[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Buying cigarettes\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Buying cigarettes\n\nI was out of cigarettes.\nI drove to the gas station.\nI bought a large carton of cigarettes.\nI went back home and opened a pack.\nI smoked the cigarette and felt peace.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Bot-checking\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Olaf.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Bot-checking\n\nOlaf was a computer programmer.\nHe was tasked with discerning humans from bots.\nHe wrote a program that required humans to copy text from images.\nIt was successful but greatly annoyed users.\nOlaf was satisfied with his work overall.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Olaf is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Olaf is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Olaf is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Olaf\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The diving contest\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jeremy and Classmates.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The diving contest\n\nJeremy wanted to impress his classmates by winning the diving contest.\nJeremy is afraid of heights and fears diving from the high board.\nHe spends two weeks practicing for the contest.\nJeremy overcomes his fear and drives perfectly from the high board!\nJeremy wins the contest and his classmates cheer for him.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Classmates is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Jeremy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Jeremy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Jeremy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Jeremy is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 5, Jeremy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Classmates\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Jeremy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Toilet paper\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Brother.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Toilet paper\n\nI ran out of toilet paper.\nI called my brother to get me some more.\nHe ran a roll down to me.\nI replaced the roll of toilet paper.\nWe went to the store to buy more.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Brother is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Brother is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Brother\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Hospital visits\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tommy, The doctor and Tommy's father.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Hospital visits\n\nTommy got the phone call that no one ever wants to get.\nHe was told that his father was involved in a serious car accident.\nTommy rushed to the hospital to see how his father was doing.\nThe doctor told Tommy that the emergency surgery was successful.\nTommy visited his dad every day for a week before taking him home.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, The doctor is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, The doctor is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Tommy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tommy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tommy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tommy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Tommy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tommy's father is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tommy's father is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tommy's father is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tommy's father is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: The doctor\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Tommy\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Tommy's father\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Dance Like You Mean It\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Janet.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Dance Like You Mean It\n\nJanet had always wanted to be a dancer.\nShe couldn't afford dance lessons!\nShe decided to teach herself and danced everyday.\nShe quickly became very good.\nThat summer she was accepted into a dance production!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Janet is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Janet is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Janet is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Janet is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Janet is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Janet\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Hiding\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Nazis, Neighbor and Anna.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Hiding\n\nAnna was a German who lived during the 1940s.\nWhen World War II began, she pitied the Jews.\nShe stealthily took a neighbor Jew girl into her home.\nAnna hid her in the basement when the Nazis searched her house.\nAfter the war, Anna adopted the girl as her own.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Anna is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Anna is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Anna is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Anna is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Neighbor is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Neighbor is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Anna\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n- character: Neighbor\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Malpractice\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tom.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Malpractice\n\nTom was a doctor for ten Year's.\nHe made one mistake and was sued.\nHis malpractice insurance lost the case.\nHe had to pay some money out of pocket.\nHe's having a hard time finding more insurance now.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tom is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Tom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Football\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Erin and His friends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Football\n\nErin loved to play football.\nHe always played with his friends after school.\nHe friends played to rough for him.\nThey often hurt him by tackling him.\nHe stopped playing football with them.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Erin is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Erin is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Erin is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Erin is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Erin is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 3, His friends is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, His friends is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Erin\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: His friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Soda\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and My doctor.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Soda\n\nI liked soda.\nMy doctor said I needed to limit my soda intake.\nI refused to listen.\nEventually, I developed diabetes.\nI wished I had listened to my doctor's advice.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Tyler gets tricked\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tyler.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Tyler gets tricked\n\nTyler is told he will get a prize for doing good on a test.\nTyler studies.\nTyler takes the test.\nTyler aces the test.\nTyler's prize ended up being a good grade.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Tyler is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tyler is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Tyler is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tyler is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tyler is feeling TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Tyler\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Lost Sight\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and The bus.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Lost Sight\n\nThe bus was coming towards my stop.\nSince he didn't notice me in the corner of the area, he didn't stop.\nHe continued to drive and passed me.\nI tried running towards the bus but he wasn't paying attention.\nAfterwards, I decided to go home and take the entire day off.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Gerald and the job\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about The interviewer and Gerald.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Gerald and the job\n\nGerald was short on money one day.\nHe decided that since he had free time, he would get a job.\nGerald applied at many places until he got a cashier job.\nHe went to the interview and impressed the interviewer.\nGerald got the job the next day and started making money.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Gerald is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, Gerald is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Gerald is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 4, Gerald is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Gerald is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, The interviewer is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Gerald\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: The interviewer\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Ascension\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Ascension\n\nIt took us three days to climb the mountain.\nAs we neared the top we found a place to make camp.\nWe layed down our gear and decided to check the view.\nAbove the trees on a rocky hill we stood.\nThe whole valley lay out before us in all its beauty.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Bonfire\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and My husband.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Bonfire\n\nToday at work I was thinking about a bonfire.\nWhen I got home my husband approached me and hugged me.\nHe told me that he's been thinking about a bonfire all day.\nWe went to the store to get smore supplies.\nWhen we got home we made a bonfire and made smores.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, The husband is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, The husband is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, The husband is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, The husband is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: My husband\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Permit\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself), Cop and Cops.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Permit\n\nI was passing out flyers for a real estate company.\nA cop stopped me and asked if I had a permit.\nI told him I did not.\nThey informed me that I had to leave.\nI quit the job because I did not like being stopped by cops.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Cop is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Cop is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Cop\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Birthday Cake\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mary, John's and John.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Birthday Cake\n\nToday is John's birthday.\nJohn's wife, Mary, wanted to bake him a cake.\nMary went to the store and bought ingredients.\nMary then went back home to bake it.\nThe cake was burnt and John was upset.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, John is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, John is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, John is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 1, John's is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Mary is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: John\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n- character: John's\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Mary\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Bryce's Rough Week\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Bryce and Bryce's hitting coach.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Bryce's Rough Week\n\nBryce was having a hard time swinging the bat.\nBryce talked with his hitting coach.\nBryce spent extra time hitting with the assistance of his coach.\nBryce came up to plate to bat in an important spot.\nBryce hit the ball all the way to the wall.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Bryce is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Bryce is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Bryce is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Bryce is feeling TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Bryce is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Bryce's hitting coach is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Bryce's hitting coach is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Bryce\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Bryce's hitting coach\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Bagel\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Nita.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Bagel\n\nNita was hungry.\nShe put a bagel in the toaster.\nBut after a few moments, she smelled something burning.\nThe toaster had failed to pop her bagel up.\nNita's bagel was hopelessly burned!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Nita is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, Nita is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Nita is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Nita is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Nita is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Nita\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"University\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Adam.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# University\n\nAdam moved out to school.\nHe started his classes well.\nHe made straight A's.\nHe won an award.\nHe got hired for a job.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Adam is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Adam is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 4, Adam is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 5, Adam is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Adam\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Treat\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Molly's mom and Molly.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Treat\n\nMolly really liked ice cream.\nMolly behaved very well all day and was very polite.\nAfter dinner, Molly asked her mom if she could have some ice cream.\nHer mom simply left the room and Molly was disappointed.\nBut Molly's mom returned with a giant bowl of ice cream!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Molly is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Molly is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Molly is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Molly is feeling TRUST (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Molly is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Molly's mom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Molly's mom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Molly\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Molly's mom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Bathroom Break\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Lisa's family, Lisa and Lisa's father.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Bathroom Break\n\nLisa was going on a road trip with her family.\nShe drank a soda before she left.\nWithin an hour into the trip, she had drank two more sodas.\nSoon Lisa needed to stop at a restroom.\nLisa's father warned her to stop drinking as much.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Lisa is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Lisa is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Lisa is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, Lisa is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 1, Lisa's family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Lisa's family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Lisa's father is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Lisa\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Lisa's family\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Lisa's father\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The steak\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Sandy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The steak\n\nSandy was cooking steak for dinner.\nThe steak was marinated in spices!\nSandy pan fried the steak.\nShe then flipped the steak over.\nThe steak was perfect to eat!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Sandy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Sandy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 3, Sandy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Sandy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sandy is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Sandy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Ronnie's Dead Battery\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Ronnie.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Ronnie's Dead Battery\n\nRonnie was a gear head when it came to cars.\nRonnie's car wouldn't start.\nRonnie replaced a ton of parts.\nRonnie cranked the ignition.\nRonnie's car was fixed!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Ronnie is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Ronnie is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Ronnie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Ronnie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Ronnie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Ronnie\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Catch\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mean men, Man and Cara.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Catch\n\nCara's life had been filled with very mean men.\nShe despised that she'd ever meet a good one.\nThen she discovered Craig's list.\nCara found a wonderful man on the forum.\nShe married him, and he's a model husband and father.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Cara is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Cara is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Cara is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Cara is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Cara is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, Man is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mean men is feeling DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Cara\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Man\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: Mean men\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Broken Pot\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Luckily and Kelly.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Broken Pot\n\nKelly was boiling a big pot of beans for supper.\nSuddenly she heard a loud hiss and a pop.\nShe inspected the pot and realized that the bottom was opening up.\nLuckily, it didn't seem to be leaking so she continued cooking.\nLuckily, the pot was pretty simple to fix.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Kelly is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kelly is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Kelly is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Kelly is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Kelly\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Wallet\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about John and A man.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Wallet\n\nA man asked John if he could borrow some money.\nJohn checked his pocket only to realize there was nothing there.\nThe man then showed that he had John's wallet.\nJohn had left his wallet on the counter while ordering food.\nThe man was returning it, but wanted to prank John.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, A man is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, A man is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, A man is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, A man is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, John is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, John is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, John is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, John is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: A man\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: John\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Work Decision\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Co-worker, Diane, Bob and Daine.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Work Decision\n\nBob heard from a reliable co-worker that Diane was going to be fired.\nBob wrestled with the decision whether to alert Diane to this news.\nBob decided to tell her.\nHe sent her an email letting her know her job was in jeopardy.\nDiane responded by telling Bob that she already secured another job!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Bob is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Bob is feeling TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Bob is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Bob is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Bob is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 2, Co-worker is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Co-worker is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Daine is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Diane is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Diane is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Diane is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Diane is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Bob\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n- character: Co-worker\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Daine\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Diane\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Long Bike Ride\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mom, Sam and Pal.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Long Bike Ride\n\nSam asked his mom for a ride to his pal's house.\nShe said she was too busy to chauffeur him around.\nSo, Sam rode his bike the ten miles to his pal's house.\nThat evening, Sam's mom got a call from her weary son.\nThe chores had to wait while she picked up Sam and his bike.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Mom is feeling ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Mom is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Mom is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Mom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Pal is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Sam is feeling TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Sam is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Sam is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sam is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sam is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Mom\n emotions:\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Pal\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Sam\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Driving Music\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Girlfriend and Tom.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Driving Music\n\nTom was out driving with his girlfriend.\nHe let her pick the music.\nShe kept changing the station.\nEventually there was a song Tom liked.\nThey listened to it together.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Tom is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Girlfriend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Tom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Snowboarding\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jill.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Snowboarding\n\nJill chose to go on vacation to learn to snowboard.\nShe decided to take a snowboarding lesson at the mountain.\nShe fell constantly and wanted to give up!\nAfter a few hours of practice, Jill went down a beginner trail.\nJill hopes to return to the mountain again next year.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jill is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jill is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jill is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jill is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jill is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jill\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Grocery Store\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Amy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Grocery Store\n\nAmy was looking in her cupboards.\nShe didn't have anything to eat.\nShe went to the store and bought some snacks.\nShe came home and gobbled them up.\nShe was full but wasn't sure what she'd eat later.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Amy is feeling ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Amy is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Amy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Amy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Amy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Amy\n emotions:\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Thanks A Lot, Dad\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I've, My in-laws, I (myself), My husband and My father-in-law.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Thanks A Lot, Dad\n\nI've never gotten along with my in-laws.\nDespite this, my husband decided to invite them to dinner.\nMy father-in-law decided to make remarks about me all night.\nSo my husband punched him to shut him up.\nNow I'm sitting at home alone while he's in jail for battery.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I've is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, I've is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, The father-in-law is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, The father-in-law is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, The husband is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, The husband is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, The in-laws is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: I've\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: My father-in-law\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: My husband\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: My in-laws\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Televisions\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kayla.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Televisions\n\nKayla liked to watch scary movies.\nShe watched a really scary movie about demons in televisions.\nKayla couldn't watch television for a week.\nThe televisions remained off in her house.\nShe had to turn away when she passed by one.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Kayla is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Kayla is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Kayla is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Kayla is feeling SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Kayla is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Kayla\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Shooting For History\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about The chicago bulls and The golden state warriors.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Shooting For History\n\nThe Chicago Bulls went 72-10 one season on their way to a title.\nThis season, The Golden State Warriors are chasing basketball history.\nThey are 66-7 with 9 games left to play.\nSeven of those games are at home where they are 35-0.\nIf they win the rest of their home games, they will set a new record.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, The chicago bulls is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, The chicago bulls is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, The chicago bulls is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, The chicago bulls is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, The golden state warriors is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, The golden state warriors is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: The chicago bulls\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n- character: The golden state warriors\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Garbage Can\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself), Next door neighbor and New neighbor.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Garbage Can\n\nAfter trash was picked up, I saw an extra empty garbage can outside.\nI asked my next door neighbor if it was hers, but she said no.\nThen I asked my new neighbor across the street if it was his.\nHe didn't know if they were going to take his garbage can.\nSo he had put it beside mine, and it got picked up all right.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, New neighbor is feeling ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Next door neighbor is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: New neighbor\n emotions:\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Next door neighbor\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"A run in at church.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Church, Friend, Sylvia and Pianist.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# A run in at church.\n\nSylvia was invited to go to church with her friend.\nThey were sitting in the primary class.\nSuddenly, she realized that the pianist was her school teacher.\nShe ran up to her after class to say hi.\nHer teacher was happy to see her and they chatted for awhile.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Church is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Church is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Friend is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, Pianist is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Pianist is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Sylvia is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Sylvia is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sylvia is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sylvia is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sylvia is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Church\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Pianist\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Sylvia\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Draw a circle\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Joe.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Draw a circle\n\nJoe was writing up a lab report.\nHe tried to freehand a circle chart but failed.\nHe grabbed a CD to use as a template.\nWith the CD he drew a perfect circle.\nAfter filling in the data it looked quite sharp.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Joe is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Joe\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Pauline's Lemonade\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Pauline.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Pauline's Lemonade\n\nPauline wanted to earn extra money.\nShe read a book that told her ways to earn extra money.\nOne of the ways written in the book was to start a lemonade stand.\nPauline started her own lemonaid stand.\nPauline's lemonade stand earned her nine dollars.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Pauline is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Pauline is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Pauline is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Pauline is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Pauline is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Pauline\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The First Fight\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Charlie and Norman.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The First Fight\n\nCharlie, 12, was tired of being bullied by Norman.\nDuring a game of flag football, Charlie knocked Norman over.\nNorman walked up to Charlie and punched him in the eye.\nCharlie stood up and had to decide to jump kick or walk away.\nCharlie didn't have the nerve to hit back, he walked away.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Charlie is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Charlie is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Charlie is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Charlie is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Charlie is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Norman is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Norman is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Norman is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Norman is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Norman is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Charlie\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Norman\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Conan gets a show\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Conan and The network.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Conan gets a show\n\nConan was a bright red headed man.\nHe was a funny man and wanted to host a show.\nThe network decided it was time for him to get his own show.\nConan was ready to take on the role.\nConan loved his new job and show.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Conan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 2, Conan is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Conan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Conan is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Conan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, The network is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, The network is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, The network is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Conan\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n- character: The network\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Out to Sea\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Bill and Coastguard.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Out to Sea\n\nBill was on boating while on holiday.\nBill had been drinking pretty heavily when his boat ran out of gas.\nThe coastguard had to come and tow him back to land.\nThe coastguard smelled alcohol on Bill and arrested him.\nBill never drank while boating again!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Bill is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Bill is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Bill is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Bill is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Bill is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Coastguard is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Coastguard is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Bill\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n- character: Coastguard\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Cats and Dogs\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Maggie, Maggie's sister, Cat and Dog.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Cats and Dogs\n\nMaggie had a pet cat.\nShe also wanted to own a dog.\nMaggie's sister told her that dogs and cats can not get along.\nMaggie accepted the principle as sound advice.\nShe ceased her crusade to obtain a dog.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Cat is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Cat is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 5, Cat is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Dog is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Dog is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 1, Maggie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Maggie is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Maggie is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Maggie is feeling TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 5, Maggie is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 3, Maggie's sister is feeling FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Maggie's sister is feeling TRUST (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Maggie's sister is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Cat\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n- character: Dog\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Maggie\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n- character: Maggie's sister\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Cheese steak\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Neil.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Cheese steak\n\nNeil was exploring Philadelphia.\nThen he grew hungry.\nHe knew Philly was famous for its cheese steak subs.\nHe went to order one and found it was huge!\nBut it was so good, he ate the whole sandwich!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Neil is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Neil is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Neil is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Neil is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Neil is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Neil\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Dirty Laundry\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Joe's girlfriend, Joe and Joe's girlfriends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Dirty Laundry\n\nDoing laundry is Joe's least favorite activity.\nHe usually lets it pile up until he has nothing clean!\nHis girlfriends always nag him about it.\nJoe lives alone so he figures it's only his business.\nThen his girlfriend moved in and always did the wash for him.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Joe is feeling DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Joe is feeling TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Joe is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, Joe's girlfriend is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Joe's girlfriends is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Joe\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n- character: Joe's girlfriend\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Joe's girlfriends\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Visit\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about His best friend, Our son and Relatives.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Visit\n\nWe told our son we were going to visit relatives.\nHe was ok with it, and completely believed us.\nWe packed up for the long trip.\nWe drove for several hours.\nHis eyes lit up with joy when he saw his best friend instead.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Our son is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Our son is feeling TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Our son is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Our son is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Our son is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Relatives is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Relatives is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Relatives is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Our son\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n- character: Relatives\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Lost USB Card\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tom.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Lost USB Card\n\nTom had a lot of pictures.\nHe put them all on his USB drive.\nTom went to print them out at a Kinkos.\nHe accidentally lost it there.\nTom was able to get it back that same night.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Tom is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tom is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Tom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Sour\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Betty, Brother, Santa and Candy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Sour\n\nBetty liked candy.\nShe like most flavors except for sour things.\nShe got a bunch of sour candies from Santa yesterday.\nShe has been pouty all day because of it.\nShe ended up giving her candy to her brother.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Betty is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Betty is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Betty is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Betty is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Candy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Candy is feeling DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Candy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Santa is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Santa is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Santa is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Betty\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n- character: Candy\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: Santa\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Lost Dog\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Joe and Joe's dog.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Lost Dog\n\nJoe didn't notice the gate was open when he let his dog out.\nHe called after her as she ran down the street.\nHe spent hours looking for her to no avail.\nHe came home feeling very sad.\nAnd he found his dog waiting for him by the door!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Joe is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, Joe is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Joe is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Joe is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Joe's dog is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Joe's dog is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Joe\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: Joe's dog\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"racism\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Matt and Friends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# racism\n\nMatt was always a bit racist.\nHe would say racial slurs jokingly.\nOne of his friends confronted him about it.\nMatt got defensive and angry.\nThey stopped being friends.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Friends is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Friends is feeling ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Friends is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 1, Matt is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, Matt is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Matt is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Matt is feeling DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Matt is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Matt\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"What An Odd Relationship.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Terrin and Ryan.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# What An Odd Relationship.\n\nRyan and Terrin were in kindergarten together, and stayed friends.\nFreshman year, Terrin moved states, but they called each other a lot.\nAt one point, Terrin handed the phone to Shaina so they could talk.\nTerrin moved back, but changed a lot.\nRyan and Shaina talk often, a decade later, but never met in person.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Ryan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Ryan is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Ryan is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Ryan is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Terrin is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Terrin is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Terrin is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Terrin is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 5, Terrin is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Ryan\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Terrin\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Grocery Shopping\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and My husband.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Grocery Shopping\n\nMy husband and I went to the supermarket today to buy groceries.\nWe used the weekly circular to determine which items were on sale.\nWe bought celery, lettuce, cottage cheese, and eggs.\nThe self checkouts had the shortest lines.\nWe paid for our groceries and were on our way.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, The husband is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, The husband is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: My husband\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Johnny Goes Swimming\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Johnny.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Johnny Goes Swimming\n\nJohnny wants to find a way to cool down on a hot day.\nHe decides to go for a swim at the lake nearby his house.\nJohnny packs his swimming trunks and bikes to the lake.\nHe spends the whole day swimming there.\nJohnny is glad he found a way to stay cool.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Johnny is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Johnny is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Johnny is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Johnny is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, Johnny is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Johnny\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Tom's Tuna\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tom.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Tom's Tuna\n\nTom owned a tuna farm.\nEvery day he would get in the water with them.\nOne day he was in the water checking on the tuna.\nSuddenly, a huge tuna swam under his legs and flipped him!\nTom fell into the shallow water but got up quickly and laughed.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tom is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Tom is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tom is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Tom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The walk\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Couple.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The walk\n\nA young couple went on a walk together at dusk.\nThe sun was setting as they approached a trail heading home.\nThe trail took them through dark woods.\nSuddenly they heard a noise in the brush and jumped out of their skin!\nLuckily it was just a deer and nothing dangerous!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Couple is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, Couple is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 3, Couple is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Couple is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, Couple is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Couple\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Olympics\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Margaret and Tony.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Olympics\n\nMargaret and Tony sat down on the couch to watch the Olympic games.\nFirst, they saw teams of volleyball players compete.\nAfter that, they saw cyclists ride to the finish line.\nLastly, they watched swimmers race in the water.\nMargaret and Tony decided they would watch the Olympics again.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Margaret is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Margaret is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, Margaret is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Tony is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tony is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, Tony is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Margaret\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Tony\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"New hairdo\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Michelle.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# New hairdo\n\nMichelle had always worn the same outdated style her whole life.\nIt was time for a drastic change for her hair.\nShe went off to the salon to try something new.\nWhen she was done with her hair, she was shocked.\nShe looked absolutely beautiful.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Michelle is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 2, Michelle is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Michelle is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Michelle is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Michelle is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Michelle\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Dishes\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Dishes\n\nToday I was assigned to do the dishes.\nThere were over fifteen pots and pans to wash.\nIt took me over two hours to get them clean.\nI am glad I only have to do dishes once a week.\nI will use less dishes because I do not like to wash them.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Broken Nail\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Amy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Broken Nail\n\nAmy had fake nails that needed to be redone.\nOne day at the beach she pushed her hands deep in the sand.\nHer nail broke while in the sand.\nWhen she pulled her hand out there was sand in the cracks.\nThe pain was intense as she cleaned the sand from the wound.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Amy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Amy is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Amy is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Amy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Amy\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Sick Day\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Dwight.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Sick Day\n\nDwight believes he can't get sick.\nHe likes to brag about his immune system.\nDwight doesn't wash his hands or worry about germs.\nHe says they make you stronger.\nToday, Dwight missed work because he got the flu.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Dwight is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 3, Dwight is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Dwight is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Dwight\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Recycling\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tom.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Recycling\n\nTom lived at a fraternity house.\nThey had a lot of parties.\nThey always had tons of empty cans afterward.\nTom would gather them up and take them to recycle.\nHe made a good amount of extra money that way.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Tom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The soulmate\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Sidney and Man.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The soulmate\n\nSidney lived in the US.\nShe met a man that lived in Europe.\nShe fell in love with him.\nUnfortunately, the man didn't want to move to the US.\nSo Sidney was forever sad.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Man is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Sidney is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sidney is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sidney is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Sidney is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Man\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Sidney\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Lost dog\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about New dog and Kelly.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Lost dog\n\nKelly got a new dog yesterday.\nShe absolutely loved the dog.\nHowever this morning she lost track of it.\nShe looked all over town trying to find it.\nThankfully she found it after all in her neighbor's yard.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Kelly is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Kelly is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kelly is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, Kelly is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Kelly is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, New dog is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, New dog is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Kelly\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: New dog\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Washing Machine\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about The girls.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Washing Machine\n\nThe girls were supposed to wash their clothes as a chore.\nThey stuffed them all in the washing machine.\nThen they turned the cycle on.\nThe machine started sounding an alarm.\nThey had shoved way too much in there!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, The girls is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 3, The girls is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 4, The girls is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, The girls is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: The girls\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Scary stuff\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about My friend and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Scary stuff\n\nLate last night I woke up when I heard a noise.\nIt was very dark and scary in my room.\nI checked in my closet.\nWhen I looked in there I got very spooked.\nMy friend had been hiding in there the whole time.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, The friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n- character: My friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Terrible Discovery\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Frank and Julia.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Terrible Discovery\n\nFrank and Julia were walking by the river on a lovely sunny afternoon.\nThey walked, hand in hand, falling deeper in love with every step.\nSuddenly, Julia stopped short and the color drained from her face.\nTurning to follow her line of vision, Frank saw it.\nA dead body was floating within a meter of where they stood.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Frank is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Frank is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Frank is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Frank is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Julia is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Julia is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Julia is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Frank\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n- character: Julia\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Snow Day\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about The schools and Kim.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Snow Day\n\nKim was excited for the snow.\nShe knew that if there was enough she would have the day off school.\nWhen she woke up in the morning everything was covered in white.\nShe checked online and all the schools around her were closed.\nShe was excited to have the entire day to play.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Kim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Kim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kim is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Kim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Kim is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Kim\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Stapler\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Someone.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Stapler\n\nThe stapler broke today.\nI didn't know how to fix it.\nI asked someone to fix it.\nThey put new staples in the stapler.\nThe stapler was fixed.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, Someone is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Someone\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Puberty\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Theo, Everyone and Popular kid.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Puberty\n\nTheo was the first kid in school to have body hair.\nHe was always so embarrassed when changing for PE.\nHe tried to hide it from everyone because he thought he was a freak.\nUntil one of the popular kids spotted him changing.\nHe then told everyone how cool and manly Theo was.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Everyone is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Popular kid is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Popular kid is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Theo is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Theo is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Theo is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Theo is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Theo is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Everyone\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Popular kid\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n- character: Theo\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Apply For A Job\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Gina and Lisa.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Apply For A Job\n\nGina and her friend Lisa were looking for a job.\nNeither of them had worked before.\nThey went all over downtown applying together.\nGina was sure they would each get hired.\nTwo weeks later neither of them had an interview.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Gina is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Gina is feeling ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Gina is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 4, Gina is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Gina is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 1, Lisa is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Lisa is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Lisa is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Lisa is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Gina\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Lisa\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Carp\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Gary.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Carp\n\nWe used to live by a pond.\nMy friend Gary claimed the pond had big carp.\nHe tried to catch one, without success.\nOne year they drained the pond and found a lot of carp.\nMy friend said he knew that would be the case.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Gary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Gary is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Gary is feeling TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Gary\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Not the Boat Again\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Friends and Doug.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Not the Boat Again\n\nDoug bought himself a boat.\nDoug talked incessantly about his boat.\nHis friends became tired of hearing about the boat.\nThey started referring to Doug as Dingy Boy.\nDoug was sad when he learned his new nickname.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Doug is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Doug is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Doug is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, Doug is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Doug is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Doug\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Stinking Trash\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about John's wife and John.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Stinking Trash\n\nJohn's trash can was overflowing.\nThe filled trash can stunk from the overflowing trash.\nJohn sprayed air freshener to cover the smell.\nJohn's wife told him the air freshener did not help.\nJohn took out the overflowing trash and the smell was gone.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, John is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, John is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, John is feeling DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 4, John is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, John is feeling DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 4, John's wife is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, John's wife is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: John\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: John's wife\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Lost ipad\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Lucy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Lost ipad\n\nLucy got a new iPad.\nShe took it with her abroad.\nShe used it everywhere.\nOne day she left it on the bus.\nLucy never saw it again.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Lucy is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Lucy is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Lucy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Lucy is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Lucy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Heart Shaped\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jane and Tess.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Heart Shaped\n\nTess and Jane took the vow.\nThe looked each other in the eyes and chanted.\nThey promised never to lose the heart shaped lockets in their hands.\nAfter the chant, they opened their eyes.\nThey hugged each other and went outside to play.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jane is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jane is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jane is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jane is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jane is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Tess is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Tess is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 3, Tess is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tess is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Tess is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jane\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Tess\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Friend Crash\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mom, Heather and Friends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Friend Crash\n\nHeather was at home alone after a fight with some friends.\nShe was reading when her mom came in with some bad news.\nHer friends had been in a car accident.\nHeather rushed to the hospital to see them all.\nLuckily they were okay and their fight was totally forgotten.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Friends is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Friends is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Heather is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Heather is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Heather is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Heather is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Heather is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Mom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Mom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Mom is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n- character: Heather\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n- character: Mom\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Grandma cooking\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Family, Grandson and Grandma.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Grandma cooking\n\nGrandma was cooking pasta for the entire family.\nGrandma had forgotten to pick up the noodles for pasta.\nHer grandson offered to go pick them up for her.\nHer grandson went and picked up noodles from the store.\nGrandma was able to finish cooking for the entire family!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Family is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Grandma is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Grandma is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 4, Grandma is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Grandma is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Grandson is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Grandson is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Grandson is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Family\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: Grandma\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: Grandson\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Dee\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mom and Dee.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Dee\n\nDee wanted a dress so badly that she begged her mom to buy it.\nHer mom told her that she couldn't afford to buy the dress for her.\nDee decided to get a job.\nAs it turned out, she was hired where the dress she wanted was.\nShe earned the money and bought it on a discount.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Dee is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Dee is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 3, Dee is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Dee is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Dee is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Dee\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The movie\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Joe and Susan.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The movie\n\nJoe took Susan to the movies.\nIt was their first date.\nHe had been asking her out for a long time.\nShe finally decided to give him a chance.\nHe said that they had a good time.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Susan is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Susan is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Susan is feeling TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Susan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Joe\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Susan\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Old Joe\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Old Joe\n\nI see Old Joe everyday I walk to work.\nYesterday I did not see him.\nI was really worried.\nToday on my way to work I did see Old Joe.\nHe said that he was visiting family.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Anna's New Job\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Anna and Violinists.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Anna's New Job\n\nAnna was a professional violin player.\nShe had played with many famous violinists throughout her career.\nAfter a particularly great show, she was approached about a new job.\nThe job would mean more pay and a new location.\nAnna was excited to find out that her new job would be in Australia.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Anna\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Meatball Terror\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself), My mom and My mother.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Meatball Terror\n\nMy mother and I went to Ikea.\nWe ordered the Swedish meatballs.\nMy mom began to choke on a meatball.\nShe soothed herself by swallowing an entire cup of gravy.\nThe meatballs will never win.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, The mom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, The mother is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, The mother is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, The mother is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n- character: My mom\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: My mother\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Carly\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Carly and Mom.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Carly\n\nCarly was a little girl in the neighborhood.\nShe just got a new bike for her birthday.\nShe finally decided to ride it without the training wheels.\nCarly crashed into the wall because she didn't know how to stop.\nHer mom came and saved her and put a bandaid on her boo boo.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Carly is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Carly is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Carly is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, Carly is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Mom is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Carly\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Mom\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Key Copy\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself), My roommate, Hardware store and Administration.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Key Copy\n\nMy roommate and I were issued our new sets of keys.\nHers was missing an exterior door key.\nThe administration said they had no spare keys to give her.\nWe took a long trek out to a hardware store to make a copy.\nThe hardware store said they couldn't copy the key, saddening us.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Hardware store is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, The roommate is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, The roommate is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, The roommate is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Hardware store\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: My roommate\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The bike tip.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about George.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The bike tip.\n\nGeorge was walking past a row of parked bikes.\nSuddenly, he bumped one of the back tires.\nThis caused all of the bikes to go falling over.\nHe looked around and saw that no one had seen.\nQuickly, he fled from the seen.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, George is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, George is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, George is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, George is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: George\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Lily And The Mice\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Zeus, Zeke and Lily.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Lily And The Mice\n\nLily has two white mice, Zeus and Zeke.\nZeus and Zeke are brothers.\nSuddenly, Zeus and Zeke didn't get along anymore.\nLily was forced to separate Zeus and Zeke.\nZeus and Zeke now live in their own, personal cages.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Lily is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Lily is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 1, Zeke is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Zeke is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Zeke is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 5, Zeke is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Zeus is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Zeus is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, Zeus is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Zeus is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Lily\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Zeke\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Zeus\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Choking\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Valerie and Her friend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Choking\n\nValerie took apart her chicken wing.\nShe tried to take a bite out of the thigh.\nAfter it was swallowed, it got stuck in her through.\nShe was trying to cough it out.\nIn addition, her friend helped her take out.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Her friend is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Valerie is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Valerie is feeling ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Valerie is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Valerie is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Valerie is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Her friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Valerie\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Not a great student.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Her family and Alex.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Not a great student.\n\nAlex struggled in high school.\nShe was frustrated and wanted to quit.\nHer family encouraged her to finish and get a diploma.\nWith the support of her family she did as they suggested.\nShe finally graduated.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Alex is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Alex is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Alex is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Alex is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Alex is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Her family is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately).\n- In line 4, Her family is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Her family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Alex\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Her family\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Cousin Left\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Gina, Sister and Grandma.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Cousin Left\n\nGina was helping her grandma make dinner.\nHer sister was on the porch talking to her cousin.\nGina heard a car pull up outside.\nThere was a door slam, and the car pulled off.\nGina sat in the chair afraid her sister had left without saying bye.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Gina is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Gina is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Gina is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 1, Grandma is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sister is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Gina\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n- character: Grandma\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Sister\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"John runs out of gas\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about John and Friend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# John runs out of gas\n\nJohn is having a bet with his friend.\nHe bets he can make it all the way home with half a tank of gas.\nWhile driving about 3 miles away from home the car starts slowing down.\nJohn eventually runs out of gas 1 mile away.\nJohn loses the bet.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Friend is feeling TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Friend is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Friend is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, John is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, John is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, John is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, John is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, John is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: John\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Wedding Day Rain\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Friends and Tom.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Wedding Day Rain\n\nTom was getting married.\nIt started to rain.\nTom thought it was a bad omen.\nHis friends comforted him that it wasn't.\nThe wedding went along without any trouble.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tom is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Tom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tom is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Tom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Painting\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Painting\n\nI was painting the living room last week.\nAll of a sudden I noticed that I spilled some paint on the rug.\nIt was a big bright spot.\nI tried everything to get it out.\nFinally I decided to just put a chair over it.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Skydeck\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Skydeck\n\nYesterday I went on the sky deck.\nAt first I was terrified.\nThen I got the guts to go on it.\nWhen I stepped foot on it I was shocked.\nIt wasn't as scary as I thought.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The fruit bowl\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about You and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The fruit bowl\n\nI found this recipe for a fun fruit bowl.\nYou have to carve open a watermelon.\nYou add all the colorful fruit inside.\nIt looks so pretty once done.\nIt was a hit at the party I went to.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, You is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: You\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Pizza\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Three other people, I (myself), My friends and Everyone else.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Pizza\n\nI was sitting at a party, and my friends and I realized we were hungry.\nWe decided to order some pizza.\nWe asked everyone else at the party if they wanted pizza, too.\nOnly three other people said they would also eat pizza.\nWe ended up ordering four pizzas.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Everyone else is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Everyone else is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, The friends is feeling ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, The friends is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, The friends is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SADNESS (moderately).\n- In line 5, The friends is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Three other people is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Three other people is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Everyone else\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n- character: My friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n- character: Three other people\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Kelsey's Lunch\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kelsey and Her friend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Kelsey's Lunch\n\nKelsey packed a lunch for the field trip.\nWhen they got to the museum, she realized she forgot her drink.\nKelsey asked her friend if she had a drink.\nHer friend had brought extras.\nShe shared with her friend.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Her friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Her friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Kelsey is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Kelsey is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Kelsey is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Kelsey is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Her friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Kelsey\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Switching Apartments\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Resident and Carla.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Switching Apartments\n\nCarla had an apartment on the third floor.\nShe hated having to take the stairs everyday.\nCarla heard a resident was moving out a first floor apartment.\nCarla applied to move into the first floor appliance.\nCarla was allowed to switch apartments.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Carla is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Carla is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Carla is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Carla is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Carla is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Carla\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Wedding Ring\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and My girlfriend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Wedding Ring\n\nI wanted to propose to my girlfriend.\nI saw the perfect ring.\nHowever, it was much too expensive.\nI decided to work in the jewelry store for 6 months.\nAfter that, I was able to afford the beautiful ring.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, The girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, The girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n- character: My girlfriend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Overcomplicated\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jeff.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Overcomplicated\n\nJeff was making a potato salad for a party.\nBut he continually worried that it wouldn't taste good enough.\nSo he kept adding more and more ingredients.\nBut the potato salad became unrecognizable and convoluted.\nJeff decided to make it again without worrying so much.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Jeff is feeling FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jeff is feeling FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jeff is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Jeff is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jeff\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The couch\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mom and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The couch\n\nGrowing up we had this hideous couch at my mom's house.\nShe had it forever.\nWe had a lot of good memories on that couch.\nWhen my mom passed we had to decide what to do with it.\nWe just coud not get rid of it.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SADNESS (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Mom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Mom is feeling SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Mom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Mom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]