listlengths 5
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Taking the Blame\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Paul.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Taking the Blame\n\nPaul purchased a book from the bookstore.\nHe opened it to see if he had the right book.\nHowever, it turned out to be the book.\nHe went to return it.\nThe offer he got for returning it was bad since he already opened it.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Paul is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Paul is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Paul is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Paul is feeling ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Paul is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Paul\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Cold Hands\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Cindy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Cold Hands\n\nCindy had to type a long essay.\nBut her hands were cold.\nShe decided to make coffee.\nAnd drinking the coffee made her feel warm.\nSo she was able to finish her essay more quickly.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Cindy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Cindy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Cindy is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 5, Cindy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Cindy\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"first grade\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself), My teacher and My classmate.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# first grade\n\nI remember when i was in first grade we were assigned to read.\nI am the fifth student to read and i can't read that much.\nWhat i did was i memorized what my classmate is reading.\nWhen it's my turn my teacher caught me memorizing it.\nBecause i'm still reading even he stops pointing what to read.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, The teacher is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, The teacher is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n- character: My teacher\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Samantha Gets Fired\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Samantha's boss and Samantha.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Samantha Gets Fired\n\nSamantha was feeling sick.\nShe couldn't make it to work.\nShe called her boss to tell him she wouldn't be at work that day.\nHer boss refused to sympathize with Samantha's sickness.\nSamantha's boss fired her the next day.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Samantha is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Samantha is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, Samantha is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Samantha is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Samantha's boss is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Samantha's boss is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Samantha's boss is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Samantha\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Samantha's boss\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Relationship gone Wrong\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about School friend and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Relationship gone Wrong\n\nI was on a date with a high school friend.\nEverything went well since we were on a good connection.\nMy phone rang during dinner.\nIt was a call from my ex-girlfriend.\nShe thought the call was suspicious and asked to go home.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, School friend is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, School friend is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, School friend is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, School friend is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, School friend is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: School friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Getting an A\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Sara.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Getting an A\n\nSara always struggled with math class.\nOne day she got back a test with a big F on it.\nSara was ashamed and vowed that her next grade would be an A.\nSara studied hard and asked for extra help studying.\nSara got back her next to with a big A on it.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Sara is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Sara is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Sara is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sara is feeling TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Sara is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Sara\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The soda.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mike.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The soda.\n\nMike bought some soda at the store in the summer.\nHe went home but forgot to take the soda out and it exploded all over.\nHe was supposed to go on a date and didn't want to cancel.\nHe decided he would just cover up the mess with towels.\nhis date was a disaster anyways and he laughed about it all.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Mike is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mike is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Mike is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Mike\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Don't Let Anything Stop You\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Josh.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Don't Let Anything Stop You\n\nJosh was the best football player at his school.\nHe was the captain of the team and won many awards.\nOne game he injured his leg really badly.\nHe was told he couldn't play football anymore.\nHe decided to be coach instead and he is still very successful.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Josh is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Josh is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Josh is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Josh is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Josh is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Josh\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Brandon\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Father, Brandon, Everyone and Ryan.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Brandon\n\nBrandon tried everything but he couldn't solve the math problem.\nHe had asked everyone and nobody could give him any direction.\nHis father noticed he was struggling with the problem.\nRyan wasn't sure his father would be able to help him but he was able.\nRyan learned a couple lessons that day.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Brandon is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Brandon is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Brandon is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, Ryan is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Ryan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Brandon\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: Ryan\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Shower\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Ivy's best friend and Ivy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Shower\n\nIvy's best friend was getting married.\nIvy threw her a bridal shower.\nAt first, she was overwhelmed by all the planning.\nBut gradually, everything came together.\nIvy's party turned out to be wonderful and well-planned!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Ivy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Ivy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Ivy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Ivy is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Ivy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Ivy's best friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Ivy's best friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Ivy's best friend is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Ivy's best friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 5, Ivy's best friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Ivy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Ivy's best friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Younger Woman\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Wife and Ted.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Younger Woman\n\nTed was in his 70s and had long since lost his first wife.\nHe was out and about taking a stroll.\nHe encountered a much younger woman in her early 60s.\nThey started to talk and ended up liking each other.\nFast forward a few months and now they are engaged.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Ted is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, Ted is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Ted is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, Ted is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Ted is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Wife is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 3, Wife is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Wife is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Ted\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Wife\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Alphabet\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Her mom and Ella.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Alphabet\n\nOur granddaughter Ella lives in NYC, while we are in Boston.\nHer mom sends videos to update us.\nToday she sent a video of Ella saying the alphabet.\nShe got some of it right.\nWe were very amused.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Ella is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Ella is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 3, Ella is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Ella is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Her mom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Ella\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Her mom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Bubbles\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tina and Young children.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Bubbles\n\nTina was babysitting some young children she didn't know very well.\nShe wasn't sure how to keep them occupied.\nShe decided to take them outside to blow bubbles.\nShe had bought some with her just in case.\nThey had a blast chasing the bubbles around, trying to pop them.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Tina is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Tina is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Tina is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Tina is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tina is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 1, Young children is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Young children is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Young children is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Tina\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Young children\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Love Poem\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Julie and David.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Love Poem\n\nDavid really liked Julie, a girl in his Algebra class.\nDavid spent all night writing a poem about Julie.\nDavid's poem was found and someone showed it to Julie.\nDavid was sure that Julie would think he was a dork.\nJulie came to David and told him she liked the poem!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, David is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, David is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, David is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, David is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, David is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Julie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Julie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: David\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Julie\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Wind\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Carl and Residence.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Wind\n\nThere was a storm coming in Iowa.\nThe residence prepared for the storm.\nCarl decided he was too good to prepare for it, and didn't.\nHis house got a fence blown into a window.\nHe prepared next storm.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Carl is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Carl is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Carl is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Residence is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Carl\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Residence\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Evicted\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Homeowner and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Evicted\n\nI was a homeowner but now I am a renter.\nI applied for a loan because my homeowner's taxes were due.\nThe Credit Union rejected my application for the tax loan.\nI begged the Payday Loan people to help me but they did not.\nNow I am a renter because I was evicted from my home.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Homeowner is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Homeowner\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Just in case\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mitch.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Just in case\n\nMitch spent his morning cleaning out his car.\nHe made a pile of things on the ground that he felt was junk.\nOnce his car was empty he began to put in some new things.\nHe put in a first aid kit and a map of the area.\nMitch felt that his car was prepared for almost any problem.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Mitch is feeling DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mitch is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Mitch is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Mitch is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Mitch\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Mouse Prank\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Co-worker and Tom.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Mouse Prank\n\nTom wanted to play a prank on his co-worker.\nHe unplugged his coworker's mouse and plugged his own in.\nHis co-worker didn't know what was going on for a second.\nHe figured it out and Tom laughed.\nIt was a harmless prank that his coworker also enjoyed.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Co-worker is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Co-worker is feeling SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, Co-worker is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, Co-worker is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 1, Tom is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Co-worker\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Tom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Recess Ends\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Gina, Tami, Rita and Mary.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Recess Ends\n\nGina and her friend Tami had been walking around the playground.\nNow recess was coming to an end.\nAs they approached the door Gina saw Rita and Mary waiting for Tami.\nTami ran and caught up with them.\nGina watched alone as the girls giggled and gossiped.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Gina is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Gina is feeling SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Gina is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Rita is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Rita is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Tami is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Tami is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Gina\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Mary\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Rita\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Tami\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Karen makes a sandwich.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Karen.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Karen makes a sandwich.\n\nKaren was very hungry.\nKaren decided to make a sandwich.\nShe gathered up all the ingredients.\nKaren ate the sandwich.\nKaren was very satisfied and full.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Karen is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Karen is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Karen is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Karen is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, Karen is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Karen\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Missing the plane.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Edgar.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Missing the plane.\n\nEdgar was going to Hawaii.\nHe was supposed to board his plane soon.\nHe got distracted ordering some food.\nSuddenly, he realized he was late.\nHis plane had left without him.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Edgar is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Edgar is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Edgar is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Edgar is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Edgar is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Edgar\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Haunted 2\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Haunted house team and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Haunted 2\n\nWhen we got home from our stay, we watched tv.\nWe turned on a haunted house team show.\nIt turned out they had gone to the same hotel we had.\nThey found some disturbing images.\nI didn't want to believe they were real.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Haunted house team is feeling FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Haunted house team is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Haunted house team\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Daria\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Daria and Friends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Daria\n\nDaria started her new job but was shy and afraid.\nHer first day was hectic and overwhelming for her.\nEventually she made friends and got better at her job.\nAfter working there for over a year she got a promotion.\nShe looked back at how scared she was at first and laughed.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Daria is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Daria is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Daria is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Daria is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, Daria is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Daria\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Sister Day\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kelly's brother, Alaina and Kelly.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Sister Day\n\nKelly's brother married Alaina.\nAlaina liked Kelly a lot.\nShe invited her to paint ceramics.\nThey called their outing Sister Day.\nEvery year, they celebrated Sister Day in a new way.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Alaina is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Alaina is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Alaina is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Alaina is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kelly is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Kelly is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Kelly is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Alaina\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Kelly\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Haircut\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Joe and His girlfriend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Haircut\n\nJoe needed a new haircut.\nJoe couldn't decide how he wanted his hair cut.\nHe asked his girlfriend.\nHis girlfriend suggested to cut it short because it was hot.\nJoe cut his hair very short.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, His girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, His girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, His girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Joe is feeling ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Joe is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Joe is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: His girlfriend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Joe\n emotions:\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The big race\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Billy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The big race\n\nBilly's school has a race at the end of the year for every grade.\nBilly wanted to be the fastest kid in his grade.\nBilly ran around the yard at recess, all year long to get faster.\nFinally it was time for the big race.\nAfter a very close competition, Billy came out victorious!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Billy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Billy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Billy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Billy is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Billy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Laundry\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Lisa.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Laundry\n\nLisa had no clean clothes so she decided to do laundry.\nShe piled all of her whites into the washer.\nWhen the buzzer dinged, she opened the washer and saw pink!\nA red sock had been hidden in the load and dyed the clothes.\nNow all of Lisa's clothes are ruined.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Lisa is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Lisa is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Lisa is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Lisa\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Hit and Run\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Hit and Run\n\nI noticed a merging sign several feet away on the highway.\nSince the traffic was horrible, I slowly tried to maneuver my car.\nA large industrial truck tried to turn on the same lane.\nWe ended up colliding.\nWithout a hesitation, he still decided to drive forwards and left me.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Discrimination Exists Everywhere\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Harris, People and Angelo.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Discrimination Exists Everywhere\n\nHarris and Angelo were the team leaders for basketball.\nThey picked the best players first.\nI waited with 3 other people to be picked.\nWhen it came down to one person and myself, Angelo picked the guy.\nAlthough I was picked last, I scored the game winning shot.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Angelo is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Angelo is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Angelo is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 1, Harris is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Harris is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Harris is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Angelo\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Harris\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Her First Time Bowling\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about A friend and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Her First Time Bowling\n\nI went to the bowling alley with a friend.\nThis was the first time she had gone bowling.\nI had to show her how to hold the ball.\nShe was very good at bowling.\nShe beat me in every game!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, A friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, A friend is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, A friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, A friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, A friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: A friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Wango\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Someone, Customers and Mango wangtini.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Wango\n\nMango Wangtini was a bartender.\nHe entertained customers with sick bartender tricks.\nOne day someone asked him to pour a flaming drink while blindfolded.\nMango obliged, and began his routine.\nUnfortunately Mango's bar burned down afterward.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Customers is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Customers is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Customers is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Mango wangtini is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Mango wangtini is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Mango wangtini is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Mango wangtini is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Someone is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Customers\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n- character: Mango wangtini\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Someone\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Bath\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Yolanda.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Bath\n\nYolanda was filthy.\nShe couldn't wait to take a bath.\nShe filled up the tub.\nShe added some bubbles.\nAs she slipped in, she smiled and took a deep breath.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Yolanda is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Yolanda is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Yolanda is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Yolanda is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Yolanda is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Yolanda\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Roan\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Roan.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Roan\n\nRoan skateboarded down a rail.\nHe fell and broke his arm.\nRoan skateboarded to the hospital.\nThey told him it would never heal.\nRoan put his arm in a cast and skated away.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Roan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Roan is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Roan is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Roan is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Roan is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Roan\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Jack, Jill, Will\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Will, Jill and Jack.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Jack, Jill, Will\n\nWill wanted to go on an adventure but was lonely.\nHe called his friend Jack to accompany him.\nJack didn't answer the phone.\nWill went to his house to check on him.\nJack had an adventure go wrong by falling down a hill with Jill.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Jack is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jack is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jack is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jill is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Will is feeling TRUST (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 2, Will is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Will is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Will is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Will is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Jack\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Jill\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Will\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Flowers and Lights\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Sam, School and Someone.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Flowers and Lights\n\nSam was performing the lead in her school play.\nIt would be her last show before she graduated.\nShe was nervous but she went out on stage and gave it her all.\nAt first, she felt sad when the play ended.\nThen someone threw her flowers and she felt elated.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Sam is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Sam is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sam is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Sam is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Sam is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, Someone is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Sam\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n- character: Someone\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Flowers\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Sandy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Flowers\n\nSandy enjoyed breezy, summer days.\nShe would go outside during the nice weather.\nWhile outside, she would go for walks and pick flowers.\nArriving home, Sandy would put the flowers in a nice vase.\nThis allowed her to smell the wonderful scents all week long!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Sandy is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Sandy is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sandy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sandy is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Sandy is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Sandy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Generosity\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Dan, Girls and Girl scouts.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Generosity\n\nDan recently watched a movie about a hero who acted generously.\nDan began feeling that he wanted to emulated this behavior.\nDan sought out opportunities to be generous.\nThen suddenly, a troupe of girl scouts came to Dan's door.\nDan bought every single package of cookies the girls had!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Dan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Dan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Dan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Dan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, Girl scouts is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Girls is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Dan\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Girl scouts\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Girls\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Forgotten Laundry\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Alice.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Forgotten Laundry\n\nAlice recently was drying clothes at the laundromat.\nAs Alice was waiting, she decided to go to Walmart for groceries.\nAfter about an hour Alice got in the car and drove home.\nHowever, Alice screamed when she realized her mistake.\nAlice realized she had forgotten her laundry at the laundromat.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Alice is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Alice is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Alice is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Alice\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Tornado\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Charles and Relatives.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Tornado\n\nCharles went to visit his relatives in Greensboro Kansas.\nWhen he arrived, the news reported a tornado coming.\nThe tornado was one of the harshest in the town's history.\nSchools, homes and hospitals were wiped out.\nCharles' relatives were homeless.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Charles is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Charles is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Charles is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Charles is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Charles\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Nice Guys Finish Last\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Ex-boyfiend, Jared, Friend and Ex-boyfriend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Nice Guys Finish Last\n\nJared spent all day comforting his friend.\nHe said that wanted to be with her.\nHowever, she told him that she needed time to cope with her breakup.\nThe next day, he ran into friend again.\nShe was in the arms of her ex-boyfriend.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Friend is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 3, Friend is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, Friend is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Jared is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Jared is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jared is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Jared is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Jared is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Jared\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Acorn\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Squirrel and Dog.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Acorn\n\nA squirrel scampered across the yard.\nHe snatched up an acorn and ran away.\nThe dog chased him until he got to the fence.\nThat squirrel bothered him every day!\nHe sat on the deck and waited for the creature to come back in.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Dog is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Dog is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Dog is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Squirrel is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Squirrel is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Squirrel is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 4, Squirrel is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Squirrel is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Dog\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n- character: Squirrel\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Derek's Computer\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Derek.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Derek's Computer\n\nDerek has a computer.\nDerek's computer got a virus on it.\nDerek couldn't use his computer once it had gotten a virus on it.\nDerek had to get his computer repaired.\nDerek's computer was usable once again after the repair.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Derek is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Derek is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Derek is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Derek is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Derek is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Derek\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Football\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Gary, Varsity squad, Football team, His dad and High school.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Football\n\nGary had dreams of playing professional football.\nHis dad encouraged him to practice.\nHe tried out for his high school football team.\nHe made the varsity squad.\nGary can feel his dreams starting to come true.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Gary is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Gary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Gary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Gary is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Gary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, His dad is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, His dad is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, His dad is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Varsity squad is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Gary\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: His dad\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Varsity squad\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Tax Surprise\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Judy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Tax Surprise\n\nJudy was nervously filing her taxes.\nShe was always afraid of making a mistake.\nSuddenly, she finished the forms and saw something surprising.\nShe was supposed to get a rather large refund check.\nShe doubted it would happen but to her delight she really got it.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Judy is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Judy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately).\n- In line 3, Judy is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Judy is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Judy is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Judy\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The break up.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Jenny.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The break up.\n\nI was dating a girl named Jenny.\nWe've been dating for a long time.\nEventually we became boyfriend and girlfriend.\nHowever, she became way too picky and annoying.\nI had to break up with her to be happy again.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jenny is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 3, Jenny is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jenny is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Jenny\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Amish Village\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Amish and School group.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Amish Village\n\nThe school group went on a trip.\nThey went to see an Amish Village.\nThey watched the Amish make furniture.\nThey also ate some of their delicious treats.\nThey learned a lot about the Amish people.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Amish is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, School group is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, School group is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, School group is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, School group is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Amish\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: School group\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Sun\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Sun\n\nIt was winter.\nI had not seen direct sunlight for many weeks.\nOne morning, the clouds dissipated and the sun shone brightly.\nI stepped outside in the fresh morning air.\nThe sun made me feel happy and rejuvenated.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Feeding Ducks\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Megan, A small group of ducks and Her little children.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Feeding Ducks\n\nMegan brought her little children to the park.\nThey brought some stale bread to feed to the ducks.\nShe guided her kids to a little bench near the pond.\nA small group of ducks wandered up to them.\nMegan and her kids fed the ducks the bread.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, A small group of ducks is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Her little children is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Her little children is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Her little children is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Her little children is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Her little children is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Megan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Megan is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Megan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Megan is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Megan is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: A small group of ducks\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Her little children\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Megan\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Broken Television\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Company and Tom.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Broken Television\n\nTom bought a television a while back.\nIt broke after he could return it to the store.\nTom called the company.\nIt was still under warranty and they offered a way to fix it.\nIt wasn't the best option but Tom agreed.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Company is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Company is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Company\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: Tom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Blond Hair\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Hair and Jen.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Blond Hair\n\nJen was at home.\nShe decided to wash her hair.\nAfter she was done she looked into the mirror.\nHer hair was a different color.\nShe realized she used the wrong bottle when washing her hair.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jen is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Jen is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jen is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 4, Jen is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jen is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Jen\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Hot Dog Stand\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Hot Dog Stand\n\nWhen I lived in the city there was this amazing hot dog stand.\nIt was near my school and I used to go after class.\nIt was good food and it was cheap.\nI went back there to visit the areas last week and it was gone.\nI guess the hot dog guy moved locations.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"basketball\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about One of the players.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# basketball\n\nThe basketball game was tied 30-30.\nOne of the players had been fouled and was up to shoot.\nHe had a chance to shoot two free throws.\nIf he made them, he would win the game for the team.\nHe took his time and shot the ball and made both of them.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, One of the players is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, One of the players is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, One of the players is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, One of the players is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: One of the players\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Proposal\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Hugh, Lynn and Restaurant.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Proposal\n\nHugh and Lynn had been dating for several years.\nHugh asked Lynne to a very special date one night.\nDuring the date Hugh Proposed to Lynn.\nLynn said yes to the proposal.\nThe whole restaurant cheered as they kissed one another.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Hugh is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, Hugh is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Hugh is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Hugh is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Hugh is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Lynn is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Lynn is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Lynn is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Lynn is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Restaurant is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Hugh\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Lynn\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Restaurant\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Germans\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Miles, Terrorists and Superior officer.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Germans\n\nMiles encoded the Germans war code.\nHe ran in to tell his superior officer what he discovered.\nThe officer looked at him like he was crazy.\nHe told Miles that they were at war with terrorists.\nMiles realized he was never very good at history.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Miles is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Miles is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Miles is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, Miles is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Miles is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Superior officer is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Superior officer is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Superior officer is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Miles\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Superior officer\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Ice Cream\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Sara and Boyfriend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Ice Cream\n\nSara broke up with her boyfriend.\nShe was very sad because of the breakup.\nSo she went to her kitchen.\nShe go a huge bucket of ice cream and a spoon.\nShe eat half of it that night.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Boyfriend is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Sara is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Sara is feeling SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Sara is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sara is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Sara is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Boyfriend\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Sara\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Bank hours\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Bank and Whitney.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Bank hours\n\nWhitney had to get to the bank.\nShe did not get off work until 5pm.\nThe bank closed at 5pm.\nShe drove there as fast as she could.\nShe arrived at the bank at 4:58pm.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Bank is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Bank is feeling TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Bank is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Whitney is feeling FEAR (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Whitney is feeling TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Whitney is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Whitney is feeling FEAR (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Bank\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Whitney\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Home Work\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Ronnie.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Home Work\n\nRonnie, seven, needed help with some of his computer homework.\nI invited over to my place to use my computer.\nFor about two hours he did some math and some geography work.\nWhen he was done he went back home.\nThe next day he told me he got A's in math and geography.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 1, Ronnie is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Ronnie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Ronnie is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Ronnie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Ronnie is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Ronnie\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Homework\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Will and Martin.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Homework\n\nMartin didn't like doing his homework.\nOne day he decided to pay Will to do his homework for him.\nMartin enjoyed not having to do his homework.\nIt didn't take long for Martin's bad decision to catch up with him.\nWhen test time came Martin had no know of the material and failed.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Martin is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Martin is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Martin is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Martin is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Martin is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, Will is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Will is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Martin\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Will\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"School Days\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Marsha.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# School Days\n\nMarsha went to school every day to learn.\nShe loved to go to school and see her friends.\nShe got to go on a field trip with the school.\nShe was happy her friends got to go with her.\nMarsha learned a lot by going on the field trip.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Marsha is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Marsha is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Marsha is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Marsha is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Marsha is feeling JOY (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Marsha\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Jog\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Ida.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Jog\n\nIda wanted to get stronger.\nShe decided to start jogging.\nAt first she could only run a few blocks.\nBut soon she was jogging for miles easily.\nIda was proud of her increased strength and endurance!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Ida is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Ida is feeling TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Ida is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Ida is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Ida is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Ida\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Science Fair\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Anna and Science teacher.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Science Fair\n\nAnna loved her science class.\nHer science teacher encouraged her to compete in the science fair.\nAnna's teacher worked with her a lot after school.\nAnna presented her project at the fair.\nHer teacher was proud of her.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Science teacher is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Science teacher is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Science teacher is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Science teacher is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Anna\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Science teacher\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Computer\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Emily.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Computer\n\nEmily loved software engineering.\nEmily spent a lot of time learning how to do it.\nAfter lots of practice she became quite good.\nShe applied for a job as a software engineer.\nNow she owns her own software engineering company.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Emily is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 2, Emily is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Emily is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, Emily is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Emily\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Pianos\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mary, Parents and Guy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Pianos\n\nMary didn't want to play piano.\nHer parents tried to teach her but she refused to listen.\nOne day a guy she liked said he played piano.\nMary went home and practiced so much she forgot about the guy.\nShe became a concert musician and never thought of the guy again.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Mary is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mary is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Parents is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Parents is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Mary\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Parents\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Akira\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Scottish woman, Akira and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Akira\n\nI once stayed with a Scottish woman in South Africa.\nShe had a husky named Akira.\nShe also had a pool and I was excited to swim in it.\nWhen I finally did, it frightened Akira and she barked and barked.\nAfter that day, every time I got in the pool I locked Akira inside.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Akira is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 4, Akira is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Akira is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Scottish woman is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Scottish woman is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 3, Scottish woman is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 5, Scottish woman is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Akira\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n- character: Scottish woman\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Diapers\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kathy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Diapers\n\nKathy was shopping.\nShe needed to buy diapers for her baby.\nShe got in the car and drove home.\nHalfway home, she realized she'd forgotten the diapers!\nShe turned around and went back.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Kathy is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Kathy is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Kathy is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Kathy is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Kathy is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Kathy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Chinese New Year\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Ellie, The daycare center, I (myself) and Ellie's mom.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Chinese New Year\n\nMy granddaughter Ellie is 20 months old.\nShe is in a daycare.\nLast Friday the daycare center celebrated Chinese New Year.\nHer mom bought her a Chinese outfit, but Ellie did not like it.\nEllie did wear the outfit and was happy when she went to daycare.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Ellie is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Ellie is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Ellie is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Ellie is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 3, The daycare center is feeling JOY (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Ellie\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n- character: The daycare center\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Allergies\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Peter, Dog and Daughter.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Allergies\n\nPeter had gotten a pet dog.\nHis daughter started sneezing.\nHe brought his daughter to the doctor.\nHis daughter was allergic to the dog.\nPeter had to get rid of the dog.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Daughter is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Daughter is feeling SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 1, Dog is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 2, Dog is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 1, Peter is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Peter is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Peter is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Peter is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Daughter\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Dog\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n- character: Peter\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Proposal\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Peter and His girlfriend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Proposal\n\nPeter brought his girlfriend to the park.\nHe laid out a picnic blanket.\nTogether they shared a nice meal together.\nThen Peter proposed to her.\nShe screamed and said yes.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, His girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, His girlfriend is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, His girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, His girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, His girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Peter is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Peter is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Peter is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Peter is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: His girlfriend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n- character: Peter\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Spring Break\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Zoey, Zoey's friends and Online friends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Spring Break\n\nZoey was wondering where to go on spring break.\nShe couldn't decide in time.\nAll her friends went to Malibu.\nZoey stayed at home and played Call of Duty instead.\nShe made friends online, and didn't regret not going.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Zoey is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Zoey is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 3, Zoey is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Zoey is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Zoey is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Zoey's friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Zoey's friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Zoey\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Zoey's friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Horrible Bill\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Yany and Driver.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Horrible Bill\n\nYany called a taxi to pick her up.\nSince she was drunk, she threw up on the seat.\nThe driver didn't say anything and took her home.\nWhen she got home, she went into her bed.\nThe next day, she received $200 bill for ruining the taxi seat.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Driver is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Driver is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Driver is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Yany is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Yany is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Yany is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Yany is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Driver\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Yany\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Benny's Blueberries\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Benny and Customer.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Benny's Blueberries\n\nBenny worked at the produce section of a supermarket.\nHe hated customers, but loved working with the fruit.\nBenny was asked a question by a customer one afternoon.\nBenny told them to leave him alone with his fruit.\nHe was fired that evening when his boss found out.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Benny is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Benny is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Benny is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Benny is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Customer is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Customer is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Customer is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Benny\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n- character: Customer\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Penny Pincher\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Man.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Penny Pincher\n\nThere was a man who scavenged the streets in search for lost change.\nHe came across a rare quarter that was worth 50 cents.\nHe made a note of this gain for tax purposes later on in the year.\nThis quarter made the 50th dollar he found that year.\nThe man figured at that rate he'll have $60 by December.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Man is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Man is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 3, Man is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Man is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Man is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Man\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Homework\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Lester and Teacher.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Homework\n\nLester was a good student.\nOne day he forgot to do his homework.\nHe told the teacher he wrote his homework in disappearing ink.\nThe teacher laughed and gave him credit for his homework.\nLester was happy but knew it wouldn't work again.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Lester is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, Lester is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Lester is feeling DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Lester is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Lester is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Teacher is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Teacher is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Teacher is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Lester\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Teacher\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Awards Ceremony\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Scott and Workers.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Awards Ceremony\n\nScott was attending the annual awards ceremony at his workplace.\nHe didn't care much for work awards.\nName after name was called out as workers got their reward.\nIn the end, Scott didn't get any award.\nHe felt secretly disappointed.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Scott is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Scott is feeling DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Scott is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, Scott is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Scott is feeling TRUST (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Workers is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Scott\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Workers\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Melting\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mom and Ben.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Melting\n\nBen was at the park.\nHe was feeling very hot.\nTo cool off, his mom bought him at ice cream cone.\nThe ice cream started melting right away.\nSoon, the ice cream was all over Ben.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Ben is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 2, Ben is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Ben is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Ben is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, Ben is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Mom is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Ben\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Mom\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Greedy Eaters\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Aunt, I (myself) and The family.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Greedy Eaters\n\nAfter the family set up the food, we all sat down.\nMy aunt gave a small prayer before we started to eat.\nI didn't get a good amount of food since the family was huge.\nI started to yell since the food was almost finished.\nInstead of feeling bad, everyone was laughing.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, The family is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, The family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 4, The family is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, The family is feeling JOY (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: The family\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"A Hero\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Neighbor, Man, Toby and Dog.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# A Hero\n\nToby went outside to walk his dog.\nHis neighbor was outside getting into her car.\nSuddenly, a man rushed by and grabbed her purse.\nToby yelled at his dog to get the man.\nThe dog ran after the man who then dropped the purse.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Dog is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Dog is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Man is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Man is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Neighbor is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Neighbor is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 1, Toby is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Toby is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, Toby is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Toby is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Dog\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Man\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Neighbor\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n- character: Toby\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"list\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Anna.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# list\n\nAnna went to the grocery store.\nWhen she arrived she realized she'd forgotten her shopping list.\nShe tried to remember what was on it.\nWhen she got home, she checked her list.\nShe had forgotten almost half of what she needed!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, Anna is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Anna is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Anna is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Anna\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Babies?\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jasmies friend and Jasmies.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Babies?\n\nJamies job requires her to travel a lot.\nShe has no family of her own so she doesn't mind.\nHer friends feel sorry for her.\nThey think at her age she should have a family.\nShe promised herself to take her time with it and just be happy.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jasmies is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jasmies is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jasmies friend is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Jasmies\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Jasmies friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Bagel Time\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tiff.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Bagel Time\n\nTiff bought some bagels.\nShe brought them home.\nShe couldn't help it.\nShe put them in the toaster.\nThe bagels came out burnt.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Tiff is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tiff is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tiff is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Tiff\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Jane's Sticky Situation\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jane and Jane's husband.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Jane's Sticky Situation\n\nMaking crafts for Christmas gifts was a mistake, Jane decided.\nShe tried not to panic when her hand became stuck to the table.\nThen the doorbell rang.\nJane had forgotten all about her date.\nYears later, Jane and husband still laughed at the memory.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jane is feeling TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jane is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jane is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Jane is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jane is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Jane's husband is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Jane\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n- character: Jane's husband\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Lack of paper\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Family and Hank.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Lack of paper\n\nHank had to wrap a lot of gifts for his family.\nHe ran out of wrapping paper with 4 gifts to go.\nHe went to the kitchen and found shopping bags.\nHe cut up the bags to make sheets of paper.\nHe used the paper to wrap the last of the gifts.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Hank is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Hank is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Hank is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Hank is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Hank is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Family\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Hank\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Promise of Candy\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Dentist, Mother and Girl.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Promise of Candy\n\nOne day at the store, a little girl begged her mother for candy.\nHowever, the little girl had a dentist appointment later that day.\nThe mother promised the little girl chocolate if she had no cavities.\nThat day, the dentist found no cavities in the girl's teeth.\nHappily, the girl and her mother returned to the store for the candy.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Girl is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Girl is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Girl is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Girl is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Girl is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mother is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Girl\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Mother\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"New Video Game\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about John and A worker.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# New Video Game\n\nJohn wanted to play something new and different.\nA worker recommended a game to him.\nJohn bought it and tried it out.\nHe played it for a few hours but never got into it.\nHe never took that employees advice again.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, A worker is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, A worker is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, John is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, John is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: A worker\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: John\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Come On In\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Gina, Her mom, A loose dog and Her father.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Come On In\n\nGina decided to keep a loose dog that followed her home.\nShe would ask her father if she could keep the dog.\nShe told the dog to wait outside since her mom disliked dogs.\nAnd she could see her mother was standing in the kitchen.\nBut the little dog followed her right into the house.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, A loose dog is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Gina is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Gina is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Gina is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Gina is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Gina is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Her father is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Her mom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Her mom is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: A loose dog\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Gina\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Her father\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Her mom\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Jeff beats the bully\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about A kid, Jeff and The school bully.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Jeff beats the bully\n\nJeff was walking down the hallway at school.\nHe saw the school bully picking on a kid.\nJeff told him that would be enough.\nThe bully turned around and laughed at Jeff.\nJeff knocked the bully out cold with one punch.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, A kid is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, A kid is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, A kid is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 5, A kid is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jeff is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jeff is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jeff is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jeff is feeling DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, The school bully is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, The school bully is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, The school bully is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: A kid\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: Jeff\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: The school bully\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Tim's New Pup\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tim and Puppy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Tim's New Pup\n\nTim bought a new puppy today.\nUnfortunately, he has no idea how to take care of a dog.\nSo, he went and bought a litter box and tried to make his dog use it.\nHe was not too happy when his puppy decided to go on the floor.\nHopefully somebody tells Tim that's not how it's done.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Puppy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Tim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tim is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tim is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tim is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tim is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Puppy\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Tim\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Sam Breaks a Guitar String\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Sam and Friend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Sam Breaks a Guitar String\n\nSam was playing in the talent show tonight.\nHe was going to play his guitar.\nHe got onto the stage and began to play.\nAll of a sudden, his guitar string broke.\nSam was able to complete his performance with his friend's guitar.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 2, Sam is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sam is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sam is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sam is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Sam\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Mom's side\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jane, Ali and Ali's school.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Mom's side\n\nJane was at working hard on a project trying to make a deadline.\nShe received a phone call from her daughter Ali's school.\nAli had been suspended.\nJane needed to leave work to pick Ali up from school.\nJane was furious she would miss the deadline for her project.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Ali is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Ali is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Ali is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Ali's school is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Ali's school is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 1, Jane is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jane is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jane is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jane is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jane is feeling ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Ali\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n- character: Ali's school\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n- character: Jane\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"trick\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Someone and Anna.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# trick\n\nAnna saw a quarter on the ground.\nShe bent to pick it up.\nBut she couldn't.\nThe quarter was glued to the ground!\nSomeone had placed it there as a trick.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Anna is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Anna is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Someone is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Anna\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Someone\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Jazz Hands\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mason.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Jazz Hands\n\nMason was the hot young piano prospect in jazz.\nHe performed at any venue, big and small.\nOne day, Mason decided he was too old to keep performing.\nHe switched careers at the old age of nineteen.\nMason now makes his living driving a public transit bus.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Mason is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Mason is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mason is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Mason is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Mason is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Mason\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Time for a New Job.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about An acquaintance, Alex's spouse, Many people and Alex.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Time for a New Job.\n\nBecause he embezzled Alex was fired from his job.\nAlex's spouse encouraged Alex to seek work in a different field.\nAlex asked many people if they knew of a job opening.\nAlex got a lead on a job from an acquaintance.\nAlex was hired on a temporary basis.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Alex is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Alex is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Alex is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Alex is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Alex is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Alex's spouse is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Alex's spouse is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Alex's spouse is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Many people is feeling ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Alex\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Alex's spouse\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Many people\n emotions:\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Paris, Spain\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Julie.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Paris, Spain\n\nJulie arrives early to the airport for her flight.\nJust as she gets to the desk, she receives an alert on her phone.\nHer airport check in app says her flight to Paris is canceled.\nJulie is sad, but has always wanted to visit Spain.\nShe books a train to Barcelona instead.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Julie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Julie is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Julie is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Julie is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Julie is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Julie\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Statue of Liberty\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kim's friend and Kim.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Statue of Liberty\n\nKim was visiting New York with a friend.\nThey decided to visit the Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island.\nKim and her friend wanted to have lunch and then catch a ferry.\nBy the time the got to the ferry it was 3:35.\nFrom the mainland they watched the 3:30 ferry, the last one that day.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Kim is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Kim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Kim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Kim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Kim's friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kim's friend is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Kim's friend is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Kim's friend is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Kim\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Kim's friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"New Job\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Erica.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# New Job\n\nErica recently lost her job.\nShe felt very upset about it.\nShe spent several hours per day applying to new jobs.\nEventually she got an interview at a great company.\nErica's interview went well and she was hired.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Erica is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Erica is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Erica is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Erica is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Erica is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Erica\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Mike Soiled His Diaper\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mike.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Mike Soiled His Diaper\n\nMike was a 28 year old man who wore diapers.\nMike only wore diapers because he was to lazy to use the restroom.\nOne day Mike was shopping at the mall when he smelled something bad.\nMike soon realized he had soiled his adult size diaper.\nMike immediately went home and changed his soiled diaper.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Mike is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, Mike is feeling DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mike is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Mike is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Mike is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Mike\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Loud Music\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tom's neighbors and Tom.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Loud Music\n\nTom's neighbors bought a new stereo.\nThey would often crank up their music.\nTom was really annoyed by it.\nEventually he got enough courage to ask them to turn it down.\nThe neighbors agreed to it.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Tom is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tom is feeling DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tom is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Tom's neighbors is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tom's neighbors is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tom's neighbors is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tom's neighbors is feeling DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Tom\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Tom's neighbors\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Art project\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Suzy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Art project\n\nSuzy hated art.\nShe had to make a collage.\nShe did not finish in time.\nSo she failed the project.\nSuzy broke down in tears.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Suzy is feeling DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, Suzy is feeling DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Suzy is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Suzy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 5, Suzy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Suzy\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Bad Memory\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kay.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Bad Memory\n\nKay was new to using coupons when shopping.\nAt the store she purchased 3 things which she had store coupons for.\nAt checkout she was tired so she went quickly.\nWhen she got to her car she realized she forgot to use her coupons.\nKay was upset since the coupons would have saved her $5.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Kay is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Kay is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Kay is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Kay\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Vanilla Bean\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kate and Friends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Vanilla Bean\n\nKate and her friends were at a restaurant.\nFor dessert Kate wanted cheesecake.\nBut they only had vanilla bean cheesecake.\nKate hated vanilla.\nBut they had nothing else she wanted so she decided to give it a shot.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Kate is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Kate is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kate is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Kate is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Kate is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Kate\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |