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El hecho ocurrió en el cantón El Capulín, Chirilagua, San Miguel. Más de 15 lesionados han sido trasladados a un centro asistencial. 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Apenas três pessoas tiveram escoriações leves, e foram levados para Fortaleza e Canindé. A Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF) atendeu a ocorrência. Passageiros teriam relatado que o motorista havia afirmado que conduzia o veículo pela rota ao qual foi escalado, porém não conhecia o trecho. O ônibus seguiria a rota Fortaleza x Canindé. #ceara #acidentedetransito #onibus", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@portalsertoes/video/7126929631239884038", "lang": "pt", "searchKeyword": "acidente de viação", "enKeyword": "road accident", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7274992279314566405", "title": "", "description": "En redes sociales circula un video, donde se observa la agresión física y verbal que sufrió una mujer dentro una unidad educativa de la ciudad de Cobija, también se observa la presencia de dos menores de edad que se encuentran en llanto, y le piden al sujeto que la suelte a su mamá. #TvUNoticiasPando #noticiastiktok #TVUNoticias #violenciafamliar #violenciadomesticadenuncie #violencia", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@tvupando/video/7274992279314566405", "lang": "es", "searchKeyword": "agresión", "enKeyword": "assault", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7290006341156932869", "title": "", "description": "Por fin se reveló la agresión de Ney", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@chetano21/video/7290006341156932869", "lang": "es", "searchKeyword": "agresión", "enKeyword": "assault", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7292620862421814533", "title": "", "description": "🚔Y así se defiende un Policía de Fuerza Pública ante una agresión con arma de fuego❗#fuerzapublicacr🇨🇷 #honordeservir #policeactivitycostarica", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@policeactivitycostarica/video/7292620862421814533", "lang": "es", "searchKeyword": "agresión", "enKeyword": "assault", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7182960080353004842", "title": "", "description": "#KAYKissCountdown #arma #theDsquad #xbox #gametok @buzg20 @lightlyroastedpodcast", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@tatto_sharp/video/7182960080353004842", "lang": "pt", "searchKeyword": "arma", "enKeyword": "weapon", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7065615617113591041", "title": "", "description": "#arma3 #military #arma #gamer #streamer", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@megatonikplay/video/7065615617113591041", "lang": "pt", "searchKeyword": "arma", "enKeyword": "weapon", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7098890258128866603", "title": "", "description": "Nice 🚌 #arma4 #arma", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@liez.115/video/7098890258128866603", "lang": "pt", "searchKeyword": "arma", "enKeyword": "weapon", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7127160697967987973", "title": "", "description": "GOAT #jhope #billieeilish #michaeljackson #arson #lollapalooza #viral #fyp", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@gucci_boyv1/video/7127160697967987973", "lang": "en", "searchKeyword": "arson", "enKeyword": "arson", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7281314094865534209", "title": "", "description": "if Arson was a human i would kiss it. 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Tiada penghuni rumah berkenaan cedera. #trendingnewsmalaysia #beritaditiktok #fyp #letupan #makmandin", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@utusantvofficial/video/7288282382182944007", "lang": "ms", "searchKeyword": "letupan", "enKeyword": "explosion", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7068252709542956314", "title": "", "description": "Letupan berlaku di kilang Lotte Chemical Titan di Tanjung Langsat, Pasir Gudang pada petang ini.#fyp #tiktokmalaysia #bestfm #terbaikuntukharimu", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@bestfmmalaysia/video/7068252709542956314", "lang": "ms", "searchKeyword": "letupan", "enKeyword": "explosion", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7288956620879531266", "title": "", "description": "Kapal selam Titan meletup apabila ia melebihi kedalaman TERHAD. Ini biasanya berlaku dalam beberapa saat di bawah tekanan air yang melampau 🤯 What's up TrueGeng, Saya Dollah Vitiligo content creator anda 😺 Dan ini semua social media saya yang lain: “Youtube” Video Panjang Spacedollah: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@spacedollah Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@spacedollah Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truedollah/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/spacedollah Terima kasih sb sudi Support channel ini, Saya harap anda semua happy dan bahagia di mana jua! Untuk informasi yang lebih Lanjut: #titansubmarine #kapalselam #kapalselamtitan #letupanbawahlaut #bumi #earth #teknologi #sejarah #history #faktabumi #cikguscience #fyp #indonesia #malaysia #malaysiatrending #vitiligo #truedollah #syedabdullah #spacedollah", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@spacedollah/video/7288956620879531266", "lang": "ms", "searchKeyword": "letupan", "enKeyword": "explosion", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7289430105275862304", "title": "", "description": "\"Mi EXPERIENCIA en Kings Of Streets\" #francotenaglia #pelea #lucha #combate #mma #fight #eclecticosworldwide #viral #parati", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@eclecticosworldwide/video/7289430105275862304", "lang": "es", "searchKeyword": "lucha", "enKeyword": "fighting", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7252899953373089030", "title": "", "description": "Como cuando me cacha la cámara grabando a la Hiedra😂😂 @Lucha Libre AAA @Hiedra AAA #luchalibre #luchalibremexicana #luchalibrefemenilmexicana #luchalibrefemenil 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Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab semua kita semua untuk memastikan keselamatan kanak-kanak di negeri ini. #BangsaJohor #MajuJohor #JohorBersih #JohorSelamat #XtifJohor", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@onnhafiz/video/7267153866318171393", "lang": "ms", "searchKeyword": "penderaan", "enKeyword": "abuse", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7283143015042993440", "title": "", "description": "#persecucion #persecución #fuga #policia #policialocal #increible #peligroso #coche #infracciones #guardiacivil", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@policiaenrebeldia/video/7283143015042993440", "lang": "es", "searchKeyword": "persecución de coches", "enKeyword": "car chase", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7236851814572772613", "title": "", "description": "Una #persecución causó que una #patrulla chocada contra un vehículo de civiles y quedaron 4 policías lesionados y tres civiles, entre ellos un menor de edad con fractura. #Noticias #LuzNoticias #Loséporjosé #fyp #fypage #foryou #foryoupage #paratiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii #viral #viralvideos #persecucionpolicial #accidente #culiacán #Sinaloa", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@luznoticias/video/7236851814572772613", "lang": "es", "searchKeyword": "persecución de coches", "enKeyword": "car chase", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7080294939690552622", "title": "", "description": "#carros #carrera #NYC #ABC #policia 🚔😅#persecución #adrenalina 🚘🚗🚓", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@marycruz12_11/video/7080294939690552622", "lang": "es", "searchKeyword": "persecución de coches", "enKeyword": "car chase", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7231310009961909509", "title": "", "description": "#policia", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@edimarciomoreira/video/7231310009961909509", "lang": "pt", "searchKeyword": "perseguição de carro", "enKeyword": "car chase", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7294401925036903686", "title": "", "description": "Perseguição de carro emocionante e arriscada/#gameplay #carros #polícia #aventura #videogame", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@guru_x10/video/7294401925036903686", "lang": "pt", "searchKeyword": "perseguição de carro", "enKeyword": "car chase", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7269768300081499398", "title": "", "description": "São cada vez mais frequentes os casos de perseguição de carros por OVNIs. 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Allah Humma Sollli Allaa Saiyidina Muhammad Info Bumi Syam t.me/infobumisyam#IsraelCuak #TaufanAlAqsa #fypシ゚viral🖤tiktok #fypシ゚viral", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@mohdshahrizanmdesa/video/7288121399942630657", "lang": "ms", "searchKeyword": "rusuhan", "enKeyword": "riot", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7287901550368820498", "title": "", "description": "JENAYAH-JENAYAH YANG BAHAYA.", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@awie.mbr/video/7287901550368820498", "lang": "ms", "searchKeyword": "rusuhan", "enKeyword": "riot", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7286584417009618182", "title": "", "description": "Manjirou Sano Vs Cello😱 #tokyorevengers", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@senju_rxd20/video/7286584417009618182", "lang": "pt", "searchKeyword": "sangrento", "enKeyword": "gory", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7286196087747185926", "title": "", "description": "Bolo sangrento… comeria? #pov #terror #halloween #assustador", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@robertapupi/video/7286196087747185926", "lang": "pt", "searchKeyword": "sangrento", "enKeyword": "gory", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7288623414980431111", "title": "", "description": "Russia The Biggest Nuclear In The World😨 Jangan Sampai Russia Keluarkan Senjata Ini #fypシ゚viral #trending #russia #palestine #fypシ #viral #israel #warzone", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@mariousjeffery/video/7288623414980431111", "lang": "ms", "searchKeyword": "senjata", "enKeyword": "weapon", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7294774495120837895", "title": "", "description": "TERKINI!! PBB meluluskan draf resolusi yang dimohon Jordan iaitu Gencatan Senjata Kemanusiaan Segera di Gaza 120 buah negara bersetuju termasuk China dan Rusia , 14 menentang termasuk US dan Israel dan 45 berkecuali. Malaysia turut mengundi bersetuju dengan Resolusi ini. Tahniah Delegasi Malaysia di PBB. Sumber: Irfan_Newboys New & My Aqsa Defendeders ••••• BREAKING!! The UN has approved a draft resolution proposed by Jordan for an Immediate Humanitarian Ceasefire in Gaza. 120 countries agreed, including China and Russia, 14 opposed including the US and Israel, and 45 abstained. Malaysia also voted in favor of this resolution. Congratulations to the Malaysian Delegation at the UN. #Palestine #PrayForPalestine #MalaysiawithPalestine #PrayForGaza #TaufanAlAqsa #TaufanBangkitMenghancurkan #israelcuak", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@kakak.lilojojo/video/7294774495120837895", "lang": "ms", "searchKeyword": "senjata", "enKeyword": "weapon", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7294871818093989138", "title": "", "description": "Sidang Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) meluluskan resolusi menggesa ‘gencatan senjata kemanusiaan’ di Gaza. Resolusi yang ditentang Israel dan Amerika Syarikat kerana tidak menyebut Hamas itu menerima 120 sokongan, 14 menentang dan 45 berkecuali. Ikuti Berita AlHijrah di Facebook, Instagram, X, Tiktok dan Youtube serta layari www.alhijrahnews.com", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@alhijrahonline/video/7294871818093989138", "lang": "ms", "searchKeyword": "senjata", "enKeyword": "weapon", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7294785620151405830", "title": "", "description": "Serangan besar-besaran di jalur Gaza tadi malam , Kejadiannya sekitar jam 20:00 waktu Gaza , Indonesia sekitar jam 1 dinihari ... 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現場民眾表示有人員受困,消防人員多路進入火場,於破門時發生爆炸造成現場坍塌,火場內有人員受困,火場外有民眾受傷。 目前統計消防人員5人受傷(4重傷送高雄長庚醫院及屏東榮總、1人無生命徵象送寶建醫院)。 民眾12人受傷送醫。 火場仍有人員受困(含3名消防人員),詳細人數仍在搜救清查中。 通報:本署救災救護組、預防調查組、危險物品管理組、人事室。 消防署啟", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@userdht7k1e8vz/video/7281626273066142981", "lang": "zh-cn", "searchKeyword": "爆炸", "enKeyword": "explosion", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7198775259862928682", "title": "", "description": "每天都在发生入室盗窃,#盗窃 #防盗 #小偷", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@terry886666/video/7198775259862928682", "lang": "zh-cn", "searchKeyword": "盗窃", "enKeyword": "burglary", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7249511870044884230", "title": "", "description": "幼儿戴金手镯被小偷3秒顺走,家长竟毫无察觉。 #注意 #小偷 #偷竊", "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@1314tpo/video/7249511870044884230", "lang": "zh-cn", "searchKeyword": "盗窃", "enKeyword": "burglary", "source": "tiktok" }, { "id": "7273415064533650720", "title": "", "description": "这对夫妻所盗窃的比特币现时价值已达50亿美元以上 #比特币 #ilyalichtenstein #heathermogan #加密货币 #加密货币新闻", "url": 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