16 values
I would drive him to the hospital and use the miracle drug on someone who I love that was going to die and could not be saved otherwise.|||339546 This is one my favorite drawing/paintings that Egon Schiele ever did. Schiele was a real tortured artist and you can see it with every line- you can easily see how he sees himself, and his...|||Ignorance! If you're gonna try to debate with me on something or disagree with me on my ideas at least have facts or something to support your thoughts|||oooh yes thank you|||Yeah I'm pretty sure it's because we are 'newbies' and whatnot and we have to be here longer? dunno|||Jai you're such a butt- but thanks for getting me on here :)|||Hey guys- I'm new here (I just got an account a couple of days ago) and I guess I just wanted to introduce myself because it seems like a lot of people are doing it? My name is Quinn, I'm from...
'Romance is great. Romance isn't great when it's coming from someone I don't know very well or is always in my face. Then it becomes pressure to feel things and constantly be moved when I just don't...|||Tzara I was born for this. I've got judging in my type!|||*classmates are going home to review* *remembers everything because Pokemon was training for categorical information* *sits back and fiddles with videogames; might look again before next class...|||To be fair, making animal noises at people who are working is a lot of fun.|||Remember you guys, intuitives cannot misunderstand other intuitives or be stupid. It's a scientific fact.|||A lot of the useful things I know I picked up while just wandering the Internet I am Googlebot incarnate brrrbpppwhrrr < - - - not posting about animals|||Yes. If you join in when your friends pick on people, you contribute to an atmosphere where picking on people is okay and your own feelings will quite possibly be treated the same way. You're only...|||Go do it. Get your closure at least, instead of agonizing over the what ifs. Put your Ne to work being charming about video games or something instead.|||It was smaller than a fingernail and made almost entirely out of skinny little legs.|||It would help to know in what way, because chances are you're over-applying a stereotype. By the way... *wipes some Si on you like a booger*|||Sometimes I walk past the window in the nude after a shower, in the morning, etc, and I don't care if someone sees. It's just a body, we've all got one.|||I am really glad there was no one here to hear me coo over the tiny house centipede and call it a wittle babypede. I need a bunny or something. I thought it was about gauging social...|||Did Fe pull your pigtails as a child or something?|||Dear PerC staff, Please ban all can ISTJs smart or creative lulz threads from the forum. We'll have so much more space without our weekly quota. Thanks.|||I'd either be writing or tutoring elementary school kids in math.|||Someone is smoking pot in the vicinity of my window. Sometimes I wonder, are people careless or do they not care? Between these people and half the bus station... It's been about 15 minutes now,...|||Let me check... 9 pieces of fiction in various stages of writing, revising, and editing. Not counting my notes for what I haven't even started to work on. There's usually at least a handful, largely...|||I'm not entirely sure why we have Google Translate when half its responses to legitimate words in a common language are dicks or I don't know.|||Skyrim! SJ: What would you suggest I do? NT: Take it slowly, maybe set difficulty to Apprentice. SJ: Fuck slowly. I want to show dragons my bright red asscheeks. YEAH. YEAAAAAAAH.|||You are my German Urban Dictionary.|||RLOEI. Doesn't describe me well, though, because this test's idea of the accommodation factor is pretty much, Are you a little bitch who defines themselves by being subservient to the whims of...|||Have you ever wanted to make love to an album? Like the actual music itself. Aaaagggggh I want it all over my body|||I was initially, but I also came at the crossroads between caring and not caring about this person. A lot of it was also me working out my thoughts and hoping for something potentially not obnoxious...|||That's possible, but the end result is the same. We have talked about it... twice. I tried again just now, but we made it a whole 5 minutes before it turned into an argument and I told him to...|||Maybe. I know he does expect that from people. It's hard to be compassionate about the insecurities of someone who makes comments like that, though. I didn't mind the cynicism, but if my feelings are...|||I'm upset that he's going out of his way to tell me something everyone already knows about everyone. The difference is that, knowing the idea is painful, other people don't go out of their way to...|||I'm really tired of the sucker punches, so I decided to ask the Internet. Background: ISTJ likes INTJ who wants to be left alone by everyone and is uncertain about a relationship, but rather...|||I don't blame myself when they're not even trying themselves, but I often feel like I'm not offering the absolute best I could and that the end results will be impacted by that. Not their happiness,...|||Write flash fiction and try to publish some. You have < 1,000 (maybe < 500) words to write a story that gets a reaction.|||Probably conscientiousness. I feel terrible if I don't perform as well as expected at work because I work directly with people who are directly helped or not helped by me, When I was new I'd...|||Wordplay is a lot of fun, particularly if your partner's native tongue is not the same as yours or you're comfortable enough together that you can be raunchy about it. I was threatened with being...|||Over a dozen projects underway and trying to find time to finish them all. Short fiction is a favorite.|||Te-buddies even compose their grocery lists the same: according to the layout of the store. I adore this person. He stops talking and leaves at the same time every morning. I don't need to write...|||Are you the one who knocked over my block castle... ? I spend weeks on that! I even made little office cubicles.|||Women screaming constantly in emergency situations. I would leave anyone who screamed in the woods for the killer to find.|||Aren't most of them teenagers right about now? Has anyone posted you might just be dealing with whiny teenagers yet? These teenagers are probably less fun, is all. When I was growing up there...|||Just saying. On a broader, less personal note, most people are only going to respond with increasing hostility to something that they feel is increasingly hostile towards them - not towards...|||I don't seem to have these problems with INTJs. I like to flick inferior Ne at them like teeny, tiny little boogers of confusion. Safeword is: There is no safeword. Maybe you're being an...|||The ISTJ forum is sometimes a lot of people baffled at how to interact with ISTJs, so it's interesting to go where there's more discussion. Sometimes all there is to say is just go fucking talk to...|||When the language you're learning has more articles than you do in your closet and you insist on learning them all correctly. Even though immigrants and foreigners often use them incorrectly and are...|||I don't really know about my friends sometimes. The things they say on Skype in the middle of the night... Ne: Did [name] tell you about how we were tucking in for the night Ne: And I see my cat...|||Get out of my head so I can focus on the work I need to do.|||The only ones who think I'm boring aren't people I envy. Those who like to go out, get drunk, sleep around, gossip, and get involved in drama are more than welcome to leave my company and look for...|||You post about this a lot. Not many necessities beyond being at least somewhat giving, straightforward, and on a similar wavelength. One thing in particular is that they're not the type for a lot...|||I punched six kids and flipped a cop car to get to Wi-Fi so I could post.|||At least he's equally sexist. ISTJ (learning German): Would you be so kind as to tell me in what way a newspaper is feminine? INTJ (native German): Because it takes effort to read it just to find...|||Most of the online friends I've made say I look exactly or close to how they imagined me when we actually see each other's faces. Weird.|||We like to steal words. We're like linguistic magpies. Yeah, that's pretty much English.|||I can't do it, either, but I have a fantastic still memory for actual things so those people can suck it. Medusa Miasma Meditation has actually worked for me on the occasion that I work with my...|||It's so hot in Minnesota that the mail is hot...'
'I'm finding myself addicted to life.|||Thoughts are never really random.|||I think my boyfriend is trying to make me fat . . . >.<|||Why can't people just love each other every day? Once a year seems pretty pathetic . . .|||There is a deep craving in my soul. It calls from the depths of my being, begging to be heard, to be felt, to be appeased. It lingers in the corners of my mind and whispers to me when I am alone,...|||8/10 Looks like fun!|||INFJ . . . is what this says. *grain of salt*|||I was nine, he was twelve. He had the longest, prettiest hair of any boy I'd ever met.|||I now have an irrational fear of a ninja hiding in my home. Thank you, brain. I've always wanted to have a dream that ruined ninjas for me.|||Q1: Not usually. If it is someone attractive I tend to lose all train of thought. Q2: When in a socially awkward situation, sometimes I look at people just to make them feel uncomfortable if I'm...|||9/10 It's so cute!|||I attempted and failed. I was itchy all over, swallowed several times, and ended up having an awful dream. I am going to try until I succeed, though!|||Coffee is the nectar of the gods.|||7/10 cause I don't get it. :P|||It irritates me as well, when people say they're choosing to be 'unique', even though their 'unique' style just makes them like everyone else.|||Greetings, and welcome.|||Asdfghjkl|||Do any of my fellow INTPs have issues making eye contact when they speak? I tend to get really lost when looking at people's eyes. :/ Am I just insane?|||I'm sorry for crashing your ENTP party here . . . but I'm attempting this TONIGHT!|||I have never tried glazed carrots. It is now on my to-do list. I haven't watched the movie either . . . I shall. I shall find it and I shall. I love that quote, too . . . it's so . . . me.|||Hey, welcome!|||Surreal Snake writes poetry Like a sir But it should be published Because then people would read it And the world would be Cooler|||Don't try to talk unless you actually have something to say. Try this: Tell her something funny that happened to you recently, and then give her the opportunity to respond and tell you about...|||There are few things more depressing than a glazed-over contact.|||Anyone willing to tackle the characters from Psych? Shawn, Gus, Juliet, Lassie, Henry, McNabb . . . Yang . . . I dunno, anyone you want to try. I am awful at typing. :frustrating:|||Painting my nails multiple times is the only thing I have achieved today.|||Piano for eleven/twelve years. Bass guitar for six months for something. Fife for four years. I can marginally play the marimba and acoustic guitar.. I want really badly to learn a string instrument...|||An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike. Anyone else have this problem? Tying shoes, doing simple chores, putting pants on . . .|||I already know what's in this thread, but I keep clicking on it again and again just because it's telling me not to. It's impossible to resist. Well played.|||I don't think an INTP is likely to give up his current family for another person. We're too lazy. :/ My best advice would be to get the heck out of this situation and never look back. If you're...|||What do you do when you have fallen in love with a 14th century song in a language you can't understand?|||:O No!|||What's under the garden gnome, an M-80?|||Came out of my shell Looked around and saw people I went back inside|||There are few things better than trying in one's own botched way to teach someone something of value, and then having them exceed your expectations.|||Let's be best friends, okay?|||Deadline on my essay has been extended and I got both the hug and the trip to the bookstore. Now instead of worrying about my essay, I get to read a biography of Einstein. ^.^|||They keep us inside Crying, alone Blank pieces of paper Scattered, white We stare and blink Squirm, sob Essays|||I'm out of time and all I got is four minutes.|||Whether or not I use slang depends on the word/circumstance. I absolutely despise when people say obvsies and adorbs instead of obvious and adorable, but I'm perfectly fine with cops or other things....|||Every once in a while I try to write smoothly But I am no poet. Every time I see a mirror I try to be beautiful But I am no model. Every so often I try to paint|||It doesn't bother me so much, I realize. Whether or not he/she came up with the idea or is just repeating it, I am still receiving the same information.|||I need a hug. A really big, tight, bear hug that just says, I'm here for you. And then I need that person to look me in the eyes and say, Go write your essay, and I'll go to the bookstore with you...|||Anyone seen this yet? I'm going to see it tonight. What are all your thoughts on scary movies? :angry:|||I find that taking serious personality/function tests doesn't really help me at all, as I over think them and mess up my score really oddly. I figured out I was an INTP by simply reading type...|||Enjoy more.|||I am sixteen, going on seventeen . . .|||Doctor Who - amazing sci-fi time-traveling masterpiece of a TV show! Watch the new series (9th through 11th Doctor). Psych - incredibly funny! A little repetitive, but you hardly notice. Avatar:...|||The awkwardness of having to hang out with your boyfriend's brother . . . by yourself. :/|||But I don't want my wall clock to keep moving.'
'Also anything by Sky Tenkitsune, original or otherwise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG387ar8DKo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Hvk33iZ_9k|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q4dIGDrcrQ|||Does anyone know what genre this is and where I can find more like it? youtube.com/watch?v=GAQ2mfPcpZs|||Seriously, I have most other phrases down but this one always trips me up. How do I reply to it? I can't say 'I will', because that's like saying 'I will' when someone says 'Good luck'... But I...|||Pens. I actually have surprisingly good handwriting with a grippy ballpoint, and I hate having little to no control over the sharpness of a pencil since I break the lead whenever I try to sharpen...|||I like both songs and instrumentals, but I usually lean towards the latter because they can be so much more thought-inspiring. And here's an example: ...|||When you can relate to the Doctor more than his companions.|||Do any other INTPs experience hallucinations, even minor ones? I, for one, hear my name being called sometimes, as well as footsteps, doors opening, etc. I also experience formication (false...|||Outward behaviour? INTPs seems to tend to act in ways that could be construed as jealousy - specifically, imitation. I don't think we tend to actually feel jealous though, if anything it's the...|||As for my contribution... Yes, I am still going bowling with you all.|||Serious mode, am I the only INTP who actually enjoyed PE? Even among my own kind, I'm weird.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmwM_AKeMCk&list=PLC76BE906C9D83A3A Have fun wasting the next couple hours.|||When your room looks like a complete mess, but the moment someone else moves something is the moment that you will never see it again.|||Thanks for the advice. We did reach a compromise, and I managed to get across the reason I 'unfixed' everything and apologised. Thankfully she is understanding, even when I'm an asshole.|||Today, my mom moved my room around, even after I asked her several times not to. Apparently it took her the entire day while I was at school. When I got back, I ended up feeling so uncomfortable...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahW9q2podSA|||Jesus Christ these sensor guys have their shit together.|||I finished all my homework.* *Only applies if said statement is truthful.|||Man, School's rough these days.|||This is like asking a fish how long they could go underwater. Although I would be talkative afterwards, but only after you pried me from my room.|||Anything by OMFG. Usually I don't follow any particular artist, but damn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ih2xubMaZWI|||I don't care. Yay, free gifts that I'll never use because I don't let people know what I like... I also hate cake. Weird texture.|||I clicked the INTP Porn thread expecting something else...|||I was way off.|||I have wondered this more than once, which is why I wholeheartedly believe in Poseidon. None of the other gods, just Poseidon.|||You know that feeling when you say something and all conversation stops and you panic because you don't know if you offended people or they just have nothing to say?|||What if the entire universe is a computer simulation used by a race of higher-dimensional beings to research the creation and evolution of different lifeforms, and the more successful/desirable...|||I think she might be on a windsail... Water in the background and a sail to the right... Pleaseberightpleaseberightfuckyoudesignerspleaseberight|||My childhood was weird. I was really emotional up until a certain point, and I'd always been bothered by bullies, but then a switch flipped and I almost my entire personality took a 180. I think I...|||When your entire living space amounts to a bed, food storage, a shower/bath and technology everywhere.|||Does the Pokemon world have a franchise called Animals?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eR_OsCUBe5k|||I've always thought both Garnet and Connie are INTPs. Garnet's probably easier to pin down, so I'll start with her. She has a tendency to joke around and be surprisingly unpredictable, even to Pearl...|||And this was originally a double post. Thanks iPad.|||You know you're an INTP when... Wait. You do get pretty emotional sometimes... And you can be pretty stubborn... But at the same time you have a dark sense of humor... And now you're confused.|||Exactly what it says on the title. Post a superpower that would be useless in your medium of choice (anime, comics etc.) but useful to you. I'd have the power to change my hairstyle at will.|||When algebra is too easy for you but you need a calculator to find 7 x 8. (It's 56)|||60 hours thanks to Spelunky. My eyes still hurt.|||Nope. As much as my lifestyle is similar to this one, I would rather stay somewhat sanitary and in control of where the hell I want to go. 70 days without access to the toilet, shower, food I want...|||INTP, but with only a mild Introversion. I got 100% in Introversion and let me tell you, not fun at all. I'd want my kid to understand me, question things for themself but still be able to enjoy...|||Wizard? Now to figure out how to magic myself into all the other ones.|||Yes. I don't guilt-trip people, but I do steer them in directions that I want to go. My strategy for meeting new people is to go somewhere that interests me (eg. programming classes), make...|||In something that I read earlier, it said that INTPs like to do everything better each time they do it. I don't know about you guys, but that's definitely true for me, so post your tips for saving...|||I'm just eternally bored, but sometimes I'll suddenly snap into annoyance and have to retreat to somewhere quiet. I rarely feel more than one emotion at a time.|||When you constantly experience the Tetris effect. (Blocks, everywhere...)|||When you could write the most amazing sci fi novel... or you could sleep and do it tomorrow.|||Three words: DEATH IS CHEAP. The only character I will ever accept coming back to life is Rory Freaking Williams. He's too much of a badass for a little death to slow him down. Also, I was going...|||I'm going to say proudly that PMD is the only video game to ever make me cry. This was the music that did it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x4I_fDoLTk&list=PLF22D25327057875D&index=71|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aTOaRB_XX4&index=58&list=PLF22D25327057875D|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIQr_TrFTUk'
'Can I quote Mr. T (Stay in school fool.) Wish I would have. Got my GED now im a semi driver money is good but not the life I wanted. But it's the life I had to choose. I have dyslexia and...|||Yes it has been a while Eylrid. Been driving a semi and trying to learn how to repair patterns and build boxes for them for a foundry. Don't have much time for anything anymore working 12 hours a day...|||WOW... Like the Quote, statement or fact. I would thank you but thats like a hug to me. Guess a Like will have to suffice. ;) Got to like those ENFP's.|||You know you are an INTJ. When you devise many plans on how to motivate your INTP Boss into making his mind up and fail. The P in INTP should be Procrastinator instead of Perceiving. For the...|||You know you are an INTJ or Sociopath. When your new boss comes up to you and Say's that you seem to be a good people person and you chuckle and say No ! Trust me I'm an introvert . I just know how...|||I'm fond of this one. I'm a semi driver. http://damnyouautocorrect.com/images/jackknife.jpg|||You know you an INTJ when you type up a paragraph explaining to other about your bad habits on typing and meant it to be as pure sarcasm and failed at it being sarcastic.|||Oh if I hadn't edited the post instead of one person saying something I would of had the whole forum in an uproar. I know how some people are and it don't bother me any . And I know my flaws. But...|||Too funny!|||opps ! never claimed to be a great speller :) thanks thats what happens when your dyslexic . I try, thank goodness there is an edit button. i avg. about 3 or more edits per post. pobody nerfic|||You know your an INTJ when you sit there and rant and rave on how stupid some people are and shouldn't breed and your 17 year old stepdaughter which is an ESFP raises her hand to ask you a question....|||Thanks Monkey, I just took the test from here and I gave it a lot time and thought and really looked back . Looking at the score you can see how it can flip flop in those 2 area's I was talking...|||I agree. And I try to take them as how I am all the time and look at the past,which I really try not too. I have looked at the the preference of the N-S and its about 50-50 . I have read that there...|||I got a question for all of you . I have taken a lot of tests on personality types. 95% of the time I will test as an INTJ, But I will get an odd ball in there. Sometimes I will test as an INTP or an...|||Communicate is the key. I understand her 99% of the time, But have a hard time translating my logic to her feeling thinking. In the beginning. It's all a growing process.|||I agree , thanks.|||Jerdol: 1) If you are INTJ or not I finally put doubt in your head maybe you should run with it or not .One of my many flaws is to try changing peoples minds about something, and I see it in you...|||LOL . So true. But I'm bored with it. So I wont. You know your and INTJ when.. You realize that you wont give up a fight until you realize its a waste of time an energy.|||meant to say psychiatrist. That was spell check's fault and my own. And farther more if you read the classic traits you will see that 90% of my posts are to the fact of the classic behaviors of an...|||Jerdol, I have been tested by professional psychiatrist I feel no need to prove anything to you or anyone else or myself. And your point was? And farther more your actions speak of an unhealthy INTJ...|||antiant: I mean you take one sentence, such as, I don't agree with what you said and I think your opinions need more proof. Out of fucking nowhere, the person responds with, What do you mean?...|||When you sit here and use your mind to figure out different reasons why some people have to belittle others to make them feel smart. Conclusion: Deep seeded self hatred. Action: Ignore. Problem...|||This is true She hates it when I tell her that her actions today will affect her tomorrow and that's mainly her spending habits. And then she realizes that, and on the other hand appreciates it ....|||Another thing I do is . When I use to drive a semi over the road. When I plan my route I look at the map choose my route from point A to point B and then reverse to point B back to point A. I only...|||You might be an INTJ when ... When you wife calls you for supper 3 times while you are on the computer. And on the 4th. time she comes downstairs and tells you to come back to earth and be with...|||Vel, My wife gets my sense of humor too and thats one of the things about me she likes. She says that I'm so brutally honest that its funny and the morbid sense of humor too . Al tho I tend to give...|||I can only give an example. Right before I asked my wife to marry me . I devised a long term plan with many parts, Coarse buy a house before marriage, thats plan A . Sub A Put house in only in my...|||True it can be rocky at times. It's more of a quest to see what other's see and to better understand the motives of an ESFP and the emotions of them. What drives them and motivates them . You can...|||I married an ESFP. I would like your take on the experience of dealing with the emotions and antics and the great joy they can bring into your life . Good or bad . Vise versa an ESFP that married an...|||Sometimes I can read people, but most of the time people misread me. My father is an ENTJ and is very hard to read at times.When he is in his work mode.|||What I truly think it is , It's kill the weak in the animal kingdom therory but thanks for the advice :happy: Oh yes I understand quite well about what you are saying about the grammer and spelling...|||When people point out your flaws and when you cant help them sometimes. We as intj's know how hard we can be on our self to be better and how we can beat up our self. I dont need a reminder that i...|||You might be an intj when. You say screw your rule's and screw your respect.|||I agree, But there is no reason to nitpick. I at least I know im not perfect and some times i cant help the spelling or grammer. Maybe you all need to some reading on how to be a better person....|||One more thing i came here to meet fellow intj's and to read comment's by my fellow peer's and maybe have well rounded consevations . And all i find is self lothing nitpickers and i can be that...|||Sanskirt, Being an Intj does'nt mean you have to be over smart or put someone down . Sound's like you have some deep issues man . I maybe a noob on here but i havent put no one down and shall i will...|||Hmm thought I would do better? LOL Well that's An INTJ for ya. We don't Do Emotion's that well . Or im just messed up ? Self-report Component Subscale IQ score = 82 Subscale percentile = 13|||Ditto on the yapping dog. I have thought of taking a dry sponge and putting bacon grease on it, But I would never hurt an animal they dont know any better. Hmm maybe I should feed it to the neighbor...|||When someone comes up too you for advice and you give it and the cause and effect and they look at you like the monkey who stuck his finger up his butt and sniffs it and still does it anyway and...|||I guess I got lucky growing up. My mother is an INTP and my father is an ENTJ. You could cut the hug's and love with a knife at my house when I was growing up it was so thick. LOL Midnight I...|||When you love brain teasers codes. This one is easy! india foxtrot yankee oscar uniform charlie alpha november uniform november delta echo romeo sierra tango alpha november delta tango hotel india...|||Stress and mood can have an influx on the test too. I have taken a few tests while I was stressed out and come up with ISTJ one time and an INTP the next. Done this a few time to test it out. Best...|||Here are a few site's that might help. Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology Welcome to Personality Type! Personality Test - 41 Questions. 1 Personality. 100% Free. Myers...|||Can't help myself when I see a test to take .:crazy: Extroversion |||| 12% Orderliness |||||||||||||||| 68% Emotional Stability |||||||||||| 46% Accommodation |||||| 30% ...|||yes, so sad but true. LOL|||when you get pissed off by others nitpicking your grammer and spelling when u have dyslexia. When i do want be formal i can have good grammer and spelling, but to me its a waste of time. If you can...|||when you get pissed off by others nitpicking your grammer and spelling when u have dyslexia. When i do want be formal i can have good grammer and spelling, but to me its a waste of time. If you can...|||When my ENTJ father keep's bring over project's like fixing up a junk boat. He think 's im lazy because I work and mess with the computer so much and never leave the house. I don't have the same...|||It is hard to explain. Here we go. It's like when I cook, im able to take a como of spice's and taste them 1 at a time and use the taste of each to combine them in my mind to come up with a new rub...|||Feed your mind research something. It helps me to relax and clear my mind.'
I always find those instances of 'reverse discrimination' very interesting - I understand where they come from and how they perhaps seemed like progress at the time, but I'm not so sure they should...|||I think it's also true for men though. Admittedly my experience with this is very limited, but I do have one male friend who quit fashion-designing because he found the general assumption that 'if he...|||Haha! Yeah. When I was teaching maths there were only 2 girls in my class (of over 20 people), I'm not exaggerating. Hopefully as discrimination diminishes, science will become a more attractive path...|||Sadly, this is often the case. Women are chauvinistic too, it's not a 'male trait'. In fact, because women are (most often) socialised by/around other women, I'd argue the main chauvinistic presence...|||I find your list very comprehensive! I'd just like to add they also have to face a lot of discrimination in certain areas, such as science, because there's still the generalised notion that 'women...|||They're a small group within the 'radfem' community that didn't quite read the whole memo and are instead defending something else. They're not even that numerous, and it's not like I have any right...|||Whenever I get dreams like that, they're nightmares. I usually don't try to go back to sleep after that happens; they seem so real that I wake up very agitated - besides I once went back to sleep and...|||This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTuTc_liKS4 And I think it's hysterical :||||I don't watch a lot of TV and I hadn't noticed that, but if that's the case, then I have to agree with you. It seems about as unequal a way to portray gender roles as 50s television. The idealist...|||I've read a lot about 'aggressive feminism', and the more I read, the more convinced I become they're doing feminism a disservice, choosing to fight a situation of inequality by proposing a new...|||That's all very well, but what happens when all the kids are gone? Does that continue? Are they able to reconnect with each other, once the distractions they were focusing on to avoid dealing with...|||Human beings seem perfectly able to overcome a number of biological urges - by refusing to procreate, committing suicide, planning a genocide - so I'm not convinced these urges have any real...|||A book on the free market, European law, and the institutions of the EU. It's actually a very interesting topic, but the book itself is written in a way I could never call enjoyable. The list of...|||They were fun. So versatile! It was like suddenly having a million more options, unfortunately also a million more buttons on your skillbar :'D I then regretted how long it took me to convince myself...|||You're right, I did not take the part about winking orgasms into account because I realised that was a joke - yes, I did read it, I even thought it was funny - but I don't know what that has to do...|||I think it just goes with being open to new theories. One can't do that unless they leave room for doubt.|||RCUAI. I've always looked forward to becoming a screenwriter microbiologist. I'll write the funniest bacteriocomedy, and once I've perfected the time-machine, probably The Last of Us...|||This might come as a surprise to you, but I don't live inside your head, and you don't exactly have a voice over the internet so I can pick up on the tone. I'm sorry if my answer bothered you. At the...|||I'm too eclectic to have a few favourites. Fallout (any, though especially New Vegas.) Half-Life Portal Baldur's Gate and similar games The 2013 Tomb Raider (I couldn't stand the previous...|||Well. I guess so. Not always, though :| Sometimes I just think 'this person is flawed in ways that aren't worth my effort, next' after a year or two, or simply 'boring, next', and that's the last...|||I used to do this when I was a child. Then I realised they can tell you're looking.|||Oh, I am closer to static, actually - people fitting the dynamic description would probably drive me insane - I was just being nitpicky because that's what I do! :)|||Technically, asexuals do not experience sexual attraction, but may experience 'romantic love'. I personally cannot offer any more insight into this, but I hope it answers your question. That wasn't...|||It's not. Happy researching. Besides, your statement also seems to imply ethnic minorities are an impossibility so... please be careful where you say that?|||This seems to apply only to romantic relationships and not any kind of relationship - friendships, family membership, etc. I'm not sure to what extent the individual is able to channel different...|||My parents and my cat. I seriously think everyone else I could easily do without. I only become friends with people I think are replaceable. I become very paranoid if I think I'm being 'needy'. ...|||I see no reason for them not to exist.|||Check the time. Is it time for the postman to be here? If answer = yes: Answer door. Else: Check date. Am I expecting any visitors/construction workers/etc. today? If answer = yes: Answer door....|||I see. I actually find those funny. Not the jokes per se, but rather... in a 'laughing at myself' kind of way, if that makes sense? Then again, I find most things in life hilarious. So maybe I'm just...|||And then turned into a thread about a game from the 90s. I'm sorry :| I try to stay on topic, I'm just pants at it.|||I can't wait! The enhanced edition also came out earlier this year, which was sweet, but well, in the end it was just an enhanced edition. I love D&D games, especially in the style of BG, I keep...|||I honestly have no idea. I'm such a hoarder I tend to forget where things came from, or even why I wanted them. Perhaps Google can help? I find it easy to believe they mostly play RPGs. I've seen...|||That's unfortunate. I thought you said you'd played WoW? I saw - well... heard, I guess - lots of girls in WoW. Not sure how friendly they were, but they existed. Seemed to have a preference for...|||Are you serious. I've played that game so many times I'm not even going to bother with a question mark.|||76458 Have you considered replaying - I'm going to assume you've played them once because I can't picture a childhood without these - Baldur's Gate and/or Monkey Island? Most likely to be played...|||I'm glad this is a thing now, I can stop being unrelated elsewhere :) 1) I rarely seek out friendships, most often I wait for people to talk to me and then decide whether I want to give them a...|||I'm not confident I'm an INTP. It's a privileged possibility, but there are others, even if at the moment they seem less likely.|||Oh, I don't know. It seems very statistically unlikely that all my friends are part of the same demographical minority. And so firmly closeted, too.|||They do. And since most of the time they do nothing that contradicts their answer, I see no reason to doubt their sincerity :| In any case I think I'm derailing the discussion here, this is no longer...|||According to this blog, milk :) No idea how reliable a source it is.|||To be honest, I think culture and society are a large part of this. This is an argument I've only ever had with Americans and Russians. Most guys bellow 50 in my country (particularly in my social...|||Not really. I rarely do anything 'crazy' or 'dangerous', I might have crazy thoughts, but I'm not too keen on implementing them. I'm conservative in my choices. Very focused on self-preservation.|||76431|||Ignorance. A while ago a French girl asked me if France had taken part in WW2, and to be honest I wanted to hurt her. I can't understand how one can be unaware of that, particularly when it's their...|||Oh! I thought I was the only one who did this. That's how the working titles for my illustrations are usually picked. I've had 'bedside table', 'potted plant', 'aluminium', 'kitten butt'... :| ...|||I used to call all my characters Nifi(+something the character did), because Nifi was my real life nickname and I was just terribly original like that. I later began to call everything...|||That used to make me rage, but lately I just think if they're not willing to make an effort to be understood, then I sure as hell am not going to make an effort to understand them, and move on. I...|||I kind of crack myself up all the time, but no one else seems to ever find me funny so... I don't actually know how to answer this :D|||I've always been agnostic. I can't justify to myself being any other way... I really don't know how to logically prove to myself the existence (or not) of a god, not in any way I wouldn't be able to...|||I try to be, but I'm often told I'm not. I never set out to intentionally harm anyone, in fact I spend lots of time trying to come up with the most efficient way to do things, the one that will make...
'Very interesting point, and one that I've considered before. I agree that just because you can't express your idea well, doesn't make you wrong by necessity. But you also must consider that if you...|||That's like asking, Do normal people experience universe? Try, Do INTPs experience a paracosm? or live in a paracosm? Sorry for being pedantic. I'm leaving..|||Do you think some people have teeth? Yes, but what's your point? Do you think some ENTPs are assholes? Some of any group of people are going to be assholes.|||Nope, you didn't read my post.|||That's where I fit into more of a J mentality, though I am a good listener and desire to have someone challenge me to the point that they change my mind. But I do have an agenda and a strategy and am...|||My scores are very mixed up. I'm talking about any kind of conversational conflict. I tend not to talk about anything inconsequential with people and stick to talking about religion, scientific...|||I like the sound of your type 8 theory. I'll look into those again and report my findings.|||I'm an INTP, or at least I've thought I was for a while. I've been doing some reading into ENTJs and, though I feel very introverted generally, I am very stimulated by verbal conversation -- really,...|||Right, so that's the end of our conversation.|||Well aside from the Ad Hominem logical fallacy derivation poisoning the well you're using with the avatar comment, this post still just seems to be lashing out at me for not agreeing with you. I...|||The theory that the Earth was flat was never a fact, though people incorrectly thought it so. But we were talking about words which have meaning that we gave them, so there's nothing to dispute. But...|||And I think I've made a fairly good case that metaphors necessitate interpretation and thus cannot be objective.|||I agree with this, but I would point out that I have a great intuitive sense, but I never use it even a little bit on definitive matters of thought. We must strive to be exact when charting undefined...|||You making this about my Ti use or your ENFPness doesn't excuse your imprecise language. It is not only language because that's the only way you can convey your ideas. If you know what you mean you...|||Obviously, literally, necessarily some things must be left undone. Through non-action, certainly nothing is physically done by the non-doer and anything that is done around him/her cannot be credited...|||My introduction is far from clutter. The language is dense to fit as much meaning as possible into as small a space as possible. If you dispute that, quote the parts of my intro you disagree with or...|||I'm not sure how this could be the interpretation. I have written out my thoughts for anyone to dissect, ridicule or discuss; if people disagree with me and I counter-reason, that is the nature of...|||You are welcome to stop posting, but I reason in a very firm way and it may seem obstinate, but I don't yield simply because someone tries hard to change my mind or tries to find a middle ground....|||Excuse me, but the mere fact that I disagree with you and require an actual answer to a problem, even if the answer is that it is unknowable, doesn't give you the right to use ad hominem attacks to...|||I enjoy and respect Sam Harris, but his take on objective morality was fallacious sadly. He (and you) posed an objective moral and practical scale on a subjective goal or ethical eventuality. I think...|||You are correct, but missing the point. Time is finite in either direction.|||Right, which leaves us with a problem of proof. Recognizing this, for the person wanting to prove objective morality, puts all of their work ahead of them.|||I do this all the time, only out loud (to the chagrin of my girlfriend).|||But not of objectivity. But in fact it was also revolving around a subjective truth.|||This is the sort of thing that sounds very deep, but must imply individual subjective interpretation. Do nothing, accomplish everything. Obviously that isn't literal, so, if you would, flesh out this...|||It gave me ISTP. I'm really not an ISTP.|||It does look to be a groovy set of texts even though it teaches divination (which is a mystic practice of super-naturalistic quality) which hardly gives me more confidence in its wisdom. Apart from...|||I actually assert that there can't be objective morality and that we need a better word to describe our desire for it. Even with god, the morality he gives us is subjective as he is the subject.|||This is the very essence of subjective morality. You, the subject, have come up with your criteria for a morality.|||Well the religious use both objective morality as the reason for god and god as the reason for objective morality. It's circular and thoughtless.|||In fact my point is that whether or not you believe in a god, the existence of moral relativism isn't an argument in your favor. It doesn't prove anything.|||Ok, now I'm respecting you a little less because you're just saying words now. This is completely contrary to reality. Neuroscientists champion the concept of determinism which moves seamlessly...|||You are very right, and thank you for posting against the majority; respectable. Morality must exist? Why must it? Well what is right differs from culture to culture and century to...|||Oh, I do not imagine nor claim that the average IQ is declining, but the social script, at least in America, dictates that you have an opinion that no one can question, and if their beliefs are...|||The more international debaters I watch the more I think I could agree, but I do see a disparateness of social convention in Americans as a doggedness in holding beliefs. But, I am from America and I...|||I agree, but you must also be open to entirely changing your position. Going into a debate knowing that you're right is entirely fatuous. You may be very confident, but should never, in any...|||What do you DECIDE to NATURALLY do? Conflict with yourself semantically? Yes.|||The point of a discussion is to argue for what you've reasoned and learned from books. What you just posted was intellectual laziness and authoritativeness in the same place.|||Seen it twice. Sam Harris is wonderful, as are Dawkins, Hitchens and Dennett. These public and formal debates often lead to the opponents speaking past each other and I would much rather a repartee...|||The state of American debate form has devolved and been watered down to stating a point and changing it every time it's attacked until the end where you just restate yourself after having ignored...|||I do no propose to be able nor will anyone truly be able to disprove the existence of any supernatural being or concept, in no small part due to the flexible and subjective nature to which these...|||TNIP for me. I'm a Global Paradox apparently. I can boil anything down into a single insult.|||my reference was fine, my spelling was off.|||She is an INFJ|||I've got more! Eddie Izzard Tyler, the Creator|||You know, I could see this whole thing in the voice of George Castanza|||I go by different things based on the mood of the site i'm on. Gamer tags / gamer sites, I'm SlashRaid. <- came up with it so I could know that no one else would have it and it wouldn't need...|||How do you get a pic to display here?|||Filling in blanks in your mind like that; Freud would have a field day with you.|||http://www.flickr.com/photos/79085275@N06/7077906799/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/79085275@N06/7077906799/ I can't see the picture, so I linked it above. I had a very GeekTool'd up version,...'
http://i456.photobucket.com/albums/qq281/k13bdha/3BE61EAF-15DD-4C16-AE73-580122F8B7EB_zps5eizjnke.jpg...|||X2|||Vangelis|||Probably Jung|||Just take my shirt off ;)|||I would make it so I could instill humbleness and wisdom in others. That way I could continueisly gain insight and relate on a much deeper level.|||Strong wind.. Come to think of it heck ya! I really like thunder storms. They make me feel absolutely electrified.|||Nature, music.. Come to think of it making love on a beach listening to some good music would work.|||Ya you can really tell that she's a great girl. She's such a fun person to talk to because she wears her heart on her sleeve. Gotta like her for being who she is which is a down to earth, real type...|||I didn't say all FE users are attention seeking whores. What I said is they seek validation through meeting other people's needs. They love to be seen as the hero and I think they're are amongst some...|||Great post.. No shit tho|||Your post has quite a bit of content so it's hard for me to get a general sense of what it is excatly your trying to convey. However, I do understand the role of TE and in my collective experience...|||Yup totally true. I would agree with this statement.|||I dedicate to you mazy star 'fade into you' ;)|||Man I love Southern Cali|||Oh shoot man dive right in. A guy with your taste Is ready for the vinal experience.|||Ya for sure man. I hope I get to that point where I can say you know what 'no regrets'. I'm going to ponder this for abit because I think you almost need to get to that point in order to move...|||Ya I can really relate to this. These are the insidious effects of loneliness. As intraverted and idealistic as we are it's so important to remember that it is proven the human beings are intrinsicly...|||Well it seems like you have really good insight which I personaly feel is the key to growth. I can really relate to what your saying, especially about how things are so trivial in the end. Damn it's...|||Thanks for your words of incourgment man. Hindsight has definitely redifined the person I am today.|||Hey thanks for your response bro. I don't mean to sound like a downer it's just that I'm at a reflective age I guess you could say and I look back on some of the opertunities I passed up and I'm...|||You know what, I may not know what your going through but I'm listening and I just wanted to say that I hope that you meet some people as awesome as yourself. This life.. This world is so backwords...|||You guys are not that differnt socially in a lot of ways. IMHO, INTPs and INFPs look quite simular when it comes to social interaction. We both like to speak our minds but we wonder if thw words we...|||Sometimes I wish that I would've been a better guy to some of the girls I've met in my life. I don't know about you guys but this being lonely shit sucks. I mean it's nice to have alone time but I'm...|||I think if you were to ask any girl that I've dated they would probably confirm this. I like to be playful and laugh together over really silly things. Without romance a relationship would be prety...|||Thank you, it takes a ton of hard work. Some days it's hard and I really have to push myself. If your looking to gain some size I would suggest finding out what your maintenance calories are and bump...|||Haha thanks|||Training http://i456.photobucket.com/albums/qq281/k13bdha/54495F3B-908A-4DEF-BDC8-B8D977C77533_zpsknlgkhz4.jpg|||I'm an INFP and I'm starting to get the feeling most ENFPs are into music more. Although this isn't the case for me as I'm am absolute music fanatic.. I do notice a lot of other INFPs arnt as...|||Because ENFPs think on a much higher level. ENFPs think with imagry and can see things that are so complex that it's almost impossible to remember it all to explain.|||I'm giving everyone here a big hug. ENFPs make the world a better place and I wish I had more of them in my life.|||This can be a tough question to answer because I personaly tend to be really standoffish until I get to know the girl. Sometimes the best solution is just to pop the question.|||Wow valantines day is coming up and this going to be my second consecutive year without a girl on my arm :( I would love to have a girlfriend right now.|||Mmmm cookies|||Lonesome, lonely and loneliness. See that guy in my picture that's me right now.|||Nice|||Here's a few pictures of the L50s that I own. I have to say that I've heard a ton of reference monitors as I took audio engineering in collage and these speakers have some of the cleanest, most well...|||Nice brother, I'm also a huge Floyd fan. The wall is actually my favourite album of all time but dark is so awesome as well.|||Nice you sound like you have some good gear as well. I like the sound of titanium tweeters and I know the 2800 have them. A decent little set up for sure :)|||Very nice gear yippy. I really like the reciever. That thing probably has some real nice internals. Thanks for uploading those awesome pictures!|||Yes yes.. Bring it on guys. I think I just found my new best friend on this forum. What kind of reciever and monitors do you own?|||Definiltly have their own sound.|||I'm posting this thread because I was thinking about what I do with my free time. I was just thinking about how much time I spend listening to music. I'm such a music fanatic. I just bought my very...|||Really because by your picture you quite pensive. Hahaha.. Ya I know I kill myself too.|||Fear and loathing in Las Vegas.. Surely is an amazing film|||Double post deleted.|||HAhaha your awesome!|||Ya hell ya.. sometimes i really do lol haha this is a great thread. Thats just you my lady having a unique moment. I get such strong visuals sometimes that is literally blows my mind. I cherish...|||First off I just have to say that I'm really feeling your response. I always wonder if people really secretly find me annoying. I think thete would be a common consensus amoung FI/TI doms about this...|||Not excatly.. This world is chalk full of judgment.
'Thanks for the responses. I like your idea Belle, and you did call me out a bit, which I appreciate;-). You are correct in that running around saying I hate my job certainly does not help the...|||So here it is, I am 44 years old and I still don't know what the heck I want to do with my life, or the rest of it at this point;-) So I will just put it out there - have any of you found ways of...|||Well obviously we can be friends with anyone, as one poster said, and many intimate relationships start out as friendships. But, to the question, yes you can be friends with a a member of the...|||This has always been an issue for me, I am 44, so I think it is probably pretty common. Obviously everyone is different but procrastination I believe is mostly about fear of not doing something...|||Depends on what you are looking for but I like most things written by Larry McMurtry, my all time favorite book is Lonesome Dove. If you like horror, The Stand, by Stephen King, is excellent.|||Lots of Queens of the Stone Age. I discovered them about a year ago after I started taking guitar lessons...|||Well the kind of conflict I try to avoid, and hate, is conflict in intimate relationships whether that be with a friend or a partner. I have no problem with conflict when it comes to non-personal...|||Honestly, I don't really agree with the blanket statement that INFPs should not go to college. First, let's just keep it real, while there are certain professions that don't require a college degree...|||I am now married, and I have been in many relationships over the years and it seems that no matter how right a relationship may have seem that I was always kind of looking. I don't know if this was...|||Sarcasm seems to be a thing with us INFPs. I have done it for so long and I forget that I have to be careful around people who don't know me very well because they will think I am being serious.|||I have one really good friend with whom I can literally go back and forth having a conversation about the most inappropriate thing in a completely dead pan serious way. We have freaked people out so...|||Just like you. What I find strange is how my extroverted friends seem to find me so amusing. Sometimes I just get on a roll....|||I think it's awesome you get into characters at work. I am in sales and I literally have to act my way through my job every day just to survive. I actually don't have much stage fright, I do...|||I have always had a dry sense of humor, actually very sarcastic, and surprisingly, people often consider me pretty funny. I have been told by a couple of people that I should do stand-up but I think...|||Well I don't really get the winter blues anymore because I live in Southern California, which is actually sunny most of the time. And when I was growing up in the Midwest I did not really get...|||I have heard this my whole life and one of the things my friends value about me is that I listen. What I have always found, however, is that until people take the time to get to know they...|||For me, I always did poor at math in high school, and most of college, partly becuase I just found it boring and really did not feel it was necessary for what I was trying to do at the time. I think...|||Interesting question and I am not sure I can put myself in a bubble. In general I have always been more of an urban person, I wanted to live in NYC years ago but ended up living in LA. I tend to...|||Well I think any type can work for a relationship, my wife is an INFJ, but if I were single again I would probably be looking for an ENFJ woman. I have never had a romantic relationship with an...|||I agree 100% with sammyboy265 and I truly laughed out loud because this, in my opinion is the biggest issues that most INFPs face. The reality is that there all types of areas we excel in but...|||I am not sure about all of the specifics about personality type but I do know I did not discover I was an INFP until reading Do What You Are, like you, when I was in my late twenties many years ago....|||You know, at first I really liked Skype and Facetime, but now I try to avoid using them not because I have some aversion to seeing people but because they just seem to take a lot of work and there...|||I was raised in a non-religious household although my mom was brought up Methodist and my dad was a Southern Baptist. When I was about 12, because I had been convinced by some kid at camp that...|||I would agree with this and I would say that every job, no matter how much you love it, is going to have a painful tedious part. I like to act but I spent two twelve hour days recently on the set of...|||Hey Usherer. Studying law was a decision I made right out of college when I had no idea I was an INFP and I had some vague goal of being a crusader for justice:happy:. I did okay in law school but...|||I am sure I am an INFP. I have tested ENFP a couple of times but for the most part INFP seems to have been consistent. Occassionally I can be extremely extroverted and many people consider me...|||Theatre psychotherapy sounds interesting usherer and your goals sound really admirable. I think that as INFPs we really excel at jobs involving counseling and helping people to become their best. I...|||Well, I completely understand where you are coming from and I will give my two cents, which you can take with a grain of salt. I have spent years working in Corporate America and in sales, which I...|||I have kept a journal off and on since was around 12 years old, I am 42 now. I used to just journal on more of a random basis until about ten years ago when I read this book called The Artist Way,...|||For me, as an INFP, I find ENJs most attractive, which is evidently the ideal partner type for an INFP. ENFJ woman just bring me to my knees;-)|||Lately I have been listening to this great jazz musician Robert Glasper and, strangely enough, Queen. When I was kid my mom bought me the Queen album with Another One Bites the Dust but I was...|||I am going to leave this alone because I think everything is probably cool and I guess it really does not matter. One of the things I tend to forget, as the first poster mentioned, is that Facebook...|||Yeah, I probably should just let it go and not bring it up. She never really struck me as a big FB person and I know she has kind of an interesting past. Perhaps she needed to get off for other...|||Okay, here is my random situation/question. I recently friended someone I am in a creative writing class with because we are working on a project together and I think she is pretty cool. After she...|||Thanks for thought and I would like to quit but it is a tough situation. One of the factors I did not mention is that I relocated my family for the job and although we like where would live, and...|||About three years ago I returned to a company I had previously worked for for over ten years but I came back in a sales role, after having spent years doing Account Management. I have always known...|||I just came up with a 9 when I did the test, it looks like 4 is the most common. I think I may take the test again because I wonder if my answers may be related more to my current state of mind and...|||Interesting responses....Thanks! Maybe I am not 100% INFP or I am more idealistic than most:happy:|||Okay, so every four years, when the big election comes around, I start hearing the ghost of my youth, and my conscience, telling me that I should do something and get involved. Now although I...|||Well, when I was a teenager, way back in the '80s, I had no idea what my personality type was so clearly you are ahead of the game;-) With that said, however, I have to say that my teenage years...|||I am 41 and this is my perspective. I am still going through the feelings you mention and I am about to be in a career head on crash, as DWK, mentioned in his post. I think my problem as an...|||First let me just say that this is a great post! I wouldn't say that we aren't built for work I just think that we have a hard time tolerating any job that we don't feel serves a purpose and...|||Thank you for this awesome reply. I work in direct sales, which I hate, but the one thing I can honestly say is that to be successful long term you do need to provide value to customers. The...|||Outside of winning the lottery, being born into wealth, or having a rich relative die, I am wondering if an INFP can ever become financially well off by their own hand. It just seems to me that...|||All these replies have been extremely helpful and give me some things to think about. I will share a couple of things about myself. First, I currently work in the completely anti-INFP world of...|||Thanks for the response and it sounds like many of the aspects you find rewarding are what would appeal to me as well. I never thought about being an ESL teacher but that sounds like another avenue I...|||Okay, well my quest to find a career that truly fit's me continues. It occurred to me lately , after being told by my mother for the past fifteen years that I should be a teacher, that she might...|||I live in a beach community about an hour north of LA and I like the following things: 1. The weather is awesome, it's always in the 60s and 70s. 2. It's easy to get everywhere. 3. Cost of...|||I have to agree with others that believe being an INFP is a great thing. The issues I have had have come more from me fighting my type and pursuing careers, and relationships, which are just...|||Thanks for posting this link! I think since we generally only hear about people after they are successful we forget how many times they have failed and how much failure it takes to achieve success.'
'That happens to me all the time, most annoying thing in the world. Tony Stark said it best, Contrary to popular belief, I know exactly what I'm doing. When your INTP friend says, You should...|||I wanted to be an inventor. Still kinda do, lol. I mean, everything seems so inefficient, why not try to make it better by making awesome multi-purpose inventions?|||Usually I tend to have a better understanding of people's motives, lol. It's more realistic, anyways. Maybe from Ti being rational?:D|||Haha, kinda like, ask a stupid question... When you follow that same policy yourself, and also get angry when people aren't honest/don't give a straight answer. When you hate, hate, hate...|||When while debating in a class, you have to write down your responses before you forget them because you'll get distracted by the thing the person says next. When you do this ^, and win the debate...|||Back in 5th grade, I had the genius idea of testing how far I could throw an eraser lol. My thought was that hey! it'll float like a piece of paper, right? Haha, wrong. It landed on my teacher's...|||Awright, another video. When this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrLSOvThcPo&feature=related|||When this. Just for the heck of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TC6JhvM0jWM Edit: when you laugh really hard at this and your INFP mom goes, that's just weird..|||Haha I know that feel, man. It takes an insane amount of discipline to control this Ne beast lol. Happens all the time with english essays (it's not fluff! it's a joke!) When the INFP at your...|||I actually walked up to a physics teacher at my school and asked him about quantum physics. That's like ten billion times more interesting than normal physics. We could be learning how to teleport in...|||That was a sweet victory, dude. :D When you can make puns throughout an entire road trip and laugh at every single one. (and the way you say them makes them even funnier.) Also, Brony 2012!|||When my mom tells me to clean my room. It'd be cool if it were once or twice a week, but it's every. fricking. day. And it's usually what I have to do to get other stuff (be able to go somewhere, do...|||I was going to ask for Technik, but that's taken. Can I have Techtronik, then?|||Haha, sorry just checked my notifications :D you, know, I hadn't thought about it but yeah lol, I did. Debating is my energy drink :D anyways, threadly-> When you initially hate something, but then...|||Hey dude, there's a syntax in your error :D loliclickedtoo|||Not really lol. Usually it's me unknowingly embarassing my sister/friends I'm with, because I'm gung ho for just about any funny idea lol, and it's only later when I think about it that I say yeah,...|||Narcissism 27% Unconventionality 83% Empiricism 88% Vitality 83% Othercentricism 66% Independence 55% Integrity 66% Intellect 94% Stoicism 77% Orderliness 11%|||When your 5th grade teacher called you a Little Einstein. (:D) When you get annoyed when people don't want you to tell the truth, even though it'd be better in the long run for them.|||Lol, my clock by my bed is actually three minutes fast, just for the heck of it. And I correct people when they say what it shows :D When you post a reply to something, forgetting you were posting...|||When you can debate circles around your ISTP dad:D (still didn't get to go to my friend's house, but! had fun debating lol.)|||Sometimes they get a bit old lol during downtime. Mucus gracias. I know that's snot how you say it, but I have a really sick sense of humor. Asian jokes are just wong. Dude, he changed...|||I'm straight up casual all the way, usually I'll be in gym shorts and a t shirt. When I have to wear dress clothes, after the occasion the sleeves are rolled up and the shirt gets untucked. Lol, I...|||When you drop puns into your conversations, and get disappointed when the person doesn't get it. When you could go on rants about stupid people because honestly, they have it coming for not using...|||When not as much bothers you as it does your INFP mom. When you think back on what you just said, and woah! that was deeper than I meant it to be! When too much touchy-feely stuff makes you...|||When people say, Only you would make that connection.|||Also, when your 7th grade teacher told you would be the smartest kid in class if you would just stop talking, and in that same class, you BeaSted and got a 100 on a vocab, the highest grade in...|||When you recently converted from being an INFP, and you identify with all the posts on this thread. :D (i actually have OCD, so that influenced it a lot.)|||Girls, music, video games, personality types, ADD, movies, pick up lines.... depending on who I'm talking to. One of my best friends is an ENFP, we've known each other for around 16 years, and we...|||Yeah, man. I was impressed lol.Tim Hawkins is pretty funny, too.|||When you went to bed at one because you were glued to failblog.|||Dane Cook is awesome, and has anyone heard of Brian Regan? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89frRi8GgGA And I dunno if this is 'cause my dad is an ISTP, but I love puns.|||Did you freaking read my mind? Hahaha :P I once had the thought that time is not real, but all things living go through a growing period regardless. We aren't measured by how old we are, we are...|||The one who can see a girl, fall in love, have a relationship and get my heart broken without the other person ever knowing. The one who thinks that last sentence was a bit creepy.|||When you have, within the past day, saved a moth from your SJ sister. :P|||Clean your room! My kind of clean! (from my mom) You're mumbling. Are you on crack? (me-no, this is all natural.) Okaaayy... (hate that one)|||The one who got home at 4:20 but hasn't done his homework and it's already around 7.|||Hahahaha nah, it was a beast manga too. I'm still a bit obsessed lol.:proud: Have you read it?|||I get this all the freaking time lol. From my sis hahahaha :P|||http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/1/11785/252563-64086-keitaro-urashima_super.jpg For those who've read Love Hina, I think Keitarou's an INFP lol. And the cute chick, Naru, is either ESFJ orENFJ.|||The one who laughed for about 30 seconds after watching metal gear awesome The one who got in trouble for nAMING hIS fOLDERS lIKE tHIS in BCIS The one who knows what'll happen a split second before...|||Oh! Maybe Ben Kenobi from Star Wars?|||When you read body language really well, and can tell when someone's not feeling good. When people - when you got distracted by something and forgot what you were saying.|||Si, especially the second one who's lost in thought.|||Yup, ^_^ self-diagnosed. When you forget that you have to continue the thread and go off to check something else, so then you go back and edit it, and then forgot to say that it was edited.|||When your interest kinda fades from one thing to another.|||Let's see... Ender from Ender's Game (or maybe Valentine..?) David from The Fire Within series Winne the Pooh|||Hey! She's from the US! (she's red white and blue, anyhoo) Sorry lol off-topic XP. Or the dude/chick in the back who's always doodling or staring into space.|||Thanks, both of you.:tongue:|||Haha, I do that a lot.|||Hey, what's up? I didn't know they had an intro forum so i posted a bit first. :tongue: I'm a kinda outgoing dreamer/hunter (ADD).'
'animator or movie maker|||I actually really like these. i like the tint of the first and rawness of it. It reminds me of an animator's sketch. The last is good because of the contrast, and it looks like there is lighting...|||I hate red tape(wiki it) situations. Anyway, I really like the newer intricate background patterns and use of different colors.|||i got 25/26|||I would love to see more of your girls.|||These ones are really cool.|||I always resort to whimsical houses/buildings and stylized atmospheres when I can't think of anything. If you absolutely can't get the motivation to do some idea, just practice really technical...|||I have that issue too. I have to ask them if they don't mind if I respond later or break it up and respond to the points individually, and sometimes I don't. Plus my engagement is pretty sporadic...|||that's cool how you made the eyes move|||Nope, not even people I just hang out with or acquaintances. Does that sound pathetic?|||I think one thing to remember is that it should make sense. It shouldn't be something that just comes to you(if people claim that, then yes it came to them fast but in a logical manner, but it's not...|||i might have read this one in this thread before, but I have trouble remembering. It's probably inevitable that there might be repeats. It is applicable to my life right now -When you'll go weeks...|||I just feel the need to tell people when I can tell they are being sarcastic because replying in a serious tone to a sarcastic post sometimes makes people think you mistook their sarcasm for being...|||That didn't give any results for that particular thumbnail. Relied on google, and of the results that showed up, none were specifically identifying i.e. leading directly to her except for people...|||I'm guilty of actually reading that stuff, and that definitely makes her more appealing. (oh and in agreement with you. I knew you were being sarcastic.)|||Yeah that seems very suave. Maybe we can commission an art piece that's non-digital giving an excuse to get her address...jk (I hate having to ruin a moment with a jk, but ya know, people might...|||lol..I know. I just like looking at pretty people's pictures though. Although she apparently has a twitter and stuff too. I didn't see that post (the one with the body shots) before I posted...|||deviantart too :wink: http://i52.tinypic.com/296hv6w.jpg|||Google imgs|||Lol The timing probably implies I was spending the whole afternoon creeping on her ha, but I actually found those quickly and within that earlier time frame. It's very easy actually, but don't...|||Lol okay..I guess I'm biased because I don't want to come to terms with me being short, so I see her as 'average'. I just tried to estimate the guy and imagine him standing up as a reference and...|||i think she's pretty average since she's about the same as these other girls http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/130/b/b/tangled_group_photo_2_by_hayatestar-d3g27cx.jpg Sorry turned this...|||ok i tried to find more of that girl Sakuracon 2011 29 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! She's looks different in the other photos.|||There's something about B5 I prefer, although not in an 'attraction' way. Plus I like hair that length, but I wouldn't wear it on myself since I don't have the face shape for it. What most have in...|||Yeah INTP. This section does have a lot of off topicness too I realize, but it's a different kind. Oh, and I wouldn't feel, Poor me. I'm excluded, but just, I don't care...not relevant to my...|||Yeah I guess I find myself viewing this section more than my 'own'. It seems they go off topic often and have too many inside jokes with each other or something. I just find more things I can read...|||I just don't understand why the French one isn't under the easy ones. I think that was one of the easiest, and I don't even have French knowledge.|||Sure, in some situations, but what else is there that you can trust that often leads to a practical solution/conclusion? It's the most reliable. Others may be right sometimes but are more left to...|||I hate my mother will stare at me, and I ask her what she's looking at(more in a *stop looking at me* tone not actual curiosity), and she'll say something like, You're so beautiful..you're my baby...|||I think it's time to get physical. I once had these encounters when I was young with a guy who may be this type. I threw soapy water into his eyes. He chased me and pushed me down, causing grass...|||Hm, yeah I've been wondering if I'm more emotional than I think, but I guess I'm also like that. Even though I experience emotions at times, it's like this internal debate where I keep telling myself...|||I got excited that you thanked my posts until I saw that you thanked everyone's. But don't you dare un-thank them now that I mentioned it! And you better thank this one too.|||I am frugal because I don't think of things in the moment. I'm always thinking of what I want and what could be, so I tend to save up and have thousands of dollars on me to spend eventually on...|||Numerous people think that you must be perfect or else it's pointless. That doesn't make sense since less consumption makes some kind of difference. There's nothing keeping tabs on you saying, If...|||Yes, but I don't see how that's a 'feeling' type thing. Does 'T' really mean you can't have any emotions or don't care about anything? I don't think so. I think it depends more on your reasons I...|||mother- ISFJ confirmed Dad- Possibly ISTJ|||If I got the hang of it, I probably could be. If you're a good artist, then you should be pretty good in any medium as long as you actual have the knowledge of how to draw. If you're not a very good...|||Well I think you're going to be majorly disappointed if you have such a high ideal. Believe me, everyone has flaws, so you're going to have to accept that there's going to be stuff you just can't...|||There's varying levels of severity.|||Simply put, Anxiety.|||So you like him when he wasn't that interested in you but now that he is, you lost interest?|||What I said had nothing to do with their interest. I was simply stating besides any variables, that more exposure and lack of boyfriends is more indicative of that conclusion, even if it is by your...|||I love how they tried to act like it was spontaneous, but the show just happened to know what tune to play automatically.|||lol she considers a 1-2 years difference an older woman|||I look innocent, so I wouldn't stick out as suspicious or anything. I have no issue with invading others' privacy and even go out of my way to do so sometimes. It's easy to figure out how to lie to...|||Just remember though, most of you don't actually have OCD. It's normal to have some slight traits.|||Nope..at least not in an aggressive and direct way. I've been called rude by friends after they've seen how I reacted with other people. Apparently I seemed to blow them off or wasn't very friendly,...|||That's not really ironic. That's actually more determinant of that conclusion because you'd think you would have naturally formed a relationship or 'thing' with one of them at least. Btw, that has...|||Uhm lol..that does seem like you see it. You just might want to act negatively about it to initate positive responses as some kind of boost because those are just so obvious and cliche things people...|||1. The person who you are walking with is the most important person in your life. Your answer: dog 2. The size of the animal is representative of your perception of the size of your problems....'
'I tend to connect actions with each other. If I am bored by a task even though it's important, the way I make it a priority is by connecting to something I already have as a high priority. Let's say...|||Flying isn't so bad, it's airports that I can't stand.|||I'm a big fan of traveling. I've been to 25 of the states in the US, I've been to Israel, I've been to Switzerland, and I'm going to Ecuador and the Galapagos in 5 months. So my question is, do other...|||I'm a good cook. I love experimenting with flavors and odd ingredients. There's a famous store called jungle Jim's about 40minutes from where I live that sells tons of foreign food, so I'll draw a...|||Words are quite a lot like currency. Their value can be strongly affected by both their quantity and their historic reliability. Use too many words and you flood the market. People need to sit...|||I'm not easy on the eyes. I am 5'10 tall, 230 Lbs, and have a moderate gap between my two front teeth. I used to weigh 340 around 8th grade, but I have dropped a lot of weight. The problem is that...|||I may or may not have threatened to light her car on fire if I ever saw her again. I currently have a restraining order against her.|||Once I got in the face of someone twice my size, and threatened them so scarily that the dude broke down and cried. There was a time when a girl cheated on me and I called her something quite...|||One of the all time greats. I am reading Dirk Gentley's right now, and it's phenomenal.|||Play by your own rules man. I am involved with an ENTP gal right now, and I can say that so long as you can find a way to engage them and build a connection, then your lack of immediate flirtation...|||Money is power because money talks. That said, freedom and happiness is far more important to me. I can say that the 200k would be lovely, but if I felt far more satisfied and content with the 30k...|||Make a note that I have an acid issue. Solve the acid issue. Assuming that this scenario actually occurs, I'd shake the dude's hand, toss him a fiver and ask him to kindly knock me into a slightly...|||i5 3570k 3.8GHz (4.2 overclocked) Asrock Z77 Pro 4 Mother Board GTX 770 (PNY triple fan version) 8GB Hyper X red ram 120 GB Kingston SSD 2TB Seagate Barracuda HDD Peripherals/Case include CM...|||I've always had an obsession with rocks. So much so that I want to be a geology major for my under grad. Though my collection is primarily devonian invertebrate fossils, mostly because that's all I...|||I know exactly how you feel man. I'll be 18 in less than a month and I very nearly flunked out of my school this year. Had it not been for the threat of having to go back to a school where I would...|||ENTP. In recent months I've become a lot more comfortable in social situations than I ever have been. I also try to emulate some of the stereotypical ENTP charisma. Fake it till you make right? Well,...|||I have really eclectic tastes. I like rock, reggae, electronica, jazz, and a little bit of pop and country. I like music theory and noticing the different and similar tones in different genres. That...|||In that case, it's simply a judgement call. There are rare occasions when someone else just seems to be worth it. Failure is always quite possible, hence the reason it took 4 years for me to make the...|||Update from the INTP nudnick who almost asked out an ENTP gal by playing piano and singing. Anywho, I did something very sweet and low key to ask her to prom. She accepted and we had a great time...|||Not necessarily. I'm a male INTP involved with a female ENTP, and frankly, after getting the guts to finally make a move, things went flawlessly. There was a huge intimidation factor. ENTP's are very...|||I usually go hiking or swimming with my closest friends and then go out for dinner. It's enjoyable, low key, I get a good meal out of it, and I actually enjoy spending time with these people, so it...|||The best teacher I've ever had, hands down, was an ENTP. She was absolutely nuts, but in the best way possible. 65 year old lady, played Halo with us, is a stunt pilot, and skydives every weekend....|||I enjoy looking for fossils, playing video games, practicing piano, annoying the neighbors by playing the piano, going to reptile shows, and volunteering at the native raptor and mammal rescue near...|||I've always been a quality snob. I hate buying something that's almost what I want. My parents always nag me for not being happy about buying the cheaper thing. It's not that the cheaper thing is...|||Can manage vs, holding a conversation are two very different things. Frankly, numbers, slicha, and ani lo daber ivrit are enough to survive with. I know some other vocab, and a few verbs, but I can't...|||Native English speaker, I am proficient in Spanish (say 4th year spanish course in high school) and could manage my way around Israel and Japan With my Hebrew and Japanese skills.|||Age: 17 (1 month shy of being 18) Occupation: Student/aspiring vertebrate paleontologist Ethnic Background: Whiter than a Pedophile's candy van/American/Jewish/Of Ukranian, German, Irish, Welsh,...|||It really depends on who I'm talking to. I've always considered it disrespectful to argue with my parents or elders, but sometimes, people just don't get it. Sometimes people need to have someone...|||Me: Wow, that is a really good arrangement, that said, I think the c minor chord with the added 9th was a stupid choice. (Continues conversation with myself in my head) Well, that may be, but if I...|||I know a number of INTP's who are millionaires, or at least very well off. None of them did it through stock, at least not at first. While a long term and well developed stock portfolio is a great...|||I'm not all that keen on wrist watches, especially if they're middle of the road/mediocre makes. That said, I do love a good pocket watch. Not all that intrusive, and they make for a good...|||If I know someone really, really well I can deal with it, but if I just tolerate someone/don't really know them all that well, I have a mini panic attack. It just freaks me out. The only thing worse...|||My ideas, feelings (once processed over roughly an eternity or two), and desires are as complex as any other human's. We're pretty complicated things us humans. That said, all I really want/need is...|||On the rare occasion that someone has been intimate with me, even as a planned part of a musical or something, I lose it. My composure flies out the window and I curl up into a ball of emotional...|||Literally thousands of rocks and fossils. It's a bit of a problem. I also have a thing for americana, trading cards, video games, old tech/steam punk, and anything I see as odd or interesting. Yeah,...|||Yeah, I know I tend to fret quite frequently over texts I've sent. I always get nervous about people misunderstanding a text because of a lack of inflection or a delay in my or their response. Part...|||Snake breeding never gets old. Each species and individual with varying personalities and temperaments, thousands upon thousands of genetic color and pattern mutations to play with, going to reptile...|||78% Green Party 77% Democrats 75% Libertarians 68% Constitution Party 60% Conservative Party 58% Republicans 43% Socialists. I'm a slightly left leaning centrist according to this study....|||I had a part time job lined up, a couple months back. It was during a musical rehearsal, so I sent an email to the stage manager letting him know I wouldn't be there on that day because I had my...|||If I had to label myself, I am Jewish. Though to be honest, I feel that I am Jewish because of the culture and community. I am somewhat agnostic, by which I mean, I think there has to be something...|||I worked with a snake breeder for a while last year, very rewarding, lots of fun, many snake bites and much feces to deal with, but no job's perfect. Anyways, for the interview, focus on an aspect of...|||What format? Vocaroo link? yeah, I'll go with that one. (never mind, my microphone is busted)|||Extreme frustration, anger, and confusion. I hate not knowing. I also have a somewhat low pain ceiling.|||I tend to act unusually bashful, sometimes allow myself to get caught staring, and after a very long time will awkwardly attempt to talk to the person. Usually it ends up being a flood of fun facts,...|||Hey, everyone, I'm the fool who asked about playing the piano to ask an ENTP girl out. Anyways, to give you a quick update, I did something far more low key to ask her to prom tonight, and she said...|||1. Bae 2. the phrase, Because I said so 3. Eustreptospondylus (It's impossible to spell and is far more boring than it's name makes it out to be.)|||Those dang disabled, homosexual, Mexican, democrats are stealing all our jobs! (/facetious comment)|||Sure thing, here's my thoughts in brief The most likely root of his problem is a combination of a bad experience, people in his environment sharing negative opinions of white people, and his...|||Sorry it's taken so long to reply, Anyways here's what I meant. People's minds operate on two levels. You have the highly developed neo-cortex of the brain. It's where language, logic, and other...|||(Not my comment and not this guy's response, but I have some insight here.) Often times internalized prejudice comes from environmental stimuli. By which I mean, they likely heard a lot of negative...'
'new beginning starting afresh leaves fall autumn death revive heal|||Muddy Brown Time|||EDIT:oops! I didn't realize this was a test lol :P Anyway, Actualized type: INFJ (who you are) Introverted (I) 60% Extroverted (E) 40% Intuitive (N) 52.94% Sensing (S) 47.06% Feeling (F)...|||Time is everything we have and don't. -Atticus|||We are eternal beings Endings are not in our destiny. -Elder Uchtdorf|||In this enchanted world populations swarm and there are moments of fierce optimism. -David Ralph Lewis|||Yes, I need you, my fairytale. Because you are the only person I can talk with about the shade of a cloud, about the song of a thoughtx97and about how, when I went out to work today and looked a tall...|||A lot of my strong traits are stereotypically associated with other types. INTJ is probably the type I'm most like, after INFJ. My T and F are almost equal and I have a 5-wing and a really strong...|||I keep reading everywhere that INFJs seek meaning and I think it's true, I mean, we talk about wanting meaning in life, in relationships, in basically everything, so much...I talk and think about it...|||They're constantly changing, evolving. I'm constantly looking for different perspectives, trying to complete the puzzle. But what's weird is that I have very strong beliefs/opinions at the same time....|||I text back as soon as I see the text (though I know it might make me seem too available or overly enthusiastic/interested).If I'm busy or need time to process, I just let them know because there's...|||Your blogs are really good! I especially love The INFJ Princess Diaries. The needle felted Borzoi is SO pretty!!!:adoration:|||Depth Ocean Whale Free Hipster Vibes Good Heart Dreamy Eyes|||Sea Water Glistening Sequin Studded Fabric Blue Midnight Moonshine Lighthouse|||It's not my most favourite season but I do love rainy season. I love the sound of rain and thunderstorms and cloudy weather and how random plants flourish in random places during the season. It's...|||Lost Stars Flickering Lights Darkness Hides Seeking Meaning Chasing Life|||Perfume Fragrance Diffusion Air Sweetness Love Wildflowers Snowflake Minuet, how do you even come up with such unique and interesting ideas? Your threads are the best!!|||I can relate to you! In fact, I'd been wondering why this happens too, and I might be completely wrong but this is what I think: -INFJs can see things from different perspectives, so when we see a...|||That does make sense lol. Well, thanks for taking the time to respond anyway :) I guess the best I can do now is remove the link from my post while I still can :laughing: edit: Thank you for...|||Can you delete this too,please? It was my first thread and I regret putting so much personal information in there...I didn't think I'd be a regular PerC user then, so I created it without thinking...|||-Flynn Rider -Oswald the Octopus -Olaf -Maximus (the horse) -Winnie the Pooh Top five pieces of advice you'd want to give to your younger self.|||*casually revives super old thread* but SAME!!! I started researching about Enneagram very recently and I'm most likely 6w5 - 4w5- 1w2 too(got the same result on the test too). I'm pretty sure I'm...|||1-You are so much more than you know, you have lots of potential hidden inside you, you just have to start believing in yourself and trust your intuition to fulfil your dreams/Personal Legends ;...|||Yes. I feel like an outsider with most people I interact with, there are very few people who I'm actually comfortable around, and I remember feeling that way ever since I was a child. Though I've...|||Thank you for the links! Thank you for telling me about it! I'll check it out. I'll definitely check out the children's book.Thanks! :)|||1-Chris Martin. And it's more than just a crush lol :P 2-Simon Baker 3-Colin Firth 4-Hugh Grant (only for his characters though) 5-Hugh Laurie Top five Guilty Pleasures|||Are you more.... Serious or goofy? Serious Romantic or practical? Practical Artistic or scientific? Scientific Warm/friendly or slightly cold/aloof? (i.e. when interacting with...|||1-Severus Snape 2-Luna Lovegood 3-Fred and George Weasley 4-Hermione Granger 5-Hagrid Top five Mythological Characters|||Thank you so much for the recommendations and also for the links! This is immensely helpful! :)|||Thanks for the recommendations!I've never really read any books set in the Middle East before except the Arabian Nights tales so these should be interesting to read :) I haven't read it before...|||Thank you for taking the time to look for them! The books seem very interesting, I'll definitely check them out. I don't know how I never heard of Evslin before, there are so many mythology books by...|||This is very helpful!Thanks much :smile-new:|||Can someone recommend any good books about mythology? I really want to learn more about myths and folklores from around the world but I have no idea where to begin...|||-About Time -Leap Year -The Vow -Letters to Juliet -Cinderella (2015) Top 5 Fictional Characters|||I'm really fascinated by book inscriptions-they have a little story of their own and they're so full of emotions. Unfortunately, I don't get to read many beacause they're so rare nowadays and also...|||I think this thread was created to test the test..like to check the accuracy of the test..|||I got INFJ. I really like your questionnaire.It's concise and the questions are pretty good.Good job! :encouragement: Marshy14 Me too! :P Great quote lol.|||Are we out of the woods (yet)?|||Yes,please do keep posting there. I love reading your poems..they're so unique and wonderful!!|||This is SO relatable!! I'm the exact same way! I'm kinda like that too! Either I'm clingy and super attached or completely detached and aloof. This thread just makes me so happy because it's...|||DuCiel these are great questions! -Something that reminds you of your childhood: Butterflies and blowing bubbles -Something you used to believe that you don't anymore: People, when they say they're...|||1. You like to spice/season things with (other than ordinary salt): Pepper or Lemon 2. Is of a culture outside your own that you absolutely adore: I can't think of anything! :( 3. Is a song with...|||Accurate! Or you want to say No you don't!You just think you do!|||http://youtu.be/RJoA4dGbGqs|||Runaway Bride|||http://youtu.be/cL4uhaQ58Rk|||Definitely a guilty pleasure but it's so beautiful <3 http://youtu.be/W1Aqr0ume_M|||Enchanted <3|||Everybody can get downright miserable sometimes,but this forum in general is a positive place,at least that's what I feel :D|||The ENFP forum is such a happy place I can't even!:sun-smiley:'
'The naked women chase was the best, I think, followed closely by that black hole death. I'd probably want something with a huge adrenaline rush as well. Some paranoid innocent is going to come...|||YouTube - Yuval Fichman plays Chopin Piano Concerto no.1, 2nd Movement|||INTPs are a riot. They are generally quite useful in intellectual pursuits, and I have a blast with my INTP friends coming up with ridiculous, off-the-wall theories. I agree that they tend to be...|||Agreed. Threads like these could be useful for examining relationships between two types, but I don't think it would ever be specific enough to count for anything... So, with that in mind, I won't...|||I prefer to be deliberately vague if I don't want to tell someone somethingx97a bit like those stories with wishing as the central theme. If one doesn't word one's wish specifically, then the outcome...|||My mother is an INTJ. I've spoken to my father once over the phone. I have no siblings.|||I am an INTJ. As was mentioned earlier, I am poker-faced by default, and I rarely speak—I typically don't talk unless I find something of interest and want to comment on it. When I do talk, I'm...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_7xWNUqxxI|||Unfeeling robots. It's been said so many times, but it must be said again. We feel. Just not publicly.|||I appreciate all the thoughtful responses I've received so far. If any of you have anything else to add, please feel free. Beyond that, if there are any passing INTJs who have something to say like...|||Well-thought out, although I'd have to add this bit for me... When I'm irritated, I will grind my teeth and my face will display actual emotion (yes, for a change of pace). May edit later with...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7fWz4WBNs4|||All the time. My mother found it prudent to tell me that only really old people are supposed to talk to themselves when I was seven and she caught me at it. I was afraid for the next week that I'd...|||Don't apologize. No offense was taken. I asked for honest opinions and you gave yours to me. Thank you for sharing it.|||I've done quite a bit of searching on this subject, but so far I've turned up nothing of note beyond a couple threads scattered here and there. Nothing truly in depth, if you will. I'd like it if...|||I do this quite a bit. Kind of makes me feel like a brilliant chessmaster, actually.|||I've done this, like most of you, and to more than one person, although the numbers have been few. This is because, quite simply, I don't interact with people I don't want to interact with. To...|||I have an ENFJ friend. She can be incredibly two-faced; fortunately for me, the times she was two-faced were because she wanted to help me in a certain situation, but I still didn't approve of the...|||I am certainly no INFP—I'm an INTJ, in fact— but... Well, I've sniffed books before. I tend to like the smells of books with glossier pages—older ones with rougher textures are more pungent. In...|||I enjoy brick jokes like these: Read this first, and then this one next. Otherwise, I enjoy irony and dark humor.|||I tend to agree with Nexus, and I'm sure there are some types who would be more likely to self-deprecate than others, but for the most part, it is a moot point. Not all INTJs are self-deprecating,...|||I must admit that I enjoy the kuudere persona we tend to project. I do hope you enjoy your stay here.|||I don't do this. If I have a question, I ask it, no strings attached. I haven't really noticed that trend in other INTJs, either. I mean, I'm far too amazing to warrant comments like this. The...|||I find self-deprecating comments incredibly irritating, especially when someone (for example, a friend) shows me something they made and then tries to feign modesty by saying it totally sucks after...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmjPrdTNxQ0 Would the INTJs who can relate to this please stand up? If you've ever lost someone dear to you, does it hit close to home? Does the plot of the song...|||Spock isn't INTJ. He's such a hardcore ISTJ that it's scary.|||I have the same problem with this social cues thing. A male walked up to me after I had performed during a concert today and randomly hugged me. He was part of the concert, but I couldn't recall his...|||I assume if your interactions tend to be positive and yield better results (friendships, for example) you should vote for that type. I love ENTPs, in any case.|||I sing. I dance. I occasionally dance with my pets because that gets them excited. I also make fun of everything around me, which is basically the equivalent of me speaking without thinking. ...|||Here is my problem: I feel as if most people are approaching this as if INTJs are all the same person. To ask whether or not all INTJs are capable of feeling love, OP, is like asking if all Filipinos...|||If you're positive she's an I, then I'd say ISTJ.|||(Gotta love AA!) While I haven't gotten my hands on the latest game, Investigations (which was apparently a huge disappointment!), my friend did tell me he seemed to build off of theories a lot in...|||Definitely an IxTJ He shies away from human contact. He's a prosecutor. He is extremely logical and rational.|||Play Braid or Machinarium.|||Phew. Okay. Here we go. I had a friend. She is an INFP. She was my best friend. One day she told me she needed to talk to me. She said she thought she had feelings for me. I told her to please be...|||YouTube - El Dorado ~ Lullaby of Demonic Hell + Be of Good Cheer! ~|||YouTube - (PC-98) Terror ?? Touhou Metal/Prog Rock 167|||She might take it the wrong way, actually. Then again, she might not. What's her personality like, assuming you know?|||Could an INTJ be racist? Of course. Could any other type be racist? Definitely. This has a lot to do with environment, how a child is raised and what a child sees—if a child's parents are...|||Makes sense. We both thought different things because we saw Calvin both on a list of INFPs and INTJs, which made little sense to either of us. Anyway, thanks.|||I happen to be an only child. Is a poll in order? If we intend to discover any correlation between this, it would be helpful, although I'm unsure it would make any difference in an INTJ's...|||If it were meant as a joke I would threaten to oppress all manner of rebellion via intense and unwarranted psychological and physical torture. If it were meant seriously I would likely find...|||I apologize if this is in the wrong section. My friend and I are having an interesting discussion about this. She thinks Calvin is an INFPx97I think he is an INTJ. Amusingly enough, she is an...|||I feel like this during my better moments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTNxQd1TigU|||I was walking home to school with my best friend at the time and we were coming to an intersection. I was looking back at her (the sidewalk was very thin and made it difficult to walk side by side)...|||the world at large - modest mouse|||Well, home, mainly. I suppose if there were a library or vidya game store near here I'd probably dick around there.|||Thanks. Eureka!|||And thank you for greeting me, kindly administrator.|||Sports does come to mind when that word is mentioned, doesn't it. An activity you enjoy. Walking a dog, for example. Although I would not know the appropriate response if walking a dog would be...'
'oops double post|||Funny how MBTI pigeon holes everyone and turns things into a hate fest. There's no way you can make sense of anything that you analyze at face value, it's errors like this that you have the idea of...|||Am i reading things wrong? or is this like..y'know? *Edit* oh nvm i see D: , i thought it was an error|||Funny i had an english assignment due like last friday and i handed it in this friday. I've never handed anything so late before-good thing there was another ENFJ that procrastinated like me :D. And...|||I don't agree with MBTI type population stats. I think all types are around equal, source: Socionic Type Distribution Statistics Despite it being socionics, it's still very relevant Then...|||My grandpa's....or was it my moms. Aside from the jars...sometime my mom would teach me these chinese poem things about flowers falling-and i would recite them whenever i BEAT the flowers >:D|||My ESTP brother and I broke all the jars and pots containing plants, took out the roots and the flowers-threw them downstairs. Then we scattered all the dirt on the carpet-it was a lot of fun...|||Lol cheating is bad, but i'm one to say =D. I've cheated countless times in math, however when i bring in the notes with small handwriting on a slip of paper. I feel like i don't need to cheat at...|||All the other songs make me feel weird, lighten up the mood mannn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4-fJAYDR18|||Great post niff, i have love-hate relationships with my beta buddies too :).|||That moment was only significant because it hurt, if it didn't hurt i probably wouldn't have remembered...and the clock was right infront of me :(|||Yes it's very inaccurate to be typing people based off pictures, (most people in socionics forum agree). But what does work is typing people based off first time encounters (in real life) because you...|||I LOL'ed when i read this, it reminded me of the time June 12, 2011 8:02 am in the washroom where i was checking my face and then i ran smack right into the sides of the door when going out face...|||Despite Aestrivex being like my wat-conflictor? I agree with him since I do sometimes get lost in your post @_@. If you were explaining some other topic to an ISTJ even with all the disorganization,...|||It's assumed that it's a MBTI forum since the most popular theory in N.A is MBTI, but since it's a personality cafe/forum-every kind of theory can be introduced and discussed. It's not like every...|||Lol sorry ><, i have no clue what that meant but what i'm left with now is...How can something from chance make something that can reproduce something orderly? It's like you form a tornado and you...|||Response to the question: Chicken > egg any day Derail: I'm not the brightest when it comes to evolution, i've been told about the primordial soup and the aminoacids, proteins, DNA and how it...|||Lol talk about games, i like =D When it comes to shooters, i don't like FPS i like TPS like SD gundam Capsule fighter..like best game evarr? FPS gives me motion sickness, similar to Mine Craft ...|||1. Can you type without looking at the keyboard? Ya definitely 2. Do you use all 10 fingers while typing? I've seen some people typing with their index fingers. O_O I don't use my pinkies ever lol...|||Dam i feel awful for the OP In your case.. Your love for her defeats your strong convictions..And, like a man to double business bound, I stand in pause where i shall first begin. By Claudius...|||Ye http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1jccwpNuE8|||x93His master replied, x91Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your masterx92s happiness! (Matthew 25:21)...|||Lol my math teacher had those moments, he would accidentally say the f-bomb in front of his kid while the wife was arguing with him. And y'know how all kids love to learn words, so the kid would be...|||Dam you guys make such insightful posts, really gets me thinking about a lot of things. I wish i could be just as insightful :). Sela omg 4 days till the meet up? I could just picture you ISTj's...|||I believe he was making a joke. Arinn made a claim, to which Sela asked for a source, as if to say that any thing that is to convince an ISTJ requires a source, playing on irony. Of course,...|||Holly crap man, after 2 weeks of posting my original statement i realized that I've typo'd the T as an F in an ISFP. And i've also noticed that some people posted before my post to their question,...|||Mann y'know sRae is full of it when it comes to fantasizing, remember the unicorns thread. Gee that's some MAD fantasizing there, takes skill to do some of that. Now for the question, i think sensors...|||Another tourettes guy video, viewer's discretion is advised >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20ZwrZ1Dm6c|||WElll, that's a start XD|||Pops said that as you get older, you start to lose friends. You forget your elementary school friends, then goes your highschool friends, you get university friends-op you have kids, focus too much...|||Lol i love ISTJ's, very blunt and funny. From what I've heard people has said this about them: -They are sometimes found watching paint dry. (not in a literal sense but can be, just means they're...|||Y'know normally as asians, we have that crease on our eyelids when we open them up rite? For me I'm too lazy to open my eyes so there's no crease/fold, also usually when I'm thinking about something...|||Does awesome also mean retarded :D? *Warning* contains coarse language* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqtr_RvR3sY|||1. Sometimes I feel like the only one who cares. Yes i do care about things that the common won't care about. Other than that I don't care about a lot of things, too many i can't remember or...|||I would second that :)|||My friends say i can't chillax no matter how hard i try, but for me I'd say the outdoors too. I love nature, i like fish but i don't like the disgusting smell X.X. P.S I never some ISTJ's could...|||What the frick lol, I see ENFJ's every now and then around my area. They're not as uncommon as you think, people just have to be great at typing. I met this one like 2 days ago for an interview,...|||I just noticed 666 thanks o.o, someone ruin it :D|||A typical day at school would be like this for me: Ionno about other F men, probably different... -Not laugh when other people are laughing-since they're idiotic -Only laugh when someone puts me...|||/offtopic I'm not too familiar with using Si in MBTI terms since it's quite different or used another way but sorry if there's any misunderstandings since all the dynamics/object/processes/things...|||It's hard to explain here since it comes from another model but long story short. Factual information --> Invalidation of factual information = (from a Te type -some ISTj's apply here) stubbornness,...|||Even making someone's happy can be a huge accomplishment, you never know when it's someone's last straw before they fly off the roof D:|||If it's something that I have no frigging clue about the matter or where someone responds in an absurd way- then I'll back down. But if it's something I'm very knowledgeable and passionate about, I...|||Ya definitely care, some web browsers provide additional security services Search Engine: Google or Google Chrome, just used to it Web Browser: Firefox 4.0 > Internet Explorer>Everything else|||1. In nature 1 + 1 can = 3 (or a bagillion) 2. Life is too short to think/worry/or doubt 3. Knowing the types of people before hand can make be feel angst or giddy 4. GN drives from gundam 00 can...|||Obviously haven't seen* you. But you remind me of this asian guy who's only from church, haven't really talked to him too much so it helps to have an idea of what he could be. Hmm he's...|||Do any of you have a family day once a week? I remember back then we would have family meetings to discuss things-for eg. going on a vacation or trip. Ummm sometimes my mom would bring all 3 of us...|||Haha i cheated, i knew blue would be out voted :). From my previous thread most ISTj did pick blue so...:confused:|||Also 17 and turning 18 near the end of June :wink:|||welcome to my world ^ ^'
'https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjomb-H1IPMAhVCv5QKHYdLDmQQqQIIHTAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ted.com%2Ftalks%2Flinus_torvalds_the_mind_behind_li...|||I am an ENFP in a long marriage with an INTP man. I can tell you a few things about these relationships. The ugly: * INTPs tell the truth (as they understand) as it is. The ENFP feels pretty...|||angelfish - you sure come across as a very empathic person. :) Thank you for reassuring me. I have been desperate to hear that I am OK. :D :D|||Bella2016 : Oh... I understand. Didn't see this coming, though. Lots to think about. Thanks for the comment.|||I am so glad you wrote in, angelfish ! The social-strong qualities you have listed above surprise me. No wonder then that I don't fit. If these are considered to be 'good behaviours', then I...|||And I hope I don't come across in my original post as someone who is judgemental towards ISFPs overall. That is not at all my intention.|||:-) This is reassuring. So, it is not a lost cause, after all. Thank you, this is helpful. This. Thank you, alittleflower . It does make me feel better. Like you said, the most...|||I am not pandering, but this group has been helpful when I have asked questions in the past. So, I am back here. :) I live in an environment with a large number of Introverted Sensing types -...|||Thank you for the very contained and calm response @cferguson ; I appreciate it. :) Yes, I understand how the ENFP bubbling-over-with-enthusiasm response to INTJs can get ingratiating. But you...|||LoL! This *had* to happen, right? This is the thing with the internet - it is hard to perceive correctly from written text. OK, speaking of shame, I am not sure what you will feel when I tell you...|||He is an anti-tradition person, so that particular aspect of an ISTJ does not fit him at all. He is thorough with following processes - especially those that he has put together. The same level of...|||hmm... He had tested clearly as INTJ. So, I am using that as the basis for believing that he is one. :) But the reason I wanted to know if INTJs could be this way was over the afore-listed traits...|||Hello. A friend of mine who seems to be an INTJ somehow defies certain stereotypes of the type. I am trying to find out if he still qualifies as an INTJ. These are: 1. He doesn't read much,...|||OK, what else would you rather do? (I am sorry, I missed putting in the None of the Above option in the poll.)|||People, one more question. Sorry to bother, but I am trying to be as non-troublesome as possible to one of your kinsmen! :) Should I just quietly back off or mention explicitly that I have...|||This is interesting. So, in your ideal world, people don't ask for help and don't offer it to others either? Every man an island, almost? :)|||Oh what an offer! I am quite happily married to an Intuitive Thinker, thank you! :-) I hope you find someone very nice for yourself - it can only help that you are so readily available! ;)|||Very impressively productive and sorted, I must say. However, what I glean from this post as the answer to the original question is: * On short flights, you work * On longer flights, you take a...|||You are observant. :) I am asking this for two reasons. 1) Behaviour of people on a plane is counter-intuitive to me. When in a captive space, for a long period, with other people sitting at...|||Ouch... not nice, I agree! :)|||Odd question, because I am trying to understand our behaviour as people on a plane. It beats intuitive logic a little for me - if people are in a relatively safe, captive space at *very* close...|||Hello ENFPs. Can you help me with this survey, please? How would you spend your time on a long-haul flight? What would be your answer if it were a short ride? Thanks much!|||Hello dear ENFJs. Pray tell me, how do you like to spend time on a long flight? Would you do something different if you were on a short flight? Please answer the poll and post comments for...|||Hello! How do you spend time on a long-haul flight? Would your answer change if it were a short ride?|||So tell me, how do you like to spend time on a long-distance plane journey? What about a short-haul flight?|||Hello ESFJs! How do you like to spend time on a long flight? What about on a short flight? Many thanks for your poll response and comment. :)|||Hello. How do you prefer to spend time on a long-distance flight? Would your answer be different if it were a short flight?|||How do you prefer to spend time on long flights? Would your answer be different if it were a short flight?|||How do you prefer to spend time on a long flight? What if it is a shorter flight?|||How does your type spend time on a long flights? What if it were a short flight?|||Oh man! I am blown away! Thank you, sincerely, ferroequinologist ! You have no idea how much sense you are making - to the point I am thinking you are probably right at my cubicle-side, watching the...|||Hello. How does your type like to spend time on a long flight? Would your answer be different if it were a short flight? Please use the comments option to respond, after taking the poll. Thank...|||How do you spend time on a long flight? Would it be different from that of short flights?|||So, how does your type (INTJ) spend time on a long flight? Would it be different if you were on a short flight?|||You are very perceptive to come to this hunch without any details whatsoever. :) That's my guess too, being in the thick of things. That said, what I am trying to find out is how the person became...|||@cypherpixy, Petitpelerin, IncoherentBabbler, Huginn : Thank you for taking the time to read the long post and reply thoughtfully. Thank you for not being patronizing or questioning my motives and...|||If you are on a long flight, how would you spend time? Would your answer be different if it were a short flight? Please use post responses if you want to indicate the differences.|||If you were on a long flight, what would you prefer to do, ISFP? If it is a short flight, would your answer be different?|||Survey time. How does your type prefer to spend time on a plane? Think of the longest plane journey you have been on. What's your preference? Would it change if it were a shorter flight?|||People, Help me here. Is it an ISTP thing or may be it is one individual in a particular circumstance. I am trying to find out which one; and if it is a generic thing common to many in the...|||Hmm... I have got this feedback before from an ISFP too, ferroequinologist. However, when I did lay out the problem point-by-point with factual evidence and a note for each point about how it can be...|||ISFPs, help me here. Suppose you are in a job that requires you to do things in a certain way. You aren't necessarily aligned with that, but need to do what you are asked to do (because, that's...|||Oddly, he found himself another job and decided that this place wasn't right for him anymore! Oh well...|||I don't know many INTJs who talk non-stop! Actually, I don't know *any* that does. However, on a topic that they are interested in, they can talk sufficiently.|||Oh yes, I forgot to mention that! :) Good point. Do ENFPs ever completely forgive themselves?|||Do other ENFPs do this? In areas of disagreement with the other, the progression I have seen is like this: Passive (Compromising, bending over backwards to please) --> Neutral (Cooperative,...|||And yes, an overlooked Fi in an ENFP is capable of mischief. Thanks for bringing this insight up. I hadn't realised, but it is very important, indeed! Thank you, Rainbow Catfactory|||Thank you, for the validation. :)|||INTJ women with ENTJ men seem like a good match - I know from two such families. Very successful. I have also seen successful INTJ man + ESFJ woman - no idea why or how this works, but these are...|||g_w : Thank you for your comment and commendation. :)'
'Thanks for the compliment and welcome, Niss. I may lurk from time to time :)|||Yes, in my experience, when having emotions about big things that require analyzation or thinking through, I will be pretty emotionless until I've decided how to deal with it or understood why I felt...|||My advice when you do have your talk is try not to be overly emotional and ask him for the truth, explaining that understanding is the only thing that will help your relationship / or if it's over,...|||Yeah, we are. All of my serious relationships have been with FPs too. I dated an ISFP for 3 years, then an ENFP for a year, and then this ISFP this year. Also my bro and dad are ISFP so I have a lot...|||Yeah, I've come to the conclusions that he still hasn't dealt with his feelings in his past relationships which have all ended up blowing up in his face pretty badly. I realized that he had said...|||Yeah, the past few days have been hard. It would be easier if he could tell me that there WAS something wrong with us. He says he got a feeling that he didn't want to marry me at that point (and...|||Hey all, I've come across a rather odd scenario with an ISFP and I wanted to hear your insight on what you think you would be feeling in a scenario like this. Any opinions are appreciated. I...|||ISTJ with ISFP. 4 months, but our connection is wild. I feel like I've found my soul mate. And I didn't believe in soul mates before...|||Being full of yourself is a combination of having insecurity about yourself while simultaneously seeing your abilities as defining you and needing to be superior to others around you. In this sense,...|||Deleted|||NylonNeonLeon That's extremely admirable for you to have already pieced together the flaws of being a young ISTJ. You are exactly right and with time and with that awesome brain of yours, you will...|||I can speak as a workaholic ISTJ. I have 3 jobs and am a student in college still. Work makes me feel good about myself. Like I can achieve things and am desired for my skill sets. However, when I've...|||So I've been digging this guy for a while but things are complicated. I'm pretty sure he is an ISFP. I met him years ago during high school, but now 6-7 years later, we hung out through a mutual...|||I've cheated before several times in school. Honestly, if the content doesn't matter, I'm not going to use it again, then I don't feel like it really matters. As long as I learn the material that is...|||When people treat me or people I care about with disrespect. I will give them a piece of my mind.|||I definitely get an INFJ reading and my best friend is an INFJ. You seem organized and planning oriented / responsible, which seems J to me. The first thing that stuck out to me was your...|||I have pretty high self esteem. My mom, who is also an ISTJ, suffers from lower self esteem. For me, I get low self-esteem when I see a pattern of mistakes that I've made. I feel like i'm in a...|||Lack of creative thought. No one is taught to think anymore. Information is there but kids aren't learning the skills of coming to thoughts on their own or thinking deeply.|||I get into this thing where I feel weird and I look at the events to see what the catalyst was. Even if deep down I know what the catalyst is, I get into the habit of telling myself You shouldn't...|||ISTJs want to prove how awesome we are. Also as a gamer women, we're used to men seeing us as inferior gamers. Don't show her that you buy into that stereotype. We are competitive. It's fine to...|||In my experience, commitment isn't the problem for ISTJs. It's overcommitment. She tried to balance too many things and can't handle the stress. She has prioritized and decided to cut you out. She...|||Krisena - I share this situation with you. My best friend is an INFJ and our relationship works for the same reasons you said yours does. You have to have mutual respect and understanding for each...|||Set One: 1: How old are you? 24 2: What was your favorite subject in grammar school? Grammar school? 3: What did you want to be when you grew up? Teacher 4: Do you enjoy reading? If so,...|||I loved Lincoln Logs and LEGOs equally. Video games, I do like RPGs and strategy. I love civilization V, might and magic, I also played World of Warcraft in a hard core guild back in the day. I...|||This is EXACTLY how I feel. I think ISTJs are great, I mean, I am one, but I don't need to be with someone who is thinks JUST like me. I like the balance of being with someone different than me and I...|||I'm very good with money. I rarely spend money on things I don't need or items I haven't researched and am not sure how useful it will be to me. I got my first credit card about a year ago and...|||Yeah, I don't think I should worry about it I suppose. Here's a question though: I've been pretty open about sexual stuff with him. I make a lot of dirty jokes (It's partially how I flirt, but...|||Sorry if I typed it confusingly! We were on a date, went back to his place to chill for a while and while we were there talking on the couch, he looked at his phone and texted someone for a second...|||Hi all, I just went on a first date with an ISFJ male whom I met at a party last month. We had been talking online quite a lot (didn't hang out because he was studying for a grad test) but when he...|||Smart! Less than you'd think heh. :P About 1/3 on pages 1 and 2. Then you get into all the personalitycafe stuff and it's all me lol.|||Ask her what you want to know. Be straightforward. Don't try and figure it out and make any assumptions, that usually leads to feelers not knowing at all what I really mean and turns into them being...|||Makes me think of a trip I took with my family to San Francisco. Further, the lighting would make me think of when we went to NYC.|||Yes. I play and teach piano for a living. I also create and arrange music. I also took tons of art classes as a kid and love to draw and paint.|||I actually played WoW competitively back in the day and made a shadow priest character (They use a lot of spells that start with the word 'mind like mind control, mind blast, mind flat, etc) so I...|||@snowbell Yes, I'm aware there are two s's. And like any ISTJ, there is a reason for this.|||My personal theory is that you are genetically disposed to perceive in a certain way, and could go either way but may be more likely if both parents are Ns or S, etc. A lot of families I've seen,...|||I'm obviously going on basic trends. Not all P types are fluttering around without a plan or drive to complete tasks, but you'll see this is much more prevalent in males under 25 who are P types than...|||I've learned the same thing about the people I've dated. I dated an ISFP and an ENFP seriously and they helped me out of my comfort zone and taught me to be more relaxed and enjoy life more. Now i...|||It's not that it's an F thing to not have ideas, FPs are just less likely to put the details together to make it happen. That defaults to us lol.|||I redirected this thread into the cognitive functions forum instead. I think it belongs more there, just wanted to see what my ISTJ friends thought! Reposted here:...|||I've noticed that the direction isn't really important. A lot of Ni people will do it in all kinds of directions. It's the same glazed over dreamy look though that distinguishes it. The Si look is a...|||There is some sound advice in there, but it's funny to me the things you think that sensors like haha. Mainly Extroverted sensors are going to be the ones who want the club or bar scene or enjoy...|||Absolutely. Every relationship is going to have it's problems / troubles / issues. Even two very similar types will find something to argue about. It's just at what point is the person / relationship...|||I'm glad you've found it useful! I've been confirming this for a few years now and it's always proven true to the people that I have 100% typed. I also catch myself doing Si eye movement ALL the...|||It's true that sometimes we can be short sighted in our thinking, but you can't deny that we get things done, (albeit in ways we know they will get done) and fast. We don't spend a lot of time...|||Thank you all for your words of encouragement! I appreciate it and it gives me some inner peace.|||I'm the youngest and still nostalgic. I don't think birth order has anything to do with it.|||As I get older, I get more and more nostalgic. I'm about to turn 24 which I know isn't old, but I catch myself looking through my old facebook pictures and statuses looking on the past several times...|||One of my friends was actually mad at me for NOT crying about a big break up. I eventually did, but it took me about 4 days. ISTJs HATE to cry, it takes something like a big emotional upheaval to get...|||1. Intellectual Stimulation / Be able to show me points of view I can't see on my own (so someone who thinks differently than me) 2. Someone to help me navigate social situations better 3. Goal...'
'Welcome, fellow ENFJ! I'm relatively new to ENFJ land, having been an ENFP for as long as I can remember. Hope you find all you're looking for here! It's a great place to learn.|||This is true. Some of these people have been in my life well before him, so I think that is what is making it harder. I have given up a few friends who I met after him, but people who have been in my...|||From someone who has dated an ISTJ for over 2 years...run. The don't do wishy-washy sounding ANYTHING as it relates to relationships and get frustrated with you if you desire that. Just run. For...|||Okay, I don't want to sound conceited, but to anyone out there, do you find members of the opposite (or same) sex are generally REALLY attracted to you? Like, you become friends and then two months...|||I agree with this wholeheartedly. I really don't have anything to add. Well said!|||Hahaha...I just want to be happy all the time. Whenever my boyfriend (ISTJ) gets mad at me, I have my ritual. Hold me-->He has to hug me Love me-->He has to hold me tighter Give me kiss-->Lots...|||That's funny...my ex always says that he can do that to me...and he's always right.|||I definitely feel that way. I always want to figure out WHY the relationship had to end and why we can't be friends. I'm terrible. I dated guy who has changed letters so many times I have no idea...|||Welcome! Enjoy it! :)|||Maybe I'm just a bad example but it takes me FOREVER to get over someone, especially if I stay in contact with them. I'm still in contact with my ex and it has been tough on my relationship. But he...|||Hahahaha I love it. This is just so weird for me. In high school, I wasn't Ms. Popular #1 but I had a lot of friends. And my friends at home are the only ones getting me through right now....|||Yeah, it's a horrifying reality. But thank you :)|||That's been my main way of meeting people this semester. I'm forcing myself to join the clubs and groups I wanted to join before and my goal is to get involved with them. I'm sure I'll meet people...|||I admit that NO friends is an overstatement. But ignoring the hyperbole, I have to say that is how I feel. I'm a college student, sophomore year, 18 (so I'm a bit young). Last school year, I...|||I definitely think that the Js that I know have a tendency to flaunt their common sense. And because of that, when they overlook things, I fling it in their faces. But I try to do it jokingly,...|||I definitely feel you on that. We have some agreements that have evolved into a constitution of sorts, where certain actions have certain consequences.|||HAHAHAHAHAHA. My boyfriend calls himself an 80-year old Jewish man.|||For some of the events that happened during his childhood (infidelity, divorce), it still seemed relatively stable. My biggest frustration is how forceful he is about his way of doing things. ...|||As many other people, I've been in a relationship with an ISTJ (a bit over a year) and we've been having the same issues with the coldness. I just try and try and try to get him to emote and I've...|||I would definitely say I'm emotional and impulsive, although with a selfish edge rather than cocern for others. The use of the golden rule is a good idea. I just don't stop to think before I do...|||Hahaha, now I feel like either wa, I'm a bit screwed. Right now, I keep hurting my thinker friends with my impulsive, emotional decisions. I guess I'm just going to have to let time and wisdom and...|||i can't believe I left the career path off. I freak out thinking about it. I'm a first semester junior (I'm ahead, not behind) and I am really worried because I can't think of one concrete sort of...|||I definitely just got a little bit stressed reading all the stressful situations. I feel most stressed when people try to control what I do. My parents really like trying to tell me what classes I...|||Yeah, I don't want to get to a point where I'm not being myself. I'm just not sure how to make the most appropriate decisions based on feelings versus logic. Things generally end up better for me...|||All pertinent info, thanks. And I definitely agree about thinking logically. I guess I just really want to find that balance. There are people important to me who I would hurt far less if I just...|||ENTPs, I'm looking for some help. I really want to work on my thinking and logic. I find myself in trouble and hurting people because I make decisions based almost entirely on how I feel. I...|||This is an interesting thread. For me, as I mature, I feel like my T is contantly being strengthened. I'm sure it is mostly because I've surrounded myself with strong thinkers and it is hard to be a...|||Triplets. lol. My whole family is INxx and they are far more introverted than I could ever be. But I have a tendency to close up around them. We're really different. With my friends, I am ENFP all...|||Oh, I used to do this at that age. :( She's probably just stressed. Also, misunderstandings really upset me more than most; it could be the same for her. Let her pout and then talk about it later or...|||Yeah, I love Jack Johnson and Jason Mraz also. I saw the latter live and it was amazing. I've heard Everything Is Made in China before and LOVE them. If people are looking for music, last.fm is...|||I would like children...no more than two and preferably twins. A boy and a girl. Yes, I have this planned. I'm scared to parent, but I think I can do a good job. I have the energy needed in...|||I completely agree with all of this. Yet this past semester, when I really didn't have any close friends at school, I longed for that companionship again. I have two people who I truly believe see...|||Hahaha that's cool. At my college, people are mostly into mainstream hip-hop/rap, so I sort of stand out when I have no idea what's going on in that music world. I do love the beats, I just cant get...|||Sociology major, Political Science minor, with an interest in Urban Sociology, Crime, and Deviance. Yay for Social Sciences.:laughing:|||Oh my gosh, I LOVE This Will Destroy You. Excellent taste. And Sigur Ros and Mogwai. I do find myself far more attracted to alternative music. I love Ratatat also, which is electronic. Of...|||An INFP did wonders for my life...when things were good, they were AMAZING. But when he would really try to make me reason I simply could not see it from his perspective. He frustrates me when he...|||Hey! Welcome to the site! I hope you find everything that you're loking for. I've found this site to be very helpful and hope you will also. :)|||Hey fellow ENFPs...I was wondering about peoples' favorite types of music. I really am looking for some new music and was just curious to see if there were any trends. Personally, I'm a fan of post...|||Welcome. Hope this site serves you well. :) Posted via Mobile Device|||Welcome fellow ENFP! And omg, I'm so excited to see someone else who loves soundtracks. Excellent taste. :) Also, I've noticed several ENFPs mention Anthropology as a major. I'll be taking...|||Wow. This has really helped me see I'm not alone. I feel so indecisive about careers it isn't even funny. I'm a sociology major but I have no idea what I'm going to do after school. I know what I...|||I definitely don't understand ISTJs. How can someone just be so...stable? I guess we ENFPs are traditionally known for that. With all the ISTJs I know, I feel like I can never win arguments because...|||I really like that idea of getting involved together. We don't have anything like that but I'm sure we could find a common interest (probably something politically oriented) and join forces on it....|||As an ENFP, I have a hard time accepting the idea that someone will be never change. I have a tendency to strain healthy relationship to try to save people who are hurting themselves. For example,...|||I agree with that. We do have relative ease completing any tasks because one of us always has the skill set for it. My issue is with the second part. I've talked to him about looking for things we...|||Hey, sorry it took awhile to get back. Specific problems with my ISTJ...he is constantly nitpicking...I hate feeling like we constantly have something we have to fix in our relationship. For...|||Hi everyone! A friend of mine introduced me to this website and I figured it would be a great way to get to know more about myself. ENFP is the M-B result I've been getting for the past few years and...'
'i think the whole thing is pretty much a farce really - if one, or indeed all of them (my mum dad and sister) were to die tomorrow, i dont think i'd be affected at all, life would just go on exactly...|||he could tell them that, but i think they would imagine he is joking|||some people revel in feelings; i think they just 'enjoy' feeling them for feeling them's sake; they arent interestded in analysing why they feel something and changing it, they dont see the need to...|||remember that relationships are always a two way street, but the only person we can change is ourselves you need to identify and deal with little negative things before they pile up and burst -...|||dup post: see below|||i think it can be acceptable to say that sometimes but, it really depends on the circumstancel who you are talking to; how well you know them, their expectations; whether you care or not if they...|||so, the really interesting thing about this thread for me is the OP posted the exact same thread to a number of different types just check out all started threads by vixin and you will see that the ...|||so, the really interesting thing about this thread for me is the OP posted the exact same thread to a number of different types just check out all started threads by vixin and you will see that the...|||its the same hoop though often times when people say i'd best be going now they dont really mean it in the literal sense its just a polite 'get out clause' which works for both parties its an...|||older movies with strong women she may not have seen: leon (wonderful); the color purple; the client; the pelican brief also city of god is excellent and thought provoking although a bit gritty and...|||a conversation doesnt have to end only when all talk has dried up and no one has anything more to say, sometimes it needs to end sooner than that esp if one person wants to keep it short and...|||i actually sit next to an intj girl at work, i typed her within a couple of days based on just a few things we discussed in conversation, then i asked her and turns out i was right - we get on really...|||i work with an entj boss and what drives me crazy about him is when he says to me, you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong, oh.....yes....i do apologise, you're right this happens...|||ni ni ni ni http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTQfGd3G6dg we shall say ni if you dont appease us with a shrubbery lol no, not nuuuu, ni apologies for the outrageous derailment, i couldnt help...|||her start date is june2011, mine is obv before that, so how can i be the imposter???? it is very confusing when we are both making posts in the same thread, and i see someone quoting ariana and then...|||i am just really pissed off right now that someone has just created a new profile with 'virutally' my username and even an avatar pic that is kinda like mine.....grrrrr|||i would largely agree with you, however, interestingly i believe that the Prime Minister of Great Britain must always be Church of England - one reason i think is because they are responsible for...|||well yes i am more than aware how difficult it was for the ancient britons to move and erect the stones in the first place, but i am more interested in why you say that the romans moved the stones to...|||well its hardly surprising really is it; the only surprise to me is that so many people are still taking this load of of scaryfairytales seriously; i mean...jeez|||but what is the point of speaking at all if you dont care whether the people you are speaking to understand you? is it your intention when speaking to baffle your audience and make them feel more...|||the colosseum that is 931 miles away in rome???? i would be really interested to know exactly how and why they did that given the distance, the size and weight of the stonehenge blue stones...|||you dont believe me or you just want to find out more??? lol ok either way these should satisfy your curiousity: http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/old-english-letters.htm...|||the elizabethan alphabet only had 24 letters the letters u and v were the same letter, the V was the capitalised version of the u and the same for i and j, with J being the capitalised version of...|||agreed i think she is a very clever lyricist, i wish she would write another album|||i dont think that it probably made any difference that you used a long word, 16 yr old boys are just stupid 16yr old boys with mentality of 5 yr olds and laugh at anything at all (btw your story...|||i didnt think that song was so dark or outragsous to be honest, i prefer this one (warning if you dont like 'profanity' you might want to skip listening to these) ...|||sometimes its helpful to use 'simple words' eg day to day words, if you are trying to convey a complex idea to someone who is new to it. ultimately, starting basic can save you time and frustration...|||i was also frequently labelled precocious, it didnt help that although my reading age was really high, i was also very small for my age. your post reminded me of a time, when i think i was about 9,...|||i think the use of big words is ok, (i love them, i am always in dictionaries) and they are great tools for expressing yourself properly (and for appearing intelligent to others if that is what you...|||hey nice pic beth! and .... your hair matches your cushion :tongue:|||In 1869, Emperor Napoleaon III of France offered a prize to anyone who could make a satisfactory substitute for butter, suitable for use by the army. Hippolyte Mege-Mouries invented a substance he...|||i hated Atonement, one of the very very few books i've started and actually given up on; i was so disappointed|||And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin this is one of my favourite quotes, and for me it says a lot about all the...|||sure its important to have a relationship based on more than pure appearance, but what is wrong with wanting the ideal in both appearance AND personality. again at the risk of being called shallow,...|||but this is not so very diff than guys who are into blonde girls or skinny model girls with long legs or girls with huge boobs? i am going to risk saying that men are just very aroused by visual...|||this is a very thought provoking clip about former cricketer and broadcaster Chris Broad whose wife Michelle had been diagnosed with motor neurone disease and committed suicide when he was in the...|||yh the miracle of life/birth thing, i think its something you kinda have to experience for yourself to 'get it', i can understand people feeling the way you do too, and i did have my first baby when...|||well u can say you dont believe, but can you live with the guilt that will be with you for all eternity when one of them dies and i for one, would not want to anger the all powerful queen of all the...|||i have 4 children aged between 15 and 24 and a grandchild aged 5 lol i enjoyed being pregnant, apart from my last one, cos my third child was only 18mths old and it was very hard work and exhausing...|||wow, way to stop a thread in its tracks, go me!!! does no one want to complain i am forcing my belief on them......|||i dont seem to be able to get past page 101 of this thread http://personalitycafe.com/intj-forum-scientists/3146-rarity-intj-women-new-post.html clicking on page 102 button or the last button...|||but some people dont want others to judge them on their rl appearance, but rather on their words alone but perhaps you could use your own photo instead of that cute fluffy baby creature?|||i think i need to reassess my life............:unsure: Work: fulltime Hobbies: reading, jogging Partnerships: a stupid man who is doing my head in right now due to his stupid fear of...|||i am so glad you said this cos i was wondering the exact same thing and then wondering if i was stupid, then reminding myself i'm not, so wondering the exact same thing anyway, i too am very much a...|||yes, and it did make me smile, but then, having been made aware of the dangers of smiling possibly leading to happiness, i instantly realised the gravity of the situation and thought i should...|||so, not being a chemist of any kind, i googled solid ammonia and this is what i found: ~When sensitized or during decomposition, may become unstable and/or explosive ~ may explode under conditions...|||it can be whatever you want it to be, and you are quite right that it is most unstable|||well i'm not a photography expert, and i thnk sanskrit's comments were probably technically correct , but i thought it was a really lovely photo of you, you look very pretty in it, and if you think...|||methinks we have special magical powers to dispell those pesky little mossie critters, ie we just give them the intj woman glare, and they flee into the night, behold, this is the power of the intj...|||ah, then it sounds you are quite 'normal' then, lucky you :cool: i think i wish i had more 'female' qualities like empathy, otherwise people compare me to what they expect women to be like and find...'
'Nothing is worth an instagram.. Twitch|||Juiz My advice, for this moment, go outside and light something on fire. Nothing big, something you're allowed to burn, and in a safe place so that it can't escape. Just sit there and watch it. If...|||Cage cage cage. Yo. Twitch|||Yeah, I rub and poke people in dimly lit rooms for money. Sometimes I even get to hurt them. :tongue: I'm not consistent in my PC visits either, so don't feel too bad *hugs* Twitch PS:...|||Haha, the entirety of man, not just my own life. I've been getting existential at times as of late, so I apologize if the words I have spoken didn't make much sense. As for the pondering of my own...|||*rubs* You have to 'mere for more. *slides a shot of Jameson over* This'll get you started on loosening up. Twitch|||More badass Uh huh ;) I think you're too squishy to be truly badass ;) Twitch|||Temperamental fluid, definitely non-newtonian in consistency. Oh wait, an INFP being consistent would be like an ESFP not trying to be the center of attention. Near impossible... Twitch|||Your username and avatar betray you. Korra's a chick. And Morfy, I can't wait to see how you've changed :) Twitch|||Morfy, you haven't changed a bit. Twitch|||ENTP masquerading as something they're not? How original. Not like their confidence and courage isn't already a lie. Twitch|||New candid photo of myself: https://www.flickr.com/photos/33361397@N08/shares/5EJG90 Twitch (if that doesn't work, here's the direct link...|||Dabbling Books: Science journals, sherlock, consumer reports, Michael Crichton, tech manuals, IT blogs, cartoons Hobbies: Playing Destiny, pondering the existence of man and the banality of it all,...|||You still haven't beaten me... TWITCH|||the_cheshire_cat Dabbling jeb Hey guys. *HUGS* 1 year into massage therapy and I think I may be strong enough to hug all of you at once. Twitch|||She is Karl, king of ducks. Twitch|||Why do we need ATX cases? BECAUSE MUTHAF***IN WATERCOOLED TRIPLE SLOT GRAPHICS CARDS B*TCHES! Twitch|||NF VS ST. That is a hell of a battle, especially when the NF has a well developed T function. I myself tend to find joy in beating down unsuspecting ST's when they step out of line, but that's just...|||Who needs to feel it when you know it? :wink: Twitch PS: TheVerb Enjoy your new VD!|||I dread to think of what an INFJ period looks like. Twitch|||Lol, now who's the hug addict? ;) jeb! *hug* I bring great news! I passed my massage therapy exam! Woo! I'm going to become a massage therapist! Twitch PS: *HUGS* For everyone!|||Dabbling Green Girl Algorithmics *INFJ hug* Twitch|||*hugs* ladyteacher renna Aubbs *hugs* Twitch PS: Swede have you no love for us?|||Swede Come back! *hugs* jeb Swede Sweetish Lady O.W. Bro MsBossyPants *hugs* Twitch PS: ladyteacher wants a hug too?|||If only they were fighting over you rather than just in front of you. Twitch|||Oh, come on. You know they don't need any more encouragement :tongue: Twitch|||You live entirely on potatoes and Guinness :D The Irish were onto something. Twitch|||Nobody remembers. Twitch|||Ah, well, even without a crisis, the offer still stands. *hugs* Twitch|||Or does it? Twitch|||Lies. Twitch|||I understand *hugs* Message me whenever you get the chance Veggie. Twitch|||I know that feeling soldier. Just BS'ed my way into a 90% on a test I so very much did not study for. Let us know if we need to play 21 Guns or Immortals post test. Twitch|||Not ok today. Not ok for the last few days. Manic has set in and it's not a productive one. I can't concentrate, I can't empathize, I can't hardly sleep, I'm starting to lose what shreds I have...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-K_xgxrL4s Twitch|||I acquired about $400 worth of audio stuff from a yard sale for $20. Some awesome old school fisher stuff. But the turntable was broken. The reason I want a Panasonic turntable is because they have...|||Ok, that's true. Most of my music is played from mp3 or youtube because of ease of access and portability. But in my own home setting, clarity is king. No distractions, drones or noise to ruin the...|||Have you ever worked retail? And I know this feeling, as I was an exceptionally rational INFJ for some time of my life. People forget that you exist outside of the role they have assigned you. ...|||For us introverts, Vinyl>All others :P Now I just need to get a new record player to complete my media center. Twitch|||Vinyl Records>Any other music format (except for maybe live) Twitch|||Sup. Twitch|||Sup. Twitch|||oY hctiwT|||You may not be an INFJ, but I'd still like to meet you good sir :) Twitch|||Do any of them involve watersports? Twitch|||.dab oot ton s'ti os, keew a sruoh 81 gnikrow ylno m'I /-: taht fo pot no sruoh 03 tuoba sdda loohcs tuB !deticxe repus ma I dnA !segaw gnitrats, ruoh na 03$ fo sdrawpu gnikam eb ll'I ?edis...|||It's ok, I get the same reactions most of the time, aside from assumed male gender identity because of the locations of the internet that I visit. Twitch|||!sraey neeb yllaretil s'tI .emit ym lla netae evah krow dna loohcS (; tsipareht egassam/ruessam densecil a eb ll'I dna shtnom erom xiS ?neeb esle enoyreve sah woH hctiwT|||Wub? Twitch|||...haraS .dessim neeb evah uoY .yllautca uoy fo llA (': denruter sah yhctiwT ruoY hctiwT'
'Have any of you ever been depressed? How would one help an ENTJ cope with depression? How would an ENTJ get out of it?|||As above :kitteh:|||Loving dat use of Megara everywhere.|||I've been stressed enough recently to go into shadow ISTP mode, which actually feels pretty cool, in a weird way. And oddly empowering as a woman with one of the most stereotypically female...|||That is, your unhealthy state?|||LADIES CAN WEAR FEDORAS AND HAVE SWAG TOO :wink:|||Istj|||Infj|||This is me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUVOgPzXm7g|||Istp|||Intj|||I'm good, thanks! It's freezing here too, brrr :frustrating: Looking forward to the holidays, though! Hope you manage to find the balance you're looking for. I always find this time of year pretty...|||I'd love to be in Dauntless, but I'm not an ENFP and even so I definitely think more than one appeals to me too :happy: Also, good to see you again too! *seconds ai.tran* How is everything? :D|||Oh, right. Best of luck with prepping :) I gotta go and cook dinner, was good talking to you though :kitteh: *virtual Fe high five*|||Thanksgiving sounds like fun! We don't have that over in the UK :S Are finals just before Christmas? (Exams/coursework tend to be after them here).|||I'm good, thanks :) Just trying to finish some work off before Christmas. Yourself?|||Laughing too hard at that gif. :laughing: I'm sure you will too :) http://cdn01.cdnwp.celebuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/14/request-five.gif|||Fe is the best :P http://stream1.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs1/1416886_o.gif If I knew an ENFJ Christian girl I'd send her your way :( /willkeepaneyeoutforyou|||The Fe is strong right now. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:|||Why can't you see it? :( It was the perfect response. Blindly countering may not be wise... *ebil laugh*|||http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/If-I-Could-I-Would-Sheldon-Big-Bang-Theory.gif|||Being a hipster seems like more of a Fi than Fe thing to me, could be wrong though. A lot of the hipsters I know are ISFPs, ties in with often being very into art too :) Thoughts?|||ENFJs don't bite :p|||Quickly - 2 is Se, 5 is P, so is 6. 7 is Fi :) Not sure about E/I but you should be able to figure that one out?|||I'd say you sound more like an ESFP :)|||http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111231151555/glee/images/4/46/Kurt_%26_Rachel_Hug.gif All the hugs for you :D :happy:|||You're welcome :D|||this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdjY6oy4Y2c|||Not really. Do you think that would help? Sorry, should have explained - we're not together, never were :laughing: I just have a massive crush on this ENFP guy I know, who I also know is not a...|||I'm trying to keep busy, yeah, and I've actually been so busy with work I haven't seen him much of late. He's just very hard to forget about, though, even when I am doing other things. It's annoying...|||http://i.imgur.com/DOqLXrt.gif|||How do you get over someone who you know is not right for you? (too flirty with loads of other people, does drugs, not many shared interests etc.)|||How do you get over someone who you know is not right for you? (too flirty with loads of other people, does drugs etc.)|||Cheers man. I won't chase him, then :P. Do you also wait till you can spot signs of interest in a girl before you show any interest yourself? As in, you won't chase/flirt with a girl you like without...|||http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbqx0dvNq41r5lsho.gif|||ENFJ here but http://cdn1.smosh.com/sites/default/files/ftpuploads/bloguploads/0413/epic-hugs-monsters-inc.gif|||Thanks :) I'll keep an eye out for the latter in the guy I like lol. What kind of signs would you take as someone being attracted to you? As an ENFJ old school girl I don't really like to...|||Thanks! :) So it's kind of on purpose, then? Stick around in a friend sense? (ENFP male friend; trying to deduce if he likes me; as an ENFJ, defo not asking outright :laughing:)|||Would you (especially the guys on here) say that you flirt with everyone? If so, do you do it on purpose or is it more of an unconscious kind of thing? How can you tell when an ENFP is flirting...|||Thanks, guys - sorry for the late replies, I had a busy weekend and couldn't come on here. Basically, I was out and about on Friday when some guy harassed me, but thankfully I've spoken to the police...|||(1) When would you say it's better to be single than in a relationship? (2) As an ENXJ, do you find that you plan the future (including what kind of partner you want) a lot, and have high...|||http://24.media.tumblr.com/711d6ed78cda5f88cdebf49a391b3a83/tumblr_mssdnaaLqC1shm9rjo1_500.gif|||Thanks, will do :)|||Worst day ever :sad: Can't tell those I know about this, wish I had someone to talk to.|||I haven't known many INTPs, but (at least for me), among all the types, the INTPs and INTJs I've known have seemed the most similar (between any two types where there's just one letter of difference...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_0-exnTNAs|||http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view5/3515890/black-men-reacting-o.gif|||Any thoughts on ENFP guy/ENFJ girl? :tongue: And yep, used to know an ESTP guy I really liked...|||Yeah, James Franco seems like an ENTP to me, actually :) That video was hilarious lol It's quite nice, yep, nothing on SF though IMO :laughing: Nice song! Very thoughtful and deep :happy: I...|||Really? I thought that kind of humour was a Ne thing (one of my best friends is ENTP and he's the biggest troll you ever knew - still trying to get the super glue off my rucksack lol). I'm not very...'
'I love Yoga. I haven't taken a class yet, but will when winter is over. For now, I do some at home, watching this yoga show early in the morning. I got interested in Yoga a few months back, when...|||I don't hate loud people, but I strongly dislike when people are loud. My father, for example, when he sneezes, he always tries to do it as loudly as possible. And I never know when he will do it,...|||I have an older brother and an older siter. Around 24 and 22, respectively. I'm pretty sure my sister is INTJ. She used to be kind of a bitch and rather selfish, but we get along very well now....|||There's this thing that's been bugging me for a while about the concept of friends. I knew this guy, starting in third grade, I believe. Alex, his name was. We've known each other for about 6-7...|||I'm not an asshole. Aside from a number of times with by brother and sister, I'm never intentionally mean to anyone. I get along with just about anyone very easily. After reading through this...|||- The words fag and faggot should be more accepted and the reaction to them shouldn't be That's homophobic but rather Hey, this isn't a video game. Just like gay and queer are now terms to...|||Color of the Pomegranates. Most jarring movie I know of. I can't even describe it. Also, Angel's egg. A weird movie with an eye made of statues, statues of fishermen chasing shadows of giant...|||On Letting Go by Circa Survive and Symptomatic by Airlock.|||Pretty much any comedy, Titanic, Birth of a Nation, anything by Tarantino besides Pulp Fiction, which I saw, anything from Woody Allen because I don't feel him. And Singing in the Rain.|||Take a Little Hand by Origa, I believe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h6dB3-b7yY|||It's forgettable. If it wasn't for the hype around it, you'd really never hear about it except in discussions about really meh movies. The second one is well made, but has a bad script. It's real...|||Mostly lyrics, sometimes a feeling. But mostly lyrics. I realized recently that I like listening to my music, but I don't especially like hearing it. When I put on almost any album on my playlist...|||The best and scariest one I know (and one of the best things I've read, period) is this one: Psychosis Best read alone and at night.|||Cyberneticist or Pshychohistorian.|||Science fiction is the only type of fiction books I'm really drawn to. In non-fiction, anything related to science or whatever subject I'm interested in at the moment.|||I don't see why anyone would enter a relationship that isn't meant to be long term.|||5w6, 9w1, 3w2 I think I voted one wrong in the poll.|||Every day lasted 24 hours *wink wink nudge nudge* Around four or five years.|||I used to. One cup op coffee every morning. I stopped a few weeks ago. I don't know why, but it started tasting like mud. I don't consume, and never did, any caffeinated products aside from coffee.|||I never really noticed before, but I do tend to be attracted to sadder, darker things. Whether it's in painting, music, tv, stories, games, photographs etc. My playlist has less than 10 happy...|||He's not acting like an INTJ, he's just being an inconsiderate douche. You should try and find out what his enneagram is. It's not 100% guaranteed to work, but it will probably give you some...|||Just about everything. I think the one style I have most in Trip Hop (Kosheen, Hooverphonic, Airlock) different types of Rock (Circa Surivive, Bob Dylan, Cranberries, Radiohead, No Doubt)...|||No. And this week I discovered, not only do I hate it, I'm also terrible at it.|||Even if that was true, it would still be irrelevant. Kids see adults other than their parents in a number of places.|||How likely something is to happen isn't really relevant. What matter is whether or not it's possible. Two women can teach their kid(s) how to fish and hunt and two men can teach their kid(s) how to...|||I have mixed views on gay marriage. I have absolutely no problem with gays being married, legally. What I don't get is why so many of them want to be married under a religion.|||Books: None, unless we count comics as books, in which case, the ending of Maus. Tv: The ending of Code Geass, one scene with an old man whose wife died in Grey's Anatomy, and I think that's it....|||Ergo Proxy. I haven't seen many anime, maybe four or five, but this one will stay number one for a very long time that's for sure. I definitely recommend it.|||1. Yes. Someone I'd love enough to be in a relationship with is someone I'd be willing to sacrifice a lot for. And little chance is good enough. 2. After a few hours, I'd probably shoot him. What...|||No. When I talk about what I'm thinking when I'm thinking it, I stop thinking about it and end up just saying what's in my head right now instead of going further in the thought process.|||I think I only cried once in the last 6 years and it was from stress. Way too much of it.|||1. Hybrid cars? I like the concept and look forward to seeing them perfected, but I wouldn't own one now. 2. Classical music? Sometimes 3. Tea? No 4. Cats? They're pretty cool 5. ABBA? No 6....|||1. What is your mother tongue? (applies for those from not-English oriented countries or places) French 2. Are you good at your native language? Better than English? I'm better at french than...|||To own, none. My favorite birds, and animals, are owls. On the ground, it would probably be cats and other felines. Underwater, jellies. I also really love spiders and bees.|||Actively seeking me out and lying to my face with me knowing is one of the only things that would make me hate someone. I can ignore or disprespect people with nothing to say and annoying people,...|||I wouldn't be put off by being thought about. Try seeing him face to face again, not necessarily in a date, more like a walk or something casual.|||I can definitely relate to the second one. My kitchen floor is made of tiles with 3 stripes, alternating each time, and I've been walking with my feet perpendicular to the tiles for years now.|||Why waste time getting girls when there's so much knowledge to be had?|||It says like or agree with.|||Your position falls apart right here. (Bold part) The description speaks of tolerating something, that you sometimes don't agree with. It does say In particular, but that's just a variation of...|||In my first two years of high school, people perceived my silence in group classes as a plea for attention. It was torture. Don't pay attention him, he just wants people to notice him. Now let me...|||Well, we're not very into touching with most people (or I, I'll go with I), but not because it repulses me, it's because I don't see the point of touching for the sake of it or without ulterior...|||Quality time followed by Words of Affirmation, then Touch. Though the results might be slightly off because every time one of the options was gift, I just picked the other one.|||I can't see what I'd do with a whole to myself, with the whole managing everyone and whatnot. Never being bothered again, however, sounds real tasty.|||Once every two years, on average. I never see people outside of school aside from my best friend, which I last saw about three years ago and that one guy I went to the movies with once.|||I'm trying.|||My name is Charles. I'm 20 years old, I live in Quebec, and I'm trying to finish high school. I love watching movies, my favorites include Transformers 3, Ghost in the Shell, Upstream Color, 2001,...'
'Every time I try to meditate, I just end up falling asleep.|||She's an intelligent and driven person, and I can respect her for that. It doesn't mean I'm going to agree with her on the issues though. Unfortunately, I've seen too many people imply or outright...|||God, I was a dick 6 years ago...|||Let me ask my husband. (He's not big on forums, haha) For people to not be dicks|||These are phone meetings, which is tough, because I don't have this problem in in-person meetings thanks to body language and visual cues. Also I don't think I'm an 8 anymore. I think I turned...|||Why do people do this? And then those same people complain later that you (okay, I) didn't contribute? STFU. Literally. Anyone else constantly being talked over by the same few...|||Not at all. Major kudos to you for taking action and learning it on your own. You'll probably end up better at it than the average person, because they probably forgot everything they learned...|||For their sig, the T in INTJ could be a cross. :p And despite what MBTI dogma on here may have you believe, no, Christian NTs aren't 'broken'. Last I checked, NT doesn't stand for Non-Theist.|||Lol. If you happen to be my boyfriend, snuggle right on up! Sorry I'm so bad at initiating and being so squirmy. :P If you're anyone else, um... sorryg2gIthinkmypetcockroachdiedToodles!|||Yelling at people in general is highly unprofessional. I saw your other thread about your personal dramas with Julie, so I'm not going to sugarcoat this: You need to get it together, fast. ...|||You're not there to make friends. She doesn't have to like you, just as you don't have to like everyone either. As long as she's not actively doing something bad to you, accept that nobody is...|||When you respond to BECAUSE I SAID SO with why do you say so?|||If you're a male, congratulations. You've won the MBTI jackpot. Any weaknesses anyone can come up with are simply things that bother the *other* person, and not yourself. So lucky you. May I be...|||I'm kind of similar...in that if someone tries to overpower/steamroll/disrespect me, I instinctively dish it back out twofold to them, because I'm not going to just stand there and be shat on. I...|||The ones I hate the most: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year - way, way overplayed White Christmas - overplayed, and depressing Feliz Navidad - wtf. So it's a Spanish-based...|||Re: the supposed bossiness I've never known a bossy ENTJ. I think to them, bossiness is kind of, been there, done that, got the t-shirt, started a clothing company of it and outsourced to China.|||Still can't think of the perfect thing to get my boyfriend for Christmas. He's adamant that I don't buy things for him. He wants me to either make something for him, or to think of a great date...|||YKYA Thinker when... You inwardly cringe when customer service people (retail greeters, waitresses) use their customer service voice on you....you know, the high-pitched artificially bubbly...|||??? The most notorious hoarders I know are SJs. Must be an unhealthy manifestation/use of Si. The INFPs I've known have been just as bad in their hoarding. But they hoard differently. ...|||lol, I see what you did there...|||I'll start. The Christmas music! And they sing. And they sing. And they sing, sing, sing! :angry: Every time I hear the incessant holiday music playing everywhere, it reminds me of...|||I'm moving, and I decided to recycle all my yearbooks. My middle school and high school years felt like prison, and I have no desire to relive those memories. Didn't really have too many friends,...|||When you're forced to pare down on your collection of books, is it an easy task for you, or is it tough to part ways with them? How have you worked with/around this? ..... I'm moving in with...|||How old were these people when they were telling you to shut up and go away? Since you're only 17, I imagine that these were adolescents and kids saying that to you. At that age, that's to be...|||Despite being half Indian (dot Indian, not feather), I have naturally dark blonde hair, grey green eyes... and super pale skin. INTJ Maybe I'm so pale because I'm not out exercising my Se in...|||Yup. Especially when we get in Ni-Fi loops.|||I cannot pull of sexy if my life depended on it. I look stupid doing it, and always end up doing something clumsy. It always feels weird and ridiculous. I don't worry about it though. If I...|||Well, from a utilitarian standpoint, it's pretty difficult to be maximally productive if you're constantly spending all your energy fending off bullies. And it's harder nowadays to fight back...|||Once you're out of college, social life tends to become more coincidental than the distinct entity it was when you were younger. You hang out with your co-workers for a beer after work, rather than...|||I don't want kids. Never have, and never will. I tried to convince myself to want kids, but I can't. I have almost a visceral repulsion against the very idea, and I can only think of all the...|||I'm wondering if I require an abnormal amount of alone time, even compared to other Introverts. In order for me to feel my best, I need to have at least 2 solid days per week of personal space. ...|||I eat when I eat. I don't worry about remembering to eat. If I was truly hungry, I wouldn't forget. Of course, I'm 5'10 and 102 lbs, so take my philosophy with a grain of salt. lol|||These two things are the bane of my existence. I can't properly focus on a task if I'm constantly being interrupted, or if I even anticipate being interrupted. For example, in-depth project...|||Well...got back from our trip last night. And it was a success! Had a blast, and as for my INTJ... Well, he wants us to move in together. You be the judge. lol|||So should I suggest we separate to get out of each other's faces here and there? Because during weekends together, he wants to be with me 24/7. I took a 10 minute walk alone while he was sleeping...|||My INTJ and I are going to France together in a week for 8 days. Would this be bearable to an INTJ? He suggested it, and seems extremely excited about it. What are some tips to make this an...|||This seems more like an S thing than a T thing.|||Doesn't everyone do this..... ? :x|||ENFPs Ne - childlike wonder and curiosity and randomness Fi - raw emotions|||Oh, hello. You've been replaced.|||I have actually made many more friends out in the real world than I did in school. Don't even worry.|||Try San Francisco, too. Best city in America to be a bum.|||I'm not clumsy, the objects were just in my way.|||76. Thou shalt disregard all commandments, including this one.|||I should charge you for every minute you hold me up to chatter. Call it a consultation fee.|||This was the wrong section. I posted this in the appropriate section, so this one can be deleted..|||Just wondering.|||Sounds like some pretty extreme impulse control issues. If you haven't already done so, you may want to seek out professional help. Undiagnosed ADHD, bipolar disorder, anger management issues, or...|||...|||Honestly I think being SP first kinda sucks. If it's not controlled, it can lead to paranoia and worry. :-/'
'Living in the 3rd world, very radical political opinions tend to be implemented by some pretty radical people. And these have pretty real consequences....like not being able to provide enough...|||The beholders eyes...|||We use logic to screw with facts...|||From reading your post, two things are clear You are probably in early college? or late school You are an introvert, and up to now just being nice in every situation gets you out of stressful,...|||I think you are confusing MBTI perceptions vs Entp's in real life. The ENTP's I know would never be called clowns. They enjoy joking around and not looking that serious but in reality they are highly...|||This seems dead on to me! This is pretty much what I earned on my last venture it took me about 8 hours of work each month....I had the rest of the time to do whatever I pleased.|||Just a few thoughts - I think a downside of overconfidence and an ability to hack anything is that you ultimately end up with a proficency for hacking and not much else - The most valuable skill...|||In my opinion, I can't see it would be Then again, I end up in trouble all the time, so perhaps my opinion is not the best to follow. I guess it relates to your intention, are you looking to...|||If you are interested in an opinion. He was looking for the same thing you were just now....amusement. Perhaps just not in the most effective way|||The best flirt I have ever seen came from a very cute INFJ. It was her birthday. One of her presents was a box of chocolates. Each chocolate had a label of either 'Mine' or 'Yours'. It was a...|||I'm totally unqualified in this field, but if you consider Hebb's law as a starting point for intelligence (or at least memory) and the fact that you have over 150,000 kilometres of nerve fibers in...|||My best advice would be to treat everyone as unique rather than in an mbti box but....saying that, my best friend growing up was an ISTP...so here goes Here is the best part....some of the best...|||Hahaha...I hate Yes but answers.... I do however understand what you are getting at. Is it people just naturally polarising their views of other types or the actual test that calls you robotic and...|||Mmm, who says the vast majority of the world is aiming at accuracy? Accuracy is an INTJ thing, NT's make up a small fraction of the population, INTJ's a smaller one. I would say the vast majority...|||I think its actually meant as a term of endearment funny enough, not an insult. Id agree with you about INTJ's having lots of emotion, the ones I know are warm and caring, they just don't...|||Ive never dated another ENTP but I would be intrigued. It can work....just make sure you hire a project manager to do the all the admin and a PR expert to spin the...ahem...incidents. :tongue:|||The more time I spend with ENTP's the more I notice the differences....the more time I spend with other types, the more I notice ENTP similarities...|||Dated one INTP and I was besotted with her, I'm not sure how much of it was the novelty of meeting someone so different yet completely similar. I agree with the kitten puppy thing, I had her in...|||Hahaha, yep, I do the frantic grabbing thing too I think the prep referred to getting your mind ready for being in a social setting or taxing situation. I've heard of introverts who prep to make a...|||I dont think its unusual, all of my INTP friends spend time to prep or decompress.|||This might be something introverts do that ENTP's don't...well, I don't. Despite being happy to spend lots of time alone, I never really need to mentally prepare for any interaction, unless they...|||So what you are basically saying is we are full of hot air...:tongue:|||Nope, I'm the same with everyone. Ok, I had a little think about this I think authenticity is made up of three things: boundaries, intentions and actions. When these three things aren't...|||Hahahha Pics of a psychic connection? You're into ghost hunting aren't you?|||Ok, I'm not sure I agree with the 'frantically insecure' bit....I don't feel insecure, but I do have a friend who celebrates everytime she manages to get me flustered. I asked her why and she told...|||Hahaha, why is it that no one is ever just dating an ENTP, we always sort of, kinda, maybe dating people. We are such commitment phobes... Although I'm not kinda dating any INFJ's, I've got a lot...|||I think you need to separate the flexibility of your actions from the authenticity of your actions. My moral code is up for debate, but until someone or something convincingly challenges it, I...|||ENTJ http://i67.tinypic.com/2z9ip9g.jpg INFJ http://i63.tinypic.com/2j2t01i.jpg INTJ|||I dont think its fate or luck. I remember reading a book by Richard Koch on chance meetings. Essentially, he called big things we work for red ticket items (like getting a degree) and chance...|||Hahaha... I actually came here to try figure out a relationship problem, I didn't expect to stick around so the pic was just the first one I found on my hard drive....|||I've watched ENTP's change their personality to suite the audience often, but its still them. I've watched a wife of an ENTP call her husband fake because she didn't recognise how he was behaving in...|||It's the boiled frog rebellion...we aren't aware of it happening, we are just gradually being acclimatised to the revolution.... Hahaha, the reason I asked is because I've seen a few...|||I want to see what an INTP rebellion looks like...|||I once played a trick on some colleagues when I worked at Lloyds TSB in London. It resulted in one trying to resign, another formatting his pc and a third buying a plane ticket home to South Africa....|||I'm intrigued as to why it affected you so profoundly? Is it shock because of its violence? Is it because Paris is part of the first world so it's a little closer to home? Or just the volume of...|||I have a few guns but in my experience they tend to escalate situations very quickly so they stay locked up in a safe. A few people do carry guns but the vast majority don't. Its actually got very...|||Haha, I am serious at least once a week... As far as being safe, I grew up here so its just something that's always been like this. You live with it and keep yourself safe. There are many places...|||That's pretty bad but unfortunately not|||I think its a good thing to know. I met an INTP who didn't know. She had spent a lot of money with therapists trying to figure out why she didn't fit in, as well as punishing herself for not being...|||I live in a country with a significant amount of murder and violence... We get the same number of violent deaths as the Paris attacks every two days or so. It's interesting how the world can...|||Hahaha, I spend all day trying desperately to simplify conversations so that everybody understands, by the time I get home I'm desperate for some sort of intelligence :tongue:|||I have quite a few NT and NF women I spend time with just because I love their conversation, not because I want to date them. Quite often they fall into some middle ground where I'm not entirely...|||Timing is everything.... 430386|||Now you are screwed.....|||Hahaha, just smile, nod your head and say 'I understand...:tongue:|||I think being a feeler can get in the way of empathy....especially Fi. Empathy isn't what you feel, its about understanding another persons feeling. For that you need N, Ti and Fe. With that...|||Its because introverts are quieter so they let us talk more...:tongue: On a more serious note, I can get on with everyone but the language from other NT's and NF's takes less effort to listen to,...|||If you are looking for impact from a statement the key element is timing. Fast and insightful will create more impact than well thought out. Also Ne is based on connections, you have to be...|||Yep, all of them, well any with responsibility. Every business built for profit is run by numbers, whether you like or not you have to understand that. I often hear managers complaining that they...|||That's quite insightful... I think a lot of us would be insecure that all of a sudden the hacks that made us successful get exposed for what they are, with someone shouting..hey, look at this guy!...'
'physics / astronomy math / number theory .. diophantine stuff, prime stuff, lately harmonics. Computers .. i want to say just programming but chips are also fascinating when you start thinking...|||I liked school. Forced me to be more social ( drugs and alcohol were used to compensate for introverted ) Two classes in particular were very appealing while stoned. Trig and Stats. I don't...|||I gotta do this whole process because now i'm a freaking troll?!? I seen big words that I did not know. sanguine (which i only recognized from morrowind), choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic....|||You were the one who called my logic bad when it was yours and i'm the troll? bah.. /ignore|||No , i defined the words NOT the temperament. If I defined the word Judging, is that reducing to the absurd with mbti judging function? The definitions of words are or should be a subgroup...|||When the concept of the temperaments was on the wane, many critics dropped the phlegmatic which is why i never considered it. EDIT ADD: You know what, i am going to do this just to get this...|||I've never cared about spelling or grammer unless it affects the meaning or is impossible to decipher. I will go thru and check for that type of stuff iif the audience might be using a language...|||I wasn't crazy about this test. It felt like two tests to me. One to figure out what each picture was representing and than to use those answers as a response to the questions. I'm not that...|||I liked tests. Homework was useless if you paid attention and had a decent teacher. Having homework included in the final grade seemed insulting to both teacher and student. If you need to...|||aye N tee pee.. darn pirate indians.. wait, darn pirate native americans. The sailing first nation. i'm thinking that i'm more of a I am two pee .. bbif :tongue:|||Laugh, that's so INTP. Every error is fatal! I don't know what you did since I didn't read the post but it's probably not fatal. If i'm wrong I'd never find out about it unless you write...|||They do before thinking. I annoy myself when I do that so that can be irritating but the bright side of their coin is THEY DO. They'll be doing something and I'll be trying to explain the 6...|||I feel completely the opposite. I like them. The progression is like a giant puzzle and it's still unproven. It's kinda cool that this group has opinions about numbers at all.|||If you need to be drunk to ride, I suggest non motorized bike. Fill your water bottle up with a vodka lemonade or something and go for it. Now i'm picturing a johnny dangerously moment of...|||Yep, that's my point. The labels are misleading or just lump too much stuff into each temperament to be useful. Example: melancholic temperament is basically the introverts. Yet the...|||Man, when i just read the above I thought it was a dating site for number people.|||oh, you talk in your own voice like with skype, it'll show the panda talking instead of your face. You could be a red panda talking. So your voice but looks like panda talking. Sorry if I...|||I'll admit to liking that game more than most.|||I couldn't figure out how to thank you multiple times. Truly awesome post!|||Interesting. Bat's as a scale of blindness. I'm all for using Boats as a measure of beauty. Helen of troy was 1000. It might offer more preciseness because people don't generally like decimal...|||Interesting how many posts are written like algorithms. al·go·rithm - a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.|||and straight :tongue:|||phlegmatic = calm -- having an unemotional and stolidly calm disposition. synonyms:calm, cool, composed san·guine == optimistic optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or...|||Are you referring to sydlexia ?|||Near the door.|||Definitely not to change the subject, but have you seen Facerig Every time I see your avatar, this is what comes to mind. Though now he's eating doritos.|||I'd guess ENTP all the way. Disclaimer: I'm probably still way terrible at guessing but I'm thinking you could just consider this like a vote. LOL, 'all the way' than i say, well maybe...|||make up a number and figure out if it's prime. Sheep just made me hungry.|||I'm thinking Be happy he's a J, if he was intp he'd be done already with half finished.|||Banff is worth a 7 hour trip on a bus full of kids. I'm jealous that you were there. Maybe not jealous because it doesn't affect me at all emotionally. It is a place that I do want to see and...|||For her truth isn't as important as feelings. For you truth is more important. Although it might have been an attempt at getting doritos. you made another person feel bad; doesn't that make...|||Granny Smith apples and http://www.marzetti.com/images/products/7020055600.jpg Not as good, but definitely good enough.|||You getting those santa anna's now? I think i've watched way too much weather channel to ask questions about weather patterns no where near where I live. I'll admit that those winds are...|||I miss the sun. Too many days in a row of rain.|||OK, i realized that I did one just recently! I put a poem about computers into the INFJ thread about poetry. I wrote it to try to get over this girl back in the mid 90s. edit: and now I...|||hrm, this is just like email sometimes. Once ya hit that send button, can't seem to ever make it go away completely if you change your mind.|||I'd call it, the problem with being a higher dimensional being He sees their entire life as a single instance rather than a sequence of events. Since he can't accurately describe that extra...|||Dawnstar View Post Was your previous tv's remote a rf one? Those are way better because then you could use it when you find it.. like in the bathroom or laundry room. It's not like...|||kinda funny how a topic regarding emotions becomes a conversation regarding taco's. I think the taco is sad because it's missing sour cream. As for love, no clue. I think love isn't...|||I make it the night before this way it has time to cool down. This thread is informative though. I learned that starbucks serves tea, fruit and nuts. Maybe that's what they serve and I...|||I feel like I just got the trophy for participation. :laughing: Fe Man = could be Extroverted Feeling or Ironman. In my defense, there's too many people that have periodic table shirts. ...|||That's wild that all your higher functions are internal. I think it's cool that you don't fit the mold! Confusing as anything trying to make yourself fit into a single class but still cool. ...|||I'm completely INTP.. i'd like to get more J but it's a battle against laziness and changing priorities. hahaha, i'll call it changing priorities .. darn, no it's both. Bah. Yep, I'm a P alright. ...|||Give Me a Beer *************** Don't say the truth, for I don't want to hear. Feed me more lies and spare me my tear. Remember the good and forget the end and It'll start all...|||The above made me think of this poem. sheesh... in a library with an X... and I smoked at the time. Slow Brain Death (bizzaro world part 1) *************** Why oh why am I staying...|||I expected to come in here and get hammered but learn how to be nice and social. Turns out you guys are so nice I never even got hammered. There are anti-esfj typists? people have things...|||A Pirates Remorse **************** Aye, Twas nice to play that game of emotion. The game of life, and death. A game of words, and voices. A game of failure, and choices. What if, in...|||Thanks. I started the poetry thread here because I thought poetry was artist stuff. I just found a thread for poetry in the INFJ's, so it turned out it's the diplomats that have poetry. ...|||That's way cool. OOO, universe sandbox! does that do more than N-body gravitation with pretty colors? i think it's a great idea though. I'd probably get rid of half the types, no 3/4's...|||If you ever do write it use this as a commercial because you got me curious. OH, if you can't make it fit. I've considered having a plate from plate tectonics move really fast eastward to keep...'
'I honestly couldn't even tell you, we just do. >.<|||We cope with adversity better when we confront our emotions as opposed to sweeping them under the rug. Thinker types operate better when they have their feelings out of the equation, but with us it...|||Because it works for us?|||INFPs never move on bud. Brooding is to the INFP as watching NOVA is to the INTP; it's just how we roll. :|||I appear as an E to the outside but I'm a strong I. The whole outgoing thing is a mask we wear to make people happy, it's not how we are inside. Fake it till you make it, you know?|||It's the ESTPs that really come across as just angry people to me; That being said the ISTP certainly has an elevated capacity to scare off the INFP. The simple fact of the matter is that INFPs are...|||ISTPs have a unique way about themselves that I respect even though we don't usually see eye to eye in the end. ISTPs should try to avoid being angry or judgemental around INFPs because we care...|||How do you, dear INFP, decorate your living space/house? I have posters of musicians i like around my dorm. I like also having all my geeky stuff around where I live so i have easy access to it....|||@katieoddsocks You don't want to scare them off so I think it's important that you can't be too direct. When dealing with a sensor it's better to give big hints. They pick up what you're dropping...|||Hm, I don't typically go berserk. Most of the time when someone upsets me I'm not angry, but rather hurt. Normally when someone tries to threaten me in some way, I don't take it seriously or I...|||Enjoy your stay as the first occupant of my ignore list. My faith in you was clearly mistaken. :)|||@mushr00m When did I ever state that thinkers lack the capacity to be compassionate towards other? You need to take a step back and calm down. You're making false assumptions about what I do and...|||I define loyalty as exhibiting allegiance to a person, group of people, or idea. And to be frank all you have done was simply tacitly disagree with my perspective rather then providing reasons of...|||Stop speaking down to me. Perhaps you should read through the tone of your responses and you will see your own rudeness. You assume I'm ignorant and have no self-awareness. Feelings are affected...|||with pleasure: Here is another thing that I take issue with I've never met a feeler who felt this way; Moreover, you are probably not a feeler at all. Feelers by their nature make...|||@mushr00m Your general statement that we are all biased, selfish, or untrustworthy is typist and more importantly false. You exhibit a gross misunderstanding of Fi; I highly recommend you do actual...|||Most INFPs are extremely loyal to friends and family; You just have to look around and meet more of us to get that ...|||yesh > 3 >|||I date men and watch my little pony, iI don't know what breaks traditional gender roles more then that haha XD|||We are the deepest feelers of all the NFs, so when we love someone, we really love someone. When we are happy, we are really happy. When we feel hurt by someone we trusted we are broken. How...|||My bias is not bias as in bigotry and prejudice, but rather favoritism. It's an important distinction.|||The same could be asked of men. The problem is these monosexuals who are so enamored by physical attraction of a certain gender that they don't have the perspective to step back and say, Hey, you...|||*hugs enfp* it's ok, he prolly isn't into you :3 http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/161/0/2/keep_calm_and_gallop_on_by_wolfjedisamuel-d3ij7qa.jpg|||I think the link you posted describes it fairly well. It's mostly my sensitivity to criticism that gives me a knee-jerk reaction to being told that I can be selfish, but it's true at times. I...|||I think most INFPs pretty much ignore gender roles. I say fuck em' :|||I think I peed a little ;-;|||No, we struggle assessing a situation impartially. INFPs as friends are actually among the most caring and loyal types out there. Say for example I am close friends with you and you tell me that...|||oh lol XD|||You're welcome, did you draw it yourself?|||mommy the intj is scaring me again ;-;|||That's just my gut. Not meant to be a statement of absolute fact. :|||I think she's a IXTX, prolly a J type also. They're almost no way in hell she's a feeler.|||INTPs can be very boring to hang out with ... They never talk and when they do it's about particle physics and sh*t. Uggg (I jest though I love intp)|||he's so cute you just wanna pinch his cheeks. GAH XD I also loves your avatar btw|||Angel statues will never be the same ;-;|||Hm, due to the fact that you are so introverted it's hard for me to put my finger on it. I'm definitely getting a INTJ kind of feel, but I think it's hard to say. You could also be an INTP. You...|||yesh :3 *hugies* :3|||AHHHH D: *hides*|||*huggies* yay ^^|||I love tom hiddleston <333|||its ok XD i'm just happy to get some recognition ^^|||We are future-oriented to a point; We aren't judgers. We don't organize for deadlines well. We do make decisions in the heat of the moment and do things at the last minute. We also have a vision...|||I'm not a fan of that T vs F tests; It spat out thinker because I'm an Fi dom. :P|||Here are some questions that might help us figure this out: What do you like to do for fun? How do you handle deadlines? How organized are you? Someone says something you so strongly...|||Yeah, we're very skittish and it's really easy for us to get scared off. Believe it or not under our often weak looking exterior we are quite judgmental until we let people in. A lot of types do...|||You know you're an intp when you watch NOVA for shits and giggles.|||INTJs scare me; sware to god. We are not fit for eachother >_> Those enfjs doe XD|||It's spelled Brony >//< lol|||ENFJs are the reason why I'm still on this planet; true story. Group hug! :D ...|||I'd date an infj guy; im not picky ...'
Hi, so I have a bit of situation I would like some advice on. In december I met this guy, he is about 2 years younger than me. He is a very sweet, happy and gentle person. Our first date was really...|||I love men that aren't afraid to be vulnerable. Or better said: I love men that aren't afraid to show their vulnerability. We are all vulnerable, most people just cover it up with a lot of...|||I don't think I ever consciously door-slammed anyone. I never really understood what people mean with that actually? I have a tendency to stick to people way to long. Even when they make me feel...|||I would probably go for some very aggressive screamo. ;) But this one is relaxing and sweet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7Mm6BtIs30|||Go home parrot, you're clearly drunk.|||Happiness and peace for the entire world. If that's too much asked then just like NotAlone I could really use a pair of cozy socks. ;)|||I'm listening. How do I do that? ;)|||Yes this is annoying and exhausting. I want sex too. But I have to be strong haha I'll just end up getting hurt.:hampster:|||I obviously know that it's a lie. But if someone doesn't have the balls to be honest to himself, that is pretty sad. He pisses me off so much. I love it...|||Yes but why does he care? He was always telling me how he didn't give a fuck about other people and their feelings.|||I want more.|||I dated an ENTP guy for a while. Was all great and fun. After a little while he told me that he didn't want a longterm relationship right now, nothing serieus and that there were other girls. I had...|||Thank you for your optimist and motivational post. I would really like to be more like you. But I'm afraid I'm not and I'm afraid I'm not a hot piece of ass either haha. I do try to go out with a...|||I'm from the Netherlands.|||My guinea pigs. :octopus: http://i.imgur.com/sMKeWIb.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yl77IbJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/r9aL6CZ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/AwafPKA.png Oops didn't mean for them to take up so...|||For a long time I felt the same. At that point I became very depressed. I have always been there for the people dear to me (and even for people I hardly know) and for the first time in my life I...|||You have to get your head out of the clouds. Life is a bit boring, you have to try and find the beauty in it. You can daydream about being famous, amazing, rich or powerful all you want. But you...|||I like to dress cutesy, I usually wear a dress. Sometimes with a bit if a dark/alternative twist. I like to dress unique, authentic but without attracting attention. So nothing too crazy or unique.|||I think I'm somewhere in the middle of all three scales. I'd say that I'm more undersure but in other situation much more oversure. I'd say I'm careful but sometimes I really like to take a...|||Set realistic goals. If you shoot for the stars you will be disappointed, because you will never reach them...|||Make him feel comfortable and just ask him. I always feel encouraged to show my feelings when someone asks about them. Good luck!|||If you don't want him exactly the way he is right now, you have to let him go. People do not change, or at least you may never expect people to change. You seem to have trouble with quiet a fem...|||I thought this was supposed to be a sarcastic treat? Not a place to talk about your sexual frustrations. ;)|||At your humble service my lord. Your wish is my command.|||http://img00.deviantart.net/fc0e/i/2016/110/9/3/unicorn_momo_by_shymori-d9zl03q.png :octopus:|||Hmm not today. Aks me tomorrow, maybe you'll catch me in a better mood.|||:lovekitty:|||You guys are funny. Stupid. But funny. ;)|||I tried that. No succes ;)|||I'd say a deer. Or hello kitty. If that counts then definitely hello kitty. :hellokitty:|||:hellokitty: If I do get pregnant. I'll drop off the baby at your doorstep.|||:sleepytime: http://i.imgur.com/X275fO2.png|||Hello there. I'm very sorry to hear you are struggling right now. If you're body and mind are telling you, you need a break. Then please take it. Otherwise you will only end up overworking yourself....|||Hi darling. I really feel you. For a long time I felt exactly the same. At that point I became very depressed. I have always been there for the people dear to me (and even for people I hardly know)...|||Is that how babies are made?|||You are most welcome. I feel flattered by your kind compliments. If I didn't know any better I would say you were flirting with me.|||If you could be a pinguïn or a strawberry, which would you be?|||Aah I love girly stuff. I really like the cutesy asian clothing style. Unfortunately I am a tall european girl and I'm not petite at all. http://i.imgur.com/1PhTu9E.jpg I would really...|||Haha not sure if joking or actually asking? ;)|||Yes exactly I don't even mind that he was seeing a million other girls. But he can't expect me to do everything the way he wants to. I think it's rude that he even't dared to ask that of me and I...|||I don't really know what you mean by this. Sorry English is not my first language. I ment to say was my last relationship was a huge disaster. So I wanted to just do some dating, until I was...|||Thank you for your beautiful and inspiring words. I guess I just sometimes get jealous of insensitive people. Their lives seems to be so much more fur and easier. But I know that in the end you can't...|||Because I didn't want a relationship either and because we had fun together.|||Ok so I always end up getting hurt and I'm starting to get really tired of it. Rationally I know what I want and I try to keep my distance, but emotionally it just always seem to go wrong. Half a...|||Darling don't worry. Young men might go after the really beautiful girls. But once they get a bit older they will lower their standards or just realise personality is more important. By the time...|||I do actually. :) https://www.etsy.com/shop/shymori|||I like to sculpt tiny imaginary creatures and I like to draw. :blushed: http://i.imgur.com/pI4OLW5.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yQa87kH.jpg|||I have heard the same thing. I never thought of the people saying that as narcissists though. I always saw it as my fault, being reserved and not just opening up about my problems. Just because no...|||I can really relate to this. I'm sincerely interested in other people and that causes me to ask a lot of questions and end up listening most of the time. I really enjoy listening but I also find it...|||I feel lost too. But my friend, we are all lost. :)
'People who are too retarded to realize that they cannot manipulate you.|||There was a huge thread on this...|||Uhh, you wanna change your behavior to satisfy some prick? Screw that guy. The above is to be read from a non-sexual perspective.|||Summer, cuz school's out and the days are long, and the water is warm...|||For me there seems to be more than just one thing...|||I agree, but there is a way to handle this: hand out apples instead of candy :tongue: That way you kill two birds with one stone: 1) you can feel good about giving the kids something nutritious to...|||My Mom's ISTJ. No.|||You can... -forget about basing relationships on MBTI types... - or have her date 20 random dudes, chances are one of em is the one she wants (assuming ISFPs comprise of 5% of population)...|||Nice, adrenaline is what I'm missing. (Honestly, I think it's what we're all missing.) I have to pick up a competitive sport again. This is safer than what you suggested but still gets the job...|||http://store.theonion.com/assets/images/products/productgroup/114/M-HauntTheFuck_400x400_2.jpg Saw this on the onion :laughing:|||I think I'm gonna try all of these suggestions... at the same time. Thanks for the input! :happy:|||Have you ever felt like you needed to be shocked/jolted/zapped just to wake up, become reborn, or to gain traction with the now? If so, what's the best way to do it?|||Once upon a time I was walking, listening to music, looking at the sidewalk, AND breathing. Beat that! :p|||Social acceptance?|||Books, video games, food, cash. I don't like owing people things (or favors), so 90% of the time I don't want the gifts that I get because I don't want to reciprocate.|||Hmm, most of those things aren't really faults in my eyes.|||Sure, but the content of a message is more important in my eyes than the way it's presented. Umm, ok?|||I dislike it when people point out errors that a non-English-speaking person makes. They're trying their best to share their views with you and you're pointing out mistakes in their grammar and shit?...|||Your view makes somewhat more sense, the fact that there are paths that are split into two clearly-defined directions that one can take: heaven and hell. But there are still many contradictions and...|||How does that make sense? I know enough about religion to say there is an equation that has to be followed, like A + B = C. Meaning that you have to do A and B in order to get to C (usually...|||My sympathies :(|||Thanks for the input y'all :happy:|||Nope. kslcjskj|||I guess first you have to ask yourself whether or not you even believe in pride. I'm sure most here do though. Some people are proud of their talents, others are proud of some sort of accomplishment...|||Why? characters|||Do you deserve it?|||More like saddest movie ever, or are we talking about different things?|||FORA.tv - Science Laughs: Science Comedian Brian Malow Side note: FORA.tv - Videos on the People, Issues, and Ideas Changing the Planet is awesome.|||The last time I was impressed was last week when my friend (ESFJ) started asking the right questions for once.|||- Dear Almighty Forum, please forgive me for I have sinned. Last week while at Home Depot, the nice dumb girl gave me more than was my due change... I kept quiet about it, and used that money to buy...|||Dumb motherfu**ers.|||http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/uploads/27outdoors600.jpg|||Why are you hanging from the ceiling anyway?|||A majority of my shirts are white.|||Bottom-left bag lol|||Your actions speak loudest about you.|||1- PS3 controller 2- Jug of honey 3- Fiction book 4- Water bottle 5- Radio|||Planet Earth.|||I rarely have nightmares, but when I do, they're wild ****ing rides.|||... How often do you do this?|||-,- [characters]|||Oh the possibilities.|||What is it? :mellow:|||Wouldn't there be a lot less crazy shit going on?|||The only con I can think of is time... Sometimes decisions have to be made before you finish critically thinking about some things.|||The criticism that comes from people I care about is a lot more important than strangers' or acquaintances', but all criticism is evaluated. If there is reason for criticism and there is an...|||Lack of motivation?|||That helps a lot. Thanks!|||Alright... I noticed a lot of girls don't like small talk... This introduces a little dilemma... How are we supposed to get to know you if you're going to shoot us down when we initiate small...|||Personal ~ * Name - What do you preferred to be called? Maz - Any nicknames? ^ * Male/Female/Trans? Male'
'Reeding that I almost haved an anyourysm.|||Fuck, that is stupid. But I want it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnxSTShwDdQ|||https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aoOVj1g_700b.jpg|||My birds were assholes, so I'll stick to cats! That's like staying away from plums and instead only eating laxatives.|||More like I don't need to die.|||All of those, except for the dice, would certainly prove the existence of magic. The face in the sky would even prove god(assuming it's god's face). I am talking about documentable, verifiable...|||You're not going to like this...PROOF, EVIDENCE!|||https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aADEPpd_700b.jpg|||5. People believing in god without proof just means they're stupid. It means nothing beyond that. 1. That's superstition, not tradition. Also, see 5. 4. You just don't understand what science...|||None of those are relevant to the question of whether or not god exists.|||I'm not going to build this house, but I know I can should I ever need to...|||I'm not talking one random brain vs. another. I'm talking about specific differences between genders.|||INTPs only. Do you think there is a significant difference, in aptitudes and/or inclinations for various things, between male brains and female brains?|||https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aXvPwrb_700b.jpg|||A few days differing, proves nothing. Yes, from the perspective of a child the adults would be hypocrites in pretending Santa is real, when they know he isn't. The same applies for the tooth...|||The date was chosen by church, yes. But over time society changed the holiday into something different. Today it remains as tradition. I'm not sure you're using the word hypocrisy correctly. ...|||How is it hypocritical? Not like we're pretending to give a fuck about Jesus being born on Christmas for example.|||What do you mean by feel alive? Because the literal answer is always.|||I don't really have a problem with being cynical. Other people have a problem with me being cynical.|||No it does not feel hypocritical as the religious aspects of the holiday are stripped out save for some decoration. There's nothing religious about giving presents on Christmas, dressing up for...|||I love how the internet revolves around PewDiePie! Herd behavior at its finest. He's a provocateur and yet people hang on every word, every action he does. Just waiting... ...waiting... ...|||Well, he showed that he cares, and you didn't. Of course they're going to turn to him. With the wrist. You didn't tell him. What's he gonna do? If he'd just got home from the memorial then it...|||lol at uni thinking they're higher learning.|||Put my phone in the fridge and took my coke to the bathroom. ...on top of your game as always brain.|||Oh good, for sec I was worried you were just being obnoxious. W3 all kn0w som3one wh0 writ3s in l33t. ...pay no mind to my username.|||What's with the nines?|||Basically it's There is no credible evidence to suggest that there is a god vs There is credible evidence to believe that there is no god.|||What's annoying is enthusiasm. If they just like the same thing, that's fine. If they're enthusiastic about it, they're a pain!|||Can't you just stuff him in a box and carry him down?|||https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aMAEpB1_700b.jpg|||I would love to know the religious justification the Burmese Buddhists have for violence? With the Abrahamic religions it's not that hard to find. But in Buddhist teachings...I have no idea? I can't...|||I second the stress diagnosis.|||What do you mean by relax your mind? If I want to offload my mind I will play paint it back as it focuses my mind on one thing. If my brain for some reason became overstimulated I'll go to...|||Very insufficient data. But one would assume that the house of bricks has a greater chance of dealing with impact damage better than the other two.|||People themselves are not valuable, but their rejection of you is an evaluation of you. A negative one. That means that data and experience suggests that you suck! Understandably that is not a...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faDKMMwOS2Q|||It wan't a challenge. I just wanted to know what you believe and why. You said the supernatural is real. What were you referring to?|||The alt-left strike me as people who would fight against lactose intolerance because the Lactose are people too.|||What do you mean by agnostic in this case? 50/50 likelihood? Simply that you don't know they're not right but you don't think they are? You think they're right, but you don't know?|||Do you believe in the supernatural aspects of Buddhism? Karma, Devas, Asuras and the like? I'll be honest I don't know the branches of Buddhism very well, so I don't know what differentiates...|||Tomorrow I must go back to hell...from the comfort of my own home. Technology!|||https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aZgZyRp_700b.jpg|||That was not arguing against the validity of her belief. That was arguing against the notion that the bible is an inherently good book.|||No. If anything I try not to feel. Typically fails horribly, but still...|||My base laughter is the same, but that's not the one I typically use. As I try to make as little noise as possible I end sounding like a squeaky door that is suffocating.|||I love their ads! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5Fs_ij4Mp0|||Honest and open?? Who the hell in their right mind is honest and open? That's how problems start!|||No, if people have a problem with psychopaths in politics then they should not vote for them.|||Pants + plain black t-shirt.|||The base idea is silly and borderline nonsensical. But other than that it'd really depend on the lyrics. There's someone who looks like shit and smells of fart, but I gotta say, he stole my...'
'Well exactly I was just replying because some people just rely on testing withiut considering the probability that the test is crap. Either way, i believe thats true I am definetely an ENTP after...|||Read the question please. I have taken questionnares. I have considered it just because I didnt say so it doesn't mean I didn't. The option got eliminated. Temperament wise I always test as NT. I...|||I'll tell you when I get out of I overindulge in sweets and expensive teas and ignore my health until I drop with pain. Well if seriously, retrospective introspection and probably something along...|||You won't. http://personalitycafe.com/images/smilies/1/crying.gif You'll just be jelly their ability of being able to stick with things and drive ISFJ friend bananas by changing topics every 3...|||OMG you know what thats so true Si IS HORRIBLE !!! I need an ISFJ best friend immediately to learn how to use that function :joy::joy:|||According to this I'm ENTP got Fe tertiary and Si inferior. :)|||1. I can blend well with people and i can make friends quite easily i have many friends the problem is for me it is actually a challenge I had to learn ( like how to speak to people and all that at...|||INFJ I would say definitely lots of Fe there. I can't tell your introverted function though :/ so you could be ISFJ.|||Thank you for your reply. The functions are very challenging to fully comprehend. I dont know if its just me but I find the descriptions overlapping with one another.|||Using Jungian Typology I get INTJ while using MBTI I get INTP. My friends believe I'm an extrovert almost ambivert. ( in their terms) I do relate more to INTJ but I am very messy and...|||I would like real life examples of the functions because am getting a bit confused. Sometimes you can relate to both for example Se and Si how would you distinguish your preference if you feel...|||Hello everyone. I have been typed as an INTP and I have a few doubts if that is indeed my type. Can you please help me validate it or reject it ? My concerns are mainly three: 1. My friend is...|||Seems about right to me. I am not sure though the ESFP seems more like an ENFP.|||I've noticed a lot of Sensors getting mixed up for intuitives and its usually the FPs ( Se and Ne) I was wondering what are the main differences PERCEIVED. I was reding a few books about the...|||ISFP- Fi for sure strong values Se- activities also the way you write indicates common sense which the INFP lacks usually.|||for me INFP however I cant tell if you re Se or Ne so i would suggest for you to look into the functions. Search Fi for an in depth description because i think you re confused between Fi and Fe (...|||From your answers your inferior function is either Te or Si so either INFP or ENFP. No chance fot ISFJ as you said the Ne function is the easiest to do :) hope i helped.|||From my experience Ne dom or auxilary has a hard time identifying themselves ( Ne and the 100000 possibilities). Anyways, since I've been where you are I ll ask you a few questions. We will look...|||There are 2 people person A and person B I know them both VERY well ( person A more since we were born) we re friends since childhood so here are the descriptions: Person A - She is very...|||Thank you for your thorough explanation. I think Im an ENTP. :)|||There is Person A and Person R, they re very difficult to type I am thinking they re INTJ and INFJ but I'm unsure since I haven't been able to type myself anyways here it goes. Person A...|||I am Ne dominant or auxiliary but I have trouble identifying which one fits me best. What is the difference between Ti and Fi and how can you understand it? It is very difficult for me to identify...|||From a personal perspective, I don't understand the functions very well (Jungian functions). I think I understand it at first and then I find similarities between descriptions and the lines become...|||I am very confused with the functions and I always doubt myself and others about typing accuracy. I admit I am a very random person and I change A LOT I can act between different extremes which...|||yay BTS! honestly they're very quickly becoming my favorite group. here's what i think~ Jin: IxFx of sorts. probably ISFP Suga: honestly he has me stumped, he's my bias so of course I really...|||Im quite sure they're INFPs. I know currently 3, they re not logical its the opposite. I find them over emotional and at times what they say is really not making sense. While they have said to me...|||225218 Just in case you can't see it again ! Se-28.5- average use Si-23.5- limited use Ne-29.3-average use Ni-40.8-excellent use Te-38- excellent use Ti-32.8-good use Fe-22.3- limited use ...|||I have the same thoughts but I thought it was because of our age. ( I am 18). I think I have ADD and some sort of Bi polarity but I am still unsure since my parents believe that I am over analyzing...|||NT here and I love Korean Dramas!! how can you not ? But I left like 12 in the middle cause I had shit to do. I prefer rom-coms though can't deal with dramas that expect you to cry-overdramatic|||Confused ! @_@ I don't know my MBTI type. First time I took the MBTI test I was 14 and I got typed as INFP. Two years later I retook the test and I got ENTP. Now that I am 18 I have taken...|||Can someone type BTS ??|||I don't really know I guess since Tao is not my bias I haven't paid enough attention on him. XD But I ll go with the ESFP for now except if anyone else comes up with more evidence @_@ Bangtan I...|||Hey sorry, I did not explain it properly. What I meant was that In general he wants to do things on his own which could express obtaining energy from time alone while he spends energy from social...|||To be honest when he said that his best company is himself- about the beach thing-I was caught off guard.I am not into enneagram much but he could have an unusual mbti/enneagram combination I would...|||I didn't know cause like my best friend is an INTP and they re just so similar shes a crybaby too. But considering how inaccurate most tests are it could be wrong. And it could be that I know her too...|||Well I first took the MBTI test when I was 14 and I ended up with INFP/INTP however since then I realised that it can't be INTP since I was always criticised by others as being too aloof and blunt...|||I agree with you maybe he is possibly quite balanced ?? But then hes a bit too random for an INTP XD I ll keep him as an INXP I m pretty sure about Chen too, he has that ENTP sassyness. Hahaha...|||oH MY SORRY SUCH A LATE REPLY XD But I wanted to say when I wrote this I wasn't into MBTI as much so I think I agree with you on everything. But I have a few questions to ask. 1. I am really...|||No I have had quite a few bad INTP experiences which I'm pretty sure they weren't INTJs they were my colleagues they always did things last minute and they were pretty lazy not as lazy as me but...|||Thanks for replying ! I will check out the forum.|||Yeah I made her take the test a lot of times. I am pretty sure shes an INTP. However I think her T is not very strong. Since seing your POV right now I would say shes more emotional. Since I have the...|||1) What is your MBTI type? ENTP/ENTJ I swap between the two 2) What is your gender? Female 3) What type(s) do you admire/respect the most? (Why?) ENTJ- because they get things done and...|||Heyy everyone ! So I took my first mbti test 3 years ago and I got INFP, now I am 18 and I took the test again I got ENTP with enneagram 7W6. I retook the test several times and I tried new ones as...|||I do agree with you its their arrogance I dislike the most and their ego. I was better than the certain INTP I am talking about in pretty much all subjects I slept in class and got As she tried and...|||I ve got EXO guys ! Kai- ISTP explains why he matches with taemin as well since taemin is an ISFP D.O- ISTJ leaning towards F thinking he is probably a 4 or a 6 enneagram Suho-ISFP pretty sure...|||Hey everyone ! So which personalities have you found less matching with yours ? Personally INTP's I guess its cause they re moody and they need to relax at times especially when arguing when I...|||Hey everyone so I tested first time 2 years ago I was 15 and I got INFP I thought everything was perfect but then I noticed at home I am really not like an INFP I would say its like a mask I tend to...|||Big Bang GD-ESFP he just seems like tht to me TOP-ISFP hes not a thinker :P he looks like a feeler to me Jaejoong 100% an ENFP <3 I love ENFP's ^^ Dara -INFP for sure !|||Yonghwa-ESFP Jonghyun-INFJ or INFP Jungshin-INFJ or ISFJ Minhyun- ISFP|||I am an INFP and maths is one of my favourite subjects, but I hate everything to do with ICT,computer design,Technology etc etc I did it as a lesson and it was horrible So why are INFP's supposed...'
'Tale of the Silkie Part I A world of rocks and polished waves, subtle shifts in light and shadow. He loves the sea, wild and full of mystery. Seven generations of fishermen bred into muscle...|||Thank you, Dalien! :blushed:|||Although there is a thread for haiku, I wanted to share some of these here: Across open moors, the purple mist of heather hides foot prints and bones.|||Longing Moonrise, round and pale and melancholy. The wind blows through the trees, calling in an unknown tongue. I search the soil for gold leaves, and the skeletons of birds; their bones as...|||Although this sonnet has Irish history/folklore references that some people might not know, I hope it is still enjoyable. Mother-Song: A Spenserian Sonnet Poet, long have I searched for a...|||So beautiful, Dalien!|||I enjoy ALL your poetry, but this one is particularly moving!|||From childhood I've always been sensitive, and it was very difficult growing up in my tough family...tears were for sissies. My mother tried to understand me, but no one else did. For years I...|||It's never too late to pick up a pen and start writing again! I wrote in High School, but stopped in my twenties because I was so busy, taking care of my children and trying to be the perfect...|||I took this test a year ago, and I'm a HSP...which didn't surprise me at all, as I've been this way my whole life. I can empathize with everyone who has posted on this thread. Instead of...|||Ok, Zwanglos...as haiku comes easier for me, so here is one about your avatar: Perched above the clouds, indomitable spirit challenging the gods.|||The Bard Time has bent him to the shape of his harp, his skin wrinkled as a winter apple; yet he is still as clear-voiced as when he learned the old songs under the greenwood tree. As gnarled...|||Homemade macaroni and cheese, made with five cheeses and rice pasta, because I have Celiac Diease.|||Since my avatar picture is taken from a Japanese screen, it is fitting that this poem be a haiku: Loss and desire~ the white petals are falling like scent snow.|||I have travel to a number of places over the years, and I choose Ireland. Particularly Western Ireland, near Roundstone Bog. It is lovely, and so are the people. Also, I'm 3/4th's Irish...I have...|||I do believe it!|||I am OCD, but thankfully it is mild. I need order, or I can get stressed out; fortunately, I do have order in the house. But, my loving husband has a mild hording problem. He has filled up the...|||Feasting Eating memories under the ink-dark moon tasting of cinnamon and loss. Choking on the sorrow of impossible things, I devour all this strange abundance.|||Thank you! I really needed this right now! Even in dreams, we should not lie to ourselves. -Caitlin Kiernan|||Each time when I was pregnant I knew the sex of my baby, without having any tests done. Girl, boy, girl. A few of the people I told ( my mother, my sister, a friend ) didn't believe me, until the...|||Cloak of butterflies sun-dancing upon my skin- exhilarating! Crickets serenade the velvet-eyed flowers... their leaves like moth wings. Pearly shell bursting- the cicada cries for love|||I believe that real love is what you have described...AGAPE. I have nothing to add to this. Thank you.|||Through the years my purpose has been two fold: 1) to be a loving wife and mother, a good friend, treating others with respect and kindness; 2) to use my God-given abilities to create beauty,...|||When I was a teen, I had a new crush (seemingly) every week. As a woman (and happily married) I have one crush, that my husband thinks is cute...the actor Gerard Butler. My wonderful hubby will go...|||Amelie Beowulf and Grendel Casablanca Coraline The Count of Monte Cristo Dear Frankie Elizabeth Elizabeth, the Golden Age Enchanted April Gladiator|||Thank you so much, Dalien!|||Welcome Psycho! I'm still new, too. My daughter is the one who told me of Personality Cafe. It's a lot of FUN!|||I used to like working with people, but as I've gotten older, I prefer to work alone. I feel I can accomplish so much more, if I don't have to mediate within a group. And, I don't function well...|||What a lovely family you have, Runescribe! And, thanks for sharing your insightful thoughts, encouraging others. Peace and joy to you and your loved ones, always!|||Dalien, I'm glad that you have found comfort in writing poetry!! Through the years, it has been my way of healing, as well. I like what Robert Frost said, that poetry is a way of taking life by...|||It is such a profound and moving novel! I found mine in a used book store four years ago...one of my favorite things to do is browse book stores. There are so many treasures waiting to be discovered!|||Diversity is so wonderful! I enjoy many genres of music, as well. Anuna Bach Chet Baker Beethoven Johnny Cash Roseanne Cash Celtic Woman Chicago|||Thank you! I appreciate your kind words, Rune! Sometimes I am too critical of my work...even over minuet things. For example, after rereading this poem, I realized that I missed a word in the last...|||I totally agree, Rune! My grandmother always used to tell me that I had an old soul. Funny thing is, I feel as if I'm growing younger with each passing year, a sense of being lighter in my soul,...|||I have never looked my age, which used to bother me when I was younger. Oh, the foolishness of youth! It has certainly been to my advantage now. My body has fought many battles since my twenties,...|||Seasons: A Woman's Life Spring- Palest splinter of the new moon Tiny crocus pushing into the world Smooth petals of cheek The tender smell of green A thatch of muddied hair woven with twigs...|||Gee, it's hard to choose...there are so many books that I love. I'll try to keep the list below twenty: The Sparrow, and it's sequel The Children of God The Hobbit Lord of the Rings The...|||Although I was born and raised a city girl, I find great joy being in nature. Working in my garden is a sanctuary from this face-paced world. There are a lot of lakes and forests less than an hour...|||My 51st birthday was last month. Fortunately, I don't look my age, but sometimes I feel my age. Mostly I feel as if a new phase in my life has just begun...and I enjoy every single day!|||What wonderful insight, Runescribe! I hadn't thought of it before, but it makes sense that self-compassion would be necessary to heal. How can you love your neighbor as yourself, if you can't...|||That sounds fun...I've heard that they make good pets.|||Yeah!...for putting introversion and insecurity into perspective! I'll be sending you good thoughts concerning your health!|||It surprised me, too. :shocked:|||Thanks for the smile, Runescribe! And, you're right...just because we are INFJ, doesn't mean we hide all day in our homes, don't have a social life, or adventures. You sound like an amazing...|||I'm so glad you enjoyed the sunrise this morning. It was lovely here, as well. I was up and in the garden as the sun was rising here in the mid-west. And, I hope the sunset is amazing for you,...|||AEIOU, I certainly hope so; unfortunately, human nature is not wired that way. My motto is to be kind to everyone I meet, and maybe they will learn to be kind. Even the smallest kindness has...|||If God could be seen with the naked eye, then faith would not be needed. And, yet, I can see God in the beauty of a star-splashed sky, and in a glorious sunrise...hear God's voice in the songs of...|||Indecisiveness and disappointment with myself has been a hard battle my whole life, and I agree with you Seeker about having simple goals. I think of mini-goals to strive for, so I don't get...|||This is a very true description of myself as a teenage girl. Although I can relate to most of it, I hope as a woman that I can continue to grow beyond the negative traits, yet retain the positive...|||Dislike: Doubting my abilities Indecisiveness Being afraid to succeed Stubbornness Anxiety over personal relationships Procrastination Difficulty forgiving two people in my life (who seriously...'
'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfTNcewDKS4 I'm not sure if it's love anymore, but I've been thinking of you fondly, for sure.|||Seriously, I thought everyone knew the extent to which I'm legitimately talking to myself. But, no. My dad actually interrupted my conversation with myself and goes, Are you talking to yourself in...|||I suppose this is more of a random observation...but, about my top three favorite bands. Bright Eyes is music for my brain. Alkaline Trio is music for my guts. Smashing Pumpkins is music for my...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCC_axg_WwU|||I've never had a legitimate hero before. There have been people I appreciate, and look up to, but never an actual hero, per se. But holy shit, ROD SERLING, you are my true hero, sir! I always...|||I think the extent of my actual manipulation has been to get information out of people, rather than using it against them. Or to reinforce or negate a conclusion I came to about them. A simple...|||I wonder what the explanation for my love/hate relationship with everyone and everything is. I'm talking serious extremes. I wish the intensity would get boring, but it doesn't.|||We finally had a real conversation about this. Why does it always have to be on the brink of a break-up? Not that I would ever be the one to end it, but he always seems like he wants to, but can't,...|||Dear Introverted Feeling, What the hell? Why, why, why? I really can't even like...turn the volume down, so to speak. The idea of dominant functions infuriates and perpetually frustrates me. ...|||At what point can one decide that a relationship is over? That growth between the two parties is no longer possible? Perhaps this is merely an example of my so-called high expectations as an...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTToB7sq4KE Lights On - (Stars) I, the Sun Reminds me of Joy Division...and something else...|||Interesting. I relate to the bold part. However, I don't seem to always know how I feel. What I tend to get out of most of it is does this feel awful, or does it feel okay? I also rarely know...|||I don't really remember my parents presence too much in early childhood. They were there, but they weren't really there. I was yelled at for trying to talk to them after work, because they were...|||If I'm being honest with myself, I deal with the hateful world by hating it back.|||I've realized that I don't cry anymore. I tear up, I feel the horrible chest pressure, and I want to rake my brains out of my head, but I cannot cry. The thought of non-existence is the only thing...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYoKqfo5jck|||When I speak of Pop music, I'm basically referring to things like Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Katy Perry, etc. So, popular pop music on the radio. I can say with confidence I don't like Pop music,...|||If only I could count how many times I've laughed so hard reading about introverted feeling. It normally sounds something like, Haahahahaha! Oh my GOD, seriously? What am I reading?|||I used to be really into a couple mainstream anime in like freshman and sophomore year of high school. The ones I like now are Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, and Welcome to the NHK. Generally speaking, I...|||ESFP for 4+ years. Typing him has been incredibly difficult over the last few years, but I'm pretty confident this is his type.|||Well, I've always been strictly non-confrontational when it comes to those who are basically strangers. It stings for a second, then I forget about it, and them. Condescending attitudes are the...|||I don't understand why all of my dreams are so strange. As in, the feeling. Eerie, foreboding, suspenseful, blatantly cryptic and symbolic. Everything happens in front of me like it's charades. ...|||Consciousness is a being, the nature of which is to be conscious of the nothingness of its being. -- Jean-Paul Sartre|||I don't use Facebook a lot to begin with, so I've never seriously considered deactivating it. I arbitrarily log on to find a couple messages, or new friend requests. Once in a while I'll go around...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTXY_NjLPhU|||Well, the people I'm closest to, most aren't really critical of much. The ones in my life that are have some kind of issue with admitting to some of their own faults and behaviors. With these...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtANBBuBArQ|||What helped me the most was the idea that you're never going to know for sure what others are thinking of you, so generally, it's best not to even worry about it. If you're talking about feeling...|||Baby kitty Tiny kitty Laptop|||Most TV series I watch are hilarious cartoons. Otherwise: Dexter Cowboy Bebop Law & Order|||Sad things? I'm generally attracted to anything that makes my chest feel like it is going to implode in on itself. Pressure, whatever you call it. I feel kind of the opposite of what Moss Icon...|||Haha, I promise I have better taste than just Trio, Cage the Elephant and Bright Eyes. :cool: I haven't seen them live yet. Sucks to hear that.|||My iTunes isn't accurate, neither is the overall songs on my last.fm at this point. The last 6 months is waaaaay more relevant. I also have a tendency to play certain artists/songs/albums for long...|||This was taken over fifteen years ago by one of my parents. This was the view of our neighbors right in front of the house I grew up in....|||I'm not under the impression that others are more well-informed than me. Maybe in practical areas of life, but it doesn't stay that way for long. Also, I really have troubles identifying with...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGOxi7U-sNw pray for a man in the middle, one that talks like doolittle.|||This was a question that always got me on the type-assessments. Like Mendelevium said, I find myself at both ends. I can make the biggest generalizations, and I could go into the details and defend...|||I deal with it by seeing it for what it is. It's pretty much cultural preference of personality types, especially in the way the OP describes it. I also deal with it by thinking of it like...|||Thank you, dfoster. The 5 fears are indeed what I identify with. I am beginning to think after realizing my first mistype I was just trying to make sure I wasn't being overtly biased somehow...|||Regarding the 7 aspect, most of those things seem to be true. Some don't require that I be stressed, like talking a lot for instance (although I only do a lot of it when I'm alone). My thoughts are...|||The times I took the PerC test I got 5w4 twice, and 5w6 three times. I've also read the misidentification articles. According to those, I would be 5. I don't feel the need to back up my ideas so...|||I thought 4w5 was my type for quite a while, and one day while reading type articles, five made a lot more sense than four. After a couple weeks I was comfortable with my conclusion. Then, while...|||Dear high school co-worker, I don't think you have even been here for a year yet. I know you came in and immediately targeted our night manager as the one you would try to emulate completely. I...|||There goes my enneagram type...again. It took forever to see through the first mistype, and like two weeks to see through the second one. Not very confident in my self-awareness right now.|||INFP 5, unsure about the wing. Sure about the first two in my tritype, 5 and 9, and almost positive about sexual/self-preservation.|||I'm sitting in my room with the window open. It's really nice outside (cloudy, but really nice), the birds are chirping loudly, and all of a sudden this guy starts whistling something that's just so...|||Parents: Mom - ESTJ Dad - INFP (almost sure) They've been together for over 25 years, still going strong even after some major incidences. They're totally in love. Maternal Grandparents:...|||People are afraid of themselves.|||I apologize for the late reply. I didn't mean to imply it was the doctor who said my metabolism was just really high. It's been the family and friends I've talked to about this. It's the best...|||I'm not completely sure that I am a 5w4, but I am pretty confident that 5 is my core type. I thought my type was 4w5 for a very long time, and one day I was arbitrarily reading through enneagram...'
'Hi, how are you? I see you are also new here, that's nice! Fitting well? Your native language is not English? I read a lot of English webbing around, but I have only one book in English for now......|||Oh. Yeah, someone linked this thread when I write I have one account in 2009, I guess, but I don't remember the email, the name or nothing related to the account. Just the vague idea of scrolling...|||Hi. I've seen you around talking about your English skills. Haha. And we can be friends for sure.|||Do you really have the time to do that? And do you really thinks an INTP person will remember what was her email adress of six years ago. Oh, please, darling. Leave me alone. And I post my old...|||camisa e calça|||You are thinking about suicide because life does not make any sense, then you read in some subreddit someone talking about taking their life because they have any friends and you can't relate to it...|||1.) 40 living at home in their parents basement. 22 and no 2.) 40 year old virgin No 3.) Socially deprived|||paulo|||I can't read things about manipulation because it triggers a memory of some recent shit in my life. But I read it and thank you. I'm still super convinced I'm the one who manipulated some...|||I tell them I do not like being touched, but I have a strong closed body language and people don't do it. Oh. I guess in 2013/2014 I was trying to be social in a bar with a guy I met but he used...|||Sorry. I don't really understand the first part. You are saying that you can read peoples thoughts but not feelings?|||Yes, you are. Go to a doctor and get it fixed.|||Yep, I love this type of critical thinking. I don't spend so much time on how I look. But I think about it a lot and I feel like INTPs like to say they don't really care about it, but probably...|||Oh, I was like I don't search for definitions!!! I'm not an INTP!!! but meh, I installed a plugin named Google Dictionary. Being lazy is fun! I get stressed sometimes without a schedule but...|||When you know how to read people? I don't know if it is not an INTP thing.|||You have no idea how much I needed to laugh today. Thank you.|||Thank you very much. I'm always adopting new animals when I found them and it really helps me having a lot of them with me right now.|||Well. The sample need to be large to be accurate and you are just... one?|||And today I read a title of an article about the survivors of Boko Haram dying because of starvation, I can't read the thing because how can I? I'm feeling the world in an entirely new way...|||Someone poisoned my cat yesterday. He was dying in a hurtful way right next to me, I never cried so much in my life, I loved and still love this cat so much. I remember when he came into my...|||Oh. I think it's hard to me to chat in forums. I generally just read some stuff and tend to forgot the post I was if no one quotes me, but let's give it a try. My cat recently died and I'm sad...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRxofEmo3HA|||Thank you. I don't know what the fear part refers to, but I always read some full-of-fear comments because people imagine a thing about third worlds country that has nothing to do with the reality...|||Why?|||How do you guys guess the type? I second-guess myself all the time, I can't even type my friends.|||This is so nice and well done!|||I draw. I was thinking about pursuing a job with illustration, but I don't know, I think it's a hobby of mine and I don't want to finish any of them. But I love art, music, sculpture, every form and...|||Yes, this is a good advice. The man up thing is shit, for real, don't confess like this, wait for a little, put things in perspective.|||I don't read all your messages but, I want to say that you seem a really good guy and I don't know how you spot the other guys, I'm really bad at this, I don't know if someone is interested in the...|||Jinxy Because Ben is curious AF, he had a job that he doesn't really care about (countability) and, for real, he does not even care about nothing, just being immersed in knowledge and Leslie. He...|||BEN IS TOTALLY INTP I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! 'cause I don't feel like shit about me.|||INTP Subreddit is a mess and boring as faaaaaaaaaaack.|||I also hate double negative in English. This does not make any sense.|||I. Can't. Focus. In. Nothing. I hate being an INTP. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA|||I wish I could get out of bed, I'm useless. I think I'm depressed.|||darcstar3 I will not, Thaaank You. And hopefully we can see each other around.|||tanstaafl28 Hello, and thank you! When I study physics at University I have known so manny ENTPs. Now I'm studying English, grammar and literature! narci Narci are you a bot? I've seen...|||I don't think there is a way to be sure about it.|||When you just talk with your mother, not even you father who LIVES WITH YOU you can talk with.|||My freaking dog farted in my bed I think he pooped himself.|||Hello! I'm new here, I used to have an account just for curiosity when I was 15 y/o, I'm guessing, but my English skills are low at the time, so I'm re-entering the community now with 22 y/o and...|||Sherlock seems nice. Tomorrow I need clean the house. I'm talking with a British accent in my head. This is unusual. Sleep deprivation is my gf.'
'Well, I mean, that's a whole other can of worms. I'm Canadian but even I could see that y'all should have elected Bernie Sanders. You're right. I think I was just reading a heavy amount of...|||...when the only other human beings you interact with are the ones you buy food from.|||Yeah, I saw recently that it was the 25th anniversary of the character's introduction on that series.|||Everything seems to have a dark/night mode now. Twitter, YouTube, and whatnot. Even the new iOS 11 has this peculiar feature where you can invert colours and make everything dark. I dig it. Now we...|||Absolutely right on all points. I'm certainly no stranger to having certain things assumed about me because, frankly, until you have the opportunity to get to know a person all you can really do...|||Jesus, some of these feminists come down pretty hard. I feel as though I'm a dangerous menace to society just for being male. The other day I was walking out of a parking lot onto the sidewalk and...|||Candy.|||Worrying about how I'm going to make it to Tuesday.|||Same, actually! I live in a part of the world that's well-known for its unique accent and dialect and people sometimes find it strange that I don't speak that way. The thing is, though, I can turn it...|||You just reminded me of a monologue that The Undertaker did about twenty years ago, right around the time they were about to introduce his long-lost brother Kane, where he talked about the...|||After reading a whole bunch of Shakespeare uninterrupted, there's actually that odd adjustment period of getting back to reading and speaking modern again. I think if I were to read nothing but...|||Better to be a good looking pedestrian than an ugly driver I suppose. :laughing:|||If that's the case, then I'm the most unattractive guy you'll ever come across. :laughing:|||More pirate talk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WwgZtw3-z4 :laughing:|||Same as quote tags, just replace the word 'quote' with the word 'spoiler'.|||When someone says that, my initial thought is that they're frustrated with something very specific that one person or a group of people have done which showed either a lack of intelligence or good...|||In the fourteen months I was gone from the forum I wrote a handful of new poems. I think I'll put them up on my blog here now.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc-xXOE1Jws|||I like how Alexa Bliss borrowed elements of the character's image and made it her own. ...|||Allman Brothers Band.|||Well buddy, when I die, throw my body in the back Drive me to the junkyard in my Cadillac https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DKLWE29X0AApMD0.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DKLWE3OXcAIhgWQ.jpg ...|||Food, money, a lover's company, a rocket ship to Mars.|||Arrrrr, I once tried to join the pirate choir but I couldn't quite hit the high C's.|||All the time. I'm quite the escapist. I basically live in my head whenever I'm not around people, which is the vast majority of the time.|||https://humorinamerica.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/poe_reading.jpg|||Omelette du fromage. It's what you make when all you've got left in the fridge are two eggs and a bit of shredded cheese.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3fDM_ikzD4|||Man... ...I just spent the whole night cleaning my room, and I mean gutting it. Over the course of three years I had accumulated this colossal mountain of stuff in bags and boxes that were just...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au4nG0ixLYk|||Stupid sexy Flanders.|||In my estimation, only four men throughout history have been able to really pull off a solid mustache: Freddie Mercury, Burt Reynolds, Rick Rude, and Tom Selleck.|||I was at school when the news broke. Grade seven, age eleven.|||I wasn't ready to mourn the loss of a legend today, especially one of the funniest, wittiest, most entertaining people who ever walked the earth. Rest in peace, Bobby Heenan. Thank you for all the...|||I don't have much of an interest in coffee or its culture, and I certainly don't like loud, obnoxious crowds. So this begs the question: why the fuck did I ever work at Starbucks? Like, it's...|||I made a post in another thread about feeling like a minority in certain ways, just not related to things like gender and sexuality and whatnot. However, I did have a unique experience working at...|||I feel the exact same way. Oh, you live in Canada too? My, what a coincidence.|||I'm not a part of any recognized social minority in the sense of how society at large categorizes it (i.e. race, religion, sexuality, gender, etc.) but I do tend to view myself as a minority in terms...|||I feel much the same way. I tend to oscillate frequently between feeling so enthusiastic about the richness of life that I'd like to live forever and being so in the doldrums of despair that I'd like...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZnT_s-n__g Had to.|||I've said this a few times before, but I'm pretty certain I've given up all hope on ever having the conventional things that most people would correlate with a normal life. There's just something...|||I third the proposal. I'll take any excuse I can to wear an ostentatious fur coat in public.|||I can tell you that the area code where I live is 709 (now you know where I live), and people indeed say it seven-o-nine. We even have a song about it: ...|||Are there actually psychotherapists out there who do that thing where they get you to lay on a couch and start unraveling your life history, trying to pinpoint the roots of your issues? I've always...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0xraaC6dQM|||I did the calculation and figured out that right now, on this specific day, I am precisely the same age Jim Morrison was on the day that he died. It's surreal to think that after idolizing him for so...|||@MissAl, you're beautiful. :proud: Here's a blast from the past. I just dug up these photos of yours truly on PROM NIGHT, ten years ago. ...|||Today I felt really good about myself based on a couple of small but very significant acts of maturity, responsibility, and kindness. I love when things work out smoothly and according to plan. On...|||Whimsical, kaleidoscopic, creative arousal.|||If I had as many friends as I have sad poems, I wouldn't need to write sad poems.|||I just doubled up the data plan on my phone and I really, REALLY should have done it months ago because I've been losing a fortune on data overage for a while now, regularly burning through double my...'
'I believe I said At least 20 because it's like once in a blue moon a 19 year old or younger marries for keeps in America. Don't go assuming my age =). As for the whole practicing thing, I only go...|||So, here's a question. How man of you all have lived a good bit, like at least until 20, and haven't found anyone you'd be interested in? I've been attracted to several people, but after getting to...|||Depends on the serious matter. I can show empathy and there are (very rare) times when people see me serious, but there are so so many things people think are a big deal that just aren't. So I...|||I haven't taken a poll of how many ENTPs I know, but it seems like we mostly talk a lot of nonsense (be it very clever and entertaining nonsense) aside from arguing. For me, I think it's the way I...|||I'd say Urahara is an ENTP or ENFP. Do you agree? Do you guys think that the main characters in Animes are generally rarer personality types?|||Haha, I'd like to meet one. Even though I'm ENTP, I think a lot of other ENTPs can get on my nerves because they do come off rough, and I don't know if I can trust them. I don't know if...|||*Sigh* I know you can't make someone fall in love with you. Do INTJs brood a lot? I think one of my friends may be an INTJ (no romantic interest). She's hilarious, intelligent and incredibly...|||When you can tell when any of you're friends is into someone, but completely miss when someone's paying attention to you (I mean, everyone pays us attention, right?). Is this really just ENTPs? ...|||Yeah. Make sure to pick the right thing and then stick with it, and have values that will guide you through tough situations (especially because emotions won't). It's crazy how one of the greatest...|||I don't think that you can find the perfect business partner on type alone. Although it may help, I'd look for someone who is already doing what you want. Sales and presentations is definitely a...|||Question answered. Thanks guys. @Xee : It wasn't really just an article, just something I had read in someone's topic.|||Emotions are definitely useful tools. They help us live everyday life, and intuition, especially for ENTPs, is essential. It's when a person is ruled by emotion, when they waver back and forth on...|||Definitely donx92t base your opinion of us on such a small sample size. Ix92m one of those wild ENTPs and yet Ix92m honest and generally considerate of other peoplex92s feelings. For instance, what Emerson...|||ENTPs have an amazing personality--one of my favorites and the only one I'd ever choose for myself. However, there's one thing many of us ENTPs keep saying that's not even supposed to happen to our...|||That's why it's so important for us to find what we're going to do, make reallysure it's good for us, and then make a decision to go for it. Just set a goal and reach for it, do what you have to. ...|||I've heard it said that the cognitive functions aren't a skill-set you can improve. You just have them. However, I don't believe it's true. We're human, we're mutable, and the things the brain can...|||Btmangan: Lolz. A degree of naivité isn't such a bad thing; probably even suggest innocence.|||Yep, probably.|||Ha ha, yeah, I can see that about ISFPs.|||As in those are the four best relationship types for an ENTP? All of those type (except INTJ, which I think tends to have it anyway) have some type of sensitivity mentioned in their description. ...|||Actually, it's mostly for irrelevant double-posting.|||Ha ha, one of my friends thinks I'm ENFP. From the posts above, I take that to mean I am indeed the perfect man for all you INTJs. ;). Brel, I think respect is critical for any relationship,...|||Thanks guys. Actually, yeah... ;) By the way, I know you can't make someone love you. I just mean what generally makes you guys tick in that respect. So basically,...|||Ever find yourself the only one in the group who picks up on the undertones your sending out? And they're TOTALLY funny if they'd just pick them up?|||So, ENTPs and INTJs are supposed to mix. So yes, awesome information. But for all the people who might find an attraction to one of you, what does the tricK? What makes your love-meter tick?|||I think INTJ with developed F may be more my type (still love INFJs though). Then again, I'm not sure typing your type so specifically isn't ungrounded. Definitely has to be a woman, though. ...|||Oh hai science! And that' my point, it may not be the norm, but it happens, and more frequently than you'd like to admit (an apparent inconsistency in evolutionary, theory, I might add). I could...|||Gosh, Goodewitch, you expect INFJs to be like, jump over the mountain for me and then they're like Chocolate. okay. :confused: I don't know if this is totally universal to ENTPs, but I...|||I think maturity really depends on the individual ENTP. Maybe in general. I also had an ongoing question about the ethicality of using the information that I readily saw. Ha ha, what...|||That's a common attraction thing, and it's really dumb. (Or at least, I think it is.) Fortune favors the brave: just man up and talk to them. When I don't feel confident, I just tell myself, I am...|||So what counts as a subtle hint?|||That too, cue5c.|||Sometimes I think I come across wrong as well. It's just a matter of adapting to the environment and doing well. Apparently the first friend you mentioned knows how to do this. As long as you're...|||I think a lot of how well ENTPs (and other types, but especially ENTPs) get along with others and especially each other really has to do with maturity, which isn't necessarily tied to age.|||Robert Downey Jr. is off the chain! I like him, though.|||Mutatio NOmenis: I'm pretty sure that would not be an ideal relationship dynamic for me. Yeah, it's kind of cute. I suddenly feel a deeper affection for you. Don The Man Quixote...|||I'll do it. My mother works in a hospital, and she knows several cougars. Apparently (due to her experience with online dating sites), there are also younger guys who go for older woman. Yeah,...|||I was just wondering why you said it stops me feeling superior around non-NT friends. Do you mean in groups?|||I'm a little confused. Who are we talking about here? But yes, INTJs are a bomb. Especially when you have developed feeling, too.|||Nah, not so much. Keep it coming. I love INFJs, probably INXXs too, tons. I've got no problems with asking. In actuality, we do hold our tongue!|||Xee: I can relate to a lot of that. It really depends on the environment. I've gotten really good at navigating while thinking, like during those walks where you almost forget how long it's been. ...|||Ha ha, maybe I should approach the question in a different way. I'm probably not being very clear. Also, though, I don't think it's terribly uncommon for friends to start going out. There are...|||If you look on the ENTP boards, a fair amount of us are partial to INFJs. Also, ENTPs with developed F-functions are even more appealing ;). infinitia: =D|||Thank you, thank you. We are every woman's dream.|||Thanks. However, I'm not really the type to start going out with someone just after I meet them -- I have to know the person for some time and also mature -- honest, keeps to their commitments, etc....|||So, rather elementary question: how do you know when an INFJ is attracted to you? I can read people pretty well, but you guys are some of the toughest to get a read on (just another reason I like...|||Yeah, keeping my living space organized took quite a while to learn. Following a schedule...I'm still improving in that area.|||I realize you clarified this already, but I agree with it to an extent. Who you are and what happens, the greater picture of a person's life, is largely composed of the little decisions, even the...|||Okay, not gonna lie..I can see that happening. That was a great pun, too ;). Somehow, even though the video is totally inane, I'm still laughing at it as I write this.|||Dang it I am like I'm from the movies! Yep. Definitely attractive qualities to me. Well, may except for squidgeyness. What is that?'
'Oh god, just one thing? What to choose, what to choose?|||Hey Jude, by The Beatles.|||I just interpret meditation as anything that clears your head and gets you focused on you and enjoying the moment at hand. For me that's long boarding.|||I forced my self to learn cursive when I was younger and now I'm stuck like that. The only person to say anything negative about my handwriting is my father, everyone else has complimented me on how...|||I wanted to do it here to give the art forums of personality cafe more support for writers. I also chose to do it here because I really enjoy the community here, and to give the writers already...|||I wanted to create this thread so that others can come here and receive feedback, advice, ideas, inspiration and what have you, on they're stories. Also, I have this story that I need advice on. I...|||Any place quiet, secluded, and preferably inside with Internet. Or a comic book store if you can find one.|||Really just catching fire right now.|||here's the difference if you turn it off or simply block people online then you online really have to put up with the bullshit of school for seven hours. Then home is a safe haven.|||Two things are virtually certain you're going to change your major, and have more than a dozen different careers in your life. Choose something that's virtually universal, or hell it almost doesn't...|||I don't know if you know this but if you look at your profile picture from a distance it looks like a penis.|||Yes... And I love every second of it.|||Code geass.|||I'm not dedicated to any genre, I simply like what I like no matter what it is classified as. However my most listened to genre is electro house (also just called electro, or dance).|||I don't listen to classical, but I do enjoy listing to string quartet performances of popular songs.|||Seriously what is with you? Every time I'm here you're asking questions about how you can attack us.|||Cats cradle lord of the flies To kill a mocking bird autobiography of a face|||I said it once I'll say it again, ARBITRARY LOGIC!|||There's some bumps in the road but I can get those sorted out without to much trouble.|||Both equally|||I can only think of intellectual innuendos.|||Turn of every electronic and read a book, there's a science behind this but I feel to lazy to explain it, and you can just google electronics affect on sleep.|||I think about how awesome it would be to see one of my old asshole classmates when I'm 25, and it turns out the ended up being a drug dealer, while I have my college degree in the other seat.|||understanding something and not caring to read an entire thread are opposite things you ass|||1. The act piercings does not usually take place in public, where as you said the acts of masturbation and self mutilation. These actions disrupts the peace and indecent in public. However done in...|||1. those rules apply to both genders, abortion applies to women 2. The acts you are mentionig are in public, rather than a private settings.|||No I want them to give me tattoo's once I am dead.|||Honestly I'm gong to have to say sly cooper. Whenever I think of which game is the end all be all for me, that is the series that comes to mind.|||Fist to fist battle to the death!|||What are you talking about?|||Covered in nerdy tattoo's!|||Cats!|||The key to getting through tragedies is not to be apethetic, but durable with intelligence. Happiness is a choice. emotions are fuel for actions. Be a quirky side of pessimism. find your niche...|||I don't know what you're talking about I'm as happy as can be right now|||Hate is fuel for greatness.|||As emperor palpatine once said let the hate flow through you (hate, anger whatever you want to call it.)|||Happiness is a choice. Before you go replying to those I'm very aware that clinical depression is a chemical imbalance but that is not what I am referring to. Also optimistic pessimism, I know that's...|||I do this thing were if I get into an arguements one day I'll comeback the next day with an entire essay.|||Google it, it's been a while since I've looked into it.|||I can't wait to see how they follow up Prometheus. do you remember the weyland corporation logo at the end of the credits?|||The bitchy and emotionally unstable.|||Ass|||Alright I'm just going to give you some studying advice from what I've learned. #1. Understanding the material. You can't expect to learn if you haven't even begun to fathom it so here's several...|||Analytical vs arbitrary|||Ricky gervais said it best if we could take the 'do not drink' label off of bleach, and the 'may contain nuts' off of peanuts I think we can improve the gene pool a bit.|||Sex, magic, technology, alternate worlds, art, fights, epic, and badass's. do you need more of a reason?|||I have starz so I downloaded a lot of movies one of them being Prometheus and that was the last one I watched. I really liked I didn't quite understand the backlash but maybe when I watch the...|||Pants, hoodie, t-shirt.|||That idea gives my middle finger a boner.|||Pair them with a person that only possesses arbitrary logic.'
'It's freaky how much I can relate to this.|||lol, I feel the same way. My sister is an INTP and I feel like together we're Sherlock and Watson. :)|||I have a hard time with this. Mostly because I tend to believe what I hear. In the workplace I definitely feel like the boring, narrow minded one. When people complain about ISFJs, I just want to...|||I saw somewhere that Whitney was supposed to be ISFJ, but I'm not sure if it was accurate. :/|||Sorry ahead of time if this comes out as more of a rant, but I was on the other side of this just recently, so let me explain it. I had a co-worker with a crush on me that was casually paying me...|||I actually have a pretty deep voice and it only gets deeper the sleepier I get. Although, for some reason when I talk to children, strangers, or animals, I use this extremely soft, high pitched,...|||I would probably love it if I didn't have Reynauds. I can't handle the cold well at all. I think it's the prettiest season though, and I enjoy the fresh, cold air when I am out for short periods of...|||My sister is an INTP and we get along great. We're practically each others best friend and we have a very easy time communicating. I've found that growing up with her helps me to understand any other...|||If I'm learning how to do something specific, then I have to learn it by doing it and have someone walk me through it a few times. Sometimes I can learn it after going through it just once. Try to...|||Ugh, I always come off as being an air-head because of this. I have a delay between the joke and my outburst of laughter. It's embarrassing. :frustrating:|||These are both so true of my ISTP cousin.|||I feel like I can read people pretty well, but then again, I've heard a lot of people say that ISFJs are paranoid and aren't all that great at it. Also, I've met ISFJs that are terrible at it as...|||To be honest, I never flirt, nor will I ever understand how to do it. It's just not natural for me. On the other hand, I don't mind being flirted with as long as it's extremely subtle. ISFJs pick...|||My words exactly. xD|||I deeply agree with what scamper_22 said. Often times with ISFJs, the real problem isn't anything that you'd assume right off the bat. Also, you have to settle with the fact that you're never going...|||I feel like I'm always myself, but I just show whatever side would fit the situation best. I might not be completely honest with everyone all the time, but it's not just about making everyone happy....|||This is me exactly. Super serious until someone says something that makes me smile and laugh uncontrollably. xD|||I can actually relate to this. I'm an extreme introvert, to the point where I just want to be alone for weeks at a time. On the other hand, I've gotten comfortable enough with my co workers that I've...|||I totally agree. It's like we think with our emotions and we need time to put it into words that others will understand and relate to.|||I was just curious to see if this was a common thing with ISFJs or if it was just some social quirk or nervous habit of mine, but do you ever find that you can't help but smile all the time? For...|||ALL the time...|||I personally think that ISFJs would make pretty good actors actually. I guess it depends on the person though. I've always dreamed of acting. I love emotion. I think we might be a little less apt to...|||I feel this to an extreme. In fact, I was thinking about making a post like this until I stumbled across this one. I've always felt that everywhere I go, I'm just a part of the scenery. I listen...|||Haha, no, it's just the principle of the thing I suppose. It sounds very unspecific and lazy. I don't really care though, I'm just picking. xD|||I'm glad I'm not the only one that hates this. I'm a cashier and everyone around me uses this expression, except for me. I've never understood it.|||I used to have anger issues until my sister taught me something over a matter of years that finally hit home as I got older. You only get angry because you let yourself. Getting worked up over...|||All the time. I feel like I don't have the right to give advice without proving that I know what I'm talking about due to past experiences. I personally want to know that the person telling me what...|||This is something that I understand because I do it all the time, though I find it very hard to express in a way that would make much sense to a non-ISFJ, but I'll try my best. Us ISFJs are...|||Triple minds apparently, because I didn't read yours before posting either! lol. xD|||Before answering, I should note that I'm a Christian and hold to certain morals. I can also admit to being rather insecure, so I'm not sure if my answers would be true for many ISFJs. And please...|||The only two people I'm close to are my sister(INTP) and my best friend(ESFJ) that I've known for as long as I can remember. I could also count my cousin(ISTP) who feels almost like a little brother...|||^This was totally me as well.|||I'm sorry to hear this. D: I'm not going to pretend to know what's going on, because unless you know both sides, it's hard to say. But I'd just try to remember that ISFJs will try to avoid any...|||I love INTJs. I like their relaxed demeanor and gentleness, and I find them easy to do things with. My only complaint is that every one I've met is actually very insecure. They hide it very well, but...|||I was just thinking about this the other day! I'm the same exact way, but I think it expands into my other senses as well. For example, I was walking out in the rain with a hoodie on, and the...|||As an ISFJ, I've never told anyone that I loved them without them telling me first. My father(INFJ) always says I love you to me, and I answer I love you too, but I don't normally say it on my...|||My issues stem down from my OCD. I feel like I'm always sitting around, waiting for the right moment when I'll be able to make everything in my life completely organized to the point where everything...|||Well, I get along with my sister(INTP) really well, so most other INTPs I can understand pretty well too. I guess sometimes it's hard for me though because for some types I've only known one person...|||I have OCD tendancies, so does that count? I clean whenever I'm upset. :P I'm sure my sister could list all of the silly things I do, but I guess I just don't notice them. Most of the time it's...|||Maybe it's just me, but I've never liked opening up to people very much. I think it's because they always come to me with their problems first, so I don't get to do my share of complaining. I've just...|||Initially my sister typed me on her own as an ISFJ and after taking a test online, it confirmed it. This actually doesn't surprise me, as INTPs have the same functions as us, but in an...|||Superior|||I've never been in a relationship to begin with, but I know a few ISTJs in real life, including my mother. I have to say that I just don't get along with them. I think they're great at a friendship...|||I can completely relate actually. This kind of reminds me of how I was getting stressed about not having photo albums in order and such. I feel like I need a full record, in order, of my past in...|||Actually, I'm talking about full-blown theatrics. Usually said person will bring it up here and there like, Well I'd have time if I hadn't had to do THAT(hint hint). I might get paranoid easily,...|||I'm mixed about this one. I don't let just anyone use me like that, but I do tend to get pushed around by people that I don't want to upset. I think it's because I'm attempting to avoid any drama...|||I'm not sure why, but I've never been able to succeed at anything I do, even if I work at it for years. I feel like I'm always comparing myself to my sister though. She's an INTP, so she picks up on...|||I'm not sure if someone has already mentioned it, but I could swear that Leonardo Da Vinci was an INTP.|||Growing up with an INTP has exercised it considerably for me. xD|||^These are all really true for me, especially the last one. I'm frequently depressed about it actually.'
'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pO_mlZDlFo Two INFPs already died of laughing from this. Proceed with caution. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QdPW8JrYzQ|||518506 People, when they look closely, are always confused as to what colour they are ^^|||It's good to hear that, that someone says it would be a mistake to settle for a possibly more stable and more money making job. My friends always make fun of me for having chosen cultural...|||What I got from this thread is that I really have to get to know some INFJs -- sounds like your depths and thoughts would be (sorry for that wording, but can't think of a better or more appropriate...|||I wish to transcend space by quicker means that could be called cheating -- like beaming or teleporting, so I wouldn't need planes, bicycles, time or money to do that.|||INFP http://brillianceofcoincidence.tumblr.com/ my photography, recently started http://wirberlsturm.tumblr.com/ everything else. with a typo in the url unfortunately. I am not very...|||Park benches or just spots where you have a good view over something, they will be sitting or standing there, either lost in thought looking into far away space or in a book.|||When I was a child this was my experience too. I didn't feel like I had a best friend. Well and that one best friend I had would often abandon me for someone more interesting and come back to me...|||There is no option All of them. Really, it is impossible to answer that. I would maybe say Aurora, but i don't see it as a possibility as i have never seen this phenomenon. Must be incredible. Now...|||I am interested in other cultures in general (and also study cultural anthropology), but i am most interested in East Asia, namely Japan and China. But that could also be because my parents also have...|||I have that wish too, but i am only conscious of it since recently. I think I extended my empathy in a way. But I find that wish only comes up strongly when I am in a good place myself. Only then I...|||... and then the first INFP came out of the sea. It is said that the first library was created by them, with books made out of leaves.|||That's an interesting question :). Not too easy to answer though. I think I want to help people who are having a difficult time to be able to tell the whole story without me imposing anything on...|||These are very cool photos :proud:|||I'll start :). I chose this one for the vulnerable and contemplative feel to it. 389538|||Idea stolen from http://personalitycafe.com/type-9-forum-peacemaker/73196-post-pictures-remind-you-type-9-a.html I thought this would be fun here too. I don't know if such a thread already exists,...|||This was taken by me :) 387217|||386074|||If I know their story and why they do what they do, it is likely I feel with them. I will still wish they'll fail.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCktyjCosHE|||You cannot generalise this! Nothing can be generalised actually, it always depends on factors and circumstances, what if e.g. this or that ... ? (This is mostly the rant i fall into when I do)|||So you mean like in the infinite monkey theorem? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinite_monkey_theorem If we assume that the universe is infinite and so are the experiments.|||I thought this was common knowledge .. it is the sock monsters lurking in there waiting for food. So apparently they get eaten and reappear as, you know ...|||I am unsatisfied, lonely, want to be social but don't actually want to deal with people, I don't know what I want. I don't know what I want. I don't know what could fulfill me, and most things are...|||I am the one who feels out of place most of the time. I am the one everyone probably thinks at first that I'm serious, stuck up, a know-it-all and boring I am the one that enjoys the most random an...|||One is an INTx, probably INTP, and although she mostly has different interests and is much more intelligent than me, we feel the same about many things and can always be ourselves around each other. ...|||Quiet sounds often hold the most beauty. If you want to listen though, you have to slow down sometimes.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r82fyOb8F5w :tongue:|||This thread is back! :proud::crazy: Love it.|||Maybe you could become an ENFJ by 2030, I think you probably wouldn't have any problems with that any more. Then again that might be too late for your taste.|||The scenes with battles in LOTR are the least interesting.|||It is not yet time for it to becaome concrete, am still in university and it will take at least another two years until I have a degree ... but still ... I do have some dreams and hopes, but no...|||Right now I have a crisis. I have no idea what I want to do later on. I am not depressed, but when I think about my future, I become anxious. Is there anything that I want, that I would be good at?...|||My often low energy, often lack of motivation, and difficulties getting to know people. This is probably due my introversion (the getting to know people thing), though some do better I think. It's...|||Who would NOT love ENFPs? To me, they are the most fun and warmhearted people. I want more of you in my life! If the people I think are ENFPs actually are ones. I like them, especially this guy,...|||I think this is kind of obvious - being vulerable means to share (your authenticn self), and without vulnerability no intimacy and connection. Do you know Brené Browns work?|||That sounds very interesting. Do you have any sources that you could share? :joyous:|||Well, now you have an extra birthday, chosen by special people :joyous:. Lucky you :D. [goes back to lurking]|||Greed. Without it, people don't want to take away anything from anyone except when their lives depend on it. And hate. The remaining cause for violence. Yes, these are two. But why shouldn't it...|||Yes, it is sad ... people are so unreasonale. I think that there are a few who want the power and the riches, and they actually do have advantages from a war. The rest, well they are tricked into...|||But why are people this way? :dry: Most people don't like it anyway.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POgViZ_Zcek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIryRIXye24|||I thought it was about asking literal war, like why it exists as it's so pointless and cruel ... kind of disappointed now. :unsure:|||China and Japan for me as well. Very fascinating cultures and histories and religions. I love anime and Chinese dramas. 我学习汉语,但是不太容易呢... I've learned Chinese for quite a while now, but not too...|||Just wanted to say that it feels like you guys had listened to my thoughts :th_love:|||Amazon.com: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values (9780060589462): Robert M. Pirsig: Books Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into values by Robert...|||Finally someone who understands what I'm talking about! Those annoying birds ... They should become extinct so we can tend to the most important things. Taxes, you name it. My workplace is central to...|||Interesting topic. For me, that's actually true. Except for if I ask for advice and other exceptions. When people tell me what to do, I get the feeling that they don't see me as capable and if I...|||I don't understand all this environment-hussle. Organic food, alternative energy source, worrying about ecological balance ... What is this movement all about? Things are good as they go, why all...|||pros: we can create our own little worlds/don't follow the crowd when it doesn't suit us acceptance and tolerance are no empty words for us peaceful we are loyal and in general good friends can...'
'If someone is looking for a good website to play chess online, I recommend lichess.org.|||I only know the MBTI of two chess players in real life (next to myself) and they both aren't INFJs, so I really don't know. I do know that some people with very similar personalities play chess...|||I like moving first a little bit more, but it doesn't matter much to me anymore.|||Interesting comment. I rarely reply to negative posts, but I feel there's something worth investigating here. You call them intellectuals, but you don't like that they want to make themselves feel...|||I did, you can read more about it at http://personalitycafe.com/infj-forum-protectors/56902-infjs-going-meet-near-maastricht-netherlands.html|||Mikhail Tal wasn't a better chess player than Bobby Fischer, but I do like his games more. There have been a lot of chess players in history that have played in a way that is similar to the style of...|||I just want people to be kind and fair to each other (and other living beings) and to help each other (and other living beings). I have big plans and I'm already working towards them. If you're...|||MBTI describes people in a way that can only be verified subjectively (just like thousands of other theories). It seems to make more sense than astrology (to me), but it isn't perfect (is any...|||I don't think I've ever been nervous during a job interview (I do get very nervous about other things, but I already found out what works for me to get rid of the nerves before I had my first job...|||I would rather be a MD. Would you rather live in a world where half of the population lives immorally, but everyone is happy until they die or would you rather live in a world where half of the...|||I've got t-shirts (several copies of the same t-shirt) that contain a lot of quotes that describe how I think about important things (this way I try to make it more accurate than simply stating INFJ...|||2. Liberalists 4. Environmentalists 7. Pacifists|||This thread kind of reminded me of What kind of girl do you think I am? | manylogue which says: Guy: “If I gave you a million dollars, would you sleep with me?” Girl: “A million dollars is a lot...|||Several of the positive things mentioned at 50 Ways to Give: A List Worth Putting on Your Fridge | Noomii Blog|||There are plenty of causes: providing clean drinking water, preventing diseases, stopping discrimination and wars, stimulating honesty, being kind and helpful to others, preventing crimes, providing...|||x93You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.x94 - Winston Churchill|||Compassion/Unity/Harmony, Honesty/Sincerity, Authenticity/Integrity and Service/Dutifulness/Respect. Basically: incorruptibility, care (some call it love) and respect. It's a great list, although I...|||You could try different ways of communication (e-mails often get misinterpreted) and read your e-mails in different ways (as if it's research written by someone you don't like, as if it's a written...|||I think every MBTI type can be interesting, but for me probably mostly NFs, so INFJ sounds good (still depends on many things other than MBTI type).|||Your Moralising Quotient is: 0.25. Your Interference Factor is: 0.25. Your Universalising Factor is: 1.00. Are you thinking straight about morality? There was no inconsistency in the way that...|||Wow, I totally don't agree with that (maybe other guys think like that, but I, and I think some other INFJs as well, certainly don't). I'll tell my perspective on your three options (I don't agree...|||Take a look at the following websites and statements I found online and decide what you identify with more/most: David DeVaughn helps an INFJ INTJ make a career decision INTJ v. INFJ Smackdown «...|||You're not an INFP, I'm fairly certain of that. The rest I'm not certain of; how do you react towards the following description?: INTJ - Jung Type Descriptions. Based on your reaction (you could copy...|||Father: ESTJ Mother: ISFJ Me: INFJ Sister: ISFP Family: ISFJ (I'm not sure if that's how I would type our family because even though my mother, my sister and I don't differ much in the letters...|||The meetup was great! It was really interesting meeting several INFJs (and an ISFJ) and getting to talk with them for hours (in total, we sometimes need silence in between the talking). It was nice...|||It was a fantastic meetup and the above summary seems accurate. If someone reading this hasn't attended an INFJ meetup yet; you're missing out, make sure you attend one soon! :happy:|||I've never been asked out, but I think the best way is to be sure that the INFJ knows you're interested in him (because of his character), without forcing him to respond in public or making him feel...|||1w2, followed by type 9, followed by type 4.|||I scored 25%. It was quite random.|||I will arrive at Düsseldorf Hauptbahnhof (maybe PlushWitch could send us a private message how to go from there) at 12:08 (or 13:08, or 14:08, et cetera, depending on what PlushWitch prefers and if...|||So, who will arrive/leave at what day/time? A couple of us aren't fluent in German, we can guess some words based on Dutch, but I think we'll need English for longer sentences.|||I haven't planned anything for the 16th or the 18th yet, so it depends on whether others will also stay overnight (how normal it is to stay overnight) and at what time the Meetup will start and end...|||You could add your preferences to Doodle: INFJ Meeting in Düsseldorf and you could ask INFJs who live near you (INFJs), or who aren't available on the 17th, to meet with you on a different day. ...|||It looks like we will meetup again on Sunday 17th of July. http://personalitycafe.com/infj-forum-protectors/58162-meetup-duesseldorf-germany-3.html|||My Big Five results (from February 2009) were: O - 80 C - 64 E - 3 A - 69 N - 32|||I'm quite busy for another week, but it sounds like fun, you can invite me.|||I try to do as much what I believe in as possible, but sometimes it requires me to settle for what I'm doing to be able to do that in the future.|||Sometimes when I'm talking to someone and someone else joins us, I immediately stop talking (often unconsciously and out of habit). I really don't like the conversation-dynamics of a group...|||You only have to leave a marker on the map. I had to use a name and password to create the map and I wasn't sure if others would need it to leave a marker, but apparently you don't need it. Just go...|||Intentions are probably the most important aspect in deciding whether something is right or wrong and morality is extremely important to me. I try to have moral intentions and I want everyone to have...|||I feel free when I'm thinking creatively. How do you deal with ESxx personality types when they make something difficult or unpleasant for you?|||Two more pictures: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/4067/infjs2.jpg http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/5474/infjs3.jpg|||This is the group of INFJs who met in Maastricht today. http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/4346/infjs.jpg From left to right: Contemplation, Peer, PlushWitch, Aspera and Morality. We had a...|||Are we all meeting at about 11.00 in front of Maastricht station?|||Everyone is available from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Does anyone have a preference (I don't)?|||Mr Reality, you could start your own thread to make that happen. Just send a private message (with a link in it to your thread) to the members you see at INFJs...|||I don't have anything planned for Saturday yet, so it doesn't matter to me at what time we meet.|||I agree that the person who has to travel the longest should be able to choose. Yes, we can meet in front of the main entrance and send our mobile phone numbers to each other by private message (just...|||Where are we going to meet (the first time) and at what time? Will we meet at the train station (Parallelweg 15, Maastricht)? We can walk from there to Vrijthof (Bestand:VrijthofMaastricht.JPG -...|||I was expecting more people to give similar answers to mine, but I really think I would use it mostly to try to solve the problems in the world (hunger/war/discrimination/et cetera). When the basics...'
'I didn't care to much for the end of Doubt, but man do I want to make the wolf's rabbit head one year and wear it to a con.|||It's a about Bouroughs writing the book. although it's rather bizarre (talkng bug typewriters and aliens) it isn't bad at all if you like the older Cronenberg movies anyways riight now I'm...|||I have kid606 playing in the background|||I'll start off with a quote from your bible (I actuality never read it before but I am now,thanks for posting it by the way) “Indeed, most primary interests of an INTP are things which he cannot...|||painting something for a friend|||apparently I have double jointed fingers. I can also touch my elbows together behind my back.|||second time worked.I had to make a new on but the first time didn't even show up to that page it skipped to the album directory or whatever you would call it oh and thank you both for the help|||no it doesn't|||I was going to up load some stuff In a album I just made and well, I don't see where you do that at. could someone tell me where it is or if something is wrong with it? I read though the FAQ and...|||just got done inking a drawing and I'm now going to try to get my scanner to work|||I didn't know that I just assumed that was the original name. good movie, one day I'll read the book|||do you mean Let the Right One in?|||I'm bumping this because more people should use the last.fm Personality Cafe group|||bored out of my mind. trying to think of what I should do. 1. draw something 2.watch something 3.read something 4. find something inserting to do on the internet with 1 and 4 I can have music...|||hell, I want to work in the comic biz|||here's a small articles you should read. It has Ne not Fi as the one most affecting interest in the arts. also some famous people that have been said to be INTP (I don't personally know if they...|||about a 30 minute drive from Charleston|||I'm from West Virgina and I didn't realize that the state was one of the leading traffickers in the U.S. I've met around a hand full of people that grow there own though so it's no big surprise...|||just started slaughtermatic by Steve Aylett|||the one I read was 'color of magic' and I was going to try to read them in the order in which they were published seeing as that is the closest thing to a time line/reading order as you can get. so...|||I'm two chapters away from being done with Solar Lottery by P.k. Dick.|||I just read my first discworld book last month and really enjoyed it. did you read Call of Cthulhu the short story or is a copulation of a lot of Lovecraft stories?|||GO is fun I wish I played it more|||other than the eye shine I don't think he was. Riddle Scott says he was but then each writer said that he wasn't|||I just thought it came off as pretentious and I couldn't care for any of the characters. there's more but I really don't remember the movie well enough to point out and nit pick each thing that I...|||not great at all|||it's really said any more because most big book stores do have a much small comic ratio to manga. I know what you mean a lot of comic and gaming shoppes that I've been in have a territorial thing...|||I should point out that the absolute sandman isn't all of them. also have you looked in to programs like cdisplay? some suggestions. madman batman - year 100 batman- hush batman - year 1 the...|||I want to ask if anyone thinks the Deckard is a replicant?|||Blame! (or anything else by Tsutomu Nihei) Dead End Smuggler Alive Angle's share books I was reading and were good but stopped for some reason or another. dragonhead soil|||I think Hard Candy is one of the worst movies I've ever watched|||I too have the show on my computer and have also resonantly played Arkahm (which is a pretty great game)|||I bet they will bring back Peter Porker/spider-ham|||yes,but right now I'm behind on all of the batman reborn stuff that is out|||I have two dresser drawers filled with Pokémon cards and then 3 books full of just rare ones. I also bought both Pokémon gold and crystal from a web site in Japan just so I didn't have to wait to...|||:sad: ..oh. never cared for it as much as the first line of world of darkness stuff|||would we be playing in the new or old world of darkness?|||I would like to know what they are doing with some of marvels imprints like Max comics. Max is geared towards older readers and I don't know if Disney will keep it around seeing as it doesn't fit...|||I'm started ShatnerQuake by Jeff Burk today and I'm almost done with it|||I'm reading The Illuminatus Trilogy by RAW ,the tales of H.P. Lovercraft collection of short story's , neverwhere by Neil Gaiman , and preacher(comic) by garth ennis & steve dillon|||the 1st is Shade the changing man(a comic character) The 2nd is my attempted at drawing Tom Waits The 3rd was a character oh mine for a table top rpg,his face if pretty much Cillian Murphy well...|||this is my first attempt at drawing on a shirt|||what's the best pen tablet to get, does anyone have any suggestions?|||shouldn't it be glomp instead of hugs?|||I don't try to be different I've just always perused interest that I liked and they more then not have been apart of some sort of counterculture or other obscure verity of things. as to the thing...|||I want to know why the movie I am Legend is better than the book.|||Read interview with a vampire.Anne Rice wrote both the book and screen play to the movie so it's pretty accurate to the book(the movie changes a bit here and there and cuts out around 4 chapters but...|||The Professional Cool, Levelheaded, Lethal The Professional is the most dangerous of all villains. You do what you do better than anyone, because, as a Professional, you have standards. The...|||The Hardcore Insomniac! Insomnius Hardcorus. Wow! You're a hardcore insomniac! Most of the hours of your day are spent in the dark, and you're okay with that. You've gotten use to the isolation...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4wVf4KxFPE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe-XNav5mWU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjAoBKagWQA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv1zcBGISzk'
'Welcome! My favorite type is INTJs, you guys are just too adorable and weird... and always find me odd for stating this. Hope you´ll like it here :)|||Ahh, the guilt that just all of a sudden appears and you just keep rolling in it *hugs*|||Yes, it is just not in my nature to just let him sit there, while nobody invites him.. I just can´t. I´d rather having to put up with it, than spend more seconds watching him be sad... I´m kind of...|||Haha, I do that too! Let me watch that Titanic movie and get it over with. And if I don't, like allow myself to get emotional from time to time, it sort of builds up, and then out of the blue I...|||I'm in nursing school. And we are always divided in study groups each semester. We have this very odd, man in his 40's, from Switzerland (we are in Denmark) in our class. He is very intelligent and a...|||Hahahahaha... laughing out loud when no one is around is strangely awkward.|||Feel like the world most horrible mother. School started again and I´m exhausted, now it´s the weekend, and I should just be out doing stuff with my daughter, but I just need to be still and not do...|||Hoooow can you not like pancakes? How does that work? Just how? Ugh, now I want pancakes...|||I found it to sound like so many other songs. But the lyrics are pretty, but not something that struck me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avxpn_MsPYs This I discovered along time ago. This...|||http://i57.tinypic.com/2j3377n.jpg|||It's not bad :) But I don't think I will like remember to look it up again.|||Now I am not a P. But are you a parent? If not, that might be somewhat more fulfilling for you than a partner and a job, which are just extras in my life after I had my daughter.|||Haha, well, yes... But my doctor said that I would be considered an HSP, since my sensitivity level are higher than normal... but since it isn't the worst it can be... its mild. I find it to make...|||I got at smartphone for the first time like 8 months ago. I hate what it has done to me. Now I make rules for myself. No phone while my daughter is at home and awake. And no phone at school as well.|||I enjoyed that, a very feel good song. And I kind of feel happy, but calm at the same time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrGjki1pRNg Sorry for blasting Icelandic music on you, but there...|||http://i59.tinypic.com/a1pjj8.gif|||I was just wondering something. I have known for awhile that I´m a mild HSP (highly sensitive person). For example, It really bothers me when I go from a lot of sun, to dark, and having to wait...|||I´m sorry, I can´t handle hearing about Dexter. That last episode was like having been in a relationship for 8 years, and then get dumped by text :(|||I want to take all the people home, feed them, put them to bed and run my finger through their hair, while saying it will all be alright. I´m either totally adorable or perhaps a closeted serial...|||I lived with another, very energetic person in a very small apartment. You can kind of call it an apartment dorm, so there where like young fresh, happy people all around us. Wanting to party all the...|||My husband is an ENTJ (I´m starting to think a little between that and ENTP). And he´s a social worker... no money in dat.|||http://i59.tinypic.com/nf464g.jpg I´m so sorry, I find other things than cats funny... but it´s just.... CATS! :kitteh:|||Well, I kind of like it, but it also annoys me. It´s sounds like my computer is lacking, and I dont do well with that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOwVRx9Qo_U|||Well I became an atheist when I was around 14, so I barely remember how I saw things back then. I don´t know, I guess I just kind of followed it blindly. My church talked about homosexuality as sin,...|||Here goes... 1. I have read the Harry Potter books over 100 times, in English, Icelandic and Danish. And I´m reading them again. 2. I had my daughter when I was 21. Which apparently makes me...|||I don´t know if I get this sudden unexplained feeling. It´s more like when I´m around people, I can sense their mood/feelings right away, even though their action may imply otherwise. And this...|||Welcome, I´m new myself and have found this forum alarmingly addictive. I have never understood anime, so no points for me :(|||In Danish it´s just pure feces.|||LORT. They yell it all the time. Crazy Danish people.|||You might have seen this before. But it just makes me laugh every time I look at it. 92094|||Thank you so much for taking the time to answer. I have taken the test several times, and it comes out as INFJ, and once as an ENFJ. But I know that Im an introvert, there is no doubt in my mind....|||I don't think it is in my head, I read people and their emotions very well.|||I'm 5' 8 and stopped when I was 13. They say women stop growing after they reach puberty/get their period. So at 21, I don't think you'll be growing more. But I find myself jealous of shorter...|||No, she is definitely not an INTJ. She has this very warm, and empathic present. And I believe most people find her easy to talk to. She does well in big crowds. But she'd prefer not to. And she is...|||It would be very inconvenient if I were not, since it is in my profile name (unless there is a magical admin around here). There has been some talk that some of us who claim to be INFJers are in...|||No I won't. I've been friends with INTJs for so long. And I liiiikem *crosses arms in a stubborn way*|||I have never met an INTJ that I would describe as a jerk. I find that word to harsh an simple to describe an INTJ.|||http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/lucy-disappointed.gif|||I have seen her twice. Once in a public swimming pool and then again in a thrift store. I always have to mention that when ever she comes up. Just can't help it.|||Those are not easy questions Mr. Smileyface! But I will do my best: 1. My partner, and ENTJ often misunderstands me. And friends and family do as well. Not familiar with all of their types. ...|||Oh yes! Nose hair! How could I forget noooose hair! I change my answer to nose hair.|||Dear Doris Drew, I have had anxiety for a few years now. It's very irrational, and mostly is me somehow over analysing a little dumbness in a finger, that ends up with me having a panic attack...|||Now... I hate feeling like I'm not able to help. Just know that I'm sending you lots of warm thought. Hope you're ok.|||Uhh, I wish I was listing to this totally cool unknown band, but I'm not. So... yes. It's Katy Perry, I'm listening to Katy Perry. And its the song roar. Oh my good I'm so uncool and mainstream...|||I don't know if any type is best (though some are better than others). INTJs are my personal favourite. I find them, funny, cute and interesting in a way they usually don't get :tongue:|||When you say sexy I have to agree with lips. Lips are sexy. Eyes are beautiful.|||It is a good guess but I don't think so. She is too good socially, and sorry to say, not smart enough... even though she is smart :D|||First of all, I'm sorry that you feel this way. It is never easy. But before the sunrise, there is always darkness *hugs*. And second of all, I find it wonderful reading about all of you, and see how...|||I find them very passive, at least the two of them... and therefore not quite capable of deep conversation, at least not on my level anyway. And those short remarcs I've noticed. You ask them...|||Could I perhaps find another word for interesting? *sigh* :blushed:'
'This song rocks!|||What happened to all my games? Sense when does every major title have to be a FPS? What happened to the N64 platformers? I loved those things. I am lucky to get one game a year that is not a super...|||That is why I have refined my procrastination ability to the point that I can get ready in twenty mineuts or less depending.|||I have to give a heads up to anyone who has XBL or PSN. They have just released Beyond Good & Evil HD. This is one of the best games to come out on the Xbox eight years ago. It still holds up today....|||It worked for Pollock|||Here is something that has always bugged me about a lot of Horror movies, why is it only the super evil guy comes back from the dead. I mean if they can do it why cant the good guys do it. Also...|||http://www.theawl.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/kfcsandwich.jpg So bad ...................but so good|||Limitless looks ok the other two are not my thing. However Battle for LA looks REALLY good. Good Scifi is hard to come by.|||No stand alone game, but Mass Effect 3 will. This year went from having almost nothing for me to having everything. Battlefeild 3 Rage Deus Ex 3 Elder Scrolls V Arkham City Portal 2...|||Its hard to pin down my preferences in movies. Action / comedy / thriller / drama / mystery are what I like most of the time. Favorite films are The Dark Knight, V for Vendetta, Apocalypse Now, Young...|||The frustrating thing is that we were not that far away from some real cool stuff. We already have a space station that people live on 365. How far away was a permanent base on the moon. How far off...|||Is it just me or does anyone else miss the real space program? When we started cutting Nasa'a buget it just felt like we were giving up. I want it back. If they landed on the moon and sent back...|||I got more http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfugtAWxooU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ9iflvCwok|||To me lyrics are just another instrument. A song does not need words. If they have words they should fit with the music. Its one of the reasons I dont really like pop. There is no really music in the...|||I am so sick of snow|||Something in Graphic Designe. I started college not sure if I was going to really like it, but it seems I found my calling, career wise anyway.|||I dont believe it|||I read this and have not had a chance to try it, but I am told its works. When your head is congested alternate pressing your tongue against you pallet and pocking yourself between the eye brows. I...|||Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof. V for Vendetta Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z3kJ_vr_dc|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDGuyGPJ_JE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEB56tk7I88|||Just as an example I love Kung Pow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJwOuBf2XEw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAFrhcPHd-I&feature=related|||What music do you listen to when you want to chill out. I go with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkdsOWfSXME http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ec_0_8otSrg&feature=related|||People no need for violence. After all its not her fault. Its Rick Astly's You have no idea. We are about to switch to Christmas music.|||They play that song over the radio at my job at least once a day.|||. .. ... .... ..... ...... ....... ........ ......... .......... Ya I got nothing at the moment|||If it was me I would say Dublin or Rome.|||Your being paranoid. Now I dont know you so if you are riding a unicycle, juggling fish with a clown wig on then people may think That is out of the ordinary. Otherwise you are probably being a...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01tL_YOsrCo|||To many people having kids is doing something with their life. But that's not true for everyone. You have something else to through yourself into. If you see the world and help kids no one in their...|||mega man passing of the blue crown http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qcv6Z72nzR8|||The first episode is on Hulu it is really good. I mostly watch History and Discovery channel shows. I LOVE Pawn Stars. Archer is also really funny.|||I all ways thought of it like this. A J and a P are playing poker. They J looks at his/her cards. S/He uses a mathmatic system s/he has come up with to bet. The P looks at his/her cards, then lloks...|||If your friend is an introvert then this does not sound that strang. Introverts tend to want to process things themselves first before taking them public. Even then they will tend to hedge their bets...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SGZ6GBvaaU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRfWhBWDAsc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xmBzZKwEek These are all of the Qemists album, Join the Q|||Ya the Pats miss Faulk but Woodhead is doing great. I still think it funny our best wide out is Welker and our best running back is Woodhead. They are both like 5'7-9.|||1. 6 year old boy and girl in burning build, which child do you save? I do whatever it takes to save both. I would never leave one behind 2. Your romantic partner ends up being your half...|||Fragile Dreams - Anathema Empty - Anthema Fly - Blind Guardian I get it - Chevelle Ecstasy of Gold - Ennio Morricone Tessie - Dropkick Murphys Shippin up to bosten - Dropkick Murphys ...|||I do that everytime i have to hand in anything but a final draft.|||You know that make us mortal enemies right Do you mean Kevin Faulk? Dallas Clark is on the Colts.|||How about Romoe being down and out, say goodbye to the playoffs cowboys|||Ok I have tried to start sports threads on these forums more then once and they never go anywhere. But i dont take hints so here we go again. Week Six is over in the NFL 2010-11 season. I want to...|||I would say good call on that one over all.|||Ya that has hap........................................|||What format?|||To tell you the truth I got so sick of the expence to play I stopped. I will draft if the opertunity comes up. The last time I played I was running either a mono blue controle or RW controle. This is...|||The people calling your name things is not odd. Everyone does that from time to time. It seems like alot of this revolves around her sleeping. When slipping in and out of sleep you can have hypnotic...|||The joke is if you are asking your INFP|||Dreaming, to me, is when your brain defrags. It takes all the crap that we push to the back of our mind over the course of the day and works through it. Not to see that once and a while a dream cant...|||If your asking your INFP'
'I never said that there wasn't, I just found it curious that too almost opposite personalities were aiming for the same profession.|||My brother is and ISTJ, and I'd have to say that he would probably be the closest thing to being the opposite of my personality that I know of. Curiously though, we both are aiming fro the the same...|||You don't burn out from going too fast. You burn out from going too slow and getting bored. Cliff Burton|||Generally just tormenting and screwing with someones views is enough vengeance for me, for example by forcing them through the same rings to get to the same conclusion as me, despite the fact that...|||Well I'm the guy in my picture (surprise, surprise) I'm about 6 foot tall. I generally wear whatever seems practical and comfortable regardless of the occasion, or appropriateness of the occasion....|||You seem to be caring to much about an item for it to be ENTP.... As for the second one, well yes, that does sound a lot like me. Up too you really, which one sounds cooler? INTJ or ENTP?|||I personally don't hate anything. Other people seem to hate us in good humour if that makes any sense. An example of this is that somebody I go to school with was laughing and smiling at me whilst...|||Don't shoot the messenger. I blame Wikipedia.|||Also possibly Antisocial Personality Disorder (aka being a sociopath). I sometimes question whether I'm a sociopath or not (I generally don't feel anything which usually has everyone around me in...|||Yes but cancer is. Not dissimilar to the stuff caused by stupid use of the word swag. :tongue:|||ENTPs can get hurt feelings? :confused:|||One of my best friends is an ESTP. We get along rather well, although I can't really talk theoretical physics or anything to him. He's great for doing fun stuff like extreme sports or just chilling...|||Oooooh, just my luck, I got an INTJ. Anyway INTJs are pretty awesome, because they are like the less sociable, more organised versions of ENTPs (who are clearly superior to all other MBTIs :P)....|||48477 I can't be bothered making one, so I just got this one off the internet. It seems to do its job, so I haven't changed it.|||Pretty much just these 2, and they usually go hand in hand. Seems to happen a lot when arguing.|||People need to remember that there is a difference between intelligent people and NT's (I know a lot of NT's are intelligent, but there are others out there that are intelligent and not NT's). Just...|||I sit in a crouched position (much like L off Deathnote) when I'm concentrating on something. I walk around topless at home at all times.|||Oh I see I was going to say, INFJs aren't really known for being killjoys.|||If somebody puts a silly title I feel obliged to give them a silly answer|||How they pee?|||I hate it with and passion. It gives me that odd kind of urge to destroy small animals with an oversized assault weapon or laser cannon of some sort.....|||Dammit I got bored with the number's as well but i still got 98 so that only allowes me too make mild gramma and spelling erras|||Dammit I got bored with the number's as well but i still got 98 so that only allowes me too make mild gramma and spelling erras|||Don't worry about failing, just think about all the people you know who are dumber than you.|||any :P (Preferably one which uses one of the methods listed [15 SD IQ, 16 SD IQ or Percentile IQ])|||I was just curious too see how many INTJs have had their Intelligence tested before, and if so how (15 SD, 16 SD, percentile etc.). I'd just like to see how high most INTJs get on these...|||I was just curious too see how many INTPs have had their Intelligence tested before, and if so how (15 SD, 16 SD, percentile etc.). I'd just like to see how high most INTPs get on these...|||I was just curious too see how many ENTJs have had their Intelligence tested before, and if so how (15 SD, 16 SD, percentile etc.). I'd just like to see how high most ENTJs get on these...|||I was just curious too see how many ENTPs had had their Intelligence tested before, and if so how (15 SD, 16 SD, percentile etc.). I'd just like to see how well we do on these intelligence tests.|||Fools, fools everywhere. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the one true religion, embrace his noodly appendage. Repent and become a Pastafarian today. Anyway, on a serious note, I...|||The only time I feel unsure of leaving a relationship is when I'm unsure about my future chances with the other gender (it sounds like a dick thing to do, but hey its my life). Apart from that I'll...|||That sounds a lot like your stereotypical American :P|||Please define how much. If it was billions upon billions I would probably invest massively in areas which I deemed interesting (space travel for instance), and just live off the interest from the...|||Personally I would have thought an Engineering or Architecture major or master would be perfect for an ENTP as it involves coming up with new ideas using thoughts not feelings. Still, I'm biased so...|||I wouldn't base your typing on preferred activities too much. I'm an ENTP who likes running, parkour, playing hockey and doing Triathlons for fun. Make sure you don't follow stereotypes too closely.|||I'm an ENTP who is quite solitary. It's not because I don't enjoy company, more just because I get bored with people rather quickly unless I deem them interesting. When I am with people (who I...|||Are you sure you're an NT? After rereading everything you've posted you sound more like an ESTJ than any NT|||Pastafarian (Belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster).|||You seem to smell a lot like an INTJ, out of all the NTs. You seem too civilised to be an ENTP. You don't seem to be as social as an ENTJ. And INTP just doesn't seem to fit.|||Yes, I'm rather introverted at times. It might be just because I get lost in my own thoughts and forget about my surroundings. Also I've found that although I do immensely enjoy social interaction,...|||I occasionally test as an INTP depending on my mood|||Do INFJs really find ENTPs as attractive as rumoured? and if so, why? (on an unrelated issue, where can I find INFJ females for that matter?)|||Highschool student atm? Aiming for Masters (at least) in Mechanical Engineering, and possible Bachelors in Particle or Nuclear Physics|||Saying X is Impossible|||Lol this sounds like my dad (He's an immature ESTJ). We don't get along for rather obvious reasons. They aren't overly intimidating, more just infuriating.|||Facing a Nuclear arsenal with nothing more than a bent spoon. I mean if I had a bent spoon and a bent fork I might be ok, but with only a bent spoon I'd be hopelessly intimidated out of my depth....|||Hello INFPs!!! I come in peace. Anyway the thing which brings me too INFP-land is that one of my best friends is an INFP and he is always being traumatised by his past actions in which he has hurt...|||What do you mean I hurt your feelings? I didn't know you had any feelings What do you mean I ain't kind? Just not your kind Peace Sells, Megadeth|||Just a stab in the dark, but I'd assume we'd be rather different people (you being an ISFJ and me being an ENTP), so its most probable that my strengths would be your weaknesses and vice versa....|||Vision 10 Taste 9 Smell 8 Touch 8 Smell 2'
'Very. Next question|||Well, after seeing what people say in this post let me set a few things clear: Music is enjoyable because it releases dopamine in the brain (dopamine is the reward chemical of the brain). In...|||Oh once my mom bought strawberries and whipped cream. I was really intrigued by the whipped cream and I took 2 lung-fulls. Besides a slight dissociation (walking was kinda weird) I haven't felt...|||She's an... um... ENTittie I mean TP http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QcKTNK_92dg/T1T52iU1IpI/AAAAAAAAMcc/YRHq0a-Eyng/s1600/adriana%2Blima%2Bwallpaper-adrina_lima_wallpapers_31120112.jpg|||Intelligent Good sense of humor Openness Nicegood heart Not too ugly if woman (sorry but true...) Adventurous and care-free Up for a good time Deal breaker: secretly worships satan. Now...|||When you think about it... I can not really relate. I mean, I'm very emotional (especially for an ENTP) and such but not to that extent. It's overall healthy to cry sometimes and it shouldn't...|||That actually made me laugh out loud|||Dude that is a really awesome quiz you found there. Benevolent Inventor is what I am. Never knew something good could come out of ISxJ's. Sorry for racism|||Hey guys! I wanted to make a poll to indicate whether or not ENTP's use psychoactives more often than other types. Please Elaborate.|||Country of origin: Israel Country lived in the longest: Israel Nationality: East European (mostly Russian) Jewish. It also turns out I came from famous people. Look up The genius of Vienna ...|||You also forgot about the best, biggest boobs of all: fat INTJ manboobs. Edit: Sorry for double-posting|||I like where you're going. REALLY like it:kitteh:|||I just go apeshit on my Ne. Just kidding. When I was really young I did. That didn't have good consequences at all... although as the years went by I started grasping the whole Fe thing and using it...|||I'm as secular as they go. No experimenting what-so-ever.|||My age group mostly, though I usually get along with everyone very well (extremely social) most friends that aren't my age are a year below, less commonly a year above, and rarely 2 abovebelow. (I'm...|||Many studies have been made about the correlation between music taste and personality. Guess what? In most of them, experienced psychologists (eg. big-name U's) have more accurately perceived...|||Hey guys! Some of you who were active a few years back might remember this ENTP. I used to be very active here on these forums for quite some time, like a year or something. Anyways, I felt, somehow,...|||Hugh Hefner #2. Or perhaps threaten Hugh Hefner #1 into becoming #2 and us #1. Become a clean homeless that isn't alergic to deodorant Become a non-foreign cleaning lady (double out for me :P)...|||A. Maybe you confused two with three? Maybe it's a mis-calculation? It's not absolute 100% that you're right. If you ask a 10 IQ retarded man this question he might calculate it badly. Although...|||Yeah it's awesome. They called me sanguin, which is a little jumpy monkey (not a color) in Brazil.|||Intelligent ones, and also people that I can see in their eyes that they're really good. They might bore me, but I'd always like them and at least be polite (try to, tact isn't my thing). Also ones...|||I used to play an instrument, used to play sports, used to jog, used to do Capoeira for three years from 3rd to 5th grade (I can still do all the cool saumersalts and stuff), and when I was like 6...|||Hey guys. first of all, I know I wasn't active in the last month but that's because I'm starting to get bored here. Anyhow, do you have any hobbies? Please don't get off-topic now, all you ENTP's,...|||I would smile and just flow with him. lol.|||You didn't understand what I meant. It was off-topic. I meant to ask whether Fe and Si are, in general, an ENTP's weakness? Like, are Fe-skills weaker or stronger than most other types? I know...|||^^ Yeah, I think it's about becoming more of a J and Fe. 100% P is pretty hard, and whatever you said happens to me all the time. I also have no tact, but I am sensitive and pretty soft-hearted, and...|||Sorry for bumping this (not so) old thread, but I wanted to know, out of curiosity how'd you answer these questions: 1. If nothing is 100% certain, then doesn't fallibilism contradict itself? ...|||I believe the meaning of like is to maximize happiness, by maximizing enjoyment and minimizing pain, and every voluntary action we take follows a really simple and objective equation: enjoyment -...|||I'm purely right handed, except when I jack off because I use the right hand for the mouse. I can't write with my left hand, and really really shitty motorical abilities with it. It's also weaker. ...|||That's wrong, here's the TRUE and UPGRADED list: 1.) Morally unique 2.) Great sense of humor 3.) Emotionally stable 4.) Rightfully expressive of their achievements 5.) Not superstitional...|||And have hardcore german anal sex!|||By order: 1. Skinny. But not too much... you know what I mean. 2. Nice ass 3. Hot legs 4. Naughty (and good at being naughty. Haha... an ironic statement) 5. Boobies 6. Face 7. Doesn't...|||By order, from terrible to tottaly unbearable that makes me want to shoot them in the head. 5. SJ-ish kind of behavior. You know what I mean. 4. Superstitional idiots. I'm not talking about...|||I'd just hope that you're really really hot|||LOL! That's EXACTLY what I thought. well, not exactly. More like what happens if I was a woman... I'd look in the mirror, and play with my (of course I would have big-ass titties) boobies ll...|||Ah... first I asked what the LGBT?. After 2 posts: Ah I get it now.... Anyways, I have some opinions about the LGBT that you may not like. First of all, I'm not racist (I call anti-gays...|||Read only the first post and half the second... so much writings... lol. On the other hand, I can type people pretty good (I think). Anyways, you shouldn't look at profiles as to describe you,...|||lol... there are like 6 entp's in my grade alone. (100 kids)|||Sunglasses ---> That way I can look at cleavage for hours without worrying about getting busted. (You have to look at the face, and then roll your eyes down)|||Moreover, what I mean is that both Ne and Se are 2 different attitudes that are used in the same cirumstances. In other words, two different ways to treat the same circumstances. Same with Si and Ni,...|||That's the whole point of these 2 threads. A Jungian cognitive function is not a skill, but a mindset. In other words, every one of the cognitive functions is basically a different point of view,...|||Ohhhh.... so I get it now... Ne is our mindset we prefer to WEAR in order to gather information from the outside world Ti is the way, or mindset, that we prefer to wear use while thinking...|||Spin-off of the direction thread. So... do any of the ENTP's walk around for hours looking for their cars? -My theory is that yes, because that purely depends on Si... our inferior...|||Personally, my dad and I, two ENTP's... always forget where we parked the car. One time, when in a trip in LA after a Dodger's game (now I'm officially an American (J-K-!-!-!-!-!)), we looked two...|||Spin-off of the direction thread. So... do any of the ENTP's walk around for hours looking for their cars? -My theory is that yes, because that purely depends on Si... our inferior...|||lol... I don't even know what side of my house is the south one...|||I'm good at building a mental map in my head and transforming verbal directions into a way more useful mental map. I'm also really really good at navigating (go army!). On the other hand, I'm really...|||I like this thread!!! When they say completely irrelevant stuff. When he is completely oblivious to whether you're paying attention/annoyed by what he says/leave him hanging after he tells...|||Cognitive functions tests ARE bullshit. Let me explain: ENTP The N and T are your main 2 functions. You can't have Se there, even if you really think so. You...|||Hahaha! When I was like, 10, I got DOA 2, and used to play it for hours... I was also the first one in my class to think girls are not gross. And I also started watching pr0n when I was in the 3rd...'
'I don't think anything about her is an ISTJ. Not a one. She may show traits that people misconstrue as being ISTJ, but that's just because of whatever stresses she's under at those times.|||I can identify with having a strange attraction to things far against my moral code. What I know is that even those I sometimes like those things in my entertainment, I have no interest in those...|||OMG YES. FREAKIN +1 on that jcal I feel like I'm way WAY WAY more accepting of the possibility that I'm wrong or can't see something from a certain point of view than most are and yet I get called...|||Well, it's often non-ISTJ women starting those threads. I guess ISTJ women are generally less problematic for non-ISTJ guys?|||Yeah, what I meant by really obvious is at least 100 times more obvious than saying good friend and brother In fact, that's the opposite. If he objected at a time AFTER you said good friend or...|||It's not just an issue for you, it's an issue I think many ISTJs have. And the reason we have it is just because of how our minds work. There is NOTHING wrong with needing more time to process...|||If I'm reading this right, you are saying that you ARE open to having a relationship further than just great friends? In that case, even if you don't feel like you can directly say I want to have a...|||I don't really know. Probably just around each other too much too soon? She was possibly just distracted(though I wouldn't put it this way) with life stuff since the whole trip was about helping her...|||He definitely thinks of you as more than a friend and definitely quite likely as a love interest. I wouldn't say 100% for sure until he ACTUALLY says this though. If anything, I IMAGINE he's very...|||I ABSOLUTELY agree with not forcing yourself to rush and making people wait. If they don't have the patience to let you gather your thoughts they might not be worth the time it takes to talk to them...|||That is a gross exaggeration. Any human can understand any other human if both sides put in the work to do it. If they don't then yeah, they won't understand. Saying an ISTX would never...|||If he wasn't just having a bad day, explaining that clearly, like No I actually really want to know how you're doing and I'm prepared to listen to what you have to say seriously and won't get bored...|||I don't think love language is so completely related to MBTI types in that way. Like I said, I actually like physical affection. Though I do agree with too much surface level instances of it being...|||I wouldn't call that being a pseudo-ISTJ, just an INTJ with those particular qualities.|||I definitely identify with having musical taste all over the place and even getting introduced to stuff through other forms of media, but overall I think my taste is a little more 4 if we're going...|||A good reset, reboot, reevaluation is refreshing.|||Well, it certainly went. No problems or anything, but not much conversation outside of language questions of basic stuff. I feel like I really shouldn't have driven her from the viewpoint of...|||I see, yeah I had a really hard time understanding exactly what the thread was about. About the song, it's funny because the song is just about Hokkaido Japan as a place and has entire verses of...|||Chuckle produced in record time even out of context. I believe the data shows this humor to be what could be classified as highly effective. Experience noted, enjoyed, filed. Thank you.|||I dunno, I'm not into it at all. I feel like Si tends to create artistic taste in ISTJ's that is completely relative to their experience growing up rather than anything else. I've never met an...|||Too late, I already did and she said ok and not only that but she has to go today instead of Saturday which I'm perfectly fine with but yeah! :shocked:|||Yeah, thanks. I helped her out today to get a look at the area she's thinking of moving to and although all i did was drive her there and back is was a pretty good day and I got super happy about it...|||I just meant like, if their personality just constantly and unintentionally conflicts with mine often. Although, if it was intentional that would obviously be a red flag too lol I see, thanks for...|||islandlight That sounds like the kind of reason I might give when I'M trying to lie my way out of something. Definitely seems like a bad sign to me. To be honest, I'm not 100% sure yet, but...|||Yeah, being an ISTJ, as much as that excited part is super loud right now, the more rational part isn't convinced yet. I talked with my roommate about it and we reached the conclusion that I need to...|||I definitely concur on Ne for ISTJ's being a negative thing almost completely in my experience. I use it, for sure, but it always comes out naturally only when I'm really stressed out and can't...|||I can't give any advice, unfortunately, but I can say that I also have difficulty getting a long with the ESTJ's I've met, so you're not alone in that. I'm actually interested to hear any...|||So, I am sort of getting to know a girl one my own terms for the first time ever. By which I mean, I'm the one inviting her out, and I met her on my own rather than through friends who already knew...|||Yeah I felt the exact same way reading that, niss Thankfully it ended well lol|||Curry is the ultimate in food delivery methods.|||That is the worst thing about being the quiet one, when people decide to take that as being good manners or like self-control, or whatever other thing they want to reward you for when all you want is...|||1. Please define empathy. From the Mirriam-Webster: The action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another...|||I am sorry this is off-topic but your avatar is driving me INSANE right now. I looked at it for like 3 seconds and now it's become one of those unscratchable mental itches.|||Nothing. It's pretty much just a normal day for me. Maybe at the very most I'd like to have a nice dinner with a SO, but other than that I don't really want any kind of celebration and even when I...|||If he can change at all it's going to take a very long time. I think he originally said 4 years on his own for really good reason. You will NOT be able to rush him to mature, and some aspects of...|||OMG YES that ft. inconsistency absolutely KILLS ME. You said it in much more detail, but yeah, all of that that you said. lol|||If it wasn't a breakup I'd actually appreciate such detail, but since it is, I agree it's probably too much. Especially if the ISTJ is in love with you|||It does seem strange that a bunch of people have been banned all at once|||I have literally only felt real, effortless(as in I wasn't specifically trying to understand or specifically trying to relate or empathize) empathy probably twice in my life. Once was the...|||You spend several hours maybe even spread over multiple days tagging all of your music. Adding album covers, fixing genre listings, improperly named tags etc.|||If he's like me, he might be running away because he literally can't process anything anymore and just needs to shut off to regain energy to even be able to think or talk. I get angry when...|||Weekend Thanks, for real. I think I knew that, but I've been resisting because in some ways, even though i'm afraid of mediocrity, another part is afraid of becoming something more, which is what...|||I mean, there's some other people i talk to outside of this close circle that I definitely have deep talks with but it's like, to me, their problems are still their problems, not mine. So while...|||How do I even do this? I mean, I'm living with what I would consider to be very supportive people even by most people's standards. At least I think so. Again, I think I have this already but...|||This is something I've definitely had an issue with for a long time now too. Not really sure how to deal with it either|||I'm 3 years late to my own thread. Sorry, I think I just panicked and needed to say something, and it's kind of happening again. I forgot I even made this thread. See, I feel like I am very...|||No, Japanese can be spoken genderless unless you specifically point it out.|||I mostly watch anime, read manga, play games(specifically character action games like DMC, MGR, Bayonetta, etc.). I haven't done it since I was a kid but I've always liked mountain biking and camping...|||Personally I kind of hate that I am an ISTJ. Living with an ENTP I see the power of Ne Ti and with INFJ the power of Ni Fe and I just hate how selfish it makes me feel. I don't have self-discipline...|||I have an INFP friend. She has been pretty strongly affected by her life experiences so she gets angry or upset somewhat easily and often with me(I think). I want to be her friend, and I know she...'
'I don't like english and did not do good in it. I did okay in quite a fair amount science reports, except this year because of motivation issues. In general, my science and math courses were way...|||1.Sort of, a person in a developed country has more ability to control their destiny versus a person who is in developing country (extreme poverty and harsh conditions) where there is virtually no...|||Hello everyone. I've recently came to the conclusion that I am not so sure what my type. I decided I am either INFP or INTJ but not INFJ (I convinced myself I was ENTJ, then to ENTP and now INTJ...|||HAHA, I hate everyone is sounding a lot like teenage queen melodrama. I don't know..... its more like a morality thing I have about people (also beliefs are included). Like I dated this girl one...|||I am definitely known for my grab a lot, but end up with nothing. Dating people, but for a brief time. Just curious, how did you meet XNFJ girlfriend? Did it just happen at which you decided to ask...|||The issue isn't a selfish one in which its just about sexual orientation, but rather on a more morality and the world. Kind of like how you meet someone who you think is cool, but then they say...|||I have one estp friend who I know puts an effort to understand. He developed his intuition pretty well, however, he is not close (My N sees through his Se charm.... very juvenile IMO). They...|||You should thank him because it helped you figure your true colours. Tell him thank you, you piece of ****.|||my female intp friend is the same. I'm sure she and you are just neutral|||I would like it very much if you helped me figure out my type (note that instead of something relative like figuring out sexual orientation, it is personality type instead ) I'm still new to the...|||This is a new groundbreaking discovery. The trauma that your ENTJ ex-friend caused you was powerful enough to change your type :0|||Dear everybody, I hate all of you . That is all :) -with love <3 from auquanx2|||I'm not too sure what my type is. It is either ENTP/INTJ but I wanted to know if there is any bi or gay INTPs out there? I have never met an NT child of the rainbows (LGBT) other than me.|||you guys are tall imo|||I just wanted to know how any of the ENTPs experiences were when it comes to dating. And how long did the relationship last? I know that NTs tend to be detached when it comes to romance so I...|||I am the only intuitive in the social groups that I am in 99% of the time (I have only one intuitive friend that I talk to. I dont see them much). I am the only intuitive in the family also. I...|||medium swimmer's build. Long and lanky :) about 510|||This happens to. I hate groups because of this. But not to much about the drama part. I had this more during my younger years. My problem with groups, is that first I can't relate at all to what...|||It is now 2012. I am a bisexual ENTP.|||*Like i said, lack of control and weak tolerance. Its like they only know their own world, yet discount the many horrible things others have been through. The world is going to get tougher and...|||I'm still not quite sure if I'm INTJ, but I feel better when I'm down being around ppl. I don't talk about my problems but jsut being around and talking with others is good enough. I don't mind...|||You don't have to be a typist to know that this is true. People especially SJs, don't really take the time to understand the variety of things out there and they dont understand the hidden meanings...|||Depends on the situation. Small situation: If its like a school-project and no one is doing the work, then I say just talk to everyone like hey, so nobody has been doing work and I am not doing...|||THis is quite true. I'm not sure if everybody understands clingy and the inferior function well. The inferior function is the least aware of, which does not mean it has the least influence. I...|||actually, if you could do the honor of starting a new thread, I would love to have a fun and exhilarating debate. I'm still not sure of how to use pc and i dont know if INTJs are getting...|||***** I had to put an important edit Hey there Great One, In order to develop any of your functions try hanging out with those who are Ti dominant. This works with developing inferior functions...|||regardless of the functional analysis test's reliability, i tried it anyways. Really I don't think it helps or is very accurate extraverted Sensing (Se) ********************** (22.1)...|||No lol this wasn't as clear as I intended it to be. INTP between Ti and Fe (desire to connect and social approval, yet also withdrawn and fearful of it). So INTP wouldn't be able to just leave a...|||in short, the conscience when seeing a victim before killing them is like the tug and pull of the inferior vs the dominant function. Should I kill them or should I not. You might not even be aware...|||I am gonna go with ENTP, more reserved at least. Maybe its a phase imm going through now. Anyhow I shall leave it be until things clear up and try figuring it out again and asking a honest friend to...|||Does that have to do with disagreeing with the information given, because Ti creates a unique internal structure to an individual as compared to extraverted thinking? Is that the reason why?|||Everyone has been of great help <3 I am indeed quite confused I agree, Mbti doesn't explain all. The reason why I am fixed on ENTP and INTJ is because the shadow functions are of each other....|||You just made me realize, maybe focusing specifically on Fi vs Fe is not such a good idea HAHA|||hmmm.. this would mean I am ENTP which makes sense because i believe enneagram 7 is something they tend to type. What is it then that made you come to the conclusion specifically?|||I'm breaking each function down one at a time, yet keeping in mind that the other functions affect the specific one.|||Hello everyone, I am trying to figure out if I am a tertiary Fe or Fi user. I am in a debate between ENTP vs INTJ. I disagree with a few of the explanations of Fe and Fi that I have come...|||Hello everyone, I am trying to figure out if I am a tertiary Fe or Fi user. I am in a debate between ENTP vs INTJ. I disagree with a few of the explanations of Fe and Fi that I have come...|||I like your weapon analogy.|||Stephen Colbert|||Disingenuous? Well, fellow INTJs was incorrect. But you know, big picture is we are all fellow My english teacher always was angered at my big picture spelling or sentence structures :) That...|||i didn't know you guys laughed ;) well, in my opinion (which is right), entps make intjs laugh, or annoy the hell outta them|||O harro there fellow intp, what are you doing here? almost entp?|||Hmmm.... sounds like my estp friend. He gave me cologne, then hollister clothing (which is my enemy), yet, I dont' dress up or care much about my appearance. He knows that I've been working at...|||I find some take it too the extreme by saying intjs don't have emotions. it seems pretty dare i say compensated? (if that is the correct term i'm using) Everybody has their weak points that is...|||I used to seek vengeance to, but I decided it was immature. I would say I express my anger directly. I think it clears the air. I will swear say hurtful things. I used to punch walls too. (I...|||i sense stalkers :) o well why not i'll send an artistic photo feel free to stick this on your wall and perform voodoo rituals on it :) Asian entps41511|||Hello fellow INTJs I am having an identity crisis. I just wanted to understand the difference between Ne and Ni and its effect on your guyses lives (so much spelling error) Could you say that ne...|||when you doubt others opinions regardless of how better they do in a course than you. Lab partner: this is what you do Me: are you sure?|||First off, i'd like to say thanks to all that replied. OMG i posted a while back and only got like 2 responses which weren't really helpful LOL I say the cook for ne, because they stir a stew of...|||beating the odds seems like what an entp is like... its quite exciting, to pull things off last minute'
'If you ever meet someone you get along with illogically well, someone who possesses the near opposite of most of the qualities you value in yourself (but you still have mad respect and like them...|||Well, since I'm going to see X Men in an hour, I'll do some X Men MBTI gifs… ;) ENFJ, to anyone else:...|||Los Campesinos!, Everything Everything, Joy Division, The National, Santigold, Arcade Fire, Death Cab for Cutie, The Glitch Mob, Delta Spirit, Jukebox the Ghost, Le Loup, Spoon, The Smiths... a...|||Where can I find more of you lot? :P|||We can be chameleonic, or at least I know I can be. If it's a business situation, the INTJ is likely formal but cordial and making an effort-nearly indistinguishable from ordinary folk. Social...|||INFJ: http://personalitycafe.com/webkit-fake-url://BD8F0E01-4BF7-4B59-8EB4-8AE233772F4C/0009x85h.gif|||http://personalitycafe.com/webkit-fake-url://6B5F80F2-FD7C-4CC6-BC5A-FF678C716FD0/tumblr_m69fkc8siH1r6aoq4o1_500.gif|||INFJ, because your avatar is purple and INFJs seem to like purple.|||I still wouldn't rule INTJ out entirely. You might be an ambivert, anyway. And type can change, in my opinion, which is why looking into your past isn't always the best way to discern type. I used...|||Edit: my comment became irrelevant. Ignore this. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQX2JUQcSz1LYNbhZh2lEjAahRIp4djqh4XWe_GqEwGIBLUk-5O|||I enjoyed it.|||Have you looked into INTJ? I know my thoughts and actions aren't the litmus test for my type, but I definitely identify with many of the aforementioned behaviours.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O52jAYa4Pm8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkJK2KVFsi0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bl8GwLX_p6g|||If I could have it back All the time that we wasted I'd only waste it again If I could have it back You know I'd love to waste it again Waste it again and again and again I've got to ask...|||You lot intrigue me. Your discussions. The striking INTJ/ENTJ similarities (which I recognize), but also the fascinating differences. My curiosity will never be entirely sated.|||http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/GirlScouts_Cookies_Arson_538_9710.jpg yes|||I've never been romantically interested in an INTP, but I've gotten along splendidly with every single known I've ever known--like an instant bros sort of thing. Our interactions are always...|||Where do I find you lot, and how can I get one of you to fall in love with a lowly little introvert? These are the questions I ponder.|||I'm sorry--I know I wear my heart on my sleeve. D'AWWWWWWW, I LOVE YOU TOO! Scrapbooking is SO MUCH FUN. Have you seen the new episode of Pretty Little Liars? OMG!|||I'm also borderline E, so this is an interesting thread. [listens intently]|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmc21V-zBq0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq-yP7mb8UE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY0WxgSXdEE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZc2ylAwRf8 ...|||The majority of my conversations with an INTP coworker, however mundane, end with one of us pretending to light something on fire and then producing the subsequent sound effects.|||Only INTPs would start such a silly and idiosyncratic discussion, then proceed to intelligently discuss the matter at hand. Oh, you INTPs... [rolls eyes affectionately]|||http://24.media.tumblr.com/1a110f4192847c7fbbdc8a4350af0cb5/tumblr_mie9lu84HS1s2lv28o1_400.gif|||Me: Okay, so the plan is as followsx97we meet at ___ at 5:00, then walk over to the restaurant for dinner. INFP friend: Okay. Gotcha. Me[later]: Okay, thatx92s 5:00. Tomorrow. INFP: Okay. Ix92ll be...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAjR4_CbPpQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klKCeFDnDiI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhSYbRiYwTY|||My dad is an ISFP, and we get along splendidly. However, he can be reactive, spontaneous, irrational, and functions with emotions always bubbling close to the surface. I am cognizant of these...|||Probably INFP or ISFP.|||I either eat too much or too little. I eat more quickly or slowly than most unless gauging my rate for social reasons. I'll eat the same thing for lunch every day for four months and then without...|||Oh, (as they say) I know that feel.|||Pfft. Planning is for chumps. -an INFP friend of mine|||I get very ticked when my tendency to overanalyze is mocked. Which it is frequently. :/|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozYd-PlcvVs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sody5nHbQk4|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gar9E2tEA1Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksjL9nkLhkY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6d8eKvegLI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJlN9jdQFSc|||I find myself strongly drawn to ENxxs both platonically and romantically. I'd say I'm most attracted to ENTJs overall, though. I'd say I'd be least likely to date an SJ. Yeesh.|||I'd say he's an (albeit stereotypical) INTJ. As you might have guessed, I strongly identify with this character (not my basis for the INTJ diagnosis, but just a thought). My reasoning: I'd say...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1c2OfAzDTI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq1jmX3foyg|||I LOVE this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyqWjl7GkCE|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hc16Y9fiCvQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ixCijaJtdY|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4hhWiqS7K4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAjR4_CbPpQ|||Emo ISTJ: http://24.media.tumblr.com/ebc077bdc30d98d41b76f0684fbcc52c/tumblr_mgoppztall1r3ifxzo1_250.gif|||Yet again, I find myself indulging in the following... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cr-SqRWImmI|||Oh my God; am I a sociopath? That's what it's looking like, increasingly...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIWmRbHDhGw|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg5geyUlU4Y|||ISTJ mother: What happened to your emails with Jenny [future roommate]? INTJ: *shrugs* I got bored. There was nothing to say. ISTJ: You have to make conversation! You can't just discard people...|||I'm not usually into pop music, but Some Nights by Fun. best puts into words what I've experienced for years... Some nights I wish that my lips would build a castle Some nights I wish they'd...|||NF: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7jw1tBLlP1qhtshvo1_500.gif|||Pinch yourself. Hard. Usually works for me, alongside a mental slap in the face.|||My theme song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVpy6a0iZsU and misc tunes I have enjoyed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNqQC7R_Me4'
'I over think situations because I hate awkwardness. I'm really bad at handling them. I guess you can say I want to handle a situation by making it as less awkward as possible. And that's true, I...|||That's true. I really should. I think it's an ego thing too though. I don't want him to think he got to me enough that I'd need to block him and his friends. I told him once that he shouldn't be...|||I think I'm quite silly. I love getting a smile out of someone! So I think so?|||So I need some ENFP help! Because y'all be so amazing. My ex and I broke up a little under a month ago. It took me a really long and hard time to get over him, but I'm at this point where I'm...|||I agree with viva. He REALLY does not sound like an INFJ at all. My best friend is an INFJ and she is one of the most affectionate people I know.|||I don't have any interesting jobs to share, but here they are! College Jobs: Student Assistance (3 months) Student Assistance (1 1/2 years) They're title as the same thing, but they were...|||I'm kinda of a receptionist. I answer important phone calls and transfer them to the right people. I feel that ENFPs are usually pretty eloquent speakers. I was REALLY bad at first but when I got...|||I'm a cancer ENFP! I think some of it correlates, but the biggest thing similarities is that cancers and ENFPs are both very emotional--which I very much am.|||There are so many way to gain happiness. I think you're overthinking it. There is no specific goal that I have--different opportunities will arise to achieve happiness. When it comes, I'll seize it....|||Depends. I get really social and excited. But if I drink too much, I get too emotional. HATE THAT PART. But one reoccurring thing that happens when I get drunk is I lose my sense of balance. Standing...|||That would make sense. I'm a type 4 and I'm a hopeless romantic. I'm so infatuated with the idea of love. As for the MBTI type, I chose INFP even though I'm ENFP. But reading descriptions on...|||I HATE to be so dependent on this, but it's the truth. I think I'm happiest when I'm with the person I love (though no one atm). I don't know why, but I'm do deeply attracted to love. I am...|||1. Three Favorite Activities Recently, I've been really into blogging. I have a lot of thoughts and anxieties and blogging always seems to pput me at ease. I also really enjoy swimming. There is...|||I don't think I can ever forgive cheating and abuse. It probably has to do a lot with my childhood, but I find both things almost impossible to forgive. Never raise a hand in violence and never take...|||I'm not too sure, actually. But if I recall correctly, a close friend told me to take the online test during my freshman year of college two years ago. At first, I got ESFP, but that didn't sound...|||i hate to admit it, but i suffer from envy. i'm the jealous type too ):|||I think I need it to begin with empathy. It's necessary for me to get an emotional connection with them before they start blurting meaningless advice to me. But it can't end with empathy. It gets...|||LOL! I hate to admit it, but I think I get that sometimes. When I'm in that mood, it's time for self-reflection time. Sometimes solitude is the only cure. Give me an hour or two, and I'm back to...|||That sounds just like me! Perfect summary (: Just a few things I'd add to myself when I'm excited: Heart racing and high expectations. Inability to sleep when the moment is coming and active...|||Aww shucks, thanks! nope we're not related but you can say we're sisters! She introduced me to this site. We do get that we look alike a lot though!|||Go on a road trip! Go camping with a group of people and make a change! Help clean-up a park, feed the homeless, build some trees! MAKE MEMORIES! I'm planning to do just this during spring break...|||I love how I'm in all these pictures with you. Takes time away from loading my own pictures! <3 I'm second from the left hehe (: And to add on! Me and my lovable INFJ sister (who photobombed!)...|||I don't have a specific fetish. I just like it constantly ahaha (: ENFPs and our sex drives. Very true!|||1. What would be the ideal friendship be like for you? My ideal friendship would be someone who is there for me when I need them the most. It seems pretty easy to find, but trust me, it's not. It's...|||I don't think I mind being single, but I think I do prefer being in a relationship. I like that warm fuzzy feeling|||Nothing. Music kinda distracts me. And if it is playing in the background, I don't really pay attention to it. The only time I really listen to music is when I'm feeling exceptionally emotional. But...|||Yeah I agree. This is a maturity thing. It seems a lot like she's seeking attention. I've been through that phase--a long time ago. The best advice I could give you is to talk it out with her: sit...|||I hate to tell people to settle ): I really do. But I agree. Finding a balance is the key to it all. But if you don't think you can ever be satisfied with his feelings for you, I don't think settling...|||Aww thank you (: Totally gave me the biggest smile on my face :D|||Expectation is the root of all heartache And it's true--especially for ENFPs I feel. We tend to glorify people and situations so we expect so much from them all. These expectations can never be...|||I'm exactly like you. I'm so easily distracted, it's amazing. I can't study with friends because their every movement distracts me. I can't have food with me because I'll just munch on it instead of...|||I'm adequately sporty. I used to be really into tennis and running. I feel really revitalized after a good run. It's getting me to start that's hard.|||RANT 1: Why do people always put them down? I'm all for giving out compliments when I mean them, but when you don't take them, STOP FISHING FOR THEM. I have a friend, and goodness knows I love her,...|||Lucky Emery! LOL|||I was sensitive, loud and attention-seeking. I constantly sucked on my fingers and cried haha but that may just be me.|||Too cute! Merry __________ to you too!|||It depends on who it is and what they did. But I usually let go of grudges pretty quickly, though I am quick to get angry. But there are some huge grudges that I doubt I'll be letting go any time...|||Yes I have and I felt terrible after the relationship ended. When I was in a relationship with him (he is a ESFP btw), I never felt like I was good enough. In comparison to me, he was much more...|||passionate, enthusiastic, emotional, romantic, impatient... and heartbroken (at the moment, and perhaps, for a while)|||Oh god... too much. I'm always the first to jump into my treat! Or here's 20 dollars! Return it to me whenever. That and my shopping expenses. I'm always going through different phases of...|||If they initiate it, then I love to! Or if they seem really friendly.|||-People. Only the ones I really love though. The ones that make me smile! -Music. The songs that touch your heart and you replay, again and again -Laughs. It's contagious to the sad heart....|||One of my closest friends is an INFP. It's pretty crazy how one letter can make two people so different. But that's what we are. Different. Since I only know one INFP, I'm going to base it off of...|||This pretty much sums it up! I always think there is something wrong with me. I put all the weight on my shoulders. People always told me that I love to love, and when I love, I do it pretty damn...|||I read somewhere once that an INFJ is the perfect match for a romantic partner. My best friend is an INFJ and we often joke that we're soulmates, but somewhere along the way, things got messed up and...|||My sister is an INFJ, but as a lot of INTJ tendencies. We get into a lot of arguments and one moment, we'll be buddy buddy, and the next, she'll say something to piss me off, so it's more like I...|||Wow! This must be a common ENFP problem. I'm the exact same way. Even if I really want to, it becomes too much hard work to continually text someone or contact them. I want to get out there, do...|||It depends on who it is I'm suppose to forgive. Say it was my best friend. Because we've been through so much, I can forgive and forget just about anything she does, but knowing her, she'd...|||Wow!! It's surprising to see how many ENFPs have INFJs as best friends! Mine is too and she knows me like the back of her hand. I don't know what I'd do without her.|||I cry. My heart has been kicked, pummeled, ripped, stabbed--I'm bleeding. I often think Why wasn't I good enough? What was wrong with me? Why couldn't it be me? But that is probably the...'
'Yeah the 80s are really an ENTP goldmine. We usually like super cheesy or super dark and deep. A lot of ENTPs might act like that they only like that deep dark stuff but honestly we LOVE super cheesy...|||This thread is for you to vent on the type of people you hate... I hate you!! Person who brings 40 items through the 10 items or less supermarket lane!! Ahhh that is sooo annoying, you can't be...|||Actually I will relay this because it was funny. His grandfather asked him now that he is eighteen what rights does he have? He said, Well, I have the right to vote now but there isn't anybody worth...|||Funny this thread became active just now, He turned 18 today. So, I can take him to a strip club now!! hahaha. INTJs are funny they take everything so seriously. The main point is I am worried the...|||still pulling from the karate kid pool of cheese, breaking out the cheez whiz... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oomCIXGzsR0|||I have to admit I am sucker for cheesy songs. I wanted to start a thread so everyone can reply with their favorite cheesy song. However, the cheesy song should be a song you know that is cheezy but...|||319194|||The number one quality I look for in a person is kindness. Not kindness by default of lack of understanding, but true kindness. In this day and age true unselfish kindness is the rarest quality IMO.|||You should watch the documentary about my penis, it is really short. :rolleyes:|||Evolution as taught is a very simple form of what I believe to be true evolution. Darwin was able to figure out his theory by going to a remote island that allowed less variables to effect the...|||wow that is pretty impressive. I always found math to be boring and cool at the same time. I actually never took it as far as I should of because, well it can be boring. I remember in my younger...|||Please explain? I would think that ruling out any definition of genius would open up discussion. So you are saying if I require an IQ score of 140+ that would be better? Genius can't be defined,...|||Great post! Perfectly describes what I think most highly intelligent people feel. The hopelessness of the future of mankind when understanding that the solution is impossible when dependent on the...|||You misunderstand my post. I respect your intelligence. I just want you to feel free to dump your ideas. Honestly I really want to hear your ideas, truly! However, it seems you have been conditioned...|||Does not learning about the ideas of great philosopher and tearing them down not motivate you to come up with new better ideas? I think that is basis of every new idea. Questions continues...|||Man I get it. It is lonely being genius sometimes. The fact that you are desperate to talk to someone who might understand you is intoxicating. However, Read my last reply.|||your submissions, IMO, are just repetitive. You use complicated language/semantics to repeat the same idea. Confusion of intelligence. I understand you are probably feeling a little alone...|||You can't understand why I created this thread, I totally believe that. Honestly, I was aggressive to weed out people who didn't truly believe they were genius. Most people with genius ideas are...|||Your replying with aggression to a genius thread is insecure. This thread is not trolling but trying to weed out unwanted replies, obviously I have failed.|||I don't know if I am genius however I find myself alone when discussing my ideas. For example, I think dark energy is probably a living thing that can't be defined yet because of our lack of...|||Actually that reply wasn't directed at you. You actually provided a valid point. Also, saying you are genius at being yourself is actually more inline with the point of this thread. I think a lot of...|||Then why reply to this thread? Also, I believe you are correct that most people don't think are geniuses but like to portray they are, mainly the NTs.|||Hence why I said I didn't want a definition of genius just reasons why the poster thinks they might be genius. I am sure if a fish thought he was genius he would not reply that he thinks his/her...|||I love how everyone indirectly implies they are genius on this site, but everyone runs with their tails between their legs when challenged to just provide some experiences of your genius.|||I am sorry you are insecure. You don't have to prove anything to me, actually I prefer people like you with nothing to add to not even reply. Last I checked, I didn't force anyone to reply.|||It was implied that any response was the poster's definition of genius. I said I didn't want the definition of genius. I just wanted anyone's past experiences that they feel demonstrates genius or...|||seriously? I don't want your definition of genius, I want your personal ideas that define you as genius. I figured I would get these replies. geez|||well can you login as your genius and give a reply of some substance? I know I come across as patronizing but I really would like subjective, non judgemental replies of personal ideas that the...|||Wow, what a great thread. As a musician who believes true music is about feeling the song...I humbly submit these.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mb3iPP-tHdA ...|||Step up!!! I've read your threads(though I smell the undertone of stank pretentious.) I have already read the replies to this post about defining genius and the quantification of intelligence, no...|||...with a spreadsheet and a 12-sided die!|||I am not sold you are ENTP but I do understand how an ENTP can have the emotions you have described. However, IMO, they really aren't your emotions/feelings. ENTPs seem to have such a high empathy...|||Oh, one more thing, if she is a true ENTP 4w5 you can't catch her. Meaning, give up on defining her, putting her in the box, trying to guess her next move. You will be trying to catch the wind. The...|||I am an ENTP that is also 4w5. Personally, you probably hit the nightmare jackpot, lol. Basically, an ENTP 4w5 is borderline insane. We are ENTPs with raging creativity. It is a bad combo, basically...|||An INTJ accusing another type of not having feelings?? I have heard it all now!!!|||I went to this site called PerC and clicked on a thread about what's the most untraditional way you've met a friend? thread, and my reply was so witty and funny that the next morning I logged into...|||Easy ENTJs. I hate their rules, I hate their close-minded ideas, I hate their bad uptight sense of humor, and what I hate most of all, is that the majority of them have above average intelligent yet...|||Wow, your ENTJs' responses are just sad. All this time I thought your rigid exterior lent to a crazy life changing sexual experience. Well, at least we still have that tasty martini. :perc2:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpbZDKMqroI|||This... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaoLU6zKaws|||Lumping giftedkids together is such an idiotic thing!! hahahaha I really can't explain how counter-productive it is to classify a gifted child. It sounds soooo hippie but a gifted child needs to...|||I am always super intrigued and super suspicious of any ENTP with a sexy avatar. It really isn't an ENTP trait to be upfront sexy, it is always a confident undertone that is subtle. Are you sure you...|||Actually INFPs are great when in comes to this sort of stuff. Verbal apologizing is honestly not the best way to go with an INFP. In my experience the best thing to do is lay down an action of...|||Actually this thread is very personal to me, if you actually have a gifted child, especially an ENTP gifted child, the best thing you can do is take them out of structured education. A gifted child...|||Being afraid of romantic or platonic relationships is a bad trait. People are one of more complex things you well ever experience. Being gifted, IMHO, is trying to explain the unexplained. Mixing...|||Honestly the problem is that ENTPs are like every other type, we are all at different levels of self actualization. However, unlike other types, ENTPs progress through the different stages at...|||Close, but replace rhinestones with rhinoceros and I think you are well on your way!!!|||Being INFP helps...|||<-----pours gasoline all over this thread then eats a box of matches. Drinks 5 more shots. Waits 10 minutes, then pisses all over this thread and laughs as it is set ablaze!! :kitteh:|||I know I am ENTP because I hate this thread and all the other types started a petition to not allow me to select any other type. The mods actually disabled my combobox to select another type.'
'INTJ, I like my coffee like dessert. Very sweet, and very creamy.|||I've never fainted...|||1) Do you like tea? Specifically hot tea On occasion I'll have a cup of tea, but usually I'll reach for a cup of coffee. If I do have tea, it's very sweet. 2) Do you often think about society and...|||Fixed my name. :) Really though, if my pants or socks are uncomfortable, I'll take them off and leave them in my bed.|||6/10 It's funny!|||My vision sucks. I got my first pair of glasses when I was 11, I wore them for the first few months and then never wore them. I got contacts a year later, and I've almost always worn them since. I...|||-I really love to pick at things. My skin, my nails, my shoes...I used to pick at my scalp until it would bleed, and then I would harvest those scabs later. -I play with the piercings in my ears; I...|||Christina Yang from Grey's Anatomy...:)|||I'm an INTJ, and the first time I was sorted into Gryffindor. That was my beta account. I made a new account yesterday and was sorted into Slytherin. So INTJ is...Slytherdor?|||INTJ, my bedtime is never consistent. Sometimes I'm just exhausted and go to bed soon after dinner, and sometimes I'm wired and won't go to bed at all. I sometimes go to bed according to what time...|||I'm afraid of spiders. Also, being completely worthless.|||I'm an INTJ, and I loathe academic writing. Getting my ideas and everything down on paper is a pain in the ass for me, I have everything in my head but I'm terrible at getting it out. I'm in AP...|||I have the tendency to pick my skin and trim my cuticles.|||Stalk their Facebook profile and attempt to (awkwardly) flirt with them. I have no idea what I'm doing.|||The only one I know of is just sort of...derpy. He isn't aware of what he can't do and what he doesn't know. He thinks he's smarter than he is.|||My biggest problem in life is actually sitting down and getting stuff done. I can contemplate and plan everything out, but when it comes down to actually taking action, I fall short. It takes me...|||My family calls me their little Sheldon regularly.|||I've dabbled in all sorts of arts before finding one that I really liked, including but not limited to drawing, acrylic, metal working, ceramics, and graphic design. I have a huge interest in graphic...|||I have eight piercings total. Three in each lobe, and then I have my left tragus and my right conch pierced. Hopefully I'll soon have a daith piercing on my left ear. I love body modification in...|||Fever Dreams-Circa Survive :)|||Personality type? INTJ Enneagram type? 8w5 Favorite color? Teal/Red/Gray Favorite genre of music? Alternative, acoustic Favorite subject? Computer/English Favorite personality type(s)? My own....|||I got a bat...hahaha. I'm an INTJ.|||I absolutely agree. I can't stand it when something is brought up, and if I don't understand the person's viewpoint they just say nevermind or let's just forget about it. I can't simply leave...|||I have few people that I consider myself friends with, those and my family are the only people I connect with. I never find myself longing for or missing people, even when it's been a while since...|||INTJ's are.... 1.) Geniuses- Not always. I've always considered myself intelligent, but I know that I'm not a genius. 2.) Psychopaths- No. 3.) No feelings- I have feelings, although few people...|||My best friend is an INFJ, and I've never met a pair of best friends that function as well as we do. It's odd, really.|||Dark brown, INTJ|||It sort of depends which class I'm in. One of my computer classes is just a bunch of labs using different media programs, and I already know how to use most of them. That gets old really fast.|||I think I define underachieving as being lazy and just sort of unmotivated. Throughout high school, I never want to do anything. I didn't do my homework for the first few years, and this last year...|||AKA myself. Is anyone else like this?|||These. I hate it when people I don't really know touch me, which seems to happen a lot. Or when people make suggestions that aren't asked for, it drives me insane.|||Scientific Atheist :)|||I suppose I could see it from that point of view. It's just repetitive, and gets old. I also don't like to be told things that I know for myself, especially if it's about stuff like this. And no,...|||Hahaha I agree with you.|||No...I didn't.|||I love memes, especially the rage comics. I like that I can relate to them when I can relate to nothing else, hahaha.|||When people give you opinions that don't mean anything whatsoever, and repeats said opinion whenever the topic is brought about. For example, whenever my dad asks if I've applied to any schools, I...|||INTJ-Teal, red, and all shades of gray.|||Most people think then extroverts are better than introverts... I prefer introverts though, all of the extroverts I know like to think aloud and it really bothers me.|||Do you like my eyebrows? I couldn't lie.|||I'm an atheist, and INTJ :)'
'i like it!! here's a song i used to think described my relationship with my ex perfectly :( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SojSDJ5LRU8|||literally these are the only places i'm at: my room a classroom the gym any fast-food restaurant with my sis or bunny :)|||what is a work of art? is it a canvas, full of shape and color or a poem: five lines - no author? should art be beautiful or should it bear meaning? it it found in museums or a child's day...|||inside a worn cardboard box, they hide away pink dresses and shirts ripped, halloween masks passed down and a plastic pistol, spray painted black. a x93box of junkx94 as papi would say to them, a...|||love it :) i really like your style Dalien|||guys cheer me up :( i've been reading my friends a bunch of the poems on this thread and they stopped listening and then they made me feel bad about reading poems =[[[|||mission success :)|||1449 i hope that's not too small!|||awww!! they are absolutely adorable!! i have to upload pics of my rabbits :) its goin in the to-do list|||ohh those mischievous rabbits i can relate... what i love about my bunny is he knows when he's doing something wrong, so all i do is yell mr. bunny!! and he'll perk up and hop on over to my feet...|||this thread has actually helped me out in a way, i saw a lot of traits we have in common: i tend to be nice to people most of the time but sometimes i just snap, today my sister ate all the bread i...|||yo i get kinda down sometimes too but i find the first thing you gotta do is think that you're simply in a mindset. the times you feel depressive and shitty just point it out to yourself, blame it...|||damn this is beautiful|||i'm just taggin this here thread so i can read it later :)|||what do they teach?|||if I was told long, long ago of the future Ix92d behold the stones they'd throw the atrocities I'd know ix92d shrug, grin and go if someone told me of the drugs Ix92ll take|||Yup you guessed it. I love bunnies. I have two right now. BB and Mr. Bunny. I hate to say it but BB is short for Bitch Bunny. My friends all don't like her and since they are basically over...|||I LOVE MAKIN MOVIES!!! I really hope that I'm successful (majoring in film at Temple) and can make movies for a living, because honestly... that would be... so... AWESOME! :D|||I agree with VioletHaze, a big step to feeling better is understanding and accepting yourself. I went through alot too and I can even relate to the weight problem. I used to weigh 180 (I'm 5'7)...|||well here's my personal experience: I dated a girl I truly felt in love with for about six months before she cheated on me with my close friend. They were sexting so they didn't actually do...|||what do you think of my latest poem: light faded from behind her eyes, and glazed over like cloud covered moons. she softly begged me not to cry as cold fingers gripped their last goodbye in...|||ok so i went on this forum b/c my best friend is an INTJ. this describes him PERFECTLY. to a tee, it's almost kinda creepy.|||my best friend is an INTJ and i love it. he can be unaware that he hurts me sometimes, but i love how we can both be very close to eachother|||i don't think of it as an escape, i like to look at it as making everything in the present more fun =] oh, and you make odd connections and you often have weed realizations where you suddenly put...|||i agree, running is tough to get started but now that i've been running consistently, i love it. i try to run 4 times a week but i'm so lazy. when i do though, i feel great the rest of the day=]|||personally i don't like to be sexual with a girl unless i'm very comfortable around her. maybe it's just me being shy, but i have actually turned down opportunities for sexual activities solely...|||buddy i agree 100% i broke up with my ex of almost two years in july and i still keep all her letters and little presents in a box. for some reason, no matter how much pain the relationship ended...|||i know exactly what you mean, and whats worse is that i usually realize i'm doing it and then i feel fake. as if the people i just agreed with must think i'm a kiss ass or something but i've been...|||i apologize again, i forget that there are others out there with a much more serious attitude about this stuff than i do. so anyway i hate that this thread turned into an argument, i'd prefer it if...|||wow, well from my experiences that sounds absolutely ridiculous, but i don't mean to undermine the dangers. i think if you're gunna burn your house down you were already predisposed to burning it...|||videogames!|||you have a good point. no one ever really told me not to do drugs except for in school and my mom, my dad never mentioned it (and whenever my mom said anything it was brief and generic). so...|||when i hang out with certain people for a while i tend to adopt their viewpoints, even when they're bad. my best friend is very racist and before i started hanging out with a new black friend (who i...|||agreed 100%|||ok, i like all sorts of comedy but i tend to find the outrageous things funnier. ranging from monty python to just absolutely harsh humor, all of it is hilarious|||i do want to better humanity, yet my means are creative. personally, i see film as a medium to express the confusing yet often enlightening ideas i have in my head. i do want to help others but i...|||really! from which part?|||what do you mean listlessness? and also i agree marijuana isnt for everybody but how could it ruin someone's life? i think it just tends to make some people too dramatic|||haha same, i like how the majority of us are on the same level of thinking personally i find gifts that were made more meaningful than a purchased gift|||MORE QUESTIONS.... 1. What is your dream career? and what are you doing right now job wise? i hope to become a film director, and right now i'm studying film at temple university 2. Have you...|||Quality time! then acts of service haha i'm not sure what that's telling me ...|||i have to say, in the single serious relationship i had, i was more confident in myself, more talkative in class, and met a whole bunch of new people. that being said... i spent 24/7 with mah girl...|||The Celebration- fantastic Dogma 95 film|||i'm surprised! i'd think fellow INFJ's would all be about discovering themselves, experimenting and finding new perspectives. i hate to say it, but don't knock marijuana till you try it. for one,...|||hey thanks for the link i'm taking it now, and i agree most of the competitiveness i have is against myself, and that's what the working out thing has become for me (mostly b/c i know i'll never...|||let us know how things go!!|||wow thanks guys this is good advice, she's never been through something like this before and (being an INFJ) i immediately smothered her with support, love, help.... but she turned everything down. ...|||i know exactly what you mean, weed makes me lazy as shit but i come up with wonderful, crazy ideas. my depression though acts differently, i don't have the creativity as when i'm high and usually...|||honestly, if you already told him up front it won't work, then just ignore him or let him know you're done talking to him. the most important thing is being honest. i used to have trouble telling...|||i was voted class clown of high school so lots of people knew me, and yet lots of people thought i was a douche for only hanging out with a select few. but really its just too many people doesn't...'
'I don't mind authority itself if it's doing a good job... but if I feel like a person is wasting my time then I develop an attitude. There are some people I don't mind directing me--probably because...|||well technically perfection can only be achieved within imperfection.... but anyway :D when I was younger I'd always create lego castles and what not. But recently aquariums have had an appeal to...|||I live in Hong Kong Hey, we're pretty close! ... close :P the representative measure for the US would be like west coast to east coast, haha.|||my friends have nominated me the cutest of the cute :| They say they could make a book of the many faces I make to represent a feeling or thought... I guess I am pretty expressive that way. And I...|||Yeah, I think any careers are attainable, though the ones rbt listed are the best fit... actually people tell me I'd make a good lawyer :P which is a career I would be interested in... and actually...|||I also love autumn. I don't live in the US or Canada, so I don't experience the whole leaves-turning-orange thing (which I would love as well), but it just feels good. There's a feeling of...|||I definitely have a problem with it. If I experience it with a person upon first impression, they have to do something outstanding after that to be redeemed. This year I was in a group prayer...|||I admit it's more like a profusion of questions... I'm trying to confirm whether or not one of my friends is an isfp, so I'm hoping you can help me by commenting on some of his characteristics...|||hmm... well I'm a 33/24/33 but I have broad shoulders, partially cause I used to swim. I might be something like a rectangle/hourglass thingy... though if I were an hourglass I'd definitely be like...|||Yay! :D Actually, Steven Wilson (the main vocalist and writer from Porcupine Tree--I was thrilled to see you like their music) is in Blackfield as well... I think Blackfield is the more...|||Snail- I might be totally wrong, but I shall attempt... haha Blackfiled- Glow (I would have chosen once but I couldn't find a good recording on youtube) ...|||My music is ALL over, haha. I was going to bold my favorites, but that'd be pretty much everything... They're not in any order of liking. (By the way, JerseyDevil... are you still going to look up...|||Currently I don't want kids... I think I'm a person who needs change and would like to move around to different countries, perhaps, and I don't think that's the best thing for a child. And I'd want...|||well, I don't believe in the appearance of the hand correlating with personality type... but I thought it'd be fun to mention: I actually have an over-sized thumb that is larger than other peoples'...|||When I sit I always have some strange position going... but they're comfortable, so :P I'm generally not self conscious about other people looking at me when I sit, except I never sit with my legs...|||Name a famous person you don't like. Miley Cyrus What was the last thing you bought? 10 kg of clay... Name a condiment that is NOT: ketchup, mustard, relish, salt, or pepper soy sauce ...|||She does seem rather emotionally unhealthy, but at the same time I get where she's coming from. I had a thing with an INTJ once, but it didn't last very long... hopefully the advice you're...|||My subconscious busies itself with things that range from completely ridiculous to things that would actually fit in with reality. Do I have weird dreams? I would say so. Once I dreamed that I was...|||This is really quite accurate! Especially the first part. If I want to tell someone how much they mean to me, I'm much more comfortable leaving them a note that effectively expresses my feelings than...|||why thank you! :D They're lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie. Amazing lyricists :) this reminds me that when I was a child I always thought cauliflower was female broccoli :P anyway, it more...|||izzie perhaps the alternating between introverted and extroverted behavior when you want comes more easily to you? I'm not quite sure, but hey :) And I think you're very ready to express your views...|||I hate writing in pencil... HATE IT. must use pen :) haha And my mouth can't keep up with my brain. I'll be thinking ahead in the sentence that I want to say, so I'll mix up beginnings and endings...|||I probably heard that question wrong... now I look like a fool for giving a completely unrelated answer... I should go back and explain... but then I'll appear insecure... ugh...|||I find poetry analysis very enjoyable. Often fun, actually :P I can get quite excited by it. Do you enjoy it? And if so, what do you make of this poem? It's by Emily Dickinson. One of the ones I...|||whoa, first link didn't work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwyESYGFnJ8|||before/during YouTube - SnowPatrolVEVO's Channel after http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouS-ohlOK1o|||well, my friends often say stuff like Aww you're so cute and then brush me off and don't take me seriously... which can get pretty annoying sometimes, haha. well yeah, death stare is the complete...|||it's nice to look approachable, I'd just rather not look so... cute XD haha but aside from that, I guess it'd be a reasonably good thing to look like a fuzzy bunny :P|||yup, when someone asks me can we talk? I can't focus on anything else until the talk comes around. until then, my brain is in overdrive wondering what I could have done or what could be going on...|||my word. I hope I don't look like a freaking fuzzy bunny. lol|||The heart breaks, and breaks, and lives by breaking. It is necessary to go through dark and deeper dark and not to turn. -Stanley Kunitz, The Testing Tree :)|||amaurosis is the loss or darkening of vision. but it's externally unnoticeable... to be honest, it just sounded cool :P there could be a number of reasons though|||this made me laugh XD oh, the INFJ is very much worried :P no. we used to have a thing, but I'm long over it. I know, I know, the fact that we used to be interested in each other might...|||SO, there's this guy, and my friend and I are pretty sure he's an ESTP. He's close with my friend (INFJ), and he has this girlfriend (IDKW- I don't know what but she's the perfect definition of...|||So, if you could have lived in a different time period, what would it be? :) And what setting/class? And, of course, why? My pick would be the mid to late 1800s, and the setting would be a...|||I am the one whose heart you can break without even possessing it I am the one who involuntarily wakes up during the night and takes the opportunity to check if you're still breathing I am the...|||Actually, I really do think this is an infp movie. Infp's aren't just about emotions and relationships between people, we're idealists. And what could be more idealistic than a whole dream world?...|||When people are talking to me I don't think they can quite figure me out... My friends have told me that people think I'm quite intimidating and rather unpredictable. If I like a person and I'm...|||Well... thanks all of you. You've given me some good insight and and somehow some feeling of support. The only thing is that I just found out a few hours ago that he moved to the Philippines. He...|||Thanks... I'm beginning to believe more that time doesn't actually heal. Actually... we still go to the same school. We see each other every day, but we don't talk. I try to smile at him as he goes...|||Thanks so much, all of you... really. - After the friendship started (months after) we did express to one another that we liked each other. But we also said that we wouldn't go anywhere with...|||I'm not 100% positive that this guy's an infj, but it seems the best fit. He's a natural counselor, hard to get to know, and doesn't really open up unless the person is really close to them. So......|||The heart breaks, and breaks, and lives by breaking. It is necessary to go through dark and deeper dark and not to turn. -Stanley Kunitz (The Testing Tree)|||Actually... My best friend is an ESTJ :tongue: Now he is very judging, pretty much thinks he's always right, can be quite mean, has a temper, and some other things, but it seems he's made an...|||I'm guessing INFPs read up the most on all the types so maybe you guys can help me out... other types are welcome too though :] This guy I know is a sort of natural entertainer. He makes comments...|||touchy feely... it really depends for me. I don't feel the need to hug people all the time, really, but sometimes I'll hug my friends. More often they hug me. But when it comes to a romantic...|||I'm your age :]. It's true, we do have a number of masks... and which one we wear depends on the audience. If I'm around people that I'm familiar with, I can be quite out there. If I'm around...|||I often have a problem with anxiety. It usually comes in spurts of days. Sometimes I'll just feel like nothing's going to turn out right, what I usually have no problem believing just crumbles...|||ohh well if she doesn't know you have feelings for her don't butter her up. But if she does, then that's different...|||I like the calendar idea. I'd enjoy it :] I don't know about other INFPs but I'm really big on symbolism, connotations, and stuff like that. I'm gonna give my boyfriend a riddle or something like...'
'Pfft, too tedious|||Oh, and when i click on that little treasure box below my profile picture, my contact info (AIM, skype...) overlaps with my achievements.......|||I tried quick editing my latest post in the Fury thread, but what appeared in the quick editor was a truncated version of the original, so i pasted over the shortened text in the editor with the full...|||http://personalitycafe.com/spam-world/51794-invisible.html Keeping in line with the change in color scheme for PerC v3, I've changed the code for perfectly invisible text: Put your text here...|||Even if you did, I say you didn't|||Wtf, why is caps not working???|||Nyan nyan nyan nyan|||Nice, can't wait to see it! :happy:|||Go to the forum you want to search and click on the Search forum button. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23953757/Searchforum.jpg|||I'm 17 , from India. At the age 16 level we generally cover the following topics (age 15-16) Set theory, Trigonometry as functions, Complex numbers, Conic Sections, Limits, Derivatives,...|||The air conditioner....:confused: omg....|||Congrats konan!!|||Wow, i can't believe i actually have a golden name!:crazy:|||Congrats freya! =)|||Was it supposed to scare me? :unsure:|||http://personalitycafe.com/spam-world/68681-test-thread-advertising.html http://personalitycafe.com/ban-infractions/68232-permanent-ban-heroes_46-advertising.html ...|||Just another stupid test thread, ignore please.|||Hehe, Congrats General Lee!!|||WOW! How did you manage to reply!! :wink:|||Congrats Kriash!!|||http://personalitycafe.com/spam-world/65314-test-thread-print.html The same thing happened when I created a thread with its name ending with the word Print, I think its a bug in VBulletin.|||Ignore this, just a test thread for something.... EDIT:(and don't ask me how I managed to edit it) I was trying to replicate the following problem....|||Congrats shlaraki!!!|||Are you stalking me? I don't like to be watched....|||Well come backk!! :happy:|||Congrats Prom!|||I haven't interacted with you much but I think you're pretty cool and loved reading your posts around the forum... Its kinda disappointing to see all the interesting people leave one by one.....|||*works his magic* Ćerulean|||Congrats Eylrid!!!|||*whispers* does that apply to my post above??|||and as you can see, I didn't click the thanks button on your post.....|||you said you were excellent at typing people but you typed People. :/|||Same thing happened to me...I was wondering if I was missing something...|||Congrats WickedQueen!!!|||They work because of my superpowers.|||Congrats Frosty!!!|||Congrats Mr.Xl Vii!!|||Congrats Aelthwyn!!|||Congrats Psychosmurf!!|||Yes, INTJ's are supposed to be the assholes cause you an break the rules without breaking them. :P|||beep beep blop...|||Has the 24 hr editing restriction been lifted for the contest subforum so we can keep making more submissions in the same post?|||how dare you!!!!|||I know English, Hindi, French and Konkani(the local language in my state), but I am only fluent in English.....|||haha!!! Viva la revolutioN!!|||Congrats on the 3000!!|||totally, all the posts in this forum are mine!|||Congrats MBTI Enthusiast!!!|||Congrats Psilo!|||Congrats hornet!'
First of all, what she feels is totally normal. I'm uncertain if this feeling is ENFP-based, or if it can be found across the board, but what I know for certain is that it is something that at least...|||It takes a surprising amount to move me, usually art will do it. Art has always seemed in some ways more real to me than reality, or maybe I just let it affect me more. But yeah... I cried to at that...|||For me this question is complicated. On the one hand I tend to be and really always have tended to be obsessively humble, to the point where it bugs me a little to even say that I'm humble....|||This is ridiculously true for me too! I hardly pay any attention to such things, it's just not something I care about, it's soooo routine, but it is so important too.|||Yeah I'd say just leave things alone until she's available. You don't wanna have any part of that, even if she were to fall desperately in love with you and leave her boyfriend, you've made an enemy...|||I think it's fantastic that you're seeing someone to help you sort out your feelings instead of not giving them credence. Your feelings are important, just as important and useful as your intellect,...|||Easy, My mom is an ENFP, just like me. Funny though because I don't always get along with her, however we speak the same language, she's disorganized, she VERY feelings oriented and she's definitely...|||Yeah... that's exactly how my last relationship went. In a month's time we could anticipate each other better than i could anticipate my best friend for 10 years. We had catchphrases and knew exactly...|||Well hold on now ethereal this forum is about people comparing their experiences to one another, not necessarily about getting over our problems. Most of the people posting here are just stating how...|||Nobody's too old for that, it'll be a sad day the day i find i can't tell the world just to shut up and leave me alone.|||Oki oki mr. ISTP, u win:tongue: Everyone loves music and its determined by the individual! Your logic impeccably trounced me:wink:|||Ok fair point, but I figure if anyone's gonna be really outspoken about their ALL ENCOMPASSING LOVE for music, it would prolly be the ENFPs, though I'm sure everyone does have a love of music.......|||Pie is definately good, the cake is always a lie anyway. Welcome kindred spirit!|||...Play on! That's insane that you have 70GB, I thought I had a huge library, but I'm not even halfway to your level lol.|||I love to write, and I've always been talented at it (what am I not talented at though? maybe modesty) however, I'm so easily distracted it makes it difficult for me to finish anything. Ironically...|||I've known another ENFP who intimidated me by being so many things that I wanted to be. It really challenged me to push to be my true self as much as possible. :shocked: I have a short post?...|||Every ENFP I've ever met has had a deeply intense connection with music, including myself. And this means music in any variety. I mean really deeply intense. Rap counts as much as Broadway or...|||Yeah.... it was pretty much between Jasmine and Belle........ AGH the choices!!! Eventually, zexiness won out, sadly enough. I dunno, I shoulda prolly picked belle..... WHY do I stress about these...|||I totally know how you feel even as an ENFP, because even people savy people still have doubts in themselves, and that's all your problem amounts to. First off, you know what people love? To talk...|||The most mind-blowingly awesome for ENFP job I've ever had was on a commercial as a production assistant. I'm currently doing everything I can to get into the film industry partly as a result. It was...|||Wow... I just read yer monster post there at the top of the page.......... and like lilsnowy, I'm really glad you decided to share so much of yourself with us. Honestly, my situation is even more...|||Ok, I haven't read all the other posts in between the first and this one, but Pink, I think I can give some really good insight. I'm in a very similar situation, except I'm the guy. Also, I love...|||Am I the only one here who feels awkward when it comes to feelings... like sometimes I think they should be there and they're not? Or that they're much less intense than they should be? Perhaps its...|||I accepted the inevitable truth that, well, I'm smarter than pretty much anyone else, it just doesn't show up in my grades. Doesn't have a thing to do with the fact I'm a super genius. It's...|||Really? Really really? In your dreams your spiders help you? I soooooo ENVY you! Just to let you know, if some ninja-like guy shows up at your house in the middle of the night to steal your dreams...|||Yeah, I think more than anything though, ENFPs come across as gullible to others because we are eager and in the moment and we generally seem innocent. However, older wiser ENFPs tend to use this as...|||Sometimes having a slacker for a study partner is nice. As long as they show up and you're not like collaborating on a project or something, its always nice to have someone worse than you, at least...|||I have terrible long-term memory. Short term memory is great for me though, even within a week or two's time. I don't take notes in class because I get the general gist of it all and I can just...|||Te for me has become the way I attempt to make decisions, even though my natural form is to feel out the best result. This creates a sort of hybrid approach to my decision making, but also undermines...|||I feel more like Moby, except that I've come to realize that it's not that I don't dream, it's that I don't remember my dreams. I think it has something to do with how we ENFPs are soo here and now...|||I know it's kindly meant, but I've never seen leaping into someone else's arms do more than cause problems and destroy relationships. I think the second part of your response is far wiser. There's...|||It sounds more serious than it did at first, and it may very well be time to break it off. All I would urge you to do is first try really being honest with him about where you are at, and find out if...|||And yeah, sometimes, we ENFPs do love too much. But that too will pass. Rreally. I really do hope I've said something that makes you feel better. :wink:|||Honestly, I don't believe in incompatible people, only unwilling people, which at times might be legitimate. So coming from that I would have to say you two need to figure out how to work together....|||Aw man that sucks, I assume it's the one from your other thread. Saying one knows how one feels is kinda pointless with situations like these so I won't even try. I have been in your situation before...|||Thanks man for the advice and support for a stranger. And I too hope it all turns out. I figure heck, a year can solve anything right? I mean I'm like 21 so EVERYTHINGS the like MOUNT DOOM END OF THE...|||Well, Ivan, we are only five% of the population apparently, which makes us all really happy cuz we like to feel especially unique. I totally feel you MissyMaroon. And I'm a guy. While I maintain a...|||Just so you know, my mom is the ENFP in the family, and even though it makes sense that she's more emotional, it doesn't stop my dad from blaming her for it. ISTJ's can be ones to assign blame, I...|||Oh, and btw, I've got an ISTJ dad too... he can be a pain sometimes, but he does love you, he just shows you through dedicated work, instead of superfluous stuff like... being generally nice lol....|||Oh my GOSH that's a long post, I can't tell in this format lol... shoulda paired it down a tad...|||ENFPs tend to take things personally in general. It's the F in us. So wakehopper I totally feel where you're at right now. I'm in pretty much the same situation, with my younger siblings getting to...|||Yeah,Sagittarius here. But there just doesn't seem to be much correlation. Not that I'm surprised, I put virtually no stock in zodiac. Honestly, is it just me or do zodiac descriptions seem rather...|||Long time for a post to happen, but here it is. I had to stand up to a best friend of 8 or so years on account of his gf breakin up with him. He wouldn't accept it, and I had to let him know that he...|||That sux Shurikun... hey this looks like fun lemme git in on it! So I always feel like I'm never the best version of myself, like if I was REALLY an ENFP or if I was REALLY crazy or if I was REALLY...|||Yeah, remember guys, we are ENFPs which means we are are own worst critics, evaluating ourselves and reevaluating ourselves so many times over that we feel totally awkward in situations that we would...|||K first thing I want to say, which I can tell by your tone you know, but just to remind, crying for any reason is not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of honesty, its our emotions telling us that we...|||I don't have a wealth of relationship experience to pull from, but I have grown up in a home where my mom was ENFP and my dad was ISTJ. Complete opposites, so I know something of differences. The...|||Thank you all so much, especially SuperunknownVortex and variableresults for their perspectives as INFJs. I really do care a whole lot about this friend, so much so that I'm willing to do what it...|||Yep dude that's totally natural. The type of people we are is the type that cares deeply about people, and focuses very intensely on anyone that we are talking to, ESPECIALLY if they are confiding in...|||The iNtuition, definately. We think randomly, without any discernible order, we make assumptions and intuitive guesses that are really right most times. It makes us incredibly creative and...
'Hitler- xNFx (most recent biography says he hated being alone, so probably not an introvert) Saddam - ESTJ Clinton- ESFP Obama - xNTP Manson- ENFP Dahmer- ISTP Bundy - ESTP Vikerness - INTJ|||INTP 9w1 Sp/So I doubt he is a 1; I don't see any move to 4 or 7 in him, but I could easily see him going to 6 on a bad day, while trying and succeeding to be leader of the Labour party is...|||I find that w7 doesn't really avoid heavy topics; they just avoid them when compared to w5. They can still be interested in them (a lot of news reporters and political comedians are 6w7, actually),...|||You sound more w7 than w5. The latter tends to be more serious and intellectual (not that w7 can't be intelligent), and seeks security in knowledge and understanding the darker side of life. w7 is...|||Because INFJs are overrepresented on the Internet. Sensors spend more time in the real world than Intuitives; Introverts spend more time doing introverted stuff than Extroverts. So INxx types...|||The Devil is an INFJ. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOxhAgVWSy4|||Naruto Part 1 is amazing, a masterpiece. Part 2 is a steady decline in quality, though the manga is better than the anime (which drags and has a drop in animation quality). It still has SOME good...|||I've had one or two for my birthday. Not really a surprise since I saw them coming a mile off. I enjoyed them.|||Dario Nardi is a lecturer at the University of California who carried out EEG brain scans on a hundred or so volunteers of all the different MBTI types. When he says that INTPs are the worst...|||This has been asked several time and will likely be asked several times again. There is no correlation between the type of children and their parents. None whatsoever. Both my parents are ISJ and...|||Light is an Introverted ENTJ. Near is an INTJ, and if Light were INJ (T or F) their thinking processes would be more similar than they are. Near relies on Intuition more than Light does, who has...|||ENFPs are often introverts, for what its worth. The main difference between ENFP and INFP is more that the latter is typically more sensitive and serious than the former, not that one is more...|||Is respect earnt, or is it freely given (and sometimes lost)? State your type. Wanting to know if there is some correlation (though upbringing might play a part of course).|||No, I've seen ENTPs and INTPs, and the one in particular I am thinking of is definitely an INTP (there is another one or two I am less sure of, but they still seem INTP). Also this isn't a...|||I did.|||INTP-INFJ are supposedly the Golden Pair. Make of that what you will.|||Read the OP. They aren't asking only about romantic lovers.|||Oh ho ho...I never said I felt bad.|||Not ALL INTPs. Just ones I've seen. Some of them, and depending on the circumstances. Usually it's a case of thinking they understand the opinions of another person and criticising said opinion,...|||Bolded- I've seen INTPs on the Internet where I think I'd be the one saying those to them. Lack of Ni and Inferior Fe = me wanting to smack them upside the head 'cause they ain't as clever as...|||I can relate to this. While i do in fact think ahead and sometimes plan or imagine conversations, whenever i do that, I always know that when I actually talk to the person I'll be responding in...|||Who Is Your Best Friend? (sniff) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xh_9QhRzJEs|||To be honest, I think you probably overestimate the damage you did here. If he openly bragged about being a cheat and his wife already suspected him of it, and if he had done it before and openly...|||You are definitely not an INFJ. Probably an INTJ. Do you know your Instinctual Variants?|||Its strange reading this when not too long ago there was a thread talking about how incredibly horny INFJs can be.|||Read the books. Or detailed descriptions copied from the books. I usually get a 4w5 or a 5w4, but I'm actually a 1w9 So/Sp. There are lookalike types, and your Instinctual Variants change things...|||I'm a 1w9 and I think my most exacerbating arguments are with Type 6, or people with 6 in their wing. If you've ever been on Tumblr or Twitter for any length of time, or been on forums with a...|||90%. Sweet.|||Depends on the Enneagram type.|||INFj in Socionics is INFP in mbti.|||Fe.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r30G5mzdqTg (x3 videos) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZVNzUw5L7Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXtnpTo-fyk|||My evidence was referencing a book by a reputable historian who studied Hitler's wartime career for years and had direct access to the records of his regiment, a book praised by leading historians on...|||Eh, no. The invasions of Austria and the Sudetenland were masterminded by Goring and others with Hitler reluctantly going along with it- he was terrified that the world might attack them for it, even...|||Unless you read the book I don't think you can say he didn't slack as much as I say. What I demonstrated is that there were literally millions of Germans of ALL types who fought in that war, who...|||There is a book called Hitler's First War that goes into some detail about his experiences in WW1 (which contradict his accounts in Mein Kampf- Hitler lied) and...yeah, it was nothing like that....|||I prefer to think that an INJ of any sort would be a better writer than he was. But as someone who has argued that Hitler was an ExTJ or some other type on many occasions over the last few months...|||Just wondering if anyone had thoughts or examples on the differences between these two. Especially if the ENFP is also a 7, of course.|||Yes! Finally, someone who understands!|||It is possible. You could be awkward one moment or in one situation and the exact opposite another. And you could give people the impression that you are completely at ease socially or that you...|||The face gestures and theatricality come naturally. It's pretty much involuntary and I often don't even realise I'm doing it, and if there is any subconscious motive it's just inviting the other...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4nJnWnPGhI|||Well, he is an INFJ in the show Supernatural, I can tell you that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOxhAgVWSy4|||My Ni sees ALL!|||You sound like an INFJ Enneagram Type 6. A type 6 is driven by a need for security and tends to be defensive.|||The main similarity is that both have similar needs for privacy (the 4w5 more so, however) and both are researched orientated. I wouldn't say that is necessarily good or bad though- it just is.|||It's because both a 4 and a 6 are attuned to the darker side of life. They also both have something the other can use or need- a 4 can help a 6 be more introspective and expressive, while a 6 can...|||It's me. I'm the coolest. Me, me and me. All me.|||It is not and never is too late to develop some sort of skill or talent. Especially at 15. Actually it's the opposite. Skill and talent take YEARS of hard work and study; though, when you start to...|||Try this link. It's not perfect, and you shouldn't believe everything it says, but it's better than the majority of type descriptions out there. INFJ Personality Profile'
'Mind bleach is what I'm in need of people. This image won't leave my head. Christ has left the building & Yoda is a puppet. 696993 Lotus fuckery. I sought enlightenment & this is what I've...|||If any one has any doubt of what I'm trying to say google lotus seeds...it's a pictorial representation of what I'm trying to express...sort of. I hope they look as horror inducing to you as they...|||Tell me lies, tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies. What's a lie you once told someone to make them feel better? & do you consider this immoral? Did you feel guilty? Or would you of felt guilty...|||Currently: Hash browns, bacon, both extra crispy; orange juice & coffee. Creamer as well! Ah. So generic, but... I'll throw in some egg drop soup, too.|||Forgot to update on the pizza fiasco...the pie wasn't the food poising culperate. I suspect ramen noodles. It remains a mystery thus far. In other news, besides eating healthy, recently I've...|||I had some mild food poisoning last night. I think it was the cheese pizza i ate last night at my big party I had with me myself & aye. I ate another slice this morning to test out my theory...wish...|||Extroverted introverts need to be studied closely. Divergents!|||If you have to force it is it probably shit? Or is all love a form of subtle manipulation? Whatcha think?? Love Wayne Dyer|||Yes. I meant pubic hair. There's pictures on the internet somewhere I'm sure.|||Still haven't figured out how to skinny up my nose though. It outs the fat truth.|||I'm not sure I am an entp. I just know I feel like one during & shortly after eating French fries. & then I crash & have annoying normal feelings again. How do I just stay entp without fast food?|||Why are you posting pictures of my twin soul?|||You're too kind here's an even better view though, 675994 676002 676010|||Here's another normal looking one: 675986 All about the angle & such!|||Same girl. Just hair down & at a side angle :)|||No? What do you think of this picture? 675970|||Wayne would so much approve !!!!!! Good girl. Much love!!!!!! :)|||Did you write this yourself or did it come in a Wayne Dyer book?|||Fat dark haired female here. :ninja: How do I keep it up? I always Peter out eventually or get my feelers hurt :(|||We can cheat & conversation in between if you're up for it :)|||Truth!!|||What would you say if you only had this next message to communicate at all? Your last words?|||I just wasn't able to be my true self really. For fear of being not enough of whatever I thought I should be. Now I'll tell you things like I'm fat. Before I wouldn't just come out & say it....|||Truth!!!|||I actually kinda forget how to play lol for truths I just ask you questions right? Do you think deep down that Meyers Briggs personality types are really just a big bunch of bullshit ?|||How about truth or dare?!|||Question my type ...maybe I was really an infp all along?! Anyone bored and want to question life & why things are the way they are with me? AGAIN? I'm older now & understand that I was the same...|||I like to write but I wouldn't say my writing is smooth or beautiful. Unless imperfect is your thang|||Pondering... Starting to think I'm an infp again. Maybe I should make an infp crush thread :p So sick of chasing feeling that ideal mood/feelings ya know? Ideally in a perfect world for me I...|||My mom is manipulative extremely judgmental & insanely controlling. And that's being kind. But yeah happy day! Your mom was cute.|||Whatcha mean? How's your circle thing beautiful? Some avatars are very ugly. My current one needs Photoshop to be ideal. Unfortunately I'm not talented at that :( I just have to be overweight with...|||I was there as a patient. And I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it at the time. I'm totally addicted to junk food. I just made the observation that if this was a place of supposed health them serving the...|||I know I've been posting a lot but I'm lonely & this place is an outlet Anyways...so I've spent some time observing hospital food. Not something I'm particularly proud of but it is what it is....|||Well I ate some coke & potato chips & don't really feel bad about it again. I'm weird. I also texted him again & told him I know I was rude but it's how I feel & I don't want to be fake nice to him...|||Why can't I be one of the ones that can wait?!!! :(|||The thing is I'm pretty sure that what I said to him had no affect even though if he said something similiar to me it would of hurt to hear it. So really I ended up being the only one suffering from...|||Something happened today where I told someone the truth via text. & it was in a rude blunt sort of way. But this person has been very very mean to me for a while now. In the moment when I texted...|||Darn it! Not from Mexico but I want all that too! Feel free to pm me :)|||Is the waiting necessary? If you didn't wait would you appreciate the not waiting? Is there a sweet spot? These are all questions I ponder while I wait & think deeply(ha)this morning.|||Thanks I'd be hot if I weren't fat. My son loves Van's. I got a pair of floral ones with him cause I still do stuff like that to feel hip & such.... ha again! How did your mom afford the...|||You're sweet. I did at the time especially in 6th grade think it was the worst thing ever. I just wanted to be cute & cool...I didn't know how to do my hair or know good hygiene then either. I just...|||Did you grow up with name brand shoes or did you live in shame? I went all elementary school and a tedious year in 6th grade with Walmart tennis shoes. I got made fun of for being Walmart infested....|||It's interesting how one can grow up in the country that I for all intent & purposes have & feel poor even though being spoiled rich but because being surrounded by even more spoiled & rich &...|||Fabi speaks perfect English now??|||Dear Josh, You're a fucking asshole. I'm tired of trying to make nice. I hope you're finally enjoying the breast implants you always wanted your hoe to have. Much bitterness & resentment, ...|||It's 2 in the morning & I can't sleep because among others things my mouth & teeth hurt. Oddly the only thing that makes it feel better is eating chewing. I have been eating all day or yesterday or...|||Except the expression Accept the percusussion While you were sleeping Bells were ringing Down to you Up to blue|||Just us for the meek Justice for the geek You pass on your thrill You pass on your drill Just us for the meek Justice for the geek|||I stay to stay well I say to say swelling I am not what I had I am not bad dad Do you joke to see Do you joke to be|||The matrix spoke of a truth that while not exactly like the movie I see truth in. I am drugged & in chains to addictions . If only I could take a pill to get OUT instead of stay in. Anyways as I...'
'Thanks for the reply! Anyways, I can really recognise myself in Fe as in wanting to be accepted and adapting to meet people's needs, but I'm not very helpful or socially active, that's why I'm not...|||Woah, I didn't fill this thing for nothing did I?|||Dad: INTP Mom: ISFJ Brother: ISFJ Me: INxP I can go along with my dad better than with my mom.|||ESxP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=updoMIHMBbU|||Reading all your stories has been a very interesting experience! For me, it was two years back, when I first joined Tumblr and everyone had their type in their blog's bio, so I decided to take a...|||1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||Interesting! I think I'd be a type 1 and 4, but can also relate to 3 and 5.|||Tumblr is a lot of unhealthy Fi, yup. I'm also quite sure the different types of blogs have different MBTI, but ever since I don't know a lot about other sections than Fandoms, I won't judge. About...|||I'm an ectomorph too. 5'10 and 125 lbs / 1 meter 78 and 57 kilograms.|||INFJ (mom) + INTP (dad) = INFP (brother) + ISTJ (me) I feel kind of divergent in my family, hehe.|||I don't hate a certain MBTI type, but in general I can't get along with ESTJs very well... They're a lot like me, causing some sort of battle between our Te/Si to evolve. They usually win this...|||1. Isfj / istj 2. Enfp / esfp 3. Infp / infj 4. Esfj / enfj 5. Estp / entp 6. Infp / isfp 7. Esfj / isfj|||APs are extra courses, aren't they? APs don't exist here, but when I was in high school, I had extra courses in English, Music, Biology and Globalisation.|||This is exactly where I got stuck analyzing myself. I personally don't think I'm ENFP, because I can't relate to inferior Si. I remember a lot, really. All ideas I save in my head, I remember. I...|||woogiefox, thanks for your reply! What is bothering me most is that if I'm on the Te-Fi axis and a Si-dom, my Te is auxiliary. I don't think it is that strong, is it?|||I took the first test: ideal type - ENTJ, real type - ISFJ I've taken the second one before, I believe I scored: real ISTJ, preferred ENFJ, attracted ENTP.|||I believe my functions to be: Si > Fi > Ne > Ti > Fe > Te > Ni > Se Is this possible? Or do I just not know myself? It obviously doesn't match a type, maybe ISTJ or INFP, but I can't figure it out...|||I also guess INTP, because of the same reasons as the user above me :)|||*Bump*|||ISTJ Don't waste your time or time will waste you Do whatever you want, people are going to judge you anyways.|||Yeah, they're weird... But Chris is almost never in interviews because he's the shy one... makes me think he's introverted, but that can also just be a stereotype...|||GhostShadow Yeah, I agree with Matt as INFP, I have had some serious doubt between INTP and INFP before making this thread. What makes you think Chris is an ENFJ?|||Which type do you think Muse are? Here are my best guesses: Matt: INTP Chris: ISTP Dom: ESFP|||Hi everyone! So, it's me (again...), xForgottenOne, and I am making this final thread to find my type. I decided to fill the scenario questionnaire, because I've seen the regular ones too many times...|||I have a lot of different ones: At college (in class): INTJ At college (not in class): INFJ At college (with best friends): ENFP Meeting new people: ISFJ In 'professional' settings: ESTJ|||I think that this might be a little true, but that everyone is different and you can fall in love with any type. Also, people probably mistype their partner a lot, if they don't use cognitive...|||I kinda like the music, especially when it becomes a bit more upbeat after approx 2:30. I don't really like the voice and the lyrics... Okay, what should I put in here? Muse? No, that's too...|||I will lie when I don't trust someone, when I want to make sure I'm safe. I guess that's not uncommon for a six.|||xForgottenOne, I think I'm an introvert. TyranAmiros, I blame myself a lot, even when there's really nothing I can be blamed for... -_-|||Istp.|||I'm not sure if you're Fe/Ti, Te/Fi can also be possible, so you're xSxJ or xNxP. Because your Ne and Te don't come across as very strong, I'd remove ESTJ, ENTP and ENFP from the list. That leaves...|||Thanks Pinina! I can relate to most aspects of the ISFJ personality, except that I'm not that reluctant to change and caring, but I guess everyone is different ^^. Do you know anyone who might...|||No one?|||I don't know my type, probably INTx, I love alternative/progressive rock ^^|||So, hi! Every time I take a MBTI test, I get a different result, so when I bumped into this forum I figured I wanted to give this a try. 1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer...|||Would there be a correlation between your MBTI type and the music you like?|||ISTJ - Chemical and Physical Biology undergrad.|||Hmm... interesting. I don't think the naming system is bad, because the fourth letter defines the way you deal with the world, and IxxJs use J rather than P, but I should think about this... I'll...|||I wouldn't say ExxJ for the Netherlands, we're often seen as a very cold and impersonal country. I'd say we're IxTP, but not sure though.|||I also see a lot of Fi in your answers, and quite some Si, so I'd say INFP too, but I'm not completely certain. I'll keep following this thread, just in case I come up with something to find out your...|||I think this is possible, definitely with social phobia. Try focusing on the people who you can be around without experiencing social phobia signs? Do you also find it exhausting to be with them?|||Dads dad: ISTP 7w8 Dads mom: died before I was born, so I don't know. Dad: INTP 5w6 Moms dad: INTP 5w4 Moms mom: ENFJ 2w1 Mom: INFJ 9w1 Brother: INFP 9w8 Me: ISTJ 6w5 My dads dad died too,...|||I'm sure there are work books available, like high school methods but meant for people who want to learn a language in their spare time? If you want to focus on vocabulary more, try using a program...|||www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN8PKcNGcuI Video doesn't work?...|||My dad is definitely a 5, probably with a 6 wing, but not that strong. He acts like a typical type 5, he is quite often withdrawn from the rest of the family and he gathers a lot of knowledge. I...|||ISTJ here: Why? How does this work? How can I improve this? Why are you doing it like that? It's not efficient What did I do the previous time I got in this kind of situation?|||My best friend always tried to pull me out of my comfort zone, haha.|||Yeah, of course your MBTI and Enneagram have some kind of correlation. I'm a type 6, probably most common in xSFJs, but I think that my tritype (136) is a lot more common to be ISTJ.|||Yup, a lot of people judge by stereotypes. Image what happens when you tell people you're ISTJ... That's why I usually tell people who don't know a lot about MBTI that I don't know my type, haha.|||For me, mirrors don't work out. At all. I tend to strongly dislike ESTJs, probably because I really value my independence and because I'm not used to dealing with another person who has got strong Si...'
'I love your writing style|||I dont have a cupboard, I have a drawer where everything is thrown in and made into a huge mess. I have a general idea whats in there and I am trying to sort it all out|||... I suppose the challenge is following through :tongue: Yup I would agree with this. Do you guys tend to read more than one book at a time? Its not that they are boring and I have to skip...|||You read IT when you were 8? .......................................this explains so much!|||Ne is very easy to spot imo. I would read several descriptions of Ne, if it doesnt absolutely jump out as something you are very reliant on... I would guess ENFJ The ENFP males I have known have...|||Wow! I can only imagine what you are going through between his actions and caring for him for 5 years! It sounds like he is the one completely in the wrong... please do not beat yourself up over it....|||Why thank you Nausus! We shall be good friends indeed! (the gift of cookie giving is one of my few requirements)|||Girl point of view -If you are a good friend and we are interested we will jump at the opportunity if you make a move -If we make an excuse saying I dont want to lose you as a friend = (in most...|||Antagonist this is exactly like one INTJ I know... he will shop and get a bunch of similar styled clothes all at once that last him several years... and shoes are shredded over time despite being...|||Clothing is custom, no labels. Nothing in his pockets but knives and lint. .... :laughing:|||What the hell??? Why wasnt I told cookies would be available?! VanW has been holding out on me :dry: Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay!.... and your precious cookies....|||+1 for me.. why restate what someone made pretty with dots and fractions?|||I would post my handwritting on here.... but then they might finally be able to pin me for all those unsolved crimes :shocked:|||I knew it! After all these years... I always wondered why dad was black and I wasnt. It all makes sense now!|||I conveniently let some things get out of sight out off my mind (read: things I dont want to do) On the other hand... if I feel guilt... its unwanted but tends to stick with me People (if I...|||Interesting... I have been lurking you for a few days... jk..........................................................?|||Ne comes out more when I am brainstorming , when I try to solve a problem involving creativity its like a switch get flipped and unrelated ideas about random things start streaming so I will write...|||Hello children?.......... Dad?|||Interesting thread! Has anyone seen the Motorcycle Diaries? I watched it not knowing the protagonist was Che and felt very moved by his character/compassion at the end they explained who he was. I...|||I become Jake Gyllenhall when I introvert. Is that normal?|||Impressive... I would give you gold for that... but I still dont know how... even a motha-effin' dog that can stand up and rest his motha-effin' paws can do it :frustrating:|||I started reading shadow's post on how INFJs and INFPs react under extreme stress Crazy Way to Choose Your Type (INFJ- dissociation) (INFP- masquerade) I followed a link to a book on the topic,...|||If I kind of like someone, but not completely I will be energetic and engaged- which comes off as very interested I think.. whoops If I REALLY like someone (and I mean hardcore) They will not...|||ENFP ENTJ, ESTP or ENTP|||ENTP Ne- Like a puzzle. You can see something very disconnected from another but realize exactly how the two are related. Ti- Take Ne and use Ti to make general principles from all the...|||Depends on the person. If I know they are kind of a space cadet about texts I dont think anything of it (one of my INFJ friends for example will reply after 2 days lol). Other than that everyone...|||Yes.... I start introverting when I am in a bad mood for this exact reason. What about movies?? I have no idea why but sad movies effect me hardcore lol! Must bring out the Fe in me :tongue: Of...|||How old were you when you tested ENFP? I tested ENFP back in highschool and looking back it is pretty easy to see where the F came from because I was on an emotional roller coaster as a 16 year old...|||I second that. It is like most people have a dam for their stream of emotion.... for us its dry then suddenly there is a flood and we have no idea what to do|||Emotionally unstable extroverts..... Hmm... sounds an awful lot like the ENTP description.....|||Playing poker, watching the show PSYCH, and posting here.... oh and being cooked alive in my furnace of a room|||Woops sorry misworded. If we (ENTPs) are not careful we reveal too much (Warning for ENTPs :laughing: lol) I mean ENFJs are especially easy to open up to right away.. they just seem very trustworthy...|||That is one of the things I like initially about ENFJs they are very easy to open up too... but if you are not extremely careful we start to reveal more than we mean to :dry: Yes... up to a few...|||Easy things to appreciate :laughing:|||Hmmm... not an ISFP but I think I have this same thing. I get these really good feeling brain waves that start in the back of my head and run down my neck that are triggered by certain sounds and...|||Its like when you are trying to remember a name of a person/song/movie/etc. and you cant figure it out so you dwell on it for days wreaking your brain to figure it out. That is essentially what he is...|||Hmmm... ISFPs describe yourself in your own words. How would I recognise an ISFP male? Where are you most of the time? I think I might know one... but not sure :/|||No no no... there is no sign-up. That removes the element of surprise! One day you will be walking down the street when you hear the song Nirvana- Rape Me that Shadow posted along with the sound of...|||enigmatic... like in poker, its no fun if everyone shows their cards... you can never tell what the INFPs really have|||Hello I havent introduced myself yet but started reading the nebbies thread and saw 11. Only rape your friends. 19. It's nice if you write an Intro thread to tell us about who are, what you...|||Hmmm... I read that people view fast talkers as having higher than average intelligence... so I guess there are some pros ;)|||She should be happy you didnt stick with starving artist Psychology and Marketing|||Likes: Denny Crane|||I love life in general... there are so many possibilities... Just got out of a break up and after a few days of brooding I have that feeling you get when you finally get over being sick and you...|||I love infjs. At first there is that challenge because they seem to be so guarded and shy but what they do reveal is absolutely hilarious and insightful. Then the ENTP begins the challenge of...|||Haha yes we do like a challenge in the beginning :wink: (not mind games, just keep us interested. All the infps I know can do this to me without even trying) To elaborate... it is not pushy if...|||From a female ENTP 1- Dated an ENFP, it was fun but he was hyper even for me :confused: Think an infp would be great but I could see myself inadvertently hurting their feelings, them feeling...'
'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxZuq57_bYM&feature=related|||i vividly remember the last fist fight i was in and 'im struck by how rational i was in determining my strategy. i got got jumped by 3 guys coming home from the gym. the problem was that i had...|||its funny ia had the exact opposite experiance about 6 months ago and came to a similar conclusion: i went to a shop near my job on my lunch break. i told the lady cutting my hair i just got back...|||blazing saddles, Dr. strangelove, The big Labowski and monty python. this isn't a movie but a great clip! YouTube - Monty Python - Argument Clinic|||YouTube - Beethoven - Piano Sonata No.23 Appassionata 1st mov - Daniel Barenboim|||a roth is a type of retirement account that is available in the united states. retirement accounts are either taxed when the money is deposited or withdrawn. a roth taxes the money when it's coming...|||i'm cool with small talk; i see it's purpose. in mental health there is this concept of listening with your third ear or listening for what is being implied or listening for themes. small talk is...|||theres a movie called paycheck that i really liked.|||oh thats right lol. i was talking to a friend of mine about the colts and got mixed up. :blushed:|||we are more animals than we think we are.|||any scary one you'd like to share? i'll start aubade!!!!!!! YouTube - Aubade read by Philip Larkin|||no at all. im real layed back so i usually let other people talk. i'm the cup, they are the coffee. i developed that skill working in mental health for many years. i can do some jedi mind tricks...|||sorry about dallas clark; that dude was brady's security blanket.|||the last dragon, butch cassedy n the sundance kid and suspicion|||NAS- illmatic biggie- life after death a tribe called quest- low end theory|||i'm closed minded but only cause i don't want crap to fall out. has anyone said that yet? if they have i apologize|||i loved ochem. it was one of the funnest upper division classes i took. on labs: i thought about it like cooking. in order to get to an end product you have to do a set number of steps like a...|||i'd say hard work. aside from that i imagine getting an intuative understanding of what is going on. math is funny in that it starts easy gets really hard then gets really easy again. have patience...|||sometimes i make odd analogies when i tutor. using moles is like trying to sell sandwiches. i have an odd sense of humor. iremember the other day i was texting this girl how i was gonna become...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZL4afmwwbg|||i would say give them a lot of freedom to learn things. you do have to instill good behavior in them but as far as figuring out the world it's best to sit back and let them do it on their own (with...|||i watched that one some time ago. the movie ended at 11:48. 11+4=15, 15+8=23!|||i would say opening a roth ira. let the power of compounding interest work for you.|||i used to be cold when i was younger. i still am, but i used to too. (mitch headberg but he was talking about being a drug addict) i'm not as bad as i was though. i work in mental health so i've...|||Be helpless, dumbfounded, Unable to say yes or no. Then a stretcher will come from grace to gather us up. We are too dull-eyed to see that beauty. If we say we can, wex92re lying. If we...|||yo mama's so fat she jumped in the air and got stuck.|||pee in his milk.|||i imagine that if you're being treated by a physician there's no reason why not. working in a werehouse would involve lifting and moving which would raise your BP; it depends on the severety and...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du_YaEXVv2Y&feature=related|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ljR-yVDvGM|||wake up it's a beautiful morning! hurry, while the sun is still shining! wake up would you like to go with me? honey, take a run down to the beach|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yVQeLirfIg|||one thing i love about being mexican is that you hardly ever see one just ask for money; like their need is reason enough to give it to them. they sell oranges or roses or offer to move your...|||1. ipod 2. iphone 3. chess set 4. anatomy & physiology text book 5. Luxor pen|||zero 7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tnnpk-B26SA&feature=related belle n that one guy... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxzMR2F3bRo anything by gene ammons ...|||then we came to the end by joshua ferris. just started it but its really funny! it's kind of like office space in a book so far.|||love alicia, think jay-z F'ed it up though. YouTube - Jay-Z and Alicia Keys [HQ] -- Empire State of Mind (In New York) makes me wanna visit again|||YouTube - Art Of Noise - Moments in love YouTube - 01. Sade - By Your Side|||no devils advocates yet? usually the professors let you know up front how his test are gonna run. they will usually say focus on the text book or focus on my lecture. it sounds like he is a...|||about a week ago i was at the gas station. i filled up and returned to the counter for my change. sorry no more money the lady there said as a joke. i replied i voted for obama lady; wheres my...|||i think fad words are funny. sustainable and organic are fun. people use them so much they lose their meaning (i.e. dirt is sustainable and organic). a sub category are new age sales terms:...|||i see nothing worng with polishing jewelry. i think the problem is intent. are you behaving in a way unnatural for you in order to be liked? or are you trying to better yourself for your own sake?|||i like football and basketball. can't stand soccer though.|||5'10. it's a good hight. i wish i was 6'1 maybe. i would have made a great college point guard. i used to have a killer cross over. i like ladies who are shorter than me. i think its a...|||i used to argue a lot but it's no fun being an a-hole in the long run. i still catch myself correcting people or going on about the origin of some term (dressed to the nines, dork) but ive really...|||i remember being 6 or 7 and convincing a girl that if you travel far enough into space there is a place where there is daylight in half the sky and night time in the other half.|||i wanted to vote for tragedies but wasn't an option. like cronicas, requiem for a dream, and habla con ella. drama was the closest thing|||i went to concert with my mom a year ago. marco antonio solis. i had bought her 2 really good seats, vip parking the special lounge area with free food, and gambling before the show; the works. i got...|||this story happened about 10 years ago. i was stationed in virginia; which is part of the bible belt. at the time i got really interested in st. thomas aquinas. i decided to go buy a book on him...|||Some things in life are bad They can really make you mad Other things just make you swear and curse. When you're chewing on life's gristle Don't grumble, give a whistle And this'll help things...'
'My humour is primarily driven by my quick wit, its usually dark and mean and people seem to like it... I've always been told I'm funny by those that know me well but I've never tried to get people to...|||I don't understand how I was Judging you I only said that you may be unaware of I didn't assume you didn't know, I was only pointing out that your gif reply made no sense, and you added no...|||All cooking is chemistry... What is a recipe if not a formula??? Too much - not enough - just enough Heat can change the chemical composition of plants, animal flesh, and by-products into something...|||I have slow reflexes. :tongue: :) I would have to argue the younger generation a little, I cook, My sister's(28) a chef, and almost all my girlfriends can cook and do it well, and my guy friends...|||hahahahaha Dating is positively Orwellian for us all, sugar... I promise you guys don't have the market cornered on I know he said but what the hell does it mean???? But in general, you make some...|||It sound's like he liked you very much... Yes, contrary to what you may have heard, we are only human... But I wouldn't assume he was lying to you. Possibly but it's not likely......|||Although there is some psychological evidence of the masculine and feminine stereotypes being preferred by the opposite sex on an almost subconscious level in just about everyone, it comes from an...|||See that's exactly what I would do if I had his IRL address, but I don't... and it would be weird to ask for it right now imo.... But great idea, thanks! :D Maybe I can do the playlist thing...|||See that's what I don't want to do, I don't want to make it about me I just don't know what's going to be better for him, me just leaving it alone or trying to reach out, I mean what if no one else...|||Two for me as well one that lasted weeks and one months(so far), and a hand full of dates that went nowhere, no random hookups(not my style)... I've sort of got a I don't need anyone else so you...|||:) Face blindness or Prosopagnosia is the opposite of super recognizing, where people are so bad with faces that they forget the faces of close friends, loved ones and sometimes even...|||No he didn't ask for help he just suddenly withdrew and like I said seemed to think he was a burden so I'm lost, I don't want to just be like Bye Felicia because he is going through something but...|||Has anyone heard of this? Basically, you have facial recognition software in your brain and some of us have the top notch software and others not so much... I was wondering how INTJ fair on this...|||Posted this in the INFJ area but thought I would get my own types opinions as well... Hello, So I have been talking to a really great INFJ guy for two months but about two weeks ago he went...|||Hello, So I have been talking to a really great INFJ guy for two months but about two weeks ago he went MIA. I gave him a full week with a couple What's up texts that he didn't reply too...|||Help me, please! The male INFJ I've been talking to for a month is definitely flirty but we live in TX and GA USA and he knew this from the start. So if we had a relationship it would have to be...|||Do you INFJ guys throw around terms of endearment? I've been talking to an INFJ guy for about a month and he has been calling me My lady and My Darling lately. I don't throw terms of endearment...|||Where do INFJ/ENFJ men hang out in real life? Any tips on spotting one in the wild? I seem to have this fantasy like idea about what INFJ/ENFJ men are like in person and I need to meet one to help me...|||Where do INFJ/ENFJ men hang out in real life? Any tips on spotting one in the wild? I seem to have this fantasy like idea about what INFJ/ENFJ men are like in person and I need to meet one to help me...|||Well since it's a spectrum you can have some wiggle room... Like for me the J and P are the closest, I got like 60%J-40%P so that's close and I feel it makes me a little more flexible, My I and N...|||Yes, me too! I love Will and Hannibal together, and really wish it could play out that way... As long as I get to come along as a voyeur... Also, I think you and I may be in the wrong thread for...|||Ok so my next door neighbor has known Hillary since college, she is an older lady, nice, but I don't know her all that well, and with our schedules I haven't had many chances to talk to her but I am...|||Personally, How I feel about Hilary being an INTJ is that I don't think she is one. And if she is then I think she is not a particularly intelligent one, and she would make a poor representation of...|||515714It's almost a smile ;P|||I completely agree! Who said INTJ aren't romantics! ;)|||ENFP for friendship and platonic relationships and INFP for romance... But they are both awesome :)|||I think like most things about romance and INTJ our level of passion is underestimated/disregarded. We may not wear it on our sleeves or just give it to everyone, but when we love and share...|||I feel bad for him, Why should he have to feel compelled to change just because you want it? He is who you wanted for what 10-12 years? Then you change and so must he? That's very unfair to expect...|||Love languages aren't always directly related to mbti... I want someone I can be completely myself with, yes, who doesn't? But If I love someone I have no trouble learning new things to help our...|||Hmm, ok... So I have no desire to be attractive to people. However when I was about 14 and constantly in trouble for upsetting my peers with logic and honesty because apparently teens can't handle...|||Not really... As his work is obsolete and has been widely invalidated I see no reason to waste time delving into it when whatever of his work that still holds validity is quoted or incorporated into...|||My mom is a ESFJ, I have dealt with how different their thinking is from the INTJ my entire life... I think you can find common ground, it is possible, however, it is not an easy thing and if she was...|||This is my happy face 366274|||Harhar... I meant how do I get the feeling of having a crush on someone to go away, not the person. He invited himself over. He said he works for DOD and that he would be working...|||Thanks, its pretty much my favorite quote of all time. :) I like yours as well.|||I edited it just for you. :tongue:|||I dyed my hair dark... I got sick of the ginger jokes.108714|||Ok... I'm a female INTJ and I have never had any interest in pursuing a relationship as I have always felt that A.) Most people I meet are dumb and B.) I am very disinterested in dealing...|||Some metal is ok I guess, but it's not really my thing...|||I just came across this on the Myers briggs website, it's Disney personality types... Myers Briggs 16 Personality Types|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_siYfZDh5w|||I have a shih tzu,(Teddy) a rescue mutt,(Sunny) and black cat(Fig Newton)... My parents have two cats (Oreo and Chocolate chip) that have been part of the family since I was little, so they are...|||I would say I fall into both The Lurker and The Artist categories pretty well... My INTJ Father is definitely more of The Scholar...|||I don't consider killing any particular persons, but when I see a film or read something about a situation where violence and killing seem necessary I often contemplate how I would handle the...|||Agreed... I had a situation like this once that started with a cold kitten and ended badly for me... O_o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DxlOWVVQWE This made me chuckle... Reminds me of...|||I can't be sure, I've never really heard much about this. I believe I register things differently than most, I've definitely smelled music and heard painting but I assumed that was my very vivid...|||I have seen the thread that you are referring to and I don't see any real evidence either way, as of yet. It looks like it hasn't gotten into the actual subject matter much with one INTJ bent on...|||Hmmm... Interesting. Is there perhaps a particular thread, book, or article, I could read about this to further enlighten me? I can't see this being that much of an INTJ centric thing. I agree...|||I'm not affended, being INTJ is not a huge deal for me... I have teasted over 20 times both being given the test by professionals, and taking it in difforent forums, I get INTJ 65ish% of the time...|||I don't go to bars/clubs of my own free volition in general, I don't drink (much). So I usually get wrangled in as the DD... But I bring my kindle fire and a headset in my purse so that when my...'
'I do the same thing! Sometimes, I'll wake up out of my trance and forget where I am because of the deep thought I was in. Haha. (Especially when I'm on a long drive with no one to talk to.) It is...|||I have S tendencies... so that would make sense. I don't know much about S's but my N is always the one to score lower than the other functions. But my N is still rather high. I guess detached is...|||Honestly, I'm prefer neither. If I had to choose, I'd choose cats because they are less needy to fit my busy lifestyle. I tried having a dog... it didn't work out. Also for some reason, all dogs seem...|||You hit it right on the target! Bull's-eye for you, Nasmoe! :laughing:|||This is just freakin appalling! People like this disgust me. Can't people come up with their own sex/ masturbation ideas instead of buy a pink dildo from your Aunt Beatrix?!? All I have to say is......|||I've never known an INFJ in person but DANG! This thread makes me want to really get to know one :wink: Now, I'm on a mission.|||I don't really understand the meaning of this thread? It seems like a ENTJ roll call of some sorts. I can definitely say, without a shadow of a doubt I am an ENTJ. Also, to answer your question of...|||I'm not going to lie, I do have a tendency to have a temper. But usually I just get mad whenever something doesn't make sense to me, or someone is being illogical or stupid. I find it's mostly the...|||I can say that I can't remember a time when I didn't act like an ENTJ. My parents always had trouble with me because, in all honesty, I was smarter than them. (And they'd totally admit it.) I would...|||I voted 1. My father died. It's almost been a year. We didn't really have much of a relationship... but near the end, it was getting a lot better. More of a 2 or 3, but the majority of my life... it...|||I can be a mess. My friends used to tell me I live like a bachelor. (I've gotten way better though!) The inside of my car is also a horrible mess. It's because I focus so much on everything else...|||Wow... That's cruel McFly. lol.|||I have a really hard time with navigation. It's like a mental retardation or something... I get lost everywhere and anywhere! Unless I have a map, directions, or a GPS I will almost certainly get...|||hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Roflmao!!!!!!!!!!|||I relate to this so much it's awesome! :crazy:|||Funny story pertaining to this thread.... Me and my sister (whose an INTP) were looking at the ENTJ's forum, we were casually reading the different forums and she was making fun of me and kept saying...|||That would be awesome!!! :laughing:|||It seems like we are tied between the INTJ's and the ENTJ's... for now... Hehe. :wink:|||I agree and vote yes to that specific ENTJ getting their face fed to the alligator. If nothing else but to entertain me! I'm kidding... well... kind of... Hehe. I'm glad to be one of the nice...|||Well... I realized that I was talking about ENFP's... I don't think I know anyone whose an ENTP (that I know of). Otherwise I would be very happy to oblige on criticism, but unfortetley I can't. I'm...|||Wow... I totally got ENFP and ENTP confused... Nevermind... I don't know any ENTP's personally. Sorry about that. I should really learn how to read!|||First of all, I can say from personal experience that those Personality Tests they make you take in Pysch Class are crap! Most of the people who claimed to get an ENTJ typing in the class were very...|||Obviously! Hehe.|||True, but I'm from Texas. It's happening here already. I'd rather save my state than yours any day. :tongue: But the latter suggestion sounds efficient enough for a casual drop-in. Haha... But only...|||Aha! Okay, I see. I totally twisted that into my own little conversation there. You're right then. If you guys had both agree on it, then there's no reason he should react negatively. Sorry about my...|||SO TRUE! Heh.|||Well... if it was clearly his steak, then I don't see the logic in saying Whose steak is this, anyways? It's obviously his, right? So why have you declared it as yours? Am I not understanding the...|||Thank you for the compliment. Beaches AND attractive males! That sounds ideal! Is this an invitation, Abstract? :wink: But on a serious note, how could I use my productivity in Florida? Any...|||I focus on my weaknesses consistently and everyday... I'm constantly trying to find ways to improve myself. Here are a few things I could think of off the top of my head. Weakness #1- I'm very...|||This literally made me smile, smiley! :laughing:|||You may be right. I guess the specific name calling only pertains to me? When they say it, they usually mean to hurt my feelings. All my family and friends are F's and P's so they don't really...|||I LOVE their spontaneous ideas!!!! Because of the fact that I literally have NO spontaneous bone in my body, I rely on my ENTP friends to do that for me :happy: Also, they greatly inspire me. I call...|||YES!!! Grrr... I have to be honest, this would REALLY get to me!!! It's like the most annoying thing someone can do to me. My INFP best friend does this to me all the time when she knows I'm in one...|||Yeah. I understand what you mean. But I thought INTJ's and ENTJ's were like Yin and Yang. Because Yin is the positive side and Yang is the Negative, from what I remember about the definition. So......|||I am not an agnostic or an atheist. Even though it goes very much against my personality type, I'm a Christian. I use to be an Atheist, but for very logical and clear reasons (to me), I changed this....|||You didn't hurt my feelings. Haha! I just don't have anyone I know that's an INFJ. I have a feeling that I would like you guys though because all the ENTJ's on the forum have great things to say...|||This literally made me Laugh Out Loud!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I've heard this expression many times though about ENTJ's. Do you guys really compare us to robots? (Serious question)|||I think you're very right. But isn't it like that for every personality? We can all learn something for someone, right?|||I think that Tongue Tied is right. It's none of that persons business what your personal life is like if you are just coworkers no matter what his/ her personality is! ... But unfortunately,...|||When your nickname is anything having to do with various dictators. Mine is Hilter, nazi, Or Bonaparte... LOL!|||Love what you said, Abstract! I also vote ENTJ!!!|||I think the reason why I seem less apathetic is because it's online. I can express myself better when I'm not looking at the person. If you were here right now, I think you would see what I mean. I...|||What are you talking about!?! I love INFP's! People don't like ENTJ's either. We make people cry and are control freaks! LOL!|||HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! YES!!!! :laughing:|||I totally agree. And most people can't handle it... They're weak. :crazy:|||Well despite the fact that I have two very close and long time friends who are ENFJ's, these are some things I read, envy and think are amazing... Here we go... A lot of what Benedox mentioned is...|||Even though I'm quite obviously not an INTJ... I'm going to reply to this thread. I love the arid climate. I currently live in Texas and it's okay... but Texas can get pretty dang humid. And I...|||Awe... Thank you!!! :blushed:|||Dang. You're so right!!! I am yet another countless victim of avatar stereotyping. Haha. Jk. :tongue: But seriously, I've never analyzed it like that. Thanks! I guess I'm more obvious then I think.|||I know... You're right :frustrating:'
'I am 24. I have had one relationship... it came out of nowhere and I think was me in a spot of desperation. it lasted 6 months until I broke it off because I finally realized I was trying to keep...|||I would say INFJs are very stereotypical introverts in that we really need our alone time and only have a small circle of acquaintances. (I can count my friends on one hand) That being said we can...|||As a 24 y/o INFJ male I would say you are not door slammed at all. You have to make us mad or despise you to get door slammed, it does not appear you have done that. I am terrible at making a move or...|||Hospitality management INFJ not the right job for me at all... but it pays the bills. I'd rather do something like environmental science or teaching/ helping people.|||I am a Housekeeping Manager. . . not that.|||I am Vegan now, so I would say I like my steak on the cow in a field mooing joyfully, but before I was a Vegan I prefered it medium-rare to rare.|||Do you test really high on introversion when you take the test. My introversion percentage is only moderately introverted. not to mention everybody is different and nobody fits a type perfectly...|||It would be fun to see what you make of this. :) what do they say about people who has 0 consitency about the way letters and numbers are formed? ...|||I would say that is relatively correct. Most people who know me but are not close to me think I am an extravert. I generally describe myself to people as a social introvert. Though I am social in a...|||I have, in part, given up on understanding anything. Instead I have moved onto exploring things and learning everything I can about them. It doesn't matter what the answer is, what matters is to...|||I have one on a girl that I have had for literally 10 years and I am 22 now... kinda pathetic right? It is just not possible as we live a thousand miles apart and our lives are going separate...|||currently 0 though I have about 5 people that I am friends with on some level. And maybe 15 acquaintances.|||Money can buy some sense of security which security enables happiness. So indirectly money can buy happiness. there was a study that showed that after 75k a year you no longer gain happiness from the...|||Hospitality Management major, Housekeeping manager|||There is a form of meditation which revolves around a similar concept. To make a very complex matter simple I will put it like this. As you meditate you don't stop your mind from thinking as most...|||welcome to the forums and yay INFJs!!! lol|||oldest of two|||la_revolucion I would go off on my teachers too! LOL I remeber one day, I can't believe I didn't get in any trouble, in 6th grade where I got my grade from my teacher and I was not at all happy with...|||That is better put than I said, I should have said outwardly calm. Inside i'm cussing up a storm and punching the wall. lol|||That is scary such a random list to have so many similarities on and the also lack of follow through on them. When I was a kid my mom joked that I had a list of jobs I wanted that was 1000 pages...|||This is SO TOTALLY me. It kind of goes back to my renaissance man ness of myself. I want to learn about a lot of subjects and I do but I never get very far into any of them. I will learn enough...|||How calm are you? When I was a kid I was very not calm. I was easily irritated and would pitch a fit like nobody's business. In high school I changed completely and now that I am in a career I am...|||No I would not like myself. I am really judgmental. I make ridiculous jokes that just drive some people nuts. And I am just really difficult to understand and I can be standoffish in friendships.|||This is my exact sentiment. Some day I CRAVE being the best drummer in the world but then I remember that while I am not the best I can probably repair a plumbing leak, bake a cake, and tell the...|||You know what, thank you! I think you hit the nail on the head for me. I do care that I am understood but I think over all sometimes I just don't and it shows. It is a slippery slope to slide down. I...|||I guess being called a Renaissance Man in jest by many people I know might hint at me being a bit of a polymath . Though I don't really think of myself as that, I just call myself a jack of all...|||I hate grammar!!! I know proper grammar and I did really well in school, but I really really really struggle with applying it in everyday life. I am a bit of a grammar freak but I never use proper...|||I love it. Literally anything baking, welding, painting, building computers, building sound systems, sewing, cooking, you name it if its hands on I love it. I had a long talk with my career counselor...|||DeepDownImShallow Great post! Reminds me of my metal thread I started. Love how it relates so well to this post, and a fantastic group at that.|||I hate television. I used to watch more than four hours a day in high school when I lived with my parents who had a TV. I never enjoyed it though. It was just something to do. I got to the point...|||Hi guys and gals, I am wondering what your all thoughts are on technology and staying updated with it. I have a hand-me-down smart phone, no TV, and I don't want the newest and best anything......|||I started driving on farm land when I was 10. So I don't really remember to much of how it was. That being said I still hate driving to this day. I am completely comfortable driving I just don't...|||I actually want to get good at it. I hear it can really help you. I don't know maybe when i'm older.. As a way of life, I can actually respect that. Just don't know if its right for me.|||This is just my view on this and total speculation I hope i'm not going off the deep end here. I believe that was her form of protection. It is safe to hide behind books and logic and until she meets...|||stormelc we need somebody else on your side I feel like we are teaming up on you:-p I have very limited interactions with people if I can help it. I find it a bit of a flaw in myself. I want to...|||I am on the fence with this I love meditating but if this gives you any indication I do not do it on a regular basis at all. I actually freaked myself out once meditating. I hated it and didn't...|||red means no LOL yellow means sort of (as in probably yes but I am denying it) green means abosofreakinlutley Black means yes but not a defining trait.|||Yes that! oh if you could as my roommates about my arguments. They think I am off my rocker because I have such bold statements and fantastic ideas, but I can't back them up in a way that they...|||No don't feel sorry! This is fun! I like the discussion and if I appose your view point it is because I think all angles need to be discussed/ explored. While I agree with you that you can't type...|||@Perspicacious I Do have to agree sadly. Sexism and several other non desirable traits do tend to be rampant in the Metal community. I think that while Metal heads are a tight knit community there is...|||I can be dark but I have never been close to goth. I tend to internalize my own emotions and don't wear them on my sleeves for the whole world to see. I think Goths tend to be more sensing types and...|||I'm sure their is but I don't know who, if I tell the wrong person I might as well just have a meeting with the whole team. I personally feel he is an ISFP but not so according to him. He apparently...|||Well to add to my story of why I started listening to Metal was that in my sophomore year of high school I was in marching band and indoor drum line Our Drum line instructor was a guy by the name of...|||I am an INFJ yet I am very logical and will stand up for something I am passionate about to the point of absurdity. While I use logic, I arrive at logic through use of my Ni if that makes any sense....|||INFJ Gryffindor! (every time I say it I say it like the sorting hat)|||shadowkissed not to derail the thread too much but Hermy where Hagger? warms my heart to no measure. It is probably one of the most touching parts in the book for me. There is so much emotion in...|||shadowkissed I am with you! Hermy one of us! She is what made me love the series...|||Sorry for seeming to quote everybody but you all make good points and have good thoughts! I don the same. Metal is a destresser for me. If I get worried or worked up metal seems to calm me down...|||I hear people say that all of the time. I agree there are bands that I can't understand the singer but its mostly Metalcore or screamo. Truth be told I can tell you what most bands are saying for...|||Well I used Death Metal to be more universal but I actually have several types that I am in love with, Doom Metal, Folk Metal, Power, viking metal, thrash, and others. Basically the more powerful and...'
'I have many social screw ups. None of them funny though, mostly mentally traumatizing.|||Our talents are probably used more in the real world, and not these forums of trolling fun. Put all these minds together in a semi-anonymous online place and it quickly turns into trolling and...|||I would like a rainbow colored cat wearing a fedora. My expectations are high.|||I just got back from a trip to the outside. During said trip, I was disturbed by a screaming toddler complaining about something. Thing sounded like a banshee. Lawd, I confess my sin of wanting...|||Not knowing what to do and having no concrete goals is all part of adulthood. None of us really know what we're doing or why. Some wing it and others get lucky and works towards something they like...|||I only find weight lifting somewhat tolerable/enjoyable and I try to stay on a routine. I cannot stand cardio (i.e. gasping for air and feeling like I'm about to die).|||How did you not include the mystery of Goofy being a human-like dog, and Pluto being a dog and acting the part? But when I was younger, I never deeply thought about cartoons. Now, I'm a bit...|||Me when the sun is blasting down sunshine and heat: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ab/c9/1d/abc91d7e2452f806a185c3756901875b.jpg I burn easily due to my lack of melanin, so the sun...|||Anhedonic person chiming in: Nothing. My non-depressing answer: I feel a bit more content when I'm just discussing random things with people I prefer to be around.|||I decided years ago that the meaning of life is to find that which makes you not want to die (i.e. finding things that are meaningful to you for whatever reason). That or we're just here to...|||I prefer a bit of overcast and clouds because then I don't burn under the blistering sun. And the lighting tends to be more cooler, which I like better than reflecting golden sunshine rays.|||My thanks received and thanks given ratio isn't 1:1 and that bothers me.|||529594 For those who remember me, I changed a lot. I tried to smile.|||I was that quiet kid who the teachers would pair up with the overly talkative kid to get them to shut up. Sooo, nope, I've never been seen as hyperactive when talking. I do get excited when talking...|||Blade&Soul and Limbo. Limbo is the most dreary looking game and its puzzles are frustrating as heck. I love it!|||As a youngun, I wanted to be an accountant because I loved math and balancing my mom's checkbook. Now I have no idea what I want to do with my life and I see a dismal future if I don't decide.|||Week 2 of boyfriend's bmt training and I don't know what to do with myself anymore. But apparently even the most emotionally frigid of people can break down during these 2 weeks, so that makes me...|||Ayyyoo someone remembered me. Now I feel all special and stuff. I like how it's unsurprising that my last post was cat related. Now I'm obligated to leave this here: ...|||I completely approve of this thread. These are my furry children: First up, Muffin (aka Mr. Moose, Muffikins, Moosh, Moo-Moo) 202410 He could stare into your soul. And I'm sure this is the...|||We have too many stickied threads.|||http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/268/d/e/masked_by_ablysmal-d80hec3.png This was so fun to make and I'm so proud! I was inspired by a short story that my friend wrote: Forewarn Masked...|||My mom self-identifies as a Mormon, and she tried to instill their beliefs onto me and my sister when we were younger. She failed. But, to this day, I don't eat or drink many things with caffeine....|||I've been rather obsessed with fitness and health lately. I'm on week 5 of weight training, I've been eating healthier (god I miss donuts and sugary goodness!), and I feel so accomplished. Most of...|||Oh god. Steinbeck. His works are overrated, imo. I wanted to use Little Women as kindling. There is this other book that I fail to recall the title of. It was about a big house that people thought...|||When you find yourself trying to convince yourself that you're not in love. Oh... Oh god no. It can't be!|||I've been having weird ideas of how I'm going to die. For some reason, I think it'll be in a car accident caused by a stupid teen who was texting while driving. My repulsion of the modern yolosweg,...|||For an indecisive person who likes to investigate everything before coming to a conclusion or decision, having a plethora of options is confusion and anxiety inducing. I doubt I would be happy if my...|||Actually, you can drive around 16, and 21 is the drinking age. The prestige that is associated with turning 18 is just an illusion. And whoever still wants to be an adult and mature by then is...|||#WhyNotCapitalizeYourWordsToMakeItEasierToRead #HashBrownSelfie|||I don't know about you guys, but I'm not the calling type. I'm good going a few days, or lifetime, without a call. Not gonna lie, it stresses me out when someone calls me because then that means I am...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsbWU8ElMbg|||I've never felt the desire or need to procreate, and I doubt I ever will. I would feel bad for passing on my genes and cursing that poor life anyway. This is an accurate representation of my...|||I tried to become a cat person, but the genetic engineering technology is lacking. I do really love cats though. I wish I could hug every cat, but I can't and that makes me very sad because there are...|||It bothers me when I see an interesting symbol and don't know its exact meaning. With that said, Fluff, your avatar, symbol thing really intrigues me and I need to know if it has a meaning!|||I laughed at the punishment from the OP. Memorizing capitals, the torture! I'm not sure whether forced learning is good, or a tragic start to a child's life of seeing learning as abuse. Well, I'm...|||The only toy I remember that I liked was this little penguin stand thing with rings that made the body. I have no idea why 4/5 year old Ablysmal had such an affinity for the penguin. Other than that,...|||Did I just reread this entire thread? Yes, yes I did. It actually seems weird how this took place about a year ago. Oh the nostalgia. And my contribution to the thread: I like all the old members...|||I really like that final analogy there. People don't seem to understand that issues can be present prior to whatever form of substance usage. You're right about most of what you posted, but you sort...|||Technically, addiction means psychological or physiological dependence on a substance. So it is a form of addiction. And if people who are addicted are reasons for the illegality of weed, then the...|||I like to think that everything happens for you to learn something, so yes I suppose.|||I can't believe I read the entire post. I commend you for making paragraphs instead of the Wall O' Text, and for sharing such experiences. Wowzers, this should be turned into a book. I don't know...|||The truth spoken in this video had me crying from hilarity and despair for the current generation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgHCCbIGuIc|||Your life really seems to be on track. Good job, girl. The gods are smiling down on you. And welcome back. :happy:|||Si is what ruined places, songs, smells, etc. for me because of associated memories and feelings. :dry: It does help with making random webs of connections between things though.|||I got INFJ as well.|||Nice to know I'm not the only one. This is relevant (#2 is highly likely for me): http://i.imgur.com/dVPVH.jpg|||What a coincidence that just the other day, I heard this gem. It must have been destined to go in this thread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90rHFreKjvs u200bKill me now.|||I just ruined it. You have been exorcised.|||Some pants for woman even have fake pockets. This I do not understand. Gosh dang I want real, functioning pockets, not fake seams that are just for show! :angry:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4Sn91t1V4g&amp;list=PLrEnWoR732-DN561GnxXKMlocLMc4v4jL&amp;index=3'
'I go to Scotland in a week! Very excited! Will be visiting a friend studying at the University of Edinburgh - we're taking a 1 wk. road trip all around the highlands, then spending another wk....|||Great, just another straw to add to the I'm a freak magnet pile: I have been spending the last few months in social withdrawal, regrouping and focusing on me... Just when I was feeling better...|||I dislike my sister's latest bf. He seems controlling - says things to her like, There is only one person in the world who cares about you more than anyone else - me. God forbid anything happens to...|||reisiger The word 'cake' is also of Viking/Old Norse origin, apparently. From 'kaka,' though we've changed it to cake.|||I'm sick of people always looking to me to provide them with direction, aid, whatever. I don't want to be woken up at 6am because you can't make concrete plans, have no alternate ideas, but you...|||Does horticulturist work?|||返事を待っている... 美しい夢?|||I wish to learn this too! There have been so many instances where I tried to rent a car overseas, only to be told they're fresh out of automatics with a disdainful look. One lady in France actually...|||Day 4 of my sister's nonstop bitch-fest. Nonstop screaming, getting pissed off at everything, jabbing fingers in people's faces, spewing invective for hours on end in her room... She really...|||I'm sitting here smelling faintly of chlorine from swimming. Love swimming/being in water. Hate the chemical stink. I wish pools didn't need chemicals............but I understand. Looks like I...|||I wasn't sure at first, so I decided to just ask. The latest guy, Pat, was gracious enough to tell me that he didn't like how I made him feel ignorant about his own job. He works in corporate tax...|||I'm not sure why my sister thinks it's okay to constantly talk down to me, take everything I say the wrong/in a negative way, and treat me like shit... but I'm not allowed to even ask her for...|||Speaking of online dating, I'm surprised by the number of guys I run across who are intimidated and secretly put off by a gal who's actually smart (book & street), and very inquisitive by nature....|||And today was going so well... My sister took the wrong train and ended up 2 stops before ours. She's screaming at me right now for not picking her up from the train station and telling her to...|||Why can't people be braver. Why are people so afraid of connecting, come what may? If we both feel something, and I reach out, why do you shy away?|||.|||My ex once made fun of me for being old-fashioned/almost quaint. So what? SUCK IT, LOSER.|||For me, it boils down to my friends thinking they know what I'm thinking, based on what they think they know about me. However, I never reveal all of myself, and people rarely ask or test for other...|||Give me HUGS! Or just touch me in a loving way. I don't mind if they can't seem to say lovey dovey words, but at least show me with your body!|||Signed up for the PADI Open Water Diver Certification. Here we go. When I'm done with that, I'll go for the advanced. NYC is a shit place to try to do this, but that's what VACATIONS are for!|||reisiger That was a fascinating and eye-opening wormhole you just sent me down. What a convoluted and crazy history the region and its peoples have. (I will never understand what drives people to...|||Traveler? Hehehe, Afrikaans is his first language. He grew up in Cape Town & Namibia. Thanks so much!|||Thanks. I love second and third party opinions - it's always good to have perspective since I'm SO BLIND. He's originally from South Africa, and seems to love living in Iceland (6 yrs. and...|||...........My friends want me to mail a note to the guy I liked in Iceland. They say I have nothing to lose, so why not? I agree that there's nothing much to lose...but I find myself feeling shy...|||I've been inspired lately to look into getting a scuba certification. I finally have the means ($) to actually get one without hurting the bank too much. Traveling and exploring eases my...|||I met a soul that seemed very much like mine in Iceland. I wish I had a chance to really get to know this person... It was just one of those moments of instant recognition, except your...|||Off to Iceland tomorrow, yay! Anyway, been trying out this online dating thing... and it's been total crap thus far. I have the kind of face that makes creeps want to jump out of the woodwork at...|||All my closest friends are INFPs! How did this happen? They drive me insane, but at the same time, for me, they make the best friends.|||I've been waiting 2 weeks so far, which is probably nothing, EXCEPT when you're the one waiting for the reply! (Nah nah, tamp down on the cray, b...) He goes on every day in the afternoon, because...|||Thanks for the list of possibilities! Made me laugh. Now, pulling my head out of my ass, I'd actually like to know how INTJs view online dating. Is it a necessary evil? What would drive you...|||Just hi, I like what I saw in the profile, and I'm interested. Meh, I'm not one to force interaction, but I really liked what I saw, and we appear to have very similar viewpoints/mindsets/etc.|||An INTJ 'liked' me first on a dating site, and I'm definitely interested. Sent a message, but no reply. What's up with that?|||There's an INTJ I see on OKC that I really want... I messaged, and no reply. Judging from what the INTJs say, it's going to be never or forever before any reply comes. My friends say I'm being...|||Crimson Ash Ah, thank you for answering. This is me now. I used to get stuck in the wormhole of What if...? but realized it was doing me no good. I need the question to be answered, despite...|||No, but I would love to. :kitteh:|||I went to the INTJ forums and it was... daunting. I find them... more vociferous than us. I guess it's that love of argument/debate.|||I have a preference for INXX, though INFPs sometimes annoy me. If I knew what the filter was, I would do it in a heartbeat. I've edited my profiles so many times just to see what would work, to...|||I find that I have this overwhelming need for privacy about many things, my love life being one of them. Anyway, despite that, I'm trying to overcome my fears about loss of privacy, and joined 2...|||Am I a friggin freak magnet?! Just trying to overcome my trepidation with regards to the loss of privacy caused by putting a shingle up on the online dating sites/apps... BUT, getting constant,...|||ientipi What if the INTP is the one who doesn't want to let go? Should they just be cut off?|||Told a friend I don't feel we're really friends anymore because so far it's been 90-95% upkeep from me, and only about 5-10% from them. This is a friend who won't speak to me unless they need...|||How do INTPs end friendships? Is it just pushing the other person away until they give up?|||Have been spending time getting over the INTP ex. Can't quite seem to divest myself fully of the pesky old feels and the last twinges of hurt - they keep cropping up from time to time. I'm usually so...|||The 2 friends I'm going to Spain with tomorrow haven't planned jack sht, and left it all to me. Wth? La la la - FACEPALM.|||One day I'm going to own my own place and the insulation/sound proofing in the walls will be thick so I can't hear anyone that doesn't live in there with me. I can hear the damn whistling from the...|||I usually chuckle when I'm somewhat amused, but when I truly find something funny, it's hearty (and apparently infectious) peals of unabashed ringing laughter.|||I'm taken for an extrovert if I'm around my friends, even if it's only one of them. I need familiar faces around and then everyone starts thinking I'm an extrovert. I was always super shy in...|||I finally have internet after a week of waiting. I swear... Verizon mostly hires fools for their service center.|||Ugh, I don't know how my sister can watch TV from the moment she wakes up until she sleeps, for days on end.|||No high hopes here! I'd like to finally meet someone a bit more spicy/caliente! I can't do vanilla for so very long.'
'A sense of urgency isnt something that is high up with intj's about upcomming dates and events. If the guy next to you got bit by a snake he would leap into action to make sure everything was under...|||Not a direct reply here to this guy but just highlighting what he said. Ask him directly and i do not joke. If he is INTJ he will give you a straight up answer if he has decided anything.|||Sup, fellow intj here Stereo Types are illogical and have no practical use in the world. Other then humor its useless. No need for formalities in a place like this since everyone here is pretty...|||Around my close group of friends i am pretty much 100% loose. Hell people could mistake me as a full on Extravert if all they see is how i act around my friends. Drinking and games + that feel when...|||So guys just now i have been speculating my behaviour for the last two months and i just realised i have been almost entirely extraverted then and its mainly because i learn't to just let loose at...|||First off im an intj and i use hairgell to spike up my hair because i literally look unapproachable unless i do it. My natural looks are below average. Reason i do this is because i like to study...|||Have you tried heavy rain? Its a great story that your actions can steer in which way it heads. Its 1 of 2 video games where i know your actions in it change its direction. You do have a bit of...|||I own a cardboard cover case on PS2 of it. I know:proud: Dam good it was. Ico was pretty good also.|||Slow pull huh? That explains a bit. But with the hobbit it just yanked me in after 20 pages.|||I was just sitting around thinking i should get off my butt and finish The fellowship of the ring as i am only half way but i can't get off the video games. Im not addicted in the sense i literally...|||1.) Genius: Definitely 2.) Psychopaths: Around my friends most of the time 3.) No Feelings: Oh i have them but i don't show them. I hate making decisions on feelings unless im talking to a chick i...|||I came out to one of my friends that im BI and what followed was a little silence, awkwardness then jokes and a shitload of them. Really i didn't find it hard at all and we just laughed at it. I was...|||Explain how marriage isnt just a contract that comes with benifits then. And also as i have pointed out tbe definition of marriage has broadened to allow gay couples also. Also there is no wife in a...|||What does biology have to do with marriage? Marriage as said before is a social contract. Doesn't have to be male/female only. Im sorry but what is the point your trying to prove here? If your...|||Quick IQ Test - Good Questions This thread is not to make fun or pick at others but i just want to see the highest and lowest iq's and get a idea what our collective iq is. This test takes little...|||Dictionary.com 1. a. the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc. Antonyms: separation. ...|||Dictionary.com 4. a protector or guardian. The free dictionary parent - definition of parent by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.1. One who begets, gives birth to, or...|||:crazy:My brothers and sisters, tonight we say good bye to to personality cafe 2.0 :crazy: and may we hope 3.0 will bring us even better times.:crazy: For my brief moment being in this...|||It is very stupid to deny people rights just over a preference. What if everyone liked black choclate and people that liked white instead were denied health care just because they like white?|||Thanks first off, Also there are benifits of blending into the crowd. While i do not share the bigot/biased beliefs of a normal society there are many benifits that can improve your life just by...|||Aw well. One of the reasons why i like facebook is im interested in studying how society works and not just the financial/political side of it. Mainly the social side. One day i may write a book on...|||I leave this thread for a week and a troll takes over...... @mordchablue So if i understand this because homosexuals cannot procreate they should be denied the right to be officially together?...|||I became interested in understanding how my friends socialize, what they reckon is morally and ethically right, how they structure there conversations etc and that is why i like facebook. Just click...|||Is that neal patrick harris? Those kids are gonna be pimps.|||Are you sure your an INTP? No offense to ESFP's but this sounds like them when they think they know what there talking about when there not. Oh and its impossible for homosexuality to be a disease....|||I suck at being social. For the past 4 months i have studied and observed my class mates and how they socialize but i still suck at it. Unless the person is slightly younger or older then me i can't...|||Even if you have protected sex can you still get aids?|||So next time im alone with them i tell them im Bi? Just like that? What happens after?|||Please explain how it is linked to anal sex. Could it not be as equally transmitted via vaginal intercourse?|||Is it possible for me to be a 4w5w9? They all match me so well. Also if i can have a description of this tri-types that would be good otherwise i am going to have to put off researching into tri...|||Alright this is not to start an arguement but i need insight on the whole gays = aids shit. As my understanding aids was brought to light when a string of gay men in america was dieing due to a...|||Crap posted in wrong thread with this................. and no delete button.......... hmmmm................ just skip this........|||Lol how i view them is that of a cute little curious puppy. You just want to help it and nurture it.|||Am i still INTJ that now i like when someone shows positive socialness towards me? I don't have my so what attitude anymore. Not sure if good or bad but i go back to my agressive intj state the...|||My head WONT STOP HURTING. I ate, drink and it WONT STOP. 3.5 litres of water 3 nutritinal planned meals and it wont stop to allow me to indulge in my personal study's. Oh and im feeling...|||*facepalm*|||INTJ and im a open agnostic. There is no evidence that says god is real but there is also none that say's he isn't and there is also the chance the evidence may surface one day and when that day...|||I cracked up laughing. I just want to stay friends with my friends. I got a homophobe, artist and a bro i guess you can call him. One has a GF, the bro is out hanging with other guys checking out...|||In todays world its hard to find a nice guy. My chances of getting with the kind of guy i want are lower then getting laid by a chick.|||That guy is pretty hot but so are those women. Hmmm i demand more pics for research|||Society with its close-mindedness, bigotry and ignorance makes me want to rage.|||It depends on what the intj has concluded about life really. I used to be such an asshole but with the study and interest in socioncs i can see how just putting on a smile could improve how much you...|||INTJ's do good also:sad:|||Ohhhhh...... Man i feel like a dick. :(|||Your logical fallacy is black-or-white I think Your logical fallacy is slippery slope may also be counted but im not sure. But he did use black and white.|||There are more then 2 ways. Your not considering other possibilities. There have been some where they just had no attraction to women even though they had no gay experiences in the past.|||Just wondering but do i owe it to some of my friends to tell them im bi? I have done lots of recent thinking and because of some recent events that will damage my reputation if i come out will it be...|||Its a possibility but don't assume this for all homo's. If this has ANY truth to it i will put my money on its a minority out of the gay population.|||Just to get a better understanding here when it comes to religion stuff your against but you harbor no ill attitude towards them personally? I mean are you aggressive if a known homosexual comes up...|||It makes me laugh when i see Christians being hypocrites. You speak of a all loving god who is accepting and that made everything yet you damn those that he makes. Are we not all made in his image?...'
'The ENTx fascination among INFJs seems to be as obsession experienced by the female of our type. I can't say that I share your love for the ENTJs, but it's wonderful that you've found fulfillment...|||To be fair, I think most Disney movies have some pretty weighty themes. Ol' Walt himself was a man troubled by serious demons of his own, and the iconic first five pictures he did were some heavy...|||It pains me to write this, but xSTJ parents are among the most difficult for INFJ kids to have. We simply aren't very well-equipped for their style of parenting, harsh and jarring as it can...|||Ah dont be likin them eye enn eff jays cuz thay aint got no bility to werk in tha crimnel justiss sistum.|||Because they're not ENTPs...|||No way, they're ISFPs all the way.|||No such boxers-or-briefs dichotomy exists among INFJs. Sociability in this temperament (as in all others) is informed by everything from our culture, to our life experiences, to our physical being. ...|||I'm kinda with you. Things can't go along for long without a shakeup of sorts.|||Yes, chronically. There's a sense of being alone that has plagued me from my earliest memories. I even remember seeking that out oat times, deliberately refusing to participate in family activities...|||She's likely wondering if she can really trust you with herself, her real self, the one she reveals only to her closest cohorts. ENTPs can come off as incredibly glib and unfeeling to INFJs. I...|||The best roommates are silence and a big stack of unread books. Otherwise, if you must cohabitate with mammals, get a shepherd dog and an orange cat.|||Wouldn't want to be a T-type, really. If I had to pick? Ah...maybe an ENTJ. I feel that sense of decisiveness very strongly, and I admire the visionary leader who can see beyond the reach of the...|||Lots of furtive stares, awkwardly transparent attempts at stalking, nervous exchanges, and dilated pupils. Honestly, if he's talking to you a lot and seems hopelessly awkward sometimes, he's...|||I don't know that you can trace this to any one function. I would say this relates directly to INFJness, given that this is the temperament that most readily practices inductive reasoning, that is,...|||No one allowed anything to happen. The supposition that WWII was allowed to happen implies both that people knew precisely the future result of the events in the late '30s and that they had the...|||The weirdness is what endears me to ISFPs.|||Great question. I lived my first 25 years or so flowing with the current of strongly S types who raised me and who were my friends in my youth. I put a great deal of effort into playing sports,...|||I have a lot of experience with this, and I will tell you, you cannot solve anything with an aggrieved ISFP until they're ready to dig into it with you. Silent treatment time is when they're mulling...|||I work in the biggest corporation of all, the U.S. government. I worked in private corporations at some point in the hazy past. Not sure which was worse...|||I will say that from my experience, ENTPs too often allow their egos to lead them in their interactions with others. ENTPs readily practice a whole array of the dark interpersonal arts, from...|||Oh absolutely! I use more gestures per minute than most people. I've had people tell me to tone it down, but mostly I get laudatory reviews for my public speaking. When we reach down deep, INFJs...|||Not well. Populations eventually reach the carrying capacity of their habitat. When this happens, a crash is imminent.|||Unique talents...hmmm...I don't know about unique, but I can barefoot waterski. It may be more crazy than unique, but anyhow, there it is. As far as sports goes, I love to play numerous sports...|||In my experiences these two types are quite easy to differentiate. The diversion between lead Fe and Ni is broad with far-reaching manifestations in real life.|||I love this. Feels like I haven't heard the term emotional vampire since watching some Winona Ryder movie in the '90s. I don't think there's any real issue here other than mismatched...|||Very loyal, but with a wandering mind, if not eye. Loyalty is actually my #1 most important virtue in a relationship. I will not parley with anyone who does not have my proverbial back to the...|||Experience has taught me that this is very true. The more one looks for satisfaction externally, the more one needs to find it within himself. My mom spent most of her life looking for the next...|||I think it's a bit reductionist, really. Hell, there are people who think that a temperament theory with 16 taxa is ridiculously narrow. In reality, the guys who get a lot of sex are the guys...|||No reason for you to get so upset. And for what it's worth, I may, in fact, be crazy, but don't blame drugs. I can't fucking stand drugs or addicts. Growing up with an alcoholic parent cured me of...|||Because Dave Keirsey, an ENTP, met and married an INFJ woman, and so consecrated their relationship as the pinnacle to which all mankind should aspire. Then he wrote a book that everyone read in...|||Yes, mostly negative ones. I don't think ENTPs are great matches for INFJ guys, at least not in my experience. I think INFJ guys are usually put off by ENTPs' need to show us that we're wrong, and...|||Yeah, culture has everything to do with our social experiences. American culture is miles away from Japan or Scandinavia as it concerns romantic interactions. Those are very soft cultures, whereas...|||I meant to add, regarding game, I'm not a believer in that, but guys wouldn't buy into it if it didn't work to some degree. You even said yourself that some of the INFJs you knew failed because...|||You must remember that the conundrum of Fe is that we care about our place in our social environment. We want to fit in to some degree, which doesn't make sense to strong Fi users. You all are much...|||The reality of being an INFJ male is that most of our experiences tell us that who we are is not masculine and certainly not attractive to women. This lesson is taught consistently throughout our...|||I agree with what you've written about INFJ issues with compatibility. Finding true understanding is the chore all INFx types face in relationships. But I don't think your faith in the broad appeal...|||I've never advocated dismissing people based on mbti type. But if one believes that mbti has merit--I'm guessing you do since you're here--then one must believe there are patterns that inflect...|||This is actually a tough match to make work, much tougher than it would seem on paper. That Fe-Fi tug-of-war can be brutal. Most strong Fi users come to see INFJs as being highly manipulative...|||If you honestly think that ISTJs are attracted in general to INFJs, then you don't understand either type at all. That much is clear. It's very obvious that you got upset that I disagreed, given...|||You got a bit hot over the fact that I disagreed with you, so I'd say you should take your own advice. Either way, I'm not interested in playing the dozens, I just wanted to have a discussion about...|||I can see that the INFJ guys you've met weren't the only immature parties in your relationships.|||There aren't many worse matches for INFJ guys than literal, no-bullshit ISTJs and Fi monsters like INFPs. I don't even think INTPs are a great romantic match, though they make fantastic intellectual...|||I'd say that, generally speaking, you're right. We aren't a first choice for anyone, but then, most types aren't. There isn't any big demand for curmudgeonly ISTJs, floaty INFPs, or chug-and-blow...|||Fe is really the way we interact with the world, because introverted intuition is so personal to us. After all, it's a unique view of the world that's privy to us and us alone. So Ni really does us...|||I keep to myself because I've come to the realization over time that I want no personal interaction with 99% of humanity. I doorslam when I've reached the end of my patience with someone, and I...|||I do love that program. Never miss it at the holidays. It's got this amazing combination of kitsch and philosophy that is so rare, the sentimental with the profound. That's certainly right in my...|||In my experience, if you aren't sure, then you're not INFJ. All the INFJs I've known first read the type description as though it were a blueprint to themselves. There are tons of mistyped INFJs...|||If you have strong Fe, you will notice flirtation very readily. The problem, I think, is that of cynicism when it comes to relationships. People are all so jaded now that they laugh at the very...|||I love it, too. We try to attend a Christmas chorale concert every year, and I'm constantly listening to my classic albums by Andy Williams, Tony Bennett, and Nat Cole. My only issue is that some...|||An INTP giving social advice to...anyone? Now that's a new one.'
'Life is a test. Intuition is the test score. No, I do not test others. There is NO need to test others... they test themselves. I simply am aware of others actions and the character that hey...|||Take each question individually, not as a list of options. (You can't, for example, jump in front of the train in Q4) Assume there will be an equal amount of death on the train no matter your...|||https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrB8pqe9yxWjDUAC1ounIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTIzNXNnc3ZnBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANjYTg3NDM1ODBjZjQzMTQ5MjgxY2U0MDVmM2E3MTk2ZgRncG9zAzYxBGl0A2Jpbmc-?.origin=&bac...|||Rolling Stones on Pandora|||I am awesome... (Candid grin) Anything else? No? Cool then we are done here. LoL :tongue:|||I'm interested in finding out what other INFJ's think about teaching as a career? Annie, I am studying to teach. Many of my friends in the past have been teachers and my sister is a teacher. My...|||Someone was talking about current cars that people own and the thought occurred to me that it would be great idea to ask about dream cars... First question, what is your no holds barred dream car,...|||Cherry red Subaru Legacy Outback 1999. Bought used and has low-ish mileage on it for the age. I believe other than the color (prefer not having a red car because of speeding tickets and definitely...|||What is your definition of love? Relationship where someone can come beside me and together we can improve upon each others weaknesses. Grow together... lust to me is that feeling of immediate...|||I would definitely choose the Rebel Alliance... oh wait that is Star Wars... Oops... None then, my bad.|||How I do not manage stress is with drugs and alcohol. So... how do I manage stress... it builds and builds and builds... eventually it either gets dealt with in my down time or I get to the place...|||Why INFJ typology abounds (in my humble opinion)... 1. When the INFJ types themselves it is like a lightbulb comes on... Since we feel understood, often for the first time (que Modonna), we...|||Find that I have to balance between self-contest, the idea of competing against myself (a healthy emotion), and placing too much weight on perfectionism. I have discovered that looking at life...|||I think that there is a certain possibility to strike back when you have experienced lots of pain. INFJ's are feelers we feel lots of emotion. Even INFJ's get emotional overload. Not too mention,...|||Anne Hathaway strikes me as the bad librarian type... sexy.|||Emma Stone Anne Hathaway Man crush on Clint Eastwood. When I get that old I want to exude that many manly qualities.|||Nope. Closer to Classical Liberal. With a bent towards what makes true sense being the go-to vote. Go with what works and forget the rest. Ben Carson said it best, If there was a party of...|||The other day, someone asked me, what kind of humor (I) have. What made me laugh. My response is, life makes me laugh. What does that mean? My humor is glib, I find the humor in...|||Liber - tar - ian.|||Then... Take them off! Be real. :rolleyes:|||Wow! looked at everyone's results. Surprised at how Right Brain dom it appears that I am. Not sure that I buy into the Right / Left Brain thing though. Need to do some research.|||Thank you for taking the Creativity Test. The results show your brain dominance as being: Left Brain Right Brain 36% 64% You are more right-brained than left-brained. The right side of your...|||About like this? :cool::wink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0uiCkY67Rg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfF4t9-wpCM|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybNPAsjqeco|||Que voice of Jack Sparrow... Why is the porn gone?... But why is the porn gone?|||Anne Hathaway has always struck me as the bad librarian type... sexy.|||Emma Stone Anne Hathaway Man crush on Clint Eastwood. When I get that old I want to exude that many manly qualities.|||Very interesting video. Recently, had a similar situation at my school. Am in Student Government and had an upcoming event the other day. Went to work getting everything ready. The...|||When we have over socialized and need to decompress. Then we would withdraw from the conversation every time. Also, when the conversation becomes too personal and we are not ready for it.|||Another day... Another song... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlIEoKg8ZQg|||When you can understand someone about two minutes after meeting them... True story.|||So... Just realized that I have had more posts recorded among INFJ's than have credit for overall. To remove a post someone has to have had a hissy fit. Wondering who yhis relates to... but felt...|||How do you cipher through your mystical abilities (intuitive abilities) long enough to provide a classification for everything male INFJness?|||From one fun-loving mystical creature to another fun-loving colorful and insightful mystical unicorn. (See: One INFJ to another INFJ.) Good job.|||And finally... This... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLV4_xaYynY|||And this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ_GgOysu6o|||This... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yyy4yaVwsv0|||1. The Godfather Part I 2. Silence of the Lambs 3. On The Waterfront 4. Cool Hand Luke 5. John Adams (HBO miniseries) 6. Gettysburg 7. Of God's and Generals 8. Star Wars Episodes IV, V, VI 9....|||Sexual Education with a dual major in Human Anatomy. ...Or something in History which is what I am actually studying for. (era Enlightenment period)|||If you see ten troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you. Calvin Coolidge You realize that the only wrong question is the one that you...|||You can usually find INFJ's in Never, Never Land or Camelot. We are mystical creatures created by a mixture of tears from legendary heroes and pixie's dust. Don't make too many loud noises...|||Not that it would be bad he relate with the female brain, but I can assure you my brain is masculine. Empathy and deep feelings do not mean that you are not male-minded. Nor does caring for others...|||Waves upon the Shore Eyes trace as far as can see, Motionless, I sit upon this shore. Wave upon wave lap endlessly; My heart soon forgets days of yore, Many have gone before. Waves lap as...|||Nice does not mean that you are a p***y. P*****s do not get women. Men who care about others are attractive to the opposite sex. Forget about the brown-nosing fake fools who try to be overly nice....|||Just my two cents worth, but... 1. Acting as though you need to be with the type of women that you like seems clingy. Only shallow women want clingy. 2. Are you a grown man? Not to be...|||My personal tastes lend to Moby amongst a few others.|||INFJ is most difficult to type. We are often miss-typed as INFP's or INTJ's. Reasons for this are: 1. INFJ's are the minority group of types (especially if you are male), 2. (many writings have...|||Correctly spelled words in threads. :tongue: Things similar to anyone else. Learning seems very important to me, other people (other personality types) I know don't care as much though. ...|||How do I deal with depression? It can be difficult, actually. A lot of people say that meet me say that I seem like a happy individual. Recently, a girl in my school said I smile all of the...'
'(Please excuse if it's rough around the edges, it just came out of me and I wrote it this last hour) When I look out in the world to find someone I'd like to be with, of course there's little...|||For me Ne is very funny and fun. Someone will be talking to me and Something happens, let's just say theres a rock on the floor, I kick it and then jump to the Rolling Stones, and then start...|||First off for anyone that reads his original post, though it may sound preachy it isn't his intentions and he is just sharing his experiences. Keep in mind OP, when you follow faith and a higher...|||I meant Peter pan as an example not as a reflection of maturity, that my life seems glamorous to everyone and those around me, and I do enjoy it and love it, it's my passion, but to never be able to...|||To explain further recently I have gone through traumatic incidents but was able to stay strong and take the steps necessary to heal everyone and remedy it, there's still a greater and much harder...|||She won't see a therapist, and I've talked to her about this many times. She says she wants my father back that won't give it a chance (I've talked to him asking to give a chance and says he doesn't...|||I came out just in time my mom was hanging herself and dangling, I was able to lift her up and get her down this happened last night, and I am so terrified and no one will help. My father just keeps...|||At first I was so conflicted to do so I just have never felt so weak before. If this makes any sense if I feel I'm not strong enough for myself I can not be strong enough for anyone else, if I can't...|||[QUOTE=yippy;107449] Now I am going to be very direct and perhaps a bit blunt. Stop this. You are destroying yourself. Essentially you are being too strong for your own good and in the long run this...|||Right now I'm having a hard time I'm always the one to be able to stay strong, never complain, and ever need help. I've become a very emotionally independent person over my life and this is the 2nd...|||So here are just a few example was curious if anyone else has this problem. Lately it has been happening more and more and there is two types I have and just wonder if anyone can relate to them...|||So me and this girl just reconnected again. We've known eachother for a really long time. We keep falling out of eachothers lives then reconnecting. We always have fun, I get all tied up and can't...|||MeasureYour score Relationship Avoidance:75.5 Relationship Anxiety:72.5 Attachment style:Fearful and Shy At this stage of your development in romantic relationships, you tend to be...|||95% of the time I just let it go and accept what happens never really cared about school didn't see it that important but if I was in your position and needed to control it (good chances I'd just let...|||Wouldn't want to be any other way I love me and all who I am ups and downs, must suck needing a reason for everything and being all normal. 😉😂 Also remember that's my point of view on it, doesn't...|||That right there is your problem, she is thinking a relationship is what you're after because of that. We build relationships off of people we connect with, the above post is a classic move I do...|||No, through my pain and suffering is when I appreciate the happiness. It's when I learn, it's a feeling I embrace and love depression is something I need to be happy. I also think I could never...|||For me it's the following. Shallow (What I find pretty on first sight) -blonde -green/blue eyes -slim (not skinny, but not big, bigger girls give me the impression they just don't care...|||Benny and joon Blow Big Fish Eternal sunshine for the spotless mind A knights tale Legends of the fall Meet joe black Troy Se7en|||Now same thing if you guys don't mind, I gave it a bit before responding, keep in mind I'm not trying to cross any boundaries and I'm being sincere in the questions I'm about to ask. If you don't...|||I love it, and yes sort of I mostly wanted to see how other people explained their days and what they highlighted if they were positive or negative things, if they realized that they were making...|||Now if you guys don't mind, I gave it a bit before responding, keep in mind I'm not trying to cross any boundaries and I'm being sincere in the questions I'm about to ask. If you don't want to answer...|||Awesome to see other people's point of views, we are the same yet because of Fi we are so different I love it. Thanks for that bit of more info.|||Don't worry you have stances, I think because you're extroverted you just adapt a little and don't get all jumpy about it. And don't worry about being aimless, life is an open sea and goals are...|||So I am doing something and bear with me as I want to try something out. So my day began early, I had a stressful call from my Boss saying that I am now promoted as the last person had quit,...|||I guess what I take from this the most is the whole friendship/companionship thing. I would love to have more connections with people, I feel alone a lot of the time which is okay but sometimes it...|||I welcome it, but never really initiate it. If it happens I'll be happy and accept it, but I'm not looking for it. Change is something that is always happening for me without noticing it and I'm...|||Hope the answers above helped if you got anymore questions don't hesitate if I can some how help, I'd love to.|||Well I think everyone's FI works differently, because of what they hold dear to them. Me personally I don't show emotion, I may show the occasional smile or laugh but that is the extent of it. I...|||Apathy is when you have finally get what you wanted. Loneliness.|||Thankfully I've been blessed with persevearance and the strength to fight my demons. I'm sorry for your circumstances, could never begin to understand your struggle, but I am ecstatic that you're...|||I'm sorry for that, I live in the real world to nothing but people stabbing each other in the back to get ahead of one another. I must admit, I admire you for being able to be open to a therapist....|||You're an INFP, you most of all should know that it is impossible to truly understand a person. You can understand enough to get an outline of everyone (even those more guarded) but you will never...|||Pulling from what I just posted over on a different thread, hope you guys love them as much as I love them.|||Such a beautiful song If I may be so bold could I just say something Come and make me my day The clouds around your soul don't gather there for nothing But I can chase them all away Why...|||That right there, all of that. And be prepared if you have an ounce of sympathy. I've gone through a relationship where I was consistently being texted she wanted to be with me but I never asked...|||100% fully agree, the internet has been turned into what the real world used to be, people being open, talking to each other, interested in each other, because on the internet you can find a place...|||Oh man I admire your friends, I couldn't further pursue school, just couldn't do it. Feels useless paying a lot of money for a useless class I'll never need. That's why I just took an internship and...|||Guess might be me looking for the best in people, maybe I'm just to close minded. I don't think I've ever not had a goal to strive for, or something about myself I can make better. I guess that is...|||Oh jeeze GUILTY I'll try my best to explain what happens to me. We are all talking in a group (Except me usually just listening and chiming in every once in a while) someone says Oh my...|||I can 100% relate to this without a doubt, a lot of my anguish was from actually believing the best in people instead of just seeing the possibility and their potential, leading to me hurting myself...|||When I have an upcoming major event I definitely rethink of any and everything relating to it that has happened to me in the past. I think it's the best way to learn how to deal with situations....|||Just really depends on the type of failure. If me barely passing classes is considered a failure to others, it's an achievement for me. I am not great at school and don't see it's use after 5-6th...|||So I always had these grand dreams, I still do in fact but I look at it in a different light I guess? I used to be optimistic all the time I still see the best in people but I have a different way to...|||I am the one who: Has 20 (unrelated) tabs open on my Internet and will go through a quarter of the article of whatever till I look up and see another tab's title then get lost into why I had that...|||Man thankfully I never really got caught up in my goals and achievements. Of course I have goals it's just I figure I'll get there just give me a minute as I go run off 3 miles in the furthest...|||How I could see myself doing it if I was to ever trust someone enough to divulge would be to bring up surface hints about it, if they seem intrigued and want to know more I'll dip in another toe very...|||I just started and deleted how I started like 6 times so I'm just going to go right into it. First and foremost for my happy future is to get married. To someone who I can truly feel I trust a...|||It's hard to take everything on your own I know I've done it all my life and will never change in that fact, you will figure it out and get past it. You always have before, I know it is hard when you...|||I usually don't trust anyone with my worries because of so heavy they are on me I couldn't imagine placing it on my friend, not only for fear of it being told to others, or scaring them away, or...'
'Interacting and communicating with other people involves responding to them and letting them respond to you; giving and receiving feedback reflecting our subjective experiences of each other....|||Over the last few weeks, I have been toying with the idea of trying to get in contact with other possible INFJs in my area. I recently moved from Norway to the UK to study English Literature at...|||I completely agree with you. For me, the most important part of watching a movie, reading a book or listening to a piece of music, is to become completely immersed in it, so much so that you forget...|||Picture this - I am standing alone in the school lobby, waiting for a friend to return, when suddenly, out of nowhere, I spot the creepy janitor, smoothly dancing his way across the floor, making...|||53353|||Yes, but only fleetly. Sometimes I'll be walking alone, my mind in deep thought, not really paying attention to the world around me, when suddenly, I open my eyes just a little wider than usual,...|||A few days ago, my philosophy teacher invited a young guest-speaker to our class, asking him to elaborate on his thoughts regarding independence and personal freedom. The reason for this, was that...|||When you really need to be needed by someone, and you feel so indescribably useless when no one opens up to you with their problems, and no one seem to be able to trust you enough to let you help...|||Holy Diver - Dio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkysjcs5vFU Macgyver Hmm-hmmmm Yeah, yeah|||Talking Heads - Psycho Killer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5zFsy9VIdM Caterpillar Found you this morning in the cookie jar First I liked you, now you've gone too far I can't sleep cause...|||You know you're an INFJ when you constantly find yourself procrastinating, and when you continually put off finishing any of your projects because of your inherent perfectionism and your ceaseless...|||When you once thought all of the statements from the past 228 pages of this thread only applied to you.|||Like my mum used to say: The best man for the job is a woman:proud:|||Anyone else think these people look strangely british?:tongue: There was just something about their faces that just screamed british to me, I don't know if it was the shape of their head, the...|||I agree wholeheartedly with what you are saying, and I believe our ability to detect fakeness in a lot more effective in social situations where we get to see all of a person's body language than in...|||BBC science has a pretty challenging quiz where your ability to spot fake smiles is put to the test, and you can attempt to find out if you really have what it takes to distinguish an artificial...|||I finally got to see sunlight again, which resulted in a somewhat impulsive photoshoot from the terrace of my new apartment:proud: I have to say, taking a picture like this is just way too much...|||When you try not to let anyone know about your fever because you don't want to upset anyone with problems you can handle nicely on your own. When you don't mind being a little sick because you...|||There is a problem with my browser, which makes the pictures show up as their original links, and right now its telling me that your picture is called lying.jpg:wink: Oh, and I believe...|||As usual, I spend too much time writing my posts, and it seems I was a bit too late with my response:tongue: But I swear, I wrote my reply before I read your description.|||lullabyblossom She feels helpless, as if she's no longer in control of her own life. She doesn't know how to handle things anymore, and its almost like she's given up. She feels like everything...|||I find myself a secluded spot, somewhere hidden and out of the way, put on a pair of headphones and turn the music up until it drowns out the noice. I let myself drift away to a distand land of peace...|||When you can forgive everyone but yourself. When people constantly misunderstand your intentions, and you feel like you never do things for the same reasons as everyone else. When you never...|||When you wish you could withdraw so far into yourself that you would be hidden from view. When you wish you could leave your body and run away from the attention for a while. When you start...|||@PlainJane When you wish some posts could be thanked more than once because everything they said was just so...perfect.|||Don't worry, I'm not going to leave the comfort and safety of my current home any time soon:) I dreamed about if for a while, but at the moment the idea doesn't appeal to me as much as it used to. ...|||There was a time when the notion of just heading out into the wilderness and living by myself in a tiny cabin seemed strangely seductive. I dreamed about sitting by the campfire at dusk, humming...|||During our roadtrip in the northern part of Norway, we came upon a small zoo claiming to be the northernmost zoo in the world. One of their main attractions was the chance to cuddle with a couple of...|||meowpower Hey, welcome to the forum:) I really liked your first post, it reminded me a lot of the first post I wrote myself, and I can really identify with everything you said. You seem like a...|||It is really fascinating seing people's responses to this, and I can pretty much identify with all of you. I've never thought about the angry crying before, but now I realise its something that has...|||Have you ever gotten so frustrated at something that you could feel your entire body begin to shake? I have a very long fuse, and even in the most annoying of situations I am mostly able to keep...|||I used to do this a lot too, I would freak people out by intensley studying them while they talked, its was always really funny to see how they suddenly started to cringe and move around and trying...|||I remember when I first welcomed you to the site, your first post was really wonderful and I felt really in tune with everything you said, I'm glad that I could make you feel at home here:) I...|||Thank you so much for saying that, I really appreciate it:) You seem like a really nice and friendly person yourself, and I am very grateful for everything you said. Based on the way you write, I am...|||I am very shy and self-conscious, and very cautious about posting pictures of myself, but today was a good day, and I am feeling brave, so while these favorable circumstances last, this is what I...|||Being in love. Having a secret nobody knows about. Watching the trees sway in the wind. When you are feeling lonely, and the one you love calls you just because she wanted to. When a...|||You know you're an INFJ when you are among a group of people standing in a circle, and you constantly end up outside the circle. When you wish math could have feelings. When you leave the...|||Thats something I might do too, I tend to always look down when I know someone are taking a picture of me and I never feel like my appearance is able to represent the way I feel inside. I usually...|||Oleanixmoon and Kaly It is really great to see you here, let me be the first to wish you both a very big welcome, I really hope you will enjoy your time here. I can't tell you how nervous I was...|||You know you're an INFJ when you start looking for a cubbyhole to hide away in as soon as you enter a building for the first time in order to be prepared if the need for shelter and isolation should...|||You know you're an INFJ when you prefer being around just one of your friends at a time. When you don't really care about people's appearance, only their eyes(or maybe this is just me?) When...|||When you've been struggeling with a problem for a long time, and everyone else seems to get it, then suddenly connect all the dots in your mind. When you and a friend say the excact same thing...|||Hearing the amazing snap as you break through the crust of a creme brulee to reveal the creamy goodness underneath:proud:|||I suppose you're right, I guess what I meant was that a lot of people go through their lives doing the same things over and over again, and they're just too busy to appreciate all the wonderful...|||Here are some of my personal favourites, these things always manage to make me smile:happy: I like hearing the squeeking of snow under my feet as I walk. The smell of freshly baked bread from...|||I have a small journal where I try to write down all the little things that I see happening around me in my everyday life. These are never big things, just tiny and wonderful little moments and...|||Congratulations, you seem like a wonderful friend. If you would like one more, you may accept my humble friend request:)|||I just added myself to the map, seems like I'm not the only Norwegian after all! If any of you would like to meet me sometime, feel free to drop by. You will be met with handshakes, friendliness...|||You know you're an INFJ when you watch a movie in a language you don't understand, and still cry at the end. When you can have the most amazing conversations with other introverts without ever...|||A few late thank you's to people that noticed me. Jeyssika Thank you very much for listening to me and even quoting me. Its really great to know there are people out there that actually agrees...'
'-Is your father a mechanic? -......Why? -Because he assembled you well.|||1. Sarcastic 2. Tease non-stop 3. Patient and undirect while I'm building up the tension, then very direct and bold when it's time for the kill|||All people fiind the same kind of stuff funny: what surprises them or what makes them feel superior. I do not think type has anything to do with it. But I personally like situational humor the most...|||Summer. All of the above + cold beer is incredible during summer :D|||First get drunk with one or more friends. Then think about something fun to do. You'll surely figure out something. My most crazy ( or hell fun ) experiences were born this way :D|||Hehe yeah I can relate to that. But as far as my experience goes, MBTI is pretty much useless as far as dating goes. Girls are girls, no matter if they are ESTPs, ENFJs or whatever. But if you...|||Paying attention to what I say and do. Seeming interested in my personality and my life, not just my d***.|||Yeah, pro-choice.|||Yeah...First of all I wont trust your typing that she is an ESTP. But she is a cold coquette ( the type that now is warm, now is cold, now she flirts, now she does not give a fuck) and she is playing...|||I would go with ENFP...... You sound like a Fi auxiliary, but do not seem impulsive enough to be an ESFP( or an ESTP who is worse)|||That friend of yours sounds totally ESFJ and not at all ESTP...Many reasons for that, most important of all being that you described her as very submissive towards people of authority - Se or Ne...|||Well I have the same problem ( or had ask me again in a few months ) There is not much you can do, but as an ESTP myself, I found out that while I am a good character reader, I often make wrong...|||Sure. I have to pick a college and a future profession, but I have some many options and so many jobs I could do well, that I have no idea how to sort through them. I already droped from 2 colleges...|||That's the spirit! Good luck :) You are funny :))|||Like I stress out, unless they are really intense about it, no. There is this one time. A girl who was just a friend of mine. Went to a party and she was there also. A few hours later, she pulls me...|||Now that I think about it...... Now I speak from a personal perspective, but what I say may be common with other ESTPs. I don't really have a friend zone for girls. I am not the type to make...|||Jack of all trades?|||Just flirt very directly, but in a playful manner........ Strong intenses I love you scare the shit out of me :))|||Character Strength # 1Bravery You are a courageous person who does not shrink from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain. You speak up for what is right even if there is opposition. You act on your...|||Ok maybe I am biased, but I can't see you as an ISFJ. You see I have met a lot of ENFJs, ESFJs, ISFJs (if you ask me this are by far the most common types) and they are downright pushy when it comes...|||It's cool man :)|||for NighTi Well it also depends if you look at it from a socionics or MBTI perspective. In MBTI you only have 4 functions, and also in MBTI the inferior is CONSCIOUS (which is very wierd and...|||Hiding feelings does not mean Fi user... You should choose your sources better. And as far as what he said, let's let him tell us what he meant. For me it was the phrase I am sure you can guess...|||for @NighTi : Ok you got me : flatery always works :)):)) Well there are a lot of subtle details, but the thing that convinced me was this: I'm not sure. I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain...|||Hahaha I am still pretty sure about ISTP. I could go into a long argument about why he is Fe inferior and not Ne inferior, but the truth is that it does not matter. Our sole purpose is to provide a...|||Well I have writen a very long post to support ISTP but it got deleted. So here is the short version: you are very analytical in anything you do ( even describing pictures) , you seem to have...|||Not really. Actually Fe is all about sharing. As for your perception function, could you describe the way you take in information in real life? Do you think details are important? Do you try to be...|||Yeah I stick with INFJ :)|||No ma friend I am not playing puzzles. I am just saying that she is extraverted (because she is completely focused on the outside world). Also she feels good when others feel good, and that is Fe....|||for Raichu Every1 doubts their type on some level, usually because the descriptions are kinda inaccurate and they tend to put too much trust in them. People are complicated, actually I feel it's...|||I would actually say you are a Ti dom. You really don't seem Ni dom to me. Probably ISTP because you a certain afinitty to adventure and seem very interested in just having fun and not caring. But...|||Ne doms and Se doms typically display this trait.|||mhhhhhhhhh...... Some kind of ENFP or ESFP. Hard to decide. You seem extraverted and also seem to have Fi secondary. That means Ne dom or Se dom. It is quite easy to confuse between the two of them,...|||Ok so I see a lot of Fe all over your post, and at first you seemed introverted, but on a second thought you seem totally focused on the outside world ( how others feel, what others have to say,...|||Sorry, can you rephrase that?|||Yeah pretty much any sensoric part of a conflict. Se inferiors are usually disturbed even by a harsh tones (they think you scream at them - saw this a few times; recently , I was kinda fustrated with...|||:) I read your post 5 times to be sincere. Please consider INFJ. You are clearly intuitive, but your intuition seems introverted to me, especially beacause of your why questions and your insistence...|||If you ask me, ISFP or ESFP. Not sure, I think ESFP more likely. Try figuring out if you are extraverted or introverted. I see no Ne signs in anything you say but I see some Se, especially in...|||Sounds more like a joke to me. I personally say a lot of things like that, but I rarely mean them. More often than not, they are half-jokes or ways to get a reaction from a person.|||When my father was possesed, Satan stoled my sister and I went to hell to get her back. When I woke up I was scared as fuck and covered in sweat like I took a sweat bath or something; could not sleep...|||Hell I will try it tonight! Souns like fun :)|||Yeah.... You are probably right. Could you give some examples?|||Yeah same here.... Never thought about this but seems I have some simptoms. I always thought about it on the lines of hell this is how I am , can't help it. And no matter how much willpower I...|||Oh yeah and some people are simply wierd and take offense at anything even remotely negative. Those are the people you should avoid.|||Well simple question: do you even try to self-censor? Because if you don't, then that's a very good starting point and you should ignore the rest of my post. It's not like I don't say shit that...|||Just came home. Now just chilling. And I have no idea what to do lol|||Yeah kinda. To many things going on and no time to think. In big social settings I find it very hard to concentrate.|||yeah same here|||Yeah...... Well I don't hate ESFJs at all, but truth is I kinda try to avoid them. What I don't like about them? -bad taste in music; if a song is on the radio then is very good; to bad most of...|||I think I got your answer. If I have been near someone when they needed me, and then when I am down and weak and all seems to fall apart and they are still near me, then I see that as loyalty and I...'
'I am always falling for the introverts...|||Or, when you go all Sherlock Holmes on someone, then quibble with yourself about your assumptions, berate yourself for being judgmental, get all needy because you feel like you may be a bad person......|||I completely agree... I have moved to a new city, and know very few people. Even though I make acquaintances easily I find it hard to get intimate friendships. They seem dazzled and entertained but...|||Ha! I have been there...I have learned over time to relax, and listen more. I, however, still fall into the habit of over complimenting (which makes some people uncomfortable) and being validating...|||Ok, so I have never really dated before. I really do not know what I am doing, and it is becoming clearer and clearer that the way I approach the whole ritual is ...wrong? Or perhaps I am drawing in...|||MR. Ed Heh, I can completely relate to you in regards to this statement. I wish I knew what it would feel like to have someone as interested in me as I was in them. A friend of mine said my...|||SIDETRACK: hmmm... should everyone want to date a zombie? I mean doesn't everyone look for someone who likes them for their brains not their body? Jojo~ LOL!! Amazing! I would follow someone...|||I am very curious what ENFJs think about the Zombie Apocalypse! I have talked to several other types and the responses are always very reflective of their identification. So here are my...|||Walk away sun, I feel that pang..Almost presses the breath from me. As far as it being reciprocated...I have no idea. I think I tend to feel more strongly for people than people have ever felt...|||I work some place where things NEED to be done in a specific order. I am the person my Boss depends on the most in terms of getting things done. I get flack for asking people to do their jobs....|||I will definitely do that! Thank you for the advice...|||So, I just recently moved into my own place, all by myself, no boyfriend/girlfriend..for the first time in my life. I did the great Striking out on my own because I really didn't feel like I knew...|||I hate it when people ask me questions about myself..but that is because I hate the looks on peoples faces when I do. My history is not for the weak of heart. I, personally, feel very proud of...|||The ISTP I love..yes, love...will not tell me anything. He always seems to be eyeing me with suspicion, and now that I have read these comments I have to wonder if he was thinking I am ingenuine. ...|||My ISTP friend is on his last warning...When he pokes at me it just riles me up closer and closer to a ~situation~ One of these days the tech room will be in shambles, he will have a Dear Lord!...|||Thankyou... I appreciate all of your feedback :) I really have no idea where this situation is going to go. However, I do feel that this is one of those ~Learning~ moments. I am learning that I...|||Wow, I would really love to have someone in my life who would go to all the Museums, Movies, Concerts, and events with me, and then spend long hours after ward laying in bed, drinking wine and...|||Hmmm interesting....Yes, and ...no. And there is the RUB. :D When I say that I LOVE someone ... I mean it. My definition of love means that I accept and honor them for who they are and who...|||So, I got into a dispute with my ISTP friend. It was over something so simple as a meaning of words. It was simple but profoundly affecting. He called me his BFF (Best Friend Forever)...|||Lets see..I was Chuck e Cheese (my First Job, DONT LAUGH), Wildland firefighter, Flood Response, Oil recycling educator, Secretary, Painter, Construction lackey, Event Coordinator, Hippie Store...|||Words of Affirmation ....(4).Words only mean something to me when they are followed up by action. Quality Time ....(8) Museums, The Theater, Art Shows, festivals, Movies, ....cultural stuff rocks :)...|||LOL!!!! Oh dear lord,...you may be the Male ..Me! Ha! I tested close to borderline on the T and F, ...I am also somewhat close on the J and P. I read all the enneagrams I was close too in %. ...|||Noble heart, Wow, Thank you... All I can do is nod in absolute agreement to everything you just said. I had to giggle with the Wolf pack imagery. I tell people who are really close to me...|||Brilliant Idea :) I would be more than happy to give feed back on food. *SigH* I would love to see New Orleans. So, would out sin/stereotype..be Gluttony? Or Lust? I do not see us being...|||LOL!!! AWESOME! Yes,..oh yes...all of the above and more!...OR...Less :D I too can do much with very little as long as the feelings and doings are genuine. While doing elaborate, decadent...|||MY basic needs: 5 Silver plates piled high with... 1) Fruit 2) Chocolates (some truffles and a fondue pot) 3)Meat 4)Cheeses (Wedges and Fondue Pot) 5)Bread pieces. A bucket of ice is...|||Dear Megalo, You are right! Here you go! :) ENFJ: The Cult Leader ENFJs are big thinkers. They are extremely charismatic, and wish to offer the benefit of their wisdom to the world at...|||Heh, Jojo...You are very perceptive. My back ground fits the 8 archetype...my boundaries were trounced on all over the place, but for some reason I was absolutely resilient. I became very...|||I totally agree. I would consider it unethical to humiliate anyone. I am close to the divide between F and T too...Interesting... Thank you :)|||So, I have tested ENFJ over and over. I have also tested equal %'s on Enneagram 8 over and over. I was recently asked How does this work? How can you be ENFJ and an 8? This was a fair...||| Kiwigrl You and I are very similar :) I will find out what they like to eat, plan 3 other side courses, perfect the arrangement with the right seasonal desert, and wine to accompany the lot. ...|||I tend to be drawn to the moody, super intellectual, shy types. If I could see myself with anyone long term I think It would be someone who would participate with me in social scenes, let me run the...|||LOL!!! These made me soo happy :) I particularly like the ...just do what we tell you one.|||Heh, Taurus Scorpio rising. Triple Grand trine in fire. Or so they say.... :D|||I really really hate being told that I am Too Much. I still have no idea what that means...|||I am close to someone who is an ISTP...Well, as close as you can be to one. *smile* We hated each other at the beginning. I thought he was bitter, moody, and heavily on the micro-managing. He...|||Well Thank You! I appreciate it :D I took my own advice and directed my angst into a walk. Question: When ~you~ (all of you lovely ENFJs) get really upset/super emotional...Do you ever feel...|||Yes, I am experiencing it today in fact ...*smile* I often feel guilty when I am angry because my brain naturally involves itself into a process of what I am responsible for, what the other person...|||I will take the E. While most of the time I get myself in trouble, my extroverted nature has put me in the middle of a lot of situations that could have gone really bad. I used to be a care...|||I have done that too! It is almost like if I walk into a space/environment and it feels stagnant or empty I feel like I have to move it or fill it with something stimulating. BUT....If the...|||Sometimes it seems to me that with this much influence there comes a price. Almost a responsibility...So, I thought I would share something that really frustrates me and see if any of you ENFJs out...|||I had to smile when I read this list...All of it is very very true. People are always trying to put me in a position of authority, or come to me when someone needs to be told what hole their head...|||I have been known to be really quiet around boys and girls I like. I will also avoid touching them because I enjoy touching too much. Some of descriptive I have read above are spot on, but I still...|||Being touched is really really intense for me. To be touched means more to me than it would to other people. When I touch I mean it as an intention to bond. I can tell if people are touching me...|||I took the enneagram test 6 times. I got 8 over and over. While ENFJ fits me really really well, I also cannot deny my 8 tendencies...As much as they tend to conflict....or make things interesting....|||I am usually found as the Hostess. Cooking, directing, counseling the drunks, and keeping the energy inclusive to everyone. I love to be the ring leader of a party, but not the center of it. ...|||I love someone who is an ISTP...My exact opposite. I act differently around him, but he also behaves differently around me. I make him into a chatty cathy and he makes me think more than I am...|||Thank you for the warm welcome! I look forward to reading and contributing when and where I can. :D|||Yes,I am an ENFJ. For better or worse I am the quintessential version of this Type. For years I have denied my tendencies and now that I am in my 30's I am learning how to embrace my...|||I would like to add. Dom/Dominatrix. Works in the interest of the client/plaything. Does so at the wielding end of honesty. Provides support and freedom to choose, but makes sure that the...'
'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BdiqLlbjN0|||during the day, i don't believe in ghosts at all. but the later into the evening, the more i do. at night, i'm easily spooked, which is kinda fun. so then i wikipedia ghost stuff and get all...|||something lazy! and with no pressure! like... hanging out in a fun way! the tea house idea is great. things like that. things that are not social awkward minefields. (movies) (things with lots o...|||I'm from Canada! the phrase is on my mind cuz i've been watching the new Netflix show Short Poppys and it is AMAZING in MY FACE.|||Thanks for all the insight, everybody. I have high cheek bones too... Reminds me of phrenology. Hahaha! i don't think so. It seems like some people just take my presence as a challenge. It...|||One thing I notice is that I sometimes act unlike myself to prevent it... Like, intentionally being non-threatening but, perhaps out of a people pleaser kinda thing. Sometimes I'll notice letting...|||In some situations, do you find that you can be perceived to be a threat? It seems to me that some insecure Alpha Dogs feel like they need to Take me down a peg. When I'm being myself, I get...|||My theme song(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tgcc5V9Hu3g we kissed as though nothing could fall, and shame was on the other side|||Let me re-word, as editing evades my brain at th' moment How does someone be honest/open about their past pains and hurts without being defined by them?|||That's good that you blog if you like it! I hate blogging, like a lot of blogs. Like, I hate making tea but love drinking it.|||long time no talk. hope you're all suitably crazy. and wonderful. and still a digital blanket that smells familiar and feels warm. so. this is a personal post, and is a bit embarrassing. i used to...|||This post is old. I actually now hate blogging. I always felt like I was supposed to do it, to get people to listen to my music or look at my drawings. Now I just do music and draw, and post...|||I missed you guys. Let me share this song. http://youtu.be/loXJiBxazO4 It's pretty much my motto for life...lemme explain: In life there is a lot of advice, or medicine, prescribed recklessly....|||THERAPY. It is the best. It is expensive as hell, but you gotta find someone who works well for you... There's this thing called Narrative Therapy, it's rad. Saved my life. Improved my life. ...|||If I reply immediately, then I'm ok. If I don't reply immediately, I probably won't ever.|||It's fun. I'm always writing essays in my head of how I would explain my latest realization.|||Yeah, I'm the same way. If you live really far away, it's not that I don't care at all. Maybe three-four a year I'll message you, but I just don't do well with non-face-to-face conversation. ...|||Q: If you could go live in any fantasy world you wanted, would you? A: No, because it would feel in-authentic. Q: If you could remove your conscience at will, would you?|||I'd also look into mindfulness meditation. It's really helped me. The idea is as opposed to fighting, or giving in to, negative thoughts, is to just be aware of them. And be aware of other things....|||I felt like this. Feel like this. I went to therapy and it really helped/helps. That's my suggestion.|||I prefer live stuff, normally. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnBZ3MKhdOk|||This post makes my balls itch.|||You can boost your T and J by killing a dragon and levelling up.|||Boring friends who are boring.|||Cool! I liked and followed. Nice noisy atmospherics. I'd like to see it set to a video of some sort. To add to it.|||Thoughts? Seems a bit attention grabbing for the sake of.|||i ham a dyslexic fella.|||...only weight.|||It is very weird that I started this three years ago. I feel old and weird. And I love my horse.|||I don't update with good stuff as often as I'd like, but here is mine Admiral Wonderboat|||didn't mean to be vague, sorry. just bewildered, really. not unpleasantly.|||and i am freaked out|||This one! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jql9u7bZIKs|||What rapper doesn't consider himself to be a messiah?|||This one is too hard to believe. If I felt this way I'd go to a shrink. If it turned out to be true... I would have been murdered by now.|||I'd let it slide, definitely.|||I had a hedgehog who was very disparaging. Your video was quite well done!|||What's the problem? He's doing what you want, but he just has to express himself before he gets on with it. Why not tell him to talk while he's doing it? Also, make him get a job.|||I get sad when I read the news, especially lately.|||I just wait for #5, I know that's the sweet spot.|||Surfin' Bird?|||i think im pregnant. it's your baby.|||cut them up into tiny pieces and hide the remote control batteries.|||Far too often!|||Thank you.|||y'know what? goats are always kidding around. but srsly, i would never tease a horse. they are sensitive beasts|||Whoa. You are not cool.|||I'm married, a stay-at-home dad, and no - I've never settled down.|||hard, fast, and head first.|||Or what? They'll explode? This is obviously not true. You might think it's better, but that don't make it a need.'
Please forgive my foolishness Haldir! I wonder if everyone lived by that philosophy, the world might be full of seriously WISE non-communicators. What a world!|||.... i n t e r e s t i n g.|||ew. what's wrong with you? sarcasm? had a bad day?/life? cheer up buddy.|||It depends on the other person.....i have different relationships with different people depending on what works... not everyone can handle the silliness... and others will run away at the first hint...|||Please don't accuse me of not being an ENFP but for the past week I have been doing clerical/admin work and I am (to my own surprise) loving it! I find it so stress-free and it keeps me balanced....|||YOU, my friend, have hit the nail on the head. Every word you just said. We ARE all God. We are. There's no purer truth. You are lucky to have the courage to NOT play 'the game'. I'm still...|||yup. time is a perception. a subjective experience. the society that most of us live in forces us to give this experience more and more importance, with deadlines here and deadlines there... grrr.|||I'm not here to offer an insight into whether time is an illusion or not; i just wanted to remark how weirdly synchronistic it was that i just so happened to be googling this very topic a couple of...|||Synchronicity has occurred with me to such a large degree that i cannot deny its existence. Perhaps it's something which you can only accept if it happens to you personally? For example like sitting...|||Ice cream!|||Thanks milti girl! i have been wanting to try this recently actually, i'll try get my hands on some coconut as soon as i can! thanks :)|||Haa good to know!! thanks for the info :D|||I was in love with someone I believe to be an INFJ. he INFJ-doorslammed me because he thought our relationship got too intense and couldn't deal with the intensity. i also have a couple of INFJ...|||Thank you for your post... i know it's a phase, i know these things don't last, that's what i keep saying to myself to remind me that there's so much beauty and warmth in the world... I don't know if...|||Thanks TheRevaN, i will keep this in mind, and appreciate it :)|||no need to say sorry! to be honest, i don't even know what i meant anymore... =/ it might be extremely masochistic, but maybe, just maybe, someone can only be truly healed after going through the...|||any many many more psycho-problems i'm sure! (at least in my case) :P|||What is wrong with us?! :laughing:|||Ace Face, I really appreciate that. Sometimes, ENFPs are the nicest nicest people in the world.... (i say this also referring to a beautiful ENFP friend of mine who insists that i should confide in...|||I'm generally not a co-dependent person. for about a year and a half i have been extremely solitary and detached in terms of personal relationships. maybe sometimes i have blips in this where i begin...|||I wasn't being sarcastic =/ i've started to believe that intensely feeling whatever you're feeling is a form of catharsis.... i don't know if it works for a fact, but i figured that if you feel...|||OMG the exact SAME THING happened to me!! I had a damn awesome interview with a top company and they had absolutely no negative feedback to give me, yet they couldn't take me on because of their damn...|||There is SO much truth to this. I just realised myself in fact. I think the best way of dealing with something like this is to just let it be free to grow and cause a complete emotional breakdown, at...|||I didn't mean to make it sound like I'm a really service-oriented person or anything cos i'm not! I'm selfish and care about my own feelings the most. I just simultaneously feel the need to make...|||Thank you Ace Face! That saviour complex really does sound like me... I've just been chatting online to a friend who's problems i was trying to sort out (he didn't even want to talk about it after a...|||Oh Gawwdddd. ENFPS! I've heard that quite a few of us get depressed from time to time... Like I am right now. What I would like to know is, do you guys, under your ENFP exterior of...|||That's very interesting, I certainly hadn't heard of those products till now. I'll definitely look into. Thanks :)|||awesomeness ^_^ if you could see how wide i smiled reading your post just then.... and thank you..|||As an ENFP, i believe that ENFPs are incredibly complex creatures.. they have so many layers and choose which layers to show who. ENFPs are very aware of what's going on on a social level, though...|||aahhhhhh this would be my idea of bliss... i think i started thinking about this because i watched a film called 'The fox and the child' today, and it was filmed in a mountainous region of eastern...|||This very thought has been preoccupying me all of today!|||Welcome Khan Sahab! I also speak a little bit of Punjabi as I was born into a Punjabi family. I understand most of it, but my speaking level isn't great! Anyway, hope you find all your answers. And...|||I appreciate you on a virtual level Deathbagel! The love is out there in the ether. And the perfect annoying little xNFP female is waiting for you just around the corner. So smile. =)|||Thanks all for the suggestions, the easier ones i'll try straight away like the head/scalp massage, and it makes sense that it would work. The chemical ones i'll have to research over a bit, but i'm...|||For anyone familiar with the indigo child thing, i just found this thread on an indigo society forum: What are our souls named? funnily enough it fits in with my earlier comment about our name...|||Thanks for sharing Peppertree!! Our INTPs are ever so special aren't they?! :D|||Sometimes I feel like I’m just talking crap. But then I meet people who are talking the same crap as me. =)|||in midst of trying to stop myself from falling in love, this probably isn't the best song to listen to on repeat... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ9kB9CaC80|||People pretend usually for some kind of gain. Maybe if Hawking advocated astrology he would be killed by the people at the top. Because just maybe astrology is so powerful that it must be kept from...|||...And now we know everything. *SCOFF* *palm...face*|||I thank every word of this post. especially the part about gravity. let me just reiterate: Morons. Why do people pathetically bother arguing about stuff they are SO ignorant of?....|||You don't have to be religious to believe in a soul.|||Not possible?? How in hell do you actually know this...? You say it like you ACTUALLY KNOW that it's not possible. Errr... excuse me if I disagree.|||Not that this is off topic or anything... but I often wonder whether the mind is attached to the soul, the brain, the heart or something else...|||Thanks for the info! Yeah i've heard that biotine is good. I like the idea of using natural remedies. Dyou know anything about the impact of zinc? I read that zinc was supposed to promote hair...|||Really? How do you know this? What particular type of yoga? And how would that work.... any more info would be appreciated!|||I wish I could talk like a quantum physicist about these topics but I'm not one, so I will refer you to my post above, with all the links, instead of pretending i'm really clever. I simply like...|||I find your comment ironic considering that the originator of MBTI (Carl Jung) actually advocated astrology ^_^ lolz. Carl Jung&Astrology|||For anyone remotely interested, this could be good to read: The Scientific Evidence Suggestive of Astrology and this: The Science Behind Astrology and Human Design and this: How Astrology...|||If the mind is in the brain.... then that would make sense as our brains are mostly made up of water... (i've read it's about 85%) :)
'I used to think my first love would be my only love in this life and that she's all I needed. Things didn't work out and it ended abruptly soon after. I mind and soul went in search of dark...|||Reading up the 8 pages of posts in this thread. It's been a while since I've really been on PerC. Feels like home here :proud:|||People often say i look scary and sometimes depressed. So yea...I don't think so. :confused:|||I'm guilty of this as well. Even after 6 months I still have her at the corners of my head. I don't particularly hate her, but I just can't face her in person anymore. I cannot fathom how anyone can...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtf7hC17IBM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzuXZfKg2YM I fell in love with this song after watching the tear jerking Fault In Our Stars:crying:.... cried the most...|||Has it improved your relationships? How? -I tried telling a few close friends about mbti and me being an infp...but only my close intj friend understands and tolerates me a little. But I'm still...|||FISH STICKS !!! I can relate to all of the stuff listed except for 20. Sometimes we forget to eat… ..I'm always hungry :blushed::tongue:|||always been labeled weird and crazy.. I guess they are true to a certain extent. Still searching for that someone which weirdness matches mine :tongue:|||Struggling with post-breakup symptoms :bored:|||On the same boat here buddy. Struggling with the social thing as well... :rolleyes: Guess we'll just have to make an effort to try out different things and let the experiences guide us through|||i think having a proper mind set and a few core motivators are essential create an exercising routine. Next off comes the boringgg part which is exercising itself !! I cannot fathom how some...|||that there are plenty of loved ones and things in life that are worth living for... we just have to keep searching high and low for them so never give up on life..and never lose hope in yourselves...|||Hey !! I have flat feet too :tongue: I go barefoot 100% of the time indoors (asian household) and I have a need to wet my feet every 1 to 1.5 hours to feel 'hydrated' as well. :laughing: I wear...|||Most likely due to my default stoned+dead facial expression that makes 99% of the people think I'm an a-hole or I have a problem with them. :bored: I'm making progress though...I think*|||I think it's great to be doing something that interests you so much about ! Given the opportunity, I might give it a go as well! :tongue:|||i'm mildly messy i guess, but not slobish messy; just clean messy..if that makes any sense ? i would clean out my desk every 3-5 weeks or so. But i mop the floors every week or so. :proud: I like...|||wow that was trippy :frustrating::confused: You are in a perpetual quest to find the new, the exciting. Emotionally volatile, you are known for sudden changes of opinion, of appreciation, and...|||Daytime : I want to be proactive !! :shocked: Late at night : I think about her still... :sad:|||My ex girlfirend said that i was genuine. :rolleyes:|||random|||this thread just makes me all warm inside :tongue: *hugs everyone in the thread*|||Intelligentiful You are not alone on this as I too scared off my ex the same way. Thinking back I feel like I wasn't entirely in love with her as I was was also in love with the idea of being in...|||Here!! *raises hand enthusiastically* I would say i'm more goal and career oriented rather than relationship oriented. I pretty much have the same route as @ailures. I aim to get into...|||Try dropping everything and do something that relaxes your mind for 30 mins or so and continue your work ? Try to not panic too much and keep at it ? I'm sure you'll get through it. :happy:...|||I feel empty.|||@kaychivers thanks dude ! @telepariah skiing sounds awesome ! i may never get a chance do that from this part of the world :laughing:|||Gave me a few chuckles !! Thought i'm pretty sure i give off an anti-people vibe rather than a bunny/hug vibe :laughing:|||@ENTJ129 i just broke up a month and a half ago as well. i got this portable magnifying lens for my bio-loving gf some time back and it's gonna be shipped to my place next month. I was planning to...|||I deal with it by letting the pain slowly fade away. Keeping myself busy and having closure on issues helps as well. Have been sulking a few months after being dumped and one day i just woke up...|||Went to SF and took the Alcatraz tour back in 2012. It was a really weird experience as we visited the prison cells and such. Present summer however, I'll be travelling to and fro campus doing...|||Nah, you're not alone on this subject. I had the same feeling when i tried to watch The Office (US ver) as well. I tend to stop watching a series when I start to feel emotionally burdened by the acts...|||you have your emotions under control !|||Nothing beats the sensation of cruising on a relatively empty highway with your favourite tunes on. I tend to escape and go for a drive when I mind gets too clouded or I get too emotional. Also, it's...|||if only that could happen more often :/ being in mid 20s, getting hugs from anyone at all would bring me great warmth from within. I'll definitely cherish it and thank the person.|||tested FNIP - Samwise Gamgee (Snuggie) - An INFP in this mood is always trying to find simple solutions to the emotional turmoil in people's lives. Once they find such solutions, they try to...|||Thank you Shiraniu117 ineffipy and Acey for the feedback. I have approached her hoping that i could convince her to allow us to try again. But alas, she said that we blew our chances together...|||Breakup really sucks :bored:. But i guess it's just a part of life. Best i can offer you is a virtual hug. *hugs tightly* Apart from that, I'm just clueless regarding the subject matter. :unsure:|||First off, I'm a 23 year old male and i had always struggled sustaining ties with other people. A week ago, my girlfriend (21 yo) broke off with me through text. She said that she no longer has...|||kudos for posting this video! I only find the last scene (exiting through the bushes) describes me best though.|||The feeling of a void expanding inside of the heart is so hard to bear with. =( I experienced this 2 years ago and I ended up breaking bonds with my circle of friends. Till this day I do not know...|||INFP - The Healer You scored 25 I versus E, 0 N versus S, 40 F versus T, and 40 J versus P!|||amanda32 wow, your post just made my day. As if I've taken a stroll in a female infp's head.|||I too came to this point shortly after I have signed up for a facebook account. This is the case especially when so many people around are extroverts and such. Having people judge your worth by...|||I've always wanted to connect more with the friends I had but sadly I don't seem to be trustworthy enough. Guess they got the idea from my volatile personality. Being told that you're a really...|||Why did the duck cross the road?|||I voted yes, running low on cash now.|||I guess I would do it after some consideration. Having a way to kill myself would be good too if things go out of hand.|||It's a baby polar bear. Sadly I don't own one. Doubt it can withstand the weather in my side of the globe. =O|||Hello. Glad to hear a fellow INFP getting back on track and all. Cheers.|||Got hold of 'Classical Music Top 100' can't seem to get bored from it.'
'Balut....|||I think it should come right after love, but it should also happen before the baby in a baby carriage.|||Like so... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljv1fO4qrIw|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emRMzspB5wg|||That's my policy... Especially when I see my Korean, Vietnamese, Thai and Japanese friends. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW0JKqhVCo0|||Get an erection, then hug her.... Works for me every time.|||I'm an egalitarian. Political affiliations and inclinations are for tools.|||I can help you practice your french kissing.|||Chronic problems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADIyIlO-_Ug|||Plug it up. https://youtu.be/aaBp8kIxN2E?t=1m5s|||You're almost there.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWHYmNrAFlI|||http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9xlquUvV01qep93so1_500.jpg http://www.pulpinternational.com/images/postimg/viva_varga_01.jpg ...|||I turn INTJ women into kitties and I'm their freaking catnipz.... Well, all women actually. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tklx3j7kgJY|||I am proud to say that in my search for Truth, I have regained my Piety.... Discard my Agnostic Theist stance.|||I tend to love other people's mothers.... And they love me too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0DeIqJm4vM|||The medical field is about revenue... Not helping people. Get your idealism out of your naive head (or at least leave that save the world crap to the INFgheys). There's a reason why I didn't go...|||You look like a BDSM Mistress... And I mean that as a compliment.|||What Green Girl said.... Also, avoid small talk like the plague... Small talk is for idiots.... https://weeklysqueak.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/classesperspective.jpg|||https://imagemacros.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/over_1-4_mb_of_porn.jpg?w=720 http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Hot_b5a98c_894925.jpg|||Sad part is he doesn't realize that most INTJ women skipped and didn't give a fuck about this post.... Let's not tell him that though... It's funnier that way. -signed INTJ guy that just made a...|||Dear OP: Please see pg.512 section 2.A.1.b. subsection 437a.1.1.b of the INTJ manual prior to posting on the INTJ forum where it says the following: Newcomers aren't allowed to voice their...|||Only if we get to do the interview naked.|||Besides the INTP guy, me for certain. Who are we kidding? Everyone luvz me.|||http://personalitycafe.com/ban-infractions/430234-infraction-snapple-typism.html http://personalitycafe.com/ban-infractions/435050-permanent-ban-snapple.html ...|||Convenient examples. http://personalitycafe.com/ban-infractions/375698-infraction-being-multiple-accounts.html ...|||In regards to?|||Are you talking about the Hitachi Magic Wand? ;)|||Perhaps this might be of interest... http://www.darionardi.com/BulletinArt9.html|||Why doesn't the Fi thread get its own sticky?|||Ask Asia Carrera... They're bigots.|||Perhaps asking the OP for clarification/expansion rather than running with a misplaced-thought/misinterpretation of such would've been a bit more convenient.... While avoiding a certain amount of...|||Sick beats. http://youtu.be/mka18mbJyh4|||I think you're the girlfriend in the relationship.|||If it's goo you want... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPOUgobWTT0|||I was gonna say his mom's bedroom.|||Not to worry. It's a pretty cool show nonetheless. I just finished Season 3 the other day.|||I guess no one can say you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth then?|||He's mostly Si driven....|||Nah... It's just this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z0E7tizqvs|||The joke is lame because it's high school humor but just because I don't find it funny, it doesn't mean I find it offensive... Or the Holocaust offensive for that matter.... I just can't respect...|||Thanks for explaining informal logical fallacies to us since I fell asleep in Philosophy 101. The things I wouldn't learn if there weren't people like you to defend true knowledge. Perhaps a more...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_KYjfYjk0Q|||I love how these non-scientists and pseudo-intellectuals go on and on with their very unique version of...|||You're an INTJ... Home-school him.|||Only NTPs fit (and that's probably the only thing that will fit them properly..., get it?) that description. ENTJs are known for being regal and INTJs are enigmatic.|||Blame the fans' boyfriends/husbands that can't make them orgasm because even if they used a GPS device they wouldn't be able to find their G-spots.... That's the only reason why that garbage is...|||I like your hexagonal mirrors... Such sexy six-sided symmetry. P.S. Try saying the last part several times, real fast.|||There's a difference between posing good argumentation and being an opinionated twat.|||Most people are morons in this forum... and life in general.|||Ways to increase my penis size.'
an online test told me i was the reincarnation of te lawrence. surely we can fit that one in, right?|||im goin on a marhc cos i want britan to be about british|||*bows*|||U wan me to bring the pain? i bring 2 bags and dogs|||Come on biys and girls the gig is up pack up your pots and pans|||Got me eye on u son............. no funny busines............ gonnacome down lk an arctic dragon....|||D|||Toothbrush bristles always fall on the ground like the rarest snow... I feel for your speed brushing my friend.|||U all ded sonny jim|||I'm an INFP disguised as an ENTP.|||esfj confirmed|||Your username is 'EraOfTea' and you used the word 'nifty'. I like you already.|||Y-you know our secret?! Guys, sound the alarms- they're onto us! On a related note, my youngest sister once told me I had the soul of a flower. However, she did go on to tell me I actually had...|||u smel|||cuttin me real deap :'(|||aight|||These are from my 21st birthday yesterday. :smile: 348450 348458 Plus bonus picture of me as a small child which was dragged up due to said 21st birthday. 348466|||It's me, I'm the perfect INFP, you can all stop searching now... :wink:|||aw m8 bringin tha lads owt on tha lash GONNA AV IT LARGE|||beautiful horse|||the cheekiest of the grans is back in town with double the banter m8|||http://rs2img.memecdn.com/drag-queen_o_1703819.jpg|||sup noobs|||I was born readymade|||.|||I royally decree that all citizens of Spamenia have the right to clean, easily accessible spam and that any persons who deny others this right to others shall be detained in the Support and...|||I've been here for four years and I've only just got enough posts to be a VIP member. If Spam posts were counted I'd probably be a Cafe Legend by now.|||well|||all the answers are in my sig|||I knew it, just knew it... Solidarity, sister!|||http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/12/28/article-2079370-0F49ABCE00000578-796_468x231.jpg|||I can't remember what I used to set my mood as, but I know it was 100% certified edgy.|||But he's still dead though.|||Haha guys, I only made this thread because I wanted to jump onto the 'make a spam thread about Wellsy' bandwagon. We've had some jokes. :happy:|||my fave art http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/92761827/Jerry+Jackson+title_236.gif|||m8 im a parrot|||That was the sneakiest I've ever been in this thread. Dat atmospheric picture is well nice. :D|||OH wELLSY... he was a gud egg :'( http://img.pandawhale.com/82459-will-ferrell-NO-gif-Elf-URx3.gif|||225962 me likey dis the attachment made the original image so small :'(|||oh good, i was headed there anyway|||vere are mein party pants? :o|||I now know what I've been missing all these years.|||-85. Wow.|||marry me|||i like... vegetables... :wink:|||Sometimes you have to resort to more unconventional methods... http://d3819ii77zvwic.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/toystory.jpg|||its my real face u scrub|||I've found the Mecca... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWa9sJzgM4A|||I've kinda neglected this thread, oops! I've read all your responses and will probably reply at some point, as there's some good points/advice being posted in this thread. Just writing this stuff...|||I turned 20 this year, and recently I've been thinking over where I'm going in life, etc etc. One thing that stands out is how far behind and childlike I feel compared to my peers. While I'm headed...
'There was also another dream I had while I was blazing hot of fever. Imagine the whole world, mechanically driven by gears from the inside to turn round its axis and around the sun. For some...|||Interesting. Mind expanding on those a bit more? There was this one dream where I just received special coupons from my dad to buy a new car. So I took them and went ahead to a Toyota showroom...|||1. rock mostly. Not exactly well-versed with its many variants, but I mostly like stuff from The Killers and Foo fighters, whatever you call their exact sub-genre under rock 2. Rarely but when...|||Anyone else here who can hold a decent tune and gets easily triggered by idiots who sing 3 words behind and half an octave off a song singing on karaoke? Sent from my K fone OLA using Tapatalk|||Right now I have De Quervain's Tenosynovitis (at least according to my self-diagnosis based on Google) and if I could only get this cured without having to undergo operation or pay for anything, I'd...|||How to be as happy as this guy?https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170823/2caae7324e2d4ea6244e52305d8b7916.jpg Sent from my K fone OLA using Tapatalk|||This is the only picture I have that I can bear to look at for more than 2 seconds.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170821/777ae5c9711a03f00e744d1f5faeea8b.jpg Sent from my K fone OLA using...|||Lost a whole set of important documents within my house. Again. Edit: so I found it just now. But it took me reorganizing my already perfectly disorganized room when that specific clump of...|||Came home from my nightly run and first thing I do right when I sit down in the living room is open PerC.|||Confession: I had a household cold-war with my brother. Somehow ticked me when he said I was lazy when he is clearly not doing anything AT ALL when at home + he strains the household resources. ...|||to think a simple game of indoor catch could also be a potential murderous activity :thinking: Sent from my K fone OLA using Tapatalk|||Hello guys. It's been a while, just came back and I guess I ought to clock in an update. I also had to leave work to pursue a specific career path but that's a discussion for another thread. ...|||Update: She had to resign from work because of personal reasons(family, parental pressure etc). The only way we get in touch now is by text, and we barely even text each other. I reckon I'm not...|||I have to be clear, I have NOT asked her out yet. Had I did, maybe I would suffer the same fate as the ESFJ guy by getting the proactively-avoid treatment.|||Okay. More than 2 months of bumping elbows with her, I think I should at least post an update of our current status and fill in details in between. On my first post, I was at the time pouring my...|||I have a bigger brain than a can of sardines, im definitely smarter than a can of sardines.|||A procrastinating J? Am I missing something? Sent from my K fone OLA using Tapatalk|||Oh god the first message is always the hardest to compose.|||I also have this other option of letting another friend in on my plans. Aside from just being me and her roughly from the start, there's also this other guy who just came slightly later and we sort...|||well, the most I could muster right now is acting like tagging along with a small group during our 1 hour break time but that includes at least 3 other people including our trainer and the ESFJ guy....|||Taking notes for good reference Sent from my K fone OLA using Tapatalk|||I really agree about getting to know each other. I'm figuring out how I could just ease her into really loosening up and talk comfortably now that we aren't seatmates.|||Actually I am REALLY interested in her. We've only known each other for like a little over a week and maybe I'm a bit weak with my personality probing skills but I am working on that. And me saying...|||So far as I can tell it's all just mere flirting. I have bad suspicions about our trainer though. He could possibly give her favors in training to win her in. I think they might be PMing over...|||You mean like you guys can't possibly be dating kind of acquaintances? Sent from my K fone OLA using Tapatalk|||The competition is strong, and I've only realized THERE IS such a competition where I thought I had this in the bag. Idk, I just want to make sure that if I load and shoot my ask her out bullet,...|||It doesn't always have to be about the sex. And I'd rather not overcomplicate things by hurting an innocent soul in the process. Also I'm not exactly pathetically focused on her, though I could...|||Okay. As I've said, I think she's INFJ. I wasn't able to mention she's 27 and we're exactly 4 years and 7 months apart in age but it really doesn't feel that way. She seems annoyed by ESFJ guy...|||Hello guys. I was just wondering if I could find some good insights into how to woo a girl I'm interested in. I'll try my best to describe my situation and I hope any one of you can help. Okay,...|||I love this bot Sent from my K fone OLA using Tapatalk|||How many judging type relatives do you guys have? Both my parents are Js, uncles and aunts on both sides are 90% of the time Js, me and my brother are perceiving types.|||You guys still use dishes when paper plates would be fine?|||ahha. I coincidentally found this picture hours ago and glad I could share this with you. Welcome to PerC 👋|||hello fellow doggo enthusiast http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161115/afacd03cdac4708ec28bac4469246a38.jpg|||How many of you here have Js for parents and other older relatives? Both my parents are buzzing-busy judging types|||Love the profile pic.|||I don't play enough RPGs, but in Dota I often go for the mobile glasscannon style of play. Hit hard, hit fast and avoid getting hit. I also gravitate towards seldom picked(I have that weird need to...|||http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161104/7b7ffc3274aa9f6cbce9d7cb0ac972a0.jpg Would you mind turning it down?|||http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161104/21c54e76f8c91fd3f621ced6722f9ba9.jpg I'm watching you.|||Welcome stranger.|||Part 3: Tinker's (Yellowish) Twist Logic: *pees on feeling's corpse to show dominance*|||When we know what site you were looking to fool around in, then we would know for sure if she's going straight for what's in your underwear or if she's going for what's in your backpocket instead.|||I guess I need a buddy. Being alone for some time is nice and all, but I do appreciate a good 1 on 1 conversation at least sometimes, online. Sent from my K fone OLA using Tapatalk|||I have a dog back home. I respect his intelligence more than most people around me. Sent from my K fone OLA using Tapatalk|||I have become much less trusting of people recently as well. I guess I have to add that the last time I broke down and punched a wall like I did on that last posted picture was when the person I...|||Richard Burns Rally is soooo good. The only issue I have is that the codriver dictates pacenotes really slow that sometimes I enter a 2 severity corner/90 degree corner/hairpin at 100+ kph. Fml ...|||Wow. And I thought I had it tough. Sent from my K fone OLA using Tapatalk|||Not necessarily. It's just that it feels like my patience is wearing thin and I'm curious as to how other people of our type would manage stress and meltdowns.|||Not necessarily. It's just that it feels like my patience is wearing thin and I'm curious as to how other people of our type would manage stress and meltdowns. Sent from my K fone OLA using...|||How did you manage back then, if you don't mind telling? Sent from my K fone OLA using Tapatalk'
'Okay, I'm not really the type to open up a new thread (I'm usually the lurk around and hide in background type), so please bear with me and my stupidity here. So, long story short, found out my...|||This. I hate this phrase. Also, please explain yourself/why I also have a problem saying No to people. That's why I always ended up with a bunch of flyers and being stopped by promoters on...|||Hmm oddly enough I find the comments about 'being sweet', 'innocent', 'slow' and 'patience' doesn't apply to me. At all. (I'm usually hated and loathed by people around me and is pretty hot-tempered...|||Aww, I'm sorry to hear that, OP. I, too, have my fair share of unloved feeling on daily basis. Long story short, found out I was adopted. And kind of have the thought 'I am just an investment'...|||I hate the fact that I exist. Woop, is that my 4w5 function talking? But yeah, you get the basic idea.|||What relationships? What butterflies? What what? ...Man, apparently I'm missing out a lot of stuff here...|||YAY PICTURES SPAM!! :crazy: http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h8/abby0403/tumblr_m4op95dRfY1rp3gk2o1_400.jpg http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h8/abby0403/tumblr_lqsnirmP061qlk6aao1_400.jpg ...|||I was bored okay? :blushed: http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h8/abby0403/tumblr_m46c3evvwE1ru5bsro1_500.gif So... my mouse ran out of battery so I can't derp around with Flash and make stupid...|||Not sure if quirk... I love giving little nicknames to my friends, like abbreviation of their original name or some sort (ie, Tammy -> TamTam; Sarah -> Sawah .___. ) When jump from one place to...|||My only recent picture of me is thanks to my ninja colleague Rage'd She still refuses to delete it :dry: http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h8/abby0403/b5aa9beaa66c11e1aebc1231381b647a_7.jpg|||Yes. I have this trouble. A lot. I always struggle to convey my message across, after trying so hard to try to put it into words, I ask the person I'm talking to so.... You get what I mean?,...|||Hahha I totally understand. I mean, I tend to sympathize more with the villain of any story. Mainly because we are often given a backstory of them and I always end up feeling sorry for them and have...|||I think my 'venting' is more of a 'conclusion' from a long and tiring internal debate... whatever that means...|||Sun in Aries; Moon in Cancer, this combination somehow fits ISFP :/|||When I was a kid I used to dress up with skirts and dresses and all. Until one day my brother told me Eww don't stand next to me wearing like that Ever since then I've been extremely...|||You're worthless.|||Which is true (in my case) and reminds me of : http://i731.photobucket.com/albums/ww313/pudding90_blackabyss/Untitled.png|||Feeling a little 90s-ish|||If you want to say my favourite breed, is either husky, west highland white terrier, doberman and so on. But I currently has a silky terrier and he is the most adorable little thing ever ...|||I do drink. But not a lot tho. I personally love vodka and whiskey :) As for smoking... nope, never touch them before, and probably never will|||Well... sleep always works as a good 'restart' button for me.|||Thing I like about myself? lol none :D|||Well.... I used to climb out my room and sit on the roof enjoying the scenery. My hometown is a peaceful and quiet little town with a lot of greenery, so I really enjoy the sight with the breeze,...|||I find this thread very interesting, mainly because I am very cynical when it comes to 'love' - but that's just me. Do go on :)|||Stuff that is currently on my replay list: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQLGhPHzxjc&feature=BFa&list=PL5DA4C33E8153A173&lf=mh_lolz ...|||Welcome :)|||Hahhaah I actually stood there awkwardly for 10-20 mins asking my classmates Wait, so how do I do this?, but the clip is only 10 seconds. xD And you will almost never see me being taped and such,...|||Well.... not sure if it counts as 'shy', but yes, I am very, very quiet when meeting new people. Maybe that's just me, but I'm perfectly fine and used to awkward silence, and is more comfortable...|||I'm sure as hell not going to make a video of myself but I do have one video clip thanks to movie practices, I was late for class that day and was forced to be the model for Green Screen...|||Emo previous post is emo. Now for the stuff that truly makes me feel happy :happy: http://i731.photobucket.com/albums/ww313/pudding90_blackabyss/tumblr_lv0nkxnsQh1qmoib7o1_500.jpg ...|||I've always wanted a cat, but my mum hates them :( Plus I found out I am allergic to their furs.. So I currently have a lovely Silky Terrier instead :D|||I've always hesitate to post anything here because my S/N and F/T are quite close to each other, so I fear that the things I do won't fit into the ISFP category. I'm going to go ahead and give it...|||http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg819/scaled.php?server=819&filename=1601817.jpg&res=medium ...|||Hahahah I'll probably just throw a pokeball at that person and yell I choose you!! That aside, I really do not know how to respond when other people flirt with me, I'll probably just nod and...|||I'm like that at times :laughing: I always thought it was my Aries personality taking control|||Never knew how me and my bestfriend work out because her personality can be the total opposite from mine (and I never bother to read through all other 15 personality types xD) until I forced her to...|||You texted me? It really happened? Sorry, I was half-asleep when I received it, thought it was part of my dream.|||Hmmm I didn't really given much thought about it, but I guess I just love my own personal space. When I'm alone in my room, I HATE it when anyone suddenly comes into my room, with permission or not....|||Yes. I need my sleep badly. I remember my sleep cycle back then: 4 hours sleep, wakes up, proceed with a half and hour sleep to get over the tiredness from my 4 hours nap. And regular 7-8 hours sleep...|||Well, I, for one, believe that I am neither. :D -runs-|||30225 30226 I fail at camwhoring :laughing: *runs away from this thread and vows to never come back again*|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hhE_sqJG3g|||Weep for yourself, my man, you'll never be what is in your heart - Mumford and Sons You'll be loved, you'll be loved, Like you never have known - Death Cab for Cutie You only see what you...|||I didn't realize I am until during one time in highschool there's this teacher who every girl admire and respect came over to my table and teach me how to solve a Chemistry problem. His voice is just...|||Calamities are of two kinds: misfortunes to ourselves, and good fortune to others. ~ Ambrose Bierce A conscience is what hurts when all of your other parts feel so good.|||Well, you'll most likely find me lurking on the internet (although I seldom post stuff). Or when you see a weirdo walking alone in a busy traffic, because she's too lazy to drive a car (yet just...|||I guess I'm more self-conscious on the Internet compare to real life, because face-to-face conversation will be forgotten or whatnot, but the things you post on the Internet will be there FOREVER!! D:|||Man you guys are awesomely talented. :shocked: 29999 This was around a year ago, was playing around with charcoal and stuff :unsure:|||LOL I'm kinda the same with you here, I would hesitate to post a comment on any post -- unless I'm sure it'll will get flooded and buried under other comments. But when it comes to creating a new...|||comforting my dog because he's terrified by all the noise made by the fire crackers during Chinese New Year'
'ill say the same thing to you as I would to a guy in your situation , she fancies you|||I don't believe there is anything wrong with' jacking it in San Diego '|||here lies an atheist all dressed up and nowhere to go|||im not proud of my personality type i didn't choose it at the same time im not ashamed either, it is what it is|||i agree with you on that and im not against romance , just the possesive needy garbage promoted by hollywood|||true love?, thats rediculous, i used to then i grew up, id rather learn to be happy in my own company than have my happiness depend on something thats not going to last, im not opposed to...|||My favourite fictional character would be nick from New Girl I see so much of myself in him its kinda freaky|||Bakuman angel beats Death note Cowboy bebop|||INFJ-I did at one point, but then I got my heartbroken and I realised the idea of a soulmate is just childish (that's not to say I don't believe in love)|||So many things I'm prone to boredom, I feel lonely because its like nobody understands me, I'm stuck in my head and can't get out no matter how hard I try, I'm hyper sensitive to critisism, I get...|||Yeah I think you are probably right there each individual wants there favourite fictional character to have there personality type and I suppose just like anyone else I am not immune to this, I take...|||Dear inner demons I will overcome you Yours sincerely a tortured infj|||I'm just going to come out and say something controversial dexter is an infj Of course no evidence needs to be given he's an introvert that much is obvious I don't think anybody would argue with...|||Electronic Wuss I have sex with birds and bees and masturbate to redwood trees, a dragons balls will drop today a centaur screams hip hip hurray...|||In my own personal expierence it has been, when I'm interested in someone I tend to get overly attached to them I talk to them excessively and have a tendency to stare at them to the point were I...|||I suppose its quite unusual for an infj but I find esfp girls adorable there's just something about there whole attitude to life that draws me in its like they are magnetic|||Yes definatly I find that I can be timid around people and have a tendency to get made fun of I also am unable to talk to girls I like embarrassing for someone who is 18|||I suppose I can like anything really as long as I feel passionate about the music obviously there are certain genres I enjoy more than others such as rock music and certain artists i prefer such as...'
'So why do they put so much credence in those unfalsifiable premises?|||Don't know. I don't think I pretend to carry about my friends. I have crossed the line, but generally by accident. Can't think of a time I deliberately crossed the line. Pushed the line, maybe.|||Yeah, I don't like them either. Doubt I do the hide the hair gel thing. Probably something verbal, but it's hard to give an example. Easier to do one in the moment. Insulting myself is fair game,...|||Wow... I'm not sure if that's undercutting humor or off-balance humor... the insults go so far that it's off-balancing...|||Yeah, building him up like that would be too cruel. But teasing him about his vanity might be a way of testing how open he is to admitting it. It is a way of testing his boundaries, hopefully in a...|||Yeah, if I was teaching a math class, that would be a good idea. (Note to self: do that when I teach Logic and Reasoning next time!) What I'm talking about with examples is more, Here's some really...|||So what's the point of calling the guy Zoolander, do you think? I mean, that is what I'm talking about when I talk about undercutting humor. Yeah, it's just a joke, but, on one level, you are...|||Er, not to interrupt the crazyeddie sucks vibe, but I think we've got a misunderstanding here. I don't think the kind of manipulation going on here has anything to do about trust. When used...|||Huh. Well, I suppose it wouldn't be very surprising if my Ennegram radar is even less accurate than my MBTI radar.|||Different kinds of being a dick. You're a horrible person vs. Let's put you into this uncomfortable position and see what you do. I think all humor is about being a dick, on some level. Do...|||And you, buddy, seem pretty Type 9 to me :)|||Yes, that would be the problem with manipulation in general. Yep. Call it hypocrisy. I get that people don't see me doing this (or, they see me doing this, and I don't catch them seeing me),...|||Yeah, the goading into a response I would do if they pissed me off - generally by messing with the peace. But I also sometimes knock friends off-balance too. Doesn't undercut them (I *hate* that...|||Hmm. I think we'd (whatever category of 'we' we're talking about here - and generalizing to 'we' does seem to be a type 9 thing) would cop to it being manipulative, but not dishonest or...|||Hmm. I'm torn between making as graceful a retreat as I can, given the circumstances, and trying to offer you advice based on my own experience, and risk pissing you off all over again. Your call?|||Humor *is* generally assholish, in one form another. I guess it depends on what flavor of asshole you like. And I apologize for generalizing from my own behavior to INTPs in general. Do you mind...|||Well, on the upside, turnabout is fair play. I don't think most of the INTPs who do this would mind the tables being turned, aside from them having to do some more of the work.|||Well, he was never certain about his own position (and neither am I), the technique *does* further dialogue - in fact, it squeezes it, to use bengalcat's term. I don't remember him actually...|||Again, sorry if I hurt you. Good to know this sort of thing can have that effect on people. Guess I'll have to use it more wisely in the future. In my defense, I was doing it because I did respect...|||Well, the entire point of the maneuver is to emotionally manipulate somebody into digging up the dirt on your own pet theory. So, you get them annoyed at you, so they'll take it out on the theory. If...|||Hmm. Don't remember doing it 'live.' Except maybe when I teach, when I really *am* the authority.|||Hmm. I don't think type 9s naturally put themselves in positions of authority. Setting themselves up as the authority is actually *part* of the act - we're pushing you to rebel!|||bengalcat for what it's worth, yeah, the girl finally confronted that INFJ guy. Not only did he not like her, he was confused why she might think he liked her :/ So consider your intuitions...|||It's sort of the opposite of asking a leading question. With a leading question, you're pushing the person to agree with you. In a case like this, you're pushing them to *disagree* with you. It's not...|||Well, I do generally reserve that particular method for people who already pissed me off. (If you're going to be squished, then at least get squished by people you almost have a moral duty to be...|||sorry... t_t|||Well, people don't generally catch on to the fact that you're pissing them off just to get them to dig up the dirt on your theory for you :) No, the drawback to that particular tactic is that you...|||A lot of it depends on the style of the emotional 'provocation.' Do you remember that one time, I asked you for advice about an INFJ who had a girl crushing on him? And I was trying to figure out if...|||Well, I wouldn't change to appease him :) To improve my teaching, yes. And I have gotten some feedback from students that a clearer outline would help their note-taking. But, since I really don't use...|||<twitch> perhaps I should mention that we're both *analytic* philosophers? We might be each other's arch-nemsis, but at least we ain't @#$% post-modernists...|||Yeah, that sounds about right. Like I said, I think he's an IxTJ, but I can't tell if he's using Ni, or if he just has that goddamn much literature crammed into Si. Strangely enough, a lot...|||Well, it's mostly been jabs at my teaching style, so far >.> We have radically different ideas on that as well. Neither of us are terribly good at putting our actual theories into words. He has said...|||Well, there is this one guy in our department... He's a Kantian. I hate Kant. And, like just about every Kantian I've met, he's naturally a horrible asshole whose horrible assholishness is kept in...|||No, I haven't. But, yeah, I know relativism has its flaws too. For one thing, I'd only be able to say that bin Laden is a horrible horrible person relative to my culture. The variant I'm working on...|||With Ne, I know that it's not so much about truth as possibility. With Ne, I can see things that *may* be true, but it's up to Ti to see if it makes sense, it if it's coherent with what I already...|||I still like the idea that somebody had of just taking baby!Hitler back with you to the future. Good chance WWII would still happen, given the political climate in Germany, but it'd certainly be...|||Well, given how many buildings we got on campus, that would mean about once a year for some building on campus. Which seems to be about the reconstruction schedule, actually.|||Perhaps, but I *would* like to be able to tell the ghost of bin Laden that he's a horrible horrible person and say something *objectively* true. Even if it would be less fun than the Land of Do As...|||Psh, it's not relativistic to say that a tool is morally neutral. The guy deserves it could be an objective moral truth. Besides, if you want to talk meta-ethics, I'm a frustrated objectivist (no...|||Which would take a while, given how stingy the state is being of late :/ Still, they do occasionally retrofit a building, or build a new one. Wonder how hard that would be to do then? Surely they...|||Remember, people: wisdom begins with saying I don't know.|||Hmm. More like a train wreck, I'd say - like a train heading over a cliff, following the rails... In some ways, mere arrogance and narcissism is more forgivable. It's like how stupidity can be more...|||I think this is probably the most effective strategy mentioned in this thread so far :)|||The University has steam from the power plant that it uses for heating during the winter. I know you can use live steam to cool, using adsorption cooling. I wonder if the University is already using...|||No, I think I get this too. We slack and procrastinate so much that if we have free time, where we don't have to worry about slacking, it makes us think maybe we forgot about what we're...|||Depends on how you use it. It can be a useful tool, and like all tools, it can be used for good or evil. If the person you're deliberately pissing off is an asshole, it's all good.|||Yes. <10 chars>|||Hopefully some ESFJs will wonder through and respond, but I'd say that Si is all about what you're used to. So a good chunk of how those two ESFJs act could just be how they were raised. Idk.|||That does indeed suck. Not as bad as the one-month-in couple's counseling, and getting yelled at for not filling out the worksheets, but it does suck. Anybody else notice In2itive having a bad...|||Heh, if they're Geek Squab, you'd be better off eating them... if only the reality lived up to the marketing...'
'462138|||462130|||461874|||461866|||461826|||461818|||461810|||461802|||461778|||461666|||How do I make pic large if it is from my library?|||461658|||Where is this box?|||I don't know how to make images larger. 460874|||Yes|||455289|||443114|||443106|||443098|||443090|||443090|||It would be black.|||347866|||262626|||Cinjun Tate -wish|||When you imagine what it would feel like to drown, almost drown in your imagination, and need to take a deep breath and realise how wonderful that sensation is. Then cry for those who have died that...|||My favorite quote from the book, that is my favorite book by the by,( besides my other favs, ) The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't. Once I read that, I knew it was...|||My pendulum swings far and wide and hits all the points in between. Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) -Walt Whitman. I read Song...|||What is your favorite movie, book, show, etc. one liner ? Or scene? Are we on cops? - Drop Dead Gorgeous http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJZBKYi4FLU&feature=player_embedded Denny,...|||Here here, Bago. The more developed I become, the more I love myself (not narcissitically). But I know that ,at least for myself, I continue to focus on being humble in it's true form. When I...|||FlowerChild ,That's the same daisy pic i have on my personas firefox.|||Silence. Mostly love it. At times, I have angst. Not sure where it comes from. That is when I need the very few who, I feel, actually know me, as scary as that is. I need reassurance and face. ...|||Mr. Bean (the real British series) I don't watch tv now so I can't give new shows. I love monty python (even though I've done the research and know from whence they come). Laugh in and Carol...|||ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Noun1.insecurity - the state of being subject to danger or injury danger - the condition of being susceptible to harm or injury; you are in no...|||This is why it is difficult for me to do tests. I need specifics, and get caught up in different possibilities in a question. :)|||I dont think i fully understand what you are asking or directing. Am I to write what my insecurities are? What my thoughts are on insecurity in general? I need specifics. :)|||Type this in at youtube. I cant put a link because I dont have enough posts yet. Madonna - Promise To Try Listen to this. I love this song. We have to love...|||I have decided to allow myself to feel. I talk my way through to see what really hurts and why. I pray a lot. I volunteer and help people w worse problems than I have. Helps me to put my pain back...|||My result: Your score: 47 0 - 32 = low (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 20) 33 - 52 = average (most women score about 47 and most men score about 42) 53...|||From my perspective and understanding, we as a race of humans are in the darkest part of our to be history. Believe me, I swim with dolphins daily, figuratively for the time being. I can fly...|||I feel pain as intensely as I feel joy. Both can bring me to tears. There does happen to be, at this particular time in human history, a lot of pain, intense and seemingly unending. I cannot deny...|||“EMPATHY is your pain in my heart.”|||I recently did a tour of the Metropolitan Museum in NY. One of the statues was a man who was being flayed alive. I feel it about once a day. I cannot comprehend the evil behind that level of...|||Outside by staind Love lyrics|||INFP's. Can you nearly die with someone? Can you easily wear someone elses shoes? Can you imagine drowning and have to take a deep, involuntary breath because you can feel the water in your...|||Not at all. Can you indulge your synapses? Go wherever, Uranus if you wish|||I seem to pick control freaks. Needy hurt boys that i feel i can love to whole. Never worked. They kill me.|||Seems like more sadness and misunderstanding than anything else. Feel so lonely. Want to fly.|||Right now Alice in Chains accoustic I'm Alone'
'Top 30 1. The Spirit of the Beehive 2. Y tu Mama Tambien 3. Badlands 4. Five Easy Pieces 5. Before Sunrise 6. A Heart in Winter 7. Au Revoir Les Enfants|||Claires knee. One of the best movies ive seen in a long time. French dialogue is so engaging|||Yah Again very similar to anh in this regard as that was as a very narrow film rhat mostly focused on small group of people consrantly just escaping danger. Safe is what best describes tfa imo,...|||Heard this song in a brief club scene in the movie Aftershock and immediately needed to know what it is https://youtube.com/watch?v=jQQsB7SI7tQ|||Thouht tfa was alright just way to similar to anh in many aspects, mostly because it was soo action heavy throughout. I literally thought the movie was hitting tbe 2/3rds mark when it ended because i...|||yeah some of the shots in the conformist are crazy. the birdeyes dance sequence stood out for me whats your list ?|||The Spirit of the Beehive Y Tu Mama Tambien A Heart in Winter Badlands Before Sunrise The Conformist Five Easy Pieces Au Revoir les Enfants Murmur of the Heart La Belle Noiseuse|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uldQEKI9zdk|||do you not think that your responses are interchangeable? scenario 2 of hitting the non-freewill entity until it learns is perfectly applicable in a deterministic world also. the entire reason of...|||but you would act against it directly, given the correct conditions. right? my issue is that your behaviour doesn't seem to change whether we're in a deterministic world or a free will world, and...|||our entire conversation has been about the question of how can we justify holding non-free willed/deterministic entities to account even though they don't have free will. you earlier said that if...|||wait. this entire conversation started because you stated that without free will - ie in a deterministic world - we would have to excuse everything because people aren't responsible for their...|||some decisions are dependent on my wants and desires, so yes, i do at times feel free, according to your definition. are you suggesting that if the bacteria had knowledge of the lava, that...|||anything that does not have free-will, is what i was trying to get across. aren't these two words a pair, i mean, can something have a will and not be free? if so, please explain wait,...|||you claimed that no one can be held responsible in a determinstic world because it is not them performing the actions, per se, and that we would just have to excuse everything. what i'm then...|||define free.|||yes. you still havent explained the leap between determinism and excusing everything. yes, the response would, in part, be about poor guy, he was brought up in bad circumstances and the...|||if it can all be determined then you will not be choosing, as you earlier stated yourself.|||how so?|||people in a determinist world still have preferences and values that they want to uphold and enforce. it does not follow that they must just excuse everything. please explain how you arrive at this...|||if a choice can be 100% predicted then that choice is limited to one result.|||they both matter...|||me1's vast world of adventure and mystery and, in some major instances, fairly plausible sci-fi elements made for one of the best gaming experiences i have ever had. then me2 came along and threw it...|||this question likely applies to people who believe in an afterlife. i mean, giving a big fuck you! to the world and then reconvening back in the heaven would be super awkward..|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urt2cy7AqFs#t=1m00s|||recently watched Proxy (2013) and thought it was terrific. really unpredictable events that kept me guessing and some of the characters were beautifully fucked up. handled itself with a finesse that...|||personally, i'm not going to put myself in potentially negative scenarios for no benefit. congrats to you though if youre willing to take that risk, i applaud your actions.|||that's completely false.|||seen it. love it.|||10) Au Revoir les Enfants 9) 2001: A Space Odyssey 8) A Heart in Winter 7) There Will Be Blood 6) Fight Club 5) Five Easy Pieces 4) Before Sunrise 3) Badlands 2) Y tu Mama Tambien 1) The...|||amazing show for 5 episodes, crappy show thereafter|||the wire. the other show isn't even playing on the same gameboard|||i've smoked for sporadic periods, mostly due to having something to do at breaks and when my friends go for smokes. plus i like the head rush. lately though i've gone off them because they make my...|||because what is the point of stealth being the most viable option in a stealth game? it's absurd|||i hate when stealth games do that|||to me one of the major charms of french film/culture is how the people seem to openly speak their thoughts to one another, with little impact of social restraint. there's a detachment about it, a...|||you mean there's a separate mission for a chaos playthrough?|||finished. didn't manage to achieve a full ghost playthrough as there were a couple of times where killing felt necessary, and the detection meter screwed me over once or twice (only realised i had...|||what is the rationale behind your conclusion?|||under the umbrella of market logic it makes perfect sense for cures to be suppressed by those who stand to lose from it, just like any new advancement which challenges a self-preserving...|||cool. i'm guessing the purple star significance is taken from the dlc? i've just finished the story mode so will be starting them soon :D for the next game i want to play as emily and for it to be...|||are you serious about the tattoo ? if so what would you get? i read the first game sold beyond expectations so it makes sense for a sequel|||because it doesn't make sense|||looks like we now agree to agree. s'all good|||and how does this tie into the responsibility aspect of your previous statement: Life's not complicated, and it's the insistence of idiots trying to complicate it that make it appear anything...|||i deliberately avoid such items because i'm reluctant to carry anything of immediate value on my person. case in point, i left my crappy nokia on a travel bus a few months back... yeah it sucked, but...|||i don't think any sane person would hold a newborn child to a 100% responsibility of their actions. why? because they haven't digested an apt amount of influence. ie. you asked you either choose...|||yeah, well, i have the tattoo on my left hand! (just kidding) you know that they are making a new dishonored for next-gen ? *drools*|||you are not using my logic. i have explicitly stated that it is not violence whenever the violence is of one's permission, and likewise i already stated that the vast majority of people would...|||i consider a person dying of starvation, when it is unnecessary, as a form of violence, yes it is completely relevant because it's a determining factor on what can be considered violent. if...'
'i don't know about you all, but when i have no time to finish stuff and have to come back the next day to finish it, i always leave it in such a way that i know exactly where to pick it up from (this...|||i don't know about you all, but i prefer individual sports to team sports Cycling (used to mountain bike, now the occasional sprinting on the single speed on the road) PC Gaming is a sport too?...|||when observing things that are not familiar ISTPs are always too scared or too proud to ask, especially if it looks too damn obvious INTPs always ask because it isn't visually obvious, or when...|||i am fascinated with guns, cars, computers, bicycles But i don't purposely open them just for the sake of understanding them I would say it only happens on a want to know, or a need to know basis ...|||fuck it gets me into a lot of shit i shouldn't have bought that or shit i should have done that instead moments :x|||i second that: i would make an argument for poorly designed things when the designer didnt even bother to think or try out the stuff he designed and it just turns out as a mess cuz it is most...|||people assuming i like someone or something based on their observations This is absolutely untrue gahh|||i don't know about you all, but i like asmr :x and building very big lego sets, i guess taking them apart and rebuilding them is fun as well and recently building servers and stuff for my home...|||you do know that is actually the sound of the turbo compressor stalling right~ lol the blow off valve sounds more like a pshhh more than su tu tu tu tu :3|||me: we were too drunk friends: you didnt look like it man.. me: no man we totally forgot we brought in brollies :3|||another tell tale is that they like to give advice to you when it is not needed! :(|||i'd say any music that is easy to walk fast to, or dance to (sadly i can't dance) and probably anything that is relaxing and soothing. Funny when i am doing something that requires concentration...|||its so dry and hot here, there hasn't been any rain for weeks and the worst part is everything just catches fire so easily. the air is like totally hazy from the burning plantations in indonesia -_-|||hobbies: open world fps/3rd person shooters fiddling with my pc/fixing pc fiddling/upgrading/maintaining/riding my bikes (mountain and single speed road) buying random tools/junk taking random...|||short changed never again~ sadly my cheapskate friends always round down -_-|||hmm.. i love fried gourmet sausages :D especially with an egg and ramen~~ i dunno but i like my ramen overcooked and saturated with soup stock :D its soo good|||1. Could you explain your situation? (e.g., I'm a full-time student or I work full-time, et cetera). Working full time as a Mechanical/Electrical Engineer 8-6 -_- 2. When you have free...|||dear ESTJ boss, why u no imagination! :(|||oo lala 10 things i hate about you :D|||i totally understand man. i swear they totally want to control us and everyone around them. then it comes when you start working with them, its a goddamn nightmare. i swear they want others to do...|||lol~ i dunno why but i find some ESFPs annoying :3|||does bicycle mechanic, self learned count? :x computer mechanic, if there's such a thing :3|||being doubted for my ability people who don't pay attention and make me repeat myself people who think too highly of themselves people who are irresponsible people who think the world owes them a...|||you'd be suprised how much difference a ENFJ's common sense vs a ISTP's common sense there is :dry:|||dear ESFP, your wants and desires are not mine. stop imposing these things on me. my patience is running low. no wonder i don't really have any friends. Male ISFJs just take offense so easily,...|||when people who are smoking while walking, walk in front of you and you are downwind. you avoid them and they still come back and want to be faster than you, unaware that i may anytime just push you...|||omg~ why would you choose a username which is a chinese dialect(hokkien) word for vagina?|||ENFJ: Don't you have any common sense? ENFJ: It's understood. You still need to ask? ENFJ: You know i will ask etc etc :3|||middle button / mouse wheel click works as well :x|||not that i wanna be an ass, but sometimes you INFJs can be more flexible in many things~ that's just me, cuz sometimes when i talk to my INFJ friend he won't understand what i am saying unless it...|||hmm but sometimes when you talk to INFJs they tend to not catch what you say because i dunno but my INFJ friend cannot help but hear something wrongly or not understand something because of a...|||guilty of bouncing leg lol~|||i tend to keep it inside until i almost explode or vent it by expending helluvalot of energy or eating comfort food :3|||i dunno why but i hate repeating myself. especially when people clearly can hear me articulate but cannot make out or understand what i am saying -_-|||you may never know when you might need it~ or just to shoot at something :3|||I can write proper grammar and explain it, but i don't like to delve on the abstract meaning behind the theories involved in physics. too much work. the straighforward types that don't require...|||Guilty on Ni Overuse~ I would say this Scarrdragon is more of a decision maker than of option consideration. he seems like a not so hands on person. ISTPs are certainly more hands on than INTJ or...|||your Ni is stronger than your Se. seems you use Ni more than Se. you could very well be INFJ or INTJ. it's hard to tell|||physics too many rules, equations, maths. the concepts were simple sometimes, but the calculation and proving was like: really? then when you move up the grades, everything just goes to shit real...|||talking about random things is an immediate go away talking about interesting things or things you wanna do that are common is a hmm talking about the things you are doing while you are doing it is...|||a long scoped rifle :x too bad we can't own or fire guns here unless you are in the army :( then again, the army only lets u use the silly automatic rifles during range practice :(|||i guess my mind would be a warehouse / command post. with anything and everything you might want or use, that you can take whenever at any time with superfast transportation equipment. you want...|||you know what i mean? you understand? you have no common sense you have no sense of humour come here and stop for a chit chat -_-|||i feel like smashing stuff every now and then when something frustrates me. but i almost always hold back because i dont wanna be held responsible for damaging it and paying for damages :x|||follow your impulses. if you feel like doing it, just do it, don't consider why nots and what ifs. that can come later. This is coming from someone who spent the last 3 weeks playing games all day...|||i used to play brass back when i was still in school~ it was good. i could literally play anything just from listening~ my usual kicks were to play any loud part as loud as i can as well as i can~...|||damn people making me do clean up all the damn time... @ work Hey! help me get that from him hey! help me keep that, i forgot to keep it and im not free Hey! do this its so monotonous and im not...|||hmm.. i wonder where the duct came from|||depends on the smoke~ if the contents of the smoke is entirely water vapour its fine~|||Enough books~ My inferior Fe is dictating i should throw these books at you.'
'I am only heartless in GTA V :tongue:|||Pretty close to my type...I really need to stop doing #3.Items that I had wanted such as an Audi A6 or a classic Mustang were a pain to maintain and a year after the purchase I sold them....currently...|||As an Empath who had a 14 year marriage with a bipolar woman...never again will I involve myself with someone with a mental illness.Not that I would not care about them but I would care too much and...|||I used to show Akita's and one was named Kobens Ryuuko-Go so for the past 18 years I have been using that name...before that it was Kibbles :wink:|||Last week a woman standing behind me at the movie theatre kept on telling me how handsome I was ..over and over again....on match a guy sent me a message wanting to know how to fulfill my...|||What does it take to win your trust?Be in front of me so I can read their body language. Does it depend on the personality of the person?Not really. Do you need to know the person for a long...|||I am thinking about finding a test that does not result in this...so far 20+ have the same result :tongue: http://i.imgur.com/BjZJpft.png|||44/100 Masculine 74/100 Feminine 65/100 Androgynous|||Trust,leap of faith,explore,expand our mind,knowledge,help those who can't help themselves,leave earth then the universe then time itself....improve oneself day by day.|||Distracted drivers Homeless people begging Gang members signing.|||Empathetic Intuitive Patient Reserved Kind Honest Trustful Courteous Inquisitive Thoughtful|||My theory of why there are few INFJ's is because so few are needed in society and when they do show up they can literally change the world. 73 Most Famous People with INFJ Myers Briggs Personality...|||What does it take to win your trust?Be honest Does it depend on the personality of the person?No Do you need to know the person for a long time?No Who are the people you trust the most?Cashiers...|||It is all or nothing...nothing in between.I can tell when the house has been cleaned because objects have been slightly moved...but I won't notice a new rug in the hallway.|||INFJ Do you give them a chance? I usually ignore them...male of female...oh the stories I could tell. Do you turn them down nicely? Usually give them a blank stare Do you try to discreetly get...|||I cheated...I an Empath whose brain is just a feminine as guys with gender dysphoria who are transitioning male to female....on gender tests I score even higher feminine than my female friends...|||61/80 INFJ ...if it was the last week of the month I bet my score would have been higher..lol|||36/100 masculine 69/100 feminine 59/100 androgynous Straight male INFJ|||18/50....answers need more choices,a slider...or 1-10.:rolleyes:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSkboTTTmpg|||I enjoy speed reading people in public...especially around Christmas :wink: but I cheat a bit since I am an Empath...the feelings I get reinforce who I am reading. I think everyone reads...|||At one time I was on match,eharmony,pof,okcupid,ourtime,conscience match ...but the past year just OKC and Ourtime..I have met and dated several female INFJ's ...I usually message them a few...|||49/100 Masculine 76/100 Feminine 53/100 Androgynous Which is normal for me...I have taken other tests like this one and score a +37...I have chatted with males with gender dysphoria or are...|||70% right/30% left...I am not sure of the validity of the differences...but that test and others describe my brain :laughing:|||I have been using the user name for 18 years,before that and still at times Kibbles. RyuukoGo is the name of a Japanese Akita I used to show then retired him and gave to my mother.|||High:Getting over a woman I almost fell in love with. Low:Knowing that I will go through the same routine again and again.|||Okcupid and Ourtime....I have found a dozen INFJ women on those sites...dated a few ...I also found a few Shamans....several Empaths who a few I keep in contact with.|||I can turn them on/off as one would a light switch...as well as postpone dealing with the emotions surrounding a situation...I learned those skills having had been married to a woman who is...|||Tahiti, Philippines,Maine,Martha's Vineyard,Oregon...Greece next year.|||You are here ---->X|||I have found and dated several INFJ women from ourtime and okcupid...date/conversations went on for 4-6 hours...but no chemistry between us..so you may want to try dating sites but don't expect...|||Life..always a work in progress.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6omsDyFNlk&list=RDEMdeWPqptVbaZgkO6BsiVGxw&index=1|||Shorts and t shirt 95% of the time and at times one of my 30 year old jeans that look new....and as much as possible only cotton clothing.|||I swallow pills with no water...I pretty much eliminated that gag reflex...on the reddit forums I get messages asking me to stop pretending to be a man...or why an I a man pretending to be a...|||Working out to build back muscle mass that I lost years ago...unfortunately anytime I make changes my feminity bleeds out...I guess that is par with having an androgynous mind. Redoing my...|||At recent a MBTI meetup I helped start a few conversation..we talked for 4 hours...the next meeting I was asked why I am so quiet...the meeting lasted about an hour...dates go on for 5+ hours..phone...|||1HSP 2Empath 2.Androgynous mind. 3.Type with my left hand and write with my right hand. 4.Favorite color is yellow...but have nothing yellow. 5.Used to show American Akita's then Japanese...|||I do believe in soulmates but not that there is just one or they all just are here to make you life easier...in our lives I believe you will encounter several soul mates...some will be the...|||26..used to be 27 but I changed the way I sense pain. INFJ,HSP and Empath and you though you had problems :laughing:|||Months later of reading I have come out of the closet and accepted that I am..............an INFJ.HSP and an Empath . I have done more reading and several articles have a better explanation....I...|||He could be your soul mate or twin flame....but both or you may not be ready to be together...both you souls may still have a lot to learn. I am not sure of the soul mate concept is true...but I do...|||My ex wife of 10 years is bipolar...a roller coaster ride for an INFJ,HSP,Empath....I remember the day her psychiatrist said to me now you are acting bipolar I knew that was a hint to start...|||Root: open (38%) Sacral: open (56%) Navel: under-active (-12%) Heart: open (69%) Throat: open (62%) Third Eye: over-active (100%) Crown: over-active (81%)|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZL4MGwlZuAc|||My high for the day: Having dinner with a close friend. My low for the day: The friend is leaving for Greece Thursday and coming back in 6 months to live near her daughter who lives 700...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4H0JDomv8ac|||INFJ,HSP and an Empath....when I am not sensitive is the question....I rarely let my sensitivity get to a point where I am crying but I get really close. When I do decide that I am going to go with...|||Insults I don't take too kindly...insults to me are messages on dating sites where it is just a Hi or Hey :laughing: Criticisms ...as long as I am told ahead of time that I am going to be...|||Because what ever created you thought your life should be easy.'
'My guesses for the three main guys in socionics are: Dean- SEE Sam- ILI Cas- SLI I'm not sure about what they are in MBTI. I feel like the show as a whole is very oriented towards the Gamma and...|||Happy to oblige. ;)|||My personal experience as an ENFp is that when someone violates my Fi I can get very upset. However, it's rarely around the person that anger is directed at. If I find myself getting really angry,...|||Yes? Why? Haha|||I've heard a few times that ENFPs are the most introverted extroverts, and that may be true, but sometimes I truly think I am more of an I than and E. The reasons that I think I am an ENFP is because...|||This is tough, but I think a great chance to explore some wonderful characters! Hamlet- INFP Ophelia- ISFP Gertrude- INFJ Claudius- INTJ Umm, those are just my opinions. I agree that...|||This was essentially my love life throughout high school. I SO wanted to be in love that I tried to force it. I ended up in a relationship with someone I didn't have strong feelings for, and I think...|||SHHHHH!!!! That's supposed to be a secret! Don't give it away! XD|||Yeah... Be very very clear, otherwise I won't notice. Not just me, but I think this is true for a lot of ENFPs. Sometimes we get caught up in our minds that sometimes we can't just stop and pay...|||It's BS, that's what! Unless it suits me... XD In all honesty though, I do tend to swing back and forth a little. I really do think if a girl as feelings towards a guy she should ask him out. I...|||From an ENFP perspective (who is not really into drugs), I would suggest not over thinking it. This is something I, however could never do, as I tend to over think everything, so I'll try some more...|||m_dogg I wonder about Rumple being an S, with all of the out-there leaps he makes to make deals work for him. He seems to be very quick on his feet when it comes to making leaps, even back when he...|||blissfulpeach I love you to pieces, and I twuely appreciate the sentiment, even if I'm not really an INFJ. You are most certainly my crush.|||Um, I would like to claim Mr. Henry for the ENFP's. :) Thanks so much. Bye. If you HAVE to know my reasons, these are them, the first being that he reminds me SO much of me as a little kid. I...|||Alaiyo Sakuri Wasn't it the most gorgeously heart wrenching book? The part with the little boy and the alligator made me ball.|||Do you mean if the Bible (or whatever religious text you rely on) specifically said God wanted us to have nine year old wives? Or if it simply accepted it as a cultural norm without speaking out...|||Redwroah For sure. Chat me up, whenever you feel like it. :) I agree with you, as much as I think her innocence is adorable, I also admire her curiosity, sense of adventure, and yearning to...|||It might be so. I've tried to explain why I think we're attracted to you, but mostly there's just a feeling that works for me. Thanks! I loved Tangled too (obviously). I could very strongly...|||AH! It's so hard to pick! I'll go with my top ten, in no particular order. 1. Q 2. Quark 3. The Doctor 4. Picard 5. Data 6. Picard 7. O'Brien 8. Janeway|||That's for sure! Crazy attractive. Hm... More badass than Atticus... that's a tough one. I will think about it. Frankenstein's monster is very much so, but I will never get over how when Bob...|||Ashcancowgirl I'm going to think of a really deep philosophical explanation for the duck as it seems to be quite the eye catcher. It's my soul. It's my mind. I am actually a duck in a laboratory...|||He's kind of the biggest bad ass in the history of literature. I just read it for the fourth time, and it just gets better every time I read it. Sometimes he seems a bit untypeable as he's sort of...|||bubbleboy Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird, Moritz Steifel from Spring Awakening, and the giver from The Giver (the last one is iffy, but I'm fairly certain about the rest).|||That's the most terrifying thing isn't, it? I have a friend who is suicidal as well, but she's an INFP. But what's even worse was that his death was so unnecessary and could have been easily avoided...|||ruth2ten *Love fest* I forgot to mention how much I love your wonderful compliments! I also quite like your avatar. :D|||Yeah, so I've never met an INFJ that I didn't love. My mom's an INFJ, so is my best friend, the guy I've had a crush on for ages, and my favorite fictional character. :D I need more of you in my...|||Moritz is the most tragic character in the history of theater, in my opinion. But he is kind of hard to type. I definitely agree with IXFJ, but I lean towards INFJ, because of his lack of...|||I think assertiveness is great, but arrogance is not. There is certainly a line between asking for what you want and demanding it, I am not at all attracted to people who cross that line. Most INTJs...|||I know this thread has been dead a long time, but I love this show, and wanted to know what other people thought. I think Melchior is for sure and ENTP and Ernst is an INFP. I don't know if we can...|||Not many books make me cry, but I balled my eyes out when I read Where the Red Fern Grows, The Giver, and Copper Sun. Where the Red Fern Grows made me cry because I have adore dogs, and just hate any...|||I always thought that it had nothing to do with race at all and more with a lust for power and convenience. For example, in America when the natives turned out to be less than ideal slaves for a...|||While I am usually sexually attracted to ENTPs for whatever reason, I'm not sure I could make a relationship work for very long with one of them. I'm sure there are exceptions to that, but from the...|||The most important thing is to enjoy your lifex97to be happyx97it's all that matters. --Audrey Hepburn Humour is an affirmation of dignity, a declaration of man's superiority to all that befalls...|||I agree with pretty much everything that's been said here. I'm extremely private. It drives my friends crazy. People beg me to tell them more about myself but I don't feel comfortable getting into...|||For one, I have long, deep conversations with my dogs. I'll dance like a crazy person and sing show tunes at the top of my lungs. I'll pretend to be favorite characters from books, movies, or plays...|||I think my little brother is an ESFP and a friendly acquaintance of mine from school is one, as well. I've always admired my brother's ability to be so diplomatic and social to everyone around him. I...|||ENFP with dark brown eyes. :)|||Aw, how cute. Ducks are wonderful that way, aren't they? When I was in middle school I would feed the ducks in the pond outside my school every afternoon, and eventually the babies would crawl up...|||Thank you so much! I will definitely use this in the future! Aw, thank you! I definitely see the dream like quality of the image.|||I didn't see them at first, but now that you've pointed them out to me, I'll go take a look. They're beautiful! I love the ducks! I have some ducks, too! 41914 41915 41916 This is my...|||I'm so glad someone started this thread, because I definitely do this, I just didn't know how to put it into words. I can very easily laugh something off in the moment, because I really can't stand...|||When you NEED your ENFP friend's clothes to match and for her to tuck in her shirt under her sweater and twitch for the rest of the day when she doesn't. Haha, I love my J friends. ^_^|||Oh, thank you! I'm flattered! I'm very blessed. Most of these were taken when I was back home, over summer/spring/winter breaks in California. Your photography is fantastic, as well! 0.0 THIS...|||Sorry for the spam, it won't let me get more than a few photos on each post. 41654 41656 41657 41658 41659|||Here are some more. I don't know why they're so small, but if you click them, they get bigger. 41650 41652 41653|||These are some of my most recent. I'll add more later. :) 41646 41647 41648|||I try to get along with everyone, but my closest friends are almost always NFs, though I know a few NTs that I consider good friends, as well. I generally don't have many friends that are sensors...|||I used to (and still some times do) act out my dreams while sleeping. My mom's workshop was only two doors down from my bedroom and one a few separate occasions I would walk in there, in my sleep,...|||I more I want to diet, the more junk food I eat. I'll spend a ton of money on those sour movie theater candies even though I know for a fact that my tongue will burn like crazy by the end of the...|||I was mistyped as an INFP and I don't think that's uncommon. I know I need a lot of time to myself and as much as I love people, I definitely get worn out after a while. I think to people who know...'
'To answer your question, yes. People are capable of using their iPhones to record and take pictures of you if they please. Every iPhone comes with a camera and voice recording app pre-installed. ...|||There's a simple rule of thumb for people known for taking shit. If they're going to talk about someone behind their back to you, they're more than likely talking about you behind your back to...|||Death By Black Hole - Neil deGrasse Tyson|||Crazy and extreme thoughts are not uncommon. The human mind is designed to, and will drift off to thousands of topics every day. Many of which can be unpleasant, although that is not your problem,...|||http://cdn.wikimg.net/strategywiki/images/thumb/c/cf/Disney's_Aladdin_Genesis_box.jpg/250px-Disney's_Aladdin_Genesis_box.jpg Disney's Aladdin for SEGA Genesis. It was the first game I have any...|||A Study in Scarlet - Arthur Conan Doyle|||Something like this could be a wide variety of psychological and physical conditions and ailments. It could very well be a hormonal imbalance, medicinal effects, or even exposure to something in your...|||Open 'settings' at the top right, on the left side of the settings page, there will be a 'My Settings' tab, under that click 'Edit Profile Picture', then follow the steps to either use an image...|||I am sure that it was. As I said, for anyone that hasn't read the comics (and maybe should rephrase that as, anyone that's not a big DC comics fan and has been following along for a while), a lot of...|||The last movie I saw was Man of Steel. If you've read the comics, you're going to sit there saying, No. No. That's not how that went at all. You're wrong. No. Please stop. For two and a half hours,...|||The main thing that people don't understand is that homosexuals do not choose to be homosexual. Today's world and most modern religion completely rejects them and treats them poorly. In most US...|||I create to express my inner thoughts and feelings that I otherwise could not portray. I find it to be a very ample means of dealing with or understanding my own emotions. Two years ago, I was in a...|||https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/p206x206/1012657_361707547290110_1789396478_n.jpg|||Photo and image hosting, free photo galleries, photo editing would work perfectly. You can create different albums, leave a title, description, and have comments on everything you upload. It's free...|||Kingdom Hearts 2 and Birth By Sleep have both done this. By that same logic, why limit the better gamers? If it's the same game but more tedious because nothing but enemies that take twice as much...|||I know of several titles off hand that have given more content for playing their games on the hardest difficulty. Batman: Arkham City and several of the Kingdom Hearts series have done this and many...|||What bothers you about video games that you feel game developers need to know and understand? There are a couple of topics I could go into that bother me about modern video games, but the biggest...|||I am Agnostic. A few years ago I was a Christian, but began analyzing and trying to figure out certain aspects of the religion and ultimately did not agree with them, but don't want to go so far as...|||Resident Evil 6.|||Generally an absorbing story of some kind, a movie, good video game, novel, or something an elder has told me is what motivates me the best. I see each as a piece of art on it's own and often like to...|||In my opinion horror movies don't reach just what fear is. Fear is a very basic emotion based on survival and wellbeing. There are many of things that scare people based on this, and even more that...|||http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/047/d/a/gif___kingdom_hearts_3d_4_by_asahi88-d4pwj7r.gif|||Adding to your stress by worrying about your stress isn't going to help. At the least you need to convince yourself that failure or these feelings won't be the end of you. These circumstances do not...|||When moving, you want to pack in the order of how frequently you use things. Start with the least frequently used, and move your way up. Also put them in the moving van/truck in this order as well,...|||http://cdn.gamerant.com/wp-content/uploads/Rocksteady-Batman-Gotham-City-Sequel.jpg|||Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines.|||Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Final Mix.|||http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3jvadmOHS1rnz3joo1_400.png|||If you want to put your YouTube channel out there and get more viewers, then you need to make videos that people want to watch. Good, original content gets a higher number of views, while boring,...|||Bram Stoker - Dracula.|||I see. So which part of Europe are you in?|||So, did you pick the username because of the quote, or quote because of the username?|||'Winning again.|||And I don't mix well with the visually impaired.|||No.|||Allow me to consider it.|||I win.|||Star Fox 64.|||I believe that you need more self-confidence. Commonly the root of secrecy about one's self is out of fear, or insecurity. Somewhere along the line someone criticized you (more than likely more than...|||I'd like to suggest that you use the application RescueTime. This software monitors your activity and gives a weekly e-mail report on how much time you've spent on each application, or website. In...|||I've always found William Shakespeare's work appealing. The dry, desperate tone always gives a very scarce perspective, and tone at what seems to be an ample amount and ratio. The dramatic style,...|||My first console was the SEGA Genesis with the SEGA CD attachment, which I am still in possession of.'
Peeeace. And maybe a genie to grant me three wishes. Hey, if any of you guys find an old lamp, can I has it?|||When's the last time you checked up on the kids, ENTJ?|||The INFJ is twitching.|||Because we actually believe in carrying on against the storm, unlike you ;)|||Are you sure you're not mistaking us for you, INTJ? ;)|||dulcinea Only in the context of 'hot or not', dearie :P Morfinyon It's because you lot are too easy to needle...|||Just thought it represented the NF experience nicely ;)|||I'm an ENFP and the last post made me start reading poetry. My people? Who are they? I went into the church where the congregation Worshipped my God. Were they my people? I felt no kinship to...|||Boy of choice. Oh, and maybe getting into college this fall...|||At least they remember. You lot get drunk, go to sleep and then wake up twelve hours later. 'TIME TO GO TO WORK!'|||I guess it's the whole 'oh, they look kind of happy and happy people are stupid people' stereotype that most people seem to have. I'm usually an honest person, since I don't really have anything...|||At the moment I'm watching Death Note. Both L and Light. Well, L more since he's not a psychotic a-head, but still. Reeeeally can't stand Misa.|||Most people seem to think I'm slightly stupid and naive at first because I touch on topics 'others wouldn't' or say stuff about myself that seem as though I'm giving all of myself away. This is...|||INFPs: fifty ideas, but not a single word written down.|||The ENTP has run out of sensible things to say: I'm flabbergasted. *sarcasm*|||True.|||If Adam were an ISTP, God would've kicked him out of paradise for being one.|||Well, we have a community centre thing around here, and pretty much the only place to go to is the library. I've always considered libraries to be more of a safe haven of whispers and quiet, so that...|||Book sale cart. Paperbacks going at a rate of twenty-five cents. My weakness. Yes, the library here sells books.|||If Adam were an ISTP, the human race would've never existed.|||Maybe if you looked at what happened five minutes ago, you'd realize exactly why you're falling down to your death, ISTP.|||Actually, yes XD It is. I made my first friends when I moved to the States, and now that I've moved back, I seem to have lost whatever it was that helped me socialize. Or more to the point: I lost it...|||I actually went back and edited my last post. XD It's kind of hard to ask guys why they don't want to go out with you when they shy away from you when you try to talk to them and don't really seek...|||Right now? I want to be able to talk to a guy I'm fairly attracted to so I can actually move on to the next step: looking for a relationship. I fail at the former something terrible, it appears. ...|||Omg XD Mysticism abounds in ENFPs as well then, I presume. I have two decks of Tarot cards and a book on interpretation. I do use these regularly, of course, but don't ask me to do readings on you...|||Seriously though, are you having an identity crisis? XD|||INTPs: great children, awful parents.|||Meh. Today at the chess club, a young lady came to play with me but her cohorts, each of them claiming to be better players than her, took a look at my playing and said they didn't want to play even...|||You mean falling over in the street from excessive drinking is called awesomeness? Thanks, but I'll pass.|||It's a book of herbal remedies, and I have NO idea why I just paid 25 cents to get it. All I know is that when I saw it, I just had to have it; and I'm not even a huge health nut or anything. I've...|||ENFPs: the only type willing to criticize themselves and fail at it badly. Wonder what that says about us... ESFP, stop cutting in line.|||And INTPs can't even tell you what happened in the last ten minutes because they were too busy playing the new Assassin's Creed.|||Wow, an INTP who doesn't like themselves. Why am I not surprised?|||You poor thing. When was the last time you went on a date?|||ESFP, have you ever even changed a lightbulb?|||INTJ, if you didn't recognize it yet, I have a little function called extraverted thinking. If you're mistaking Te for rage, methinks your Te is underdeveloped. *_* ISTP, are you sure? I swear the...|||ISTP, there's people who actually want to do that with you? Wow.|||ISTP, ask not whether an ENFP can slow down for you, but ask yourself whether you can keep up with the ENFP.|||Was that supposed to be a joke?|||Question: What's the only thing an ISTP CEO can't pay? Answer: Money. (They went bankrupt before they even started the company...by starting the company.) I think I'd rather take an ENFP CEO...|||Yes, ENTJ, we can actually think factually. Have you ever considered that you're the one with your facts mixed up?|||Sounds good--but I thought this was a criticism thread XD|||I'm probably not the best person to reply in this thread, as I happen to be biased.|||INTJ, have you actually considered the fact that we may actually care about ourselves and you as well, or do I need to take a hammer to your self-esteem and nail it to your brain? We're...|||Uh, the reason we keep asking is because you remembered to bring all the books to the study session, but you only have one of your shoes on. Take better care of yourselves, INTJ, and maybe we won't...|||Am good at persuading people verbally, not so much in the written word--but then, the words tumble out easier when I'm writing.|||Normally, actually, I'd say to flirt with a boy, but maybe I just want to flirt with some delicious-looking hot dogs at the moment...|||I'm surprised you KNOW anything about Belle Reve, ISTP.|||Since I work backwards when I answer--I'm a writer by intention (as in, I'm not published...yet). Once I'm past this maybe a few more months, I might consider turning this into a story and...I don't...|||See, I'm not into the whole 'wait until marriage' gig either; it's just that I'd like to wait to get to know a person better until I let them inside my physical barriers. This is even more important...
'Strictly instrumental Ambient, Nu-Jazz, Chillout, Electronic, Industrial, Trip-hop, Space Rock, and Downtempo type stuff. Also some Reggae, Classic Rock, or Metal every once in a while.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjknMvazWUU|||Well, I was playing with the stereotype. But for me, yes.|||This question is rigged! How do you expect us to have one relationship to evaluate, let alone several?|||Firstly, I would most likely never decide to hold a dinner party; and secondly, if this unlikely event were to come to fruition, then I would probably invite friends and family regardless of...|||I don't always eat breakfast, but when I do, I prefer toast.|||Arguments, yes. Debates, no.|||I knew there was a reason not to semi-disappear recently. Not that I'm sought after or anything, not that I'm not though...forget I said that. The point is, um...uh...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGmg83qdfrk|||That's actually pretty freaking awesome.|||That is quite strange. Also that several people I know who self-identify as ISFPs are businessmen without many artistic endeavors; including my father who is a Global IT Director.|||I was going to write a stupid joke but it was stupid, so I wrote this.|||Strange...and I usually don't say that with a negative connotation. 5/10|||This is a pretty cool perversion of a genre I'm sure most of us never listen to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VurhzANQ_B0|||Were you replying to me?|||You've stated this wrong, if you're going for the Framing Effect, Program B should say There's a two-thirds possibility of all 600 people dying. That's all.|||I don't believe in anything supernatural. No gods, ghosts, zombies, little green men, Nessie, leprechauns, or fucking Big Foot. It's such a stupid name too, because if something were here, with...|||I never skipped school or any classes, except for the one time I skipped Spanish in 9th grade. EDIT: It should be noted that in grades 10-12 I was homeschooled, so I was home, doing whatever I...|||What is this? I don't even...|||Cool. 6/10|||Some chillout. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNScdbGYWT0|||Why always with the love around here?|||I've been told by my brother over and over that I'm brutal. Whatever that means.|||I downloaded this game the other day when it was still $14.99 and I'm only 3 hours in but I love it so far, it's great fun.|||It doesn't have flash so no webpage stuff but there are chat apps.|||What's that you say? 5/10|||They're complete sociopathic assholes! FACT!|||I don't have any kind of cell phone. I dislike them very much. Though I do have an iPod Touch 2nd Gen for some mobile gaming and internet browsing.|||This is your wife I presume.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTCyj1zYlH0|||It's bragging rights.|||My order was Green - Blue- Yellow - Orange...and...what's the point here?|||I have no strong opinion on whether or not the avatar presented above is good. Am I doing it right? NOTE: Due to the stupid fucking nature of internet text, the sarcasm here may have gone...|||All of my family members - except for my half-sisters - have taken the test and researched it enough to know exactly what they are. My brother: ESFP My mother: ENFJ My step-father: ISFP My...|||Never asked this. Ever.|||I went into my history and selected a few things from the past few days to post. Forer Effect Abiogenesis Cellular Automaton Split-brain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFJPtVRlI64|||It's an interesting, thought provoking, and well-worded though a little heavy quote from who I presume is L from Deathnote. I don't read them. 7/10|||I am personally not very enthused with the revelation(?) of JJ Abrams directing Star Wars Ep. VII. I think he's a pretty good director, don't get me wrong, but I have two quibbles and a more major...|||Eh, I like the purple sky but not much else. 3/10|||Holy shit. I've never encountered another person who knows who Bonobo is.|||One time I went to my friend's house and made a videogame character named Kid Reaper because he was a short skeleton. And then I went to the bathroom and he changed it to Kid Raper. Stranger 1: omfg...|||I don't do New Year's resolutions. Pointless goals with pointless efforts.|||Stranger: hey You: bitch Stranger: what You: I said bitch Stranger: why?|||59358|||I refuse to use all forms of abridged or dumbed down language, and laugh at those that use it.|||Looks like you found the needle in the haystack! WARNING: This post reeks strongly of sarcasm.|||You: T 5 Stranger: hhi Stranger: Hey Stranger: t8 You: good|||Yes, write something in Greek! I'm interested in seeing what another language looks like handwritten.|||On a scale from 1-10 how: 1. Happy are you? - 7.755 2. Socially skilled are you? - 6.109402 3. Lazy are you? - 8.6199 4. Emotional are you? - 4.08531 5. Book smart are you? - 7.08202 6....|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUIZw22P_oE'
'I need to get people's answer to the following question for an assignment in a cultural diversity class: What is diversity? There are no wrong answers, but just don't look up and put a...|||Wow, that is amazing!!! Congrats.|||Zephellnoka|||I am great at keeping secrets because I rarely tell people things that other people have said to me, even stuff that would not be considered a secret. It just feels wrong to be sharing other...|||When some of your closest friends are people you met through a forum like Personality Cafe.|||When you ignore your friends for a few weeks and they eventually come to your place to see if you are alright.|||You know you're an introvert when your roommate goes on vacation and all you look forward to is having a nice quiet house and not being bugged or interrupted for anything.|||Dear Empathy Bear, In your bear like manner, could you explain the differences between empathy and sympathy? I find it a bit confusing and I see a lot of people mixing the two up also. Some...|||I agree with nuue mostly, except for the confronting part. Instead of confronting them ask them to explain why they don't want you to go to prom. In other words, approach the situation from a...|||Dear Empathy Bear, I have this friend that I like, but she gets drunk several times a week. The problem is I don't like to be around her when she gets drunk because she gets a bit loud and crazy...|||I would like to see a link that would enable users to see who is posting in the forums as it happens live. It would enable users to see which forums are most active right now and then they might...|||I started to read the essay because I was procrastinating an assignment, but now I am going to procrastinate finishing the essay on procrastination and do my assignment. All you really have to do...|||Welcome, It sounds like the two of you have different ideas of what you want in relationship and it is causing lots of problems. This girl at work sounds like a real class act. I wonder if it is...|||Fulgar quote: Talking with others and opening up. It's a lot harder than it sounds, though. That's why INTPs can be seen as un-empathetical. I agree, it sounds easy, but if it were easy I would...|||Hziegel quote: Most people are not interested in solving the problem, so trying to give a detailed analysis and solution is the last thing you should be worrying about. This I also don't get...|||To answer Elwin's question: Are you saying that you feel empathetic but have trouble expressing it? No it is like I can't see things from their perspective and the inability to understand their...|||Welcome Jane Doe, I am still a bit tired, even after taking a nap for an hour.|||I have been thinking about this a lot lately and have not come to a real good answer. My personal experience is that empathy is rather hard for me to convey to others. It takes some work to become...|||Since this is not an introduction then this is me not welcoming you to the forum. Montreal, I have never visited but would like to someday, when it is not snowing or cold.|||Dark green and the color of rust.|||Dr. Evil and Mini Me|||Have you every seen someone do something so strange or idiotic that you felt like blurting out some random advice? Or maybe someone said something to you and you later thought of a great retort. Now...|||When you make up jokes inside your head and laugh out loud because they are so funny.|||I would only advise getting back into a relationship with her if you think she has changed. Being blamed or criticized for arguments is not fun and likely both people are to blame for engaging in...|||I have a hard time focusing on what people are saying sometimes or focusing when I am working on a project. I find myself easily distracted by something else I either must do or something I would...|||It sounds like you are under a lot of stress from school and heartbreak from having a relationship end. The root of anger is feeling like a victim and we often feel that anger gives us back our...|||I second Spirited Away, it was so great and mysterious. Other favorites Wall-E, Up, Caroline, and all of the Pixar shorts are really funny.|||I always liked the Fractured Fairy Tales on The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. It was always amusing to see their take on fairy tales and how the endings were always contradictory to the original plot....|||How did Empathy Bear become so empathetic?|||Who is your favorite movie villain? Hal from Space Odyssey 2001.|||Hi Promethea, I like the bar code at bottom of your post. Did you make that?|||I joined the forum because I thought it was exclusively an ISFJ forum because it was listed under a websites ISFJ personality description. I wanted to learn more about this specific MB personality...|||Hi, detonated dreams, I have only known my Myer's Brigg type for little over a year now, and once I found out my type everything I thought that was odd or wrong about me was just due to my type. ...|||Congrats. I can't wait for the day when someone mistakes me for a robot! That does not compute. That does not compute. That does not compute.|||When I first took the test I got INTJ, but have since decided I fit the description more for INTP. A lot of the time I test INTJ still. I have since come to realize I could be either depending on...|||I think it could be a self-fulfilling prophecy if the person is easily influenced and someone is trying to convince them of their type. Eventually, once this person does a little more research into...|||Hi Dino, I like your avatar, and good luck on not becoming banned. I have no idea how strict they are, but I know they want you to fear the worst so that most people would not create multiple...|||I was wondering what is the purpose of post rank? What does the statuses like V.I.P. Member mean too? I have been curious about this for awhile now and have been unable to find an answer to...|||Does anyone want to know why I think introverts are evolutionarily better equipped than extroverts? Yes, aLamour, please tell us why.|||Hello Nikki, Welcome to the wonderful world of Personality Cafe.|||Tigers, sea otters, and the tiny geckos that run up and down the walls in my backyard.|||Hello Kozato, Which class were you bored in, and why?|||Yes, I would want to attend if it was either close to home or at a good vacation spot, and there better be good food provided by the conference admins.|||Hello, How are you? I'm human. Me too, but I try to be less obvious about it. I'm an INFJ. I like literature, yarn, bicycles, index cards, revolutionary thought, and things that you can put...|||Nope, I only found out about the event after it had passed.|||Welcome Yourlovelyquinn, I know how you feel. I little over a year ago I find out I am an INTP and was so grateful to find out I was not abnormal, I am just a quirky introvert.|||Welcome Totobean and Raiderguy!!!! Totobean, I actually test as an INTJ most often but I identify more with the INTP descriptions I have read on various sites and books. I have had a few test...|||ISTJ's are fine in my book too. Hey darkestar: Is your avatar a painting by Lesli Englert? I really love her work and thought it was cool that your avatar looks like something she might have...|||Hello Von Kevin Bado Alag, It is my pleasure to be the first to post and welcome you. Personality type in the Myers-Briggs test inform us about how each of us interacts with ourselves, others,...|||Happy Birthday Happyfacesmiles!!!!! and welcome back to the forum. Where have you been? I hope you are having a really great day.'
'ISTJs, I would like to ask for your advice. My father is an ISTJ. He and I have never been at odds with each other, but there is a very poignant distance between us. The summit of our one-on-one...|||My mother and sister are ENFJs, and I find them both very draining to be around. My mother is extremely discomforted by anything that disrupts the harmonious air around her, and considering our...|||Fiscally conservative, socially liberal.|||Dear Boss Lady, Don't schedule a meeting for an hour, then hold a 45 minute impromptu meeting afterwards to discuss what we discussed in the aforementioned meeting, then top it off by commenting...|||a) Work. I pick up a lot of freelance design work. Unless I am really strapped for cash, I won't pick up jobs that look like a bore. I've got a day job, so I am not that worried about the money. ...|||This, 100%. During the initial period of withdrawal, I feel like I am living in a haze. If the situation is particularly bad, I might obsessively check the social media profiles of the person in...|||I can totally relate. You can't force someone to love you. It's not worth the energy worrying about it.|||Florida.|||Clothes and makeup are fun for me to play around with, and I consider it an outlet for my creativity. I have no qualms shopping at thrift stores or clearance racks, but I only buy pieces I am...|||I can close my eyes and get completely lost in these tracks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0wxjnmwOg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG_g5orphUU|||Reddit. People who don't understand a meme, but they use it anyway. Example, YOLO. Its original intent was to be a sarcastic excuse for a bad decision, but I see people using it in a...|||7. :)|||4754047541475424754347544 Marty McKitty and Gidget Widget, my furry friends.|||I have a lot of strong opinions, but I don't debate with people. The main things I care about are liberty, freedom and small government. As far as economics go, I don't understand it as much as I...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdiY6kijYHE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVH6t7nwfc4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7_s9H0BRrU|||More often people who know me describe me as spunky. My cute cuddly side comes out only for a few trustworthy people.|||Food: Romaine lettuce, kale, carrots, radishes, beets, cucumbers, snap peas. Grapefruit, apples, tangerines. Eggs. Milk. Beef, frozen fish, lunch meat. Vitamins. Cranberry juice. ...|||I turned to a few subcultures, in an attempt to figure out who I was. Most of my friends in early high school were grungy potheads. Being teased a lot in middle school caused me to become calloused...|||46227 Gustav Klimt 46229 Rene Magritte 46230 Francis Bacon|||Q1. Concentration Camp -- help kill your own child, or watch your child + an innocent man die as well. I could not kill my own child. Q2.Emergency Affair. ATTEMPT (low %) to save your spouse that...|||1. 'Safe' genetic enhancement of your children. Will you accept the treatment? (Yes or No) Only if it were disease preventative. Nothing aesthetic. 2. Inevitable disaster. Will it hit nearby...|||1. 6 year old boy and girl in burning build, which child do you save? Whoever was the easiest to carry. 2. Your romantic partner ends up being your half brother/sister. Options: Continue...|||I am a graphic designer/web developer for a small software company, and I supplement with freelance here and there. I mostly focus on user-interface design, but I do print and stuff too. Focusing...|||I worked an 8 to 5 during my first years of college at the local courthouse as a File Clerk in Small Claims. Stuck in an office with a bunch of catty 40-something ladies, shuffling papers and...|||This just totally made my day. Thank you! :tongue:|||45710 :D|||Thanks! <3 :) I used to dye those blonde streaks crazy colors, but by the time this picture was taken, I was looking for a design job post-college. I am going to do the streaks again, but I am...|||45575 Old pic. 45586 New pic!|||I think I talk to my cats more than I talk to real people. I would like to remedy this. ... Although, I think I will continue to talk to my cats. They are too cute NOT to talk to.|||I did a lot of theater work in my early twenties, and I have always had a great interest in horror move makeup and puppetry. 80's effects are the best - it looks so organic. Computer animation is a...|||I got stuck living with an acquaintance out of pure convenience during my last four months of college. My previous roommate up and left out of nowhere (gave me two weeks notice), and told this guy...|||I very rarely feel anger. I feel like it is wasted energy to be angry, so I tend to turn my attention to books or artistic pursuits in lieu of lashing out. Only if my personal space is invaded, or...|||I have resented my parents (ISTJ father, ESFJ mother) for years due to a lack of emotional validation. The latest example was my college graduation. They brought a guest I specifically told them to...|||Father: ISTJ As a child, his approval was everything to me. I believe his high standards exacerbated my need to be perfect. We bonded over creative activities, such as school science projects or...|||I know a few people who could be identified as a hipster on first glance, but they are great people and genuinely individualistic. I also know a few snobs who follow hipster culture like a lemming...|||Oh my god, that shirt. I want it. You have excellent taste.|||D'aw, thanks. I appreciate that immensely. :)|||The funny thing, is that she has never actually specified whether she was straight or not. She was always very ambiguous when the topic came up. We had some physical encounters in the midst of our...|||We had physical encounters, so I was not wrong in my questioning her sexuality. I think she was curious and then took a step back.|||My intention wasn't to run off with her into the sunset. I gave up on the idea of being with her years ago. I honestly just want her to be happy and confident. You're likely right - I think she...|||Aw, shucks. <3|||Holiday traditions are nice, sometimes. Christmas is fun because gift giving is so rewarding, but I dread spending time with my family because I am obligated to. Halloween is fun because I can...|||An old flame walked back into my life recently - a beautiful INFP girl. She was a romantic interest of mine for years, and despite her gender preference of men (I am not sure if she is straight or a...|||I stop eating completely, in most cases. My anxiety gets the best of me and it results in an extremely sensitive stomach. Even after the conflict has passed and I don't feel mentally anxious...|||Creativity and capacity for love. I feel like I would be nothing without my creativity, and my creativity would be nothing without my feelings. The feelings can make me feel a little crazy...|||Roseanne is one of my all-time favorite shows. While I didn't grow up in a blue collar environment, I really identify with the characters. I also love Married with Children, Party Down, Community,...|||I am 99.9% positive I would punch them in the face, right then and there.|||There are particular words and ironic phrases I really love to use. When I am in a sarcastic mood, I use outdated phrases like the bees knees. I also adopt slang that doesn't necessarily mesh...|||I was always terrible in school, despite being relatively smart. I was very uncomfortable with the structure, and it didn't seem like anyone actually cared about learning. Even a lot of the...|||When I am most relaxed or comfortable, I rub my bare feet together without realizing it. I do this in my sleep when I am having good dreams as well.'
Yeah, you're not gonna win her over with logic or anything like that, all she's thinking about is her mad feelings... I've been there, done that! What she really needs, is you to smother her with...|||Wassup Fatum =P|||I haven't seen it man, but I don't really like that kinda film... it's too artsy fartsy for me! =) I'm not too good with my American History man, more up to date with my European History if I'm...|||so um.... I've hit an all time low! After being really high with my new job, new friends and new girlfriend... I'm being threatened with getting fired, I saw the people for what they really are and...|||Horton the Elephant from Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears A Who? =)|||A hungry African lion came across two men. One was sitting under a tree and reading a book; the other was typing away on his typewriter. The lion pounced on the man reading the book and devoured...|||I got a 66 =D|||also, Adasta you still haven't said what you're favourite colour is =P|||2 things: 1) You are... RIDICULOUSLY wrong in my intentions on that question as a typical ENFJ. 100% Exactly the wrong way, and in fact I was a little insulted reading your post, until I got to...|||INFP's FTW! XD Gotta love you guys! =D|||1: What's your MBTI Type? ENFJ 2: What's your Gender? Male 3: Are you the eldest child, middle child, or youngest child? Youngest =) 4: How do you learn: Hands-on, seeing, or auditory? Auditory...|||Aww man Happy about Nothing. do you want a hug?|||CeLaVie where are the pics of the Zombie Courtesan costume? =D Catcrime why no pics of the slutty cats? =P And I get the sun and it is very artsy and stuff... but why the drawn-on freckles? =)|||Your favourite colour! Small talk for ENFJ's doesn't have an ulterior motive... we're generally interested =) Like for instance, if I were to ask how you are, I'm not just being nice or...|||Yeah, so much! I even start flirting without realising I'm flirting... I need someone else to point it out to me =)|||I like hugs and watching movies in silence until the end of the movie and then we can talk about it =D Bonus points if we watch the movie while hugging! =D I love being so close to someone that...|||Sex wizard... definitely sex wizard! =P I have a reputation for getting naked when drunk and for accidentally breaking hearts and wrecking homes... woopsies! =P|||Awesome, loving this thread! =D 5149751498514995150051501|||*The world is so big and dark and scary... everyone should be careful! No-one's listening to me? Okay... I'll just be over here in the corner then.... Being safe!* =P|||I'm much more left, I would consider myself a socialist and probably even a marxist, so I'd say I'm around half-way to the left =D|||I have read on a lot of sites that famous ENFJ's include: Hitler and quite a few high ranking Nazi oficials Jesus Barack Obama Sean Connery Martin Luther King Jr Nelson Mandela Pope John Paul...|||One of my friends is an INFJ and we get along well enough, but theres too much clashing ideas for me to count him among my close friends... strangely enough, I'm closer to his ENFP girlfriend than I...|||Hair is by far the first thing I notice! If it's a nice hairstyle then I'm interested, bonus points if it's in a ridiculous, bright colour... OR GINGER! (I'm on team red! =P) After that, I think...|||LOL, I'm sorry, it's just... I'M A PRETTY GIRL TOO DAMNIT! =P Not the first time a pretty girl has said that to me ;)|||Aww, okay =(|||^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THAT! Exactly!|||I don't have any tricks for coping or anything. I have ridiculous expectations of people, and most of them disappoint me at some point! But I would never change my expectations, because every now and...|||Se? NAILED IT! =D|||Probably ENFJ's... it's just in our nature. Even if someone's a total jackass and the world has given up on them, we still think they can be saved! I'd say I'm probably even more guilty of it than...|||guilty as charged! =d|||I was gonna post that as mine, but then I thought it'd be a bit big-headed... so I'm glad someone else said it! Thanks for pointing out my obvious physical superiority dude! =D ONE LOVE! =P|||hmm.... thats a tough one! I don't know if I'll be able to narrow it down to just one! =P This song is me at my best... Fun, happy and absolutely abounding with energy =D ...|||I played around with Archeology for a while... it wasn't for me. I prefer the stories, rather than the artifacts! =) One thing that I did find really fun though, was learning Egyptian...|||that sounds like a sex pest! =D|||BLASPHEMY!!! BLASPHEMER!!! I have never been accused of being normal in my life! =P|||I've always had a problem with that description... seems a bit too slight for what we do! It's a euphamism essentialy, and I feel like it doesn't do our sacrafices justice! I'd prefer if we were...|||THANK GOD A GIRL SAID IT FIRST! I wanted to say it but it would be weird if an internet dude just went YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, HAVE MY BABIES!!!! XD|||I'm totally jealous of your moustache in that first picture! =P|||a) What type are you, or what type do you most suspect you are? =) b) Why did you take the compliment out your post... don't you love us anymore? =(|||Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaha!!!!!!!!!!|||The thing that always gets me about Lord Of The Rings is the unresolved sexual tension between Frodo and Sam... it's absolutely heart breaking! ='( Makes me cry every time! ='(|||Well, right now I just work in a shop, but tomorrow I have an interview to start working as a charity fundraiser so I'm hoping that'll work out because I'm really good at selling things AND it would...|||50015|||not to seem stupid but um... whats a pompadour? =P And I already love Bob, without knowing what that word means! Xd|||50013 =p|||Um... some disturbingly beautiful works of art? I'm sorry, I'm slightly typist with INFP's, I assume you are all wonderful artists and that makes me happy =D As long as your painting of the coming...|||....INFP's SWEAR?!?! O.O|||I find myself pouting as I type things and read things on this thread... like proper duck face! 50004 also The Black Rose I really hope this isn't just teasing, otherwise I'mma vote for INFP...|||Ramona Flowers... although there would be a lot of effort involved in that! =P|||*lies down in provocative pose* TAKE ME NOW, YOU PURVEYOR OF LOVELY WORDS YOU!!!
'I appreciate this thread, as it made me think and realize more that in these past 5 years my music prefernace did shift for the good & qualitative music & lyrics. I believe it started with me...|||These aren't really resolutions; more of My Goals for 2014. But here 's my list: * travel 2-3 times out of the country, in enjoyable company * meet in person with my LDR-sweetheart, get to...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov2g5a0h-6o|||I relate to pretty much all of those things listed, except for 5 things + 3 that i'd only relate to at times/depending on the context. Those 5 things i certainly do NOT relate to are: ...|||Animated. I rarely watch TV though, but considering watching a movie or a fav show on TV at times, then my face is def animated, too. I actually prefer to have company while watching something (eg. a...|||1. sweet 2. caring 3. beautiful 4. thoughtful 5. self-controlled 6. empathetic 7. creative 8. neat 9. organized 10. sensitive|||WOWWW this test is Fantastic!!!! :proud: I got INFJ and it's so very accurtate! Also, the percetage of each function is very close to how i see/perceive myself, too: Introverted 73%; Intuitive 64%;...|||Peace (and Love - both quite on the same level)|||ISFJs: most prolly because my N function is not fully developed/ not strong - i see myself as about 60-65% a N type, so almost balanced S/N. Secondly, because of the influence of my S type parents...|||N and F|||I really love writing lyrics, but it doesn't happen often, because i don't feel inspired enough. My problem with composing lyrics is that i feel like i can't find the right ways and words/lines to...|||My best friends (girls) are an INFJ/INTJ (maybe balanced F/T) and a more outgoing ISTJ. I'm much closer to the INFJ though, because i feel she understand me better (considering the N function) and...|||def Ethical|||I got Life Path Number 9 - perfectly ME! ^^|||I HATE coffee :frustrating: but i like cats - altho i ain't cats-crazy :laughing:|||I actually love being on Facebook, cuz it's the only place i can meet new people from over-seas with similar interests, via groups and such. I check it daily, but i also don't post status updates or...|||Although most of it has already been posted, i'll tell you from my point of view (being that i'm a single INFJ too): First of all, i spend most of my spare time at home and online. Online/on...|||Regarding what MAP said, i also noticed it's hard to motivate myself to start something. I know that once i start it, i tend to finish it, most of the times. However, starting that something is the...|||A vision of my future partner and I enjoying spending time together :)|||101 lb (46 kg) and i'm 5'2.|||1. Travelling to a nice island/beach or at least to visit my friends from US. Either way, i feel the need to travel abroad and change the scenery for a while. Wish to chill somewhere like in the pic:...|||1. Love, peace, harmony, the truth, and stability/security are the things i value the most in life. 2. i have officially recorded a song and plan on recording a couple more inspiring/positive...|||Top 5 Characteristics: * integrity * good manners (is a gentleman) * open to talking about feelings and relationships * devoted/ comitted * good sense of humour Top 5 Physical Features: *...|||yeah, i am a HSP too. I got 20 out of 27 on that test; i am more emotionally sensitive, but i'm also very sensitive when it comes to strong smells, loud sounds and some clothing textures.|||Alicia Keys or Beyonce|||Tritype: 9w1-2w1-4w5 (9 2 4) and my instinctual variant is sp/sx|||10 Words of Affirmation 8 Quality Time 5 Acts of Service 5 Physical Touch 2 Receiving Gifts|||Any heavy metal, hard rock, techno, trance, pop-dance (club music in general, except for a few songs). Also, some annoying pop-hop tracks of so-called rappers nowadays (including Lil Wayne, Drake...|||I totally know that feeling, it's pretty similar to my story. This guy is, most probably, either an ENTP or an ESTP. Last year i been through a quite difficult period of time, cause of a rejection. I...|||I am a Christian (Orthodox) since birth (been raised that way), but my parents aren't religious people, so we don't go to Church on Sundays, just on Holidays and on special occasions. I'm not a...|||Personal: Hi! I'm Lorena, L Connect is my nickname/artist name (cause i also sing/rap, as a hobby), Lo, or simply L I got the LConnect nickname from a good friend, who's a hip-hop artist,...|||8-9 i usually don't lie and stay true to myself, too. However, at times, i might say a white lie or say the truth in a diplomatic way, but i def won't lie about anything major/important.'
'Not gonna happen. Genetically inferior is a value judgment. Why the fuck should I think about that objectively? (Don't bother answering.)|||Yeaaaahhhh except the part where he says blacks seem genetically inferior. Did you miss that part? By the way, I'm not even necessarily disputing those results. IQ tests have a HUGE cultural bias....|||Don't know much about medicine, science, or the real world, do ya?|||I remember someone on these forums criticized a gender-neutral preschool in Sweden because it would confuse the kids when they got out to the real world. I've seen a lot of stupid shit on...|||I mean, you were getting there but you were still a bit off. Word etymology shouldn't be conflated with meaning. A man could also get hysterical, and a women who has had a hysterectomy could still...|||Haha I'm kind of having a hard time putting it into words. I was referring to the statement I had bolded. I think it boils down to do you define yourself by what you do, or the person you are? I...|||Are we equating frequency of mood fluctuations with depth of emotion? Frequency of mood cycles maps better to emotionality than to emotion itself. Demonstration of emotion is not always telling of...|||I wouldn't be surprised if there were some biological underpinnings to men crying less than women (although society can also influence this!) But I don't believe for a second that healthy women...|||While I agree that as an Ne user I try to synthesize as many ideas together as possible, I feel like Sensors actually live more by the bulk and intuitives more by the aspects. Intuitives play...|||I'm with a very blunt ISFP now. Rawr. It's the best. (And I have merged with my avatar. I float between worlds. I barely come here at all anymore.)|||Sex and masturbation. Experiment with visuals and see what turns me on, since men are visual creatures either has some truth to it or is bullshit used to justify policing women's looks. ...|||^ This And yeah, don't bog yourself down with should I be feeling this way? You feel how you feel, you can't help it. You may be able to shift your viewpoints around and re-conceptualize things...|||Too bad no one takes us seriously here ? Duuuuuuude. Lol. This is an online personality type forum. Last I checked ENFPs tend to be well received, anyway. Pulling that I care about you stuff...|||I hope so too, my friend. It's been getting me down. Thanks for the kind words.|||20 years old, 4 people. Though I honestly feel hyposexual. Meh.|||If I could get one I'd be over tha moon :3|||Besides the throat lump/constriction, I feel it all in my head. I feel pretty much everything in my head and I hate it because it makes me feel like a disembodied skull. Head pressure/headache...|||I've always had trouble with the distinction and am still trying to determine if I'm *really* extraverted but my experience is pretty much summed up by BuckeyeENFP. When given the opportunity to...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnlvPoDU5LY Well we all have a face that we hide away forever And we take them out and show ourselves, when everyone has gone|||Out of it. One of those days where I crave the grotesque. Not hungry, but I should eat.|||Yeah I was going to mention that but decided not to, since I think my level of tolerance for this type of question may be higher than other people's, just as my tolerance would be extremely low for...|||Haha, no no. I didn't mean people have to agree with it, just that they give it some critical thought or just general thoughtfulness beyond outright rejecting it, just as you have. I'm referring to...|||@shefa and FlaviaGemina gave some of the only reasonable responses in this thread. People are SO quick to shut out certain ideas and while that makes sense given that few have had contact with the...|||I guess some of the unhealthy triggers would be a sudden swell of bad emotions (I get this weird head pressure and the endorphin release literally feels like it drains it back to normalcy), but a lot...|||I wanna draw blood but I have to be on my best behavior because I guess I'm still afraid of being judged when a certain someone sees my leg :/ ughhh|||This is the best. If I saw someone I was interested in, depending on the context, I'd probably get no more creative than That is a fantastic [clothing item] or make some comment on what's going...|||Militant atheists are embarrassing.|||I realize this is an old comment but stuff like this makes me want to scream. Value judgments on natural evolution of language :dry: I enjoy texting but usually I have one person I'll text a lot...|||Physically: Not gonna go there. Mentally: I hate that I lack willpower. I just kinda swim around.|||So you'd attribute it to Ne? This may be further evidence of my Ne dominance then because analysis is pretty much my modus operandi. I am notorious among friends for breaking everything down and...|||Can I please have my name changed back to Skum?|||The Gentle Spirit! 7w6, 4w5, 9w1. Hmm.|||Dear people who make the pointed decision to get really close to me, I really love seeing into you. I love watching the layers unfold and seeing how beautiful you are. Love, An intuitive...|||This is the best thing I have ever seen. 55936 xNFP meh|||Question and confession: Does anyone else hate it when people tell you you're unique or weird? Especially in friends or partners you're getting to know (or perhaps know already) when they mean it...|||Hmmmm.|||http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lujzioOvHB1r6tl8ao1_500.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m53oupa2Rn1qzleu4o1_500.pnghttp://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwcyh2uSYl1r2lohvo1_500.jpg Minimalism...|||I'm sorry to hear that man :( you deserve someone better anyway, someone who knows how to discern what's truth and what people rattle off for the sake of gossip. Hopefully you'll meet someone soon...|||At night I can't sleep, I toss and turn.... so one sleepless night at 3.40 am I picked up my guitar and tried to figure out as much of this song as I could ...|||Calvaire, I'm so sorry, that must be beyond heart-wrenching. I hope something comes through. *hugs*|||Time for breakfast! Ugh never mind what is lumpy sensation in my throat? Time to start doing some school work! Oh. Oh god. What is this feeling? Is this a headache I feel? How can I have a...|||I need a boxcutter! THERE WILL BE BLOOD I need my man! SOMEONE TO FUCK|||Welcome to the forums, finally!|||@benr3600 What ended up happening?? I laid it on the line to my ISFP as well. He didn't respond to me for 2 days (Fi decision buffering!). But now things are going swimmingly. OP, for what it's...|||This is true of the ISFPs I've known as well. My ISFP hates getting his picture taken but if he does his face is usually neutral or somewhat angry. Never smiles unless it's a candid shot.|||Welcome to the forums! You'll learn a lot here. Look forward to reading your contributions!|||Not enough data. In one of the online conversations leave something open-ended and then approach her about it the next day. So after you got offline I kept looking up ______. Did you know...|||It's just so distracting to listen to people while looking at their eyes! I can do it for a while, but I've had occasions when I'll ask for instructions or help on a concept or assignment in uni and...|||That's actually not true at all. Friendship is an excellent base for a relationship. If I am friends with someone and the realization hits me that we would be good together, then I will pursue them....|||This made me laugh out loud. I kind of hate hashtags but mostly I absolutely adore them because UGH they're so tacky <333 Anyway, yes OP, same experiences here! It comes in two flavors: What...'
'I suppose Robin Hood was a Socialist since he stole from the rich and gave to the poor. Anyhow, it seems to me that both extremes of Socialism and Capitalism are unhealthy. Too much redistribution...|||Great thread.|||hornet man that guy was smart. And, he was only 20. He reminded me of my friend who has a genius or near genius iq. Except, I think your guy is even smarter than that.|||I know right!!! I was so surprised.|||You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying. Stranger: heyy You:...|||You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying. Stranger: hi i have...|||I too am from Michigan.|||Probably one of the more random conversations in the history of conversations. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label...|||Um...I kind of bleeped out the cuss words to try and stay in line with the forum rules. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the...|||I think your post brushes upon a useful point. Mainly in that as INFP's we can often have much of the relationship be inside our heads. Sometimes the communication we think exist is actually just...|||Duh leet ed.|||Darkness is inherent in all of us, as well as light. I know you speak of misanthropy and I have my days where despite showing a happy, peaceful person trying to create harmony in the world I pretty...|||Haha I thought that too.|||http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/9811/img1046w.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us|||Working a lot and being unhappy in the work that you do is not the same thing as having a strong work ethic. Having a strong work ethic is something that is applicable to any aspect of your life. A...|||Boom shock a locka Yeah boyyyy that's how Aelthwyn rolls with a 1200 word post dropping bombs on your fizace!!! Anyways, I gotta go so I can't respond to all the questions as much as I want to get...|||Well, it's probably not exactly what you had in mind but I just wanted to mention how teachers get a few months off in the Summer. One of the reasons I'm shifting gears to pursue a teaching degree.|||Ooh, I just thought of something that I wanted to add. You should also look into your diet and make sure you're getting adequate nutrition, including DHA and EPA forms of Omega 3 fatty acids. These...|||This one time, at band camp, I stuck a flute in my pussy. Haha sorry but this thread reminded me of that.|||So you think getting pummeled was warranted?|||The posters above me have spoken very well on this topic. I cannot surpass. However I will say this, although I have no idea if it will even help 0.1 percent. Accept death with your whole heart....|||That is so interesting that you mention Taoism. Taoism played a huge part in my life and shaping me when I was around 24. I think you should do whatever you feel necessary to grow as a person. Also,...|||I agree 100 percent! One of the best things you can develop in life is a good work ethic. It's okay to understand your typology but not okay to misrepresent it. Yes, we are dreamers, and yes we may...|||The Matrix Trilogy A Nightmare On Elm Street Groundhog Day Gattica Shawshank Redemption Planet Terror!(Hell yeah!) Superman The Shining Donnie Darko The Exorcist|||This kind of reminds me of something I was thinking about the other day. I was actually pondering which type would be best in a fight. I know what you mean though. You fight as if you don't have an...|||I just want to reiterate that there is good and bad with anything. Moderation is what's important. Marijuana is an addictive substance and yes it does kill brain cells and yes it can cause memory...|||Communication is key.|||I think a lot do. What your feeling is normal. I don't anymore but I used to and I have gone through periods in my life where I smoked a lot. I think like most things in life weed can be good or bad....|||My ex and I had opposite tastes in movies, music, and t.v. shows. It was so hard to even find a common ground. I will never get involved with someone I am so incompatible with ever again. It was a...|||I love you guys! Goodnight!|||This is a great thread. For those who are maybe trying to figure themselves out a little more or what to do with their lives, which I know is hard for us INFP's here are some additional links to...|||For the record, I never found the Nightmare on Elm Street movies scary. To me they were more Dark Fantasy than a true horror film, although there is a lot of murder in them. But in terms of scary, I...|||I knew you were musical from the ii V I in your name. I play piano as well and compose. Although, my piano chops need work.|||Haha obsessed is a pretty good description for me and the fascination has carried into adulthood. Can't say my mom really understood that aspect of my personality and was a little bit put off by it....|||I think what they are saying is they don't want a one night stand or a party fuck.|||Man, I think INFP's may just be the sexiest bitches around!|||Haha my favorite part about these pictures are the drawers in the background and the rest of the room in disarray. Me thinks that looks familiar.|||I think the average intp will be more skillful at math than the average infp. However, take any random intp and any random infp and the infp may be more skilled at math. Also, there could be an infp...|||Thanks. I hope it sticks. I'm happy here. I think it will.|||Yeah, I was shocked that Blue Skies was available. First username attempt. I was like, there is no way this will be available under this spelling but sure enough there it was. Cool Avatar by the...|||What turns me on is making love which is different then having sex.|||This forum has a ton of stickied threads.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xvj4Ud-RKrM&feature=related|||Yeah, at this stage in my life I don't even bother anymore. No matter what someones opinion I just usually smile and nod. Sometimes I'll try and guide them with some form of Socratic method but...|||I love some of the pieces from The Four Seasons.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqR2BXOSzug This guy is great! He plays classical music on keyboard but also some contemporary stuff like this Philip Glass piece. Plus he has cool colored hands....|||http://img848.imageshack.us/img848/24/img0854k.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us|||You make a good point. As I originally posted, I am an INFP who for the longest time thought himself an INTP. However, I am unsure if I was misclassifying myself or if I've changed and now better...|||Can you clarify or be more specific please?|||Your Life's Path is Magenta You seek novelty and a full life. You love to experience as much as possible. You believe it's important to never get stuck in a rut. You like to break out of patterns...'
'I'm good! Our house was unscathed :D Yeah, they're pretty terrible atm. Maria is almost as bad as Irma. I sure hope she keeps away from Florida and it looks like she will from most tracking data,...|||She's perfect! Ever since she recovered from her surgery, she's been such a happy little camper with a newfound confidence - she thinks she's in charge of everyone and thing, even though she's only...|||Hi everyone! I've missed you! So I dropped off the forum a few months ago as I got so busy with a big project and then had lost the habit of coming here. Then, we had hurricane Irma sweep...|||I don't think anyone I know would call me serene :laughing: But thank you, it's sweet of you to come here & compliment us. I shall bask in the glow even if I don't deserve it :wink:|||683258 Happy Birthday Snowflakey!!! :hug: I have decided! You need some hamsters...|||Belly... it has to be my belleh in order to fall asleep. But once I'm asleep for a few hours, I often turn to my side in either a slightly bent at hips (yearner), or very straight (log) position. ...|||683250 :angel:|||I read Nurture by Nature by Paul and Barbara Tieger... I found it quite good and feel more confident about potentially typing young children in the future - everyone I've known matched their...|||Ohh Marv... Legumes are where it's at! 682610|||Really, all Si types seem a little squishy to Ni types. Don't assume NFJs don't bite too...|||Oh yeah, I agree with you on tolerance thresholds... I'd also like to add that the other element of the same thing is practice. I imagine it kind of like times of war... You have your normal...|||New update on Chloe post surgery: Well, the surgery went well :D The vet did not find the obstruction she expected to find... instead she found that what she saw on the xray was instead a very...|||I'm curious how we inferior Se gals in general deal with PMS moods? It doesn't often happen to me, but when it does it seems to take me a good long time to realize that something's off. It's...|||When I was younger, it was always someone much older or younger than me (like my 8yr old 'friend' who was a very uniquely bright sensible girl... some kids are just amazingly more aware than adults -...|||Are we talking Fe or Te here? You seem to be pointing out empirical scientific data that Te deals with. I am pointing out moral data that Fe deals with. (I am not suggesting that you use...|||Yup. I agree with others, anything that breaks my focus can make me really irritated. When people want to talk to me, I insist on reorganizing myself first. Only then can I be accommodating....|||Yeah... that's like those minimum possible investment people (MPIs). They're so busy either trying to portray something about themselves, or just meet the minimum interaction goal, that they fling...|||I'm not attached to emojis for my own satisfaction (like I don't care about receiving them), but I tend to use them more whenever I think someone may be confused about my intentions with something...|||Long? LOL, you haven't seen anything yet! :p Welcome to the forum! I'm fairly likely to use external means to write my messages, depending on the format of the place I'm posting. For...|||AMAZING NEWS everyone!!! OMG!!! Chloe is in surgery right now!!! Some wonderful people called the vet and put down the money up front so the vet could start the surgery!!! I'm SO SHOCKED and...|||Oh no, I didn't mean that you were condescending at all! I was just teasing you! LOL|||Also, I see a few new threads in other subforums are completely gone too. It seems to be ones created yesterday. :(|||Hey mods... we are losing threads left & right. I mean, they just disappear - not moved. I was *just* typing out a very long reply to someone's Q on the INFJ subforum about their ESFJ...|||Congratulations!!! Is it just me, or did the beginning read kind of like I climbed Mt. Everest / got a Doctorate, you know... high achievement? Well, I certainly think it is the biggest...|||Thank you so much everyone for your compassion and commiseration. I very much appreciate every reply and story and hand-hold here, I really needed them. It means a lot to me and makes me feel...|||Exactly what I said. How is a heart supposed to understand why money is more important than a life that is loved? How is anyone supposed to understand that? Why do children still die in...|||I'll be hovering over the cake, pretending not to be bothered by so many people, while scoffing down all the desserts. Ooopsie, I didn't mean to eat all the eclairs, sorry! Happiness!!! ...|||I get the head part... My heart will never understand.|||I know this isn't type dependent, for our friends find it sickening too... but I just had to say: Doesn't it seem deeply, completely, WRONG, when life is reduced to dollars & cents? So every...|||... Just as long as I'm not again accused of running away... :rolleyes: Then all is well :)|||Let's check this claim out... We began with: So, Ikusagami , amongst Stawkers statements & sarcasm, where was he asking me for further explanation?|||Not to rain on your parade, but: As a prescription drug, I hope you are talking it under the guidance of a doctor. Modafinil carries a hefty list of potential side effects, including fatality...|||Sangoire ... that's interesting! You know, I really admire the amount of time & thought you put into your fella. You always have something well thought out to add, your insight is much...|||Stawker - I did address my issues with your points. You failed to comprehend. In every thread we have conversed. My dignity most certainly doesn't rest upon remaining silent as someone makes...|||Yet more assumptions :rolleyes: How everything makes sense to you + some assumptions pulled out of your ass + concern over my emotions... yup, you must be pretty deep into your shadow side.|||There's such a thing as entertaining an idea in order to consider it, without buying it. Intuitives are usually pretty good at this, whether they be thinkers or feelers. You seem to keep...|||Snowflake Minuet I just saw this video on FB, and it made me think of you! LOLOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uloc1iW-pgc|||According to google (lol), most people believe in a line of delineation between evil acts, and a state of being evil. The state is dependent upon a consistent history of significantly evil acts. ...|||But how can it not be? Megalomania, psychopathy, sociopathy, these are very frequently associated with those people who have committed atrocities and would be labeled by larger consensus as evil....|||Yes, although for me it's not physical. Physical sensations from emotional discomfort are due to the brain sending out signals along the nerves in reaction to heightened emotion. In order for...|||I've never seen quickly in any of the proper Sx descriptions. I've seen it reffered to as a need, which confers a strong longing, perhaps inciting many to move quickly - however that's not an...|||Sx wants to get to know someone deeper... monogamy is the best outlet for that. I don't think Sx is the cause of your problems... it's not exactly about sex. Ne / Se are the causes.|||My real answer to this is waaay too complicated for me to even type out. Suffice to say, it all depends. It depends, so much, my head could explode. We're talking inferior Se here, so the...|||Guys, what's a hipster? Lol I meant that evil is the result of a psychological disorder of some form.|||lavendersnow ... Huh??? I am a bit confused. My opening sentence was aimed towards Zosios OP, and then I tagged you preceding my train of thought related to what you said. I don't understand...|||It's not. I had that question myself when I first started looking into it two years back. I did quite a bit of internet searching on this topic, and I came across some churches that use MBTI as a...|||I hadn't heard of that before, although I have read about the evil side of INFJs. It sounds a bit different than that (hitler, apparently). The problem I see with lavendersnow description...|||Harrr harrr harrr... de pirate lassie has found the truth! Not a joke but still so funny!|||For the broader aspect of the question, yes I've dated Ts almost exclusively. I would choose a T over an F in the future, as it just fits what I need & want in a partner better. To be picky...|||Ethanol , I thought you might want to weigh in with your perspective for obvious reasons :)'
'yeah, SW is great. I saw him on the last tour in Chicago. They played the full new album and a lot of others. When they exited, a Storm Corrosion (collaboration with Mikael Akerfeldt of Opeth) song...|||I've been with ENFPs, ISFJs (ugh so emotional *eyeroll*), ESFJs (never works), INTPs, and ISTJs (That got boring fast). I hope my ENFP friend is wanting more than a friendship, but I only know women...|||If it is a choice, I have no problem.|||yeah small talk sucks. i don't put any effort into it because it's pointless.|||Christopher Hitchens|||I'm not procrastinating, I'm thinking is my response. The conversation ends and I go back to thinking. Then, a few days later I actually start thinking and the task gets done lol.|||don't look for it. it just happens (at least in my experience)|||I'm a realist my snail would be mr. snail because i have no creativity when it comes to naming things like snails lol|||Not a big deal to me|||I only like logical (or what I see as logical) routines. Most routines are boring and pointless. If they aren't efficient, it will not work for me.|||Hopefully you meet another ENFP that changes your mind. The two in my life are great. I wish I knew more, to be honest.|||It's hard for me as well. I'm always thought of as stoic, serious, etc. I only express emotions through words. The words must be just right so there is no misinterpretation. The difficulty of this...|||The arguments for and against (x)|||I prefer writing (not creative) to math. I scored 100% (12) on the ACT writing section twice. In college, my lowest grade on a paper was an A-. I'll see what my grad school thinks about my writing...|||What are your interests and hobbies? Philosophy, Psychology, Playing guitar, Hockey, Baseball, Reading nonfiction, Playing PS3 What kind of food do you eat? I love steak and pasta. I...|||i only know one and that's my best friend since preschool. None of our other friends or people in our lives are INTJ. I agree with the posts about people being typed as INTJ just because of...|||yes, but I think it's only because we show interest in the people that end up trusting us. Outsiders that think we are arrogant (or any other stereotypical adjective we are described as) would...|||I would say I live in the moment when I'm with a girl (and all that goes with that) and when I don't have much to worry about. Other than that, I'm living in the future if that makes sense....|||I'd cover the $4.|||Opeth, Agalloch, Porcupine Tree, Between the Buried and Me, Scale the Summit, Animals as Leaders, Enslaved, Storm Corrosion, Rush, yes, and pretty much anything else that's progressive metal or rock.|||i've learned to approach these situations with no expectations. it's hard to do, but it saves you the disappointment of the situation not living up to your expectations.|||the idea of the soul doesn't make much sense to me. where is it?! lol|||djent time lol vildhjarta - shadow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvRoIwLWvCk|||This|||Yes it exists. Some find it, others don't. Also, the same neuroscience posts as the ones before.|||I wouldn't just use knowledge to get rich. I chose knowledge for the sake of knowing things. Having knowledge can lead to getting rich, but it doesn't have to. the same applies to anything else. Do...|||Sorry for double post|||Knowledge. I can then get all of the others because I'll know how to.|||Knowledge. I can then get all of the others because I'll know how to.|||Easily one of the most talented bands out there. Especially Tosin, their guitarist. This song is pretty heavy. Animals as Leaders: Wave of Babies http://youtu.be/bt-RoSzsEKA|||Probably except for the ENFPs lol who cares?|||my favorite StS song. Alpenglow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBnxP5APMQo|||I'm glad I could help! StS is one of the most talented bands out there right now and definitely one of my favorites. I like posting Opeth because they are my favorite lol. I'm a big fan of...|||In Mourning: The Black Lodge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JP9Ena-a4ug|||i just ended an engagement to an ISFJ a few months ago. the source of our issues was that we could't meet certain needs of the other. i couldn't meet her emotional needs and she couldn't tolerate my...|||i'm 24 and i have an easier time getting along with a 30 year old than i do with people in their mid 20s. i know how you feel. we value things that others in our generation do not and most likely...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hJHj5i2dAE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-OagFHpYYs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsh9xzTCFRk|||What about when the vocals are removed? Is it still satan's music? :p Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCWKVRI0DOE|||Would you ever adopt a child? no Would you ever cheat on your partner? no Would you ever take a bullet for someone else? only if it was my child or wife (none of which i have at the moment, so...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb9C1u8HsR8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28SkCP_rTWs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiIVluxcXNs|||T-shirt or long sleeve t-shirt with jeans. Nothing too complex. If what I wear has anything on it, it's usually Blackhawks or Darwin related. Most of the time it's just plain black or black/gray,...|||Yeah we'll see what happens. I'm going to grad school next fall to earn a phd so I'll probably hold off on everything. It's weird, when I'm not looking for anything (as far as girls go), something...|||I think he respects you right now, which is huge. Good job, seriously. You should initiate conversations more often and analyze his reaction. Since it seems like you earned his respect, you guys will...|||i try not to think about people in terms of being below me. it is hard to do if they are completely illogical or incompetent. if ignoring them/their ideas annoys them, then I guess I like to annoy...|||i'm currently a computer tech but i plan on starting a phd program in industrial/organizational psych within a year.|||I throw temper tantrums. Just kidding. I ask for their reasons for not wanting to do it, and then find a way to fix them all while changing nothing about what they don't want to do.|||Well, what's the worst that could happen? Will the friendship be in jeopardy? I highly doubt it will so acknowledge that its out of character just before giving it. I'd even laugh at myself a bit in...|||I think the best way to handle it is to send the text, then put the phone down and walk into any other room. Bring a book or something. Then, before you go to bed, look at your phone. If you do not...|||I have a small number of close friends, maybe 10 or so. My best friend is also an INTJ and we have been friends since preschool. I hate going out to bars, so as a 24 year old, it makes finding...|||I'm an INTJ in a family with all ESFJs and one ENFP (I get along with her the most). I'm also the only atheist and they give me a hard time by telling me that there is no point to getting me anything...'
Could I have my name changed to Barkhouse? Thank you!|||Thank you for posting this. Never have I seen something so incredibly accurate and validating to my person at the same time.|||http://www.aprilwinchell.com/files/2013/09/neverforgetsy23.gif Not sure if serious?|||Establishing myself and networking as usual. A bit of independent research on autistic/sociopath brain wiring being correlated with what could be best described as animal-like behavior and feral...|||I can't say it bothers me but I do find it disappointing. Then again, if the road it blocked there's always another route.|||Who de fuq develops type 2 diabetes, gets told they've got fat on their liver a few years later, then several years later is told they have 3 months to live because their diabetes is completely out...|||Hello and good morning all of my employees; more importantly, my dear friends. I bring you into this office meeting today to suggest to everyone some changes I felt would be a good idea for creating...|||My parents are both ISTP and ISFJ respectively. While we're definitely not on the same wavelength, things could've been worse. My husbands mother on the other hand was so manipulative and...
'my posture was bad bad bad. i didn't even realise it at first but since i started rollerblading, lifting stuff at work and doing some pushups, my back straightened up and my shoulders feel more...|||why not extroverted ?|||i'm not surprised that infps like really good rpg's . (shooters are for sensors lol) my favs: KoToR 1 & 2 , Gothic 1 & 2 , Mass Effect, Fallout 3, The Witcher, Oblivion, Diablo 2 (though it's...|||looks like you just described me with a few exceptions. i'm pretty sure you're an INFP|||i learned how to be a better extrovert. at first it was draining but that was just my anxiety out of my comfort zone. In time it got easier ... i just needed to stop thinking about what the other...|||wow. this is the first hate topic i see. i want more !|||me + alcohol = the best person i've met ^^ i'm quite inlove with myself in those periods lol. except when i go a little overboard and i become TOO social|||different sides of the same truth i love both.|||i just loove adrenaline :D i wanna do skydiving, bunjeejumping, basejumps :D i'm not afraid at all of physically pain, it makes me feel alive|||i believe (and i may be wrong) that we are just as unhealthy as the next person BUT we are too self-aware (and that can be a gift or a curse) you have to be your best friend ! what we usually do is...|||i think i'm one of the few infps that get along well with ENTPs . i have 2 great male friends and 1 female. They seem arrogant, pushy and love to argue but once you get beyond that barrier they can...|||yea they're amazing but they can sometimes drain me of energy ... tooo much socializing :D|||lose your fear of failure and GO OUT THERE. try everything , go to new places, meet new people, say stupid things without caring of what other think but most importantly do not be afraid of...|||Braveheart Special|||i used to walk very slouchy, with my head down and daydreaming but since i started reading about self-confidence, body language i learned to keep my back straight, shoulders relaxed on the back and...|||Insomnium (Melodic death metal) helped me alot through hard times Soldiers of Jah Army (reggae) right after that anger period when everything cooled down and there was peace :D and now lately i...|||i find there's instant atraction with alot of ESF for me ... but in the long run i think i preffer NF/NT ... also ST kinda creep me out|||Sensing is the hardest for me. Right now i'm trying all sorts of meditation, relaxation techniques, selfhypnosis ...|||lack of motivation and self confidence would be my biggest enemies|||yea your story sounds alot like mine. my mother used to buy me clothes and i never really cared about as long as they looked normal. I started changing my clothes when i got into the whole metal...|||you just described me. just because he dosen't show his feelings that much dosen't mean he's not infp. it's pretty hard being an infp male when you're supposed to be tough and control your emotions....|||i can sense people's emotion and i can see how one person acts naturally and how when he lies (emotionally) ... i don't think i could read a good lier though|||http://twistedsifter.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/there-are-people-who-weird-comic-blue.jpg|||i would definately rather be rememberd by the pain i caused because i believe that everytime we get hurt it is an oportunity for us to grow, it is a sign that something is wrong and nobody can hurt...|||over the internet i see alot of people that are searching and searching and gathering more and more information and knowledge and keep discovering themselves but there is always more to discover,...|||we have influence over them but not complete control. Especially not when it comes to Fi it all depends on the person. i can talk much more freely with Thinkers because i know they are not so...|||googling for ways to develop Ne i found this thing that got me laughing. it's a funny view of Ne You could think of an INFPx92s Ne as a loyal servant who walks the perimeter of the grounds...|||i just had to quote this, thank you for that ! gave me alot to think about|||the point is not to be completely in the present moment (i don't think we could ever do that anyway) but to find a balance. we're way too much in our heads, focused on future, past, posibilities...|||really helpful ! i agree with all that you said and i'm eager to read more . right now i can't think of something that will be helpful to INFPs (i'm only 20 so i don't think i have much to say...|||yes. Eckhart Tolle is amazing|||it was always hard for me to trust people and took alot of time for them to get to me. i think i can read people easily so i know their intentions before they open their mouth. but the few people i...|||i think the best leader is the one that dosen't want to lead. the kind of leader that dosen't want to force people to do something but rather tells them what their choices are and what would look...|||These fit me very well but i don't think it is because we don't use our intuition ... the INFP can't use Extraverted iNtuition to take in information in a truly objective fashion it's just that...|||i only had cats and i love em but i would preffer a dog|||i used to be very picky with food i like to think i'm open-minded but sometimes when i really believe in something it's hard to convince me otherwise even if you bring valid counterarguments....|||yes. this just happened to me for a couple of days. couldn't concentrate on anything, whenever i would talk to somebody i couldn't focus. couldn't sleep one night at all|||i agree with the celebrating other's success and now i remember that's how i did it loong time ago. now i don't even get it anymore ... gealousy over things. but when it comes to relationships i'm...|||i think meditation gets me in touch with my Fi . it's always there but when i'm meditating i'm more aware of it, of the bodly sensation each feeling creates|||hard to devine normal. but when everybody around me tells me that i'm not normal ...|||i feel the same way you do. soo lucky to have found this place. i can't even imagine what it felt like going through that but i'm really glad you felt you could say it here.|||I have always been controlled by my unchained imagination. Be it good thoughts or apocalyptic ones. I have been tortured by every thought even if there would be a very small chance of ever becoming...|||i think it's quite the opposite. aquarius are most of the time with their heads in the clouds, idealists, honest, intuitive, excentric, unpredictable, humanitarians. In the arts and humanities,...|||I'm an air sign (aquarius) and it fits extremely well with INFP . i've never been one for astrology but i've been amazed by what i've read about aquarius since i discovered that i'm an INFP|||When people all round my were breaking up all the time and quickly getting into another relationship i was always single. I wanted my relationship to be perfect, i was aware of all the things that...|||whow, and i just remembered something else reading these posts. When i was a kid (i think i was 6-7 years old or so) i was sitting alone in the room and i started thinking about dying ... i say my...|||it may be a cliche but i always wanted to fly or maybe breathe underwater|||i think i've read somewhere that Fi and Fe are atracted to eachother. If we were both Fi we'd probably keep everything to ourselves and be very careful about opening up. With her (ESFJ) it's easy...|||Mom - ESFJ Dad - INFP Sister - INFP it isn't all that easy living with infps either. especially when it feels we're so different. I get along ok with my sister being an infp i can talk about...|||God, grant me serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference. that aside i seem to experience life like a pendulum...'
'[oops ignore, delete]|||@Noordenwind Yes, I am in a relationship! It's been a decent length of time--2 years--and to put it in a nutshell: this is a great relationship because my SO and I are a power couple together. We...|||That's very interesting that you say you need to know where the daydreams come from. For me, I love generating these daydreams and using them as ideas for how I may shape my future. I see the...|||It was a pleasure to read your post, thank you for sharing! :) I really love the gentleness INFJ's seem to give off. Well, the men, I adore it in! I find that INFJ girls are lovely beings as well but...|||That is scary accurate!!! YES. I am yearning for sensitivity within a man. And understanding. Because those are things I am lacking in my current relationship. Although I recognize it's purely...|||Glad to know my typing hunch may have been fairly accurate! :) Thank you for sharing how you are as well. It's amusing how social introversion can be interpreted by highly extroverted people as...|||I am grateful for the clean, wholesome food I ate at home today! I am grateful for not having spent a penny today! I am grateful for having had a great workout after 3 days of rest. I am grateful...|||I'm a tad smitten with a man who I presume to be an INFJ. I don't want to act upon my feelings but I do enjoy admiring him from afar. It's funny because when I first became acquainted with him, he...|||Reviving this thread because I relate to it so hard!! This has been me pretty much my whole life... And currently I am crushing pretty hard on an IxFJ(?) guy, though I am in a happy and stable...|||If a strong personality is tactful, I will probably enjoy them and admire them. As long as they are willing to share the stage now and then, so to speak, I can work with it. My ESTP boyfriend is a...|||Interesting question. I'm very aware of my facial expressions so if I'm in a social setting I will consciously soften my eyes and expression. I do this to appear more welcoming to others. However,...|||I could very well relate to Gilgamesh the Servant in Fate/Zero. Secondary antagonist. He was only interested in things that were curious to him and would drop whatever lost his interest. Loved having...|||Yes. I look down on someone losing their cool to the point of explosion. It's not a classy thing to do, at all. I hold myself to the same standard so that my anger does not manifest as an outward...|||I do need to know why! But once I know the reason and it makes logical sense to me, I'll accept it. I get that not everyone is compatible with each other in the world, but I often don't turn people...|||I understand what you mean by there being so many potential goals! I feel the same in that I want to maintain my fitness, I want to go outdoors more to hike, eat healthier, eat at a restaurant no...|||1) How do you experience nostalgia? I'll fancy nostalgia for a bit but then I dismiss it and move on. The past is not a place for me to linger as it's set in stone and to idle in it for too long is...|||I've come to realize that I am driven by a desire to attain power and success. The study I am pursuing in school at the moment leads to power as once I have that career I will be making plenty of...|||You'll be happy to know it has worked out very well. My circle is small but with quality I'm pleased with--as well as trusting of. Do you find it wrong to hold a high standard when it comes to people...|||Personally, I think life is too short and my energy too limited to spend onto people who I don't feel are the best fit for me and vice versa. I know that I have the capacity to give wondrous,...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcyb7PWUuU8|||In my opinion, the language you use is too flowery. I like how you made the essay personal by going into your own struggle of being handicapped and fighting to keep up with taking notes in class. It...|||Lmao thanks for quoting me as a teenager. That was an interesting time. To acknowledge your post also: actually, I prefer to not pursue that general-consensus good looking man. But I do pick...|||It's so weird how tiring it is after! I definitely need a recharge lol! And it's true, same here. When I go too long without putting myself out there in social interaction I become a little more...|||I'm sure this thread is a bunch of fire but I liked your opening post because I actually have done all these things once before. That's kind of why I can believe those 4 people are probably INFPs. ...|||So, for as long as I can remember, this would be a reoccurring theme in my life: sometimes I'll get a burst of energy that makes me so lively and chatty, exchanging with the people around me. I'm...|||I definitely think INFJ's are nicer. I have two INFJ friends and they are both gracious and kind ladies. I am nice to people but I get tired of their presence unless it is a person whom I seriously...|||I am the same as your ISFP friend in this sense haha. I'm very picky on aesthetics and I often pick at clothes for looking cheaper on quality (this is why I despise Forever 21, though their clothes...|||Extroverts are definitely more of that worldly excitement, all about the new adventures! My extrovert ex's always loved to go out and see new things, eat new things, have experiences. Oh lord you are...|||Is there a good read explaining the terms Te and Fi and such? I always see these terms mentioned but I have no idea where to read up on them And yes I definitely believe there's different types...|||I feel disappointed. I'm pretty sure a friendship of mine just ended, or if it hasn't, it won't be the same. It wasn't an especially long friendship but I've been pretty close with a co-worker whom I...|||It's true, most employers are not looking to hire INFP's. Within the career I aim for, as project engineer in construction, an INFP would be undesirable because there are times when you need to be...|||Sorry I had not responded until now! I read your post when it went up but I wanted to be in a quiet environment where I can respond without distraction. Please don't worry about it being anything...|||I'm actually very feminine. I love to spend on high end makeup and sometimes new clothes for the closet. I lift weights and run for cardio as well as strive to eat clean, to have a good figure (as...|||I'm in a relationship of two years with my BF, who I've typed as an ESTP. It's odd because I'm happy but... unsatisfied? I've done some reading on how ESTPs can be promiscuous and what not but he has...|||Yes!! I crave to experience that intensity. I don't know how to describe it... Just that with the E's I've been with, there wasn't so much raw emotion as there is action. Maybe I'm being idealistic...|||It's not necessarily a thing of being an INFP, but it is possible that if you are indeed an INFP, an unhealthy one. I actually see a lot of my younger self in your post, particularly when my inner...|||My past two relationships have both been with extroverted men. Both relationships were similar in that they were the masculine figure who took care of me, a fragile and delicate thing (in their...|||I'm always judging but at the same time my mind and heart is open as well.|||I have a wandering eye, definitely. I am in a relationship of 2 years that is built on trust and a lot of things we have gone through together but I will have phases of crushing on someone else....|||I consider myself as the mass of darkness. And not so much in a negative way. I feel myself as turbulent like a wild river that can flow smoothly at times but make sudden random turns. I'm attracted...|||Funnily enough, every Harry Potter house sorting quiz I've ever taken throughout the years has put me in Slytherin. I mention this because the traits of Slytherin seem to mesh with 4w5....|||Neither. I am but an individual with my own motives and aspirations, and I act accordingly.|||I did not choose to be an introvert, it is simply how I am. I love to go out and interact with many different people at social functions. A euphoric high overtakes me when I am in the spotlight and I...|||Every once in a while I indulge in anime. When I was younger it was easier to enjoy compared to now. 1. Evangelion 2. Evangelion 3. Evangelion 4. Evangelion 5. Evangelion|||Do not be afraid, you will not lose what you have earned. You've worked so hard. Don't throw it all away now because you feel lost and frustrated. Keep fighting and keep marching forth. Your emotions...|||Why am I so hard on myself.|||Yes, I am vain; yes, I am self-absorbed. No, I do not have any shame in regards to the such.|||The only times I fall into the trap that is workaholic is when I'm desperately trying to avoid something(s) in life. By investing myself wholly into a single task I succeed in distracting myself....|||I just ate 1,000 calories worth of this http://www.fritolay.com/assets/images/blue/lays-simply-natural-thick-cut-sea-salted.gif ... and I feel pretty damn good right now. :blushed:|||Virility, without a doubt.'
'First impression upon reading: ENFP (it was that endearing general excitableness that gave you away :tongue:) But yeah function wise - Ne, Fi: logical conclusion = ENFP|||I would say: ENTJ - she has a sub-ideology of Conservatism named after her (not exactly the stereotypical sensor :tongue:)|||I'm gonna creep inside you like a warm kitten|||I'm a vegetarian out of habit more than anything - I've never really been concerned with the whole ethics/health. I could never be a vegan... I love cheese too much :happy:|||ENFP - Weed is my preferred 'drug' of choice (if you call it a drug), I smoke (nicotine) but don't really enjoy it anymore - it's more a habit as I'm finally coming to admit, I take mephedrone on a...|||Okayy: I usually feel burnt out after extensive periods of socializing (Extensive in my books is defined by three hours) - Introversion (no surprise there :tongue:) I'm reserved around people...|||I've only ever had one particularly profound experience (under the influence of psilocybin mushrooms). The experience was something akin to having your mind opened to the most thought provoking...|||It works both ways - Fi provides us with a very personalised morality, the guilt can be overwhelming; yet there's a part of the ENFP searching for new experiences, new connections (both emotional and...|||Just my take: I keep seeing a strong link between introspection and xNxP types (both introverted and extroverted). Extraverted intuition combined with introverted feeling causes NFPs to engage in...|||You notice extraverted functions more - its possible Ne seems like your dominant function, but its more plausible that you are driven internally by Fi except you aren't as conscious of it. Also...|||Of course. It just seems that the timing would suggest that this was the trigger - I'm not suggesting that he tried to kill himself because he failed his exams but rather it was a sort of 'final...|||The difference is I actually care why - suicide isn't a simple matter of rationality thinking: the causes are complex. For better or worse I want to know what was going on in his head when he did it....|||Thanks to everyone who posted. It's a bit of a headfuck to be honest - I'm feeling a bit better now but I think its probably going to take some time to feel 'normal' again. And for everyone that...|||Read the post again - immediately after witnessing it I did feel 'blessed' (as you put it). Now I don't. Unfortunately I can't just 'restore' that feeling; right now there's little I have to identify...|||I've never posted in the advice forum before but now seems like an appropriate time... A few days ago I witnessed an attempted suicide. After the shock subsided I felt re-energised (for lack of a...|||Tough one... probably: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO5APfKnR50 Soooo.... anything that sounds like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idcaRTg4-fM|||I don't know where the sensing is coming into this, from what you've said I think everything points towards intuition (or more specifically Ne). As for T/F, she looks like an NF to me (remember with...|||ENFPs and ESFPs actually have a lot in common - although Ne & Se appear to be 'opposed' as it were, the primary means of experiencing life is similar, through the extraverted perceiving function. The...|||Mainly Ne or Te, occasionally Fi. Process = work out P/J -> if P work out extraverted N/S, if J work out extraverted T/F -> work out whether primary function is extraverted/introverted (thus...|||In all honesty I think categorizing type relationships is stretching MBTI too far - we can have good and bad relationships with any type. For example - take two ENTJs I know, one of them I consider...|||NT seems clear - function wise, his diagnosis seems to be based on Ne (What does this mean?, hidden implications) and Ti (the a priori cause). I would suggest an unhealthy ENTP.|||Do you believe the world will come to an end? - For mankind yes. But the end of the human species won't be the 'end' so to speak - nature will continue to flourish in other ways. How do you...|||My point exactly - Azrael was suggesting the opposite.|||Exactly what I was going to say :tongue: Psychologists are obsessed with sex... just look at Freud :wink:|||Hmm... I like it but I'm not so sure about Feelers being conscious of their emotional values... Who knows... maybe I'm actually a thinker rather than a feeler - and now you've got me questioning...|||This has absolutely nothing to do with your parents being SFs - excuse my language, but they are simply fucked up. Parents of all personality types can be perfectly accepting of their children; your...|||My interpretation: we have the ability (or perhaps potential) to make startling insights into other people's lives but we may be oblivious to seemingly obvious insights into our own lives.|||<- what it says there Yeah I'm pretty satisfied with who I am at the moment. In the past less so but personal understanding is a beautiful thing :happy:|||If N/S isn't clear it's usually a pretty good indication of Judging (in this case Thinking) as the dominant function... If he's only twelve it's most likely his auxiliary function isn't that...|||Really? I would have said the opposite... maybe it's a US thing.|||We Are Everywhere: The Irresistible Rise of Global Anti-Capitalism It's a fun book :tongue:|||Interesting - introverts tend to be more republican than extroverts, judging more republican than perceiving (actually not that surprising considering right-wing politics tends to focus more on...|||Most of it isn't so metaphorical :bored:|||This reminded me of the introduction to a certain book: http://artactivism.gn.apc.org/allpdfs/001-Photo%20essay.pdf|||Could some possibly explain to me the importance/significance of the Enneagram in understanding personality type? Whereas MBTI can help us understand how the brain thinks, how we interact etc. (not...|||Why live your life tormenting yourself with the fear of inevitable? Certainly not a typical ENFP trait I'm aware of... that said if she's thirteen you can hardly blame her. The thought of having your...|||Hmm... where to start.... Nicotine, talking to my cats (I've discovered there are five different sorts of 'miaow', three different pitches asking for your attention with different degrees of...|||Perseus hit the nail on its head - only thing I would add is a clear 'E' for Grandpa, everything you've said would point to ESTP.|||I think the J is a misinterpretation. A conscientious P can be both tidy and hard-working (notice He's been prone to workaholism in the past and an inability to say no to people - the workaholism...|||Hope this hasn't been posted already: Source: http://www.greatlakesapt.org/jung-article.pdf|||The functions are set because they relate to specific areas of the brain (some areas are more developed than others, but they all contribute to running our bodies, thoughts etc.). While there is no...|||Everything you've said would suggest ESFP Feeling is a given, pretty sure he's a Sensor, Extroversion is clear and passive attitude towards discipline indicates perceiving. Fear of rejection +...|||Um... maybe if you have a degree in conflict resolution? Not saying its impossible but it's not exactly a match made in heaven...|||She has a very strong personality. - would generally indicate Extroversion She's always right and it seems as if though she expects you to change your mind and agree with her. - definitely...|||We live in a predominantly extroverted world - as a society we simply do not understand an introverted reality, such behavior is deemed 'anti-social' (or worse... open any psychology text-book and...|||There are ups and downs but most of the time I have a pretty optimistic view of life. There is always a quick fix to the bad times - people :wink:|||Oh don't worry - I wasn't taking it personally :tongue: Yeah I think I slightly misconstrued your post - I thought you were suggesting that INTPs are both stubborn and intelligent (many of you...|||This wasn't directed at anyone in particular but I think it warrants repeating:|||Greetings! All you need to know about PC: Alle reden vom Wetter. Wir nicht :wink:|||The same applies for T-F - it pisses me off to no end the amount of people on the forum talking about how 'smart' Ts are. There is no correlation whatsoever between the two - I know 'dumb' Ts and...'