{"CAPTION FIG1.png": "'Figure 1: An example product description from our dataset: Soapy, slider\\n\\n'", "CAPTION FIG3.png": "'Figure 3: Illustration of the process of abstracting the corpus based on a given focus-abstracted query. All terms in each document that match the designer-selected abstracted _properties_ (shown in monospace font) are replaced by the matching properties. This brings documents that might be different in domain (e.g., about \u201cknives\u201d) but are nevertheless similar at the desired level of abstraction (e.g., PersonalProduct) closer to the focus-abstracted query.\\n\\n'", "CAPTION FIG2.png": "'Figure 2: Illustration of the process of expressing focus-abstracted queries in our system. Designers express a focus-abstracted query by (1) selecting important sentences in a product description that relate to an intended focus, (2) ignoring irrelevant terms, and (3) replacing important terms (where desired) with appropriate abstracted properties, yielding a sequence of important terms and abstracted properties.\\n\\n'", "CAPTION FIG4.png": "'Figure 4: **Illustrative matches from each method for the scenario: \u201cmake the dish compatible with different sizes of soap bars\u201d. The abstraction of \u201csoap\u201d seems to allow the FocusAbstracted method to ignore the domain difference of knives vs. soap. OverallPurpMech finds a match from a different domain that is analogous in terms of its overall purpose of keeping something clean/dry, but misses the core purpose of adapting to different sizes. In contrast, both OverallGioVe and FocusOnly find a highly relevant match from the same domain.**\\n\\n'", "CAPTION FIG5.png": "'Figure 5: FocusAbstracted matches achieve comparable relevance to FocusOnly and GloVe baselines, and more relevance than OverallPurpMech (left panel) while being more domain distant than FocusOnly and GloVe baseline matches, and equivalently domain distant as OverallPurpMech matches (right panel)\\n\\n'", "CAPTION TAB1.png": "'\\n\\n\\\\begin{table}\\n\\\\begin{tabular}{l l} \\\\hline \\\\hline \\\\multicolumn{1}{c}{**Table 1. Seed product descriptions and associated redesign scenarios**} \\\\\\\\ & used for our evaluation experiment. Descriptions shortened. \\\\\\\\ \\\\hline \\\\hline \\\\end{tabular}\\n\\\\end{table}\\nTable 1: Seed product descriptions and associated redesign scenarios used for our evaluation experiment. Descriptions shortened.\\n\\n'"}