both women belong to an exclusive club dubbed the "Wellderly". Researchers here at Scripps Health are investigating whether there is something in their genetic code that sets them apart. They're comparing their gene sequences against those of people who have died from age-related diseases, before the age of 80. They've identified one particular gene that might play a crucial role in determining lifespan.
Yeah, still working on it. Excuse me. Yeah, Ryan here. Maybe they knew each other. No, their family said they didn't know each other.
Thanks for your time, sir. Sure. Please tell the victim how sorry I am. The death's gonna hit him hard. Yeah.
But just maybe... Stronger, maybe? Do you know what the KGB is? Um... I've heard of them. Well... Well, this weekend, I am giving $100,000 cash to a KGB defector who's coming to town to...
You're not going to the ball! It's for ladies, not scumbag nobodies. Girls, shred her dress and divvy it up for monthlies. Well, that's not cool, either. They're all kind of bitches.
But Stevie felt like I had betrayed Olivia. I thought that we would eventually make our peace, and get past it, but he-- - But he just left. - Yeah. Hmm.
Seven live rounds, one empty. So who's the car registered to? Rob Martin. You said you wanted to see us. Yeah, I'm trying to figure out how Carrie and Donna were positioned when they were shot.
Gave it up and never looked back. How many people know? My mother, God rest her. She covered her tracks. Candi doesn't even know.
He's only as brave as his bank accounts... Which are now my bank accounts. Without his men or his money, he will crawl into the shadows and stay there. We will not hear from him again. Are you sure this is okay?
Once attached, it invades and completely destroys its host before moving on to the next cell. This is what happens to everyone in the world who contracts the virus. And death comes quickly... As you have seen. Yes. Now, here, once again, the virus is on the attack, but this time, the receptors to which it attaches are free-floating, not part of a healthy cell.
No, no, no, just to get a confession. [ Sighs ] We found Stroh's little cemetery. We caught him red-handed, trying to murder that boy, and I just rattled his cage pretty hard. A-a-and if he sees that Hobbs has that cap with his DNA in it, that's gonna push him right over the edge. Please.
I found it. The perfect place for the amphitheater. Okay, so this morning, a squirrel stole my toothbrush. Actually, I chucked it at him to get him off my windowsill 'cause he was staring at me, and then he took it. So I chased after him and I cornered him against this tree.
Father! I have the answer! - We must build a centrifugal governor. - A what? A centrifugal governor. It's in this book. Look. "Centrifugal force activates a joint-and-lever mechanism "that throttles the steam pressure when the machine starts running too fast.
A lot of them were his customers, so he flipped, started threatening everyone. But that just made 'em laugh harder. Short guy teased and bullied his whole life. That kind of humiliation, he'd do anything to make them stop laughing. Looks like he did something that got him killed.
- Can you pass the mustard, please? - Yeah. Oh, it's easy when you've got so much in common. Last night, for instance, we both got a case of the munchies, and then we went out and we stole these pies... As it turns out, they did a lot more than steal pies. They had a raucous good time.
It should be men saying, "Yo, brother. That's really a macho attitude you're taking. You need to check your shit." And that's what happened. What does women's lib mean to you?
If not... throw him off the Wall. See if crows can fly. We're finally going to war, old friend? Hide near Castle Black. When I give the signal, hit them in the night.
Otherwise, how could he have seen us in the car? Why were we given a second chance if it was always supposed to end like this? You know, back in Wisconsin, there was a fence post up the street from Jenna. Every day, I'd go up to the post, chew it, sniff it, take a leak on it. I loved that damn post.
- It's Pennsylvania. What I can't tell you is what kind of animal left Lisa Willoughby here or what direction it came from. Of course, there's been nearly a week for the tracks to degrade, but... we're still talking about an animal of sufficient size to drag a 60-pound load an unknown distance. And that... officers... is very weird. In your experience, why would an animal do that?
Not at all isolated to the thoracic spine. Bone spurs go all the way down. Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis.  <hon>Dish<hoff> . He's got bamboo spine. Disease has turned his entire spinal column into one long piece of brittle bone.
I assumed that all electrical power, if we were successful, would be generated by nuclear means. In the '50s there were essentially two kinds of reactors being developed. The breeder reactor, which EBR-1 was a prototype for, and the light water reactor. The breeder reactor breeds plutonium and can recycle it over and over again It's a very good fuel. [ chuckles ]
In six months, paid off my house with the profits. Graduated with honors, too. Special kid. If you'll allow me just one more question. Was this Elijah's coat?

- Great. How's the eye? Oh, it doesn't hurt. I haven't even iced it. I'm sorry I threw at you, but you were acting like a jackass. No, hey, I get it.
You're not gonna be able to dissolve it or get a majority vote. We'll see about that. You can't win, John Ross. Without the mineral rights on Southfork, you can't even sell the mud off your boots. I'll let you have that for free.
- I love you. And I'm proud to be your brother. - I'm so sorry, Matt. Ron and I just kinda lost track of time, and something happened with his car. I don't know, it had something to do with the clutch.
Hale! I just need two seconds of your time. Oh! Sick outfit. Very Gaga-esque.
When did you find out? Last night. Why didn't you tell me? I shouldn't have to. Meaning?
She's a lactation consultant with compelling first-hand testimony. If she holds up. Now, the girls will be front and center, right? Well, we don't want them to miss too much school. They won't have to be there every day.
You've made me doubt, bitch! - Where are we going? - Where do you want to go? To your place. I swore that if we got out of this I'd go and live with you.
Look, I understand that you're frustrated, but you're not helping yourself taking it out on him. I thought this guy was dirty a year ago, and now it's happened again. There are no bodies, no evidence, no nothing but my gut and 25 years of police work. Hey, baby girl. Have you found them yet? I'm about to join the search.
After which, Mr Moray has put on a luncheon for us. Well, if you think you might be hungry. Luncheon - splendid! Shall we have a look around? Only, do you know
That's because we're leaving them here with Spike. He's gonna do a little critter sitting for us. Oh, really? So sorry I'm late. Silly bunny had hidden his brush.
A shoebill. Standing well over a metre tall... she roams these swamps... trying to catch catfish. Not exactly what she was after. Deeper into the swamp, lies the reason for all this fishing. This chick is just three weeks old and a little bit wobbly on its feet.
See! What did I tell you? Go around back. What's with the mask? What is it?
Like the macaques, his forebears were refugees from the advancing Sahara. The land is scrubby and dry. But this stallion has claimed it as his own. He's been waiting months for visitors. Female visitors.
They shot up a couple spots, including our house. They killed Casper Johns... wasn't with the crew, was just living with us at the time... and then this other fella that Arlo had been runnin' with since high school. You get what I'm sayin'? Even before I went to Glynco and trained to be a dead shot, I seen people kill one another, and I learned to be ready in case they came after me to do me harm. In other words, I'll kill four of you before you even clear your weapons and I'll take my chances with the other two, and you see this star?
That's a nice one. That's a fun shoot. Would she be wearing a bathing suit under there or would she be naked? I don't want you thinking about her naked. Get that image out of your head straight away.
Keep it under your bed. 'That's 11 now dead on the Shetland Island of Fetlar.' We need a sample of the vaccine. There's a man in Sheffield, a scientist called Donaldson, get it to him. It's me. The manuscript exists.
Niels' gene. And that signaled to their immune systems to launch an attack on every cell in their body. The monkey doesn't have any human genes, so it didn't have the same reaction. So how do you stop it? It need to modify the decoy and hide Niels' gene.
Hand me that ball. I haven't touched it in a long time. Sure! Just let me, uh, get it out of the case here. Boy, that is really in there.
Gone for two weeks, and not one word. I even put a prepaid phone card inside a Hershey bar, so I know he found it. Well, you got to cut him a little slack... it is his honeymoon. Which he wouldn't be on if it wasn't for me. I was the Cupid that made that relationship happen.
Do you have any idea what could be causing this? Uh, I've been under a lot of stress lately at home and at work. Anything we should discuss? It's just all normal stuff. Well, it's a problem.
I will bust you down to fucking level one. You want to fuck with me? Huh? I'll rip you a new fucking asshole. No more privileges. No more downtime.
We think something's stashed in the head. It's from Colombia. Mom, what's the big deal? Okay, fine. When I was young, I was in a beauty pageant.
- Let me see one more. - Cut the shit, all right? Holy shit! And they won't know? They don't even count it half the time. Jesus, holy shit.
Sitting at the table when I blew out the candles. Was she moving? Just enough to get her beer mug to her face. So, I lied about one little thing. No, you didn't. I found my report card from the year you smashed my guitar.
You went online to the donor website, you posed as Donor 141, arranged to meet the girls. I just wanted to give them a father's love. Sure. The emotions were so strong. They needed more.
I don't know. And you will, bro. No. Truth is, I'm a pariah in the financial world. My name is ruined.
Any luck getting more info on him? It's gonna take more than luck. The firm's firewall is even better than Peck's. Yeah, I've got line of sight on his office, but I can't get any signals from his wi-fi or his cell. He works in the IQZ telecom building.
It's belief. I don't know. These women, man... make us doubt everything we know. And then when you least expect it... They get you through hell.

You never could have banned the witches from using magic without her. She's not exactly besties with them. I'm protecting her. A lot of them would like to get their hands on her and kill her to finish the harvest. If they don't, the other girls stay dead, and they lose their power.
No one likes gypsies round here. Better make it Madam Zuleika. With a snake around her neck. Snake in the grass. I had a snake once.
The sentimentalist must be stoned to death. He makes everyone uncomfortable. You shouldn't be proud of despising your country. Oh, don't believe that! I love every field and hedgerow.
- I love you, too. - Don't stay up too late. I won't, I won't. Hey. Hey.
Have you ever heard of Synequanon? They funded the HEARPE project in Alaska. Is that what this is about? I think there's a connection between HEARPE and Tesla. That's why they wanna shut me up. They think I have the Tesla letter. - You don't?
What right have you to your niggers, when you come down to the point? What right? I bought them. I paid for them. Of course you did, and the law says you have the right to hold a nigger.
Two years ago-- I don't talk to him. But I... What's weird is I didn't get upset when he said it, I... I got annoyed with him, but I didn't- - I didn't--
She's here for Benamar. - Are you scared of her? - I need to protect us, that's all. I'll buy you a drink. What are you doing here?
Both require precision timing, neither should be rushed. Inaction only becomes untenable when more than 65% of Americans support intervention even with casualties. So you'd like me to tell the Vice President we do nothing until then? Waiting is not doing nothing. I choose to wait for my noodles even though my salivary glands are crying out to me like newly hatched birds.
They need to be dried or they'll mildew. - It's dryish. - Not dry enough. You need fans. - Fans? - Or else the mildew will come.
Okay, okay. Calm down. First of all, you did the right thing by hiding under this table. Secondly, your man is here. I'm gonna take care of this for us. I've been playing Xbox for years.
It's rosemary from my bush at home. Grows into a whole new plant. Anyway, sorry I had to crack the whip yesterday. No, it's... It was...
Until she found her new boyfriend Marcello. Can you believe it? My mother has a boyfriend. And he's insisting that I leave today to spend a long weekend with them at his villa in Tuscany. He sent his jet.
How could you go to Madrid this evening if we were in Mexico? - Ulloa, mind your own business! - I lied to her. But, given the circumstances, I'd feel better if I called her. Everyone will hear what's said on the other end. I suppose you don't mind.
And a half-brother is better than nothing. I like having a brother. Dad was cool to bring me here. - Dad? Dad brought you here? - Uh-huh. I was upstate, in the woods.
Are you gonna leave again? Yeah. I can't come back anymore. I went to Aiga, and... Stay here...
We're doing it in this Collider, and we're reproducing that so we can see what it was like when the universe just started. This is what we tell people. Okay, answer two: we are trying to understand the basic laws of nature. It sounds slightly more mild, but this is really where we are and what we're trying to do.
I was in King's Landing after the sack, khaleesi. You know what I saw? Butchery. Babies, children, old men. More women raped than you can count.
Stabilizing at 70%. I have not come all this way for safety, Doctor. What was that? I must congratulate you, Arnim. Your designs do not disappoint.
It was about 10:00. He didn't tell you that, did he? Were both cars home? Well, I'm not spying on the guy or anything, but we were out here a little later. I noticed his car was gone.
Yeah, in rehab, months ago! Yeah, that's true. I never followed up. And I did tell you it was a done deal, and... and then when I tried to call I couldn't get ahold of him, so... I got a bad habit of that, sweetheart.
He probably spends that on hair gel. DANVILLE: I don't know. Feels more like strategy to me than charity. You think? (crowd chatter, Kemp laughs)
My brother was extremely talented, but he went his own way. My family values achievement. Charles was a dreamer. Did you notice anything unusual about your brother's behavior recently? Full disclosure -- there was a dispute over some money my grandmother left.
Say quick: Does she now think I am a murderer? She weeps and weeps. And lies upon her bed, and... and then jumps up and cries out, "Tybalt," and then, "Romeo." My name was fatal to her from the start.
Just go back further. Only I'm a little bit worried, because if we find him, he might be very disapproving of talking to the papers. Families are private things. I know. Go and stand back there.
You're an adonis. Steve, go make yourself useful. Get some pictures of him playing tennis and rock climbing. Billy, just be yourself. Billy, women don't want you to be yourself.
- No. I don't think so. Who can tell at that place? What happened? One of the girls asked me to punch out her time card and we got caught. I told you, those girls aren't your friends.
- I don't usually. - Get him a Blue Label. Actually, I would have loved to be a musician, but I have no musical ear. I guess the law allows me some control. It's a way of putting the world in order, even if it's only an illusion, isn't it?
¿Quien es ese, señor? Be ready. What was that? Said he heard we were investigating an overdosed American girl, so why the hell are we poking around the blood of the cartel? Right. You know, the way the blood is flaked in these treads tells me this blood pool was dry when the truck drove through it, and that was at least a couple hours after the massacre.
My dad does it. He's one of the best taxidermy artists on the west coast. But enough about stuffing dead animals. Sit down. I'm gonna tell you a little story about real, living things.
Something I can do? You ever fight a woman? Depends. Business or pleasure? Look, they do say crazy makes you strong.
This is an upwelling flow. It circulates the water and provides nutrients. Seals and birds hunt the small fish around the rising water of life. The Chileans fishing with trawls, very long tubes that are closed, collect just over 40 tonnes per load. Five hundred thousand fish in each net is sucked into the machine.
- Come with me. - Hi. - Hey. You look beautiful. Thank you for the flowers.
I don't think I'm old enough to have a family of my own and be married. It feels ridiculous. I'm in high school. This is so stupid. I can't believe I'm crying.
The bishop is no fool. He offered money to the Indians who baptised - their children. - They must have been easily persuaded. There were 60 conversions in a week. A miracle! In the Middle Ages, the Church distributed indulgences.
Brenda. I need your help. No. I need your help. You were in the murder room today. You saw the pictures of those women.
With pleasure. Does this girl look familiar to you? I've never seen this girl, but this mark I have seen. I hope I never see it again. I don't know who's behind it, and I don't want to.
like the furies coming down to punish orestes. You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? Was...washe theguy who stabbed out his eyes? God,that's oedipus, you dumbass! The furies are deities of vengeance.
Harry, he never liked the band. You were having an intimate relationship with Mr Lester weren't you? He was a friend of mine. You were having a sexual relationship with him? I'm not going to answer that.
It takes a lot of courage to post nice things anonymously. You know, it seems like more than a coincidence that Milhouse brought it to our attention. Hm? Well, I certainly wish I was Truth Teller. But if I was, you'd know, because I can't keep a secret. I sleep under my bed every night 'cause I'm scared of the cars from Cars.
- Hi, you guys! - Daddy! Daddy! - Wow, I thought you guys would be sleeping. They wanted to wait up for you. Oh, well, I'm so happy to see you guys. How was your day?
Miss Davidson, we know the rules are there for a reason. But it doesn't mean they're always right. Like the wet cells. You fixed that. Now, all the women are cut up about what happened to Debbie.
Play ball. Come on, Tate. Swing big! Read "Moneyball," asshole. Walks are as good as hits.
I had to do that. I wanted to be alone with her. We believe we found the "X," 'cause that was the only tree in the forest that was, like, crisscrossed. I looked down at the floor and I open up a hollow log, which, to me, a rifle could easily slide inside.
Aren't we? Hey, man, that song... way better than those jingles you were writing the other day. You know how many songs I've written since I've been here? Two, and they both sucked. - No, they didn't.
Look at the water damage. It hasn't rained in days. Which means she had plenty of time to get up to Atlantic City and kill Anson and Nate. Damn! I can't believe I trusted her.
Some of them did. Well, they needed us. So the Wesen fought for the royals? Yes, and the royals needed the Grimms to control them, as they do now, but there was one thing in the treasure the knights hid. There was one thing that was more powerful than anything anyone had ever seen.
Well, an opportunity has come up to turn that fantasy into reality. For those of you who care enough to join us. In two weeks, an untouched jungle in the Peruvian Amazon will be destroyed forever. And so will the natives inside it. The companies want the natural gas in the ground under the villages.
I replay arguments in my head all the time. We all do, right? Maybe she was still thinking about him when she was attacked. You're interfering with my marriage! Which is why she assigned David Jorgensen's features to a faceless stranger.
That's great. - Gone. - Happy? - I am happy. Awesome. Is that a shirt of your dad's? I guess I would have, you know, a senior moment.
So unless you are passing instructions to her old assets... She could've helped us from her cell, couldn't she? Given us the names, information we needed? Why bring her here? As per her request; obviously, part of the deal she just struck with your superiors.
What about five whales? If they were working together as a team? - As a gang. - As a gang. If they were coordinated? Five at once.
Your assistant probably sabotaged you. I don't even use one anymore. I resorted to using my own legs in the "Saw the Lady in Half" gag. I even shaved them. Want to feel?
Look... That big bitch got scared and decided to go home! No... Why? That's toward the center rear.
Not until I have what I came for. You dare challenge me, the ancient Dochraid? You, a puny sorcerer! And yet I will have what I came for. I am a creature of the earth, you cannot kill me.

It's the in-betweens that are a problem. Right, exactly. Yeah, women under 18 and over 40 are the best at relationships, - 'cause the young ones... - True.
Ow! My knee cap! That's new. I like it. This dragon must have a weakness. Actually, no.
All right, big... hold on, one thing! Let's arm wrestle. - You lost! - Oh! Olympia, a plain in Greece in the western Peloponnese.
You know that live nerves are better than dead ones. Even I know that, and I'm an intern. And you. You put me in a really awkward position today. You just threw me to the wolves. Not that I'm comparing your sisters to wolves. But oh, my god. They're out for blood. They are furious with you that you didn't call them yourself.
In this experiment, you'll be allowed to govern yourselves completely with no interference and no help. We will abandon you with a camera crew to document your adventure, but the world you know is gone-- slate wiped clean, and you will start a new civilization. - Are you ready to begin? - Yes. Okay. 2 miles due east... are the remains of a primitive settlement, an outpost where fur traders would stop to barter their wares. But one day in 1908, this settlement was found abandoned, fire still burning, food still cooking in pots, but its 14 inhabitants had mysteriously disappeared, never to be seen again.
Dr. Gourse? You talked to Dr. Gourse? Yes. He said Lexy is too sick for this to work. This man's blood won't do anything.
Let's see what this is about. "Silver rush... grubstakes..." Mikey, I don't mean to alarm you, but-- I know, I know. Eh? Two women died in the house.
Never mention your work. What should I talk about then? You start... You start with... a joke. A joke always works. It's a good way to relax women.
Yes, I can. Maybe it won't be so bad now that he and Donna broke up. Thank God I don't have to see that anymore. Ugh. There are some things I can never un-see. I know we're never getting back together.
Who are you? My name is Aurora. I'm with your mom - and your grandmother. - Are they okay?
Hurry up. Wasn't sure when to bring this up, but maybe I could use a little warm-up this time. Warming up, like a jog around the block? 'Cause if you're asking Kev to go down on you, I can tell you right now that is not happening.

But what happens to its now damaged heart has never been seen in mammals before. We found that within three weeks, after cutting off the tip of the heart, that it all grew back normally, and the function was normal and the heart went back to pumping blood normally as if nothing had happened. Although the mouse is only capable of regenerating its damaged heart tissue like this, for the first seven days of its life, this is a discovery that could lead to harnessing this regenerative power for humans. What is the switch that turned on this process initially? How did you do that initially?

So what you can see here is the virus attaching to receptors in a healthy human cell. Once attached, it invades and completely destroys its host before moving on to the next cell. This is what happens to everyone in the world who contracts the virus. And death comes quickly... As you have seen.
Hey, buddy. How are you doing? Also, what are you doing? I ordered this victory cake, and now I'm throwing it away. Don't think you need to cut it up before you throw it out.
She went back to Delhi. What do you think? Does Vasudha also think it's my fault? If I wouldn't have bought the monastery, someone else would have. Girls, I tell you.
I understand. But this level of surveillance comes with a lot of red tape. I'll cut through it. In the meantime, I need you on something else. A charter plane crashed in New Jersey this morning, killing everyone on board.
You don't. All you have is my word. Not good enough for me. I'll get you what you want. But only if you deliver the money personally.
Down off the Keys - where the marlin run. - Write your own Hemmingway story. And if you don't catch anything, you have to blow your brains out. So, Ross, where do you take your kid fishing?
Of course the law says that anyone caught aiding or abetting abortion shall be punished in like manner as the principal offender. Made a study of the law, have you? So should you, if this is to be your only livelihood after the hospital closes. And who says the hospital is closing? The smart money is moving uptown.
Using the astrolabe unleashes... an evil. A formidable evil, an evil that has to be eradicated. And the only way to do that is to undo what the astrolabe did? Yes, if the same person uses the astrolabe again, time will be reset. The evil never will have existed.
But one thing I can promise is that this gives you a little hope. Isn't that what you said about chemo? What we said about chemo was that it would buy you some time. Right. And what you told us was that you didn't want whatever time you had left ruined by what chemo does to your body.
He helped me get to the bottom of our little peeping Tom issue. Is that such a good idea? I trust him. And believe me, if he cared so much about the Charleston PD, he wouldn't have given me this. Now, Ed was able to extract a whole mess of video clips.
I want to fix this. I know. I know, but you can't. Okay, we've been chasing after what we used to have ever since you found out about Malcolm, but... I just don't... I don't think that we can ever get that back.
It's okay, he's... he's with The New York Times. They're... they're doing a story on us. We're not gonna be paying for those afterwards. Hi, me again. Where are the bathrooms?

Can we be done with this now? Where'd you dump the carpeting that you pulled up that night? I thought you said you had it. No, I said we're gonna test it. Well, how can you test it if you don't have it?
If that is your Bo on that card, she's in a heap of trouble. Eddy, you have to help me. Apologies, but no. Are you hungry? I've a sudden craving for mutton.
Everyone, I know that you're frightened and confused, but I need you to listen. Is it true? Is there... is there some kind of monster keeping us from leaving town? Is that what happened to my brothers? Yes.
Isolated seven pairs of shoe prints. Filtered out the Turner's including Jessie's, so we're down to three unsubs, sneakers are sizes seven three and a half, and a boy's eleven. The lost boy. I think I found one of them. Most of the time in sexual assaults, the bite mark has a livid spot at the center, a "suck bruise."
I can't tell you how sorry I am for your loss. If I can do anything, anything at all, please don't hesitate. Does it ever get hard dealing with all that tragedy? You know, it's funny. Some cases, they end well, so you can forget them.

Did he mention her to you? No. We just talked business. Was he seeing anyone? Do you know who the woman could have been? No. Ron loved the ladies.
I'm going to stab it into the softest part of Ms. Ellison's thigh. Lots of nerve endings there-- no one can fake their way through that. If you wanted to know if she was really in a coma, all you had to do was ask. That's okay, but I can't stab her in the thigh? It's a test for pseudocoma.
Tell him what was going on with the sub. A few hours later, he killed Red. Deal was off. Would you have? Been a traitor?
I don't wanna do that. It's what you must do to guarantee your mother spends the rest of her days filled with love for what is in front of her. You said I should be specific, so I've been really thinking about this. Good. I want to have been married to her, Katie, the whole time.
How's she doing? Something very strange happened tonight. I followed her to the cafe, and I'm not quite sure what I saw, but I think she had some kind of pain. Because of the pregnancy? That's what it looked like, but it's what happened after.
Well, speaking of club history, my colleagues found some recent online photos of the Lockjaw Club's interior, to aid with reconstruction. Noticed something missing. Must've been a pretty sweet guitar to get that kind of treatment. You know who gave me that guitar? Stevie Ray Vaughan.

What is it? I got an e-mail. If you catch the sun just right, the bug catches fire. Why do you want to kill a bug? Because we can.
- All right. - Right there. Ah! If you guys weren't neighbors, I'd put that chair on your bill, Bert. Fuck you, Hilly.
My choice just became... Much easier. All right, they kept the girls in a dorm Somewhere in this area, But now that lynch doesn't need them anymore... Wh-What do you mean, doesn't need them? They're just guinea pigs, lab rats. The seed--It's...
I shouldn't just wait for them to find it themselves? First week of rehearsal? Sure. Week before tech? Get in there.
Absolutely. Are you sure? Yes, sir. With all that said, the whole thing relies on us replacing the weight of methylamine we steal with the same weight in water. So they'll never know we hit them. Cool.
If she bypasses the gang and cooperates with us, she'd be the next victim. Maybe she got those bruises from Delcampo. Maybe she's the one who killed him. No, men call the shots in a gang. Women tend to facilitate the murders;
- It says C6. And you know why? Because, eventually, when my building is complete, it will be 55 floors high. It will weigh 2,223,000 metric tons. Okay? My building will alter the water table and squeeze granite. It will be visible from 20 miles away.
Walter is a fine man, and wise with it. That's such a boon in these terrible times. Lena... I'm all set to emigrate. - What's put that in your head?
I just don't want those charred bones I saw to be disappointed in me! I... I know what I have to do now! And this is the job we chose. Help me! Put on your hood. As far forward as you can... So that your face is hidden from it.
However, were the occasion an anniversary, then I must direct you to our most glittering gift. Though expensive, our engraved silver purses would make any birthday an occasion to treasure. Now... Shall we leave you a moment or two to muse, or are you ready to decide? None of us expected this to happen, but perhaps we should all admit it's for the best, hmm? I cherish reason.
Together, we could do what neither of us could do alone -- overthrow our oppressors. It's an interesting story. I can see why my son likes it. He always went in for fairy tales. But the problem is I've watched your kind.
I'm in no fit state to see visitors. My niece, Hattie Sutton, is missing, and I'm organising a search. If you don't want to be part of it because of Carroll's Field, then I totally understand, but no-one knows the woods like you. You want to search the woods? We're going to be knocking on doors, checking on outbuildings and barns first.
When Valkyries are reborn, their memories come back slow and scattered. And apparently their hair full and lustrous. At this age, they're vulnerable and valuable. But her memories, they will come back eventually right? Valkyries deal in the souls of the dead.
No, you were not! You were not upstairs. If you were upstairs, you would have come down, and you would have helped me. So where were you? I snuck out of my room and went to a party.

You were right about before, okay? I was being self-centered, and I shouldn't have made the assumption I did, but there are certain things that you don't understand, either. Yeah, well, maybe that's for the best, Daniel. Do you wanna hear the truth or not? Emily lied about the pregnancy.
Yeah. She's being looked after. You've seen her, have you? I just want to know if she's all right. The wet cells aren't built for comfort, Doreen. Oh, Miss Davidson, I'm sorry.
Oh, yeah. Um, "Be careful to avoid extravagant purchases this month." Well, I think I can manage that one. Well, then I'll count the pistol you gave me as being part of last month. I'll check in with you when I'm back in Washington.
You didn't find anything in my room, did you? Just tell me what you know about the riot. Which one of you guys killed my wife? What makes you think it was one of us? How are the women doing after this morning?
I don't know who's behind it, and I don't want to. My girls... they have good life. They make good money. Legal money. They get nice clothes, apartment.
Yeah. Aren't we? Hey, man, that song... way better than those jingles you were writing the other day. You know how many songs I've written since I've been here? Two, and they both sucked.
Right, exactly. Yeah, women under 18 and over 40 are the best at relationships, - 'cause the young ones... - True. ...they can still maintain enough insecurity to be vulnerable, which is attractive.
He'll be out in 10 years. Unlike solo vigilantes, they're working in concert and they're planning and executing coordinated attacks. Their mentality is like a lynch mob. They believe the justice system has gone wrong and it's up to them to set it right. Due to the pre-planning and level of commitment, we believe our unsubs are over 30.
It should be built somewhere where the 9/11 families don't have to feel the agony of having a shrine to their loved ones stomped upon. All over America we're seeing the influence of creeping Islam. We are? What about those who would impose Sharia law? Women can be stoned to death for committing adultery.
He must have stashed him elsewhere. I feel sick. Welcome to the family, love. You should have run the second your realized elijah was gone. Yeah. Well, the witches have put Some sort of hex on me. As long as I'm carrying this baby, I can't leave new orleans.
T.K., I actually brought you here to talk to you. How do I say this? Oh, my God! Rex Evans and Terrence King. [ Laughs ]
In the past three months, two women in their late 20s were killed. Both of these women were strangled, their bodies both found in a dense wooded area. However, we were unable to find any other evidence which connected these two women. Until we found this. Both of these women had profiles
Empty. He could be anywhere. The Sergeant mentioned the area is full of abandoned mine shafts. Look at this. Clem Ford said that he left Warong at 2pm on the day that Oskar died.
We burn sulphur sticks to sterilise the vats. Is that what Oskar was doing? Cleaning the vat? Well, if he was, he wasn't doing it right. You burn the stick over a bowl so it won't stick to the vat.
Zim Zallah Bim! Excellent work, everyone. Now we're ready in case anyone wants to speak with the Wizard. Now, remember... Oscar Diggs died, so that the Wizard of Oz could live.
Millie? Lipstick. Lucy, can you mark them up? Each journey, please. Now, we're not looking at the lines.
I hear the ticking of the clock. You've got me worked out? Yes, I have. Do you know how far you are from drinking again? This far.
Stop... please. The Pyrripus. You've heard of The Pyrripus? We ran into these warrior nuns. Lots of white, even more crazy.
First and foremost, the mayor is fine and in control. I've just been in touch with him. But what I'm about to tell you is not to leave this room and, for reasons of security, is not what the public has been or will be told. So please, respect the sensitivity. Late last night, before this morning's troubles began, the mayor was summoned to Washington by the FBI regarding matters linked to the attempt made on his life and mine.
Lincoln, do you copy? Hello? Peter, it's me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Turn on the lights. The creature is nocturnal.
So what, he jumped out of a plane? Why? Maybe because it was going down. You're right, Danny. Yesterday, a small plane ashed in the jungle out five miles west of you.
Life makes you pay dearly, lt's such a raw deal It's a long, bumpy truck ride, And there's never a free meal Even these breaths we borrow will escape us tomorrow. We seek a home, around every bend,
I'll leave my window unlocked. What? Nothing. Look, I'm not a douche bag, all right? I'm always clear about my ground rules.
Riot units, armed with batons and tear gas, have been unable to quell what appears to be a full-scale riot. Many Chicagoans are afraid to step outside their front doors, and those who do are likely... Here we go again. - Meredith? - Hello, Mac.
- No. - May I come in? - Who are you? You're insane! Don't forget, these women hate themselves.
Hit him. Come on, darling. Do you remember the story I used to tell you of the Emperor Moth? Just a little thing. A naturalist once came upon the cocoon of this rare creature, just as it was struggling to emerge in its new form.
Listen to me my mother. The families and masons who formerly lived in this house appeared in the future. They now live in a time where they don't belong. It is enough Leopoldo. You must listen to me!
What if she knocked it on the way to the pool? A suicidal woman carefully replaces a damaged pot before lowering herself silently into the water? No. The tea. The tea has to hold the key.
What are you doing? This... You know, this is not Gumma Eve. This is not my wife? Oh.
It looks bad that you went to Professor Robinson's apartment at night. He told me to. The form to make him my new advisor was due the next day. Unfortunately, that conversation was a face-to-face with no witnesses, so we got no way to prove it, and when you texted him to confirm the meeting, he told you not to come. It looks like you ran a red light. My phone ran out of juice, and I never got his text.
Dummy, I didn't know you were working out. Rose is one of my closest friends. She's always there for me. She's always looking out for my best interest, and when I'm going through things, she always has my back. I think that people think bisexuals are slutty, you know what I mean?
Walter, Walter... What have I done? Go now, please, please. Go now. Has someone called for the police?
Yes. And an egg, but only once a week. How's that? Good. Where did these plates come from?
I gotta go let Agent Harris know. So she's safe. She's here somewhere, right? She's gotta be around here somewhere? She was.
But they're close. - How do you know? Because if they have the C.O., they're gonna call, try to make a trade... Tex and the C.O. for Dr. Scott and her work. So what you can see here is the virus attaching to receptors in a healthy human cell.
Local PD is rounding up the Turks. The marshal got his man. We got our thingy. I'd say, all in all, it's a pretty good day. I talked to Artie.
The harder you push or pull on something, the faster it goes. The Sun's gravity weakens with increasing distance, so, the planets that are farther from the Sun move more slowly. Everyone expected that the outermost stars in a galaxy would act the same way. Most of the stars are concentrated towards the center, so, their collective gravity pulls on the other stars the same way the Sun pulls on the planets. But in the 1970s, when astronomer Vera Rubin studied the Andromeda Galaxy, she discovered that the outer stars obeyed no such rule.

The test showed... that 17-year-old Naoko was pregnant from repeated rape. You'll be fine, Miss Masaki. It's not your fault. None of this is your fault. You've got nothing to worry about.
Now, collars, please. Did you see that, Doris? Her skirts are around her ankles. That motor van you're loading... I don't see the Selfridges livery on the side.
Ever heard any? - No. - A story for every day of the year, most of them not fit to be repeated. None of them even close to the truth. Why don't you put them right?
It's awful about Bea. I can't imagine how she feels. She should have thought about her kid before she ended up in here. Last night, your husband found Debbie in her bedroom unconscious. Now the ambulance came and they tried everything they could but I'm sorry Bea, they were too late.
You're not going to experience this death of yours. He will. I'll be dead. (sighs) What about the pain?
Aye, XO. What's in 'em? Three lives. So you just left civilization and never looked back? Yeah.
But I will do it again if I have to. We need an answer now, Dr. Hunt. Will you perform the surgery or not? Yeah, I'll do it. All right, fellas.
Thank you, Vod. Thank you so much. I would also like to make a speech. Um, as many of you will have just realised, I am about to become a laughing stock. My academic career is in tatters.

He was posing as a janitor. Yeah, uh, Carl, hasn't been around that long. Because until three months ago, he worked as an electrical engineer at an aerospace firm. With a pedigree like that, he would have the skills to design these sophisticated attacks. He must be staying somewhere in the city.
Muster up your courage this once. After coming home... pay all your debt. Style a little bit.... The peoples here.... How many families...
You can only vote within your race or your group. Look, just pretend it's the 1950s. It makes it easier to understand. See, everyone elects a representative from their own tribe. White, black, Hispanic, golden girls, others.
Well, got what we came for. No. Vámonos. Brandy? Thank you, no. You know, besides finding those cages, my men also found your radio.
East-facing window like he likes. It's also private. Good. Okay. We've arrived! Hi. Dr. Bailey! How does the liver look?
Yeah, that's... Real admirable. You know what? I'm gonna run that 5k, and when I win, I'll be celebrating in my poolside cabana with a big ol' Denver omelet to keep me company. A Denver omelet might actually be better company.
This whole thing has got me seeing stuff, wondering. And you're my best mate. But this... It's nothing. The women, they...
That was like a game of "rock, paper, pervert." Sophie, thank you for coming in. Max and I wanted to talk to you about taking you up on your offer to work for your cleaning company. Yeah, she wants to do it for money to pay for our website, and I want to do it because I like rummaging through strangers' medicine cabinets. Have you cleaned houses before?
911. What is your emergency? Would you like me to send an ambulance to your location? An explosion. Are you sure?
How's your night? Yeah, pretty... Pretty shit. Just found out me best mate's been having sex with... probably the only girl I've ever really loved. Women don't know what they do to us.
So peaceful. Wake up! We got one more! Now, if this don't get you to sleep, nothing will. "Cinderella" by nobody remembers.
- What kind of Fae can do that? - A Liderc. Trickster Fae capable of impregnating a host without detection. The oblivious mother finds herself delivering his baby mere days later. Then we wipe the mothers' memories, convince them they've re-offended out in the world...
they're not my style. Oh, of course! Damn right. Madam, if I may... Real whips are nothing like that.
How's the food here? Yeah, apparently, it's good. No burgers. I wish my wife were here. Women really love this kind of stuff.
It's hard to believe we work right up there, and this is the first time we've met, right? This is my brother, business partner, best friend, and tennis coach, Duncan. Hi. Hi. What kind of plant you got there, buddy? Checking.
Wait, Dash, look, I love you. Please, just... This was a big mis... I can't even look at you right now. This will end if you tell me where the snake is. It's gone.
- No! Look, good luck with it all, Christine, but singing's not for me. ♪ Me, me, me, me, me... ♪ - I-I-I-I... Honestly, I've no idea. - Oh, come on.
I found out who sent that email to Elena Ramos. Someone named Rebecca Sutter. You think it's coincidental that Cliff Barnes suddenly shows up in Dallas just when Southfork is for sale? Are you sure you want to mix business with pleasure? My father has cancer.
Ah, it's just some stuff I put on 'em 'cause they're always cracking and bleeding. Invi-Skin. Yeah, that's it. Thanks. The department mechanic checked out Bowden's car.
The blood that has been spilled, my blood yet, was because of what you foresaw. It's not a science, it's a gift. Sometimes I hear voices, other times it's a feeling, a certainty as solid as stone. And this new feeling? It came to me today.
She's pretty. Y'all were trespassing! I'm with the FBI, okay? I announced myself. We just had a little harmless gunplay. Harmless?
- Who likes quiche, - long walks on the beach, smooth jazz. - I thought you wanted to meet someone. - I meet plenty of women. I don't need your help.
the day I caught that cachamoa fish. and we took right home and fried it up? We got home and you ate it all yourself. You left me nothing but the head. You left me nothing but the head. I found this talisman where l get my drugs.
-His mother's still alive. -Beatrice should not be here! I will restart you in 12 hours. I did not find the battery. The model is no longer manufactured.
And did one of your men tell you there was someone still inside? Yes, he did, and he wanted to go back in and get him. I said no. Seconds later, there was a flashover. I wouldn't ask you these questions unless I had to, chief.
Please don't tell anyone. This is it. Thank you for walking me home. I could have walked with you forever. Why have I never met you before?
Adelaide and I, we know what loss looks like. We're going to find your daughter, Nate. Now. He has to have a place near the police station. Right?
Ridiculous. I am the knowledge and strength of 10,000 worlds. I am flesh and machine. I am becoming everything. And you, your arrival is no more than a rare opportunity for entertainment.
I can't go on with this." That's what he said. I wouldn't be surprised if you killed him rather than let him come back to me. It is not true. Mrs Paynter. Monsieur, surely you cannot believe...
- Mine just bloomed yesterday. - Congratulations. Ooh, there she is. Monday night, one biology room key checked out by... Magnitude.
It's belladonna, the devil's cherry. I know it from working narcotics. Belladonna's highly toxic. That's why users dilute it with tea. The berries have a sweet flavor. They say it gives you instant hallucinations.
Remember? The story of Alzheimer's is never about one person. My PhD thesis film posits that this insidious disease not only destroys the patient, but has a physiological influence on the primary caregiver. Alzheimer's occurs when abnormal protein fragments accumulate in the hippocampus, killing neurons. The disease then creeps towards the front of the brain, wiping out neurons responsible for logical thought and problem solving. It then assaults the sensory region, sparking terrifying hallucinations.
I would see those days return. I would relight the great forges of the Dwarves and send wealth and riches flowing once more from the Halls of Erebor! Death! That is what you will bring upon us! Dragon fire and ruin.
The murder itself was planned in detail and then carried out. Only two kinds of murderers follow that pattern. Hired assassins and those out for revenge. Mr Segers was not working for someone else. So Mr Segers was out for revenge.
I did what I wanted and it was The How Mountain. Holy Mountain really is an extraordinary film. It feels like a work of art that's come from a parallel world. A totally different version of the film industry where there really are no limits. I gave the movie to Michel Seydoux in France.
She's a tennis player. Took two shots to the chest. Casings recovered, a nine mil. - What are we picking up? - Little diamonds.
Oh, my God! It only happens twice. Hey. Can I talk to you in the storeroom? I can't, um, find the olives.

You never wore a bomb? But you did make a suicide tape. Who did you give it to? I didn't give it to anyone. I threw it in the trash.
- Sounds unpleasant. Just watch where you step. We're at the carport. The northwest overhang. You see the camera?
Nigel! Nigel! You bitches are the reason I do this. I love you all. We won UK Prisons Tug of War, we won Best Float at the Lord Mayor's Show, and we then we took a gold at the Prison Vegetable Awards for the fourth year running.
Now, come at me. Right here. As hard as you can. Their legs go like runny shit! Then here, see?
Witches aren't allowed to do magic here. She broke the rules. I told you I wanted to talk to her. Hey, I'm sorry. I got caught up in the show.
He deserves a trial, Dan. Two Rangers are dead. Didn't get no trial. Well, I'm coming with you. The law looks a lot different on the ground, little brother.
That's analog. It's how it sounds. Especially Neve's, you know. I mean, everything is just better. The human voice sounds better.
What? Please do come and look. Excusez-moi. What? Tell me. Is it likely they'll survive? Two women, unfit, without protective clothing, without skis. In the freezing dark.
I mean, familiar with the products. Damn it. I've got to stop using the no-no words. Lacey, we have two rules here. One, if you're going to be late, you have to call.
We can leave behind Klaus and this city and those orphan Annie vampires. Whoa, those orphan Annie vampires are my family, and this city is my home. It was my home, too, once. I left. You ran. I stayed.
And like the Roman emperors, he has built a house of God in Jerusalem. But Abd al-Malik, Lord of Jerusalem though he is, is also an Arab. Perhaps for Arabs, Jerusalem, for all its ancient and unrivalled potency, owed too much to the Jews and Christians to stand alone as the holy city of the new Arab empire. A poet at Abd al-Malik's court describes him as the Lord of two houses, sacred to God. One in Jerusalem, and one, well, he doesn't say where it is.

It's high. I would need to do a number of vocal exercises before I attempted that. I think the lyrics so much sum up the recording business. Rock 'n' roll, man. # You're gonna go far. # The record companies were...
See, it's this reversal that's likely causing the face blindness. But, as the swelling in your brain goes down, your facial recognition should return. Hopefully within a few weeks. Is that how long I'll have to rest? The opposite, actually.
But Steven, it'll never get made with all the hardcore gay sex. That's why we're gonna cut those scenes out and deliver the clean script to Hollywood. Then this movie will definitely get made. Let's do it! Yeah!
Because when Lord Carnarvon opened Tutankhamun's tomb back... whenever the hell that was, four months later, he died from a mosquito bite. And what did it say above that tomb? "Death shall come on swift wings to him who disturbs the peace of the king." Well... Our study did not have a tomb or a king.
I ain't been to med school, or fairy school or nothing. So if you can put it in terms a "laid man" can understand, I'd appreciate it. I'm going to send my light through her and if the fae in her is strong, my light will pass through her body unhindered. Well, send it on through. What- is that bad? 'Cause-
Jafar has the heart. There's no stopping him now. I'm not so sure about that. Tell me what you see. The needle... it's following you.
Travels through the nervous system. Is that why the incubation times vary so wildly? Exactly. Anywhere from a few days to several years. Depends on how close to the brain the bite is and how fast the infection travels through the neurons.
Why do we only learn this now? The manager doesn't answer the phone after 22 o'clock. And we only realized this morning that he's open during the winter. - So what does he say? - Sarah.
I think you should take a beat and let her calm down. It's understandable why she's upset. I would be too. Yeah, you're right. Now, can I get your opinion on something?
Yeah, I came prepared. I'd expect nothing less. Good luck with your speech. Uh, my speech doesn't need your luck. It needs a Surgeon General's warning because it's so harmful to your health.
Those boys are in my trees again! They're devils for thieving! Bloody devils! There are no boys and nothing is being stolen, come back inside, please. Christ!
At this time, we'd like to remind the public that we are coordinating our efforts with Interpol as the Dodger operates primarily in Europe, and they have advised us to warn the public that he is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous. You know, I heard about this guy. They call him the Dodger because he avoids getting his hands dirty. He uses hostages to do his stealing for him. How? Puts a bomb collar around their necks.
It's best if you come with us. What a pity! You've got a cut! The dove! She threw it out the window.
"And turn the fuckin' air down in here!" Malcolm, Malcolm, just listen for a second. Yes. When we first met you, there was something attached to you. Oh, that was a hemorrhoid. That was...
Dozens, okay? I spent hours searching through Japanese symbols, then Chinese, then Korean. Couldn't find a match to the bottom of the statue. - Oh, so a dead end? - No, breakthrough.
In the barn. I'm afraid -- That's his watch! Oh, God. [ Voice breaking ] Oh, God. [ Crying ] Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God, what happened?
Congratulations. Thank you, Chloe. But actually, my name is Mrs Bouchtat now. Oh, Bouchtat. Does that mean your name is Rae Bouchtat?
Did you call an ambulance? You have to come over. It went under the couch. I can't even look. What if it's still alive?

I don't want that. Tastes like ice cream. This is cancer-fighting ice cream. Honey, relax. The girls are fine.
Ok, here's what's happened. I checked all the employees and vendors and delivery people who work at the supermarket where Terry Rodgers bought his groceries, and there were no red flags. Also, Barry Deaver, the second victim, I found his car. - Where? - Impounded.
He was electrocuted. Oui, bien sur. Regarde. The table is clamped to the floor, so the current passes through it. It is, en effet, the killing machine most elaborate.
Was. Ain't nothing left. Of course. Thomas, didn't we know someone with the railroad in meridian? Is there a railroad there, Mr. Bohannon?
Although that one there is not bad. That's not an Elf maid. That's funny. This is Orcrist, the Goblin-cleaver. A famous blade... forged by the High Elves of the West, my kin.
- What? - Ivan, it's all going to hell. What? The rebars in the shuttering in pit six, they wouldn't hold a fucking kitten's fart. It's those mavericks from up north we put in there at the last minute.
I'll keep my eye out. Sheriff, I wouldn't be bothering you if I didn't think you have a serious problem on your hands. I don't deny your abilities. It's just that your hands are tied by this office, whereas I have a talent for resolving problems like this one quietly. I appreciate your concern, but...
I gotta turn the tables on him and I will. As long as he keeps talking to me, I know I can find him and when I do, I will get your brother's letter back. Do either of you know what this key opens? Why would I know?
That's terrible. Can we get some fried chicken over here, stat! I am such a bad friend! Three slutty nuns show up at St. Peter's-- Wait, wait, they're not slutty.
- Isn't he romantic? - How would I know? I mean, can you think of a better place to go on vacation? - Yes. - Uh, so the baby food is in the fridge and the fresh diapers are in the dresser.
I'm so happy for you. Have you seen what I found? Do you want it for the baby's room? Maman, you still haven't redecorated this room. But...
It's quite a story. She was in the field when I went to her farm to pick up a cow. I had the ring because I thought it was a good chance. Like they say, Strike while the iron's hot! She was with her mother in the rice paddies.
To do what? To take control of our resources? Our gold mines, our diamonds, our uranium? No. You have already spoken of taking control of the mining franchise.
This clever lady has contrived a most intricate problem. I have been admiring the house. I thank you. It was built by my husband's greatgrandfather. There was an Elizabethan manor before.
how was your relationship with your wife? Everything good? Are you asking me that because you think I did it? No, no, we're just trying to get the whole picture. I loved my wife.
I think it makes a lot of independent music right now possible. It's one of the reasons why we're able to make records for a couple hundred bucks. I think one of the big tape manufacturers went out of business, so that really pushed everybody into the digital world and the Pro Tools world. The days of moving into the studio and writing your record and recording your record and mixing your record, those days are gone now. They used to have $200,000, $300,000 $400,000 budgets to do an album.
When I eventually get presented, the train has to be no less than three yards in length from the shoulders. It sounds rather ornate. It's tradition. For you, Mrs Selfridge. Oh!
Yeah. Seems like the wrong ones always survive. After he crossed the veneno linea, he headed this way. And if we do end up fighting him, just, whatever you do, stay away from his tentacles. Why?
I'll show Zoe to her room. Then we meet for Midday Gathering. Let's go. Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies was established as a premiere girls' finishing school in 1790. During the Civil War, it was converted into a military hospital.

Okay, fine. For you, I'll think about it. Bam! Still hate it. How does this work?
Ready to see me win some money? I fixed Lily's presentation. My stepmom and dad said I couldn't get a puppy. So they got me a plant. Life gave me lemons, and I made science.
Hey! Sorry I been gone so long, but I think you'll appreciate what I was up to. I was finding your money. Ray's money. That's what you want, right? I can take you to it.
No, it's important that you come. Important to whom? To me. All right, listen to me. When you were four years old, you came home one day with a cat.
I was going to prick you, but... this works too. You know, an experiment of this magnitude could be very risky for you. Your system could accept the sudden and all... encompassing changes very well. - Or.
She worked for the National Security Council. Miss Corwin, are you there? You've been looking for me? Can we meet? No.
It's just Rudy! I'm Ghostbusters, he's Ghostbusters II, and everybody knows Ghostbusters II was a right piece of shit. I quite liked it. You fucking would, wouldn't you? Do you know ecstasy reverses your power?
We really wanted to be inside Hugh's head. This shallow depth of field-- it's quite stunning. The focus was unbelievably difficult for our assistant cameraman. Sometimes we're dealing with literally focus, you know, of half an inch. Literally, if you just breathe with the camera, you're soft in your shot. You're soft.
Yeah, but we never had a beef with the guy... not that I can remember. No mother? She was killed. Car accident. Highway 18, just after the kid was born. That might be the connection.
Why, what happened? Well, I take my son to family time while my wife does yoga, but last week, when I walked Evan back, she noticed a truck driving behind us. Like following you? Yeah. You remember what the truck looked like?
One... Don't. Two... Did the bullet come out the front? Did the bullet come out the front of his head?
She wasn't you. I gotta go. I mean, you gotta admit, it was pretty rad. I locked a vampire in her dorm with an invisible seal. I mean, how many newbie witches have that on their resume?
Who said that? - Steve Berna. - Oh, he's hot, but so dumb. Leigh Anne Morris changed her profile picture to that. She looks like a walrus with a UTI.
Yes! No. Wait, no, yes, no, yes, no, no, yes, no. You know, when I was a kid, I used to think that there were people in the radio. Like, these little itty-bitty people that climbed in and played on their mini instruments and sang into their tiny microphones! That's stupid.
Shh. Shh. Shh. But Dairy Queen? Dairy Queens are like California real estate.
I follow a man he is called Wirepa. Even now he walks through your lands as if you do not exist. Be quiet! Mind those wives of mine, boy. You know what they are doing?
Is it a tandem Speedo for two men? Eh, even this is too loose. Mark, hop in here! Did they get this on sale? Was this the floor model?
This is so amazing. If anything, I would have thought there was something going on between you and Marty. Mmm. You know, that ship sailed a long time ago. So there was a ship?
I'm sorry, but you got to go back. Listen, you've been looking for that evidence box for, what, three months now? I've been after it for 30 years. Now you say you're close. When WITSEC moved Ellen to New York 12 years ago, they gave her a job at a securities firm.
Or what if it doesn't within ten years? Or within 20 years? And, uh, good old Pincus is pissing in his diaper in a nursing home somewhere unable to afford his pudding cup. The law is gonna change, Jeannie. Unless it doesn't.
She might have been wearing any of them. Oui, but we also have the evidence of the dog. - Dog? What dog? - No. Please, be patient.
They couldn't do nothing without that music sitting right in their face. People would see us walk in. They wondered what we were doing there. They handed us our music and we took it like we was pros too, like we would really read this. Then as you got more into the music, people would want background singers that were free enough to put feeling in what they were singing.
You need to do something. I'm trying to do something, Riley. The brain works much like a computer, okay, even without the chip. There's short-term memory... ram, if you will... and there is long-term memory, a hard drive known as the hippocampus.
To live here, the snow needs to evolve - and she's the blueprint. She's what they need to become. When the snow melted last night, did the pond? No. Living ice that will never melt.
I can't find anything. There's a problem here. You're delving into the origins of Muslims' deepest beliefs but where is the historical evidence? Sometimes the belief of the believer, and the understanding of the scholar, cannot be squared. It's a choice between doing history and not doing history.
It doesn't work like that. If he'd been exposed, it would present itself in his blood... within a few hours, if not a few minutes. All right, everybody. Let's put our panties back on and see how we can help our friend. You said the virus mutates. How do you know the strain in Nicaragua wasn't different... from the other ones you've seen?
Throws the blame over here again. Seriously, I was like, "Danny, hit it, this guy is amazing, "you could really help him to make your team a better team." Thank you very much. Unfortunately, we toured with Train over in America, and I've heard that version and Pat Monahan singing it every night, and he goes hell-for-leather on it with the emotion. I was looking for that fire in my belly, and I didn't hear it.
Hang with me, Mellish. I know you can. We have been concentrating this whole time on the men these women are dating. But what if, what if... it's one of the other women. One who's jealous. Women.
That is one lucky, squirrelly, little son of a bitch. You know, they used to call this hog-killing weather. Back before refrigeration, you could not kill a pig in the summertime. No, that meat wouldn't last you long enough to be worth your while. Yep, sweet spot is late autumn, just before the cold sets in.
Mom. Hey, Morn! Sit down. I'm gonna close the window. And she wasn't here. And then I heard a sound from my room, and I-- I came in and the window was open. And....
So when can we have the bullet? I'll take it from here, doctor. Why didn't he answer my question? He just did, but it went over your shiny little head. The heart is like any other tissue.
Who can take us seriously when we are so far from who we once were. Our strange behavior and fumbled sentences... change others perceptions of us... and our perception of ourselves. We become ridiculous... incapable... comic. But this is not who we are. This is our disease.
No questions asked. You swear to me? I swear. I'd like to present you all with this star, this... beacon... of Bethlehem. It was handcrafted for the Archdiocese of Boston.
I'm all set to emigrate. - What's put that in your head? - I want to be where the sun goes when it sets here. Do you see? When it gets dark here it gets light over there.
That's a good life lesson, yeah. Everyone's disgusting. I'll get you a towel. Such a gentleman. It's a bit damp but it's OK.
Jakes put him on a boat. He's probably on another continent by now. You're not gonna find Briggs on any map. I'm trying to find him up here. Did you know that there was another house before this?
We ligate the inferior and superior vena cava, pulmonary artery, vein, and aorta so the organ may be removed. Now, why does the heart need to be removed in the first place? Because the large cancer mass on the back wall of the left atrial chamber is inaccessible in its anatomic position. Good, and what is the hemodynamic significance of the location of this tumor? As Mary's left atrium pumps blood, the opposite wall balloons instead of contracting, impeding blood flow.
Until we're ready all of this remains confidential. No gossip. Do you understand? All right. Go on.
To Larry, Alan, and Dan. Maybe they felt like they didn't know who they were. But we know. They were our friends. The body was identified as that of local author and psychologist Dr. Konstantin Brinkerhoff.
Yes. I am. Senator Colton, what do you have to say about these allegations from your wife? I'd say I'm disappointed and heartbroken. My wife has decided to sling mud, falsely.
- We'll show ourselves out. I apologize. What? You got nothing to apologize for. That's what parents do.
♪ Everything ♪ Is crystal clear... I did it! Close that door immediately! What's up?
He's one of the best taxidermy artists on the west coast. But enough about stuffing dead animals. Sit down. I'm gonna tell you a little story about real, living things. Four girls from Shunyi, China, get told that, if they come to America illegally and work as housemaids, they will get citizenship in seven years.
I dunno what else to do, Emma. He's coming for us, you know. No, not for me. I'm not too sure about that, Ems. I can't just feed her to the fucking crocodiles.
See, I would have expected you to have an extra-special suit tailor-made just for this occasion. Oh, I did. I had my boy Timmy G make the perfect wedding suit. You ever heard of "bespoke"? This suit was be-freaking-screamed.
But couldn't make the trip. New Brunswick? That's, like, an hour away. They weren't close. Juan's death reminds us how short life is.
This must be it. - Your wife's loving it. - Only the best! I got a rush when I stole this... Hey, I found a watch over here. You got the client's address?
I should sleep in my own bed. Why? Because I bought it. Stay. But take off your socks. - It's hairless?
- Nuh-uh. - Uh-uh. Seen stranger. - Not really. - I've seen stranger. - Artie! - Yeah?
And she'd be grateful for what I did for her. But there's only so many like that. And that's why you went after Nina. If Nina's heart hadn't stopped, she would've been grateful too. Society's not ready for me.

It just about put me on the ground. So, we'll... we'll go through his mail, I just... I'm sorry. I don't understand how it's so easy for you. It-It's not that it's easy for me.

You're a whore, the baby's a bastard... but there's no word for the man who doesn't come back. One day... on your wedding day...'ll have a good man on your arm... ..and you'll say, "Polly... "thank you for common sense." This woman is in Cardiff. We'll take the train tomorrow. Go to the castle afterwards for a treat.
I know we just started dating, but the truth is, if this actually goes somewhere, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do or how this is supposed to work. Okay. Why don't you start by telling me what you'd do to a guy who stood you up? That's more like it. What are you doing?
Insulin-like growth factor 1, a hormone. It has anabolic effects in adults. Okay. Well, I failed Greek and never took "geek," so try English. Your body makes this stuff naturally.
Eventually I went out and bought a bunch of Post-its and kind of tried to figure out what it was we needed to do. My horrific task was to go through the entire movie and pull out the stills to put on the website. And at the same time I was learning who these people were that I could see their flesh being torn off their bodies. Photographs taken by US soldier The Army claimed it was engaged in "combat operations against a hostile force."
And look out for any others. The victim fell through the ceiling... and broke his ankles. His bones were smashed so he couldn't escape. -It was a trap. -Yeah. The killer then went on to inflict as much suffering and pain as possible.
The biopsy results came back positive for ductal infiltrating carcinoma, which is the most common type of male breast cancer. Lucky me. You know, ductal means that the cancer originated in the ducts of the breast. And your tumor is almost 5 centimeters, which is large. There is also a chance
I don't believe we've had the pleasure of an introduction. Legele says you're descended from our line. The legends are true. Come here. I understand that this ring was passed down through generations of our family.
Call an ambulance. You okay? I'm fine. He's not. Stopped to rest.
- show her the town? - I love to do that. But it's tricky out there. It's not like when you were... Women are scary now.
I'm so sorry. Well, what are you up to right now? Stop it. Okay. Don't beat yourself up. It's a numbers game. And you've only called, like, what, 25 girls?
It's time to own myself. Votes or no votes, if we succumb to this endless BS, we lose. And I am here to win. For every Irish woman who is sick and tired of the fish-stenched mouth of sexism. And so, our brave ladies of the night planned a subliminal campaign for the ages.
Everybody says they care about the issues, but at the end of the day, all anyone really wants is free clothing shot at them from a cannon. I've been staring at this board for days. I'm so close to putting it together. There's got to be something we missed. Let's go over this again.
I mean, this guy Solis could barely crack 20 homers a season a few years ago. And now he's banging out over 40 a year? What's that supposed to be, the wisdom of age? And you don't even have to look at what he's doing on the field to wonder if this guy is juicing. Just take a look at him.
Hey! Help! I'm here! I'm still here! All the other students were killed in the crash. I stayed by the fire as long as I could.
Could I say no? Yeah, but then we come back with a warrant and you better be lawyered up, Gregory Hines. The dancer guy? - I don't know why I said that. - I don't either.
He's gonna send agents after us. We're running out of time. I have a program that could help, but it's on my office computer. (Whirring) What exactly is this program supposed to do? - Because it's not doing it.
What if that version of Kyle changes? Well... if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Linette? You betcha. Look, your brother can't just come back here with flowers and pretty words and "I'm sorrys"
So how is this happening? You really have no idea what you are, do you? What the fuck's that supposed to mean? OK. First... experts are the people that you see on TV.
The FBI came to see me. - About what? - I don't know. They were asking me a lot of questions about why I was on the bridge. I think we should stop... just for now. No, stopping now defeats the purpose of what we've just done.
I liked Haley. But my wife liked anything but Haley. Yeah. Well, Katrina seems to be a popular name right now. You know, ah...
Not just their queen. "The" Queen. When I was collecting souls on the battlefield; knowing who served whom ... I had to memorize every crest there ever was.
Frankly, they've become uncomfortable. Look, man, I'm sorry if this is all my fault. I-I really thought having Eden move in was the right decision, but it seems like it just pissed everyone off. It'll be fine. I'll give Eden some space.
I found your old pantyhose commercial online. Hey, 54 views. Not too shabby. After a long day in the office, your legs must be tired and aching. Not at all.

Lisa's parents said that Lisa went to the library last night. So I had campus security send over security footage. She was never at the library. Well, maybe our perp abducted her before she ever got there. Actually, I think she lied about where she was going.
Yes, secretary-general to be precise. Yeah. I am going to get you a tutor while you're here. No, tutors are boring. Well...
Ела тук. Дай ми целувка. Let's piss off your forefathers. Malcolm, it's 2013. Interracial relationships are not a big deal anymore. Yeah, you tell that to the sistas.
- Calm down, Randy. - Not until you back off. Well, I don't think I can now! She blew snot on the ground, and it gave me the feelings! Then I guess this competition just got competitive.
The governor and I have organised this event but it's us women that made it happen. 'I've changed.' I've changed. I've changed. So, I want everyone to be clear about how things will run today. Liz has organised the women.
I want a new bed. We need a new bed. I want to turn our bedroom into a sanctuary. Ohh! Here we go.
We must make her feel it is her duty to save Downton. But how? What can we do? Get her to sense its value, its vital role in the area. You're her granddaughter.
But, of course, not everyone thinks like I do. Which is why you had to pay Pradeep until his demands escalated past the point that you could meet them. Then you cast about for a way to kill him. Now, you already had threatening letters from the ELM. So you built a pipe bomb, planning to blame them.
We have to get out of here while we still got the chance. I love you. Not the way that I want to be loved, not the way that you love Clarke. It's over, Finn. The dropship is still tied in to all of our major systems.
Like Tatyana's. Yes. I tell girls I meet, "if you see her, you call me," "and if you call me, I get you out of the life as well."
Sixteen women, Peter. You killed them because... - You weren't worthy of them. - You killed them. You killed them.
We're locked out of the Lock-In. Oh, you decided to stay. Why? You know when you decide you hate an item of clothing so you give it to your maid? And then you see your maid wearing it and you're like, "Why'd I ever give it away?
I would need to do a number of vocal exercises before I attempted that. I think the lyrics so much sum up the recording business. Rock 'n' roll, man. # You're gonna go far. # The record companies were... they were all-powerful, in a way.
Find another prince? You've forgotten Phillip already. Phillip is in my heart every moment of every day. If there was anything I could do to bring him back, I would. Is that so?
Yeah, hold the pickle, ha-ha! And that's how you pick the weeds! Which ones are the weeds? They all are. Why are the weeds inside?
You didn't name Sparkles "Sparkles"? No. She did. After one of her precious cats. And to top it all off, she put the cat to sleep.
We have to warn them all in person. Go get 'em, Wolfy. Bo! Hale is gone! Missing. Oh... what?
Come in and shut the door. You wanna tell me what's going on? I don't know what you mean. Well, since when does a 250-word obit turn into a 2-column expose on cold war espionage? This Mr. Diebold story, it...
Tell me. Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Where's my daughter? Four days have passed since Anna Dover and Joy Birch... were last seen by their families.
- Yeah. The first time I went golfing after Patty died, women were throwing themselves at me. It was like I was the lesbian Fonzie. Gaaaay! Women are so great.
Thanks for stopping. No one else passed by all day. 'Cause hardly no one uses this route no more. How'd you all get out here? Ah, we're businessmen.
Well, Danny would still be in jail if it wast for you. And I just heard that the Justice Department is launching an investigation into Grantham Pace as a result of what you did. Thank you. Just thought you should know that. You know, I don't always...

Amazing. That was one of the best auditions I've ever seen. Really? Oh yeah. I mean, you just went for it. Oh my God thank you guys so much.
Here, are all the flowers women like! Roses which stand for burning love. Lillies which mean a pure love. Tulips are a confession of love. These are all flowers that are related to love.
I was with him. But I thought... I assumed... That he did it to himself? When the time came, he asked for my help, and I gave it to him.
I think she wants us to have something sentimental in case it goes south. You're gonna introduce me to her one day. Thank you. For not trying to talk me out of this. So you've just received what we're calling the prototype decoy.
- It's probably gas. Calling the gas company. This is a lot of work. But it's worth it. The apartment is awesome.
Okay. There's been a water leak... Not in my apartment there hasn't. If you'll let me finish. Thank you.
But she'll always have those memories. I know I won't forget 'em, and I just heard about it. You didn't actually clip your toenails in front of her, did you? I hid nothing from that woman. Women like a little mystery.
That a technical term? It is when your organs look like this. Oh. Really? Deterioration happened recently and very fast. Tox reports came back clean, except for the presence of Paxil, a common antidepressant.
Don't you know men who come here never leave? I am here to speak with the warrior who is said to live here. I am a chief. Is that right? A chief?
- Well, I'm fine, so... - Yeah. Well, it's tough, you know. Women. They just...
Bless him. I used to make loads of horror movies with my mates. Tons of tomato sauce. Put it back! All right. What a beauty!
It's gonna be cold, though. - You should stay here. Okay, you guys, Marina totally checked out my boobs in the shower. Those girls hate me.
That's not funny. You didn't answer. Do you love him? Oh... I was at secondary school when he asked for my hand.
But what will you do? Anyone persecuting him should also consider that fact. Do you really think you can kill him? I have a proposal. What is it? The details of Eren's Titan power remain uncertain.
SKIP: You know, a lot of people think that the key to s'mores is the chocolate, but it's really the marshmallow... and the graham crackers... Why aren't we just using our own kitchen? 'Cause I'm taking you to the beating heart of the kitchen system, Bec! The microwave in there is crazy powerful.
Sit there, and I'll go and find out if I can get us in. Sit there? In full view of everybody? Of course, the police won't look for him here - you've got to hold your nerve, Sarah. Bernard, you and your friends are going to play the music for us, are you not?
The King used them to bring his companions in and out of the palace. Seems I'm not the only one who grew tired of his partnership with you. All right, Your Majesty. You're going to help me find the Knave's heart. I didn't know it was missing.
It will take one of nature's greatest feats of navigation to cross this lifeless wasteland. A wilderness that stretches not just to the horizon, but almost beyond imagination. It's an immense blank space on the map. In spite of the Sahara's reputation, less than one-fifth of it is sand. The rest is stone and wind-scoured rock.
Am I suspended, sir? You had a suspect on foot, and you fire your gun? Sir, I realize that... Do you know how this reflects on me? Not only do you abandon your post for coffee. You could've killed a bystander. That slug was found on somebody's front stoop.
- We're very well off. Well, I can do a 24-hour hold for a $200 deposit. And that's cash or check. Mom, write the check right now. Mr. Braverman, look, I got to be honest here, this puppy's not gonna last long.
and you become addicted. It's hard to get a seat. To keep the ... It is even harder. A wrong bevægelse, and you can lose everything.
Can't. I'm masturbating! Caroline, what are you doing? Are those new shoes? Uh, yes.
I looked at these stickers, the non-standard alloy wheels, and I suspect this has been slammed. It does look like it's been slammed. It's been lowered. So you add those things together, and I've deduced it was probably owned by...a parish priest? June Whitfield, probably.
No. Jack sent me down here to find out what you know about gardening. So, Lecter gave you the all-clear. Therapy might work on you after all. Therapy is an acquired taste which I have yet to acquire.
Doc... tor... Doctor... That's weird. Those ones don't usually wake up for anything. Yeah, well - special visitor.
Turn back that way again. They're both turning away from the shot. Because Donna saw the gun, so it wasn't random. All right, so she screams "gun," and they both instinctively turn away. But there was no bullet hole in the car door.
Six, except. Seven... a human body is not like a crosstie. Eight, animal magnetism. Nine, the animal magnetism of a human body... makes the stress come slanting... so a coffin is built on the bevel. Ten, if you look at an old grave site... you'll see where the earth is sucked towards the bevel.
Anything moves, I'll-- Where'd you go? Repeat, all units, robbery in progress, Gotham City Trust. You see that other car? Just went the other way.
Who is that talking? Oh, that's my friend Samantha. - Is she a girl? - Yeah. I hate women.
- I farted on her pillow. - Nice. Look, you should tell Joel what you told me. Oh, hello. Your, uh, classroom looks beautiful. Yeah. It's not normally like this.
I mean, you still have the thongs, but it's a start. Might as well be wearing a thong. Stop whining. Yes, ma'am. Early this morning, a private jet, on its way from Washington, D.C., crashed at Burbank Airport.
No. "Yet he is but a mask. "'Tis the thing behind the mask." Does the sky look lower to you? The sky?
Though Davina must realize you owe her as much as she owes you. You never could have banned the witches from using magic without her. She's not exactly besties with them. I'm protecting her. A lot of them would like to get their hands on her and kill her to finish the harvest.
The sooner the better. Sooner is not possible. The only safe time to travel out to the villages is in darkness. Which is not for several hours. Who's hungry?
His... He was told to go professional, he didn't listen. Who didn't listen? Your barber? Ha. Let's go.
Leslie, permission to leave the corner. Denied. But, look, I did not lose your speech after all. I forgot. I put it in my shoe for safekeeping.