{"SUPP CAPTION FIGS3.png": "'Supplemental Figure 3.\\n\\n**Supplementary Figure 3. (Related to Figures 4 and 6) This figure provides additional evidence that intact microtubules and an intact dynactin complex are required for tubule elongation. It also shows the results of control experiments determining the concentration of ciliobrevin A required to inhibit delivery of CTxB to perinuclear compartments.**\\n\\n**(A, B) Pretreatment of cells with 16.6 M nocodazole prior to LatA (A) or Jasplakinolide treatment (B) blocks tubule formation. (C, D) Pretreatment with ciliobrevin A (Cilio-A) disrupts delivery of CTxB to perinuclear compartments in ATP replete cells in a dose-dependent manner. n = 36-108 cells; error bars = SD. (E, F) Expression of GFP-p50 (E), but not GFP alone (F) blocked the formation of long branched tubules in Dynasore-treated cells. Similar results were obtained for both wild type CTxB or monovalent CTx. Bars, 10 m.**'"}